Kathy Scott, Editor-in-Chief Rick Stephenson, Associate Editor
Organizatio ns
tt:.\lM Fraternities
p. 102
p. 136
p. 176
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The Sound of Silence Sounds and silence . . . They fill the whole atmosphere in a university world. In noisy meetings, in animated discussions, amid the shuffle of hurrying feet, beneath chimes floating hourly across the lake, Richmond students find themselves surrounded by sounds. At other times they seek the solace of silence, in the library, on a silent pause by the lake, in the dead stillness of a dorm at 5 a.m. after an all-night study sojourn. There are the sounds that will always be remembered - the songs and jeers of ratting, the blast of hot vibrations at a fraternity party, the group efforts of Song Contest, the cheering for that all-important touchdown. There are the silences one would rather forget - the tense silence of a final exam, the strained silence of a convocation, the waiting silence as a professor collects his notes, the depressing silence of an inactive buzzer. Both sound and silence combine to make the pattern that 1969 will always mean to you. Those things that you chose to hear will determine how meaningful the ye_a r has been.
Sounds reached the U niversi.ty in 1969 from all possible external sources. From all areas of the country and all fields of endeavor speakers brought sounds of stimulating challenge to the students. Political sounds filled the air as students involved themselves in the Presidential campaign. No longer were ears closed to the world outside the college. The outward-seek ing interests of the students were voiced in the campus newspaper's introduction of national news coverage, in student efforts in grass-roots politics, in community service projects in the city of Richmond. It was a year in which silence w;;is not allowed to go unfilled. It was a year in which students made significant sounds.
''Hello, Darkness, my old friend .... "
To many, darkness was indeed a friend. Darkness brought the end of classes, a few short hours of rest in a busy, noisy day, a welcome silence from the din of daily activity. Darkness meant bright lights and brighter parties, movies and pizza and Big Weekends, the Mosque and Arby's and the Sahara Club, Bryan Park and green parties and Riverside Drive. Darkness could be the night before a lab exam or the cobwebs in a mailbox or a Saturday night spent in the dorm. But when darkness brought time to relax and discuss the evening's date or share Playboy with a room mate, then darkness was welcomed as an old friend.
"I' ve come to ta lk to you again . . . . . ''
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The sounds of voices engaged in earnest conversation were the most common and yet most vital sound of the year. From a conference with a faculty advisor to a visit with a Junior Counselor, from a dinner table discussion to a seminar debate, from a big brother's advice to a pledge to a rat sister's encouraging words, all were crucial in this year's pattern of sounds. Every time a student sought out a professor to pursue a question, every time a responsive chord was struck in some eager listener, every time an opinion was expressed which found a listening ear, every one of these times was part of the pattern of communication. In a year when communication was of paramount importance, the words "I've come to talk to you again ... " gained new significance.
"In restless dreams I walked alone .... " There were times when silence was necessarily a time to "walk alone." The isolation of hibernating with a book, the solitude of a pensive walk by the lake, the privacy of a silent daydream. The restless dreams of Richmond students varied widely. A chance to make the Varsity team . . . a hope for a bid from that special fraternity . . . aspirations to make Dean's List just once ... fervent campaigning for an all-important class office . . . just a chance to graduate and be independent. Restless daydreams of trips home and vacations and lazy days ... restless hopes for the future and careers and weddings and graduate study . . . restless students hearing their own individual sounds in the silence.
"'Ne ath the halo of a stree t lamp .... "
There were lamps that lit the silence of the campus -the inescapable lights of the North Court archway, the welcome lights of the fraternity lodges, the bobbing lights of the lakepath mirrored in the lake. But there were also gray days when it was necessary to turn one's collar "to the cold and damp." The misery of crossing the lake in the rain, the chill of playing hockey on a November day, the exhiliara ting iciness of skating on the lake, the crowded coldness of a football grandsta nd were all days for turning up the collar as well as the radiator. There were times when the sounds of silence were cold in themselv es. An unanswe red greeting ... a joke that fell flat ... a dorm room with roommates signed out for the weekend . . . These were the times when silence was "cold and damp."
Crowds . . . masses . . . blurred faces . . . so many crowd scenes filled the year. The milling line outside the Refectory . . . the scurrying crowd of changing classes . . . the crushing confusion of registration . . . the impressed audiences in the new theater. . . . Perhaps crowds were most important in the sounds of sports this year. The sound of Dixie played by the Pep Band . . . the crunch of cleats on frozen earth . . . the cheers as the basketball team bounded onto the court . . . the resounding thwack of a home run . . . the sighs of disa ppoin tmen t at a field goal missed . . . the words of encouragement from a tireless coach. These were the Sounds of Spider Spirit in '69.
"And in the naked light I saw ten thousand people, maybe more .... "
All too of ten communic ation turned out to be only one-way. In the university world, where communication depends so largely on sounds, for people to talk without speaking or hear without listening is tragic. Lectures in classes, welcoming speeches in Orientation , speakers in Convocatio n and chapel may have all seemed a dissonant outburst to the newly-arri ved freshman. But the course of the year brought a more finely attuned ear to the student so that the sounds of the campus could merge into harmony for him. The student learned to hear and to listen. The year taught him to distinguish between those who were talking and those who were actually speaking.
talking without speaking, People hearing without listening .... "
the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence .... '' ~~And
Out of all the year, there are memories of sounds and of silence. In some cases, one may feel that "No one dared disturb the sound of silence." But then there were those special inspiring professors, the ones to whom response was so willing when they asked, "Hear my words that I might teach you." They were the ones who made it all worth while. For the professors, there were days when students seemed extraordinarily dull, days when the unrewarded teacher could have cried, "But my words like silent raindrops fell, and echoed in the well of silence." But for them too there were compensations. An occasional brilliant student brightened a professor's life and "touched the sound of silence." Whether for student or teacher, the year remains an auditory memory of sounds and silence. The year may have seemed at times never-ending, but it was in reality only a beginning. The most that can be hoped is that 1969 left some whisper within the silence, so that on looking back through these pages one can honestly say, "And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence."
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PRESIDENT Dr. George M. Modlin, President of the University of Richmond.
Twenty-three years of able leadership mark Dr. George M. Modlin's term as President of the University of Richmond. Growth and expansion have been characteristic of the past several years with the completion of the Fine Arts Building and the construction of a new men's dormitory. Under Dr. Modlin's leadership, the University has grown both in size and in quality. In addition to his duties as President, Dr. Modlin is active in many community projects as well as campus functions. The President shows interest in student affairs and seeks to keep the lines of communication open between administration, faculty, and students. For his years of service, the University is indeed indebted to Dr. George M. Modlin. Dr. Modlin pauses to leaf through a favorite book.
Miss Jane Pope, Dr. Modlin's Secretary.
TREASURER Dr. Wheeler and his secretary, Mrs. Alice Powell.
Dr. Charles H. Wheeler, III, Treasurer of the University of Richmond.
Keeping the University of Richmond on a sound financial basis is the main task of Dr. Charles H. Wheeler III. Serving as University Treasurer since 1942, Dr. Wheeler not only keeps the University within the budget, but also acts as Treasurer of the Board of Publications which is responsible financially for the newspaper, yearbook, and literary magazine. As an active member of civic clubs, Dr. Wheeler is a leading citizen. In direct relations with the students, Dr. Wheeler administers work and academic scholarships. Through the sound policies of Dr. Charles H. Wheeler, the University of Richmond has been able to grow ancf expand.
WILLIAM T. MUSE B.A., L.L.B., S.J.D. Dean of the T.C. Williams School of Law
ROBERT F. SMART B.A., M.A., PhD. University Provost
AUSTIN E. GRIGG B.A., M.A., PhD. Dean of Richmond College WILLIAM E. BAKER B.A., B.D. Dean of Students: Richmond College and School of Business Administration
JAMES A. MONCURE B.A., M.A., PhD. Dean of University College RICHARD C. CHEWNING B.A., M.A., PhD. Associate Dean of University College
W. DAVID ROBBINS B.A., M.B.A., PhD. Dean of School of Business Administration
CLARENCE J. GRAY B.A., M.A., EdD. Dean of Administrative Services
MARY LOUISE GEHRING B.A., M.A., PhD. Dean of Westhampton College
CLARA M. KEITH B.S., M.A. Dean of Women Students
EDWARD F. OVERTON B.A., M.A., PhD. Dean of the Summer School
EDWARD C. PEPLE B.A., M.A., PhD. Dean of the Graduate School
ROBERT H. BELL B.S. Chemistry ADDISON D. CAMPBELL B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Physics RICHARD A. MATEER A.B., Ph.D. Chemistry
J. S. PIERCE B.S., P. Sc., M.S., Ph.D. Chemistry WILLIAM ALLAN POWELL B.S., Ph.D. Chemistry WILLIE REAMS B.S., Ph.D. Biology
HOWARD M. SMITH B.A., M.A. Biology
]. J. TAYLOR B.S., M.S. Physics
WILLIAM TROUT A.B., Ph.D. Chemistry
WARWICK WEST B.S., Ph.D. Biology
]. WORSHAM B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Chemistry
NORMAN F. EDWARDS B.S., Ph.D. Economics
ARTHUR BECK B.S., M.B.A. Business
DAVID EKEY B.S.I.E., B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Mana.g ement JAMES G. RENNIE, JR. B.S., M.C. Business
LEWIS BALL B.A., Ph.D. English
S. W. STEVENSON B.A., M.A., Ph.D. English
CHARLES TURNEY B.A., M.A., Ph.D. English
IRVIN H. WHITE A.B., M.A., Ph.D. English
HANNAH COKER B.A. Music MAX GRAEBER B.S., M.A. Speech and Drama CHARLES JOHNSON B.M., M.S.M. Art History
WILLIAM LOCKEY B.F.A., M.A. Drama and Speech JOHN MACKAY B.A., M.S. Music FREDERICK NEUMANN Ph.D., M.A., Ph.D. Music
ED ROBERTSON B.A., M.A. Music HILTON RUFTY Associate Professor of Music
JERRY TARVER B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Speech and Drama JOHN WELSH B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Speech and Drama
GENE ADREAN Doccor in Letters Italian
MARY BEATY B.A., Ph.D. Latin
H. I. CARDOUNEL Dr. en Dro., Dr. en C.S.P.E. Spanish
EUNICE FOY B.A., M.A. Spanish
WILLIAM GAINES A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Romance Languages
CATHERINE PASTUHOVA Ph.D. Languages TALBOT SELBY A.B., Ph.D. Ancient Languages
B.A. German CARTER W . STONE B.A., M.A. Literature and Languages HALEY THOMAS A.B., M.A. Modern Languages
JACOB BOWEN, JR. B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Mathematics
JO ANNE BROOKS B.A., M.Ed. Mathematics
SHERMAN GRABLE B.S., M.A. Mathematics
FRANCIS KEY B.S., M.A. Mathematics
CLARENCE MONK B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Math ematics
MARIAN STOKES B.A., M.A. Mathematics
THOMAS VASSAR B.S., M.S. Math ematics
LT. COL. CHARLES DONOVAN Associate Professor of Miliury Science
LT. JOHN W. PAYLOR Assistant Professor of Military Science
_ ] ,. . ..._,.., .. •.
THOMAS BERRY B.S., A.M., Ph.D. Economics S. K. MOAK B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Economics T. C. SAUNDERS A.B., M.B.A., Ph.D. Economics
HERMAN THOMAS B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Economics RUSSELL WARREN B.S.B.A. Economics
MATILDA CHALKLEY B.A., M.D. Physiology and Hygiene
AUGUSTA CHAPMAN B.A., M.S. Physical Education
NANCY ELKINS B.S. Ed., M.S. Ed. Physical Education
PATRICIA HIGGINBOT HAM B.S., Ed., M.S. Ed. Physical Education
RICHARD HUMBERT B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Physical Education
BILL JORDON B.A., M.Ed. Physical Education
LEONARD MCNEAL B.A., M.A. Physical Education
MARY JANE MILLER B.S., M.S. Physical Education
LEWIS MILLS B.S. Basketball Coach
MALCOLM PITT Baseball Coach
ERNEST BOLT B.A., M.A., Ph.D. History W. HARRISON DANIEL B.A., D.B., M.A., Ph.D. History
S. N. CHITTON B.A., M.A. Philosophy
JOHN GORDON, JR. A.B., M.A. History
ARTHUR GUNLICKS B.A., Ph.D. Political Science
JOHN RILLING B.A., M.A., Ph.D. History
JOSEPH ROBERT A.B., LLD., A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D. History
FRANCIS UNDERHILL A.B., A.M;., Ph.D. History ELLIS MCKINNEY WEST B.A., M.A. Political Science
J. MARTIN RYLE B.A., M.A., Ph.D. History
JEAN DICKENSON B.A., M.S. Psychology
ROBERT FILER B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Psychology
EDWARD GREGORY B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Sociology
WILLIAM LEFTWICH B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Psychology
JAMES TROMATER B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Psychology
JAMES A. SARTAIN B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Sociology
ROBERT ALLEY B.A., M.A. Religion
LARRY FLORA B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D . Education
ROBINSON JAMES B.A., B.D., Ph.D . Religion
PHILIP HART B.A., B.D., M.A., Ph.D. Religion
D. W. RHODENHISER B.A., B.D., Th.M., Th.D. Religion
Catherine Bell Westhampton College Registrar
Walter P. Drewry Director of Athletic Public Relations
Thomas N. Pollard, Jr. Director of Admissions and Registrar Richmond College
Mary Ellen Anderson Director of Admissions and Placement Westhampton College
Mrs. Guy L. Scott and Guy L. Scott Richmond College Hostess and Host Director of the Student Center
Randy H. Walker Assistant Director of Public Relations
STAFF Joseph E. Nettles Alumni Secretary and Director of Public Relations
Rudolph M. Peterson Director of Buildings and Grounds f'
Cecil F. Jones Auditor
Mrs. Annie Bennett Director of Buildings Westhampto n College
Mrs. Mary Lams, Mrs. Wayland, Miss Lillie Jackson, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodkinson W esthampton College Hostesses
D r. Oscar Hite University Physician
Edna Tinsley Richmond College Nurse
Miss Ellen Crigler W esthampton Nurse Not pictured: Mrs. Jeffries, Miss Gillespie Westhampto n College Nurses
Miss Nancy Mitchum W esthampton College R eligious Activities Director
Charles Coleburn Slater System Manager
Mrs. Arnall and Mrs. Jones Westhampton Dieticians
Mrs. Eula Lipscomb. Not pictured: Mrs. Fanny Martin Director of Men's Dormitories Dr. William Smith Richmond College Religious Activities Director
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' 55
1968 HOMECOMING QUEEN The bright smile and bouncy grace of Richmond's 1968 Homecoming Queen belonged to Miss Cheryl Kaye Blankenship. A Westhampton College Sophomore, Cheryl hails from Emporia, Virginia. Her activities at Westhampton have centered in College Government work, where Cheryl found the job of Secretary a big but rewarding task. Future plans for Cheryl include a major in Sociology with possible plans for a career in child welfare. Noted for her deadly Southern drawl, our queen was accustomed to answering to the name "Shur!." Cheryl represented Theta Chi Fraternity in the Homecoming Court competition. The beautiful, victorious Homecoming game against VMI was brightened by our beautiful queen, Miss Cheryl Blankenship.
1969 MAY QUEEN For the first time in a long tradition of May Queens, Westhampton had a "Mrs." reigning over its May Day festivities. Mrs. Alice Justice Retzer contributed her grace and unique charm to the success of the "Shangrila" May Day this year. Alice has had a full career in her four years at Westhampton. She served as Freshman Class Secretary, a sophomore PD, Treasurer of College Government, and a member of Judicial Council. Her academic honors included Intermediate Honors, Phi Alpha Theta, and Phi Beta Kappa. A member of Mortar Board, Mrs. Retzer is listed in Who's lVho Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Alice hails originally from Arlington, Virginia, but she deserted South Court and Arlington to become a Richmonder this year. Known to her friends as "Baby Alice" or "A'"', Mrs. Retzer possessed the ideal combination of well-rounded poise and unassuming charm to make her the perfect queen for May Day, 1969.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Retzer.
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HONOR COUNCIL. Seated, left to right: Sam Leishear, Dave Smith (secretary), Josh Pretlow (chairman) , Jim Bowen, Nelson Lankford. Standing: Bill Dubin, Fred Guest, Alan Fankhanel.
RICHMOND COLLEGE STU DEN T GOV ERN MEN T SGA OFFICERS. Left to right: Sterling Moore (Director of public relations), Sam Scott (Chairman, College Union), Tim Finchem (Vice-Pres ident), Richard Epps (Secretary) , Fred Smith ( President) . Not pictured-B ob Musick (Treasurer) .
LEGISLATIV E COMMISSI ON. Seated, left to right: John Mizell, Virgil Goode (Chairman), John Good, Standing: John Garnett, Rawls Saecker, Bill Rhodenhiser.
SENATE. Seated, left to right: Larry Potts, John Voneiff, Tim Finchem, Rick Arnold, Doug Gregory. Standing: Bruce Ropiecki, Lance Wood, Ken Elsea, David Whitacre, Les Lilley. Third row: Ed Pruden, Clarke Bustard, Richard Kline.
COLLEGE COUNCIL. Seated, left to right: Cheryl Blankenship, Diane Edwards, Mary Sue Terry, Anne Holland, Donna Boone, Miss Osborne (faculty advisor). Standing: Dean Gehring, Dixie Lee, Dink Brown, Betsy Baskin, Chime Tate, Pat Connell, Betty Brookes, Sue Donaldson, Kathy Neal, Marcia Smith, Nancy Boykin, Janet Sewell, Mrs. Long, Linda Parrish, Dean Keith. Not pictured: Dr. Tarver (faculty advisor).
WESTHAM PTON COLLEGE STUDENT GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Seated, left to right: Donna Boone, Diane Edwards, Mary Sue Terry, Anne Holland, Cheryl Blankenship. Standing: Becky Riddell, Chime Tate, Betsy Baskin.
JUDICIAL COUNCIL. Left to right: Lin Ellis, Dee Fultz, Alice Presson, Mary Lee Watson, Dianne Edwards, Grace Yeats, Majorie Scott, Alice Justice.
SOUTH COURT RESIDENCE COUNCIL. Seated, Marilyn Flynn, Betsy Baskin (President), Rebecca Saunders. Standing, Emily Epps, Marjorie Scott.
TOWN COUNCIL. Left to right: Francie Pollard, Janice Carter, Dee Fultz, Becky Riddell (President), Judy Baughan, Bonnie Giannotti.
NORTH COURT RESIDENCE COUNCIL. First row, left to right: Mary Lee Watson, Chime Tate, Ann Dowdy. Second row: Susan Bain, Rio Henry, Vickie Bowman.
SENATE. Seated, left to right: Randy Hudson, Butch Hinton, George D ickson, Ke n Fisher. Standing: John Darden, Johnny Howell, Bob Rogers, James Clark.
SGA OFFICERS. Left to right: John David Robbins ( President), Joe Harding (Vice President), Tom Stevens (Secretary), Douglas Maxey (Treasurer), Rea Brown (Athletic representative).
HONOR COUNCIL. Seated, left to right: Lee Wallace, Richard Epstein, Joseph Henderson. Standing: Michael Williams, Ken Patton.
STUDE NT BAR OFFIC ERS. Left to right: E. Blay Bryan (Vice Preside nt), David T . Walke r (Presid ent), Lloyd J. Parker, Jr. (Secret ary). Not Picture d : George H. McNeal, III (Treas urer).
HONO R COUR T. Seated, left to right: Ronald M. Plotkin , Russell W. Jordan , III (Chief Justice ), Robert G. Dinsmo re, Jr. Standin g: Richar d E. Laster, James N. Wilhoi t, III, Richard D. Rogers, Jr. Not Picture d: C. Allen Riggins , Stan J . Pohl.
IFC. Seated, left to right: Edward A. Natt, Theodore J. Burr, Jr., Edward H. Grove, Gerald F. Dalton. Standing: Roger L. Morton, G. Michael Price, John W. Crews, Raymond E. Davis, T homas F. H ancock, Jr.
CIRCUIT REPRESENTATIVES. Left to right: Eric L. Cummings, Theodore J. Burr, Jr., Carroll T. Neale, III, Thomas F. Hancock, Jr., Coleman B. Yeatts, Jr., Philip S. Marstiller.
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SENATE: Left to right: Bruce Hall, Matt Mattox, Steve Vass, Connie Matin, Ed Taylor, Judy Fortune, John West, Eric Pedeeson .
SGA OFFICERS: Jack Burnette, Matt Maddox.
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HONOR COUNCIL. Seated, left to right : Barbara Hales, Denny White (Chairman), Don Amos. Standing: Edmund Hinning, William Bennett. Not Pictured: Norman Levin.
The labors of decisions: what shall we use for a theme? How many color pictures can we afford? What will the cover be like? ... The pain of complaints: "I had to stand in line three hours to get my picture made!" "I don't like that photographer - he gets too friendly with that drape!" "Why can't I put this picture of me in a bikini last summer in the classes section?" ... The sleeplessness of meeting a deadline: "Crop this picture! I can't find Copy A for page 99! Who spilled coffee on this layout? What time is it? I don't care what you say in that copy block - make up something!" ... The relief and pride of finally holding the finished product in your own two hands ... These are the components of the year for a member of the Web staff. Their efforts produce the book that echoes the sounds and silences of the year for the entire University.
Kathy Scott, Editor-in-Chief, and Rick Stephenson, Associate Editor.
Left to right: Angela Lilly, (Honoraries Editor); Jane Arrington, (Classes Editor); Sterling Moore, (Photographer); Linda Noell, (Organizations Co-Editor); Susan Moore, (Girls' Sports Editor); Bobbie Cahoon, (Editorial Editor). Not Pictured: Patsy Taylor, (Organizations CoEditor); Myron M ann, (Sports Editor) , Harriet Haynes, (Business Manager) , Sally Wood, (Faculty Editor).
Editor-in-Chief RONALD
Editorial Editor Feature
Men's Division News Editor
B. ROBERTSON Westhampton News Editor
Editor·--··--······-··--··--···-·····-·····--···-·----- ---··-··--------·..Don
Copy Editor..·-··-··--··--··--···-····-········--·· -··--··-···-·----···········-----.E dee Courtney Editorial Assistant..............................·-··················-······-····-··-··-··-··-··-··-······-··-··-··-··-·······Elise Miller Columnists...... :Reporters
...........................................Casey Clinedinst, Jim Winders ..................Katherine Carter, Casey Clinedinst, Alice Graubc, Charlie
Hopkins, Lynda Zimmerman, Harvey Lankford, Jim Wilson, Fitzhugh Godwin, Don Godd'ard, Brandt Levin, Scott Ward, Jeff D0ug1as, Doug Schroeder Exchange Editor..·-··-·-··-·····-·····----···-···-····-· -··----···-········-··-··---·-··--·Jo el Bradshaw
Artist ·······-····--··-···-···-·····-····-···-··-············-·········-··········-·····················-··-··-···R;chard Herschaft
Photographers...-····-··············-··································--······-···Bill Bodine, Ira Katz, R ichard Morgan Make-up Assistants......·-······-······························································-·········Linda Nieman. Beth Poston TypUts..........·-······-··········································-··-··-··-·······--·.. ···············-·······Julie Jones, Jeanne Shorter SPORTS STAFF
Seated: Bonnie Thomas, Katherine Carter, Linda Yeatts, Jean Shorter. Second row: Rae Brown, Joel Bradshaw, Brandt Levin, Brant Watson, Scott Ward.
.............................. .James A. Jacobs Editor ....................Rea D. Bi-own, Rin Henry Assistant Editors Reporters .............Weldon Bradshaw, Mike Stafford, Tim Wood, Brandt Watson , Janet Beard BUSINESS STAPP
.. .....Reggie Wood ........................... Business Manager... . CircUlatiop Manager..·-··-······--··-·-···-··-··-··-··-·········- ···-···-··-··-··-······-······-···Robcrt W. Traylor .. ...... - .....Pat Howard Assistant .......... .
Seated: Edee Courtney, (Copy Editor); Lynne Robertson, (Westhampton Editor). Standing: Jimmy Jacobs, (Sports Editor); Jim Raper, (Mens Division Editor).
Circulation Managers: Pat Howard, Woody Taylor.
Up-to-date coverage of local as well as important national events is an everyday routine of the Collegian. Students were kept up to date on the Presidenti al candidates and their views by the Collegian's weekly articles and editorials. Student concern was shown in the weekly letters to the editor. Through the Collegian the students kept abreast of all important issues. The Collegian reflected the current issues and was a vital component of the University life.
Left to right: Pat Mallory, (Managing Editor); Roger Beck, (Editor-in-C hief); Ron Brumback, (Editorial Editor).
Left to right: Linda Nieman, (Make-up Staff); Don Owen, (Feature Editor); Henry Patterson, (Make-up Staff); Beth Poston, (Make-up Staff).
UNIVERSIT Y CHOIR Musical knowledge as well as vocal excellence are the necessary characteristics for University Choir members. While Mr. Erb was on sabbatical leave, Mr. Ed Robertson directed the Choir throughout the year. The forty-member group sang at the Fine Arts Building dedication, and gave Christmas and Spring Concerts. The year was brought to a close with a tour to
Florida, where they sang in various churches. The choir provided outstanding musical programs for the University and community. The University Choir officers this year were: Judy Jacobs, President; Sally Andrews, Vice President; Bruce Stevens, Treasurer; Patsy Blackard, Business Manager; Thom Robertson, Librarian.
Betsy Herrick, Judy Jacobs, Sally Andrews. Third row: Bill Sanders, Steve Salter, Jane Arrington, Betty Brookes, Judy Johnson, Nancy Clevinger, Ann Carson, Joanne Herrington, Mr. Ed Robertson (Director) .
Front row, left to right: Bruce Stevens, Louis Graham, Campbell Johnson, Skip Jenkins, Jack Mays, Tom James, Donna Holmes, Jan Spangler, Pat Price, Lisa Byers, Maude Williams, Mary Anna Toms, Janet Sewell. Second row: Frank Buhrman, Thom Robertson, Chip Morrow, Joyce Clinkscales, Nancy Boykin, Patsy Blackard,
First row, left to right: Mr. Ed Robertson (Director), Kay Brasure, Brenda Giannotti, Claire Born, Nancy Puckett, Lelia Baum, Linda Graham, Linda Noell, Sallie Stone, Mary Marshall Taylor, Madieth Malone, Lucy Bone, Angela Lilly, Ginny Briggs. Second row: Lee Finch, Carol Brown, Donna Abbott, Joan Freeze, Ginny Gary, Isabelle Thomas, Nancy Monk, Dee Fultz, Rachel Pierce, Nancy Jarvis, Liz Northen . Back row: Chris Steinbach, Ruth Schweitzer, Nancy Clevenger, Nancy Scott, Lyn Zimmerman, Jan Rumney, Harriette Turner, Pat Day, Ellen Gwathmey, Sharon Tulloh, Pat Gatling, Ann Dowdy, Bobbie Cahoon, Frances Maddox. Not Pictured: Nancy Ball, Fay Duffer, Jonna Graham, Marilib Henry, Holly Jones, Robbie Staples.
