USHGA Hang Gliding November 1977

Page 1

NOVEMBER 1977 $1 .50




it "in

_ RAINBOW T-SHIRTS!_-,,,-------,,


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LADIES STYLES 50% cotton opal b lue 50% polyester peach powder blue tan cream Design name

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Ladies sizes

$5.95 $7.95

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$3.00 Kitty Hawk Kites visor . Select color.


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SEND TO: Kitty HawK Kites P.O Box 386 Nags Head.NC 27959

ISSUE NO. 58 EDITOR· Rich Grigsby CONTRIBUTING EDITOR• Corel Price EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Sharon Grigsby Phil Warrender ILLUSTRATIONS & LAYOUT: Mork Allison STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: W. A. Allen. Leroy Grannis, Bettino Gray, Stephen McCorroll


OFFICE STAFF MANAGER: Carol Velderroln Cathy Col~mon, Janet Meyer. Donielle Delio Wendi Tu111e. Marlene Koll USHGA OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Vic Powell VICE PRESIDENT: Vern Roundtree SECRETARY: Koy Brake TREASURER: Lloyd Licher



The United States Hang Gliding Association. Inc.. Is a division of the Natlonol Aeronautic Assoclollon (NAAJ whlcn Is the official U.S. representative of the Federation Aeronoutlque lnternotlenale (FAl), the world governing bodY for sport ovlotion. The NAA, which represents Iha U.S. ol FAI meetings. tfos delegated to the USHGA supervision of FAl-related hong gliding' activities such os record attempts ond competition soncllons. HANG GLIDING mogotine1s publlSlle<l for hong gliding sport enthuslosls to creole further interest

In the sport by o means ot open communroorlon and to advance hong gliding mett>ods and safely Contributions ore welcome Anyone Is In· vlted 10 contribute articles. photos. ond lllusfrotlons concerning hong gilding ocliv1fies rt the molarlol Is ro be returned. o stomped. saltoddressad ,arum envelope must be enclosed HANG 'GLIDING magazine resElfVes the right to edit conrrlbutlons where necessary. The Assoclotlon end publicohon do not assume resporuib1llty for the material or opinions ol contribute~ HANG GUDING magazine ts published monthly by tne United States Hor,g Gilding Assoclohon. Inc. whose moiling address ls P 0. !lox 66306, Los Angeles. Calif 90066 end whose offices ore lo· coled ct 113121h Venice Blyd .. Los Angeles. Calif 90066: lelephone (213) 390-3065. Second-closs postoge Is paid ot LO$ Angeles. Calif HANG GLIDING magazine is printed by Sinclair Printing & Lithe. Alhambra , Calif Subscription is ovol loble only cs port .ol membe1shlp In the USHGA. o member-controlled educot1onol ond sclentltlc orgonf?ottor\ dedlcoted to explorlr,g oil locals of ultroJlght tllghl Membetsh1p Is opeo to onyor,e 111terested in this reolm of flight Dues tor full membersh1p ore $15 per yea ($16 !Of foreign addresses); dues for Assodofe membership ore S10 per year. o1 whlCh S7 ate deslgoofed for subsonpt1on to HANG GLIDJNG magazine. 0,onges ol address should be sent s!X weeks In OdvOnce. lr,c,lucling nome, USHGA membership number. previous ond new address. end o moiling label lrom o recent issue

Total paid circulation for the October lasue wa, 10 ,600 .

HANG GLIDING NEEDS A NATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY MEET by George Worthington The Master of X-C flight Jays down some guidelines for the most outrageous soaring contest to date

USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION l . Vern Roundtree Jett Johnson REGION 2· Wolley Anderson. Jon Cose. REGION 3· Trip Mellinger. Don Poynter. John Loke. Alex Duncan. REGION 4· Sieve Thome. Lucky Campbell. REGION 5: none. REGION 6: Jomes Cruce. REGION 7: Mike Zloskas REGION 8· Don McCabe. REGION 9· Vic Powell. Dennis Pagan. REGION 10: Skip Smith, REGION 11: David Broyles REGION 12. Jim Aronson. DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE: REGION 2; Lloyd Licher. REGION 6: Koy Broke. REGION 8: BIii Allen. REGION 10: John Horris, Karry Robb. HONORARY DIRECTOR• Hugh Morton. EX-OFFIQO DIRECTOR of USHGA as we are o division of NAA· General Brooke Allen.




by Ray Morgan _ _ _ Some potentla_l_ p_ro_b_l_e_ms _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __


by Keith Nichols

Tom Peghiny wins this year's mosl coveted prize

32 36


by Mark Schwlnge 1st Annual North American Hang Gliding Championships, Vancouver. B.C._ __ _ _ __ _ __________


by John Lake

New ways to look a1 on old problem



by Dick Gammon

Using only your senses to get a natural hlgh

- -- -


COVER· An eerie sunset at Grandfather Min ? Actually. photographer Leroy Grannis put on o yellow filter to create the unusual effect. The p ilot In the picture is Dennis Pagan flying a Phoenix 8 ot the Masters. See complete story and pholos stortl,-g on page 26. CONSUMER ADVISORY : Hong Gliding Magazine and USHGA. Inc.. do not endorse or toke any responsibility tor the products adverttsed or mentioned edltorlolly within these pages. Unless specifically e)(l)lolned, performance figures quoted In advertising ore only estimates. Persons considering the purchase of o gilder ore urged lo study HGMA standards. Copyright © United Sloles Hong Gilding Association. Inc. 1977. All rlghls reserved to Hong Gliding Magazine and lndlvlduol contributors.

better flyinq. Mark's qolden touch one of the tl1inqs lhc11 makes hilll(J tJlidin;i such an enjoyable ,;port, and i'/nng Gliding such an excellent and infonm11ivc maqazinc. A round of appbuse. Don Betts Del M<1r, Calif. USH(;A Ei7li'.J

Dear Editor, In response to Rill Mmmad11lw's letter in the Jilly, ]()Tl issue of 1/rmg C/idinu, l would lik1: to dispdl ,my belief lhal one can inc1w1~,<? his loler, ancc fo I 1ypoxi;1 by 'pressure hr<'illhing' <11 hiqh al!itudes As <1 former Air Force instructor pilot, I rnn sun! you thi,t pilots ,ue not tcluqhl ;rny sucli method of "holdiniJ one's bre,1th for five to ten seconds ;md makinq prcssme as if to blow up ,1 balloon," This may help to clear yom ;is yrn1 descend lmt far compensc1tinq for the ()y rarificcl it is do11b1ful tl1c1t it will h"lp ,it ,111. Mr. Marmaduke makes reference lo Henry's L1w ("Thl: concl:nlrntion of dissolved in qiven solvent is directly proportional to the pmli,11 of the ") bv i11ferrin~J th,11 lhis ex plains his proposition that "incre,1scd pressure ,11 lows tlw blood lo il:isinmlate more of the bre<1thin11 rnccliurn. 11

l Iowevcr,

n1orc (",ppropriate k1w per1<1ininq 1o

this sittrntion of hirJh alLitud<? breathing Boyle's J,;,iw, "lhl' volume of c1 uivet1 qmmtily in wrscly the pressure of the qas!' The problem mises ,it ;1Jtit11de, where there decreased iitmosphcric pO?. "Addinti lo the prob lem ilrc the relalively const,rnl levels of w;1ter in 11,e lungs clminq ,isnml to al1i v,1por and tudc. These ilrl? conslant bt!cause air uralcd with wc11cr vapor ancl the body mainlc1ins constant pCO? level. In ;1ecordc1ncc with Law of uas cxp,msiun, these ;JilSl'.S exrxrnd which me;ins there less and space for oxys1ci1 with to c1llitude. 1 Unfortunately, ,ipplyinq only Henry's Law under this circumst,111ce, Ilic: "breathing medium" that one will ''iissimulale" will be cmbon dioxide ,md water vapor no real help if you're '.Joinq for llw rccorrL ,John Borden, Jr l\ich1noncl, VA

1/ l lbtJEi/lV 'Dept. of Hie Air Force, ATC f'rogrnmmecl PVtf/\-A,AV PT, Prourommed Text on Aoiation Physiologv, "Effects of Altitudc> on Hespirntion",

Dear Editor, winter I to Florida week's vacation and never want lo return. This year I was constantly beinq reminded, by watchinq pelicans, aboul the soarin[J I was missing up North and couldn't wuit lo r,iet back to I forris Hill, New York on the be,ich I noticed shadows passin[J over me. l saw dozen or pelicans pass over head in turn which to my surprise was the latler pmt of a 180" at the of lhe hotel. They slrai,iht out and length of the seven story hotel where lhcy performed anolhcr They continued soarinq the smooth winds of th1: ocean until they qained sixty lo ciqhly feel over the Hotel Maveric. Then they did not perform the usual JisO" but straightened out their glide toward the next hiqh aboul '/;, of mile down the beach. Heachinq the next hi[Jh hotvl lhey had lost altitude. proceeded to soar the hotel until sufficient altitude nained to reach the next hotel. l watched therrL pdssing from orw hold to c1nolher, until they were out of sight. Rv this lime I fJOin~J crazy. Man, did I want to up there with lherr1, If I hiid my Kestrel with me l think I would have joined them, HAI It was my first day at Daytona Beach c1nd I all ready to pack up, [lo home, allC! soarl by I spent many hours study, As ihe wePk ln~J fll'OUps of soarin~J llw hiqh hotels. niese hotels extend for miles nlon;i the bec1ch. They produce lift for llw whi!<? in search of thcdr food. time one somethinLJ in the il would lei1ve the flock cmd tilide clown to its catch, After eating ils catch it would return. I found out by lalkinq to some locals that east winds arc quite cornmon and the pelicans are there ,Nery day. In this plus for modern technology towards nature. Without doubt, the hi1Jh rise hotels enable lhe pelicans lo in of food, The way the ;iliders advancin;i, next we'll be able to join them. C,eorgc New York


Oct 19G9, pp, 1'l-20


/\eronaut Hang Gliders Inc, /\PD Fligl1t Systems


/\rcadia /\ir Sports

..... 50

[Jennett Delta Wing Gliders

.. IFC, 54

Chuck's Glider Supplies

..... 15 .Al

Crystal Air Sports Duncan License Plate Frames . Eco-Nautics Inc.

