Polaris 2007
Spencer byArnie Phot
Volume IL U.S. Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, CO 80840
if ^
Nicole Padget
James Bowron Managing Editor
Cadet Life E$ttn
Shawn Cuevas
Jennifer Beasock
Matt Brasher
Military Editor
Charity Day
Polaris Staff
Luke Connolly
Ryan Cortner
Deanna Frazen
Sam Grey
Paul Russo
Mark Walden
y time at the Air Jrorce Academy
has been quite a challenging, but posi-
tive experience. As I know many of you would agree, 1 can liken it to
being on a rollercoaster where at times it was up, then down, and sometimes I just wanted to be let off (just kidding...but seriously). Looking back, I can honestly say I’ve grown and learned a lot, and that 1 have been greatly impacted by all of the different programs and people. It’s much easier to look at it from this side, once you’re done and there’s no more homework.
Yet, with the rank comes responsibility and thanks to programs like Basic Cadet Training, Global Engagement, Cadet Survival Training, and other
leadership programs, I have knowledge I can take with me into the operational Air Force. The stories to share to encourage family, friends, and my troops to continue to persevere will forever remind me to never give up on anything. Thanks to the Academy for always pushing me a little further. For those of you I leave behind, congratulations on becoming a step closer to the end of your Academy careers and good luck in the future. This yearbook was made with the care and consideration of some amazing staff members who worked very hard to make sure vou could look back 20 years from now and still remember those special days. I appreciate having the
opportunity to lead such an intricate process and admire your dedication to making such a contribution to USAFA cadets/ FTs. To everyone reading and looking through this book, know that the Academy experience is truly what we make it, and to all of you, 1 wish nothing but the best! Enjoy.
From the Managing Editor
irst, thanks my dedicated staff for putting a lot of effort and dedication into this book. Second, I want to thank my boss, the Editor-in-Chief,
Charity Day. Without your guidance and mentoring, I would not have deviloped into the confident two degree leader I am. I cannot forget the man behind the scenes either: Ken Carter. He has not only been a great leader, and mentor, but a friend as well. I blame him for making, and keeping, me interested in photography and growing my desire to pursue a career in the field. Finally, I want to thank all of you, the cadet wing, for giving the Polaris staff so many subjects to put in this history book. I say history book, not as a euphemism to describe the vearbook in a negative light, rather as a statement to the purpose behind all yearbooks. When you pull this book off of a dusty bookshelf to show your sons and daughters your college experience, then you will be fulfilling the term “history book.” Most of you will look at the photos, and maybe even read a story or two, and 7
remember all the great times you had here. The first semester’s difficult schedule of calls will have faded from memory
replaced by the memory of Ring Dance or Recognition. Some of you will fondly look back on Fisher DeBerry’s 7
reign as football coach. Others will reminisce about one disastrous, but fun, spirit dinner.
Hopefully this book will aid you with the recall of the good memories and serve as a monument to tour long years survived and finished with an exultant shout of joy. If that is the case, then my staff and I have accomplished the job we started in early September of 2006. 1 wish all of you the best on your Air Force careers and hope to see you somewhere down the long blue line. —
James Bowron
Polaris Commemorative Series Continues
his is the fourth volume in the ongoing six-part series highlighting various U.S. Air Force Academy Golden Anniversary milestones.
These milestones are not all inclusive, but rather feature various topics we believe have historical mass appeal. Our aim has always been to provide an informative, entertaining and valued Polaris in
which cadets, alumni, and families alike can make a proud part of their personal libraries. To that end, this year, we’re beginning the transition from an all cadet yearbook staff to
several civilians with many years of combined experience in the areas of reportin
ing, editing, design and photography supplementing the student effort. The rigorous-’ schedule cadets must endure does not allow them to devote the time needed to fine tu all aspects of yearbook production. Cadet submitted content will continue to be welcoined by Cadet Wing Media in the production process.
The 2007 Polaris' historical section features the academic environment, the history of
the Gimbal Library collection, scholarship, and a special outside contribution featur
ing the origin of the POW/MIA flag and its creator. We trust the content will enhance
understanding for present and future cadets while bringing back many fond memories for those who’ve gone before.
We hope you enjoy making this book a part of your collection and appreciate any feed-
back with how we can make the 2008 and 2009 editions even better.
Ken Carter
Polaris Advisor
Commemorative Series Update
Commemorative Series Update
Military: 10 Academics : 46
Sports : 70 Clubs : 128 Cadet Life : 140 Firsties : 160
Cadet Squadrons : 336
June Week: 418 Year in Entertainment: 430
Commercial Ads : 436 Parents’ Club Ads and FFS Messages : 460
PRECISION AND COORDINATION: First Class cadets march in formation at Commandant’s Challenge. These drills teach the teamwork and coordination critical to the performance of military duties. Photo by C2C Mark Walden
INTEGRITY, SERVICE, EXCELLENCE: Air Force Academy Core Values are instilled as the centerpiece of a cadet’s ethical foundations, which will remain at the heart of everything they do throughout their Air Force careers. Photo by Ken Carter
SPIRIT AND PRIDE: Fourth Class cadets shout squadron slogans during Recognition 2007, competing with other cadets
by demonstrating spirit and endurance in the face of great physical exertions. Photo by C2C Ryan Cortner
you have tasted
flight, you will
forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” Leonardo Da Vinci -
Phot File S. U
eorge W. Bush
Phot File
obert M. Gates
Chain of Command
Phot Force Air
U.S. ei w.
Chain of Command
U.S. Air
Force Phot t. Gen.
John F. Regni
Phot Force Air S. U
rig. Gen. Susan Desjardins
Chain of Command
Wing Staff Fall Semester
Wing Staff Spring Semester 18
Lt. Col. Scott Maser First Group Commander
Lt. Col. Lavanson C. Coffey III
Lt. Col. Kay Smith
Lt. Col. Robert Behrens
Third Group Commander
Fourth Group Commander
Second Group Commander
Senior Master Sgt. Shawn Hughes
Senior Master Sgt. Tomas Fredricks
First Group Superintendent
Second Group Superintendent
Chief Master Sgt. Graham Smith
Senior Master Sgt.
Third Group Superintendent
Fourth Group Superintendent
Roderick Schwald
Rogers Den is by
Phot Wing Leadership
The Sound of
Flyovers of the cadets’ favorite aircraft are often
for important parade events.
The B-52
(right) is the heaviest bomber in the
Air Force arsenal.
Officially Accepted Basics (left) fidget nervously as they prepare for the
first milestone of their Academy career.
Raising Up the Next Generation Upperclassmen have carefully arranged the ceremony, where basics are accepted into the cadet
New Leadership Cadet Colonel Hunter Grunden (left) relinquishes his sword to Brig. Gen. Susan Desjardins, commandant, who will then present it to the new cadet
wing commander, Cadet Col. Joshua Gramm.
Photos by Ken Carter
y August, the newly enrolled basics have endured countless hours of physical train-
ing, standing at attention, long distance runs, wepons drill, pugil sticks and in formation, and
have spent several weeks in Jacks Valley. Basic
training is over, and they’ve proven themselves worthy of becoming Air Force Academy cadets. —
Ed Hanks
Forged in the Fire Cadets' preliminary
training is done.
Mass Formation For the first time, the cadet wing is joined by the fourth-class cadets (above) in formation, symbolic of their acceptance as
Now they can
march, work and relate as a team.
ery few Basics will ever forget the experience of Inprocessing. June 30th began differently for each appointee. Some went out for one last breakfast with
family before heading to
Doolittle Hall. Others, whose real families could not travel to be with them, fly in the day before, and are picked up by a sponsor who provided a “bed and breakfast” and moral support.
Everything these cadets held familiar, they left behind on the grounds outside Doolittle Hall. Inside, they are issued black satchels, and pass through several checkpoints. From there, they made the
Symbolic crossing over the bridge, and then came the bus ride.
While on the bus, the cadre members
the staff of Academy upperclassmen
those appointees who have the traits sought after in an Air Force officer to join them and continue their training. These
CJU3liti©S include absolute integrity, a willingness to sacrifice for their
country, and maximum effort in everything they do. The infamous bus ride is an appointee’s first encounter with yelling cadre, and suddenly
brings the basic face-to-face with a reminder that it’s not a “joy ride.” Next stop: at the historic “footprints.”
A Cheery Welcome Father Dan (right), wetcomes
appointees on their first day.
Photos by
Raphael Watson
The Airman’s Manual One of the many things, like boots, T-shirts and injections, cadets
get on their first
day is the Airman’s Manual, which they are expected to read anytime they aren’t
doing something, so they can recite the information from memory.
Step Onto the Footprints The bus pulls to a stop beside a line of colored foot-
prints, and cadre shouts, “Get off my bus!" Harried basics hurry off the bus, and are instructed to stand at attention upon the footsteps of those who have come
before them. Then, many “firsts” are experienced. This is the basics’first formation, first time standing at attention, and first time they will hear what will
become a familiar phrase: “Cadre, fall out and make corrections.
No Longer Individuals
Academy appointees have proven themselves to be some of the most excellent and outstanding men and women their age, and yet at
Inprocessing they each become one of a massed team of red baseball caps. They will cooperate as a team for the next four years. The red color signifies that these are the cadets of the Class of 2010.
A Couple Pounds
The very first test of will at the
Academy is when cadets are trained to sit, stoically, and
endure while their beloved hair is removed from their heads by the fistful, and dropped on the floor.
/ nprocessing
“Can You Hear Me?!” A member of the staff cadre exercises his authority over a Basic Cadet.
Basics, at this stage, are meant to feel unsure of themselves so
they will be
open to the training and suggestions
provided by their leaders.
Later in BCT,
they will have acquired a sense of self as a
military trainee, and will begin to
take responsibility for themselves. Photo by David Armer
Working As A Team The U. S. military provides no guarantee of comfortable, or sanitary, working
conditions in time of war. Nor is such
provided during training. Basics (below) crawl through
muddy stream, protect-
ing their rifles.
Photo by
C2C Christin Brodie
Undampened Spirit In simulated decontamination, a basic is doused and required to sing, or shout
slogans, in
order to pass. Absent real bullets and real explosives, cadre dreams up interesting problems which teach basics to remember and achieve a set of detailed goals while under stress. Photo by C2C Mark Walden
he hectic first day of Basic Cadet Training
(Inprocessing) is followed by more days, with one
blurring into another day of exertion, Challongo and high expectations.
Later comes
marching practice, Saturday morning inspections (SAMIs), the Physical Fitness Test (PFT), and the challenge of mealtimes.
After the rigorous exercises of each day, all Basics want to do is relax. Instead, they are trained to eat while “sitting at attOFltion,” to recite volumes of memorized data whenever asked
by the staff cadre, and to follow detailed rules of etiquette (beds with hospital corners, t-shirts folded crisply, boots shining brightly, etc.). The basic routines of first-year life at the Academy are drilled
into cadets during these critical early days at BCT. Not that all is routine.
Second BCT (“Second Beast”) takes the Basics on an 8-mile march into mountainous Jack’s
Valley where, for three weeks, they will face a series of field exercises which test their physical abilities and teamwork skills. Cadets begin by cooperating with squadronmates to set up
tents, then continue in a long series of competitive team challenges: distance running, obstacle courses, leadership exercises, military training and much, much more.
Personal Defense Two cadre instructors demonstrate proper technique for close-
quarters. Cadets are drilled in these skills. Upperclass cadre cadets are learning important leadership skills even as the basics learn to follow.
Photo by Danny Meyer
Physical and Mental Challenges The time basic cadets spend in Jacks Valley during BCT is often exhausting, but rarely dull. Cadre
devise interesting exercises and complicated rituals to simulate the hurly-burly of combat. Fear of the
consequence of being yelled at by a senior cadet at BCT may save a pilot or combat air controller his or her life later in their career as an Air Force officer.
Photo by C2C Christin Brodie
Basic Cadet Training
Global Engagement Operating in a Hostile World
ach summer, some cadets are subjected to a field training exercise called Global Engage-
ment, which is held in a number of sessions over three months so cadets can also cycle
through Airmanship and other classes. The purpose of Global Engagement is to give cadets experience in three of the Air Force’s primary career categories neering and services
security forces, combat engi-
and to provide the benefit of observing the interaction of these three roles
in concert with one another. The cadets assigned to S6rVICGS perform logistics duties, kitchen
work, or even tend to casualties and “mortuary affairs” after a mock battle. Combat engineers are tasked with clearing areas of “explosives” or building defensive fighting positions. All while the cadet
security forces stand watch. Some are divided into Quick Response Teams, and leap into
action when a flashpoint is identified along the perimeter. On the other hand, some of the cadet cadre members, along with other Air Force volunteers, perform as
“aggressors,” pretending
to infiltrate cadet teams’ security perimeter or lead an attack upon them. Over the several days
the cadets spend deployed in the field, these assaults may take the form of terrorist skirmishes,
planted explosives, or even simulated chemical attacks. By the end of the process, cadets have learned much about how a military unit coordinates and performs under combat conditions.
The key is that they understand how to apply these valuable skills in a
variety of situations
through their careers, which could range from ground warfare, to air combat, to more mundane
challenges of leadership and command.
by Ed Hanks
Stealthy and Alert Cadets (right) patrol the
forest carefully, watchful for aggressor teams of regular Air Force or
upperclassmen who might be waiting in ambush to test cadets’
training and leadership. Photos by C4C
Luke Connolly
The Tie That Binds Cadets assigned to services prepare meals, distribute which will shelter cadets for the better
supplies, and set up the tents
part of two weeks in the field. Polaris Photo
Mopping Up Global Engagement
requires cadets to face relatively realistic threats. Here, cadets don their Mission Oriented Protective gear which may be tested in encounters with real tear gas during a simulated
Unexploded Ordinance sweep. Polaris Photo
Camelback Patrol A scouting group (below) sets out with weapons and camelbacks
water packs each cadet wears to keep hydrated.
Situational Awareness A team leader consults a
Knowing where you are, and what’s around
you, is central to any military exercise.
Global Engagement
Care To Give Me A Lift? The tow plane banks one way, and the cadet banks his or her glider the other. Sud-
denly the cadet and instructor are on their own.
Pilots and students often remark
upon the near-silence once the motorized
tow-plane is out of range.
Polaris Photo
Wind Beneath Your Wings Cadets can become instructor pilots though Airmanship 461, which requires 80 flights of increasing difficulty. Instructors earn their “G-wings”- pilot wings with a “G” to denote glider. Polaris Photo
Beginning of a Long High Road Since many Academy cadets will end up going into flight or aircrew training, the Academy airfield is a major component of the training provided.
Cadets learn not just to fly, but also
to maintain the aircraft, understand weather conditions, maintain traffic patterns, and de-
velop a love for flying at the same time. Sailplanes teach pilots to use their senses, rather than just relying upon the complex technology of the modern Air Force. Polaris Photo
SPREADING THEIR WINGS uw ou’ll start at 7,300 feet, and then will rise to the occasion.” That’s one of the catch-phrases of the U.S. Air Force Academy’s soaring program. The 94th Flying Training Squadron
(FTS) boasts the largest and most active soaring operation in the world. Introductory flight training
(Airmanship 251) is usually take a flying career. called a
on the list of classes for third-class cadets who intend to under-
Beginning with the TG-10B model of Blanik gliders
aerodynamic design
“Sailplan©.” These can gain altitude on their own in the right hands and with the right
atmospheric conditions. After about 12-15 flights, cadets will SOlO and then perhaps earn their private pilot license. Academy gliders and their yellow Piper tow-planes are a familiar sight around the northern end of Colorado Springs. The tow planes lift the sailplanes on a tow-rope, and then release them at approximately two-thousand feet above the hilly Academy grounds (putting them at
about 9-10,000 feet above sea level).
Soaring is an intimate experience
instructor, in a motorless plane, alone with the wind.
just you, and maybe an
by Ed Hanks
Chasing Diamonds Cadets desiring further training graduate to advanced sailplanes and more complicated gliding techniques. Dedicated pilots go on to participate in the Aerobatics Team, or Cross-Coun-
try Team, achieving goals in individual flight or international competitions. Polaris Photo
You’ve Landed Where? Some pilots might feel distress at not having an engine to get them out of tight spots, but gliders are very
simple, and relatively safe aircraft. Cadets usually set them down at the airport,
but a sailplane can land on virtually any flat surface, including fields or roads, without damage, and this is commonly done, especially if the rising air thermals which keep a glider aloft give out unexpectedly. A glider is then disassembled and loaded onto a special trailer. Polaris Photo
Pinnacle Sharpening the Spear
ach semester, cadets are subjected to a major training event to test his or her skills. This year’s “Pinnacle” event was modeled on the Unit Compliance
Inspections (UCIs) performed on units throughout the operational Air Force. was
During the preceding week, cadets had been interviewed about
their jobs. It started with an open-ranks inspection, and later a “Heritage March.” The cadet wing arrived back on “The Hill” around midnight. The next morning, a
SAMI (quarters inspection) took place.
Dormitory inspections, and inspections of
CQ stations (Cadet Charge of Quarters) were conducted in a most rigorous manner
by the Academy’s permanent staff. A reflection period let the lessons set in, and then it was over.Cadet life has three pillars: academic, military, and athletic. Cadets are
challenged every day to live up to the academic pillar. The purpose of the UCI
was to ensure that cadets would
excel at the athletic and military standards.
C2C Shawn Cuevas
Sparkling Boots and Minds C4C Thien Duong works away at a Standards Test, to which all fourth-class cadets were subjected to prove
basic knowledge. Polaris Photo
Honed to Fine Points Master Sgt. Steve. Honda, the AMT for Cadet
Squadron 28, gives his cadets the eagle eye. The UCI/Pinnacle exerase began with a wing-wide open ranks inspection on the Terrazzo. Each cadet was expected to be in complete
military order.
Photo by Dennis Rogers
Proof of Physical Prowess
During the week, upperclass cadets had to run the Air Force Fitness Test to prove physical fitness (left).
The lower
three classes (below) had to complete
the requirements for the fifth week BCT
physical fitness card.
Polaris Photos
Homage to Heroes /4s twilight marked the completion of the first day’s inspections, the cadets marched to the Academy Cemetary
tradition known as a “Heritage March,
meant to honor fallen airmen. Photo by C2C Sam Grey
Pinnacle g| -si
Colors in the Mist An Honor Guard cadet at the position of
Present Arms. In the background, through the fog, can be seen the colors formation,
Present Arms! The Color Guard presents the colors at official ceremonies. Lesser flags are dipped in
carrying the flags.
Drill involves sharp,
shouted commands, which may sound eerie when enclosed by fog. Photo by
salute, while the U.S. flag remains upright.
Danny Meyer
Photo by Ken Carter
Archway of Steel The U.S. Air Force Academy Honor Guard Saber Drill Team forms a saber arch above ar-
riving guests and dignitaries.
Polaris Photo
<4 ^ d
^ cL
he Cadet Honor Guard is an organization that provides ceremonial drill functions at the Academy. It was founded
in 1974 primarily to function as an exhibition drill unit, and later took on the responsibility of being the sole cadet unit
to perform Color Guard, flag details, and other ceremonial
details. In 1994, the unit took on the responsibility of providing
funeral honors for cadets and graduates of the Academy.
In 2004, the Cadet Honor Guard merged with the Sabre
Drill Team to become a single unit. The resulting group is made up of approximately 70 cadets and is divided into three
flights: rifle drill flight, sabre drill flight and the details flight. Fourth class cadets on the team learn exhibition drill and
compete in national competitions. Upper class cadets on the team perform all ceremonial and funeral honors for the Cadet
Wing, as well as numerous ceremonies for the local, national,
Tradition, Precision That’s the motto of the USAFA Honor Guard.
and international communities.
he Sabre Drill Team is a cadet club that performs and teaches drill manual with the cadet sabre. The team was
formed in 1961 through the initiative of cadets. In the fall of
Cadets practice continuously to execute their moves
perfectly. Cadets conducting saber drill
toss their sabers into the air, and even across to each other, with flawless precision.
Photo by
Arnie Spencer
2004 it became a part of the Cadet Honor Guard. The team
performs throughout the academic year for a variety of activities, including social functions, air shows, ceremonies, sport-
ing events, intercollegiate drill competitions and the Miss USA
Pageant viewed by over 30 million people annually. Cadets can join the team only in their fourth class year and may remain a member until they graduate. Each candidate is rigouously screened. Those who make the team are
required to devote five afternoons each week to sabre and drill practices. After a three-month trial period, the top per-
formers are granted team member status. The sabres used in the routines are carried by all cadet commanders when marching in formation. They are modeled after a French weapon and made of stainless steel. The sabres are three feet long and weigh one pound, one ounce
unsheathed. They are manufactured in Germany and their
design is unique to the Academy.
Transfer of the Colors The Honor Guard uses the familiar triangle
fold when carrying the flag.
When command
changes hands, or location, it is symbolized by a transfer ceremony. The flag will be raised at the new location, at Jacks Valley, for basic
cadet training. Polaris Photo
Honor Guard
A Watchful Eye Behind the Trigger As the convoy makes its way along a
mountain road in Jacks Valley, cadets on foot establish a
perimeter on either
side of the road to protect against am
bush. Photo by C2C Mark Walder
he Commandant’s Challenge is a three-day training exercise, held every fall, which focuses on Wartime leadership chal-
lenges cadets might face after graduation. They learn to deal with high-stress situations in simulated danger conditions.
As a flight of cadets approached the self-aid buddy care course they were met by simulated “wounded victims” and hidden
improvised explosive devices. It was a Simulated combat trauma zone. They had to act quickly to save the injured.
lower-class cadets stood in confusion. Upper class cadets took charge and gave orders to set up a safety perimeter, care for victims and sweep for explosives. The cadet wing came together to tackle the first
major training event of the semester and ac-
complish the tasks set before them. As a whole, new cadets seemed to enjoy the event. “Commandant’s Challenge provides a real life
experience for the fresh-
men,” C4C Domingo Astiasaran said. Each challenge was portrayed as accurately as possible. The cadets applied the information learned from their manual, and were fully engaged in the scenario.
The SUCC6SS of the Commandant’s Challenge will be demonstrated in coming years as these cadets finish their
training and serve in operational capacities in the Air Force.
by C3C Kaitlin Baird
Trying Not to Turn Green One obstacle challenge required the cadets to cross a simulated “chasm" with rope gear while wearing masks to protect against enemy poison gas. Working ably in
sub-optimal conditions is an important skill for military officers. Polaris Photo
Force Protection Condition Delta One cadet tackles a simulated terrorist
(actually an Air Force sergeant) and subdues
him while the other cadet covers him with an M-16. At Commandant’s dets learn procedure, and learn from their
Challenge, ca-
mistakes, in order to be prepared if they have
to compete in battle for real.
Photo by C2C Mark Walden
Pass In Review Commandant’s Challenge wasn’t all sweat and excitement. in a wide range of military skills.
Cadets had to prove competence
They concluded with a parade for the Commandant.
Photo by C2C Mark Walden
Keeping a Cool Head Under Fire /\s cadets treated patients, it built a sense of teamwork. “SABC course is an awesome way for cadets to apply the knowledge taught and learned from the Airman's Manual,
said C1C Nicole Helmers.
Photo by C2C Mark Walden
Commandant V Challenge
Guide Me C1C John Karlen carries Cadet Squadron 39’s
their squadron col
The squadron staff of the Class of
2007 leads the way as the Class of 2010
(red hats) follows, learning the traditions important to the unit. Potentia Vincere
CS39’s motto is
Power to Conquer.
Photo by Dennis Rogers
Showing Them How It’s Done C2C Donald Clemson (below) sets an
example for his squadron with some smart push-ups. A large part of recogni-
tion was physical exercises and chal-
Each squadron was tested to
the limit.
Photo by Dennis Rogers
Run To “The Rock” The culmination of Recognition was the “Run to the Rock" where each squadron’s firsties led the squadron’s Fourth Class to Cathedral Rock at a speedy clip.
The freshmen carried a deco-
rated symbol of their class with them as a physical test. The class was given responsibility for a
"charge", which it was their job to hold safe. Photo by C2C Sam Grey
houghts of the unknown filled the Class of 2010 as recognition loomed
grueling two and a
half days of mental and physical StreSS. Intimidation bloomed in freshmen eyes as upper-
classmen projected personas bent on truly testing them. Training started strong, and finished with
intensity. There was no giving up. C4C Walker encouraged his classmates.
“When people would
start to break I would tell them to give everything they had, no matter how broken they were, so that
they could look back and know that they held nothing back and had no regrets about their performance.” Each day dragged on with endless physical and mental challenges. Upperclassmen built or
expanded their training experience. C2C Trent Sandberg said, “It was an awesome opportunity to
see how the four
degrees progressed throughout the year.” At its conclusion, freshmen sighed with
relief at their newly granted “prop and wings.” They became fully recognized cadets in the wing. The Class of 2010 learned valuable lessons and developed memories to last for a lifetime.
They were glad they went through it, but would never want to do it again, C4C Matthew Guertin said, “Recognition reveals your true colors, mine happens to be red.”
by C3C Kaitlin Baird
White Glove Treatment An important part of Recognition is the inspections. ensure their rooms are at
Cadets must
tip-top standard, with clothing carefully
folded and stored, books all in order, shoes polished, uniforms
No one wants sloppy habits “recognized
Polaris Photo
Can’t Escape This Rite of Passage Freshmen were "captured" and subjected to confinement and interrogation by upperclassmen dressed as terrorists and acting the part. Polaris Photo
he Ops Air Force program is a great opportunity for cadets to see active bases around the country, and overseas, from the inside. Three weeks of
learning at an operational Air Force base offers unique opportunities cadets might otherwise never experience. Cadets spend time learning about Air Force specialties, and enjoy-
ing time away from the Academy. Each is assigned to a particular career field to learn the basics and works as part of base staff, gaining
insight into potential career options. C3C
Sara Schwartz traveled to Hurlburt Field, Fla.. She said pilots were very generous with incentive rides, offering them to cadets willing to stay up and fly at night. C3C Eric Birdsong
flew overseas to earn experience at the legal office at Lages Field in The Azores. No base is exactly the same, but each provide experiences cadets will remember forever. C3C Jon
Cremer was stationed at Davis Monthan AFB, and said, “It was a ence
reW3fding experi-
because he was able to interact with the enlisted members of the Air Force, and
they gave him the ability to see the other side and how they impact the Air Force.” Cadets received valuable insight into how enlisted and officers work together on active duty, which will aid in their future careers as officers.
by C3C Kaitlin Baird
Experience of a Higher Caliber Military equipment of all types was available for show and tell... and use! Hands on experience with a
variety of weaponry and hardware, such as this
.50 caliber machine gun, expanded cadets’ horizons
beyond the Academy confines. Polaris Photo
Objects Behind You May Be Closer Than They Appear
The group of cadets who visited Nellis AFB, Nev. for
Ops Air Force get a buzz from the Air Force’s top ground support aircraft, an A-10 Thunderbolt. Polaris Photo
Gaining Incentive A cadet gets to experience the F-16's highmach performance on an incentive ride. The F-16 is dually potent in air superior-
ity or ground attack roles. Many cadets' top aspiration is to become a fighter pilot. Polaris Photo
I Overnight Delivery I
When you absolutely, positively, have to get hundreds of soldiers and tanks to a combat zone 2,000 miles away
the Air Mobility Command.
Many cadets will eventually find themselves as pilots or air crew on the Air Force’s
massive C-5 Galaxy cargo planes sitting, like these cadets, a full sevent stories above the blazing airport tarmac. Polaris Photo
Ops Air Force
Bird’s Eye View
Freefalling is one of the most exciting parts of skydiving. Cadets can maneuver by shifting
their body or diving. Polaris Photo
Formation Flying Four cadets leave the plane, already in formation, gripping each other so they don’t drift apart while they form more
complex arrangements in the sky. Flighly trained skydivers may change formation numerous times while freefalling. -
Polaris Photo
Stunt Flyer A Wings of Blue member checks out a
nearby aerobatic plane flying next to her jump plane. The special
ram-air parachutes allow cadets to control
speed and direction, and land gently with accuracy. Polaris Photo
up tand in the Door!” Those words surely remind cadets of their Airmanship 490 class. They remember the feelings: nervousness, excitement, fear and anticipation. For some, it was the realization of a lifelong dream. Those who feel the thrill continue beyond that basic level, and may eventually join the nationally renowned Wings of Blue or Wings of Green parachute teams.
Every member earned his or her spot by waking up early in the morning, and giving up Saturdays to jump. They learned more advanced jump techniques, and learn how to fall in a variety of situations. C1C Ilea Eskildsen laughed as she recalled her first jump. “I did a flip,” she said. “I lost count so I just pulled [my canopy].” The feeling when the canopy opens is one of the best
feelings in the entire world. On Saturdays, members spend dawn to dusk jumping, teaching, or performing ground control duties. Team members also shared the thrill of skydiving with new cadets by teaching.
Skydiving teaches confidence, and it’s also an incredibly freeing feeling. C3C
Lindsay Robinson said, “The best time to jump is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. You see the sunrise or sunset and it’s beautiful.”
by C4C Deanna Franzen
Preparing to Jump Cadets on the Wings of Blue team prepare their equipment for a competitive
jump during
the National Collegiate Parachuting Championships. Air Force took 1st place, and broke a
national record with 116 points, and 32 medals, nine of which were gold. Polaris Photo
Championship Style C1C Michael Bush was crowned 2006 second in team
national champion
accuracy and second in individual accuracy
first in style, -
at the Natiom
Championships held in Florida at the end of December. Polaris Photo
FINDING THE RIGHT CHEMISTRY: Molding an Academy cadet into a qualified Air Force officer requires a carefully balanced formula, and study of the hard sciences familiarizes them with the scientific concepts behind the most
advanced military in the world. Polaris Photo
PROPER APPLICATION OF FORCE: To perform its military mission, the Air Force employs a wide variety of complicated machinery, from state-of-the-art optics to high-performance fighter jets.
Engineering and other applied sciences bring
cadets to understand the capabilities and limits of the materiel they will use throughout their careers. Polaris Photo
ATTENTION TO STUDIES: In addition to the rigorous physical and military training cadets must endure, the U.S. Air Force Academy is one of the world’s most challenging academic environments. Polaris Photo
“The most important aspect of freedom of speech is freedom to learn. All education is a continuous
dialogue questions and answers that pursue every problem on the horizon. That is the essence of academic freedom.” William Orville Douglas -
Technical Exam A large percentage
of Academy cadets
study highly technical subjects, requir-
ing open books and calculators, but
certainly no less pressure for it. Photo by C2C Sam Grey
Free Exchange of Ideas The Academy presents a unique learning environment. Photo by C4C Luke Connolly
Typical. Two cadets plan and contemplate while the other does all the work! Cadets see mechanical and technological
concepts at work, and up close.
Polaris Photo
A cademic Call to Quarters is not employed in
1 many other colleges and definitely not at an
average university A hectic schedule is typical at the Academy. one
It can cause cadets to lose focus on
aspect or another of the tasks at hand. Apart
from classes, cadets have to deal with military and physical activities, each demanding almost as much time as the student has to give. Academics easily get pushed onto the back burner because it is often the least
favorable duty.
Busy cadets generally do not enjoy reading, writing, calculating and
all the other daunting tasks that come with completing academic assignments.
due consideration to all the other duties layered into the Academy program, an idea was born in the mind of the dean,
which hatched into a new breed of after school
training meant to inspire excellence. At 19:10 every day, most cadets must be in the cadet area for ACQ.
This mandated time slot lasts until bedtime, giving almost four
hours of study time.
The library is crowded during this time, with cadets completing
group assignments, research papers, or assigned reading. academic duties in the confines of their dormitory rooms. Detail Work
Many of the projects and
Some prefer to do their
During ACQ, all the nor-
mal bustle, interruptions and disturbances halt so cadets can focus on academics. It is the only time of the day when freshmen can
legitimatd^^^^pr themselves.
assignments cadets work on involve a lot of detail work.
by C4C Carrie Wong K
C1C Scott Nakatanl (below)
assembles a project mock-up. Polaris Photo
Study Habits
enior projects are a traditional part of Firstie life. Each senior is expected to
complete a project demonstrating his or her skills in their chosen major. Many are in the form of standardized class projects, though other cadets may have individual
tasks or assignments. Each challenges the student to use the knowledge earned over four years of
Academy training, and apply it to a real world problem or situa-
Known as capstone projects, cadets’ assignments are as varied as the majors
offered at the Academy.
They may range from analyses of a country’s economic situ-
ation, to a paper on military strategy, to hands-on constructs like model bridge spans. Some departments venture into ambitious collaborative schemes with multiple cadets
working as a team, sometimes across a variety of academic fields. Such projects produce robots, satellites, human powered vehicles, therapeutic devices, as just a few examples.
The civil engineering department builds a canoe from polymers and
lightweight, high-tech concrete aggregates, then compete with other university teams in a yearly concrete canoe race.
Cadets majoring in astronautic engineering teamed
up with systems engineering and systems engineering management students to plan,
Nurturing Lost Arts Today’s cadets rarely come to the Academy with years of auto shop experience under their belts, as did many in decades
But the mechanical engineering department still finds teaching those skills is advanta-
geous for aspiring engineers, as demonstrated by the dune buggy project.
FalconLAUNCH V The rocket engine was tested for technical flaws on a secure
stationary platform (below) before further
refinements. Later, it was transferred to the NASA
facility at Wallops Island, in Virginia, where the rocket designed by the Class of 2007 (left) was launched on its suborbital
flight in May FalconLAUNCH V car-
ried a five-pound payload to an altitude of 28 miles. Polaris Photos
Teamwork Cements the Lessons Cadets submit a proposal paper, then de and build the canoe.
It’s built for speed,
maneuverability, so the cadets could tran port it to Boulder, Colo., (left) to compete with concrete canoes from other Mountai West Divisional schools. Air Force raced course, made relatively sharp turns arour
bouy, and crossed the finish line 5th, out entries.
Polaris Photo
Cadets Build Concrete Bonds The civil engineering department’s concrete canoe is constructed of
lightweight polymer ma-
terials made in pieces (left), which are then fitted
together (above) and coated with a layer of thin concrete.
The contraption floats by the nature of
the polymer’s bouyancy working to overcome the
weight of the aggregate shell.
Polaris Photo
Senior Projects
Going Native With Filipinos in tradi-
tional garb, C2C Collin
O’Bryant spent Fall Break on an exchange at the Philippines Air Force
Academy. Polaris Photo Fine Waves, And Sine Waves
Enjoying the surf in Hawaii, C1C Clayton
Stanley worked on a summer research
program at the Maui
High Performance
Computing Center. Polaris Photo
Pounds Lighter
Against the Shanghai
skyline, C3C William Harrison, CICBenjaMounted for Travel
min Roth, C3C James
C2C Michael Smith spent his spring break in Tunisia. Summer exchanges and
Beard & C3C Peter
spring break visits are meant to give cadets a wider picture of the world, and experience dealing with other cultures.
Polaris Photo
Betz enjoy
spring break in China. Photo by LTC Robert Swanson
'•▼"i--.. i'
ur first
day in India, we visited Delhi, and
marveled at the Taj Mahal. As a group of
young guys, we were all extremely open to new
experiences and frequently interacted with the locals.
We stumbled across a group of kids playing
cricket. Five of we Americans joined six Indians to
play the next game against 11 Indians, “bowling” at a “wicket” with a small leather ball. Later in the
10-day trip, we toured Delhi University and visited the technological center of Bangalore.
by C2C Donald Lewis
he Fall Break 2006 trip to Mexico was a whirlwind of cultural activity. We saw
everything we could in just seven days! We went to the Palacio de Bella Artes,
the Zocalo, shopping at the local mercados, and even the Aztec stadium to watch a soccer game.
On our last day we went to the ancient Aztec sun and moon pyra-
mids, and many historical cathedrals. Mysteriously our whole group got the dreaded Montezuma’s revenge. Beware the street vendor food!
I A ilere e ^se ,n ^ e wor^ are 1
by C1C Amanda Curtis
000ft mountains and beautiful beaches just two
V V hours away? Nowhere but Chile! For Thanksgiving break, I traveled with C1C Kemper Wagner, C1C Jason Giroux, C3C Erika Fischer and Captain Waldvo-
gel to Chile’s capital, Santiago, for “Cultural Immersion” and we definitely got what Different Summer Orbits C1C Paul Elsbernd (below) spent his summer at NASA’s Marshall
Space Flight Center.
Polaris Photo
we came for.
We toured the 500-year-old city, local Andean ski areas, world famous
vineyards, gorgeous beaches and the Chilean Air Force Academy. My favorite part of the trip? The llamas.
Definitely the Har mW
by C2C Ryan Gustafson
programs Exchange & Summer Programs
I he Academy is full of remarkable professors. C1C Amanda Reed cites Dr. Steve Samuels as one professor who “really cares
for the welfare of his students.” Samuels says his Behavioral Science and Leader”
ship class is about “training better leaders, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters.
Friends and family told him he was nuts to undertake a career at a service academy, because he had a degree from a high-powered graduate school. But he knows he’s where he belongs.
“If you give most cadets a chance, open a door and show them what’s inside, they love it.
Lt. Col. Jack Wetterer feels the same way.
So does he.
“I get excited about certain aspects of
Astronomy,”he says, which is no surprise, since he’s actually discovered several stars.
He teaches cadets to use the scientific method to clarify their decision-making, When a cadet hears
and to apply physics to their career in a technological Air Force.
something he says, and exclaims, “That’s neat!” it makes his whole week. In course critiques, Dr. Chad Austin is often told his core law class is the most relevant course cadets take. A major in the Air Force reserves, he says he stresses
“taking care of people
the idea that they’re not only responsible for themselves, but also to the people under their command.
Maj. Aric Southworth teaches geopolitics and American Politics. discussion and critical thinking on current events and history.
He relies heavily on
“You can see the light
come on when the cadets realize there are different sides to an issue.” an idealist.
But he’s also
He still teaches about Pi^pident George Washington’s Farewell Address, and highlights
whs^Foffers of value to cadets today.
by Ed Hanks
j □
Touching Young Minds “This is a great job,
Maj. Aric
the cadets. It’s great to work with such a motivated group of young
people." Southworth is one of the newest professors in the Political
Science Department. Photos by Ed Hanks
Southworth says, “because of
Looking to the Future Lt. Col. Jack Wetterer shows off one
of the Academy's
He first
taught at the Academy as a young
captain. Now some of the cadets he
instructed are col-
Mixed Company Civilian and military professors (below) grade cadet tests. Dr. Steve Samuels, with the Behavioral Science and
Nuke Hunter, Extraordinaire
Maj. Aric Southworth, a Political Science professor, has lots of memorabilia. He was a combat
photographer and videographer for special operations missions in the Balkans
Laying Down the Law Dr. Chad Austin teaches Law.
using simulations, he once asked cadets to role-play different Iraqi
factions so they could better under-
and elsewhere.
“We brought out 20 tons
of nuclear material from the former Soviet ”
Union, he says, referring to the Time Magazine article on his wall. He uses his expert-
stand the complicated factors in set-
ences to illustrate
ting up a postwar Iraqi government.
leadership concepts for his
to cssors
L— very Tuesday, cadets walk into their classrooms, drowsy from lunch, to receive Cadet Professional Military Education. CPME is a series of lessons derived from Air Staff courses
a foretaste of those
which cadets may face later in their careers.
the past, CPME was known as Professional Military Learning. Similar programs exist for Reserve Officer Training Corps and Officer Training School.
Cadets know they
must attend, but not every one understands the purpose and intent of the lessons.
Master Sgt. Robert Nolen, Training Division Education Program Manager, said cadet interest and attitude is critical.
“Though the abilities of an instructor are an important
factor in a successful lesson, the lessons are primarily based on the dynamics of the cadets participating in the lesson.
Therefore the key to a successful lesson is
motivating cadets to actively participate.
Some aspects covered in CPME may be
revisited throughout a cadet’s future career as an officer, with the idea that Air Force officers will likely utilize the experience in operational situations. Nolen says CPME
is not an end in itself. Its intent is to begin the process of officer development, which will be continued and extended in other Air Force Leadership and Development courses such as the
Aerospace Basic Course, the Squadron Officer School, or the
Air War College. CPME may not always be fun, and cadets may not prefer to spend
their afternoons in the lessons.
However, professional development for cadets will
not end with the Air Force Academy and these lessons will help prepare cadets for
their future careers as officers.
by C2C Shawn Cuevas
Learning the Ropes Some military training cadets receive relates to problem solving and promotes team building.
Polaris Photo
Arsenal for Learning The McDermott Library is a cadet’s academic resource for research pa-
pers and other military ed-
ucation purposes.
cadets spend time there,
learning PME or for other classes. Polaris Photo
Special Guest Appearances C1C Hunter Grunden (below) presents an Air Force
ceremonial saber to Lowell Randall, the last surviving member of Dr. Robert Goddard’s pioneering rocket
experiment team, who spoke to cadets about his experiences and memories of Goddard. Part of the Academy program is to learn from “exemplars” of military or scientific prowess. Polaris Photo
The Air Force Way
Cadets, from their very first day at the Academy are expected to learn
proper military discipline (above) as well as the historical and practical
information about the Air Force and the Academy contained in the Contrails book (left). Polaris Photo
c Convened annually
since 1959, the U.S. Air Force Academy Assembly is an
undergraduate student conference sponsored jointly by the Air Force Academy and Columbia University’s American assembly. Field on the Academy grounds, this student planned and executed conference provides a unique opportunity for more than 200 highly qualified undergraduates to discuss a topic of contemporary significance. This provides a unique environment for cadets and servicemen from various service academies to mix with each other and civilian college students and exchange ideas and perspectives.
Delegates to the 49th Academy Assembly in February tackled the
topic: “Continent at a Crossroads: Prosperity, Justice & Security in South America.
Each participant was asked to read at least part of an intimidating list of suggested
readings beforehand, so they would be prepared with specialized knowledge. Prominent academic experts, government officials and business leaders served as as-
sembly speakers and roundtable leaders. Students cap the week of hard work with a written consensus report reflecting the dominant views and policy recommendations
Crossing Service and Generational Lines An Air Force Academy cadet (left) and Air Force officer listen as a Naval Academy cadet illustrates his
point. Polaris Photo
Getting Cozy With Navy There was no room for interservice rivalry at Academy Assembly. Students and cadets from every academy and
service treated each other as equals in order to focus on the matters and questions at hand. Polaris Photo
Everyone Brings Something to the Table Two university students share the table with two Academy cadets and a Marine sergeant. The ap-
plication process draws many of the best minds from all sectors of academic society to discuss important issues at Academy Assembly. Polaris Photo
Academy. \ssembly
Reach for the Stars C1C Joseph Swart peers through the 61 cm re fleetor telescope housed at the Academy Observatory.
Polaris Photo
If You’ve Got the Brains For It... A Biology professor explains some of the finer points
of the human brain to an Academy Prep School student at Majors Night. She will enter the Class of 2011. Photo by C2C Jennifer Beasock
Laserlike Focus C1C Drew Tullson sits amidst an array
Yearning to Fly For Majors Night, C1C Jacob Hempen displays a model heli-
copter with coaxial rotors.
Photo by C2C Jennifer Beasock
of laser beams and
technical equipment used by the
Physics Department.
Polaris Photo
ajors Night was an evening of indecision for some fourth
class cadets as they tried to
declare their majors. The Academy offers 28 disci-
plinary and interdisciplinary majors, four divisional majors, and two minors.
For many cadets the
choice is difficult. Although not required to declare until third semester, the difference in course load
puts the pressure on to decide by second semester. Booths lined two hallways of Fairchild Hall,
displaying colorful posters and surrounded by instructors, officers, and declared upperclassmen. Students crowded around tables, asking questions about course loads and career options, and signing paper interest sheets Hair Raising Antics
requesting further informa-
tion. Some cadets stayed at one table, asking many questions, while others darted
C3C Jacob Bailey explains the concepts behind the Tesla
from one booth to the next. For some, the tantalizing options made the decision
Coil. Inventor Nikola Tesla
difficult. Many booths displayed their department’s most interesting models, sue-
conducted some of his most
famous experiments in 1899,
cessfully enticing cadets to stop and watch. One particularly memorable display was
only 10 miles from the Academy. Photo by C2C Jennifer
the propulsion cannon put on by the astrological engineering department. Cadets
covered their ears and watched sparks fly down the hallway in a brilliant burst. Other
displays included the brains and giant snake at the biology table, and the large rats at the behavioral science booth.
Majors Night was another reminder of the many
academic options the Academy has to offer. Cadets’ choices of majors, while
Learning From History History professor Lt. Col. Nathan Watanabe teaches C4C Andrew Laushine and others about the heroism of the
Japanese-American combat unit that earned the most decorations during World War II. He wears a historic uniform.
Photo by C4C David Brasher
Majors Night
Biology Front row: Col. John Putnam, Capt. Shawna
Bowshot, Capt. Melanie Presuto, and Lt. Col. Michaela Demboski.
Second row:
John McQuade, Dr. Jill McQuade, Maj. Craig
Narasaki, Lt. Col. Holly Franz, and Col. Paul Fisher. Third row: Maj. Brett Kugler, Maj. Mark Pomerinke, Dr. David Westmoreland, and Dr. Edward Unangst.
Back row: Dr.
Michael Wilcox, Alex Syntas, Dr. Ronald
Veverka, Lt. Col. Daniel Lynkins, Dr. Dave
Hale, Dr. Erick Snellman, Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert, Lt. Col, Daniel Atchley, and Lt. Col. Steve Black.
Chemistry Front row: Dr. Richard Deans, Lt. Col.
Robert Reiman, Maj Richard Reich, Liz Curry, Dr. Donald Bird, Col. Michael Van Valken-
burg, Beth Austria, Dr. Timm Knoerzer, Dr. John Wilkes, Dr. Norman Heimer, and Maj.
John Garver. Second row:
Cynthia Corley,
Dr. Joel Cain, Dr. Joseph Levin sky, Capt. Katherine Todorov, Dr. Kimberly Gardner, Mr. Randy Ramsden, Ralph Hutchinson,
Maj. Mark Westrick, 1st Lt. Tracy Denaro, Dr. Marge Rakowsky, 1stLt. Michael Hyland, 1st Lt. Eric Mowles, Maj. Kathy Fullerton, Maj
Michelle Rauch, and 1st Lt. Hope Klukovich. Back row: Adrian Hermosillo, Capt. Kotin
Newsome, Capt. Joshua Kittle, Capt. Aaron Weiner, Maj. Dennis Tuthill, Dr. Ronald Furstenau,
Capt. Eric Styron, Maj. Patrick Castle,
Maj. Travis Herbelin, Dr. Robert Racicot, and Dr. Gary Balaich.
Computer Science Front row: Dr. Donald Kraft, Dr. Martin
Carlisle, Lt. Col. Stephen Cooper, Col. David
Gibson, Dr. Barry Fagis, Lt. Col. James
Harper, Lt. Col. Leemon Baird III, and Dr. Steven Hadfield. Second row:
Tina Pratt,
Capt. Robert Harder, Bill McCrary, Maj. Darin Williams, Capt. James Lotspeich, Maj. David
Wells, Dr. Dennis Schweitzer, Capt. Nathan Jensen, William Bahn, and Maj. Jeff Boleng. Back row: Mike Collins, Dr.
Wayne Brown,
Capt. Sean Butler, Capt. Gordon MacMillan, Capt. Charles Mayer, and
Maj. Troy Weingart.
acabcmic departments
Mathematical Sciences Front row: Col. John Andrew and Lt. Col. Kevin
Burns. Second row: Lt. Col. Russ Adelgren, Marilyn
Sacchetta, Deb Glaze, and Dr. Bradley Warner. Third row:
Maj. Melissa Phillips, Kimberly Swetz, Lt. Col.
Scott Blum, Lt. Col. Carlos Ortiz, Dr. Mike Brilleslyper, Dr. Beth Schaubroeck, Capt. Jadonna Brewton, Dr.
Michelle Ghrist, Lt. Col. Lem Myers, Capt. Julia Phiilips, Maj. Roger Reynolds, Capt. LeAnn Ferguson, and
Maj. Brian Ralston. Fourth row: Lt. Col. Erik Demkowicz, Capt. Dan Finkelstein, Maj. Trae Holcomb, Lt. Col. Mark Gerken, Maj. Nicholas Zeisler, Lt. Col. Patti Egleston, Dr. Ralph Boedigheimer, 1st Lt. Clint
Hoskins, Capt. Jason Williams, Maj. Nicholas Sawruk, Maj. Jim Love, Dr. Dale Peterson, Lt. Col. Freddie
Rodriguez, Lt. Col. Tony McKenzie, and Capt. Drew Richardson. Back row: Capt. Jonathan Murphy, Capt. Steve Clark, Maj. Scott Williams, Dr. Kurt Herzinger, Dr. Jim Rolf, Maj. Scott Callihan, Capt. Lee Miller,
Chris Cullenbine, Capt. Dave Mills, Maj. Mike Lattanzi, Lt. Col. Kelly Greene, Maj. Andrew Berry, Maj. Robert
Block, Capt. Chris Pruitt, and Capt Susan Lynch.
Physics Front row: Dr. Randy Knize, Lt. Col. Scott
Dr. Evelyn Patterson, Lt. Col. Mike Dearborn, Col. Rex Kiziah, Dr. Shane Burns, Lt. Col. Tom Spicer, Dr. Delores Knipp, Lt. Col. Jack Wetterer, and Dr.
Richard Cook. Second row: Dr. Brian Patterson,
Capt. Randy Carlson, Dr. Gabriel Font-Rodriquez, Dr. Yalin Yu, Duane Dunlap, Dr. Boris Zhandov,
Marty Johnson, Diane Jones, Dr. Geoff Andersen, Heather Preston, and Dr. Tetsu Takekoshi. Third row:
Maj. Doug Young, Lt. Col. Brent Morris, Maj.
Ben Ward, Maj. Stephen Phipps, Maj. Robert
Wacker, Maj. Doug Buchanan, Capt. Troy Hacker, Capt. Shawn Willis, Capt. Robert Lee, Maj Clark Allred, Maj Pete Ohotnicky, Dr. Gregor Novak, and Mr. Fran Pummer. Back row: Dr. Jim Dorman, Mark Mayer, Dr. Richard Balthazor, Dr. Thomas
Ehrenreich, Dr. Lon Enloe, Dr. Derek Buzasi, Lt. Col. David Lee, Maj. Brian Bailey Maj. Brian Kabat, Dr. Devin Della-Rose, and Capt. Brian Flusche.
Academic Departments
Aeronautical Engineering Front row: Lynette Kaffine and Col.
Martin France. Second row: Lt. Col. Lynnane George, Maj. Timothy
Nathaniel, Lt. Col. John Seo, and Lt. Col. Mark Charlton. Third row: Capt. Sandra Wilson, Dr. Paul Vergez, Capt. D. Sobers, Capt. C. Chappell, Capt.
Tyler Hague, Lt. Col. Michael Bettner, and Lt. Col. David Swanson. Fourth row: Dr. Kenneth Siegenthaler,
Lt. Col. William Cochran, Lt. Col. Timo-
thy Lawrence, Prof. William Saylor, Lt. Col. Ralph Sandfry, Staff Sgt. Dustin
Herold, Tech Sgt. Robert Mongcrier, Staff Sgt. Michael Wickersheim, and
Capt. Seven Hart. Back row: Dr. Scott Dahlke, Lt. Col. (ret) Seven Waiss, Dr. Robert Brown, Kwi Spinks, and Donald Waite.
Civil and Environmental
Engineering Front row: Dr. James Pocock, Lt. Col.
Eva Wilson, Lt. Col. Steve Kuennen,
Col. Greg Seely, Lt. Col. Layne Packer, Lt. Col. Craig Arnold, and Dr. Rod
Jenkins. Second row: Capt. Matt
Caudell, Capt. Jeff Kost, CPT Hugh Cronin, Capt. Joel Sloan, Maj. John
Christ, Capt. Justin Morrison, Capt. Ben Roope, Maj. Andrew bates, and Dr. Mohamad Zineddin.
Back row: Capt. Jeremy Milliman, Dr. Ron Meade, Dr. Adrian Won, Mr. John
Lobdell, Master Sgt. Dennis Scott,
Maj. David Gwisdalla, Tech. Sgt. John Agnew, and Capt. Scott Bole.
academic departments
Electrical Engineering
Photo Not Available
Engineering Mechanics
Photo Not Available
Academic Departments
Behavorial Science and
Leadership Front row: Lt. Col. Heidi Schwenn, Lt. Col. Ken Kemper, CDR Andy Bellenkes, Lt. Col. Mark Jordan, Dr. George Mas-
troianni, Col Gary Packard Jr., Lt. Col. Wes Olson, Dr. Lynn Caldwell, Lt. Col.
Gary Serfoss, and Lt. Col. Terrence Andre. Second row: Dr. Michele Butler,
Maj. Lisa Sayegh, Maj. Brett Gooden. Capt. James Venters. Randy Torres, 1st Lt Chad Tossell, Maj Chris Hays, and Dr.
Gayle Yamazaki.
Back row: Capt. Amy
Horton, Capt. Kari Granger, Dr. Dave McCone, Amy Singer, Dr. Will Scott,
Maj. Anthony Hassan, Capt. Randy Allen, Dr. Jeff Dyche, Dr. Craig Foster, Dr. Steve Samuels, Capt. Ira Schurig, and
Maj Camilo Guerrero.
Economics and
Geography Front row: Dr. Terrance Haverluk, Lt. Col. Jeff Cook, Col. Richard Fullerton,
Wayne Sidebottom, Lt. Col. Ken Hart, and Dr. Jim West. Second row:
Tim Sweeney, Dr. Robert Waller, Capt.
Jason Ross, Capt. Jake Rodriquez, Dr. Bruce Linster, Capt. Derek Tharaldson,
Maj. Troy Carlson, Maj. Mike Marsh, Dr. Thomas Koehler, Mike Lucchesi, Maj. Jason Stowe, Lt. Col. Barb Rusnak,
Capt. Aason Ward, Dr. David Mullin,
Danny Portillo, Capt. Glen Gibson, and Maj. Roy Haley. Back row: Master
Sgt. Dan Colwell, Maj. Gareth Johnson, Lt. Col. Dan Drisoll, Lt. Col. Robert
Swanson, Kathy Calahan, Capt. Allison Galford, Dr. Sarah Robinson, and Dr. Steve Gordan.
Law Front row: Col. Paul Pirog and Lt. Col.
Louis Cherry. Second row:
Michael Hatton, Prof. John Hertel, Prof.
Howard Eggers, Prof Howard Austin, Gilda LaSalle, Maj. Tiwana Wright, and
Capt. Trinh Warner. Back row: Capt. Linell Letendre, Maj. Patrick Rieder,
Capt. Mike McCoy, Maj. Dan Warnock, Capt. Mike Coco, Maj. Shawn McKelvy, Capt. Scott Gunn, Carol Vileek, Prof. Carl Schneider, Prof. David Fitzkee, and Lt. Col. Pamela Perry.
Management Front row: Lt. Col. Andy Armacost, Lt. Col. Kenneth Knapp, Col. Rita A.
Jordan, Dr. Kurt Heppard, and Lt. Col. Steve Fraser. Second row: Capt. Carla
Sizer, Capt. Thomas Mulka, Capt. Matt Parmer, Jean Cooley, Dr. Jim Cooley, Dr. Cynthia Cycyota, Capt.
Gonzalez, Capt. Wendy Volkland, Dr. Kevin Davis, Dr. Steve Green, Lt. Col.
Michael Weeks, Capt. Anthony Pedroni, and Maj. Melissa Cunningham. row:
Dr. Jim Lowe, Dr. Dave Levy, Lt.
Col. Pat Heflin, Maj. Brian Payne, Maj. Robert Dam, Capt. Matt Ayers, Capt.
Chris Nielsen, Maj. Tom O'Malley, Capt. Robert Mishev, Lt. Col. Mike Stark,
Capt. Matt Mills, Maj. Brian Maue, and Lt. Col. Jim Parco.
Political Science Front row: Dr. Damon Coletta, John
Kambourian (CIA), Dr. Paul Bolt, Col.
Douglas Murray, Amb Roger Harrison, Dr. Fran Pilch, and Lt Col Joe Derdz-
inski. Second row: Dr. Paul Carrese, LTC John DuMond, Wendie Sumrell,
Maj. Preston Arnold, Sharon Richardson, Scott Edelman (FSO),
Tracy Hicks,
Capt Mike Korb, Carol Hewuse, and Lt Col Mike Schaub.
Back row: Maj
Arac Southworth, Dr. David Sacko,
Maj Tom Mowle, Maj. Deron Jackson, Capt Jim Fielder, Dr. Jeff Anderson, Dr.
Corey Abel, CDR Kevin Haney, and Dr. Howard Ernst.
Academic Departments
English and Fine Arts Front row: Lt. Col. Edie Disler, Col. Kathleen Herrington, Dr Richard Lemp, and
Capt. Joshua Johnston.
Second row: Dr.
Ann Reagen, Prof. John Farley, and Mary
Fordham. Third row: Dr. Pam Alolsa,
Maj. Chris Keane, Capt. Melissa Hogan, Dr. Betsy Muenger, Capt. Candice Pipes, and Dr. Ross Gresham. Fourth row: Prof.
Durthy Washington, Capt. Laurie Loverock, and Capt. Steven McCarty. Fifth row: Maj.
Kathy Binns, Prof. Donald Anderson, Lt. Col. Lori Davis-Perry, and Lt. Col. Thomas McGuire. Sixth row: Prof Kyle Torke, Mrs. Teisha Gonzales, and Lt. Col. Brian Hanley. Seventh row: Capt. Diana Black. row: Lt.
Col. Jessica MacDonald, and Maj.
Jim Bishop. Ninth row: Maj. Petra Galled and Lt Col William Roy. Back row: Capt.
Jack Niday and Dr. Tom Vargish.
Foreign Languages Left to right: Dr. Jue Wang, Yumiko
Guajardo, Dr. Jennifer Colon, Lt. Col. Hugo Schaub, Maj. Devin Hunter, Dr. Miguel Verano, Dr. Carole Edwards, Lt. Col. Michael Muszynski, Maj. Lisa Vining,
Capt. Victor Colon, Angela Brehm, Lt. Cot. LeAnn Derby, Maj. Kenneth Haueter, Dr. Katherine Moskver, Andrzej Pudlo, Capt. Sabine Peters, Maj. Greg Christiansen, Lt. Col. Scot Allen, Maj. Victor Lozano, Dr.
Halimur Khan, Col. Gunther Mueller, Maj. Job Placencia, Lt. Col. Barry Savage, Maj. Albedo Mezarina, Dr. Salah Hammoud, Lt.
Col. Paul Howe, Capt. Zachary Hickman,
Elaine Balogh, Capt. Dax Presuto, Maj. Chris Kean, Victor Nell, Haning Hughes, Lt.
Col. Mamdouh El-Nady, Leslie Christensen,
Nancy Skinkle, and Capt. Darin Earnest.
History Front row: Dr. Jeanne Heidler, Lt. Col. Paul Gillepse, Lt. Col. Vance Skarsted, Lt. Col. John Abbatiello, Lt. Col. Robed
Carriedo, and Maj. Derek Varble. Second row:
Capt. Gailyn Whitman, Lt. Col. Mark
Grotelueschen, Dr. John Jennings, David Schlodt, Dr. Charles Steele, Capt. Doug Leonard, Lt. Col. David Brosims, Lt. Col. David Bachler, CDR Stuad Farnham,
Maj. Margaret Madin, and Linda Padilla. Back row: Maj. Jesse Long, Maj. Scott
Swadsfager, Dr. Alan Osur, LTC Nathan Watanabe, Lt. Col. Christopher Rein, Maj. Grant Weller, Dr. Jacob Abadi, Mike Terry, and Capt.
Timothy Romans.
academic departments
A cadcm ic Depa rtm en ts
ARRIVING IN STYLE: “The Bird” parachutes into Falcon Stadium prior to the start of an Air Force Falcon football
Photo by Arnie Spencer
A TIME HONORED TRADITION: Falcon football players hold their helmets high as part of the
pre-kickoff off ritual.
Photo by John Van Winkle
FAST FLYING FALCON: Matt McCraw steals the ball and makes a break to the basket
against Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Photo by Arnie Spencer
during a non-conference battle
“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have lastminute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.”
Muhammad Ali
Dr. Hans Mueh
Hans J. Mueh is in his fourth year as the director of athletics at the Air Fore ■e Academy. A
retired Air Force brigadier general, Mueh was vice dean of faculty for two ye< irs prior to his
retirement in the summer of 2004. In addition, he was the Academy’s faculty athletics repre-
sentative from 1996-2004.
Before assuming his duties as vice dean, Mueh was permanent professor and head of the
department of chemistry at the Academy, a position he held since October 1987 where he oversaw the annual
design and instruction of 25 undergraduate courses for 1,500 cadets annually.
Mueh was born Jan. 8, 1944, in Celle, Germany, and emigrated to the United States in 1951.
He entered the Air Force in 1962 as a member of the Academy’s eighth graduating
class, and he graduated with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry in 1966. While at the
Academy, Mueh was a two-year letterwinner in soccer as a goalie. He still holds the Academy record for saves in a game with 30, accomplishing it twice in 1965 against North Carolina and Benedictine. In his junior and senior years, Mueh helped the Falcons to the Rocky Mountain
Intercollegiate Soccer League championship and quarterfinal berths in the NCAA tournament.
Following graduation, Mueh completed two assignments in intelligence before attending the University of Wisconsin where he earned his master’s degree in chemistry in 1970. He later earned a doctorate degree in chemistry from Wisconsin in 1976 as a distinguished graduate.
He has also completed Squadron Officer School, Air Command and Staff College and Air War
College. Between earning the two degrees, Mueh returned to the Academy as an instructor in the
department of chemistry from 1970-72.
He also served as assistant soccer coach and played
semi-pro soccer with the Aurora Internationals in Denver during those two years, leading the Internationals to the Colorado state title in 1971. He volunteered for duty in Vietnam and served as an
intelligence officer in Saigon, Republic of Vietnam and at Nakhon Phanom RTAB, Thai-
land, in 1972 and 1973. After earning his doctorate degree, Mueh returned to the Academy in 1976 as an associate
professor of chemistry. He remained at the Academy except for a stint in 1985-86 as the special assistant for technical matters at the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon. In 1986, he assumed the position of acting head, department of chemistry, before being selected for his position of permanent professor and head of the department of chemistry in 1987. As faculty athletics representative, he was active in both the Western Athletic Conference and Mountain West Conference, and was the Academy’s representative on the transition team to form the new MWC, the only faculty athletics representative on the team. He is currently
the chairman of Region VII for the NCAA’s Postgraduate Scholarship Committee, covering 119 schools, and has served in that capacity for five years. He competes in golf, racquetball,
volleyball, handball and tennis, and has promoted Air Force Academy intercollegiate sports throughout his tenure, beginning with work as chairman of the hockey eligibility committee, officer representative to the men’s golf team and five years as the officer representative to the
football team. Mueh is married to the former Sally Flax of Cincinnati, Ohio.
They have three children: Kris-
tine, Kurt and Deborah.
Director of Athletics
Airborne Threat Karl Bolt lunges at a San Diego State University player.
Bolt’s acrobatics were grounded later in the game, due to rain. Soon after Bolt’s Academy graduation, he was
drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies in the 15th round of the 2007 Major League Baseball Amateur Draft. Bolt is
only the 2nd player in Academy history to be drafted into the major leagues, but says he wants to fulfill his commitments to the Air Force at his duty station at Robbins AFB,
Polaris Photo
he Falcons concluded the 2007 season
with an 8-44 overall record and 0-23 mark in Mountain West Conference play. Karl Bolt ranked among the top hitters in the
Mountain West Conference, leading the Falcons with a .359
batting average to go with
eight home runs, 14 doubles and 44 RBI. Bolt had driven in four or more runs four times including two six-RBI games. A fouryear starter, Bolt ranks among the Air Force career leaders in home runs,
RBI, games
played, walks and hit-by-pitches. Other departing seniors include Mitch
Brown, whose 77 career appearances ranks fourth all-time at the Academy Fie has led the Falcons in ERA and strikeouts each of
the past two years. Joe Peterson returned to
the Falcons in 2007 after three years away from the program due to a religious mission and his junior year off. Fie was a catcher for
the 2002 and 2003 teams. He’s made 15
relief appearances and did not allow a run in seven of those games. Geno Salazar is a
four-year starter at second base and shortstop. Salazar started in 170 of 181 career games. Salazar has 167 career hits to go with 12 home runs and 85 RBI. Fie ranks second on the team with six home runs. R. J. Randhawa had a standout freshman season for the Falcons in 2007,
starting 45
games and finishing third on the team with a .280 batting average. Randhawa also led the team with 151 assists, ranking fifth in the Mountain West Conference.
With a .405
conference batting average, Randhawa was the first Falcon to bat over .400 in conference
play since Mike Thiessen batted .435 in 1999.
Trajectory for Interception In the outfield, Matt Alexander dives for a
fly ball. Alexander had 37 runs batted in for the season, and will join with other star freshmen to make up over the next three years for the
graduating seniors.
Polaris Photo
On The Ball Karl Bolt had 68 hits for the 2006-07 season, and a .354 batting
average. He batted in 101 runs for the Academy over four years. Polaris Photo
Do You Feel
Lucky, Punk? K.J. Randhawa has everything well in hand as he
confronts a runner stuck in between bases.
Randhawa was one of the Falcons’ top hitters in 2006-07. Photo by Arnie
Commitment Since national defense is the
Academy’s top priority, cadets aren’t chosen for their athletic abilities, as at other universities.
Fortunately, the
Academy has some key standouts who can compete with other schools’
athletic scholarships.
Polaris Photo
The Great American Pasttime
Especially in a time of war, the differences between Academy cadets and students from other schools are often
very apparent
Polaris Photo
Top of His Game Head Coach Jeff Bzdelik led the Falcons to record wins the last two years before leaving to coach the University of
Colorado team. Photo by Paul Russo
Reaching for Glory Falcons Forward Dan Nwaelele (below) was the highest
scoring player this year, with 499 points. Photo by Paul Russo
A Real Team Leader A remarkable all-around 35 games this year
player, Tim Anderson (right) started in all
the only non-senior starter.
Next year’s team
will count on his leadership. Photo by Paul Russo
Wings Spread Wide
Agility & Power
Tim Anderson (right) shows
A desperate Cowboy, from the
Texas Christian University what
University of Wyoming, fails
it means to be a guard. The
to head off the Falcon’s Dan
Falcons won this January game
Nwaelele as he muscles
72-39. Photo by Paul Russo
his way downcourt. Photo by Ken Carter
he Air Force Academy’s 75-51 vie-
over Austin
Peay March 14 was
the Falcons’ first postseason win since
defeating CSU in the Western Athletic Conference semifinals March 8, 1990. With their 83-52 victory over Georgia on
March 19, the Falcons set a new school 8^
Top Falcons Team Ever
record for most wins in one season
The 2006-07 season marked the Academy Falcons’
with 25, surpassing last year’s record
first appearance in the postseason National Invitation
of 24.
