USHGA Ground Skimmer April 1975

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20 ft. Keel: 20 ft.

or prone


Standard Wills










8 8



COMPETITION RE;VIEW, Joe Robiller, Jackie Metz, Ken Johnson, and Bruce Waugh



34 36

KITE TALES RECORDS AND AWARDS, Dennis Pimentel and Terry Haynes

DEPARTMENTS 2 Ultralight Conversation 22 Photo Gallery 42 Classified Advert,sing 44 Calendar of Events

MAGAZINE STAFF Editor: Carol Boenish Price Art Director: Rich Grigsby

USHGA OFFICERS President: Lloyd Licher Vice-President: Kaz Oelisse Secretary: Carol Velderrain Flight Director: John Lake Treasurer: Ford Walters Office Staff: Carol Velderrain, manager, Chon Aranda, Susan Mann, and Ronda Leggett. CONSUMER ADVISORY: GROUND SKIMMER and USHGA, Inc., do not endorse or take any responsibility for the products advertised· or mentioned w,thin these pages. Please consult the HMA, or pilots and cteal~rs in your area·_

Dear Bditor, in recc11t or CfllOUND SKIMMBH there have been throe articles tlrn,t have brought up the point of pitch stability am] full l ufI sail recovery. I will quote thorn directly: Paul MaeCready: "Vehicles have tendency to tuck under ai high speods."

Irv Culver: "Recovery from this state is appa,rontly nol, possible." John L,1lrn: "Any 11-ogallo can pasi, this point of no rocover.v." Tho credibility oI these J.rnople's eredentials in aviation LmquestionabJe. However, they overlooked some very basic th ing·H. i\Hhougl! I am 1ml, teehnictclly endowed as they are, f have come to somo conclusions about Ito gal !os that u,llow mo to say Urni a kite which is sot up in 11 certain rna,mwr will bu to fly and will pull out of unusual a,ttitudes (such as strnigllt down, side slip, und sniJ inversion). Here are throe tbin1,i;-s l malw built into every kite fly . .1. That, the keel refluxed or tlrnt tlrn airfoil eompriHed of the keel is it positive pitching airfoil. 2. That the sai i deflates from the roar to the front tlrn angle of a,ttaet is reduced; a.nd when tile angle of attact increased, the nose inflatos first. Once the trim point is found on tho keel for l!ands off level flight, pilot flying prone must be able to pull bar to his krrnes nnd be nble to kt of Uw b,1r, the kite pulling out of tho dive all by its el L Tllo first two points can be tested on the ground; the third one should be tested out of ground effect by very oitrcfully pulling the bar (body forward). lf at ,1ny time the kite wants to speed up without your pulling on the bar, or if the bar wants to pass undenwHlJ you ral,her than come forward, the kite Hhould be carefully landed and never flown again unless !,ho pilot wants to accept the responsibility of flying such machine. I cannot give you all the reaHons why these things work to malrn kites safe. I can Just say that I went flying with two pilotH Saturday. One of thorn Jrns 11 degree .in Mechanical rnngirworing with graduate work in Aerodynamics from Cal 'I'oeh.

The othor ltas Masters in Aerodynamics from Stan ford. Both of thorn flew the newest model we at'e selling at our shop itnd did not if they could lrn11i,· any stuff on tile kHci or pui extrn battens in Urn sail to rnako it safur. They itrn botli too lazy to write ai·ticle to back up my rules, but they wiih them. ,John L.tlrn overlooked in this a,rtiele on the sai !feather. W hon a person is weightJeHs, body still lms tile samo amount ol' and such mine (200 pound8) put a,g·ainst a kite wHJ1 n mass of, Hay, pounds, rnrn n,llow a pi lot somo degree of control even in a weightless stn,te. How ever, I would much rather lrnve the weig· nlong witlJ Uw l1lf1SS

,John also stated Urnt flltppi11g sail aerodynamically useloHs. ThiH is not the ease. A flapping· sail crnnting a lot of drag drag which w i Ii ton d to rotate tile kite into a posi ti vo angle of attack, allowing the sail to in l'late. Tho roaHon that some fata.lities in Hogallos aocompaniecl b,y sail flopping dives is that the only wny one enn really 11;et up enough speed Lo get killed is to put the kite in a dive for wlia.tever nmson. Tho problem Urn.1..J ohn L11ke frnd most of

the others ovc;rlook is the problmn or a side slip which when tho ro.lative wind, instead or being· parallel to the keel tubo, becomes perpendicular to a leadinri; odge. One Jms to J'eftrrn!y,m the whole situation. Most of the people a,re in when they hit the ground too lwl'd the result oJ' a, side slip rntlwr than a straight.,in dive. l know a number of oxporimwed flyers wlw have been doing ;,OO':, or steep turns too close to the ground for safety and llave ended up slipping. The proper way to pull out of a slip if, to get. Uw machine flying straight through the air again by pulling one's self through Ow b,u· to got sufficient airspeed, lovoling the wings, and then pnlling out of Hie dive. Too nrnn,y flyers who find themselves slipping try to pull out of the slip by leveling the wings with the control bar pushod all the wn,y out. Tha,t is like trying to pu lI out of H spin in an a,irplano with the oontrol stick all the way back, using IJw rudder only. The timo J hit the gl'ound out of control, I fooling doing wingovers too close to the ground. l lost

my alrnptmrl and st:uted slipping into spin. If l Imel pulled myHelf tl1roup;h the bar, J would lrnve right into tlrn !Jill, I lot tho i p on 1uouml 1md in to tile side of IJw J1ilJ I completod ono revolution. Moral to tho Dori't ilo arDUJHl to Uw gro1md: all forgiving. JI tile hill lrnd J would llavo boon a,blo tu lrnvo This whole problmn ol' piLcll stability (Contilwccl)

do have is the


ofUSHGA, UUlll,!.HJL!LlU/,1.

GllOWl!lJ Sl<,~llv[ME.'R imput,

lwlpful ···but only until the keel beam l.mcldm,, al lowing the a,ft cab Les to go slack. This may occur with relatively low due to the shock loading and bending· involved. also have noted the many a.nd neck injuries caused by harness the occupant headfirst into the keel. of gravity the hips only,-no to essentially desc1rilJ,ed above. With

available showing this harnoss !ming inadvertantly flown in a verticlo (luffod sail) into soft, sloping from altitude of 150 foot. (Some say higher.) SO:lt'OIWB,S with no bumps, An,yone ma.kc tt s1n1HartHLrr1e,;s u u11ll ,,u belt buckle and ten feet of wt1bt•ina:. from parachute supply eonvenient side a.ttaohment the verticle good knot will suffice. I wear the harness in a ma,nner similar to a low belt with turn added around each leg. Ad,iusta.ble buckles required; the intended for use with rrnton1atic rewind will not work you have eaten. The doubie,sidcd "JJ" ring sketched below. You'll need two of at of each hip. Incidentitlly, the bH used for both prone aml f.lying.

