1967 web

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1967 WEB

The University of Richmond Richmond, Virginia

Editor-in-Chief: BETSY DILLARD

Associate Editor: FRED CLARK

Classes page 52

Administration and Faculty page 34 Honoraries page 166 2

Fraternities page 180

Organizations page 212

Sports page 260

Graduates page 298

Features page 250



FOREWORD As you, the college student, look back over the past year, you will realize that certain events have been more significant than others. You will also realize that most of those important achievements of the year have centered around your school and its activities. This is only natural since many of your days and hours have been occupied in study and fellowship at The University of Richmond. It is the campus, the people, and the many social and academic functions of the past year which The 1967 Web has attempted to recall and to preserve for you. Your involvement in these events during the year has been an important factor in preparing you as a well-rounded citizen for the challenging world outside the campus.










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to study, to participate


... to worship, to serve


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... to enjoy traditions, to excel in athletics




... to make lasting friendships




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... at The University of Richmond.



" . . . now don't tell anyone that teacher said that." This phrase is often uttered by the man to whom we dedicate the 1967 Web, Dr. Spencer Delancey Albright. Characterized by an ever active mind, a quick wit, a deep sense of patriotism, faithful attendance at University functions, and a genuine concern for his students, Dr. Albright has, for the past twentyone years, challenged those in his classes to think, to make decisions, and thereby to learn. His humor and literary talent are reflected in his unpublished, but not unknown, jingles. Educator, patriot, loyal member of the University family, and friend, we dedicate the 1967 Web to you.








WILLIAM T. MUSE B.A., LL.B., S.J.D. Dean of The T. C. Williams School of Law

W. DAVID ROBBINS B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. Dean of the School of Business Administration

EDWARD C. PEPLE B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School

MARTIN LUTHER SHOTZBERGER 8.A., M.S., Ph.D. Dean of the University College


EDWARD F. OVERTON 8.A., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of the Summer School

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ROBERT F. SMART B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Richmond College


MARY LOUISE GEHRING B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Westhampton College

CLARA M. KEITH B.S., M.A. Dean of Women Students


CLARENCE J. GRAY B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Dean of Men Students


SPENCER D. ALBRIGHT B.A., A.M., Ph.D. Professor of Political Science ROBERT S. ALLEY B.A., B.D., M.A ., Ph.D . Assistant Professor of Bible and Reliqion H. PEARCE ATKINS A.B., M.Sc., Ph.D . Professor of Mathematics LEWIS F. BALL B.A., Ph.D. Professor of English THOMAS S. BERRY S.B. , A.M ., Ph.D. Director of Placement S.B.A.. Associate Professor of Economics

JOHN W. BISHOP B.A. , M.S. , Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology ALFRED B. BLISS Operations Sgt. and Rifle Team Coach JOHN C. BOGGS , JR. A.B., M.A., Ph.D . Associate Professor of English BERT E. BRADLEY, JR. A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Speech CLARENCE BULLINGER B.Sc., M.S. Visiting Lecturer in Business Administration



W. WARNER BURKE B.A., M.A., Ph .D. Assistant Professor of Psychology ROBERT C. BURTON B.S ., M.S. , Ph.D. Associate Professor of Economics JEAN B. CAMPBELL Part-time Instructor in Painting and Sculpture H. I. CARDOUNEL Ph.D. Instructor in Spanish MERTON E. CARVER B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Psychology

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MATILDA D. CHALKLEY B.A., M.D. Assistant Professor of Physioloay and Hvaiene AUGUSTA CHAPMAN B.A., M.S. Assistant Professor of Physical Education RICHARD C. CHEWNING B.S., M.B.A., D.B.A. Assistant Professor of Finance HANNAH L. COKER B.A. Music Librarian WILLIAM H. COX B.S. Professor of Military Science


WILLIAM S. CUDLIPP, JR. LLB . Associate Professor of Law W. HARRISON DANIEL B.A. , D.B., M.A., Ph .D. Assoc iate Professor of History CARLE E. DAVIS A.B ., C.P.A ., LLB . Lectu rer in Taxation DOUGLAS W. DAVIS B.A. , M.A. Instructor in Poilitical Science

ROBERT D. DAVIS B.S ., M.S . Instructor . in. Mathem atics ALBERT CARLYLE DAWSON B.A. , M.A. Instructor in Spanish R. DEAN DECKER B.S., M.S. , Ph.D . Assistant Professor of Biology LEONARD M. DIANA B.S ., Ph.D . Associate Professor of Physics

JEAN N. DICKINSON B.A., M.S. Instructor in Psychology MARIANNE B. DUTY B.A., M.A. Instructor in English FRANK E. EAKIN , JR . B.A. , B.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Bible and Relipion DAVID C. EKEY B.S .l.E., B.S., M.S. , Ph.D. Professor of Management

JAMES BRYAN ERB BA., M.M., M.A. Associate Professor of Music ROBERT J. FILER B.A., M.A. , Ph .D. Professor of Psychology EUNICE M. FOY B.A. , M.A . Assistant Professor of Spanish MARY LOUISE G. FOY B.S. , M.S. Instructor in Physics

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WILLIAM JUDSON GAINES M.A., Ph .D. Professor of Modern Foreign Languages ELI SHERMAN GRABLE B.S., M.A. Associate Professor of Mathematics EDWARD WADSWORTH GREGORY, JR . BA , M.A., Ph .D. Professor of Sociology FRANCES W. GREGORY B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of History

AUSTIN E. GRIGG BA , M.A. , Ph.D. Professor of Psychology GARLAND OTHO GUNTER BA, M.A. , Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English GEORGIA A. GURNEY A.B., M.A. Assistant Professor of English WILLIAM BELL GUTHRIE B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English

PORTIA HAMILTON B.A., M.A., Ph .D. Assistant Professor of Psychology FREDERICK T. HARDY A.B., M.A . Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Track Coach PHILIP RAY HART B.A. , M.A. , B.D ., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Religious Education RAYMOND SHERROD HAWTHORNE B.A. Assistant . Professor of Military Science

NATHANIEL HARDING HENRY A.B ., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of English ELIZABETH B. HESCH B.A. , M.A ., Ph.D . Associate Professor of Mathematics JAMES K. HIGHTOWER B.A. Assistant Professor of Quantitative Method RICHARD E. HUMBERT B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education



JAMES H. HUSTIS B.A. , M.S. Associate Professor of Music ROBISON BROWN JAMES B.A. , B.D ., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Bible and Reliaion GEORGE WOOD JENNINGS A.B., M.A ., Ph .D. Associate Professor of Economics EDGAR W. JORDAN B.A. , M.Ed . Assistant Professor of Physical Education PATRICK S. KEMP B.A. , M.P.A., Ph.D ., C.P.A. Professor of Accounting FRANCIS B. KEY B.S., M.A. Assistant Professor of Psychology NOEL W. KEYS B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology JANET KOONTZ B.S. , M.A. Instructor in Physic al Education C. D. ORVILLE LAHY B.S., LLB ., LL.M . Professor of Law FRANCIS B. LEFTWICH B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology WILLIAM HENSLEY LEFTWICH B.A., M.A., Ph .D. Associate Professor of Psychology ROBERT A. MACDONALD B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. Associate Professor of Modern Lanauages RALPH C. MCDANIEL B.A. , M.A., Ph.D ., LL .D. Professor of History and Political Science ELIZABETH H. McLAUGHLIN B.A., M.A. Instructor in Mathematics LEONARD D McNEAL M.A. Assistant Professor of Physical Education JOHN C. MAIRHUBER B.S. , M.A. , Ph .D. Professor of Mathematics ROSE MARIE MARCONE B.A. , Ph .D. Assistant Professor of Spanish and Italian WEAVER M. MARR B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. Associate Professor of German RICHARD AUSTIN MATEER A.B., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry JAMES T. MELLOM A.B. Assistant Professor of Military Science


MARY JANE MILLER B.S., M.S. Associate Professor of Physical Education NANCY K. MITCHELL B.A. , M.Ed. Assistant Professor of Physical Education JAMES A. MONCURE B.A. , M.A., Ph.D. Professor of History Associate Dean of University College

CLARENCE MONK B.A. , B.S., M.S , Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mathematics WILLIAM TAYLOR MUSE BA , LLB ., S.J .D. Dean of Law Schoof FRANCIS LEONARD NYE A.B., M.A. Instructor in English

CATHERINE A. PASTUHOVA Ph.D. Visiting Lecturer in Modern Languages JAMES W. PAYNE, JR . B.A. , LLB., LLM. Professor of Law EDWARD C. PEPLE B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of English

JOHN STANTON PIERCE B.S., D.Sc., M.S., Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry W. ALLAN POWELL B.S., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry MRS. H. W. PURSLEY M.A. Part-time Instructor in French

WILLIE REAMS B.S., Ph.D . Associate Professor of Biology NOLAN ERNEST RICE A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Professor of Biology

JOHN A. RILLING B.A. , M.A., Ph .D. Associate Professor of History MARJORIE J. RIVENBURG B.A. , M.A., Ph .D. Professor of Latin



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HILTON RUFTY Associate Professor of Music J. MARTIN RYLE A.B ., M.A . Instructor in History F. DAVID SANDERS B.A. , M.A., Ph .D. Assistant Profe ssor of English MURIEL I. SANDERS B.A. , M.A. Instructor in English

JAMES A. SARTAIN B.A. , M.A., Ph .D. Assistant Professor of Sociology WALLACE B. SCHERER B.A. , M.A . Part-time Instructor in Psycholog y CLYDE A. SCH RICKEL A.B., M.A.B. Assistant . Professor of Economic s JAMES S. SHACKLETON 8 .A., LL .B. Professor of Law

MARTIN L. SHOTZBERGER B.S., M.S ., Ph .D. Dean, Professor of Business Administr ation N. WILFORD SKINNER B.A., M.A. Assistant Professor of German SLADE WELMA SKIPPER B.S., M.A. Instructor in Mathemat ics HELEN LOUISE SMITH B.A., M.A. Assistant Professor of Education

HARRY SNEAD , JR. B.A. , LLB., LL.M. Professor of Law JOHN L. SQUIRES, JR. B.A. Associate Professor of Military Science HARRY H. STEWART , JR. B.S., M.S., D.B.A. Professor of Business Administr ation EDNA L. STEEVES A.B ., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of English



SAMUEL WHITFIELD STEVENSON B.A. , M.A., Ph.D. Professor of English MARIAN JEFFRIES STOKES B.A. , M.A . Assistant Professor of Mathematic s CHARLIE YANCEY TALBOTT A.B . Assistant Professor of Military Science

WELFORD D. TAYLOR B.A., M.A. Instructor in English HERMAN P. THOMAS B.A. , M.A ., Ph.D. Professor of Economics WILLIAM EDGAR TROUT, JR. A.B., Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry

JOSEPHINE TUCKER B.A., M.A. Assistant Professor of English CHARLES TURNEY B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Pro"fessor of English FRANCES A. UNDERHILL A.B. , A.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History

RICHARD S. UNDERHILL B.A., M.A. Associate Professor of Business THOMAS BRAGE VASSAR B.S., M.S. Instructor in Mathematic s HARRY M. WARD B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of History


JOHN D. WELSH B.A., M.A. Part-time Instructor in Speech FRANCIS I. WESSELLS B.A., M.A. Instructor in Physical Education WARWICK R. WEST, JR. B.S., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology R. BARRY WESTIN B.A., M.A. Instructor in History

IRVING H. WHITE A.B ., M.A. , Ph.D. Visiting Lecturer in English DORIS L. WILLETT B.S., M.A. Assistant Professor of Mathematics ELLSWORTH WILTSHIRE B.A. , LL.B ., S.T.D . Professor of Law WILLIAM J. WOOLCOTT B.A. , M.S., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology



MARY ELLEN ANDERSON Director of Admissions and Placement Westhampt on College

CATHERINE BELL Westhampto n College Registrar

THOMAS N. POLLARD, JR. Director of Admissions and Registrar Richmond College

JOSEPH E. NETTLES Alumni Secretary and Director of Public Relations


STAFF JEFFERSON D. CLARKE Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds


WILLIAM BAKER Assistant Dean of Students Richmond College

WALTER P. DREWRY Director of Athletic Public Relations

STAFF FRED GIBSON Director of Religious Activities Richmon d College JANE T. ANDERSON Director of Religious Activities Westham pton College

MRS. NELLIE HAGE MISS JERRY HOWARD Westham pton College Nurses

DR. OSCAR HITE Universit y Physicia n

MARTHA STEWART Director of Buildings Westham pton College


LESLIE S. BOOKER Alumnae Secretar y GERTRUDE S. ARNALL Dietician , Westham pton College

MRS. GUY L. SCOTT and GUY L. SCOTT Richmon d College Hostess and Host Director of Student Center


MRS. FANNIE MARTIN MRS. ANNE GREENE Directors of Men's Dormitor ies



SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Paul Zehfuss, Ken Oberg, Robbie Baldwin, Dave Szumowski.


ROBB IE BALDWIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President PAUL ZEH FUSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President KEN OBERG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary DAVE ZUMOWSKI

































DOUGLAS LESLIE ANDERSON B.A., English Knoxville, Tennessee ROBERT ALLEN ANDREWS B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia

FRANK ANTON APPEL B.S., Mathematics Portsmouth, Virginia BAILEY R. ASHWORTH B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia

MARLIN E. BALSHAUGH, JR. B.A., Sociology Hershey, Pennsylvania BARKER BEN BARONIAN B.A., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia

STANLEY HAROLD BECKER B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia

CHARLES P. BARRETT B.A., English Richmond, Virginia

J. STEPHEN BAUSERMAN B.A., Biology Winchester, Virginia

EDWARD RAYMOND BELKNAP B.A., Sociology Falls Church, Virginia



THOMAS EDWARD BLICK, JR. B.A., Mathematic s Lawrencevi lle, Virginia STANLEY BRUCE BROCK B.A.,. English Arlington, Virginia

DONALD RAY BROUGHTON B.A., Political Science Hampton, Virginia LAWRENCE TILGHMAN BROWN B.S., Mathematic s Baltimore, Maryland

ARTHUR C. BUNNELL B.A., English Lynchburg, Virginia

RONALD LEE BUCHANAN B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth , Virginia WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKNER, JR. B.S., Mathematic s Richmond, Virginia

JOHN B. BUYNITZKY B.A., History Arlington, Virginia


LOUIS HUNTER CAPILONGO B.A., English Petersburg, Virginia MARK ELLISON CARDONA B.A., English and French Richmond, Virginia LOUIS CARRO B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia

FRANK W. CHILDREY, JR. B.A., English Richmond, Virgin ia RICHARD C. CHITTUM B.A., Econo mics Fredericksburg, Virgin ia JAMES J. CLIBORNE B.A.,. English Richmond, Virginia


JEROME ARTHUR COHEN B.S. , Chem istry Richmond, Virgin ia

WAYNE T. COLE MAN B.S., Chem istry Richmond, Virginia

ALBERT WAYNE COLEY B.A., Histor y Accomac, Virgin ia


DAVID EDWARD COLSON B.A., Histor y Richmond, Virginia

JAMES GODWIN COUNCIL B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia STANLEY GRAMCH CROSSLAND B.S., Chemistry Carrsville, Virginia

ROBERT L. CRUTE B.A., Music and Voice Radford, Virginia ROBERT H. CUNNINGHAM, Ill B.A., Mathematics Lutherville, Maryland

JOHN JOSEPH CURLEY, Ill B.A., History Richmond, Virginia ROBERT JACKSON DANDRIDGE, JR. B.A., History Martinsville, Virginia

DOUGLAS W. DAVIS B.A., History Bethesda, Maryland RUSSELL VERNON CONRAD, JR. B.A., English and Journalism Tabbs, Virginia

ELMO MORRIS DAWSON B.A., History Collinsville, Virginia


JOHN PAUL DERRENBERGER, Ill B.A., German Richmond , Virginia LARRY FRANKLIN DICKERSON B.A., English Ruckersville , Virginia RICHARD BOYD DICKINSON, JR. B.S., Chemistry Newport News, Virginia

WILLIAM HENLEY DOWNING B.A., Psychology Lottsburg, Virginia FRANCIS I. duPONT, Ill B.A., History Greenwich, Connecticu t MILTON G. EARLY B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia

MILLS CARLYLE EDWARDS, JR. B.A., English and Journalism Franklin, Virginia DONALD EDWARD EVERETT B.S., Physics Richmond, Virginia RICHARD G. FERRELL B.A., Bible and Religious Education Charlottesv ille, Virginia

COURTNEY RAY FRAZIER B.A., Political Science Altavista, Virginia ROBERT S. FRICK, JR. B.A., Economics Potomac, Maryland WILLIAM BARNES GALLAHAN B.S., Chemistry Colonial Beach, Virginia


CHARLES F. GILBERT B.A., Economics Virginia Beach, Virginia

FITZHUGH LEE GODWIN, JR. B.A., Political Science Hopkins, Virginia


LEONARD JAY GREENSPOON B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia JAMES S. GULICK B.A., Psychology Bridgeport, West Virginia

JAMES TAYLOR GREEN B.S., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia

WILLIAM HENRY GUNTHER, JR. B.A., Political Science Livingston, New Jersey PAUL OTTO HAGENMUELLER, JR. B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia


RALPH EDWARD HAINES, Ill B.A., Psychology Virginia Beach, Virginia

EARL RANDOLPH HASH B.A., Education Boston, Virginia

GLEN ALBERT HATCHER B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia EDGAR BUTLER HATRICK, Ill B.A., English Leesburg, Virginia

LEWIS SHERWOOD HASKINS, JR. B.A., History Richmond, Virginia

NELSON SPOTTSWOOD HAWKINS B.S., Chemistry Hampton, Virginia WILLIAM JOEL HAYO B.A., History College Park, Maryland


LOUIS GRESHAM HAMMACK B.A., English Lancaster, Virginia

KENNETH CURT HOUSTON B.A., History Arlington, Virginia

ALLEN BURCH HUNDLEY B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia

CHARLES L. JENKINS B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia

DAVID CARL TON JONES B.A. , English Virginia Beach, Virginia


WILLIAM MURRAY KING B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia PETER GARRETT KUCERA B.A., History Harrisburg, Pennsylvania LINDSAY RAY KYSER B.A., English Charlottesville, Virginia

STEPHEN M. LAWRENCE B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia ANDREW GERALD LEWIS B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia JAN G. LINN A.B., English and Speech Lynchburg, Virginia


EDDIE S. LONGMAN B.S., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia

R. BRUCE LONG B.A., History Hampton, Virginia

JON ALLEN LUCY B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia THOMAS WALTER LUKENS B.S., Biology Van Wert, Ohio EDWIN J. MALECHEK, JR. B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia

PAUL JOSEPH MANCHEY, JR. B.A., Political Science and History Richmond, Virginia ALAN H. MARKOW B.A., Journalism Norfolk, Virginia ROBERT G. MARTIN B.A., Sociology Dinwiddie, Virginia


JOHN CHARLES LOVING B.A., Economics West Point, Virginia

THOMAS LEE MATOCHIK B.S., Chemistry Gouverneur, New York

GEORGE EDWARD MAY B.S., Biology Martinsville, Virginia

RONALD LEE MAY B.A. , Politica l Science Glouce ster Point, Virginia


WILLIAM THOMAS McCANN, JR. B.A., Politica l Science Midloth ian, Virginia JOHN GRAYSON McCORMICK B.A., Politica l Science Baltimore, Marylan d STEVEN COATH McCARTHY B.A., Psycho logy Chatham, New Jersey

JOHN BEATTY McGINTY B.A., English Richmond, Virginia C. EDWIN MELTON B.A., Sociolo gy Haymarket, Virginia JOHN WINDSOR MILFORD B.A., Psycho logy Richmond, Virginia



MARVIN D. MILLER B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia

ROBERT MORTON MILLER B.A., Political Science South Boston, Virginia ROGER PAUL MILLER B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia JOHN M. MOATES B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia

RICHARD JOSEPH MOODY B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia HENRY EMMETT MORRIS, JR. B.A., Political Science and Sociology Colonial Heights, Virginia EDMUND E. MULLENS, JR. B.A., Chemistry Staunton, Virginia


STUART ATWOOD NAPIER, JR. B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia HAROLD JONES NEAL, JR. B.A., Chemistry Lawrenceville, Virginia

WILLIAM WARD OWENS, JR. B.A., Journalism Altavista, Virginia

THOMAS WALKER NEAL, JR. B.S. Chemistry Saxe, Virginia ROBERT LAWRENCE NEWINS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia

THOMAS EARL PATTESON, Ill B.S., Chemistry Dillwyn, Virginia

WILLIAM BRYAN NUCKOLS, JR. B.A., Bible and Religion Richmond, Virginia DENNIS LEE NULL B.A., English Shadwell, Virginia

JAMES W. PAUL, JR. B.A., Political Science Amelia, Virginia

KEN G. OBERG, JR. B.S., Mathematics Sarasota, Florida WALTER TERRY OWEN B.A., Sociology Vernon Hill, Virginia

RICHARD L. PAYNE B.A., Sociology Sarasota, Florida


KEITH R. PENNELL B.S., Chemistry Newport News, Virginia SAMUEL E. PERRY, JR. B.A., History Fredericksburg, Virginia

EDWARD JONES PURYEAR, II B.S., Physics Petersburg, Virginia

LOUIS WASHINGTON PIERCE, JR. B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia TIMOTHY N. POPE B.A., Political Science Mechanicsville, Virginia

CARLTON LEE RAGLAND B.S., Physics Hampton, Virginia

ANTHONY P. RENALDI B.A., Political Science Easton, Pennsylvania


KENT K. RENALDS B.A., History Richmond, Virginia

WILLIAM H. RONEMUS B.A., Sociology Staunton, Virginia JAMES WARREN RUDD B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia CARMINE ANTHONY RUFFA B.A., Spanish Petersburg, Virginia

EUGENE MICHAEL SANCHEZ-SAAVEDRA B.A., History New York, New York COY LEE SAUL, JR. B.A., Economics Erwin, North Carolina BEN SAUNDERS, JR. B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia


ROBERT ALLEN SAVILLE B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia

FRANCIS MICHAEL SEAY B.A., Psychology Fork Union, Virginia


CHARLES ALLEN SHAUGHNESSY B.A., History Portsmouth, Virginia

DAVID BOLEN SHEPHERD B.S., Biology and Chemistry Galax, Virginia

WILLIAM H. SLATE B.A., Biology Chesapeake, Virginia HOWARD PHILLIP SMITH B.A., Sociology Newport News, Virginia


THOMAS JERRY SMITH B.S., Mathematics Chesterfield, Virginia JOHN BRUCE SODERSTROM B.A., History Eastville, Virginia

MICHAEL ALEXANDER SOUKUP B.S., Biology Sandston, Virginia JOSEPH H. SPENCER, II B.A., Economics Hampton, Virginia

WILLIAM E. STARK, JR. B.A., History Wilmington, Delaware MICHAEL I. STRAWSER B.S., Mathematics Sunbury, Pennsylvania



DAVID C. STROMSWO LD B.S., Physics and Mathematic s Glen Allen, Virginia

DAVID M. SZUMOWSK I B.A., History Gloversville, New York

BARRY DEAN TAYLOR B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia

KEITH L. TINKHAM B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia JAMES D. TOLBERT, JR. B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia SANDY THOMAS TUCKER B.A., English Como, North Carolina

HORACE LEE UNDERWOOD, JR. B.A., Sociology Newport News, Virginia WILLIAM H. VOORHES B.A., Bible and Religion Richmond, Virginia KENNETH W. WEBB B.A., Sociology Roanoke, Virginia


WILLIAM RONALD WHITWORTH B.A., English Bel Air, Maryland WILLIAM EDWARD WILDS B.A., History and Social Science Richmond, Virginia GENE COX WILKINSON B.A., Sociology Petersburg, Virginia

DAVID JOHN WILSON B.A., Secondary Education West Caldwell, New Jersey HAROLD CLAYTON WOODYARD B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia

J. ASHTON WRAY, JR. B.A., History Hampton, Virginia

W. CARTER YOUNGER B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia


PAUL V. ZEHFUSS B.A., English Alexandria, Virginia

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Bob Gorrell, Wertie Turner, Bill Vigilione, Marshall Flax, Pete Shaw.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President

MARSHA LL FLAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-Pres ident PETE SHAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary WERTIE TURNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer BOB GORRELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senator



William Canfield Russell Carlton Clarence Carson

Dandridge Allen William Allen Joseph Anthony

Fred Antonelli William Ashley Frank Atkins

Don Bagwell Richard Balderson Martin Bandas

Richard Carter William Carter Wesley Carver

Don Casper Winston Chandler David Chenault

James Cheney Marvin Clark Matthew Cody

Orren Beaty Robert Berry Lynn Blue

Robert Colley James Collie Wayne Collins Stephen Bolte William Brann David Brobst

Robert Cornick Clinton Corry Terry Crum Stanley Buchwalter Rex Buckley Charles Bugg

Charles Curtis Wayne Cushing Robert Dawson Harold Burgess John Burkhalter Rodney Camden

Mike Denoia Gary Denton Shelby Dickerson


James Dolan Alfred Dooley Howard Dougherty Charles Easley

Albert Eisenberg John Ellington Wilson Faris Frank Felton

James Ferguson Paul Fernald Grayden Figart Marshall Flax

Neil Fleming Jeffrey Fountain Marvin Franger Benjamin Franklin

Franklin Freda Frank Frye Charles Geisst Charles Glisson Robert Gorrell Wallace Graham

Mark Green Gerald Greenway James Hagy Fred Hardy David Harvey Jeffrey Heflebower

Charles Hill Joseph Hudgins Ronnie Hughes Robert Hunt James Hyams Philip Janes

Clyde Jennings Morgan Jennings James Johnson William Johnson Douglas Jones William Jones


• ...··· ..


David Kalassay Alan Katz John Kendall William Kennedy

Randolph Kirk Wayne Kitsteiner Paul Krumm Barry Last

Donald Levitin Everett Lewis Melvin Little David Lowery

James Lowery David Marcus James Marshall James Martin

Pete Massmann E. M. Miller John Mirmelstein William Money Henry Moran Raoul Morin

Dale Morris Stephen Mowbray Kennyth Murray Rollin Myers Temple Myers Albert Neale

Richard Nease Joseph Northern William O'Brien Elwood Owens William Pannell Larry Parker

Philip Parker Milton Parrish Richard Parrish Chuck Patteson John Phillips Richard Phillips


Spottswood Taliaferro Thomas Talley Thomas Taylor

Phil Pope Waverly Pulley Kyle Purvis George Thomas Curtis Thorpe John Turner

John Ranson John Reville Jack Reynolds Ralph Turner William Turner William Viglione

Garnett Ryland William Sadler Edward Samford

RICHMOND JUNIORS William Saum Ivan Schiff Don Schmidt

John Virkler Jack Waddell Hans Weidmann Carl Schone Daniel Schwartz Martin Shotzberger

William Whitworth Lawrence Wilburn Latham Winfree Glewn Siegal Randolph Skinner James Slagle

Willis Worth James Wrenn Charles Wright Art Slocum Anthony Smith Steven Smith

Edgar Wright Michael Young

James Snead Stephen Southall Wayne Stith


SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Jim Jacobs, Tim Fincham, Ric Bloodsworth, Josh Pretlow.