Tournament (NIT), which was only their fifth postsea-
07 regular season with a 23-7 overall
son appearance ever.
The win over the University of
record and 10-6 mark in the Mountain
Georgia lifted the AFA to its first ever appearance in the NIT Final Four at Madison Square Garden, in New York City. This season’s 26-9 record is the best in the
Academy’s 53-year history.
Polaris Photo
The Falcons finished the 2006-
|l *
West Conference. The Falcons tied for third place with San Diego State.
Falcons were selected to the MWC all-
conference team (seniors Dan Nwaelele, Jacob Burtschi, and Matt McCraw and
junior Tim Anderson). Nwaelele (firstteam) and Burtschi (second-team) were named to the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) All-District 13 team.
The Academy is the only team
in the region to place two players on the
all-district teams. AFA posted the best
regular-season MWC record since the beginning of the 2003-04 MWC schedule. The Academy’s conference regular season record was 43-17,
better than BYU (38-22).
Academy’s Top Bird Alternately animated, funny or fascinated by Falcons gameplay, “The Bird” is one of the most
popular sports mascots around.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Jumping Through Hoops
five games The Falcons
76 percent of their games over the
last two seasons.
Sizing Him Up
Lay-ups and slam dunks are
Basketball isn’t all motion,
Nwaelele’s style (left).
nor is it all
Photo by Arnie Spencer
for just the right opening in
muscle. Waiting
Most Valuable Player
the rapidly shifting situation
Jacob Burtschi (right) was
can mean the difference
named MVP for 2006-07.
between maintaining the
He ranks as the number one
advantage or giving up the
player in Academy history for
ball. Photo by Ken Carter
games played and number of steals. Photo by Ken Carter
Men's Basketball
High Goals Brooke Cultra (right) makes a shot at range.
Cultra was a solid allaround player, and will be a valuable member
of next season’s team. Photo by Arnie Spencer
One Player Is Worth a Thousand Points Letricia Castillo (below) became the first Air Force player at the Division I level to tally 1,000 career points. She ends her career
ranking among the top 10 in six different statistical categories. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Passion to Play Head Coach Ardie Mclnelly shows her agitation at a bad call.
She puts her all into coaching,
and it shows. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Net Gains
Perfect Aim
Dawn Higginbotham gauges a
Junior Pamela Findlay is set
shot while being covered by a
to make a basket against
Colorado State player. The Fal-
Brigham Young in the 2nd
at the Mountain
game of the Mountain West
West Conference championships
Conference championships.
in March. Photo by Arnie Spencer
At 240 points, she was the
cons beat CSU
Falcons' second highest scorer for the season.
Photo by Ken Carter
he Air Force women’s basketball
team compiled a 6-23 record for the
2006-07 seasonemaaTft Mountain West Conference record.
The Falcons
won their first-ever MWC tournament
game, defeating Colorado State, 47-46, in the opening round.
Junior Alecia Steele recorded a
conference-best eight double-doubles on the season, and was named a third-team AII-MWC performer. Her 228 rebounds set a new division I single-season record.
The squad’s leading scorer and re-bounder in all three seasons, Steele
finished her junior campaign averaging 12.1 points and 7.9 rebounds per contest. A Mountain West Conference Co-
Intense Competition Jacki Novak judges whether to shoot or pass in a game against TCU. Novak was the second tallest Falcons player this season. At center, she was
Player of the Week in January, she had a career-best 28 points and 15 rebounds against UNLV. She also hit the gamewinning shot in the Falcons’ tournament match-up against Colorado State, giving Air Force its first ever MWC Tournament victory. For her accomplishments,
in the midst of all the action, showing herself a
Steele earned all-conference honors for
capable and valuable team member through 21
the third-consecutive season, and was
games. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Facing Off
selected to the AII-MWC third team.
On Pins and Needles
Letricia Castillo (left) tries to
Head Coach Ardie Mclnelly
get a pass around a Wiscon-
is coaching for her sixth
sin guard.
year at the Academy.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Coming from Idaho State,
Rebounding Success
Mclnelly has brought
Alecia Steele (right) became
marked improvement and
the first NCAA Division I
player at the Academy to
Academy team. Photo by
reach 500 career rebounds.
Ken Carter
winning spirit to the
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Women's Basketball
Aim and Power Matthew McPhail (right) lands one on
Clifford Moore during an
Academy wing open bout.
by Ryan Cortner
/ he success of the Academy’s Boxing team is represented by the banners hanging in the team training room. They have won 37 national championships.
The team won 17 consecutive national champi-
onships until 2006 when it took home the second place banner. The team is reaching for the champi-
onship again. Coaches Eddie Weichers and Coach Erwin Vargas imply 2006 was only the beginning.
wing open, these Friday Night Fights are also used to find which cadets will represent the Academy at
Team members are selected through competition at the wing open.
In addition to prepartion for the
national fights. Each newcomer challenges the lowest person in his category, taking the slot if they win
and moving up the line as the fights progress.
Car ie Wong
This incentive based method, Coach Weichers explains,
eliminates favoritism and gives everyone an equal opportunity to get to the top of the roster. Prior to the start of Friday Night Fights, the Academy’s boxing team fought against the
Navy’s box-
ing team. When asked about who participated in the event, Coach Weichers explains that the fighters were mixed; some were
wing open hopefuls and some previous year champs. Though some of the
contenders lacked experience, the Air Force boxing team won five of eight bouts, an last year.
improvement from
Lacking the stigma of providing bragging rights for respective service academies, inter-ser-
vice academy boxing matches can be more laid back.
Despite the lack of external influence or recogni-
tion the fighters still put their all into the bouts. Dedication has been the team’s key to success.
Dances and Punches Alex Shin jabs at his opponent, while guarding against a return assault. Photo byArnie Spencer
“Three Kings” Ian Tuznik, Alexander Shin, and Willie Lloyd display their titles from the 2006 National Collegiate Boxing Champion-
ships. Tuznik is NCBA national heavyweight champion. Polaris Photo
Front row: Bruce Jamison, Colin LaFavor, Ryan Price, Dave
Simon, Mark Ruther, James Dunn, Jesse Horton, Dean Chuva, Eric Garcia, Seth Gunn, Matt McPhail. Back row:
The Contender, In the Ring
Dr. Hans Mueh, Evin Negron, John Quinn, Nick Goc, Boyce
The wing open (above left) is an opportunity for those cadets who want to go further with boxing
Loomis, Willie Lloyd, Joe Conrad, Harvey White, Cliff Moore,
to prove themselves. Joe Conrad and Willie Lloyd (above) hold aloft a trophy for their wins at
Jahmil Edwards, Ezekiel Ignaco, Alex Shin, Ian Tuznik.
the NCBA Invitational. John Quinn (bottom left) practices for a bout. Photos by Ryan Cortner and
Photo by Ryan Cortner
Polaris Staff
Stunt Doubles Erik Greendyke spins Christin Hart and Meredith Leake at a men’s basketball game during Mountain
West Conference action in Las Vegas. Polaris Photo
Center of Attention Sheriden Martinez mugs for the camera at an away football game. The cameraman is obviously very
impressed! The Spirit Teams accompany the Falcons \
major teams to raise team morale, show the "flag" to the opposing fans, and to encourage and entertain the
loyal fans who travel to watch the team (or the local fans who prefer Air Force over the local college kids). Photo by Ed Last j
Squads in Action The Spirit Team consists of four teams: the
Blue Squad, the Pom Squad, the Silver
Squad and the Mascot team. “The MicMan,” another new spirit leader, works with the Blue Squad at home football games,
encouraging fans with antics and generating cheers and applause. Together, the Spirit Teams make over 100 appearances
Photos at right by Mark Walden and
Polaris Staff.
Aerial Acrobatics Blue Squad cheers the Falcons on against University of Wyoming at the the MWC Basketball Tournament. Photo by Ken Carter
he 2006-07 Spirit Team saw quite a few changes under the direction
Laura Hutcheon.
of second-year coach
The 2006 season started with a
trip to Kansas State University to attend training camps
the team’s first in more than four years.
The co-ed cheer squad won two third-place overall trophies, and the Mascot team was named Best All-Around. The Blue Squad consists of six stunt couples who cheer at all football games,
men’s basketball home games, and the Mountain West Conference Basketball Tournament in Las
Vegas. This was the second year for the Academy’s Pom Squad.
These hard-working women per-
formed at home football games, as well as men’s and women’s home basketball games. The Silver Squad, chosen in August, included
mostly freshman and sophomores. These six couples cheered their hearts out at home football and women’s basketball games, and also aided in
pre-game activities for football and men’s basketball.
Winning a bid to a national competition during
NCA camp, members from all three cheer teams came
together to compete in Daytona Beach,
Florida at the National Cheerleaders Association
Collegiate Championship.
The competition team
trained countless hours to prepare for this momentous event.
The Bird team was chosen as one of the top col-
Wieder, Sheriden Martinez. Back row: Brian Kester, Erik Green
legiate mascots in the 2006-07 Capital One Mascot Challenge. This was the third time Air Force was chosen in the five year old competition. Two of the senior members, Lee Thompson and Rob Madson,
dyke, Jason Cornell, Skylar Rollins, Bart Ingallina, Cody Spitler.
were named all-americans at camp.
Front row: Chase Carter, Mauri Slater, Coach Laura Hutcheon,
Michelle Kolcun, Zach Van Valkenburg. Second row: Meredith
Leake, Christin Hart, Stephanie Pierce, Janelle Hyde, Whitney
In back: Rob Madson, and Lee Thompson.
he Air Force men’s and women’s cross
country teams earned NCAA Division I AllAcademic honors in 2006-07. The men finished 2nd in the Mountain
West Conference while the women finished 7th.
Two runners earned all-conference
honors for the first time in their careers. Richard Elmore and Matt Williams earned the honors at the MWC Championships.
Elmore earned all-Mountain West Con-
ference honors after finishing 9th at the conference championships. Clocking a time of 25:07, he became the 12th Falcon to earn all-conference accolades. In addi-
tion, Elmore was the Falcons’top finisher at the Roy Griak Invitational (101st) and the
Pre-NCAA Meet (97th). Elmore also placed 2nd at the Utah Fall Festival and, with four runners in the top five won
places, Air Force
1st overall. Elmore was named men’s
MVP for the year.
Kelly Robinson picked up the second Most Valuable Athlete honor of her career
(she also received the honor as a freshman). She was the fastest Falcon in four of the team’s seven meets, including the
Mountain West Conference Championships
(21st). Robinson also led the team at the Wyoming Invitational (11th), Utah Fall Festival (4th) and the Pre-NCAA Meet (184th). The women’s team placed 2nd, overall, at
the Utah Fall Festival.
Front row: Danielle Snider,
Brittany Morreale, Ally Romanko, Sara Juback, Jamie
lllig, Katie Anderson, Margaret Frash. Second row: Kelly
Robinson, Sebastian Ortiz, Austin Fritzke, Arthur Grijalva,
Calvin Glass, Matt Williams,
Kenny Grosselin, Joe Curran, Dan Castle, Sean House-
worth, Kate Papenberg. Back row:
Josh Van Wyngaarden,
Ryan Workman, Ian McFarland, Thomas Richter, Kyle Jones, Zach Nordahl, Justin
Mason, Andy Schweitzer, Jason Beck, Richard Elmore, Scott Balcao, Parker Cowles.
Leader of the Pack Sean Houseworth leads the gaggle of mostly blue at the Mountain West Con-
ference Championships. Air Force took second. Polaris Photo
A Real Team Leader Ian McFarland and Richard
Elmore round a blue spruce at the MWC Championships,
where McFarland came in
17th, and Elmore won 9th (the
top-placing cadet). The team's Sweet Freedom, Great Outdoors
cumulative claimed second.
Jason Beck (left and above) enjoys an early morning
Polaris Photo
Cross Country competition requires excellent ath-
letic conditioning.
Because of lower oxygen levels at
its elevation (more than 7,000 feet above sea level), the Academy is a perfect place for building endurance.
Polaris Photos
Cross Country
Hanks T fencing he
team qualified four fencers for
the 2007 NCAA Collegiate Fencing Champi-
onships. The four-fencer squad finished 16th in the team standings. It marked the ninth consecutive year under Head Coach Abdel Salem the Falcons have traveled to the na-
tional collegiate championships. Junior Eliza
Enyart, the AFA’s first female fencer to earn NCAA All-American (2006) honors, qualified for the NCAAs when she won the women’s epee tournament at the West Region tournament. She finished 19th at nationals. Freshman Peter French also earned a spot at the
NCAA championships, finishing fourth in the
region in men’s epee. He finished 14th at nationals.
Freshman Michael O’Connor also
qualified in saber for the NCAAs. At the NCAA
championships, he was 24th.
Double Tap When both fencers score on the same lunge, the
competitor with the better placement earns more
points. Polaris Photo Strike Swiftly A cadet rushes in for a thrust, which his
Fencing is much like the more strategic
a mixture of thrusts, parries, feints and anticipating the opponent’s moves. Polaris Photo
military art
Quick Feet and Fast Hands Fencers score points for striking their opponent, with the highest points earned for touching the center-chest. Polaris Photo
Flashing Swords Nathan Smith was team captain for the 2006-07. He
qualified this season and last for the NCAA Champi-
En Garde!
onships. coming 21st in foil.
Lydia Bigelow was the 2006-07 team captain. Leading the
Smith won the Military
Championships gold medal in 2006.
In 2002, he
Falcons to several top finishes throughout her career, she
placed eighth in the Division I National Championships
finished seventh in women’s epee at the 2007 NCAA West
in foil and has been a multiple time state, regional, and
Region Championships. She won the silver at the New
sectional champion
Photo by Arme Spencer
Mexico Open last fall. Bigelow captured the Division III NAC
women’s epee title in 2006. Polaris Photo
Under the Radar
Sweet Victory
Eliza Enyart (left) slips her sword
An Academy fencer knocks a
under her opponent’s guard.
cadet challenger off balance,
Polaris Photo
which quickly puts him on his knees. Polaris Photo
Plowing Through Halfback Chad Smith
(left) averaged 6.2 yards per carry this season
the team’s
best average. He
entered the Tennessee game
in the 4th
quarter, and gained 44 yards in 4 carries,
Frontal Offense
to set the Air Force up
Offensive Tackle Blaine Guenther
for a touchdown. The
(below) readies to embrace a Wyoming
Falcons came within
blitzer, and Fullback Ryan Williams
takes out another defenseman while the
point of victory
against the nationally-
Quarterback slips into a position to pass.
ranked Vols.
Photo by John Van Winkle
Photo by Paul Russo
Check Six Quarterback Shaun Carney (left) garnered 20 touchdowns for the season:
12 completions for touchdown, and 8 scores run in. Photo by John Van Winkle
Two Birds Two falcons, the icon and the mascot, flap their are favorites of the fans.
wings at halftime.
Photo byArnie Spencer
A ir Force concluded the season with
/la 4-8 overall record
their third
straight losing season, whichJs the first such streak since 1979-81.
But Air
Force won its ninth consecutive con-
ference-rushing title, and ranked third nationally. They also finished second in the conference and third nationally in third down conversion percentage. Air Force tied for second in the MWC and 16th nationally in turnover margin with a +8 mark on the year. Hunter Altman was named MVP
among team leaders in special teams tackles in 2007. He finished the season
with 14 total tackles, including 10
unassisted as a backup safety and on
special teams. Altman recorded his first career blocked kick vs.
UNLV when he
blocked a punt. The block led to an AFA touchdown.
Drew Fowler was named MVP lineman, having led the conference, and
ranking 11th nationally in total tackles, with 123, even notching a career-high
18 tackles in one game, and became the
first Falcon since Chris Gizzi in 1997 to lead the league in tackles. Fowler was named conference player of the week
for his efforts against Navy.
earned first-team all-conference honors
for his efforts, becoming the first Falcon to earn first-team honors since Marchel-
lo Graddy in 2003.
Lightning Strikes
Halfback Chad Hall had a breakout
Star Quarterback Shaun Carney’s third year was no less
spectacular than his earlier seasons.
2005, Carney became the first freshman quar-
He ranked fourth in the confer-
ence in
rushing with a 65.3 per-game
average. Hall’s two 100-yard efforts tie
He proved himself,
him for the team lead with quarterback
and has been at the center of the Falcons of-
Shaun Carney. Hall is just the third Air
terback to start in the opener, due to the
signed quarterback’s injury.
I fense ever since. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Force halfback in school history to earn
all-conference honors.
Corralling a Cowboy Julian Madrid (left) takes down a Wyoming Cowboy with
the assistance of Drew Fowler. Air Force won the game, 31-24. Photo by Paul Russo
Long Legs Wings spread wide for balance, Zach Sasser makes sure his punt removes the ball from the vicinity of the Falcons
goal. Sasser took spectators’ breath away with a 48-yard field goal against New Mexico in September. Photo by John Ross
Grab It and Run Wide Receiver Spencer
Armstrong makes a catch before turning to run.
Lord, Preserve and Protect Us Beau Suder and Chad Smith say a prayer before the Army game. Air Force won, 43-
7, with Suder recovering a fumble in the end zone for a touchdown. Photo by Ken Carter
Armstrong made
178 yards from pass
receptions this season, and another 232 yards on
kickoff returns.
Photo by John Ross
Up Against the Wall Robert Kraay gets a
glove in the way of what was supposed to be a Brigham Young score.
Kraay, in
November, became the first Falcon since 2001 to block two extra point
attempts in one game, which was against
Notre Dame. Polaris Photo
Closing the Vise Free Safety Bobby Giannini takes down a Notre Dame runner as Cornerback Nathan Smith closes in as a fail-
Giannini, through his Falcons career, leads the
team in both solo tackles and interceptions. Smith’s
interception against Army, the week before the Notre Dame game, set the Falcons up for a touchdown. Photo by Ed Last
Rushing 1,000 Yards Halfback Chad Hall, the season’s MVP running back,
outpaces New Mexico (below). Hall ended the season with 1,128 career rushing yards. With 117 yards also from pass receptions, he will start next season as a wide
receiver. Photo by Paul Russo
Out of the Blue
Center of Attention
Two Academy Football
At six foot four and 305 pounds, Center Stuart Perlow
entertainment traditions
crouches in front of Quarterback Shaun Carney, ready
(below): The Wings
to throw up a wall to stop the defense.
of Blue parachute
demonstration, and
last one anyone wants to tangle with when they’re try-
the Section 8 cheering
ing to push through the line.
Photo by
Arnie Spencher
Turnabout Fair Play Defensive End and Defensive Tackle Kevin Quinn (right) pounced on a loose ball near
the end of the Air Force -
Navy game.
It wasn’t
quite enough to pull off the win, but Quinn’s capper to the comeback from 24-7 to the
24-17 finish kept things
interesting until the very end. Photo by Sam Grey
Perlow is the
first player to move, when the ball is snapped, and the
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Bird’s Eye View The Academy Falcon mascots are an
ever-present sight at Academy
football games, whether on the road or at
home. They thrill the crowd at
halftime with demonstrations. Photo
by Mark Walden
Making a Dash For It Finding other options confounded, Quarterback Shaun Carney tries out his ground game.
Carney proved versatility by passing an average of 99 yards per game, and
rushing an average of 51.
Photo by John Ross
Standing Up for the Players Like many football
coaches, DeBerry
(right) wasn’t afraid to get in the face
of a referee or two,
pointing out bad calls and demand-
ing justice.
The Option Offense
During a nine-year stop at Appalachian State, in
North Carolina, he be-
gan to experiment with the option offense, for which he became best known.
State ranked in the
top 10 nationally three times under DeBerry. Polaris Photo
An Early Start
DeBerry is a 1960 graduate of Wofford College, in Spartanburg, SC, where he lettered in football and
baseball. After six
years of coaching at South Carolina high
schools, he returned to Wofford as an assistant
coach, and the school won 21
games, and ranked No. 1 nationally.
Photo by
John Van Winkle
Hardest Decision In His Life “I love my players and my coaches. I will always be grateful to former Supt. Lt. Gen. Skip Scott and former Athletic Director John
Clune for their confidence and the opportunity they gave me 23 years ago to live my dream. Coaching is the best job a guy could
have, but it is very demanding and time consuming.”
oach Fisher DeBerry announced his retirement in December, ending more than a quarter-century at the Air Force Academy. DeBerry spent 23 seasons as head football coach, and 27 overall, at Air Force. He
guided the Falcons to 17 winning seasons, and three conference championships, since taking over in 1984. Air Force won the Western Athletic Conference title in 1985 and again in 1995. In 1998, DeBerry led the team to its first outright title with a championship game win over Brigham Young. His 1998 team matched the
school record with a 12-1 season. DeBerry has dominated service academy football. In 1999, he became the winningest coach in service academy football history. He is an amazing 35-11 against Army and Navy in
his career, and has led the Academy to 14 of its 16 Commander-in-Chief trophy titles. Former Air Force head
coach Ken Hatfield hired DeBerry in 1980 as the quarterback coach, and promoted him to offensive coordinator in 1981. When Hatfield left Air Force after the 1983 season, DeBerry became the school’s fifth head coach. He
and his wife, LuAnn, are active in community affairs.
The coach gives motivational speeches, and has worked tirelessly with local and national charities. The couple started the Fisher DeBerry Foundation, which benefits
single-parent families in Colorado Springs. He is also active with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and in 2001 authored a book, “For God and Country, was selected for induction into the
with proceeds going to the FCA.
This past summer, DeBerry
Colorado Springs Sports Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the South
Carolina Sports Hall of Fame.
Academy Legend DeBerry is the winningest coach in Air Force Academy school history, with
169-107-1 record.
second in Mountain West Conference reer wins with
He stands
history in ca-
100, trailing only close friend and former
BYU coach LaVell Edwards. He has also beaten Notre Dame three times,
including a 20-17 overtime thriller
against the eigth-ranked Irish in South Bend in 1996.
Out of the Bunker Jason Shank (right) makes a difficult shot
from a sand trap. Photos by Arnie Spencer
On Course Toward the Mountains The mountains of the Rampart Range loom over the 11 th Hole at the Academy’s Eisenhower Golf Course (below).
Inches to Go
Sophomore Shaun O’Bryant takes absolutely no chances as he
carefully lines up his last
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Keeping Score
Sizing Up the Green
Sophomore Andrew Gibson
Each cadet makes his assess-
(tallest, right) tallies his score as
ment of how to play the green,
he finishes a hole. A golfer from
based on the lay of the land.
another university watches.
Academy golfers, such as Junior Bob Whitney
(right) are
often easy to tell apart from their civilian competitors.
by Tom Whitney, who won medalist honors. Whitney became the first Air Force golfer to earn medalist honors at the event since
Adam Wasinger in 2002, and the first freshman
to win the event since Ben Leestma in
Ttyler Goulding was named to the
All-Mountain West Conference team for the second time in his career. The Falcons
twice posted team scores of 864, to tie for second in the Air Force record books for lowest team score (54 holes).
The top performer and MVP for the Air Force golf team for a third-straight season was team
captain Goulding, who led
Air Force in eight of 13 tournaments for
the year. The Falcons’ top finisher at the Mountain West Conference Championship,
Goulding earned all-conference honors for the second time in his career. A competitor for the Falcons in every tournament over the past four years, Goulding holds eight of the lowest 20 individual tournament scores in Academy history, more than any other Air Force golfer.
Top Flite Instructor
Follow Through
Head Golf Coach George
Senior Chad Follett
Koury (left),
1993 USAFA
grad, watches one of his team members play.
(left) watches his shot fly true.
Tanis wills his teammates on.
just his second year of gymnastics, Jacob
Schonig placed 11th on the still rings at the NCAA Championships with a career-best 9.550.
Greg Stine finished eighth in the all-around at the evening session of the National Qualifier. He
advanced to the NCAA Championships on the floor exercise and still rings after top-10 finishes in those events at the qualifier. Sconig earned the team’s
Hardest Worker award.
Brian Boardman (vault)
and Tyler Sickles (high bar) also participated at the
National Qualifier.
Six Falcons collected 11 USAG
All-America citations.
Stine was named Gymnast
Chalk One Up to Preparation Brian Boardman earned this season’s Most Valuable Player honors. In addition to competing at the NCAA Qualifying
Meet, he individually qualified for the event finals of the
Rocky Mountain Open and USA Gymnastics Championships.
Polaris Photo
of the Week by the MPSF twice and by the CGA three times. Kurt Antonio earned the USAG Out-
standing Senior Gymnast award. For the second straight year, Boardman was invited to compete at the NCAA National Quali-
fying Meet on the vault. A co-captain of the 2007 squad, Boardman improved his personal-best in the high bar, while nearly matching his personalbest on the parallel bars. Boardman collected
Mountain Pacific Sports Federation all-academic team honors for the second straight year.
Josiah Loeser was rated Most Improved on this season’s team, surpassing the 8-point plateau numerous times
through the season on a remark-
able three events
floor exercise, still rings and
parallel bars. Loeser also earned a spot in the individual event finals of the Rocky Mountain Open and USAG Championships. To start off the year, Gymnastics Head Coach
Simons was inducted into the Ohio State
Athletics Hall of Fame. Besides being a star OSU
player, Simons was on the gold-medal winning team at the Pan-American Games, and represented the United States at the 1996 Summer
Sheer Confidence Jacob Schonig (above) and Brian Boardman were both named to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation academic
all-conference team, a selection reserved for athletes with academic distinction.
Schonig holds a 3.15 GPAin space
operations, Boardman a 3.47 in mathematics. Polaris Photo
Arms of Steel, Mind of Gold Kurt Antonio performs the Iron Cross
one of the most
impressive positions on
the still bars. Antonio earned the Outstanding Senior Gymnast Award at the USA
Gymnastics Collegiate Championships.
The award is presented in recognition of
athletic ability, scholastic achievement, dedication and devotion to the sport. is just the third Air Force gymnast to ever earn this honor.
Polaris Photo
Academy gymnastic performers across the board perform
stunning, awe-inspiring stunts of athletic
achievement, whether on the pommel horse, high bars,
parallel bars, still rings or on floor mats.
Polaris Photo
On the One Hand
Tyler Sickles scored an 8.500 on the high bar at the NCAA National
Qualifier Meet, ranking 24th. Sickles’8.350
high bar score at the Mountain Pacific Sports
Federation Champion-
ships helped Air Force take fifth. Polaris Photo
Horsing Around Greg Stine (above) became the first Air Force gymnast to ever win three national titles at a single USA Gymnastics competition, winning floor exercise, still rings and all-around. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Sticking With Style Michelle Denise (below) finishes a dismount from the uneven bars event.
Denise was named to the 2007 Mountain Pacific
Sports Federation all-conference team for her second-team
qualifying score of 9.275. Polaris Photos
Vaulting Into the Championships Junior Kelly Lewis (above) competed on the vault at the USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships in
Graceful Performances Air Force took 4th place at
March’s Mountain Pacific
Sports Federation Championships, and Christine Powers
(right) led the way with a
pair of top-10 marks, includ-
ing 4th place on the balance beam (9.650) and 9th on the
parallel bars (9.575).
Her score of 9.550 ranked her 17th nationally.
oug Day began his first season this year as head coach of the women’s gymnastics team.
Michelle Denise and Abigail Rogers were named Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF) Gymnasts of the Week, while Rogers and Sashonna
Iwaniec earned MPSF all-conference first-team honors. Christine Powers was named to the second-team.
Iwaniec, Rogers, Powers, Freshman
Kayla Kincade and Junior Kelly Lewis were invited to the USA Gymnastics (USAG) Collegiate Cham-
pionships. Iwaniec, Rogers, Lewis and Junior Katie Donnell were named to the Mountain Pacific Sports
Federation academic all-conference team. Iwaniec earned her second USAG All-America citation. As team captain and team MVP, Sashonna Iwaniec capped four years with her selection to the USA Gymnastics All-America second-team.
She was, a two-time MPSF all-academic team member and posted four of her five season-best scores at the Mountain Pacific
Sports Federation
and USA Gymnastic competitions. Following the
Energy and Versatility Charlotte Freedman (above) is one of several Academy gymnasts who compete “all-around." This demonstrates ability
and confidence in a wide range of skills.
MPSF championships, she was awarded first-team honors on the vault, uneven bars and all-around, while collecting second-team accolades on the floor
Women's Gymnastics
Gopherhole Mike Phillipich
approaches Minnesota’s
goal, hoping to slip the puck past the Gopher
goalie. The Falcons faced and nearly upset
top-seeded UMinn at the NCAA West
Regionals. Photo by Arnie
After It, Boys!
Jay Medenwaldt and Brett Nylander scramble after a free
puck as Greg Flynn backs them up. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Holding Back Army Goalie Andrew Volkening prepares to ward off an incoming puck. He started against Army, stopping 23 of their 24 attempts, clearing
the way for a 6-1 victory. Photo byArnie Spencer
Fight for Control
MVP And Then Some
With ice chips flying,
As one of the most dangerous
Brett Olson tries to in-
scoring threats in the nation,
terfere with a Colorado
Junior Eric Ehn (#24, right)
led the Falcons to the Atlantic
byArnie Spencer
Hockey Association tourna-
College player.
ment championship and to
the team's first-ever bid in the
NCAA Tournament.
Polaris Photo
is season, AFA was the first service
to win a conference hockey
championship and compete in the NCAA Hockey Tourney. This was the first winning record for AFA hockey in conference play, in Division I, and was only the team’s 2nd winning season in the past 16 years. A winning percentage of .538 (19-16-5 record) is the best under Frank Serratore. The 58 Division I wins, and 32 conference wins, by the class
of 2007 are a new school record.
left wing Andrew Ramsey became the first
Falcon to compete in the Frozen Four Skills
Competition, and was named the nation’s College Hockey Online. Senior defenseman Billy Devoney
most improved player by U.S. was a finalist for the Lowe’s
Air Force Ices Army
for leadership, character, and academics and
Air Force won its first-ever conference championship when the Falcons beat Army in the title game of the
Atlantic Hockey Association Tournament in Rochester,
NY. Team MVP, Eric Ehn, was only .08 points per game
was named a first-team Lowe’s
Senior CLASS
Right Wing Mike Phillipich was
named the AHA Tournament most valuable The team MVP, Eric Ehn, became the
short of being the top college hockey scorer in the
most decorated Falcon hockey player ever,
The Falcons beat Army 6-1, with 2 goals each
from Andrew Ramsey and Josh Frider. Polaris Photo
and one of the most honored athletes in any
sport. He was the first Falcon, and first service Head of
Steam Josh Printt bowls into the RIT goal. The
Falcons shut Rochester out 30 in November. Photo by Arnie
academy player, ever selected as one of the top 10 finalists for college hockey’s top award, the Hobey Baker. He was then named to the “Hobey Hat Trick” as one of three finalists and invited to the NCAA Frozen Four and the
Hobey Baker ceremony in St. Louis.
The At-
lantic Hockey Association Player of the Year, Ehn became Air Force’s first All-American. He
is the first Atlantic Hockey/MAAC player and first service academy player ever named to the AHCA (coaches) All-American team.
Top Defenseman Billy Devoney plays keepaway from a Colorado Col-
lege opponent. Devoney earned the AFA Vic
Heyliger Award, the Larry Cronk Inspirational Award, and Defensive Player of the Year. Photo byAmie
he Falcons finished the season with a 2-10 overall mark and 1-4 record in the Great
Western Lacrosse League.
Griffin Nevitt
earned Great Western Lacrosse League
(GWLL) Player of the Week honors on April 11. Three players were named to the AllGWLL team. Senior Will Meister was named the MVP for the 2007 Air Force Lacrosse team. Meister, who led the team with 20 as-
sists on the year, ranked second on the squad in total points with 33, while also registering a team-best six man-up goals. He has scored at least one goal or assist in 25 consecutive
games, ends his career with 84 assists, tied
for sixth in the Air Force record book. Meis-
ter, who ranks among the nation’s leaders in assists per game, also earned all-conference
honors for the third straight season.
Quick Action, Hard Targets
Hand-eye coordination is the name of the game, when the ball and the net are both so small.
A Great Heart for
Following Close as a Shadow
tt|e Game
With The spirit, dedication and skill sought
pier by all coaches, Justin Kuchta
is elsewhere.
one of the top
Falcon scorers in each of
his four years.
Racking up 18 goals this
Eric Evans (below) sneaks a blue-clad arm and stick around in an attempt to snag the ball while the Buckeye’s attention
(second only to Griffin Nevitt, with
19), Kuchta’s career total is 72 goals and 24 assists.
Photos by David Armer
Stick it io Them
One for the Team
Brian Massa (left)
Play is not always
invades an Ohio
nice. Michael Weber
State player’s
(left) takes a jab to the
personal space,
chest. Weber earned
trying to catch the
the Pace Weber Award
ball with his crosse,
this season.
which is the term
Weber was a first-class
for the netted stick
cadet who died in a
training flight in 1997.
use to catch
and pass the hard
The award is given to
rubber ball.
the player who best
exemplifies the way its namesake lived his life.
10 5
Top Notch Equipment Justin Raines (below) shows off his snazzy Anschutz competition
rifle, a model often used in target matches all the way up to the various
Olympic shooting competitions.
Photo by Paul Russo
Straight Shooter Jessica Palomba (below) rallied the team this season.
Her career
highlights include an air rifle personal record of 585 x 600, and a smallbore personal record of 575 x 800. Photo by Paul Russo
Front row: Jon Stephenson, Daniel Cannard, Kristen
Smith, Jess Palomba, Chelsea Welsh, Justin Raines, and Tyler Lynch. Back row: Head Coach Justin Broughton, Tom Lowen-
Unangst, Ryan
stein, Matt Hamilton, Chris Allen, Tyler Gross, Chris Aguilar, Brian Jarrell, Jon
Sepp, and Bill Roy.
2006-07 season was a rebuilding
year for the rifle team.
The Falcons
lost head Coach Justin Broughton and
three top shooters.
Leadership fell on the
Remarkable Marksmanship
shoulders of the only senior on the team,
Justin Raines carefully lines up his shot to make
Jessica Palomba. However, even in the
high marks.
Raines was one of two Academy
athletes selected to ESPN The Magazine Academic All-America University Division Men’s At-Large AllDistrict VII 2007 Team, which is an honor reserved
for a precious few competitors in each district with
high academic records.
Polaris Photo
face of adversity, the Falcons achieved much.
Two marksmen, Chelsea Welsh
and Justin Raines, earned NCAA Aca-
demic All-American honors.
The athletic
department hired Launi Meili as the rifle coach.
The team will have 10 recruits
on the 2007-08 team.
The Falcons will
be shooting with new equipment and the
athletic department will break ground for a new rifle
facility in May 2008.
is the Academy Most Valuable Cadet in
marksmanship (Rifle). In addition to her outstanding performance in competition throughout the season, Palomba did what all MVPs must do: make her teammates better. As team captain, she was
involved in every aspect of her teammates’
lives, from military mentoring to personal instruction on the firing line. She set the standard in competitive excellence
Aim High, Air Force
shooting the high aggregate score for the Falcons in seven of nine competitions this season, a feat unequaled in the past
Preparing for future competitions? Academy shooters show off their
Chelsea Welsh finished 9th in
weapons at the Olympic Shooting Center, located nearby the Academy in
tryouts for the Pan American Games, one
Colorado Springs. Polaris Photo
of 10 cadets who tried out.
Maximum Effort, Maximum Pain Steve Noller (below) goes head to head with the Army goaltender, trying to put his every
effort into making the goal. But the goalie had the same idea, and Noller took a palm to the
face when they collided in midair. The teams tied at 2-2 in overtime. Photo by Paul Russo
Soccer Legend Retires Lou Sagastume was twice named Mountain Pacific
Sports Federation Coach of the Year, including 1993 when Air Force posted a 15-5-1 record, and won a
2-1, four-overtime over No. 1 Creighton. The game,
played in sub-zero weather and a driving snow storm, remains one of the biggest upsets in Division I soccer
history. He also earned Midwest Region (Division I) | coach of the year twice, and was named coach of the year in the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Soccer
League and the Far West Conference. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Team Spirit The 2006-07 team poses with Coach Lou Sagastume
Photo by
Arnie Spencer
Striving for the Goal Reid Gaiser stretches to make a shot
into the goal. Photo
by Matt Brasher
Fancy Footwork Steven Locker (left) positions the ball for a
long-range shot.
Polaris Photo
Andy Nigro celebrates with Steve Noller after making the second of two goals that led Air Force past Sacramento State. Noller had downed UNLV not long before. Photo by Matt Brasher
1 OH
he Air Force Men’s Soccer (5-12-1) season
opener against Army boasted an attendance
record of 3,206 fans.
The crowd witnessed a hotly
contested 2-2 OT tie. Ian Hauck, one of only three Falcons to start all 18 games in 2006, earned the MVP award for the Air Force men’s soccer team. Hauck was the team’s most consistent defender all season, earning first-team all-conference honors.
He scored one goal and added two assists dur-
ing the campaign. Steve Noller had, arguably, the most exciting goal of the 2006 campaign, scoring
the game-winning goal in overtime to defeat UNLV,
1-0, giving Head Coach Lou Sagastume his 300th career
victory. Six members of the men’s soccer
team were selected to the 2006 Mountain Pacific
Sports Federation all-conference team.
Holloway and Jason Belvill were named to the ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District 7 team. Coach Sagastume, the “father” of Falcon soccer, One On One Jason Belvill
competes with a San Jose State
player for control
announced his retirement this spring. He had
compiled a 282-188-43 record in his 28 seasons at Air Force. During the 2006 season, he became
of the ball near
only the 25th coach in Division I history to reach
the goal.
the 300-win plateau. His guidance was responsible
Polaris Photo
for 14 of 16 double-digit win seasons in Academy
history, nine of 23 conference championships and four of 10 NCAA Tournament appearances. “It has been an honor for me to coach at the Air Force
Academy,” he said. “As much as I have enjoyed the 28 years at this wonderful institution.
Nothing Can Stop Him Josh Rhynard (right) was the Falcons’ top scorer for the season,
with 4 goals, netting 9 points. Photo by Matt Brasher
General Appreciation Lt. Gen. John Regni, Academy Superintendent, congratulates Coach Sagastume after his 300th win, and thanks him for his long service to
the Academy. Photo by Amie
Men's Soccer
he women’s soccer team showed evident
T improvement
over the last year.
ing another young team, Air Force women’s soccer finished the 2006 season with a 3-12-4
overall mark.
Kaitln Baird
The Falcons defeated Saint
Mary’s College, Sacramento State and Stephen F. Austin for their three wins. With the help of the new freshmen, they were able to come together, both on and off the field. They hope to come back next season, armed with a new mind set, and capitalize on this potential in coming seasons. The 2006-07 team prepared themselves to be in better physical shape, which allowed players to perform longer without getting fatigued, and worked hard to understand which areas most needed improvement. They developed a plan to work on those goals, to come back, and to be a great team. As a whole the team developed a chemistry that will prove to be unstoppable on the field in the next couple of years.
No Slip Ups
Building a Strong Future
Despite wind and rain
Caitlin Lynch (left) was named
at a slippery Parents’
Rookie of the Year for 2006.
Weekend game, Cadet First Class Alison Wood and the rest of the Falcon team fought Bucknell Uni-
versity to a scoreless tie. Photos by Arnie Spencer
Practicing for Next Year Christin Brodie (right) will share team
captain duties with Rhett Chase next year.
Practice and Dedication Unlike their civilian counterparts, Academy cadets must make a special effort to fit team
Young But Eager
practice in between intensive studies and
Corbin Sanford earned the
military drills. Brittney Perkowski (left) was
Mountain West Conference
team co-captain, and the leading scorer for
Award despite her sophomore
three years. Melinda Mokos was named Of-
status. She was named Fal-
fensive MVP for the year, and Rhett Chase
cons 2006-07
was named Defensive MVP.
member of the BAE Systems
Photo byArnie
MVP, and was a
Classic All-tournament team.
Spencer:;: \
About a third of the 2006-07 team were freshmen. Photo
by Arnie Spencer
Never Give Up Katherine Slogic makes a shot against UC Riverside. The Falcons’ season was more
spirited than their record
shows. Photo by Paul Russo
nd Endurance
Darkening Skies
running, soccer competitors
The often cold and rainy weather dur-
orkout like few other sports .
ing the autumn soccer season always
Perkowski (left) deftly
makes games interesting. Practice
UC Riverside defender as
ceases when
kes a run down field. The
lightning threatens, as it
often does. Photo byArnie Spencer
six senior players,
y Paul Russo
Women's Soccer
Powerful Takeoff
Spencer Liedl launches himself toward the surface
beginning his trek. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Olympic Swimmer Chris Knaute is the team
captain and this
year’s Most Valuable Player. He’s also a potential Olympic contender for 2008, along with
Paul Parmenter. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Academy Gliding An Academy swimmer lets his air out slowly as he gracefully manuevers toward the far end of the pool.
Photo by Danny Meyer
Like a Bullet
Up for air, for just a moment, and then plunging back into the water, Paul Parmenter (above) speeds down the lane in the breaststroke.
Polaris Photo
Sea Monster Paul Parmenter dons a frightening mask before a meet to
intimidate opponents. Photo byArnie Spencer
team’s many
third-place finish at Mountain West Conference Cham-
pionships. Chris Knaute was named MWC wwimmer of the year for second time after winning his ninth career
Championship (tying the record for all-
time MWC Championships). Knaute also received the MWC Senior Recognition Award. Paul Parmenter sue-
cessfully defended his MWC Championship in the 200 yard individual medley.
Brady Lindberg successfully
defended his MWC Championship in platform diving. Head Coach Rob Clayton was named MWC Coach
of the Year.
The team finished third in the MWC regu-
lar season, narrowly missing (by .09 seconds) a share
of the MWC title. The team’s record at the conference
championships was 3-2, bringing the overall season record to 13-3. Knaute competed in his third consecutive NCAA
Both Knaute and Parmenter
qualified to compete at the 2008 U.S. Olympic Trials. Knaute is a nine-time Mountain West Conference
champion. Sheer Power
Spencer Liedl fixes his goggles before a swim. Academy swimmers maintain exquisite physical form and muscle tone. Photo byArnie Spencer
That total is tied for the most by any athlete
in the conference.
Knaute is a two-time MWC men’s
swimmer of the year (as a sophomore and senior). He is also a two-time honorable mention All-American and
Olympic Trials Qualifier.
He owns four individual and
five overall school records. Knaute is a four-time team MVP and team captain.
Men 5 Swimming mid Diving
A Big Splash The Air Force Academy Natatorium is a 123-foot multipurpose pool, holding 872,000 gallons of water.
It sports an 18
foot diving well with diving platforms up to 10 meters. Photo
\Jane Hwang was named All Mountain West Con-
by Danny Meyer
fere nee in three events this season (200 IM 200 ,
free, 100 free). She also broke the school record for the 200 meter freestyle. Blair Leake was named AII-MWC in the 100 meter breaststroke and earned the NCAA Postgraduate
Scholarship Award. Holding the Academy record for the 200 yard breaststroke, Leake was team captain for the Falcon women’s swim team, and was
also named MWC All-Conference for the secondconsecutive year.
Leake was recently awarded an
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship, one of just 58
student-athletes to earn one for the winter sport athletes.
ONIMa 114
The womens’ team ranked 8th, both in
the regular season of competition, and in the MWC
championships. Lauren White ranked 13th in the MWC 1650 yard (1500 meter) freestyle distance
competition. Chelsea Thompkins led the way in the
diving competitions at the MWC championships.
Diving Smoothly Danielle Dowds breaks the water with her hands so she can
slip smoothly under the surface. Dowds and Lauren Bursey were the
highest-placing Falcons at the Air Force Diving
Invitational. Photo by Arnie Spencer
The Lane to Victory An Academy swimmer breaststrokes toward victory. The breaststroke requires great athletic
skill and tremendous exertion. Polaris Photo
Exquisite Form Academy divers are judged on the perfection of their form in performance and execution of their dives.
ing, of course, is the key to a good dive, and practice and physical conditioning allows the cadet to perform
according to that detailed, seconds-long schedule. Photo by Danny Meyer
On the Move
Solange Eddy (left) performs a freestyle, though she
normally competes in the breaststroke. Photo by Arnie
Women ’s Swimming and. Diving
Good Showing Austin Francis (above) gained 4 points in singles play, and Francis and Brett
Rodgers earned 5 points in doubles play, at the Mountain West Conference
Success at Regionals Keith Cronican (above) and James Tomlin advanced to the round of 16 in the main doubles draw at the
Great Spring The Falcons were on fire during one
30-day period in February and March,
downing eight opposing schools in quick succession, with only occasional and isolated losses.
International Tennis Association Regional Cham
pionships in October.
The duo, seeded 13th at
the tournament, downed Doug Alves and Trevor
Thompson of Weber State, 8-2, in the second round. Polaris Photos
MVP and All-Conference
Robby Alexander was named Most Valuable Player for Air Force tennis this season, and was also selected to the Mountain West Conference All-Conference team, a selection made by the league’s seven team
coaches. He posted a 13-20 overall record, and a 9-15 mark at No. 1 singles this season. Polaris Photos
I he men’s tennis team finished the season with an 11-16 record. The team won
11 times in a 13-match span, midway through the season.
This year’s tally
brings head coach Rich Gugat’s career record to 713-235. Keith Cronican and James Tomlin advanced to the finals of the New Mexico Balloon Classic in doubles. Mike Youn led the team with 14 singles victories and 12 dual match singles wins.
Brett Rodgers was named MWC Player of the Week,
March 9.
Robby Alexander played his entire senior campaign at the No. 1 singles spot for the Falcons. He posted nine dual wins during the season, and won six in a seven-match span during the middle of the season. Despite consistently playing
nationally ranked opponents in the MWC, Alexander played well and took two of them to a third set. Robby’s best win of the season came against Henrik Almstrom of Rhode Island University, rallying from a set down to win, 1-6, 6-2,
A Game of Speed,
Angles and Strength Meghan Kiser did very well in singles
competition at the Mountain West Conference
and she and Erika
Shortridge came close to beating CSU in a
doubles tiebreaker.
Mountain West Tennis
Meghan Kiser and Christine Abayan, and
Erlyn Rudico rallied to win individual matches in April’s Mountain West
Conference Champion-
ships, but the Falcons couldn’t hold back CSU for the overall win.
Reaction and Agility Erika Shortridge (above) manages a tricky maneuver to make a backhand return.
Shortridge will be one
of the core players on next season's team,
with Lauren Wilson, and Meghan Kiser and Christine
Energy and Intensity
Abayan. Wilson. Kelly Morgan, and Erlyn Rudico
Lauren Wilson had the highest finish of the Falcons team (third place) at
each won singles games against Army in
the Houston Quad Invitational Tournament at the November finale to the
matches. Polaris Photos
Fall season.
A Determined Eye
Kelly Morgan (left) prepares to volley an
incoming ball. Morgan earned Most Valuable
Player honors this season.
T, a
women’s tennis team finished the season with
10-16 record, and was ranked 9th going into
the Mountain West Conference championships. Kelly
Morgan led the team with 24 overall singles victories. Morgan advanced to the finals of her flight at USAFA Invitational. The team dropped a heartbreaking 4-3 decision to Army in the annual Gideon Cup match. Lauren
Wilson captured third place in flight B at the Houston Invitational.
Morgan posted a team-high 24 singles victories in 2006-07, including a 15-9 record in dual matches. She was .500 or better at every season. es
position she played this
Morgan, the only Falcon to win two dual match-
against MWC opponents, won both of her singles
matches at the Wyoming Invitational and advanced to the final of her flight at the USAFA Invitational last fall. The Falcons were perhaps at the top of their game in
March, playing Southern Utah in Las Vegas, where they won every
singles and double match. They also won
every match against CSU-Pueblo and Mesa State, and all but one against Butler University and Weber State.
West Conference Championships,
n the Mountain
Olivia Korte (discus throw), Kevin Hawkins (800meter run) and Nick Frawley (pole vault) picked up
conference titles.
The Falcons picked up 10 all-
conference honors as the men and women finished 3rd and 7th, respectively. Korte set a new Academy record as she won her first conference title in the discus, and also set a new MWC
Championship meet record. Korte
was named team womens’ MVP.
Sara Neubauer
finished second with a throw of 160’11”, which is the second-best in Air Force history. Hawkins earned his second career conference title in the 800-meter run. Hawkins became the Falcons’ first outdoor
champion in this event since 1994 and only the second in Academy history. Frawley claimed his first conference title, outdistancing four BYU vauIters by four inches. As a team, the Falcons finished third. Kellen Curry crossed the finish line in the 110meter hurdles in 14.23, the eighth-fastest speed in
Academy history. Devine finished 4th in the event with a discus throw distance of 176’6”, which is the
fifth-best in Academy history, displacing the former
Sophomore Class Record that had stood since 1992. Neubauer and Korte also earned all-conference honors in the shot
put as they finished 2nd
and 3rd, respectively. Korte set a new Senior Class Record of 48’2”
the second-best throw in Academy
history. During the course of the 2007 championships, Air Force accounted for six overall champiThat is the most ever for an Air Force team
ons. -
indoor or outdoor
during its history as a member of both the WAC and MWC.
Ready for Launch
Going the Distance
Katie Weber (left)
Scott Balcao (left) leads the Air Force
prepares to throw a jav-
Twilight 3,000m dash, taking first.
key part of the
Polaris Photo
original Greek Olympic
Reaching for Heaven’s Vaults
competitions, more
A champion vaulter in
high school,
than 2000 years ago.
terrorists injured Erik Mirandette dur-
Polaris Photo
ing a mission trip to Africa, but he's battled back through 30 surgeries and has re-joined the
Polaris Photo
Soaring Higher Than the Rest Named team MVP, Brian Walsh (left) arches up and over in the high jump. Walsh was also the highest scoring col-
legiate decathlete at the prestigious Mt. SAC Decathlon, with the second-best decathlon total in Academy history,
and only the third best in Mountain West Conference his-
tory. Walsh also earned the third-best score in conference
history for indoor competition.
Polaris Photo
Drive & Determination Dierra Poland fixes her eyes on the finish line as she
drives ahead with singular will. Behind her, a competitor senses defeat.
Selected as 2007 Track and Field
captain, Poland holds Academy records in hurdling. She took first place wins at the Mesa Track and Field
Classic, the Air Force Open, and the Air Force Indoor All-Comers Meets.
Polaris Photo
All-Around Quality
Deb Durey (above) stretches for all she’s got; Durey is one of several
Academy cadets who undertake pen-
tathlons, decathlons and heptathlons, which require
competitors to excel in several events each, from jumping to running, to throwing.
Beating Long Odds
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Putting Forth Effort
Casey Johnson (left)
Matt Pinson winds up
plants her feet after
for a shot put throw.
flying more than five
Several Academy
meters. Johnson
competitors, both men
took top honors at the
and women, are ac-
University of Colorado
complished throwers
Potts Invitational in the
for shot put, hammers,
triple jump, and took
and others. Photo by
2nd in long jump.
Arnie Spencer
Polaris Photo
Track & Field
Katie Batchelder prepares to make a strike. At 231 total strikes for the year, Batchelder was the top scor-
ing Falcon.
Photo byArnie Spencer
mxr.w &
Using proper form and staying low to the ground, Rebecca Gerton passes the ball to the setter, in order to acheive a bump, set, and spike. Photo by Paul Russo
Fully Mobilized for Action Kim Kallabis and Michelle Harrington
prepare to block a Colorado State tip at the net, while Jasamine Pettie
awaits a potential missed block. Air Force made their best
Batchelder scored 11, and Kristina Stewart scored 7 this
single-match output with a .138 average.
game. Kallabis made 25 assists. Photo byArnie Spencer
volleyball theme for this year was,
“The Spirit of Sisterhood,
as the team
became a family and built up incredible
energy, with freshmen playing an important role. The team concluded the season with a
3-25 record, which unfortunately does not
accurately portray the spirit of this team. Air Force blocked its way to 17 total stops, one shy of the Division I single-match record, set in 1999. With 16 service aces in their three-
game victory over Norfolk State Sept. 1, the Falcons set a new Academy (NCAA Division
Academy volleyball came together as a team this year,
I) single-match record. Air Force surpassed the previous record of 13, set in 2003. With 16 total aces against Norfolk State, Air Force is tied for the lead in the MWC single-match statistics. During the Falcons’ four-game
resolving some difficulties, and building skills and
marathon with Western Carolina, four Fat-
teamwork to come back for a better season next year.
cons earned at least
Spirit and Determination
Unlike many teams, some of the key Falcons players on this team were freshmen,
Photo by Joel Strayer
10 kills. Katie Batchel-
der and Kristina Stewart each accounted for 17 kills, while Jocelyn Booker and Rebecca
Gerton each put down 10. Batch elder was the first Falcon to record 200 kills this season, finishing with 231 total strikes.
ranked second in the Mountain West Conference, with a 0.38 aces-per-game average,
accounting for 31 service aces in 88 games. The Falcons finished the season ranked fourth in the MWC with 1.55 aces per game.
Batchelder was named team MVP for the season.
The freshman led the team in kills
during 17 of the team’s 28 matches, and was second on the team
with 0.32 aces and
1.90 digs per game. She is the first player to collect Rookie of the Year and MVP hon-
during the same season. The Falcons Volleyball team exemplifies everything the Academy stands for standing together, teamwork, and helping “wingmen. The team is looking forward to improving on everything they have worked so hard to build this past year. ors
Serious Team Player Kim Kallabis prepares to serve. Kallabis made a name for herself with the highest number of assists (547) for the season, and a large number of digs, which is a dive to make a save
subsequent to a spike by the other team.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
AFA Goalie Ranks 3rd in Nation Senior Denver Saunders was named the Air Force water polo MVP for the 2006 season. The Falcons'
starting goalkeeper, Saunders played, in all, 31 games for the Air Force, which finished the season ranked
17th in the nation. Saunders recorded 304 saves on the season, ranking third in the nation. He was also
the MVP of the East Meets West Tournament, hosted
by Air Force in September.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
No Passing Zone Senior Denver Saunders earned a reputation as a
top-ranked goalie, and contributed much to the Falcons' wins this season.
Sheer Energy
Peering across the pool, Junior Clark Condict looks for a well-positioned teammate to pass the
ball to.
Not for the Faint of Heart
Swimming is a tiring sport, as is. Add in athletic competition, opposing players, and propelling the ball across the face of the water, water polo
becomes an exhausting effort. rveauy io iviaKe a riay Freshman Alex Churnside (above) adjusts
quickly to engage in the action behind him.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
e Falcons water
polo team finished the
year with a 14-17 overall ledger and an
8-5 mark in the Western Water Polo Associa-
tion, finishing seventh at the conference tournament. Air Force ended the year ranked 17th
in the nation, marking the 20th time in the past
21 years the Falcons have been ranked at the end of the year. The Falcons also finished the
year with a double-digit win total for the 19th time in the past 20 years.
Sophomore Tyler
Fiewko was named a second-team all-conference selection,
while Senior Kyle Schafer was
an honorable mention all-conference
Schafer was selected to ESPN The Magazine Academic All-America University Division
Men’s At-Large All-District VII 2007 Team.
Face Off
Guarding is a major effort in water polo, considering the amount of energy necessary to launch oneself out of the water and reach high
enough to make a difference. Junior Clark Condict (below) watches for the right moment to pass without being blocked.
Swimming in Style The Air Force water polo pool (right) was refurbished in 2003. Up-
grades included a new filtration and gutter system, new tiles for
brighter color, double the lighting, stadium-quality fold down seating, temperature and humidity controls, 18 speakers mounted in the ceiling tiles, and the Falcon logo on two walls.
Water Polo
his year the Falcons wrestlers embarked upon their first season under new head coach Joel Sharratt.
The Falcons
recorded a 6-10 overall dual record and 3-1 mark in the inau-
gural season of the Western Wrestling Conference (WWC). Air Force played host to the annual All-Academy Champion-
ships, finishing fifth with five different place winners. Junior Jacob Devlin and Sophomore Stephen Crozier were named
third-team all-conference selections, while Crozier was also named to the WWC All-Academic team. Earning WWC Wrestler of the Week accolades were Junior Anthony Stegeman and Seniors
Bridger and Zach Lord. Senior Co-cap-
tain Bridger Lord, the Falcons’ starter at 149 pounds, was
chosen as the 2006-07 Air Force wrestling team MVP. With the Falcons’ leading win percentage, Lord recorded a dual meet ledger of 10-4 this season. A fourth-place finisher at the
NCAA West Regional, Lord was one of three Falcons to earn WWC Wrestler of the Week honors this year. Senior Andrew
Teigeler was awarded the Commitment to Excellence Award, given to the cadet with the best all-around performance at the Academy (academics, military and athletics).
Inside the Ring
Lording It Over NDSU
Jordan Tribble (right)
Bridger Lord upends an op-
grapples with a North
ponent and prepares to throw
Dakota State wrestler.
Bridger was co-captain
Tribble was one of eight
and MVP for the season. His
Academy wrestlers at
twin, Zach, alsowrestled
the NCAA West Regional
for the Falcons.
Championships, where Air
Photo by David Armer
Force placed fourth. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Heavyweight Contenders Jacob Devlin pins a North Dakota wrestler after an exhausting round. Devlin and Stephen Crazier
competed well enough at the NCAA West Regionals to qualify for the Western Wrestling Conference All-Conference Team,
along with 28 wrestlers from across the Conference.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Fall Sports
Heavyweight Anthony Stegeman puts some muscle on his opponent. Stegeman earned the Most Falls Award, for the wrestler with the most wins by fall during the season. Photo byArnie Spencer
Leverage Play
I Surrender!
Zachery Lord tries to
Stephen Crazier
find the right move to
completely dominates
reverse a hold. Zach was
co-captain with his
his hapless opponent.
Crazier was also a
brother, Bridger. Photo
member of the WWC
byArnie Spencer
All-Academic Team. Photo by Arnie Spencer
LOADED WITH TRADITION: Academy cadets are surrounded by heritage and tradition. There is a natural affinity to the study of history or the military arts. Polaris Photo
FINDING ONE’S HIGHEST EXPRESSION: Some cadets exhibit their artistic talents in their
after-duty hours. There
is a great variety of performance teams or musical groups. Polaris Photo
There are clubs for almost any cadet’s interest, including paint ball.
competitive, often athletic, hobbies. Polaris Photo
Many cadets prefer
“The primary joy of life is acceptance, approval, the sense of appreciation and companionship of our human comrades. Many men do not understand that the need for fellowship is really as deep as the need for food, and so they go through life
accepting many substitutes for genuine, warm, simple." Joshua Loth Liebman -
Cadet Chorale Left section, left to right, front to back: Ryan Gipson, David Garcia, Jonathan Lohse;
Douglas Sutton, Jeremy Wyatt, Daniel Prescott, Nate Sladek; Michael Koslow, Derek Bell, Peter Kober; Daniel Wabinga, and Andrew Small. Middle Section: Marcella Mueth, Deborah
Gaddis; Rachael Wenger, Monica Herrera, Marisa Miyamura, Melissa Sidwell, Sarah Alford; Laura Weber, Logan Clark, Kelly Wright, Elsa Bohlender, Angela Sheffield, Erica Chimelski,
Erica Juchter, and Jill Larson.
Right section: Alex Stevenson, Edison Abeyta, Will Smith,
Kevin Kim, Bryan Sanchez; Justin Ledvina, Preston Gartner, Jarrod Huffman, Josh Mason,
Eric Darwin; Doug Bates, Will Deike, Nicolas Zimmerman, James Bresnahan, Robert Preston; Ian Noel, Greg Hermantin, Benn Slikker, David Corpman, Zachary Roberts, and W. Andy Waterworth.
Conducting: Dr. Joe Galeman
Chapel Choirs The Latter Day Saints Choir visits the Mormon Tabernacle (above), in
Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Academy’s Chapel Choirs include the Catholic,
Protestant, Gospel, Protestant Praise Team and LDS Choirs. Varying in size from 10-70 members, the choirs attract cadets with a drive to express and share their faith.
They perform weekly in the Cadet Chapel, and also
make appearances throughout the nation. Choir trips enhance visibility for the Academy while providing a unique form of ministry.
Created in late 2006, USAFA’s
tions, including the Wing Open, spirit
Dance Team earned much recog-
dinners, bonfires, hockey games,
nition and support.
Having been
baseball games, and exhibitions in
missing for so long from Academy
the local area for cheer and dance
sports, this reinvigorated team adds
value to sporting events and attracts continued dedication from the
Several members have been asked to share their talents and
ladies. The team members
choreographing ability with local
choreograph all dances. With at least three events
All-Star competi-
per week, the
tion cheer and
team cheers and
dance gyms.
dances through-
The mem-
out home games
bership includes
for football
six seniors.
and men’s and
each year at the Academy, the
women’s basket-
close friendships and spirit of
ball. In addition
teamwork already present are
to dancing, the
passed down to the five under-
team tumbles, jumps, and cheers
Having cheered
Front row: Amanda Reed, Crystal
classmen. The team works hard,
Santa Bird
to combine all aspects of spirit and
not only developing quality routines
and Ashley Maddox.
to perform, but to also instilling pride
The team receives many re-
quests to perform at special func 130
in each member. —
by Amanda Reed
Murray, Christina True, Comrie Harris,
and Sarah Craycroft. Second row: Elizabeth BuPane, Jordan Wilhelm,
Back row: Lisa Rowland, Alicia
Quaco, Mallory Swiderski,
Since 1948, the Air Force Drum '
and Bugle Corps has entertained
to support Cadet Wing activities,
audiences across the nation and
including military formations and all
abroad with its thrilling performanc-
Academy football and basketball
assigned to the
games. An extension of the mis-
of Sound,” the primary mission is
The corps was
Academy in 1963, and turned over
sion continues in the community
to the Cadet Wing in 1972. Since
with concerts and field exhibitions,
then, they have
band festivals
won the
and various
of Inter-Service
military cer-
Academy Drum
emonies. The
and Bugle Corps
Cadet Drum and
Competitions. The Corps
Bugle Corps is comprised of
exemplifies the
120 cadets and
precision and
has represented
musical blend of
the Academy
a well-directed
at presidential
band or orchestra, and the show-
inaugurals, the Macy’s Thanksgiv-
manship of a Broadway production.
ing Day parade, the Tournament of
Performing on the average of 35
Roses parade, Mardi Gras parades
times a month, they have become
and special Olympics opening er-
known as the Academy’s ambas-
sadors of precision drill and musical
pageantry. Known as the “Flight
Test of Wills Preston Moon (right) prepares for the Mad
Cow Classic, at Mesa State College, in Grand
Junction, Colo. The
high speeds in some races
combined with tight
corners and little
between cyclists, make these races a real test of
skills and endurance.
No Stopping Team Captain Mark Fraser leads the Air Force pack (left) in a race at Ft.
Lewis Col-
lege, Durango, Colo. Zachary Garrett and Trevor Johnson are
Left to Right: Stuart Jessup, Casey Probst, Kathy Rakel, Ashley Culp, Kandi Henderscheid, Stephanie Hirst, Diana Dalrymple, Arianne Morrison.
Phillip Becker, and Mark Fraser.
mmSM I fmmS
close behind. “It never
gets easier," Fraser and his teammates say, “You just get faster."
Choirs and Chorales Dance Team Drum and Bugle, Cycling ,
The 2006-07 cadet ultimate
of Arizona. The next day, Air Force
Frisbee team, or Air Force Ultimate,
competed in six tournaments dur-
Colorado State for 9th in the region.
both games to finish tied with
ing the fall
The “’07 line,”
and spring
made up of eight
firsties who had
achieving an
played together
for 3 years or
record of
more, allowed
the team to win a
A 5-2
higher percentage
record at
of games than in
past years.
earned 3rd
Front row: Mark Bishop, Evan Erickson, Adam Tardif, Kaz Teope, Patrick Warfel and Dan Ouper.
Back row: Capt. Brian Earp, Brock Logan, John
Special thanks
place and
the last spot
Capts. Brian
due to OICs,
to compete
Earp and Jona-
in regionals.
than Murphy for
Wilder, Hans Foster-Jorgenson, Jake Rennebaum, Matthew Cork, Chris
Entering at
Halbleib, Matthew McDonald, Matthew Hought, Patrick Picard, Rob Strz-
12th seed, the team held seed by
throughout the season, and also to
defeating UCLA B, but then losing
Tony Porter, who brought his 20+
elec, Kyle Krogh, Mario Seville, and Coach Tony Porter.
helping the team
to Cal Poly and the Univ. Colorado.
AFU suffered a disappointing single-
years of experience to the team. —
by John Wilder
point loss to 5th seeded University
The Cadet History Club is
bat history of the Air Force.
chartered to broaden cadet under-
All history majors are automati-
standing of the value of history as it
cally members and non-majors may
relates to their professional develop-
sign up anytime by contacting the
ment as future officers.
history department.
Toward this end, they sponsor
Every year, the history club
guest speak-
takes dozens
ers, usually
of historical
combat veter-
rifles and pistols
to an outdoor
ranking mili-
range, where
tary or civilian
they spend time
ans or
guests. They
shooting while
also sponsor a
wearing historic
formal dinner
every academ-
Left, C3C
ic year, with
Dan Jackson
guest speaker known for a strong
fires an 1830’s Hawken .54 caliber
leadership style, either on or off the
rifle while wearing the uniform of
Union artillery soldiers during the
The goal of the speaker program
Civil War. Other cadets or lead-
is to provide cadets with individual
ers wore uniforms
examples of combat experience, as
Revolutionary War to World Wars I
well as an appreciation for the com
and II to the Persian Gulf War.
ranging from the
The club (above) poses in
period uniforms and armed with period rifles
before a parade in honor of the 10th Mountain
Division, one of the most famous military units from World War II, and since. The soldiers of the 10th Mountain would use skis and white parkas in winter or alpine combat environments. To prepare for service in Europe and Africa, the soldiers of the division trained in the Colorado mountains.
Travel the connecting hallway
During the 2006-2007 academic
between Vandenberg Hall and Van-
year, programming was streamlined,
denberg Tower, you’ll find a place
and the signal quality was improved,
where cadets can loosen up and ex-
with more improvements upcoming.
press themselves over the airwaves.
This year, KAFA teamed up with the
Nestled in
a cranny
across from
to provide
the Group
One CQ
coverage of
desk is 97.7
the Class of
KAFA, the
2007 gradua-
Air Force
Academy radio station.
KAFA spe-
poised to
cializes in al-
continue to
ternative and
grow, and
indie-rock music, and has a dance
provide a service to the Air Force
hour Saturday nights. Cadets and
Academy, while providing an avenue
permanent party members provide
for cadets to express themselves.
all of the on-air talent at 97.7 KAFA.
C2C Shawn Cuevas
Photos by Ken Carter
women s
The Air Force Women’s Lacrosse Team earned a record of 5-8 during the 2006-07 season, ranking 25th nationally, finishing their year at the Quad-Service Tournament, los-
ing to Navy.
