Alumni Bulletin, University of Richmond, Volume 12, Spring 1948

Page 1




Why did Aunt Hallie wrap the ice in paper? It made the ice melt slower, so she figured she'd save money. You don't sec today's Aunt Hallie ru stling around trying to turn off her electric refrigerator. Housekeeping economy is just as important, hut there's a difference ... It costs so very little to run a refrigerator with electricity! For an average family-less than a nickel a day.

You've helped make electricity so low in price by using it for more and more jobs. And the sound, bu siness methods of the electric companies have made it more and more of a bargain, in spite of the rising costs of making and delivering electricity. Today, the average family still gets twice as much electricity for its money as it did just twenty years ago!

Listen to the Electric Hour-THE HovR or CHARM. Sunday Afternoons CBS



In This Issue


Although her footsteps no longer are heard on the graveled walks of W esthampton College and silent is the voice which spoke with authority in classroom and committee meetings, there has been no lessening of Maude Woodfin's influence at the University of Richmond. The memory of this gentlewoman will be cherished in the hearts of those who were privileged to know her. Her name and fame will be perpetuated in the "Maude Howlett Woodfin Grant for Research in History." (Page 17.) Her former students and friends will rejoice in their opportunity to participate in this most appropriate memorial to so gifted a scholar, teacher, and writer. f


Published quarterly at the University of Richmond by the General Society of Alumni . Appli<:ation for entry as second-class matter at the Post Office, University of Richmond, Virginia, is pending . Subscription price : $1.00 per year. VOL.




"Mitchell, Teacher of the New South" (page 6) is an article which would grace any magazine published in these United States. The Bulletin is grateful to Guy R. Friddell, brilliant young newspaiperman who is now in graduate school at Columbia University, for the privilege of presenting this magnificent character sketch. You won't have to pay any matriculation fee for a refresher course under Mitchell. Just turn to page 6. f



The SPM and the SPFL ( societies for the prevention of mathematics and foreign languages) can be expected to bombard President Modlin's committee on curriculum study which is examining the educational bill of fare to determine present needs and future requirements. As Dean Pinchbeck, chairman of the committee, explains {page 3) the job is one which must be done carefully and thoroughly. Suggestions from alumni will be welcomed. f



One of two Virginia Senators (A . Willis Robertson, '07) and two of nine Virginians in the United States House of Representatives (J. Vaughan Gary, '12, Third district, and Watkins M. Abbitt, '31, Fourth district) are alumni of the University of Richmond. Watt Abbitt, who recently was chosen to succeed the late Patrick H. Drewry as Fourth District representative (page 11), will measure up to the high expectations of his legion of friends and admirers. f



Noses have doubtless been punched and certainly harsh words have been traded by conserv~tionists and industrialists in the stream pollution controversy. For a sane discussion of this issue, read Stuart Crawford's "Industrial Stream Pollution in Virginia." (Page 13.) What is being done in Virginia to solve an admittedly difficult problem can be followed to advantage in other states. f






The University of Richmond can take pride in the fact that for two consecutive years the coveted Herty Medal for outstanding contributions to chemistry in the Southeast has been won by a U. of R. alumnus. (Page 14.) Dean Emeritus Wortley F. Rudd, of the Medical College of Virginia, whose career was told by Anne Skinner in the winter issue of the Bulletin, has been announced as, the 1948 winner of the medal. Last year's winner was Dr. Emmet Reid, '92, former head of the chemistry department of Johns Hopkins University, a scholar distinguished in research. f



What may eventually prove to be one of the most significant ventures into cooperative education at the college and university level is the Richmond Area University Center {page 4) which embraces eight institutions in the Richmond area. In gathering material for the article, Dr. Sidney S. Negus, administrator of the Center, uncovered the fact that the plan was first presented by Dr. Mitchell as early as 1906. Although "the individuality of the colleges" prevented adoption of the plan then, "time has worked it," Dr. Mitchell says in a letter to Dr. Negus. [ 1]




No. l

'30 ......... Editor Westhampton Editor '30 .. . Business Manager


THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF ALUMNI OFFICERS J . C. Wicker, ' 19 ... . . .... .... President A. J . Dickinson, '37 . ... 1st Vice-President W. C. Atkins, '25 . .... 2nd Vice-President J . A. Leslie, Jr ., ' 16 ... 3rd Vice-President Ralph H. Ferrell, Jr. , '33 ....... Secretary Joseph E. Nettles, ' 30 ... Executi ve Secretary EXECUTIVE


J. E. Dunford , '15 Walter B. Anderson, '21 and the above officers. THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFFICERS Robert T . Marsh, '22 ..... ..... President W. Richard Broaddus, '21, Isl Vice-President D . N. Davidson, '09 .... 2nd Vice-President Joseph E. Nettles, '30 .. Executive Secretary Robert M. Stone, ' 30 .......... Treasurer EXECUTIVE


W. B. F. Cole, '12 B. Clifford Goode, '19 Edward J. Fox, '17 and the above officers.

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Harriet Sharon Willingham President (Mrs. Edward), '26 ......... Dorothy Abbott Wood (Mrs. Matthew L.), '30 . . . Vice-President Leslie Sessoms Booker (Mrs. R. E.), '22 . .. Executive Secretary Mail all contributions and news items to Mrs . R. E. Booker, Executive Secretary, Westhampton College Alwnnae Association, P. 0. University of Richmond, Va. Ethel Smither, ' 15 } Ethney Selden Headlee (Mrs . T . ].), '23 Margaret Leake, '31 Members-at-Large Emily Parker Kendig (Mrs . E. L.), '38 May Thayer, '42 Florence Boston Decker } (Mrs. Henry), '17 B oard of T rustees D r. Em1.1y G ar dner, , 18 Elizabeth Tompkins, ' 19

Maude Howlett Woodfin 1891-1948


O THE Westhampton College Alumnae has come a grievous loss in the sudden and unexpected death of • Maude Howlett Woodfin on the 15th of February, 1948. The editorial in the Times-Dispatch stressed her capacity for achievement in both cultural and scholastic realms, and added "She was admired for her intellect, but she was beloved, especially on the Westhampton College campus, for her personality. Her sympathy and understanding in the classroom, and in all her contacts with the college girls, endeared her to them, and caused them to feel an especially poignant sense of loss at her passing. " The News Leader 's editorial dwelt upon her scholastic achievements, her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago , and concluded with these words , "When Miss Keller retired as dean of Westhampton College, President Modlin asked Miss Woodfin to act as dean for the session of 1946-1947 while search was being made for a permanent successor. With the fine spirit displayed in all her service, Miss Woodfin agreed, though it was manifest she disliked to suspend even temporarily her researches in Colonial history. All who knew the power of her intellect and the ordered discipline of her thought were satisfied she would do well; but even those best acquainted with her scarcely were prepared for the immense success she made. Although her administrative experience had been small, she displayed aptitude, diligence, patience, tact, understanding of the girls, and the finest consideration for the university officials and her faculty colleagues." One of the tributes paid was from an alumna, a former student , to the understanding teacher. "As freshman in Miss Woodfin's Ancient History, the thrill of those first days is something never to be forgotten . More than any other single factor, she presented to us all that the wide, wonderful world of college could be. With the first hours in her classroom it became apparent that we were on new ground. We were expected to think, to explore, to 'stretch ourselves' toward the ideal embodied by this stimulating person. She called us 'college women' and from that day, that is what we tried to be. As freshmen we worshiped from afar, content to feel the inspiration of her spirit, but as upperclassmen we came to know her warmth of heart, her wisdom, her understand ing. On every committee, in every council or board or commission meeting, we looked to her for guidance and were [ 2 ]

never disappointed. Such a person cannot die but will live, as she has lived in our hearts these many years, as one of the finest, noblest spirits we have ever known." Maude Woodfin entered Westhampton College in 1914, the year it opened, as a transfer from the old Woman's College at Tenth and Marshall Streets. She was an eager, serious student and at the time of her graduation in 1916, was the most promising student in the History Department. Her interests, however, were not entirely academic. She participated in college affairs and took an active part in college publications, partly perhaps, because of her father 's newspaper connections. She was a member both of Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board. After graduation she taught at Blackstone College in 1916-18; received an M.A. from the University .of Chicago in 1919, where she woiked in the History Department under Dr. William Dodd. In 1928 she took her Doctor's degree at Chicago, specializing in American History. In 1919 she was appointed Dean at Central College, Arkansas, and in 1920 was called from there to Westhampton College as Associate Professor of History, where she remained until the time of her death, except when absent on leave for further research. She received a Fellowship at Brookings Institute, Washington, and a .grant from the Carnegie Institute which enabled her to complete the work for publication on the Byrd Diary. She was a woman of many activities, but she devoted every spare moment to research, and could of ten be found reading at a desk in the State Library. In addition to the Byrd Diary, she published a number of sketches of Colonial Virginians in the Dictionary of American Biography; "William Byrd and the Royal Society" in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; "Contemporary Opinion in Virginia on Thomas Jefferson" in "Essays in Honor of William E. Dodd," Chicago, '35. As research scholar, as member of the American Historical Society, she was in touch with men and women everywhere who respected her knowledge and ability. The publication of the William Byrd Diary marked the first milestone in the history of the Byrd family, which she was working on at the time of her death, and hoped to publish in the not too distant future . (Continued on page 11)

Where Do We Go FromHere? By RAYMOND B. PINCHBECK Dean, Richmond College on February 15, 1948, and contributed greatly to its work. President Modlin invited the committee to hold its organizational meeting on May 8, 1947. In his letter of appointment, he said:

President Madlin 's Committee Turns Inquisitive and Enquiring Eye on Curriculum.


HEN Chancellor Boatwright told the Associati on of Virginia Colleges in his thought-provoking review of "Sixty Years of Higher Education" that courses of study in American colleges vary "from Aristotle to hotel management," he called atten tion both to the expansion and "democratization" of the curriculum. Time was when the great majority of college students were in training for the learned professions. Today students are training themselves not only for these professions, but for careers in business, in government, and in almost every phase of human endeavor. To the classics, mathematics, and philosophy which backboned the curriculum of colleges a generation ago have been added natural sciences, modern languages, and social sciences. It is entirely appropriate therefore for progressive institu tions of higher learning to examine their curricula in the light of historical objectives, of present needs and of future requirements. Such is the function of the University of Richmond Committee on Educational Objectives and Course of Study which was appointed by Dr. Modlin soon after his elevation to the presidency . It must be remembered that when President George M . Modlin assumed the duties of his office on June 15, 1946 he was faced with the task of more than doubling the size of the faculties and teaching facilities of Richmond College, the Evening School of Business Administration, the T. C. Williams School of Law, and the Summer Session in order to serve the large number of veterans seeking admission to the University of Richmond. The enrollment of students in these four divisions has more than doubled during the past two years, while there has been a substantial increase in the enrollments of Westhampton College and the School of Graduate Studies. In fact, the enrollment of the Summer Session has nearly trebled in comparison with prewar years. Preparation for this greatly increased service by the University had to be and was largely completed before the opening of the winter session in September, 1946, in spite of a serious scarcity of qualified college teachers and almost insurmountable obstacles to the construction of new buildings . As soon as the first semester of 1946-47 was completed Dr. Modlin appointed the Committee on Educational Objectives and Course of Study, now composed of eleven members from faculties of the six divisions of the University. The members of the committee are Professors Solon B. Cousins, B. C. Holt zclaw, R. C. McDanel, Edward F. Overton, Edward C. Peple, Robert F. Smart, Pauline Turnbull, Jean G. Wright, William T. Muse, Marguerite Roberts , and Raymond B. Pinchbeck. Our able and beloved colleague, Professo .r Maude H. Woodfin, was a member of the committee until her death

" ... The purposes of this committee are (1) to review the historical educational objectives of the University of Richmond and the earlier curricu la and programs for attaining those objectives; (2) to examine the status and scope of our present educational program; and (3) to consider the philosophy and objectives of our future curriculum, with recommendations for achieving those objectives. ". . . This is one of the most important committees appointed in recent years, and its investigation should be of marked significance to the future development of the University. . . . "

Dr. Modlin expressed the hope that the committee would be able to complete its final report by April, 1948. However, the tentative outline of desired bounds of the committee's projected work sketched at its first meeting on May 8, 1947, made it clear that it would require at least two full winter sessions for the accomplishment of the study. At its organizational meeting subcommittees were established to undertake the following studies: 1. The historical


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


institutional objectives of the University of Richmond. The religious, philosophical and pedagogical objectives of the University of Richmond. The historic, present and future objectives of the teaching of science in the University of Richmond . The historic, present and future objectives of the teaching of fine arts in the University of Richmond. The historic, present and future objectives of the teaching of the humanities in the University of Richmond. The historic, present and future objectives of the teaching of the social sciences in the University of Richmond . The historic , present and future objectives of the teaching of professional and preprofessional studies in the University of Richmond . The proposal of a broad program of educational objectives and a course of study and action for the University of Richmond for the next twenty-five years. (a) Based on the above studies of the University of Richmond ; (b) Th e experience and studies of other American colleges and universities ; and ( c) The educational requir ements of our constituency for general, professional, and technical education.

The subcommittees began their studies in the fall of 1947. At its second formal meeting on November 13, 1947 the committee invited President Modlin to read a paper in which he summarized more than a score of American college and university studies made during the past twenty years on the educational objectives of higher education. Two subcommittees have made preliminary reports to the general committee and three other subcommittees are scheduled to make their reports before the close of the session 1947-48. The last three

[ 3]

(Continued on page 15)

TheRichmonArea d UnioersityCenter By SIDNEY S. NEGUS, Administrator "The Oxford Plan Adapted

To America"


HE University of Richmond has always appreciated the advantages of the Oxford or Cambridge plan of administration wherein essentially aggregations of separate and largely autonomous colleges work together in close collaboration toward a common goal. Richmond College and Westhampton College, as coordinating educational units of the University of Richmond, have long constituted a little Oxford in Virginia. Over twenty years ago, when I was a member of the faculty at Richmond, Dr. S. C. Mitchell often talked with me about the advantages which, in his opinion, would unquestionably accrue to all institutions of higher learning in the Richmond area if some administrative plan could be devised whereby their educational facilities could be pooled without affecting the autonomies of the colleges concerned. As early as 1906, Dr. Mitchell was advocating such a plan, as a letter from him in another section of this BULLETINpoints out. In early 1907, his university center idea was reported many times in the Richmond newspapers. Over the telephone recently from Montreat, North Carolina, Dr. Mitchell complimented highly among others Dr. Sanger of the Medical College of Virginia, your own Dr. Modlin, Dr. Moreland of Randolph-Macon College, Dr. Lacy of Union Theological Seminary and the officers of the General Education Board for their vision and initiative in making possible a beginning of a greater Oxford in Virginia - The Richmond Area: University Center. HISTORY Dr. Jackson Davis, a Virginian who was assistant director and later director of the General Education Board and who was greatly interested in university center developments, worked untiringly from as early as 1934 with the individuals mentioned and others in behalf of a Richmond project along the lines of those centers already established in Toronto, Canada; Ithaca, New York; Nashville, Tennessee; and Atlanta, Georgia. Early in 1946, a group of representatives from institutions of higher learning in this area visited the university centers named above as guests of the General Education Board, with Dr. Davis accompanying the party. They observed closely the organizational and program-planning methods of these centers. From observations and from their own original ideas, the members of the group, who had suggestions and encouragement from Dr. Davis, tentatively formulated a universitycenter program that could be effectively carried out in the Richmond area. With financial assistance from the General Education Board, the Richmond Area University Center was organized on October 1, 1946.

A good share of the first year of the Center's existence was spent in time-consuming and exacting "ironi ng out" of its program. More funds were raised, committees were set up, a certificate of incorporation and by-laws were drawn up and approved by the general council of the Center, a charter was obtained from the State Corporation Commission, headquarters were established, possibilities of various ways and means of cooperation among the institutions of higher education in the Richmond area were further explored, and university cooperation in general was further studied. George B. Zehmer, the first admin istrator of the Center, and the presidents of the affiliated institutions deserve the credit for these accomplishments. The Richmond Area University Center is now in the period of activating its carefully planned program. As stated in the first issue of The U niversity Center Bulletin (January 1, 1947), the


INN N. C. Morch 26, 1948.

Dear Doctor Negus, The University Center in the Richmond Area is a big idea, fraught with vast benefit to Virginia and the South. The plan springs from forces inherent in the situation in Virg inia as regards the existing colleges. The co re of the problem is the cooperat ion of the colleges, not their merger into a single institution. " Ther e is no more com-

petition between colleges than there is between two lighthouses," Edwin A. Alderman said . The idea is a grow th . During the Christmas season of 1906 , this vision of cooperating colleges occurred to me. At once I jotted down on the typewri ter a plan of union. There would be a Board of Trustees representi ng the community which should acquire a tract of 200 or more acres on the Jome s, west of Richmond. They would erect and own the common utilities, such as the powerhouse, gymnasium, library and big laboratories. The colleges would be assigned suitable sites about these central common utilities. The plots wo uld be ample to allow for growth of the individual colleges . A corporation charter was obtained in 1907 for " th e University of Richmond." This you con find in the files of the State Corporation Court. A Boord of Trustee s was formed headed by Mr. Joseph Bryon . It hod several meetings, and cal led forth enthusiasm in Richmond . I reported the pion to Dr. Wallace Buttr ick of the General Education Boord in New York during 1907. You con get this correspondence no doubt. The colleges considered were Richmond College, Medical College of Virginia, old Woman ' s College, Mechanics Institute, Randolph-Macon, Hampd en-Sydney, and Union University. The individuality of the colleges proved too stro ng then for the plan to be realized. Time hos worked it. In Nashville there hos been achieved the group around Vanderbilt, to which the centra l library was given by the General Education Boord. Also in Atlanta the pion was achieved by the Negro colleges around Atlanta University, to which the General Education Board gave the central library as a magnet. In a word, it is the Oxford pion adopted to America. The files of the Richmon d papers for the early months of 1907 wil l tell the whole story. Sincerely

yours, S. C." MITCHELL.

Richmond center may be thought of as a piece of modern educationa! "machinery," designed and operated by the officers and faculties of the cooperating institutions for the purpose of serving more fully the educational needs of Richmond and vicinity. In other words, the purpose of the Richmond Are a University Center is to eliminate any unnecessary duplication in the work of the cooperating institutions, to improve the services they are now rendering, and to meet new educational needs as they arise. THE CENTER'SORGANIZATION At present , the following institutions are affiliated with and, therefore , constitute the Richmond Area University Center: Hampden-Sydney College, the General Assembly's Training School for Lay Workers, the Medical College of Virginia , Randolph-Macon College, the Union Theological Seminary, the University of Richmond, the University of Virginia, and the College of William and Mary including the Richmond Professional Institute. A committee has been exploring the possibilities of working with the Negro colleges in the area and of inviting their cooperation. While formal membership in the Center most probably will be limited to institutions whose primary functions are teaching and research in the field of higher education, the cooperation of other educational or cultural institutions is invited and welcomed. The Center function s through a council composed of representatives from each of the affiliated institutions, a board of directors composed of presidents of the inst itutions concerned, an administrator chosen by the board of directors, and appropriate faculty committees. There is a genera l chairman of the Center (at present President Colgate W. Darden, Jr. , of the University of Virginia)' , a chairman of the council and board of dir ectors ( now President William T. Sanger of the Medical College of Virginia), a vice-chairman ( at present President J. Earl Moreland of Randolph-Macon College), a council treasurer ( now President George M. Modlin of the University of Richmond) , and a council secretary (now Dean R. Blackwell Smith, Jr. of the School of Pharmacy of the Medical College of Virginia). From October 1, 1946, to October 1, 1947, the administrator was Mr. Zehm er. Since November 19, 1947, Sidney S. Negus has been serving part-time in this position. He will continue to do so until a full-tim e administrator is engaged . The Ellen Glasgow Hous e, at No . 1 West Main Street, Richmond , has been leased until May 15, 1950, and now serves as head quarters for the Center. Conference Professors-Confere nces, led by specialists, will give professors in this area who are "rea ding " the same or closely (Continued on page 21)


COMMENCEMENT June 5 - June 7 OMMENCEMENT exercises in June will feature an allC Alumni cast, starring Morris Sayre, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, who

will deliver the commencement address and receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Science at exercises in the Luther H. Jenkins Greek Theater, Monday, June 7. Mr. Sayre will be one ot four alumni who will be called back to the campus to receive honorary degrees in token of extraordinary achievement since they quitted the University's academic halls. Chief Justice Edward W. Hudgins, '05, of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals will receive the degree of Doctor of Laws, and the degree of Doctor of Divinity will be conferred upon the Rev. John H. Garber, '16, pastor of the Hampton Baptist Church, and Captain E. L. Ackiss, '10, who has served with distinction as a member of the Chaplain Corps in the United States Navy. Captain Ackiss will deliver the baccalaureate sermon in Cannon Memorial Chapel on the evening of June 6. Commencement activities will begin June 5 with Alumni Day and Alumnae Day programs which will be climaxed by annual dinners on both sides of the lake. Class reunions will be emphasized. A plaque, won last year by the class of 1927, will be presented to the class which has the largest turnout of alumni, figured on a percentage basis. Among the alumni who will be accorded places of honor at the annual dinner will be the four honorary degree winners who have distinguished themselves in the field of law, business, and divinity. All were Virginia-reared, although Mr. Sayre was born in Pennsylvania and had reached the mature age of one year when his family moved to a farm near Hampton where his father operated several iron foundries. Although he was in Richmond College only three years, he carried away with him in 1906 both the B.A. and B.S. degrees. Two years later he won his M.E. at Lehigh University. That same year, 1908, he joined up with Corn Products Refining Company, in the menial capacity of boiler cleaner at seventy-five dollars a month. His career is a chapter out of your favorite Horatio Alger, Jr. book. Success followed success and promotion followed promotion until in 1945 he was elevated to the presi-

COMMENCEMENTCALENDAR Saturday, June 5-Alumni-ae Day. Sunday, June 6-Baccalaureate Sermon, Captain 7:30 P.M. E. L. Ackiss, Ch.C., Cannon Memorial Chapel. Monday, June 7-Commencement Exercises, 7 :30 P.M. Morris Sayre, President, National Association of Manufacturers, speaker. Luther H. Jenkins Greek Theater.

