Autornat1c: billow
double nu rt ace fully cannbero<J
Moclmnic:al leading batten stops
Full floating tixe,J washout
Improved droop tip
Look at the and you'll see why the new PHOENIX MARIAH will be your next by flyin(J and flirJtlt characteristics. MARIAH was born with More more maneuverable advanced in every way. the is here there is You. The only way you will be able to of this fine fantastic flying her. So take look at the c,:,irnn11nn of features and mentioned here. know then fly her. MARIAH is in a class by hers(1lf.
Nose Angle Leading Edge Kc:iel Length SailAma Aspect F1atio Span Weigl1t Range
Now being manufacturoc/ tmder license in Canada by
P.O. Sox 483. Van Nuys. California 91408 2 i 3/785·24 7 4 213/787·6600 •TellOX No. 65·1425
Della Wing Kites & Gliders Canada Ltd., 500 Sauve Street West, Montreal, Quoboc, Canada, M3L 128 • 514/384·3489
wanted a venient easy to handle. ceeded our When you fly your new st ant Through flexible tips, roll Exact bowing of the trols the washout and ral balance of the sail. This reduces adverse yaw, increases the roll rate and enhances ttie coor· dination of turn. Smooth ish maneuvers are executecl your will. Predictable handli characteristics is result of The flexible
Specifications Nose Annie. Sail Billow. Aspect Ratio Max. UD
Breakdown Price
207 110" l"
110" 1° 5.15
8 to 1 FPM 16-18 MPH
8 to 1
175 125-170 48 Lbs 30
220 16-18 MPH 207 150-220 Lbs 50 Lbs Ft
11 Fl
12 Ft
10'6" $940
N Denmark 01
EDITOR: GIi Dodgen ASSISTANT EDITOR LAYOUT & DESIGN Jonie Dodgen STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: W A Allen. Leroy Grannis. Bettino Gray, Stephen McCorroll CONTRIBUTING EASTERN EDITOR: Poul Burns OFFICE STAFF. MANAGER: Carol Velderroln Janel Meyer (Advertising). Wendi Tuttle (Membership), Kit Skradski (Renewals). Amy Gray (Hong Ro lings) USHGA OFACERS: PRESIDENT Lloyd Llcher VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Pogen SECRETARY Jon Cose TREASURER: Alex Duncan EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Uoydlicher AlexDunoon Jon Cose USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION 1: Joy Roser. Michael Pringle REGION 2: Jon Cose. Wallace Anderson REGION 3 Tom Mllk1e. John Lake, Michael Riggs. REGION 4 Lucky Campbell. Ken Koerwitz. REGION 5· none. REGION 6: Jim WIison REGION 7· Thomas Holey, Ron ChriStenson REGION 8 · Don McCabe REGION 9: Dennis r>ogen. Bob Mortin REGION 10: Dick Heckman. Jerold Welch . REGION 11 David Broyles REGION 12: Craig Mavis, Horry Sudwischer DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE REGION 1: Alex Duncan REGION 2; Lloyd Licher REGION 7 David Anderson Rl:GlON 10 John Homs HONORAAY DIRECTOR· Hugh Morton EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR of USHGA as we ore a d1v1sion of NAA: Vic Powell CIVL DELEGATE · Horry Robb. The United Stoles Hong Gilding Assoc,o · lion. tnc.. is o division of lhe Notional Aeronautic Assoc1otion (NM) which is the official U.S represen lolive of the Federation AeronoutlqtJe Internationale (FAI). the world governing body tor sport aviation. The NM. which represents lhe U.S. al FAt meetings. hos delegoled to the USHGA supervision of FAHeloted hong gliding octivll1es such record attempts and competition soncllons
20 26 29 39 41
43 49
50 54
by Frank Colver byJonBastian photos by Alan DeCotes
HANG GLIDING mogazl"e IS published for hong glfding sporl enlhus10$IS lo creole furlher ln1eres1 1n lhe sporl by o means 01 open commun,cohon ond ro oovonce hong gilding melhods and sotety Con1ribu1,ons pre welcome Anyone Is 1nvtlE!d to co11111bute or licles photos or,d lllustrot,ons concerning hong gilding ocl1v11tes 11 lhe molem;1I 1s lo be relurneo o slomped self-oodresseo relurn envelope m\JSI ba enc ~ HANG GL·[)ING rnogc:wr,e reserves lt>e right lo ed11 conlribullOl'ls where n,;cesso,y The Assoc,011on ond oubl,co lion do no1 assume resoonsrblll!y for lhe rno lerlol or op,n,ons of conlm:>ulors HANG GLIDltJG mpgaz,ne JS published monthly by Iha United Sloles Hong Gliding Assoc1011on Inc who•,e moiling .:iddress ,s PO 8oJ< 66,306. Los Angeles. Col1f 90066 and whose offices ore OCO lecl 01 11312\/v Ve111ce Blvd LOS Angel~ Coht 90066 lelephone (213) 390-.3065. Seoonoclo 5s posloge ,s po,d ol Los Angeles. Col<I HANG ;.UDING mo'i)Clzine Is p11n1ed by S1nclolr P1lnllng & lilho. Alhambra Col,1 The USHGA Is o membercontro!l~d educo1,onol and sclenllllc o rgonrzo11on oec:i,coled lo e,pro, ng all focels of urlrollghl flight Membership 1s open lo anyone 1n1eresteo rn lh,s r&'.llm or fllghl Dues tor lull rriembersh1p ore $20 pe, veo• ($21 for 10,.,1gn addresses). suscrtptlon roles ore S16 tor One year S26 fo1 lwoyeors. S36 for lruee yeo,s An 1nhoouc tory six·monlh tr,ol 1\ ovollot:> e tor S7 50 Chon,;ies ot address should t,e senI six weeks 111 advance 1nctua1ng name. USfiGA membership "umber prev,ous and new address. ond o mo,llng IQbel from o recen1ls~ue
6 6 12 14
52 58
64 67
COVER: Lorry Newmon, Electro Flyer President, specks out In o prototype Olympus 160 at Wolmonolo, Hawaii. See cover story on page 39. Photo by Ginger Thornberg. Our apologies lo Rob Kells for neglecting to give him photo credit for May's beautiful cover. CONSUMER ADVISORY: Hong Gliding Magazine and USHGA, Inc., do not endorse or toke any responslbillly for the products advertised or mentioned editorially within these pages. Unless specifically explained, performance figures quoted In advertising ore only estimates. Persons considering !he purchase of a glider ore urged lo study HGMA standards. Copyright © United Stoles Hong Gliding Association, Inc. 1978. All rights reserved lo Hong Gliding Magazine and Individual contributors.
II DOUBLE-SURF ACE features pr,ecisio,11 aircraft components . . State of the cleanest strongest
t i;ve·rvone t t;vc·rvol'II' t i:'~11e·rvo11t~
The 11ew FU'.DGE II 'l'II'S featuri11g swe1,t, ca11led top rmlders am! booster tips for
Invest ill your who are st:rimn their will never have to
flown and confident
I Oakland.
(415) 53(;.1500
Manta for free bro<:hures
Dealer inquiries invited.
Dear Fdilor, If you have ever thought I hat you would like tu fly the "lhcrmal capital of the world", Sylmar, California, we may be able to 'mvc it with your help, What need is a mass sponsc, to demonstrate to public officials the need l'or a legal, safe landing site at Sylmar. Jn order to keep this dynamite site open we need your help, Please send letters to till' oJ'l'i cials listed below, stating that you do rly Sylmar, or plan flying there on your vacation, or dream of flying there srnueday, Ask the addressee'\ help in establishing legal site or landing park at Sylmar. Sylmar !I ngeles County f?. a!ph West Direcror of' Parks and l?rcreation, Angeles, Washington Blvd., Room 1200,
Cali/:, 90015, flruce Cowen, Uis !Inge/es Ciry Recreation and Parks, /33 l/J !lranford, Arie ts, ('a/if: 9 !.l3 l Chris Delaporte, United Stales Director of' Outdoor RC'/'rcarion, Washing/on, ,, 20240
Dear Editor, A few months a140 I was introduced to a technique f'or improvi11g roll rate in lkxwings. I am "freak" for List turning gliders, this was of great interest to me. 'huck Pcrsom or Peregrine Aviation explained a technique he and some others had been using for some time. I feel that having a smplns of roll control power is a real safety factor It is too to into t ronhle i r you can't turn your aircraft when you want to, Most of us have flown slow,rcsponding gliders at one time or anothc1, It very unnerving to to fight the glider to turn! Although this technique docs work m1 cmly generation flcxwings, gliders wilh keel pockets sL:em to bcnel'it mos I, I !ere my experience with the quick roll technique. If you wish to initiate a tmn, first move 10 the side of the co11trol bar you normally would, Then do a small, quick "punch" 011 thr: bar, start with say one to four inches. This is a quick-pitching nu1v1w1e111 a fast "punch" out and./;a1'k. For roll rnte, punch the hat little more. !'his is a general place to start that may work for your glider each glider will behave differently due to cm1sidcrations, caution should be exercised with
any new technique. with JI' you try this method, small side movements, and a quick punch on the control bar (mrt-aml-back movement). you begin to f'cel comfortable with moderate rate turns, you proceed to higher \Jank angles, (more hody movement to side) aml f,1stc1 roll (more punch on the bar), the advrnt of the keel pocket gliders, our understanding of how !'lcxwings turn has in creased greatly, l'vcn though a glider withoul the billow shift porkct doesn't "sail shift" present to some 11111ch, the initiated, the wing to the imide or the turn billows up slightly mid washout wing to the outside of 1hc turn l'lattcns slighlly and flies foster lt seems to me that using the punch 10 ini· tiatc a turn forces 1hc sail to loacl heavily on one side. This would explain why illis teclmiqm: to quicken roll response. s1all would occur if the bar were pushed quick out only outward. If the punch is and-back rnovcmclll, no stall occurs. If you have good responding glider now, thi, method will make turning so cl'f'mtlcss you won't believe it. The first time tried the technique flew an Owl 185 for four hours. l lrnvc been more tired on hall',hour !'lights before. lt is hoped that pilots who wish to explore this; tcchniq11c will do cautiously, in step by step manner, Obvionsly, good control of pitch, hank and coordination comes first. This is short explanation of the teclmiquc as have experienced it, Hopefully the n•sulting feedback from other pilots will help us to cxp,rnd our knowledge of 1t11 rali,d11 flight. There is so much yet 10 be learned about om unique aircraft Paul Pankaskic Austin,
how could gu wrong! lf interested, write to: Robert B. Smith I 0009 Columbine Falls, 22066 (703) 7593818
/\urial lor:l1111q1ws /\nrorrnrt Ham) GlrrJers Inc /\1c;1rlia 1\11 '.,ports llar ll;1111ess liltrmatn Hrqli lle1111ntl Delta W1119 lil1rln1 s ll1111arcl Fl19l1t Systems Cllur:k 's Glirlm Supplres Clo11cll1oppo1 Supply Co C1ystal /111 ,;ports F:r,o-N1111tic:; Inc Fippo1 f:lect, a f Iyer Corp I lsr11ore Valley I lanq Girding Center IMG E11q111ue110(; Co GlrcJe1 /lcce:;sorios Gl1ile1 l\irlrir Go-r;rap11rcs Hanq Gl1de1 Sl1op l1all w,ml Meter Happy ltanoni Kilo [nter pr ISCS laminar Systnrns I oadrn(J Friqo /Iii l'oils I itek M Company Manta f'roclucts
long way from being the oldest roost but have 11oticed !hat the of lia11g flight enth11sias\s is lot closer to 20 than it to 40 and, consequently, there is lilllc of pilots and over dominating the sport !'hat being the I'm wondering if it would be possible to gcm:ratc as.•:ociation of "senior for the purpose of promoting I ricnclship, safely and the cx,ch:rn,11c oJ' inl'tmnation of special interest to the seniors ,11 the senior:, meet could evolve, Nationals or and/or such a grnup could provide a ready pool of sober (relatively), solvent (ditto) and mobile (dcl'initely) workers for regional and national competitions, 1 intend 10 l'ly hang glider until J am too old and feeble to lil't ii to the launch position and l have special fort hose who have come this glorious sporl in their middle If this proposal has i11tcrc1;t l'or you out there lei start cmrcspomling, With folks like Rogallo and Worthi11gton potential 111clllbers
~Ji ci? 48
11-C, Hi, G2, li3, li[i iiO I :i1 12
. me llC, Jii 4G, G1 4[1
, 11 '?3 G'.)
