' ted States Hang Gliding Association • July 1995 • $3.95
Ii I
USHGA is issuing its 20th annual call for nominations to the national Board of Directors. Eleven posi-tions are open for election in October, 1995 for a two-year term beginning January, 1996. USHGA members seeking a position on the ballot should send to headquarters for receipt no August 20, 1995 the following information: name and USHGA number, photo and resume (one page containing the candidate's hang gliding activities and viewpoints, written consent to be nominated and that they will serve if elected). Candidates must be nominated by at least three USHGA members residing in the candidate's region. Nominations are needed in the following regions. The current Directors are listed and their terms expire December 31, 1995. Ballots will be distributed with the October issue of Hang Gliding magazine. USHGA needs the very best volunteers to help guide the safe developrnent and growth of the sport. candidate for receipt no than August 20 to: USFfCA, P.O. Box ]330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901. NOTE THAT EFFECTIVE ·1 /1 /96 REGION 5 WILL BE REINSTATED TO INCLUDE IDAHO, MONTANA AND WYOMING Reg.#
3 4 5 6 9 10 Tl
CURRENT DIRECTOR STATES WITHIN REGION George Sturtevant Paul Gazis Russ Locke Joe Greblo Gregg Lawless Jim Zeiset OPEN Ron Kenney Pete Lehmann Matt Taber Jeff Hunt
Alaska, Oregon, Washington Northern California, Nevada Southem California, Bawaii Arizona, Colorado, El Paso, New Mexico, Utah Idaho, Montana, Wyoming I<ansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska Washington, D.C., Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, W. Virginia Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, N. & S. Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands Texas, Louisiana
The following form is for your convenience.
I hereby as a candidate for Regional Director for Region l understand that his/her name will be placed on the Official Ballot for the ·t 996 Regional Director Election, if are received by August 20, 1995. I have notified the above person and he/ she has accepted the nomination. #
(USPS O17-970-20 - ISSN 0895-433)()
16 USHGA Members at Sun 'n' Fun '95 by Phil Bachman, photos by Barbara Flynn and PhiL Bachman A photo essay on USHGA's participation in this big aviation event.
21 Product Reviews: Ezy-Eye Optics and P.C.C. Push-to-Talk Switch © 1995 by Dennis Pagen
A couple of useful accessories that won't break the bank.
23 Pilot Report: The Klassic 133
article andphotos by Claire Pagen A look at Pac Air's new glider for the gravitationally-challenged.
36 The 1995 East Coast Challenge by Mary Gor The Tennessee Tree Toppers sponsor a great event.
39 Flight Characteristics of Modern HighPerformance Hang Gliders by Seth B. Anderson A hang gliding overview for the aviation-minded.
41 I Am Woman, See Me Soar by G. W Meadows G.W interviews some ladies in hang gliding competition.
Accident Reports, by Luen Miller ........... 14
Airmail ....................................................... 5
USHGA Reports .....................................28
Update ........................................................ 8
Cartoons, by Harry Martin ................38,45
Calendar ofEvents .................................. .12
Product Lines, by Dan Johnson .............. 63
Ratings ..................................................... 50
Classified Advertising ............................. .52
Index to Advertisers ................................. 62
JULY 1995
PICCOL-0. PLlJf',:;
20 flt. memory. ·5 altc>. adj. to 25,000ft . ..Variometer to 4,000fpm.
• Quantum Series Parachutes • Traditional Parachutes • Racer Harnesses • Ace Harnesses • Cocoon Harnesses • Stirrup Harnesses • Glider Bags • and much, much more! Contact your local dealer or write or call for a Buyer's Guide
(c,ink + lift.
·PG. or HG. mount included.
·WT. 6.8oz.
·2yr. warranty NAS DACK.ED.
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E $490 Suggested
FAX: ..
llma 11•111 II. • • am1 II.
has the on flying Nothing more need be said, but we've got all so we this may as well prove it.
It's worth your while in savings to call. "You show us yours, we'll show you ours."
.... $305.00 ....................... 275.00 Yaesu FT11R-5W................... 305.00 lcom .................. too many to list ... Ca/1 Alinco DJ1BOh-5W......... ....... 259.00 Kenwood Tr/28A .. ~...... 329.95 Kenwood TH22 .. · · ~ · . · .... 289.f)5 50Wmobi/es ................ .from 329.00 All ham radios available with MARS/CAP mods ... ......... warrantied
VARI OS Ball M-19demo .................. $393.00 Aircotec Piccolo demo .. 354.00 Afro-Cirrus .... we beat any prico* Brauniger... . .. . ....... Call Flytec... . .. ...... Call with your best Davron ................ price. We'll beat it! Tangent Computer... ~ ..... Ca// • Within roason, of course ~
Flightmate Pro GPS with full accessories.... . .. $705.00 Avocet flight watch. Best price anywhere Including shipping! ................. $119. 95 PTT finger switch... .. .... 89.00
ANTENNAS 1/4 wave duck... .. ... $14.95 5/8 wave duck ................ 17.95 5/8 wave telescoping ... .. 20.% 5/8 wave mag mount . ........ 38.05
Send SASE for current sale flyer showing even more products.
Dealer: ........ UP. ...... Pacific Airwave Hook Knife (the good one) ...... $14.B5 Harnesses:High Energy.... CG1000 1/4" braided poly line ...... .. $35/1000' Mason release... .. ........ $47.00 Helmets: Reflex ... Panoramic ... Lee Airspeed Indicator: Wind Advisory And so much more...
The SOARING CENTER offers everything a student pilot needs. Excellent instruction, state-of-the-art equipment, and a training site with consistent conditions ideal for learning. This means you get more air-time, have more fun, and become a pilot in less time ... You want it? YOU got It! • Lessons taught daily, year-round. • Soarable conditions 300+ days a year. ® Smooth grassy ridges "made For soaring". • Lesson packages for beginners or your first 100 mile X-country. • Tandem/Solo Hang gliding & Paragliding lessons. • Pro site guides for 2,000' 5,000' mountain launch sites. ® Demos & glider rentals. • Sail & airfmme repairs by factory experts. • Full service shop with products from most dealers. • Free Camping at the launch. • ICP's and aerobatic clinics.
Gil Dodgen, Eclito1;l/\rt Director John Heimiy, Gerry Charlebois, Leroy Grnnnis Photoi:r<1fl/Jors Hany Marl.in, Dennis l'ai~<ll'.I, fyllar~; St1nc~:y, G.W. S/nf/Wriwrs
Design Consu/f,111/s
Phil Bac:hman, Exectitive Direclor Greg Muller, Ratings & ICl''s Jeff Elgart, Advertising D. Dean teyerlc, lnsur,rncc & Membership Services
Karnn Simon, Mcmb,•r s,wic,:s Marisa Malton, Merclianrlisc,• Sl'rvin•s USNG/\
and Cxccutive Committee:
Bill Bryden, l'rc:sicli•nt Jim Zeise!, Vice l'residcnf Russ Locke, Secrcr.11y
Dan Johnson, Tre,1s1 m•1
REGION I: Cent• M,11ilwws,
S1ur1ev<1nt. RFCION Cazi,,. i<EGION 3: Marcus Salvemini, Joe Crcblo, Cregg Lawl,:Ss. RFCION 4: Cl,:11 Nicolet, Jim /cisel. Rl::GION (,: l,on l<cn1wy. RECION !lilt RFCION a: Randy Adams. REGION 'J: l'c•lc William flenn<'ll. REGION 10: C.W. Mmdows, M,111 Taber. REGION 11: Jeff 1ltml. REGION 12: l\\ul Voighl, l'i:llll Ril«'1·t. DIRECTORS A'! LARCF: llarl.i;1ril Flynn, n,in Johnson, Jan Johnson, Dennis P,1grn, Alan Chucul,\le. HONOl,ARY DIREC:· roRS: Claudia Slockwdl, Eel Pitman, l<en llrown, Doug Hildrc•th, Frdnk Gille!le, Luen Miller, S,mdy King, Mike Meier, Rob Kells, Frc,d Stockwr,11, McNilrnee, Michael Roherlson, Dnve Broyles, l<en Baier, !'red Moy, Crcg l)r,Wolf. EX,OFFICIO TORS: Ari Greenfield (NAA). 2: Russ Loci«,, R,1y l.c•on,ml,
rtw United Stalc'!S 11,mg Cliding Associalion Inc is a11 ilif sports orgilni7;1tion ilffiliaterJ wHh the N;itional Aeronautic Asso1i,1tion (NA!\) which is the offici;d or lhe Fed6m1ion Aeronm1lique (FA!), of the world body for sport avialion. Tlw NA!\, which mprcsents th<.' ill FA! has lo th,, USHGA supervision of h,mg activities
Dear Fdi ror, I have f(rn nd what I be! icvc to he a potcnti:1lly dangerous sirnarion regarding rocket installations. The May ] ')C)j Hang Gliding centerspread provides a perfect example. The problem is nor the rocker iustal· lation, hut the closing lines on a pod harness. The rocker and paracht1tc, upon deployrnem, may entangle with this line and cause a possible malft1nction. The solmion is simple. Move any lines, opening or closing, to rhe opposite side oft he harness. I have contacted both BRS and Second C:hanrz abom this porrntial problem, and both agree with my advice. Chris Smith ( :lot1dbase lfarnesses
such ,·!S record <Jttemp!s and competition s;rnclirnb.
HANG GLIDING 1n;1ga7ine is publisl1Pd fm h:mg gliding sporl <'nthusiasts to nrnte further i11lercst in the spnrt, ,mrl lo provide an <:duccitiona! (orum lo advance hang gliding C:onlributions :ire• welcomp, Anyone is invited to tirticles, photos, i1nd illustr<:11ions concerning hang activltic!s. I( the rnatcrial is to be retu1TH?<L a starn1Jcd 1 retun1 1T1us1 be encloscxl. Nolific,\lion must br, made of to
nwthods ilnd
other hang gliding publicalions, HANG GLIDING rn,1ga" 7imJ reserves thC' right to <•dit con1ributio11s where necc's~ s;:\f'y. The 1\ssociation and do not assunw or opinions of contribulors. rc•sponsibility for tho HANG Gllf)ING cditoriill offices: W:iO Circle, Sui le b, lluena Park, Cl\ 'l0620 (7'14) ""'''.""' "'·
HANG Gl.lDING (ISSN Ofl'JS,433x) is publisll('d month, ly by the United Slates H;ing ::;59 E. Pik0~; Peak /\vt\ Sui le 1ff!, 1
Colomdo IJ090l (71'l) (,l2,B:l00. FAX (71'1) 6l2,M 17. Secot1<J.,,clc1ss postc1gci is at additional mailing
<1! ColorMlo Springs, CO and
POSTMASTER: SFND CIIANCI OF ADDRESS ro: HM,G GLIDING, P.O. llOX I:no, C:olor,1do Springs, co ll09()Jell]IJ,
l'hl' USHC1\ is
foreign); sul>scrinlion Canada & Mexico, fornign). should be sent six weeks in ;:1dvance, including name, USI IC!\ nurnhel', pmvious and nc,w ;iddress, and a m;iil" ing label from a recent is~;uc!.
JULY 1995
lssur No. 7
Dear Fdirnr, The LJSHCA has asked me to intro" duce om Sylmar, California I fang Cliding Association Arson-Crime Watch program to USHCJ\ Chapter cluhs across the Unircd in hopes that they will develop similar programs nationwide, Our club has received worldwide publiciry regarding our program, and we have cernen1cd positive relationships with the U.S. forest Service, paramedics, fire deparuncnts, police and sheriffs' depanmen Is, and the foh and game aurhorirics. Our program is relatively simple to manage and requires very little time and effort from club members. /\s we drive up ro launch we keep an eye out f<lr sus· picious activities. We nore pertinent in/1:lrmation and notify the proper authorities as soon as possible. ln addition, we have posted along rhc mounrain road which read, "This road patrolled by the Sf [CA arson-crime watch program!"
When launching your program get it well established with all club members before announcing it 10 the media. Comact rhc appropriate agencies, such as the lJ .S. Forest Service, Bl .M, police, foe and rescue deparnnents, and let them know of' your new program. Next, send out a press release to a central news service" that will send ir to all TV station, newspaper and radio subscribers, or notify each news source individually. Press releases must contain "wh:11," "when," "where" and "who," and especially whom ro contact for further informarion. Be ready for an aval;rnche of inquiries. We post the phone numbers of rhc C11 fcll'CCtnetH agencies i 11 the Ja nd i ng zone, in our newslc1rer and on hunch, and we ask our pilots ro carry these num" hers in their wailers so they can relay calls ro the appropriate agency. Some of our pilots carry cameras to record events. Although members of our club have personally apprehended trash dumpers caught red,handed, this is not advis:1ble and could prove dangerous. Be sure ro kwe your club org:rni1,cr discuss this with the local police to get their rccom, mcndation on how to respond to the illc." gal or suspicious activirics observed. Our sheriff's deparrment recommends gcning dcscrip1io11s and vehicle identification and not confronring the suspicious peo, pie. I would like to know which clubs plan to participate, so please bring ir up ar yom next clt1h rnecring and let me know. If I can be of assistance I can he comacted at the address or phone num"· bcr below. Rome 1)odson SHC/\ /\rson .. Crimc Watch C:oordin;1tor 8520 Burnet Ave. North Hills, CA 9 I
(818) 892-9890
Dear Fditor, I'd like to thank Erik Kaye (April "Air Mail") for describing landing techniques rhar I have used /'or many years. I have
Air Mail always felt that pilots rotati11g up ro their downtubes early on final approach are at a tremendous disadvantage especially in turbulent air. First of all, the upright position limits the glider's usable speed range by not allowing the control har to be pulled all the way in if necessary. If a thermal is breaking off while you're crossing a tree line, you don't wanr to be slipping a turn to lose altitude. The best way to get down is ro sray on a selected straight heading and bring the glider's nose down by pulling in. ff the LZ is small, stay on the baserube, and as soon as you enter the back of the field, pull in to just a few feet off the ground. Although you will be flying low and fast, the speed will give you the authority ro deal with any rurbu-lcnce near the ground, and by making your forward glide level, your flying speed will smoothly drop off throt1gh ground effect. The longer you stay on the basernbe, the longer you will have maximum speed and stability control. There is no need to be on the downtubcs until you arc ready to push all the way out. Dennis Pagcn's advice for downhill landings (May issue) can also benefit pilots on flat ground.') 'he closer you arc to the ground when you flare, the less you will fall afrcr you stall. As long as you arc flying straight and level and make a
JUST FLY has aquired the Hang Gliding and Paragliding Distribution rights to the Garmin 40. Finally an affordable unit that works great for footlaunch pilots P\IPY'\I\AlhPf"PI
smooth rransit ion to rhe downtubes at the last morncnt, an aggressive flare (no wind) held all the way up and out, will scu lc you on your fret even if you rlarc a nwment 100 early. Cround skimming near the end of your glide lengthens your usable flare window, which will not only improve yot1r landings bur will give tar-get shooters more room to hit the bull's-eye. So long as you use a quick, full flare, you never need to be holding the downmbes more than halfvvay up. The danger of /lying fast, close to the ground can be controlled with quick and decisive ad justmcnts in pitch. Doug Rice Quaker Gap, NC
'IY,ere is some controversy about this. See joe fferizJ· letter in the/une issue. -- ha.
Dear Editor, Maybe l'rn educated beyond my intelligence or 1 just don't understand all that J know, but can someone explain the difference between the brand new 1995 sport of skyfloating with a paragliding harness, and the early I 980's sport of flying a single-surface hang glid-
er with a supronc harness? That new skyfloatcr thing sure looks like a hang glider. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, mayhc it's a ... skyfloater?
I .arry I lancy
Little Rock, AR
Dear Editor, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Tim Shea for his kind words at my mother's memorial service at the Big Sur, California flying site. I .ouise Edwards, Tim's passenger in the article, "Flight of a Lifetime," passed away on May 7, 1995, 75 years young. Hang Gliding magazine featured this art icle in rhc February l 994 issue. The memorial service was attended by family and friends, among whom were many hang glider pilors. Many thanks to all those who "made the day" for n1y mother hy attending the services, and also to those who supported her with c;1rds, flowers and hang gliding pictures in her last days as she bat tied cancer. Dave Edwards Hayward, CA
hours operation up to positions as waypoints and 20 reversible with up to 30 waypoints each. elnternal antenna for surJerior signal recerxt:.ion and reliability than 10 ounces WITH 111Weatherproof .. [)ealer lnquirie~s Welcon1e
Includes an instructional Navigation Page video made for hang glider· and pilots
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THE #1 FULL FACE HELMET SOLD WORLDWIDE The 1st helmet designed specifically for Hang gliding with all smooth trim to reduce drag and prevent wiro snags Constructed of polyester polymer and reinforced with chop fiber, it 1s lined w1tll high impact foam and brushed po!yoster fabric for a comfortable flt. Panoramic is strong and lightwo1gt1t
Price at dealer may vary and 1s subject to change
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Buy the original Panoramic helmet today! WT. 21 OZ. SIZES: S, M, L, XL IN STOCK'
TREKKING b a divk;ion of NA'.J lJi0tritJL1r,ing, Inc.
Paul Hamilton, 4750 Townsite Road Reno, Nevada 89511 USA Phone/FAX 702-849-9672
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/\/ways the best, /\/way,; N/\S
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S, M, L &XL
While qu ntities last. reg. $29.95 add $4 S/H {US & Can.)
SEND TO: USHGA, PO Box 1330, Colorado Springs CO 80901 ·1-800-616-6888 Visa/MC fax (719) 632-6417
II Update AEROTOWING ON THE OUTER BANKS You can now fly 10 2,000 feer on the Outer Banks ofNorrh Carolina wirh Kitty Hawk Kites. They now offer r,ndcm haug gliding lessons with a Moyes/Bailey aerorug, de.signed especially for towing hang gliders. 'Tondem lessons
manager, is aided by Greg Thornton, Launch Coordinaror. Sever:\! pilots assist with rug flying duries and these pilots
While it may look like an unusual scene at a hang gliding park, this view
really pur in the airlime.
portends a changing landscape. The aircraft picrnred - two Brighmar Swifts in the foreground and a US Aviation Super Floater in back-won suc,e~ive "Outstanding New Design" awards a, che major Florida airshow, Sun 'n' Fun, in both 1994 and 1995. The awards were somewhat exceptiona_las the f\vo designs are unpo,vcred. aircraft at an evenc over·
whclmingly populated by powered air-
For more information call Brightstar (707) 576-7627, US Aviation (612) 4500930, or Wallaby Ranch (8 13) 4240070.
- fltpqn fi1rd by Dau Johnson
provide excitement and experienc.c for the one-time student, as well ::l.( play a.n csscn.. tial role in the training of future pilots. With favorable wind and we;,ther conditions studems can achieve their USHGA Beginner or Novice r2ting in just two weeks. lcs.'iOns are given d;1ily at the Curtiruck Councy Airport, abouc 45 min• uccs north of the Outer Banks on Highway 158 Wesc. No expeciencc is necessary. A lesson re.quires 30 minutes, buc the actual flying time varies with wind and weather conditions and chc altitude of the cow. A 1,000-foot tow coses $85 and a 2.000-foor 1owcosrs $110. V,si1ing pilots may fly for $15 per solo tow, and students may also enjoy tandem thermaling with their Kt-lK instructor. Contacr: Kitty Hawk Kites (9 19) 441-4124, (800) 334-4777, or http://www.kinyhawk.com/kittyhawk on the Internee.
BELOW: O,ad Ekhin and father Jim Ekhi11 fly high over the 011ur Ba11ks ofNorth CaroliJ11111fter rckasingjrom a Kitty Hawk Kites' aerorow.
Afcer ,he big gathering, these three machines arrived a, nearby Wallaby Ranch for a day of cowing and soaring. Faccory rep Eric Beckmant and eastern
U.S. distributor Greg Black, flew their Swi.fis, soaring and performing acrobatics
gracefully in the pleasant conditions. Several first-time ultralight sailplane pilots test flew the Supcrfloarer and expres.ed a high lcvd of interest in the ne"' de$ign. The award wioners ,vcre towed by
the fleec of three Dragonflies at Wallaby. The Ranch recently added a fourth cug, a Cosmos trike. All of these aircraft can easily pull Swilis, SuperFloacecs or hang gljders. An enlarged staff managed by David Glover smoothly dirccrs thc acrivicy. Glover, a former Kircy Hawk Kires
knees. Borh harnesses sport super-d ean, wcinkle-frce shaping, and both have elongated main attachments rhat allow very good "sirupability." The Xracy is designed for novice through advanced pilots and retains the ability ro baU/bunch up for aerob,uic pilots, while , he Xtaty FR is designed primarily for X-C and competirion pilors. Boch models fean, re oontinuous webbing. in-flighr pitch adjustment dears, and include many excras. For more information concacc: Aird me of San Francisco, 3620 Wawona St., Sao Francisco, CA 94116 (415) 759-
TANDEM INSTRUCTOR TRAINING CAR TOP TENT Vacationing and traveling hang glider pilot$ will be inceresred in an innovative new rent design which dramatically reduces rhe rime and trouble required ro erect a trndjtional cent, ~,hile aUo,ving campers ro sleep away from soggy ground •nd prowling animals. As irs name implies, the Car Top Tenr attaches to a car Qr vm1 roof rack, and when clos~ is a trim, ,vcathcr-tight endosure safe for crave! ac hjgll,vay speeds. The tent opens like a
child'.$ "pop-up" book, making irs queensized sleeping space available to tired campers in literally seconds, reg:,rdloss of weather conditions. The Ou Top Tenr's ca.se becomes rhe platform for rhe tem when open. Using an alun1inum l:idder as a lever, che tenc opens to a 44-square-foot pfatform wirh • rwo-
your e.r. It provides rhc mobility and convenicnc:e of a conventional cenr, as "''ell as the oomforr of ao R\Z" The tenr weighs only 69 pounds, sleeps two adults or four children comfortably, and is designed ro support up to 450 pounds. Two people eon easily remove or install chc cent on a vehicle in less rhao three minutes. The Car Top Tent rerails for $699 and is available dirccdy from the manufacr-t1rer. The tent and all con..ponents come wich a full one,.year " 'arranry. Contact: Car Top Ten,, I039 West Bridge St., Suite 20, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460, 1-800-CAR-TOPJ (227-867 1).
inch foam n1arrress. T he tent structure
and rain fly arc attached ro the platform and are automatically erected a$ the unic is opened, rnaking it chc easie.« re.nr ever to set up. The ladder becomes a sturdy support for one side of rhe plarform. Complete setup - &om getting our of the car co climbing imo the reur rakes less than 22 seconds and ca.n be accomplished in the rain, snmv or d:rrkA Ian Carpenter, presidcnr of Ca.r Top Tc:nt and rbe cent's designer, commencs: ''The Car Top Tent offers comfortable, convenient sleeping> \vherevcr you park )ULY 1995
Two new pod harness designs are no,v av:1il:1blc from 1\irtin)e of San Francisoo: the Xtacy and Xracy FR. The basic body of each has a full-length fi.ont zipper :l.nd a chcsc,.mounced chute con· cainer. The Xmcy FR has a full back frame and single suspension (two into one, six incl1es above rhe harness back) with only rigging line for pitch adjustment. The Xracy has che same main suspension with very clean cop rigging, a spreader fran1e ac the mid-back area, and spre:,der at rhe
Greg DeWolf has bt"Cn using tandem as a reaching merhod for the pas< 15
years. With more than 6,000 logged tandem Aighcs he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience, developed maoy sophistie.ted aaining techniques for beginners duough advanced pilots, and ha., done it aU without a single stu• denr injury. Greg will share his ideas, techniques and theories with tandem inmuctor.: through his upooming Advanced Iostruetor Certification Program to be held on the Omer Banks of Nord, Carolina in October. Starting Friday evening Oct0ber 13, and oontinuing rhrough liiesday ali:crnoon October 17, irurrucrion will include rheo.ry, ground practice, glider tuning, simulator training aod tandem Aying wirh video documentation and playback. Contact: Greg DeWolf(919) 4534800.
KlTIY HAWK KITES GOF.S ONLINE Jusr coll Kitry Hawk Komputers. They are finally ready ro hang glide over the Information Highway and surf the Internet. !Gtcy Hawk Kites/Outer Banks Outdoors is now onJine, and via the Internet you'll be able to make reservations fo r any class or tour they offer. You
u can also find information about their hang gliding, aerotowing and kayaking pro .. grams and camps. You can also check out their electron-ic catalog, and browse through ful\ .. color pictures of more than 50 of their most popular kites, shirts and outdoor gear, then order without leaving your home. Before you disconnect, be sure ro check our the interactive bulletin board which oilers a unique way to share ideas, suggestions, questions, answers and expe.. riences relating to hang gliding, paragliding, sport kite flying and outdoor advcn-ture. 'Tr) make reservations and find our more about Kitty Hawk Kites/Outer Banks Outdoors call rhcm on the Internet at http:l!www fdttyhrtwk. romlkittyhciwk Send e.. rnail messages to Kitty Hawk Kites at khkinfo.pdial interpath. net. Kitty I lawk Kites/Outer Banks Outdoors is located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and has six locations on the Outer Banks and one at the R.aleigh .. Durham International Airport. 'fo speak with a sales associate or reserva .. tionist call (9 l 9) 441-4124 or (800) 334 ..
S0F1WARE Cloudburst Computer Works is pleased to announce an "international" upgrade of their popular Flight Log for WindowsTM hang gliding logbook soft.. ware. '] 'his latest upgrade expands the nsc of international units of measure, and now includes distance in miles or kilometers, altitude in feet or meters, and date format in MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY. 'The cornputerized logbook features: 1) various sorts and filters for subtotaling and reporting logged flights, 2) calculation of gre,ll circle distances in miles and kilo .. meters, 3) display summaries and starist·ics about logged flight data, 4) exporting logged flight data to spreadsheets for creating graphs, 5) tracking different types of launches and the quality of landings, and, 6) customization of the imerface to sim .. plify the emcring of flight information. Flight Log for Windows software is menu ..drivcn, frilly documented and nms on IBM and compatible PCs using Microsoft ·windows. The software is ideal
US!"IGA is soliciting award nominations in the following categories. Keep in mind that there is no limit to the number of Commendations and Special Commendations given each year. Send your written nominations to the USHGA office or to your Regional Director before the fall 1995 Board meeting. Presidential Citation 'fhis is the USHGA's highest award, and may be awarded to members and non-members who have made a significant contribution to the sport. The contributions need not have been made during the previous year. Chapter rfthe Vear----T'his award provides an opportunity for the Association to recognize the USHGA Chapter club that has conducted successful programs which reflect positively upon the Chapter and the sport. Activities include, but are not limited co: site procurement, development and retention, safoty, membership development, and beginner and novice prograrns. Newsletter oftht Vear-,,-This award recognizes an outstanding club publication that has been supportive of the sport and the sponsoring Chapter's activities. The award is based on service to members, layout, article variety, safety promotion, and promoting the spMt. Sptcir1-l C'ommmdations---- Special Commendations are awarded to non-members and organizations who have done exceptional volunteer work that has signifkantly enhanced and promoted the sport in the United Stares. The Special Cornmcndation is a way for our organization to recognize landowners, drivers, restaurant owners, govemment officials and other good ok boys and gals who have contributed in a 11011 .. member capacity during the year. Commendations-· Commendations arc awards to USBGA members who have contributed to hang gliding on a volunteer basis in any number of areas, including site development and retention, competition organization, public relations, heroic rescue effort:s, and/or basically getting off their dufE and doing something for some-one else's enjoyment of flying and the promotion of' the sport. NAA St4e~y Award & USHGA Exetptiont1-l Service Award ....... Tbe NAA Safety Award is given to an individual who has contributed to safety promotion. The USHGA Exceptional Service Award is different from the Presidential Citation in that this award recognizes outstanding service to the Association.
for individual logs as well as for compiling dub and competition flight data. The price is $19.95 plus $3.50 S&H. Contact: Cloudburst Computer Works, 20120 Broken Sabre I ,ane, Monument, c:o 80 l 32 (719) 488 .. 3091.