HONORARY DEGREE WINNERS: Four alumni will receive honorary degrees at final exercises in the Luther H. Jenkins Greek Theater on the evening of June 7. The honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity will be conferred upon Chaplain E. L. Ackiss, 'l O {upper left), and the Rev. John H. Garber, '16 {upper right) . Morris Sayre, '06 {lower left), will receive the degree of Doctor of Science, and Chief Justice Edward W . Hudgins, '05 {lower right), the Degree of Doctor of Laws.

dency of Corn Products. (His salary is now well in excess of seventy-five dollars a month.) Recognized by his employees and by his colleagues as a progressive, fair-minded captain of industry, Mr. Sayre was frequently called upon to state industry 's position in the national economy. No one was surprised when he was elected president of the National Association of Manufacturers. Active in the affairs of the University of Richmond ever since his undergraduate days, Mr. Sayre is a member of the board of trustees and a past president of the General Society of Alumni. Both Mr. Sayre and his contemporary , Judge Hudgins, were active in extracurricular affairs. Each rose to the presidency of his literary society, Sayre heading the Mu Sigma Rho, and Hudgins the Philologian. Both made grades good enough to ' win them membership in Phi Beta Kappa when a chapter of that scholarship fraternity was established on the campus. Judge Hudgins was a member of the football team and later served without pay as an assistant coach. Mr. Hudgins began his practice of law in Chase City in (Continued on page 17)


M ITCH ELL:Teache By GUY FRIDDELL, '46 "Who won the War Between the States?" ing serviceable blue serge in which they studied during the Dr. Samuel Chiles Mitchell, a smile tugging at the corners week and preached on Sunday. Animated talk eddied in thick of his mouth, of ten led with that question to prod the South- confusion with the tobacco smoke. Suddenly, those nearest the doors came hurrying in. "Here he comes!" erners in the class. "Man for man, we did!" one of them would bawl. Quick footsteps and loud coughs came echoing down the "What were the causes?" draughty old hall, and the men grew as quiet as Christian "States Rights!" bounced back the answer. martyrs waiting the entry of the old lion in the amphitheater. "That has been the refuge of many a scoundrel!" thundered Dr. Mitchell trotted to the little desk, disregarding them, Dr. Mitchell. "The South mainbut the boys watched his every motion as though he were a great tained the part was greater than actor. He tumbled the armload the whole. That's not good mathematics! No, the issue was racial. of books on the desk, and then chalked the next day's assignment Your fathers found the great seon the blackboard. cret: 'It's sweet to live by the sweat of another man's brow!'" Now began the roll call which Having caught their attention, Dr. Mitchell detested, feeling that this modern-day Socrates would go the men should be in their seats, on with a lecture, scraps of which tense and eager as himself to learn. would be quoted in the student The monitors at the ends of the shop, and remembered for a liferows would call out the vacant seat numbers which Dr. Mitchell time. would check against his book for A freshman first saw him as The man who touched perhaps as many lives, inspired the absent student's name. a stooped, white-bearded figure as many careers as any college teacher the South has hurrying across the campus with When a latecomer tried to slip known, sits out the sunset years at Montreat, N. C. an armful of books. If the freshby, or a monitor stumbled, Dr. To him for counsel go in person and by letter many of his old students. From him to newspapers and other man passed near where the old Mitchell flared impatiently at the moulders of public opinion go his incisive comments teacher was talking to another precious time lost: on the world's news. "Here's a man bewildered! Call student on the pine-shaded walk, he got a quick impression of the this row again. Everybody alert professor's intense blue eyes, and his hand chopping the air now. We're anxious to get it straight this time." "Garvey!" Dr. Mitchell would begin again. "Where's as he talked, now in deep tones, now in tones rasping with Garvey?" impatience. "He's absent, Dr. Mitchell." He may have overheard the question which was almost a greeting on Dr. Mitchell's lips: "And what is your ca-reer, "That's the second day. You tell him we're not going to Jones?" coupled with, "Now what you must look to is a year have him on the roll unless he's here pulling an oar of graduate study." Grayson!!" Upperclassmen told the freshman that Dr. Mitchell had "He's coming, Dr. Mitchell." scrapped for his education in the South of the Reconstruction, "Yes, Grayson will be here. . . . He's on the Dean's List. had served as president of three universities, only to return . . Gregory! Anybody know about Gregory? He's been to his first love, teaching, at Richmond College. away several days." Among the tart classroom legends of fifty years, they told "He's sick, Dr. Mitchell." how , returning tests one day, he came on an almost blank "Sorry about that. ... Tell him we miss him, won'tcha ?" paper unsigned. After some moments when the paper reAs days passed, the class would have forgotten Gregory mained unclaimed, the boys saw a foxy grin spread beneath except that Dr. Mitchell continued to ask about him. Finally, Dr. Mitchell's beard, and his eyes crinkle as he whispered, one boy said he thought Gregory had dropped from school "Gentlemen, we have a bastard among us." because of illness. "You'll learn a lot of history," they say, "and you'll learn Then, in a small town, Gregory received a postcard of a lot of Mitchell." staccato sentences in bold pen strokes: The first day the freshman pushed into lecture room "R" "I miss you sorely from my class. My loving sympathy goes with forty-nine other students. There were his fellow rats in out to you in your trouble. I trust you will soon be back with caps and bow ties; shirtless athletes wearing varsity sweatyour many friends in college. You have intellectual grasp. ers; party boys in sport coats and slacks, and "jaspers" wearYour future is assured by reason of your high character and Cop y righ t, 194 8, by Gu y R. Fridd ell .

[ 6


Of The New South good judgment. I am deeply devoted to you. My mind turns often to you. Your friend, S. C. Mitchell." That gave Gregory a tie with his college world. Still later would come another message: "I think constantly of you. I trust you are getting well. I hope to see you in college in September. You have a fine career before you. It was a joy to have you in my class. My eye is ever on you." Gregory returned to school, and kept the notes, as did many others under like circumstances. The roll call continued, and on the back row the monitor boomed: "All present, Dr. Mitchell!" as though he personally had -shepherded them there. Dr. Mitchell closed the book, beamed on the class, and a smile creased his white spade beard. "That's the sweetest music ever heard," he murmured. He motioned to the blackboard, and a boy sprang forward to erase yesterday's outlines. Anxious to get started, Dr. Mitchell waved up two more, and, while the class snickered, the three of them swung their arms furiously, getting in each other's way. Finally, one boy got one last little chalk line in a corner. Dr. Mitchell grinned at the class, 'TU give a master's degree to the man who can rub out my board." Now, hands clasped behind his back, he considered them. Returning his grave regard, the men tried to guess what was going on behind the pink Jove-like forehead, and what turn the hour would take. Nothing pleased the old teacher more than when a student wrote a "letter-to-the-editor" for the Richmond newspapers. He thought of his life in the words George Wythe once wrote to John Adams, "I am here trying to train publicists." After the roll call, he would draw the day's clipping from his wallet, comment upon it, and then pass it to the author. Occasionally, a letter provoked an editorial, or action. "That just shows," declared Dr. Mitchell, "what dropping a pebble in the lake means. No thought is-a-thought until it issues in action. You sit on those seats every day. . . . You' re a fool to do it. I wouldn't sit on those seats. You couldn't pay me to do it." He sometimes singled out a book on his desk, declaring, "This volume would be worth a thousand dollars to the man who reads it!" and then, striking like lightning among the woods, assign it for report. During the last month of the semester, each man read a term paper in line with his career. "Now," Dr. Mitchell would say, "Mr. Perkins is going to favor us with his paper on religious liberty in Virginia." He switched his chair so that he could watch the speaker's profile. A look of such deep interest overspread his face that the boys awaited Perkins' words as though he were Confucius. "Uh, :' said Perkins. Dr. Mitchell checked him. Don't say uh-h-h-h. Save that 'til Chris'mus. Use it as a Chris'mus present." He turned smiling to the class. "At Chris'mus I gather those 'uh's' to-

gether and hug them to my bosom .... Go ahead, Perkins. " "I read a very good book," Perkins charged ahead, bur Dr. Mitchell brought him up. "Perkins, will you swear in the presence of this august company never again to use 'very'? Most of you men will live to be ninety years old. If in your life you use 'very' once, you are using it too much. . . . All right, Perkins." · "This book I read," Perkins blurted, "was written by Dr. Jason Eldridge, a professor at William and Mary." Dr. Mitchell raised a warning hand. "Well, now is he?" "Yessir . . . that is, he was in 1930." "Yes, and Julius C:esar." Dr. Mitchell settled back in his chair. "A bad beginning, but go ahead." "I would endeavor to delve-" began Perkins. "Wait a moment! Now is that harmonious? 'Endeavor to delve.' Perkins stumbled over that. Use: 'try to delve .'" Repeating the phrase, Dr. Mitchell closed his thumb and forefinger in a circle and dipped his hand, feeling the essence of each word. " 'Try- to-delve.' Perkins, you must remember what Emerson said about words: 'They' re alive-cut them and they bleed!' You must learn to weigh words, to consider them and judge their potency. You don't have to learn words through books alone. You can learn about words when you' re washing your face, playing ball, taking a walk." A smile twitched his beard, and the boys waited expectantly. "This story is told of Emerson . On the first night of his honeymoon, he struck a match at 2 o'clock in the morning. 'What's the matter?' asked his bride. 'I - just - thought - of a - word,' said Emerson, 'and I want to write it down in my notebook.'!" Amid the laughter, Dr. Mitchell clucked, "Go ahead, Perkins." When Perkins appeared about to stumble on an eternal truth, Dr. Mitchell would cry, "Hear this! Hear this!" or he would snap their minds to attention, saying, "Let's put your brains here. Perkins is trying to lead us. Don't write, THINK!" At last Perkins concluded. Through his heartfelt relief, he heard his teacher: "Perkins, I would covet for you a simple and even severe style. You must learn to use short, si-ne-wy An-glo-Saxon words. You did well, but remember that . . . Gentlemen,

[ 7]


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Guy Friddell, '46, whose article on Dr. Mitchell grew out of his association with the great teacher


as a student and as a young news paperman, school

is now in the graduate

of journalism




what is the use of ever speaking to the public, if the public can't understand you?" The hour was fraught with the unexpected. He might even surprise them by following the text. This he brightened with stories of his trips in America and abroad, always concluding simply, "You'll go there too, some day." Through the bay windows the morning sun streamed in a path by the desk where he stood, one hand in his pocket, the other lifted in the sunlight. Dressed in black, his blue eyes shining, he was to the boys like a white-bearded Merlin. Enacting the assassination of William of Orange, he described the house as he had seen it, and then he shrunk in the doorway as the assassin had done, so that the boys could almost see William coming down the steps to his fate . Telling how Mazzini was "jailed for thinking," Dr. Mitchell paused. "If one morning when I awoke, the phone rang, and a voice told me that Jones was in jail for the evil habit of thinking, I'd snatch a cup of coffee and run down and congratulate him. Nothing could please me more." In United States History, he would mention the Civil War. "The South ought to have swapped slaves for steam. Instead, we held to the dead hand of slavery, the North outdistanced us, and a great chasm grew between the two. The inner religion of my heart has been to make the nation one. I have never taught history from the Southern viewpoint, but have preferred the creative time of the Revolution." In no lecture did the boys' sensation of reliving the past reach a higher pitch than when Dr. Mitchell described how Thomas Jefferson tried in 1784 to shut slavery from the vast lands lying west of the mountains . "Put yourself in Jefferson 's place, Remie. How would you draw that ordinance for Congress? 'Well,' he would say, 'we want the daughter States to have a better chance than the mother States. If slavery were penned up down here between the Appalachians and the Atlantic, we could slough it off gradually and that will be the end of slavery.' Think of a man writing that in 1784. It took the blood of a million men to write that into our organic law." One boy called the votes of the thirteen states, and another chalked them up . The students could feel the excitement mounting as if they were watching the balloting for the first time. It seemed that the measure would pass until the two Virginia delegates voted "nay." "After the meeting Jefferson went to his room and wrote these words: 'I listened to the roll call of the States and heard the doom of my country pronounced.' I'll put the name of those two men down just for infamy ." Dr. Mitchell scrawled the names "Hardy and Mercer " on the board. "Now suppose ·the State of Virginia had spent a million dollars educating those two men so they would have the sense to follow their leader. Would it have been worth it? " He reddened, and his bushy white eyebrows drew together like thunderclouds. His fist hit the desk WHAM-CA-BLAM, and he shouted, "T HOSE-TWO-MEN-ARE-IN-HELL!" The books bounced an inch, and the boys jumped. "I should know ," he whispered, "I paid a visit there yesterday .... We all know that history is a fable agreed upon, and I stick to that fable . All the students want it that way, and I want my monthly check. But I'll tell you this ... that [ 8

the Ordinance of 1787 is Jefferson's words with not an 'i' nor a 't' changed. WHEN YOU START AN IDEA, YOU SHARE THE CREATIVE ENERGY OF GOD!" He gave a thunderclap with his hands and shook his two forefingers, twin exclamation points, at the boys. Dr. Mitchell was born in 1865 in Mississippi as the sun of the Con£ederacy was sinking. The voices of his boyhood teachers would tremble with emotion as they told of Confederate cavalry charges, but Dr. Mitchell resisted any temptation to dwell with the gray military heroes. Instead, he lectured on the aftermath when the New South struggled to raise herself through schools, industries, and better farming. He pointed to an outline which showed the South as having textiles in 1885, and England, in 1785. "That means, Black, that the South was 100 years ahead of the rest of the world." "No sir. We were behind." "What! Now, Black, don't you let the United Daughters of the Confederacy get word of that!" He outlined the phases of Southern history: Federalism with Virginia; slavery controversy with South Carolina's Calhoun; conciliation with Georgia's Henry W. Grady, and the "elevation of the common man through the common school" under North Carolina. His heroes of the New South were: Walter Hines Page, Mdver, Alderman, Aycock, and others with whom he had shared crusades: George Peabody, Robert C. Ogden, Seaman A. Knapp, T. 0. Sandy, D. A. Thompson, and J. L. M. Curry. When he mentioned one of them and caught no answering light from the faces before him, he was so provoked that the boys would flinch at the anger which broke over their heads .. His hands would flash in the air like jagged forks of lightning and with the thunderclap of the palms, he would shout, "A-n-y-b-o-d-y !" Sinking in their seats, the boys would wish mightily that one of their smarter brethren would answer, but the room remained in silence broken again by Dr. Mitchell's voice quivering with rage. "You must know every fact tied up with every dumpheap of antiquity, and yet you don't know BEANS about your own community!" and then, almost sadly, "Gentlemen, I wouldn't know anything about the South. That's the safe rule. You must know everything about Athens, of course." The appalling picture of their ignorance made him choke in anger: 'Td rather be DEAD than not know what's going on around us!" and, as his anger subsided, he whispered, "Sh-h-h-h ! I hear the hearse coming. Coffins for fifty, please." There was no question about the outbursts being genuine. Dodging behind each other to keep from meeting his blazing eyes, the boys were as anxious for the storm to wear itself out for his sake as much as their own. After the storm had abated, Dr. Mitchell would sketch the hero's life , drawing out the Horatio Alger quality, saying, "This was just a temporary setback. You'll experience the same thing in your own career," reaching finally the summit of success, and noting, "That's going to happen to you, Armstrong . . . . You may as well get ready for it!" and concluding, "Do something! Be somebody! You must break down every barrier between you and your goal, adding constantly to your mind and character." The boys never thought of Dr. Mitchell as "old." His eyes


Every man is alert and energetic , reflecting the spirit of like those of a young man were for the future. " Something noble in mankind," he once told them, "makes America .'' men want to leave things as they are . . . to worship the past. He warned them of more bad news. "The Japanese prob'Don 't endanger our gains,' they say, but they don't realize ably attacked other spots that we do not know about. The that to keep them sweet and whole you must change them. fleet situation, if true, is exceedingly serious , but need not The water in the lake . . . you men are able to swim, be- be fatal." cause there is a current going through it. If you dammed it When he predicted "a long war, perhaps three or four UP, it would become covered with weeds and scum." years," there was a heavy sigh from the class followed by He went back to his own youth when he sensed that phi- applause when Dr. Mitchell added , "America, of course , will losophy of change in reading the Greeks. "The emphasis win ." He contrasted the democratic way of discussion and the in class was on gerund grinding so that I stumbled on it quite independently. Their great word is becoming . .. be- totalitarian method of immediate unity by force . "But," he rasped, "there is such a thing as peace in a cemecoming . . . be-coming. They are more interested in the tery. Kill an idea and you sometimes kill a man with it. process than the result. As Heraclitus put it, 'All-things-flow.' It is the spirit of the discoverer. De Soto strikes the Missis- There is the semblance of peace without the reality ." "How long has Japan meditated this attack? " he asked , sippi-he must go to the source, and then to see what it and on the board outlined the history from the time Perry empties into." He described how the theories of Darwin and Huxley visited the "hermit nation" to the present when she kept burst upon the world of his college days, and ,how he wel- two envoys stalling " until she could spring like a tiger ." He could not close without the text which he had preached comed the God of change. "He didn't take a hammer and saw, and say 'Go to! I'll about all others. _ make a tree!' For me he is an infinitely greater God because . "War is one way of settling disputes," he said . "What is the other?" he developed the oak from the acorn." There were various guesses that did not quite hit the mark , His philosophy led him out of the classroom, and the Uniand Dr. Mitchell waved two boys to the blackboard to erase versity president was often standing by for him for some the outlines of Japanese history. Across the clean slate he controversy into which the teacher had thrown himself with wrote, "Organization of the world as a community ." the eagerness of his own students. In the silence that followed, one boy raised his hand to "The two great teachers," said Dr. Mitchell, "were Socrates object, "Dr. Mitchell , that's too idealistic. " and Jesus, and they were executed for what they taught. " "My reply to that is: will anything short of this stop war? His voice took on the old rasping note. "All good teachers are Ten million men who died in the first World War had in executed ... or ought to be." mind just exactly that. Can it ever be done? I have faith and He had taught fathers and older brothers of many, and believe that it can be done." declared that he meant to teach grandsons. Sometimes, tellHe cited the thirteen colonies that had united despite jeal ing the achievement of an aged person, he would conclude ousies, and the British Commonwealth of Nations. in honest wonder, "Think of that , will ya. That old, old As the bell rang, he lifted his hand slightly, "It is going to man! " His own advanced age never entered the boys' heads be achieved . I am as sure of that as I am that I'm looking into at such a time. They accepted him as eternal. your eyes. It may take years , but it will be achieved. Why? December 8, 1941, he received possibly the greatest tribute The wireless means a warless world .. . . Dismissed ." of his life . On that day most professors dismissed their classes, feeling like the English teacher who snapped , "No use talking about Ben Jonson today." Rush Loving Joins Staff Men crowded in the student shop or automobiles to hear The Rev. William Rush Loving , ' 21 , pastor of the Hatcher Meradio bulletins. During an air-raid drill, students joked, and morial Baptist Church in Richmond for the past eight years, has matched coins in the basement of the administration buildjoined _ the University of Richmond staff as field secretary, a position ing, but when some clown imitated the shrill whistle of a m which he 1s to work in close cooperation with the denomination bomb, nobody laughed. in Virginia. His immediate assignment is to work with the committee of th e Two or three at a time, and among themselves, the men decided to cut mid-morning classes and "go hear what Dr. Baptist General Association of Virginia in bringing to completion $500,000 Boatwright Memorial Library Fund. More than $360,Mitchell has to say." When he scurried into the room, a good the 0-00 of this sum has already been raised under the leadership of part of the student body was standing around the walls. Dr. Reuben E. Alley, e<;Jitorof the Religious Herald. There was no roll call. Dr. Loving 's duties as the University 's field secretary is to "serve He stood before them quietly for a moment, gazing with the Baptist denomination" and to "work in close cooperation with the pastors." His liaison activities include the development of pronarrowed eyes out the window, the white beard folding over grams in the churches for Christian education observan ce, his athis lips as he pursed and sucked them in thought. tendance at and service to district association meetings, and at pas"Your presence here indicates a new America since this tors' conferences. Another phase of his work is to assist Baptist time yesterday. Never before in the nation's history has the young people in attending the University . He came to the Hatc;her Memorial Church in 1940 afte r pastorat es public been so electrified or so united. On that day this na- at the Spurgeon Church m Norfolk and the Alexandria , Ky., Bapti st tion underwent a union of heart and effort. The first casualty Church. Last year he was elected to the Foreign Mission Board of yesterday was 'Mis-ter Sloth.' There will be no more loafing. the Southern Baptist convention .

