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Poe's Richwwnd the life and ideas of Poe have been interwoven with the history and culture of early nineteenth-century Richmond so as to reveal both writer and city in an unprejudiced manner. In Chapter I the city is presented as Poe's contemporaries described it. Not a few of the contemporaries were well-known writers, but they all had varying backgrounds and visited the city at different intervals. The other chapters reveal the industries and business, the law, politics and patriotism , the librari es and books, the church, the theatre and other amusements, and Poe's home environment and friends as they might have influenced the writer, who lived among them. Size 5½x8½ inches, 264 pages, illustrated. PRICE $3 .00
Volume VI
JUNE, 1942
Number 4
AndNewStudents By F. W. BOATWRIGHT, '88 It was not my privilege, on account of official duties, to be present at the meeting of the Alumni Council held during commencement, but I understand that the Council voted to make enrollment of new students in the University its chief undertaking for 1942-43. This action shows a thoughtful understanding of the stresses of war upon our institution, as upon all colleges. The University employs no paid agents to seek out high school graduates and direct them to its sses. It does not even use scholarships to attract students to its shman classes. Students already in the University who make • good records and need help are always given first consideration in the award of scholarships. The University depends primarily upon the record of its able teachers, the attractiveness of its campus and its excellent physical equipment, plus the cooperation of those who have studied here, to draw students to the institution . Thus far these forces have been sufficient to keep dormitories and classrooms full of ambitious students. Today, however, with Army, Navy, Marine and Air Corps calling for young men, and ever more young men, all colleges have suffered enrollment losses, and face yet greater losses. The prospective drop in attendance in colleges for men in 1942-43 is variously estimated from 15% to 50%. Dean Pinchbeck predicted in his June report to our trustees a probable decline in Richmond College of 20%. Such a drop in enrollment taken with the steady decline in rates of interest on all endowments would seriously affect our ability to maintain the University at present standards of efficiency. It should not be allowed to occur if it can possibly be prevented. And I believe it can be prevented. For the session of 1941-42, just closed, the University of Richmond showed a decline in attendance of slightly over 7% as compared with the previous session, while President Walters of the University of Cincinnati, statistician for the Association of American Colleges, found that the average decline in college and university enrollment for the United States was 9.16% . With the active help of our alumni we can make a better showing for 1942-43 than we did last session. WHAT
First of all he can commend the University to his friends, especially A.those who have sons or daughters recently graduated from high .ool, or to the young people themselves. Then he can send the names of those who are real prospects to Acting Dean B. C. Holtz-
claw of Richmond College, or to Dean May L. Keller of Westhamp ton College, or to Dean M . Ray Doubles of the Law School, all with post office University of Richmond , Va. (Dean Pinchbeck is on furlough ' 'for the duration" in order to serve the Government as Price Executive for Virginia .) Catalogues and full information will be promptly sent to each prospect. In the next place, if a gifted student of insufficient means needs help, and the alumnus himself is not in position to give aid, he should encourage the student to seek help from his friends, should assist him in securing the aid of local philanthropists, or call on the University for scholarship or NY A aid. At this time all Westhampton College scholarships for 1942-43 have been awarded, but there are still a few major or minor scholarships available in Richmond College for worthy student s with high records. It is expected that NY A aid will be at least as gener ous as heretofore. Campus jobs for 1942-43 have already been assigned to students above the freshman class. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIE
The war imposes many hardships upon colleges, but recent decisions of the War and Navy Departments have opened new oppor tunities to students subject to draft. Qualified students who make good class records may now enlist in almost any branch of the armed services and be assured of deferment until they have completed a degree course. The Government expects a long war and knows it will be needing officer material for probably the full length of a college course. There are also opportunities open to students not yet subject to draft, and they may improve their chances of appointment as officers by pushing ahead under our accelerated class program , which permits graduation in three years. The War and Navy Departments promise to make early announcement of allotments to approved colleges (of which Richmond College is one), but at this writing (June 18) the announcement concerning allotments of privileged students has not been received. It will probably come before July 1, and interested persons may obtain information by writing to Dr. B. C. Holtzclaw , Acting Dean . It is interesting to note , by the way, that thirty-two students entered our Summer School direct from high school graduation. This is an indication of the eagerness of many boys to advance their college training as rapidly as possible. With this feeling abroad in the land it should not be difficult for alumni and other friends of the University to send us all the students we can teach in 1942-43.
Entered at the post office of the University of Richm ond , Virginia , as second-class matte r.
400 AttendJointBanque Four hundred alumni and alumnae joined in the banquet which Jr., '16, Richmond; R. T. Marsh, Jr., '22, Richmond; Rev. J. Maurice climaxed the annual celebration of the ol' grads on May 30th. The Trimmer, D.D., '27, Macon, Ga.; John Harris Welsh, '30, Washdinner followed a day of festivity on both sides of the University ington; Alfred J. Dickinson, Jr., '37, Washington. A lake and was highlighted by an address by Dave E. Satterfield, Jr., Hill Montague, of Richmond, was chosen to fill the vaca19 '17. caused by the death of the Rev. R. T. Marsh, D.D., '94. Malcolm Announced earlier in the day was the election of officers for U. Pitt, Jr., who earlier in the day had been given the Alumni 1942-43 with W. Richard Broaddus, 'Jr., '20, Council medal as the outstanding member of of Martinsville, heading the list as president the graduating class was chosen to represent the for a second term. class of 1942. Others chosen were R. E. Booker, '24, of Registration at noon started the day's activiRichmond; Charles Hill Ryland, '36, of Warties. Among the scores of early-comers were saw, and Taylor Sanford, '29, of Chatham, vice members of the classes of 1892 and 1917, with presidents; Alfred J. Dickinson, Jr., '37, of SO years and 25 years, respectively, behind them Washington, treasurer; Richard W. Walden, since they left the portals of Richmond College. III, '22, of Richmond, representative to the Registration was followed by the alumni Athletic Council, and Watkins Fugate, '32, of luncheon at which the class of 1942 was inductRichmond (now in the U.S. Navy), and Frank ed into the Alumni Society. The induction cereG. Louthan, '10, of Richmond, members of the mony was conducted by the Rev. Robert F. executive committee. Caverlee, D.D., '21, of Fredericksburg, who Nominated for membership on the board of awarded the Alumni Council medal to Mac Pitt, trustees were J. Vaughan Gary, ' 12, of RichJr. mond , an incumbent; Jesse W . Dillon, '27, of Alumnus Porter Vaughan, '40, was the big Richmond, and Dr. H. G. Noffsinger, '98, of feature of the next attraction, a baseball game Bristol. between the Spiders and the Camp Lee soldiers. The Alumni Council chose R. W. Nuckols, Vaughan and the rest of the Camp team were '21, of Richmond, president; W. B. F. Cole, a bit too powerful and the visitors won 13 to 6. '12, of Fredericksburg, first vice president, and From the baseball game the alumn i moved R. E . Booker, of Richmond, second vice presiacross the lake to join the Westhampton ladies dent. Joseph E. Nettles, '30, and R. M. Stone, at the joint banquet which was presided over by '30, were chosen secretary and treasurer, reJohn Archer (Nick) Carter, '16. The program W. Richard Broaddus, Jr. spectively. Chosen to the executive committee was arranged by a joint committee of which the were John Harris Welsh, '30, of Washington; John J. Wicker, Jr., Rev. J. C. (Tiny) Wicker, '19, was chairman. 'J 6, of Richmond; Ralph P. Moore, ' 38, of Durham, N. C., and the From the banquet, the ol' grads filed into the Luther H. Jenk•. , Rev. Frank C. Riley, ' 13, of South Boston. Greek Theatre where Dr. Ralph C. McDanel, '16, professor of I Reelected to the Council for a five-year term were B. P. Willis, tory, gave a magnificent performance in the leading role of " u, '88, of Fredericksburg; R. 0. Norris, Jr., 99, of Lively; Dr. Julian Town." He got good support from other members of the cast and L. Rawls, '01, of Norfolk; Overton D. Dennis, '08, of Richmond; the play was ably directed by Alton Williams. The performance Rev. Frank C. Riley, D.D., '13, South Boston; George W. J. Blume, was given by the University Players in honor of alumnae and alumni '14, Richmond; J. Vaughan Gary, '15, Richmond; John J. Wicker, of the University.
* * * Universityof Richmond Graduates176 Against a backdrop of war, the University of Richmond ended the 110th session by graduating 176 men and women, many of whom were prepared to go immediately into the armed service or into essential industries. In addition to the 176 degrees, Alma Mater had a scroll for C. Yates McDaniel, '27, chief of bureau for the Associated Press in Australia , the correspondent whose graphic story of the fall of Singapore won universal praise. The citation , written by Dr. Douglas S. Freeman, '04, rector of the University's board of trustees, praised the man who "after years of notable service as a correspondent of the Associated Press in the Far East, followed the fortunes of the democratic cause from China to Singapore to Java and to Australia; from defeat to rally and from rally to the promise of victory. Through the entire campaign he has faced danger with the courage of the soldier and has reported events with the care of the historian." The scroll will be mailed to McDaniel in Melbourne. The commencement address was made by Judge John J. Parker of [ 2
the Fourth U. S. District Court of Charlotte who advocated a league of nations, a world court and a police foKe powerful enough to deal effectively with any group of "international bandits." The Rev. Floyd W. Putney, D.D. '04, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Newport News, preached the baccalaureate sermon. A feature of commencement was the presentation to the University of portraits of Dr. Garnett Ryland, '92, for 25 years professor of chemistry (see cover); of B. West Tabb, '01, for 30 years treasurer until his death last August, and of James B. Taylor, prominent Baptist minister who more than a century ago had an important part in the establishment of Richmond College. Dr. Ryland's portrait was presented by Dr. James T. Tucker, '23, on behalf of former students and other friends. Mr. Tabb's portrait was presented on behalf of the family by the Rev. Theodore F. Adams, D.D., pastor of the First Baptist Church of Richmond, and the painting of Taylor was presented by his grandson, Dr. H. Marshall Taylor, •P, of Jacksonville, Fla.
Reviews·Effort of This Nation to Defend Its Inheritance
(Alumni D ay Address by DAVE E. SATTERFIELD, '17)
Today is Memorial Day. With the world torn asunder by war, this day offers us an opportunity to emphasize those ideals which wiJI help us win throug'.1 10 the great conflict now raging all over the world. This is a solemn hour, fraught with much danger. The whole world is beset with forces of evil. In Europe, Asia, and Africa the nightmare of modern warfare is no longer a dream that is spent with the morning light but a vivid reality, an accomplished fact to be taken literally and with no illusions. The ingenuity of the inventor has equipped an army with new weapons of warfare mechanically perfect and infernally efficient, and with them the calculated cruelty of the conqueror has extinguished the national life of once powerful people and even now is threatening with extinction the Christian civilization of Western Europe. Destroyed forever is the fiction that those who crave only peace can preserve it through blind isolation. Our country is at the crossroads of history. Her destiny is before her. Her national debt is colossal, her industry only convalescent from the illness of depression, and her business men harassed by worry and apprehension. Her labor groups are engaged in fratricidal skirmishes; her Congress is threatened by organized bands of malcontents constantly demanding special privileges and benefits. By now, we know that national well-being is no accident. It does not just happen. As we undertake to make this country the arsenal of democracy, and to build an Army, Air Force, and Navy the like of which the world has never seen, we are greatly concerned that there are disturbing domestic fronts on which we must in this hour of world crisis continue to battle if we are going to make democracy acceed here at home. Certain it is that we are fast losing the habit self-government. Why? One of the reasons is the restlessness of people, not only in our own country but everywhere in the world. The present turmoil is largely attributed to the fact that those who are leading have lost the spiritual instinct. The simple know less and feel more, and despise those who know more and feel less. The average citizen, and particularly that large segment of our pop ulation which has not had the benefit of an education, together with that group, possessors of college degrees and yet uneducated, are giving free rein to feeling, uncontrolled by understanding. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall in his farewell address to the United States Senate said, "Religions die because priests mumble their creeds but have no faith in their Gods. Governments go to wreck because their statesmen shout aloud their shibboleths, but let a friendly enemy pass the ford." Governments also fail as did the ancient democracies, for the need of leadership all the way from Washington to the smallest township and country. There is a premium on leadership, today, and the challenge is to the graduates of colleges and universities. I do not believe that institutions of learning will be able to give very specific instructions about governing the world in the future . . . . but the hope of the world is that people like you and me . . . who have had the benefit of college training . . . will be able to demonstrate to those who follow us, that the processes of education have truly converted us from thoughtless undergraduates to thoughtful people . No group of people in all the world knows better than we do that "knowledge keeps no better than fish." It is habits and points of view that really count. We cannot go on successfully unless we ponder the wisdom of the past. If a liberal-arts training could guarantee a proper respect for these words of Emerson the battle u]d be won. Do you not remember these Jines? , "You cannot properly estimate what the years are saying to you . . . until you have knowledge of what the centuries have already told you."
