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Hang Cliding
OFRCESTAFF MANAGER: Carol Velderroln Jonei Meyer (Advertising) Wendi Tuttle (Membership). Kil Skradski (Renewals). Amy Groy (Hong Ratings) USHGA OFFICERS PRESIDENT Lloyd Llcher VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Pogen SECRETARY· Jon Case TREASURER'. Alex Duncan
Lloyd Llcher Alex Duncan Jan Case USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION 1 Jay Raser. Michael Pringle REGION 2 Jan Cose. Wallace Anderson REGION 3 Tom M,lkle, John Lake. Michael Riggs REGION 4 Lucky Campbell, Ken Koerwitz. REGION 5' none REGION 6: Jim Wilson REGION 7 Thomas Holey. Ron Chris· lenson REGION 8 Don McCabe REGION 9' Dennis Pagen, Bob Marfin REGION 10 Dick Heckman, Jerold Welch REGION 11 David Broyles REGION 12 C raig Mavis Horry Sudwlscher DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE REGION 1 Alex Duncan REGION 2· Lloyd Ucher. REGJON 7 David Anderson. REGION 10· John Horils HONORARY DIRECTOR Hugh Morion EX,OFRCIO DIRECTOR of USHGA as we ore o d 1v1s1on ef NAA: Vic Powell CIVL DELEGATE: Harry Robb. The Uniied Stoles Hang Gliding A~oclatton. Inc., Is o d1v1sion of lhe Nollonal Aeronautic Association (NAA) which Is the ottio,al U S representative ol the Federo t1on Aeronoulique lnternol1onole (FAIJ, lhe world goveming body tor spori aviation The NAA, which represents the U S. a l FAI meeltngs, hos delegated to lne USHGA supervision at FAI related hong gliding activities such as record ot1empts and compe11hon sanctions HANG GLIDING mogozlne ls published for hong gliding spor1 ehlhuslosts lo creole turlher Interest In the spo<I. by o meor'IS of open oommunicollon oi,d lo advance hong gltdlng methods and sofeiy Conlribulions ore welcome Anyone 1s invited 10 conlrlbule or1,cles. photos. ond dlustrollons concerning hong gliding oollvlfles. 11 the moterlal Is to be returned. o stomped. self-oddressed return envelope mus1 be enclosed HANG GLIDING mogoifne reserves the r,ghl lo eclll con1rlbu11ons where necessary, The Association and pubhcohon do not assume responslbllll'( tor lhe mo!erlal or opinions otcontnbutors HANG GUOING mogozlne fs published monthly by lhe United Stoles Hong Gliding AssoclollOn, Inc. whose mod1ng address rs PO Box 66306. Los Angeles. Cohf 90066 ond whose ott1ces ore localed ot 11312v, Venice Blvd, Los Angeles. Coht 90066: telephore (2t3J :l90-;l(;J65. Second· cl= pos1oge 1.-poid al Los Angeles. Calif HANG GLIDING magazine ls printed by SinclOlr Printing &, Lrlho. Alhambra Coht Tl'le USHGA Is o member· conlrolled educolionol ond scien11frc orgonlzolton dedicofed to exploring oll facets or ul!rollghl 111ghl Membership Is open to anyone tnlerested In lhls realm 01 lllghl Dues to, IUII membership ore S20 per year (S21 for foreign addresses). subscription rotes ore S15 for one veer, S26 lor two years. S36 lor 1hree years. An introductory ~Ix-month trial ls ovolloble tor S7 SO. Changes of address should be sen! sl~ week; In advance. Including name. USliGA membership number. previous and new address. ono o malling 1ooe1 trom o recent issue
26 31 37
CERTIFIED DIVERGIBLES by Paul Burns SIXTH ANNUAL COCHRANE HANG GLIDING MEET byVinceneMuller AND GREAT CANADIAN AIR RACE byWilllMuller TRIMMING TECHNIQUES-Part Ill by Dennis Pagen GETTING SMALL by Dave Freeman Photos by Eric Simmons AT DOG MOUNTAIN GLIDE INTO PARADISE Article and photos by Nelson Phillips HANG GLIDING by George Worthington Photos by Regina Risolio CROSS COUNTRY CLASSIC
by Ted Schlafone
FLORIDA STATE DELTA GLIDER CHAMPIONSHIPS Photos courtesy Cypress Gardens TO BE AN EAGLE Article and photos by Chuck Rhodes FLYING THE GRAND CANYON
5 5 16
54 61
COVER: Michael Dunn, Corson City, Nev.. flying o !win-powered Osprey and b alloon p flol Ken Marchuk, KIiiington, Vt., teamed up lo do !he first powered glider balloon drop over Pico during the recent Pico lnternottonal lnvitotlonol. Photo courtesy KIiiington Summer Festival. Cover donated by Gemini lnlernationol. CONSUMER ADVISORY: Hong Gliding Magazine and USHGA, Inc.• do not endorse or toke any responsibility for !he products advertised or mentioned editorially within these pages. Unless specifically explained. performance figures quoted in advertising ore o nly eslimo tes. Persons considering the purchase ol a g lider ore urged to study HGMA standards. Copyright @ United Stoles Hong Gliding Association, Inc. 1978. Alt rights reserved to Hong Glidlng Magazine and Individual contributors.
Ill[ COMl'UTf OIJll lTTIN(; Al,IJ so1mc1 fl()IJK I (111 HANG Cl IDINC l"r\CKlel;; <KC/H\ sor1ns I LY, 7 C5 f l1q!1t t11eory tldlil HJ\l~G l·I IGlll ,Joe Adle'.;011 dlH! 8ill Will1<HW\ lrnd ncJ1t1on inst1 uc\loll m,1nual l 00 , ..... ,,_,, .. , ........ ,., .. Poynter ei11!1011 lht'. l)d'>1t
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IW,G GLIDING 111C BOOI< '.I? p;iqns lln,:iqned nspni:,ally 1111 41,/ X 7 l,LIIIIN(; MANUAL AND I O(i l1y Dan i\n
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and dew,lopomrn1t arc roady for you
I ven tho must improve to tori tr11ou(Jhout 1110 yom Now fl series of 11nprovormm1s
now applied loadi11q pockol dmmalicnlly tho Meter's almady rcrnarkabln p01rformrn1cn The douillo 1n lhe criticcil % cl1ord prov1dc,s ti10 garm1 al boll1 rn1ds of tho spood mngc ll1ic;, cornhinod with many irnprovrJrnents 111 the lully crm1bmed and tinttonerl snil, re:;ults ir1 ;111 c,vcm lowm sink ratn Slow to a crawl, float upwarclci in the weakest ll1mrnal, nr1d limn spoDd to the 11oxt. Onco aqai111110 1s the ship rwmyorm will look up lo in I
hioh ;;nd onjoy doinu 111 I\ s11lltln reshaping o! ll1n floatinq knd pockn1 will rnako our almacJy famous l1andli11u loqofl(Jmy. l'in(lert1p 111s1m1t rosponso a11li urmquallocl stab1lily p11t ll1n tun back in flyinq for tlm intormnd1atn to oxpmt pilot You'll notico 0111m improvements for tho 1 w1111 internal ud11i;;tmont rnoa11s laslm noqinq Ouick fastrm111q lmE11011ors 1nr,ar1
1his yoar. I\ cornplrJ1ely rr,deis(Jn(JcJ anrJ strm1mlinocJ dollCJxo1 and clrau Tl1n turr1l1ucklm1 ;im also qor10 from thn lop t11mJ pmparinq 011 tho urouncJ, mom timo pmformin~J ir1 1l1e air
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E. W:tlnut
In recent monlhs some new, top of the line, state of the art, HGMA certified gliders have "tucked" and fallen apart. conditions may have been contributing !'actor, it su\Jsl:qncntly determined by the manufactmer that the responsible in mishap, could it possibly happen?" you rnay yourself Certainly that has successfully completed 1 ing, and been by organin1tion, sho11ldn't up in mid this
There arc also vehicle load tests at holh positive and negative angles of attack. Even an ultimate load test is performed, In this test of strength each manufacturer supposed lll ac1uaUy break each to mandatory, with s11cccssful completion the Included
toughest M(lllllt<:cl on
at various positive pitching moment, and filmed proof of tile successful must be submitted to, and the II( ccrtil'ication,
point in t imc,
and its avoid inslanccs qucsl ionablc charactcris1 ics and/ or stmcturai failure, in any given certified design, not even tile
manufacturer, or the involved, can '"''""'""' the fact that these incidents really did occ11L But, how could it when cert i ficd !? the design I've had a opportunities to watch flight first segments of hand l pcrso!lally feel the for lesting formulated by the and that the compliance by participating rnan u fact urcrs near JO()O/o is humanly possible, Also it's only fair to note that each sum or money in single design, manufacturer would like to think that any certified safe, And why not? Isn't that the design has that the whole point undergone testing and proved it sci f to be fellow pilot that we get fcnrless test pilot with sky diving experience and drop him on from hot air HANC; GLIDING
designer ccrlai11
Nol only i, the JJilol of in in lon:cd but pos,ibly people gruund. With thi,, much ,rake ir I he
has SCI
tail or horizontal !Jc solution
l'utll c1.:r1ifica1io11 will have tu n:1.1u1rc1nc1:1ls should altered. tum!Jlc, the mnc!Ji11c should to wit list and this m,1111.:u·vcr
were successful danced along the up the target. COITIJ)Ctlli()l1, conAfter the ditions became quite with seven gliders stacked up over the hilL 11 was soarable until dusk when the flyers cln3g&;cd their way down to the rnnc Community Hall for dinner. co1npletcly winded out.