Mr. Ed Robertson's first year at Westhampton was livened up quite a bit by his forty-five ladies in the Glee Club. A switch in musical style to more contemporary pieces was the main innovation. A tour to churches in Western Virginia highlighted first semester, followed by concerts in the Spring. The Glee Club
worked hard and added new sounds to the campus. The officers for the Glee Club were: President-Nancy Puckett, Vice President-Nancy Monk, Secretary-Claire Born, Treasurer-Bobbie Cahoon, Business Manager-Nancy Ball, and librarians-Lyn Zimmerman, and Lelia Baum.
Front row, left to right: Chuck Rytelewski, Wayne Grant, David Miltien, Phil Chenault, Steve Salter, Mr. Robertson (Director), Tom James, Skip Jenkins, Norris Partridge, Gerald Robinson. Second row: Rodney Griffith, Michael Foster, Ben McCartney, Pete Hopkins, Steve Ely, David Brinkley, Wayne Powell, John Keller.
Third row: Leonard Alley, David Poe, Fred Brumback, Steve Cates, Charles Grimm, Bill Saunders, Norm Walters. Not pictured: Bill Alexander, lewis Graham, Thom Robertson, Bill Roper, Mark Russell.
The Men's Glee Club, composed of 31 young men from all divisions of the University, presented many programs this year. Under the direction of Mr. Ed Robertson, the Glee Club performed at churches, women's colleges, high schools, and civic organizations throughout the state. Singing a varied program of music and communicating the enjoyment of singing in an all men's group, the Glee Club represents the talent and musical interests of Richmond College. The officers this year were: Wayne Grant, President; Tom James, Vice President; Mark Russell, Secretary; Bill Alexander, Treasurer; Mike Foster, Business Manager; Pete Hopkins and Charles Grim, Librarians.
A new director brought many changes for the University Band. Coming from North Carolina, Mr. James Larkin has made the band an active part of school activities. From the sounds of pep songs at football games to the strains of Bach at concerts, the new band program has stressed a wide variety of music. The band with its fifty members gave various concerts such as the Parents' Day program and Christmas concert. Their red and white uniforms added an extra touch of color to the music department this year.
Front row, left to right: John Crute, Phil Stevens, Rick Ford, Lynn Gillerlain. Second row: Randy Felts, Tom Powers, Harvey Marvel, Mike Foster, Emily Davis, Warren Chapman, James Williams. Third row: Diane Jones, Julia Jones, Ron Bell, Dave Whitacre, Ed Wooldridge, Les Lilley, Charles Wienckowski, Steve Salter, Bob Durrett, Bill Hudson. Fourth row: Rick Hairfield, Greg Yates, Clyde Hughes, Robert Allensworth, Jeff Dewey. Standing: Mr. James Larkin (Director), Dennis Wright, Ned Massie, Paxton Campbell. Not Pictured: Fred Westbrook, Pete Hopkins, Janet Beard.
First column, front to back: Guidon, B. Roepecki, C. Wicnsckowski, C. Hughes, T. Mann, D . Whitacre, F. Westbrook, S. Price. Second column: D. Lady, K . Allensworth, J. Williams, S. Salter, P. Campbell, F. Fulton. Third column : ]. Crouse, B. Durrett, D. McLaughlin, R. Nicholls, W. Bell, G. Massie,
ROTC BAND The University of Richmond ROTC Band has combined precision marching with musical accomplishment in its ef. forts this year. Those students involved in the ROTC program who show a musical inclination and aptitude are eligible for membership in the ROTC Band. Their prowess is a credit to their training and discipline.
]. Speight. Fourth column: A. W. Smith, B. Vcronec, H. Marvel, J. Turner, J. Reid, G . Snoddy. Fifth column : D. Reinard (Band Advisor), T . Powers (Exec. Officer), Yates, Talley, Grubbs, R. Pulliam, Bruner.
One of the mam sounds of the University of Richmon d has its studio atop the Student Center. WCRC not only provided entertain ment this year but helped in school functions such as Parents' Day and May Day. Their broadcas ts featured Universi ty of Richmon d students and program s which all enjoyed. WCRC kept the students informed on campus as well as national elections . News bulletins, music, and remote broadcas ting are some of the facets of the Universi ty of Richmon d's own radio station, WCRC.
WCRC First Row: Bill Furr, Clarke Bustard, Dave Noechel, Don Gaddard, Roseanne Oliver, Archie Wallace, Debbie Powell, Paul Kafka, Jim Pollard, Gene Magliaro. Second row: Frank Buhrmen, Bill Worrell, Wayne Keyser, Fred Burchill, John Bevis, Eric D obbs, Ed Foley, Paul Davis, Ray Wilek, John Hardin, Mike Moser.
The YWCA is a vital part of the University and every student at Westhampton is a member. The "Y" reaches out to the community through its work at Bon Air, to the world through the World University Service Drive to raise money for educational institutes in various countries and to the students through discussions, socials, and Parents' Day. The YWCA is involved in all the sounds of life here on the campus.
YWCA CABINET. First row, left to right: Miss Nancy Mitchum, Gayle Hobday, Betty Stagg, Susan Quance, Betty Brookes (President). Second row: Marcia Flake, Bev English, Claire Born, Karen Layne, Betty Deans, Lynda Zimmerman, Kay Brasure.
RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES COUNCIL The heads of the campus denominational groups comprise the Religious Activities Council. The council seeks to co-ordinate and publicize campus religious activities. The RAC also helps plan Encounter, plus Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter services in the Chapel. The religious organizations all co-operate and exchange ideas through the RAC. Seated, left to right: Marilyn Chelder, Dave Smith, Nancy Jo Srb. Standing: Miss Nancy Mitchum, Rebecca Saunders, Betty Brookes, Nelson Lankford, Nancy Davis, Henry Patterson, William Thompson.
RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK The Religious Emphasis Week steering committee plans the programs, seminars, and speakers for the yearly week of stimulation presented each February. Starting with discussions of topics closest to the students' daily needs, the REW committee selects a theme of current interest and proceeds with planning from there. The product of their efforts is the intellectual and spiritual introspection of Religious Emphasis Week.
First row, left to right: Tom Jones, Cy Sibelman, Nelson Lankford. Second row: Wayne Grant. Third row: Grace Yeatts, Rick Stephenson, Bob Brown. Fourth row: Emily Davis, Lyn Zimmerman, Linda Graham. Fifth row: Miss Mitchum, John Mizell, Nancy Davis. Sixth row: Cheryl Blankenship, Pat Howard, Oliver McBride.
Seated, left to right: Oliver McBride, Nelda Warren, Linda Yeatts, Rebecca Saunders (President), Miss Mitchum, Henry Patterson, Donna Renfro, Clay Thornton. Standing: Liz Shifrlette, Gail Burrow, Judy Johnson, Ann Hall, Nancy Jo Srb, Betty Towler, Margie Crowder, Debbie Pearson, Nancy Davis, Johnny Mizell, Vivien Stevens, Dave Smith, Phil Chenauly, Clyde Alderman.
The BSU is a University wide organization which welcomes as members all Baptist students. Their activities include such things as Student Mission Teams, discussions, socials, and suppers. The BSU choir involves the musically oriented students and provides enjoyment for all. The BSU seeks to involve students in the work needed to be done in local churches and on campus.
MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION T h e Ministerial Association , composed of men who are p reparing to enter the ministry as a vocation, strives to increase the spiritual growt h of its members and the student body through participation in college activities, dedication to neighborhood mission opportunities, and Christian concern for fellow students. The president was Clay Thornton and he and his members sought to help students by sponsoring Seminary Day and other activities this year which enriched students' spiritual growth. First Row, left to right: Clay Thornton, Clyde Alderman, Sidney Rodriguez. Second Row: Steve Heslep, Oliver McBride, Jim Galvani, Bill Lumpkin, Ronnie Eason, Dave Smith, Don Rhoton, Henry Patterson.
A new club on campus is the French Clu b, Le Salon des Babillards. The club promotes a general interest in the French culture and provides an opportunity for students to meet for programs and recreation. The meetings are conducted in French which gives the students practice in French conversation. T h e officers are: Cy Sibelman, President; Robert Brodie, Vice-President; Martha Brandt, Secretary-Treasurer.
Cy Sibelman, President; Mlle. Faivre, Sponsor; Bruce Grimes, Nan Davis, Robert Brodie, Martha Brandt, Al Murphy, Larry Wilburn.
Joyce Lee, Sally Wood. Third row: Pat Thomas, Rita Grimstead, Ginger Wray, Jeannie Hankinson, Jane Martin, Susan Bryant, Becky Hotz, Janice Carter, Laura Hanbury.
First Row, left to right: Marcia Smith, Nancy Davis, Nancy Ball, Emily Davis, Janet Sewell, Ann Park, Susan Cosby, Sally Andrews. Second row: Bobbie Cahoon, Susie Johnston, Julie McGarry, Angela Lilly, Pat Sullivan, A lston Stirling, Sally Ship, Susan Thornhill,
Orientation at Westhampton was made much easier and more enjoyable by the efforts of the Orientation co-chairmen, Janet Sewell and Marsha Smith, and the Junior Counselors. The first week was filled with group meetings and teas as Westhampton freshmen learned the rules and customs of college life. Besides helping the freshmen become acquainted with the honor system, academic opportunities and extracurricular activities, the Counselors instilled WC spirit and tradition into each counselee.
First row, left to right: Ann Kelly, Betty Deans, Susan Stansbury, Kathy Neal, Nancy Jarvis, Sally Harmanson. Second row: Linda Dix, Cheryl Blankenship, Nancy Caskey, Lelia Baum, Ann Hodges, Vickie Bowman, Mary Lee Watson, Nancy Bain.
A freshman's first year at Westhampton is made easier by the Pieridies. These girls are sophomores chosen by their class to help the freshmen and the school. As a service organization, the P.D.'s act as hostesses and lead tours of the Westhampton campus.
Bottom, left to right : Florence Ann Tompkins, Emily Davis, Ken Wheeler, Mrs. Wessels, Becky Mills. Top: Lee Jacobs, Susan Grammar, Donna Moss. Not pictured : Sarah Stuart.
Creativity and self-expression - these are the aims of Orchesis. Membership is based on technique, interest, expressiveness, and dance potentiality. Several students choreograph for dance festivals, May Day, and other activities during the year. Varied interests can find expression at WC, and Orchesis is one organization where individual talents can find an outlet.
UNIVERSITY PLAYERS After much anticipation, the University Players have transferred their headquarters from the Quonset Hut to the beautiful James L. Camp Memorial Theatre. Here they staged three productions this year. In the fall the hit musical Oliver was produced and was acclaimed by all. Later in the year Six Characters in Search of an Author and A Man for all Seasons drew large audiences. With the new equipment and talented students, the University Players provided an opportunity for entertainment and enjoyment for all.
Seated: Alex Cofer, Vice-President; B. J. Swain, President. Standing, first row, left to right: B. J. Aker, Bari Jean Hobbs, Jody Chanbers, Nan Davis, Maude Williams, Catherine Harvey, John lane, Marcia Harrison, Bill Culbertson, Wayne Keyser, Yvonne Olson, Bob Syme. Second row: Davie Adams, Thom Robertson, George Campbell, Fred Brumback, Gail Stallings, Joe Bristow, Donnie Printz, Mary Anna Toms, Tom Howard, Jon Smith. Not pictured: Sally Andrews, Carol Barker, Ann Carson, Jonna Graham, Bonnie Hudgins, Judy Jacobs, Ann Leigh, Ellen Baldacci, Marcie Raveling, Gary Robertson, Bruce Stevens, Joe Talley, Geoffrey Cahill, Ben Curtis, Mary Dianish, John Dunville, Beth Elmore, Joanne Herrington, Tom Howard, Jim Jontz, Tom liggan, Margaret Merritt, George Norfleet, Martha Rothenberg, Nelda Warren, Ken Wheeler, Betty Mae Williams, Del Williams.
Kale Techne is a club open to all students interested in the pictorial arts and especially to student artists of the University of Richmond. Trips to such art centers as Washington , D. C., and New York City are arranged so that Kale Techne members may broaden their actual experience and knowledge of the arts.
Sharon Morrissett, Vice-Presiden t, Carol Barker, Becky Reed, Cam David, M argaret Merritt, Jay Herren, President; Lee Coleman, Mrs. Jeanne Campbell. Not Pictured: Fritzi Vaughan, Secretary-trea surer; Jo Burnette.
AQUANETTES The Aqua nett es, Westhampto n's "water babies," are a group of girls who enjoy swimming and who work hard at perfecting synchronize d swimming routines. Many of the Aquanettes contribute the experience of their water ability to the Athletic Association' s annual Water Show.
Front: Madeline Reidinger. First row, left to right: Rebecca DeBergh, Sarah Gunn, Judy Samuelson, Ellen Hoffmann. Second row: Alston Stirling, Margaret Libb, Elise Miller, Miss Nancy Elkins (Coach).
At Westhampton, students whose mothers, aunts, or grandmothers attended Westhampton College, Richmond Female Institute, or Woman's College of Richmond are automatically members of Nostrae Filae. This organization works in connection with the Alumnae to form better relations between the students and the Alumnae. This year the group was led by Emily Epps as President, and Martha Richardson as Secretary-Treasurer.
First row, left to rig ht: M artha Richardson, N a ncy Norman, Edie Paulette, Kathy Shapiro, Emil y Epps, (President ) ; J a net U tley, Nancy Manning, Beth Robbins, Allison East, Sandra T hompson. Second row : Susan Moore, Charlene Stringfellow, Laura Hanbury, Chime Tate, Nancy Clevenger, Jeanne McFall, Kath y Neal. Not Pictured: Cathy Culpepper.
HILLEL Hillel is an important p art of the Jewish students' lives. This year they have engag ed in m any activities and one of great interest was their prog ram w hich featured t he m ovie, The Pawnbroker. Hillel p rovides discussion and fellowship for all interested students.
A H illel committee in action . Left t o rig h t: R osalin G ross, K athy Shapiro, Cy Sibelman , M arilyn Chelder, Gail Silver.
Standing: Robert 1. Frank (Captain). Seated, left to right, first row: Julie Walls, Bernie Bohm, Dr. Tarver, Blay Bryan, Mr. Graeber. Second row: Robert E. Frank, Nancy Benfield, Carroll O 'Donnell, Linda Faglie, Tom Gibbons. Third row: Phil Kelley, Lucy Bone, Robert Stokes, Mary Alice Curtain. Fourth row: Ann Bromley, John Phillips, Steve Weaver. Fifth row: Larry Joyner, Patti Collins, Ken Clevinger. Not pictured: Steve Harris, Lance Wood.
A command of the English language and quick thinking are necessary for a member of the Debate Team. This year the team traveled to many schools and won high honors in competition. The University can boast of a fine debate team with commendable accomplishments.
The American Institute of Physics is a society of physics majors and students interested m the subject of physics. Through this organization students obtain information about careers in the field of physics and about physics centers which can be visited. The society encourages high scholarship among its members. Left to right: John Robbins, Harry Lanzillotti, James Evans, Tom Legan, Ed Sobey, Dr. Junkin, Wayne Boggs.
PSYCHOLOGY CLUB Front row, left to right: Sarah Tarver, Linda Graham, Glynda Butler, laura Zimmerman, Emily Epps, Grace Yeats (President) . Second row: Mr. Crowder, Dr. Carver, Dr. Tromater, Dr. Blick (Advisor) , Jim Overton, David Cates (Vice President), Gary White. Third row: Joe Belcher, Charles Boltwood, Henry Patterson, Carta Hardenburgh (Secretary-Treasurer).
The Psychology Club brings to campus guest lecturers and films of interest to psychology majors and other devotees of the field of psychology. Both students and Psychology Department faculty members are active in the club. A newspaper called the Psi Cry keeps members informed of club activities.
Left to right: C/Maj . Wally Cox, C/Lt. Col. Fred Smith, C/Col. James Dunha m, C/Maj . Richar d Henn derson , C/Maj . Fred Perrin e, C/Sgt. Maj. Warre Edwar ds. Not picture d: C/Maj . Russel l Ballard .
PE RSHING RIFLES or), C/ Lt. Col. First row, left to right: Capt. Paylor (AdvisC/ Capt. Martin . Howar d, C/ Maj. Seitzin ger C/ Capt. Profitt , Yates, C/MSg t. Second row: C/Sgt. Rice, C / Cpl. Steven s, C/Pvt . l I Sgt. Gibbs, C G rimm. Third row: C/ Cpl. Grice, C/Pvt. Kelley, . Marsh t. C/MSg
Comp eting in drill exerci ses as well as instill ing the highe st milita ry ideas in studen ts is the aim of the Persh ing Rifles . Each year the outsta nding first and secon d year studen ts are recog nized for their milita ry excell ence. Comp any R locate d at the U nivers ity of Richm ond molds good milita ry men and carrie s out their aims to the fulles t.
IFC. Seated left to right: George Varoutsos, John Sutherland, George Parr, Paul Shelley, Dr. Mateer (faculty advisor), Harry Smith, Rodney Poole, Mo Whitlow, Chuck Wyckoff, Frank Fleischman, Allyn Straus, Johnny Freed, John Kirk. Standing: Rob Nichol, Dudley Fulton, John Lansdale, Tom Towberman, Bucky Barber, Herbie Niles, Bob Pullen, Robalc! Rowland, Tom Bondurant.
IFC COURT: Seated, left to right: Paul Shelley, Dudley Fulton, Tom Towberman, Chuck Wyckoff, Herbie Niles, Frank Fleischman, Allyn Straus. Standing: John Sutherland, John Kirk.
IFC OFFICERS: Chuck Wyckoff, Tom Towberman, Mo Whitlow, Rodney Poole, Dr. Mateer.
Herbert Arnold Raymond Blackmore
Wayne Bradshaw James T. Cooper, Jr.
William Cox Michael Francisco
Wayne Hendricks Wayne Leake
Joseph Lipscombe Michael Matthews
Miss Catherine Ragland Kappa Sigma Sweetheart
Thomas McGrath William Nicol
Robert Northern Rodney Poole
Thomas Redfern Andrew Redford
Roger K. Reeder Alwyn Smith, Jr.
John Sutherland, President Randall Walter
Donnie Ward Thomas Warren Michael Williams Russ Wyatt Robert Yancey
Bruce Allred George Bayliss Douglas Belt Richard Bing John Booker
Richard Brothers Robert Brown Samuel Cowart A. D . Davis Bruce Davis
AXA Robert Dooley Thomas Fernald Richard Ford Geoffrey Gabbard Walker Gillette
Ellis Glover Virgil Goode, President John Griswold James Hagy Otway Hatcher
Jim Hewitt William Hughes Gerard Kaiser Michael Lake
Philip Leslie Hal Metcalfe John Metz Mark Neale
Harry Norris John Pritchard Edward Pruden
Gregory Pry Bernard Reed Richard Reid
John Robbins Leonard Roberts Lindy Rowland
. Miss Martha Brandt Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girl
Rick St. Clair Al Selby Paul Shelley Carl Shunkwiler Fred Smith
Richard Sneeder Thomas Soter John Sullivan Bruce Tanner William Tucker
John Welch Norman Wilkerson Lawrence Willis George Wingfield R. C. Woodson
Ted Bisterfeld Orin Booth
Donald Brooks Emmet Bruner
Robert Ellis Michael Garbini
Curtis Gilbert Michael Glaser
Richard Harper David Heilman
James Hutcherson Richard Jacks
11 ()
Richard Koester Charles LeFoe
L. A. Lenhart Ronald Malstrom Thomas Mann
Miss Donna Boone Phi Delta Theta Sweetheart
John O'Bannon Larry Powers Robert Pullen
John Rogers Travis Snellings Edwin Sobey
James Spitler Larry Troemmler Gene Yodar
Charles Altizer Lewis Barber
Joseph Bisese John Bloodsworth
Richard Brinkley Danny Cantrell
Ronnie Eason Wilton Ford Michael Garriott Randy Hudson James Jacobs
Perry Jones Steven Jones Philip Kelly Ward Kerr Harry Kintzi
Thomas Leffew Les Lilley
Larry Maier Robert Mciver
Frank Owen John Phillips
James Robertson George Sadler Wayne Scearce
William Schneider Paul Scott David Sheppard
Robert Stockburger Vincent Tiller Robert Ukrop
Walter Wallace Robert Willis Richard Wyatt
Lloyd Ballard Ronald Bessent John Bevis Timothy Boschen
Terry Bupp John Coleman Larry Connatser Gordon Converse
Richard Cregger S. D. Eldredge Joseph Eller Alfred Guthrie
John Kirk, President Paul Leach Bradford Lewis
Jeffrey McDermott Thomas Okerlund Larry Patterson
William Powell Robert Rogers Steven Salter
Bernard Schultz Sam Scott
Glenn Settle Robert Stokes
Miss Catherine Angle Phi Kappa Sigma Sweetheart
Peter Sutcliffe Stuart Towsey
Steven Traver George Varoutsos
James Walsh Jimmy Ward
Robert Weber Ward Wilkerson
Miss Eileen Cantor Phi Sigma Delta Sponsor
Jay Berger Sidney Becker
William Dubin Jay Feldman
Steven Fifer Ronald Fink
Ira Flax Harvey Goodman
Richard Gottlieb Brian Hirschler Bryan Janney Ira Katz
Lawrence Katz Albert Link Gerald Markowitz Robert Miller
Allen Mollen Alan Pollack Ronald Sanders Stanley Sidman
Thomas Adams Byron Barnes Hugh Baskette Alvah Bohannan Michael Campbell
Douglas Cunningham Edwin Coleman Michael Dixon Kenneth Fisher D. B. Gregory, President
Frederick Hall Doug Hall Wall ace Harris Tom Hart William Hart
IlKA Frederic Hicks Robert Hudgins Tommy Johnson Floyd Kirby Donald Lahy
William Lee Robert Lennon Jean McAuliffe David Moore Bland Motley
Phillip Mullins Robert Partrea William Perrine Albert Philpott Larry Potts
Paul Reinarman Robert Rochester
John Ryoal Foster Scott
Mrs. Kenneth W . Fisher Pi Kappa Alpha Dreamgirl
David Smith Neil Smith
William Smith John Snead
\ j
Stuart Statham Steven Switzer
Jerry Turner R. Weatherholtz
Jim Wilson Reginald Wood
Deborah D. Blackburn Sponsor
Brian Anderson James Blackburn Robert Bode Dante Castrodale
George Dixon Daniel Doherty Carlton Drake Richard Epps, President
John Estes Samuel Falgiano Dwight Frazier William Garnett
David Hatton Bruce Herndon Butch Hinton John Howell
Bryan Jones Myron Mann. William Parrish William Payne
Charles Salmon Julian Smith Richard Snyder
Charles Stevens Norman Taylor Geoffrey Titsworth
Charles Tysinger Wayne Tys!ng~r Bryant Whitmire
Richard WiJli.ams Addison Willis Terry Withers
~ici;,ard Allanson
· · Anderson John Baxter Weldon Bradshaw
B rum back Ronald w·11· I iam Bull James Butler Clyde Caldwell
William Carbone John Crockett · William c ust1s H arry Cummings
Larry DeRose {;ank Fleischman M'ayne Grant ichael Harper
Stephen Harris Thomas James
John Keller Stephen Lee
Mrs. Hollis Smith Sigma Chi Sweetheart
William Marlowe David Meacham
Robert Musick Patrick O 'Neal
!X Lloyd Rice Bruce Ropiecki
Frank Ruff C. L. Smith
Gibson Smith
P. H. Stevens David Whitacre James Young
Alfred Ailsworth Edward Boland Stephen Bowman Barry Bradshaw Charlie Bradshaw
Paul Brady Henry Carter Miles Cary Richard Cobbs John Darden
James Doran Robert Garbee D. C. Giammittorio Frederick Griffith William Grionan
James Hazzard Ray Heskett Julius Hof Clarke Jones George Joyner
David K.immelshue John Leggett James Loughrie C. B. McCoy Paul Nelson
Stephen Norfleet, President William Pearson Joshua Pretlow Vincent Radford Edward Reeves
Hugh Richeson Larry Riddick Richard Roberts Patrick Rowe J. Rawls Saecker
Michael Sala David Shaw Hurley Shaw Michael Sheble Moffett Skinner
James Speight Donald Stewart David Via George Ward George Weidig
David Whitehead Lawrence Wilson
John Woleben Charles Woodward
Waldo Abbot Tom Bondurant
Charles Bova S. C. Buckingham
Buxton Nick Calabro
James Cerza David Chapman
Timothy Coulter Howard Dee James Denton Ronald DeTempl e Paul English
C. J . Ferneyhough
Rohbert A. Foster J 0 n Good Christopher Hallb erg Donald Kelly
Ron:iid Ottario Owen Victor Owen
Randall Powell Eames Powers Robert Ricks
Woody Livesay Donald Major
Leonard Sly Jerry Taylor Wayne Wark·1nson
Reed Mathews Stephen Milling
KT· Wh.1tescarver M_ orton Whitlow Byron Wilki nson, President
Charles Monta Ron M 00d y gue
Clark Wiseman James Worrell John Zydron
Edward M ore h ouse J 0 h n Nash
David Newcomb Frank Olejack
Emanuel Bertin John Crews Darden Daniel Robert Deaton Wilburn Dibling
Francis Eck Raymond Davis Albert Fary Edward Grove Johnny Joannou
Hamill Jones J. Neale Lawler Norval Metcalf
Founded in 1948, the Patrick Henry Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity has been devoted to the guiding principles of unity, fellowship, and service. Phi Alpha Delta provides social opportunities for students of the T.C. Williams School of Law.
Lloyd Parker Ronald Plotkin Michael Rigsby
William Roberts Paul Scott David Walker
James Wilhoit John Wray Edward Younger
The Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity plans an extensive program to help its brothers in their professional pursuits. Such things as seminars and discussion groups augment the social functions enjoyed by the fraternity members. The U of R chapter of Phi Delta Phi is titled the James Madison Inn.