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EducatorsHonor Furrnan'sDean ORE than 200 South Carolina educators M gathered at the Poinsett Hotel in Greenville on February 2 to pay tribute to one of the South's distinguished scholars, Dr. Robert Norman Daniel. The occasion was his retirement as dean of Furman University where he has given of his abundant talents for a period of twenty-five years. Although casting aside the burden of detail and responsibility which rests heavily upon the shoulders of a college dean, Dr. Daniel will continue his teaching duties as head of the department of English. Perhaps none of the many compliments paid Dr. Daniel at the testimonial dinner was more appreciated than this tribute from his former teacher and friend of many years, Chancellor F. W. Boatwright: "I remember well your years in Richmond College and the evidence you then gave of high intellectual ability, willingness to work, and leadership among your fellow students. You early demonstrated your capacity for friendship and developed that sterling Christian character which has distinguished you through the years." Dr. Boatwright's evaluation of Dean Daniel's career was only one of many testimonials from distinguished educators which were read at the dinner. Overwhelmed with these expressions of admiration and esteem, Dr. Daniel said he would "never be so happy again as I am now until I reach the 'Paradise side of the River of Life.' " Two gifts , one tangible and presented at the meeting, the other intangible and re-

served for presentation at commencement in June are among the trophies of Dean Daniel's quarter-century of distinguished service to Furman University and Southern education. In presenting the tangible gift-an antique English silver tray-President John L. Plyer praised Dr. Daniel's "vision, kindness, tolerance, and common sense." In June, President Plyer will present the intangible gift-the honorary degree of doctor of laws. The award will be the second honorary degree for Dean Daniel, who re-

Baseball Tearn Wins First Three-Pittmen With a burst of power at the plate, the Spider baseball team won the first three games on the slate and, as this is written, were preparing for games on Millhiser Field with the University of Delaware and with George Washington, the latter the first Southern Conference engagement. Although there was more offensive strength than in many seasons, Mac Pitt's men didn 't get the sort of pitching they've been accustomed to. Many observers believe this is a temporary condition which will be remedied when the veterans hit their stride and the newcomers get a little smarter. Neither Captain Bob Kilpatrick ·nor Big Dan Ramer were able to subdue the opposition in their first trips to the mound, but the rookies came successfully to the rescue when these veterans were shelled. Ramer left the game with the Spiders trailing, 4 to 3, after six innings of their opening engagement with Georgetown's Boyas (coached by Joe Judge). Freshman Billy Mitchell, a fast righthander, held the opposition to one hit and no runs in the last three innings and got credit for the victory when the Spiders, after tying up the game in the seventh inning, scored seven runs in the eighth on three hits and five bases on balls off Relief Pitcher Gorra. Richmond won 11 to 4. The next game was just a breeze, with the Richmonders rolling to an 18 to O victory over a hopelessly outclassed Hamilton College team . Freshman Carlyle Williams, a left-hander, and Ralph Graves, a right-hander, divided the mound duty . They limited the Hamiltonians to three hits, all singles. The Spiders launched their State Championship defense against Hampden-Sydney - and got the scare of their lives. In fact, they

ceived the degree of doctor of lett ers in 1942 from Georgetown College in Kentucky where he had served as head of the department of English. The son of a Baptist preacher, Robert Daniel enrolled in Richmond College in 1904, earned his B.A. in 1907, and took his master's degree the following year. Despite this fast academic pace, he fo1md time to serve as editor of the Messenger. He continued his education at the University of Chicago where he received his Ph.M. degree in 1911. After serving for one year as an instructor at Fork Union Military Academy, Dr. Daniel joined the Furman faculty as associate professor of English. There followed a period of three years in which he was professor of English at Georgetown but in 1920 he returned to Furman as head of the English department. In 1922 he was made dean . Twice since coming to Furman, Dr. Daniel has served as president of the institutionfirst when Dr. W. J. McGlothlin died and next when Dr. B. E. Greer resigned. Although eminently successful as an administrator, Dr. Daniel welcomes the opportunity to give himself exclusively to his first love--teaching. As Roger C. Peace, publisher of the Greenville News and Piedmont, said in concluding his testimonial to the retiring Furman dean, "It is inspiring and stimulating to realize that many young men and women in the years to come will have the benefit not only of his scholarship but of exposure to his character and personality."

Show Power

had to come from behind with four runs in the eighth inning to defeat the scrapping Tigers, 14 to 12. Captain Kilpatrick lasted only 21/ainnings before giving way to left-hander Jerry Frampton, a freshman. Frampton wobbled "through to the finish and got credit for the victory but he was in trouble every inning. He showed a great curve ball which set down eight Tigers on strikes but he was touched for seven hits . The Spiders seemed well on their way to victory when Charlie Mattox, shortstop, hit the jackpot with a first inning home run that brough~ three mates across the plate ahead of him. Kilpatrick didn't have his stuff, however, and the Tigers quickly forged ahead. The lead seesawed frequently and the score was deadlocked at 10-all af_ter six innings of play . A couple of hits and an error gave the T!ge~s two ru?s in the eighth and this looked very much like a wmnmg margm when the first two Richmond batters went down without driving the ball past the infield. Then catcher Angelo Setien d:ew a base on balls, Mattox and Pinch Hitter Graves singled, Left Fielder Ralph Owen doubled, and Pinch Hitter Walter Bolen singled. Jimmy Burton, the fourth Hampden-Sydney pitcher finally retired the side after four runs had scored. ' Although they are certain to cool off some when the caliber of the opposition improves later in the season, the Spiders boasted a .318 team batting average after the first three games. First Baseman Bob Stephens, a freshman from up Fredericksburg way, was setting the pace with an average of .500, followed by another Fredericksburg boy, Tom (Cotton) Billingsley, veteran center fielder, who was hitting at a .400 clip. Mattox had .385, and Walter (Bo) Nelson, veteran second sacker, and Owen .364 each. Setien, besides doing a great job behind the plate, was hitting at a .333 clip. ,

[ 10}

Congressman WatkinsM. Abbitt New Star Rises In Virginia Political Firmament


HERE are few men who can boast of being elected to the Congress of the United States, and of having a brand-new daughter born , all within ten days. There is, however, one man who can make that boast, and back it up. He is Watkins (Watt) M. Abbitt of the class of 1931. It was a spirited campaign, highlighted by a record vote of over 28,000 , which brought him into office to replace the late Representative Patrick H. Drewry as Congressman from the Fourth District of Virginia. In the election, in which the personalities of the candidates, all widely known in the district, were of greater importance than issues, he rolled up more votes than the other two Democratic candidates combined, and barely missed a majority of all the votes cast. Of great pride to him was the fact that the people of his home county, Appomattox, gave him an almost unanimous vote. Said the Lynchburg News: "The new Virginia Representative is a man of ability, of political acumen. He has, as the vote in Appomattox shows, the confidence of his home people. That this confidence will be justified is the hope and the belief of his friends throughout the district. . . . " And the Portsmouth Star: "His rise has been meteoric. This man is probably worth watching." In his platform Mr. Abbitt stressed the need for vocational education, and a State educational program to provide equal opportunity for all income group s. He also came out for better labor relations, and for the extension of rural electrical and telephone facilities. The 39-year-old Representative was born in Appomattox County, and except for a short time, has lived there all of his life. He entered Richmond College, with his brother , George, in 1925, and both received the LLB. degree from T. C. Williams School of Law in 1931. While in school he was vice-president of the Student Government Association, editor of the Law School Handbook, and business manager of the Law School Annual. "Watt" didn't wait long after graduation

to return to Appom attox to practice law. It was just a month after graduation, in July, 1931. Then things began to happen. One year later, in 1932, he became Commonwealth's Attorney for Appomattox, and remained in that office until the time of his resignation in order to run for Congress. In addition to his duties, he found time to be a member and later chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee for Appomattox, delegate to the State Democratic Convention four times, and a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1945 which gave the right to vote to members of the Armed Forces. Unable to serve in the Armed Forces due to a ruptured ear drum, he expended much time and effort as chairman of the Appomattox Chapter of the American Red Cross, and as president of the Appomattox Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. A member of the Virginia State Bar, he is past-president of the Commonwealth 's Attorneys Association of Virginia, and a member of the Council of the Virginia State Bar representing the 5th Judicial Circuit Court .

Maude Howlett Woodfin (Continued from page 2)

In 1939 at the time of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the establishment of Westhampton College, in recognition ot her academic achievements the University of Richmond conferred upon her the degree of Doctor of Letters, the first and only alumna to receive that honor. As teacher she worked harmoniously with the administration, her colleagues, and students. Loyalty was one of her marked characteristics, two other outstanding qualities being that of fairness and a sense of justice to all. In the face of opposition to what she considered a fundamental principle (11]

Out of the realm of the law, he is past-presi dent of the Appomattox Ruritan and Lions clubs, member of the Board of Directors of the Farmers National Bank , and treasurer of the Liberty Baptist Church. All-in-all, a busy life, for a man to lead, especially a new father. In 193 7 he married Corinne Hancock , also of Appomattox County, who received her B.A. from William and Mary College . They have three children, Ann Culvin , 9 years old , Watkins Moorman, Jr. , 3½ year old, and Corinne Hancock , who was born just in time to join in the celebration of her father's election to Congress. Mr. Abbitt has become the "starter-offer " of the House of Representatives. For five years this honor was held by Thomas G . Abernethy of Mississippi, but the new Repre sentative from Virginia has beaten him out with that second "B". In his advice to Mr. Abbitt, the Mississippi Congressman suggested that he get an office on the first floor, and that he procure a bicycle as soon as possible. Both of these will be necessary if he is to be on time for the roll call. The first vote cast by Mr. Abbitt was for the appropriation to finance the Buggs Island Dam Project, which is situated in his district. With the advent of Mr. Abbitt into the halls of Congress, Richmond College has increased its interest in fractions. Alumni of Richmond College now constitute 2/ 9ths of the Virginia representation in the House , J. Vaughan Gary, ' 12, being the other ninth. Senator A. Willis Robertson, '07, another Richmond alumnus, is half of the Virginia group in the Senate. It has lately been announc ed that Congressman Abbitt's brother, George , who is his law partner, will succeed him as Commonwealth's Attorney for Appomattox . Not only is this brother following brother , but alumnus following alumnus. Those who knew "Watt" Abbitt in school, and who have followed him in his career in public office are happy at this further evidence that m~n of ability and integrity are still to be found to serve the people. They are just as confident of his ability as were the people of Appomattox County when they voted for him .

of right she showed absolute fearlessness and defended valiantly her cause. As a friend she was always understanding, always interested, and her clear judgment helped solve many a problem. The hundreds of expressions of sorrow from old and young, men and women, members of the Richmond community and students, all bear testimony to the place she held in their hearts. Her life span was all too short, but her high academic standards, her sense of justice and fair play, and her unselfish devotion to teaching have placed an indelible stamp upon the life of Westhampton College. Her spirit will live on. -MAY L. KELLER .

((JJvever SawA Sweeter eltild'' An exhibit designed to show that even Ph.D.'s started out as children was enjoyed by faculty members and students who attended the Eta Sigma Phi (classical fraternity) party at Westhampton College. University bigwigs were only littlewigs when the above pictures were taken . (The caricatures are the work of R. Clifton Long, '47 .) 1. Even at the tender age of two, Dean Emeritus May L. Keller used to laugh herself into convulsions over the myth of masculine superiority. 2. Faith and it's little Susan Lough and sure it is the shamrock she holds in those chubby hands . 3. Up on a cloud (of all places) is Caroline Stookey Lutz. 4. Parallel bars are perhaps more dignified than the apple tree where Westhampton 's muscle girl, Fanny G . Crenshaw got an early start on her career as director of physical education. 5. Could this be Charles H. Wheeler , Ill? 6. Hi-ho Silver! Young Bobby Smart races in pursuit of a gaudy member of the Lepidoptera family.


Industrial Stream Pollutionin Virginia A



Consulting chemist, whose stream pollution studies have won critical acclaim from experts in the field, Stuart C. Crawford, '38, has done notable work for' Virginia industries. He was singled out for high praise by L. L. Hedgepeth, executive secretary of the Virginia State Water Control Board.


abatement of pollution is primarily a technical problem. This prosaic statement is intended to emphasize the differences between the legal, ethical, and conservational aspects of the general subject of stream pollution, and the essentially technical considerations involved in the abatement of this nuisance . The failure to recognize such differences may seriously handicap the progress of corrective work. This is a controversal subject. And, as is usual with such issues, the proponents of all the various viewpoints have strong arguments. Yet it is doubtful if arguments will ever settle the matter to anyone's satisfaction. Since the beginning of agitation for the correction of polluted streams the procedure has been largely that of "choosing up sides." The conservation-minded individual is regarded as anti-industry. The industrialist is pictured as one who delights in the ruination of the waterways of the nation. Now, who can win such an argument? A brief consideration of the mechanisms resulting in pollution of streams may not be amiss. One eminent authority has proposed viewing the subject in the light of a financial balance sheet. Stripping this approach to its essential considerations it may be viewed simply as Assets vs. Liabilities. The assets may be regarded as the oxygen resources of a stream. Some of the contributing factors to this side of the balance


sheet are natural character of the water , quantity and turbulence of flow, and natural biological population. After assessing the positive value of such components the natural solvency of the river may be evaluated. Against the assets must be charged the various sources of pollution. Normally these may be defined as natural sources, meaning decay of vegetation, and related sources, sanitary sewage as representing the wastes from municipalities, and finally the wastes resulting from industrial operations. Also, the nature , extent, and frequency of the sources of pollution must be considered . Obviously, the problem is one of degree. Thus the matter may be summed up as follows: the stream may be unquestionably solvent with present assets exceeding all liabilities; it may be solvent with present assets plus anticipated revenue exceeding all liabilities; another degree may be represented as temporary solvency with anticipated liabilities foreshadowing an inevitable bankruptcy; finally , present insolvency may be the case. When viewed in this manner the problem becomes simple and a definition of pollution is clearly evident. When one's liabilities exceed the assets bankruptcy results. In a stream this is called septicity . The problem of correcting an existing pollution condition is mainly dependent upon the source of the pollution. This separates the field of municipal from that of industrial waste treatment. The science pertaining to evaluation and treatment of domestic wastes is relatively well established as a branch of sanitary engineering. Such is not true when dealing with industrial wastes. The conventional methods employed in sanitary engineering are not usually applicable without modification. New approaches must be developed which may vary from industry to industry as the nature of the wastes changes. And added complication results when the over-all picture is a combination of domestic and industrial wastes. Usually this is the situation . When the stream sanitarian is confronted with an undesirable industrial condition his task is no different from that of any other technical man confronted with a problem. First , he must ferret out and measure the individual sources causing the pollution. Then he must define and ~valuate the problem in acceptable units of measurement. Second, all feasible remedial steps must be taken within the plant to diminish the original problem. Third, a method of treatment must be devised to render the balance acceptable to the receiving stream. Concurrently with this program a definitive study of the characteristics and behavior of the stream must be made . This will provide final criteria by which the success of the endeavor may be determined. It is a slow and tedious study. What takes a paragraph to write may have taken years to determine. This is due to the magnitude of the average industrial problem. "Population Equivalent" is the common denominator used to compare all types of wastes. The following data published from the United States Public Health Service emphasizes the complexity of the industrial problem.



Industry Meat Packing Dairy Pulp and Paper (Kraft) Soap Tanning .· Brewing Laundry Paper Mill Canning

Unit 1 hog 100 lbs. butter 1 ton Employee 1 hide 1 bbl. 100 lbs. clothes 1 ton 1 case tomatoes


21 34 332 24 18 14 24 31 3

Industrial disruption may occur in attempting to prevent wastes by drastic methods. These things affect industrial efficiency and may well be reflected in costs of production, thus increasing the end cost of products to the consumer. Due to the paucity of published knowledge concerning industrial waste treatment and the great variety of conditions existing even within a given industry, industrial waste problems require original research. What thinking is true today may be obsolete next month as the factors affecting that thought are no longer applicable. Industry differs from cities in that it is continually changing processes whereas municipal sewage remains a relatively unchanging problem. During the 1946 legislature the General Assembly of Virginia passed the State Water Control Law which became effective on July 1 of that year. The overwhelming affirmative vote for this legislation proved that it was wanted by the people of Virginia . Under this law a Board and Administrative Staff were created and charged with the responsibility of controlling pollution in Virginia streams. The people of Virginia supported this law and so are charged with the support of its administration. Of necessity, the abatement of the existing and the control of future sources of stream pollution is a long-range program. Virginia industry has been working for some time on its stream pollution problem. Real progress was being made in some fields before the enactment of specific remedial legislation in 1946. Since then it has been continued on an enlarged scale as a result of a wider interest in the subject. Here are some examples of what Virginia industry is doing: The American Viscose Corporation has placed in operation at Front Royal the first of the neutralization and clarification waste-treatment units planned for each of their plants in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The James Lees and Sons Company is constructing at Glasgow the first comprehensive plant built anywhere for removing the harmful constituents from all of the waste waters resulting from processing raw wool into consumer articles, such as rugs and carpets. By process study, waste water segregation, waste water reuse, process change and biological treatment of the remaining wastes, the Camp Manufacturing Company, operating a kraft pulp and paper mill at Franklin, has reduced the pollu-

tion load to 30 per cent of what it was prior to the initiation of their abatement program. The Du Pont Company has installed at Waynesboro, a series of acid recovery units achieving a 3 5 per cent net total reduction of the stream pollution load from this plant, despite a 50 per cent increase in production facilities. The National Container Corporation is presently engaged in effecting process changes and waste treatment to reduce substantially the pollution of the James River at Big Island. These and other accomplishments by Virginia industry were possible only after detailed study of each particular is problem. In this field, that bit of philosophy-"Genius merely the capacity for infinite pains" is found to be peculiarly app licable. And the accomplishments cost real money. Stream pollution abatement is not a penny poker game. One of the treatment plants mentiGmed cost $600,000 to build and $300,000 annually to operate. The actuar letter of the law is not nearly so important as the achievement of the object for which it stands. It is the duty of every citizen to be informed on this controversial issue. This is necessary to prevent the same old "choosing up sides" and to make possible the development of a sane, reasonable and logical State policy toward this problem. The streams of Virginia belong to the people of Virginia-not to any group or faction, be it selfish or altruistic. Such being true, Virginia must demand that these resources be used under that compromise, considering all the conflicting interests, which is most likely to achieve their best use for all the people. Rudd Wins Herty Award Dr. Wortley F. Rudd, '98, dean emeritus of the Medical College of Virginia's School of Pharmacy, has been awarded tlie 1948 Herty Medal for outstanding contributions to chemistry in the Southeast. Dean Rudd, former president of the Virginia Academy of Science and of the American Associa,tion of College of Pharmacy, was a founder of the Southern Association of Science and Industry, and serv~d as its first president. He retired last year after forty-one years' service on the faculty of the Medical College of Virginia. Joining the staff in 1906, as an instructor in chemistry, he rose to the rank of full professor within a few years, and in 1920 was named dean of the school of pharmacy. (See Winter, 1948, ALUMNIBULLETIN.) Last year a fellow alumnus, Dr. E. Emmet Reid, '92, was awarded the Herty Medal for 1947 for his work on organic sulfur compounds, discovery of the method of preparation of nitriles, and other achievements.

University Gets Mace When Dr. Ralph C. Mc Danel, '16, marched at the head of the academic procession which filed into Cannon Memorial Chapel for the annual Honors Convocation April 8, he cleared the way with a three-foot silver mace, symbolic of academic authority. The mace was a common weapon of war during the Middle Ages. Bishops, who by canonical law were forbidden to carry swords, got around the provision by arming themselves with a mace whenever they led troops into battle. From the field of battle, to legislative halls, and finally, to academic halls, the mace carried with it the symbolism of authority.

[ 14]

Party For Legislators Nineteen alumni members of the Virginia General Assemblyeight in the Senate and eleven in the House of Delegates-were entertained by the University at a dinner in the Commonwealth Club on the evening of February 11. Co-hosts for the occasion were Chancellpr Boatwright and President Modlin, both of whom referred graciously to the contributions made to the Old Dominion's welfare and progress by the alumni members of the Assembly . Senator Macon M . Long, '10-, bespoke his colleagues' appreciation of the dinner and the compliment paid them. _ In addition to Senator Long, University of Richmond alumni in

the Senate are: Charles W. Crowder, '15, of Richmond; james Earle Gardner, Richmond; Garland Gray, '21, Waverly; Benjamin Thomas Gunter, Jr., '23, Accomac; Major M . Hillard , '26, Port smouth; Robert 0 . Norris , Jr. , '99, Lively, and Robert C. Vaden, '05, Gretna. House members are: Frank Bryant Beazley, '20, Bowling Green; John B. Boatwright, 'OS', Buckingham; Albert 0. Boschen, '99, Richmond; W. R. Broaddus, Jr. , '2 0, Martinsville; Felix Edmunds, '23, Waynesboro; William John Gibson, '36, Fredericksburg ; Wrendo ~- Godwin, '20, Parksley ; Edward Thomas Haynes , '28, Richmond ; Ligon Lee Jones, '42, Hopewell; G. Edmond Massie, '09, Richmond , and Joseph J. Williams, Jr. , '27, Sandston.

Where Do We Go From Here?

real purpose of the study is to plan the future service of the University of Richmond to our constituency, our denomination, our state and our nation. This is a difficult but necessary task in this generation of recurring national and world crises in our social, cultural, economic, political and religious life. Since the committee began its work the Commission of ~resid~nt of t_heUnited States on Higher Education has published its find10gs and recommendations on the role of higher education for a "better nation and world" and "a fuller realization of democracy." This Commission believes that "in 1960 ~ minimum of 4,600,000 young people should be enr?lled 10 nonprofit institutions for education beyond the tradi~10naltwelfth grade." This envisioned doubling of the AmerKan college student enrollment by 1960 will require 350,000 faculty members, more than twice the present number of college teac~e~s in the United States , and an annual budget of $2,587 mill10n, three-fourths publicly financed . The Commission_does not see how privately controlled colleges and universities can serve in 1960 any more than the 900,000 students now enr?ll_ed in these institutions . It proposes annual federal a_ppropr~ati?ns to publicly controlled colleges and universities beg10n10g with $53 -million in 1948-49 and increasing to $265 million in 1953, and perhaps more thereafter. It reco1?"mends that additional capital outlays of $7,7 58 million reqmred by 1960 be financed one-third by the federal government and t~~-thirds by the states and local governments. !he Commission, whose membership includes the distingmshed Rector of the University of Richmond , Dr. Douglas Southall Freeman , "believes that the potentialties of income from pnvate sources are such that the annual additional funds needed to maintain a high-quality program of education and research in privately controlled institutions can be obtained if they will maintain their total enrollment at about 900 000 -which is approximately their 1946-47 level. The belief 'that the ad_ditional funds can be secured rests on the ability of the pnvately controlled institutions themselves to work out and to adopt appropriate and concerted fund-raising methods and appeals." Against this . background it is urgent that every private coll~ge and university study constantly, its future plans for service. How can these institutions best serve the 900,000 students, one-fifth of the envisioned 1960 national total enrolled in _private colleges and universities? There is no 'easy answef'to this question .