!1? C)G
?3 1()
It 47 !)?
Maste1 Harne:;:;
Melril Fnterprr,,os Moall Co111pot1t1011 Molson·,, Cl1il111prurrsl11p:; Moilon Fntorp11sns i'aqon l'ercw me /\viatron Power Clrller, Inc Poynter llooks flotoc Seudw111qs
Dear hlitor, At I'm
Seagull /lur:rnlt Sky G1;1pl11cs Sky '.il11p Sky Spmts Soannas1Hr
So. Ca. Scl10ol of llano Glirlill\) Solt Sl1011lcle1 l:irt Steve Snycler Loi., Inc I he llrnat Outctoors lrarlrnlJ Co l he Hanq t:l1rlers ll11Jlc lra1lwr11rls lllt11mtollrul1 Ult1al1[Jlll flyrn[J M;ir:l1i110;; IJlt1;1l1to 1i1ouct1; USHG/\
Wills w,nq, Inc Wir1rlhavo11
?8 8 3?, 33
41 ,lfi 11
48 ;;:3 10 ?3 ()I
3/ 1'] ()9
1:J. :11 1, 13, 2:)
Pnjoy, ,m incrPdihly h<1vi ng fJppn of 50 mph lo ddte,
yH -11,o maintains ,111
PIIPnt ,ink
minuH•s. ( hi, timP would l1,1vc• w.ilk, dWdY
with SP(Ol\d pl,l(
look i 11g you1 IH'XI (m first) high pciform.ince glide1
HGMA MEMBER (full certification in process)
yet The New SENSOR Best all around Sensor yet. Affords very docile handling with an ex, cellent sink rate and LID. Aspect ratio 6.5, full camber sail, available in 5 sizes. For ttie inter· mediate. SENSOR 411 INTERNAL CROSS BAR An ele· gant union of art and science. For soaring Tireil'lss thermaling achievement and cruise speed. Under with a fast and development since Sept 76. Patent cross bar and new full round available surface, aspect the ultimate adventure. You owe it to Write) today, info to fim1 out Kit or complete. Dealers inquire on Contest & Professional flyers inquire.
After extensive research and 1csting by Delta Wing Kiles and Gliders, and ,.111 independent authority, it has been decided that more research is necessary before any marketing ol' power units can be considered. In our and our consulted authority's opinion there is no flex wing glider produced at this time by any company lhat can be certil'iccl as cornplc1cly suitable for lhc application of power, Thcrel'orc Della Wing Kites and Ulidcrs docs 1101 recommend lhc use of power units of any kind 011 their products at lhis time, Owners who do fit power unih of any kind do so entirely at their own risk and do so completely against Delta Wing policy, Delta Wing will continue their R&D on power units and when a safe and reliable unit, compatible with the state of the art of hang gliding is de vclopcd, lhcy will be pleased to place it on Ilic market and recommend Ilic fitting of same to Delta Wing and any oilier gliders, However, until ihcn it not rccomrncnclcd and is considered unsa l'c so buyer beware. Bill Bennett
1096 Via
Dear was very disappointed in your lasl isS11c of Hang Diving J'or omitting one of the bes! divers 011 the markcl, the Montra Fudgcwing. 1 have been diving in my Fudgcwing for almost a year and have found it capable of sustaining dives through even rile !ilrongr:sl lift conditions a lnily superior divert for landings, I simply ny over the spot, push out and give ii full rudder. Works every time. Just ask any local at Funston.
Joyce I ,uvwcenic lnacratcr San Francisco
Dear Hang Diving Magazine, l want to take this uppcr"·tunily to consolidate you on your fine publication. It very rcfouling lo rind there 01ilcr people in Ilic sport whose mind shirks just like mine, I ihink I can identify Ilic t'lycr you found near Littk Black Mt, Diego, !l's possible that he's the one and only Jim DcTrcc formally of Ooltcwah but last known living on strccL Burp l'.arwig could possibly help in 1hc identil'i·· well Scon l)iver and liilcc:n cal ion Again, I'd like to confiscale you cm a super l!lag, l!'s like great hole to gofers like us. Stick Dern
• R.
pilots also welcome.
F:;11 in thn 11pplicu1ion nnd mnil
Type of Clidr,r i.on<JOSI
Dnve Hodriquu1, Was111ch Wi11qs l11c.,
East l'.:'300
Dear Editor, I received this from John Worth, FxcC111ivc Director of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. They had ii in their riles. \Jnfortunatcly there is no date on the page. I would estimate a date about 1920. These things were popular around that t imc. And with a 2() . . ft. wing span if mu~t have had a glide ratio similar to grnvcL Docs someone out there know anything more about this'/ A portion of tile copy that wrnl with the picture is enclosed. It tells how 10 fly the machine in a few sentences and how to Janel ii. The description is surprisingly accurate, although a little optimistic. Presented for strictly historical purposes, W.C Fields migl1t say, "Yes, strictly histcrical purposes." Best Wishes, Vic Powell
"Oulfi!lers for Hang Glid11r Pilots" The .1w:fi1ces must hr /nl!' the machine will bl' hard lo balance when in jlight. To make 11 "'. glide, takr the J:;lider to thr top of a hill, gel in el he/ween the arm sticks and I/ft the machine 1111 .___1,.o_'J_1_1_._s_c_cc_n_H_l_S_t_r_c<_,1_._,_s_,1_u_s,_1l_it_o_,_c_:A_Y__1_1c_J6_5_ _.., until the arm sticks are wider the arms as shown, run a few steps against thr wind and leap ji'orn the ground. Vo11 will find that the machine has 11 surprising amoulll (~j' l!lt, and if the wciJ:;ht qj' the body is in the right place you will go s/zo01ing down the hillside in ji'ff j/ight. The landing made by pushing the weight f!f !he hotly /Jack· wards. This will cause th<' glilil'r /o lip 11p in ji'onl, slacken and settle. The operator can /hen land safi'IF and gently his ./i'cl. 0/ COlffSC, the lwgi11ncr should Imm l!y laking short jumJJs, gradually increasing the distance as he gains skill and e.xperience in balancing and
landing. The proper position <!l the /Jody is slightly ahead r,f the ce11ll'r of the planes, !1111 !his must bpfound by experience. 'Jhe machine should not be used in winds hlowinf!, faster than I 5 miles an hour. Glides are always made against the wind, and the l!alancing is done by moving the legs, The higher the starting point thejcirther one may J?y, Great care should be exercised in making landings, otherwise the operator might Sl{ffc•r broken lirnb. The .1prained ankle or perhaps illustration shows two lines 1,/ J!ighl J1wn hilltop, the glider travels 011 the 11pper line musNi /Jy the lmrj)' 1,f the operator laking a position a little hack ()f the pro1,er place, and on the lower line he changes his position Jimn fimll to back while j!ying, which causes the dip in the line.
Hf I Mf f MOUNTED VAl110MIII H li11s 11rnl1: po1;s1l1le 1r1;111y ol 11v1:1 mm mile and snvm ;ii I Pi:01 ii ,;1:tt111q e1 oss c111111t1y 1011 llPl111pt,Mou11tecl ins11111111:nts wcr1: 111,cd 111111:111 111 111s Booo 11 uain, rnilo fl1ql1t fr 0111 Cr:r 10 l,orilo
I lie I /\1;1 I V/\HIOM 11111 is tho most serE,rlivn pellr:t v111 r111n tlie wor lrl 11s scr1srliv1: ;is electric 4 lirm:s rt;; prrcn ci11d lo ii 1111 1;c11:1rliv1: (111 1000 its lower co11vcrn:r1111111'11: 11 i:-1 no rnatte1 111 1111; prcse11ce of mioine vibrations, Wl1ile we 1111111< 11111 I 11111 pilots lli111k
Vario111eler ii\ 01111011111: lie st v111 io il11y:; 11v11il 11ic1, not In havr: to come ilow11 1
!ID rnM Lalaw11i ll11vr/\1e11_ liilWilll %/01
Annual USH Hynor
bo holcl in Missc>ul.a, with tana. Hang insurance requirocl. tact: Don Jocko Hol low, Arlee,
67. 10 pilots sponsored by local businosses will compccit0 for days. more information contact
Jnv1li1tio11al USHGA sanctioned. F'or lurtl'1er ,n. lormat,on, wnte I-lox 128, l.inville, N.C
Elox 10547 B944B Moab WorlrJ Jnvitalionnl Hang Glidinq Tournament, Moab Ulail Contact Dave Wasatch ·12300 Soutll,
84020, (801) !i/H044
niird Annual Lal1or Day Fun f'Jy.ln
One, San Diego, Catlif,:>rr1ia.
