Whal fallows is a brief overview of lhe lcoro philosophy of design and manufacturing. We this will help our customers -both present ond future- better oppreciate what it means to own c1 Laminar. We' re based in Italy. An apt metaphor for our aprJroach lo building hang gliders can be found in cmother ltalion product: the sports car. In the business of hang gli· ding, we have chosen to be a Ferrari, not a Ford, not o Chevrolet. When you buy a Laminar, you are buying a Testarossa, not a lempo, not a Suburban. Our goal is the highest level of excellence in design and manufacturing for people who appreciate tho best. Our gliders are conceived and construded to outperform the com· petition in speed, climb, and handling. Period. We achieve these goals with a no . com· promise approach to sofety. Sa•fe1,V: al lc:all'o Is 0111,r main eo1111re,r1111. All of our gliders me by German DHY, the Europeon equ'1valent to HGMA certificotion in USA, BSHA in England, etc. In addition, we certify mony of our models with the Swiss certificalion system, the SHY. The Swiss system is lesser known, but is technically demanding, ond in mony woys more closely approximates real flight situc,tions. An excellent examplo is the aulstability test, in which a glider carrying o simulated pilot in the form of a bog of sand is suspen . ded and dropped from o cable cm to demonstrate its inherent pitch stobilly as it rem· vers from this zero airspeed situation. Many of our models, the Laminor ST among them, have been certified by both the DHY ond the SHY.
WARNING: DO NOf MOIHIFY YOUR LAMINAR Laminars ore buili with exacting precision to carefully controlled specifications that hove been developed through fifteen years of experience manufacturing hong ~Jliders. Any modificotion of your glider will remove it from its certified configuration and paten· tiolly render it dongerous to fly.
I 595 East Francisco
l new my brand new ICARD LAMINAR ST 14 Cor the J'irst receiving from A V8 EAST in Michigan. I canno1 begin lo 1hc overwhelming satisfnction and appreciation I have for your which has given me such joy. twenty years of flying hundreds in lhousancls of' hours, I confidently say tllal lhc J ,aminar is finesl combination of pcrforliandling and that [ .have found. The original is simply the best handling, highest performing flex-wing glider on the market. I . AMINAR ST is b<oyond a clonbl a truly phenomenal to cxpcricn .. (How do you do ii?) My observations arc cntlrnsiastically reinforced every person whom I demonstralt: these remarkable aircraft and each dcm<ms.1r,11tic,n flight inevitably rcsnlls in animnled discussion throu·· llw pilot community rcgcrding lhc LJ\MJNJ\R's unique qualities. said.
From: Allan Barnes lalla11@thinkicaro.1H1cl.com\ to: icaroC«)alphasys.it I Ii again
Dave llollirook flew his glider for the first lime
and asked inc to pass on this rncssngc: "it is the best handling glider I have ever flown. Thank yo11 !CARO"
Dare 2915197 From: Jack Slocum <slocum(iflcpix.nct> I hope lhis inl'ormation is useful. 1 could have easily kept the occurren .. cc sccrel, lm1 I decided to pass the inCormation n]ong to members of n1y club to cmphas'1zc the dangers or flying in clouds. I also want to thank everyone possible nt ICARO 2000 J'or the outstanding design or the L,aminnr ST. ft saved iny life. The only reason I tumbled was poor judgment. The only reason I survived was the l .aminar ltelcl together and kept flying. Thank you, .lrwk Slocum
!CARO 2000 srl - Via Verdi 19 21038 Sangiano (Va) Italy - Tel. ++39-332-648.335 - Fax ++39-332-648.079 http: //www.alphasys.it/icoro - E-Mail: icaro@alphasys.it 1
(USPS 017-970-20 - ISSN 0895-433X)
16 Flight Design & The Exxtacy by Dave Sharp, sideb1tr by Tyson Richmond A look ar what some believe is the future of hang gliding.
24 Gliding For Glory by John Szarek, sidebar by Rob Kells The fi rst "topless" Morningside Glide Angle Comest.
35 1997 USHGA Regional Director Election Be sure to vore and fill our rhe questionnaire.
38 Speed Gliding Telluride by Rob Kells, sidebar by Dennis Pagen
This new form of hang gljding comperirion is amacring the media!
USHGA Reporcs .......... ...........................22
Airmajl ...................... ... ............... ... ............4
USHGA Director List ............... .. .. ..........30
Updare......................... ...............................8
Product Lines, by Dan Johnson ..............63
Calendar of Events ........... .................... ... .10
Racings ........... ... .................................... ... 13
Classified Advertising ......................... ..... 51 Index to Advertisers ................... .. .... ........62
Gil Dodgen, Dave Pounds, Ari
John Heiney, Gerry Charlebois, Bettina Gray, Leroy Grannis, Mark Vaughn Pholo,grnplwrs Marry Martin, //hmtmtor Dennis Pagen, Mark Stucky, Geoff Mumford, G,W,. Meadows, Jim P;ilmieri, St«ff Wr{/1 1:,
Karen Simon, Accounting & CA;\Mh(w ,.,;rn,c·rn, Elaine Elgart, Mernbor,iliip Servicos Natalie Hinsley, Merchandis<: Sc,rvices
Dear Editor, On October 1997, I attended a fondraising breakfast at the Riverside Convention center for Congressman Ken Calvert. The honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Cingrich was discussing how the failure of the public education system produces an infringement of some citizen's Godgiven "right to pursue happiness" as stated in the Declaration of Independence. He cautioned, "Please understand that this is the right l'O happiness, not the right to happiness. It's not like, just because you were born in America, you get ro go hang gliding." So there you have it, the Speaker of the l louse defines happiness in America as hang gliding!
and Exocutive Committee Bill Bry1fo11, l'residont Randy Adams, Vice Pre.,ickmt Russ Locke, Secretary D,m Johnson, Treasurer
Roy A. Haggard Vertigo, Inc.
zinc sary. Thr Ass,oc1n11cm rnsporisibillty for the or MANG GLIDING editorial offices: Pkwy., A-256, Rancho Sanrn fHJl) .. 7363 1 fox (714)
all facets to the educntior\, train .. (O
full 1he
Dear Editor, The September issue of Hang Gliding w;is one of the best of d1c year. I loved the cover and cemerfold, and Tespecially liked the "Development of the Fusion" article by Steve Pearson. Tt was very well written with plcn ty of pictures. Please get him to do one on the development of the Ultra Spon. We haven't had accident reports for a while. I think they should continue with the names of the focal accident victims even if it doesn't promote the sport. Now you've my two cents worth, and you got it free. Von Welch Highland, Utah
Dear Editor, Regrettably, I failed to include Dan Jester in my article as a signifkant contrilmtor to meeting the tight development timeline of the Fusion. Dan manufactures several precision.machined componems for rhe Pusion including the crossbar support wedge. Since Dan is an active pilot and a friend, it is important to me that he get sorne recognition for all the extra effort required to meet our deadlines, and the ourstanding quality of his production parts. Steven Pearson Orange, CA
Dear Editor, R.ecenrly, at Verde River Days in Cottonwood, Arizona, I had a bad landing. While the landing and its aftermath were clearly a resu It of a judgment error, the helmet J was wearing, I believe, caused my injuries. The helmet came off my head as a result of the initial contact with Mother Earth and prior ro my face slamming into the ground. Whar happened was tbn the female clip on the chin strap broke. This is not good and l would like to inform pilots about this potential problem. My face, from the upper lip ro rhe hairline, looks like it had a run-in with a belt sander equipped with 80-grit sandpaper. My glider suffered only two broken down-
tubcs. Thanks, and if you have any comments please contact me. Dennis Nelson 11elson rvv2lprimenet. com
P1mk Ave., Colorado fi090J ..:J657 (71 '>) 6417. PERIODICAL POSTAGE i, Sprlngs1 CO and a.t additional maiHng
POSTMASTER: Sl'ND CJ 1/\NCE OF /\DDRl'SS TO: HANO C:LIDINC,, P.O. 130X J.330, Colorado Springs, CO 80'J(ll .. 13JO.
ISSUE No, 11
Dear Editor, Hang glider pilots develop a variety of verbal reminders to help insure that they go through the proper steps in preparing
and story July '97 through April Fly one of our locations: Travel Tours, fly them all: Valle Bravo ...... t:~i,,c:::.n days flying ·...,,=,,1r. .,,n nights '-'""'"'""'' "Modem, c,n,,c., ...rn ... , n£., ..., ,." "Transportation "BHingua/ guide "Big air, high clouds, dustys! SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER WITH $4 SHIPPING. GALL, WRITE, FAX, or E MAIL TO ORDER OR GET A FREE BROGHURE WITH DETAILS AND MORE AGTION VIDEOS. ALI. VIDEOS GUAFiANTffD
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ro launch. I roo have found the use of a
"manna" helpfol in 111;1in1aining good habits. It was developed a(ter a near-dis-· astrous episode which involved rhe bad habir of getting prone too soon during launch. The wind was light and variable at beautiful early-morning site in Northern ( :alifornia. The launch was quite reasonable, consisting of a 30° slope with room ft)r about IO steps. However, it ended at a precipitous, 1,000-foot cliff at rhc oCa crater l·,1ke. There was ;i sndl pile of rocks at the edge of the cliff'. 'lwo pilots launching ahead of me seemed rn launch with too much of a nose-up attitude, and though rhc wind was light, f was somcwhar concerned about a stall at rhc cliff's edge due to upcoming air (rhis was my ftrst flight at this sire). I was w::iiting for the sncamcr and the one next to my at the cliff's starting poi111 to point in rite san1c direction. That combination was rare, and the duration extremely short and getting shorter as I w::iitcd. I began to get a dry mouth and was ho;irse, obviously losing my cool. My anemion was mostly focused on the streamer at the cliff's edge. The moment carnc. The streamers were in synch. [ srnrtcd like a jack rabhit and took short, choppy steps. The glid · cr's nose was too low. The glider started gcni ng ahead of me and was not flying well. l went prone. When my control bar was about a fc)()t beyond and a foot above the rocks at the end of the cliff [ fclr a blow to my groin. Ahggg! I'd hit the rocks! I gave the bar a short, brief push upward, then pulled in to pick up speed and clove for about :',O feet. My initial reactions were shock and fr:ar. l knew I had come close to dying; anorher six inches sooner or lower and J would have hit the rocks hard enough ro tumble over the cliff Under the circumstances, l think my chute would have been useless. Despite the trauma, the si tc was so beautiful ! pur rhc incident as much out of my mind as possible, determined to cnjoy the early morning splen-dor. l did, for a shon 20 rninmcs. Upon l;rnding 1 agonized and shuddered at how close a call I'd had. 6
I examined my harness f-cJr damage. It w;is my parachute, not my groin area rhar hit the rocks (apparently rhe harness was pushed into groin). Amazingly, pulled open, and the parachute there were razor-like cuts in the fabric of my harness hut no marks whatsoever on the parachute cover itself From this incident, and others, I con· eluded that my set point for angle of anack in light when the glider docs not provide much dynamic feedback, had changed gracluall y over the years. This might have evolved from launching on steep hills, but also seemed to involve a tendency to look only ;1 short distance ahead of me (in this case at the cliff edge) when launching, rather than more distantly. 'fo help overcome such bad hahirs (also including jackrabbit starts and shon steps), and to insure that l kept myself mcntally under comrol, I devcl-opcd a pre.. launch acronym comprised of the lcrrcrs HAU! cbboratcd as foJ. lows: H: ]looked in A: Angle of attack appropriately set U: Upright throughout launch L: Long, strong strides E: poi med appropriately (pick a spot before launching) D: Deliberate (mentally focused and emotionally in control). Repeating this "mantra" and visu::iliz . how I'm going to launch works well frir me and someday may even allow me to launch again at my situs nemesis. Perhaps ir can help other pilots as well. Charles S. Rebert (a.lea. DR. SOAR) Redwood CA
Dear Ediror, 'J'hcre have been a lot of negative commcllts regarding tlic price of new high-tech hang gliders. A few months ago, when l had to shell out close ro $6,000 to purchase my first high-tech topless glider, I was feeling the same, and
could not believe how much money I had i-o spend to get one. Bur on my first in lateRight in my new topless glider afrcrnoon, wonder-wind cond j.. tions JI Mounr in Arkansas with a L:rnnch altitude of 1,200' I was floating al 2,600' AC!. wirh case. All tbc kingpost glider pilots had to pull in and fight the strong headwind ro barely make it to the LZ. At the same rime, the topless glider was floating high over the LZ and the entire valley without h:rnlly losing any altitude. I ended up landing in my favorite alternative LZ a few miles further upwind from the primary LZ 011 the shores of" L::ike Dardanelle. When I got over this flcld I noticed that I had only lost .350' and could not believe the per·· fonnancc and sink rare of this glider. I\ hang glider pilot friend who was driving my car ended up waiting for me for a long t·imc and could nor believe that f h:1d made ir rhar far in such a strong headwind, and rhar I was still over 2,200' ACL. "What a glider!" I screamed after landing. I definitely think this wing is worth every penny I paid fcir ir. My flying pleasure, and average airtime and miles per flight h::ivc increased substantially (almost doubled). I personally want ro thank the manufocturers for developing these new super-high-tech hang gliders. I was so impressed with my new glider that 1 bought another one. I am now the proud owner of two new topless Laminar ST's and enjoy flying both of them very much. I currently hold the x .. c distance record fi.1r Arkansas with a 95--miler which was flown in March of 1995. Thanks to rhese new gliders the first l 00--miler in Arkansas should be jusr around rhc corner. As long as man ufocturcrs keep building lowcr--cost, recreational gliders, we should all be very h:1ppy. The bottom line is, you get what you pay for. 'T'hanks for ;1 great job and keep up the good work. M;1rk Pousrinchian Russellville, Arkansas
'I wish I had had this book when I started. It's cise. the book to transition from the novice to intermediate level. After
it, Chris Henderson, New Hang Ill, Salt Lake City
SEND TO (please print)
Total amount for books $ ................ . (pleaso c:ontinuo in noxt column)
Bl Update Design (509) 925-5565 , or David Glover of Wallaby Ranch (94 1) 424-0070.
he selection of U.S. Hang Gliding Team is finalized. The team will consist of eight pilots:
ills Wing announces the release of che new ZS pod harness. The ZS rakes rhe best fea tures of the Z4 and expands chem even further. The newly designed shoulder strap area allows for berrer aerodynamics and enhanced long-flight comfort. The side pockets are now larger with rwo separate zippered compartments and are collapsible when not in use. The full-length internal storage compartment has been enlarged and now has two zippers allowing for both internal and external access. The ZS retains the following standard feamres: 600 denier polyester outer co nstruction with 400 denier Ancron interior, rhree integral spreader bars, user-replaceable boor protector and entry zippers, expandable H atchback rear storage, pitch adjuster, radio pouch, Scubai steel carabiner, hook knife, X-C backpack carry bag, wide choice of custom accent colors, and custom sizing at no additional charge. See your Wills Wing dealer or rhe WW web site ar www.willswing.com for more information on the ZS or any ocher WW produces. The suggested retail price of rhe ZS is $795.
ills Wing has announced a winter deal on the Fusion. All Fusions ordered between October 1 and November 30 will include the standard wing-rip fairings and a free sec of the new-sryle winglecs. T his is a $310 retail option, included free co entice yo u co buy a Fusion now. T his offer only applies co Fusion orders with deposits received by ovember 30. Call yo ur Wills Wing dealer for derails.
FLIGHT DESIGN UPDATE r has been almost a year since the Exxcacy 160 first appeared in No rth America, and the glider has continued to build a reputation for itself throughout rhe wo rld as an ingenious design foreshadowing the future. This DHV-cercified rigid wing is designed and constructed co greatly outperform today's highest-performance hang gliders.
Ease of setup and ground handli ng, and excellent flying characteristics were successfully-achieved design goals. "The glider is all you've heard abour in terms of elegant design, neat new chinking and nice craftsmanship. le uses a combinacion of sailplane and hang glider construction techniques, and chis is reflected in irs flight characceriscics," states Jim Lamb, a participant in an Exxcacy clinic sponsored by Wallaby Ranch in Florida. Another Exxcacy pilot, Davis Srraub, comments, "[The Exxcacy] offers easy launches, very easy landings, easy cums, effordess flying and che highest performance ... " See the Exxcacy article in chis issue of Hang Gliding. You can also browse the North American Paragliding web site at w,vw.fun2fly.com and see a terrific slide show about the glider chat features flying shoes as well as pictures of setup/breakdown, repair and che internal workings of chis incredible new machine. Fo r information abour glider availabil ity or to receive a demo schedule contact Mike Eberle of North American Flight
1) elson Howe, New Hampshire 2) Larry Tudor, Arizona 3) Brad Koji, Colorado 4) Jim Lee, New Mexico 5) Mark (G ibbo) Gibson, Georgia 6) M ike Barber, Florida 7) Glen Volk, California 8) Pete Lehmann, Pennsylvania This is sure to be an expensive competition because of che high airfares to Ausrralia and the necessity of renting an aerotow system to remain competitive with rhe ocher teams. All of the pilots will be paying the bulk of their expenses and would ap preciate any help they can gee. World Team T-shirts are being offered for sale ar $20. For additional information on how to donate to the team or purchase T-shircs contact Team Leader Pete Lehmann, 5811 Elgin Sc., Pittsburgh, PA 15206, (4 12) 661 -3474, fax (4 12) 661-3436, LPeteLehmann@compusecve.com. T hanks for supporting che U.S. World Team.
ince 1974, Alegra Davidson ofTek Flight Produces has been creating distinccive, black and white etching-design hang gliding Christmas cards, adding one new engraved-s tyle design each year co her collection. Rem ember your flying and non-flying friends, landowners, ere., this year with these unique Christmas cards. The price is $ 10 per dozen , $ 18 for two dozen, or $33 for 50 (plus 10% S/H.) Contact Tek Flight Produces, Colebrook Stage, Winsted CT 06098, (860) 379- 1668 for more information, or send an SASE for an assortment sheet. You can also visit their Web sire at: http://members.tripod.com/ ~acreacion/ in dex.hcml.
The new FLYTEC 4005
FLYTEC 4005 Altimeter Variometer/ lntegrator Speed display' Real-time clock and stopwatch Temperature display Flight book 1
with speed sen so r opti on
Calendar of cvcnrs items WILL NOT be listed if only tentative. Please include exacr information (event, date, co man n,unc and phone nurnbcr). !rems should he received no later 1ha11 six weeks prior ro rhc event. We rcqncsl two montl1s lead rime for regional and narional meets.
{ JNTIL DEC. l: Second Annual New Yori, Strite Contest. Two classes, rookie and 65.milc. J<'ly from your favorite New York sire and srill compcre. $10 Clllry fee. Call for info and rules. Comacl: David Perry ((,07) '/')6. 3305 (w), (607) %5·7l75 (h).
UNTIL DEC 31: V{l()R yMr,/ong X.C Contest. Snm ohhe bcsl three I IC/P(; flights in three categories: lhy Arca, Region JI and :11Yvw lwr,·. 1
For more info visit hnp://memhcrs.aol.com/worxc and sul,mir on·linc. C:0111act: Ramy Yanctz, your 302 Sr.111.3, Moumain View, CJ\ 94043, fox (4 I 968.(,212. worxcGrlaol.com, or call Mark Mulholland (,1()8) 92')· 175:l. UNTIL Df.C. 31: Region ! I X-C Contest. Sum of best three x.c distances.$ IO entry to a USH CA ( :haprcr oHker required prior to any flights rhat count. Plight musr originate in Region 11 (Texas and J .ouisiana). Contact: Hum (512) 467 ·2 529, rrajcff(i1l;1ol.com. JAN. 9·18: Ovens and Kcwa Valleys, $ J 95 Australian. Minimum IPPI Level or hi[;hcr. $5,000 in cash and prizes. Requires visiting pilor mcm· bersliip in HCFA. Open//\/\,/\, B, C:, Female and Masrcrs. C:ontacr: Jeanette Mel .arcn or Dermot O11-6 l:J·5754-li9 J 0, fox 01 jmclarcn(r1lalh111y.ncr.au. Chccks/MO's in$ Aus. to: Bogong Cup, P.O. Box 3 Ll, Mt. Beauty, Australia 3(,9'). Include name, address, coma er phone in Australia, glider l D II. For accommodations conract: 011-(, 1.3.5754. 1267.
DEC. Jli. J 9: 2nd Mm.mrr l(m /Jang Island of Hawaii, directed by lntcrmccliatc to Adva11ced pilots. I<ca offers incredi· hie wi1h launch sires al 11,000', 12,500' and 13,700' MSL. Includes prize money, 4WD to launch, free Tshirr, retrieval, guid. ancc, free oceanside camping. Discounted flights available. Contact: Paraglidc l lawaii, P.O. !lox 797, Mmmrnin View, 111 %Tll (808) %8,8685, hagcmannggrc.net, 1111 p:/ho111cl.gtc.11c1/liagcman 11/ index.htm.
NOV. l-3: Thmn(ll C'linir spo11sorccl hy /\ir California and Sky Hook at La Salina, Baja, C:/\. Contact: David Jebb (619) 670· 5322, aircal<iDnctcom.com. NOV. 6: !I USHC:A gencri1l membership will be held in conj1111c1ion with 1hc Board Directors i11 November. The mcm· bcrship meeting be called 10 order at 4:00 PM local rime, Thursday, November(,, 1997, ar the Ramada Inn, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. NOV. 6·9: Trill USHGA Bo(lrd a/Directors meet· Kitty llawk, NC. /\II members arc encouraged to :mend! !'lease send your agenda items in writing Lo the USITGA oflice. C:onract Karen Simon :it US! IC;;\ llcad(1uarrers for information and rcscrva· tions: ('/19) 6:)2.8300, ushga0)ushga.org.
NOV. ].9: J<,mnrn,;,v ,,ml Ad1!(Jr;'r~d Bickford, 1v1c,,111rc, 3455.
NOV. lfi. I 6: 7,mrlrw Clinic, hosted hy Rocke1 City /\irsports ar I<cd Mm., Cmlcy, Alabama. ( :onducred by US! ICA Tandem /\drninisrraror Paul Voight. /\erotow and foot· bunch tandem. 4 and AT dgn·off ConlaC\: (20'',) 880,8'', I 2 or (205)
1. Title of publication: HANG GLIDING 2. Publication No. 0895·433X 3. Date of filing: September 22, 1996 4. Frequency of issufJ: Monthly 5. No. of issues publir:,hed annually: 12 6. Annual subscription price: $35.00 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 559 E. Pikes Peak Ave. Suitl'l 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903·3657 8. Complete mailing address of headquartcc1rs or general business office of publisher: Same 9. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Publisher: United States Hang Gliding Assn, Inc., 559 E. Pikes Peak Ave. Suite 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Editor and man· aging editor: Gil Dodgen, 31441 Santa Margarita Pkwy. #A-256, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688. 10. Owner: United States Hang Gliding Assn, Inc., 559 E. Pikes Peak Ave. Suite I 01, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 3657. Its Officers are: Bill Bryden, President, 6608 N. 100 E. Rd., Seymour, IN 47274; Randy Adams, Vice President, P.O. Box 369, Claremont, NH 03743; Russ Locke, Secretary, 868 S. Mary Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087; Dan Johnson, Treasurer, 8 Dorset, St. Paul, MN 55118. 11. Known bondholder, mortgagees, and other security holders ownin~J or holding 1% or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages or other sHcurities: none. 12. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for Federal income tax purposes: ('I) Has not changed during preceding 12 months. 13. Publication name: Hang Gliding 14. Issue date 1or circulation data below: August 1997 15. Extent and nature of circulation: (A) Total No. copies printed: 9,361 av.Imo. pre· ceding 12 mo.; 9,237 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (B1) Paid circulation through dealers and carri· ers, street vendors and counter sales: 1,189 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.: 1,112 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (B2) Paid or requested mail subscriptions: 7,523 av.Imo, preceding 12 mo.; 7,453 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (C) Total paid and/or requested circulation: 8,712 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 8,565 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (D) Free distribution by mail: 24 av.Imo. pre ceding 12 mo.; 19 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (E) Free cJistribulion outside the mail: 31 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 25 for Vol. 27, Issue
DEC. 28.JAN. 5, 1998: /lustrrdi(ln N(l/1onr1!.,, l lay, NS\'v. Tow endorsement, HCFA membership, d:naback cameras reqnircd. c;p5 perm ii red. Minimum of four paid entries per ream. Prize money. Fnrry $220 Australian. Contact: M. Bailey 01 J.(,I. J·'i.'3:)5.(,194, or Sandra l lohkanrp OI 1.(, 1·3·5349-2845.
