• 11 raw had befli'I ~ ""'51Ull p/vttvJch
w ... w,,.,., ~ kC'l'W ~ ,,.,Nf!l'I
... ..,.. st.I eds IJftd ...-.. 1 J&S"19~fQ#~~'""
....., l'Oll' p&SblEIO ID ll'ft' ~ 'fld · ~
...,. sa.o- Mid,-;
....,, m.mg., • .._. _ . n
tar too str'IOOfh M'ld btoild to""""~·"" Sc!•tt/!lng- .......,
'*"'°"''m ..,. c/J.u.ir O'<il"""'"'Y
and poke ins)sfpnrly out lt0m )'C)Ut hutlf'\ ldpp.ng $lowly ~sr rhe .lM .u ,t rl1e SM9' you compost'
rs rNl1y an~ tn btNliwlQ
but ... bcxnfied t¥ ,,.. f1ltA.. ·"'O
KEITH CU NNINGHAM ICIAISIC (Nom1n;,ted. sc11ff •rt aw~rd. for dbove Ofld th~Jd on IM<k tO"iftJ
SttAAON BRICKER tJ0((/>1( "~ ~..._.
- . , D:I #'d IOO fUtltd ~"' "'*. CtwlpPlils:wrr #WI-.--~
ro -..
ll»tri't ~ ~
"°"N~lr::il/f'fC-V_ .... ....,.,
lb ,,,. ..,. .,,_,,.., """ ,,,. _ . , " " ' ............ mM lm#ph~ t9JfSSl4tWW
~"""' ltiJ ht!MJ hiid CINtM fh.tt,,. W041At,.,,,,. fO ~..,, IO~,..., his thov¢ls from .11r ttw1 MinJ1
'""' """'" -
iw>I -
""' ..... """ ....
TOM W llL,IAM S}(SUMM£R IN A S0U1HfRN (tTY tt'S (II(., j((!f>f>N'lg OUtSfdi!
To the soond of sirens.
Somer•mes. when rhe~ Alt Ns shifred c) ll!Y1 SNSOt'lS To spring planerary dust To gather be/Ott a flOfl'f)i}I miri>!X
Of miH'90kf'S m.>ktrlg Wl'l·$pirt SUVM To the wind-In bock aUeys Between boards Md ,...,
""*"" .,.,,..11y,
Tile entire Chrisr.;an NarrarNe
out,,, front of me on the board. •llvstrat11')f) to rhe ckm a cr1tK's cour5e for inteqyeting Ki'ng Lear 0-NOOl'l- Lvc.ifer's faN· MM'S fall- Chrrr1·
S.&Jv.)tKJn. JudgemMt· Eternity...
My eyes"'°"" t19ht """'9 f/l(' fine I th()()9f1t of. Su~ school at age SIX· vacation Bible School a r nme~ bi,oltStn ar r~'l('{!.'f'- btbSe sludy Mon<»y 11'91>ts
A c009h came from the back of the room. The church bells tang llOOf"I from rile dw>el. A chalk etaw mo'&lt!d dO'OsS rhe chronolOgy, fif$1 (k)Ur};ng I(.
!hen gone
* }
) messenger[ • {
PERRY MAOOOX}(ALBANIAN DREAMS {W1nnc1, Margare1 Haley C;,tpe,,rer Pr;z~ for Poerry)
Long afret llK'l<!IJ(Yldetfr assorrmCflt had set lhe deck ol fate a work« among miHions sAices lhe $kjn ol a linger on the rotor of an
vn-oJ«I ~ dl!Vke, ~from m>gtoo. Long alter random fertilization had derermtned rhc <old reahl)' of c/llngs. ii <frop of o.tKt l>lood f~ on rhe dfY r1eer.
causing 1t ro sJlde b.Kk 1nto place and run 4g<'N(I. Long afrcr rhe crOS5Jng over of motlfY fr()fl'I dead un(Je lo~ rich nephew. a young man
av1akes N> a pet>thouse to a throbting thumb bvr ~ l'lO u~ in 1: 1Jfld rcrums ro $ffH!P
TIM HOSPOOARJ{THf EX(HAN<iE (Nom1t11red, $t4ff ar1 av1ard)
* }
] messenger[
com Mke ccmvo» s~kft'S
ShpptXJ Ol'l 4 pcJrch of oil in lhe srree1 One knee bumped t~ ~h.. be.if no Ot'lt' s.Jw He COl'lli'nul!d M !.tt/M and pre:ended he did il on purpose,
like an ;mpromptu dance srep. He v1a!ke<1 pasr it shmy hot <Jog c.ort tJfld nodded to the targe bearded man slumped over it The $1.Jn l)ume<J lhtough th('
umbte!J.>•boWN>dg/1ttened on r.heman's 101~ ·Hol ~for y~?· the '/(!('l(/or asked, hoping to seil one mote ~varm ~ befOfe r{]:r~ring 1t'l(J();ors
He smded symparherK;Olty iNld
concll'lve<J w~lking. Fout m<W block$ 10 go. S..ds rn<kr.d dovm his forehead, creeping ovr of his t/lick rutty hair He WclS ten minutes late, Md she was Impatient
Ma)'be she'H wait he though: M.l)·be no1.
He coufdn'r E.'W'fl lhmk of flJllning He WM 100 "veak fO Step O(ltO thl! CUtb,
much fess. run. Besides, Ns shoes vKWtd
()lobably I.it""'" The blue Swoosh hung by its Iii!' siappmg the sidewafk. The laces trailed behrnd He would hiwe bovght a new ~r. bvr l'le
needed rhc gas money ro get ro the dry.