. ... .46



Electra rlyer Corporation. Evergla1les Kiles


Every Man's Dream

. , .53

Flight Bag Mail Order Co.

. .. 52

Flight Healities .

. . , 40

Glider Hider.

. ... 37, 49

Go-Graphics .


Hall Wind Meter


Kite Enterprises


Kitty Hawk Kites


Laminar Sys1ems .




M Company .


Manta Products


Mehil Enterprises .


Mountain 'N' Air Sports


. .45

Pacific Gull. Peregrine Aviation Poynter Rooks , .


H,S.V. Paragon

.56 , , 40

Sail Fligllt Inc. Seagull Aircralt .

. ... 7, 56

Sky Light Fligllt

... 44

Sky Sports ,

.. 19

Southern California Scllool of Hang Gliding .


Steve Snyder Ent


SuntJird Ultralight Gliders


The Great Outdoors Trading Co,


The Hang Gliders BilJle


Ultrali\Jht Flying Machines

. .47

Ultralight Instruments


Ullralite Products USHGA

.. 5. 39

Volmer Aircraft


Wills Wing IIK

9, 12

Wind haven

. ,52

Dear Editor, Pilots on the

Dem Editor, Being in the illuslmtion business, I truly ciale the excellent work by Mark Allison lhat hils enhanced the articles appearing (;fiding (formerly Ground Skimmer Maqc1zine). llis cartoons, 3D perspective maps, and tc,chnirnl make it possible for all of us readers lo vis uahie what's beinq said. This leads to un, increased knowledge and, ultimate-


for the last year or two have noticed channc in the way glider sales are being promoted, It used to be that one could read the ilds and literature, and make mi intelliLJent choice based on ratio, degree of billow, etc. But now th,it with similar aspect ratios have about the same LJOod max L/D and minimum sink, we are being smothered with ad claims such "Ultimate machine," up everywhere," "Grandfather Mountain pilots proudly fly," "Great appearnnce," "Smile, you're (continued on poge 6)

NOVl:Ml3EI< 1917





1111 COMP! rn. OIJll II llNI, ANIJ !;(JIJIICI lllllll< I IIH IIANI; Cil llJIN(; S()fln')

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\ISIIC/\ LMD! ! M 1 SHl1r1 100% cotton. l11ql1 quality OldlHJf! u111v Mrn':-; '.;11e'.) s \fl I X I (plfrnsn circle 11'.:IIG,\ I Mill IM CAI' 0111• we 111,; dll llc1,1et1.ill ly1>: w IISIIIIA c1111lle111 NAVY OI Ol1ANl,I circle color) U:)flGJ\ :~rW cm! MDI r-M

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by autl1or:; ol 11'.;le(I lionkc, rlo not r1i;ce!;sar 1ly I etlect lJSI JG/\ policy of 111Nclr1nd1su co1\st1t11te e111Jr11se111erit


"What sort of pilot chooses the " The point l wish to make is that these are not 1Jood masons for buying particular hrnnd of glider. for moment a "Cirnndfother Mountain" pilot getting "Higher" until thermal "Pops up the nose ,md the "Cientle st21ll" (which not defined) into c1 flc1t spinl If, while diving through in c1n uncontrolled manner, the thermal now inverts him and his "Ultimate" super ship hc1s the leading break off, he can now thank "C,reat performance" and "Great appearance" and hanq on with on the way down, We need better reasons for a particular brand than this emotional baloney we have been fed the past year, it asa relief to those who value their life that the trend starting to reverse itself! Take qood hard look at the glider pulling out of full verticc1l dive on 47 of the and page 11 of the anything serious, and those who don't believe it just may not be with us very lon[J, I'm serious when I I'm ready lo buy rny next qlider, l want to know which manufaclK,MA ,Jliders that have opposed to foiling prey to 11nsupportecl claims, I am thrilled that intelligent choices n[Jain being offered, and I plan to my buyintellirien1 manner, I low about inti option in you" Bill Budd Mountain View,

Dear Editor, We have been in the sport of for back as we can for four ye,ars, It seems reme,mber them has been rumor threat of the FAA stepping into our sport and putting such stringent rules on it that it would be, next to impossible to enjoy gliclinu or even hang qlide at alL contacted the Federal Avia1ion Administration, who turned us over to the Genernl Aviation Administration, This is what their head official had to say: The Government does not, and to protect person who kite that may or not be could less, But if you passenuer in it, or put motor on it, rules may be made to control this type of activity only, You do not have to certify experim,mtal aircraft (single place), They only require visual inspection the frame by an EAA official who Gives it an experimental number, and that is it. if you build kites and only claim them to (which all 11re) the be nrnch better off But, if you the way H,GMA has set your up, you, the manufacturer, goinq to open your doors up for an easy suit This is soon you stating specific in black and white about how stronu and stable and safe your kite good lawyer will those figures up and you out business, You, the manufacturer, have just let H,(;,M,A, up

such excellent new

that it is hard to get even the. tests, In fact, there that has passed all the requirements the time. Now, are we goin~! to disclc1im our three month old qliders because there is no way three month old glider will pass all the tests'? What the 1-LC,M,A has is qood set of tests that manufacturer could perform sorne or all of at his convenience for his own satisfaction, or to help his public relations for adde,d sales, wants safe kite, but certified kite cannot be construed safe or safer, It is still experimen taL The H c; M,A certification program has for not made kites safer, Don Kreiger reqion 7 director, Michigan Hang 4 pilot, accidents on top equipment just recently, But, it can pound its chest a little for keeping the Moyes Team from flying 21! the Masters, The Moyes Team had just spent three hard perforn1inu the hasic flight certi to able to fly the 4:J-degree the stall the spin test, test, take offs and landings, general flying, and the owner's manual. Only to be told, after driving two vans from Michigan to Grandfather ML, knowin\l we had done everythin~l asked us to do, "We are with what you have done, hut I, Tom Price, will not let yu fly hem." Thanks Tom. This is what our small sport needs, inconsiderate handfull of manufacturers calling themselve,s the 1-LGM,A forcing certifica, tion proqrnm on free sport The Federal (;ovemment is not going to step in and screw thinqs up, just the I-LG,MA!!! Henry Braddock Midwest School of Hang (iliding Bridgman, Michiuan The following

dock's letter

to Henry Brcid, prepared b1,1 Gary Valle,

President f-l(]MA: ln when it became evident Hugh Morton was going to allow only HGMA certified gliders to fly at the Mountain Hang Touma, ment, Henry in an rfercu/ean effort attempted to obtain the documentation necessary to procure a Certificate of Comp/i, once for a Moyes MaxL competiti11e flyer and a distributor for the Moyes' gliders in the Midwest, Henry, without factory support very nearly accomplished in two weeks what has taken resourreful manufacturers several weeks (cmd in some months) to complete, f-le is to be applauded, But we cannot let this applause or OLii° admiration of his super-human feat overshadow an enescapable facL The documentation was incomplete, Sorry, you attempted Cl 90 yard field goal, and the footbGII hit the goal post we can't look the other WGY and pretend it went through, consideration was giuen his submission The Certification Committee wos (ls helpful and flexible os our individual commitments und responsibilities would allow, (r:onfirwed on page 8)



instance, his documentation was not in time for the Committee meeting nn

li uqmnt,; Now /\vailcitile

min. u11 '.M l1igri 11 rn pil w1nci Takes olf anr1 lai1rJs 111 i11 I mph wind 1ully crn1trollable i11 3 axis WorlcJ's first hiqh perlonnance 3-view, m1ci color

Build wmlrfs first fully controllable liang glider ® Standard aircraft controls rully engineernd Can be built in weeks Material approximcitely $400 Se11cJ for literature, specifications, and photograpl1