take-off (several hundred spectators and flyers) then out the intersection lhe road. The traffic following the motorized tha I the contest
in oln1os/
of the flilnq nlider pilots in prirnmv uoi1'<' of hunq qlic/er pilols lo the pilot orqrmizo/ions, C'/c o of the u niemher of the Fedemti011 f\errmcmliqtw /11/emntionnl hmli/ qlitlcr pilots in the World !\uintion on tl,e CIVL su/,rnmrnillee n/ tire [,'f\f lo es/uh/isl, competition rules, sufe1,,, ,:o,les o//lf'r req11ln/1ons of tl,e wm/d /)(Jclv fli,ql,t od,iew,nent iliro11qh prrnrrn1'1111ion ,me/ 1mh/irntion of I • /'ublislws
the offici11/
for cstub/ish1111'11/ l!trnuq/1
flight uc:/1icuerncnls mid world
und rnunufoclurers in competition t/1ro11qh prnrnolion of tlw cmnpetilim, rC'sults nnd the promotion of indi11idunl Coordinn/es nnri pu/J/islws dutes of u/1 competition lo mmid cm1Jlicls l?eprcsenb tlw I in cumpetilion with fo11·i,c111 tcmns Prooir/es insurm1ce fm si/e londnwners /lnd clubs • lmwsliqnles nnd r1rnuidcs inforrnolion on u/1 types of li11bil!tv !nsurm,ce u 11cgoti111i11,1 /)()dv for the deuelopmenl of inswnllcr· policies und the 1educli11n of premium'< • De1wlops le,1101 requirements for site lone/owner /in/Ji/it,; pro/cc/ion • S11ppmls the! lung (,fide, Mnnuf11c/11rers Assn, thmuqh requirements certified ql,ders ol compclilioll mid thro11,1h pmnwlion of/ /(;M/\ qoc,/s !\/eris /he n1crn/Jcrs lo unsufe techniques m cquiprncnl • l'rnmolcs the technirn/ ml11w1cernenl of t/1e scic1wp of lwnq !lliding ll1rou<1h pu/Jlirnliors 11nd inle1ested inforrnufiun on molorized hrmq qlidinq mid sc111rces of cq11ipmenl Fstublishes " code of ethics fm m11tori1cd hon</ ,r,lider 1111mufoclr11,ers • Fst<1h/ishes sofi'lv fur mo/mixed honq g/id/1111 ond ,nc,noqes motorised horn/ ,11lidinq /11 preuent co11J/ic/s /Jc/ween /1m1,11 q/idns 011d rno/or gliders ouc1 equipnienl stumlmds, etc !\/eris the rnernlwrs lo unethirnf or unsofe husiness ptoctices U/7HH1[! motor l1CmrJ gliding mcm11fuct11reis l'rnrnolcs tl,e exch11nrw of ideus nnd 11rluwwernenl in the sport throuqh nutiunul Jlv ins nm/ t'cm1pelitions * Fslo/1/islres u fund fm dcoclopment und pmtection of h,m,ci gliding Promotes lorn/ cluhs throuql, t/,e US/ Cl,uptn Pro111,m1, odvcrtizcs tl1eir lo 11cw mnnl,crs, promotes tlieir news und cooulino/es ocfinities Sef/s rnost rnujo1 hooks on IJC1nq qliding nnd rclntcd s11/Jjects, In!/ hoohs, und {!S/1(3!\ eml1lems, pins ond dcrnls Pr, 111wtes rn11nuj"ct11wrs,
deniers nnd schools by ilclin<J us o point of c1111/uct for the
interested public
mid new members, distrilrulil'H/ fists of hm111 glider /)llsinesses Conduc/s u11nw1/ meelinqs of u Nolionol llocmi of /)!rec/ms for the co11tin11ul re11iew ond reoision of ol/ ncliuilies ® 'onducts elections, c,nd rmblis/1es results for r1 dernocrntic nutionol body Proniotes the correct use und irnu_<te of l1ons1 ,q/idinq in eclurntionnl institutions f?ewords non flight 011tstuncling ochie,wrnents 1n /,nng nliding throuph the Ed (,mdio trophy M<Jkes 11•cmnrner1Clntiu11s lo the NI\!\ concerning uwrml of speciol ownrds in neronuulics Is constun//11 uwmc of the euer c/1cmqi11,r1 slul11s of hm1q 'lliding ond conlinw1/lv intmd11cing pmgrorns where thev needed in the interest of lwnrJ ,11/ider pi/01s
Spend nim1cv on president directms, no sulories or (]('COJmts, Directors puy for oll iheir own onlv p<lid personnel arc the office the editor nnd ussistonl editm ® ony nouemmc11/ support Mointuin un office 111c11iev p1omotinq competition We depend "n the help of our mcrnbns u11d volunteers
pilot liability
Arter lwo or and Gemini ln1erna1ional has developed power system package that can be 011 both fixed and without the normal . The system outboard of the control bar. This m<:thod allows for simple attachment to any
control bar withoul Production stml sometime bcl'orc 1he end of In addition to the power a safety wheel system will be available for
sanction will be awarded. No adver1isemcnts for publication iu will wi1hou1 similar
Due lo over.stock
of certain back
issues or Hang Gliding and Ground Skimmer
!he USHG/\ has available free who would like them up at the Los office.
for inlcrcsted
/\bstrac1s of from 500 10 1,000 words should be submit led to Perry Hanson, I ,Mail
mi enclosed
flown now but tcs1 program.
N 17 in conjunction wilh the celebration or the 75th or Ihe first 386, Nags for information. 1he nal ional Del ails
You may no1iccd that bird, his approach, avoids throwing a chute. The bird, instead, will drop and Clair his lail. He ca II I hen spread or rclract this so to con1rol the amount of needed in order to land Oll thal fence post. why hasn't anyone yc1 lo use lhc otherwise idle ol' the hang this purpose? Many have, bu1 the on the market arc Vi IAPS. Fl
arc the
kind of apron/ can down from his prone position and control with his I'm sure you don't need to HANG GLIDING
Lli:ctrdFlyur, what r:vur you fly, 1<11e row fDI VOi/i hanq qlidcl
Complete wilh floats
ulider', point bmll1: :,old 1;(ipcirc1tcly
Hrnit nehrnsn with carabi1HH Enterprise:, I poi111 pulley bridl(;
$ :m
00 for 111for111d\lon pdckafJf' \<1lr1•, td)(, all ord(!t" re(1u1ir1 !10% do1lns11
Registration and $15 entry fer1 Air Inc., Chatt,m·
TN :17401
7·17, Moab WorlrJ l11vitational Hanq GlirJin(J rournament, Moab Utah. Contact Wasatcl1 12'.lOO South, B4020, (801) :i71 4044
Hollowr,en Fly·ln; Unusual competition.
q!1dor will h0 on displny. Mnn1
sanctioned further ,n. formation, wrile Box 12/l, Linville, N.C.
TN casl1
International Chattc1noooa, Sponsored by Air Inc.
of 9
DECEMBER 16·17, Wright Bro· them 75th Anniversary Seagull servico clinic. Motorized fly·in
tile Great Northwest"
ap1mnr,mc:o by
ihe Seah,awk ilns
fur I
!Jut many important
h,M1 tioc11 rnaclr1
limm rnta111ocl 111 crn1lider1cc1 and ovor1
louncl only on nclv:mcr:cl ultrnligh\s n lloa\ino Only thfJ All of tho Seahawrk's traclit1onal w11l1 You'll bo nblcJ to thorrmil will1 in1,,1rn1cKlinto. or oxport, you'll matly enjoy flyins1 witl1 tho
eciqo cut ;mcl you
rn1 tl10 upper riqoinrJ up quickm
stc1ndarcl what otlicm, 1us\ lo rnont1on fr;wl All of
your A11 old frionli witt1 nr;w prniorrmmrn
Parachutists, balloonists, aerobatic flyers, professional pilots-· people from every facet the National Aeronautic of aviation are because ever since the Association. birth of aviation itself, we've been a vital part ol its growth and the enjoyment people get out ofit. Authenticating record attempts, sanctioning meets, encouraging and assisting competition both nationally and internationally are just some of the services we provide. In addition, the National Aeronautic Association recog· nizes superior achievements with some of the most coveted aviation and space awards in the country. Join us and help assure that this progress will continue while you enjoy the many valu· able benefits of membership in America's old· est and rnost prestigious aeronautic organization. If you're already a member of an NAA Division or Affiliate, you'll proudly wear our silver wings and also receive: • 50% reduction in NAA dues • $2,500 travel accident insurance • $250 travel injury medical exponse • NAA's monthly newsletter • NAA decal wings for your vehicle • 30% discount on Publishers book selections • Automobile rental discount at Hertz and Avis • NAA idontification card certifying you as member of NAA associated with , Opportunity to participate in our low-cost life, hospital and accident insurance Join NAA now by filling out the form below and mailing it with your check. It's ono down to oarth thing you can do to help the future ol aviation soar.
Parachute Association
down i1110 ii one: :;11()1 d1; cilu111, tl1en u,11c:idr:1 I I /\P Cl 1/\l'S.
offer yo11 ;1 v,iriaillr,, on/oil, cm,1101 willH1111 slylu 11 /\l'Cf ;1rr:;m11111rm/ mirl11 pllllile til,11 c1111 11" d1,mqeil l1y ii<lditiorn1I draq 1or i! 11,1 slornl in your h;ick
/\I' Cl
( (
, 11r1'
r 11
( J\
I i If)()(;
•• n
The first ! wo parts of this discussion covered the points of trimming f'or perfect straight ahead flight and landing. This hall' of !he me. In fact, a ahead but roll like a lruck, or the coordinate a turn very poorly. problem is now with lhc limes the case), you can of your with simple trim Before we troubleshoot problems, we must understand the hasics 01· how a turns. (An discussion of this will appear in a suhscqucnl article.) The first point to remember that
direction) commences. the brief adverse yaw starts to the left continues until the lurn coordinated al the desired bank
When a varied all You can this you stand in front and a little to one or your while friend lifts the 1he air
tack while the left attack. Note also that !he dihcdralcd
arc anhcdral These last two obscrva. tions the differential lip angle of attack and the diheclral/anhcdral balance of the
6. 7.
up when roll is initiated. yaws 100 much. turns one way, but is hard to coordinate in the direction.
ha rd or slow to roll. will deal with each of these
'The second to bank established ordinated, the or al tack is at the lowest
out too when described above.)