NOV. 1-2: Women\· Hallowl!l!n Fly-ln. organized by Kristin /\rmstroug (509) 327· g 172, and Kristin Janosky (509) 925·2190 again! Start making your cosnm1e plans now.
NOV. 19: l'r/rachute Clinir. Lecture, video, care deployments, stow· ing lines. Cost ( :onracr: Mission Soaring Center, 1 I 16 Way, Milpitas, CJ\ '>'5035 (;j()g) O'S5, fox (408) 262, l:38g,
DEC. J.To MARCI! 1: Valle de Brmmflying, Mexico (rhrcc hours west of' Mexico City). I lang gliding and paragliding services, rental wings, lodging, transportation, multiple sites, training and rnndem /lights. Awesome X·C flying. Comact: 1·800-86 J. / 198, llymcxi· co@aol.com.
(F) Total free distribution: 55 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 44 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (G) Total distribution: 8,767 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 8,609 for Vol, 27, Issue 8. (HI) Copies net distributed office use, left overs, spoilGd: 261 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 350 for Vol. 2/, Issue 8. (H2) Copies not distributed returns from ne0ws agents: 333 av.Imo. preceding '12 rno.; 278 tor Vol. 27, Issue 8. (I) Total: 9,361 av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 9,237 for Vol. 27, Issue 8. (J) PGrcent paid and/or requ.e0sted circulation: 99% av.Imo. preceding 12 mo.; 99°1<, for Vol. 27, Issue 8. '16. This statement printGd in: Nov. 1997 issue. 17. I certify that the statements made by me abovG are correct and completG. Signed by: JGff Elgart, Director o1 Circulation, 9/22/97. HANC GI IDINC
a Full Member) .... Full Member)
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**************************************************************************************************************** GLIDING MAGAZINE: ($24.00-U.S., Canada, & Mexico only)
"'""''''u ..... ,,.,.._.,.,,.., MAGAZJNF2: ($30.00-Western llcmisphere, $40.00-Europc, $50.00-AII Others) .. ,,..,.,,.1,.u,.,,JLn1·,,J1 MAGAZINE: ($12.00-U.S., Canada, & Mexico only) ..... r,,...,.,....u ,.,u.,un.J MAGAZINE: ($15.00,Westem Hemisphere, $20.00-Europc, $25.00-All Others) ...
In consideration of being granted membership in the USHGA, I,·--·. -·-----.. --------..·-·-·-.. ·--·--.. . . . ._..____. ______ , for myself, my personal representatives, heirs, executors, next of kin, spouse and assigns, do agree as follows: The following definitions apply to terms used in this Agreement: I. means launching (and/or assisting another in launching), flying (whether as pilot in command or otherwise) and/or landing (including, but not limited to, crashing) a hang glider or paraglider. 2. nPll'cnn!:111 or sustained by me as a result of my as a result of the administration of any USHGA programs (for example: the Pilot Proficiency System). means the following, including their owners, officers, directors, agents, spouses, employees, officials 3. (elected or otherwise), members, contractors, sub-contractors, lessors and lessees: a) The United States Hang Gliding Association, a California Non-profit Corporation (USHGA); b) Each of the person(s) sponsoring and/or participating in the administration of my proficiency rating(s); c) Each of the hang gliding and/or paragliding organizations which are chapters of the USHGA; d) The United States Of America and each of the city(ies), town(s), county(ies), State(s) and/or other political subdivisions or governmental agencies within whose jurisdictions I launch, fly and/or land; Each of the property owners on or over whose property I may launch, fly and/or land; e) All persons involved, in any manner, in the sports of hang gliding and/or paragliding at the site(s) where I f) 11 AII persons involved 11 include, but are not limited to, spectators, hang glider and/or paraglider pilots, assistants, drivers, instructors, observers, and owners of hang gliding and/or paragliding equipment; and g) All other persons lawfully present at the site(s) during my m~rM,liRt;r.: the from any and all claims and liability for INJVRJfES. however caused, even if caused by the negligence (whether active or passive) of any of the 111,:;;;,1..,:;;"'.;,;;;v PJ«RllEJ: to the fullest extent allowed by law. I A against any of the loss or damage on account of If I violate this agreement by filing such a suit or making such a claim, I will pay all attorneys' fees and costs of the and con,str1ued in accordance with the m~1-i"oive:, whatsoever arising under, in connection with or incident to this Agreement U.S.A. to the exclusion of the Courts of any other State or Country. If any part, article, paragraph, sentence or clause of this Agreement is not enforceable, the affected provision shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the requirements of the law, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
I have
Participant's Signat11re
Date MR·B/97
TAYLOR, ROB: Tucker, CA; C. Thoreson/Lookout Mtn FP THOMPSON, RONALD: Nw Beach, FL; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch YAGEL, STEVE: Lake Mary, FL; A. Bloodwonh/Lookom Mm Fl'.
8 PARK, KAT: Boston, MA; M. Joncs/Walbhy Ranch
COLLUM, TOMMY: Round Rock, TX; J. Hunt/Go .. .! IG! PAO UNI, MIKE: Austin, TX; J. llum/(;o .. I IC! SMITH, RANDY: Arlington, TX; Z. Wings
12 ]()
BLUMENSTINE, PAULETTE: Eustis, fl,; D, Ranch DAVIS, R!Cl IARD: Palm Beach, FL; M. Jones/Wallaby l~anch TATRO, JOHN: New Beach, FL: M. Jones/Wallaby R,mch THOMPSON, RONALD: New Beach, FL; M. Jorn"/WalLiby Ranch
BLANCHARD, ASHLEY: Oriskany Falls, NY; D. (;uido/Susquch:mna 1:p BLANCHARD, CRAIG: Oriskany Falls, NY; D. Cuido/Smqnchanna Fl' EGGERT TI, RICHARD: Tabernacle, NJ; R. lmmordino/l(itty f lawk Kites VANLAEYS, MARK: Oneonta, NY; D. C:nido/Susquchanna FP Region 13 BROWN, HIRAM: rlcrmuda; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch STEBBINS, JOHN: Japan; A I lawk Kites
13 BROWN, HIRAM: Bermuda; M. '""""'°wi"iu, .. Ranch
HORRILLENO, DENISF: Sunnyv:1lc, CA; D. Burns/Mission
BUIANO, TINA: Santa Cruz, CA; P. Godwin/Western f IC BURCHER, HARRY: Capitola, CA; C 1:iJcr/Mission SHERROD, PAT: Livermore, C:A; P. Dc11cva11/Missio11
Region 3 KURTTI, SIMON: Santa Barbara, CA; I'. Vachss/Vcntura County HC; SOBENES, JERFMIAH: Sama Barbara, C:A; T. Burcar/Fly HC
ARD!Li\, EDGAR: Yorba Linda, CA; I'. Phillips/Lake Elsinore JONES, BILL: f lcrmos:1 Brnch, C:A; D. Hawk Kites KUR'l'rI, SIMON: Santa Barbara, ( :A; I. V:ichss/Vmrnra ( :ounry I I(;
Ii MC BURNEY, BRIAN: Phoenix, AZ; R. Rich:mlson/Arizona l lC OVERSTRE!ff, GYPSY: A'/.; R. Richardso11/ Arizona I IC;
Region Ii DACE, MARK: Westminster, CO; M. Windsheimer/Airtime Above O'NEILL, MALACHI: Boulder, C:O; C:. Flchin/Kitry l lawk Kites 'LUREY, JIM: Albuquerque, NM; M. C:l:mtz/High Dcsen Region
KTRBY, WALTER: Wilson, WY; C:. Baughman/Utah Mm I Jc; Region 7 MARSH, MICHAEL: Mundelein, IL; H. Kushner/Raven MJCBAEL, CHRIS: Shiloh, JL; B. Kmlmcr/Ravcn PHILLIPS, GARY: Shorewood, IL; C Thorcson/Lookom Mm Fl' WOLF, ADRIAN: Chicago, IL; B. Kushner/Raven Spons
MARS! I, M!CI IAEL: Mu11dclcin, 11.; B. Kl1shncr/Ravc11 Sky MICHAFL, CHRIS: Shiloh, IL; B. Kushner/Raven
, APRIL: Somerville, MA; D. NIXON, BOB: Auhurn, ME; I) Fl' PARK, KAT: Boston, MA; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch POTVIN,JR, CHARLES: Ashford, CT; R. WFLLER, ROBERT: Southington, CT; D.
9 CIIINNAPOUGSF, CHRISTIE: Cairhcrslrnrg, Ml); M. Chambersburg, I'/\; R. Immordino/Kitty l
Ranch Kites
BUJMENSTJNE, PAULEITE: fa1stis, FL: D. (;Jover/Wallaby Ranch BLUMFNSTINE, ROBERT: Fusris, FL: D. Clover/Wallaby IZanch COZART, BRADLEY: Lcnoir, NC: T. Flight School DAVIS, RICHARD: Palm Beach, FL; M. Jones/Wallaby Ranch HOWE, WILLIAM: Oakridge, TN; M. Taber/Lookout Mrn FP JORDAN, PAUL: Lilburn, GA; C:. Thoreson/Lookout Mm Fl' MAYO, SAUL: Nashville, TN; T. I lagcr/Loolwut Mm Fl' MILLS, FRANCIS: SC; P. Vcnesky/Kiny llawk Kites Mil.LS, RICHARD: SC; l'. Vrnesky/Kiny l lawk Kites RENNER, JOE: Woodstock CA; A. Bloodworrh/Lookolll Mm 1:p SPROAT, MARK: Ashland C TN; A. Bloodworth/Lookour Mm FP STRUNK, ANDY: West, FL; D. Fl' Bcli, l'J,; M, Jones/Wallaby Ranch TA'fRO, JOT IN: New NoVIMllH, 1997
Region 9 BEARER, SCOTT: Camp I Jill, l'A; D. I labcr/Kitry Hawk Kites BUCKLEY, MICHAEL: Baltimore, MD: R. f lays/M:iryland School orT re; ENGEN, HRUCE: Waterford, V1\; M. Tahcr/Lookout Mtn fl' ENGEN, DWIGHT: Sterling, VA; T. 1lagcr/Lookour Mtn Fl' INGRAHAM, VICTOR: Roanoke, VA; C:. Thoreson/Lookour Mrn PP ROSSTTOR, CHRISTOPHER: PA; C:. Thoreson/LMFP Region JO EUDY, DARRELL: Charlotte, NC; A. Bloodworrh/Lookout Mm Fl' HOWE, WILLIAM: Oakridge, TN; M. Tahcr/Lookom Mtn Fl' JORDAN, PAUL: Lilburn. c;A; C Thorcson/1,ookour Mrn Fl' LUCE, STEVE: J ,akdand, Fl.; I). Glover/Wallaby Ranch MAYO, SAUL: Nashville, TN; T. Hager/Lookout Mtn Fl' PUGH, RAYMOND: Nags Head, NC:; R. l lawk Kites RENNER, JOE: Woodstock, CA; A. Bloodwonh/Lookour Mm Fl' SI-IATTUCK, KIM: Powder CA; . I lagcr/Lookottl Mm Fl' SPROAT, MARK: Ashland C:iry, TN; J\. Bloodwonh/Lookour Mtn FP TAYLOR, ROB: Tucker, c;A; C:. Thorcson/Lookorn M111 Fl' TRANTHAM, JEFF: Lewisville, NC; B. (;oodma11/Blue Ridge 11(; Region 12
DUBOIS, DAN: Liverpool, NY; C Thoreso11/Lookot1t Mln FP
INTERMEDIATE RATINGS Region J HILL, STEVE: !\ucklcy, WA; M, Lipsc:omb/J,ipscomh !IC Region 3 SOBENES, JEREMIAH: Sama Barbara, CA; T lllllY':1r,11:1v WIUJAMS, CARRIE: Seal Beach, CA; I', Phillips/Lake Sports WILLIAMS, JERRY: Seal Beach, CA; l', l'hillips/1,akc Elsinore Sports Region IJ DEi IRING, PETER: Denver, CO: M, Windsheimer/ Airtime Above GRANT, MICHAEL: Sama Fe, NM; M, Clantz/High Desert I IC MOTSENBOCKER, TOM: Flagstaf{ AZ; S, Mish/Bandito Acrion Spons
Region 5 NIELD, KRISTOPHER: Dayron, WY; J, "1c:iw1',al!.1c: Air Sports Region (i
HEINLEY, KEITH: Yukon, 01<; T, Middleton/Soaring Region 7
COLLETT!, USA: Ann Arbor, Ml; R. Brown/Quest Air Region 8
CHAN, JOHNSON: Malden, MA; J, Nicolay/Morningside FP OLIVEIRA, WADISTON: l;ast Hoston, MA; R. Corbo/Morningside FI' WlERS, RICK: Merrimack, NI I; J, \licolay/Morningsidc J,']'
RI! NK SO!OOL ,,, .. JJF(i!NNPN I Wallaby Ranch ...... , , .... 73 .. ,,,69 2 Lookout Mrn, Flight Park .... ,,, :l Kitry I lawk l<itcs,, .... ,,,,,.,,,,,,.,, ,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... ,61 Ii Mission ·""u lll)c; .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ..,, .. , .. ,, ............. ,,, .. , ............ ,, ......... ,,u 1 ..... ,,21 ?, ~f~~'~;,ons ,, ..1'.:n:k, :::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: 16 Windsports,, .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... ,.... ,,,,, .... ,.,,,,,,,,,, ........ ,,, .... ,15 7 8 l ligh 13 ') Mo1111rai11 Winp;s ................... ,, .... ,,,.,, .... ,, .. ,, .... ,,, ........ , J 2 10 Miami Hang Clidiug ............ ,,,, ....... ,, .. ,,, .... ,.... ,, ,.... ,, .. ,, 11 1:Jy Away ....... ,,,,,....................... .,,,,, .. ,JO 11 11 Lake Elsinore Sports, ..... ,, ...... ,, .... ,, ........ ,, .. ,...... ,,,, ...... l 0 Dream Weaver I Jang Cliding,, ............ ,,,, ...... ,, .. ,,,, ............ ,,,, .. 9 13 Wcsrcrn J Jang Cliding ....... ,,.... .. ........... ,, ............... 9 13 I Hang C:liding Center of San Diego.. .. .. ,.............. ,,,, ...... ,, .. 8 Airtime Ahovc ,.. ,,, .... ,, .. ,,,, ........ ,, .. , .. ,, ........ ,,, .. ,,,, .... ,, .... , .... ,,,,7 l<i I<, Fly High I Jang Gliding .. ,,,, ....... ,, .. ,.......... ,.. ,,,,,,, ........... ,, ...... 7 16 Valley forge Hang Gliding,, ......... ,, .. ,, .... 7 19 Adventures Unlimited ...... ,,, ..... ,,,,,. .. ,, .... ,,,,,,,(, ]') c:handcllc .... ,, ...... ,,,,,,, .. ,.. ..,,,,, ............ 6 1') Go,,J lang (;Jiding ,,, ...... ,.. ,.. .., .. ,, ...... ,, ,.. .,{, I') Susquehc1111a Flighr Park,, .. , .... ,,(i True Flight,,,, .. ,.... ,,,,,,, ............ ,, ...... ,, .... ,,,,, ...... ,,,,,, .. ,,, ...... ,, 6 19 2/i Sacr;1mcnro I IG .. ,,,, .. ,,,,,,, .. ,,,, .......... ,, ,.. ,,,, .... ,,,,, .... ,,5 2/i Silver .. ,........ ,, .. ,, .. ,,, ...... ,, .. , ....... 5 2/i Wasatch Adventure Sports Arizona I Jang Cliding .......... , .......... ,,,,, .. ,, ......... ,,,,, ....... A Ausrin Air Sports, .. ,,,,, ...... , .. ,, .... ,, .. ,,,,,, .. , .. ,,,, ............. ,, .. A NorrhWcst lnsrnrctor C:oop ... ,, .... ,., .. ,,, .... ,,,, .... ,, ...... Ii S:,anng Wmg~ .. ,, ...... ,, ..... ,,,,........ .. ...... ,,,4 I he Soanng Ccnrer ,,,, .. ,,,,,,.. .. .... ,.. ,.. Ii 27
Region 10
THOMAS, HUNfER: Charlcsron, SC; J, Prahl/Quest Air
SCOTT, DAVID: Lake Oswego, OR: It Berger/Oregon JI(; Region 2 CAVALLARO, RTCK: Mountain View, CA; A, Mclean/Mission Soaring ERICKSON, BRIAN: Grnveland, CA; [( Muscio/Mothcr Lode Sky Riders FARNSWORTH, VIRGINIA: San Anselmo, CA; W, Andcrson/Chandellc FOSS, ANDREW: San Jose, CA; J. Woodward/Natural SPLAN, PAUL: hesno, CA; P. c;odwin/Wcstcrn IJC Region IJ
DENWALT, CHUCK: Salt Lake City, UT; D, Sharp/Free Plight Region 10 SWEIGART, D,E.: Melbourne, Fl.; M, Jones/Wallaby Ranch
RI/Nr< SCJJOO!,, .... NOV!C!: 1 Lookout MllL Flight Park,,,,,,, ...... ,, ..... ,, ... ,,,78 Wallaby Ranch ....... , .. ,, .. ,, ............. ,............. ,.. , .. ,,,,55 ,) Mission ·'"", 111)c; ,, .. ,,, , .. ,, ....... ,, .... ,,,,, .. ,, ,, ,,, ............ ,, .... ,,, .... ,, ... L,, KinyHawk 18 Raven Sky ........ ,, ...... , .. ,........ ,,,,,,, ...... 1(, (, Windspons ... ,, ........ ,,............ .. .......... ,, .... ,..... 15 l !igh J\dventu1-c,, .... , .. ,................... ,, ........ , .. ,,,, .... ,, ...... , ,, .. ,, .. J ,j Quest Air,, .... ,,,,, .......... ,.. ,, .... ,,,, ...... ,, .... ,, ...... ,,,, .... ,,,, .. ,.... ,,,,, 13 8 1 9 10
~~tFly~,High r~~1;~'.1~:)~~J;tr1~~;;:;i·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t fang (;Jiding ........ ,.... ,,,, ...... ,, .... ,,, .. ,.. ,, ...... ,, ...........
Iii 14 14 14
~:~,i~~r~;~~~t W:1~;i~lfr(i i1;~,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~
19 19 22
Region 12
BECK, MICHAEL: Albany, NY; DS Jewell/Fly High HC WELLS, HARRY: Perth Amboy, NJ; DS Jewell/Fly High HC
22 22 22 22 22
28 28 28
28 28 28
~ :;~::1 tll~i~~t:i ;;;;;:::: : :::: : ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::::: :::::::~
II 11 13 Iii
28 28 28 28
HG Center of San Dicgo ..... ,, ...... ,.. ,,, .... ,, ...... , .. ,..... ,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,8 I
Flight .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,6 Western Hrng Gliding ,,,, .. ,, ...... ,, ... ,, ...... ,, ...... ,, .... ,, ... ,, ......... ,.. 6 Austin Airsporrs ,,, ,, .... ,,, ,,, .. ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,, ,, .. ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, .,5 Morningside FP .. ,.. ,,,,,,,,, .......... ,.. ,,,, ...... ,,, ............. ,,,,, .......... 5 The Soaring Center .... ,,, .. ,, .. ,....... ,,,,,,, .... ,,, .. , .. ,... ,...... ,,,, .... ,.... , .. .. Arizona Hang Gliding,,,,, ...... ,,, ........ ,, .. ,,,,,,, .. ,,,, ...... ,,, .......... ,.. ·, North West Instructor Coop ... ,, ...... , .... ,,,, ....... ,, ...... ,, ...... ,,,, .. ,,,4 Rochester Arca, ,yu, ........ , ... ,,,,,, .... ,,,, ......... , .... ,, .. ,,,,, .. , ...... ,,, .. The Eagles Wings ....... ,,,,,,,,, ......... ,, ...... ,, ... ,, .. ,, .... ,, .... ,,,,, .. ,,, .. ,,4 Utah Moumain HG ,, .. ,, .... ,,,, ...... , .. ,.. ,,,,,, ......... ,, .. ,,,, .. ,...... ,,,,,A Wasarch Wings,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,4 Abe 1,11,p,m.,, .... ,,,, .. ,,, .... , .. ,,,, ...... , , .. ,,,,,, ...... , ........ ,,, .. ,, .... , ,,,, .... :; Airborne Sports USA ,...... ,,,, ...... ,, .. ,,,,,,,, ........ ,,,, .............. ,,,, .... 3 Airrime Above .... ,,,,,,,,,, ,,.,,.,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,, .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 Cl randellc .. ,, ,,,, ,, ,, ,... ,, ,,, ,,, .. ,,, , ,,,, ,, ,,,, ,, ., ,, ,,,, ,, ,, .,, ,, ,, ,, ,.. ,,, ,, .,, ,, ,,, ,3 Cloud base "'11te1']11rn;cs, .... ,, ,...... ,, .. ,,,,,, ...... ,, .... ,.. ,, .. , .. ,, .... ,, ,.... ,,,j Far Up I lG, ........ ,,,, .... ,, .......... , .. , .. ,, ..... ,, ..... ,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... ,,3 Fly Away Hang ,.rn,uu1~,,,, ... ,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,, ...... , .. ,, ...... , ...... ,,,,, .. ,, .. ,,, Trnc
~~~:~if~~; ~ir
1~;1,~,l~,o,1:1:s,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j Valley Forge HC ,,,,, ........ ,,,, .. ,, ......... , .. ,,, .... ,.............. ,, .. ,, ....... ,3 1997
mo•jo (mo'jo) n. a charm or amulet thought lo have luck as of a 1/Ul[;ical or supernatural a llta[;ical selection rff/i[;ht f;('arfrom foxa.1·.