RIC B LOO DSWO RTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President JIM JACOBS

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President

JOSH PR ET LOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary TIM FINCHAM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer


Richard Adams Homer Alberti Wayne Alexander

Craig Allen Bruce Allred Charles Altizer

Leslie Anderson Kenneth Atkinson Lloyd Ballard

Thomas Barney John Baxter Russell Beattie

Donald Bell Charles Bennett Charles Berson Theodore Bisterfeld William Blandford John Bloodsworth

Barry Bluefeld Robert Bode William Boelt James Bowen Charles Bowles Stephen Bowman

Jack Boyles John Bradshaw Paul Bradshaw Joseph Brand Carroll Bray James Brent

Rick Brock Louis Broughman David Browe Rea Brown Ronald Brumback Steven Budnick


William Bull Clyde Caldwell William Cale Christopher Cal Ian David Cates Wi 11 iam Carbone

Robert Claytor Herbert Clem Edwin Coleman Gordon Converse Jeffrey Cook Dennis Coombe

Peter Coombs Philip Cox Thomas Crane John Crou~e George Cunningham John Darden

James Darlington Edward Daughtrey Adolphus Davis Joseph Davis Richard Davis Thomas DeBusk

Steve Derrenbacker Robert Dauster Carlton Drake James Dunham Robert Easterling Warren Edwards

Ray Ellen Joseph Eller Marvin Epps James Evans Anthony Fertitta Steven Fifer

Timothy Finchem Kenneth Fisher Donald Fitzgerald Frank Fleischman Allen Flippo Jed Flocken

Wilton Ford James Foster William Fox Michael Francisco Robert Frank Dwight Frazier



Manfred Freeman Geoffrey Gabbard Jeff Garnett Courtney George

Paul Gerometta Harvey Goodman Richard Gottlieb Douglas Gregory

John Griswold Steven Grubbs Frank Gum Alfred Guthrie

Doug Hall Stephen Hanson Carter Hardenbergh John Harlow

Randolph Harper Richard Harper Wallace Harris William Hart

David Heilman Ronald Heisler Richard Henderson Thomas Hill

Warren Hill Richard Hite Roy Hockman William Hofheimer


John Howell John Hubbard Harry Hull James Hutcherson

Clifford Inge Glen Isaacs James Jacobs Woodliff Jenkins


Thomas Johnson Michael Jones Donald Jordan Gerard Kaiser George Katsarelis Larry Katz

Dennis Kazmeroski Butch Kirby John Kirk James Kiser Alan Kleinkopf Neil Kushman

Benjamin Kutner Donald Lahy Michael Lake Thomas Latham Horace Lecky William Lee

Carter LeFon Russell Leonard Samuel Leishear John Lewis Thomas Ligon Lawrence Livesay

James Loughrie Michael Mahaney Stewart Marley Gary Mashburn David May Henry McAuliffe


Randall McDonald Ted Mclnteer Allen Mallen Michael Monahan Johnny Mooke James Mullins

Robert Musick William Neubauer Stephen Norfleet Robert Norman John O'Bannon Thomas Olsen

Thomas Payne William Perrine Stephen Pettyjohn Rodney Poole Larry Potts Larry Powers

Thomas Powers John Pratt Joshua Pretlow John Pritchard Tommie Quinn Hugh Richeson

Robert Ricks Larry Riddick Bernard Reed Richard Reid John David Robbins John Robbins

Richard Roberts Thomas Robertson Whit Robertson Sidney Rodriguez William Rogers Howard Rosenthal

James Rowland Vincent Russell Charles Ryan George Sadler Ronald Sanders Charles Schlotter

Bernard Schultz Jack Scott Samuel Scott Chip Sensabaugh Michael Seward David Shaw



Benjamin Sheftall Raymond Shivers Stephen Shrader Samuel Shumate Claude Simpson Thomas Skeen

Bill Smith David Smith Davis Smith Fred Smith George Smith Neil Smith

Wayne Smith John H. Snead John W. Snead Edwin Sobey James Spitler Kenneth Sprague

Allen Stagg Stephen Stahl John Stanley Stuart Statham Richard Stephenson Thomas Stevens

Marvin Stewart Luther Story Allyn Straus Henry Stultz John Sutherland John Svirsky

Stephen Swallow Robert Tankard John Terry Murray Thompson Clayton Thornton John Thornton


Steven Tilley Gary Tilman Danny Turner Jerry Turner Wayne Turner Robert Ukrop

Joseph Updike Gregory Van Doren Archa Vaughan William Villarosa Randal I Vinson Archie Wallace

James Walsh George Ward Wayne Watkinson Alfred Watts Ruben Weatherholtz Larry Weddington

George Weidig Arthur Wells David Whitehead Morton Whitlow Bryant Whitmire Norman Wilkerson

James Wilson George Wingfield Terry Withers Thomas Wood William Woodfin Edward Wooldridge

James Worrell Charles Wyckoff Russell Yinger Richard Yonce Ormand Young John Zsenai

FRESH MAN CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Lewis Barber, Howard Anderson, Richard Wyatt, James Butler, Kenneth Foster.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-Pres ident


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary

LEWIS BARBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasure r KENNETH FOSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House of Represen tatives


Roger Adams William Alexander Cecil Allen Howard Anderson Durward Baggett Lewis Barber

Robert Barton Edwin Bealer Roger Beck Jay Berger Ronald Bessent John Belkowski

Edwin Bischoff John Blunt Carl Bock Wayne Boggs Berndt Bohm Charles Boltwood

Steven Bookbinder Charles Bova Robert Bowen Bragdon Bowling Wilbur Boyce Weldon Bradshaw

John Brady Paul Brady Richard Brinkley Donald Brooks Andrew Browder Stephen Browder

Robert Brower Robert Brown George Brydon Fred Butler James Butler Richard Callis

Wayne Carroll Frederick Cassiday Dante Castrodale James Cerza Ernest Chapman David Chester

James Clark Keith Clarke Vincent Collins Edgar Colvin Edward Craig William Creath


William Crockett Spencer Crowder Douglas Cueny John Daniels Gregory Daugherty Gerald Davis

James Doran George Douglas Bruce Dozier William Dubin James Dunning Herbert Dye

John Edwards John Ely Alan Fankhanel Jay Feldman William Finch David Frazer

William Furr Larry Ganey John Garrison Curtis Gilbert Barry Ginder Walter Glascock

Michael Glaser Robert Gooding John Goodman Richard Goodwin Edward Goshorn \"v'alter Grandjean


Charles Grant Daryl Greenberg Kent Greenway James Griles Charles Grissom Stephen Grott

Harvey Grubbs Samuel Haden Sterling Hale Stephen Hall Michael Harper Thomas Hart

Richard Herschaft John Hightower Henry Hinton Charles Hopkins Charles Hopper William Hughes

Howard James Thomas James Bryan Janney Charles Jennings George Johnson Perry Jones

Ronald Jones Trevor Jones Bradword Jordan Charles Kain Benjamin Keeler James Kegan



Lemuel Kerr Wayne Keyser James Kincheloe Richard Koester

Lewis Lambert Stephen Lanier Michael La Penta Wayne Leake

Charles LeFoe Thomas Lehe Lau re nee Lenhart Donald Lewis

Keith Linas Stanley Lubin Oliver McBride Robert Mccrone

Robert McElroy Craig McGruder Ronald McGriffin Thomas Mann

Herbert Manry Alan Marsh David Martin Michael Matthews

Jack Mays David Meachan James Millner Michael Minter


John Mizell Paul Monger Kenneth Moore Michael Moore Sterling Moore George Morgan

George Morris Russell Morris Carroll Morrow Bland Motley Ralph Mulner John Murphy

Mark Neale David Nelson Herbert Niles Frederick Norfleet Ernest Owen Michael Pardue

Paul Parker Eldridge Parks William Parrish Robert Partrea Henry Patterson Ronald Payne

Kenneth Perreault James Peters Albert Philpott Barry Powell Joseph Powell Kenneth Powell

Donald Printz John Pulliam Gordon Ragland Kelly Ragsdale Hugh Reavis Burton Richman

William Roberts John Rogers Ronald Rowland John Royal Harry Samas Veron Saunders

Milan Savkovich Ryland Saxby Edward See William Shapiro Pau I Shelley Stanley Sidman

Cephas Smith Donnie Smith Harry Smith Julian Smith Travis Snellings Steven Somers

James Spencer Charles Stevens Robert Stockburger Thomas Strickland Howard Stuart Robert Sutton

Dennis Thompson Estes Thompson Charles Thorpe James Thweatt Vincent Tiller Philip Tobelmann


Thomas Towberman Larry Troemmler George Varoutsos Gilbert Via Louis Villani John Waddell

Carroll Walker Randy Walker Randall Walter Jerome Want James Watkins Christopher Weissmann

David Wells William Wentz Charles Wienckowski Kenneth Wheeler David Whitacre Gary White

Leland White Lynwood Wilkinson Jerry Williams Marvin Williams Harvey Wilson Lance Wood

William Worrell John Young Thomas Young George Youravich David Zava


SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right, seated, Ann Pearson, Kathleen Anderson, Alice McGinnis , Jackie Lassiter. Standing : Jane Hoge, Mary Ann James.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS JACKIE LASSITER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preside nt ALICE McGIN NIS ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... Vice-Pr esident KATHL EEN ANDERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secreta ry KRISTA MERTZ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... Treasu rer ANN PEARSON

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... Historia n

MARY ANN JAM ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Song Leader JANE HOGE ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . Social Cultura l Co-Ord inator NANCY USSERY ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . AA Repres entative LOIS SEPTON

...... ...... ...... ...... .... Town Counci l Repres entative


JANINE HELEN ADELMAN B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia JULIET NELSON ALLEN B.A., Biology Anchorage, Kentucky

KATHLEEN LUISE ANDERSON B.A. with Honors, History Chester, Virginia MARY GALE ATKINS B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia

JUDITH ANN BAILEY B.A., Journalism and Political Science Petersburg, Virginia KAREN LEE BARNES B.A., Psychology Roanoke, Virginia

BARBARA VENO CALDWELL B.S., Mathematics and Chemistry Richmond, Virginia

PATRICIA JOAN BROWN B.A., English and Speech Creve Coeur, Missouri DOROTHY KAY BURNETTE B.A., Art Richmond, Virginia

PATRICIA CHARLENE CALLIS B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia


WESTHAMPTON CLASS OF 1967 SHARON LEE CARDWELL B.A., Sociology Manassas, Virginia

MARTHA LINDA CHILDRESS B.A., French Richmond, Virginia

MARY ANN JAMES CHRISTIAN B.A., Applied Music-Piano Herndon, Virginia GEORGIA LYNN CLARKE B.A. with Honors, English Teano, Virginia

JEAN MARIE CLODFELTER B.A., French Hampton, Virginia LINDA CAROLYN COBB B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia


PATRICIA GAYLE COGHILL B.A., English Richmond, Virginia PAULA ANN COLLIER B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia SUSAN PAYNE COLLINS B.A., History Richmol1d, Virginia

MAUREEN K. COOKSEY B.A., Psychology Glen Allen, Virginia SUSAN LAYNE COSBY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia MARY BETH COULTER B.A., English Richmond, Virginia


MARGARET CRIDLIN B.A., Applied Music-Voi ce Roanoke, Virginia

NANCY INEZ COX B.A., Psychology Smithfield, Virginia


HELEN MARIE CROSS B.A., Mathematic s Portsmouth, Virginia

JUDITH ANN CROWELL B.A., English Richmond, Virginia LINDA GAY CULLERS B.A ., Sociology Richmond, Virginia

DONNA DIANE DICKSON B.A., English Richmond, Virginia ELIZABETH ANN DILLARD B.A. with Honors, English Altavista, Virginia

DIANNE RAE DIX B.A., English Danville, Virginia JUDY LYNN DOLLEN BERG B.A., Sociology Towson, Maryland

PATRICIA EARLE EDGERTON B.A., Biology Chase City, Virginia JUDY A. ELLETT B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia


BARBA RA OVERTON EVANS B.A. with Honors, History Richmo nd, Virginia MARY MAXIN E FACE B.A., History and Latin Richmo nd, Virginia

SANDRA JEAN FAIRFIELD B.S., Biology Fairfax, Virginia SALLY SCOTT FELVEY B.A., Biology Richmo nd, Virginia

CHARLOTTE GOODE B.A., Psycho logy Richmo nd, Virginia MAUREEN GOODE B.A., Psycho logy Richmo nd, Virginia

SYDNEY WILLIA MS GRAFF B.A., Biology Richmo nd, Virginia ELLEN LEE THOMAS GRIFFIN B.A., English Richmo nd, Virginia LOIS RITA HELMBOLD B.A. with Honors, History Portsmouth, Virginia


MEREDITH HERMAN B.A., Psychology Baltimore, Maryland

ELIZABETH GALE HODKINSON B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia


JANE CARLISLE HOGE B.A., Mathematics Alexandria, Virginia

RUTH ANN HOOD B.A., Psychology Virginia Beach, Virginia

ELIZABETH HOLDEN HUMMEL B.A., Art Blacksburg, Virginia

NENA P. HOLCOMBE B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia

SUZANNE IVEY B.A., History Jarratt, Virginia ROSALIND R. JACKSON B.A., Biology Flemington, New Jersey


BARBARA JEAN JONES B.S., Biology Markham, Virginia

NANCY KIRK KALOUSDIAN B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia

LINDA TABSCOTT KELLEY B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia SANDRA RUSSELL KELLEY B.A., History Richmond, Virginia

ANNE DOWNING KAY B.A., Psychology Baltimore, Maryland

JANINE PHYLLIS KULAK B.A., Political Science Raynham, Massachusetts PATRICIA LYNNE KURSCH B.S., Physical Education Alexandria, Virginia

JOYCE ANN JONES B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia


MARY STUART LAND B.S., Mathematics Newport News, Virginia

ALYCE JOYCE McGINNIS B.A., Mathematics Linwood, New Jersey KAROLYN LEE McKIMMEY B.A., Journalism Leesburg, Virginia SARAH LOUISE McLAUGHLIN B.A., History Bluefield, West Virginia

JO ANN MARTIN B.A., Psychology Danville, Virginia LOUISE MASON B.A., Psychology Baltimore, Maryland CHRISTA ELIZABETH ERIKA MERZ B.A., Biology and German Highland Springs, Virginia

JACQUELINE SUE LASSITER B.A. with Honors, History Murfreesboro, North Carolina

JUDITH SUE McCANN B.S., Physical Education Street, Maryland


LANE SHELL NELSON B.A., Political Science Richmon d, Virginia

ANN VICTORIA MILLER B.A., Psycholo gy Winches ter, Virginia

BEVERLY IRVING NOBLE B.A., Mathema tics Rice, Virginia JOAN GRACE ODLAND B.S., Mathema tics Arlington , Virginia

LINDA CAROL ORRISON B.A., Mathema tics McLean, Virginia SANDRA McGLOR Y PARKER B.A., Psycholo gy Richmon d, Virginia


BETTY WEBB NEWMAN B.A., English Boydton, Virginia

ANN PAYNE B.S., Mathematic s Blacksburg , Virginia

ANNE WILLIAMS POMEROY B.A., Bible and Religious Education Quinton, Virginia

ANN ASHLEY PEARSON B.A., Psychology Remington, Virginia

NOLA L. RICE B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia RONNIE YOUNG RICHARDSON B.A., Psychology Crozier, Virginia BONNIE LYNNE ROBERTSON B.A., Sociology Roanoke, Virginia

ANN CAROL ROBINS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia LOIS ADELE ROBINSON B.A. with Honors, History Wilmington , Delaware FRANCES BROWNIE SALES B.A., Education Clarksville, Virginia



ELIZABETH TYLER SAUNDERS B.A., Education Richmond, Virginia JOAN MARSHALL SCHOOLS B.A. with Honors, History Midlothian, Virginia DARLENE SUE SCOTT B.A., Spanish Martinsville, Virginia

ANNE PATRICIA SHANDS B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia NANCY JANE SHARP B.A., Psychology Louisville, Kentucky MARY BETH SHELDON B.A., German Toano, Virginia


ANN MARIE SIBLEY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia ALICE KATHARINE SMITH B.A., Psychology Baltimore, Maryland

BARBARA JEAN SOUTHALL B.A., Psychology Colonial Heights, Virginia

VIRGINIA CLOYD SOUTHWORTH B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia

MILDRED ANNE STEIN B.S., Mathematics and Physics Richmond, Virginia

DIANA LEE SUMMERS B.A., Political Science Herndon, Virginia

ASTRA JEAN SWINGLE B.A., Mathematics and Psychology Richmond, Virginia ANN NICHOLSON TAYLOR B.A., Elementary Education Petersburg, Virginia


MARY AURELIA TAYLOR B.A., Psychology Greenville, South Carolina BARBARA STUART TOWSEY B.A., Mathematics Fredericksburg, Virginia CHARLOTTE LEE WALDROP B.S., Mathematics Montpelier, Virginia

NANCY BEATRICE USSERY B.S., Mathematics Blacksburg, Virginia ANNE HILL VAUGHAN B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia

SUZANNE GAYLE WALLS B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia

CAROLYN ELIZABETH WELLS B.A., English Martinsville, Virginia


CAROLYN BENNETT WHATLEY B.A., English Richmond, Virginia

NANCY PENDLETON WHEELER B.A ., English Richmond, Virginia PATRICIA RAINWATER WHITFIELD B.S. , Music Education Richmond, Virginia CHERYL LYNN WHITNEY B.A., Sociology Stephens City, Virginia

MARTHA ANN WHOLEY B.S ., Mathematics Lawrenceville, Virginia MARY BOLLING WILLIS B.S., Music Education Culpeper, Virginia KATHLEEN SARGENT WILLS B.A., English Petersburg, Virginia


ELIZABETH ANN WILSON B.S., Biology Norfolk, Virginia


JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Sharon Staggs, Pat Diggs, Phyllis Andrews, Lynn Hoffman, Anne Heflin, Jane Harris, Jeannette Elgert, Judy Morong.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS ANN HEFLIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President SHARON STAGGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-Preident JUDY MORONG ............ ............ ........ ·.· . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary ,·

PAT DIGGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer JANE HARRIS ............ ............ ............ ........... Historian LYNN HOFFMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Song Leader PHYLLIS AN DREWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Cultural Co-Ordinator LYNN MART IN ............ ............ ............ .. AA Representativ e JEANNETTE ELGERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Town Council Representativ e


Becky Allgood Phyllis Andrews Deborah Angel

Dixie Bailey Linda Ball Rebecca Barber

Diane Behrens Claudia Bell Cheryl Bily

Loretta Birckhead Susan Blak~ Judith Blassingham

Jane Bohannon Ann Bouckart Bonnie Bowman

Karla Brownmiller Phyllis Bullard

Pam Buss Margaret Byrn

Ann Caraker Susan Chapman


Leona Chase Jane Chewning Shelley Clarke Virginia Compton Betty Cross Rebecca Darden

Linda Davis Sue Deaver Beverly Delano Patricia Diggs Martha Dorman Christina Dunn


Janet DuVal Carolyn Edmunds Jeannette Elgert Kathy Elliot Meade Ferguson Colette Fields \

Pat Forbes Edie Freudendorf Mary Gearing Joanne Gill Pamela Gordon Judy Greenberg

., ;



Virginia Griffin Jane Harris Jay Hart

Marjorie Hart Anne Heflin Carol Henry

Nancy Hicks Joan Higgs Heppert Hock

Cookie Hoffer Lynn Hoffman Sarah Hudson

Barbara Lee Johnson Barbara Johnson Nancy Keith


Jo Keller Mary Ellen Kerns Byrd Kriete

Sara LeCleire Susan Lee Sandra Lough

Colleen McGarry Amy Mcivor Eileen Mahoney

Frances Mann Patsy Martin Gay Mason


Elizabeth Matthews Linda Miller Kathy Milner

Judy Morong Shelby Murray Janet Overstreet

Judy Parrish Nancy Perkins Lindsey Peters Linda Powers Ann Puckett Pam Rahn

w ~·

Kay Ranson Carty Richards Martha Ruebush Jean Scott Carol Seymour Susan Shackelford


\\. '

Patricia Shaw Robbie Shreve Ellen Shuler Pat Smith Ann Spivey Sharon Staggs

Pat Temple Anne Thompson Carolyn Tucker Martha Vaughan Wanda Watts Cathy Weddle

Elizabeth Welsh Lynn Werth Myree Wilkinson Mary Williamson Ann Woodson Dorothy Wyatt






\\* l



...,., .


. ··~::):

I SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS. Seate d: Nancy Crenshaw, Judy Jacob s. Stand ing: Lynn Turlin gton, Conni e Booth, Nancy Puckett, Caroly n Evans, Carol Reese, Jane Arring ton, Sara Busey.

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS LYNN TUR LING TON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pres ident CON N IE BOO TH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice- Pres ident JANE ARR INGT ON

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secr etary

SAR A BUSE Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trea surer NAN CY CRE NSH AW .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. Histo rian JUDY JACO BS .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. Song Lead er CAR 0 L RE ESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AA Repr esen tative NAN CY PUC KETT .... .... .... .... .... .... . Town Coun cil Repr esen tative CAR OLYN EVAN S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Socia l Cultu ral Co-O rdina tor


Emily Adams Susan Agee

Nancy Anderson Cathy Angle

Jane Arrinqton Darla Aultice

Nora Bailey Kate Barham

Beverly Blaustein Connie Booth Diane Bowen Yvonne Bowman Betsy Baskin Joan Bendall

Gail Boyd Betty Brookes Sara Busey Glynda Butler Patsy Blackard Bonnie Blanks

Emily Button Dorcas Carwile Andrea Cauble Jody Chambers

Marilyn Chelder Sarah Clanton Betty Jo Clark Cynthia Clark

........ \





Becky Coleman Sylvia Corbin June Costello

--- .\


Gayle Covey Nancy Crenshaw Cathy Crossland

Margie Crowder Nan Davis Nancy Davis

Suzanne Dawkins Susan Donaldson Diane Dorsey

Elizabeth Downey Karen Dyer Linda Elmore

Heli Ennis Carolyn Evans Carolyn Fitchett


Marilyn Flynn Jane Frazer Julie Freeman Doris Fultz Donna Gant Rebecca Garland

Donna Geer Bonnie Giannotti Jean Gleason Betty Goodman Linda Graham Nancy Grayson

Emily Greene Patsy Griffin Laura Haas Cathy Hall Laura Hanbury Kate Hardy

Catherine Harvey Melanie Hawthorne Robin Heatwole Sally Henley Bari Jean Hobbs Anne Holland


Beth Holman Judy Holmes Pat Howard Judy Jacobs Patty Jefferson Carol Johnston

Donna Marie Joy Alice Justice Jane Kiser Barbara Klunder Anne Larson Dixie Lee

Angie Lewis Marilyn Lipsitz Diane MacMeccan Betty Lou McClanahan Julie McGarry Patricia Mallory

Marian Mann Linda Mays Margaret Merritt Nancy Morrison Diane Moss Lynn Myer

Linda Jo Neblett Nancy Norman Margarett Northen Betty Obenshain Susan O'Brien Ann Packard

Susan Parker Linda Parrish Dale Pairick Edith Paulette Mary Ellen Peterson Chris Pfeil


Doreen Picon Anne Pitchford Betty Pitts Mary Proctor Nancy Puckett Sandra Purks

Susan Quance Marcia Raveling Carol Reese Sandra Rice Vinnie Richards Judy Ritter

Shannon Rives Lynne Robertson Betty Mae Robinson Margie Romm Yolanda Roseman Phyllis Rowland

Ann Russ Rebecca Saunders Stephanie Schmidt Kathy Scott Betty Scruggs Janet Sewel I

Mary Ball Shafer Kathy Shapiro Almeda Shepherd Carolyn Shepherd Betty Smith Marcia Smith

Susan Leigh Smith Elizabeth Snead Faye Southall Sallie Sparks Carol Spencer Nancy Jo Srb



Lau ranne Stiff

Birdie Stone Charlene Stringfellow Betty Jo Swain Patsy Taylor \

Mary Sue Terry Florence Ann Tompkins Lynn Turlington Lynne Vanleeuwen

Patricia Vitsky Gail Waddill Margaret Wakefield Penrose Ware

Nelda Warren Janet Wester Judy White Cathy Whitlock



Martha Wiley Maude Williams Susan Williams Pamela Wilton

Patsy Wingo Sally Wood Myran Woodson George Zirkle


FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS. First row, left to right: Virginia Lewis, Pat Powell, Kit Spoonts, Pat Thomas. Standing: Hope Hendricks, Grace Yeatts, Bettie Shaffer, Pat Sullivan, Ann Dowdy, Helen Outen, Milne Kintner.

FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS PAT POWELL ........................ ........................ President VIRGIN IA LEWIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President KIT SPOO NTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary PAT THOMAS


MILNE KINTNER ........................ .................... Historian BETTY SHAFFER ........................ ...... . . . .. :· ... Song Leader PAT SULLIVAN .................. . ... . ............. . . AA Representative GRACE YEATTS ...... : ... . ............. . . . ....... YWCA Representative HOPE HENDRICKS ........................ . Social Cultural Co-Ordinator ANN DOWDY, HELEN OUTEN .............. Town Council Representatives


Shelley Abernathy Dale Allen Lynn Andrews Sally Andrews Susan Andrews Susan Bain

Nancy Ball Sharyn Bass Judy Baughan Scottie Beamer Shirley Beck Charla Berkley

Mary Bersch Brenda Blevins Betty Booker Donna Boone Claire Born Martha Brandt

Susan Breed Bruce Brooks Susan Bryant Jo Burnette Barbara Cahoon Kaye Camp



Janice Carter Penni Chappell Helen Churn Kathleen Clinedinst Leila Coleman

Patricia Connell Mary Corder Susan Cosby Edith Courtney Jane Cox

Kate Crowell Christian David Emily Davis Ann Dowdy Mary Duke

Linda Ellis Sarah Emory Emily Epps Bonnie Farrish Priscilla Fields \

Pamela Firebaugh Marcia Flake Kathy Flandermeyer Nancy Goodman Anne Goodpaster



Jeanne Gouldman Carol Grasty Carol Graube Rita Grimstead

Lee Grubb Jeanne Hankinson Dee Harrell Suzanne Harris

Marcia Harrison ¡ Beverly Harton Harriet Haynes Claudia Henderson

Hope Hendrick Rin Henry Joanne Herrington Janet Hill f.

Gayle Hobday Barbara Holloway Becky Hotz Martha Howe ¡~-



Priscilla Humbert Lee Jacobs Jane Johnson April Jureit Patricia Kepner

Annie King Milne Kintner Karen Layne Joyce Lee Virginia Lewis

Angela Lilly Sallye Link Christine McAllister Linda Mc;Cubbin Jane Martin



Susan Massie Elise Miller Mary Money Connie Moore Sharon Morrissett



Cathy Musselman Carolyn Newcom b Marcia Nieder Cynthia Nitsch :::·




Nancy Ogg Margare t Osborn Helen Outen Anne Park

Phyllis Pearce Ann Pearson Mary Pearson Susan Peters \\



Janet Phillips Jo Pidcock Fiona Porter Patricia Powell

Carolyn Richards on Karen Richards on Martha Richards on Martha Rife

Josephin e Rooney Jo Ann Russell Mary Sanford Theresa Schmid



Mary Schwab

Marjorie Scott Trudy Seely Connie Seymour Betty Shaffer Sallie Shipp Sally Slusher

Carolyn Smith Katherine Spoonts Betty Stagg Alston Stirling Barbara Sullivan Patricia Sullivan

Kathleen Taimi Chime Tate Mary Terry Yvonne Tharp Patricia Thomas Pamela Thompson

Susan Thornhill Linda Tomasek Marsha Trimble Sandra Troutman Fritzie Vaughan Juliet Walls

Astrid Walter Susan Ward Beverly Webb Linda Carol Weinstein Gail Williams Betty Willis

Neil Woolcott Linda Woolridge Cheryl Woosley Virginia Wray Grace Yeatts Lynda Zimmerman


SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Bill Sasher, Ernie Campe, Tommy Leviner, John Andrews , Kirby Taylor, Michael Koziski, Paul Adams.


TOMM Y LEVINER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preside nt PAUL ADAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-Pr esident BILL SASHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secreta ry KIRBY TAYLO R ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ..... Treasu rer JOHN ANDREWS, ERNIE CAMPE and MICHA EL KOZISKI ....... . Senato rs


PAUL EUGENE ADAMS B.S., Industrial Managemen t and Finance Millers Creek, North Carolina CLIFFORD HENRY AL TSCHULL B.S., Industrial Managemen t Martinsville , Virginia SAMUEL RAY ANDERSON B.S., Business Economics Stewartstow n, Pennsylvan ia

JOHN WELLFORD ANDREWS B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia JOHN EDWARD ASHFORD, JR. B.S., Industrial Managemen t Richmond, Virginia ERNEST A. BAICH B.S., Business Finance Canal Fulton, Ohio


WILBUR B. BOYER, JR. B.S., Industrial Managemen t Amelia, Virginia

RANDOLPH W. BAIRD B.S., Accounting Ebony, Virginia


EDWARD THOMAS BRADY B.S., Economics Englishtown , New Jersey

FRANK OVERTON BROOKS B.S., Economics Tappahannock, Virginia

FRANK WATKINS BROWN, Ill B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia

BENJAMIN CHARLES BRUGH B.S., Industrial Management Petersburg, Virginia FREDERIC ARTHUR CLARK, JR. B.S., Marketing Falls Church, Virginia

JAMES W. CLARK B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia G. SCOTT BROWN B.S., Industrial Management Virginia Beach, Virginia

MAYNARD WAYNE DeLOZIER B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia


JAMES FRANKLIN DRAKE B.S., Finance Handsom, Virginia

ALAN DAVID DRAYER B.S., Accounting Trappe-Collegevi lie, Pa.