Joseph Aronica George Bagwell Robert Baldwin Theodore Burr Richard Carter Robert Cousins
Henry Custis Gerald Dalton Eugene Desvernine Robert Dinsmore Frederick Fagan Michael Ferguson
Walter Felton Charles Foley Thomas Garrett Michael Goode Jess Greenwalt Thomas Hancock
William Hatfield Fred Hoback Thomas Hodges Russell Jordan Philip Marstiller Nathan Miller
Vernon Oakley Paul Peatross Robert Rider Charles Riggins Philip Rome George Smith
Harold Starke William Strickland Sandy Tucker Robert West Robinson Worth Coleman Yeatts
A<lln Roy Adams Roger Beck
Marvin Clark
Andrew Forberg John Garnett B~b Claytor Mike Clingenpeel
Bruce Honts Cliff Inge John Crouse David Ellett
Dwight Inge Thomas Lee Adrian Lovell Donald Luttrell
Ralph Lyons Gary Mashburn George Massie James Mathews
Jack Mays John Mizell
Sterling Moore George Morris
Miss Nancy Jarvis Alpha Phi Omega Sponsor
Carroll Morrow William Neubauer
David Oliver Ronald Overstreet
Henry Patterson John Pulliam Jim Raper Henry Shryock Robert Traylor
First row: W Gillette, J. Altis, T. England, C. Richards, T. Johnson, M. Bixiones, B. O'Brien, E. Barnes, J. Bisese, W. Tosh. Second row: H. Norris, D. Irvin, M. Doolittle, R. Carney, D. Chapman, P. Turchetta, H. Perry, D. Criswell, N. Calabro, B. Montsinger. Third row: R. Snyder, J. Hanson, F. Olejack, L. Ward, V. Davis,
J . Mauro, P. Morris, C. Durell, C. Tysinger. Fourth row: W . Fowler, B. Haggerty, J. Makosky, W. Arthur, M. Dussault, B. Britton, S. Whiteman. Last row: B. Szetela, B. Karsada, R. Smith, J. Lansdale, C. Hall, P. Bowman, M. Medved, W. Whitehead.
Head Coach Frank Jones, Assistant Coaches Dick Lage, Jerry Foshee, Ray Tate, Dale Haupt, Jim Tait, Jim McGinnis, and Trainer Leonard McNeal.
SPIDERS LOSE OPENER TO TOLEDO UR lost a 31-14 decision to Toledo in the opening game for both teams. The Rockets scored first on a 28 yard field goal by Ken Cists, but a Toledo fumble set up a UR touchdown with 12:23 left in the period. The touchdown came when O'Brien hit Gillette with a 12 yard scoring toss. The Spider's lead lasted only 12 seconds as Dan Crockett raced 91 yards with the kickoff for Toledo's first touchdown. Early in the fourth quarter O'Brien again took to the air, hitting Tommy England with an eight yard pass in the end zone to top off a drive which had started on Richmond's own 20 yard line. Trailing 17-14, Richmond got the ball on its own thirteen, but an O'Brien pass was picked off by Curtis Johnson who jogged 13 yards to paydirt. Moments later Moss scored again to end the scoring. All American candidate Ron Miller then scored on a 46 yard run to top a Toledo drive in the second quarter. Offensive standouts for Richmond were O'Brien, Gillette, England, and Kellum while Turchetta and Whitehead were cited for their defensive play.
WEST VIRGINIA DEFENSE STOPS SPIDERS 17-0 With enough mistakes to last a lifetime., the Spiders dropped their second game of the season. The Mountaineers intercepted three passes, recovered three fumbles, all in the first half, and then spent the final 30 minutes frustrating the Richmond attack even more. Applying a heavy rush, the Mountaineers all but eliminated the passing of UR quarterback Buster O'Brien as an offensive weapon. What offensive excellence the Spiders did display was the inside running of Joe Kellum. Kellum carried 25 times for 89 yards. As a team Richmond gained only 100 yards rushing. It was simply a case of one team outbungling the other as the Spiders never had much chance to take advantage of numerous second-half scoring opportunities. Defensive standouts for the game were Wayne Tosh and Dick Irvin as Joe Kellum, Wayne Fowler, Eddie Barnes, and Dave Criswell drew praise for their offensive work.
SPIDERS TOP DAVIDSON 24-14 The UR Spiders put together 10 points in the final three minutes eight seconds to play and turned back Davidson's aerial-minded Wildcats 24-14. The Spiders in fact, put all of their scoring together in very brief periods in the second half that brought a surprising finish to the game for some 7000 partisan spectators who turned out for the first home game of the season. It was a game won mostly by the Spider defense as UR lost in some of the statistical rundown. Davidson made 18 first downs while controlling the ball as opposed to UR's 11. O'Brien and Gillette, ranked second and third in their respective categories, contributed to UR's 10 completions and 17 passes. Gillette grabbed 4 aerials for 68 yards as Frank Olejack was the game's leading rusher, with a total of 57 yards. Davidson's star fullback, Kenny Keith, was held to 34 yards by the hardnosed Spider line. O'Brien, Gillette, and Olejack were the top offensive players while Pat Turchetta was voted Southern Conference Defensive Player of the week. UR BEATS CITADEL 21-16
A 21 point barrage in the first 19 minutes, a fourth quarter goal-line stand, and a gamble by UR coach Frank Jones all paid off for the Spiders in a 21-16 Southern Conference victory over the Citadel. The passing arm of quarterback Buster O'Brien again sparked the Spiders in their offensive attack. O'Brien, whose credentials rank him third in the league in passing, tossed two scoring aerials and completed 13 of 22 attempts for 181 yards. After Richmond's final score, the momentum of the game turned completely around, and the Citadel had the Spiders on the run for the rest of the game. Mike Dussault continued to kick extra points without a fault as he added 3 more to his total of 8. Other outstanding offensive players were O'Brien, Kellum, who ran for 60 yards in 25 carries, and Charlie Richards, who passed for 28 yards and rushed for 39 more. Noted for defensive play were Rick Devito, who intercepted a Citadel pass on the Richmond 24 yard line late in the fourth quarter and Dick Fruin, who was named Southern Conference Defensive Player of the Week.
SPIDERS TROUNCE FURMAN 34-0 UR posted its first shutout win of the season as the O'Brien-Gillette battery again highlighted the game. Played under the worst conditions for passing, the Spider duo set three school records. Gillette also claimed two UR standards and one conference mark as he scored on pass plays of 69, 58, and 48 yards. Richmond's depth proved to be an impressive feature of the game. Charlie Richards came in for the second week and took charge for most of the second half. He completed four of seven passes for 56 yards and one touchdown. Particularly impressive for their pass protection were tackles Charlie Tysinger, a transfer from Ferrum Jr. College, and Wayne Fowler, a transfer from Baltimore Jr. College. Dick Irvin and Mike Bixiones led the defensive squad with totals of 10 tackles each. The Spider defense halted the Paladin's Clyde Howell for 89 yards passing on 10 of 21 attempts. Furman pushed to within the Richmond 20-yard line twice in the opening quarter, but the Spider line and a missed field goal left the visitors scoreless.
SPID ERS SHU T OUT KEY DETS , 35-0 UR delig hted a City Stadi um crow d of 15,000 with a smas hing 35-0 white wash of VMI. O'Br ien comp leted his first 11 passes for 109 yards , and by halfti me the outco me was hardl y in doub t. The Richmond defen se was once again magn ificent. The defen ders interc epted 4 Murphy Sprin kel passes, with end Buzz Mont singe r retur ning one 54 yards for a touch down . O'Bri en sat down with some eight minu tes left in the third quart er. Soph omor e Charl ie Richa rds directed the attac k from there , cappi ng a 36 yard drive with an 8-yar d payoff pitch to Oleja ck. Stand outs on offense were O'Bri en, Richa rds, Maur o and Oleja ck. The entire Spide r defen se excel led throu ghou t the game , limit ing VMI to only 10 first down s and 76 yards rushi ng. TECH STOP S UR, 31-18; UR RIPS SO. MISS., 33-7 Virgi nia Tech defea ted the Spide rs 31-18 in a game that produ ced few surprises . A solid 15-po int favor ite, Tech went 59 yards for a touch down the first time it had possession and built a 17-6 advan tage by halfti me. The Spide rs fough t back by push ing 57 yards for their first six point s, striking 70 yards for their secon d touch down and comp leting an 80-ya rd marc h by scori ng as time ran out. O'Bri en complete d a schoo l recor d 24 of 39 passes for 210 yards and all three touch down s. In a smas hing game again st South ern Missi ssipp i, Buste r O'Bri en threw 3 touch down passes. Livesay's punts throu ghou t the night gener ally kept South ern Mississip pi deep in their own territ ory. The victo ry was the first over South ern Miss in seven tries by the Spide rs. UR RAPS W&M , 31-6 The Univ ersity of Richm ond complete d its three year South ern Confe rence rags-t o-rich es footb all story by winn ing its first SC title, swee ping the rest of the confe rence memb ers, and accep ting a berth oppo site Ohio Univ ersity in the Tang erine Bowl . The culm inatio n of all this was reach ed in a 31-6 victo ry over Willi am and Mary . O'Bri en picke d up anoth er recor d as he threw three touch down passes for 245 yards . W&M made a move from its 30 to the UR 17 in the dying mom ents, but the try to reduc e the defici t ran out of time with Layco ck fallin g for an 8-yard loss. Whe n he fell, tange rines also began fallin g on the field as UR fans celeb rated the Spide rs' first ventu re into the bowl world .
With a potent offense, a defense which gave up only 6.6 points per game, capable coaching, and unusually strong student support, the dedicated and talented Baby Spiders of 1968 finished a successful season with a record of 3-1-1. One of the season's most spectacular moments came in the first game. Trailing the V.M.l. Rats 3 to 0 with less than a minute to play, Ken Nichols passed to Tom McCormick, who then lateraled to Jerry Haynes for a 40 yard gain. Bucky Hoskins' 41 yard field goal produced the final 3-3 score. For the next game, played at William and Mary, Coach McGinnis cited the outstanding line play of Joey Owen and Milt Ignatius as the key to the 27-0 victory and the 3 50 yards of total offense. Davidson's Wildcats were the next victims; great plays by Buddy Woodal, Pete Roscia, and K en Popovich helped the Spiders to a 16-6 win. Our only defeat came at Fork Union, where fumbles and penalties halted several drives in a 20-0 loss. The final game of the season was a 10-3 victory over East Carolina. Blocking by fullback Don Kelly and the running and passing of quarterback Ken Nichols were particularly impressive against the hard rush of the Bucs' defensive line. We look forward to seeing this year's Baby Spiders in Varsity Action next year.
J. Ashworthy. Third row: T. McCormick, R. Kroniser, L. Blackshear, B. Woodle, J. Haynes, W . Weirich, S. Kelley, G. Sileo, P . Stover, B. Conrad. Fourth row: D. Moore, Coach Tate, Coach McGinnis, Coach Goff, K. Popovich.
First row, left to right: R. Rowe, M. Ignatius, R. Croom, R. Painter, M. Armstrong, P. Roscia, P. Glemon, K. Nichols, R. Bowen, R . Easterling. Second row: C. Hudgins, P. Newton, K. Davis, C. H . Hoskins, C. White, F. Armstrong, C. Suttonleld, ). Owen, C. Peres,
Kneeling, left to right: John Welch, Robert Stockburger, Stan Ryfinski, Frank Owen, Wilton Ford, Jim Hewitt, Clarke Wiseman, Ed Surgan. Standing: Manager Buddy Bayliss, Bart Eisner, Picot Frazier, Larry Patterson, Phil Bushkar, Kenny Foster, Bobby Ukrop, Kent Greenway.
With Coach Lewis Mills and his two assistants, Martin Morris and Johnny Moates, at the helm, the Spiders got off to a slow start, but after Christmas they played the comeback role and began to even up the record. This was a team that really got hot only under pressure. The Spiders' Kenny Foster was the hot hand for the entire year. Averaging just over 20 points a game, he shared the spotlight on the courts with Picot Frazier and Bobby Ukrop. The big men under the boards all year were Frank Owen, Stan Ryfinski, Jim Hewitt, and Wilton Ford.
Captains Wilton Ford, Bobby Ukrop, and Coach Lew Mills.
The Spiders dropped their opener to East Tennessee, 96-83, with Foster and Frazier netting 18 points apiece. The Spiders continued on the losing trail by dropping two more to George Washington and U Va. before putting everything together to come up with a big win over West Virginia, 80-79. This game proved to be the most exciting of the season with Jim Hewitt sinking a free throw to break the tie when there was only one second left on the clock. In the next game the Spiders came up with a near win over fourth-ranke d Davidson, losing only 62-60. Ryfinski was the high man for Richmond, collecting a total of 17 points.
Despite their somewhat weak begining record, the Spiders traveled to Salem, Virginia, for the Big Five Tournament as one of the favorites. Winning the opener over VMI, Richmond had to meet Virginia for a second time this year. The Spiders were cold all over that snowy night, and went down to defeat yet again. A big win over William and Mary wrapped up the tournament with the Spiders in third place. This ended the pre-Christmas season with a record of three wins and five losses. Determined to come back and break their home court jinx, Owen, Frazier, Foster and the entire Spider team began to build up steam.
The second half of the season was much more successful for the Spiders. An unexpected loss to East Carolina by a 75-69 margin spoiled another home contest, but the team scored a big Southern Conference win over William and Mary. The Spiders really poured it on V.MI at the Arena as they exploded for 56 points in the first half. The game ended with the highest total for the season, 104 points. As the Web goes to press, there are yet a few remaining games and the Southern Conference Tournament to be faced. Whatever the outcome of the season, congratulations are in order to Coach Mills, his staff, and the entire team for a fine year.
First row, left to right: Keck, Scaman, Williamson, Woolfolk. Second row: McCartney (Manager) , Green, Earle, Wimmer, Moore.
The Baby Spiders completed their season under a new coach, Johnny Moates, with a record of 7-11. The undermanned Spiders had only one player on scholarship but at times during the season the entire team pulled together with tremendous effort. Although the team was small, it was quick, aggressive, and sharp. Charley Earle was the big man on the boards, averaging 15.2 rebounds a game. Dave Williamson and Andy Seaman were the scoring leaders with averages of 14.2 and 13.1 respectively. As a whole, the team averaged 72.4 points per game.
Front row, left to right: Lamberth, Boelt, Jacobs, Gilman, Garriott, Powers, Davis, Coach Pitt. Second row: Moates, Selby, Dunnavant, Chappell, Dameron, Driscoll, Jackson, Kennedy Bing. Third row: Makriyianis, Manasco, Maiden, Owen, Fitchett, Batboys: Nelson Parker, John Davis, Gary Davis.
Enjoying a good fall season workout, the 1969 Baseball Team was ready for action when spring finally arrived on the UR campus. The coaching of the seasoned baseball veteran Mac Pitt gave the team an almost unfair advantage over the rest of the Southern Conference. Under the superb direction of Coach Pitt, the team anticipated a winning season. A good, all-round team with strength in hitting backed up these expectations to provide an exciting baseball season for both team members and spectators. 154
The University of Richmond Tennis Team was forced to do most of its practtcmg on Westhampton's tennis courts and other courts until a new home court could be completed. Coach Leonard McNeal had just cause to be proud of his team this year. A fine spring season produced fast and furious action for the 1969 Tennis Team.
1969 TRACK
First row, left to right: Alford, Barthurst, Fisher, Willard, Bisterfieid, Fyne, Carroll, Hardy. Second Row: Chewning (Manager) , Carson, Davis, Grable, Drake, Lumkin, Chowning, Frohbose, Wood, Coach Hardy.
Coach Hardy and Captain Ted Bisterfield.
The Spider gridmen had a strong season this year. Meeting stiff competition at other Southern Conference schools such as UVa. and VMI, the Richmond team held its own in all aspects of track and field contests. Coach Fred Hardy led the '69 Track Team to a rewarding season.
The endurence of the Cross-Cou ntry runners deserves special recognitio n this year. In a year of rigorous training, hard running, and stiff competitio n, the UR Cross Country Team showed fine form. Meeting teams from both within the Southern Conferenc e and elsewhere, the harriers worked hard to uphold Richmond 's growing reputation in athletics.
Expertise in the arts of handling and firing a rifle is the goal of the members of the University Rifle team. Coached and drilled by members of the ROTC faculty, the Rifle Team welcomes both students involved in the ROTC program and non-ROTC students. In competitive sharp-shooting matches this spring, the Richmond Rifle Team fired against other area schools including long-standing rival VMI.
Left to right: Tommy Hite, Jim Cerza, Mike Mahaney, Bob Ukrop, Paul Scott, Bob Hudgins. Not pictured: Bill Judy, Bob Gillespie, Coach Lew Mills.
WESTHAM PTON COLLEGE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Westhampton's Athletic Association has tried harder than ever this year to draw each student into its activities. Class spirit was shown in the many traditional intramural events sponsored, as well as in new ones such as bridge. Athletic equipment was made available in the gym during free time. A picnic given during Orientation Week introduced the AA to the freshmen. Other events sponsored by the AA included the new Song Contest, the Christmas Dance, and the Water Show. All participants in Varsity sports sought to earn letters which were awarded at the Athletic Association's banquet in the spring. The highest award bestowed by the AA is the Westhampton Seal, awarded at Moving-Up Chapel to those who have shown enthusiasm, loyalty, and sportsmanship and who represent the true Westhampton spirit.
say Struthers, Lisa Byers, Madeline Reidinger, Alston Stirling, Marian Mann, Mary Ellen Peterson, Susan Agee, Susan Peters.
Seated, left to right: Metta Harris, Yvonne Bowman, Dixie Lee (President), Betty Lou McClanahan. Standing: Jo Burnette, Lind-
Westhampton's Swimming Te am found its small size a disadvantage this year in its competition against larger teams in the area. The season was noteworthy, however, because several pool and national records were broken by members of the team. Alston Stirling, Paula McNally, Madeline Reidinger, and Mary Lee Watson composed the freestyle relay team. This group broke the pool records at Westhampton and Lynchburg Colleges and the national record at Madison College. Also at Madison Marilib Henry scored the team's highest number of diving points. The one-hundred yard free-sty le record for the Westhampton pool was broken by Madeline Reidinger, and Al Stirling set a pool record for the five-hundred yard free style. As Coach Nancy Elkins says, "It's quality, not quantity, that counts." The Westhampton Swim Team certainly showed good quality this year. l eft to right: Co-Captain Al Stirling, Coach N ancy Elkins, Co-Captain Madeline Reidinger.
Amy Hawkins, Gloria Hickok, Madeline Redinger, Wendy Bryant, Elise Miller. Not pictured: Marileb Henry.
WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE SWIM TEAM: Kneeling, left to right: Paula McNally, Alston Stirling, Bonnie Thomas, Becky Waggoner, Mary Lee Watson. Standing: Nancy Elkins (Coach),
The Westhampton College Field Hockey Team hosted both the Tidewater Field Hockey Association Clinic and its College Tournament this year_ Members of the all-college teams for the conference were announced. Included were Carol Reese and Lynn Lennon, who had also played in an exhibition match against a Dutch touring team earlier in the year, on first team, and Donna Shumate and Dixie Lee on second team. Westhampton's season was not outstanding in regard to scores, as this was essentially a year of rebuilding. A new, young offensive line was backed up by an experienced defense. Next year's season promises to be a good one_ Co-Captain Lynn Lennon, Coach Miss Miller, and Co-Captain Carol Reese.
1968 Westhampton College Field Hockey Team.
Westhampton's basketball team suffered little this year from the handicap of having only six returning players. Under the coaching direction of Miss Higginbotham and with the help of Captain Dixie Lee, the team, though young, was able to work as a unit. In practice the primary area of concentration was on moving up the court more quickly for more fast breaks. The defense sought a variance from the standard straight box formation to man-toman coverage. Many of the scores indicated close games, but Westhampton managed to beat even her longstanding rival Bridgewater College. Victory after victory showed the strength and spirit of the 1969 basketball team.
1969 Westhampton College Basketball Team.
Coach Miss Patricia Higginbothan and Captain Dixie Lee.
LACROSSE Lacrosse is the exciting team sport anticipated by Westhampton College girls each spring. A tough, fast-moving sport, lacrosse demands great endurance and speed. Loss of experienced players could have proved a handicap to the team this year. But as in years past, the Westhampton Lacrosse team proved its strength and spirit.
1969 Westhampton College Lacrosse Team
1969 Westhampton College Tennis Team
TENNIS When the weather turns balmy, everyone turns to the tennis courts, and Westhampton girls are no exception. This year, Westhampton was lucky enough to have several championship winners on the team. The outlook of such a promising group fortold a victorious season. Besides bringing credit to the school, the members of the tennis team enjoyed good exercise while they worked on acquiring their spring suntans on the courts.
Coach Miss Augusta Chapman and Captain Mary Ellen Peterson
1969 Westhampton College Archery Team.
Archery is a sport requiring much accuracy and skill. The individuals who compose the Westhampto n College archery team must possess this talent. This spring the team included several experienced archers who already had many bull's-eyes to their credit. The combined efforts of the team resulted in a good season for the sharp-eyed 1%9 Archery Team.
Coach Miss Higginbothan and Captain Carol Reese.
Captains Vinnie Richards and Steve Ely.
Bottom: Dave Jewitt and Larry Mere; Top: Chuck Sullivan and Steve Ely; Not pictured: Chuck Berson, Vic Owen, and Frank Berman.
Bottom: Sally Harmanson and Captain Vinnie R!chards; Top : Susan Stansbury, Catherine Harvey, Rm Henry, Ann Hodges, and Connie Brennan.
"New" best describes this year's cheerleading squad. New uniforms added color to the new cheers and routines which have been worked up. The cheerleaders and yell leaders held many more pep rallies than previously, which bolstered both the teams' and the student body's enthusiasm. Also new on the scene was an enlarged group of yell leaders who helped back up the girls. The hard work these two groups did to revitalize athletic events was indeed successful in promoting spirit at the University of Richm.o nd.
Left to right: Carolee Dykes, Alison East, Ann Wilkerson, Jean McFall, Jean Forester, Shelby Seitz, Joanne Morgan, Julia Bergamo.
Co-Captain Jean Forrester and Captain Jean McFall.
The Freshman cheerleading squad was quick to catch on to Spider Spirit in the fall of '68 season. Bringing the freshness and originality of cheering routines from their various high schools, the eight Westhampton freshmen cheered the baby Spiders through a great year. Attending all home games, the Freshman cheerleaders stirred spirit among the fans of the Freshman football and basketball teams.
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the Slop Shop, the shouts of encouragement at hardy ball intramural s, and the strains of Greek Week Song Contest are all part of the distinct sounds of Richmond College. Helping to make the sounds of classes and sports and organizatio ns, the 1300 students of Richmond College contribute to the sounds and silence of the University .
Richmond College, founded in 1830, is the oldest of the University of Richmond' s divisions. As a participant in the University system, Richmond College shares traditions with the entire campus. There are, however, sounds unique to RC. The groan of a freshman at first sight of his room in the barracks, the pings and rattles of the pinball machine in
Left to right: John Pritchard, Jeff Garnett, Ed Sobey. Not pictured: John Snead.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Jeff Garnett John Snead Ed Sobey John Pritchard
CHARLES ADAMS B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia
THOMAS NELSON ADAMS B.A., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
HOMER ELLIS ALBERTI R.A., Chemistry Winchester, Virginia
WAYNE PETER ALEXANDER B.S., Chemistry Williamsburg, Virginia
RICHARD LEE ALLANSON B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
CHARLES BRITTON ALTIZER B.A., Chemistry North Tazewell, Virginia
HERBERT TENNYSON ARNOLD B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia
TYRONE MARSHALL ARON B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
LLOYD RUSSELL BALLARD B.A ., Economics Colonial Heights, Virginia
JOHN DAHLGREN BAXTER B.A ., Psychology Falls Church , Virginia
SIDNEY BECKER B .A., Chemistry Newport News, Virginia
WALTER ROBERT BEIRNE, JR. B.A., Psychology Richn1ond, Virginia
F. THEODORE BISTER FELD B .A., Biology Mountainside, New Jersey
JOHN ERIC BLOODSWORTH B.A ., English Salisbury, Maryland
B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
B.A., History Powhatan, Virginia
B.A., Mathematics and English Lexington, Virginia
PAUL LEE BRADSHAW B.A ., English Sedley, Virginia
WAYNE WHITFIELD BRADSHAW B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia
RONALD A. BRUMBACK B.A., Economics White Post, Virginia
B .A., French Norfolk, Virginia
DALE RICHARD BURTON B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM F. CALE, III B.A., Psychology South Boston, Virginia
DA YID V. CAMACK B.A., Economics Wjlmington, Delaware
WILLIAM C. CARBONE, JR. H.A., Sociology Hamden, Connecticut
LEROY H. CARTER, III H.A ., Political Science Baltimore, Maryland
DAVID NEUMAN CATES B.A., Psychology F redericksburg, Virginia
WILLIAM RICHARD BULL JR. B .A ., History Bloxom, Virginia
ALBERT EDWIN CLARK B.A ., English Falls Church , Virginia
MARVIN T . CLARK, JR. B.A. , Biology Arlington, Virginia
ROBERT W. CLAYTON B.S., Chemistry Stephens City, Virginia
EDWIN HOWE COLEMAN B.A., Economics Danville, Virginia
PETER CHARLES COOMBS B.A., Chemistry Millville, New Jersey
GORDON SHEFFIELD CONVERSE B.A., English and Art Rosemont, Pennsylvania
CRAIG STOVER COOLEY B.A., Political Science Harrisonburg, Virginia
WILLIAM WALTER COX B.S., Chemistry Abingdon, Virginia
EDWARD HUNTER DAUGHTREY, JR. B.S., Chemistry Carrsville, Virginia
RICHARD WHITLEY DAVIS B.S., Phychology Hampton, Virginia
STEVE DERRENBACKER B.A., Chemistry Dillwyn, Virginia
RICHARD EMIL DEVITO B.S., History Richmond, Virginia
JOSEPH CLIFTON DICKENS B.A., Biology Portsmouth, Virginia
CARLTON LEE DRAKE B.S., History Franklin, Virginia
RICHMOND COLLEGE CLASS OF 1969 JAMES MICHAEL DUNHAM B ..A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
DAVID ANDERSON DUNVILLE B.A ., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
CLIFFORD BERNARD DUTY, JR. B.A., Sociology North Tazewell. Virginia
RAY HUGHES ELLEN B.A., Psychology Falls Church, Virginia
JOSEPH JOHNSON ELLER, JR. B.A., History and Political Science Marion, Virginia
DAVID THOMAS ELLETT B.A., History and Political Science Chesterfield, Virginia
M. RICHARD EPPS B.A., Political Science Williamsburg, Virginia
FRANK ROBERT FLEISCHMAN, JR. B.A., Psychology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
JAMES MICHAEL FOSTER B.A., Music Norfolk, Virginia
JAMES WILLIAM EVANS B.A., Mathematics Raleigh, North Carolina
MICHAEL VANCE FRANCISCO B.A., Political Science Salem, Virginia
DWIGHT BROWNING FRAZIER, JR. B.A., English Fredericksburg, Virginia
GLENN WAYNE FRITH B.A., Psychology Rocky Mount, Virginia
GEOFFREY HARRIS GABBARD B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia
COURTNEY DENNIS GOER GE B.A., History Newport News, Virginia
WILLIAM MICHAEL GARNETT B .A., English Fredericksburg, Virginia
MICHAEL H. GARRIETT B.A., Psychology Virginia Beach, Virginia
THOMAS CARLYLE GILMAN B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
RAY ALEXANDER GOBBLE B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Political Science Middletown, Pennsylvania
VIRGIL HAMLIN GOODE, JR. B.A., Political Science Rocky Mount, Virginia
HARVEY ALLAN GOODMAN B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia
LYNN TURNER GORE B.A., History Front Royal, Virginia
JAMES GORDON GRAY, JR. B.A., English Washington, D. C.