Lord Grey was gravely saying some months ago that the lights of civilization were going out one by one all OYer Europe. That happc:neJ long ago when Rome fell and the seat of government was moved from the river Tiber to the Bosphorus. Learning was driven into the monasteries . . . monarchs reigned who could not write their own names, and ruthlessness and ignorance prevailed for a thousand years. These things follow in the wake of Atheism, race hatred, and brute force. These are the results sure to follow if the Totalitarian Nations are victorious. Thank God those lights still burn . . . in some places they flicker as a guttering candle, but they are not and they will not go out! Not so long ago it was considered smart in some of the colleges of the land to belittle patriotism. Some of the high priests of intellectua lity were wont to go about the land making sarcastic remarks portraying patriotism as a childish thing. Student bodies were parading with placards announcing to their countrymen that they would not fight even if their country was invaded. The great word Patriot is coming back. For a long time it was spoken only in a whisper. A real patriot does not like to be described, pointed out or praised. He does not think of what he is but of what he does. How can you tell one? Here are a few: A worker in the shops invented what is now considered the best rifle in the world. He refused to cash in. He gave his invention to his country. His name is Garand . A young man gave up $48,000 a year and the presidency of the New York Stock Exchange-that den of evil! He refused to seek a commission. He went in as a buck private . His name is Martin. Another, the son of the greatest name in modern American military annals also refused to wangle his Senator for a commission and a cushion. His name is Pershing . A prize fighter who never sold out his crowd , risks his title and gives his entire earnings to his buddies. His name is Louis. The manufacturers of gasoline pumps announce they will give to their country all earnings in excess of their average profits for the past five years. Their name is Business Man . A group of Hoosier farmers have pledged themselves to return all government checks while the war is on. Well, the second World War has come and here we are, you and I. You have come fresh from your homes and respective businesses. I have come fresh from a great theater in Washington upon whose boards the performance of a great play has begun. The actors who shape the trend of action and the thin line of the story are a long way off, for they are in Europe, Australia, and the Far East. It is in many ways a rather remarkable play, because the audience . . . the American people . . . cannot ]eave until the show is over, and they cannot control the length of the performance, nor the number of acts. There is one happy circumstance, however, and that is that this great audience of American people is not now divided in opinion. No longer does even a respectable minority regard this great undertaking as a comedy of errors . . . all are united in the common view that it is the world's starkest tragedy . It is the same old story. Lloyd George used to say, "The people who think that they can begin a new era of peace while the Prussian military power is unbroken are laboring under a strange delusion." It is pretty evident to the world that George 's statement is as true today as it was in 1917. The old world still believes in justice, fair play, liberty, and righteousness, but the trouble is it has failed to exercise that eternal vigilance necessary to guard and preserve those ideals . England and France have been nodding, and for those forty winks the world has been paid off in not just a war, or a revolution
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Biologyat the University of Richmond e Learning must be advanced as well as perpetuated. Indeed in the last analysis ii is only by advancing learning that it is possible to perpetuate ii. The present faculty of the Department of Biology consists of Professors John Wendell Bailey, Robert Forte Smart and Hugh Irvin Myers. Of the departments of science in the University of Richmond that of biology is the youngest. Instruction in biology in Richmond College was first offered in the fall of 1903. Since that time 4,487 individual students have taken courses in the department; 2,995 boys and 1,492 girls. Of that number 429 were majors in biology; 208 boys and 221 girls. Work in the Department of Biology was first recognized as a major in September, 1921. The work of the department has been done by 13 faculty members and 31 graduate assistants. Many advanced undergraduate students have served as assistants in the laboratori es, the museum, the herbarium and the departmental library. Although the Departm ~ot of Biology of the University of Richmond is not primarily a research department, its students are taui.;ht the principles of investigation and are encouraged to satisfy that int ellectual curiosity of the scientist, young and old. Of the 34 students who have taken graduate work in this department 16 earned the Mast er's degree, most of the others were better preparing themselves for graduate work at some of the larger universities. Since September, 1929-a t which time the present staff came to the University-there have been 22 5 majors in biology. Of that number 109 have entered graduate or professional schools; 46 in pure biology and 63 in medicine. Those who have done graduate work in pure biology have studied at the following institution s : University of Richmond, University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute , Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass.; Chesapeake Biological Station , Solomon's Island, Maryland ; the Marine Biological Station at Beaufort , N. C.; Johns Hopkins , Brown, Duk e, Wellesley, Yale, Minnesota, Ch icago, Cornell, and Harvard. Seven of our recent graduates have earned their Ph.D. degre es ( six others are nearing the completion of their doctorate work), and 35 have been awarde d their Masters degree from various universities. The following list include s some of those maiors in the department who have done graduate work in the field of pure biology, and whose records we now have. It is to be regretted that we do not have the complete records and photographs of all of our former major students. To those who read these lin es we earnestly ask your cooperation in completing our record of your activities. Carroll Milton Williams, '37; M.A., 1938; Ph.D. , 1941, Harvard. Now a member of the Harvard Society of Fellows doing research on the physiology of flight. Election to the Society of Fellows is the highest honor that can be awarded a Harvard graduate. He attended Harvard on various scholarships, and served as instructor in comparative anatomy and entomology. Arden Howell, Jr., '33; M.A., 1935; Ph.D., 1939, Harvard. Now instructor, Medical Mycology, School of Tropical Medicine, Tulane. H e held a scholarship and assistantship in botany at Harvard. Stuart Wellford Cook, '34; M.A., 1934, Richmond; Ph.D., 1938 , Minnesota. Now assistant, Department of Psychology, Minnesota. Cook held a scholarship and assisted in comparative anatomy at Richmond , and in psychology at Minnesota. Hugh Irvin Myers, B.A., 1930, Mississippi College; M .A., 1932, Richmond; Ph .D. , 1935, Brown. Now assistant professor of
Biology, University of Richmond. Myers held a scholarship and assistantship at Richmond for two years and served in a similar capacity at Brown for three years. He returned to Richmond in 1935 as assistant professor of Biology . Edgar William Ligon, Jr. , '32; Ph.D., 1938, Duke . Now Professor of Pharmacology, George Washington Medical College, Washington, D. C. For two years Ligon served as instructor in comparative anatomy at Richmond and then assisted in zoology at Duke while doing graduate work. Raymond Ray Lanier, Jr., '35 ; Ph.D., 1939, Washington University. Now instructor in Anatomy, Medical School, Washington University, St. Louis. Lanier was a graduate scholar in Anthropology for one year at Duke, going to Washington University as assistant in Anthropology. Everett Stanley Luttrell, '3 7 ; Ph.D. , 1940, Duke . Now Biologist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Division . He held a fellowship in botany at Duke. James Graves Wilson, B.A., 1936, Mississippi College ; M.A., 1938, University of Richmond; Ph.D., 1941, Yale. Now research worker at Yale. He served as assistant in zoology at Richmond for two years, held a scholarship at Brown for one year, and served as research assistant at Yale for two years. Aaron Bascom Hardcastle, '34; M .A., 1936, Richmond. Now doing graduate work in zoology on a scholarship at Duke. He served two years as assistant in zoology at Richmond and has just received the doctor 's degree at Duke. He also taught two years at Hop& well, Va. • Roy Van Neste Talmage , B.A., 1938, Maryville College; M.A ., 1941, Richmond. Talmage attended Duke for one session and served for two years as assistant in zoology at Richmond. He is now a research assistant in zoology at Harvard where he is studying toward his doctor's degree. Research work at Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. , 1941. Grover Cleveland Pitts, '39; M.A. , 1940, Harvard. Now doing graduate work in zoology toward his doctor's degree at Harvard , where he holds a scholarship and a teaching fellowship. John Claiborne Strickland, '37; M .A., 1939 , Virginia. He served one year as assistant in botany at Richmond , and now holds a scholarship and assistantship at Virginia where he is working towards the doctor's degree in botany. Lewis Charles Goldstein, '38; M.A., 1940 . Goldstein served two years as assistant in zoology at Richmond and now holds a similar appointment at Virginia. Margaret Dana Slaughter, '33; M.A ., 1934 in zoology. Now Mrs . A. B. Hardcastle. Roy Nelson Puckett , '34; M .A. , 1936 in botany . Now instructor in science, Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond. Sue Gardner Florence , '31; M.S., Johns Hopkins, 1933. Miss Florence attended Johns Hopkins on a zoology scholarship and at the completion of her work there was appointed research assistant at the Medical College of Virginia , but illness and subsequent death prevented her from assuming the duties she had prepared for so well. Marshall Washington Smith, '33; M.A., 1934 . Now teaching biology in Lynchburg. Smith did his graduate work in botany . , Helen Rhoda Cornish, '33; M .A., '39. Will enter Radcliffe Colle
(Continued on page 20)
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® (1 )--Pitts (9)-Pace
(2)--Howell (10)-Wilson
(3)-Strickland (4)-Walton (5)-Carsley (6)-Goldstein (7)-Myers (11)-Cook (12)-d'Avesne (13)-Lanier (14)-Ligon (15)-Hardcastle ( 17)-Luttrell ( 18)-Cornish ( 19)-Puckett
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(8)-Slaughter (16)-Williams
ALUMNAE ELECT MARTHAELLIOTT '39 , Tire rationing and gas rationing made little difference to Westhampton alumnae when one of the largest groups ever to return at commencement came back for Alumnae Day on May 30th. A large number were present to hear Dr. Martha B. Lucas, dean of students, discuss, "Japanese Philosophy and Religion as a Basis for Understanding the Present Situation in the Far East," at the symposium meeting Saturday morning. She was followed by Anna Riddick, '22, who spoke on, "Some Highlights in the Life of an Interior Decorator." Introduced by Dr. Emily Gardner, '18, as one who made all knowledge contributory to her chosen field of philosophy, Professor Martha Lucas, who entered the faculty of Westhampton College as Dean of Students in September, 1941, made her first address before the alumnae of that College at their annual reunion. She traced with clarity and revealing material the historical evolution of Japanese thought, and gave her hearers deepened insight into the mind and will of contemporary Japan along ethical and philosophical lines. Anna Riddick's, ' 22, skill in fashioning costumes for the wellremembered Florentine Water Pageant given by her class on the Westhampton Lake at their senior commencement when Botticelli's characters and Raphael's lovely madonnas were presented to a large audience in costumes designed by her skill with remarkable fidelity in the famous Renaissance paintings was recalled by Professor Lough in her introduction of Miss Riddick, whose class was holding its twentieth reunion and whose members were present in goodly numbers to hear her witty and inspiring talk. Humorously rehearsing the unpredictable events that turned her from a scholar 's path after receiving her M.A. in History from the University of Chicago and teaching for several years, she revealed the aesthetic judgment , practical skill and perceptive understanding of the American scene that have entered into her work as an interior decorator in Raleigh , N. C. She closed her talk with a magnetic plea for sustaining and developing through the home those democratic ideals that our country now fights to uphold. This morning program in which an outstanding alumna and a member of the faculty discuss their especial interest or a timely topic has become one of the most valued features of Alumnae Day. The roster of those who have spoken in former years is something of a partial If/ ho's If/ ho among alumnae , while the years ahead have rich promise of new endeavors and valued attainments to be shared with Westhampton alumnae in this annual feature of their reunion. The annual luncheon in the Tea Room was in honor of Mrs. Edith Harker , who has been on the Westhampton music faculty for twenty-five years. Martha J. Elliott, ' 39, presented her with a silver bowl on behalf of the Association. Excellent committee reports were made at the afternoon business meeting. Miss Isabel Harris , chairman of the Loan Fund, reported fewer unpaid loans than in any previous year. There is a balance of $606. 71 in the Fund. Marian Wiley, manager of the Bookshop , report ed a net profit of $38 4.96 to the alumnae. The balance in the
Martha Elliott, '39, president-elect and Phyllis Ann Coghill, '41, secretary-elect.
Endowment Fund was voted to be invested in war bonds. The alumnae secretary reported a balance of $416.66 in the Alumnae Fund. Local clubs reported successful years in spite of transportation difficulties. The Association passed the following resolution with a standing vote: "The Westhampton College Alumnae Association in annual meeting, May 30, 1942, affirms its faith in the imperishab c blessing to mankind of truth and freedom and dedicates itself as a group and as individuals to the efforts that shall be necessary to preserve that blessing for our own country and the other peoples of the earth." The climax of the day was the banquet held with the alumni of Richmond College for the first time in ten years. May Thompson Evans welcomed the graduating class into the Association and brought greetings to the group from the Westhampton College Alumnae Association. The address of the evening was made by Dave E. Satterfield, Jr. Westhampton placed the future of the Alumnae Association in the hands of her younger alumnae by electing Martha J. Elliott, ' 39, as national president of the Alumnae Association. She succeeds May Thompson Evans, '21. Miss Elliott taught for a year at Varina High School before coming to .Richmond to be a member of the staff of the First Baptist Church. While in college, she was a member of Tau Kappa Alpha , Phi Beta Kappa, and Mortar Board. During her senior year she was chairman of the honor council. She is the daughter of John Wesley Elliott, '13, and the niece of Ruth Elliott Trice, '17. Dr. Louise Fry Galvin, '26, was named vice-president to succeed Ruth Powell Tyree, '23. Members-at-large elected were: Celeste Anderson O'Flaherty, '15; Mary Ryland Babcock, '32, and Annabel Lumpkin Hessel, '40. Phyllis Ann Coghill, '41, was named Westhampton College Alumnae Secretary to succeed Marian Wiley, '39, who is resigning. Miss Coghill, one of the most attractive members of her class, is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and was editor of the Messenger during her senior year. For the past year she has been a member of t}A faculty of Highland Springs High School. W She is the daughter of Dr. Harvie DeJarnette Coghill, '16.
* *Fund * Cup '17Wins The class of ' 17 celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday by winning the Alumnae Fund Cup, given for having the highest percentage of its members contributing to the Alumnae Fund. The cup, a gift of Elizabeth Hoover, '22, was presented to Anne-Ruth Harris, the class secretary, at the alumnae luncheon on Alumnae Day. Thirty-eight and five-tenths per cent of the members of '17 gave to the fund. Second place went to '16 with 25 % contributing and ' 18 ranked third with 23.1 % . The class of '41, with Helen Martin as its secretary, had the highest number of contributors, 16. This is the second year that the cup has been awarded. Last June · it was won by the class of ' 21 which was celebrating its twentieth reunion. A total of $609.97 has been contributed to the Alumnae Fund, $9.00 less than last year which was a record year. One hundred seventy-eight alumnae contributed with gifts ranging from $100 to fifty cents. One alumna after reading the BULLETINwas prompted to send in $18.75 to be spent for a war bond for the Association. The classes with the percentages of their members contributing, follow : ' 15, 21.3 % ; ' 16, 25 % ; '17, 38.5 % ; ' 18, 23.1 % ; '19, 13.3 %; ' 20, 17.4 % ; ·21, 22.2 % ; ·22, 22.5 %; '23, 15.7%; '24, 8.3 % ; '25, 16.3 % ; '26, 19.6 % ; '27, 7.5 % ; '28, 1.8%; '29, 8.9%; -~ 16.2 % ; '31, 16% ; '32 , 6.6 % ; '33, 10% ; '34 , 12%; '35, 10.6;;1,..., ' 36, 12% ; '37, 15.8 %; ' 38, 17.6 %; '39, 18.5% ; '40, 17.9 %, '41, 22.5 % ,
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Malcolm U. Pitt, athletic director; W. Fred Caylor, business manager, and John L. Fenlon, football coach.
Trackmen Smash Four Records Four University of Richmond track records tumbled during the 1942 season with two of the new marks going to "Long John" Griffin, the Poquoson giant who will take rank among the greatest weightmen ever developed in Virginia. He pushed the shot forty-eight feet, two and one-half inches to , break his own record to which he had been adding distance all 9 :ason and he hurled the discus 154 feet to break the mark formerly neld by Ensign Bill Morrison, '39. Captain Owen Gwathmey won the two-mile race in the State meet in nine minutes, forty-eight and one-tenth seconds to erase the outdoor record held by the Rev. William Lumpkin, '37, but he wasn't close to Bill's great indoor performance of nine minutes, thirty-one and three-tenths seconds. Captain-elect Dick Thistlethwaite, most versatile man on the team, cleared the bar at six feet and seveneighths of an inch to erase the mark of five feet, eleven and fiveeighths inches set by H . V. (Sonny) Joyce in 1933. The new record breakers take their place among the list of Spider greats on the track and in the field. By universal consent the greatest of them is Lester Tharpe , '27, whose records of 49.8 in the 440; 1 :56 .8 in the 880, and 4:22.6 in the mile still stand. He 's the only man to hold three records. Two others, Griffin and Victor (Turkey) Chaltain, '34, each hold two. Turkey has the high hurdles record of fifteen seconds flat and low hurdles record of twenty-four seconds . Oldest alumnus on the list of record holders is Olin Richardson, '07, whose ten seconds in the century has been tied four times but never surpassed. Others who have done the 100 in ten flat are L. S. Liggan in 1916 , Virgil H. Goode in 1926 , H. F. Hamilton in 1927, and Jack Bristow in 1937. Other record holders are Horace (Speedy) Vail, 22 .2 seconds in the 220; Woodrow W. Clark , '36, 213 feet , 81/7 inches in winning the national junior A.A.U. championship in the javelin; G. Clinton Moore, '42, 12 feet, 8 inches in the pole vault, and "Sonny" Joyce, '34, 2 2 feet , 9 inches in the broad jump.
