o 74470 77855
Joop Berendsen Laminar Vinas Francese Laminar Franz Herrmann Laminar Manfred Ruhmer Laminar Manfred Ruhmer Laminar ST Christian Ciech Laminar ST Manfred Ruhmer Laminar ST Gerolf Heinrichs Laminar ST
Sail area Nose angle Wingspread Aspect ratio Double surface area Battens (U])J)Cr + lower sail) Weight (packing bag included)
Min Pilot weight Max Pilot weight Packing bag length Short-packed length
% 11
lb lb lb ft
130° 32.48 7.84 86 21+4 65.04 100.0() 144.00 16.08 12.14
Holland Championship Spain Championship Swiss Championship US Nationals European Championship International Monte Cucco Final
142.08 130° 32.87 7.60 86 21+4 68.34 122.00 l 88 00 16.'.14
155.00 130° 34.12 7.51 86
23+4 73.85 166.00 243.00 17.06 13.62
!CARO 2000 announces the formation of a distributorship for the US 1 Canadian, and Mexican market. Headed up by Larry Tudor and John Ryan, AV8 off Grand Rapids, Michigan will have the exclusive rights to distribute !CARO hang- gliders throughout these areas. Gliders will be stocked on both the East and West Coast. information on glider sales contact: 1
AV8 West: John Ryan 8645 Fonita Dr. Santee CA 92071 Ph./Fax (619) 5621009 JRAV8@aol .com
AV8 East: 1530 Eastern S.E. Grand Rapids -Ml 49507 Ph. 616.2457.777 TOLL FREE Ph. 1.888.ICAR02000 (4227620)
The lcaro 2000 Full Face Helmet is available from your local hang gliding or paragliding shop or direct from JUST It comes in White and Carbon Optic finishes. Made Carbon Fiber and Kevlar, it's certified in Europe (CE95) for hang gliding and paragliding. Contact JUST FLY lo order or to get your copy of the cer.. tification standards.
ICARO 2000 srl · Via Verdi, 19 · 21038 Sangicmo (Va) ltaiy · Tel. ++39-332-648.335 - Fax ++39-332-648.079 http: / /www.alphasys.it/icaro E-Mail: icaro@alphasys.it
(USllS O17-970-20 - JSSN 0895-4.'BX)
16 Beached, Bummed & Busted article and photos by Bob Ormisto11 Picrme-raking misadventures over nonhcrn Califo rnia.
~J 6
24 1996 Budweiser Masters of Freestyle ~y Chris /Jolfing An aerobatic conrest disguised as an airshow in Mexico.
28 The Key To Lockouts - Part I © 1997 by Dermis Pagen More questions and answers on lockouts.
36 The 1996 Montana X-C Challenge by Peny Jones More than a rhird of all Montana USHGA members entered ch is grear contesr.
40 The 25th Hang Gliding Spectacular by Rob Bachman All arc invited to attend this yea r's great celebration.
48 The 1st North American Air Carnival
article and photos by Nicola Cauchy A fun hang gliding and paragliding gec-rogether amacrs a lot of acrencion.
Exec's Corner, by Phil Bachman .............20
Airmail .................. .....................................4
Product Lines, by Dan Johnson .............63
Update............................................ ............8 Calendar of Events ............. .................... .. J4 Ratings .....................................................44 Classified Advertising ............... .............. .5 1 Index tO Advertisers .................................62
<:<>VU{: ~11.11i11~ the· d1111n 111' Ki1 11 I l.1 wk d111i11g lli l' f.1111<111, I l.111~ ( ;lid ing Spt'<l.lclll.11. l'lioto 1>1 Iii.id St <.'\'~'11\, "'-T ,II I ii.. k 011 p,1µ.v ·lt l . <:l·.N l'l'.RSl'REi\ll: l111li ( l1 1111,w11111n Yo"111i1,· V.dl,T l'l,0111 hv l\111, ( lnn""'"· .\n· .1111,k 011 p.1g,· JI,. DISCI.Al:-.JH{ OF \V,\RRt\NTIL'i IN l'lHILICi\TIOl\S: Tliv 111.11v1 i.d 1nrn·111,d I,,.,,·" l"d ,li, livd .,, p.111 n( .111 i 1d; J1lll ,Hio11 d i,,L·111i 11 .1 ti11n \t'l'Vlu· !01 USI It ,,,\ 1nnn bn.,. l'lll· l i\~I( ,A rn.1kc, 1H1 \\'.l!T,lllliL·, 01 rv prl· ,l·11 1.11io 11 , .11al .1,, u11 K., l lt> li.1hi11t\· lt>lltl·rn ing ti ll' Lil 1di 1,· 111' .111,· .1d\' ll v. opin i, 111 or I L'1..tH ll llH' Jllb 1io 11 l·,p11..·,..,n l ln dh 11u t1..·1 1al. ,.\II i11d ivid11.d, 1dyi11g 11p1111 1h1.. lll.lll' l l,11 dn ..,n .II d1ci1 t>\\'11 ri..,k. ( :op~Ti~l 11 (<: l ()l)"' l 111it1.:d \t.llL'' I l.1111!, ( ,lid i11h :\\\ll. , 1111. ...\II right\ n:,LT\nl 10 I /,111g ( ,li1/01:.!. .111d i11div1d11.il 1. 11111 1ilH11 11r .... MARCI-I 1997
Gil Dodgen, Dave Pounds, Art Jt)lm Hci11cy1 Gerry Charlebois, Leroy Grannis, Marl< Vauglm l'hotogmp/w,:s Harry Martin, /1/ustmror Dennis Pagen, Mark Stucky, .Geoff Mun1ford, G. W. Meadows, Jim Palmieri, Slafl Wri/1;,i:s Phil Bachman, f:xc,cqlive Director Greg Muller, Ratings ,'< ICl''s
Jeff Elgart, Adwrtlsing D. Dean L1iyerlc1 lnsur,mce ,'< Membership Services l<arnn Simon, Member S11rviccs and Executive
nm llrydcn, l'rc1;/r/ent Randy Ada111s, Vice Pri'siclenl Russ Locke, Sccre/p1y Dan Johnson, 1ieasurer
Sturtevant. REGION Gazis. Rf:GION 3: Kim
Lawless. RCG!ON ~.; Mark Frank Gillet!e. REGION REGION Bill I\EGION H; Adams. REGION 9: Pele Ceoff REGION Hl: G.W. Meadows, Mall. Tabor. REGION ·11: Jeff Hunt. RECION 12: Paul DIRFC-
TOl,S Ar LARGE: c:J,1udia S!ockwell, Paul
Johnson, Jan Johnson, Dennis DIRECTORS:
Malllwws, Lars
MANG GI.IDING magazine is
sporl enthusiasts lO Cf('\llc., further intc,mst in the
to provide an educalinnal forum to advance methods and Conlribulions are welcome.
invlwd to
artides, photos, and activities. If the ln,11erial Is lo be se11-1w,mei;seo return envelope rnusl must bo made of subrnission to l:IANG GLIDINe nmgato edit contributions where neces-
otlmr hang zinc rcserv(•s the sary. The nnd responsibility for th,1 or MANG CI.IDING. <cdilorial officos: Suite 6, 13uona Pnrk, CA ')0620 (7:14)
do not assume
The USHGA is a rncmbr,r-co111rolled sport dedic:nted lo the exploration and mo,nulinn of unpowcrnd ul1r,1Jight
ing ,ind safo11y of its n,r;rnh,"·hin
anyone inlcrcstccl in lhis metribmsbip are $54
or 1/ang
iI Dear Editor, I was recently admiring Steve Rath bun's cover shot in rhe January issue when I suddenly realized that I he photo shows a potentially fatal situation. 'Eike a look at the carahincr. Instead of hanging straight, ir's sideways, with the harness side hung up on rhc gale. In rhis position the 'hincr loses most of its srrcngd1, and could fail in a high-C maneuver, especially if ir's not srecl. If the carabincr did fail it looks like his rocker-deployed chute might he useless. I hope I'm wrong, hut as for as I cm sec there's no steel quick-link to connect the chute bridle to the mains if his 'biner foils. There's ;i simple way ro make sure that al least rhc harness mains never catch on the gate. Cet a bicycle tire inner tube, Lhe "racing" type. Cut out a 3/4" cross-sect ion and you have a stout, heavy-duty mbher band. Pull this over the top of the cara hiner down to the m;iins and it will hold them securely in place, not allowing them to move and catch on t:hc gate. Don't !cir.get to put the parachute bridle on the back side of the 'hiner so that it won't catch on the gate if you do deploy, You should also have ;i steel quick-link connecting the parachute bridle to the harness mains just in case anything docs happen to the 'bincr. 11 should have a rating starnpcd on ir, and it's not a bad idea to use some lock-ti re on the threads to make sure the collar docsn'r come loose. The setup described above is easy and cheap to boot, bur I know a lot of pilots don't have it. If you don't, fix it today, and if you sec another pilot who doesn't, encourage him to make the fix.
,\re $3 ,,
sen! six wc:eks fn r1clvance1 name, l./Sl·IGA numb11r, pruvious nncl J1()W address, and a bbel from a recent issue\
Pikes l'eak Ave.,
1O'I, Colorado fl090;l<l657 (719) 632,HJOO. FAX
al c:oJor;ido
Angelo Mamas Skokie, JI.
Stez;e included the fr;l/owing with his photo caption but it was intldvertent!y owrlooleed. Ed..
ous situation. I done rt walli:-through hang check prior to but somehow the turned as I stood hunched r1 ryde. I suspert this problem occurs rnore ofir:n than we realize. This is fl good Ctlsefor the ct1mbiner 1wt1ilabfc. J discussed the problem with Chczrlie 8au,Rhman and he recommended the 'htbber band trick" installed on the harness main at the base ofthe carabinei: I think this lessr:n but not elirninate the problem. It is the lmurled locleing on the which catches on the hang stmp or harness mctin. Perhaps 11 smoother, tapered locleing would help. Steve Rath/nm \J.fl'}rl(.lf'\I,
Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate and thank Dan Buchanan for his wonderful promotion 01hang gliding at airshows as outlined in rhe January 1997 issue of Hang Gliding. Such widespread publicity benefits every aspect of our sport, from increasing business ro schools to helping secure flying sires. I was also happy to hear that he completed his aircraft registration and inspection requiremcn ts. For the past 13 years there has been a rumor circulating that the I •'AA had somehow closed the door behind me after I originally did this to legally fly tandem. Dan had approached me a couple of years ago for advice on how to operate under Part 61 (pilot) and Pan 91 (aircraft). Prior to Dan, others had sought help in registering hang glid ers bm to rny knowledge Dan is the lirst to show that it can still be done. Along these lines of working with the I ;AA it might be fon to reprint an article by the FAA Inspector who took the first hang glider check ride. It was entitled "An FAA First," and originally appeared in rhc November 1983 issue of Hang Gliding.
Springs, CO and at acldilionc1I mailing
HANG GLIDINC, P.O. BOX t:no, Colorado Springs, CO il090'I 1330.
MARCIi 1997
Safety Note: Check out how the harness main strap is hcmgingfrom the gate ofthe carabincr, This is a potentially very danger-
Rob McKenzie San Bernardino, CA
Dear Edirnr, Over rhe short, relatively insignificant history of the sport of hang gliding we've had some good tights imemally rhar have divided, in one way or another, the fragile membership of our organization. Back in the late I 970's it was the ultralight dilemma. In rhe late I 980's and early l 990's it w;is the paragliding dilemma, and currcmly it's the ridirnlous, lingering rem-· nams of the "great waiver debate." !'m putting fingers to computer hoping to put a common sense slam on this whole thing some "perspective" if you will. Many of you remember the ultraligln debate that divided us only a decade and a half ago. Quite simply; ir was a fight that had to he fought. Ultralights grew our of hang gliding and matured (eventually) into rhcir own sport. When the time cnnc for rhc fledgling sport of ultralighring to move off on irs own rherc was great division in the membership as 10 whether the USl1GA should continue to late" ultralights or let them go off on their own. Looking back on the whole thing ir's pretty ohvious to me 1hat rhc proper thing was done. In very few insi-ances (outside of aerotowing) do ulrraliglns utilize rhc same sites as hang They should he separate from us and the right decision was made, bur nor without infighting and bickering within our hang gliding family: Fast forward l O years :md you'll find the same inevitable argument in reverse. There was a group of aviation cmhusiasts who /lcw predorn ina1cly foot-launched aircraft off mountains and soared around in thermals, bm who looked ;ind dressed differently than WC did. ft was obvious to some that these were simply slow-flying hang gliders that launched, landed and flew at the same sires hang glider pilots had been flying for years. We had a lor in common. ·rhc "grc;it paragliding debate" again divided our dwindling membership, but again ir appears that the proper decision was made to wed paragliding with hang gliding under the watchfrd but lovMARCI I 199 7
ing eye ol' the USHCA. Of course, there have been (and srill arc) some growing pains in the relationship, hut hang glider and paraglidcr pilots have gained lots of respect for each other over time. Now we move to the present. The USHGA Board, after becoming more knowledgeable about tbc insurance industry, decides 10 implement a w:iivcr system rliar hopefully, afrcr iris completely in place, will us access to insurance tha1 we might not otherwise be able to acquire. 'Ihm me (as a Board member) that lots and lots ofsrudy went into the whole waiver rhing. Jr wasn't a "spm of the moment" decision thar was thrust upon the membership. WE l lAVE TO TI AVE A WAIVER. PERIOD. The Board members know this because we have been presented with enough information ro sec it. The mistake the Board made (myself included) was nor foreseeing that our membership needed to know even more about what was going on so they wouldn't fr:cl drnt the waiver was being "forced down their rhroars." Ir's amazing what communication or lack thereof can do in cdl relationships. l know the "powers that be" felt, at rhc time, that they were informing the membership well enough, bur that turns out not to be the case. What J Gm tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, is that no one was trying ro sneak anything by rhe membership. The coumlcss hours of unpaid work on the pan ofUS!IGA Directors, as well as rhc countless unpaid hours of work put in by our atrorncy, was all aimed at doing what is not only the best thing for our membership, but an inevitable rhing pntring a well-written, all--cncompassing waiver in place. Some rime has p;1sscd and we have modified the waiver to suit the vast majoriry of our members. Bt11 we're talking about roughly 10,000 hang glider and paraglidcr pilots; we simply ain't gonna make happy. We have to do whar's best for om membership as a whole. Th: waiver is where ir needs to be, the members have been informed to the point where they're tired of reading about it, and we feel like we're just about out of rhc woods.
Then, one of the most damaging things thar could possibly happen jumps out at us. A group of' five under-informed (bur well-meaning, I'm sure) pilots have filed a lawsuir againsr rhc US HCA to s1op the waiver rcquircmclll f<:H membership. Daniel Brown, Michael Carlyle, Vic ,md Ccne Hilborn Powell, Thomas have clcciclcd that 1101 signing the waiver that will help keep current hang gliding sites open and facilitate opening more is so important to them that they sites want to do away with ir. At least one of the plaintiffs has said that he flies at unregulated sites anyway, and doesn't need the USHGA. Then in a lawsuit he submits sworn testimony to the court, srating that without US! !GA's illsurancc he is unable to fly: J:orger fcJr a moment that l 'm a USHGA director; this makes me angry. I'm tired of"how the selfish and ignorant acts of some h:rng glider pilots have affected my flying in rhc past, and d1is time I'm speaking out. A few pilots who arc anor-neys have spoken wirh me a hour rhc whole waiver subject, and absolutely none of them agree on all aspects of rhc waiver. The member who has filed this lawsuit against the US H GA is (surprise) an a nor ncy. l k has taken i1 upon himself to save you from the US! ](;A. Maybe he has nothing better to do with his Lime, bm this is costing the US HCA rime and money. When this is all over we will still lrnvc a waiver, but we will he a little more divided and a lor lcss financially well off. It is a situation in which nobody wins. For those who hate to sec bickering back and fonh in "Airmail," lcr me apoloup front for the response letters you may sec from the vocal minority, bur I'll promise here not to respond and pcrpcmatc the bickering. C.W. Meadows Kiny Hawk, NC
Dear Editor, In the words of R1n Simpson: "l didn't do it. You can't prove it. Nobody saw me
Air Mail do it." T'm referring to the nice words Vic T<x:e had for me in a recent letter to tlie editor. I was pleasanlly surprised that I have not been forgotten as a connibutor to the sport of hang gliding. I am honored that somebody still remembers. But I also feel obligated LO set the record straight. l was not the first pilot to launch out of the back of a moving vehicle in an attempt 10 commit flight. Thar honor probably should go back ro either I .any Newman or one of the test pilots at Electra Flyer. Back in the: 1970\ as factory test-flying was being argued within the industry, Larry took the position that ifhe was forced to tc:st-fly every production glider he would accomplish this by flying out of the back of a pickup truck a short flight indeed, but a flight nonetheless. Larry even took this approach when he
got involved with the Soarmasrcr. Por those who don't remember, the Soarmaster was a small power unit that produced enough thrust to climh (usually) but sometimes lacked the horses to launch easily in light-wind conditions. Electra-Flyer advocated launching the powered hang glider from the hack of a moving truck, thereby eliminating the need fc)r the pilot to use his human landing gear. The f'irsr person to launch our of a truck with a towline was Mike Haley. Mike ,md I were 1he only hang glider pilots in our area back then, so we hung out toget-hcr. We bounced ideas off each other and as these ideas evolved, there was never any doubt as to who would be the test pilot. I took the advise in the cereal commercial on TV and said, "Let Mikie try it!" Afrer the flrsl ATOl. flight, it was, ''Ile likes it! Mikie likes id" There were also a couple other people intirnatcly involved in the success of
ATOL. A guy named Dave Duecker was always an excellent source of clear perspective, insight and hard work Another guy who made a major contribution to the A'fOI. saga was Sam Wade. I'm sure we could not have held it together long enough m make a difference without Sam's help. Greg De Wolf; Rob Kells, Rob McKenzie, all the g,mg at Wills Wing, my wife, Tcmi and many others contributed to the success of /\'TOI .. !fl remember correctly, Vic 'foce and his Cajun Hang Glidiug friends were some of the flrst to endorse om methods. ·rhcy were pioneers themselves. So, if a "thank you" is due, there are a lot of people who deserve the credit. Shoot, all J did was hang around a buncha smart fcilks and try to hold on. Jerry Forburger
Lubbock, TX
H/\NC Gtll)INC
Hang Gliding Training Manual
Carry in your pocket. Instant accurate readings. Measure wind or air to 95 MPH. Wind max and average modes. Knots, MPH, KPH, FPM, M/S and Beaufort scales. Rugged construction, protective slip case. clear digital display. • Waterproof, floats.
by Dennis
impeller & battery. 1--year warranty.
Lessons taught doily, yeor-round. Soarable conditions 300+ doys a year. Smooth grassy ridges "made for sooring". Lesson packages for beginners or your first l 00 mile X-country. " Tondem/Solo Hong gliding & Parogliding lessons. " Pro site guides for 2,000' 5,000' mountain launch sites. Demos & glider rentals. Sail & airfmme repairs by factory experts. " Full service shop with products from most dealers. Free Camping ot the lounch. IC:P's and oerobatic clinics. 0
Understanding the Sky by Dennis Pagen
Send cash or check to: SPORT AVIATION PUBLICATIONS Po Box 101, Mingoville, PA 16856 Please rush the books below:
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light Design will be introducing the Flight Design Exxcacy 160 at INDUGA '97 this spring. DHV cenificacion should be complete at press time and production was scheduled to begin in February. T he Flight Design Exxtasy 160 is a rigid wing designed ·and constructed to greatly outperform today's highest-performance hang gliders. "We have about a 40% better glide and 10%-20% better sink rate tl1an any co mp glider out mere. In fact, you can no longer compare the perfo rmance wim any normal hang glider!" states design team member Chris Bleczinger. Launch and landing speeds are lower m an mose of high-performance hang gliders and, according to me manufacturer, handling is as easy as rhac of a training glider. T he one major similarity with a hang glider is mac flight control is the same and accomplished wim a normal concrol bar. Weight shift controls both pitch and turning. Because tl1e
BELOW, left to right: Don Buffa, JeffStoskopf, Cal Ripkin Jr., Mark Voisard and Jon Kieckhafar: Note gliders on top ofthe scoreboard.