B.A., English Hampton, Virginia
B.A., History and Political Science Fredericksburg, Virginia
JOHN EDWIN GRISWOLD B.A., History Petersburg, Virginia
ALFRED RAWLS GUTHRIE, JR. B.A., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia
DOUGLAS BLAIR GREGORY B.A., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
JAMES TOLIVER HAGY B.A., Political Science Fredericksburg, Virginia
JOHN DOUGLAS HALL B.A., Psychology Gloucester, Virginia
CARTER LAND HARDERBERGH B.A., Psychology Petersburg, Virginia
RICHARD BLAND HARPER B.A., English Gloucester, Virginia
RANDOLPH KINSLEY HARPER B.A., Sociology Arlington, Virginia
WALLACE GLENNHARRIS B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM RICHARD HART B.A., Economics Bassett, Virginia
RONALD LEE HEISLER B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
JAMES CLOPTON HERREN B.A., Studio Art Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM THOMAS HIGGINS B.A., Religion Richmond, Virginia
ROBERT LAWRENCE HUDGINS B.A., Sociology Roanoke, Virginia
RICHARD WILLSON HULCHER B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Economics Charlottesville, Virginia
B.A., Mathematics Waynesboro, Virginia
GLEN RICHARD ISAACS B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia
JAMES A. JACOBS B.S., Chemistry Petersburg, Virginia
WOODLIFF LATHAM JENKINS, JR. B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
THOMAS POOLE JOHNSON B.S., Sociology Raleigh, North Carolina
STANLEY MILTON JONES B.A ., Latin R ichmond , Virginia
DONALD RAY JORDAN B.A., Sociology Fredericksburg, Virginia
LA WREN CE EDWARD KATZ B.A., English Norfolk, Virginia
B.A ., Economics Monkton, Maryland
B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
FLOYD WILLIAM KIRBY, JR. B.A. , History Clarksville, Virginia
JAMES MICHAE L KISER B.A., History Woodbrid ge, Virginia
NEIL PHILIP KUSHM AN B.A., Economics Richmond , Virginia
BRUCE HOW ARD KUSHN ER B.A., History Danville, Virginia
DONAL D ALBERT LAHY B.S., Mathemati cs Richmond , Virginia
MICHAE L HANRY LAKE B.S., Chemistry Landover, Maryland
WILLIA M THOMA S LEE B.A ., Political Science Arcola, Virginia
B.S., Biology Henrico County, Virginia
CARTER CHRIST IAN LEFON B.S., Chemistry Richmond , Virginia
SAMUEL AGER LEISHEAR, III B. S., Biology Washington, D. C.
THOMAS H. LEMKE B .A., English Roanoke, Virginia
RUSSELL LOMAX LEONARD, JR. B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
THOMAS SUMNER LIGON B.S., Physics and Mathematics Silver Springs, Maryland
Arlington, Virginia
DAVID WEBSTER LOVELACE B.A., Journalism and English Seaford, Delaware
DONALD WAYNE MAJOR B.A ., Political Science Ponsmouth, Virginia
B.S., Biology Norfolk, Virginia
B.S., Spanish Petersburg, Virginia
WILLIAM BRYAN MARLOWE B.A., Political Science Lake Wales, Florida
EDWARD TYLER MARTIN B.A ., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
GARY THOMAS MASHBURN B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth, Virginia
JAMES T. MATHEWS B.S., Sociology
Arlington, Virginia
PETER ALLAN MAYS B.A ., Political Science Manassas, Virginia
HENRY EUGENE MCAULIFFE B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
CHRISTOPHER BEAMAN McCOY, JR. R.S., Economics Norfolk, Virginia
B.A., HiJtory Quantico, Virginia
JOHN GIRARD METZ B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
ROBERT CHARLES MILLER B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia
OWEN L. McVAY B.S., Chemistry Library, Pennsylvania
L. ALVIN MILLS B.A., Econo1nics Richmond, Virginia
ALLEN JAY MOLLEN B.A ., Chemistry Dover, New Jersey
B.A., Political Science Newport News, Virginia
B.A., History with Honors Blacksburg, Virginia
PAUL RICHARD NELSON B.A., Psychology Westfield, New Jersey
B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
STEPHEN MONGUM NORFLEET B.A., Chemistry Suffolk, Virginia
ROBERT EARL NORTHERN B.A ., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
B.A., History and Political Science Mt. View, California
JOHN MAURICE O'BANNON B.S., Biology Woodville, Virginia
DANNY DOUGLAS OYLER B.S., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia
MILTON EARL PARRISH B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
RICHARD KENNETH PETRIE B.S., English Winchester, Virginia
LARRY ALLEN POTTS B.S., Psychology Round Hill, Virginia
THOMAS LYNWOOD POWERS B.S., History Powhatan, Virginia
JOSHUA PRETLOW B.S., Political Science Suffolk, Virginia
B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Political Science Emporia, Virginia
BERNARD WARREN REED B.A ., Sociology Manassas, Virginia
EDWARD ARTHUE REEVES, III B.S., Chemistry Norwell, Massachuse tts
B.A., History South Plainfield, New Jersey
DONALD REED RHOTON B.A., Bible and Religion Richmond, Virginia
ROBERT WESLY RICHARD S B.A., Psychology and Sociology Richmond, Virginia
ROBERT SIDNEY RICKS B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Physics and Mathematic s Hampton, Virginia
WILLIAM FRANCIS ROBERTS , JR. B.A ., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
THOMAS WRIGHT ROBERT SON B.S., Music Carrsville, Virginia
SIDNEY ELMORE RODRIGUEZ B:A., Latin Richmond Virginia
JAMES RICHARD ROWLAND B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth, Virginia
MARK RUSSELL B.A., Religion Moseley, Virginia
PATRICK T. ROWE B.S., History Norfolk, Virginia
B.A., Biology and Chemistry Front Royal, Virginia
JOSEPH J. SAADY B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
GEORGE WILLIAM SADLER, JR. B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
CHARLES ELLIS SALMON B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Mathematics Dixie, Virginia
Newport N e w.s , Virginia
DAVID EDWARD SATTERFIELD, IV B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
WAYNE ARNOLD SATTERWHITE B.A ., English Richmond, Virginia
BERNARD Y ANDEY SCHULTZ B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
J. FOSTER SCOTT B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
SAMUEL CHARLES SCOTT B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia
DAVID BRUEE SHAW B.A., Psychology Newark, Delaware
MICHAEL O'DA Y SHEBLE B.A ., Sociology Falls Church, Virginia
STEPHEN WAYNE SHRADER B .S ., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
B.A., History Stephens City, Virginia
CHARLES WALTER SMITH, JR. B.A., Sociology Kennebunk, Maine
DA YID CARL SMITH B.A ., Econo1nics Richmond, Virginia
DA YID LEGRANDE SMITH, JR. B.A ., English Lynchburg, Virginia
B.A ., Political Science Ararat, Virginia
NEIL WOLCOTT SMITH B.A., Political Science Vienna, Virginia
WILLIAM BAKER SMITH B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia
EDWIN J. C. SOBEY R.S., Mathematics and Physics Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
KENNETH SPRAGUE B.A., English Colonial Heights, Virginia
JOHN HARVEY SNEAD, JR. 'B.A ., Economics Bassett, Virginia
ALLEN EDWIN STAGG, III B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
STEPHEN RAYMOND STAHL B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia
EVERETT CLARK STRATTON, JR. B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
HENRY NEIL STULTZ B.A., History and Political Science Richmond, Virginia
B.A., History with Honors Gloversville, New York
JOHN ELLIS SUTHERLAND B.A., Economics Galax, Virginia
JOHN ARTHUR SVIRSKY B.A., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia
B.A., Political Science Newport News, Virginia
EDWIN CLAYTON THORNTON, III B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
ERIC LOGAN TITCOMB B.A., History Bon Air, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
DANNY LOUIS TURNER B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth, Virginia
JERRY WAYNE TURNER B.A., Political Science Winchester, Virginia
ARCTIA VAUGHAN , III B.S., Biology Pulaski, Virginia
JACK N. WAD DELL B.A., History Church View, Virginia
ARCHIE AUSTIN WALLACE, III B.A., Political Science Bon Air, Virginia
B.A., English Sparta, New Jersey
B.A., English and Psychology Courtland, Virginia
RUBEN EARNEST WEATHERHOLTZ, III B.A., Psychology Annandale, Virginia
DAVID CALLOWAY WHITEHEAD, JR. B.A., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia
BRYANT ANDREW WHITMIRE, JR. B.A ., History Birmingham, Alabama
GEORGE LOUIS WEIDIG B.A., Chemistry Winchester, Virginia
LAWRENCE EMMETT WILBURN B.A., French Richmond, Virginia
BYRON WELLS WILKINSON B.A., English Macon, Georgia
DELMUS EUGENE WILLIAMS B.A ., History Richmond, Virginia
LA WREN CE HAYWOOD WILLIS, JR. B.A., English Rochester, New York
GEORGE HUDSON WINGFIELD B.A ., Economics Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Chemistry Kinston, Virginia
B.A., History Lynchburg, Virginia
REGINALD V ADEGRIFT WOOD B .A., English a11d Journalism Roanoke, Virginia
DAVID L. YONCE B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
RICHARD MERRILL YONCE B.A ., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS, left to right: Charlie Bova, Weldon Bradshaw, Nelson Lankford, Ward Kerr.
Weldon Bradshaw Nelson Lankford Ward Kerr Char Jes Bova
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Roger Adams Cecil Allen Howard Anderson Donald Ball Lewis Barber Hugh Baskette
George Bayliss Roger Beck Douglas Belt Jay Berger Ronald Bessent John Betkowsk i
Robert Bigart Joseph Bisese Paxton Black William Black Raymond Blackmor e Wayne Boggs
Charles Boltwood Charles Bova
Page Bradford Weldon Bradshaw
John Brady William Breedlove
Richard Brinkley Donald Brooks
RICHMOND JUNIOR S Robert Brown Nicholas Calabro Horace Childress Edward Craig David Criswell George Cunningham
Gregory Daugherty Gera ld Davis Ronald DeTemple Michael Dixon Bruce Dozier William Durin
James Dunning John Edwards Jay Feldman William Finch David Frazer William Furr
John Garrison Curtis Gilbert Waker Gillette Walter Glascock Michael Glaser John Goodman
Eli Grable Wayne Grant Charles Grimm William Grinnan Samuel Haden Stephen Hall
Christopher Hallberg Michael Harper Stephen Harris Richard Herschaft Bruce Honts Pete Hopkins
Richard Irwin Bryan Janney Perry Jones Trevor Jones Ward Kerr Wayne Keyser
RICHMOND JUNIORS John Kines Stephen Lanier Nelson Lankford Charles LeFoe Lawrence Lenhart Donald Lewis
James Lilly Keith Linas Adrian Lovell Thomas Mann Alan Marsh Jack Mays
Oliver McBride Robert McCrone Robert McElvany Thomas McGrath Robert Mel ver Melvin Medred
Stephen Milling Michael Minter John Mizell Paul Monger Sterling Moore
Carroll Morrow John Murphy Steven Nakdimen Mark Neale Frederick Norfleet
George Norfleet Thomas Okerlund Donald Owen Frank Owen William Parrish
Henry Patterson Kenneth Perreault James Peters Albert Philpott Kenneth Powell
Larry Powers Charles Pritchett John Pulliam William Renner Lloyd Rice
Gary Robertson John Rogers Michael Royal Robert Ruddick Richard St. Clair
Vernan Saunders Milan Savkovich Brian Schnitzer William Scott Paul Shelley
Forest Smith Travis Snellings Charles Stevens
Robert Stockburger Murray Thompson Vincent Tiller
Thomas Towberman Kemper Towler Stuart T owsey
George Varoutsos Skip Walker Randy Walker
11 Walter Randa Walters Lawrence d · War DonnieWatkins Stuart Douglas Wayland
Steven Weaver Weber hitacre David W Whitlock Lawrence
d Wilkerson Stanley Williams Marvm Wilson Harvey
Raymon d Wimbrough d ·i1 Woo W1 Y Worrell William W att Richard Y
Left to right: Clarke Wiseman, Dwight Inge, Alan Drew, Tom Fernald.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Dwight Inge Clarke Wiseman Tom Fernald Alan Drew
Waldo Abbot Brian Anderson Richard Ayers Edward Boland Thomas Bondurant
John Booker Orin Booth Richard Brothers ¡F red Brumbeck Emmet Bruner
Stephen Buckingham Benjamin Burrell Clarke Bustard Tom Buxton Michael Campbell
Danny Cantrell Ronald Carney Dante Castrodale David Chapman Richard Clements
John Coleman Marshall Cook Tim Coulter Lake Coward Richard Cregger
John Crute Douglas Cunningham Benjamin Curtis William Curtis Paul Davis
Dean DeForest William Deitrick William Deyo Eric Dobbs Bob Dooley
Michael Doolittle James Driscoll William Dudley Ronnie Eason Seneca Eldridge Larry Evans
Tom Fernald Charles Ferneyhough Ronnie Fink William Fitchett Edward Foley Darrell Foster
Robert Friedman Jim Galvani Michael Garbini David Giammittorio Herry Gibbs Louis Graham
Ro d n eyG Griffith . es Bruce nm Earl Gui1i~irfield \Vayne Fred Hall . James Harns
mes Hazzard Ja Herndon Bruce . Jim Hewitt. s Fre d e ric H1Ckle William Hboy d Jo h n H um ar
L C. Hutton Dwight In~e David Jewltt Davi.d Johnson Bryan Jones James Jones
Ira KatzKeeling Wayne
Donald Kelly John Lane
Stephen Lee Thomas Lee
Randy Leslie . Bradford Lewis
Leslie Lilley Albert Link
John Lumpkin Peter Lunt
Myron Mann Harvey Marvel
Edmond Massie Reed Mathews
Jerome Mauro Robert Maxey Charles Montague Ronald Moody Patrick Morris David Newcomb
Ronald Nicholls William Nicol Dave Noechel Harry Norris C. C. Nuckols Frank Olejack
David Oliver Joseph Oliver Terry Overby David Owen Victor Owen Thomas Palmer
James Perrow John Pinch Alan Pollack Frederick Pond Eames Powers Robert Pullen
Edward Raine Jim Raper David Rawls Thomas Redfern Paul Reinarman Brian Rice
Robert Rigsby William Ritt Robert Rochester Bruce Ropiecki Frank Ruff James Russell
RICHMOND COLLEGE SOPHOMORES Rawls Saecker Michael Sala Dwight Shamble
Hurley Shaw Milton Shaw Grover Sheldon
David Silverman Donald Skinker Leonard Sly
Gibson Smith Richard Sneeder James Spangler
James Speight Michael Stafford Phillip Stevens
Donald Stewart James Straus Peter Sutcliffe
Joseph Talley Jerry Taylor Richard Taylor
William Tignor Woody Traylor David Randall
Jimmy Ward Thomas Warren Jeffrey Weinberg
John Welch Kenneth Wh~tes~arver Raymond Wiggins
Lawrence Wilson James Winders Clark Wiseman William Wood. Thomas Woodie
Reinhardt Woodson Richard Wray Gene Yoder James Young John Zydron
Left to right: Dave Moore, Ronnie Overstreet, Charles Floyd. Not pictured: Richard Cobbs.
President Vice President .. Secretary Treasurer
David Moore Richard Cobbs Ron Overstreet Charles Floyd
Richard Adams Walter H. Aikens Alfred Ailsworth Donald Allensworth Leonard Alley
Gary Anderson Thomas Armstrong Joel Ashworth Frank Bacon Donald Baxter Ralph Beard
William Bell John Bellis Edward Berry John Bevis Richard Bing James Blevins
Willam Blythe Timothy Boschen Barry Bradshaw Charlie David Bradshaw Eugene David Brinkley, Jr. Harry Bunn Brodie
Clayton Eugene Bunting Steve Burke Stephen Carroll
Charles Scott Carter Michael Stephen Cates Warren Dudley Chapman
Philip Chenault Haywood Glenn Chewning Michael James
Richard Waddell Cobbs James Truba Cooper, Jr. Scott Crane Maynard Paige Creel, Jr. John Holland Culver, III Harry Reid Cummings Bruce Paul Davis Larry Davis Howard Russell Dee James Berry Denton Larry DeRose Joseph Vincent DiTrolio
Lynwood Drake Ben Herman Droste Reginald Jarvis Dunnavant Joseph Edwards Timothy Joe Evans Jesse Johnson Finley, III
Ira Lynwood Flax Charles Richard Floyd Richard L. Ford William F. Fritz David E. Furrer Douglas Kirkland Futrell
Robert Hutter Gale Robert Mitchell Garbee John M. Garnett, III Gary Stuart Gaulding Thomas C. Givens
Ellis Harold Glover Samuel Graham Barry N. Greene Alexander Grice, IV Gelnn Mason Habel
Robert Samuel Hankins John Nocholas Hardin Michael Stephen Hawkins Glenn Alexander Hegamyer Ray Ken Heskett
Thomas Hix Edward Hlywa
William Ashby Hudson, III Richard P. Jacks
Duane Edward James Thomas J. Johnson
Steven Harris Jones Weldon Edward Jones, Jr.
Paul Kafka Michael Eugene Keck
John Speake Keller Philip Clark Kelly
Harry Edward Kintzi Don L. Lane
RICHMOND COLLEGE FRESHM EN Harvey Vernon Lankford Paul C. Leach Hugh Edward Lee, Jr. Terence Michael Lee
Douglas Harcourt Lees John W. Leggett, Jr. Terry Curtis Legum J. Michael Leonard
Kenneth Paul Lewis Earl Ward Lewter Woody Livesay Kenneth Alan Luer
Larry A. Maier John Edward Major Ronald Andrew Malstrom Gerald Michael Markowitz
William Edward Martin, Jr. Jeff R. Mayne
Robert Jesse Miller David Lewis Miltier David Martin Moore
John Frederick McAllen Lee Steven Merkle
David E. Moore James Donald Morgan James Mark Murphy
Melvin Rogers Merritt Hal Gordon Metcalfe
Thomas Chandler Northam Patrick Joseph O'Neal Richard C. Orgain
Ronnie Stephen Ottavio Ronald Boyd Overstreet Norris Allan Partridge
Peter Nocholas Pastore William Thomas Pearson, Jr. John F. Phillips
Paul Leahman Prewitt Edward Hughes Pruden, Jr. Raymond Gardiner Quaintance
Vincent C. Radford Roger Kent Reeder William M. Rhodenhiser
Leonard Johnson Roberts Ralph Roberts, III Gerald Edgar Robinson Wilfred Allen Roper Leslie William Rose, III David H. Russell
Steven R. Salter Wilton Robert Schmidt Bernard Harold Schopper Elmer Frederick Schumacher, III James Oliver Scott, Jr. Al Selby
Robert Brinkley Seward David Carroll Shores Carl Glenn Shunkwiler Robert William Simpson Moffett Edwin Skinner Stephen A. Slovensky
John Hobart Speegle Robert Darst Stokes
Charles Q. Sullivan John Mead Sullivan
William H . Sutton Steven Grant Switzer
James A. Smith Philip Bryan Smith
Claude Taylor, III Preston J. Taylor, Jr.
Lee J. Sneddon Thomas E. Snyder
Otis Rathborn Thornhill Geoffrey Titsworth
Walter Brent Toler Charles Keith Tomlinson Steven Frost Traver William Cumming Tucker, Jr. Gerald Kenneth Underdown
Nahum Vishmiavsky William Stuart Waters Dennis A. Watson K. Brantley Watson Wayne Ernest Weirich
Raymond Stecker Wilek, III B. Randolph Wilkinson James Gilmer Williams Charles Hensley Woodward Gregory Moore Yates
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. . . the silences of Exam Quiet Hours and the Reading Room and languishing in the sun on Rat Hole Roof . . . the resounding gong of the bell for breakfast and the quiet of the deserted sign-out room . . . the festal sounds of May Day and the solemn silence of Proclamation Night ... all these are part of the Westhampton sound.
The feminine member of the University family is Westhampton College, founded in 1914. University activities from Convocation to cheering the football team are all supported by the students of Westhampton. Westhampton girls also have their own sounds and silences. The sounds of hair dryers and bridge games and Tower Room song fests
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS, seated, left to right: Nancy Crenshaw, Susan Donaldson, Pat Howard. Standing: Birdie Stone, Donna Marie Joy, Susan Agee, Linda Elmore, Bonnie Gianotti.
SEN IOR CLASS OFF ICE RS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Song Leader Social-Cul tural Coordinat or Town Council Represent ative AA Represent ative
Susan Donaldson Pat Howard Nancy Crenshaw Birdie Stone Linda Elmore Patsy Blackard Donna Marie Joy Bonnie Gianotti Susan Agee
ELIZABETH JEAN ACKER B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Towson, Maryland
EMILY MASON ADAMS B.S., Biology Glen Arm, Maryland
CA THERINE AILEEN ANGLE B.A., English Rochester, New York
SUSAN ELIZABETH AGEE B.A., History with Honors Farmville, Virginia
DIANE MOSS ANDREWS B.A., Sociology Ashland, Virginia
JANE CARWILE ARRINGTON B.A., Mathematics Gainesville, Florida
DARLA DEAN AULTICE B.A., English Lynchburg, Virginia
B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Spanish Endwell, New York
CAROLYN WOOD BELL B.A., Englisb Cape Elizabeth, Maine
LINDA ESTHER BONN B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
PATSY CARROLL BLACKARD B.A., Music Education Newport News, Virginia
BONNIE FRANCIS BLANKS B.A ., History Clarksville, Virginia
DIANE HARLAND BOWEN B.A ., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
YVONNE ELIZABETH BOWMAN B.A ., Physical Education Lynchburg, Virginia
JANE BERYL BOWRY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
PHOEBE WEST BROOKS B.A., French Richmond, Virginia
BETTY JO CLARK BROBST B.A., Psychology Roanoke, Virginia
BETTY PARKS BROOKES B.A., Music West Point, Virginia
GLYNDA RAE BUTLER B.A., Psychology and Speech Falls Church, Virginia
B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
HELEN DAVIS CHURN B.A ., Economics Alexandria, Virginia
SARAH ANNE CLANTON B.A., Sociology Tappahannock, Virginia
CONNIE BOOTH COLLINS B.A., ]011rnalism Richmond, Virginia
LEILA MARY COLEMAN B.A., St11dio Art Salem, Virginia
REBECCA ANN COLEMAN B.A., English Colonial Heights, Virginia
ELIZABETH ANN COMBS B.A ., English Midlothian, Virginia
SYLVIA MORNINGSTAR CORBIN B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
EDITH PAULETTE CROUCH B.A., Psychology Hillcrest Heights, Maryland
MARGIE FERN CROWDER B.A., Mathematics Atlanta, Georgia
NANCY WINTHROP CRENSHAW B.A., Psychology Ramsey, New Jersey
NAN PAGE DAVIS B.A., French Portsmouth, Virginia
NANCY LAND DA VIS B.A., Mathematics South Boston, Virginia
SUZANNE DAWKINS B.S., Physics and Mathematics Norfolk, Virginia
KAREN RICHARDSON DICK B.A., French Hampton, Virginia
SUSAN ELAINE DONALDSON B.A ., History and Political Science Arlington, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
DIANE DORSEY EDWARDS B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
LINDA LOU ELLIS B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia
MARY ELIZABETH DUKE B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
LINDA VERNON ELMORE B.S., Mathematics Bon Air, Virginia
DONNA HARTE FARISH B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
MARILYN MICHELE FlYNN B.S., Biology Yonkers, New York
BONNIE LEE GIANNOTTI B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
LINDA LEE GRAHAM B.A., Psychology Newport News, Virginia
ELIZABETH TEMPLE GOODMAN B.A., Political Science Glen Allen, Virginia
JEANNE LOUISE GOULDMAN B.A., Mathematics Leedstown, Virginia
SUSAN BETH GRAMMER B.A., Philosophy Roanoke, Virginia
JOAN BENDALL GRAY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
LEE KATHERINE GRUBB B.A., History Purcellville, Virginia
DIANE MACMECCAN HARRIS B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
LAURA ELIZABETH HANBURY B.A., English Chesapeake, Virginia
PATRICIA JEFFERSON HANCOCK B.S., Physical Education Richmond, Virginia
CATHERINE GRAYSON HARVEY B .A ., Journalism and Speech Chatham, Virginia
SALLY SUTTON HENLEY B.A., Chemistry Walkterton, Virginia
JOAN MARIE HIGGS B .A., Latin Richmond, Virginia
BARI JEAN HOBBS B.A., Speech and Drama Roanoke, Virginia
ANNE COLEMAN HOLLAND B.A., Sociology Newport News, Virginia
BARBARA CARTER HOLLOWAY B.A., Math Richmond, Virginia
VIRGINIA ELIZABETH HOLMAN B.A., Elementary Education Glen Allen, Virginia
PATRICIA ANNE HOW ARD B.A., Sociology Danville, Virginia
LINDA SEELEY HUBER B .A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
SANDRA KITTRELL HUNGERFORD B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
ANNIE LEE JACOBS B.A ., Political Science Stanardsville, Virginia
JUDITH RAY JACOBS B.A., Music Richmond, Virginia
SALLY CARAILL JARVIS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
CAROL SUZANNE JOHNSTON B.A., French Westport, Connecticut
JACQUELINE SEGAR EPES JONES B.A., History W'ashington, Virginia
KATHERINE LASH JORDAN B.A., English Petersburg, Virginia
DONNA MARIE JOY B.A., Economics Clarksville, Virginia
JANE FRANCES KISER B.S., Mathematics Lebanon, Virginia
ANNE MARGARET LARSON B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
JOANNA CHAMBERS LAST B.A., Biology Alexandria, Virginia
KAREN SUMMERS LAYNE B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
DIXIE BELLE LEE B.A., Mathematics Holland, Virginia
B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
MARILYN ROSE LIPSITZ B.'A., Elementary &Jucation Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Mathematics Baltimore, Maryland
B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia
ANITA LOUISE MARTIN B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Elementary Ed11cation Covesville, Virginia
B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
B.A., French Richmond, Virginia
BETTY GARNETT MOLTZ B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
SANDRA PEURIFOY MORIN B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Psychology Burlington, North Carolina
B.A ., Political Science and Journalism Fredericksburg, Virginia
NANCY MEADE NORMAN B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Bible & Religion, Journalism Hampton, Virginia
CHERYL BROWNING NUNNALLY B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
SUSAN TALIAFERRO PARKER B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
MARGARET PUTNEY OSBORN B.A., Elementary Education Farmville, Virginia
FLORENCE ANN PACKARD B.A., History Arlington, Virginia
LINDA HAYES PARRISH B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
JANET SEWELL PAULETTE B.A., Psychology Bethesda, Maryland
ANNE ELIZABETH PITCHFORD B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
BETTY CARSON PITTS B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia
PATRICIA ANN PRICE B.A., M1'sic Ed1'cation Richmond, Virginia
MARY CATHERINE PROCTOR B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
MARY ELLEN PETERSON B.S., Physical Education Richmond, Virginia
NANCY WOOD PUCKETT B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia
SUSAN QUANCE B.A., Psychology Charlottesville, Virginia
ALICE JUSTICE RETZER B.A., History With Honors Arlington, Virginia
MARCIA LYNN RAVELING B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Windsor, Virginia
BECKY GARLAND REED B.A., Art Richmond, Virginia
SANDRA LYNN RICE B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
REBECCA ALPHA RIDDELL B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
SOWONIA LYNN RILEY B.A ., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
YOLANDA LYSETTE ROSEMAN B.S., Biology Salisbury, North Carolina
JUDITH ANN RITTER B.A., History Winchester, Virginia
LYNNE BROOKS ROBERTSON B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia
ANN HARRIET RUSS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
KATE HARDY SAKOWSKI B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
REBECCA LEAH SAUNDERS B.A., Hi•tory Warrenton, Virginia
0. ELIZABETH SCRUGGS B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia
STEPHANIE LEE SCHMIDT B.A., PJychology Richmond, Virginia
KATHRYN ELIZABETH SCOTT B.A., Engli•h Fairfax, Virginia
FRANCIS SHIFLETT SEATON B.A., HiJtory Richmond, Virginia
B.A., Sociology Richm<,>nd, Virginia
B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
PATRICIA ANN POWELL SHUPP B.S., Mathematics Emporia, Virginia
ELIZABETH BLAIR SMITH B.S., Mathematics Fredericksburg, Virginia
EUGENIA FA YE SOUTHALL B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia
MARCIA RUTH SMITH B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
SANDRA ANDREWS SNEAD B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia
SALLIE ANN SPARKS B.S., Chemistry Arlington, Virginia
CAROLYN ANNE SHEPHERD B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
KATHERINE CAMERON SPOONTS B.S., Mathematics Florence, South Carolina
CATHERINE BIRDIE STONE B.A., Mathematics Oceanside, New York
CHARLENE WOODS STRINGFELLOW B.A., Psychology Culpeper, Virginia
B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia
BETTY JO SWAIN B .A., Dramatic Arts Richmond, Virginia
PATRICIA ANNE TAYLOR B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
MARY SUE TERRY B.A., Political Science Critz, Virginia
SARAH STUART THOMSON B.S., Biology Arlington, Virginia
PAMELA THOMPSON TISDALE B .S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
FLORENCE ANN TOMPKINS B.A., History and Sociology Danville, Virginia
PHYLLIS ROWLAND TURNER B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
HELEN PENROSE WARE B.A., Elementary Education Orange, Virginia
NELDA LEE WARREN B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Norfolk, Virginia
WILTON ELIZABETH WHEELDON B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia
MARIE CATHERINE WHITLOCK B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia
MARTHA GRAYBILL WILEY B.A., Elementary Education Troutville, Virginia
BETTY MAE ROBINSON WILLIAMS B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Emporia, Virginia
MAUDE ANDERSON WILLIAMS B.A., History With Honors Alexandria, Virginia
SUSAN M. WILLIAMS B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia
DONNA GEER WILLIS B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia
JEAN BRANDON WILLOUGHBY B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
PAMELA EARLE WILTON B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia
SALLY YA TES WOOD B.A., English Richmond, Virginia
MYRAN LEE WOODSON B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia
JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS, seated, left to right: Joann Russell, Ann Marie Pearson, Kitty Taimi, Martha Brandt. Standing: Janice Carter, Bobbie Cahoon, Susan Peters, Brenda Blevins, Penni Chappell.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Song Leader Social-Cultural Coordinator Town Council Representative AA Representative
Ann Marie Pearson Kitty Taimi ......... . Joann Russell Martha Brandt Bobbi Cahoon Penni Chappell Brenda Blevins Janice Carter Susan Peters
Lynn Andrews Sally Andrews
Susan Bain Nancy Ball
Patsy Barr Judy Baughan
Scotti Beamer Shirley Jo Beck
Mary Bersch Brenda Blevins Elizabeth Booker Donna Boone Claire Born Martha Brandt
Elizabeth Britton Susan Bryant Jo Burnette Barbara Cahoon Janice Carter Dorcas Carwile
L 248
Penni Chappell Kathleen Clinedinst Patricia Connell Susan Cosby Edee Courtney Cam David
Emily Davis Martha Diemente Ann Dowdy Emily Epps Pam Firebaugh Marcia Flake
Dee Fultz Carol Graube Rita Kay Grimstead Dianne Hall Jeanne Hankinson Suzanne Harris
Marcia Harrison Linda Hawkins Harriet Haynes Rin Henry Joanne Herrington Gayle Hobday
Becky Hotz Martha Ann Howe Priscilla Humbert Jane Johnson Patricia Kepner Joyce Lee
Lynne Lennon Angela Lilly Sallye Link Jane Martin Susan Massie Celia Ann McGuckian
Maureen McKinney Elise Miller Diana Lynn Monroe Connie Moore Jeff Jarrett Moore Sharon Morrissett
Marcia Nieder Cindy Ann Nitsch
Cynthia Louise Norris Helen Outen
Anne Park Phyllis Pearce
Mary Pearson Shirley Peterson
Janet Phillips Martha Jo Pidcock
Fiona Porter Martha Richardson
Martha Rife Jo Ann Russell
Marjorie Scott Elizabeth Shaffer Alston Stirling Pat Sullivan Kitty Taimi Chime Tate
Yvonne Tharp Patricia Anne Thomas Mary Susan Thornhill Linda Tomasek Mary Anna Toms Marsha Trimble
Margaret Jane Trowe Frederica Vaughan
Christine Waddell Astrid Walter
Linda Weinstein Betty Willis
Virginia Wray Laura Zimmerman
Lynda Zimmerman
SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS, seated, left to right: Betty Deans, Kathy Neal, Terry Catasus. Standing: Sally Harmanson, Nancy Jarvis, Judy Lancaster, Carole Waite.
SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Kathy Neal Terry Catasus Betty Deans Carole Waite Judy Lancaster Nancy Jarvis Sally Harmanson Francie Pollard Madeline Reidinger
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Song Leader Social-Cultural Coordinator Town Council Representative AA Representative
Davie Adams Adele Affleck Sylvia Allgood Jane Alphin Nancy Bain Ellen Baldacci
Carol Barker Lelia Baum Lee Bingham Beverly Black Cheryl Blankenship Vickie Bowman
Kay Brasure Marilyn Bray
Carol Ann Ceppi Almeda Clements
Connie Brennan Sara Bridges
Joyce Clinkscales Mildred Cochran
Gale Burrow Patricia Burton
Patti Collins Betty Conner
Lisa Byers Marsha Carl
Marian Deans Linda Dix
Brenda Carrier Ann Carson
Catharine Dixon Marilu Dixon
Nancye Caskey Teresa Catasus
Margaret Douglas Fay Duffer
Beth Elmore Beverley English Susan Lee Finch
Linda Fries Mary Galloway Martha Garby
Pat Gatling Mary Gilman Jonna Graham
Alice Graube Rozie Gross Sharon Culliksen
Ann Hall Betty Lou Hall Paula Hammett Sally Harmanson Naina Harper Mary Elizabeth Harrell
Metta Harris Pamela Haycox Gloria Jean Hickok Ann Hodges Catie Holmes Donna Holmes
Alice Hott Jane Houston Bonnie Hudgins Nancy Jarvis Helen Johnson Carol Ann Jones
Ann Kelley Judy Lancaster
Maryann Makowsky Rebecca Mauck
Marcia McCoy Rebecca Mills
Jan Milner Beverly Miner Nancy Monk Susan Moore Katherine Neal
Linda Niemann Linda Noell Yvonne Olson Josephine Ethel Otey Tanya Parker
Doris Pickels Beth Poston Alice Presson Carol Ransone Madeline Reidinger
Elisabeth Robertson Carol Ann Rostvedt Martha Rothenberg
Rosie Ryan Grace Shiflett Jeanne Shorter
Mary Courtney Siler Susan Stansbury Mary Straffin
Judy Strauser Lindsay Struthers Anne Taylor
Pam Thompson Marta Trumbo Carole Waite Anita Walbeck Mary Lee Watson Deborah Wesson
Margaret Williams Sheryl Wolff Sandra Wright Linda Yeatts Emily Zehmer
Seated, left to right: Sharon Tulloh, Nancy Boykin, Chris Steinback. Standing: Diane Glascock, Ann Stewart, Jinxie Szigeti, Liz Northern, Betty Towler, Nancy Clevenger, Marshall Taylor.
FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Song Leader Social-Cultural Coordinator Town Council Representative AA Representative
Nancy Boykin Sharon Tulloh Chris Steinbach Marshall Taylor Ano Stewart Nancy Clevenger Jioxie Szigeti Liz Northern Diane Glascock
WESTH AMPTO N FRESHM EN Donna Abbott Deborah Aiken Marleen Bareford Julia Anne Bergamo Adell Blankenbaker Lucy Bone
Nancy Boykin Susan Anne Boyles Diane Briggs Anne Christine Bromley Beverly Browder Carol Brown
Dale Brown Elizabeth Browning Wendy Lewis Bryant Susan Buchanan Katherine Carter Bonita KGaren Chatnick
Linda Christopher Susan Clarke Nancy Clevinger Cathy Culpepper Mary Alice Curtin Sharon Custer
Erin Cynthia Dalton Connie Day Patricia Day Rebekah DeBergh Suzanne deLesseps
Sharon Dickinson Janet Dischinger Catherine Dowd Carolee Dykes Allison East
Gwendolyn Fletcher Jean Foerster Linda Lee Fox Joanie Freeze Ann Fuller
Debra Furches Elizabeth Gammon Ginny Gary
Ruth Helen Gatewood Brenda Ann Gianotti Lynn Gillerlain
Brenda Glascock Ann Greene Sarah Gunn Ellen Gwathmey Nelle Haag Blair Hall
Margaret Jean Hall Marileb Henry Marsha Hodge Ellen Hoffman Marcy Hoffman Christie Holland
Jere Hudson Martine Hutton Judy Johnson Elizabeth Jones Julia Jones Linda Jones
Martha Key Mary Kinsey Nancy Langston Margaret League Richie Leggett Sandy Lineberry
Paulette Lowman Libby Lynch Nancy MacCaffrey Frances Maddox Nancy Manning Susan Marshall
Alice Martin Patricia Mason Kathryn McDorman Jean McFall Susan McFarland Linda Mcintosh
Joanne Morgan Elizabeth Morris
Donna Moss Betsy Myers
Elizabeth Newsome Elizabeth Northen
Carroll O'Donnell Rozanne Oliver
Sally Orlando Faye Patteson
Deborah Pearson Sharon Phillips
\ Rachel Pierce Elizabeth Pollard
Deborah Powell Sara Redding
Donna Renfro Elizabeth Reynolds
Mary K. Reynolds Deborah Richardson Mary Elizabeth Robbins Gail Ruark Janet Rumney
Nancy Russell Catharine Ryland Judy Ann Samuelson Ruth Ann Schweitzer Nancy Lee Scott
Shelby ¡ Seitz Elizabeth Shifflette Donna Shumate Gail Silver Barbara Jeanne Simmons Diane Smith
Lynda Smith Rebecca Smith Janice Spangler Gail Stallings Julie Stanley Roberta Staples
Christine Steinbach Vivian Stephenson Ann Stewart Sallie Stone Mary Lou Stopps Nancy Stup
Virginia Szigeti Laurie Anne Talley Diane Tarkington
Susan Tarkington Mary Taylor Bonnie Thomas
Isabelle Thomas Judith Thornhill Rebecca Tierney
Betty Toler Anne Tootelian Julie Traylor \
Linda Tuck Sharon Lee Tulloh
Harriette Turner Joan U ngemach
Janet Utley Rosalia Ventura
Rebecca \Xf aggoncr Diane \Xfagner
Ann \Xfilkerson Cathy \Xfoolcott
Cynthia \Xfornom Margaret \Xfright
Anne Zuver
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Training of the highest caliber for a career in the business world is offered by the University of Richmond's School of Business Administration. Accreditation by the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business assures students and faculty alike of continued high standards in the Business School. The sounds of the computer's contented
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Left to right: Bob Ukrop, Lindsey Clem, Charles Allen, James Blackburn.
Bobby Ukrop
Vice President
Jim Blackburn
Lindsey Clem
CHARLES T. ABERNATHY B.S., Accounting Dundas, Virginia
LESTER WALLACE ABERNATHY B.S., Accounting Arlington, Virginia
BEVERLEY LYNN APPLETON B.S., Finance Harrisonburg, Virginia
CHARLES CRADDOCK ALLEN B.S., Indt<Strial Management Richmond, Virginia
BRUCE EDWARD ALLRED B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia
A. WILLARD ARTHUR, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM ROBERT ATKINS B.S., Ind1'strial Management Chester, Virginia
B.S., lttdustrial Management Richmond, Virginia
R.S ., Economics Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Arlington, Virginia
CAMILLA ANN BECK B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
DONALD WAYNE BEELER B.S., Accounting Valencia, Pennsylvania
ALVAH PARRISH BOHANNON B.S., Marketing Altavista, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management New Castle, Pennsylvania
JAMES WILLIAM BLACKBURN, JR. B.S., Finance Alexandria, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Alexandria, Virginia
JOSEPH EDWIN BRAND B.S., Finance H arrisonburg, Virginia
B.S., Accounting Madison, Virginia
B.S., Finance and Industrial Management York, Pennsylvania
B.S., ltzdustrial Management Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
CLAUDE WAGNER CARMAC K B.S., Accounting Kensington, Maryland
MILES FAIRFAX CARY, JR. B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM RANDOL PH CLARK B.S., Accounting Alexandria, Virginia
HERBER T LINDSEY CLEM B.S ., Accounting Richmond, Virginia
LARRY AI.LEN CONNAT SER B .S., Marketing J;)illwyn, Virginia
GEORGE ARTHUR CONNER B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
JOHN TYLER DARDEN , JR. B.S., Industrial Managemen t Branchville, Virginia
GORDON WILEY CRAWFO RD B.S., Finance Roanoke, Virginia
B.S. , Industrial Managemen t Keysville, Virginia
JOHN CHARLES CROUSE B.S., Economics Arlington, Virginia
DAVIS ADOLPHUS DOBYNS B .S., Accounting Sharps, Virginia
GEORGE MORRIS DIXON B.S., Business Administration Staunton, Virginia
JAMES STEPHEN DOWDY B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
JOHN E. DUNVILLE B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Falls Church, Virginia
MARK DANIEL DUNN B.S., Accounting Mechanicsville, Virginia
TOMMY WAYNE ENGLAND B.S., Management St. Charles, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Portsmouth, Virginia
DANIEL A. DOHERTY III B.S. , BusineSJ Econom.ics
Kensington, Maryland
JOHN SWANSON ESTES B.S., Industrial Management Staunton, Virginia
STEVEN MARC FIFER B.S., Marketing Falls Church, Virginia
KENNETH W. FISHER B.S., Business Administration Falls Church, Virginia
SAMUEL THOMAS FALGIANO B.A., Marketing Petersburg, Virginia
HARTVIG ANDREW FORBERG B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia
ROBERT ALLEN FOSTER B.S., Accounting North Ferndale, Maryland
WILLIAM CAMPBELL FRENCH B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
MICHAEL D. GENTRY B.S., Finance and Marketing Roxboro, North Carolina
MANFRED CARL FREEMAN, JR. B.S., Management Hampton, Virginia
FREDERICK R. GRIFFITH, JR. B.S., Marketing Covington, Virginia
WILLIAM HARWOOD HADEN, JR. B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Management Pompton Plains, New Jersey
JOSEPH JEFFERSON HARDING, III B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
B.S., lndttstrial Management Goochland, Virginia
DAVID B. HATTON, JR. B.S., lnd1'strial Management Richmond, Virginia
JAMES STITH HAWKES, III B.S., lnd1'strial Management Wilsons, Virginia
DAVID WEENS HEILMAN B.S., Management Charleston, West Virginia
JOSEPH MARVIN HENDERSON B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Finance Virginia Beach, Virginia
RICHARD THOMAS HITE B.S., Economics Kenbridge, Virginia
JOSEPH THACKER HODGES B.S., Management and Economics Charlotte, North Carolina
THOMAS E. HOW ARD B.S., Management Richmond, Virginia
JOHN FLETCHER HOWELL B.S., Industrial Management Franklin, Virginia
RANDY A. HUDSON B.S., Finance Baltimore, Maryland
RAY ORVIN HUMMEL, III B.S., Acc01mting Richmond, Virginia
GERARD CHARLES KAISER B.S., Accounting Great Neck, New York
B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia
BARRY R. LAWS B.S., Fint>nce Snow Hill, Maryland
JOHN WILLIAM KIRK B.S., Accounting Center Cross, Virginia
THOMAS ALTON LATHAM B.S., 'Accounting Richmond, Virginia
THOMAS CARLETON LEFFEW B.S., Economics Norfolk, Virginia
JOSEPH ELLIS LIPSCOMBE, III B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia
TAMES OTIS LOWTHER B.S., Accounting Navarre, Ohio
MICHAEL LEE MAHANEY B.S., Economics Hopewell, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Covington. Virginia
CHRISTOPHER KENNON MARTIN B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
WELFORD ROBERT MAXIE B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia
DOUGLAS C. MAXEY B.S., A ccounting Richmond, Virginia
ALLEN CARTER McGEHEE B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
BRIAN MARK MENZEL B.S., Marketing Toano, Virginia
MICHAEL SHAVER MONAHAN B.S., Business Economics W ake field, Virginia
J. PHILLIP MULLINS B.S., Et:onomics Narrows, Virginia
B.S., Et:onomit:s Falls Church, Virginia
WAYNE SULLIVAN PAUL B.S., Management and Economics Richmond, Virginia
RONALD CLIFFORD OLEYAR B.S., Economics Falls Church, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Piedmont, Virginia
WILLIAM HADEN PAYNE, JR. B.S., Management Staunton, Virg inia
LARRY WAYNE PERDUE B.S., Aaounting Rocky Mount, Virginia
MICHAEL THOMPSON PEERY B.S., Industrial Management Tazewell, Virginia
KENNETH LEE PERRIN B.S., Economics Mechanicsville, Virginia
WILLIAM FREDERICK PERRINE B.S., Finance and Economics Grove City, Pennsylvania
RODNEY MONTOMERY POOLE B.S., Ernnomit:s Richmond, V irginia
RANDALL W. POWELL B.S., M,magement Roseland, Virginia
WILLIAM CATO POWELL B.S., Economics North Garden, Virginia
GREGORY MORTON PRY B.S., Economics Vienna, Virginia
BERNIE THOMAS QUINN B.S., Industrial Management Poquoson, Virginia
HUGH ANTHONY RICHESON, JR. B.S., Finance Alexandria, Virginia
LARRY WAYNE RIDDICK B.S., Economics Suffolk, Virginia
JAMES EDWIN ROBERTSON B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
JOHN DAVID ROBBINS B.S., Industrial Management Troutville, Virginia
RICHARD STOKLEY ROBERTS, JR. B.S., Marketing Roanoke, Virginia
ROBERT L. ROGERS B.S., Accounting Arlington, Virginia
WAYNE HARRIS SCEARCE B.S., Management Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM PHILLIP SCHNEIDER B.S., Finance Salisbury, Maryland
PAUL OWEN SCOTT B.S., Management Seaford, Delaware
GLENN STUART SETTLE B.S., Economics Vienna, Virginia
DAVID MYRON SHEPPARD B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
SAMUEL DANIEL SHUMATE B.S., Ind11strial Management Washington, D . C.
ALWYN WHITFIELD SMITH, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
STEVEN WAYNE SOLOMON B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
JAMES E. SPITLER B.S., A cco11nting Falmouth, Virginia
STUART MUSE STATHAM B.S., Management and Marketing Pine Brok, New Jersey
GARY WAYNE TILMAN B.S., Business Economics Richmond, Virginia
MERVIN C. TIMBERLAKE, JR. B.S., Accounting Hampton, Virginia
THOMAS EDWARD STEVENS B.S., Accounting South Boston, Virginia
ROBERT STEPHEN UKROP B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia
BILL R. VILLAROSA B.S., Finance Paterson, New Jersey
WALTER LEE WALLA CE B.S., Finance and Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia
JOHN THOMAS WEST IV B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Marketing and Economics Portsmouth, Virginia
GEORGE M. WARD, JR. B.S., Business Ad111inistration Lutherville, Maryland
NORMAND. WILDERSON B.S., Econom.ics Hampton, Virginia
ROBERT FLEMING WILLIS B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia
JAMES CAMPBELL WILSON B.S., Industrial Management Norfolk, Virginia
JOHN MARSH WOLEBEN, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia
JAMES RICHARD WORRELL B.S., Business Administration Pulaski, Virginia
SHELDON CARTER WORRELL, JR. B.S., Economics Newsoms, Virginia
RUSS EVERTON WYATT B.S., Management Norfolk, Virginia
ROBERT HAMPTON YANCEY, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond Virginia
B.S., Managenzent and Econo1nics Richmond, Virginia
B.S., Industrial Management Franklin, New Jersey
Left to right: A. G. Willis, Julian Smith, Daryl Greenburg, Beverly Horton.
A. G. Willis
Julian Smith
Vice President
Beverly Horton
Daryl Greenburg
Barry Anderson Carl Bond Paul Brady William Bryant
James Butler James Caplan Wayne Carr Wayne Carroll
James Cerza Ernest Chapman Ronald Chappell James Cook
James Crenshaw John Crockett James Doran John Ely
James Geer Barry Ginder Robert Gooding
Wayne Hollister Charles Hopkins
Daryl Greenberg Thomas Hart Wayne Hendricks
William Hughes Thomas James
Henry Hinton Brian Hirschler Robert Hof
David Johnson Clarke Jones
George Joyner William Kephart
Richard Koester Robert Kostenbauder
Philip Koszarek Hermann Kreimer
Wayne Leake Garnett Lee
Robert Lennon Donald F. Luttrell
Eugene Lynn Ralph Lyons Thomas E. Marshall Michael Matthews Jerry McDowell Craig McGruder
David S. Meacham James Millner Stephen Milton Robert Moody Robert C. Moore Edward F. Morehouse
George Morris Michael Morrison Bland Motley Stephen Ogg Charles Palmer Robert Partrea
Kenneth Patton Charles Pritchett Bobby Rickman Edward James See Oscar Shelton Stanley Sidman
C. Lee Smith Julian Smith Richard Snyder Robert Soles Frederick Sorrell Thomas Soter
David Stauffer Thomas Stewart Thomas Strickland Robert Sutton Eugene Szigeti Bruce Tanner
Norman Taylor William Thompson Larry Troemmler Charles Tysinger Wayne Tysinger Benjamin Ussery
Pete Weaver Charles Wienckowski Bruce Weinstein
George Williams Jerry Williams Michael Williams
Richard Williams Addison Gordon Willis John Robert Wilson Stephen Winks
w I
s c H 0 0
L 0 F
Situated across from the School of Business, the T. C. Williams School of Law has been a part of the University of Richmond since its founding in 1870. Attracting undergraduate students from a wide variety of universities all over the country, T. C. Williams provides three years of excellent training for prospective attorneys. The sounds of the gavel in the mock court room are familiar
to all law students, who are justly proud of the beautiful court room in which they prepare for their careers. The silence of study in the Law School's large library is equally familiar. The 150 students of the T. C. Williams School of Law share in the University sound while learning how to make the sounds of their careers in law.
Newporr News, Virginia
JOHN MACLEAN BOSWELL Burkevill, Virginia
EMANUE L A. BERTIN Melrose Park, Pennsylvani a
THEODO RE JACKSON BURR, JR. Richmond, Virginia
CLAUDE T. COMPTON Manassas, Virginia
JOHN WILLIAM CREWS Halifax, Virginia
GERALD F. DALTAN Richmond, Virginia
RAYMOND ELLIS DA VIS Richmond, Virginia
ROBERT EDWARD DEATON Portsmouth, Virginia
ROGER LYNN DEMIK Arlington, Virginia
EUGENE M. DESERNINE Richmond , Virginia
WILBURN CHARLES BIBLING, JR. East Brunswick, New Jersey
Richmond, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
J. WILLIAM HATFIELD, III Richmond, Virginia
JOHNNY SAVAS JOANN OU Portsmouth, Virginia
Clarksburg, West Virginia
NORVAL GEORGE METCALF Alexandria, Virginia
NATHAN HUFF MILLER Bridegater, Virginia
ROGER LINWOOD MORTON Farmville, Virginia
RONALD M. PLOTKIN Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM W. ROBERTS Richmond, Virginia
WILLIAM J. STRICKLAND Richmond, Virginia
JAMES ROBERT SAUL Richmond, Virginia
DAVID T. WALKER Pauline, South Carolina
JAMES NEWTON WILHOIT, III Charlottesville, Virginia
EDWARD F. YOUNGER Lynchburg, Virginia
Robert Baldwin Henry Custis, Jr. Darden Daniel
Michael Ferguson Mildred Fletcher Thomas Garrett
Fitzhugh Godwin, Jr. Michael Goode Frank Greenwalt, Jr.
Virginia Hackney Thomas Hancock, Jr. Fred Hoback, Jr.
Hamill Jones, Jr. Neale Lawler Edward Natt Carroll Neale Vernon Oakley, Jr. Lloyd Parker, Jr.
Laurens Sartoris Paul Scott George Smith Harold Starke, Jr. Sandy Tucker John Wray
Joseph Anthony Carroll Bray Thomas Brill Donald Butler Richard Carter Clinton Corry, Jr.
Clifton Cosby Jr. William Cosby William Crawford Aubrey Davis, Jr. Robert Dawson Lawrence Day, Jr.
Marshall Ellett Bill Evans Charles Foley Herbert Gill, Jr. William Grogan Franklin Jenkins
David Johnson
Samuel McEwen
Paul Peatross, Jr. Joseph Prince Robert Rider Philip Rome Brian Schoenfeld
Jerry Slonaker Allan Smith Lee Snyder, Jr. William Stillgebauer Lawrence Szymanski
Lee Taylor William Toombs Charles Trible Edna Vass William Wahab James Ward
Kenneth Weiner Michael Weise Robert West Willis Worth Coleman Yeatts, Jr.
u N I
v E R
c 0 L L E G E
students make significant sounds of their own. Voices engaged in College Government acuvtt1es, the hum of transactions in the UC bookstore, and the roar of cars as classes let out and students depart for home or their afternoon jobs are all an auditory picture of University College.