Cal\ for your }/rec CoJly: 48 full-color pages of over 400 11cccssorlcs
0 'ice Hours: MON,THUR Noon to 5PM Ccntrnl Standard Time
SEND TO: USHGA Books, P.O. Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 8090H 330 (719) 632-8300, fax (719) 632 6417 MC/VISA accepted
u,:.l;-'"~ w;t/4
littl, ~,,,, 14.ttit~-',,
1 ~ ContacJ; your dealer for pricing and t~ get your test fltght. Jf your dealer docsn t scll /\cros gliders, then you re obviously at the wrong dealer. You can even call us 1f you focllike It. "
Flight Design & The
by Dave Sharp
beenayearof changes. Carbon fiber is found in almost every high-performance glider on rhe market. C urrently, topless gliders appear to be the next generation as mosr manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon head first. Pilors are almost universally reporting improved high-speed glide. During rhe Induga '97 exhibition a company called Flighr Design released their new wing, the Exx:racy, wid1 plans for mass production. The company claims weight-shift control and a glide of 17.5:1. Mike Eberle of orth American Paragliding, disrributor of Fligh[ Design produces, announced the arrival of the Exx[acy and organized a clinic in the U.S. Mike reported grear enthusiasm from the pilots who flew the Exx[acy. Pilots flew off with minimal or no formal rigid wing experience and said thar the glider handled better than a conventional hang glider. Bur before we ger into the derails about this new wing we muse rake a look ar the company and people who can1e together to produce it.
THE HISTORY BEHIND THE FUTURE Flight Design is located in Stuttgart, Germany, home of Mercedes Benz, Porsche and Interclass, one of rhe largest manufacturers of carbon fiber fabric. Matthias Betsch, owner of Flighr Design, left his job as a business administrator in the early 1980's and scarred a hang gliding flight school. Marmias scarred to tire as many long-rerm insrruccors do, and became more involved in hang glider manufacturing. In 1989, faced wim heavy competition and problems wim suppliers, Matthias saw grea[er potential in paragliding. For the pasr several years Flight Design has been a leading paraglider manufacturer, selling up to 2,300 gliders per year. In 1993 FD scarred producrion in the Ukraine of the CT (composite two-searer), a lighrweighr composite
airplane capable of flying at 150 knots and carrying a payload of 1,200 pounds. This single-engine aircraft weighs only 600 pounds and is sold now in many parts of Europe as an ultralight. T he Exx:tacy was born from the development of the Pegasus rigid wing. Jurgen Lurz has worked for years with rigid wings, speciauzes in carbon-fiber construction, and is considered by many to be a master craftsman. Jurgen collaborated with Felix Rulue, who made contributions to the Pegasus project as part of a thesis for an aeronautical engineering degree ar the University of Stuttgart. Felix's focus was on the ai rfoil and structural design. The Pegasus was a success from a designer's srandpoim: low takeoff and landing speeds, 15: 1 glide or better, easy handlin g and refined construction. H owever, cost, a limited marker, production time and lack of financing slowly eroded the enthusiasm of excited pilots. Felix and Jurgen sought our a manufacturer, and even met with a friend at Schempp Hirth, manufacturer of sailplanes like the Discus and the Nimb us. Although the company was very impressed wi th the Pegasus, production costs were deemed to be too high. Felix and Jurgen were then lefr with on1y rwo possibilities: foreign producrion, or Felix and Jurgen could make the Pegasus themselves at a very low production rare. Ar thar poinr a disagreement abo ut rhe producrion of the glider caused Felix and Jurgen to go their separate ways. Matthias saw great opportuni[ies wi[h the new design and asked both Felix and Jurgen to work with Flight Design to produce such a wing. Production would be possible a[ the factory in the Ukraine where the CT was being produced. Jurgen declined. Felix modified [he design, making a more user-friendly and cosr-effecrive-to-produce model. European skies now have more than 50 Exx:tacies flying through them, and every
week a truck full drives from the Ukraine to the Flight Design shop in Sruttgmt. 1:elix now works pan time for ti 1e DI ,R (Cermany's and 20 hours a week ar FD test· flying and checking production quality. When the made its entrance imo the U.S. minor problems developed with careless shipping companies which resulted in some damaged gliders. Lacking adequate technical with the to deal with these incidents, Mike Eberle decided /cir an intensive trai 11"' that a trip to ing session with was in order. He want·· cd to bring someone with tcst,.flying and hang glider with him, so he asked me to him. After 13 hours in an we arrived ,0nn~rm hopped in a BMW with proceeded l 00 kilometers to the south at a of 1 mph. At the tow Felix was three Exxracies to test-fly. Butterflies started to chum in my stom · acb as [ did a fow practice runs before com"' to ,1 foot-launch aerotow after 20 hours without Just before rakeoff f lowered the flaps IO A few steps and I was off Right away f comfrmable. Control response was immediate and smooth, and bar pressure steady, but [ did notice a bit of control bar wiggle. T'be has no side only vertical con·· that hook up directly to sevenfoot spoilers or spoilerons on the aft and top area of the The was dis· tinguisbablc from the smooth and etlc:ctl've feel of the spoilerom; a link shift makes a little turn, a shifr makes a larger turn. Alier releasing I, 500 focr over the park I flew downwind underneath some clouds embedded i11 a heavily overcast finding a 1()CJ,.fjim thermal and gaining 2,000 fr:ct. After that flight my skcpti,. cism quickly faded. Afrcr our wcck--long learning session Mike and Ttook a few gliders back 10 the states. Since rhcn I have pur abom 20 hours on the i11 v,irying conditions. SETUP/BREAKDOWN like a convcmional hJng glider. Put control bar together and flip the glider over. attach rhc tip w,rnds similar to those of a flex wing. 'fhc ribs arc already hinged to the D-·tuhc and rest neatly behind the leading edge. As you spread the they out. The sail is in two parts; afrcr you tension all the ribs zip the
NovrMIHR 19()7
by Tyson Richmond Well flight fans, I finally my 1,v,1,·•u··11 and I thought I'd ler Hang Gliding in on what just: might be the future gliding. I started out with four ca1111-81Jr aerotow at Wallaby Ranch in Florida to get th('. of t:be controls. were followed by a fairly long thermal flight. My initial impressions of the loll ow.
am told by
that immediately the cart on my flight I sicte-t,O··Sld.e "corrections" to fitsd:light jitters), however, since the contto1 can be moved a little to side without tbe ·corre1:t1c,ns were meff:ec:tu·· were also quite unnecessary. tows very beb ind tug, trac:l<.1111g almost automatically and with bar pressure. Once past side"'sl~tcK:n.ess," input is smooth and precllct:al)le and requires very little The nose occm,ionally falls slightly dur-
tow. I
know if this is a slight stall
or some weird aerodynamic phenornenon. A seems unlikely since the rate of occurrence tow when to 31 mph. mystery nose-down effec:1 not produce any loss of control and can be reduced, but not entirely eliminatapplying little more flaps. I've that about 30° on tow works better for me than the recommended 15°. third flight I concluded that in calm air is no more difficult to aerotow than a flex wing. In rowdy on only two midday tows, I found to be a little easier to tow than small correceasily seems to tm·t)ulence. I experienced zero yaw on tow. Since the pilot has no control input until the of the cart, J was initially a wing lifted during rhe roll, resulting in leaving the cart while in the middle of a tum, While I'.m still a little about this dally tip contacts the ground) my
exr>enen<:e so far
that the wing the few seconds
before and liftoff. On one flight the cart rolled offro the side rather rban directly behind the tug. Exxtacy lifted o.ff and immediately the plane. No p1:0blem. T'hat was a major confidence builder.
THERMALlNG AND GLIDING My first thermal flight lasted a little shy four hours. It took one or two hours bdore I like I was demly, but by the end right at home. The better sink rate than a h1~(ll··Pe1to1rm,m(:e flex wing. Whether this true or not, I believe that the will consistently Ollt···thermal a glider seems to maintain a bank with no highand little or no correction required during a thermaling circle. On my RamAir (and previous I arn constantly little corrections during a This has to cost m.e. With the I was able to establish a bank angle and maintain it with little effort. This was even true on a rowdy (by Eastern standards) day; sla<:lm.ess in tbe (control) wires was a little annoying at first, especially in turbulence, but I'rn used to it. The of slackness can adjusted however, I'd recommend sticking with factory default for a flights. Adjusting out too much slack could lead to overcontrolling and/or the deflection of both spoilers at the same time unnecessary drag. The ness rnay also prevent unw:mted conrrol input when vertical prior to land-· Ac:c:orcl mg to
pilot in the extracmtmaire) best around mph with I 5 flaps. As speed is increased above '.35 mph flaps should be decreased to maximize glide (0° at 40 rnpb). I ended up using the flap setting fiJr speed conttol almost as much as I used bar position. When the flaps are let out the glider will up from 35 to 40 m.ph moving from 10° to 0°). At 0° flaps the glider is very "hot," requiring very little bar pres··· sure to add additional
continues ...
The glider will fly Cj\lite sfow.ly. I was able to fly ai: 18 mph (according to a downtuhe mounred Tangent vario)with good control. and had to extend my arms completely in ordet to force a st:a!L Stalls are gentle and straight. 0
I felt like I could glide forever. While the Exxtacy definitely has a greatglideit can be brought down. After e.iwountering some major s111k J aln1ost landed om in a very bad field from a J•etrieval standpoint, Fortunately, I had sufficiently wfred into the glider ,tt that point to .make a needed loW save.
andsmootb (not hang glidet 1mtnufacturCl'S mean rhey sity ft VG pull is but really easy). When y(m engage foll flaps 5rou're com· lng down soon. T'he flaps cart be redticed briefly on final to extend the tm1chdow11 po.int. ability to land this high~pe.r.formarice glider in a re.latively small frcfd was perhaps thefeamre that interested the
most. Iwelve,:pJus to one L/Dis greatQll
gllde but not on landing. The C()nsensus at the Ranch .is that foll flaps will bring you down to or lower. 'The; glider lands fairly slowly. I fil1d it a little hard to flare, akboughl admit I'm not a particularly good kmderto hegit1 With that I'm pretty light Ot1 the g;Jider (155 po1:mds after.lunch, ph:is co<;oc)n lmrness), Other pilots have coris1ste111tlV told me that they thought h: ;1as .· ·. ro land than a hlgh·perfon~1ance flex wing.
is pretty tnassive is quite tai.1-heavy, While this. is not apparent during t<>w, Hight, or .landini;, it's pretty danrapparent when carrying the off the Bdcl afrei: landing. "J'he 40-foot wing span .also adds a little difficulty to gtound hand.ring. On x.Cflights I hope to land near a road! pilots may have less diffiwlty with the weight: Pointing it into thewit1dhdps
high. Spedalcare shonld be taken to ensm:e adeqiiate suppottwhen transporting and srorif1g. I was surprised ~tnd pleased tt) hear that the leading edge (D,-mbe) can be parched .if punctured.
Without getting into tlie details, setup and breakdown fairly easy, The battens (really carbon spars) remain attached to the glider and are simply pivoted into place and secured at tbetrailin:g edge. Whi\csetup and breakdown still .ta\tes me a wbile, I believe that ru eventualJy get it down to. about that of most hlgh-perfor, manc~HexwiJ1gs. Iwillnote tharif you get in.a huery and do itwrong you ca11break stuff, stuff Oh yeah, don?t wires ofy<)u're gonna have a short.rp)dve17 straight flight (they nct1v:1te tl1P spoilers).
They've obviously to do in this area. The owner's manual unclear and appeared to include many trimslat:ion problems (German to English),Sincdt was provided to in 011-line (text file) forrn; lplan to provide some suggested updatesc and them. back to Dave Shatp. Dave at the Ranch. when I rcu::tVt'.U rny glide:r and provided a lot ofassistance in setup/bteakd~)Wn and flight instrocdon. I fomi.d him to he prnfosshmal and credible rep,res,ent,att\'e.
Although ".hotshot" pilots if yo11 have to demo an recommend a couple of smooth-air to get used to the "slackness,"Hghr han~ cl.ling, and effoct of the flaps on glide path. I also recornmend thatyour first fow apprnachesbefongand straight and that you get on rheupright~ while stillhigh. While takesa little gertii.1g found it to be everything good gt.ide, very eaw tliei;maling, fl highly variable glide slope for landing ,1pproaches. Now, if it just weighed 50 pounds and sold for $5,000.
ALOT: It remains to be seen if the more fragile (easily broken) than a
wjng. Tt is pretrylik~ly, h.oweve1'., th!tt the cost: of most repfaccment patts will.be 20
When in Fioridct,.pilot$ ,-anfty a demo Bx:x:tacy at TX!atlabyRttnch. Tyson Richmond m11y be contticted flt: tyson.richrnond@telops.gte. corn.
two halves together. The final tensioning is from the nose where you fasten a steel rnrnbuckle. Next, attach the control cables to the control har, then install rhc flaps and spoilers. The process takes abom the same amount of rirne as rigging a regular hang glider. Breakdown is the same process in reverse order and takes a bit less time. 'fhe heavy· duty tips do a nice job ofkecping the sail off the ground. It is very nice not having to separate and insert convemional ribs. Due to the I 00% double surface it is easy to inspect the [) . . rube and all the components. The manufacturer recommends nm undoing the velcro all the way each time, bnt undoing only what is necessary to frmcn the ribs. l find it difficult to make sure all the ribs fall in place, and often have to peel back rnore of the sticky stuff than I'd like, ro align the ribs with the grommet holes. During preflight refastening the velcro in those areas is necessary. The Exxtacy sits lower on the ground due to the shorter uprights. This makes it harder to tension battens but docs hdp keep the glider from getting blown around by the wind. CONSTRUCTTON/FINISl1
The finish of the carbon fiber D·tube leading edge is astounding. fr is completely smooth and is constructed from carbon fiber bonded over honeycomb kevlar foam. 'I wo large belts wound with l 2 layers of solid, unidirectional carbon fiber nm two meters down the spar, then taper over the rest of the length. The D-tube is connected with four aircraft-grade steel plates that are said to be nine times stronger than stainless steel. The sail is standard 4.0-ouncc dacron. Lighter fabric than is standard for conventional hang gliders is used for weight reduction, and this material conforms better to the airframe. The control frame employs r:instcrwaldcr Safe Edge dowmuhes, which make the extra glider weight easier to bare even though these are the heaviest downtubes available. Flight Design includes a round speed bar. Although less than elegant, the Finstcrwaldcr hardware is simple and ftmctional, with quick pins for the basctube and spring clips for the uprights. GROUND BANDUNG
The Exxwcy exhibits superb ground-han.· dling characteristics. As one wing gets lifi:ed the control wire goes tight and the spoiler comes up, automatically lowering that wing. "!'his auto,hanclling works while the glider is sirring on the ground or when you're walking Continued on pagr 18. HANC GLIDINC
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by he/allowing by Tim Meehan originally appeared on Internet in The o/the Roclq Mountain Hang Association (US/JGA Chapter 1150) to ohtttin a new flying site were but it is cm all-too-typiatl story o/the
Last night the Lakewood Council voted in favor of an amendment of the municipal code relatiug to hang gliding, paragliding, ultralight aircraft and hot air balloons. The vote w,1s nine to one in fovor of allowing paragliding in Creen site is rare Mountain Par!<. A indeed along the cast-facing hom Range of Colorado, and Creen Mou main offers such a place. The mayor reflected the feelings of the other council members in saying that while she w,1s personally opposed to amending the ordinance, she could find no legal grounds to continue rhe prohibition against such a use of the park's lands. Skeptical of the impact, she asked the managers of rhe and community resources (the parks department) to report back to the council in 12 months on our irnpact on the land. What docs this mean to the RM HCA? The ordinance prohibiting flying on Crecn Moumain is now a regulation, under the control of the Parks Depanmcnt. This means that these activities may be legally and summarily discontinued at any time, withour warning or provocation, as the Parks Department secs flt. This action is intended to allow a guicker, more streamlined response mcch-
anism to activities. With this mcnt in rhe can prohibit or allow any of the other activities mentioned in the ordinance without bringing the matter to a public fr)rurn such as the city council. T'his can work in om /;1vor as easily as it: can work against us. h1 this case, we arc being allowed the privilege oflaunching our sky-toys from within park ho11nch1ries, providing WC meet a few easy requirements. They arc: USHGA mernbcrship, RMHCA mcmhcrship, and approval by the club AND by rhc parks people via a special-nsc that each pilot must apply for annually. However, we are now subject to the whims of the Parks Department. Without or reason they can easily refuse pilots entrance into the park. The bottom line: Paragliding from Green Moumain will become legally possible sometime around the middle of October. Hang gliding is still prohibited the ordinance. We must behave ourselves. If we prove to be poor neighbors, we're out. No warning, no jus1iflcation needed. What about hang gliding? All of the council members had their own talcs and with hang memories of bad gliders and pilots in the past. No kidding. '] 'hey were somehow seriously against anything with the words "hang" and "gliding" next to each other. I suspect that if we had worded our proposal differently, saying that" ... hang gliders will be allowed only to fly overhead and drop gifts and money to homeowners, and cotton candy to the smiling children of Lakewood," they would still have found some objection to
the presence of hang gliders. On the advice of the director of the Parks Department we dropped the words "hang gliding" from our proposal in favor of a huge uphill battle of re-education. No matter what we tried we could nor get around this immovable wall of prejudice. But by dropping those two words from our proposal, our chances of passing the amcnclrnem increased by at least 1OO<Xi. Our strategy now is to lcr paragliders exist quietly on the bill a days out of tbe year. We'll be good neighbors, clean up after ourselves, follow the rules, and keep our heads down our voices low. In l months when the director reports to the council what people we are, then we can quietly the parks people to put "bang gliding" back into the regulation. What have we learned from this ence? The wheels of civic government can turn slowly. Patience and persistence are the traits that will see an effort like this through to completion. In our case, several similar attempts in the past l O years failed because the pilot-representatives trying to correct the injustice threw up their hands in disgust and gave up. 'That's what our adversaries wanted. By keeping our noses to the guardrail (pardon the mixed metaphor), we made acquaintances and gained support for om plan, bm it took us over three years to do it. Solution: Appoint committed individuals to the task. Biggest lesson of all: The actions of jusr a few belligercm hang glider pilots, many years ago, bas cost all RMHCA hang glider pilots a major site by effecting their wholesale exclusion from this amendment. I'm not kidding. Advice to pilots: Every contact: with someone outside our sport carries potential for undesired results. My advice is to rreat every with strangers as a kind of job interview. Make the best impression you can at all times. Imagine yourself the sole represcnrative of the sport. Make the experience a good one. fn short, don't be an ass.
Tim Meehan can be reached at (303) 420-or: net Ill
success since its public debut in April 1995 , the new SuperFloater offers: + Excellent 15 : l performance in sit-down soaring comfort (and no harness to buy! ) + Superb joystick handling + Very simple aero or winch launching (foot launch is possible) . . . .. . all for an amazin gly low price. > Full y built and test flown , the SuperFloater is shipping now. Fly under Part 103 and thermal in close with your hang gliding friends.
Ultralight Soaring Aircraft
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SENSOR 610 F2 The Ultimate Performance Flexwing K ing Posted or Cantilevered Consider What You Really Want
Virtu al topless perfo rmance or really top performan ce. Cantilevered rigid wings are heavy, more expensive, bul ky and fragil e for the performan ce they deliver. On the other h and , o ur n ew Sensor 610 F2 k i n g posted flexwing offers fan tastic pe rform a nce fo r its cost. Availa ble soon, th e new Sensor Cf (Cantilevered Flexwing, no top riggin g) w ill augment Se nsor perfo rmances even furt her a t much lower exp e nse th an a rigid wing.
Birds Camber Their Wings. So Can We
or truly independent soaring, th e Cumulus ultrali ght motorglider is a highly refined choice: + Soar beyond 20: 1, sink as slow as hang gliders • Handle with ease and authority + Zoom beyond 80 mph, or chug along at 60 for better than 200 miles on less than S gallons of fuel. Even better. .. shut her down and soar for miles. Then. tap the electric starter and motor home eas il y. > The Cwmilus is a three-year. top-tobottom design offering superb soaring compatible with hang gliders.
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26S Ec~o ln • Soul~ St. Pauli US ~ialien • these 2 great MN SSOlS ' USA 'TellhK: 612/450-0930 choices. info on
The Sensor Flap TM system used by both models, boosts your climb-rate, and also allows s lower, smaller diame ter circles. Loosenin g th e VG au to m atically lowers th e fl aps, in creasing ca mber into a high lif t, s low speed airfoil. Tighten i_ng the VG raises the fl ap s and reduces airfoil camber, transforming your wing i nto a b la d e for maximum speed-ra n ge & gli d e ratio. You become airborne sooner w ith more margin and control. Landing with fla ps red uces your g lid e slop e; fl are a n d touch down speeds are no ticeably slower!
Sensor 610 F2, New Sizes and Features New 150, 142 and 135 sca led sail form s, improved flap operation, lig hter weig h t, origi n al low d rag airfoil tub in g, n ew lamin a r fl ow airfoil with a tu rbulator bump, twe l ve sh ea r rib s, control bar a pex aft of the CG, Kevlar band & dacron cord TE He m, a nd 7075 T6 LE a nd rib s. Telluride S peed G lidi ng, Sensor 610 F2, 3rd Tim Osb orn 150, 4th Scott A ng le 135. WA T TO FLY LlKE A BIRD , GET A SENS OR WTTH FLAPS
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1997 Morningside Glide Angle Contest
RY by John Szarek, photos by Mark Vaughn
The launch grid is marked on the ground with caution tape, sitting on the shoulder of the grassy slope at Morningside Flight Park. Its position relative to the slope makes the right side ofthe grid eight inches higher than the left. Standing in the extreme right rear corner you get a long launch run as well as that eightinch height advantage (8" x 15: 1 = 120" or 10 feet) a little extra distance at the end of your flight.
_ __... tart with a mega launch run, climb aboard and zip up as efficiently as you can. Tuck your elbows in and get your head down . Think Clean! Think Aerodynamic! You are curring through the early-morning vall ey fog. Everything is wet with dew, and you can see your breath as you approach the pylon on Morningside Lane. It's incredibly quiet at 6:45 am, and you can feel your heart racing. You start your right-hand 70° turn before the pylon so you are halfway through the turn when you pass over the pylon judge. You roll out of the most efficient turn you've ever made in your life and look down the field that stretches our 2,500 feet in front of you. It looks like the approach to LAX! Each fluorescent glide-point pylon is marked 9:1, 10:1, 11:1- all rhe way our to 17:1. Ar about 15 feet agl you pull in to get into ground effect. One hundred and thirty feet before the bridge the field slopes about 18 inches downhill. You're five to six inches above the ground and you pull in to follow that slope, trying to get all you can our of rhe ship you' re flying. You approach and cross rhe bridge with ease but your airspeed is dropping fast! You unzip, stand up and flare. NOT! You keep your elbows tucked, head down, and slowly push our to keep the base bar out of rhe blades of grass! You are still going ... By the time the base bar touches 24
.!.1504~~ a/ 9'6&Uo/e- .%ft, !Zif/' Rentals Available Again! -The Mountain Condos Bunkhouse is open again , for rental by pilots and friends coming to soar the beautiful Henson Gap site owned by the Tennessee Tree Toppers. The Mountain Condos Bunkhouse offers three private (lockable) bedrooms and a large common dining/living area. Take all three for your family, or share among friends for very reasonable rates. The famous Henson Gap Radial Ramp is only a 3-minute stroll away. Call on-site manager Howard for availability . .. but act soon. Space is limited and the flyin g season is here! CALL NOW! 423/949-6609 Ask Ho ward for information on rates and availability. After all , how many flying sites offer you lodging at launch? Fly Dunlap, TN ... "the Hang
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you' re well below stall and all pushed out, thc wcr grass makes everything slide rather than stop. ·rhe flex and rhc keel hits, you look at the right in from of you l l ... Cool! It is amazing how a contest llown from a 200--foor hill can at-rract so much intcrcst. It's a comest that some say means nothing, but no manufac turcr wants ro show up and lose. It's raw thc ability ro flar.--om go performance the fonhcst and rhc winner can hr:1g for a year that they have the "glide pig" for 1997. This meer could be considered one of the more signi Fi cant ones for dc.srr,ners and manufocwrcrs. Ceorgc Perris, in his article on the 1996 contest, that this year i1 would be interesting to sec how the new breed of' topless flex would compare to of p:1st years. l.asr gliders were Conceprs, XC's and Xrralites, all sporting kingposts. This year we had a hand/id of Fusions, a Laminar a La Mouettc 'Jriplcss (the original production topless), and an F.xxtacy Class rigid wing. None of these had top We also had a few gl idcrs that flew with kingposts this year :ind you can sec how 1he numbers look compared 10 years. Dennis the event's originator, wrote of the Cliclc Angle ( :onresr in 19 1)0: "We seem to he up limits in ncx-vvm,e: hang glider performance. Will p:1raglidcrs reach us before we can hurst through to a new pl:nc:au?" I believe Dennis has his :mswer! Looking b:1ck at the pict11res accornpanying the articles Dennis wrote ahout the contests over its first four years, 1988 to 1991, retrospect, of course) you can sec rhat there was a good deal of performance to be gained in the harness dcpanmem. Most of us flew in cocoons with lots of lines, or those big Cianforrc won 1wo pods with f1ns 011 rhc back. Back then, years in a row wirh a rnmpcritivc glider and great skills no do11bt, bur his harness was cleaner than all rhe other competitors, and thar helps.