FISH OUT OF WATER n November 6, 1996, four members of me Scars of Florida
Entertainment Corp. traveled to Yokohama, Japan. Members of me company, known for meir traveling water ski shows mroughOU t the world, packed rheir bags for me Land of the Rising Sun. Don Buffa, president of Stars of Florida, has taken shows to Japan on nine different occasions, but chis cime would be a bit different. Instead of me usual - jumpers, wet suits, cosrumes, music, etc. -
wing is rigid, wing-tip spoilers are engaged as you weight shift fro m left to right to iniciate a turn. In the middle of the trailing edge are flaps which can improve me sink rate while flying more slowly in mermals, increase glide performance while flying straight and fast, and decrease gljde angle for landing in eight LZ's. T he Fl ight Design Exxtasy 160 is made wim a composite D-spar and ribs wim an aluminum keel. Dacron sailcloth covers me wing and setup time is greatly reduced compared to mat of normal hang gliders. T he head of me design tean1 and chief test pilot will be at Point of me M tn. and San Diego me first week in April in order to introduce me glider in a clinic format to U.S . pilots. Anyone inceresced in receiving more information or in flying me glider at me clinics may contact Flight Design at (509) 925-5565 or e-mail napi@eburg.com.
mey packed two hang gliders. T he team of professional show skiers included Mark Voisard, Jon Kieckhafer, Jeff Stoskopf and Don Buffa. T he group was asked to fly rwo hang gliders from the top of tl1e sco reboard to kick off me start of a baseball game between me Japanese and U.S . All-Stars. After two days of travel me four guys arrived at the stadium on a cold, rainy day. This was to be the practice day. As they climbed to me top of me scoreboard and took a look around mey fo und mat me total height was only 95 fee t. Two ramps were built and used for me takeoff. All materials, as well as the gliders, were lifted up me back of me scoreboard with a rope. The flyers had a bad tailwind, flag poles and rain to worry about. By unanimous decision Mark was elected to be the first to fly, but me practice was called off because of the tailwind, leaving only rhe day of the game for me fi rst fl ight. The group arrived the next day and me weather was a complete change for the better. Everyone rushed to get the gliders put rogemer and lifted to me top of the scoreboard. In a short period of time Mark was ready to go. A veteran with more man 10,000 flights (primarily in water ski shows) under his belt, Mark stood alone, 95 feet from me grow1d and 396 feet from home place. W im me mree oilier guys holding him in position he launched, losing alm ost half of his 95 fee t in a matter of a secH ANG GLI DING
onds, bur Mark got me glider flying and landed wiiliin a couple of feet of home plate. Next up was Jon, who stood up and launched immediately. Afre1ward he said mar if he had stood mere for any lengm of rime he would have gonen nervous. After Jon, Jeff hopped up on rhe ramp and off he went. After the flights everyone readied for the big show, which went off perfectly. Jon flew first, hitting his target. Next went Mark, carrying me baseball. He landed as me crowd cheered and threw in me first pitch. After the game they mer all of me US All-Star baseball players including Cal Ripkin Jr.
n October 5, 1996, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM (Albuquerque) held irs first open house in four years. Dave Coppler, a local Hang III and Air Force Captain, volw1reered to put on a static hang gliding display to get some exposure for our sport. The Sandia Soaring Association backed Dave's suggestion. Mel Glantz (local Master pilot, instructor, Tl, and pan owner of High Desert Hang Gliding) volunteered his training glider for the display and helped man rhe bood1. Bo Frasier (local Master pilot, instructor, and Mel's business parrner) lee chem use his brand new Moyes SXS for d1e display. Dave built a wooden fran1e to mount Bo's glider a foot off me ground in a flying attirude. They attached a harness and hooked in to show people how ir looks in me air and to help explain how we fly and land. This really helped when people asked how hang glider pilots rurn and rotate vertically for landing. USHGA sent two boxes full of paraphernalia. They handed our 130 New Pilot Editions, 100 hang gliding buttons, 400 pamphlets, 18 copies of Part 104, and 204 HG/PG newsletters. The display was well received. Several hundred people stopped by to ask questions, check our the gliders, and pick up primed material. There were even a few guys who had flown back in the l 970's, gotten our of me sport, and were a.mazed at me advances in me equipment. Hopefully chis will become an annual event.
ASHINGTON, DC-A distinguished National Aeronautic Association commirree of 28 aviation and aero-
MARCH 1997
eading Edge Air Foils, Inc. (LEAF) one of the nation's leading suppliers of ultralight parts and accessories, is pleased to announce the release of a new control bar-moumed Vertecb. The unit mounts directly to a downtube, control bnr or any tubing approximately 1" to 1-1 /4" in diameter. It is a secure vclcro mount that includes a belt clip for off-ultralight activities. The Avocet Vertech pilot watch is the only precision wrist instrument that provides on-line information. Never before could a pilot use a single instrument to determine flying altirude, measme rates of climb and descent, and measure vertical feet climbed during a The Vcrteeh's aircrafr-precision altimeter functions read in 10-foot increments can be adjusted in-flight based on sea level barometric readings. The Vertech's tional fonetions include a weather station with sea level barometer and trend, mometer, and all chronometer fonctions including time, date, alarm, rn,11nir-nnu,'11 timer and stop watch with split/lap memory. Jf you already own the watch you may just purchase rhc uhralight mount. more information contact: Leading Edge Air Foils, Inc., Mcadowlakc Airport, Cessna Drive, Dept. HG, Peyton, CO 8083 l (719) 683-5323.
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**************************************************************************************************************** payments must be in U.S.
drawn on a U.S. hank.
In consideration of being granted membership in the USHGA, I,--·---------------·--·---------------·-----' for myself, my personal representatives, heirs, executors, next of kin, spouse and assigns, do agree as follows: DEFINITIONS - The following definitions apply to terms used in this Agreement: I. means launching (and/or assisting another in launching), flying (whether as pilot in command or otherwise) and/or landing (including, but not limited to, crashing) a hang glider or paraglider. 2. INtllRJ'ES' means my personal injury, my bodily injury, my death, property and/or personal or financial injury sustained by me as a result of my THE SPORTand/or as a result of the administration of any USHGA programs (for example: the Pilot Proficiency System). 3. means the following, including their owners, officers, directors, agents, spouses, employees, officials (elected or otherwise), members, contractors, sub-contractors, lessors and lessees: a) The United States Hang Gliding Association, a California Non-profit Corporation (USHGA); b) Each of the person(s) sponsoring and/or participating in the administration of my proficiency rating(s); c) Each of the hang gliding and/or paragliding organizations which are chapters of the USHGA; d) The United States Of America and each of the city(ies), town(s), county(ies), State(s) and/or other political subdivisions or governmental agencies within whose jurisdictions I launch, fly and/or land; e) Each of the property owners on or over whose property I may launch, fly and/or land; ~ All persons involved, in any manner, in the sports of hang gliding and/or paragliding at the site(s) where I Pll,flTJ'l'lf.'111.'F "All persons involved" include, but are not limited to, spectators, hang glider and/or paraglider pilots, assistants, drivers, instructors, observers, and owners of hang gliding and/or paragliding equipment; and g) All other persons lawfully present at the site(s) during my ,,.,..,,,.,. ... rru.;u~a.;;e1,.;au;;, WAIVE AND the PARTIESfrom any and all claims and liability for however caused, even if caused by the negligence (whether active or passive) of any of the to the full extent allowed by law. C. I Will OR A CLAIM against any of the PARTIES for loss or damage on account of SPORTS INJURIES. If I violate this agreement by filing such a suit or making such a claim, I will pay all attorneys' fees and costs of the I ACKNOWLEDGE that the non-participant third party liability insurance obtained by USHGA does provide coverage for INJURIES. I INDEMNIFY AND REIMBURSE the PARTIES1isted in paragraphs A. 3. d) and A. 3. e) above for their defense and indemnity (to the limited extent that the defense and indemnity are not otherwise covered by collectible insurance) in the event that someone suffers niPl'c:nn,::11 injury, bodily injury, or property damage as a result of my negligence (whether active or passive) or willful misconduct in connection with my PARTICIPATION IN E. TERMINATION. I can terminate this Agreement only by either (I) sending written notice of termination to the USHGA National Office postage prepaid return receipt requested, in which case the termination will JlQ.! be effective until one year after I cease being a member of the USHGA or 30 days after I place the written notice in the mail, whichever is later; or by (2) signing and returning to the USHGA National Office a later version of the Official USHGA Release, Waiver and Assumption of Risk Agreement. However, even if I terminate this Agreement, all of the terms of this Agreement will continue to apply to INJURIESwhich I suffer in whole or in part before the termination of this Agreement. F. I THAT this shall be governed and California. All matters whatsoever arising under, in connection with or incident to this Agreement shall California, U.S.A. to the exclusion of the Courts of any other State or Country. If any part, article, paragraph, sentence or clause of this Agreement is not enforceable, the affected provision shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the requirements of the law, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
I have
Participants fignat11re
1:no'*jo (mo'jo) n
a charm or amulet thought to have magical powers; luck as of a magical or supernatural origin; a rnagical selection rfflight gearfrom fr,as, Cnll for ymir Free Copy: 48 fnll-color pages of over 400 accessories
rnstrumcntR, radios, reserves, h~~lrnets, lifo vests, boorn, glove.'>, fligJJt suits, tee-shJrls, hats, caps, survivnJ Bupplies, cycghws retention, goggles, warn1ers hardware, repair supplies, 1,iwi11g accessrn.·ics., knifes, instrument mounts, hooks, videos, maps, compasse1\ flan~H, signals, wirnl socks, weatlier Ktntlons, bags, [Xttchc/<;, sliGkGrs, al't, glasl'.::wmc, gifts and MORE! l ! 1
Office Hours: MON-,TJIUI? Noon to 5PM Central Standard Time
The USHG/\ Visa1'0 Gold and \Jr(~(errecl Visa cards providr, you with more more bendits, and more services tl1a11 jusl about any otl1r~r credit c:ird you rnay be carrying. Issued frer· of an annual fee ® Higher lirw of crcdil, up to $50,000, if digibl<i. Peerless C:uslorner Service ,w,1ilahlP :74 hours a d;:iy,
a year.
l'IC'ase ht, sum lo ust' primity code IIXW whm you c,ilL
Calendar ofcvents items WILL NOT be listed if only tentative. Please include exacr information (cv::m, date, contact name and phone number). Items should be received no later than six wee.ks prior lo the cvem. We request two months lead rime for regional and national meets. UNTIL MARCH 2G: Sailplane Torrey Pines Glider Port, a yearly /lying spccraclc since 1928. Contact: UP San Diego (619) 452-9858. MARCH 8: Parmhute Oinirwith Be1ty Pfoiffcr oF!Jigh Sports at the Arizona Hang Gliding Center. Practice deployments, repacks, swivel and bridle installation, etc. Price $30 wirh repack, $10 orhcrwisc. Free wirh parachute purchase. Contact: Rob Richardson (520) <,:J2Lil !Li. MARCH 12-15: ( I<ith rain date) Wind S;,rint Races a1 San Diego (GI 9) /l.~1.•11x~x MARCI l 19: Parruhute Oinic. Lecmre, video presentation, care and maintenance, practice deployments, ere. Cost $50 or free wirh parn· chute purchase. Advance reservations recommended. MARCl I 2l-2ii: llasic IC!'. APR!!. 13: /,a1mch C'linir. Taught by !'at Dcnevan, Covers aspee1s oflauncl1 and lallding. Cost $95. Advance reservations recommended. MAY 21: !'ctrttchute Clinic. Conract: Mission Soaring Cenrcr, I 116 Wrigley M ilpiras, CA 95035 (near San Jose) (408) 055, fox (408) 262-1 ;)88, MS(]I( ;("\ml.com. MARCIi 20-23: USH(,'11 Hoarrl oj'/)irettors meeting, Colorado Springs, CO. C:onracr: (719) 632-8:JOO, ushga((ilushga.org. MARCH 28-30: !Cl', by Free Fliglit Sports at Point of the Mountain, UT. $50 prc .. rcgis1ra1io11 by Feb. l 5. bury foe $200. 1:rcc camping at the Point. Conracr: David Sharp (801) 26:J B6 I l, sharpdave((t)u tal, .. in rcr. nct. MARCH 28-.31: The c;rmt Sm2 !)iego Flyin,~ Fcstiv,t!, presented by rhe SDI JGPCA and Ainck Paragliding. Hang glide, paraglidc, power paraglide or fly nlrraliglits at San Diego's and Baja's best sires. $175 entry frc includes conrincntal breakfast reception, daily clinics, site foes, rides from [./.to launch. Mannfacturcr trade show and demos of all rhc 1najor brands, /i.m mcer a11d competition, Raffle and awards banquet in Mexico. Organized posr-evcnr clinic available from local schools. Contact (6 l 9) 450G(,96 or any San I )iego school for an i11formarion pamphlet. Mi\ RC:1-1 31-APRTf. Li: Gray!Jird llir5jHJrtr PrrAl'Rl I. H 20: (;my1Jird. JlirSportr l'ost dr Fun Fly-In. :>ign up ro support the USHC/\ ar Sun&. hm and work the booth. Co111act: B. Mc>lamce (Y5:l) 2Li'i .. 8263, or e.-mail To up S11n cf hm
to fly in the show at Sun & Fun conlacr C.W. Meadows (919) 480-3552.
as sire tours in Sa11 Diego and your wing and lcr our staff show you how to have fun getting higher and going farther more safdy. Comacr: (G l 9) ((, 19) 450(,696 or (619) 'S78-6700 for rravcl arrangements. APRIL 1-2: /)cmo Clinic. Poinr of rhc Mountain, UT. fly rhis s1u1111ing glider made by rhe (~ernwn company" Flight Design." Meer the design team leader and chief test pilo1 and have all your quesrions answered, AlJ .. cornand ribs, livt>·rninute setup, positc leading no kingpost or and 18: l glide ratio make this glider one you need to fly! This glider is the laresr in foot .. Jaunchcd flighr .... :1 rigid wing that launches and flies like a hang glider bur with per-· formancc like the Swift! Weighs only 5 kg more than a high-performance hmg glider, transports d1e same, and you can use any hang gliding har .. ncss for flight. Contact: Flight Design (509) ')25-5565. APRIi. 4 .. 'J: l:'xxtasy Demo Clinic, San Diego. Sec above for more inforrnarion or call Flight Design ar (509) 925-5565. APRIL 15-16: /)emo Clinic in Eastern Washington. See above more inf'ormarion or call Flight Design ar (509) 925 5565. APRIi. :3-5: Basic and Advanced JCP, Lookom Mountain Flight Park, $ I 50. Maximum 10 participams. Pre-course rcquiremcnrs: Red Cross CPR and i:irsr Aid certificition, 10 apprenticeship sessions (or prearrange ro rake them at l.ookour), minimum Hang [fl raring. Camping available in the 1./., or call Bill Summers (42:J) 9():J .. 7405 ar i:light Scrvia:s to arrange travel trailer rental. For more info call Lookout Mountain at (706) ;)98-354 l. APR! I. 6-12: Sun 'n' hm E!J/1 Fly-In, l.akeland, FL. Volunteers needed for US! ICA rem. C'.ontact: lJSHCA 1.. 300 .. (,16-(,888. A l'RJJ. 10-1 :J: Bmic cir Advanced !CP, Carson City, NV. Comae!: Advcnrurc Sports (702) 88.1· 7070. APR.I I. 11-· l :J: TrJIIJ (.'finic (payout) hy Free 1:Jighr Sports at Poim of the Mountain, UT. $50 fee $200. pre-registration March 15. Point. Class limited. Free camping at Conracr: David (80 l) 2G'.3-8(J 11, sharp· davc<r'1utah .. inter.net. Al'Rl I. 1 13: I 997 (kcrmside Open. The 12th J\mm,1l Oceanside Open will he held ar Oceanside, Oregon. Sponsored by the Oregon Hang Cliding J\ssociarion (OHCA) based in Porrland, Oregon, Contact: Stephen Sauc1wein, OHCJ\ 1:light Director (503) 642 2:JO(,. J\l'Rll. 2:l·2G: (27th rnin date) First World 0,1ss 1'12,v11f!ltd,,rw Rttccs, Torrey Pines ( ;lider Pon.
Open and intcrrnediate classes. Contact: David Jebb (619) 452-9858, aircalQ1lnetcom.com.
J\PRJL 18 .. 20: Iguala, stare ofCuerrcro, Mexico hang gliding competition. Contact: pous@scrvidor.dgsca.1111am.mx.
APRll. 19-21:
M11rfr1 Meet, Marfa Airport, West Texas. Two 5,300' ( l ,700 rn) runways in ;m X pattern. Marfa is somh o/'Fr. Davis and the Davis Mms. and should offer excellent flying. Requires ahility to rnw and entry into the Tcx,1s Season I .ong Comest ($ l 0). Advance noricc of inrem to parricipate apprcciat .. ed. Contact: !font, 481 l Red River Sr., Austin, TX 7875 12) 4672529, rrajeff(ij)aol.com. ,,,.,,/ V ,,, .. , j l (,,,,.,M,,/ Clinicsl7rmr
and PC. AUG. 30-SEPT. we,?l?Cl''lct ,11a~1g ,~ua.1ng Owens Valley
4: Owens Clinics!'/ ()Ur with Kari . I 0-1:J: Owens Vfllley Ptmrgliding X-C!'llnrma! Clinin/J 'our wi I h Kiri Castle. Call for schedule in May: (G 19) 8722087. I 11 '"'"''' " I
MAY 3-4: 11th !lnm///l Stewrtrt Smith (,'fiding '/rmmament, Moore Mm., Perry Lowe Orchards, 10 miles north of Taylorsville, NC off JI wy. 16. $4 5 entry incl11dcs T-shirt, harbecuc, dart rournarncnt. Tasks: spot landing, bomb drop, duration and X-C:. Trophies for l st through :Jrd in each event. hm flyers $25. Contact: Travis llryanr (704) 758-9:J:l l, or Ben Burri! (704) 3'J7.-3765. MAY 9-11: Cosmos (.'fflSsic X C ,,ouu,:".~", Cosmos, MN. Tow meet. Crcat !'Ow with record potential in every direcrion. C:urrcm MN and prizes. X C record is 134.8 miles. Contact: Alan (612) or Paul Kilstofte (G 12) 869-02')3. MAY 9-12: I lawlc Kites 1997 Jl!umni l?eunion. Former srndcnts will dcrnonsrrare how well they learned. Jockey's Ridge State Park, mile Post ];) 011 Rourc 258, Nags Head, Nonh Carolina. Panicipants will be available for imervicws and photographs. Contact: Stcssic Cattrell ar Kitty Hawk !<ires, l-800-344-A777, kirryhawk-kircs@louter-hanks.com. To assure access to rhe panicipants and reunion organizers, contact Bruce C. Ebert or Ms. Cattrell of Cold man & Associates ar (757) 675-2518. MAY 'J--1 25th Jlnnual ,',;,ectriculflr 11nd US/I( ;;1 Kiny I lawk Kites, Nags Head, NC. Features dune and acrotow competition, Air Sports Assn. )·fang Cliding Expo, Rogallo Hall ofhime inducrion ceremony and banquet, annual srreer dance and eq111pm,:n1 demos. Conracr: llrnce Weaver I or e-m;ii] ha111.,.. iili1\c~7J01.1rer.. banks.com.
The Tangent Flight Computer is to be the best XC vario market. No other flight Mi\YI !CP:u
Bruce Weaver glidci!'\111tcr-banks.com. Mi\ Y 2J-30: X-(' Clinic by sky god David held in rhc desert of Sourhcm Utah. Must have Hli raring, working radio, wrh, cl, rlC CPS recommended. Limited class size. David Sharp (80 l) 263-8(, l I, shamclavc:(,1l1.nal1imcr.nct. Mi\ Y 2/i-2(,: Ory Alamogordo, NM. Ftm contests, ere. Meer in LZ at 9:00 arn each day. Sponsored Rio Crande Soaring Association. l\nny $25 in $30 on site. Comact: Robin Director (505) 5/i 1-57/ili or
li37-5213. 2-SEPT. G: I.akeview, OR Best "Flight Month" contcsl. Winners receive $100 a for the longest each month. Al .SO, monthly random drawing for all pilots and para} -- winner gets for Cm1111y 1
JUNE 7. J lj: Sanditt Clt1ssi,; Albuquerque, New Mexico. Scvcmlt a1111ual Ii 50 WTSS poim meet ar Sandia Peal<. The meet oFrhe season! top·-quality X-C: tasks, Price includes: cmry glider a11d pilot rrausporrarion to launch, mrn-, point film :rnd prcicc'ss1ng, co1mr,nr,:T1:ced fidl-rirnc paid st:1f{ free oxygcn re/ills, gifi catcs from local businesses, conve11ient meer headquarters wi1h reduced room rares, :1wards barbcrne, T-shin :rnd more! Sixry·pilot maximum field, Ii 5 spots reserved fi,r pilors ranked in the rop 80 USHCA or rop 100 P!RS. Remaining emrics will be based 011 compcrition and fligh1 cxJ)er1en.ce. First-lime entranrs musr have: lJSI Skills, 1001 hour,1 Advanced rating, all mountain rhennal experience. and CPS highly recommended. $325 if postmarked before afrcr. Refundable unril 30. ( :ontact: Mike 12117 Sr. i\lhuquerque, NM 87! (505) or Mark Mocho (505) 2982922. E-mail ro mmocho(ii)rt66.com.
JUNE 21-28: J.im Optn, sponsored by JUST FLY, Los1 Valley, Idaho --,one of the counrry's most beamifol sires, near ID. Mccl HQ in i\rco, 15 rnins. $),9'5 until April 30, $31i5 after. up for bo1h this and JUST FLY by March 31 for $500 total. Contact: c;.w. Meadows (919) fox (919) 48(),. ()] 17.
JU l.Y 2-G: 1.akeview, OR 1997 Umpteenth /'0,'.1l-1't1unC11Nt J,'/ight. Two "One Crand contests (hang and
ic, lntck a1 Aben Rim. Spcctarnlar new "Palisades" launch open only 19 miles from I .akcvicw. Kids ping,pong hall drop for prizes, historical and wildlife toms, barbecue, dance downtown, plenty of activilies for flyers and non-flyers. Plan a week and join rhe fun in bcau"I Jang Cliding tihil I .ake County, Oregon Capital of the \XI est "I
has accumulated as
ma1d!/I' cc)m,petition miles. Whethe1·
a tech-weenie
or .. phobe,
u want the real
thing, get the Tangent. "Now I know
gliding as
efficiently as pos
e. The
1997 Chelan Clrlssir. CBC:C :rnd invite all HG and pc; pilots, I-Jang RIY) and up. $GS !\II prohis go ro sire fond. Contact: Brian
(206) 827-902/i.
be able to
.JUI Y 1
U.S. N111ional,; l .akevicw, Oregon. Crear flying and local hospi · A number of sites will be used. Enrrv $295 i\pril 30, $.}li5 after. Special deal: Sign up for both this and FI.Y King Mrn. Open by March :31 for $500 roral. C:omacr: C.W. Meadows (919) fox (919) 480-0117.