The infant of the University family, University College, is fast asserting its self-sufficiency. Settled now in the new buildings on West Franklin Street, the downtown branch of the University is rapidly expanding and maturing. While tuned in to the sounds of the University campus, University College
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE JUNIORS Richard Broughton William Childs Frank DeGaetani
Charles Gordon Bruce Graham Richard Hubbard
Harry Morrow John Plunkett John Rambo
William Smith Stephen Tyler Thomas Veazey
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SOPHOMORES Donald Abbate John Barbour Thomas Barrett William Bennett Ralph Bonniwell James Brockenbrough
Anne Brooks James Buchanan Michael Bugg Jack Burnette Ronald Burruss Jerry Campbell
James Childress Robert Chinn Rudolph Clark Charles Coli Kathryn Conley Julian Cook
Patricia Cosby Richard Curley Margaret Depcrynski Charles DeVier
Jack Domoney Edward Durell Donald Eason Charles Elam
James Farrar Jeffrey Fetta Robert Fox Van Gallier,
William Gandel Barbara Jean Hales Bruce Hall Charles Hall
William Harrison Michael Holt
William Judy Steven Kolen Andrea lackey
Julian Houseman Ralph Hudson
William lewis Ralph Liniado Kevin Logan
Anne Hutton John Joyce
Lynne Mallory Constance Martin Upton Martin
Donald Matthews Conrad Mattox Allen Meadows David Miller William Moore Allen Morris
Peggy Morris Richard Morrow James Moser Leo Nichols Cathy O'Grady Nicholas O'Neill
James Otto Van Pearce Eric Pederson James Poebles Thomas Redfo,rd Edward Roach
James Skeen Robert Smith Ronald Stafford William Street Wayne Tosh Stephen Vass
John Wemyss John West Cynthia Whitaker
Stephen Wilkinson James Winn Donald Wright
John Zienius
Donald Amos George Andrews
Tom Anthony Leonard Atkinson
Darrell Bachman Ronald Baker
Robert Baltzegar George Barkley
Sterling Barward Jesse Beauman Kenneth Benarick Alice Berry Clyde Blanton Stuart Bolton
Dorothy Bray Thomas Brooks Paxton Campbell Arthur Campfield William Carter David Castro
Bernard Cheatham Mark Chinn, III Martin Clagett Edwin Clement William Coleman Carl Collier
Thurlow Conway Michael Coole Gerald Cooper Linwood Cox Tommy DeMartino William Devlin
Dreama Dillon Stephen Esbach Lewis Esposito Joe Fekete Gary Fentress Judith Fortune
Samuel Franzello Larry French Kenneth Gates Kingsberry Gay Denise Gloeckler Ronald Gosper
Don Goz Kenneth Grizzard Ronald Grubbs Albert Harper Dwight Hassler Larry Havener
James Hawthorne Patricia Haynie Edmund Hening James Holden Ralph Heinefield Anne Henderson
Mary Holzgrefe Candace Humphreys Earl Jackson Lawrence Johns Nelson Johnston Jess Judy
Don Kickler Richard Koechlein Jerry Korusek Keven Lackes Leon Lacy Clifton Layne
Nancy Liesfeld James Miffieton Roger Modlin James Moore Clive Moren
Charles Moss Kathi Neblett Elliott Pace Richard Painter Cecil Parker
Paul Parrish Brenda Peters Chuck Purser Kevin Reynolds Charles Rytelewski
John Samer Bruce Sheives David Simpson Carlton Smith Gary Snoody
Carlos Sotorrio Wilbur Southward Jim Starnes Temple Stratton Louis Sturm
Barry Sullivan Theodore Surgan Brenda Swann Robert Sweat Edward Taylor William Taylor
Charles Terry Donald Thrift James Thrift Charles Turner Willie Tyree Joseph Watson
Jerry Wilhoit Eugene Wilkenson James Williams John Williams Charles Wynn
t,~\U ,
RICHMOND COLLEGE CHARLES ADAMS B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia Beta Beta Beta; Intramurals, Dean's List. THOMAS NELSON ADAMS B.A ., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha. HOMER ELLIS ALBERTI B.A., Chemistry Winchester, Virginia WAYNE PETER ALEXANDER B.S., Chemistry Williamsburg , Virginia ROTC Marching Band; University Pep Band; Intramurals; University Foreign Film Society. RICHARD LEE ALLANSON B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Varsity Football, Sigma Chi. CHARLES BRITTON ALTIZER B.A ., Chemistry North Tazewell, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Intramurals. HERBERT TENNYSON ARNOLD B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia Kappa Sigma; Intramural Council. TYRONE MARSHALL ARON B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia LLOYD RUSSELL BALLARD B.A., Economics Colonial Heights, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma; Wesley Foundation; Dean's List. JOHN DAHLGREN BAXTER B.A., Psychology Falls Church, Virginia Sigma Chi; Intramurals. SIDNEY BECKER B.A., Chemistry Newport News, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta; Intramurals. WALTER ROBERT BEIRNE, JR. B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia F. THEODORE BISTERFELD B.A., Biology Mountainside , New Jersey Phi Delta Theta; Varsity Track Team, Captain. JOHN ERIC BLOODSWO RTH B.A., English Salisbury, Maryland Dean's List; Phi Gamma Delta, Corresponding Secretary; Areopagus, President; Treasurer Freshman Class; President Sophomore Class; Intramurals; Phi Beta Kappa. ROBERT COLMANT BODE B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Herald; Intramurals. WILLIAM MAXEY BOELT B.A., History Powhatan, Virginia Varsity Baseball.
JAMES FREEMAN BOWEN, JR. B.A., Mathematics and English Lexington, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors, Areopagus; Eta Sigma Phi; Pi Mu Epsilon; Honor Council; Curriculum Committee; Messenger, Staff and Poetry Editor; Freshmen Baseball; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. PAUL LEE BRADSHAW B.A., English Sedley, Virginia Eta Sigma Phi; Sophomore Class Chaplain; Senior Class Chaplain; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; BSU; RAC, representative ; REW Committee Chairman; State Baptist Student Union, President. WAYNE WHITFIELD BRADSHAW B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia Kappa Sigma, House Manager; Freshmen Rifle Team; Varsity Rifle Team; Intramurals. ROBERT THORP BRODIE B.A., French Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; University Orchestra; BSU; French Table; German Table; Au Salon des Babilliards, Vice-Presiden t; Phi Beta Kappa. RONALD A. BRUMBACK B.A., Economics White Post, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Chi, Correspondin g Secretary and Rush Chairman; Pi Delta Epsilon; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; Omicron Delta Kappa; Collegian, Editorial Editor; Student Center Board of Governors, VicePresident and President; Freshmen Debate Team; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. WILLIAM RICHARD BULL, JR. B.A., History Bloxom, Virginia Sigma Chi; House of Representative s, Secretary; Freshmen Rifle Team; Intramurals. DALE RICHARD BURTON B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Intramurals, Young Republicans. WILLIAM F. CALE, III B.A., Psychology South Boston, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Eta Sigma Pi; University Choir; Collegium Musicum; RAC, Music Chairman. DAVID V. CAMACK B.A., Economics Wilmington, Delaware Freshmen Baseball; Intramurals. WILLIAM C. CARBONE, JR. B.A., Sociology Hamden, Connecticut Sigma Chi, Kustos; Intramurals. H. LEROY CARTER, III B.A., Political Science Balto, Maryland Dean's List; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Intramurals. DAVID NEUMAN CATES B.A., Psychology Fredericksbur g, Virginia Men's Glee Club; Psychology Club, VicePresident. ALBERT EDWIN CLARK, JR. B.A., English Falls Church, Virginia MARVIN T. CLARK, JR. B.A., Biology Arlington, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega, Recording Secretary, Historian.
ROBERT W. CLAYTOR B.S., Chemistry Stephens City, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega, Treasurer, Sgt. at Arms, President; Intramurals; Young Republicans. EDWIN HOWE COLEMAN B.A., Economics Danville, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary of Pledge Class; Intramurals. GORDON SHEFFIELD CONVERSE B.A., English and Art Rosemont, Pennsylvania Phi Kappa Sigma, Representative ; Pi Delta Epsilon; Freshman Class Delegate; Messenger, Co-Editor; Glee Club, Secretary; Kale Teche, President. CRAIG STOVER COOLEY B.A., Political Science Harrisonburg , Virginia Dean's List; Freshman Tennis; Varsity Tennis; Fellowship of Christian Athletes. PETER CHARLES COOMBS B.A., Chemistry Millville, New Jersey WILLIAM WALTER COX B.S., Chemistry Arlington, Virginia Kappa Sigma, Treasurer; Intramurals; ROTC Band. EDWARD HUNTER DAUGHTRE Y, JR. B.S., Chemistry Carrsville, . Virginia Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Grand Alchemist; Dean's List; Intermediate Honors. RICHARD WHITLEY DA VIS B.A., Psychology Hampton, Virginia University Choir, Treasurer, Business Manager; BSU; REW; Psychology Club. STEVE DERRENBAC KER B.A., Chemistry Dillwyn, Virginia RICHARD EMIL DEVITO B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Football. JOSEPH CLIFTON DICKENS B.A., Biology Portsmouth, Virginia Theta Chi; Beta Beta Beta; Intramurals. WILLIAM HENLEY DOWNING B.A., Psychology Lottsburg, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, Pledge Master; Intramurals; BSU; Psychology Club; Rifle Team; Freshman Football. CARLTON LEE DRAKE B.A., History Franklin, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon. JAMES MICHAEL DUNHAM B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Intramurals; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade; Young Republicans. DAVID ANDERSON DUNVILLE B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia CLIFFORD BERNARD DUTY, JR. B.A., Sociology North Tazewell, Virginia
RAY HUGHES ELLEN B.A., Psycholog y Falls Church, Virginia Kappa Alpha; Dean's List; Psycholog y Club. JOSEPH JOHNSO N ELLER, JR. B.A., History and PoUtical Science Marion, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, Social Chairman , Pledgemaster. DAVID THOMAS ELLETT B.A., Political Science and History Chesterfie ld, Virginia Young Democrats ; Alpha Phi Omega. M. RICHARD EPPS B.A., Political Science Williamsb urg, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon, President, Secretary, Herald, Pledge Trainer; IFC; Student Governme nt, Secretary; Senator; WCRC, Board of Directors; Who's Who; Intramurals. JAMES WILLIAM EVANS B.S., Mathemat ics Raleigh, North Carolina Dean's List; Intermedi ate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Sigma Phi Sigma, Treasurer ; Intramurals; BSU; Chess Club. Vice-Pr sident, President; Chess Team; Phi Beta Kappa. FRANK ROBERT FLEISCH MAN, JR. B.A., Psycholog y Pittsburgh , Pennsylva nia IFC; Sigma Chi, President; Freshmen Football; Intramura ls. JAMES MICHAEL FOSTER B.A., Music Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Intermedi ate Honors; WCRC; University Band; President, Librarian; University Orchestra; Men's Glee Club, Librarian. MICHAEL VANCE FRANCIS CO B.A., Political Science Salem, Virginia Kappa Sigma. DWIGHT BROWNI NG FRAZIER , JR. B.A., English Fredericks burgh, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Eta Sigma Phi; BSU; Intramura ls; Young Republica ns Club. GLENN WAYNE FRITH B.A., Psycholog y Rocky Mount, Virginia Intramura ls; BSU, President; Ministeral Association, Secretary; RAC. GEOFFRE Y HARRIS GABBAR D B.A., Latin Richmond , Virginia Dean's List; Lambda Chi Alpha; Eta Sigma Phi; Men's Glee Club; Tanner Medal. WILLIAM MICHAEL GARNET T B.A., English Fredericks burg, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Eminent Herald, House of Represent atives; Intramura ls; House of Represent atives. MICHAEL H. GARRIO TT B.A., Psycholog y Virginia Beach, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Student Governme nt Association, Athletic Represent ative; Intramural Council, Chairman ; Varsity Baseball; Intramura ls. COURTN EY DENNES GEORGE B.A., History Newport News, Virginia Dean's List; Freshmen Rifle Team; Intramurals. 0
THOMAS CARLYLE GILMAN B.A., History Richmond , Virginia Varsity Baseball. ROY ALEXAN DER GOBBLE B.S., Mathemat ics Richmond , Virginia Men's Glee Club; Physics Club. JOHN E. GOOD, JR. B.A., Political Science Middletow n, Pennsylva nia Dean's List; Theta Chi, Vice President; House of Representa tives; Intramura ls; Freshman Football; Varsity Football. VIRGIL HAMLIN GOODE, JR. B.A., Political Science Rocky Mount, Virginia Dean's List; Intermedi ate Honors; IFC; Lambda Chi Alpha, President, Secretary; Pi Sigma Alpha; Phi Alpha Theta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Eta Sigma Phi; Legislative Commissio n, Chairman ; House of Represent atives, Speaker; Intramura ls; Student Affairs Council; Orientatio n Committee; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. HARVEY ALLAN GOODMA N B.A., Political Science Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Sigma Delta, Secretary; Eta Sigma Phi; Pi Sigma Alpha; Hous- of Represent atives; Intramura ls; Hillel; Circle K; Young Democrats , President. LYNN TURNER GORE B.A., History Front Royal, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon. RICHARD ALAN GOTTLIE B B.A., English Hampton, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Sigma Delta, Rush Chairman, Executive Board. JAMES GORDON GRAY, JR. B.A., English Washingto n, D. C. ROBERT PARRISH GREEN B.A., History and Political Science Fredericks burg, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, Pledgemas ter, Athletic Director, Social Chairman ; Intramura ls. DOUGLA S BLAIR GREGOR Y B.A., Chemistry Richmond , Virginia Dean's List; Intermedi ate Honors; IFC, ::iecretary; Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary, President; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Senator; Vice President Junior Class; Freshman Football; Freshman Baseball; Intramura ls, Assistant Director; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. JOHN EDWIN GRISWO LD B.A., History Petersburg , Virginia Dean's List; Intermedi ate Honors; Lambda Chi Alpha, Rivalist; Phi Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. ALFRED RAWLS GUTHRIE , FR. B.A., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma; Tennis; lntramura ls. JAMES TOLIVER HAGY B.A., Political Science Fredericks burg, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha; lntramura ls; Cheerleader. JOHN DOUGLA S HALL B.A., Psycholog y Glouceste r, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; Residents Council, Head; Jr. Varsity Rifle; Rifle Team; Encounter , Vice Chairman ; Jeter Hall, Head Resident.
CARTER LAND HARDEN BERGH B.A., Psycholog y Petersburg , Virginia Dean's List; Psi Chi, President; Phi Beta Kappa. RANDOL PH KINSLEY HARPER B.A., Sociology Arlington , Virginia lntramura ls; BSU; REW Committee . RICHARD BLAND HARPER B.A., English Glouceste r, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Delta Theta; Areopagus ; Messenger Staff; Glee Club. WALLA CE GLENN HARRIS B.A., Economics Richmond , Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, House Manager; Freshman Football; lntramura ls. WILLIAM RICHARD HART B.A., Economics Bassett, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society, President. RONALD LEE HEISLER B.S., Mathemat ics Richmond , Virginia Dean's List. JAMES CLOPTO N HERREN B .. A, Studio Art Richmond , Virginia WILLIAM THOMAS HIGGINS B.A., Religion Richmond , Virginia ROBERT LAWREN CE HUDGIN S B.A., Sociology Roanoke, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Vice President of Jr. IFC; Golf Team; lntramura ls. RICHARD WILLSON HULCHE R B.A., English Richmond , Virginia JAMES RUSSELL HUTCHE RSON B.A., Economics Charlottes ville, Virginia Phi Delta Theta; lntramura ls, ROTC Band. HERMAN CLIFFOR D INGE, JR. B.A., Mathemati cs Waynesbo ro, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega; Collegian, Staff; Intramurals; Glee Club. GLEN RICHARD ISAACS B.A., Spanish Richmond , Virginia Kappa Sigma. JAMES A. JACOBS B.S., Chemistry Petersburg , Virginia Phi Gamma Delta, Historian; Pi Delta Epsilon; Secretary Freshman Class; Vice President Sophomor e Class; Collegian, Sports Editor; Freshman Baseball, Freshman Basketball ; Intramura ls. WOODLI FF LATHAM JENKINS , JR. B.S., Mathemati cs Richmond , Virginia Pi Mu Epsilon; University Choir; Men's Glee Club. THOMAS POOLE JOHNSO N B.A., Sociology Raleigh, North Carolina Intermedi ate Honors; Pi Kappa Alpha, Historian; Freshman Football; Varsity Football; Intramura ls. STANLEY MILTON JONES B.A., Latin Richmond , Virginia Dean's List; Intermedi ate Honors; Eta Sigma Phi, Vice President, President; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa.
DONALD RAY JORDAN B.A., Sociology Fredericksb urg, Virginia LAWREN CE EDWARD KATZ B.A., English Norfolk, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta; Freshmen Baseball; Intramurals; Hillel Foundation ; Foreign Language Film Society; Circle K Club; WRC, Sports Editor. ROBERT ALLAN ARMISTEA D KESTER B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta. DAVID MILES KIMMELSH UE B.A., Economics Monkton, Maryland Sigma Phi Epsilon; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; Intramurals ; Lacrosse Club. FLOYD WILLIAM KIRBY, JR. B.A., History Clarksville, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary, Rush Chairman; Scabbard and Blade; House of Representatives; Intramurals ; Distinguish ed Military Student. JAMES MICHAEL KISER B.A., History Woodbridg e, Virginia Dean's List; Circle K Club; Fellowship of Christian Athletes. NEIL PHILIP KUSHMAN B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia BRUCE HOWARD KUSHNER B.A., History Danville, Virginia Alpha Epsilon Pi, President; Intramurals ; Messenger, Staff; Hillel Foundation ; IFC; IFC Court, President; Delegate to National IFC Convention ; WCRC; University Players. DONALD ALBERT LAHY B.A., Mathematic s Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Alumni Secretary; Freshmen Tennis; Intramurals ; ROTC Band. MICHAEL HENRY LAKE B.S., Chemistry Landover, Maryland Lambda Chi Alpha; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; ROTC Band; Freshmen Tennis; lntramurals; Dean's List, Intermediat e Honors. HORACE ARRINGT ON LECKY B.S., Biology Henrico County, Virginia Eta Sigma Phi. WILLIAM THOMAS LEE B.A., Political Science Arcola, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Athletic Director; Intramurals. CARTER CHRISTIA N LEFON B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia SAMUEL AGER LEISHEAR , III B.S., Biology Washington , D. C. Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Pi Kappa Alpha, Correspond ing Secretary; Beta Beta Beta; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Honor Council; Intramurals ; Phi Beta Kappa. THOMAS H . LEMKE B.A., English Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List.
RUSSELL LOMAX LEONARD , JR. B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Kappa Alpha, Secretary; Intramurals ; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society, Vice President; Scabbard and Blade, President; Phi Beta Kappa. JOHN N. LEWIS B.A., Psychology Danville, Virginia Dean's List; Kappa Delta Pi, Historian; Track. THOMAS SUMNER LIGON B.S., Physics and Mathematic s Silver Springs, Maryland Intermediat e Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon, Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Sigma Pi Epsilon; Freshmen Cross Country; Freshmen Track; Varsity Cross Country; Varsity Track; Society of Physics Students; University Players. MELVIN WEA VER LITTLE B.A., Sociology Arlington, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega; University Choir; BSU; Ministerial Association . DAVID WEBSTER LOVELACE B.A., Journalism and English Seaford, Delaware Kappa Alpha; Intramurals . DONALD WAYNE MAJOR B.A., Political Science Portsmouth , Virginia Theta Chi, Treasurer; Intramurals . PANOS MAKRIYIA NIS B.S., Biology Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Beta Beta Beta; Varsity Track; Intramurals . LARRY T. MANN B.A., Spanish Petersburg, Virginia Dean's List. WILLIAM BRYAN MARLOWE B.A., Political Science Lake Wales, Florida Sigma Chi; Eta Sigma Phi; Freshmen Football; Varsity Football; Intramurals ; MYF. EDWARD TYLER MARTIN B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade; Young Republicans . GARY THOMAS MASHBUR N B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth , Virginia Alpha Phi Omega. JAMES T . MATHEWS B.A., Sociology Arlington, Virginia Young Republican s Club; Alpha Phi Omega. PETER ALLAN MAYS B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia HENRY EUGENE MCAULIFF E B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; House of Representat ives; Intramurals ; University Players. CHRISTOP HER BEAMAN MCCOY, JR. B.A., Economics Norfolk, Virginia IFC; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Recording Secretary; IFC Representat ive; Intramurals . JEFFREY SCOTT MCDERMO TT B.A., Political Science Newport News, Virginia Dean's List; P,hi Kappa Sigma; Intramurals .
TED STUART MCINTEER B.A., History Quantico, Virginia Circle K Club; Fellowship of Christian Athletes. OWEN L. MCVAY B.S., Chemistry Library, Pennsylvan ia Dean's List; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Intramurals. JOHN GIRARD METZ B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha; Intramurals . ROBERT CHARLES MILLER B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia L. ALVIN MILLS B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia ALLEN JAY MOLLEN B.A., Chemistry Dover, New Jersey IFC; Phi Sigma Delta, Executive Committee; Junior Class Treasurer; Intramurals; Hillel. ROBERT LAWRENC E MUSICK, JR. B.A., History Blacksburg, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Sigma Chi, Secretary; Phi Alpha Theta; ODK, President; Scabbard & Blade; Head Resident; Head Residence Council, Chairman; Student Governmen t Association, Treasurer; Senator; Freshman Rifle Team; Glee Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Freshman Book Award; Distinguish ed Military Student; Who's Who. JOHN WIGHTMA N NASH B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Theta Chi, Chaplain; Intramurals . PAUL RICHARD NELSON B.A., Psychology Westfield, New Jersey Sigma Phi Epsilon, Recorder, Pledge Board; Scabbard & Blade, Executive Officer. WILLIAM CORNELIU S NEUBAUE R, JR. B.A., History and Political Science Mt. View, California Dean's List; Alpha Phi Omega, Pledge President; American Institute of Physics; Intramurals ; Student Directory, Business Manager. STEPHEN MONGUM NORFLEET B.A., Chemistry Suffolk, Virginia IFC; Sigma Phi Epsilon, President; Vice President; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Senate; House of Representat ives; Intramurals . ROBERT EARL NORTHER N B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma; Scabbard & Blade; House of Representat ives; Track Team; Intramurals; Pershing Rifles. JOHN MAURICE O'BANNO N B.S., Biology Woodville, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediat e Honors; Phi Delta Theta, Best Pledge, Historian; Scholarship Chairman; Beta Beta Beta; Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Keeper of the Captured Meson; Phi Beta Kappa. DANNY DOUGLAS OYLER B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List.
MILTON EARL PARRISH B.S., Chemistry, A.C.S. Richmond, Virginia Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Visor. RICHARD KENNETH PETRIE B.A., English Winchester, Virginia Areopagus; Intramurals. LARRY ALLEN POTTS B.A., Psychology Round Hill, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Vice-President; Scabbard & Blade, President; Grievance Committee, Chairman; Senator; lntramurals; REW. THOMAS LYNWOOD POWERS B.A., History Powhatan, Virginia Dean's List; WCRC, News Director; University Band, Vice-President; Glee Club; ROTC Band, Executive Officer; BSU; Young Republicans, Treasurer. JO~UA PRETLOW, JR. B.A., Political Science Suffolk, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon, Social Chairman; Eta Sigma Phi; Honor Council, Chairman; Residence Council; President Junior Class; Secretary Sophomore Class; Football; Basketball; Volleyball; Who's Who. JOHN RAYMOND PRITCHARD, III B.A., Political Science Emporia, Virginia Lamdba Chi Alpha, Secretary of Pledge Class; Dormitory Hall Counselor; Clerk, House of Representatives; Director of Concerts; Treasurer Senior Class; Intramurals. ANDREW C. REDFORD, III B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma. BERNARD WARREN REED B.A., Sociology Manassas, Virginia Lamdba Chi Alpha, IFC Representative, Rush Chairman. EDWARD ARTHUR REEVES, III B.A., Chemistry Norwell, Massachusetts Sigma Phi Epsilon; lntramurals. RICHARD A. REID B.A., History South Plainfield, New Jersey lamdba Chi Alpha, Athletic Representative; lntramurals. DONALD REED RHOTON B.A., Bible and Religion Richmond, Virginia Ministerial Association, Publicity Director. ROBERT WESLY RICHARDS B.A., Psychology and Sociology Richmond, Virginia Eta Sigma Phi. ROBERT SIDNEY RICKS B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Theta Chi, Historian; Intramurals. JOHN LEE ROBBINS B.S., Physics and Mathematics Hampton, Virginia Lamdba Chi Alpha; University Choir; American Institute of Physics. WILLIAM FRANCIS ROBERTS, JR. B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Freshman Football; Varsity Football; Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
THOMAS WRIGHT ROBERTSON B.A., Music Carrsville, Virginia Dean's List; University Choir, librarian, Accompanist; Men's Glee Club, Accompanist; BSU, Social Chairman; BSU Choir, Accompanist. SIDNEY ELMORE RODRIGUEZ B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Eta Sigma Phi, Vice-President, President; Ministerial Association, Secretary-Treasurer, Chaplain; RAC; Phi Beta Kappa. PATRICK T. ROWE B.A., History Norfolk, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon, Junior Marshall, Athletic Chairman; Intramurals. JAMES RICHARD ROWLAND B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth, Virginia lamdba Chi Alpha. MARK RUSSELL B.A., Religion Moseley, Virginia Glee Club, Secretary; Ministerial Association. CHARLES CARROLL RYAN, JR. B.A., Biology and Chemistry Front Royal, Virginia Kappa Alpha, Historian, Treasurer; Beta Beta Beta, Historian, lntramurals. JOSEPH J. SAADY B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia GEORGE WILLIAM SADLER, JR. B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta. WILLIAM PHILLIP SADLER, JR. B.S., Mathematics Mathews, Virginia CHARLES ELLIS SALMON B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Dean's list; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. RONALD SANDERS B.A., Sociology Newport News, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta; Hillel Foundation. DAVID EDWARD SATTERFIELD, IV B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Intramurals. WAYNE ARNOLD SATTERWHITE B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's list; Areopagus, Secretary-Treasurer. BERNARD YANCEY SCHULTZ B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Dean's list; Intermediate Honors; ; Phi Kappa Sigma, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Scholarship Chairman; Pi Mu Epsilon; lntramurals; Phi Beta Kappa. J . FOSTER SCOTT B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha. SAMUEL CHARLES SCOTT B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma; Residence Council, Head; College Union, Chairman; RC Talent Nnight, Chairman; House of Representatives, Clerk; Secretary of Junior Class; Collegian, Staff: Track; ROTC Band; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Freshmen Orientation Committee; Circle K Club, President; Who's Who.