Smith Belleview, WaJ,hington

Sun Ed ii.OJ',

Within p}Lst in the subject of design improvement for tlle standard Hog'1tl1o type hang High performance at meets, a.nd a

cmT1mtly being marketed. however, that most gltder manufacturers content to remain in the market the 16, 17, and J8 .. foot conical Rogallo. This contentment became apparent to launehed project to study such Improvements. This project is an investigation of such ca.mbered and slot1.ed sails,






aerodynamic leading cambered loading edges and keels, well d ivo recovery to two wind tunnels and a, Contro.l Data computer has been provided by Cal Poly Pomona to airl the project. nrnjority of tho local kite prodm::ing· firms were contacted by mai I to solicit idea,s, help ,tnd/ or data on the subject. To my dismay, only one firm responded. Few efforts to hnprovo sport Rogallos have boon made, considoring the nmnber of nmnufacturers producing the same "bas.ic'' product. Those efforts which do exist are largely tho sum of a triaJ and error method, Largo fiso,d question marks woul<1 seem to bo the barrier to moBt. Why thou such snmJJ response to an invostig·ation laoking fiscal gravity, and having the possibility of great benefit? Any ideas, data, or other form of help from those dcBiring tb aid imprnvemen t of Rogallo type hang gliding would greatly be appreciated. Gordon A Nesbitt of o Aerospace J,;ngineoring Office California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CaliL 9.1768

In tlie July.Soptember, 19'?4, GROUND SKIMMrnH, ,Totm Gooke amt Hex Miller of .Manta Europe wrote about. some of their t' flying experiences .in SwU,mrla.11d, T'lley offered to send GS hi,montllly reports on the flying seom~ in Europe. W11 certainly were surprised to /war from them a.gain via an a.irmail Jetter from Nairobi, KJiJNYi\ !

Dear Sir, I don't know if Carol Btill tho editor, if still "'"·'"""·"'"'u haven't even the vaguest uotion of what has happened to kiting· at Jts source. Sorry we oft:e!'ed serviees yet unrendered. I hope you got something from our Swiss friends. We, as I have heard often oocurs with flyers, got pretty loose about tho whole thing, J.ot our business fall to (forgot fame, too), and out on a personal promotional expedition introdueingflying to the more remote reaches of the world, I had intended to write periodically describing our kite adventures Asiii, but traveling took control, and flew very infrequently. The only total commitment waB living, wiisn't about to build up another unfinished drama .. Anyway, we flew at .least once in every country from Italy to Nepal. I would venture to tlrnt we quite made quite a lot of firstson the way.but the profit wa.s in the people's eyoswhen they greeted us at landing, In Yugoslavia we flew at harvest time and reaped the fruits of our newfound friends, Turkey saw us a couple of times but wiisn't ever quite sure we weren't dangerous. All too eager to it again though, Iran greeted us with a newspaper artiole and all of schemes by which we oould share their new found wealth (a,dvertising), 'l'lrnre is 5,000 . 6,000-foot flight 20 kilometers from Teheran facing the vast desert--with a paved to the top! Good one! Afg·ans thoug'11t we flown from Amerimt when we flow off the Buddha, at Bamya,n; we were nearly arrested, but ended up with the best grins from the oldest rnon when we a demonstra,tion .for the governor and mayor of the district, Wo taught some Sherpa guides how to fly in Nepal and fully oxpoet tho Himalayas to bo full of kites with half the Porters and Sherpas returning from tho treck airborne. When we return to Ca,Jifornia, we'll have number of mamteur Super-8 films from the Alps to the Himalayas at least, and may be able to entertain you for 11n eveniug or something, THE

SOARING HELMET IS AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL BELL DEALER. Distributed world wide by E ipper·Forrmmce, Inc, Torrance, CA 90501

Joh11 Goeke and Rex Miller Nairobi, Kenya


This issue of GTWUNJJ SKIMMliJH includes the official ballot for tho .1 1976 Board of Direotors eleotion. l•!ach USHGA member should road these directions Voto you may choose, and mail tho ballot to tho U:::HHJA Headquarters soon possible. Do not miss this opportunity to vote l'or tho future of your national org,mization. 20 Hogional Directors and Directors, at,Large will be elected. In order to have the two,year terms staggered, half of the Regiona] Direetors will lJ ave only one, year terms. In regions with more than one Regional Director, the half receiving the most votos will hiwe two,yoar terms. tho six regions l!av ing only one Regional Dirootor, tho throe winnerR receiving tho largest percentago voLos, will have tho two .. you.r ternH1. Tho Dirnotol'S·at .. Largo will ho tho runners up in tile five regions polling tho .largest peroentage of possible votos. The 1974 Board of Directors div idod the


United St.ates into regions, ,u1t"'"'''" the number of Regional Directors in ,moh way as to region equ.itable possible representation proportion to its membership population. The following map incliou.tos mi.ell region with its Rogiomil location noted in parentheses. Presented in 1rnxt photogru.ph8 biogTaphioal of the candidf1tos for Hogionu.J Directors. Those resumes have boon suhmitted the oanclidu.tcs tlrnmsolv('>S for inclusion in the 1m1gaziuo, c1.nd listed alplrnbetioally under their region. Tho ballot, follows.

nrny vote for as


must be reooivod by for a Place m1,11ui(s) of tho to vote for, in order Your name and be indicated to not

voting· procodun, ensure that.each majority of tlw votes plaee a number in front of each candidate's name in ordol' oJ your preference. nmnbei· .I indicates your first ohoico,


from syndicatHd through hang gliding employment includes


into national mganbmtion deserving support of fl,ycim overywhero. throw in to help."

GE:HALD M.ALBISTON .. and General Munagor Systems. lnc., tbo leading mnnufne1.urnr of Rognllo 1.ypc lrnni{ gliders. in this long·dreamccJ .. of sport came about in indirect result of his former passion for dirt bikes. This clrn.nge ofinten·st oceurred rather suddenly one Suuday afternoon in mid 1 It was on his return trip homo to tl!e Snn Ji'ernando Va.Jley from a. motorcyelo race in tlw Mojave Desert tlmt he noticed sornc 011ci,·sizc,d kites carrying some other advontnrous men t.hrouglt Urn Tlw fascina.tio.11 Gerry felt ca.n bo apprecitLtm.only by 1.lwso who have likewise this realiv.ation of rrrnll ·s oldest dream able to fly like n, bird. II. was only days later that had built, and begun to fly his own lrnng glider on the sands of of Soutlrnrn California's beaches. The problems lrn had to overcome in IJuilding and'"''"""'"" to fly his hang' glider, together witll his innate concern for people, it him that them was a very nrnl need for 1, company'a.t wonld cil imiuatp Urn problems that he had fa.ced. H soon after that that Free l<'ligM Systems was foundocl. With go years ofcixperi cinee in all faeets of businass marrngement, thoroughly prepared to a.ahievci the he for Urn company. Throughout Hs brief hist.ory. Free-l•'ligil t. exa.rnple for 60 other manuf,wtnrors to follow, tind in « little Llrn.u year, Frnci·Flight the ma,m1 fo.cturcn· of lmng gliders.,,""""''" major reasons for tho outstanding success of Frne,Flight have been an unstinting dedication to a.I I a.spects of safety and uncommon desire to be of servioe which not restricted to Flight but extended to all entlrns.iasts in need of support.

