1909Leith S. Bremner, a Richmond attorney who practiced law with Walter S. McNeill for whom an honorary law society was founded at The T. C. Williams School of Law, was made an honorary member of the society October 8. Bremner is a former president of the Richmond Bar Association and has practiced for 55 years in Richmond. Prof. McNeill was a member of the law school faculty for 25 years.
1911Mr. and Mrs. A. Waverly Yowell of Edan, Va., celebrated their 50th anniversary on December 26.
1912J. Vaughan Gary, retiring after 20 years of service in the House of Representatives as Virginia's congressman from the Third District, was lauded by his congressional colleagues at the end of the 1964 legislative session. Some 20 congressmen, Democrat and Republican, stood to make remarks of praise about Gary, who will practice law in Richmond. (See Page) Gary was honored at a testimonial dinner at the Joy Garden Restaurant in Richmond on his retirement from the congress.
1919Col. J. C. Wicker, president of Fork Union Military Academy, was host to three other University alumni at a Fork Union board of trustees meeting in November. The trustees are J. Vaughan Gary of Richmond, '12, Judge Jesse Dillon of Virginia's State Corporation Commission, '31, and W . R. Broaddus, Jr. of Martinsville, '20 . George K. Mack of Edenton, N. C., has retired after 40 years of service with the
DR. RICHARDSON RETURNS TO RICHMOND PASTORATE Dr . Vernon B. Richardson, '35, for 18 years pastor of University Baptist Church in Baltimore, returned to Richmond in January to become pastor of River Road Baptist Church. Prominent in the Baptist denomination not only in Baltimore but in the Southern Baptist Convention and Baptist World Alliance, Dr. Richardson has served as president of the Maryland State Mission Board of the Baptist Convention of Maryland and is afast member of the Foreign Mission Board o the Southern Baptist Convention . He is a member of the board of founders of the University of Shanghai and has written frequently for religious journals . Dr. Richardson served in Richmond briefly at Westhampton Baptist Church in the early 1940's before becoming a chaplain in the Navy during World War II. Dr . Richardson was one of three alumni selected this fall by the Alumni Society to address University of Richmond convocation under alumni auspices.
One day in November John W . Edmonds, Jr ., '13, sat down at his typewriter with his hat jammed on his head and pen clamped between his teeth and rapped out copy for the November 12 issue of the Peninsula Enterprise.
And when he had put that issue of the weekly newspaper "to bed," he had completed his 50th year as editor of one of the state's finest weeklies and one of the loves of his life . Two months later there came the announcement that the Enterprise had been sold but that John Edmonds would stay on -certainly for a while-so that the new owners might have the continued benefit of his knowledge of the newspaper and the constituency it serves. The University and the newspaper are traditions in the Edmonds family. The bond with Richmond College goes back to Judge Ben T. Gunter of Accomac, John Jr.'s grandfather, who enrolled in 1841. The Enterprise was founded in 1881 by Edmond's father, John Sr., who edited it until his death in 1914. Long before John Jr. was old enough to cross the Chesapeake Bay to come to Richmond College, he and his brother Alfred were folding the newspapers on stools their father had bought for them because they were too small to reach the papers. They learned to set type before they went off to Richmond where Alfred graduated in 1911. John Jr. and Alfred took over the editing and managing of the paper on their father's death, splitting the duties with John editing and Alfred handling the advertising and business details. This was a successful team until Alfred's death in 1962. John no longer canvasses by horse and buggy and boat the two Virginia counties the paper serves as he once did, and he has seen the Shore's railroad wither and all but die. But he has been a progressive booster of the Shore's economy and supported editorially the new bridge-tunnel that now
North Carolina State Highway Commission. He began as an instrumentman in 1923 and retired as District Engineer at Elizabeth City, N. C., a position he has held since 1937. Robert T . Ryland has announced his retire ment as division superintendent of schools for Richmond and Westmoreland counties and Colonial Beach effective June 30. Ryland has been a teacher and school administrator since 1919. He and Mrs. Ryland will live in Tappahannock after his retirement.
1920Dr. Clyde V. Hickerson, pastor of Northminster Baptist Church, Richmond, is recovering nicely from a heart attack. He returned to his home November 18.
1921Dr. Kenneth E. Burke of Richmond has an-
spans the 20 miles of Chesapeake Bay which separates Northampton and Accomack counties from the mainland of Virginia. Aiding him in his vigorous leadership in the operation of the newspaper have been his sister, May Edmonds, a Westhampton graduate of 1918, and his wif e Katharine, Westhampton, '21. John occasionally crosses the bridge-tunnel to visit Richmond where his other son John III, ' 53, is an attorney. Frequently it is to come to Homecoming or Alumni Day, when he takes pleasure in bringing to the campus his grandsons whom he hopes will be Spiders of the 70's and so's. Back in Accomac, he finds time to chat with another brother, Dr. J. Fred Edmonds, '17, who now practices medicine there with the aid of his son Tom, '49 .
nounced his retirement as treasurer of the Baptist General Association of Virginia. He became assistant clerk of the Baptist Association of Virginia in 1937 and clerk in 1940. In 1950 he was named treasurer of the association.
1926Dr. Meyer Vitsky of Richmond has been serving as a teacher for the American Medical Association's post graduate course for general practitioners. Rev . Joseph C. Cox of Angola, La., was appointed chaplain of Louisiana State Penitentiary in September .
1928Emanuel Emroch, a Richmond attorney has been named a member of the board of trustees of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. He is past president of the Virginia