He dhvays di'd this. She sipped from the bottle of 5.)(1 Pt:lhgrino
on rhc white (.>b/edorh Het finger ttcKed the lWt drcJe 1hat the l)orrle ktfr It WM ~cool
mor~ so sl'le Nd aski!d table outside. She reg1erted st as rhe afternoon sun d;'mbed Hef long hair draped over he< l)(t(k HCI shou/Mfs 111i!t'e s™ded. but her ~cooked undemwth the blanket The
He Nd c~Ued herd ~ve(>k ago, hopes SOclring. She sounded tired when she pi<;tf'd 1JP the /)hOllC, lJtld m<)(t tif«I ~~ She heard who rt was. He1 voke was quiet, the wotds hesitiUlt.. M 1f she iv.JS abo<if to ya1m lit ~ br~k. After one mklute he regrerr(!d calf;ng her. ...,, 1hoogh he
monrhs COllV1no'ng hims«f he .-.<Jro Theychatted She dldn'r <¥<'. he tried IO soond like he dJdfl'l. He told her he
was coming to too.m next ~ and he'd /ewe io se her. HoWs
Another yawn clfmosr (!WJl oor She kntllv she M.'C<J«J llfl e«u~ but somethtng kept hf.v from finding one. She h#Nrd 'he~ come oor. but they ..~!;Jr av1.ty, f!tdiOtng
Wednesday'S line. Where?
* }
,.,,,. Blv One o'clock.
] messenger[
smell of h<Y condrtlOflet sat ~ the air. Oh,
Jesus.. He SfJlt h.)S those
shoes. She was disgvsted for a
mmute, rhen she re:m~ F/of;d<t He Sfuffe<J his v1aflet
DtKI keys bef0te l/w!r .....mt
Witll her eyes
lt/fM(hed s/w.lt from the ~re. ~ coofd ~rt Hd pi.)id
bathing suit. the emp:y wine
coo.'et1. The water v.-as 1v.vm iMd ditry. She k'1>1 loll>ng our of hef ~kim.
He saw her smltk She was s.irt1n9 bJ<k tn tile 111fCk(lf Cl'#>lf v1atch.lng thtough the tables on the f)dtio He Qumped NlfO a \•1at'ttY and tgM>t«i hJ.s dirty look, He tried 10 1e¥.f her e,es bf:hind the Olw s~sses. but cOUldfl't She ScJr r/lere, reve.almg nothing Het cheeks v.'efe red from the ~m ~got (0 the
l/Jl>Se IJ(l(j p;wstd,
to stand up and hug him She <P<Jn·r With hdlf~ng het
a tired $/itug ~ C~ ifllO
rhe chaJt, grabbing a doth MJ)k1fl ro w!{>C the Slvt"'\lt off hi:s
fMt He rrolllcd that M look.t<I like shit. especially to a fx>.autiful blonde tn a small sundress, who hild bettef thin<JS to do.
She sat there. 1vaiting fOf him to SIJY someth11"19. A few pt~t momef!U {»SS«l .JS his mw'ld
He wt up ond O(JeMd his moutfl. but only fer our a QU.it>t sigh. He left powerless as she rOSSt;>d the lasr ~h of wqref tn hef movrh and pirt.ed up her purse. The c/lair creaked sadly
., """
clS stie stood up.
tocking do'M'I
But She ~ft She \viJ/k«.1 nght p.ttt him. $llC.k.dlg a s.oft hand out to brush a curl off of his foreheitd. th~ hem of Iler
skirt w.-ept his arm. He lisrooed ro her heels cbck a-.~y from hrm, boiNng 1't1 r.he drdft of her perfume
The sunhghi l>kiaJ<J from her 1vhlrt dtf'SS. whkh dra()(.'d OVCt" hfY brM.s-rs Mid llovll!d ooro the table. She looked down at the drny, (JllsJiaY(!(I f6(.(! $QVJl'lllfl9
He cOf.lk:fn'r tvrn iJfOV/td to \V8tCh /)(!( wJik 1)111/Jy. 111(! chair held h;m pl'isonet tile
up a1 her. He fetr hts srom.trch
smeared empty bottfe of water. a wrinkled ~pk.in
IWISt with the Ut!Jf! to grab her shovfdiYS. push her b8<k fr)to tM se.1t Mid .stroom OU! ~'et)' dream he lldd dbour her fOf the p;JSt three yei'IJ.. lloiidit, Md)-'fflOflt the f1¥;slu'p
motel. His fingers clMched the afmresr.
r~ed. He had never put much tiloughr Jnro wfl,,tt he lW>Uld Ktuall>j say to her. She 111atched flakes scdttet to the 9found when he scratched rhe SJ<Je of hJs head. She Sdl r/tefe
waiting. Un<omfOf'tiJbSe
silences tniJde her <omfonable-
~statedat ~Chai wJS kJft A h/>SOCk•
sun beiat him
,.... W!' •'lNf!I CWl
. -""
, """ -...._...__ .,.,. »• • 1/111»1 du
...... &llbl-... ..,, OI\
-"*"""' -.. ...,.,,
pCllJ: . . ~°"
... e.m
,.... b"•"'fJ~
m,I ,,,,,,,_
A"11t.H rube wt> travel on.
Uf)ldW'/ on.