!\UC;, 2--li: 1997 Wrstcm Crmaditm Chrtrnpionshlps, ( ;olden, BC: ( '.anada. X·C racing at Canada's premiere site. Check rhc picture for March in rhe US! !CA calendar. $30 entry foe includes S1mday night beer hash. l ndividual and ream scoring. Contact: Doug Keller (li03) 7.93-4008, skyward(alcaclvision.com. !\UC. 1823: 'Jd!uridr' !ltrohatir (.ht1111pionsh1j,s Cimttst. /c,es: $90 for rhc
audio speed con hil It's
my instruments. Dangerously addictive, frighteningly necessary. I love it."
is the best
performing climb and glide instrument I've flown with. I like how you can person ..
ally tailor the myriad of functions the Tangent boasts to suit your
d1e Acroharic Championships, $200 for the Cliding Contest. Meet organizers Jim and rhc TAI' promise to bring you the
bcsr event in WJl(;S-sanctioncd hang gliding. includes industry trade show, prizes, dance, shows, an awards dinner and other events. Prize money totaling$ I 5,000 for the aeros and speeders. ( :ontact: Pendulum 11,·r·ns,,nr,, (71 ')) 5:J').;3900, e-mail llll1Zf',l'Ct:n(,1Jat1l,,·on:1, web page lmp://www.pcn-
DESIGN 110 I Glendora Ave ua~:1ane1, CA 94602 5IO 531 2261
OC] ·. 1<J.20: 1't1 '., Mountain
Gliding ( ;A. Bring whole: fomily to our annual event. $1,000/day prize purse wirh no entry fee. l ncludcs free barbecue lunch and limited deluxe accornmodafocilirics and more. ran.,,p,.m:rn<m fi-om l Z to launch without down. Prize compcrition for dmarion, and rhc fornous Includes Tur's exotic animal preserve, live cultural dcmonsrrarions. C:on1ae1: Tut's Mrn. I 800-621, 1768, ('!OG) 782,6218 or l',rncc I lawk (423) 2J 2,,fi991i.
NOV. 1-.1: '/l,rrmrtl Clinic sponsored by Air California and Sky I look at La Salina, Baj:1, CA. Contact: David Jebb (619) 670 5,322, aircali!,111etc(1n1.co1n.
Hill 10 l .akeview Trophy I )ash, spot landcontest fi>r both hang and para, acrotow din,
MARCI 11997
article and photos by Bob Ormiston was alone in the light lift oflate afternoon. The sky was clear as crystal the glowing sun low above the Pacific horizon. Most ofthe other pilots were through for the day; the few gliders still in the air now /,ay behind me, pwying it safe back at Funston. Ahead ofme Westlake beckoned, the 700-Joot cliffs ojfering an ideal vantage point for my mission. The summer soaring season was almost over and I craved one more chance to capture a majestic northern California coastal panorama - green-blue ocean hues, blue-blue sky, froth-white su1f-framed by the sweep ofcoastal cliffs arcing south to Devil's Slide and lit by the magic light ofa golden sunset. After a late-season start I'd fi nally managed co find enough time during rhe sum mer co perfect a new camera mount fo r my glider, and now it was time co make it pay off Stretched om in my cocoon, coes pointed, I chased the wide-angle lens of my trusty Canon T70 as I flew south. Ir seemed co stare back at me, jiggling disconcertingly as rhe long boom, extending fo1ward from the keel, flexed in the light chop. I sure wouldn't want co fly this conrraprion in any real tu rbulence. But right now my main concern was the state of the lift. Westlake, two miles south of Funscon, is easily reached on a good day, but a bad decision on a marginal day will get you a long hike back and a hard climb up the steep, sandy cliff Just the day before, after some rewarding picture flights at Funston, I'd made one of those bad decisions, arrivin g at Westlake too low, scratching a little up, a little down, fo r over a dozen passes, before bailing back toward Funston , barely cl earing the low ridges, too busy to fuss wid1 retracting the camera boom
oc eys Ridge Dune Competition Aerotow Competition at Kitty Hawk Kites Flight Park 1st Annual Air Sports Association Hang Gliding Expo Rogollo Foundation Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Banquet KHK/Just Fly Fine Arts Show Saturday Night Street Dance Demo Days: March 1 May 31, 199
for landing, but, in ihc end, pulling off a camcra··safo IJO··windcr on the beach just shorr of Funston. Fortunately, a couple of pilots helped me lug the glider and camera gear up rhe cliff: Bm I hadn't made that mistake iu years, and avoiding a repeat was now foremost in my mind. 'I ciday die conditions looked okay, maybe nor great, hut I wamed those Westlake shots, and I was going for it :1gain. Midway down, passing the st,llilcs, my altitude seemed a hit low. Approaching Westlake, I pulled in 10 cross a small gap, then moved closer to max the lifr. Now the main towered ahove me. I was harcly even with rhc old coast road and l wasn't climbing. 'lcJo low I musr have bern caught in the compression. !\ of then a surge of ;mgcr rhis omnot happen again! J nmied to try a pass 11orth, only to drop slightly. I fought desperately for a couple of p;1sscs, looking for a breath of lift, but came 11p empty.· !'his was even worse than yesterday. The rcalizatio11 f111al· ly dawned: l was doomed to another humiliating beach landing, and far from Funston ro boot. J was going down fast. !\gai11, no time to retract the camera boom. With a last, quick one-eighty I lined up for a low approach in the tight breeze. Glancing down, l noticed I he ground was a blur. Damn, did rhc wind switch! Momcmarily confoscd, already frustrated, the insidiom distractions com bi ncd ro set up a whack. Now committed, the whole assemblage glider, camcr:1, boom mmm1, keel ballast hurtled toward the and my fragile body bc:1ch! In the eternity of that last split·second I had a frightfid vision of spearing the beach arnid an explosion of buckling, snapping, shattered aluminum boom and camera gear. Now! Push out Run, RUN ... !\aarrgh ... Kherr-rnmnncchh! hir an instant all was silent. The cloud of sand, and hits of dried seaweed slowly set· Spitting om rlie taste of hcach, hraccd for the worst, I opened my l couldn't believe it, cvcryth ing survived imact, save for wrenching the camera swiv·· d and keel ballast askew. 'l 'hankfi.il, but nevertheless disgusted, J hiked back to Funston with the c;miera gear and enlisted John Kockclman and another pilot to help lug 1hc glider 11p the Westlake clifls. !\s it tmned out it was my last photo flight of the season, but little did l know the J1nal irony of the story. MARCI I J 9<)7
It wasn't until the following spring that I finished shooting that hst roll of film. Only then did I discover, to my am,1ze. mcm, that I'd recorded a freeze frame of my own whack when the camera shutter triggered on impact! 1 couldn't have planned it better ifTd tried. This bittersweet talc had its beginning earlier in I he season when I decided to cry ;1 new for picture taking ancl mount my camera on a nose boom as [ learned during a John l lciney pl1oto clinic. The first aucmpt with a fixed boom was pretty easy and worked fine, but I was nervous abour the hazards of blowing a bmling with a spindly tube protruding directly in front of me, especially si nee l wanred to use it in Yosemite where I've rrnnaged to punctuate a few of' my landings with gully touchdowns. I decided rhat a rctranablc carnera boom would he good insurance, and wouldn't be that hard to make anyway. !\s luck would have it, l got a late stan and found myself in a race with rime to develop the hardware before spectacular Yosemite Falls dried up. So when l made my weekend reservation l had only one week lefr to ger ready. 1 planned ro build the boom retrnction mechanism in my ev,emng spare 1ime and then skip work Friday to M Punsron before driving to Yosemite in the evening. Inevitably, when I arrived at Funston, a couple of parts weren't quite ready; I figured a little duct tape and safoty wire would make up the difference. Soon afrer setting up the glider 10 test-fa the boom, hinge, pulleys, etc., I realized I'd made a hig mistake exposing myself to the Funston crowd who delighted in poking lim ar my Rube Goldberg contraption. !\ !or of heads were shaking when I tried to explain the moving bal1;1st system co com· pcnsatc for the ( :c; shifr of the retracting camera boom. Chief's wife'., Denise, teased that I'd need all night 10 set up at Yosemite to make the early morning bunch window if l got the rhing to work at all! Unforrunarely, it soon bccarne appar·· ent that some parts didn't work as planned, and I needed a little rework time back in the shop that evening. jlJan B sac· riftced Saturday at Yosemite to test-fly at Funston. !\las, late Saturday afternoon again found me fi1ssing with the h,mlware, fending off kibitzers and wuffos, still not to Wkn a bummer this was tu ming into! Eventually, on Sunday after·
noon, my weekend plans in sharnblcs, I finally managed ro check out the boom mechanism in /light, moving hallasr and all. l~ur aficr providing the weekend enter· tainmcnt for the hmston crowd, at no small cost to my personal reputation, l resolved never again to debug a piece of hardware i11 rhe public eye. With a lirrle more fo1e tuning I headed for Yosemite rhe following Friday. J\ficr a two-hour dawn sc111p I was able to launch on S;1turcfoy morning and, much to my relief; the system worked. And the shots weren't too bad, although by late August Yosemite 1:alls had shrunk to a few unspectacular My original concern about the nose boom vulncrabilily proved accurate when I happened to land in a threc-foot·dccp gully 011 Saturday. l ;onunarely rhc camera and boom survived i<ir Sunday's flight because they were safely rctracred, out of harrn's way. ft made sense 10 put off further Yosemite pictures till the next year, so, for the remainder of rhc coastal soaring season [ decided to concentrate on getting some air·to-air shor, back in the Bay Arca with ,l few of' the regulars like Mark Lillcdahl, John I<ockclm;:m, Urs I<cllenhcrger, Eves Till Chief and Mark Grubbs. First I wanted to get rid of the ballas1 shifter, which J didn't really need, and oth-· erwisc clean up the boom. After a day of rework and picrnrc taking a1 hmsron I took off just before sunset to shoot a few pictures in the last rays of sunlighr. 'I 'be distanr ocean horizon was obscured by low clouds and I wasn't sure when the sun actually set. Soon our of filrn I headed in to land, and as l lugged the glider into the take-·down area I noticed Enzo, one of rhc club ofitcers, animatedly gesturing to Jol111, who'd landed before me. Next thing f knew he came over to tell me that 1, John, and two other pilots were going ro be suspended for flying after sunset! What, me? Busrcd at Funston! Just what I needed, I'd flnally worked the bugs our of my camera boom mount and a onc·rnomh out the last good suspension would days of the season. Fortunately, a little fom-on-{mc discussion cleared up rhe "problem" and I could breathe a of' relief~ In the next couple of'wecks f did manage to get in some more flights and a frw good shots before iinally concluding the season with that unforgettable wcekcncl of back·to·-back hcach landings. II 19
TI VE 8'100 8000 7900 7800 7700 7600 7500 7400 7300 7200 7'100 7000
kY USlf (;A Executive Director Phil BrJchrnan
he graph accompanying this article is sdf expbnalory. The number of'hang gliding member pilots has been on an almost co11sta1Jt decline for the past several years. As a newcomer to the USHGA (I started in April '91) one of my fast impressions was that the size of the /\ssociation is very small relative ro other aviation-oriented activities and organizations. Bluntly speaking, because of t·he small number of total members (average of 9,400), it is critically important that the USHGA present itself as a strong, united group of dedicated and responsible air spon enthusiasts. From an outsider's point of view, it seemed immediately obvious that those who participate in hang gliding need to maintain a tight-knit relationship within the group and present our perspective and arguments professionally in order to prot·cct everyone's ability (and right) ro fly. Without a11 inner cohesiveness, the amount of influ-e11cc and prcssme 1hat can he brought to bare on an issue is severely diminished. In the real world of dealing with private landowners, state and fcder:1l agencies, insurance underwriters, etc., presenting a strong, united front to save a flying site, secure a special use permit or negotiate better premium rates is critical. Regarding the declining number of glider pilots, at the November Board
of Director's meeting the Membership and Developrncrn Committee made several recommendations which were approved by the BOD w allocate financial resources toward encouraging more people to investigate the world of hang gliding. This effort will be directed toward providing more support to the schools which generate almost all of our new members. In rhc past Lwo years we have made serious inroads toward developing cooperative relationships with other air sports organizations and federal and state agencies. /\s we continue to expand this effort we position ourselves more strategically frir the inevitable future showdowns over our rights to lly and secure access to lands from which to fly.
Many years ago l learned that to be an effective salesperson you must always remember to answer 1hc following question when you make a statement to someone in support of your point of view or objective: "What's In fr l!or Mc?" The WHPM frH you relates to the fi.nnre health and wellbeing of your sport, the degree of enjoy-· mcnt and freedom you can maintain, and the level ofsuppon and influence you can expect the national office ro be capable of generating on your and your sport's behalf.
Without a strong organization your right ro fly a hang glider will continue to decline. I support this statement by citing one of sever-al examples: the 18-month-long fight to secure a special-use permit for flying from designated launch sites on the Appalachian Ti-ail which encompasses l 4 states. A strong association needs members. An organization which is nor growing in today's times is in decline in terms of its ability to exercise its influence to protect and preserve the rights of its members.
Our membership renewal rate for the past three years has averaged 77.5%, which means that USHc;A acids over 22<Yci new members c;ich year. The down side of this is rhar we arc losing over 22% of our members each year. What can you do abo11t this? Give some thought to finding and sponsoring a newcomer to the thrill oflcarning to hang glide. Make a serious effort to bring someone new ro one of your club meetings or rake 1hem out to your flying site. 'fake the time to explain how the equipment works and what it is like to fly, literally like a bird. Loan someone a copy of 1he Newton's Apple video. 'fhis is a program which was produced for public television as a mod11lc of instruction for classroom rcacl1crs. It is a HANC CUDINC
l dynamite video about a firs! l1ang glider flight and fratures a tandem instruction flight with Kari Castle. lt is available from the USH(;A at cost ($6.00 including ship· ping). Have your club order a couple oF them frH members to loan out. lt is time for all of us to take sornc responsibility for reversing the direction of the hang gliding membership trend. A little bit of effort could go a long way.
Last momh f notified you of a lawsuit filed by Daniel H. Brown, Vic Powell, Thomas P Cene Hilborn and Michael seeking a coun order ro prohibit the USHCA from requiring members to sign the Waiver and Assumption of Risk Agreement. It further asks the court to order the US HCA to pay Drm Brown his attorney fees in prosect1ting the lawsuit against the UST !CA! On the first day of the last Board of' Direcrors meeting an insurance company representative who spcciali·;:es in sports association insurance coverage gave a prcscnta· tion. The presenter's clients inclnde such organizations as the United States Olympic Commincc, the USA Olympic Baskctb:111 Governing Body (CB), the USA Olympic GB, rhc USA Hockey GB, the Federation, rhc USA Wrestling MARCI I 1997
4 GB, the US Weightlifting GB, the USA Rugby football Union, and 12 addrtional Olympic governing bodies as well as several large 11011-0lyrnpic sports associations. The insurance representative inl-cmned those at rending rhc BOD meeting that every one of these sporting organizations require releases and waivers be executed by their members as a condition of affiliation and participation in their sport. The representative poi med our that in today's legal climate, all sports associarions should ULilizc a release and waiver. She observed that properly worded releases and waivers have been found effective by the courts around the country. In today's litigious world, a sporrs association can 110 longer expect to obrain liability insurance coverage to protect itself and its members without a mcm· bership rckasc: and waiver. These arc the facts of associ:nion life:. The lawsuit filed by Daniel l T. Brown, Vic Powell, Thomas I'. Carey, Ccnc Hilborn and Michael Carlyle will do nothto change rhc legal climate in rhis country or obviate the need for a release or waiver. Nor will iI assist the Association in any manner. l'vc told Vic Powell thar irs a damn shame that he and these individuals cannot use their creative talents to help the USHCA foce its challenges instead of '"'''L""'t, the Association in the courts. l
mcntio11cd earlier that a strong association needs a growing membership. The second part of this statcmcm is that the association needs supportive members in order lO he strong and ahlc 10 accomplish it.s objcc tivcs. As of this press elate the motion submitted in December by Dan Brow11 for an order ro show cause why a preliminary injunction hearing should not be held has been denied by the court. l )an Brown has now filed a motion asking the court ro order the US HCA ro 1101 require the ing of the Release, Waiver and Assum pt ion of Risk Agreement as a condition membership pending the outcome of his lawwit. The next scheduled court event is in late I;chruary. At the l,cginning of this commentary I stated my initial impression upon joining the USH( ;/\ that, relatively speaking, we arc a very .small drop in a very large ocean of air sports activities. As such, we 11ecd LO present a united from of cledicarcd, responsible, commirred and astute i11dividu,1ls who can and will stand up for our right 10 cnjoy our sports. The idea of suing our selves docs nothing to fonhcr our cause. That's my opinion. •
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Masters of Freestyle
Hang Gliding by Chris Bo/fing
DiNaso gave me a call one night and asked me ifI wanted to go to his aerobatic
contest disguised as an airshow in Mexico. Trying to think in a responsible manner, since I have a job now, I told him that I would probably be in Telluride the week before and it would be hard to get two weeks in a row offftom work. He asked me ifI would rather sit on top ofa mountain getting snowed on or fly at a warm beach and then drink Coronas. 24
Dino, knowing that I'm easily tempted, also promised a hotel, sponsorship and riches beyond belief. Now, having known Dino since his paisley glider days and having been to a 1990 contest in Acapulco with him, I knew this trip could just peg the fun meter. So, after a brief pause I said I would be there and the Telluride trip would be put on hold. The event rook place September 21-22 and was officially called the Budweiser Ultralight Airshow and Masters of Freestyle Hang Gliding Chan1pionship. The location and sponsor was che Rosarito Beach Hotel and Spa during their 70th anniversary celebration. The plans included hang gliders, powered ultralights, powHANG GLIDING
ered paragliders and a Mini 500 helicopter as the featured aircraft. Aerial demonstrations, candy and prize drops, spot landings and, of course, aerobatics were the flight activities. John "Oly" Olson of Safari Mexico manned the PA with lively coverage of the activities and sponsors in both English and Spanish. The chief judge was spin-junky RC Dave Freund, and other judges included square-loop man Ron Young, Eric "The Lifeguard" Smith, Scott Stewart and Moyes gizmologisr Juan "Fuzzy" Corral. Erica Koesler, a normally sweet and kind person, kept rhe competitors and spectators in order serving as flighr director with a very loud M ARCH 1997
and later hoarse voice. Maneuvers were judged on difficulty, form and versatility, just as in Telluride. The four recognized maneuvers included loops, spins, climbovers and rollovers. As an incentive to push the level of difficulty, the maximum score possible for rolling maneuvers was increased from 180 points for a 180-degree roll to 200 points possible if the roll was up to 200 degrees on the way up. Mitch McAleer protested the 500-foot aerobatic floor saying ir would interfere with natural selection, bur rhe floor stayed and future generations will have to deal with the consequences. Hungary Joe and Cindy Szalai provided our moveable mountain with a Moyes
Dragonfly. As explained by Joe, he could row directly and consistently ro the aerobatic box and altitude, and if a pilot stayed on row after being given the signal to release, Joe could start on down and force a release. Launches were either foot launch or dolly launch on the hard sand near the water. After releasing competitors, Joe would pur on his own aerial ballet with the apparently very controllable Dragonfly, set up a final approach just above and ro the side of rhe next glider to be rowed , drift sideways in the sea breeze, land, and have tl1e tow rope bounce up the sand ready for ilie next hookup. Yes, much berrer than sirring on a mountain getting snowed on.
=-==-~ =-=<:> •
performance •
handling •
stability T
carbon fiber airframe •
innovative set-up
Manufactured in the USA by 12379 South 265 West, Draper, Utah 84020 ph (80 I) 523-9544 fax (80 I) 523-9688
Tcol-free control bar, no strain side wire attachment, strong yet flexible carbon fiber cross spar and leading edges. Low twist wing design utilizing vortex generator technology, low-drag semisymmetrkal ai1foi/ tip area. positive incernal wing shape definition system (passive set-up). high quality sail construction {heavier thread. extra reinforcement), easy set-up "automatic kingpost" system, ultra wide speed range. glacial sink race, light-quick handling. extraordinary h,gh speed glide performance, truncated tip for optimum tensioning, clean low profile tip fairing. innovative quick-fold internal tip striJL refined high performance glider with great attention to detail, exceptional top speed. top performing. sweet handling and artfully aesthetic . . . a blast to fly.
Overall Placing ................... Glider .................. .Points
Spot Lmiding Contest ...... .Round
Dieter Goerky ............. .I
Bolflt1g . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ................ .
Mitch McAleer .............. .XC . . ................. .'786.6
Dave Biddle
................ Ra1nAir . . . . . . . ......... .'741 .2
Bill Rehr
Tony Barton ................ .