Kits & Materials



before the Masters. This was announced deodline for the r·eceipt of documentation for those componies desiring certifirntion prior to the Masters. Althoug/1 it was unfoir to the monufocturers /hot suhmitted their materials on time, mode special mrnngements to lwl!e Bmddock's moteriol at Grnndfather Mountoin. In addit.ion, I spPn/ mony hours at home and ot work on the phone wit/1 /fenry, ottempting /.o onswer his certification ond how he might complete the necessary doc-umentotion in such short time. In one of t/1ese telephone conoersotions we the /-/GM!\ specifirntion t/iat ultimately the of Tom declaring the documentation be incomplete. It wos the Tlwrsduv the and Henry want ed on how lie could required documentation by TuPsday. The ma· jor problem t/1e diue" test. Henry told me he was unwi//ing to do thP diue himself, could not contact Moyes, ond wonderPd if was an a/terrwtiue. J infmrnPd him that propPrly performed and documented uehic/e "anglP attack" testiniJ should in lieu of a diue resu/tinq documentotion, Unfortunatdy, when the Masters wos found to incomplete. Heory only hod data for values onule of ottoclc thought "onlv important This rnse cmgles of ottack equa//y importcmt this when the "blows down." Instability in this mnge can lend to dil!es, diverond other pitch problems, Although Henry had no data for this region he had in passing mentioned suhjective impressions in this Tom Price felt their descriptions indicoted u possihility poor pitch clwracteristics ol!er the O·degree Though to/ to his reuiPw, this the objective data in this critical region production hong The that glider, manujC1C:tured for to the geneml public could (or should?) classified on experimento/ aircraft. is ridiculous ond hos no basis in fcict. Experimental certifirntes issuPd hy thP for aircraft serving s1u:h and development, training, or showing compliance with regu/a, lions." The only related to this situation would be "opemting amateur hui/t oircrnft." Euen this is inopp/irnble for an "mnnteur built is oircruft, the mojor portion fabricated nnd asspmbled undertook the construction their own Pducation or recreation." Incident· ally, the FAA much more than time uisual inspection of the airfrome of on amoteur built oircraft. For details 112, I or mental I\ ircroft Associc1tion. The HGMA Airworthiness Stondard just glider meetinq thot o set of specifications. this stondard has demonstrated that it

broodly minimum requirements for stol>ility, controllobility, and stnicturol strpngth. While the foci o glider this stondord does not t/1ut it , it does imply thot ii is likdy the glider is os sofe as the stole of the art ollows. llroddock wuy off base when he stoles, "110 new glide,· has oil the require menL, the first " ft isn't c1 question of "possing " but rather of wesentinq documentation thot cfparf,y shows the the specifirntions in question If o problem, in most it has t/wt meet the quirements, but Pstablishing meaningful I.hods for dornmenting thot fact. The HGMA, olthouiJh comprised of and supported hy / US. hong glider manufacnot houe the or the cmyt/1in9 anybody. The airworthiness standard will (or thot it It to know some design they sP//ing to the for site opPrator that the gliders using his faci lilies heme standord of stability, rrnmeu1>erabi/ity, and structuml streniJth What doesn't nwke is someone claiming that produc· lion litlng gliders should be considered perirnentul " ond that manufacturers should perform critical oirwort.hiness tests when it

Volle, 11(,M/\

DPar Editor.

l am writinc1 this letter to compliment your m11y,1zilw 011 keepiny me alivd I signed a two contract lo work in the North for ,111 oil well clrillinq firm. I my 1/ong from home I "actual \Jct bumps shivers all over my body, especially when I about nPw record breakiny flights. l hnven't yet found any clubs or anything over here in En,ilanc!, but I hope to move to Nor way and fly the Once thanks for the macJ<izine and keep (tlw flyi11si p11blic) informed as usudi ,md some for '7'). Walker I lartlepool, England

might look at England; hang gliding has become very popular there and there numerous cluhs established. !\ddresses obtained by writing Wings, the monthly publicntion of thP British Hang G/idinq /\ssociation, Write to Wings, Lynch Down, Funt.inton, Chichester, DO 18 Haoe something on your mind'?

Magozine we/comes letters to ciddress your letters to Gliding Magazine, c/o USHGA, 66306, 90066. editor.



On October Oon Walters took Phoenix 8 into a 1!'> mph breeze from Mtn , (an mile rid,ge ) near Blue Field, West Vir· ginia, and flew miles for new Eastern distance record. (The previous Eastern record was set ,Jim Debauche flying miles at Clinch Min., Tennessee.) Flying northeast along the rid~Je, using quar· tering tailwind, Walters put together enough ridge and thermal Ii ft to complete the spectacular Hight in hrs. 40 mins. At one point the ridge "steps back" about a mile. With a southwest wind, that makes for a nice lee rotor and plenty of sink where the ridge bends lo the right. This, of course, 11<1cessi· lated gaining much altitude possible before turning downwind to get to the nexl workable tion of the ridge. Twenty.five miles from take·off, Walters en· countered a \I, mile gilp called the Narrows, where lhe New River cuts through the ridge. At this point Walters thermilled up to cloud base mid bridged the gap. Flyin,J for another 16 miles, Wailers dis· covernd that the wind had picked up considerably (esti1rnted :)5..40 mph). of the strong, [JUsty winds, the cold temperatures, m1d the dis· couraging lack of landin[l ilreas aheild, Walters cut his flight short and Jm1ded 1. 6 miles east of Zenith, West Virginia. Congratulations Don!

planning Glider Supplies will rel,clc,1tir1g in the Knoxville, Tennessee in siluated at the foot of Mountains. A new facility will built and all 1mmufacturinu ,rnd milking will take under A 2,000 loot flying will be in tllC This will enable the slilff at and fulfill rec1u11renner1ts. A fli!,lhl park plan11ecl tor A new, continental (J.S. duration by Bruce Rupert, October Lookout Mtn., Tennessee. Bruce stayed aloft in his Phoenix 8 9 hours and ::l minutes! Notin[l the wind speed and direction while driv· ing to take-off, Skip Smith remarked to Bruce !hat it looked like good day for long flight. Bmce commented that he alwilys up as lonu he Ciln. It was with that detennina1ion thc11 he took off ill 10:25 AM. from McCarty's Bluff on Lookou1 P.M., exhausted but Mtn. ilnd landed fied. Bruce that at the ridg,: lift weakened to the poir 1t where he was just scraping along below the At other times, when good themml came throu[Jh, he found himself 2500 above the rid[Je.

with comp11ter programming ilnd in to hang nlid· inq desiqn and technology. Thc:y have purchased computer that will bP used on all future The new Facility will foaturn 4,000 foot sail loft ilnd a 7,000 foot shop and office complex. Also, it will include complete Machiue Shop and c1n

and landing. land on its determined



by NOVFMl3E11


NOVFMnrn, Tllanks[Jivinq Fly in at Cl1all1111ooqa, TN


however, with Bill Floyd, Then the boomer of th,, clay mid off fm thirtyfour minutes, tlw flhJht th11t w011 the lonucst Hight m1 bowc,vcr, ,lack Mzir!in had

The book on foot launched ultraliuht tliqht 7th revision, 100,000solci'

evnnt•_; least 8

(cont1rnwd on pone 40)






l 1208-H

I\ new chute

1he works ill llf!lt,1 Wimi h,md d"ploycd drarJ chute. The t11,ilo11 :1 111 /\t this in develop 111cnL lhc bridle e1tldcl1cs lo Ilic bottom kc<:I <111d 1iloncJ the keel dnrl then dow11 lo tlw fainer on the conlrol bilr. When deployed <1t nor mal l1.111din[l Ilic chute lhe ,Jlide

speeds inore. There virl11,1ll\1 no opcnin,1 conlmll<1bilih1 of the nlidcr !"his m<1y be 111st lhc thinsi lo to "opc,n 11p" ti,Jht lanclinrJ fields, ;mcl wo11ld he item in the: of <1 thihl vmcrsiency Lmclin[J. The dr,1si chut,,s will soon hr, ;1v<1iliihlc lo I he public

fly Richmd I lenson The "Bermel! Mountain, Tow Winch," rleve?I oped hy /\l ,Jenny, member of Flinhl intwcluc:ecl to tlw h;inq HlidinrJ communily c1t durinu ll 1c 197'7 World Delt,1

f<ilc/(ili,:ler Chrnnpionsl1ip Tlw winch very well by both tow ,md fool launch pilots. The first pilots lo fly on it other lhmr om South Floridc1 uroup nett flyers, ,John Brnnt ,mrl Brant remmlmd ih111 it didn't lwinu towed but more like

foci like fliqht

smooth !ill. Moyes, rcprescntin/.l the Moyr,s

Very fovornble initial flisJhl h;wc been com pleted on 1ww lJltrnliuht Prnclur;ts qlider. For Uf' buil1 their protolyrw but used


the next to try the Benncl1 Mountt1in. l\ftcr ,.1 foot line i,1kc off he climbed the top and pulled out his own lirn, to 2000 foel. /\flcr landinq cornmentecl llmt !he wincl1 was the qicatest lhinq lo happl'n to towc:d hanq the hcst cotne from

1,11m I !is

Bill Moyes, tl1c1I lw felt tlic winch would lulionize tire sport

,it tire of /\nn Arbor, Mich launched with :JOO of line ;;nd pulled off 2:300 of line ;ind approximately 2000 of rdfi. t11de. /\lso,

