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Homecoming 1957

Audrey Lynn Moncure Walter Clayton

EVERYONE at the University of Richmond from the president to the lowliest "rat" will join in putting out the welcome mat for the hundreds of old grads who arc expected to return to the campus Homecoming weekend, November 8-9.

Returning alumnae and alumni will have separate programs on their respective sides of the University Lake Saturday morning and then will join in a noon luncheon at which the University will be host.

Rival fraternities and other campus organizations already are busily at work on their floats for the homecoming parade which will lead to City Stadium for the big football game between the Spiders and George Washington's strong eleven.

Attractive homecoming programs have been worked out by alumnae and alumni committees, headed by Mrs. Richard Moncure, ·so, and Walter Clayton, '36.

The ladies will start the procession back


Friday, November 8

6:45 p.m.-Alumnae Dinner, Westhampton Dining Room. 8:00 p.m.-After Dinner Coffee, Reception Room, Keller Hall. 8:30 p.m.-Fine Arts at Westhampton College, Reception Room, Keller Hall.

Saturday, November 9

9:00-10:00 a.m.-Alumni Registration, Millhiser Lawn. 9:30-11 :30 a.m.-Alumnae Registration, Keller Hall. 10:00 a.m.- Alumnae Coffee with Mortar Board Hostess.

10:00 a.m.-Jay-Vee Football: Bullis Prep School vs U. of R., Millhiser Field. 10:30 a.m.- Hockey: Alumnae vs Varsity, Westhampton Hockey Field. 12:00 noon-Lunch, Millhiser Gymnasium. 1: 15 p.m.-Homecoming Parade, City Stadium. 2:00 p.m.-Football: George Washington vs U. of R., City Stadium.

to the campLtS with their annual dinner in the Westhampton Dining Room on Friday night which will be followed by after dinner coffee and a line arts program in the reception room of Keller Hall. Participants in the program will be members of the dramatic department, the art department and the music department.

The drama department, under the direction of Alton Williams, will present a oneact play. Dr. John White, Mr. James Erb, and Mr. Robert Barker will give a trio for voice, clarionet and piano and Dr. Roy Jessom and Dr. Frederich Neumann will give a number for violin and piano.

The old grads will be back in force Saturday with the men beginning registration at 9 o'clock and the women -a half hour later. A hockey game between Westhampton varsity and ahrmnae teams and a football game between Bullis Prep of Washingt on and the Spider Jay-Vees will enliven the morning program.

An unusual feature will be carillon music by Hilton Rufty, a member of the University's music department and Virginia's best known carillonneur. Seated at the keyboard in the tower of the Boatwright Memorial Library, Rufty will play appropriate music, including University of Richmond and Westhampton College songs.

Seven of Westhampt on's loveliest, the Homecoming queen and her court, will ride at the head of the parade and will preside over all of the days' festivities. The queen will be crowned at a ceremony between the halves of the football game in City Stadium.

Later the queen will present the Miller & Rhoads trophy to the campus organization sponsoring the winning float and the Harvey Hud son (' 42) trophy to the fraternity with the best float. There will be another trophy for the best entry, other than a float.

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