. ................... 64:8.6
Sonny White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ................ .489.2
............... .Xtralite . . . . . . . . .........789.5
Bolflng . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2
............. RamAir ................. ."770.0
.............. .3
l)ave Biddle ............... .4
Manatt . . . . . . . . ........ K2 . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .476.4
......................... , ........... LARA parachute
Free Flight
Flight H.ang Gliding .................................... Mantis Chuck Etnbury ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High
glider bag, paraglider bag
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 2
and diddy
Rcvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 2 Pairs of sunglasses Blue Sky. . . . .................................. $300 off Precfator conversion Airwave . . ............................. 'J:,shins, stickers, Chris Bolfing's glider Bruce
............................................. Trophy engraving
CD Metal Pab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 'l}ophies Hugo Tbrrcs .................................. lfotel rooms l (800)
'fhe firsH·01md order was chosen by drawing numbers, and began after the local emergency service Rescome Halcones unst11ck their trailer from the sand and launched their hoar. Everyone completed the first round, bur the judges ruled my flight and Dieter Goerky's Loo obscured by p;ttchy fog to be scored. The round was considered a practice but it ;1lso put the tWO llS at a disadvantage since our makeup was scored below the fog with less available al ti rude. I-laving been a judge at 'Iclluride I knew the skill and math involved in judging the rounds, and from what I saw during the first round, Dieter, otl a Budweiser-emblazoned Xtralite, and Mitch McAk:er 011 a pre--production X( :, were the ones to watch. Dieter edged 0111 Mitch with some very fluid flying, but Mitch had some yawing rollovers rhat looked cool and would not really fly bm scoot sideways over the top. I was feeling good about my
MAim I 1997
flying too. Before the contest I had a chance to practice a couple of days and I was feeling physically strong from my swim team practices. Four complete rounds were flown. All gliders ,verc mostly stock. All pilots maintained temporary sanity. There was some amazing flying in between, too. l fongary Joe pur on ;1 half.rime crowd-straf1ng show in 1he 'Fly, Scott Crcssit and Pavel flew powered paragliders, and Raleigh Collins with Dave Jmgcns skydived from trikes flown by Eugene Evans and Mark J:lcrnming. The trikes also provided an aerial piiiata for the excited crowd with the srreamcrcd candy and prizes raining down in shreds after going through the props. I went surfing between rounds and got t.o sec l )ino and Mitch fly through a corrugated plastic barn structure in their tribute to 19.lO's lx1rnstorrning stunt pilots. We also got to sec the swimsuited Budweiser Cirls dance the Macarena.
Pilots we missed incl11decl photographer and pilot extraordinaire John Heiney, as well as Aaron Swepston, who were not able to arrcnd. After everyone packed up, Ron Young did his first loops in two years aJicr recovering from a nap/car wreck. The only casualties were an our-·oC--control three-wheeler running over his own foot and then Bill Reh r's wing tip in the staging area, and my friend Urs Kellenberger suffering from beer goggles one night afrcr too many cervesas. I would like to thank Dino and the numerous and generous sponsors for a great time. All of the pilots had f"un, the spectators saw a great airshow, and the sponsors gor exposure. Dino and his J\cro Events arc planning more shows in Mexico and in the United States, so keep an eye out for future dates. Dave Biddle has released a video of' the show, so if you get a chance, check it our. Ill 27
the slip as shown in Figure 2. At some point this slip angle is reduced to the extent that the glider is mostly diving, not yawing, and © 1997 ~)I Dennis Ptigen pitch stability takes over. This reaction is important to remember when we discuss W7t: have received some further questions concerning lockouts and the the process of a lockout. Let us take a moment to look at the gliddiscussion presented in the December 1996 issue of Hang Gliding. It er's reaction to a slip a bit more closely. ln seems a more detailed explanation qf how a lockout works is warrant- Figure 3 (top), we show a glider in a left slip from die view of the relative wind. In other ed Ffowever, to do this we must understand a bit about how our glid- words, if we were standing with our eye at the exact point toward which the glider was ersfly with and without the fiJrces under tow. moving, this is what we would see. ln this case we see very little of the underside of the his is nor necessarily a simple discus-· a glider yawed on a towline. 'fhc result is wing, for rhc glider is in a low-angle-ofsion (although we will simplify where that the left wing is dlc:CLivcly swept much attack slip. Lift is reduced in this situation possible), but it is an important dismore and the right wing much less than in initially, which is why we accelerate downcussion. Its importance lies in the fact that normal flight. With more sweep, the left ward in a slip and why the glider doesn't every tow pilot can develop a better defense wing is more likely to stall further outhiard have a tendency to roll up the low wing. On against lockouts by understanding the fccl-and at a lower angle of anack than before. It the other hand, drag is increased, especially ings and forces that occur at each step in the should be clear that if the pilot did stall in on the forward wing (left wing in this case). lockout process. this situation, most likely the left wing This increase in drag yaws or rotates the left For those readers with less curiosity or would be the one to do so, and the stall wing back and changes the heading to the desire to follow a detailed analysis, I have would be more severe than normal since it direction of flight. included a summary of ideas at the end of occurs more outboard. The consequence Under tow, a different situation occurs. Pan 11 so they too can upgrade their under-· would be a dropping down and back of the As the relative wind view in Figure 3 (botlcfr wing which would .-------'-------......... tom) shows, a slipping standing oflockouts and thus downsize their risk. (or skidding) glider is most likely lead to a lockout. As a point of usually at a high angle of STALL EFFECTS interest, J have photos of attack on tow, so not Pan of rhc problem with trying to figure ottt swept wings tethered in only does a yaw force what goes on during a lockout is that there wind tunnels in different develop, but so does a is not a lot of written material on swcptyawed conditions that roll force. This roll force wing, low-speed aerodynamics. That's illustrate these stall tends to lifr the fotward another way of saying how a hang glider effects quite clearly. wing (lefr wing in this works. We'll rry to make np for some of that example). lf we turn to lack here. SUP EFFIICTS the situation in Figure l, We begin with what happens 10 the The next matter to we sec the right wing is behavior of a wing when it is swept back investigate is what hap·· forward so the glider will into a V shape. One of the main effects is to pens when a glider slips. tend to yaw right and roll move the poim of initial stall on the wing The glider in Pigurc 1 is left. outboard toward the tip. The reason for this moving through the sky Those tow pilots who is that as a wing plows through the air it in a direction not lined have discovered their up with its heading (the causes an upwelling or upwash of air in gliders aiming at an angle front and to the side of it. You can sec this way the nose is pointto the towline will recoging). This is called a slip. 'frx:lmically, if the effect by running your hand through water, nize the roll comrol required to keep the glider is yawed to the left of the flight path just below the surface. With a swept wing, wings level. This tendency for the glider to the root or center of the wing creates a swell and banked right, iris in a slip; if it is yawed roll away from the towline is due to the of air upwashing to the side, which then lcfr and banked lcfr, it is in a skid. In free uneven forces on the wings as illustrated. meets the wing tips at a higher angle of flight, a hang glider is not very capable of With ground-based towing the necessary attack than the surronnding air would othskidding, bur with the addition of tow control force can be surprisingly large even erwise. A higher angle of arrack outboard forces it may. lt is imporrant to be aware with the wings level as others and l can tesresults in an earlier stall as the glider is that we cannot readily di reedy control yaw tify. When aerotowing, the effect is most in a glider. \Xie can only roll which then slowed. While om hang gliders typically noticeable when you arc below the tug and have around 15° physical twist (washout) at causes a yaw. flying slowly. 'T'he situation with a roll tenthe tips, the effect of the upwash reduces the In free flight in a hang glider a slip may dency away from the towline is an incipient effective twist to less than 1O". he produced briefly, bm the yaw stability of lockout, and if unchecked, will lead to a 'Jc) sec what this has to do with towing, the glider (due to swcepback of the wings) full-blown lockout. look at Figmc 1. Here we see the top view of soon rotates the glider inro the direction of 28
TURN EHlECTS Before we can observe the full progression of' ;i lockout we need to review how ;i glider rnrns. We begin with a roll control aspictured in Vigure 4 (we shall ignore adverse yaw effects as being not germane to our dis-· cussion). The glider then dips the loaded and hanks. Now, if the pilot did nothing more the glider would slip and follow the steps shown i11 Figure 2. However, to produce a coordinated turn, the pilot pushes our ro raise the nose and follow a curving path. The hank allows the tum and the pitch comrol produces ir. The curving path is important since it creates an apparent ccmrifr1gal force which pulls the pilot to the outside of the rnrn and thus balances the: frm:cs as shown in the low· er part oft he illustration. l lcre the weight combined with the apparent cemrifugal force result in a net load that is exactly offset by the aerodynamic forces (which arc a combination oflifr and drag). With such a balance of forces no acceleration occurs, and a steady, continuous turn results. But just as the addition of a towline alters a glider's reaction to a slip (or more correctly, allows a high-anglc-of~anack skid), so too is a tum reaction altered under row. In fact, due to the towline preventing the glider from greatly altering its path, curving flight with pitch control cannot take place. Therefore, 1hc haLmcc of' forces will not occur when ;i glider is hanked away from rhc centerline of the tow path. Herc again is another clue to the progression oflockouts. THE PROGRESSION OF A LOCKOUT Now we arc ready to put all the pieces together and sec how a lockom develops. Figure 5 shows a typical lockout progression. We have illustrated ground-based towing because the towline position shows more clearly, but acrotowiug cfkcts arc similar iC less pronounced. !11 Position l we have a glider with its nose pointed to the right (in our view we'll rcfr:r lo all directions in om view of the head on glider, so om right is the pilot's left) of the tow path which is indicated by rhc towline. As we have seen, there is a tendency for rhc wing on our kfr to roll up in this case which will lead ro Position 2. (This cffc.'.Ct is more noticcahlc the further lO the side of· the tow path and the more yawed the glider is. It is also more noticc:ablc with ground towing rhan acrotowing because acrotowing takes place at higher speeds and MARCH 1997
Figure 1: .Yttwin.g on tow Glidernccelerates downwmd in slip and yaws nose down. Glider heading is not aligned with flight path. Pilot enters slip too control.
Glider yaws until nose is pointed earthward.
Glider slippinn in fre,,1 flight oxperioncos yaw forco and little roll force.
h11.ng glider slip process
Figure :3: Forces in slip 11nd skid Glider at hioh angle of attack pulled to the side in a skid by the towlin<l experiences a roll force along with yaw.
(?! Pilot eases the bar out lo ca,ve the tum and continue in a steady manner. Upward and down;(atd
forces are in balance in a steady turn.
• Aerodynamic force (sum o1 lift and drag)
therefore lower angles of attack as well as shallower towline angles with respect to the glider's keel.) ff the pilot resists th is roll tendency the glider will eventually yaw to point at the towline, as shown, then drift directly behind the tow vehicle or winch. If the pilot doesn't resist the roll, he may end up at Position 2. Ofren Position 1 is bypassed when turbulence or overcontrol lcaves a glider in the situation of Position 2. In either case, 111,mers begin to get more seri-ous. In the situation of Position 2, the glider continues to roll away from the towline (to the right in our drawing) because rhe towline is pulling it in a skid (glider yawed to the right of the flight path and banked to the right). At the same time, the glider begins to track h1nher "ofninc" to the right of our drawing as shown, due to a imbalance of forces which we will discuss in Parr Tl. A glider in Position 2 requires strong roll control to level the wings in order for a recovery to ensue. Leveling the wings will restore the glider to the situation in Position 1 (bur further to the side). The roll control will have to be held longer as the glider gradually corrects irs position. Once the wings arc leveled, the roll control should be lighter just enough to keep the wings level so as not to ovcrcontrol to the other side. The situation in Positions I and 2 arc known as an incipient lockollt and :tre recoverable with correct pilot reaction. Wit:hom the correct input, however, the situation quickly dcgr:tdes to that of Posirion .'3 and beyond. Herc we sec a fullfledged lockout. At some point in the process from l to 4 the bank angle and effect of gravity begin ro accelerate the glider toward the ground. When this occurs, the glider is no longer being pulled in a skid by the towline. The roll force diminishes and a slip to the pilot's lefr develops, which rotates the glider's nose downward as shown in Position 4. The leftward slip docs not have the roll effect that is encomncrcd in the skid described earlier. The reason for this is that as the glider rolls to one side, its angle of attack is reduced. This is similar ro the cffrct when you arc in a turn and nearly stalling and you increase your bank angle to find that the stall goes away. Tc) readily sec how this works, rake a business envelope and draw a line across it in its center to represent a keel. Now hold the envelope at arm's length with a healthy angle of attack (you'll
Wings level Position Glider tracks away from the tow centerline.
Path of glider
5: l,oc/wutpmgression be looking at the bottom of your model "wing"). Now rotate the envelope around the keel as an axis and you'll see the angle of attack diminish until it is zero at a 90° angle of bank. Thus, the slip during Lhc lockom phase frorn Position .'3 on lowers the glider's angle of attack and serves only to yaw the glider's nose downward. Afrer Position 4 the glider may continue to rotate nose downward as shown by the dashed line (unless ir cont;icts the ground first). The dashed line showing a pullout is rhc path sometimes followed by a roy kite with a tail which may slow rhc rotation in y:iw and allow a pullout once rhc tow angle is reduced enough. When a pilot reaches Position 3 his only hope of recovery is to become free of the towline tension by a release, weak link break or the dumping of pressure on a reel system. The limits of recovery between 2 and 3 depend on the towl inc fiirce, the length of the towline and the towline angle. The greater the force, the shorter the line and the steeper the angle, the faster the degradation toward lockout will occur. It should be clear that immediately post-launch with a payout winch system is perhaps the most vulnerable
Dive gets steeper and yaw cor1tinue,,.1 Yaw force
l 1
time. Limiting the tow force is our best lockout defense in this case. An interesting account related to me an eyewitness involved a tandem tow a payout winch. The pilots launched in a crosswind and immediately drifted to one side and entered a lockout. Because the tow pressure was light enough, the glider whipped around in a turn and plowed in downwind. The glider was heavily damaged but the experienced pilots only received a ferocious bell-ringing and an increment more of experience. The poim is that the limited tow pressure started a lockout but didn't cause ir to follow through 10 its normal dire consequences. 'fhis concludes the first part of our cussion. The second and final part next month and covers lockout situations, towline attachment systems and control, well as the forces on a glider during the lockout. Finally, we end with the surnmary of the points we have brought up for easy understanding and reference. Hopefully we'll all tow safdy until then and keep locked in behind our tow machines. 1111
• carbonfibre technology with graphite crossbar, centre section and divesticks make the CSX stronger and safer while reducing drag tlu·ough el iminating kingpost and lufflines • "Sail Propensity" (SP)* • Extended high speed glide ratio due to deflexor system • Sp1ingtip battens fitted into fully enclos ing pockets produce a clean, smooth trailing edge decreasing drag
Results: 1st -Tomas Suchanek
August '96: European Championships December '96: High Level Classic
January '97: Australian Nationals
THE SENSOR 61 OF W /Interconnected Flaps & VG
SIMPLY OUTCLIMB THEM A New Way To Fly Sailplanes and Paragliders camber their wings at wi ll. The Trampenau Flap"' system, not only boosts your climb-rate, but also allows slower and smaller concentric turns. You 've never experienced a glider that performs at such a high level, yet handles this easily.
success si nce its public debut in April 1995, the new SuperFloater offers: • Excellent 15 : 1 performance in si t-down soaring comfort (and no harness to buy!)• Superb joystick handling• Very s imple aero or winch launching (foot launch is possible) ... . . . all for an amazingly low price. > Fully built and test flown, the SuperFloater is shipping now. Fly under Part 103 and the1111al in close with your hang gliding friends.
Ultralight Soaring Aircraft
Climb Fast, Glide Far Loosening the VG lowers the flaps, increasing camber into a high lift, slow speed, thermaling airfoil. Dominating every core, you'll find yo urself climbing faster than you ever thought possible. Tightening the VG raises the flaps and reduces the airfoil camber transforming your wing into a blade for maximum speed-range and glide ratio.
Launch And Land With Flaps The launch advantage is becoming airborne with more margin and control. Landing with flaps has dual benefits. You may accelerate above 30 MPH increasingly building drag degrading your glide. Whe n it's time to flare, your touch down SReed will be noticeably slower'
New SpeedFoiJ™ Tubing Lower drag, our new airfoil tubing for the king post and control bar boost the glide ratio adding a point or more at higher speeds. Other features on the Sensor 610F are: computer-optimized, laminar-flow airfoil; twelve shear ribs ; co ntrol bar apex aft of the CG; Kevlar band & dacron cord TE hem ; 7075 T6 LE and ribs; semi-cantilevered cross tubes and a simplified 12 minute set-up. We all knew that eventually hang gliders would be this good!
Ph. 805 / 968 / 7070 Fax 805 / 968/0059
r I ')9(, ..,l't'd1,inJ.t~ Inc ..,,..l'U1,ini,:~. :,,,..nsor. T r:m1rt'nau flap and lhl' St:t'd1,ini,:~ 101,to :1rl' all lradcmarl...!. of s ....u1,ini,:s Inc
or truly independent soaring, the C umulus ultralight motorglider is a highly refined choice: • Soar beyond 20: 1, sink as slow as hang gliders • Handle with ease and authority • Zoom beyond 80 mph , or c hug a long at 60 for be tter than 200 miles on less than 5 gallons of fu el. Even better. . . shut her down and soar for miles. Then , tap the electric starter and motor home eas il y. > The C umulus is a three-year , top-tobottom design offerin g superb soaring compatible w ith hang gl iders.
Call/fax to get info on these 2 great choices.
US Miation • 26S Ec~o ln • Soul~ St. Paut MN 55o75 ' USA ' Tel/fax: 612/450-0930
The Improved Tracer (IT) fe,1tures continuous webbing structure, adjustable padded leg straps, adJustable shoulders, hook knife, steel carabiner, easy rotation for excellent sit-up.ability, skid plate toe protector, bungee retractor channel, custom sizing and a wide ranue of colors & options !&
i111111·1t;;m11;1°,11111t1,11r1,,11111 IIHml111mn 111111 111n11lll1t11, I mll!1ffl m1n1 !d1,si1nu1w 11111111111111 fmo lllrm1, 1nm1m1. [r~ !
P "°'
1 I
MARCIi 1997
setting a record.for par-· this an.nu,u event. More than a third rfall Montami Challenge. E'ight pilots registered pilots
,.__ _ _._, he MCCC competition for .. mar h.ir 1996 was simple. The single longest Hight originating in Montana during the launch window (4/1 /96 to 10/15/96) determined the order of finish in hoth classes. This format was probably nor as successfol as the "sum of the three longest f1ights" forrnat used in previous We will rctu rn 10 the old formal in M:my pilots foci ir should rake more than one long flight to win the Challenge. Additional flight narratives should also serve to increase the MCCC: newsletter thrill coeflicicnt. Don Lcpinsky won the hang gliding
class with his flight from Fllis Peak on 711 ')/96. l lis compelling narrative: "I launched my RamJ\ir 146 from Ellis Peal< at 4: 1()PM.The lifr along rlie Tcndoys was very light. l 1m111agcd to climb to l I ,000' MSL which enabled me to coast to the north end of the range. I went over the back very low at 8,300'. I planned to land at the Clark Canyon Reservoir as the sky to the north and the cast of" the lake was overdeveloping. When J reached the reservoir the development was drifting cast and looking a litrlc less ugly. l hit 1,000 up along the edge of an ominous looking cell and continued north. I spcm the next 35 miles between 13,000' and 15,000' MS!, flying along the edge of rhe cell. The sky continued to overdevelop to the point where l could no longer sray clear of rhc clouds. I landed in a pocket of sunshine two miles north of Twin Bridges for ,1 grcat,circlc distance of 67.7 miles." Moille Elliot, proprietor of the "Horse Prairie Hilton," presented Don with a highly coveted sterling silver belt buckle as the winner of this year's Bachelor Mountain Fly-In. l )011 picked rhc: righr U:'F!: Dan Mi\l<CI I 1997
up. One pilot
time to have the best X,C: flight in Montana during 1996! 'J '.1ylor Arnot won the Paragliding Class with a nine,milc Hight from Missoula's Mt. Sentinel on 4/28/96. On the same day, 'l,xld Onken flew his paraglider 29.5 miles from Sentinel for the Montana parngliding X-C record. Too bad 'liidd procrastinated bd<)re sending in his MC :CC membership form. 'T<Jdd is likely to enter the challenge vr:ry early in the 1997 season. Cordon Thompson (61 years young) describes bis first hang gliding ascent to the clo11ds: "My hest flight of the year was from Red Mountain on 7/27/96. A distance of 17 miles isn't great but I broke my ,ilritudc record, reaching 16,700' MSL nc:.:ir launch. The thermal took me on my first ride to cloudbasc, after which I jumped over the back heading cast for the 'fobacco Root Mountains. Flying through sleer ar 3"7 folr pretty good afrcr baking in the heat on the ground. In smooth air l drifted eastward and downward in my Super Sport over the Jcflcrson River Valley. I had plenty of aJtj . . rude when [ reached rhe Roots, bur there was no lifr robe found. ! landed near the small town of Waterloo." Don l.epinsky and 'faylor Amor, Bill Snyder miles), Jeff Feldman (38), Hank Hutzel (3 l ), the author (24), Dan Cravagc (20), Gordon Thompson ( l 7) and John Davis (17) received one or more prizes for their finishes in the '96 MCCC SPECIAL THANKS arc due to the gener ous sponsors of rhc event. Give them your suppon when buying flying-rclared merchandise. The sponsors of' the 1996 MCCC: included the following: USHG/1 sweatshirt, 3 Tshirts, 2 log books, 2 license plare frames, sew-·on
tit J4,000' MS!. m;fr the !lbsaroka-Br:artooth Wilderness Arr:tl in south·
so can --Chuck U.S. Cliding Association (US! ICA) membe1·s arc now el igihle for the \ll'estigious FA! Air Crew Card. Ii idenlifies you as a pilol to airporl altend;rnts, rolice and security guards, and can open lhe door to crew discounts on hotel rooms, meals and other perks. Your FA! photo ID card is issued hy the National Aeronautic Associ<i· lion (NAA), the umbrella organizalion for ,ill major air sports grours, including USHCA, and sole U.S. rep· n,sentative of lhc! F0d0ration A0ronautiquc• Internationale (FA!).