A Review Of The Course Jeff decided in 19 1)3 that he wanicd the "real mnn "so he hired a surveyor to lay out the comsc with exact reference poims. The poinr where the pilot's feet leave 1hc ground is 195 foct above the landing run-om, within two feet of elevation along rhc entire course. There is a right tum in the course th:it prohahly negates any effect I'd th:tr, or take a quarter of a point, these right, and because of rhe rurn in rhc course, numbers arc may even be conservative. Tim Donovan, launch director for many yc;1rs, grouped Rob Nelson I !owe, Ceorgc l;crris and me together to us rhe best chance at the same conditions. Nelson Howe 100k second in the Pre--Worlds in Aus1ralia (and is the nurnber one ranked pilot in the and Rob I<dls had just won the 'Jclluride Clicling contest. So these were the g11ys ro gun for.
NoVJMFllR '1997
'fhis is a contest about launch tcclrnique, flying the correct speed, and driving rhe hottest equipment. This becomes clear when you sec vastly diffr:rent glide numbers associated wirh the same glider model. There is also the tuning question, how each glider is prcp:irccl for the con test. I nrned my Fusion the same way Rob tuned his, except I didn't have a Jim I.cc speed bar and neither did Nelson. Rob die!, and it proved ro all of 11s rhar you don't want ro go gliding wirhom one! I le promised to so write a sidebar abour what we I'll leave that to him. The air 011 day one was more active than on two. We had an occasional two-mph tailwind on launch, and a oneto two-mph tailwind on course with a bit of sun early. We got lour flights rm the first clay before the conditions halfway through round five made it clear that we were done. ( f1ew his during the first two rounds with a bir of flaps and came up shon of· Rob, Nclsoll and rnc. We suggested that ( nor deploy the flaps, and the Exxtacy won 1hc last two ro1111ds with I G.8 and 17.02, compared rn Rob's longest which were 15.35 and 15.8/i. Bob Boloukus rook the very first ltghts on his new Fusion. Ir was also his first try at this co11Lcs1. Bob landed in rhe low J 1's umil we he speed up a bir. I !is last two flights rnakillg it very clear how for the day were in the high I imponanr it is to fly at the correct speed. DAY ONE SCORES
Pilot George Ferris Rob I<clls Nelson Howe John Szarek Bob Boloukus Rubens Massini Alain Caurhier Clebcr Oleivicca
2) Wills Wing Fusion Laminar ST Wills Wing Fusion Wills Wing Fusion La Mo11enc 'foplcss Wills Wing HP AT Wills Wing Ultra Sport
Ave1rage LID
(all four fligh rs) 15.81 l 5. l C)
IIt. G1 llt.21t I 10 11 11.89
l O.Glt
The air on the second day was calmer than the f-irst; it was overcast ;md A towel was passed from pilot to pilot to the leading edges. There was less than one wipe rhc dew mile per hour of wind for rl1c duration of the flights. One surprise was that Rob actually beat George in the rigid on three om of live flights /cir a higher overall score. George ordered a new harness. Bob llcw foster on this day and started slamming in his brand new glider like the rest of us were. He averaged over 13. Amazing what :1 little competition will do to some people! Clcber switched from the Ultra Sporr to a demo rusio11 and for the first time in all his years in the glide contest was crossing the bridge. He was so excited that be bought Rob's glider at the end of Ll1c meet.
The Tangent Flight Computer is to be the best XC vario market. No other flight has accumulated as miles.
"Now I kn efficiently as pos audio great.
control works It's pretty 11·
be able to get my ey
my instruments. Dangerously addictive, frighteningly necessary. I love it."
/WOVE: George
is the best
performing climb and glide
Rob Kells Ceorgc Ferris Nelson Howe
Wills Wing hision Exxtacy (Class 2) I .ami nar s·1 · Wills Wing Fusion Wills Wing h1sion
instrument I've flown with. I like how you can personally tailor the myriad of functions the Tangent boasts to suit your style."
John Szarek
Bob Boloukus Rubens Massini
Average LID (all Ave flights)
Ferris maxing the glide o/his Hx.xtacy.
14.% 14.46 J4.li2 13.07
La Mouctte 'fopless
(withour zero
R DESIGN 110 I Glendora Ave
Alain Gauthier Clebcr Oleivicca
Wills Wing 11 P AT Wills Wing fosion
(without zeros
'"''"'''"''"• CA 94602
510 531 2261
Iferc is ;1 list of previous winners' glide angles (averaging the best three flights). Year
1988 1989 1990 1991 1994
'T,xl Hasenfos Eric McNett Jay Cianfone Jay C;ianforte Rob Kells
Wills Wing HP 2 Moyes XS /\irwave Kiss
UPTRX Wills Wing RamAir
J0.40 I0.32
10.64 l 1.25
Beginning in 199(> there was a change in the rules. If there arc four flights toral over the two days, all will counr. If there arc five flights total over the two days, the low score is dropped. lf there are six or more flights rnral over the two days, the low and high scores arc dropped.
Ken Brown
/\irwave Concept
This year there was a total of nine 11ights over two days, so
Continued on page 44. 2/l
The Best Training Hills
No other flight school can match our facilities,
lookout Mountain Flight Park has consistently, for
diversity, dedication, and history of excellence.
the past 10 years,
Our complete desire is to help you realize your
many pilots to the novice level than any other flight
flying dreams and
school in the U.S.A.
Lookout Mountain Flight Park is the perfect place to
Allow us a chance to demonstrate the Lookout
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while also having a lot of fun. Everyone dreams of flying- make your dream a reality! Act now, and before you know it, you'll be soaring with the eagles!
trained over four times as
Jan Ala (H) 938 N Olsen Tucson AZ 85719 (520) 327-9741
Matt Taber (R) RR 2 Box 215H Rising Fawn GA 30738 (706) 398-3433 hanglide@chatt.net
USHGA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGION 1 Bill Bolosky (R) 24622 SE Mirrormont Dr Issaquah WA 98027 (425) 557-7981 bolosky@microsoft.com George Sturtevant (R) 502 Ogle Ave NE North Bend WA 98045 (206) 888-3856 georges@nwlink.com Bob Hannah (H) 9920 51 st Ave S Seattle WA 98118 (206) 328-1104 paraskr@aol.com Gene Matthews (H) 15308 111th Ave NE Bothell WA 98011 (206) 488-1443 skydog@gte.net Claudia Stockwell (L) Fred Stockwell (H) 8901 Rogue River Hwy Grant's Pass OR 97527 (541) 582-1467
Luen Miller (HG !lccirlant Chair) 316 Berkeley Way Santa Cruz CA 95062 (408) 423-9919 lumiller@pacbell.net
REGION 3 Ken Baier (R) 253 Rodney Ave Encinitas CA 92024 (619) 753-2664 airjunkies@worldnet.att net Joe Greblo (R) 16145 Victory Blvd Van Nuys CA 91406 (818) 353-5580 windsports@eartblink.com Gregg Lawless (R) 27 Bittercreek Ln Diego CA 92129 (619) 484-2056 Sandy King (H) 360 Travelodge El Cajon CA 92020 (619) 444-8956 slark@worldnet.att.net Mike Meier (H) 500 Blueridge Ave Orange CA 92665 (714) 998-6359 mike@willswing.com
Ray Leonard (F~) 3650 Research Wy #22 Carson City NV 89706 (702) 883-7070 advspts@pyramid.net
Rob Kells (H) 500 Blueridge Ave Orange CA 92665 (714) 998-6359 rob@willswing.com
Russ Locke (R) 868 S Mary Ave Sunnyvale CA 94087 (408) 737-8745 rsslok@aol.com
Alan Chuculate (H) PO Box 13451 La Jolla CA 92039 (619) 687-8993
Paul Gazis (R) 428 Madera Ave Apt 1 Sunnyvale CA 94086 (408) 736-0764 gazis@arwen.arc.nasa.gov
Gil Dodgen (Editor) Santa Margarita Pkwy A-256 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 (714) 888-7463 gildodgen@aol.com
Ken Brown (H) 3620 Wawona San Francisco CA 94116 kennyb2u@aol.com
REGION 4 Mark Fer~1uson (R) 6595 Odell Pl Ste C Boulder CO 80301 (303) 652-3496 mark@ballvarios.com Jim Zeiset (R) 1~1154 County Rd 140 Salida CO 81201 (7i 9) 539-3335 jimzgreen@aol.com
Frank Gillette (R) Rt 1 Watercyn 8 Declo ID 83323 (208) 654-2615 Watercyn@cyberhighway.net
Barbara Flynn (H) 705 E Marks St Orlando FL 32803 (407) 894-5715 skygods@ix. netcom. com
Tracie Fifer-Welch (H) PO Box 8225 ,Jackson WY 83001 (307) 733-5K15 di_wyo@cornpuserve.com
Gregg McNamee (H) 14141 SE 51st Ave Summerfield FL 34491 (352) 245-8263 graybird@praxis.net
Greg De Wolf (H) PO Box 607 Corolla NC 27927 (919) 453-4800 DeWolf7@aol.com
Ron Kenney (R) PO Box 356 Leoti KS 67861 (316) 375-2995 kenney@elkhart.com
REGION 7 Bill Bryden (R) 6608 North 100 East Rd Seymour IN 47274 (812) 497-2327 bbryden@hsonline.net
REGION 11 Jeff Hunt (R) 4811 Red River Austin TX 78751 (512) 467-2529 RRAJeff@aoJ.com
Dan ,Johnson (L) 8 Dorset St St Paul MN 55118 (612) 450-0930 CurnulusMan@aol.com
Paul Voight (R) 5163 Searsville Rd Pine Bush NY 12566 (914) 7 44-3317 ryanv1 OO@aol.com
Jan Johnson (L) 585 E Frank Applegate Jackson NJ 08527 (908) 928-8370
Randy Adams (R) PO Box 369 Claremont NH 03743 (603) 543-1760 bkramer@lucent.com
REGION 9 Pete Lehmann (R) 5811 Elgin St Pittsburgh PA 1!5206 (412) 661-3474 104410.1150@cornpuserve.com Geoffrey Mumford (R) 750 First St NE Washington DC 20002 (202) :336-,6067 [Jkm.apa@email.apa.org Dennis Pagen (L) 368 Dunkle Rd Bellefonte PA 16823 (814) 383-2569 Chris DuPaul (H) PO Box 801 Gloucester Pt VA 23062 (804) 693-6742 Art Greenfield (X) 1815 N Ft Meyer Dr Ste 700 Arlington VA 22209 (703) 527-0226 NAA@ids2.idsonline.com
REGION 10 G.W. Meadows (R) 109 Carlow Ave Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 (919) 480-3552 justfly@interpath.com
Paul Rikert (L.) 101 N Broadway# 28-3 White Plains NY 10603 (914) 946-9386 Lars Linde (H)
(PG Accident Chair) 954 W Front St Red Bank NJ 07701 (908) 7 47-7845 larslinde@compuserve.com
REGION 13 (lnt'I) Jan Johnson (L) See Region 12 Micliael Robertson (H) Rf~ 5 865 Con 7 Claremont Ontario Canada L 1Y 1A2 (905) 294-2536 flyhigh@inforamp.net
USHGA Executive Director Philip Bachman PO Box 1330 Colorado Springs CO 80901 (710) 632-8300 ust1ga@ushga.org EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President-Bill Bryden Vice President-Randy Adams Secretary-Russ Locl<e Treasurer-Dan Johnson KEY: (R)-Regional (L)-AI Large (l·l)-Honorary (X)-Ex Officio
High performance, not high anxiety. The competition class glider that brings together amazing performance and absolute fun. Flying for the win or just for grins, the AJSION i,; the fastest ticket there .
"Best climb rate at Nats." - Steve Rewolinski "Fastest glider on the cliffs." - Mark Lillidahl "Most fun I've had flying in a long time." - Ron Kenny
Altair 12379 South 265 West, Draper, Utah 84020 ph (80 I) 523-9544 fax (80 I) 523-9688 altair@micron.net
·1997 Nominee We who .live and Hy in the north·· west corner of U.S. arc fortunate to have a strong comrnunity of
bang glider and paraglider pilots who work together to rnake flying bet· ter for everyone. 'T'his is reflected in om clubs which meet regularly, publ.ish pm on flying events, and pro·· of infr>rmal services such as mentoring new pilots and introducing them to flying sites in a supportive envi .. ronment. When I started paragliding in 1991, I was quite impressed with the sup·· pon I got from rnorc experienced pilots in local clubs, and my interest in helping new pilots in subsequent years grew om of that l'vc served as for a number oC
resource. Bm there are other resources too: our sites. A sign of tbc superb flying is that the hang glid-National held in 'I numerous during the 1990's. two areas that have hosted the nationals Chelan, Washington and offer everything a pilot could want, from conditions to drcam.-like Both
flying development in and Washington, notably Mt. Bachc.lor near Bend and the Tbude River Valley nea.r Mount St. I helped initiate a site liaison pro .. so that pilors have a sin· point when about a flying and so that problems that come: up can be ,.,,,n1,11•d someone who is knowledgeable about the of die s.ite. As Regional I will support local pilots and NOVEMBER 1
r El
Use the ballot attached to this issue of the magazine.
sitc.. dcvclopmcnt efforts. Another m,1jor area of i ntcrest of mine is publications. In addition to serving as contributing editor for Paragliding maga .. I've worked professionally .in writ· ing/cditing positions for a variety of national computer magazines. As Regional Director, I will work fr)r continued improvement in our USIIGA rnaga" zmes, Beyond that, I pledge to travel around Region I (with glider, of course) and \is .. ten to concerns of the pilots I meet. I will do my to represent your interests at the national level on the USHGA Board of and I w.ill disseminate in formation back to the pilot cornrnunity in a tirncly manner. J believe that tbe USBGA is our organization, it belongs to the pilot membership that it up, and we out of it what we arc willing to put .in. l'll work ro keep the USHGA responsive to pilots' needs, and I ask for your support in endeavor.
Hi, my name is 'fammy Burcar. I own, operate and provide pe:rsonal instruction for Ply Away Plight School in Santa Barbara, CA, which boasrs a pcrfect safety record. I've been
a instructor years. I've competed in many natiorrnl and international cross .. country and freestyle competitions, was the National Women's Champion and just took in Masters of Freestyle Competition in September 1997. I have a private pilot's but we all know that fi)ot-launched, mororless flight is only way to fly. I've committed myself to a Ufe>-long love with free flight and am looking forward to
my fellow UST:1GA My experience with the many clubs, schools and pilot communities that I been associated with in the past J 3 combined with a youthful enthusiasm flying, bas given me the knowledge required for this posit.ion. After ing from college in Wisconsin, I reaching hang gliding for some of most prestigious schools in the world. As the current President of the Barbara Gliding and Association I organized the effort to reopen our flying sites. My .most work within this political realm has tuned my diplomatic abilities toward common goal oC appropriating and serving our precious flying sites. I creel first h,md how powerful our tivc are when hang paragliding pilots stand we fly, divided we don't stand a My ability to facilitate cooperation consensus among local community groups committees and hard work has given rne a solid dation that will allow m.e to serve and represent you on the regional and al levd. I believe that the future of bright and l want to be a pan of the ativc process needed to make it even brighter through efforts of others involved in promoting footlaunched flight with media. An cated public, through positive media cragc, is crucial for our My visions of the future of include: l) multiplying the USHGA membership; doubl.ing the of female part.idpants; 3) preserving flying 4) a n1·,,u,•pocQ1v0 more cooperative among gliding and paragliding pilots; 5) ''"·''·"·" positive media coverage and improving tbe public image of 6) More Plying and More Fun. I plan to accomplish these goals listening to all USlIGA members' cerns (particularly all Ill bcrs); 2) your views at BOD 3) continuing to new pilots into our sport; 4) positive of both hang
p:uagHding; 5) . .·. ·. worl~ing with the media and c:ncouraging others to clo the same; 6) FLY and .HAYE FlTN! We are all. ambassadors of oursport every time wefLy and I t,tke tha.tjqbseri-· eiusly. Tha11ksin•adv~nce fory<nuVOTE. the time t.o VOTE. This .And please . is YOURAs/iocfati<>n. feel free to with .a11y gu.estions; concen:ts or issues yoµ. have. My e-111,iH. ;id.dress js tburcar@jtmo:com, My snail rnail address is 'Ian1myBurcar, P.O, Box Barbara, CA 9:~ 13.0, td. (805) 692-9908. \.,UJIJLd.L,L
Hi. My !1;!.111(; .A.fart <:::Jrnculate.
(pronounced 9hew:-l).00°la-tay) a11dI'm n1m1ing for Regional Director Regkm $ .• The dr:neJ sHw;r hang . . glider in .19'74T flew .it twke/J:he ne~tyearlh~carne ;i
fotii1ding me;mber
and presicle;ntof
Skyriders Hang Glidh1g Clu.h atA~izona State UoJversity. 'I'his bega.h:.1ny iiitc:rest in the educado11al, recreatfo11al, a.11d ty of foot-laqnched sportavfatiori. Since then expatided .iny.ayia.tion experie11ce to pq~eted pJtr~lights,. . ..· par~gllcling, and c;,ir11ed.a1,diatc.pi!ot's l.icense ,ind a bachelor'i5 degreeJn .~eron au1:ic,il ~ngh1yeri.t1g}apd.hac!~r1.dghtyear cateer•it:tthe aetoSpac<YhldltSj;I,Yi l first.became involved widJ tlrel.JSHBoarcl Of Directors (BOD) in 1990 bec.ause of111y c611trq_versialpn1mcition ·of comtnerdal1 tow.,,Jai1nch~d,. tandem paragliding bef<1re·· the rating f~xistGd, Eqmomics .rr1odvate.dme t() de\Tek,p and in1plem<:tllt a par:iglidh1gtowlng ~urricult1m incfodi11g a ta11~le1TJ. p}1.raglidipg tow~ launched .rad.rig; My initiative W;as approvedhytheBOD inl99;3.andmy suci:;essful parddpar,l01r in the .pol ideal process was ac:knowleclged · elected by the Bo:;ird ;is .. Large, .··. . .: J atn: cum:11dy a.u::;HGA.lJo.nomy Directo.t; but.I havel?eei.1 unable .
atte;nilany B<,a.rdtne;edrfgf ti. thi§1\:r!e primarily due to sc;heclule ':onflJcts.W;ith foreign. busi11es.s.travd.for powered Paragliding, I have now settled.in San and I want to renew my patticipa~ 36
tion or1 the B.O D to bring a spective to the stams quo. The Board needs to be r,:sponsive: to the member· ship, not imposing as witnessed by the waive1:. Th~ dedining popularity of hang gliding can be helped by promot.ion and a public relations One approach advocated by Betty owner of
}·-f.igh ,Energy
1980's I did some hang gliding. If I will serve as Region 3 Direetor with the besr and highest intent for the good of our pilots and Organization. Thank you! Incumbent
is' "cn)ssovel") _expo,...
sure among air sport participants. Betty invited me to tnganiz.e and coordinate; th<; a.vaHability of tow-lau1.1ched tandem hang gliding and paragHding flights for itttendees a.t the national skydiving conference to held in San Diego in January 1998. The USI{GA's affiliation with the Air Sporn Coundl (ballooning, modelers, p.owc;ted u.ltralights, sa.Hplanes, skydiving) js an politk,il and developi:nentaI tu1ification that needs increased emphasis. 'I'he foturc of instnictor training is about to ,l significant change by creation of ll:il auronomo.us organization for insttuct.or certifkation.·While appro·· priat:ely shielding the USHGA from training liability, it willalso bring ti .l01Jgnccded eleme11t ofprofessional.ism to hang gliding and paragliding instruction in the U.S. If you're happy with .the status quo of the BOD and its hist<>ry of rhetoric, then vote for. so111e011c else.·Responsivencss to mert1bership nee.>.ds, i11n()V.ad:ve lnember· ship deve.lopn1ent, arid instituting my primary instructor pi;ofo~siomHism ,..,..~,,.vw as a.Region.al Direc:ror.A vote is a votdorexp;:msiol1. and v,,,,."''·~· Thankyou for your c:onsideradon.
DavidJebbI atn tm1ning forRegionJ Director and seek your vote forthis posi~i()n for 199.8 because. I wishto .help pn)Vide new lead,, ership and direeti(in to our organization the My keen wi!Lbe adncreasing membership and helping de:velop a higher for both the st,mdard for safety sports of hang gliding . p,iragliding. I am a. p.araglider pilot, with an Advanced Instruct(>tand Tandem Instruetor'srating.Cuuently n1y wlfe and I ·1:rrnnagethe Torrey Pines Gliderport (UP San I)iego) ;tnd c>wrnhe pt1ragliding training and tour co1npany, Alr Gtlifornia Advenmre'.·I have beenflyipg for•the past five For a time in the early
Direetors for over l years of which seven were spent on the Committee as both President (four years) (three When I steppt:d down from tbe President position, J was nearing burnout and had to a break. had that break and am now ready to tackle this Association's with the enthusiasm and vigor that I started with 1 ago. been flying hang gI.iders for over 23 years.and occasionally fly paragliders. Although my bas been extremely limited over the year due to other business and personal commitments (my family and high school baseball), I still have a strong interest in flying and helping guide th.is Assochuion in its efforts to grow and becorne the leader in m.emberbased sport aviation organizations. Additiona.lly, I thinkthat it might be important for many of you to know that although I have had a business interest in this sport in the past:, thar is no longer the case. Over the years I have been in the areas of and training, tandei:n, and was instrumental in .assisting with. the integration of paragliding into the USHGA. 1 especially want to bCcome more involved in finance, membership and devdopmem and assisting in developing a plan for the direcd<HJ this Associadon will over the next 10 years. In summary, as a voting you need to ensure that the person you elect as a regional ditector understands the facing this As.sodation and is capable of implementing the changes necessary to rake the Assodation to the next level of professionalism. I feel that I am that person and would urge you to vote for me. So tear out your ballot, fill om the survey, vote Lawless as HANG CUDINC
Director for 3 and pt1t that in the mail. ptocrastinate or you won't do it. Just do it. Lawless Phone: (619) 484-4194 Fax: (619) 484-6444 (6] 9) J;,Ar\J,J,JO
like to announce my candidacy for 4 directorship. At same time, like to accept the: nominamemhcrs and tion of.my follow regional constituents to this position. In my candidacy, I ,u11po,rters and .follow pilots they\:! like to reirwnal level. ., .u ,, vi,"' Cornrniu11c:mr1g with pilots. Better USHGA could
methods for pilots to move through the pilot pn1t1c:1e11ev gram. Improve more of the quality or Gliding m,1tgn:.ur.1e. Promote paragliding as a more m,1.in" stream sport, In addition to these I'd like to make reg10na1c11u·ectcJr one of
Hi, I'm.l':tank Ownel' of Magic Valley Gliders, Burley, Idaho. I've been flying hang gliders 1972, flying paragliders since 1990, and am a certified USHGA hang gliding and paragliding instructor. I in an organization whose in its numbers, whose assets are mt,oi:n1ec1 pilots and public members. .Foremost, I would like to see lJSHGA evolve into a cohesive organization, with solid and a united and focused to our cnrerall through to public relations. I bel.ieve it is effectively work with landowners and land managers to stimulate interest in ore:servu:1.2" existing f1yi.ng sites and securnew 'rhis must be accomplished through concerted pilot safoty prognuns, not only frn· new pilots, but for all pilots cmrentl.y enjoying the sport. Tb all those who enjoy flying as much as I do, and with the aforemer1tioned in rnind, I you for your vote. I have accepted this non::tu1,mcm.Jl:lec:au:se can do the job as Director. Some of you know 1ne personally and others may know name in refeirenct\· to "the gang have been a.ttending the last fow Board Meetings at my own expense as I felt the Board was out c>ftonch with themembership, and needed.to I will be go.ing M<:et1l11g and will m,1ke "'""'''"'·.;1+,,"·1· to see that your l'cptesented. the effort to meet with Region 5 at least onc:e a.ye<1r .and be. a visible part of the .flyipg comtnuni91; I you, Region 5 pifot; will make the effort and vote fi:)r me a,n.d ,;hange 1:he status qno.
