1615 Update 2nd Quarter Newsletter FY2015

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Servicing USACISA-Pac’s Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members stationed in the Republic of Korea

Second Quarter, Fiscal Year 2015

Volume 1, Issue 2

CBRN Training

Ski Trip

Warrior Adventure Quest

Combatives Level 1 Certification



KR 15 Victory Party

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015



Servicing USACISA-Pac’s Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members stationed in the Republic of Korea


Sgt. Phylicia Robinson, Intel Analyst, and Spc. Brian Wellinger, Info Tech Specialist, were recognized for excellence by the commander and deputy commander of Combined Forces Command, Republic of Korea, during joint command post exercise Key Resolve 2015.

Officers and noncommissioned officers from the 1st Signal Brigade visit the 122nd Signal Brigade, Capital Defense Command on March 9, 2015.



Key Resolve 2015


Director's Corner


From the SEA


OPSEC Training


Cyber Tips


Army Combatives


CBRN Training


Unit Photo Album Warrior Adventure Quest

6&7 8 9

Resilience Training


Korean Culture


Special Recognitions


Find us on Facebook From the Sea to the DMZ!

Annually, USACISA-P Soldiers, Department of the Army Civilians, and Contractors ramp up for the most anticipated theater wide exercise Key Resolve (KR). The exercise is designed to maintain readiness for both the United States forces and its allies operating on the peninsula to prevent hostility from the north. To ensure mission success, the Specter team prepared for action three months out starting with an internal progress review (IPR). During some of the initial sessions, the battle captain took the lead to shape the support structure and to ensure all equipment are mission capable. “The plan is to identify all of the short falls prior to the exercise” Capt. Julius Lee briefed the team during the first IPR. “It is critical for us to have all of the Mission network computers to be deployed with the latest approved operating system. This will reduce vulnerabilities on our networks and help US Forces Korea (USFK) commander and his staff to enable mission command.” Mr. Mike Allmond, Command and Control Systems Chief chimed in during some of the earlier IPRs. “A lot of hard work must be done now. We don’t have time to waste.” Maj Tim Barber, Chief of Operations re-enforced the urgency of getting ready for the mission. Prior to KR15, Maj. Barber and his team completely reorganized the Network Operations Center with necessary tools to ensure mission success. USACISA-P as a whole accomplished the mission by providing the world class communications support to the war-fighters. They came together as a team and enabled success to Combined Forces Command and USFK commander and staff during KR15. Page 2

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Director’s Corner

Lan T. Dalat Lt. Col., Signal Corps Director

Soldiers, Army Civilians, and Contractors, I’m very impressed with your performance and dedication. Your professional contributions have made this unit the best of its kind in the world. During the last quarter, you have successfully enabled the United Nations Command, the Combined Forces Command, and the United States Forces Korea commander and his staff with the premier worldclass mission networks that supported Key Resolve 2015, an annual training event designed to ensure readiness to defend the Republic of Korea (ROK) and sustain the capacity that strengthens the ROK-US military alliance.

The 1615 UPDATE is a quarterly publication published by HQ, USACISA-Pac, 1st Signal Brigade, U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan, Republic of Korea.

Meanwhile, you remained highly discipline throughout the period by having zero Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) and curfew violation incidents. Great job! Keep up the good work.

Editor: Maj. Bradley Allbritten

Warmer weather is just around the corner. Many of you will have the opportunity to travel around Korea and other parts of Asia during this beautiful time of the year. However, I expect everyone to maintain a mission mindset. Leaders, I expect your team to be trained on hot weather safety along with driver training. SHARP and safety remain to be at the top of my priority. In the next few month, the brigade will host a series of events that will bring together Soldiers from all around Korea to enhance camaraderie, team spirit, and tradition. Those events are the Signal Ball 2015, Mercury Pride, Golf Tournament, and Staff Ride for the senior NCOs and Officers. I highly encourage your participation at these events. It’s your time to shine and to show your pride. -Specter 6

Director/Publisher: Lt. Col. Lan T. Dalat

DISCLOSURE The 1615 UPDATE is a newsletter produced for members of the U.S. Army Communications Information Systems Activity, Pacific. The contents of the 1615 UPDATE are not the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or the 1st Signal Brigade. It is published quarterly in accordance with AR 25-30.