I rtsbee, History KAFA ,
Women's Ldcmssc
Model Cadets One hobby that goes naturally with the Air Force Academy and a cadet
wing full of aspiring pilots is model
building, and model flying. That’s the Model Engineering Club. Pictured are a selection of the models
they’ve pro-
duced, most of which are fully flyable
by remote control. Hiding among the racers, the P-47 Thunderbolt and the
Supermarine Spitfire, one may notice a
flying replica of the yellow Piper Cubs which tow the cadet’s gliders aloft for
Airmanship classes.
Native American cadets are more vis-
traditions and heritage.
Most stereotypes
ible now, with the creation of the Native
are created from
American Heritage Committee. “We are
Native Americans are mascots, because
ignorance. Many think
here to educate not only the cadet wing,
they are all dead, live on a reservation,
but also the facility, and the whole com-
and are not here. That simply isn’t true,”
Romans said. CIC Jukari Davis helped
on a
culture, traditions, heritage
and history,” said faculty
Romans create the commit-
representative Capt. Tim
tee. “Putting together a pro-
Romans. The club gives
gram in November was one of
members a way to get
the biggest accomplishments
involved in the Native
the club had to date,” he said.
American community as
“We had guest speakers and
a whole.
organized the club’s first Pow
The commit-
tee hosted numerous
Wow in nine years.” The club
events this year, including
wants to increase awareness
Pow Wows and a Secret
of the large number of Native
Santa gift exchange for the
Americans in the military.
underprivileged. Romans said locals very
“Native Americans have the highest
much appreciated the efforts of the com-
percentage racial demographic in the
mittee. “I’ve had Native Americans from
military,” he said. “To serve in the military
Colorado Springs, come up and say this is
brings honor to us socially and spiritually.”
great; please keep doing it.
We want the
Academy to be more aware of the culture, 134
by Madinah Hazim-Adams
The Falcons Paintball Team had a fun year, ranking seventh, nationally, at the end of the spring semester.
A military institution such as the Air Force Academy might be expected to find an energetic combat-sport
like paintball of interest, but these cadets put a special flair into their
competitions. The Academy sports two teams
one which
in tournaments, and the other which
just fights for fun.
The competitive
paintball team captured third place at the Fluntington Beach Champion-
ships. At the Kansas State University tournament, they battled their way to second place. At Oklahoma City,
Paint the Town Red C2C Jarrett Little, C2C William Sides, C2C Jason Lunger; C2C Tyler Lawhorn (CIC), C1C Sergio Padilla, C3C David Zeigler. and C1C Robert Madson hold the first-place trophy
they earned at the Oklahoma City
Paintball Tournament last November.
they earned the first place trophy after furious combat with teams from all over the country.
Additionally, the
recreational team was awarded as the “Best Team” after their performance at the Oklahoma
Air Force Men’s Rugby was excited to have 10 players named to the all-conference team
following a successful 2006-07
The Rugby Club (also known
City D-Day
2003. In addition, USAFA has continuall
outpaced service academy rivals Army and Navy. In 1980, a separate women’s team was organized, and in 1991
Rugby Football Club, or
en’s national championship came into
ZRFC) is a competitive club that com-
being. Under the coaching of Vern Av
petes in intercollegiate-level rugby. Both
the Zoomies won the national champion-
the men’s and women’s sides have been
ship in that year, which set the standard
highly successful, combined winning
for all Air Force Women’s teams which
seven national
followed. The cadets have responded
as the Zoomie
championships. Academy
men’s rugby has consistently competed
with a highly successful, nationally recog-
at the top collegiate and premiere levels
nized program ever since. The women’s
since 1962, and has positively represent-
club is the only team in the country to
ed the Air Force with awards and acco-
always have participated in the national
lades. Air Force began playing interser-
competition, and has never finished be-
vice matches in 1970, when it beat Navy
low fifth in the nation. The women have
31-0. Since the development of a men’s
won four national
collegiate rugby championship series in
1994, 2002, 2003), which is more than
1980, USAFA has qualified for the nation-
any other team. Some women have gone
al tournament 18 times, placed in the top
on to
Front row: Steve Mount, Kyland Freeman. Second row:
Daniel Griffin (captain). Third row: Kyle Anderson, Chris
Valine, and Blake Wong. Fourth row: Austin Dowling, Brice
Collier, and Ernesto Guzman. Fifth row: Jordan Kahn, Brad Echols, Tommy Smith, Jason Bartik. Qais Heimburger
Robbie Glenn, and Adam Burwinkle (captain). Sixth row: Marc Ward, Mark Cemi, Andrew Veerathanongdech, Josh
Martz, J.D. Rulien, Andy Amack, Terry Fregly, Alan McBride,
championships (1991,
Adam Burnham, Jeff Furnary, Matt Eggert, and Gabriel Yoder. Back row: Kyle Babbitt. Adam Myszka, Matt Walker, Brandon Wolf,'Jonathan Watford, Taylor Coffey, Nolan
Brock, Matt Herzberg, Adam DeRito, Jon Pryor, Jonathan Florsz, Benjamin Zumstein, Bradley Seifert, Jason Thomas,
play for the national team.
Eric May, Stephan Azab, Michael Masiello, Wilson Tucker,
four nationally 13 times, and earned the
Eric Duechle, Karras Clark, Eric Goral, Andrew Johnson, and
Ben Barton.
national championship in 1989, 1990 and
Model Native American, Paintball ,
13 5
Cadet Ski Team
Nordic Ski Team
The Cadet Ski Club provides coordination, equipment and transportation
The Nordic Ski Team competes with cross-country teams from other col-
for the many ski trips cadets have the opportunity to take, since they’re in
leges around the region and nationally. Air Force’s Laura Abbott was able
Colorado amidst some of the finest mountains and ski slopes in the world.
to qualify for the U.S.
Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association National
Championships, where she ranked 22nd.
Armed with bright blue T-shirts
Section 8 fans cheered the football
and spirited face paint, Section 8
team to a come-from-behind, 31 to
was back in full force for the 2006-
24 victory over the Cowboys. “It
07 sports season.
was so loud, no one
They aimed to sup-
could stop cheer-
port Academy athlet-
ing!” said Section 8
ics through cheers
member Rachelle
and zany antics.
DeShazo. Section 8
From football to bas-
showed tremendous
ketball, these crazy
support the whole
Air Force fans dress
year through, and the
up, dress down,
national rankings at-
and are there every
tracted more cadets
time. In September,
than ever to the
Section 8 members
With sold out
ventured to Wyoming
games, cadets were
to support their team.
forced to standing-
In reality, nothing
room-only for home
short of restriction
showdowns. Some
could have stopped
players even attri-
Section 8 fans from
bute the team’s near
going. They rode
perfect home game
or drove their cars,
rain, hail, and snow. Full of energy,
record to the energy that filled Clune Arena.
by Nicole Paget
Section 8 is
big (frequently seating 100 or more), crazy and loud. They’re present as often as possible at home games and away.
Softball Team Cadet squadrons compete against each other in
unofficial club teams, and softball is one of the more
popular choices.
SkitSection 8 Softball Fast Fitch Softball ,
Swing dancing retains a special
place in the hearts of Americans, even today.
It’s a part of history,
and often brings back images of
Army Air Force flyers dancing with nurses to the tunes of Glenn Miller or
Benny Goodman. In fact, Maj.
Glenn Miller served as leader of the Air Force Band in World War II, until he was lost in a plane crash
during the prime of his musical career.
Big bands and swing danc-
ing remain popular enough that the Academy has a club devoted to learning and performing the
style’s exciting swings and gyrations.
Quality swing dancing is an
athletic performance, with tosses, turns and swoops. It’s enjoyable
for the dancers, and even for the
spectators alike.
The courageous Tuskegee Airmen
to the best of his ability. Williams said the
who took flight more than 60 years ago
club and the event help keep the history
are honored every year at a commemo-
of their squadron alive. “The Tuskegee
rative event put on by the Tuskegee
Airmen were determined and sharp men.
Airmen Club. Several Tuskegee Airmen
They had a passion to fly and they broke
Club advisor Greg Williams
participated. said, “This year’s
through the racial discrimination of the time period. They
event is very im-
never lost
portant because
their dream. They
many of the
were some of the
Tuskegee Airmen are
sight of
best pilots, black or
getting older
and we want to
The program
keep their legacy
included speeches
Past and Present
alive for future
from Tuskegee Air-
Cadets (above, and left) pose with members of the original
The Tuske-
a video about
the squadron, and
gee Airmen were
retreat ceremony,
determined young men who enlisted to
followed by an evening dinner. “One of
become America’s first black military air-
men at a time when
to still have it be a major event. We want
many people thought
black men lacked intelligence, skill, cour-
age and patriotism. Each one possessed a
strong personal desire to serve America
No one can hear you scream,
underwater! The competitive Women’s Water
by Madinah Hazim-Adams
significant amount of their free time to participate in this competitive club.
In addition, all trips are funded by
rigorous practices, they excel in other facets of the Academy. Many have been named
enced. The team
Academic All American
has had new
for the Collegiate Water
coaches each
Polo Association. Others
have taken awards such
Smith and Maj.
as MVP of conference and
John Christ led
yet others are on
the team this
the Dean's and
democratic process.
Tuskegee Airmen did.” —
cated ladies with skill levels ranging
It exists primarily to motivate and inspire young Americans
it to grow, to remind people of what the
the team and parents. In addition to
to very experi-
to become active participants in our nation’s society and its
long term goals 25 years from now is
Polo team is made up of 20 very dedifrom brand new
Tuskegee Airmen, who have also founded Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., a non-profit organization founded by veterans of World War
members of
the team, and captains, include
The 2007-08
Monica Herrera and Kamille
schedule will be
Kemp. Eight new ladies joined
challenging, but
the existing 12, contributing new
talent and experience to the
national Champi-
Wise, Lisa Kempker, Kathleen Le, Kamille Kemp, and Carrie Moore. Back
onships is on all
members’ minds.
Ashley Jensen, Amy Moore and Kathryn Lynn.
They compete through the Collegiate Water Polo Association Southwest Division.
return to the
In addition to traveling to play
tween this motivated and talented team
and their bid to Nationals. Teamwork
invitational tournaments. Practicing five days a week, players donate a
Monica Herrera, Cristina Richter, Ariella Walker, Renae Conley, ,
Two conference tournaments stand be-
conference teams, several Southern
California teams invite the team to
Front row: Vinny Grossman and Amanda Reed. Second row: Andrea
is instilled both in and out of the pool. —
by Amanda Reed and Keri Holcomb
Swing Dancing, Taekwondo Tuskegee Women's Water Polo ,
13 9
There are signs everyday to remind cadets they are not in a
“typical” college environment. Polaris Photo SUNRISE IN COLORADO:
The Academy boasts some of the most beautiful
scenery of any location in the country.
Photo by C4C Luke Connolly
A cadet plays pool during some idle time. With all the academic and military commitments demand-
ing cadets’ time, it’s important to add some balance to the equation.
Photo by C3C Jennifer Beasock
“If a man insisted always on being serious, and never
allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation,
he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it.” Herodotus -
cadet life 141
100's Night On 100s Night the fourth class cadets get to have their revenge.
They find creative ways to “decorate” the
Firsties’ rooms. Polaris Photos
Cadet Life
Cadet L f
l e
May 2.007
Maybe you have
long year# For a The time
final#, trying to reach inmaybe you don t. It s what
Rrstie, it # what peace Graduation! -
and earn the
you opend four
your entire
everyone ju#t want# to Academy career boil# down be a
chance to #ee
real USAFA through the Stealth Cadet Cla## of 2007 to rearview mirror. get here, but the have gone We be#t a lot through cadet# to of i# change yet to come change officer#.
#enlor# from the
Sure we ll be
back on the
transition from
pay rai#e and the bottom of the to wonder that opportunity somewhat totem pole, but with a cadet# come govern yourself. It # put difference# in these together no last moment# aside, and to Gus ...or here to Now or Never join together in one large ...or The motto group to shout doesnt matter a#License to Kill ...or Ad
signifies the number of
Air Force an
Academy four years ago, who
honor oath and
in turn
Astral. meaning behind it. It to the United States
much a# the
individuals who came
raised their
hands to take represents all of the hardpromise themselves to work and Training, Global sacrifice of greater cause. It a
ftig and much
We, the stood on
Engagement, Water Haze and going through Sasic
Rrsties, now know what
Combat Survival
we were in for We now footprints. commitment we ve made understand and have when we first internalized the Excellence in All We to Integrity First, Do. The Service Sefore Self, and senior cadet Academy knowing we ve raised same subordinate leadership can leave the values, and will
fill our that will have shoes with The new the challenges that face us wonconfidence. what is tough and we re t be tough, because we out the for it. We ready know could not have support of friends, done it withready for the world, and family, great we re ready for the Air teachers, but now we re Force, we
Charity Day
ready to be
\\\ X&66
Freestyle Cadets sometimes get to let loose and have
fun. Parties, dances and “dinings in” allow all to be themselves among
friends who aren’t used to seeing them out of
Polaris Photo
Cadet Life
gu/rf. wealing
diei4 4eApectioe
cfaAA cofoU.
and onifakmk.
fcoMieamA ATepped
onToTM 1^.0
[laof meantweehA 0(3 orujani^ed
widi marherA, tie faeld waA lined
dfeacierA wiki in matcfl waA
tile (jiut practieeA, pfa^doohA eadetl were Had tj. and fallow itnlok Ata^ pface. Tie Pcadem^ led ^eana Ciointana aujainAtdie ^kaelin^. TontTote, fee OfaAA 1 2002team, and -tAkfe^ tUhm^" 'Wli^lki. waA
uaeke d^ Madilon "'Wlad'dauofaTok^ekk buttle^ fakiie <jameA, ioukL j^kt^akin^ kad Apentloontleu OiaAA Tie Tookii tte^reeA die ’\uniok cfaAA. Til
OiaAA o(j 20 10,
ability 0(3
mindA and aiilltie. no matc(l Gordie canning mati ca.aAed man^ 08. tie Aeaand to 14-7 loit '10
2007. tlow ok
and faoiiek
dfood^ noAeA 2009 fed d^ Kok ^ and KimTIkad^ Peoer, led d^ OaAec^tda^ne oa.
aA ^aareante At. die Pa^ne, dominated A eniorA Tie and and OiaAmine ^onei. madetuao i n te^eepti o nA ^lad^i^, and (taitfin Poffida^ nomltk paAAeA, made impAeAAioe terdach, ad-ld fak 2009 making afttkl> catieA. tyoonne pTnAton c^a de^enAioe fine, two ta [1d
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waAdfe moAteyeitin^.
l>ofiekftam eoold notmahe paAt2007'A 9 [le (Jinaf a^ainAt2008. dordie fa^it di<j die a^amt, dien prepared Tie ujame and
A A e A,
ktfakee A. Makii man Moore and
ooaoi^eA PanA Ae^eamed atdie ^iriittafj. Tifaana^
AcorefeAAdtro.atiletit acj[lt|\e a&illtie widi eveitin^j A
catieA, faT Atiff co-afd minMoore’A diima g. 'TOidi eiqjkt ranA and
A^oweddiei^ tarnooerA, to Qwarterdach 2m^ in 2007 'a not oaektomiiit $or end Aa^ett^ indie j^one Madman waA downed widi die Ao^e and dr^iAeA aweiome
tjarne, dtat nigtlt afon^ to oh tome die trop[l^ fiutieA Tit faook. dtat tame wididietrtf^
P 12006 Powder
da OaAeuPaune
Super V*m
Pool Party Each squadron has
its favorite forms of entertainment they can
enjoy together without leaving the comforts of home.
Squadron 37
unveiled its new billiard
table this year.
Polaris Photo
Photo by Mark Walden
That Color's a Little Park for You Even combat training has make-up work.
Several realistic combat scenarios every year ingrain principles of teamwork. Photo by Danny Meyer
bys am
w-c^W, "slIvA -LI o^iMce
glv\JI flj -cv\ glk
w^rKled le> We slk /\^r
OSLcieV, -cf <M\lj f(^f GL I
Pe>rce p-<Ue>l,
w-U>\ed IWr.1 I oe>uld We ^
re^llj Wsrppj w\eK <Me ef
Ue osudel
s^UGL<Are>v\^ glI Ue /loa.deiA\j lei (Me Wwe>w iA\e le> o<MA\e
We e>ve <^f
Ueiw fe>r gl
TWej loe>W iMe e>v\ gl up -a\ uivcfe>riA\^,
TVej sU^wed iMe glII Wa\d^
plGLWes^ Gtv\d we-crd s>ooev\ce ?>ul Ue Wed d\le> gl lwe>'
wdW UeiMj Ue
o^e>\ duff, WWe
dropped iMe
<§Wder, wlere imj iwu\d lei IMe
iwg>ui\Igl-ua^, glwA <jud
GLre>ui\d up Here. 11
Wdd, l£>e>Wa\<j de>wi\
glI glII
oaJlel^ wWe> were
ia\gutoW w-dW Ueiw
pGcrl wgl^ wlew Uej
We flew <^ver
le>ur, glvJI we glII
glwA Uej lei iMe
Uej WGLixled
c^u-iel. I fell WWe I wglg> gl IW^se people, GL\\d
wcce le> iMe.
TWslkW^, cGLdelW 1 Wstd
Ue Uuwe ef*
imj Wfe!
Give Him a Hand Cadet for a Day Ryan
Taylor (left, and above right) receives a salute from a CS-33 cadet. The Academy teams with the Make a Wish
Foundation to help sick children. Cadets
provide these young stars with unique expertences. Poloris Photo
Lining Life to Its Fullest Young Jordan Davis (left) gets to play around with a miniature jet engine with the assistance of Lt. Col. Michael Bettner, of the Department of Astronautics.
Cadet for a Day
Julian Willis (below), salutes as he imagines flight in one of the Academy sailplanes. He also got to meet Darth Vader, and march with the CS-39 Jedi Knights. Julian suffers from
primary pulmonary hypertension, and is awaiting a double lung transplant. relies upon 24-hour oxygen treatments. Photo by Ken Carter
Cadet for
Until then, he
Friends Forever The cadets’ experiences at the Academy bond them
together. They rely on each other.; cry with each other, and, no matter where, they have tremendous fun together. Polaris Photos
Future Leaders The Academy forges tomorrow’s Air Force
officers as they live Air Force, 24/7. Photo
by Mark Walden
Defending the American Dream Every year, hardy and compassionate Academy cadets volunteer to build houses for the homeless over spring
Projects in New Mexico (above) and Texas
(right) saw an influx of dozens of cadets in March who wanted to make a difference by serving. Photos by John Van Winkle and Todd Berenger
Hej, <^ues*s> wWs*A
I'im. cJtevUx^
W<NMe w-cT
Tex 7 Tim, Lk ?e>rV A.rVWur,
\TlW-cVbL Ce>r Huia\^l\\-cWj!
^re Were filter c^LcAeV^
W-clW iMe.
Jle%e\\ ruv\ JIcm/k We(e>re e>v\ w^ls> w-er-e we>rVa\<§Te le>use £Lwc^\ecA ?>uV o^LiMe Wr^u^V-
Hurr-cosa\e -LI. IVs* w^Wer
cbLiM^^eJl a.i\<A r-^p
We Wawe
Wi\e>w, WWe U^se
e>Ul p^LrWs* c£ Ues>
We>use e>uW (je>u
^lV\«A Vlev\ reWu-UJl e>v\ TV!),
ce>woreWe we>rW, s>^lW-u\<§-
weed, b.ivJI
le> He Vr^LiMe. le> We \\^L-UeJl
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-<T^ <je>-u\<§-
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£Lv\-cs^WeJl Lv\ i\e>
TWe \e>use
He wexV LVs*
^lvJI l\e ^L-cr -cs* Wuiwcdl TWe le>V I Vs* re^llj (s*ure, j<^u Wkc>w -cWT W^rJl we>rW
<jre>ui\<Jls* iaajjJUIj. We re
used. Ve> HcslV. V^ul
We LVs* verj s>^lV^s*£j-0\<§-
people wWe> were \elp-^v\<j
weed.^ le<j up.
Round and Round Much of Academy life is focused on the McDermott Library, with its circular
staircase, enormous collection of resources and historical artifacts.
Bayne Casey by
Cadet Life
& f
ANTICIPATION AND EXCITEMENT: Firsties are near their goal, but what a final year it’s bound to be! When it culminates in commissioning and graduation, the cadets
and our nation
better for it. Photo by Arnie Spencer
NUMBER ONE: Seniors appreciate what they’ve earned, and also better understand military heritage. Polaris Photo GOING OUT IN ZANY STYLE: Releasing pent up pressure, the final 365 days of a cadet’s Academy experience often include some wild antics and bizarre behavior (still mild, by college standards). Polaris Photo
“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons.
And they will follow you into the deepest
Sun Tzu
Esamu Cooper
Anchorage, AK Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me the best of everything, i could never repay you two for all the things you have taught me and done for me, so for now I am hoping a simple thank you and an “I love you both” will do. Well my stay at camp USAFA has
given me the best of friends and the worst of times. Leadership Recondo ...I guess I was just missing the P. .
does that make sense?
Troy Egbert
Sloan Green
“Jerome, ID
Anchorage, AK
Aeronautical Engineering
Behavioral Sciences
Thanks to all the folks here at USAFA
Thanks Mom and Dad for absolutely
for the incredible adventures. To the
everything, without your love and sup-
Andersons, thanks for all the help
port I never would have made it this far. Brothers, thanks for blazing the trail,
over the last six years.
It was always
much appreciated. These were the worst of times, these were the best of
times. Either way they will never be
teaching me, making me laugh and making me who I am today. Craig and Jennifer, thanks for being great sponsors and great friends.
and Griffins, thanks for making this
place more fun than it was ever supposed to be. “It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.”
Evelina Kinova
Pleven, Bulgaria
Foreign Area Studies Finally done! Sometimes looking back at all the hardship and fatigue we went through here, it seems to me that I learned more about myself rather than if 1 stayed in my comfortable and smiley world back home. Do not cheat your heart and always walk confidently in the
direction of your dreams! I met enough
Amazing people to give me lasting good memories from this place and Mighty Mach One! Bulgarians rock!!!
Lindsey Kirchhoff
Kyle Krogh
Columbia, MO Social Science
Swimming in sparkling waters of Hawaii and California, Singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in F-16, Espafia con mis tres
amigos, Worshipping at
FCA, Laughing just because, SCUBA in Guam on Ops, Peering through barbed wire of Auschwitz in Poland, Competing
with Falcon S'women, Enjoying smiles of our precious Cadet for a Day. Thank
you Macall, Mom, Dad, Brie, Natalie, Oso, Lydia, Kalinas...Friends, Teachers, Mentors.
Christopher Eric Lien “Liener, Lien Bean” Colorado Springs, CO Political Science These four years went fast. It was
tough at times, but if I had to do it again I would in a heartbeat. Life wouldn’t have been the same without the Mach One gang or the Old Wild
Stallions. I feel privileged for the op-
portunities I’ve had here, but “May I never say these were my best years.” Thanks to my friends for the memo-
ries, and my family for support. Isaiah 40:31. “Does that make sense?”
Timothy McBride “Timmy, Dad, Big Cheese” Orland Park, IL
Meteorology Wow, what a milestone! So much PITO, so little time. Thanks a lot to my sponsors, Don and Dian Cram, for putting up with my grief for five years. I definitely would not have made it without you either, you know who you are. You were truly my in-
spiration and I will be forever grateful for your support. Best wishes to all my buds. Does that make sense?
Richard Mickelsen “Rich” St. George, UT
Economics I wouldn’t trade my Academy experience for any other
choosing USAFA
has changed my world. I’m grateful for the pressure, the emphasis on integrity,
and the selfless service both given and
received; my great teachers, devoted mentors, an ideal sponsor and priceless friends have made me who I am.
member the 4-degree “pizza-beatings,”
Wafflehouse Wednesdays, Monday-
night Institute, the Leadership Forum, the Spanish Exchange...
Anthony Patino “JP, JPZ, JFizzle” San Antonio, TX Social Sciences Dux Esto. Champions Adjust.
Thank God for the friends I made
here, for family and those close like family, for good times and for tougher times; without any of these, life wouldn’t nearly be as sweet as it is. I’m just getting started
“Does that
make sense?”
Nathan Rieber
Justin Skinner
“Riebs, Das, Das Riebius” Houston, TX
Aeronautical Engineering
Choctaw, OK
Here’s to all the people, here and
While the last four years may not
gone, who’ve carried me through this mess. Thanks to Squirrel on the
have been the most fun of my life, I
Trampoline, brought joy to so many hearts. That just happened. “Does
First, I have to thank my parents for everything they have done for
that make sense?”
couldn’t have done it any other way.
The people I have met here
will always be a part of my life, and allowed me to have fun in spite of it all.
Jayme, I’m finally coming home.
I love you.
For all of Mach One, Does
that make sense?
Phillip E. Stewart
Michael Van Norman
“MAV, Mi key V. ZooI” Florence, NJ
Naples, FL Space Operations Thank you to everyone here at USAFA who influenced me and gave me a reason to
stay. I really would
not be here had it not been for all of
you supporting me. “Does that make sense?”
Systems Engineering "Good friend, in the path I have come," he said, “There followeth after me to-
day A youth, whose feet must pass this way.This chasm, that has been naught to me, To that fair-haired youth may a
pitfall be. He, too, must cross in the
twilight dim; Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.” Does that make sense?
mighty mach ONE
“No amount ofstudy or learning will make a man a leader ”
unless he has the natural qualities of one. Sir Archibald Wavell -
Firs ties
16 5
cadet squadron □
Frank Boyce
Philip Brown
Patrick Thomas Burke
“Patty” Peachtree City, GA
Military Strategic Studies My family is amazing! Thanks Mom, Dad, Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw,
Kelly and Meghan for giving the support and prayers over the years, I love you all. A huge thanks to
Deuce, you are a part of my family and ya’II are totally awesome. Elise. thank you and I love you (seven).
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Christopher Charles Campbell New Hope, PA Aeronautical Engineering and Foreign Language
"V, Vernie, Ronald, V. Dawson" Hamilton, GA
At USAFA, days sometimes seem Ion-
Thank you every one for the support
ger than years, but years seem to pass
given when needed during my four
by quicker than minutes! Since my ar-
years at the Academy. Thank you Mom and Dad. It has come and
rival at USAFA in the summer of 2003, I’ve overcome the toughest physical
gone, I am ready to leave Colorado and return to the Southeastern Unit-
the world, and experienced incredible
ed States, where warmth and sweet
thrills. Mom and Dad, I would never
tea are plentiful. I love
less love and encouragement. Thank you so much! To all my USAFA (and
USNA) friends, thanks for the fun times!
and mental challenges, traveled around
have made it this far without your end-
Veronica Dawson
ya’ll always. Happy Graduation Day. Veronica
Charles Linz
Stephen Miller Clearwater, FL
Computer Science This time has gone by way too
Social Sciences
quickly. I am forever grateful for all the friendships that I have been able to make, I have a hard time imagining
Thank you Mom, Dad, Rochelle, and
how dull my life would be without you.
Thanks to all of Deuce, you gave me
through the last four years. When things were down, you were proud
memories I will never forget.
of me no matter what, and you have
Jackie, Your unwavering love and consistent prayers have helped me
given up on me. Thank you Fenlasons for your amazing hospital-
ity and support. You have been a second family, and I can’t imagine
doing it over again without you.
First ies
Rey Ortega Alicea
Jonathan Allan Ostwalt
Tallahassee, FL
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Management They weren’t kidding when they said
Management Thank God, Family: Dad: Mom; Reynaldo, and Friends for after a few days at USAFAI already knew I
this would be the best and worst
years of my life. I’d like to thank God for getting me through this place. My
couldn’t do it alone. 007, life is never
Mom and Dad, for their love and en-
easy and what awaits us will not be the exception “This kind of war,
couragement. My Aunt and Uncle, for giving me a home away from home. Stephen, Phil, and Brian: ya’II are great friends and I’ll never forget the times we had together. To everyone else that helped me through this place, thanks. I love all ya’II.
you’ve gotta believe in what you’re fighting for.” John Wayne. Take courage, “fear not: for they that be -
with us are more than they that be with them.” 2 Kings 6:16 Take care
my friends and God Bless, check 6!
Martin Anthony Riggan Jr.
Casey Probst
Little Rock, AR
Okemos, Ml
Political Science
Biology This was definitely not the easiest
Another chapter has been closed and
road to take & I couldn’t have done it
another one is about to open.
alone. Mom, Dad, & Bubba thanks
not have made it through these four
for always being there for me. Your
years without my God and Savior Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:21, “For
packages & notes always came
to me, to live is Christ and to die is
at the best possible times.
John, Gretchen, Zach, Tyler, & Anna Garver, thank you so much for adopt-
ing me into your family. You are an amazing family and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a
part of it.
gain.” Mom and Dad: thank you for your priceless support over these years and for encouraging me to always give my best and keep a positive attitude. The journey is about to begin...
Gary James Risher Jr.
Peter Theisen
Covington, La Mechanical Engineering I’ll never forget the craziness that
“PTWOB #300, Ty, Pete, Petie”
Merrill, Ml
Military History
kept us sane. We could turn the
Number of minutes at USAFA:
worst of things into entertainment
and we could make it through this
place as long as we could laugh. I’ll miss the fun we used to have.
know I can always look back and
laugh, knowing we made the best of it all. Here’s to the Three Amigos, the Roommate, the Girl, and all the others who were there to
I could
laugh with me.
3,334,210. Average pay per hour: $0.33. Number of pages of reading: 213,523. Knowing that we made it: Priceless. Thank you mom, dad, brothers, sisters, and friends for helping me
make it through the last four years. There have been bad times and good
times, but because of you all I have made it. The memories and friendships made here will surely last a lifetime.
Caroline White
Monica Wu
Tacoma, WA
Systems Engineering Management Praise the Lord—it’s over! Mappy, Pappy, Liz and S-vah thanks for the support, you’ve been amazing. 7XY, if anything happens go to the next point! Thank you PTWOBs for making me part of the family. I couldn’t have done it without you. Blue
“Wu Wu”
Fremont, CA Environmental Engineering Mom and dad, thanks for all of your
support and encouragement. Steph, I got Rice. Debra, milk for the short
deuce TWO
“The most important quality in a leader is that ofbeing
acknowledged as such. All leaders whose fitness is questioned are clearly lacking in force.
Andre' Maurois
Azhar Abbas
“A-Z, Pakman"
Sargodha, Pakistan Aeronautical Engineering It has been four years filled with wonderful new experiences, tough times,
and memorable friendships. Thanks
Allah, Ammi, Abbu, Baji, Shaista and Rafia for being there for me. Thanks to Miltons and all who were with me
through out the good, the better, and
cadet squadron
the best. Thank you Pakistan for
To the stars...and beyond!
Eric Antonietti
providing me a great opportunity to learn, excel, and make a difference.
Robert Bethancourt
Liberty Lake, WA Systems Engineering Management I’d like to thank all my friends and
family for the support, encouragement, and good times. To the prep school gang, we finally made it!
Jeremy Chang “Yoda, Changster, Chang-Bang’’ San Marino, CA
Economics/Spanish “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”—Jer-
emiah 29:11 Thanks Mom, Dad,
Priscilla, Jennifer, and friends for all the love and support!
Joseph Duome “Jobot, Jonesy” Doylestown, PA Economics To Mom, Dad, Jessica, Nana, and
Papa, thanks for your never ending support. To the Dynasty, we made it! Best of luck to all of you crossing into the blue. To everyone still here, have patience and work hard, your day will come too.
Stephen Greenwade
Jose Garcia Reyes
Stephens City, VA Social Science Thank you for everything Dad, Mom, and Joselyn, I love you all and I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful
family! Thanks to all my
Darby, MT Aeronautical Engineering Mom, thank you for your unceasing prayers and all the advice. Dad, your hard work and dedication never go unno-
friends, back home and here, you all
ticed; you taught me everything I know,
the world to me. You are all a
you’re my hero. I wouldn’t be here with-
major reason why I am the person I am today and why I’ve been able to
out both of your support and encourage-
survive the last five years. For my
for a home away from home, the advice,
boys, all I gotta say is, we ride...we
and all the good times. I owe you both a
ment. I love you. Rich and Lea thanks
lot. Riley, Cornman, and T-man, thanks
for all the memories—Victory!!!
Chad Miller
Andrew Peloquin
Crystal Lake, IL Aeronautical Engineering Here’s to remembering the good times and forgetting the bad. Thanks to all of my friends who partied hard and helped keep me sane, you know
Deltona, FL
Chemistry “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -Albert Einstein
who you are.
Gilberto Perez
Daniel Picard
Tampa, FL Management We made it!!! Mamma, Big Serg, U.S.S., Papi, and family, you have always been by my side through thick
Plano, TX
and thin. You have molded me into the man I am today with your wisdom,
love, and support. MyAF Falcon Brothers, you have taught me many lessons and have impacted my life forth
Finally my best friend, 8 grade sweetheart, and future wife-Angeline Teope, thanks for being understanding and compassionate. I love you all and appreciate everything you’ve done. ever.
Lauren Quinn
Steven Riley
Titusville, FL
Saranac Lake, NY
Behavioral Science
After four years, I've come to realize
thing above all else: Friends
“What lies behind us and what lies
before us are tiny matters compared
and family are the most important
to what lies within us"
Ralph Waldo
and valuable things anyone can Mom and Dad, words can’t
Proverbs 18:24
express how much you’ve meant to me the past four years. Without you
I wouldn’t have made it this far without my parents, family and friends-
thank you all, I love you so much!
guys, there’s no way I’d be where I am today. You helped me through all the struggles and I’ve never appreciated or felt as close to you. I love you both. Thank you so much.
Aaron Schuett
“Lineover, Cochino”
Louisville, KY
Foreign Area Studies Without my family’s love and support, I wouldn’t have made it. Mom, Dad,
Meg: this is for you. To my fellow
skydivers, thank you for opening my heart and soul to what it’s like to really
Vipul Sharma “Vip, VIP" Tucson, AZ Mechanical Engineering
Mummi, Pitaji, Babaji, Bhuaji and Munia. Bahut bahut shukriya. Main jo aaj hoon siraf aap ke kaaran hoon. To the Desais, I never would have made it
for being there. For all those who
through here without you. Thank you for giving me a home. To my friends, thank you for keeping me going and bringing smiles to my face when I was
believed in me when things got tough,
down. To my teachers, Gurur Brahmaa
here’s to you. A ship in harbor is safe,
Guruhu Vishnuhu guruhu devo ma-
but that’s not what ships are for.
heshavaraha. Guruhu saakshaat para-
live. Blue Skies. To all my friends, you
made the Academy survivable. Thanks
brahma tasmai shri gurave namaha
Spencer Sligh
Michael Tetreault
Pleasanton, TX Operational Research
Ballouville, CT Behavioral Science
Thank you to all of those that have
Thanks to my family. Thanks to my
helped me through this place, I could
friends. Thanks to the Red Sox. For
not have done it without you. Here’s
those about to rock....
to many more great experiences.
“Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile.” J. Garcia
Aaron Timmermann
Midland, TX Mechanical Engineering I want to thank my parents and fam-
ily, without them I would not have been able to last here. I owe them and my friends for everything I have
accomplished here.
Jordan Wilhelm
Mason, Ohio
Legal Studies, Spanish I can’t believe it’s really over! This place will definitely look better in the rear view mirror.
I’ll miss the small
things, but I can't wait to move on to something different. I have to thank my friends for brightening up the bad days, and always being there for a laugh. ..and Dustin, you made it all worth-while. Thanks mom and dad for your enduring support.
of dogs war THREE
is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all
“Duty things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less. -
Robert E. Lee
Ronald Barnhart
Juliette Delgiudice
Jun Mendoza “Juuuun" San Diego, CA
Biology To mom, dad, and Jason: It’s been a long journey, but your support and encouragement got me through. I love
you all so very much. To my USAFA homies: Vince, RJ, Crystal, Connie,
Ziggy, the “flips", and U5. You guys freakin’ rock. Our memories here
definitely made this place worthwhile. To Crystal Aspiras: You’ve stayed with me these past four years, and I
wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. I love you, babes. License to kill!
Eric Miller
Jordan Ornelas
Baltimore, MD
“JoJo, Jordy”
Meterology Thank you to my family and my friends without your help, I never would have made it through here. “Your actions speak so loudly, I can hardly hear what you are saying.”
Quincy, WA Management “The Lord is my rock, my fortress,
and my deliverer."
Everything I do
is because of Him. Also, I thank my parents for always supporting me in
everything and for getting me here in the first place, I love you guys.
Finally, I have to thank Kristen. No matter what has happened between us, I will always think of you and remember how much you were there for me while
I was at the Academy.
Daniel Ouper
"Dan.Oupie” Aurora, IL
Systems Engineering There are more than a few people who I need to thank for surviving the past four years. They all know who they are so I guess all I really need to say is thank you. All of the people I've met here have made this place bearable and I’ll never forget any of you. AFU has been a saving grace and I owe much of my sanity to you guys and the trips to New Mexico and California.
Craig Rasley “
Clovis, CA
Biology WHOOOOOPTEY-WHOOOOOOOP! As a baby doc I would have never
thought that one day I’d be riding as a mustang. Here’s to LCDR Chambers, Doc Friddle, and Doc Olson for pushing me to go to the
For those still at the zoo
and those yet to come: I’ll see you on the flip side.
Elliot Riling
Gaylord, Ml Systems Engineering It was definitely a long four years, but with a supportive family and awesome friends it went by pretty fast. We had some great times and I’ll definitely miss the skiing. Big gulps, huh? Welp, see ya later.
Benjamin Schulze
Don Smith
“BMOC, Big Boy, Teammate” Richmond, TX
Sparta, NJ Management To my family: Thank you for all the support and keeping me in line when
Chemistry Mom and Dad, you always supported me no matter how I
felt. Eric, you
nerdy talking friend, and Pat, you kept things normal. Amy, the future is uncertain, but it definitely involves us. The Team, The Octagon, were my
and Team Time at The Bleachers will live on forever...
“The harder you work, the harder it is to give up.” Vince Lombardi
I didn’t know what was good for me.
To my friends: Thanks for the good
times; this place would have sucked without you.
fightin' fourth FOUR a-
“Leadership is the art ofaccomplishing more than the science of management says is possible. ”
Colin Powell
Michael Cerise
Peter Bozynski
“EZ Cerizee”
Colorado Springs, CO Astronautical Engineering Props to mom, po, and Sor for all the help and support, and much love to all my homies here at the AFA. See
ya on the flip side.
Michelle Dieringer
“Ringer" Arvada, CO Political Science
Without the support of my family and friends I never would have been able to make it this far. Mom, Dad, and Jon thanks for all of your sup-
port and prayers, I love you! To the friends I will never forget, you know who you are, thanks for all the great memories! “The best things in life are unseen...that is why we close our
eyes to kiss, cry, pray and dream.” It has been a trip, glad it's finally over! Jeremiah 29:11.
Eric Gonzales
Joshua Gramm
“I lift my eyes to the hills, where
“Josh, G-Ramm, J-Gramm. Grammy
does my help come from?” He truly
Bremen, IN
is my refuge and without Him I could
Systems Engineering Management
not have done it. Thanks Mom, Dad,
“Mom and Dad, I can’t thank you
and everyone back home.
enough for all the support and
I love you guys and know you were
encouragement you gave me
behind me all the way, and that gave
throughout these four years. I know I don't say it enough, but I really am grateful. Long live the Air Force Ci-
me the
strength to succeed.
gar & Yacht Club. I have some of the best memories of my life with you all you truly are my best friends. I will definitely miss you, but look forward to exciting futures for us all and more
good times ahead."
Collin Lohr Midwest City, OK
Biology It’s been a long time coming but it's
finally done.
Mom and dad I love
you both. You were always there to make me laugh or just listen to me
complain. Thanks to my friends, I wouldn’t have made it without all of you.
I’ll miss the trips to the
mountains, dinner runs, and finding new ways to avoid USAFA. Finally, thanks to the Ruth’s for always hav-
ing a room for me.
It really was a
home away from home.
Steven Papp
“Smear, Stevo" Iron Mountain, Ml
Behavioral Science These four years have been the
toughest, yet most fulfilling, years of my life. However, I could never have accomplished all I did without the sup-
port of my family and friends. Mom, Dad, and Mike, you were always there to lift my spirits when times got tough. Tweedle, Mikey, Pavlus—you guys are the best friends
I could ever ask
for and are going to make it tough for me to leave this
place. Of course one
final thought: Beer!
Stephanie Rice Kona, HI
Foreign Area Studies This message goes out to all the
people that have gotten me through this place: Flying Tigers D Flight,
CS05, USAFA Triathlon, my family and Richard. You’re the reason I look back and say “Yes, it was worth it.”
James Robbins
Matthew Sievers
What you are afraid to do is a clear
Laramie, WY
Biochemistry It has been an interesting four
indicator of the next thing you need to do.
Who’s the best?
years, filled with ups and downs, but
through everything I have four people who I would like to thank. First and
foremost, a heartfelt thank-you to Mom and Dad for all of your time,
support, and patience. To Laura, thanks for always being there. Jack, thanks for keeping me sane and having a place to go hunting. I appreciate all you have done for me!
Eric Smith
Kristopher Trumble
“E, E Money, Easy, Red” San Ramon, CA
Management Thank you Mom, Dad, Brian, and Aunt
Sherry for your unconditional support through everything I have done. All my friends here, I couldn’t begin to imagine this place with out you, we had good times and great memories!
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream.”
Mark Twain
San Diego, CA
Management Thank you to all who made an
impact in my life over the last five years. It has been difficult and I needed your support. Thank-you
Katherine, for being there for me when I needed someone to talk to.
love you!! Mike, you have been a good friend! Thanks for the good times.
Mrs. Dykstra, you have
provided a home and support that I couldn’t have done without. Thank you so much! Finally, the real world!
wolfpack FIVE
“Wars may be fought with weapons but they are won by men. ,
It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man
who leads that gains that victory. -
George S. Patton
Steven Bogert
Dennis Chan
“Storx, Bogey, Squeak”
King City, CA Systems Engineering Management I can’t say it's been a fun four years, but it is definitely been worth it, and
I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. To all my friends and the Kramer family, thanks for your friendship and all the great memories. To
Mom, Desirae, and Michael, thanks for all of your love and support. Here’s to dreams coming true. -ORX
Jason Ford “
Otisville, Ml
Biochemistry ..
.well that was fun. Thanks be to
God for the blessings in my life.
Mom, Dad, and Jimmy- Thank you for your unconditional support, love, and
encouragement. Family and friends-1 wouldn't be where I am without you.
Academy buds- it has been awesome and I’m going to miss you guys. To the late nights, early mornings, wasted weekends, and lack of girls-1 hope to see less of you. "If you wanna hear
God laugh, tell him your
Kendal Forrester
Lionel Garcia
Lexington, SC
System Engineering Managment I am so glad to be done!! Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” I could have not made it through here without God’s help, and he blessed
San Antonio TX
me so
much with the friends I have
Management “Wow, I never actually thought I’d be able to make through all five years here. I just want to thank my family and all my friends who have helped me
get through the all the rough
made and the wonderful education I
times. I’m very lucky to have had you
received. Thanks!
all in my life and I know I couldn’t
have done it without your help. I love you guys.
Thomas Griesemer
Crystal Grijalva “Greej”
Florissant, MO Computer Science, IA
El Paso, TX
I will never forget my time at the
Academy, and its influence on my life. I know I did not get through alone; so many people have been
I can’t wait to start doing Intel, although
Firstly, I know Christ
gonna miss our Raccoony-Coon-Coon
there for me.
I will miss the crew: Beth Ware, Jun
Mendoza, RJ, and Vince Diaz. Beth,
Jesus’ guidance and council was al-
times of getting into mischief.
ways with me. Throughout all of my time, my beautiful fiancee Sarah has
you Arthur; it was great having my lil
been at my side.
My parents have
been a support for all these years, as well as
my sister Angie, and my
two brothers Jeff and Dean.
I’ll miss
bro here my last year! Thanks God,
Mom, Dad, Oma, Mama, Christina Ordonez, and Faby Gutierrez from back home.
Terry Mitchell, thanks for waiting
for me my last two years here after you
graduated. I love you!
Joanne Pretz
John Palicka
Manhattan, NY
Manassas, VA Political Science
Wow, I can’t believe I made it
through this place. It’s been a long
I made it, but I never could have sur-
four years, filled with a lot of ups
vived the last four years without my
and downs. Thanks to my family for
friends and family. I know there were
supporting me through them all, and to my sponsors for being so great
times, starting back in Executioners
to me! I’ve made some great friends
here, and will miss not being able to see them
everyday. Anyway it’s been
B flight, when I hated it and was just
cynical as the next person, but after four years I can only look back and smile remembering all the great
real, it’s been fun (well not really),
times with amazing people. Bull Six
but it’s definitely not been real fun...
and Catholic Choir will always have a
place in my heart! Proverbs 3:5-6
Amanda Leigh Reed
Anthony Quirarte
Winter Park, FL
Behavioral Science
Kansas City, MO
Systems Engineering Management I hated this place, thanks to my friends and family who helped me get through it.
Love....I can’t imag-
ine getting through this place without the love and support of my family.
Through the hard times, you all were there to help me through. And Mom, Love ya, Mean It!
Pat & CB you were
my home away from home, a support structure that can carry me through it
all. To My Friends- we will no longer be able to walk down the hall and find someone to
party with or call on each
other at any time of the day.
Skyler Coventry Smith Sloan, IA
Systems Engineering Management It’s been an interesting four years. I’ve enjoyed all the good times and unique experiences. I won’t miss any of my friends because I know I will see you all again. Look forward to the future, because it’s no good
to be stuck in the past.
Enjoy the
Christopher Sutton “Chris”
Longview, TX Systems Engineering Management Never forgot who you are and what you represent and may our brotherhood last a lifetime.
Thomas Talafuse
Brandon Willed
Lafayette, CO
San Antonio, TX
Civil Engineering
Operations Research Thank you Mom and Dad and all my brothers and sisters for your love,
support, and understanding during my time at USAFA. It may have taken five years, but I’m grateful for the experience.
Most importantly, I
want to that God for the gifts He has
bestowed on me to make this possible. To all my friends, thanks for all the memories and I'm sure I’ll be
seeing you soon.
Meredith Zoch
d 9m
mp3 ji
bull six SIX
D_ “In one physical model of the universe, the shortest distance ”
between two points is a straight line, in the opposite direction. Ty Webb -
IS 5
Ryan Michael Bolles “Bollllez”
Kingston, NY Systems Engineering Management I would like to thank my family for their undying support, encouragement and guidance. I am incredibly grateful and
forever indebted to all of you. To all of my friends, I don’t regret a minute we
spent together thanks for the good times and great memories, best of luck, stay in touch.
I believe this has been one of
the most worthwhile experiences of my
life. To everyone who made it possible, thank you.
Lea Renee Doyle
Norwalk, CA Astronautical Engineering The four-year struggle is finally over. To the D&Bers...we had many fun times. I can’t really say that I have
any regrets. Mom and Dad, thanks for giving me a place to get away from the stresses of the academy. I’m not sure how it would have been
if you had not followed me here. You were always there to encourage me and
give me a good kick when I
needed it.
Patrick Griffin
“Griff" Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Legal Studies Thank you Mom and Dad for the
support you have given me the past few years. I have enjoyed the good times and the friends I’ve made
along the way.
I am happy to be
done here and to move on to bigger
things. Just remember, when life gets tough... just go bowling.
Jessica Leuschen
Colin Lafavor
Waukesha, Wl Mechanical Engineering
“Ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” Thank you to my family and friends and my new family on the boxing team.
Christopher Jesus Mayor
Kenneth Scott Molleson
“Bubba, Bubba Jesus, The 2”
"Scottie 2 Hottie”
Farmers Branch, TX
Peachtree City, GA
Civil Engineering
To all the good times had and all the
thing He has done for me, for giving me the most amazing family and
great friends made: may I forget the
friends. I would like to thank my Mom for being there for me always.
My Pops for loving this place more than I do. Katie for always having an open ear, and Jason for coming out here to be with me. I will never forget everything that ya’II have done for me. I love ya’II. Romans 8:31
Legal Studies
I would like to thank God for every-
bad and be on my way. I have many thanks to give to all who played a
part in helping me graduate and see that
I’m not really that smart.
Remember the experiences and the education both inside and outside of academics.
Remember your parents and other family who supported you on your way.
Don’t look back...
Ian Sterling Tuznik
“Viking Warrior” Biochemistry Never lose sight of why you are here. Never lose sight of what we are fighting to preserve. To my family, I cannot thank you enough for all the love and support. To my friends, our paths will cross
again. To the Six Minute Fra-
ternity, you are the toughest group of men
I have ever known.
man for
I am a better
having come here.
shadow seven SEVEN
□ “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but ”
he is brave five minutes longer. Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Ruth Afiesimama
“Rufus, Roofio” Missouri City, TX
Legal Studies I never would have made it through this place without my God, my faith and my family. Daddy, Mommy, Oribi,
Tambi, Aunty Morin and Aunty Ngozi, thanks so much for all your love, support, and prayers because without it
things would have been a lot different. I have come to understand that
it truly is “better to serve for a living that to work for a living”, and there is
nothing that I would rather do.
Jacob Cole Burtschi
Michael Kenneth Carter
Chickasha, OK
“Mike, Ken, Carts, Chief, Injun”
Social Science
North Kingstown, Rl
It has been a crazy experience, but I finally made it. I’m so proud of my-
self. Mom, Dad, and all other family members, I love you guys. Someone
give me a hug for making it through. come
Military History Well after four years of “tradition”, we
have seen the best of the best
and worst of worst come and go and
those of us that are left are the stronger for it.
So, in the words of Marcus Aurelius; "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”
Thomas Crump
Tanya Dubiel
“Short Bus"
Tulsa, OK
Management Dad and Mom, thanks for always giving me advice when I needed it. Brett, thanks for being my best friend and biggest fan, you’re my hero. Falcon Brothers, it’s been the greatest honor of my life to fight
along side you, I’ll never be a part of a greater team. Most of all, thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
for giving me a reason to live. It’s been real, it's been fun...but it hasn’t
been real fun...PEACE!!
Hoffman Estates, IL
Astronautical Engineering It's interesting to look back and remember the person I was before
coming here, and then realize how much I’ve grown since that first day. All I am, all I have accomplished, and all I hope to become is solely by the grace of God. I want to thank my
friends and family for their unconditional love and support. With God in control and you all by my side, I'm
ready to begin the next chapter of my life.
James Louis Gresham “Gresh”
Corpus Christi, TX Aeronautical Engineering To all the fellas, friends and family, thanks, I won’t miss it, but I don’t regret
it. The times away from here were great:
Boulder, Monument, Kansas, camping, snowboarding, road trips, the Robin Hood, Canada, Germany, Australia and more.
Thanks Mom and Karen for your
prayers and support and Dad for watch-
ing over me. Thanks Kim for everything, I can’t put my thoughts into words. Philippians 4:13; it truly did take His help.
Daniel P Griffin Jr. “
Fairfax Station, VA Mechanical Engineering
Dad, Mom, and Michelle thanks for
helping me make it through...I love you! To the Zoomies, “Top, Bottom, Bottom, Top....To The Fellas!” You guys are the reason I’ll remember this place!
Kamille Kemp
Monica Shayne Herrera “Mon”
Thanks to my family
Orange, CA
Mom, Dad, Coral, and Chelsea for always supporting me. Thank you to Great Eagle Eight for being my other family for the past three years. I want -
Behavioral Science To all my family and friends, I couldn’t have made it without your support.
Mom, you have always been there for me, and I appreciate everything
to extend my love to my Academy
you’ve done to help me get this far. Matt, thanks for being there when I needed my big bro. Kami, MiBo, Doro, and Mere, I will always remember the good times and Coffee Night! These
and especially my roommate Monica,
Meredith, Dorothy, Michelle,
you will always be my lifesaver.
last four years have been incred-
ibly challenging, but I've had a blast, and I’m looking forward to moving on.
Russell Kingsbery
Raleigh, NC Management What a ride... hard to believe this is all finally over. To the guys we drank some beers, had some good -
times, and all in all it was worth it. Mom and Dad, and to everyone else who helped me through, thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Isaiah 6:8.
Nathan Lowry
Dereck Monnier
"Lowry Dog” Tracy, CA Meteorology
“D-Mo, D-Rock, Frenchy, Spencer” Little Falls, MN Behavioral Science
Mom, Dad, family, thanks for every-
thing. Ashby, you kept me grounded, thanks. I'll never forget my hero, Ant “An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools”, Hemingway said, which about sums up my four years. What a long, strange trip it’s been. Thank you Air Force Academy for
giving me the challenge of living and the task of finding myself.
Matthew Parker
Skylar Rollins
Canton, GA
Military History First, thank you Lord for the guidance and hand on my life. is awesome.
Your grace Mom and Dad, none
of this would be possible without you.
Thank you for the prayers and
guidance you have given me. You guys are my heroes. Leslie, Mike, Mitch, Sarah, and Mark: I love you always.
May the Lord bless and keep
To my friends at camp USAFA:
Thanks, Godspeed, and good luck.”
Elisabeth Rowland
Philip Myles Smith
La Canada, CA
cers: you guys are the ones who
“Myles, Kilometers” Hattiesburg, MS History However many blessings we expect from God, his infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes and our thoughts- John Calvin. These four years have truly been a blessing, no matter how disguised at times.
helped me get through here, thanks
Thank you Mom, Dad, and Sarah for
for all the amazing memories, we’ve
your love and support. Thanks to my friends for the times I’ll never forget.
Management Mom and Dad: Thanks for always being there for me these past four years. Jenny: You are my best friend too, thanks for everything. CJ: I appreciate all of our time spent together, ilu. To all my friends/chan-
had some good times.
Here’s to conquering the Empire, Aqua at taps, and four weeks in MFR. And yeah Matt, I’ll spot you tonight.
eagle eight EIGHT 'Moral courage is higher and rarer virtue than physical courage. -
Field Marshal Sir William J. Slim Firsties
cadet squadron NINE
Mitchell Belger
Joseph Czabaranek
Charity Day
Pleasant Hill, CA
“Chex Mix, Babycakes”
Aeronautical Engineering
Rome, NY
I’m glad I stuck it out. Of course
Behavioral Science
you’d have to be crazy to never question why you’re here. Thank
Whew...I’m done! Thanks to God for
you to all who lent an ear. For all the awesome things I’ve done, places
to thank my parents for raising me right,
giving me this opportunity. I'd also like and to my sponsors and friends for sup-
I’ve been, and things I’ve learned,
porting me- even though I’ve been so far
I hope this is just the beginning.
away for some of you. To everyone at the
To the Triad, Drumline and all my
Prep School who helped me get up here in the first place, thank you for being my
friends: thanks for the laughs.
foundation- without your help I wouldn’t have succeeded. Andrew, you’ve been
my rock and I love you “unconditionally’’.
Vincent Diaz
Rachel Egley
“Vince, VinDeezy, D”
Spring, TX
San Diego, CA
Biochemistry I will always cherish the memories I have made here. None of it would
have been possible without the love and support of my mom, dad, brother, and my whole family. None of it would have meant anything had I not
spent it all with the amazing friends I have made along the way. Thanks for everything and Godspeed. “Love
friends. Love family. Love God. Love
Materials Science
My first thanks go of course to you, Mom, Dad, and Sarah. You've
always supported me and believed in me.
I never could have done it
without you. I also love and thank my OCF family—we’ve been growing
together for four years and I know we’re ready now to go and do the work we’ve been called to do.
tany, Heather, Alyssa—we're finally done! “Praised be God and not our
strength for it.”
Nicholas Gronlund
“Gollum, Nicoti"
Naples, FL Computer Science Thanks to my friends and family for helping me make it through. What a ride. Can’t say it’s all been fun, but it’s been worth the pain. Thanks to
my sponsors for letting me become a wayward child, and most especially thanks to my Mayflower for believing in me when I was down.
Joshua Huberty
Jason Jones
Kailua-Kona, HI Meteorology Thank you, Mom and Dad, for sup-
porting me and being there to set me the right path. Thank you, God, for giving me the strength to press on through the tough times. And thank you, Angela and David for being my inspiration. “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another...rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer." Romans 12:10-12 on
1 95
Andrew Pratt
“Rew, Lutefisk, Big Bird, AJ, Joey” St. Paul, MN
Management I want to thank everyone who has been involved in my life these past
four years.
It has been amazing.
life has gone a different direction, and I only can thank God for getting me on
the right path.
I wish you all
the best for your futures.
Joshua Rausch-Davis Needless to say it has been a wild ride. Lots of different things have
happened since I have gotten here and lots more will happen long after I am gone. me
It would be an injustice for
not to say thanks to the people
who got me here, kept me here and will be my support in the years to come.
So thank you to my Mom and
Dad, I was lucky enough to have two sets, and to my friends for everything that we shared both good and bad.
Brittany Sass
Christopher Smith
Jackson, Ml
Dover, OH
Political Science
Systems Enginnering Management What can I say? It has been a roll-
Finally made it through this place, but not without the help of a gracious God, amazing family, and great friends.
ercoaster of four years. Thanks to
everyone who helped me through it. Mom and Dad, you guys were great
Somehow, I will miss it all.
and I appreciate all of the loving sup-
port. There is nothing more I can say about this place except it “Ain’t nothin’ but a gangsta’ party!"
viking nine NINE
culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that
gives a touch of divinity to matter. -
Charles Lindbergh
Michael Borradaile
"Mikus, Budsy, Mikey, Boraddle”
Holland, PA
Management To Mom, Dad, Danielle, and all of my family and friends back in Philly, thanks for your love and support these
past five years. To the Nazzaro family, I appreciate everything you have done for me and if you try to move without
telling me, I’ll find you. To all my dawgs, homies, playas, and gangstas from the Academy, keep on rocking it out. And finally, to my miniature roommate, I want to eat some chips!
Tara Danielle Dunn
Dorothy Ellis
D, Doro, D-Ellis"
Broomfield, CO/ Hanover, NH
Moore, SC
Political Science
Foreign Area Studies Thank you to my family and friends
“Things Fall Apart, the center cannot hold." Little did Yeats know, Things Fall Apart so Things can Fall Together. Everything fell apart here, but Lord
for the unconditional love and sup-
port! It means more than you know. These years have been fast and
you became my center. Mom, Dad you helped me pick up the pieces, I
slow, fun and not-so-fun, but I’ve
everything. My teammates: You’re family for life. Jamie: my blood,
last a lifetime
owe you
made friends and memories that will -
so most of all, these
years have been worth it.
my true sister forever. DIVAS, my brothers from the P: you are one of
my greatest gifts from God. I love you
all; Blood is thicker than USAFA.
Michael English
Michael Fitzsimmons
“C-unit, Johnny’’
Wilmington, NC Chemistry “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one as well as the other...” Ecclesiastes 7:14
I want to thank all those at home,
Thanks Mom and Dad; without
friends, and especially family for their
your love and encouragement, I couldn’t have made it. To the Hillmans: I'll never forget my second home. Thanks to all the incredible friends God has placed in my life,
y’all made the Academy worth it.
Andover, NJ Mechanical/Aero Engineering What an excursion! These past four years have been a great and extremely challenging experience.
ending encouragement.
all my flying buddies out there, live
life upside down, and may the adventure begin. -Look up, see down.
Zachary Franklin
Joseph Fraier Locust Grove, OK
St. Charles, MO
It’s Thanksgiving of my 1° year and all I
Foreign Area Studies
can think to write about are a few truths
I have made some of my best friends since
peculiar to this school: I always appreciate
I’ve been here. It is truly the people that
the Academy most whenever I am any-
made it all worth it.
where else...being a good cadet and be-
and the bad, we got through it together. I
Through the good times
ing a good person aren’t synonymous, but
have learned so much from you all, lessons
they aren’t mutually exclusive either...cynthe ics are just disappointed idealists
which will be useful for the rest of my
transition happens 3° year ...never explain
we will go our
the Academy to others, they won't under-
everyone out there again soon. Thanks
stand... patience and a sense of humor are essential,
life. Now our time here is finally over and
seperate ways. I hope to see
to my family for putting up with the worry I
often put them through while I was here.
and drinking helps.
Steven Lawrence Mackinder
Aaron Moore
Battle Creek, Ml
Civil Engineering
San Antonio, TX
It’s been a long ride but it’s finally over, and I couldn’t have done without
Military Strategic Studies I want to thank my family for their
the support, encouragement, and
constant support and always being
prayers of my parents and my fiance. Mom and Dad, thanks for standing by
there for me. For my friends, you
me no
matter what, and Jill
for waiting for me.
I love you, and
you are the reason for my success. And none of it would be possible with-
have made these last four years truly
unforgettable and I will miss our times together. For Nate, you are the best friend I could ever have asked for. Thank you for everything.
out my faith in Jesus Christ, who has
given me the strength and perseverance to
make it through.
Sergio Nazzaro “Sergerado, Sergay, Pitbull”
Paul Thomas Parmenter
Littleton, CO
Management Mom, Dad, Stacy, Alec, and all my family thank you so much for your
Systems Engineering Management Mom, Pops & Corina I want to thank
Phoenix, AZ
support. I know I would not have
you for your love and support. D-lish,
made it to where I am today if it
thanks for the chew and I'll be sure you
weren’t for all of you. I love you guys.
and Hornswagle keep in touch. Marco,
you bringing the spaghetti ankles out of me will no doubt save my life one day.
I’ve made some incredible friends
thanks for keeping me sane.
Mikus, it’s been real playing sink ball,
here, and I wish all of you the best of luck. To the fellas of OKS, you are
Abe will definitely miss you. All you
the best group of friends a guy could
others, it’s been sick crazy times. Final
ask for. We ride...
shout-out to the big JC, thanks ole’
buddy. Peace out.
1 99
Joseph Scott Peterson
Theodor Rosander
“JoePaaa, Stormin’ Mormon”
Bradenton, FL
Burley, ID Management
Aeronautical Engineering
I can't believe I've finally come this far.
Starting with the '05ers and finishing
I just wanted to thank God, family,
sponsors, and friends for giving me the support and encouragement to
with '07 I’ve been lucky to have the
make it through this place. There
friends and experiences I’ve had over
have been some fun times and some
the past six years. To all my friends,
tough times but it has been the quickest four years of my life. I just pray the Air Force is ready for 1000 of the greatest second lieutenants to come out of this place!
stay cool and have a cool summer. To Ma and Pa Peterson, I love you; I never could have made it to this
point without you. And finally, to my lovely fiancee Kelly, thanks for helping through the hard times and always keeping my canteen full. FTAAELGN!
Jamie Shea
Clinton, MS
Alamosa, CO
Systems Engineering The time here has flown by and there’s been good times and bad times, but I’ll try to remember mostly the good times. Thanks to everyone who’s helped me through and thanks
Behavioral Science The pride my family has shown in me
Wesley Simmons
"Shea Shea”
has given me hope and desire to
pursue the Academy. I am eternally grateful for my family. I have added
family since being here: Tara, you are an absolute blessing. You're more than a roommate, more than a best friend- you’re my blood, my sister. Chrystina, my
a few members to my
to all my friends for all the memories.
Thanks Bob, Lea Ann, and Tori for
helping me out when you could.
newest sister, I have had some of the
most ridiculously fun times with you.
You’re an amazing person and friend.
Alfred Smith
Nathaniel Sorensen
“James, AJ, Alf” Darien, CT
“Nate Dawg, Mutt”
Astronautical Engineering Take the opportunities you have and create the ones you don't.
Run Faster. Yeah Buddy.
Kearney, NE Physics If one day you happen to wake up and find yourself in an existential quandary, full of loathing and selfdoubt and racked with the pain and isolation of your pitiful meaningless existence, at least you can take a small bit of comfort in knowing that yes, there is life outside USAFA.
Nicholas Uzelac
“Elmo, Nick” Vinton, VA
Biology To Mom, Dad, Bradley, my Grandparents and the rest of my family Thank
You for all the support you have given me, I would have not have made it
through without your help. To my friends I have made along the way you are truly great companions. To all the Fellas of OKS you guys are the greatest bunch of friends any guy could ever ask
for, you guys always kept me motivated. We ride, We fight, We love.
Mark Robert Wise Jr.
Springfield, VA Mechanical Engineering Four years! Lots of great memories, great friends and looking forward to a great future, i can not express enough thanks to my family and friends and the members of Tiger Ten for helping me get through this
place. Sara, the last year and a half have been wonderful and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
ten tiger
“/ would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no
vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in
the pursuit ofjustice is no virtue. -
Barry Goldwater
Rachel Adams
cadet squadron □
Michael Bryan Blackburn
Michael Bush
“PTWOB #286, Daywalker, Boosh"
Fort Worth, TX
Hilton, NY
Systems Engineering Management
I want to say thanks to God, my
family, and my friends.
I love you
all and I would not have made it without you.
I will not miss the
Academy, just the people I met here. Thanks for everything. Now that I am done, I know that I gave the Academy all that I could and that I finished with no regrets...
Joseph Anthony Davis II Danville, CA
Biology Thank you Mom, Dad, Nina and
Steph for ail of your love and support over the past five years. This place has been a big challenge and I could not have made it without
my family and friends. To all of my
friends, thanks for all the fun times I will truly miss all of you.
John Travis Doyle
Patricia Elmstrand
“Rab-a-dab Trav, Gimlet”
Annapolis, MD Engineering Mechanics Thanks Mama/Papa for always believing in me. Patrick, thanks for being tough on me and always giving great advice. This will be my only public record of supporting the USMC “Semper Fi...OO-RAH!" Jessica, you are a smart and beautiful young woman and
will always love ya. Multiple thanks to
multiple grandparents. Sara, you're the best!! Kyle, the chef that’s “very scary." Jimmy Baker and Johnny Hoang, I couldn’t have done it without you.
North Branch, MN I love the word impossible because
my God believes in adventure and ex-
traordinary mountains, and He dares to be alive in a world crawling with terrible situations. He promises to be bigger than any impossibility because He is love and love always finds a way through, in time. (Ann Kiemel) ..
Family and friends, I am so thankful for your investing in me, at times more than you could spare.
Baby tigers, Rebels, Laxers, Crosstrainers -
you have a spot in my heart.
Ayana Floyd-James
Ryan Freaney
“To my family, friends, and God:
Thank you for loving me. Thank you
Fallbrook, CA
for believing in me. Thank you for your unwavering support these past
Wow, I can’t believe that it’s finally
few years—you’ve helped me brave
the storms. I'm proud, I’m happy,
have finally achieved. To my Mom
I’m joyful—with that, I continue into
and Dad, you were always there for
the future in His mighty grip!’’
me, thank you. To the guys, thanks alot brothers, you have always
Mechanical Engineering All that we’ve worked for we
believed in me.
I love you all.
Zachary Garrett ‘‘Bodysuit, Leper, Too Far” Columbia, MO
Biology Mom, Dad, and Shallan, thanks for all the times you gave my bum a firm push through life. To everyone
else, “I've had a great time, but this wasn’t it.” -Groucho Marx
Brandon Martinez Colorado Springs, CO
Biochemistry At six the journey began
now I
throw up my hat with pride, determi-
nation, and my dreams at my finger-
tips. Mom, thank you for believing in me
for all the beds and meals
I am forever in debt. Dad, my hero and role model
you are my idol and
I hope to make you proud. Kendra,
my best friend
I couldn’t ask of
more from
you. Beebe, my #1 fan. Thank you all for your care
and support!