Wheeler Paces U. of R. Nine The Spiders put another successful baseball season in the book eith ten victories and only five defeats in college competition. In "dddition, they broke even in two tilts with service teams, def eating Camp Lee and losing to the Norfolk Naval Training Station nine . [ 7
University of Virginia, '42, Homecoming Foe Virginia's Cavaliers, returning to the University of Richmond schedule for the first time in twenty-five years, will be the Homecoming foe of the Spiders on October 17th. The game with the Wahoos will be one of seven home contests on the Richmond schedule of ten games which will open with a night contest with Camp Lee's soldiers. The schedule: *Sept. 19 *Sept. 26 *Oct. 2 *Oct . 1O Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov . 26 *Night ;-,, , , 11 111 1111111111111111,1111111111,,,,,
Camp Lee N. C. State George Washington Randolph-Macon Virginia V.M.I. W. & L. V.P.I. Hampden-Sydney William and Mary game. ,,,,,,
, ,, , ,,,,111,,1,11111,1111111111111111
City Stadium Raleigh Washington City Stadium City Stadium City Stadium City Stadium City Stadium Hampden-Sydn ey City Stadium
11 1 111111111
1 11111111,,1111,
1 11111,
Al Wheeler, left-handed veteran, had a perfect year with seven victories and no defeats . Another veteran, Walter (Sonny) Wholey at second base, set the hitting pace with .365, and still another veteran, Mac Pitt, Jr., set the defensive pace with no errors during an ent ire season in right field. Wholey, Pitt and Archie Giragosian, little third sacker, have finished their baseball careers but Wheeler has another year of eligibility left and may be in school next session. H e was elected to captain the 1943 nine. Unless Uncle Sam's Army and Navy claims the service of several of the keymen in the sophomore infield the Spiders should turn up a pretty good defensive team next spring, particularly so if Lou Ciola and Bob Houghton , a pair of freshman hurlers , succeed in making the varsity grade.
Harris, '38; Britton, ,~1, Join War Dead As the number of alumni known to be in the armed forces passes the 400- mark , Alma Mater tearfully but proudly acknowledges the loss of two more of her sons who died to make our world a decent place for decent peoples. Sergeant Sidney Harris , '3 8, died in action in the Philippines , March 28th. Aviation Cadet Frank H. Britton , '4 1, killed in an airplane crash, in Mississippi , June 8th. The passing weeks increased almost to a certainty the likelihood
that Lieutenant Walter G. (Windy) Winslow, '36, had perished in the sinking of the heavy cruiser Houst on which was lost in the Battle of Java Sea. He is still listed as "missing." Other University of Richmond men who have died in uniform are Captain Douglas Van Buskirk , '41, of the Royal Canadian Air Force , shot down over Germany; Ensign Charles N. Major, '39& {! killed in action, and First Lieutenant Lee G. Crutchfield , Jr., who died at Fort Ord, Cal. Sergeant Harris ' death came in the month which marked the first anniversary of his entry into the army. At the outbreak of the conflict he was stationed at Fort Stotsenburg in the Philippines. He died fighting on the Bataan peninsula. Frank Britton's tragic crash came within less than a month of July 3d-the date he was scheduled to receive his coveted Army Air Corps wings and the approximate date of his intended wedding to Miss Elizabeth Henry of Hopewell. What caused the accident remains unknown. In the bi-motored bomber were an instructor and four cadets. The plane went into a spin at about 1,000 feet.
Alumni in Action As THE BULLETIN goes to press, the Alumni office has compiled a list of 426 alumni in the armed service. Of this number 255 are in the Army, 165 in the Navy, including the Coast Guard , and six are in the Marines . It must be emphasized that the list is far from complete . The Alumni Office does not always learn promptly of the entrance of Harris, '38 and Britton, '41.
(Continued on page 17)
* * * We're Still Spiders! 'Tm a Spider born and a Spider bred, and when I die, I'll be a Spider dead!" So goes the battl e cry. Most good Spid ers are still insisting that they die in the same catego ry. By an overwhelming majority the old grads have voted to keep the Spider banner waving, turnin g down the suggested change to "Rebels." T heir choice proved Richmond alumni to be wise in the ways of ,:k]ore and legend, as well as loyal to the University's unique ,cot. Through the centuries the Spider has been a symbol of the .tient winner, the hard worker who comes out on top . The Spider-Rebel question has been debated on the campus and among alumni since it was first raised by W. F. "T ip" Saunders, ' 13, who suggested chang ing the name to "Co nf ederates ." When th e questions of h ead lin es and songs were raised, the change-backers agreed to switch over to "Rebels" for th e sake of the man behind the copy desk. Long-divided, the stud ent body is not sure which they prefer , but the real decis ion lay with the alumni who have spoken in no uncertain tones. Spiders ever since an incident now shrouded in the mists of fab le, the University alumni will stay that way. Many claim that the nickname started with a sports writer who called a long-legged, long-armed set of Richmond baseballers spiders because of their appearance . Others insist it grew out of a baseball game with William and Mary when the Richmond men beh aved like spiders . That is they caught every fly. Regardless of where and how, the nickname is founded on the rock of tradition. Some of the major relig ious faiths bring us legends about the Spider as man 's fri end. Protestant, Catholi c, Jew, and Mohammeda n all hold the eight-legged beastie dear. When David fled before Saul into th e wilderness of Ki sh, a story tells us that the young giant killer hid in a cave which a friendly sp ider
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covered with a web . "He can't be in there ," said the pursuing Saul when he noticed the web across the opening . He dashed on leaving David to crawl out from under the fragile net. Arachne, from whose name comes the scientific word for spider , is noted in Grecian mythology as the only person ever to defeat the great goddess Athena in her specialty, fancy weaving. Athena, angry at the mortal's victory , turned the young maiden into a spider. The never-to-be-forgotten legend of Robert Bruce , the inspired thirteenth century leader of the Scotch Highlanders, and his spider friend cannot be omitted. Six times the gallant Bruce had cast his hard but ill-equipped legions against the well-armed might of Edward I, England's greatest plantagenet. Six times he had been thrown back defeated only to rise again. One night while brooding over the advisability of a seventh attempt, he is said to have noticed a spider in the chimney corner trying to spin a wide web. Six times the animal tr ied for a distant point and six times he failed. Determined, the spider leaped again and the strand was fastened. Soon the web was completed. Bruce saw and did not forg et. The seventh blow of the Scotch armies was struck at Banno ckburn . The English armies fell back in complete disarray and the day was won. To Rob ert Bruce and a patient spider Scotland owed her existence as a nation 1 Richmond 's pine-dad campus is now permeated with the tradition of the Spid er. The Arachnida e Society, whose members were th e proud Sons of the Spider, rul ed as the scholastic honorary frat ernity here for many years . The Web has replaced separate college yearbooks as the University of Richmond yearbook. From Spid erettes to "Sp ider Fight" the Richmond symbol dominates the athletic field. Even down to a moth-eaten canned Spider exhibited in "Ye OldCampus Barber Shoppe " the University carries forward the Spider J. L. D . spir it.
BuenVecino By JOSEPH S. HART, '29 No stranger to South America is Joseph S. Hart , export manager for Huber , Inc orporated, manufacturers of printing inks and • allied products. The son of a Chilean missionary, the Rev. Joseph L. H art, '00, he spent his youth in 5011th America a77d since his gradttation from college has traveled extensively amo77g our neighb/1rs to the 5011th, as a Huber representative.
A J. M.
Only during times of strife and stress can the strength of the ties of friendship be tested . This acid test is now being applied to our Good Neighbor policy towards South America, and it is more clearly discernible each day that we have built well. It is not hard to imagine what a threat it would be to our safety if to the south of us there were only suspicion, jealousy and bitterness-a veritable invitation to the Axis Powers to open an active second front at our very doorstep . While I have not had an opportunity to judge at first hand the reaction of the ' Latin American countries to our participation in active warfare, the reports in the press and the letters I have received have been quite comforting. We must realize that the change from non-belligerent to belligerent , making it necessary for us to consider first the safety of our own country, has meant for Latin America the dislocation of their economic life and considerable privation and suffering. If it were not that our Government had labored so earnestly and sincerely to establish a feeling of mutual trust and confidence, blame and recrimination for these privations would be heaped upon us. Imagine the atmosphere at the Rio conference had such been the case ! Not many years ago throughout Latin America one often heard the word, "Gr ingo " always pronounced with a certain degree of bitterness and hate. Much too often newspapers carried headlines stressing the words "Ya nkee Imperialism." While the word "g ringo " 11111:,. still part of the Latin American's vocabulary, it no longer carries W_ie sting and disdain it previously did . Instead of "Yankee Imperialism " one is now more apt to hear and see in the newspapers the words "Tio Sam." During a conversation with an important Latin American Government official, shortly before Pearl Harbor, I was very much impressed by the following remark : "I feel that my country would receive incalculable benefit from a program whereby a large percentage of the promising young men who are now in school or beginning their commercial life could spend under instruction in American universities and business estab lishments at least five years during their formative period . "Of course , this idea is not any new one , and as a matter of fact it has been exploited by the Axis Powers for some time , as a mean s of furthering the dissemination of their propaganda. However , I have such confidence in the people of the United States of America that I am certain no effort would be made to influence them in their political or cultural beliefs . On the other hand , merely by example so much that is worthwhile in your country with respect to industrial and technical practices would by contrast with what we have here make a deep impression on these young men. On their return they could not help putting into practice that which they had observed and admired." The important point stressed in thi s observation is that th ere is now confidence in the United States. Those of us who have lived or who have traveled in Latin America during the past decade have noted with pleasure and amazement the changes that have taken place in the attitude of the Latin Am erican towards the "C olossus of th e North." In place of jealousy , fear and misunderstandin g it is now evident that on all sides there is trust and confidence and a feeling of neighborlin ess. A When they mention the "Good Neighbor " in Latin Ameri ca, the Wnajority have in mind Pr esident Roosevelt. Hi s very sincere and earnest effort s to understand their problems and to do all in hi s
power to compensate for the blunders and wrongs committed by the United States of America during the previous century has done more to build up confidence and respect than any other single thin g . President Roosevelt and his capable Department of State, headed by the Honorable Cordell Hull , have been aware of the fact that the average Latin American is much less provincial than .the av~rage citizen of the United States and better informed on mternat1onal affairs. Also, by the same token, the Latin American is more prone to take offense to any slights. Whereas we would have a tenden cy to smile at some gaucher ie of a representative of a Latin American republic, stuck away on the last page of our daily paper, a slighting remark from one of our senators from "Podunk Center " would receive prominence in the newspapers of that country and much bitter comment. the work being done by our President, the State Department and the Coordinator of lnterameri can Aff~irs to educate our own people with respect to these differences m temperament and viewpoint has already proven effective. . There is still a great need for a better understandmg by a broader cross-section of the American people as to the problems which confront the fast growing nations of South Am erica . It is vita lly necessary that we realize that Latin American countries are young but hardy members of the Community of Nations . ~uture respect and admiration will follow from such an understandmgthe only true basis for "Good Neighborliness ."
* * *
Sons of Alumni Win Medals Chips off the old blocks, sons of alumni won the medals presented at commencement to the men adjudged to be the outstanding members of the senior and junior classes. To Malcolm U. Pitt, Jr. , '42, son of the University's newlyappointed Athletic Director , went the Alumni Council Medal which is awarded annually to the topnotcher in the graduating class. To John Laws Deck er, '43, son of the Rev. J. W. (Bill) Deck er, D .D., ' 11 , secretary of the Northern Baptist Foreign Missi?n S_ociety, went the Thomas B. McAdams, '97, award to the out standmg 1un10r. Young Pitt who enters th e Navy this summer was pr eside nt of Student Government, played basketball , baseball , and football , and captained and won all-State honors in basketball. . _ _ Young Decker served as president of th e Ph1lologian Literary Society, managing editor of the Collegian, a member of the Honor Council , the Forensic Council, and the debate team. He mtends to get his degree in summer school and then enter the serv ice.
Pitt, '4 2
Decker, '43
Class of '91 The Rev. John J. Wicker, D.D., '91, president of Fork Union Military Academy, celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in April by occupying the pulpit of Northside Baptist Church of which his son, the Rev. J. C. Wicker, '19, is pastor. He spoke on "Fifty Years in the Ministry." After the service Dr. and Mrs. Wicker went to the home of another son, John J. Wicker, Jr., '13, for an anniversary dinner. Christian Missions in Today's World, a book by the Rev. W. 0. Carver, D.D., '91, was recently published by the Baptist Sunday School Board and Harper Brothers. Dr. Carver is a member of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary faculty.
R. Hill Fleet, '11, was recently elected to the executive committee of the State Board of Missions and Education. He has been president of the 60-year-old Johnson Publishing Company for more than a year. Previously he had served for 22 years as secretary and vice-president. Class of' 12 Henry M. Taylor, '12, has been promoted from major to lieutenant-colonel at Fort George Meade, Md., where he is post executive. Until his entry into the army, he was F~~eral-State agricultural statistician for Virg1111a. Dr. Francis Pendleton Gaines, '12, president of Washington and Lee University, has
Class of '97 Rev. W. E. Gibson, D.D. , '97, was honored by Broaddus Memorial Church of Richmond at a reception on the 30th anniversary of his pastorate there.
ffaptist General Association at which he also delivered an address on "Observations of a Country Preacher." John A. Ryland, '15, is serving as chairman of the King and Queen County War Savings Committee and as chief registrar for the County Draft Board. He's a deacon, church clerk, and superintendent of the Sunday School of Bruington Baptist Church. He finds time to step up production on his far1:6 ~ at "Ingleside" to meet the greater demandlllllP ! of the war. Perry Seay, '15, recently began service as a member of the Common Council of Richmond from Clay Ward . He has been in the practice of law for thirty years. Class of' 16 Thomas R. Aaron, '16, has been promoted from major to lieutenant colonel and is stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. Class of' 17 One of Baltimore's leading citizens is William Hugh Bagby, '17, who is partner and general manager of the Bagby Company. He is president of the Bagby Realty Corporation, a director of the Baltimore Association of Commerce, a director of the Provident
Class of '98 President H. G. Noffsinger, '98, of Virginia Intermont College is a member of the Selective Draft Board at Bristol. Class of '99 The Rev. Robert W. Neathery , '99, is completing his 26th year as pastor of the Baptist Chur ch at Falconer. During his stay there he has baptized 340 person s, performed 547 marriag es, and officiated at 714 funerals. The Rev. Harry Jeter Goodwin , D .D., '99, is celebrating his 16th anniversary as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Suffolk. It is also the 115th anniversary of the Church. Class of '05 Beverly H. Davis, '05 , is a new member of the Richmond Board of Aldermen from Clay Ward . Class of '06 Morris Sayre, '06, has been elected treasurer of the newly organized National Nutrition Found ation for which sixteen large food compani es have contributed $800,000 for nutrition al research entirely in the public int erest. Mr. Sayre is vice-president of the Corn Produ cts Refining Company. Class of' 10 an absence of thirty years has return ed to Richmond with the U. S. Patent Office which was shifted from W ashington.