.f'lf\f ~tt • \'dC'UUm
I 1111 ,,.. flNlf
* (
LAUAA NAZIMEK)(AT THAT SHE IS CALLEO (Nominated, Margaret H1lcy Carpe11t(!r Prl'te tor Poetry)
Grape 'jelly is smeitted across hef wide fa<e as she rpe«My gr.tbs a1 my bel<Ned p<tpl!rS. My thoughts ¥K1 prNacy Me at once crushed up ~111$t he< sof1 flt.sh, And they stick there ffl:e l~t'*'5 Ml .woul1d he< N'Kiulgetit mouth. One b-j one, she tear.s off the dlres and the names and the pictures of my mos:r p1eoous dreams affd .st.:imps them NtsNy wirh a- .Smoid«lf'l9 iron With m<KI J.tughter alld cruel 111drfff!len<e she stuffs thl!m aJJ into a l.l$ed envelope and tosses'' n'lto r/le ~ rxx:ker of her coor Her baJdfng hwd and her bl:rl.ened teelh hobble off Jflto the svnset •'/here she finally sirs beneath a sappy tree and thumbs 1htough my S!atned j04JtNJls. Un~ 00/ot's tlnd SOUndS s11111J from her bf(Nlt/1 as she pastes stem and seeds and l1o11..er petals all~ my won:ls. With a g(IJbby pet'tCJI in her harids $he sigfls and coughs 11111N rfle dvnl'Jd(lng moot11i9ht •'sa mert!' uub of w<l:)' attd no longer bums,
And so 1 w~e from rhe unteS( ro meet her again.
Sh~ d <Oated m tht< Syrup of rhc ,YOO<fs and gm.s ol t~ ftt!kh. My pcJperS smefl bke 1he exotic indulgMce of a SWl!el looth
and 1am11e911y SKkened
1pay N!r. ¥id she giws me ch:Jf19C from her musry IXJf'SI!, She stares at me as if I am the chang;ng ~th« and sv1a)"$ mysr~IOUSly to some distant mUS1c. There is a la®'Ndriiy in her mlky skin and wKJc feer. I am 1ntr.glft!d by l"#Y Cly$tJI f)1!'$. a1ld yet frighretH!d by hf!r extr.l'l'agance I rtmember myself 1clutch my papers and tul'I from :M m:K!N!'SS of late night aumbs itf'KI ashes. There couklt>'t be ()('}e M ho«ible as she. And yet 5he h.u r~d niy WOfd$, Written them as if tmagindrion.
* } ,, ] messenger[
OAftlY £RIA.UGH ilo'fY MINDS llAU,r (1fJlwM OtlCf' Si/Jltl
.,'fllJO/!Jll lft!LO d ICU ~J
" " .._.. , . . . ngf th> . . . . . .,
Alftl lf0.9',.., lfliilf'" ...... P"4 4' . . . . .,,d:A fl~ .., mlJ' 6ttd ., :l'lllllll ~ ,....... Id dYft
""""~ ,,..... ...... ""'9- -
' . . l!'l!2' Ol!Wlll5 al . . . . . llOIWI ""' ftf{1
, . . . . . . ...,,., I:). .
., ll"lr wa•4• o1.., W
r.-. ao~ bVr"f
""',,,. °'*'ft> .. ..,,,... - ..."" b'9' .. o8J. - ... ,..,_ _ ...... - ...... b'9' .. ...,,,,. _ And thtl .,. ..m ro .li!f ,.... m'1' . _ , """'
'"' """"" 11m Ct1J11r I.,., l'IOt hang mysel/ •Me~
"' ..... ""'n•
___ __ _>14' _ .. _ __ __ _ _..,. ,.,.,.,,.,..._.. _ <>~bit
lwtl of.....,,, J/'lailir ""}. grN:eSJ Al$IOn
.... - . , """"9'> -
... pi.. So ,,.. .... Wl'I"..,... ~ lrWICfl twuoi
""""' -
. . . OOM'I ital . . *'ti# CCl'N1 ~ ........,
r filll'rd . . . nlf' ' •;t es llllOl4't I """"" • .._ ""O M 1""8fo 8>~ llW' ~
, not""*'*' dvr :Dtt Ol'NO'I ol Mr fl., 1¥ ~ And ""' /Vttd o/. .d
JOE MA GL I A~O llllOAll
,,. .._. iltttnd
'Wdke up, Vl<lke up, vtake up, v1ake I.IP •
7he )'Otlng miHl rolled onto his left Sl(fe the betret to cJddlcs:s his youngest brotmv, age two.
B""">'""tf!d and shaggy-headed, a bum in a subulban bed. he sqvinced i'n lhe to<ldlet'S genetaf dlt«tJOft. ~hi$ mouth, raised his arms. cradled his head
and ""9an ·smith.
to talk about
'"" """"'°9 dw rw
UlldMtMJd, Of COUl'$C, lhal by
no medns am I to be VIW:en up OOfore noon on 5.)tut<kly Every othet <Hy t~s tS ~cepia/>le, so 1 ooderstand )'OU confvslon, but. Smith. seriously.. aher all this
rN»t?. don ·r
rov r~k a
1easonably uit~ligent lndMdual Ille yourself would have figt;ted rhe sit!Jdrion ovti' Jn rn.).ny countnes. Maldf$ia f()( lmrance, it is a capttdl offense to v1ake the h~ of the hovse befOfe
noon on S,,tvtd<ly Opirau That tneatt5 f y;ookj ha~ the right to hack your /Jule'"°" yrot-okJ he.Jd off/ f.JO\V isfl't tMt 'SJ.ffy?'