From the SEA Team, You all did an outstanding job ensuring that the network was supported during Key Resolve without fail. I was so proud to see how NCOs trained our Junior Soldiers to perform at the NCO level during this exercise. Thank you for your Leadership!

Leaders, we are in the process of changing a culture within our organization. Changing a culture within your organization can be one of the toughest and most challenging tasks you may ever have to do in your career. By nature, Soldiers will reject and fight change of any kind. It is our job as Leaders to ensure that all of our Soldiers know that these changes are part of a bigger plan to make this organization go from "good" to "great"!

We a r e c u r r e n t l y m o v i n g Soldiers to different sections within the organization to not only ensure cross training within the ranks, but also provided continuity within the organization. There is no "I" in "Team" and our organization is only as strong as our weakest person. Continue to work together as a team, as we move forward with these changes.

Last but not least, accomplishment of the mission and the welfare of our Soldiers should remain uppermost in our minds! You all have worked extremely hard these last couple of months. Do not lose the momentum.

Michelle Castro Sgt. First Class, U.S. Army Senior Enlisted Advisor

From the Sea to the DMZ!

Each and every one of you are important to this organization. -Specter 7 Page 3

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

OPSEC Training - The enemy is listening... TECH UPDATE

YONGSAN - Prior to this year's annual command post exercise Key Resolve 2015, Soldiers and civilians assigned to USACISA-Pac conducted Operations Security (OPSEC) training to familiarize personnel with the process of protecting critical information from enemy observation and collection.

Radiant Mercury upgrade greatly enhances joint and coalition sharing of critical information from different domains within Korea.

Led by Sgt. Kevin Fry and Sgt. Phylicia Robinson, this training focused on those things that should be done to prevent or limit the ability of an adversary to gather information about military operations and other activities. "It's especially



important before a training exercise to remind everyone that they should not discuss sensitive information in unsecured areas," said Sgt. Fry "It's also very important for Soldiers to know what they can and cannot post online." Social media, which helps Soldiers and civilians forward deployed in Korea stay connected to Family members, friends and loved ones back home, can put

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individuals and the mission at risk if proper care is not taken. "Adversaries prefer to go after easy targets," said Sgt. Fry. "If you want to make yourself a hard target, I recommend adjusting your privacy settings and strictly controlling who can access your photos and information."

4500 0 Aug 2014

Nov 2014

Feb 2015

Written by Sgt. Kevin Fry

CYBER TIPS Internet Safety & Security Tips for Parents: The Internet is a wonderful place for learning and entertainment, but can pose dangers if precautions are not taken. Allowing free access puts your child, your computer and your personal data at risk. Help to instill good judgment in your children by encouraging them to take some common sense steps. Take security precautions, understand the consequences of your actions and behaviors and enjoy the benefits of the Internet. Keep a Clean Machine: Having the latest security software, web browser, and operating systems are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. Many software programs will automatically connect and update to defend against known risks. Turn on automatic updates if that's an available option. Computers, smart phones, gaming systems, and other web-enabled devices all need protection from viruses and malware. From the Sea to the DMZ!

Protect Your Child's Personal Information: When available, set their privacy and security settings on websites to your comfort level for information sharing. Remind them that it's ok to limit how and with whom they share information. Connect with Care: Remind your children that links in emails, tweets, posts and online ads are often the way cybercriminals compromise your computer. If it looks suspicious, even if you know the source, it's best to delete or mark as junk email. Be Web Wise: Check trusted web sites for the latest information, share with your children, and encourage them to be web wise. Be a Good Online Citizen: What you and your kids do online has the potential to affect everyone - at home, at work and around the world. Practicing good online habits benefits the global digital community. Page 4

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Army Combatives - Soldiers master the basics YONGSAN - Four Soldiers from USACISA-Pac, Sgt. Phylicia Robinson, Spc. Tyler Bruce, Pfc. Christopher Humphries, and Pvt. Timothy Jenkins, successfully completed the 40-hour, one week Basic Combatives Course designed to teach students the fundamental techniques needed to close with and defeat the enemy in hand to hand combat. During classes led by Sta Sgt. Tyrone Henderson, Soldiers were introduced to the theory of fight or flight, a self defense tactic that challenges the body's natural impulses when faced with violent confrontation. "The instructors helped us overcome our fear of being attacked," said Pfc. Humphries. "I graduated from the course feeling confident that I could eectively perform the techniques we learned in a combat situation."