!he turn reason for of the wing diffcrcn1 moves slowly; the root section moves lot faster while the outside lip fairly jets through the entire is . Now, since the same rate, the difference in horizontal airspeed along can thing; the relative angle or from very on the inside on t Ile ou tsiclc when l). Note that the more shallow trnc. II the bank holds the mos I o/'attack. Now it time to check yom !urning capabilities. This is the fun part, you have to fly and l'ly. to find some smooth and start turning. in both dim: You should try all bank lions. Relax and cm1cc11trate on how your well what you fceL glider the most commmi problems: The slows too much in turn. hard to coordinate (slips The stalls). overhanks. . The
in turn is , planform
gcomet rically the airt he other hand, the in· high on 1he left, but right (induced 1s result of the creation of lift it increases of attack) In constant yaw action, the on each side of the should he . If a glider has flcxillk leading and , lhe inside wing will bow up in turn and little lift. The ontsidc tip will still lot of parasitic so the distribution will be shifted to the (oulsidc of the lurn) This means the glider will tend to yaw out of lhe turn which suits in an increase in of at tack and 111\NC GLIDING
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just hot Ii taneously).
s,oJ 111 i o 11 the Sf'PlTMl3U? 1978
Sometimes an asym-, The best solution is to scale and measure dcl'lcxor and sail tensions to detect an im balance. will have At times,
the air around
on don't
one side than the other. If yom a turn will coordinate wash out differently on one side than on I he other. breaks to one side (stalls a If appear to be and the lrnlancc, suspect defined hat ten tension This is very suhtle, /Jut im· portant trim Ol'tcn a that seems to tensions. 8. J\ slow or hard anathema. You can effect a cure to a certain extent. Slow rolling is a result ol' excessive roll Damping is caused (t Flexible and
is a result or excessive roll Roll stability comes mainly from
dihedral in a the amounl of dihedral in your its roll response. only safe way lo alter your anhedrnl/dihcdrnl balance is with I he deflcxors. shows the effects or the out and down clcflcxors. The 011t dcflcxlm reduce washout and This stirfrn, up the sail, but turn response isn't reduced, since more area becomes anhcdraled The out dcflcxors shoulcl be to tnrrmm,·1• and make the how down more effective. lk sure the side dcflcxors and the down dcflexcrs greatly af the anhcdral lip area lhc downs of altack on the feel
outside when adverse yaw This the outside lift ancl augwith bowed down rnents the roll. carves a !urn very nicely with lit Ile input f,:asc of then, on the oul and clown delkxor tension. A careful balance between the two will produce characteristics for a ii must be that there's only so much you can do with 1he glider. you make will al'l'cct more than 011c of the above Also, ovcrl can lead Io l f you have any aboul the limils or I your clelkxors, consult the manufacturer. The I ried and I rue t to make small changes, then lest and continuously. /\t t lie very least, acrnmulalc: a lot of air time and a work" ..., knowledge of your
next to his chase Mountain clays to one poor around, record that's hard to match, To the west, Davisson up and west crlics, Mountain for four flown all weather conditions and learned about some nalllral forces al work there, The effects of air temperature, lapse rate, and pressure centers have been experienced and related to by other It wasn't hard to certain weather patterns that would enhance flying at Dog Mountain, the of 8th and 9th a very barometer indicated pressure system which would allow for great temperature variations. With tempcn1tmcs Friday and 75° Sat u relay afternoon, the weather thermals would really in the valley
below Dog Mountain, After an hours drive to Morton, Wash I had my first surprise of the from Morton Driving fellow club officer, teaching in a l'ielcl next heautirully I though I te21c1Jing with his
told rnc ahcmt incredible lift in mild thermals, altitude and a mile upwind flight, had taken off from the seldom used north launch, That side of the mountain be 11own in north pnrc westerly flow area. That westerly was being overrun by a local north wind enhanced by high pressure system and a high barometer. When I left to drive to Dog Mountain he was still two or three feet off the ground with excitement As f ~t'1r\rr,,wli1Nl the mountain, I saw of color up above in small tllat I
what rcla Led by fellow pilots who had just landed, Mark Gibson told of great allitudc in areas above olhcr who were able to maintain soaring li!'L Mark, H ollistcr, Smil h, Scott Rut ledge, Doug Drake and others above launch, had all explained how they flew into marginal lift, turbulence, then out into slrong lifl thnl 400 to HANG GLIDING
our \urning and dimb minutes 1mlil t lie lil'I liigh above
l lkw aro1111d trying to gc:I I pu llcd in, through the layer or warm
1oa1;i1111iJ. Most others offer
edge shape. No dlstortio1n, distort compare and
COLORFUL BELTS & WALLETS BELTS • Velc ro c loser • Hand crafted with the finest ·i:u•un•,o material • Sizes 28 to 36, even sizes only • Blue , w hite, red , green
$8.45 (i ncludes pos tage)
WALLETS • Forms to the body • Th in and trim • Ve lcro c loser' • Handcraf ted • Long lasting • Mach ine washable • Water res istant nylon • Black , Navy, Blue , Brown , Green , Gray , Red , Gold , Orange , Ye llow
$7.95 (i ncl ud es postag e)
DUNCAN Box 33441 -B Seatt le , WA 98133 DEAL ER IN QUIRIES WELCO ME
POWER GLIDING It's a Whole New
FREEDOM The true sensation of flight you 've been waiting for. A few quick steps and sudden ly you 're airborne ; cl imbing , soaring, then cruising on your own engine power. Experi· ence the thrill of an ultra-light powered aircraft . Ready fo r the challenge? For details send $2.00 for th e n ew POWER GLIDER FACT BOOK . America s F,nest Leisur e A ,rcraft
No FAA License Required! Recent FAA Q,recuves have established hat a single occupant foot - launched eng,ne -powered glider 1s a vehicle typ e nor sub1ec1 10 regulauon by he FAA
DSK AI RCRAFT CORPORATION 13161 Sher man Way, Dept .LI , ~ North Hollywood, CA 91605
A De lta !Star Grouo Compan
you emer. Once in Kalalau you can dre or undress a you like, hike for miles back into the valley, climb the steep rock cliff body urf, swim in the fresh water pools, enjoy the natural slides, hunt for fruit, play game with your new friends, or fish . Oh , if you're a card player don ' t sugge t trip poker ... you see, mo t of the people here don't wear clothes. Hawaii is trying hard to protect the a Pali coast, so access is limited . The upervi or for the State Ranger has a ked me to mention that hang gliding imo Kalalau i now prohibited because they are afraid of accidents and liability. ~
Top left: View of the beach the night before , after hike along west edge of the valley top . Above: Sunset after landing . Top center: Camp area. Bottom center: Sunset looking east. Top right : View from beach into valley. Center right: Sunset seen from inside coastal cave. Bottom right: Aerial view west along coast. (The bay where " King Kong " was f ilmed.) Photos by Nelson Phillips
111() I /\(;I 1111 Ml 1 V/\RIOMF Hl1 lias marle poss11lle many allit11de of over one ,md snvcral 11,c111il·sett11111 lliqlitc; llulmr+MounlMI instro111u11t1; wern 11si:d Ke111ol11111 in l1is ll.000 fl mile !l1ql1t ft 0111 C111rn Gorclo flwf/\(;L[ V/\1110MITFH
Wl11l11w11111111k 1111: 1111111 0111 pilots 1111111<
!l!J 9()4 I.HlilW,li fl1 IVII /\iea. Hawaii %10 I
llleworld to 6
envisioned tlic cha111pionsliips for Ilic first time ill the
1lrn11gli1 of
nm1pclitor in the meet ,cl ct11T1·11tly hold tile lltrcc world's lia11µ gliding dist;111cc am 1ha1 11111 tile unt;ilc111c'd fcarl'ul, rnthcr h11t11blint1, old pilol that hem, alld 11ta1 the world full you that :il1lto11gh
of 1alcnlcd fa,,,1,lc;1rni1iv young pilols, rnmc ol hound lo ,,JHm up in the 'Ja•;sic', I ii l could p11' ,ibll' just fillislt ill till' 1
i11111 er, pcak, make a pholograph 111rn lo I righl, aml flv Io Ilie lamling area fom mik, 11m1lm ol
iu 111,' had a nice li1tk opc11i11µ form ol ,cco11d •,prTl«rnl:11 pct lornll'ci bv S111i1h in "\lamlard" (Windlord II protot\'JJC), idr:ml Vllf'JlO',cd 10 p,'rforn, wiml d11n1111y, 10 ,11011 tire competitor, 11 lt:11 t lic like,
Hicl1:1rd prclcn
10 do ;1 lier rlyiup 0111 101 1 ()
ll \
dow1111i11d ,1all iml und
competitor in champio11shi1", lhc pilots al Ilic \;11,;I
,:oupk of 01hcr i11cidc111, ol 110!1', One pilot co111e,1,m1 1l1c thi11 , 1lrc rclativclv vhallrm slope aucl the vhiltv imL , mmhcd i11 :111d 1201 "aboard" had co111puny /\1101 l1e1 broke hi, arn1 the ')amc eompclitor made up hi, hrnnd nn, on mi,takc and
the an11u;il mccti11u on I lie
lilied wi1l1 itself, ror J)(111 or Ilic meet, a11d
flourished alld llollmlercrL other
tlirrn1gl1olll the meet lm111ch ,,ile, and while \\l' c:ich ti111c 10 la1111cli, ' tltc· ' ' would dmrn tlw 200 y;ml long rnkc oil
lakc·oll lrad planned
pm t;ikc·off
of ciglrt wind dmmnicv and
up ;rnd "What\
conlr'vl:111!\ (who launched between and 3 pm) l1a1i11p lrnulilc li11di11g lilt, dc1n1 I lucky, and lrnd Ilic \'allcl' only aliu111 XOO 1'1
1hcrn1;tl I kc·ofl had for11111a1clv bcc11 \11ccc1 ,f1il, and tile linding of th:11 fi111 crncial 1
lmgcl I hl' fir,!