Smith Jumped on top of hfS
8<1t Smith ~·le)$ gone tollinfJ dOwn the hi#J~~i' ro hfs room. half runnmg, hdff crawfing The toddler·s shrlN demon 99f}k bwticed off tile ~v.)fts l1J:e a thousand OOd cheds. HI$ elrJet stumbkd out of rhe (hOCO/.)l~S<><lked b«ifOOl'n, OK'I the pile$ of potn
magaztneS. dirty clothes, n<:W'P'P<:" lUSA TIXl<>y) ;,nd
old boxes of cllicken nuggcrs. bringmg to e.>rth with tJ crash a grotesque ceramic 8uddha. The priflc.'1 laft<J«f ()(I ms big tight t()(>. but die huntet 1')00lt!d the sound 4nd rhe sh¥p shoollng pain svddenly radiating up ff'Om hiS f()Ot, seeking ono/ Smith.
·0w1 Smtrhl Yo1.,.1e gv11na ge<
11 now1·
Big btolher opened 1he door dttd srepf)(>d on <> brOkttt tego robot Again the sharp pain. ¥,),;,, I~ ye/Mg and ,.,...,mg, 5mJth l~ughed rio'ousJy t>Mooth h'5 h~narory mound. like a frog unckr rhe ctef!k ~ oor of the Sfl.jke'.s sight The ekJer SQl dOwn ()(J s.rn;1h's btJd (<> sm311 mattress placed indelicately and asymmerti<,alty in the midd1e of the ik>o<J blld IJ<Jdre$.SIXJ the closet doot: ·~
Smtrh. It IJJ>(JIXJrs you
hiwe no tespect for i#Uthonty. You have violated my
'Yd hquld eat.v>· slimy faced
Ofdim)nc,es IOOV~
blob, ya'd beltef bMg rhar
t.n'nl!'S. No putN~t has changed you pattetflS of - . v""<I>. I m'l}h1 add. bOCome l'f'IOfe lfPlmOIJI by the month. IA'fly. only last weet
P'llnpe<·wtwm' d<ny behind
QaC'k hereJ •
Smith sli#mmed his bedtoom dOO( and, M!httng' ~ ()( d(>Wl1sh ~ {i)('I (0 hi$
closet opened the door. and hid under a pile of comforters and bo¥d games. HI$ btofher lolkw.-.d ,,.,,..,,. 100 close «> the young ()fl(', for he ran
headlong mto ~ jvst·clor«I
door. hiS ~rthlJI
meetJng the wood with a sound knock
ekJer·s k.nees. giggfmg. and threw his favorite bottle at the
*-"""nose. •0t11 Smit.hf
Come biK:k heret·
* }
] messenger[
StXii tomfoolery as rhis WOflld hive nevtN oossro )'OUt m•"nd. Yer now;, is a common Sarl.Jfday morning pvrsuir 1 don't CJndersri)fl(J you, Smlrh Tell tM v,<hat'.S YnOl'lg. Wh.i)t hdve I done?·
~. Sm1rh snrlered.
Here rhe M'ltet' mJy be petmJtted 10 OOt(I ~·11th rotM objectM'ty that rhJs was no small f~t for a fi'IO-}Wf·Ol'd boy
"IS 1t becdU'St' mom iSn'I around? Is ir preschool,
Smirh7 00 y0u 11or 1;1;c tM
J>uglt. 1l>ook Ms cubbyhole, and kded rhe door thtee rimes
Chifd Smith stepped gingerly onro tile ftOQt of his 'Sl'f).)N room irt tM OO<k of the tr~ H<* looked dovm at the lWltchmg body of f'Ns only tHorher. sav1 the sing.le rMJfec of blood roJLfltJ slowly d<>wn tile Side of his head. Gr.wity carried it mro big btothet's ~fr f'>'t'. ivhic:h '"~ ()l>(NI Md v.X-¥11 frA:e., stuffed bdd's.. Smith ·s liny pinkish hand reached ovr to his bfothC! He
'Hm. I see Anothef outbursl of vfo/Mce I'm disappo1nred in
and shook him. t;ny sobs shw;Jking his ov.n tx>o);,
other diffdroo? IS it lhe dog
aroond (he cortier 1'/ho uproots dlJffo<Jils IJ(}(/ S111fls crorchMl Does nor bmg able to £\1lt Jott of solid food do this ro )QI? Hil";I(? y(IU Staffed <Joing <Jf1J9$7 Arc yov itt rhar r...10--)'Nr-cld g<W)9..
B.Kly Smttl1 laugh«! .:t JUK:y
rovched his bt«h«'s stioutder you, Smith- So much porentJM VtJSted. YOU wt'r'I? bom lJ ~ young man. you kt'IO'N. S<>me/lQw l l sef!ITI$ the demands of soc1eiy IJfe 100 9rNr fof you Too hNvt a btxden. Ifs hard befng without piJfeflfS, ISl>' t 11
Smith? )'bv h<:l...e r~ co look up to, of course-. "
ene.o·cJock SWl srf&)f(le<J;,, t/lr0U9l1 the dusf)' blinds. A board game left behind in the <loser cocoon shiffed and fell ~wth a muted er~. StrNrh knelr dovm and stated hard into
his bforhers fiKe ¥Id ITl(Wlfd hrs morrwng Cl')' 'Ylake up, v1ake up, ~ke vp,
"/lofl•l<I McOonokill" ..clolm<d
Wi)kt (lp f "
,,,. "°"' open.coc:oot1. Smich from his
l<dtng 5.J<1fy, big
''""""hod.,.~ INs lem,o/<' 8!J.'h.S-r the do<xk.neb duflllg hl'S last diatribe. and the impact of the .SWAfl9dlg dOOt \V(}S ~
ro.klll him wtthOUr Pc)N'I _ ~e
She remembers the daughter who planted Jighr burbs 111 hopes of 1.,,;ng • 9'0"'"19 SJfv<r mopie
Before lM storms of NJ1e- SA.Jmtrl(!f
The storms came and 1-'.eit then
The etvttimn wllld S(ripp«/ che /&1..-es from tiled pla<es Md she grew vp. long""J To hJCJe herself in the rmdnight held in rhe anns of the trees. To ~ hffle/f trJ rhe ~ of the catf'S sil:Je
The Sn(»" fell qvi<Ne< thiJl W111rer Th.ltl t/l<! ~M
rw before. Eveiy ye.>r, quielt't.