Mauricio Monte
John Peskar
Las Vegas, NV
“JP, Nascar”
Political Science
Edina, MN
My Mom always told me that if I have
nothing nice to say, then I shouldn’t
Mom and Dad, I couldn’t have done
say anything at all...
it without you. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement over the years. All the letters,
and calls kept me going. It's been a
long four years. Some of the times were more fun than
others, but in the end, the people I met here made it all
worth while. To all my friends, I wish
you the very best. Good luck and God Bless.
Curtis Raaberg “
Christopher Ross
Thank God for the flying, the friends,
Tampa, FL Computer Science Four years of running, flying, friends, toil and change have defined this Academy experience. Read this and think not of rivalry, but bonds created, memories forged and hardships endured. Treasure the time for what it was worth and forget the jaded attitude that was so easy to champion. To the stars indeed.
and the fun. Done everything there’s to do under that Colorado sun. Rock
climbing, biking, and skiing a ton. And oh yeah, thank you God that I’m done!
Jonathan Vaage
Stanley, ND History This is my gratitude to all the people who pulled me through these four years. To my friends, wherever I was at I was home.
To my fellow
PTWOBs, who made this place worth it. To CAD, for a time we were on top of the world. Finally, to my
family, who understood even when I could not explain it.
rebeleven D “The war is over
the rebels are our countrymen again. -
Ulysses S. Grant
Nick Kaylor Austin
Strasburg, PA Systems Engineering Management Ever since I stood across that street at Schaeffer Elementary School, I
knew you believed in me Mom and
Dad. Without you, my Academy days would have never been possible. You always pushed me that little extra and it has allowed me to
cadet squadron
make my dreams a reality. across another road
to take those steps on my own. The
I am now
and I am ready
I am today is by your doing.
can never thank you
Joseph Demonte, IV “DeMo, Joey D" Dix Hills, NY
Aeronautical Engineering Four long years have never gone by so fast. Mom and Dad, your continuous support, devotion, and love helped me through all the madness.
Guys, I couldn’t have asked tough
for a better group of friends
times at the Zoo are overshadowed
by memories from bars and beaches elsewhere. I could not have done it without any of you.
Ilea Eskildsen
What a ride! It’s been tough, but
great fun and a great adventure. Thanks Mom for being my best friend.
Ashley, Beth, and Michelle,
you girls are the best. To Reagan and all my boys in the Dozen,
believed in me. I’ll be forever grate-
and uplifting friends. I'll always
ful for your support and calls of
remember the times that we’ve
we’ve done. To the Wings of Blue, words will never be enough.
Skies always...PTWOB 302.
four years but, Mom and Dad, you
thanks for being the most caring
shared and all the crazy things
Zachary Fulton Douglasville, GA Systems Engineering Aero Thanks to everyone who helped me through this place. It’s been fun. This has been a long, tough
Ashley Hawkes Newport News, VA Political Science It has definitely been a rollercoaster
ride; however, looking back I wouldn’t change a moment of it. To all the people that gave me words of love and encouragement throughout the years, you all have been blessings from above and I am forever thankful. To my friends, this chapter of our lives is
ending but a new one
is beginning—let's get it! Jeremiah 29 : 11-13
Nicholas Luina “Nick”
Yorktown, VA
Systems Engineering Aero Life is often compared to a mara-
thon, but I think it is more like being a
sprinter; long stretches of hard
work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.
Sarah Rebecca Mashburn Glen Ellyn, IL Social Sciences “Great things are not accomplished
by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.” Jack Kerouac
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of
themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." -
Bertrand Russell
Barbara Myers
Stanley V. Montoya, IV “Cuatro”
Montague, CA
Bayard, NM Systems Engineering Management
Social Science
“Mom and Dad, thanks for the support, love and encouragement. Without you I
would not be this far today. To Carol and
Gary, thanks for the welcoming home and continuous support. To FOD, you will never be forgotten and never replaced. You’re my brothers and I'm thankful for the great times with you. To the dirty dozen homies, thanks for the great times
and support. You made my experience memorable and unforgettable.
Daniel Rowland
Aeronautical Engineering Thank you Mom and Dad for all of
your support the past 22 years of my life. I wouldn’t have reached this
point or become the person that I am without you. Katie, thank you for putting up with me the past four
years and for everything that you have sacrificed for me. It’s finally over.
Jessica Schroeder
“Shredder, Jess” Los Alamos, NM
Systems Engineering Management
Thanks to everyone who has sup-
ported me as I have made my way I will always remember the great opportunities and amazing people—thanks to my family, friends, squad mates, sponsors, and Navigator mentors! John
through the Academy.
16 : 33
Clayton Stanley North Richland Hills, TX
Physics I am truly grateful for all my family and friends helping me through the last four grueling years. To my caring parents, Mike and Patsy; to my older brother my first great -
teacher; to my younger brother and younger sister; to all my friends back home and all my buddies here I could never have made it without
you. And for everyone... always remember... sleep more, worry less...
Jared Swindle
Tampa, FL If it weren't for my friends I would
have lost my mind, If it wasn’t for my
family I would have lost my inspiration, and if it wasn't for God I would have lost my purpose. Thanks to the crew for all the memories.
David Van Alstine
Charleston, SC Behavioral Science Thanks Mom, Dad, Chip, Mike, and my Marys. I couldn't have made it through here without your support. To the Original Dirty, the fellas, and the memories, we have a lifetime more to come.
Mary Zinnel “MZ, Mare" Stoneham, MA Social Sciences
Mom, Dad and Tina
thanks for all
the support these past few years. To all my friends here and back home, and to my relatives
your encour-
agement helped me get through this place! The Bradley family has been amazing thank you for everything. -
AF Women’s Lax
I’ll never forget
you girls BTB. And finally, Jmk
dirty dozen TWELVE
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks ”
will accomplish nothing in life. Muhammad Ali -
hirst ies
Matthew Adams
cadet squadron □
Grace Anderson
Aaron Barrow
Jacob Becker
“Old Man, Becks”
Hamilton, MT
Foreign Area Studies I want to thank my family for all of their support and the Sando’s for
their hospitality. And I would like to wish my classmates a prosperous future. “It’s all about the nights I will not remember and the friends I will never
Jonathan Elliott
"Jon, Stringbean of Steel, Ell” Manila, Philippines
Military Strategic Studies To the Bulldawgs of CS-13, it’s been
great three years; keep pressing on. Mom and Dad, thanks for your love
and support. You couldn’t have done a
better job preparing me for my time at
USAFAand beyond. Dad, your shining example will always help guide me. Tom,
Kristen, and David, thanks
for your prayers and the good times.
Thanks Stevo, for joining me these last years; see you in the RAF. Katie, my love, thanks for your patience.
Ryan Regan "Buzz”
Lisle, IL Political Science Thanks to my family and friends for
your love and support. To all my USAFA buds, thanks for the good times and unique “college” experience.
Blue skies and fast four-way!
Robert Santos
Christin Grace Schulte “Smar”
Fairfield, CA
Huntington Beach, CA Biology
Computer Science Thanks so much to all the people who helped me get to where I am now. To my family, thank you so much for all the loving support
my family for getting me through this place. I couldn’t have done it without
you’ve given me, and for all the long phone calls when I’ve needed them. Laura, thanks for making
you! For my zoomies past and present: you girls made this place worthwhile. Thanks for all the good times!
Firstie year the most awesome year
ZRFC forever
First off, I’d like to thank God and
too bad your note didn’t get
me out of comm’s
challenge though.
And to my buddies, no matter what
happens, don't let the man get you down!
Benjamin Smith
Matthew Takanen
Kunming, China
West Chester, OH
Aeronautical Engineering
Humanities, Foreign Areas Studies, Arabic, Chinese
“Praise God for getting me through these four years by His grace.
I want to thank all the friends I have
Thanks Mom and Dad for listening
made at USAFA. Somehow you
and being there, and thanks Dani-
guys could always make this place fun. I would be remiss if I did not
elle and Zach for putting up with me. Thanks to all the people in OCF for the encouragement and fun times.
thank my family. Thanks guys, you are the best.
Doubt I’m going to miss this place
much, but I will miss the people. On the bright side, I’ll get to see most
of you around out in the Air Force. Take care and God bless.”
Lucas Vantassel
Peyton, Colorado Systems Engineering Management All praise, glory, honor, and gratitude go to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; to, through, and from Him are all things. Thanks mom for always being there regardless of how bad I screw up. I love you and will always be your baby. Thank you Ed. To all my friends: I will never forget you or the good times we had and look
forward to many more. What we do in life echoes in eternity
Travis Wittick
“Trav, T-Dub, T” Mission Viejo, CA Systems Engineering Management This journey has been unforgettable. I am truly blessed to have gone to an awesome school and
meet such
wonderful people. The best and worst days of my life were experi-
enced here, but I went through it all
with some of the greatest people I will ever know. Greg, you are the
best; I love you man. Godchasers,
y’all will never understand the eternal impact you have made on my life. Thank you brothers.
bulldawgs -THIRTEEN
“Pm a firm believer in the theory that people only do their best at
things they truly enjoy. It is difficult to excel at something you don't enjoy. ”
Jack Nicklaus
Diane Banks “Princess Di, Sweet D’s. Banker”
Athens, TX Behavioral Science To my family: thank you for believ-
ing in me every step of the way. never would
have made it without the
phone calls and the care packages. Love y’all! To me in 20 years: Yes, it was hard!
Don’t forget it!
cadet squadron □
Jonathan Bergkamp
“Byrd, Grandpa, Old man" Brighton, CO Social Science I say to all the failures and successes- “No Worries!”
I say to all those loved ones who listened to my struggles- “Right-On!" I say to my closest friends (LEG)-“To the Bars!”
Nicholas T. Burton
Khary Branch-Romero Hinesville, GA
Aeronautical Engineering
Sunshine, Momo” Fairfield, CA
Thanks to the family at home, CSlh 14, and the 98 for giving me the
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Marcus. I
best years of my life.
finally did it. “This too I will over-
Legal Studies
“Impossible is just a big word thrown
come.” I could not have done it
around by small men who find it eas-
without you guys supporting me all
ier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact- It's an opinion. Impos-
the way.
sible is not a declaration- It’s a dare.
Impossible is potential. Impossible Impossible is nothing.”
is temporary. Blue skies
Christopher John Decker “CJ, Double”
Laurel, MT Basic Sciences
My last four years:
“If you put it off
to the last minute, it only takes a
minute." Well, this took a minute.
Erin Alexandra Finger
Jeffrey Louis Furnary
Louisville, KY
“Jeff, Furn, Hammer" Vienna, VA
Political Science/Spanish
Growing up, Mom always taught falling down, but the staying down” that distinguishes me that “it isn't the
between true success and failure.
have tripped my way through four
years here, but I have had incredible friends and family to pick me up
again. me.
Thank you for being there for
No matter where life takes me, I
will always love you.
Meteorology Thanks to Mom, Dad, Grant, Josh,
Jake, my extended family and all my friends (especially the WX guys) who
always there for me. I love you all and I couldn’t have done it without
you. Hard to believe we’ve gone from
gold covers to butter bars and made it through everything in between. I’ve got some great memories...jump on it, I’m outta here.
Kevin Andrew Goulding
Albuquerque, NM Legal Studies Things I will never do again: march in a parade and go four years without washing my sheets.
Matthew Charles Manship
"ManBoat, Mancanoe” Arvada, CO
Systems Engineering Management I can not believe it. Five years at this
place and now it is time for me to leave. Thank you Mom and Dad for your support and believing in me that I can do this as well as putting up with me
through all those rough times. To
all friends for all the great and terrible times we had to include the P School.
To that special someone who has
put up with me, love you! Off we go
legends, catch ya later!
Jenna Lenore Maxfield “
David John McGee
Grand Junction, CO
Mechanicsville, VA Behavioral Science Thank you
Mommy, Daddy, Ron. I
love you. I am so grateful for your wis-
dom, protection, strength, humor, and love.
Prejeans, J.CIuley
how I’ve
been blessed by you! USAFA brothers and sisters who have cared for me,
rescued me so many times
impacted me infinitely; you are forever my friends. Thank you! I love each of you. Sweet Jesus, “[Your] grace is sufficient for [me], for [your] power is
Management First of all, a special thanks to my
family. I love you Mom, Dad, Molly, Meghan, Mary. I thank you for being such a great and supporting family. To my fiancee Kristen, you have been an
inspiration, guide, and companion
in your support of me and I love you. To the quad pod and all of my other
great friends you guys are awesome and remember, “it’s not peer pressure; it’s just your turn."
made perfect in weakness.” (2Cor12:9)
21 5
Jocelyn Ranelle Mitnaul
Donald Johnathan Petrash
Colorado Springs, CO
“Don, Tim, That Guy” Sherman, TX
Goldsboro, NC
Legal Studies Psalm 121:1-2...He got me through.
Mama, Daddy, family, friends: Love ya’II and thanks for everything. Divas: “Look for the bright days and the rich moments
of life.
Expect them, and if they don’t
come, make them happen.
Insist on tak-
ing a bite out of life and touching heaven. It is your right. You are the daughter of a King." -T.D. Jakes. Because of USAFAI met my best friends and experienced my best (and worst) memories.
Thanks to everyone who's pulled
though- kicking and screamingincluding family, friends, instructors,
and classmates. I wouldn’t be here if I’d tried to do it myself. Look me up sometime and let me know how life’s
treating you. I hope that life gives you hard keys to play in, and only diminished and seventh chords to work with, but that you learn to play
jazz. Enjoy it!
Kyle Matthew Schafer
Kathy Rakel “Kat-a-Raka"
Irvine, CA
San Antonio, TX
Operations Research
Foreign Area Studies First, I only made it through this place
by the grace of God. He gave me strength and faith when I needed it. Thanks to my friends and family who I could always count on to listen to me. Marie, thanks for being a big sister to me. To my choir/FOCUS friends, we’ve shared some amazing
I want to thank my Mom, Dad, and brother for their support and
I love you guys. thanks for putting up with me
encouragement. Mark
and I know you’ll do great things in the coming years! Much love to the
guys of Air Force Water Polo who I will always remember and to all the good, hard, and fun times we’ve
and unforgettable times together.
shared. Thanks 14 it’s been a fun
To my triathlon friends: just keep
focused on that darn finish line. As
l-Town Down.
It’s finally my time. Peace Out,
always, have a good one!
Michael Jacob Sherman
Robert Scott Smith II
Old Westbury, NY
Computer Science
Vero Beach, FL
There’s no debate about it, four
years have passed and I’m a better person for it. Thanks to all my friends and family who supported me along
the way.
Management I have done many things in my life, the Academy was one of the most
challenging, one I could not have done without the support of my family and friends. Thank you for every-
Russell Smyth
Samuel Mchenry Thurmond
“Sammy T, Sweet T” Monroe, GA Social Science Thanks to my parents, bro, homies, and homegirls. Couldn’t have done it
without y’all. Love you.
John Robert VanDenBtroeke
Chaska, MN Humanities
Special thanks to God, family, and friends, especially Tiffany. Without all of you, my life would not be so
I love you all, God bless!
cobras -FOURTEEN
“Sometimes we are lucky enough to know that our lives have
been changed to discard the old, embrace the new, and turn ,
headlong down an immutable course. -
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Justin Joseph Cadwell “Red" Wake Forest, NC
Systems Engineering Management First of all thanks to my family, I could not have done it without your support and encouragement-1 love you guys.
It has been four tough years but I do not regret a thing. I’ve had some
great times and made some amazing friends. To all my friends, here’s to the nights I can't remember with the
friends I’ll never forget. See you out in the real world...
Carl F. Corvin Jr.
Steven Christopher Crosbie
Elizabethtown, KY Thanks to all who supported or impacted me the most these years; especially my family, the Carrell’s, the Martinez’s, the Herb’s, LtCol Moore, I had the best barbers, Rachele, Karen & Hannah; the best bosses, Lindsay
incredible friends, the memories
& Matt; and the best friends Brandon,
and experiences will be eternal. We
Matt, Barb, and VIP. I also cannot
came as individuals,
forget the most amazing laoshi ever,
Zhou laoshi. I couldn’t have “lived
and see you in the Operational Air
the dream” without your help.
Character is Your Destiny.”
I: irsties
The tougher the journey, the more
meaningful it becomes to us. Thank you Mom, Dad, and Jeffrey: your unwavering supporter means more than I can ever explain. To my
Maj Takabayashi, & LtCol(ret) Peake.
Floresville, TX Mechanical Engineering
but we leave as
Best wishes to everyone
* Brandon Thomas Dues
Luke E. Gaalswyk
Louisville, KY
East Gull Lake, MN
Mathematical Science
Mechanical Engineering
“Father, thank you for carrying me when I had no strength
Thanks to Mom and Dad for the sup-
all the glory
port. Thanks to all the fellas... we
is yours. To my family and all those
have a lot of good memories together
who believed in me these long four
and I couldn’t have done this without
years, I couldn't have done it without
you guys. I am going to miss this state... but not this place. It’s been
you. Here's to Taps + 15, hump day, every drink, and all of the great
friends along the way. Live as though you would die tomorrow
a long four years with some rough times and some good laughs... and
I’m ready to get out of here. God
you can
sleep when you’re dead. To Custos live for greatness. Praeparo ducere." -
Daniel Hartung
bless and see you out there.
pians 4:13.
Marc Edward Marmino
Seattle, WA
Foreign Area Studies Dad, Mom, Tammy, Brianne, thanks for being there every step of the way
Medford, NJ Economics
to support me, even when I didn’t
Through all of the bad, I’ve managed to have some good times here. Mom
want to be supported.
and Dad, your love and support
15 fellas, you 15 Softball is the
sweetness... Old 19ers, you were
never faltered in these four years and that will never be forgotten. You al-
great. Baseball coaches, thank you for everything, all four years. Ev-
ways reassured me that the end was near. To the friends I’ve made here,
eryone who helped me, who was a
thank you for pulling me through
friend, who was there when I needed
those tough moments.
you; I hope I can give back what you’ve given me. Thanks.
you and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us!
Mica Marie McCratic
Daniel Lee Moseby
Byrdstown, TN
Owasso, OK
Behavioral Science
Mechanical Engineering
“What don’t kill us makes us
Beth, I love
Tim McGraw
Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Josh for all the encouragement over the past
Thanks to God and all the very spe-
four years in the tough times. To
cial people that got me through.
Erica for putting up with me and waiting for me...I love you! To all my buds from the flying team and BSU for the great times skiing, flying, and camping. To God who sustains me. 1 Thess. 5: 16-18. See ya'II out there!
Steven Craig Petty Jr.
"Craig" Marion, NC Political Science
Mark Edward Ruther
Cincinnati, OH
I want to thank God and my family
Mom, Dad, Brad, Andy, Elliott, Greg,
(even those I am not blood related
and Jess I will never forget all your
to) for helping me get in and get through the Academy. To all my
support over these four years. Dad,
friends here it has been a wild ride
I loved telling you AFS stories which will continue into UPT. My Colorado
and I will miss all of you I hope to
family, Chad and D’Anne you opened
see you all of you
your home to us and I will never forget the times there. It’s been amaz-
again out there in
the “real” Air Force.
ing seeing my favorite girls Sammy and JosieT growing up. Matt, Evan, Danny, Justin, and everyone else, it's been great and will only get better.
Gregory Paul Schroeder
Mario-Andres Leon Seville
“Greg" Tipp City, OH Mechanical Engineering
“Caddy, Chino, Calzone, Clinic” Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineering
Mom and Dad, thanks for every-
Okay, they told me I’ve only got 80
thing. I'll be forever grateful for your support. Katie I love you. I have made a lot of great friends I will never forget Wareagles, SIPs. See y’all out in the Real Air Force.
words, despite spending 5 years
I’ve loved my family and al-
ways will love them. I’m grateful for the times they could be there when my friends couldn’t. I also want to thank the Allen family for coping with me for
fivey years.
Ultimate Friz
guys, no matter what, keep running and I’ll see you on the fields again.
WarEagles, hold down that fort and never forget Halo.
Nathaniel Lane Smith
Elizabeth Short
“Super Mad”
Military Brat, World
Wildwood, MO Social Science
Behavioral Sciences Four years blew by, but it was the Ion-
I have so many things to be grateful
gest I’d ever lived anywhere! Thanks
for! I want to say thank you with all my
to my family for adopting the extra
heart to mom and dad for teaching
kids I brought home (I love Survivor
me to walk the
night!). Thanks to my friends—all the fellas in 16, my pals in my squadrons, and the gals I grew to love!! You were always there for me when I needed you. Arright, too much mush, but that’s what blurbs are for right? Stay Classy USAFA Class of 2007!
my family and all the special people who have loved and encouraged me
Jonathan Stralka
Kyle C. Van Vleet
Anchorage, AK Biochemistry These four years went all too quickly but not without good times and great memories. Though this place was hard at times,
I would not have
Without His blessing and faithfulness in my life, I wouldn’t be half the man I am
today. I love you all!
Ocala, FL
Systems Engineering Management “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect” Psalm -
18:32 Dad and Mom, thank you for all your love and support. You never stopped
believing in me and what God has planned. I’m the man I am today because of you. Kristi and Amy, I could
thanks for all of your support
To the best friends in the world -1
my journey; and most importantly,
to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
changed a thing. Dad, Mom, and and unwavering encouragement.
path of excellence; to
could not have made it without you.
not ask for better sisters. To all my
Thanks for the inspiration, the many
friends, thank you for the great memo-
laughs, and all the good times I will always treasure.
will last a lifetime. James 1:12
ries and the awesome friendships that
eagles —FIFTEEN
“You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit ifyour
conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a mans actions are such must he his spirit.
Demosthenes Firsties
22 J
Brian Devine
Parishville, NY
Biology Thanks mom and dad for kicking in the butt when I needed it. Thanks
Kristy. Thanks to all my friends for the laughs. Thanks Randi. I love you all. I’m grateful for the experiences I’ve had and the places I’ve seen while at the Academy, but it’s time to go.
Erin Fitzpatrick
“Fitz” North Potomac, MD Behavioral Science “I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are
much more fun, you know that
only the good die young." Thanks to all my friends and family for always being there for me and helping me get through this place. Thanks for all the good times we’ve had and even better times to come! Work hard, play harder. Slip it in birds!
Eric Garcia
Joshua Heacock “Josh"
“Para mi familia y mi patria...”
Hellertown, PA
I would like to thank my family first and foremost.
Dad, you taught me about intention, ethics, and life.
Systems Engineering Management Without my friends, mom and family,
Mom, never have I met anyone who has sacrificed so much by placing her
this accomplishment would have
family first, and I thank you for that. Edgar, Joseph, and Tia Jane you
were all there every step of the way
these past four years.
Finally I want
to thank the Hawk family (especially
the ’07 crew) for all the good times.
evaded me. Thank you for bringing up when I was down and sup-
porting me through all the trials and tribulations I experienced over the last four years. Lastly, some worldly advice, “Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man
of value.” Albert Einstein
Wade Maulsby
Eaton, CO Human Systems I will never forget the friends I have
made here and the memories that will
last a life time. God has prepared us all for a unique future that only He
could fathom and I look forward to the
years when I can look out and see each of you where you are destined to be. Thank you to my family, friends, and Katie for being there for me.
First ics
Bradley Meissen
Cynthia McDermott “Cindy, C-Lo” Arlington, VA Legal Studies
Madison, Wl
Biology Thanks to my family for all the sup-
These four years have been hard,
port and all my brothers, you made it
but they've flown by and were
worth it.
completely worth it. I want to thank my family: Dad, Mom, Frank, Joe, Amelia. Unquestionably, I wouldn’t have made it here without you. You
made me who I am today. I am continually amazed by all of you and will always love you and look up to you. To my HG teammates: WE MADE IT! I’ll never forget all our experiences or the lessons we learned.
Hansel Rabell
Tse-Wei Ou
Kaohsiung, Taiwan Aeronautics Engineering Thanks for everyone who supported me while
I was here.
This academy experience was awesome because of every
one of
you. Respekl!
Avon Park, FL
Aeronautical Engineering I want to thank all the countless friends for the memories I’ve made the past four years with the Class of
2007. I would like to especially thank my family, for their support and guidthrough the growing process
that the Academy was to me. It’s time to carry out our jobs that we’ve been preparing for since the summer
of 2003. Celebrate 2007!!! It’s finally our turn!!!...I’m out!
Christina Ramirez
Lanie Scott
“Stina, Stinky, Hei de Xin” Colorado Springs, CO
Biology This has been an incredible journey, and I could not have survived this on
Newnan, GA
Management “I’ve learned to quit worrying about stupid things. You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax.
my own. For those of you who have been with me since Basic, we made
Work is for people with jobs. You’ll
it! Zoomies, you brought me so
remember the time you wasted hang-
never remember class time,
but you’ll
much joy, laughter, tears. And finally,
ing out with your friends. So, stay
thank you Mom, Dad, Ga, and Jei for
out late.
listening to all my late night phone calls and always supporting me. I
Tuesday when you have a paper due on Wednesday. Spend money you
love you so much!
Go out with your friends on
don’t have. Drink ‘til sunrise. The
work never ends, but college does...'’ -Tom Petty
Ryan Snyder
George Charles Speliotes, II
“Ry Sny” Palmer, AK Systems Engineering Mechanical I appreciate everyone who helped me get to where I am today. Mom, your emails, phone calls, and especially
as all great individuals
say, “I couldn’t have done it alone”. I’m forever grate-
ful to all my teachers and coaches
ment and words of wisdom; please
who I am today. Most of all, I wouldn’t
as you finish.
Thanks for being such
good brother and friend.
To the
rest of my family and friends who
supported me while I was here, I am
truly grateful.
Management It has been a tough four years, but
your prayers did more than you know. Dad, thank you for your encouragedon’t stop. Best of luck to you Alan
“Speli” Aurora, CO
God bless you all.
who have helped guide me to become be here without my family. I’m forever
indebted to you George, Janet, Liz,
Margaret and Jerry for your contributions to my life. I love
you all, and know that I will do my best.
chicken hawks -SIXTEEN
“Forty-two percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. -
Steven Wright
22 5
Amanda Colyer Curtis
John Davis
Shelby, NC Management God, thank you for placing people in my life who have shown me your love, without your guidance and strength I could not have made it through. To my
family; Mom, Dad, Duane, Cindy, Lauryn, Joslyn you always believed in me, I’ll always be thankful for your love and support. The care packages, the words of encouragement and someone to comfort me all the times I called
home crying.
Gregory Day
Madison, AL
Foreign Area Studies As I thought about what to write for
this message, I realized it shouldn’t
really be about me as I realize how much support I have to gotten along
Kelly Miles Edwards Oregon City, OR Computer Science Thank you to my entire family for all the support through the years that helped me accomplish this goal. I have made some great friends
I would like
here and fantastic memories that
to thank Greg, JoLynne, Lindsay,
will not be soon forgotten. Thank
Ryan, Chelsea, Sarah, Heidi, Steve, Ashley, Addison, Grandma Dottie, and Grandpa Bill for all making sure I had a home up in Denver. Mom, Dad, Kelly, and Matt- thank you all for always being there for me.
you especially to my love, Sarah, who has stood through these tough
the way to get here.
times waiting for the day that we will continue our lives together as one. Her strength and patience is a true
inspiration, and I look forward to our lives together.
Terrance Fregly These last four years have been
tough but great. I want to thank my family, Mom and Kawai, you’ve always been there and I’ll always be there for you. To the Zoomies, you
guys are awesome. The Messingers, thanks for welcoming me into your home. Great memories from Club Spence and the Sunday Night Dinner Crew. Mandi, I love you, forever and always. Dad, I'll always miss you, but I know you’ll always be there.
John Fuson
TJ Gabrielson
“Johnboy, Fusion” DeSoto, TX Civil Engineering
Dad, this is has all been for you--1 love you and miss you. Thank you
Mom, T-man, and the King family for
Dustin Mayne
April McDonald Stalag” Benton, LA Legal Studies “
“D Mayne”
Gypsum, CO Biology At times I looked back on my decision
Mom and Dad thanks for all of your
to come to the Academy with regret.
support before the Academy, at the Academy, and all the support I know I’ll get afterwards. Thanks Jess
However, gradually that changed and I am now very grateful for this
opportunity and am eager to serve my country. The Academy requires
for introducing me to the real world
much from its cadets, but in return
it without you, and thanks Matt and
it has given me something that has
been very worthwhile.
I give thanks
four dig year I couldn’t have made Heather for all the great times in Sta-
I'm gonna miss all you guys.
to God, my family, and my soon to be
wife for their love and support.
Matthew McPherson “Trunk”
Woodbridge, VA “It’s not what you look like when
you’re doing what you’re doing...it’s what you're doing when you’re doing what you look like you’re doing." -
Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd
Street Rhythm Band. Thank you
Mom, Dad, Lauren, Katherine and all of my friends and family, I could not have made it without you.
In all
things, great and small it is never about the what, the when, the where or even the how..
.only the who and
the why.
Benjamin D. Roth
Richard Ricciardi Jr.
Edwardsville, IL Social Science
Well I can actually say after five years out here Colorado is starting to grow on me.
It’s been a long road and I
“Ben, Benny Boy, Ben Roethlisberger
Stamford, CT
Astro-Physics Thanks to my family, Dad, Mom, Terri, AJ, Mandy, and Allie. Now that I am about to leave I realize I have been
would like to thank my family for all
blessed with this opportunity and will
the support. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs.
miss the times at USAFA.
Berry for letting me back into the
been blessed to meet my future wife
house, time after time. Also to my buddies, it’s been a blast hanging
Sarah Short who I love so dearly. Ev-
out with you guys, especially during
the spring break cruise.
ery memory from flaming balsa wood th gliders out the 6 story window, to
being pied in the face will remain with me throughout my life.
Denver Joshua Saunders
Angela Marie Sheffield “Angie, Ange, Sheffat the Q”
“D. Town”
Roseville, CA
Management People don’t get better by doing To my water things they CAN do polo brothers... the excessive Ehrlich dots are for you... 10.83...everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the encouragement and advice, I’m not going to say I couldn’t do it without you two because we all know I could
I have also
Scottsdale, AZ Economics I’m relieved to be done, eager to
finally live on my own, and thankful to have come so far and grown up so much.
Immeasurable amounts of
thank yous to my family and friends for your willingness to go through this with me.
I hope I’ve had even
half as strong an influence on any of you as you have had on me.
you guys just made it a little easier. Either way I’m glad to
finally say, “I made it”
Chrystina Short Mom and Grandpa, I wish you could be here now. I hope that I've made you
proud. Grandma you are my hero- to-
day and forever. Dad and Lynne, thank you. To The Kramers-1 consider you
my family and thank you for every-
thing. Robin, Ben, and Victoria- you made us all feel at home when we needed it more than ever. Danielle,
Dustin, Blake, Brandon, Kenneth, and
Cynthia never give up on your dreams and
don’t settle for mediocrity. To my friends at USAFA, we know what it’s
really like here.
Ryan Michael Stillwell “Stills, Studs, Stanley”
Worthington, OH Mechanical Engineering It hasn’t been easy, but there have been some good times and it’s all
worth it now. Thank you Dad, Mom,
Amy, and Lynn for your endless support and encouragement; you were there for me through it all, love you. Thanks to the Popelars for treating me like family and giving me a home away from home. AFLAX, we’ve been
through a lot together, you guys are awesome and
I wish you all the best.
seventeen SEVENTEEN
“There are people who make things happen there are people who watch things happen and there are people who wonder what ,
happened. To be successful you need to he a person who makes things happen. ,
Jim Lovell Tirsties
22 c )
Jesse Lan Caldwell
Sacramento, CA Civil Engineering I first thank God for helping me
through four years here at the Academy. I'd like to thank my family, my friends, and OCF for their support and encouragement. A special thanks to the Saxon family for putting up with me :)
William Lawrence Devoney, ill “Devo”
Buffalo Grove, IL
Systems Engineering Management These have been the most difficult and exciting four years of my life.
Thank you everyone who in some way touched my life and helped give me
the strength to make it through this
place. Thank you Mom, Dad, Mike, and Christina...without your love and
support I would not be half the person I am today. Thank you to all my broth-
Flockey Team. I going to miss you guys.
ers on the Air Force am
Lucas C. Ewing
Charlotte Freedman
Leslie, Ml
If I do nothing else in my life, at least
I would have survived all of this, and
God, family, and friends got me
the best lesson that I learned was
through this place. Thanks.
that you cannot do it alone. Mom and Dad, I can’t tell you how much you have influenced me, thank you. Josh, if it weren’t for you I would not be here, I look up to you more
every day and I am proud to be your sister. Seth and Ben, I love you guys. To my friends, my Angels, Wolver-
ines, Nightriders, and my Ladybirds, none of this would have been possible without you all.
Peter Joseph Gac “Pete”
Shorewood, MN Mechanical Engineering
This probably wasn’t the best decision I’ve ever made, but I didn’t figure that out until it was too late. At least I met some great people, so thanks to
all of you.
Daniel Alexander Kimmich “DK” San Diego, CA
Management It’s not the place, but the people who make the experience worthwhile. Rod,
BW, D-Town, SC, Matty, Nitz, BBP, JB, Al and all the polo boys; this is only the beginning. “Without the bitter, the sweet ain’t as
Matthew H. Mazur
Emily Penn McKee
West Palm Beach, FL
“Tiddles, Slug-a-Bum, G M&M” Clemmons, NC
Computer Science Thank you, mom, dad, Ryan, and the
rest of my family for your never-end-
To my family I love you all but we’re the
ing support. Thank you Judy and Marty for always providing me a
Murphys! Anything that can go wrong will. Left to themselves, things go from
clean bed and a warm meal. Thank
bad to worse.
you Crystal for being patient all these years. Thank you friends, especially
Nothing is as easy as it looks. If there is a possibility of several
the four-degrees of Deuce, and the
things going wrong, the one that causes the most damage will go wrong—if
Nightriders for the good times and
there is a worse time for something to
great memories. Without all of you I would not be where I am today.
go wrong, it will happen then. If everything seems to be going well, you have
Thank you.
obviously overlooked something!
Jordan Mugg “Joe Mugg"
The Academy has turned over many times since we took the oath in front
of the honor wall. While many of the
hopes and dreams have long since vanished, I have here made the best friends that life could afford. While I do not intend to just fade away into the AF, I do want to wish the best for those whom we leave behind. God
Blake Bernard Pickell
Keith Adam Sanders
“Booby, Lance, Picket”
Lake Forest, CA
North Tuston, CA
Political Science
Good Luck to all my classmates and
I would like to thank my Mom, Dad,
all of my friends still in 18. Thank you
Grandparents, Brothers, and Aunt for all of their support. Without your
to my family for always giving me
love I would not be half the person I am
today. I’d like to give a shot out to
Water Polo, Too Cool for School, The
Bleachers, and The Kuwait Crew! I’m
opportunities and support. To Chris, Dave, Shane and Teddy, thank you for making my firstie year a blast. To Joe, I will always wish you the best and that you were here now. Katie,
going to miss all of my brothers on the water polo team. AIR POWER
for three years, I couldn’t have had
thank you for always being right here
better friend here. Finally, Megan,
beside me. I cannot wait for whatever is in store.
Michael R. Scott
Rodrigo Santos “Rod, Dirtyguat"
“Mikey, Scotty”
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Fairbanks, AK Social Science
Foreign Area Studies Without the bitter, the sweet ain’t as
“All good things are wild and free.”
-Thoreau Thank you to my Mom and Dad for the unconditional support. To my
friends, I can’t thank you enough for the good times and making this place
bearable. 2 Timothy 4:7
Victor William Thompson
“Vic, WaffleHouse”
Lompoc, CA Management Thanks to all of my family and friends, I could not have done it without each one of you. Furthermore, I want to thank all the teachers who
represent the management department. Throughout my undergraduate journey, I have had the opportunity to learn from America’ts finest. You were all
able to excite and awaken an
internal desire in me to accomplish
great achievements. I will not let you down.
Joost Justin Verduyn
Shane Thomas Williams
Eustis, FL Visalia, CA Management Thanks to all the friends and family
for helping me through. I could not have done it without you.
Electrical Engineering The past four years have been the
hardest I have ever experienced.
Without my family, I probably never would have gotten through here. I will be forever grateful for your
support and love. Thanks to all of the friends I have made on the way. The memories will always be there. Thank you, Alex, for always
motivating me to better myself. I love you. Always try your best and reach to your fullest potential!
nightriders —EIGHTEEN
“/ submit to you that if a man has not discovered something that ”
he will die for he isn't fit to live. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ,
Roberts Andrejevs
Latvia Aeronautical System Engineering “Thousand steps forward and not a
single step back,"
Marco Polo
Thank you to all who helped me
along the way.
Matthew Bar
Brunswick, OH
Meteorology These past four years have brought
challenging, exciting, and rewarding times of my life. some of the most
It is hard to believe that the time to move on
has finally come. Thank
you Mom, Dad, and Dan, I could not have made it without your love and
support. Thanks to all of my wonderful friends. It has been quite a ride, but we made it!
Margaret Shannon Frash “Marge, Maggie, Mags" Newburyport, MA Aeronautical Engineering Thanks Mom, Dad, Scott, Luke,
Magga, and Phil for encouraging me these past for years in every way
possible. I will be always grateful to those people who helped me out the most: the track team, the aero de-
partment (especially the family), and my squadron leadership. To all those people who are now some of my best
friends, you made this USAFAgame endurable, and really lifted my spirits when I needed it the most.
Joseph Andrew Gagner “Mojoe, Boss”
William Andrew Goss
Marietta, GA
Saint Paul, MN
Astronautical Engineering
I could not have survived this place
I can't begin to say enough thanks to
without the support from my family
everyone that supported me in prayer and encouragement through the
tough times here. I love you all. To the KREW (Coop, Deep C, Stevo “The Chief,” Stu “Crazy Legs,” and Leenie): We stay Krew forever. “Trust in the
and friends. Mom
Thanks for all
your love and support even though you were never thrilled about me
being here.
Thanks for being
my best friend these four years. I am grateful for all the wonderful people I
Lord with all your heart and lean not
met here, leva, Matt, Adam, Branch,
understanding; but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.” (Prov. 3:5-6)
Veydt, and Nate -1 will never forget
on your own
Adam Kenneth McAuley
Reagan Allbritton Mullin
Corpus Christi, TX Management
Aeronautical Engineering
Gadsden, AL
I’ll never forget how Joe Helton
Well that was different. The last four
made Branch leave the squadron
years seemed like a blur, but in the midst
and move all the way to 40 just
of it all, they were filled with great times,
because he wanted his own room.
good friends, and one heck of a college experience. Most of the credit for making it through the Academy is rightly due to my amazing fiancbe, Heather, great parents, fellow aero geeks, awesome
Just terrible.
Seriously though, Branch- keep fighting the good fight. The fate of cyberspace superiority rests in your hands. Goss, remember filling a jet with gas is equally as important as what the guys do who receive it.
roommate and OCF. I could not have
done it without all the help and support.
To everybody else, thanks for the
Here’s to late nights, jam sessions, salsa dancing, crazy trips, fun flights, and
good times.
memories that will last a lifetime.
Matthew Pinson
Prosser, WA
Physics To my friends and teammates, thanks for the good times and help through
the bad times. As we all go our
separate ways we will never lose the
friendships that we have forged these four years. The best of luck to all in the future. To my family, I would have never survived without your constant
love and support. Thank you.
George Phillip Rosser III “Phorge” Anderson, SC
Engineering Mechanics I’d like to explain something. Truth is, I lost a bet to a voodoo witch and so I
have to serve in the Air Force for
the next 10 years or else my head
will shrink. Thanks to all my friends and family for all your undying sup-
port. Later.
Christina L. Smith “Tina" Fair Oaks CA Humanities I would like to thank all of those who
stayed in this long five year journey with me. My family for giving me
their undying support, the people who I first started the journey with who are finally finishing something
that seemed so far away like a
dream, and those close friends that without you all I would have never come this
point and the person you helped me to be. I love you all.
Aaron R. Veydt
Canonsburg, PA Mechanical Engineering
Firstly, I want to thank God for His enduring love. Next I want to thank my family and friends for all of their prayers and support throughout the past four years. Finally, thanks to all of the awesome friends I have made
here, and to my CS-19 and CS-40 friends (you traitor) I say...Simple Simon met a pieman and you just met a bit hit.
Joseph Zieja
wolverines NINETEEN “Greatness lies
not in being strong but in the right using of and strength; strength is not used rightly when it serves only to ,
carry a man above his fellows for his own solitaiy glory. -
Henry Ward Beecher
Samantha N. Cody
Mililani, HI
Biology Mom, Dad, Julia without your support I never would’ve finished.
Thanks to all
the awesome friends I’ve made, you
guys made days here seem bearable!! One day I know we will all look back on this and laugh, good luck to all in the future!!
Robert Ira Garrett IV
Allison Sarah Gawlinski
Manchester, CT
Titusville, FL
Chemistry This has been a long, tough four years but, Mom and Dad, you believed in me. I’ll be forever grateful for your support and calls of encour-
agement. Thanks to the Jones family for providing a home away from home and to all my USAFA buds for the good times. Thanks for waiting
23 S
History I would like to thank all of the people in my life who have helped me get through here and keep my sanity; especially Brett, my parents. Erica, Ben, my grandparents, and the best roommate I could hope for, Ashley! Thank you for helping make this the best four years it could have been, it has not
for me, Lisa. I love you. Blue skies
been easy, but I am so glad to have had the experiences this place offered
me and the support you offered me.
Adam D. Johnson Fort Collins, CO
Management Before I came to USAFA, I was told that "if you’re not having fun, you’re
doing something wrong.” Well, not everything has been fun, but with the support of you Mom, Dad, and Jess I would have never made it.
It was
the combined efforts of your three that got me through and kept me
relatively sane. Thank to everyone who's helped me graduate, and I’ll catch you 007 on the flip side.
Christopher Lee Knaute
Lindsay Renee’ Milkert
Houston, TX
“Lin, Milkjugz, Linny, Rin”
Social Science
Troy, IL English
Thank you Mom, Dad, Fellas,
Friends, Family, Coaches, and
most. Your support and friendship
Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt...Mr. Vonnegut, truer words were never spoken. Thanks to all who were with me through thick
helped make the best of the past
and thin, even if you lived 800 miles
four years, which will always be
away. I am glad I came here, but I am really glad that, now, I'm gone.
Flermans. You were always there for me, especially when it was needed
Through good times and bad, thanks for always being so supportive by my side. <t>KS.
Alex L. Moon Fort Davis, TX
Social Sciences I would like to thank everybody who
helped me get into this institution, I could not have finished if you hadn’t
given me my start. Thank you Mom and Dad for always helping me when I needed it, and for liking me the best. Just kidding. I would also like to thank Buddy, Matt, TK, Andy, Cory, Tyler, Seth and Caitlin. And thank you Rob, for asking to be included in this section.
John Powers I can't believe it’s over!!! God, you’re
the man! Mom, Dad, Kathleen, I love
you, your love and support made it happen! Mr. and Mrs. Kahoe, you’re some of the best
people I know, I’ll enough, you’re sick (in the good way). FRIENDS! We've been through never be able to thank you
some craziness,
and you've made
it awesome! I can’t wait to be one
of those balding grads drinking and
laughing about all the memories! See you out there...
David Bryan Schulker, Jr.
Tyler D. Smith Smitty, T-Smit” Colorado Springs, CO
“Dave, Schulk, S-Chuckler” Homosassa, FL
Social Science
I have experienced the goodness and
It’s been a long and adventurous four
grace of God over the past four years. It hasn’t been comfortable, but it has
years, I couldn't have done it alone. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the
been exactly what I needed. Thank
support you have given me. Thanks Cory, Andrew, Brian, Kendra, and Laura for always being there. Got to give a shot out to the original CS-29 Crew! Thanks Lyssa for always putting up with me, now we can finally
you Mom and Dad for always supporting me. Audge, thanks for sticking with me. I know it hasn't been easy. Thanks Joe Mugg, Wagz, and A-Mac for always being great friends.
thanks for putting up with my constant
have what we've been waiting for!
babbling every time I come in the room.
You’ve been a great roommate.
William Grant Stooksbury
Ashley Nicole Snyder
“Smashley” Pickerington, OH Biology Mom, Dad, Andrea, and Alison: Thanks for everything! Thank you for being there for me through the past four years and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Thanks for making
the trips to the cross country meets and
staying informed so you knew what was going on in my life. Your efforts did not go unnoticed. Nathan, Allison, and XC
girlies...thank you for keeping me sane I love you all! and happy -
Christopher Abbott Taylor
fast. It seems like an eternity, but I cannot believe it has been four years
already! Dad, Mom, David, and the rest of my family, thank you all for the support, encouragement, and
prayers throughout the good and bad times. To my closest friends, the
Dynasty, the Trolls, and all the othwithout you all it would not have been possible to make it through this
place. What an experience!
Kevin Michael Vandagriff
Peachtree City, GA
Cordova, TN Aeronautical Engineering
Well, it certainly wasn’t easy.
Thanks to everyone for your support,
Sometimes it went quickly, and other
times, it seemed to drag on endless-
especially Mom, Dad, Keith and Lori. The adventure has just begun! See
ly, but I know that I would not have
you out there, blue skies!
been able to make it on my own.
Dad, Mom, Katie, and Libby; I love you and will forever remember your continuous and unwavering support. To my friends and the rest of the Troll
family: thanks for being there for the memories and the tough times.
Augustin H. Viani “Gus” Florida
Biology To all my friends...YOU are why this
place was worth it...especially my boys of S6. .Bust it! Thanks to my family for their undying support and always believing in me. I’m out! .
Economics The days go by slow and the weeks
“Chris” Astronautical Engineering
Morristown, TN
trolls TWENTY
“Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It's not something to regret. Ids something to aspire to.
Mitch Alhom
history -of Lowry Air Force Base, in Denver, was the site of the first Academy academic instruction.
In the mid-
50’s, many of these classrooms looked much as they had throughout the 1930s and 1940s. Uniforms were
beige, like the rest of the Air Force. The revolution in cadets’ academic environment over the years can best be seen in the technology
used in the classroom.
The first Academy cadets worked with mechanical instruments
knobs, dials, switch-
es, gauges, pumps, wires and tubes, all contained within utilitarian black, green, or brown metal housings, fas-
tened by screws and bolts. No plastic. No flashing words on the screen. were little
Instead of a computer readout, there
light bulbs that lit up colored glass indicator lights. Sometimes hundreds of them, on each machine.
Academy cadets were issued slide rules, for mathematics purposes, until 1977, when they handed out calculators (the Class of 1990 was the first class to be issued personal computers).
Early chemistry labs were
filled with bubbling glass or metal tubes and beakers. Most electronic devices used vacuum tubes, and took several seconds to warm up before coming to life. and stacks of maps.
Airmanship navigation was taught with pencil and paper,
Ten classes had graduated before Neil Armstrong’s walk on the Moon, and thousands of
cadets had graduated before the Space Shuttle Enterprise’s first flight in 1977. Not all the changes over the years were technology-related.
Of those 11,000 cadets, all were men.
The first women entered Academy classrooms in 1976. Soon, they would become completely integrated into the cadet wing, but the adjustment didn’t come easy for some.
More transformation came with the addition of
civilian professors, and in the shifting emphasis from the military arts and physical fitness
still strong
academic focus, so the cadets of the late 20th and early 21st century would be able to understand and a
world transformed by technology and computers.
by Ed Flanks
to an
adapt to
1965 ■
The typical cadet dorm in the ‘60s had a lamp, an
ashtray, pencils, and lots and lots of books. A cadet
(below) studies for an exam using his slide rule. Courtesy Photos
1963 a
Chalkboards and fiberglass chairs (below) were the classroom standard in the 1960’s.
1966 ■
The first Academy mainframe computers
torized IBM 1401s and Burroughs B5500s (below) —
had less processing power in a whole room than
cadets have on their desks today.
1958 ■
Cadet Theodore Zeller (above) uses a stopwatch to train with a bombsight not much more advanced than the Norden models used in World War II. Zeller gradu-
ated at Lowry Air Force Base with the Class of 1959 —
the Academy’s first graduating class.
1978 ■
The cadets who inprocessed in 1978 (the Class of
1982) were the first to be issued handheld calculators
(left), rather than slide rules. Though simpler and more specialized in function, calculators could compete with the computers from 12 years prior (right),
History of \ cad emits .
1976 Col. Malham Wakin (right) discusses philosophy with cadets. People
Magazine in 1975 named Wakin as one of 12 “great professors” around the country. He was a favorite among cadets, taking a personal interest in their development. Now Professor Emeritus, Brig. Gen. Wakin has served nearly 50 years at the Academy. Polaris Photo
1980 Cadet First Class Steve Green
(right), Class of 1980, now teaches Management at the
Academy. Thinking back, he says, “Cadets today are
smarter, more accomplished. Not that we were dumb. Just
that it’s more competitive now.” Polaris Photo
1971 In 1971, cadets built and flight tested
(right) a replica of
the Wright Flyer, the Wright Brothers’ first plane, dating to 1903. Senior projects could be very impressive, at
times. Later cadets would work on theories related to structural stability in gigantic spacecraft. Polaris Photo
1969 Cadets get to see
important guest
speakers every year. In 1969,
aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh
(right) came to visit. He spoke to cadets about his exploits in The Spirit of St. Lou-
is, and during World War II. was
heavily involved
in the planning and
site selection for the Air Force Academy, and remained active
for many years. Polaris Photo
1970 A cadet (right) carefully displays his scale model of another type of flying construct
flying buttress, as
used in many Medieval cathedrals.
This, and other
projects, ranging from bioengineering to community service, are typical senior projects. Polaris Photo
Celebrating 50 Yean of Heritage
Dr. Albert Rosa taught Electrical Engineering at the Academy from 1975-1986, and from 2002 until now.
When he started, cadets were studying LEDs and other diodes, but the field of electronics has seen a
revolution in types of electronic equipment in the 32 years since then.
(seven each term), meals.
Rosa says.
“There was far more military rigor
He also says, “I was here when the first women came.
“Cadets in 1975 had many more classes
For example, Doolies had to eat square
It was a major change for the Academy.
officers and cadets were very resentful of the women. I welcomed it, and I have a few friends from the first and second classes of women whom I still correspond with.
When he first came to teach Astronomy and Physics in 1991, Lt. Col. Jack Wetterer was a young cap-
tain, “not much older than the cadets.
It was difficult to find military instructors in Astronomy back then, which
he says was part of the impetus for hiring the first civilian instructors.
“It worked out great,
he says.
integrated nicely, and now they’re at the top of the field.” Today, Wetterer is the only full professor in the department who is active-duty military. The Academy also has built a whole new facility for astronomic observations since he first came.
“We don’t do photography anymore.
Now the observations are all digital.
In 1993, Dr. Steve Samuels, of the Behavioral Science Department, was one of those first civilian pro-
“When I first came, I was really on the outside, he says.
“Now all that has changed.
Dr. Steve Green, now of the Management Department, was an Academy graduate in 1980. His fa-
vorite professors back then were Col. Robert Pizzi, who he describes as “remarkable for his focus on cadets, and Chuck Yoos, who he says “was the smartest professor I think has ever been at the Academy.
The Class
of 1980, Green points out, started just after the end of the Vietnam War, and there were military-wide morale
problems. But winning the 1980 Olympics hockey competition against the USSR started to turn things around. Contrast that to today’s cadets, who face the War on Terror “Their whole career is going to be deployments.
It’s a different outlook, and they’ve embraced it.
” —
by Ed Hanks
Members of the Class of 1959, the first to enter the Academy, chose the falcon as the mascot of the cadet wing Sept. 25, 1955, feeling that it best characterized the combat role of the U.S. Air Force. They did not
specify any particular species, thus, any falcon can serve as mascot. Some of the characteristics which led to its selection were: •
Speed: can attain velocities exceeding 200 miles per hour in stoops or dives on their prey.
Powerful and graceful flight, with strong, deep wing beats; they maneuver with ease,
grace and evident enjoyment.
Courage: fearless and aggressive, falcons fiercely defend their nest and young against intruders.
They have been known to
unhesitatingly attack and kill prey more than twice their size. •
Keen eyesight: about eight times sharper than man.
Alertness, regal carriage and noble tradition.
Phot by
Although they are members of the hawk family, falcons differ
in that they have long pointed wings and dark eyes. There are five
types of falcons native to North America, ranging in height from two feet to as small as five inches.
They are the arctic gyrfalcon, the larg-
est; peregrine falcon, sometimes called the duckhawk; prairie falcon; American merlin, or pigeon hawk; and the American kestrel, also known as a windhover or a sparrowhawk.
Through the ages, all types have been trained, usually for hunting. In medieval Europe, the gyrfalcon was reserved forkings and princes while the peregrine was flown by nobles of ducal rank. Recently,
many countries
have enacted legislation to protect the falcon, whose existence has become precarious. Colorado, along with many other states, has similar laws.
Courtesy of Academy Public Affairs
academ y
On Oct. 5, 1955, a splendid peregrine was the first falcon presented to the cadet wing. It was named “Mach 1,” referring to the speed of sound.
While “Mach 1” is still the official mascot name, each bird receives an individual name from the falconers.
Ten to 15 falcons are kept in
the mews (enclosures for trained hawks) north of the cadet area. The
majority are prairie falcons native to Colorado. Cadets train both males and females to perform flying demonstrations. The Academy has been
fortunate to have had white morph gyrfalcons represent the cadet wing.
Previous gyrfalcon mascots were AtholI and Pegasus, who was later,
renamed Baffin. Baffin got her name from the island in the Arctic Ocean
where she was captured with the permission of the government of
Canada. Capt. Richard Graham presented her to the Academy Nov. 20,
1965, as a gift from the 17th Air Force. Baffin died April 7,1978, at the age of 13. During her years as queen of the mews, Baffin appeared at all home football games and countless other Academy events. What’s more, she starred on several television talk shows. Artist Donald Eckelberry, renowned wildlife painter, was commissioned in 1972 by the Association of Graduates to record her likeness for posterity Baffin has been restored to her
former beauty by highly acclaimed taxidermist Don Bowman. On Aug. 8,1979, she was presented to the cadet
wing by David Merrifield of Wildlife World, Monument, Colo. She is now on display in Arnold Hall. Since July 1980, the cadet wing again has had other white morph gyrfalcon mascots to show the public.
Currently Aurora reigns as the queen of the mews.
She was purchased in 1996 from a gyrfalcon breeder and
is shown proudly at various Academy events.
Experts once said falcons could not be trained to perform before huge crowds that the birds would panic and flee. Since 1956, however, cadets have flown the birds at sports events before thousands of cheering
Falconry is one of the extracurricular activities offered to cadets.
There are usually 12 falconers, with four
chosen from each new class at the end of the year to replace graduating seniors. The new falconers begin
training in January under the leadership of experienced upperclassmen, the officer-in-charge and a Master Falconer. Without proper instruction, novices can physically harm the birds or adversely affect their training. Falconers’ duties include daily checks of each bird’s health and condition, training sessions during which the birds are fed a measured ration of meat, frequent cleaning of the mews and routine maintenance of equipment. —
Courtesy of Academy Public Affairs
History oj the Fajcoiny hvyKuv
Lt. Gen. Hubert Harmon (right) sacrificed his
health, and ultimately his life, for the cadets, and the dream of a top-rate academy for train-
ing Air Force officers. He was instrumental in developing, building, organizing, and guiding the Academy through its formative years.
1965-1970 Lt. Gen. Thomas Moorman
was known for his firm
leadership at the Academy, but his firm hand was was
valuable, as the U.S. Air Force was
assigning its finest gradu-
ates to Southeast Asia during
these turbulent years.
1981-1983 Maj. Gen. Robert Kelley’s (below) expansion of parachuting and soaring programs improved both, cadet leadership and public relations. They became an added draw for cadets, and also serve as the most visible representations of the Academy to the public. Polaris Photos
1991-1994 Lt. Gen. Bradley Hosmer
(above) was Cadet Commander of the Academy’s first
graduating class, in 1959.
had tremendous impact upon
Academy academics, pushing for new laboratory facilities, and integrating civilian profes-
sors into the instructional staff.
As a cadet, he was one of the
founders of the cadet maga-
zine, the Dodo.
Lt. Gen. Albert P. Clark (above) served as a
POW in Luft Stalag III during World War II, and
helped inspire the movie, The Great Escape. He guided the Academy through the latter
half of the Vietnam War. He was said to have
“poured himself into the Academy, donating his large special historical and firearms collections to the library. Clark smoothed the way for the
later inclusion of women into the cadet wing.
Celebrating 50 Years of Heritage
The 17 Superintendents of the U.S. Air Force Academy who have served over the past half-century have
determined the course of the institution, and shaped the Academy into what it is today. Lt. Gen. Hubert Harmon, the Academy’s first superintendent, earned renown as “The Father of the United States Air Force
emy.” His powerful hand guided the Academy through its earliest years, setting it on the right path, while being well liked by cadets.
It is said “he gave his life” for the Academy, as he was in declining health even before the
Academy was founded.
Yet he channeled all his energy into the institution until mere months before his death
from cancer.
Major General James Briggs oversaw the transfer of the Academy into its permanent site in Colo-
rado Springs.
Major General William Stone developed the academic curriculum and methods of instruction,
before and during his assignment as superintendent.
Maj. Gen. Robert Warren helped develop the Frank J.
Seiler Research Laboratory. Lieutenant General Thomas Moorman transformed training to a wartime footing, and increased discipline and military instruction as the Vietnam War expanded.
The cadet wing doubled on his
watch. He actively encouraged the inclusion of more African-American members of the cadet wing. Likewise, Lieutenant General Albert P. Clark managed the Academy on a wartime footing, and he and his successor,
Lieutenant General James Allen, prepared for the inclusion of women into the Cadet Wing. Lt. Gen. Kenneth Tallman significantly improved the Academy’s academics, and emphasized honor and ethics instruction.
Gen. Robert Kelley devoted himself to administrative and public relations improvements, making the Academy more attractive to tourists,
which benefited the entire institution in many ways. Lieutenant General Winfield
Scott, Jr., highlighted the cadets’ moral and spiritual well-being, and pushed the four pillars of excellence as central to officer development. Lieutenant General Bradley Hosmer integrated computers and teaching tech-
nologies more fully into the academic program, and improved recruitment. Lieutenant General Paul Stein, once the star
quarterback of the Falcon football team in the mid-‘60s, installed increased security measures in
the 1990’s to ward off terrorist attacks, and placed more priority on training pilots for the 21st Century. are among the
Force officers.
Academy’s top leaders who have left their mark on the Academy, and upon 50 years of Air —
by Ed Hanks Historic Superintendents
historical The first class entered in July 1955 at temporary facilities at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver. Construction of the present site also began that year. The cadet wing moved into its permanent home in August 1958.
The first class of 207 graduated in June 1959. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a bill in 1964 authorizing each of the three Academies to expand their enrollment from 2,529 to 4,417. Current legislation limits cadet wing strength to 4,000. First class with women entered in June 1976 and graduated in May 1980. More than 37,800 cadets have graduated in 46 classes.
Approximately 38 percent of those commissioned in the Air Force are still on active duty. 351 graduates have been commissioned by other services; 124 by the Marine Corps, 113 by the Navy, and 114 by the Army.
292 international cadets have entered and 223 have graduated from the Academy. 16 cadets have graduated posthumously.
One graduate, Capt. Lance P. Sijan, received the Medal of Honor. 403 graduates have become general officers, to include former Chiefs of Staff Gen. Ronald Gen. Michael Ryan, former Air Force Academy superintendent, Lt. Gen. John R.
Fogleman and
164 graduates have been killed in combat. 36 graduates are repatriated prisoners of war. Two graduates are combat aces.
33 cadets have been selected as Rhodes Scholars. 1 cadet has been selected as Alberta Bart Holaday
8 cadets have accepted Marshall Scholarships.
Scholarship at Exeter College, Oxford England
Carter Ken by
Phot “A mans flight through life is sustained by the power of his knowledge.
Historical (l nick Stdts
The Flag
In mournful black and white, the POW/MIA flag’s central theme is conveyed by young man’s head a
bowed in silent silhouette and starkly framed by a guard tower, barbed wire, and the words “You Are Not For-
gotten.” It’s been more than three decades since a former World War II Army Pilot was asked to design a flag to commemorate those missing in action from the war in Southeast Asia...the longest war in American history.
His powerful creation has become an enduring emblem, a patriotic symbol second only in stature to the Stars and Stripes.
Originally commemorating Vietnam prisoners of war and missing in action, the flag is now a universal symbol for veterans’ organizations as they fight for an accounting of more than 89,000 soldiers who remain
missing from our country’s wars, mostly from World War II, and with approximately 2,000 from Vietnam. a forceful reminder that in our 20th
Century wars, more than 147,000 Americans were captured and became
prisoners of war. Of those, more than 15,000 died in captivity. The POW/MIA flag has flown over the White House since 1988, and since 1989 is the only flag to fly
continuously in the Capitol Rotunda. August 10, 1990, the 101st Congress passed U.S. Public Law 101-355 recognizing the POW/MIA flag of the National League of Families and designating it “as the symbol of our nation’s concern and commitment to resolving as fully as possible the fates of Americans still prisoner,
and unaccounted for in Southeast Asia, thus ending the uncertainty for the families and the nation.”
Since 1997 the flag has flown on military installations, national cemeteries, veterans’ memorials, VA
medical centers, and many other federal buildings. It also flies on six national holidays including POW/MIA
Day (the third Friday of September). At the Air Force Academy’s High Country Inn Airman’s Dining Hall and
military dining halls across the country, a table is symbolically set with tokens to commemorate the sacrifices of the prisoners and missing as well as the sorrows of the families and comrades who mourn their loss.
of the symbols included in the display, and the man who
The POW/MIA flag is now always one
designed that flag has lived a life which reflects the
spirit embodied in it.
The Creator Born in Pennsylvania in 1920, Newt Heisley lost his mother when he was raised
just four months old and
by grandparents during his early childhood. As a child, he remembers never having a new bike,
just a second-hand one with flat tires. And no money for new ones. He recalls, “My grandparents were farmers who
valued hard work and honesty.
Heisley can often be heard saying, “I’ve always learned from life’s lessons, and I’m still learning.” As a
professional artist, he expresses himself through his colorful and beautifully detailed paintings, of people with traditions and cultures different from his own. hood is my faith.
says, “Brother-
This kind and gentle soul speaks with passion World War II.
When asked about his faith, he
especially those
tempered with humility when he describes his service in
Enlisting right after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he would eventually receive his Air Corps
which qualified him to fly seven aircraft,
wings including what, at the time, was the world’s largest twin-engine trans-
port plane, the C4 Curtiss Commando. While flying cargo missions and troop carriers, he’d feel frightening isolation over the vast Pacific, imagining a loss of
down and taken prisoner.
power and his disappearance into the ocean, or
being shot
Always hoping if that happened, he’d not be forgotten.
After serving in the Army of Occupation in
Japan, Heisley returned home to his wife, Bunny; and his
work as a graphic artist and creative director for local and national he went on to become creative director for
advertising accounts.
While in New Jersey
Hayden Advertising.
In 1971, Mrs. Michael Hoff, the wife of a soldier a member of the National
missing in action during the ongoing Vietnam war and League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia,
nized the need for a symbolic flag during the close of the war. After reading an article in a Florida
Celebrating 50 Years of Heritage
not r
describing how the world’s largest and oldest
flag manufacturer, Annin & Co., helped design and manufacture flags for new member nations of the UN, she contacted Annin’s Vice President, Norman Rivkees, who was
sympathetic to the POW/MIA issue. Going to Hayden Advertising for guidance, the project went to Newt Heisley, their creative director.
Two events would then become
entwined to set Heisley’s hand in motion. One of his two sons, Jeff, became seriously ill during Marine Corps combat training and
returned home to recuperate. Jeff’s shrunken condition
would become the inspiration for the silhouette in the POW/MIA flag as his dad imagined what life
must be like behind barbed wire fences. As Heisley began to work on the rough sketches for the flag, a wave
of World War II memories came flooding over him. over the Pacific,
This wave of memories included the feeling of being lost
which prompted him to write the words, “You Are Not Forgotten.
The flag wasn’t designed to be black and white, even though the initial sketches were those colors.
Heisley believed if the League selected a design from the three he submitted, suitable colors would be chosen -
less somber and more optimistic. But the black and white motif prevailed, becoming a poignant reminder
that not all of the wounds of Vietnam had healed.
The image was never meant to be copyrighted, and is now
part of public domain, used by many companies and organizations. Newt Heisley harbors no regrets, believing that it wouldn’t be right to profit off the image and what it represents. Even after the flag’s selection, Newt never saw it presented anywhere. But his move to Colorado
Springs from New Jersey in 1972 for semi-retirement changed all that. During this first visit to the Air Force
Academy, there it was
display at the visitor’s center.
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can
change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
And so has Newt Heisley and his black and white
flag with its silhouette of a bowed head, a guard tower; and a single strand of barbed wire that challenges a country not to forget.
a national
by Sherrie Klayton 2Si
gimbel HDrary y and ,
The history of the Air Force Academy is filled with the history of flight. The top floor of the McDermott Library is home to the Aeronautical His-
tory Collection of Col. Richard Gimbel (1898-1970), as well as many other related special collections held by the Gen. A. P. Clark Special
Collections Library (right next to the Gimbel Room).
It was GimbeTs
dream to build the world’s largest collection of historical items related to
man’s quest for flight, from the dawn of civilization to the present day.
After serving with the 8th Air Force in World War II, Gimbel began collecting items of significance to the
suit of flight. He added many books, sketches and photographs as Curator of Aeronautical Literature at Yale
University. Today, these collected items number more than 20,000 total, and range from ancient Sumerian scrolls to memorabilia of the Apollo moon landings.
It has been recognized as the finest such collection in the
world. Either in the Gimbel Library, or the Clark Special Collections, these “top flight”
holdings of importance
to aviation history, and military and strategic studies include original
prints of the first balloon flights and experi-
ments with wings, correspondence from early pioneers, such as the
Wright Brothers and Charles Lindbergh
(who was instrumental in arranging GimbeTs donation to the Academy), the personal diaries of Gen. “Hap” Arnold, and the insightful reports of Gen. Billy Mitchell. The library itself is a place of rich beauty, with plush rugs, antique tables and chairs.
desks, and leatherbound
Exquisite book cabinets line the walls, the collection visible through windowed oak doors. Other dis-
plays show off paintings, printed pages or porcelain plates and vases. The library has become a part of the intellectual life of the Academy, frequently visited by cadets on tours
by assignment from History or English
professors. Archivist Dr. Mary Ruwell takes special care in ensuring the collections are both
available to those who need them.