I ccrlify ih,ll I am a lJSI IC/\ rated pilot.
I pholocopy of my 1,H,mlH•rship c,ml is al I lached. I arn also C'11c:losing a passport.size I pholo which I h,we sig1wd lhl' revc,rse. I l'lc~;1sc, issue ,rn IAI i\ir Crew Cirri, v,1lid ior I lhc> pc'riocl ·1ndica1c,d. I 3 years I U I year 2 yc;;m I $19 $29 $39 I l'IC'ase compl('ic and relurn with a cl1"c:k or I I money ordc•r, or c:JiargC' it lo your crC'dil card. II11 I I I I I N,rnw (print) I I I I I I I c:i1y lip I I Visa l.J Mastc>rc:ilrd I I CrC'di! Circl Ii Lxp. 1);11" I I I I I I I I N,1tional i\Nor1;1utic: Association I ill N. I ml Myer I )rive', Stl'. 700 I I Arling1cm, Vi\ 22209 I (70l) :,)7.()22(, 011
GW. Meadows (JUST PI.Y) 3 ·rshirts Paul Hamilton (Adventure Productions) PG Party Video, I IG Party Video Hall Brothers wind meter Jack Cole National Aeronautic Association, one yeat· membership In traditional MCCC fashion, hang glider pilot and ;irtiste ex1raordinaire Dan Gravagc produced some beaurifol an·
Pcrpen1al hang gliding and paragliding plaques were crafred to annually honor the pilots with the longest flights fc)r infinity and beyond. The 199'7 season beckcms. Images or!ong, high flights in the cold, blue Rocky Moumain air quicken the pulse and form the substance of wintery dreams. Good luck to PG and HG divers everywhere in the '97 season! II
1) Don LePinsky
Ellis Peak
2) Bill
Bull Mountain
3) Jeff Feldman
Bull Mountain
4) Hank Butzel
Red Mountain
Perry Jones
IS!lis Peak
7) Got'dan.Thompson
Red Mountain
7) John Davis
6) Dan:
Place Pilat
1) Tii.ylofArnm
Miles 9
by Rob Bachman
Mi\l\CII 1997
BEGINNER-TANDEM RATINGS Region 8 JOHNSTON, KARA: North Granby, CT; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch Rcgion 9 D[CKSON, GRAHAM: Philadelphia, PA; D. Glover/Wallaby Ranch STOCKTON, RICHARD: Philadelphia, PA; D. Glover/Wallaby Ranch
()'GRADY, MlCHAFL: Conyers, CA; C:. Thoreson/Lookout Mm i:T' SHANK, CHIK: Coconut Crove, FL;]. Tindle/Miami HG .SPROAT, ANDREA: Nashville, TN; C:. Thoreson/Lookout Mm FP TRANTHAM, JEFF: Lewisville, NC; B. Goodman/Bl11c Ridge HC WILLIAM.SON, Bll.l.: Winter l lavcn, FL; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch Region 12 LITTLE, MARC;ARFT: Holmdel, NJ; D. Clover/Wallaby Ranch
Region 10 CAMLIN, GRACE: Orange City, Fl.; D. Glover/Wallaby Ranch SI JANK, C:r ITK: Coconm Crove, FI.; J. Tindle/Miami HG STEFN, GARY: Ocala, FL; G McNamcc/Graybird Airspons WILLIAMSON, BILL: Wimer Haven, FL; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch
Region 1:1 RAYBURN, JOI fN: Canada; I). Glover/Wallaby Ranch
Region 12 LITTLE, MARGARET: Holmdel, NJ; D. Glover/Wallaby Ranch
Rcgion 2 MFRRTMAN, KRJSTI: Fresno, C:J\; It Soares/Central
Region 13 RAYBURN,JOHN: Canada; D. Glover/Wallaby Ranch
Rcgion 3 ISBEL!., RICK: Captain Cook, HI; R. Mitchcll/Faglc's Wings PULLEN, ROBFRT: Coleta, CA; T. llurcar/Fly Away
BEGINNER RA'TINGS Region 2 NUNNO, LOUIS: Paso Robles, CA; T. Burcar/Fly PO LONS KY, IZlJGENE: San Jose, C/\; P. Dcncvan/Mission Soaring SHACKELFORD, .SCOTT: Orangcvalc, CA: G. Hamilton/Sacramento HG Sl IOTT, BRIAN: San Francisco, CA; P. Dcnevan/Mission Soaring Region 3 DELARVTN, SCOTT: Sama Barbara, CA; T. Burcar/Fly Away GREENE, HOWARD: Kapaa, HT; T. Burcar/Fly Away WHEATLEY, .SHANNON: Founrain Valley, CA; A. Beem/Windsports Int'! Region 4 GREEN, TARA: Prescott, AZ; R. Richardson/Arizona HG Region 5 WEAVER, CORRIN: Boise, fD; A. Barker/Boise HG Region G DEESE, STEPl IFN: Little Rock, AR; T. Middleton/Soaring Wings Region 7 FLACK, JIM: Indianapolis, IN; D. Quackcnlmsh/True Flight Region 9 DUNCH, BRENDA: Warren, OJ-I; D. Haber/Kitty Hawk Kites DUN CH, Ml CT TAEL: Warren, OH; D. I laber/Kiny Hawk Kires SPRIGGS, HOWARD: Jackson Ccmcr, OH; P. Vencsky/Kiny Hawk Kites
Region 4 CREF.N, TARA: Prescott, AZ; R. Richardson/Arizona HG HUlmTA, EDWARD: Silver City, NM; T. Barron/Airborne Spons USA RAFFFRTY, NA' J 'J IAN: Salt I .ake City, lJI '; ( :. Baughman/Vulture Cliders SI I!PEK, KIM LINES: Hereford, AZ; T. Barton/ Airborne Sports USA Region '5 WEAVER, CORBIN: Boise, ID; A Barker/Boise I IC Region (i DEESE, .STEPHEN: Linlc Rock, AR; T. Middleton/Soaring Wings Rcgion 7 FLACK, JIM: Indianapolis, JN; n. Qnackcnhush/Truc Flight Region 8 ROBIN.SON, NATE: Clasronbury, CT; A. Bloodworth/Lookout Mm i:p Region 9 MULL, DANNY: Ravenna, OH; A. Bloodworrh/1.ookour Mm Fl' Region 10 CAM UN, STEPHEN: Orange City, Fl.; D. Clover/Wallaby Ranch HARLOW, JOHN: I lobe Sound, FL; M. I .abado/Lookom Mm FP O'GRADY, MTCHAFf.: Conyers, CA; C:. Thoreson/Looko11t Mm FP .SHANK, Cl III<: Coconm Grove, FL; J. Tindle/Miami !-TC .SPROAT, ANDREA: Nashville, TN; C. Thorcson/Lookour Mm 1:p .STEEN, GARY: Ocala, FL; G. McNamcc/Grnybird Airspons WILLIAMSON, Bll .L: Wimer J-laven, FL; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch
Region 10 CAMLIN, STEPHEN: Orange City, FL; D. Glover/Wallaby Ranch NEWTON, KRISS!: Wildwood, GA; C. Thorcson/J.ookom Mtn FP
ADVENTURE PRODUCTIONS Paul Hamilton 4750 Townsito Road F{eno, Nevada 89511 USA F'homi/FAX 702-1149-9672 harnilton@adventuro.reno.nv.us
Region 1 LITT! .F, MARCARET: I lolmdd, NJ; D, Clovcr/Wallahy Ranch Region 13 R/\ YBl JRN, JOHN: Canada; I), Clover/Wallaby Ranch
1NfERMED1ATE RAT'fNGS Region I WFSTIZRG/\ARD, KU!ff: Eagle River, AK; J. i•<>orr111,,rr,rn 11·sr Region RODRIGUE/, ( ;ORCE: Modesto, Ci\; S. Bickford/Magic Air WATKINS, SCOTT: Apros, Ci\; G. l larnilton/Sacramento HG Rcgion 3 Ti\YLOR, R/\1.l'l l: l.os J\ngdcs, Ci\; D. Quackenbush/True Rcgion 4 ROOT llf, HJW/\R]): Cliandlcr, t\/; W. Holmes/Sky Masters Region 9 POWELL, DAVID: Cc111rc J Tall, PA; S. Wendt/Blue
3 6 6
8 8 8
12 12 I 12
12 17
Region 10 S\/YDFR, l ARRY: Signal Mm, TN; C. Thorcson/1.ookom Mm FP
Region 2 SM!Tf-J, ERTC: Sanrn Clara, CJ\;./\. Mclean Region :3 Bl .AKE, STEVE: Costa Mesa, Ci\; R. McKcnzie/T Tigh Adventure Region 5 STINNETT, JAMES: Misso11la, MT; K. I !all man/Univ of Montana HG Region 10 !WAS, /\ND REW: l1r Lauderdale, FL; J. Rayn/HCC: PER}:/, LUIS: C:orozal, PR; R. Rojas/Caribbean Airsports
LOOKOUT MTN FP ...................................... 15 WALLABY RANCH ........................................... 8 KITTY HAWK KITES ....................................... 6 MfSSION SOARING ......................................... 6 FIY AWAY .......................................................... 5 HG CENTER OF SAN DIEGO ....................... A TRUE FLIGHT ................................................. .4 LAKE ELSINORE SPORTS ............................... 3 MTAM! I-I(; ....................................................... 3 RAVEN SKY SPORTS ........................................ 3 WINDSPORTS .................................................. 3 G()HC; ............................................................... 2 IKJ\ROS SPORTS ............................................... 2 MORNINGSIDE 1:p .......................................... 2 TFK FLIGHT PRODUCTS ............................... 2 VALLEY FORGE HG ......................................... 2
21 SCHOOLS ARE TIED .................................. 1
Region 12 TllOM/\S, DEAN: New York, NY; D. Clover/Wallaby Ranch
2 3 4 5 5 7 7
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
LOOKOUT MTN FP ........................... . WALLABY RANCll ........................................... 9 MISSION SOARfNG ......................................... 8
KITTY HAWK KITES ....................................... 6 HG CENT'FR OF SAN DIEGO ........................ 4 RAVEN SKY SPORTS ....................................... .4 /\BC AIRSPORTS ............................................... 3 MIAMI J1(; ........................................................ 3
AIRBORNE SPORTS USA ................................ 2 FLY AWAY .......................................................... 2 (;() I-IC ............................................................... 2 IKAROS SPORTS ............................................... 2 LAKE El ,SJNORE SPORTS ............................... 2 REBEL WINGS HG ........................................... 2 THE SOARING CENTER ................................ 2 TRUE FLIGJ fl' .................................................. 2
26SCHOOLSARETIED .................................. 1
Rankings were compiled From ratings published in JanuaryMarch 1997 issues of Nang Gliding magazine.
Gieg Black Mountain Wings 150Cml St. Ell enville. NY11418 W14la4Hm Hartley Camion Soaring Center 11aa5 Minuteman Or. # l Draper. Ul 84010 IBDJl 5JH4a0 IBDlJ5JH4a1 Joe Grella Windsports lal45 Victor1Blvd. Van Nuys. CA 9140a IBJB)988-0lll IBJB)988-18a1 fAX Gran d Ra pids M ichi gan 49507 (61 6) 245-7777 (BBB) ICARO 2000 TOLL FREE
John Harris KittyHawk Ki tes Box 1839 Nags Head. NC 11959 IB00)334-4111 1919) 441-1591 fAX
Jo hnRyan HangGliding Center Ba45 fanita Or. Santee. CA 91101 lal9l 5a1-1009 jrav8@aol.com larry Strom SpokaneAirc ralt West 3108 4th Ave. Spa lane. WA 99104 1509) 458-4444 1509)489-1941 FAX lstrom@comtch.iea.com AndyWhitehill Chandelle San Francisco Inc. 1595 E. Francisco Blvd. #F San Aalael. CA 94901 l415J45H4a4 l415) 454-lla9 fAX
Nelson Howe POBox 318 Franconia. NH03580 la03)813-8195 nelly@mom.ncia.net
AlWhitsel l 1141 Hoopes Ave. IMo Fall s. 10 83404 1108) 511-1413 1108) 519-1013 fAX
Malcom Jones Wal laiyRmh 1805 Dean Still Rd . Oavenpor t. fl J383J 1941)414-00)0 gloverdh@gatrnt
Stmlee Ro ute 1. Box 19 Ounla p. lN 31311 1413) 949-1116
Jell Nicholay Mo rningsideFlight Par k 351 Morningsiie lane Char lestown. NH03a03 la03J 541-441a la03J 543-9511 FAX
Mark Poustinchian 1111 Clill Rf Rumlville. AR11801 l5Dl) 9aJ-J051 l5Dl) 858-4356 VM mpousti@entergy.com
The First North American Air Carnival held on October 12-14, 1996, was a smashing success. Attendance was estimated at between 1, 000 to
2, 000 spectators (at one point someone counted close to 400 cars overflowing the parking lot), and more than 50 pilots registered for the competition and costume contest. Many other pilots joined in the flying, including ultralighters.
event was organized by the
Several pilots rehearsed in their costumes for
author, a USHGA-rated
Lebanon TV Channel 31 which could nor
Tandem Paragliding Instructor originally
attend the official costume contest on
from the French Alps, in the tradition of the
Sunday. Unfortunately, during a spot land-
world-famous Coupe Icare, held annua lly at
ing one of the leadi ng paragliding costume
Sc. Hilaire du Touvec, France. I live in
contestants, Doug Sharpe, flying as "The
Boston and found Morningside Flight Park
Wiza.rd of d1e Skies," sprained his ankle and
in Claremont, New Hampshire to be ideal
had to retire from che competition.
for chis premier event. Morningside's rwo
In the combined paragliding and hang
grassy-slope launches at 150 and 250 feet
gliding competition first place went to Kari
over the LZ offer perfect visibility for the
Castle flying an Airwave Alto pa.raglider; sec-
public and absolute safety in the event of a
ond place went to Nick Cacci, one of the
blown launch. Mocher Nature blessed the
Ease Coast's old-time hang glider pilots (he's
event: The bright blue sky afforded a beauti-
been flying since 1972); and third place
ful background for the scarlet, yellow and
went ro Keith Murray, also a hang glider
green of the autumn New England foliage.
Saturday's competition was directed by Bob Corbo, head hang gliding instructor at
BQ b
who did an excellent job on , Saturday, and who is always
Morningside, and included the standard spot
willing to help, supervised activities again on
landings, bomb drops and duration contests.
Sunday for the final rounds of the compeci-
article and photos by Nico/,a, Cauchy
Jonathan Kay "The Flying Nun" and Doug Sharpe "Wizard ofthe Skies. "
Breaking your personal record? laking a flight on the newest supership?
john Christopher takes flight as "DirtyDuck''.
Doubling your airtime at a site that's a SOARABLf 300 DAYS AYEAR! "CJ
Accommodations that won't break you!
rion and the costume comest. Will H ill, hang glidi ng as "Blue Santa," rook first p lace wirh a unanimous vote. Will demonstrated great enchusiasm throughout the weekend, and
flying a5000' vertical mountain? Towingto 3000 feet AGL? Powered PG?
even performed h is own song, "The W ind," to a slide show at Saturday night's party. Will painted himself entirely blue to march his hang glider, wore red and white stockings
john Atwood "Goatman''. Nicola Cauchy "Sun. "
and matching suspenders, and decora ted h is hang glider with numerous screamers. John Ch ristopher rook second place fly-
Sound like A Dream 1 Well q;.,e Us ACall & ioin Jn On 1he 1un! Free Flight Sport L.L.C. offers everything a new or advanced pilot needs. Excellent instruction. state-of-the-art eq uipment. full service shop and training sites with som e of the most consistent soaring conditions in the country. Free Flight Sports is owned and operated by nationally ranked pilot David Sharp. This means you get more air-time. have more fun and become a better pilot in less time. Make your dream efjlight a reality. Give us a call today!
ing in a full "Durcy-Duck" suit (webbed feet and al l), droppi ng candy to the children below. He deco rated his glider with several sunflower wind vanes and streamers over 10 feet long. Morningside's John Arwood placed thj rd flying ta ndem wirh Grenouille (" frog"
7,1'ee <y.u(Jlit Sp"J't.s
in French), his adopted pet goat. The goat
12379 South 265 West Point of the Mountain UT 84020 (801) 263-86 11
was born at the Fight Park last summer and was rejected by its mother. Jo hn became a M ARCH 1997
''Flying Nun "jonathan Kaye.
surrogate "mother" and t:bcy arc now rable. This was cem1inly the first: recorded ultralight goat flight! ·year-old Robin Nichols was the youngest entram, paragliding tandem with the amhor as the clown in "The Sun and the Clown." Santa and Mrs. Claus also made a tandem hang glider flight (Keith and Darlene Murray). Carlos Perreira, a key participanr in the organization of the event, flew in an intricate clown suit, rowing an armada of gadgets and gizmos, including a Brazilian flag, and dropping miniature parachmists frorn his hang glider. · I'here was also the "The Flying Nun" Qohnathan Kaye), smoka giant Havana cigar, and Eddy the Clown, who gently steered his glider to a perfect tree landing! Other noteworthy personalities attended the event: Daniel and Johanna Walker flew
Keith and Darlene Mum1y "Santa and Mrs. Claus''.
their small plane all the way from Ann Arbor, Michigan; the one and only Kari
Banda Vicio, a Brazilian hand, and everyone
and several other prizes, as did Airwave. The
Castle from Airwave outflcw evc1yonc in her
danced into the sunscr ro rheir syncopated
Brazilian restaurant, M idwcsr ( ;rill in
paraglidcr and demonstrated her excellent
Carnbridgc, MA donated four dinner vouch-
dancing skills afrcr the flying was over; aud
donated by several busi-
Wills Wing's own, enthusiastic Rob Kells
........._., _ _,._,,, ncsscs provided an incen··
ers, and many businesses in rhe Claremont
area donated other gifr certificates.
joined Bob Corbo in a demonstration of
tivc ro enter rhc competition. Recreational
This year's Air Carnival, the first in U.S.
hang gliding aerobatics Sunday afternoon.
Fquipmem, Inc. of Reading, Massachusetts
histo1y, was a great contribution from those
Releasing from tow at up to 12,000 feet,
generously donated a North Face tent which
who help make hang gliding and paragliding
they perfrmncd wangs and loops galore! Thar
was awarded ro the first-place costume win-·
ftm and easily-·acccssiblc sports.
afrernoon rhc attendees were emertained by
ner. Wills Wing donated an Avocct watch
/\ precision li>r the serious pilot. Rugged, dependable and easy lo read. Airspeed lndica101 ... $23.50 Long Bracket ............ $7.00 Short Bracket ............ $6.50
NEW! SMALL HALL Great for hand-held wind mcasur1,mcnt or pa rag! idcr Airspeed Indicator Bracket.
Srnal I llall ............... .-,,.,.. , ··"' l'araglidcr Brnckcl Now availnhlc: Small llall for hang µJiclcrs. 0 to 70 mph
Hall llrolhcrs 5" Dia. ABS Plastic Wheels $24.00/pa ir
P.O. Box 1010-11. Morgmt, lJT 84050, US/\ Mastercard I VIS/\ I C.O.D Phone (80 I) 829-3232 l'ax (80 I) 829-6349
HANC Cllll!NC Al)VlSORY Used glicl ,.,.s should always he disassembled before flyi11g the first- l imc and inspccu:d cncCully for fat igucd, bent 01 dented dow111ul,es, ruined bushings, hcnt bolts (especially the heart bolt), re used >lyloc 11uts, loose thim· bles, fraynl or rusted cables, 1,rngs wit!, non cirn1Lt1 holes, and on flex wings, sails badly torn or turn loose from their ,rnchor points Cron\ and back on the keel and leading If in doubt, many hang gliding happy to give an objective opinion busincs.ses will on the condition of cquipmcnl you bring them 10 inspect. Buyers should select cq11i11nw111 that is appro1niatc for their skill level or rating. l':cw pilots should seek proll'ssional i11s1ruc1ion from a lJSI IC;\ C:FRTI F!FD INSTRlJC:TOR.
l'ALC:ON ]/i() Excellent condition, all white $2,000. ((, 1')) }.75 3()() 1) l'ALCONS I 'Vi, Wallaby IZancl1 ('J!i I) 42.li 0070.
FALCONS C:LFARANC:F Si\LF School use, one· season. All si,es $1,500 $7,500. (Ii I Ii) lil:l 8800.