J. F. Guli ck, ' 10, after
Classof'll Rev. J. W. (Bill) D ecker, D.D. , '11 , has been elected a member of the Board of Di rectors of the Unit ed China Relief at 1790 Broadway, N ew York City. Dr. Decker is secretary of the Nor thern Bapti st For eign Missions Society.
been appointed chairman of the Virginia State Planning Board by' Governor Darden. He succeeds Dr. Douglas S. Freeman, '04, who resigned the chairmanship in January. Dr. Gaines is chairman of the Virginia Committee of the United States War Saving Staff, a trustee of the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace, and a member of numerous scholarship and honorary groups. Class of' 13 Claude L. Leach, ' 13, is operating the Colonial Hotel at Hagerstown, Md., and the Newcastle Hotel at Virginia Beach this summer. John J. Wicker, Jr., '13, has recently been appointed by Governor Darden as chairman of the Virginia State Advisory Board of the Aircraft Warning Service. The board has supervision of about 900 observation posts with over 18,000 observers . Class of' 14 Rev. Asa Routh Crabtree, ' 14, has joined the staff of the Baptist Bible Institute at New Orleans. Class of ' 15 The Rev. E. V. Peyton, '15, made the report on the Rural Church before the last
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Savings Bank, chairman of the business committee and a member of the board of School Commissioners of Baltimore, and vice president of the Baltimore Furniture and Bedding Manufacturers Association. Dr. Lee F. Crippen, '17, now in his 12th year as professor of history at Berea College, Ky., received his Ph.D. from Indiana University last October. He wrote his dissertation on "The Public Career of Simon Cameron to 1861." Dr . Claudius 0. Johnson, '17, professor of history at the State College of Washington in Pullman, Wash ., has accepted a number of invitations to speak on war financing to West Coast groups. He is proposing very heavy income taxes . Thirty to forty billions must be raised annually, he warns, if the nation is to escape inflation after the war. Class of '20 The Rev. Clyde V. Hickerson, ' 20, is author of Twofold Power of the Gospel, which came from the Abingdon Press this year. is pastor of the Baptist Temple at San Antonio which recently completed a new church
auditorium, $125,000.
1,250, at a cost of
Class of '23 Willard G. Barker, '23, president of the Morris Plan Bank of Washington, has accepted a captain's commissio? in the_ Army Air Service. He is stationed rn Washmgton. James L. Landram, '23, has been appointed trial justice of Hanover County. He ~as bee? racticing law in Hanover. County smce his • dmission to the State bar rn 1921.
Class of '24 Dr. J. Hillis Miller, '24, associate commissioner of education for New York State, is helping colleges and universities accelerate their programs to meet war emergency demands.
Class of '25 Dr. K. S. Freeman, '25, is examining physician for the Selective Service in Lunenburg County and is a captain in the Vir~i_nia Protective Force. He has been a pract1cmg physician at Kenbridge since 1931. William H. Roper, '25, has been commissioned as captain in the Army Medical_Corps and is stationed at Fort Bragg. Previous to his commissioning, he had been clinic physician of the extension division of the North Carolina State Sanatorium at Sanatorium, N. C., and conducted diagnostic and consultation clinics throughout the State. After his c,raduation from Richmond, he entered the University of Virginia where he won his M.D. and was honored by election to Phi Beta Kappa and to the Raven Society.
Class of '26 James B. (Squire) Blanks, '26, professor Af education and psychology at La Grange ~ollege, Ga., since 1932, is listed in the current edition of "Leaders in Education." Charter (Fritz) Heslep, '26, has been appointed an assistant in the radio division of
Martin J. Logan, '27, has be_entransferred from New York City to Baltimore as sales manager for Baltimore and Washington for the Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation . The Logans live at 15 Burke Avenue, Towson, Md. T. Kenneth McRae, Jr., was born February 10th. T. K., Sr., '27, is a member of the staff of the First and Merchants National Bank in Richmond. Fred W. Wenzel, Jr., '27, received his Ph.D. in food technology at Massachusetts State College in June. He was honored by election to Sigma Xi.
Class of '28 R. Hugh Rudd, '28, past president_ of the Richmond First Club, has begun his new duties as a member of the Board of Aldermen from Lee Ward. He is an attorney.
Class of '29 Arthur W. Harrison, '29, has been transferred to the Richmond office of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone C_ompanywith the title of Special Representative.
Class of' 30
Duke University. After rece1v111ghis M:A. in 1932, Mr. Henricksen taught accountmg at his Alma Mater for three years. He has been with the Duke administration since 1936. Mr. Henricksen is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and is treasurer of the Faculty Club of Duke University. Miss Mildred Evelyn Tyler and Walter Lee Harlow, Jr., '31, were married in Richmond on April 4. Dr. C. C. Chewning, Jr., '31, has been appointed physicia_nin _chargeof medical service at the State Pe111tentiary. Miss Catherine M. Scott of Horton, Kansas and Charles S. Stokes, '31, were married on,April 18. Mr. Stokes is no~ General Field Representative of the Amenc~n _R~d Cross and is assigned to southwest VIrg1111a.
Class of' 32 Thomas C. Jefferis, '32, is working as a bacteriologist at Newark, Ohio. Dr. Samuel L. Elfmon, '32, recently was elected president of the Cumberland County, N. C. Medical Society for 1942, and was appointed chairman of Emergency Medical Service in Cumberland County Defense Organization. He also is chairman of emergency medical service for the Red Cross disaster preparedness program in Cumberland. Gerald Wayne Milchin was born_ Ja1;mary 25th to Dr. Sam, '32, and Mrs. M1lchm of Bishop, Va. William Enders Welsh was born March 26, the son of Virginius Goodwyn Welsh, '32 and Ann Dickinson Welsh, '33. He was na~ed after Uncles Lieut. William K. Welsh, U.S.A., and Lieut. Enders Dickinson, Jr., U.S .A., '40. Grandpa Welsh says he is a good prospect for the Class of 1958.
An article "Science Awakens Interest in Young Peopie," written by Garnett R. Poindexter, Jr., '30, appeared in a recent issue _of the Virginia f ottrnal of Education._Mr. Pomdexter is a member of the Louisa County high school faculty. Frank M. Lacy, '30, has moved from South Boston to Martinsville where he has organized a textile manufacturing company. Dr. P. N. Pastore, '30, who achieved a splendid record at the Mayo Clinic, is now professor of Otology, Rhinology and ~aryn_gology at the Medical College of VIrgm1a. This includes the position of head surgeon Class of '33 of the Medical College Hospital. Ralph H. Ferrell, Jr., '33, is now e_ngaged Rev. J. Leslie Hart, '30, has assumed the duties of pastor of Irvington and Claybr_ook in the general practice of law and 1s associated with the Richmond firm of Hunton, Baptist Church and will be located at IrvmgWilliams, Anderson, Gay and Mo~re. ton. J. Arlington Painter, Law '33, 1s fac~lty Class of '31 manager of athletics at Lock Haven High Gerhard C. Henricksen, '31, has been proSchool, Lock Haven, Pa. He has just built a moted from auditor to assistant treasurer of new home at 700 Belleforte Avenue. Lieutenant Charles H. Phaup, Jr., '33, and Miss Sara Edna Stough of Montgomery, Ala. , were married on March 22, in Montgomery, Ala. Henry J. Whalen, '33, is l_ocated ~t the Sciota Ordnance Plant at Manon, Ohio.
the Office of Censorship in Washington. To accept this new position he r_esignedhis po_st with the National Broadcastrng . Company rn New York.
Class of '34 Dr. Harold W. Bryant, '34, is a research chemist for E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company at Niagara Falls. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia last year. A son, Philip Hearne Stevenson, was born February 15th at Delaware Hospital, Wilmington , Del., to Mr. and Mrs_. Vernon Hearne Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson 1s a member of the Class of '34. Peggy and Johnny Doley, '34, of Hilton Village, announce the birth of Beverley An? on May 22. Mr. Doley is in the laundry business in Newport News.
Class of '27 Alvah B. Bloxom, '27, has been appointed a member of the Accomack County Tire Rationing Board. . Edward T. Haynes, '27, has been appomted c,eneral counsel for both the North America Assurance Society and the North America Managers, Incorporated. He recently was Aonored by election to the board of _d1~ectors .f the Firemen 's Mutual Ard Assooatron of the City of Richmond.
[ 11]
It's a new girl at the Dave Connors. Dave, '34, lives at Saybrook, Conn. Winfrey Butler, '34, is working as a soils engineer for the Salem District of the Virginia Department of Highways. James M. Johnson , '34, is working as a paymaster for base contractors who are doing military work . Where, is a military secret. David Mitchell Alexander of Richmond, '34, was graduated from the Medical College of Virginia's school of dentistry in June.
Class of '35 The Rev. and Mrs. Obed lee Gochenour of Cascade announce the engagement of the ir daughter, Hazel Arlene to Dr. William Cecil Grinnan, '35. Class of 1 36 Elizabeth Morrell Allen , daughter of George E., '36, and Mrs. Allen, arrived on April 24. Edward Guthrie Brown , '36, was ordained into the Episcopal ministry on May 30th, at Immanuel Chapel of the Theological Seminary at Alexandria. W. Lin Haden , Jr., '3 6, is in the research laboratory of the Columbia Chemical Division of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company at Barberton , Ohio . He began work with the company last July after receiving his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina. Charles Hill Ryland, '3 6, has been appointed Commonwealth's Attorney of Essex County to succeed Emory 1. Carlton, '29, who has entered the Navy as a lieutenant (jg). G. Thomas Taylor, '3 6, is now an associate of the law firm of Bremner and Rooke . He was married November 18th to Miss Mildred Boyd Mitchell. Classof'37 Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley H. Martin announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Douglas, to the Rev. Fred Thomas Laughon, Jr., '37. Mr. Laughon is pastor of the First Baptist Church at Front Royal following his graduation from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. James Ho ge Ricks, Jr. , '37, is now in charge of the branch of the Hum an Engineering laboratory at Chestnut Hill Academy, Chestnut Hill. Pa. In March he spoke before the Junior Board of Commerce of Philadelphia, and in April he delivered the annual address before the Graduate Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa Society, of Wilmington, Del. Mills A. Eure, law '37, is distributor for the A. B. Di ck Company (Mimeograph products) at Syracuse. He has just moved into his new home at 111 Maple Road. Rev. Horace 1. Ford, '37, h as taken over his duties as pastor of the Lawrenceville Baptist Church. The Rev. Ryland 0. Reamy, '37, is pastor of Coan-Smithland and Cobham Park Baptist Churches with parsonage at Heathsville , Virginia. Alfred J. Dickinson, Jr., '37, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation , and Elsie Vick
Mattingly, '40, were married in Cannon Memorial Chapel on the University of Richmond campus on March 21. John A. Radspinner, '37, recently received the doctor of science degree from Carnegie Institute of Technology. He wrote for his dissertation "A Study of Methods for Determination of the Surface Oxidation of Bituminous Coals." John C. Bristow, '37, is in the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue at Norfolk. John Mann Butler, '37, is a research chemist with the Monsanto Chemical Company at Dayton, Ohio. Robert lee Mason, '37, is engaged in the practice of dentistry at Martinsville. Winfree W. Chewning, '3 7, is administrative clerk for the Eighth Quartermaster Regiment at Camp lee.
Class of '38 Joseph Sidney Flax, '3 8, is a junior economic analyst in the Bureau of Employment Security in Washington. Claude J. Allard, Jr., '38, is agent for the Richmond Greyhound lines at Portsmouth, Virginia. Ralph P. Moore, '3 8, is at 1308 Mangum Street, Durham, N. C. He is with Liggett & Myers . Lieut. (ig) George E. Chalmers, '38, was married February 28th, to Miss Louise Smith of Rutland, Vt. Miss Mary Elizabeth Jenkins and Oscar Bryan Taliferro , '3 8, were married in Essex County on April 22. Miss Naomi lewis and Dr. Leonard David Policoff, '38, a member of the house staff of the Medical College of Virginia, were married in Richmond on June 25. Mrs. John Roland Chalkley has announced the engagement of her daughter, Mary Mae, to Ensign Pendleton McKinney Shifflett, Jr., '38, U.S.N.R., Norfolk . Miss Mary Elizabeth Poythress and Dr. Richard G. Stoneburner, '38, were married at the First Baptist Church of Henderson , N. C., on June 6th. Dr. Jacob John Hladycz , '38, is in the practice of medicine at Perth Amboy , N. J . Ambrose A. Rucker, '38, is in the practice of law at Bedford, Va.
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Class of '39 Maurice Sidney Vitsky, · 39, received his M.D. from the Medical College of Virginia in June. Mr. and Mrs. Day Lowry have announced the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Helms, to Allan Brockenbrough, '39, who is attached to the 118th Field Artillery at Fort Jackson, S. C. Hunter Sheppard Jackson, '39, of RicJ-6 1:)) mond, received his M.D. from the Medical' College of Virginia in June . William Harper Alexander, '39, of Petersburg won his D.D.S. at the Medical College of Virginia in June. Mrs. Albert Wirth of Smithfield, N. C., has announced the engagement of her daughter, Antoinette Parker, to Robert Mclean Whittet, '39. Sergeant Whittet is stationed at Fort Monmouth, N. J. The wedding will take place in the late summer. Clyde Francisco, '39, was one of three class speakers at the commencement exercises of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May. He plans to remain next session for graduate work. Rev. A. C. Walker, Jr., '39, was graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May. Russell Edwin Walton, Jr., was born March 24th at Roanoke, to Russell , '39, and Mrs. Walton. Ensign Walton is somewhere in the Pacific. Class of '40 H. J. Gordon, Jr., '40, is teaching mathematics and social studies in Dumbarton, Jr. high school. A Forrest E. Eggleston, '40, is with the D1. vision of Motor Vehicles. R. F. Hough, Jr., '40, has been appointed as one of the Federal Probation and Parole Officers for the Western District of Virginia. First Lieut. Arnold F. Watts, '40, of the First Medical Training Battalion at Camp lee, was married on March 15 to Miss Doris Sirota of Washington. They will move soon to Blackstone with the opening of Camp Pickett there. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ossian Wilkinson of South Boston, Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Jane Franklin, to John Irvin Crews , '40, who is stationed now at the Coast Guard Academy, New London , Conn. Austin Grigg , '40, is a member of the reportorial staff of the Richmond News Leader. William V. Farley, '40, of Highland Springs, is working as an installer for Western Electric. Harris J. Dark, M.A., '40, is minister of the Madison Church of Christ, at Madison , Tenn., and head of the department of mathematics at David Lipscomb College . From Albert (Monk) Weaver , '4 0, Box 765, Pulaski, comes the following: "Albert . F. Weaver is excruciatingly happy to ar. ,' nounce the engagement of the incomparabl'1IP Betsy Haskins Woodson to himself as of
February 21, 1942. Eureka! Huzza ! H appy day, 0 happy day!!!" Jack R. Noffsinger, '40, is now student pastor of the First Baptist Church of East Aurora, N . Y. He and Miss Louise Wat lington, a Roanoke College graduate, were married at the Virginia Heights Baptist Church in Roanoke on June 20. They will live in East Aurora this summer and both All attend Colgate Rochester Theological next session. Jack will graduate -minary next May.