Fourth Annual July 41h Comp0tit1011. Pl'l3·rt3gistration 1-loqu,red
JUl,Y lfi & 16, Maintomrnco & Tuninq
by !real, Contact Marcel (415) 649· 1433
Holloween Costume Fly In: Unusual competition
fly-in and motor activities,
Liqt1ter Winu LoadinrJ Per Fourth Annual Mt. ::i1111a111sea. lnvermore, British Columbia,
JULY fourth annual Molson's North Americfln Hang Gliding Champion· ships. Contact: Northern Sun, 62B W. Ave., St. Paul,
Fifth Annual Worlcl Meet, Cypress ua,ra,en:s. Floricla. AUG. 17-19, Fourth Annual Boal Tow Meet, Chicaqo Illinois. Fourth Annual Tel· (M1,mJfa,ctc11re1·s lnviTelluride, Colorado.
N lJSH(,A Region holding a basic instrw;tor\ ccrtil'icatioll clillic in Salt Lake Utah, dur" ing the week or June 1216. The clinic is open to any pilot who has a backgrn1111d or inlcrcst int hc instruction or hang gliding. The clinic will full ow the cert il'ication guidelines up by the safely and training com mittce. rl1csc published in the March issue ol' Hang Gliding. be certified yP11 must meet these requirements and pass the clinic The clinic will your knowledge of the skills involved in flying and in the instrnction of students. This will be accmnplisl1cd in indoor workshops and in on .. thc .. hill practice. To yourself for the clinic you will need to l"amiliari1c yourscll'with tile following books: lnstmctor'"1· ('ertU1cation
Pagcn Jiang F/if.!)1t, Third h'ditio11, Addlcson
The inner
<if Tennis,
HanR GlidinR and J,Jyinx ( 'onrlitions, /fang Gliding and Flying Skills, bring glider to fly, a log hook ot'
to recreational avi:11ion. II is now doing this at new location, the old Milford railroad station .. South SI., Milford, 03055; (60.J) 673 .. 8450. One of Terry's many services making custom wings for liglltwcighl people, the "Suzy" :rnd "Rem" A large stable of recycled gliders 11s11ally on lap, too, for those used cqrripmcllt.
"Quick am" ca mover designed to replace llll"II· on all hang gliders. Used slamlard equipmcnl on all new Spydcrs aml Condors, the "Q11ickam" also lends itself to oilier rnorc co11vcn1ional glider designs needing more efficient top The can be currcnlly using turn re1rn.J'i1tcd to buckk.s hy removing the uicos and shortening lhc cables. r!rc is attached by clevis pin or each. ball release \.J""·"'l"111. Price is Ult ralitc Product's
studcnl1 taught, and a currc111 Multimedia Virsl /\id card. If you liavc any visual aids, training please bring lilcm also. You will provided with lnstrucror's lion Manual. Tile clinic will star/ Mondi!y, June 12th al I :00 P.M. al Wasatch Wings, 892 J,. 12300 Draper, Utah 84020.
We extend om apolc1gi1:'s 10 Slcphcn Mccarroll for c1To11cously idcnt if'ying I he pho1 ogrnphcr of lhe photo as Bettina (Batty White) on upside down or the April Mccarroll also 1he pholographcr or the photo of Ille !I used in the subscript ion ad 011 page of the April issue and page '1 of the Our apologies i11g to identify him the phologrnplrcr of bca111iful cover pholo.
u Wilh just over half in f.light Resources Co-op is dropping its infa11t mail order business and conccntrnling 011 its thriving sail Joi'! operalion. !'miner Hill Allen is making some chaugcs of his own. And lhe associated Terry's (Jlidcr Supplies has moved. Mca11whilc, the FRC sail lol't has been doing quite well in the capable hands or Marilyn Nichols. With her managcmenl and skills, Ille lol't has been making manufacturer prololypc sails, prodnclion sails, replacements /'or worn stock sails (any kind), homcbuildcr's custom sails, and sail modifica1io11s and rile lo!'t will have to move to new, quarters, but fm the immediate fulurc continues at Proctor Hill Rd., Hollis, N.11. 03049; (603) 465 7603 (ii' no answer, Bill Alkn is moving lo concentrate 011 wriling for lhc general about aviation, and "appropriate technology." This pretty much represents an to his direct involvement in gliding. However, Bill will stay tuned for stories of interest to the larger, general publications. His new address Star Rte. Alstead, N.H. 01602.
Terry's Glider Supplies (Terry Sweeney and Becky carrying on its successful tradition of laking "counter cult me" approach
This unique king post allows all tire cables to remain !'itlcd al all times and the adjustable section allows the glider 10 be completely free of cable tensioners and turnbuckles. that it allow,,
It is will! happirwss and pride that the Fippcr .. Formancc "Family" an11ounccs and welcomes the addilion of the talents and pcrsonalilics of' Taras Kicc11iuk, Jr. and Fd best known for designing the learns II and V, has Tech, now working in our design department. {/is hang gliding backgro11nd back 10 the days" ol' '69 where he took his l'irst rlighl in a bamboo and plastic design or his own Ever then he has put his energies ultraliglil market and innovative concepts. Fd is from I ill: land ol' flyer's paradise, Hawaii, where he l'irst gol into the sport. His background, surprisingly enough, comn1tmi· cal rorn;"-·"l:lc,;lriDnil:s mangcmcnt, hut that rlying hllg gol the best of him and now he docs jusl about everything to hang gliding. He relates well to compclition, marketing, and new these will be his main Eippcr.
The Royal Acrona111ical Society has officially announced the $2(){),000 Kremer pri,.c for lhc first crossing of the English Channel from west lo cast by a mnn"·powcrcd aircraft. The event is to be known Ilic Kremer Cross Channel Competition. Also $20,0(){) is offered to 1lre l'irst Britisher who completes the one.mile figure Gossamer Condor, eight course 11own by the in man."powercd aircraft.
On July Northern sun will be sponsoring the Virst World Open ! lang Ciliding Compctilion at Gateway North Airport near Minneapolis, Minnesota. Join us for the compc .. lition, display awards, hot air ballooning, sailplane derby, and more. For general and cnlry informa1io11, contact: Boris Popov, Norlhcrn Sun, 62.8 l.arpcnteur St. Paul, MN 13.
Cor111)1n1<; w1tll :,n;ip hil(J (:~ 11;
wunk:; dohvcny)
PHOENIX SUPER-B the easy-to-fly Supersh1p
PROVEN PEFffORMANCE IN 26 COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD Able lo ri;;e on a IJrE):itll of ai1 . pcH.nlrnlnc ~:plo willl equal No wonder Uw PHOFNIX SUPE!-lfl hus be:corno Ilic mos! succPs:;ful lianq glider of all tirnr:. Nol only lws Irie: HGMA luily cer1iliod tlw; classic for "19"/i.l. trwrc an, a fi:,llull oi new !nal11rcs which rnako it oven llcltm than before . ~
Nose ;.m~JI<, L.trnding c,dqe
Keel lunr,1tl1 SiJil Aspect rn1io
Span Wniql1t rrrngc
AppliPd lendinq cJdqn pockc!f;
~li"' Dillow slabi!i;a1ion sy:;tnm
l!"ltnrnally udjw;linq ,:!uinlc:.n
lrnprovnd d'OOP lips
rjcflcclor syslcm
AncJ ol com:;n wu·vn knpl the oriqin:il 1nnlurc'.', which mrnJe Hin '."3U PU 1 fl :i bJc:nd
P.O. Box 483, Van Nuys, California 91408 2"13/78!'5--2474 • 213/787-6600 • Telex 65-i 425
1he t Immgh radial ion. 1o
slope mountain
the m01m1ai11 surface long or as hut as in the r1,,er,er1,n• there is less heat storage
takes place sun sets. from
takes place slowly a 1111mspecd of the valley 111•,·rr·""'' 11111 ii t herc gently and gradually increase in Ilic nigh! the ground conti111o cool. This process will in the
ii warm with the mild north wind still 111L•w111sc.
but much slower than earlier in 1hc probably abou1 Io 8 mph. l realized tha1 wi1h the canyon full or cold air and warm wind above (tempera! ure inversion) th al I wouldn't find any thermal lift on 1his flight All of the other fliers had gone home already, so I took off I was making the last flight of the day. I flew out over the crnler or tile canyon ! was in glassy smooth air with some areas of sink but 110 evidence of convection at all. The canyon below was dark while orange of 1he sun. beautiful time lo fly, and l was to make another flight that day. ;\s approached the south end of the landing area (closest to the moLrnlain) hacl been in warm air all 1hc way down. noticed that the "windsock" flag had been left in the landing area and was st ill indical ing a north wind it hall been all I guessed the speed Io be about JO lilllc s1rongcr than it had been up al lhc lake-off area. Hccm1sc of this, continued my approach toward the north to make an upwind as usual. When I was at about 100 fL alliludc I watched above 1hc field 1he flag Iii crnlly from pointing south to poiming north in a matter or few seconds. It looked like ii was at least as hard from the mountains been blowing i1110 the mom11ain a
seconds in tlic glider so the wind direction m rny alt i1 ude had not changed. ! made quick 180 ° turn 1o race the new wind direction as clidn'I have mudi altilucle lcfl and ! didn't quite know wl!al to ncur the ground. At whal I cslimalc lo a hou1 30 ft. the ground felt a sudden drop in temperature of about 1 ll was like rlying into compared to lhc warmlli of the upper air Wilen l landed there fairly strong mountain wind blowing out of the mouth of Fdwards into the valley. temperature was low c11uugh 10 make me uncoml'ortable l waited for my 10 drive Ilic car down from the top. l also thought, I ofhow mellowlatc afternoon flight not have been mellow i r I had been abou1 JO or l ft. above the ground when the wind shi l'l Iook place, II was as l stood there into the cold wind flowing out or the rnoul h of the canyon, to figure mil wha1 had hap pcned. During the day the norlh wind had been Ilic wind created by healing or the canyon surface. Hriw,:ivr~r lhc: sun lcf1 the canyon the cooling air prevented from down the by lhc and which
which would extend from ground level a! the moulli of lhc canyon 10 ground level at lhc canyon head, thereby making the air within the canyon very slablc. The cffccl would he like a lid eovcring lhc entire canyon. There was 1i11lc air movcmcnl at the air within Ille surracc of the canyon. lhe dark cm1yon conlinued to cool, ils continually increased 1hc downward and out ware! pressure increase. At some poinl in lime 1hc mass of cold air to push out under the warm air at !he to the canyon. Once the air began 10 move down and out or the canyon it must have gained momen1um like an avalanche of snow. By the lime the cold air flow reached lhc landing area it had a cl cpl h ol aboul 30 ft. and a of 10 to 15 Because the outward flow had 1ime to over the area between the mouth or the canyon and the its vclocit y would have been higher al 1he mouth. If rile air had been visible it probably would have looked like a wave from a flash noocl rolling om of the canyon and spreading over the valley f'loor. ;\s I mentioned earlier in !he M,,,.,~"'"'"" or 1he flighl, I did experience some areas of air over the canyon. This may have been evidence of the air starting its move, men1 out oflilc 1ilercby the overlying down into the canyon (slarling circulation na11crn) . . . . ,
available. Don't now.