Regional Director. Some of you may rer:nernl)1er me from
you that don't ren:temtler, I'll try t:o a little more personal" by telling you
up about myself. I began flying and joined the local USHGA Chapter, Houston Hang Gliding in 1981. Ile Mtn. 1.,ec:arrte my second home, fly' every I could. At this beearne a mc:mt)er Assoc. nnd to travel flying sites from Califor which enabk:d me toga for the broad diversity< raphy that the U.S. has My avi;tdon interes otht;r areas. In additio am an active Instrument frxedwwln.g began flying cot t experiences Pitts Special Salso include s · skydiving. I fed it is a Regional view of General
at I would most like n for the of r on is "Unity." J Region 11 should foe! of the USHGA. It is the job to communicate chapters what is happening I level. Along with this duty there is a obligation to faithfully convey the feelings and 11 rn embers. effectively t() U ~.TL l., I have and the cteterrmr1at1on to fulfill this mission, and if elected will serve with pride. UL!
the best bership to lts m.e:mt)eri,. I am personally to mission before us. Whether as a ·1,eg1ona1
Boddie and I am run-, posmon ofRegion 11 NOVEMBr:R 1997
Dave Broyles Nomfoee For d1ose of you who don't already know me, I. run a small hang gliding and paragliding school in the Dallas/Pon Worth area. I have attended meetings for the last four years out personal in safety and tra.ining issues
Conti:nued on page 4<5: 37
l~y Rob Kells
]im Lee and I arrived in Telluride four dt~ys early to fly the course. \,\Jc: had both .fioum the pylon race in AJpen last year, where I learned the cost of mi'ising a pylon. 5/Jeed Gliding is most like downhill racing on skis:
from the top to the bottorn the fastest while staying in the course and you win.
n the first flight we found ourselves looking down on control gate seven at a very steep angle. There was no way to get down to 1he gate short of fly-ing a rnilc wide and coming back to iL Like good cornpctitors we sniveled and whined to the meet officials that tbe course should be spread out a bit; it was too steep and with the level of performance our gliders had, we didn't think we could gcr down to the control gate without going way off course.
THE RULES l) The whole glider must clear a pylon in the correct direction at any height. If you miss a pylon you get 600 seconds (one score of l O minutes and you might as well go home). 2) All of 1he glider must pass between the two vertical pylons of a control gate, and some parr of the pilot's body or some pan of the glider must be below the top of the gate. ff you pass tbrougb a control gate too high (gates one and seven) you get 30 seconds added to your rime. 3) If you pass above the finish gate it's 600 seconds (sec #1 above).
4) Maxirnum wing loading is two pounds per square foot of sail area. 5) Launch order is by random drawing for the first round, and 1hcn is slow-est to fastest from then on. On the second practice flight we dove our brains ou1 at full speed in the begin-· ning of the course, spiral dove om :360dcgrcc turn and found we could get down to the number-seven control gate, but just barely. We still had to fly wide to be sure to get under it. Jim suggested that we try diving at the nee line prior to the control gate and then push out to climb over it so we would be slow. Then we could get the nose rc:illy pointed down t:he ski run and lose alti 1-ude to hook the gate without flying a wide path to it. On the third day, teammates Andy Whitehill, Jon Szarek, Gerry Charlebois, Greg DeWolf; Jim Lee and I flew cameras for the media, and tried the new s1Tategy. We all agreed that the course was not only viable, bu1 very fast and thrilling! We wit:hclrcw our snivels with apoloand went to work on our equipment to get more speed. We lowered sprogs, stripped cables, added an extra quarterinch shim in the leading edges, and flew
Over/oohing the town o( Telluride, Colorado. Photo by Gerry Charlebois.
Rob Kells passes through one ofthe gates. Photo by Gerry Charlebois.
The Telluride Speed Gliding course.
The Speed Crew. Photo by Gerry Charlebois.
with speed sleeves over our harnesses. Jim had his pod and custom basetube, and I used 22 pounds of lead-shot ballast, a new Z5 harness with a side-mounted chute container and a Jim Lee carbon faired basecube as well. We were ready to go Speed Gliding!
A RUN DOWN THE COURSE Remember, don't miss a pylon, get down to the gates, don't hit the ground , and be as fast and smooth as possible! Launch from Gold Hill, zip up the harness, elbows in, and set speed, to be sure you'll be high enough for control gate one (about 45 mph). Slowly increase speed and set up to go through the gate below 18 feet and on a 40-degree angle to the right to set up for pylon two (about 50 mph). Quick left GO-degree bank
around pylon two, and pull in more w carve around pylons three, four and five (about 65 mph). Judge how much altitude to lose in the right 360 at Jesus Rock: if low a 45-degree bank, if high bank hard to 80 degrees and lee the bar out a little. (Remember, we were going 65 mph at the beginning of the 360, the difference in altitude lost between the two bank angles was about 400 feet.) Dive ar the trees w the left of gate seven, push out to clear the trees, stuff the bar and dive down the ski run, mal<e a 150-degree direction change ar about a 55-degree bank to go through gate seven below 18 feet (about 75 mph) . Keep the bar in and carve around the five remaining lower pylons and head for the finish line (all about GO mph). Keep the bar in. Put one hand in rhe center of the basecube and
unzip rhe harness just short of goal. Cross below the top of the 18-fooc goal poses at one foot off the ground, no faster than best LID. Flip up and try not to pound in downwind with the VG eight. Total rime, under five minutes, yer I feel like I've been in the air for two hours . I'm winded, my hands hurt from holding on so eight and I am PUMPED!
THE CONTEST Round One Seventeen pilots arrive on top at 7:00 AM. The 200-foot vertical hil<e to launch is done slowly to conserve energy at nearly 12,000 feet MSL. Mitch McAleer joins rhe team on another Fusion, unable to practice because he was competing in the aero meet. WHGS meet steward Dennis Pagen runs the course, launching in an HANG GLIDING
Jim Lee (left) and Rob Kells (right) pass through the 'go low" gate. Photos by Kathy Lee.
Jim Lee launches to begin a speed run. Photo by Gerry Charlebois.
eight-mph 70-degree crosswind from the lefr. He makes the course and radios to Ray Leonard, the meet director, that it's okay to fly. In the meantime the wind turns down the hill and it becomes unlaunchable. Over an hour later the sun heats up the west face, the wind dies and we all get off the hill except Williams. He gets a wing down o n launch, carrying a bunch of ballast, and is turned back into the hill 150 feet below launch. Fortunately he is unhurt. Round One Results 1) Lee 2) Whitehill (Tie) 2) Kells (Tie) 4) Angel 5) Osbo rn NOVEMBER 1997
Round Two We fly again that night. John Heiney preruns the course and we begin launching competitors before we hear from John that the west wind is purring most of the course in a rotor. This makes gate seven unreachable for everyone except Andy Whitehill and Jim Lee who fly smart and slow on the upper part of the course. Jim goes high, pulling up too early in the finish gate and Andy is now well in the lead! The round is declared invalid by the meet officials because of poor conditions. Andy is understandably disappointed, being the only pJor to make the course.
Round three We get this round off early and the air is glass smooth. Andy drug a rip and broke a rear leading edge landing during last
night's ro und. H e fli es a Laminar ST on th is flight as there was no time to fix his Fusion. He goes th ro ugh gate seven a little high and gets the 30-second penalty, placing seventh fo r th e day. This is a mistake that will cos t him third place. Round T hree Results 1) Kel ls 2) Lee 3) Osborn 4) Angel 5) Szarek
Round Four Jim and I go into chis round tied to the exact seco nd, with Osborn and Angel about 40 seconds behind us. Jim had taped a broken ski pole to the top surface of my glider, sticking up in the air to 41
Tom Tatum Productions interviewing Jim Lee. Speed Gliding seems to be catching on with the media. Photo by Gerry Charlebois.
1997 TELLURIDE SPEED GLIDING COMPETITION RESULTS Place 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11 )
12) 13) 14) 15) 16)
Pilot Rob Kells Jim Lee Tim Osborn Scott Angel Andy Whitehill John Szarek Mitch McAleer Mark Lilledahl Mike Barber Wayne O'Sick Jeff Hum Dave Sharp Tasha Mclellan Greg DeWolf Juan Corral Gerry Charlebois
Glider Wills Fusion Wills Fusion Sensor 610 Sensor 610 Wills Fusion Wills Fusion Wills Fusion Predator Airwave Race Wills XC 155 Airwave K5 Predator Airborn Blade Wills XC 155 Moyes CSX Wills Fusion
Total Time (secs.) 1200 1201 1249 1252 1277 1289 1351 1357 1362 1643 1675 1689 1723 1947 1949 2 144
sirnula1c a kingpost. fie removes it before my final preflight, so I don't understand the chuckles 011 launch until later when I sec the photos. By now the three fllm crews shooting the cvcm figure 0111 that the to be is the number seven con· trol gate. Tl1e sound of the gliders going through that gate so fost is quite loud, and most pilots arc very low, making it really firn to watch on the daily videos. Jim wins this round by six seconds. Round Fom Results 1)
2) 3) 4)
Lee Kells Osborn Whitehill Angd
I let Rachel, Jim Kathy Lee's daughter play with the Beanie Baby 1M stuffed animal f1vc·year·old daughter Amy loaned me good luck. (Ir's :.i turtle named Speedy.) After the ski pole joke, and knowing Jim has his lucky Sandia hat, l get Speedy back and fly with him on this last round. when we nrrivc Conditions arc at launch al G:4 'i AM, bm by the tirne we set up there is a stiff tailwind. At about 9:4'i I suggest that we call the round to be fair to Jim. Cumulus clouds arc startto form on 1he range across the valley. Scott Angel and Tim Osborn in third and fourth, both on Sensor 61 O's, arc only two seconds apart, :.ind only six seconds separate Jim and me. I launch afrer 10:00 and then: is what I guess to he 400-ffJ111 lift and sink on the course. I get burnpcd around a bit bur never knocked off line or locked out. Jim launches 30 seconds behind me bur when he lands he is shaking his head. "How'd you he asks. "I think Twcm fast hm it was rough," r reply. "Well then, you WOil, I got slammed by a lhcrmal at rhc control and went way wide on pylon two, l /cit fast on the borrom."
Jim Zeiser personally tended goal with a printing stop watch. Armed wirh an
on-sire PC/printer and radio communication wirh the starr timer and pylon he had the scores calculated and printed within IO minutes of the last competitor's finish every day. Amazing, unless you know JZ. Continued on pt1gc 56. NOVIMfllR 1997
WH ©
by Dennis Pagen
peed Gliding bas come to America! The World Hang Gliding Series (WHGS) fin.its 1997 season in Ielluricle, Colorado with and Speed Gliding events. The pilots were flying upside down or below the treetops every 1norning and evening while the afrernoons were reserved for easy climbs to over 16,000 (4,900 this latest chapter of the series with a bit of history,
THE STORY OF WHGS 'fhe World l"fang Gliding Series was put together several years ago when Murray Rose (who invented Speed Gliding) joined forces with Joe Hayler (former World Cup oflicial) and Dennis Pagen (CIVL Vice President) to form a seties which Last season was the initial would include Speed Gliding, CrosseCoumry and trfal with four meets i11 Europe. This year presented an associate (trial) meet in. Korel1 and as well as Series .meets in France and United States. Next year the Series will include more meets, and bids are being accepted as you read this. We are grade ually of a woddwide of fon, competitive meets that attracts rnedia coverage advent:ute it is.
Telluride, Colorado has been the site of an annual fly-in and coiitest for as long as any of us can 'I'his elevated community hides in a gorge San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado. T'he ambiance is '60'serevival··yuppie-cool. cards. is run by the 'Telluride Air Force, a group oflocal pilots who through ski area to the mountaintop and clear landing areas both town and at the edge of town, Freestyle brings the pilots into the town park (known as the sei:zw.·e zone) while Speed Gliding used the outeof:~town field (known as tbe leisure zone or oops field). Both landing areas present plenty of viewing fo.n, for they lie at near" ly 9,000 foet and display very little wind in morning and evt:111Jr1g, The 'Telluride fly-in had been in recent as pilots followed their to other But a white knight was .found in of Jim a local ,.,010n1uo pilot. Jim magnanimously offered $15,000 money to be split between t·•rc',"~tvlf' and Speed Gliding, paid the WHGS sanction hired officials even pro· four-wheel.drive vehicles for pilot transportation throughout the flying festival. Jim's generosity set the for a l Odays of flying and he'll surely be blessed with abundant lifr throughout
PREESTYLE This year the event: in Tdluride was an associate sport since WHGS has not yet set up the Pilots went up the hill at dawn and nearly sunset for two rounds a foatmfog rollovers, loops, and Smoke trails highlight-· ed routines and del.ighrcd the spectators. hot-shot landings in the town were additional crowd pleasers. The event was won by John Heiney on a Prc:dator, followc::d closely by Aaron :iwepston on an Both pilots performed neady flawless, smootb and difficult rouhalf a spin separated the two and John picked up an $2,500 whileAaton took home $1,500 all paid in one dollar bills! 'I'hird was taken by Frenchman Franck (unknown last name) and Mitch McAJeer took fourtb. note was the perfr)rmance of Thmmy Burcar, the first woman pilot to do con sis-tent loops. Her spin performance was one of the best in the competition. Our favorite moments: Mitch McAleer a flstfol of dollars and strewing them over the at awards banquet. Watching participants of the Telluride mushroo.m festival stare in awe at d.a:1.zJ1ng aerobatic routines leaving light trails in the sky. Continued on page
Crmtinued from page 28. the high and low scores were dropped. With the seven flights averaged the final standings were:
Ceorge Ferris Rob Kells Nelson Howe John Szarek
Exxtacy (Class 2) Wills Wing Fusion Laminar ST Wills Wing Fusion Wills Wing Fusion La Mouette Topless
Bob Boloukus Rubens Massini Alain Gauthier
Wills Wing HP AT
Cleber Olcivieca
Ultra Sport/Pi1sion
15.27 15.07 14.50 14.38 l l l .32 11.89 (no Sunday score)
9.71 (includes a zero)
Many thanks to Jeff Nicolay for running this event again. There were at least seven full man-days involved in building the bridge and laying out the course, ro say nothing of taking it all back down again. Also, thanks go to 'fim Donovan for acting as launch director again, and thanks to all the volLmtecrs who scored the flights and drove ATV's to get us up rhc hill. I'll have a Lee basctubc next year! II
f"he Improved Tracer (IT) features continuous webbing structure, adjustable padded leg straps, adjustable shoulders, hook knife, steel carabiner, easy rotation for excellent sit-up--ability, skid plate toe protector, bunr:Jee retractor channel, custom sizing and a wide range of colors & options I
lilifl!l!i lm11irsu111mm1tts alsm ffias 1u1mt11111m S1nl11 fi!IIICH lilflt, I 11m1111ffi m1iri111 IHiQJm1~ sm11111f111t11 f;rn ffi1m1 1111111mm. : I l 44
things put together are good for probably to 3/4 of a point in glide. I think most of th.is improvement cornes from Jim's basembe and a clean harness.
our sprogs, removt'.d half the in flew without parachutes. This would be a stupid potentially thing to do in normal con di Lions. was also putting his sprogs to after the contest was over.) Probably another half point in by mods. I flew with the VG only two·thirds ,,,.,,.,.«.,o\.. last year, on day one, I realized that on this course is such a thing as too If you can't unroll glider at yaw, then any increase in the pylon without a lot glide from lower twist is lost. On behind was to root
lose only 15 up more than a full glide Flying is also very important; I'd guess on the is 27 to 30 mph. Fusion that When Dennis Pagen and Jeff Nicolay this contest one of the rules was that you had to land on your rule sort of disappeared in 1994, and we were our and slamming our into the 'fhis year, to see what it made, I zipped and flew I landed (uh, pounded) into ground. ] was with a leading in the back of the head and a cm nose, but hey, an extra ofa point, wouldn't you? Actually, l landed on my on out of nine flights, and slid in on twice. I landed prone on the other four, although meeting Mr. I unzipped on every other
flight. So, with this in mind, when comparing the m1.mbers to those of the: early contests when was not allowed, you have to deduct 1/8 to 1/4 of a glide point. We were all surprised that the didn't but George is new on the glider and flew two rounds with some flaps which clearly hurt him. He also did not have a faired basetube, or a very clean and was landing on his most of the time. I would guess that with those changes we'll see the at 1 or 17: 1 next year. My thanks to my incredible wife and kids for putting up with yet another long road trip and being supponive, Dan Jester for my glider to the ATV after every flight, edges, Mark Dan's wife Sharon for wiping so many Vaughn for his great photos, and all the other volunteers who make the contest possible! Also, thanks to John birth· day cake: with Speedy the turtle on it. happy birthday rendition sung by the pilots in the was the I have ever heard! With only seven pilots paying entry fee it's a big rnon·· ey loser, but we all hope Mo.rnlngsid.e will do it again. (PLEASE Jeffl) for the gliding, to watch the pounding, or for the breakfast afterwards, but we hope to see you next year. It appe11rs that the topless have a bigger advantage oveir la.st gliders than even the water-· shed Comet had in its day. Gaining more than two over my RamAir average of 13.0 l in 1994, in an ,,ci 0 ,,..r•. rn ... tum glider, suggests to me that yes ... I 4: 1 is finally
Jim Lee may be contact<:d about his carbon faired basetube at: (505) wingover@la/)laza.org; •
This handy and high-performance 4005 model maximum quality and a highly affordable functionality plus excepnonally simple and multistage operal·ing convenience.
Nov11v1Brn 1997
800•662•2449 OR 352•332•8675
Continuedfrom pttge related to both hang gliding and paragliding. I am running for Regional Director because I believe that the USI:".lGA is in a crisis. 'The waiver in particular, has caused a large number of pilots to distrust the USHGA leadership. At10ther organization. is being formed members from the USHGA. I dol1't believe that the GA can do an.eff¢ctive job representing 011ly a patt of the HG arld PG the US. My goaJ will be, to WC)rk to heai~his rift.bywotking for a compromise between .both sides that will lead w a waivet m6re acce:ptable to the whole membership, and to help c.reate a mechanism for allowing the mem~ bership to directly vote on controversial issues. Poor commvnicatio.11 has caused some of.the membership to distrust our leadership. 'the USHGA Standard Operai:ing Pr9cedures require the <>ffi.. cers to properly respond to letters and inc1uides from members. As Region 11 Director, I will listen to and respond to any Region 11 member who calls me on the phone, me or writes me about any USI:-IGA issue. I will gladly attend dub meetings anywhere in Region 11 to discuss and explain GA I wlU come prepared to talk turkey and call a spade a spade. Further, as part of my personal Web I will provide a web page at www.kite·enterprises.com/Regionl J for the use of Region lJ, which will be available for both sides of any I will place on this sire a synopsis of actions taken by the BOD at the meet~ ings I attend, including how J voted on these issues and why. I believe that each Regi<>nal Ditecrnr should hold hitnsclf or herself to a very high standard of ethics. ·rhis means that if an issue comes up where I have a conflict of I will either abstain from voting on this or vote for the best interest of the Region regardless of how it might affect me. ff I find that
my personal position on an issue is djf. fercnt from that of the rnajorit:y of the members in Region l l, I will support the Region's position rather than my own. I am not to become a Regional l)irector to help my business or to be a big wheel, but instead to support my Region and to hdp the sporr grow. If you have any question you need answered you will. vote for m.e, then call me at: or e-mail tnc at brnyles@pseudospace.com before you cast your vote. Or call sorr1eonc who knows me well and ask them. Dang, this sounds like a campaig.n speech. When movie version "Region 11, the Election" comes m,it, it will be a lot funnier. Just .don't wait for the 1110vie before youvote. Best of all, y<>i~ DON'T have to fill in the questionnafre to vote. Thanks for the vote.
Terlingua R,rnch which surrounds Christmas Mountain wants to promote hang gliding. Let:tk~y Searching for an old footlaunch site near Leakey that has been reported in old site guides and rumored known by a fow old pilots. I also provide support and encouragement on site procurement efforts when contacted by members such as John Bob Loper and Kem different sites. Robinson on l've also .involved Jn the formation and orgmfrzation of the TFPA Free Flight Associa:tion) a. group interested in promotion of related sports and the eventual purchase of a Hying site. was helped with effort from RR Roddguez in the C()J:poratio11 .documents. RR also offered a big with an e-mail reflector (soating@swt.edu) that works as a communication tool. I recmnmend service.
LOCALLY Region .l .l me l wm serve yet another term. I have tried to be effective at the local, regional and national levels. I feel the longer I am involved, the more knowledgeable and able to and events I 11c>rnmP. This is a good opportunity to highlight what has going on during my past term as Regional Director and USHGA B<>ard Member.
REGIONALIY Region Wide Season,Long X-C 'Third year for this. Increased participation and is up. Currently Mike leading with 186 miles .for his flights. I put out cffon for site.<!. For example:
Excellent airport opened this year in April.
tow Weck-long fun meet planned next year in last ha.If of April. Christmas Nloumain State-owned site i11 west near Big Bend National Park. This foot-launch improved access up the road but
Flying as often as I can at Packsaddle Mtn. as well as teaching the sport of hang gliding gammg more experience with my paraglider. I have supported educational presentations to area schools and organizations. I like to show the sport to kids. I had 120 cub scouts trying to provide a human tow th.is year.