T. NELSON FLIPPO FREDERICK R. DUBLIN B.S., Marketing Pittsburgh, Pa.

B.S., Industrial Management Ashland, Virginia

CLARENCE McDONALD ENGLAND, Ill B.S., Marketing Huntington, West Virginia


KENNETH MACKENZIE GASSMAN, JR. B.S., Marketing Culpeper, Virginia WILLIAM J. HAGERDON B.S., Finance Hammondsport, New York JAMES GIBSON HALL B.S., Finance Hamilton, Virginia

RONALD L. HALL B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia JOHN F. HAMILTON, JR. B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia PAUL L. HARRIS, JR. B.S., Accounting Richmond, Virginia

RAYMOND L. HAYNIE B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia WINSTON JACKSON HELLEMS B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia

MICHAEL L. HOWELL B.S., Economics Newmarket, Virginia ,.#fJ;• ' ','(~

FRANKLIN HOWARD HURST B.S., Marketing Tarboro, North Carolina



CHARLES FRANKLIN JENNESS B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia

ROBERT D. JONES B.S., Marketing Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania

KENNETH MARK JOYNER B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia JOHN T. KELLAM, Ill B.S., Finance Glen Allen, Virginia

JOHN G. JORDAN B.S., Industrial Management Goochland, Virginia

, TAYLOR G. KING B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia ROY C. KINSEY, Ill B.S., Industrial Management Roanoke, Virginia


JOHN PAUL JONES, JR. B.S., Management Richmond, Virginia

~ ~

HAYDEN KIRBY-SMITH, JR. B.S., Marketing Kensington, Maryland

MICHAEL JOHN KOZISKI B.S., Finance Camden, Delaware

KENNETH L. KRIMM B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia



J ~

. ~.

JOHN ERIC LEO B.S., Economics Nanuet, New York R. THOMAS LEVINER B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia LOREN TODD LUMADUE B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia

BENJAMIN SCOTT LUSBY B.S., Marketing Arlington, Virginia GEORGE T. MALLIS B.S., Economics Alexandria, Virginia JAMES WOODROW MARILLA, JR. B.S., Management Richmond, Virginia

· ... #


LOUIS MILLS MARKWITH B.S., Marketing Bon Air, Virginia E. SHERWOOD MARSHALL B.S., Industrial Managemen t Victoria, Virginia DONALD R. MATHIS B.S., Finance Marion, North Carolina

GEORGE FRANKLIN MAYNARD B.S., Finance Fayettevi I le, North Carolina KARL CASTO MEARNS, JR. B.S., Industrial Managemen t Chester, South Carolina CHARLES E. MOLTZ, Ill B.S., Industrial Managemen t Richmond, Virginia



,, •

EMMETT JOSEPH MORGAN, JR. B.S., Industrial Managemen t Richmond, Virginia

MARK L. MONEY, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia


MICHAEL C. MOYER B.A., Finance Groveville, New Jersey


BOBBY CUNDIFF NANCE B.S., Accounting Moneta, Virginia

RUTH ELLEN MOYERS B.S., Finance Annandale, Virginia

GERALD E. PARR B.S., Accounting Warsaw, Virginia KENNETH F. PATTERSON B.S., Economics Aberdeen, Maryland RICHARD CARRINGTON PAULETTE, JR. B.S., Marketing Staunton, Virginia

LARRY GEORGE PEW B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia FREDERICK C. PHILIPSEN B.S., Industrial Management Wilmington, Delaware FRANK W. PIERCE B.S., Industrial Management Arlington, Virginia


WILLIAM WINN OSBORNE B.S., Marketing Bremo Bluff, Virginia

HENRY THOMAS POHLMAN B.S., Accou nting Ricmond, Virgin ia

KEVIN W. QUINN B.S., Accou nting Richmond, Virgin ia GLENN A. REYNOLDS B.S., Accou nting Richmond, Virgin ia HERBERT S. RICE, JR. B.S., Finance Montgomery, Alabama

HARVEY WILLIS ROBERTS, JR. B.S., Accou nting Norfol k, Virgin ia WALTER H. ROSYPAL B.S., Indust rial Management Bridgeton, New Jersey WILLIAM N. SASHER B.S., Marketing Herndon, Virgin ia


WALTER G. SCHNEE, Ill B.S., Finance Los Angeles, California GEORGE L. SMITH B.S., Economics Tabb, Virginia TERRY 0. SMITH B.S., Industrial Management Patterson, Georgia

ROBERT A. STOBIE B.S., Management Charlottesville, Virginia RALPH EDWARD SUTTON B.S., Accounting Fredericksburg, Virginia DAVE S. TAMBELLINI B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CLASS OF 1967 KIRBY JOE TAYLOR B.S., Industrial Management Peachland, North Carolina

MICHAEL WAYNE TAYLOR B.S., Industrial Management Emporia, Virginia


DAVID WILLIA M TULL B.S., Econom ics and Finance Richmo nd, Virginia BENJA MIN P. VINCENT, JR. B.S., Industr ial Manage ment West Point, Virginia

ROBERT LARRY WESTON B.S., Finance Richmo nd, Virginia

JACK LEONARD WAGNER B.S., Market ing Richmo nd, Virginia BRUCE ELLIOT T WELCH B.S., Econom ics Richmo nd, Virginia

GREGORY PAUL WILLIA MSON B.S., Industr ial Manag ement Hampto n, Virginia



WAYNE FRANK LIN WRENN B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Richmo nd, Virginia


LAWRENCE MICHA EL ZUNICH B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Portage, Pennsy lvania

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Left to right: Charles Foley, Ken Lombart, Fred Combs, Don Henderson, Dwight Payne, Frank Foley.


FRED COMBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President FRANK FOLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President DON HENDERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary KEN LOM BART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer CHARLES FOLEY and DWIGHT PAYNE ........................ .. Senators


Bruce Abbott John Arthur Eric Ball Stephen Bloom

Arthur Bowler Wayne Breeden Dick Bricker Terry Burgess

Alvis Clement Ray Collins Fred Combs Beverly Cook

Robert Cook Richard Crossen James Croxton Peter Day Sidney Derise Richard Dolan

Allen Donley Gary Ewell Charles Foley Frank Foley Wayne Freedlander Michael Gearheart

Ronald Goff Eldridge Hamm William Hargette James Harris Gregory Haycock Don Henderson

Earl Holloway Donald Holyfield William Hughes William James Thomas Johnson Barry Jones


Albert Lauher William Litton Kenneth Lombart William McCarty

James McKenna Frank Mallinson Lars Messler Larry Metcalfe

Charles Moltz Robert Mullen James Murphey Jerry Newton

Danny Payne Thomas Payne Peter Pruden Herbert Savage

David Scott Richard Seal Robert Stinchcum Marcia Swift


Rawleigh Taylor J. Thoman Philip Tibbs Mial Tidy

Robert Walker Mark Weinstein Michael Weiss William Wender

John West William White Judith Woodall


F. BRUCE BACH Richmond, Virginia




ROBERT W. CARTER Richmond, Virginia

DEAN PETER COLLIAS Norfolk, Virginia JOHN CAMPBELL COWAN Fredericksburg, Virginia




BILLY KENNETH CRUEY Cedar Bluff, Virginia


EDWARD OLEN CULLER Richmond, Virginia JOHN MASTON DAVIS Sharps, Virginia WILLIAM GRAVELY DAVIS Richmond, Virginia

JOHN EDWARD DODSON Richmond, Virginia FRANCIS MARION FENDERSON, JR. Richmond, Virginia JOHN ALLEN FOX Richmond, Virginia


CHARLES HAROLD GARDNER, JR. Richmond, Virginia ANDREW DAVIS GLEASON Johnstown, Pennsylvania

ROBERT FRANCIS HALEY, II Portsmouth, Virginia DAVIS GROVE HEATWOLE Harrisonburg, Virginia





JR. Chesapeake, Virginia


ANTHONY F. LIST Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania BURNETT MILLER Richmond, Virginia LOWRY J. MILLER Richmond, Virginia

JAMES F. MORANO, JR. Richmond, Virginia DAVID WILLIAM MULLEN .Cincinnati, Ohio PHILIP H. MYERS Richmond, Virginia


ROBERT GILDEA O'HARA, JR. Richmond, Virginia

JOHN BERNARD PALOCHAK Aliquippa, Pennsylvania




ROBERT ARNOLD PUSTILN IK Richmon d, Virginia HUNTER MARTIN ROBERTSON Hopewel l, Virginia JOHN GEORGE ROCOVICH, JR. Blacksbu rg, Virginia

BETTY A. RUDLIN Richmon d, Virginia MARVIN GRAYSON SANDY, JR. Richmon d, Virginia VERNON EARL STANLEY, JR. Emporia, Virginia



Richmond , Virginia DEAN WORLEY SWORD , JR.

Richmond, Virginia


Richmond, Virginia


Richmond, Virginia WILLIAM ORVIN TUNE, JR.

Chatham , Virginia


Fredericksburg, Virginia



Richmond, Virginia


Richmond, Virginia


William Binford John Boswell Duncan Byrd James Cales William Call

John Causey Chris Christie Carolyn Collins Charles Cranwel I Thomas Dickinson

William Douglass William Dudley Edwin Gillenwater George Glass Donald Glenn

James Green Robert Gutterman William Hanes Gordon Harry Robert Hawkes






Tazwell Hubard

Lewis Humphrey Reginald Jones John King

Richard Levin Theodore Markow Howard Marley

Byron Parker James Patterson Jon Poulson

Charles Samuels William Slate Eugene Street

John Summs William Thomas Randolph Trow



Doug las Adams

Joseph Aronica George Bagwell James Bell Revel Belote David Bergren

Emanuel Bertin Dougald Blue Harry Boertzel Jefferson Boyd Larry Browning

Theodore Burr Robert Clark Claude Compton John Crews Gerald Daltan

Robert Deaton Roger Demik Wilburn Dibling Robert Dinsmore Lau re nee Evans


l John Farrell Albert Fary Walter Felton

William Gore William Griffin Edward Grove

Charles Hartz Thomas Hodges James Jarrell

Russell Jordan James Kinlaw Michael Kirby

Dennis Lacy Andrew Lucas Philip Marstiller Nathan Miller Marcus Minton Carroll Mustian

Joseph Newton James O'Brien Ronald Plotkin Edward Pontifex Robert Ripley Alfred Schmitt

Stuart Simon Robert Stahl Murray Van Lear David Walker James Wilhoit William Williams



Frances Adams Charles Allen John Anderson Cora Arnall Ty Aron Heather Arvin

"''i ~~r

Camilla Beck Kahl Berkie Robert Binns Dennis Bolden Linda Bonn Richard Bowles

John Briel Thomas Briggs Richard Brinser Daliane Brown Randy Cash Claude Carmack

David Chaffins Woody Childs Frank Cosby Morris Cramer Robert Crawford James Crenshaw

Stephen Crute George Connor John Cotpening Samue_I Dalton Herbert Daniel Darryl Deane

James Dowdy Bonnie Dukes Andrea Dunn Thomas Eggleston William French Caroline Gayle


'.;:<' ,,.

"' "

WfM'd:'<vI ©©

James Geer

Thomas Graham Michael Gross William Guin James Hawkes

Jay Herren Phi I Hoffman Richard Hubbard Richard Hulcher

Ray Hummel Harry Johnson Howard Jones Thomas Jordan

Sue Kessler Robert Kostenbauder Charles Mau rice Welford Maxie

Joseph Meyer Allen McGehee Thomas McKittrick Robert Moore


James Morano Richard Morton Janet Parham Leo Ransone

Andrew Redford James Robertson William Robertson Pat Robson

Franklin Rockwell Nancy Rogers George Seitzinger Paul Scott

David Sheppard James Sheppard Ronald Shepherd Alwyn Smith

Steven Solomon Tricia Somma John Southall Sidney Sperberg

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SOPHOMORES Edward Swift Larry Talbott Eric Titcomb George Tomlinson Walter Wallace Paul Wasserman

William Weisiger George Williams Sharon Williams Robert Yancey David Yonce Stephen Yonce


Beverly Adams Donald Ailsworth Robert Aston

Elizabeth Ayscue Rick Baldacci Lester Bal lard

Janet Barrack Paulette Blackwell Philip Blankenship

Larry Blanks Richard Blue Peter Blunt

Manfred Bohm Larry Bond Frank Bracken

Michael Bradstock Barbara Brennan Kenneth Broaddus

Richard Broughton Leland Brown William Bryant

Henry Burch Charles Byrum Raymond Cahen



Michael Cassidy Allen Gleaton Connie Clue Alexander Cofer Chris Coffin Henry Cook

Patricia Cosby Frank Cox Doyle Daniel Lawrence Davis Frank DeGaetanl Peggy Depcrynski

Andrew Dickerson Wayne Dillard Robert Doane John Dooley Thomas Draney Donald Earley

Donald Eason Louis Essid Ted Evans William Everhart Robert Fox Melody Gallagher

Steve Ganzert Charles Gordon William Grigg William Grinnan James Gurney Dianne Hall

Stuart Harlow Roger Harper Charlene Harris Lewis Harris Ronald Harris Bruce Harvell



Darlene Jensen Robert Johnston Clarke Jones

Nicholas Kalafatis Edward Katz Alphonso Kent

David Hastings Robert Hausenfluck

Robert Kent Patricia King Marcus Kiriakow

William Herbert John Herbig

Howard Lewis William Linville Patricia Lucy

Robert Hoffman Wayne Hollister

Franklin Massey Terry Moncure Richard Murphy Frank Owen Carl Parrish

... .·

. .



't :x

William Perkins Mildred Perry Pamela Phillips John Porter Linda Pride






Steve Praff itt Cary Ralston Edward Ralston John Rambo Hunter Rothwell


Beverly Rowe James Rowe Robert Rowe Harry Sadler John Saunders

John Scheel Charles Schepker Virginia Schloemer William Scott Stephen Simpson

Forrest Smith Harry Smith Carr Stogner Guy Tayl-or Samuel Thompson \



Norris Townsend Melvin Towsey

Jo Ann Trobaugh Thomas Veazey

Pete Walker Spencer Warren

Edith Weber Allan Wenckus Cynthia Whitaker

James White Stephen White Danny Wilkerson

Margaret Wilkinson Michael Williams Patrick Williams

Sandra Wright



. : .;;;j/


PHI BETA KAPPA National Honorary Scholarship Fraternity


Professor Marion J. Stokes ................ President Dr. William B. Guthrie ............... Vice-President Dr. Clarence J. Gray .............. . ..... Secretary Professor Pauline Turnbull .............. Treasurer

FACULTY MEMBERS H. Pearce Atkins Lewis F. Ball Mary D. Beaty Catherine Bel I Thomas S. Berry Irby B. Brown John S. Catlin Randolph C. Cox, Jr. Albert C. Dawson Marianne Beck Duty Frank E. Eakin, Jr. Richard B. Eaton, Jr. Robert J. Filer Mary Louise Grayson Foy Clarence J. Gray E. Wadsworth Gregory, Jr. Frances W. Gregory Garland 0. Gunter William 8. Guthrie Woodford 8. Hackley Benjamin C. Holtzclaw Robison B. James Francis B. Key Robert A. MacDonald


Kathleen Luise Anderson Robert Nelson Baldwin Stanley Harold Becker Patricia Joan Brown Roger Neill Carey Mary Ann James Christian Georgia Lynn Clarke Paula Ann Collier William Edgar Cooper, Jr. James Robert Cox, Jr. Nancy Inez Cox Elizabeth Ann Dillard Barbara Overton Evans Sandra Jean Fairfield Raymond Eugene Grant Leonard Jay Greenspoon Louis Gresham Hammack Lois Rita Helmbold Rosalind Rosenbleeth Jackson Jerry Perkinson Jones Joyce Ann Jones Jacqueline Sue Lassiter Joan Grace Odland Leycester Owens, Jr. William Carter Peters Joan Marshal I Schools David Charles Stromswold Robert Scott Tyler Nancy Beatrice Ussery

Ralph C. McDanel George M. Modlin Helen A. Monsell William T. Muse Richard L. Patten James W. Payne, Jr. F. Elaine Penninger Edward C. Peple W. Allen Powell 0. William Rhodenhiser Johanna Ridgeway John R. Ail ling Joseph C. Robert Marguerite Roberts N. Wilford Skinner Billy W. Sloope Robert F. Smart Marion J. Stokes Herman P. Thomas J. Josephine Tucker Pauline Turnbull Thomas B. Vassar, II Irving H. White Ellsworth Wiltshire



F. Bruce Bach Robert N. Baldwin A. E. Bradley Richard C. Bricker, Jr. William F. Burnside M. Caldwell Butler James Robert Cox E. Olen Culler Rawley Fleet Daniel Maynard Wayne Delozier Walter Sheppard Felton, Jr. Fitzhugh L. Godwin, Jr. Leonard J . .Greenspoon William H. Gunther Phi I i p R. Ha rt James M. Hooker, II Howard Smith Marley John 8. McGinty Burnett Miller William T. Muse Richard L. Payne Henry R. Pollard, IV Charles E. Poston Robert A. Pustilnik Daniel E. Rodgers George Levin Smith, Jr. William 0. Tune, Jr. William J. Viglione Archer Lafayette Yeatts., 111

OFFICERS Michael Stephen Ferguson ................ President Sandy Thomas Tucker .............. Vice-President William E. Baker ............... Secretary-Treasurer


OFFICERS Pau I E. Adams .......................... President Bruce Elliott Welch .................. Vice President Clarence M. England .................... Secretary William N. Sasher ....................... Treasurer Ted Andrews ............................. Advisor

Clifford H. Altschull John W. Andrews Wilbur B. Boyer, Jr. Benjamin C. Brugh Ernest Robinson Campe Frederic A. Clark, Jr. W. Wayne Delozier Michael S. Ferguson Thomas Nelson Flippo John Edward Hamilton, Jr.

Raymond L. Hayanie Kenneth M. Joyner Taylor G. King Michael J. Koziski Kenneth L. Krim R. Thomas Leviner Lewis M. Markwith E. Sherwood Marshall Karl Casto Mearns, Jr. Charles Edward Moltz, 111


Michael Moyer Richard C. Paulette, Jr. Herbert S. Rice, Jr. John N. Rose David J. Scott George Levin Smith, Jr. Kirby Joe Taylor Jack Leonard Wagner Robert L. Weston William Price Wood, Ill

OFFICERS Nancy Jane Sharp ............ ........... President Ellen Suzanne Ivey ............ ...... Vice-Presiden t Betty Webb Newman ........ . ............ Secretary Nola Lee Rice ............ ............ .. Treasurer Georgia Lynn Clarke ............. .. Quarterly Editor Lois Rita Helmbold ............ ........ ·... Historian


Carol Ann Seymour Ann Myrnell Spivey Beryl Myra Whitten Martha Anne Wholey HONORARY MEMBERS Miss Catherine Bell Miss Fanny G. Crenshaw Miss Frances Gregory Miss Pauline Turnbull Miss Jean G. Wright ALUMNA MEMBER-19 66 Miss J. Josephine Tucker

Diane Chisholm Behrens Patricia Joan Brown Barbara Veno Caldwell Jean Marie Clodfelter Carolyn Bryan Edmunds Betty Lynn Hoffman Barbara Lee Johnson Jaqueline Sue Lassiter Joan Grace Odland Alice Lindsey Peters Pamela Anne Rahn Jean Annette Scott


SCABBARD AND BLADE National Military Society

William Axselle F. Bruce Bach Dean P. Collias E. Olen Culler William B. Douglas Robert Gutterman Howard S. Marley Patrick M. Mcsweeney Burnett Miller David W. Mullen Charles J. Rosenberger Grayson M. Sandy, Jr. R. Carter Scott Eugene K. Street William 0. Tune, Jr.

OFFICERS Gary M. Lee ............ ............ ..... Captain Raymond E. Grant ............ .... First Lieutenant Robert N. Baldwin ............ ... Second Lieutenant John W. Milford ............ ......... . First Sergeant Major John L. Squires ............ ......... . Advisor

Donald R. Alley John W. Andrews John W. Ball Orren Beaty, Ill Charles W. Beville, Jr. Arthur J. Bowler, Jr. John C. Burkhalter Russell V. Conrad, Jr. Richard W. Crosser, Jr. Alfred E. Dooley Alan D. Drayer Milton G. Early Fitzhugh L. Godwin, Jr. James T. Green Paul 0. Hagenmueller John E. Hamilton Ronnie G. Hughes Peter G. Kucera Lindsay R. Kyser James W. Marilla, Jr. Louis M. Markwith Daniel M. McCormack Richard B. Nichols Ken G. Oberg, Jr. Henry T. Pohlman Charles E. Posten Edward J. Puryear, II Herbert M. Savage Glen R. Siegal Thomas J. Smith Howard P. Smith David L. Szumowski


OFFICERS William F. Burnside ............ ........ Chancellor Robert Pustilnik ............ ........ Vice-Chancell or Archer Yeatts .......... Chancellor of the Exchequer



Randolph Wilkerson Baird Dr. Thomas S. Berry Frank Overton Brooks, Jr. Beverly Kay Cook Maynard Wayne Delozier Dr. David C. Ekey Thomas Nelson Flippo Kenneth Mackenzie Gassman, Jr. Franklin Charles Heim Dr. Clarence R. Jung, Jr. Taylor Gregory King Michael John Koziski Karl Casto Mearns, Jr. Dr. George M. Modlin Charles Edward Moltz, 111 Richard Carringto n Paulette, Jr. Joseph Robert Reisinger Walter George Schnee, 111 Dr. Martin L. Schotzbe rger Dr. Robert F. Smart George Levin Smith Dr. John B. Stewart John Allen Swiger Kirby Joe Taylor Dr. Charles H. Wheeler, 111

National Honorary Fraternity in Business Administr ation


Dr. W. David Robbins ........ ........ ... President Dr. Herman P. Thomas ... .. ........ Vice-Pres ident Dr. Patrick s~ Kemp ......... . . Secretary -Treasure r


M. Wayne Delozier .. .. . . . . . . . ... .. .... . President Franklin 0. Brooks . .. .. ... .. ... .. . . Vice-Pres ident George L. Smith, Jr. . .... ... .. . . ...... .. Secretary Randolph W. Baird . .... ... .... . ........ Treasurer Dr. Herman P. Thomas .. .. . .. . . . . . . ... .... Advisor Mr. Russell G. Warren .... . ... . . . ..... . . . . Advisor Paul E. Adams Maureen Kathryn Cooksey Amy H. Dalton Thomas Nelson Flippo Michael L. Howell Dr. Clarence R. Jung, Jr. Taylor G. King William M. King George T. Mallis Donald R. Mathis Karl C. Mearns, Jr. Kirby Joe Taylor David W. Tull Bruce E. Welch Thomas D. Windsor



SIGMA Pl SIGMA Nationa l Honora ry Physics Fratern ity

OFFICERS Carlton L. Raglan d ...... ...... ...... ..... Preside nt David C. Stroms wold ...... Vice Preside nt, Treasu rer William C. Peters ...... ...... ...... ...... Secreta ry

Raymo nd E. Grant Edward V. Mason Ken G. Oberg, Jr.

GAMMA SIGMA EPSILON Nationa l Honora ry Chemis try Fratern ity Ocie T. Adams, Jr. Stanley H. Becker Barry J. 81uefeld Barbar a V. Cal dwell Elizabe th Kimbro ugh Cross Shelbe C. Dickers on Rufus R. Duffer Frankli n L. Freda William 8. Gallaha n C. Richard Howe Jerry Jones Edward V. Mason Jo Raoul Morin, Jr. Thoma s W. Neal, Jr. Joan G. Odland John E. Owens Phoebe Penzold Lois F. Septon Curtis W. Thorpe Nancy B. Ussery Charles C. Wright E. M. Wright, Jr.

OFFICERS Richard 8. Dickins on, Jr...... ...... Grand Alchem ist R. Ne i I Cary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visor Suzann e Wal Is ...... ...... ...... ...... .. Record er Thoma s E. Patteson, 111 ....... ..... Sergea nt-at-A rms William S. Ryan, Jr..... Keeper of the Capture d Meson Dr. William A. Powell ...... ...... ...... ... Sponso r


Pl DELTA EPSILON National Honorary Journal ism Fraternity Juliet N. Allen Leonard Bahr J. Stephen Bauserma n Jacquelyn Christian Paula Collier Walter Dorman Patricia Edgerton Carolyn Edmunds James Forbes Mark Green William M. Hall, Jr. Horton H. Hobbs Rosalind R. Jackson Joyce Ann Jones Jules J. Loos Jon Allen Lucy Marshall Flemming Mallory James Martin George E. May, Jr. Roger Hening Meacham Christa Merz Louis Pastore Barry E. Schaffer Robert Shevette William Slate Richard Smith William Ernest Steinmetz James Turner Stephan Valk Betsy Wilson

OFFICERS Karolyn Lee McKimme y ........ ........ .. President Judith Ann Bailey ........ ........ .... Vice President Kenneth MacKenz ie Gassman, Jr........ .. Secretary

Frederic Arthur Clark, Jr. Russell Vernon Conrad, Jr. Elizabeth Ann Dillard Mills Carlyle Edwards, Jr. Leonard Jay Greenspo on Ruth Ann Hood Barbara Lee Johnson Ellen Burton Shuler

BETA BETA BETA National Honorary Biology Fraternity

OFFICERS Craig Satterlee ......... ...... . . . .. . ..... President Ronald Campbell ........ ........ .... Vice-Pres ident Anne Patricia Shands ......... ...... . .... Secretary Barbara J. Jones .. . ........ ........ ..... Treasurer Sandra Fairfield ... . . . ..... . ........ . . . .. Historian


AREOPAGUS Honora ry English Society


Edgar Butler Hatrick , 111 ...... ...... ...... Preside nt John Beatty McGint y ...... ...... .... Vice-Pr esident Louis Gresham Hamma ck ...... Secreta ry, Treasu rer

Jan G. Linn Emory Virgil Maiden Willard Liston Rudd Sandy Thomas Tucker

SIGMA TAU DELTA National Honora ry English Fratern ity

Rebecca Jane Allgood Linda Anne Ball Patricia Joan Brown Georgi a Lynn Clarke Patricia Gayle Coghill Elizabeth Ann Dillard Dianna Rae Dix Mary Coleman Gearing Ellen Suzanne Ivey Nancy Jane Sharp Robbie Ann Shreve Patricia Ann Temple

Faculty Marian ne B. Duty Carolin e S. Lutz F. Elaine Pennin ger Margue rite Roberts Margar et Ross Edna L. Steeves J. Joseph ine Tucker Irving H. White


Betty Webb Newman ...... ...... ...... ... Preside nt Pamela Elaine Buss ...... ...... ..... Vice-Pr esident Patricia Adams Diggs ....... .... Secreta ry-Trea surer Carolyn Bennett Whatley ...... ...... ...... Historia n Dr. Margue rite Roberts ...... ...... ...... .. Sponso r


OFFICERS Allen Hundley ........................ ... President Joan Schools ....................... Vice-President Pat Brown ........................ ...... Secretary Betty Newman ................ . ......... Treasurer Jean Clodfelter ........................ .. Historian Dr. Edward F. Overton ............ . ...... Counselor

KAPPA DELTA Pl Fred Antone IIi Howard Dougherty Virginia Griffin Barbara L. Johnson Patricia Ku rsch Janet Overstreet N. Willford Skinner William Slate Lawanda Watts Carolyn Whatley

National Honorary Education Fraternity

Faculty Dr. Spencer D. Allbright, Jr. Miss Suzanne Kidd Dr. Clarence Monk Miss Helen Louise Smith Miss Marie Spangler

PHI ALPHA THETA National Honorary History Fraternity

Kathleen Luise Anderson Claudia Fay Bell Patricia Charlene Cal I is Charlotte Angier Colburn James Robert Cox, Jr. Jessica Collins Fenimore Nancy Lou Hicks Ellen Suzanne Ivey Jacque! ine Sue Lassiter Paul Joseph Manchey Jo Ann Martin Lois Adele Robinson Sugene Michael Sanchez-Saavedra Jean Annette Scott Joan Marshall Schools Elizabeth Goodwyn Welsh W. Carter Younger

OFFICERS Barbara Overton Evans ..... . ............ President Lois Rita Hel mbold . . .......... . ..... Vice-President Allen Burch Hundley . ....... . ..... . .... . Secretary Dr. R. Barry Westin ..... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . Treasurer


ALPHA PSI OMEGA National Honorary Dramatics Fraternity


OFFICERS Raymond L. Clarke ....................... President Mills E. Edwards, Jr.................. Vice-President Mary G. Atkins ........................ ... Secretary Ronald A. Snell .................. Business Manager Mr. Alton Williams ........................ . Advisor

National Honorary Political Science Fraternity

Robert M. Dills Haney S. Fayed William H. Lockey, Jr. Marvin D. Miller Thomas W. Neal, Jr. Mary Beth Sheldon Gene R. Snow

OFFICERS Paul J. Manchey, Jr ....................... President Allen Hundley ....................... Vice-President Dr. Spencer Albright ............ Secretary-Treasurer

Barry S. Comess John J. Curley, II Fitzhugh L. Godwin, Jr. William H. Gunther Ronald Lee May Marvin D. Miller Morton Miller Lane Nelson Ronald Odum R. Allan Saville Michaeux Wilkinson W. Carter Younger


Pl MU EPSILON National Honorary Mathematics Fraternity


OFFICERS Martha Anne Wholey ............ ......... President Beverly Irving Noble ............ .... Vice-Presiden t Mary Stuart Land ............ ............ Secretary Raymond E. Grant ............ .......... Treasurer

David Joseph Brobst Margaret Ann Byrn Rodney Carl Camden Wesley Sherrod Carver Nancy Inez Cox Benjamin Franklin Ill Virginia Sandra Griffin Glen Albert Hatcher Jerry Perkinson Jones James Benjamin Marshall, Jr. Edward Valentine Mason Ken George Oberg Joan Grace Odland William Carter Peters Carlton Lee Rag Iand Evelyn Carter Richards David Lindley Riley Carol Ann Seymour Patricia Maye Shaw Ann Myrnell Spivey David Charles Stromswold Astra Jean Swingle Nancy Beatrice Ussery Evelyn Ann Werth Edgar Martin Wright, Jr.