For five now, the and tourists of Santa Barbara have been free, unsolicited witnesses to from the point, La Cumbre Peak, elevation 3,985 feet, and that was about as involved as the two parties participant or spectator ever became. The their new and the
a lot of lot of roast beef No, Orville. a whole lot of The club Fl THON, much like a bike-a-thon or other type of fund mar--a-thon The 11iers sponsors who would money for the time that spend in the air
time the
$1 per minute. The top raiser for the FLY AION the Santa Barbara dub dent, Russell Stewart, who raised $476.90. The official estimate 01· reached
1he the couldn't have had better weather, beamed after the event "Rain and winds would have eanccllat.ion or postponement of the event if it had been seheduled four clays to after the event. the actual date
of a stick maker, doetor, or even the President Well, there arc a lot of salaries that than the President's, a minute computes to $48,000 but the Santa Barbara club raised about $800 an hour in for hours of time. What was it that they did? What did they Wash
father but there were lated pledges
in and sided out HANG GLIDING
, and 1wo local television stations featured live taped 1heir followup I\
he was sl ill hooked in while his moving. thing with Gliding
Io show you can't
in mind. Ventura Hang
also led the way with visual showmanship wi1h the attachment of and double streamers to the ends of their leading edges; that's not too bad an idea for use in competition either. Individuals involved with the running of the FLY.f\.THON were Carol Morthole. assistant coordinator; David Low, communi· cations and base; Sue, communications and timing; Geoffrey Foster, 1 and sponsor sheets; Joe Bouffard and Vnlcric, communications, launch Carrillo, spot official; and Jon Bastian, jndgc and
Harbara Russell S1cwarl Rolf Spingler Gary Benear Tom
240.00 176.20
Bob l ,andrnm John Brnndh
Allan Charlesworth Yvonne I .awson Russ Bond
The Santa Barbarn Hang lion would
Nooney Hill Poch lcr
41.00 22.80
Sieve Barnes
Allan Johnson Tom Shiremeis1e1· Tim Joseph
Postage !or each book $10.95 + 50¢ Posrnne for both 10
Reel Srnolrn, all in
BIG "Tim Ten Mile Mirror"
Visible over 20 miles
Weighs ONE ounce sportsmah
1nionnot1on tHHi hro(
Surf is un lessncss or overcon fidencc.
will to my harness
Dick Oammon
human Dick Gammon Cloverdale, Or
or 1hern a personnl friend and wing male, prompl me lo share ,omc wilh yo11 on the matter nr unplanned wa1cr landings. ! f you fly over or or
you still have some work to do. You can't
then let the sm r 1()
mizc your
surf land.
look at those lei on some laws basic to human survival. Virsl: I\ human cannot survive in I urbulcnt
when you're surf The Io surf, as have much lower a strnighl head will !Jc easier. Panic kills. have never landed a but I do spend hours free close to shore, and even wearing a wet suit, gc·t thrashed viO·· fins, etc. l lcntlyas I'm t the surL Okay . What should you do if you think a surf is imminent? Firsl, keep a clear head. Ir you' re wearing throw them away, and hyper· ventilate to store the air need i11 your wlH:n you go under These two you ditch If you don't know what I mean by hypervenl in heal it pants for different reasons, Harold). Gloves will mask your sense of loucil, and you'll be
blind while submerged, so bare hands will be necessary to feel your way around straps,
ropes, hoot laces, c1 , you musl get free of and from your glider's I\ four . fool breaker will wad glider up like and broken tubes, torn dacron, :;t
or unlace. The air in lo the surface after you won't be under for ant: oftcu the water shallow IO sl ancl bet ween reach for !ht: bot1om; you
If you do
be able to sland.
l DiUrich Robert Wills, Chairman of the lJSHGA Accident Review Board, stated in the March, 1975 issue of Ground Skimmer that pilots were those
your you've chances of survival. You may have currcnls, and cold tcmperalurcs to conlend have to use your own with next, ancl 10 the shore. Remember current some rules here: You you and last but, if tread water for hours. 011 shore, note what best. Ir others on shore know you're down, they will be doing what can to assist you. To summarize, then, the points to rcmcm·· bcr arc: and stay calm. and gel your gloves off before you ditch. free of your harness and clol -Reach for the bottom. the best land.
PAN would include a Mac West inflatable vest when near water, wearing light shoes that can be kicked easily and mentally a surf ditching. Lasl summer, friend, hang 4 pilot, from low rock shelf in landed three !'eel of boiling surf. I le never got free of his , and I watched the ocean look his life. Please be carcl'ul.
altributed this to wlrn1 he called the "lnt,:r· mediate Syndrome" tendency for many pilo1 to become overconfident once they had mastL'.rcd the basic skills of self-launched
mas1crcd the basic skills, feels he is Sky all, he has to soar where and hawks and expert human This over· confidence is, of coursc:, the ill!crrncdia1c syndrome which Mr. Wills described. There is a difference, however, between what we now and what Mr. Wills de·" scribed in 1975. In his article Mr. Wills stated that 1he most common fatal errors of the up to and including December, 1974, were 360's at too low an alti1uclc, luff· into obstacles such as dives and is the use of the like the Scalrnwk, Strato and are beginners. The equipment much that what was once
deadly in dc1mmdU n J'ort unat cly, it too late turns to
or fronl or the bar) will
speed the up, Movillg back will slow it down. Tightening the down dcflexors an equal amount will you up; loosening the them will slow you down. mounting on the leading the up, although adjustments tend to make the should only be wires or sail lll)
at the
perfect w111gtms stall If one
ahitude, this wing i, stalling first. You this by tightening the down dcflexor on tile not dropping (this equalizes or tlie angle of attack of both loosening t lie down dcf'lexor on
defined tips, well as tile introduction of differential dcflexor All of a slightly different approach ii ems lo trimming as we shall sec. in addition, wc will look at the effects of canted and double dcflcxor systems. How docs a glider gel out of trim'? The main cause is of various components. Through normal use over a period or a few months, the sail and cables will elongate tend light (stalling) glider landings, will cxaggc:n111c
trim, models. ii colclcr,whilcthc However, the When a sail dries out it tightens will be llOSC·lHUll and on gel your glider caught in expect lo Cly lol faster when
sm,pcns1on point accordsets up. i1 cold ancl hot and dry.
The basics of testing a glider for
mat here, but you should read i r you haven't already done Jf your glider doesn't have a keel pocket, a differential dcllexor system, or defined tips, you can follow these basic by suitable above the
make small quent down the adjustments you
to write that you point eonfnscd, ,,v,,,,,.,"'"''' 111cTr~:1s0, you will he able two flights on glider and 1mmc,ct1atc:Iy diagnose all t hrce of the above conditions. Tllcn, you can make the proper i11stm,-111, all at One no((: of calllion: the down dcflexors too much can make your glider divergent while your center of gravity (C too far rearward can make it unstable. For this reason, it advisable to move your .(,. forward to speed up and loosen your clown dcfkxor, to slow the glider.
when turn initiated. The allows the sail to move while the latler allows the wingtips lo move by virtue of pulley bridle connect ion bet ween I he (or down) at the From the HANG GLIDING,
both adjw,t the
not, the
or down, and thus, C(lual11.c down dclkxors should tell you
if they in equal mljus1mcn1. Now your wing should he shaped Ille
on bo1h
•1 l
I \M
you have ccnlcrcd the sail
1·nr equal billow pulling Ilic lowest part of until you (billow) on
grnundcd. The final
glider lhe lhal hold the wi111gtips washout
';JH()NCrH HI AH '.-'.iTf{tJF, l'HOVJ:JU) IN'.')l'/\l l ArlON, f{I M()VAJ /\NJ) /\IJ,ilL":.'lMI Nl
f)hnro \t('f)lwn Md orrn!(
if he pushed ou1 liltlc too hard !he iOp of the stall, he stood excellent chauet: of inertia on the through into Rob pushed out jmt pitched vertical, harness his feet hit the sail., and the
camera to
A and
bar-monntccl camera out for weeks afterward we would and show it around 1he shop just to the cxprc:ssion on face when the glider went to 90° nnd he went wc:igl1ll<,ss.
