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Radiant magazine Issue 5 A WISH TO BRING A LITTLE CALM INTO YOUR LIFE Life in today’s hectic world can sometimes be overwhelming. We dash from one place to the next, and can feel as though life is rushing past us far too quickly. This can cause our stress levels to rise as we feel there are not enough hours in the day to do all that we need to do. How many times have you thought to yourself, If only I felt a little calmer, I just need to stop worrying about everything. I need to take a step back and be still. Worry can overtake our lives and really upset the personal balance of our mind body and spirit. If you are thinking, ‘that describes my life’, this Wish is perfect for you. This Wish could help to calm you and relax you, this in turn can increase your happiness levels. This wish hopes to leave you feeling that things can be a little bit better. During the day you will need to take a short walk to find a few items, keep your eyes open and alert, maybe as you walk to work, take the children to school, walk the dog or go to the shops.

A Wish to bring little calm into your life in 3 easy steps What you need You need to gather together these items. A small leaf, this represents all aspects of your life. The leaf begins life as a shoot on the tree, then grows to be a leaf in full bloom and then falls from the tree and is absorbed back into Mother Earth. A full cycle of life. A feather, this represents your dreams and ideas, your need to feel free. A small stone or pebble, this will keep you grounded, feet on the ground and able to cope. A large leaf to use as a natural biodegradable wrapper A length of string A Tigers eye crystal, a wonderful crystal for reducing stress and promoting calm. A small tumble stone is inexpensive to buy and easily sourced from a crystal shop or online supplier. What to do Gather everything you need together, set it out on your table and then wait until the sun goes down. This Wish is best performed at dusk. Place your large leaf on a table, in front of you. Place the feather, stone and small leaf in the centre of the large leaf.


Roll the large leaf around the small leaf, feather and pebble so they are enclosed within the large leaf. Tie with your length of string. Place the Tigers eye crystal on top of your parcel. Hold the parcel and the crystal within your cupped hands. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breathes, in…. and out…. Relax your whole body and your mind. As you hold the parcel visualise the air around you as calm and still, visualise yourself as a calm and fully relaxed person, in your mind’s eye see yourself coping with your life, see yourself laughing and enjoying your life to its full potential. You are calm. Hold that wonderful and calming image for a moment or two. Then say sing or chant the Wish rhyme while still holding the leaf parcel in your cupped hands. The Wish ‘Energy light and energy bright, calming energy for me tonight. Fill my life with peace and love, from the universe above’ Keep my feet upon the ground, feel the earth, safe and sound’. Now you need to bury your leaf parcel somewhere close to your home. If you have a garden you can bury it there, if you do not have a garden bury it in a flower pot, either inside or outside of your home. If you have nowhere at all where you could bury your parcel go to a local park, forest or wood and leave it there under the foliage of a tree. Burying the Wish begins the process of releasing your request to Mother Earth and the Universe, and starts to activate your Wish. Keep the Tigers eye crystal with you at all times. Place it in your purse, wallet, handbag or pocket. At times of stress hold your crystal tightly within your palm, remember the visualisation and the Wish. This will re energise your inner self with a wave of calm which will stay with you as you go about your day.

Blessings for a calm and happy life. Ursula x Ursula is a natural psychic and author. You can find out more about her here:


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