. I \




IFC. First row, left to right: Cliff Altschull , Greg Haycock , Bill Slate, Richard Sinclair, John McCormick, Dr. R. C. Westin. Second row, sitting: Chuck Wyckoff, Rick Carter, Steve Bauserman, Dave Whitehead, Marshal Butler, Carmine Ruffa, Bill White. Standing : Bruce Kushner, Pete Shaw, Allen Mellen, Dave Drayer, Jim Dillinger, John Milford, Ned Haines, Fred Clark.


IFC OFFICERS. Lett to right : Fred Clark (Chairman, IFC Court), Ned Haines (Secretary, IFC Court) , Richard Sinc lair (President, IFC), John McC ormi ck(T reas urer, IFC), Dr. R. B. Westin (Secretary, IFC).

IFC COURT. Lett to right : Fred Clark, Carmine Ruffa, Cliff Altsc hull, Bill Slate, Steve Bauserman, Rick Carter, Dave Drayer, Ned Haines, Bruc e Kushner, Marshal Butler, John McCorm ick, Richard Sinclair.

Frank Atkins E. L. Bealer

R. L. Henderson John Hightower

D. W. Bell A. W. Browde r

R. T. Hite R. A. Hunt

R. K. Brower G. T. Brydon

Donald Jordan G. Katsarelis

C. B. Carson Spencer Crowder

W. M. King L. E. Lambert

D. G. Gueny J. A. Daniels

Richard E. Carter Preside nt

J. F. Drake Ray H. Ellen Charles Gilbert

Robert Gorrell F. M. Gum w. J. Hagerdon

S. Hale John Harlow J. E. Harris


KAPPA ALPHA Miss Linda Lee Wright Kappa Alpha Rose

Russell Leonard R. B. Long R. G. McDonald M. L. Mahaney J. W. Paul, Jr.

J. E. Reville R. Rowland Charles Ryan J. E. Slagle H. P. Smith

G. Youravich Gilbert G. Via B. E. Welch L. Wilkinson C. E. Wyckoff


John Arthur John T. Blunt

A. C. Bunnell F. W. Childrey

Wayne Coleman D. E. Colson

Glen A. Hatcher President ,

J. J. Curley P. M. Day

M. V. Francisco R. S. Frick Glen Isaacs W. A. James G. M. Johnson William Jones

P. G. Kucera W. F. Leake M. M. Matthews W. A. McCarty J. B. McGinty John Milford

M. H. S. W. R. P.

Monahan E. Morris A. Napier W. Osborne M. Poole D. Pruden

M. Shotzberger J. W. Snead S. R. Stahl J. E. Sutherland D. Tambellini M. R. Tidy


A. Vaughan R. K. Walter J. C. Wilson

Mrs. Robin Hatcher Sponsor



M. J. Franger F. L. Freda

G. Gabbard John Griswald


J. S. Gulick J. T. Hagy

J. E. Hamilton W. S. Hargette Richard Adams W. Alexander B. E. Allred

Gerard Kaiser Leslie Anderson 0. Beaty W. B. Boyer, Jr.

J. S. Brent R. D. Cook, Jr. D. M. Coombe

W. F. Creath, Jr. A. D. Davis R. B. Dickinson

A. E. Dooley, Jr. Warren Edwards W. P. Fernald

Frederick A. Clark, Jr. President


M. H. J. C. G. T. Louis S. H. K. C.

Lake Loving Mallis Markwith Marley Mearns

C. E. Melton L. 0. Messler L. D. Metcalfe E. M. Miller, Jr. C. M. Moltz A. E. Neale

Mark Neale J. E. Owens M. L. Pardue Larry Parker G. E. Parr D. M. Payne

L. W. Pierce J. R. Pritchard H. L. Reavis B. W. Reed Richard Reid John Robbins

W. T. Roberts J. R. Rowland W. R. Saum Herbert Savage R. G. Seal Louis Sensabaugh

P. N. Shelley G. L. Smith F. D. Smith, Jr.

J . C. Stanley R. W. Stephenson T. A. Talley, 111

S. D. Tilley W. F. White G. C. Wilkinson

Miss Alice C. Rennie Sponsor


M. E. Balsbaugh F. T. Bisterfeld A. J. Bowler, Jr.

D. L. Brooks R. W. Crossen, Jr. Terry Crum


J. W. Davis Dawson H. Milton Early


R. E. Easterling Donald Everett W. L. Faris

R. B. Harper D. W. Heilman

Curtis Gilbert Gerald Greenway P. Hagemueller

Charles Hopper J. Hutcherson

James Hyams C. W. Jennings

C. H. LeFoe L. A. Lenhart

T. K. Mann R. W. Morris, Jr.

A. David Drayer Presiden t


J. M. O'Bannon L. C. Powers

H. J. Sames C. Shaughnessy

T. A. Snellings Edwin Sobey

Miss Judy Morang Sweetheart

M. A. Soukup J. B. Spencer

L. Troemmler G. L. White James Spitler B. D. Taylor

W. R. Whitworth W. C. Younger


Fred Combs W. D. Crockett

R. E. Dolan T. W. Finchem


W. E. Ford R. J. Garnett

K. S. Greenway F. T. Hardy, Jr.

J. A. Jacobs P. E. Jones

D. Kazmerowski C. B. Altizer L. C. Barber Edward Belknap

J. E. Bloodsworth John Bradshaw R. L. Brinkley

R. D. Brock Stanley Brock D. R. Broughton


J. E. Leo J. A. Lucy W. T. Mccann, Jr.

J. B. McKenna, Jr. John Moates R. J. Moody


Miss Nancy Jacques Sponsor

W. R. O'Brien P. A. Parker J. P. Phillips

A. P. Renaldi H. W. Roberts, Jr. Garnett Ryland

George Sadler R. A. Saville R. M. Saxby

R. T. Skinner A. F. Slocum J. H. Spencer

J. D. Terry, Jr. V. S. Tiller R. S. Ukrop

W. J. Viglione G. Williamson W. R. Worth, Jr.

John G. McCormick President



R. A. Andrews C. W. Bennett D. B. Browe

C. L. Bugg J. D. Casper V. E. Collins

G. S. Converse J. R. Croxton William Downing


Carmine Ruffa President


Miss Janie Carden Sponso r


J. J. Eller M. S. Ferguson F. H. Frye William Fox A. R. Guthrie, Jr. J. L. Hudgin s

J. W. Kirk R. T. Kirk W. B. Litton J. B. Lowery, Jr. E. J. Morgan, Jr. B. Saunders, Jr.

B. Y. Schultz S. C. Scott K. R. Sinclai r John Soders trom D. M. Szumowski J. W. Thweatt

R. G. Vinson G. D. Varoutsos J. A. Walsh A. R. Watts D. T. Zava Lawren ce Zunich


T. L. Barney S. H. Becker J. S. Berger

C. W. Berson Stephen Bloom B. Bluefeld

S. G. Bookbinder J. A. Cohen A. C. Eisenberg

S. M. Fifer Jay Feldman M. E. Flax

W. Freedlander H. A. Goodman R. Gottlieb



L. Greenspoon B. H. Janney L. E. Katz

B. T. Kutner D. G. Levitin K. Lombart

Miss Debby Harab . Sweetheart

E. S. Long man Stanley Lubin D. J. Marcus

M. D. Miller J. Mirmelstein A. J. Mallen

H. S. Rice H. R. Rosenthal R. F. Sanders

I. R. Schiff D. M. Schwartz W. B. Shapiro

S. Z. Sidman Howard Smith S. M. Somers

A. H. Straus M. G. Weinstein M. Weiss

Clifford H. Altschull President


Ralph E. Haines, Ill President

Mrs. Peggy Bercaw Haines Sponsor

F. A. Appel F. 0. W. F. E. H. P. D. C. A.

Brooks Cale, Ill Coleman Cox Easley

K. W. Fisher N. B. Fleming D. B. Gregory E. W. Goshorn J. D. Hall W. G. Harris

W. R. Hart F. H. Hurst T. P. Johnson J. G. Kincheloe F. W. Kirby D. A. Lahy

William Lee S. A. Leishear A. G. Lewis H. E. Mc Au iffe H. C. Manry T. L. Matochlk


D. W. May B. L. Motley, Jr. James Mullins K. G. Oberg Robert Partrea T. E. Patterson

R. L. Payne K. R. Pennell W. F. Perrine A. L. Philpott L. A. Potts J. W. Pulley, Ill

V. W. Robertson C. L. Saul, Jr. Jack Scott

D. B. Shepherd N. W. Smith J. H. Snead

S. M. Statham s. T. Swallow S. S. Taliaferr o

R. W. D. Taylor Jerry Turner W. L. Turner

G. M. Van Doren R. E. Weather holtz W. M. Wender

D. J. Wilson E. M. Wright C. R. Wright



Craig Allen R. C. Bode E. D. Colvin J. S. Cook C. L. Drake M. R. Epps

C. F. R. T. H. W.

B. S. C. G. L. B.

Foley Foley Goodwin Hill Hinton, Jr. Hofheimer

E. T. Holloway J. P. Howell J. G. Jordan R. C. Kinsey T. R. Lehe, Jr. T. W. Lukens

E. E. Mullins Rollin Myers T. A. Payne



Mrs. Charles M. Elliott Sweetheart

J. N. Ranson W. H. Ronemus

Walter Schnee T. L. Skeen

J. 0. Smith, Jr. R. T. Stinchcum

B. A. Whitmire, Jr. Terry Withers

Paul V. Zehfuss

Harold W. Burgess




William H. Slate President

Anderson C. P. Barrett

W. R. Carter, Jr. D. S. Chester

R. H. Barton J. D. Baxter

M. J. Cody, Jr. C. W. Curtis

B. R. Bowling A. Brumback

G. L. Denton A. F. Fanhanel

W. R. Bull J. D. Butler

F. R. Fleischman J. S. Griles

C. L. Caldwell W. C. Carbone

W. H. Gunther M. R. Harper


Gregory Haycock Thomas James D. J. Kalassay

L. R. Kyser D. D. Lowery James Marilla

S. C. McCarthy D. S. Meacham Robert Miller

W. H. Money Henry Moran R. L. Musick

E. F. Parks R. D. Phillips Carl Schone

D. K. Schmidt C. L. Smith, Jr. K. L. Tinkham

Mrs. Mati Miller Sponsor




John S. Bauser man Preside nt

R. M. Berry C. R. Bock S. M. Bowma n P. K. Brady, Jr. R. H. Callis R. T. Collins

J. T. R. P. J. W. J. H.

Darden Dauste r Dolan Doran J. S. Flocken J. E. Founta in

D. D.

Frazer W. B. Gallaha n M. H. Gearhe art Paul Gerom etta W. J. Grandj ean P. L. Harris, Jr.

J. N. Heflebo wer D. B. Hender son R. C. Hockm an J. S. Hubbar d M. L. Jones R. D. Jones


J. B. Kegan L. E. Livesay J. H. Loughrie F. Mallinson

S. L. Mowbray F. P. Norfleet S. M. Norfleet Dennis Null

P. E. Pope Joseph Powel I J. Pretlow, Jr. H. A. Richeson

L. W. Riddick R. S. Roberts D. B. Shaw R. P. Shivers

E. C. Thompson S. T. Tucker R. W. Turner, Jr. J. L. Wagner

G. M. G. L. David T. W.

Ward Weidig Whitehead Wood

Miss Frances Brownie Sales Sweetheart



H. B. Abbott S. Anderson R. P. Ballerson

W. E. Blandford J. Boyles G. Scott Brown


W. B. Canfield J. F. Cerza J. T. Cheney

F. Du Pont N. Flippo C. R. Geisst

C. H. Glisson C. D. Jennings W. F. Kennedy

P. W. Massman J. L. Millner D. A. Morris

R. S. Ricks M. Taylor W. P. Watkinson

M. V. Whitlow J. R. Worrell J. R. Wrenn



D. A. Greenburg R. J . Herschaft B. F. Sheftal I J. A. Svirsky J . H. Want


DELTA THETA PHI OFFICERS CHARLES M. ROSENBERGER ........ ........ Dean JOHN R. MANEY ........ ........ ...... Vice-Dean WILLIAM BINFORD ........ ........ Clerk of the Rolls JOHN P. CAUSEY ........ ........ ...... Treasurer EDWIN C. GILLENW ATER ........ ........ Tribune F. BYRON PARKER ......... ... Master of the Ritual JAMES S. GREEN ........ ........ ........ ... Bailiff

W. F. Binford J. A. Cales, Jr. J. C. Cowan R. G. Clements

J. P. Gausey, Jr. E. C. Gillenwater D. M. Glenn J. S. Green T. 0. Jones

R. E. Kowalsky C. D. Powell R. A. Pustilnik J. W. Swezey D. W. Sword, Jr.


PH I ALPHA DELTA OFFICERS ANDREW WOOD ........ ........ ........ .. Justice JOHN FOX ........ ........ ........ ... Vice-Just ice ROBERT L. GUTTERMAN ........ ........ Treasurer JAMES W. PATTERSON ........ ........ ..... Clerk ROBERT F. HALEY ........ ........ ...... Marshall ELLSWORTH WILTSHIRE ......... . Faculty Advisor J. WESTWOOD SMITHERS ......... . Alumni Advisor

Mrs. Mary Bruce Wood Sponsor

E. A. Bertin T. M. Blank C. A. Christie G. A. Christie D. P. Collias J. W. Crews

P. M. Crawling W. C. Dibling A. L. Fary, Jr. J. A. Fox G. W. Glass A. D. Gleason

W. A. Gore R. L. Gutterman R. F. Haley, II C. A. Hartz T. G. King A. J. Lucas

Burnett Miller C. A. Nelson J. W. Patterson R. M. Plotkin C. E. Samuels A. J. Schmitt

V. E. Stanley, Jr. J. W. Summs J. N. Wilhoit M. C. Willis W. A. Williams A. W. Wood A. L. Yeatts, 111



PHI DELTA PHI OFFI CE RS FRANCIS M. FENDERSON , JR. . ....... .... Magiste r HENRY R. POLLARD , IV ...... ...... .... Excheq uer PATRICK M. McSWEENEY ...... ...... ...... Clerk GRAYSON M. SANDY ...... ...... ...... .. Historia n

Mrs. Lynn L. Fenderson Sponsor

F. W. D. W. C. B.

Bruce Bach F. Burnside M. Byrd, Jr. David Call R. Cranwell K. Cruey

E. 0. Culler J. M. Davis W. G. Davis

T. M. Dickinson W. B. Douglass W. L. Dudley, Jr. F. M. Fenderson W. B. Hanes

D. G. Heatwole

T. ·r.

Hubard, Ill

L. P.


P. C. Kincheloe R. N. Levin L. J. D. C.

J. Miller F. Morano W. Mullen T. Mustian

R. G.

O'Hara, ,Jr.

J. B. Palochak J. C. Poulson

H. M. Robertson J. G. Rocovich W. K. Slate W. E. Thomas, Jr. G. A. Tyler W. M. Tuck M. M. Van Lear




t '\ .



SGA OFFICERS. Left to right: Sandy Tucker (Treasurer), Richard Sinclair (Secretary), Howard Smith (Vice President) , Bill Mccann (President), Johnny Moates (Athletic Representative), Ray Broughton (Clerk of Senate).


RICHMOND COLLEGE HONOR COUNCIL. Left to right, first row: Elwood Owens, Doug Anderson (Secretary) , Bill Gunther (Chairman) , Fitzhugh Godwin . Back row: Marshall Flax, Buster O'Brien , John McGinty, Josh Pretlow.


SENATE. Left to right: Bob Ukrop, Bob Gorrell , Ned Haines, Steve Bauserm an, Paul Hagenmu ller, Craig English , Vincent Tiller, Bob Crute, Charles Glisson, Don Casper, Richard Epps, Howard Smith (Presiden t).

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Left to right: E. M. Miller, Bob Tankard, Al Neale, John Thornton , Murray Thompso n, Steve Norfleet, Johnny Moore, Samuel Scott, Jeff Garnett, Floyd Kirby, Morty Miller, Thomas Barney, Charles Posten (clerk), Robbie Baldwin (speaker ), Marvin Miller (secretar y).

••• ,,, .•

COLLEGE COUNCIL. Left to right: Ann Heflin , Lynn Hoffman, Diane Dorsey , Dean Gehring , Mrs. Stokes, Dr. Sartain, Pat Brown, Kay Burnette , Anne Holland , Carolyn Edmunds, Nancy Sharp, Lois Helmbold , Brownie Sales , Jackie Lassiter, Jean Clodfelter, Lynn Turlington , Georgia Clarke.


HONOR COUNCIL. Left to right, seated: Cookie Hoffer Sue Deaver, Brownie Sales. Standing: Pat Brown , Mary Sue Terry , Kay Burnette , Georgia Clarke , Kerry Ward.


TOWN COUNCIL. Left to right, seated: Cookie Hoffer, Ann Caraker, Kay Burnette, Nancy Norman. Standing: Nancy Puckett, Ann Dowdy, Lois Septon, Jeannette Elgert.

SOUTH COURT RESIDENCE COUNCIL. Left to right, seated: Georgia Clarke, Kerry Ward. Standing: Martha Ann Wholey, Lynn Werth , Ann Carol Robins.

NORTH COURT RESIDENCE COUNCIL. Left to right, seated: Becky Allgood , Sue Deaver. Standing: Diane Behrens , Ann Spivey, Betty Brookes, Mary Sue Terry.



SGA OFFICERS. Lett to right: Charles Moltz (Secretary), Bruce Welch (Treasurer) , George Smith (Vice President), Michael Ferguson (President).

SENATE. Left to right: Fred Clark, Nelson Flippo, George Smith (President), Charles Foley, Dwight Payne.


HONOR COUNCIL. Left to right: Dick Bricker, J. R. Thoman, Wayne Delozier (Chairman), Frank Hurst, Dale Terry, Michael Ferguson.



IFC. Seated, left to right: Barry Kerkam (Secreta ry), George Christie (Vice-Ch airman), Ranson Etheridg e (Chairma n). Standing , left to right: Francis Fenderson, Olen Culler, Bill Tune, Andy Wood, Charles Rosenbe rger, Bruce Bach, Bob Clements.


HONOR COURT. Left to right: Bill Tune, Bob Carter, Burnett Miller, Ill (Chief Justice}, Bob Clements , Paul Kinchelo e , John Swezey, Marshall Tuck. Missing: Birch Douglas.


STUDENT BAR OFFICERS. Left to right: Jae Cales (Secretary), Olen Culler (President), Pete Stout (Vice-President), Bill Slate (Treasurer).

CIRCUIT REPRESENTATIVES. Left to right: Bill Axselle, Reggie Jones, Jack Boswell, Murray Van Lear II. Missing: George Glass , Bob Pustilnik.


SGA OFFICERS. Left to right: Rick Hubbbard (Treasurer), Bill French (President), Heather Arvin (Secretary), Paul Scott (Vice President).

HONOR COUNCIL. Left to right: Jim Chambers, Ann Ayscue, Camilla Beck (Chairman) , Joe Winfrey, Ray Hummel.


SENATE. Left to right: Chuck Gordan, Andy Redford, Whit Smith (Senate Leader), Paul Scott (Vice President), Louise McDouga ll (Secretary), Allen Gleaton, David Chaffins, Franklin Rockwel l, Bob Aston.















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Fred Clark, Associa te Editor Betsy Dillard, Editor- in-Chie f



Seated, left to right: Pat Robson, Universit y College Editor; Diane Dorsey, Organiza tions Editor; Barbara Johnson, Editorials Editor; Kathy Scott, Class Editor; Nelda Warren, Honorari es Editor; Linda Graham, Business Manager; Ken Gassman, Photogra pher. Standing : Ray Hummel, Pete Williams, Betty Jo Clark, Judy Holmes, Linda Elmore, Carol Seymour, staff members; Warren Edwards, Fraternit ies Editor; Richard Paulette, Sports Editor (not pictured) .


COL LEG IAN MAK E-UP STAFF. Seat ed, left to right : Lynn Myer, Mart ha Dorm an , Lynn e Robe rtson . Nort hen, Marq arett Stan dinq : Dale Patr ick, Vinn ie Rich ards , Joey Belc her, Hugh That cher .

REPORTERS , PHO TOG RAP HER S, CIRC ULA TION STA FF. Seat ed, l eft to right : Lois Hel mbo ld , Edee Cou rtney , Dale Patr ick, Amy Mcivor. Seco nd row : Weld on Brad shaw , Jim Willi ams , Lynn e Robe rtson , Vinn ie Rich ards , Marg arett Nort hen , Lynn Mye r, Mart ha Dorman . Third row : Sterl ing Moo re , John McG inty, Ron Brum beck , Skip Hill , Cart er Hard enbe rgh , Geo rge Ward , Hugh That cher .




C o e .---1• ~ .....-. 11



UN !\'ERS!TY OF RICHM01'D, \A . DECDIBER 2, 1966

~_I_ \ 'oL LIY. No. 11

Left to right: Carter Younge r (Busine ss Man-

ager), Steve Smith (Circula tion Manage r) .

The Unive rsity of Richm ond Collegian throug h its weekl y public ation seeks to serve the Unive rsity communit y as an effect ive organ of student opinio n and comm unica tion. Born in 1914 as a four-c olumn , four-p age paper , the Colleg ian has advan ced to a five colum n newspaper avera ging eight pages per issue.

Left to right: Meade Fergus on

(Featur e Editor), Jim Jacobs (Sports Editor), Ellen Shuler Editor), News (Westh ampton Mac Edward s (Men's Division News Editor).

Left to right: Judy Bailey (Editor-

in-Chie f) , Leonar d (Editori al Editor}.

Greens poon


Left to right: C. W. Bennett (Associate Editor), Dale Patrick (Editor-in-Chief).

The Messenger seeks to present the best of literary and artistic talent on campus. This year a greater emphasis was placed on representing the magazine as a spokesman for student opinion. Three issues were published.

Seated: Cathie Angle (Circulation Manager), Martha Dorman (Business Manager). Standing: Edward Sobey (Prose Editor), Craig English (Art Editor), Jim Bowen (Poetry Editor).

Left to right , seated: Vinnie Richards, Florence Tompkins. Standing: Lynn Frazer , John Helfrich, Ellen Shuler, Shelly Abernathy.


Robertson, Jane


Flint, John Helfrick, Lynn Myer, Bill Finch , Tony Fertitta, Jim Collie, John Crouse, Gordon Ragland , Brad Jordan.

WCRC. Left to right: George Douglas, William Furr (Chief Engineer), Bill Worrell (Product ion Manager), Wayne Leake, Allen

Promot ing interes t in campus activitie s and providing music, news, and special feature s for student s were the objectiv es of WCRC , campus voice of the Univers ity of Richmo nd , this year. Broadc asting from 2:30 p.m.-11 :00 p.m. weekda ys and 6:00 p.m.-12:00 p.m. Sunday s at a frequen cy of 600 kilocyc les , WCRC 's musica l program ming include d " rock, '' " soul ," and "good" music. The "All New" WCRC expand ed its service s this year. New transm ittors enabled the WCRC signal to reach Westha mpton College and the Richmo nd College Barrack s. Live broadc asts during the Univers ity 's Parents ' Days were part of WCRC 's increas ed coverage of campus activitie s. Also , enterta inment for several PD socials was provide d by WCRC.


CHOIR. First row, left to right: Nancy Cox, Milne Kintner, Ann Pearson, Sally Andrews, Nancy Ussery, Judy Jacobs, Mary Ann James, Betty Jean Acker, Anne Pomeroy, Vaughn Watson, Lauranne Stiff, Mary Bo Willis. Second row: Betsy Dillard, Pat Whitfield, Cheryl Bily, Betty Brookes, Colette Fields, Lynn Hoffman, Linda Mays, Margaret Cridlin, Eileen Mahoney, Jeanette Elgert, Nan Goodpaster, Edie Paulette. Third row: Melvin Little, Bill Cale, Bruce Stevens, Skip Jenkins, Thom Robertson, Bob Crute, Tim Montgomery, Rick Arnold, Buz Blue, Joe Northern. Fourth row : Bill Wilds, Frank Buhrman, Dave Robbins, Liston Rudd, John Robbins, Gene Snow, Ken Webb, George Cunningham, Stuart Statem, Richard Davis. Back: James Erb, Director.


The University Choir is composed of forty-five carefully selected voices under the able direction of Mr. James B. Erb. The Choir, which is known throughout this part of the country for its varied repertoire and outstanding performances , has presented concerts in Danville, Virginia, Washington, D. C., New Jersey, and New York City this past year. Several concerts were also given on the University of Richmond campus. Officers this year were: Mary Ann James, president; Tim Montgomery, vice president; Anne Pomeroy, secretary; Richard Davis, treasurer; John D. Robbins, property manager; Margaret Cridlin, Joe Northen, librarians; Ann Pearson, business manager.


The Univers ity of Richmo nd Men's Glee Club is compos ed of men from Richmo nd College and the School of Busine ss Admini stration . The Glee Club sings a variety of music ranging from popula r music to church music and classic al works. Each year the group has a tour to various women 's college s through out the state and often to pl aces elsewh ere on the east coast of the United States. In additio n to this tour, the club provide s music for convoc ations, concerts in the Richmo nd area at various schools , and concer ts at local church es. Last year the group travele d over 1,200 miles and perform ed in ten major concer ts.


GLEE CLUB. First row: Jackie Mays, Henry Patterson , Phil Janes, Tim Montgom ery, Don Printz, Roger Beck, Tom James , Steve Griles. Second row: Wayne Grant, Chys Morrow, Mark Russell, John Turner, Lynn Hoffman, Bill Creath, Gordy Converse , Bill Cale, Sam Perry. Third row: Charlie Hill, Bill Alexande r, Mike Saavedra , Steve Swallow, Bill Wilds, Mr. Erb, Ken Webb, Ed Boyles, Steve Ely, Thom Robertso n. Not pictured : Charlie Hopkins.