Celebrating 50 Years of Heritage
by Ed Hanks
protected from harm and
1944 ■
Lt. Gen. Albert P. Clark (later Academy
Superintendent) served 33 months in Stalag Luft III. The escape he helped plan was the basis for the movie The Great Escape. A uniform (left), with a map sewn into its lining, and a movie poster introduce visitors to the
story. Three prisoners used hand-drawn
forgeries (below) to aid in their flight after escaping the POW camp. Photos by Ed Hanks
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ijriwcba cm
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0«r £*•*? «tnrn
Ay*- und WWdW’
1931 ■
The Clark Special Collections is the repository for Gen. Jimmy Doolittle’s family archives,
including a caricature of him (below), drawn by his friendly rival, the German WW I ace Ernst Udet (also caricatured), who competed
against Doolittle in the famous air races of the 1930s.
1870 ■
During the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71), Paris was
surrounded, but the defenders communicated with the
outside world by sending news
(left) and mail by
balloon. This “DepecheBallon" (balloon dispatch) is part of the Gimbel Library
Special Collections.
Kristan Bird “
Eustis, FL
Biology Thanks to all of my friends and family for the support you all have given me these
past four years. I wouldn’t
be where I am today without any of
you! As many of you have told me life's a game; all you have to do is learn how to play it! That advice
has helped me make it through this
place. “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead
Frank A. Clark
Joseph Cangealose Monroe, Ml Social Science Four years later, here I am. Who would have thought? Mom, Dad,
Sara, and Jaci, I could not have made it through without you guys. Thank you so much for everything.
Jill, thanks for always being there, I think sometimes that you had to put
up with more from this place than I did. Lastly thanks to Zac and all of the fellas that made this place bearable. me
Robert Colby
I love you all; thanks for getting
through the tough times.
Christopher Dolby Sagamihara, Japan Management Sometimes I never thought this day would come. Mom and Dad, thanks for all the support and showing me that hard work and dedication
do pay off. I couldn't have done it
without you. To all my good friends that I have met here and shared
crazy times with, our debauchery was worth
every minute. Always
remember to never let this place get
you down, there's always time to
Wang-Chung. That’s it, I'm out...
Jenny Lee Gibson
Sean Michael McClain
Sunset, UT
Fountain Valley, CA Military Strategic Studies
Environmental Engineering It’s finally over! Thank you mom and
To Mom and Dad, thank you for
dad and all my friends for supporting
your encouragement and support these past four years. To Grandma
me all the way to the end—now let
the party begin!!
Dar and Uncle Mark, thank you for the Peugeot...and the money. To
Grandma Mary, thank you for being so
understanding. To Uncle Ray
and loving family, thank you. To the
many other people who helped me I would write a
out too, THANK YOU.
paragraph for each of you, but there limit. To everyone else, remember: “The Dude Abides.”
was a word
Heather Renee Moe
Colorado Springs, CO
Systems Engineering-Mechanical Thank you Mom and Dad from the bottom of my heart for seeing me through to the end of my dream. Although it wasn’t quite what I expected, it was more than what I hoped for. I’ll miss all the amazing people from the Blackjacks and look forward to seeing you all “out there!” Lisa, keep your chin up and remember “roads go ever, ever on, out from the door where it began.” Blue Skies, Wide Open Eyes!
Daniel Scott Oldham
Denver, CO
Operations Research Thanks to my Mom and Dad, thanks to my brothers Andrew and David,
and thanks to Crystal and all my friends for your support! I love you all and with your support I was able to
live one of my many dreams!
Jeffrey M. Pelehac “Pete”
Republic, PA Civil Engineering I never thought I would make it through five years of constant stress and change. Thank you Mom, Dad, and the rest of the family for helping me get where I am today! Stoops, thanks for sticking by my side through everything. We have been through a lot and you have been by my side through it all. I could not
George Raymond Price “Jorge, GP, #1 Stunna” Eldon, MO Biology Thanks to my parents, Kathleen and Charles for having me in 1984. If I was born a year later I
would have
been in ‘08. To all my buds from
basic and the squadron, I’ll miss all the fun times we've had. On a more serious note, “Double Down!."
ask for a better roommate and best
friend. Good Luck Class of 2007. I’m out like a trout.
Tyler Rube
Vaidas Sinica
Ft. Lewis AIN, WA
“Sinika, Mother Russia”
Legal Studies
Trakai, Lithuania Political Science
“Mom and Dad, L.E.G., Megan, Joe,
Lonnie, Nate, Mike and the Cerise
Our words don’t express what we
family, Cay-up, #5, #34, Greg, Shaun & Shawn, J-Handley, Bobby-Do, Don, George, Lawson, P-school, A-squad, every prior, my Wing/Group
mean, our actions do. USAFA is my
staff's, ’07 Blackjacks—thank you for your support because without you all, I never would have graduated.”
best “expression” so far. It made me better. Aciu, Alina, uz tavo meile ir
supratima. Aciu mama, teti, kad taip stipriai remete mane. Thank you friends, who supported and did not forget me during these years. God Bless Lithuania.
Brian Dean Stoops
Yvonne Sparks
Frankfort, KY
Lafayette, LA Basic Science Thanks to everyone who has helped me
get through this place. Dad, I
can’t thank you enough for everything
you’ve done for me. Cerre, Kara, and Brynn I’m going to miss you guys. We’ll keep in touch. Cerre, we already went to high school and college together maybe we’ll be at the same
and I’m tremendously proud to finally
base. Haha. Kristan, thanks for the
fun times and for being my roommate. TWOC people thanks for the fun times and the confinements. I’ll miss you guys. Goodluck next year, Blackjacks!
Brett Vongroven
“Grover, VG, Muffin Man, Comatose" Mora, MN Aeronautical Engineering It’s been a trip. And if it hadn’t been for that darn shoelace, I probably
wouldn’t have made it. Fellas, thanks for the ride. I wouldn’t trade
it for anything.
Except maybe a pet
Zachary Zorn “Zach” Buena Vista, CO
Military Strategic Studies I cannot adequately express the
gratitude I feel to all the wonderful people who have helped and encouraged me in this endeavor. I am especially thankful to my family: Mom, Dad, Annie and Ryan, and my loving fiancee Jessica. I am inspired
by you all and owe you ail of my enduring love, respect and admiration.
Military Strategic Studies I’m incredibly excited to be moving on with life. After wanting to serve country since I was very small, now’s my chance. There’s indeed no better place to be from than USAFA be a grad. Thanks so much to my family, friends, and classmates for helping me though! Good luck to all and god bless.
llllBBBBBBUfl^Hif^ JjliSS# iiw^T^r^Tt ifriijr
blackjack -TWENTY-ONE
“Compassion is something I have a lot of, because I've been through a lot ofpain in my life. Anybody who has suffered a lot ofpain has a lot of compassion. Johnny Cash ”
first ies
2 59
Matthew Paul Barnard
Seattle WA
Systems Engineering Information Systems Thanks to everyone who supported me here especially my parents and Jai. To all the lifelong friends that I have made here, keep in touch, stay strong and don’t forget what it took to get through this place. “The differbetween a successful person and others is not a lack of strength,
not a lack of knowledge, but rather a
lack of will”
Vince Lombardi
Michael M. Bosack
“Mike, Unky B”
Torrance, CA
History/Foreign Area Studies I owe thanks to many people: Mom and Dad, for the never-ending love, support and guidance; Cal, Candi, Matt, and the rest of my family and friends for all the advice, encourage-
ment, and good times; Adam, Bobby,
Seth, and 22 for four crazy years and
friendships I’ll never forget; my “brothers,” for the memories and loyalty; and Cindy for showing me the awesome future we have before us. I would not be where I am today without you all.
Logan Brewer Evergreen, CO Systems Engineering Management I would like to thank everyone who’s
helped me in the last four years. It's been a difficult journey and I don’t think I could have made it without
your support. To my family, thank you for everything you’ve given me and the chances you’ve allowed me to take. Most of the experiences I’ve
had here I would not trade for the world. To my teammates, I will see
you on the outside.
Matthew David Carlisle “Matt”
Piscataway, NJ Humanities “Go tell the Spartans, thou who passest by...” -Simonides
Nicholas R. Gardner
Kristina Kay Gloeb
Nitro, WV
Cave Creek, AZ
Foreign Area Studies
Political Science “But seek first the kingdom of God and
Thank you Mom, Dad, and Gates
for helping me through. Some times
His righteousness, and all these things
tough but they are in the past. Having Geno as a roomate for three
shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
years was sweet. Classes were alright, training was not, but the friends from here are the best part of my whole Academy experience.
Thank you Jesus, my ever-present
help, for sustaining me, redeeming me, and guiding my life! You brought me here and carried me through- You make me alivel Thanks to each and
every member of my family for teaching me values and for support, love, and prayers throughout. To my unbelievable friends and family here -1 will never
Cesar Gonzalez
-*Lima, Peru Aeronautical Engineering
Gracias a Dios logre conseguir el
objetivo. Papa gracias por tus consejos y tu apoyo incondicional. Mama gracias portu bondad y tus oraciones. A ti EVA, gracias por todo lo que me diste. Siempre te tengo presente. Nunca olvidare a los grandes amigos, los vuelos y este hermoso pais. A los peruanos que vengan despues de mi les digo siempre dejen el alto el nombre del Peru y de nuestra gloriosa FAP. ARRIBA SIEMPRE ARRIBA.
forget you!
Daniel Henney Los Angeles, CA
Management Dad, Mom, my main man Joe, and my main man Caleb, thank you so much for all the love and support you
have given to me over these years.
Dad, I really appreciate the encour-
agement and help you provided in
getting in here. I couldn’t and wouldn't have done it without you. Mom, your
love, letters, packages, and coffee runs when I was home; Joe, you’ve always been there for me; Caleb, whose a da man? You da man! Well, it’s been quite a ride! Smoke off, Dan
Melinda Mokos
Andrew Paul Nation
Burnsville, MN
St. Louis, MO
Systems Engineering
Thank you to my family for your
Thanks to my parents, my brothers,
endless support and for continuously
my friends, and the Goffredi Family for all of their support in the past four
believing in me. Also, thanks to all my friends for the great memories... Go Birds!
years. I definitely would not be where I am today without you. Mom and
Dad, you taught me the work ethic and character it takes to get through this place, and I cannot thank you
enough. Fellow classmates, it’s been a long road since we first started our journey. I look forward to many more years working beside you.
Charles Andrew Price
“Chuck, Charlie" Chestertown, MD Management $300,000 is a lot of nickels. Thanks to everyone who stood behind me
Daniel Dominguez Reyes Los Angeles, CA
Meteorology Thank you to all my family and friends. I could not have made it without all your love and support. You
for these tough four years especially
believed in me even when I didn’t.
Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa,
“I will never forget”
Charlie & Mary Jo, and Butch &
Sandy. Without you all, I probably would have gone insane. Thanks to all my Raptor and USAFA buds. The fun we had made this place halfway bearable. I’ll never forget all the crazy
Tyler Christian Streit
“Ty, Strizzle” Newark, DE Behavioral Sciences Human Factors It was the possibility, not the guarantee that kept me going. Thanks to
all my family and friends that helped
guide me through these four years. From desk chairs with drafts and fifes to Chaccarron and advice from Coach T, it’s been a good ride.
Michael Zudic “Mike"
Euclid, OH Civil Engineering
Thanks to all my friends and family for their support the last four years.
Mom, Dad, Michelle, and Daniel, you are the best family any person can ask for. I love you all. To all my
friends, thanks for the great memories that I will never forget. Matt, you are one ridiculous roommate, even
after graduation, we will still be
roommates in spirit. Thank you to
everyone for all you did for me! Now it’s off to new and higher things.
tarantulas TWENTY-TWO
“Neither a wise man or a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. ”
Dwight D
Alison Bonanno
“Ali, Banana” Methuen, MA General Engineering The Academy has been four tough
years for me. I don’t know what I would have done without my friends and family. Sarah, you have the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I
honestly don’t know if I would have made it through four years without you. To all my squad mates, you guys are awesome! You helped me through so much and I am so grateful I got to know all of you. I can’t thank you enough!
Geoffrey Carrigan
Christopher Glen Collins
Syracuse, NY Systems Mechanical Wow does time fly when you're having fun...Thanks to everyone who has helped over the years, Mom and Dad,
“C-squared (C )” Port Hueneme, CA
Mechanical Engineering
thanks for all the love and encourage-
ment, Jim and Karen, thanks for the cookies, the soft bed, and the occasional open bar. To my spiritual men-
tors, thank you for pushing me back on the
right path when I go astray, and changing me into a better person. DIGs, Breakfast club, Carey’s apartment, it’s been a fun four years!
Christopher Daniel Donohoe
Vincenza M. Grossman
"Donzi, D-ho," West Newton, PA
“Vinny” Playa del Rey, CA
Political Science
Human Factors
Honestly, this has been the best four years of my life for one reason only: my friends. If it weren’t for my friends here, I would have never made it.
We’ve had so many good times; I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Thank you God for getting me
through these four years! Momma and Dad, thank you for being there for me: listening to gripes, sharing in my accomplishments, and giving
can’t wait for our reunions. The first
your advice. I couldn’t have done this without you! Thank you Jolie and
round is on me!
Dom for being there too.
I've set a tough example for you to follow. In 2009 and 2013, I’ll be there to swear you in. To all my friends I’ve
made here, the best are made in hell!
Charles Higham “The D.B.C. originator, Chuck Nasty” The New Caney, TX
Management I never thought I would see the day,
five long hard years and hell finally froze over. I would like to thank my
family, friends, and most of all my fans. Thank you for believing in me through all the great times and the many many bad ones.
Justin Kuchta
“Jtown, Koot, Skoot”
Christopher Bronson McGrath “Deep, Bronze. Deep-C-Mcgee”
Ridgefield, CT Management
Astronautical Engineering
Boise, ID
Just want to say thanks to my par-
I’d like to give a shout out to the
ents, my family, and my friends. You
all made this the experience it was.
AFLAX, you were my family out
here. Thanks to the Jones family.
lives will be wicked-NEAT.
Thanks for everything mz.
I’ll always
Seeing you go will make Hanging out has been
I know that all your It's true,
USAFA wasn’t always easy.
But it
look forward to and with the support
always real with my friends in the big Two-Threezy. Things aren’t always as they SEEM. USAFA can be a nightmare or a really sweet
of my amazing family and friends I’m
remember the epic powder days and crazy times. Just remember to be sweet and rip it. There is a lot to
excited for what is to come.
Katherine Miller
“Katie, Smiley"
Sasebo,Japan Political Science
It’s been a crazy four years. Thank you mommy, daddy, grandpa and the rest of my crazy family for your endless support and love. To my friends, “we done it.” I love you all. And to my other half, pfft.
Arianne Rose Morrison
Rangely, CO Biology Mom...you’ve done more than any daughter could ever ask for...you’re my best friend... I love you. Dee, Tina...I can't believe how far we've come.
Diana, Caroline, Mike,
Derek...thanks for all the adventures.
Christin and the Carpenters...you've been my home away from home. It’s been an amazing five years!
Brandon John Olson
Holmen, Wl Aeronautical Engineering It’s been a trip, and I might miss this place...maybe. Mom, Dad, Josh, thanks for being there for me through the good and the bad. You did a great job. I love you guys. Kate, the time I’ve spent with you has been the best time of my life. I love you so
much, and I can’t wait to see where the future takes us. Kick the tires and light the fires...it was worth it.
First ies
Christopher Schlener
Michael Quashne
Newark, DE
I want to praise God for the awe-
Aeronautical Engineering Four years ago it seemed like it
would never end, and now I can’t believe it has gone so fast. Thanks to
Katelyn for dealing with everything, I love you. Thanks to my parents and family for always having words of advice and being involved. Thanks
some opportunity he has given me to graduate from this place. I espedally want to thank the guys who encouraged me to become a man who follows after Christ--you know who you are. To all the squids I
spent a semester with, I look forward to seeing you as you go into the
to everyone who stuck with me
Fleet. I especially want to thank all
through tough times, especially Matt,
the members of my family who have
T-Wood, and John. “If there must be
supported me the last four years-to God be the glory!
trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace;”
Alicia Stirewalt
Hinesburg, VT Biology Mom, Dad, and Ross thank you for all of your love and support, you -
my strength! To the Bunnies of Demon's B Flight, the Barnstormers,
the Carpenter’s, and especially my
girls thank you for being like family. Big K, the past four years would have -
been empty without you, I love you.
Sir, I am a rock! “No bird soars too high if she soars with her own wings.” -William Blake Jeremiah 29:11
Robert Thomas Strzelec "
“Strezzle, Strebs, Pretz” Smithtown, NY
Computer Science IA
Ryan Wade Ry-guy, Wadyfus”
Fairfax Station, VA Civil Engineering
Air Force Ultimate #11, sick ski ses-
First, I need to thank God
sions, climbing, Winter X Games,
nothing I’ve accomplished would’ve been possible. These past four years
the krew, all the Stormers, Squadron
Commander, MWR, F-16 ride in Korea, U-2s and CE in the desert, Kilbourns, Barron’s ranch, CST, freefall, barbed wire fence on Rt 9, Snook, and flying. Word.
without Him,
have been the hardest of my life and I want to thank Mom, Dad, Jenny, Mark
and Wade for all their support. And
thanks to all my buds for making it bearable. We’ve shared some great times and I’m gonna miss hanging out every
day, but I think we can all agree we’re ready to move on. Good luck everyone, and I’m sure we’ll meet again!
Kemper Wagner Lawrenceville, VA
Matthew Yan
barnstormers °—TWENTY-THREE “To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. -
Sun Tzu
cadet squadron □
Guy Baldwin
Matthew L. Beaubien "BoBo”
Burns, OR
Systems Engineering Management Good times! The unique opportunities here make the unique B.S. worth it. To my Dozeners, Phantoms, and fellow IP’s: Its been great, and I look forward to staying in trouble with you all out
there somewhere (especially “the trio"). To my parents and family: Thanks for
taking the time to make me who I am today. Thanks to my amazing sponsors and mentors who have helped over the last few years.
Laura Elizabeth Bouchard
Kijabe, Kenya Civil Engineering “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord direct his steps”- Proverbs 16:9
God has brought me thus far with
astounding grace, and He holds my future as well. “May this year be the best of all our years past and the worst of all our years to come" -Pepere
26 S
Garrett Bartee
Elliott Lloyd Gautreaux
Friend, NE
Meteorology Well, this was one heck of a rat race. Can you release me back into the wild now? I want to say thank you to my parents and all of my other family and friends. I appreciate everything you have done to make this experiment a success.
Brendan Poe Greenaway
Jenny Alaine Guilford
Culpeper, VA Systems Engineering Management Thanks to all my friends, family and loved ones who have helped me along this journey. I couldn't have
Blountstown, FL
done it without you.
Legal Studies Wow, what an amazing journey this has been. Mom, David, Dad, and
Michael, thank you so much for your love and support; I never could have made it to graduation day without you.
Brandon, you are my everything and finding you was the best part of this experience. My last gratitude goes out to those who believed in the Class of
2007: thank you for your mentorship and encouragement and for making us
proud to join the Long Blue Line.
Timothy Joseph Jastrab “TJ, Camel”
Johnstown, PA
Military Strategic Studies Thanks to everyone who made these
four years what they were. Mom and
Dad, thanks for your love and support throughout this adventure. Nick, thanks for being my role model and
big brother. Uncle Ray, thanks for getting me in here, I will be forever grateful. To all my friends and family, it was not easy being away, but just knowing you were all there for me made it happen. Blue Skies and Swoop Landings!
Joseph Keller "Axel T”
Hastings, Ml Social Scientist
It’s been fun. Great experience. Thanks for everyone that supported and helped me through the last five
Matthew Steven McDonald
Marcella Lynn Mueth
“Marcie, Mar, Marzipan, Spiderman"
Noblesville, IN
St. Charles, MO Humanities
Economics Life is only as good as the people
God brought me to it, and He brought
you share it with, so I guess this place hasn’t been so bad. From the
done it without the support of my
GC, to the Frisbee team, to everyone in 24, I've made the best friends of my life here. I’ve also met the
girl of my dreams.
Mom and Dad,
you were the best Quaker parents a cadet could ever ask for, thanks
through it.
But I could not have
friends, family, and sponsors. I love you all! Katie, thanks for being there for me from day one. Former proud
pink panthers, we probably had the best four degree year we could have asked for. Phantoms, it’s been real,
for supporting me and helping me
it's been fun, and I guess it's been real
fun too.
Only two words come to mind
to express my gratitude: thank you.
Benjamin Newman West Union, OH Economics
Mom and Dad-1 can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I would have never
gotten in here, stayed, or done well if not for your guidance and continued
support. You have taught me the fundamentals needed to succeed in life, now I must go forth. To all of the friends I’ve made, thanks for the
good times. Rock on!
Jennifer Sholan Ng
“Shorty, differs” Randolph, MA Foreign Area Studies Well what can I say... it’s been an
exciting four years. Not always easy but I can’t say I have any regrets. I’ve made so many wonderful friends and we’ve had even more fun times to-
gether. KT and Linds- the best sisters I could ask for. My D&Bers- good times all around. Thanks to everyone, espe-
daily Mom, Dad and brothers for their endless love and support. I couldn’t
have done it alone. Keep Smiling! Live
simply, laugh often, love deeply.
Daniel Wayne Quinlan
“Bub, Patch, DQ, Q” Richmond, VA
Computer Science I will lift up mine eyes unto the
hills...(Psalm 121). First, I thank the Lord
B-Squad Playas, we did it! Hardcore Family, you fellas have taught me what it is to be a friend.
Bruhs, continue to be sunrays in
you Dad, Mom, Cindy, and Kenny for
environments of darkness. Young
always being there for me. Without your support, I would have never made it. 24: awesome three years! Thank you
bucs, if I made it anyone can. Shawn and Ty maintain and excel, hard work
and to LBC and Cornerstone for keeping me
gounded. RFM: you made this place
fun, I’ll see you out there.
Allan Mathew Sain
Fort Worth, TX
Computer Science I’ll always remember RFM, Late Night Thursdays, and Friday night poker. Thanks to all who have helped me keep my sanity throughout these years, especially to Becky for always giving me the courage to keep going. My house will always be open to those who visit, let’s make sure to keep these friendships forever. I hope to catch some familiar voices over the radio, see you in the
Mom, Dad, and Rhea, I wouldn’t be what am today without your love.
for always carrying me through. Thank
Muellers for a wonderful second home,
Gregory Roberts
beats talent any day. Most important-
ly, Jesus, this is Your victory. They said it couldn’t be done, but they didn’t know You.
Rebecca Lynn Stone
“Becky” Danville, CA
Chemistry Thank you Mom, Dad, Kara, and Matthew for your amazing love and support, you are the best family a girl can ask for. Thanks Chris, you have
taught me so much. To everyone else, you made this place worth it!! Come by my lab sometime...’’geez WOW, am I pathetic.” See you on the other side. Always raise the bar!
Joseph Swart
Eric Weber
Midlothian, VA
Physics Four years at the Academy have been great. The end is here and the
future looks promising for me and my friends! You guys in Hardcore 2-4 are awesome,
and I’ll never forget
you guys! For my fellow freshmen classmates in “Dirty Thirty” and all the other friends at USAFA, you will remain etched in my memory as well.
Thank you, John and Vera for being a
great, hospitable sponsor family.
phantoms °—TWENTY-FOUR “Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. Hut like the seafaring man on the desert of waters you choose them ,
your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny. Carl Shurz -
Jason Beck
Cincinnati, OH
Legal Studies Well, it’s been a long four years but I’ve made it.
I want to thank every-
one for their
support, especially my
parents and the entire Beck family, all of Redeye, and the Cross Country team.
I wouldn’t have made it without
Joel Brown
Silas Daniel Brown
Omaha, NE
Elizabethtown, KY Economics, Political Science
Despite all the hard times, these four
Thanks Mom and Dad for the cards,
years were some of the best of my life I’ve had so many opportunities
phone calls, and the money. To the
to do things and go places that I
Quadpod, we should have been in jail or the hospital a million times
wouldn't have had anywhere else. To
but I guess fortune smiles on us
my family, especially my grandparents Ralph and Shirley Greer, thank
you for all your love and support. To all the great people I’ve met here,
everyone I say, “Prove it” and “Bet you won't” remember, “It’s not peer
thanks for the memories.
pressure, it’s just your turn" and I’m
I can’t imagine it being possible
to have more fun than we did. To
calling it right now “History will be kind to me...”
John Christopher Cordova “Johnny C, Johnny Prada, Dova”
Matthew Duncan
El Dorado Hills, CA
Fresno, CA
Mechanical Systems Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
So we’re finally done. Preppies, we
These past four golden years have
didn’t screw it up too bad I think.
been something else, with plenty of
Zoomies, keep on ruckin’, and
good times, bad times. I'd like to thank my entire family for helping me through this. To the Law family: thank you for providing a place where I could get some peace of
keep a sharp eye if you’re going to Rowdy’s. Up, down, down, up to the fellas. Mom and dad, thanks for
keeping me motivated and helping me through this madness. Shawn and Deb, thanks for putting up with me for so long. To the crew, here’s to the breezes.
mind. Best of luck to all you who
learning to fly.
It’s time to take
it easy and turn the
page to another
chapter of life.
Mark Kuhn
“Magic Tickle” New England, ND Meteorology Thank you to my Mom, Dad, and brother for all their support, as well as to my entire family and friends. You have been a major influence
to me throughout my life.
Cornhole Forever. And I hope all my fellow Meteorology majors take it easy, and if she’s easy, take ‘er twice.
Kevin Quinn
Jose Ricardo Rubianogroot
“KQ, Quinnifred, Fat Fred Quinny, Q“ Westlake, OH
Bogota, Colombia
Management Mom, Dad, thank you for always being there for me. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, thank you for letting me be a part of your family. Friends, couldn’t have gotten through it all without you. It’s finally over, but it was worth it.
The past four years have been trying
Economics and now that I’ve come to the end of this journey I can say it was worth it. Thank you to all those that helped me get
through the tough times and
who were there to celebrate the good ones. Thanks mom, dad,
and sis for
believing in me, I couldn’t have done it without you.
Dream as if you’ll live forever; live as if you’ll die tomorrow. -
James Dean
Edward Andrew Salazar
Leah Regan Sullivan
“Special Ed"
“Layla, Lele”
El Paso, TX
North Kingstown, Rl
Mechanical Engineering
Astronautical Engineering
As much as I struggled and stressed
Wow, I can’t believe we’re finally
out these last four years, I have no
regrets. There’s nowhere else I would
getting out of here! Thank you Mom, Dad and Jamie for always being
have rather been, and I thank God
there for me, I love you. To everyone
for giving me the strength to stay the
I’ve met along the way thanks for all the memories, good luck in the
I couldn’t have done it without
the support of my Mom, Dad, brother,
future, I’ll miss you!
and all the great friendships (PINCH!) I’ve made here, I also can't believe how
lucky I was to spend three years as part of the best squadron in the cadet wing, thanks Lt Col Rickard, Redeye for life!
Daniel Arthur Taylor Jr,
Keith Daniel Vandagriff
“DT, Spider-Man" Sacramento, CA
Aeronautical Engineering
It starts.,..206
Thank you loving Father Thank you loving Mother Thank you loving Friends and Family
Daniel Taylor-“lt’s All In The Heart” Picture me rollin...
Cordova, TN It has been a long four years, but when I think about it, it seems like
just yesterday we were in-processing. Mom, Dad, and Lori, without your support I wouldn’t be chasing my dreams. To everyone who has made an impact on my life during these four years (you know who you
are), thanks and I’ll always remember the great times we had.
Scott Michael Wright “
Scotty-boy; Buddy"
Colorado Springs, CO
Management I want to thank my parents so much
for helping me get through this
place, I couldn’t have made it this far without your love and support, I also want to thank my close friends, roomie KQ, and girlfriend Brooke for allowing me an escape from all the
madness up here. There are memories that I will keep with me forever, and friendships that I hope last just as
long. I love you all. God Bless.
“If I were to be given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation it would he the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself ,
Charles M. Schulz
27 5
Robin Johan Frednk Bergoo
"Round Robin”
Marietta, GA Mechanical Engineering
Mom, Dad, Adam, Bettina, Lindsay, Mackie, Mrs. Hall, Mr. Hall, Mrs. Barrow, Andrea, Brad, Bridget. Mia,
Craig “Scheisser”, Dan “Solomon”, Lionel, Jay “Tugboat”, Andrew “Prattfish”, Bennet “2D Headlamp”, Brad “Machine", “Commander”
cadet squadron □
Kyle, “Nasty” Nate, Steve, Shane “Cyberdude”, and the Mighty Barons of CS-26. My deepest thanks for your love and friendship.
Bradley Thomas Echols “Brad”
Brentwood, TN Civil Engineering
Mom, Dad, Tyler and Ellyn thanks for the love and support. Time for some
memories....for my Ex-Stalagers: “Nuke-Daddy”, Team Ahn, “Oh Hell!”, 82 Ten-Count Bodybuilders, “Yea Right”, Vail Pass Trail, the Lakehouse, Marko Barkowitz, the Compound, Ring Dance (I would never say that!), Monday Night Football (we do it every week), Ryno P. Sijan. For the Zoomies: “Fought like a banshee.”
Lindsay Deanette Freeman
Calf Creek, TX
Fairmont, NC
Systems Engineering Management
Legal Studies I give thanks to God for guiding me
I can’t believe it is all over! Thanks
through this place. To Fat Pat and Daddy, words express my love, thank you both for being my rock and
to my family for the love, support,
your shoulder to cry on. To my brothers, JD and Brett, my best friends
without you. To all the friends I’ve
my partners in crime. To the Divas, thank you all for being the sisters I
time worthwhile.
never had. To the
Hunts who have
given me more than I could have ever imagined, great family times and a home away from home.
Scott Craig Geiser, Jr. “S. Craig" Boyertown, PA Aeronautical Engineering Mom and Dad, thanks for not mak-
ing me apply to other schools as plan. Robin thanks for understanding quiet time. All my friends, thanks for putting up with a back up
Whoa 06 Barons. 07 Barons, I
can’t believe they put us in charge. 08 Barons good luck, keep it real.
Fred, thanks for the perspective. Steph, thanks for everything. I could never have made it without you.
Stephen Ryan Gandy
and encouragement over the past
four years.
I couldn’t have done it
made, you’re the best, you made the
William Edward Hildebrand IV
"Eddie" Salt Lake City, UT
Systems Engineering Management If you’re reading this, I finally graduated. I wouldn’t have made it without you, mom and dad;
not just through the Acad-
emy, but through life in general. You’ve done more than you realize in making all
of this possible. Thank you for all your
encouragement, advice, and precious support. I love both of you more than I I’ll try not to break all the glass in the house on my first flyover. can express.
Bennet David Krawchuk
Cleveland, OH Astronautical Engineering
Mom, Dad, Kendall, Grandpa and Grandma Geiger and Grandma Krawchuk—I love you, and thank you all for everything you have ever done for me.
I would not be where i am
today without you.
1 Cor. 9:24
Colin Douglas McDonald
Tampa, FL Social Sciences These four years have taught me more than I could ever have expected. The memories and experiences will last a
lifetime. One thing this place has taught me is to
keep everything in perspective
and never lose your vision. Life is full of
challenges and this was definitely one of them. Thanks Mom, Dad, Megan, Kelly and all of my friends, I would have never made it through alone. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
David Chris Nissen
John Samuel Nep
“Johnny, JNep”
Akron, OH Military History
Denver, CO
“The power of accurate observation
Well it hasn’t been the best four
is often called cynicism by those who
do not have it." It’s been the highest
years but I'm glad I have made the sacrifice. Mom and Dad, thanks for
of the highs and the lowest of the
all your support throughout my life
lows. If it wasn’t the man getting you
and continuing to feed me. Kristina
down, it was something else. Thanks Mom, Dad, Lisa, Julie, and the rest of
thanks for giving Ryan and I a place
the Family for keeping me grounded.
trying to escape USAFA. I love you all. Thanks for everything.
Words cannot express. Here's to camp-
to stay on the weekends when we're
ing and stories with RFM. Fighter-Vision. Rachel, for the rest of our lives.
Always look ahead, never settle.
David L. Scott
Jaclyn Novak
Kewaunee, Wl
Titusville, FL
Foreign Area Studies Thank you for your love, support,
and wisdom, Mom and Dad. I
These past four years have been
couldn’t have done it without you. To my brother and sister: Thank you
trying, but very rewarding. I have experienced so many great things that most people will never get to. I have a
for everything you’ve done for me and for inspiring me to be a better person. You are my heroes. To my
great group of friends that have made these past years a lot of fun (BCDMR).
friends: “Never shall I forget the time
I’m going to miss you all. Thank you
I spent with you. Please continue to
to my mom, dad, Alan, and Leslie for
be my friend, as you will always find
pushing me to do my best and making
me into the man
yours.” Pura Vida!
I am. Thanks for
waiting. Here’s to the future.
Matthew David Spakowski
Margot Alexandra Swartz
St. Louis, MO
“Margie" Virginia Beach, VA
Physics Well, I’m finally done here and I can’t wait to go out into the real world.
just want to thank everyone who helped me make it through this place including my family and friends. I met some of the greatest people ever here as we had some laughs
your support and encouragement through the good times and bad.
and killed some time on the way to
two. Thanks for everything. Whoa
Paul Anthony Taggart Mountain Home, ID
Foreign Areas Studies Thank you Mom, Dad and Lauren; without you guys there is no way I could have made it through. Your
support through the good and bad has helped me to realize my dreams; I will never forget it. To the fellas of In The Stairwell, you are the greatest bunch of guys I’ve ever had the privi-
lege to sing with and more importantly to call friends. Those of you staying
behind keep the legacy alive. Always remember...‘007 License to Kill!
Political Science
Mom, Dad, and Dave, thanks for all
Laura and Knuss. I never would have made it on College Jeopardy, or survived the auction without you
Trenton R. Updike
Chandler, AZ
Systems Aeronautical Engineering To my brothers of the RFM, you got me through this place. To my high school sweetheart Meghan, thank you for always giving me something to look forward to, I had no doubt
in my mind we would make the 2%.
Mom, Dad, thanks for always push-
ing me to do my best. To everyone else, I’ll catch you on the flip side.
Kyle Clarke Volpe Boulder, CO
Space Operations To my amazing family and friends, thank you for all your love and sup-
port these last four years, I could not have done this without each and
every one of you.
pretty fast. Ifyou don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. -
Ferris Bueller
Christopher Dunlap Camden, SC
Military History It’s been tough, but... Amanda, thank you for your patience, your support, your devotion, and your love; it’s about that time, I can’t wait. Mom. Dad, thank you for your sup-
port over these four years, without it I’m sure I would not have made it
through... and thanks for the plane tickets, too. Guys, you know who you are, it’s been fun, I’m going to miss the great times and try to forget some, too... good luck out there.
Kelsey Monique Hayward "Kels”
Sacramento, CA Behavioral Sciences It’s been a long four years and I can't believe I've finally made it! None of this would have been possible without the love and support of my family and
friends. Thanks Mom, Dad, Dylan,
Camille, Grandma, Grandpa, and the Hester and Strebe Family-1 love you
all so much. Brian you are amaz-
ing and I love you with all my heart; thanks for everything. Only through the grace of God am I finally done!
Christopher McGarvey Columbus, OH
Systems Engineering Management Wow... I can t believe I am done. Over four years there have been
highs and lows, but that’s what makes life fun to live. Mom, Dad and
my amazing family THANK YOU so much for your incredible support and -
encouragement. To all of my friends, thanks for all the good laughs and great experiences that made this place unforgettable. Good times...
Brittany Ann Oligney
Christopher Eric Nitzel “Chris, Nitz”
Katy, TX
Eliicott City, MD
Aeronautical Engineering
Systems Engineering Aero
Life ain’t always beautiful / Some-
Wow, so were done? Thanks to
times it’s just plain hard / Life can
everyone for their continued sup-
knock you down, it can break your
port. Polo boys: always keeping my
heart...No life ain’t always beautiful,
head up and being the best brothers
but it’s a beautiful ride. -Gary Allan
I could hope for, the KR3W will live
Thanks to everyone who made this
T-Birds: you all rock, we’ve really
ride a beautiful one.
been through it all together, thanks for the memories. Mom, Dad & Laura:
you were and always will be the one constant I have in my life, “support" doesn’t even come close to what you have done for me, I love you.
Johann Antonio Pambianchi
Spring Hill, FL Space Operations These past four years were by far the most trialing and testing years of
my life (period dot). I could not have made it without the support of my T-Bird and Dirty Dozen classmates, thanks fellas and ladies.
May God
bless you in all your future endeavors.
I also want to thank my loving
mother, strong father, inspiring brothers, and the rest of the family and
friends back home. I love you all and remember its NOW OR NEVER.
Edward Logan Sutton
Coatesville, PA Economics
During BCT I wrote Philippians 4:13 on the
underside of the brim of my It has been over these last four
years that God has shown me His promise in this verse. Mom, Dad,
Ali, and Kathryn, thank you for all of your love, prayers, and support. I could not have gotten through it
without you. To all of my friends who have gone through this experience with me, thanks for all of the great memories.
Mallory Swiderski “Malroy, Mally, MalMal” Hope Valley, Rl Systems Engineering Management I can’t believe it’s over. I certainly would not have made it past day one without
the Lord as my strength. Mom, Dad,
Shannon, and Jeffrey, you'll always be the wind beneath my wings, I love you so much.
To the Bianchis, thanks for
the true home away from home, I love
you guys. To the chancers, the fabulous ones, the charihoes, and the rest of my amazing friends, thank you for the
memories, I’ll love you my whole life.
Regan Tillman
“Badger” Colorado Springs, CO Social Science “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God
has promised
to those who love him,” James 1:12
thunderbirds °
“You. can't be wishy-washy as a military leader. You must he able to size
up the situation and make a decision. Indecisiveness is weakness of character. You must he able to have confidence in what a leader tells you. Gen. Carl Spaatz ”
Charles Chambers Fayetteville, GA
Political Science What an amazing four years this has been. There are many people I
should thank, but I can only mention a few.
Mom and Dad- you, more
than anyone else, have shaped the person I am today, thank you for your sacrifices. Jimmy and
Vicki- thanks for investing in me and
cadet squadron □
Matthew Douglass
Jonathan Dunn
“JDunn, Dunny Boy” Cocoa Beach, FL
Systems Engineering Management
I would like to thank my friends and
What a crazy four years! Ma and
family for helping me through these rough four years. The truly amazing and unbreakable friendships I’ve
Pops I couldn’t have made it without you! Thanks for everything and all you’ve done- y’all are the best a son
made here were the foremost reason
could ever ask for! Thanks to the
I had strength to wake up every
rest of my family and friends who've
morning. In some way I felt that in giving up on myself I’d be giving up on my buddies...I love you all, keep your noses in the blue, play it by ear, and eyeball it in.
supported me since the beginningit’s finally time to fly! And oh yeah- if something were to happen to me, all the world's women would grieve.
Bryan Gibbs
Mary Heisel
“B-Jibbs, Garter, Dad”
Tampa, FL Information Systems Engineering
Fulton, KY
Systems Engineering Management
Four years have never come and
When I believed I would not make
gone so fast... and so slow at the same time. To all my family, thank you
it another day, my family was there.
for believing in me and your endless
believed in me, and I could not have
here, I don’t think we could have made it without each other and you
certainly can’t find another group of more sincere friends!
“good ol’ times”!!!
“Dougie, D-train, Douger” Vandergrift, PA Management
support. Crystal, thank you for giving everything to be by my side day by day. To all the friends that I've made
opening your lives to me. Above all, I thank and praise my Savior, Jesus Christ, whose death has brought me life. May I always live to make Him
Here’s to the
Mom, Dad, Becky and Steph, you done it without that support and prayer. I love you. To my sponsor family,
thank you for all the great advice, wonderful dinners, and lazy Saturdays at your home. God bless you, I love you and will miss you. To all my awesome
friends, here's to the good times.
Kyle Morales “
Shea Mumma
Glenville, PA
East Brunswick, NJ Mechanical Engineering
Geography I suppose that writing this means
This is for my mother, father, brothers,
I’m actually going to graduate from
and all those friends who have stayed
here.. .so thanks to everyone who's
close to me through the last four years of my life. I hope I can pay you all
helped me make it through and decide
back and make you proud to have had
family and all my friends both at home
so many
great times and memories
what I want to do with my life. To my and here at USAFA, thanks for all the
support and great memories. It’s been a
long and tough four years but there’s experience.
no way I’d trade the
Blake Nixon
Wichita Falls, TX
Systems Engineering Management Wow! What and intense four years
this experience has been. I want to
personally thank my mom and my dad, who supported me and gave me
encouragement I needed to get
through, I love you so much. Also I want to thank the Andersen family who gave me a home away from home support and encouragement. I will never forget my USAFA brothers and sisters that will be with me
forever in my heart and spirit.
Stuart Perlow
Erica Olson
Cedarburg, Wl Astronautical Engineering Thanks to all those who made this place
Thanks to the Baby Bulls,
Blackbirds of ’07, IPs, and the Zoom-
ettes, you made everyday enjoyable and
away from home.
The Dyers, my home
Lauren, Christin,
Christina, and Eileen, you kept me going and laughing every second of the way.
Lancaster, OH
Systems Engineering Management I never could have made it through
these four years without my Falcon Brothers. The Brothers I have gained over these years are
truly the most
valuable thing I will take with me. Mom,
Dad, Emily, Merrill, Heidi, thank you for all the support and faith you have
Rob, you are the reason I survived.
given me. I am truly grateful and I love
Mom, Dad, Nick, Tim, and the rest of the
you all.
family, I couldn’t have done it without your support.
Heavenly Father Thanks!
Thomas Raper
Matthew Schlittler
“ZVI, The Raper, Crazy”
Dayton, OH Meteorology Thank you God, Dad and Mom, and all my friends for helping me through the tough four years. They were “The best of times.. .the worst of times." Katie you were the best thing to happen to me at USAFA. I Love You. Blackbirds and SDT good luck, keep your chin up and you’ll be throwing your caps before you know it. I'm grateful to have known you. No matter what, never lose your
ability to critically think for yourself.
Chase Scully “Woir
Spring, TX Management I just want to thank my whole family for believing in me and helping me
get through this place, I love y’all.
Morgan, thank you for waiting all this time, I love you!!! It’s been real with all my buds, thanks guys! Wings of Blue, I’ll always remember all the good
times! Comp, there are no words! Blue Skies... PTWOB#290.
Eric Sepp II
Stavanger, Norway Systems Engineering Management I can’t believe that I am sitting here getting to write this, I never thought I could have made it this far. Hopefully when I read this in years to come I
will be able to look back and realize this was all worth it. That said, thanks Mom and Dad for helping me through this place the past four years. Jon,
keep your chin up and you'll make it through too!
Candice Stewart
Elizabeth Taylor
“Churrochic, Stew, Suga, Cinnamon"
“Liz, Lizzzardo, Cricket"
Air Force Brat
Little Rock, AR Computer Science
Social Sciences Thanks Mom, Dad, Kim, Mo, Ree,
It’s been... interesting.
Jeff, Brandy& Lady for your support
Thanks (in
particular order): No-fun-2-1, the badass blackbirds, CompSci dept,
throughout the journey with USAFA. I always knew that I could count on you! 5 surgeries! Thanks for using your strength to hold me up, when I
“the bald man," Tomcat, Kat-a-
Raka, the other "Munchkin,” optional breakfast, Keystone, the Eucharist,
could not do it on my own.
Rocky and Rudy, the Catholic Clan (you know who you are), family and “family”... without you I would not be who I am today. Jeremiah 29:11. -I.Y.A.A.Y.A.S-
blackbirds °—TWENTY-EIGHT “Where else would you rather he than right here right now? -
Marv Levy
Brett Agatep
cadet squadron □
William Albert
Robert M. Crespo
“Zach, Dvo"
Edmond, OK Biology
Manitowoc, Wl It is great to be done.
for all the support and encourage-
my family who supported me and the Lenkers who gave me a place
I owe a lot to
Steph, your mentorship, guidance, and love have meant so much to me.
to stay and so much more. Also,
Carrie, Mia, and Megan, you have
out through the tough times, you
been the best little sisters I have ever
had. Chief and Deb, thanks for the
know who you are. Don't ever forget what’s important in life! I’ll see you
tough love. Ryan, you are the best
roommate a guy could ever have. I love all of you. God bless! Hab 1:5
Mom and Dad, thank you so much ment for the past 4 years. PJ and
Zachary Stephen Dvorak
thanks to my close friends who hung
Joshua Dale Meyer “Prior Meyer”
Ortonville, MN
European Area Studies The light at the end of this tunnel is
brighter than I ever could have imagined! I have to thank my parents for their support and encouragement.
Mark, from that moment I put on that uniform at 7 years old I knew what I wanted to do with my life but I couldn't have made it without your constant encouragement. To my fam-
ily, I love you.
Austin Moreland Noble
Myogene Park
“Drew Burgleturd, Augustin Falafel”
Golden, CO
La Habra, CA
General Engineering
At least it was free....sorta. Hopin’ to
“Oh, put me in sarge, I’m ready
get my soul back someday. Mom and
to fight, tonight, Put me in sarge,
Dad, I love you. You made all the dif-
I'm ready to fight tonight, It is late, dominate, battlefield ...we are war-
ference for me. Thanks for living only an hour away. It's too bad most of my friends like you more than me. Trav,
you’re the best lil’ bro I could ask for. I know I’ll be workin’ for you someday.
riors...crossin the blue tonight!” -
Gregory Sweetapple, plus some
minor revisions
Brett: four years, one room, we’re
practically married. Eric and Abby you did more than you’ll know.
James Rayborn
“Bobby” Hattiesburg, MS Political Science
God, you have fulfilled the promises of Your word, that you are able to do
“exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think”. Thank you for believing in my Father. Mom and Dad, I could not have done it without you,
you have always pushed me to be more than I ever thought I could be on my own. To all of my support here in
Colorado, Jodi, David, Sara, Charlie, Bob, Katy, and Cheryl, I love you.
Jose Luis Rosales IV
Charles Nathan Setzer
“Chuck, Chucky, Chuckie Cheese” Canton, NC
San Antonio, TX
Computer Science
Management Thanks to everyone who made this
“Under the bludgeonings of chance,
possible. Thank you USAFAfor making me the hoss I am today, I’m gonna eat lighting and crap thunder (“Rocky”, one of the many movies I watched while at USAFA). Thank you, Sports Cafe, The Squatting Chicken, Dublin House, Fridays, Outback, and the Class Six for aiding me through my journey. The momma, the old man, JD, and the wifey...thank you for all the love and support.
my head is bloodied, but unbowed”Invictus The years here have been
Ryan Shaub Coral Springs, FL Social Science To my family, friends and all those who
supported me, I thank you.
I couldn’t
have made it without you. To those
who counted me out, you merely fueled the fire. This has been an indescribable five years, but it’s finally over.
all those who stuck with me through the tough times, always remember,
“Put your faith in me and I will not let you down.”
Again, I’m glad it's done. Finally, game over.
long, and I have had a lot of help getting through them. Thank you to Mom and Dad for all your support and constant prayers, I couldn’t have done it without you. To all my
friends, Dozen’ers, Panthers, RFM and everybody else... .thanks for sticking with me.
Chad Alexander Thompson
Shane Kawika Kenji Villanueva
Pittsburgh, PA Aeronautical Engineering
“The Drain’’
Hilo, HI
I would like to thank God and my
Systems Engineering Management
family for the constant support and encouragement. I couldn’t have done it without you! It seemed like it would take forever but it all went by pretty fast. Thanks to all my friends for the good memories. Jessica I
If you’re reading this then I made it, or the yearbook staff didn't remove my picture.
Hopefully, it’s not the latter.
I love
you Mom, Dad and Chay. I am grateful for your love and support. I also want
love you.
to extend my love to all of my ohana in
Hawaii and here on the mainland. To my friends, thanks for everything. Our memories are one of the only good things I can take away from this place.
black panthers —TWENTY-NINE
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little ”
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin ,
Haseeb Ashraf
“Habib, Crazy Paki, gEEk”
Rawalpindi, Pakistan Electrical Engineering Alhamdulillah. Abba and Amma,
it's not even possible to thank you for your prayers, efforts and support. Marie, thanks for always
being there and putting up with me, you’re the best. Khans, Wrights, Miltons and Leslie, thanks for every-
cadet squadron THIRTY
thing, will miss y'all. “Go forth, lightarmed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the
way of Allah! That is the best for you if ye but knew.” Quran-9:41.
Nathan Chott
Littleton, CO
Biology To my family and friends, thank you all for helping me through the last
four years. I couldn’t have done it without you. To the boys in Mach
One and Dirty Thirty, you guys made it all worth it. Good luck!
Adam Dyke
“A-Dyke, Butch” Taunton, MA
Systems Engineering Management Churchill once said, "If you’re going through hell, keep going." Well, it took four years, but I kept going. I couldn't have done it without the sup-
port of my family and friends. Thanks Mom, Dad, and Andrew, Gram and
Gramps, Sue and George, and especially all the Knights. I loved Dirty Thirty, thanks for the memories. Special thanks to Mitch’s, AH, and all the
SDO’s who tucked me in each night.
Nicole Helmers
“Nikki” Colorado Springs, CO
Legal Studies So hard to believe I’m graduating! The road was so challenging and yet
rewarding. To my family, your love and support have been everything, so
I cannot thank or love you more! To
Kyle, my world was made complete when God gave you to me, I love you and can’t wait to be your wife!! To
Kyle, Candy, Alyssa, and others, the laughs, late night talks, and stress rants have made unforgettable memories, thanks, and I love you all!
Krysten McPherson Chittenango, NY English To my parents and my sister-thank you so much for giving me the strength and constitution. For all my friends, it was unforgettable. Especially to Kristen, for the stories, the laughs, and the late nights, thank
you. Kelly, here’s to the nights we felt alive, here’s to the tears we knew
we’d cry.
Matthew Merritt
Kyle Myers
Phoenix, AZ
Hot Springs, AR
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Melody, all my
Thanks to God first for getting
friends and Mandi for helping me
me here and
through this place.
I love you all!
getting me through
here. Thanks to my family for the And thanks to all my friends, I might’ve gotten through this place
without you but it wouldn’t have been near as much fun.
“Things happen
for a reason”
Sergio Padilla
“Serg, Daddy, Kabuby, Big Poppa” Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Social Sciences First off I want to thank God for help-
ing me get to and through this place. Second my family and friends. If it wouldn’t have been for y’all I would have never made it. Had the best
and worst times of my life while I was here. To the paintball boys “3,2,1... 10
seconds”. Special thanks to Lawdawg,
Chott, Ketz, Eddie, Chief, Billy, Wheelman, and everyone else that I forgot.
Peace... in the middle east.
Grant Scholl
Centennial, CO Social Science This has been an amazing five years and I thank God for the wonderful friends and people he has surrounded me with.
I love you Mom, Dad,
Lindsey and Amy. Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement.
I am so thankful for what God
has blessed me with, I wouldn’t trade
anything from my experience here at the Academy, “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” Psalm 18:32
Francis Tartaglia
Belleville, NJ Behavioral Science Thank you to everyone who helped me get through the Academy, especially my family. I couldn’t have
done it without you, I love you. There
have been some tough times, but I wouldn’t trade one second of it for
anything else in the world. I'll always remember the good times and never look back on the bad. Every second was worthwhile.
Lindsay Temes Carrollton, TX Electrical Engineering “The measure of a man is found if he argues to win or if he argues to see truth prevail.” Socrates -
Big Six.
Drew Tullson
Eugene, OR Social Science Thanks to my wonderful family that
supported me in all of my endeavors and continually helped me to refocus my aspirations. To John, consider-
ing our first encounters were quite fortuitous, I couldn't be more grateful to have met you.
Finally, to my
friends, you made my life easier and
despite all odds I am glad to say that I still had fun.
Daniel Weeks
Vernon, CT
Physics Tigers, Navs, CST, Jump, Italy, DC, camping, road trips, friends through it all... too many memories. I love you all.
Plenty of mistakes, no regrets.
Thanks to the Halls for everything over the years,
and the Colonel for
seeing something in us when we couldn’t.
“Between us, by the peace of God, such truth can now be told; Yea, there is strength in striking root and
good in growing old.”
knights of THIRTY thirty “There is nothing so pitiful as a young cynic because he has gone ”
from knowing nothing to believing nothing. Maya Angelou -
2 95
Daniel James Beaudoin
“Danny-boy” Bellevue, NE
History Thanks to all those who made my
experience at the U.S. Air Force Academy all that it was. I want to thank God first and foremost; I’d also like to thank all the saints whose prayers
have helped me. Thanks also to my
parents, Mike, Joe, Hannah, and all my relatives and friends for their strong love and support. God Bless all my mentors and friends here at USAFA
and at all the other places I’ve been.
Matthew John Berszoner
“Catman, Matty B.
Bolingbrook, IL Systems Engineering Management Thank you to my family for all their
support and to all the great friends I have made along the way. It has been a long journey but I am proud to have done it. “Without pain, without
sacrifice, we would have nothing” -
Tyler Durden
Bryan Scott Christopher Metamora, IL
Systems Engineering Management Thanks family and everyone else who supported me through the past four years here, you have been a true blessing to me.
Praise be to
God for giving me this opportunity to
do and learn so much. I also thank him for all the friends I have made and will never forget the great times we have
had together.
Derek James Ebeling
Christopher Gamble
San Diego, CA
Preston, ID
Computer Science
Aeronautical Engineering
I cannot believe this is the end, which
Six years already! Thanks family for
means that its time for the real world.
It’s been a blast and to all my pals
your support; Patton Class, the French Air Force, and generations of Reapers
in Demons D and CS31, thanks for
for all the good times; the Flaslers,
the memories. But the real thanks
Bill and all my sponsor families for the frequent morale boosts; and the
goes to my parents and the one I love. Without them I could never
thousands of Quebecois, Inuit, and
have made it this far. Everyone, keep
Eastern Canadians who gave me a
it real, keep in touch, live fast, die
nice break from USAFA.
dance with you ‘til I’m on oxygen, then
Brittney, I’ll
we’ll dance around the tank. “Plus que hier, moins que demain.”
Brian Gineo
Jason Giroux
South Windsor, CT
Tucson, AZ
Systems Engineering Management Thank you to my parents, family and friends for helping me through this place. To AF Flockey: “Pessimum Temporum Optimi Amicorum”
Political Science
Thanks to all my family for their sup-
port throughout these years. Thanks to all the friends I made here in 31 and
elsewhere, you all made this place worth it. This goes out to the crew,
from Joey D, to Swede, to JB. There were
good times in Rocky Point, the
Caribbean, Vegas, NYC. and hope-
fully Italy and Prague. We gonna speedboat...
Brandon Christopher Gould Colorado Springs, CO
Social Science Have fun. Listen to the coach.
family, country.
Ski naked, drive fast.
Love with all your heart. Treat others like you would want to be treated. Smile! If you’re gunna do something, do it right. Call your Mom. Say you’re sorry. Never give up. Run hard. You told me, you showed
me—thanks for all the advice! Mom, Dad, Bart, and Jenna, thanks for all the love and support over the last five
I love you guys.
Alexander Pannone
Jessica Palomba
‘‘Jess, Tiny Dancer, Pumba" Charlotte, NC Mathematical Science This has been the longest yet most rewarding four years of my
life. Thanks to all my friends and
family who have supported me through the good times and the bad.
Waverly, NY Systems Engineering Management Thanks to my family for all their support and to my friends for making these four years the most memorable.
Thanks to the rifle team and CS-31 for so many memorable moments.
Thanks to my coaches for helping me
become who I am today.
I am grateful to my boyfriend Tim,
you are truly the best. ‘007 License to Kill!
Raul Roldan
Erica Kai-Wei Pong
‘‘Ping-Pong, Tiny Tank, Ponger"
San Mateo, CA
Powder Springs, GA
Systems Engineering Mechanics Thank you Mom and Dad for all the
For the past five years this Academy
love and support you have shown
and I had a love-hate relationship. I
me over the
past four years, I
would’ve never made it without you both.
Kyle, thanks for being the best big sis and for always listening. And thanks to my wolverine family for always being there for me and to my Angels: Love you all. Suck it Up, Talk to the Moon, Wiggle my Toes, ‘07 Now or Never!
made it!! Thank you Abuelo Maldo,
Mom. Dad, Rico and all of my family for supporting me no matter what. Rachel I thank God everyday for you entering my life, can you believe we have to wait days before we get mar-
a whole three
ried. Those of you who’ve helped me and those of you who will later in life, I
can’t thank you enough.
Carlos Saito
Lima, Peru
Great Falls, MT
Aeronautical Engineering Han sido 4 afios muy buenos, estar fuera de casa me ha ensenado mucho. He aprendido tantas cosas y conocido a
Jeffrey Shehan
tanta gente. Les agradesco a todos
por su apoyo y los buenos momentos. Gracias Mama y Papa por siempre estar cuando los necesite. Gracias
Pame por esperarme todo este tiempo. Gracias a la familia Arnett. Ahora, a
conquistar los cielos y seguir el lema de la Gloriosa Fuerza Aerea del Peru; Arriba, Siempre Arriba!
Biology Thank you to my Mom. Dad, family and friends for all your love, faith, and support these past four years! It
has meant more to me than anything else. Thank you Bethany, and don't forget ILYBRTFAEA! If there’s one
thing I've learned, it’s that “Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.” -John Eldredge
Andrew Simpson
Megan Togni
Monroeville, Pa
Waldorf, MD
Material Science
Political Science Mom and Dad, I love you so much,
you’re the best parents I could ask for, Robert, you’re a great brother and I hope we can be in the Air Force together. To all my family, the Kirkpatricks and the Fosters, I love you and can’t wait to see you again in the upcoming years. “My wish, for
you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,” -
Rascal Flatts
grim reapers
“It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it.
And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it." Eleanor Roosevelt -
Marvin Brown
cadet squadron □
Ryan Bushnell "Bush, Bushy” Las Vegas, NV Social Science
Sixty months down, zero to go! Who would have thought with everything in the past I would be here. Foolish dreams can become reality. Thank you Mom, Dad, Tyler, Grandma and Papa for all of your support. Without any of you this journey would have been too unbearable to end. Catch
you on the flipside!
Michael Clawson Jr
Tyler Paul Dohallow
Naples, FL
"Fierce Lion Killer, Dookie”
Conyers, GA Systems Engineering Management
WOW, it’s been a tough four years but Mom, Dad, Tyler, Andrew and the rest of the family you helped me
Five years have come and gone while
through with all your love .1 will al-
at USAFA, and I could not have done
ways remember your calls and cards of inspiration. Thanks to all the great
your continued support, but I thank my brothers most of all. We started at the P
guys made it worthwhile and I hope we never loose touch. Chris, Adam,
together, and we added more as fresh-
Jon, Pat- Go team rummy! Domi-
have gotten through this place. Meet
Brian Eddy
If it was not for football, I could not
people here, and a lot of people who I hope to never see again.
some great
Duluth, GA
Harrison Wilson Gipple “Gip, Harry, The Fugitive, Gipper"
Foreign Area Studies
Garden Grove, CA
This place is proof that four years
of social deprivation create officers
Here’s to good times, great memo-
unlike any other in the world, that
ries, and best friends. Here’s to
maybe good or bad depending on
growing older but not up, Here's to realizing the potential within ourselves. Here's to loving families and their support. Here’s to conquering challenges everyday. Here’s to doing “routine things routinely." Here's to Burtonisms and the laughs they cause. Here’s to getting lost in New York twice. Here’s to Guts, C-Flight. Here’s to living the dream.
your view point. Thanks Mom, Dad and Tom for putting up with my crap over the
I thank you Mom and Dad for
friends I have made at USAFA, you
nique thanks for waiting for me and helping me get through, I love you.
it alone.
phone. I hope I make you
Katherine Dawn Higginbotham Colorado Springs, CO
Social Sciences Well it wasn’t always easy, but with the help of my wonderful family, fabulous friends and hilarious team-
mates, I have managed to survive the early morning wake ups, mystery creamed beef stew, Ardie’s practices,
Electrical Engineering, and even a few restricted weekends.
Best of
luck to my girls on the court: let me
know when you guys play in Guam, Tarzan and I would love to come and watch.
Toujours la vie en rose!
Willie W. Lloyd Jr.
Raymond Leong Fairfax, VA Management Holy Cow! By the time I’m reading this I will be done. It was a helluva ride... from 29 Form 5’s in Basic to
going out OTF, I think it was worth it. Here’s to the finer things in life: Girls, Fast Cars, Money, and Fun.
“Sweet Sweet”
Columbia, SC Aeronautical Engineering My time at USAFA really helped me develop. Though I’m grateful for the education that I’ve received, it doesn’t compare to the people that I’ve meet along the way. These people have affected my life in ways they will never know. I’ve found that family doesn’t
have to be blood and my closest friends are like brothers. I know now that I have passed the test of manhood and look forward to what the
future has to hold. L.E.G. Forever!
Adam Joseph Merello “
Kansas City, MO
Management Thanks to mama and pops and fam-
ily, it was a quiet Thursday night... To the fellas: Brick, Pampers, Jon-boy,
Nuts, Mr. Zito, Ray-Ray, Crazy and Bush. We’ll always have the memories. “...I did, however, succeed in
thwarting her every attempt to assail the castle of my body and mind.” Ignacious Reilly -
Weiss Nusraty
Andrew James Mickles
“Nus, D. Diggler, Blue”
“Andy” Penfield, NY
Potomac, MD
Aeronautical Engineering
Political Science
“Sir, neither cadet Mickles or cadet
I know it’s not enough, but I want to
Woodward were in any condition to
thank my family for their love and
make rational decisions last night.”
support. To my friends, thanks for
My roommate on one of our usual nights. I just want to say thanks Mom and Dad. It’s been a long four years and you have really helped me out. Thanks to all my family for supporting me.
the good times...it’s not over yet.
Annaline M. Rubio
“Anna, Annie, RUUUBIIIIOOO” Los Angeles, CA
Chemistry I can’t believe I’m finally graduating! I remember how much I wanted to
leave during BCT, but for some reason
I could not have made it
without the love and support of my fam-
Mom, Pops, Jay-Jay, Jambo, and
Jason. The friends I made here were
amazing and carried me through the toughest times. Finally, I thank God for all He has blessed me. Can’t wait to see what’s out there in the “real” world!
Zachary Sasser
Andrew Karl Teigeler
“Tig, Teegs, Teiggels”
Amarillo, TX
Yorktown, VA
It has been an extra long path for me
Aeronautical Engineering
to graduate, and I can’t wait to finish.
To my family: for your love and sup-
I have a ton of memories and have
port and for always making home
made lots of friends being apart of
somewhere I’d rather be.
two different classes. Thanks to my
our blue line.
family and friends for all the support— especially my parents. Life is good right now, and I can only imagine it will just get better from here. Megan, I couldn’t have met a more perfect person at a more perfect time. I love
my home away from home. Wrestiers: toughest men I know, proud
you. See everyone in the real world!
Eileen Trimpe
Ada, Ml
Biochemistry To the Zoomies, for being the ones that kept me smiling...and making horrible decisions about my own
personal safety. Thank you.
Continuing Sponsors: for being
to be one, glad you’re on my team. Aero geeks: spent far too many an
early morning with you but at least it was with you.
Christopher Marcus Woodward “Woody” Redding, CA Computer Science Well thank God that's finally over! Time to go do something real. Thanks to
everyone who has helped me along the way, especially you Mom and Dad. Your never ending love and support
helped me get through these four rough years. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Thanks also to all of my friends and family who have made this place a little more bearable and ac-
tually a lot of fun when times got rough.
roadrunners THIRTY-TWO
“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window ”
through which you must see the world. George Bernard Shaw -
Brian Brown-Dymkoski
Dalton Gardens, ID Aeronautical Engineering First and foremost, I thank the Lord. Without Him, I have, I am, I can do
nothing. I am also very grateful for my family, my friends, and the Second Amendment.
It don't think
it’s going to get any easier, but I pray to God it’s going to be better. a
cadet squadron □
educated fool, wit money on my
mind, got my ten in my hand and a
gleam in my eye.”
Jason Daniel Christopher
Colorado Springs, CO Mechanical Engineering
Shannon, my soulmate, I’ll always love you! Thank You for everything! Dadthanks for the encouragement & love from my first day of basic. Michelle-moving all this way so our family could be whole-Thank You! Walkers/Spinuzzisyou've always provided a loving home for me. Matt, Reagan, Brian, Jeff-you’ve been great roomies and friends. “Life’s journey is defined not by the riches you obtain but by the people you meet along the way.” In Memory of Betty Waxham.
Charith Gamage
Ryan Glasgow
"Chathu, G”
"Bilbo, Samwise”
Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka Aeronautical Engineering Wow, what a ride; long & tough one definitely. Amma, Thaththa, & Akka
Brighton, CO Foreign Area Studies
thanks for the encouragement & sup-
port you gave me throughout these four years. Thanks to my friends in Sri Lanka who kept me going. Last but not least, thanks to my American friends, specially the senior Ratz & Maj. K; it was wonderful to live, work,
& share a joy like this with great
people like you all. Congratulations.
During the last four years I have made friends with the best people one could ever hope to meet. Without the help of these people along with my family I probably never would have made it through this place. It has been a long tough road but the memories both good and bad will be with me forever. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
James Kellenbence
“Jimmy, Hambone” Naples, Italy Systems Engineering Management
These past four years have been the best years of my life. Mom and
Dad, thanks for always being there when I needed you and supporting me
in everything. Fat Nick and Chris,
you guys made this place a whole lot easier on me. To all my friends,
especially Hambone, Harry, JuJu, Giani, and the Ratz crew, thanks for all the memories. Peace!
Michael McKenna
Evin Negron
“Mikey, McKenema”
“Gron, HB’s”
Denver, CO
Salem, NJ
Legal Studies
This is not the end, nor is it the beginning
“Yeah it was.” Four intense years but
of the end... it is the end of the beginning -
Winston Churchill
blessing all the way. Mom, Dad, LeAna, Kristiina, Luke, and Angelina
The past five years have been both trying
thank you for your prayers and con-
and exalting, by far the most rewarding
stant encouragement. Blair thank you
experience of my life. I never could have
for being there in good times and bad -
and always keeping me in line! I
gotten through it all without the support of my two biggest fans, Mom and Dad.
love you all and could not have done
I love you guys, CYH! Also, to all my bud-
it without each of you.
dies, fromA-Squad, Eagle Eight, RATZ, and Group I’m going to miss you all!
Joshua 1:9: “Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
30 5
Alicia Peasley
“Peas, PB Peasley, Mama Peas
Alpena,Ml English Thanks for taking care of me ratz, stevie, trishalish. and all extended family, may we look back and smile at our time
together. “Our goals, eyes, and hearts are not supposed to be set on this world, not even the peaks of God’s goodness
in this world, for even those are temporal like a beautiful flower in the field, that even
it, will someday come to pass." ”...
We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon
Jarrod Lane Silcox
Chad Allen Reger
Floral City, FL
Detroit, TX
Social Science
American History I just wanted to say thank you to
all the guys who’ve been there
throughout the years for me.