Voorhees, of


abou1 l 700 feet in a Phoenix 6B. released a frc<:' flight of ()1/2 rninutcs. If I've ,rrnuscd your curiosity by now, of how 1hc system works. A disc lo the dmm and is conlrnllccl the drum feels through the pnll of the The pressure of the brake adjus1i1blc

version low system which in physical appearance looks somewhat like mine. 11 is built substantially liqhter 1han the Kite, Enterprises Tow System. I have been told of three scpara1c illciclencc;s of in· lhc·air structural fililure of this competin\J product. lll one cc1se, l know the flyer WilS seriously injured. In ,mother, I am told th,,1 the flyer's qlicler Wi:\S d<? stroyed, altlwuqh without injury to the pilot. l collcemed for 1wo rcc1sons: First, I don't wish to sec anyom, hurt or killecl. Second, I keep hcming of people who rr1istakenly claim that one of my biirs foiled in fliqht. For the record. I know of no inst,mce in which ,1 Kite 1ow bar has fililecl in fliqht. Since I am the only ma1111fc1clurcr of conversion 1ow bars who it is only natural 1o think that any conversion low bar WilS built by rne. Since this no! the rnsc, I will give 21 physirnl description of my lli\rs. ,uc made of aluminum, and the

release the 1ension. I\ release feature,

line tension gaunc, and line pny out

arc also indud8d. We've found 1bO lbs. lo be about right ,mcl line pc1y outs in of 1600 fed per minule me commrn 1. can control the line pay out by pushing in on lhc control bar. i\i this poinl n Hang llI rating with the towinn to qualify for a land tow. Roland Ak,xandcr of Orlando, D,m O'Neil. Russell of Minmi, hc1ve done extensive wilh the winch mounted in a have! towed through lift and sink comfortnbly. For further details or ,1 test fli,1ht. contc1c:t: Linero or Bill Bennett 211: Delta Wing Kites & PO Box 4H:l Vm1 Nuys. C1lif. <JI 1.213.7gc/.(i(i()()

uprights arc

To1he Clidinq Public: I manuf,1cture: f(ite Enterprises Tow and I have been recently maclc aware of situation about which I wish 1o m,.1kc ,r statcrnellt Another manufacturer llils l,ccm makin[l c1 con

of l" x 1

wall tubintl The re

lease is made of riold ec1d pl21tcd steel and has 120() lbs. max load stamp8d on i1. The lower tube is 1 Y,," in diameter, and c11 keast 120" thick If you flying with i\ conversion tow system. and you don't know if l lmill it, call me at (214) :3S0-4%S or niqhts (2 I 1) 4:m. l 62:j with any questions. Dave Owner. Kite En1eri1riscs

11 011111!', /\Iii IIYINC: IIIGHrn /\ND I 111/\N YOII 111<1. M/\Ylll YOU Nfrn CONlfWL Of YOIII, /\Ill SPIUl. /\SI< Pl /\I Ill /\llOIIT f I If


H-2 Clouds H-4 Flight

(Line on Beige

Dk. Brown Navy on

Lt. H-6 Sunset (Highlv color) H-8 Rockot Mao (Highly dotailod full color)

Ml. XL Wom1:1n'11 Ml. Shirl: Col01'11: Lt. Blue, Yollow, and Boigo Order: Please sand chock or monoy order. name and number, two shirt type, size, choicos and your to:


NOVLMBEf< 1977

requirements after a ori2··t1Ia111 cheick The was brand new, wi!h th,! lah!S1 electronic communications and navigation A zip down lhe runway and we were airborne. Now we had chance to appreciate the varied volcanic lakes rimmed with mountains three thousand feet flat coastal

with the temperature the That's

around the country side we landed at 1he airport, thanked l'.:c11uarclo, and were off to the hotel for lunch over some of the roads

it is its sys

in Central America on our ::,a.1v,1dc1r in late June. A one hour was scheduled the transfor flight to San the city and our destination. The scenery viewed the was to be a preview of in abundance in El

the winter A hard wind to them

!f you

And what he said was true. Weatherwise, was And the pure While on top of the mountains our later outings we checked for any sign that wind had bent the trees and but none was found. Further, the wind did not seem to with it does back in mile an hour breeze in the on top of

take you there. There reason for that. Outside the city limits the is al most continuous coffee one after far the eye can jun What may look to the untrained eye may in fact the shade for coffee trees. cotton, and coconuts, Carlos exports. And the roads dre the serve all. We arrived at the (contirnwd on page: 38)

We boarcfod and in minutes were pulling up to the terminal. It looks like smc1ll version of National We and central Arn,>.ric,,

sections owned a owner. Eduardo got us into his"nlc1ce engine and gave 16

A hang glider captures tile ima,1ination of an entire village in El


In c:oun1ry contest. And it has been

hundreds of

and found lo he

of !he fom1s and rules printinq and for !older lhilt will be of 1he vmious 1um points ilia! will for 8

lirocliure which will 11,1me ill! the con1es1mits ilnd their previot1s In other words the 00 req1 will have lo be hand!C?d very

m1lry lhe


excep1 for 20':{, of the when small amount of r,,in will fall oul of the over. Cumulus Nimbus cells which rrmy form c,bout 3 to !"i P. M. The will be rainless. We eat out of the 1nmks of our /\ town of 20,000 is loca1ccl aboul l 0 miles from our launch site. We on the 1::lth and 14th of ,rnd we learned a couple of It very cold <1t 15000 foct So W8 wear our tlwrmal 1mcle1we,u, our clown down j,Kkets, and ski on the next flighl. We lemn that at 8000, when we run 1o He! r1irbomc, I he altitude he 12, 00() in and we either need little more wind cominH up the i\t sea level or we need lo nm harder, faslcr, and We learn thc1! somclimes we have lo wait minutes or so for some thcmml action to come the lmmch site and the wind 40'' wind, to i\ wind cominq up 1he /\II in nll, we are very wi1h Ihe takeoff am,i. It hi-is il no Imes, and plenly of room to run. We learn th<1t a cross country flitJht of miles really easy, and that the turbulence, in or out of tlierrmils, not qoinq to invert our because we hcwc tnken precautions 10 insure thal the the siw for our ilnd thdt we have chosen a th2,1 we handle in turbulence. Our two practice clays me fun bu1 I11<, o//ic:ia/ df(; arc ci real blilst. In fact we compele for tlie first time in pure cross countn; On the Filh of we attend the mectinq ,it 8:00 /\.M. There are con. testnnts. of them are from other countries. We ilrc Iold that about :m pi· lots can \m usinq in the one launch arcd. This means thal it will take approxi one hour and fifteen minutes 1o launch <1!1 the if ,a,1Vi1111,11 to For this rc2ison, draw numbers ( l thru 7:'J) out of will then choose their take off time in sequentinl order. The first pilot 1o choose can select c1ny take off time. I\ bomcl will show l 80 take off limes, one rninute ap,1r1, and runninq from 12:00 noon until'.) P.M. Each retains the number drnwn out of the hal and each the first l 5 numbers are behind the others, so that each has ehnncir,n the take off time de• lmovJ!cdqe of weather conditions vs cnuntry time.of pertains lo and dislanccs, will he v<m) usc/111 here. It will be part of ,1 pilol' s countrv skill 1o know 1lic best time of take off fm desired l<1sk on c1 qivcn On ,July 15th free distance task c,11lccl. This rneans that the pilot flyinu the fdrthest line distance will receive firs! for the cmd 1000 points. The rest of the


of less lhan J 000, the clis!anc(' fly on !his will substantiate the distance flown otita11.1mq the siqnalures of two witnesses have viewed the assembled on th(, with the lime 2rnd date set forth on the form. The where we will land, no matter al what distance, is desert with a alfolfo fields located here ,md there. qoinq lo land or near an fmrnhouse in order lo oh1din wi1ncsses. To pinpoint the mcc1, !he must use his Gimem to t;ilm pictmcs of the witnesses beside some sorl of road marker which can latet lhc eXi:\CI site need be. On our trnnsportation whiclc takes us to the lc1unch area we notice il board with the date written in letlers 6 inches There is a bin wi1h siqns of for each pilot with his mime on it. The will select his or her name, hold i1 across the chest, stand in fronl of the board and have the attendant take a with Ilic ecimcrn. This will the roll and will record the date, imaqe, i!nd the name. The carry the camera with him for use

be well above us wlwn we their position. You can't help notinq tlmt very convenient to have lhe thermals marked for you olher Even the of the thermal is obvious to how fast the others us because we can are el1rnl1mn We note the direction the other kites me tuminq because we must the rule lhat join another who is in thermal we musl turn in the same direction. We climb foct in C> minu1cs. Then we note sever,d kites quarter mile away qoinH up /itster lh,rn me. downwind from us, in the direction we've decided to So we leave our thermal and straiqht toward 1hcirs. we've the blue and kite that we remember was scheduled for t<1ke of/ l O minutes before ours' We're

for l2rnnch. We've had

Now we've been in the air 2'h hours. Lift conditions much because we've lef1 the White Mounlc1ins bel iind We have some lower hills to aid in ~Jcncrntinq the thermals. we reillize that we're t.nmble to find thc1t "next" thermal. We'll


"Concentration is the name of the game. We must use every second to concentrate on our thermal while we in it and every second to o/Jserve and weather concfitions whEin we're that we quickly and find tho next thermal."

taken. Our launch is al l. 21! site It is J: l ;: and the whole schedule is runninH a little now if the wind or we can wait un1il l 17 but no1 than minutes after the scl1ecluled time of our bunch. If we don't launch I we must up our kite and haul it to sile which has been set aside for who rnn't launch within their pre· scribed limits. There no time limits at 11' s first conie first served. The wind 2md we take off at l · 17. No is allowed within !'JOO

usual and we can kites 700 yards away in a therm,! qoinq up fast. We toward


Wlloons, there i\re 1wo kites way down in

Looks like have to ldnd. s1(:111t,se(!inq. Concentration is 1!1e name of the Dame. We mus1 use every second lo concentrate on our thcrm,il while we are in it and every second to observe arid wc<1ther conditions when

very Below lit1le the hisJhway This tells us that the desert on each of the where it runs quite level and flat, ,md safe for Wi:Hll 1o be in the con1est again tomorrow, we up lbe option of miles to our tolal and land where the We've had 11reat flinhL We llilvcn't seen a kite for the last half hour. we\11! won the Fifteen minutes after our a car appn),1<:11(,s from the north. We qel it 1o stop and do om pl101<1q1·ar:it1 turns, and ask ti 1c driver'" ,r.,.nno crew which is by !lie Shell slation. We don'1 mind 1he wc1itin~1 lt's been



We find ourselves isn't the most cxcitin\J, we've ever done in mos! c1dvenrurnus our lives. we'll stop our /\ncl now 1978 contest. H's November 1977 and time to phone our elected rnpresenldtives lo lei them know how we feel 21bout this rin:m,os,,t NOVEMBEP 1971

commences in /11/e



For the second year in row, Grandfather Mountain hosted the Masters Tournament of Morton, owner of the mountain,


and said, give me meet." the Masters Tournament Commi1tee, headed Dave Murchison, pnmciea into many months of and organization, work that culminated in one of the most meets to date. point in the Grandfather Mt. the Mt. chain and consists of

the some were worth noting. M<mc:im;, sevc"ral pilots went over to Tater Hill to try some different North Carolina terrain. While most worked a bit of lift before next to (continued on page


NOVEMBEf< 1977



into the clouds of wlrnl he cilllcd

Mount,1in. Stu and ,J wirn! dummies for the lo liilVV

front si( le.