DAVID BRUCE SHAW B.A., Psychology Newark, Delaware Sigma Phi Epsilon, Comptroller, Pledge Board, House and Grounds Chairman; Dean's list. MICHAEL O'DAY SHEBLE B.A., Sociology Falls Church, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon; Intramurals. STEPHEN WAYNE SHRADER B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Gamma Sigma Epsilon. HENRY EDWARD SHRYOCK B.A., History Stephens City, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega. CHARLES W AlTER SMITH, JR. B.A., Sociology Kennebunk, Maine Dean's List; lntramurals; ROTC Band. DAVID CARLTON SMITH B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; Track; Intramurals. DAVIS LEGRANDE SMITH, JR. B.A., English Lynchburg, Virginia Dean's list; Intermediate Honors; Omicron Delta Kappa; Honor Council, Secretary; BSU; lntramurals; Ministerial Association, Vice-President, Social Chairman; RAC, President; lf' ho's Who. FRED DEMPSEY SMITH, JR. B.A., Political Science Ararat, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; lambda Chi Alpha, Vice-President, President of Pledge Class; Omicron Delta Kappa; Scabbard & Blade; Dorm Councilor; Student Government Association, President, Senator; Greivance Committee, Chairman; Intramurals; REW, Chairman; Treasurer State; Westminister Fellowship; McAdams Prize; Who's Who. NEIL WOLCOTT SMITH B.A., Political Science Vienna, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Treasurer. WILLIAM BAKER SMITH B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; Varsity Track; Intramurals. JOHN HARVEY SNEAD, JR. B.A., Economics Bassett, Virginia IFC Representative; Pi Kappa Alpha, Sargeant-at-Arms; Herman P. Thomas Economic Society; Vice-President Senior Class; Freshman Football; Intramurals. EOWIN J. C. SOBEY B.S., Mathematics and Physics Wynnewood, Pennsylvania Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Delta Theta, Vice-President , Athletic Chairman; Sigma Pi Sigma, President; Pi Mu Epsilon; Orientation Committee; Spider Handbook, Editor; Senior Class Secretary; Messenger, Prose Editor; Intramurals; Canterbury Club; Society of Physics Students, Vice-President; Who's Who. KENNETH SPRAGUE B.A ., English Colonial Heights, Virginia ALLEN EDWIN STAGG, III B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia STEPHEN RAYMOND STANG B.A., Economics Richmond, Virginia Dean's list; Intermediate Honors; IFC.
EVERETT CLARK STRATTON, JR. B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; IFC; Kappa Alpha, Recording Secretary, Social Chairman; lntramurals; ROTC Band. HENRY NEIL STULTZ B.A., History and Political Science Richmond, Virginia JOHN ELLIS SUTHERLAND B.A., Economics Galax, Virginia Dean's List; IFC; Kappa Sigma, President, Secretary; Ritualist, Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; lntramurals; IFC Court. JOHN ARTHUR SVIRSKY B.A., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Vice-Presiden t, Treasurer; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; House of Representatives; lntramurals, Hillel Foundation. LEONARD I. SWEET B.A. History Gloversville, New York Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta, Secretary; Intramurals; Phi Beta Kappa. ROBERT PRESTON TANKARD B.A., Political Science Newport News, Virginia House of Representatives; Sophomore Class Representative; Wesley Foundation; Chess Club, Secretary, Treasurer. EDWIN CLAYTON THORNTON, III B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Intramurals; BSU, Officer at large, City Missions Chairman. JOHN BARTLETT THORNTON B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia Pershing Rifles; House of Representatives; Chess Club, Secretary, Treasurer; Young Republicans. ERIC LOGAN TITCOMB B.A., History Bon Air, Virginia DANNY LOUIS TURNER B.S., Chemistry Portsmouth, Virginia Dorm Residence Counselor; lntramurals; Glee Club. JERRY WAYNE TURNER B.A., Political Science Winchester, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Kappa Alpha, Pledgemaster; Dorm Counselor; Intramurals; REW, Vesper Committee; University Council; Orientation Committee, Chairman. ARCHA VAUGHAN, II B.S., Biology Pulaski, Virginia Kappa Sigma; lntramurals. JACK N. WAD DELL B.A., History Church View, Virginia ARCHIE AUSTIN W ALLACEM B.A., Political Science Bon Air, Virginia Pershing Rifles, Treasurer; Young Republicans, Vice-President, President; Philogians; WCRC. JAMES AMBROSE WALSH B.A., English Sparta, New Jersey Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; IFC; Phi Kappa Sigma, Pledgemaster, IFC Representative, Athletic Director; Scabbard & Blade; Areopagus, Vice President; Intramurals; Phi Beta Kappa.
WAYNE PRESTON WATKINSON B.A., English and Psychology Courtland, Virginia Theta Chi. RUBEN EARNEST WEATHERHOL TZ, III B.A., Psychology Annandale, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; Varsity Baseball, Freshman Football; Intramurals. GEORGE LOUIS WEIDIG, JR. B.A., Chemistry Winchester, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pledge Trainer; Head Resident; lntramurals. DAVID CALLOWAY WHITEHEAD, JR. B.A., Chemistry Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; IFC; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Marshall, Pledge Trainer, Rush Chairman; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Eta Sigma Phi; Intramurals. BRYANT ANDREW WHITMIRE, JR. B.A., History Birmingham, Alabama Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Rush Chairman. LA WREN CE EMMETT WILBURN B.A., French Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Kappa Delta Pi; Newman Club; French Club. BYRON WELLS WILKINSON B.A., English Macon, Georgia IFC; Theta Chi, President; Freshman BaskEtball; Intramurals; IFC Court; House of Representatives. DELMUS EUGENE WILLIAMS B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Alpha Psi Omega, Business Manager; Phi Alpha Theta; University Players. LAWREN CE HAYWOOD WILLIS, JR. B.A., English Rochester, New York Dean's List; IFC; Lambda Chi Alpha; Collegian, Business Editor; Messenger, Business Manager; Intramurals. GEORGE HUDSON WINGFIELD Richmond, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha. DAVID MICHAEL WITHERS B.A., History Lynchburg, Virginia Dean's List. S. TERRY WITHERS, JR. B.S. Chemistry Kinston, North Carolina Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Eta Sigma Phi; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Intramurals. REGINALD VANDEGRIFT WOOD B.A., English and journalism Roanoke, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Alumni Secretary; Collegian, Business Manager; REW; Varsity Track Manager. WILLIAM LESTER WOODFIN, JR. B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia DAVID L. YONCE B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Psychology Club. RICHARD MERRILL YONCE B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Indoor Track; Psychology Club.
WESTH AMPTO N COLLEG E ELIZABETH JEAN ACKER B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Towson, Maryland Dean's List; Alpha Psi Omega, President; University Choir; Glee Club; REW; University Players, Publicity Chairman. EMILY MASON ADAMS B.S., Biology Glen Arm, Maryland Beta Beta Beta. SUSAN ELIZABETH AGEE B.A., History, with Honors Farmville, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta; Athletic Association, Senior Class Representative; Varsity Hockey, Basketball, Lacrosse, Archery; Jntramurals; Wesley Foundation; AA Board; WCAA Seal A ward. DIANE MOSS ANDREWS B.A., Sociology Ashland, Virginia AA Secretary; Freshman Cheerleader. CATHERINE AILEEN ANGLE B.A., English Rochester, New York Dean's List; Messenger, Circulation Manager; Orchesis. JANE CARWILE ARRINGTON B.A., Mathematics Gainesville, Florida Pi Delta Epsilon; Pi Mu Epsilon; Residence Council, North Court House Leader; Sophomore Class Secretary; Web Classes Editor; Glee Club; University Choir; REW; PD; Who's Who; May Court. DARLA DEAN AULTICE B.A., English Lynchburg, Virginia Dean's List, Sigma Tau Delta; Varsity Lacrosse; Intramurals. ADA HERRIN BASKETT B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Psychology Club. MARY ELIZABETH BASKIN B.A., Spanish Endwell, New York Residence Council, North Court Junior House Leader, South Court Dormitory President. CAROLYN WOOD BELL B.A., English Cape Elizabeth, Maine Junior Class Social-Cultural Co-ordinator; Tennis Team; Intramurals; REW; May court. PATSY CARROLL BLACKARD B.A., Music Education Newport News, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Senior Class Song Leader; lntramurals; Glee Club; University Choir, Business Manager; Junior Counselor. BONNIE FRANCES BLANKS B.A., History Clarksville, Virginia Summer Honor Council; Intramurals. LINDA ESTHER BONN B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia DIANE HARLAND BOWEN B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Intramurals.
YVONNE ELIZABETH BOWMAN B.A., Physical Education Lynchburg, Virginia Varsity Hockey, Lacrosse, Basketball, Archery; Intramurals; Glee Club; Lacrosse Manager. JANE BERYL BOWRY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Psychology Club. BETTY JO CLARK BROBST B.A., Psychology Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List; Residence Council, South Court Junior House Leader; Web staff; WCRC reporter; Summer School President Girls' Dormitory. BETTY PARKS BROOKES B.A., Music Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Mortar Board; Resident Council, Sophomore House Leader; Freshman Class Song Leader; Intramurals; University Choir; Men's Glee Club Accompanist; Canterbury Club; YWCA, Second Vice-President, President; PD; Who's Who; May Court; Phi Beta Kappa. PHOEBE WEST BROOKS B.A., French Richmond, Virginia GLYNDA RAE BUTLER B.A., Speech and Psychology Falls Church, Virginia Dean's List; Intermerdiate Honors; Delta Sigma Rho; Tau Kappa Alpha, Secretary, President; Psi Chi, Vice-President; Intramurals; Wesley Foundation; D . bate Team, Secretary; Psychology Club; Phi Beta Kappa. MARILYN PHYLLIS CHELDER B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Hillel Foundation, Secretary, Treasurer; RAC, Secretary. LAURA HAAS CHILDRESS B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Varsity Hockey; Intram.urals. HELEN DAVIS CHURN B.A., Economics Alexandria, Virginia Intramurals. SARAH ANNE CLANTON B.A., Sociology Tappahannock, Virginia If/ eb staff; University Cheerleader. LEILA MARY COLEMAN B.A., Studio Art Salem, Virginia Varsity Hockey; Intramurals; Kale Techne, Secretary, Treasurer; URP; Messenger staff. REBECCA ANN COLEMAN B.A., English Colonial Heights, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta; Sigma Tau Delta, SecretaryTreasurer; Intramurals; BSU; YWA's, Treasurer. CONNIE BOOTH COLLINS B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia Sophomore Class Vice-President; Intramurals; PD; Greek Week Court. ELIZABETH ANN COMBS B.A., English Midlothian, Virginia Dean's List; Intramurals; Orchesis. SYLVIA MORNINGSTAR CORBIN B.A., History Richmond, Virginia
NANCY WINTHROP CRENSHAW B.A., Psychology Ramsey, New Jersey Residence Council, North Court Junior House Leader; Sophomore Class Historian; Senior Class Secretary; Intramurals; Newman Club Executive Council; YWCA Cabinet; PD; REW. EDITH PAULETTE CROUCH B.A., Psychology Hillcrest Heights, Maryland Intermediate Honors; Psi Chi; University Choir; BSU Choir; BSU, Vice President. MARGIE FERN CROWDER B .A., Mathematics Atlanta, Georgia Pi Mu Epsilon; Intramurals; BSU Choir; YWA's, President; RAC; Junior Counselor. NAN PAGE DAVIS B.A., French Portsmouth, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Alpha Psi Omega; Kappa Delta Pi; Young Republicans Club; University Players, Recording Secretary. NANCY LAND DAVIS B.A., Mathematics South Boston, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon, President; Intramurals; RAC; BSU, Secretary; REW; Junior Counselor. SUZANNE DAWKINS B.S., Physics and Mathematics Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Sigma Pi Sigma, Secretary; Society of Physics Students, Secretary. KAREN RICHARDSON DICK B.A., French Hampton, Virginia Dean's List; Freshman Cheerleader; Canterbury Club. SUSAN ELAINE DONALDSON B.A., History and Political Science Arlington, Virginia Dean's List; Freshman Class Historian; Senior Class President; Junior Orchesis; Intramurals; Glee Club; Canterbury Club; Junior Counselor; PD; May Court. KATE STANLEY DONNAHOE B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta; Eta Sigma Phi. MARY ELIZABETH DUKE B.A., Elementary Education Charles City, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; BSU, Secretary. DIANE DORSEY EDWARDS B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Delta Epsilon; Pi Sigma Alpha; IAWS R ep res e nt ative; College Government, First Vice-President; Junior Junior Class President; Web Organizations Editor; Co-editor, Westhampton Viewbook; Intramurals; Who's Who. LINDA LOU ELLIS B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Beta Beta Beta; Judicial Council; Summer School Honor Council, Secretary; Sophomore Town Student Representative; Intramurals; PD. LINDA VERNON ELMORE B.S., Mathematics Bon Air, Virginia D ean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Senior Class Historian; YWCA, Town Student Representative; Junior Orchesis; Junior Counselor; Phi Beta Kappa.
DONNA HARTE FARISH B.A., History Richmond, Virginia MARILYN MICHELE FLYNN B.S., Biology Yonkers, New York Dean's List; Beta Beta Beta, Secretary, Treasurer; Residence Council, South Court Senior House Leader; Junior Counselor; Intramurals. EMILY GREENE GAMBILL B.A., Eelementary Education Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intramurals; SEA. BONNIE LEE GIANNOTTI B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Town Students First Vice President; Honor Council; Senior Class Town Student Representative; Handbook Editor; Co-editor of '69 Times; Junior Counselor; May Court. ELIZABETH TEMPLE GOODMAN B.A., Political Science Glen Allen, Virginia Collegian staff; Intramurals. JEANNE LOUISE GOULDMAN B.A., Mathematics Leedstown, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Intramurals; REW. LINDA LEE GRAHAM B.A., Psychology Newport News, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Mu Epsilon; Web, Business Manager; Intramurals; Glee Club; BSU; REW; YWA's; BSU Choir; Psychology Club; SEA. SUSAN BETH GRAMMER B.A., Philosophy Roanoke, Virginia Freshman Class YWCA Representative; Junior and Senior Orchesis; PD Chairman. JOAN BENDALL GRAY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Cheerleader; Newman Club; Psychology Club. LEE KATHERINE GRUBB B.A., History Purcellville, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Intramurals; Phi Beta Kappa. LAURA ELIZABETH HANBURY B.A., English Chesapeake, Virginia Intramurals; Junior Counselor; Transfer Counselor; Chairman of May Day. PATRICIA JEFFERSON HANCOCK B.S., Physical Education Roanoke, Virginia Eta Sigma Phi; AA, Vice President; Varsity Hockey, Basketball, Archery; University Cheerleader. DIANE MACMECCAN HARRIS B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta; Sigma Tau Delta; Kappa Delta Pi, Treasurer; BSU; Phi Beta Kappa. CATHERINE GRAYSON HARVEY B.A., Journalism and Speech Chatham, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Psi Omega; Collegian reporter; Intramurals; University Cheerleaders, Business Manager. SALLY SUTTON HENLEY B.A., Chemistry Walkerton, Virginia Junior Varsity Hockey; Intramurals.
JOAN MARIE HIGGS B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Eta Sigma Phi. BARI JEAN HOBBS B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Psi Omega; Collegian reporter; University Players, Corresponding Secretary. ANNE COLEMAN HOLLAND B.A., Sociology Newport News, Virginia Dean's List; College Government Secretary, Second Vice President; Freshman Class College Government Representative; Intramurals; PD; Junior Counselor; lll'ho's Who; May Court. BARBARA CARTER HOLLOWAY B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Eta Sigma Phi, Secretary. VIRGINIA ELIZABETH HOLMAN B.A., Elementary Education Glen Allen, Virginia PATRICIA ANNE HOWARD B.A., Sociology Danville, Virginia Dean's List; Junior Class Secretary; Senior Class Vice President; Collegian, Assistant Circulation Manager; Intramurals; BSU; BSU Choir; RAC; REW; YWCA Cabinet. LINDA SEELEY HUBER B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Psychology Club. SANDRA KITTRELL HUNGERFORD B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Psychology Club. ANNIE LEE JACOBS B.A., Political Science Stanadrsville, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Intramurals; Glee Club; Orchesis; Phi Beta Kappa. JUDITH RAY JACOBS B.A., Music Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Mortar Board, Historian; Sophomore Class Song Leader; University Choir, President, Accompanist; Glee Club, Accompanist; Junior Counselor; PD. SALLY CARAILL JARVIS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Psychology Club. CAROL SUANNE JOHNSTON B.A., French Westport, Connecticut Dean's List; Sigma Tau Delta; Summer School Residence Council; Junior Counselor; lntramurals; Westminster Fellowship. JACQUELINE SEGAR EPPS JONES B.A., History Washington, Virginia KATHERINE LASH JORDAN B.A., English Petersburg, Virginia Junior Orchesis. DONNA MARIE JOY B.A., Economics Clarksville, Virginia Herman P. Thomas Economics Society, Secretary; Senior Class Social-Cultural Coordinator; Intramurals; Glee Club, Librarian.
JANE FRANCE KISER B.S., Ma.t hematics Lebanon, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Eta Sigma Phi; Pi Mu Epsilon, Vice President; Intramurals; BSU; Phi Beta Kappa. ANNE MARGARET LARSON B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Collegian reporter; Christian Science Organization, Secretary-Treasurer, President; RAC; SEA; Junior Counselor; May Court. JOSNNA CHAMBERS LAST B.A., Biology Alexandria, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Beta Bzta Beta; University Players; Young Republicans Club, Secretary, Second Vice President. KAREN SUMMERS LAYNE B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Sigma Alpha; Lacrosse Team; Intramurals; Synchronized Swimming; Junior Orchesis; YWCA Cabinet. DIXIE BELLE LEE B.A., Mathematics Holland, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon; Mortar Board; Residence Council, North Court Dormitory President; Collegian, Assistant Sports Editor; Varsity Hockey, Lacrosse, Basketball; Intramurals; BSU; BSU Choir; AA, Reporter, President; PD; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. ELSIE VINCETTE RICHARDS LEE B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Collegian reporter; Messenger staff; Intramurals; University Cheerleaders, Captain; Junior Counselor. MARILYN ROSE LIPSITZ B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Hillel Foundation; SEA. PATRICIA KINSEY MALLORY B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Collegian, Photo Editor, Managing Editor. MARIAN FOLSOM MANN B.S., Mathematics Baltimore, Maryland Varsity Lacrosse; Intramurals; Wesley Foundation; AA Board. LOUISE ANITA MARTIN B.A., Biology Richmond, Virginia Tennis Team; Intramurals. BETTY LOU MCCLANAHAN B.A., Elementary Education Covesville, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Kappa Delta Pi, Secretary; Junior Class AA Representative; Intramurals; BSU; BSU Choir; AA Board; SEA; Aquanettes. JULIE CATHERINE MCGARRY B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Kappa Delta Pi; Mortar Board, Secretary; Sigma Tau Delta, President; Second Vice President of Town Students; Freshman Class Town Student Representative; PD; Junior Counselor; May Court; Phi Beta Kappa. PAULA MARIE MCNALLY B.A., French Richmond, Virginia Varsity Swimming; Intramurals; Newman Club, Vice President.
MARGARET MEARS MERRITT B.A., Psychology Burlington, North Carolina Junior Class Historian; University Players; YWCA Cabinet. BETTY GARNETT MOLTZ B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Psychology Club. SANDRA PEURIFOY MORIN B.A., English Richmond, Virginia LYNN MYER B.A., Political Science and Journalism Fredericksburg, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Delta Epsilon; WCRC announcer; Collegian, Feature Editor; Intramurals; Press Club; Young Republicans Club. NANCY MEADE NORMAN B.A., History Dean's List; Town Students SecretaryTreasurer; Intramurals; YWCA Town Student Representative; Junior Orchesis. ANNA MARGARETT NORTHEN B.A., Bible and Religion and Journalism Hampton, Virginia Dean's List; Collegian reporter; Glee Club; RAC, Vice President, Secretary; REW. CHERYL BROWNING NUNNALLY B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Dean's List. MARGARET PUTNEY OSBORN B.A., Elementary Education Farmville, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Web staff; SEA. FLORENCE ANN PACKARD B.A., History, with Honors Arlington, Virginia Dean's Llst; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta, Vice President; Sophomore Class Treasurer; Intramurals; Phi Beta Kappa. SUSAN TALIAFERRO PARKER B.A., History Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta; Junior Class Town Student Representative; Junior Orchesis; Canterbury Club; Phi Beta Kappa. LINDA HAYES PARRISH B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Tau Delta, Vice President; Mortar Board, President; Freshman Class Vice President; lntramurals; Junior Counselor; PD; lVho's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. JANET SEWELL PAULETTE B.A., Psychology Bethesda, Maryland Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Psi Chi; }uni.or Class Treasurer; Glee Club; University Choir; Junior Counselor; Co-Chairman of Orientation; Phi Beta Kappa. MARY ELLEN PETERSON B.S., Physical Education Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Freshman Class Treasurer; Varsity Basketball, Tennis, Hockey; Intramurals; Tennis Manager; Glee Club; May Court. ANNE ELIZABETH PITCHFORD B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Intramurals. BETTY CARSON PITTS B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors.
PATRICIA ANN PRICE B.A., Music Education Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Glee Club; University Choir. MARY CATHERINE PROCTOR B.A., English Richmond, Virginia NANCY WOOD PUCKETT B.A., Latin Richmond, Virginia Eta Sigma Phi; Sophomore Class Town Student Representative; Glee Club, President; Junior Orchesis. SUSAN QUANCE B.A., Psychology Charlottesville, Virginia Intramurals; YWCA, First Vice President; Psychology Club. MARCIA LYNN RAVELING B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Windsor, Virginia Glee Club, Treasurer; Junior Counselor; Web staff. BECKY GARLAND REED B.A., Art Richmond, Virginia ALICE JUSTICE RETZER B.A., History, with Honors Arlington, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta; Mortar Board; College Government Treasurer; Judicial Council, Senior Dorm Member-at-Large; Freshman Class Secretary; Glee Club, Business Manager, Vice President; Who's Who; May Court; Phi Beta Kappa. SANDRA LUNN RICE B.A., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Pi Mu Epsilon; Junior Varsity Lacrosse; Intramurals. REBECCA ALPHA RIDDELL B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Town Student President; Mortar Board; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. SOWONIA LYNN RILEY B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; SEA; Psychology Club. JUDITH ANN RITTER B.A., History Winchester, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta, President; Intramurals. LYNNE BROOKS ROBERTSON B.A., Journalism Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Delta Epsilon, Vice President; Collegian, Westhampton Editor; Messenger staff; Christian Science Organization, President, Secretary-Treasurer. YOLANDA LYSETTE ROSEMAN B.S., Biology Salisbury, North Carolina Synchronized Swimming Club; Intramurals; Freshman Cheerleader; YWCA, Treasurer. ANN HARRIET RUSS B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia KATE HARDY SAKOWSKI B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia Freshman Class Town Student Representative. REBECCA LEAH SAUNDERS B.A., History, with Honors Warrenton, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Phi Alpha Theta; Residence Council, South Court Senior House Leader; BSU, Preisdent.
STEPHANIE LEE SCHMIDT B.A., Psychology Richmond, Virginia KATHRYN ELIZABETH SCOTT B.A., English Fairfax, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Mortar Board, Quarterly Editor; Pi Delta Epsilon, Secretary; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Tau Delta; Co-Editor, Westhampton Viewbook; Intramurals; Glee Club, Librarian; If/ eb, Classes Editor, Editorials Editor, Editor-inChief; Junior Counselor; Who's Who; Phi Beta Kappa. OPAL ELIZABETH SCRUGGS B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Collegian, WC Circulation manager; YWA's. FRANCES SHIFLETT SEATON B.A., History Richmond, Virginia MARY BALL SHAFER B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Psychology Club; Junior Counselor. KATHERINE DEE SHAPIRO B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia Lacrosse Team; Intramurals; Hillel Foundation, Secretary; Nostrae Filiae. CAROLYN ANNE SHEPHERD B .A., History Richmond, Virginia Newman Club. PATRICIA POWELL SHUPP B.S., Mathematics Emporia, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Freshman Class President; Intramurals. ELIZABETH BLAIR SMITH B.S., Mathematics Fredericksburg, Virginia Pi Mu Epsilon; American Institute of Physics, Secretary; Intramurals. MARCIA RUTH SMITH B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Pi Mu Epsilon, Secretary; Junior Counselor; CoChairman of Orientation; Intramurals; Hillel Foundation; Phi Beta Kappa. SANDRA ANDREWS SNEAD B.A., Psychology University Players. EUGENIA FA YE SOUTHALL B.A., Political Science Richmond, Virginia SALLIE ANN SPARKS B.S., Chemistry Arlington, Virginia Dean's List; Glee Club; BSU. KATHERINE CAMERON SPOONTS B.S., Mathematics Florence, South Carolina Summer School Honor Council; Freshman Class Secretary; Web staff; Varsity Basketball; Intramurals; Glee Club. NANCY JO SRB B.A., Political Science Roanoke, Virginia Honor Council; Residence Council; South Court Recorder; Intramurals; BSU Choir; BSU; RAC, Treasurer; YWC's. CATHERINE BIRDIE STONE B.A., Mathematics Oceanside, New York Dean's List; Eta Sigma Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon; Kappa Delta Pi; Senior Class Treasurer; BSU Choir, BSU, Treasurer.
CHARLENE WOODS STRINGFELLOW B.A., Psychology Culpeper, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Psi Chi; Intramurals; Newman Club; PD; Junior Counselor; Nostrae Filiae, President; May Court. BETTY JO SWAIN B.A., Dramatic Arts Richmond, Virginia Alpha Psi Omega; University Players, Vice President, President. PATRICIA ANNE TAYLOR B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia If/ eb Organizations Co-Editor; SEA. MARY SUE TERRY B.A., Political Science Critz, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Mortar Board; Residence Council, North Court Recorder; Freshman Class President; Junior Counselor; College Government President; Varsity Basketball, Hockey; AA Seal Award; Who's Who. SARAH STUART THOMSON B.S., Biology Arlington, Virginia Dean's List; Beta Beta Beta, President; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Senior Orchesis; Junior Counselor. PAMELA THOMPSON TISDALE B.S., Mathematics Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Beta Kappa. FLORENCE ANN TOMPKINS B.A., History and Sociology Danville, Virginia Messenger staff; Collegian staff; Westhampton Cheerleader;Senior Orchesis, Secretary, President. PHYLLIS ROWLAND TURNER B.A., Elementary Education Winchester, Virginia D ean's List; Intermediate Honors; Mortar Board Vice President; REW. HELEN PENROSE WARE B.A., Elementary Eduwtio11 Orange, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Kappa Delta Pi, President; Intramurals; BSU; Treasurer; YWA's, Vice President; Secretary; SEA. NELDA LEE WARREN B.A .. Speech and Dramatic Arts Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Psi Omega; Eta Sigma Phi; University Players; Web Honoraries Editor; BSU; REW; Stat(: BSU Drama Team; Intramurals. BEYERLY KEYSER WEBB B.A., Psychology and Sociology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Psi Chi; Intramurals; BSU; Psychology Club. WILTON ELIZABETH WHEELDON B.S., Chemistry Richmond, Virginia MARIE CA THERINE WHITLOCK B.A., Mathematics Pi Mu Epsilon, Intermediate Honors; Intramurals. MARTHA GRAYBILL WILEY B.A., Elementary Education Troutville, Virginia Dean's List; SEA. BETTY MAE ROBINSON WILLIAMS B.A., Speech and Dramatic Arts Emporia, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Psi Omega; President; University Players, Secretary.