NA'TIONALtY I work with the towing as Co,Cha.ir with Lars Linde and tty to keep up with the and help pull together a pron,101:ion package for airport managers. I work with the site management committee to keep going and improving efforts here. I am go.ing to promote the idea of a continuing spot in the which wJIJ be a note from each regionally elected .on.cc director on a rotating basis. every 13 months a dlrectoi: would be <>bligated to on their own and their region's activities. I make an effort to understand all the decisions, making for a good Board member. IfI'm put in the job I will continue to it rny best.
U!iHliA CALENDAR PD Box 1330 Colorado !iprings CO 80901
(719) 63ii!-B3DD fax (71gJ 63i!-6417 1-BDD-616-6888 ushga@u•hga.org
The :&xtacy'1flaps which allow high-speed, ej/ident glidinf ad low-,pe«l, ,.._ approach landing,,. Photo courtesy W""4by Rimch.
••••••••••••••••• Continued ji-om page 20. up to launch with ir. In higher winds the spoilers make the glider respond char much more quickly. Pare of the success of chis design can be amibuced to the dihedral builc into the wing. The Exxtacy is very roll scable and cracks bercer than mosc hang gliders. More on chis in the flying section. The Exxcacy weighs about 85 ro 90 pounds and is slightly on the ca.ii-heavy side, however, chis is less noticeable than with the average hang glider since the chord is shoner. The concrol bar is much shoner than char of a flex wing which is an assec for shorcer pilocs, bur it makes ic harder to gee underneath the wing to pick it up. Having a friend pull down on the nose stinger is a 110-110, as the keel is nor designed for that kind of load. Assisced hang checks a.re best performed with someone on che rear of the keel.
STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY The Exxracy is certified by the DHV and was reseed to failure. This occurred ac over nine G's, more than 2,000 pounds of positive load. The designer claims that negative screngrh is similar. The pitch curves for the Exxcacy a.re linear, meaning that reflex remains perfectly conscanc without varying picching moments. Scabilicy in the Exxcacy is achieved by adding reflex to the la.st five ribs, and the reflex increases a few degrees a.LI the way to the carbon fiber rip suucs. The heighc of each rib is measured before cesc-flying ro ensure che correcc angle, and the lase rib can be adjusted to add more or less scabilicy. A shim can be added ro the cop of the numberseven rib ro decrease picch pressure or put in the bottom ro increase ir. This does nor move picch scabilicy oucside DHV rolerances. Ir's my opinion char one can expect scabilicy and suengch similar to char of the Swifc. The Exxcacy will nor spin. With the firsc protocype, Felix was able to initiace a spin only ro have the Exxcacy quickly rocace in the other direction. The same resulc was seen after many accempts. Since the glider would dive a bit on recove1y, Felix moved the concrol bar forward, thus making it very difficult for the average piloc to push our ha.rd enough to experience chis spin-rejecc behavior. The D-mbe can be damaged in che evem of a ha.rd whack, but the keel pro crudes 10 inches from leading edge, minimizing comacc with ground. The D-mbe icself can be easily repaired, and damage several inches long will nor compromise strength as much as it would with a conventional hang glider. Most of the
suengtl1 is behind the D-mbe where the rwo major belcs a.re locaced. Exx:racy maimenance is easier than char of a flex wing. Mike and I were able to rake the sail off and put ic back on in less than 10 minuces. Dowmubes are replaced Like those of any other hang glider. Although simple, mosc aspeccs of inspection, measurement, rw1ing and repair a.re complecely differem from char of a conventional hang glider, and all pilots and dealers should spend ac lea.st a day with someone who is experienced.
LAUNCHING, FLYING AND LANDING On launch, since the concrol bar is farther forward, ic's easy ro pull the nose down too much, bur chis has nor been a problem so far. Jusc look up at the nose and aim it abouc the same as you would a flex wing. At about your third step tl1e magic of the Exxtacy begins; with 10 ro 20 degrees offlaps it rakes off sooner than a high-performance hang glider. Except for a little initial conuol bar wiggle, due to a bit of slack in the control cables, the Exxracy inlmediarely rakes on a predictable feel. Bar and roll pressure a.re light, but I do notice a bic more lag rime before che Exxracy responds ro turn inpur. I amibuce chis ro the 40-fooc span! Ir does, however, respond more predictably. I feel more comfortable scratching close to the terrain, since the Exxcacy seems less susceptible to "sticky wing. " Turn coordination is scraightforwa.rd, except J-rurning or punch-rurning does nor work. However, the Exxracy responds to yaw inpuc and it is easy to sceepen or flaccen our a turn . When thermaling, the Exxracy cores berrer than a flex wing, and I amibure this to the dihedral in the wing. Once in the core the Exxracy stabilizes berrer; the wings a.re less prone to being rolled in or our of the core. The sink race is a lime berrer than that of the best sinkers in thermal and ridge lift, and you can use the flaps in flight to opcimize performance. (Twency ro 30 degrees allows you ro slow the wing down to 17 mph with a hook-in weight of 200 pow1ds. You can really push our and acma.Uy tl1ermal more slowly than in a high-performance hang glider.) Release the flaps and you can feel the acceleration. Fully-rerracced flaps produce best glide ac speeds over 35 mph. (Besc glide is said to be ac 30 mph with 10 degrees of flaps .) On landing I've been serring up my approach with about 30 degrees of flaps. Then, at the stare of a high final, I pull the
flaps full on and the glide drops to around 8: 1. Flare timing is similar to that of a welldesigned beginner glider at about the same speed. In turbulence you have better directional control and landing in rough air is no problem; yet, when flying fast, the bumps become noticeably more violent. Overall, the Exxtacy is easier to launch, fly and land than a typical high-performance hang glider. The effect of the flaps is dramatic: As you pull them full-on you can foci a big deceleration, as though your chute had popped out. The manufacturer cautious against landing with no flaps since in that configuration the glider has a very narrow flarc--timing window, and overshooting the LZ is almost certain. ls the Exxtacy a hang glider? According to the FA!, a hang glider must have at least one axis of total wcight-shifr control and must be foot-launchable and landable in all conditions. This defines the Exxtacy. Felix met with the FA! last spring to introduce his wing. Due to major potential controversy it was decided not to classify the glider, but to wait a year and give it some thought. One suggestion was to come up with a third class that would change the hang gliding definition: The cur-
rent hang glider class would become a new one: part weight shifr, part control surface.
PREDICTING THE FUTURE? History has shown that other soaring ultralights have made a debut only to fade away as a result of small markets, high prices and snail's-pace production. Flight Design is the fast manufacturer to address all of these concerns. As mentioned earlier, more than 150 Exxtacics arc flying now, the price is the lowest of any similar glider, and Flight Design is producing more than 20 per month. Manhias plans to double production by this winter. The Exxtacy and the Pegasus arc a new breed of ultralight, and they work very well. Price will no doubt prevent this new tcchnolo-gy from replacing contemporary hang gliders, however, the development of this new concept will likely change current hang glider design trends. IL will make little sense for manufacrnrers to make any signiGcanr design improvc-ments that will cause hang gliders to cost more than they do now. You can't make a hang glider any faster, and expect to keep it right side up and landablc, without increasing the cost to that of Exxt:acy technology. Next year it is unlikely that the FAJ will consider the a hang glider. This would
send a shock wave through the manufacturing industry that would show up on the Richter scale, and a week later Matthias would die from a heart attack with a smile on his face. Rumors arc already spreading that other manufacturers arc investigating the possibilities of producing similar "non·-classified" gliders. II Exx·rACY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Area ..................................... 165 sq. fi:.
Span ................................... .40 ft. Aspect ratio .......... " ............ .l 0.1 Best 17.5:1 Min. sink ra.te .............. ;....... 150 fpm
Vmin ................................... 18.mph mph Wcight ................................. 85 lbs. Takeoff weight ..................... 100--160 Kg.
5 mins.
.Mn·th Americ,m Paragliding, inc., may be contacted tit: lll B. 4th Ave;, Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509) 925".5565, fax (509)96'2nripi@ebur;g,com,wwwfun2fly.com. .You can also testily an Bxxtacy dai61 at Wallaby Ranch in Jiloridr:t: (941) 424-0070, fly@wallaby. C(}m, www. wallaby. C(}m. Dave Sharp may be reached at (505) 286~3871, sharpclave@utah.-inter.net.
nouite poooibllJ the v.ee4ect entf"II level g,lidei)
With an lm_presslve Ilsa hie SBeed range. an un bcata'olc sink rate 'A ND the ab! lity to lircak down to 6 !'t lon_g without tools. this cou Id be the only glider you'll never resell. /\sk your Dealer for a test flight! 9104•80-2774 fax91B480-0117 .... - :s;. _ ...A..IIE'::5: IF:;;t_ C> :s;.
Box lHO Colmrndo
1,800,616,6888 usl1qA@usl1q11.or1q
80901 MC & Vis11 HANG GLIDING
I IAN(, C:LIDJNC: ADVISORY Used hang gliders should ,,lways lw dis:1ssemblcd before rlying for 1lrc lirsl time and inspccicd carcf\1lly f(>r bcm or dented downtuhc~, ruined hw;\iings, hcnL holu, (c,..,pccia!lr tire lrc:1rt bolt), re.used Nyloc nnts, loose thimblc.s, or rusted cdik,,, tangs with 11011 circular hob, ;rnd on flex 'wing,..,, .'laiL.., b;1dly lorn or lOrll lom,c from
their :,nchor points front :tnd back on the keel and Ir in doubt, many gliding hmincss· cs will he happy to give an ohjcnivc opinion 011 1hc
DRFAMS CIEARJ\NCF SALE lli5 & 18'i. Botlt in great slr,tpc. Ravrn Sky Sports (Ii Iii) IJT,.8800.
I ll'AJ' 158 ( ;reat condition, spare dmvntul,e $600. (GIG) 882Yi17.
/.ephir CX (winglcts) & FLJIUWF;\N Cl.lllFRS Duo C:lub (tandem), both in excellent condition & lots of' stuff: cquiprncnt ,rnd litcr:tturc (e.g. I IC I ')8.l· l 'l'J'i). (:\09) 788./iO!i). or ,mdresv1lrcvc,tlcd.nct
111'/\T l'i8 $750 OBO. Ravcn 209, $.l50 OBCl, both good condition. (805) 511 · 12'/'i.
condition of equipment )'CHI hring thctn to inspect.
Buyers should select equipment that is appropriate for their skill level or New pilots should seek pro· a lJSl IG/\ CERTffIFD JNSTRUC:l'OR,
Exu·llcrn condition $),700 OBO.
l<l;\SSIC 1.U (706) :l'J8 0227.
FALCONS 1/iO, 170, 195, 225 ttcw and used. WALL/\BY RANCII (91il)IJ21-0070
KLASSIC LB Built in Oct %,/0 homs, gtcat .shape, pctfrct f,li,kr f,Jt light weight pilots $:1,000. Call CL,irc P,tgrn (8 l!i) :rn:i 2'iG'J. 1(1.;\SSIC I /iii hottrs, rl'll/bluc white, winglct.s $J,500. (10/) lilt J.)018
A BUNCI I OF CLIDFRS !'or sale, m'w, used ,utd demo, re:tdy to ship, from $600 ttp. EXTRA CLEAN/CALL AND COMPARE. TOPLESS: Moyes, lctro, Wills, TR:l. KINGPOSTED: Ltminar, C:onccpt, SX. Xtralitc, Shark, XC, Klassic, XS, l JltraSport, SupcrSpon, Spectrttm, XT, Sting, MK IV, Pulse, Falcon, Bun., \12, Fly2 and more. \Xi'ALI.ABY RANCI I, FLORIDA. OPEN DAILY (91t I) lt2it0070 gliders(tlwallaby.com SI IARJ<, Bl .ADE RACE, STINC, BUZZ. Nc,w ,rnd nc,uly new. I )emu daily. Tl l E WAL LAllY RANCI l (9/i I) 12/i 0070.
1\XIS I.\ Spectnmt tmdcrsttrl:tcc, spare downtubcs MOO. Cornet I, I (15, spare down tubes $200. (,i 1'i) 56(,. 885\.
DU\Jlll.F VISION 17.3880(),
( ;ood shape $2,000. (Ii I Ii)
DOUBLE VISIONS & HY2 New and used. WALI.AllY RJ\NC!l (911) lt7.4·0070.
I /\I.CONS CI.F;\RJ\NC:F Si\I.lc - · School me, one I ,'iOO $2,500. (ii I ii) fif.l .. 8800. sc,tson. i\11
J<L;\SS!C: I !iii !hand new rnmlition, IO hours .1ir time, ,·xtra parts included $2.,250. (S05) 2.81 ·'iYJ8 gknt!t\t()(u:0111
J<l.1\SSIC J/ilj White & red, nice shape. nnder 100 hours $2,.lOO. (Ii 14) li/.l 8800. Tl IF I IANC; CI.IDER of the f'uture. Herter glide, sink, speed and handlinf, than else! F:1sy to Cly. i\vail:rbk from Mike Eberle, North ;\mcric,rn Flight Dcsigtt (50')) 'J2'j,5'j(,5; David Clover, Wallaby l,anch (')/i I) /i2/i .. ()070: !lave Sh,trp, l'rec l'ligln Sport.s ('i05) )8(,<\871. Sec www.itttt2.lly.com EXXTACY - NFW & USED IN STOCK, DFMO Di\11.Y. WAL!i\BY RANCII (91 I) li21t-0070. FORMlJLA 151 New wires, dowtttubcs, very clean, excellrnt condition $900 OBO. (520) 52.6 21i67. HJSION li2k00'70.
Demo daily. WALLABY RANCH (911)
Kl .1\SSIC: I (ii, white c"x red, 85 hours. $1,800. (208) .l77·%85 l'orth~1lrnsn.com New in M,ty '9/, perfict condition, l.i\MINAR ST never whacked $/i,9'!5. (!, 19) :1.35 ·:lOOO cxt20S. !.;\MINAR iii glider for sale, like new $:l,000. li'intcresrcd, c:tll (.\I(,) (,<)7 :1ii2S. l.i\MINAR Iii ST l•:xccllclll condition, mylar sail, RST control har mod. Tlris glider is the sweetest med topic.is available. l'lcasc ctll JC: Brown for details. (505) 2'Jii 8(H!. l.;\MJN;\R ST Iii Crc:lt condition, 5 montlts new, glide monster $/i,8'50 will ship. Cdl Clcn Volk 1-800 )75 51 ?.O.
Number of months: ... SECTION
unless account established. No cancellations or refunds after deadline. Ad insertions FAXed or made by to a credit card. ad as follows:
Flex Wings :J Emergency Parachutes J Parts & Accessories J Business & Employment J Miscellaneous J Paragliders J Videos
issue and run for
IJ & Dealers IJ Ultralights rJ Rigid Wings J IJublications &
Wanted J Harnesses
My 'J check, IJ money order is enclosed in the amount
USHGA, P.O Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901 (719) 632-8300 • fax (719) 632-6417
NOVIMl3ER 1997
LMvllNAR 14 Excellent condition, a steal at $3,300. (815) 234-5388. LAMINAR~ ST, 14, 13 in stock. WALLABY RANCH (9-11) -124-0070. fJKF NEW -- Moyes XS 155, 50 homs, never dam· aged, tip f111s $1,200/offcr. Rodger Hoyt (5/i I) 66/i30'!5. MAClC VI 17'7 (5/i I) 327· 1TlO.
TRX 158 1991;, superclean, extra faired upright, white diamond rrilarn kcvlar l.E, frrll race $2,3')5. Andy (520) 525 2657.
TRAININC HARNESSES (513) 961-2817.
PARJ\GL!DERS VISfONS & PULSES Bought-Sold Traded. Raven Sky Sports (Ii 1Ii) liTJ-8800. VfSION l'ULSF l lM Nice colors, flown less than 3 homs, harness and chmc included $2,100 OBO. (51i I) 582-2(,27.
Mylar sandwich sail $750 ONO.
Cood condition, plenty of great (107) 332-9683. MOYES SX5 Super Xtralite, crispy new,< IO hours, bluc/pmplc w/white holographic l.F $3,500 OHO. (805) 562-{}88. MOYES XS J 6') New LE, sidewires, very good $1,650 will ship. (713) 827-07:$8, m.williar11s<?~\;sss.co1n
MOYES XT PRO 1(/5 Novice/intermediate double surface, 25 hours, great shape $2,900. (114) 47:l--8800. PACAlR MARK lVI 9 w/new Tracer harness, paracht1te, wheels, helmet $1,900. ((, 17) (,62-9981.
XTRAI.ITE lli7 -· Great condition, purple and <80 hours, flies great $2,000. (626) 3579/i79
XTRAI ITE lli7 Good condition, bl:rck-n-white, mylar$ I, 500. (813) 526 .. 3(,29 l'lorida. XTRALITE liil ...... ... Excellent Cond ........... $2,600 f !PAT H5 ................. Excellent condition ....... $1,000 SPECTRUM 165 ...... l .ikc New ...................... ,r2000 Also Mark TV's and hrlcons. All gliders include iirll inspection & test flight. Arizona I fang Gliding Center ('520) 6.'l2-li 11 It. EMERGENCY PARACHUTES
Look under New York. RIGID WINGS
SWIFT New, (805) 1189-2220.
XC: 155 -- J,:xccllcnt conclirion, Duck BO, great shape $500. (5/iO) 722-9871.
MOYES CSX SX, XTL, XS3, XT, etc. New and nearly new. Availabk immediately. Nation's largest Moyes dealer. WALLABY RANCH (9/i 1) 42/i-0070.
Two, $50 & $200.
Ul.'J'RALIGl!TS BUILD/FLY Yom own BACKPACK POWERED PARACHUTF for fun/profit. Takes off from level ground unassisted. Safe, simple, inexpensive. Detailed book with sources. Now only $19.95. Easy Up, 1089 Medford Center 1121/ig, Medford OR 97501.
Look under New York.
TRIKE WING I 5sqfi (20 meter) Moyes double surface, handles great, exccllcm condition $1,700. 32' diameter paraclrmc w/deploymcnt pod $100, or both for $1,800. Bill Buchwald (619) lili5-1925.
7./i GORE PDA With swivel for tandem $520 OBO. 22 gore w/swivcl $1i20. Many more paradrntcs to choose from. (41 Ii) 473-8800.
PULSES & VISIONS Bought-Sold Traded. Raven Sky Sports (Ii IIi) /il}-8800. R/\MAJR J 5/i ,._.I.ow homs, excellent shape, winglcts ;ivailahle $2, I00. (.303) li/i9--0'i I}. RAM/\JR 15/i 961-2817.
Whirc, logo, winglcts $ l, 500. (513)
IIARNESSES CLOUDBASE HARNESSES & lJI.TRAMITTS Also sail repairs :md DISCOUNTS on varios :rnd p:m1cllt11cs. NEW LOCATION Jilt mile from !JEN. SONS launch. Qu:rliry lurncsscs since J 972. (li23) 'J/i9-705/i.
ROCKET CITY AIR.SPORTS Tbc fun, safe place you learn quickly and safrly professional instnrctors. Great place for first cross country flights. Three sites and a
Three 165
in near new condition, w/all options
uu-,p:,,,Lu,.,. Raven Sky Spons (Ii IIi) iiTl-8800.
acron1g for those \(orhcr"
Learn ro
acrorow and earn yom AT rating. Mention this ad, a friend and receive one lesson 1/2 price. Call 533-1025 or (205) 776-9995.
SPORT 167 Full race, grcar condition $6'i0 OBO. (616) 779-02/i6.
Nice shape $1,11'5 OBO, will SUl'FRSPORT lli3 trade for Falcon 1/i() in good shape. (11 12) 77/i-6031. SUl'ERSPORT !!iii Immaculate, <10 hours $2,500. l ·larncss, l\all vario, Yacsu radio: hcst offrr. (208) 788-1 li22. SUPERS PORT J 63 Excellent condition, lime -·'50 homs $1,300 OBO. (805) 567-
TOPLESS l.A MOlJETTF 12M ., . $:3,300 <20 hours, white LF, blue undersmfacc. J:lics great, easy to sc-i--up. tCrcai-*
De the first at your site ro go top-
less, without breaking your hank account. Conracr l'lytec US/\ l-800-662-211ii9.
LAZER $799 JETSTREAM $799 - Borh harnesses arc designed with tire same body. The di!forcnccs arc in tbc spreader frames · tire Lai".er being flexible and the Jetstrc:rm being a Jirll hack-f'rnme "comp'' harness. Via a conversion kit, either harness can be converted fo dtc other (you virtually gcr rwo harnesses in one). i\inimc of San Francisco (Ii 15) /', J. 5068, email: airtimc(alion, ix.net
ll!Cll FNERGY POD HARNESSES Sizes & styles monthly, $:100-/iOO. CC 1OOO's $250. Cocoons $?.00 each. l<ncchangers & stirrnps also available. (Ii Iii) iiTl-8800.
TR3 -- Topless, 1997, (,() hours, white &. black $/iJOO shipped. (2'18) 39/i 1227 Michigan.
FLY AWAY HANC CUDING THIS WINTER FLY SANTA BARBARA! Consistent conditions mike our mrnmtains and training hill the best. US! J(;A ccr· ti/-Jed instrnction. Tammy Bnrcar (805) 'J(,J .. 2"7(i(i http://www.bodytrcnds.com/flyaway.htm
Airtime San Francisco has what you need to get Airtime!
training hill in the west! !'nil service shop, established 1971. PO Box .'l:\9, Santa Barbara C:A 931 !i0--1.3:l'J, email: wcflyunivCrDaol.com (805) 965-
Pilots Toy Store For the best selection of name brnnd Hang Gliding cquipmenr on rlw West ( :oast visit the frcsbly stocked showroom of Airtime. lk sure your getting the right wing, harness, i11srrumenr, wheels, gloves, helmet, radio, etc for your You will find tbc brand, mod-
el and size you need at
right price.
I lang Gliding Man Ken Brown heads up the new Hang C:liding division ,n Airtime. With his energy pushing Hang C:liding f,,r-
I.ocatcd in bcanriful San Diego. Hang gliding and paragliding instruction, sales and service, condnctccl at TORREY PINES and local mrnmtains. Spend your winter vacation flying with ns. Demo our line oCglidcrs and cquip-
1ncnt at the ;ilways convcnicrn and world famous
TORREY PINES. We proudly offer !CARO (LAMINAR ST), MOYES (SX), WILLS WIN<; (XC) and all kinds of stuff. Makers or the DROGUE CJIUTE. (Gl9) 561-1009
ward you can he sure 10 receive the best service on any
related to f·lang Gliding.
ARIZONA HANG Cl.lDING CFNTFR INC. We arc a /i,11-timc, FULL SERVICE hang shop located jnst minutes from the BEST site in Arizona, Mountain. \X/e have the most conlprchensive
training progrnm availahlc and can teach yon to be a SAFE pilot in less time' We stock har· ncsscs and insrn1mc1Hs frorn Wills, J\irw:1vc, Moyes,
Flytec, Ball, Energy, CC: and many more! We need your t Ccnil.icd instrnctors Rob Richardson & Tim llelms. 350+ FLYABLE DAYS PER YEAR! 150-l. South Highway (i') IJcwcy AZ 8G327 '520 632-411 Ii al1gcGil11orrh Ii 11 k.corn ARKANSAS OZARK MOUNTAIN I IAN(; CL! DFRS Sales, service and instruction. 160 Johnston Rd, Searcy AR 11,. (501) 27')2/i80.