(con/inued on J)OfW 31)



were dck:<1wd ovcL The

and clot1hlc That evcni11q the firMlisls were nrn mcccL Mike /\rrarnhidc, winconslstc:ntlv flew his borrowed Curmdus positio11 well ahc;id of the other finalists, lie would joined 1he linal

(Phoenix 11), Tom

lladdon (HJ Meter)


this point thc1l the weatlwr

dccick:d to do number, The meet officials were \]citing bit about ,m in~i cold front ilnd dcciclcd would try to

round ol the fin,ils that

blown oul, When the weather , ",,,""" the 11 rot1nds wi1 lmllt rnuch

1m;cntJe:d 011 Ilic rn1qn:11ulations, Tomi I

Phoenix 8


Chris Perkins


Mike Arrambide

Cumulus 10

,.I elf Burnett

Phoenix 8

Barry Gordon

Olympus 160

Tom Haddon


TOP LEFT: pilot sots up a low approach ovor the alder trees to get into the tight landing area. Photo by Leroy Gran· nis. TOP RIGHT: Meet winner Randy Cairns (left) collects his $500 in prize money from Don Whitmore. Photo by Keith Nichols. BOTTOM: Unidentified up for extra drag. Photo by

clement weather. Don Whitmore announced a refund of rnost of the entry if would to remain and fly in an tion on for the Canadian television network music, and smiles filled the rest of the after· noon 4 P. M. of cloud slowly funneled of Grouse Mountain. there was flying, and the

1977 --the first of the rneet. Rain. The mu1able Northwest weathwas for this SEPTEMBER of the North American met the fate as the found a dismal clot of

launched into cross·lo-downwind conditions. Joe Grnblo and Kristen Hartinain made flight, much to the of doom The

and those who maxed their duration task second window was from P.M. to 4 P.M. A catheclrnl of cloud hovered in front the mountain and offered thousand different its sanctuary. ,Joe and worked 1hemrnl lift to 800 feet takeoff The record Labor went -.,wr·,,cm, went with




wind course. I consider it wrong. It should be said that no that land rows of trees, unless there is in the matter. The nr,"'>h,,hilit, turbulence would make risky, at best. As I understand



the headwind approach through


that l would have the indicates that down· wind into the of the shadow would be far better than cross· wind The

Cf0$$Wif11f ,:1r,,vn~N>


entails the

rolled near the


(continued from page 16)

a group of teenagers were soccer and paying no attention to the small group of strangers and pointing to the 1500 foot rnountaintop and but not really flyable, The field the field, was about 2 to 1 from but on its radio tower, Let's go to the top and what we can discover there, Two launch sites were and the best was the road at the mountain's An estimated HiOO to 1800 feet verti caL A of the ctro,pp.,cl off

ratio was the city of Santa Anna, areas were available from to 1 on out. Roads ran to several of the fields, This would make an excellent contest site, A whole series of flight maneuvers would be distance, pylon turns, course, spot landing, super site for an international meet Sunset and decided that this would be the site he would test later in the week I wished I stay ing in the country to make the but l had scheduled meetings in W,asr1in,:;itcm on and would have to We out the small bushes and two trees that would have to be downed to dear the takeoff site. we were Hi,ire was none, The next rnoming '-'C<rn,,c, 1vu,cau troduced his Colonel Roberto Santivanez, the [)irector General of Miqr;3ti()n, member of the Board of Directors Tourist Cc,mtnission, parachutist Santivanez was and we had a Hreat conversation about the hang potential of the country, the possiible contest site we found then"''" hot,wo

go a its it in tourist adve1,tisinq and other promotions. We visited cable-car site that co1moletion just outside private investment businessrnan who also constructing an amusement top of the mountain. The cable would be worth the admission At the top we found the cable around and checked the for possible take off sites. ous, but at this wind thermals

wouldn't want to interfere with air traffic around it "That's no " he says, ''I'll shut down the airport" But what about the scheduled airlines we wondered, "Nothing will " he says, "airliners, avia, lion, military , nothing will be in the air when we decide to Hy this site,'' I the FAA lo hear ls this site were asked? Oh detiniitelv, we trying our best to hide the bubble of tmthusiastic wl'1oc,pir1g buH,clin,g in our chests, takeoff site at the We found of the mountain, but som<c! coffee and shade trees would have to be cleared, It turned out to no The owner to dear later informed 11s he would be to our instructions and our activity to his mountaintop, it would prove to be a crowd

noon for We were back but decided instead at Mc· had steak sandwich Donald's. We (delicious) and then some ice cream at a store next door, The raisin flavor was fantastic Our stomachs top of the volcano one mile wide The inside is and the bottom is about 1500 feet below, Would it be pos,smJe to fly inside the volcariol takeoff arna looked do

Carlos drove in,

which opens to unpre:parec1 for, The road and branches re,malecl the bottorn

of the earth had out and in its was a lake flve miles in diameter, nearly cir, cular. It was volcano, with an island off to one side, Trees and crops were grow, ing on the steep sides, Looking down toward the shore below us we could see beautiful the homes and rnanicurecl crater lake, ln back of us the mountain gn,d11allly to the floor, Coffee farms In front of us the perlmJ)S r:iO to the

movie set. On the for side the rim of the vol, the cone of an even one, cano ctn:>pJplrl/J off to its left and with a all covered with trees except at the very top, The road to our left continued on to hotel and restaurant of the Tourist Commission, We followed it to the to other side of the volcano rim and look back the lake to our first over, look This was The road con tinued on up the mountain toward the hotel stc)pf:)ed at another site it which appe,an:id to offer the best flight into the vol, the lake, A few trees would have small tourist hut but we were again assured that was no orc)b!em and would done, we arrived at the hotel cte,vel,:m, ment and our tourist the gate and into the guest area, We had been gaining altitude on the road since we turned from the lak(l behind us and the view ahead we would be We walked from the lot a thilt led between the area and the resboardwalk ov(irlook We were to ple:as,mtly s111rrmseo again. The boardview of incredible

when we flew it in Eduardo's I knew it was near the rim and apcumulus clouds be solid, thousand feet below over the top, The Uc:ea,n ,vai; iust discernible on the horiwith some Flat to the ocean, In south wind it would be possilble to launch from ltzalco and up on thermals as To our left the mountain fell away to the floor about feet below, fields from fantas,, Ev,m a NOVEMBEI;> 1977

montlilv p11blicillio11. 11/\NC, c;LJDINCi 11wJi11i1w Hr1k;:, pilots <1nc! certifies instructors Sr111ctlon:) lllC'.('1:; for loc<1L nc1tionc1] r1nd interndtion<1l ch;1rnpionships

l{ec:ouni;cs 011tst<111dinq flvi11q with 0110 I .il1, 0 nthdl /\w,mls l{epn°sen:•; \/OIi m1tio11;11ly ,.rnd inlcmc1lirn1,dly 1i11il11:ih the N,ilionill /\erondulic /\s•;n (Ni\/\). a divisio11 of the "

h,der,11 /\ern11,111tique lntern<1lirn1c1le (F/\1) lic1son bet1wen pilot ;md 1hc public r<'Jll"<'Sl'nl inq l1c111:l <JlidirnJ ;it :.iovcmmcn1 level•;


I r1pplv for rnernbersltip in ll1e Uniled Stdies I l1m~l (ilidinq /\>,socidtio11. Inc


PHONF( /\(;!