Pvt.. Timothy Jenkins, Spc. Tyler Bruce, and Sgt. Phylicia Robinson pose with their Basic Combatives Course certificates of training.

The basic techniques learned during the course are taught as a series of drills and form a framework upon which the rest of the Modern Army Combatives Program is built. This train the trainer course provides the instructors necessary tools to sustain the unit's program and fosters a warrior ethos. Story by Pfc. Christopher Humphries

CBRN Training - Troops learn to suit up for "GAS, GAS, GAS!" YONGSAN - During chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defense training led by Sgt. 1st Class Soukasame Inthavong, USACISA-Pac Soldiers learned how to protect themselves from nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) injury or contamination with military protective gear. Within nine seconds of hearing Sgt. 1st Class Inthavong's warning, "GAS, GAS, GAS!" Soldiers were required to don, clear, and check their assigned M50 protective mask. Additionally, Soldiers were shown how to correctly put on their protective suit consisting of overboots, rubber gloves, overgarment trousers and jacket. To pass the Army's performance standard, all items have to be properly secured, snapped, and zipped within eight minutes.

Sgt. 1st Class Soukasame Inthavong (left) instructs Spc. Brian Wellinger (right) on how to properly fasten his protective hood during chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defense training.

"We learned that it helps to have a battle buddy check the hood seal around your mask to make certain no skin is exposed," said Spc. Brian Wellinger. He added, "You also get warm very quickly wearing the protective suit over your uniform." However, the suit does not have to be worn as an overgarment. It can also be worn as a primary uniform over underwear.

Thanks to Sgt. 1st Class Inthavong's training, every participant was able to get fully dressed with all of their gear sealed in time to exceed the standard. Also, everyone gained an appreciation for how important it is to protect yourself first prior to helping others in the event of a chemical attack. Story by Spc. Brian Wellinger

From the Sea to the DMZ!

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Issue No. 2


U.S. and Korean officers celebrate after a hike to the top of Cheonggyesan Mountain on Jan. 10, 2015 as part of a team-building event to strengthen the U.S.-Korea alliance.

2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Master Sgt. Gilberto Fernandez (left), Senior Enlisted Advisor, receives his farewell gift from Lt. Col. Lan Dalat, Director, during a dinner in his honor at Mercado Brazilian Steakhouse in Seoul, Korea.

Sgt. Joshua Smith shows the Coin of Excellence that he received from the 1st Signal Bde. Commander.

Unit Photo Album Col. Arvesta Roberson (center), 1st Signal Bde. Commander, recognizes outstanding U.S. and KATUSA Soldiers.

Capt. Gary Shockley (back row, second from left) poses with U.S. and Korean officers after a hike to the top of Cheonggyesan Mountain on Feb. 14, 2015 as part of a friendship-building exercise to strengthen U.S.-Korea relations. From the Sea to the DMZ!

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Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

1st Signal Bde. personnel hail Capt. Thomas McCaffrey (center) as a new member of USACISA-Pac during the unit's Hail and Farewell event on Feb. 5, 2015 at Bull & Barrel restaurant in Seoul, Korea.

USACISA-Pac Soldiers pose with guest speaker Col. Rodney Lightfoot after the 8th Army Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. observance on Jan. 28, 2015 at Dragon Hill Lodge.

USACISA-Pac Soldiers practice basic combatives techniques and drills during physical readiness training as part of the unit's Modern Army Combatives Program.

Staff Sgt. Anthony McCoy (left) briefs USACISA-Pac Soldiers on maintaining General Order #1 and uniform requirements during command post exercise Key Resolve 2015.