To the
hard and I’m glad that they are finally over.
Mom, Dad, Colton, Lindsay,
thanks for all of your love and support.
tough 5 years but I wouldn’t trade them for the world! Keep it real. To
seniors, thanks for the good times.
the RATZ, keep your heads high
To Weston, thanks for being the best
and proud. To the 94th FTS, BLUE
roommate for three long years. To all the football managers, Dan and Ryan,
and To the BSU, God
I love you all very much. To CS-33
Bless and keep shining HIS light!
I will miss you all very much. I wish ev-
Jeremiah 29:11
eryone the best of luck and stay classy.
Reid Benjamin Touchberry
“Speedy, Touch
Summerville, SC A journey of a thousand miles begins
with a single step. When I started this four year endeavor, I began with untied shoes.
Now, thanks to an awesome
family, midnight golf practices, and squadron that could not be matched I have finally found myself at the finish line. And as a wise man once said, “I’m the kind of G that little homies wanna
be like, on my knees in the night sayin’ prayers in the street light.”
Kailin Marie Tuscano
Civil Engineering
I : irsties
The last four years have been long and
F.O.D. and my NMMI gang, it’s been a
you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12
“Kai, Troll, Kumquat. T-Rex, Lilo” Santa Clara, CA Behavioral Science
Mom, Dad, Warren, Wes, Channy and Kelly, I couldn’t have made it through here without all your love and support. You're the reason I smile each day, I love you.
and friends, thanks for letting me be my quirky self. I will always cherish the memories. “Fool, death ain’t nothing but a heart beat away, I’m
living life do or die, what can I say?"
Mary Asher Vendt
Curtis Weinstein
Albuquerque, NM
Lebanon, OH
Social Science
Foreign Area Studies I couldn’t have made it through my
I can't even believe I graduated.
team, and my friends! I will always
absolutely positive I would not be in the position I am now if it weren’t for my parents, brother Casey, sister Amanda, my grandparents, and all
remember the great times as a
of my close friends back home in Al-
PTWOB and all the memories I’ve
shared with my friends. Stay true to
my honor board, LORs, probations, and many weekends of restriction...
four years here without the support of my family, Brice, my four-way
yourself and never give up on your dreams! Blue skies...#292
God didn’t get me through
I did that myself, so I’d like to thank myself for working hard enough to get through this place. VICTORY!
ratz °
“Cowardice...is almost always simply a lack ofability to suspend the functioning of the imagination.
Ernest Hemingway
cadet squadron □
Robert Belkowski
Richard Dale Elmore III "Elmo”
Napa, CA Biology Thank you Mom, Dad, Catherine,
Kelly, and Coach D for the support over the last four years. Thank
for believing in me and giving me
strength when I thought I could go no further. Coach Stanforth, cross country, and track I had the most fun with all of you. Thank you for the lasting friendships. Shower party for life.
Michael McAllister Gentry
Eric Andrew Goldman
West Jordan, UT
Management Thanks mom, Jesse and the rest of
Abington, MA Operations Research Mom, Dad, Ken, and family, thanks
the family for your support. I love you
for all the support. I wouldn't have
guys. Jerry and Annette, you are the best. Friends made the Academy
graduated w/o the SP: Stephen, Trevor, Richard & Kelly, Scott, and
place to remember. I won’t forget
you and hope to see ail of you in the future. Thanks to the BYU cheerleaders for the dance.
2007 is definitely
better than 2005 (I know).
It’s been
real, but I’m really excited to move on.
Derek. What a ride we had. From the
top of Fuji to the times at the parrot, Loose Hawgs know how to party. LH4L. To Tim, JG, Cal, and Vic, hold on to that
feeling during our summer
at Fenway. “Live Life!”
Stephen Manford Lawson Tyrone, GA Management Thanks to everyone, and you know who you are, who has helped me get
through the ups and downs. Dad, Mom, BJ, Mark, and the rest of the
family, thank you for the support and always believing in me. To all of my boys, you are my brothers; let me know if you ever need anything. Taylor’s and White J. thanks for the countless things you have done for me.
Thanks for the memories!!!
ZRFC, Picture me Rollin
Christopher O’Connor “Chris, OC”
Jasper, IN Systems Engineering Management It hasn’t been a straight path, but it’s finally here. Thanks to ‘06 for the first few years, Purdue for the middle years, and ‘07 for the last two. I’ll
always remember the 3-4 Mafia and the family we’ll have forever. Thanks so much to all my family and friends back home too. Your support means the world. I love you all.
Jae-Hyun Park
Christopher Oravetz “Chris, Skeeter, Biggo’s"
Pittsburgh, PA Aeronautical Engineering My God, You have given me the
“Jerry” Daegu, Republic of Korea Astronautical Engineering What an experience of four years.
will to persevere. Mom and Dad,
I wouldn’t have made it through
you have loved and supported me every step of the way. Sarah, you
without the support of my family and friends back home. Now, it’s
have always been my role model. I
time to get over with, and move
will forever be grateful for your love.
forward! “Don’t live the present
you’ve inspired me beyond belief; keep the Lord within the heart of your singing. To all my friends, I hope you have learned half
trading one the past. Always reflect
Catholic Choir
as much from me as
on your life and never
live a full life.” I will
forget this beautiful country
and people! Thank you all!!
I have from you.
Blue skies and God Bless!
Brandon Wayne Rodts
Brittney Perkowski “
Laguna, CA Management To Griff and Dune; The Two boys in
my life who brought a smile to my face everyday here, Thanks to my Grandfather who taught me that “Family is Everything” and to my family especially my Mom and Dad who continually push me to be the “Britt” that I am today. And to my friends, especially the gals on the soccer team, Without ya’II I definitely would not have made it and without ya’II I definitely would not have wanted to.
B-Rodts, Brando, Rod-Tees” Coal Valley, IL
Management Well, it’s been a sweet five years here at USAFA. I'm pretty sure that I couldn't have done it without the
tremendous support from my family and friends.. .for that, I thank you all.
I’ll definitely miss my friends here especially the ones from the “Loose Hawgs”. I wish my 4 dig bro and sis
the best of luck, and before you know
it, it will be time for you to graduate. “If it’s in the air, maintenance put it there!”
Alexander Sibal
Byron Silkett-lrvine
“B, Skillet, Skittles”
Silver Spring, MD Aeronautical Engineering
Social Sciences It’s been a long four years and I
26 June 03 seems like only a mo-
couldn’t have done it alone. Thanks
ment ago. Thanks to the family,
to those of you who have stood
friends, and mentors who helped make the past four years the best of
behind me and with me.
my life. Love to my Loose Hawgs,
all made here will last forever and
current and former. I’ll always have
so will
special place in my heart for y’all.
Time is never time at all...
I love you
all and thanks. The friends we’ve
the memories. Good luck to
everyone out there in the real world. Remember the lessons you’ve learned here, in class, in the squad, in cars, and bars.
Lauren Viscito
Wilbraham, MA Astronautical Engineering It’s hard to believe, but those four years have come to an end. I want to thank my family, Mom, Dad, and
Amy for seeing me through it, and always believing in me. Thanks to my sponsor family, Bob, Lori, Cara and John for being a second home. To all the friends I’ve made in Dirty Thirty, the Loose Hawgs, on Corps, and especially all the other Astro kids: see you out there.
Michael Wetherbee
Anne Lynn-Hsien Williamson
Vacaville, CA
Portland, OR
Foreign Area Studies It was tough, but it was truly worth it.
Political Science Loose Hawgs, the best squadron
Thanks Mom and Dad for your encour-
ever, thanks for all the good times.
agement and the phone calls
Mom, Dad, Nancy, and Grandma; thanks for all the support along the way.
ing to my gripes, my successes, or to just talk. Thanks to Grandma and Aunt
I’m finally out of here.
Dutch for their letters and cards that made me smile; to the original Barn-
stormers; to Nelly who never failed to surprise me; to the guys of 34 who
always knew what buttons to press; to the rocks and especially black-andwhites. Till next time..! Kudos!
loose hawgs
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ”
Abraham Lincoln
Sean Andrews
cadet squadron □
Robert Bettinger
Nicholas Burke
Ryan Gavina “
R-Gav; RED; Ry-Ry; Chamorro" Mundelein, IL Social Sciences
Five years ago, graduation seemed
impossible. Now, here I am. God, thank you for guiding me through these past five years. To my mom,
Roly, Caroline, all my family, and all of my friends- thanks for being there! I couldn’t have done it without
you! This whole experience has been quite the rollercoaster ride; I don’t regret any of it. Would I do it
Jeremy Edward Gordon
Pall Daniel Green
“Gordo, Galahad (60 Paladin)"
San Antonio, TX
Keflavik, Iceland
Legal Studies
Civil Engineering
if it was horrible the
I would like to thank my family for
I didn't even have to search for a job
making my experience at the Academy easier than it was supposed to be.
To everyone in the class of 2007 I’m
Weasel Wednesdays don’t forget.
proud to be part of our legacy we’ve have accomplished a lot together. P03 we did it plus one and I still think TX was the most difficult thing this place had to offer. Finally, I leave here with an impression that fear is only temporary but regret lasts forever.
entire way, the school was free and
Laziness is the essence of worthless.
Joshua David Hunt
“Josh, Hunt-Brand, The Chin”
Philadelphia, PA Systems Engineering Friends, you are the reason I made it through. Without your love, sup-
port, humor, and ridicule, I would never have stayed sane. Brothers and sisters in 35, thank you for the
relationships we have built together. Ana, thank you for helping me open my heart. Team, I love you all, thank you for the easy times and hard;
you’re my family. TCF 24/7/365.
Nicholas Ngo
“Nick, Nicky, Little Guy, Khoa
Kyle O’Neill ”
Fort Myers, FL
Westminster, CO
Mom and Dad, you have supported
First and foremost I would like to
thank my family for always being
through everything I have done here at the Academy and I love you.
there for me, without you guys I would have never made it through
ever wish for,
Bri you are the best sister I could
you are one of the
(Lam this includes you). To my boys, we brought out the dirt-bags in each other, making this place fun for
greatest blessings in my life. LAX
everyone. Eddie and Dan ALWAYS remember the air handshakes.
my roommate Pall, and all those who have given me the strength to
guys you’re epic, keep dominating,
you’re my sanity. Everyone else,
get through this place. I will always remember you.
Edward Ortiz Jr.
Alexandra Swanson Perry
“Eddie, Delicious, Magical Creature” New York, North Carolina, Virginia
"Alie, Alex” Tulsa, OK Political Science
Management Family and Friends:
This place helped me realized that just
God, Dad, Jordan, Mom, Titi Mad-
when you think you can’t get through
eline/Alice, Grandma Rolly/Loia, Nick
something—you can, and you must.
N., Jung, Nick B., JD, Serg, Ben, Zack, Emily, Tamara, Ploz, Shaub-
Thanks to my parents for everything
steinowitz, Dave, Palldan, Kyle, Bryce, Chief, Liza, Dante, Dre, Dan,
they’ve done to support me. Tiney, Jess, Deb, and everyone who has helped me through these years...I couldn’t have sur-
Mrs. Britt/Merrix, and all other fam-
vived without you guys.
ily/friends who changed my life. To
Adam, I love you and I appreciate you offering me perspec-
air handshakes, awkwardness.
tive when I felt like it would never end. I’m glad I did it—but I’m glad it’s done.
Erik Gordon Richardson
Christopher Reusser “Rooster, Greaser, TL, True Love”
Bluffton, IN
Grants Pass, OR
Social Science Wow! Never have I been so
To my friends.. .thank you. Thank
honored and humbled to graduate
you for not abandoning me when I lost sight of who I wanted to become.
from ‘this place.' Thank you Mom,
Dad, Mandy, Lindsay, Lyn, Eli, Ron, Camille, Grandma, Grandpa, Brian, Julie, the whole Reusser family, Mike, my guard buddies, and all my close family and friends.
I really
wish I had more room- thank you so much!
If you helped me you know
Thank you for helping to shape me into the man I hope to be for the rest
of my life. I wish you all the best in whatever the future holds and I
sincerely hope that all of our paths will be forever intertwined because I cannot imagine a life without each
and every one of you in it.
who you are.
Jonathan Shamess
John Tekell
Fairfax Station, VA
Corsicana, TX
Legal Studies Perseverance was the key to suecess.
Obstacles were everywhere
but conquerable with the right
Thanks Ma and Pa
for everything!
Aeronautical Engineering Thank you Mom, Dad, and everyone else that gave me encouragement as
I went through this place. I could
not have done this on my own. The
friends I made along the way I will never forget. I also have a lot of good memories that I will never
forget and a lot bad ones that I will. I only need 3 words to remind me of my experiences at USAFA. Yes it was.
Aleksey Vlasov Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan Electrical Engineering It was a lifetime experience. Thanks to family and friends for motivation
and support. Off I go to more
adventures... floexann!!!
wild weasels THIRTY-FIVE “He who is afraid is half beaten. -
Aleksandr Suvorov Firsties
Chang Bae “Bill, Pretty” Placentia, CA
Management Major Wow. I can’t believe I’ve made it
through four years.
1 wouldn’t have
been able to do it without you Mom,
cadet squadron □
Dad, and Chay, I love you. It’s been a long journey but it was worth it. Thanks to family, the NWP Crew, all of my awesome friends, especially Nick, Johnny, Brian, Spiro, Stanley, and yes even Geoff. “I’ve made some friends, some
that I hardly know, but we’ve had some times I wouldn’t trade for the world".
Joseph Conrad “Joe, Joe C, J Con, Cutthroat"
Bridgeport, WV Mechanical Engineering
The best thing about this place is all the great friends I have made and the crazy times we have had. I would have never made it through without the support of my parents,
family, friends, and the boxing team. Every one of you has made my time here worth it, and I will never
forget the awesome people I have met and the times we shared.
Ashley Cwiakala Downers Grove, IL
Management Thank you Mom, Dad, Sarah, Amy,
Jessica, and Abigail, your endless love and support is what got me
through this place. Thank you to all my friends who have shared this
experience with me, I couldn’t have asked for better friends. The times have been tough, but after it’s all said and done I’m taking only the best memories with me.
Adam Danielson
Colorado Springs, CO Mechanical Engineering
Mom, Dad, Rachel, you’ve been there
through everything, from Basic to Graduation; I will never forget your encouragement through all the dark days. Seth, Mike, Bobby, we’ve seen these times through, I’m thankful that you were there with me. Larry, we’ve seen many tough times together, thank you for lending courage when mine was spent. Jenny, you’re the reason for all that I do, the light of my life, your love has helped me more than you know.
Marco Escalera “
Astronautical Engineering
Behavioral Science
Mom and Dad, thanks for always be-
you believed in me. I’ll be forever
ing there. Matt, thanks for the home away from home. Scott, thanks for changing my life! To all my friends,
grateful for your support and calls
thanks for the support and remem-
of encouragement. Thanks to the
ber: “Do it because you love it!”
Nazzaro family for providing me
day would come, but, to my familia,
with a home away from home and to all my USAFA friends for the
memories. Good luck to you all.
Minden, NE
Queen Creek, AZ After five years I never thought this
Christopher Exstrom
Tyler John Goulding
Carlos Hernandez
Tracy, CA Systems Engineering Management
“Gabicho, Pimpisimo” Esmeraldas, Ecuador Aeronautical Engineering
90% is mental, the other half is
Cuatro afios no son nada cuando
se tiene el soporte de la famila.
batalia ha sido dura, pero como decimos en Ecuador, con heque todo se
Thank you Mary for taking good care of me and making me feel closer to home. Lyria, you added the spice
needed to survive from this place.
Ryan Lewkowicz “
Ryno” Valrico, FL Management So it was tough, my family helped me out, and I can’t believe it's over. That takes care of the generic stuff. This
goes out to all the Ex-Stalagers (even the honorary ones) and my guys in 36. Some of the highlights: driving back from Boulder, Casa Bonita, It’s Gold!,
Mark Noble, that hike from North Gate,
sweeping the floor, Austin, Keystone, Ring Dance, A-Hole vs Alphatraz, driving Eagles Ryno and Husky BFF. .
Jonah Reeger
Brandon Rice
Mount Pleasant, PA
Monument, CO
General Engineering
Thanks to my mother and family for
always believing that I could make it through, thank the Lord, God, that He gave me the strength to do well, and thank you, Laura, for sticking by me and making the time here so much easier.
It was a long and hard journey, and I
couldn’t have made it without all the
help. Mom, Dad, and Haley
your love and support made the differ-
Hubertys, thanks for all the hospitality and the love; I couldn't
have made it without you guys, either.
Fellow Panthers and everybody -
it’s been crazy times, and we’ll
forget ’em.
Rock on always.
Eric Santroch
Shoreline, WA Aeronautical Engineering Thanks to everyone who has helped me
along the way: Mom, Dad, Rea-
gan and Mike, you have made all the difference. The past four years have
Brian Silva
Eldersburg, MD System Engineering Management “One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” -Freud. After four years of memories, our time here is done. After all the support and hard work,
been an interesting journey; it's good
I’m living my dream. Thank you
to know we serve an awesome God!
Mom, Dad, and Family for your love
“They can make it harder, but they
and support, I could not have made
Dr Yechout
it without you. Diane, there through the good times and bad; I love you
can’t make it longer!”
with all my heart. Brothers for life. Proverbs 18:24
Scott Skibitsky
“Skibby” Dixfield, ME Mechanical Engineering It’s been a long five years, and I couldn’t have done it without the help
of my friends and family. And I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.
Beth Ware
pink panthers THIRTY-SIX
“Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. -
John F. Kennedy Firsties
Abby Kathryn Barger Wauneta, NE
Systems Engineering Human Factors Thanks Mom and Dad and all of my wonderful siblings, if it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t have made it through. Also thanks to the Brookes who are the coolest sponsor parents ever.
made some of the best friends of my life here and I’m glad I did it once but I’d never do it again.
Matthew Paul Crippes
Jukari Cayah Davis
"Crip, Battletoad"
“Chief, J.D., Chei, Lieu Ten-Ten”
Cloverdale, CA
Shiprock, NM
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Thanks Mom and Dad for every-
Wow, I can't believe I’ve finally fin-
thing I would of never made it this far without your support- Always
to all my friends and family, I’ve
ished the five year program. Thanks
been able to endure the tough
‘‘To give anything less than your
times. Thanks Mom for believing in
best is to sacrifice the Gift.”
me and
cheering me on the whole
time. Thanks DJ Vanas, the Yazzie
family, the Smith family, the Marris family for the support. I’m truly blessed to have been with you all.
Mark Domogala
Jahmil Perez Edwards
Short Hills, NJ
“J-Eazy" Hampton, Va
Behavioral Sciences
To all my fellow Valley Forgers,
finally made it. To FOD, many great times and memories. Thanks we
so much
Mom, Dad, Beth and Eric
for the inspiration and motivation
First and foremost I must thank God for blessing and strengthening me, my family and friends for supporting me and mentors for advising me. I have
to come here and all your support
had my share of ups and downs at this
through the years. Great times from all you original wolf pups and SIPs.
academy but have made it through. To my brothers, we have passed the test of manhood.
Now we must go forth and be the change we desire. 2007:
Stay up, stay strong, stay focused. This is only the beginning! Much love.
James Gilchrist
Scott Gross
Octavion, Jamespeare, Parnell” The Woodlands, TX
West Allis, Wl
““Scotty G”
Systems Engineering Management
Mom, Dad, Andrew, Chris, & Lauren:
Thank you God, for your
Thanks for always offering your
blessings. Without my Parents
ceaseless love and support. I know
without you I would never have sur-
prayers, I would have never succeeded. Without my sponsor family, I would
vived this place. To the Suze Crew:
have never felt home when I really
My fondest memories of this place are those we made together. You will always hold a special place in my heart. To the Dynasty: Good luck in all your endeavors!
needed to. And without the love, gifts,
and encouragement of my surrounding
family and friends, I would not feel as blessed as I do today. Thank you everyone for helping me persistently build my character so I can continue to grow.
Lucas M. Karl
“Luke, Threader, Ludwik, Krazy Karl” New Hyde Park, NY Foreign Area Studies USAFA chewed me up and spit out a
better man. I will never forget the
memories and growth I’ve experienced during my time here. Mom and
Dad, thank you for your unending love and support. Cathy, you’re the best sister a brother could ask for and I can’t wait until you join me in the “real Air Force." To the boys of Twelve and
other hombres I made over the years, thank you for all the adventures and camaraderie. Carpe Diem!
Sean McCarthy
Gilbert, AZ Political Science It’s really nice to be able to say that I would do it all over again; honestly, it was
good times. Though there are two
well known roads to happiness, I was
lucky enough to find something good in every day here. Thanks Mom, Dad, the Trips and Erin. To my friends that made this place worthwhile: thanks. Special shout out to the Kahoe’s for always taking care of us.
Sean O’Malley
Kelly Morgan Mililani, HI
Columbia, MD
Systems Engineering Management
Mom and Dad, thank you. You both
have given me everything I could
I couldn’t have made it without all
have ever wanted and fulfilled my
the help from my Mom, Dad, and
every dream. To all my friends and
Sisters, thank you. It’s been quite a
teammates—you have given me memories that I will cherish always.
rollercoaster, but one I’m glad I got
Valley Forge for Thee!
So here's to 3A40, the Car Bar, late
nights, three hours practices and being totally extreeeme...Congratulations everyone, we did it! Cheers!
Alex Paul
Matthew Forrest Reiley
Wailea, Maui, HI
Rome, OH
Foreign Area Studies
Astronautical Engineering “Free at last, free at last, thank God
Almighty, I’m free at last.”
Thanks to Mom and Dad and the
family, and to Jess.
I love you all! But thanks above all to Jesus, with-
out whom I could not have had the
strength to make it to where I am.
John 4:19
Lauren Robillard
Theodore Seher
Bristol, CT
Civil Engineering These past four years have flown
by, but I would not trade them for the world.
Mom & Dad, thank you so
Berkeley, CA Astronautic Engineering
“People have a fundamental right to autonomy. This should never be violated. Just because one knows
you! Coli, Manda, Licia
to interfere in others’ affairs.
making this the best firstie year I could ask for BOHA! ZRFC for life! “For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.” -Henry V
much for your support and love. I could not have done any of it without
you guys are the best! Thanks to CS-37 for
better, one does not have the right It gives obligation to provide advice, but never justifies intervention. There are always exceptions.”
one an
Wesley Scott Wilkening ‘Wes Mantooth,
Kevin Winblad
Mission Viejo, CA
Ulysses, KS
Mathematical Science
Social Sciences
It has been a long and challenging four
Well it's finally my time to graduate. I
years and I couldn’t have done it without
thought this day would never come. It
the help of my friends and family. Mom,
has been a fun four years but four years
Dad, and Eric, you have supported me
I would never want to repeat. There
so much
have been many ups and downs, luckily
throughout my time here, I am family. I
so blessed to have you as a
ups! I’ve had so many amazing experiences and I’ve made so many amazing friends. It’s going to be hard to leave them, yeah right! Thanks mom and dad for always being there for me. I more
love you guys. To all my buddies from
Dirty Thirty, Viking Nine, Shadow Seven, and the Skyradiers, you guys made this
place bearable and even fun at times. You guys are awesome.
wouldn’t have made it without you.
hardbody skyraiders D
“With self-discipline most anything is possible. -
Theodore Roosevelt
Robert Allen Auflick
Casey Elizabeth Bayne
‘Case, Cay Cay, Piperfish"
Casper, WY Management
El Segundo, CA
The last four years have been the
toughest thing I have ever done, but also produced the best memories. I have made lifelong friends with amazing people here. Mom and
Dad, without your love and encour-
agement, I never would have made it. I cannot thank you both enough.
Management Thank you Papa, for all of your support and advice I couldn’t have done it
without you! Thanks Momma for all the care packages! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, you are my heroes. To
the Mitchells, you are my rock, I love
you. To my Colorado family—the Barlows, you made my time here so much better! Kimbo, we made it, thank you for making me a better person (CCK!).
Nerds, stay outta trouble—AF Throws!
Eric Matthew Brown
Scott Crellin
Steilacoom, WA
Systems Engineering Management I would like to thank my Father, Mother, and my sister Danielle for
making my five years here go by a little bit smoother as well as faster. April, thank you so much for making my last year and a half here wonderful. I can’t wait to finish up so we can see much more of each other.
Louis Riley Gabriel
Adam Gray
Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Alex for all
Mililani, HI Management
the support you've given me these
past four years. I couldn’t have done
Thanks to all those who have shaped
it without you...thanks for always
my life... forever flying faster...
believing in me. Thanks to Neil and
not peace.
Dawn, you gave me a home in the middle of all this craziness. I’ve made better friends here than I could
have ever asked for...thanks for
keeping me sane.
To the crew...
thanks for the good times.
Stephen Klenke “
Stevo, Detroit Rock City" Farmington Hills, Ml Civil Engineering
There is a time for everything, and a season for sun.
everything under the
It is my time to graduate and to
be married. What could be better? I would not have made it without the
support of my parents and my little bro
(Big Buddy) and I definitely would not be the person I am today without the encouragement and love of my beautiful fiancee Carey. VF guys, I will never
forget you.
F Co. is the best Co.!
Brian Joseph Kotowski
Scott Yoshio Nakatani
“Nak-Bomb, Yoshi” Beaverton, OR
San Antonio, TX Mechanical Engineering
Wow, it’s (finally) over! Mom and Dad.
I love you Mom, Dad, Amy and
you always reminded me to look at the
Sharon. Having you by my side
big picture and have always been there when I needed someone. Scotty, you have no idea the influence you've had on me. Mary, you're drive and focus has motivated me in the toughest of times. Scotty and all my friends: yall are the ones
I have to thank the most—
made all the difference in the world. Thank you to all my friends here for the good times and bad we endured
together. Thank you Sharon for waiting for me all these years. You are my world. Thank you Dad: “This too will pass.’’
it wouldn’t have happened without each and every one of you, I love yall!
Patrick Edward Picard
Katherine Ruth Plichta
“Patty, Mr. Awesome”
“Katie, Noodle, Punisher” Littleton, CO
Minneapolis, MN Management I can’t believe I graduated... it has been a real team effort and
I owe you. To all
my roomies Matt, JoJo, Andy, Shaunie Boy and Scotty C sorry I never woke
English Thanks to my Mom and Dad, the most loyal Birdie fans, for your support in everything and Mike for sharing his love of flying. Thanks to my friends for the great times and
up to my alarm. My family has been incredible and they will never understand
for all you have done. Thanks to the
how grateful I am. AFU was fantastic.
two people who have impacted my
Good times GC. Thanks Facebook for
life in a way I can never forget. Good
the late nights. Never forget, if I can do
Vibrations, Pony Play, Common Courtesy, Alter Ego. Crinkle, Birdies,
it, you can too! Women Want Him, Men Want To Be Him.
Samuel Reed
Katherine Lynn Schifani
Mobile, AL
Civil Engineering
Albuquerque, NM English
I thank my family and all the people who have been great friends to me
Sometimes all you need is Now or
here; y’all made this place bearable. I would especially like to thank the Spencers for giving me a home away from home. I don’t know what I would’ve done without y’all.
BCT 06.
Never! Yonkers!, too many verses of Total Eclipse of the Heart, “Oh Yeah-
hh!,” Good Vibrations, “be and let be," I
won’t miss this place but I will miss many of the people. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the so
way. Fellow Phantoms, Bulls, and All Stars, I’ll see you out there.
awkward lunch comments, and great friends. SS— we laughed our way
though, Birdies, thanks x2007, ZRFC, I wish I had more time (and a cure for the plague). Mom, Dad, thanks for all the support and weird packages. Love never ends and the
party lasts forever!
It vs tics
Thomas Allen Skora Jr.
“Smith, CORX”
Suffolk, VA Management
Colorado Springs, CO Thank you Mom, Dad, Andrew,
enced the best times of my life, the
Brian, Kendra, and Laura for all the cookies, meals, mail, and the small
I’ve had the chance to make some
very close friends, play a lot of music, and really improve my perspective on life.
In the end, I couldn’t
things you did to keep me going. Thanks Tyler for being here (even if you did think I left on the first day), knowing you were just as miserable
be more thankful for everything I’ve
made it bearable. ORX!
gone through. Thank you so much to all my family and friends who
“Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop.” Grey’s Anatomy
have prayed for me and helped me graduate.
Zachary Alexander Sumner
Christopher Michael Sweeney
“Sumner, Sumz, Giggles”
Medical Lake, WA
Fort Collins, CO
Social Science
A lifetime of preparation and anticipa-
Been the longest five years of my life
but I wouldn’t trade the experiences
tion has come down to this year which has been more than anything I know I
for anything. I owe it to my wonderful
I could have imagined.
parents, loving sister, my best friends for life (Proverbs 18:24), and my beautiful girlfriend. The good times are always
would not be where I am today if
going to be remembered with my best buds. I laughed lots, cried some but have thousands of stories to tell till my grave.
Thank you Lord for an amazing five years, please bless me with many more!
Douglas Brock Templeton
“Dougisito-san” Benicia, CA
Military History To my family your love and support -
have been my compass, an ever constant guide as I continue to grow. To Heather and Derek
you took me into your home and offered me place -
to rest my head when I needed to get
away, and truly gave me a second home. To my friends- Some of you have (and others may yet) stand beside me for years, you’ll never know how much each of you mean to me.
Graydon Ross Vandament “Vandy, Gray” Coppell, TX Civil Engineering Thank you Mom, Dad, Courtney and all my friends here at this institution. We all got through these four years together and now its time to really get our lives started. Catherine I don’t know what I would do without
you ..thank you for sticking with me through everything, I Love You. Post, not peace.
In the past four years I’ve experi-
worst, and everything in between.
Cory Adam Smith
I didn’t have the tremendous and
overwhelming support of my family, friends, and community.
Christopher Yeager
Matthew Zenishek
"Chris, Chuck” Charlotte, NC
"Matty, Z” Jefferson City, MO
Mechanical Engineering
Military Strategic Studies
Thank you mom, dad and friends for never
up on me.
Mom, Dad, Cori, and Steve, without your
I never thought
support none of this would have been possible. Chad, D’anne, and Sam, words
I would be at this point. My family got me
through the first year and friends
cannot describe how much you mean
gave me a reason to stay. The past four
to Mark and me. From Sunday dinners,
years have taught me a lot about myself
the nosey dogs, it's always “my” fault, to
and proved that if you believe in some-
everything in between; I’ll never forget the new family I’ve made. Mark and Evan,
give up because you can make it happen. I can’t thank enough my family and friends for all your love and support that helped me endure the thing,
“wow” sums it all up, and I couldn’t have asked for better friends!
Everyone else,
thank you for the great times.
hardest four years of my life.
all stars THIRTY-EIGHT “
Character... is a habit the daily choice of right over wrong; it is ,
moral quality which grows to maturity in peace and is not
suddenly developed on the outbreak of war. -
Lord Moran Firsties
Daniel Warren Boethin “Dbo”
Sacramento, CA
Management Thanks to God for second chances, for my parents and their support, and for my friends to pick me up when I was down.
Its official...God is Good!
2 Corinthians 12:9
Steven David Christopher
“Stevie, Steve, 298”
Pottstown, PA Electrical Engineering “But as for me, it is good to be near
God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge: I will tell of all your deeds.” (Psalm 73:28) “One thing I
ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the
Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.” (Psalm 27:4) Blue skies...
Eric Dorsey
Paul Martin Elsbernd
Macon, GA
Physics You do not merely want to be
considered just the best of the best. You want to be considered the
only one who can do what you do.” Adapted from Jerry Garcia, The -
Grateful Dead. Thank you Sarah for always being there to talk to, you
truly helped me make it through.
love you babe. Thank you Mom, you inspired me to always try to be the
best I could be.
I love you!
John R. Karlen IV
“Papa Bear" Fall City, WA Electrical Engineering
Finals, commandant's challenge, dorms, permanent party, wing staff, peer account-
ability, Form 10s, noon meal formation, parade dress, reveille, comm’s guidance, intramurals, falcon heritage, video teleconferencing, four degrees, confinements, common showers,
pink eye, restriction,
water haze, Wednesday parades, common
tion, the only one that matters anymore.
Jace William McCown
Kassandra Maureen Merritt
Austin, TX
“Kasey” Orange Park, FL Operations Research It is impossible to put into words how
Computer Engineering It was tough but we were tougher. Me Jesus, Mom, Dad, Chelsea, the rest of the family, and Matt, Paul, and
blessed I am. Mom and Dad, you
Kyle. We all did it together. I’m glad I’m getting married and going to start
gave me the strength to get here, to get through, and to continue on. To
a real life where
I don't have a bed
all the shoulders I have cried on and
time. I’m glad I’m going to fly planes,
all the ears I have talked off, Without
which is what I came here for. And
you I would not be where I am todayThank You.
I’m glad to be done with this place
Clinton Muery
Brandon Murphy
Rockport, TX Management
Leawood, KS
I want to thank God and all of my
family and friends for their support during my tenure here. I’ll miss all of my good friends I’ve made and I’ll miss playing rugby with the Zoomies.
Systems Engineering Management Hi Mom! Thanks for teaching me patience. Dad- thanks for teaching me determination.
for being you!
Melissa- thanks
Ashley- thanks for
showing me how to put it all together. Friends, keep in touch. Remember, either come home with your shield or on
First ies
Aaron Russell
Mary Nhan MJ
“Russ, Moon"
MigJ, Cadet Mom” Honolulu, HI
Foreign Areas Studies “Let others lead small lives, but not
Township, PA Mechanical Engineering God's sense of humor is right around
you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry
the corner, waiting faithfully for you
hurts, but not you. Let
hear him laugh, tell him your plans. Take the risk now, you'll be too old,
over small
others leave their future in some-
to come running. I know you want to
one else’s
too smart, and too out of shape to do
who have led me: Thank you for your leadership, I have learned so
it later. “When you only see one set of footprints, it is then that I carried you,” from poem Footprints. Thank you to everyone in OCF especially the goo-
much. To those whom I have led:
ber Class of 007, God loves you.
hands, but not you (Jim Rohn).” In life there are many who supervise but few who lead. To those
Thank you for letting me serve you.
Aaron Sanchez San Antonio, TX
Social Science
Mom, Dad, and Val thank you so much for being there for me always and helping me survive day to day
through some of the toughest times I have seen. I love you guys! To my friends and fellow preppies, without
you there wouldn’t have been a reason for me to push on, thank you for the greatest times ever, and for the many laughs we were able to have together at the Academy.
wishes to all of you!
David Scanland
Joseph Smith "Joey” Magee, MS History
Crete, IL
Philosophy “I spent so many days
I cannot put into words how thankful
Just staring at the haze
I am for all of the blessings in my life.
And i think that that’s a book That i don’t have to write again”
My family thank you so much for all of the love and support that you
“Yeah, i’ll move away
have always given me.
To some other town
much, and you are my inspiration.
And maybe i’ll find that thing
My friends thank you so much for making a true impact on my life. I will never forget you. Most of all,
I’ve never found” “But me i’m feeling pretty good as of now
I’m not so sure when i got here or
how Sun melting the fake smile away I
I love you so
thank you to my Sustainer and my
Soli Deo Gloria.
think, you know, i'll be okay"
Sarah Stampher
Colorado Springs, CO
Biochemistry This place has strange beginnings and glorious endings, but it is in the middle where you learn why you chose to come here and who it is
you’re becoming. The four years would never have been worth it without the baby rebels, the chem
nerds, and the rest of my amazing friends. Thank you Mommy, Daddy, and Pauly for always being my voice
of reason. Ishan, thank you for being
my calm in the midst of the storm.
Charles Staten "Chuck”
Inverness, FL
Management I have had a great time in my four
years here. I am going to miss all of my friends who I have had since NWP and all the great friends I have
made in my time here. Thanks to
my parents and family, who without there support and encouragement I wouldn’t have made it. A special
thanks to Dbdb, who I know will be
watching me throw my hat from the best seat in the house.
Kaelin Thistlewood
Colton Tuttle
Southlake, TX
Paducah, KY
Astronautical Engineering
Material Science
So much has happened over the
It’s finally over! To all my friends: I’m
past four years, I can not begin to explain what it has been like. My good friend Charles Dickens sums it “It was the best of times, up nicely
going to miss all the times we shared
together. To the drumline: thanks for the good times on trips. To my family, Mom, Dad, and Tia: Thank you for being there when I needed
it was the worst of times; it was the
age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.”
you over the past four years, I love you all very much and owe all of my success in life to you.
It was hard,
but that’s what made it great! Clear
campus radicals THIRTY-NINE
“Leadership is intangible and therefore ,
weapon ever designed can replace it. -
Gen. Omar Bradley
Robert Allen
“Bobby” Pulaski, VA Astronautical Engineering Thank you Joe Helton for kicking me out to get your own room.
cadet squadron
Elizabeth Brende “Beth”
Yankton, SD Basic Sciences A great thanks to my family who stood by me when I didn’t think I could do it and to all the people back home who supported me. To
the ones here who loved me and watched me grow through good times
and bad, I can never truly express my
gratitude. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but
by the moments that take our breath away.” Psalms 37:23-24
Matthew Burton
“Matti B”
Edmond, OK Civil Engineering
Letricia Castillo
“Trish, LT, LC, Momma"
Anchorage, AK Behavioral Science
I want to say thanks to all my buddies here, you are the ones that got
“Who Won it, Falcons?" This place
through this place. Ian, Mike and Cale, yall are the best, I don't know
nable opportunities and I have taken
what I would have done without you. In the words of Schen “Don’t Stop
has provided me with some unimagiso much from here. Without my
friends some great roommates, I would’ve never made it, “If you win games boys will like you.” I will forever love Falcon football, Clune Arena, and my girls on my team. “Never Quit.” I know I am gonna miss road trips, my
closest friends, hot turkey sandwiches, and especially my teammates.
Hans Foster-Jorgensen
Anders Johnson
Westport, WA Systems Engineering Thank you Mom, Dad, Lars, and
Mary for your love and support.
Paso Robles, CA
Foreign Area Studies Well, it's been a long, tough four years but I made it. I couldn’t have done it without my friends and family and of course the Utzke’s so thank
you all for everything you’ve done, you all are awesome!
Emily Kukuruda
Brady Lindberg ”
Pittsburgh, PA
“Little Momo
Social Science
San Antonio, TX
Endless thanks to my family for their
support; I never would have made it
Was that really six years, cause it felt
without you. Jeff thanks for carving the path for me and Tommy much
like 20? I can't express how grateful I am for my family. You always
appreciation for keeping everything
believed in me. Ali, I'm so proud
in perspective. The great times will
of the beautiful girl you've become.
lead to great memories.
Divers...keep rippin’ it, and don’t forget to toss Larry. Cameron, Nick, and Stan thanks for being the best friends anyone could ask for! I’m out.
Donald Naiman
Jared Neumann
Donnie D-Train”
Mansfield, TX Systems Engineering Management Everything is what you make of it... so make something of today. To those who knew me, I miss ya’II already. I hope
Danbury, CT Legal Studies Rebels, Weasels, Warhawks- It was
pleasure. I can’t wait to see you all again. I am so proud to be a member of the long blue line with you. From BCT to Vegas to the Vue, unforgettable and entirely ridiculous. Thank you Mom, Dad, and Stefania. Kemery, you are my buddy, my everything, a
and the woman of my life. Love you.
the future is full of luck and success in
everything you try. For my Rebels, follow the leadership of Maj Kamorski and do whatever it takes to make life better for those under you. For my Barnstormers, thanks for everything, and do what
you can to know those you are lead-
ing... and don’t get “shwaked."
Nicholas Shelly
Annandale, VA
Computer Science I could never have dreamed of all
that has happened in the past four
years. Thanks to 14, the PPP, the Echos of the OSLw and the new Warhawks for the fond memories. I can still hear the Scarlet Pimp,
Garmisch and cries from Schongau. Thanks to my family and most importantly the Lord for the faithful
support. In the words of wise Calvin, “It’s a magical world, Hobbes ol’
Buddy...let's go exploring!”
Jonathan Steel
Thomas Steiner
Phoenix, AZ Systems Engineering Management This has been a long, yet rewarding, four years, thanks to my friends and
family. Mom and Dad, I am extremely grateful for the love and support you guys gave me. I also want to thank the Dallager family for providing a car freshman year, a house to stay at, and the best barbecues ever. And to all my
buds, thanks for all the good memories and I will see you in the blue.
up in the day-to-day routine of the Academy, but in the end it’s the relationships that will remain with me for a
lifetime. To all of my bud-
dies, the lovely Emily, my beautiful Mother, and most importantly Pops -
I couldn’t have made it without
you all. And yes, if something were to happen to me, ALL the world’s women would
Lee Thompson
Nathan Valle
Woodstock, IL
Chicago, IL
Meteorology Here’s to USAFA. Thanks for the
Grandma said “Boy- you can make it
ride, thanks for the friends, thanks for
if ya try!” Momma said “Don’t forget to
the memories. These last four years
pray” Words spoken from heaven -Obviously it was God telling me "Keep on Keeping on." To my real “Bruh's” stay united by a single cause. To my Brotha’s Sistah’s Love with everything you
have been the best investment of
my life. I wish the best to ail I leave with and all I leave behind. To all my
heart and open mind, I dreamt about
friends, we’ll see each other again. To Mom, Dad, Andrea, Kathryn, Jacob, and Ben thanks for the support. Remember, “They can because they
this, I cried real tears & at every sports
think they can.”
have. Mentors: I made it!! With a warm
event gave all I had
Economics and Management It became very easy to get caught
“Lt, Bird Man, L-tizzle my nizzle” Aeronautical Engineering
“Tommy” Houston, TX
“AMEN” 2-0-6!
warhawks FORTY
from experience and experience ,
from bad judgement -
” .
Simon Bolivar
33 5
STEPPING INTO THE FUTURE TOGETHER: Teamwork is critical for the proper functioning of each
squadron. Ca-
dets learn standard military practice with each of their peers from day one. Photo by Rene Tate
RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL: Squadrons are a close-knit unit where each cadet learns to share his or her
aspirations, struggles, and responsibilities. Polaris Photo
GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS: Each individual in a squadron plays an while the squadron operates as a distinct unit within the cadet wing. Polaris Photo
important part in the whole
“One day it started raining, and it didn’t quit for
four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin’ rain... and big ol’ fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from un-
” -
Forrest Gump
squadrons 337
Stefanie Bailey Emmanuel Delacruz
Francesco Folino Austin Fouts
Kyland Freeman Christopher Halbleib Patrick Hill Gordon Hodgkins Ross Hopkin Anders Karlsen Michael Krogh Nikita Martin
Joseph Mayberry Megan Mueller Christopher Oerter Christopher Schumacher Bradlee Seehawer Kasie Simmons Robert Smith Michael Snelgrove Will Theisner Nicholas Thome Mark Walden Joshua Winters
Michael Yakima
Lt. Col.
Master Sgt.
Kevin Raybine
Sean Medsker
Bryan Anderson Jessica Barbee Robert Barlow
Douglas Bates Jason Booth
Ryan Clisset Stefanie Culp Eric Davis
Harmon Gage
Samuel Gay
Tyron Gray Joseph Hoecherl Jordan Howen
Meghan Kiser Damien Koolis Justin Lechner Jason Lo Justin Mason
Ryan Meeter Thomas Meyer David Ocampo
William Parker
Stephanie Randall Satapat Rattana I
Nathanael Sladek Liam Taylor
Philip Veltre Leah Weis
Jessica Zenger
Lauren Baas
Spencer Bell Jocelyn Booker Matthew Bradwick Justus Carey Erica Chimelski
Nicholas Clark Shane Crowe
Nathan Dial Robert Durbin Jane Evans
Benjamin Garland Ryan Gauntt Sean Harte Adam Johnson
Rachel Knight
Stephen Larson William Lawrence Joshua Lopez Kevin McCarthy John McDonald John Moore
Daniel O’Keefe
Alexandra Oznowicz William Ray
Jeremy Rubin Samuel Smith Christie Taylor
Cory Tintzman Gavin Unverfehrt
Matthew Weakley Diana Wong
Jason Adams Mario Barron Jason Belvill
Matthew Buchholtz Shaun Carney Diana Dalrymple
Bradley Davis George Fowler Matthew Gensic Brian Heemstra Ruben Ihuit Ruiz Michael Kauffman Joel Kliewer
Bryce Luken Madeline Macauley Ryan Mcllroy Duane Miller
Gabriel Narduzzi
Mryamn Ruth Erika Shortridge
Kyle Smaagard Juliana Smith Andrew Walter
Lt. Col.
Tech. Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Sandy Travnicek
Bryant Evans
Paul Pohnert
Richie Amisone
Scott Balcao Charles Bayne Adam Bergoo Devin Bordelon Kevin Brady
Mark Chinery Corey Crowell Donald Davis Melissa Edwards
George Gibson Will Holmes Eric Kitaif Kali Kranz Michael Kravitz Dana Loveless
Sid Maru Michael Mayra Steven Miller
Tyler Olmstead Tyler Perry Michael Persiani
Ryan Pinner Kenneth Powers Javier Preciado
Katelyn Riley Andrew Small
Debra Starkey William Wargula Desbah Yazzie
Christopher Aguilar Katie Batchelder Chameka Boswell
Christopher Clawson Thomas DeCiutiis
Thien Duong Matthew Durham Lauren Franks Joshua Gelsomino
Timothy Genda Kevin Goldsmith
Ryan Gonzales Michael Hampton Ann Hansen Dorald Hartenstein Helen Hostomsky Jacob Johnston
Jung-Han Kim Meagan Kuchan Andrew Laushine
Joshua McCormick William Miller Juan Nolasco
Steven Noller Patrick O’Neill Amanda Peterson Abdul Qayum Chad Rubin Colin Shepherd Todd Smith Aaron Traver
William Weindel Daniel Workman
Maj. Kelly Ramshur Bryan Becker Jeremy Bridgeman Nicholas Carnovale Silas Chadwick
Clayton Cruickshank Fortune Egbulefu William Glojek Matthew Gray Aaron Gross John Hardy Anthony Kim
Brandon Laroche Paul Lasorda Nicholas Martin Richard Mentillo Kevin Murphy
Kevin Nastasi
Kees Negaard
Anthony Paladino Matthew Pate Jason Snedeker Amber Stillwell
Christopher Szabolcs Claire Vazquez Ryan Weaver Brandon White
Abigail Wise
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Keith Erb Jr.
Scott Boyle
Karan Bansal
Patrick Beville Lisa Bush
Elijah Culpepper Thomas Daniels
Daniel Ecklebe Joana Everett Andrew Gibson
Edward Givens
Timothy Gorski Aaron Green Kirk Habrun
Derrick Hoxie Michael Laney Elizabeth Lofton
Genelle Martinez Alan McBride James Miller
Kenneth Montague Kyle Norris Kevin O'Neill Jesse Prater Ramiro Rios
Danielle Rogowski Jack Rufus Daniel Smith Nicholas Varnum Andrew West
Jeffrey Winter
Christopher Arnold David Asche
Domingo Astiasaran
Christopher Bean Megan Bevis Solange Eddy Quinn Evans Matthew Fryer
Brittney Garrett Jeffrey Haub Isaac Houston
Nathan Jolls
Anthony Joseph Anthony Lavy Heather Leedom
Ryan McCoy Dustin McLean Brian O’Connor Sean O’Keefe
Brogan O'Toole Andrew Pan Alicia Quaco Radhika Ranaweera Talitha Richards
Timothy Ryan Gary Smith Ryan Stuart Katherine Thompson Loyd Truesdale Kenneth Welborn
Maj. Craig Harmon Austin Bergstrom
Alyson Busch Andrea Bush Giancarlo Cusano
Roger Gates Jeremy Gayer Nicole Graziano Robert Hanks
Meghan Lansford Jaime Martinez Marrero
Eric Mees Isaac Melton Erik Mirandette Michael Moffett
Amy Moore Brett Polage
Joseph Robinson Christopher Steel Gregory Stignani Jaclyn Taylor Sompop Thongfuang Zachary Tindall Brent Watson
Sterling Williams Mark Wojtowicz Zack Word
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Don Storer
Porter Gee
Peter Betz
Timothy Black Chase Bowen
Spencer Butt Joseph Castro John Cockbum
Stephen Crozier Aaron Dachroeden Robert Doyle
Robert Doyon Chelsea Fitch Robert Glenn
Stephen Hackeling Lara Harris Dustin Helsel
Drew Hundley John Lachiewicz Maverick Lewis Brooke Lunde Eric Miller Patrick Morris Griffin Nevitt
Tony Parsram William Reed Kurt Rommel
Clare Shannon Nathan Smith
Jessica Soto
Joseph Spitz Christopher Wilk
Christopher Allen David Anderson John Ball
Kyle Bell David Bennett Janna Blardony
Elsa Bohlender David Brasher Alexander Clift
Christopher Edlund Christopher Giacomo Tyler Gross Sean Guerrero
Jennifer Haden
Christopher Hartman Randy Jones Sean Lipkin Caitlin Lynch Michael McDonald John Oliphint India Overbey Sean Purio
James Quon Elliott Sahli William Smith Brett Troutman
Wilson Tucker Jennifer Walters
Daniel Anaya Elizabeth Belleau Thomas Bender Kenneth Cotter Kevin Crumrine
Joseph DiPaolo Montanna Ewers Michael Fleharty
Trisha Guillebeau Tobias Henderson Daniel Hilligrass Matthew Kohles David Mauer
Casey McKenzie Todd Newell
Cory O’Brien
Darcy O’Connor Keith O’Fallon Dakota Olsen
Christopher Pace William Pringle Ryan Stuhr Whitney Wieder Samuel Wright Ryan Zaccagnini
Cadet Squadrons
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Caroline Omdal
Pernell Parker
Michael Lindenberger
Steven Beaulieu Mark Bishop Michael Brittner Jared Consolo Nicholas Cruz Jacob Daly
Jeremy DeGuzman Robert Edmonds Nathan Eldredge Victoria Galli Garrett Gilbertson
Benjamin Golata Tyler Hewko Daniel Jackson Erin Johnson Branden Lynam
Brooklynn Mauss Brian Mueller
Bryan Mussler Ben Nail
Jeffrey Pecora Laurence Pineda
Joshua Reddis Alexander Rizkowsky
Dempsey Slough Trevor Steen William Timberlake
Christopher Totorica Marisa Whitaker
Matthew Williams
Samuel Barbara Karl Bohn
Alicia Bouges Thomas Braxton Charles Coburn
Jeffrey Edson Angelica Figueroa Susan Finch
Joseph Gibson Joseph Hamilton Nicole Hartig Matthew Haugseth
Christopher Horn Alexander Horrell
Zachary Huppert Mark Jordy Kevin LeRoux
Dwayne Lyons Whitney Martin Jamie McDowall
Itzam Ochoa-Castilio
Jeffrey Osborne Taylor Ragland John Rebolledo
Joshua Rehder
Joshua Rhynard
Christopher Rice Zachary Ritter Keith Smith
Justin Berry
Maria Brooks
Elizabeth-Ann Bupane Jonathan Burks Andrew Cipolla Allen DeNeve
Austin Dowling Joshua Downer Christin Hart Randall Hooper Sean Ketterick Jon Kinsey Matthew Kubik
Grey Leonard Thomas Mirro William Parrish
Danielle Paya Travis Picou John Quinn Richard Riley
Christopher Romano Alexander Seifert
Adam Tardif Rachael Wenger
Chad Whitson
Benjamin Yourous
Cadet Squadrons
Master Sgt.
Gina Hilger
William Fleetwood
George Anderson Jonathan Andresen
Douglas Banning Marie Barrett Nathaniel Beene Joshua Bird
Ryan Brooks Thomas Cousino
Kyle Epperson Nathan Estes
Jeffrey Faulkner Matthew Gilbert Michael Greene
Michael Hayes Alex Hill
Trevor Johnson Andrew Kirk
Ashley Maddox Michael Mangano Kelly McGowan Timothy Nesbitt Anthony Pavlisko Juan Perez
Jacob Rennebaum
Bryan Rocco Kenji Shinoda Laken Stogner Przemyslaw Strekowski Drew Vorhies
Ryan Winsor
Joshua Adams
Andrea Brichacek Alexander Brill Aaron Brockman
Alexander Churnside Jonathan Coffey Adam Giegler
Robert Hayward Lauren Hettich Dane Jansson
Erikka Johnson Eric Jorgensen Kenneth Kaczmarek Matthew Kaye Robert Lee
Danielle McCarty
Craig McGreal Avery Merriex Ryan Ottenad Evan Rodts
Kyle Rowland Sean-Michael Royer Masha Scheglov Alexander Shin Ian Talbot
Michael Winn
Jacob Arndt Joel Baldwin
John Blankenship
Charles Brantigan
Geoffrey Britzke Brice Collier
Chay Derbigny Daniel Derusha
Anthony Dorward John Dunn Lane Garman
Sean Henry Sean Jacobson
Ryan Kemnitz Kelly Lammert Grant Lewis Cameron Linder Jamie Moody Jamaal Neal Heather Pinsky
Brian Rahl Paul Reyes
Anthony Rocco Ross Stanley Shaun Sucillon Meade Tabata
Zachariah Thuli Bradford Wade Brandon Wagoner
Tech. Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Ron Cheatham
Victoria Morgan
Michael Dahlhoff
Sarah Bates William Blumhoefer
Bradley Breedlove Scott Brenner
Christopher Conley Brian Crum Nicholas Davis Justin Day Sean Fedornak Jennifer Gulbransen
Ryan Hagener Joshua Hausmann
Kais Heimburger William Heitshusen Bruce Hrabak James Johnson
Luke Kaspari Michael Kemp
Christopher Marti Ashley Miller Marisa Miyamura Thomas Nicholson
Gregory Oswald Michael Phillipich Michael Pyszkowski
John Rulien John Steiner Ariella Walker William Crowder
Richard Barnes Michael Bennett
Benjamin Brice Michael Brown Madison Burgess Daniel Cohoon
Corey Curtis Michael Erickson Vincent Gillmore Adrian Haywas Sarah Hoh
Shelby Judd Jae Kim
Ryan Lawhorn Scott Levin Jenna Lindquist
Samuel Mansen Kevin McGuiness Lucille McMinn John Owens
Chris Reichelt Cristina Richter
Benjamin Saunders Eric Schell Erinn Scott
Kurt Spranger Darren Ward Laura Weber
Ronald Tewksbury Matthew Abies Justin Atwood
Ivan Bohlender Richard Callahan Andrew Davis
Samuel Esplin Daniel Feldman
Amy Get Robert Giannini
Calvin Glass Samuel Grey Andrew Johnson Jonathan Luhrmann
Ashly Marshman
Benjamin Pass Jacob Rohrbach Julie Roloson Ruben Ruiz Perez Paul Russo
Scott Siler
Kyle Smith Lance Tucker
Not pictured: Rebecca Gerton and Nicholas Narbutovskih
Andrew Lucas
Randall Kwiatkowski
Scott Adamson Hoban Blume
Andrew Buchanan
Casey Butikofer David Butler
Robert Consiglio
Phillip Cunningham Kirk Devine Blake Duffy Brett Finneran William Harrison James Hickerson Keri Holcomb
David Horng Gyscar Inocencia-Holloway Troy Kinchen
Joseph Lapinsky Joshua Loomis
Kyle McClure Lisa Moe
Mary Murrill Brandon Nolan Victoria Ross Samantha Saenger Nicholas Schmiegel Brett Selzer
Zachary Thompson James Tippets
Christina Webb
Bailey Ball Nolan Brock Brandon Carter Luke Connolly Jocelyn Cravens
Jirasak Daochern
Bryant Davis Aaron Eshkenazi Nicholas Frawley Jase Garcia Ross Gioiosa
Skylor Helm Christopher Hunter Juliana Jacobellis Josef Kallevig
David Leibrand David Martinson
Sarah McDowell Austin McKinney
Richard Meldrum Ashton Miller Micah Paul Aaron Price
Stephen Renner Spencer Schardein Sarah Skogsberg Kelly Snyder Patrick Solheid Lucas Steadman
Basil Struthers Nicholas Tran
\ \
\ \ \
B 1
II! 9
3, /
/ j
,/ ,/
V if
m 1 1 A
i ■B
n §
Timothy Anderson Carson Bird Clinton Borchardt
Brian D’Arcy Dominic Foglia Jared Freeman Deborah Gaddis Scott Giles Valencia Gore Jonathan Hamilton
Daniel Holder
Joseph Joyce Sarah Keidel Hila Levy Kathryn Lewis Jacob Lynes
Jeffrey Massman Brian Nichols Clinton Ricks Brian Schaf Anna Schnitger
Alexander Sieg James Smith
Christopher Vineski Phillip Zencey
i i
i y * # .#
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Scott Schroff
Marino Duran
Jeremiah Dinan
Aaron Anderson
Benjamin Barton Scott Bogner Michelle Bosch Adam Bunker
Thomas Campbell Dustin Danielson Mitchell Fossum
Craig Francke Lucas Gagliardi Andrew Gilzean
Joseph Henney Torin Herring Jamie lllig Matthew King
Carlos Lopez
Kyle McIntosh Joseph Mercurio John Moore
Ashleigh Peck Stephanie Regis Kevin Rivers John Schroeder
Zachary Schumann Maclane Townsend
Josiah VanderMey Andrew Veerathanongdech
Christy Wise
David Atkinson
Morgan Bennett Benjamin Bruckman Christopher Chang Stephen Cooper Joel Corapi Jamie Daugherty Phillip Evans Ryan Gipson Jared Gomez
Brennan Jones Erin Keane
Michael Keil Walter Lange Justin Moore
Mallory Morgan Caroline Ojerio
Rexford Pearce
Kyle Schemenaur Dylan Smith Hannah Sorber Steven Suhrie
Spencer Tate Joseph Ulisse Gilbert Valdes Daniel Wabinga
Christina Wamsley Andrew Werner Andrea Wise
Andres Ascazubi Alexander Bedard David Bentley Christopher Boyer
Shawn Hackett John Hatfield
Benjamin Hedges Maximilian Hinton
Eric Jesse
Gray Kaempf Andrew Kemendo
Raissa Kliatchko Brett Kuhrt
Sherry Liebnitzky Keith Nordquist Ashley Perez Joshua Scoggin John Shinaberry
Tyler Sickles Jeremy Silko Marshel Slater Nathan Smith
Graydon Sponaugle Michael Tolzien
Tyler Tritz James Uhl
Nathanael Walker
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Chris Keeton
Kelly McGowan
Todd Johnson
Daniel Bar
Rebecca Childers
Tyler Cody Thomas Coker Kellen Curry
Brigham Dallas Christopher Ferguson Leif Hillshafer Charles Keeling Garrett Kurtz Andrew Lee Khalil Madani
Bradley McNamara Cory Mohrbacher Frank Panebianco
Angelica Plazas Hayden Poe Carolyn Price Shelley Rodgers Jonathan Sepp Sean Shay Joseph Tomczak Kevin Uniacke Clinton Walls Matthew Williams
Jennie Wood Mathew Worcester
Samory Abdul-Raheem Chloe Angello Joshua Bruder Alexander Chung
Jonathan Cordell
Quinton Croff Michelle Denise Daniel Everett Austin Fallin Austin Fritzke
James Godfrey
Ryan Hess Blake Horrell
Jacob Kern
Kayla Kincade Jonathan Lewczyk Andrew McFee
Matthew McPhail
Abigail Nickels Matthew Peck Paul Pfluke Matthew Rice
Joshua Schiffer Andrew Smith Julie Song
Courtney Swaney John Unverzagt Kevin Van Hook Andrew VanTimmeren Adam Wickley
Nathanael Witmyer Quentin Yip
Christian Apsey Mark Babb
Shayne Carroll Collins Cuyler Whitney Evanson David Franck Nathan Glandon Vincent Horn Daniel Kauffman Luke Levinson Peter Mattes
Creighton Moorman Brian Page Alexandra Psihas Michael Smith John Smyrski
Ashley Snyder Alecia Steele
Philipe White Brandon Wolf Matthew Yarrington
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Leslie Babich
Darryl Hamilton
Aaron Aragon
Stephanie Bacue Derek Candiotti
Shawn Carrier Thomas Chiasson Brooke Cultra
Brian Delaney
Jeremy Fox Bryan Hoffler Jesse Horton
Jacinda Knoll Jason Kotlewski Robert Manning
Shane Manuel
Matthew Miller Daniel Mitchell
David Nan Aaron Nelson Bernard Patenaude Laura Regnier
Eric Robinette Carlos Sanchez David Sleasman Daniel Tucker
Christopher Vicari Crystal Yang
Edison Abeyta Alfred Anderson Brett Anglin Brianna Baker
Thomas Bowen Nicholas Carter Kanit Dararutana Natalie Doede
Saj El-Amin Timothy Fahey Stacey Fenton Addison Gentry Brandon Geyer Stephen Heptig Ryan Kerns Gina Koenigsberger Adam Lietz
Anthony Lorenzini Andrew McPherson
Kathryn Parsons David Peck Charles Rumage Brian Willhite
Andrew Yaszemski
Kelsey Yip
Maj. Denny Towns Steven Bennett
Philip Borroni Jonathan Butcher Justin Dawson
Nicholas Fritts
Kemery Gies Jacob Hall Austin Hendrickson Alexander Henning
Hoon-Seok Jang Steven Janner William Johnson
Philip Kim Niki Kissinger Matthew Lopez Stephen McNamara
Richard McNeil
Eryn Meeks Christopher Miller Brian Navin
Joseph Speakman Katherine Suhrhoff
Daniel Swart Michael Trott Daniel Welch Charles Wells Ann Wessell
Ryan White
• .
Tech. Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Brian Boisvert
Jerod Norden
Christine Abayan Kai Anthony James Beard Justin Borgerding
Felicia Chavez Randall Chlebek Melissa Ehrler Nicholas Gilbert
Gregory Hoover Seth Hultin Kim Kreke Brian Kroeger Jameson Lamie
Michael Lewis Galen McRae Travis Miller Michael Peterson Jasamine Pettie
Lindsey Robinson Sean Rotbart
Cody Singletary Andrew Smith Brent Smith
Billy Terry
George Waterfield-Copeland Jonathan Watford
Jason Watson Nicolas Zimmerman
Corey Apodaca Patrick Arkwright Cody Armstrong Christopher Bordenave Aaron Brugman Arlon Carroll Michael Eide Matthew Fair Deanna Franzen Maximilian Gensler
James Gullo Patrick Hastings William Hay
David Hickle Althea Johnston
Victoria Lalich Jesse Lind Sarah Littlefield Andrei Macarescu Trevor Mendenhall Darren Montes
Justin North Daniel Oh
Megan Peterson
Collette Bannister
Miles-Tyson Blocker Stephen Bump Joshua Clayton William Davis Adam Dunk
Boyd Fritzsche Michael Fuchs Jamal Flarrison
James Hayes
Syed Javaid Kasey King Lorenz Madarang Nicholas Mercurio
Christopher Monson Erin Moubry Kevin Pastoor Calen Pope Marcus Remington Elizabeth Simpson Matthew Stillman Christina True Blake Turnquist
Robert Whipple Mitchell Wills
Tech. Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Robert MacKenzie
Jeanette Copeland
Mark Winter
Logan Barlow Andrew Borders Andrew Cooper David Corpman Matthew Davis Denise DeShazo
Joseph Dilts Katelyn Fabbri Brian Gilliam Robert Gobrecht Nathan Hocking
Jarrod Huffman Reid Inman John Langley
Ashley Love Matthew McCallum
Sean Millner Preston Moon Kevin Mulligan Nicole Paget Mark Pratt Jose Robaina
Anthony Schelstrate Edwin Snead
Chad Stoll
Travis Whittemore Kai Yamashiro
Kristopher Yarlett
Jonathan Benson Thomas Bernard
Megan Biles Adam Brunderman
John Cox Nicole Elliott
Rebecca Gleason Justin Goodin Scott Hatter Eric Herbort
Daniel Hickox
Calvin Hunter Peter Kaszynski
Christopher Killion Sondra Lesser Frank Mercurio
Theodore Ornelas David Ostrom Samuel Pang Rebecca Rasweiler-Richter John Rice
Juan Rojas Camacho
Benjamin Schmidt Peter Sohm David Urban
Candice Vickroy Austin Westbrook
Maj. Bryan Schrass Tiffany Biddle Kenneth Bowman Evan Dadosky Matthew Dinsdale
April Harker Raymond Hoffman Seth Hutcheson
Troy Jeffers
Christopher Johnson Gregory Kimak Benjamin Koval Huson Low Lawrence Melnicoff
Wooddy Miller Anthony Norman Jonathan O’Rourke
Jennifer Oeffner Joshua Oredson Kirk Palan
Liddell Parchman
Brandes Ramsey Katherine Roling
Ryan Sullivan Christopher Travelstead
Christopher Vork Rachel Washburn Daniel Wright
Tech. Sgt.
Master Sgt.
David Hall Jr.
Ray Alexander Jr.