mile frnn I Irving
MllFI< 1
1i1c1111al l1:1d
ridge nlkcl for l1acl lo riv lo 1 mill's), plwtllµrnph tile
lire i'un pail med l\\il 01hc1 in a pcrkct pmirion i11 Iron! of 111t', 10 mark
able thereby lo fly good I hcrmals, and comsc,linc that would otherwise have been prohibitively dangerous from my conservative point ol' view, Without lhcse thermal markers, I would have !'ch lhal I was too low, loo deep in the 11101mtain and rnnning a risk that was unacceptable, of being forced down into canyon, !laving escaped with my life lasl year when l was forced deep down into a narrow canyon, with nothing bul sharp rock walls all around me, I am, these days, determined not to repeat !he experience, I think I worked only four thermals Ilic whole flighL rhc la,,I or these gol me up to 15,800 fL above sea lcvcL It v,as the11 that I made what turned 0111 10 be a winning decision, l could (iuntcr, which was now 11 miles ahead at the 8,200 ft. level. l had to reach Gunter and have enough altitude left 10 also reach another fout miles 10 !he landi11g area, al 700 fl Sol had I miles 10 go, and 11,100 ft. of allilmk lo do ii with, I decided that if l goi11g to win today's I had to Cly straight for those l miles without m1y thcrmaling that would add vital minutes to my elapsed lime, During lhc following l miles I fkw 1hrough good lift, and, with a degree of discipline that I can't mually summon up, I flew straight through it, knowing that if l erred or was unlucky, I might 1101 even reach the landing area, I sweated and was excited the same time. I flew the lasl two miles to (iunter, my eyes were glued to the altimeter. lf only I reach Gunlcr with 11,000 fl! The allimeter v,as stubborn, it kept 1111windi11g pasl l I ,000, anrl finally showed I 0,000 as I pholographcd my take.off spot at Ciunter dircclly below, I turned I to the right and felt that l could still make it if no extra sink was cncoumercd, There were no lhcrmals the first lhrcc miles, and I got lo a point, with a ridge to cross ahead, where ii didn't look like I could clear iL The alternative was to make a 60° left lurn 1hrough a "pass" and lose precious minutes going lwo or t hrcc miles out of the way. As l swcalcd, the ridge passed under me al about 200 fl Feast or famine! That's what cross country hang gliding seems to be, Either we feel we arc really shorl of altitude, or we feel we have a ridiculously abundant surplus of it. As l crossed the ridge l was greeted by good general lift which l suddenly J'ighti11g to get down lhrough, The landing sile was only a mile away, I had 1,500 fl or altitude above ii, the conlrnl bar pushed forward wilh locked elbows, and l was losing maybe 100 ft. per minute, I arrived directly over the landing area with 1,000 fL of 1mwan1ecl altitude, A strngglc ensued 80" banks, silly unsuccessful atlcmpts to spin, stalls, slips, CIC, Finally ii was over and I was down and l the day's winner hy two minutes over Sier ling Sto!L Speaking of trying 10 lose altitude at !he end of race, i11 an allernpl lo save precious minules of elapsed time, lam reminded of what Joe (;rcblo told me abolll his solution to !hat problem, Joe turns his crosspar slrcamlining f1at side to !he slip slream, grabs the forward flying he pushes the control bar rearward with his feet, and also deploys a drag chute from the rear of his kccL He ignores lhc violent flapping of his winglip hardware Oil his 10 Meter. I frankly confess l haven't the courage to take such creative measures, When my 10 :vlcter wingtip hardware flaps, I back off 011 I he speed until ii
stops, because I'm afraid something will break, Joe a On day two our task was called Open Distance. The winner would be lhc pilot, laking off whenever he wanted, who flew the farlhcst in straight line from (,untcr. Again today, Ihere were no CU's over Gunlcr's within 20 miles, and there was minimum Iii'!
Joe Greb/a
in front of the lakc,off site, Four wind dummies lo 2:30 pm and promptly flew off from l descended inlo the Pits or into the Alluvial Fan area in from. of U1mter, About lcn eompelitor pilots took off between 2:JO and 3:00, All len found lhc lifl 10 be marginal, Eight of !hem scratched tenaciously at lhc small bubbles of weak lift, with hall' of them being forced to land 0111 i11 fro111 of The other half finally managed 10 claw their way up lo "escape" altitude where lhc 1hcrmals were relatively much s1ronger, Two of the 1c11 combined an unknown mix of talrnl and luck to find an adequate clcvalor irrnnedialcly in front of lhc launch site, I couldn't help l'ccli11g that luck played the major rnlc, bul only on lo basis, None of the lop five or winners of Ille meel, as I recall, went to the Pits or got (did not finish) behind Iheir name 011 any of the co11tcsl days, I walched the strngglc wilh weak, weak thcrmah, J wailed and worried, I knew th,tt an open disiancc task in e!Tect a race with the s1111, The winner is likely to be the pilot who lakes off when the lif'I in lhc takc,off arcaJi'rsl to be "s11stainahlc," that he has lire m:1ximum distance before the day lime left to inevitably dies, thcrrnal,wisc. I also knew 1ha1 I would feel (temporarily) like killing myself if I
launched too early for my lalcnts, and ignominiously s.rnk into the Pils to score zero rm the day. Fin.illy al 3:0/i I knew l could nol wail any longer, I launched, In 111y tcn,sccond struggle to gel my aging carcass Io !Jcnd al the waist sullicicntly lo my feet into my "banana" harness, my kite gyrated all over the sky, Thirty pairs or eyes recorded Ille awkward exhibiL My mind recorded what knew they saw, Poor old The rnagni fiecnl harness struggle caused a 200, ft vertical altitude loss without a commensurate degree of horizontal lravcL The lil't seemed skittish and as elusive as a greased pig, B111 slowly lhc allimelcr showed some gain !hen more gain then solid lifL Twelve thousand showed on the altimeter as the lh,:rrnal topped ouL But during the climb the 10 mph wcsl wind had drifted me ralher deep into !he mounlain. worried about the "canyon trap" and the glider was rclm:lanlly headed toward the valley at to I he norl h comse which I really wan Ict! Io follow, Bui lhc clay had maimed inlo a fairly good one, thcrmaJ,wise, even I hough progress northward was relatively slow, We've all had phy:;ieal clifficultics in the air because om equipment wasn't compatible with our air environment (i,e,, a ,shirl attire when the lil'I got us up lo a l0,000 fL freezing allitudc), We can only blame ourselves, My problem today was with my goggles, which worked grcal in lhe sit,up pilot position and with I he hdmcl used in lhe Mitchell Winµ,, but which were painful, seriously restricting my vision in the prone position wilh lhe diffcrenl helmet used wilh Ilic rogallo, This faclor of pain and vision rcstrictio11 IOok a degree of determination from my concentration and resolve, and mighl have made some difference in the distance l covered tlwl day, Montgomery Peak marks lhe norlhern terminus of the White Mountain Range, !Clying norlh of this peak, one encounters a 60° right turn in rlighway 6, Our contest rules required !hat we receive no poinls if' we landed further highway, From lhan one half mik from Monlgomcry Peak a pilot should turn 60° lo the right and fly over the low deserl valley toward an inlcrccption seven miles later wilh Highway 6 where it thrnugh a hilly called Usually (and today was usual) Ihe seven mile air roule from M0111gomery glass smooth and Peak to Montgomery Pass free of lhermal aclion, So lite solution lo long flight al !his point having goocl, high altitude when leaving Mo11tgo111ery Peak, had 12,000 ft It wasn't enough reached Montgomery (hills 6,000·8,000 ft.) with only 400 ft above the lerrain where the road begins to climb up 1hro11gh the Pass, I didn'I last even right lhc situalion and probe for minute "I hcrmal,savc" in the !owes I and nearest hills, I surrendered and meekly landed, honestly feeling that l would nonetheless be among tire top three or four of distance achieved, What a dreamer! The winning pilot went 40 (yes forty) miles further than !, who went J4 miles, The difference, mainly, was the altilmle with which these savy pilots left Montgomery Peak, Mostly Ihey had l 4,00(), 15,000, and thus arrived at Monlgomery Pass with sulTicicnt altitude lo penetrate the area above the Pass and connect nm!. ()fl /Nl)!,C 48
112 •
B.O 1 80
$1050 00
Roland Alexander of Orlando, Fla., won the Fifth Annual Florida State Delta Glider Championships Cypress Gardens June IO and 11 This two-day tow launch event is considered by many to be a to the World Delta Cilider Championships held August 13 at the Gardens. Alexander, an insurance agent, came through with consistent throughout the tournament to maintain his until the final round. It was here that Alexander's masterful control of his Benne11 Phoenix 8 proved to make 40
the differenee. Alexander the oldest was not the youthful competition champion Kim Hall, of Tampa, Fla., and Lawlon, of Duluth, (ia., who finished second and third Alexander claims the task was the factor which enabled him to win his first major title in over years of delta competition. The pylon course was set up as a with the two smallesl sides the gales. All entries into the course had 10 pass through the gate from
the outside in. One hundred were credited to the pilol for each pass through the gate and an additional score was added to the total for landing near the The second task involved in the competition consisted of 720° turns. In this event the pilot would make a series of two 360° turns in one direction then reverse for two more turns. These maneuvers were made on one side of a boundary line and the on the other side. target was 11 was in this round that many of the pilots wind conditions could not read lhc and could not penetrate past the boundary HANG GLIDING
Now frnrn 1h,; cornpany with rnpu1alion for building
now, tl1n dosiqn wi1h today,; 11yer to,Jay's in rrnnc1 Worm,d aboul tuckinq'> l Im excHllent pitch stability, not or1ly c,taying pitcl1 positivH to
stood st:1t1c: loads in loadc;
Arizona's warm, !ale afternoon sun shone down on the depths below. ln the distance a huge bird slowly flapped his long, brown wings as he climbed ever higher and closer to 11s. We strained our eyes to make out his soon we were of Birds; the BALD EAGLE. We became euphoric al the of this beautiful animal approaching so quietly and and the hidden power of outslrelched lifting that sleek toward us with his proud, white head held high and keen eyes scanning the abyss from which he had come. For those few minutes we forgot we were human and imagined that we were he; free to roam the skies at will, to soar above the lofty heights or plummet into the chasms far beneath us. the currcnls over our bodies carried us lo lhrills unknown. We were alive, we were non-human, we were one with him for those few moments, until he flew from view and suddenly returned to our bodies and reality. A great to welled up inside me and the premonition 1ha1 become real overcame my thoughts. that would me year later to orr the great thing had occurred for man. The dream of powerless, foot-launched flight previously only known by Ihe birds had become a All across the nation and in far away lands man
for hills and mountains from which to fling his feeble of the greatest invention yet; the glider l was no different and became with the unequaled exhilaration of free flight. out the ever higher mountain or longer flight, I felt that the Grand Canyon had to be flown. It was at this time that the National Park controversy over !he right to within park boundaries was being decided somewhere back in the endless halls of politicdorn. The overlords in Washington, !J.C. had most likely never seen a bird rly-lct alone a hang glider the thought of allowing crazy idiots to jump off their pristine mountuins, crea visual sky pollution, was unthink able. Who would dare allow such a I to happen? T'hc parks were reserved for rock climbers to risk their lives hundreds of feet up on sheer for to defy death and drowning at the mercy of the rivers, cross country skiers to tempt avalanches, and last but not least, the air spaces must be reserved for money spending tourists while their way across the skies in gas called power aircraft. The terrible could in no fit into this exclusive sane group of park activities. They even had the audacity lo argue that someone might fall off the edge while up to sec some fool off. nationwide network newscaster said in one of his evening HANG CLIDINC
inner there. quarter mile Anyone lucky limited to the
wonld be in
of An endless maze of side L'.,myons, cliffs and t with a lmmlrcd Imes of red and brown, stands above inner gorge where the small ribbon of shimmeri11g snakes For those who into the Canyon on foot or hy mule the sensation or a journey to the center of the earth 1mcommo11. )nc dwarfed rock formations, and om short lives I he millenia of geologic
third dimension. That
end of I he park school 011 Satu to the
it could n , it cut in mere 1,200 ft straight down to followed by anol her 2,()(X)- ft.