no W.A. ALLirn ... Wi children. Occupation, free-Janee writm/pl!otographer mainly covering sport aviation topics. Bill owns and flies a F'lcixi·F'lier standard Rogallo and self .. eva.luatcis his flyiug experience and skill level a.s early intermediate. Hci also a. rated but currently imwtive sailplane pi.lot. Bill the author of the column,

conscientious u.nd g;Jiding 111,ovm,:nent. many, many people introduced thci

and with over 400 pi lots participa.ting), attended inquests, city council mcieting;s ( to try to aocnu:rn

short flying Seagull interested in hang gliding, and considers nomination honor potential mako meaningful opportunity contribution

,TOHN LAKK .. mtcid pi.lot for :30 holds his Commercial lioense, rnulti·cing!ine land, ,ind Commercial glicfor lioonse, instrmnont. John instructed flying Ca.Hf., where also

clrnmpionsllips in l'lacicl, NY tor yoa,rs. /\11 Fl\A rn.tnd Ma.stor Hip;ger, ])a.11 in tlrn panwlrnLo business for on bot.11 anrl i rosponsible for numerous equipment advnnces. l le pilot n1.tod for both powered airplanCJs and g·Jiden; n.nd has been a.momboroftho Soaring for several I le has testified at 1JU1Twrm1s state ,1.ncl federn,J hearings and currently Cbairnrnn oftl!o li'AA·.SAI•: ·US!' A Parnclmte Toclmical Standard Committee charged with redrafting F/\A regula,t.ions. But Dan probably bost known for his wriLing;. His popular book on foot la.unching, HANG CiL/lJJNG, /.lw llamllmol, of Skys11rfing, Jrn1, been the bib Ju for thousands whilo his nuw book, KITING, tho Jlasie H:mdl>ook of Tow i,mmclwcl

Ilnng C!liding, his profound lrnowlml ol l'latland flyiu Additimrnlly, ho has written THl1' PAHACJJ!JTE MANUAL, a lec!mic,tl lroa.tif;e on the pa.raelrnte, and 111111ieruus articles which have appeared in

Gliding Champion Jn l Runnor,up in V ico,Prc1,i.dent of the J!anr~ Glider Manufactm·ers (JIM/\), author of numerous articles in CIHOUNV Sl{JMMJi}H.,wd member of tile Accidont Hoview Board. sorvod on the Hules Commi for tho ID74 Na.tional1,. Chris hn.1, pioneered nrnny flying sites in tho Orangu CountySoutlrnrn California a,rea.. He has boon flying for thrnn flies :3,4 Limos week, and ha,1, over :3,000 flig·hts. Ho has flown in aronud the United Status, including; H awai L Vice, Pro1,idunt of Sport Kit.01,, l<eeps in touch with tho sport acro1,s the nation through its network of di1,tributors. Chris highly rospt1otod not only for his flying skil I but also l'or his loa.dmship] ity. 11 c has dualt with g;overnnwnt., landownern and county ,wthorities. Chris har, tho experience, toelrn ical know lodge, and m·ga.nizatiomd IJa.elcground to make him valuable momber the Bourd of Directors.

CJHOUN]) Sli'.IMMJW, Low nm/ Slow, Soaring and 001mtJe1,1, othor aviation publieatiom;, Dan ht1s the hnowledg;c, background and ability wull L11e

clumonstrated willingmms to

WADJJILL ... :38, phy1,icist, !1ncms:flfl privatfl pilot for 20 y()ar1,. Al lla.1, boen involved in aircraft design for ten and has flown hang gliders for yearn. He openud and mami.gnd Urn USIJOA Flig'hi Park ut Sylnmr. Al lrns an instructor for two years n,nd pro1,on tly head of the l Wing School of [fang; Gliding in Manhattan Beach. He origirrnt,ed and cluvelupud keel Imrnching; as 1.1 teaching technique. Al's stmlenl,1, gut n bomrn: they make regular weekend trips to the bmrntifu I ,mud dunes south of Pismo Beach.

F'OHD WAL'nrns chrnnolog;ieal agerrn, but he works and gets along with ages. He lats been flying for three and understands tho problems J'H,cing tl!e hang gliding enthusia1,t. Hu lrns ownorl hi1, own busino1,s (li'ord Enginuering;) and nnclorstands At pro1,crn t, l•'ord manufa.etrn·u1, parts for several hang glider rnannfa,etururn. He also 1md n1.akes i:ipeoin.l parts for hang gliders. He asks for your vote so as to work for Urn betterment of the 1,po1t of hang g;lid ing. Jcord now servus Treasurer of Urn USHOA.

CHRIS WJLLS married, in chemistry, UCLA, U.S. National Hang


has been flying two in1,truetor J'or Chandelle Corp., developed their teaching methodi:i aloni~ with Bill Sloatman and Mike Lanmn. Don taught nearly l,000 students before becorning Hegion nrnnager. des servicing and instructing dealers, ho seenred flying and training in the Hooky Mountain area. When he tl!e Nat.iona,l mana.gor, lrn had Urn opportunity to fly i11 most rn,tjor nwots and flying sites in tho western that w,ts groat learning oxperieneo. Don surns up his flying history l'ollows: Total flying time ...... 4;3 Ilrs. (approx.) Longest dnration ...... 4li Min. Longest Dista.nce ...... fl Mi. Greatest Vortical Di1,t, li:300 Ft.

BOB WILLIAMS ... ~10, married, sons. Bob l!ai:i been .flying· seriously for the 1mst two yonrs. a.001.nnulated 200,000 to methodH.


b0'1', of

bas also been

Internatiotml, Heg·ion Jl:3, J le dirncLecl tLtlcl sponsored his rog·ional hang gliding championships (a11 annwtl event). Hi fulJ .. tinw cap:wity consist,; ol dirocting the NH J\ of 1\/linneapoli and surrounding sta.tos in tho promotion of training, soiling hang gliders, and Uw presentation of Uw sport to groups, clubs,

schools alld oollcges. MHU! '.ll/\SK/\8 .,, a :32 yenr,old bachelor who now lives in Detroit., Michigan. His prebont occupation Inspector of the Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tohaeeo & l•'irnanns. Ile was eapLain or Urn Dotrnit Hughy l<'ooUmll Club in lDn-74, but decided it start making a. tninsition Lo a and saner sporL Mike started flyiug· standard Hr Hogallo in lVI arch of W74 (and he knew he was hooked irn llHHI iatoly) ,tnd

has Rince logged over rno flights wiLh over hours of soarlng tirno. !11 Uw two compotit.ions he has entered, ho lrns placed 5th, Class B, NaUonal ll,mg Gliding Festival at l<'rnnkfort, Micl1ig,m, and lst,ClassB,Nmth WosLllang· lid Championship, Nolson, Wisco1Jsill. !!o now the t,oehnica.l a.dvisor and director of his local club, the Michigan Skysnrfcrs. After seeing 1war·l'a.tnl accident involving a friend, his principal interest is to pron1ote safety, I lo also Jia,s strong interest in prnservinl}; h region's sites which ineludo some ol' tlw bost soaring in tho country, JVlilrn anxiously awaiting tho n.rriva.l of his learns V kit from li'roe·FliglJL.