- (,'.xccllcnt condition, <)0
ho11rs $800. lJP C:2 I (,5-good condition, new lowc1 wires $JOO. Creg (619) ii<,<,. 55'!3. MOYES MAX 157 Never flown, hologrnrn I .F, flnoresccnt & yellow 1111,krsurfacc $:3,950. (510) 5718lll.
FLY TWO ''J'i l'aci\ir tandem glickr, one season, top shape $2,(,00. (Ii I ii) IJTJ-8800.
Like new, homs, single surface, glider in Srn1thcrn C:al $1,800 OBO. (/iO(,) 728· 1926, callenl«iaol.com
(;/\RACE SALE TRX iliO's, '92 fx '93 $2,000 l 'iO $1,200. SI O VCll $/iOO. Kiss $700. 11:1r1H·ss,•s. parachutes and instr11111cnts. (602)
MOYES XS 155 - Cood condition, spagheui h,1rness w/2/i gore chute, i\vocct watch. Make o(frr 1 (861) li89-i'll2.
FLEX WJNCS AJRllORNF - SI !ARK, llLAm: RMT, STJN(;, BUZi'.. New and nearly new. Demo d;iily. Tl!E WALLABY RANC:J I (91i I) li?li-0070. AIRI\OltNF Sl'i\Rl·S USA SllARl<S, BLADE RACES, STJNC XC's & TRIKES. parts and Most in STOCK. (7, lii) (21/i) :lliO'J'Jl \. (:redit cards welcome. DOlJBLI'. VISION
Cood shape $2,000. (Ii 1ft)
li73 8800.
CFMINI 161 Excellent beginner glider, great con dit ion $'i50. ('iii J) (,(iii 58l(L
MOYF.S XTRAIJIF I Mylar, !yr old $2JOO. Enterprise Combat U9 $700 OBO. Sensor C $500 OllO. Enterprise Desire llili, m:cds repair $/i()() 01\0. I lytec 3020 $300. (510) 527-8728.
CFNFSIS Double-surface l,,r snull $1,200 including inspcu ion. (520) I !PAT l!i'i Fxccllrnt condition $1,/i()() incl11ding inspcuion. (520) 772·/i I H.
I I !'AT 158 !f I l!i.
MOYF.S XS I(,'! " Cood condition, fl ics,·handlcslands gtcal, Ji/blue & yellow $950. ('i I 0) 83i'·IJ2(, I.
MOYl'S XTRAUTF. 11i7 Priced for quick sale, great condition, low time $2,000. ('i6l) li89-2581.
$825 including inspection. ('i20) 7'/),. MOYES XTJV\LJTE Ili7
Two .1casons $2, I 00
01\0. (6 I 'J) /i:,7.<,6()9,
DO\Jlll.F VISIONS & l'IY2 Wallahy Ranch ('J/i I) /i),/i .()()]O.
New and used.
DRl'.AM 2),() · Crear condition, mf)\ by lJI', recent model $1,000. ('JO'!) 3\B-5682.
I I l'J\T 158 ( ;oOll condition, hlack-11-whitc $500. (8 U) 52(, %29 l'lmida.
l(LASSIC: l!ili
With wingkts, 10 hours, like new
MOYES XTRALITF 16/i Creat condition, hest glide and sink rate of' ,my glider &. h,111dlcs like a trainer $1,995. (507) 895-li21JO.
$ \,800. Icon (707) li1 .l 20 18. MOYFS XTRALITF
DREAMS C:LEARANCJ SAIi I,avcn Sky Sports (![\Ii) ii Tl 8800.
Only $'JOO
11\ MOUFTI E TOl'LESS 1 One year old, or 1,erf,nrnancc with great liandlinY, $:l,:lOO. 9li20\
I 0)
XS, XS:J, XT, XL New and
ucarly IH'.W, /\vailablc immediately. Nation's Moyes dealer. Tl fF WALLABY RANC:J I (9/i I) 0070.
lli5 & Jg5,
Number of months:
50 cents per word, $5.00 minimum Boldface or $1.00 word. (Does not include lirst few words which layouts or tabs: $25 column inch. (phone 1 word, 1:-mail or Web 3 words) line art $15.00 (1 .75" maximum) 1.,c;,,LJL11,c;, 20th of the month, six weeks before the cover date of the issue in which you want your ad lo appear (i.e., June 20 for the August
SECTION IJ Flex Wings I.J Emergency Parachutes iJ Parts &Accessories J Business & Employment lj Miscellaneous U Paragliders U Videos
Prepayment requirnd unless account established. No cancellations or refunds allowt1d on any advertising after deadline. Ad insertions FAXed or made by telephone must be charged to a credit card. Please enter my classified ad as tallows:
IJ Towing U Schools &Dealers IJ Ultralights U l=ligid Wings U Publications & Ur~1anizat1onc .J Wanted IJ Harnesses
issue and run for consecutive issue(s). My '..J check, ,J money order is c0nclosed in the amount of $ .-.,,---·--- __ _ ,,. __ ...... ,,__ . NAME: ADDRESS CITY: PHONE:
Number of words: Number of words:
MARCI I 1997
USHGA, P.O Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901 (719) 632-8300 • fax (719) 632-6417
PREDATOR 158 I.ow hours, cxccllenr condition $3,/iOO. (208) 31i2-1350.
WW XC: 155 < 10 hours on this cherry asymmetrical redlwhirc/hlne glider wlwinglcrs $:;, 100 OHO. (:i01)72'!-077:\.
UP STELi.AR 25 '92, excdlcnt condirion, must sell $500. (li06) 586-2620 sa1 kin(tilrnont ;111a.c;11 n p1 is. m ci. net
!'\JI.SF ')M Mint condition, w/ncw helmet & watctproo[ bag, JO homs, yellow/white $2JOO ncgo· liable. Lori (8lli) 885-61
XC 155 Like new, 15 hours, tcallmagenra, with wiuglcrs $:l,liOO. (817) liB'i-8%'J.
PUI.SE 10M l'crfcc1 condition, 15 hours, blue/black/green $2,300. ('!16) 927-99:lii.
XC 155 LIKE NEW, RFD/WHITE & BLUE, WINCI.F 1·s !NCLUDFD $2,:-l'J9 0\\0. (6 l'J) 'Jfil1.
AIRBORNE EDCE i'l<.ll(l, 19%, '\82 Rotax, fo\ .. ly equipped, aerotows great with dolly, 75 hours $19,500. ((,():3) 542-lili 16.
3'5G2. RAMA!R i!\6 Tuned, imrnarnlarc, 70 hours, asymmetric sail. Mostly red, black WW, gray tip $1,700. (1\15) lli5-0LF. RAMA!R Jli6 -· Fxccllcnt condition, 'jO hours, orange LI: $1,500. ('i 10) (,'i'J-8139. RAMA!R 14(, Excellent rnndition, :, steal at $1,800. (815) 7.34-5.188. RAMJ\IRS (2) J 'jfi L\/ l li6, both have very low hours, like new condirion, clean colors $2,500 each. Minnesota UV. (612) (,88-8218, (612) 559-08 \ (,. RAMAIR J 5/i J,:xcelknr condirion, low hours, extra downrnhc, fins $2,WO. (30.1) lili9-05 l 3. RAMAIR J51i 875-2(/33.
Well rnainraincd $] ,!iOO. (707)
RAMA!R 15/i ((,19) 5(,J-1009.
!Lis 10 go! Cood shape $1,500.
XTRALlTF. j/f°7 Cone\ condi1io11, black-n-white, mylar $1,500. (813) 'i2(, J62') Flori,Lt. XTRAI.ITF lli'J New in '9(,, 20 hours, cxccllcnt slrapc, Jl11orcscen1 yellow. $5,liOO new, $:1,800 forn (619) 561-1009.
BU I LDIFIY Your own BAC:Kl'ACI< l'OWERl'D l'J\RACI !UTE fiir fun/profit. Takes "ff from level gronnd unassisted. Safe, inexpensive. Derailed hook with sources. Now $19.95. FasyUp, 1089 Medford Crnrcr /12/ilig, Medford OR 9750/i.
ll<AROS S.A. XTRAI.JTE 153 - New in '%, 7.5 hmm, mint shape, fluorescent yellow/orange. $5,liOO new, $.},800 fom (619) 5G 1 1009. SUl'J,:Jl.SPORT lli:l. ... , .... 75 hours ... $1,650 SPORT I 67 A .. 75 hours ... $1,300 hours ... $2,200 FALCON KI.ASSIC: 1M, . . . IO hours. . $3,500 KLASS] C 1Yl , .. 50 homs ... $2,700 l'JNSTERWAI.DER l'lJNH.X 129,. . . $/iOO Utah Mountain I Jang ( ;liding (80 l) 254 61/i 1
l,ook nndcr New York. WANTED
TRAJNlNC CLll JFRS And equipment, row rig, tandem (;lidcr, school ec111iprncnt (') 16) 582-81i68. SCI ICJOLS & DFAl.1-:H.S
SPECTRUM 1/ili All options, 20 hours, cxccllcor condition $1,500. C,I[ Chuck (702) 86')-5513 Lis Vegas.
AI.L BRANDS - Bought, sold, and repacked. lnspecrion and $7.5-$35. Parachutes, bridles, 111,,pected and paraswivels installed. AIR FRANCISCO, %20 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 9/i 116. (lil 5) SKY-1177.
Sl'FC:TRUMS & VISIONS - Bought-Sold-Traded. Raven Sky Sports (Ii! Ii) li73-8800.
2/i CORE PDJ\ With swivel for tandem $520 OBO. (Ii! Ii) liTJ-8800.
SPORT FURO J67 Fxccllcnt condition, hot pink LE, w/cocoon harness & parachmc $1,500. (602) Sli'i-7171.
SUPER.SPORT 1,1:J Awesome condition, hot pink/yellow $2,100. (8 n) 595 285/i, SUPFRSPORT I li3 S}Wcdhar, new wires, Hies great
5'10"-6'2", great shape $250 OllO, (970) 920-2\ I 5.
rnc;11 l'.Nl'.RGY POD HARNESSES Sizes & styles chan[;C 1110111hly, $300-liOO. CC IOOO's $250. Kn,cch,rnr:er.s & stirrups also avaibblc. Cocoons $200 iiTl-8800.
5538. UP XTC \ 67 Minr, extra downrubcs and base· ruhe, collapsing spccdhar. Must sci! $1,000. (970) 920-2\ 15. VTSION ECLIPSE 17 New wires top &. honom, Wills Wing Z:l harness 5'8"--6'2" with !'I);\ chute $1,100. (610) 8Tlli075.
ARJ'./,ONA HANC Gl.mINC CENTER JNC:. We arc a full-time, FULi. SERVICE hanµ, gliding shop located just minutes from the BFST site in /\rizona,
MOYES EXTREME HARNl,:SS With lots of options and 22 gore ch111c. Both $/i')5. ('i07) 89'5-42/iO. RJ\ YMOND FQUJ\LIZER 5'5"'5'7" $250 OHO. High Energy cocoon, 5'7"5'1 l" $200 OBO. ('i I 0) 527-877B. l'ARJ\CI .II JFRS
VISION MK!V 17 Red LF, yel!ow & whirc, great shape $1,000. (520) 717- I39l.
l'LICJ IT DFSICN AJ.;i/i Grc,ir Erst paraglidcr, 1J0170lb, only$500, <:all l(ris1in (509) 97,5-2190.
VISIO\/ MARK IV 17 ·- I.arc model, cxccllcn1 con· dirion, safe-edge downtnhes, com!i,n bar, mylar leading edges$\ ,350, (520) 776 8982.
IKAROS S.A. -· Look under New York.
\X/c have the most com
prchensive availahk and can reach yon 10 be a SAFF in less timc 1 \Ve stock harnesses and insrnrmcnts from Wills, l'acAir, l'lytcc, Ball, I Energy, CC and many more! We need your
Certified insrructor
Rob Ricli;irdson. :l5J J,I.YJ\BLE DA VS I.AST YEAR' 150-1. South 69 Dewey;\/, 520 (,32-!i l iii al, gc(i"nonl1 Ii nk .com ARKANSAS
VTSIONS & Sl'FCTRUMS ·-· Bo11gh1-Sold-Tradcd. Raven Sky Sports (Ii\ Ii) li73-8800.
TREKKING MIURA 1995, XI., inrcrmcdiarc, VERY STABLF & FUN TO !'LY, 200-?.50lbs, low Mi1111csot;1 llV hours, includes Artwing harness $1,'iOO. Paul (320) 2/i0--9 12/i.
0/,ARK MOUNTAIN HAN(; CLIDFRS Sales, service and instrucr·ion. 160 Jol111ston Rd, Searcy AR 721/iJ. (SO]) 279 21/80.
Ci\LIFORNli\ i\DVFNTlJRFS UNLIMITED Orange County's school. l JSJ-1( ;;\ certified insi rnction and tanspecialist. New & used equipment, \X'ills Wing dealer. (7llt) Ii% 8000. i\lRTIMF OF Si\N FRANCISCO - 111\NC (;LJ])JNC & l'i\R;\(;J,JJ)JJ'.:C. Harness ma1111factur er and rcp:tir specialists. USI J(;;\ par·agll1(1111g instrucrion, tandem. J\11 major brands of pa1·agl1'1111g and (new and hang Funston. li,11 service shop in Sau hancisco' .l620 Wawona, San Francisco ( :/\ 9/i 11 (,. (Ii I 5) 759l l 77. lli\NC Cl.lDER EMPORllJM in the wes1! l',dl service hang glidi,11g,lp:1raglidi:ng shop, es1ablishcd I ')7/i. PO Box C:i\ 93 IliO ll:l'J, (805) %5-3Tll. THF Hi\NC CIJ])]NC C:FNTFR Localed in bc:nttifol S:m Diego. l !:rng gliding and paragliding instrnction, sales ·,md service, rnnduned ;it TORRFY Pl NES and local mou111ains. Spend your winter vac:ition flying with us. Demo om line of gliders and equipment at the always convenient and world forno11s TORRFY PJNFS, We pro11dly offer IC/\RO (Li\MIN/\R ST), MOYES (SX), WILLS WlNC (XC) and all kinds of stuff. Makers of the DROClJE C:I lUIT. 86/i5 l'ani1a lk, Santee Ci\ ')}()7], (619) 5(i2-1009.
Mi\CIC: ;\JR 11:tng gliding and paragliding, Located in Northern California. Lessons, sales, scr vice. USI IC:A certified towing instruction. I.anding and thermal clinics. (707) %5-0/i 11, (707) %'H455.
LOOKOUT MOUNTi\lN FLICIIT PARK -- Sec ad under Georgia. Ncarcsi- mountain training center 10 Orlando (only 8 hours).
()11r comprehensive instrucrion program, located at
the Bay Area's premier training site, features gently sloped "huuny l,ills," winch towing, superlire gliders and comfor1able training harnesses' "FIRST !'LICHT," a video prcsentmion of our beginner lesson program, is availahle for only$?,() shipping (may b,, to lesson purrtH!SC:SJ. Our deluxe shop the latest in hang gliding innovations. We stock new, used and demo, Wills and l'aci\ir Trade--ins arc welcome. Feel free to demo the
new harnesses i11 our custom
WE Hi\ VF The most advanced 1r,1ining program known to hang you in h:1lf the time IIJLL, and wiil, ir 1akes on rhe more in-flight air time. YFS, WF C:;\N TF/\C:11 YOU Fi\STFR /\ND Si\Fl'R for year-round training fim in the sun, call or write Miami I l,mg (;[iding (.'305) 285-8978. 2550 S llayshore Drive, C:oconm Crovc, Florida .'\:I I 33.
simulator! 1116 Wrigley Way, Milpitas (r/C/tt San Jose) Ci\ 95035. (!\08) ?,<,), 1055, fox (li08) 262 1388, MSC! IC:~1lanl.c:orn www.hang-gliding.com TRUE FIICIIT 11/\NC Gl.!DING SCHOOL DON;\LI) QlJ;\Cl<ENBUSll has the only shop at world famous Kagel Moun1ain, l.os Angeles. OCfc,ring instr11c1io11 and sales oC hang equipment wirh the shop harnesses. for over years. 13/i 1 Sayre i\vc., California 91 :342. l 800891-51t:l:l, fax (818) 3(,7-0/i 19. WlNDSl'ORTS since 197/i. hfrccn minmcs from Li\X. to Sylrn:u, C:resrline, Elsinore and training sires. Vacation training, flying and glidn sales including lodging and rentals. The mosl and equipment, new and used in stock. Trade in your old cquipmenl. j25 sunny days each year. ( :ome Hy with us 1 16 ! Ii 5 Victory Blvd,, Van Nuys C:;\ 91 ltO(,. (818) 988 0 I I I, Fax (818) 988 1862.
TNTRODUCFS QUEST /\IR SOi\RJNc; C:FNTER. Come Fly with tbe Original DR/\C:ONFLY TE/\M I.earn 10 Hang Click with srate-ohhe-art tandem equipment and get a rninimum of 6 to 8 hours
of airtime during your can accelerate your thcrmaling
lllCH i\DVFNTlJRF Hang paragliding ,11 Southern school. Equipment saks, service, California's mile high site, Crestline. lJSJ IC/\ lnstrnc1or Rob McKenzie. Hy appointmrn1 year round. (90')) 88:l-8li88.
COLDEN \l:/INGS Lessons, sales, service. US! J(;;\ ccrti!Ied instructors. Dealers for Moyes, Wills Wing,, Blue Sky Aircraft Co. and Paci\ic 15/iOl W. ')rh i\ve., Colden CO 80li01. (:301) 278-7181. C:ONNECTICUT
J,ook under New York.
31401 Riverside Dr,
Lake Elsinore, CA
92530 909-674-2453
flJJ .L SFRVJC:F. SI 101' l.oca1ed on Hwy 71i ar the base of 1hc Santa i\na mountain ranp,c. Proudly rq,reser1u11g Al.I, major brands. Rentals available 10 Open 6 days a week 9am-5pm, closed Vis:1/Mastercard/i\rncrican Fxpress. on
Fl DR! l );\
USI JC;\ &_ llSUJ\ CR/\YBJRI) i\JRSPO!ffS INC cenilied instruction. lleginncr rhru advanced hang glider pilot t:rndern acrotow training & ratings. lJSUi\ ulna instructor training & ratings. light pilot 1hn1 basic :l axis s<ickr in1e for Supcrfloatcr or l )r:tgonlly pilo1 lnstrnction l days a week by appoinrmen1. all m:tjor /light and acrotow cquiprrn:!11. 15 minutes from Silver Springs, J .5 homs from Disucyworld. Call Crcgg B.McNamec C,52) 2/i5-826.3. grayhirdv1>praxis.nc1 http://www.gy1ni.com/graybird
I lang ~ we i-akc us fr)r a
i-andcm soaring flighr in prime time air! Camping fishing and swimming available, also close 10 all Central Florida J\nrnc1ions. I nrcrested in a TUC PILOT? Come learn to lly chc Dragon!ly airfields in i\cro Tug on one of the oldest Cent ml Florida, wi1h two 2100 runways and over 80 acres of wide open space. Find out how you can get your own i\ero Tow Club or Flight Park starred. Moyes Microlip,h1s ;\sscmhly and Training hicili1y on site, FOUR NEW TUCS IN STOCK. Bobby Bailey, Ca11tpbell Bowen and Russ Brown arc USU;\ and USI JC;\ Certified Tandem lnsrruc10rs. C:UlWR & FQ\JJPMENT SALES /\ND SERVICE OPEN SEVEN DAYS i\ WEEK Ci\LI l'C)R MORF !NH) (:152) li2'J . . ()2J:l.
MEXICO l'l.YJNC: C:FNTER Invites you to our local flying tours, all year round flying, m:rny sites! For tnorc infonnation c011tact: Roberto Pous, Salvador Novo
1115 I, Col. C:oyoacan, Mexico D.I '., C:.P. OliOOO, Tel/Fax Frnail: 011-'525 G52-G6-G6/551i- I 7-7'J, pousvi'.servidor.1111am.mx hI tp://www.in(,,abc.eon1/p01 is MlCI IJCJ\N NORM LESNOW'S J·LYINC ADVFNTlJRES Ridge soaring, towing, foot-launch hang gliders and paraglidcrs. Advanced l11struc1or, Examiner, Tow i\dministraror, lessons. Call Norm (81 O) 399-9133.
The Acrorow Flight Park Satisfaction C11aran1ccd
PFRM!\NFNT RV SITES w/fi1ll hookups, as low $50/mo. Call Crcg Clover I 800-80:l-'/788.
Just 8 miles from Disney World• ( :enrral ro Attracrions YEAR ROUND SOARINC OPEN DAYS A WEEK FOUR TUCS, NOW i\lT!NC EVERY DIRECTION 50, NlC:Edcmos 10 fly: Topless C:lidcrs: Laminar, Moyes, TR3, Wills. S11per Xrralite, XC :, C:onccpr, Shark, Sting, Falcon, and more; also h:1n1csscs) varios) nc. Ages 13 To Ti have b1rncd to fly here. No one comes close 10 011r level and success with lanclcm acrotow instruction. A CREAi' SCENE FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ... l O rnofcls & restaurants within 5 mins,, Glmping, liol showers, shade trees, sales) storage, ratings, XC rclricvals, great wca1hcr dirnbing wall, trampoline, 1
DSS TV, ping pong, b11ngcc swing, pirnic rabies, swi1111ning pool, etc.