al the top a11d dropped off
the whole fell that a called a "spectacular," which was Park n addition, they did not want sudden influx of lo fly the canyon siasts proper program cou Id be air conditions. No
to land 011
Somehow 0111 about our . Also, 8 sound setups,
reporters managed find would11' lwvc idea how lhal movie buffs, with their super to interview didn't
Waugh flying away from ta/rn-off point, near Maricopa Point,
I I .
con/. /rof/1 JJili/C
with the therrnab (marked by Cmnulus clouds) brewing over the hills, This day's valicut but insuf'l'icicnt cfforl dropped the "old Pro" f'rom a shiny Isl place, in lhe cumulalive standings, to a dull 8th. 011 day three, Don, the orga11ilcr, manager and boss of the Classic, called for a speed run to Zacks Ranch, 16 miles from Gunter. It my chance to climb back into the top four or five in cumulat ivc points. It was another relatively weak day, with no Cl above (,unlcr and only few wilhin I he vis11al range of I 00 miks, J waited even longer lhan the day before to take oil and the wailing was caused by the same cvidenl thermal weakness as that day, /\gain, wind dummies and conlcstants were being "sacrificed" to a !'its landing on the order of about 40°/o up 11111 il pm,
l fiually stm1mo11ccl tl1c courage to launch at , I found a thermal quite soon after lakc,oll and was working it with vigor and intensity when suddenly, I !urned (I always try to keep my eyes pealed in lhc di reel ion of' turn), flashing rn1t visually from under my right leading edge wai;
I'd even be in lhc top 500/o, There was a personal conciliation, however. Previous to today, I had never 1ake11 on from ( ,11ntcr and not made ii all the w,iv to l lighway 6 with altitude to spare. /\ml on mo'1 of tl1osc occasions, l had gone cross country for or :10 miles, I knew that the years, many pilots had la1tdcd in the hilly Pits area, lrnt when l thought about being forced to land there myself, I worried that l'd smcly crash. Today, when raced with the i11cvi1ablc, I resurrected a h:rng glidi1ig trnth that I had learned yc:trs ago. I ignored the wind direction (not knowing whal ii was anyway), and idmply picked a srnoot Ii hill with I upslope to ii, used plcnly of speed for a flare, aml just bcrorc making ccmtacl with the ground, while going upslope, gave a mighty push 0111 on the uprights or the conlrol bar The result mightily pleased by such things. Now I have one l'car to be concerned with when flying G1mtcr Day four: though I had done so poorly the day before, had 110 thought ol' giving up, !11Stcad, I was more determined than ever, and O
Pilots hunt for thermals over the Owens Vall<ly with snow·cappeci :mother hang glider, close and headed directly toward me./\ fra111ic and succcssful lcrt turn 011 my part managed to raise my right wing suf'l'icicntly to allow lhc other glider to dear mine by a scant ten rt. or I couldn't find my thermal when I had regained composure, /\nd now I was taclically in a bad spot. The wind was ten mph heading northeast. The terrain under me sloped downward 10 the northeast, so that, barring a thermal in the area, the wind had a slight down component to it. I was headed southwest 10 gaill a position where the wind was coming upslope. J'l1e result was a rather rapid loss of altitude with rat her slow ground speed, which placed me so near the tcrraill that finding a thermal at that altitude became :1 bit unlikely. l landed in the Pils with a 1ern score and the sure k11owledgc that I no longer had a chance to wi11 thc meet, !11 !'act, at thal point I wondered if
maybe a little I felt I had to karn more aboul solving the prnhlvm of fimling "I hat fi1 !,I thermal" on a day at (i11ntcr. I resolved to watch the other s11ccessf'III pilots more intenlly a;, they 1lltcmpicd to i,olve tlrnt problem, Was ii a question of when lhcy IOok olT'! it a qllcstion of which particular vound rrack they chose? l felt the problem had a solution, if only I would try hard enough to find it, The task for day four was Open Distance. Today was even more naked or I han the last f'cw days had been, At kast, previon.sly, there had been in the 111011ntai11s 20 miles to the north 0J'(i11111e1 /\fter laking oil, at ailont I tkw ground track more to the !di (,south) 1l1an I had prcviou.sly been w,ing in the hopes of being on the windward side of 11pslopi11g wind and up sloping terrain. Mavbe it was coi11cidencc, maybe it was luck and maybe it was "the" better grmmd
Irad, But the !'act is, that I found I liennal about 900 ft. out, and got 11p 10 l0,000 ft., while being blown deeper into ,\ mountain by about 1,600 hori!Ontal fr Well, if yon think that al I 0,000 ft, I was .1al'e am! secure and on my way, yo11'rc not qui le correct I lost my thermal (or it died). I found plenty of .,,ink, and suddenly there l was al JOO ft vertically over Uunter. Well, that was JOO more than I had when I had taken oil just minutes prcviomly. The important thing was to use tl1e JOO ft. wisely. I cl1osc not to mill around searchinf.\ for a thermal in Ilic gcner:rl vicinity of Gunter Instead, I took the "1me ground t1ack as I did earlier, with the hope that my extra altilude over the ground would calL\c me lo intersect a thermal higher up where it would be slighlly larger and stronger, l cnem111tcrecl three or four strong bubbles of lift which I call false thcrmah. Ir you turn in them you arc greeted with extreme sink after completing about IOO"ofyom turn, and ym1 end up having lost fl, instead of g,lining altitude, The tmlrnlc11cc in these "fabc tltcrmals" ,,eve re, /\ less t mlmlclll and wca ker t hcrmal told me l should t it After a slow, patient climb to B,()00 ft, I was, at last, 011 my Tltc1c were indicntions, as I glided straight north, that the west component of the southwest wind was stronger loc!ny than usual. This made me lmn "toward thl' valley even though I still had 12,000 1'1 I mge that you and I he p11r1icularly cogni1:rn1 of the strength of that wind rnmp<mrnl which may he blowing you deeper i1110 tile mmmtain. Take action, so tl1at a prolonged spell of 1,000 fl ./min. ;,ink will not force you to fly down into a canyon with all the risks aml dangcr.1 that canyons offe1 l'hc miles between C,untcr and Montgomery Peak offered nothing rn11 or the ordinary worth reporting. It was Ilic usual thcrmal,11p, glide straight, thermal up, was usually between 11 and I :1,000 fl, with the low point being 9,000. Al Montgmncr,· Peak l h:1d 12,000 before leaving tile Peak So I searched !'or a way to get higher. Smprisingly I found it rel:nivcly quickly. Soon I had 15,000 and was ready to head directly toward Montgomery Pass, seven miles away. I reached the pass with about 10,000, and three 111ilcs later, over the i11ter1ection of Highway (, and 10, was 2,000 l't above ground. l turned 30° to the lcf't to parallel l lighway 10. 11 was then, as I vvas gliding .•,trnigltt ahead, 1ha1 I noticed something illleresting. The wind at my level was changing radically from the winds higher up, It was getting stronger and was directly from the west rather than the southwest a;, it had previonsly been, I had lo crab at an angle of about 40" to make a ground track parallel with the highway, /\ thousand feet below me J Sterling Stoll 011 final, hardly moving with relationship to the ground, I glided another mile and landed on an upslope area next to the highway, directly i11to the wind. !'en minutes later Jerry Kati landed 40 ft, away from my glider. It seemed a nice irony to me. Je1ry and I were actors in the "distance record final act" of last summer's perl'orr11anec. He had wo11, but because ol' a technicality, his flight had apparc11tlv not qualified for the !·Al official record. It was an injustice for which I believe no one to blame. J had never met Jerry bcl'orc. Now, here were brought together, in a