(Continued from page 3)

subcommittees are scheduled to make preliminary reports in September, October, and November, 1948. The remainder of the 1948-49 session will be devoted to the eighth topic named above, the preparation of the findings and recommendations of the full committee. The committee is drawing upon all available published and unpublished material on the historical educational objectives and operation of the University of Richmond, including studies of catalogues, institutional publications, faculty and trustee minutes, anl formal histories. A searching examination is being made of studies by American colleges and universities on the problems and objectives of higher education during the past generation. Every effort will be made to examine fully the requirements of the constituency of the University of Richmond for general, preprof essional, prof essional and technical education in a free democratic Christian society. The committee plans to consult distinguished educators during its deliberations. It will study the interests and needs of the current generation of students. Every faculty member will share fully the studies and deliberations of the committee. The committee believes that the after-college experience and public service of the alumni and alumnae of the University of Richmond measure the institution's real worth to our constituency , our denomination, our Commonwealth and our nation . It is justly proud of the service of our alumni in their professions and occupations, and in the public service. It is the earnest hope of the committee that it will be able to devise ~n appropriate technique to secure a broad sampling of the views of our alumni and alumnae as to the educational objectives and aims, and the types of educational programs they woul_d li~e to se~ developed, or more fully developed, at the University of R1Chmond. It is believed that the views of our ~lumn~ ~nd _alumnae in their m~ny professions and occupa_t10ns, liv10g 10 every part of our nation and foreign countnes, would be of the highest value in the work of the committee. President Modlin did not appoint the Committee on Educational Objectives and Course of Study because it has been the fashion of colleges and universities to have such committees during t~e past d~cade. Nor would busy faculty members serve with enthusiasm on a committee whose purpose would be to "keep up with the college Joneses." The

[ 15 ]

JudgeHarold F. Snead

HEN last seen by us, Judge Snead was W presiding over the bench of the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, hearing the arguments of counsel relative to the alleged incarceration of a small rodent in a bottle of popul ar soft drink and the resultant damage to the unhappy consumer ; but whether His Honor is presiding over cases involving such trivia or a proposed injunction to prevent the letting of a State contract involving hundreds of thousands of dollars , he seems equally at home and equally acceptable to the attorneys and litigants . It has been said for many years, so we are told, that if one walks down the road around Fork Union in Fluvanna County, Virginia, he would be correct, at least fifty per cent of the time, in addressing anyone who happened to cross his path as, "Mr. Snead." Harold Fleming , better known to his many friend s all over the Commonwealth as "Ni ck," began his career, there, back in June of 1903 . How ever, he was destined to move to Richmond at an early age. After attending the Public Schools in the City of Richmond he entered the University of Richmond ia. 1921 and from that time on no great seer was needed to prophesy a most successful career for "Nick. " A member of Kappa Sigma and Delta Theta Phi fra ternities, he served as President of the student bodi es at both Richmond College and the T . C. Williams School of Law. Even in college , how ever, his activities were by no means confined to his studies and his successful promotion of student dances and oth er entertainments gave evidence of his keen ability as an administrator and political strategist. Upon being graduated from the Law School, he was the recipient of a medal which bears the inscription , 'To the Best Student , T . C. Williams School of Law, 1928." Embarking upon his profe ssional career, Judg e Snead served a short term as Deputy Clerk of the United States District Court for the eastern Distric t of Virginia. Aft er prac-

ticing his profession successfully for several years, he was appointed Associate Trial Justice of Henrico County, and upon the death of Justice A. Taylor Pitt, the late Judge Julien Gunn appointed him Trial Justice . · Nick served in that capacity with great distinction for approximately twelve years. He had previously attained the Presidency of the Young Democratic Clubs of Virginia and thereafter was honored with the Presidency of the Trial Justice Association. Upon the recent passing of Judge Gunn , it was no surprise to the Bar of the City of Richmond or to his many friends that Justice Snead was elected unanimously by the General Assembly to fill the unexpired term as judge of both Richmond and Henrico Circuit Courts. Members of the Richmond Bar say that they cannot recall an occasion on which a man had been so completely endorsed by all factions, and given the unanimous approval of the General Assembly, as was true in the case of Judge Snead. His honor and integrity , industry and common sense, and effervescing good will and friendliness combine to make him a man of commanding stature . His career is a credit to his Alma Mater and to the legal profession. - JOHN C. WILLIAMS, L'27 .

the author of The Anatomy of Lettering, and has illustrated a number of fine editions of the classics, including A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur 's Court, Tom [ones, and works of Shakespeare. His droll pen sketches and colorful paintings have embellished several children·s books, including Peter and the Wolf, a young people's edition of Don Quixote, and The Pleasant Pirate. With his wife, the former Lydia Hatfield, '28, he recently published a Gallery of Bible Stories, which won critical acclaim when it came from the press of Scheer & Jervis . (George Scheer, '39.) His wife also was honored in the naming of the most popular type he has designed, "Lydian ." A more recent design is the "Trajanus." Marshall Snelling , who is currently engaged in criminological research, is both a teacher and author of a number of scholarly

PHI BETA KAPPA Two student contemporaries of a decade ago, Warren Chappell, '26, and John Marshall Snelling, '27 , were initiated into the University of Richmond 's Epsilon chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on April 8, together with twenty-one undergraduate members . All were guests of honor at the annual Phi Beta Kappa dinner in the Jefferson Hotel which was addressed by Dr. Ralph Barton Perry, lecturer, author, and for many years professor of philosophy at Harvard University. Warren Chappell, who has won international fame as an artist and type designer, is

works, including The Status of Criminal Ecology, which is expected to come from the press soon. He has taught at McGuire's University School in Richmond where he was assistant headmaster for several years, at the University of Richmond, and at Furman University .

ON THE ROAD TO MILAN Although Italy's economic recovery has been "fairly rapid," writes Lt. Col. George M. Percival, ' 15, from Frankfurt, Germany , "her political situation is serious ." Col. Percival tells of his visit as one of the first military men from the Frankfurt area to be granted the right to go into Italy on a non-conducted tour. "We saw Communistic demonstrations on two occasions," he says, "and there is a rising tide against the high cost of living which can only be met by dollar-holding tourists . However, the people other than in the fishing villages are well dressed. In fact, very exquisite clothing is in evidence in all the largest cities at unbelievable prices." Col. Percival spent more than two hours at the Italian frontier completing the "many formalities incident to entering Italy : trip ticket for the privilege · of driving the car, purchase of gasoline coupons, 150 liters of (Continued on page 32)

( 16}

Maude Woodfin Memorial Fund . When word came of th e passing of Dr. Maude Woodfin on February 15, 1948 , many friends , alumnae , faculty, and students of Westhampton College spontaneously and immediately expr essed the wish to establish some type of permanent memorial to revere and honor her memory. Gifts of money at once started coming to the office of the Westhampton College Alumnae Association and the donors stated that they wished them used for some type of appropriate memorial to Dr. Woodfin. Learning of this , the President of the University, Dr . George Modlin, appointed the undersigned committ ee for the purpose of making a recommendation , after study and consultation, as to the form this memorial should take . Dr. Woodfin was interested and versatile in many fields but it seemed to the committee that her outstanding interest , aside from her profession of teaching, was in historical research. She is known, not only for her scholarly papers and published works on William Byrd, but likewise for many other articles based on research which cast new light on outstanding characters in Virginia history. In her files now are notes almost complet e for the writing of a comparative study and character delineation of the three William Byrds. From her own research studies both in 1926-27 and in 1941-42 she was keenly aware of the sacrifices a scholar must make in order to attain one's goal. She herself was aided by a fellowship grant at the earlier date and by a Rockefeller grant in 1941-42 . These grants, together with her undaunted spirit and indefatigable ability for true rese;irch, enabled her to enrich her time and generation. She has left an indelible impress upon her students and all those who were blessed in knowing her. Realizing this , the committee recommends that the memorial to

Dr. Woodfin take the form of an aid fund for histori cal research and tha t it be known as "The Maude Howlett Woodfin Grant for Research in History ." This fund would be in the nature of an endow ment, the interest from which would be used by graduates of Westhampton College of the University of Richmond for historical research. While Dr. Woodfin's research was confined primarily to Virginia history , the committee was of the opiniqn that th e grant in-aid would be more useful if awarded for research in any field of history. It was further felt that grants-in-aid to the graduates of the college which was so beloved by Dr. Woodfin would more nearly carry out her own wishes . No funds will be solicited, but those who wish to contribute toward this endowment may make checks payable to "The Maud e H. Woodfin Memorial Fund " and mail them to Mrs . R. E. Book er, Executive Secretary, Westhampton College Alumna e Association , University of Richmond, Virginia. Such contributions are deductibl e for income tax purposes . The committee suggests that an account of this memorial fund be published in the ALUMNI BULLETIN of the Univ ersity of Richmond and in the public press, and , further, that at th e meeting of th e Alumnae Association in June the members be told of this memorial. The members of the committee are: MRS. R. E. BOOKER, Miss ANN Bowrn CLARK, DR. SUSANM . LOUGH, DR. MAR_GUERITE ROBERTS , MRS. HENRY W . DECKER, March 27, 1948. Chairman.


has served with distinction both in peace and in war. During World War II he served as assistant director of the Chaplains ' Division, as assistant director of Chaplains' Activity , ai:id for a period of several months in 1945 served as acting duector of the Chaplains' Division, a post in which he had supervision over the 2,800 active duty Navy chaplains . His varied peacetime activities have included member ship on the staff of the Governor of the Virgin Islands, the post of senior chaplain at the U . S. Naval Training Station, San Diego, district chaplain for the Fourteenth Naval District at Pearl Harbor, and force chaplain of the scouting force in the Pacific. He attained the rank of captain in 1941. His activities as a member of the staff of the Governor of the Virgin Islands included those of aide for public welfare , member of the library commission, prohibition commissioner, assistant Federal prohibition director, and those of organizer of a department of agriculture , commerce and labor. He served for a while as director of the department. The leadership which was to mark his career was clearly demonstrated at Richmond College where he was president of the Mu Sigs, editor of the Messenger , and president of his senior class of 1910. Mr. Ackiss continued his education at So~thern Baptist Theological Seminary, at the Universit y of Chicago where he received his M.A., and at Union Theo logical Seminary, Columbia University, and at the University of Pennsylvania . He returned to the University of Richmond as Student Secr~t_ary of the Y.M.C.A., and assistant professor of Bible, po s1t10nshe resigned in 1918 to enter World War I as a chaplain.

(Continu ed from page 5)

1908, the year he received his LLB. from T. C. Williams School of Law. He served in the Virgima House of Delegates from 1916 to 1920, and six years later was elected judge ot the 34th Judicial Circuit. In 1930 he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Appeals and was elevated to the position of Chief Justice last October. His positions of responsibility and trust have included that of delegate to the National Democratic Convention, the presidency of the Virginia Baptist Board of Missions and Education, and membership on the board of trustees of the University of Richmond , and of Fork Union Military Academy. Both of the alumni selected for the honorary doctor of divinity degrees served overseas in World War I, Mr. Garber in the Army, and Mr. Ackiss as an officer in the Navy. Mr. Garber, who had served as a high school principal prior to World War I, entered Southern Baptist Seminary in 1920 and later continued his education at Crozer Theological Seminary where he won his bachelor of divinity degree in 1925. That same year he became pastor of the Hampton Baptist Church, a charge he has served faithfully and with distinction for twenty-three years. Mr. Garber's honors within the Baptist denomination have twice included his election as vice-president of the General Association of Virginia. He has served as a member of the Virginia Baptist Board of Missions and Education, and has been a member of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention since December , 1944. • Mr. Ackiss remained in the Navy after World War I and

[ 17]

On TheWesthamptonCampus By ELEANOR PITTS, '48 PRING vacation is over and, wonder of wonders, you'll find few Westhamptonites bemoaning the fact. The reason for an unu;.ual excitement after the holidays is that the seniors and a few lucky juniors are moving into the new dorm immediately upon their return to school. The seniors, distantly recalling their contributions to the Million-Dollar Campaign over three years ago, had just about given up all hope of living in South Court, and now that news of its completion has finally arrived, it stirs up various reactions among the girls living in Thomas Hall. Some feel that their present proximity to Jeter outweighs any advantage the beautiful modern new building can possibly possess, while others are discouraged by the complete lack of phone service in South Court and having to trek back and forth across the lake to the men's refectory for meals. (The new dining hall will not be re!ldy until September.) Class sentiment on the whole , however, is one of sheer jubilation. Those luscious pastel rooms arranged in suites are inspiring sonnets and o la la's on every hand. Now that all the classes will be on the hill together this spring we can expect a natural increase in school spirit, which has been clearly affected by the two-year separation of dorm students. Local Girl Makes Go od Department: Kathleen Crawford , '41, author of the popular novel Straw Fire, will address members of her old campus organization, Pi Delta Epsilon, at the honorary journalistic fraternity's annual banquet. How's that for a short order success story? The death of our beloved Dr. Woodfin which shocked and grieved every one who knew her has occasioned a spon-

taneous student contribution to a fund in her memory . The student body has unanimously petitioned the administration that the new dorm be called Woodfin Hall. Richmond College's capacity enrollment has affected W. C. in many ways, especially in extracurricular activities. The girls are helping in the revival and reorganization of predominantly masculine clubs which died a slow death during the war, and are well represented in chess, camera, oratorical, bridge, and music programs and contests. The combined International Relations Clubs are probably the most active group on the campus. Many highlights of the second semester, Religious Emphasis Week, the Song Contest ( won for the second time by '48) , the best-loved of all W. C. dances, the Junior Prom which was designed this year on a colonial theme, Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board elections, both unusually large, have come and gone . Plans for May Day, appropriately based on an international rather than th.e typical old English theme, are in full swing . Graduation for some eighty-two seniors (we hope!) is only two months off- the busiest, most grueling months of all, as every alumna knows. About 40 per cent of the class plans to teach-whether influenced by the new state salary increases or purely altruistic motives, is hard to say. Most traditional plea of students to the Administration : the annual, and futile, request to hold Richmond College dances in Keller Hall. Most ironic scene of the semester: Dr. Smart lecturing to his West Law class on good health-with a broken collarbone, the result of a fall on slippery winter ice.

June Fifth Is The Day!

T rackmen Take Triangular Meet

Alumnae Day at Westhampton falls on June the fifth this year, and plans are already under way to cram it full of interesting events from morning till night. Beginning with the meeting of the alumnae board at 9: 30 in the morning, there will be something of importance going on till after dinner in the evening . Highlights will be the morning symposium, the annual luncheon and business meeting in the Tea Room, inspection of the new dormitory, and the Alumnae-Senior banquet. There will be a number of class reunions taking place from Friday , June 4 to Sunday, June 6. Those having reunions this year include classes of '23, '28, '38, '43, and '46 . Elaborate plans are being made by each class for its reunion and letters will soon go out with full information as to the schedules . Ruth Phillips Starke (Mrs . Thomas J. Starke , III) is general homecoming chairman this year, and as soon as she and her committee have worked out the plans, she will send a letter to all alumnae giving complete details. '

Coach Russ Crane's Red and Blue track team opened its 1948 season April 3 by taking a triangular meet from Wake Forest and Newport News Apprentice School, and in scoring 83 points to Newport News' 54½ and the Deacons' 21½ , uncovered several promising freshmen. High scorer for the meet was Ronnie Ziemek , diminutive freshman from Chicago, who took firsts in the low hurdles , broad jump , and 100'.yard dash and scored in the pole vault. Other frosh to show up well were Doug MacLachlan, of Montclair, N . J., who took the high jump; Sheldon Rooth , another Chicagoan, who won the shot put; and Keith Loury, of Louisville, Ohio, who took the discus and came in behind Rooth in the shot. With the return from last year's team of such standouts as Claude Thomas, middle distance man ; Jack Mallory, hurdler and high jumper; Sugar Ralston, javelin; and Jimmy Sease, tiny miler and two-miler, the Cranemen have hopes of turning in a better record than last year's two wins and four losses. Old grads returning to see the Spider thinclads in action will note that the track has been recindered and new broad jump, high jump, and •pole vault pits have been dug just west of the southern end of the track.


[ 18]

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Alumni in the News


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1899Interesting reminiscenses of those critical days when students chose up sides either to acclaim or denounce the election of young Fred Boatwright as president of Richmond College are contained in a letter written to the Alumni Office by the Rev. R. W. Neathery. "One morning the daily papers told of an outrageous boo-ing some students gave Boaty at his home, " Mr. Neathery writes. Our side had determined to give him a boost. We got the 17th regiment band to lead us down Grace Street. They needed a drummer, had the drum but no one to beat it, so I took it and down the street we went. When we got to the home of the 'Prof,' we found policemen and other excited folks wondering what we were up to. When they found out we were boosting the new president the police stood back and let us have our say. After the band played, C. G. McDaniel, chosen speaker , addressed the Prof , who had come to the front porch, somewhat as follows: 'Sir, we have come to show our deep appreciation of the fact you have been elected president of our Alma Mater. We wanted you to know how we feel and we desire to pledge you our loyalty and support. We trust that under your administration our Alma Mater shall be known throughout the world.' " The president stood still in silence for a short while, then said: "It is just like Richmond College. Always in the hour of need, or when cooperation was demanded you could depend on that noble and loyal spirit." After pledging his loyalty and best efforts to the institution, he invited the boys into the house to help themse lves from a bushel of winesap app les. Mr. Neathery relates that as he was leaving the house, munching the app le, he met a member of the opposition who, upon le11.rningwhat was going on, grinningly said, "I guess I'd better get in line and get one too ." He did.

1904-· Dr. Douglas Southall Freeman, editor of the Richmond News Leader, distinguished historian, and rector of the University of Richmond board of trustees, received the honorary degree of doctor of laws February 23, from Johns Hopkins University . Colgate Darden, president of the University of Virginia and former governor of Virginia, also received the LLD. on that occasion.

1906-Senator A. Willis Robertson has been named vice-president of the National Committee for Christian leadership, an organization which seeks to "establish a new spirit of cooperation and brotherhood in national and international affairs ." During the busy session of the Senate in Washington, Senator Robertson recorded himself in favor of the Marshall plan for aid to Europe that wi ll be "both adequate and timely, because in this emergency time is of the essence." On the home front he has opposed rationing" and price contro ls as a means of dealing with the current inflation problem.

1909Braving the inclement weather, hosts of friends gathered at the Berkley Avenue Baptist Church in Norfolk, January 29, to honor Dr. Beecher L Rhodes and Mrs. Rhodes on the occasion of the 2 Sth anniversary of Dr. Rhodes' pastorate there. After the exercises at which Dr. Sparks W. Melton, '93, pastor of th e Freemason Street Baptist Church, was among the speakers, a reception was held in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes. long a force in Baptist councils, Dr. Rhodes is a member of the Baptist Board of Missions and Education.



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Robert L Saville is described as "one of the most popular men in Richmond " in "about the most unpopular job" in a recent feature article about him in the Rich mond News Leader. He is chairman of the Richm ond Board of Real Estate Assessors-"that sombr e tribunal which sends out little tickets notifying people that the value of their real property has increased and , therefore , their taxes have increa sed. "

Professor Titus W. Beasley, teacher of history and government at Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar , Mo., for the past seventeen years, has been

1911S. E. Hening has retir ed from the treasurership of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, and has estab lished a home in Sperryville, Va. He is operating independentl y as a management consultant.

1914Dr. Asa R. Crabtree , m1ss10nary to Brazil, is home on furlough and is living at 105 Maple Avenue in Richmond. Dr. G. Glenwood Clark has recently written, in collaboration with Luth er C. Wells of Richmond a biography for juvenil e readers of Thomas Jet'. f erson, friend of Lib erty. Dr. Clark is a member of the faculty of the Coll ege of William and Mary.

1915David Nelson Sutton , who is ass1strng in the prosecution of Japanese war crimina ls in trials at Tokyo, writes that the case probably will be submitted to the Tribunal for decision "around the middle of April." His present plans, he writes, "are to return to America as soon as we finish the final argument as the Tribunal will doubtless recess for from one month to two months to arrive at its decision and write its opinion.

1916The Rev. John T. Coburn, for fourteen years pastor of the Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church rn Roanoke, has now taken over his new charge at the Fifth Baptist Church in Washington. John L Wicker, Jr., has been reappointed to membership on the aviation insurance law committee of the American Bar Association. The committee consists of seventeen members from various parts of the country. Philip M. Flanagan, who has been practicing law for the past twenty-six years in Bristol, writes that he hopes to get his pitching arm back in shape again this year. He reports that he also is cutting his second set of teeth just to keep in practice.

1917Lee F. Crippen, professor of history at Berea College, Ky., has been insta lled as 1948 president of the Berea Kiwanis Club. Edward J. Fox is quite busy preparing fertilizer materials containing radioactive phosphorus as a tracer element to be used in studies of the effectiveness of added plant-food in plant nutrition. This is a new use for the by-products of the atomic pile at Oak Ridge. This work is carried on at the Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bettsville, Md. The materia ls thus prepared are distributed throughout the nation to be used in collaborative studies with state and federal agricultural stations. James H. Barnett, Jr., member of the T. C. Williams law School faculty and an old alumnus member of Eta Chapter, University of Richmond of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity, was presented an Alumnus Award at a buffet supper of the Richmond K. A. Alumni Association, March S, at the Country Club of Virginia. Mr. Barnett has served on various national committees of the fraternity for the past eight years as well as acting as alumnus adviser of the chapter at the University.


listed in 117ho's 117ho in the Central States f or 1947. Professor Beasley is in his 24th year of teaching in Missouri colleges including LaGrange College, Will Mayfield College, Southeast Missouri State College, and Southwest Baptist College. In recent years he has been chairman of the Polk County War Chest, secretary of the Bolivar Chamber of Commerce, president of the Bolivar Public library Board, worked with the Red Cross and Boy Scouts, and was chairman of the 1947 Polk County Cancer Control Fund Campaign. He is a member of the American Historical Association, the Foreign Policy Association, Southwestern Social Science Association, State Historical Society of Missouri, Academy of Political Science, and Pi Gamma Mu, national Social Science honor society. Professor Beasley is a graduate of the University of Richmond and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. E. Carl Hoover, who has for the past eighteen years been supervising principal of the Bassett Schools expects to move into a new $600,000 building come September.

1922T. Coleman Andrews has been named to former President Herbert Hoover's Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government . Mr. Andrews is chairman of the committee on Federal government accounting of the American Institute of Accountants and head of a public accounting firm in Richmond. He was one-time city comptroller and recently left a Washington position with the Comptroller-General. John E. Peters, after teaching physics at VMI for five years, has decided he prefers the Administration Field and is now principal of the Appomattox High School at Appomattox. The Rev. B. 1. Mozingo, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Radford for nearly twelve years, has taken over his new pastorate at the Jefferson Street Baptist Church in Roanoke. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond and of the Union Theological Seminary, and is now serving as vicepresident of the Virginia Baptist Board of Missions and Education.