DAN CH/\ PM J\ N sehool ph;,rsics teacher from Mn.rlboro,

New York who bogan lrnng gliding in t.lrn spring of ID7:J. Uan is the President of tlle Phoenicia Ultra.light F'ligbt Center, lnc., owner ol' Tho I lang GI iding Store, instructor for tho pm,t 18 monU1s, author of several articles ou safety am! instruction, and a member of Urn USI IG J\, S-SA, HM/\, Gliclcrsporl.s lntcrnat.ional, and tllo J\ lberta. llang liding Association. Ilis flying cxperieueo includes mountain flying, cliff Ja.unohos, beach soaring, balloondrops, several honrs of soaring ;is wnll as gliding time, Dan organi,wd tho Southern Area Now York l'ilots a,nd osta.blisl!od a hang gliding refernnco library which offers

14,, boolu:, plarn,, etc. local pilots on a rrou loan J.msis. Dan also tlw Jrnng gliding· instructor for tlio /\nm· Astrn Club, U IVJililary J\cadorny, Wost l'oiot. Da.n would like to bo involvod with i,aJety ancl trn.ining ;,tn.mlards wl!ich lio n. standi11p; committou or Urn USIIGA. lie interostecl site proc:11nm1011t and prnsorvntion, ospucially in Now York and tile Now l•:ngland !lo llopos to m,tablish a newsletter for l 1~asL clnbs, dealers, asHociatiotrn and scl!ools to help inform Llrnm n.nd m;tabl i sh conummication boLwoen th u lloard or 1l i rDcto n, and l'Of..;'ion






flying, th inld ng ancl dnmm i ng hang gliding·) am canoeing and surfing.

lHLL FIGUJ<;JHEIJO ,,, an undorgrn.duatn tho and J\ stron ti cal np;imrnring



!VI !T, designing and l.milding a fully controlled 85·pmrnd high pcrfornrnncn monopl,um. (Bill !ms oxporimu11i.a.l data on






perfornmnce liop;al lo design and Lestinrn He lrns pilot's licmrno, and has logged many tmilplano flighLs. llill has built nrnn,y lrnng p;lidors ,tnd p;ives a.dvioe 011 safely bu i !ding thorn. El lrnng gliding experiouce bc:ga,n ~3 years ago when be and friend learned to fly ba111 IJoo l<i te. r Iang gliders lrn !ms owned and l'lown extensively include tho Cronkite, Markowski Tullo Kito, J<'kxi-·l"lior, 11nd cmTuntly a st,tndard Ma.nta with eomplotely acljustahle reflex and coutrol bar position, He has also flown Urn Sky Sports Lark, t.hoil' now lligh·pcrl'onmmce flying wing, ancl the L,),uiclrnilvor. ! le fl soatocl or prone. Bi 11 llas lrnd sevorn.l hang glider flights the I ast:3 yeanrn.nd lrn.s appeared am! competed at most 1,; .. st Coast llang glidinp; contests.! le lrns flowll every major East Coast jump inoluding the unpredictable ML Washington (:l700· foot vertica.l drop; windiest pl ace in the world). Bill !ms soarncl Hog,dlos for hours at a time (longm;t flight, hr. 10 min,), i just as qual i find n.n,v instruotor on tho l•!ast h,~ving Laug·ht many people tho a.rt of lmng gliding. Bill's track rocord as a hang glider pilot adequa,te and his tochniea.l background should bo up to hang gliding sta.ndards. lie umlrns a.bout two trips to Calil'ornia year and would try to fit thorn in for !Jang gliding purposes. Bill in tores Led in soei ng ,mfe lrnng gliding Oll Llrn !• Coast tltrough proper pilot c1,nd site olassificatiun. Being kito flyer himself, ho interested in protecting t!Je sport of hang gliding ,rnd will not forgettlle needs oftlto Jiang gliclor pilot. ALF'I'U!iD ,J, MlJLJ\ZZI ,,, Al's in hang gliding began with il, nmi~azine n.rticle in Popular Soie1100 in .Tune of Ul72. Ho built his first glider himself, and as he

conditions and has soared several different sites. His longest flight was a45· minute soa.r Urnt was limited only by the extreme cold made last December on a nearby ridge. Dennis now operates the Sky Light Flight School and is a pa.rtner in Clen.n Air Aviation which sells Sky Sports and Seagull kit.cs and parts. At present he is the President of the Nittany Valley .Hang Gliders Clnb and helps oversee a ski arei, now used for lumg gliding. Dermis bas flown most of the best areas in the region, and has met most of the flyers as for away as North Carolina. He feels he could do a good job sinee he's had organizat.ional experience and is able to devote as much time as necessary to the job. Dennis is interested in helping organize the clpert, promoting sa.fety, and insuring .its practice in a 1:,elJ'·regulating, free.form nature.

VIC POWE1LL ... eurrently flying an 18' Ji)ipper, organized the l' irnnual bang glider meet, tlrn Tactile Flight Meet (,July l, 197:3) Hags Head, North Carolina, to honor the 74th anniversa.ry of the Wright Brother's first gliding experiments on the Outer Banks. This event was attended by hangers from aeross the eountr,v and helped get tlrn sport moving in the E:ast Coast area. The rneet was filmed by CBS New1:1 itnd br<mdcast by Haywood Hale Broun. Vie also organized the first Fall Fun Fly which proved to be great fun in delightful weather. Vic was the founding President of the Capitol Hang Glider Association (,January, HJ74) which located in the Washington, D. C., metropolitan area,. The CHGA htts membership aeross the country, but it primarily servos the Central Atlantic Region. The CHGA has helped bring flyers together to share experienees, flying sites, a.nd teelmiques. Vic initiated pu blieation of Sky Line, an informational sheet whiell bee the mJwsletter of the CHGA (Deeember, 19'7:3), and he eonti.nue1:1 to 1:,crve as .Edit.or. He helped organize the 2nd Annual Titctile F'.light Meet whieh helped pub.licize ,u1 effort to rai1:1e funds to preserve the Jockey Ridge Dunecl ,is a. state pa.rk. Vie consulted with CHGA members to develop and publish a list of flying sites in the Central Atlantic Area with a. rating clystcm to help in the safe eonduct of the sport. He is ,wtively working with members of the Virginia House of Delega.tes a.nd the Virg'inia Senate to amend the aviation la,w to specifically exempt hang gliders from regulation (under current law hang gliders could be regulated). His proposed amendnrnnt has been introduced as legislation. "I beli.cvc is the key to remaining free of government regulation. An effective, repres(mtativc nation a.I organization that can clpeak and act for the sport to protect hang g·Jiding's freedom is an important pa.rt of that effort.

Additionally, I seek to maintain tile responsiveness of tho national organization to member need cl."