for tlw 1·1rsl dc.sol:nc part or Ilic world Io lime. liad rcas011 lo nolc lhc um1:,11al or 1hc silu:11io11. Slcrling Sioll had told me Ilic day before or !fr, day (day two), he l1ad wind.!\ lnilr horn lalcr, allu loldcd up, Ilie wind lwd smldrnly 10 or )0 111pli. right down 011 lop or his glider lo e11s111T 1h:11 ii did11'1 blown away. rcnllv sll()uld rc111c111bcr his cxpcricnc,· whrn rly i11 lhis his kite had still fully :1sscmblvd, he mighl really have had a prnhlcm. An 1111a11cndcd as•;c111blcd mp.al lo winner l1ad llown Don al 1l1h poinl in 1i111c, l1:1d 1101 gollen Ilic r11rnula1ivc scores 1ogrlilc1 fm I knew. And if he had, would 1101 have been cspcri:tlly overjoyed lo them. ll111 ec1•,ual oh.scrva1io11 ,m my parl had •;inµlcd rn11 !Irv licro.s or !Iii, 111c,:1 ,,1crli11g S1oll, I rudrn and Jov (,rcbln lhc ,1ars. rlrcy in,ullnahly good. louml miml ,aving, "I 111ml be doing ,0111c11ii1w rig/ii. bc:rl Stoll, ,rclrlo i111d Tudm today." When 111y vcliick arrived al Ilic •,ii,, and I had landed, illl' new•, 1h:1t ;1ccidrn1 011 top or the mmmlain. l;11c1 lci1rncd l'rnm wi111cs,es, who flying in I he "1mc :1rca, I ha1 ii looked like Mariah /Jad /iii ,000 rt abmc I hat 1mh11lence, al part of lite rno11111:iin sulTicicnt 10 c:J11,c his p,lidcr lo lurk, t1111i\1ic 1i1rn;,;, break np, rial spi11 :rnd about paracl1111c c:.1mc oul al lire lasl 111i1111tc ,tnd p:1r1i:dli hlo"mm'd j11.s1 hcl'on· irnpacL inlonned lire following day rli:11 reported 1h:11 he l1ad difficully gctring al lhe ,:11111,· ac111ato1, lwci111.sv or pinm:d 10 the unrkr sml'ace or Ilic glider and the I hick gloves he was wearing. Also broken :rnklc and lacernl ions or I l1c l'i1cc frorn cu111ac1 wil 11 glidl'I the shale ol !Irv '>ml.an' wl1c1t' lie hi!. Kevin Kcrnolran, al.st> in Ilic ;;1111c and abo 111 a ialr, lr:1d prnhlc111.s i11 1url111lc11cc. he:ml 11i:r1 ,rood on the crnllwl hi11· i11 au cllml 10 gel the kilc 0111 ol ils, \Trlic:d and lin;illy !he ip droopi,w rips had ".spnrng" into tile 11p positio11. heard that lall(kd Oil lop ol Ilic rnm111,ai11, and hrou)'.lll dm, 11111c ncxl hv vclri,'il', rl1crc fo11r ot hc1 i11cidc111,,, i11cl(l(li11µ two h:1rrcl rolls hv Bob ThDllljNlll in a l() Boll sudden and unexpected and 111:it they occ111Tcd I lri1 head rn1 pall or the kilc i1ml pmilive i111crmit1c111ly, !nil 110 quickly I he rolls SI (lr!Cd il)!.illll l'lying strniglrl ,md level wi1h 11ll da111agc (a•,ccrtained L11n afl,'1 c:ndul i11spec1it111) ltl 11i,, glidc1 the incidv111 liacl profound cffc'CI 011 Bob's 111i11d. il' dvridcd lo head for 1hc vallc) and land as soon po,,sihlc. lie l1e:1dt'd do,, 11 the rnm1111ai11, at 1da1ivcly low altitude 1hr ridges i1ml rnnyons, Boh "1ys Ill' Josi 4,SOO rt. hall mile or horimntal 1ra1cl. Ic \\ (I', fo1ccd to land 011 llw right next 101l1c rrHllliilk Bob !\llmial
IMRfll 1971l
1101 Ill fly tlrv foll,iwinp. day. llul the joi 11ccl in I Ire crm1 prl it ion :iml ar1c1 that he fln1 1rntil tile ended. doc,n't pcrmil the' accounls ol Ille olhn tlir,·e incidents, l'\1.'t'J)I lh:11 olhcr piloi:, lril tlllC\pectcd sink., lo land in tl1c 111om11ain1 and 1h,,i1 u11d:u11apcd. 1011 can llll(ll'l',l,llHI, lhc day's evt'lllS liit 111 :ill kind ol likv ii i>ombshclL What was going to happrn 11ow· 1 \Vould the M:1rii1lrs he grounded'' II 1101, 110,11d l\lariah pilols dare co11ti1111c lo fly in till' meet? Would Don 1':11tridgc cancel Ilic re'\! ur 1l1c compc'ti1io11' 1 I, and Ilic three olirc'I COlllpCI Jtor, IIJV condo, WCIII irllllll' lliglrl, i11 order 10 a gllod good bed. So 11c con Id only 11omle1 wliut thc next cliiy 110111d bring. Ila, live: Fin:illv, llri, morning, ['.01 1he 10 om q1wv1rom. !\II or 1hr: M:1riail pilot, \\itlidrl'w from fmthc1 compc1i1io11. 1)011 did not cancl'I the I t',I of I he meet. !he 11umbc1 ol pilot, •,1ill rompcling lrad d11i1Hlicd down 10 only I Ire Iask 10 l>e :m clap';cd timv mile,, lo lk111rn1. :,rnm' ol m arri,cd itlr om kites at the ( i11111c1 launclr \ilt' :1111. We had been up there a
long timv by pm and ycl 11011c of I Ill' COIIICSlillllS liad 1akc11 oil by thi•, time. a wind d1mrn1y rte,, oil floalcrl rnagcslic:illy down i11 s1rni1'.irl When he got 10 a poinl dirt'cllv over 1111.' (allrn11 6,000 It.) he only had h,700, \O he l:1rnkd. 0111 spirih ,ank willr hi111. 1ha1 llrerrnuh welt' comin,'. tl1rnuµh crnild feel and ill'ill the hiy inl'rt.':l'te in wind speed. 1\1 Rich Pfeiffer and ,\Ian Reeler madv a pac:1. rliey decided to rly ofr logcl her illld by rlying side hy •,idc sncral hundred yards ilj)ilrl IIrey felt that I hey would Ira, e t wicc :1•, n111ch clrnncc or i111,:rccp1i11e during the l:ht bcfmc lhe Cla,vic, made the lon1•.csl rliµl11 .so far ol 19/H. had f101111 milt, in five hom•, from ,i (iordo.) !\Ian had C'qualkcl Iii'> dis1a11u: llll tire second dav ll! 1hc while flyi111• frnlll (,111Jll'I So, 11ic1c I wo prm c11 highly qualified pilt11 s ! I call ,ympa1lri1c with the illlla1crnc11t :rnd ,liock Ilic\ 11111,1 h:11T felt a, they n,,11 dmrn ltlll:11rl the v:illcy noo1 lhci1 glickrs Olll't' 1;:rn1cd more than JOO fr. :i11IHmgh tlrev writhvd ;rnd !urned and fought :1gai11s1 the i11cviti1hlc. None ol lhc Cllntc,t:rnh up :1t bml2.cd ror 1l1v ncx1 l1alr 110111 or tile pilot,, 11 ho !)()\\ 1\1 LlO pill kadi11.P, tire corn1w1i1io11, took lliT I oil cl\\ cd !heir l'tn1u11cs willi µreal i111,:rc,1 One or 111cm quickly clirnhed lo pmi1io11 1,000 ft. mer 0111 l1cad1. lhi, hold act enco111 aged Ihr or 11s and anotlic1 gnrnp or li,v or six tollk oil l\!Jout liall of them 11t're s,lm1 ;1hlc to ,:limb 0111. >1imled !cl l:lke ofr ,11 that iustirnl but l !rad :1 spl:ci:il problem. 1\1 my lora1irn1, ;11 tire nt1c1m' northern end ol the 200.v:ml long uke·oll illCil, !he hill :r lrlllc rno1c 11or11Jc1lv and Ilic wind W,l\ 1110,1 Iv cross from 111y left. live u1 It'll 111in11IC\ tire wind wotild rlrall!'l' direc1io11 aml come straight up tile liill at 1m pmi:icrn. I didn'I want 10 1111111rli 1:1kc oil, 10 I ahv:1v, 11:iilcd rm I hat \lr:1ight 11p wiml. Tlrv that thi,, hurl ml' tlral I w:rs 1111ablc to la111wlr 11 hvn 1l1c pcrfcrl oppor111ni1v ol kite kill!' 11ivrn1al m11 i11 lrn111 ol takc.ofl I 1hlc:1d, I had to ig11rn c wi11d. li,u:1llv while I 11ai1cd, the opJHlllnnity pa,wd liv, hccm1,c "th:11" thermal, marked bv a ki1c, would have Jlilsscd <lll through Ilic by tire time I ro11ld gel airborne. J.i11ally, about ,:40 pm, Ilic 11ind 11as, pcrr,Yt for mv lake off illld 1 launch,:d. rnv usual pwl>lcm ol' ge11i11g my 1·cc1 i1110 1he lr;rr11c" look 10 louk all arn11ml ,o that I wouldn't he i111oilcd ir1 a 111idi1ir. Once it110 my harness, I p.ol rnc.lv slrnck I Ii,: lrurnec,\ painrul. l lrnd 1w11,·11 i1110 it \HOllp. I had !ailed tu make it lr:111y. cheek heforv lake olr. lhc mid rcali1:11io11 hil I co11ld11't hope lo llv all 1l1c 10 Benton 11i1h Ilic pai11 cxpcr1c1lc111g.
would like 10 be able lo rcpor1 1hat I hit a 1hvrn1;il irnd pa\svd ii up, licc:rnw ol the pr1i11 1'11a1 llil\, it mild11'1 be a q11cs1io11 or :111 i11abili1y to find 1lrcrmalv. Brn, :iltlw11glr 111:1dc bee-line ror 1tw without 111Hl11c wrm:liinp, did not hit a thermal. .l\ll(} thank gosh 1lia1 I 11a•, .',pared frn1111hc ;1go11i1ir1g dc\'ision of 11hc1l1n or nol Ill a crept Ihc:rnrnl and prnloug the pain. am ,uclr a linre co111pcti1or, 1l1:r1 ii 11ould llall' lll'rn 011e or the 1m11•.he'1 dcvi,iom ol inv lilv.