visitors came, their steps auncJied harshly, S!iJrtling. /i'ke cl frl{}hren«t f)()fltl(jge bvrslrng chtough the str.'I air WhM the ffOflt SC'fHll doof SlO/)ped banging I() Its (~ She kstened to the ca.Cm. apprai1.ed he< lout wai% And conrintlt'd knircmg the d<'licate liKc <vtta1ns SM l1Uf19 ~ ht!t" 'V)l')OOt.'d. /IJytr upon l;J)l(Y.
* }
] messe nger[
CARRIE l<ENAOY llA NTICIPArlON whltC' /}l(.k<'r fM<H Im«/
'"' ~ 11, ;(""< 'oWf¥ to rouch my~
_,..._,...._ ' ""'""" _. r:ats- N tltr i.aay ~
;r)fOmy<~' f'ltfW ~ Mtd,. _,,. ~:tll/f.lt
fnlf C'O'lnfl(l us. so uwr mt tOl'1 d:J toudtbc.ir CJflt1I chM. , prdY /or bolh f/lf' Uy
- i l<'<" O.nhm.trl ol 11/p, •ttti mo~t ol llt fot yo11r wf\tf(l CtNl'fl'I ;U(Jbbom
* }
PlNK (WHfll HAii( ..U fHf
. . , . dirtJWU
wvm1 D
IVf,,., . . .
,,,,,,.,._ ~-"'Cit
.. .....,. - -.. N'lllf'9 .... _. c... ~ Qlilng. • tyart'ftl>
°',..... a"""'8 .tl'IOllr ....... _,, "'*'
- ..u.
__ __ .....,, _ .....,. .._,,..._.. """""did'°"'""' • ..,. w;g• ....... ,..,_ m
"'* _,,,, ....... ..,.._,.,,, ,,.,,
_ _,,.-'°...... "" _""""'--... .,..,..,.. .._...,.......,,,,.. ........,,.-... _, ..
Ila . . M Oft bllfd
• Cl
-.Ci"11111<;t _,, _
_ , , pd "" -.. I 0 pd """ "llCW'NllGI
-..a .,, "" ,.,.,
.... ~dlrh:i• ,., n.,,,i _ _ _ tw;f< "'"" ... -
h#J ~Nfin up kl f.i111 •
~,. '1ltOllWt "1'f'ft1 ~
"°"" .... ""~ - ....
o4lol\ ~~,,... rd,.,.
'*1 no( boOWl•'<d ft) . . . . ,.,.,
~~ IOI """81'! ~'""' ,.,.
crnts it IPlnllfll . _ tovrmng 6/Jo.11 • H tfVt WCNld ltlW
,,,,., ftlllfl" , . k> """"" """
~ 0'.11' wortf
- - l!wocw.-
,,.,,,.,. '°""'""
lflOQl•r rec llTw1 ._. d ,,.. IN
.. h!il Nl'1. •
li9{f' "'~
~ ...
,,,,, i,tM .........
~1 An •ICl!:o'•I A <o, &pffSSiCYI ol-*"11, ~ fWI)' sr:rW Wt t!OSW'd M ~.wt• misetabAr ,.... "" ~ 1)11 ,,., ~ <W$
;_,.. WI('"°""""""' CJ/ IMP
b Hw
.-~ cb"r1
,.....,..... ,.,.
Or«_t 11> l/ltld
__ _
]hr ~ fft «/tlid be r fiil!ft
""" .,, ' """""' unrv ~
Thr SOc.nd of ltiJ OWi llUl(fl
h _ _ ,,,,"""' -
Jli<"ll..-.d PMfl/lll., ,, l'li»M.1 """'-If Ol'I ,,.,. btfrt,. .,.,
ddJl'l!1 Q(ISI doot '" ··~ °" ""' """' ol lffl ~ .... "r dOn I ,OU """" .,,.
nw..-w °"',,... ~ n
,_ Cldl'tl lwl .l.t• WtftO M
ol M 'U "'5IMg .-1 ,.,,. Aofld ~ Ust ,...,.,, ,,.,• ..,.. o1
.~ ... ii• ""' ...-w' '1 ""'.._ ,.,.,, ol llgllt "" .. ,.., asphalt bl-lt;nd """' .,. ..... , ,~ of sp.lft' M..t.l'llnO .. , • dtM" l'1(JIN • ........ " .,_ llU•WIO ID
_ . _ .,._.,._,.. __ .. ......,,,..,,.., .. _ _,_ _In.,_.,, __ ..._ .... _,,.., - ...-...--. ,._d>,,,, __ _ .rn:Qnc.tfl~. ""''~
""" fllMMl1dfd ,.,,. ". "" log Nt fllflOJd trUfP Cift .,_. OiNcJli .,
• ~al ftGll. -
..~,,,, .. ,....oa ••• ~·
. . . . ""' . . U'I '1fOl/d QI.