Officers this year were: Sam Perry, preside nt; Bill Wilds, vice-pr esident ; Mike Sanche z-Saav edra, secretary; Ken Webb, treasur er; Charles Hill, busines s manage r; Eddy Boyles and Bill Cale, libraria ns; Gordy Converse, propert y manag er; Lynn Hoffma n and Thom Roberts on, pianists .


The Westhampton College Glee Club is one of the oldest groups at the University, having been in existence over fifty years. Predominantly composed of non-music majors who enjoy singing and are interested in increasing their knowledge and appreciation of music, the Glee Club provides service to the University by singing at various convocations throughout the year, in addition to at least one out-of-town tau r each semester.


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Trimble, Martha Vaughan, Alice Justice, Janet Phillips, Blake, Mary Ellen Peterson, Pat Connell, Sara Busey, Graube, Vicky Miller, June Costello, Kit Spoonts, Doris Back row: Mr. Erb, Virginia Southworth, Cheryl Whitney, Joy, Bettie Shaffer, Judy, Jacobs, Robbie Ann Shreve.

GLEE CLUB. Left to right, first row: Kathy Scott, Patsy Blackard, Nancy Ball , Sallie Sparks, Kathy Flandermeyer, Betty Acker, Gail Boyd. Second row: Betty Obenshain, Lee Jacobs , Joanne Herrington , Susan Donaldson, Claire Born, Janet Sewell. Stairs: Marcia Raveling , Barbara Cahoon, Susan Williams, Beverly Cook, Marsha


Susan Carol Fultz. Donna


The University Band provides for the training and enjoyment of those instrumental musicians who express an interest. The band takes part in several joint concerts with area colleges and sends some members to participate in All State College Band at Shenandoah Conservatory in the spring.


ROTC BAND. First row: Capt. Milford (Commander), Lt. Alley (Drum Major). Second row: Capt. Talbott (Adviser), Smith, C., Sidman, Simpson, Bessent, Story. Third row: Cox, Mann, Springborn, Harris. Fourth row: Alexander, Hutcherson, Whitacre, Harper, Kirk. Fifth row: Powers, Lamberth, Bodine, Smith, T., Rice. Sixth row: Slocum, Gooding, Crouse, Rowe, Hopkins. Seventh row: Northern, Smith, A., Hughes, Lahy, Davis. Eighth row: Sgt. Fernald, Ragland, Wienckowski, Massman, Scott. Ninth row: Hughes, Stanley, Townsend, Sadler.

UNIVERSITY BAND. First row, left to right: Tom Powers, Yinger, Ann Hood, Don Lahy, Ann Goodpaster, Sherman Second row: Don Harris, Emily Davis, Michael Foster, Saxby, Bailey Ashworth, Charles Wienckowski , David Back: Henry Patterson, James Hustis, Director

Russell Grable. Ryland Butler.

The University of Richmond R.O.T.C. Band was formed in 1961 and has represented the University in the past six years at football and basketball games as well as at the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival.


PERSHING RIFLES DRILL TEAM . First row, left to right: Buckley, Nichols , Siegal , Capt. Hawthorne, Beaty. Second row: Martin, Spencer, Cash , Carmack , Early (Commander), Berger, Edwards, Howard , Profitt. Third row : Thornton , Baird , Morgan , Marsh , Grant, Burkhalter , Gundry, Casey. Fourth row: Wallace, Dalton, Robertson , Bolden , Lee , Loving , Gibson , Seitzinger, Dunham, Northern. Fifth row : Oglesby , Alexander , Brooks , Cosby , Shaughnossy, McGinty, Finch , Jordan , Cassiday , Arnold , Jr. Sixth row: Dempster, Puryear, Wi II iams.

R.O.T.C. CADET STAFF ROTC CADET STAFF. Front: Cadet Colonel L. M. Markwith. Rear, left to right: Lt. Col. J. E. Hamilton, Maj. J. T. Green, Maj. P. G. Kucera, Maj. C. W. Beville , Maj. J. W. Ball, Capt. J. B. McGinty, Capt. H. P Smith

WESLEY FOUNDATION The Wesley Foundation seeks goals to deepen and enrich the college experience of Methodist students and faculty. Through weekly meetings, weekend retreats, conferences, and workshops, Wesley affords the opportunity to witness in the campus community the mission, message, and life of the church.

WESLEY FOUNDATION. Left to right: Emmett Coche (Sponsor), Ken Gassman (Publicity Chairman), Bill Wilds (President), Susan Agee (Secretary).

MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The Ministerial Association strives to increase the spiritual growth of the student body through participation in college activities, dedication to neighborhood mission opportunities, and Christian concern for fellow students.

MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. First row, left to right: Philip Parker (Chairman Virginia Home Committee), Ken Webb (Chairman Paul Timothy Project), Jan Linn (President) , Henry Fizer (Vice-President) , Davis Smith (Social Chairman), Temple Myers (Secretary) , Melvin Little (Chorister). Second row: Chuck Barrett, Joe Northern, Roger Mellick , Wayne Frith, Dick Ferrell, Don Harris , John Millard (Athletic Chairman}, Dwight Frazier. Third row: Rick Payne , Bryan Nuckols, Wayne Coley, Joe Stanley, John Virkler , Bill Cale , Sidney Rodriguez.

BAPTIST STUDENT UNION The succes s of the Baptist Studen t Union lies in its need to meet the needs of studen ts through a wide range of activitie s. There is practic al experie nce through Studen t Mission Teams and city mission s. Bi-mon thly campu s meetin gs are designe d to be informa tive and promot e discuss ion among student s. Monthl y supper s provide fellows hip. The BSU Choir incorpo rates forty membe rs and tours at the invitatio n of chu re hes.

B.S.U. OFFICERS. First row, left to right: Mr. Fred Gibson, Margie Crowder , Rebecca Saunders , Ann Pearson (Presiden t), Ed Puryear (Vice-Pre sident), Anne Pomeroy , Phyllis Bullard (Secreta ry), Mary Anne James (Treasur er), Margare t Mrs. Jane Anderson . Cridlin, Second row: Dave Smith, Vicky Miller, John David Robbins, Randy Harper, Wayne Frith. Not pictured : Wayne Coley, Judy Ellett, Ollie McBride, Carolyn Edmunds , Bev Cook, Bill Cale.

B.S.U. CHOIR. First row, left to right: Mary Ann James, Nancy Davis, Nancy Ball, Margie Crowder , Janet Sewell, Anne Pomeroy , Claire Born. Second row: Betty Lou McClana han, Astra Swingle, Gayle Hobday, Pat Howard, Nancy Jo Srb, Becky Coleman , Ann Pearson. Standing : Wayne Stith, Tommy Powers, Jack Mays, Henry Patterson , Don Lewis, Ollie McBride, Richard Davis, Bill Cale, Joe Northen, Ken Webb, John Verkler, Richard Paulette, Margare t Cridlin (Director ), Melvin Little, Bill Alexande r, Chip Marlow.





Left to right, first row: Nancy Cox (Vice President), Margaret Northen, Ann Larson. Second row: Bill Wilds, Mrs. Jane T. Anderson, Ann Pearson. Third row: Ron Street, Dr. Sartain, Mr. Emmet Cache. Standing: Rick Payne (President), Bill Boyer, Mr. Fred Gibson, Susan Shackleford (Secretary), Dave May, Ray Grant (Treasurer).

YMCA Through its programs the YMCA endeavors to help maintain Christian maturity. The purpose of the "Y" as an interdenomina tional organization is to build Christian character involving the entire college community.

Left to right: John Moore (Secretary), Sam Perry (First Vice-President), Bill Boyer (President). Missing: Ray Kyser (Second VicePresident), Ron Brumbeck {Treasurer), Dr. James Hall (Advisor).


The Religious Activities Council is composed of the Presidents and Representatives of the several denomin at i on a I and interdenomina tional groups, and the officers of the Council. This body is responsible for the coordination, publication, and guidance of Religious Activities on the campus. It endeavors to accomplish these goals by sponsoring Vespers, Religious Emphasis Week, and special worship services at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

YWCA The Westhampton College YWCA is a campus-wide organization which seeks to offer a more creative I ife to the student and to provide opportunities for her social, mental, and spiritual development. As a part of its program, the YWCA sponsors a tutorial project at the Crippled Children's Hospital and at the Cerebral Palsy Center. Activities are planned with the girls at the Bon Air School. Also several socials are sponsored jointly with the YMCA. ~


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YWCA CABINET. First row: Lois Helmbold, Meade Fergeson, Betsy Welsh, Mrs. Jane Anderson. Second row: Nancy Crenshaw, Margaret Ann Byrn, Betty Obenshain. Third row: Alice Justice, Phyllis Rowland, Robin Heatwole.

KALE TECHNE Kale Techne , an organiz ation which aims at stimula ting studen ts who are interes ted in art, strives to encour age an interes t in art which will lead individua ls to pursue this field after their college career.

KALE TECHNE . Left to right: Lisa Hummel, Judy Jones, Stevi Simmons , Mrs. Jeanne Campbe ll, Kay Burnette , Karen Berndtso n, Andy Williams, Gordon Converse, Lee Coleman , Jo Anne Gill, Cathy Hall.

STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION STUDEN T EDUCAT ION ASSOCIA TION. Left to right, first row: Bill Wilds, Presiden t; Mary Taylor, Publicity Chairma n; Barbara Southall, Secretar y-Treasu rer; Jean Holcomb e; Joanne Herrington; Nan Goodpas ter. Second row: Wanda Watts; Kay Ranson; Nancy Hicks; Susan Blake; Ronnie Richards on. Third row: Dave Wilson; Kathy Milner; Betty McClana han; Almeada Shepher d; Linda Miller. Fourth row: Lisa Hummel; Wayne Kitstsine r; Camb Ashley; Eddie Blick.

The William L. Prince Chapte r of the Studen t Education Associa tion include s those studen ts who are interes ted in educat ion and in the teachin g profession . These studen ts are also membe rs of the Nationa l Educat ion Associa tion and the Virginia Education Associa tion of which the chapte r is a branch .

HILLEL FOUNDATION HILLEL FOUNDATION. Seated, left to right: Ricky Rosenthal, treasurer; Steve Bloom, president; David Marcus, vice-president; Ken Lombart, secretary. Standing, first row: Danny Schwartz, Jeff Stanfield, Steve Sumers, Stan Lubin, Stan Sidman, Jay Fellman. Standing, second row: Billy Dubin, Bryan Janney, Jay Berger, Sy Sibelman, Steve Bookbinder, Bobby Shapiro.

Hillel at the University of Richmond serves religious, educational, social, and cultural needs of Jewish students. It also joins with Hillels at RPI and MCV programs for the Richmond area.



CANTERBURY CLUB. Seated, left to right: Rev. Reno S. Harp, Mary Stuart Land (president), Bob Stowbridge, Ann Goodpaster, Kitty Taimi. Standinq: Rev. John Ellsworth, Dr. Irby Brown (faculty sponsor), Sara LeCleire, Bill Steinmetz, Emily Davis, Virginia Wray, Sally Shipp, Charles Bova, Karen Richardson.

Canterbury has been a part of the religious organizations affiliated with the campus since November 26, 1946, when it was established to encourage growth for Episcopal students.

RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK. First row, left to right: Karen Berndston, Margaret Northen, Barbara Evans. Second row: Loretta Birkhead, Nancy Cox, Jo Ann Martin. Third row: Mary Stuart Land, Martha Dorman, Leslie Price. Fourth row: Ann Pearson, Judy Dollenberg. Standing: Fred Gibson, Jane Anderson, Ron Street, Fred Smith, Ned Haines, Rick Payne, Bill Boyer, Dave Wilson.

Du ring the month of February, Religious Emphasis Week is designated as a time in which the student can pause to think about the social, political, and spiritual issues in our controversial world. The student leaders for REW are chosen from the various areas of campus life in order to give the week a wide scope in meeting student needs.


DEBAT E. Lett to right, seated : Mary Money, Bob Cox (Captai n), Glenda Butler (Secret ary). Standin g: Robert Burklow , William Money (Treasu rer) , Juliet Walls, Bill Axselle (Assist ant in Debate ), Tim Fincha m , Bob Frank, Dr. Jerry Tarver (Assoc iate Directo r of Debate ) , Ken Elsea, Cathy Crossla nd , Dr. Bert Bradley (Direct or of Forens ics), Lance Wood.

Resol ved: "That the United States shoul d substanti ally reduc e its foreig n policy comm itmen ts" was the nation al interc ollegi an debat e topic for 1966-1967, one that offere d an excitin g challe nge for the Universit y of Richm ond Debate Team. Trave ling to tourna ments from Florid a to Penns ylvani a, the team has made an outsta nding name for the Unive rsity.

ACCOUNTING SOCIETY The Accou nting Socie ty was organ ized to enabl e accou nting stude nts to prepa re for memb ership in profes sional organ ization s. Amon g its purpo ses are augm enting the knowl edge of accou nting acqui red in the classr oom and promo ting the conce pt of integrity as an essen tial ingred ient of the accou nting profes sion.

ACCOU NNTIN G SOCIETY. Left to right: Paul Harris (Treasu rer), Bob Nance (Vice Preside nt), Randy Baird (Presid ent), Kevin Quinn (Secret ary), Dr. Patrick Kemp (Adviso r).


ORCHESIS. On steps : Ann Taylo r, Donn a Boon e, Mary Beth Sheld on, Caro lyn Edmu nds. On green : Flore nce Ann Tomp kins, Kathy Angle , Carty Richa rds, Geor gia Clark e, Darle ne Scott , Pam Rahn, Kathl een Wills.

To crea te an inter est in danc e thro ugh expr essi ve danc e is the aim of Orch esis . Mem bers hip is base d on tech niqu e, expr essi vene ss, and danc ing pote ntial ity. Cho reog raph y and tech niqu e are emp hasi zed for this grou p whic h give s several perf orma nces thro ughout the year.



Marcia Harrison, Betty Mae Robinson , George Campbel l, B. J. Swain, Jim Jontz, Betsy Wilson, Marvin Miller, Ken Morgan, Mary Beth Sheldon, Bert Richmon d, George Brydon.

UNIVERS ITY PLAYERS. First row, left to right: Nan Davis, Susan Smith, Bob Musick, Cathy Harvey, Mac Edwards , Mary Atkins, Bob Dills , Susan Andrews , Betty Stagg, Gene Snow, Del Williams. Second row: Barry Last, Mike Weiss, Ron Snell, Bari Jean Hobbs,


Individu al express ion, creativi ty, and cultura l interes t are encour aged as the Univers ity Players presen t produc tions on campus and for play festival s each year.


AIP The student section of the American Institute of Physics is open to all students interested in physics. Its aims are to encourage the study of physics and to aid students in developing qualities helpful in their future careers. Its services include bringing to the campus visiting lecturers and interesting films, organizing trips to physics centers of importance, and supplying information about graduate studies.

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS. First row , left to right: Dr. R. W. Major (Advisor) , Bill Peters (presi dent) , Ruth Ann Hood (vice president), Don Everett (treasurer) , David Stromswold (secretary) . Second row : Carlton Ragland , Millie Stein , William Carter , David Brobst, Garnett Ryland , Ed Puryear, Third Row : Betty Smith , Carol Sevmour, Linda Powers, Carl Schone, Bill Neubauer, Ed Sobey.

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PSYCHOLOGY CLUB The Psychology Club seeks to develop interest in and to aid in the understanding of all fields of psychology. The Psi Cry (newspaper), monthly speakers from various fields of Psychology, and field trips serve to keep the students well informed of the developments in the world of psychology.

PSYCHOLOGY CLUB. First row, left to right: Catherine Harvey, Robert Newins (secretary-treasurer) , Mary Taylor, Louise Mason , Ann Carol Robins (vice president) , Bailey Ashworth (p res ident) . Second row: Linda Elmore , Bev Webb , Sharon Cardwe ll. Nancy Cox, Nancy Norman , Mary Ball Shaffer, Ann Dav is. Third row: Jerry Rudy, Ronnie Hughs , Mike Seay , Richard Pittman , Steve Lawrence, Frank Garrett, Milton Yiasemides , Dr. Austin Grigg (advisor).

ALPHA PHI OMEGA National Service Fraternity

William E. Stark, Jr. President

W. Buckner John Buynitzky R. W. Claytor C. B. Corry

J. C. Crouse Elmo Dawson S. Dickerson F. R. Dublin

Mills John F. L. J. G.

Edwards Ellington Godwin Hall

E. 8. Hatrick C. L. Hill Bruce Honts Barry Last


H. C. Inge, Jr. James Martin G. T. Mashburn

J. A. Moore J. R. Morin G. H. Morris

Samuel Perry Gordon Ragland S. D. Smith

W. E. Smith James Snead R. A. Stobie

Hugh Thatcher Philip Tibbs D. L. Turner

Miss Toni Hoffman Sponsor



COUNSELORS. First row, left to right: Anne Pomeroy, Suzanne Ivey, Diana Summers , Janine Kulak , Sandy Kelley. Second row, seated : Carty Richards , Colette Fields , Joan Odland, Nola Rice, Phy Ilis Andrews . Third row , standing : Lynn Martin, Jo Martin, Judy Parrish , Martha Ruebush , Karla Brownmi ller, Margare t Anne Byrn , Mary Gearing , Carol Seymour , Jane Chewnin g , Bonnie Bowman , Robbie Ann Shreve , Gay Mason, Jean Scott, Betsy Welsh , Martha Dorman , Leona Chase , Jay Hart, Lynn Hoffman Loretta Birckhea d , Barbara Johnson , Betty K. Cross, Cookie Hoffer, Heppert Hock.

The Orienta tion Counse lors have the privileg e and respon sibility of introdu cing Westha mpton to the new student . They acquai nt freshm en and transfe rs with Westha mpton' s Honor System, academ ic opportu nities, spirit, traditio ns and organiz ations.


The Pieride s, adoptin g the name of the mytholo gical muses, are chosen on the basis of leaders hip, scholar ship, and service . These sophom ores act as special friends to the freshrnen and supply genera l service s to Westha mpton through out the year.

-II PIERIDES. Left to right, Linda Mays, Dixie Lee, Jane Arrington , Sue Donaldson, Lynn Turlingto n, Anne Holland. Standing : Bonnie Giannott i, Becky Garland, Julie McGarry , Susan Grammer, Sara Busey, Betty Obensha in , Connie Booth, Nancy Crenshaw, Linda Parrish, Charlene Stringfellow, Bev Webb, Betty Brookes, J u d y Jacobs, A I i c e Justice, Carolyn Evans.
























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SPIDER FOOTBALL 1966 The 1966 Spider Football Team, under the leadership of Coach Frank Jones, broke a 19-game losing streak by overcoming Davidson 23-17, and then later rolled on to victory over Furman 24-14 in the season's homecoming game. Instrumental to the Spider's winning was Larry Zunich, who was named National Back of the Week by the Associated Press, following his record 239 yards gained rushing in the Davidson game. Also ranked nationally as a leading punter was Mike Bragg. Coach Jones, in his first season as Spider coach, guided the Spiders through strong competition to a 2-4 mark in the Southern Conference, and a 2-8 mark overall.



The first game of the season, against Dayton, was indicative of the tough competition which Richmond had to face al I season. After a rough battle, the UR team fell 23-0. In the next game, the Spiders lost 24-6 to The Citadel. The third game of the season was also marked with defeat, as Richmond went down 20-0 to Mississippi State. The Spiders' offense began to roll against VMI in the opening home game, but the defense could not hold the Keydets, and Richmond lost 34-20. Journeying to Texas, the team lost out to a much larger school, West Texas State, 41-7.

UR achieved their first victory of the season by defeating Davidson 23-17 before a home crowd of 7500. A 27-0 loss to Southern Mississippi followed , but the Spiders rebounded for a Homecoming victory over Fu rm an 24-14. The Spiders closed the 1966 season with losses to the co-champions of the Southern Conference. The team lost a 28-16 contest to EC C and finished the season with a 35-19 loss to rival William and Mary.

Left to Right, First Row: Attaway, Albright , White, Hayo , Andrews , Pew (Co-Captain), Zunich (Co-Captain) , Davis , Payne, Shot~ell , Ande rson Close, Grum , Morris. Second Row: Johnson , Burwick, Shu ltz , Bragg, Roberts , Delgado , Patterson , Fisher, Denoia , O'Brien , McKe~na , Grimes, Tolley, Golladay. Third Row : Fleichmen , Popalo,. Easternl~ng , Wiley, Smith , Allanson , J. Jones , Yanick, Everett, Collins , Perrine, Good. Fourth Row: Shuffler, Bevito , Rice , Marlowe, Van Doren , B. Jones, Gulf, Livkows, Langford , Harvey, Carpenter (Manager) .


DAYTON BLANKS SPIDERS, 23-0 UR opened the 1966 season against the Dayton Flyers. Although the Dayton backs were too large to fly, they did roll over the Spiders for 254 yards and two touchdowns. Although UR made very little show offensively, there were several bright spots. Mike Bragg continued his fine punting as he kicked eight times for a 46 yard average. Quarterback Buster O'Brien began to find his receivers late in the game in a move toward the Flyers end zone, but the Spider penetration was stopped at Dayton's 33.


THE CITADEL TOPS UR 24-6 The Spider offense began to pick up during the second game of the season. The Citadel made use of a strong second half to defeat Richmond 24-6. A lost possessio n of a punt set up the first Citadel score. The Bulldogs added 17 points in the second half to assure their victory. The lone Richmond score came on a 63-yard pass play from Buster O'Brien to Rich DeVito in the fourth period. The Spiders fell short of a second score as time ran out in the game with Richmond on the Bulldogs' one-yard Ii ne.

MISSISSIPPI STATE 20, RICHMON D 0 A crowd of 14,000 watched as the Bulldogs of Mississip pi State made the most of their opportun ities with the ball and defeated Richmond 20-0. Although State had possessio n of the ball for only 6 more plays than UR, they were able to score twice on short runs and a third time on an 8yard pass play. Several big plays were responsib le for the Mississip pi State scores, but the Spiders were unable to execute their "big" play. Mike Bragg's punting again was a highlight as he booted the ball 10 times for a 44 yard average. UR's rushing attack was again contained , but their passing offense began to take shape as O'Brien connecte d 1O times in 24 attempts.


VMI OUTSCORES UR 34-20 The Spiders' offense began to roll against VMI. Richmond played good ball for three quarters as they gained a 20-14 lead, but the final 15 minutes were disasterous as the Keydets came from behind for a 34-20 victory. VMl's passing and rushing were the major problems which the Spider defense faced. The Spiders first scored on a one yard plunge by O'Brien climaxing a 70-yard drive. At the beginning of the second half, Richmond took the lead on a plunge by Larry Zunich for a touchdown and a pass from O'Brien to Larry Shotwel I for another score. From this point all was downhill for the Spiders as the Keydets scored three times in the fourth quarter. The final score was on a 15-yard Keydet run with only nine seconds remaining in the game.

WEST TEXAS ST ATE 41, RICHMOND 7 The Spiders traveled to Canyon, Texas to meet one of the highest scoring teams in the n~tion. During the first half UR was able to hold West Texas State to 14 points, while Richmond scored their only touchdown on a 9-yard sweep by Larry Zunich. In the second half the passing and the hard running of the Buffalo backs began to wear down the Spiders. Thr.ee touchdowns and two field goals by the Buffaloes accounted for all of the second half scoring and gave West Texas State a 41-7 victory.


VICTORY! UR 23, DAVIDSON 17 The UR football team turned back the Wildcats of Davidson on the UR 10 as the final horn sounded. Only at this moment were the Spiders sure of the 23-17 victory. Along with this victory came .special recognition for Spider back Larry Zunich. He was named the National Back of the Week by AP and Sports Illustrated as well as Southern Conference Back of the Week. Zunich broke the Southern Conference game rushing record by gaining 239 yards, also breaking three school records: most yardage in a game, most rushes, and total offense. Dennis Wiley performed exceptionally well on both offense and defense, while Mike Bragg continued his fine punting with a 48-yard average. The Spider victory, their first under new head coach, Frank Jones, was the result of a team effort. The defense had to contain Jimmy Poole, the SC total offense leader, whose fourth quarter passing kept the Spiders in danger until the final horn.

SOUTHERN MISS TOPS RICHMOND 27-0 On the Spiders' second trip of the year to Mississippi, they were defeated by a strong third quarter performance by Southern Mississippi. The first half ended with the Pack leading 6-0. Richmond missed a scoring opportunity in the first half after Jim McKenna's 60-yard punt return to the Pack 20. Two of Southern Mississippi's third quarter scores came on plays of 63 and 33 yards. The passing of Buster O'Brien and Barry Jones again brought Richmond within scoring range in the third quarter, but the Spiders were turned back on the Southern 26.

UR BEATS FURMAN 24-14 The second outstanding performance by Larry Zunich in three weeks led Richmond to a Homecoming victory, 24-14, over Fu rm an. The Spider back gained 129 yards in 26 carries. Scores for Richmond were made on an 8-yard pass from Buster O'Brien to Doug Davis, a 32-yard field goal by Mike Bragg, and a 17yard pass from O'Brien to Jim McKenna, and a 17-yard run by Zunich. The blocking of the offensive linemen Bob Albright, Larry Pew, Terry Crum, and Bob Andrews was responsible for the good ball control w h i ch the Spiders maintained throughout the game. Defensive standouts of the game were Tommy Johnson, whose interception set up a Spider score, Dave Delgado, Bruce Soderstrom, and Wayne Collins. Another game highlight was a 15yard pass reception by tackle Bob Andrews during the first touchdown drive.


ECC DOWNS RICHMOND 28-16 The East Caroline Pi rates assured themselves of a share of the Southern Conference crown by defeating Richmond 28-16. Fumbles, an intercepted pass, and judgment errors dampened the Spider efforts against the favored Pirates. The Spiders twice fielded kicks within their five yard line to set up ECC scores. Although the Spiders did not win, there were several pleasing moments. O'Brien set school records for passing yardage and total offense. Richmond scores came on a 42-yard field goal by Bragg, and 84-yard lateral to Don Everett on a kickoff return, and a 5-yard pass from O'Brien to Everett.



William and Mary quarterback Dan Darragh threw four touchdown passes as the Indians gained a tie for the Southern Conference championship by defeating Richmond 35-19. The Spiders were never in the game as William and Mary led 28-0 at the end of three quarters. During the fourth quarter UR did placate some fans by scoring three touchdowns in 1O minutes. O'Brien completed two TD passes to Doug Davis and ran for one touchdonw himself, but the scoring effort came too late. O'Brien set school records of 1301 yards total offense, 1221 passing, 210 passes attempted, and 99 completed.


RICHMOND BASKETBALL SPIDER BASKETB ALL For the second straight season, the 0niversity of Richmond basketba ll team fell one victory short of the five hundred mark. Coach Lewis Mills has again produced a fine team whose 9-7 conferenc e record, 11-12 overall, placed fourth in the Southern Conferen ce. The Spiders' record was marred by three losses each to West Virginia and VPI. Highlight ing the season were overtime victories over Furman and The Citadel, and a conqueat of Davidson at the Arena. Captain Johnny Moates and Tom Green were the outstandi ng individuals on the Spider team. Both were All-South ern Conferen ce selections. Moates, named captain of the Conferen ce team, led the conferenc e in scoring with a 25.0 average. He set a three-yea r school scoring record with 1440 points and a 19.5 scoring average. Green also placed high in conferenc e scoring with an average of 20.2. He led the Spiders in rebounding with an average of 12.0 per game. Buster Batts' 51.7 field goal percentag e set a new school record. The University of Richmond squad opened their season with a 76-74 victory over VMI. Buster Batts' field goal proved to be the final margin of victory. Green and Moates led the Spider scoring with 22 points each. Richmond then traveled to Fort Meyer where they dropped a 78-68 decision to George Washingt on. The first home game of the season pitted the Spiders against Virginia. Although Green scored 22 and Moates 19, the Spiders were unable to overcome Virginia at their best and lost 89-84. Green set a season high of 20 rebounds in the loss. Richmond again hit the road, but lost to a strong West Virginia team, 103-75. At Blacksbu rg the Spiders defeated Florida State 80-76, sparked by a 32-point performa nce by Moates. Richmond then lost their first of three defeats to VPI, 76-61. Moates with 23 and Green with 22 were not enough to overcome the strong performa nce by the Techmen .