Lt. Col. Lan Dalat (front row, right) joins Mr. John Austin (front row, left) and his team for a group photo in front of Camp Walker’s southern node in Daegu, Korea.

Pvt. Marquise Ferguson sorts mail during command post exercise Key Resolve 2015, greatly enhancing the morale of Soldiers, civilians, and contract personnel.

From the Sea to the DMZ!

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Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Warrior Adventure Quest - Vivaldi Park were first time skiers and snowboarders, so the prayer was without a doubt, very needed that day. As the view slowly changes from tall buildings to Korea’s beautiful country side, Specialist Drake and Pfc. McVery gave a quick lesson on snowboarding to a group of beginners. After acquiring the clothes, snowboards, and equipment from the rental shop, our group was more than ready to test our skills on Korea’s World class leisure resort.

Soldiers participate in the Warrior Adventure Quest at Vivaldi Park, Korea as part of a team building event designed to promote esprit de corps and reduce stress.

VIVALDI PARK - On Jan. 15, 2015, USACISA-Pac Soldiers participated in Warrior Adventure Quest, a team building event to foster unit comraderie and improve morale. At Vivaldi Park, a ski resort near Seoul, Korea, Soldiers started the day with a prayer and words of inspiration from Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Timothy Smith. The day started off officially with the group coming together for prayer provided by Chaplain Smith for protection against any harm. A lot of the Soldiers,

After many tumbles, falls, face-plants, and laughter, our group was ready to leave the resort, but all of us left with more memories to cherish and less stress to burden us down. Due to the daily life and routine of an American Soldier, these team building exercises can sometimes accomplish so much more than it was intended to. “Having battle buddies more accomplished at snowboarding teach me was very rewarding to both my snowboarding skills, as well as my relationship with them as a co-worker and friend,” said Pfc. Humphries. This goes without saying, but the soldiers of USACISA-P are all eagerly waiting for the next team building exercise. Story by Pvt. Timothy Jenkins

Soldiers participate in the Warrior Adventure Quest at Vivaldi Park, Kangwon, Korea as part of the team building event designed to enhance working relationship, and reduce stress. From the Sea to the DMZ!

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Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Resilience Training - Soldiers learn to thrive in the face of adversity YONGSAN - USACISA-Pac Soldiers learned ways to bounce back from life's challenges during resilience training provided by Ms. Susan Jentoft, a Military Family Life Counselor who provides social support services to the military community here in Korea.

Designed to help Soldiers develop the skills necessary to successfully manage stress, resilience training is a part of the Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program that focuses on the five dimensions of strength: emotional, social, spiritual, family, and physical.

By exploring a variety of coping techniques, Soldiers gained a better understanding of how to effectively deal with mental and emotional stressors such as multiple deployments and long periods of family separation. "As a group we discussed how important it is to actively look for positive things in our everyday lives and not focus on the negative," said Spc. Joshua McVery. "By hunting the good stuff, like eating lunch with a friend, you can remain optimistic during difficult times by enjoying these moments." "We also learned how to avoid viewing a situation in the worst possible light," said Spc. McVery. "Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of a problem, it helps to take a step back and calmly assess the situation."

USACISA-Pac Soldiers particpate in a group discussion during resiliency training led by Ms. Susan Jentoft, a Military Family Life

Did you Know? Soldiers can now wear the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) while traveling on commercial planes, trains, bus, or automobiles. (new version of AR 670-1 will be available "in the near future�) New NCO Evaluation Report system with three levels: Direct Level (E-5), Organizational (E6-E8), and Strategic (E-9) is on track to launch in September. Training will begin in April 2015. (Starting 1 September 2015, NCOER will be on the new system) AKO email (yourname@us.army.mil) is terminated as of 31 March 2015 (need to update your records with a new contact email) Calling a DSN phone from a cell phone, one must dial 05033 before dialing the last six digits of the DSN phone number. (Example: 725-4431, dial 05033 25-4431)

From the Sea to the DMZ!