-~ ltrdtoan,. ~ . . . . .....
ale/~&;:= ...... ""'
!IJf' ~1 .... ......, """ .....
._.,... .... ....,.,..,._ ..... _., """"'9-... ..-.....
..,..,,4,. '9
O;Q zp
blJltind iw!\ .. #,,,,. ~.,
f t ( b' ibl9 ~
"°"' " . . .....,
....... -"'P'd-.. - . - . . . . ~ll"t ......
.,,..,. Md ,..,, """"' ~ •
rldro ~ ""*117 "" ,,.. I: itrd ol un.mporl.lflf q.t1Nqtl f1"91 IJUY' on rhr f«Jl('I Vlf'W •t 1t11,...
* ...
or pi<l(i<J bhJe sk""'5. He had no eats ro he.¥ rfle ~rtg of rhe
in the morning v.'hen the happy people of the world are aslffp, and hf: pop/)(!(/ 1t1 J f.lPC rhar
expanse on ~vhtch their M'O· d1mens;onal f0tms recf'it>ed
WOUkl /Tldke h1tn cry Crossing
He raJSl!d hts pen from the wh1rescane ~d brushed his Nit
over tM turnptke, he wonder«/ what She ivould think of bl.Kt IJnd \vhite police photos of a broken gvard riff/ and shdtter«/
9/J5'. He
woold l'\'l¥ (M'iJ l)e.a(
Five in the moming and he
ba<k II) them'*. mUS''>' ap.wtment. mnding in front ol an eighr by eleven sketch l'l'M
pad ()()((! agDm, svrrouttded by crumpled and tom p¥JeS of f>i'pef. His /)(!II C(Nf'$f!(f over the empty SIJff«~ ClClltttg l)O(tr.tltS
of dlmiriutNe, hollow f19vres vl'hose hmbs ~e frozen in posir10t1S ol agonq;e<J ~ni A si'ngle Me for Ule torso, ~ lines for the legs and the erratic (JffllS given Nfe with Stf'Okts of the ptYt
two Ctool:ed
The he;xJ W3'S a t/lin o'rc/e, bereft ol featufes. no wrved m()t.lt/I, no docced ~
jvsc a PIJle, empry ~. hKek!SS. f..'O org.9tl'$. no musde, no stream of life running through the
veil>le5s 6nes. and all of d><trl. art tM f9vres stOOd lrcuen in perpetual movement though none <0¢<J teli which w.ay they
\.Wfe going. lnf1nitel'j meaning· less souls.
empty 1'infNN CotpSeS
W1fltQ(Jr hNtt:S fMes of anonyrntry. nDm~ afl
~ 111$ dull. hght~ ~ EYM the sJmplesr of mo\.IMlEnts .,,..,. "" mif>d MK! IJody miidt! hm ,vince ac lhe muf!Wnlry of ffls existence;. btooght to his artenrion his own patheric em;.>l•tlfS.S. Maybe tl'Mngs ,.IOUkJ be 8S~r for hm 1f he hdd Ml
empty, colorless plane on which to
dwell. whete emork>tls flMY comp/k•tf!d thmg'S. m.tybe tie could be just another s,r.d' r19ure
and not feet so our ofpliKe Bur tn$lHd, he \VdS trilpped in cJ groott Wide world of vibtant color and
salty watM oo the bNCh the calls of the gutls as they CllC.fed ovet a g.i<mr l'/()(kf He had no no5e to smeH the brackish salty &r 0t the faJ111 S«'llt of /o~h'ng Wifft1ng from f.w off on th<! s,,nds, nor lips ro r.:isre that Wt He v1as emptiness m empMes.s.
And he .slovlfy drf!V1 cM arms. htld upward reaching to rhe sky and oyN>g our lor help, C!Ylll9 our for l(J('flr;ry. fot <0mp\Ni01i but ll>M! were oo lingers to st1etch to lhe
When she got the news that he
ha~ SU(ked- - rhn>ug/l
ar s;x
kinetic energy, a thtee-dimensional
~ i«hes of poDshed Sfccl
hoffOf. Stt(/).11'19 Wllh .,,Yi)(li'y,
in lhe momJng the next <My. she ca/fed her boyfnend of three i\'t"E'ks
motiOn., ~soul,
man could find himself Josr t)nd afraid His pert traced aoorhef c~e and carefufly,. precisely.
fine line that was the rorso this ll'me rhe legs ~vovld b'1 crookect the sh<K/ov1 was kneeling on his knees. c.ast upon th<: ivti;re din. bes;de., 1\lh1re se.J looking out lO where a white horizon met rM indlscemibie
elched the
Mid tokJ him she covldfl"r Se<! him Mymote ~()d kXked herrelf lfJ her room. The police ~ered his S>i'tfing message ro her ar fOtlf ;,,
the .)fternoot\. sc1.itdled On an eight by ten page of draWtng paper. surrounded~ sketches. of misery. She st¥e<J ar r.he i>19f! ~·ithour blinking untrl her mother asked her if she v1as ok.
~VOtetS. ~ tri<kS Of the~
.bc<.Juse thefe ~·as nothing thef~. BIJf the leatureles.s fl\'19' didn't knov1 this He hiKJ no eyes with 1vhk/l to S1Mrdi f()f golden SMds
COfltrasted with the wicked \vhire
* } n ] messenger["?