1923-· William Ellyson, Jr., chairman of the 1948 Richmond- Henrico- Chesterfield Red Cross drive, piloted nearly 4,000 workers over the top. Richmond became the third city in the United States to achieve more than its goal. The drive secured

a total of $265,951 in pledges, or 117 per cent of the $228,120 goal. Mr. Ellyson is public relations director of Miller & Rhoads.

appointed year.


of the orga nization last

in Richmond. He served during the recent war as Chaplain in the United States Army.

Walter H. Bennett has been made a full professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Alabama. The Rev. B. V . Madison, formerly pastor of Rappahannock, Pope's Creek, Welcome, Grove and Beulah churches in Richmond and Westmoreland counties, has accepted a call to Wailers and County Line churches in Spotsylvania County. The Rev. Henry G. Raynolds, former pastor of the First Baptist Church at Narrows, has begun his new duties as pastor of Liberty Baptist Church on U . S. Route 60, at the New Kent and James City County lines .

Engaged: Jean Wilson Pryde and William Henry Seward. Mr. Seward served during the war with the Chemical Warfare Department of the Army. Engaged: Zoe Bruce Boyer and Charles Bruce Harper, Jr. Comdr. Jack Eady is with the Photographic Interpre~ation Center at the Naval Receiving Station, Washrngton, D . C. During the recent war he was the commander of Photographic Group One which operated around Okinawa Island in the Central Pacific. Capt. Donald E. Trump is still in the Army and is sti ll a Transport Chaplain on army ships plying the Pacific. Ames Milo Harrington is devoting all of his time and efforts toward doing a thorough job as campaign manager for Harold E. Stassen, Republican Presidential candidate . Mr. Harrington, an outstanding figure on the gridiron at the University, later served with the infantry in Italy. Married: Ruby Olive Margaretha Boje and Arne Ravn Christensen. Bobby Leitch has taken over his new duties as manager of the Fredericksburg branch of the Bottled Gas Corporat ion of Virginia.


1924Dr. J. Hillis Miller is the new president of the University of Florida.

1927Dr. Thomas Eugene West, pastor of the Dudley Street Baptist Church in Boston has recently returned from a bridal trip which took him and his bride, the former Jean Newton of Richmond, to such places as Ba lboa, C. Z., and Guatemala City. He was educated at the University of Richmond and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville. He served with the armed forces during World War II as a chaplain in Italy. J. T. Mizell, Richmond attorney, has been elected . president of the Baptist Council of Richmond. Virgil H. Goode, after serving four terms as Franklin County's representative in the House of Delegates, has assumed his new duties as


1931George F. Abbitt, Jr., has been appointed Commonwealth 's Attorney of Appomattox County, succeeding his brother Watkins who was elected to the United States House of Representatives from the Fourth Virginia District. The Rev. Leland H. Waters, executive secretary of the Baptist Council of Richmond has been elected president of the Richmond Ministerial Union .


Commonwealth's Attorney. He was educated at Stuart High School, Hargrave Military Academy at Chatham, Richmond College, and T. C. Williams Law School. Mr. Goode was a strong advocate of social security legislation, the three-point program for the schools, greater highway and street safety, establishment of a system for probation and parole, labor legislation limiting the hours of women in industry, and abolition of the poll tax as a prerequisite to voting and the substitution of a uniform illiteracy test. He was the father of the school-bus bill that required the state to help the counties defray part of the transportation costs of the school children. He was also the father of the Goode Hospital Bill which was designed to enable localities without adequate medical facilities to construct necessary hospitals and health centers with the aid of Federal, State and county funds.

1928Rev. Charles Albert Morgan, pastor of Berea and Goochland Baptist Churches of the Dover Association of Virginia for twenty-one years, has taken over his new pastorate at the Clopton Street Baptist Church in Richmond.

1929Robert Edward partment's Bureau Joseph S. Hart, Huber Corporation

Walton is with the Navy Deof Ships as associate physicist. who has been with the J. M . in New York since 1936 was


A lecture fund has been established at the Medical College of Virginia by friends who served with the late Captain Lewis T . Stoneburner, III, in the 45th Genera l Hospital during World War II. The first lecture was given January 30, by Dr. Perrin H. Long, professor of Preventive Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. He spoke on "The Choice of Sulfonamides and Antibiotic Agents in the Treatment of Infections." Captain Stoneburner served in North Africa with the 45th General Hospital. While on temporary duty to the office of Colonel Long, medical consultant of that theater of operations,- he was lost over the Mediterranean while on a flight from Algiers to Tunisia to inspect Army hospitals.

1934Benjamin T. Peele, Jr., writes that he is teaching day and night and still is able to find time to work on his thesis for a Master's degree at William and Mary. He also reports that he is the father of an eight-month-old son. J. B. Hening is with the State Department after serving as an officer with the Navy during the War. Married: Helen Arnette McCauley and George Byron Lacy. Luther Libby, Jr., who serves as clerk of Law and Equity Court, Part II, is unique in two respects, according to Theo Wilson writing in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Mr. Libby, who is 37, is the youngest clerk holding office in the City Hall. He is also the only one not married. Before his appointment he practiced law. "When I qualified to practice as a lawyer in this court," says the present clerk, "I took the oath from my father in 1935. In 1939 my father swore me in as deputy clerk to assist him in case of illness. But I've been coming to this same court since I was four or five years old. " Benjamin 1. Campbell, an attorney, has been named the outstanding young man for Petersburg for 1947 by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. A graduate of Petersburg High School and the University of Richmond, Mr. Campbell is an army veteran who has served 2·6 months in the European Theater and received several decorations. During the past years he has been chairman of the Appomattox District, R. E. Lee Council, Boy Scouts of America. He is a member of the board of directors of the Y.M.C.A., and is local chairman of the World Youth Fund of this organization.

1937The Rev. Horace 1. Ford has resigned as pastor of the Lawrenceville Baptist Church in order to accept the pastorate of Broaddus Memorial Church

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Sadi ]. Mase has announced his intention of turning over to the Law School the numerous valuable documents which came into his possession as a member of the United States staff which prosecuted international war crimes criminals at Nuernberg, Germany. The papers include the closing briefs in the trials of the twenty major Nazi war criminals, one of the briefs being the work of the donor; introductory statements by the British, French, and Russian prosecutors in those proceedings; and possibly an original record of the trials themselves, as well as records of the subsequent cases of leading German industrialists. The Rev. Jack R. Noffsinger has resigned as director of religious activities at Richmond College to become pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond. Car lson R. Thomas staged Winterset at the Savannah Playhouse of Armstrong Junior College in Savannah, Ga., during the week of February 16-21.

1941c::11 </la[wtin,


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Born: a daughter, Susan Lough, to Mr. ('41) and Mrs. ('42) G. Edmond Massie, III, at the Medical College of Virginia Hospital on March 5, 1948. W. Harry Widener has resigned from the FBI, and is now with the Rheem Manufacturing Company, Chicago . His four-year-old daughter, Judith, speaks German, French, and Spanish in addition to English. Dr. E. M. Adams, now assistant professor of philosophy at Ohio University, was awarded a Ph.D. in philosophy from Harvard on March 1. He and his wife, Phyll is, are looking forward to their first real trip South in six years when he will teach philosophy at the University of North Carolina Summer School in.Chape l Hill from July 21 to August 28.

The Rev. Carl A. Collins, Jr., has resigned as pastor of 0akwood Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond. He expects to receive an M.A. degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, in early summer. George E. Roberts is now connected with the Reliance Life Insurance Company in Baltimore. George Henry Landers, Jr., now with the Rohn and Haas Company, Bristol, Pa., was on the Richmond campus in January. Married: Miss Ruth Klinglehoffer of Johnstown, Pa ., to Waverly Green, a sophomore in medicine at Johns Hopkins University, at Baltimore on March 27, 1948. She is a nursing supervisor at the Johqs Hopkins Hospital.

1942Born: a bov, Charles Allen Krause, to the Rev. and Mrs . C. W. Krause at Vesuvius, Va., on February 9. Thomas W. Green, who was discharged from the Navy in March, will begin work · at Johns Hopkins Hospital May 1, 1948, for additional tra ining in internal medicine. Herndon P. Jeffrys, Jr ., of Richmond, has been appointed state chairman of the membership committee of the Junior Bar Conference, American Bar Association.

1943James Wilson Honeycut, of Richmond, is with the Master Builders Company, in Cleveland, Ohio. He serve::l as a lieutenant (jg) in the Navy during the war. Rev. Edwyn Luttrell has resigned as associate minister of the Second Baptist Church in Richmond and accepted a call to the pastorate of Main Street Baptist Church in Emporia . He writes that his family has now grown to three since little Mark Edwyn Luttrell arrived February 10. John L. Decker is on the verge of comp leting his first year in Med-School. Engaged: Mary Anabel Spillman of Farmville and Willard W. Bur-ton. Mr. Burton is now employed as a chemist for the American Tobacco Company. During the War he was an Air Force lieutenant .

1944Born: A son, John P. Oliver, III, to Rev. and Mrs . John P. Oliver, Jr., of Accomac. Engaged: Beatrice Rosen and Jack Paul Fine. Mr. Fine, who serve d in the Navy for three years and received his commission as ensign, is now attending the T. C. Williams School of Law. Engaged: Jane Doris Zurn of Philadelphia and James Thomas Hatcher, Jr. During the war, Mr. Hatcher served as a naval officer. Rev. Harold M. White has assumed his duties as pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church. A native

of Winder, N . C., and a graduate of the University of Richmond and of Southwestern Baptist

Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. White has held pastorates in North Carolina, Virginia, and Texas. J. B. Adams writes from MCV that 1'lr. Judson McClanahan is expecting to go to Harvard in June as assistant Resident in Pathology, and that Roland Elliot is a freshman in Dental School and plays on the basketball team. Also that Bev Jones was recently elected to Alpha Sigma Chi (honorary leadership fraternity) and is very active in extracurricular work at MCV . Bev is spor ts editor of the paper, manager of the basketball team, and a founder of the Interfraternity Council. Mr. Adams also mentioned that twenty members of the first-year class in medicine are U of R men. These include: Joe Mathias who is vice-president of the class; Bob Phillips, who is on the dean's committee; Coxie Bowen, Brooke Moffett, Arthur Martin, Lou Hasty, Charlie Randolph, Bernard Savage, Victor Skorapa, Chico Portela, Jesse Tucker, and Earl Fox; two girls, Miriam Carmichae l and Julia Dickinson are also in the class. According to Mr. Adams, Jack Atkinson is in Pharma -cy School and Nat Lum is to graduate in medicine in June . Members of the senior class in medicine include: T. A. Saunders, Irvin Knight, William Robinson, Lucian Roberts, Charlie Guttas, Charlie Williams, Irvin Cavedo, Stacy Loyd, and ]. B. Adams.

1945Engaged: Lois Wilson Younger of Nathalie and George Henry Motley.

1947Louis "Weenie" Mill er, who coached his Glen Allen charges through the regular basketball season undefeated, was also a star for -the Richmond Barons. He is an All-State basketballer at the University of Richmond. Miller is the property of the New York Yankees of the American League and played with Norfolk of the Piedmont League part of last . season. Engaged: Sally Whit ehurst Harding and Lewis Bailey Hasty. Mr. Hasty, who is now attending the Medical College of Virginia, served in the Navy during the war. Engaged: Marian Lee Fridell and Dudley Walton Mallory. Mr. Mallory was a pilot with the Army Air Corps during the war.

Richmond Area University Center (Continued from page 4)

related subjects opportunities to exchange experiences, to report upon significant studies or developments in their field, and to hear reports from colleagues and visiting scholars. Six of these conferences have already been held: one for professors of economics and of commerce in the associated colleges, two for teachers of sociology, one for instructors of history and political science, one for members of research committees in the affiliated institutions, and one for business executives and instructors of business administration. Visiting Scholars-One purpose of the whole program is to bring to the Richmond area distinguished lecturers, scholars, and specialists. The visitors will be selected by the schools or departments concerned and their work will be coordinated closely with the regular work of the Center's several institutions. They will come to strengthen and to enrich rather than to enlarge or to expand the present institutional offerings. Emphasis will be placed upon informal methods of work with faculties and students rather than upon formal lectures or short courses. Each visiting scholar will be invited to give one [ 21]

address for the general public while he is the guest 0f the Center. From April 5 to 27, Dr. Ralph Barton Perry, professor emeritus of philosophy at Harvard University, will be the Center's visiting scholar. Dr. Otto Loewi, research professor of pharmacology at New York University College of Medicine and Nobel Prize winner in medicine for 1936, will be the visiting scholar for May. Dean Emeritus Christian Gauss of Princeton University will be the Center's visiting scholar in the fall. Fine Arts-The principal feature of this program for the first year will be visits by artists who can live for brief periods on each of the several campuses to which they are invited. These artists will be invited to meet informally with faculty members and students, to hold what might be called "bull sessions" with students, to demonstrate the techniques employed by artists, to give concerts _or_ exhibit ions. Grant Reynard, a painter of d1stmct10n, was the first guest artist of the Richmond Area Universitv Center last fal'l. ' Cooperative Professorships-This program might be best illustrated by a concrete effort now being made by the Center to obtain a teacher of speech for four of the associated institutions that would like to establish such a joint professorship and to share services and costs. Such an arrangement will make it possible for the institutions to increase their offerings and service, particularly in specialized fields, at minimum cost. Library Coordination-The committee in charge of this phase of the program which is headed by Randolph W. Church, State Librarian, has completed its survey of library coordination possibilities -in this area with the assistance of Dr. George A. Schwegmann, Jr., who has charge of the union catalogue of the Library of Congress, and Dr. Robert B. Downs, who is director of the library of the University of Illinois. The committee is_ now awaiting the raising of ~30,00_0 to maugurate the most important items m the programs recommended for a three-year period. The items are as follows: a li~ite~ union catalogue, a bibliographical serv1_ce,_ m_creased appropriations for books, speoal1zat10n of fields among libraries in the area, ?ew _met~odsfor delivery service among the libranes, issuance of guide books to library patrons, and a program of in-service train_ing for __ lib~arians. It will require a wellqual1fi~d coordmator to direct this program. !here 1s good reason, based upon experience m other centers, for thinking that the program ca1;1be administered after three years out of mcreased local resources that will come from extended and improved services. 1,ids to Research-The Center has a very active Research Council of which Dr. E. W. Gregory, Jr., of the University of Richmond is chairman. Professors chosen from th~ faculties of all the cooperating institutions make up this committee in charge of administering the research fund of the Center. For the present, grants-in-aid for research by the teachers and students in the affiliated colleges will be ltmtted to mvestigative work in the

humanities and social sciences. For the year beginning July 1, 1948, approximately $14,000 is available for these grants-in-aid. Coordination of Adult and In-Service Education-Already a degree of cooperation and coordination exists in the field of adult education as participated in actively by several of the institutions associated with the Center. The urgent needs as seen by the organization are closer coordination of the courses for adults already offered and development of additional courses in a variety of subjects. Under the auspices of the Center, the affiliated institutio _ns will employ as soon as possible a coordinator of adult education, who, in addition to other duties such as instituting new courses, will ( 1) prepare and publish periodically a joint announcement of adult educational opportunities in the a_reaand ( ~) establish a consultation and advisory service for adults seeking guidance in planning and in carrying forward study programs . Similar needs for coordination and development exist in the closely r~lated field of in-service education of profess10nal workers. Many such individuals, for ex~mple, might like to take a course offered m the community in, say, clinical psychology. Refresher courses in their own specialties would be attractive to others . More effective work in planning, announcing, and_ de~elop~n~ both adult and in-service educat10n 1s ant10pated as a result of this joint ef!ort. Publications- The University Center Bulletin is published at regular intervals to report progress of the activities of the Center and to describe what is being done elsewhere in university cooperation. Copies of the two numbers that have already appeared may be obtained from the Center's offices. Reports of progress of various committees wil~ appear from time to time in appropriate Journals. For example, a paper describing the Center's plan for library coordination in this area has now been prepared by Mr. Church for publication in a national journal. THE



The , Center is being financed during its formative period by a grant from the General Education Board, of which Dr. Robert D. Calkins is now Director. Although this Board has been the largest contributor up to the present time, funds have also been received from other sources. The administration of the Center has been satisfactorily provided for over a period of six years from the time of its organ1zation in 1946. It is the conviction of the council and board of directors of the Richmond Area University Center that this coordinating agency has already proved its worth to the community, as have similar ones elsewhere, and that progressively it will come to be more and more locally financed . The potentialities of the university center idea are farreaching and may some day in this country approach much closer the Oxford or Cambridge plan of · highly efficient coordination of educational institutions of higher learning.





II WesthamptonClass Notes II N





:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!! 1916- -

Frieda Dietz is having two books coming out this spring, Let's Talk Turkey in May, and Costumes and You in June. She is making a talk for the U.D.C. in Bluefield, W. Va., April ,6th. Sallie Wills Holland was on the campus for a few days at the time of Maude Woodfin's death. Helen Mansell has another book coming from the press in the late spring, The Mystery of Grandfather's Coat. My only distinction is that I am the only one of 1916 that ever had any family. The rest had the brains and I had the babies. My oldest granddaughter will be ready for school in the fall. Sincerely, NORMA


1921- Dear Classmates, As you saw by the BULLETIN, ten of us made contributions to the Swimming Pool Fund . This gives us about 38 per cent contributing. Two letters have come in since the last news was printed. One from May Thompson Evans tells of the interesting work she is doing in the nation 's capital in the Employment Service and Labor Department. Her keen insight into problems and her comments on them would be "good hearing " if we could get together. Leonora Dorsey at Virginia Intermont has enjoyed contacts with some Westhampton visitors. She mentioned a visit to V . I. by Ruth Henderson and Theresa Pollack this year. Theresa was judge in an art exhibit. Leonora had a visit with Eva Ellis Kilby at Christmas. Wish I could write more! You know why I can't 1 As ever , "Sis LITTLE." Spencer, Virginia.

1922- Dear 22's: I enjoyed this morning a good Jetter from one of my old faithfuls-Rebecca Lawson McReynolds, who teaches in Washington, you know . Rebecca was leaving to join her husband in Missouri and spend the Easter holidays on their farm there. A newsy Jetter from Mary Fugate came too late for the last BULLETIN, but I want to pass on to you its contents . Mary is academic dean and registrar at Averett. In 1941, she built her home three blocks from the college and has enjoyed it so much. Her sister, Elizabeth, who is financial secretary at the college, and two other teachers live with her. In winter they eat in the college dining room, but in summer do their own cooking and have their own vegetable garden. Mary is president of the Virginia Association of College Registrars and vice-president of the Regional Association of Deans of Women. She reports a wonderful trip to Denver, Colorado last April to attend the meeting of the National Registrars. Every time I hear from Leslie Booker she's dashing off somewhere on a trip for the Association. Her last letter told of her trip to Atlanta to meet with the Alumnae group there and then on to Tampa, Florida to attend a conference. She enjoyed seeing Virginia Richardson of '22, who entertained her royally at a famous Spanish restaurant. I haven 't been able to do much " dashing" this winter due to home and family ties, but did get to Roanoke for a good visit with Irene Summers Stoneman and husband when they were out for the State Dairymen's Convention; and I have just returned from a week's visit to my sister in North Carolina. For the rest of the winter, I've been keeping the home fires burning, and the boys in school.

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Please send me some letters-and some money for our swimming pool fund. The time is short now. Please let's have as many contributions as we always do. '22 hasn't failed me yet. JULIA





1923- · Dear '23, Altha Cunningham and I had hoped to hear from every member of '23, so that we could have included a bit of news of each in this issue. So if your name is omitted, you know why. Big plans are under way for our 25th Reunion this June , and we are looking forward to seeing you then. It has been fifteen years since the Class of '23 has held a reunion, our 20th having been prevented by the war . So make every effort to attend this one. It will be such fun to see each other again, reminisce over the "o ld days" at Westhampton, and perhaps meet some members of our families. • It was a pleasure receiving letters from Katharine Essex Clarke , Gladys Nuckols Wood, Myrtie Bidgood Brooks, Rennie Parks Rue, Ardys Houser Gwinn, Elizabeth Parker, J-ouise Beck Morris, Virginia Epes Feild and Mary Mitchell Clifford. Katharine leads the busy life of a pastor 's wife and homemaker in Winchester. She has three sons, Ed Jr., the eldest, now a loyal Spider. Gladys is at present teaching and homemaking in Waynesboro . Before and during the war she lived all over Virginia, in Pensacola, Fla ., and in Oak Ridge, Tenn., as her husband was in construction work. Her one daughter is eleven years old and plays the clarinet in her school band. Myrtie and her husband teach at Hargrave Military Academy at Chatham. They have no children . Rennie is also teaching as well as rearing a ten -year-old daughter. Whether your school is out or not, Rennie; you simply must come back and help us celebrate . Ardys is teaching in Portsmouth and writes that she is sponsor of the senior class this year, so won't be able to leave, as they graduate the week end of our reunion. We still hope that you can slip away for even part of the time, Ardys . Her son is a seventeen-year-old senior in the high school this year. "Polly" Parker of Danville hopes that she can be with us in June . She keeps busy throughout the year caring for her mother, substituting and tutoring, and being the "man of the family" as she expressed it. "Becky's" letter was most interesting. She is Supervisor of Medical and Biological Sciences at the Museum of Science and Industry in Jackson Park, Chicago, Ill., and is doing experiment work with micro-projection. However, her "hobby" is taking care of her fine husband and thirteen-year-old son. Do change your plans and come back to Westhampton this June, "Becky." Virginia is a busy homemaker. Her husband is a civil engineer with the Army, and they are living in Alexandria. She has two daughters , the elder being a sophomore at Westhampton. Mary attended finals last year so is afraid that she won't be able to return again this year. She plans to celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary in June. Her son, George, is studying medicine and is engaged to be married; and her daughter , Alice, is a senior at Swarthmore College. Gladys Reese Otey also has a daughter at Westhampton in the junior class. Ruth Powell Tyree's daughter, Virginia Hart, graduates from Hollins this June, and Ethney Selden Headlee's daughter, Anne, graduates from Converse. Mildred Campbell Broom's daughter, Barbara, attends Richmond Professional Institute and plays the violin beautifully . Margaret Ostergren Edwards is living in Richmond

and has two children, a boy and a girl in high school. Sarah Lee Atkins of Baltimore, Dorothy Sadler Corprew, Olivia Hardy Blackwell, Altha Cunningham and I are looking forward to seeing you at the '23's Reunion. Dorothy teaches at Thomas Jefferson High School in Richmond and has recently moved into her new home. Altha is very busy with her art classes and producing the scenery for the play at her school. To you, who wrote letters, thanks a lot; and to you, who did not get around to writing me, be sure to write Ethney Selden Headlee all about yourself. And don't let anything prevent you from coming back to Westhampton for '23's 25th Reunion on June 4, 5, and 6. VIRGINIAKENT LOVING.