Sec our LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN l'l!CllT PARK display ad. Discover why FOUR TlMFS as many pilots earn their wings at I nokout tli:111 at any other school! We wrote USJ l( ;;\'s ( )/r,cial Trnining Manual. Our spcci:iltyrnstomcr satisfaction and fim with the BEST FACILITIES, inventor)\ camping, swi1nmi11g,
TRAVERSE CITY J IANC (;Lf])FRS/PARACJ.IDFRS FUl.1.-TIMF shop. C:errificd ins1ruction, foot launch and row. Sales, service, accessories for J\ l.L major brands. V!SA/MASTERC:i\RD. Come soar om li50' dunes! 1509 E 8th, Traverse Ml 1968/i. for new Offering powered paragliding lessons & & used units, 1he Whisper and the Fly. Call Bill ar (616) Visit our school in Jackson, Wyoming. Call Tracie at MINNESOTA
more! For
a rrip, intro fligh1 or lesson Lookout Moumain, just 0111side Cl1attanooga, your COMP[} l'E training/service center. Info? (800) 688-l MFP.
SPORT SOAR.INC CFNTER/MINNE!\POLJS Instruction, cqt11p111erll dealers for Wills Wing, Pacific i\irwavc & 688-"0181.
BIRDS OF Hang & ultralight f1ying on Kauai. Ccnified tandem instruction. (808) 822-5309 or (80S) 6.'391067.
ADVENTURE SPORTS i\erotowing-T:rndem. Toms our specialty. I inr,ipamgliding US] !CA certified i11s1rnc1ion. full service shop for Airborne, Blue Sky, Moyes, Pacific i\irwave, Wills Wing. 3650-n Rcsearcb Way, Carson City, NV 89706 (702) 883-7070 phone/fax.
IDAl!O High TRE!\SURF VJ\1.1.EY I !!\NC CI.IDINC: quality products Crom reputahlc rnauufac111rers. Proudly featuring l'acif'ic i\irwave, High Sports, Hyrcc and more! Sales, service, seminars & ing info. Boise, Idaho (7.08) 376-791 Ii.
l'liglns of' over 100 miles and more than 6 homs. Articles in flan,R Kitplmu·s, Cross Cmm11y and others. Featured on numerous shows, including l'SPN2.
ILLINOIS MOUNTJ\fN WEST HANG Cf.lDJNC (3 12) 360-0700 or (Ii 1Ii) RAVEN SKY SPORTS lil:3-8800. Please sec om ad 1111dcr WISCONSIN.
Visit 11s 011 the web: http://www.wallaby.com
Please call us for references and video. l 805 Dean Still Road, Wallal,y R:rnch, Florida TS8:l7-').)58 ('lli l) li21i-0070 phone & fox
JJ MlTC:l!El.l. -
Conservative• Reliable• State of' 1he Art
TANDFM. UP, Paci\ir dealer. GTl3 Columbia Ave., I la111111ond, IN /i6]2/i (21 'J) 81i5-28'5!i.
area. Wills Wing, Pacific Airwave. (505) G32.-81ili:\ Farmingrnn NM. UP OVER Nl•'.W MFXIC:O ~ Instruction, sales, service. Sandia Mo11111ai11 guides. Wills, Paci/Jc Airwavc. Albuquerque, NM (505) 82 I -85/i4. NEW YORK
Ri\VFN SKY SPORTS (Ii IIi) li73-8800. Please sec our ad under WJSCONSJN.
F.H.C. lNC:./FI .YlNC FLORJl)A SlNCl( 197/i
Malcolm Jones, David Glover, Rhen Radf'ord, Ryan Clover, Aust in Collins, Tom Ramseur & Jim Appleton
PRAIRIE I JANC Cl.lDERS Full service school & dealer. Crear 1a11dcm instrnction, towing & XC: packages. (31 <,) J75-2')9'i.
Sell your unused
()ffcring sales) service, instruction in the Four Corners
MFXICO CO ... ! JJ\NC Cl.lDIN(;!11 (Mexico) Alex Olazabal, Valk de l\r:ivo. Rental gliders, all level of" services. (O 11) 72G221ili9, l:1x (011) 5 553 30/iS.
!\!\!\ l'l.lCI IT SC:11001. - · MOUNTAIN WINGS
and F.i\ST COAST Pi\Ri\C:Llll!NC in Fllcnville NY. Simply the MOST PROFESSION!\l. training facility in the with I 'i years experience. 7 fi1ll time certified instructors, Ii exclusive training bills. We stock everything available for pilors and sell & service i\lRW AV F, \JP, lll.UF SKY, WILLS WJNC: and now MOYES, also SWWr, SUPERFLO!\Tl-:I{ and !\I.I. PARACLIDER BRANDS. Unbeatable prices on glid-" crs. Full tirnc towing facility, 1a11dcms, IC:1', cli11ics. We do it all. 1-800-52'5-7870, ('llli) 61i7-33T7. 150 Canal Srrect, Ellenville NY 12/i2.8. OUR F.XPl]l.l FNC:F SPEAKS FOR ITSFI.F.
FLY I !!Cl I l lANC Cl.ll)JNC., INC. Serving S. New York, Connccticin, Jersey areas (J,:llcnville Mtn.). Area's FXCl.lJSIVF Wills Wing dc1ler/s1,c cialist. Also all other major brands, acccssoric.1. Certified school/instruction. Teaching since 1'Jl'). Area's most INEXi'l':NSIVF prices. Fxccllent 011dary instructio11. .. if you've llnishcd a program and wish to continue. l'ly the mou11tain 1 /\TOI. towing! Tandem C:011tact Paul Voight, 16:l Searsvillc Rd, Pinc Bush, NY 17.5(,6, ('!Iii) 1fifi.:\:lll. IKAIZOS SPORT AVIATION NYC's first a11d 011ly ceni!,ed h:rng gliding, paragliding, microlights (trikes), powered paragliding, school. i)istrihutors, dealers f'or Finstcrwaldcr, learn 2000, Apco, I.a Monette, Cosmos, Mountaineer, J\ir Creation and more. Full service and cquiprncnt at hc.\l priccs. The
L1\l(EVIEW 11:ing Clidi11g C:tpital of' the West! Relocate your lmsincss and take a "lannch" hour. 1\pprnx I 'i,000 warehouse, 10 minutes 10 the local launch site! Showroorn··oflice rooms·:\ phase power. MAYBE A I IANC/l'J\Ri\Cl.ll)INC SI 101'? Or buy as an investment) collect Cl11TC111 rents and deduct 1hose trips. Possibly cligihk for Oregon Economic Development $'s. Owner Terms $115,000. (5/il) 8/i(,.(,228.
FREE l'I .ICI IT SPORTS l .l.C: Offers evcryd1ing a new ot advanced pilot needs. Excellent ins1rucrion, st:He·orthc·art eqnipmcnt, fit!! service shop ,'\/ train ing sites with some of' the most consi.s1cn1 soaring
condirions in the cou111ry. Free-
Sports is owned
and operated by nationally rnnkcd pilo1 ll:1ve Sharp. I k is dedic:11cd to the growth oi' foot launched soaring. This means yo11 get more ;1inirnc, have more run
and become :1 bet tcr pilot in less time. M11kt yo11r drmm olfli,~ht rmli1v. (iW I) H,:l 8(, 11, I 737') S 265 W, Point of' the Monntain UT 8/iO:>O, sharpdavcG1\11ah-i n t er .11ct
MOUNTAIN TOP RECREATION Certified inst111uion, Pittsburgh. (Ii 12) 69llilil7. C'MON OUT ;\ND !'LAY!
most friendly service in the ;nc;i. For catalog send $/j
to: ISA, '.)811 Ditmars Blvd 11110, Astoria NY 11105. Store· address: 2'!:l I >lewtown Ave., Astoria NY. Phone/fox ('718) lTl /000, email: lkaros I <,rlaol.com
Look under New York.
SUSQUFI li\NNi\ FL!Cl fT PARK ( :ooperstown, NY C:erti11ed lns1runion, Sales and Servin· for all major manufacturers. fill acre park, tr:iining hills, jeep rides, bnnk house, camping, hot showers, (,()()' NW ridge. We have the best focilities in N. New York st:He to teach you how lo fly. IJS Pioneer St., C:oopcr~town, NY 1.,l)C,, (.l 15) 8(,(, <, 1'il.
vmc: 1NIA NORTI I CAROi .!Ni\
111\WK AIRSPORTS INC P.O. Box ')05(,, Knoxville·, TN :l/9/i().()056, (ii)J) 7.12199/i. I Jang ( ;iiding and world famous \X/indsoks.
1.001<0\JT MOUNTAIN FI.ICHT l'i\RI( ad under Ceorgia.
llXAS /\1.TFRNATJVF AVIATION Cert i i'ied foot l:rnnch, tow & tandem training. Sales/service, Steve & !'red Burns AUSTIN (51?.) li7li· 166'J. HOUSTON (28 l) lt71, 1li88.
I ligh quality ins1rnction, equipment Clidcr Savers. Call VA, ('iliO) li:l2 (,557
Sec North ( :arolina.
I Ill.I. COUNTRY PARi\GLIDINC INC: I.earn rnmple[(· pilot skills. Personalized US! !CA certif1cd training, ridge soaring) foot &_ tuw launching in ccnt ra I Texas. MOTORIZED Pi\Ri\Cl.IDJNC INSTRUCTION & EQUJPMFNT AVAIi.ABLE. ('J 15) 3'!'! I l 8'i. Rt I, Box I<,F, Tow TX ?BC,/:.'..
Certified hg/pg instrnc Sil.VER WINCS, INC. tion and equipment sales. l'roudly representing Pacilic Airwavc, Wills Wing, Secdwings. (70:l) 1965 i\rling1011 VA.
KITE ENTERPRISES -· Foot launch, pl:11Corm
la11nch and acrotow instruction too. Training, sales,
rentals and rep:1ir. J\irwave & Wills Wing. I )alias, l'ort Worth :ind north Texas :1re:1. ).11 Ellis, Allen TX 75002.. (972) .'l'JO 9090 nights, wcekrnds.
Midwest. Traditional curriculum, ridge soaring,
RFD RIVFR /\IRC:RAl'T/CO I IANC CLll)JNC111 (l\m1in) Jeff I lnnt, li81 I Red River St., Austin Texas 787'i 1. l'h/Cax (512) fi(,/.2529
by Br:id K11sh11er. S:ilcs/scrvice/accessorics for :di major !,rands. PO Box IO I, Whi1cwa1er WI 5.l I 'JO (Ii 1Ii) li!.l 8800.
Ri\VFN SKY SPORTS HANC (;Jl])JNC: AND l'ARACLIDINC: Largest :rnd most pop11l:ir in tlw m011111.1in
clinics, I )r;igonfly acrotowing & tandems
1Tajcf]G'l':U!J .rnn1
!'ARTS Ex AC:CESSOll.lES ln1emct Address: E Mail Address: hang-glide<"rlou1cr b:rnks.rnm
TOTAi. 1\IR SPORTS Area's 01.DFST Wills Wing dealer. Certified instrnction available. "I only DF/\1. with Wll.1.5''. 635/i l.imcstone, I lonston TX non. 11) 'J'i6. ei I li7.
M1\l~CI I I 997
i\BSOUJTEIY Tl IF BEST Prices for Ball v:H· ios/parach11tes. (GI')) ::>.~'J.OO!i8, email: rcl)rokcrG1!jncom. net
.) ,)
Tell the world your head is in the clouds, by wearing great new clothing and accessories from the United States Hang Gliding Association!
eagle t-Shirt #HTEAG $14.95 1 lb
standard polo # HPOL $ 24.00 1 lb blue, green & burgundy
earth polo #HPOLE
stone washed caps $1 ?.95 l lb blue, green & berry #HCSW
sun gradient t-shirt #HTSUN $14.95 1 lb
$2?.00 1 lb
spruce & olive
woodblock t-shirt #TWB $16.95 1 lb blue PG, brown HG
classic t-shirt #HTCLA
$14.95 l lb
Address _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ __ _ __ _ State_
Zip _ _ _ __
Phone No.L__J,_ _ _ _day (_ _ )_ _ ___ eve.
desert polo #HPOLD $35.00 1 lb black only
Item #
black fleece lined jacket #HJKFL $75.00 2 1 bs
golf caps #HCG $12.00 1 lb red, blue & purple
Price per Total
Colorado residents add 3.0%
wool jacket #HJKWL
3 lbs
Shipping (USA only) Orders up to $35 ....................................................................................add $5 Orders $35 to $70 ................................................................................add $6 Over $70 ............................................................................call, fax or e-mail Outside the USA ............................................................ call, fax or e-mail _ Check/Money order enclosed _ Visa
_ Mastercard
Card No. _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ Exp. date _ _ Signature _ __ __ _ __ _ __ Mail to: US Hang Gliding Assn., Inc P.O. Box 1330
ladies sleeveless denim #HDENL $27.00 1 lb available in small also
long sleeve denim #HDENLS 135.00 1 lb short sleeve denim #HDERSS 130.00 1 1 b
Colorado Springs, CO 80901-1330 1-800-616-6888 fax (719) 632-6417
e-mail: ushga@ushga.org Please allow 6 weeks for delivery.
logo ah
logo bh
all of our stuff can be ordered with either of these official ushga logos. you choose.
C:LOUDBASF INSTRUMENTS $25 WINTER REBATE SPECIAi thro11gh 03/31/97, Call /'or derails. The gh l 8000 is responsive and acrnra1e. lt wpplics critical pilot i11for111a1io11 withour the confi1sio11 of supcrflnous fcamres $2.69. 2li61i El Camino Real. Suite 220, Santa Clara CA 'J'i05 I. (li08) 21i:1· 6021.
WJ!EFLS 1\VAll,ABIE a must f'or
ALL NEW UI.TRA,J.ICHT I.AMBIE LID·- The lightest, most c:ornf'ortahlc hang glider hclmer. Aerodynamic, low mrliulcnec, low drag shape. I ligh· tech look. Finish is clear resin over rhc gold/black weave of the super-strong carhon/kcvlar outer shell. Open focc, only 12. 0·1.. , price $160. Integral /'nil face vcrsio11, only 17 oz.$!')') includes headset insr,i!Ja. 1ion. Measure around head and from hot tom of ear· lobe over top ro hot torn of' earlobe for rnstom fit. From the designer, Jack Lambie, 8160 \Voodsboro, Anaheim CA ')2807. !'hone and fax (71 Ii) T7'). I 8T7.
in bushings. Only quantity discounts. Immediate delivery. Lookout Mountain, (800) (,88·LMl'P.
CARMIN Cl'S :l8 $Iii'). Many other flying ncccssorics available. Call ( :had at (805) 56'). J 667 for more info or visit web Si I c: our
My well-loved excellent altimeter
ARMADfU.O Cl.IDER BACS Protect your er from UV and all of natmes clements. Custom made heavy.duty polypropylene w/fitll length zipper $'JO (plus $7.50 s/h.) EXC:l.lJSIVEI.Y through Kcmuckiana Soaring, li2.5 N Taggart Ave., Clarksville IN li712'). (812.) 7.8871 I I, f'ax (812) 7.8/ilil I MC/Visa.
to an 10 new gcncr:Hion laser-
into tough little RF· proof box only 5x:lx I still has reserve battery! l11terch,mgcablc broad Velcro straps or hase IJJbc mounting hardware. $295 Shipping inc. (80'i) 682· 1088. units still $2')5. Laser trimmed rem, .. lit available ROBFRTS c;unER INSTRUMENTS :n1io C:IIFF DRIVF SANTA BARBAIZA Ci\ ').3109 1 IANC CUD ER CA MF.RA MOUNT Shown on 112" tuhe, $39.'j() includes shipping. TEK Fl .J< ;1 IT PRODUCTS, Colebrook Stage, Winsted CT 0(,0'>8. (860) 379 .. J 668 (Camera not included).
C:Al.L KENTUC:KIANA SOAR! NC 71 l I for rhc best price.
llEJ.METS lmcgral &. Air Kcvkr, rop .. ofrhc-line $180-$300. Discoums on small & XS in stock. (Ii lli) li73,8800.
(812) 288
HIGH ALTITUDE mittens with map pockets. Harness zippers Glider and harness bag combo $1 OOppd. C:unnison Gliders, I 51i9 C.R. 17, C1111niso11 CO 81230. (970) Git 1-9315.
month. 'That's more
CAMFRA REMOTE 20', firs most cameras. Snaps on over existing shutter release. $1i'i (ask about our $10 rebate). Tek Flight l'roducts, Colebrook Stage, Wi11sted ( :·1 · 06098. (( :am era not incl11dcd.)
new bargains in
KLNTlJCKli\NJ\ SOARINC ( :om rnunicat ions Special i.s1 ! Best Prices & Best Scrvice 1 ( :11.stomcr Satisfoc1ion (;t1aramccd! OVERSTOCK & CLOSF . OlJT ITEMS
VARlOS: l LIC:l IT llEC:l<S NEW BALL CRAPI l!C:S PLUS ... .. ...... $CAI.I BALL l;Ri\Pl!IC:S COMP.DEMO ... ..... $900.00 .. .. $ \(,0.00 BALL M 19 ... i\lRC:O'IT.C: Piccolo Plus, Dernn .. ...$/i00.00 ])]C:IFIY . .. ... DEMOS .. ....... $/i00.00 Fl.YTI.C liO IO .. .. . ...... Demo.. .. ....... $5Jl.OO FLYn:c,1020 .. . ...Demo.. . .... $/60.00 ........ $CAI.I l'LYTFC: !iOlO .. Mi\LI.FTTFC: ... $15').'J'i ....... $15').00 CARMIN CPS rn. CARMIN CPS /i'i. .. .... $2'J'J.OO ......... $(,<)').()() CARMIN CPS ')0.
1l!CI I l'FRSl'FC:TlVF WI TEEJ.S Real lilt- savers! 12 ', light, 1ough. !'its all gliders. Send $Ii I .'Vi 1 $/i.'iO Spori Aviation, PO Box 101, J\sk abrnn our de,dcr p1·iccs .
MINI VARIO- World's smallest, .simplest variu 1Clips 10 helmet or chinstrap. 200 hours on batteries, o. . ]8,000 it., fosr response and J, year w;1rranty. Crct( for paraglid ing too. ONLY $16'!. Mallmcc, ]'() Box I 575Ci, Sama Ana CA, 92.Tl5. (ll Ii) %(, 12/iO. MC:/Visa accepted.
1 JFLMETS l'EI.I.F & RFl'I.FX !\,II Face .
... OVFRSTOCI< CU•:ARANC:1: lllacl, & other ugly colors... . ... $125.00 PAN ORAM IC ............... hill !'acc ......... $1 /i'J.00 l.10:10: F2, Used, L1rgc w/1"1 T... .. .... $200.00 UV FX . . . .. I' 1111 !'ace... .. .. $;>'JO. 00 Ri\[)]OS-1\Ll, MOllFLS AV/\ll.ABI.E YAESU l'Tl 1R. . ..... 5 watt ............ $.,05.00 l<FNWOOD Tl 172. watt. . .... $CJ\I.I. l'/C: l'ingcrswi1ch/I k1dsct .. I lvavi ·Duty ..... $8').00 5/8 'ITLESC:Ol'IC: ANTENNA. . .... $20.'!5 'S/8 Ci\JN IJUC:K i\:,JTENNA.. .. ...... 1; I /.'J'i EAR TAl .K-Sl'l'.J\KFR/Ml(: SYSTEM .. .Sale .. $(,0.00 VC:22 Y/\ESU Vox/PTT ..... . .... $58.')5 MOllll.1': ........ 50 wait .... $?'J'J<$75.0IJ TlJNF lJP w/Warran1y lntau... .. ... $35-'S0.00 IC:OM VCiis.. . U/-17·imhz .... $D9.00 1\1.JNCO... .. ..... $C:i\ll Pi\RACI I UTl'.S WI 1.1.S WI NC LARI\ ........ w/l'araswivcl .... $CALL I JI Cl I ENFRCY QUANTUM. . .... $CALL Fdcl, NAS, WW, l'roDcsigJJ, J JES & Moret M ISCELl .ANEOUS AIZMADILI.O ( ;\icier Tr:ivelbag ... lJV resistant $90.00 WIND ADVISORY Al RSPFFD W/C:bmp .. $2\.00 HALL l'AR1\C l.lDFR 1\ IRSPEFD.. . ....... $28. 95 HOOi( KNIFE. .. ...... $1/i.95 MASON'S TOW RFI.F.ASF ......... $52.00 lJ.MJTTS ... C:LFARANC:E OVFRSTOC:K ... $25.00 J\VOC:FT PILOT Wi\TC!Ii\S. .. ....... $1 llt.li5
KFNTLJC:KIANA SO/\RINC PRESENTS "New" l'ingcrswitch Radio Headset by Flight C:onllcuions. 1l FA VY-DUTY I IEADSET wi1h switch ulluws pilot to communic,itc keeping their hands 011 the control har or brakes, Safer flying and 111orc reliable cornmunic1tions. Your instrument is protected with a {)() day mff; warranty wid1 service av;1ilahle beyond rl1c wa«a(ltV.