Kathryn Anderson James Bowron Eric Burton
Christopher Carrillo Jose Chaparro Christopher Damele David Day Victor DiTommaso
Christopher DuBois Kenneth Eaton Matthew Fleharty Carli Frasier Joshua Gminski
Anthony Hertach Robert Hyatt Gavin Light Edwin Miltenberger Patrick Mount David Nugent
Kavir Patel Michael Reeder Joshua Schirner
Christopher Schroer Holly Simeon Ryan Springer
Not pictured: Dale Hargis and Justin Wilkens
Brian Bertka
April Boethin Meghan Booze Joshua Bouquio Jordan Craft James Curran
Catherine Elmore Andrea Fantacone Eric Goral
Shea Hall
Kimberly Hammernik Samuel Han Andrew Herzog
Anthony Hill Winston Jean-Pierre
Alex Kimber Matthew Lipscomb
Kathryn Lynn Zachary McCarter Isaac Metroka
Samuel Peplin Derek Potter Arturo Quijano
Kamaljit Randhawa Matthew Richards
Ashley Rivard Benjamin Schmidt John Sorce Andrew Waddel
Not pictured: Brandon Paquette
Darlene Cheatham Justin Aberth Michael Archer
Kyle Babbitt Ross Biechler
Gregory Boyadjian Victoria Castro Joshua Clifford
Shawn Cuevas
Tyler De Santis Eric Dueno
Christopher Englert Matthew Goering Adam Greer
Seth Horner Jacob Kriegbaum
Benjamin Kuhar Nicholas Lee Robert Mitchell
Nicole Pearl
Cory Pilinko Timothy Prestidge Carl Protsch Robert Rogers Jethro Sadorra
Michael Schwartz
Reilly Smith Adam Terns
Meghan West Stephen Zeglen
Don Ledbetter
Todd Farlee
Ashley Alexander Austin Bartlett Jason Dali
Francisco De La Torre John Delosreyes
James Elliott
Molly Gayden Steven Glowacki Carl Gotwald
Ryan Harrison Samuel Holbrook
Gregory Jemo Kevin Johnston
Kyle Jones Jennifer Knieff
Casey Lynn Casey Masters Andrea May John Munson
Charles Neal
Jerry Pribyl Matthew Robbins Nicholas Schlagheck
Christine Stagg
Joseph Steffes Frederick Tarantino John Tucker
Michael Wagner Daniel Warner Adam Williams
Haidar Al-Abadi
Zachary Bartsch Jamey Boyd Jonathan Brateng Jonathan Bucey Michael Chapman William Crowder
Salvatore Farino
Evangeline Fleischaker Stephanie Frick Mason Gordon
Catherine Haycraft Daniel Hill
Alexander Ishiba Michael Johnson
Randall Kindle Aaron Little Millie Mays Eric Meyer William Percoski Donald Rickey Brett Rodgers Emma Rush
Wayne Sails Alec Schwartz
Spencer Shibler Indya Vernon Frank Vicari
Danielle Ward
Bradley Wheeler
Maj. Tony Schenk Yoshio Adachi
Kyle Anderson Devon Bledsoe Daniel Bradfield Rhett Chase Heather Clemens James Corless
Angelica Cornejo Joshua Ellis Noah Garguile
Sean Gorden Erin Hiveley Christopher Jordan Taylor Leonard Donald Lewis Jacob Miller Jordan Ostwald Leah Pound Justin Raines Austin Randle
Christopher Reynolds Zachery Roycroft Peter Shenk
Zachary Van Valkenburg Matthew Weinberg Lauren Wilson
Master Sgt. Bret Bridgewater
Ainsley Allen Andrew Amack Sean Anderson
George Arbuckle Jordan Barber
Brady Behrendt Rudolph Bowen Charles Brandt Justin Brozetti Andrew Caulk Ian Crawford
David Fang Michael Fantauzzi
David Fondacaro Kali Green
Wyatt Harris Ian Flurdle
Katherine Kennedy Mark Manship Matthew McCormack
Amy Mclnteer John Nussbaum Joshua Roose Jessica Stewart
Daniel Strishock Sean Sullivan Larissa Swartz
Dallas Wright Luke Yeager
Joseph Andersen Clinton Brdlik
Lindsey Briggs Blake Brooks Matthew Cook
Stephen Cruickshank Kyle Ellsworth Mark Favinger Thomas Gorry Richard Heiden
Benjamin Hill Agnes Kang Tyler Keener Roland Kern Brett King
David Knicely
John Lockwood Steven Meyer
Ross Perry Jordan Rozsa
Jonathan Ruiz
Tyler Russon Kathleen Schjodt Calvin Singh Richard Tippitt
Maj. Timothy Sweeney James Bell Robert Brown James Camp Meaghan Corliss Eric Duechle Elizabeth Eames Kevin Epstein Gregory Ferry Mark Govea Nicholas Griese John Hartwell
Ashley Jensen Andrew Johnson
Jason Lunger Jason Minnich Rachael Mooney Nicolas Neely
Phillip Polmonari Mitchell Richard
David Russell James Ryan Doel Salcedo
Jeffrey Schmidt Ryan Shaughnessy Michael Trottier
Ajvish Varatharaj
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Michael Hillier
Jason Haag
Mark Bailie Jennifer Beasock Kenneth Bull
Bradley Carroll Jarred Epstein
Shane Frey
Christopher Gurrola Mary Guzowski Michael Hanagan Andrew Hendel Brian Jarrell
Matthew Johnson Brandon Jones Simon Kassemi Charles Kennedy Joshua Matthews
Ashley Miller Andrew Morris
Valerie Mossman Andrew Musser
Ryan Nicolay Ian Noel
Mark Puffenbarger
Zachary Rieger Logan Roberts Randy Rogers Anthony Santosus Darshan Subramaniah
Taylor Tally Erin Wallace
Stephen Albano Benjamin Ausbun Nicholas Bassett Patrick Bergstresser Mohamed Boumezrag
Joseph Buckingham William Cuchens Albert Espinoza Mikhail Fedorchik
Ridge Flick Adam Gorzkowski
Carsten Hobbs
Brittany Hopkins Paul Kim William Kirk Reinhold Leicht Brock Logan
Corey Lohmiller Maxine Lucas Adam Mikulis
Alexander Neal Sean Peters Daniel Richardson Selena Rodts Brett Santana
Scott Schweitzer Justin Shadrix
Brent Spencer Alex Steele Aaron Volk
Katie Weber
Maj. Richard Hughbank Jacob Allen
Nicholas Cattaneo Hsi Chou
Jena Desmet
Gregory Ford Bruce Fritz Daniel Gartland Nicholas Haiar
David Hernandez
Daniel Johns
Talaya Jones David Jung Lisa Kempker Kenneth Maloy James Massot
Ty McKeever Carla Merino Drew Peterson
Jonathon Reynolds Daniel Schaffer Natasha Sergi Theodore Shiveley
Christopher Sifuentes Richard Stead
Clayton Ten Eyck Joseph Visalli Jonathan Waterlander Rachel Young
Master Sgt. Rodney Rathel
Tech Sgt. William Garringer
Robert Arcand
Lyndon Bartlett Andrea Berger Jordan Bobbs John Butler Jason Correll
Ryan Cwynar Edward Foulon Nathan Hawkins Daniel Hendren
Michael Hofer Violandrino Isip
Stephen Jude Colby Kinsel Michael Koepke Nathaniel Leach Jason Mayor William McCormick Roberta Nitzberg
Olufemi Oke Cassandra Overman
Ryan Rutherford Charles Scholfield Mark Schriner
Douglas Sutton Jason Thomas Edward Tison Chelsea Welsh
Christopher Berens Brandon Burfeind
Anthony Christian Rachel Crawford James Cushing
Frederick Diederich
Simon Ferrel Peter French
Ambrose Garcia
Stephen Grace Evan Jiblits Andrew Klausner John Kuconis
Sean Long
Tyler McBride Diana McVay Tyler Melzer Megan Miller Patrick Mobley Andrew Peters
Gordon Randall Erick Ringo
Joseph Scioscia
Mary Skorupski Danielle Snider
Kyle Spitzer Eric Straub
Roy Surita
Timothy Truong Helen Wildner
Cadet Squadrons
| Tjv
ill | Mr
Brian Campbell
Spiro Catsulis Matthew Crowley Colin Hendershot Lars-Kristian Hinrichsen Caroline Hostomsky Johnathan James
Eryn Johnston Matthew Kennedy
Anthony Lee Aaron Lessin Ian McFarland Joshua Meents Clifford Moore John Pavlus Jeana Quintana
Michael Riddick
Kelly Robinson Ryan Rutter Mark Saffold Brandon Satre
Robert Shuler Katherine Slogic
Gregory Smith Benjamin Trembath Patrick Walsh John Wilder
Jeremy Wyatt
Cadet Squadn
Master Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Thomas Regen
Brian Gott
Angie Evans
Matthew Carver Daniel Castle Matthew Danley
Joseph Dougherty Alexander Gallman Addison Harding Matthew Herzberg Jennifer Johnson
Barry Knoblock Shankar Kulumani Josiah Loeser Jacob Lowrie Joshua Martinez
Nathan McCaskey Sam McKenzie William Moak David Operchal Beth Pershing Jeffrey Randolph Kimberly Robinson Keidrick Roy Mark Scott
Wesley Tubman Robert Vasta
Steven Wang Tyler Weeks Jessica Wissner
Marie Abbey Adam Bartczak
Matthew Bezzant
Joseph Brundidge Andrew Burke
Jeff Choi
Harry Dale Stephanie Davison Donald DeGarmo
Shane Fink James Greener Joel Holley
Richard Kabanuck
Brittany Keiper Jonathan Klenk Brent Lavey
Corey Loomis Myles McDowell Trevor Miller
Brittany Morreale John Peterson
Christina Poon Nathan Rings Carl Scott
Robert Steigerwald Brian Stewart
Linea Stuckey
Ryan Ten Eyck James Tomlin
Joseph Valdez Trenton West
Maj. Raymond Boulter Robert Beardslee Robert Call Frank Cope
Scott Dalrymple Matthew Ditson
Pamela Findlay Mark Fraser
Samuel Freeland
Kenneth Grosselin Travis Harvey Casey Kawaguchi Patrick Kellar Amanda Lee
Remington Marsden Lauren Matthews
Kip McCarthy Daniel McLaughlin
Dylan Parker Mark Pitliangas Daniel Samson
Christopher Santangelo Todd Small
Garrett Smith-Hernandez
Christopher Stover Robert Strong Eric Wahl
John Wells Blake Wiehe
Anthony Young ;
Tech. Sgt. Jason Davis
Omar Al Rasbi Patrick Allen Hunter Altman Sean Callahan Robert Carpenter Lauren Choate
Bradley Chronister Edmund Evans
Bradley Henicke Lauren Kerdavid
Timothy Lee Andrew Long David Mackintosh
Christopher Maffuccio Rudy Monteagut Caitlin Prantl Justin Raabe
Sandra Salvatierra
Zachary Shapiro Todd Sieling George Sondecker Robert Van Roekel
Joseph Walton Harvey White Matthew Wichmann
Timothy Wilde Kelly Wright Daniel Zheng
Mychol Alexander Andrew Anderson
Tyner Apt Rachel Chee-A-Tow Thomas Cooper Eric Darwin
Berkley Davis Brendan De Brun Katie Downer Andrew Greenhill
James Hollingshead
Christopher Jaglowicz Derrick Kline Earl Lo
John-Paul Lopez
Michael McLain
Timothy Mergen Jonathan Miller Jennifer Nolta Peter Pfau Steven Riedl
Brenda Song Daniel Walker
Gary Whiteman Mike Youn
Kristopher Dickson llechukwu Agu
Patrick Bennett Thomas Borseth Paul Caruso Daniel Cascio Matthew DeFoor
Zachary Dolley Christian Evans
Ryan Frost Gabrielle Glenn Derek Haun
Stewart Hawkins
Kallyn Johnson Robert Jones John Kepple Collin McSorley Amanda Messinger
Anthony Simmons Joshua Splawn Kara Thoreson Joshua Van Wyngaarden Mark Watson
Ryan Wiese Sydney Wilkinson Kasey Wilson
Not pictured: Keith Maren
Cadet Squadrons
Tracy Sanders
Christine Johnson
Nasser Al Shihi Jonathan Aronoff
Jeff Bohlman John Campbell
Mary Conley Matthew Cork Tracee Curlett John Fugate Andrew Hauffe
Chasmine Jones Hannah Kosirog Jordan Kowalkowski Brett Lesser Alexander Marana Joshua Martz Joshua Miller Ozmund Ortiz Jason Pallo Michael Paul Shannon Reichert Daniel Rottinghaus
Ryan Sleeter Eric Sullivan Forrest Underwood
Cameron Unterberger
Benjamin Walker Phillip Wilson Jonathan Yates
Zachary Ziegler
Not pictured: Brian Massa
Felix Abeyta
Cofie Asare Elizabeth Blair Alexander Brand Nora El Oueslati Chad Everett Erin Ferderer
Kevin Finster Arthur Gibbons Matthew Greenwood Blaine Hainebach Luke Klingensmith
Carolyn Koval Robert Louder
Frank Martinez Nathan Moeller Conor Murphy
Cristina Pawlica Neil Pfau Brian Scheller
Kyle Stockamp Kari Thomas
Daniel Tillier David Waddell Richard Wheeler Marshall Wills Justin Wohlford
Michael Zeleski
Not pictured: Akira Nervik
Maj. Stephen Scherzer Amanda Altman
Brittain Caldwell Mark Cerni Derek Day Jason Garrish
Robyn Grieshaber Ryan Gustafson Matthew Harley Ian Helms Travis Lewis
Alexander-Brian Marquez Richard Medina Brett Messer Michael Morris Adam Myszka
Hali Nelson Alexander Prevendar
Joseph Sabat Charles Storm
Cindy Tope Matthew Welch Robert Whitney
Bradley Wills
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
James Myer
Jerry Molina
Edward Bae
Matthew Campbell Claire Carlos Janice Contreras
Bradley Dewees Garrett Dilley
Rachael Emory Leandros Fugate Robert Gaiser Andrew Gill Joshua Heffernen Adam Hopkins
Kyle Klein Adam Kruse Krista Lepire Brit Long Joshua Mason
Benjamin McKinney Joseph Migliuri Hunter Myers Ty Payne Brian Peterson Andrew Pipes
Ryan Ramirez Abigail Rogers Alexander Rowton William Smith Justin Weiler
Ryan Whitehead
Michael Bates Melissa Beerse Kenneth Bidmead
Cameron Bowsky Steven Davies Justin Fisk Tate Grogan
Matthew Harmon
Anthony Hemphill Joseph Henn Bryan Holtz Zayn Knaub
Ashley Langston Joy Lomheim Christopher Lovas Jessica Mapes Fakhri Mokni
Christopher Molstad Houston Nelson Brett Nylander
Michael Pak James Pfeiffer
Jessica Pray Jordan Roberts
Matthew Scott William Stainback
Timothy Stover Chelsea Tompkins Jared Wagner Zachary White Michael Wojciechowicz
Christin Brodie
Delwyn Campo Stephen Cecil Travis Dekker Jared Dorland Grant Gavran
Megan Harkins Corey Holden
Bryce Johnson Damon Jones
Brysen Kreighbaum Mario Mendoza Dean Milner James Ollis Caitlin Olson Asha Padmanabhan
Jason Parcus Anson Park
John Payne Jose Paz
Joseph Pierce Micah Redfield John Skypeck
David Swanson Jameson Utrilla
Jin-Kyong Yu
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Scott Kniep
Mark Crespo
Dan Jordan
Ryan Barnes James Caldwell Robert Courtade Luke Cure Connie Dillon
Aaron Doss Drew Griffin Robert Hammerbeck
Anthony Hughes Erich Kramer John Lee
Julie Luce Michael Maziarz John Moore
Skylar Morgan Andrew Muench
Joshua Newman
Christopher Patton Alexandria Provenghi
Kyle Rainwaters Alexander Roman Corbin Sanford Austin Smith Matthew Sobey
Timothy Spielman Jonathan Swift
Trent Walker Trevor White
Kayla Beach Cameron Beckett
Tegan Bukowski Lucas Burlingame Richard Davies Jack Fitzgerald
Jason Fung Jason Gallimore
Colleen Graska Peter Grooms
Rachel Hall Parker Haycock Daniel Hill Jason Hope Cutter Knox Matthew Knutson
Matthew Ludwig Michael Menna Daniel Montplaisir Adam Page
Daniel Paladino Harold Parker
Timothy Phillips Ashley Reinig Evan Robertson
Benjamin Scroggins Thomas Sukut
Cheng Tay Christopher Thomas Katherine Wallace Jason Whitehead
Michael Agnew Russell Baker
Jordan Birt
Jesse Boyter Cassandra Bustamante
Kyle Carnahan Robert Clark Eric Duncan Andrew Fowler
Joseph Goetz Matthew Houser Travis King Jacob Lambach
Benjamin Mendel Amanda Pelkowski Robert Preston
Ryan Price John Rabold
Justin Ross Andrew Saleh Andrew Snow
John Thompson Austin Warriner
Megan White
Zachary Arendsee Philip Cho Dean Chuva Garrett Collins
Casey Eickholt Michelle Fryling Chad Fulgham Jared Galinis Garrett Glover
Timothy Hicks Sean Houseworth
Jane Hwang William Indelicato
Jeffrey Lippert Jeffrey Maciejewski Laura Martineau Nathan McCartney
Scott Mitchell Mark Muller
Nicholas Petersen Nicholas Reierson
Gregory Rettler Adam Sauter
Russell Smith Benton Staab
Justin Storm
Kyle Sultemeier Jordan Tribble
Thanya Velasquez Kenneth Wilkins
Michael Albert
Charles Allen Bruce Bain Andrew Bauder
Kirk Bingaman Whitney Bouchard Jeffrey Bowman Matthew Buscemi
Ashley Collins Amanda Essary Braden Gross Noah Hanks
Madeleine Hanson Jack Hines Matthew Houck Adam Johnson
Ryan Koerber Matthew Lundquist Laurel Mabry
Michael Moore
Broderick Morris
Christopher Piascik Jordan Pierson Daniel Puhek Sean Quintana Ric Rebulanan
Catherine Robertson Jason Sewell
Brendan Sullivan
Bryce Waller
Lt. Col.
Tech. Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Mike Rickard
Lindsay Miranda
Mike Vagle
Waleed Ashiq
Benjamin Bloch Joseph Budzyn William Burrows Eric Courtois Eric Ehn
Joseph Ellis David Garcia Matthew Gourgues
Kristin Hoover Bruce Jamison
Alyssa Keeter Nicholas Kellenbence
Tyler Lawhorn David Lissy William Little Andrew Olsen
Joseph Pfeifer Jonathan Rember
Michael Rivera Adam Rudd
Clay Toerner Trevor Trujillo Christopher Walker
Sarah Alford Nicholaus Bente David Brown
David Burk Andrew Davis
Christopher Demmon Eric Diss Daniel Duck Madison Gilbert Matthew Hannan Daniel Harris Michael Hawkins Scott Howley John Jenkins Matthew Jensen Matthew Jurcak
Ashley Korac Gregory Magram Matthew Neal
Benjamin Oster Christopher Pedersen David Puchalla
Michael Robblee Joshua Sinkler Devon Stanko
Anthony Stegman Jennifer Stewart
Jared Taylor Jacob Williamson
Saras Yi David Zeigler
Taylor Baughn Wayne Black Harris Butler Nicholas Charles Adam DeRito
Daniel Dreier
Christopher Flaute Paige Grant Kevin Gross Mathew Haxton Katherine Heflin Patrick Houghton Luke Hyder Rod Jamshidian Brandon Johnson
Tyler Lynch Ryan Martelly Michael Moroz Tahichi Richardson
Andrew Riddle Robert Rivera Cameron Rochelle Kevin Rosser
Morgan Sayes William Shackelford
Shea Speer Clarke Sumerel Julie Waren
Joshua Whiteheart
Bradley Wolff
Cadet Squadrons
Steven Burgess Alicia Carter
Brianne Davidson Matthew Dietrich Jack Fiedler
Lukas Fisher Joshua Gunderson Chandler Flail Nathan Johnson
Ryan Lorraine Andrew Melander
Joshua Needham
Daryn Nelson Zachary Pierce Brandon Ray Trenton Reeves Jon Roberts
Garrett Rybak Trenton Sandberg Shane Seibert
Cameron Shinabarker
Clayton Turner Christopher Wood
Lt. Col.
Tech. Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Nerisse Fernandez
William McDonald
Jeff Browning
Kaitlin Baird
Wayne Barber Matthew Barry Timothy Bent Eric Birdsong Leif Brustuen Jon Cremer
Scott Farrar
Aphichart Gingsumrong Daniel Gnazzo
Brian Groth Alessandra Horban Anwar Johnson
Peter Karski Brett Kasischke Nicholas Kennedy Daniel Klepper Joshua Mann
Natasha Marakowski Erin McNeil Jonathon Newcomb
Anthony O’Shea Sean Perry Jake Petro
Philip Rose Sara Schwartz Robert Smith
Brandon Sullivan Katherine Taylor
Albert Vasso Brock Yelton
Jorge Ballesteros Tyler Beal Anthony Blankenberger Joshua Bredeweg Lindsay Brown Clayton Bryant Aaron Canciani Matthew Deming Adam Feliz
Grant Fleming Matthew Guertin
Aaron Hines Andrew Kim Alexander Konowka Jessica Laco
Kyle Maier Lauren McKinnon
Angela Moronese Phillip Morrone Ryan Pitts Michael Rogers Nicholas Sahagun Benjamin Schimelfening Sara Schmitt John Shalekbriski
Jonathan Slater
Tyler Swanson Kyle Van Valkenburg James Walker
Vanessa Warwick Harrison Whiting
Benjamin Zumstein
Matthew Beckley Jonathan Appleby James Bresnahan
Matthew Charbonneau Donald Clemson
Joshua Cutino
Morgan Dolan Evan Erickson David Field Andrew Galbraith
Nicky Hamayasu Katrina Keith Jared Krueger
Joy Lawal Julian Madrid Ivonne Maldonado
Michael Mattingly Nathan Nordby Michael Quinn Drew Rimelspach
Patrick Roks David Schoenhardt
Emily Shanes Jared Vieth Adam Voci
Bill Hutto
Dwight Cams
Brandon Biba Elon Brumfield
Donald Bussell Richard Culver
Benjamin Deriggi Anthony Ferrara Melissa Harry Shea Hartley Andrew Hong Catherine Karl Alexander Kaszynski Thomas Kellermann
Kenneth Landgraf Jackson Mason Kevin Mauer Boston McClain
James Miltenberg
Emily Montgomery Clifton Noble Dustin Nordman
Andrew Rose
Theodore Saitz James Sarver
Bryan Taylor Nicholas Underwood Laura Walsh
Nicholas Batey
Christopher Campbell Robert Capparelli
Sara Chapman Curtis Dewey Connor Flynt Austin Francis Seth Gunn Brian Humphreys Kevin Kim
Christopher Kopp Marc Majors Stephen Makuka Marcus Mosher Ikechukwu Nwaelele William Pleasanton
Matthew Roland Natalie Romano Jason Shank
Samuel Sheppard
Benjamin Shoptaugh Melissa Sidwell
Christopher Smith Chi Sun
Zane Taylor Vincent Walker
Autumne Wells Travis Whittemore
Maj. Joseph Kendall Ben Hassen John Carberry
Thomas D'Amore
Kyle Dufaud Elizabeth Enyart Matthew Ghigna Nicholas Herr Adam Hood
Brandon Hua Justin Jones
Melissa Lee Nicole Lincoln
Richard Loesch
Kathryn Lyons Christopher Mahan Tiffany Moore Casey Osborne Christopher Perry Charles Riordan William Sides Nathaniel Spitler
Anthony Stegeman John Sutcliffe Ian Turner
Zachary Valdez Robert Vogel Erik Wallace
Benjamin Worrall
Master Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Lance Hayward
Steve Honda
Holly Bigelow Tyler Brummer Daniel Cannard
Nicholas Dixon Paul Fry
Bryon Fryer Stephen Hendershot Krista Hubschmitt
Hung Lindsey Kinsinger Aaron Ledbetter
Justin Lovuolo Patrick McGrew
Joseph Miller Christopher Nettles Christine Nguyen Amanda O’Neil Thomas Rodriguez
Waseem Saed David Salazar John Schrader
Andrew Teague
Jeremy Thompson Toshiro Toyama Shari Wilson
Andrew Beauchamp Andrew Bolint Andrew Bryant
Gregory Cappuzzo Karras Clark
Ashlee Curtis William DiMaio John Dolan
Sean Foote
Benjamin Garoutte Peter Guzowski Daniel Hurtt
Bryan Johnson April Jorgenson Michael Koslow Andrew Kwon Jacob Malcolm
Heidi Mohr Steven Mudrinich Matthew Plourde
Deaven Randolph
Zechariah Roloff Lane Sharon Kristen Smith
Jonathan Stephenson Andrew Stypula
Ruby Tamariz Thomas Taylor
Brian Thorn Lauren Twitty Andrew Volkening Karl Wallskog
Maj. Stephen Pirner Sean Abling Gregory Adam Amanda Akimoff Joshua Barlow Ethan Caparelli
Hsiang Chen Trebor Cowling
Thomas Crockett
Keegan Dale William Deike Jamie Gibbs Brian Guyette Jonathan Hill Kathleen Le Joel Martin
Benjamin Mattalino Ross McKnight Rebecca McLean Jesse Mortensen Michael Osgood Rachel Owen
Stephanie Pierce Cheryl Steiner Kory Taborn Matthew Walker
Taylor Wight Brittany Williams Christopher Wolff Ryan Zemari
Tech. Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Eric Sandoval
Ernest Medina
Stephanie Boyer Cody Breau Trenton Burney Ryan Christie Joshua Dietrich
Michael Dobbs Patrick Duffey James Flick
Eric GaN Nicholas Grieco Parker Hicks Yvonne Johnston Peter Kober
Anastasia Kostrubala
Spenser Lee Peter Leestma Aaron Mackie Matthew Martenson Brett McAuliff
David McMahon Dustin Nedolast
Anthony Ortiz Zachary Ottow Krystle Pope Scott Robinson Addison Schenk
Joshua Seefried
Kyle Sellner Jared Tuinstra
Philip Warthen
Kristen Wolverton
Laura Abbott
Stephen Bintz Brenton Byrd
Christopher Carillo Carsen Chun Danielle DePaolis Michael Dobransky
Ryan Fortney
Tyler French Arthur Grijalva
Ralph Hale Philip Husk William Katz Kristi Kemp
Oliver Kotelnicki Steve Lee Lance Marchesseault Joshua McFarland
Myles Morales Megan Moulton Jacob Mueller
David Pool Tiffanie Richardson Sara Suniga
Benjamin Thomas Jeremy Van Driessche David Won Brett Workman
Maj. Zachary Barber Ikedinachi Akagha Christopher Baisch
Matthew Burnham
Jeffrey Coe Colby Colter Caitlin Curran
Brady Davis Amani Evensen Kristen Grasser Nathan Haney Ian Harper Matthew Kettler Kekoa Kuamo’o-Peck
Thomas LaLiberte Laura Millener Matthew Molten Kevin Peterson
Christopher Stanton Kaitlin Tardieu
Brynn Thoreson Brian Vos
Christopher Wiedenmann Ryan Williams Gregory Witzig Andrew Young
Master Sgt. Dawn Fay
Jack Ambridge
Kelly Arnts Joseph Baldwin Kurt Cloutier
Benjamin Drake Gregory Flynn Joshua Ford Matthew Goh Andrew Flenke
Randi Keyes Isaac Leung
Benaiah Lozano Sean Malanowski Jared Marvin
Benjamin McCorkle Michael McVay Daniel Montilla
Shaun O’Bryant
Alexander Pappalardo
Emily Purcell Michelle Shinto Kurt Silsby Jered Smith
Cody Sweatt Chad Vanderhorst Austin Winner Joel Wofford Trisden Wright Roni Yadlin
Christopher Allen Caroline Arnold Matthew Bottorff James Cornell Eric de Gruchy Jennifer Ebert
Ryan Forystek Paul Gannett
Charles Haller
Jeffrey Hutchins David Keller Ivan Konvalin Calvin Kress Peter Lusk Justin Martini David Miller David Musielewicz Eric Poole Carol Roling
Alexander Roosma Daniel Shea
Katsume Stoneham
Jonathan Tellefsen Joshua Thomson
Joseph Walz Daryl Wells Brent Whiteman
Aaron Widener Jessica Yahn Albert Yu
Cadet Squadrons
Photo Not
Photo Not
Master Sgt. Jeremy Gallagher
Jason Armagost Nicholas Bauer Tausha Beins Paul Bowen Steven Chandler Matthew Eggert Preston Gartner Jessica Grundt Kevin Hawkins
Keith Hayden Roger Knobeloch Mark McCollough Ryan McGuire Samuel Meyer Steven Mount Kevin Navarro
Katie Newkirk Jonathan Ng Collin O’Bryant
John Rader Adam Sievers Jesse Stroh Michael Switzer
Christopher Tubesing Jill Ward
Benjamin Wong Paul Yeagley
David Abraham Austin Almand
Joseph Atherton Lauren Chaffee Michael Chidester Brandon Davis Lauren Doughty
Stony Fath Heather Flynn Nicholas Goc
Joel Halpert
Ryan Holets Jasmine Jordan
Michael Kracht Shannon Kranich Robert Martin
Kevin McDonald Daniel McLaughlin
Joshua Metzger Justin Miller
Jacob Paulson Justin Pedone Juancarlos Pino Elisa Rhynedance Benn Slikker Nicolas Velati Brian Vickers
Patrick Warfel
William Adorno
Stephan Azab Kristen Barra
Garrett Canter John Doeseckle
Ajay Dua Jaclyn Fleming Devon Ford
Benjamin Fox James Frazier
Michael Gies Jacob Halle Eric Hutto Akili Joseph Erika Kreiner Austin Krohn
Anthony Mascaro Michael Masiello Joshua Nannen
Christopher Ng Melissa Perkins Talon Pope Travis Root Jennifer Schnacky
Victor Shealy
Cristofer Shumaker Joshua Tempel
Zachary Walker Christopher Wolford
Cadet Squadrons
Connie Ambrose
Cary Balser Aaron Bowens Michelle Buehner Jennifer Carter
Benjamin Christensen Joe Cross
Timothy Doster Timothy Gaydosh Katherine Harmon Ian Hauck
Troy Jensen Peter Krasco John Kryzak Zachary Minner Michael O’Donnell
Tyler Paffett Kenneth Pedersen
Stephen Perez Richard Pinckney
Eli Prince
Omesh Qasba
Taylor Roach Davin Sylvester Matthew Tanis Sara Weimar
Christopher Yost
Master Sgt.
Master Sgt.
Laura Goodman
Ronald Walker
Robert Hartwig
Brady Augustin Newton Bang Robert Berry David Blessinger Phillip Cole Brooks Crane
Colly Deaton Blaise DiLeo Melissa Evans Weston Fulfer
Michael Giannone Cristina Guerreiro James Hall
Matthew Horan Michael LaBrie
Jacqueline Lynch Fai Wah Hugo Ma Michelle Mangold Miles McMullan
Lincoln Miller Brian Pitman Brandon Reeves Robin Rogers Robert Smith
Tyler Stecker Alexander Weiner
Raymond Zhang
David Arlington Ivando Arroyo
James Ciccone Tarasita Davis Jason Epperly Mark Frederick
Ashleigh Fugate Jeffrey Hajner Mark Hammond Cameron Henrion
Chamberlin Herndon
Thiago Huxley Justin Janus Kile Kuzma Jill Larson
Jacques Maniguet Robert Mashburn
Benjamin Naumann Kyle Novae Michael O’Connor Alexander Paladino Mark Poppler
Michel Ramarolahy Michael Roseburg Colin Shumate
Zachary Stroman Robert Tentler Matthew Ward Jonathan Wieninger Nicolas Wright
Nathan Anderson
Brian Boardman
Troy Breland Kerrie Campbell Dillon Deutsch
James Dunn Marc Goodman Jonathan Hughes
Alexander Layendecker
Spencer Liedl Shaffi Mark Scott Mixdorf Michael Morris
Melanie Peterson Joshua Print Robert Renquist
Brian Ross
Benjamin Song Christopher Thomsen Jennifer Williams Daniel Wynn Mike Zulauf
Not pictured: Marissa Skidmore
Master Sgt.
Master Sgt.
John Krystyniak
Robert McGill
Vicki Bamberg
Bryan Avery Leighton Bagby Jason Bartik
Kristoffer Beloncio-Flatt
Tyler Clark John Cocomazzi Parker Cowles
Joseph D'Agostino Kyle Davis Eleanor Dormire
Brian Dosa
Erika Fischer
Benjamin Gardner Rueben Glaves John Harvey Joshua Hughes
Anthony Hylko Esther Ludvicek
Forrest McLain Michael Morris Shawn Naugle Daniel Romero Mercedita Sadorra
Stephanie Schmidt Robert Smith
Benjamin Soifer Alexander Stevenson
John Wilhelm
Kimberly Bilbao Margaret Blackstun Leanne Caballer
Benjamin Cumnock-Francois John Dombroski
Alexander Frank Jared Goss
Sue Guinane Daniel Hann Michael Hodges
Joseph Ignatowski Christopher Ladehoff Andrew Layman
Rachel Lovelady Gregory Masters
Anthony Mitchell Ashley Myers Jason Perry Steven Pollock
Thomas Powell
Christopher Prochnow Holly Rettig Richard Ross
Bryan Sanchez Neal Terpstra
Robert Tonio Andrew Ward Robert Willet
Not pictured: Vickie Bamberg and Rob McGill
Maj. Larry Card II David Alpert Alan Calfee Erin Coakley
Matthew Crandall
Caley Cyphers Brian Elliott
Leslie Erives Ronald Farkas Austin Ferreria
Matthew Goodson
Kenny Green Blaine Guenther Eric Hempen Christina Hudson
Gavin Johnson Shane Malkin John Mattson
Chad Murray Marc Nichols
Spencer Reed Lorinda Risdon David Rodriguez Mark Root
Chad Rudolph
Eugene Tornow Paul Tracy Blake Wong
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Steven Yoder
Tamara Tye
Kedem Alon Derek Andeweg Daniel Balch
Matthew Beaudreault
Christopher Brinkmann Peter Choe Phil Compton Liam Conley
Joseph Curran Michael Daly Matthew Daniels
Jeffrey Edwards Cash Godbold Jessica Guy
Kimberly Hale Christopher Ifft David Izzo Laura Johnson
Dustin Lovell Nathaniel Mocalis Adam Otten
Matthew Pineda Andrew Richter
Ryan Sivertsen Bryn Sowa
Gregory Stafford Kaitlin Staples
Kyle Strathman Brady Urbanovsky Joshua Williams
Caleb Allen Franklin Baker
Caleb Becker John Bonner
Aftan Boudreaux Austin Cardenas Keane Carpenter Christopher Copeland
Stephen Donaldson Jaffet Ferrer-Torres
Gregory Fromknecht Jason Hallenbeck Curtis Hansen Michelle Harrington
Casey Hong Joseph Hunt Jacob Jeffcoat
Jacob Lair Brandon Lassiter Nicole Mancos
Morgan Mathis Erik Nelson Franklin Nesselhuf Thomas Posey
Thomas Pressley
Edward-Larry Ramirez Jeffrey Reddout Charles Reynolds Alison Romanko
Charles Walsh
Thomas Aseltine William Bauer Mark Belkowski
Stephen Boogar Connor Caples Jason Cheng Jamie Davis Alexander Denton Jonathan Florsz
Gregory Guy Ernesto Guzman Edwin Jackson
Kimberly Kallabis Tyler Lowdon Gavin McCorry Robert Reynaud David Rose Thomas Sena Aaron Shanor Adam Stooke Matthew VanBaren
Jessica Wager
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Christina Clausnitzer
Dennis McGowan
Michael Anderson
Ariana Allen Joshua Arnall William Banham
Joseph Becker Joseph Brock Luke Coquerille Brian Dunn Nathan Ellsworth
Kory Gladysz Patrick Grandsaert
Joshua Henderson-Casteel David Hill
Colin Hughes Russell John Rosser Jones
Charles Keaton
Sunny Lee Jacob Malberg
Erin McCormick
Cody Nelson Brent Olson
Ryan Parrish Zachary Pendleton Daniel Prescott Andrew Roberts Mark Rodrigo
Nathaniel Roseveare Daniel Stephens Kristina Stewart Keith Williams Abel Wilson
Johnson Anderson John Avrett
William Baker
Matthew Beckerleg Samuel Boone
Haley Brewton Jacob Carvalho Kevin Chavez
Sean Donnelly
Gregory Edmonds Daniel Fulcoly Christopher Hanson
Jacque Harrier Kristin Henry Derek Jelinek William Jones
Alexander Kapatos Cale Lamoreux Daniel Mattei Ashleen McCarthy
Marcellus McKinley Aaron Nelson-Kelley
Mark Price Thomas Richter David Rodriguez
Cameron Ross Jessica Schafer
Ryne Seeto William Sims Jesse Staha
Nathanael Thalhofer Edmund Ward
Amanda Warren
Timothy Williams Cody Yenter
Cadet Squadrons
Matthew Brannon Catherine Donnell Eric Foster Eric Hakos
Thomas Herald David Hidalgo Randy Justice
Eric Kenzik
Cherelle Lampkin
Kelly Lewis Sheriden Martinez
Christopher Mathews Brett May Daniel Nugent Matthew Onxley Alexander Pedersen Lina Pineros
Shane Praiswater Andrew Roberts
Kyle Sanders Blake Schaid Frank Schiavone Matthew Small Matthew Stewart Thomas Stuart
Christopher Valine Mark Voss
Cadel Squadrons
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Jasin Cooley
Anna Parker
Rony Valme
Mary Barrett Mark Bartak Daniel Bevers
Kyle Bruton Dennis Cross Alexander Durstein
Christopher Engelken Evan Farren Edward Goodhue
Joshua Gradaille Kathleen Grieshop Jason Griggs
Dale Gsellman
Christopher Jones William Kelley Theodore Kemp Michael Knapp Justin Ledvina
Cherie-Lee Meyer Jesse Moulton
Ryan Mudry James Nicholas
Matthew Pfarr
Timothy Roy Matthew Sparta Thomas Synovec Caroline Tetrick
Livingston Timsuren Wolfgang Zahner
John Bowman J. S. Brown
Rebecca Burditt Lucas Catalano James Cruz Brandon Doull
Larry Fairchild Matthew Fullerton James Hardin
Shannon Hindley Thomas Hopkins Scott Jennie
Myung Kim Kyle Knight John Krzyminski Zachary Landecker
Cynthia Lete Marie McLendon Randall Mitchner Michael Nettis Istvan Prileszky
Carol Quirindongo-Crespo Matthew Ross Michael Ruvolo
Ryan Schleiden
Kelly Schuetz Haralambos Theologis Taylor Verett Justin Warner
Kayla Weant Reese Williams Matthew Zimmer
Phillip Amrine Melissa Anderson Ian Augustine Robert Carter Michael Cavanaugh Clark Condict David Deal Danielle Dowds Ricardo Garza Kendra Giboney
Erik Gonsalves Preston Goodrich Erica Juchter Kurtis Kendrick Amanda Lopez Keith Rizza Zabrina Sandy Lopez Joshua Schaffer
Bradley Seifert Gene Strand Jesse Strickler Ariel Torgerson Noel Trew Marc Ward
Amanda Beck
Chad Brenner
Joseph Brewer Enrico Brinson Adam Comer
Christopher Deans Jeremy Didier Matthew Everette John Harris
Gregory Haverkorn Karianne Hogrefe
David Hooper Richard Kenny Aaron Kirchoff
Justin Kiuk
Anthony Lambert Meredith Leake
Sean May Robert Mobley Crystal Murray Shawn Rousseau Patrick Sauncy Jacob Schonig Kaz Teope Alexander Vane
Anne Marie Wathen
Charles Arden
Seung-Min Baik Juan Castaneda Velarde
Logan Clark Kurtis Droppa
Todd Gamiles David Garcia
Michael Harencak
Katelyn Hunter William Jensen Kevin Jerde Michael Langley Hannah Marcelo
Timothy Martin Eric May Katherine Metkus
Ryan Nissim Damien Preston
Jonathan Pryor Claudia Santos Erica Sieg David Skelly
Joram Smith John Spear Mathew Thomas
Ronald Todd Mark Watkins
Lucia White
Benjamin Williams Zachary Zimmerman
Cadet Squadrons
Maj. Ryan Plunkett Andrew Amigleo Aaron Baney Remington Barnes James Carfagno Ryan Cortner
Andrew Derwae Jacob Devlin Julianne Douglas Robert Dufrane Deborah Durey
Adam Ferek Devin Hart
Matthew Hornung Jonathan Jackson
Kyle Meakins Frederick Meyer
Kate Papenberg Rebecca Ross Adam Schenk Matthew Smith
Brandon Spader Danielle Warwick
Jeffrey Weger Neal Wendt
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Ricardo Melendez
Gregory Buckley-Lowe
Ellen Bina
George Boese Jake Burnum David Butzin
Steven Czak
Joseph Eastman Matthew Gabso Aarron Henderson Leah Hutchison
Hyongdong Kim Richard Kirwan
Christopher Lewis Colin Lockhart
Kristopher Loewecke John Long Daniel O’Sullivan
Robyn Pack Brandon Palmer
Elisa Park
Daylan Phillips Christopher Schuette Adam Teach Steven Tomaszewski
Miguel Felipe Valenzuela Kara Wilson
Zachary Zalneraitis
Scott Ball David Chan
Taylor Coffey Lewis Dummermuth-Boss John Falgout Joel Garbe
Dany Gatsinzi Nicholas Goirigolzarri Edmond Hargrave Jack Jessop
Clifford Jones Sara Juback Cohan Lammerding
Anthony Lannigan Eric Moats Carrie Moore
Zachary Nordahl John Pulli Mark Roberts Evan Roth
Michael Skidmore
Tiffany Sollmann Brent Stevens Jesse Swanson David Thompson Daniel Tortuga
Morgan Trevarthen Frank Von Heiland
Bryan Watson Erin Wilson Robert Winchester
Douglas Zschoche
Maj. Phillip Tucker Zachary Alexander Doug Cho John Cobb
Cameron Cunningham Raeanna Elms Jared Graham
Cody Guy Jordan Hayes
Joseph Kim Ryan King Tadd Lahnert
Sean Miller
Korey Mundell Andrew Nigra Christopher Oppenlander Michael Peeples Daniel Perry Joshua Reagan John Richmond
Rachel Rothmann Eva Smith
Amanda Tamosuinas Erik Towal John Wuellner Justin Wynn
Master Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Scott Anderson
Kenneth Nahrwold
Bryan Anderson Philip Bachmeyer Zachry Basnight Samuel Bexten Gordon Boom Theresa Buck Michael Casano Matthew Chism
Andrew Davidson Stefan Fagan-Kelly Adam Hillier
Katharine Kalamaroff Cameron Koehler Nikolaus Krause Justin Lee
Ryan Lowenstein Victor McGuire
Tyler McMillian Trenton Palmer
Edward Pipalski Danielle Pozun Nicole Robillard Seth Setterberg
Timothy Severo Donald Sims
Christopher Tulk Scott Welshinger Kevin Williams
Catherine Wonner
Metin Alaybeyoglu Ryan Albrecht
Katherine Anderson Austin Baker
Jay Beesemyer William Boyd
Anthony Chung Joshua Cousins Laura Dempster Allen Dunn
Jeffrey Garrett Gabriel Guzman
Stephen Harrington Chen-Yu Hsu
Benjamin Joelson Rebekah Kepple Joshua Lapso Ian Lee
Matthew McCandless Sara Neubauer Andrew Novak Matthew Orvis
Anthony Puntel Erlyn Rudico Caitlin Suttie
Anthony Tipton Misael Villatoro Alexander Yee
Qais Al Jobour
Aubrey Aldridge Jessica Beeler Antonio Brown :
Trista Burton
Michael Byrnes Joshua Callahan Paul Cote
Regan De La Cruz Jennifer Drew Andrew Harris Melissa Hughes Jacob Kahn Candice Killian Todd Klayum Steven Locker
Steven Marks David Nelson
Jay Page Benjamin Schaftel Jared Thompson David Trier
Tech. Sgt.
Tech. Sgt.
Gilberto Martinez
Michael Grant
David Hensley
Matthew Adams
Spencer Armstrong Trenton Atwood Daniel Benfield Andrew Catoire
Alycia Clore Stephen Elliott Joshua Frider Josiah Gaffney Clifton Green
Timothy Green James Griffith
Kaitlin Kirk Nicholas Lankford Holden Leute Nathan Liptak Matthew Maier
Dennis Marzo
Justin Nadal
Stephen Nichols Nicole Ramstein
Emily Schaffer David Simon Alan Snyder
Clayton Strickland Mercy Te’O Daniel Velo
Megan Young
Matthew Alexander
Kathryn Avena Michael Bruton
Joseph Crisostomo Mackin Delgado Mark Douglass Michele Ernest Edward Gardner
Theodore Hart
Christopher Johnson Nicholas King Christine Kistler Alex Larson
Joseph Lopez Zachary McClelland Michael Mooney Keith O'Brien Grant Parker Jack Raine Matthew Risinger Joseph Roy Joshua Slocum
Dominick Totino Tamiko Toyama Thomas Whitney Nathan Wills Carrie Wong
Christopher Yuen
CADETS WITH THEIR PROUD FAMILIES: Chances for families to be with cadets are few, but
graduation is when
families gather to witness the transformation of their loved ones into U S. Air Force commissioned officers.
Photo by Rene Tate
STEPPING UP, STEPPING FORWARD: Ring dance and the accompanying formal dinner celebrates the elevation of second class cadets to the first rank by presenting the coveted
Academy ring for the Class of 2008. Polaris Photo ACCOMPLISHMENT AND COMRADESHIP: Three overwhelming emotions went through most cadets’ minds once they’d received their diplomas a sense of freedom and accomplishment, a feeling of comradeship with their fellow cadets, --
and love for their families. Photo by Rene Tate
ONE LAST PARADE: The day before graduation comes the graduation parade. change of command between classes. Polaris Photo
A march in review is followed
by the
“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.” -
Winston Churchill
Moving Out A cadet’s last week or two at the Academy can be bittersweet.
Leaving friends behind, balanced against
old friends and family visiting. Photo by Ed Hanks
Unmatched Exuberance One well-observed Academy tradition is
Jumping For Joy
for the Firsties to go swimming in the Air
Many spring days were cold and rainy, so
Gardens fountains after their last final
the water in the fountains was often frigid.
Nevertheless, many of graduating classmates
partook. Polaris Photo
June Week
And since they won't be using
these uniforms anymore... Polaris Photo
| I *
There is naturally much stress and tension as a cadet’s final academic year winds down. These are often the most advanced and difficult classes he or she has taken, and final exams are the last chance to
make a mark.
After four years of intense coursework, supplemented by a restrictive military atmo-
sphere, first-class cadets are ready to let off some frustrations as classes conclude and the fourth summer arrives. A party atmosphere tends to prevail at any university at the end of the year, but it’s even more special for Academy cadets. First-class cadets are about to become second lieutenants in the Air Force.
their civilian collegiate counterparts, who are heading out to look for a jobs, cadets already have interesting first postings lined up for them.
Each will receive his or her assignments,
printed on postcards identifying where one will spend the first stint in the operational Air Force.
Many will head to specialty schools. Most will enter flight training, to prepare as future pilots or aircrew
members. Others will enter operational assignments around the world.
Finally, all begin the process of packing to leave the place which has been home for the past four years.
Despite the regimentation imposed by an inspection schedule, and the
military atmosphere, a cadet’s room acquires a personality over four years.
The question is
what to save, and what to leave behind. Memories abound.
Some will be carried off as memorabilia, others will persist only
Final Exams, Then You Blow It
Some cadets add
But friends are forever, as they saying goes, and the
color to the fountain
traditions. Whether
connections and friendships developed over shared experi-
it’s air mattresses,
float toys, or a ences at the
U.S. Air Force Academy will remain a special bond
handy kayak, firstclass cadets are
throughout years of active service, and beyond.
determined to enjoy their last week
by Ed Hanks
at the Academy.
Polaris Photo
dan c e RISING TO THE CALL As first-class cadets prepare to graduate and be commissioned, second-class cadets
step up to take their places in the cadet wing. This landmark event is celebrated with the
long-standing tradition of the ring dance. This formal dining-in, advancement ceremony, and formal ball is considered by most a
highlight of the cadets’ junior year. Cadets and their dates enter the ballroom, have their
pictures taken inside a giant replica of the 2008 Class Ring, and sit, dine, and receive their new class
rings at dining tables with their friends.
Some of the many traditions include toasting foreign generals, punch and chocolate
fountains, and cutting a multi-layer cake with an Air Force sabre. Tradition says each ring should be placed by the cadet’s date into a champagne
glass to properly christen it. Then, the cadet imbibes the ring with the champagne, the ring is transferred to the date’s mouth with a kiss, and he or she finally places it on the recipient’s
finger. The ring itself, designed specifically by each class, incorporates various traditions
of its own. Each ring includes metal melted down from previous class rings. The set stone
may be anything that the cadet wants, but they most frequently choose a blue star sapphire. The ring’s Class of 2008 crest features an eagle, the American Flag, the Academy chapel, an Air Force sabre, two aircraft
(an F-15 and an F-22), a Polaris (the guiding star), the class
motto, and the letter “L” (Roman numeral for “50”), representing the 50th USAFA graduating class.
During their final year, cadets will wear the ring with the class crest facing inward, to show the
Academy is closest to their hearts. After graduA Ring of Rings
ation, it’s turned outward, to display to indicate
The buddies of the
Class of 2008 have earned these rings
together, through blood, sweat and tears.
Photos by
C2C Sam Grey
they’re Academy grads.
by Ed Hanks
A Toast to Us!
Having achieved a job well done, three years under their belt, the cadets clink their glasses in
Lifetime Achievement Since ancient times, a ring has
represented who a person is. The
earning of the class ring signifies that this man or woman has made it through some of the toughest
A First Class Christening
academic and military training
The champagne christens the ring for the Class of 2008.
available at any institution in the
The ring is
inscribed with the class motto, Elige
Sortem Tuam (Choose Your Fate).
Dancing the Night Away Romantic interludes are few and far between in a cadet’s busy life.
Ring Dance is one of
those opportunities to dress to the nines and do a few turns on the dance floor with a date.
Ring l Xu ice
Academy Commanders Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. John Regni stands with the Academy Senior Staff, Brig. Gen. Susan Desjardins, the Academy Commandant of Ca-
dets, Brig. Gen. Dana Born, the Dean of Faculty, and retired Brig. Gen. Hans Mueh, Director of Athletics.
*i-i*r \
Squadron by Squadron Proud parents watch as nearly a thousand cadets march smartly down the ramp onto the parade
field, and form into groups and
squadrons. Photos by Ken Carter
and Upward
Family and friends gather,
(far right), to honor 2nd Lt. Christina Smith during her
CS-19 commissioning ceremony in the cadet library.
Following graduation, it was time to test her parents’ gift
sabre, right, in cutting the
congratulatory cake.
Grad Parade Thousands of family members and friends fill the bleachers alongside Stillman Parade Field each
year to witness
the graduation parade the day preceding the hat toss. The emphasis of the parade is for the graduating firsties to separate themselves from the cadet
wing, and in doing
so, give all underclass members the opportunity to step up into their next year. All will assume more in the way of
responsibility and authority. Video cameras, congratulatory banners, cheers from bottom to top of the bleachers are all trademarks of the
Traditionally, the event also features popular demonstrations of precision landing by the Wings of Blue sky-
diving team, multiple glider landings, and fly-bys featuring U.S. Air Force, cargo, fighter and bomber aircraft. A formal change of command between cadet commanders is conducted under the watchful
eye of the commandant
while the Academy superintendent presides over the entire ceremony. All in all, the graduation parade is but two steps away from graduation itself, separated
only by the commissioning
ceremony later that evening. Smiles of anticipation are abundant by the time the soon-to-be active duty second lieutenants reach Falcon Stadium for graduation the following morning. Soon, the four to five year Academy experience
will become but a memory. Most are quick to admit they are eager to move on, yet when speaking with
many refer to the Academy as one of their most rewarding experiences, regardless of the length of one’s career. Even for those for whom it’s a love/hate experience, no one denies the end result: a significant contribution to the United States of America, maintaining the strongest air and space force the world has ever seen.
Commissioning From in-processing through graduation, with hundreds of milestones to be achieved in between, cadets
cling to the significance of commissioning as much (or more) than any other Academy experience. The culmination of four years hard work, many sleepless nights, and mental and
physical challenges beyond description, lead to the day and time when being saluted becomes as much a part of their military lives as rendering salutes themselves. For most of the Academy’s history, the commissioning ceremony has not been conducted until
midnight or after
which made it and graduation technically the same day. More recently, ceremonies have been accelerated to two mid-
evening sessions the night before graduation. According to Academy Director of Communications Johnny Whitaker, the change to hold all ceremonies on Academy grounds was implemented in 2005 primarily in the interest of decreasing logistical challenges and increasing
personal safety. “There was one instance of firsties returning from the Broadmoor area after commissioning and related celebrating which nearly resulted in an entire squadron not making it to Falcon Stadium in time for due to heavy city traffic," Whitaker said. “We had ceremonies scattered all over town creating both
safety and logisti-
cal concerns.” Academy leadership at the time determined it would be more efficient, more convenient, and most of more safe,
if the ceremonies were held on USAFA.
The Class of 2005 was the first to stay on the home turf exclusively. The end result: to date, more than 2,600 new second lieutenants fully engaging in the U.S. military to serve in maintaining America’s freedom without incident.
Soon-to-be graduates who seemed disappointed with the decision to move ceremonies back from downtown loca-
tions, at first, were many. However, come the traditional hat toss and flyover, negative comments were nowhere to be heard. Rather only cheers of celebration, good wishes toward one another and expressions of dreams yet to come echo throughout the stadium floor.
by Ken Carter
Jam Session on
the Web Defense Secretary Robert Gates, took note of graduating
C1C Jeffrey Pete-
“Four years ago you joined the Air Force Academy as lowly fourth
classmen. Today you leave as officers in the United States Air Force
hac, the Academy’s own viral video web
the sword and shield of the United States, its sentries and
its avengers.”
star, referring to “the
dangers of dancing
“It is by no means an easy future. We are engaged in two wars
in your dorm room.
on the other side of the world
And, yes, I’ve seen the video.
To peals
and we are engaged in a global
ideological struggle against some of the most barbaric enemies we have ever faced.”
of laughter, he warned the cadets,
“The next time your mirror beckons you to bust a move,
remember the danc-
ing cadet.”
“The world you are entering is much more complicated than it was when I was an Air Force officer during the Cold War. You will not
always know who your enemies are. You will not always be able to understand their motivations. And you will not always be able to rely
exclusively on technology to win battles or wars.” “There is only one way to conduct yourself in this world
Photo by Rene Tate
only one way to remain always above
reproach. For a real leader, the elements of personal virtue truthfulness, morality
are absolute.
self-reliance, self-control, honor,
They are absolute even when doing what is right may bring
embarrassment or bad publicity to your unit or the service or to you. Even when doing what is
right may require sacrificing personal allegiances and friendships for professional duty and ethics for personal honor.”
“Those are the moments that will truly test the leader within you
test whether you will take the
hard path or the easy path, the wrong path or the right path. Always remember, as a wise man once said,
‘following the path of least resistance is what makes men and rivers crooked.’ The willingness always to take the right path, even if it is the hard path, is called character. In every aspect of your life, whether personal or
professional, you must always maintain the courage of your convictions
Spirit of ‘07 After receiving their
degree, and greeting the Secretary,
your personal integrity.”
“In everything you do, you must always make sure that
you are liv-
ing up to the highest personal and professional standards of duty, service, and honor
the values of the Air Force, the values of the
American armed forces, indeed the values of the United States.”
cadets would hug or
high-five the cadet
“Those of us in the chain of command, as well as all of
before them, then
izens, are proud of everything the Class of 2007 has accomplished.
turn and prepare
We are proud of the courage you have
to do the same for
the next comrade in line. Polaris Photo
to volunteer. We are proud of the
your fellow cit-
displayed by stepping forward
courage you have displayed by
making it through four years at the Academy. And we are proud of the courage you will display tomorrow as you go out to face great and
daunting challenges, and as you face them with unwavering resolve.”
June Week
Secretary Gates “The safety of the nation is in your hands. And there is nowhere
Seeing the Cadets Off
else the American
Thousands of cadets watched from
people would rather it be.
the upper decks of Falcon Stadium,
while many more thousands of
may God watch over
proud family members also sat or
all of you, and these
United States.
stood, filling the stadium to capacity.
Photo by Deb Wyman
Polaris Photo
The cadets marched in precision
files through the assembled chairs to their seats.
The Class of 2007
His Proudest
Thunderous applause filled
the stadium as the Class
A graduate displays
of 2007 marched onto the
his diploma to his
field to take their places for
friends, and to his
the graduation ceremony.
family in the stands.
Of 1,302 cadet basics who
Photo by Rene Tate
processed into the class in June of 2003, 977 pushed on to
Photo by Deb Wyman
Thanks for the Memories
Maintaining tradition, these cadets smoke celebratory cigars as they smile for the camera. Photo by Rene Tate
An End, And a Beginning A newly commissioned Air Force
lieutenant reflects upon his ac-
complishment as he embraces his young siblings. Reactions are
Pride and Exhilaration
often bittersweet. Tilled with joy and
Waiting in line to receive his diploma,
sadness. Photo by Rene Tate
graduate makes eye contact with his family and friends in the stands. Photo by Rene Tate
Hat Toss and Flyover The perfectly timed flyover of six Thunderbirds F-16s (right) coincides with the graduates tossing their hats in the air.
Many of
the hats have money enclosed, which is an extra treat for the children who scour the
grounds after graduation. Photo by Arnie Spencer
June Week
Adam Danielson
Jahmil Edwards
Jenny Guilford
Bobby Hendrick One elated grad says
Giddy with Excitement
“We’ve been talking
“I’ve waited a long
“When we threw our
about this day for
time for it.
hats, and saw the
he’ll remember basic
years, now.”
surreal right now. But
Thunderbirds, it was
cadet training and his
cadet grins with
I have eager an-
so awesome!
freshman year the
excitement as she
ticipation for what’s to
member all the good
It’s kind of
I’ll re-
Ryan Shaub “There are no words, said a reflective
finally over.
It hasn’t
young lieutenant,
really hit me.
When I
standing alone, sur-
get to my assignment
veying the scene with
at Luke, and people
cigar in his mouth.
“I’m just standing
here, taking it all in.
I’ll miss all my
acceptance of her ”
diploma. Photo by Rene Tate
John VandenBroeke ”
amazing how much over the past four
anticipates the
the group you were with
“I’m so happy! It’s we’ve all changed
by laughter, this
“You remember
when you first came in.
Sarah Mashburn
“The hard work’s
start saluting me,
then it will hit me. I’ll miss the Three Musketeers.
TICKLING THE IVORIES: Two members of The Five Browns perform a duet during a concert performance at Arnold Hall
Sept. 22, 2006. The group was one of many that highlighted this year’s Academy Concert Series. Photo by C2C James Bowron
Aubrey Collins, lead singer of the country music trio, Trick Pony, performs live in the Arnold Hall
Ballroom the week before graduation as part of the 2007 Cadet Jamboree.
Photo by Ken Carter
HERE’S YOUR SIGN: Blue Collar Comedy Tour headliner Bill Engvall kept the audience in stitches show at Arnold Hall Feb. 10, 2007. Photo by Ken Carter
during his live stage
“Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.” Marshall McLuhan -
entertainment 431
The 2006 an
2007 Academy Concert season featured
array of talent. From five grand pianos
on one
stage to comedy sketches, Broadway musicals, and
“Last time I had a flat tire, I pulled my truck
boot-scootin’ country music, the cadet wing experienced
exhilarating live performances. The year started with The Five Browns, a piano
of those side-of-the-road gas The
walks out,
looks at my truck, looks at me, and
team consisting of five siblings, all of which are graduates of the prestigious Julliard School of Music.
I SWEAR he said, ‘Tire go flat?’ I
couldn’t resist. I said, ‘Nope.
ber featured the Broadway musical / Cant Stop Loving
I was driving arousd and
You. The non-stop party show featured 36 hits by Ray
those other three just
Charles including “America the Beautiful” and “Unchain
swelled rig!
my Heart.” Seven singers, 10 dancers, and a 15-piece
me.’ Here’s yc
on-stage big band motivated the crowd to its feet to sing
and dance along.
The fall semester concluded with a holiday perfor-
by the Lettermen’s Christmas Show: a group of three men whose vocal sound is between the big band vocal groups and the early R&B rock groups. Songs mance
featured were “Silver Bells” and “Little Drummer Boy.” In February, the Academy was proud to host comedian
Bill Envgall who is famous for his “Here’s Your Sign”
bits as well as his work with the Blue Collar Comedy
Tour. Wonderful Town, a Broadway musical set in New York City was featured the following month. At the beginning of May, the Academy hosted Chip DaThe Lettermen’s
vis and Mannheim Steamroller, an orchestra featuring
Christmas Show
instruments from the harpsichord and drums to syn-
Known as the most roman-
thesizer, with a large group of strings. The school year was
tic singing group of the
wrapped up with a special show, not part of the
sixties, the Lettermen trio
Academy Concerts Series, by country music band Trick
visited the Academy for a
Pony. Among the songs played were “It’s a Heartache”
sepcial Christmas perfor-
and “Pour Me.”
No matter what genre of music was preferred, the
14 languages. Courtesy
Academy concert series featured something for everyone.
All information and courtesy photos provided by
They have sung
and recorded in more than
Academy Concerts.
Siblings, Desirae, Deondra, Gregory, Melody and Ryan, are
classically trained and their performances includes
contemporary music, jazz and rock. They have been featured on 60 minutes II, Oprah, in People Magazine and Good Morning American.
They performed at the 2002
Winter Olympics Celebrations in Salt Lake City. Their CD, “No Boundaries," was #1 on the Billboard Classical Charts.
Photo by C3C James Bowron
Luke Connolly poses proudly with his guitar and
country music singer and songwriter Phil Vassar. Vassar's hits include “Just Another Day in Para-
dise” and “This Woman in My Life.” Polaris Photo
Trick Pony
Country music trio, Keith Burns, Aubrey Collins, and Ira Dean, jam to their Grammy-nominated song, "Just What I Do." With a new lead
singer, Collins, the band is looking forward to an exciting year and a new album. Photo by Ken Carter
Wonderful Town
Ready to start a new life, Eileen move from Ohio to the of New York.
Wonderful Town hu
and fast-paced story about dreams, and life. Courtesy Photo
A Mannheim Steamroller
Composer, Chip Davis, has achieved Grammy-winning status for his “Fresh Aire” series which sold more than seven million albums.
With its cutting edge technology and Davis’ innovative approach to combining pop, classical, and rock genres, the Mannheim Steamroller orchestra is in a class of its own. Courtesy Photo
I Can’t Stop Loving You
Members (above) from the play / Can't Stop Loving You
sing and dance to one of the 36 Ray Charles hits featured in the performance. Courtesy Photo
All information and courtesy photos provided by Academy Concerts.
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“It is probably not love that makes the world go around, but rather those mutually sup-
portive alliances through which partners recognize their dependence on each other for the achievement of shared and private goals.” -
Fred Allen
parents’ club ads
and FFS messages 460
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
“Now or Never!”
Congratulations Class of 2007 Travis A. Anderson
Jacobe A. Kendrick Alex Moon
Zachary A. Sasser Aaron C. Timmermann Texas Permian Basin USAFA Parents Club
The Eastern Michigan Parents Club
Proudly Extends its Congratulations to Our New Second Lieutenants! ~
Class of 2007
Daniel Bell
Commerce Twp.
James Brown Peter Bozynski Adam Burwinkle
Bay City Birmingham
Rochester Hills
Joseph Cangealose Jason Ford Peter Foster
Michael Kallabat
Steven Klenke
Farmington Hills Alicia Peasley Alpena Casey Probst Okemos Brittany Sass Jackson Benjamin Schulze Bath -
Peter Theisen
Adam Zanotti 462
St Charles -
Bay City
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Southeastern Pennsylvania Air Force Academy Parents Association
CLASS OF 2007 2nd LT Travis Ahrens 2nd LT Michael Borradale
2nd LT S. Craig Geiser Jr. 2nd LT Joshua Heacock
2nd LT Lucas Brommer 2nd LT Christopher Campbell
2nd Lt Joshua Hunt 2nd LT Christopher P. Odell
2nd LT Steven Christopher
2nd LT Logan Sutton
2nd LT Brian Crouse
2nd LT Jeffrey West
2nd LT Ian Whiteman
2nd LT Justin Fetherolf
2nd LT Joshua Yerk
Aim High! Congratulations 2007 grads! Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
family, friends, and supporters MESSAGES
Ahrens, Travis R.
Albert, William G.
Congratulations and we are extremely proud of your accomplishments. Love Mom, Dad, Kelly, Haley
May the wind beneath your wings
Bilbo-07 Well done; we’re so proud of
continue to carry you to great heights and may your compass guide you home
you! May you fly so high and so well that God joins you in laughter. Much love, Pops78, Mumbo-81, and Midget-10
Alexander, Jordan L. Congratulations! Our Pride is exceeded only by our love for you. May the wind beneath life’s wings sustain and give you
Backes, Jonathon Congrats on all you’ve done at USAFA. Always proud of you and thank you for an awesome 4-yr journey. God’s Blessings to you & Rachel. LOVE, Mom &
Agatep, Brett D.
lift. Dad, Mom, and Joshua
Barlow, Kaitlin E. Congratulations Katie! We are proud of you- Good luck at UCLA. You’ll do great as always. You’re always in our prayers.
periodically! Your very proud family
Barrington, Heather D. You did it! success!
Lassie, Go! Love, Dad, Mom, Susan, Heidi and Samantha
Love, Mom Dad and Caralyn
Bayne, Casey I am very proud of you.
Love, Dad
Congratulations on your We are so proud of you. Go,
Becker, Philip Congratulations on a job well doneyou’re 1 step closer to your dreams! We’re proud of you-fly high Joshua 1:4 Love, Mom & Dad, Kevin,
Whitney & Jared
Balthazar, Timothy Congratulations on all your achievements! We couldn’t be any happier for you. Continue to chase your dreams. Much Love, Mom, Dad, &Amy
Bayne, Casey GOD has given you special talents and
unique gifts for HIS glory. You are set apart. You are blessed. I’m blessed you are my daughter. I love you, Momma
Bengard, Lindsay Congratulations on a Job Well Done! We are proud of your accomplishments. More adventures ahead! We love you.
Always, Mom, Dad and Aaron
Berry, Nicholas
Berszoner, Matthew
You are such a wonderful son and we
You’re awesome! We are all extremely
proud of you. Continue to follow
proud of you and your accomplishments
your dreams and know our love is with you always. Love, Dad Mom and Family
and salute you from Heaven and Earth!
Stay tenacious, diligent and true to your-
Love, Mom and Dad
self. Go! Bubba. Love, Mom and Dad
are so
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Bethancourt, Robert We love, adore, and respect you.
your dreams be realized as this was.
Bettinger, Robert A.
Bettinger, Robert A.
Bob, all your hopes and dreams came
I am so proud of you and all you have
true. You made it. We are so proud of
you. Continue to reach for the stars. Please be safe. Love, Mom and Dad
years but I would wait for you forever.
Bihansky, Thomas S. Congratulations on your remarkable achievement. Your entire family is so
It has been a long four
love you.
Love, Kelly
Bush, Michael Stephen You’re the jump master; and Academy legacy of 1st place wins & over 800 jumps. You’re and adrenaline junkie to
Brown, Nathan God’s May blessings and protection follow you all the days of your life. We are proud of you. Oh, the places you’ll go!
be so proud of. Love, Mom & Dad
Love, Dad, Mom, Cassie and Carter
very proud of you! Continue to aim high! Love, Mom, Dad, Tim and Chris
Butler, Robert Charles Congratulations, graduate! We are so proud of you! God bless you always! Our love and prayers are always with you in all you do! Mom, Dad, Steve, and Stan
Parents' Club Ads and FPS Messages
Caldwell, Jesse
Campbell, Brian R.
We are all so proud of you. You have
Congratulations! We are all very proud
done an excellent job at the Air Force
of you and what you have accomplished.
Go and have fun! Love from
You are in our prayers. We love you al-
Campbell, Christopher C. Congratulations to our Marshall Scholar your hard work has paid off. Enjoy your two years at Cambridge. Love,
Mom and all of us!
ways. The Campbells and Reyes family
Mom and Dad
Chapot, Charles
Catherwood, Beth
Carrigan, Geoffrey Paul
It distracts
With God’s blessing, you have accom-
“I never look back, darling!
plished truly amazing things these past
now”-Edna. Mom, Dad, Tom, Annie, Meg, Mickey, The Cather-
four years. Best of luck at MIT. Love, Mom and Dad
me from the
career, may God be with you!