CHUCK SLUSARCZYK ... built hicl firclt hang glider (a Hang Loose) about five years ,tgo. Since then he has designed and built the Swooper I (a B,~tso-type glider with pa.rallel lrn,ng bn,rcl), 1.l!e Swooper II (a standard Rogallo) and tho !<'aleon. Chuck literaJ!y introduced gliding to Ohio and the surrounding sta.tecl. Ho has appeared in newspapers. on local television news shows, and lrns put up displays at air1:1how1:1, sport shows, fairs, homeeomings, boy 1:,eout Jamborees, and many other places. He has a.Jso given talks 1;o the Clevchwd Soaring Societ.v, various Rot.ary Clubcl, Boy Scout1:1 of Amcriea a.nd a radio a.via.tion talk show. Chuck has flown in national eompetitions at Kitty Ha.wk, North Ca.rolimt; Nel1:1on, Wisconsin; Frankfort. M ichi nfJn.n; Tennessee; and We1:1t Virginia.. Chuck is one of eight people to have in the Midwest for an hour and he has flown 2800-foot·high mount1,ins in Tcnnes1:1ee. He towed amo1:1s Lake l<}rie and gained two world nicord1:1: L F'irst intorna.tiorrnl 2. First man to mwcessfully erocll:l La.kc E:ric in a. kite. Chuck helped organize the Ohio H11,ng Gliding Association a.nd helped hundreds of people get sta.rted in the sport safely·through his business, giving lcsclons nnd giving talks at elub mectinp;s. He eurrently member of tho USHGA, MHGA, OHGA, CHGA, Pl.<'A, S·SA, and the .Experimental'craft Association. Chuck was voted into Urn hang gliding hall of fame. Iii1:1 educ.ition in the iterona.utieal field includes a five.yeas apprenticeship a.t NASA. He built and flew gas a.nd indoor model a.irplanes for 1.5 years, winning over 200 ,twards for bil:l efforts. He opened his own s11il shop four yea,m a.[c~·o and has taught his own cllildren t.o fly.

DAVID STARBUCK ... had his first hang gliding fn)m Tom Peghiny in Boston two years ago in ha.mboo and poly Rogallo. Sinee then he has flown Nags, North Ca.rolirrn; man,y lii.1.le hills in southeacltern Pennsylvania; a.nd many elites in Califcn·nia including the Domes, Torrance Btmch, J,;1:,cape Count.ry, Sylmar, and Black Mountain. David started teaching for ]Dipper dealer lfodger B. fiodges in December 1.974. He currnntly living in Downington, PA, where he has a small woodworking· business ,ind tm.chcs on tlrn weekends. Using s, 1101:10 clkids, helmet1:1, prone ha.rneclses, and very cllight hills for first flights, he has had grea.t succe1:1s with students age81:3 to 67. David tries to remember sa.fcty always and he eneourages others to do the same.

Chuck Slusarczyk • Region




Current USHGA No. (Name and USHGA membership number must be entered here lo validate ballot)


Photos by Scott Williams

I Telluriclu, CoJoz·ado: Fabulous skiing, world's most beautiful scenery, great flying ... Can you guess wlrnt a,ttnwts Hyers !'rom all across tho country to "one oI tho most fun meets held!" Besides this, thorn is a groat spirit of ont;lrnsiasm ,md friendship hctwoon tho pilots which is p,u'tially due to the beauty of Nature and tile rrni.ure of the bustling little moun1,,tin town of TelluridEL The entire populace is "tunocl" to flying ttnd weleomcs flyors to two competitions annually. The winter eompetition, held February 6th-9th, was oonductod from tho 850··foot hill and w11s comprised of tlrn following oven ts:


Sport Landing


Tako off


Landing Porforma.nce in the Ail' (Time, :160's, use of lift, safe to landiug)

10 !JO

John Dunham, Charley Bonghma.n Heggie Jones

Windlord Super Reel Tail Super Red Tall

San Diego, CA

Denver, Colorado Dir0go, CA



by ,hwkio Metz and Kon .Johnson

In addition to being the "flormi of tho I<'riod Pickle," 1\ tkins, 1\rlrn,nsas may also become the lrnng gliding capital of the Midwest. This small town at the sou thorn end of Urn Ozarks wa8 recently infected wit,h hang gliding fever when ,Johnson (visiting from C11Jifornia) itnd group oJ looal flyers org·anizcd tho "fi'irnt Annual Arkan8as Hang Gliding Meet." It took place on the first weekend of November and was a fanta,stic two-day event. Onless ,you are a pickle connoisseur, you probably wonld noV.(.Jr notice Atkins, but any hang· glider bum ca.n 't really mis8 its Crow Mountain, just off Interstate 40. This 480-foot hlll lrns sheer el Hf take-off and prevailing winds from the southwest. winds maim for ideal soaring conditions wore experienced hy Ken and a few otben: during previous outings. lJnJ'ortunately, the Saturday and Sunday of the rneet we oncmmtered these prevailing winds that sonrnti mes exceeded u; mpb. The sheerness of the eliff shot the winds stntighl. upwards, making cable assist11,rwe sonrnt.inrns necessary and controlled launehes inusl.. At one, Buddy Clark neglected to hold his nose clown and began bis flight with a 360 right into Urn hill. Some golden, oaks cushioned bis Iandinv; and Bud eapturncl Urn "Worst Take Off Award" with this ono. Buddy was tlrn youngest pilot at lG, and represented Conway, Arkansas, quite well in his Brock Another pilot, Jim Waggoner from Russelville, Arlmnsas, rmide good of tho winds avaifable and easily wo11 the duration awn.rd with 1 minute, 48 seeonds. (An average flight WfLS minuto, l seconds.) Waggoner was flying an 18112' glider of h own design and construction.


Since hang gliding; Arlrnm,as, most nf the competed beginners intermediate N evortheless, poop le who erowded the launch and lm1diug so1ne gliding. Crow lVlountain with glido path (tlrnnks to Dan 8ehrnit:,,: P and slope indicator), tho accommodating winds for bot.h days, plus the cusl1ion of gianto11lrn be.low, rna,ke the perfect setting to diseover 1 and :J60's. On S1.mday, one oJ' om· adventurers found himsell' stranded a,mnng: the squirrels. Aftor two hour battle witll the briars below ,111c! Um branches Kirk Dixon and Shields of Little Hock together won the "Long·esl. tho Award," l~arlier, another comrade goini:§' for broke on h t.hircl ~mo for the dtty stalled his way to the top of Urn judges' list. It wa.s this flight that captured for Phil Green of Michigmi the "First in tho Awa.rd" in Brock Warren Ryan of l{usselvillo, 16' Plia,ble Mooso, received first Um after nrn,rnrnvering two next pi lot, wa,s so hot t.o fly tlmt weren't enoug'l:1 to undershot the bull's Solo glider into Crow Hill's pond. The judges eouidn 't let Bob unrecognized for first in the By now it may glidil1f{ .meet in Arkans<1,s was more a "cmnecly of " Pa,tterned after the F'rnnkfort, Michigan meet in ,July, Hl74, the goals of the to demonstrate Urn of lmng· gliding, to bring together Urn hang g.licling pilots of Arkii.nsas for a fun weekend, and 1dso to compete. As evidenced by the

presented, competition ,Jolmson, enjoys com petition rngularl,y, performed his knowledge of' the 3G0° tum Lo an



wingtip thorough elrnck for lastprefligh t.. Wilen ,Jaekie Metz, our lrnng:lideresse, lift(ld her Brock, ma I ly on the edge of its did some awarded the result. meet ended 8unda,y afternoon in clouds emptied gliders. tho goals 11g; onlookers ha.ppily reported no and welcomed ~rlicling into thoir with applause.