NEW Af'RO INSTRUMENTS Afro USA/fkaros Sport Aviation announces the release of two new inst-ru .. ments, the Afro Easy and Afro GPS. The Afro Easy is an cnttflcvcl, highquality variometcr and altimeter in a Cumulus housing. The altimeter can be zeroed at sea level or takeoff altitude. The price is $339 and there is an introductory on the flrst 20 units. price of The Afro CPS is also in a Cumulus
housing and can be placed anywhere (in a harness, jacket, flight suit, etc). The unit transmits all data to your Micropanel 3 or Cumulus 3 display. Speed .. ro .. fly so/iware will soon be introduced for all Cumulus 2 and Micropancl 2 insrrumems. For more information or a brochure on the full line of Afro instruments, cm, .. tact: Ikaros Sport Aviation, 38 .. I l Ditmas 8) Blvd. #1 I 0, Astoria, NY I l l 05 777 .. 7000 (phone/fax).
The Airwave Furopean Challenge is moving to the mountains of central Spain HAN(; GLJDINC
in 1995. Pedrehcita, which is well csrab lishcd as a superb competition site for borh hang gliding and paragliding, will lie the new venue. Registration will take place on Sunday, August with cornpetition starring on the 28th. This is a fon event open rn all pilots. Contact C:hrisJohnson at Airwavc Clidcrs (!flt) 1983 531611 or fox (44) 1983-53 l 552.
Francis M. Rogallo, the "Father of Hang Cliding" and longtime Outer Banks, NC rcsidcm, was fi:arurcd in the March issue of Southern h7Jingmagazine. Mr. Rogallo, a former acrona11tical engineer for NASA, is known worldwide li:ir the Rogallo wing and 25 other patent cd i nvcntions. Mr. Rogallo is honored for
his invention each year at festi·· vals in Cermany, Switzerland, Australia and the U.S. On the Omer Banks he is honored dur· ing fcsrivals and even1s at Ridge Stare Park in Heads, NC: and at the Wright Brothers Memorial in Kill Devil Hills. lvl r. Rogallo, now 83, last flew a bang glider on his 80th binhday dming a celebration ar Jockey's Ridge Srate Park in January 11)<)2, Even though Mr. Rogallo no longer /lies liimself; you can still catch him watching a new generation of hang glider pilots being horn ar Kitty lfawk Rf(,'fl(.'. 'Jiuo hrmggliding Vic Powell (left) rmd
Fmncis Rogailo tll joclicy'.s- Ridge State n,rk, MryJ 1/ecrd, NC
by,..,,.,.,,,.,.., f-',am;m Hear what the world's best pilots have to say about the secrets of Learn how to fly efficiently and become an pilot. 8 1/2 x 11 350 pages, 334 over 70 photos, four-color cover.
for intermediate pilots. From the trniini111n hill to flights this book covers the and latest and tricks and follows the USHGA official method. 8 1/2 x 11 370 pages, over 70 four-color cover.
Send cash or check to: SPORT AVIATION PUBLICATIONS PO Box 101 Mingoville, PA 16856 Please rush me the books below: IJ H. Gliding Training Manual .. $29.95
Performance Flying. . $29.95 H. Gliding Flying Skills . . . $9.95 Understanding the Sky . . $19.95 Paragliding Flight . . $19.95 Powered Ultralight Flying . . $11.95 I] Pow. UI. Training Course. . $9.95 Save 10% order two or more books Save 20% order five or more books Total amount for all books $ .
(please continue here)
$ Total for all books and handling
. $2.50
for Parf. Flying and f1. G. Training Manual. ..
Overseas airmail if desired . ($8/book $12 for P. Flying and H.G. Manual) TOTAL .... "'"1..,,..., .... ,.,
Dennis 1-'aae,n A store of knowledge from 20 years of flying. include small and scale weather, lift sources and how to them, turbulence, thunderstorms and much rnore. 6 x 9 290 pages, 140 illustrations, 33 four-color cover.
PO Box 101, Mingoville, PA 16856
I nd Calendar of cvems items WILL NOT he listed if only rcnta1ivc. Please include exact infor mation (event, dare, contacl name and phone number). Items should he received no later rhan six weeks prior to rhc event. We request two months lead rime for regional and national meets.
UNTIL SEPT. Ii: Yosemite Nationt1l l'arl<, glider flying every weekend. Memorial Day through Labor Day. 16 pilots per day. Meet at Glacier l'oinr 7:00 Ml for and ori · cnt:1tion wirh the site monitor. Musr show currenr, laminated I Jang IV card. $5 donatio11. Monirors arc volunteers from rhe Yosemite Hang Cliding Assn. Call USI !CA ollice (719) 6'.)2-8300 for reservations. Conract: Breck Betts (619) li'/3-97/i:l.
UNTIL SEPT. 30: l,11/crvicw, Oregon Cliding Capital 1fthc West" ! 'J95 6th !lnnufli Ply-In. Junc--Scpt. 1:Jight C:onresrs. $1,600-purse planned, wirh $100 for Jongesl X-C lligh1, al!d $50 momltJy ran· dom drawing from all other montlrs' valid flights from recognized I .;ikevicw area sites. \Vhcre else can you win $50 for a sledder or !arc afternoon And the more flights yo11 s11hmit, the better yom odds! 2nd A111111al $ I ,000 "Crane! X-( :" ( :ontesr (changed for 1995), Most Acrnrnulativc Miles flown from Black Cap dming the fom months. Prc-rcgistrarion required, still only $5 (for the permancm Black Cap I.Z hind, includes entry for 4th ofJuly Holiday Fly-ln contests mo)! Cotttact: Lake C:ounLy C:ltambcr of Commerce, 513 Cenrer St., Lakeview, OR 97(,:lO (503) 9li7-60li0, 1:AX (503) 947 li983 for entry form and orhcr fly-in events info, and send $5 to enter and receive rhc updated site guide (to inclmlc new Bald Mtn.) ,rnd flight report forms.
UNTIT, OCT. J : Colorado c .n1ss·c ,u,,rru1v Crmtcst. Open Class and Under 50-milc Class. Recognizes I he best and longest !lights in Colorado including Dinosam. $5 cnLry. For info and score forms contacr: Nick l<rnnedy, c/o Colorado X-C Pilors Assn., P.O. Box 102<,, Telluride, CO 8 l li35 (30)) 728-1905. UNTIL OCT. 15: I 'J'J'i Montm111 Cross· Crmntry <.'hrrllmg<'. Opcn-disrancc flights originating in Monrana. Hang gliders and paraglidcrs. C:omact: Roger I .ockwood, P.O. Box 23/i, Fon Benton, MT 5')/i42 (406) 622-5677.
UNTll, DEC. I: !'J'J'S Region 'J Gmtest. ]Zccog11izcs the longest flights flown
Three classes: Rookie, 60in the mile and 01>cn. $5 entry foe. Contact: Pere Lchma11n (Ii 12) 661-:lii/,i (before '):00 PM), fax 31i3<i. JULY 1-:l: Sffond !lnnufll (.rJlorado !nvitrrtionrd (,'up, Dinosaur, CO. Three-day (July Ii rain day) open-distance meet. Big air and high cloud bases. Unique scoring system so tlr,tt pilors of· all levels crnnpcrc on an equal basis. Low-cost, low-pressure, fun meet. l·lang III and TURB required. RLF. C:L and XC: suggested. Fmry foe includes awards and prizes for 1st--.1rd, daily T-shin and rafllc. Early rcgistrarion $35 hcforc June 15, $50 aficr. 50 pilors max. Contact: Scott C:ornea11x, 55 Sherman St., Denver, CO 802.05 (30:l) 722-63(, 1 or Jim Yocum (JO:l) 9:l2 21i:l7. JULY I-Ii: /,l{kc/Jicw, Crrpitrrl o/the Wiest" /'J'J5 (,th !lnmwl 1th of' .July l!oliday "Run-Ridc--Clidc" foot race, mountain bike and spot bnding team event, bcsr X-C: awards each day and accumulative July I :l h;rng gliding and (new) paragliding Adjusted Distance Spot l .,1nding Contests. Free pilots' fomily sw11111111ng, merchants coupons, much more! I.arc nation Junc 30/6:00-10:00 l'M, July l /8:00 i\,\1.1. Pilots' meetings June 30/8:00 l'M and July l/9:00 AM. Rcgisrration required, still only $5 (for rhe permanent Black C:ap l.Z f'und, includes entry fc,r.July-Scpr. Flight Contests Loo)! Contact: Lake County Chamber of Commerce, 513 Cenrer Sr., Lakeview, OR 97630 (503) 9li7-6040, FAX (503) 9li7-498:'\ fiir cnrry form and other fly-in events info, and send $5 ro enter and receive rhc updated site guide (to include new Bald Mm.) and flight report forms.
JULY J-7: US/1(,;1 Nmionrd f,Yy-ln, Lookout Mournain Flight Park, Ci\. Enjoy mountain flying and thermal ( )ver 20 bcamifol milcs of ridge. ( ;emly sloping ramp accommodates easy launches in west, 11onhwes1, north, sourhwcst and nonhcasr directions. Site of the East C:oasr X-C: distance record of over 150 miles. Aero towing fc,r expericmed pilots. 11 uge L/. (2.(,00 foet long) 1 F.venrs for pilots of all skill levels. Free clinics and dealer demo days. Volleyball, camping and more in 1he I.Z! Lessons daily for rhe family. lamlcm flights. of local anracrions and night life· in nearby Chattanooga, TN. Camping near tire LZ. C:011tacr: l.ookom Mt 11. Flight Park (70(,) :l')8-3'ili 1 or 1--800(,88-1.M FP.
JULY 1-9: /995 Che/rm US Opm Nr1tional f'r1.1,1f!lid.inp Ch11mpionships rmd Practice days June 2')-30. Open to pilors of any nationality. l·'.ntry $500. C:onract: Paragliding Promotions, Inc., P.O. Box 85511, Searrlc, WA 981 li5-151 l (20(,) (,28-6937, or Joe (;Juzinski (909) 91i38(,6/i.
JU LY 8: J,mmrh cir
(,'linic witlr Pat Dcncvall. Covers all aspects of' Ltu11cl1 and landing, equipment eval11arion, weather alld pilor habits. l.ccture, simulator and specific hillside training exercises Crip Alert. C:osr $95. Li mired space, advanced reservarions required. JUIY 25: l'arr//'hute Ginir. A must for any pilot who carries a backup Features: lecture, video presentation, care & maintedeployments nance insrrucriorn, and a dcmo11srrarion of' tire pmper method of"stowi11g lines. Cost: $50, or free with parachrne from MSC:. Advance reservations recommended. JUI Y 29-.30: 'J'herrnal Safirri. lnsrrucrion in the liner poinrs of thermal soaring. Novice rat· wirl1 altitude experience required. Advanced reservations required. AUG. 13: J,mmrh CJ" /,1rnding Ginic, sec ahove. Contact: Mission Soaring Center, 1116 Wrigky Milpitas, C:A 95035 (llcar San Jose) (li08) 262-105'i.
JULY I 0-15: <.'l1elrrn X.C Clmsic, Chelan, WA. A great opportunity lo rite site of the 1995 U.S. Narion;ils. Pilot-callccl (or recalled 011 co11rsc) triangles, our-and--rcrum and open distance combined format. Entry $'70 ($65 pre-registration by July 3). Contact: Chris Dominy, I 'J'\8 3rd St., l<irkland, WA '>803:l (206) 28/i 3918. JUNE l 7-2-1: ,1~mdir1 Oprn X-(', ,mwcrrff. Albuquerque, NM. Held at 10,600' Sandia C:resr. Corne enjoy some of' the bcsr X-(: in tire Somhwcst. Du;il formar: longcsr flight and rnmularivc miles. Fee includes Sandia Crest C11ide, T-shirt, awards BBQ with door prizes, oxygen rd11ls and more 1$'/5 before May 1S, $90 after. Forry spaces avail able 011 a itrst-comc first-serve basis. hn rat· requirements and orlier in format ion, contact: Walls, '7901 Palomar C:t. t'\F, Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 2/i')./83 I (mobile), (505) 82.1-li7')/i (home), or Bill Lemon, l (,00 :)/ith St,, Rio Ra11cho, NM 8/ 12/i (505) 8') 1 '5:l'/0.
/ls.wc,1rlf,1on /,(Ing pm•·r1.rlrd,'ne hoo1h ar Brunswick,
Maine Naval Air S1arion. Stop in and say I IJ\NC CLH)INC
r hello. Comact: Barnes (2.07) 882-li282, or Jim Richardson (207) 921-218/i, 188.
JULY 22-29: U.S. Nt1tionrd,, Chelan, W J\. 1:amous C:hcbn in a n:Hional event. Previous national charnpionships and last Women's World C:h:unpionships have proven Chelan to lie possibly rhe best X-(: contest locarion i11 the world. IZ:1<:e·tlCH,•01111, out -and-rel urn and ( :hclan is a rcsorr rown with rna11y hotels (bur make reservations early). 1:conomical camping av:1ilablc. Minirnurn lmennediatc rating with 1:s1., Tl/R, Rl.F, X-C: skills. fee of $.l2'S includes ftlrn and processclcct ronic scoring, awards. Limited 10 120 pilors maximum (category slots for ranked, women and foreign pilots), so enter early ro ensure a spot. l'rac1ice clays: July 2021. /\ward." J1ily 30. Make checks payable to l 99'i U.S. National I IC Ch,nnpionship. Con1act: Rich Williams, 9807 liOth i\ve. F., Tacoma, W/1 98/ili/i (7.0(,) 'jj<).8fi25 (voice or fox), or I.ion cl Space (3(,0) 59') 2:l<,O.
i\ircrali, Jeff l I um ('i 12) 167.,2529 RIZJ\J cfl(f1\l0i.colll. AUG. 15: 17th /lnni1!rrsmy of'Rogflllo i111m11ion. I lonors Francis M. Rogallo,
i11vrn1or of' rhe flcxihlc Learn about the history ofkires and and meet Mr. Rogallo hilllsclL l<iny I !awk l<ites, I lead, N( :. Co111acr: Jayne DcPanlilis 1-800-.\3/i li777. SEPT. 23·2/i: ·1th 1lnn11al !'au/ii' Airwt11JC Vision Omsic. Pac i\ir's larcst li1n Open to pilots of all skill levels who have a Vision, regardless of' mock!. Barhccue, prizes. Ki11y I lawk I<ites, I lead, NC. Contact: Bruce W caVl'r l-800·.l.H-1777.
J\ UG. l '7·20: IC!' by '/ik Fli;Rht Products, Winstead. CT. Contact Be11 & i\lcgra I )avidso11 (203) 379. 16(,8. AUG. 19-20, 26-27: X.C snninar. Four /lying a11d classroom $129. ( :on tact: John l'i11, l.ake Flsi11ore I c;Jiding, Calif,irnia (')O'J) 2/i 'i SOI\ R.
Festival and Region IV C:harnpionships, 1urnpoint film and processing, electronic scori11g, awards. Advanced raring required. C:ompct it ion .se111inars each day on l:rnnch. C:onrac1: Nick Krnnedy, C:0111pc1irion [)irccror (:lO.'\) 728-:l905.
OCT. 6-8: (k1ohcr'.r Hes/ sponso,rcd by Saurarown M111. I Cliding Cillh in Norrh C:arolina. Enjoy au11m111 fron1 any of' our rhree launches SF, SW and NW. Don't miss "June line southern hospitality at his barbecue dinner Sawrday night. Free camping in the 1./.. C:ontacr: Doug I lile111an (910) 72'i-5Tlli or Ken Frampton (919) 220 I 2T\. OCT. 13- I 7: '/;111dm1 lrm1 lld1Nm1·ed JC!' 1111d
!?ff!'J'ti/im1im1. Outer Banks, NC:. J\drninistcrcd hy DeWo/C, Corolla Flight. hrnr Friday evening ll111il afternoon. $/i'iO incllldes lodging in beach house al tow site. ;\ 11111st for any ins1ruc1or t:rndem. Contact: De Wolf (')19) 1'illi800.
JULY 21-30: !n1ern11tiom1l ,)j,eed Compe1i1ion, Wales, ( ;rear l\rirain. FJ\I world d1:rn1pionship srarus applied (,ir. Sponsored hy British Hang ( ;iiding Assn. !\II countries invited 10 send individuals or team. Contact: Murray H.osc, J\irspon J\ssociares, Tylc l.lwyd, l.l:111fry11ach, Brccon. Powys, Wales, ( ;reat Britain I.I J:l 8 l'C ;, tel.I fax li 1 i · 187/i-(,6'i/i8 I.
JULY 27.J\UC 2: h'/1/1 O,hhosh Oshkosh, Wl. The aviation P:llh<"r11w in 1he country, wirh more than one million people in a11cnd:111cc. Vohmtccrs arc needed for the US[)(;;\ 1e111, booth, simul:iror and various 01 her PR fi1ncrions. ( :on tact: lJSI IC/\ (71')) (,l2-Sl00.
Rth Annurtl Westm1 (.'rmadi,m l /1m,~ (;fidinx Championships, Colden, BC. F11t ry
f,:c $.30 C:anaclia11. Inclividual and ream scores. Contact: Roger Nelson (li03) ').)2· li208 (ph/f:1x), e 111ail nelso11G'ilmaptown.co111. J\UG. l 3 19: 1/obhs '/11wfmn, Ii 50 WTSS points guarat11ecd. C:lass I & II divisions, i11divid1i:1l and team Three per Free emry with a row system. $300 beforc)llnc 30, $350 afier. 60 pilots max, IO spors reserved f,ir top l () \J.S.. ranked pilots. Timed starts with s:nlnL,ne· hox and window. Film and developing provided. C:oncict: Crossroads Wi11dsporrs, Cun Crahm ('i05) .l92·8222, or Red River
)WY 199:i
i\lJG. 25-27: 1th !ln11111d Mt. Nebo Fnrlof' Su1nmcr Mt. Nebo State Park, Dardanelle, i\rbnsas. C:amp sires, 1rn11is muns, cabins and .swimming pool. 011e week before the popular fly.in at famous Mt. Magazine. Corne for both events. USI I(;;\ ln1crn1ccliatc and Advanced only. Contact: Mark Pous1inchian (501) %7-7-57 or Dave Dunning ('iO l) %7-88 l :I. 1:or camp site and cahit1 info conrac1 (501) 229·365'i.
OCT. 19-21: J\CWJ\ FXPO '9S, J\rlantic ( :onvcntion ( :c:nrn, Arl:tnric ( :iry, New ( :ont:ict: i\ircrafi Owner, and Pilots Assn., li21 Aviation Way, heckrick, Ml) 7.170 l (30 I) 6')5-2000.
IV/,?q1,'ZJJ1e M111. Neun ion
OCT. 22-28: J 'J'J'i '/ r'fl7?7 Odlmgc, :ici:1u:1tclllc Valley, TN. Sponsored by rhe Tennessee Tree Toppers. Teams of.\ to 5 fly with experienced competition pilo" in various X-C tasks. I lang Ill and above. If you don't have :1 ream you'll be one. ( :omac1: Team Challenge, l'.0. !\ox S11i, Mountain, TN J7T/l (61 'i) 886-6:1') 1.
:<"lc·hr:1111w 20 years of' flying, camping and carn:1rackric, al one of the premier sites in the country. Magazine Mm. is 25 miles wcsr cil'Mr. Ncho ar Wavcl:rncl, J\R. C:onr:icr: Rachel, ( :harrie or Mark Srump (50 I) <,:l679;jlj or Warren Fla11e ('SO l) 99(, 5(H7. SEP'!'. I !- 17: '/ill11ridt Airrncn '.s Rm&wo11s, hang and paragliding festival. i\dva11ced pilots. Includes T-shin, banquet, :1wards ceremony and cvellls. C:osl $')5. C:onract: Craig I less (.)O.l) 728-.lli75. For lodging info call UO.l) 728-(,(,2 l. SEPT. f,i .. f(i; l'J'J5 \J?odrl /frrohatic G/irling <.hmnpion.,h1jJs, · J'elluride, C:olorado. C:om:ict: I.co Van Der Bosch (:lo:l) 728-(,')'72.. SEPT. 14- 16: !?cgion I\/ C'h11mpion.,hips, Tcllmide, C:O. High :dtill!clc racing ro goal with tum points format. Tarp start. /\II tasks within Tell mi de Valley. Fnt ry foe of $120 inchtdcs both Telluride 11:rng Cliding
OCT. 21: '/ i?111r'.Lr('t' J !"ff 'J 11/'IH'l'.r Or'lohnjl'st. hm llying, food and party. C:011t:1e1: Kathy I.cc, Rr. Box 79, Dunlap, TN .)732.7 (6 J'S) 9/i').217(,.
NOV. 21-22: 'f'J1I '.,· Mountain Hang Gliding J;x/m/J(/('m,•zrl, Clayton, CJ\. Bring I he wlwle fornily 10 our 21st arn111al event. $1,000/clay prize purse with no cnt ry fees. 1ncludes free barbecue lunch and limited deluxe accorn rnoda1ions, cooking facilities, pool tahlc :111d ping·pong. Tr:111sportarion from L/. back ro launch wirhom breaking your glider down. l'rize cornpc1i1ion for flight duration, .1por landings, 111ost fligh" and the fomous ·,a,,,.,,,,.,, l'ilor" awards. Event includes Tut\ exotic animal preserve, live cultmal demon· srrat ions. C:omacr: Tu1 's Mountai11 [.8()(). Ci2 I l '768, ('106) 782,(,218, or Doug Lawton (706) 9/i7- l 049.
ly! by Luen Miller, [JSFIGA Accident Review Chairman
eady for a fim tfoy flying? Creat. Ir's late on a beautiful, warm, spring.like day in February, and we've been invited to hook in alongside another pilot in his Raven and share his flight. Want to ride along? Come on, this ought to be fun] He is relatively new ro mountain flying, and has taken one sled nm today in vari· able air. He returned ro launch f<x another flight but the air got rowdy, so he accepted the advice of more experienced pilots and has waited until now for conditions ro quiet down. He has watched experienced pilots launch and soar throughout the afternoon. 'I 'hey have all had a good rime except for one pilot, flying another singb·surfoce glider, who had trouble penetrating ro the LZ. But that was much earlier when condi· tions were stronger. Everything calmed down when the clouds came in. The pilot's friends have just launched. ff we don't fly, they will have to drive back up and get us. The sun is breaking through, and conditions seem to be picking up. We're going to have a great flight! Okay, grab the helmets. Let's take one last drink of water, hook in, lock, and pre· flight the harness. Now let's step through the loops, zip up, buckle up hey, you're on my foot then douhlc check: legs, buckles, zipper, all lines routed properly, carabincr, HOOKED IN! I ,er's lie down for a hang check, and since it's right in our face, let's take a close look at that left corner bracket: and wires. Now that we have a good view, let's check those batten bungees too, especially near rhc tip, where they arc liable to catch on rhings on the way to launch. Now let's repeat on the right side. Stand up, one last look at that carabincr, HOOKFJ) IN! Let's lifr, feel the leg loops and hang straps rug, wings level, feel for proper pitch, light touch, now walk, jog,
stride hard ... good launch! What's that? Instead of going straight to the landing zone, our friend wants to turn left, with the wind crossing from the right, and experiment with ridge lift a litrle. Okay. 1-lc's the pilot. He has more expcri· cnce at this site that we do. W}TOA! What's going on! We're about to slam into the ridge! Pull in for speed and let's try a quick coordinated right turn. Okay, well, that was more like what we call a steep slipping or diving turn. Nice try, though. Those will get better with time. Besides the turbulence, J think we might have been caught in some strong sink there, roo. Uh oh. You know what? l hare ro break it to you, but l can tell right now we ain't gonna make rhe LZ. See how the trees between us and home are rising? That means we aren't going to clear them. We lost a lot of altitude back there, what with the turbulence, sin], and that hairy slipping turn. Now the crossing wind is a headwind, and it seems stronger than it was on launch. This glider just isn't going ro penetrate very well. The problem is, there isn't anywhere else to bead. Well, point the glider toward the end zone and hope. Whoa, hold on! Ride 'em cowboy, we're having fim now! Sort of gives the phrase "a leaf in the wind" new meaning, doesn't it? We must be in rotor from that secondary ridge. Holy smokes, we're going down even fasrer now! Okay, on your toes! We're going to be in rhc trees real soon. 'Hy aiming for ... Whaddaya mean, no response? Pull in, you're flying too slowly. Pull in! Hey, which one arc you aiming for? Go for that one, or... No, look our! [CRAASHHHI-JH!l You okay? Nice landing, considering. Do you keep climbing gear in that harness of you rs? No? Then how about beer? Well, this is actually a luckier day than you real·
ize, because one of us did happen to put some blue ice and three beers in his crosscountry pouch before he launched. We can just kick back, sip some brews, and enjoy the nice view up here until someone comes to get us down. Look at the bright side: At the very least, we should get some classy nicknames out of this episode. Hey! You can get your turbulence sign,offl Gee, I wonder if they have a trec,landing sign-off?
"The 'spring' day in Febmary might have been a weather warning in itself: The advanced pilot who had trouble with wind penetration earlier reported a high pucker factor. He was out of sight and out of mind by the time I launched, but it should have been a second warning. "] shouldn't have worried about my friends coming back to pick me up. If con· ditions weren't right for me to fly, J shouldn't have flown. While setting up, I also failed to notice that the last four or five pilots landed in scattered directions in the LZ because of the changing conditions. "My biggest mistake was breaking my flight plan and flying downwind, away from the LZ, to experiment with ridge lift. "My last rhoughts before hitting the trees were of your accident reports about a pilot clipping a treetop and another land, ing in a tree. I wanted to land in a tree. "After landing I hung there waiting, wishing I had brought my climbing gear. Since then I have packed a rope, harness, five carabiners, two figure-eight rappcll devices and pmssics. I will try to carry these in my car each time J fly. "In my flight harness I will carry one rappel! device, one long sling (to anchor to the tree and unhook from the glider), two carabincrs, and 50 feet of cord (to haul up a rope). ''As an afterthought, I think that my padded cocoon harness, full-face helmet and goggles protected me like a coat of armor as I punched through the limbs and branches on impact. 'fhe collapsing glider and breaking limhs absorbed most of the shock. ] escaped with only a couple of bruises. "As I hung in the tree, immediately HANC GUDINC
afrcr the chaos and confusion of rhc crash, one of my flrst thoughts was, "Will I fly again?" My next thought was char I would not try to answer that question at the moment. "That was a good choice. Afrer a week or so of reflecting on the accident, ,rnd dis-· cussing it with flying friends, l had little or no anxiety or foar abom flying sa/dy again. r did have a strong inclination ro fly, so r let rhis inclination be my answer. Since rhe tree landing I have had nine successful and s;1fc mountain flights. "] will have a sensible flight plan for flight in the fr1ture, and stick to it. f well within my known limits, and will p,iy closer attention tll the conditions ,H launch. "Thank you, USHGA, for our organi zation and the opportunity ro share our experiences, good and bad, with orhcrs. If we pilots plan ro smvive as a group we must learn from c;1ch others' mistakes."
sirnation thar requires changing rhc plan should be rare. All flight plans should include the pos sihility of llOt making the primary LZ. Where arc the seconchries? ff you arc flynear a forest, arc you prepared for a tree landing? Arc you prepared ro get yourself down? What arc the parameters for a safr flight when it comes to millimurn altirudc:s, wind and wind directions' Questions like these should be answered before you take off'. not afrcr. The "unforeseen" rarely happens when you have a good flight plan. Concenrrating on the undesirable (and thereby making i1 so) is probably less likely ro resulr in injury than being indecisive in criricil siruarions. 'J'hird, iryou scare yomselfrhorougbly enough, you arc going to quit flying. !Cyou arc like most pilots f know, the idea of up flying is unthinkable. Keep yourself our of danger so you can have a long and enjoyable !lying career. This sport can't afford to lose pilots from any cause.
SCORPIO Three commcms: First, the accidenr you report may prevent another from hap· pcning! I lad rhis pilot not been thinking previous reports the outcome would have been ... ? Second, creating and lcillowing a good flight plan is almost always the salc.:st procedure for pilots to follow. /\n unanticip;ned
)lJIY l99'i
I received a notice recently from the
N/\A, forwarded to tl1cm from Spain by !;ENDA, the Fcdcracion Espanola de los Dcponcs Acrcos. The noricc was in regard ro the Scorpio 'JO harness. A Spanish pilot was killed when the
harness main cable broke in flight and the pilot foll to his death from about 300 focr. His parachute was pulled from his harness ;1s he fell, since it was clipped ro his cara· biner/hang strap. This harness model apparently uses a wire cable frir its main suspension system. The cable broke next to the lower nicoprcss, where rhe cable goes around a fiber· glass plarc hole. In checking two other harnesses oftl1c same model currently in use, one of them was found to have a cable with 60 percent of the strands already broken. The manufacturer issued two product warnings in French magazines, bur 110 word ever reached Spain. Apparently the harnesses arc used in the United Kingdom and the BH PA was unaware of the problem as well. While I don't believe rhc harness is cur· rcndy sold in the United States, it is possible some were sold here in the past, or have been brought in from out of the country by foreign pilots. Read l;ENDA's notice: "lt is important to no rice that in case of a harness's main bang strap foilurc, the parachmc may stay with the hang glider, leaving the pilot with no chances al all. We should try to devise systems of atraching die parachure to the harness in such a way that it will always remain wirh rhe pilot." Any thoughts, parachute and harness vendors?