Class of '41 Jesse W . Markham, '4 1, has been awarded a $1,000 research fellowship from the Rosen wald Foundation of Chicago to be used in making "An Economic Analysis of the NorthSouth Wage Differential." Mr. Markham , a graduate student in political economy at Johns Hopkins, will do his work under the direction of Dr. Lloyd G. Reynolds, a professor of economics at Hopkins and also a regional OP A administrator. Following the publication of his study, he will enter training for a commission in the Navy. Lieutenant George Shackelford , '4 1, and Miss Betty Ann Petzinger, '42, of Portsmouth , are to be married in July . Lawrence Hilgeman, Jr., '4 1, is a social worker and investigator for the Federal Works Agency in Richmond. He was married last September to Miss Pharise Parker, of Wilmington, N. C. Ensign Tivis Wicker, '41, attached to the recruiting station in Richmond was instru mental in arranging the very successful Navy rally program at the Mosque in Richmond which Helen Jepson sang . Mr. and Mrs . Cyril E. Maire of Silver prings , Md. , announce the engagement of their daughter, Jayne-Marie, to G. Edmond Massie, III, '4 1. Mr . Massie is with th e Glen Martin Company in Baltimore . Lynn Price, '41, is employed as a statisti cian at the Reynolds Metals Company in Richmond . Helen Lewis Gordon , daughter of James W ., '4 1, and Mrs . Gordon , arrived on April 26th. Dr. and Mrs. Clement T. Goode of Lonok e, Ark ., announce the engagement of their daughter , Sara Trimble, '42 , to Edga r Mullins Arendall , '4 1, of Mobile , Ala. John M . Bareford , '4 0, is teaching chemistry and phy sics in the Hopewell high school. William A. Grant, Jr. , '41, has accepted a position with the Epes-Fitzgerald Paper Company in Richmond. Philip Cooke, '4 1, is an announ cer for WDSU, New Orleans .
Class of '42 Thomas O. Herndon , '42 , ha s accepted a pos1t1on with the Virginia State Mission Board and is located during the summer at Morrison in Warwick County. Leli a Dillard and George Benton -Miss amm , '4 2, were married on April 18th in ..... Richmond.
Class of ' 18
Class of '31
The class was grieved to hear of the death of Kathleen Watkins Peck in February.
Hattie Habel Moschler (Mrs . R. C.) has a new daughter, Mary Louise , born on May 12th .
Class of '19 Juliette Brown Carpenter, 19's president , has a daughter , Pamela Carpenter, at We sthampton this year. We hope that Janet Wyatt Fountain , who lives in Mississippi will be sending her seventeen-year-old son to the University of Richmond soon . She also has a twelve-yearold daughter. Margaret Laws Decker received a certificate of honor at Commencement this year for having two sons at the University of Richmond. The eldest , John Decker , received the McAdams award for being the outstanding junior in Richmond College. Virginia Bundick Mayes spent some time in Florida this past winter. Hester Tichenor Warfit!d lives in Nashville , Tennessee . Her husband is an architect there. She has one daughter. Hester is doing fine war work through her Junior League . Isabelle Feild Gatling of Petersburg has a small daughter, Ann Hubert. Dr. Leta White is a child specialist in Petersburg and is seeing to it that Ann is a healthy child. Billy Sydnor is teaching American History at John Marshall High School in Richmond . Last summer she had a most interesting visit with her sister , Mrs. Elizabeth Sydnor Nicholsky, at her summer home on the Hudson .
Class of '20 Mary B. Guest is an instructor in English at V .P.I., Richmond Extension . Sallie Adkisson Ryland has a daughter , Anne Beverly , who will enter Westhampton in the fall.
Class of '28 Lois Frayser is studyin g medicine at th e University of Mi chiga n, and her addres s is 123 Thayer , Ann Arbor , Mi chigan.
Class of '30 193 0 has had two recent out-of-to wn visitors come to Richmond : Katherine Tyler Ellett and her children , Frank and Susan, and Virginia Princ e Shinni ck and daughter , Peggy . Dorothy Gwaltney was married last fall to G . E. Peters. Their new home is on Route 12, Bonnie Brae , Richmond , Va . Nancy Cassell h as moved to 234 0 Monu ment Avenue and Janie Ruffin to 280 4 Montrose Avenue . We extend our deepest sympathy to Jeannette Collier in the sudd en death of her father. Margaret Lowe Logan and h er famil y sp ent a few days in Richmond on their way hom e after vacationing in Florida. The Logans have been in their new home in Amityvi!Ie , L. I., N. Y., since Chri stmas.
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Dear Class of '32 : The "good ship '3 2" docked as scheduled , May 29, with the following on board : M ary Ryland Babcock, Carolyn Thomp son Broad dus, Elizabeth Capitaine , Helen Poll ard Deck , M arie Davis Deatlehauser , Eleanor Pillow Ewell , Patricia Ewell (baby cup daught er) , Bertie Flippo , Dorothy Carver Garrott, M ary Rufus Smith Jackson , Valerine Le Mesur ier Jones, Kitty Lugar Luning , Mary Hodnett Matthews, Buena Perkins Myers , Jean Peatross, Phyllis Perkinson , Ruth Coen Powell , Kath erine Roberts , Geneva Bennett Snellin g, Elizabeth Goldstan Soyars, Zephi a Campb ell Scarborough , Jessie Miller Jone s Turner , and Anne Kennon William s. The sun shone throughout our two -day shore leave ; heavy heart s grew lighter with seeing old friends and recallin g almost for gotten memories as we visited famili ar scenes and chatted of college-day happ ening s. W e brought ourselve s up-to-dat e, as you know , in the scrapbook expertly don e by Mary Ryland Babcock and told more of our selves as breakfast on Sund ay when "Ca ppy " ably conducted something of a lotter y in th e "spirit of the time s" (there was a tiny fish bowl with capsule s mad e by rollin g numbered slip s of paper and pinning with paper clips! ) . Miss Woodfin' s pr esence with us enriched our reunion hours. We tri ed to show our appreciat ion for the real inspiration she has always been to us by way of eight afterdinner coffee cups- quaint one s of English bone china in pastel shades . W e enjoyed a pleasant time at the tea on Sunda y afternoon which was our last gatherin g. We parted feeling much benefited by ou r association s of the past days. W e had heard two timely lectures on Saturd ay mornin gMiss Lucas' discussion of the relig ious phi losophy of th e Japanese and the lively account of an Interior D ecorator 's "ups and down s," and the profe ssion 's pr esent position on the hom e front by Ann a Riddick, '22. W e had heard Congressman D ave Satterfield , Jr. 's inform ative and inspirin g message at the banqu et on Saturd ay evenin g . W e had seen W esthampton in all her beauty, enh anced by the new buildin g and her academic and social expansion. We had become acqua inted with each other's chil dre n and learned hu sband 's first names. We had chatted of you, who could not be with us and missed you deeply. W e weighed anchor grat eful for th is pleasant int erlude and determin ed, long ere the next ten years h ave passed, to retu rn th rough then untroubled seas. -
P.S. - Janet could not be with us. Tra ns-
purtation and George English Kelly, born March 20, making ample explanation. Valerie managed to be with us some of the time in spite of Robert Brinkley Jones, III, born March 29.
Class of '39 Elizabeth Davis Wooldridge and her hus- . band are now taking care of several Methodist churches in Albemarle County. They are learning to be formers in White Hall, Virginia, with their own vegetable garden and four hens. Rosalie Oakes graduates from Crozer Seminary on June 2nd. Garland Wilson and William Gregory Brookes were married on April 11th. They are now making their home in West Point , Virginia. Lois Lyle is the church secretary at the Second Presbyterian Church in Richmond. Martha Elliott was elected national president of the Westhampton College Alumnae Association at Alumnae Day, May 30th .
Our sincerest best wishes to you, Maureen Fugate. Here's hoping that you've fully recuperated from that struggle with your appendix. Mabel Leigh Rooke has been having a right bad spell, too. She seems to be okay now, though. Class of '34 Late closing of the schools throughout the Erma Gay Cecil has a daughter , Barbara country kept quite a few of the kids away Ann , born on March 7th. from the reunion. It really is a shame. FranLouise Messick was married in May to ces Bailey is with the State Education Depar.: \ William Jennings Shepherd . ment. We'll have to speak to her about thi. 11 Mildred James and Hildah Batten were the Class of '35 senior class sponsors at their respective Mary Harrington has returned to Richschools, and had to stay for the commencemond and is now engaged to Private Mitchell ment ceremonies, as did Lucy Baird, KathOtash of Methuen and Boston, Mass. No leen Francis, and Vista Robinson. But you date has been set for the wedding. had better be present at the next reunion! Eleanor Parsons traveled all the way from Class of '36 Tucson , Arizona, to make the breakfast. Mr. and Mrs . James M. Griffith, Jr. (Rae She's looking marvelous - and is still the Norford) have been receiving congratula - Class of '40 same great girl. She has been having quite Dear Forties: tions upon the birth of a son on May 10th. a time out there-took a business course in Now, wasn't that a great reunion' We They have been transferred to Reading, Pa., her spare time (when she wasn't traveling just talked ate waflles and talked some where Jim is assistant manager of the Bell Telephone office. Their new address is 140S more . It was simply marvelous seeing so around the country. You should hear her many of the class together again. But you tell about the bull fights in Mexico) . Hampden Boulevard, Reading , Pa. Speaking of traveling reminds me of "Bumps" Marston Harvey names her new who couldn't make it were certainly missed. son, Ro_bert Coleman Harvey. "Bumps" is Our baby cup winner was there in person, Annabel Lumpkin Hessel (whom we want and she is the cutest child. She just went to congratulate on being elected member-at now living at Oceana, Virginia . from lap to lap- and had as good a time large to the Alumnae Association Governing Esther Walsh became Mrs. Dalton Dutton as any of the rest of us. Maude Smith Jur- Board). Her husband was transferred to on April 9th . Dot Harrison Enslow enterCalifornia, and she has gone out there to tained at a party for Esther and ·there were gens sat back and looked pleased as punch join him . . . San Diego, I believe. Maybe, that Carol Anne behaved herself properly several '36 girls there-Margaret Bowers (you know , she's quite the efficient little now that you' re on the west coast you can Elizabeth Chapman, Sarah Covey Bradford: Helen Denoon Hopson , Lou White Win- mother) . At the breakfast we voted to have get up to see Ethel O'Brien Harrington who another reunion in '45-so you'd all better is in Seattle with Johnny. He 's a lieutenant free, and Martha Riis Moore . in the Army. Marjorie Pugh Tabb has moved to Nor- start planning now to be here then . Florence Parker certainly has an interestWedding bells will be ringing for the folk where Ranny is stationed in the Navy. ing job . She is hearing reporter for the Marjorie is working for the telephone com- Forties this summer. Emma Lou Parsons is we~r_ing a beautiful diamond, and is just ' State Unemployment Compensation Company in Norfolk. waiting for the Navy to let Frank stay in mission and goes all over the state takinl Kay Conner D avidson has a daughter Anne Gilliam, born on March 31st. ' one spot long enough to make some plans. notes at the hearings. Mary Sue Carter . Betty Carper was married to Billy Grigg on working in the foreign communications deClass of '37 partment of RCA, and thinks nothing of Tuesday, June 2nd. 'Twas a lovely wedding. Rhod a Corn ish was recently awarded a June is also Kitty Wicker's month to tie the getting messages from all over the world. laboratory assistantship at Radcliffe. knot to the fellow from Florida. Jane Aler And Helen Smith is a gal who has the fellows is as busy as a bee making plans. Van Leeu- of Richmond worried. She's working for Class of '38 the local draft board- and handles the classiwen is finishing up some course at Harvard fications for the local boys. Minna Williams became the bride of from which he will emerge a full-fledged "Teeta" (Mildred Burnette Cosby) is now Thomas Curtiss Torrance on April 25th . ensign-- and I'll bet it will be any day now. living in Baltimore where her husband is working. You know, the Forties are really -t❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ spread out now. Moving here and yon . . . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ but the old '40 spirit keeps us all together. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Best of luck and success till we meet again. ❖ ❖ Hope you'll all have a fine summer, and if ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ any of you can do so, try to make it to Rich11 11 mond some time during the summer and look us Richmond members up. ❖ ❖ Love, ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ DELL. ❖ Peace will come again in time to a war-shattered world. If it finds ❖ ~t America defeated, nothing matters. If it sees this nation triumphant, :I; Class of '41 ~: then you and those you love will be better prepared to face the future :I; Mrs. la Chance now makes her home in ~nafraid, if your estate is bulwarked as strongly as possible by life :I; California. :I; Kitty Spencer Philpott (Mrs . A. L.) wins ❖ msurance. ❖ ~: To be specific, we suggest our Family Income plan-if you would :I; the baby cup for the class with a daughter born in May. :j: like an arrangement that provides, in effect, a 12% annual income ; Phyllis Anne Coghill is leaving the teach❖ and leaves the princip al intact. ❖ ❖ ❖ ing profession to become the Alumnae Secretary at Westhampton. Edna Drumwright is working hard in her "'The N.._atural'Bridge to Security " :I; secretarial at Camp Lee. :]: Established 1871 Richmond, Virginia :I; CatherinejobHoover is entering the Medica, . ❖ College of Virginia in July. r❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖-:•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖~
~~ :t
This, too, Will Pass Away
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Naomi Lewis will be married to Dr. Lawrence Policoff, '39 , on June 26th. Helen Martin's engagement to Fred Laughon, ' 38, was recently a~rnounce_d.Fr~d finished the Southern Baptist Semmary m June and has a church at Front Royal where they will make their home. Mayme O'Flaherty plans to teach music in the Richmond Public Schools next fall . Mary Owen and Kenneth Bass, '39, were • arried June 18th. Jeanne Wilkins Watson (Mrs. Paul) , now lives in Boykins, Virginia.
Holtzclaw Acting Dean, Succeeding Pinchbeck The man who started the good "neighbor " policy on the University of Richmond camllli.us, whose "how you, Neighbor Smith, " w.:ir Taliaferro, or Cohen) has been the opening wedge in hundreds of dean's office conversations, has joined up with Uncle Sam for the duration . Reluctantly Richmond College loaned Dean Raymond B. Pinchbeck to the Virginia Office of Price Administration to serve as State price officer until the end o~ _t~e war. He intends to return when hostilities end and will resume the office he took over in 1929 . During his absence, Dr. Benjamin C. Holtzclaw, Jr., professor of philosophy_ sin~e 1929, will serve as acting dean. The Job is not a new one to Dr. Holtzclaw who was dean at Mercer University before joining the University of Richmond faculty and who has served with distinction as dean of the graduate department and as chairman of the per sonnel committee . Dr. Holtzclaw 's duties as personnel chairman and the direction of the personnel office will be taken over by Dr. Solon B. Cousins, professor of Bible since 1932 and who , like Dr. Holtzclaw , is a Mercer man.
Somewhere in England June 3, 1942 England ~ear Joe: • If you've been wondering about the whereabouts of some of the U. of R. alumni, and I know you constantly do, then here is a
Martinsville The Rev. James P. McCabe, D.D., '01, was honored by the congregation of the First Baptist Church of Martinsvill~ on June 7t_h in recognition of the 35th anmversary of his pastorate there . With the exception of two years of pastor_al w~rk i~ ~edford County, he has given his entire m_1~istryto ~he Martinsville Church. In addition to Richmond College where he received both his bach_elor's and master's degree, Dr. McCabe studied at the University of Chicago and the Southern Baptist Theological Semi_nary. . Miss Virginia Dare Hite became the bnde of W. Smithson Morris, ' 35, at a ceremony in the First Christian Church of South Bend , Ind., on May 30th . The couple will make their home in South Bend after the war. " Smitty" is now a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy . . . Woodrow Carter, ' 35, has fimshed his training at the Naval Training Station in Norfolk, and is now on sea duty. Chief Petty Officer Thomas_ E. McG~~ee, '35, is stationed in the Danville Recru1tmg Office.