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Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Korean Culture Labor Day is a public holiday in many countries worldwide. It usually occurs around May 1, but the date varies across countries. It is associated with the start of spring as well as the celebration of workers. Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world, to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an "appropriate" day. Parent's Day is annually held on May 8th. Parent's Day is celebrated by both the public and the government. Family events focus on the parents; popular actions include giving parents Carnations.

The June Solstice is known as the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice the southern hemisphere. The date varies between June 20 and June 22, depending on the year. Longest Day in the North

Buddha’s birthday is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. This day is called “Seokga tansinil”, meaning "Buddha's birthday" or “Bucheonim osin nal” meaning "the day when the Buddha came.” It falls on the eighth day of the fourth month according to the lunar calendar.

The June solstice is the longest day of the year for people in the Northern Hemisphere, north of the equator. In areas north of the Arctic Circle the midnight sun is visible (weather permitting) throughout the night.

Memorial Day - On this day, a memorial ceremony is held in the National Cemetery in Seoul, starting from 1956. At 10 A.M. on Memorial Day, a siren rings all over the country, and people have silent prayers for 1 minute. Also, the South Korean flag is flown at half-staff.

From the Sea to the DMZ!

Korean Holidays 2015 Apr 5


Arbor Day


May 1


Labor Day

Bank Holiday

May 5


Children's Day

National holiday

May 8


Parents' Day


May 25


Buddha's Birthday

National holiday

Jun 6


Memorial Day

National holiday

Jun 21


June Solstice


Source: Wikipedia Page 10

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

New Army Combat Uniform


Coyote Tan T-Shirt

Before buying a new pair of boots this summer, be aware of the changes made by the US Army. The Army is scheduled to release a new version of Army Combat Uniform with the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP). Tan 499

Along with the uniform, the changes will also apply to the most visible part of the uniform, combat boots. According to the Army Times, the desert tan boots will be replaced with the Coyote brown 498. To minimize the contrast of the new OCP uniform, the current tan T-shirt and belt will be replaced with Tan shade 499 which is darker than the current shade.

Coyote Tan Belt

Tan 499

Other changes to the ACU to be rolled out this summer include: The internal knee and elbow pads will be gone.

Combat Boots

The upper-sleeve pocket will be an inch longer and zippered instead of Velcro. The cargo pocket will lose its cord-and-barrel lock. Coyote Brown 498

And the lower leg pocket flap will have a button rather than Velcro

Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)

Source: ArmyTimes


When to Invest? Spec. Jones invests $5000 a year at the age of 20 for 10 years with a total contribution of $50K. Jones has an old car and eats at the DFAC. Meanwhile Sta Sergeant Baker has a nice new truck, and eats out daily. Baker doesn’t invest until he reaches 30 years old. He decides to invest $5000 a year for the rest of his career in the Army a total of 36 years career. Well, who accumulates more wealth at the age of 65 based on 10% compounded annually? Jones contributed $50K and retired with $2,340,175 Baker contributed $175K and retired with $1,416,102 From the Sea to the DMZ!

Understand Your TSP ACTION






Your Pay

Taxes are deferred, so less money is taken out of your paycheck

Taxes are paid up front, so more money comes out of your paycheck


Taxable when withdrawn

Tax-free earnings if five years have passed since Jan 1 of the year you made your first Roth contribution, AND you are age 591/2 or older Page 11

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Signal Corps Regimental Association - Voice of the ROK! USAG Yongsan - Behind every successful event, there are those who served as the planners, organizers, and coordinators. Captain Julius Lee who serves as the network officer in our Network Operations Management Division (NOMD) did just that in the weeks prior to the event. Capt. Lee volunteered as a secretary for the Signal Corps Regimental Association Voice of the ROK chapter in Korea. As a secretary, he attended the monthly executive meetings where the chapter’s executive officers discussed current and future events for the chapter. Capt. Lee’s initiative in the coordination and the promotion of the event that enabled the visiting Maj. Gen. Bruce T. Crawford to address the audience of more than 130 Signal leaders throughout the Korea to have a clearer understanding of how the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command supports its war-fighters throughout the world.