Returning to the Arena, Richmond ~ed by Moates with 28 points and Green with 24 points and 17 rebounds, easily defeated VMI 89-65. In their next game the Spiders defeated Davidson for the first time since the '60-61 season. The score was tied at half time, 36-36 and remained close until the end of the game. Moates paced the 72-69 victory with 35 points. Deadly shooting from the foul line was responsible for the victory as Richmond made the last 18 free throws and were 28-33 in the game.

The Spiders again met misery away from home as they dropped decisions to The Citadel , 81-79, and East Carolina, 97-80. Moates again continued his high scoring with 36 and 26 points in the two games. Richmond played one of their best games of the season against William and Mary at the Arena. The two-man scoring punch of Green and Moates combined for 64 points. 32 each, as the Spiders crushed the Indians 9078. Buster Batts led the Spiders with 13 rebounds, followed closely by Green with 10.

RICHMOND BASKETBALL. First row, left to right: Harvey Roberts, Terry Burgess, Tom Green, Buster Batts, Wilton Ford, Bill Deel, Larry Wellington . Second row: Manager Brad Lowery, Larry Patterson, Billy McCann, Johnny Moates, Bobby Ukrop, Robbie Baldwin, Butch Renaldi.


Richmond avenged their earlier defeat by taking an easy 90-80 victory over George Washington. Strong rebounding by Batts and Green, while Moates and Green combined for 47 points proved to be the deciding factors in the victory. The Spiders extended their home victory string to five by squeaking past the hard fighting Furman Paladins 81-79. Moates with 33 points and Harvey Roberts with 15 led the conquest. The home victory string was snapped as VPI defeated the Spiders for the second time by a margin of 8971. Although Green scored 33, Richmond was unable to overcome the superior play of the Gobblers, who were in the midst of one of their finest seasons.


At Charlo tte David son storm ed the Spide rs by a score of 94-79. The Richm ond team return ed home where they defea ted The Citade l 89-73 on a threem an scorin g blitz by Green, 26, Moates, 21, and Batts, 19 points. Again at the Arena, the Spide rs topped East Carol ina 74-65. Roberts with 20 and Green with 21 led the victor y. One of the most excitin g game s of the season came again st West Virginia in Richm ond. Althou gh the Spide rs lost 105-93, The Moun tainee rs knew that they had met a tough foe. Richm ond came from a large early defici t to within one point at the half. Tom Green sank a near half court shot as the buzze r sound ed inding the half. The game contin ued at a high-s coring pace, but the Spide rs were unabl e to gain the victor y. Richm ond fough t back after blowing an early lead again st the Furman Palad ins to gain an overti me victor y 93-90.

Pacing the victory were Moates with 32 points and Roberts with 22. Richmond lost their third game to VPI, 87-80. The final season game resulted in a defeat at Williamsburg by the William and Mary Indians, 7969. Moates with 30 led the Spider effort. The first game of the Southern Conference tournament pitted the Spiders against The Citadel. Richmond's overtime victory, 100-98, was led by a season high of 39 points by Moates and by 23 points from Tom Green. Richmond was ousted from the tournament by West Virginia, 82-70. The Mountaineers eventually won the conference tournament as well as the regular season title. Moates again paced Richmond with 27 points, but the Spiders could do little to stop their third defeat by West Virginia. The Spider freshman team concluded a successful campaign under the direction of Coach Martin Morris. Their 15-2 record was marred only by defeats by Old Dominion and William and Mary.


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The 1967 baseball season shou ld be a stron g one for the Spid ers. Alth ough several valu able play ers have grad uate d, the team will still be com pose d of a number of retu rning lette rmen and a grou p of fine soph omo re pros pect s. Emo ry Maid en shou ld have his fines t season as catc her. He is back ed up by Fleet and by Ted Tipto n, ¡a prom ising youn g soph omo re. The mou nd corp s will be com pose d of ace Dick Bald erso n, Dick Dick inso n, Jack ie Hellems, Tom my John son, Jim Clark, and Jed Floc ken. The infie ld is half new and half old. Tom Green at first and Fran k Jenn ess at shor tstop are the retu rning lette rmen , whil e Larr y Powers at seco nd and Tom my Gilm an at third appe ar to give Coach Pitt a bit of relie f as they fill the gaps crea ted by grad uatio ns. Reserve infie lders are Jaco bs and Skin ner. The outfi eld will cons ist of Louis Carr o in left, back ed up by Davis, Ernie Wea ther holz or Garr iott in center, and Ken Patterson or Clib orne in right. The Spid ers expe ct to finish high in the Sou ther n Con fere nce race. The toug hest com petit ion is expe cted to com e from East Caro lina and West Virg inia.


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RICHMOND BASEBALL. Seated, left to right: Skinner, Hellems, Cliborne, Carro, Maiden, Jenness, Dickinson, Balderson, Patterson, Johnson. Standing: Howard (manager), Clark, Jacobs, Gilman, Powers, Weatherholtz, Boelt, Davis, Tipton, Coach Pitt. Missing: Green, Flocken.



VARSITY TRACK Coach Fred Hardy's Spider track team expects to again have a winning season. The Spiders are exceptionally strong this year in the dashes and distances up through the 880. The weaknesses appear to be in the field events and the distances. Co-captain Bob Crute leads the sprint corps. Backed by Rod Camden and Dave Smith, the team should be unbeatable in dual meets in the 100 and 220-yard dashes. Add to this group Ted Blisterfield and we have one of the top 440 relay teams in the conference. Co-captain Al Saville gives Richmond strength in the 880. Mike Cline gives the Spiders hope in the two-mile run while Tom Ligon is expected to be our top miler. Top hurdlers for the Spiders include George Wood, Tom Winfree, Pratt and Everett. In the field events Canfield, Johnson, Delgado, Lewis, Ronemus, Bagby, Fisher and Richeson show promise for the Spiders.

Left to right: Bob Crute (co-captain), Coach Fred Hardy, Allen Saville (co-captain).

Tom Howard, Fred Hardy, Bob Willis, Ty Aron, Sac Scott, Rod Camden, John Lewis, Tom Winfree, Ken Fisher, Bill Smith, Dave Smith, Ted Bisterfeld, Mike Kline, John Pratt, Craig English, John Terry, Joe Parker, Tom Ligon, Dave Cathers, Steve Ingram.

VARSITY TRACK. First row, left to right: Garnett Ryland, Dick Howe, Carl Bagby, Ron Whitworth, George Wood, Bob Crute, Allen Saville, BiH Ronemus, Don Everett, Jim Cheney, Dave Powell, Jimmy Johnson, Sandy Doughtery, (manager). Second row, left to right: Coach Frederick Hardy, Hugh Richeson, Sed Canfield, Dave Delgado,


The University of Richmond Cross Country Team competed in eight dual meets and the state and Southern Conferen ce meets this season. The team recorded victories over both Randolph -Macon and Bridgewa ter and placed seventh in both the state and conference meets. Although the Cross Country Team is normally used to develop distance men for indoor and outdoor track, the team has begun to rise in its cross country competiti on. Strong performa nces were shown by Al Saville, Ron Whitworth , Garnett Ryland, and Mike Cline, and many of the runners improved over last season's performan ces.




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George, Joe Parker, Jim Cheney , Bob Willis , and Coach Fred Hardy.

CROSS COUNTRY TEAM. VARSITY. First row, left to right: Mike Cline, Ron Whiteworth , Allen Saville, George Wood, Tom Ligon. Second row: Garrett Ryland, Craig English, Dennis


FRESHMAN CROSS COUNTRY. First row, left to right: Stan Williams, Bob Meinhard, Lindsey Reavis, Perry Jones. Second row:

Jeff Weekley, Charlie Jennings, Charles Grant, Don Earley, Tom Veazey, Larry Barthurst.



RIFLE TEAM. Kneeling: Ralph Gibson, John Spencer. Second row: Peter Kucera (Captain), Phillip Tobleman, Donald Brooks, Vincent Collins, James Kegan, Alan Marsh, Brian Berger, M-Sgt. Alfred Bliss (Coach). Third Row: David Zava, Robert Sutton, Stanley Lubin, Thomas Casey, Estes Thompson, Vernon Saunders, Wayne Bradshaw. Absent: James Soyars, Francis Seay, John Hall.

RICHMOND RIFLE Pete Kucera, Rifle Team Captain; M-Sgt. A. B. Bliss, coach.

The University of Richmond Rifle Team, coached by M/Sgt. Bliss and sponsored by Captain Talbott, expects to rise from their fifth-place Southern Conference finish. The team, which is open to both ROTC and nonROTC students, hopes to finish second in the state competition and fourth 1n the Southern Conference this season. The freshman team has continued its undefeated streak into the sixth straight season.

RICHMOND TENNIS Tenn is at the Unive rsity of Richm ond shou ld conti nue to impro ve as it has over the last two seasons. Coach Leon ard McNe al and assistant Bob Bayliss have an expe rience d squad to work with this season. The singl es play will be led by Sandy Tuck er, Butch Cohen, and John McG inty. Othe r posit ions will be filled by Stan Broc k, Bob Newins, Rick Broc k, and Craig Cooley. The doub les comp etitio n will be led by the duo of Sand y Tuck er and John McG inty. Othe r doub le teams will be paire d from the rema ining team members. ~

RICHMO ND TENNIS. Kneeling , left to right: Craig Cooley, Jerry Cohen Rick Brock, Bob Newins. Standing , left to right: Sandy Tucker, John McGinty, Coach Leonard McNeal, Coach Bob Bayliss, Stan Brock.




The University of Richmond golf team is coached by Lewis Mills. The team is composed of three returning lettermen and a large number of sophomores. The returning lettermen are seniors Bill Shelor and Fred Philipsen and junior Bill Alan. The team faces a tough early season schedule which should help to get them in shape for the Southern Conference. Philipsen, who was the third top golfer in the Southern Conference last season, is expected to have an outstanding season.

RICHMOND GOLF. Left to right: Bob Ukrop, Paul Scott, Jin Darlington , Bill Allen , Fred Philipsen, Ben Marshall, Richard Roberts, Bob Hudgins, Mo Whitlow.


FRESHMAN FOOTBALL. First row, left to right: Fratini, Taylor, Turchetta, Jones, Zehler, Cueny, Whitehead, DeFrank, Dussault, Cronkite, Calabro, Opalenick, Stockberger, Tobin. Second row: Palmer, Van G.a Ider, Irvin, Sweeney, Bova, Milling, Criswell, Barnes, Barelli, Medved, Mekio, Graeff, Clark, Montsinger, Ganzer.


FRESHMAN BASKETBALL. First row, left to right: Bayliss, Foster, Greenway, Peters. Second row: Manager George Johnson, Gilbert, Clemons, Owen, Stockburger, Holmes, Glaser, Manager Ron DeTemple.

Lett to right, first row: Pat Coghill, Judy Crowell, Sally Felvey. Second row: Bonnie Bowman, Carol Henry. Third row: T. J. Howard.



FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS. First row: Gayle Williams, Betty Kallmyer. Second row: Pat Sullivan, Dale Allen, Susan Andrews, Karen Richardson .

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Striving to foster and maintain sportsmanship , spirit, and cooperation among the students, the Weshampton Athletic Association sponsors traditional activities such as the orientation picnic, Song Contest, and the Water Show. Letters are awarded by the AA for varsity participation in field hockey, basketball, tennis, lacrosse and national rating in archery. A year of work and fun is climaxed with the AA Banquet at which recognition is given to those earning varsity and intramural letters. Westhampton seals are awarded to juniors or seniors who have rendered service to the AA and have shown enthusiasm, loyalty, and sportsmanship representing true Westhampton spirit.

AA BOARD . Marty Flem ing ; Pat Smith ; Maureen Goode ; Lynn Werth ; Ed ie Freud enhoff Vice-President. Second row : Loretta Birckhead ; Lynn Mart in; Nancy Ussery ¡ Suzanne Ivey; Carol

Henry, Treasurer; Judy Mccann , President; Diane Moss, Secretary; Martha Dorman.



Westhampton 's lacrosse action for 1967 will be against The College of William and Mary, Mary Washington College, and Sweet Briar College. Hopes are high for a well-played and successful season . A special highlight will be a match between selected area players and the Great Britain Woman 's Touring Team.

WESTHAMPTON LACROSSE. First row, left to right: Miss Miller (coach), Betty Brookes, Marian Mann, Dixie Lee, Carol Reese , Yvonne Bowman, Mary Sue Terry, Judy White. Second row: Edie Paulette, Loretta Birckhead, Sharon Staggs, Pat Kursch, Pat Smith , Carol Henry, Susan Quance. Third row: Kay Camp, Betty Booker, Ginger Wray, Shelley Abernathy , Grace Yeatts , Rin Henry.


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WESTHAMPTON SWIMMING With a season's record of two wins and four losses , the Westhampton Swimming Team came back with a glorious finish by taking second place in the six-way meet at The College of William and Mary. Coach Nancy Mitchell and Captain Edie Freudendorf led the team to this victory in defeating two of the teams that had defeated Westhampton previously in dual meets.

SWIM TEAM. Seated, left to right: Lynn Hoffman, Betsy Wilson, Ec.Jie Freudendorf, Ann Hood, Charla Berkley, Carty Richards. Standing: Lynn Werth, Kaye Camp, Ann Payne, Rin Henry.


HOCKEY TEAM. Kneeling, left to right: Yvonne Bowman, Sue Deaver, Carol Henry, Mary Sue Terry, Carol Reese, Marty Fleming, Pat Kursh, Pat Smith, Linda Orrison, Krista Mertz, Martha Dorman. Standing: Edie Freudendorf, Grace Yeatts, Dixie Lee, Susan Palmer, Loretta Birckhead, Elise Miller, Mary Money, Pat Sullivan, Susan Agee, Chime Tate, Frances Mann, Miss Miller (Coach).

The Westhampton College hockey team enjoyed its best season in years. With a 4-1-2 record, the first team lost only to Roanoke College. Doing equally well in posting a 4-1-1 record, the second team was defeated by Longwood College. Included in excellent overall performance, special honors went to Pat Ku rsch and Carol Reese, who made the All-College First Team, and Christa Mertz and Mary Sue Terry, who were selected to the AllCollege Second Team.




Standing, left to right: Miss Janet Koontz (coach}, Jo Burnette, Kate Barham, Martha Ruebush, Rin Henry, Kay Camp, Kit Spoontz, Elise Miller, Carol Henry, Betty Booker, Mary Pearson, Suzanne Ivey (manager). Kneeling: Susan Agee, Sue Deaver, Mary Sue Terry, Pat Smith, Pat Kursch, Dixie Lee, Judy McCann, Carol



WESTHAMPTON BASKETBALL Westha mpton's basketb all teams are usually referred to as the "Spider ettes", but this year especia lly can be added "with hard-w orking spirit." Their drive led the first team to an 8-2 season and the second team to a 6-4 record. Senior Pat Kursch will be greatly missed after four years of varsity play. With experie nced players returning, 1968 shows great promise. A special thank you to Coach Janet Koontz and Manager Suzanne Ivey.






WESTHAMPTON TENNIS. First row, left to right: Mary Pearson, Neil Woolcott, Elise Miller, Carol Henry, Marty Fleming (manager). Second row: Carol Reese , Kate Barham , Pat Kurson , Pat Smith , Edie Freudendorf, Natialy Walker, Miss Champan, (coach) . Missing: Sue Deaver.

WESTHAMPTON TENNIS The Westhampton College Tennis Team is looking forward to a winning season this year. Games are scheduled with St. Catherine's, William and Mary, Sweet Briar, Richmond Professional Institute, and Longwood College. Marty Fleming is acting as manager and Miss Chapman is coaching the team.




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RICHMOND COLLEGE DOUGLAS LESLIE ANDERSON a .A ., English Knoxville , Tennessee Summer Secretary ; Council , Honor School Honor Council , Chairman ; Phi Sigma Delta ; Dorm Counselors , President ; Men 's Glee Club ; B.S.U. , Enlistment Chairman , Vice President ; Circle K Club. ROBERT ALLEN ANDREWS a .A. , Sociology Richmond , Virginia Dorm Counselor ; Varsity Football , Track ; Phi Kappa Sigma. FRANK ANTON APPEL B.S ., Mathematics Portsmouth , Virginia ROTC Band ; Pi Kappa Alpha . BAILEY R. ASHWORTH a .s ., Psychology Richmond , Virginia University Band , President; Psychology Club , President ; Dean 's List. MARLIN E. BALSBAUGH , JR. a .A ., Sociology Hershey, Pennsylvania lntramurals ; Psychology Club ; Phi Delta Theta , Soc ia l Chairman . BARKEV BEN BARONIAN B.A. , Chemistry Richmond , Virginia lntramurals ; Sigma Phi Epsilon. CHARLES P. BARRETT B .A ., English Messenger, Editor ; Areopagus. J. STEPHEN BAUSERMAN a.A ., Biology Winchester , Virginia Dean 's List ; Senior Class Senator; House of Representatives ; Men's Glee Club; University Choir ; Beta Beta Beta; Intramurals; Sigma Phi Epsilon , IFC Representative, Rush Co-chairman , Recorder, President . STANLEY HAROLD BECKER B.S ., Chemistry Richmond , Virginia Phi Sigma Delta ; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Novice Debate Team ; Hillel ; Dean 's List; IFC. EDWARD RAYMOND BELKNAP B.A. , Sociology Falls Church , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta , Athletic Chairman; Freshman Track ; lntramurals. THOMAS EDWARD BLICK, JR. B .A ., Mathematics Lawrenceville , Virginia Stu dent Education Association ; Intramu ra ls. STANLEY BRUCE BROCK B .A ., English Arlington , Virginia Dean 's List : Junior Class Delegate of House of Representatives ; Spider Handbook, Editor; Basketball ; Varsity Tennis ; Phi Gamma Delta , Historian, Rush and Pledge Trainer ; lntramurals.

DONALD RAY BROUGHTON B.A., Political Science Hampton , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta ; President of Pledge Class; Clerk of Senate; Senator; Sophomore Class Secretary ; Collegian Staff; Y.M.C.A .; Young Democrats. LAWRENCE TILGHMAN BROWN B.S. Mathematics Baltimore , Maryland Freshman Baseball; Wesley Foundation; I ntramu rals.

DAVID EDWARD COLSON B.A., History Kappa Sigma; Treasurer; Young Republicans; lntramurals. RUSSELL VERNON CONRAD, JR. B.A., English, Journalism Tabbs , Virginia Scabbard and Blade; Pi Delta Epsilon: Who 's Who; WCRC Radio, Manager; Collegian, Associate Editor; University Forum Board; Circle K. JAMES GODWIN COUNCIL B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia

RONALD LEE BUCHANAN B.S ., Chemistry Portsmouth, Virginia WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKNER, JR. B.S., Mathematics Richmond , Virginia Student Directory, Business Manager, Associate Editor; Alpha Phi Omega, President, Vice President , Secretary. ARTHUR C. BUNNELL B.A., English Lynchburg , Virginia Kappa Sigma ; lntramurals. JOHN B. BUYNITZKY B.A., History Arlington, Virginia Dormitory Counselor; Dean's List; Alpha Phi Omega, Pledge Class President. LOUIS HUNTER CAPILONGO B.A., English Petersburg, Virginia Student Education Association. MARK ELLISON CARDONA B.A ., English, French Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Theta; Orientation Committee; Dean's List. LOUIS CARRO B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia Varsity Baseball; Freshman Baseball.

STANLEY GRAMCH CROSSLAND B.S., Chemistry Carrsville, Virginia Collegian and Web, Staff Photographer; lntramurals. ROBERT L. CRUTE B.A., Music and Voice Radford, Virginia Who's Who; Honor Council; Senator; Freshman Football; Varsity and Freshman Track; University Choir; Religious Emphasis Week Committee Co-chairman. JOHN JOSEPH CURLEY, Ill B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma; Pi Sigma Alpha; Intramurals; Dean's List. ROBERT JACKSON DANDRIDGE, JR. B.A., History Martinsville, Virginia DOUGLAS W. DAVIS B.A., History Phi Alpha Theta; Residence Counselor; Varsity Footbal I; Dean's List. ELMO MORRIS DAWSON 8.A., History Collinsville, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega; Philo~ogeion society.

FRANK W. CHILDREY, JR. B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma; lntramurals.

JOHN PAUL DERRENBERGER , Ill B.A., German Richmond, Virginia Transfer from University of Virginia.

RICHARD C. CHITTUM B.A., Economics Fredericksburg , Virginia JAMES J. CLIBORNE a.A., English Richmond, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha, Rush Chairman; Fresh man Baseball; Varsity Baseball; lntramurals . JEROME ARTHUR COHEN a.s., Chemistry Richmond , Virginia Phi Sigma Delta; Freshman, Varsity Tennis; Hillel.

LARRY FRANKLIN DICKERSON B.A ., English Ruckersville, Virginia Ruckersville, Virginia S.E.A. RICHARD BOYD DICKINSON, JR. B.S., Chemistry Newport News, Virginia Dean's List; Lambda Chi Alpha; Gamma Freshman President; Epsilon, Sigma Baseball; Varsity Baseball; lntramurals.

WAYNE T. COLEMAN a.s., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma.

WILLIAM HENLEY DOWNING B.A., Psychology Lottsbury, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma; Varsity Rifle Team; lntramurals; B.S.U.; Psychology C!ub.

ALBERT WAYNE COLEY Richmond, Virginia Accomac , Virginia Baptist Student Union ; Ministerial sociation.

FRANCIS I. DUPONT, Ill B.A ., History Greenwich, Connecticut Theta Chi , House Manager, Pledge Marshall; lntramurals.



MIL TON G. EARLY B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Theta, Historian ; Scabbard and Blade; Pershing Rifles, Captain. MILLS CARLYLE EDWARDS, JR. B.A., English and Journalism Franklin, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Delta Epsilon ; Alpha Psi Omega, Vice-President; Who's Who; Collegian, Reporter, Editorial Associate , Feature Editor, Men's Division Editor; Student Directory, Men's Division Editor; University Band; Press Club, Vice President; President's Advisory Council; University Players, Publicity Chairman.

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DONALD EDWARD EVERETT B.S., Physics Richmond, Virginia Delta Theta, Pledgemaster; Varsity Junior Varsity Track; Varsity FootJunior Varsity Rifle Team; AmeriInstitute of Physics, Treasurer.

RICHARD G. FERRELL B.A., Bible and Religious Education Freshman Baseball, Ministerial Association; R.E.W. COURTNEY RAY FRAZIER B.A., Political Science Altavista, Virginia Transfer from Mars Hill College. ROBERT S. FRICK, JR. B.A., Economics Potomac, Maryland Kappa Sigma. WILLIAM BARNES GALLAHAN B.S., Chemistry Colonial Beach, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon; lntramurals. CHARLES F. GILBERT B.A., Economics Virginia Beach, Virginia Kappa Alpha. FITZHUGH LEE GODWIN, JR. B.A., Political Science Hopkins, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Sigma Alpha; Honor Council; Senator; Sophomore Class VicePresident; Treasurer, S.G.A.; Alpha Phi Omega; Who's Who. ,RAYMOND EUGENE GRANT B.S., Mathematics Arlington, Vriginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Scabbard and Blade, Vice-President; Pi Mu Epsilon, Treasurer; Freshman CrossCountry; R.A.C., Treasurer; R.E.W., Seminar Committee, Financial Chairman; Ph ilolog ian Society. LEONARD JAY GREENSPOON B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Sigma Delta, Secretary; Eta Sigma Phi; Pi Delta Epsilon; Who's Who; Senate; Board of Publications; House of Representatives; Collegian, Editorial Editor, News Editor, Feature Editor, Editorial Associate, Reporter; Editor of "GOFraternity" Booklet of I nterfraternity Council; R.A.C.; Hillel Foundation, President, Vice-President; Press Club, President. JAMES S. GULICK B.A., Psychology Bridge Port, West Virginia Dean's List; Lambda Chi Alpha, Pledge Trainer, Athletic Representative; Freshman Footbal I.

WILLIAM HENRY GUNTHER , JR. B.A. , Political Science Livingston , New Jersey Dean 's List; Intermediate Honors ; Interfraternity Council ; Sigma Chi , Secretary, Historian , Rush Chairman , House Chairman, Political Chairman; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Sigma Alpha; Who 's Who ; Honor Council for Summer School , Chairman; Honor Council , Chairman ; House of Representatives; Intramu rals. PAUL OTTO HAGENMUELLER, JR. Biology Richmond , Virginia Phi Delta Theta, Warden; Senator; Scabbard and Blade; Freshman Cross Country and Track; Varsity Cross Country; Intramurals. RALPH EDWARD HAINES, Ill B.A., Psychology Virginia Beach, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha , President, Pledge Class President, Athletic Chairman; Senator; Freshman Golf; R.E.W., Seminar Chairman, General Chairman ; lntramurals; Canterbury Club. LOUIS GRESHAM HAMMACK B.A., English Lancaster, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Canterbury Club; Areopagus, Secretary-Treasu rer. EARL RANDOLPH HASH B.A., Education Boston, Virginia B.S.U.; Freshman baseball; Freshman Basketball; Varsity Baseball. LEWIS SHERWOOD HASKINS JR. B.A., History Richmond , Virginia GLEN ALBERT HATCHER B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; lnterfraternity Council; Kappa Sigma, President, Master of Ceremonies, Treasurer; Pi Mu Epsilon ; Men's Glee Club; lntramurals. EDGAR BUTLER HATRICK, Ill B.A., English Leesburg, Virginia Dean's List; Areopagus, President ; Collegian; Press Club; Canterbury Club; Alpha Phi Omega. NELSON SPOTTSWOOD HAWKINS B.S., Chemistry Hampton, Virginia WILLIAM JOEL HEYO B.A., History College Park, Maryland Freshman Football; Varsity Football.

CHARLES L. JENKINS B.A., Economics Richmond , Virginia WILLIAM MURRAY KING B.A ., Economics Richmond , Virginia Kappa Alpha ; lntramurals · R.O.T.C . Band. PETER GARRETT KUCERA B.A. , History Harrisburg , Pennsylvania Kappa Sigma, House Manager, House of Representatives ; President 's Advisory Council ; Freshman Class President ; Scabbard and Blade ; Distinguished Military Student ; Persh ing Rifles ; Intramurals ; Rifle Club , President ; Freshman Rifle Team; Varsity Rifle Team , Captain . LINDSAY RAY KYSER B.A., English Charlottesville , Virginia Dean 's List; Sigma Chi ; Y.M.C .A. President , Vice-President ; R.O.T.C. Drill Team ; Scabbard and Blade ; Senator; Freshman Baseball ; President 's Advisory Council; Student Center Board of Governors, President. STEPHEN M. LAWRENCE B.A. , Psychology Richmond , Virginia Dean 's List. ANDREW GERALD LEWIS B.S ., Chemistry Richmond , Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; Varsity Golf; murals.


JAN G. LINN B.A., English and Speech Lynchburg , Virginia Aereopagus ; Freshman Football; Varsity Footbal I; Ministerial Association President. R. BRUCE LONG B.A ., History Hampton , Virginia Dean 's List ; lnterfraternity Council ; Kappa Alpha - Sergeant-at-Arms , Historian , Rush Chairman ; Student Directory ; Intramurals; R.O.T.C. Drill Team . EDDIE S. LONGMAN B.S ., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta Social Chairman . JOHN CHARLES LOVING B.A., Economics West Po int, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha Editor ; Rifle Team; lntramurals; Religious Emphasis Week; Pershing Rifles - First Sergeant ; Distinguished Military Student.

KENNETH CURT HOUSTON B-A., History Arlington , Virginia Kappa Alpha, Parliamentarian; Intramurals.

JON ALLEN LUCY B.S. , Biology Richmond , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta Pledge Trainer, Recording Secretary ; Beta Beta Beta ; Freshman Track Team ; lntramurals ; Men 's Glee Club .

ALLEN BURCH HUNDLEY B.A., Political Science Richmond , Virginia Dean's List; Westminster Fellowship; Pi Sigma Alpha, Vice-President; Kappa Delta Pi, President; Phi Alpha Theta , Secretary.

THOMAS WALTER LUKENS B.S., Biology Van Wert , Ohio Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Warden , Herald ; Freshman Orientation Committee ; Intramurals.