Paul Stanch, '43 , Runnymede , N . J., has won his wings in the United States Arm y Air Corps at a flying field in Missouri . Joe Mack, ' 42, is working in a defense industry ii;i Detroit , Mich. . Bill Herman , '43, of Pitman , N . J., 1s working in a defense plant in Philadelph ia. Ensign Bruce Van Buskirk, '40, and Mr s. Van Buskirk (Betty Conrey, '39) , are in Newport. Mrs. Richard Smith (Marian Conrey, ' 39) , is expecting to join her husband who is an aviation cadet training at Denver , Colo. f
New York
Richmond College Alumni and W esthampton Alumna gathered at a joint banquet on May 12th at the Therese Worthin gton Grant Restaurant on Park Avenue . In attendance were: Morris Sayre, '06 ; Dr. William Thalhimer, '03 ; Joseph Pittore , '37; Wilbur Gaines , '29; Charles Ridgway , '35; John Moore, ' 34 ; Emanuel Passamaneck, ' 24; Victor Chaltain , ' 34 ; Charter Heslep , ' 26 and Mrs. Heslep ; Noble Crossley, ' 17; Estelle Billups, ' 24 ; Mrs. R. W. Wagner (Carlen e f f f Broach , ' 24) ; Mrs . C. 0. Tremper (Maud e Philadelphia Everhart, ' 27) ; Sally Davis , ' 23 ; C. L. Lyle Graham, '37, formerly of the Phila - Dodds, '28 ; Charles Buford, '16; E. G . delphia Eagles, is taking an advanced co1;rse Pickels, ' 32, and Mrs . Pickels (Mildre d as Navy Aviation student flyer at the Umted Crowder, ' 36) . States Navy Flying School in ~ensacola, Fl~. Mr. Heslep and Mr. Sayre delivered highSidney Knipe, '42, Glen Ridge, N . J., !s ly interesting speeches. "Fritz " He slep, one a student pilot in the United States Army Air of the National Broadcasting Company' s four Corps , Maxwell Field, Ala . news editors , gave a picture of the news behind the news in his talk on "Radio News and the War ," and Mr. Sayre, a member of report on one who is "somewhere in Eng- the University 's board of trustees , discussed land." the effect the war will have on the institu Just what I am doing over here I can't tion . Dr. Thalhimer gave a few reminis cences tell you. The German intelligence has a way from the old Broad Street campus . of finding out things and we are asked .not Joseph Pittore was elected president of to disclose anything in our letters that m!ght the Richmond College chapter to serve until provide information should they fall mto next spring. E. G. Pickels was elected viceenemy hands . . . president ; Emanuel Passamaneck , secretaryThis much I can say, however, and it is no treasurer , and Wilbur K. Gain es, assistant secret to anybody. The R.A .F. raids on Ger- secretary. many are getting bigger every day and when EMA NU EL PASSAMA NEC K , ' 24, our Air Force goes into operation, together Secretary. with the R.A .F. they will be on an everf f 1' increasing scale. Piedmont There are men in the R.A.F. from every country in Europe that Germany has overrun . Douglas Gunter , '30, field representat ive Some of them have travelled around the of the American Red Cross, was guest speaker world to get here. at a recent meeting of the Culpeper Red They fly to get revenge, to equal the score Cross chapter. against the Germans and their hatred is very Margaret Willis , '2 8, is serving as coun bitter . sellor at Camp Lupton, Wood stock, Va. Please give my regards to everyone . Mildred Jones , ' 25, and Virginia Clare Johnson are attending summer school at Sincerely, William and Mary . BILLBURGE, '40 . Gertrude Lewis, ' 35, is attendin g summer school at Madison College and will be on the (EDITOR's Norn : His friends may -~rite to Lieut. William B. Burge, Jr. , c/ o Military Culpeper high school faculty next year. Attache, London, England .) Mary G. Decker , ' 18, of Alabama Worn -
[ 15 }
an's College is spending the summer with Miss Eleanor Decker at Pamunky, Va . Richard L. Todd , ' 37, is in the Quartermaster Corps at Camp Lee. Ensign Thomas D. Todd , '37, and Ensi~n Jame s Minor Holladay, '34, are at sea with the Atl anti c Fleet. Rev. and Mr s. W. B. Ward of Orange are leaving the last of June for Elins, W. Va ., wh ere Mr. Ward has accepted a call to the Presbyt er ian Church. BETTY WILLETS, '4 0, Secretary. '(
Washington This chapt er held its annual dinn er and meeting at 2600 16th Street , N.W ., on May 1, 1942. Through the efforts of Pr_esident M. P. German, '27, and his committee, a g roup of forty memb~rs and guests assembled to enjoy a very nice dinner and _a sooable meet ing that followed. The business of read ing and approving the m!nute s of the preceding meeting and the elect10n of _officers was quickly disposed of. The select10ns of the nomin ating committee beaded by Jam es H arman son, Jr. , '27, were unanimou sly approved for office. These were: Mes srs. E. H. Pruden, for pre sident; C. T. Thom as, '20, for vice-president; J . R. Ceranton, ' 31, for secretary, and G. W . Quick, ' 17, for treasurer. Pr esident German then introduced some of our g uests, who responded with appropriate remarks. Those who thu s honored us included: Lieut. Colonel Henry M . Taylor , '12, and Major Francis E. Lutz , ' 14, both of Fo rt George G. Meade, Md.; Miss Frances Burnette, ' 27, of the Westhampton Alumnae; Messrs. Joe Nettles, '30, alumni secretary, and John Fen lon , varsity footb all coach of the University. New member s of the chapter were asked to introduce th emselv es. Severa l suggestions for improving the work of the Chapter were mad e for the benefit of our new president for th e coming year. The repo rt of the treasurer, Mr. Ceranton, was as brief as hi s budg et, but the response to bi s request for payment of membership dues did much to ease the finan cial situation. The speaker of the evening, Dr. S. B. Cous ins of the Un iversity Faculty, spok e on our her itage of Christian Education. Dr. Cousins was in happy vein, holdin g us spe llbound with his oratory. The customary closing of singin g "O ld Red and Blue" was led by Mr. Chester Swar.son, ' 26. C ..T T HOMAS, '20 . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,,1,11111111111111111•:
SERVICE MEN Wherever this reaches you. Lieutenant Colonel or Lieutenant Commander. Buck private or ordinary seaman. The Alumni Office wants your picture. Would like to publish it in a special military section of the next issue. Please send one today. It doesn't have to be a portrait photograph. A snapshot will do.
of Northampton, and was Moderator of tht Accomack Baptist Association for fifteen years. 1901 SYCLE- Dr. Moses C. Sycle died of a heart attack at his home in Richmond on March 24th at the age of 63. He was educated at Richmond College and the School of Medicine in Philadelphia. He practic~ medicine in Richmond for many years a. , during the last war he served as a capta111 in the medical corps.
1882 Cox - Rev . Arthur E. Cox, died at the home of his son, Professor Sidney Cox, Hanover, N. H., on May 21st at the age of 83. A native of Buckinghamshire, Eng land, he came to this country with his parents at an early age . Soon after his graduation from Richmond College he went north and passed the rest of his life in New England and in New York State as the pastor of Baptist churches. 1892 DAWSON- Word has been received of the death of Marion L. Dawson in Brooksville, Fla., where he was engaged in the practice of law. He had been a member of the Florida legislature for several years. 1894 BAILEY- Dr. Joseph Benjamin Bailey, Keysville, Va. , physician , died suddenly while on a professional call. He was 72 years old . A native of Chesterfield County, he attended Richmond College and the Medical College of Virginia before entering the practice of medicine . 1896 VELLINFS- Rev. Robert E. Vellines, died March 29th at his home near Doswell, Va. He had been retired from the active ministry for several years. He was educated at Richmond Colle ge and at Crozer Theological Seminary. 1898 LANIER- Major Alexander Sidney Lanier , author of the first espionage act ever enacted by the United States, died in a Washington hospital on April 25th at the age of 72. Major Lanier, a cousin of the poet, Sidney Lanier , was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. A native of Oxford, N. C., he won his law degree at Richmond College and for several years practi ced law in Richmond. A captain in World War I, he was at the time of his death a major in the reserves and was assigned to the war plans and training branch of the general staff. Among his publi c offices were those of assistant to the attorney general of the Philippines, government counsel before the American-Mexican Mixed Claims Commission, and special assistant attorn ey general. NOTTINGHAM- Judge John E. Nottingham, Jr. , for twelve years judge of the 31st Judicial Circuit, died of a heart attack on May 24th. He attended Richmond College and the University of Vir g inia where he received his law degree. Returning to his native Northampton County he practiced law for many years and was three times elected commonwealth's attorney and three times served as the representative of Northampton and Accomack counties in the Virginia General Assembly. He was president of the Bank
[ 16 J
SMITH- William Smith , Jr. , a practicing attorney at Chatham , Va., from the time of hi s graduation from Richmond College in 1901 until his death, died on February 23rd at the age of 74 . Active in church work, he was a deacon and clerk of the Chatham Baptist Church . He had been a trustee of Hargrave Military Academy since 190 9.
1907 CARDOZO- Randolph Burwell Cardozo, a member of a family long prominent in the business and social life of Richmond died in a Richmond hospital on May 30th 'at the age of 60. In addition to Richmond College he attended Stevens Institute and the University of Pennsylvania. 1927 KERSEY- Rev. Luther Wilbur Kersey, pastor of the Kentuck and Oak Grove Churches in Pittsylvania County, Va., died June 6th in Danville. After his graduation from Richmond College , he continued his training at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary before entering the active ministry.
1928 CHENAULT- Rev. Percy Baylor Chenault died in an automobile accident on April 1, 1939 . In addition to Richmond College, he attended the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and was graduated in 1931.
1933 CAMPBEL_L - Dr. Otho Perry Campbell died June 2, 1941. At the time of his death he was a First Lieutenant in the Army Medical Corps and had been stationed at Camp Blan,ding , Fla. He attended Richmond College , the Medic al College of Virginia (M .D. '3 7), interned at Johnston-Willis Hospital in Richmond , and had practiced at Bowling Green, Va . 1934 Woon - James Ira Wood, for a number of years principal of Grange Hali High School in Chesterfield County and more lately teacher of manual arts in Petersburg High School, died April 5th at the age of 47. Born at Cheritondale, N. Y. , he came to Chesterfield County in 1922. He received both his bachelor's (1934) and his master 's degree (1941) from the University of Richmond . 1938 HARRIS- (See Page 8). 1941 BRITTON- (See Page 8).
1892Reunion The class of '92, nineteen strong, was the largest group graduated by Richmond College up to that time. To nine B.A.'s and three M.A.'s were added the first B.L.'s of the School of Law, put in 1890 on a permanent founda tion as a memorial to Mr. T. C. WilAams, Sr. and taught by Judge Roger Gregory. Woulter, Dawson, the two Gregorys, Sims and Wise practiced their profession in Virginia and B. W . Coleman became chief justice of the supreme court of Nevada. Of the academics: R. E. Chambers had a distinguished missionary career in the Orient, where he organized and developed the China Baptist Publication Society; Joe Childrey and E. F . Dillard were cut off in the early years of ministries of unusual promise; C. T. Taylor had fruitful pastorates in New Mexico and Virginia; Harry Corey, beloved physician and Frank Duke, popular business man, cast their lot in Richmond, and L. R. Hamberlin became professor of English in the University of Texas. Celebrating their fiftieth anniversary by a
Treasurer's Report
Alumni Council
For Fiscal Year Ending May 29, 1942
INCOME Balance in bank June 1, 1941 . . . . . . . . Dues from 59 sustammg members and 452 regular members ....... $1,199.00 Thalhimer Fellowship 625.00 AAdvertising in BuLW LETIN . . . . . . . . . 367.39 Westhampton contribution for BULLETIN . . ..... ... . 150.00 Alumni Social Center Building Fund 60.00 Other income ..... 517.46 Total Income . . . . . . DISBURSEMENTS Commencement and Homecoming Ex$ 162.13 penses . . ........ Thalhimer Fellowship 6 5 5.00 Social Center Building Fund . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 BULLETIN ( 4 issues) 1,211.81 Office expenses-Postage, printing, etc.. 99.12 Miscellaneous Cash Items . . . . . . . . . . . 232 .18
$ 391.58
happy reunion at Commencement were James C. Harwood, principal of John Marshall, Richmond's oldest and large st high school, from which more boys and girls have come to college than from any other in Virginia; Emmet Reid, emeritus professor of organic chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University, consultant to the DuPont, Socony Vacuum, Hercules and Thiakol companies, and advisor in research to Alma Mater and a group of Southern universities ; Garnett Ryland, professor of chemistry in the U. of R., and George Whitfield, engineer and director of Public Utilities of Richmond City. Represented by letter and in spirit, and wished for in person, was D. K. Walthall, eminent Presbyterian minister, now of Linden, N. C. We all joined in his expression of esteem and love for the "old faculty," Professors Puryear, Harris, Harrison, Smith, Winston, Thomas, Pollard, Boatwright and Gaines, as he wrote, "Each one of them has been and still is a vital influence on my life." G.R. the conflict and that it will serve as a permanent record of the contribution made by sons of the University of Richmond. Please check the list closely. Then write to the Alumni Office, pointing out any omissions of which you know. By so doing you will be rendering a real service to the University and particularly to the department of history which, under the direction of Dr . Ralph C. McDanel, is planning at some future date to write the story of the part our men played in the winning of this war. The military list follows:
U.S. Army:
2,918.85 $3,310.43
Balance in bank May $ 890.19 29, 1942 . . . . . . R. M. STONE, '30, Treasurer.