MAUDE ANDERSON WILLIAMS B.A., History, with Honors Alexandria, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Psi Omega, Vice President; Phi Alpha Theta; Glee Club; University Choir; University Players. SUSAN M. WILLIAMS B.A., Spanish Richmond, Virginia Glee Club; Junior Orchesis. DONNA GEER WILLIS B.A., Sociology Richmond, Virginia BSU. JEAN BRANDON WILLOUGHB Y B.A., English Richmond, Virginia PAMELA EARLE WILTON B.S., Biology Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Beta Beta Beta; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Mortar Board, Treasurer; Collegian reporter; Phi Beta Kappa. SALLY YATES WOOD B.A., English Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Sophomore Class Town Student Representative ; Collegian reporter; Web Faculty editor; lntramurals; Junior Counselor; Transfer Counselor; Who's Who; May Court. MYRAN LEE WOODSON B.A., Elementary Education Richmond, Virginia SEA. CHARLES T. ABERNATH Y B.S., Accounting Dunoas, Virginia Scabbard and Blade; lntramurals; Accounting Society. LESTER WALLA CE ABERNATH Y B.S., Accounting Arlington, Virginia Kappa Alpha Order, Correspondin g Secretary; lntramurals. CHARLES CRADDOCK ALLEN B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Vice-Presiden t of Junior Class; Senior Advisor; Chairman of Jr. Project Committee; Chairman of Jr.-Sr. Picnic Committee; lVho's Who. BRUCE EDWARD ALLRED B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Lambda Chi Alpha; Alpha Kappa Psi; Freshman Football. BEVERLEY LYNN APPLETON B.S., Finance Harrisonburg , Virginia Dean's List; Intramurals; University Players; Athletic Committee - Business School. A. WILLARD ARTHUR, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Varsity Football. WILLIAM ROBERT ATKINS B.S., Industriul Management Chester, Virginia Dean's List. KENNETH EARL ATKINSON B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Dean's List. DON PYLE BAGWELL B.S., Economics Halifax, Virginia Dean's List; Beta Gamma Sigma; Married Student Organization.
H. BYRON BARNES, JR. B.S., Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; lntramurals. CAMILLA ANN BECK B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Honor Council Chairman; University College. DONALD WAYNE BEELER B.S., Accounting Valencia, Pennsylvania Dean's List. JOHN LAWRENCE BLACK, JR. B.S., Industrial Management New Castle, Pennsylvania President of Society for Advancement of Management. JAMES WILLIAM BLACKBURN , JR. B.S., Finance Alexandria, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Who's Who. ALVAH PARRISH BOHANNAN B.S., Marketing Altavista, Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha; Intramurals. STEPHEN MARK BOWMAN B.S., Industrial Management Alexandria, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon, Secretary; Rush Chairman, Chaplain; lntramurals; F.C.A., President, Vice-Presiden t. JOSEPH EDWIN BRAND B.S., Finance Harrisonburg , Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Jnrramurals; Athletic Committee - SBA. REA DOVE BROWN B.S., Accounting Madison, Virginia Alpha Kappa Psi; Pi Delta Epsilon; SGA, Athletic Representativ e; The Collegian, Assistant Sports Editor; Varsity Tennis; Freshmen Baseball; lntramurals; F.C.A., Publicity Director; Accounting Society, VicePresident; Who's Who. TERRY ALAN BUPP B.S., Finance and Industrial Management York, Pennsylvania Phi Kappa Sigma; Freshman Football; Intramurals; S.A.M. CLYDE LA WREN CE CALDWELL B.S., Industrial Management Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Intermediat Honors; Sigma Chi; Intramurals. CLAUDE WAGNER CARMACK B.S., Accounting Kensington, Maryland Dean's List; Pershing Rifles, Trick drill platoon; Chairman of Float Committee. MILES FAIRFAX CARY, JR. B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon. WILLIAM RANDOLPH CLARK B.S., Accounting Alexandria, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting Society. HERBERT LINDSEY CLEM B.S., Accounting Kenbridge, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi, Treasurer; Beta Gamma Sigma; Intramurals. LARRY ALLEN CONNATSER B.S., Marketing Dillwyn, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma.
GEORGE ARTHUR CONNOR B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Dean's List. GORDON WILEY CRAWFORD B.S., Finance Roanoke, Virginia JOHN CHARLES CROUSE B.S., Economics Arlington, Virginia Alpha Phi Omega. JOHN TYLER DARDEN, JR. B.S., Industrial Management Branchville, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon, Chaplain, Scholarship Chairman; Alpha Kappa Psi; Sga, Senator; Secretary of Junior Class. JAMES ROBERT DARLINGTO N B.S., Industrial Management Keysville, Virginia Intramurals. ADOLPHUS DOBYNS DA VIS B.S.1 Accounting Lambda Chi Alpha, President of Pledge Class; Varsity Baseball. GEORGE MORRIS DIXON B.S., Economics Staunton, Virginia SGA, Senator; lntramurals. DANIEL A. DOHERTY III B.S., Business Economics Kensington, Maryland Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Athletic Chairman; Intramurals. JAMES STEPHEN DOWDY B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia Intramurals. MARK DANIEL DUNN B.S., Accounting Mechanicsvill e, Virginia Freshman Baseball. JOHN E. DUNVILLE B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia ROBERT EMERY ELLIS, JR. B.S., Industrial Management Falls Church, Virginia Phi Delta Theta, Secretary. TOMMY WAYNE ENGLAND B.S., Management St. Charles, Virginia Football. PAUL GREGORY ENGLISH B.S., Industrial Management Portsmouth, Virginia Dean's List; Theta Chi, Librarian; Alpha Kappa Psi; R.C. House of Representative s; lntramurals. JOHN SW ANSON ESTES B.S., Industrial Management Staunton, Virginia Dean's List; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pledge Secretary, Chaplain; Alpha Kappa Psi. SAMUEL THOMAS FALGIANO B.A., Marketing Petersburg, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Intramurals; R.O.T.C. STEVEN MARC FIFER B.S., Marketing Falls Church, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta, Athletic and Social Chairman; Freshman Football; Intramurals; Hillel Foundation.
KENNE TH W. FISHER B.S., Business Administ ration Falls Church, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha; Alpha Kappa Psi; Scabbard and Blade; Thomas Hall Head Resident ; SBA, Senator; Varsity Track; Who's lli'ho in American Businesses and Colleges; Society for Advance ment in Managem ent, Treasure r; Distingu ished Military Student; Who's Who. ANDRE W HARTV IG FORBER G B.S., Economi cs Richmon d, Virginia Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; Alpha Phi Omega. WILTON EDWAR D FORD, JR. B.S., Industria l Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Varsity Basketba ll, First Team All SC Basketba ll, First Team All Virginia Big Five, Co-caota ub All Virginia Big Five Fellowsh ip of Christian Athletes; W'ho's Who. ROBERT ALLEN FOSTER BS., Accounti ng N. Ferndale , Marylan d Theta Chi; Accounti ng Society. MANFR ED CARL FREEMA N, JR. B.S., Managem ent Hampton , Virginia Pi Mu Epsilon. WILLIA M CAMPBE LL FRENCH B.S., Marketin g Richmon d, Virginia Universit y College Honor Council; SGA Universi ty College, President ; S.B.A., Chairman Homecom ing Float, Co-Chair man Homecom ing Float. MICHAE L D. GENTRY B.S., Finance and Marketin g Roxboro , North Carolina Dean's List; Beta Gamma Sigma; Intramurals. FREDER ICK R. GRIFFIT H, JR. B.S., Marketin g Covingto n, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon. WILLIA M HARWO OD HADEN , JR. B.S., Industria l Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia Society for Advance ment of Managem ent. ROBERT DENNIS HAGGE RTY B.S., Managem ent Pompton Plains, New Jersey Varsity Football. JOSEPH JEFFERS ON HARDIN G, III B.S., Marketin g Richmon d, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi; SGA, VicePresident ; Universi ty Council; Intramur als; Who's Who. OTWAY EDWAR D HATCHE R, JR. B.S., Industria l Managem ent Goochlan d, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha; Intramur als. DAVID B. HATTO N, JR. B.S., Industria l Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Secretary . JAMES STITH HAWKE S, III B.S., Industria l Managem ent Wilsons, Virginia Dean's List; Intramur als. DAVID WEEKS HEILMA N BS., Managem ent Charlesto n, West Virginia Phi Delta Theta; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; Society for the Advancement of Managem ent. JOSEPH MARVIN HENDER SON B.S., Marketin g Richmon d, Virginia Honor Council; Who's Who. WARRE N H. HILL B.S., Finance Virginia Beach, Virginia Dean's List; Collegian , Reporter ; Intramur als; Glee Club.
RICHAR D THOMA S HITE B.S., Economi cs Kenbridg e, Virginia Dean's List; Intermed iate Honors; Kappa Alpha, Parliame ntarian; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; Dorm Counselo r; Freshman Basketba ll; Golf Team; Intramurals. JOSEPH THACK ER HODGE S BS., Industria l Managem ent Charlotte , North Carolina Dean's List; S.A.M. THOMA S E. HOWARD B.S., Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia Scabbard and Blade; Pershing Rifles, Platoon Leader; Universi ty Players; Society for Advance ment of Managem ent. JOHN FLETCH ER HOWEL L B.S., Industria l Managem ent Franklin , Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pledge Trainer; Scabbard and Blade, Pledge Trainer; Intramurals. RANDY A. HUDSO N BS., Finance Baltimor e, Marylan d Dean's List; Phi Gamma Delta, Pledge Trainer; Herman P. Thomas Economics Society; SBA, Senator; Lacrosse Club; Intramurals; B.S.U.; Fellowsh ip of Christian Athletes; Society for Advance ment of Managem ent, Vice - President , Chairma n Members hip Committ ee. RAY ORVIN HUMME L, III B.S., Accounti ng Richmon d, Virginia Terman P. Thomas Economics Society, Treasure r; Accounti ng Society; Society for Advance ment of Managem ent; Intramur als; Float Committ ee for Homecom ing. GERARD CHARLE S KAISER B.S., Accounti ng Great Neck, New York Lambda Chi Alpha, High Kappa; Intramurals. LARRY EDWAR D KAYNE B.S., Accounti ng Richmon d, Virginia JOSEPH W. KELLUM B.S., Industria l Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia Varsity Football. JOHN WILLIA M KIRK B.S., Accounti ng Center Cross, Virginia Dean's List; Intermed iate Honors; IFC; Phi Kappa Sigma, President , Secretary ; Alpha Kappa Psi, Chaplain ; Collegian ; Intramur als. THOMA S ALTON LATHAM B.S., Accounti ng Richmon d, Virginia Dean's List. BARRY R. LAWS BS., Finance Snow Hill, Marylan d Intramur als. THOMA S CARLET ON LEFFEW B.S., Economi cs Richmon d, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Kappa Psi, Secretary ; Intramur als. JOSEPH ELLIS LIPSCOMBE, III B.S., Finance Richmon d, Virginia Herman P. Thomas Economics Society, Kappa Sigma. JAMES HOW ARD LOUGH RIE BS., Industria l Managem ent Covingto n, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon, Scholars hip Chairma n; Alpha Kappa Psi; Intramur als; Society for Advance ment of Managem ent. JAMES OTIS LOWTH ER BS., Accounti ng Navarre, Ohio Intramur als.
MICHAE L LEE MAHAN EY B.S., Economic s Hopewel l, Virginia Varsity and Junior Varsity Golf; Kappa Alpha Order, Vice-Pre sident, Treasure r; IFC; Intramur als; Herman P. Thomas Honorar y Economics Society. MARTIN CHRIST OPHER KENNO N B.S., Economic s Richmon d, Virginia Dean's List; Married Students Organiza tion of S.B.A., Chairma n of Members hip Committee. WELFOR D ROBERT MAXIE B.S., Finance Richmon d, Virginia DOUGLA S C. MAXEY B.S., Accounti ng Richmon d, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi; SGA of S.B.A., Treasure r; Accounti ng Society, Secretary ; Married Students Organiza tion, Secretary -Treasure r. ALLEN CARTER MCGEH EE BS., Marketin g Richmon d, Virginia Society for Advance ment of Managem ent. BRIAN MARK MENZEL B.S., Marketin g Toano, Virginia Dean's List. MICHAE L SHA VER MONAH AN B.S., Business Economic s Richmon d, Virginia Kappa Sigma, Grand Master of Ceremonies; Intramur als. J. PHILLIP MULLIN S BS., Economic s Narrows , Virginia Pi Kappa Alpha, Social Chairma n; Intramurals. HUGH THOMA S OGILVIE B.S., Economic s Falls Church, Virginia Phi Theta Kappa; Intramur als; Quill and Scroll National Society; honorary member W.S.C.S.; Highland Methodis t Church Youth, President . RONAL D CLIFFOR D OLEYAR B.S., Economic s Richmon d, Virginia Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi; Intramur als; Society for the Advance ment of Management. LARRY ANTHO NY PATTER SON, II B.S., Industria l Managem ent Piedmon t, West Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma; Basketba ll. WAYNE SULLIV AN PAUL B.S., Managem ent and Economic s Richmon d, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Universit y Band, Brass Ensemble; Pep Band; Collegiat es Dance Band; Married Students Organiza tion. WILLIA M HADEN PAYNE, JR. B.S., Managem ent Richmon d, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi. LARRY WAYNE PERDUE B.S., Accounti ng Rocky Mount, Virginia Dean's List; Intramur als. MICHAE L THOMP SON PEERY BS., Industria l Managem ent Tazewell , Virginia KENNE TH LEE PERRIN B.S., Economic s Mechanic sville, Virginia WILLIA M FREDER ICK PERRIN E B.S., Finance and Economic s Grove City, Pennsylv ania Pi Kappa Alpha, Historian ; Intramur als. RODNE Y MONTG OMERY POOLE B.S., Economic s Richmon d, Virginia IFC; Kappa Sigma, Pledge Trainer, Ritualist, Vice-President, Rush Chairman ; Golf; Intramur als; IFC Secretary, Treasure r.
RANDALL W. POWELL B.S., Management Roseland, Virginia Theta Chi. WILLIAM CATO POWELL B.S., Economics North Garden, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, Treasurer, Pledge Master. GREGORY MORTON PRY BS., Economics Vienna, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha. BERNIE THOMAS QUINN B.S., Industrial Management Poquoson, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Mu Epsilon. HUGH ANTHONY RICHESON, JR. B.S., Finance Alexandria, Virginia Dean·s List; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi, Master of Ritual; Scabbard and Blade, Secretary; Freshman Basketball; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Track; Intramurals; Brigade Staff; Distinguished Military Student. LARRY WAYNE RIDDICK B.S., Economics Suffolk, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon; Freshman Golf; Intramurals. RICHARD STOKLEY ROBERTS, JR. B.S., Marketing Roanoke, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon; Golf; Intramurals. JAMES EDWIN ROBERTSON B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Intramurals. JOHN DAVID ROBBINS B.S., Industrial Management Troutville, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Beta Gamma Sigma; Omicron Delta Kappa; Alpha Kappi Psi; Herman P. Thomas Economic Society; SGA, President; Ex-Officio Member of Honor Council; Collegian, Reporter; Board of Publications; Freshman Tennis; Intramurals; University Choir; B.S.U.; Who's Who. ROBERT L. ROGERS B.S., Accounting Arlington, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Kappa Sigma, Secretary; Junior Class Senator; Intramurals. HOW ARD RICHARD ROSENTHAL B.S., Accounting Norfolk, Virginia Phi Sigma Delta, Parliamentarian, Rush Chairman; Collegian, Sports Writer; Intramurals; Hillel, Treasurer. WAYNE HARRIS SCEARCE B.S., Management Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Intramurals. WILLIAM PHILLIP SCHNEIDER B.S., Finance Salisbury, Maryland Phi Gamma Delta. PAUL OWEN SCOTT B.S., Management Seaford, Delaware Dean's List; Phi Gamma Delta; Honor Council, University College; SGA, University College, Vice-President; Junior Class President, SBA; Varsity Golf; Intramurals; Society for the Advancement of Management. GLENN STUART SETTLE B.S., Economics Vienna, Virginia Phi Kappa Sigma, Assistant Pledge Master, Pledge Class Treasurer. SAMUEL DANIEL SHUMATE B.S., Industrial Management Washington, D. C. Intramurals.
DAVID MYRON SHEPPARD B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta. ALYWN WHITFIELD SMITH, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma; Senate Member, Senate Leader, University College; Intramurals, Athletics Chairman at University College. STEVEN WAYNE SOLOMON B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia JAMES E. SPITLER B.S., Accounting Falmouth, Virginia Phi Delta Theta, Treasurer, Sports Chairman; Intramurals. STUART MUSE STATHAM B.S., Management and Marketing Pine Brook, New Jersey Pi Kappa Alpha; University Choir; Society for the Advancement of Management. THOMAS EDWARD STEVENS B.S., Accounting South Boston, Virginia Dean's List; Intermediate Honors; Alpha Kappa Psi; SGA, Secretary; Junior Class Treasurer; Intramurals. GARY WAYNE TILMAN B.S., Business Economics Richmond, Virginia Intramurals; Dean's List. MERVYN C. TIMBERLAKE, JR. B.S., Accounting Hampton, Virginia Accounting Society. ROBERT STEPHEN UKROP BS., Finance Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Gamma Delta, Building Chairman; Alpha Kappa Psi, President; Omicron Delta Kappa, Vice-President; Senator; Freshman Class President; Senior Class Vice-President; Varsity Basketball; Varsity Golf; Freshman Basketball and Golf; Intramurals; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Intramurals Council; Who's Who.
T .C. WILLIAMS SCHOOL OF LAW BILL R. VILLAROSA B.S., Finance Paterson, New Jersey Dean's List; Freshman Football; lntramurals. WALTER LEE WALLA CE B.S., Finance and Industrial Management Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta, Rush Chairman; Honor Council, SBA. GEORGE M. WARD, JR. B.S., Business Administration Zutherville, Maryland Dean's List; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Kappa; Collegian, Photographer. JOHN THOMAS WEST B.S., Economics Richmond, Virginia Dean's List. MORTON VENABLE WHITLOW B.S., Marketing and Economics Portsmouth, Virginia Theta Chi, Historian, Vice-President, IFC Representative; H.P. Thomas Economics Society; Freshman, Varsity Golf; Intramurals; Delegate to National Interfraternity Conference; Delegate to Southeastern IFC, Chairman, Vice-President; IFC, Vice-President, President; Who's Who. NORMAN D. WILKERSON B.S., Economics Hampton, Virginia Lambda Chi Alpha; SBA, Athletic Committee; Intramurals.
ROBERT FLEMING WILLIS B.S., Finance Richmond, Virginia Phi Gamma Delta; Freshman Class VicePresident; Freshman, Varsity Track; Freshman, Varsity Cross Country; Alpha Kappa Psi. JAMES CAMPBELL WILSON B.S., Industrial Management Norfolk, Virginia Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha; Collegian Reporter; University Choir; Society for Advancement of Management; SBA, Senior Adviser, Social Committee; Campus Relations Committee. JOHN MARSH WOLEBEN, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Sigma Phi Epsilon, Social Chairman. JAMES RICHARD WORRELL B.S., Business Administration Pulaski, Virginia Theta Chi, House of Representatives, Social Chairman, Rush Chairman; lntramurals. SHELDON CARTER WORRELL, JR. B.S., Economics Newsoms, Virginia Dean's List; H.P. Thomas Economic Society. RUSS EVERTON WYATT B.S., Management Norfolk, Virginia Kappa Sigma, Inner Guard, Athletic Representative. ROBERT HAMPTON YANCEY, JR. B.S., Marketing Richmond, Virginia Kappa Sigma. STEPHEN E. YONCE B.S., Management and Economics Richmond, Virginia Dean's List. JOHN ZSENAI, JR. B.S., Industrial Management Franklin, New Jersey Golf; Intramurals; Society for the Advancement of Management. T. C. WILLIAMS SCHOOL OF LAW JOSEPH JOHN ARONICA Babylon, New York Phi Delta Phi, Parliamentarian; McNeill Law Society; Student Bar Association, Treasurer; Law Review, Associate Editor; Intramural Moot Court. GEORGE HAMILTON BAGWELL, II Halifax, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; Moot Court; Legal Aid. REVEL FRANKLIN BELOTE, JR. Newport News, Virginia Scholarship - Newport News Bar Auxiliary Law Wives Club of the Newport News Bar Association. EMANUEL A. BERTIN Melrose Park, Pennsylvania P.A.D. Law Fraternity, Marshall; Moot Court; Runner-up Moot Court Team. LAWRENCE ELLIOTT BLAKE Chester, Virginia Delta Theta Phi, Vice-Dean; Moot Court Competition. HARRY MASON BOERTZEL Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternty, Historian, Parliamentarian; Law Review, Associate Editor; Intramurals; Student Librarian; Intramural Moot Court, Practice Court; Chairman Bailiff, Timekeepers for National Moot Court Regional Finals. JOHN MACLEAN BOSWELL Burkeville, Virginia Delta Theta Phi, Secretary; SBA Circuit Representative; Moot Court. THEODORE JACKSON BURR, JR. Richmond, Virginia IFC, Chairman; Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity, Rush Chairman, IFC; Student Bar Association, Circuit Representative; Moot Court Committee.
CLAUDE T. COMPTON Manassas, Virginia ROBERT BENJAMIN COUSINS, JR. Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; Moot Court; Ltgal Aid Society. JOHN WILLIAM CREWS Halifax County, Virginia IFC; Phi Alpha Delta; Legal Aid Society; Moot Court Competition; Phi Alpha Delta, President. GERALD F. DALT AN Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi. RAYMOND ELLIS DAVIS Richmond, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, IFC Representative ; Legal Aid; Moot Court Committee. ROBERT EDWARD DEATON Portsmouth, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity; Student Bar Association, Speakers Committee. ROGER l YNN DEMIIC Arlington, Virginia EUGENE M. DESVERNIN E Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; Legal Aid Society, President. WILBURN CHARLES DIBLING, JR. East Brunswick, New Jersey Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity; McNeill Law Society; Student Bar Grievance Committee; lntramurals; I r:gal Aid Society. ROBERT GRAHAM DINSMORE Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity; McNeill Law Society; Legal Aid Society, Treasurer; Honor Court Justice; Williams Law Scholarship. FRANCIS T. ECK Richmond, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, VicePresiden t. FREDERICK CHARLES FAGAN Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Phi Delta Phi; McNeill Law Society; Phi Delta Phi Newsletter, Editor; Intramural Moot Court; Legal Aid Society. ALBERT LITTLETON FARY, JR. Richmond, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity; Moot Court; Legal Aid, Speakers Committee. WALTER SHEPARD FELTON, JR. Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; McNeill Law Society, Chancellor; Law Review, Associate Editor. EDWARD HARRISON GROVE, III Richmond, Virginia IFC, Vice-President ; Phi Alpha Delta; McNeill Law Society; Honor Court Grievance Committee; Moot Court, Chairman Moot Court Committee; Legal Aid, Secretary. J . WILLIAM HATFIED, III Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; Law Review, Business Manager; Moot Court. THOMAS GOODWILLI E HODGES Forest, Virginia Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. JOHNNY SAVAS JOANNOU Portsmouth, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, VicePresident; Student Council. RUSSELL WOOD JORDAN, III Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity; Honor Court, Clerk, Chief Justice; Moot Court, Moot Court Committee. PHILIP STEW ARD MARSTILLER Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association, Circuit Representative ; lntramurals; Moot Court; Legal Aid Society; Speakers Program. WILLIAM TERRELL MCMILLAN, JR. Richmond, Virginia PAD Legal Fraternity.
NORVAL GEORGE METCALF Richmond, Virginia Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Alpha Delta. NATHAN HUFF MILLER Bridgewater, Virginia Phi Delta Phi. ROGER LINWOOD MORTON Richmond, Virginia IFC; Delta Theta Phi, Bailiff. RONALD M. PLOTKIN Richmond, Virginia Honor Court. CHARLES ALLEN RIGGINS Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi; McNeill Law Society; ChanExchequer; Student Bar cellor of the Representative ; Honor Court; Law Review; Intramural Moot Court, Moot Court Committee; Legal Aid. MICHAEL LEWIS RIGSBY Richmond, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta, Marshal; Law School Representative (Web); Moot Court Competition. WILLIAM W. ROBERTS Richmond, Virginia PAD; Moot Court.
JAMES ROBERT SAUL Richmond, Virginia Dean's List; Delta Theta Phi; McNeill Law Society. CLAUDE MICHAEL SCIALDONE Richmond, Virginia Delta Theta Phi, Treasurer; Moot Court. WILLIAM ]. STRICKLAN D Richmond, Virginia Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity; McNeill Law Society; Law Review; Student Bar, Orientation Chairman; First Year Book Award; Phi Delta Phi, Scholarship Chairman. DAVID T. WALKER Richmond, Virginia Phi Alpha Delta, Clerk; Student Bar Association, Secretary, President; Board of Publications; Presidents Advisory Council; Board of Directors, WCRC; Moot Court; ll7 ho's ll7 ho. JAMES NEWTON WILHOIT, III Charlottesville , Virginia Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity; Honor Court; Moot Court; Chairman Law Students for Nixon-Agnew . EDWARD F. YOUNGER Lynchburg, Virginia Pi Alpha Delta.
1969 WEB STAFF Editor-in-Ch ief Kathryn Elizabeth Scott Associate Editor Richard W. Stephenson Editorials Editor Barbara Starr Cahoon Organizatio ns Co-Editor Patricia Anne Taylor Organizatio ns Co-Editor Linda Noell . . Classes Editor ......... Jane Carwile Arrington Editor Faculty . . . . . . . . Sally Yates Wood Editor Honoraries . . . . . ... Angela Lilly Varsity Sports Editor Myron T. Mann W. C. Sports Editor Susan Dickinson Moore Business Manager Harriet Carter Haynes Photographe r Sterling Hale Moore Law School Representati ve Michael Lewis Rigsby General Staff: Judy Samuelson, Virginia Szigeti, Suzanne de Lesseps, Gayle Hobday, Nancy Ball, Tom Gibbons, Sarah Stuart, Wendy Bryant, Jim Roper, Tom Marshall, Hal Metcalf, Ellen Hoffman, Nancy Crenshaw.