JULY 1995
Wills Wing soaring equlpm<ent is deslg11ed, tested and m~nufacwred to withstand the demands of years of flying. The Wills Wing Z4 is the most completely equipped soaring harness available - all the options that you would pay extra for on another harness are su.ndard on the Z4. for a full Ii« of Z4 stan. dar d features, and parachute choices, call or visit your localWills Wing dealer ,oday.
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Jn consideration of being granted membership in the USHGA, I ---·-----~-----~-~~-~------------·~-for myself, my personal representatives, heirs, executors, next of kin, spouse and assigns, do agree as follows:
I WAIVE the following persons from any and all claims and liability for my personal bodily injury, my and/or other personal or financial injury connected with my participation in the sports of hang gliding and/or paragliding, my participation in the USHGA, or the administration of any USHGA programs (for example: the Pilot Proficiency System), however caused, even if caused by the negligence (whether active or passive) of any of the or arising under the doctrine of strict liability, to the full extent allowed by law. The persons r am releasing, including their owners, officers, directors, agents, employees, spouses, officials (elected or otherwise), members, contractors, sub-contractors, lessors and lessees are: l. The United States Hang Gliding Association, a California Non--profit Corporation (USHGA); 2. Each of the person(s) sponsoring and/or participating in the administration of my proficiency rating(s); 3. Each of the hang gliding and/or paragliding organizations which are chapters of the USHGA; 4. Each of the city(ies), town(s), county(ies), and/or State(s) where I launch, fly and/or land; 5. Each of the property owners on or over whose property [ may launch, fly and/or land; 6. All persons involved, in any manner, in the sports of hang gliding and/or paragliding at the sites where J launch, fly and/or land. "All persons involved" include, but are not limited to, spectators, hang glider and/or paraglider pilots, assistants, drivers, instructors, observers, and owners of hang gliding and/or paragliding equipment; and 7. All other persons present on the site(s) where I launch, fly, and/or land.
I A against any of the for loss or damage on account of my personal injury, my bodily injury, death, property and/ or any other personal or financial injury sustained as a result of my participation in the sports of hang gliding and/or paragliding, my participation in the USHGA, or the administration of any USlIGA programs, including, but not that such injuries, death and/or limited to the Pilot Proficiency System of the USHGA. I damage arc covered by any insurance issued to of the .n.1;,1.-1,:,f1,:,u.v• for their defense covered by collectible nr,nn,1>1•i'1 damage as a
I AGREE and indemnity (to the limited extent that the defense and indemnity are insurance) in the event that someone suffers personal injury, bodily result of my negligence (whether active or passive) or willful misconduct.
of the All disputes ::md matters whatsoever ans mg under, in connection with or incident lo this Agreement shall be litigated, if at in and before a Court located the State of California, U.S.A. to the exclusion of the Courts of any other State or Country. In any such litigation, l will pay all attorneys' fees and costs of RELEASED PARTIES.
Participant '.1· Signature Printed Name: ······························-··-·········-········-·-·····--·-··· ....................... (Participant's Name)
Witness' Signmure
I copyright © 1 by l)ennis Fagen
new flying season is upon. Ban all thoughts of yard work, housework or any other chore. hu now you're going flying, at least umil your logbook feels no longer neglected. After a long layoff we oft en rn rn our attention 10 our equipmcnr. Besides spruc-ir up we may cast around for something more on which to spend our moldering money. Well, here we have two excellent suggestions that won't break you, and arc sure 10 enhance your flying pleasure ii' not performance. They arc Ezy· Eye Optics sunglasses and the EC.C radio finger switch.
These arc glasses extraordinaire, if for no other reason than that they were designed specifkally for hang gliding by Mark Mitsos. Mark is an /\us1ralia11 pilot who had much 10 do with the original foil and K2 designs. Mark brought his engineering, scientific and /lying experience to bear on the design of Optics. !\ good pair of sunglasses need to possess several features. They mrnr be blue--hlocking to provide visual acuiry. Blue lighr gcrs scattered most, especially in haze, so the more
blue-blocking a lens docs, the better your visual acuity. Sunglasses should also block out ult-ravi-olct radiation and They sho11ld be of suHiciellt coverage to protect the entire eye and not obscure peripheral vision. Finally, they should be durable and withstand the impact ofa bad landing. Optics excel in all rhese categcll'ies. They arc the mosr blue-blocking of any l have tried, incl11ding those more expensive models routed to general aviation pilors. By looking ar clouds or small distant objects on a h;r;,y day, you can sec 21
the benefits of Ezy- Eye Optics. They should
help you spot thermaling gliders on the horizon. Ezy--Eye Optics have been tested 10 rhe Australian Standard 1067.1 1990 for UV protection. Now, I don't know an Australian Standard from a didgeridoo, hut judging from the repori-s of all the wallabies wearing Ezy-Eye Optics, these sunglasses must- he good! The polycarbonate lenses arc coated ro reflect light and rims minimize glare. They have passed a low--impacr safety glass test. In addition, the frames arc practically indest-ruct:iblc with a rubber accordion hinge that holds them firmly yet comfortably ro your head. Ezy-Eye Optics come in two styles: Lil) and Max. The Max offers more coverage and is our recommendation. hir the style minded, you can choose your frame colors: metallic grey, metallic purple, crystal blue, crystal grey, blue fleck, grey fleck or black (for funerals). All frames and lenses are inrerchangeahle. 'fo get your Ezy--Eye Optics along with a drawstring cover, send $70 to: David Adams, 11054 Ventura Blvd., Suite #I%, Studio City, CA 91604 (213) 243 5363 (dealers welcome).
You may find it hard to imagine our cxcitelllcnt over a mere switch, hm anyone who has f11rnblcd with radios in the air or has flown with pilots using a VOX knows the joys of a push-to-talk (PTT) switch. Not only are your hands free while you talk, bur you are nor broadcasting grunts and groans as you struggle with a recalcitrant thermal core. If you fly with a radio you owe it to yourself and others to use a PTT switch. The P.C.C. PTT switch has several a1tract ivc fca t urcs that you should know about. The switch itself is a molded, vclcro-mounted affair that fits snugly on a linger (or thumb if you wear a 1ni11cn). It can also be used inside a bar mitt with no problem. I\ wire routes fron1 the ~witch to your headset (put the wire inside your coat or shirt). One lead goes to your radio plug and one lead goes to the helmet mike and earphone. A quick plug allows you to disconncc1 ihe helmet wire. When you order your P.C.C. PTT it comes ill a plastic kit with clear directions for selling it up in your helmet. You must specify foll-face or open hclmel and your
radio type. Currently, P.C.C. has a switch for rn::my models of Yaesu, Icorn, /\linco, M:1xo11 and Kenwood radios. The P.C.C. shop will do custom installations For $30. Note: I have used three different designs of PTT switches. They all are susceptible to damage due to flexing of the wires at connections and along the free length. [n addi-tion, the plug at the radio (supplied by the radio manufacturer) can damage die radio's imcrnal wiring. 'l\1kc care when using any PTT switch. Do not flex the wires needlessly, insert the radio plugs carefolly and do not knock them. We recommend the PC.C. switch for its convenience, careful design and cost. The price quoted below includes the headset from the radio manufacturer which typically list at over $100 for all materials. The l~C.C. PTT switch sells for $89, a real bargain ($1 I for the Maxon six-pin system). Shipping is $5.50 for ouc: to five units (UPS in the U.S.). 'fo get your PTT and begin yakking wirh ease in the air, comact: I~C:.C:. (Jim Steele, designer/proprietor), P.O. Box 7031, 'I:icoma, WI\ 98407-003 l (206) 272· 4243 (dealer prices available).
"All the pilots /,ere agree ... your tow system is by {,,r the /;('sL Quality, pcdom1,1nce and servict'.
Banks, l'arasoft Paragliding School ''.A great tow systern ... affordahlr', reliable airtime.
GW Meadows, Just Hy
Lightweight, strong, comfortable. Designed specifically for paragliding and hang gliding, this helmet offers comfrn1 and full-face protection without restricting peripheral vision. Conslructed of polyester polymer and reinforced with chop fiber, ii allows the helmet to be strong but lightweight. The "REFLEX" helmet is lined with highimpact foam and brushed polyester fabric Cor a comfortable fit. Weight 21 oz. Sizes S, M, L XL. Colors: blue, black, white. (Dealer inquiries welcome.)
4204 Sorrento VaHey Blvd. Suite San CA (619) 450~0437
rBr proudly introduces our newest towing system featuring automatic rewind and 7/64" Spectron line. Operator ca11 rewind the line while sitti11g in the vehicle. The line never touches the ground! We also carry our orir;innl systems with 3/16" UltraLine.
Pi lot Report Lisa Verzella models the Pacific Airwave Klassic 133 planform.
AGreat Periormer ror Gravitationa y-Cha enged Pio~ article and photos by C/,aire Pagen eighing less than 14 0 pounds can be a handicap in this sport. Despite the fact that gliders are progressively getting more efficient and thus smaller, there are still too few gliders designed for lighter pilots. Okay, I can hear most of you commenting: "What about the great sink rate you gee? You can sky out better than
W JULY 1995
just about anyone!" How many times have I heard that one? Bue what about handling difficulties when you don't have those extra pounds that give heavier pilots power steering? What about gliding upwind or crosswind when trying to get somewhere? What about carrying close to your own weight when moving to launch (harness and paraphernalia includ-
ed), not to m ention cryin g to balance an oversized glider in gusty winds when yo u can almost stand in the control bar without bending any part of your body? This sounds like a lot of whining, doesn't it? Well, those crying for smaller gliders can put their handkerchiefs back in their pockets, because, finally, manufacturers are starting to consider the needs of lighter pilots.
Kl...ic docs make the
ABOVE AND RIGHT: Upper nmJ lower portio1t ofthe ronrrol bar. Nor, easy d,,wmube replottmmt wi,h tktmt buttom a; each md. BELO\'V: The Klassic wing tip allows easy ndjutmumt by rotati1tg. Nor, the carbon fiber d,fined tip for lighter weight. The Airwave carho11 fiber wingkts ar, d,,ig,,,d fQ easilyfir in the tip opening. One of them, Pacific Airwave, has been
developing a small model of their high-performance design for quite some rime.
FiC1ally, this spring, they came up wich • ~petite" version chat W:\S well ,vonh ,vaicing for. The Klassic t 33 is out! NOTE: Don't tum 1he page just because you weigh more than 140 pormd,1 Do you ever complnin about the disproporti"11,m repmmt1ttio11 of the s=s in h1111g gNding? \Vt/I, c,r111inly devewpfog small gliders can and will help change this. Read 011.
vertically-chal lenged pilo t feel at home. The light weight (59 pounds in ffi)' crosscountry bag) and small-size control frame make ground handling very comfoctablc. There is a slight tail heaviness that disappears as soon as you rake the first s,ceps of your launch run. The convcnic.nr, cle.an hard,varc of all Klassics appears on che smaller model as well. (Sec the photos and gUdcr review in the August 1994 issue of Hang Gliding mag:ninc.) The only difference is che hang )>()inc and the size of chings. Rather than hanging on the kingpost, the pilot of the 133 hooks in directly from che keel. This
and fusr as rigging. but it has to be performed in the proper sequence. The nose cable must be disconnected before the wings arc bcought cogcthcr or the pip pin holding me cable cannot be removed from the nose. All Klassics have this charaaerisric aad once you know the roucine, che glider almosc fold, icsel£ On the 133, one must pay attention 10 che small VG pulley ac the top of the downmbe wl,en folding the control bar, and you must be sure to place the padd ing securely over it to prevent damage to che sail. Accually, che owner's manual that comes with the glider gi,•cs a very clear and dccailed descripcion of the whole process. If you read ic, as you should, you wiU learn all you ever wanted co kno,v abouc your aircraft, and 6nd mat everything falls imo place during the secup and breakdown procedures.
makes ir convenient when ic comes to
finding , he proper hang strap length for your harness. I p~rsonally hate to dea I with safecy rings and wish that all American-made gliders had a pip pin at the oorne.r of the comrol bar, as do all European glide,s. The Klassic is no exception in this regard, and my clumsy fingers h:1.ve to forget about the cxcicemenc of flyi1ig when I connect basetubc co
dowmube. All
HANDLING Weighing only 110 pounds myself. I have always chought that handling is tbe key to performance. Being locked out of thermal, or dealing with response delays in ma.rginal conditions does not make for efficient
flying> no matccr how great your sink rate is.
Airwavc gl iders arc
Of course, after flying the 144 siz.c for a year, the 133 foci, like a bicycle. But there's more co handling than how easily or how fut the glider enters a curn. Thermal-coring characteristics, as you know, make a big difference wheo it comc.s co futjgue. Besides being very easy to mm, che 133 Klassic coordina,e., beautifully and basically '~its" in thermals. Achieving sceep bank angles quickly and staying there require. very licde ellorr - all treac and no crick. As with all gliders, changing tbe VG sec, ting changes handling cha.ractcristic.s. Predictably, the glider is stiffer and slightly
noted fo, , heir easy setup. With only II barrens per side (rwo fewer than ,he t44, one on the upper and one on the lower sur-
f.tee), the Klassic 133 has to have one of the fas rest setups in the high -performance cucgory.
Dc rigging the glide, is just as easy
continued on page 27._
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Give your arms a rest. Remember bow nailing little cores used to be great fun, but became more difficult as sail-tension increased? That "sweet spot" of tensioned climb was antithetical to the looseness of sail required for true roll authority. Now, thanks to our new Vari-Camber"'laminar airfoil system, you'll never have to tension-out that handling again!
We know you want it all- And that's what you gel with the new Sensor 61 OF. Just pull-in on the vg line and watch as the flap system disengages, transfonning your floater back into a screaming blade wing!
The S p ecs: W/ Trampenau Flap System 144 Med 135 Small Sizes-152 Large 2 2 Area - ISOft. 143ft. 135ft. 2 Stall speed - 19 MPH correct air speed w/ flaps Stall speed-· 12 MPH indicated airspeed w/llaps Min.sink •• 160 FPM est. al rec. 1.8 lb. per sq. ft. Glide ratio •• 14 to I est. measurements to follow Internal fabric shear ribs define the high-lift airfoil VNE--65 MPH VA-55MPH
Seedwings 41 Aero Camino Santa Barbara Ca 93117 Ph. 805/968/7070 Fax 968/0059 e t99i s«,dwi~s Inc. Vari-Cambel' is a trtld«natk of Secdwi~s lllC.
... continued from page 21
more raJJy llllStahJc With V(; fujj 011. Despite this, I found thcrm:ding with ir folltight easy enough as long as the air was not 100 rowdy. One snu 11 gripe I have a hour the system is that the V( 1 rope could be a hit easier to pull. Tl1c glider exhibits little bar pressure in pitch, hm provides enough feedh:ick to let you know where you srand. I find it very hrncflcial to get rhis feedback through the bascrube. When /lying pulled in all the w:1y, die bar pressure remains very comfonahle. The glider is on r;1ils at high speeds and tcndrncy. exhibits no
it's easy to fly. But there arc easy-to-fly gliders om there. So docs ir perform? Scaling down high-performance gliders has never hccn a simple business. Reynolds number dfrcts and ruhing characteristics alt er perforrnance, :llld manu focrn rers oft en find that they have to do a Im rcdcsign when developing a srn:11ler version of a glider. 'lei make a complex story short and simple, rhe F\3 pLmform was dn1ved from I he 1lili cm ting out some of the root section. This explains the slighrly lower aspect ratio. Since the tip chord was unchanged ;ind the chord at rhc root was slightly reduced, rhis crearcs a wider 1ip comp;1rcd to rhe root, This produces a better taper ratio that improves handli11g and pcrltirm;rncc ar lower speeds. The l 33's glide performance was tcsrccl while acrnrowing ;11 Wallaby R:rnch in Florich Dennis and I compared our glides at various speeds in cairn air. Dennis, with his 170 pounds, was flying the !<lassie I/iii. l le released from the rug right beside me ar my altiuide. Over a period of one min me or so he increased his speed in steps from minimtJm sink to foll arm extension, and l accelerated to sray even with him horizon tally. We found our glides ro be pcrfccrly matched, and at rhe end of our race we end cd lip at the same ali it 11ck Ohvionsly, scaling the glider clown h;1s not hampered its glide at speed! The Fast Coast Cldlcnge in April provided light, scratchy conditions that were perfect /cir cvaluat the glider's sink rare. While scratching with liO other gliders on the small sourhwest face of l lcnson's ( ;ap, I had a good oppontJnity ro compare my sink rare performance with that of just about every ct11Tently available high-performance
ments of other pilots who own a !<lassie 13."i:
of the
comes timing. flying this glider for a while I was totally
"] houghr the !<lassie 133, my f'irst advanced glider, for three reasons: handling, lighr weight, and rhc persistent interest of the Pac:Air team in building a small advanced glider. I had rest flown many other high performance gliders prior ro rhc 133 and tnosrly frlr as though l were the one being flown ahout. The handling of the Klassic 133 is great for a less rhan athletic pilot --b;ir pressure is present b11t nor overwhelming, with the VC off it locks imo thermals with minimal input, and I really appreciate not have to wrestle this glider in the air or 011 the ground. " jcrln Carm ichrlel- i 'horcson, 1.oolumt Mountain, (r'eory,ir1
model (when I wasn't roo busy dodging traf fie). Panirnbrly during Round 2., conditions wcrc rather stable. Half the Held had gone on rnurse with small gains over rhe l1ill, while the orher half was p:11ien1ly waiting for the magic thermal of the day. Around li:00 f>l\-1, after a couple of homs of ridge soaring, · smoorl1cd out and light thermals came 1hrough. These were ideal conditions for a comparison. I found the small Klassic ro he sinking ar lcasr as well as anything else out there, and the light handling was certainly com Inning when ir came time ro slalom lie tween other gl idersl
The landing characrcristics of the glider arc rhe hardest ft)r me to descrihc in rhis article. Lrnding a !<lassie 133 is so srraigl11forw:ml rhar there is nothing to say. The glider is on rails during fasr finals and provides good fredhack when it comes to flMc timing. After flying this glider for a while I was totally spoiled. It is importanr to note that the 1 just like the bigger models, is equipped to accept the new Airwave winglers. These carbon fiber fit into the wing tips and arc designed ro improve sink rate and performance. I did 1101 h;ivc an opportunity 10 try 1hern since they had just been introduced. 'fo conclude this here ,ire com
"I had no problem getting used to the Klassic 13]. I like its light control and bar pressure. It has comfonahlc rhermaling characteristics wirh nemral roll. !rs handling is very connected bm very light. Landing rhc glider is easy; ir almost has an automatic flare!" 'f'fl I, ris h i Stfltc College, Pmnsylvrmir1 ( 128 lbs)
"I had previously flown a K2. lli5 and loved its sweet handling and perfrirmancc, hm always felt a bit light on it and somewhat dwarfc:d hy the control frame. Now, 011 my !<lassie 1."33, not only is ground handling a piece of cake, hut I have hcncr penetration, and don't have to worry about scraping my base bar on rocks during launch. Couple this with improved climb and sink rate, and grandma handling, and got a Dream, I me:rn, a Klassic glider." U.w Aspm, Colorado (U,a started competing last yerlr. Shcjlcw her Klttssic rll the Women'., Pre World Chctmpiomhips in / 995 and at the Fc!St CrJtJst Challengr' lflst April.)
Sail area Optimum pilot weight Span Aspect ratio Clider weight Upper-surface ribs l .owcr-su rfocc ribs
135 sq. fr. l)0-130 lhs. 30' Ii" 6.75 58 lbs. 18
Ii 27
Nati n I Aeronauti
n Iid i lidin Worl ere at USHCA we frequently get requests for in formation about ofl1eial hang gliding and paragliding world records. The following list from rhe NAA is current as of March 19c)5, Ir will he 11pclated and p11hlisbed periodically. FLEX!B!.F WlNG SINGLE Pl.ACE GENERAL STRAJ(;J!T DlSTANC:E (USA) I .arry 'J 'udor li88.1 'J km Wills Wing I IP AT 158 303.:Vi mi [fobbs, NM 07/03/90
DISTANCE VIA A SfNCl.F l'URNPOINT (USA) Mark Cibson Ii 12.50 km Wills Wing HP AT 158 25(d0 mi \Vonoga l'cak, CA 71.l I /')2 DISTANCE AROUND A TRIANCUI.AR COURSF (lJSA) James C. l ,ec 196.07km Wills Wi11g I IP AT 158 l 1.82 mi San Pedro Mesa, C:O 7//i/')1 DISTANC:F TO A COAL (USA) li88.1') km Tudor Wing Ill' AT l '58 .103.35 mi I lobhs, NM 07/0)/')0
OLJT A~D ,u:nm.N [)JST/1NC:E (USA/UI<) JOINT 1n:crnm Larry Tudor :ll0.30 km Wills Wing 19'.'.81 mi R. ] ,yons Fnterprisc Wings I.one Pinc, C:A
CAIN OF! !FICJIT (USA) l ,arry Tudor c;2.1
rds li,:lli3.li0 m I /i,250.(,'J fi
I lorscshoc Meadows, CA South or C;ahhs li/8/B5
SPEED OVER AN OUT AND RFTURN I 00 KM C:OURSI (AUSTRALIA) Tomas Suchanek 51.li8kmh 31.98 mph Moyes X1r:rlire 1:17 Barie Beach, Ausrralia 3/5/9/i
SPEED OVl'.R AN OUT ANJ l RETURN 200 KM COURSE (CANADA) )can-Claude l lauchccornc :Vi.80 krnh Wills Wing 22.2/i mph Colden, BC 7/20/')0 Sl'FED OVER AN OUT AND RF J'lJRN JOO KM COURSE (no record rceisrc1nll SPFFil AROUND A 2'i KM TRIJ\NCULAR
( :< llJRSI• (USA) James C. Lee Wills Cold Hill, C:0 9/14/8')
li2.(,2 kmh
26.49 mph
SPEED AROUND 1\ 50 KM TRIANClJI.AR COlJRSF (!'RANCE) C:hri.,rian I )urif :'8.li(, kmh D.89 11,ph J,a Moucrrc Compact 11:rntc de Provance 8/2l/8') Sl'FFll AROUND/\ 100 I<M TRIANCULAR COURSE (]'RANCE) Christian llurif 29]0 lonlt La Moucl tc C:omp:rcl 18./i5 mph l laurc de l'rov:rncc 8/7/8')
SPEED AROUND A 150 KM TIUANClJLJ\R COURSE (AlJSTRALIJ\) l lrcw Wayne ( :ooper 26 ..'l 1 kmh Moyes XS, Wing 16 .. l4 mph Kossen Ausrria <ii I 0/8')
(no record rcgisrcrccl)
i:LEXlBLE WING SINGLE PLJ\CE FEMININE STRA!Cl lT DlSTANCI. (USA) Kari C:asrlc .3.1'>.'16 km Wills Wing, Al' 1/i5 208.6:1 mi I .one Pinc, ( :A l/22/') I JllST1\NC:F VIA A SINCLF l'URNPOINT (USA) 2')2.0(, km K:rri C:asrlc l':1cific J\irw:rve, Magic Ki.is 181.li7 mi Hobbs, NM 7/1 /90
DISTANCE AROUND A TRJANCUI.All. COURSE (UK) f11dyl.cdcn 11/i.lOkm 70.')0 mi Airwavc 1<2 l<ossc11, Austria (,/22/91
DISTANCE TO A COAi. (IRFI .AND) Liava11 Mallin 212,5 km Magic IV 132.0 mi I lorseshoc Meadows, NV ?IU/8'! OUT AND RE ll.JRN DISTANCE (NORWAY) Tove B11as .. f l:msrn 1:31.96 km International Axis 82.00 mi Bishop Airport, C:A 7/6/89
CAIN Ol' HEICJ IT (UK) Judy lcdrn Wills Wi11g I IP AT i /i'i I<uruman, S. Africa
3,970 m
1:l,07.'i ft
SPEED OVFR AN OUT AND RETURN 100 I<M COURSE (SWITZERIANll) /\11nclisc Muller 2/i.20 kmh Wills Wing 11 P AT llt'i 15.(n mph I;icsch .. J<11bbodcn, Switzerland l/31 /92
SPEED AROUND A 25 KM TRJANCULAR C:OURSF. (AUSTRALIA) Jenny Camlcrto11 !'oil 152 C: Forbes, Ausrralia
26.00 kmh 1(1. \ 'i mph
2/ 1/i /')()
HANC Ciil)IN(;
Sl'FED !\ROUND II 50 KM TRI/\NC:Ul /\R COlJRSI'. (SWIT/.Fl~LIINDJ 21.()2 kmh i\nndisc Muller 1'\.O(, mph WilLs 111' AT lli5 Ficsch-l<uhho,kn, Switzerland 7123/')2.
RIG[[) WING SINGLE PLACE CFNFR/\L STR/\ICI IT !)]ST/\NC:F (US/\) William Woodruff 2:30.22 k111 /\ir Sports l11tcm:ttio11:1I, Vecror 15(,1/i.l.05 mi Lone l'inc, C:/\
P/\R/\GUDERS SJNCLF PLACE GENERAL STR/\ICJ IT DISTANCE (SOLJTII /\!'RIC:/\) Alex Fran~·ois l.011w 28.\.85 km /\pm Astra .lOC: I 7(d7 mi l<mu111:t11 Surrey, S. Africa I ).j\ I N2 DIST1\NG VI/\ A S!NCI.E TURN POINT (UI() Robbie Whittall 2.52.00 km Firchird Navajo I 'i6.58 mi Kunun:111, S. i\frica 1122/')\
DIST/\NCF Vii\ i\ SINC:1.1 nJRNPOI NT (UK) 12'!. I km Judy Lcckn Fircl,ird /\p:1chc 23 80.2. mi Vryburg, S. Ai'rica I 2/'J/'J2 ])JSTI\NCE /\ROUND!\ TRII\NC ;UL/\R COURSE (UK) JOINT RICORD S:1r:1h Jl,-uwick 'i(Ukm Nova Sphi11x 12.'i .ll 1111 J11dy I.eden Edel R:tinhow 2(, Piedrahita, Sp:tin // 20/9i
DIST/\NG VI/\ II SINCJ.F TURNl'O!NT (US/\) Willia1n Woodruff 2.l6.0.l km Iii(,.(,'') mi i\ir Sports !111., Vector 1'i6 I.one Pinc, Ci\
DIST/\NCF AROUND!\ TRIAN<;UL/\R C:OlJRSl (I RANCE) - JOINT RECORD Pierre llouilloux 15.1.5 km Vincent Sprnngli 9'i .. \ mi UP I<cndo "C'' C:li:11no11ix, l'ralHT
DISTANCE TO A (;0/\! (UK) Sar:1h Fenwick JOO. km Nova Sphinx l 2'i 62.'>7 mi l'icdrahita, Spain 7/18/9/i
(,/26/'J l
S IR/\ICI IT lllST/\NC:F TO II CO/\! (US;\) 17(UO km Williall1Woodmff Air Sports Im., VcrnH 156 105.82 mi I one l'inc, ( :11
DIST/\NCI TO!\ CO/\! (J/\1'/\N) JOINT
CAIN OF l lllCl IT (IRC) Vcrc!la Muhr l'irchird Ninja Bit1crw:1sscr, Namibia I/ I 'i/<J?.