Alumni in Action (Continued from page 8)
9umni into the service. It is hoped, how~ver, that through the cooperation of alumni the list can be made complete by the close of
Lieut. Col. Thomas R. Aaron, '16 Corporal William T. Allman, Jr., '40 G. Randolph Babcock, ' 39 (Air Corps) Sergeant R. H. Bagby, '42 Captain Willard G . Barker, '2 3 ( Air Corps) Sidney Barney, ·40 Second Lieut. Milton B. Baroody, '4 1 (Air Corps) First Lieut . Richard F. Bates, '35 First Lieut. David M. Bear, '37 (Dental Corps) Lieut. Col. William C. Bentley, '28 (Air Corps) Lieut. Clifford N. Bernstein, '29 (Air Corps) T. Daniel Birchett, Jr., '42 Aviation Cadet William R. Blandford, '40 Aviation Cadet J. Franklin Bohannon, '44 Aviation Cadet Henry L. Booker, Jr., '40 First Lieut. James M. Booker, ·29 (Medical Reserve) First Lieut. Guy A. Borkey, '28 (Air Corps) Delmas A. Bottoms, '34 Lieut. Gary Alfred Bousman, '35 (Chaplain) Adam Roswell Bowers, ·39 Harrell A. Brauer, '42 (Air Corps)
William H. Brauer, '41 Private Richard Y. Bristow, '41 *Aviation Cadet Frank H. Britton, '41 (killed in plane crash in Mississippi) Private H. Douglas Britton, '40 Allan Brockenbrough, '39 First Lieut. George K. Brooks, Jr., '39 (Medical Reserve) Second Lieut. Wm. F. Brot-t, '32 Private Robert A . Bullock, '45 Sergeant Darrell H. Bugg, ·33 First Lieut. William B. Burge, Jr. , '40 (Air Corps) Edward W. Butcher, '41 Major Ernest P. Buxton, Jr., '29 (Medical Corps) Antonio G. Calamos, '35 Captain Hyman Cantor, '25 (Surgical Corps) Lieut. Hugh L. Cardozo, '36 Allan J. Carter, '38 . Richard Calloham Cash, '42 (Air Corps) Second Lieut. Victor Chaltain, '34 Lieut. Harvey H. Chapman, '40 (Air Corps) First Lieut William H. Chapman, Jr., ' 31 (Medical Reserve) First Lieut. Kenneth J . Cherry, '36 (Surgical Corps) Winfree W. Chewning, '37 First Lieut. Beverley B. Clary, ' 34 (Surgical Corps) Lieut. Nicholas T. Cooke , Jr., '27 Lieut. Samuel L. Cooke, '27 (Medical Corps) Aviation Cadet Eugene W . K. Cornwell, Jr. , '40 Robert H. Cranshaw, '43 (Air Corps) Corporal Robert Crawford, '43 First Lieut. John P. Crowder, Jr., ' 37 (Air Corps) *Lieut . Lee Gary Crutchfield, Jr., ' 32 ( died of gunshot wound, Fort Ord, Cal.) William C. Cunningham, '43 Colonel John A. Cutchins, '05 Captain Mercer P. Davis, ·40 ( Air Corps) Aviation Cadet E. Terry Dennis, '42 Sergeant Ernest H. Dervishian, '38 Robert W . Dew, '31 Second Lieut. Enders Dickinson, III, '40 (Air Corps) Private Henry H. Dickinson, '40 Captain Francis E. Doane, '23 Captain John W. Dobson, ·35 Second Lieut. John H. Dodd, '39 (Air Corps) Sergeant Harold Dolsey, '40 Aviation Cadet James H. Donohue III '41 Aviation Ca·det Cecil E. Duncan, '42 ' Lieut ..Col. J. Earle Dunford, '15 Captain Edward W. Eanes, '29 (Chaplain) Louts A. Earles, '39 (Air Corps) Larry J. Edberg, '38 Private Oscar B. Eddleton, ·39 (Air Corps) Pnvate Jerome L. Epstein, '37 Senior Surgeon James Edge Faris, ' 14 (Surgical Corps) Allan B. Ferguson, Jr., '29 Private Lemuel W. Fitzgerald, '43 John C. Fleming, '39 John W. Fleming, '44 (Air Corps) James T. Francis, '37 (Air Corps) Lieut. John W. Frazer, ' 34 (Air Corps) Captain Frederick H. Garber, ' 31 Ray M. Garber, '38 Henry D. Garnett, '42 Major Seth Gayle, Jr., '24 (Medical Corps) Capt. L. Dudley George, II, ' 23 Gerald F. Gilbert, '36 Captavi Bernard A. Gilman, '37 Captain William S. Goode, '40 Second Lieut. John 0. Green. '36 (Air Corps) Av1at10n Cadet William E. Grigg, Jr., '40 First Lieut. William F. Grigg, Jr., ' 38 (Medicaf Reserve) Aviation Cadet Daniel Grinnan IV ·39 (Medical First Lieut. William C. Grinna~. Corps) Aviation Cadet Robert D. Ham, '40 Sergeant Michael G. Harman, '43 Ray A. Hare, '45 (Air Corps) William E. Harrelson, Jr ., '39 (Air Corps) *Sergeant Sidney Harris, '38 (killed in action on Bataan) Lieut. Col. Alan L. Hart, '12 Lieut. Thomas A. Hart, '29 (Medical Corps) Lieut. Malcolm H . Harwell, '24 Lieut. Alfred B. Hauft, ' 38 Henry Hawkins, ·43 ( Canadian Air Force) Marbry B. Hopkins, Jr., '33
More than 400 University of Richmond alumni who have joined the armed forces are listed on pages 17, 18 and 19. The listing gives only rank, name and class year. Addresses and specific information about the branch of service have been purposely omitted. 11111111,,,,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,,1111111111111111111,:::
[ 17}
Stuart W. Hoskins, '40 Lieut. George L. Huffman, '32 Aviation Cadet James T. Humphrey, '43 Aviation Cadet John C. Hutt, '41 Carl A. Janssen , '44 (Air Corps) Floyd Jarvis, '43 First Lieut. Milton Joel, '40 (Air Corps·) Major Jesse M. Johnson, '22 Raymond E. Johnson, '41 Thad W. Jones, '44 (Air Corps) Dr. Daniel Mason Jones, Jr., '3,6 (Dental Corps) Sergeant R. Sims Jones, Jr., '39 Chaplain William S. Jones, '25 Master Sergeant Thomas D. Jordan , '40 Private Francis G. Josten, '38 Leonard Kamsky, '39 (Air Corps) Aviation Cadet Mitchell D. Katz, Jr., '37 First Lieut. William F. Kay hoe, '40 ( Air Corps) Aviation Cadet Arthur R. Kingdon, ' 36 Second Lieut. William L. Kirby, '41 (Air Corps) Sidney Knipe, '42 (Air Corps) Aviation Cadet Louis Krapin, '32 Major Carl W. La Fratta, '29 (Medical Reserve) Aviation Cadet Beverley R. Lamb, ' 38 James Laster, '38 Lieut. J. Day Lee, Jr., ' 30 (Air Corps) Thomas G. Lewis, '40 (Air Corps) Wilbur M. Lewis, '39 (Air Corps) Lieut. Col. Elvin S. Ligon, Jr., ' 31 (Air Corps) Will Arthur Ligon, ' 30 George E. Long, '39 Reuben T. Long, Jr., '42 Melvin V. Lubman, '44 Major F. Earle Lutz, ' 14 Staff Sergeant Robert O. Lyell, '3 5 Lieut. Adrian P. Lyon, Jr., '41 (Air Corps) Private Benjamin H . Magee, '42 Major Joseph T. N. McCastor, '23 (Medical Corps) Sergeant W. P. McGriff, Jr., '43 First Sergeant James L. Mclemore , Jr., '40 Clarence E. Major , '42 Barton J. Mallory, '42 First Lieut. Berkeley H. Martin, Jr., ' 37 (Medical Reserve) First Lieut. Philip L. Mathewson , '38 (Air Corps) Robert J. Morrison, '40 Lieut. Paul E. Nauman, '38 (Air Corps) Dr. Claude Linwood Neale, '24 (Medical Corps) Private Charles J. Newell, Jr., '30 Lieut. Thomas 0 . Newell, '33 (Air Corps) Aviation Cadet Marlin T. Nolan, '42 Major Claude A. Nunnally, '27 (Medical Corps) Aviation Cadet F. Merrill O'Connor , '39 Captain George L. Oliver, ' 39 Bernard C. O 'Sullivan, ' 30 Irvin Kyle Owen, '42 (Canadian Air Force) Sidney Pasternach , '44 Lieut. Harry 0. Patteson, '36 (Air Corps) Captain Moncure Perkins Patteson, '27 Private R. Grady Paul, Jr., '43 Aviation Cadet Moses Payton, ' 39 Captain George M. Percival, '15 Private Allan J. Phaup , Jr., '40 (Air Corps) First Lieut. Charles H. Phaup , Jr. , ' 33 (Air Corps) Albert L. Philpott, '41 William H. Phipps, '44 (Air Corps) First Lieut. Leonard D. Policoff, ' 38 (Medical Reserve) Captain William M. Pope, ' 35 Lieut. Elmer C. Prichard , '3 2 Rollo I. Pus ey, Jr., '43 Merrill E. Raab, '10 Captain David M. Ramsey, Jr. , '23 (Air Corps) Staff Sergeant Davis T. Ratcliffe , '24 Dorsey C. Rawling s, '40 Rev. John R. Ray, '24 Channing B. Rennie, Jr. , '39 Lieut. Charles W. Reynolds, '41 G eorge E. Roberts , '41 Captain Carroll B. Robertson, '31 (Medical Corps) David L. Robertson , '4 3 Pvt. Sydenh am B. Robertson, ' 38 William M. Robinson , '40 George Rochkind, '40 Captain William H. Roper , '25 (Medical Corps) Sergeant Milton Rosenstein, ' 37 First Lieut . Herman H. Rothenberg, '33 (Air Corps) Lieut. Herbert G. Ruffin, ' 33 (Medical Corps)
John D. Sanford, '39 Second Lieut. Richard L. Scammon, '39 First Sergeant George W. Schools, '32 Samuel T. Schroetter, Jr., '38 First Lieut. Stuart Schwarzschild, '38 William 0. Seifert, '41 (Air Corps) Captain Dudley B. Selden, '32 (Air Corps) Dr. Jerome J. Shapiro, '30 Dr. Eugene B. Shepherd, '31 (Medical Corps) Private Clyde R. Shuford, '38 Lieut. Louis A. Shuford, '42 Aviation Cadet Gilbert Siegal, '40 Major William R. Silvey, '17 Private Carlton H. Slate, '43 William H . Snyder, Jr., '41 (Air Corps) Horace S. Smith, '45 Private George Spears, '39 Emmett L. Spence, '45 (Air Corps) First Lieut. Wallace E. Stanley, '33 Second Lieut. Paul Stanch, '43 Aviation Cadet Henry L. Steiner, '41 Aviation Cadet George A. Stephenson, Jr., '40 First Lieut. John E. Stevens, Jr., '37 (Medical Reserve) Captain Lewis T. Stoneburner, III, '33 (Medical Corps) Second Lieut. S. Frank Straus, ' 35 (Air Corps) Robert Talley, '40 Lieut. John H. Tanous, '38 (Medical Corps) Owen F. Tate, '41 Lieut. Col. Henry M. Taylor, '12 First Lieut. William P. Terry, '34 (Medical Corps) Aviation Cadet Carlson R. Thomas, '40 Paul C. Thomas, '40 A. N. Thompson, Jr., '42 Sergeant Thomas R. Thornton, '38 Captain George N. Thrif.t, '32 (Medical Corps) Lieut. Fred H. Timberlake, '36 Private Richard L. Todd, '37 Second Lieut. W. James Turkington, '41 Major D. Gardiner Tyler, Jr., '2,6 Earl Wayne Tyler, '40 Captain Gilman R. Tyler, '34 Lieut. Stuart E. Ullman, '3 7 ( Air Corps) First Lieut. Robert G. Urbach, '39 Lieut. Robert P. Van Buren, '41 *Douglas Van Buskirk, '40 (Canadian Air Force. Shot down over Germany) M. F. M . Van Doren, '45 (Air Corps) Lieut. Arthur Vaughan, '37 (Air Corps) Private C. Porter Vaughan, Jr., '40 Sergeant John H. Wagner, '38 First Lieut. David C. Wallace, '34 Second Lieut. John T. Watkins, Jr., ' 40 (Air Corps) First Lieut. Arnold F. Watts, '40 Second Lieut. J. Elie Weeks, '25 Henry A. Wellhouse, '42 (Air Corps) Sergeant R. McLean Whittet, Jr., '39 Shanks M . Wilborn, '38 Aviation Cadet Thomas J. Wiley, Jr., '40 Aviation Cadet Mark Willing, Jr., '43 Lieut. M. Eugene Wills, '39 Major Randolph L. Wood, '29 (Air Corps) Second Lieut. G. Stuart Woodson, '36 Major Albert M. Woody, '17 (Air Corps) Chaplain William W . Wright, '34
U.S. Navy Comdr. Ernest L. Ackiss, ' 10 (Chaplain) Ensign Vincent R. Adams, Jr., '40 Comdr. Francis L. Albert, '19 ( Chaplain) Ensign Stuart R. Allen, ' 39 Ensign Frank P. Alvis, Jr., '38 Ensign A. E. Andersen, Jr., '39 Lieut. Anthony J . Baroody, ' 35 Murray M . Barr, '41 (Air Corps) Ensign Arthur C. Beck, Jr., '40 Ensign Hilaire E. Beck, Jr., '36 Lieut. Wm. Hoke Berry, '31 · Henry W. Black, '40 Ensign Joseph F. Black, Jr., '40 (Air Corps) Kenneth L. Black, Jr., '39 Ensign Edward L. Bragg, '40 Midshipman Jack M. Bristow, '37 Lieut. (j. g.) Beverley L. Britton, ' 35 Ensign T. Nash Broaddus, Jr. '39 Ensign Norman Brown, '41 Ensign Thomas H. Bruno, '40 Ensign Winston 0. Burgess, '39
[ 18]
· Lieut. (j. g .) Cary W. Burkholder, '33 Ensign Henry E. Cake, '41 Lieut. ( j. g.) Emory L. Carlton, '29 Ensign Woodrow E. Carter, '35 Lieut. George E. Chalmers, '38 (Air Corps) Lieut. Parker E. Cherry, '32 Midshipman Morgan L. Combs, Jr ., '39 Robert H. Combs, '42 Dr. S.S. Cook, '12 (Medical Corps) Ensign Lawson H. Cooke, Tr., '37 Ensign William B. Correll, '38 A' ,: Lieut. Richard F. Creath, '30 John I. Crews, '40 ..,: ) Irving H. Crosby, Jr., '43 Ensign Franklin M. Crouch, '40 Chaplain Warren Franklin Cuthriell, '26 Midshipman Ashley D. DeShazor, '41 Ensign Charles W. Dickinson, III, '35 Ensign John A. Doumlele, '41 Ensign Irving T. Duke, '22 Lieut. (j. g.) Stuart A. Eacho, '33 Jack Alfred Eady, '38 (Air Corps) Ensign Herbert M. Early, '34 Ensign Robert B. Elmore, '40 Ensign Homer G. Essex, '34 Ensign Louis R. Farber, '40 Frederick M . Ferebee, '43 (Air Corps) Aviation Cadet Charles J. Ferneyhough, Jr. , '41 Ensign William J. Finnegan, '43 Ens ign Wm. B. Fitzhugh, '41 Lieut. Russell J. Fleming, '27 Clyde W . Ford, '39 (Air Corps) Ensign Earl R. Fox, '41 Lieut. (j. g.) Watkins Fugate, '32 Lieut. George J. George, '39 (Dental Corps) Midshipman Walter B. Gillette, '40 Ensign J. Stuart Graham, Jr ., '38 Aviation Cadet Lyle Graham, '37 Ensign Thomas H . Graham, '39 Morris Greene, ' 37 Third Class Y oeman Roy A. Harder, '43 Ray Alton Harned, '31 (Air Corps) Ensign Charles L. Harrell, Jr., '41 Paul J. Harrell, '41 Ensign Alvin F. Harris, '40 Ensign Robert M. C. Harris, Jr., '38 Darrell LeRoy Hazelhurst, Jr., '44 (Air Corps) Pharmacist's Mate R. Milton Hobson, '33 Ensign James M . Holladay, Jr., '39 (Air Corps) • Herbert L. Holloway, '39 • Lieut. (i. g.) George C. Hope, '37 Midshipman Ralph D. Hughes, '37 Lieut. W. Moscoe Huntley, '26 Lieut. (j. g.) Harold H. Hutcheson, '33 Ensign Arthur E. Jones, Jr., '41 Bertram A. Jones, '44 (Air Corp~) Ensign Chastine W. _Jones, Jr., '41 Quentin R. Jones, '42 John E. Jordan, '40 Comdr. John B. Kaufman, '97 (Surgical Corps) Ensign Julian 0. Kay, '39 Ensign Hunter B. Keck, Jr., '38 Lieut, (j, g.) Leonard V. Kielpinski, ' 38 (Air Corps) J. Parker Lambeth, Jr., '28 Ensign Randolph C. LaPrade, '40 Ensign Samuel W . Laughon, '38 Ensign Wilfred P. Lawless, '39 William B. Lee, '45 Ensign John D. Ligon, ' 34 Lieut. (i. g . ) Henry Pollard Long, '34 Lieut. Raymond A. Lowry, '28 (Dental Surgeon) Ensign Augustus S. Lynch, '39 (Air Corps) Ensign Eugene W . McCaul, '38 Ensign Grover B. McClure, Jr., '39 Chief Petty Officer Thomas E. McGehee, '35 Joseph Franklin Maher, Jr., '36 *Ensign Charles N. Major, '39 (killed in action) Ensign Gordon L. Mallonee, '37 Ensign Gus D. Mandaleris, '40 Ensign William H. Martin, '39 Charles L. Melson, '2-6 Stuart G. Mercer, ' 38 Ensign Robert S. Montgomery, Jr., '35 Ensign John K. Moore, '41 Chief Petty Officer W. Smithson Morris, '35 Ensign Wm. E. Morrison, '39 (Air Corps) Ensign Roy M. Newton, '39 Lieut. Edmund B. Norman, Jr., '30 Ensign Forrest H. Norvell, '39 (Air Corps)
1. A
Ensign Frank M. Nunnally, '37 (Air Corps) Ensign Roderick L. O'Flaherty, '39 Ensign Harold G. Owens, '41 Warren Pace, '43 Ensign Roger B. Page, '38 Lieut. (j. g.) Richard W. Payne, Jr., '31 Ensign Charles H. Phillips, Jr., '38 (Air Corps) Ensign Horace E. Phillips, '37 Ensign L. H. Phillips, Jr., '42 Lieut. Walter B. Phillips, '28 Lieut. Elmer B. Potter, '29 ~nsign Roy N. Puckett, ' 34 ~ieut. Jacob K. Rader, '32 William G. Rice, '29 Ensign John L. Ridenhour, III, '39 Lieut . (j . g.) Eugene K. Ritter, '30 Chief Petty Officer Homer E. Rowland, '34 Lieut. (j . g.) Edward L. Ruffin, '32 John Pershing Sanders, '40 ( Air Corps) Lieut. Samuel R. Sanders, Jr., '33 Lieut. Comdr. Dave E. Satterfield, Jr., ·17
Aviation Cadet Dave E. Satterfield, III, '43 (Air Corps) Ensign P. Paul Sauniet, Jr., '40 James R. Shaw, '32 Ensign Pendleton McK. Shifflett, Jr., ' 38 Lieut. William Sinton, ' 19 Ensign Anthony N. Smerda, '36 Merrill R. Stewart, ·39 Ensign Seabury D. Stoneburner, '40 Lieut. (j. g.) M. G. Stutz, '30 (Medical Corps) Third Class Petty Officer Oscar B. Taliferro, ·39 Midshipman D. N. Thornhill-, ' 38 Ensign A . Louis Tobias, '37 (Air Corps) Ensign Thomas D. Todd, '37 Ensign W. Warren Townsend, Jr., '38 Ensign Carl L. Turkington, '37 William C. Tyler, '39 (Air Corps) Ensign Bruce P. Van Buskirk, '40 Ensign Evan B. Van Leeuwen, '40 Lieut. (j. g.) Maurice S. Vitsky, '39 (Medical Corps)