1925-Dear Class of '25, Don't you think it's high time we caught up with news of ourselves again? It's been years since there was any mention in the BUL1cETINof a Westhampton class between '24 and '26.! Leslie Bnoker has been noticing that void for a Jong time, she says, and it's her suggestion that, being on home territory, I try to make a start toward finding out where we all are, and who's doing what. If you've read this much, you 're interested in whatever news we have of those girls you lived with for four years. Actually, we haven't much, but the point is-you'd like to know it. Then it stands to reason that all of us others want to know where you are, and what you're doing-not to mention what you've been doing for twenty-three years. I've planned to write to every one of you for all the information I could dig up, but haven't yet found time. How about helping out by sending me a lin e-at least with your address? We may not have yours, Bean, or yours, Buck. And I'm certain we haven't Margaret Taylor's-if anyone knows where she is. Don't you think we ought to keep track of each other a little better? Maybe a classmate has moved into the same town with you-wou ld you be likely to know it? If you'll just tell me a little about yourself, and whatever's nice to know about anyone in the class, I'll pass it promptly on to Leslfe for the BULLETIN and we'll all get the benefit-even friends in other classes. Here's just a start-w hat littl e we know already, even though much of it isn't exact ly new: Susie Blair is still enjoying HoJlins, where she teaches and coaches plays. Becky Brockenbrough is back at St. Margaret's at Tappahannock as headmistress. She taught there before the war and then, during the war, traveled to far parts of the world as a captain in the WAC; last year, she taught in Maryland. Ruby Foster Tyree teaches Latin at Chandler Junior High School in Richmond, and they do say she knows how; her students come to college thoroughly prepared. Billie Gordon Atwill is an active, enthusiastic member of the Norfolk Alumnae Club. She has a good job there, but comes to college whenever · she can to see her daughter, Pat, who is a freshman at Westhampton . Billie, you remember, won the class cup. Ruth Watkins Cloud has a boy who is eleven, and a girl seven. She lives in Richmond. Cathryn Henna is sti ll with the Red Cross, her headquarters at San Francisco. Nellie Hoover Williams lives at Sandston but turned commuter to Richmond this winter while the State Legislature was in session, she took such an active part in the extracurricu lar activities; her husband is a member of the House. May Rudd Harris has been Jiving in Mexico City, but is now back in Richmond. Virginia Holladay is a missionary in Africa. And Billy Spang ler, of atomic fame now, was married last year. She's Mrs. David Rogers, of Inverness Park, California. Martha Lipscomb Walsh wrote an interesting letter to Leslie Booker some months back, telling about her husband's work in Venezuela and some of their experiences. He is consulting engineer in electrical power for a New York firm having a contract with the Venezuelan government for consultation in power matters for the entire country .

They've been living at Maracay, a delightfully situated town, Martha says, of about 50,000-the home of Gomez when he was dictator and, for that reason, chiefly a military strongho ld . The Walshes lived through a three-hour "revolution" there last summer when an insurrection broke out near their hotel, but the few casualti es were military and not serious. The hotel, where Martha and her husband lived before they moved into their own big Spanish-type home, covers three city blocks and was built by Gomez to house hi s guests. Martha says they pick their own oranges and mangos and bananas, but that Venezuelans import commodities in such unwi se profusion that canned orange juice from California is for sale; that all food is high-priced and that meat is quite scarce. In spite of which, it sounds wonderful to be living there. They expect to return to the States every year or so to visit. And that's as far as I can go without some help from you. I might add that I'm li ving on the campus with my father, keeping house for him and trying to keep up with my two big gir ls, Frederica and Donna, now 7 and 5. Please do let us have some ne".'-.sof you to tell the others. Best wishes, EVELYNBOATWRIGHTLYNCH.

1926Dear '26, All of the effort that goes into covering, or rather uncovering the news of '26 seems worthwhile when I check the list of cards and letters that came in response to Christmas notes sent out again this year by members of '2,6 in Richmond. These came to various ones and I have merely rounded them up so that I might relay the news to you. Cathleen Stinson Williams (Mrs. M. A.) writes that her hu sband is Professor of Biology and Geology at Bluefield College. They have a daughter 13 who may one day be at Westhampton, and a son 19, in the army now, who may be at the University of Richmond in '49 and '50. Alice Taylor's delightful letter gave a belated but enthusiastic account of a vacation trip last summer to the Music Festival in the Berkshires, to Canada to hear the Vatican singers in Quebec, and to Lake Chautauqua to hear the Messiah. Alice spent Christmas with "the fami lies" in which there are six children-one a namesake.

If it is made by

Florence Booker wrote more fully than formerly about her activities as Head of the Music Department of Washington-Lee High School, Arlington, Va., and Director of the Arlington Men's Chorus, a community choral organization. Florence sent a program of "A Candlelight Christmas Concert" conducted by her and presenting her choral groups. She referred to Student Life magazine, December, 1947, for a further glimpse into the activities of these groups. In additon to enviable musical achievements in Arlington, Florence is halfway through her work leading to her M.A. in Music Education which she is taking at George Peabody College for Teachers in Nashville, Tenn. Margaret Miller Smith has enjoyed traveling some with Bob this winter. The Sayers have bought a lot and plan to build there eventually . "Bye 's" older boy is at Woodberry Forest. Thelma Phlegar Owens sent in a copy of this year's newsletter written as a New Year's greeting from Thelma Grafton and Donald to their friends. Thelma's husband is still with the Ciba Chemical Lab., Inc., Kemberton, Pa., and in his spare time con_tinues to hunt for a house with a nursery by spnng. Thelma and Donald (a first-grader) are in Bluefield with her parents until the search for larger quarters along the Schuylkill ends successfully. Thelma mentioned having published "a couple of bits of light verse recently in / udge and Co11nt,·y Gentleman. I enjoyed lunching with Mary Virginia Daughtrey and Louise Mattern Coleman at Miller and Rhoads just before Christmas. Those of us who had looked forward to having Mary Virginia back in Richmond again in February on the J. M. teaching force were keenly disappointed when she had to abandon the plan. She is still at Handsom, keeping house for her father . There was a get-together at Mary Virginia's in the fall, and Louise Mattern Coleman, Lila Crenshaw, Margaret Harlan Hilton, and Madge Pollard Pennell were there. Though I could never get a full report on the doings of the day, I'm sure that I missed a lot of fun. I was at home with Fred, Jr., battling a virus. Fred, Jr., incidentally, was pleased some weeks ago to receive a letter from David Felter, son of Murtha Brown Felter who was a member of our class for one year. David thought it would be fine to be friends. Since then they have become fellow philatelists. Nelda Anderson Cotton Jets us hear from her


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every now and then. She wrote Christmas that she is ~till busy keeping house and teaching. Our sympathy goes out to Inez Cutchin Kollock who lost her father, Mr. Braxton N . Cutchin of Franklin, early in February. Thank all of you who wrote cards or letters. If only you wou ld break down sometime and write in between Christmases, too! I'll even brace myself for the shock if those of you who never write turn over a new leaf. Sincerely, MARIAN



(Mrs. Frederick Sale), 6103 Wesley Road, Richmond 21, Virginia.

1928Members of the Class of '28 were grieved to hear of the untimely death of Dr. Maude Woodfin, who served as sponsor for our class when we were at Westhampton. Lydia Hatfield Chappell and her husband, Warren Chappe ll, recently published A Gallery of Bible Stories. Warren, we ll known as a type designer, illustrator and typographer has been elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa, at the University of Richmond. Emerald Bristowe was recently married to Kenneth Stradley, of Washington. Elizabeth Harris Jones is librarian for the Valentine Museum. She and Leslie have converted the servant's wing of Ellen Glasgow's house into a studio apartment . Beverley Neale Kluttz is now living on Confederate Avenue in Richmond. Her husband is director of religious education at Second Presbyterian Church. Contributions for the Westhampton swimming pool have been received from several members of our class. Those wishing to contribute shou ld send their checks to the Alumnae Secretary, Leslie Booker. One hundred per cent from the class membership is the goal that has been set by the committee. Gray Robinson French is now living in Laurel, Maryland. Betty Sherman Cale is also living in a suburb of Washington. Ed is with the State Department. Dixie Baker Owen writes that she does nothing worth mentioning because she "on ly washes dishes, cooks, cleans, sews, and thinks about all the things she will do some day." Louise Eubank Grey continues to teach at the

Saluda Hi gh School where she does big things in dramatics and pageants. Louise Heflin Knapp writes from New York that she certainly plans to atte nd '28's reunion at Westhampton in June . Also a note from Margaret Chapin Perry from Owensboro, Kentucky, inquiring about reunion plans, bring s the good news that she expects to be amo ng those present. Yes, '28 is planning to celebrate in a big way its 20th reunion at commencement this year. The dates are June 4th to 6th, and we hope that a great many of you are already making your plans to attend.

1931- Mighty littl e news this time. But in getting up a class lis-t with families, achievements, etc., I've found several items that have not been in the BULLETIN.

Betty Bailey Hooker has a son, John Dillard Hooker, Jr., born September 26, 1947. This is her second son . Mary Faulkn er Jordan's second child, a son, was born in August, 1947. We have 15 contributors to the Alumnae Fund. Now if the other 35 of us will send in their conhelp trib uti ons, we'll get our 100 per cent-and swell the Swimming Poo l Fund. How about it? MARGARET


1932-Dear Class of ·32, Helen Pollard Deck has a second son, James Leonard D eck, Junior, born January 2, 1948. Helen has two other children, Margaret Ann, age six, and Johnny, age four. Mary Ryland Babcock's husband has been very ill following an operation four or five weeks ago. We all rejoice with Mary that he is getti ng along nicely now, and hopes soon to leave the hospital. We were all shocked and grieved over the untimely death of Miss Woodfin. She was greatly loved by each of us as our class sponsor, teacher, and friend . A group of us, who live in Richmond, sent flowers for the funeral from the Class of 1932. A note of appreciation has been received from the family. I am sorry I haven't more news for you. Do please write me what you are doing, and all about your families so that we' II have Jots of news for next time. Sincerely, MARY


One more baby: Frances Folkes Blinn has a son, Robert Franklin Blinn, born October 20, 1947. Th is makes two girls, Barbara 5 and Suzanne 3, and one boy. She and Fisher live in Williamsburg where he is a professor. They have rea lly had a siege of hospitalization what with Barbara's fourth visit for a recent appendectomy-( tonsils, adenoids, pneumonia, and then this). Frances Lundin van Heuveln is back in Richmond for awhil e. Her husband is working here in shipping and she is doing free-lance art work for the department stores. Their daughter, Lou, is a lovely blonde. Gene Newton West, who was married in January, 1948, to Eugene West, had a marvelous wedding trip. They spent a month in South America. On their way back to their future home in Boston where he has been assigned to a pastorate, they stopped here in Richmond for a visit . One question for you all to answer: Do we or don't we have a 15th anniversary celebration? it over. Next year is it-think Also-we are abysmally low on the Swimming Pool Fund, so dig down now. · 'Ti ! next issueGRACE



1936Dear '36, I was glad to hear from several of you and am sorry not to have answered your letters. Mother was quite ill and my trip to Florida, bringing her here for an operation, and all the piled-up duties at the "Y" kept me from answering letters. Hope I can do better now that she's well and back at home. Virginia Burfoot writes that she had a wonderful experience with the American Red Cross for a year and then with the Dependent School Service. She taught one year in Germany. Her address is Midlothian, Virginia. Helen Falls writes that there is never a dull moment with about forty girls to counse l and two classes a day to teach besides a full schedule of church activities. Florence Marston Harvey has a new baby girl named Frances Ellen. Does everybody know that Virginia Ingram is now Mrs. A. R. Guest 1's of last April, and is living at 7107 Harwick Road, Washington D. C.? Her husband is a patent examiner. Mildred Crowder Pickels says she may be coming to Virginia in May and will bring the baby.


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Camilla Jeffries, who is a registered pharmacist and has been helping to run the family drugstore in Warrenton for severa l years, has sold her interest there and moved to Richmond. She has bought an interest in the Boulevard Grant Drug Company and has already begun her duties there. She and her mother have bought a home at 1609 Wilmington Avenue and, with Mrs. Woodfin and Dr. Lough, will move into it some time this summer .

Phone 7-4035

Flowers' School Equipment Co. 327 West Main"Street


1934I beg of you, one and all to writ e me where you are and what you are doing. We have news this issue, so here goes: Katherine Sergeant Newby reports that her husband, Ed, has almost completed his first year at Medical College of Virginia. He worked with DuPont, then spent two years in the Navy and upon release decided to change to medicine. They have two boys, 5½ years and 16 months. Marydee Lowe Wimbish has a new son born on a hospital ship in China, last October. That makes two gir ls, 8 and 9 years old , and one boy. They are returning to this country sometime in April after having their sailin g date changed several times. lt will be two years in August since she's been home . Liz Goodwin Henderson has a new son born September 7, 1947. This adds a brother to her 5½year-old girl.


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Don't forget to send any '36 news to Libba Conwell, 509 North Boulevard , Apt. 6, Richmond , Va.

1937Marriages: Grace Elliot married one H;umphrey Olsen on the first of February in Philippi, West Virginia. We understand they met in summer school-Ann Arbor. Births: Five months late we record that Peter Chevallie Warwick came to live with Connie Fleming Warwick on October 10, 1947. Even later we add to the record Peggy Louthan Shepherd's daughter who was an unknown quantity at the time of our reunion and is called "Al"short for Almeda Ann. She was ten months old on March 22. Another newcomer is Betty Jo Pitts, daughter of Betty Pleasants Pitts , who was born on November 29. We believe that though he is one year old he has never been introduced-William Anthony Carter, Jr.-son of the former Josephine O'Grady. Changes of Address: Jane Carroll Slusser (Mrs. Thomas A., Jr.) has moved to Pensacola, Florida, where we understand her husband, still in the Navy, has had a promotion. Margaret Harris Bradner (Mrs. J. Wm., Jr.) will be at 2422 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia by the time you read this. Sometime this spring the Bradners are planning to build their home in Charlotte Court House , Virginia, and move there permanently. Right now Bill, who is with Export Leaf Tobacco , is spending his free time trying to find a suitable lot for the already planned house . Louise Patrick Quast (Mrs. T. E.) is living in Washington and working for the Patent Office, we are told-as a chemical researcher. Her hus band also works for the Government. Winnie Schenck has come back across the counuy again and works now in Charlottesville, Vir ginia with the Distributive Education Branch of the Virginia Education System. When we see Winnie on one of her (as we understand it) frequent trips to Richmond, we will try to find out exactly what that means! Her address is clear-113 Wash ington Street, Charlottesville, Virginia . Ruth Stephenson Edwards (Mrs. John C.) is established at Waynesboro, Virginia -" God's Country," and I quote my husband -a nd her address is Apple Acres, Route 2. The longest move-as of today-that we know about is that of Alice Torbeck Bryant (Mrs. Dorsey) . She came here for the reunion last Juneand decid ed to stay . For the present she and her family are at her mother 's and are busily house hunting . Though she hopes her address will change soon she says she is permanently in Richmond, and that her husband is now traveling in near-by territory. Int erview: With Miss Elizabeth Angle, on short leave from her job as statistician with Army Headquarters in Hawaii. 'Tm only hom e for a short while ahd yes, I most certainly am going back I It's perfectly beautiful there. "For publication you may say that I am sorry I missed the reunion and hope I will be at the 20th. "Yes, I like it fine. I have an apartment in Waikiki. The social life there? .. . We keep busy inside the office and out." All of which is a brief summary of a very nice chat with the farthest-flung member of our class. Liz is definitely sold on Hawaii . Her address is now: G-1, AGF-PAC, Apo 958, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Latest News: Betty Allison Briel took time out from her family affairs-she was cooking dinner-to tell us several items for this issue. We thank her profusely. Kitty Broyle Kerr, we hear , likes her new apart ment fine. In fact the whole family must be happy because we also hear her husband prefers his new job to his old!

Nancy Chappell Pettigrew has plans we will tell you about later. Louise C. Gano Wilkinson has had an unheard of experience-someone bas told her "We are saving this flat for you-the couple in it will have to be moving soon!" · Zippy Gross Tucker says her four-year-old leads her a merry chase. Jean Hudson Miller, when we called for news, was too busy minding her own two and some of the neighbors' children to think of much-a rainy afternoon with a houseful of kids 1 Mina Karp Moss couldn't talk either-but for a very different reason. In a very masculine voice she reported that she and her two children were in bed with fierce colds. By remote control comes the news that Virginia Lee Priddy is working for one of the large Baptist organizations in Richmond. Also unverified comes the report that Mildred Vick Chatton, whose address we have as 1771 9th Avenue, San Francisco, California, has a baby now a year old.

Comments: If the above news about you is not correct, or if you are not mentioned, won't you please drop me a penny post card? We understand everyone always looks for our class to be included in the BULLETIN-but the only communication I ever receive is from Leslie Booker- " Please let me have your class news by the umpteenth." No news is not good news here. Good news is the garden you are planting, your new home, your new baby, your marriage, your wanting to say "hello" to everybody through this column, your change of address, the vacation you are taking-all the things that you are interested in reading about which others are doing. So please let me know something about you. You are not being modest when you don't send in news-you are being stubborn. The address is 2236 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. The name : Mrs . Matthew s A. Griffith. And speaking of stubborn . . . the whole class with a few exceptions is stubborn as a mule about contributing to the Alumnae Association. At class meetings when the book wi th a page for each class and the contributors to date is passed around, I blush for us. We seem to be the most lacking in school spirit of all the classes-and yet we really are nice girls! I know that out of our class of fortyfour members there are at least twenty-two who can afford to send something to the fund. And yet the list of contributor s falls far short of that. When you send in that news . . . send some sort of contribution, too. It only takes a little effort and about ten minutes ! A Tribute: "Miss Woodfin was Westhampton to me. " One ·of us thus summed up adequately the feelings of all of us when we learned of Miss Woodfin's un timely death . It's strange how those of us who were not her majors still felt so close to her . The girls here in Richmond to whom I have talked all feel her loss keenly and we have commented on

how those of you out-of-town would miss her on your trips back to school. From all of us goes our deep sympathy to her family-and especially to Miss Susan Lough.


Melchior and George with their two children have moved to Wilson, N. C., and are living at the Belle Pitmann Apartments. George is connected with the hospit al there as an obstetrician. Jo plans to do some work at the hospital a little later on . Doug Gee Baldwin and Sonny have bought a home in Westhampton , 6222 Jeffrey Road, and moved in around the first of the year. Mildred Lewis Masengill and Bob have moved to Richmond from Norfolk . Bob is with the Seaboard Railroad and has been transferred to Richmond. Until they can find a place of their own, they are living with Mrs. Lewis, Mildred 's mother. Ernestine Akers is really having the time of her life now . She lef.t the first of the year for Hawaii where she will spend this year doing research work. At the end of this year she will come back to Washington, D. C. She spent a week end with Liz Wheeler just before she left the States and it was loads of fun to see her and hear about her travels. It was the first time I'd seen her since she returned from San Francisco where she had been with Hilda Kirby, so we heard about Hilda as well as San Francisco. Henrietta Harrell Smith has a daughter, Carolyn Louise, born February 7, 1948. Suppose you know Julia and Jim Davidson have moved to Durham, N. C., where Jim is interning, so Julia asked me to substitute for her for this issue. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at our big event in June and hope it'll be possible for everyone to come. KAKI LEAKE.

1940Dear Forties, How about some of you out-of-town people writing me some news once in a while? I can pester the Richmond girls over the telephone until they tell me something, but the rest of you just seem to ignore letters. Charlotte Ann is pretty good about keeping me informed. She and John enjoyed a lovely winter vacation in Florida and were able to "sigh t-see" in most of the State. Just before she left she penned me a last-minute not e reporting news from Marie Keyser Jordan. Marie and John are still busy getting settled in their new home . Their Christmas cards (block prints by Marie) carried a picture of the new house. California is line, Marie says, but a long, long way from Virginia. In the same note I learned of Libbie John son Alvis and Frank's new address. It's 4530-B Livingston Road, S.E., Washington, D . C. Other devotees of the Florida scenery are Lois Blake McGirt and her hu sband. Mac's sister and brother-in-law live in Coral Gables so the McGirts went down for a visit.

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Lois also writes that Dot Roberts and Madge Aycock are working at Duke University. Dot is a secretary to one of the deans and Madge is working at the Duke Hospital. Speaking of universities reminds me that Bella Hertzberg Jacobs is taking a course at George Washington University while her little son is at kindergarten. Helen Smith Moss studied advanced dancing in New York last summer under Martha Graham, Honja Holm and Charles Weidman . She expects to teach again next winter. Betty Carper Grigg is directing the dancing for Th e Firefl.y, an operetta to be given by the Richmond Opera Group. Maude Smith Jurgens instructs in marionette work for the Junior League Puppet Group at the Ellen Glasgow House. Did you know that Elsie Mattingly Dickinson and Al with their two sons, Pa~] and " little AI," are moving into their new home at 801 Henri Road about April 1st? A nice note with a fat check came from Mildred James Talton. Her second daughter, Nancy Lynne, ~rnved last October 9th, but has been incurably ill ever since. We do hope that through the providence of God and medical skill she may be cured. We sympathize with Frances Bailey Gill who lost her infant son just recently. He contracted pneumonia when just one week old and did not recover. It was sad news , too, when I learned of the death of Annabel Lumpkin Bessel's mother. One more new address-Florence Parker Quin and Bob with their two children, Jimmy and Peg, have moved to 188 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Lansdown e, Pennsyl vania. Bob has a new job, Assistant Borough Manager in Lansdown e. While talking with Saddye Sykes Williams, I learned the whereabouts of two of our girls. Margar et Brinson is back in Norfolk and does not pl an to return to California. Kathleen Bagby Costa , who was in our class just one year, is now living in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with h er husband who is a doctor there. They have two sons. That's about all except don 't forget the Alumnae Fund. We have $107 , and our goal is $300. Let's ge t busy and get the rest. Hopefully , MARGARETBERNHART.