OUT 11\J!) RFTlJRN DISTi\NC:F (USA) Worrhi11g1on 7(i.j8 km Mitchell Wing li7.li6 mi C1111tc1· Canyon, C:/\/Bcnton Station, ( :/\/ ( :untcr ( ::rnyon, ( :/\ 7/2\/77
18). 'i km Mas:thiro Mincgishi l II' I111crn:nio11al, l<a1:ma 51 1 I .\.Ii mi Ft.sushi Matsuo lJI' l11tcrn:11io11:d, l<a1:m:i l'R-li'J l(urum:111, S. ;\frica 12/28/')2 OUT /\NI l RF J'lJRN DIST/\NC:F (FRI\NC:F) 13/i.8(, km Xavier Rcmond 'ii 1.\/')} 8\.79 mi
2,97100 m 9.lli7.57 {1
Sl'FEll /\ROUND i\ 50 KM TRI/\NC:Ul./\R C:OUIZSF (UK) 1 'i.80 krnh Judy Lcdcn Edel Rainbow 26 9.81 mph Piedrahita, Spain 7/).()/')Ii
l'/\R/\GI.TDFRS MlJT.TIPT./\CE CAIN OF 11 FIC:l IT (SOUTI I /\FRIC:I\) .),820.00 rn Rainer Scholl 'i/8/85 1?.S\2.80 f't
C/\IN (lF 1111<:J IT (Ul<) Robbie Whittall J!in,hird Navajo Br:rndvlei, S. i\frica
li,526 rn 1!i,8/i'>
STR/\IC:l IT l)JST/\NC:E (/\USTRI\J.1/\) j(,8.8 k111 Tomas Such:rnek 22').0 mi Corinna Moyes Xtralite 1(,/iT I lillsron, NSW (Australia) 12/7/9/i C/\lN OJ! l I l'.ICHT (/\lJSTRAl.1/\) :l,500 rn Tomas Suchanek Corinna \w,,em·,·d,c,, I 1,li81 fi Moyes Xtr:dirc I <,1i·1 · I lillston, NSW (Australia) 12/7/'Jli OUT /\ND RE J'URN DJST/\NCE (lJS/\J Kevin l<lind,.'lter U1.%krn ·1 ·om Klindclrcr 81. 99 mi Moves Delia Clider Bishop 1\irporr, ( :I\ 7/6/89
Sl'FEI l OVER A TRI/\NCUL/\R C:OURSF OI )'i KM (( :i\N/\D/\) l·:ric ( )ddy 17 ..'l:l lonh /\pm Supra 10.76 mph .v11. Seven, Colden, BC:, Canada 7 I 2.8/'Jli
Sl'l<I D AROUND!\ 'iO KM TRIANCUL/\R C:OlJRSI· (lJK) 1'i.fW kmh _ludr I .eden 1·:ckl Rainbow 2(, 9.8 I mph l'iedrahita, Spain 7/20/'J•i
STR/\ICl !T DISTANCE (SWITZ! RL/\NJ)) Roland I 20.0 km Susanne ( ;y,i Wiirgln 7/i."i mi lJI' Pickup l'ic.sch, Switzerland 8/j/9/i STRI\IC:I IT ll!ST/\NC:I( TO I\ DFC:1/\IZFD COAi. (SWITZFRL/\N ll) Bernh1ml Schilling lli2.3 km ham Schiltcr 88./i rni i\dv:mcc l\i ( ::1ho l':iquica, Chile I 2/ 27/'J/i OUT /\Nil RFTlJRN D!ST/\NCT (SW! I Zl·RI./\NI)) T\.'5 km Ii ).(1 mi 1
P/\R/\CI.IDERS SINGLE PJ./\C:E FEMININE STR/\ICI IT l)JSTANC:J (UJ<) J11dr I.eden lird1ircl 1\p:1che 2:3 S. 1\i'rica I 2/'J/')2
I 28.5 km 79.8 mi
UI' Pickup Fie.sch, Switzcrl:tnd 8/5/'Jlt CAIN 011 I IF.ICI IT (SWITZ! RI.AND) Ii, 150 111 Urs l laari /\lcx:111dn Stohr 1\,615 Ii Edel Space IJ{J Sourh Af'ric:t 11/:l()/')2
similar to speed runs which were part of competition in the 1970's, only now our gliders go much foster.
by l)ermis Pagen et us introduce you to a new orga-· nization which we hope will rejuve-nate hang gliding. The World I Tang Gliding Series (WH ( ;s, pronounced "wings") has been formed to involve more pilots in various types of competition and to garner media atten_. rion. The idea is to increase the spectator appeal of hang gliding so as ro anract new younger members, sponsors and public i ntercst. lt is a matter of great concern that the sport of hang gliding is aging and dying in most parts of the world. crhe average age of hang glider pilors is greater than that of golfers according to one report!) P;iragliding has anractcd the potential Aying public in Europe, while the number of USHGA hang gliding members is slowly declining. If this state of affairs continues, the price of hang gliding will increase dramatically. WHCS intends to work toward avoiding such an outcome, The WI !GS competition format has three separate parrs. A pilot may enter all three, two or one. A champion will be crowned at rhe end of a series of five ro seven mcci-s for each format. Every round is scored separately, and the pilor's best seven rounds of the year will be used to tally the final score. Wirh such a system a very good pilot will only have to attrnd two or three of the competitions which will be spread around the globe. T'hc three meet formats arc:
Speed gliding consists of flying fast through a pylon course much like a ski racer. Pilors will rake off and fly as fast as possible through a series of gates and chicanes. They will cross a start gate to begin i-heir time and a finish gate to end it. 'li·ials in England this past year have demonstrated that speed gliding is very exciting to watch and very feasible to administer. In truth, rhis cvcnr is not dis-
This event is simiLir rn whal is now done in most compctit ions, except that the courses will be laid otll rn maximize spccrator appeal. For example, a common format will be to l1;1vc a series of triangles centered near a goal field. Each triangle will he longer and more difficult than the previous one. [)ilots complete the triangles in succession :rnd will ideally be visible to the spectators at all times. This event will again be timed and the fastest competitor WlllS.
We know free style by the name aero_. ha tics, al though free style can imply other things, such as aerial ballet, precision maneuvers, ere. Eventually this event may incorporate several tasks as in figure skating. Again, this event will have much spectator appeal, especially when an experienced announcer explains the maneuvers and highlights rhc personalities in the sport, The WHCS organization already has a major sponsor inrcrcstecl in promoting a series of meets for sports network TV. This type of interest is encouraging, and we arc oprirnistic about the opportunities to showcase our sport. However, we arc not counting on instam s11c:ccss in the media, since the puhlic is notoriously fickle. We do expect some fun events and good promotion for hang gliding. WHGS is an affiliate and a special suhcornrnittec of CIYL. All meets will he FA! sancrioncd. ( :ommit:tee members arc: Dennis Pagcn, Chairman; Mmray Rose, Vice Chairman (Speed c;Jiding); Joe l fayler, Vice: Chairman (C:ross,Country); and John I leincy, Vice Chairman (!\cc Style). Additional committee members include various welJ_.Jmown competition pilots. We are actively seeking bids for competitions in this series. In addition, pilots
may become members ofWFICS and receive all mies, updates and results. Por more information contact: Joe Haylcr, WHGS 65 Cornwallis Avenue, 'fonbridge TN IO 4E'C Great Britain 'frl. & Fax: 44-1
New Development From The FAI Hang liding Commission (CIVL) t its recent Annual Meeting in Ager, Spain, C:IYL delegates vot, cd in favor ofcsrablishing simple World Ranking Lists for hang glider and p;1raglidcr pilots. 'The proposed system will rank pilots according ro their performance in any FAI-sanctioncd competition. These events arc classed in two categories. Category l covers World and Con tincnrnl Championships, while ( :atcgory 2 includes all the other competitions listed in the sporting calendar, such as many national, regional and "masters" events. Because many Category 2 events will he incl11decl, it will be easy for any keen pilot ro enter the ranking lists. In its first year the system will concentrate on cross-· country competitions. In future years rankings may be: introduced for non--soaring aspects of the sport. The derails arc now being finalized, with the objective of producing valid rankings based on 1995 competitions hy March I 99(i. There will be separate lists for Classes 1, 2 and :3, all published regularly. C:IYL is determined to keep the system as simple and fair as possible, so that it will he understood easily by compcti_. tors, the: press and the public. Naturally, some work will he required to operate the system, hm the goal is to keep bureaucracy to a minimum. There will be no cost to pilots except that required for au FA! Sponi ng J ,icencc. This initiative is in response to world, wide demand, and we arc confident that it will play an important role in broadening the appeal of hang gliding and paragliding competition.
ou CAN ExpECT Mo~E ~OM Us... ...from our pilots achieving success after success, ...from our people striving for excellence in service and reliabilify, ...from our research team inpursuit of genuine innovations, ...from our worldwide family always offering support, ...from our products never compromising safefy and stab~ify. IOI l.llll • Genaan Cha•plon1 "l enjoy the advantage !hot the XTRAIITt gives me OYer the competition.· BRAD KOJI • U.S. W.rltl Taaa Meallen
'The good handling, good climb,,good glide,~ lakeoll ond landing charoderis~cs of the XTRAUTE enhanced my performance, confidence ond
enjoyment of racing hong gliders. Ar, all round great glider!' llllON SWINTON • W.rltl .lerehtlca C.....len; 'I hove watdied XTRAIITE pilob climb out easily while I hod to woilc harder. I've seen XTRAIITt pilots pull aNay from me with a Hatler glide. I've been jealous ond oouldn'ttoke ,t anymore ... naw l'vegcl my XTRAIITt. I'm excited!' IONNNY CARR • lrl.W. Ouru1 '11,e XTRAIITt is really pulcka, it 's the Best and that's why I've bought one.' PNILLIP RIID • ............ Plleta •1Rew my,- X11A111E lar lour hours ot cloudbase while everyone else sank out.
t,/r,f longest Right ever!•
fflVI MOYD• 1113 W..tal Cha•plon1 "The X1RAIIIE is 1heGlidei' ol '1e 90's.' MOYll lnALllll MtM, UINOMA AND OUTUINI&. Clllllf•
But tbtt tae • wenl fr it... Qm.1 )Wf local dealer for atest Hija
Yeah, it's springtime again. Time to shake the chill out of those wings and take to the air. You remember last year, the pilot that always seemed to find that elusive boomer of a thermal? The one that put him ahead of the p ack?
Finally you catch him before launch and there It is, a Flytec vario. At first you notice the aero design, then the simple functions and the easy to read display screen. The whole package looks like it has one purpose, and it does.
HAPPY HUNTING................. New: 3005 SJ :: 3005 format with airspeed capabilities, 3020: more sensitivity adjustments, with periodic temperature read out. 3030: comes complete w ith two mounts, flychort PC p rogram, lndepth variable se.nsitivity adjustments, periodic temperature read out, ST 54 wireless remote receiver installed. Remember, all service •nd parts re•dily available In the USA.
Set new lbnlts for yourself with Flytcc.- CII 1·800·66!·1449 for the de•cr nearest you. Or write to: P·O Box 56173! Miami, FL 33156
1 PRIC!; ........... $ 1.50 USHGA CALENDARS Excellent photography, frameable. (Circle Year) 1995 1994 1991 1990 1989 .. USHGA BARBARIAN RUGBY JERSEYS Super Heavyweight 100% cotton embroidered. Bold 4" . ..... $29.95 ash/navy/purple/forest greon striped. Traditional collar or Mock neck. Sizes: M L XI_ XXl..... (reg. $39.95) ... SALE. ....... $34.95 COLLEGIATE SWEATSHIRT Supor Heavyweight 11 oz. ash fleoce, cross woave, sido-gusso1. M L XL. ..... $19.95 COLLEGIATE SWEATPANTS 50/50, sidti pockr1ts, drawstring/nlastic waist.SM L XL .. (reg. $29.95) ..... SALE .. .. $24.95 FREESTYLE SWEATSHIRT 9 oz satin fltitJCtJ. Boautiful multi-colored front design on white. Sizns: M L XL. .. $14.95 FREESTYLE T-SHIRT I 00''/o cotton, same design as on sweatshirt. Siws: M L XL .. GOLF SHIRTS 100% combed cotton, colorfully embroidered. Colors: While Red Yellow Jade Navy Black .... $24.95 Sizes: Mc0diurn l.. arge XL arge (XXL in white, navy & jade only) ... .......... $12.95 MTN. GLIDER T-SHIRT 100% cotton. Our most popular shir\l White or Ash (circle one). Sizes: M L XI.... ........... $ 9.95 KIDS MTN. GLIDER T-SHIRT --White. For the up and corning pilot. Small (6-!3) Med. (10 12) Large(14-16) .. ......... $ 9.95 MTN. GLIDER CAPS Cotton twill w/braid, colorfully embroidered. Colors: Rod r0 urplo White Navy ... ........... $15.00 TOPO T-SHIRT White 100'1o cotton Front & back design. Hang Gliding or Paragliding (circle one). M L XL .. THERMAL T-SHIRT F'urple 100% cotton. Front design. Hang Gliding or Paragliding (circle one). M L. XL .. .............. $15.00 ..... $15.00 SHARE THE AIR T-SHIRT Blue Teal 100% cotton Depicting hg & pg. f=ront design. Sizes: M L XL ..
.TOTAL. $ $
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"SPECIAL NEW PILOT" Magazine. Hang Glidinq or Paragliding (circle one). Buy one for a friend!.. .......... $ 4.95 HANG GLIDING FOR BEGINNER PILOTS by f)etor Cheney. Tile Official USHGA Training Manual. 234 pgs .. ... $29.95 HANG GLIDING Fl YING SKILLS by D. Pagon. Our most popular book, for the Beginner-Intermediate pilot. . .............. $ 9.95 PERFORMANCE Fl YING by Dennis F'agen. A must fer tile Intermediate and Advanced pilots. 340 pgs. ........ $29.95 UNDERSTANDING THE SKY by Dennis Pagon. THE most compl(11o book on rnicrornetGorology. 278 pgs. ............ $19.95 ..... $10.00 INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL by Dennis Pagon. 1:or hang gliding, used in ICf)'s. Plenty of illustrations. 125 pps.,. . ....... $19.95 PARAGLIDING FLIGHT-WALKING ON AIR by Dennis Pagen. Covms all aspect of pg. Over 140 illustrations.. ..... $19.95 PARAGLIDING-A PILOTS TRAINING MANUAL by Wills Wing. E:V(Hythinp you wanted to know about pg. ALPHA FLIGHT by Mark Wriqht. Covers all aspects of pg, complete witl1 illustrations. Class 1 testing material ................ $19.95 ...... $ fl.95 RIGHT STUFF FOR NEW HANG GLIDER PILOTS by Erik Fair. Reprints of [=rik's HG column. Classic stuff.. . ...... $19.95 HIGHER THAN EAGLES by Maralys & Chris Wills. Bio. of hg legend Bob Wills & Wills Wing. Hardcover.. ........... $10.95 DOWNWIND by Larry r0 1ominp. Share tho experience of over 20 years of hg flight. A true story, woll told.... THE ART OF SKYSAILING by Michael F\obertson. Matcc1rial used in ICP's, including tho Charts of Reliability.. .......... $ 9.95 ..$ 8.95 FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS (FAR) Federal rosJulations covering ALI. types of aviation.... RECORD ATTEMPT KIT Includes all official forms needed for national and world record attempts.. ......... $1fi.OO DELUXE LOG BOOK 64 pgs. Covering ID, ratings, rules, maintenance, inspection, terminology & more.. ........ $ 4.95 FLIGHT LOG BOOK 40 pgs. The Official USl·IGA flight log book.. ....... $ 2.95 ....... $ 1.95 CERTIFICATION BOOKLETS Document your skill level sign-ofls. Specify Hang Gliding or f)aragliding....
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by Mary C1or
ore than $3,000 in prize money and thousands more in prizes were distributed to the 50 pilots who participated in the 1995 East Coast Challenge. Everyone took home prizes, he it cash, Tshirts (from Pacific Airwavc, the Women's World Team and Sky Wear), Paul Hamilton videos, or a great selection of USI-ICA logo items. Participating were six of the top 10 WTSS-rated pilots, several new-to··competil'ion pilots, and many in between, and a week of great memories, great flying and good rimes ensued. The meet was organized by Tennessee 'free 'fopper hoard member Karie Dunn ;ind directed by C.W. Me.1dows. C.W had done a great job running the ECC in the past, and the Tice Tt:ippcrs knew that he'd be up to the challenge again. Assisting C. W. throughout the meet were a half dozen TTT members.
Day I gave competitors a chance to check out rhe rremendously improved Whitwell site. A month earlier, the 'Eee 'foppers had cleared brush and laid l 0,000 square yards of sod at Whitwell, so competitors would have a clean area to set up their toys instead of arguing over who got which mud puddle. The oohs and aahs about the great launch site gave way to oohs and aahs abo11t the new technology unveiled: the Wills Wing Cross Country and winglets for the Pacific Airwavc Klassic and Wills Wing RamAir. Evcnlually the pilots got down to rhe task at hand: flying "home" to the Henson's LZ, some 1G.3 miles up the valley. Three top-notch pilots, David Adams, Mark Cihson and Brad Koji, proved who 1he real competition at the meet was going to be when they made goal. The welcome party Saturday night brought a twist ro a down-home favorite. Judy Hildebrand, Tree Topper gourmet,
provided lot.~ and lots of vegetarian chili which was complemenred wirb corn bread, salad and beer. Day 2, Sunday, brought southwest winds. Formerly dreaded in this valley because of the lack of a good somhwest site, the locals were delighted with the winds. You see, local landowner Judge Chalupski built a new gravel road and the TTT purchased rock climbing harnesses for the wire people. (fsn't it great to have the support rhe local community?) This meant that the competition could continue from the somhwesr-facing rock outcropping just north of· Henson's. A new highway bdow launch creates an excellent thermal generator. So, again, the 'free 'foppcrs hacked out a few bushes and made way For the 50 competitors to have some more good flying experiences. The goal was Mark Anton Airport, 23 miles to the northeast, up and over the hack of the mountain. l ,ast year this "out-of.
meet has valley" experience was to have some little well received by the fiasco. [magine 20 pilots. Marl, C;ibson, pilots on a booming Steve Lee, Jim ] ,cc, day racing 32 miles Greg Wojnowski and along a ridge with Mike Eberl1:ird1 great thermals helpmade rhe goal this ing them 0111. The year, with Cary launch officials had Thompson landing described the goal, only two miles short. but not one pilot Day 3, Monday, showed up there! rhc pilots were greet/\frcr hunting for goal ed hy drizzle :rnd for many minutes rain. The local comBrad Koji radioed the munity center progoal keepers, "What is vided some southern your location?" The biscuits fovori res goa I keepers d cscri bed and gravy, eggs and their location, a very fried potatoes - and . . different place than pnzes were given the 011c the launch away. Full of food, ofTicials had happy pilots had high described. Someone hopes that there had given rhe goal would be a round renders the wrong that day, hut it wasn't map! long before C.\XI. Koji sucked in called off rhe compe the bar and dove for tition for the day. the "new" goal two Day 4, Tuesday miles away. Mark The cleared Gibson was hot on enough rhat by I ::30 his heels, passing up PM (Fast Time, as rhc Koji o!lly four sec valley people cdl ir, onds before reaching nor Easrcrn Ti me) goal. Thi rte en other rhc pilots were once competitors followed again thankful ro the to goal. Judge for the use of Henson's southwest After many lateevening debates with site. This time they the meet offkials, the headed north to task was finally valiPikeville, 18 miles dated and all tl1e tip 1'nrou11/tr 01Jcr the llensor/s south11;1'st lt1unch. Photo by Gcmld Grela1wicz. away. Af'ter a few Jl pilots were sarisf'icd wing-ti p-1011ch i ng with their scores. Mark Cihson, who had encounters among rhc 4 pilors scratching morning drizzle. Ir cleared around noon, lost his daily poims on Wednesday, retook in from launch, the broke up and ;md C.\XI. gathered all rhe pilots at the first place 011 Friday. rlie pilots headed out. Six pilots made goal sourhwesr site where they watched the storm. There was a i-ornado Saturday was the final day of the meet. with the best time being 6(i minutes in the Dreary, glum weather again. Tornado watch issued. By mid.-afrernoon the day was air. watches were issued For south of the called and rhe pilots sought shelter from the Day 5, Wednesday, was a repeat of Day Sequatchie Valley, and the air didn't look rain. !\ tornado did touch down thar night 4. hill from another southern brcald:1st and in rhc next valley over, just omside of good. C.\XI., unwilling ro give up easily on happy to be able to fly another round, rhe ( :hatt:lllooga. the last day of the competition, kept the pilots rerurned to the southwest site. The air pilots ser up at the famous radial ramp at w;1s light, but Nelson I !owe was able ro \Xii th only two days to Day 7, Fri<L1y l lenson's Cap, jusr in case. The good air bubble his way to Pikeville in 90 minutes. Ir go in the mcer cveryolle was anxious to have never came, as pilots killed time wirh hacky was lonely for Nelson, though, as 110 other a really great roulld There was another sack, silly awards, and a bathing suit photo breakfast at the community center and more pilots made goal. Mark ( ;i11son landed next shoot of rhc women pilots. CI 'he latter activprizes. The post-frontal winds were from the closest to goal, lrnt his pin-in posirion was i t y w a s act u a 11 y a fu n d r a i s c r fo r t h c cl1allcngcd. The resulting penalty gave him somhwcsr, so the pilots went back up on the Women's World 'Jc'.am.) Finally a spot··landzero points for the day. rock. The goal was the end of rhc valley, ing comest was held, and it was won by Day (1, Thursday, started oil wirh early j l .(1 miles away.
]LJIY 19()S
The TTT Board is already planning for next year~s event. By then there wi II be running water on the mountain and work on the bathhouse will be completed. Cellular service should be available at the north end of the valley to communicate with the goalkeepers. And, of course, there will still be the friendly folks of the Sequatchie Val/et great prizes, good food and great fun! See ya 1/I next year!"
ting comest. Ken Brown won $100 with a spit distance of 33 feet 11 inches (slighrly more than the wingspan of the Xtralire he flew earlier that day!). rlc returned the kind-ncss by donating pan of his winnings to the fire department. There were no safery problems at the meet. More than 230 perfc:ct launches were executed in 5- to 20-mph winds from the 200-foor vertical ourcropping above Highway I 11 (southwest Henson's launch). Considered roo dangerous to fly by many, it was provcu to be a great compcririon launch Site. This was rhc flrst tirnc the '[h:e T<ippers have sponsored a mccr. '] 'hanks to the folks who helped the' Ii-cc 'foppers submit the bid for the competition, and to those who put ir
all together. The prizes From dozens of donarors were most welcome and happily received, The TTT Board is already planning for next year's event, By rhcn there will he running warcr on the mounrain and work on the bathhouse will be completed. Cellular service should be available at the north end of" the valley to communicate wirh rhe goal-keepers. And, o/' course, there will still be the friendly folks of' rhc Sequatchie Valley, great prizes, good food and great fon! Sec ya'll nexr year!
Mttry Clor is cm !ntermedir1te-rated hang glider pilot, a member of' the Tennessee 'free '/rippers Board of' Directors, and President of'Sky Wear, Jnr.
competitor Ken Brown (flying a borrowed Xtralite!) and Meet Safety Director Mark Furst (also on an Xtralite). Next came rhc awards. More Tree 'Tc)pper creativity was displayed, as some pilots received heaut:ifol wind chimes made by Ned Stelzcl from recycled downtubes. The competition trophies were handcrafrcd by meral-artisr 'Ii-cc 'foppers Mark Furst and Marietta Marcin of' Ancient Ans. These tro· phics were half bird wing and half glider wing. The Fastest Woman to Goal award was a lovely pewter necklace, also crafted by Ancient Arts, which was given ro Samantha Jo Moore. The first-place Sportsman Award, won by Mark Gibson, was a hel1ncr provided by fcaro.
Awards Best Whack Best Rookie Sportsman Awards Women's Award
Collene Carson Neil Hammerston Mark Gibson, J st Brad Koji, 2nd Samantha Moore
Competition Winners 1st Mark Cibson 2nd Brad Koji 3rd Steve I .cc 4th Nelson I !owe 5th Jim Lee 6th Mike Barber After the rncct the southern hospirnlity continued, as pilots were invited hy the local volunteer lire department to a pickle spit3B
Tech Topics
The author flying flt one ofhis fawrirt sitts: Yo,emiu,, Califomia. P/J()to by Srsh Andmon.
AHang Gliding Overview for the Aviation-Minded
by Seth B. Anderson
eth A11derson is an aerot1J1tttic.al engineer 111 the 1VASA A11te1 ReJtttrch Cmter, Moffirt Fidd. Colifami,1 sprcializing 1'11 handli11g-q u11lities
researrh /Or a wide vdri-CI)' oj"air('f'tlft. HI! has 1.Qorked as 11 ,·nn1ultd11t for the F11A> NdvJ~ Marine Corp,. Air Nrcc, An17 and internari.01101 organizations. In addition, he ht1J 1cr11<d as a member of seoem/ NASA Rese11rr:I, a11d Tech11owgy AdviJory S11bcommi1uer, AIM Te,hnicai Committees, tht Experi"1rntai Aircraft Assoeiatiqn .and bolds a conum:rciai piltJ1't lieense. Mr. Anderson i1 a Fcllo1v of AL4A 1111d a member ofSigma Gdmmn Ta,~ a 11atitff1t1l honor soci.try in aero1pact engineering. His work has recently eart1ed h1'm the """''d ofDisti11guished NASA Aerona,.thal Resean:her. He i, 1111 Adwmred-rtt1,d hang glider pilot 1uith 151ears txperimce. This is a11 edited ver-Jion of1t paper he prm11ud at rhe American Jnsr.itu1e of Aeronautics dnd Astronautics'
Flight Dy,utmicr Conference in I994.
Flight Characteristics of Modern High-Performance Hang Gliders )ULY 1995
GENERAL Gliders have played an important role in the history of aviation. In the lace 19th Century Otto Lilienthal made more' than 2,000 hang glider fl ights which contributed significantly to che undemanding of controlled flight. The Wright Brochcrs conducted many glider tcs<> before installing a power plant on a version of their
glider. Today, hang gl iders are flown in all parts of the world, and have achieved Aighrs over 300 miles, alcirudes above 20,000 fecr, and have stayed aloft for more than 24 hours. Progress continues, artd designers have achieved ever higher performance while still providing an aircrafi capable of being flown by an average person in reasonably good shape. Because a tradeoff exists bcnveen performance and handling characteristics, a compromise muse be n1adc co retain the "flex-wing" features of
modern hang gliders and still provide adc· quacc safety margins ,vhen le comes co sra-
biliry and control. The purpose of this anicle is co describe how handling qualities influence che operational utility and flight safery of modern hang gliders.
SethAntlmim launchillgdt ~,emii,.
performance. A discussion of flight test techniques for an advanced bang glider is given in Reference 2. With the increase in
cross-county and altitude-gain capability, concern about safety and possible regulation by the FAA prompted che United States Hang Gliding Association to develop a racing system to ensure flight safery •nd compatibiliry with ocher airspace users.
HANG GLIDER DESCRIJYflON Basic questions about safery, from the
structural fuilures and inadequate conrrol, which resulted in a poor accident record. Recognizing the need to improve safety, leading manufacturers formed the Hang Glider Manufacturers Association, which developed standards and resting procedures
standpoint of both scrucmre and flying cbaroct.eristics, can be :an~oered by examining demi ls of hang glider design. The geometry (shape) and srn,crure of llcx-wing gliders are scrongly inAuenced by operational utiliry considerations. The glider must be light and portable, capable of being carried by an avcroge person, and easily assembled wichour complex tools. Hang gliders have evolved from stovepipe boles, polyethylene sheer and blmboo spars, to aircrafi-quality fastening haMwarc, high-mengch 7075 aluminum tubing, and high strength-to-weight ratio d:lcron fabric. The gliders are tested to +8 (almosr ')vice che requirement for general aviation aircraft) and -3 G's, and at speeds up co 80 mph. Motivated by rhc desirc for improved performance, hang glider designs h2ve e,•olved from single-surface, low•spect-ratio delta shapes co double-surface, j . . .• ~ moderace-aspcct-rat10 swept-wing ooru1gu-
for struccura.l integrity. stabilicy, control and
BACKGROUND Although hang gliding began with rhe birth of aviation in the late l SOO's, half a century passed before it was "born again" in the 1960s when a NASA engineer devised a llexible, packaged, criangttlar parachute with a liftldr:'f ratio of 4/J for recovery of space capsules. Several individuals recognized the potential of this system and developed hang gliding applications. The sport soon grew in populariry as people saw che potential for inexpensively fulfilling their person•l dreams of Aighc. As in early powered aircraft developmenc, however, there were design Haws,
AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Associated with modest wing sweep and lack of rail surfaces, which influence imporcanr handling properties, are aerodynamic characteriscic.s which include low pitch damping, unsrable pitching moments ac low and high a.ngles of attack (AOA), low clirtctional stability, adverse yaw, and reduced Dutch roll damping at low AOA. Because tradeoffs exist between foor-launch/landing capability, performance ~ml handling qualicies, a compromise is n1adc co achieve saclsF.tcrory operational ucili,y, desirable safery margi ns and performance. As discussed nexr, che resulting aerodynamic clJaracrerisrics scrongly influence chc sr..bility and coocrol of a hang glider. As with any type of aircraft, positive
pitch stability is necessary to prevent divergence in airspeed or AOA, and .is achieved by locating chc CG ahead of chc aerodyna1nic center. On ryp_ical swe.pc-wlng planforms, flow seir.u-acion and lift reduction can occur at the wing tips ac high AOA, causing pitch instabiliry. To avoid pitch-up and ensuing loss of control, and to produce general pitch stability, considerable washout is used co reduce AOA at the wing t ips. Equally importanr is the need ro ensure lift symmetry at high AOA ro avoid dropping a wing, particularly during landing flare when stall occurs. A combination of sweep and washout provide pitch stability in normal flight, while che inboard airfoil is reAexed continued on pagt 47...