Ensign Russell E. Walton, ·39 Ensign Corbin B. White, '39 Ensign David M. White, Jr., ' 39 Ensign J. Tivis Wicker, '41 Lieut. Russell C. Williams, Jr., '30 *Lieut . Walter G. Winslow, '36 (Air Corps) (Aboard the ill-fated Hou ston , and reported missing) Ensign Russell K. Wood, Jr., '40 Ensign C. Frederick Wortham, '40 Prob. Ensign Edwin Wortham, IV, '39 C. P. Younts, '40
U. S. Marines Roland Clark Robins, '28 Lieut. Carl A. Sachs, '41 Second Lieut. John P. Sanders, 40 (Air Corps) Lieut. George H. Shackelford, '41 Lieut. Reed F. Taylor, ' 39 Second Lieut. J. Arthur Wagner, '41
Reviews Effort of This Nation to Defend Its Inheritance (Continued
from pa.ge 3)
. . . it is infinitely more than that. We are either the victims or the victors of a great crisis of modern civilization, a crisis as acute and as far-reaching as the Reformation or the French Revolution. We cannot hope to stem the tide by merely killing Hitler and Mussolini any more than we might hope to quell a storm by skimming off the whitecaps. That reminds me of a pitfall which lies before us at this very hour. With the tide running not with the passage of German arms in Russia, the Hun is already beginning to lay the groundwork for as easy an exit from the fields of battle as the Armistice brought them in 1918. They may be getting ready to ditch Hitler. The generals have been in and out of the saddle since Germany turned away from further attempts to invade England and marched instead against the Russians . These generals have not lost control. As a matter of fact their power grows as the day draws nigh when Germany will be faced with but two courses. The first is to fight on and on, asking and giving no quarter. The alternative . . . is to cook up a plan, long before Germany's complete defeat is clearly .pparent to the world. They will come forward with some semblance • f generosity and make a bid for peace. Just as they cried out that the World War was all the Kaiser's fault, they are getting ready now to put the blame on somebody. Who will be the goat remains to be seen, Hitler is in a good spot to fit the plans of the wily Prussian militarists. They may have been Nazis . . . indeed, they may still be Nazis , . . but down underneath they are first, last and all the time, Prussian militarists. I sincerely hope that our people and no member of the Congress will be for a moment taken in by a trick which should be familiar to every school child in America. There are so many things to be thankful for. . . , We are grateful for the momentum of our production lines of tanks, planes, guns and ships. Why, the Navy Department abandoned its plans for a shipyard at Richmond because other yards already building the type of ship planed to be built at Richmond were so far ahead of their schedules that all available material needed for those ships was being used by those yards. The attitude of our people was never better. For the first time in the history of this republic complaint is heard in the land if the Congress indicates that the tax burden will not be all that we can carry. They on'ly insist that these revenues be spent on the war effort. Our Atlantic ferry loss is less than one per cent. Bombers and other types of aircraft have been flown to England in great numbers, thus relieving cargo space to other needed commodities in England. No losses at all have taken place in the delivery of flying boats, and it must be remembered that such a magnificent record has been made in the face of difficulties which would have seemed insurmountable in normal times. Our fighter ships are using special equipment which makes it possible for them to be flown to Europe. That's the best news this year. The attitude of our allies is all we could ask for. Nearly five million British workers who ~ave never paid taxes before are now having income tax payments Weducted from their weekly wage. A single man or woman earning $38.00 a week finds only $26.00 in the pay envelope. The other $12.00 has been taken for income tax. A married man with two
childr en pays $6.00 a week out of a salary of $38.00. A man who earns $20.00 a week pays $4.00. Those who earn less than $9.00 a week are tax exempt. Cigarettes carry a tax of 21c a package in England . . . but with all . . . these people are cheerful . . , hopeful . . . courageous. What a lesson for us 1 In the carefree days which have passed us by we have been prone to overlook and to discount the complete freedom with which we have been blessed. We are grimly awake now. We know that in this day when dictatorships rise to plague civilization , and when there is a decreased emphasis on independence, we know , . . that it is history repeating itself once more. Perspective is lent to this problem when we recall that Paul, the Apostle, faced it. He had preached freedom to the Galatians . He found them regimented by a legal code. From the eighth day of their existence until they died they were under the duress of a detailed legalism. And Paul freed them from that. He said, ''Love God and do as you please ," He presented to them a Christ as an inner possession and mentor . . . and then in a little while, as you remember, the Galatians grew tired and weary with their liberty. They grew weary of responsibility and making decisions for themselves, and they yearned for the apparent security of the old tradition. They were careless . Paul wrote them: "For freedom did Christ set us free; stand fast, therefore , and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage. " Few sentences of Holy Writ could be more applicable to our present world. If we are wise this kind of a situation, time and again repeated from Paul's day to our own, and as obvious and menacing, can teach us valuable lessons about freedom. We have been facile in our praise of it. We have taken it too lightly as a priceless boon. We have sung too much with Robert Burns in his poem "Liberty 's Glorious Feast." Our people are now making heroic answer to this charge. Ours is not a resort to force, which so often is a declaration of bankruptcy smothered in martial music, but the effort of a free nation grimly enlisting to defend its inheritance in a spirit as authentic as Lexington and Concord. The breaking down of isolation , this growing oneness of world interest, intensifies the strain of our living, but we find comfort in looking back , . . to know that all the would-be usurpers of the rights of free men have come and gone , while truth has persisted. Freedom has repeatedly raised itself from the dust . . . and fundamental human rights have emerged again and again. Duty . . . that is the watchword for us. In rationing, priorities , in our manner of speaking, in every phase of our daily lives, a word which has lost none of its sublimity since the days of General Robert E. Lee runs like a silver thread. The other day I chanced to come upon Wordsworth's "Ode to Duty," and I thought to myself . . . out of the days of our living we always learn the power of that word. You remember Wordsworth wrote:
[ 19}
Yet being to myself a guide, Too blindly hav e reposed my trust ; And oft , when in my heart was heard Thy timely mandate I deferred
The task, in smoother walks to stray; But duty .... Thee I would serve more strictly if I may. The future belongs to tomorrow. The past is a part of the realm of things that never return . . . and yet . . . so much of it remains a part of our subconscious selves that it is a beacon and a guide. The same old problems are before us, bedecked perhaps in garments that render them hard to recognize. To keep this old world in balance . . . to return men and women to moderation, despite the strange doctrines, false teachings, and fantastic schemes that trouble this age . . . is a task which is set before each socceeding generation, that they may write for themselves the record of the future and so spend their hours today that tomorrow may welcome its memories. When the conflict is over and each and every one of us has done his very best, we shall not with bowed heads be dismally saying: How green was my valley. Erect, victorious, we shall be saying with the pride that comes with great effort and unselfish sacrifice: How green is my valley. There is comfort in knowing that with great decisions comes great vision. Our country is not just a name . . . it is a living force. . . . Our country is not a sentiment . . . it is a vital engine of righteousness. We have seen, we have learned ... we know. For great decisions, greater visions, greatest opportunity . . . for these we thank the God of our fathers. Let us say with Rupert Brooke as he went gallantly to his death at Gallipoli: Thank God he has matched us with this day! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Biology at the University of Richmond (Continued
from page 4)
in September on teaching fellowship. Had teaching fellowship in zoology while attending Richmond. Research at Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass., summer 1941. Professor of Biology, Virginia Intermont College, 1941. Marca Isabel Taliaferro, '33; M.A., 1935, Wellesley. Now research work, Medical College of Virginia. Miss Taliaferro attended Wellesley on a teaching fellowship in zoology. Harriet Marshall Walton, '35; M.A., '37 . Now instructor in biology and athletic director, Fairfax Hall, Waynesboro, Va. While doing graduate work at Richmond, Miss Walton was an assistant in botany. Robert Armistead Carsley, B.A., 1937, Mississippi College; M.A., 1939, Richmond. Holder of Commonwealth Scholarship at Tulane. Carlsley assisted in zoology at Richmond.
Edna Iren e Loving, '33 ·; M.A ., '40, in botany. Now Mrs. Robert Baskerville Young. Sarah Huldah Hoover , '39; M.A., in zoology, '40. Now at Medical College of Virginia. Elmer Clyde Prichard, B.A., 1930, Mississippi College; M.A., 1932, in botany, Richmond. Now Lieutenant, Quartermaster's Corps, U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Seymour Shatz, B.A., 1929, New York University; M .A., 1931, in zoology, Richmond. Mary McClintock Ryland, '32; M.A., 1933, in botany, Richmomt Now Mrs. Donald Roy Tessler, Reed College, Portland , Oregon . Channing Luther Pace, '37, M.Sc., 1939, Cornell. Now Assistant Entomologist, Virginia Department of Agriculture , Richmond. Pace attended Cornell on a research grant. Susan Cook McClure, '35; M.A., 1936, Minnesota. Now Mrs. Arthur E. Jones, Lake Laida, Unionville, Connecticut. Lyndele Atkinson Pitt, '36; M.A. in zoology, 1938. Now teaching at Keysville, Va. Otelia Mildred Frances, '35; M.A., in entomology, 1937, Cornell. Now Mrs. William Bodenstein, Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, Fla. Mary Ruffin Jones, '33; M.A ., in zoology, 1935, Virginia . Now Mrs. Roy W. Mason, 1919 Thompson Road, Charlottesville. Frances Crafton Smith, '33; M.A., in botany, 1936, Virginia. Now Mrs . T. Lyttleton Justice, Fredericksburg, Va. Robert Douglas Murrill, '38; M.Sc., in zoology, 1940, V.P.I. Donald Ray Mann, '30; M.A., in zoology, 1932, Duke. Picture editor, Washington Post, Washington, D . C. Milton Berlad, '35; M.A., in zoology, 1936. Eugene Goodbreed Peek, Jr., '39; M.A., in zoology, 1941. Catherine Bird Hoover , '4 1 ; M.A. , 1942. Will enter Medical College of Virginia. Alys Leontine d'Avesne , '40; M.A., 42; research assistant, Medical College of Virginia. The call to military service cut short the graduate work of William Thomas Allman, Jr., '40, and Walter Scott Townsend, '40. Both held teaching fellowships in botany. William Rose Maynard, JrA '4 1, has entered naval aviation. Joe Wheeler Wiggins, will con. tinue in graduate work and James Gordon, '42, has a teaching fellowship on entomology for 1942-43 at V.P.I. (EDITOR'S NoTE: No attempt has been made to include the names of those biology majors who graduated prior to 1930. Nor does it include those biology majors who went directly to medical schools.)
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• • • • Areyou • riding on • • the hump • • too? • • • • IN • • • • • i(
LANDS whore the two-humped camel is still a means of transportation
the natives sit BETWEEN
the humps .. . and ride in comfort.
In America, most of the people ride ON the humps of their transportation facilities- - not because there is no comfortable place in which to ride between the morning and evening traffic humps-- but because many people are geared to occupations which require them all to start and stop work at about the same time, and others, out of thoughtlessness or by force of habit, allow themselves 11 too, to get into the traffic jams of the morning and evening "rush hours. They ride ON the humps when they could just as well ride more comfortably IN BETWEEN the humps .. .
i( i(
Ride in comfort BETWEEN the hours of 9 :30 A . M . and 4 P. M . Leave the humps for those who MUST ride on them.
• •
-·* *******
P.S.: Those who have the responsibility for arranging church, social and other meetings , will do well to bear in mind the traffic hum ps . . . so that those attending the meetings can ride during the comfortc1ble hours, leaving the hum/1s for those who must ride during the "rush hours."
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ADRI ENN E AMES , supervisor of cant een suppli es for Bundl es for Blu eja ckets, a di vision of "Bundles for America" which is supplyin [,· _,.)m • forts to the men of th e armed f orces of th e Unit ed Stat es. No bundl e for a man in the service is compl ete without the cigar ett e tha t satisfi es.
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the clffaretteikhMtltk" Cooler, Better Tasting No other cigarette can give you the smoking pleasure you get from Chesterfield's can't-be-copied blend. This right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos leads all others in the three things you like best in a cigarette. It is definitely Milder, far Cooler-Smoking and lots Better-Tasting. Get yourself a pack of Chesterfields today and try them. They'll . give you more smoking plea sure than you ever had before ... THEY SATISFY.
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