WILLIAM THOMAS McCANN, JR. B.A., Political Science Midlothian, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta ; Who 's Who; Student Governmen t Association President; Senate ; Freshman Basketball ; Fresh man asebaBll ; Varsity Basketball. JOHN GRAYSON McCORMIC K B.A ., Political Science Baltimore , Maryland Phi Gamma Delta President ; Intramurals ; Y.M.C.A. ; lnterfratern ity Council Secretary of Court , Treasurer of Council. STEVEN COATH McCARTHY B.A., Psychology Chatham , New Jersey Sigma Chi; Correspond ing Secretary, Tribune; lntramurals. JOHN BEATTY McGINTY B.A. , English Richmond , Virginia Kappa Sigma - Outerguard ; Areopagus Vice President; Who 's Who; Honor Council; Collegian - Photograph er; Varsity Tennis; lntramurals ; Newman Club; Pershing Rifles. C-sO MaSelMen's t EDWIN J. MALECHEK , JR. 8.A., Journalism Richmond , Virginia Collegian Reporter; lntramurals . PAUL JOSEPH MANCHEY, JR. B.A. , Political Science and History Richmond, Virginia Dean 's List; Pi Sigma Alpha President ; Phi Alpha Theta; Intramural Speech; Executive Board Newman Club; Young Democratic Club; Internationa l Club. ALAN H. MARKOW 8.A., Journalism Norfolk, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta; Collegian - Managing Editor ; Continuity Director, WCRC. ROBERT G. MARTIN B.A., Sociology Dinwiddie, Virginia Dean's List. THOMAS LEE MATOCHIK B.S., Chemistry Gouverneur , New Jersey Pi Kappa Alpha . RONALD LEE MAY B.A ., Political Science Gloucester Point, Virginia Pi Sigma Alpha Secretary; Senator; Freshman Class Vice-Presid ent; Sophomore Class President ; lntramurals ; R.O.T.C. Band ; Young Republican Club; Dormitory Council. GEORGE EDWARD MAY B.S. , Biology Martinsville , Virginia Beta Beta Beta ; Dormitory Council. C. EDWIN MEL TON B.A ., Sociology Haymarket, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha Rush Chairman : House of Representa tives ; Sophomore Representa tive ; lntramurals .

JOHN RUSH MILLARD B.A., History Marion, Virginia lntramurals ; Ministerial Association . MARVIN D. MILLER B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia Dean 's List; Phi Sigma Delta - Pledgemaster; Pi Sigma Alpha; Alpha Psi Omega ; House of Representa tives - Clerk, Secretary - Treasurer; Sophomore Class Treasurer; Spider Handbook - Business Manager ; lntramurals ; Hillel Secretary; WORC Staff; University Players Vice President. ROBERT MORTON MILLER B.A., Political Science South Boston , Virginia Dean 's List; Sigma Chi; House of Representatives; I ntramurals. ROGER PAUL MILLER B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediat e Honors; Newman Club JOHN WINDSOR MILFORD B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma - Social Chairman; Scabbard and Blade - Secretary; Commande r R.O.T.C. Marching Band; Psychology Club. JOHN M. MOATES B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Who's Who; Athletic Representa tive; President's Advisory Council; Varsity Basketball - All State, All Southern Conference . RICHARD JOSEPH MOODY B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Dean 's List; Phi Gamma Delta. HENRY EMMETT MORRIS, JR. B.A., Political Science and Sociology Colonial Heights, Virginia Dean's List; Kappa Sigma Master of Ceremonies , Pledge Master, lnnerguard; I ntramu rals. EDMUND E. MULLINS, JR. 8.A., Chemistry Staunton, Virginia Dean's List; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Freshman Track; Freshman Football; Varsity Track. STUART ATWOOD NABIER, JR. B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma. HAROLD JONES NEAL, JR. B.A., Chemistry Lawrencevi lle , Virginia Dean's List; Freshman Football; lntramurals. THOMAS WALKER NEAL, JR. 8.S., Chemistry Saxe, Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediat e Honors; Gamma Sigma Epsilon ; Alpha Psi Omega; University Players Correspond ing Secretary.


ROBERT LAWRENCE NEWINS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Varsity Tennis; Psychology Club retary Treasurer.


WILLIAM BRYAN NUCKOLS, JR. B.A., Bible and Religion Richmond, Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediat e Honors; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Ministerial Association . DENNIS LEE NULL B.A., English Shadwell, Virginia Transfer - Bluefield College; Sigma Phi Epsilon President of Pledge Class; lntramurals ; B.S.U. , Young Republicans ; Circle K. KEN G. OBERG, JR. 8.S., Mathematic s Sarasota, Florida Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary; Who's Who; Pi Mu Epsilon; Scabbard and Blade; Senior Class, Secretary; Freshman Football; lntramurals; Dormitory Council, President. WALTER TERRY OWEN 8.A., Sociology Vernon Hill, Virginia Junior Varsity Baseball; Varsity Baseball; lntramurals ; Student Education Association . WILLIAM WARD OWENS, JR. B.A., Journalism Altavista, Virginia THOMAS EARL PATTESON, Ill B.S., Chemistry Dillwyn, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha; Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Sergeant-at -Arms; Intramurals; Concert Band. JAMES W. PAUL, JR. B.A., Political Science Amelia, Virginia Kappa Alpha, Social Chairman; lntramurals.

RICHARD L. PAYNE B.A., Sociology Sarasota , Florida Pi Kappa Alpha , Historian , Parliamentarian; Omicron Delta Kappa ; Who 's Who ; Senator ; ODK Outstanding Freshman Award; Freshman Baseball; Freshman Football; Varsity Football; REW Chairman; RAC President; Dormitory Council , President; Dorm Councilor; Advisory Council , President. KEITH R. PENNELL B.S., Chemistry Newport News, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; lntramurals; Circle K Club, Board of Directors, Vice-President. SAMUEL S. PERRY, JR. B.A., History Fredericksburg , Virginia lntramurals; Men's Glee Club, President, Business Manager; YMCA , First VicePresident, Treasurer; Student Education Association, Publicity Chairman; Alpha Phi Omega, Corresponding Secretary. LOUIS WASHINGTON PIERCE , JR. B.A., Sociology Lambda Chi Alpha ; lntramurals; University Cheerleader. TIMOTHY N. POPE B.A., Political Science Mechanicsville, Virginia Intramu rals. EDWARD JONES PURYEAR II B.S., Physics Petersburg, Virginia Dean's List; Scabbard and Blade; Baptist Student Union, Summer Missions Chairman , Vice-President; Religious Activities Council; Pershing Rifles , Squad Leader, Special Activities Officer. CARLTON LEE RAGLAND B.S., Physics Hampton, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Pi Sigma, President; Pi Mu Epsilon; American Institute of Physics. ANTHONY P. RENALDI B.A., Political Science Easton, Pennsylvania Phi Gamma Delta; President Advisory Council; Freshman Basketball; Varsity Basketball; Dormitory Councilors, President.

KENT K. RENALDS B.A. , History Richmond , Virginia WILLIAM H. RONEMUS B.A. , Sociology Staunton , Virginia Sigma Alpha Eps ilon: Va rsity Football; Varsity Track. JAMES WARREN RUDD B.A. , Political Science Richmond , Virginia Freshman Tennis ; ROTC Drill Team ; lntramurals ; Glee Club. CARMINE ANTHONY RUFFA B.A. , Spanish Petersburg , Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, President , Social Chairman ; Intramu rals. EUGENE MICHAEL SANCHEZ-SAAVE DRA B.A., History New York , New York Dean 's List; Intermediate Honors ; Phi Alpha Theta ; Collegian , Cartoonist ; Glee Club , Secretary ; Westminster Fellowship ; Philologian Literary Society, President, Vice-President ; International Club ; Forensics Council, Treasurer. COY LEE SAUL, JR. B.A. , Economics Erwin , North Carolina Pi Kappa Alpha , Vice-President ; Intramu rals.

HOWARD PHILLIP SMITH B.A ., Sociology Newport News, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta. Social and Athletic Cha irman: Scabbard and Blade; Who 's Who; Student Government. Vice-President, Secretary, Senator-at-Large: Junior IFC ; lntramurals; Hillel: Student Center. Boa rd of Di rectors. THOMAS JERRY SMITH B.S., Mathematics Chesterfield, Virginia Scabbard and Blade ; Fresh man ball; ROTC Band.


JOHN BRUCE SODERSTROM B.A., History Eastville, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma; Varsity Track; Varsity Football. MICHAEL ALEXANDER SOUKUP B.S., Biology Sandston, Virginia Interfraternity Cou nci I; Phi Delta Theta , Treasurer; lntramurals. JOSEPH H. SPENCER, II B.A., Economics Hampton, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta, House and Grounds Committee Chairman; Spider Handbook· I ntramu rals; Canterbury Club.

BEN SAUNDERS , JR. B.A., Political Science Richmond , Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma.

WILLIAM E. STARK, JR. B.A., History Wilmington, Delaware Men 's Glee Club; Alpha Phi Omega .

ROBERT ALLEN SAVILLE B.A., Political Science Richmond , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta, Historian ; Pi Sigma Alpha; Freshman Cross-Country and Track; Varsity Cross-Country, Captain; Varsity Track , Co-Captain ; lntramurals ; Westminster Fellowship.

MICHAEL J. STRAWSER B.S., Mathematics Sunbury, Pennsylvania Lambda Chi Alpha; Dormitory Councilor; Fresh man Footbal I; Fresh man Basebal I; Vars ity Football ; Intra murals.

FRANCIS MICHAEL SEAY B.S. , Psychology Fork Union , Virginia Varsity Rifle Team. CHARLES ALLEN SHAUGHNESSY B.A., History Portsmouth , Virginia Dean's List; Phi Delta Theta ; Pershing Rifles; Residence Council ; Young Republicans. DAVID BOLEN SHEPHERD B.S., Biology and Chemistry Galax, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha , Secretary, Athletic Chairman; Beta Beta Beta; lntramurals.

DAVID C. STROMSWOLD B.S., Physics and Mathematics Glen Allen, Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Pi Sigma, Vice-President, Treasurer; Pi Mu Epsilon; American Institute of Physics . DAVID M. SZUMOWSKI B.A., History Gloversville, New York Phi Kappa Sigma, Athletic Chairman , Pledge Master ; Scabbard and Blade; Senior Class , Treasurer; lntramurals. BARRY DEAN TAYLOR B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Theta, Vice-President, Social Chairman ; I ntramu rals.

KENNETH RICHARD COATES SINCLAIR B.A., History Cobham, Virginia Dean's List; lnterfraternity Council, President ; Phi Kappa Sigma , Social Chairman , Vice-President; Eta Sigma Phi, Secretary; Who's Who ; Student Government, Secretary; Junior l.F.C. ; l.F.C. Court; Junior Class , Treasurer ; Collegian Staff ; lntramurals ; Canterbury Club.

KEITH L. TINKHAM B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia lnterfraternity Council; Sigma Chi, Tribune; Messenger Staff; Freshman Crosscountry; Freshman Track ; Varsity CrossCountry ; lntramurals; Republican Club.

WILLIAM H. SLATE B.A., Biology Chesapeake , Virginia Dean's List ; Sigma Chi , President , Pledge Trainer, Secretary ; Beta Beta Beta ; Kappa Delta Pi.

JAMES D. TOLBERT, JR. B.A., Economics Richmond , Virginia Dean 's List; Co llegiar, Reporter; murals.



SANDY THOMA S TUCKER B.A., English Como, North Carolin a Dean's List; lnterfra ternity Counci l; Sigma Phi Epsilon , Vice-Pr esident , Rush Chairm an· Areopa gus; Omicro n Delta Kappal Vice-Pr esident ; Who's Who; Student Govern ment, Treasu rer; Junior Class, Preside nt; Varsity Tennis; Freshman Basket ball; I ntramu rals. HORACE LEE UNDERWOOD, JR. B.A., Sociolo gy Newpo rt News, Virginia Freshm an Basket ball; Varsity Basket ball; Fresh man Baseba ll; Varsity Baseba ll; Circle K. WILLIA M H. VOORHES B.A., Bible and Religio n Richmo nd, Virginia KENNETH W. WEBB B.A., Sociolo gy Roanoke, Virginia lntramu rals; Univers ity Choir; Men's Glee Club; Madrig als; BSU Choir; Ministe rial Associa tion; BSU. WILLIA M RONAL D WHITWORTH B.A., English Bel Air, Marylan d Phi Delta Theta; Cross-c ountry Team; Track Team. WILLIA M EDWARD WILDS B.A., History and Social Scienc e Richmo nd, Virginia Men's Glee Club, Vice-Pr esident ; University Choir; Wesley Founda tion, Treasu rer, Preside nt; Religio us Activiti es Counci l; Studen t Educat ion Associa tion, VicePreside nt, Preside nt.

GENE COX WILKIN SON B.A., Sociolo gy Petersb urg, Virginia Dean's List; Lambd a Chi Alpha, Secretaryl Social Chairm an of Pledge Class, Outstan ding Pledge Award. DAVID JOHN WILSON B.A., Second ary Educat ion West Caldwe ll, New Jersey lnterfra ternity Counci l; Pi Kappa Alpha; Varsity Footba ll; REW Hospita lity Committee Co-Cha irman. HAROL D CLAYT ON WOOD YARD B.S., Mathem atics Richmo nd, Virginia lnterfra ternity Counci l; Sigma Alpha Epsilon ; Fresh man Baseba ll. J. ASHTON WRAY, JR. B.A., History Hampto n, Virginia Dean's List; Freshm an Footba ll. W. CARTER YOUNGER B.A., Politica l Scienc e Richmo nd, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Delta Theta; Pi Sigma Alpha; Phi Alpha Theta, Sons of the Americ an Revolu tion Medal; ROTC Superior Cadet Medal; Collegi an, Busines s Manage r; lntramu rals; ROTC Drill Team; Pershin g Rifles. PAUL V. ZEHFUSS 8.A., English Alexan dria, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon , Rush Chairm an; Senior Class, Vice-Pr esident .

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE JANINE HELEN ADELM AN B.A., Psycho logy Richmo nd, Virginia Collegi an; Swimm ing team; Canter bury Club; Psycho logy Club. JULIET NELSON ALLEN B.A., Biology Anchor age, Kentuc ky Beta Beta Beta; Canter bury Club. KATHLEEN LUISE ANDERSON B.A. with Honors, History Chester, Virginia Dean's List; Interme diate Honors ; Phi Alpha Theta; Sophom ore Class Historia n; Senior Class Secreta ry; Intramu ral Badminton; BSU Freshm an Counci l. JUDITH ANN BAILEY B.A., Journa lism and Politica l Science Petersb urg, Virginia Pi Delta Epsilon , Vice-pr esident ; Collegian, Editor-i n-Chief , Westha mpton News Editor; Web staff; Wesley Founda tion; Press Club, Secreta ry-Trea surer. KAREN LEE BARNES B.A., Psycho logy Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List; Psi Chi. PATRIC IA JOAN BROWN B.A., English and Speech Creve Coeur: Missou ri Dean's List; Interme diate Honors ; Sigma Tau Delta; Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha, Vice-pr esident ; Kappa Delta Pi, Secreta ry; Mortar Board; Sophom ore Class Preside nt; Freshm an Class Vicepreside nt; Junior House Leader of North Court; Preside nt of Westha mpton College Govern ment; Honor Counci l; Varsity Debate Team; lntramu rals; Newma n Club; Homec oming Court; Who's Who. DOROTHY KAY BURNE TTE B.A., Art Richmo nd, Virginia Honor Counci l, Treasu rer and Vice-pr esident; Preside nt of Town Studen ts; Kale Techne ; Counse lor. BARBA RA VENO CALDW ELL B.S., Mathem atics and Chemis try Richmo nd, Virginia Dean's List; Interme diate Honors ; Gamma Sigma Epsilon ; Pi Mu Epsilon ; Mortar Board; Honor Counci l; South Court Reside nce Counci l; College Govern ment Secreta ry; Record er of South Court; College Counci l; Execut ive Counci l. PATRIC IA CHARL ENE CALLIS B.A., Spanis h Richmo nd, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta. SHARON LEE CARDW ELL B.A., Sociolo gy Manassas, Virginia Junior Varsity Basket ball; lntramu rals; BSU; Psycho logy Club.


MARTHA LINDA CHILDRESS B.A., French Richmond Virginia YWCA Representa tive; lntramurals; WC Glee Club; BSU; Canterbury Club.

HELEN MARIE CROSS B.A., Mathematic s Portsmouth, Virginia Senior Class Publicity Chairman; Intramurals; Wesley Foundation.

SALLY SCOTT FELVEY B.A. , Biology Richmond , Virginia Beta Beta Beta; lntramurals: University Cheerleade r; Syncronized Swimming.

GEORGIA LYNN CLARKE B.A. with Honors, English Toano, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Sigma Tau Delta; Mortar Board; President, South Court Residence Council; Honor Council; College Council; Secretary, Sophomore Class; President, Junior Class; lntramurals; Who's Who; Web staff.

JUDITH ANN CROWELL B.A ., English Richmond, Virginia Transferred from Averett College; University Cheerleade r; lntramurals; Christian Science Organizatio n.

YVETTE H. GERNER B.A. , French Colonial Heights . Virginia Dean's List.

JEAN MARIE CLODFELTE R B.A., French Hampton, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Mortar Board; Second Vice-preside nt, College Governmen t; President, Freshman Class; Wesley Foundation; Pierides; Counselor; Who's Who. LINDA CAROLYN COBB B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia PATRICIA GAYLE COGHILL B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Sigma Tau Delta; Basketball Manager; Athletic Association Board; Sophomore Class Project Co-Chairma n; Collegian; Westhampton Handbook Co-Busines s Manager; Junior Varsity Hockey and Basketball; Pieride; University Cheerleade rs, Business Manager; Westhampto n Cheerleader; lntramu rals. PAULA ANN COLLIER B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Beta Beta Beta; BSU. SUSAN PAYNE COLLINS B.A., History Richmond, Virginia MAUREEN K. COOKSEY B.A., Psychology Glen Allen, Virginia Dean's List; Newman Club, Secretary; Psychology Club. SUSAN LAYNE COSBY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia MARY BETH COULTER B.A., English Richmond, Virginia NANCY INEZ COX B.A., Psychology Smithfield, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Messenger staff; Lacrosse; lntramurals; Glee Club; University Choir; YWCA, Secretary, Treasurer; RAC, Vicepresident. MARGARET CRIDLIN B.A., Applied Voice-Music Roanoke, Virginia Junior Class Song Leader; Westhampton Glee Club; University Choir; University Madrigals; University Music Club; BSU; Y.W.A.

LINDA GAY CULLERS B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Transferred from Averett College. DONNA DIANE DICKSON B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Transferred from Chowan College. ELIZABETH ANN DILLARD B.A. with Honors, English Altavista, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Pi Delta Epsilon; Sigma Tau Delta , Secretary, Treasurer; Web staff, Editorials Editor, Editor-in-Ch ief; I ntramu rals; Westh ampton Glee Club; University Choir; Y.W.A., Vice-preside nt, President; BSU, Summer Mission Chairman; BSU Choir; Counselor. DIANNA RAE DIX B.A., English Danville, Virginia Sigma Tau Delta; Transferred Averett College.


JUDY LYNN DOLLENBE RG B.A., Sociology Towson, Maryland Dean's List; Junior Class Historian; Collegian staff; Web, Editor of Honoraries; lntramurals; R.E.W. Publicity Chairman, Secretary, Executive Council; Junior Coordinator May Day; Counselor. PATRICIA EARLE EDGERTON B.A., Biology Chase City, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Beta Beta Beta; A.A. Representa tive; Varsity Basketball, Hockey, Lacrosse; lntramurals; S.E.A. JUDITH A. ELLETT B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Senior Class Devotions Chairman; Intramurals; B.S.U. City Missions Chairman, B.S.U. Choir. BARBARA OVERTON EVANS B.A. with Honors, History Richmond , Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Phi Alpha Theta, President; Varsity Hockey. MARY MAXINE FACE B.A., History and Latin Richmond, Virginia SANDRA JEAN FAIRFIELD B.S., Biology Fairfax, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Beta Beta Beta, Historian; Varsity Hockey and Lacrosse.


CHARLOTT E GOODE B.A ., Psychology Richmond , Virginia Intramu rals. MAUREEN GOODE B.A., Psychology Richmond , Virginia lntramurals; Chairman of Song Contest; Westhampto n Cheerleade r, Head Cheerleader. SYDNEY WILLIAMS GRAFF B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia ELLEN LEE THOMAS GRIFFIN B.A ., English Dean's List; Junior Orchesis ; S.E.A. LOIS RITA HELMBOLD B.A. with Honors, History Portsmouth, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Phi Alpha Theta , Vice-Presid ent; Mortar Board , Historian; Web staff; Collegian, Reporter; lntramurals; Religious Activities Council , Vice-Presid ent; Religious Emphasis Week Executive Committee , Westminste r Fellowship, President, Treasurer ; YWCA, First Vice-Presid ent. MEREDITH HERMAN B.A., Psychology Baltimore , Maryland Hall President; YWCA, Chairman Campus Affairs Commission ; Westfel, SYNOD Representative ; University Players; International Relations Club; Psychology Club. ELIZABETH GALE HODKINSO N B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia Collegian, Reporter; Transfer from Sullins College. JANE CARLISLE HOGE B.A., Mathematic s Alexandria , Virginia Vice-Presid ent, Junior Class; Social Cultural Coordinator of Senior Class; Social Chairman of Sophomore Class; University Cheerleade r; Chairman of Ring Dance. NENA P. HOLCOMBE B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia Collegian Staff; Junior Orchesis. RUTH ANN HOOD B.A., Psychology Virginia Beach , Virginia Pi Delta Epsilon; WCRC , News Coordinator, Continunity Director, Westhampton Coordinator ; Varsity Swimming Team ; lntramurals; University Band ; Westminister Fellowship; Amer ican Institute of Physics, Secretary, Vice-Preside nt. ELIZABETH HOLDEN HUMMEL B.A., Art Blacksburg , Virginia Kale Techne , President ; Web Staff ; Stu· dent Education Association .

SUZANNE IVEY B.A ., History Jarratt , Virginia Dean 's List ; Mortar Board , Vice-President ; Sig ma Tau Delta ; Phi Alpha Theta ; Who 's Who ; Treasurer College Governmen t Association ; Treasurer Sophomore Class ; Varsity Tennis and Basketball ; Counselor. ROSALIND R. JACKSON B .A ., Biology Flemington , New Jersey Dean 's List ; Beta Beta Beta. MARY ANN JAMES B.A. , Applied Music -Piano Herndon , Virginia Dean 's List ; Intermediate Honors; Senior Class Song Leader; University Choir, President ; Westhampton Glee Club; Madrigals; Music Club ; Baptist Student Union , Treasurer ; Y.W.A .; Orientation Counselor. BARBARA JEAN JONES B.S., Biology Markham , Virginia Dean 's List ; Beta Beta Beta , Treasurer. JOYCE ANN JONES B.S ., Biology Richmond , Virginia Dean 's List ; Intermediate Honors; Beta Beta Beta ; Westhampton Handbook CoBusiness Manager ; Pierides. NANCY KIRK KALOUSDIAN B .A. , Psychology Richmond, Virginia Psycho logy Club ; S.E.A. ANNE DOWNING KAY B .A. , Psychology Baltimore, Maryland LINDA TABSCOTT KELLEY B.A. , Sociology Richmond , Virginia Devotions Chairman. SANDRA RUSSELL KELLEY B.A., History Richmond , Virginia lntramurals; Counselor ; Rat Counselor. JANINE PHYLLIS KULAK B.A. , Political Science Rayham , Massachusetts lntramurals; Newman Club; Counselor; Chairman of Proclamation Night. PATRICIA LYNNE KURSCH B .S., Physical Education Alexandria , Virginia Dean 's List ; Intermediate Honors; Kappa Delta Pi; Hall President ; Co-Chairman Freshman Tree Planting ; Vice-Chairman, Student Section of VAH PER; Varsity Hockey, All Virginia College 1, Tidewater 2; Varsity Basketball; Varsity Tennis ; Varsity Lacrosse , All State 1, Recipient Westhampton A.A. Blazer and A .A. Seal ; Athletic Association , Secretary, Hockey Manager· Pie rides; S.E.A. MARY STUART LAND B.S., Mathematics Newport News , Virginia Pi Mu Epsi Ion, Secretary ; Canterbury Club , President. JACQUELINE SUE LASSITER B .A . with Honors , History Murfreesboro , North Carolina Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta: Who's Who ; Senior Class President; Un iversity Cheerleader ; Counselor; Pierides.

JUDITH SUE McCANN B.S., Physical Education Street, Maryland Sophomore A.A. Representative; Varsity Basketball , Hockey, Tennis; lntramurals; A.A . Tennis Manager, President; Rat Council ; Counselor ; College Council. ALYCE JOYCE McGINNIS B.A., Mathematics Linwood , New Jersey Senior Class Vice President ; Junior Varsity Hockey; lntramurals; A.A. Vice-President. CAROLYN LEE McKIMMEY B.A., Journalism Leesburg, Virginia Pi Delta Epislon, Secretary, President; Collegian Reporter, News Editor, Editorin-Ch ief; Student Directory Staff; Intramurals; Press Club. SARAH LOUISE McLAUGHLIN B.A., History Bluefield, West Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediate Honors. JO ANN MARTIN B.A., Psychology Danville, Virginia Phi Alpha Theta; Summer School Honor Council; Sophomore College Government Representative ; Hall President; College Council; Freshman Class Secretary; lntramurals; Web Staff; Religious Emphasis Week Executive Committee; Psychology Club; Pierides; Counselor; Dean's List. LOUISE MASON B.A., Psychology Baltimore, Maryland Editor of Psy Cry; Rat Council. CHRISTA ELIZABETH ERIKA MERZ B.A., Biology and German Highland Springs, Virginia Dean's List; Beta Beta Beta; College Government Representative; Senior Class Treasurer; Hockey, Lacrosse, Tennis; lntramurals. ANN VICTORIA MILLER B.A., Psychology Winchester, Virginia Gleen Club - Business Manager, President; B.S.U. City Missions Co-Chairman, Student Missions Co-Chairman; YWA - President; Psychology Club; Student Education Association; Dean's List. LANE SHELL NELSON B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia BETTY NEWMAN B.A., English Boydton, Virginia Dean's List ; Intermediate Honors; Kappa Delta Pi - Treasurer; Sigma Tau Delta - President; Mortar Board - Secretary; Junior House Leader of South Court; Hall President ; Web Staff; lntramurals; Pierides; Apple Blossom Princess; Homecoming Court. BEVERLY IRVING NOBLE B.A., Mathematics Rice , Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediate Honors ; Pi Mu Epsilon , Vice-President ; lntramurals; Glee Club.


JOAN GRACE ODLAND B.S., Mathematics Arlington , Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Mortar Board; Who's Who; North Court Junior House Leader; College Government Secretary; College Council ; Executive Council; Counselor; Orientation Co-Chairman; lntramurals; Freshman Class Cheerleader; Pierides. LINDA CAROL ORRISON B.A., Mathematics Mclean , Virginia Varsity Hockey, Lacrosse; lntramurals; Glee Club. SANDRA McGLORY PARKER B.A., Psychology Richmond , Virginia ANN PAYNE B .S., Mathematics Blacksburg, Virginia South Court Fire Warden; Varsity Swimming; I ntramu rals. ANN ASHLEY PEARSON B.A., Psychology Remington, Virginia Dean's List; Class Historian; Music Club; Glee Club, Vice-President; University Choir - Business Manager; B.S.U., Choir, President, Social Chairman; R.A.C .; YWCA World Relatedness Commission Chairman; Counselor; Rew Brochure Editor. ANNE WILLIAMS POMEROY B.A., Bible and Religious Education Quinton, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; University Music Club, President. Glee Club; University Choir, Librarian, Secretary; University Madrigals, Chairman; B.S.U. Choir; R.E.W. Executive Committee; B.S.U., Publicity Chairman, Program Chairman; YWCA Commission Chairman; Counselor. NOLA L. RICE B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Mortar Board, Treasurer; Who's Who; Recorder of North Court; Honor Council; Secretary of Class; Counselor; Orientation Co-Chairman; R.E.W. Publicity; Class Big-Little Sister Co-Ordinator. RONNIE YOUNG RICHARDSON B.A ., Psychology Crozier, Virginia SEA; Psychology Club. BONNIE LYNNE ROBERTSON B.A., Sociology Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List; Web Staff. ANN CAROL ROBINS B.A., Psychology Richmond , Virginia Dean's List ; Intermediate Honors; Senior House Leader; College Council; Hall President ; College Government Representative; Junior Class Treasurer; Intramurals; Psychology Club, Vice President. LOIS ADELE ROBINSON B.A. with Honors, History Wilmington , Delaware Dean's List ; Intermediate Honors ; Phi Alpha Theta; lntramurals; Counselor.