Hang Gliding Interviews
I Am Woman, See Me Soar Ladies In Hang Gliding Competition
n:«ntly rr1t1 ti world-class hanggliding competition in the Sequatchie Valley near Look()ut Mountain, Tennessee,
I've been flying about 14 years. I scatted
and noticed that there 111as a larger
,vith ao early standard and have flown a
c:011ti11gent of womm 1h11n a,. most U.S. co-111petitions ofthis type. (See accompanying article on the I995 E.asc Coast Challenge. Ed.) Is this ti trmd' Has dJe fairer sex fktidd
by G. W MeadtJws
Samantha, haw long have you been flying?
myriad of gliders ever since.
Tell ut about some ofyo,,r more memorable flights.
tc skirt an active ca,npaign to kick the 111,n's
bum in th< air, er have duy just deci,ud ''lhe
Well, my most memorable flights have
niore the mtnitr11 1uhen ii cornes to Wtt111en in competition? I r.kcitkd to i11.tervitw some of these ladies t() find out whe~ they're co111.i11g
aU been with birds. Jr's like being one of
ftom. The fim lady I talked to WflJ Sama11tha Moon,. Samttmha is about six feet rail and I b.li<11< that t1bout floe fm I I inches of it is heart. Smmrniha jlie, an Airwave Klassic.
them. But the flighrs I can't get off my mind took place last summer. I was dating a hang glider pilot and we went for a week-long vacation co an awesome place. faery flight we had rogecher on chis 16-mile ridge was great. We would fly up and down the ridge, flirting wicl, each ocher in the aic like hawks do. Afrer landing, the magic of the flights stayed with us through the evening and all night long. I love co fly, and on chis trip I was in love with flying.
T,/l w aboutyour longm flight.
My longest flight acrually occurred during the Women's Woclds in 1994. I flew 100 miles in about six houcs. On my way back l couldn't believe how fur I'd flown. What are so,nr ofy()ur goals in hang
BACK ROW (kft •• right): Chrisiy Huddle, C.J. Smrreoant, Lisa Veru/lA, Collette Carson. FRONT: Clair, Pagen. Susan Pierce, Sama11thaJo Moor,.
Well, GeeOub, my biggest goal in hang gliding is co make chis sport as much a part of my life as breaching is, and so far I'm achieving that goal. When I'm at wock (doing computer softwace design), I'm also hang gliding. My office is plastered with picrures of me aod my frieods flying and h•ving fun in the iir. When I'm not :u ,vork r'm hang gliding or doing something hang gliding related. I run the president of two of the local hang gliding dubs and simply love it! 41
It's great to see sac/1 e11tbusinsn1. \What do )YJII hope 10 gtt 0111 ofcompui11g in h,wg glid-
ing' Hang gliding compericion is very exciting for me. le makes me uciliu everything I have and makes me push my limics. le is also an opportuniry co go different places and meet new people and JUST FLY!
You'll go far with 1hm 11.ui111de. Good luck. Wfl,1t.111 job'
Nex.£, l n1eandered over co calk £0 Li.sa Verzella. Lisa is a compac£, ourdoorscy, fun..
lovin' trumpet player from Aspen, Colorado. She'., flying a Klassic 133. li.Jn, when did)'/)" stnrt l,a-ng gliding'
I began flying in 1989 with inscrucror Gardncc Middleron. In face, my favorice Aight ever was an early thcrmaling llighc with Gardocr which cook me co I 7,000 fee, near Dcbequc. Colo rado in a Gem ini. J
froze my unsuspecting hands and flew 11 miles for my firs, X-C. It marked the transition from flying with my instructor to flying with an X-C buddy.
Whm is J")llr kmgesi flight to d111e? ABOVE: Sammllha Moore at Fort Funs1011, Sa11 Fra11cisro, Gi/ifonua. Pl,010 by Samamha. BELOW: Collerte Cmo11 at rhe rrcent East Cons, Challenge. Photo by Km Bro1on.
My longest disraoce flight was a 90-miler off Sandia Crest, New Mexico during the Sandia X-C Challenge in June of '94. It was a ,vomc:n's record for cha£ .site and I'm very
proud of it. My longesc flighc (rime wise) was
lase summe r a t C hela n,
Washington. It was a five-hour !light which rook me over Banks Lake co chc to,vn of Wilbur about 70 miles away. I had been ac the lake crossing getting low, and saw a dust devil approaching from miles away. I w.ure<l.
and \Vaited so111e more, and then augb.c ir and rode it to IO gml\d just as Jeff Laugh,ey was approach ing. I thought we would Ay cogecher, but he decided to do an out-andrc:rurn so I crossed alone. le was greac.
Tl,ose fligh1J so1111d grrat. \\7hat other 11otewtJrth;•J/ights come w mind! Well, my fim co3'tal soaring flight, v..·hich \vas in Mc:lbourne, Australia ,vith Aussie pilc)c RusSt:IJ Fc:rric:r, \ V'J.S very notable. We \. .·ere pushiog out, hovering and going srraighr up o ver 1.he cryscal.l,lue ocean aod gleam ing sand beaches. Also note\vorrhy was an X-C ffighc I made in Australia's out•
back all alone. I 81?\v over zillions of kanga• roos, chc whole tiJnc knowing char, accord.. ing co my GPS, civilization was only I0 n1ilcs a\vay.
J ktWW tf1n.t JOU·i,e COtJJpeted i.n a number qf nrccn. V(lhat rt.re so111e of the compeririq11 acct)1np/iJhn1cnts )YJll ft' fllOSt proud of.
I placed seventh in the '9ft S:mdia X C Challenge, and flnished in the top half' of the '94 C:hclan X-(: Classic. I competed in the '95 \)(/omen's Pre-Worlds, the '95 /\ustralia Flatties and t!H: '<)ft Fast Coast Championships and Nationals. /\nd, of course, I 'rn here ar the '95 East Coast ( :halle11ge.
Impressive. Yrm sum very d1:voted lo the circuit. Ldr f!/1 deep fr1r t1 moment. When it comes to competition, or flying in what's your philosophy? Flying, like music, is an expression of ultimate freedom. I Jang gliding is complete integration with nature and 101:11 reliance upon one's self (okay, and one's d Flying X-·C allows us to traverse, view, study and merge with the mountains, the Jbt lands, trees, water and ;1ir. Competition is an opportllniry to explore one's own limits and attempt to he the best one can he. I lang gliding is different from most other compc· tirio11 spor1s in rhar one is matching wits with Mother Nature, and not necessarily other pilots (although it's hard ro keep rhar in mind sometimes).
I cf/n rel,1tc to thflt. So, with all this in rnind, what t1rey1mrflyi11g gorzls? /\s for as hang gliding is concerned, have short range as well as long-range goals. I would love to compete in the I ')9Ci Women's World Championships in /\usrralia, as well as future World Championships. I would love to win a points meet, and would be thrilled to win a task day. /\nothcr goal of mine is to procure a major corporate sponsor that could give the sport a lot of· publicity a11d me a lot of phoro opporrunitics.
Cool, !Js11. Keep up the good work. I strolled over to 11 lady who looks more like she should ht ter1ehi11g your third than flying in a hang gliding contest. Susan Pierce is rm architect .fom Vienna, Virginia who comes to the competition scene complete with long /ingernai ls mu/ perfectly coiffc:d hair. Don't rnisundcnt1.md, Susan is not a prirnper, at lemt not at the hang gliding site. She's r.1s tlf!J!,ressive a:s numy of'the 1rwle pilots in this meet; she just doesn't look the pttrt. Shei flying 11 Moyes Xtrt!lite and hm come to the Hast Cor.1st Challenge 7{}ith her hushrrnd Kel11in.
how long hflveyou hecn flying?
I've been f1ying
four years now.
isyourfiworiteflight to date? Well, one of my earliest flights as a new nmuntain pilot was my favorite. I had no instruments and was flying by feel alone. I was the first pilot to launch at Massammcn in Virginia (1, 1()()' ACL) and got rather low, bur tenaciously hung on until a thermal rook me to :J,500' over launch. My buddies lost track of me and were worriedly scan· ning the treetops when someone spotted my little specked our dot of a glider. f felt a real sense of accomplishmcm. It was great!
It sounch
What is your longest/lz~ht
to /\r rhc Fast Coast Championships in
1994, I flew a :30-mile otll-·and··return ridge race. It was the first day of my first competi· rion and l nwdc goal.
be able ro fly close to the trees, and such bm it was wonderful! I thermalcd right to cloudhasc and got a11 incredible view of the freshly snow-dusted Cascades. I could sec my home and probably could have flown there. I cruised around at cloudbase (and above most everyone else) unril I was nearly frozen, then landed in the LZ. l was exhiJa.. rated to find rhar afrcr being grounded for 21 months I hadn't lost my skills or my love of being airborne. I was jazzed and l am so glad to be back in the air! My longest flight was a (JO·milcr in Chelan, 011 a day when not a single other pilot of' the dozen Or SO flying made it Olli onto the flats. No one was chasing me because no one hclicvcd that I had really made it otlt hy Banks 1.ake. I was chicken to cross Banks Lake and circled 011 the butte side of the lake for about 20 minmcs. (I think I rnusr have drowned in a former incarnation hccausc ir has taken me years to get comfortable with flying near or over warer.) I finally landed at Wilbur, nor because I ran out of lifr, but because I rnn out of bladder capacity.
,\jJcr/(lculr.1r1 What contests have you com·
ptni i11? Just that '94 contest and this year's East ( :oas1 ( :hallenge.
Whtlt is your/lying philosophy? l fly /cir /tin, to relieve stress and to spend as nrnch time outdoors as possible.
No::t, I mught up with C.J. Sturtevttnt, who is a pmt·tinu sixth-grade teacher t1nd part-time teddy hMr creator and collector. CJ. is r1notha good c.x:mnple of'how hang gliding C/111 f<eep you young. She's heen flying since
'fell us (ltJout some of.your contest accom·· plishments.
l flew in the Women's World Meet in /\ustria in 1991, and it was probably the most fun I've ever had flying, but I haven't flown in any major competitions in several years because of my back injury. Before that, l competed in local meets like the Regionals and the Chelan Classic. I'm looking forward to competing in the Nats this year and sec ing a Chelan Nars from the other side of the fence. (I was the organizer of the '8(i Nats and helped organize the '85 Nats.)
I 982 tmd has a great r.1ttitudt tmd outlook.
Yr;u're just a hundle o/:Jr1otlmmched ener-
CJ. !from North Bend, Washington and mrne to the r(Rht half' of' the country with her hushand and glider ct1ddy Ueorge. '/()gether they represent the grer1t Northwest tit the USHG/1
gy. I'd like to het1r ahout your.flying philosophy
801ml of' Directors meetings. She flies a Willr \.\7ing ,SJJ{}rt. (.'.j., tell me t1hout your fttvoritc tmd longest jl~~h ts. [ have lots of favorites ft)!" lots of diflcrent reasons. The most recent favorite was just lasr month, and it was my first flight at my home sire after two years of' recovering from ;1 back injury. I wasn't sure how I would fr:el about getting back into rhc air whether I would remember how to thermal, if I would
and got1lr. Flying has to be 11111 and personally satisfying. I don't get satisfaction from a llighr that scares me to death or that makes me question my judgment, but I do like to stretch my personal limits as long as I feel safe. I particularly enjoy flights with spectacular scenery and love traveling to new sites. My goals arc to have fun, to fly safely and sensibly, and to continue traveling to new sites throughout the world, as well as to fly well enough rhis summer to qualify for rhe '9Ci Women's World 'learn.
Good luck to you, CJ. 43
Next l decided to talk to Chrisf:y Huddle form Harpers FerrJJ, West Virgini,i. Christy is the city pla:rmer frJr Montgomery County, .Maryland. She.flies an !lirwave K2 and is getting a new Khtssic.
Sounds pretty to me. fetJ· mmN on to some o/J1our contest accomplishments.
f took my first flight in Kettleman City, California in 1975, broke the leading of' the instructor's glider and decided that hang gliding was too dangerous. (I broke my leg cross-country skiing just a couple of years later.) My next flight was in 1989 when l started dating a hang glider pilot. f loved it and bought a glider afrer the second lesson.
Well, I tied for first· in a Monntainecr Hang Gliding Association contest on North Mountain, West Virginia, mostly because I'd gotten bored with flying around the launch area and thought I'd do d1c two legs up and down the ridge. I tied for second ar a fly-in comperition (I flew over Dennis Pagcn) when I smmbled imo a thermal and was able to get over the ridge. My most notable contest accomplishment was an unbroken series of zeros ar the '93 Dinosaur League Meer. (I made the mistake of raking a hrand new glider and harness to the meet.)
1'1hat are some ofyour fi.worite and notllble flights?
Tell me ahout yourf!:ying philosophy.
My favorite flight is the second time I ran the Massanutten Ridge in Virginia. I bad been flying around launch for a couple of hours and had achieved my greatest alti-tude gain at that site (about 4,000' over) when my boyfriend landed and I realized J had a driver. I requested perrnission to nm the ridge, rurned left and went 40 miles, landing off the end about two hours later. Ar the time it was rhc longest, highest and farthest I'd ever flown. Another notable flight was in Guatemala when I flew around Lake Atitlan while on one of Olson's safari toms. My primary hang loop broke not long after launch. (I could see it flapping on the keel.) The secondary was about eight or nine inches longer (way too long) and I had ro climb into the control frame to fly the glider. I was going too fast to make the regular LZ, and I didn't want to land there anyway at the speed I was flying. So 1 set up a downwind approach over the lake next ro the shore and houses, in case I ended up unconscious. I hit the water going about 35 mph, flipped the glider, landed on top of it and was unharmed. I only broke a downtubc and a batten. I had put an inner tube inside the double surface, and it kept the glider frorn sinking. The locals helped me get the glider out of 1hc water and broken down, and arranged trans-· ponation for the 40-minmc drive back to town. Meanwhile, all the other pilots were soaring in a bowl in frill view of my crash landing. l find the Flight notable because I didn't panic, partly because of stories I'd heard about other pilMs being able to fly in the control frame and surviving downwind water landings.
l Fly for fun! I don't rake unnecessary risks and I enjoy traveling to other sires and rnccring new pilots. I also have enjoyed learning all rhc ins and oms of flying, such as micrornctcorology, ama·tcnr radio, auto mechanics, sewing and Spanish.
Christ)\ when were you first introduced to hang gliding?
My most mcmornblc flights arc the ones during which T shared the air with my special friends. In particular I remember a flight with Paul Voight. lt was a latc--cvcning flight inro ;1 gorgeous California sunset, and we were soaring in extremely light conditions high over the clcserr. Our surprise at our ability to remain aloft, coupled with the awesome view and camaraderie, made for a special day. Now, I'm shy and alw;iys smiling, so beat it!
And some people say that hrmg pilots are one dimensional. My next interview victim Wtts Collette Carson from Pelham, New Hampshire. A contracts manager, Collette has been .flying.frJr 14 years and competed in the '93 and '94 Nrttionrds. '/'his is her .fifth Fast Coast Championships. she is currently.flying rl Wills Wing HP AT Collette is shy and alwr1ys ClrJire Pagen, wife oj'wcll-!moum hang gliding @thor Dennis Pagen. Collette, why do you compete? l began competing to learn and to stretch my personal flying limits. My goals in flying arc to continue to improve my skills, have fon, fly safely and promote a fovorablc i magc of our sport. My goal in competition is w make goal on a consistent basis.
Soundr lih(' goti!-b11sed gMl if' r/Jr: ever het1rd one. 'Jell me ahout your most memorttble
Thanhs Collette. V0:ll, there was one more lr1dy to pester th(lt day. Claire Pagen is .fi'orn centm! Pennsylvania r.md is Dermis Ptigm'., wife. She is multi-tt!lentcd and does a ireat imiwirm of'a !+ench ltzdy (!lctually, she'.r or~~inal!y She is the manager of iJ/HJri Aviation Puhlications and rl tutorltmnslritrn'. Cfttire has been hang gliding since July of'! 981 and is f!:ying rm Airwllve I<lassic I 3.3. Uaire, tell me ahoutyourfiworite flight. Hi\NC CIIDINC
Wornen~s World
tics for travel. And last, but not least, I enjoy the aesthetics associated with our sport.
get our this winter. \f\;bmen~s World fund-raising in this
And, finally, what are some o/your goals in hang gliding?
Thar's a hard one. I guess it would be a 60-rnile flight at La Victoria, Venezuela. It was over incredibly beautiful landscape (a procession of lakes and lush hills) and took place a few days after rny tumble and chute deployment. Ir fdr great to be alive and able to continue enjoying this beautiful sport.
! low itbout your longest cmd most notable flight:,. My longest flight was a 1 ()() . . miler in Chelan, Washington during rhc 1994 Women's World Meet. One of my more notable flights was a 20-·mile X-C in Brazil from Governador Val ad ares in 1991 ·rhe landing was close to a quaint vilbge and the warm welcome of' the villagers, their kids and dogs made those 20 miles most memo·· rablc.
Sounds great. ft seems that hang gliding contests have ta!u:n you around the world. What art some o/your competition r1ccom·· plishments? Nothing really outstanding! I gener;illy manage to finish in the middle of the pack at our U.S. hang gliding competitions. Only one exception: I was second al the '94 'frarn Challenge. I was Mistress Claire on "Claire's Slaves" 'l<.\lm, but didn't crack the whip hard enough because the ream rook only third! [ was pan of the lJ.S. Team ar the '93 Women's Worlds in Japan and the '94 Women's Worlds in Chelan, Washington. My 1994 national ranking was 54 rl1.
Not too shabby Clctire; you should be proud \Vhat is your philosophy when it comes to competing? I sec competing as a way of improving my skills, meeting great people and pilots, and sharing my flying experiences. I love the camaraderie found on the competition circuit and in team flying. C:ompctition and flying in general also oiler great oppornmi]UIY 1995
To fly on all continents. If [ go to Australia, only Africa and Antarctica will remain for me to conquer. l also would like to fly in as many countries as possible. I would like to improve my flying skills 10 the maximum and help the Women's 'learn win a gold medal.
Thanlesfr1r your time Claire. 1 tight days mound these women pilots, and must S(IJ that they definitely add tJ.
wonder/it! to our sport and hang gliding competition. Fieing 11 rneet director, lrn in a position to observe the less desirable side of competition pilots, and f can state u;ithout reservruion that these lr1.dies never exhibited this undesirable side that rt majority o/ male competitors will inevitably show at least once in a competition. '/ 'hese gttLr have their headr on stm(e,ht; and AU. of them fly fi1r fun. 1 salute the 1.uomen who compf'te in our sport and enjoy working with them. !ls you read this, the Wrnnen's Wr1rld 'fl:arn is raising money to get our lrzdir:s to Australitl this winter. Plet.tse do what you am to help their Ct/Use. They haue T-shirts auailahle as well tts raffle tickets fl1r wonde1fit! See the Wr1menJ· V?orld Jeam fimd-rrtising ad in this issue.
Ultralight Motorglider (20: 1)
fyou've been looking for new choices in ultralight soaring aircraft, your search may be over. Introducing the all-new Cumulus and the completely redesigned SuperFloaler. Hang glider piloL~ should remember Larry Hall and Klaus Hill's SupcrFloater from the early '70s. Now, she's back, but totally redone for the mid'90s. The high dihedral, rudder-only design has given way 10 a larger spm1 (38ft), full-span aileron design, made of mrxlern materials fruniliar to hang glider pilots. With glide at about I 5: l and a low, low sink rate (about 180 fpm), the SuperFloater offers excellent recreational soaring performance in a deluxe and strong aircran with charming handling.
old ready-to-fly and lest flown, the l 995 he Cumulus is a second-generation ultralight SuperFloater available the low price T motorglider following of S of just Deliveries under way. Cloud Dancer. is
al arc Options include a custom-installed BRS
the heritage
rocket parachute system that allows flight under Part !03 (thanks to a weight allowance in AC l 0}-7). Many ultrnlight aircraft can tow the SupcrFloa1cr aloft, including the Dragonfly
and several trike tugs. Ground-based tow systems will also work well.
-0t=-1L~ Ultralight Soaring Aircraft
/\ 43 foot span cantilevered D--cell wing with full span flaperons plugs neatly into a smooth fuselage pod. Controls hook up automatically. This slick package performs beautifully with 20: l glide and a low sink rate. A fully enclosed, electric-start engine offers climb exceeding 600 fpm and the Cumulus can cruise faster than 60 while sipping fuel so slowly that five gallons can take you over 200 miles, even without 1//i. With authoritative conventional handling and very predictable flight characlcristics, the Cumulus delivers true soaring power from $9,995. May we build one for you .. ?
us Aviation • 265 Echo Ln • South St. Paul, MN 55075 • USA Tel/Fax &121450-0930 ;
...continued from page 40
(trailing edge up) by a bridle system (luff lines) to counteraet pitch-down tendency at very low AOA. Directional stability results pri.m3rily from ,ving sweep, and geometric dihedral is adjusted t0 promote neutral spi• ral stability in normal flight.
niquc Ls to select and maintain a moderate
AOA. accekrate, and allow rakeoff co occur when sufficient lift develops. Roll control is ,,c:ry imponant during transition to cruise to maintain a wings -level condition.
Ease of handling is important in normal flight, panicularly while thcrmaling, when the pilot must continually adjust pitch and
Many aircraft pilors feel rhat once you have mastered basic flying skills you can fly any type of aircraft. In this regard, people often ask, "Does knowing how to fly anoth• er aircraft help you learn hang gliding?" No, really, in my opinion, for the following rea•
roll to capture rising air currents over long periods of time. Modern hang glidecs have enough pitch stability that there is linle ten· dency to diverge from trim speed, and the full speed envelope can be uavcrscd with
light control bar forces. The ··stick" fo rce
First, piloring techniques for takeoff and land ing are obviously qu ite d ifferent. S«ond, use of sensory inpur, borh "feel" and vis-ual cues, n1ust be relearned. The con~ ventional aircraft pilor who "flies by ,he sear of his pants" may complerely lose his "feel· because he is nor sining, but hanging pen, dulum fashion in a face-down, prone position. In addicion, oonrrol input is physically diffetent. The hang glider pilot pushes the conrrol bar to , low down and pulls to speed up - the opposice of conventional aircrafc. lateral control input is also d.iffcrenc, since the entire body Ls moved sideways for thL< purpose and the feet are neatly tucked away in a oocoon-like harness and are noc 11,;ed ac all. Visual cues are somewhat different and
gcadient is lineo, and light. Pitch dynamic behavior is usually satisfacrory. As previously noted, the pitclung moment is posicivc and reasonably linear over the allowable AOA range. If very low or negative AOA is inad·
certainly more demanding. Gone are the convenient cockpit reference points for
pitch and roll atcicude changes, and keener visual judgment is required for Aight-parh positioning since there are no flaps or engine
for glide-pad, control. One must also accepc che face that hang gliding is physically demanding. Hang gliders weigh 50-75 pounds and must be lilted off the ground transpon vchlcle and carried, often uphill over rough ccrrn.in. co an assembly area. The glider muSt be assembled, and this often requires coosiderable Sti:ength, especially when tensioning the airframe and
sail. The Aighc-ready aircraft must ,hen be carried co the launch poinc. Finally, you muse run fuse enough co achieve- cakeoff air,
vcrtcndy reached in extreme turbulence, or
Because of the light wing loading (1 .5 lh<./sq. fL), hang gliders are ready co "fly" in moderate "''inds. This can resul t in upsets when the glider is being assembled and carried to the takeoff area. Consequcndy, can:ful posicioning ,vich regard to the relative wind is needed to avoid this possibiliry.
if AOA limits arc abused in aerobatic maneuvers. hang gliders can cumble (autorotate in pitch). Needless co say, ,vhc.n the glider is inverted the piloc is out of con· trol, and parachute deployment may become necessary, although in many cases the glider will Oy itself out of the tumble if it doesn't break. Looking next at lateral/directional stabili-
arc of intetest. Although the roll rate
Handling the glider during takeoff can be demanding, not only in turbulent wind conditions but in no-,vind siruarjons as well. Selection of AOA during the ground run is critical. At too low an AOA the glider docs noc support its o,vn weight. making it more dif!ic.ult to accdcrace co takeoff speed in •
relatively high (approximately 40' per sec-
ty and control characteristics, severnl points
requirements for HGMA certification arc
scall condition in which rolJ corurol can
deteriorate irrevocably. T his high drag can also reduce running speed.
ditions, such that you may have ro accept a turn ln the o pposite direccion from rhat
Ln no-wind condicions on a shallow slope
intended. Spiral srability is neutral for most glidccs, which ccduccs piloc work load in therm~ling conditions. Dutch roll behavior is adequately damped ar higher AOA and with controls fixed, ho,vever, ic can become rroublesome ar higher speeds in some hang glider
reasonable discanc:e and increasing chc risk
of a nosc,.in. Too high an AOA can result in premature UftofF, with a high-drag, se1ni-
it may be difficult to achieve takeoff speed. Provided there is adequate runway, the pilot can momentary increase chc: angle: of attack
Landing requires a scrong upward arm
sufficiencly to acrucve liftoff: and follow this immediately ,vith a redua:ion in AOA such thac the flight path angle matches the contout of rhe sloping terrain. Benign sralJ characteristics ,virh no rendenq to drop a ,viog are essential under chese conditions. For a norm2.I takeoff the accepted tech-
)ULY 1995
particularly in roll reversal maneuvers where roU response can be osciUacory with large adverse y.i.w and some proversc yaw evident.
These characrcrL<cics arc objectionable when ,crempting to ''core• a thermal. Ftcqucndy, several hard lateral inputs arc needed to keep \Vings level in strong the.rmal ~1ctlviry. It is not uncommon to n101nent:.trily lose control of bank angle in rurbulent thermaling con-
speed while making heading corrections. duusc for a flare and often the abiliry to run out the landing. Although the above-mcncioned physical acriviry is considetably diffcrcnc than that required for conventional aircraft, it is not necessarily strenuous or unpleasant.
ond), in praccicc, lo\ver roll rates prevail.
designs. ·rhe culprit in this case is ch:ic ac
low AOA directional stability is reduced to the extent that sideslipping can occur, which then produces roll because of yaw/roll cross•
addition, roll concrol is reduced. Stall dynamics arc csscmiaUy benign, but alcicude loss can be appreciable. A,, forward bar pressure is increased, Aow separation starts grad-
coupling. The stage is then se,t for a poten• rial pilot-induced oscillation (PIO). In pan, chis can be caused by inadvenenc lateral forces caused by che swinging of che pilors body from che hang point, and die difficulty of com:ctly anticipating the final response from a given control input.
ually aL the 1nid..span wlch a mild noscdo,qn tendency ensuing. Continued nose-up control inpuc co full arm extension results in an increase in sink race, usually ,vich no
sharp pitch break or roll off. However, roll
APPROACH Obviously, good handling qualities are essential ducing this fiighc phase because of proximity to the ground. Two areas are of special interest: laceral/directional dynamics and stall c.haracteriscics. As n1enrioned, yaw/roU cross-coupling can occur wim some high-performance gliders. Although PIO can occur during takeoff and cruise, ic may be more dangerous during approach. T his is cruc particularly if die rolJ-io-yaw coupling ratio is large, sinoe alcirude is lo.sr wim each bank angle excursion. The pilor muse rccog· nize when a PIO is ocaming, and slow che glider down until conc.rol is reescablished. ScaU and scaU-warrung charaecerisrics are obviously of concern during landi ng approach. lo general, sraU behavior is satisfuctory for current gliders, bur scaU warning
control deteriorates and signi ficant lateral
concrol input may he required co keep wings level. An accelerated stall, cichcr in rurning or straighr~ahcad flight_, results in a more pronounced picch break. Severe roll control input dwing a stall can result in departure spin behavior wich some gliders, however, most gliders are very spin resistant.