The test the dive, laimch due to all the cquipmcnl on glider. We had 6«lb, movie camera on one end of the McCarroll's end of
the descended, it tried dive, with the result that tl1,: glider oscillating between 60° and 80° nose down. At the time it was also to side under the canopy. Rob releasing the chute for to get the down attitude for release. To me, watching the whole sequence through the viewfinder of an millimeter movie camera on full zoom, from 500 fL that he right on the released 400 ft, I had decided that had malrunct ioncd and that he to have to ride it inlo the ground, when ! saw the chute and the pull out almost instantly into zoom climb the top, A careful 111sp1:1:u,111 of the film showed that the glider release, and immediately upon release swung nose down into full 90° and then pulled out The time on the film from fult out is about two
of about 30 ft, what we calculations on the lcngt h of all survived,
and I
forth er while sufficient to obtain lion on om other
his luck technique, steep
ficd with 1he to demonstrate to our satisfaction, and to the "ll'·"""·""" customers that our from turbulence indueecl, fall vertical dive, should
millimeter last off he the
When it came time to
this such boom which end of the keel, and paradmle attached to lhc encl of the boom, could calculate for the boom which would the parachute pull upwards on line the true
and thus We b11il1
in the
down, had sink on the glide out
even at a angle or were confident lhat the pull out without any problem, the and cutaway of the chute
altitude, Rob hit the
the ernsshar«mounted camera and about three
the chute, It opened later and the
tiy pop11l:ir clrnmmrll I llu stm of llm I 9ltl
tlio t)EJst rnw;I impmv11 to llm>u[Jl1ou: yoar Now a
recic1y lor you
A tDIDlly 110w nppl1ml lnnd111q oclq() pockot drarrwt1c,illy tho 8lrondy rrnnarkntJll; porlrnrnancc Tim ?'.i'Yr, doulllo :;urfaco 111 1111, cnt1cal chmrl prov1rJos 1J1u q11ins at tJoll1 rmils of 1110 cornli1m,d wilh many 1mpruvurrnmls 1n lho flllly c:amhrnocl and IJattonrxJ rom1II,; 111 r,vcn lower sir1k lo crawl, float 11pw:11cls 111 th1, we<1kr:st tl1mmal, and 111cm to tho 11r,xt Onc:o asiain tho tlm ship evoryor10 will look up lo 1n 1
1110h and ()rtjoy rlrnn(J 1JI A suiltl() rosl1up111q 11:uonrlmy. Fir1ur;rt1p 1nstanl il1lcrrrmci1atP tu expert pilot You'll nolicn olhnr 1mproverncmt,; fm tl1u systmn with 11110111<11 ncijustmcml rim11rnJ. Clu1r:k l,1c;lrm111u
1110 floal1nq keel pocket will rnakn our nlmacly famous lianr11inq and unequalled stahil1ly put tlm fun LJack 111 tly1110 for Ilic
crnnplntely rcdrnsrinccJ and streamlinecl clnflexor clraq. l lie lumllucklcs also rim1c, from tl1r, top time prop,m11q on lilt-, fJrmmrJ, mom time: pr,rfmrn111q ir1 liln dir 1111s ynnr
now evrm liottor
I /\r1
i\flrn qmnl pmfmrnrn1cc· la'.>t lmvu ticcn rnaclo
appDarruicn tiy ,111 ir1cmdrtilo pr1rfmrne:r'
ll()m1 hold ovm tor I D7fl Flr11 rm1ny 1rnpurlan1
flio IJrq rmw111rm1 !odium norrnnlly tou11cl on acJwmced ultrnliqhts a lloat111q kr,r1I pocket Wl1n1 lms All of IIH, Se,al'1a~vk's trwl11ror1al 1nollow l11111cll111q lru,; 11 w; r1orn, for m1 nlm;1dy qroal l1amllrnq :;tirp'I Only tlm l1um1 rularr1ml lr1 ;icld111011 ttm qlrclor roll,: wrtl1 1nur;l1 qmatcr Yori'll tlu aliln to t11cnrral wrtr1 rr1c1r1asr1c1 co11f1dc11ui even lces11 c1flort now Wt1u1t1er r10vrce, 1111r1rrm:cl111lc, or export, you'll rc,c.1lly m11oy flyrnu wrlh tr1CJ
f)nrtorrnancn nl:;u p;irl of llie New b1cl1nq mJqo curv()1;, tra1lr11q cdqu c11I and ,rn,111n1Prl cmnlJcnriq p1Ht of 1111, yorr'II l11qtmr lhr,; n1u 110w fully t1atto1md :,1111 qrv()S you an oven lop :1pnn<i or1cu you'vn rmc'1ocJ ll1n top of 1111, lrft lwrnl out
/\ddinq c:rnwc,n1r111cr,, t1,1111lucklw;
anct olrrn111atcin
tcrnronrn sy,,tr,rn m1 1hr: uppm rrcJqrnq rJols you 1n llm rm up qurckm
/\:; if tlrrs wmrn1't ;md cmilccl cnlllns 111st to rnonlron
fnw1 /\II ul ll,1s
nl your
So,a~ravvk. /\rr old frrcncl 1111th rrow p8rforrmmcc1
didn't then. He there while he comr,lc11ccl his thesis 011 I heir social order, their values and behavior. a selected group of tl1a1 was an island in the mids! of an ocean of people for soc:10lo1~ists and a11lhropolc1g1,;ts Jack wanted to follow the one step further· ·-study an isolated tribe of who an island in an ocean full or technology clepcndcnl people. This laler study was a popular subject for graduate st udcnts who had come to realize 11iat Western science and had white· washed Nal ivc /\r11cr1eam customs. honafide. He wasll't Jack's inlercsl PhD fabricating attempting to shamans and ICf.!,1llrnamythical societies cla11nmg that the entire study was a advisor's mystical met hod of gaining knowledge. The course that he selected called "Native /\mcri· can Studies 199·-···With lab." .lack lived on reservation for a fnll year, and during that whole time, neither friends nor relatives had heard from him. l le finished his thesis for his PhD. Jack studied their and their customs until they became a part of his life style. After he moved away from the rcser·· vation and into small cornhe continued to prnclicc many :ic11111rec1 customs. His behavior was not iceably different from hdore. He showed four
I'm not
man, alt hough I've played some cards and called some horses, but l know l can you this fifty to warm until c'>lt!PJJcn returns to collect it. Now you don't go it or it, cause it'll have to accompany that fifty you've just collected." I le turned Io me, "Who says it doesn't pay to drive'/" the winm.:rs smile on their lo the bank, Jack, !mt I'll take you to conso. lalion lunch when you get back rrom your long walk, deal?" asked Dave as he bunched the ten $IO bills together. The shop sou 11ded with cheers and laughs before the louder sounds of and restored the usual sound of work to Ilic air. Jack remained quiet for the duration of the day. Everyone else was thinking about Monday and whether .lack and [ would show. Jack's race remained cxprcs·· sionlcss while he ran his machine, but couldn'I help smiling and showing a thumbs up sign to anyone who would make eye contact with me. I coulcln' l believe that we were to waltz right in Monday morning and collect almost a full day's pay for a full of "You look like cal who ale his fill of fish and mice, said Dave when lie came over to me. smiled wider and almost Three hours later Jack and finished he work. Dave waved the $100 in the air saw us pass. couldn't believe that collecting the bet going to be as simple just walking to work Monday morning, but r saw nothing that could possibly interfere. As Jack left, he couldn't believe that he had almost spent two years at the same job. In just one more day he would he n,1,ir1ni11" to the Indian reservation where he spent a year conducting graduate studies
arc still a part of Earth. He said that the land, its rivers and mmmtains, and that there is an inherent within all things. We must bet.ween those bcneficial and sceminglly non-lrvmti bciHgs
or our world and those which arc non··bencficial before we act to con I rol or he believed. Thal will come with he said. So when it emne time for Jack to rile his documented thesis with the graduation com11J1ltc1:, he them handwritten letter that with a explained why Ile should not make his st uclies said to do so would transgress the sanctity of the culture. It was taboo for any member lo reveal customs or practices to who were not members or initiates of the reservation. Jack argued that this of silence was not device for concealing "unspeakable acts or unnatural practices" because there have bce11 non. They commit no act that be considered immoral, nor do !hey behave in any manner that would he detrimental or destructive toward their people and their land. They would not pass 011 to their children or their children's children any practice that they did not wholly approve. truly revere life and the lane!, anti to that service they dedicate their livc:s. They do not converts, but likewise, they will not turn away who sincerely desire lo learn how lo live in accordance with their land. Like in the biblical those who seek shall be rewarded with truth, but the individual must take the first step. review Jack believed that the committee would understand his request l'or reassignment of PhD subject. He and his advisor had discussed the possibk outcome of his decision to remain unpublished. They thought that the graduation (confi1111ed 011 J)age 47)
,1 medium for via its monthly publication. HAN(, (;f JDIN(; magazine Rates pilots and certifies instructors ® Sanctions rne<'ts for national c1nd international championships Recognizes
with Otto Lilienthal Aw<1rds intemiltionillly throu1Jlt the Nationol Aeronautic Assn (NAA). Ae1ron.awliq1w lntcrnationitlc (FAI) liason between pilot and the public in1J hang gliding at government levels
hctJrei,cnts you
I ilpply for memti,ership in the Unit<'d
division of the:
Hang Clidinq Asi;oCiati,:m, Inc
I include my check or nicmcy
for annual dues
$20 FULL MEMBER ($21 foreign)--As USH(,A mc:mbership benefits
or money order to u~,.n,,,.,.
full member you
12 issues of HAN(, C,UDINC, rmisiazinc, pilot liability insurance, and all
recommendations. Its members C:Prl1"11 rn,,, Of
the Federation Internationale; and honor who make outstanding contributions to the advancement or aviation and and related subjects. The Nalional Aeronautic in close cooperation with the is helping the growth of in the United For has been of aviation.
Official The delegate and a11crnatc atlending FAI committee meetings unpaid volunteers nominated by lhe division lo the who appoints the individuals to represent the United and aero cl11h al tru: cornmittec meeting. II is honor that comes lo
member in to the national aero club one delegate nnd one allernalc represent the nation on I heir particular committee.
ac11v11t1(:s lo the organization NAA therefore division status. 11 that the United ciat ion is 1he represent at ivc of in the United States, has C111w1·v1•,inn or all hang record attempts, competition sanctions, and selection of team members world champion
affect the future of the sport and its
This status of official spokesman the sport in the United a responsibility lhat affect member or the organization sport. 11 that 1he is derived from the National Aeronautic Association and the FA!. Other NAA Divisions aviation sports of Model Aeronauties, Club of America, Ameriean for Aerospace Edueation, Balloon Federation of America, National Pilots Association, of America and the United States Paraehutc Association.
and alternate, can fluencc over the ment of the sport
Chuck Stahl is the alternale.
Slrnctme of the J<'edeml.ion /\ermm111tic11ue Inlr,maliomllc FA! General Conference meets once each year and endeavors 10 rur1her aero11au1ics and astronautics by member efforls. The General Conference establishes FA! policies, elects FA! officers, maintains the constitution, assesses FA! membership fees and crca1cs and maintains the permanent and spacial commi1tccs governing aeronautic and astronautic ac1ivity. :--;1>ctv,c11;rm nations arc affiliated with FAL FA! Council meets once a year between General Conference meetings and all matters referred lo it by the Conference. The Council the body through which FA! policies implemented. Its members arc the president, council president, presidcnl, vice prcsiden1 s, director and treasurer general. CASI keeps the international sporting code up to date by recommending changes to the General Conference, arbitrates dis international records and putes events, establishes rules for the selection of international and aecepts ideas and requests l'rom the 3 permancn1 ils cornmiltces in HANG GLIDING
enthusiasts nation-
nominations through NAA. NAA a(111mm:stcr,
I drums intact.
niirnit,?s. ch,mcie in your ear specs. on the
Normal Cruise Take Off
7000' ms! lO miles 30-40 miles WITH the PP106 you can take off from flat ,w,,11r,,1 and rio where you want, not just where the wind you under full power is ful. NOW you can power up, shur down and the lift if the isn't there. With its low static balanc~? the PP106 cloes Air starts arc On a of gas you can up for hours. HIGH PERFORMANCE tion when you have an ENGINE. The CIRRUS of 6~U60:1 bad for
Standard Fuel ca1:>ac:1tv
BEARINGS-Ball ue,u,,,;1 , Sealed 4 per ass,emlllv
TAIL SKID-Alum. Tubinq 6061 T6
PROPELLER HUBA.lum. 606 l T6 with 11 mountinq bolts PROPELLER-FHP, 42xl 9 or 44xliJ laminar WEIGHT 27 lhs.
