OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS We celebrate the accomplishments of UR’s talented faculty and staff. See more accomplishments and submit your own grant, publication, or honor at richmond.edu/ faculty-staff.
TAYLOR ARNOLD, associate professor of statistics, and Lauren Tilton, assistant professor of digital humanities, received a $324,693 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support a project to build open-source software for collecting and analyzing digital images. ASHLEY AUSTIN, assistant professor of account-
ing, received a grant from KPMG for her project “Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk: Improving Auditors’ Fraud Detection with Coaching in a Culture of Challenge,” which she is co-authoring with a colleague at the University of Georgia. TYLER BETZHOLD, executive chef, received the designation of Certified Culinary Administrator (CCA) from the American Culinary Federation. The CCA is one of the highest certifications by the ACF and recognizes expertise in culinary skills, management, and leadership in the food industry.
KRISTIN BEZIO, associate professor of leadership
studies, co-edited Religion and the Early Modern British Marketplace (Routledge). JENNIFER BOWIE, associ-
ate professor of political science, with an undergraduate political science major, published the chapter “Jones v. Mississippi on Life Without Parole for Youth Offenders” in SCOTUS 2021: Major Decisions and Developments of the US Supreme Court (Palgrave Macmillan). STEVEN BROWN, adjunct professor of human
resource management, has been named to the board of governors of the Virginia Bar Association, representing the Capitol region.
DAN CHEN, assistant professor of political science, co-authored “Policy Stringency, Political Conditions, and Public Performances of Pandemic Control: An International Comparison” in Public Performance and Management Review. RONALD CRUTCHER, University Professor and president emeritus, participated on the panel “Harmonizing DEI, Free Expression, and Academics” at the SXSW EDU 2022 conference in Austin as a member of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Academic Leaders Task Force on Campus Free Expression.
ERIKA ZIMMERMANN DAMER, associate professor
of classical studies and women, gender, and sexuality studies, published the chapter “What’s in a Name? Mapping Women’s Names from the Graffiti of Pompeii and Herculaneum” in Women’s Lives, Women’s Voices: Roman Material Culture and Female Agency in the Bay of Naples (University of Texas Press). JONATHAN DATTELBAUM, professor of chemis-
try, received $1.96 million in funding from the National Science Foundation to support biochemistry research experiences for undergraduate students. Dattelbaum is the co-principal investigator for the five-year project, which involves collaboration among faculty at nine schools. MARIAMA REBELLO DE SOUSA DIAS, assistant pro-
fessor of physics, published “Machine Learning Roadmap for Perovskite Photovoltaics” in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
MEGAN DRISCOLL, assistant professor of art history, published “The Technicity of Blackness: On Failures and Fissures in the Art of Sondra Perry” in Art Journal. DELLA DUMBAUGH, professor of mathematics, co-edited Count Me In: Community and Belonging in Mathematics (American Mathematical Society). LINDA FAIRTILE, head librarian of the Parsons
Music Library, was named to the editorial board of The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, the critical edition of that composer’s works.
DONELSON FORSYTH, Colonel Leo K. and Gaylee Thorsness Endowed Chair in Ethical Leadership, published “Recent Advances in the Study of Group Cohesion” in Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. GENGSONG GAO, assistant professor of Chinese studies, published “Post-Tiananmen Chinese Liberal Intellectuals’ Political Uses of Confucian Tradition and Chinese History” in the Journal of Contemporary China. MARSHALL GEIGER, CSX Chair in Management
and Accounting, received funding from the Foundation for Auditing Research in the Netherlands for his project “Auditors’ Going Concern Decisions: Insights from Practice.” The project interviews audit partners and senior managers regarding the difficult decision to render financially stressed companies a “going concern.”