Calle Valle (unit F) , San

.. wenther conditions and a pilot's inabiJity those conditions two of the most signifi.cant both fatal and non-l'ata.l

by Mike Mccarron

On January ifith and Wth, ML and the leading hang glidi professionals in New I;:ngland hosted the first Northeast fhmg Gliding Workshop and Certifieation for Ski Gliding [nstructors. The purpose of the workshop was to establish uniform toaching standards for Now Ji!ngl an d's schools and elu bs, assist groups in starting; their own teaching; programs, a.nd prorn.ote the and uniform growth of hang; gliding in the Northeasl,. On Wodnesdkcy the l'ith meeting of all attending tho workshop was hold in the base lodge. Don, who organi~od the entire workshop, explained the flying restrictions on Mt. Cranmore. Ski launch techniques were then reviewed by four of tile more experienced instrnctors (Doug Weeks, Terry Sweeney, Paul Lu.Li bt1rto, and Larr,y Flewelling). The by which the instructor could keep up with the student during a keel ski launch demonstrated and practiced by those instructors not .familiar with th teehnique. Ed Vickery led n. diseussion concerning· the new H Glider M anufacl.urors Association Category One Specifimttions for RogaJlo-type G lido rs. gd explained why Sky Sports no Jong·or

demonFitrated. More

launching was unfamiliar with the Sweeney nrnde a demonstration flight in the Sky Sports Rogallo-type hybrid, the The fligllt quite demonstrated full stnge, the an L/D of sink rate or per second. on dive recovery The most important conclusion tJrnt the.v during; sharp U1atexcessive side develop into a steep dive. Many tlrnnks du.e to Don McCa,be for of effort he put forth in workshop. All of us Umt First Aid instruction a.nd the tflchnical information extremely vaJuable. lt is our common hope Urn.t rnore of these workshops will bo hHld in thH future.



Send for FREE informati


compiling its l1ang glidHr now solicitinq ancJ pl10tos of all in root-launched, towing, otc. Since 1irsl aUempt at comprehensive survey of hang like to inelude an historical section on wo would craft not now beinn flown but that wero cle;sinned, built and flown 1960. The following information is

•• Quant



1 Nrmwof Pltoto

j mructurn! k. Manhours rnqu1rncJ (if plnri kit) L Nose ai1gle rn. Doornc of billow n. Airfoil (whorn applicable)

Numl)Or still act1vn 8 Scdlino p11co

Mt1.nutacturnr 10. Spocificatiom;


Porfomwnco n LID Max

which ii

b. Min. s111I-<

at which it

d Controlabd1ly nt rnm. spood

All descriplion and must receivc(J by August for inclusion in our directory. mark each photo carefully with name of glider, your name and adciress. All material will returned if starnpocl, self-adclressed envelope includ(,id



Ii 1, 1975




























flighl, school to en.ell monthly meeting. ll tho not dono in U10 Many ing·cnious pilo!,s now in tho process ofclosiguing new and which may prove to howm'l.hy oompotHion for all those now on the marlrnt. So, with a,ll thiH and lrnowlodf.;e from the flying· demo 011 Urn Wost that hang gliding definitely to stay!


by ,John Wheeler Somo low-life walked off with Rogallo at J:<jscapo Country on December 1st, and tlu• owner offering a $100 rcwa,rd for lt return. Thero wits a fire i.n tho garage of a hang ghder pilot ttncl kite was clestro,yed: hls homeowner's insurance covered only specific itrtlcles (less depreciation and a $100 deductible). :He collcctccl nothing;. Now, through the offices of Clark Carriker Insurance in Fresno, California, these kinds of losses be covered fully, with no depreciation a,nd deductible. or wings valued up to $1,000 be covered for fire, theft, a.nd transportation for an annual premium ot:$25 or less. This policy wil.l not cover the usual broken tubes and 1,orn sails that are common our sport but instead intended to eover tho big or total loss of tho hang glider due to fire or theft. J f tried little thing, the premium would be astronomical. This Hang Glider Insurance Policy came about wheu, during around of golf, mentioned to Mr. Canilrnr Uutt wo could now get liability .insurauce for our kito flying a.ct.iv ities but there wasn't any way for us to get covon,ge a,gainst theft of our kites. We thon together itnd doterm incd the we wonld wiint to include in lmng g·lider policy came up with the throe basic fire destruct.ion by fire at home or on the theft whether stolen out the g·iu-a,ge, off tho onr, or nt transportEttion if your k:i.te while in transport on your question was whether 11n eompa,ny would us these cove,ra,te,s ut a price we thought was fair. We found The Elite Insurance Company, oompany. Now through we .lrn,vo itn Hang Glider Insurance Polioy that will eover kites valued at $500 or nrnrt'l for little as $25 a yoar. Applieations are available at most kite shops and hang glider clubs and associations, also from Clark V. Carriker Insurance; H5f)1 K Shaw 18; Fresno, 9:3710. It's still going to dra,g when kito is stolen or destroyed, but itt least enough to buy now one. 'J.'hat $100 reward offered for the return of that Rogallo would buy a, lot .Jnsuranoo eoverago. Jolin Wlweler jr,; tile past presidenl; oftlrn San Joaquin Valley hang glider club (now


tho flight been you t.o that you of llowovor, despite tho bes!, of intentions, .it sometimes ha,ppens tha,t reader .issue. That's when wo Jotters starting out like atlrn above. '!'here wl1y an oecasiona,l isime mightnotro,wh you. Tho most oommon th!tl. you bavo movecl imd Urn olmngo of address bas not beon noted. (Maybe you forg·ot to tell u The second tha!, have you bu!, with the wrong .lot's help oach othor out. l r us posted on whom you live (check the address and the zip codo, wo'l 1 now card promptly entered in mailing system. Maybe you forgot to renew your mombersbip! ~·"".'."".'~'"'""'.~~~~~-

no doubt about it, hang glid tho l:!]ast is here to stay! And why not'? Tho're's so much here to offor any pilot. The challenge .is ondloss. Whon rubbing noses with a pine tree or playing jump withskiliftcaglesaro hazard to all, bol mo, you learn how to fly well: little roorn for Tho rapid growth tho equaled tho hea,lthy a.ttitude whenl safoty is Un chtHslfioa.tion throughout Bnglancl now in the works. Through joint club efforts, members Htrictly sel !'-regulating them solves in effort to protect a,ll concerned (spectators well pilots) in order to the approval of landowners and tho public lndividmtl olubs concerned with well instance, includes in their li'il'St Aid courses for flight oommit;tee instructors. consisting of' flyers to assist in the cli1ssification other pilots and sites, tho postinii; of flying and a one .. !Jour

detai 1 and

taken a a.ctivti interest in reviewing all material a,nd exorcising a considerable amount, of control and enforooment of Delta F'lllp; of Happerswill, Switzorla,nd initiating tho program throughout l~uropo a.nd "llANG l"LlGlTJ"' for their study and flight train Manta Marin Flying School which has operating Dillon Beaoh, California, lrns changed to Dillon Boaoh Flying· School. Thoy still dealers for Manta Wings. Prospective Northern California fl,yers can get infornrntion about Dillon Beaoh at Skip Napa, or


outsta,nd i ng tho adv a.ncoment of tho sport of hang; gl lding. In 1 Volmer ,Jensen selected bemwso of work to a,dvanco hung gliding teehnology ( witb his and Irv Culver's VJ .. 2:3 Swingwing). Frances M. Rogallo was presented tho trophy in 197:3 becanso of his development of the Rogallo Wing eoncopt. :Here Urn opportunit,y for each member to nominate the person he feels has a signifieant to om· sport. Please mark your envelope or postcard clearly with "Gardia Trophy."