Glider Outfitter Extrnrdinaire Ken has lined up Moyes, Wills Wing, Altair and Airwave w oud1t you with the righr glider fill· your flying fiu,,re. Demo the best of the new gliders in the conditions you like. Race the race foce gliders m thc race place, Fort Funston! Climb the newest iirn flyer in a smooth California Thcnual, Year round. Check out the X(: potential or the latest hot ships at top west coast XC: sites. Buy from proven outfitter. Your satisfaction
I ITGf f ADVENTURE Hang school. Equipment sales, service, at Southern California's mile high site, Crestline. USIICA Instructor Roh McKenzie. By appointment year round. ('J09) 883-M88.
31401 Riverside Dr. CA
is our success.
909-674-2453 Flying Safaris Arc you to he in the San Francisco Bay area? Want ro go Sure you do! I<en docs lots of trips to the local flying sites and you can come along if there is room in the van. ( :all or email to schedule. Paragliding. A dirty word? Airtime is also home to one oC the largest paragliding schools on the west coast. Airtime extends a 20'X, dis-
FUJ.1. SERVICE SI !OP Located on Hwy 7/i at the base of the Santa Ana mountain range. Proudly representing ALL major brands. Rcutals available to quali lied pilots. Open 6 days a week 9arn--5pm, closed on Mondays. Visa/Mastcrcard/Americ:rn Express.
count on lessons if your interested in checking out this
sport. Oiler limited to current \JSHCA members rated hang or ahovc. Be lliwingual' Call or email to schedule.
Located i11 Northern California. MACIC: AIR Lessons, sales, service. (707) %3-3155.
CALIFORNIA Special Clinics Orange C:01m1y's ADVENTlJRFS UNUMITED 1,rcrnier school. US! JC:A ccni/ied instruction and tandem specialist. New & used equipment, Wills Wing dealer. www.annet.net/--skydog/indcx.hunl (71/i) ii')(,. 8000.
] t is a proven foct) recurrent training keeps aviators
from having as many accident. As recreational aviators we arc all in need of recurrent training. Airtime has
scl1cdulcd some of the finest minds in hang gliding to prcscnr scrninms on the Speci,11 Skill sign-off, Cross Country, Competition as well as others to be added. Don't let yom ego keep you from sharpening your skills. Call or email for the updated schedule. ( :orne Check us om in person ot visit us on the WWW. Either way you will find the best thing in Hang is Airtime. Address: 3620 Wawona SF ( :A 'J/i 116 Phone: Ii 15 75') 1 I Fax 115 759 1182 !'.mail: Airtime~ilearrhlinc.net kern1yh2uG-i\10l.con1 Wch Page: WWW Air--time.com
NovrMlllR 1997
()ur comprehensive instruction progratn, locarcd at- the San h·ancisco Bay Area's prcrnicr training s!tc, fraturcs
gently slo1ied "bunny hills," supcrlitc gliders and com·· f,mabk training harnesses' "l'IRST FL!Gl IT," a video presentation of our beginner lesson program, is avaiJ ..
able 1,,r only $2.0 including shipping (may be fljJplird 10 your l1'ssm1 Our deluxe retail shop showcases the latest in
innovations. We
stock new and used Wills, Airwavc and Moyes PLUS all the hottest new harnesses. Trade-ins arc we!· come. Take a flight on our amazing new VIRTUAi. REALITY hang gliding lliglit simulator! I J 16 Way, Milpitas (nmr ,\1111 Jose) CA 95035. (108) 262l 055, fax (/i08) 262- l:l88, MSC!lGl?ilaol.com www.llANG-Gl.li )!NC.corn
s NO
THE NAMF SAYS IT ALL! Join us at Walts Poim and other launches for the flights of' your life. Tours/rides ro launch/retrievals/XC: and record clinics. Camping and hunkbousc/Windrnlker bunch info. Equipment sales and rrntals/rivcr and hackcountry excursions. The !fang Cliding Centers' Owens Base Camp opens May I 5th. Please call today to pl:111 your vacation. Programs Cor novice pilots and 11011pilots. Tandem XC the Sinras! Toll free (888) OWENS XC
WlNDSPORTS LA's largest since 197/i. Fifteen minutes from LAX. Central to Sylmar, Cresrline, Elsinore and tr,1ining sites. Vacation training, flying
and glider sales including lodging and rcnt:tls. The most popular gliders and cqutpment, new and used in stock. Trade in your old equipment. .325 sunny days each year. Come fly with us! 16145 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys CA 'Jlli06. (818) '!88-0111, !'ax {818) ')8818(,2. COI.ORADO AIRTJME ABOVE HANC Cl.l])]N(;
Fnll timc
lessons, sales) service. Colorado's most experienced,
Wills Wing, High Energy, Ball, Moyes. ClOl) (illi2/i') 1 Airtime] IC(t~)aol.com
The Aerotow Flight Park SatisC1ctirn.1 Guarautced
WF I JAVF The mo.it adv:rnced training program known to hang gliding, teaching you in hall" the time it takes on the tr;iining-BUNNY I IILL, and with nwn· in flight air 1i111c. YES, WE CAN TFACI I YOU FASTER AND SAFER. l'or year-round training fun in the su11, call or write Miami I Jang Gliding {.)05) 2858978. 25'50 S Bayshorc Drive, Coconut Crovc, l'lorida ::33113.
Jmt 8 miles from Disney World• Central to Anrnctions • YEAR ROUND SOARING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • FOUR TUGS, NO WAITING EVERY DIRECTION 50+ NJLE demos to fly: Topless Gliders: Laminar, Moyes, TR3, Wills. S111x:r Xtralite, XC, ( :onccpt, Shark, Sting, Falcon, Supcrfloater and more; also harnesses, varios, etc.
l .ook under New York.
Ages 13 To Tl have learned to fly here. No one comes close to our level of cxpcrirnce and success with raudcm aerorow instruction.
QUEST AIR SOARJNC: CENTER Your vacation hang location. (Yi?.) li2'J-02 l:l, fax (:l52) li29
/i8/i(), Vislt our website at: www.q11cstairforcc.co111 or email us: qucstairc?ilsurnlial.nct
10 motels&. resraurams within
mins., camping, hor
showers> shade trees, sales, sloragc> ratings, X(: retrievals) great wcatl1cr) cli1nbing wait tranipolinc)
DSS TV, ping pong, bungee swing, picnic tables, swimming pooL etc.
Flights of over I 00 miles and more than (i hours. Articles i11 Hang l<itpl11ncs, Ci·o.l'.f Gmntry and others. Featured 011 numerous TV shows, including ESPN2. Visit us on the Web: hup://www.wallaby.com USI-ICA CERTIFIED TANDEM INSTRUCTION ··- By McNamec. Acrorow train,ng &. ratings. Dealer for major flight and aerorow cqnipmenr, 1.5 hours from Disneyworld. Call (.'\52) 21i5-826:l.
Please call u.s for references and video. J 805 Dean Still Road, Wallaby Ranch, Florida 338.'3'7·
9358 ('J41) 421t-0070 phone & fax Conservative Reliable• State 01 rhc Art
LOOKOUT MOUNTAl:-1 FIJCHT PARK Sec ad nndcr Ccorgia. Nearest m01mtain trainiug cemcr ro Orl:mdo (only 8 homs).
Your ad is read by than 10,000
l'.11.( ;, INC/FLYING FLORIDA SJ~CE 1974 Malcolm Jones, David Clover, Rhett Radford, Ryan Clover, Ansrin Collins, Torn Ramseur & Jim Applcro11
Nestled in rhc foothills by I.Ml'l''s L111dzone, THE LAN DING offers private, fi.dly for-· clean cabins wit Ii Dish TV and an RV Park and Campgronnd. 11" you fly or arc planning to learn, ltmd in your own Call Gina for rcscrvmions and info at I -800-803-/788. Let's make some memories.
•• '''
NEW llUNKHOUSJ•: /\T LOOKOlJTI For visit ing pilots. Separate frmale ,md unisex dormitories, w/nrnlriplc showers/bathrooms for each. Call Creg at The Landing RV Park & Cabins J.8()() 803·77S8 1 HAWAII Hang flying on Kauai. Cerriiled r:mdem instruction. (808) 822,'5309 or (808) 6Y) · 1067, birdi1CiilaJoha.ne1 www.birclsinparadise.com
ILLINOIS RAVEN SKY SPORTS (312) 360,0700 or (Ii IIi) /i?}.8800. Please om ,1<l nnder W[SCONSIN. INDlANA
TANDEM. Airwavc dealer. 6733 Columbia J\ve., Hammond, IN 4632/i (7, I'!) 845 28'56. (Ii 14) fi7J .. 8800. Please sec RAVEN SKY SPORTS our ad under WISCONSIN.
KANSAS Full service school & PRAIRIE l IJ\NC Cl.lDFRS dealer. Crear tandem in.mucrion, 1owi11g IY XC: pack, ages. (316) :l75·2')9'i.
NOVIMllER 1997
lnsrruc1ion, sales, scr
vice. Sandia Mountain guides. Wills, /\irwavc.
J\lbuquerque, NM (505) 82l·B51ili.
BASED IN BEAUTIFUL VALLE DE BRAVO experienced, professional group
LOOKOUT MOUNTJ\IN FLlGHT PJ\RK Sec our display ad. Discover why FOUR TIMES as many pilots earn their wings at I .ookout rhan at any other school! We wrote tJSHCJ\'s Ollkial Training Manual. Our specialty·customcr satisfaction and fon wirh the BEST FJ\CILITIES, largcsr inventory, . ming, volleyball, more! For a 11ying trip, intro or lesson packages, l.oolrnm Mountain, jmr outside Chattanooga, yom COMPLETE training/service ccn· tcr. In!,,? (800) 688··LMJ1P.
MOUNTAIN WFST IIANC CLl!)]NC Farmington's only full service school ,md Wills Winµ, dealer. tow and tandem (50'5) (,32 ·
NORM LESNOW'S l'!YJNC ADVENTURES Tandem, turbo tug dragonfly inrroductory and foll range of lesson programs beginner ro Acrnrow clinics & USHGA appropriate rar .. ings available. US[ IC:/\ cerri/Jed school. Please contact Norm Lcsnow·Masrcr l'ilot, Examiner, Advanced Tandem l nstructor, Tow Administrator. (8 l O) 399 .. 943.3, FlJLf,..'rJME school. www.ScriousSports.com
NEW YORK A/Ii\ i:IJCI IT SCI 1001 - M(){JNTAIN WINGS and EAST COAST PARAGI.ID[NG in Ellenville NY. Simply the largest, MOST PROFESSIONAi. training /;,cility in the NE with 1 years experience. 7 ltd! lime ccnihcd instructors, Ii exclusive training hills. We stock everything available for pilots and sell & service AIR, WAVE, J\V8, ALTAIR, Wll.l.S WING and now MOYES, also SWIFT, SlJPERl'I.OJ\TER, KASPER WING and /\LL l'J\RAGUDER BRJ\NDS. Unbeatable prices Oil Fnll time towillg focility, tandems, IC:P, clinics. We do it all. (91 Ii) 61il:U7/, 1111nwings<A10!.com. 150 Canal Street, Ellenville NY I 2li28. OUR EXPERIENCE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. ELLENVILLE FLIGHT PARK Sales, service, US! IC/\ certified instrnction. Dealer for AIRBORNF., LA MOUETTE TOPLESS, APCO, i1mn1111e11ts, accessories. 80 Hang Clider Road, FIJC!lvillc NY 12ii28. Call Tony Covelli or Jane, phone/fox (')Iii) (i47· I 008. FLY I llCH HANC GLlDINC, INC. Serving S. New York, ( :onnecricut, Jersey areas (Ellenville Mrn.) /\tea's EXCLUSIVE Wills Wing dcakr/spccialist. J\lso all other major brands, accessories. Cenif'icd school/instruci-ion. Teaching since l ()79. J\rca's most
TRAVERSE ClTY HANG GLIDERS/PJ\RAGLTD. ERS J1UL!,..'f!MF shop. Cerrified instruction, foot launch and row. Sales, service, accessories for ALL major brands. VISA/MASTERCARD. Come soar our 150' dunes! l 509 E gt h, Traverse City Ml li%81i. powered paragliding lessons & dealer for new units, including d1e Whisper and rhe Fly. Call Bill at (61 G) 92?.·28/ili. Visit our paragliding school in Jacksoll, Wyoming. Call Tracie at (.307) 739,8(,20.
INEXPENSIVE prices. l'xcellcnr secondary instruc> tion ... if you've llllished a program ,md wish to con tin· uc. Fly the mmnnain! /\TOI. Tandem flights! C:omact Paul 516:l Rd, Pinc Bush, NY l 2'Wi, (9 IIi) 7.
IJ<AROS SPORT AVJ/\'J'ION & Spartan Microliglit Manufacturing. NYC first and only certi fiecl school for hang gliding, par,1gliding and trikc.s. Distribmors/dcalcrs for all major brands. Manufactmcr for the BEST microlights in the world, SPARTJ\N. New and used equipment ar best prices. The mos1 friendly service in NY. hit catalog send $5 to: ISi\, 381 l Dinmrs Blvd /1110, Astoria NY 11105. Store: 7.931 Newtown J\ve., Astoria NY. Phone/tax (718) 7000, email: Jkarosl 1 v1\1ol.com l11rernet: http://mcmbers.aol.com/ikaros 1 l /fly.bun
ADVENTURE SPORTS Sierra soaring rours and tandem our specialty. H gliding/paragliding USHCJ\ cerrilied instruction. and full service shop for J\ltair, J\irwavc, Moyes, US Aerns, Wills Wing. '365() .. ?.2 Research Way, Carson C:iry, NV 89706 (702) 88J·7070 phone/fox, email: advsprs@lpyramicl.ner web site: http://www.pyrnmid.net/advsprs
SlJSQUEll/\NNJ\ FIJCJ IT l'J\!U( Coopcrs1ow11, NY. Certified lusrruclion, Sales and Service for all major manufacrmers. /i() acre park, training hills, jeep rides, bunk house, hot showers, 600' NW ridge. We have the best in N. New York stale to reach you how ro fly. c/o Dan Guido, Box 293 Shoemaker Rd, Mohawk NY I Yi07, (j I 'i) 866,61 '5.'l.
MINNESOTA SPORT SOJ\RINC CENTFR/MINNEAPOJJS lnslnrction, equipmetll dealers for Wills Wing, Pacific J\irwave & Edel. (612) 688··0181.
Look under New York.
Tim Chctrlebois. /Hlf!,C 13.
Jeff ]Tum had been looking over shoulder at goal and cirnc running up to Jim and me and said, "Well, do you want to know who won?" I poinrcd to Jim and s,1id, "Ile did." Jim poimcd at me and said, "No he did." Jeff said, "Jim, Roh bear you scv· en seconds!" rota I time after frlur scored flights and 12,800 feet of vertical: 20:00. Jim's: 20:01 ! Jim and I split the first- and sec ond-placc money, since had he not been slammed I'm sure he would have won. A better teammate and pcmlcman you'll never know! '" The rncdia loved the drama of rhc close race as ir went hack and forth between lirsr/second and third/fourth place. 'fom Tttum, one of the film makers covthc event, said ir was the most sports cvcm he had ever lilmcd! He has cov· crcd over one hundred different events including speed skiing, white water downhill mo11ntain bike racing, stadium motocross, and free-style skiing. 'fom plans to have a video of the event available through the USHGA hy late falL lt should be a hot one! 'J'hrcc days afrer the event the editors of World Wide ·rv called 'fom, excited aboUI the footage. 'J 'hey aired rhree min mes of' it in more rhan 50 countries. Who knows? Maybe Murr;1y the founder of' the World I Jang Gliding Series, is on 10 son1e, rhing here. Diving for dollars or Speed ( ;Jiding, dl ir what you like. The adrcnaline,-producing power oflow, fast flying has made 1his the hang gliding com pct ition format of choice (1x the media so for. Special thanks to rhe volunteers, to for rnaking 'JiJluride the fly.in of the that it used to be, 10 Jim I .cc /ix the clean llasetubc, l'<> Steve Pearson and Mike Meier for the Fusions we flew, and to my dm1glncr for loaning me Speedy the Beanie Baby!
st:an Rip r 111'·rn,nh
your over a Linc 180° turn then lcvd out to through and frirth to a mile (1.6 km) Rway and .If you wem too on the .later portion of the which hurts your overall time. Much to max out this course, as can be seen the time scores beginning end meet. flnal round. Although total airtime was co1L1n1recl in minutes tlrnn the excitement flight surpasses that other type offlying. Winners and losers alike were enthusiastic about this of 'fbe most was Rob who won the co1np,any•s (Wills Fusion. In second place was Jirn Lee on and Rob bear him seven seconds fr>r 'Tim Osborn of New
Falls in
realize the main We'll sec you next year in Hi\NC Ci IDINC
l !ILL COUNTRY l'ARAGI.IDINC lNC I .earn cornpk-tc pilor skills. l'crsonalizcd lJSHCA ccni/icd training) ridge soaring, fool &, tow launching in ccntTal Texas. MOTORIZED PJ\RAGLID!NG JNSTRlJC. TION & EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. (<Jl 5) .179· 118'i. Rt 1, Box 16F, Tow TX 78672.
Foor la11nch, plarform sales, rcnt,1ls and repair. Airwave & Wills Wing. Fon Worth and north Texas area. }, 11 Ellis, Allen TX 75002. (972) :l')O.<J090 nighrs, weekends. launch and acrotow j11srn1ction too.
RED R[VER AIRCRJ\FT/GO .. .l!J\N<; CUDJNG!!! ···· Jeff !font, ,rn 11 Red River Sr., Austin Texas 78751. l'h/fax (512) li67-2'i29 rrajcfI(a>aol.com TOTAL AIR SPORTS Area's OLDEST Wills Wing dealer. Ccrrificd insrmnion available. "I DEAL with WILLS" 6354 Limestone, Housron T/0'!2. (Tl 3) <J56-6 t li7. AER()TOWING TANDEM fNSTRUCTION BOAT TOWJNG • l'ARN;J.IDING MOUNTAIN CLINTCS FOOT LAUNCII OPEN YFAR ROUND • BEACII RESORT EQUIPMENT SAi .FS AND SERVJCE
(800) Tmcrncr Address: hn.p:/)ww\11.ki.rtyha,Hk.corn F-Mail Address: hanr,-glidd"1<Yurer-banlks.,.:om
ARMADTLLO Cl.1DER BACS Protecr your glider from UV and all of natmcs clcmc111s. Cusrom made hcavy-dury wlrull lcngrh zipper $90 (plus $7.50 FXCI.US/VELY rhrough Kenrnckiana Soaring, li25 N Ave., Clarksville IN •f7129. (812) nR-7111, (812) 284--li\15. MC/Visa.
CALL KFNTllCKTANA SOJ\RlNC 711 l for the best price.
(812) 288
UTAH WASATCH WINGS FlJLL TIME USHGA ccrrified HG instruction ar l'oinr of rbc Mounrain and moumain .,ires. Dealer for Aeros, \l(!ilJs Wings, Airwavc and much more. Call Zac (801)
PENNSYLVANIA MOUNTAIN TOP RECRE/\T[ON Certified insrruction, Pirrsbmgh. (Ii l 7,) 697 .fi/i"/7. C'MON our AND PLAY! MOUNTAfN WINCS
Look under New York. Bl UF
instruction, cquiptncnr Savers. Call Steve (510) li32·6557.
Sec Nonh C:arolim.
BEST WHFELS AVAILABLF Super ro11gh, lightweight, a musr for tandem Hying. Builr-in bushings. Only USA-builr wheel. $1i2.95, quanriry discounts. Immediate delivery. Lookout Mountain, (800) 688-LMFP.
SI! ,VER WINCS, INC. Cerrilicd instruction and equipmcm sales. (703) 533· l %'> Arlington VJ\. WISCONSIN
HA'l,;!J< AIRSPORTS INC P.O. Bo, 9056, Knoxville, TN 37910-0056, (li2'.l) 7,J2-li9'J4. Jiang Gliding and world farnons Windsoks. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FLIGHT PARK ad under Georgia.
RAVEN SKY SPORTS HANC GLTD[N(; AND PARJ\GLJDING Largest and most popular in the Midwest. Traditional curriculum, ridge soaring, moun· rain clinics, Dragonfly & tandems by Brad Kushner. Salcs/scrvicc/:1cccssorics all major brands. PO Box 10], Whitcw:1rcr WI 5:Jl90 (414) 47}-8800. PARTS & ACCESSORIES
TEXAS AUSTIN Al R SPORTS INC. Cerri fied l"oor la11nch, tow & randcm rrnining. Sales/service, Srcve & hwl Burns WINDEMERE (7.10) 69\5805. IIOUSTON (281) li/1-1 li8B.
ABSOLUTELY TJJF BEST Prices for Ball v,irios/l'arachurcs. ((i I 'J) 7,7,9-00!i8, email: rebrokcrtr1lincon1.11cr AEROTOWJNG ACCESSORIES Sec TOWfNG. THE WALLABY RANCH (941) li21i-0070.
quick vario married to an excel· lcnr altimeter ro new gencrarion lascr··trimmcd !itrlc Rl'·-proof box transducers. Squeezed into only 5x3x I A" still has reserve fntcrchangcablc broad Velcro straps or base rnbc 111011111ing hardware. $7-95 Shipping inc. (80')) 682-1088. Brcadpan uni rs still $295. I .ascr 1rim111ed retrofit available $85. ROBERTS CLIDFR INSTRUMENTS 3:>liO C:I .IH DRIVE SANTA BARBARA CA 93109
C:I IRISTM/\S CIITS And C:crtilic:,tvs for ti](' pilo1s in yo11r ]if~,, from t!1c rnant1focrnrcr witli the largest, mos{ value packed invcrnory o/' hang gliding :1cccssoric;-, he1wccn .~]() and $100 on ibc rnn1incn1' Cut oul 1hc middlc1mn! Cunnison Clidcrs, 15/i'J Conmy Ro:id C;unnison ( :o 81230. ('J/0) <,ii J . ' ) \ ] TllF "DUST llFVIL" WIND DIRECTION INDl C:ATOR BY BAlJE!l AVIATION PRODUCTS. The only ACTUATED wind direction indiu10r on il,c marke1. Simply 1hc he.st lllcthod available Ill !he X( · pilot. Whrn dropped Crom alti111dc 1he ''Dusi Devil" sends an oC chalk on i111p:ic1, up to 15 fcTt high. visible Crom great dist,11ices, th, "lJust I kvil" :ib, ;iligns a s1rea111er with the direction of the wind.
legal to use, and
cxtrcrncly reliable. Poses no 1hre;11 oC fire ;ind CAN BF RFLO/\IWI l FOR LFSS Tl 1/\N CENTS A POP. Ir utili1es starnLm! C:()} cm ridges and cli:1lk. Its small sin' (6" x I makes it easy to store on your harness or downtuhe. I'm rnmpktc "Dust Devil" starter ki1, send $/ili.')5 , $'i SI\'.! I, check or moucy order 10: lhuer 1\via1 ion Products, !'Cl l\ox 23ii62, S:rn lliego C\ '!ll'!:l. ((,l'l) /I 'i 8/i 10.
I JOW MANY Tl MI S I lave yott wished show yottr family and friends what your last ing advrnrure looked like> Wcll uow you can! nnv LOOK MA CAMCORDER HELMET BRACKET. This hrackct mounts perfectly to yottr hdmct with no altctaliorn; 10 your helmet or camcorder. \Xlid1 this bracket yo11r canicra is mounted at eye-level
which allows you to fll111 exactly wli;1t you sec. 11 is made or biller aluminum, ligh1weigl11 and lurdw:irc and rools included for only bnilt to List. $'i'J $(, for shi111,iug and h:rndling. Call Ross l.td l -888 276 21 Oli f,n your LOOI< MA CAMCORDER llFl.MFr llRi\CKF.T.