I include my d1ecl1 or money order lor <111m111l dues I $20 FlJI .f ($21 forei,111) lJSI IC j/\ me111lwrsl1ip lwrwfih J


/\•," full 11w111bn vuu receiw l

$1:J /\SSUCI/\Tl Ml:MBEE ($1 h foreiqn) US! I(;/\ membership bencfih

i•;s11es of I 1/\N(i

/\s ,111 assoc1c1tc mPmher you recl'iw 12

JDINC: 111d<JMinc. pilol li;ihilily imrnc1ncu ,md ,,II of 11/\N(;

Suh•,criptirn1 to H/\NC Cil .IDINC m<1\J<11i1w. for111crh1 (;HOUND SI<IMMFR is available ()NJ Y


;JJI JIN(; m,l<Jd!ill<'. ;111rl mos1

p,irl of memliersliip in the /\ss()Ciilfion

(conlinued from pnge 11)

On the morning of October 12, Trip Mo,11;,,no, took off from field above the ocean on the Palos Verdes Peninsula; his destination: Santa Catalina Island 26 miles away. his y(dlow and black Hiser 101 the channel has substantial shark population, he prudently ranged to have boat follow him over in the event of a water landing. He up gallons of his 3 gallon tank of fuel maintaining an altitude between 400 imd 600 feet above the water. At times, quartering tailwind kept hirn well of the retrieve hoat The voyage look brief 36 minutes, but for Trip who was navigating by compass through thick haze imd fog for :·m of those 36 minutes, bit longer th,! Isthmus of Catalina Island, Trip flew to Avalon HMbor, did 360' s the and landed

place on only, Saturda1/ s winds were good and many pilots attendin,J the meet experienced their first long soaring flights. Sunday's winds for the meet wern not quite as cooperative, being variable (}.5 miles per hour. The meet director assisted by tolal of judges, (which pylon judges, scoring judges, etc) and flight supervisor. The adept and knowlcdrieabl,? made it possible to send off pilots, one right other, Two events scheduled for with ead1 pilot flying twice four flights per pilot Pi tasks desi!Jned to test skills at maximum minimum sink, pylon maneuvers, ancl landin,i accuracy. When asked wllill he contributed to lhe of the meet, John "l condensed the tasks to one day me,.,t tasks covered and tested many of the pilots' skills rather than just one pilot had to be and proficient in many in order to win. Final results

Club ran



The meet Brady 1~;,rmms in East Brady, The site is 500' cliff launch with a somewhat tricky landing arna, and is ra!(?d for Hang III pilots, The flying lasted 3 days, (Sep· !ember 3, 4 & 5), with fun flying scheduled for Saturday and Monday. The judged events took

Ohio Dough Affolter, Ohio

1, Jack Kelly, Ohio 2. Don Glasgo, PA 3. Jess Matheson, Ohio 4. Bill Kuhar, Ohio

Fc1lcon V Cirrus Il Moyes Maxi Falcon V Falcon V

Spitfire Pappion Seagull m Spitfire

Both I st place pilots received cash prizes and trophies. total were qiven out lnternstin[J Note: John the club is becoming incorporated and will have all papers completed in about week



S1~,TE~1ENT OWNERSHIP, MArJAGl:MEl~T CIRCULATION (Act of August 12, 3685, fitle 39. United States publicalion: HANG GLIDING October 1, 1977 of issue: Monthly, of Known oltice of publication: \Jenice Blvd , Los Angeles, CA address: P.O Box CA 90066) of lhe hcadq1rnrters 01 offices of the publisl10rs: 113121/2 , Los Angeles, CA 90066. P O Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA and adcJressos of publisher, mananinn editor. Publisher: United Gliding l\ssociation, Inc , Box CA 90066. Editor and Richard Gri1Jsby, 9218 Slate1 Chatsw,orth, CA 91311 United States Hang Inc., PO Box 66306, ltf; officers are: Lloyd Ucher, St. i/4, Novato, CA 94947: Vice-President, 1184 Oneida St., PA 16801; Kay Brake, Blvd., Oklahoma City, 816 N, Stoneman

Part: "No person who would have lleon to mail matter under former or this title shall mail such matter rates provided under this less he files am111ally with the vice a written request !or nnrmi,;sirrn mail rnatter at such rates." accordance with the provisions of I lrnreby request permission to p11lblicati11n in Item t at the reduced presently authorized by 39 IJS.C Signed by: Richarrl Grigsby, Editor and nature of circulation: Total no. copies printed: 10,100 mo.; 11,400 tor issue #56. Paid circulation through dealers street vendors & counter sales: preceding 12 mo., 2662 for Paid circulation, mail subscriptions: procedinq 12 mo : 7,898 !or rot al paid circulation: 9,206 12 mo., 10,560 for issue #56 and 02) Free distribution by mail, other means: ·1) samples, other free copies, 2) copies cJisltrib1.1ted aqents, but not sold: 93 av.Imo 12 rno.; 97 for issue #56. rotaT distribution: 9,299 av.Imo. mo.; HJ,657 for issue #56. Office use, leff-ovcr, unaccounted, printing: 383 avJmo. preceding for iss1.1e #56 Returns from news agents: 418 mo,; 0 for issue #56, Total: 10,100 av.Imo. preceding for issue #56 that the statements made by me amJ complete. Signed by Richard Grigsby, Editor.


l ,111 \ouk til llw -111 l1k\' c1 [,11d 1 1\ 1egul.11 ln11ndr\


( ,11'.ll


lh1llw1', lnPk tlwil'.1llw1

( R\'d1\I

\\'11,d du \'1H1 I lo\\

1~ iwn


,1huut I\ lwt\ IH 1~ ( pl))1• In

For 1he beauty of flyinq h,m(JCBliders has been polished by the irllil(Je of a clean, simple, quiet, uncomplicated machine that was capable of st,1yinn aloft with only the expertise of the pilot and stiff breeze. With lhe advent of the 1ww lion Hoqallo, and fixed winq qliders, howev<2r, we need much th;m stiff lo q<2t off and aw;iy inlo the hlue, At the Silme time, many pilots hilve come to rdy on an of instru ments to tell them when they're climhin:J, sinkinq, how hiqh they how fost they're flyinq, ,md where they've! However, do we reillly those dials, ;111d beepers to qet hiqh'? If Hed T,1il hawk find ;ind utili,e thermal lift wi1hout vario or altimeter, why can't we'/ The answer simple _ we haven't learnecL ll is possible to develop "vario " It practice, and palience, hul the results gr;itifying, You will be morn attuned to your glider, the i\ir, and the ground whcm you l1,1ve dirnini\ted the n<cecl lo continually be payin13 a1tcntion to your variorneter. Okay_ here's your free variomcter kill Web, ster's Dictionary drdines pmallax ''The ;ip, parent displacemen1 , __ of an object from two different points uot on slraiqht line with the object" To pilot, flyinq prom! into an of inq ;1ir, wha1 Mr. Webster means (I think I) that if vrni me risinq, objects on the qround seem to move closer toward a given point beneath you, and if you are sinkinq, those objects move away from that point Simple, then to core a thenm1l, riqhf) Wronql Sensory illusions arc;, rampant whE!11 you' re two, three, or five thousand feet a hove tcrr;,1 firma, bouncintl dround in your tJlidcr, and you must learn to identify and eliminate thos1i illusions. I .el me share the most common errors. just because the seat of your pants tells you you're pullinq positive if doesn't necessarily mean you're qoinq up. For example, dive your silidcr hard, then push out _ 1\5 your nosci comes up, the increc1,;e, but you can still lose al!itucle ew,,1 after the arc of your recovery comes p,m,llcl to the earth's surface. Flyinq through tnrbulence associated with thermals can give this same illusion iqnore your C meterl The second easiest mistake to make is to watch the f]round qet farther and farther away beneath you, but still you mily be losing altitude. This curs when you fly away from a slope in neutral air. It's obvious whc1t hilppcminB here, (unless your I Ill matches the! slope), you ilrc visually and really

but not altitude. As the !Jilininq umund hill foils aw,1y bdow you, look bcJck; the Brnund will be qoinq up directly behind your kccL This phenomcn,1 ,1 problem when you me uboue the surroundinq terrnin, and 1mlamiliar with when llyin~1 cross country ovrr new roule You must have wily to "frneze" il point on the tJrotmd for parallax. I'll expl,lin how in ,1 minute. The third mm,t common error can happen when you arc up with c1nother qlider, lf you tc1ke c1 bear inq on vour winqmate, and me dimbin(J in relation to him or her, it may be illusory. If the other qlider is sinkinq at :~00 /pm, and you <1re sinkintJ at 100 /pm, the difference won't gc1in you much altitudel Don't watch your friends! The simplest method of lm1minq parallax to fly fomiliar ricl~Jeli!t (Prorn, works best for me, ilS this position allows an unobstructed view of the earth dirnctly beneath me.) Leilve your scrcaminH meemie vario on the qround now, ,md slep into the sky at qood old Strawberry Hidqel Once in the air, find the smoothest lift in an empty sky so you don't have to concern yourself with other qliders or bumps. Nexl, dive down below your maximum die titudc, come straighl into the wind, slow your nroundspeed much possible, then direct your vision lo some point on the qround dimctly be houses, rocks, or nude sunc neath you. bathers will do nicely, Concenlratc on Jh,1t point, and you qain altitude (crs well fjrotmd elem ance), note whcYI happens. The object will shrink In ,1cklition, in your peripheral vision will move toward it P,m1llc1x variomcterl Far outl riBhj'i but ifs c1 bit more complicil1ecL The turbulence surroundinq risinq thermal, well as the to in the lift, means you lmvc to pay attention to much hiqher deqrec th,m when you're workin~J a ridg<,, Li/1 mused l,y positive lapse ,md wind sheM ilren't locc1lized thcmrnl, and may not require 360's, I'll only therrnals vou know, for every action there exists an equal ,md opposite reaction. For me, IJJis means I.I 1at when I'm sniffinq thermals, and lind turbulent I'm eilhcr 9oing to !lO up, or down, very shortly. Interface Concenlrntel Usu;illy I'm concerned primarily with kecpinq my Blider level, and will wait until I encounter an ;wc,1 of smooth i\ir. If conditions are radical then 1 don't look for much when it comes, I find point below me ;mcl watch it like sky hun!Jry hawk If my parallax tells me I'm qoinq up, I hold my headinq until I have cmouqh smooth air behind me to :360, then CRANK I On the otlH,r h;md, if lhe biq P says sink, and I wilnt lift, I scram, In questionable lift, I then strniBhtcn out ;md check the 1iro1md point aqain. If Uw earth still shrinkinq, back into the 360s, As the doctor rcpea1 as often needed I Parnllax won't tell you how many feet JK!r min ute you are uoinq up or down, bul to me it isn'1 im portant up up, and down downl /\s your skill however, you will be able to discern smaller differences in the r,1te of parallax, and this will help you to find the strnnqes1 portions of any qivcn lift. You learn morn with every hour you spend aloftl There arc many liictors that cause ilir to move, and it not within the scope of this article trJ define where to find lift, sin!,, or turbulence . if you don't know what's out there, you probably men't re;idy to fly by p,irallax. If you do know what's out there, sell your vdrio to friend, and qo thermal l 111nlinq with the Ffod-T'c1il on his terrnsl

for glider tubinn,

An all-new

Increases LID up costly by virtually drag of proves penetration! A must for the country and competition enthusiast. protect vital tubes from danc;ierous destructive iJbras· ion. 'PROTECTION

'DURABILITY At only 1.4 oz/ft the flexible, resilient, and weather--resistilnt design allows easy installation and hassle-free maintenance.