~haliea.chiewil ever higher performance while still providing an aircraft capable ofbeing flown by an average person in reasonably good shape."
can be somewhat subtle. As AOA is increased, pitch response becomes "mushy" and ,vind noise. decre.ases noticeably. lo
Landing a hang glider is the most difficult skill co acquire, particularly for highperformance gliders. This is the result of design cradcoffs char favor soaring performance (high UD, low sink rate and high cruise sp«ds). G~de performance and high speed capability favor small wing areas, which conflicts with low stall speed desired
~ IJ:S..J19Jfl_ l}Cs o ne~ ~ Bew.
dress now
The Hall Airspeed Indicator™ -
A precision inswment for 1he serious pilOL Rugged, dependable and eilSy 10 read.
Airspeed lndicator ... $23.50
Pv.,.,,INGI Ore.at. (or LoogBracket ............. S7.00 P.A,:m,ff h.and-held wind measuremen1 Short Bracket ............ S6.SO
I.odica1oc llSin.g Bracket. snwl Hall ................S23.5-0
Paraglld« Bracket ....•$6.SO
Now 11vlli\ltble: Sm11II Hall for lulna s lidc:11, O10 70 rti. .
BaD Brothen P.O. Box 1010.H. Morgan. UT 84050. USA
S" Dia. ABS Pla,tic Wheels Mlltercud I VISA I C.O.D $20.00/pair Pbone (801) 829·3232 Fax (llOI) 829-6349
for ease of landing. In comrast to landing a
glider with the ground. An early Aore re$ulrs
conventional aircraft. where touchdown can
in excessive aJtirude g3in with the porencial
rake place over a wide speed ru:ige, the landing speed of a hang glider must be considerably less than the muimum running speed of the pilot. The landing maneuver includes a generally sready-state final glide at moderate airspeed, transition to a near-level glide in close proximity to the ground co d.i.ssipatc excess airspeed. and a dynamic flare m211cuvcr to reduce speed to • minimum at tbe point of touchdown. The pilot's wk is to simultaneously achieve very high AOA, minimum airspeed, zero sinknte. and =o altitude. lack of simultaneity can result in an unsafe landing. A late flare leaves too little pitch authority to achieve full post-stall pitch artirude, and resulrs in a high-speed touchdown, with an abrupt and possibly sevei:c impact of the
of a stall ond uncontrolled ground oontaer. Success depends on instinctively sensing the proper timing of the flare.
when in close proximity co rhe ground. When it comes to high-performance hang gliders, improvements may be needed in roU control, landing characceriscie-s and glide.. path concrol. Bue these improvements are readily a,,ailable if one is willing ro comprontise performance and fly a beginneror intermediate-class glider. m,
CONCLUSION Hang gliders hove improved greatly in terms of perform:1.nce. structural integrity :1nd hondling qualities in a relatively shore time. Although the Aighr characteristics of bang gliders m,ke greater physical demands oo the pilot tban chose of conventional aircraft do, the effort is not scre[tuous or unpleasant. Most accidcnrs occur during takeoff and landing, and the handling qualities of the gGdcr you Oy are therefore most important
References 1 Rogallo, E M., Lowry, J. G., Croom, D. R. , and Taylor, R.T., "Prel iminary lnves,igacion of a Paraglider,'' NASA TN 0 443, 1960. 2srucky, M. an d Meier, M., "Developmental Flight Test of an Advanced Flex-Wi ng H ang G lider," $£1"1' 37,h Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, Sepe 1993.
Women's World Team Raffle Raffle Grand Prize: A glider (hang or para) of your choice from Moyes, Pacific Airwave or Wills Wing. Additional raffle prize.s have been doruued by: Aral lleslgn: Tangenl Flight COOJputer CloudBase Harnesses: UltraMitts Hall Brothers: two airspeed indicators with mounting brackets for hang or para pilo,s Paul Voight: throo "Whack" tapes Adventure Productions/Paul Hamilton: five 1994 Women' s World Meet tapes AT Sports: Reflex full.face helmet Wills Wing: Z4 homess or paraglider harness Pac Air: flight suit and gear bag High Energ,,•: Quantum parachute Tek Flight: rwo pack., of Alegra ·s hang gliding Chrisnna, cords Trirnbfe: Aightmace Pro OPS with accessory package Pcndulun1 Sports: 1en Jack-1hc-Ripper
hook knives Ha,vk AirspOrts: six windsocks Richard Bach: an autographed copy of Jonathan Livings1011 Seag11/I
Understanding the Sky, one of Haug Gfi,iiflg Training ,\1anuaf
Sky Wear T-Shirts: an assortment ofTshirts '.'lorth Texas HGAIFlatland Flyers: six brighL yellow .. $hare the A ir" beer
~ Our Goal:
BACK ROIV (left to right): Christy f/11ddl,, CJ. Sturtevant, Lisa Verzello.
Colleue Carsott. FRONT: Clai,.e Pagen. Susan Pierce. Satna111ho Jo 1\foore.
:I p lease send me Women's World Team :I : raffle ticket(s). Prices: $15 each, 2 for $25, 5 for : I I : $50. Make checks payable to CJ. Sturtevant, and ' mail to: C.J. Sturtevant, 502 Ogle Avenue NE, ' North Bend, WA 98045
NAME _____________
ADDRESS - -- - - - - -- - -
CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
USHGA: three rugby jerseys. an assortment of six T-shlns. three sv.•eatpants, 10 "mountain gUdet" patche.s
STATE _ __ _ _ _ _ ZIP _ _ __ PHONE(_ __ ), _ _ _ __ _ _ __
Raffle drawing held in December l995.
JULY 1995
FAIR, DONALD: Cumming, GA; C:. Thoreson/Lookout Mtn J!P HANSON, BFRN!E: Knoxville, TN; A. Bloodwonh/Lookour Mm FP HOPKINS, JAMES: Kill Devil Hills, NC:; B. Weaver/Kitty Hawk Kites KAISER, CHRISTOPHER: Columbia, SC; T. Hagcr/l.ookour Mm Fl' KAISER, KEVIN: Martinez, CJ\; T. Hager/1.ookout Mtn FP MADSON, JOI IN: Acworth, GA; C. Thoreson/Lookout Mtn FP MORGAN, MIKE: Longwood, FL: T. 1-Iager/Lookour Mtn FP RINCON, JORGE: Asheville, NC; B. I I um/Blue Ridge Soaring SCHROEDER, BILL: Roswell, CA; C. Thorcson/1.ookom Mrn FP STEINER, MARY: Nags Head, NC; C:. D11P:ml/Kitty Hawk Kites
RA'TINGS PILOT: City, State; I11structor/Sd1ool Region l BURNUM, DAVID: Portland, OR; C. Thoreson/Lookout M tn FP DOWNEY, DILLON: Union, OR; T. Sapienza/Air Time Oregon Region 2 AKELLA, RAO: Berkeley, C:A: J. Kockclman/Mission JIAPENSTETN, KEVIN: Redding, C:A; F.. Mies/Echo Point Aviation HIGGINS, BARRY: Cupertino, Ca; T. Burcar/Mission SNELSON, STEWART: Auburn, C:A; A. Whirchill/C:handcllc Region :3 BYINGTON, LEWIS: La Jolla, Ca; j. Ryan/HCC DEVITT, BILL: Leucadia, C:A; J. Ryan/HC Center HEMPEL, CRAIG: Canyon Lake, CA; J. Ryan/I IC Center LONSER, AL.FRED: Loma Linda, CA; I'. Phillips/Lake Elsinore ROSS, THOMAS: Dove Canyon, C:A:). Tindle/Miami HC WILLIMS, DAVID: lrvinc, CA; P. Phillips/1.akc Elsinore Region 4 BRUSCHKE, BILL: Salt Lake UT; T. Webster/The Soaring Center CLEMENS, VINCENT: Phoenix, AZ: B. Holmes GREEN, ROBERT: Mesa, AZ: R. DcStephens/Zonie LOVE, CATE: Glenwood Springs, CO; C. 11ollock/Wasatch MEIER, JAMEY: Dolores, CO; R. McKenzie/High Adventure MYERS, JAMES: Phoenix, AZ; T. Hager/Lookout Mtn FP ROBINSON, GREG: Telluride, CO: T. Webster/The Soaring Center SPACEK, JEN: Salt l.ake City, UT; T. Weimer/The Soaring Ccmcr Region 6 KUDLACEK, KALE: Kansas
Mo; C. Thorcson/1.ookout Mm Fl'
Region O'DEA, JIM: Oxford, Ml; W. C:uddy/Skywings Jl(; C:cntu Region 8 LONGO, MICHAEL: Watertown, Cr: ( . DuP:iul/Kiuy Hawk Kites ROOT, ERIC: Falmouth, !vff; B. I lawk Kites ROOT, GJ\RY: Fl Calais, VT: B. Weaver/Kitty I lawk Kites Region 9 JENKINS, MICHAEL: C:oarcsville, PA; J. Harper/Valley KESSLER, DAVID: Cahanna, OJ-I; M. Manzo
Region JO BLAND, CHERYL: Durham, NC: S. Bland/Sky's the Limit BULLOCK, JIM: Miami, FL; J. Tindle/Miami HC BUTSCII, MARTHA: Miami, FL; J. Tindle/Miami J-rc; DRAEGER, RAY: Fayctrcvilk, NC: C:. Thoreson/Lookout Mm 1:p
Region 12 PARKER, JOHN: Warcron, NJ; B. Hawk Kites RAUSCHER, WOLFGANG: Ridgewood, NY; K. (;oodspeed/Fly High VTLLAGGIO, NICK: Bloornflcld, NJ; C:. Elchin/Kitty Hawk Kite.,
RA'TlNGS PILOT: City, State; l11strucror/School Region 1 CARLSON, AURALEE: Missoula, MT; P. Swanson/Sports t,x(:l1angc DOWNEY, DILLON: Union, OR; T. Sapienza/AirTime Oregon McKAY, JAMES: Verndale, WA; I.. Strom/Spokane Air Craft TFRRY, ROGER: Missoula, MT; P. Swanson/Spons Exchange Region 2 STIAPONA, DAVID: San Carlos, CJ\; J. Crccnhaurn/ Airtime of SF Region 3 BECKENSTETN, KEN: Venice, CA; J\. Bccm/Winclsports Im'! BYINGTON, LEWIS: I.a Jolla, CA; J. Ryan/HC Center DEVITT, BILL: Lcncadia, C:J\: J. Ryan/I IC; Center HEMPEL, CRAIG: Canyon Lake, CA; J. Ryan/HG Center McDOWELL, MARK: San Diego, C:A; R. Mitchell/Fagles Wings PODJIOLA, ROBERT: Pacific Palisades, C:A; A. Beem/Windspons Int'! ROSS, THOMAS: Dove Canyon, CA; J. Tindle/Miami 1-rc; Region 4 J\RZT, ITZCHAK: Chandler, AZ; T. Banon/1\irbornc Sports BENSCOTER, PAUL: Phoenix, AZ; R. DcStcphcns/Zoni HG BRUSCHKE, BTLL: Salt Lake Ciry, UT; T. Websrcr/The Soaring Center CLEMENS, VINCENT: Phoenix, AZ; B. Holmes DATE, MATHEW: Salt Lake City, UT: D.Sharp/Thc Soaring Center METER, JAMEY: Dolores, C:O; R. McKenzic/fligh Adventure ROBINSON, GREG: Telluride, C:O; T. Webster/The Center STOVNER, DON: Denver, CO; M. Windsheimer/Colden Wings Region 6 LUDL/\CEK, KAI.F: Kans:1s City, MO; C:. Thorcson/Lookom Mtn Fl' Region 7 HODGES, RUSSELL: hnmington Hills. Ml; D. Glover/Florida HG Region 9 DENNIS, CHfP: Rusrhurg, VA; D. Glovcr/i:Jorida J Jc; NELSON, GJ\RY: Chillicothe, OJ I; M. Manzo
Region 10 AGOSTlNO,LINO: Coconut Grove, FL; F. Foti/Miami I IC BARNHART, DAVID: Durham, NC; G. DeWolfi'Corolla Flight BULLOCK, JIM: Miami, FL; J. Tindle/Miami HG BUTSCH, MARTI IA: Miami, FL; J. Tindle/Miami 1-IG CARRION, XIMERA: Miami, FL; F. For/Miami HG DRAEGER, RAY: Fayetteville, NC; C. Thoreson/Lookout Mm FP FAIR, DONALD: Cumming, Ga: C. Thorcson/I.ookout Mtn FP FISHALOW, DORALISA: Orlando, Fl.; D. Glover/Florida HG I.EON, MICHELLE: Miami, FL; F. Foti/Miami rn; MADSON, JOHN: Acworth, GA; C. Thoreson/Lookout Mtn FP MORGAN, MIKE: Longwood, Fl.; T. Hager/Lookout Mtn FP SCHROEDER, BILL: Roswell, GA; C. Thoreson/Lookout Mm Fl' Tampa, FL; D. Glover/Florida HG 11 MAUZY, BRUCE: Ifouston, TX; I;. Hums/Austin Air Sports WILLIAMS, MICHAEL: Channel view, TX; 1". Bums/ Austin Air Sports
Region 3 DAHL, BRIAN: Costa Mesa, CA; D. Skadal/Flight Systems McGIVERN, JOSEPH: San Diego, CA; R. Mitchell/Eagles Wings Region 4 PEREYRA, JOSE: Salt Lake City, UT; D. Sharp/' fhe Soaring Center Region 7 REWOLINSKI, STEVE: Milwaukee, WI; H. Kushner/Raven Sky Sports YATICH, RON: Houghton Lake, Ml; GW Meadows/Just Fly Region 8 BRADLEY, ROBERT: Yarmouth, ME; J. Tindle/Miami HG Region 9 CARROLL, JAMES: Oaks, PA;]. Harper/Valley Forge JIG GOOD, WILLIAM: Frostbmg, MD; T. Barron/Airborne Sports USA Region 10 MONT A, MONTGOMERY: Zirconia, NC; B. Burril/Ultraligln Flying
PILOT: City, Stare; Instructor/School
Region 11 SCHNEIDER, CHARLES: Austin, TX; J. Hunt/Red River Aircraft
Region l CLARK, MARK: Surton, AK; J. Egger Region 2 HERRMANN, JAMES: Soqucl, CA; l'. Godwin/Western HG LOWELL, JAMES: Oakley, CA; P. Godwin/Western HG McNELLY, BOB: Incline Village, NV; R. Leonard/Adventure Sports SMITH, ERIC: Sama Clara, CA;!'. Godwin/Western II(; Region 3 KELLY, MIKE: Sama Barbara, CA; R. Brown/Foot Lmnched Flt McGRADY, MICHAEL: Newbury Park, CA; R.Brown/Foot Launched Flt SOLESBEE, TERRY: Riverside, CA; R. McKenzie/High Adventure Region Li CLEMENS, VINCENT: Phoenix, AZ; R. dcStephcns/Zoni HG DUMINS, DAVTD: Phoenix, AZ; R. dcStcphcns/Zoni HG REILLY, MARK: Phoenix, AZ; R. dcStephens/Zoni HG Region 9 CARTER, FRED: Charleston, WV; C:. Thoreson/Lookout Mm Fl' PROCTOR, DAVID: Laurel, MD; C. Huddle
BEGINNER DIAZ, FERNANDO: Bogata, Columbia; F. Foti/Miami HG PINK, ANDREW: Southhampton, Bermuda; T. Hager/Lookout Mm FP NOVICE PINK, ANDREW: Southhampton, Bermuda; T. I-lager/Lookout Mm FP STOU1JESD1JK, JEROEN: Utrecht, Netherlands; R. deStephens/Zonie HG INTERMEDIATE BELLERBY, STEVE: Toronto, Ontario; D.S. Jewell/The Flight Works CORBIN, DAVE: Rossland B. C. Canada, L. Strom/Spokane Air Craft ADVANCED VENNING,GARY: Hamilton, Bermuda; C. Thoreson/Lookout Mm FP
11 EDWARDS, MARK: Houston, TX; D. Dueckcr/Houston HCA LUDWICK, WILLIAM: Colleyville, TX; C. Thoreson/1.ookour Mm FP
12 WESNOFSKE, BRIAN: Greenlawn, NY; P. Voight/Fly High
PILOT: City, Stare; Tnstrnctor/School Region J EDRIS, RICK: Seattle, WA; R. Berger/Oregon HG
)UlY 1995
HANG CLJl)JNC ADVISORY Used hang gliders should always be disassembled before flying for the lirsr time and inspected carefully for fatigued, bent or dented downrubcs, ruined bushings, bent bolts (espe· cially the heart bolt), re-used Nyloc nms, loose thimbles, frayed or rusted cables, 1:111gs with non-circular holes, and on flex wings, sails badly torn or torn loose from their anchor points front and back on the keel and leading edges. If in doubt, hang gliding businesses will be happy ro give an opinion on the condition of equipment you bring them to inspect. Buyers should select equipment that is appropriate for their skill level or rating. New pilots should seek professional instruction from a \JSHCA CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR.
DOlJBI.E VISION Nc,H new, wrong color scheme, you $ave, sacrifice $2,700. (Ii 1IJ) ii Tl 8800.
HlRMLJl.i\ !'iii -- -250 hours $1,200 OIJO. (312) <)35518/i
DREA:vl 11i5 Basically brand new. l'irst $1,050 takes. (lO.'l) 755-/i 10\).
CEMINI Uli lmmarnlatc, good trainer for small pilot $700. (707) 875-26'.l).
DREAM I 6'S One owner, low homs, great rnncli tion, w/harncss, parachute, wheels $1,200 OHO. (805) 25/i-lili35.
CEMINI 1.lii --Crear shape $800. (ii Iii) li73-8800.
Dlff.AM 185 - (;rear conditinn, liO homs, new wires $950. (801) 25/i-61/il.
DlZFAM 2./i(l 1989, Blue spcctrnm, blue I.E. Excellent rnndctu glider l,,r the larger pilot. Excellcnr condirion $1000 OHO. Call John at (619) 5(,1-100').
AIRBORNE - BLADE RACE, STING, BUZZ. New and nearly new. Demo daily. TIIF. WALLABY RANCH (813) ii2/i-0070.
DIU•:AMS CLEARANCE SALF All sizes, $500$1, 500. Dream 220, custom butterfly an $1,500. Raven Sky Sports (Ii! Ii) liTl 8800.
COMBAT ll 152 Fxccllcnt condition, high per· forrnance glider with easy handling characteristics. Can send photos $1,800 OBO. (307) /33--5165.
EXCEL 180 Com! condition, ilics grc:ll $395. (507) 895-li21JO.
COMET I 65 ·-- Stcalrh color design, foir condition, flies great. CC 1000 harness, chntc. All for $500. (303) 81JO 7307. COM FT 165 Two for $Ii 50 (one with bad sail.) (303) 278 ')566. COMET 185 White, good condition, lJP harness with chute, Litck vario, altimeter $700. (704) 29')· 8196. DOUBI.F VISION -- 2nd Charm deployment tem, float device, Windridcr harnesses and hg tube. All never used. (503)
Excellent condition, l,\uc/whirc I !PAT 1 'i8 $1,liOO. Randy ('719) 5:l'J-ti782. Ill' 1.5 Very good condition, extra downtubes, new bag $500. (208) }i5-11i28. l lP l, ')
1<2 lli5 c;rcat condition $1,500. Cernini 134good condition $500. Lisa (')70) 925-3861.
() tillH\
l<I.ASSIC I/iii 2'iit-6 It\ 1.
Just like new, 16 hmm $1,500.
USHGA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER FORM 50 cents per word, $5,00 minimum Boldface or caps: $1.00 per word. (Does not include first few words which are automatically caps.) Special layouts or tabs: $25 per column inch. (phone numbers: 2 words, P.O. Box: 1 word) photos: $25.00, line art logos: $15.00 (1.75" maximum) DEADLINE: 20th of the month, six weeks before the cover date of the issue in which you want your ad to appear (i.e., June 20 for the August issue). Prepayment required unless account established. No cancellations or refunds allowed on any advertising after deadline. Ad insertions FAXed or made by telephone must be charged to a credit card. Please enter my classified ad as follows:
50 hours, flies great $2,(,00. (80 I)
Mi\CJC HJ!.!. 166 Pod harness, Ball (,51 vario, churc & hcl111c1. All for $1,liOO OBO. (508) :lS')81 50 Boston.
$2,liOO. (160) :378
FALCON l'J'i l\lue/grecn/white, one season $2, I 00 OllO (ii lli) IJT,-8800. l'C)RMUI.A 154 (501) 327-5522.
I.ow hours$ J ,800 OBO. (li06) 622-5677.
l'un gliders, 10 hours
Fi\l.CON I ')5 Red & white w/silvcr patches, like new, extra downtubcs & speedhar, Wills harness $2,000. Call Mike in Michigan Cl l.l) '.l'l7 J:351. FALCON 195 30/i I.
Excellent condition, gorgeous orange rain-
bow colors $450. (415) %9-5:l 1Ii.
JO !'Al.CON 170 & J 'Vi $2,/iOOCiil. (801) 25/i-614 I.
Cood condition $1,100. Ccorgc (801)
JIPAT 158 li61-li'i6l.
MARK IV 17 Excellent condition, specdhar, <75 hours, with pvc travel 111hr $1,600. Scon (510) 814 08/i2 or Zac (80 I) %3-86'!2. MARK IV 17 Very good condition. Pink 1.1', tnagrnra, yellow, white, spe,·dbar $')50. (501) :\'.>'!7.
Number of months: SECTION IJ Flex Wings IJ Emergency Parachutes U Parts & Accessories U Business & Employment :...1 Miscellaneous U Paragliders u Videos
Begin with
U Towing 1...1 Schools & Dealers
U Ultralights U Rigid Wings I.J Publications & Organizations u Wanted I.J Harnesses
issue and run for
consecutive issue(s). My U check, U money order is enclosed in the amount of$ ----·-·"·---"NAME: ADDRESS:
CITV: ____,______"___"____"-"""""·-·- _-----·"-·"····------- _ -- ··-- -- ________"_____ -·- @$. 50 "v",v '"-"""" ---··-----"--------·
PHONE:_ USHGA, P.0 Box 8300, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 632-8300
s MI<IV I') Spare downrubcs, speedbar, <20 lrorrrs $I, 500. (·1 I 0) 'i27 Sl8'J.
SPORT FlJl{(l l 'i() $8'SO. (615) MC, 8<Jl8.
tv10YES XS J 'i'i Proven XC pe1forrner, flies gre;ll, pink/gold/white $600. ( :11.1wm pod w/cltute ,ind haf,, medium, good condition $:)'j(J. \Jvex helrnct, w/mic and headset ,POO. llall (,52. S:lOO. $1,liOO. Par ((, 1'J) 'J.l/i-li.%'j ewniugs.
SPORT AT!(,/ (;orgeous colors, 2'ihrs, excellent rnndirion $1,(,0ll. (.HU) 'JY2 I 58.l.
SPORT 16/ Fl/RO Cood slrape, f'lies great, speedl,ar. ,,,coon harnes.s w/clrnte $1,200. (20')) :J(,82(,08.
Sweet, safr. solid $1,000 01\0.
MOYES XS I Two for $2,GOO or sold .separate· ly. Moyes Mega I /0, great shape ,j;500. (Ii J,i) /i7.l8800. MOYES XTRi\UTF -· XS, XS.'l, XT, XL New and 11c;1rly new. i\vailahlc immediately. Nation's Moyes dealer. TJIL Wi\Ll.i\BY RAN(:J I (8U) lt2/i0070. l'ACAIR Mi\CIC IV Ji,(, l'R Low homs, dark hlue l.E, gold lower $'i00. ('Jlli) 877-T\l'J. !'RC )S' l'AR I (,O
(;ood condition, new hag
C;ood condition $:lOO. (:lO:J) 2/8
SPORT EURO AT I C,7 hill r;icc, like new, I 0 hours, Fqualizcr h,trness. Best olfrr. Mike ()Iii) li'/5li.320. S !'ORT i\'J I C,l Like new, raciug ml ors, great handlin!', and pnlcrnnancc· $ I ,:\'!5. (:\ I0) !i!iii-ii')7'). Sl'ORT 167 Fxccllenr sh,1pc, 50 hours, garage stored $1,)00. Jack (.,(U) 61i2-.l02.'J. SUPER SPORT 153 (70/i) (ki-5 27')
Les.s I h,tn 20 hours $2,500.
HARNESSES I !!(;I I ENER(;Y -- C:ornon lramess and paraclrrlll' lrH 6'2" 200, lb pilot, $9'i l,,r both. !'at rick (Ii l 'i) 'J)'J-1076. I IICI I ENFRCY TRi\CFR .. Side entry pod har ncssc,<.,, two avaiLihlc wii-li many nice option:-,, hui!i for (,'2"/ 200/1 and (,'/1 /5/1 pilot $/iOO each. 1 ligh Euergy pod, rear 1.ippn, for 5' 10"/180/r $.JOO. Sport Keller pod, older style, for (,'I" I 17011 $200. ( :ocoons, many sil.(:s $}00 each. (Ii I Ii) ii'/.l-fl800.
MOYES XAC:T POil J J;\RNESS Sliding hang point, ycllow/or,mge. Like new, lits up to 'i''/". ,j;8()0 new, sacrifice $.\50. ('i JO) 78//i7()(,. UI' COC:OON w/l liglr Energy clrute &BRS $/i'JO. New lirll face kevL,r l.ambie I.id $1 !iO. Jl;r]I 652 w/TFI' & I Ii alti,rn·tcr $:l25. New k11ceha11r;cr $50. 003) 9l2- I 58l.
Z3 lli\RNESS NEVER USED $275. Wirlr Apex chute. llavid ((, J'J) 873-5:l l 6 Bishop, Calif
Low hours, great TRX 1(,0 ship$ I ,8'i0 OBO. (70)) //i/S7 l I.
l'lJLSE 'JM -· Creal shape, low homs, hot rnlors
VISION I/, /i7) 8800.
Nice condition $'700 ClllO. (Iii/ii ALL lll,ANDS - - Nnv/used $800-$2,500. Colorado Paragliding U0:3) 2.78-'!566.
P,(,oo. (·i I Ii) lil.\ trnoo. RAMAIR Jli6 :lO lrours, clean, Easr Coasr wing. He smokin' this s1xing for $2,(,')5 ClllO. (liO!i) ii'!(, 'ilili6. Ri\MAIR iii(, l'erlcct, 18.)5 lrorrrs, extras. No othn has bcautif'u\ "Split WW" $3,000 l'/1',. Jim (71ft) ')')8 (,:l'i'J. RAMAIR ili6 15 homs, like new with factory mods $.$,100 UBO. Mu.st sell! (:>08) 7Hi<l:l.l).
VISIONS & Sl'EC: J'RlJMS Bought-Sold Traded. Raven Sky Sports (Ii I Ii) iil.l-8800. Wll.l.S WINCS SPORT 1(,7 Rcd/whitc/hlue. ( ;ood condition, pictures available $800. (208) 57/· 101.l. WI 1.1.S WINC SUPER SPORT 15.l Creat shape $1,800. Tracer brncss w/Seco11d Chant;. Air Rocket systcni /,,r 6' I" .(,',l'' pilot, in1rnacula1e shape $ J,),50. (50.l) 82(,.J':12.l ask fell Dave.
llRJ\ND NFW pc; RESI'RVFS Tl and -iOsq/111 NAS hr,mrl. $)8'i., $/i25.(.l0:l) 278·'J5Ci<i. Pi\RAC;J.l])ERS $<i00 $1,000 for your old equipment. New l'erche, Apco, ltv, more. IS;\ (718) 7777000 phone/fox. SECOND Cl !ANT/. Solid rocket reserve system lrH paraglidcrs. I lip mount, installed on TSO'd skydiving reserve P'iO complete. (Ii I ii) li7:l-8800.
RAM/\!!{ I 'iii I.ow lrours, great shape i2.ooo Oil() or trade 1,,r tandem glider. ('70(,) .\')S 07')'). l'mplc, rnstont sewn split panels, R,\lvl1\I R 15/i low lrours, unique, hr'<tlltiful $.l,00(1 OBO. ((,] ')) 47.l-%(, I. SPECTRUM I/iii (708) 802190.
Ll hours, all options $2,300.
SPFC:TRl/M I (,5 Pl.l/S <25 hours, spares. llllll'/linw/yellow. Fxcellc·nt $2,100. (21 Ii) (,8(,-7881. Sl'EC:TRlJM J(,'i Caragcd, !iii hours, original owner, purchased I 'J'J2, cxcellrnt rnndition $2,000. !lob (71/i) C,.l\ 7/i'iO.
