Print portfolio

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Where the road ends, the trail begins.

Hello! I am a Graphic Designer, Explorer & Nature Enthusiast.

I work in collaboration with design agencies and independent designers, providing services to clients in graphic design and brand consultancy, in print & web media.

I believe Design has the power to change perceptions. To me, design is a powerful tool to translate intangible ideas and expressions into ones we can see, feel, and experience. And it has been my endeavour to help clients achieve the full potential of their enterprise, through design empowerment.

I am a nature and mountain enthusiast. The ones that like to climb, and grow their own vegetables. While not at my desk, I like to travel. Curiosity takes me through the roads less travelled, and through trails where all roads end.

1 Rebranding K h a z a na

Identity development and ‘Look & Feel’ system as part of the rebranding project for Taj Hotels & Resorts. Work done at Landor Associates.

A luxury lifestyle and antique store chain in India by Taj Hotels & Resorts, targeting the up-market Indian and tourist segment. Part museum, part boutique store, the Taj Khazana showcases the finest artisans, traditions and crafts that India has to offer. From miniature paintings to designer garments, object d’art and jewels, handbags and more; the Taj Khazana houses an intriguing mÊlange of forgotten arts and an unforgettable tradition. Khazana needed a contemporary image while at the same time being traditional and rooted in culture.

Some of the store items (left) and the existing Khazana Identity design (right).

Inspirations images for the ‘doorway’ concept. Taj Mahal (left bottom), Jaipur Palace (right bottom), Gold inlay marble ring (left top) and the Blue Mosque (right top)

The word ‘Khazana’ meaning treasure, is of Persian origin though it is commonly used in Urdu and Hindi in India.

Initial development of the typographic design on paper.

The final word-mark and pattern design.

Left page: Store signage. Right page: Price tag (top left), Bookmark (bottom left), and shopping bag (right)

Pantone 872 C (Gold)

Pantone 2925 C

Pantone 306 C

Pantone 326 C

Left page: Business card and Pantone values. Right page: Khazana alongside its competitors.

2 Web & Print Design H a r d news

Designing the interface & user interaction of the website and the ‘look & feel’ of the print magazine, for Hardnews Media, a national monthly magazine in India.

The proposed website (a work in progress) as it appears on screen.

The website is meant to be responsive on all devices and platforms, for a seamless browsing experience. The interface and interaction design is aimed at giving users access to quick information with a pleasant experience. The Hardnews website aspires to look contemporary, targetting the younger indian audience. It is being designed to be clear and provide as much information as possible without appearing too cluttered. While the second option is meant to be more conservative, clean and straightforward. It also works better with slower internet connections.

Left page: Zoomed out view of the proposed home page design and structure of the website (left) and enlarged view of the same (as folded on the right). Right page: Zoomed out view of the second design option for the website.

Left & right pages: Pages designed as appearing on the print magazine.

Left & right pages: Redesigned magazine template and cover pages for the recent issues.

3 Branding F i n d a m e n t al

Strategy, Naming & Identity development for Findamental, a startup company from India.

Findamental is a startup company that disseminates financial education to students and professionals, using the internet as it’s channel. Findamental is coined from the amalgamation of the words finance & fundamental. The coloured cubes in the identity stand for interactive learning & playfulness that Findamental aspires to infuse into its financial education.

The identity design and as it appears on the business cards.

4 Cover Design Pe n g u i n B ooks

Designing book covers and providing consultancy on the usage of images, fonts, and illustrations, for Penguin Books India.

The ‘Time Will Write a Song For You’ cover was designed for a Sri Lankan anthology. The book is a collection of Tamil poems translated into English.

The ‘Quantum Siege’ cover was designed for an Indian fiction book. It is a true story based on the events that lead up to the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. The idea was to create a quiet but ominous feeling with a potential threat.

Right page: A collage of the book cover designs.

‘The Big Connect’ cover was designed for an Indian non-fiction book. It talks about how social media is playing a key role in politics in India.

5 Infographic Design S l i d e share

Analyzing statistical information and creating visual interpretations, to make the information easier to grasp. Assignment for Slideshare, taken forward for self.

TITLE/THEME: Slideshare infograph MATERIAL: For web/digital use SIZE: 3600 pixels x 842 pixels PURPOSE: Infographic design aiding quick understanding of the statistical information YEAR OF COMPLETION: 2013 WHEN & WHERE DISPLAYED: Undisplayed

Right page: Zoomed out view of the proposed infographic design (left) & enlarged view of the same (as folded on the right).

6 Website Design OT E R

Designing a desktop website for an emergency response service mobile app, by the name OTER- One Touch Emergency Response.

The proposed website as it appears on screen.

The website was made to be selfexplanatory and self-promoting. There was a second option made to look simpler and iconographic.

Left page: Zoomed out view of the proposed home page design and structure of the website (left) and enlarged view of the same (as folded on the right).

Right page: Zoomed in view of the second design option for the website (left) and the zoomed out view of the same (right).

7 Identity Concept C a m p b ells

A Concept based Pitch suggesting a rebrand for Campbells, a Scottish prime meat company. All work done was conceptual in nature and wasn’t necessarily aesthetically resolved.

Left image: This concept uses the iconic pattern of the Scottish Tartan. The pattern helps reflect the company’s Scottish heritage.

Right image: This was a more contemporary and simplified version of the concept shown in the left image.

This concept was the final recommendation, where the logo can be used as a see-through window in the packaging, revealing the actual meat content inside.

The proposed concept as it would have appeared alongside the competitors.

8 Poster Design S t o l e n F r e edom

This was a poster designed for a student documentary film made on the Tibet issue. It documents the life of Tibetan refugees in the himalayan town of Dharamshala.

Documentary link: Left image: Poster design image courtesy Lonely Planet. Used for a not-for-profit student film. Right image: Poster design size as it would have appeared on a wall.

9 Packaging Design S m i r n off

A Concept based packaging project for Smirnoff for the Indian market. Concepts themed around musical expression and ‘party spirit’ and transparency of Vodka. Work done at Landor Associates.


10 Ad-poster Design I n d i a Design

Ad-poster concepts for India Design, a week long exhibition showcasing some of the best furniture and interior designs.

A series of posters for the event, targeted at the youth and the design community at large. It was meant to appear abstract and colourful and simply communicate the necessary details.

11 Identity Design O N GC

A hypothetical Identity Design project for Oil & Natural Gas Corporation. Student work done at the National Institiute of Design.

Top left & right: Oil & the open ocean concept. Bottom left & right: Memorable Lotus concept.

Typography plays identity concept.

The final hypothetical identity and a mock application on an oil silo.

12 Calendar Concept S t u d e n t project

Project titled ‘Reinventing the Calendar’. A hypothetical student project done at the National Institute of Design.

The purple circles represent Saturday & Sunday, while the ends of the months are mentioned next to the numbers they aligns to. It works on transparency and opacity play over layers, revealing and concealing the desired months to be displayed. The top two discs overlap to complete the calendar as shown on the bottom right side.

This was an extensive research based project where the study included, ancient calendars and their origins, influence of language and culture over the perception of time, the concepts of infinite and finite time, symbology to represent elements in time, and visual ergonomics of calendar usage.

Left & right pages: Some of the many rough concepts leading up to the final concept. The final prototype can be seen on the extreme left.


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