LOW · For fraction of what you paid for your ship why not max out Introductory offer:

dents add

and handlin(J. 6% tax)


blue. crossbar diameter, tow weight if sulJm,enied)



red, and size, and recommended may gain

LAMINAR SYSTEMS 5645 Ave de Vinedos Anaheim, Calif. 92807 998-2154


II We skipped this column last month while Chapters, which lmdjusl received got tl1eir reporting act together, go of our first regular instnl/rnent, (The numbers in parenthesis odjacent to Chop/er names the order in which they hecame occepted into the USHGA program,)

Delaware Glider Assn.


Box 216 PA 18976 Special report to HG by Penny Limisey of SepL J 977, We We have a 18w new and me in also tryillfl to hopes of (]Oing to Skimont with Dennis Pagen in mid,Oct.

Southern Gliders Assn. (111) Box 49323 Tucson, Al 85707 Special report to HG by Dennis I,, Lusl<, Flt. Dir On ,July 14, 1977 ,fack Davis, SAHG/\, flew from 350 It. high "/\" Min, 6,000 ft above take,off and flew 20 miles until he was forced down by squall line,

Southland Southland Alex Don npuu,,va I Bassett SL Reseda, CA 91335 "The (;mat Certification Hassle" by Don Apodaca (877 issue)

!Don first reviewed the controversial handling of HGMA certification at the 1977 Nationals, pretty much going over previously covered in HG, and then did some original brief interviews on the subject with n few prominent Southland person· alities. I Gary Volle (Pres,, I !GMA) I just don't under stand it people find loopholes is not back stabbing the HGMA so much the whole hanq ~iliding movement , Bill Bennett (Delta Winq Kites) I foci very dis appointed that those manufacturers who spent time, money and effort to obtain certification were treated in the same manner as those manufo(>, the USHGA's turers who completely ultimatum and made no endeavor whatsoever. Dave Muehl (Eipped"ormance) My hat's off to !Gary] Villle for nil the work he's done. I felt for th first time them was chance [ for the USHGA] to show some strength. I'm really disappointed,

Bob Shoe!< (Pacific Gull) If you didn't qet your 9lider certiiied ycm would have had choice of certified Hlider nothinH, lt would have been unfair to not have allowed other companies to compete. Rich (Edi1or, HG) The USHC/\ ap· pears to have inl,igrity. /\t first I was out. raged. but when I looked al both sides I could un derstand the reasoning behind the decision. We should look ahec1d to the future I when I nil USHC/\ s11nctioned meets will require manufactured 9JicJ. to be cerlified, M,rnufacturers who did qct certi fied will \Jet plenty of promotion out of ii. by Jack Hobart (8 77 issue) [neclf ,Jacinto, Calif.[, flying sites, h,,s roads one of our Indian Tribe, This in the closed by 1he fli\Jhls from the site includin(l wake 7,000 ft. gain mid ![; . mile out an(J,return by

,John and l Bob the Tribal Council, who was and appreciative of our for (1) Fire danuer coupled with very People dumpinq trash on their property (not us). (:'l) Excessive mad (4) Problems with hunters.

They me willinH to talk with us lat the] rn~xt tribal mcetinH we agreed to rirge all fly. to respect an absolute ban on all flyinH at this super for of the fire in, duding c11ternp1ing to gain access via other routes, A pilot's meelin~J was held at the landinq area on ,July 24 to the word and crate a list flie;,s in formin,J a maintain the site if need be "Eaglet Builder Tells How & Why" by William L Lerner (9. 77 issue) [A 56,yeor.old power and sailplane pilot who turned to hong gliding because of all the problems with the first two types of flying, including his rious hearing impClirment, tells win; he decided to switch to the Americon EClglet rn1xiliory·powerecl sport sailplClne. He describes the kit he is building and the realities tlwt get left out of fancy promo info. An excellent critique you should read if interested in the EClglet, but too long to re produce here (drop 50¢ and 11 return, stamped, self.oddresscd erwelope in the moil to SHGA and ask for a copy). I "Low Priced Propellors" by Buckley (9. 77 issue) Grish Brothers, Inc, a well known 1rnmufocturcr of propellors for model airplanes is goinH lo make us, available through their distributors and from shops, A fow ago while in a shop I was Sur· prised to find 24 in !diameter! by 10,in.·pilch prop at the counter. ltisc/ose to wlrntwe need, The

price $13, I called Tony Cirish and he was encoura9i11H. l·fo will work with us to come up the lwst pitch diameter for our needs, props m,1chine carved but require a little to inu and ba!ancinB, Instructions arc with the finishing, which takes about half an

i9 Cortland, NY i3045 Special

to HG by Cc1thy lies

In the middle of the summer, July sometime, held fly·n·thcm with sponsors and the to try and money for retarded successful . , Our tolc1I was 1,!}00.0C} We had with lots of ,mxious spectators, friends, and flyers I The flyers did ,Jet some air later in 1he clc1y . /\bout week after that, the from cuse" returned, except one, Robert Kells, remained at tire WW factory out in Santa Ana. a great trip home, with little resources, lots of slides, motorhome for sale, and kites on top for also, C,oodfollow, Shane Dale Shemmn, Mike ht.mH around here for started Hettinq antsy ,rnd headed back out with another area flyer, ,Johnny Beach. I guess went all over the place, including Oklahoma Mike flew in the Nationals). Anyway, they went to bimJer and better things,

We'll finish Cathy fies' report next month, some excerpts from the New England Hang ing Assn, RidHe Rider, ond whc1te1Jer other terial arrives in time,



FLEX! $:l50 Call,

17' Excellent condition. Prone ham<ess. 5306:100

with sail. $350 or hes! !'j62, S11tter Creek, CA

FREE FLIGHT 1?. With harness. While sail. $350 (21:l) 344.47]'.l.

condition. $5ti0 With bilq. Cilll,

OLYMPUS 160 Good condition Pilot quilling flying. $f,OO (7M) 984,0529 or 9842489.

PHOENIX 6B. New. $67:i. lnlermediate and bcqinncr. lbs 1 $'.!%. Tow kites :'l11rm,0111:c B, malw offer. little. on the keel and !e1vllnB ed~Jcs. lf in 1nany hnnn gliding businesses will be hr1ppy to nivc an objcctiv0' opin ion 011 the condition nf equipment yo11 bring ihl!m to inspect


lbs. and can be constrncted in <1H! nn,tessl(,n,,1111 illustrnted and me complete in printed on fourteen lfl" Send or m.o. for $20 lo Bill Wolf. :l421).(3 Dr , Col11m bus, IN. 47201


14) :141 SUNl3IRD MAXJ.STHATO. Brand new! f3emt1iful s<1il. intermedlate pilot. $895. For 1 7!i 220 1 Bc,~nncr

(406) 542 272:i. 1}52 1768. (20S) BOBCAT lJ.204 10 months okl. Excclh,nt condition. Cns Must sell, $:,00. Call Bob ('Jl4) 682 ')080 (home)

would rather drive. Mornings, (206) 421\ 600?, WILLS XC. 21' $1()() (50'.l)

] 'J' Standard Best offers.




or; :l. Brnnd new. Flown twice Per· $700, asking $3SO or offer.


i\riwna's ONLY full lime, lfonp ALL n1<1Jor All instructors Instn1ctiun from br1slc thni advanced. Simuhlors and class room hours included with All for l 0250 N l 9ih Aw , ((,02) 165b. i\HKANS/\S

EASY H!SEH BJ.WIN(, !{IT 1/:l assembled. Best offer over $650. (714)

CIRRUS (Mini) With all new options. 90 145 lbs. for the flown (702)


WESTAHJ<I Call or write the p;wts, qlid 11sccl), fliqht schools, all maior lmmcb (new avoiltJblc. Denier invited. See 3109 Grand, Fort AR 72'Xl4. 782.:WiC,

CALIFORNIA ICARUS V. Includes h,m1css ;rnd trailer $700. (b03)



V Newly built Tesl flown. Nice work [lest (303) 697Jff/:l.

AMAN!Ti\ FLYINC, CIRCUS of Poinl Fermin offers f<Jssinnnl hanq qliding 'Over 2 of free instruction on frw nncst equipment available. center for beginning piloi to soarinq

(~xclusive!y: vt1rios, Windliaven


;.md now, Ne.w. Never flown. while. Stan,




QUICKSILVEH 13. Good condiliou. Tow bar, floclts and release. Complete, new. $ U,5. (5 l:l) 271 126 l.

us before you

NOVEMBEl7 1977





S11nd<1y and

Guam 969 !() call ancl talk to Haymond or at ti77 7.ST7. US! JG/\ certified instructors

COI.OH/\DO !OW/\ in (;xpert repair n11el c11storn

inventory of parts ,rnd including Chanddle replncern;!llt parts. Fast service mail order. and lain up lo the mosl modern techniques and way radios between instructor rmd student. f .ocatcd just wcsl of Denver


nibble the best l'tmslon. 7[j(J.()()fi()


Expert instruction

. bmninq

write for


equipment <1vt1H11ble.