DREAM 2ii0 .......... COO]) SI IAl'E ............ $'JOO DRFJ\M 220 .......... c;RI i\T SIIAl'F ............ $1,.lOO RAM AIR l '\/i .......... 1 XCl-1.11-NT SJ \i\l'I· ... $2,800 Sl'FC:TRlJM i!i/i's .NEW AND USFI) ... $1,200 up SPFC:l'Rl JM IC,'i .. .1-:XC:Fl.l.FNT SI J;\l'E ... $2.,000 FORlvll JI;\ I/iii ...... NEW (Al.MOST) ......... $2,000 SI<YI !AWi< 188 .............. FREE TO INSTRlJC:TOR VISION l'UISE 10 Ml·TEIZ... .. ............. $1.:,00 WW ])lJC:K I(,ll.. ...$:JOO /\hove price or hest olfrr, contact The I Jang Cliding Center((, 19) 5(, 1-1 OO'J.
BUILD/FLY Your owu BACKPACK POW ERFD PARi\C:J llJTE for fi,u/profit. Takes off Crom level ground unassisted. Safr, simple, inexpensive. No required. DNailed guide ;ind .so111n' book f,,r beginner includes inf'o on plans to huild yours for :1:, little ;JS $')00. Now ouly l'J.95. Fasyllp, 108'! Medford (:enter/12/ilig, Medlc,rd OR 9750li. ll.lC:llT Dl·SIC:N JFTWINC TRll<F ,!rape $900. ('Jlii) S77-.l31'J. IITF TRIKF s:i8 7005.
<5 hours, flies good $1,2.00. ('502)
FM ERG ENCY Pi\RACI J\JTF.S SPECTRUM 165 $2,100. Only .l days usage, c·xcellcnt shape. David ((,l'J) 87$-'ill(, Bishop, Cali/'. sn:crn.l!MS & VISIONS Bought Sold- J'radccl. IZavcn Skv Sports (Ii Iii) liTl 8800.
i\ BEST BUY FA/\ Rigger inspected $7.G'i. PDA'.s $.lOO. (lO l) :ml.')56(,.
Sl'ORT umo 1'iO 10 hom.1, spectrnrn $1,800 OllO. / .. l h,mH·ss w/llRS, Maxon I w:llt. (:JO.l) li1.l12ii/.
Bougl11, sold, ,lltd repacked. /\I.I. BRJ\Nll\ Inspection and repack $25-$35. Parachutes, bridles, inspected and replaced, para.swivels installed. J\IRTIME OI' Si\N FRi\NCISC:O, .3(,20 Wawona, San l'i,tncisrn, C:i\ <J,111 /,. (Ii 15) SI<Y-1 177.
Sl'CJRT ElJRCl I 'iO $700. (.rn:,) V8-'J'i(,(,.
llRJ\ND NFW I IC ll.ESFRVFS l'llA's $\8'i., M.6 (iOl) ug-'J56(,.
]UIY 1995
Excellent sh;ipc, <?0 hours
20 and ,.l)/'1.
iRll<F TRAJJ',.;INC /000 phonc/Etx.
i\od wings. IS;\ (718)
TWIN FNCINE C:IIRYSLFR w/prop, lll'W $275. (')0 I) .l2ii liGCi.3.
WANTED FXC:I IANC:I:. ··-- llraod new lite dream or new 1':clcl paraglidn /cir Lile model jct ski. ((,I')) li8/i-109/i.
ad under ( ;corgia.
C:Ul\JDBASF C:ORP. dha Rocket City Airspons. Sales, rentals, service and ccnilicd instruction at Keel 1vlountain, (;urlcy, Alabama. For inlrm11ation send SASE and $1 to 1'0 Box /i27., Curley Al. Y'i7!i8. (205) 880 851 (705) Tl(, 9912.
A BFALJTIHJL SOARINC EXPERIENCE Awaits you at Torrey Pines c;lider Port, a full service USHCA certified h,rng gliding & paragliding school located 011 tl,e most soarable coastal cliffs i11 the nation. ()n·-si1c 1raining hill and 1andcrn instrucrion using the new dual purpose, lightwcighr carbon fiber XTC 205 for both (fly tandem on the same glider you nsc on the training hill). Ncw/11scd gliders, equipment in stock. ll11ylrradc used rentals, glider repair. ( ;,,t UI'. 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, I.a Jolla CA 'J20:ll. (ii 1')) /i52.:no?.
ARIZONA ADVFNTURE SPORTS TOURS Daily cenil,ed instruction utilizing the \vorld'.s first m;m- made trainer hill plus other sires which all face every wind direc· tion. Dealer for major br,rnds. I '.l27 E Bell.de mar Drive, ·J'ernpc AZ 8528l. (602) 897·7121.
ACTION SOARINC Cl·'.NTER In l.odi near Stockton. Personalized USI IC/\ certified instruction, sales and service. Emphasis on special skills, tech, niques, launching & landing. I lcmo's. Ask abom row clinic. (20')) 3(,8.%(,5. AIRTIME OF SAN FRANCISCO HANG CLIDING & l'ARAGI.IDINC. Harness manufacturer and repair specialists. LISI !CA paragliding instruction, tandem. All major brands of paragliding and hang gliding equipment (new and used). Next to h,rt Funston. The only full service shop in San Francisco! .l(,20 \Xlawona, San l'rancisco CA 94 116. (Ii 1'i) 75').1177.
ARIZONA HANG CUDINC CENTF.R INC. We arc a li,11 tin1t·, FULL SERVICE h,rng gliding shop located just minutes from the BEST site in Arizona, Mingus Mountain. \X/c have the mo.st cornprchcnsivc tandem training prograrn available and can
teach you ro he a SAFE pilot in less t imc! We stock gliders, harnesses and instruments from Wills, PacAir, Moyes, Flytcc, Ball, High Energy, C:C and many rnorc! \X/c need your trade-ins. Certified instructor Rob Richardson. 5721·2B Robert Road Prescotr Valley A/, 8<i.1Ili 520,772,4114
liANG GLIDING ;,,.BICYCLING PA~AGUDING HJ!.I. SFRV!CF SI !()I' Located ,u the base of the mount,tin on I lwy 7/i. Dealers o/' Moyes, UP, l'aci\ir, Flytcc, flail, High Fncrgy, Avoccr & more. Call for free area info pack. Open daily '). (,. Rentals available. Visa & accepted. 9()9 .. 674 2453 31401 Riverside Dr. Lal«• Elsinore, CA. 92530
I.AKE FLSINOIH'. WINDCYPSY Airwave, Moyes. Call for site information. (90')) 67'J.8991i.
CllANDELLF SAN l'R.ANCISC:O, JNC:. Complete hang gliding and par,tgliding sales, service and instruuion since 1973. Nonhnn California's most complete repair facility. New and used equip·
Our comprehensive instruction program, located at
me111 and demo's, lesson packages, clinics and tandem
1hc Bay Area's premier trnining site, features gently
lessons. 15')5 1,: Francisco Blvd Ste F, San Rafael ( :A 94901, (4 lS)·CI.I DINC.
sloped "bunny hills," st:1tic line towing, supcrlitc crs and comfortable training harnesses! "FIRST FLICI IT," a video presentation of om beginner lesson program, i.s available for only $20 including ship· ping (rn(ly be t1pplied to yourfi,1111·,, lnson purchmes). Our deluxe retail shop sl,owcascs the latest in hang gliding innovations. We stock new, used and demo, Trade.ins arc welcome. Feel Wills and PacAir
JIANG (;I.IDFR EMPORIUM J\cst training hill in the wcsrt Full service hang gliding/paragliding shop, established 1974. PO Box Ii 13.l'J, Santa Barbara CA ')31 IJO D39, (805) 'J65·JTll. THE HANG GLIDING CENTER ··~ Located in heauriful San Diego. lJSHCA instructio11, equipment rentals, local
tours. Spend your winter vacation
with us. We proudly offrr Wills Wing, Paci/Jc i\irwave, I ligh Fnergy, Ball and Moyes. Manufocrnrcrs of Tl IF DROGUE CHUTF. PO Box I 0/i'J, Lakeside C:A 92040, (6 I'!) 5(, 1 I OO'J.
DESFRT HAN(; c;r.mERS USIICA certified instniction. Supine specialists. li:ll'J W. I.ark.spur, Clcndale, A/, 8530/i. (<i02) ')38 ')550.
free to demo the
11cw harnesses in our cusi-nm
simulator! 111 6 Wrigley Way, M ilpiras (1w1r San Jose) CA 95035. (408) 262· 1055, fox (/i08) 2(,2.J'.\88. WINDSPORTS -- I.A's largest .since l'!'!li. Fifteen minures from !.AX. Central ro Sylmar, Crestline, Flsinorc and training sites. Vacation training, flying
,rnd glider sales packages including lodging and rentals. The most popular gliders and cquipmLtH, lll'W
and used in stock. Trade in your old equipment. 325 sunny days each year. Corne with us! 16lli5 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys C:A 91406. (818) 988·0111, Pax (818) 9881862.
ARKANSAS 0/.ARI< MOUNTAIN 1 IANC CJ.!])FRS Sales, service and instruction. 160 Jol111s1on Rd, Searcy AR 721/i:l. (501) 2/') 2480.
WRIGHT BROTHERS WINGS Awesome deals, all major brands, certified instruction. Lake Mc( :lure/Modesto area. (20')) 58/i.6012.
SAIi. \VINCS I.cs.sons, sales, inl.ormatinn. Towing, foot·launch. PO Box 55'J:l, Little Rock AR 15. (501) <i6J<l166phonc/fax.
I !!Cl l ADVFNTURF I Lmg gliding, paragliding school. Equipment sales, service, rentals at Somhern California's mile h sire, Crestline. US! ICA Instructor Rob McKenzie. lly appointment year round. (90'!) B8}·illi88.
LAKF FI.SINORF llANC c;I.IIJINC Call for our /'rec Visa/MC. (')09) 21i5 SOAR, (/iii) /i%·BOOO.
C:cniilcd instruction, \JP sales QUIET l'LICl lT and service, Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. Contact Steve Dewey(/ I')) (,87 Oli74. CONNECTJCUJ' MOUNTAIN WINC ;s
I .ook 1mdcr New York.
Sl<YWINC:S lJI.TRALIC:I IT CENTER Powered glidillg illstntct ion. I.cam to fly ultralight alld on our trailer and forget the bunny hills, or try i-andcm insLruc1ion and acrotow right from the
A CENTRAL FLORIDA FLYERS Teaching h,rng gliding in Florida liir 1/i years. l ligh alrirndc certified tandem boat row and anotow instruction, and f()ot
launched training. Tan,lcm fligl,ts >20 minutes, >7.,000 ACL, allowing most st ndcms to solo after less than 15 tandem flights. We ,ire rhe oldest school in Florida and the only one that offrrs complete, reasonably priced instrttction and sales and service for all major glider and cqnipmcm mannfocturcrs. Call (IJO;) 89/i.Sll 'i.
start. Flying seven d:iys a week. Acrotow with f'v1oycs
Dragonfly or stationary winch tow. llcalcr for Moyes and Airborne gliders. ( :all (810) /98-2/i 'iO. TRAVERSE CITY l JANG GLIDERS/PARACLIDFRS l'lJLL-TIME shop. Certified iustrttction, foot la11nch and tow. Sales, scrvic~', accessories Cor ALL major brands. VISA/ MAS'l 'ERCAR I). ( :rnnc soar our li50' dune.st l '50') E Hth, Traverse City Ml li'JCi8/i. Call llill ,ll (6 I(,) 92:? ?,8/i/i. Visit our paragliding school in
A PARADISE --- I Jang gliding of Florid,1. Dealer for Bob Trampcnan's Secdwings, l.itt·k varios and Mason releases. John (/i07) :rP.-%8:;.
fill instructors Advanced R,11ed & ( :ertilied T,rndem. l lcmo all the latest flying machines. (Including the Snpedlomcr) R<.THals, s:dcs, storage, rai-ings, XC rctricv;ils. Cantpitig, swirnming pool, climbing wall, Mega· Swing) picnic. Great scene for family and friends. Standini;XC: prizc.s:"iLfl00$500 £250_:f;IOO 1995 Ranch records: Distance 100.3mi., Duration 5 hrs 52 min. Read abont ns in I IANC CL\lllNC Aug. i'J'J/i l<ITPIANl•:S .J,m. I 'J'J5 and Sl<YWJNc;S. Please ask 11s for rcferc11ces iii your ;uea.
1805 Dean Still Road, Wallaby Ranch, Florida :\J837 (813) 12/i-0070 Ranch phone & fax.
BUY A CAMPFR-UVE AT LOOKOUT! - The Recreational Vehicle Park & Cabins. Owned and operated by <:reg Clover. Offers litll hook--ups, with septic & phone. YO/! C4N UIND II T VOUR F!?ONT !)()()!?. ( :all now to receive yonr Ii-cc inl,irmation packet: (706) (157-8782, 1-800-80:J-T788.
SPORT SOARINC CENTFR/M\N:'>!EAPOLIS -Instruction, J\irwavc &
LOOKOUT MOlJNTAIN l'LIC:1 IT PJ\RK Sec our display ad. Discover why FOUR TIMFS as many pilot:-. car11 their wings at Lookout i-han at any 01he1 school' We wrote US! ICA's OITicial Training Manual. Our spccialry-custorncr sati.sfa, tion and ltlll with the BFST l'ACII.ITIFS, largest inventory, camping, swimming, volleyball, more! For a flying trip, intro rlight or lesson p:1ckagcs, Lookout Mountain, ju.\! out.side Chattanooga, your COMPLETE ,raining/service center. Info? (800) 688LMFI'.
,biers for Wills Wing, Pacilic (617) 688-0181.
NFVJ\DA ADVENTURE SPORTS --- Sierra tour.s our ty lJSI \(;A ccrriftcd school and ratings. I 1,,,l'acifk Ai,wavc, Wills Wing, lJI', Airborne. Fly the Sierras with a ftdl-scrvice shop. :)(,':i0-22 Research Way, Carson City, NV 89/06 (702) 88.l ;070. NEW JFRSEY MOUNTAIN WINC:S
I .ook n ndcr N cw York.
mAHO NEW MEXICO SUN VJ\U.EY SI<YSPORTS Idaho's only fitll service lung gliding and paragliding sho11. Dealers l,ir Wills Wing, Airwave, Fdel, Advance, I ligh Energy and Flytec. Call for ,1 Ii.st of stock gliders l,,r sale. Basic-J\dv,rnccd instruction, undcm paragliding instrnction, loc,1 site and XC: guides. ( :all (208) 72C-
MOUNTAIN WEST 111\NC CLIDINC C)fl(·ring sales, service, it1struction in the h)Ur Corners area. ('iO'i) (,.n-1M/i:J Farmington NM.
Instruction, s.dc.s, sn-
vicc. Sandia Mountain guides. Wills, 11acil,c Airwave.
YU2. State of the An Conservative FIOR!llA I IANC C:Jl[)JNC INC. FIYINC 1'1.< lR]l)A SINCF I 'J71i.
J;ick.son, Wyoming. C:111 Tracie at (:l07) 7.19-86)0.
Albuquerque, NM (505) 8) 1-85/ili. ILLINOIS NFWYORK Sec
ad under Ccorgia. Nearest mountain tr;iining ccrncr to Orlando (8 hours).
RAVEN SKY SPORTS (312) :l<iO 0700 or (708) :l(,0-0/00. Please sec our ad under WISCONSIN. INDIANA
AM SO/\RINC C:FNTFR MOUNTAIN WINGS INC. at the base ol the ELLENVILLE MOUNTAIN. Frill time profrssional, cerrilicd hang gliding and paraglid ing inst run ion. We have been i-hc largest, most complete
TANDEM. lJ\l, l'acJ\ir dealer. C7.l.l ( :olnmbia J\vc., I Lrn1molld, IN li(i:\2/i (219) 8/i'i-28'\(,. KFNTlJU(IANA SOJ\RINC
Sec our display ad.
RAVFN SKY SPORTS (41/i) fill B800 Please sec our ad ulldcr WISCONSIN.
:;-:iu@;;rn ua<;Jl18«<1 ,,1t1111?JOu'.11 ~ WF I !AVE The mmt advanced training progr:1111 known to hang gliding, teaching yon in h,dr the time it t:1kes on the tr:1ini111;-BUNNY 1111.L, and with more in-flight air time. YES, WE CAN TFACII YOU FASTER AND SAFER. For year-round training lim in the sun, call or write Miami I lang Cliding (30'5) 285-8978. 26/iO S Bay.shore Drive, Coconut
l\ed & lncald,tst. Full service .'>clwol & dealer. (;rear tandem instruct ion, towing & X(: packages. (.l l Ci) (,'J7-2S7;.
hang gliding ccntcr in the NF. for the pa.st 1Ii years. I ktlcr for l'acifk 1\itwave, l!l'. Secdwings, Enterprise Wings. We arc the only dealer in the cast for Bright Srars "Swili". We al.so offer Edel, I ligl, C:C, Seco11d C:hant,, Ball, Flytcc, ( :loudbase, I .irck, Max11n, lk1uniger, l<enwood, \com, Yaesn, CPS systems, Wheels, lJvcx, Reflex, Trek, Air. We stock foll l:,cc helmets, books, vario.s, hand fairings, lllhing, ~peed hars, pardd1utL\~, l,llllCl baks, liqt1ipacs, clothing, gloves and mo,..-. We oiler expert rcp:1irs, inspections, sewing, harness modifications, repacks, towi11g, Landl'trl.~, seminar~ and ICP clinics. \Xil' spcci:ilizc in first mountain with three w;1y r;1dios. ln!() on Flknvillc tv1ornnain and other nearby sitL'S.
Demos in stock. YOUR ONE STOP HANG GI.IDFR Sl!OI'. 150 CANAi. STREET, ELLFNVII.l.F NY 121i28. (911) 647-3371 OR 1-800-525-7850. Visa, MC, lliscovcr C11alog available. Same clay lJPS on mail
)UIY 1995
~ -~Jor,tfw<fl,b,{d is the first .limited edition, nurol>ered,
and personally hand signed print honoring Francis and Gertrude Rogallo. Available ex:clusively from the Rogallo Foundation, this beautiful color fine arts quality reproduction depicts the thrill of free flight and
represents contributions ofltogallo to aviation . Only 350 of these signed collector prints will be issued. Order your print now. Your purchase supports the planned Rogallo Flexible Wing Museum. ~; ; ;walnut, T~ h~es~e Quality framed either ~ ~~~~:~;::3~ gold~ trinuned light maple prints or gun are metal tonedin metallic. All have museum standard double acid free mats, non-glare glass and are ~
~~~~ ~~r-~~~l:y~ ~s~ ~~~ ~o~~~~~~t-~r~~~ ~o~~~ ~~~-3~ ~ ~~~s-~o~· ~~~=~-g~ __ - ~ _
Please send my Limited Edition Rogallo Print to ...
Name - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - -
Quantity _ _
_ _ _ _
Maple Metalic
$490.00 $490.00 $425.00
Address - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - - - - City - - - - - - - - - - - State - - - Zip-- - SW1>pinilflandlillj! U.S. & Ca,w la - $35 Phone-- - - - - - - - - - Ou~ide U.S. & CQo:ida - $50 - Sales •rax (where opplicahfo) _ _ - P ayment Type - Total _ _ D Credit Card Cardholder's Name Cirele one: or Money Order Card• Number D - - - - - - - - - - - - - D Che,ek ~lake check~ phyable to the Roga11o Foundation, xp11·ation · ate PO Box 23377. Washin1,~ M, DC20026) E
With the USBGA Telecard, you can save 40%-50%...and support the United States Hang Gliding Associationwith every long distance call!
r--Yes! I want to save mon --------ey and help USHGA with every .... I long-distance call I make! I send me IJSllG,\ Telccud(s) al $15 each! I Plea,;c (Includes 20 minutes or airtime) I Name I Address City/State/Zip _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ I Phone (__) U5BGA Member I I D F.ocloooo is my check lor ($ 15 per card)
0 Bill my D Mastercard D l'ls.1
• ~~
I Signature I Mall pa)1lleot to USHGA, P.O. Box 8300, Colomdo Sprin&S, CO 80933·8300, Por I infol'lllation or to order by phone, call (719) 632-8300. Pa.x (719) 632·6417. .J L
Order now. and ~ct 20 minutes of airtime!
No matter how many long distance calls )'OU make, you·usave money 1>1dl die USBG.~ Telecard! •The USHGA Telecard s:n-es )'OU 40%-50% orer Sbodard calling cards...about 25%on lntemauonal calls! • Use )'Our USHGA 1'elecard lo call an1where In the U.S. and 197
coumues woddwldc! • You pay only 25 cents a minme to call an)wbere in the U.S., ru1i1ime...day or niglu!
• Use tbe com'Cllient toll-free number and )'Our credit card to "recharge" 111ur Telecanl within lhe hour; or, Set up an auto· made recharge on a certain date or when your card reaches a
certain minimum balance. •E\-ery call )'Oil make helps suppon the United States Liang Gliding ASS-Odatioo!
•Throw awa)' your olher calling cards and get one for wursclf, your Sp(ILL5e, oo!Jege S111de,its, work a,<ociatcs and olhersl
ifl FLY JJI(;JI HANG CLIDINC, INC. Servin[\ S. '.\Jew York, C:011nccricut, areas (Ellenville Mm.). Area's EXCLUSIVE Wing dcaler/spe· cialist. Also all other major brauds, accessories. Certified school/instructio11. since 1979. 1\rca's mosr INEXPENSIVE priccs/rq,;1irs. Excellent secondary instruction ... if finished a program and wish to continue. Fly mou111ain' ATOL tow ing! Tandem flights! Contact Paul Voight, 'j 16:l Searsvillc Rd, Pinc Bush, NY 1256(,, (91/i) 7/ifi.:Bl7.
SOUTI IERN OR.ECON llANC CLIDINC Certified instruction, ATV retrieval. Pacific Airwavc, Wills Wing, UP. (503) ii?'J 5823. PENNSYLVANIA MOUNTAIN TOP RECREATION CerriCied instruction, f'irrsbmgh. (412) 6'J] .. /i,f77. C'MON OUT AND PLAY!
SLJSQLEJIANNA Ff.ICIIT PARK Cooperstown, NY. Certified I nsrruction, Sales and Service for all major rnanufacrurcrs. ,1() acre park, 'i training hills, jeep rides, bunk house, hot showers, 600' NW ridge. We h;1vc the best in N. New York state to teach you how ro fly. llD 2, Box :lli8A, Cooperstown, NY 1337.6, (315) 866 .. 615.3. NORTH CAROLINA
COROLLA l'L!Cl lT - /\merica's most experienced tandem instnrcror, tcacl1es mili-1.inp, ATOL and Double Call or write for information DeWolf, Corolla ]'light, 1'0 Box 1021, Kitty I NC: 279/i'J. (919) 261 .. (,l(i/,
repair. Dealer for Airwavc, Wills Wing, High l\ncrgy, Ball and more. Call Steve Wendt at (703) 432-6557.
l . ook 11ndcr New York.
TENNESSEE l<ITIY l lAWJ( KlTFS Al.PINE LC)J)CF At Raccoon Mountain. Private rooms, bu11kho11sc, jacuzzi, pool. Work program. (615) 82 l -25ii6 ( J,attanooga, Chnck or Shari. P.O. l\ox 9056, IIAWI< AJRSl'ORTS INC Knoxville, TN :l7<Jfi().()056, (61 'i) 9:l3-'J2%. I Jang Gliding and Windsoks. LOOKOUT MOUNTAlN !'UC: I IT PARK nd under ( ;corgia.
TEXAS A.A.S A US TIN A TR SPORTS Ccrrif'icd foot launch, row & tandem training. Sales/service AUSTIN, TEXAS Srcvc l\nrns, 1712 Waterson, 7870$, (512) /i74- l <,6'J. HOUSTON Cl I l) li71 · lli88. l<ITE FNTERPRISFS lnstnrcrion, sales, repairs, ,rnd foot Lntnch. Dallas & North Texas area. Allen TX /5002. (214) :390-9090 anytime. I lealcr, Pacilk Airwave, \X/ills Wing.
resort. I .essons rnught 36/i day.s a year the highest s,rnd dunes on the cast coast, Wright Jlrorhcrs first flew. Beginner and advanced ks .. son pacbges. Camps. Tandem tow instruction. Demos and sales of latest gliders, ttsed gliders, accessories and pans. Call ('JI')) /iltl-412,j or l-800-:l:lft.-4777. OHIO NORTH COAST l IANC: GLIDINC: Cm ilied Instruction. New & used gliders. Specializing in Pacific Airwave 1,lidcrs. Mike Dd Signore, 191(, W. 75th Sr., C:lcvcland, OIi. /ilt102 (216) (,:ll-1 ili4. SKYWARD ENTERPRISES MARIO MAN/,0. Foot launch instruction, weekrnd. Towing, 1,lider repair. Wills Wing, PacAir, C:G l llOO. l'.vrning.s ('i U) Dayton, Ohio. OREGON
RED RIVER AIRCRAFT ... - AUSTIN (512) 4672529. FT. WORTH (817) 'J21-6'J57. Quality instruction, tours/guides/towing/glider service. Texas' P:1cAir and Wills dealer. li81 l Red River, Austin, TX 787'> I ':1108 Frazier, l't. Worrh TX 76110.
Sec North Carolina.
SILVER WINCS, INC:. Certified hg/pg instruction and saks. Proudly representing I\iciflc Airwavc, Wing, Secdwings & UP. (703) 5:J:\. 1965 Arlington VA. WISCONSIN
RAVEN SKY Sl'ORTS JIANG Gl..l!)ll\'C AND PARAGUD!NC Lirgest and most popular in the Midwest. Tradir-ioual curriculum) ridge soaring, mountain clinics) aer<Howing & randcrns by Brad Kushner. for all major brands. PO Box IO 1, Whitewater WI 531 ')0 (Ii I Ii) li738800. PARTS & ACCFSSORJES AAA PTT F!NGERSWITCH RADIO HEADSET NO \/OX! Always just a touch away. l'eanrres ,t low profile !'TT switch that "velcros" over your index finger or glove for hands-free radio operation. Jnclmles headset, connections and instructions. Two styles avaiLihlc: standard kit for opcn .. foced helmets and Cull-focc helmet style. Alinco, !com, l<cnwood, Maxon, Yaesu and other radios. When ordering, pro· vidc style and radio make and modd. Call for dealer or srnd $95 +$5.50 ship ro: PCC, PO Box '7031, Tacoma WA 9840700:l 1. Ph/fax (20(,) 272-12/i:J.
Area's OLDEST Wills Wing dealer. ( :crtil,ed instrnction av,iilablc. "I only DEAL with ·wrLJ.S". <,:l5it Limestone, I!onsron TX 77092. (7U) 956--61/i7. UTAH
REBEi WINCS l!ANC CUDlNC: .. _ USl !CA ccr· tif,cd instruction. Operations condnctcd at Bauer Ridge and Jedi Jump. Dealer for UP, PacAir, I Fnergy, Ball, NAS. Mountain toms, service Iii rq1airs. Comact /vLirk Knowldrn (80 I) 8827042. Tl IE S01\RINC CENTER hill service hang glidschool. lJSHC:A cenifled instrucing & rion
Ger you flying and keep you flyinstrucrors and gliders. · :,,,t<'tv~l'r<wress." I )calcr for WW, UP, Moyes, US and aco.'ssorics. ( :enter of ( ;ravi1y, High Fnergy, Mantis and Raymond h:irncsses. NAS accessories and Trekking paragliders. Sales, service and New demos and trainers, new ancl usecl and cquipmcm f,ir sale. (503) 9')8-1220. LFT AIRTIME
BLUE SKY-· Quality instruction, rowing, sail/harness MOUNTAIN WINCS
ll<AROS SPORT AVlATJON -- NYC's only ccrti· school. Also trikes, lied hang gliding & paramotors, raJighrs, training. Distributors for AFRO, PERCIIE, FINST & CHARLY. Dealer !'or almost MOYES prices. exclusive. htll service and equi1imcnr at The most friendly service in the area. C718) 777-7000 phone/fax.