12 minute 8 Promotion film with sound
casse1te is available.
Los sons Sales Flight Accessorios Airbrushed T-Sh,rts
Sat1i·dact1on guurantood
or money rofundod
hunrll111g and shipping
each of us involved in hang compared to many other sports. Our
knows, lhe sport still in its is constantly
and rcclesigned. One of the latest arrivals from the world or research and Jusl recently placed on the market after three years of c1es1gn1I1g
is the Strains
has four features which make il an advanced at tile same time extremely simple. The airframe of the Stratus is extremely strong. Unlike any other flexible wing glider, the keel, crosstube aml leading edges arc all made of' lubing. though the tubing used is so lhe weight remains minimal only 44 lhs. and 47 lbs. for the small and respectively. Another feature worth noting is lhe use of' semi .. floating inboard trunk lips. ·rhe unusual feature here that they not only move vertically but also This, or course, allows for minimum safe washout and helps keep the glider stable throughont a turn. The amount of movement prc,scl at the factory, lo whatever limits a wants. The Stratus is the first hang glider rounded, 1u11y.1tc:xJ1:i1c llt,cu:lw;s cause the tips arc rounded, the is made more efficient. And because they arc flexible, they keep constant tension on the trailing edge of the sail. This results in smoother passage throngh turbulence, because the entire wing and airframe absorb the shocks. Pr,'"lh·e1hlt1 the rnost unusual feature of this glider is the flat is no eambcr sewn into the panncls, so the sail possesses a very unique planform. Camber is provided by a semi.pliable foam wedge which on the straight keel making it impossible for the suil to collapse and, at the same lime, obtaining maximum colnmn strength due lo the fact that there is no camber in the keel tube itself. The flat sail and f'loating trunks, combine to make an extremely low drag coefficient, thereby a very wide speed range. The Stratus possesses good stability and yaw characteristics. Pitch control and fast roll rate arc both well coordinated. Due lo the tip design and keel pocket, pilot effort is minimal, those long thermal tiring. The main advantage is in the high speed range (45 to mph) where the 1./D curve is si,rn,·i,incrh, high, giving good crosS··Country and thcrmal·sccking ability. Slall is straight forward with little or no tendency to fall off on one wing. Stall occurs at about l 8 mph out of ground effect. Even though stall speed, best sink rate seems to be abollt 20 mph, and control at this speed is excellent, resulting in good soaring 3lJiJity. -.,,
SMALL Nose Angle Root Cord
130 8'
130 8'
l64 sq. ft
148 sq. ft
Span Arca Ratio Recommended wing loading
44 lbs. l I lbs./sq. ft. HANG GLIDING
il9 SY; With f;t1rr11p ur kl\(;() h,Hl(]Pr', 9'.J (JflWllh ilO\il W11t(!for'.,;11H1qi,lwetto M;i,;Jmsur1, :>OH!, l"lu:;:.>nll !")t 111u,l11 f\Hk, Nl1c!11q,111 <HlHh
Pl IIF0!1MANCF AND llflOCll'll1E, :iHID
MANUAL THI\ I NDS C;L TDf'll'.l" l',C,lOX Wl Cll!TA, KAN:iAS r, 1)01
II' Yi )t 11 JA V! A Cl! 11)1 11
Y()lJ '.)}!Olli '.l 111\ V! I\ nnA(; U !UT!
{lNr Y(llJ ( :At~ l '.ON 1110\
11\HCil I I ANl!INn~;CAN 1'JOW !)( A I'll Cf or Cl\l<,I WI 111 ll(IMMINCl\1111)'.,' IH I Hl\t:11\lll I
N 10'.)JH: /\MUN[ ANDBI\Cf\
Y(lll NO l OI\J(:irl1 HAV! IO ll! lJNC! m /\IN /\[JUIJ l 11\N!JIN(~ IM TlffY}f l lUH I AN AW)Ol llTI MU!]] l Oil c110:;:; COIJN[l1Y f·l YIN(l Mm IA IKif 1 ! I\NlilN(<); c!11dn 1:, uvc11l,d1IH ,11111(J1!l 1>1111plet1J hil'HJ ql1!101
AL!ll/\l, 1r'CHNIQULS HtJ 1/I 4!JMli~! Hll ~ M\)Nf1(ll,NY 111()',1) ('Jl,11//l:Jfif 11l u1C\4/ lJ,H
l N Tllf PEfllllflW,IJC:I"
( (
NEED LIIT> Michael Robert
{//],i /
/l ;; J /
( :J\
'. l1C JCl(;
,11 J1 1
(Line on Beige Lt. Blue.) H-6 Sunset (Highlv cl10tailecl full color) H·8 f1ocket Man (Highly detailed full color) H 10 High Flying (Highly full color) ML XL (Printed on Back) ML on Front) Lt. Blue, ancl Beige
On yonr head! But how do yon determine thal your own brain bucket is a Class A numero uno head protector, hclmel '? First, look inside ror a If it has one with Snell 71 or Z-90 or DOT 8 on it, then you can be sure it is at least a reasonably good helmet. Hit has a sticker, it was probably made I'm motorcycle riding or automobile racing. If ii was made for hang it rm:ili,abllv doesn't have sticker, because up until this time ratings have not been required of the for hclmcts used for hang 1978 Nationals, hclmets used competition will be required to eil her have an ANSI or be of sufficienl 10 meet those standards. It is horecl that by the Nationals all hang gliding helmet manufacturers will have submitted current helmets for certification. Meanwhile, if your helmet doesn't have a rating sticker, inspect it for certain qualities. The shell should be smooth and rigid without ridges or projections which might hang or rntch on a striking object. The shell should be al least l /8 in. thick and made of or polycarbonalc plastic. The inner liner should he of at least l in. thick ,hock or nr ,h11m,th,l11'' foam. This will be dense, hard, hul crushable foam, usually white in color. Soft comfort roam docsn'I cou111. The strap ,hould be very strong------at least '.JOO lbs. pull as a great number of been killed after the helmet came off the head; while there is no known incident of a person's neck being damaged of a strong st rap. The helmet should be because there an: known instances of person injured his helmet shifted on his head. If you try on a helmet for purchase and your head is 0
100 for the small sin: and too small for then buy a better fitting the medium brand even if you have to spend more for it. Then: is a definite advantage to helmets in hat you may find that di ffercnl from yom usual hat size, there is a wide range or available. shorl explanation of the above requirements is in order at this . The shell should be rigid and 1/8 in. thick to spread the force of a blow over a wide area and to resist penclration by objects. fiberglass helmets do I he best and helmets do lhc second best; however, both types of helmets have hee11 ccrlified to pass energy absorption and penetration resistance tests. The helmet should be smooth and without ridges projections, just as a blow which strikes billiard ball will cxcrl its force straight through the Cl:nlcr of the ball and impart no spin on it (cues are a special case), a smooth helmet will tend to cause a blow's energy to pass through the center of the helmet and provide no torque to the head to neck. A helmet with or projections may be struck on the such that a strong or to the head, rotational with its chalked, sort CUC hall and impart strong spin to I he cue ball. This means that if you don't want your head spinning like cue hall, you should a smoolh helmet and stay away from cue sticks. an energy absorbing liner can't evaluated by thickbecause ""''"T"'''
lo absorb
Just as there is a certain
minimum distanee thal it takes to stop even I he bcsl designed race car from a given velocity, there is certain minimum distance that is lo slop a blow lo the hi.;ad without the head being subject to excess acceleration. Assuming I he reasonable or :mo times the acceleration to he 300
perfect energy absorbing medium of one inch and a head with a velocof 60 mph would need a full five inches. even the best of helmets energy absorb have to do without a material, but certified helmets will generally protect a head running into an immovable object at 1 to 18 mph and glancing blows to a much higher velocity; whereas, an unprotected head under the same circumstances will experience thousands of Since thicker helmets are better, you may then ask why helmets aren't thicker. Well, all helmc1s made for car and racing are much thicker and are much heavier and more (ienerally, he Imel s used for street riding or from which the gliding helmets are majority of adapted, are built just thick to rass the minimum standards law (DOT-218 and Z-90). Speaking of the standards, one rnay ask how they delermine a safe helmet. Generally, to absorb all standards measure the energy directly by using headform of the an average human same shape and weight head (about J l lbs.) with an electronic accelerometer in it Then they 1he head form from and measure the acceleration inside the headform. Next they the headform on the same spot to test for the helmet's HANG GLIDING
ability to resist multiple repeat the two on each of four different spots on the helmet. Besides this, also do the same tests on three other helmets of the same Iype which have been subjected lo extremes of heat, cold and moisture. If any or the four helmets fail The helmets resistance to nnd for strap sl rcngth. to say, after such a helmet that passes is complete test known to he of and the only sure way to know if your helmet is is to a certified helmet. But since there arc few hang helmets which have been certified at this
st Z-90/1971 or SHCA DOT 8 Sncll 1971 or Z-90/1976 Snell 1975 last is now for all Other considerations about helmets arc As helmets age, the of the shell and liner worse), helmets years old should be retired Also painting
helmets hclrnet may should only painl applied by the manufacturer which with the was selected for it helmets shell nrn1 crial. should never be Helmets, by the way, arc meant to your head one time; so helmet with any no1iccablc to the shell or liner should be retired to of honor and new one Of great concern to many pilots is I he of the helmet while Some complain I hat hclmc1 makes their necks tired and others of the of There is little that can he said to a pilot about a helmet his neck except to exercise his neck and gel used lo it. There arc a few 10 said about the hility of neck The average human head about 11 lbs., while a about l lb. I oz., which of the head only 18°/o. from lO which is an The average person can increase the amount Ii ft l()()ll/o in a few weeks which used to a heavier
helmet quickly. The increase in muscle also ~'''"""~,- extra to the neck. An extensive research USC for the Department of Transporla1 ion very shows that in acci · dents helmets reduce fatalities greatly, but also that there arc slightly fewer fatalities due lo neck to helmet wearers. !I is 1101 within the scope of this article to name all of the helmets which will pass llowcvcr, at this or the protect ion of Un fortunately, many of lhc hockey and no al all from helmets lhe kind of blow that causes permancn1 brain damage or kills. There arc accidents in which the best hclmc1s in the world would serve 110 purpose, but statistics show in the types or accidents hang glider motorriders and auto racers tend to underhelmets do save lives. go that All of this has been said with the hope that you will never need your helmet, but with the sincere that if you do, yo.u are it and it a one! FOOTNOTE: Sources or information Snell Foundation, Bell Helmets, ANSI, SJ !CA, Department of
STARSHIP 100 STARSHIP I08 100° 108" fl ft 9 ft 8 ft 36 ft 38 ft 175 ft 165 ft 114' I 13.0 VERY HIGH VERY HIGH 140-200 lbs 140200 lbs $975.00 $1050.00
"Includes cover bag
14 IN l AN E POWAY,CALIFORNIA 064 71 8 1739
JUNE 1978
W:1lnut St , Sama
$580, Call
Smith, AR 72904. (1501) 782-:l45G. Ci\LIFORNJA
8 monlhs old, cxcellcnl condition. /\II the lalcsl hardware. Oil Dodgen (714) 897,5094.