cables extended through two separate holes in the bottom of the basket and were attached three feet below by thimbles and nico sleeves to Schweitzer glider rele11sc. From the glider release, a release line extended up into the balloon's cockpit and was secured. A 200pound-test anti,, rotation line ran from the nose of the kite to the basket's interior. This anti-rota.ti.on line would ultimately be long remembered by Brent and Dennis.


a time of in all directions in prepara.tion for the Christmas inorning tradit.ionally But for Dennis Kulborg, President of Phantom Wing, Inc,, Brent Stockwell, renowned balloonist,, tho ch,ws w just hccti<> though for different reason. Tbe two were ahont to embark on unique journey quest of a new world altitude record iu a hang glider being towed by bot balloon. 20, 1974, their longwas del1tyed because but fair weather was morning, the d,w of U10 with weather better undertaking. The and the

Municipal California. minute detail thought out. But even prepa.ration, with no guideline to foll ow, H wa.s almost al I possible Dennis flow a Wing Rogallo. To requirements post used. The and black "Picc,1rd" powerod by throe burners, and Stockwell his legal maximum g11llons. J•}xtra into the hookup nf the 'IB-inch cables connected to the

Denni.s's "flight suit" consisted of insulated underw!mr, a down snowmobile jumpsuit, gloves, helmet, a mi lita.ry main parachute, and one,,hour oxygen supply which wa.s nttachod to the bottom of his yellow swing Tho balloon bulging and straining· to /{et underway the ground crow worked frantica.lly to connect the Sehweitzcr release to stainless steel shackle which in turn was attached to tho speci11l king post. With the kite dangling below, Brent controlled the balloon by firing dra,gon,,mrn bla,9ts of fire into the ca,nopy. Dennis a.pproaohcd his suspended Rogallo with alarming calrmrnss, hooked his carabinm into the suspension bolt and pla.ccd his feet in the leg rest. With barograph ,.board, the ascent began a.t 8:20 AM. Tb e ba.Iloon at a.n average speed of fiOO ft/min--which set off a series of unfortmrnte events. A chaso piano, loaded with members of the nows media, was 1tlong to record the special event ,ind also to act Dennis's protective shield. Because of Urn cold air a.t altitude (11 degrees below zero), the balloon rose faster thau The phtno, having left to let the balloon grtin altitude, WftS unable to reach the coupled a.i.rera.fts

in time for the release. Tho chase plane canght sight of the glider momentarily, but because of the kite's slight profile, it wasn't seen a.gain. Oakland Control cleared the immediate area of all comm orcia.l traffic. Afterthoughts sug·gcstod that the kitoshould have been equiped with transpond11r, becon light, even two-way n1dio. At 9:40 AM over Mt. Hamilton (just southeast of ,J osci), Brent started colling tho balloon, ca.using it to descend and fill up the Hog·allo's blue, ornngo, g'Old and yellow sail with air. The release was pulled and the kite was dropped at 17,04'7 feet AGL. Mistakenly, the a.uti-rotat.ion lino was not untied, c1tnsing tho to swing into a. v11rtioal tai !-down positton and unwantedly testing the noso line. The line quickly snapped iind Urn kite

l>mw ir; drop

and Brrmt of 17,0IJ'.Y foot,.


haJ /011

catapulted radical noso dive ma.inly because Dennis instinctively lutd the control bar sucked into his gut through tho tail dive. When the dropped, he automatically conected for it by throwing the bar forw1nd--foreing the kite out of its dive. Recover,y occurred without any structural damage frorn the great stress and Dennis continued his flight. Dennis started flying northwest towards Jevol l!md, attempting to fly eloar of the rugged mounta,ins him, but high winds him bftckwards, retarding his progress. So he turned back southwest and hoa.ded for Highway 101

flying mph according to his Dwyer wind meter. The ground chase found him half a.n hour after he landed Fa.rm Morgan Hill. :Jfi minutes and 1:3.(5 miles later, just to be on the ground after safely weathering the most arduous of When la.tor asked wba.t gn.ined b;y ftdventuro he replied, "My hang glido.r went through one of the most critical structural quality control tests that confronted kite. It pulled through with flying colors. hope this will make the pnhlic readily accept the sport of hang gliding. also hope that any future attempts a.t similar rccords-a,nd even everyday flying which tests gl.ider and pilot m1,pa.bilitics,-will he done with respect, for in this sport pure ignorance."


"bump·· lwn,

No Pressure


and Comfort

Three Streamlined

Riveted in Critical Areas to Insure Three Sizes for Fit Assorted Colors to Match Kite. with





For additional information and your local dealer or contact:

demonstration, visit

11ugulat trips wtiekly to Wost nm tlyino equipment, nvailab!o value 1n IErnrn111i:i e11virn11mo111"


Rogallo h<1ng glide, with



J//:'R Y'/'Jl!NG FOR TIil: flllNG CUDJ::R J:NTfll




TUBING: 6063 T832 1· 1/2" .049 18 & 20 Ft. Lengths .058 18 & 20 Ft Lengths 6061 TB 1 Ft. Lengths H/8" x .058 · 1/8" .058 X .083

.85 ft . 1.00 ft. 16.

TRAPEZE ·(complete)

Down T11bes LHubo Brackfit Trapezo Bolt Set (includes Locknuts)


l<ING POST· Completo Assbly. l<ing post l<inu post tip



TAN GS: Stainless Twin Scat to Prone Stainless Plates


1 4 44'


3/32 coated /8 7x 19 coated




35.00 ea. 49.50 ea. 15.00 oa. 29.95 ea. 6.00 PPD 6.95 ea. 4.95 ea. 16.00 set 29.95 ea.

l<ite 16' 20' Prone Harnoss Swin[J Seat (complete) SoarintJ Helmets 5. Han[J Gliding Handbook by 6. Windmoter (lrnndhnld) 7. l<ondor TShirt M·-L-XL 8. Quick "N" Easy Rack Uprights 9. Complete Hoof Backl<it

7. 8.

!!!!COMPLETE GLIDERS!!!! assembled; 16' All glidm include Seat,





unique seaMo . prnno hardware, anodized tubing, and 3.8 oz. stabilized double sewn sails.