FRANCES BROWNIE SALES B.A ., Education Clarksville , Virginia Dean 's List ; Who 's Who ; Sophomore House leader, President of North Court ; Honor Council , Chairman ; First Vice President of College Governmen t; College Council , Executive Council ; Homecoming Court; Synchronize d Swimming ; Intramurals. ELIZABETH TYLER SAUNDERS B.A. , Elementary Education Richmond , Virginia Glee Club; S.E.A. JOAN MARSHALL SCHOOLS B.A. with Honors, History Midlothian, Virginia Dean 's List; Intermediat e Honors; Phi Alpha Theta; Kappa Delta Pi, Vice President; Varsity Hockey, Basketball , Lacrosse; lntramurals ; S.E.A., Vice President. DARLENE SUE SCOTT B.A., Spanish Martinsville , Virginia Dean's List; Web Staff; Freshman, University Cheerleade r; I ntramu rals; Canterbury Club; Junior, Senior Orchesis-Pr esident; Rat Council; S.E.A. ANNE PATRICIA SHANDS B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Beta Beta Beta, Secretary; Hall President; Senior Class Social Chairman; Glee Club, Treasurer; Rat Council; Counselor; Chairman of Sophomore Class Project; lntramurals.

NANCY JANE SHARP B.A. , Psychology Louisville , Kentucky Dean 's List · Intermediat e Honors ; Mortar Board-Pres ident ; Sigma Tau De lta ; Who 's Who ; Honor Council ; Recorder of South Court ; Sophomore Class Vice President ; I ntramu rals · BSU ; Pierides ; Psychology Club. MARY BETH SHELDON B.A. , German Teano , Virginia Dean 's List ; Alpha Psi Omega , Secretary; lntramurals ; University Players; Junior Orchesis; Orchesis .

ALICE KATHARINE SMITH B.A., Psychology Baltimore, Maryland Competitive


BARBARA JEAN SOUTHALL B.A. , Psychology Colonial Heights, Virginia Baptist Student Union ; YWA , BSU Choir, Student Education Association , SecretaryTreasu rer; I ntramu rals. VIRGIN A CLOYD SOUTHWORTH B.A., Polcitial Science Richmond, Virginia lntramurals; Glee Club. MILDRED ANNE STEIN B.S., Mathematic s and Physics Richmond, Virginia Hillel Foundation; American Institute of Physics. DIANA LEE SUMMERS B.A., Political Science Herndon, Virginia I ntramu rals; Orientation Counselor. ASTRA JEAN SWINGLE B.A., Mathematic s and Psychology Richmond , Virginia Dean's List; Pi Mu Epsilon; Orchestra; BSU; BSU Choir.


ANN NICHOLSON TAYLOR B.A., Elementary Education Petersburg, Virginia Chairman, Senior Class Project; Freshman Cheerleade r; Junior Orchesis; Orchesis; lntramurals ; Hall President. MARY AURELIA TAYLOR B.A., Psychology Greenville , South Carolina lntramurals; BSU; YWA; Young Republicans; Psychology Club, Publicity Chairman; SEA, Publicity Chairman. BARBARA STUART TOWSEY B.A ., Mathematic s Fredericksb urg , Virginia lntramurals; BSU.


ANNE HILL VAUGHAN B .A. , Elementary Education Richmond , Virg i nia Dean 's List ; Town Rep resentative. SUZANNE GAYLE WALLS B.S. , Chem istry Richmond , Virgin ia Dean 's List ; Intermediat e Honors ; Gamma Sigma Epsi lon , Recorder ; Westhampto n Cheerleade r, Captain.

ANN MARIE SIBLEY B.A ., Psychology Richmond , Virginia I ntramu rals.

Dean 's List; I ntramu rals.

NANCY BEATRICE USSERY B .S., Mathem atics Blacksburg , Virg inia Dean 's List ; Intermed iate Hono rs; R.E . Loving Book Award ; Pi Mu Eps il on ; Gamma Sigma Eps ilon ; Co lleg ia n Repo rter ; Varsity Hockey ; Varsity Lacrosse ; lntramura ls ; Glee Club ; Un ivers ity Choir; Rat Counci l; Athlet ic Associat ion , Repo rter, Treasurer, and Senior Representa t ive ; May Day, Gene ral Chairman ; Who 's Who.

CAROLYN ELIZABETH WELLS B .A. , English Martinsville , Virginia CAROLYN BENNETT WHATLEY B.A ., English Richmond , Virginia Dean 's List ; Sigma Tau Delta, Historian ; Kappa Delta Pi; SEA. NANCY PENDLETON WHEELER B.A. , English Richmond , Virginia PATRICIA RAINWATE R WHITFIELD B.S., Music Education Richmond , Virginia Dean 's List ; Town Council Secretary ; Town Council Representa tive ; Westhampton Glee Club ; University Cho ir. CHERYL LYNN WHITNEY B.A., Sociology Stephens City, Virginia Glee Club , President; Wesley Foundation, Chairman Service Committee. MARTHA ANNE WHOLEY B.S. , Mathematic s Lawrencevi lle , Virginia Dean 's List ; Intermediate Honors ; Mortar Board; Pi Mu Epsilon , President ; Senior House Leader ; Freshman Class Historian ; Junior Class Secretary ; Or ien tation Counselor ; Newman Club. MARY BOLLING WILLIS B.S. , Music Education Culpeper, Virginia Dean 's List ; Band ; Glee Club ; Un iversity Choir; Orchestra ; Wesley Found at ion; Orientation Counselor. KATHLEEN SARGENT WILLS B.A ., English Petersburg , Virginia lntramurals ; Junior Orchesis ; Orches is. ELIZABETH ANN WILSON B.S., Biology Norfolk, Virginia Beta Beta Beta ; Ath letic Assoc iat ion Representa tive ; Vars ity Hockey ; Varsity Lacrosse; Varsity Basketba ll; Varsi ty Swimm ing ; lntramurals ; Wate r Show Director ; Synchronize d Swimming , Director; Univers ity Playe rs.

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CLIFFORD HENRY AL TSCHULL B.S ., Industrial Management Martinsville, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta , Vice President, President ; Alpha Kappa Psi; lnterfraternity Council ; lntramurals; Freshman baseball ; Varsity golf ; Hillel , Treasurer; Interfraternity Court, Secretary ; Society for Advancement of Management, Chairman. SAMUEL RAY ANDERSON B.S. Business Administration Stewartstown , Pennsylvania Theta Chi , Vice President; lntramurals ; Varsity football. 1

JOHN WELLFORD ANDREWS 8.S., Finance Richmond , Virginia Alpha Kappa Psi , Service Committee Chairman ; Senior Senator. ERNEST A. BAICH B.S., Business Finance Canal Fulton , Ohio Freshman basketball; Varsity basketball; I ntramu rals. RANDOLPH W. BAIRD B.S., Accounting Ebony, Virginia Beta Gamma Sigma; H.P . Thomas Economics Society, Treasurer; Who 's Who; Accounting Society, President.

WILBUR B. BOYER 8.S., Industrial Management Amelia , Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha; Alpha Kappa Psi; Glee Club; Wesley Foundation , Vice President , President; Y.M.C.A. , Vice President, President; Religious Activities CounCommittee of Religious cil; Executive Emphasis Week. EDWARD THOMAS BRADY 8.S., Economics Englishtown, New Jersey Junior Varsity baseball. FRANK OVERTON BROOKS 8.S., Economics Tappahannock, Virginia Dean's List; lnttermediate Honors; Pi pa Alpha; H.P. Thomas Economics Society, Vice President; Who's Who; Senator Business School; Senator Junior Class. FRANK WATKINS BROWN, Ill B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Transfer from Wake Forest College; Alpha Kappa Psi; WCRC; Young Republicans; YAF. G. SCOTT BROWN 8.S., Industrial Management Virginia Beach, Virginia Theta Chi, Secretary; lntramurals. BENJAMIN CHARLES BRUGH B.S., Industrial Management Petersburg, Virginia Alpha Kappa Psi. FREDERIC ARTHUR CLARK, JR. B.S., Marketing Falls Church, Virginia lnterfraternity Council Court, Chairman; Lambda Chi Alpha, President, Ritualist, Corresponding Secretary; Alpha Kappa Psi, Chairman Epsilon; S.B.A. - S.G.A.; Senator of Junior Class; Web, Fraternities Editor, Associate Editor; Freshman Cross Country and Track; University of Richmond; Marching Band; Publicity Chairman of Religious Emphasis Week; S.B.A. Senior Advisor. MAYNARD WAYNE DELOZIER B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Beta Gamma Sigma; Omicron Delta Kappa; Alpha Kappa Psi; H.P. Thomas Economics Society, President; Who's Who; Honor Council, Chairman; Junior Class Treasurer; Men's Glee Club. JAMES FRANKLIN DRAKE B.S., Finance Handsom, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Kappa Alpha, Rush Chairman; Phi Theta Kappa; lntramurals. ALAN DAVID DRAYER B.S., Accounting Trappe-Collegeville, Pennsylvania I nterfraternity Council; Phi Delta Theta, President; Scabbard and Blade; Web, Business Manager; ROTC Band ; Dormi~ Society; Accounting tory Counselor; I ntramu rals.


FREDERICK R. DUBLIN 8.S., Marketing Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Alpha Phi Omega, First Vice President; University Directory, Business Manager; lntramurals; Westminister Club; Society for the Advancement of Management; YMCA. CLARENCE McDONALD ENCLANO, Ill 8.S., Marketing Huntington, West Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi, Secretary. MICHAEL STEPHEN FERGUSON 8.S., Economics Ronaoke, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, Treasurer, Social Director; Omicron Delta Kappa, President; Alpha Kappa Psi, Ritualist; Who's Who; President Student Government; Honor Council; lntramurals; Glee Club, Secretary; President's AdPresident. WCRC Board. T. NELSON FLIPPO B.S., Industrial Management Ashland, Virginia Theta Chi, Secretary, Historian; Alpha Kappa Psi; Senator; Vice President of Junior Class. KENNETH MACKENZIE GASSMAN, JR. B.S., Marketing Culpeper, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Delta Epsilon, Secretary; Web Photographer; Band; Religious Emphasis Week Committee; Wesley Foundation, Publicity Chairman; Dorm Counselor; Philologian Society; Who's Who. WILLIAM J. HAGERDON B.S., Finance Hammondsport, New York lnterfraternity Council; Kappa Alpha, President of Junior lnterfraternity Council, lnterfraternity Council Representative; Collegian, Circulation Manager; Intramurals; WCRC. JAMES GIBSON HALL 8.S., Finance Hamilton, Virginia Canterbury Club; Alpha Phi Omega. JOHN F. HAMIL TON B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha, House Manager; Alpha Kappa Psi; Scabbard and Blade, Chairman of Military Activities Fund. PAUL L. HARRIS, JR. B.S., Accounting Richmond, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon; Accounting Society, Treasurer. RAYMOND L. HAYNIE B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Alpha Kappa Psi. WINSTON JACKSON HELLEMS 8.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Varsity Baseball.

FRANK LIN HOWAR D HURST B.S. , Market ing Tarboro , North Carolin a Pi Kappa Alpha; Senior Advisor ; Honor Cou nci I; I ntramu rals. MICHA EL L. HOWEL L B.S., Econom ics Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi. CHARL ES FRANK LIN JENNE SS B.S., Finance Richmo nd, Virginia Freshm an and Varsity Baseba ll; Southe rn Confer ence .

E. SHERW OOD MARSH ALL B.S ., Industr ial Manage ment Victoria Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma Secreta ry, pledge class ; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Society for Advancem ent of Manage ment. DONAL D R. MATHIS B.S., Finance Marion, North Carolin a I ntramu rals.


GEORG E FRANK LIN MAYNA RD B.S. , Finance Fayette ville , North Carolin a

MICHA EL C. MOYER B.A ., Finance Grovev il le. New Jersey Dean 's List ; Alpha Kappa Psi . BOBBY CUNDI FF NANCE B.S. , Accoun ting Moneta , Vi rginia Accoun ting Society Vice-Pr esident . WILLIA M WINN OSBOR NE B .S ., Market ing Bremo Bluff, Virginia Kappa Sigma.

GERALD E. PARR ROBER T D. JONES B.S., Market ing Fawn Grove, Pennsy lva iii;; Sigma Phi Epsilon ; lntramu rals. JOHN G. JORDA N B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Goochl and, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon , Vice Preside nt Athletic Division , Song Directo r; ROTC Band. JOHN T. KELLAM , Ill B.S., Finance Glen ·Allen, Virginia TAYLO R G. KING B.S., Market ing Richmo nd, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi. ROY C. KINSEY, Ill B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Roanok e, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon .

LOUIS MILLS MARKW ITH B.S., Market ing BonAir , Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha; Delta Kappa Psi; Pershin g Rifles; Scabba rd and Blade. KARL CASTO MEARN S, JR. B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Cheste r, South Carolin a Dean 's List; Lambda Chi Alpha Treasu rer, Athletic Chairm an ; Studen t Govern ment Associa tion Athletic Representativ e ; Preside nt 's Adviso ry Counci l; Alpha Kappa Psi; lntramu rals. MARK L. MONEY , JR. B.S ., Market ing Richmo nd, Virginia Rifle Team; Philolo gian-Pr esident . EMMET T JOSEP H MORGA N, JR. B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Richmo nd, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma Treasu rer; Society for the Advanc ement of Manage ment.

KENNE TH L. KRIMM B.S., Industr ial Manag ement Interme diate Honors ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Fresh man Footba ll; Varsity Footba ll.

B.S ., Accoun ting Warsaw , Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha Vice-Pr esident , pledge class ; Dean 's List ; Interme diate Honors ; Accoun ting Society ; Alpha Kappa Psi. KENNE TH PATTE RSON B.S. , Econom ics Aberde en , Marylan d Class Vice-Pr esident ; Web; Varsity Baseball, Basketb al I; I ntramu rals. RICHAR D CARRIN GTON PAULE TTE, JR. B.S ., Market ing Staunto n, Virginia Dean's List; Who's Who; Web - Sports Editor; Univers ity Choir - Vice-Pr esident ; Men 's Glee Club Treasu rer ; Baptist Studen t Union; Religio us Empha sis Week Commi ttee. LARRY GEORG E PEW B.S ., Market ing Richmo nd, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Chronic le; Freshman Footba ll; Varsity Footba l I Cocaptai n; lntramu rals. FRANK W. PIERCE B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Arlingto n , Virginia

JOHN ERIC LEO B.S., Econom ics Nanuet , New York Phi Gamma Delta.

HENRY THOMA S POHLM AN B .S. , Accoun ting Richmo nd , Virginia Scabba rd and Blade; R.O.T.C. Band; University of Richmo nd Band; Pep Band; Accoun ting Society .

R. THOMA S LEVINE R B.S., Industr ial Manage ment Richmo nd, Virginia Interme diate Honors ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Preside nt Senior Class.

KEVIN W. QUINN B.S. , Accoun ting Richmo nd , Virginia Accoun ting Society .

LOREN TODD LUMAD UE B.S., Finance Richmo nd, Virginia Young Republ icans.

GLENN A. REYNO LDS B.S ., Accoun ting Richmo nd , Virginia Dean's List; Accoun ting Society ; Freshman Baseba l I.

GEORG E T. MALLIS B.S., Econom ics Alexan dria , Virginia Transfe r from Louisbu rg College ; Lambd a Chi Alpha; lntramu rals; YMCA; Young Republ icans.

HERBE RT S. RICE, JR. B.S., Finance Montgo mery, Alabam a Phi Sigma Delta; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Intramurals; Circle K Club.

JAMES WOOD ROW MARILL A, JR. B.S., Manage ment Richmo nd, Virginia Dean's List ; Sigma Chi Pro-Co nsul. Tribune ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Scabba rd and Blade; Intra murals.

HARVE Y WILLIS ROBERTS, JR. B.S. , Accoun ting Norfolk , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Accoun ting Society ; Fresh man annd Varsity Basketb all; Intramu rals.


WALTER H. ROSYPAL B.S., Industria l Managem ent Bridgeto n , New Jersey Phi Kappa Sigma - Pledgem aster. WILLIAM SASHER B.S., Marketin g Herndon , Virginia Alpha Kappa Psi Treasure r; Senior Class Secretar y; lntramura ls. WALTER G. SCHNEE, Ill B.S. Finance Los Angeles, Californi a Dean's List; Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pledge Class Secretar y, Chaplain ; Intramurals. GEORGE L. SMITH B.S., Economi cs Tabb, Virginia Dean 's List; I nterfrate rnity Council; Lambda Chi Alpha - Pledge Class Treasurer, Vice-Pre sident; Omicron Delta Kappa; Circle K Vice Presiden t; Herman P. Thomas Honorary Economi cs Society Secretar y; Alpha Kappa Psi Warden; Who's Who; Student Governm ent Associat ion Vice Presiden t; Presiden t of Senate; Junior Class Presiden t; Presiden t of Student- All-Camp us Political Party; House of Represen tatives; Presiden t's Advisory Council; Senior Advisor; Homecoming Co-Chair man. HAYDEN KIRBY-S MITH, JR. B.S., Marketin g Kensingt on, Maryland Phi Delta Theta Treasure r, Athletic; I ntramu rals. TERRY 0. SMITH B.S., Industria l Managem ent Patterson , Georgia Football. ROBERT A. STOBIE B.S., Managem ent Charlotte sville, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega; Young Republic ans Club. RALPH EDWARD SUTTON B.S., Accounti ng Frederick sburg, Virginia Accounti ng Society; lntramura ls. DAVE S. TAMBEL LINI B.S., Marketin g Richmon d, Virginia Kappa Sigma. KIRBY JOE TAYLOR B.S., Industria l Managem ent Peachlan d, North Carolina Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi Historian; Sigma Alpha Omega; Senior Class Treasure r; Senior Advisor. MICHAE L WAYNE TAYLOR B.S., Industria l Managem ent Emporia, Virginia Theta Chi Assistan t Treasure r; Alpha Kappa Psi; Senator; School of Business ; Class Senator; lntramura ls. BENJAM IN P. VINCENT JR. B.S., Industria l Managem ent West Point, Virginia

JACK LEONAR D WAGNER B.S., Marketin g Richmon d, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi; lntramura ls; Religious Emphasi s Week. BRUCE ELLIOTT WELCH B.S., Economi cs Richmon d, Virginia Intermed iate Honors; Kappa Alpha; Alpha Kappa Psi - Vice-Pre sident; Who's Who; Student Governm ent Treasure r. ROBERT LARRY WESTON B.S., Finance Richmon d, Virginia Alpha Kappa Psi. GREGORY PAUL WILLIAM SON B.S., Industria l Managem ent Hampton , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; lntramura ls. WAYNE FRANKL IN WRENN B.S., Industria l Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia LAWRENCE MICHAE L ZUNICH B.A., Industria l Managem ent Portage, Pennsylv ania Phi Kappa Sigma; Who's Who; Varsity Football - Co-Capta in; lntramura ls.

THE T.C. WILLIAMS SCHOOL OF LAW F. BRUCE BACH Richmon d, Virginia B.A., Wake Forest College; Dean's List; lnterfrate rnity Council; Phi Delta Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa; Law Notes, Editor; McNeill Law Society; National Moot Court Team. IRVING MICHAE L BLANK Danville, Virginia S.S., Virginia Polytech nic Institute; Phi Alpha Delta, Clerk; Moot Court; Student Directory , Chairman . WILLIAM FREDER ICK BURNSID E Richmon d, Virginia B.A., College of William and Mary; Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha, Vice Presiden t, Secretar y; McNeill Law Society, Chancellor; Pi Delta Phi, Rush Chairman , Representative to Student Bar Associat ion; Omicron Delta Kappa. GEORGE ANGELO CHRISTL E Norfolk, Virginia B.A., College of William and Mary; Dean's List; Interfrate rnity Council; Phi Alpha Delta, Treasure r. ROBERT GILES CLEMEN TS Henrico Country, Virginia B.A., Roanoke College; lnterfrate rnity Council; Delta Theta Phi; Moot Court; Honor Court, Justice. DEAN PETER COLLIAS Norfolk, Virginia B.A., Universit y of Virginia; Dean's List; Phi Alpha Delta, Secretar y; McNeil! Law Society.


JOHN CAMPBE LL COWAN Frederick sburg, Virginia B.B.A., Virginia Polytech nic Institute; Delta Theta Phi, Secretary . PATRICK McGUIRE GROWLING, JR. Richmon d, Virginia B.A., Universit y of Virginia; Phi Alpha Delta. BILLY KENNETH CRUEY Cedar Bluff, Virginia S.S., East Tennesse e State Universit y; Phi Delta Phi. EDWARD OLEN CULLER Richmon d, Virginia B.A., Universit y of Richmon d; Interfraternity Council; Phi Delta Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa; McNeill Law Society; Student Bar Associat ion, Presiden t; Intermural Moot Court, Winning Team Second Year, Best Brief Second Year; Moot Court Committe e, Co-vhair man; Orientation Committe e; Law Notes.

JOHN MASTON DAVIS Sharps , Virginia 8.A ., Randolph-M acon College ; Phi Delta Phi. WILLIAM GRAVELY DAVIS Richmond , Virginia B.A., Virginia Military Institute ; Phi Delta Phi. JOHN EDWARD DODSON Richmond , Virginia B.S., Richmond Professiona l Institute; Dean's List ; Phi Delta Phi. FRANCIS MARION FENDERSON , JR . Richmond , Virginia B.A. , Wake Forest; B.D ., Southeaster n Theological Seminary; lnterfraterni ty Council; Phi Delta Phi, President. JOHN ALLEN FOX Richmond , Virginia B.S., University of Richmond ; Phi Alpha Delta, Vice Justice, Rush Chairman; Phi Alpha Delta District Conclave, Business Manager.

CHARLES HAROLD GARDNER JR. Richmond , Virginia B.S. , Virginia Polytechnic Institute ; Delta Theta Phi. ANDREW DAVIS GLEASON Johnstown , Pennsylvan ia B.A. , Hobart College ; Sigma Chi ; Phi Alpha Delta, Marshal. ROBERT FRANCIS HALEY, II Portsmouth , Virginia B.S. , LaSalle College ; Phi Alpha Delta; Student District Treasurer. DAVIS GROVE HEATWOLE Harrisonbur g , Virginia B.S. , Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Phi Delta Phi. THOMAS OVERTON JONES Richmond, Virginia B.A. , University of Virginia ; Delta Theta Phi, Social Chairman; University of Richmond Young Democrats, President. PAUL CORNELIUS KINCHELOE, JR. Burke, Virginia B.A., Randolph-M acon College;Phi Delta Phi; Honor Court, Justice. ROBERT EDWARD KOWALSKY, JR. Chesapeake , Virginia B.B.A., Old Dominion College; Delta Theta Phi. BURNETT MILLER Richmond, Virginia B.A. , University of Richmond; Phi Alpha Delta; McNeil! Law Society; Student Bar Association , Secretary ; Honor Court, President. LOWRY J. MILLER Richmond , Virginia B.A., University of Richmond; Phi Delta Phi; Intramural Moot Court , Co-chairma n; Legal Aid Society. JAMES F. MORANO , JR. Richmond , Virginia 8.A. , University of Richmond; Phi Delta Phi; Student Activities Director; Intramurals. DAVID WILLIAM MULLEN Cincinnati , Ohio S.S., George Town College; Dean's List; Phi Delta Phi; McNeil! Law Society ; Moot Court Committee; Law Notes, Staff; National Moot Court Team.

CARLETON DAVIDSON POWELL Richmond , Virginia B.A. , University of Virginia ; Delta Theta Phi ; Student Legal Aid , Chairman ; Student Bar Speakers Program . ROBERT ARNOLD PUSTILNIK Richmond , Virginia B.A. , University of North Caro lina ; De lta Theta Phi ; McNeil! Law Society ; Vice Chancellor ; Student Counci l; University of Richmond Debate Team , Asst. Coach. HUNTER MARTIN ROBERTSON Hopewell , Virginia B.S. , Richmond Professiona l Institute ; Phi Delta Phi , Athletic Chairman. JOHN GEORGE ROCOVICH , JR. Blacksburg , Virginia B.S. , Virginia Polytechnic Institute ; Phi Delta Phi. VERNON EARL STANLEY, JR. Emporia, Virginia JOHN WILLIAM SWEZEY Richmond , Virginia B.A ., Randolph-M acon College ; Delta Theta Phi , "Dett Briefs, " Editor ; Honor Court. DEAN WORLEY SWORD , JR. Richmond , Virginia B.A., Belmont Abbey College ; Delta Theta Phi; National Moot Court Team ; Young Democrats Club , Vice President. WOODIE MARSHALL TUCK Richmond , Virginia S.S., University of Richmond; Phi Delta Phi; Honor Council. WILLIAM ORRIN TUNE, JR. Chatham , Virginia B.A., University of Richmond ; Interfraternity Council ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon ; Phi Alpha Delta ; McNeil! Law Society ; Omicron Delta Kappa ; Student Bar Association , Treasurer ; Honor Council. GLEN ALLEN TYLER Richmond , Virginia B.A. , University of Richmond ; Phi Delta Phi ; Moot Court. MARK CATESBY WILLIS Fredericksb urg , Virginia

CHANDLER ANDERSON NELSON Richmond , Virginia B.B.A., Wake Forest College ; Phi Alpha Delta ; Moot Court Committee.

B.A., University of Virginia ; Phi Alpha Delta.

ROBERT GILDA O'HARA , JR. Richmond , Virginia B.S., Virginia Military Institute ; Phi Delta Phi.

B.A. , University of Richmond ; lnterfraternity Council ; Phi Alpha Delta , Justice.

JOHN BERNARD PALOCHAK Richmond , Virginia S.S. , University of Richmond ; Phi Delta Phi.


ANDREW WILLIAM WOOD Richmond , Virginia

ARCHER LAFAYETTE YEATTS , Ill Richmond , Virginia B.A. , University if Richmond ; lnterfraternity Council ; Phi Alpha Delta , President ; McNeil! Law Society, Treasurer ; Honor Court ; Speakers Comm ittee.


. .... .. . Editor-in-Chief

FREDERIC A. CLARK, JR . .. . ... .. . . Associate Editor LINDA LEE GRAHAM ... .. . . . .... Business Manager BARBARA LEE JOHNSON . . . . . . . . Editorials Editor DIANE ELIZABETH DORSEY . ... Organizations Editor


KATHRYN ELIZABETH SCOTT . ....... Classes Editor NELDA LEE WARREN . ... .. .. . ... Honoraries Editor

1967 WEB

WARREN C. EDWARDS ... .... . .. Fraternities Editor RICHARD C. PAULETTE, JR .... . ... . .. Sports Editor


KENNETH M. GASSMAN, JR .. . .. ... .. . Photographer ROBERT E. KOWALSKY, JR .... . Law Representative PAT ROBSON .. . ...... .. . University College Editor STAFF MEMBERS Phyllis Andrews Jane Arrington Susan 8 ryant Betty Jo Clark Sarah Clanton Susan Cosby Linda Davis Beverly Delano Rita Grimstead Lee Grub Dee Warren Harrell Judy Holmes Lisa Hummel Ray Hummel Mary Ellen Kerns Angela Lilly Diane MacMeccan

Elise Miller Linda Miller Marcia Moody Margaret Osborn Phyllis Pearce Ann Marie Pearson Marcia Raveling Mary Sanford Jean Scott Carol Seymour Kit Spoonts Susan Thornhill Pete Williams Patsy Wingo Ann Woodson

The 1967 Web was published by Hunter Publishing Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was printed on Warren's Saxony Enamel paper. Body type was Helvetica. Covers were produced by Universal Book Binders, San Antonio, Texas. Portraits were taken by Colonna Studios, Inc., Carle Place, Long Island, New York. The majority of the candid photography was by Kenneth M. Gassman, Jr.,Culpeper, Virginia. Mr. John G. Perry, representative of Hunter Publishing Company, made innumerable trips to the University of Richmond campus and gave expert help in the production of the 1967 Web.



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