So now I had to lm1d, for a second lime, in lhc Pits, and earn zero for I he day, The agony of defeat was very real ror me at that moment, B11t even I felt the agony, l felt lucky, because l made a safe, slandup landing, In facl, cvcrytimc I conclude a hang glider flight sarcly, I have conditioned reflex of' consciously feeling lucky, Not that I feel hang gliding so dangerous, but rather that I can and do make lot of mistakes mistakes lhat "kill" my soul when they happen. Day six: The task was open distance, At the lake-off site, Rich Grisby gave me nice • 'st rokc.' day or two ago, he too had gotten into his harness wrong and failed to hang check, He too had been forced to land in the Pits bcca11Sc or discornforl and lack of glider control. Rich also said that he was pleased with his progress in regaining confidence in lurbu!cnt air a confidence shal tcrcd four or rive weeks previously by an incident in lurbulcnt in his Mariah when he was forced to deploy his parachulc and had a very close calL For I he Classic, Rich had changed to a Seagull 10 Meter. He said his confidence was slowly returning, Rich is a gutty At pm launched. The wind was sl ronger on any previous contest day, In fact, ii if r was al Torrey Pines, There was enough breeze to simply ridge soar O.K, This is great, I thought, because can ridge soar 1111til a decent thermal finally comes through the area, When I took off, !here had been three kites ridge soaring just slightly above 1akc-off and out in fronl, To my surprise l swil'(ly climbed up above !hose three. looked down, and saw fom other kilcs launch, And then, as I watched, the kites seemed to be acting strangely, llalf were flying slraight out and low, looking like candidates for lhc Pits, I was up al 10,000 over take-off, all alone, !0,000 all ! could find, sol headed !'or Piute, lhree miles 10 the north, as a polential "refueling" I'm not going lo a "blow by blow" description of this flight, except to say thal 1herc was a cloud street overhead and going in my miles norlh of direction, beginning al a point (,1111ier. r worked hard during the flighl, and I had learned my lessons wc!L l went fart her than I ever had flown from Gunter. miles, Bui lhc nexl day I heard some disquicling After my take-off, lhc wind had increased a bil more, and 14 pilots got logcthcr and agreed to not take off because a contcsl rule staled, "When more than hair of Ille conlestants do not fly, the day will become nrnH,'ontcsl day," Aflcr making that decision, lhrcc or four of lhosc pilots took off 10 fly recreationally, This kfl us wondering if lhc 14 did nol wa111 to take off because of danger posed by lite strong wind, or whether llicy fell it going to be difficult to do well because of I he sl rong wind, l also learned that J ,arry Tudor had flown miles, lo set n new "site" dislance record !'or Gun Ier. ,arry can be very proud of Ihat flight And of course Larry was a bit disappoint eel also by lhe fact that it had been declared a no-contest day, I don'I believe anyone else had flown very 1
Day seven: The task was a speed run to Randt, distance of 16 miles. At 2:20 pm I took ol'L I crashed, in the classical stall, dragging a
wing tip, causing the other wing to really fly, earl wheeling me into the mountain. This the ncal little stunt that l had been hoping wouldn'I occur. True 10 habil, I unhooked, bul refused to lake off one piece ol' flight gear. In full "lhrcclaycrcd warmlh" and hel111cl, inspected the ship thoroughly, found ii OK and 1hc11 took oil wilh renewed rightco11s anger. The wind, al the I imc of my takc-,off was l think identical to that of the previous day l lo l7 mph, And again, there was cno11gh ridge lifl 10 "sustain," 100,200 fL above the launch area. There were, al the time, rive oilier kites alw ridge soaring, l was on lop, Five different times circled when presented with the sweet sigl1t of the vario needle on 500 fL up, All five times the lifl quit as suddenly as it had begun. l suspcc1ed thal the relatively slrong surface wind was "chopping" the thermals into bits and pieces, Ii was I hen that l gambled and almost losL One of lhcsc chopped-,up thermals lured me into a short airborne search to find it again. The result was that the wind blew me behind west-facing ridge, up above and behind take-off. It was a trap. The wind in hack ot' the ridge was descending, It was questionable to whclhcr I could make it over the ridge or whet her my glider would be forced lo turn to the right and head down the inside of a canyon. I did make it over, lmt was noticeably more pale. This is one of the real hazards in participating in competition in this area (perhaps in any area), You take chance now and then that you would never, in lhc course of recreational flying, take, Many olhers took I his type of chance during the meet. Luckily no one was hurt or killed in doing so. strongly urge every reader to think most seriously about the dangers of taking chances under lhc prodding of competition, l made a cosily error dming the day's contest flight. l was too greedy for allitudc, and gol much loo much of lhe stuff. It wouldn'I have been so bad if hang gliders could simply be pushed nose down to any desired degree. If this were possible I would have pushed the nose down to aboul 60" or 70°, gained say 60 mph, while 3,000 ft/min, B111 ii nol yet possible, losing and l lost precious cxlra minutes fighting to lose ahoul 5,000 exlra fl of altiludc over the landing area where lhe lil'I was everywhere, cmuc ,1bou1 12th for the A terrible performance, Hut l had to admit to myself thal [ felt super and l felt lucky, l had cornpklcd the task, l still "in !he contest." On the eighth l he task announced by Don Partridge was a wonderfully innovative idea, thal to my knowledge, has never been tried before in hang gliding or soaring. Instead oft he usual "elapsed time" race to a goal, we would 10 Janics, period, II a distance of miles, The pilols would be allowed to take-off at any lime desired, after I pm. cxpcclcd that today would be like the previous days, insofar as the lalc-arriving thermal strenglh was concerned, that pilots would nm a high risk of 1101 being able lo stay up if they took off before abonl or 3 pm, The pri1:c would more 10 lhc bold today than 011 any ot lwr day, l hurried so that l would he ready to fly al exactly I pm, Bui l hit late and I heard one of lhe pilols near "thal Grcblo had lakcn off al l :00. I
lake off followed l
During the half hour that
thal l had no idea what happened 10 Greblo. had disappeared behind ridges to om righl without gaining altiludc, He was probably down on the ground, I was also aware 11ml probably only had slim chance up and that 950/o of all the other conlestants would watching me, which would make a landing in the pils 950/o more ego shaltcrlhan otherwise, Bui I had to go, II was chance for salvation, Very shortly aflcr my lakc-orr l began wishing I had waited and played it cool and conservative, l flew m11 for V, miles and Pils and I had not gotlen bare 200 ft. over the lasl liltle IJclwccn takeoff' and lhc Nolhing, This small ridge runs about 200 yards north and soulh, II has a high point (only 30 f'ecl higher 1ha11 the rest of lhc ridge) at I he norlh end. I over the middle of the ridge, Nothing, I've learned from 12 years of thcrn1al 11ml I he most I hcrmal-productivc poinl of any area is the "high ground," point of ground which is a mere JO fl, higher than the ground nearby is a pretty
flimsy application of the "high ground" theory, Bui ii worth a chance. right lo pass right it you guessed found little tiny baby ii thermal. honestly believe J may have fought harder to stay in it, lo use it, to be saved by it, than I have l'ought before. If my life dcpcnclecl on it I could 1101 have pul 111orc fierce energy into that right For fill[ minutes the contest was lotally unclecidccL I had gained JOO f'L <,radually gradually l to gain, lt was no time lo or the conccnlration, l'd come this far. I could lose iL liad to be sludicd wilh l'anat ic 'omc on! The Ihenna!, most Iher ma ls do, got sl rongcr and larger with was even with take-off, each IOO ft. though still half mile oul in front of ii. l could the on lhc lO Meier. Thank God they were witnessing winning baltk, I reached 10,000 fl. half hour al'lcr my take ofL There now a hall' dozen kites in the air in various stages of and failure, Four of them were me. In the following hour passed all the I !ANG GUDING
lll II
II 16
Mariah Mariah
18 19
:rn Mariah
WM Mariah IOM
Oly S11at111 5
Sir ;j()
nw la/con 5 Yi Pnjoys ,rn wide spePd range, having lwPn clocked in PXCPSS of 50 mph to d.1te, yet .ilso rn;iint;iins ,rn exn•llent sink madP a nm at rate. I ookout Mountain in Tenn. to the point and back in 45 rninul <'S. ( l his tirnP would h.1vC' Wdlk .. Pd away with sPnrnd .it tlw CrP.it Race!)
introduction of our Moresponse has been acclaim doesn't still mean we're For to 95 instance, we are now lbs. thrust . . . and that's the
Other features that make the Mo .. Glider power include:
ComidC'r these f,icts when your fl('Xt (or first) high glider. Nost' ,rngle .. 108 degrees ,e.n rnph St.ill on wing load plus LID 200 r.p.m. Sink spPPd .... M.iximum ~.iii Billow .. Thi• f.ilcon V, is the result of px .. haustive studies on drag reduction. It\ basic computer plan .. form is simil.ir to that its prerfo .. u~ssor, the Falcon 5, but that's where it Pmk The Falcon incorporates thc easy hc1ndling characteristics you've corm• to expect from Chuck's gliders, range and control As USUdl with entire buii1 5Vi, up c1nd negal ive is at a low $1100. for more detailed inf or .. c:cill or write to Ch11ck's rind out for that quality mancP do exist in one gli<for . . the CCS f'<1lcon 5 Vi.
steel clear
ne age There's more, but to tell of the
For further detai Is call or write Chuck's Glider NOT INCLUDE GLIDER
MITCHELL WING "A"-K!T. New, still in box. $1a00. (702) 849 184G.
ARIZONA LTRALIGHT' SOAR[N AND INS'l'RlJCTION, U.S. Hang 1021\0 19th Phocni x, ARKANSAS write thn profmmionnls. Parts, gliders, all major brands (now and used), available. Dealor I 09 Gran cl, Fort CALIFOHNTA
giv0 an on the condition of equipment you bring them to inspect,,
i\l Plli\ Wills Winµ, large, excellent crn1cli1io11, like' lll'\\. rande111 '>Ci-11rL Bro\vn, red, orange, gold, yellow, snap haµ, John Cotton, l'Jl, Bm I, Bishop, ( i\ 91114,
CHANDELLF: San Fnrncisco Mant.a, Eipper, DeHia, Elcctrn brandH available. stock new complete line of and an;cs:sorws, facility! ccrtifiorl inslruction: haBic, and advanced lessons
(41/i) 75G-06fi0.
Only $145.00 Not ;,n ordinary v,irio. it has Low (tl ma). u11liel1eval1le up only audio. ALARM IM audio. rno,inted controls don't acc1clental turn 011. ligl1I woiql1t ( 1 11, Ills). shock ol0ctror11c::;, tast response, serinl numbms 101 ttwlt prolecli:m. I yea1 quc1rcinteo. :;inqlc; oxlemC!I 9v IJaltery (nol incl.) clip low number of This tl1e new ,nodol ancJ ii
170 sq, Updated, Trimmed by new, Gold, red, white, $650, Ball Vario with altimaster, in Bennett mount, $2150. Sumner, Box 14a, Chico, 95927. (916) 89fi.:J:l52.
HANG GL!DlrnS CALWORNIA, lNC. certified instruction from to expert levels. All hrands of gliders, a of inst.rument.s are available! F'or information or cataor call: Hang Gliders of California, Lincoln Blvcl., :-lanla Monica, 904015. ;ll)f).fi::llfi.
MARK Jl.J80 DRAGONFLY. New control bar & keel. UP harness. $nfi0. (805) 77;;.42a1.
SKYSPOll!l'S MERLIN! WO ft. sail. Excellent condition. Has been motorized. must sell. (20:l) 88!J,28;JG.
SEAHAWK 140. Bell helmet, Sunbird lessons. Excellent. condition. All for $650, fj'/8.:3942.
The New 210. Best all around Sensor yet. Affords very docile handling witr1 an c:ellent sink and LID. Aspect ratio full camber For the inlBr· mediate. SENSOR 1 INTERNAL BAR An and
SEAGULL III 17. Includes hag, seat, lwlmeL and harness. In excellent condition. Colom hlw, and white. Black leading edge. Arizona. $500. (602) 042-44715. SEAG1JLL V. Good condition. Sail modified and fuJJy battened. $350 or best offor. (213) 274,9695. SST JOOA, WILLS. With Prank (";olver afLcr 7 p.rn. 1
l(Xli\ -,Fxccllcnt condilion, all the latc,1 hardware, p11lll'y <..y-,tcrn. Yel!mv, orange, gold, brown '>:tiL Snap bag, $750. (,ii Dodgen, 6(XXl (iardcn Cirnvc Illvd,, 1!34(,, Wcstmin\lcr, Cf\ 9268:1. (714) 897 509,\.