with nnn,circular tom or tom loose from on the keel and edges. doubt, many hang gliding lmsinesses he happy to give an objective opinion on the condition of equipment you bring them to inspect.
PLIGHT REALITIES Dealers for Electra Flyer, Eipper-Forn)ancc, M,anta, Windhaven in San Diego and Southern is one of the most exp,,riencG~l and cornpret11m,si11e in the U.S. l;1rge stock of accemmrieH and flXce1lent used gliders availabln. HJ45 Adams Ave., San Ca.
demos available. while lhcy las!. 547-6366 or (714) 547 1.144.
EASY RJSER. Custom huilt, custom painted with box, low time, $1/\00, firm. Call (602) RASY msrm. ,Just cornplet.e,d, EASY RISRlt Used 20 (718) (i43-:l273.
ASG 2J .. B. Air,\m1shed DRAGONFLY MKL dition. ('714)
HANG GLIDERS WJ,;ST-DlLLON BEACH FLY! NG SCHOOL. We sell and service all parts, accessories. USHGA c<ertified im,t.rnel.ors servers. Frnc lessons with of a !.he sale, it's the SERVICE Hn,,,n· 1::1;'1,arc 1011 Lincoln Ave., ~D,>· 1 oo"t. Hours l 0:00
For tho stock inve11t.ory. USHGA certified and mnch more! Call 94:1-1071. 1:m1 Beach La Habra, CA. B0631. THE HANG GLJDER SHOP
Never flown 964-8412.
is now the Strat.trn 5 lrni lt by for n limited number
perfection wit.h added accessories. $1200 or offer. Rick (80/5)
ICARUS V McCULLOCH 101 ENGfNK Flys well. Box, skids ..'jl(J!J/i. Dave, (805) 962,2588, days 962,6461, eves.
CIRRUS lll. Excellent Black, blue, red, hlack leading edge. 1544<l45fl.
irn.:itruction available.
Van Nuys, Ca. 01411. SUPEH FLY SKY-SAILS, INC. Dealer for Mani.a, Sunbird and Electra Flyer. brands available. before you huy. 1,c,m,:,s ,rw,111:arn1c Complete lesson certified irn,tr11ctors observern. 9/iO:JO. Aldercroit Hgts. Rd., (408) ,)53-2926.
463-f\:l65, after 6. CUMUUJS VB. 18' Excellent condition. Colom are: Includes UP harness and helmet. weekdays, (2 l:l) 698 37:15, CUMULUS VB. 18'. Js:xccllent condtion. Colors are: ]L blue and dk. blue. Has windows! $6150. Dav" Childs at (714) 864-2285.
WJNJJHA VEN HANG GLIDING SCHOOL, INC. Southern California. line to advanced im,t.ruct.i011L instn1ct,irs. Write or call, Windhavm1, Rd., Sylmar,
277-0455. IMMACULATE WIND GYPSY MKlV-B. Hands-off TRI,S'l'RUT CIRRUS llI DKJJL. $650. Armadillo Aviation, TX.
Excellent condition.
CCiS and Moody rcduclion drives. l'.. Imperial Hwy., Fl Sep.undo, Ca. 90245.
Boal 11:nleasc with cnrnblnn1
Kite E-:nterprises
point pulley bridle
519 North Hlth, (fi01) 78/l- 1366, after
Ill[ COMl'l[II Ollflll!ING ANIJ ::oimcr llOllK lllll llANC (;l ll)IN(~, by M1cl1c11:I Mrnili:i:;011 ll1sto1y 1no(lel'; 11011c' scl1ooh 11 Y lia'.:;1c 1nlo1m;1!1011 011 tnclm1q11fi::; and ,r\sl111ct1on 1IANC 1.1 IIJIN(, ANIJ SOAHIN(i 11v ,lillllUi, Miilltk J i1ql1t ll111wy <111rl rne1eo1oloq1cal d11t;1 IIAN(, 111(,111. t,v Jrn1 Aililliiilll ;11111 llill W1ll1illll'I 111 iiili111l1 I l1ql1t 111,;lr11Cilllll 1n111111al I 011 paqe,; floyn1er l~ev1'.;nd r:cl1111rn TIH: IJ;i';w
11 ?
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fl b
II i
111 A1111llld
and cornl111011'.; 10!
IO POPIJl /111 11 CAI II OliNIII. liy fl Cle;ivel:rnd l_1'.11'.s ?O ,,11e:, l11ni1r:(i 1 GUIDi I IJ 110(,AI IO 11 IGII I Sk11Hllil 11111! l11Ci1 , 111ley A 1i;111tll1ook lor 30 flllllll'I IIANli 1,I IIIINC 1111 11 YINlil lion ll,11111111 fJ1ctor1al p11u1 ccrnnwnt:; f)l10!0', IJy McC:111 oli M/\Nl~LD '.Jy l)a11 Poynte1 ll:1r11ltiook on toVv l;i;111c11 lly111q
II I? 111:1
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IIOOK or IIANC CUlllNC lly I) :; ll;tlacy 1111 COMl'I tn tori;iy lflf> 1ro1n 11s PSl)(iC1c!liv 101 (ii llllNG I 01, :J? jliliJIIS
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IIANC Gi_illlN(I MANIJAI ANll I OC. liy lliill lo1 li111111w111•; J\11 d:,:J(d tu m:,11uctor:, or ,1' X I Al SPUII I INI, COili I 011 l'·ov11l11s 11111 111q11111:11111n\'. tor rnCCJl(J:.;, ;1ct11cvn11ie111,, li;irJqe,; ;rnd World Ct1:111 :i10'1s!111h
II II 11111
' !)0 Oll
ITEMS lJ~)I IG/\ !:MBL!:M l ,'.llllH 1 10{)11/o co\lon, /i1ql1 q11dl1ty n1,1r1q(' 011ly M1111·s :;, M. I.XI (please ci1cln sirn) INll,A I MlllJM CAI' 0111: ';i111 lils 1111 lli11111l1a111y;x• w INl(IA n,111,11,111 NAVY 01 Ul,MIGI circle 11olor) U'.)IIGA '.ll:W,ON i'MU! f M d1;11netc1, lull COIOI (r1:cl drHi 01a1H:c 011 ;i yellow or:inqe liackq1ourn1 w bl,1ck pr11'11
1·1 I ?
,1 lill ()()
d1anwtnr lull color
I 4
llSlll,A Ill CAI
I ~J
11:;11CA I.MIiii M Pl NllANI
J11111Jiile1 l'ewl1'1
I Ii
I ICI NSI 1'1 All I IV1MI. .. , cl 1atl1u llf' 11111111 ql11lir111 f31ue rnd white
rl1a111cter, lull color
4 (JI)
? ()()
IJSIIC/\ OI I ICIAI Cll~m II IION 1rn11 ::
? I)() Ml llCIIANlllci! Sllll IOIAI
HANG GLIDING/ GROUND SKIMMER IIACK ISSUES ~lpccliy l1y circling 1s:,uc rn mber MIMI 01,IW'lll ll COl'lf
No tix on 111aqa;1nw,
I ?. :l. 4 :,
7. il 'I I 0
l'lilNTI IJ COl'II :; 19 ?O ?I. ??. ?'.l ('l:i r:11lc11ilc11 I ?·1 ?h (?(, SUI ll 0.11 I ?I. ?ll. ?9 :10. ell :J? J:J :14
:Iii ('/liCiil1illila1) l'lllNII IJ CIIPII :;
:m. :m. 140 so1.no111,. 41. 4,. ,1:1. ,11,1,,. 111. 41.11i 111 I IJO
Slll'l'l YI IMIII Ll
NO CHA11GE ITEMS IISI IGA Ml Mlll 11:;1111' Ai'l'i lCAI ION I OIIM ( 1J 41
IIIM llllllll''il iOIIM
IJ;,111,A 111 IIN IIIAI AWAIW IOl1M (n l?I (fl(;) Spec1!y ruq1011
llASIC:iAITlY 1111,IIIAIION,; (l'AflT 1001 IJSll(,A IIANG l,ATINC 1'1101,IIAM (l'AH! 10.11 Consurnr·r ailv1'.;01y Opinion~~ 1101 clow;
IJy authors ol l1ster1 l}()nks r1o no1 11ec:c~:sa1 ily reflect USflC/\ policy nerCI\.Jf1d1;;e co11'.;t1lt11P endor;;emc1\t
WHITT WINGS-Atlanta's MA,JOR school. U.S.H.G.A. Certified instructors I l.bru Ceorgia distributor for C.G.S. Mo-Glider also UFM,
available. Andenmn
msLn1cvor and student. , ""'"""u.1 "'" at the foot of Green Mountain. information. (30:l) 278-!lf,66. Golden, Co. 80401.
LEADING EDGE AIR F'OJLS, INC. USHGA tified Instructors. our 50' to 6,000' sites. tributors for Chuck's Giider S:nn,nlil\s. Deal,1rship quiries invited.
list. Co.