/\ve., H/\NC

Boa,i's SKYSUHFING SHOP. Being one of the first drnl and instructors in the U.S. helps me sons, exclusively on PhoC'nix kites. available, For lessons with me or one of Iowa rnll at (:i

I !/\NC, GJ.][)E!l




SCHOO!.. We sell and service cill major brands, ar·,·ps•;on,r,c; LJSHGA certified i1lstructors, ol)servcrs.

lessons with purclrns,, of SERVICE tlrnt counts. /\ve., San Rafael, Cl\.

After the lhe West, JOU Lincoln (41£,) 7664.


BI ,/\NC! !/\RD J,llIJ , open daily, hour NW of Boston ill Dunstnble. Certified instruction; Jxirts; ac,:es,;or1cs; Eipper, M,m\<1, (617) M<J.6137

SE/\GIJLL /\!RCH/\FT now of dealership applications throu,1ho11t Please requests to: /\ircrnft, Inc., '.1021 /\irport Ave., Srmta Monicd,


F!OHID/\ lowing aw,ilable instructi011 avai!dble.

Inc., P. 0. h4'P!82'). WINDH/\VFN H/\NG GLIDING '..3CHOOJ ., INC. Souil1ern Callfornla.



advanced Instruction


FLIGHT C:VC:TFM" "Scahawk" and "10m" in stock Dealer for UFM Cornpleie supplies, instrucUon usi11~~


l'riday, IO to




C0Nf;fP.UC1E)) IIOl

To order your harness or for morEi information write or call:


To order your· harness or for

COfH}Ul111 1'lNY10'/

information write



pilot ne1gnr ancJ weight when minimum $20.00 deposit must accompany all mail ONLY f,o,b, Svlmar, Californians add 6% DEALERS INQUIRIES INVITED


Please specify pilot height: and when ordering by mail. A minimum $20.00 must accompany all mail ONLY $79,50 fo,b, Sy/mar. Californians add 6% sales tax, DEALERS INOUIRIES INVITED



HAN(, C,LIDINC, All levels of


information. (817) 6251991, Worth, TX 76106

ELECTRA.FLYE!, DISTHIRUTORS. South Mid Western Corp,, UFM Products, Sky Sports, Aircrnft or write: LONE

distributors for: Electra

South Smithbarry Ed., Arlington, Metro. (817) 469,9159 LONE STAR HANC GLIDERS


(SJ'!) 169 9 lci9 UTA!! MINNESOTA


NORTHERN SUN HANG CLIDEHS, INC. Distritmtors Wills Win[J, Sun Sail, ,mcl I JFM u:-,nc.,1\ Lc,rmrnc1 instructions. Owner/mann~Jers the 11,mq Gliding Preserve, soarnblc with trnmway lift. When in the north our line OKI.AHOMA MONTANA

THI ldoho, W11on1inq, 1,nd W,ashinr1tcrn.


lns,tructkm and sn,:eci11l lc,anHc,.fl,v D,ncli:c10,cs. Write for frc(~ information kit. Hox R'lB, North Conway, New

call (206) B66 i!2t,4 for ,Jc,,,lcr ne11rc,st 11ou besl service Instruction available on new il(J, (llidcrs in stock for irrnne<Jic1!c the Norlhwcstl


TENNESSEE THlJ[ FLIGHT SOUTH, the I fanq C,liclcr !fang Ou L Dealers for nil major manufacturers. Kite and (901) Memphis, TN


DES Ffff SCHOOL OF Fl JGHT serving S.L Washi11qtcm offers cornplete sales, service, rrsc,d cdiders. 7K\ 1l,46 142r, WEST VJHGINIA

C,11 Glider Distributor Check COHSAIH & MK V SKYLINER




tlrn Great Norillwest"

I hn 1L1r 1(JLCJl 1

r )r'IVC',

1::--eEicn meter cali· brated individually. DEPENDABLE-not affected dust or static. RUGGED--clear EASY TO front or side. denim

in U.S. add $1.00.

Universal control bar mount $4,50 Order from: M,

Hall, Box 771 Utah 84050. NOVEMBER 1977

ye(H, i;orncwllnre, hann qlidor pilot 1lwrmal, aml fly out of siqilt I rr1c1y



Fonnance and 1400 Huntinglon, WVc1 2:i70h. (:304) WYOM!N(; CENTRAL WYOM!NC; liANG C,LIDEHS

Deiller for


and h,rndl



TEE SHIRTS with US! IC/\ emblem $:i hO

winter project hc1rdware, broclrnrn. l.;;wrcnce. MA.

dnd liandlinq. Cdlifomic1ns add 6(X> tnx, XI.. Or,m!Je only. USIK,A, Box 66'.lOG, Los

METAL LICENSE PLATE FRAMES l IANC GLIDING' White $4CXJ 6(X1 WESTARKI Let us get you off lhe qround ,md into own I (,lider l>usim,ss. Call Edwards ni lark' :) J (501 ) 782 345b

visual. Excdkmt condition With $12:>ioffer.

Windluwen has infonn11iiun on how you can busin8ss. Write for free info.




Inc, 124:37.San h,rn,mdo

"Suspense", Gwrsrnoke"

"Sherlock l·lolme:~'', "Science hctiun , c1c., on $ I Oil. refundable with order. RV Mesa, CA. ')2ti:>C,.

WIN(iS OF Tl lie WIND",

irwiml winning I (1mm I Cllidlnq 1llm, is ideal for showin~,:t dt club mcetinq~), frn promotiorn---t! ,:md cnlcrtaimncni. He rcnt(1l. infornwtion, cont;;ct (iibCo Films, 4 Collins St . North Hollywood, CA ')!(,ff/, or tc,/ephone (21:l) 766.'.M89


r.mge discounts

Ave ,

Write for

Brooklyn, NY l 1214.


of the

The rate for rlttssified of characters). Millirnnrn Chc11"t~Cd for c,1ch n1>,·'1ono,n1>





AIR to GROUND, flight communications Lis1hl Weight system includes Professional hand held



transceiver, remote push-lo-talk swi1ch) boom mic, every needed to just In and fly. For more info, write, Innovations, '.10:.i Y, Chest


or cc1l! (:.iO:l) BALL VAHIOMETEH W/Neto <1cu,ssmy and darnpin<J $ l 7:.i. Larry Mcwtin, (7 M) 271 7fl10 f IELMETSI Buco Flightmaster hdnwts $2~.9!',, Excellent dealer discrnmls on 10 or Westar!<' :110')

USHGA sew·oll emblems ] ' PATCHES & DECAi dia. Full color $ l. DecAls, JY:/) dic1. Inside or out.side





of system (3,2 lbs. double coated nylon for reduced sink rate, Reinforcoment liipe each , canopy skirt and shock. apex, and V-tabs on skirt for added strength at ft. apex for added safer landings. Positive system to canopy frorn opening until line stretch is reached. 24 ft, bridal cord to allow canopy to get away from glidfir before line stretch occurs, low profile container for added canopy container is ly to allow control bar clearance.

RTS like Trip Mellinger, C,H. Beane, Chris Price, Gene Mike and Dave Arrambide, Larry Newman, Rob Reed, II tell you that Brian Porter and Dean their lives with the Windhaven Parachute


• 1


film of deployment available. DON'T TAKE TH RISK! CONTACT OUR NEAREST OR WBITE FOR FRE DETAILS, IMMEDIATE LIVERY, If your dealer doesn't have contact us and we'll ship yours


I lectrn ~Iyer C1rm; Ill Keel 11111· 1ml, rnrl learlino cr1qc. 111 l'l1ocn1x, /\mo11a, l:i, 19Tr $100 l1ew,m1 n111 ll,11m1, 1· Moreland. l'lionnix, Amona 8!i001l. P:1111w (602) 8:3'.H,931



"I VCI y M,lll

the i11sl1uctor liy

prt";c111 ing

ng in <111 ca,y to u11dc1 ',tdnd w<1y.

Done wilh <1 well rnu11t1,,c1 pc1,pcc1iw frn studcn1, it is .111 idc,ll inlroductiun fm fm the


Pre fl pm per

uc•; ,rnd

Ro1n1·,, ani11ul ion.


edges. one anti oold, wliite, wl1ite, on side. kites were stolen out of ,John Ounham's truck wliile in San Diego in r.arly Marcil. $100 reward offered by [lectrn Hyer for tile return of tl1c Electra or ,Jolin %0 Matley Lane,

NV 84!i02. As a service to the Magazine your glide, Witt!



Van California 91408 3) 787 •6600 @ 3) Ir\"\··/<, I Telex 6fi 1

0 to 15,000': ;100· increments. worn 011 wrists. Dimensions 1" rlial anci nerJdlc1. Also reads barometric included. $19.95 Please find enclosecJ NAME ADDFlESS CITY



Fly a Dlider bolter pilot!

Scl11d for info or $50.00 for construction to:




3021 Airport Avenun, Sunta Monica, California 1)0405 (213) 3941151

Many manufacturers NHYlnern, gliders. W(,11, the Oly A small glider. yet it performance often better than

But If Thermalin9

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