SST JOOB. Triple deflexors, pulley hardware. crnshed. 7 mo. old. (50:l) (i20-4725.
W!NDHAVEN Sc1viug So11tlicr11 ('alil'ornia. Complete !h1c
FLEDGLING A. Custom colored sail, 9 months old. Excclkmt. Harness and (805) 8:l4-:34fM.
heginrwr to advancnd instruction. lJSHGA certified instruct.om. Write or call, Windhaven, 124:37 San Fernando , Sylmar, 1 (21:J) :J6T, 18 ID
inquire. SW
ll1llow Hrlt10
I' :"J?
Max 1/IJ
l~orrotir:iq;ll1P 14H ;,;J()(I Copt,11l111qi;n N
I 01,l:lilci!lG
WJ)W lributor
vcrs. Wn offorn complete line of gliders, and Hccessorics. For more jnformation contact: Anderson, Box 100, Granville, fL(iJ 326. (8 l a:19.2282.
instructors nnd observers. Downtown Santa Cruz Locust at Pacific Gardon Mall, 95060. (408) 42:J.4442.
THJ,; FOOR WINDS! New and used gliders. Power units and complcle powered flex Dealer for 8oarmaster (we trade-irn;;). instruction with flight simulator. Come our showroom. It'll be 2708 ML Vemon Rd. WWJ :J(l5.fi0f57, :l66a98!l.
VOY ;\c;J.:UR'S. FRl(ii\'IT i\lRCRi\Fr INC. Oriµinator or the Soar master rlcdgli11g, dealer rrn Llcctra !·Iyer, Manta, Peregrine, Scnc,,or aud Sonrrna'!ler, Tandem tow iw,trnction, Bridle lm, Clamp on Hoats, !',port to11r" of tlie Carihlwan. Contacl Miami, Ill\ 3\147.
Wills, LEAF, and only complete sales, the great.er Citv area. USl
en;, 5fl:l5 Merriam Dr., Merrinrn, 2G2-fi61 l
and ob\crv
Gfi20:J. (!ll:l)
!\TI /\NT/\ 11/\NC; l il!Dl'RS lJI TR!\Lllil I lan1i I ;rnd II, clac;\roorn ground '!Choo], certiricd in c.,tructor\ \\·1100°,'o rn1hkmic.,hcd c.,af'ctv record. ('om plcicd Faw Riser,, ()11ick,ilver,, VJ 24 S1111h111,
Mi1cliell Wi111', pow1•1 pack.1gc•, 10 85 lbs. l'l11ust new a11d 11\cd gliders. P.O. Bo, 4816'.1, Doraville,
at the foot of Green Mountain. information. (:JO:l) 278-!lfi66. Oolden, Co. 80401.
(;;\, 11)}62 (404) 458
WHITT WINGS .. Atlanta's MA.JOH school. ll.S.H.G.A. Certified imit.rudors I t.hm 4. Georgia distributor for Mo,Glidcr power,pack, also UFM, Soarnrnstcr, Bennett, Wills or write: n. (404) 874,0718 ILUNOIS
I wou term
think. Como 11 Arrow Hwy,, (G JG) 4:J,G .. :JLOO. SOUTHEAST MICHIUAN JIANG Gumms Soarmaster Power den !er for Bill
Cle1nens, Ml, MINNESOTA
AERO FLOAT FLl/iH'f'S. Motorized hang specialists. Dealers for f.JFM and the proven package. Wo are developers of lhe Safoty .. Pro and 10 harness [M .. ME:DIA'l'E EASY P.O. Box 1155, Battle Creek, MI. 40016. (GlG) 06fi .. 6455.
Mfl}WES'l' SCHOOL OF HANG GLIDJN/1. Subsidiary of U.S. Inc. USHGA Certified lnstmctorn. All foot launch, tow) and rnotorizetL Located % rnile frorr1 Warren Dunes. We are the oldest school and olfor the most in the mfrl-WOSt. 1l1l1e OWllPI'M Op,m Class and 2nd in Class Nationals. Wn sell and Rorvice all brands of kitrn, and motorized unitH. ff you re thinking of moving up chPck with us first, your
SL Lnui;;' only
typr hmne'>s,olider,&mf91
HALL BROTHERS Box 771-M, Morgan, Utah 84050 Dealer Inquiries Invited
C.O.D. Pt1one OrcJ(0rs Welcome (B01) B29-3232
to dc:d ,11! m;l)rn hrand'> o1 pmvcrcd ;ind
11/\N(i GI IDll~C llm 111;;1 lrnok on '.IH) spo1t 11pdat1,(I B 111111,s <111cl now 111cluclcs ;i Oil 11iql1t. Hlb pa\)O'.>. '.\:iO I ?O. 000 sol cl I l lw cornplete lrn1dl1011k ;11111 ;idd :lli¢
H/\N(i Iii IIJI NC MM U/\1 Willi I O(J I lw most illlll10ri COIIW,I;. l:O!Tlflli,IC llllli 1Uil:i1 CX[)Cll'.,IVI) 11iar111:il uva1lc1l;le ll:;ec1 ;i,, il trc1111111q text wo1 l1Jw1c11, I :11J postpa1rl (C;il1forr1111rt; M/\NNlll 1<11 INI; I ly tlrn llc1tl1111cJ;; w,111 llrn 011ly llook qlicl1nq Step slup 111st1 uc IIOVICC lilXI pr ilC 1 1CII lowed fl1ql1l 11:le;i1;1, to lrnc fl1(Jl1t D:1 po11tpa1cl (C;ililorn11111c; ac1c1 ?1¢ salw; lilx) SI Nil I OH I Iii I Ill liCl1il'I IVI IJIWCIIUIII
f' ()
nox 1-'Jll:1 / I U(;{ Nf
()/if (;ON 91101
Wills W1nq XC 1W, 1/??C10 No l1xerJ tips. control 1)111 rn1s1mlclwc1 nnw rlow11tul1es t:~;ecl l)a~;etube w tl1 vario bracket Hruce liimio I' 0 llox RC,43. M1c;soula. Mont :1!lll07 ll'l? Jll'.M
l1l1al11c MocY,e /1pper ticcl dllP' rec l11ar11111J ntJqe wlllll1 w1t11 or anqe ancl qolrl 11all pa11ul·1 lilue tld!/ Cl1arlus Wdf1un 84? N '.)r Joe Hast111qs NI liil'JOI i4C?) 41i3 t!O'l? C1irnuil1S i O wl111u yr1ll0w
May 1? 13111,1
l\rl,IIIIS (lllli11 %/ ?11'1/I
II IH){)I W111qs Wlll!!W Sacr dmcn10 f'IIIJUIIIX ti
l/11il l1l1w
l(e1:l 0111. wl11tu IJluu. ill111sl1 q1,Hrn l1c111
/Ill Iii
Slidl()IIIU1111rl iJOWll
krlllr lecl Incl I 1pke >1 I '.11 c,11 11 :n1 I $',() IUWdl C [lox ?clfj ll11rl111CJdl(l(' Cl\ :MO I()
Willi/Ill lllilW'I c1•11\c1 w1U1 w:nt/0\/v''.,
1)01,(Jld'I i 1!111 'li,IPfi r'Jlli,
1)1,1qur W1nq\ i'l I ,HJ'.) ·1 i I
I I All NI, f 111,1:i L11sor1 C1!y
107 I Mo1nla11rl Pl1oen,x A111011;i 8blJ08
Purple centn1 scc11011 red liou!u n Jno Har11son 101111 Aliirl I rlew1cl1 I' 111(1 4G:14? Pl10ne collect 1?1'11 BUI '.ll/8 Hewarcl'
lip IJraqonlly MK II 11 [)ark blue l19n1 tJlue i1'1d wl111e wr1t11t1e lot1C:1s !IP 111 r1i11k l1lue. sew11111to #Uflllll 1800G I rom 111S l10111e 9111 l'dSCIJ $'.10 rewarrl
Rol1k1tte11 II ( 18X141 t1lue. reil ~110 bag 1'1 orange lrorn r111drlle lakeotf al
Ca 280 4307
NOSE:- antJlt1 Abl,, to
on tmiath of air . . penetrnlE,s a witl1 equal bocom0) the . No woncler the Pi·IOEN!X SUPEF+-8 l1ang (Jlider of tirne. Not only has the HOMA mos\ fully certifie(i this for 1978, Hie re fistful! of new which maki, it even better than beforcs .
U,El<Jl ng edg€, 1.,="·-..·--,,·-······-,,,.,,.1•.,.,~,c:......................................... 1,...,,s,;,-................,,,,..,. . ,..........-1 Keel length Sail Aspect ratio Span Weight range ),.. . ,.~::.::::..:...,,,:,:. . :·:c:::·..·..........1....::,~::...·c::... :...::•.• :::::~. :...............-L..... :..:~..,:..,.~::~.: ......,..................... ..1
~ Applied reading i~dge pockets
~ Billow stabilization systEm1
d,:flector ~
lmprovc>d droop
And of coursfi we've kept the orioinal featurns whicl1 macle the
P.O. Box 483, 213/785~~M 7 4 •
California 91408 .. Telex 6&· 1425
USINC: TllNIJl l:Xll/\lJST OPTION PIWVIDLS 300' MIN 1(/\TE Cll ('! !Ml\ ON (JIJl('KSII vrn
l 1wd1J)nt(\11ce <1nd ,,,ifety
Cnmplc1(' ,,y\1l'ms ,\H' nrn 1n JHIOI to d!!l1very No kit •>ystem bhH''>
rlw c.t,md.nd vnqnw h the /<1mnu1 MCA 91 ( 101 lP) delivennq ,,wr f:r, lbs crui':.e tlnu'>t
Includes supine stirrup and carabin(cir. your
by mail A minimum $20.00 must accompany all mail orders ONLY f.o.b. Svlmar. Californians add 6% sales DEALERS INQUIRIES INVITE[)
or call
specify pilot height and when ordering by mail $20.00 deposit must accompany all mail orders f.o.b. Sylmar. Califomic1ns add 6% sales tox. DEALERS INQUIRIES INVITED