Eipper, Kondor, Weekly instruction. Corn1,lete ,:rn1:fi t.ti r,g ,rn,i mi Jes backpacking, canoe shoot the breeze! Vovmm1:1r·;; fS!J::lti Merri1m1 Dr.,
AERO FLOA'l' FL!GH'l'S. Motorized hang specialists. Dealers for UFM and the provm; We are of the Safoty-Pro C.G. harness JM. MEDIATE EASY P.O. Box 1 lf\5, Baltlo Creek, MI 4BOIG. (616) H6ri-G455.
FLORIDA MIDWEST SCHOOL OF HANG GLIDING. All im1trncltion. located % mile from Warren in the U.S.! Wing,AlEl1Jctra--1"lver. Come taking Olympus,
UFM OF FLORIDA. Easy Risers in stock. See Rigid column. GEORGIA /\!JANIA IIANCi (illlll'RS & llLTRALl(illTS. Hanµ I a11d II, c!a\c,room '>Choo\, certified in '>t r11c1 or'> \\'II (){)O/o
".afct y record.
( 'om
plell:d Lac.,y Ri\er'>, {)11\Ckc..i!vcr\, VJ.24 Snnfun, Mitchell Winy:, packapc" to 85 lb\, l'hn1s,l and used l'.O. Box 48161, Doraville, (ii\. 30.162. (/(04) 4';8A584, 448 .1516
SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN HANG GLrnERS-and Soarmaster Power Dealer for Electra Wing, dealer for Bill Pack. Distributor for
Please specify type horncss,glider,& mfgr
CA. 90045
way to advanced training in the mountains, Ask about our Fly/Drive which includes airfare, car rental, motel, meals, lf you need a glider, select one while large inventory, We the
FLIGHT SCHOOL is Ulah's oldest and most with USBGA Advanced certified 111Srn1cu,rs, and servicn for Electra Di stri hutor Salt Lake City, UT, 84102, (801) ,359,791:,L WASATCH WINGS INC,
SUN HANG GLIDfi:RS, !NC Di,itributors for Electra Wills Wing, Mitcbell Wing, lJFM F;asy Certified instrncLions, Owner/managers of the Hang Gliding soarahle with tramway !ill, When in the anrl lest our line of gliders and W, Larpenteur Ave,, SL Paul, Mil 18, ((312) 489,8300,
NOVA HANG GLIDEHS, !NC, area with Chuck's Olicler Supplies
Windhaven Parachutes, USHGA Certified instructor, observer, 112 Oak St,, Vienna, VA, 22180, (70:3) 281,3339,
MONTANA (JP-TT CO, Check our showroom, we have every, for the beginner to the We am dealers
DJ<:SEH'I' SCHOOL OF FLIGHT, Located in S, K Instruction} sales, service. Powered (fi09) 78:l, lfi4(i, 14~/\ WA, D93f\2,
ELEC'l'RA,FLYER DfSTRIBlJTORS, COME FLY ,JOCKEY'S RIDGE! Ifyou live eastofthe Mississippi and want to learn to fiy a safely come to Kitty Hawk Kites, Wilbur came here to learn to Gliding into the soil, ALian, tic breezes from Ridge is an experience which will be rmnembered, 'I'hirtHen stories dune on the East Coast,, We over 7,500 folks to fly of from the soft sand is a major in rocord of Kitty Hawk Kites, the ~:ast Coast's gliding schooL We offer several
WASHINGTON AE!WNAll'l' HANG GT.,!DERS, INC, Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle call (206) il6(i,2264 for dealc;r nearest you, For best service and instruction avaiJ,, able on new model g!ideru, See our display acL GJid, ors in stock for immediate delivery anywhere in the N01thwest!
CENTRAL WYOMING HANG GLIDEI{S,,,-,l)ealer & ASG, USHGA observer & in, struction, SL ,John SL, Casper, WY, il2GO L (807) 2G/'5,'7292, 2(i6,378 !,
7fl0] 3, (817) 46!),,!JJr,9,
you off the ground and inlo Call Larry Edwards Grand, Jct, Smith, Ar, '72904, (501)
PHONE (213) 787-6600 (213) 785-2474 BOX 483, VAN NUYS, CA 91408 TELEX 65-1
power crmtr,r of and inforrnation We sell comRisers and Wings loo. Call or 1 San Fernando Rd., Sylrnar, CA. 91:14~. (21:3) :3G7-18Hl
!JOOHH. 'l'EE-Sl!IRTS with LTSHGA emblem $5.50 inclncling and Californian8 add fi% tax. Ornnge only. USHGA, Box CA fJOOiHi.
MR'l'AL uc1rnsr,; PLATE FRAMES RATHER BE HANn m,lDlNfl". White lettering on blue $4.00 and add {¥);, Box
P.O. Sports.
90. WIIERE flrnqer Winqs Wll11rnr and PAHEl!NS: WHEN: S;rcrarnenlo h:IJ :>:J. 1978 Whiner brown rnsert wrtll oran(Je liorcler Srrper 90, crrnler wrll1 windows. lrql1t lllue, whrlec. yellow. "TACT: llorrqlas I enl 81.lO:, I a Hrvrera Dr 11'14. Ca %826 ('11G) :lli:H:l19 (Ill (911i) 4:,20117 (W) or 110'.;evrlln IM Nortl< 111ql1lanrls, Cdlrf 9:1G(iO (501)
WI 11-T I .S --Specially dcsig11cd and man11 l"actmed 10 be the finest, most durable safety wheels available anywhere. 7'' whccb arc molded from highand bearing ~cts <JrL'. Cu~hion low friction polypropoknc. Fasily fits any si1c from (I" or 11/8"). Complete sct--$12.95. Distri bu tors: WEST-··< 'hamlellc San l'rancisco, 10 I lillsidc
TYPE: Electra Flyer Crrrus Ill, SAit PATTERN: Keel out yellow red, red leadrnq edge WHERE & a tavern rn Plwenrx. Arizona, 15, 1977 $100 f1ewa'.rl CONTACT: Bill E. Moreland. l'l1oen1x. Amona 85008 Pltone (602) 833·69:11
Blvd., llalv City, 94014. Fi\SI Aerial Tcclrniq11cs, Route 209 South, l'ilcnville, New York, 12428. Selected
area.1 for di.milnrtorships still available from-CllMM(lN SFNSJ" UNI.IMITFD, Box 76, Penndel, Pennsylvania, 19047. rhc sci inclndcs: two wheels, four bearings, 1wo c11sltion rings, 1wo adjU'~1ablc clamJY'l. When order ing, .specify frame diameter I" or 11/8"
TYPE: 1wo Soarmaster power packs wrtli 11olec prop and muffler enqrnc ?48:il, Soarmasler sorral 781 i,o?4389, Soarrnasler serral 71l14'.i lllC Moocly enqrne mounts frrp Wrncll1aven. 1?437 FernanrJo Hli. Sylrrnr. 91:J4? 1?13) 367 1BHJ
TYPE: Suntiud Maxr Stralo #fi3 PATTERN: keel oul yellow, wrll1 oltw baq IIISTINGal top of control bar CONTIICI: Mll:l Austrn Street, lrvrrt[J, rexas i'50G1 (?14)
center section, rml wrng trps WIIERE lndr;rna June. 1917 Rox 144 Hobart, Inn 111:wardr
Pagen,and Mrazek. Ht'quest. order Los Angelos, CA !JOOGG.
Up Dragonfly MK II G SAil PIIHEIIN: Dark tiluc, lr()hl tilue and wl11te wrtl1 tho letters UP rn dark blue, sewn into sari, srmal IIUPDfl 1800G WIIEIIE WIIEN: From ltis home, .J,rn 24. 1978 CONUICI: flrran S1arks 92:i So 9111. Pasco, WA 99301. (509) :W,-191? Call collect anylrrne $50 reward !01 rnformalron leading lo re111rn of qlrder
SPECIAL!!! BACK JSSlJES OF GROUND SKIMMER MAGAZINE II l!l-:34, .40¢ each; current issues at the regular of $1.00 each. USHGA, Box G(i:lOfi, Los CA !JOOGG.
TVl'E: 20' Cumulus 10 SAil PATTERN: keel out: white, white. yellow, red, purple, dk. blue, purple leading edges, red keel pocke1 OISTIIIGUISHING FEATURE: Blue anodized rail fittings on control bar, TYPE: 20' Sun 10-A. PATTERN: keel out: red, red, orange, yellow, red leading White keel WHERE & Colo , 29 Bob Van Wagoner (303) $100 reward, or T1rn ,Johnson (for Sun 2532 Lizbetl1 Ave , Ca 92806 (213)
HPE: Manta Fledgling. SAIL PATIERII: Red leading edge, yellow trailing edge. Rod bag and no tip rudders. WHERE & WHEN: Lexrngton Reservorr, Los Gatos, Calif. rn April '77 CONTACT: Super Fly Sky-Sails, 21383 Aldercroft Hgts Rd , Los Gatos. CA 95030, (408) 353 2926. f1eward $100.
TYi'!:: Cumulus 10. SAIL PATTERN: Yellow sail with black
·rvPE: ASG-21 A Prototype SAIL PATTERN: White sari, blue red, [JOld, and blue lrps DISTINGUISHING long black coaterJ cables, lease on top wrres, [Jreenrsh cover WHEN: San Drego, on Ill, CONTACT: Gary Colston, 3845 46th St . Dreoo Ca. 280·4307
leading TYPf.: Olympus. SAIL PAT'TERN: All yellow on oneside gold, red, darkblue,lightblue, white, white, on srde I!, WHEN: Both kites were stolen out of John Dunham's truck while in San Oiego in early Ma1cl1. $100 re-ward offered by Electra Flyer for the return of the COIITIICT: Eipper-Forrnance, Electra Flyer, or John Heno Gliders, 960 Matley Lane, f1eno, NV 89502 (702)
HPE: Pliable Moose lipper SAIi. PAHEl!N: Heil applrod lcadrng erJqe. wltiln. w1111 oranqe ancl qolcl ltalf panels. lllue tiaq CONIIICT: Cl1arles Warren, 842 N St. ,Joe 11:l, llastrnqs, N I , 6B901 (40?) 463·4002
You wear hc,lrnc:I because You know how rwcessary il i:o Rut don't stop tilern. Add trrn system that te:,ted back up in structural fail urn, rnid·,1ir collosior1 oxtrnrnn cold Foilow tbu lead of lbe industry's only D & COMP!. ETT Now
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