VULTURE GLIDERS Full service cenrcr near The Point of tlw Mountain. Spcciali-1.ing in snpcrior US] !CA instruction to meet individual needs. Safrty record is perfect and unsurpassed. Tandem, repairs, rentals available. Dealer for CG, PacAir, Ent, WW, Ball, Wingover. Call Charlie (801) 254-Gllil.
at the nation's most consistently
site (minutes away). New!ttscd gliders, equip· ment in stock. Buy/trade used gear. Airframe/sail repairs performed at factory. Mounrain clinics, tan· dern, ratings, lCP's, rentals, seminars, pilots lounge/videos, near-by camping/motels. I 2665 S. Minuteman Dr., Draper UT 8/iO!i7- (20 minmes from Salt Like City). (801) 576-(,lt(,(), fax (801) 57(A,li82. MC:/Visa
ALL NFW ULTRA-L!Cl JT l.AMBTF LID The lightcs\, most comfort:1blc hang glider helmet. Aerodynanric, low turlllllcncc, low drag shape. Hightech look. Finish is clear resin over the gold/black weave of' rhc supcr .. strong carbon/kevlar omcr shell. Open face, only 12 m ... price $160. Integral lirll face version, only 17 oz. $199 includes headset insr:rlla1ion. Measure around head and from bonorn oC carJohe over top to bottom of' earlobe for custom flt. From the designer, .Jack l . ,11nbie, 8160 Woodsboro, Anaheim C;\ 97-807. Phone and fox (71/i) 779-18T7.
AITIMETER/VARIO ghl8000 $279 List, accurate, small (iixL'ixl.5). !fang gliding/paragliding. Satislanion gu,Hantc·c·tl and ), year warra11ty. At yolll dealer nr co11t.1ct: CI.OUDBASE INSTRUMENTS, ),/i(,li Fl <:amino Real, Suite 220, Sa111a Clara C:A
20', fits rnost cameras. CAMERA REMOTE Snaps on over existing .~butter release. $Ii') (ask abo111 our introductorv $1 () rc·hatc). Tek Flight Products,
Colebrook Stage, Winsted CT 0(,0'!8. (Camcr;i not included.)
9'i051. (11()8) 21i.l (,021.
BAI.I. VARIO SAI.E IV! 50 harograph vario equipped with ah.solutcly every fl'ature availahlc. Recently recalihrau·d aud iu pristitH' co11di1ion.
EASY STACK lllJMl'ER RACI< Provides .')turdy, reliable stq,port whe11 your glider by car. Welded _<,tccl co11stn1ction. in .'>cconds with self" locking nylon straps. Adjusts to /,1 most cars. l lcight adjusts to match rnof rack. Nylou covered pads protect glider and car. !'olds flat 1,,r storage. Satisf:tction guaranteed 1 ONLY $1 l '5 complete plu.s $IO shipping. LI. Products Int., J'() Eox 8 5 I, Saiut Peters MC) (d.l!(, 0851. l.ightwcii;ht, lull PACTORY DIVER II Fl.METS Lice, kevlar. Pnfcu for hang gliding, paraglidi11g, ultralighting. In stock in many rnlurs :ntd sit.cs. (520)
<:ustom fonn--fltting case to pro1cc1 v,1rios focc $6(/) ()!,()_ Ball's (i'i) v:1tio with al1i11tetcr, airspeed, TL
probe a11d rnor,·. i"Xccllrnt co11di1io11 $:l'J'i 11cgotiahle. Scott (.lOl) I'll Cd(,I.
'i/,\ 'JO%.
CLEARANCE SAI.F. PRICE New Ball M 19F. $Yi 7. (8 I}) 2.88-/ 1 11. l<ct1111ckiana Soaring.
BAR MITTS Will keep your hands from freezing! Quick on/off control bar. Just put them on and vclcro al"tcr glider set up. !'hick iusulaied, made of nylou fabric. Colors: red, black, yellow, dark blue, light him·, purple, ora11gc. M5. Also .l loop tow release fot ,j;.JO. Srnd check to: Diego I lerna11dcz, PO Box 1.l280, l'ortla11d OR ')72 U 0280.
HANG GI.IDER CAMERA MOU:sJT Shown nu 21/2" tuhc, $:l'J.'50 includes .shipping. TEK FI.IGIIT PRODUCTS, Cole-brook Stage, Winsted ( 'T 0(,0')8. (20.l) :l7'!- I (,(,8 (C:rmcra 1101 included)
Cl.OUDBASF ULTRAM!TTS A new concept in hand mills. Adjustable/removable WRIST CUFFS make mitts air tight, prcve1ning heat loss. ()pen/close
AIR YFNT at to regulate temperature. INSU LATED with llcccc, ThiusuL!l-c, foam and l'ackcloth. Sec thrn MAP POCKETS. Fasily vclcro rc:rnovahlc from rnntrol bar. Prices: $:l'i $7S. Dealers welcome. CLOUDBASE HARNESSES Traiui11g har ncsscs, k11ec hanger, spaghetti, cocoon, JHllis. Quality equipment since 1')/ 2! ( :lottdbasc/( :lnis Smith, RR I Box (,60, Rising htw11, ( ;corgia .l07.l8. (706) .198-.l'JM.
BEST I WllFEI.S 1\VAII.Alll.E Super 1ouglr, lightweight, a must for training, undem flying. Builtin hushi11gs. Only USA !milt I wheel. $1i7..'J'i, qu,intity discounts. Immediate delivery. Lookout Mountain, (iWO) 6881 Ml'!'.
lULY 199')
I !IC! l l'FRSl'ECTIVF WI !FFI.S Real lif,· s;rvers 1 I 2", light, tough. Fits all gliders. Srnd $3'7 , $.\.')5 shippi11g pn pair to Sport Aviation, PO Box IOI, Mingovillc l'A I (,85(,. Ask ahotrt our dealer prices.
THE INCREDIBLE EARTALK Just put it in your car (no microphone). Easy for sending our or receiving signals. Pm PTT control piece on glow or harness and transmi1/s1djust voice. $9:1.li'i includes shipping. ISA (718) T/7-7000 phone/fox.
THE 1.ITFK VEYS variomc1t'\' has instanr response, and a smooth 250 degree tnt,· movement (No liquid display rh,11 can or fi,g up and 1\nd it also has the classic l.itck need sound. Only $ I 95. l.itck (50.l) 1J79.<,e,:1:,, 1326 Fish I latchery Road, Crams Pass OR 97527.
(~\JICI< REIFASE CARAHINER $Ii 9. 9 5. Fxrra hall lock pin, $29.00. 10,000 lbs., dc:tlcrs welcome, parent pending. Thermal l 9/ij 1 Ii 1 Business ( :enter Drive, North ridge, CA 91l21i. (818) 701-798:J.
KFNTUCKIANA SOARING li25 Taggart Ave., CL,rksvillc lN li7129. (812) 288-7111, fox (812) 7.8ii,i I J 5. MC/Visa gladly accepted.
SPF.ClJ\I.! Avocct pilot watch $120., and get a FREF Airspeed Indicator.
MINI VARIO World's smallest, simplest vario! Clips to helmet or chinsrr:tp. 200 homs on batteries, 0- 18,000 fl., fast response and year warranry. ( ;reat for parngliding ton. ON LY $169. Mallet tee, PO Box 1575(,, Santa Ana CA, 927:>5. (7\li) %(,.\2/iO. MC/Visa ,1cccptcd. NEW EQUIPMENT learn flying boots--sizes 10.5, 11 $1/i5. Full !'ace hclmcts-S,M,Xl. $UO. Wcismet vario $:l l 0. Mallet tee vario $150. Tip protectors 5/pr. Price includes shipping. ('iO 1) Ci6:i .3166.
.$25 per pair, plus $.'3 S/lf. Tek Flight Prod11c1s, Colebrook Stage, Winsled CT 06098. (20 3) :l/9 l 6(,8. lJSI !CA insnucror Torn Sapienza, of'Airtirnc Oregon says, "I've 1cs1cd t1nd recommend WiJ1d !1d1m,or1,1 Dependable. Built ro last. No hanerics required.
OXYC;FN SYSTEMS With oxymizcr, complete, new $150. (717) li7(, .. (,(iii5.
Trimble 1•111:,:htmate Pro model $705., comes with value).
FAX your classified ad, membership renewal or merchandise order: (719) 632-6417. We gladly accept VISA and MasterCard. 60
OXYGEN SYSTEMS WIND ADVISORY With MOUNTING BRACKET only $24.50, includes s/h. You save $2. '50. Sold $1 5 +$7. s/h; Mo11111ing bracket with your order. item purchased. Send or Resources, PO Box 90(,4, San Diego CA 92169. (61 9) 270-'Jli 62. Sat isfoction (; uarantccd 1
C)ur advertising has a
two-month lead time plan ahead. HANC CLIDINC
SPEC :JAL NEW PILOT l<'.DITION l lang Cliding & Paragliding magazine. Now available through USI IC/\ l!eadqu,trtcrs. $/i.95 each +$\.50 s/h. Informative articles and lot's of color tbroughom. SOJ\RINC
Monthly magazine of The Soaring
Society of Anwrica, lnc. Covers all aspccrs oC soaring
flight. hdl membership $15. Info. kit with sample copy $:l. SSA, P.O. Box F, J lobbs, NM 882/i l. (50'i) 3921 IT/.
DON'T CE'/' C:AlJCJTT IANDINC DOWN WlNl )1 -oz. ripsrop nylon, UV trc;ttcd, 'j'/i" long w/ I J" thro;tt. Av;1ilablc colors fl11orcsccnt pink/yellow or !hrntTscent pink/white. $YJ.9') (,$/i.00 S/1 I) ..\end to USIICA Windsok, P.O. Box ll_lO, Colorado Springs, CO 80')01 1.l.lO, (l 19) (d2-fUOO, FAX ('719) Ci.l2M 17. VISJ\/MC accepted.
!JANG GI.ID!NG FOR BEGINNER PILOTS -by Pete Cheney. The Oflici;il USI IC;\ Training Manual. Over H,O pages, with more than 160 easy to nt"lcrsr;ind ill11S1rations and photos. Your library starts with rhis hook! $29.95 (plus $/i.00 s/h) Colorado residents add :3% tax. SEND/F1\X/l'HON E TO lJSI !CA BOOKS, P.O. Box J:l:30, Colorado Spriugs, CO 8090 I J:l:lO, FJ\X (719) 6:l2--61i I Pl !ONE (719) (d2-1UIJO. VISA/MC accepted.
Ul.TRJ\LINE --- :,/16" %0/1 breaking strength, 71// I 000'. :JO()O' $105 shipping included. The original Ulrraline Source-Cajun Hang Cliding Club, 110 Kent Circle, l.afaycrre I.;\ 70508. (:\ 18) 981-SJ/2.
BUSJNESS AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUN!'l'!FS I IJ\NC c;T.IDINC SCI lOOL - In Santc1 l\,nk11a for sale, 11nique opportunity. (80'5) ')6)-8'!')9.
WANTED lJSJl(;J\ certified inst1uctors. Immediate full alld time positions, Year round insi-ruction using most advanced technology. Excellent salary op port unity. Send resume to M i.s.sion Soaring ( :enter, I 11 (, Wrigley Way, Mil11iras (ill'llr .\m1 Jose) CJ\ 'J50:l'5. (lt08) 262-1055, fax (li08) J:l8B. PUBI.ICAT!ONS & ORCJ\NIZATIONS CALL lJSI !CJ\
l,mn. hon, the early 1!.111g ( ;/,ding (11 'J) (d2--8:l00.
TOW LAUNCH SYSTEMS llYDRAULIC PAYOUT WINCH -- FEATURES: J\1110matic line lcv cling rewind, 5 year warranty, :lOOO' Spectra tow line, I n-J\ir recovery para foil. Complete system $1,995 delivered. Now in our 7th year with over 55 systems in operation. TLS, 7010 Mark, San Anwnio TX /8218. (21 O) 82/i-J 80l.
Follows the action of a new
pilot's first lesson. This video is an cutcrraining way to
show your friends and family how you ac111ally learn ro !ly. 12 minmcs, VHS $20 incl11dcs shipping (n111y be 11pp!ll'd to lesson puJ'/'h!ISd). MISSION SOJ\RIN(; CENTER, 1 l 16 Wrigley Way, Milpitas C/\ 950:-35. (li08) 262-1055. HTGI !ER THAN EAGLES hy Maralys & Chris Wills. The lifr & times oC BOBBY WILLS, hang gliding legend. rhe triumphs and tragedies of the Wills and the evolution of Wills Wing. $19.95 hardcover (1$,1.00 S/11), sec preceding classi ficd for US! ICJ\ BOOKS ordering info.
OFFICI/\1. Fi\/\ SECTION/\!. And Vl'R Terminal Arca Charts. All areas, current (up to dare New J\irs1>ace Cl;1ssilic11ions). Sectional maps $7 each, Vl'R Terminal J\rea Charts $4 each. /\dd shipand (Cal. residems only) tax. Dealer prices. o/'S.l' (IJ 15) 7Wl 1 fox (115) 759 1182.
l ( :AN l .J\ NI) 150 good, bad & ugly Ian dings. A must for all smdcnts, ar half the price of a dowmubc! Send $.15 money order ro: Jeff Reynolds, I ')02 F Sharon Drive, Phoenix/\/. 850'J.2. NEW!--· POINT OF THE MOUNT by East Coast, hg/pg action at rhis Utah mecca $29. I !ANG Cl.fl)ING EXTREME & BORN TO FLY by J\dvcn 11\l'c Video, hg action $34. 'Vi each. HAWAIIAN FI.YIN Space 9, soaring in paradise .fH Call or fox USJJC;A (/l'J) 6:37-8.'lOO, fax (119) (,'\2.6/i 17, please +$1 domestic s/h (+$5 for two or more videos), Crear to impress friends or fo1 those socked-in days. Perfect gilt the launch pota to turned conch potato. Also, ask us about our paragliding videos!
DOWNWIND horn the early days o!' rite 70's, ro air of Owen's Valley, DOWNWIND is wilh thrill and exhilaration of' cros.1 cm1ntry adventure. The per/cu gi!i l,n both pilot.1 and nonpilors. SI IARE Tl II-'. EXPFIUENCF.. /\ true story, well told. J\vaiL,blc from US! ICJ\ I lc;idquartcrs fo1 only $10.')5 (, $7. slh). PO l\ox 1.1:oO, C11\or;1do Springs CO fs090 I 1.llO. If you don't have your copy of Dennis 1\/\C IT' l'agcn's l'ERFORM/\NC:F FLYING yet, available thrnugh USl-lC/\ l lcaclqu,mcrs $29.95 (+$Ii s&h).
)ULY 1995
VISION MARK IV 17 Last seen September 17th, 1994 off a NE lndiana country road. Black LE, rainbow sail. Bicycle handgrips on downtubes, holographic chrome tape on kingpost & rear keel. Retractable towing bridle w/string--rclease attached to keel, bozo wheels. Audrey 1:ischer (:l I 2) 233·5037.
your support and patronage. Tell them you saw ad in
SPORT 180 Stolen on September 29th, 1994, from south of MANASSAS VA (off Rome 28). Light blue LE, white/purple sail, has 2 dark patches on lefr I.E. Call John McAllister (70.'3) 662-805/i.
"MOONSHADOW" Highly detailed blue/white/purple artwork on black, preshrunk Ilee(yT. Specify S,M,L,XL,XXL. shon sleeve $ J 5, long sleeve $17. Add $2.50 per order shipping. Send check or money order ro: Sky Wear, PO !lox 544, Signal Mountain TN 37377. (615) 886-6391. Dealer inquires welcome. VIDEOS BOOKS POSTERS APPAREL Call USHGA for your Merchandise order form (719) 6328300. DON'T LEAVE YOUR GROUND-BOUND EQUIPMENT SITTING IN THE GARAGE. SELL TT IN THE HANG GLIDING CLASSIFIEDS.
"AEROBATICS" Full color 23"x 31" poster fea, mring John Heiney doing what he does best-LOOPING! Available thrnugh USHGA HQ for just $6.95 (+$3.50 s/h). Fill that void on your wall! Send to USHGA Acrobatics Poster, PO Box 1300, Colorado Springs CO 8093'l. (USA & Canada only. Sorry, posters arc NOT AVAILABLE on international orders.) SPECIAL-Aerobatics poster & Eric Raymond poster-BOTH FOR $10 (+$3.50 s/h). CHEVROLET 1 TON VAN Dual batteries, 78 gallon tanks, Yakima racks, rnnning water &other extras $17,200 OBO. (714) 960 .. 8599.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The rate for classified advertising is $.50 per word (or group of characters) and $ l.00 per word for bold or all e,1ps. MINIMUM AD CHARGE $5.00. A fee of $15.00 is charged for each line an logo and $25.00 for each photo. LINEART & PHOTO SIZE NO LARGER THAN J.75" X 2.25". Please underline words ro be in hold print. Special layouts of rahs $25.00 per col-umn inch. AD DEADLINES All ad copy, instructions, changes, additions and cancellations must be received in writ· ing 1 J/2 months preceding the cover date, i.e. October 20th for the December issue. Please make checks payable to USHGA Classified Advertising Dept. HANG GLIDING MAGAZINE, P.O. Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901- l 330 (719) 632· 8300 or fax (719) 632-6417 with your Visa or Mastercard. STOLEN WlNGS & THINGS Z3 HARNESS & EQUIPMENT Stolen from SUNLAND, CA car on April 22, 1995. Z3 harness is black/yellow w/hand deploy chute. Also a Monarch helmet-small multi colored w/headscr, Yacsu radio, Ball 652 vario. Call Kevin McCarty (818) 352-2898.
"DANCING WITH THE LADY" Watercolor art depicted on the front of' a white pre-shrunk Beefy-T. Specify L,XL,XXL. Short sleeve $ 15, long sleeve $17. Add $2.50 per order shipping. Send check or money order to: Sky Wear, PO Box 544, Signal Mountain TN 37377. (615) 886-6391. Dealer inquiries welcome. LET THE GOVERNMENT FJNANCE Your small business. Grants/loans ro $500,000. Free recorded message: (707) 448-0270(FY7).
FLYTEC 3010 VARIO Stolen from GRANTS PASS, OR home on Nov. 23, 1994, serial #941941023. Also Maxon Sl'2550, serial #930249848. Call Russ Camp (503) 479-2958.
RADIOS Stolen from LEVIN/BIG SUR CA. Two Yaesu Ft41 IE two meter FM transceiver, serial numbers 2D583205 and 1L5 l 1565, and a Realistic PTT speaker mike. REWARD FOR INFO. LEAD· ING TO RETURN. Call (717) 387-7734 leave mes· sage.
DREAM 220, DREAM 185 & VARIOUS HG EQUIPMENT-- Stolen along with car, on August 1st 1994, parking lot in TAB OE CITY. The car was recovered August 6th completely torched. The fol. lowing have not yet been recovered: 220 Dream, white sail, blue leading edge, Adventure Sports print-· cd in large blue letters on the undersurfacc of the sail; 185 Dream green sail with black stripe; High Energy tracer pod, black with yellow, purple, and green stripe; Ball M-22 vario; Jofa helmer with Yacsu headset custom PTT'; Yacsu Ii 11-E radio; 4 PacAir apron harnesses - 3 red, l blue; and orher equipment too numerous ro mention REWARD! Walt Harrison (916) 58'J-l.317 or (702) 883-7070. STOLEN WlNGS arc listed as a service to USHGA members. Newest entries arc in bold. There is no charge for this service and lost and found wings or equipmem may be called in (719) 632-8300 or fax it in (719) 632-6417 for inclusion in I !;mg Gliding magazine. Please call to cancel the listing when gliders arc recovered. Periodically, this listing will be purged.
Adventure Video .................................. 7 Aircotec ............................................... .4 Airtek ................................................. 22 Arai Design ....................................... .48 Flytec ................................................. 34 Hall Bros ........................................... .48 High Energy Sports .............................. 4 Just Fly ................................................. 6 Kenruckiana Soaring ............................ 4 Lookout Mm. Flight Park .................. 15 Moyes ................................................ 31 Pacific Airwave ..................... Back Cover Rogallo Foundation ........................... 56 Seedwings ........................................... 25 Soaring Center ........ ,. ........................... 4 Sport Aviation Publications ................ 11 TBT ................................................... 22 Trekking USA ...................................... 7 US Aviation ...................................... .46 USHGA ................................ 7, 19,2557 Wills Wing ............................... 18,26,35 Women's World Team ....................... 49
by Dtm Johnson
rrhe ~-;eason J }1ot and flying 7.7.lincJ ... oven here in MLnnesota, where the ueu.11111.1 ng of May Gerry Uchytil qol near] y ] 00 mi1es for ?.00 sl:ate. /\bmi U1e "Oh, he:,' Jl do he,' f;~L
Florida ope:r:ationc,. Th.is mont:h, wee: ranqe wider Let' st.art way WC'S l: in the llawa ii an . ••• Wel -known photographer, Gerry Charlebois, annmmced L:ho opening of h·i Birds Pdracl.i A.i rpark: in rnid-Apr:il Ho' use an Airborne Edge ·rrike a.s a tnq from h:L.s 75D· foot ip. 'vec., flown the c xceJ1c,nt Edqe and it shonJd snatch glider Jrorn the ield easU y e:nough. Charleboi w:i l l tow you to the main range, above , rsoo foot Mt.Waiale:alE~.Ile , "Youcansoarthebeautiful cascadinq waterEdll Ei.Jmc,d i.n Parle Birds of Paradise located on the island ol Kauai wJ-1ere he can boasl: 300 day,.,· year tradewincb. lf they aren • l:. cooperatinq, "a 14,000 foot aerotow wiJ make: for a heJluva sled ride!" With gliders for rent dnd ,'In on--site Bc,d & Breakfa:;L, you'·I warll: t:o call 808/822·5309 or 639-1067. ••• Back on the main] and, competition pi , Dave Sharp i cunning The Soaring Center. Made mon ago, 1.he decir;ion to drop t:he UP from thc,ir name proved Eoresiqhl:ed. Hased at· tho foot' o[ Utah• famous Point of t~ho Mountain siLc, The Soarinq was founded n 1991. Since Jast , Sharp hds been the store' manaqer and he's not only brought other hancJ glider brands, but added paragliders, recently, the Supe,rF1oatc,r. 'I'SC both hanq gl i dinCJ anc3 pardgl i ding for- dLI. types of: E,quipment. 1'hough air time has been c1it: si tuaLion any shop owner understands S}iarp _i about Uw pot:enl·.LaJ he tor TSC. Cal I 80l/5'7fi-61fi0. ••• Mounl:.ain WinCJS in N<~w York has jumpc,d i.nt·.o paragli diner, dddinq d:i menc3ion to U1eir act:i ve J1anq qLi di n<J opeci1tion at the El.l envil le Proprietors Greg and Judy Black have linked t.h Lars Linde to provide paraql:i cHnq coorvi . I\ highly c~xperionced instructor [rom Sweden, teaching credenL.iaJs frorn three countric~s With the Blackf: he formed the, Eastcoast Paragliding Center ( EPC) . Lj nde • experiGnce incl lJdes over 10, 000 tows of paragl iclcrs, " only way theydJd over Uiere," says Greg Black. Mounl:a:i.n Winqco di.cc; tribu t E-'ci tl1c:, Swift: and new SuperF1oa , and the shop of:fer:o several lines, adcUnq W.i.J Wing intE-,rmedi.ate model to the list. On top of thi,, activity, Bl.ack has approval to nm a tow operation t:he local airport n E11onviJ . Call 911/6!]7 .. 33'77 more into. ••• Saying he w:i. 1 b<=, "t:hc, only aerotowing Jae j I i Ly in Canada, " Annand Aectt::ione bonqht: n Dragonfly tug i.n the Jal] of 993. AcctUone 11.P.l\. Jiaison Lo Transport Ci1nada. For this sei1son he' started d l-iang q.l idh1g ,~c:J-1001 called The Hang Gliding Shop. Opc,n <'very day from May l to October 2J, the HCS wiLI offer Landern irn;Lrucl.i on, towinq, and id(,r . l\ccl't:ione bopef; Uwt because of 1:hc, weaker Ca.nad:i.an doLLar, U.S. ot.', may want: to come, north and fly the T'oronto, . l"ax to 9 O':i I fl3 3 '.J'5/J7 or call Annanc]' l. '116/',lfl .. oJ 11. ••• rn closing, an error . I ;::tated l:he pric0, of Ball M19e electronic Digrit deck to be $49r). The, correct retail is $450. Hopetu11y my error didn't .inconvenience anyone. ••• So, got: nr,w,; oropinj ons Sc,nd 'em to: R Don,et'., St. Paul MN ','Jn8 Lc,av~, a me,.;saCje at, or fax to: 612 / 4'J0-D 93 D. TJIANK.SJ 0
frot more newc, of oct:i ve .shops, but l. some? gl icier updates. 'l'hc" Ram Air gone and the XC is ... back. Back! Wel L, only .in that l nndersi reods, "XC. " Many of you con remember Bob Wi l I c, and hi XC, g.l i dc,r many of us flew qui l:e ,;uccc,s,; fu Lly. W:i endurecl the last year "tough one Lor all," and has now re.I cased new bird, Cross Country, comp] with numerous enhancernen l.s. buJ Lehn aL,;o say:;, '"Pliif3 the Jirc,l. time, we have c,ver had a gl idc wi thou\. a :;coop U1a l: beat the Ham Air gliding ,,,,ec,u,, and witl1out winqlets i_JJ being C?Vi1luate:d by mi1ste:r designec, Pearson Wi :;ay,; the Cro,.;,; Coirntry bad a mea,rnrablc, gl i ch ng ,xlvantage i1 t 2 [mph], and a ddvant:aqe of: the way through Lhe r,peed ranqe, a.J l way l:o 6S mph!" The nc~wl·.op··of:Will:; Lor:?1, 00. ••• othc,r WiLL,., Wing note,:;, l:hcir ProLine (acc0•s,3ory di v.:i on) hiw lowered the price on the Digifly vario VT 00 lo only $17''i, qLd barqain. Ca.JJ ProLine a 711/998-0617. Air-Sports fntcrnational (ASI) has reor·ganLzcd and chancJed names. Now called AirSports Inc. , the com1::iany w i. 11 continue to produce the Dream series, of: Bennel:t' s Del WLnq. 'J'heir service,; include parts foe all products once sold by DeLLa Wing addition AirSports f,ays it wi] 1 produce the:, VecLor l i of "h:i9h performance recrcaLional wingr,," and will continu<"! l:o supply wing,_; [or pow<,red trike 1J tr·a1igl1t bLdlder:;. Jn t·.ruct:uring, /\irSports up a new dJvj ion U.S. AirSports run by Paul Burns. Operatinq from :1.ome an;a of Lake , Burns will conduct U1e manufacturing of: AirSports g] Teddy Mack Ai rSporls, Inc., bas(:d j n , CaJif:ornia. CalJ 1-800/114 1359 for dedler in your area. For technical questions, caJJ Burn,;at909/678·r)07. Lonqt ,,ailrnakc,r, Dick Cheney, lw.r; dnnounc(!d l:hc formation ot a new g:I j der company, called Blue Sky Aircraft. th r i ght--hdnd man, cTohn Heiney, the two plan t:o of f:er an en new U q1'1ders. Blue Sky wi.11 opcr·atr? from Mounta:i n 2:ri rport .in Morgan, Utah wl'iere UP replacement parts can obt:ained. Cl1cney weJ known for bis sailwork, datinq back to and betore the Fledgl j ng also make,; I rm u1traJ:i.gh aircrafl:, and .i.•o the pr.incipaJ Wa1kc:c1· [L, the redr0;ciiCJnor and rnunu the Superl!'loa.t.er, sold through U.S. l\viation. Blue, .Sky did not announce deta i J pr or descript gli.ders, bul information will be in a reasorwble Ume frame, :,ay~; Cheney. An oxpc,r.ienced rianu l:uring :i c,mployccl by lhe company at time. Most p.ilot.s JamiJ iar wJ th the Blue Sky members and Lnvited to call 801 /fl76 3003 durinq nonm1l bw,iness hours.••• Several shops are qedring up Eo good seasons. i-n lJunc' ~-; \\ covered a number o 0
Jut Y 199:i
SCREW THE HYPE. FLY THE KITE. If you' re as sick as we are about the endless claims from other hang gl idi ng manufacturers that their latest gimmick is the performance breakt hrot!gh of the century,test fly an Airwave Kl assic . You just might prove chem ~rong . Join t he team . For a t es~ f l i ght or more i nformation on t he Kl ass t c or other Pacific A1rwave products, contac t your loca l- deal er .
Pac, f!c Atrwave !no. P.0. Bor ~381 Salinas Callrornla 9391? (108)122-2299 rax(\08)758-3210