"I IOved hitn too,
mom, I lo-led him
and he~ rold me •
----. . -'"!I.
ANORlW ~·ns IA~•r.IJA
Eff0rrs to res101e are m place ro bring bad the chapel to splendidness to 1/'tj«r 1r \vith bteaths of llfe
ro inYJgOrate rhe Sdmrs 10 Pf19 t.h(' gOld to shme the brush strokes to come alive.
$Jflg thetr h~ chdnts
as images of prophets r~ chemseives Jnto th(' eleetlical symphony
oilhe <eilmg. ~ r~ tynrhesls
is flowftlg
blood given to art
1o;·ns removrxl from censored bodies an ,v~ring ro be 1udg(J(I "' tM hwt11l'>ly Md h.-.Jy S/>he<e
iti11esoond in ""'~ a luJI choral chant eV('I)' m<:mlXJr set back 10 work SM'!(> SCM«i others hopeful lf't sendrng the hideous ro HeH dlld the righteovs to Heaven
as efforts ci1e renev.1!C/ and t~ mission revNls ifS(}I( (00((' gl<Nious.
* } tfl.
] messenger[
'~ C(lf'tr«
A t.J11t.amc I.tile Of•t1t1t1N~ ~with fK)tfsj /Oii
-"""°II ct_.. Cf"""'9 t..~ '"""""" ""9 Its Uk;ioi;n .INles: f<JlrMI 00! StNtr (t'Ntutl5 S1JlPl'19 r1Jf ~ ldtint Str'NmS
Sa.><"'9 "' m. w""""'1w>g /'b)/tnr}
from foroolrtn mountains Faong thr Wflllg/1r lodm<) t/1(1 Colors
Around rf1e «19cs
R.,,._11ng "Nfll" Of 11PS1ieu WlE'S
R"'ng to -'> Thr IQt90lt«t MoUO&alrts
C""""'11r,,,..., loki ,,.. , _per.M
1__,,,..,.._, c;..,."'9 r/wt . . _ ,,,...,,,,...
"' •'°'9 <ho l:>tl(/y ......... "°'""9 ,,,. ..,,,, ni.tr il#e llW
.........,,.y_ .... yotJI
90IO 11'"""'
,,. '""'°" "'yOcJt
°"7 "91111, ... .....,.,,..,., ......... thitt ,,... to. fl"f)'$ s.dr>
* I
Mt ''"' hf.N'b.
tltri# okl cokJ bones "' .tUtumrl Mrtl rfltl fltttrintJ r.tr.tPJ ol rhiitl. f'UtJb(_., wadmi
,_"'""_...-.-. rJtt., ,. _, "'°"" '""" A ~ 5QUl1\\.t lllbc;Mt: .tn ~ v ft'tiw.rit19
into ,,_. ~ f#Nd of t\OW19'
Onoo/ "'f ,,..,..V" - - '1IO ~
m. Ml)' -
.. )ln.\1t19 ~
N1 .i QUir-4 CIMMft 1JI(' spld'it of a 1n1id b.>s.:s
•n $,>mmy"s /land.
lr-.11l~«J ¥>/4Jll •fl l~ tl'('(tS_
"too.I. Gran¥»/ ; qor tile fi'Mll • "Good-I Good l>oyl fflOug/> 1 mo>ed. • I .-.r cf1t-cJ.·$ '•'A")f}. l~bMJ~
rout,.... my h.tnd. •rid r;gtlttons f11mi('ll ro rhP trfle to '"" tow tll'N') tlf0trJr:sslr
,......_....,_..,._.., '"'" """tfd bonlbc.¥l
~..,......., ftbuml bid
* I
-..- ...... ,,,.. ........... ftllO
1nw1_,_., ftW!f•
°""''-- ,.. hfo .,. C)' IM'f
' b'gc , ""'' "'"'
•o. .
'lAlf ANO A GRAPfflftJlf
* -·-
IAftlll;[n EMERICK LJNFi1llD
, , JO
14115 l!n:
"'°' • ~ fWllc;, """'
" " ' mlldP • fW't)'Wtafft'
·--~llrd IOUl~·~-- IO a.noDl:tAU!¥ s z m r- lll'fd m~ • lllin I ) W '/QI.....,-.,,.,...,~
ayMtdftet RiM~
(0t1hdwK~"' lb (tt'Qdt MtlJ ~ llM """' lr1tWld ~Jf'lto-wt,. Md Ir.II of ~rrw c ,~,.,,.,h'd vr;u11t
"rwi t)
ft "1lOl •;)'OU .nfO (~ Mtd lut1 l'1 )OU' ti• t.il; I
n "Pi1UOt to111bodiecf
11 4 tnlflt '*"""-~ 1' 4 _, bnqlit 1/1/'fd JWff'f .wJ Mdc" ~ ;f ~ IPf"l/d Ol"9f ' ~,. , , . ~ '"-C' l70t'f) "" lil"<llC'ftf , . . "' rfwt MJtdJ of 111 ~ftnlJ ntY)"ftllrw If Wlf'ldl lr:Jttw#d •4? • tOMf ~ ~ ~ sonw-tiiiWil ""4i7Mf D'N'fi'N1 ,,..,,.,,,
.... ---~ *"' W• .._
#/llfd ... ~
""''" '£
l/Olld ~-.c..,,.