BOLTS: /4" unless specifiod Turnbuckle bolt l<inn post tip bolt l<ing post brnckot bolt Heart bolt 5/16" Trnpezo bracket bolt


Upper trnpoze bolt Middle trapeze bolt

Lower trapeze bnit 5/10" Leading edge to crossbar Hear k!!ol bolt Hear sail attachment bolt Nosn plate bolts Complete Bolt Set (includes nuts ll, pins}


KONDOR K Texas 75067 4 1



ICARUS LI. 100'0, complete. Dticron sown wings. $600. '!'racy, (2Hi) 237·H40G. Brand now oustom QUlCKSlfNI•]H B. Coated cable, top quality, Sa,ill'orms sail, $7fl0. Mark Schwingc, 1:!31 Beren,, Pacific Palisades. (213)

COMPLE:Tg TOWING ASSIUMBLY, iitainless steel, never used. Control ba,r, kite release, boat reloase, flmi.t,s & 150 foot tow rope. $125 use a.s partfa,l tra,do for kite. (901) 4fi8-i Burt.

BU:NNJ;;TT Dl~LTA ·· Looking to save money on nea.r·now Introduoti.on of now models to our lino finds us with several beautiful, stcL Rogallo demos to sell at outstanding savings! All are complete, ready,to,fly and offer a wide selection of sail colors. We also have several tow kite demos available. Don't miss this onee·a· year close out! Ca,ll now to Bill Bennett's Delta Wing Kites & Gliders. (2m) 6600.

EIPl'EH,Ji'ORMAN(Jli: Hl' Flexl·Flier, white sail, case, prone harness, porieot condition, $450 or offer. ,fohn, (303) 449· 8[587 or Coats, 111:3 Spruee 111, Boulder, 80/302.

AEHOLAB MARK II Sale!!! From now until ,June 1st, we are offering completed gliders at kit priees (16', 18', 20'). L•'or example, an 18' Mark II complete with swingseat would cost $456.fiO. Our gliders foiLturn coated cabling, wheeled control, skid nose plates, adjustable nose angle a.nd camber, and doweled and sleeved points. Aorolab, P.O. 4168, M.ilwaulrno, Wisc. fia210. (414) l:J384. BLUl!] M.ES Special.izing in Seagu 11 Instruction. Ave., Gunnison, COLO 81230. (3o:l) 641 3566.

D!Ll,ON m;;ACH SCHOOL, formerly Manta Marin. We've changed our name bn1, not our export instruotion and Buy your Mant,a Wing; from us and receive lessons. Introductory lesson, $20; this .lesson gets you in the air. Call Banana (415) mm-1162 or Michael (4Hi) 4154,5289. Dillon Beaoh Flying School, Box Pt. Heyes Station, CA 9495fl. THE GLIDI!;R SHOP, 13151-B Beach Blvd., La, !labrn, CaJif. 90flaL (213) 94:3·-1074. in, vh,it, and sec our displays reaturing Ji:ippor,Formanco hang gliders, parts imd other equipment. Hours: 19 Tuesdity through, 1() .. c, Satnrday. Sumlay flyinµ; lessons. THI<: HANG GLIDING STORE for Manta Wing·s and Zephyr Kites. Kits and immediate delivery. instruction. Ihm Chaprnan, Hoad, Marlboro, NY 121542. (914) 2:rn.7994 anytime.

HIGHMAN KITmS, 40 miles north of New York City. Complete .lino of Zephyr Airnraft Products. Fully equipped school for students of i,ll weights. James Aronson, Hd 49 M inc Hd., Monroe, Now York 1mmo. (914) 783,{l?5L MICHIGAN -INDIANA AHbJA. yrs. tow Gt,h in the Nation in 1972. Now teaching behind our 197() Slick,crnft.. We buy and Mell all makes. Hopairs, piuts & accessories. Call ( fl I G) :375- iJ 0411·-2066, 327-:30'75 x .. 6fl. Ask for ,Jim.

1UN l~ll DE:I\LE:R

Pell m


d ri



p lu



NE:W AND U1E:D 1\:\ll1





l TO p



LANSING,MICH (517) 351 • 1325

1400' Lake ol'fs.

((il2) 4B9·8300.


Detroit. Gliding

Clrnmpionsllips, Mt. Brig·llton, Micflignll.

Dmrn Young, (31:3) '7949 W. Grand !Uver, Brighton, Mich. Open to J'irst 200.

!•Ja.stcn·n Clmrnpicmsliips, Mt.. Wnshing·ton Mt. Cranmore, New N a.tiona.l TV covornge Competition rules will be used. This

May 29,,Jurw .I, :3nl .Annual National Tadile Fl iµ;hlClrnmpion:,hips at,Jocl,ev s Nagslrnad, North Caroli1m. /\ttn: ol Kitty !Jawl,



Gra.ndfo,ther MountaJn Gliding Championships. Gnmdfu.ther Mountain (1!'\00,foot vertical with 400· foot cliff launch) one of the finest places fly in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is for only. There road to power lines buried. c/o KHty Hawk Head, North 1,,;a,.ro1rn1a

,'.lrli Anmrn./ Clrnmpiom,ilips. Wri/.o to /,o pos.•;i/Jlo Box /il]:JOG, Los .')()()(i(i, ( :! J,'i) :wo ;/(){i/j,


Championships, l'lig·ht, l<'loridn.

Conmict.icut llang Gliding ",Juno ,Jump" Competition, Sundown, Now Hartford, Conn. Att.11: Bill Boyko, CI oar J•:nfield, CT ()(HJ82.


Centom1 la!

I I ang

Muy 1'718,

Anmml OUo /,ilio11t.lml

tents, etc. Hnill or wine/ <Int.cs: ,Jmw Hali UeLissc, (21:JJ 11:JG-li(i!SO atlor 3:00 l'.M. May UJ, USJIG/1 Momlmrsllip !)opt. or Wnt,or l'ower, 11 N. llope Angelos, '?::30 1'.M.

lntenrn.Lional Jang a,t Thunder Ontario, $4,000 in pri:.rns. Invitational. Attn: Nortlrnrn 240 N. McCatTons lllv(i., Paul,

Glider P.O.

l G a.rdmrn, ],'Ia. :l:3H80. Attn: I' at Callan, (El t:lJ

GI icier

Clrnmpionships, Coch Hil I, .A lbert.11., Canada. This meot to coincide witll Centennial .Attn: Willi Muller, 4 OH:.l, Postal S tn.

Hang Glider Moot. all(/ l'ic11ic J'ismo Boacll, CA. Tlwrc am 110 Jaci Jitius availnlJlo so bring your own water, food


I.ow launcil l'or J'reo

Com1t,ctic1tl. I m1µ; Gli ng Trophy Finals Competition at Si!nclown, Now lla.rtford, CONN.

lberta. '1'2'1' r,rvrn. Carmela. June 129-,July U, Natiomd Soaring liding Festival a.t l•'rankfort/l~lberta., Mich . .Attn: I', Box JOi2'7, l•'rankfort, Mieh. Sponsored by Urn Betsie Ba.y Bluff Bu"',mrds. July 8-H, 2nd Annual Hocl<y Mountain Hang Gliding Championships Telluride, COLO. Punm t.o excood $:3,000. .Attn: Christine IJ11s11.Urn, P.O. Box ;m, Telluride, COLO

.July Competition,


nual Mountftin,

Roady frern $420 $490 for tho L.AFlK, and $500 to $540 for the BOBCAT. Send for catalogue morn inforrnat1on

Tom Pogh1ny, Vice··PrHsidHnt of Sky

Inc, tlying


M<1nufacturer~~ Assoc1at1or1

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