"'" """'v avai\;,l,le for Yacsn, !com, Alinco, ,tnd <llhcr compatible radios. AvaiLihlc for Ii,\\ face or open helmets. $8') +$'.\.50 shipping, MC/Visa, dealc1 inquires invited. Kcnt11ckia11a Soaring, li7.5 N i\ve., Clarksville IN li712'!. (8 12) 288 /111, (i\12) 28/; .. /;115. Sl'FCJ/\U/:INC IN FLI:CTRON JCS, RADIOS, V/\RIOS, CPS UNITS & MORFI
The world-class XCH-180 up to .3 hours (i1l] 8,000 fi. ;rnd weighs only Complete kit with cylinder, harness, rc>''"""" cannula and remote on/off flowmctcr, only Ccr the new (;1,J])ER PROTFC:T YOUR CI.IDLR SI\ VF.RS, th,· wr;q1-·around p:idded tic-down 1h,11 helps protect ynur glider fi·om we;n 1l'allSJ)Orti11g.
$27, $19 or $(,5 1 M.'50 shp. Red, l,\ue or charcoal. PO Box 212, l'rnn Laird VJ\ !28/i(,. (540) ii.l2-6'i'i/.
(812) )88-/111 fax (812) ?.8/i-lil 15
MAINTJ\IN YOUR AIRFOIi. Wirh 1his tool m:«lc of' l1ardwood and pcrlon $:lC +$Ii .s/h. JC:DC:, PO Box 6S, Dobbins C:A 'J59:l5, (ii08) 2C,?.-81i6'i.
TEI< 6" WI !FFI.S $).<, per p:tir, plus $l.75 S/11. Tck i'ligh1 l'roducts, ( :olchrook Stage, \X!illsted ( :·1 OCO'J8. (860) l7') .. ] 6(,8.
V-M!TTS The original hang gliding and paragliding mitt for cold weather flying. Don't- let cold hands you on the ground. Order your V-MTTTS
For a back issue order form. From the early Shimmer to the present I f(IJ1g Gliding. (71 ')) <,J?, 8.100.
royal, teal, red, & fusia $'.14.95 + S/H Map pocket $10. 00 VISA/MC/DiscovcJr
These CORDURA vccrn-on mitts arc warm and comfortable and have superior abrasion rcsist,mce. They arc one size fos all and arc machine washable. Mountain Wings Inc., 150 Canal SuTet, Ellenville NY 12446, (914) 6/il-3377.
Blue & white, includes battens $200 OBO. Paci/,c Windcrali: pod harness w/parachutc $150 OBO. Leading & crossbar for Vision $50 each OBO. All in condition (505) 382-9762.
Z.EPl!YR MFC Of 1\risto\, CT pleased to announce the release of two new belt buckle sizes as a ro showcase om engraving cap:ihilitics. The works on the same principle as a military buckle knurled roller wedging the webbing against the Made of 60(,1 '1'6 ,tlurninurn bar stock, each buckle is precision C.N.( ·. machined, anodized in a variety para & gliding and C.N.C. scenes, manufacturer, dealer and club logos. For those lntcrcsi-ccl in lrnving their own designs engraved, scanablc lincart or computer i1nage can be The buckles arc available in two sizes: 2.3"wX1.5"h (301nm and \.8/i"wX1.5"h (2 5mm An assortment of webbing patterns and :rnodize arc available. Please call Zephyr Mfg (860) 'j8}-.'l6 IO and reque.,t fox or letter showing the various images and webbing patterns available or for pricing on cnsrom work. !'rice: $Ir() each including webbing. 14 Foxwood Road, Bristol CT 06010.
DOWNWIND From the early days of the 70's, to the big-time air of Owen's Valley, DOWNWIND is packed with thrill and exhilaration of cross country adventure. The perfrct gift for both pilots and nonpilots. SllARE 'l'llE EXPERIENCE. A true story, well told. Available from USHCA Hcadquancrs for only$ I 0.95 (, $2 s/h). PO Box 13:lO, C:olMado Springs CO 80901 1330.
DON'T GET CAUCHT T ANDINC DOWNWIND! 1. 5 oz. ripstop nylon, CV treated, 5'1" long wll J" throat. Available colors fluorescent pink/yellow or Jlnorcsccnr pink/white. $:39.95 (+$4.00 S/11). Send to USHC:A Windsok, P.O. Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901-1330, (719) 6:\2-8:\00, fax (719) 632-6/i I?. VISA/MC: accepted.
gladly . . ....,,.,...,v ...
lllCIIER TIIAN l•'.ACT.FS by Maralys &. Chris Wills. The lifo & rimes ofBOBBYWfLI.S, hang gliding legend. Fxpcricncc the triumphs and tragedies of the Wills family ,md the evolution of Wills Wing. $19.95 hardcover (+$4 .00 S/J·[), sec preceding classiftcd for USllCA BOOKS ordering info.
COME TO CANADA! Or bring me ro you! For I Jang Gliding ICP's. Ccr rcccni/,ed the RC:R way! Also, we arc e.xpanding & looking for insrrncrors & tandem pilots ro hire for both hg & pg. Contan: Michael Robertson-High Perspective, RR 5, 8(,5 Cone.?, Claremont Onr. Canada l.lY IA2. (905) 29/i-25%, fox (905) 294-84')5, email: flyhighQhinforamp.nct We offer winch/step row instruction (all levels) for hg/pg and winches, releases, etc. frn sale. Cli,lcr Company needs multi-talcnrcd crnfrsman, computer lit .. crate, business Send resume wirh salary requirements (held in stricrc,;i confalence) to: I 075 Marco I )rive NE, Sr Petcrslmrg l'L :\3702. No phone calls.
Ol'l<fCJAI. FAA SFC:TIONAL And VFR Terminal Arca Charts. All areas, cmrent (up to date New Airspace Classifications). Sectional maps $? each, Vi'R Terminal Arca Charts $Ii each. Add shippin1, and (Cal. residents only) tax. Dealer prices. Ainimcof'S.F. (li15) 759-1177, fox (415) 759-1182.
SCOOTER TOW SYSTFMS -- Available at various prices. (')72) :\')0-9090. TOW ROPES .. TOW ROPES .. TOW ROPFS Spectra, Dacron. David Bradley, Braided Prodncts I Jivisio11. (215) 8;?2- I %8, fax (2 l 5) 822 5852.. UI.TRJ\l.lNF In siock, ready to sl1ip. 5/J(," x .lOOO' .$ l 05 ..1/ I6" x liOOO' $ I Ii 5 included. C1j11n I Lrng Clidi11g Club, I JO Kent Lafayette J .1\ 7050H. (l 18) 981 8372. VIDHlS & I'll.MS I\J\C: IT! If' you don't have your copy oC Dennis hgc11's l'I\JUORMJ\NCJ>'. FLYINC yet, available thro11gh lJSI JC;\ I lcadq11artcrs $29.95 (1$/i s&h).
l'lRST Fl.JC! IT
hillows the action
or a new
pilot's flrst lcs:-ions. 'J'his video is an cn1crtaining way
to show yom friends and L,mily how yon ac111ally learn to lly. VI lS I min11tes. $20 incl11des shipping (mr1y hr r1pplied to lrssm1 purr/)(fst!). MISSION SOAR· INC CENTER, I I IC, Wrigley Way, Milpi1as CJ\ 'J50Yi. (li08) 2G2 l 055. I C:J\N I.J\N]) J 'j() good, bad & 11gly landings. J\ must l,n all st 11dct1ts. 'JO I minutes & lots oC aero. Sclld $35 mnm-y order to: Jell Reynolds, 1902 E Sh:1rlJn Drive, Phoenix J\/ 85027.. NFW IN STOC:1( 1 PARTY AT CLOUDBJ\SE
CAI C:lOVF l.ight-wcight CAI\RETTJ\ LEATI !ER Cl OVJ·:S, world fornou.1 in eq11cstrian circles, are now g:1i11ing popularity in the ing, & markets. in men, women & sizes) l) diffCrc11t colors and priced from $27.95-$:o'l. 1)5. l'or more i11l,1 on these superior leather gloves conL1ct: Cal-Clove, 2')20 Allb11rn lllvd, Sacramento CJ\ 9587. I. ('l I Ci) 181 870 I, fax (<JIG) lt8 J, I l G8, email: ctl-glovcU1j11no.com
hang gliding music video by Adventure Productions $ l 1J.9'i. POINT OF Tl IE MO\JNTAIN-/\w:ml win-
"NFW" 1\ RISK MJ\NACEMENT MANlJAL Cliding, by Michael l{ohcrtson. Used ntcnstvclv as US! JCJ\'s lnstntctor C:ertil'icttio11 Progr:im St11dcnt Notebook. lncl11dcs: history, the
niug by bst Co:1st Video, hr,/pg acrion ;lt this Utah mecc:1 $29. IIJ\NC CLIDINC: EXTREMF & BOI,N TO l'l.Y by Adventure Prod11uio11s, grcctl hg ac1io11 $:lli.95 each. !IJ\WAIIJ\N !'I.YIN by 9, la1111chcs $33. or fox (719) (,'.)7-6/i 17, please
wondrous wind, new tow section, the wing, the win
1-$li domestic :,/h Ci
dividual, and tltc fomons RFVfSFll, NEW Cl IJ\RTS ()F RFI.JJ\llll.JTY. $9.'Vi ,$.l s/h. (lrder your copy l'ro111: l liglt Perspective, RR 8(,'j C:onc.7, Claremont 011t. C111ada I.I Y I A) (90'5) ..'')ii 2536, !;ix (905) '?')ii 8ii')5, email: llyhigh(i1lillforamp.rn·1
ror rwo or 1nore videos). Creal
friends or for those socked-in days. the launch potato turned couch potato.
11s about our paragliding videos! MIS< :J-.Ll .J\NFOUS
SPECIAi. Nl·:W PILOT Fll!TJON I L111g Clidillg & Paragliding m;1gazinc. Now available through \JS] ICJ\ l $/i.95 each 1 $1.50 s/h.
V]l)FOS BOOKS & POSTERS Call t:SIJC:/\ for your Merchandise order lcrn11 (7 J <J) 632- 8.llJO.
SOAR! Ne; iVl0111hly lll:Jgazinc or The Soarillg Soci,·ty or America, IIle. <'.overs all or !light. htll mrnibnship $5'i. lnl'o. with copy $:l. SS/\, P.( J. Box I·:, l lohhs, NM 882/i I. ('iO'i) 39) I I Tl
C:J .J\SSIJ:JE!l AllVFKJ'ISINC R/\TFS The r,ttc i,,r
I lcadq11artcrs
for: The ri1w•;t n·l(':1\cs;, s.·,·,rn,Lirv
"V" bridles, wv,d, li11ks, tandem kits, etc. Tl JE WAl.1./\BY lt~NCl I (9/i I) 112/iOO"/O. <; ET MOR 1-' J\ !RT! MI·, Cl/ 1\ IV\ NTE!-ll! Platf'orm p:1y···ou1 and I londa powered stationary winch systcm:-i in stock. Over (J) systems in use, prices
st,irt at j11st $ J, 9 1)5 delivered. For more inli,rmation contact: TJ.S, 70 IO Ma1-k, S,rn J\mo11io TX 7821 ll. (210) 82.IJ, I 80:l, hx 12 l 0) BO'i 8386.
WINDSFEKFR More li111 than a harrel down tuhes. It soars, it loops, it /lies' ONI.Y $3.00 pl11s $) s/h ($:3 slh Oil orders o/.3. More th,111 .'i or /l{t '/ orders, plmsr ml/) US} !CJ\, J'() Box LUO, Colorado CO il090 I. (719) <,:n-B.lOO, fox yo11r MC/Visa order to (71 'J) 6.12-(,li 17.
"AEROl\J\TIC:S" F111l color 2.l"x 3 J" poster fralllring Jolin I kiney doing what he docs best-l.001'INC:1 Avail:ible through lJSI JC:;\ H(~ for just $6.'J'i ( 1$.\.'j() s/h). /.'ill that void on your wall 1 Send to l/SI IC:J\ /\crob;itics !'osier, PO Box 1300, Colorado Springs CO BO'J:fl. (USJ\ & C:anad,1 011ly. posters arc NOT J\\/All./\BLF OJI ordns.) SPECIJ\1.-Acrohalics posier & Frie R:1ymtJnd posl<Tll0Tll 1'0R$10(i$:l.50s/h).
classifted ;idvcnising is $.50 word (or group of char-· aners) and $1.00 per word bold or all caps. M!NlM ll M /\!J CJIAR(;F $5.00. ;\ Ice ol $1 'i.00 is for each line an logo and $25.00 for each pho10. NLART & PIIOTO SI/.L NO 1.J\RCFR Tl 1/\N I .?5" X . Plc;ise nllderlinv words to be in bold 1,rit1t. Special or tabs $25.00 per rnhu1111 inch. l'hone words. J.:mail or web address··:lwords. J\]) lJFJ\1)1.JNFS: All ad copy, illstruc1.io11s ch;mgcs, additions and cmccllations 11111st 1
be received in writing ! 1/2 momhs 1hc rover ,Luc, i.e. March 20dt l,,r the rnakl' checks payable to \JSHCJ\ J\dvcni.sing Dept. H/\NC CJ !])INC: MJ\CA/JNF, l'.0. Box 13l0, ( :olorado ( X) 80901 .. ] .J.'lll (7 J 9) 6.12-8300 or fox (719) 17 with your Visa or Mastercard.
Mi•mL,ccd a1 TFLLUR!DF FLYnurn bcr
FOUND Ci\MERJ\ 3'imrn, found at POINT OF Tl IF MOUNTJ\IN, UT 011 October 6, I')%. Ct!I (801) ')57-1Ii1810 identify. SOLAR WINCS SC/\ND/\L S1olcn from VJ\NCOlJVER, BC CANAD/\ 011 J\ugus1 101h, !'J%. 13.6 meters, lilac lcadinr; edge & 1111dcrs11rface, hl11e chevron w/crnisc harness; blue/red paracln11c; blue Skylark vario. Nick Collins (60/i) .l:lli 2602.
!I<AROS (KORF/\N) Pi\RA<;I.IDER - Stolen fiom S.I\N BFRNAR])]NO, Ci\ n·nral car on J1111c 6th, I ')96. Pink upper, white under with blue hawk on right houom, lcCt brake li11c replaced with 505 cord. Contact Mini lo Yoon (')09) 887-li81ili or McKenzie, Jligh Advcttmrc (909) 883-8li88. STOLEN WlNCS ,ire lis1ed as a service to USHCA mcmhers. Newest rntrics ,nc in hold. There is no for 1his service and lost and found or he called in Cl 19) 632-8300 or 17 for incl11sion in l magazine. Please call to cancel the are recovered. Periodically, d1is listing
Adventure Prodncrions .............. ,...... .45
Lookorn Mm. Flight Park .. ,.............. 4 5
Airtime of San Francisco ................... 67.
Mojo's Ccar ...................................... 13
Alt-Air .............................. ,................ 2(i
Moyes .. , ............................................ 31
Arai Design .... , .................................. 15
NAA ................................................. 37
AV8 .................................................. 47
Neilsen-Kellerman .............................. 7
Ball Varios ......................................... 2.3 Brannigcr ............................................ 9
Safari Sky Tours ................................ I :3
Hytcc ............ , .................. , .................39
Soaring Center .................................... 7
Free Flight
Sport Aviation Publications ................. 7
!fall Bms ........................................... 50
lJS Aviation ........................... ,.......... 34
I ligh Energy "t'u1,., .............................J
USHGA ................... 11, 12, 13,22,S<i,57
lcaro ................................ ,.............. ,.... 2
Wallaby Ranch ............................... 6,50
Wills Wing .......................... Back Cover
Kitty I Iawk Kites ., ...... ,................ 1
Airtime will give a 100% refund ii any harness docs not meet the customer's expectations/satisfaction upon delivery.
If your dealer doesn't carry our Harness, we can make arrangements for you to see one.
@ IIEJ\J;;ON' co
by Dan Johnson
hav 1-he ~'ENN. When l l:he to l:cc Dunlap, '.PN "Hang Gliding Capital the East" Gap" at the of thL; column. and loving it 881111 J\JCc ws this monl:h i.nclude:J ,;orne d:i_fferent r:. u ting project ju L ge nq underway by my old l:riend, Tim Morley. Mc:my Ca] j forn La,rn know Tim and a number of othc~rs tlie l ongt::ime Wills Wing soul c: be 'I'udor took over decade ago). fter r1.i.s WW Tim had an accLdenl. when Jlying t.c1ndem. l\ fairly minor I injured lLi :3 in ,.1 way that took l1irn out of t:oo launcrJe:cl hancJ gl idinc:r. 'I'alkinq 1-.0 J1 im on phone, you'd p;o upbeat is his a tU and lic:rh Dighl:. Morley' got a to help disabled folks sample light 111 [light" i1S Tim probably won' convf,n l:ionaJ hang q ac:rain and who yel: may oy t:he very l ng we Ile speaks o ob t a i_ n :i n g Swift SuperF oa other wing-type hang Cumulus, gli concept ic3 a non-profit corp t.hat obtain t:hese provide towing , and offer instruction pi1otD ly 1:1:ed for hand control poses no qreat 1-.echn.i.ca:1 on st:ick-11nd-rudcler ft:) Tim not 1:he only di sabJed pilot· who'd so wh:L Io Tim figure,; t:o goL hj may help be p J.oL He',:; near Mt. Diablo on Later he may move thl" east of th(, operat:ion to Ma ipo u I: WO I: 0 lYo,;emi te. a pp laud the and offered Lo noed yet through 1:hr, ng up a non-pro[ corp mattc,rs but: wi :I 1 then able L:o tax·-deduct:ible dona.t:ion status Lo any funds or eq11 iprnc,n t ·i connec to: net com. com but: for 'Ll have more gel.s in businessman' mind. Meadows, anot:ber enthLrniast know meaninq oJ the on l:hcc, move, wit:h ng GWM, which name (\:hough i L' 1mcannily clo,;e) but is rather Great Worldclass Meets running GW will weove in the Internot :Ln a way to hang qlidinq. For those of who cannot GW will take photos a digital camera and LbEem day. l:a ff wi 1J shoot map where pins in their landing ";pot eacb day. Thc"y' 1 l also include daily weather briefings and t:ha1: you may l:hink you' you' 11 know quickly 1:han Gl\P,
MARCI I 1997
convenU.onal photos but: G1/IIM has purchased its own photo processor to go l:he resul back [aster and more~ re1 iably. And yea:i~ Na l.:s, GWM will produce a daily tabloid gazette comp1 ete with their popular Sponsor the Day advert i ng. A By formal i inq the tasl< o conduct.ing meE-~ts, GWM f1opes to sLandardi~e the "produc of meet running. Usinq the same 1-.echniques and staff (as possible), competil.ion should know bett:er what \:o c"xpect. l\nd since lH won rave reviews for t:he mec,ts he',; din,cted, Meadows thinks l1rc1 has ;;trong pot:ential to i mprovc-; meets. you' re surfing already, try "JustFly.Com" and watch \:he t:e beinq constructod. ••• ing back to more hard product oriented news ... Jol1n Hyan the nc,w company l\Vll report: that European hotsJ-1ot, Manfred Ruhmer won the Australian Bogong flyinq on the Laminar represented by the new company t:hat Ryan, L,arry 'l'udor, and L:wo ot:her partn s f:ounded. ••• Wl1.i e e easinq the L,aminar r-esults, Ryon also announced that the Hang Glidinq Cc,nter U outfit w:i open a "base camp" at the Lone Pine airport l:o pilo1-.s ying 1:he Owens. They' 11 qlider storage and a convenient morninq meeting place. rrbey aJr,o p:1 an l:o offc,r X--·C r-et·:ri eva1, oxygen supply, pllrn minimal parts and S(-:rvi_ce and even c(l.ider rental. HG Center plans bunkhouse and o weather station with phone down]:ink worldwide. CondLtion.s a Walt.'s Po.i.nl w.il be made available r'egularJ Wan1-_ more info or maybe a ob opporl:unity'? Contact Ryan at ,IPAVtl@aol.com or call 619--'562--1009. ••• Ball Variometers has a now sales rep and VP of market:inc:r, Rami Hyary, who :Ls makine, r,orne intc:r(est i_n(J chanqes. J-fyary' s primary ob is t:o listen t:o the demands hanq glidinq and paragliding communi to t:b(-e biq American instrument maker meeting the needs oJ the pilot commun-i_ty. Ramy comes lrom ,,ales of big comput.er sy:o He' inve,;t:ed in Bal and looks forward to r:unctionin9 in a srna1ler husinc,ss climate. In addi.tion, BalJ Mark Ferguson, was electe<'l to t:he Uc;JIGJ\ board of direcl_or-s fur broadening h:is cornpony' s r,phere of j nf1uencc. A Bal 1 bas now "fully proofed" t:heir 'Comp and three models of it. t beta tested in 11/95 and finalized by 4/96, thE1 Graphic[; Comp Lop of UiE, line version, the GC70, features new screens for 1997. ln addition, an upgradeable GC50 will bring a low entry ice of 69 wit.hout airspc~ed, barograph, or to fly. You can add feat:ures as you' able bul. can start wit:h a basic vario and the usual atl:ributes of modern el tronic ll ight deck. l\ GC60 mode] il the middll': qround and the '50 with barograph functions. Graphics Comp ic, too much jnsLrument t:o fully describe here, so (JQl: wil:h l~ary and Ball to out more. You can contact Ba11 via the 'Net: at www.baJ1var·i . com. ••• So, go 1~ news or opird on:3? Go hack to sending c~m to 8 Dorsc::;t, J?auJ MN ~)~)118. Use my March-·to-Dccember phone number of 612-450-0930. E---mai 1 remain:'l Cumul usMan@aol. corn. THANKS 1. 1
0 ,'