n j ....,, . , . 6ra:blt:s
Md,.,.,. ... bNm: llW ... ,,.,,, M'tt/ &#It'd~ And~ . . fWd """"1" Cll'Mutd ..........Mid ¥td ,,,,,,,. • llO dlOla' .ttl'flwf IU ~ CW ftQt
SHA•ON l~ ICKER tfAI 1'iG l~A~~t 'VVfttf 1•""'1. ~~' ~ C~rtt l'rw tot l'Ortt) I~,_,...
tnt-• N
IPDl'lt bt""'1td.,.. ~
,,...... _..-., lllX. •I J.lld ~ _, btr'll ~...,.,... Al'td . , , _ ... ,.,, v. £t1 d ~ /lll'd .,.. ~ ol OOl'3,,., "'911 al It«
_ ""--_,.,. ......... __ ,,,._.,.,,.., _ _ ft'llftl1'9 of'" wea:Nt:
'°'b~"I-~~ I~ flfpG' torwwig
Cl.,,,._. ID~
A~0>*4¥~ ADNd:> . . . . 4*'fl!..lt'
~, .... ..,, O'llf' P'l'ft>' Cirrlwl WNl'WIQ .... Old Jfwt
fJ"' .t Jht M:lclld "tllt;lrlfy tQ.l 4f'IOl.\'
dwf9rd ,..,_ ~ • I Wd
;1 vnt1I thett, wh(>n 1 don't kn~ i try to hold ro my course. but the dir«tion 1$ blvrr«!, Ide constMt ftash to afltlOi>ltee the fat' Sf.l(h a shote. ¥id WGh a shade of gray thar carts r.he ono/ light Ol'I SHnon on board the shape, <N'ld .so ' stoP f~ ~h1ng that ~vas miJde ro tn:ke rhe p/J<.c, of the f1ee (Hrle I ffll(j myself in s&H thirsty dnd so tN dnnk. and so t.Jte rhiJr 1'N tltke and sleep imtNCI seems n1ee. but )'OU've futlilkd yOtJr gr~tti$r I~<. in tepeat the same chain parh th.;lr INr led you down the Jim &me aloM. the ffl'St tN'OO you see the 111011d dfi.lw away ftom y0u1sctf, and the l)IClure ofyou, the po/afo•d, standN>g alone among t/le soors of the Wr theateT on the b{()(k, of old t:(t(S 8nd patking tors. an<J trade )'Of.If /.ast chance back for two penrnes and the Yb tare home. whe<e the N (UtflS olf ev!Jf'f nighr after a half hour has rimed 'fO'JI wakeup (.al( in the box wirh the alarm that runs lorth'e< SttmITTgJy on Ntrerie1 in antkfP,)tJOn of me tep('[ltion, and ~xl)('Ctdtions of everything )'OU don't )<et kn<»v.
* }
] messenger[
• ... .,..,,..... OiiJd" ~
............ ,,.,,..... tilt ..., """""' .. If tOl'l ewe e NI"•
• • ',,,..,.,,,,, . . . . at w PfPi °' ,,..
Ouf thJMll( ftlloi ~ ~ "'« NJoMC~ a '""""
...... ,,.. """,,,J.., "°,,.,,
,, • fl!/fNd hm 1111 ~ nJll'4
~ :ii&r
""' "".., ,;.-, ,., ,,., ,.,,, .....,.. ._,,r...,,. ~
•• """"' ""II .....
iD ~"'"..,,,. -
M'td IOtlWI .. ,,,,,
Y9r' """"' . , , . lfllld\
• ,,. •dl'li) "4iftl..., J ....
., ....
d:10"I .,..... ., ..,. .....,.
,,,,.; • M'd" ~., ...
""'/Olf! ,,. 11'1 Mi'fll\o ~
tJiC'lf"t ,,~ lot IO~ bl'oilft ~"",..,,. v-.m Ard 9*ftt """ tu ,..,., ll!W1. I "-'-'--" ,
Ccmr Md/fJI' lftr' •
~,,.,,,...., """"'~ llleh!llN .,:td cm. twn .... fltl/'flP MIP'PG.
nw.. •
'°""'c.aus. .,., , ,,..\_
JOI' ,,,. ., ,....,, ,......, W" , Ut• ,,.. pan.
AAJ CJ'OOl:f'd <~ Ow< 1"¥# JnC1111
JOI MAGLIARO ~HULGArE, NJ (~V1nn11r ol '"• ''''' ''' i1w.Jrd)
* )
1"'/Mg/wo SfAJ'F
"""' '"""'
Lcwra Nazimek. Andrew Chiacchiennl Beth Thomas S..dm Iqbal 0..00 !MegelK.Jth~ F01tr Tiffany Pendf!f trene Arce
Carrie K.enad'/ ADVISOR Dr 1"' £""1 UNIVER.SffY FACVLIY 0<. Srep!M.¥1 Addi$$ DI. Dof'la Hkkey Dr. Angela &JI/ lf/ANKS
AN studenu who submitted plf!Ces f0t con.sidetdtlOfl
GRACIOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TM Untvetstty of Rldlmond Ssudenl Govemmenr Associalions of. Richmond CQ/k!ge. wes1hampron College&> E Ctalfbome Robtns Sc.hoof ()f 8(JSll"lfSS MIJf()IJte:. H.,fey Ca1pentet Endo-Nmeflt
llf)( OE-sign M'<HhulgtOI), D()
/'RJNT Pf<ODUCTION Good-N<>j Gt•/)/>K:S '51><m9f,.ld. VAi
] messenger{