EXTFND TIIE Lll'E OF YOUR W!NC /\ND l'QUIPMFNT WITf I !JP TO !00% UV SUN l'ROTFCTION. 100% rno11cy-bark g11:ir:1111n: 1 ".lO.l l'ro1cct:111t /y ( :lc:111cr" is the only I Oll'X, guar:tntccd 11rov,·u sun hlock which provides up to I 00% LIV protec· tiun to sail cloth. M.tde iu lJS;\, and licld 1cstcd, one
Use on s:iil cloth, vinyl, lc:ithcr, nylon and more' .1pplic11io11 Lis1s .lO to /;() homs of' IOO'Yr, \JV sun hlock expmuu· J'hc kit includes (I) l(,oz trigge1 spray ( I) .l}m refill hmtlc and rnrnplctc set of inmuctions. Scml 1;:Jli.'J'i (( :alifomia residents :idd s:ilcs 1ax) plm shipping (mnsidc \JS/\·c:1111,,r shipping 10: lbnnt'l'S Unli111itcd, l'() Box 700ft, I.os Osos. 'JlliJJ. (HO'S) '5J8'SOl8, f:,x (80'i) 'i28·lS2'J.
Tl IF NEW TNCRF.lllB!.E F1\RM!l<E 515, Jusl plug it into the otttlct in your car and press the ptt hutton
Unique, rnrnsu,tl & crc,uiw h,mg gliding rcbtcd gif'ts and trophic:i. Free catalog'. So,1ring I lrc:11m, I I 71 (, 11airvicw, Boise Idaho 8T7 I:,. ()08) l/(,7'Jl1.
c;11: I'S /1-i TROPJ !IFS
the control pic•cc when trans-
( :an be /,1 through your sleeve and attach 10 with Velcro. Tltc earpiece is washable. is for Icom, Y~1csu, Alinco and more. h1rmikc
is for Kenwood. l 111 rodnctory price Cor
1he hcst mic in the m:1rkc1 is $')ii.'J5. JS;\ ph/fax (718) l!Fl.MFTS
!111cgr:1l l'x i\i, l<cvlcr, top-of~t!,cline
$180-$.lUO. lliscottuts 011 small & XS in stock. (ii i!i)
/ill 8800.
' .. ' $C:i\J.l .... $] 'i'J.'J'i
.. $1 'i'J.OO ...$.")9.00 .. .. $(,')'),()()
l!El.Ml'TS PFl.l .F &. Rl'.l'I.FX Full !'ace ........ OVERSTOCK CLEARANCE .... .. .. .Ji I 2'i.OO ................. Black & other ugly colors... Pi\NORi\MJC: ..... Fnll bee ... $lli'J.OO Ll!E I'?., Used, l.:irgc w/P'J T.. .. .. $}00.00 UVEX ... hi\l l'an ... $7'!0.00
Pi\RACII\JTES WILLS W!NC LAl<A ........ w/P:uaswivcl ..... $C:i\l.l l l!C:11 ENFRC:Y (?lii\NTl!M . . ................. $C:i\l.l Edel, Ni\S, WW, l'roDcsigu, !11•:S & More MIS(:FLLANFOUS i\RMi\lllLI () ( ;Jidcr Travclhag .. UV resist aIll .. $90.00 WIND 1\DVISl lRY AIRSl'FEll W/Clarnp .... $2.3.00 I li\11. l'i\Ri\CIJDFR i\lRSPFFI l..... ......... P8.'J'\ I lOOI< l<Nfl·F .................. $1 /i.'!5 MASON'S TOW RLIF;\SF... .. ........ $'>2.00 lJ.M ITTS ............. Clcat:incc Overstock.. ........ $7.S.OO AVOCl':1" I'll OT W i\TC:HFS.. ..$ I Jli.li'i 1
(812) 288 7 I I I
1llCI I l'FRSPFC'I IVF WI IFFI.S Real !iii· s:ivns 1 I , light, tough. !'its all glidns. Send $Ii l.95 , $Ii.SO per p:iir to i\vi:ition. !'() Box IO I, ,\I in1,,willc I';\ I !,B'i(L ahom our dealer prices.
Nov, Mllrn 1997
. .. $760.00
.. ...... Demo.
RADIOS-i\LI MODELS i\Vi\11.i\BIF Yi\E.SU lTl JR ..... .. 5 w,111 ..... $.,O'i.00 KENWOOD Tl 127. watt. ...... $Ci\!.!. J'/C: l'ingcrswitch/l lcadsct ......... l lc:1vy Dut) ..... $8').00 5/8 TFLESCOP!(: i\NTENN1\. .. ..$20.'J'i 5/8 Gi\lN DlJCJ< AN'ITNN1\.. .. ..... $17.'J'\ l .i\R Ti\I.K.SPEAKFR/MIC SYSTI\M .. S:ilc .. $6(l.00 VC:?2 Y/11\SLJ \/ox/PTT ......... $58.'J'i MOBILE... . ......... 50 wa11 ......... $299 Tl'i.00 TUNF \JP w/W:irranty Intact .... .............. $:\', 50.00 IC:OM V68.. .. ............. I J/ 17/irnhz. . ..$n'J.OO i\LJNGJ ..... $C:i\LL
10m: ;JJ lplicat ion i:> 1()()(:{i guaranteed to cxtL'11d 1hl' exist·· your wing and cq11ipnu·111 up to twice ;ts
Ing lift·
KENT\JCl<Ji\NA SOARING ( :()tt11111111ic1tio11s s,)ccialist ! Best Prices & !lest Scrvic,,1 ( :11stomcr Sat is foci ion ( :unr:rntccd.1 OVERSTOCK & C:LOSF-OUT I HMS! VAR!OS: FLIG!!T DFCKS Nl•:W B1\I.I.CRi\l'l llCS i'l.lJS. .. ....... $C:Al.l. llALL CRAPI IIC:S COMI'. ... DEMO ... S'J00.00 .... \l(,0.00 Bi\11. MI'!.. ;\IRC:OTl'.C: Piccolo l'lus, Demo... . ............ M00.00 DIClFI.Y ....... DEMOS .. Sii00.00 l'l,YTEC !iO IO ...... ! Jcrno ...... .$'i.l.\.OO
"New" Fingerswitch Radio Headset. by Flight Connections. HEAVY-DUTY HE/\DSET with switch allows pilot ro commnnicate while hands on rhe con I rol bar or brakes. Safer and more reliable cornnrnnicn-ions. Your instrument is pro·tcctcd wirb a 90 day mlg warranty with repair service available beyond the warranty. available for Yacsu, !com, Alinco, Kenwood and compatible radios. J\vailablc for foll face or open helmets. $8') +$3. 50 shipping, MC/Visa, dealer inquires invited. Kcnruckiana Soaring, li25 N Ave., Clarksville IN li7129. (812) 788711 \, fax 17) 28/i-lil 15. SPECI/\UZlNG [N ELECrRONICS, RADIOS, VARIOS, GPS UNITS & MORE!
The world-class XCll. !BO 11p rn 3 homs tr})l 8,000 fi:. and only CompleLc kir wirl, harness, cannula and remote 011/off llovmu•lf'r only .H7'l.00.
DON''!' C:E'J' CAUCIJT LANDING DOWNWIND' UV treated, 5'![" long fluorescem pink/yellow or ilnoresccnr pink/while. $39.95 ( ,$/i.75 S/J I). Send 10 USHCJ\ Windsok, P.O. llox I .DO, Colorado CO 80901-1:330, (71')) 6:32-8300, fax (71'!) 17. VISA/MC accepted.
In the sew
WANTED l lang 1mmcdiarc full time openings
instrnctors. I .ivc rhc
California drca1n ... lostrnct sr11dcn1-s ni- the San
Francisco Bay ;irca's premier site. Service shop employmc111 is also available. for Pat Dcncvan (li08) 2.621055. MS( :r JCtrllaol.com www.HANC C:I .Jl)IN(;.com Camera mount, several models available $/i:J.50. Ctmcra remote (asl, abo111 rebate) $1i5. Vario mount $1 6" wl,ccls $29.'/5. S/1 ! i11cludcd.
PIJBLICATIONS & ORG/\NJZATIONS CAI.I USHCA form. l;rom the early 1li111g Gliding. (719) 6:l2 8300.
back i.ss11c order to the prcscnr
KIT VARIO $70 Fly high wirh your hand made vario. Sensor, IC:s, !'CB, ( :Rs, manual, etc. I liryu M/g., fax OI 1,81-li.'\-2.79-li627 Japan, [(( ;( ;03353~ilni/'1 yscrve.or.jp
TFK FUGHT PRODUCTS, Colehrook Winsted CT (8Ci0)
lllTR/\MITTS & CLOUDBJ\SE HARNESSES (123) 54')70'54.
World's sm,tllcsr, MINI V/\RJO Clips to helmet or chinstrap. 2.00 homs Dll OJ 8,000 ft., fast response and year warranty. Crear for paragliding too. ONI.Y $169. Mallcncc, l'O Box I 5/56, Santa Ana CA, 92735. (71/i) 96(i .. 1).fiO. M ( :/Visa accepted.
DOWNWIND horn d,e early days of rhc 70's, to ai, of Owen's Valley, DOWNWIND is with thrill and exhilaration of cross coumry :1dvemmc. The pc,frcr for borl, pilors and non· pilots. SI IARF Tl IF A rrue srory, well told. Available from lJSHGA Hcadqu:Hrcrs for only $10.95 (+$Ii s/h). PO Box l.'l:lO, Colorado Spri11gs CO 80901-1.'l30.
C:J\L HIGHER TIIAN EAGLES by lvfaralys & Cl,ris Wills. The life&. rimes of BOBBY WILLS, hang glidthe Iriumphs and lragedics of ing legend. the Wills and the evolution oC Wills Wing. $19.95 hardcover (, $/i.75 S/H for UPS/Priority Mail delivery), sec preceding classified for lJSI !G/\ BOOKS ordering info.
DUMBO ..- - S1aric winch system for gliders an,l paraglidcrs. I.ow co.st, 1ncci.sc J1n,;,.t,,ns,on oper:uion. Ideal hr clubs, and resorts. Operates from a small l,eld, allows and foot launch cs. Training available by trainers. Por infor .. mation: Dist:rnce Desig11, 725 Wiseman, 011trcmont, Quchce, Canada f f2V .'l 1<7, (5 14) .31.'l-'JG l I. Dealer inql1ircs \velcomc. dumhowincl-iVt\:101.u)nl
in 1ncn)
women & sin:s, 'J different colors and priced fi-om $27.95-$39.95. For more info on thcs,, superior lc:u her gloves conracr: Cal .(;Jove, 2920 Auburn Blvd, Sacr:uncnto CA 95821. (916) li8J .870J, fox (916) /i81 1 168, email: cal-gloveii1ljuno.com
J:o\lows the action of a new pilot's first lessons. This video is an cntcnaining way to show
yom {i·icnds and !:nnily how you actually learn to fly. VI IS l 'i minurc.s. $20 includes shipping (may br ;1jJp/ied 10 /l'Srnn MISSION SOARfNC Cl'NTER, I I I<, Way, Milpiras C:A 'J'i03'i. (li08) 267 JO'i'i. NEW IN STOCK! PARTY AT CLOUDBASE A hang gliding music video by J\dvcn1urc l'rod11crions $19.95. POINT OF Tl IF. MOUNTAIN-/\w:ml win-
l·:as1 Coast Video, hg/pg action al this lJtah BANC GI.IDING EXTREME & BORN TO FLY by Advell1UIT Productions, great hg acrion $.'J,1.95 each. l lAWAIIAN Fl.YIN by Space 'J, .soaring launches $:l3. Call or fox USI lC:J\ Cl I 9) 6:J},.6/i I please , $Ii domestic s/h (,$5 for 1wo or more videos). Crc:11 10 your {iiends or for those socked-in days. Perlc'.CI l,,r 1hc launch pot:110 turned couch potato. Also, ask us abour our paragliding videos! ning
llAC IT! If' you don't have yom copy 01 Dennis l'agcn's PERFORMANCE FLYING yet, available ii Hough USIIG/\ $2'J. 95 ( $':i. 50 s&h l<n Ul'S/l'riority Mail 1
SOAR.INC Mon1hly magazine of The Soaring Society of America, Inc. Covers all aspccls of soaring l1igh1. Full memhership $55. Info. kit with sample copy $3. SSA, P.O. Box F, Hobbs, NM B82/i I. (50'i) :J'J2-
-1!/\NC GLIDING CHRISTMAS CARDSOld black and white etching style. $10 per dozen, $1B for 2 dozen, $3:J for 50, or $(,O for 100. (Plus l O'X, for shipping.) On tbc net: ht t p://membcrs. tripod .com/ ,·acrcation/i 11dcx.ht ml 01 send a self-addressed stamped envelope for an assortme111 selection sheet 10: TEK FLIGl IT Products, Colebrook Sragc, Winsted CI' OG098. C:all in you, order (8GO) .'$'79- l 668.
MISCELI.ANEOUS TOWING AEROTOW!Nc; ACCESSORIES llcadquaners for: The finest releases, rcle,,ses, Spectra "\I" bridles, weak links, r:rndem lannch can kits, ere. THE WALLABY RANCH (9/il) /i24-0070. SC:OOTFR TOW SYSTEMS prices. (972) 390-'JO'JO.
- Available at various
I !OT LOOKS FOR COOL WFATI IER SO/\RINc;1 STATIONARY WINCH 20hp, Iii" wheels, wheeler included, rna11y extras. (81 O) 2'\'J .. ()87/i. Tiff TOW RIC: & platform, :UOO' Spectra li11c, hardly used $1,500. (505) fl') I 0078.
NOVIMLlll< 19()7
Free Catalog. Canwron ( )JJtcrwrar, 712 Amherst
SE., Dept ( ;11, Albuquerque NM 87106-1505. ('i05) ),'j(,. 7ii06, carncro11-ow(ri\vorldnc1.att.net "AEROBATICS" Full color :l 1" poster fratming John I lcincy doing what he docs hes1-LOOPINCI 1\vailablc tlm111gh US HCA I l(J for jusr $6.95 (, $3.50 s/h). hi\ that void on your wall! Send 10 USI IC:A Acrobarics Poster, 1'0 Box UOO, Colorado C:O 80'>T3. (USA & Canada only. posters arc AYAlf.ABI.F on intcrn:nion:il SPEC:IAJ...J\erobatics poslcr & l·:ric Raymond postcr-BOTI I FOR $10 (+$:>.50 .1/h).
Call LJSJ lCA fo, VIDEOS BOOKS & POSTERS your Mcrclrandisc order form (71 'J) 632· 8300, email: l1sllga([1Jt1shga.org.
ifi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The rate for classified advertising is$. 50 per word (or gro11p of' characters) and $1 .00 per word for bold or all MIN 1.. MUM AD CHARGE $5.00. A f'cc of' 15.00 is charged lc,r each line an logo and $25.00 for each pho to. I.INEART & PHOTO SIZE NO l.AR(;Jm THAN l.75" X 2.25". Please underline words to be in bold print. Special layouts of' tabs $25.00 per column inch. Phone numbcr,,2 words. Email or web address~3words. AD DEADLINES: All ad copy. instructions, additions and canccllal"ions must be received in I 1/2 months preceding the cov· er date, i.e. November 20th for the January issue. Please make checks payable to US HCA, l'.O. Box I :no. Colorado Springs, CO 80'.IO 1 1330, ("719) 6.12-8300. Fax (719) 632-6417 or email: 11Sl·wa1r,111dw,1orn your classified with your Visa or Mastercard.
STOLEN WINGS & 'J 'HINGS BLACK FLEECE JACKET - Lost at POINT OF THE MOUNTAIN, UT. Windme1cr in pocket. liric Prouty (970) '.126-767<,. BALL GC-70 & GARMIN 15 Stolen from h,trncss bag inside truck at BUFFALO MOUNTAIN, TAl.lHINA, OK, on 8, l ')')'7. Both mounted rogerhcr on a sinp)e Ball Ball ( ;c: serial number 11. Pete Hammer (211) I 02, email: Petc.lfammer~ilM(:l.corn
Adventure Productions ........................ 5
Mojo's Ccar ...................................... 15
Acrolight/Kiwi .................................. 26
Moumain Condos ............................. 26
Alrair ................................................. 34
Neilsen-Kellerman ............................ 62
Arai Design ....................................... 28
Safari Sky Tours .................................. 5
Braunigcr ........................................... .7
Sccdwings .......................................... 23
Flyrec .............................................. ;;,
Sport Aviation Publications ................. 7
Hall Bros ........................................... 26
U.S. Acros .................................... 15,50
Hanwag ............................................. 15
US Aviation ...................................... 23
VISX ................................................... 5
Jusr 1:ly .............................................. 29
Wallaby Ranch .................... Back Cover
Lookout Mtn.
l'lrns1• lie sure to ust, priority rnde IIXW when you call. 1
USHCA ......... 1 l,15,21
lcaro .................................................... 2
The USHCA Visa" Cold and Preferred Visa cards provide you with more more benefits, and more services than just about any other credit card you may be lssuc!d free of an annual fee. Higher line of credit, up to $50,000, if eligible. ® Peerless Customer Service available 24 hours a day, 3hS days a year.
Sporrs ........................... 44
Park ................. 29
• Carry in your pocket. Instant accurate readings. Measure wind or air speed to 95 MPH. • Wind speed, max and average modes. Knots, MPH, KPH, FPM, M/S and Beaufort scales. Rugged construction, protective slip case. clear digital display. Waterproof, floats. • User-replaceable impeller & battery. 1-year warranty.
by Dan Johnson
\/\ihew! I've r:i.gid this. nascd on reports intensifying chdttcr on various 1:i l.hese have, mor8 inertia Lhan during any of the 19 years t:bat been writing this column and on rigid wing development:s. T'hroughoul: that long period, rigids aEJ a group held fairly steady 4-5% of the markc?t, bul: Lhey Eound the mainsl:ream. eu Tbat b<c~ chilnging! One in particular, the Exxtacy fro:m Ge:r:man:it showing flomc, flecLous market st:renqU1. Report:edly, producer Flight Design il I ready sold rnore than 150 copies including t.han do in Uw UE3A. However, Exxtacy not aJone and appear l:o be benefj U.nc:i from the cc;xcitement: surnrundinq these winqs. am fc1miliar wi Lb L:he Pegasus, and the Millennium. c:!ocumented (as of late '97) are :~imiJ ar designs from thi MJNN.
gliders on the further expres:;ed L.haL if this happ0)llS, wil ight· for md Leadin<J him to spc?culate tl1al· gl will foll and one case, i,3 A European writer developer, German Jurgen Lutz, has already teamecJ up with Fcance' "c?stabJish PegasuL, had bl~en indivic:lually bu:i such was noL cost competitive wiU1 wh:icl1 is buill: c1.l: a company wit.h and adequate funds. Since Mouettc, knows about volume'.; producLion is producinq tho Tople.c;s with a carbon this could vault Pegilsw3 into soriom, being produced by Flight Design following deal wit.Ii des Cbristopb of Bl Fl.i.cJh t Des iqn credent build a micr·o] ight t:ho CT, compos:i aircraft ••• Howcc;ver, and Design Exxtacy to be very ::limilar, Flight Design has huge 1c,ad is making the DCell Gliders J ook 1 i.ke tbey miqht achieve, a market not found by othc~r wings D:i the Manta Fledgling. Honestly, can't ever reca]] L:h:i ,c; much a::-;m among hang glider pilots about wing. 1·be Fledge' the morE.i than a decade ago and no designs bave fll l.ed l.he void since thouql1 Lhe Swift did credibly we] 1 cfor:rpi beinq c"xpe1rn:i and heavy. Bd qbtc,tar bc,c,n sitting Btill throug}i a LI this, of couJi3e. Tbey have tJ1eir very own D ·Cell GJ ider ent.ry, Millennium. AccordincJ to the "main differences supine cage aerodynamic cont:roJ via and ($8,500) and simila to the Exxtacy. Madc0 in NOVIMllll~ 1997
California, too." Recent i::eports :Lnd.i.cate the E'xxtacy Ls se]Ling for :/9, '500. Eric Beckman qoc0s a more con,;ervatively with the news, in facL, Btress:Lng "we've always been heBitant t.o Lalk about our developmentB until we fee1 conf idccnt produc is Nonethelesc'>, he added at the end of September that, "Millennium flies wonderfully, and the flicJht proqrarn i,3 virtually complE,te as of this wriLing We have just begun the performance c0valudt:i ons, and should have some c:rood numben3 in the next week or so (weather permj tting) . " Given their succeE,,J with the Swift, Brightst.ar's MiJlenn:i um is a contEc,ndc?r :in any D·-Cell Glider race. St.ilJ q110tinq Beckman, '"l'he MiLLermium was designed to addresB the three) main complaints about the Swifl:: too heavy, too expenBive, and doesn't fold :into baq. " Bil.YB th,,y also wanted it to be "lem, inUrnidat.ing" while yet deliverinq an excel sink rate and glide of O: 1." l\ssumLnq the BrightE:tar Boys again achieve-? tbeir goal:c:, l:his would leave Millennium winnin~J the gl:i dcc:; anqle c:ont:e, :t amonq the new ])-.CelJ.13. A1] of L:hese wings ExxLacy, Pegasus, and Mi] 1emliurn have quick folding systems that sounc:l easy and . ALL appdrently end up lookinq, dS Wallaby' Malcolm ~J one13 put it, "Like two hanq gliders Jaid beside one another in a sinqle bac:r. Finally, InLernet writer v,Jilliarn:3 reported t:.hal~ "Baillet Composites it3 working on production of another similar folding rigid wing, the Raptor." Based on some converc,ations and a videol'.ape I ::;dw a couple back, thiB must be t.hc one developed by a Mal:t Kollman. Originally I believed thi. s t:o be a one··of .. a .. kind, but evidently it:, too, could join oLher producerB in the New Glider Race OK! 'I'he more the rnerric,r. Various wril:ers on the u] l:.ralighl· soaring .L have provided quite thorough and fact11aJ pilot reports. One reporter bouqht. One didn't, buL might. has a commercial connection. One exix~rl-. observed others and reported what he Baw. Based on this balanced serier, of reports, have to SUJ'.mise Lhal: l:.he E11:xtacy is going to sell in the USA and around world. Including Millennium, Pe9asus, Raptor and newer-yet de:cd qnB, Lhe D··Ce11 GljderB mc1y t:riqqer a movc"ment: toward 91 i den, of t:hi~i with models posseErning les,3 or more:, complication, offering choices to pi lots. Will i l: challenge flex wing sales? Probably not, 'd gueBs. A terrific salc.,s performance of a couple hundred units in the first year or so would a J:ew ra9 wing sales away, perhaps, but it miglll: spur more total interest in free fliqht. have weal:hered other sucb invasions. Then again.. one of the 1eadinq flex winq builders jrnnps into the~ fray in a big way, all bets are off. Down under in Au:c,traJ:ia, it's report(0d that hang <:rlider and trike manufacturer, Airborne WindSports, will dec1.J U1e Exx.tacy. Huy, who knows!? '11 t.ry to you .LnfonnE,d. eu So, 9ot news or opini.ons'? Send 'em to: 8 DorBet, St. MN 55118. Fax or VmaLJ t.o: 612 ·!J S0-0930. Send c0Mai1 to CmnulusMan.G:laol. com. 0