Photo: 1st Signal Bde PAO Maj. Gen. Bruce T. Crawford, Commanding General, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), visits with leaders from across Yongsan Garrison during the quarterly Signal Corps Regimental Association (SCRA) luncheon on Jan. 12, 2015. As the guest speaker, Maj. Gen. Crawford speaks to the audience highlighting "CECOM's Support to the Warfighter”. (Source: 1st Signal Bde PAO)

Signal Corps Regimental Association Voice of the ROK Chapter MISSION The Signal Corps Regimental Association (SCRA), Voice of the ROK Chapter, is a private, nonprofit organization that provides an opportunity for all active, reserve, and national guard, officers, warrant officers, enlisted members and civilians, as well as any former members of the Signal Corps to aid in preserving for posterity the proud heritage of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Regiment, and Signal units throughout the Republic of Korea and the world.

PURPOSE Foster and preserve the esprit, tradition and cohesion of the Regiment Publicize and reinforce the Regiment's goals


Foster excellence and belonging through the Orders of Mercury, Col. Arvesta P. (Rob) Roberson Wahatchee or Brevet Colonel awards and recognition program for outstanding Signal Corps professionals and volunteers who have made significant contributions to both the Regiment and the Signal Corps Regimental Association. The Association works to form the Regiment that consists of military (Active, Reserve, Retired, Separated, Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Enlisted), Department of the Army Civilians, Contractors and our Industry partners, or other individuals that are interested in the association. Membership information: Capt. Julius Lee From the Sea to the DMZ!

http://www.signalcorps.org Page 12

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Special Recognitions

Bronze Order of Mercury Nomination

Paul “Tim” Barber Major, US Army

Major Paul “Tim” Barber has been nominated by USACISA-Pacific Director for the prestigious Bronze Order of Mercury that recognizes those individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, professional competence and selflessness, and who have contributed significantly to the promotion of the Signal Corps and the Signal Regimental Association. CONGRATULATIONS Master Sgt. Gilberto Fernandez assumed responsibility as the Hq. Hq. Company (HHC), 1st Signal Brigade First Sergeant on January 23, 2015.

Major Debbie Lovelady sets to serve as the Battalion Executive Officer for 41st Signal Battalion, Camp Coiner, Seoul, Korea.

Captain Julius Lee has been selected to command Hq., Hq. Detachment (HHD), 41st Signal Battalion, Camp Coiner, Seoul, Korea.

Major Bradley Allbritten has been selected to attend resident Intermediate Level Education (ILE) at the Command and General Staff College (CGSC), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

HAIL & FAREWELL This quarter, we bid farewell to the following personnel: Master Sgt. Gilberto Fernandez (Senior Enlisted Advisor), Sgt. Rodney Brown ( ), Sgt. First Class Terry Burnell (92Y), Sgt. Richelle Conteh, Sgt. Amy Lipira (N2C2), Sgt. Andrew Williams ( ), Spec. Nicholas Drake (N2C2), Thank you for your service and contribution to our team!

From the Sea to the DMZ!

During the same period, we hailed Capt. Thomas McCaffrey (SIID), Staff Sgt. Tomekia Burrell ( ), Sgt. First Class Christina Cabral (SIID), Sgt. Eric Im (NOMD), Sgt. Matthew Irwin (Daegu), Sgt. Julio Pacheco (N2C2), Sgt. Franklin Tazi (FSS), Spec. Andrew Martin, Spc. Joshua Minchew (Security). Welcome to the team! KAPCHI KAPSHIDA! Page 13

Issue No. 2


2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2015

Director, U.S. Army Communications Information Systems Activity, Pacific (USACISA-P) PSC 393 Box 24 APO AP 96204



Seoul American Schools Spring Recess

6-10 April

Training for the New NCOER System


SCRA Golf Tournament

May 7

Signal Regiment Ball

May 8

Staff Ride

May 4

Mercury Pride

May 6

Pfc Humphries, Spec. Nicholas Drakes (center), and Pfc. McVery (right) slide off the lift chair while snowboarding at Vivaldi Ski Report in Kangwon, Korea during the 2015 USACISA-P Warrior Adventure Quest event that was sponsored by the USO, BOSS, and MWR. From the Sea to the DMZ!

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