1941- Dear '4l 's, It's never too late for a contribution to the ·Alumnae Fund, and if you haven 't sent a check to Leslie Booker , won't you do it now' You girls living away from Richmond or outof-state will be sorry to know that Phyllis Ann Coghill Brown Jost her father in February. Her address is 6424 Old Mill Road (Mrs. Leroy E. Brown, III). And in the death of Miss Maude Woodfin, the college Jost an inspirational teacher and many of us lost a beloved professor and friend. Writing for the class, I wrote Dr . Modlin a note of sympathy. Mary Owen Bass, Kenneth and Kenny have moved to 815 East 46th Street, Apt. A, Richmond . Mary received a newsy letter from Bitsy Epes Hardy just before Christmas . Bitsy wrote, "We have a home in Durham, N. C., where we Jive from January of each year to August. Then, when the tobacco market opens in August, we move to Blackstone. I work in the office for four months during the busy season and Gray does traveling in and out of Blackstone ." Bitsy also mentioned that Mary Arnold Brandis and Royall are living in Washington ( send us an address, Mary!), and that Mildred Howerton Jones has a daughter almost a year old . A nice note from Sarajane Payne Arkedis brought an announcement of the arrival of George James Arkedis, Jr ., on August 2-8, 1947 . He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces at birth and now at six months "he weighs 20 pounds and is almost 30 inches long. " (I can almost match that six-month record , Sarajane, for Robert was almost 30 inches Jong, though be didn 't weigh but 181/z pounds!) Sarajane wrote , "I met my husband in the Navy, and now we finally have an apartment , a son, and an interesting CBS job. " The Arkedi s' live at 420 West 206th Street, New York City, and would like to see any of you up that way. Just in -time for the deadline comes a Jetter from Dottie Hewes McG!incy. Their addres s is 322 East 19th Street, Chester, Pa. Apparently ( condensing Dottie's long letter) she and Bill bought and resold their first home in ten months ' time . Now they have found the ideal home in their second buy . "This house is old-elegant and wonderful, " writes Dottie . "We are having fun fixing it and paint ing. We have a big front and side pon:h and a large yard . Hewie is 13 months , adorable, and into

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everything. " Dottie had seen Edie Burfoot Loving, Larry and Tad recently, and had heard from Carolyn Gary Hugo who lives on Long Island and has a darling daughter, Vicki. She had also heard from Alese Hardaway Prince and Dave who live in Richmond. Dottie commented that Rue's daughter Charlene, has red hair. Rue is Mrs. Thornton Stringfellow of Culpeper, Virginia. In closing, Dottie wrote, "I enjoy the ALUMNI BULLETIN so much-read it as soon as it comes in even if I'm cleaning, washing or what have you 1" Thank you for your check, Dottie , and for your letter. Ann Woodward Courtney and Bob have added a baby daughter to their family . Edith Gray Courtney arrived on Valentine 's Day and Ann and Bob are very happy. Bobby wanted a baby "sifter " so he was pleased , too . Congratulations, Ann and Bob. Connie Powell Luttrell and Ed have a son, born in February . He is Mark Edwyn Luttrell. Congratulations , Connie and Ed. They are living in a spacious home in Emporia where Ed has accepted a call to the First Baptist ·Church. Kitty Crawford had moved by the time the January BULLETIN came off the press. Her new address is 235 West 75th Street, Apt. 1-C. Her home is a converted old brownstone front mansion just off Riverside Drive, and Kitty can see the Hudson from her side windows. She is writing and attending concerts, I understand . Ann Phillips Bonifant, Milton and Susan are now living at 902 Orchard Road , Richmond , Va. Louis e Morrissey is taking Psychology 332 at the University every Monday night. The three-hour class is taught by Austin Grigg and is on projective testing methods, particu larly the Rorschach test. ( Get Louise to explain .) Louise met Smitty in town one day and Smitty is doing. Physiotherapy in Newport News. He len Hill is with the Richmond Schools as a visiting teacher ( "truant officer" ) . She has a car of her own which she needs for her visitin g . Helen Dodd Driscoll 's Jack is quit e an active child. He took his first step at nine months, and now at eleven months he walks well . Helen has a busy time with her two boys. She had received recent letters from " Purci e" Spindler and El5ie Satterwhite Elmore. All doing fine. Helen's address is 1204 Chase Street, Richmond, and she and " Red " hav e an attractive home. Wish I could keep up with more of you. Even if you won't write me, I do wish you'd write someone who will phone me some information about all of you girls whom we haven't heard from in ages. Just a postal to me at ,600 Somerset Avenue will be appreciated by the class. And don 't forget , particular ly, to let me know a change of address, so that your BULLETIN will reach you. Always , ANTOINETTEWHITTET, (Mrs . R. M. , Jr.), Phone: 6-8878.


Dear '42 's, There aren 't any new weddings to note , but I do have news of several new babies. Allene had a little girl , Nan Beverly, on January 14, who keeps little Harry company, now. According to mama , she is pretty, plump, cute, etc. Allene and family are now stationed at Gunter Field, Ala. I received a darling announcement of a " First Edition-Susan Lough Massie " from Jayne and Edmond. Miss Susan was born here in Richmond on March 5, at Medical College of Virginia Hospital. Jayne is very pleased and happy and says her daughter has her mother 's frown! And a third nice Jetter came from Kay Gillilan Crutchfield, from Key West, Fla. , where she and Bob and Pam and new daughter, Wanda Darice , will reside until summer. Bob is now. in the regu lar Navy, and they have been in Key West for two years, but will move to Newport, R. I., this summer . Kay says they will really miss the beautiful climate, swimming, and club. She heard from Elsa Keuffel-remember ?-t hat Elsa is planning a trip to South America this summer. Mary Hoffman writes that she is doing a fascinating array of things in general: sculp ture, flower

arrangements, puppeteering, and picture-taking. Mary has become a camera fiend, although she says she is a "high-grade imbecile" about it. Another camera addict is Margaret Kalajian Pavetian. She and her husband are planning to go to the School of Modern Photography this summer. Evelyn Clifton is now teaching English in a junior high school in Baltimore. She plans a trip to Mexico this summer, having visited Canada last year. I understand there is another baby we haven't mentioned yet. Peck Peters Gambill has a little boy, David, who must be a year old by now. They live in Baltimore, also. I saw Gracie Scherer Taylor downtown the other day, looking grand . She and year-old Marilyn are here while George, now transferred to Missouri, tries to find a place for his family. Two wonderful letters have come from Lila and Pat. Lila writes, "My big news is John Wicker Hunt, who was born January 22. Dad was so pleased over his namesake that he was all for having a squib in the Richmond College section that be had a grandson-not worth mentioning that I was the mother!" Lila and Ed have a "huge" apartment, remodeled from an old mansion. They have a whole floor, full of tremendous rooms with 14-foot ceiling s and wood-burning fireplaces. She says she walks miles every day. Pat's letter was full of enthusiasm and humor, just like the Pat I remember and haven't seen for six years. She says, "I think Jayne's scrapbook is a grand idea; but I'm inclined to think a good many of us will be a bit modest about sending in our own publicity." I certainly hope not 1 She also relates, "My two littl e boys are so wonderful and growing so fast. Jackie is three and Charles is 9½ months . . . I've been doing a Jot of club work. The Junior League, besides the Red Cross and Chest solicitations, has me working at the Children's Hospital as an untrained nurses'aide." Pat has also been taking ballet lessons just for fun, and now is busy experimenting with seed boxes all over her backyard and basement. A card came from Clarine, who is now established in Brooklyn, and would love to get in touch with ypu classmates in that vicinity. How about it 1






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Her address is: Mrs. David Bergren, Jr., 358 72nd Street, Brooklyn 9, New York. That's all for now, "NoONY," MRS. W. A. ROTHENBERG, 3014 Stuart Avenue, Richmond 21, Virginia.

1943Hi Gals, Many thanks to Pudge for doing such a good job on our last letter, and you all have done a good job so far on your news and alumnae fund contributions. That's "so far, so good"-Jet's get those last contributions in now. You've only a little while long er and we want to wind things up in a hurry so we can concentrate all effort on our reunion. I do hope you all are going to try to make it. Many have already written that you plan to be on hand and the Richmond girls are going to try to plan a big time for you. The dates are June 4-6. We'll be looking for you! More babies-you centainly can't accuse our class of not being prolific! Charles Allen Krause was born on February 9th, and his mother (Evelyn Allen) and Daddy Charles are very proud .... The other day I was delighted by a visit from our babycup winn er, Carol Ann Pauli, her mother (Mary Elder), and new sister Mary Lou, who arrived February 4th. They're both mighty cute little girls . ... Kay Weber Mclellan and Jack are thrilled with their new daughter, Kathleen Allen, who put in her appearance March 13th. "Kathleen is healthy and vigorous ( she weighed a littl e over five pounds at birth) and naturally perfectly beautiful 1", Kay writes. Weddings are in order, too. On December 6th Shirley Huxter became Mrs . Blake Corson, Jr. They have an apartment on the same street with Barbara Fuller Cox in Hampton, Va. Shirley is still working at Langley and finds two jobs keep her time well filled, but she says Blake must not be suffering for he's gained five pounds and she hasn't lost any yet 1 • • Maxine and Bob Rogers were married April 10th at the First Baptist chapel here. I think I told you Bob is a draftsman for the State Highway Department, and they are lucky enough to have an apartment already! Incidentally, they had a wonderful two weeks' honeymoon in New Orleans. . . Shorty Nuckols has a ring from Francis Parr Claytor, Jr., of Richmond. Clay works with Dun and Bradstreet. No date yet for the wedd ing. Back to more routine news-all us young mothers report "the most adorable baby ever." It's a good thing we aren't within disputing distance of each other, I guess. Fran Beazley Bell says, "Carolyn is so much fun. I find it very difficult not to spoil her." She and Bob are also busy with house plans for they hope to build a permanent home in Portland, Maine ... . Bee's young Davy has recently been christened. . . . Indirectly, I heard that Pam is flying to Long Beach to be with George for three months. He 's still in the Navy. Don't know whether Noel accompanied her mother or not. . . . Bob and I are quite sure no baby can top our Bobby, though perhaps we're prejudiced! He's really a very good baby (strange as that may seem to you) and almost never cries. He's been sleeping through the night since he was ,a month old, too. Oh yes, he began rolling over 'just under three months! For travellers we have two . Recently, I received a card from Bette Hogan who was visiting in Puerto Rico. She was having a wonderful time and said she "loved it" there . . . Ann Byrd Tucker Moore and Don landed in China, March 6th. Don is to be the head surgeon of the Baptist Mission Hospital in Canton. He's the only American doctor on the staff. Ann Byrd finds things quite different, of course . Recently she and Don ,vere the honor guests at a banquet at which fifteen different kinds of fish were served! She, Don, and Billy will all attend language school there. Among our Richmond visitors recently was Helen Ridgley. Helen is still teaching in Philadelphia but we're hoping she may be down this way next year. . . . Ann Chambliss Surber writes that Sonny's paper is now a daily and is going nicely. Kim is at the talking stage and most inter-


esting. . . . Fran Ellis Mortell's little Ann has been quite ill with one of those little-known respiratory infections. She is much improved now, however, and Fran says that she has acquired curls and an extensive vocabulary which accomplishments please her parents very much. . . . June Hargrove Ruble and Bob have moved from Cleveland and are now living outside Chicago in Elgin . At least, Bob is; June is in Richmond until he can find an apartment. Bob is now credit manager with Majestic Radio. . . Rose Koltukian Wallace and Jim add choral work to their extracurricular activities in Springfield , Rose is doing some ads for a small dress shop there. I mi"ssed a move of Anne Lilly Fisher's. Jody is now coaching and instructing Phys. Ed. in the high school at Copperhill, Tenn. Anne writes that they 're both picking up the fattest Tenn. drawl imaginable! She's one of our new group leaders. . . . Ilse Schott suggests that we use the maiden names when we're writing and so I have in this Jetter. The reason I generally don't is because of a space limit. (I'm definitely over now!) Ilse would like to hear more of Evangeline, too. Since that Jetter of a year ago we 've tried very hard to locate her again, and can't. Help would be greatly appreciated. Also some news from PUFF, Jo SMITH, COZY, HEDY, and MARY ANN VASCHAKI Harriet Lewis Goodman and daughter, Winifred, have just rushed off to Clifton Forge to be with Harold. He's now out of the Army and beginning his practice there again. . . . Virginia Delp Ogg and Wade have had a pretty bad spring for he's been ill and had to stop his studies at V.P.I. . . . Audrey Foster Ashburn has been in Richmond for a visit and has now returned to South Carolina and Al. From Ann Oakes: 'Tm teaching Sunday School in the Junior Department, and thinking of sending sympathy cards to all fifth grade teachers of my acquaintance!" . . . Barbara Fuller Cox and Alvin are very busy members of the Hampton Penguin Association and at present are sanding their Penguin Dinghy, getting ready for the races. . . . In addition to her job and math classes Fay Carpenter manages to get in quite a few plays and some skating. Remember the grand ice we had our freshman year and how we all bought ice skates? I've had mine on once since 1 Know you'll all be interested in this news from Carolyn Babb Heflin and Sweetie Emerson McSweeney. Carolyn and Bill now have Bill, Jr., to keep Anne Carolyn, Jr., company . Sweetie and

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Mac hav e added Maureen to keep Patrick, Michael , and Kathleen from getting lonely. Don 't forget those reunion plans and if you would like to stay at the college just send me word and I'll arrange it. We want all of you who can possibly come to be here. And don't forget that alumnae fund contribution right away! We need something from EACH of you, so pleaase don't fall down on the job . Hoping to see you soon, "PEPPER," MRs. R. M. HATHAWAY , 3919 W. Chatham Drive , Richmond 22, Va.

1945Dear Class of '4 5, We have two future students at Westhampton from our class. Jane Wray and George · McDorman are the proud parents of a daughter, Patricia Jane, born January 14. All three are doing very well, and according to Janie, she's the cutest baby ever. And Sallie Lawson Foster and Alvin have a daughter, Cynthia Drew, born January 29. Congratulations, all of you! Only one impending wedding to report this time. Libby Kibler has announced her engagement to Fred Keihn (he was in the V-12 at school). The wedding will be in Luray, June 19. The best of everything to you, Libby. Lib Weaver and Ellen Brooks are both working in Richmond now. Lib has a wonderful job working as a publicist for the State Department of Health, and E. P. is working as a secretary for the Virginia-Carolina Laundry Supply Company. We should be very proud of Lillian Belk Youell. She's the new president of the Richmond Branch of the A.A.U.W., which is no mean honor , I can assure you. Congratulations, Lillian. Had a nice long letter from Jen Lea Yancey the other day . She says married life is wonderful. She's teaching at Culpeper High School to help occupy her time while Scott's at work. From all reports, Ruth Maris is having a wonderful time in Texas. She manages to get across the border into Mexico quite often. Of course, she works, too, but that's a minor point. Ann e MacKenzie 's new address is: 159 West 85th Street, New York. Goodness, I almost forgot to tell you-Hollie Garber is a new mother, too. She has a daughter, Hollie Duskin , born February 26. What in the world is Richmond College going to do twenty years from now? The girls will outnumber them +•-11n-n11-n11-11u-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-11n-11+

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about five to one at this rate. Do you know that of all the babies in our class, Carrie Drinkard has the only boy? Ann Clark Howe, who has been in Puerto Rice this year where she and Chuck are in school, will be back in the States after the end of the school year, probably sometime in May or early June. Did you see what a poor showing we made in the last report of alumna contributions? I was ashamed, and I hope you all were. Please, everyone, send in your contributions to Mrs. Booker just as soon as you can. It isn 't too late now, but it soon will be. Remember that old '45 spirit that was famous? Let's try to get some of it back and raise our percentage a little. Please write me when you can. There are several of you I haven't heard from for months now, so drop me a line and tell me what you're doing. The address is still 1010 Park Avenue. Love, NANCY GREY.

1946Hi there ·46, First for the news of marriages and engagements. Julia Shelton became the bride of Lawrence Jacobs on the 17th of January. "Jake" is from Hanover, too, and I hear that they are living there with his family. A hastily written card came in the same mail with the announcement, but no details did Julia give . I suppose she was too busy with housekeeping. Bev Ryland wrote that Julia was still working in the post office in Hanover and Jake is working at Ratcliffe's Florist Shop in Richmond. Also Frances Carter Bleight married Richard Sealy Elliott at St. Thomas ' Episcopal Church in Richmond on Valentine 's Day. Calley Goode was one of the bridesmaids and from the write-up in the paper it was rather a large wedding. Frances Carter and husband will live in Potsdam, N. Y . Libby Thompson's engagement to Edward Frank Schmidt, Jr., has been announced. I heard indirectly that Libby had stopped work at Thalhimers and was working on rabbits for the Medical College of Virginia in the American Tobacco Company Lab. How about some confirmation, Libby? Barbara Ritchie got a lovely ring from David Branch at Christmas but they have set no definite date for the wedding, according to Connie. Speaking of Connie Reid, her letter was just full of news and most important was the news of her engagement to B. J. Rowlett, Jr. He is a V.P.I . graduate and is teaching at the extension in Richmond. Connie has been taking an evening course in mechanics of structure and strength of materials and B. J.'s teaching the course! Also, she said that she had effected her transfer to the Bridge Office of the Department of Highways and hopes soon to be designing simple structures. Now for our married folks. Mumper's baby is a girl-Barbara Ann Dunnavant and she is the proud owner of the baby cup. She was born June 14; 1947. (Looks like I'm a bit behind time in reporting.) Connie says she's a darling-with Helen 's little nose and Bob's black hair. Bethel wrote that she and Buddy have an apartment complete with kitchen-and she also said that Marian and Johnny Kinzey went to Florida for the Christmas holidays. Ding Lambeth Shotwell and Ralph are very happy up North doing a great deal of work with teenagers. Ding had her first taste of skiing this winter and "didn't even take a spill." Jinks Booth Armstrong (she was only with us one year but many of you remember her) and husband, Tucker, are living in an apartment at the Diesel School in Richmond and Tuck is about to finish at Richmond . Jinks is doing work at one of the Community Houses in Richmond several days a week. Also in Richmond are Lola Carter and Charlie Goodell. I heard she was going to start work. Another girl who didn't finish with us but who was with our class for a couple of years, Pauline Harrell Story, had a baby girl just a few weeks ago . Pauline's husband, Fred, was from Boykins, but they've been living in Norfolk for some time now . Another item of interest from Bev was about Frances Anne Beale. She's librarian in the Cbil-


dren's department of the Public Library in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Bev said she and Jean are very happy living in Lexington and teaching at Natural Bridge . Speaking of teachers, Jeanne Sasser, who's still working for her doctors, said Irene Taylor was teaching again at Sandy Ridge, N. C. Nancy Todd wrote that she was having a great time teaching chemistry in Ashland. It seems she's being observed by a man with bis master's degree in chemistry who plans to teach next year, so Nancy's burning the midnight oil in preparation. Incidentally that lucky gal had an elongated vacation between terms and went to Florida for a suntan while we were freezing . ... Joyce Eubank, in addition to classroom activities is taking a University of Virginia Course in audio-visual education. Jackie Barnes has changed jobs and is running her father's mail-order subsidiary, and contrary to what she'd hoped, Jackie says it's an amazing amount of work but very exciting. They sell exercise books ( what kind, she didn't say). She bad decided to switch temporarily from philosophy to bookkeeping so as to get a glimmer of what's going on financially. Jeanne Pebworth bas finished her technician 's course at DePaul Hospital and is working as a medical technician at Lee Memorial Hospital here in Norfolk. She doesn't have exams till May so she isn't registered as of now. She had a wonderful trip to New York this spring. She saw lots of plays and all the sights of the city. Occasionally I see Lucie Harvie around town. She's teaching chemistry lab at the William and Mary Division. She told me that Peggy Macy bad left Syracuse in January but wasn't sure what she is doing now . Lois Bradley Parker is working in the personnel office of the D. C. Public Library, while Arlie attends the University of Maryland. They are still looking for an apartment or house. Isabel and George Snyder have been lucky and found an apartment in Lexington. Rumor has it that it takes Isabel an hour to bake a pie but I bet it's delicious. She, too, had a holiday from school recently-a a whole week in Georgia on account of snow . Dottie Ann Fishberg Feinberg and her husband, Herbert Feinberg, have a daughter, Gail Audrey, who was born on August 2·6, 1947. Well, that's all there is for this BULLETIN. Won't you all who haven't been mentioned lately write either your group leader or me giving us your address, and telling us what you've been doing?






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And-please don't forget those contributions to the Alumnae Fund!'! So long for now, everybody. Love, ALTA.

1947Hi, all you '47ers, What's new with all of you' I have almost no news, but I shall lay the blame on the deadness of winter and ask that you write me soon now that it is spring so that the last BULLETIN of the year may be full of interesting items. Now for -the news: Any of you who are having questions about marriage or any such should hasten to call Miss Betty O'Brien at the Marriage Bureau in Richmond. It seems that Betty just couldn 't take teaching school any longer so she has joined Mrs. Marion, who gave one of the Mortar Board lectures, remember? Be sure to give Betty a ring when your questions arise. Some people have all the luck-Jean Waldrop, that is. She has nothing to do these days except have a good time. I tried to get her to do part of the research for my thesis but she wasn't much interested, so I left her loafing. The heartiest congratulations of the class go to Hank and Ollie Stirling . They are the proud parents of a baby girl, Priscilla Alston. Since this is the first baby girl in our class, she is the winner of the Baby Cup. We are proud of her, Ollie; be sure to keep us posted on her .progress. From all reports, poor Marion Huske had a rough trip to Turkey. I hear that she was seasick during the whole trip. Gracious, what a way to travel. We must also congratulate "Gussie." These last two months of school will find her out at Westhampton, teaching those poor girls how -to swing a tennis racquet or run a race. We really are proud of you, but oh, how we feel for those athletes. I had a letter from one of the most loyal of our fellow classmates, Martha Jeter. She asked to be remembered to each of you. (My own note : I am sure that she would be thrilled to hear from each of you when you can spare a moment to write.) She is now at Warm Springs, Georgia, and making progress toward recovery. My most sincere apologies for the lack of news. Please write soon, won't you' Love, ELSIE .




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Atlanta Club President: Matilda Tisinger, 952 North Highland Ave., N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta Club had a record attendance, in spite of bad weather, at its dinner meeting in January . After dinner a short business meeting was held. Plans for the coming year were discussed. It was a privilege to have as guest the alumni secretary, Leslie Booker. She gave an informal talk and much news about Westhampton and recent changes there. The colored slides she brought with her were shown by Mrs. C. W. Watson (Mary Little, '26), and were almost as good as a trip back to the campus. Another meeting is scheduled for April when the club will make further plans for the proposed project for the Swimming Pool Fund and the auction at Commencement.

Baltimore Club President: Conway Moncure Collins (Mrs. Emory S.), 7229 Holabird Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. The Baltimore Club met jointly with the Richmond College Alumni of Baltimore on March 4. We had a very enjoyable dinner meeting at the Blackstone Apartments. Our guests from the college were: Dean Roberts, Dean Pinchbeck, Mrs. Booker, and Mr. Nettles. For many of us, it was the introductory meeting with Dr. Roberts, but she inspired us with the hope of seeing her frequently in the future. She gave us an account of life on the campus this year, describing additions to the personnel, and the near completion of the new dormitory. Dr. Pinchbeck told us of progress of his side of the lake, as well as of the university as a whole. We were gratified to hear that in spite of the rapid expansion of the university, the scholastic level is unusually high. M. COLLINS,

President , Baltimore Club.

Danville Club 2930














President: Evelyn McAuley Winston (Mrs. J.M. , Jr.), 208 Jefferson Avenue, Danville, Virginia. The Danville Club had a meeting in March , at which we elected two new officers, as follows: Evelyn Winston, President; Kitty Pritchett, Treasurer (re-elected). This left a vacancy, since Mrs . Winston had been vice-president, and Mrs . Laverna Patterson was elected to fill this office. We are sponsoring a movie this month at a local theater, and we get a cut on all the


tickets we sell. Also we are planning a tea Saturday, April 10, at Mrs. Hillsman's home , for all students from Stratford and Averett Colleges, the city and county high schools who are interested in going to Westhampton. We will send a more complete report of our activities for the year, after the two events take place.

Eastern Shore Club President: Jeanice Johnson Roberts (Mrs. W. T., Jr.) , Parksley, Virginia. Twenty-seven of us met at luncheon on January 31, practically on the borderline between Northampton and Accomack Counties. This was the first meeting of the Eastern Shore Club since organization . By-laws were adopted and we decided on another luncheon to be held during the spring. We are steadily adding to our list of alumnae on the Shore, and have organized our membership by communities, since we are scattered up and down this long, narrow peninsula . Local chairmen are notified and pass the word on clown the line. Thus, there can be contact by phone or in person, and arrangements made for the sharing of rides. KATHARJNE



Halifax County Club President: Barbara De J arnette Bagwell (Mrs. Don P.), Halifax , Virginia. The Halifax County Chapter of Westhampton Alumnae met for dinner at the Lord Halifax Hotel in November, 1947. We were delighted to have as our guests Miss Lutz of the College English Department and Alumnae Secretary Leslie Booker. The following members were present: Elizabeth Hale , Ruth Hale Bailey, Barbara Peters Wilborn, Marguerite Lacy DeJarnette, Camilla Wimbish Lacy, Dorothy Bagwell McDannald, Ruth Elliott Trice, Betty Lawson, and Barbara De J arnette Bagwell. Club members heard a report of the Alumnae Workshop held at the college, from the president, Barbara Bagwell. The club decided to donate two gifts to the auction set for June and to serve supper to the local Lions Club as a means of raising money for the Swimming Pool Fund. Leslie Booker then spoke to us of news from the campus, and Miss Lutz gave a stimulating talk on current trends in literature. We are planning to have a spring meeting very soon at the hom e of Dorothy Bagwell McDannald. At this time plans will be made for our money-rais~ng project for the Swimming Pool Fund.


News Club

President: Barbara Fuller Cox (Mrs. Alvin E.), 99A Elizabeth Road, Hampton, Virginia . The latest idea of our club is to sell cook books. One of the church circles in town is selling them and they have paid off their obligations and so they have agreed to let us help them sell the rest of the books. They sell for a dollar and we get 510 cents from each one we sell. On March 29 we had a tea for the West hampton College girls home for the Easter vacation. We also invited the high -school girls interested in Westhampton from Newport News and Hampton High Schools. At Warwick High School we found six girls who were interested though I'm sure only a couple had thought of going there before we talked to them . The view books were a big help . The guest speaker at an A .A.U.W. Study Group recently was Miss Ann Lake, a native of Newport News and at present the principal of the upper school of Santiago College in Chile. She has a student who shows talent in literary work and she is anxious for her to go to Westhampton . She speaks both English and Spanish fluently, and some French. Her father is Viennese and her mother Chilean-English. We feel it would be a worthwhile project for our local club to help her in going to Westhampton. Agnes Peters Nolan (Mrs. Robert Nolan) class of '29, a member oi our alumnae club, has written a series of children's radio stories correlating music and literature. ' They are being broadcast over Norfolk - WTAR at 5 :30 each Saturday. The N.N .A.A.U .W . is sponsoring them, though they are a public service program. Agnes took a course in radio work at Columbia last winter. I'm looking forward to June and the fifth anniversa ry of the class of '43. Sincerely, BARBARA Cox.

Richmond Club President: Josephine Mallory Cosby (Mrs. Charles C.), 2236 Monument Avenue, Apt. 6, Richmond 20, Va., 5-0668. On March 15, 1948 at 8 P.M., in the Mayo Memorial Church house, Miss Pauline Turnbull discussed Animals in Art Covering a Period of 3,000 Years. The lecture was illustrated with Miss Turnbull's collection of slides. It was really a treat to hear Miss Turnbull and see these wonderful pictures. Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Graham A. Carlton and Mrs. Richard Connell. P.M., Keller Hall April 19, 1948-8 Save this date for I am sure that yoµ and all your friends will want to be pr esent when Miller & Rhoads gives us a late spring and summer fashion show. It is for the benefit of the swimming pool -75 cents. Please don't miss this important event.

YOUNG MO DELS-A preview of w hat the we ll-dressed you ngste r an d teen-ager will wear in the Easter par ade is shown by (left to right): Miss An ne Ba llard, Miss Anne Christopher, and Miss Peggy Saunders, who modeled at the be nefit card par ty a nd fashion show sponsored by the Tidewater Club of the Wes th ampto n Co llege Alumnae Associa tion.

Tidewater Club President : Margaret Oliver Saunders (Mrs. Horace Saunders), 8249 Simons Drive , Norfolk, Virginia. The Tidewater Club is fairly brimming over with pride at the tremendous success of the Children's Fashion Show and Card Party, which was held Saturday, February 28, at the Larchmont School. The youthful models for the show were the daughters of the local Westhampton Alumnae. The purpose of the party was to raise money for the Swimming Pool Fund. Up to the present time, we have cleared $178.14; however, there are still a few Alumnae who have not reported on their tickets. We feel that this project helped us in many ways, because in addition to the amount of money raised we received excellent publicity for the college and we got to know each other better by working together so conscientiously to put on a really beautiful party. Helen Caulfield Ballard , the Ways and Mea_ns Chairman, was in charge of the undertaking . Violet Cervarich Simpson was cochairman, and the other committee workers were as follows : Mildred Pope Anderson , Helen Martin Laughon, Billie Gordon Atwill, Elsa Wallerstein Gerst, Margaret Oliver Saunders, Mildred Harrell Clinkscales, Doro[ 30]

thy Walker Bryan, Henrietta Harrell Smith , Bessie Dicks Beatty, Florence Siebert, Pollyanna Shepherd, Alice Mason , Lois Kirkwood, Cora Lynn Chaffee, Sara Lee Hutchings, and Louise Britton . In addition to the Fashion Show and Card Party, which was our main project for the year, we have already had three regu lar meetings of the Club and a luncheon meeting is planned for April. Our first meeting for this year was held in September; at this time we had a luncheon, and all the Westhampton girls from this area were invited to be our guests . Tli.e Social Committee , headed by Alta Ayers and Lois Kirkwood , had charge of the meeting held in November. At the luncheon meeting held in February , we had an unusually large attendance. We were delighted to have Dr. Roberts and Mrs. Booker as our guests at this meeting, and they brought us interesting news of the college and the other alumnae groups. We are hoping for a big crowd at our April meeting because the annual reports of all committee chairmen will be given at this meeting.

Washington Club President: Louise Cardozo, 1203 North Courthouse Road, Arlington, Virginia.

Our first social event of the season was a tea Sunday , January 25th from S to 7 P.M., in honor of Dean Marguerite Roberts and Mrs. R. E. Booker. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Herrry F. Butler (Estelle Kemper Butler), and Mrs. William Ney Evans (May Thompson Evans). After the tea, which turned out to be a real Westhampton talk fest, Louise Cardozo, our president, asked (Harriet Sharon Mrs. E. B. Willingham Willingham) to introduce Dr. Roberts. We felt very much at home with our new dean, as Dr. Roberts' talk was informal and entertaining. Leslie Booker followed with a report on the alumnae affairs. Our club is interested in the University Calendar idea, and we hope other clubs will back it up , too. We welcomed to the tea Anne Tharpe who came with her mother Mrs. Lester E. Tharpe (Kathleen Moore Tharpe) . Anne hopes to enter Westhampton College in the coming fall term . Several days after the tea (three to be exact) the club sponsored a play , The First Year, by Frank Craven at the Arlington Farms Recreation Hill, January 28, 29, and 30, at 8 P.M. Proceeds are not completely accounted for but we definitely made money. Members cooperated excellently and sold . tickets in fine style. In an effort to add more to our swimming pool fund, the club is selling paper products such as napkins, matches, place cards, playing cards and the like. In February we had a luncheon meeting (February 17) at the Lafayette Hotel in connection with an all-day session, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Voteless D . C. The program for the day was entitled, The Peopie's Resp onsibility for Peace. Mrs. Butler gave a resume of the morning session between bites! Arrangements for the luncheon were made by our program chairman, Ilse Schott. Our next meeting will be a follow-up on the Peace Program; cards will be sent out in a few days. May I take this opportunity to urge all members to pay their dues if they have not already done so? Thank you' ESTHER WENDLING





1882- -

The Rev. Charles S. Gardner, 89, professor-emeritus of homiletics and sociology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville , Ky ., died April 2, at his Richmond home . He was educated at the University of Richmond and received his ministry degree at the Southern Theological Seminary. Dr. Gardner served pastorates in South Carolina and Tennessee before becoming pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Richmond in 1901. He left this charge in 1907 to become a professor at the Southern Theological Seminary where he remained until he retired in 1929.

1884-· The Rev. John Wheeler Loving, D.D., 88, retired Baptist minister , died April 3, at his home in Edgewood, Texas . He was a native of Fluvanna County and attended Judge Miller 's privat e scl1ool in Richmond. Later he graduated from Richmond College . He is a brother of Dr. Robert E. Loving, physics professor at the University of Richmond.

1896Rev. Eugene Collier Davis, 81, for fifty years an active Baptist minister , died January 28, in a Richmond hospital. He was educated at Richmond College and the Louisville Seminary. His last pastorate was at Eagle Rock, Va. Upon retirement he made his home at Blackstone. ' 1889'Dr. Leland E. Cofer, 77, a native of Rich-

mond and one-time assistant surgeon-general of the United States Public Health Service, died at his home at Palm Beach , February 8. Educated at McGuire 's School and at Richmond College, he also was graduated from the Medical College of Virginia. After serving his internship in Boston, he was appointed assistant surgeon, and later surgeon, in the United States Marine Hospital Service. He later became assistant surgeon-general of the United States Public Health Service, a post he held for eight years. Dr. Cofer represent ed the United States in yellow fever work in Mexico City and later organized the ~ampaign for the eradication of the plague from the Pacific Northwest. He also organized the quarantine system for the Hawaiian Islands and served as president of the Haw aiian board of health for some time. He was in charge of the Port of New York quarantine service during and immediately after World War I, and was a member of the Board of Health of that State for eight years. He also served as director of New York State's bureau of industrial hygiene prior to his retirement some eight years ago.

1892Dr. R. Aubrey Williams, 77, pastor of

General member chaplain chaplain lution.

Association of Virginia ; a charter of the Lions Club of Richmond ; of Dove Lodge , A.F.&A.M.; and of the Sons of the American Revo-

1895-· Dr. William

Pilcher, 76, prominent Petersburg dentist and former Democratic party leader , died January 19, in his Petersburg home. He was educated in Petersburg public schools, at Richmond College and was graduated in dentistry from the University of Virginia College of Medicine . H e was a member of the American College of Dentists ; was president of the Virginia State Dental Association in 1916, a member of the national , State, Southside Virginia and local dental associations and of Omega Kappa Omicron, honorary dental fraternity. Dr. Pilcher was former chairman of the City Central Democratic Committee and was delegate to the national Democrati c convention in 1932.

1896Dr. Ernest Mosby, 71, a physician in Waynesboro since 1904 , died February 8, at his home in that city. He was a graduate of the University of Richmond and of the Medical College of Virginia. He interned in the · United States Marine Corps Hospital in Boston. He was a member of the Augusta County Medical Association, the American Medical Association, and the Virginia Pediatric Society.

1901Dr. Julian Rawls, 66, one of Norfolk's out standing surgeons and civic lead ers, and winner of the Horsley Cancer A ward, died January 18 in a Norfolk hospital. Last October he became the first Virginia physician to receive the J. Shelton Horsl ey Memorial Award of Merit from the Virginia division of the American Cancer Society. This award was in recognition of his contributions to the control of cancer. For the last seventeen years he had given much of his time to care of underprivileged persons suffering from cancer.

1905- ·

Judge Julien Gunn, 70, of the Richmond the Tabernacle Baptist Church for the past City and Henrico County Circuit Courts twenty-eight years, died January 28, at his died February 1, in his Richmond home. He Richmond home. He was educated in the was educated in the local schools and RichRichmond public schools and at Richmond mond College. He studied law at the UniCollege. He received his divinity degree at versity of Virginia . Crozier Theological Seminary in 1897. In In 19,04 he entered the legal profession in 1913 he received the honorary degree of dootor of divinity from Richmond College. • Richmond and in 1907 was elected Commonwealth's attorney of Henrico County, an He came to Tabernacle Baptist Church in office he held for several years. Long promi1920 when the membership numbered 1,100. nent in state politics, he was elected a memToday the membership stands at 2,410 perber of the House of Delegat es from Henrico sons. He served on many of the committees County in 1913 and a year later was elected connected with the Southern Baptist work, to the State Senate. He served in this caincluding service as a trustee of the Southpacity until 1928 when he was appointed ern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisjudge of both the Henrico County and ' Richville; trustee of the Baptist Orphanage at mond City Circuit Courts, a position he held Salem; a member of the foreign mission until the time of his death. board; a member of the State mission board; He was a member of First Bapti st Church; a trustee of the Baptist Home for the Aged a charter member of Northsid e Lodge, No . and others. 292, A.F.&A.M. ; a member of B.P.O.E He was a former president of the Baptist [ 31]

Lodge, No. 45, and a former member of the Country Club of Virginia and the old Westmoreland Club.

1908William N. Mountjoy, 69, a native of Stafford County and for nearly fifty years a train dispatcher for the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, died March 29, at his Richmond home. He was a graduate of Richmond College, and of the T. C. Williams Law School. He was an active Mason, belonging to both Fredericksburg Lodge No . 4 and the Fredericksburg Royal Arch Chapter. He also was a member of Samis Grotto in Richmond and an honorary life member of the Fredericksburg Elks Lodge.

1909-= Dr. William A. Peters, 57, physician, was drowned March 19 when he fell from a boat in the Pasquotank River. Interment was in Elizabeth City, N. C. He was educated at Randolph-Macon Academy, Richmond College and the Medical College of Virginia, where he received his M.D. degree in 1915 .

1911Joseph Addison Billingsley, 58, Commonwealth's attorney of King George County for thirty-two years, died February 11, in a Fredericksburg hospital. A native of King George County, he was educated at Fork Union Military Academy and Richmond College. Admitted to the Virginia Bar in 1912, he had served as the county's Commonwealth's attorney continuously since 1916. He was a member of the Virginia Fisheries Commission and for many years chairman of the county Democratic committee.

1915Thomas Irving Talley, 61, a Richmond attorney, died January 24, in a Richmond hospital. He was a graduate of the University of Richmond Law School, a member of the Virginia Bar Association and a former member of the board of stewards of Central Methodist Church.

1916Dr. Harvie DeJarnette Coghill, 63, director-psychiatrist of Memorial Guidance Clinic, died February 6, in a Richmond hospital. He was educated at the University of Richmond, William and Mary College, Harvard and the Medical College of Virginia where he received his medical degree. . He helped organize the Children's Memorial Clinic and became its · director-psychiatrist in 1928. Recently the name of the clinic was changed to the Memorial Guidance Clinic. Dr. Coghill, in 1927, was awarded a $3,000 fellowship by the National Committee for mental hygiene and studied child psychiatry in Boston, Cleveland and New York. Prior to that he was on the faculty of the Medical College of Virginia . He had worked as coordinator of the National Congress of Mental Hygiene and helped to prepare for the meeting this summer in London. He was a member of Grace

press for his performance in Anthony and Cleopatra, which is the fourth Cori:iell's production in which he has had an important part. The others were St. Joan, Romeo and Juliet and Herod and Marzamne. He' also has had good parts in Leslie How1917ard's production of Hamlet , the Theat~r Rev. Wirt Lee Davis, 60, pastor of Bethel Guild's production of Maxwell Anders?n s Baptist Church of Bloxom, died February 22. Masque of Kings, Paul ~uni's Cou_nallor He was a graduate of the University of Ri_ch- at Law, Jane Cowl's Candida, Guthne ~~­ mond and the Southern Baptist Theological Clintic's Parnell, and Herman Shumlm s Seminary. He served pastorates in Lo_uis- Watch on the Rhine. ville, Ky., Roanoke, Clifton Forge, D~rlmgton, S. C., and Richmond before commg to On the Road to Milan Bloxom in 1945. and Holy Trinity Church, the Richmond Academy of Medicine, the Virgii:iia Medical Association, the American Psychiatnc Association. He also was a member of the American Legion and was a Mason .

(Continued from page 16)


gasoline and three 9ua:ts of oil fo~ $24.00, Dr. Irving S. Barksdale, 49, health com- which had to be paid 111 either Swiss fra1:cs missioner of Greenville, S. C., for seventeen or American dollars. ('The rate on the Swiss years, died February 10, at his home in that money is worth approximately 4 francs to ~he city. A native of Richmond, he was educ_ated dollar and is very favorable as you receive at McGuire's University School, the Umver165 lire for one franc.") sity of Richmond, and the Medical College In Milan, Col. Percival and his interpreter of Virginia. He was a member of the faculty went to the local American Express Office to of the Medical College of South Carolma, convert their travelers checks into Ameriwhere he taught physiology prior to becom- can dollars. There he found that "apparently, ing health commissioner of Greenville. He Uncle Sam wishes dollar credits for Italy, was a veteran of World War I in which he as we were informed by the American Exserved in France and later with the army of press that a certain bank would convert the occupation. He had also ~erved on t~e Mexidollars into lire at a very favorable ratecan border with the Richmond Light In- 645 for $1.00 - whereas the legal rate is 490. · fantry Blues. He was a member of the No~hThe currency is fantastic and street hawkers minister Presbyterian Church of Greenville. pester you to cash your U. S. dollars. Of course the black market flourishes and such 1921Richard Street Sadler, 51, died at his items 'as cigarettes, chewing gum, soap _ai:id smoking tobacco, for which you obtam n~1cTazewell home in February. He was a native ulous prices; help to meet the very h1g? of Middlesex County. cost of living in a country that does n~t ~?s11923tate to quote prices in thousa?-ds o~ !ue. Ira Cleon Deaner, 44, a Hopewell public While in Milan Col. Pemval v1S1tedthe school teacher for many years, died March 28 famous cathedral which houses one of the in the Petersburg Hospital. He was educated world 's artistic masterpieces, Leonardo da in the public schools of Charlotte County Vinci's "Last Supper." Time and the ravand at the University of Richmond. He ages of war have marred this celebrated taught in the public schoo_ls of Charlotte fresco painting, but even now efforts are beCounty and in North Carolma before com- ing made to restore it. ing to Hopewell about twenty years ago. One of the most expensive places the ColoHe was connected with the plant of the Sol- nel visited was Cortina. "The hotel in Corvay Process Company in that city. tina took us to the dry cleaners financially," he laments. ' The bill was approximately ten dollars per day, per person (bath not inHolland Fears Welles cluded). The food was the best we had howWithin reason, Joseph B. Holland, ' 32, ever, and probably the prices, which were commends actors who put their hearts and quoted in thousands of lire for lunch and souls into their work, but he thinks Orson dinner were justified. Welles carries this zeal too far. Holland, who is currently playing_ Pompey in Katherine Cornell's product10n of Anthony and Cleopatra, remembers that he was "very realistically stabbed almost to death by Orson Welles ." Welles was playing Brutus in his_ own, Mercury Theatre, production of Julttts Ccesar. Holland was playing Caesar. . . What brouo-ht back the memory so v1V1dly was the news ~ccount that Welles ("running true to form," says Holland), seriously stabbed his leading man in a film he is making now in Rome . . . The leading man in Rome 1s recovenng and, needless to say, Hollan~'s ':ound wasn:t fatal, although it did put him m the hospital for a couple of weeks. Joe Holland is getting a complimentary [ 32]




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