The entire
family is proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad! Bless you and the sky’s the limit.
Cordova, John Your success depended on your dreams,
actions, and your belief you could do it! Continue dreaming! We love you and are so
Conine, Aaron B. There is no need to reach high for the
They are already within you just reach into yourself. Love, Mom, Dad, Adam, Amanda & Anne
Cornelio, Larry P. Your hard work has paid off and we’re all very proud of you. The Air Force will be better because of you. You’re in our
proud of you Kip! Mom and Dad
remember why you Congratulations! -
All our love, Mom and Dad
Love, Mom & Dad.
Cook, Trevor J. Congratulations Trevor on a job well done. Fly high in all your new adventures. Love, Mom, Dad, Missy and Tom.
Crouse, Brian You tamed the Zoo. We are very proud
of you. Our love and prayers are with you always. God Bless. Mom, Dad, and Brandon. Matthew 5:16
Culp, Ashley
Curtis, Amanda
Dohallow, Tyler
We are so very proud of you!
Phil 1:6 Being confident of this, that
As you graduate for the Academy we are
Wishing you blue skies ahead.
God who began a good work in you will continue it to completion until the day of
so very proud of the man that you have become. May you be blessed with wings
Christ’s return. Mom and Duane
so all your dreams come true.
Dorsey, Eric
Dubiel, Tanya Congratulations. You did it! An officer of character and integrity. Proud of you and proud to fly with you. Love always, Mum
Love, Mom and Dad
Dolby, Christopher May the lord continue to bless you and keep you safe. We are so proud of you. Love Always, Dad, Mom, Nicholas, Stephanie, Alexander
Your entire family is so proud of and
happy for your! Fly fast and safe. You always in our prayers. Love Forever, your family & parents
Dunn, Jonathan You are God’s blessing to us. We love
Edwards, Jahmil P.
you and wish you continuous progress toward your goals and dreams. Much
“We are proud of you” with love, Mom, Reg, Bosco, Dee, Ruby & Grands
Love, Mom & Dad
“As you leave here
Clemmer, William Richard As you end a milestone in your Air Force
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
& Pete
Elmore, Richard III We’re so proud of you! Your success comes from your hard wok, your loving heart and kind deeds. You truly have the
knowledge and the HEART! Love, PKE
Gulledge, Craig Robert
Gulczynski, Katherine Mary Congratulations! You did it! We’re all very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Annie
Talented, funny, imaginative, courageous, accomplished, humble, and best of all, you are our son and we are proud of you man you have become.
Guzman, Eric Munceis You are our greatest accomplishment.
Always, Love, Mom & Dad
Love, Mom & Dad
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Hawkes, Ashley Danielle What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. Congratulations, our Ashley. Love, Mommy and Daddy
Henney, Daniel P. Dan, Congrats!! We give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for you & all his bless-
ings!! Isaiah 40:31 Our love and prayers always, Dad Mom Joseph & Caleb
Huebner, Bradley E. Congratulations on your achievements. We couldn’t be more proud of you, Brad. Love always, Mom, Dad and family
Hunt, Joshua David Outstanding job. Be proud & “in quiet-
Helland, Daniel C. You had a dream, You sought it, You worked for it, and now You have
achieved it! We are so very proud You are our son!
Prov. 3:5&6
Love, Mom & Dad
Hernandez, David J. Congratulations and we are extremely proud of your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad, Kelly, Haley
Hrynyk, Elizabeth Kate Katie bar the door! You did it, and I am so
proud of you!
Love always, Mom
Hundt, Jerome Noel We are all so proud of you! Your life has
their strength and they will soar on wings
just begun! Remember to always fly high and always follow your dreams. Love Mom, Jerry and Rachel
like eagles.” Our love and prayers,
Mom, Dad, & Jennifer
Ignallina, Bart
Jennings, Allen
We are so proud of you and what you
Congratulations A.J. on achieving your dream. May you always have smooth air beneath your wings. We’re so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Colin & Maggie
have accomplished so far. We can’t wait
He is always with you & so
to see what the future holds for our jet
portunities, & to the most special places of your heart. LOVE, Mom and Hec
Humphries, Lee
in confidence shall be your Love you
of your hopes, to the windows of your op-
“Those who hope in the LORD will renew
ness and
are we.
Helmers, Nicole Let your dreams take you to the highest
Mom & Dad
pilot! Love, Mom & Dad
Keller, Nicole Leigh
Kelly, Evan William
Kendrick, Jacobe
You accepted the challenge and accom-
It was a long and difficult road, but you
As you are a precious gift to our family,
plished your goal with honor and integrity! We couldn’t be more proud of you!
did it! And you did it with excellence. We are very proud of you.
Love, Mom and Dad
Love, Mom & Dad
so you will
be to a world that awaits what
you alone can give. We’re so proud of
you! Love, Granny & Pat
Kendrick, Jacobe
Kendrick, Jacobe
Thank you for making us proud at every
Kingsbery, Russell E.
You make us proud everyday! Go forth &
Nine years ago you told us your dream to
turn. You are truly amazing!
remember you are cherished, loved and
lations on your hard work & awesome
achievements! We love you, Mom & Dad
valued by so many. We love you! Bo, Shae, Sandra & Cevie
graduate from the USAFA and become a pilot. As you journey continues, aim high! Love, Dad Mom Kelsey and Wes
Kirchhoff, Lindsey C.
You made it happen! Words cannot
Your faith, courage, and enthusiasm
describe our pride in what you’ve accom-
We love you, Mom, Dad, Natalie, Macall, and Brie
plished and who you’ve become. Keep dreaming and leading. Love, Mom, Dad & Alex
Knaute, Christopher
inspires us.
Parents' Club Ads and FPS Messages
Koenigsberger, Debra Your strength and character brought you
through, like it always has. Soon we will be calling you doctor. Love, Mom & Dad
Kraay, Robert
Kraay, Robert
You have passed a great milestone! You are equipped for a life of integrity honor
I am so very proud of you! You've turned
Kuffenkam, Chad Congratulations on a job well done.
into a remarkable young man. Wherever
Good luck at Edwards. We are all very
and achievement. We are very proud of
life takes you, you will always be in my
proud of you and what you have accomplished. Love, Dad, Mom & Family
you. Love, Gram and Grandpa
I love you always, Susie
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Mitnaul, Jocelyn Ranelle Congrats on reaching another goal. Continue to use the gifts and talents God has given you. We are so proud of you! Love and Blessings, Mom and Dad
Nitzel, Christopher We knew you could do it. AF was a great
Keep going, Fly Boy. We’ll be watching. We’re so proud of you. Love, Mom Mom and Pop choice.
Mokos, Melinda M.
Moon, Jeffrey Ryan
We are so proud of you. You accepted
We are so proud of you and happy for
the challenge and achieved it with flying
you. All the hard work is paying off. The lifetime dream to fly for the Air Force is
colors! Our love and prayers are always
on the
with you. Mom, Dad and crew
Nitzel, Christopher Keep up the good work. The sky is the limit. You can do it all. Keep climbing
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
those mountains.
Love, Pop and Ms. Doris
Love, Mom & Dad
Nitzel, Christopher All your hard work and dedication has
paid off. Continue to live like you mean Fly high. You’re in our prayers. Love,
Mom, Dad & Laura
Oldham, Daniel
Olson, Brandon J.
“Most look up and admire the stars. A champion climbs a mountain and grabs
Four years ago this day seemed an eter-
Congrats! I’m so proud of you! Now onto the bigger stars...Love, Me
nity away, but you made it! Be proud as and know our love and support is with you always. Mom and Dad
we are
O’Malley, Sean P. You are amazing! I am so proud of you. The future is yours.
Enjoy every deserving moment. Dad and I will always be with you. Love, Mom and family
Ornelas, Jordan Edward Albert O’Neill, Kyle Robert Congratulations Lt O’Neill! Best of luck as a pilot. We are very proud of you Kyle. All our love, Mom Dad & Bri
There has never been a better man at the Academy than you! We’re so proud,
& we praise God for all He has done!
Love, Mom & Dad, Pher & Aaron Prov. 3:5-6
Palmer, Alyssa Kayelin An unbelievable accomplishment! are so very
proud of you. Continue to
follow your dreams. Love, Dad & Mom
Petrash, Donald Jonathan What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad
Rabell, Hansel Joel You did it! Your hard work has paid off! We are all very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Grandma’s and brothers
UPT, look out Columbus AFB. We’re very proud of you! Love, Mom & Don
Pascuzzi, Brian L.
Peskar, John Your accomplishments have exceeded
again. We are so proud of your tremendous accomplishments & hard work. Good luck on a great future. Love, M&D
our dreams and our pride is only surpassed by our love. Congrats on a job
well done! Love, Mom and Dad
Plocinski, Joshua
Quinlan, Daniel W.
We are so proud of all you have accom-
We love you and are so proud of you—
plished at USAFA. You will go far and be cheering you on! Love, Mom,
not just for what you’ve achieved but for
we will
the person you are.
Dad, Jake & Sam
Mom, Cin, Ken
Raine, Jack Congratulations
Good job dude! -Sam
all the hard your success this year work paid off. We love you and are so
very proud of you. Mom and Pop
Love always, Dad,
(Prov. 3:5,6)
Riggan, M. Anthony We are proud to be your parents! Continue to follow
God’s plan, He created just for you. He will use you to accomplish
great things. Love, Mom & Dad
You have made us unbelievably proud.
work and determination. We are proud
Words cannot express the admiration we
Psalm 37:3-6 Love,
Dreams are coming true. Good luck with
You have risen to the top of your class
Roberts, Zachary A. You are reaping the benefits of your hard of you as always.
Ouper, Daniel You set high goals & achieved them.
Robillard, Lauren M.
Rochelle, Nicholas
have for you. The sky’s the limit. Now
We’ve always known how great are.
you Now it’s time to show the world so
spread your wings and FLY (any jet you want)! Love always, Mom and all
Dad, Mom, & Amy
go touch the face of God. Luv, Manda
Rodts, Brandon W. Wow the real journey begins...embrace it
Roldan, Raul J.
Rosales, Jose L. IV
We are extremely proud of you. Your
determination and will to succeed is a
We are so proud of you!! You have worked so hard to achieve your goals.
reflection of where you are today. God
You are a wonderful son and will be a
with your all! We know you will be awesome.
Congrats! We are so proud of
you. Love, Mom, Dad, Selena & Evan
Bless you always. Lots of love,
great AF Officer!
Mom and Dad
Love always, Mom & Dad
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Rosales, Jose L. IV Congratulations! You are it! We made extremely proud of you TOE-BEREW!
and wish you a successful Air Force God Bless You.
Rosales, Jose L. IV Congratulations on graduating! I am so proud of all you have accomplished and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us!
Love, Memo & Monko
Love, Dominique
Ruoloto, Joseph Joe, we’re so proud of you and your achievements.
Being a pilot has been
your dream since kindergarten-congrats! We wish you the best! Love, M & D & A
Ruther, Mark Edward
Santos, Robert
Santroch, Eric
Your instincts were correct. This was
Follow your bliss; create your own reality!
We’ve watched you grow. We’ll watch
definitely the school for you! We’re all happy for your success. Luv ya bunches! Mom, Pops, & the Walt Cult
Always remember the prime directive. I’ll love you no matter what! I’ll never stop!
you go—into the bright blue skies of the Wild Blue Yonder!! May God bless &
Love, Mom* and Scott
protect you always. Love, Mom & Dad
We are very proud of your accomplished.
Schwandt, Matthew F.
Scott, David May you complete your dreams as you
You have embarked on a great adven-
Your hard work has paid off. We are so
have started them; you have no boundar-
ture continue to enjoy it.
proud of your accomplishments. Mom is
ies. You have made all us very proud. I
Scanland, David
smiling down at you.
You serve your country well.
Love, Dad
Sepp, Eric M. II You made it!
Keep trusting in God and
serve our nation with
honor & integrity.
We are all so proud of you!
Love, Mom,
Sharma, Vipul “Shivaaste Panthaanaha Santu. Saadhu
jeevanam aachara. Sarvamapi Shivam bahvet.” Sab kaa bahut bahut pyaar
Dad, Jon, Lauren & Family
Simmons, Wesley Carl Short, Chrystina L. Hard work and determination has paid
off. We are all very proud of you. Love, your family and two smiling angels.
CONGRATULATIONS, Wes! We’re SO proud of you! Let God guide all your life’s adventures & you’ll go far! We love you, Dad Mom Chris Nikki Carlee
Smith, A. James III
Smith, Joseph Pettigrew
James: we’re so proud of you and look forward to sharing the adventures that lie
Joey, you had a goal and you never gave up! We are so proud of you! To God be the glory! Love, Dad, Mom, Aimee, Brian, Chris, and Allison
ahead for you! Love, Mom, Dad, Tracy, Andrew & Devon
Spakowski, Matthew
Sutton, Logan
Congratulations on a job well done! May your future be filled with challenges, opportunities, and peace. All our love,
You completed a challenge that few are offered.
Congratulations! We are proud
of the man you have become. With all
Mom & Dad
Love, Mom, Dad, and Nicole
Parents Club Ads and PFS Messages
our love.
Dad, Mom, Ali, Kathryn
Sherman, Michael J. We are all so very proud of who you are and all you have accomplished, with all our love,
Mom, Dad, Franklin,
Alec and Dylan
Smith, Christina Louise Pride is just a small part of the joy we all share with you at graduation. You
conquered each obstacle to achieve your goal. Congrats! Love, Mom & Dad
Snyder, Ashley Noelle Congratulations Ash! We are very proud of you! Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.
LOVE, Mom & Dad
Swigonski, Scott Sanderson We are all proud of you and love you!
Mom Dad and Frank
Stein, Steven D. We are so proud of you & what you have
accomplished. Thank you for your dedication & good luck in the AF. Love, Mom Dad Stacy Kim & Amy
Steiner, Thomas Eric
Steipp, Shaun R.
How proud we all are of our new 2Lt!
You have amazed us with your steadfast
Our love now and always, Dad, Mom,
Michelle and Paul. Luke 12:48
commitment, perseverance, and deter“Congratulations on a job well
done! Love always, Mom & Dad.
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Wittick, Travis John
Wood, Alison F.
You have earned an elite standard and
Remember the values and perseverance
established relationships which will be an advantage for the rest of your life. With
employed for this triumph and resolve to achieve with the same tenacity throughout life.
love & pride, your family
Love, Mom & Dad!
Wright, Scott Michael Scotty boy so
you make the whole family
proud! You have come a long way,
shiny boots! May all your dreams come true!
Love, Mom, Dad, Boo, Lis,
Capts. & Kids!
Yoder, Gabriel S.
Zarembo, Edward
Congratulations! nacity paid off. We are so proud of you.
We are proud of you! Thank you for
It seems only yesterday that you were
listening to the voice of God first and
Continue to live your dream and reach
foremost. We know your values & faith
leaving for USAFA. Now you are graduating! We love you and are so proud of
for the stars. Love, Mom & Dad
will carry you always. Mom & Dad
you. Safe skies ahead. Dad and Mom
Zenkert, Raymond W. Ill Congratulations! We admire your strength, determination, and perseverance. You are a mother’s pride, and a father’s joy! Love Mom & Dad
Zinnel, Mary Tsui Congratulations Mary. We’re all very proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, Tina, Charles, Lin & Tommy
Yeager, Christopher Scott Your hard work and te-
Parents' Club Ads and FPS Messages
Zudic, Michael An Officer and a Gentleman
accomplishments and sacrifice to your country astound all who know you. With much pride and love, your family
Administrator Reina Pavlis; KAFA Adviser, Dave West; Polaris Adviser, Ken
Carter; and Chief, Cadet Wing Media Maureen Welch Not pictured: Polaris Writer, Edwin Hanks; Assistant Polaris Adviser, Brad
Milliman, and Polaris Layout Designer, Rene Tate
Cadet Wing Media Staff
-AAbayan, Christine 118,361 Abbas, Azhar 170 Abbatiello, John 68
Abbey, Marie 375 Abbott, Laura 395 Abdul-Raheem, Samory 357 Abel, Orey 67 Aberth, Justin 366 Abeyta, Edison 130, 359
Abeyta, Felix 379 Abies, Matthew 352 394
Abraham, David 399
Ackerson, Kenneth 324 Adachi, Yoshio 368 Adam, Gregory 394 Adams, Jason 340 Adams, Joshua 349 Adams, Matthew 210, 417
Adams, Rachel 202 Adams, Shari Jean 186
Adams, William 222 Adamson, Scott 353
Adelgren, Russ 63 Adorno, William 399
Agatep, Brett 288 Agnew, John 64 Agnew, Michael 384 Agu, llechukwu 378 Aguilar, Chris 106 Aguilar, Christopher 341 Ahrens, Travis 182
Akagha, Ikedinachi
Allen, Robert 332
Arcand, Robert 373
Allred, Clark 63
Archer, Michael 366
Baird, Kaitlin 389 Baisch, Christopher 396
Allred, Nathan 256 Almand, Austin 399
Arden, Charles 411
Aloisa, Pam 68
Arkwright, Patrick 361 Arlington, David 401 Armacost, Andy 67 Armstrong, Cody 361 Armstrong, Spencer 90,417
Allen, Christopher B. 397
Allen, Jacob 372
Abadi, Jacob 68
Abling, Sean
Bailey, Brian 63 Bailey, Jacob 61 Bailey, Stefanie 338
Allen, Randy 66
Appleby, Steven 186 Apsey, Christian 358 Apt, Tyner 377 Aragon, Aaron 359 Arbuckle, George 369
Allen, Christopher J. 345
Allen, Patrick 377
Alon, Kedem 405
Alpert, David 404 Al Rasbi, Omar 377
Al Shihi, Nasser 379
Arendsee, Zachary 385
Altman, Hunter 377
Arnall, Joshua 407 Arndt, Jacob 350
Amack, Andrew 369
Arnold, Caroline 397
Amack, Andy 135
Ambridge, Jack 397
Arnold, Christopher 343 Arnold, Craig 64
Ambrose, Connie 400
Arnold, Preston 67
Amigleo, Andrew 412
Arnts, Kelly 397
Amisone, Richie 341
Aronoff, Jonathan 379
Amnah, John 260 Amrine, Phillip 410
Asare, Cofie 379
Altman, Amanda 380
Anaya, Daniel
Andersen, Geoff 63 Andersen, Joseph 369 Anderson, Aaron 355 Anderson, Alfred 359
Arroyo, Ivando 401 Ascazubi, Andres 356 Asche, David 343 Aseltine, Thomas 406
Ashiq, Waleed
Anderson, Andrew 377
Ashraf, Haseeb 292 Astiasaran, Domingo 343
Anderson, Bryan 339,415 Anderson, David 345
Atchley, Daniel 62 Atherton, Joseph 399
Anderson, Donald 68
Atkinson, David 355
Anderson, George 349
Atwood, Justin 352 Atwood, Trenton 417 Auflick, Robert Allen 324
Anderson, Grace 210 Anderson, Jeff 67
Akimoff, Amanda 394
Anderson, Johnson 407
Al-Abadi, Haidar 367
Anderson, Katherine 415
Alaybeyoglu, Metin 415 Albano, Stephen 371
Anderson, Kathryn 365 Anderson, Katie 85
Alexander, Mychol 377 Alexander, Robby 117 Alexander, Robert 296 Alexander, Zachary 414
Alfesimama, Ruth 190 Alford, Sarah 130,387 Alicea, Rey Ortega 168 Al Jobour, Qais 416 Allen, Ainsley 369 Allen, Ariana 407 Allen, Caleb 405 Allen, Charles 385 Allen, Chris 106 Allen, Christopher A. 186
Andrejevs, Roberts 234 Andresen, Jonathan 349 Andrew, John 63 Andrews, David 166 Andrews, Sean 280 Andrews, Sean 312
Angello, Chloe 357 Anglin, Brett 359 Anthony, Kai 361 Antonietti, Eric 170 Antonio, Kurt 99, 308 Antonov, Guennadi 272
Antypas, Robert 182 Apodaca, Corey 361 Appleby, Jonathan 390
Banham, William 407 Banks, Diane 214
Banning, Douglas 349
Barlow, Joshua 394 Barlow, Kaitlin 230 Barlow, Logan 363 Barlow, Robert 339 Barnard, Matthew Paul 260 Barnes, Remington 412 Barnes, Richard 351 Barnes, Ryan 383 Barnhart, Ronald 174 Barra, Kristen 399 Barrett, Marie 349 Barrett, Mary 409
Austin, Nick Kaylor 206
Andre, Terrence 66
Bamberg, Vicki 402 Bamford, Ryan 218 Baney, Aaron 412 Bang, Newton 401
Barger, Abby Kathryn 320
Albert, William 288
Andeweg, Derek 405
Baker, William 407 Balaich, Gary 62 Balcao, Scott 85, 120, 341 Balch, Daniel 405 Baldwin, Guy 268 Baldwin, Joel 350 Baldwin, Joseph 397 Ball, Bailey 353 Ball, John 345 Ball, Scott 413 Ballesteros, Jorge 389 Balser, Cary 400 Balskus, Joseph 206 Balthazar, Timothy 194 Balthazor, Richard 63
Ayers, Matt 67 Azab, Stephan 135, 399
Austin, Howard 66
Alexander, Donald 182 Alexander, Jordan 320 Alexander, Matt 74 Alexander, Matthew 417
Baker, James 198 Baker, Russell 384
Avrett, John 407
Austin, Chad 55
Anderson, Melissa 410 Anderson, Michael 406 Anderson, Nathan 402 Anderson, Scott 414 Anderson, Sean 369 Anderson, Timothy 76, 354 Anderson, Travis 296
Aldridge, Aubrey 416 Alexander, Ashley 367
Baker, Franklin 405
Avery, Bryan 403
Augustin, Brady 401 Augustine, Ian 410 Ausbun, Benjamin 371
Albert, Michael 385
Alderman, Andrew 320
Baker, Austin 415 Baker, Brianna 359
Bannister, Collette 362 Bansal, Karan 343 Bar, Daniel 357 Bar, Matthew 234 Baran, Christopher 256 Barbara, Samuel 347 Barbee, Jessica 339 Barbee, Melissa 218 Barber, Jordan 369 Barber, Wayne 389 Barber, Zachary 396
Anderson, Kyle 135, 368
Albrecht, Ryan 415
Bailie, Mark 371 Bain, Bruce 385
Austria, Beth 62 Avena, Kathryn 417
-BBaas, Lauren 339 Babb, Mark 358 Babbitt, Kyle 135, 366
Babich, Leslie 358 Bachler, David 68
Bachmeyer, Philip 415 Backes, Jonathon 174 Backhus, Frederick 222 Bacue, Stephanie 359 Bae, Chang 316 Bae, Edward 381
Barrington, Heather 226 Barron, Mario 340 Barrow, Aaron 210
Bagby, Leighton 403
Barry, Matthew 389
Bahn, William 62
Bartak, Mark 409
Baik, Seung-Min 411
Bartczak, Adam 375 Bartee, Garrett 268
Bartik, Jason 135,403 Bartlett, Lyndon 373
Bender, Thomas 346 Benfield, Daniel 417 Bengard, Lindsay 121, t234
Barton, Ben 135
Bennett, David 345
Barton, Benjamin 355
Bennett, Michael 351
Bartsch, Zachary 367
Bennett, Morgan 355
Basnight, Zachry 415
Bennett, Patrick 378
Bassett, Nicholas 371
Bennett, Steven 360
Blankenberger, Anthony Blankenship, John 350 Blardony, Janna 345
Batchelder, Katie 122, 341
Benson, Jonathan 363
Bledsoe, Devon 368
Bouges, Alicia 347 Boulter, Raymond 376 Boumezrag, Mohamed 371 Bouquio, Joshua 365
Bateman, Jonathan Kyle 190
Bent, Timothy 389
Blessinger, David
Bowen, Chase 345
Bates, Andrew 64
Bente, Nicholaus 387
Blinn, James 194
Bowen, Paul 398
Bates, Doug 130
Bentley, David 356 Berens, Christopher 373 Berger, Andrea 373 Bergkamp, Jonathan 214 Bergman, Andrew 230 Bergoo, Adam 341 Bergoo, Robin Johan Frednk 276 Bergstresser, Patrick 371 Bergstrom, Austin 344
Bloch, Benjamin 386
Bowen, Rudolph 369
Block, Robert 63
Bowen, Thomas 359
Blocker, Miles-Tyson 362
Bowens, Aaron 400
Blong, Lindsay 260
Bowman, Jeffrey 385
Blum, Scott 63
Bowman, John 409
Blume, Christian 170
Bowman, Kenneth 364
Blume, Hoban 353
Bowron, James 2, 365
Blumhoefer, William 351 Boardman, Brian 98, 402
Bowshot, Shawna 62
Bernard, Thomas 363
Bobbs, Jordan 373
Berry, Andrew 63 Berry, Edwin 288 Berry, Justin 348 Berry, Nicholas 186 Berry, Robert 401
Bochert, John 178
Beard, James 52, 361
Berszoner, Matthew John 296
Beardslee, Robert 376
Bertka, Brian 365
Bogert, Steven 182 Bogner, Scott 355
Beasock, Jennifer 2, 371 Beaubien, Matthew L. 268
Bethancourt, Robert 170
Bohlender, Elsa 130, 345
Bettinger, Robert 312
Bohlender, Ivan 352
Beauchamp, Andrew 393
Bettner, Michael 64 Betz, Peter 52, 345
Bohlman, Jeff 379 Bohn, Karl 347
Bradfield, Daniel 368
Beaudoin, Daniel James 296 Beaudreault, Matthew 405
Bevers, Daniel 409
Boisvert, Brian 360
Beaulieu, Steven 347 Beck, Amanda 411
Beville, Patrick 343
Bole, Scott 64
Bevis, Megan 343
Boleng, Jeff 62
Beck, Jason 85, 272
Bexten, Samuel 415
Bolint, Andrew 393
Brady, Kevin 341 Brady, Kimberley 272 Branch-Romero, Khary 214 Branchflower, Todd 332
Becker, Bryan 342 Becker, Caleb 405 Becker, Jacob 210 Becker, Joseph 407 Becker, Philip 268 Becker, Phillip 131
Bezzant, Matthew 375
Bolles, Ryan Michael 186
Brand, Alexander 379
Biba, Brandon 391
Bolt, Karl 74, 75, 190
Brandt, Charles 369
Biddle, Tiffany 364
Bolt, Paul 67
Brannon, Matthew 408
Bidmead, Kenneth 381
Bonanno, Alison 264
Brantigan, Charles 350
Biechler, Ross 366
Bond, Albert 222
Brasher, David 345
Bigelow, Holly 393 Bigelow, Lydia 87 Bigelow, Lydia Eleni 238 Bihansky, Thomas 162 Bilbao, Kimberly 403 Biles, Megan 363 Billings, Peter 238
Bonneau, Michelle 198
Brasher, Matt 2
Bonner, John 405
Brateng, Jonathan
Boogar, Stephen 406 Booker, Jocelyn 339
Braxton, Thomas 347
Boom, Gordon 415 Boone, Samuel 407
Brdlik, Clinton 369 Breau, Cody 395
Booth, Jason 339
Breaux, Bradley 256
Bina, Ellen 413
Booze, Meghan 365
Bingaman, Kirk 385 Binns, Kathy 68 Bintz, Stephen 395
Borchardt, Clinton 354 Bordenave, Christopher 361
Bredeweg, Joshua 389 Breedlove, Bradley 351 Breiding, Daniel J. 260 Breland, Troy 402
Bartlett, Austin 367
Bates, Douglas 339
Bates, Michael 381 Bates, Sarah 351 Batey, Nicholas 391
Bauder, Andrew 385 Bauer, Nicholas 398
Bauer, William 406
Baughn, Taylor 387 Baxley, Jared 234 Bayne, Casey Elizabeth Bayne, Charles 341 Beach, Kayla 383 Beal, Tyler 389 Bean, Christopher 343
Beckerleg, Matthew 407 Beckett, Cameron
Beckley, Matthew 390 Bedard, Alexander 356 Beeler, Jessica 416 Beene, Nathaniel 349 Beerse, Melissa 381
Beesemyer, Jay 415 .
Behrendt, Brady 369 Behrens, Robert 19 Beins, Tausha 398
Bouchard, Laura Elizabeth 268
Blackburn, Michael 205 Blackstun, Margaret 403 Blair, Elizabeth 379
Bouchard, Whitney 385 Boudreaux, Aftan 405 389
Boedigheimer, Ralph Boese, George 413 Boethin, April 365
Boethin, Daniel Warren 328
Bowsky, Cameron 381 Boyadjian, Gregory 366 Boyce, Frank 166 Boyd, Jamey 367 Boyd, Stephen 332 Boyd, William 415 Boyer, Christopher 356 Boyer, Stephanie 395 Boyle, Scott 342 Boyter, Jesse 384 Bozynski, Peter 178 Bradwick, Matthew 339
Bordelon, Devin 341
Brazell, Andrew 218
Bird, Carson 354
Borders, Andrew 363
Brende, Elizabeth 332
Belger, Mitchell 194 Belkowski, Mark 406 / Belkowski, Robert 308
Bird, Donald 62
Borgerding, Justin
Brenner, Chad 411
Bird, Joshua 349 Bird, Kristan 256
Born, Dana 424
Brenner, Scott 351
Borradaile, Michael 198
Bell, Derek 130,206 Bell, James 370 Bell, Kyle 345 Bell, Spencer 339 Bell, William 328 Belleau, Elizabeth 346 Bellissimo, Daniel 210
Birdsong, Eric 389
Borriello, Jeff 332
Bresnahan, James 130,390 Brewer, Joseph 411
Birt, Jordan 384 Birt, Timothy 206
Borroni, Philip 360
Brewer, Logan 260
Borseth, Thomas 378
Brewton, Haley 407
Bishop, Jim 68 Bishop, Mark 132,347
Bosack, Michael M. 260
Brewton, Jadonna 63
Bosch, Michelle 355
Black, Diana 68 Black, Steve 62 Black, Timothy 345 Black, Wayne 387
Brice, Benjamin 351
Bosley, Michael 214
Brichacek, Andrea 349
Boswell, Chameka 341 Bottorff, Matthew 397
Bridgeman, Jeremy 342 Bridgewater, Bret 368 Briggs, Lindsey 369
cio-Flatt, Kristoffer 403 ,Jason 109,340
Botwinski, Samuel 218
Burnham, Adam 135
Caples, Connor 406 Capparelli, Robert 391 Cappuzzo, Gregory 393 Carberry, John 392
Chapman, Sara 391 Chapot, Charles 288 Chappell, C. 64
Brill, Alexander 349
Burks, Jonathan 348
Brilleslyper, Mike 63 Brinkmann, Christopher 405
Burlingame, Lucas 383 Burney, Trenton 395
Brinson, Enrico 411
Brittingham, John
Burnham, Matthew 396
Cardenas, Austin 405
Charbonneau, Matthew 390
Brittner, Michael 347
Burns, Kevin 63
Card II, Larry 404
Britzke, Geoffrey 350
Brockman, Aaron 349
Bursey, Lauren
Carey, Justus 339 Carfagno, James 412 Cargill, William 316 Carillo, Christopher 395
Charles, Nicholas 387 Charlton, Mark 64
Brock, Nolan 135,353
Burns, Shane 63 Burnum, Jake 413 Burrows, William 386
Brodie, Christin 382
Burton, Eric 365
Brommer, Lucas 268 Brooks, Blake 369 Brooks, Maria 348
Burton, Matthew 332
Brooks, Ryan 349
Brock, Joseph 407
Chase, Rhett 368 Chavez, Felicia 361 Chavez, Kevin 407
Carlisle, Martin 62 Carlisle, Matthew David 260
Cheatham, Ron 350 Chee-A-Tow, Rachel 377
Carlos, Claire 381 Carlson, Randy 63
Chen, Hsiang 394
Burton, Trista 416 Burtschi, Jacob 77, 190
Carlson, Troy 66
Burwinkle, Adam 135,328 Buscemi, Matthew 385
Carnahan, Kyle 384 Carney, Shaun 88, 89, 93, 340
Brown, Andrew 276
Busch, Alyson 344
Carnovale, Nicholas 342
Brown, Antonio 416
Bush, Andrea 344
Brown, David 387
Bush, Lisa 343
Cams, Dwight 390 Carolan, Ryan 186
Brown, Eric Matthew 324 Brown, J. S. 409 Brown, Joel 272 Brown, Lindsay 389
Bush, Michael 45, 202
Burton, Nicholas T. 214
Brosims, David 68
Broughton, Justin
Brown, Marvin 300 Brown, Michael 351
Brown, Nathan 162 Brown, Philip 166 Brown, Robert 64, 370
Brown, Silas Daniel 272
Brown, Wayne 62
Brown-Dymkoski, Brian Browning, Jeff 388
Brozetti, Justin 369
Cheng,Jason 406 Cheng, Richard 230 Cherry, Louis 66 Chiasson, Thomas 359
Chidester, Michael 399 Childers, Rebecca 357 Chimelski, Erica 130, 339
Carp, Christopher 214 Carpenter, Keane 405 Carpenter, Patrick 264 Carpenter, Robert 377
Chin, Brian 320
Carrese, Paul 67
Cho, Doug 414
Carriedo, Robert 68
Cho, Philip 385
Carrier, Shawn 359
Choate, Lauren 377
Butler, Harris 387 Butler, John 373
Carrigan, Geoffrey 264 Carrillo, Christopher 365
Choe, Peter 405 Choi, Jeff 375
Butler, Michele 66 Butler, Robert 320 Butler, Sean 62 Butt, Spencer 345
Carroll, Arlon 361
Chott, Nathan 292
Carroll, Bradley 371
Chou, Hsi 372
Carroll, Shayne 358 .Carter, Alicia 388
Christ, John 64 Christensen, Benjamin 400
Bushnell, Ryan 300 Bussell, Donald 391
Bustamante, Cassandra 384 Butcher, Jonathan 360 Butikofer, Casey 353 Butler, David 353
Chinery, Mark 341 Chism, Matthew 415 Chlebek, Randall 361
Butterfield, Caitlin 296 Butzin, David 413
Carter, Brandon 353
Christian, Anthony 373
Bruckman, Benjamin 355
Carter, Chase 83
Christie, Ryan 395
Bruder, Joshua 357
Buzasi, Derek 63
Christopher, Bryan Scott 296 Christopher, Jason Daniel 304 Christopher, Steven David 328 Chronister, Bradley 377
Church, Scott 222 Churnside, Alexander 124,349 Chuva, Dean 81, 385 Ciccone, James 401
Brustuen, Leif 389
Caballer, Leanne 403
Bruton, Kyle 409 Bruton, Michael 417
Cadwell, Justin Joseph 218 Cain, Joel 62
Carter, Jennifer 400 Carter, Michael Kenneth 190 Carter, Nicholas 359 Carter, Robert 410 Caruso, Paul 378 Carvalho, Jacob 407 Carver, Matthew 375 Casano, Michael 415 Cascio, Daniel 378
Bryant, Andrew 393 Bryant, Clayton 389 Bucey, Jonathan 367
Calahan, Kathy 66
Cassidy, Patrick 269
Caldwell, Brittain 380 Caldwell, James 383
Castillo, Letricia 78, 79, 332 Castle, Dan 85
Buchanan, Andrew 353
Caldwell, Jesse Lan 230
Buchanan, Doug 63
Caldwell, Lynn 66
Brugman, Aaron
Brumfield, Elon 391 Brummer, Tyler 393
Byrd, Brenton 395 Byrnes, Michael 416 Bzdelik, Jeff 76
Brunderman, Adam 363
Brundidge, Joseph 375
Buchholtz, Matthew 340
Calfee, Alan 404
Buck, Austin 288
Buck, Theresa 415
Call, Robert 376 Callahan, Joshua 416
Buckhout, Nathan 166
Callahan, Richard 352
Buckingham, Joseph 371 Buckley-Lowe, Gregory 412 Budzyn, Joseph 386
Callahan, Sean 377 Callihan, Scott 63 Camacho, Juan Rojas 363 Camilletti, Jonathan 234
Buehner, Michelle 400 Bukowski, Tegan 383 Bull, Kenneth 371
Bump, Stephen 362 Bunker, Adam 355
BuPane, Elizabeth 130 Bupane, Elizabeth-Ann 348 Burditt, Rebecca 409
Burfeind, Brandon 373
Camp, James 370 Campbell, Brian 222, 374 Campbell, Christopher 166, 391 Campbell, John 379 Campbell, Kerrie 402 Campbell, Matthew 381 Campbell, Thomas 355 Campo, Delwyn 382
Burgess, Madison 351 Burgess, Steven 388
Canciani, Aaron 389 Candiotti, Derek 359
Burk, David 387 Burke, Andrew 375 Burke, Nicholas 312
Cangealose, Joseph 256 Cannard, Daniel 106, 393 Canter, Garrett 399
Burke, Patrick Thomas 166
Caparelli, Ethan
Castle, Daniel 375 Castle, Patrick 62 Castro, Joseph 345 Castro, Victoria 366 Catalano, Lucas 409 Catherwood, Elizabeth 300 Catoire, Andrew 417 Catsulis, Spiro 374 Cattaneo, Nicholas 372 Caudell, Matt 64 Caulk, Andrew 369
Cavanaugh, Michael 410 Cecil, Stephen 382 Cerise, Michael 178 Cerni, Mark 135,380
Chadwick, Silas 342 Chaffee, Lauren 399 Chambers, Charles 284 Chan, David 413 Chan, Dennis 182 Chandler, Steven 398
Chang, Christopher 355 Chang, Jeremy 170 Chaparro, Jose 365
Chun, Carsen 395
Chung, Alexander 357 Chung, Anthony 415 Chung, Christina 202 Chung, Connie 210
Cipolla, Andrew 348 Clark, Karras 135, 393 Clark, Logan 130,411 Clark, Nicholas 339 Clark, Robert 384 Clark, Steve 63 Clark, Tyler 403 Clausnitzer, Christina 406 Clawson, Christopher 341 Clawson Jr., Michael 300
Clayton, Joshua 362 Clemens, Heather 368 Clemmer, William 304 Clemson, Donald 40, 390 Clifford, Joshua 366 Clift, Alexander 345 Clisset, Ryan 339
Clore.Alycia 417 Cloutier, Kurt 397
Coakley, Erin 404 Cobb, John 414
Coburn, Charles 347
Cochran, William 64
CockDurn, John
Coco, Mike 66
Cocomazzi, John 403 Cody, Samantha N. 238 1
Cody, Tyler 357 Coe, Jeffrey 396 Coffey, Jonathan 349 Coffey, Taylor 135,413 Coffey III, Lavanson C. 19 Cohoon, Daniel 351 Coker, Thomas 357
Czak, Steven 413
Cowling, Trebor 394 Cox, John 363 Craft, Jordan 365 Crandall, Matthew 404 Crane, Brooks 401
-DD’Agostino, Joseph 403 D’Amore, Thomas 392
DeCiutiis, Thomas 341 Decker, Christopher John 214
DeFoor, Matthew 378 DeGarmo, Donald 375
DeGuzman, Jeremy 347 Deike, Will 130 Deike, William 394 Dekker, Travis 382
Cravens, Jocelyn 353 Crawford, Ian 369
D’Arcy, Brian 354 Dachroeden, Aaron 345 Dadosky, Evan 364
De La Cruz, Regan 416
Delacruz, Emmanuel 338
Colby, Robert 256
Crawford, Rachel 373
Dahlhoff, Michael 350
Delaney, Brian
Craycroft, Sarah 130, 304
Dahlke, Scott 64
De La Torre, Francisco 367
Coletta, Damon 67
Crellin, Scott 324 Cremer, Jon 389
Dahm, Scott 222
Delgado, Mackin 417 Delgiudice, Juliette 174
Dale, Keegan 394 Dali, Jason 367
Della-Rose, Devin 63
Dallas, Brigham 357
Demboski, Michaela 62
Collins, Melissa 328 Collins, Mike 62
Crespo, Mark 382 Crespo, Robert M. 288 Crews, Abigail 308 Crippes, Matthew Paul 320 Crisostomo, Joseph 417
Deming, Matthew 389
Colter, Colby 396
Crockett, Thomas 394
Colwell, Dan 66 Comer, Adam 411
Croff, Quinton 357 Cronican, Keith 116, 182
Compton, Phil 405 Condict, Clark 124, 125, 410
Cronin, Hugh 64 Crosbie, Steven Christopher 218
Dalrymple, Diana 131, 340 Dalrymple, Scott 376 Dalton, Miji 261 Daly, Jacob 347 Daly, Michael 405
Conine, Aaron 312
Cross, Adam 186 Cross, Dennis 409 Cross, Joe 400 Crouse, Brian 304 Crowder, William 367 Crowe, Shane 339 Crowell, Corey 341
Collins, Ashley 385
Collins, Christopher Glen 264 Collins, Garrett 385
Conley, Christopher 351 Conley, Liam 405 Conley, Mary 379 Conley, Renae 139 Conley, Sean 234 Connolly, Luke 3, 353, 434 Conrad, Joe 81
Conrad, Joseph 316
Consiglio, Robert 353 Consolo, Jared 347
Cowles, Parker 85, 403
DeBerry, Fischer 94
Cole, Phillip 401 Collier, Brice 135, 350
Cousins, Joshua 415
Cycyota, Cynthia 67 Cyphers, Caley 404 Czabaranek, Joseph 194
Courtois, Eric 386 Cousino, Thomas 349
Contreras, Janice 381 Cook, Jeff 66 Cook, Matthew 369 Cook, Richard 63 Cook, Trevor 308
Cooley, Jasin 408 Cooley, Jean 67 Cooley, Jim 67 Cooper, Andrew 363 Cooper, David 333 Cooper, Esamu 162 Cooper, Stephen 62, 355 Cooper, Thomas 377 Cope, Frank 376 Copeland, Christopher 405 Copeland, Jeanette 362 i Coquerille, Luke 407 Corapi, Joel 355 Cordell, Jonathan 357 Cordova, John Christopher 272 Cork, Matthew 132,379 I Corless, James 368 I Corley, Cynthia 62 I Corliss, Meaghan 370 Cornejo, Angelica 368 Cornelio, Larry Padian 280 Corneliussen, Daniel 170 Cornell, James 397 Corpman, David 130, 363 Correll, Jason 83, 373 Cortner, Ryan 3, 412
Crowley, Matthew 374 Crozier, Stephen 127, 345 Cruickshank, Clayton 342 Cruickshank, Stephen 369 Crum, Brian 351
Crump, Thomas
Crumrine, Kevin 346 Cruz, James 409 Cruz, Nicholas 347 Cuchens, William 371 Cuevas, Shawn 2, 366 Cullenbine, Chris 63
Dale, Harry 375
Dam, Robert 67 Damele, Christopher 365
Daniels, Matthew 405 Daniels, Thomas 343
Delosreyes, John
Demkowicz, Erik 63 Demmon, Christopher 387 Demonte IV, Joseph 206 Dempster, Laura 415 Denaro, Tracy 62
DeNeve, Allen 348 Denise, Michelle 100,357
Danielson, Adam 316,429
Denton, Alexander 406 DeBrun, Brendan 377
Danielson, Dustin 355
DePaolis, Danielle 395
Danley, Matthew 375
Derbigny, Chay 350
Daochern, Jirasak 353 Dararutana, Kanit 359 Darwin, Eric 130,377
Derdzinski, Joe 67
Deriggi, Benjamin 391
Davidson, Andrew 415
DeRito.Adam 135,387 Derusha, Daniel 350 Derwae, Andrew 412
Davidson, Brianne 388
DeShazo, Denise 363
Davies, Richard 383
Desjardins, Susan 25, 424
Davies, Steven 381 Davis, Andrew 352, 387 Davis, Berkley 377
Desmet, Jena 372
Deutsch, Dillon 402 Devine, Brian 222
Davis, Bradley 340
Devine, Kirk 353 Devlin, Jacob 127,412
Daugherty, Jamie 355
Davis, Brady 396 Davis, Brandon 399
Davis, Bryant 353
Devoney, Billy 103 Devoney III, William Lawrence 230 Dewees, Bradley 381 Dewey, Curtis 391
Culp, Ashley 131, 312 Culp, Stefanie 339 Culpepper, Elijah 343 Cultra, Brooke 78, 359
Davis, Jamie 406 Davis, Jason 376
Dial, Nathan 339
Culver, Richard 391
Davis, John 226
Dickson, Kristopher 378
Davis, Jukari Cayah 320
Didier, Jeremy 411
Davis, Kevin 67
Diederich, Frederick 373
Davis, Kyle 403
Dieringer, Michelle
Davis, Matthew 363
Dietrich, Joshua 395 Dietrich, Matthew 388 DiLeo, Blaise 401
Cumbie, Derek 308
Cumnock-Francois, Benjamin 403
Cunningham, Cameron 414 Cunningham, Fred 410 Cunningham, Melissa 67 Cunningham, Phillip 353 Cure, Luke 383 Curlett, Tracee 379 Curran, Caitlin 396 Curran, James 365
Davis, Donald 341 Davis, Eric 339
Davis, Nicholas 351 Davis, Tarasita 401 Davis, William 362
Davis-Perry, Lori 68 Davis II, Joseph Anthony 202
Davison, Stephanie 375
Curran, Joseph 85, 405
Dawson, Justin 360
Curry, Kellen 357 Curry, Liz 62 Curtis, Amanda Colyer 226
Dawson, Veronica 166
Curtis, Ashlee 393
Curtis, Corey 351 Cusano, Giancarlo 344
Day, Charity 2, 194 Day, David 365 Day, Derek 380 Day, Justin 351 Day, Russell Gregory 226
Cushing, James 373
Corvin Jr., Carl F. 218
Deal, David 410
Cutino, Joshua 390
Cote, Paul 416 Cotter, Kenneth 346 Courtade, Robert 383
Cuyler, Collins 358 Cwiakala, Ashley 316 Cwynar, Ryan 373
Deans, Christopher 411
Diaz, Vincent 194
Dilley, Garrett 381 Dillon, Connie 383 Dilts, Joseph 363
DiMaio, William 393 Dinan, Jeremiah 354 Dinsdale, Matthew 364 DiPaolo, Joseph 346 Disler, Edie 68 Diss, Eric 387 DiTommaso, Victor 365 Ditson, Matthew 376 Dixon, Nicholas 393 Dobbs, Michael 395
Deans, Richard 62 Dearborn, Mike 63
Dobransky, Michael 395
Deaton, Colly 401
Doeseckle, John 399
Doede, Natalie 359
Dohallow, Tyler Paul 300 Dolan, John 393 Dolan, Morgan 390
Dolby, Christopher 256 Dolley, Zachary 378
Durstein, Alexander 409 Dvorak, Zachary Stephen 288
Erickson, Michael 351 Erickson, Seth 333
Ferry, Gregory 370
Dyche, Jeff 66 Dyke, Adam 292
Erives, Leslie 404
Fetherolf, Justin 174
Ernest, Michele 417
Feucht, Matthew 223
Ernst, Howard 67
Fiedler, Jack 388
Escalera, Marco 316
-EEames, Elizabeth 370
Eshkenazi, Aaron 353
Field, David 390 Fielder, Jim 67
Earp, Brian 132 Eastman, Joseph 413 Eaton, Kenneth 365
Eskildsen, Ilea 206
Figueroa, Angelica 347 Finch, Susan 347
Fink, Shane 375
Dombroski, John 403
Domogala, Mark 321 Donaldson, Stephen 405 Donnell, Catherine 408
Dorland, Jared 382 Dorman, Jim 63 Dormire, Eleanor 403
Ebeling, Derek James 297
Espinoza, Albert 371 Esplin, Samuel 352 Essary, Amanda 385
Ebert, Jennifer 397
Estes, Nathan 349
Dorsey, Eric 328 Dorward, Anthony 350
Donnelly, Sean 407 Donohoe, Christopher Daniel
Findlay, Pamela 78, 376 Finger, Erin Alexandra 215
Echols, Brad 135
Evans, Angie
Finkelstein, Dan 63
Echols, Bradley Thomas 276
Evans, Bryant 340
Finneran, Brett 353
Ecklebe, Daniel 343
Evans, Christian 378
Finster, Kevin 379
Eddy, Brian 300 Eddy, Solange 115, 343 Edelman, Scott 67
Evans, Edmund 377
Fischer, Erika 403
Evans, Eric 105
Fisher, Lukas 388
Evans, Jane 339
Doster, Timothy 400
Edelstein, Daniel 312
Evans, Melissa 401
Fisher, Paul 62 Fisk, Justin 381
Dougherty, Joseph 375 Doughty, Lauren 399 Douglas, Julianne 412 Douglass, Mark 417 Douglass, Matthew 284
Edlund, Christopher 345
Evans, Phillip 355 Evans, Quinn 343
Fitch, Chelsea 345
Evanson, Whitney 358 Evensen, Amani 396 Everett, Chad 379
Fitzkee, David 66
Dosa, Brian 403 Doss, Aaron 383
Doull, Brandon 409 Dowds, Danielle 114,410
Dowling, Austin 135,348 Downer, Joshua 348 Downer, Katie 377
Doyle, John Travis 202 Doyle, Lea Renee 187 Doyle, Robert 345 Doyon, Robert 345 Drake, Benjamin 397 Dreier, Daniel 387 Drennan, David 296 Drew, Jennifer 416 Drisoll, Dan 66
Droppa, Kurtis 411
Edmonds, Gregory 407 Edmonds, Robert 347 Edson, Jeffrey 347 Edwards, Andrew 308 Edwards, Jahmil 81,321,429 Edwards, Jeffrey 405 Edwards, Kelly Miles 226 Edwards, Melissa 341
Egbert, Troy 162 Egbulefu, Fortune 342 Eggers, Howard 66 Eggert, Matt 135 Eggert, Matthew 398 Egleston, Patti 63 Egley, Rachel 194 Ehn, Eric 102, 103, 386 Ehrenreich, homas 63 Ehrler, Melissa 361
Fitzgerald, Jack 383 Fitzpatrick, Erin 223
Everett, Daniel 357
Fitzsimmons, Michael 198 Flatebo, Jessa 226
Everett, Joana 343
Flaute, Christopher 387
Everette, Matthew 411 Ewers, Montanna 346
Fleetwood, William 348
Ewing, Lucas C. 230 Exstrom, Christopher 316 Eyck, Clayton Ten 372 Eyck, Ryan Ten 375
Fleharty, Matthew 365 Fleharty, Michael 346 Fleischaker, Evangeline Fleming, Grant 389 Fleming, Jaclyn 399 Flick, James 395 Flick, Ridge 371
Fabbri, Katelyn 363 Fabricius, Cody 191
Flores, Ricardo 261 Florsz, Jonathan 135,406
Fagan-Kelly, Stefan 415 Fagis, Barry 62 Fahey, Timothy 359
Floyd-James, Ayana
Flusche, Brian 63
Eide, Michael 361 El-Amin, Saj 359
Fair, Matthew 361
DuBois, Christopher 365 Duck, Daniel 387
Eldredge, Nathan 347
Falgout, John 413
Flynn, Gregory 102,397 Flynn, Heather 399 Flynt, Connor 391 Foglia, Dominic 354
Elliott, Brian 404
Fallin, Austin 357
Folino, Francesco 338
Elliott, James 367
Follett, Chad 97
Dudley, Scott 63
Fang, David
Elliott, Jonathan 210
Duechle, Eric 135, 370
Fantacone, Andrea 365
Elliott, Nicole 363
Dueno, Eric 366
Elliott, Stephen 417 Ellis, Dorothy 198
Fantauzzi, Michael 369 Farino, Salvatore 367 Farkas, Ronald 404 Farlee, Todd 366
Dua, Ajay 399 Duarte, Kimberly 174 Dubiel, Tanya 190
Dues, Brandon Thomas 219
Dufaud, Kyle 392
Duffey, Patrick 395 Duffy, Blake 353 Dufrane, Robert 412 Dummermuth-Boss, Lewis 413 DuMond, John 67 Duncan, Eric 384 Duncan, Matthew 272 Dunk, Adam 362
Dunlap, Christopher 280 Dunlap, Duane 63 Dunn, Allen 415 Dunn, Brian 407
Dunn, James 81,402 Dunn, John 350 Dunn, Jonathan 284
Dunn, Tara Danielle 198 Duome, Joseph 170
Duong, Thien 34, 341 Duran, Marino 354 Durbin, Robert 339
Durey, Deborah 412 Durham, Matthew 341
Eickholt, Casey 385
Ellis, Joseph 386 Ellis, Joshua 368
Fairchild, Larry 409
Follett, Charles 178 Fondacaro, David 369
Font-Rodriquez, Gabriel 63 Foote, Sean 393 Ford, Devon 399
Farrar, Scott 389
Ford, Gregory 372 Ford, Jason 182 Ford, Joshua 397
Farren, Evan 409 Fath, Stony 399
Fordham, Mary 68 Forrester, Kendal 183
Elmore III, Richard Dale 308
Faulkner, Jeffrey 349
Elms, Raeanna 414 Elmstrand, Patricia 202 Elsbernd, Paul 53 Elsbernd, Paul Martin 328
Favinger, Mark 369 Fay, Dawn 396
Fortney, Ryan 395 Forystek, Ryan 397
Farley, John
Ellsworth, Kyle 369 Ellsworth, Nathan 407 Elmore, Catherine 365 Elmore, Richard 85
Farnham, Stuart 68
Emory, Rachael 110, 381 Engelken, Christopher 409 Englert, Christopher 366 English, Michael 198 Enloe, Lon 63
Enyart, Elizabeth 87, 392 Epperly, Jason 401 Epperson, Kyle 349 Epstein, Jarred 371 Epstein, Kevin 370 Erb Jr., Keith 342
Erickson, Evan 132, 390
Fedorchik, Mikhail 371 Fedornak, Sean 351 Feldman, Daniel 352 Feliz, Adam 389 Fellhauer, Alisa 211 Fenton, Stacey 359 Fenwick, Daniel 167 Ferderer, Erin 379 Ferek, Adam 412
Ferguson, Christopher 357 Ferguson, LeAnn 63 Ferrara, Anthony 391 Ferrel, Simon 373 Ferrer-Torres, Jaffet 405
Fossum, Mitchell 355 Foster, Craig 66
Foster, Eric 408 Foster, Peter 187
Foster-Jorgensen, Hans 132,3 Foulon, Edward 373 Fouts, Austin 338 Fowler, Andrew 89, 384 Fowler, George 340 Fox, Benjamin 399 Fox, Jeremy 359 Fox, Lucas 195 Fraier, Joseph 199 France, Martin 64
Francis, Austin 116,391
r-rancK, uavia
Francke, Craig 355 Frank, Alexander 403 Franklin, Zachary 199 Franks, Lauren 341 Franz, Holly 62 Franzen, Deanna 361 T
raser, Mark
raser, Steve 67 : j
Frash, Margaret Shannon 85, 234 rasier, Carli 365
-rawley, Nicholas razen, Deanna
353 3
-"razier, James 399 z
reaney, Ryan 203 "rederick, Mark 401
Gibson, Glen 66
Galinis, Jared 385
Gibson, Jenny Lee 257 347
Gall, Eric 395
Gallert, Petra 68 Galli, Victoria 347 Gallimore, Jason 383 Gallman, Alexander 375
Gibson,Joseph Giegler, Adam 349 Gies, Kemery 360
Gorry, Thomas 369 Gorski, Timothy 343 Gorzkowski, Adam 371
Goss, Jared 403
Gies, Michael 399
Goss, William Andrew 235
Gilbert, Elizabeth 62
Gott, Brian 374
Gamage, Charith 304
Gilbert, Madison 387
Gotwald, Carl 367
Gamble, Christopher 297
Gilbert, Matthew 349
Gould, Brandon C. 297
Gilbert, Nicholas 361
Gannett, Paul 397 Garbe, Joel 413 Garcia, Ambrose 373 Garcia, David 130, 386, 411 Garcia, Eric 81,223 Garcia, Jase 353 Gardner, Benjamin 403 Gardner, Edward 417 Gardner, Kimberly 62 Gardner, Nicholas R. 261
Gilchrist, James 321
Goulding, Kevin Andrew 215 Goulding, Tyler John 317 Gourgues, Matthew 386
Giles, Scott 354
Govea, Mark 370
Gill, Andrew 381
Grace, Stephen 373
Gamiles, Todd
Gandy, Stephen Ryan
Gilbertson, Garrett 347
Gillepse, Paul
Gradaille, Joshua 409
Gillmore, Vincent 351
Graham, Jared 414 Gramm, Joshua 25, 178
Gilzean, Andrew 355
Grandsaert, Patrick 407
Gineo, Brian 297
Granger, Kari 66
Gingsumrong, Aphichart 389
Grant, Michael 416
Gioiosa, Ross 353
Grant, Paige 387
Garguile, Noah 368
Gipple, Harrison Wilson 300
Graska, Colleen 383
Garland, Benjamin 339
Gipson, Ryan 130, 355
Grasser, Kristen 396
Garman, Lane 350 Garoutte, Benjamin 393 Garrett, Brittney 343 Garrett, Jeffrey 415 Garrett, Zachary 131,203 Garrett IV, Robert Ira 238
Giroux, Jason 297
Gladysz, Kory 407
Gray, Adam 324 Gray, Matthew 342 Gray, Tyron 339
Glandon, Nathan 358
Graziano, Nicole 344
Glass, Calvin 85, 352
Green, Clifton 417
ritz, Bruce 372
Garringer, William 372
Green, Kali 369
itzke, Austin 85, 357 ritzsche, Boyd 362
Garrish, Jason 380 Gartland, Daniel 372 Gartner, Preston 130, 398
Glaves, Rueben 403 Glaze, Deb 63 Gleason, Rebecca 363
Green, Pall Daniel 313
Glenn, Gabrielle 378
Green, Shawn 280
Glenn, Robbie 135
Green, Sloan 162
Glenn, Robert 345 Gloeb, Kristina Kay 261
Green, Steve 67 Green, Timothy 417
Glojek, William
Greenaway, Brendan Poe 269 Greendyke, Erik 82, 83, 167 Greene, Kelly 63
redricks, Tomas 20
..Freedman, Charlotte 101,230 Freeland, Samuel 376 Freeman, Jared 97, 354
Kyland 135, 338 Freeman, Lindsay Deanette 276 "regly, Terrance 135,226 -reeman,
-'rench, Peter 373 -'rench, Tyler 395
Frey, Shane 371 Frick, Stephanie 367 Frider, Joshua 417 -ritts, Nicholas 360 :
Gore, Valencia 354
uairord, Allison 66
romknecht, Gregory 405 r
ost, Ryan 378
ry, Paul 393 F rye, John Leonard 231 ryer, Bryon 393 ryer, Matthew 343
Garver, John 62 Garza, Ricardo 410 Gates, Roger 344 Gatsinzi, Dany 413
Gilliam, Brian 363
Givens, Edward 343
Glasgow, Ryan
Green, Aaron 343
Green, Kenny 404
Gauntt, Ryan Gautreaux, Elliott Lloyd 269 Gavina, Ryan 312 Gavran, Grant 382 Gawlinski, Allison Sarah 238
Glover, Garrett 385
Gnazzo, Daniel 389 Gobrecht, Robert 363
Greener, James 375
Gay, Samuel 339 Gayden, Molly 367 Gaydosh, Timothy 400 Gayer, Jeremy 344 Geiser Jr., Scott Craig 276
Goc, Nicholas 81,399
Godfrey, James 357 Goering, Matthew 366 Goetz, Joseph 384
Greenwade, Stephen 171 Greenwood, Matthew 379 Greer, Adam 366 Gresham, James Louis 191 Gresham, Ross 68
Fullerton, Matthew 409 Fullerton, Richard 66
Gelsomino, Joshua 341
Goh, Matthew 397
Grey, Samuel 3, 352
Genda, Timothy 341
Gribbin, David 174
ulton, Zachary 206
Gensic, Matthew 340
Goirigolzarri, Nicholas 413 Golata, Benjamin 347
-ung,Jason 383
Gensler, Maximilian 361
Goldman, Eric Andrew 309
Grieco, Nicholas 395
Gentri, Jonathan 280
Goldsmith, Kevin 341
Gentry, Addison 359 Gentry, Michael McAllister 309 George, Lynnane 64
Gomez, Jared 355
Griese, Nicholas 370 Griesemer, Thomas 183 Grieshaber, Robyn 380
Gerken, Mark 63
Gonzales, Ryan 341
Griffin, Daniel 135
Gerton, Rebecca 122
Gonzales, Teisha 68
Griffin, Drew 383
Get, Amy 352
Griffin, Patrick 187
Geyer, Brandon 359 Ghigna, Matthew 392
Gonzalez, Cesar 261 Gonzalez, Gerry 67 Gooden, Brett 66
Ghrist, Michelle 63 Giacomo, Christopher 345 Giannini, Robert 352
Goodhue, Edward 409 Goodin, Justin 363 Goodman, Laura 400
Giannone, Michael 401 Gibbons, Arthur 379
Goodman, Marc 402 Goodrich, Preston 410
Griggs, Jason 409 Grijalva, Arthur 85, 395 Grijalva, Crystal 183 Grogan, Tate 381 Gronlund, Nicholas 195
Gibbs, Bryan 284 Gibbs, Jamie 394
Goodson, Matthew 404
Grooms, Peter 383
Goral, Eric 135, 365 Gordan, Steve 66 Gorden, Sean 368 Gordon, Jeremy Edward 313 Gordon, Mason 367
Gross, Aaron 342 Gross, Braden 385 Gross, Kevin 387 Gross, Scott 321
■yling, Michelle
uchs, Michael 362 401
ugate, Ashleigh 'ugate, John 379 ugate, Leandros 381 ulcoly, Daniel 407 ulfer, Weston 401
ulgham, Chad 385 ullerton, Kathy 62
urn ary,
Jeff 135
urnary, Jeffrey Louis 215 :
urstenau, Ronald 62
uson,John 227
-G-aalswyk, Luke E. 219 Jabriel, Louis Riley 324 "abrielson, TJ 227 .abso, Matthew 413
Sac, Peter Joseph 231 Gaddis, Deborah 130, 354
iffney, Josiah 417 age, Harmon 339 lagliardi, Lucas 355
,agner, Joseph Andrew 235 iaiser, Reid 108 aiser, Robert 381 Ibraith, Andrew 390 lernan, Joe 130
Giboney, Kendra 410 Gibson, Andrew 96, 343 Gibson, David 62 Gibson, George 341
Glowacki, Steven 367 Gminski, Joshua 365
Godbold, Cash 405
Gonsalves, Erik 410 Gonzales, Eric 178
Greene, Michael 349 Greenhill, Andrew 377
Gricol, Gabriel 179
Grieshop, Kathleen 409
Griffin Jr., Daniel P.
Griffith, James 417
Gross, Tyler 106, 345
Grosselin, Kenneth 85, 376
Haller, Charles 397
Grossman, Vincenza M. 139,264
Hall Jr., David 364
Grotelueschen, Mark 68
Halpern, Joseph 215 Halpert, Joel 399 Hamayasu, Nicky 390 Hamilton, Darryl 358
Groth, Brian 389 Groves, Matthew 273 Gruber, Michael 167
Hartwig, Robert 400 Harvey, John 403 Harvey, Travis 376 Harville, Jeffery 305 Hassan, Anthony 66
nt?l ll\tf, AAI IUI CVV
Henn,Joseph 381 Henney, Daniel 261 Henney, Joseph 355 Henning, Alexander 360
Hassen, Ben 392
Henrion, Cameron 401
Hamilton, Jonathan 354
Hastings, Patrick 361
Grunden, Hunter 25, 57, 191 Grundt, Jessica 398
Hamilton, Joseph 347
Gsellman, Dale 409
Hammerbeck, Robert 383
Guenther, Blaine 88, 404
Hammernik, Kimberly 365
Hatch, Teresa 384 Hatfield, John 356 Hatter, Scott 363 Hatton, Michael 66
Henry, Kristin 407 Henry, Sean 350 Hensley, David 416 Heppard, Kurt 67 Heptig, Stephen 359
Guerreiro, Cristina 401
Hammond, Mark 401
Guerrero, Camilo 66
Hampton, Michael 341
Guerrero, Sean 345
Han, Samuel 365
Guertin, Matthew 389
Hanagan, Michael
Guilford, Jenny 429 Guilford, Jenny Alaine 269 Guillebeau, Trisha 346
Hancock, Mark 280
Gruchy, Eric de
Hamilton, Matt 106
Haub, Jeffrey 343 Hauck, Ian 400 Hauffe, Andrew 379
Haugseth, Matthew Haun, Derek 378
Herbelin, Travis 62 Herbort, Eric 363
Hereford, John 265 347
Hermantin, Gregory 130,281
Hermosillo, Adrian 62
Hausmann, Joshua 351
Hernandez, Carlos 317
Haverkorn, Gregory 411
Hernandez, David 292, 372
Haverluk, Terrance 66
Herndon, Chamberlin 401
Hawkes, Ashley 207
Herold, Dustin 64 Herold, Thomas 408
Hanks, Robert 344
Hawkins, Kevin 398 Hawkins, Michael 387
Gullo, James 361
Hanley, Brian
Hawkins, Nathan 373
Gunaratne, Kadawathgama 203 Gunderson, Joshua 388
Hann, Daniel 403
Hawkins, Stewart 378
Hannan, Matthew 387
Haxton, Mathew 387
Gunn, Scott 66
Hansen, Ann 341
Gunn, Seth 81, 391
Hansen, Curtis 405
Gurrola, Christopher 371
Hansen, James 238
Gustafson, Ryan 380
Hanson, Christopher 407
Guy, Cody 414 Guy, Gregory 406 Guy, Jessica 405 Guyette, Brian 394
Hanson, Madeleine 385
Guzman, Eric 162
Harding, Addison Hardy, John 342
Hay, William 361 Haycock, Parker 383 Haycraft, Catherine 367 Hayden, Keith 398 Hayes, James 362 Hayes, Jordan 414 Hayes, Michael 349 Hays, Chris 66 Hayward, Kelsey Monique 281 Hayward, Lance 392 Hayward, Robert 349 Haywas, Adrian 351
Guinane, Sue 403 Gulbransen, Jennifer 351
Gulczynski, Katherine Gulledge, Craig 289
Hanson, Thomas 183 Harder, Robert 62 Hardin, James 409
Guzman, Ernesto 135, 406 Guzman, Gabriel 415 Guzowski, Mary 371 Guzowski, Peter 393 Gwisdalla, David 64
Handley, Justin 292 Handy, Christopher 280 Haney, Kevin 67 Haney, Nathan 396 Hanks, Noah 385
Harencak, Michael 411
Hargrave, Edmond 413 Harker, April 364 Harkins, Megan 382 Harley, Matthew 380 Harmon, Craig 344 Harmon, Katherine 400 Harmon, Matthew 381
Heacock, Joshua 223
Hedges, Benjamin 356
Herr, Nicholas 392 Herrera, Monica 130,139,191
Herring, Torin 355 Herrington, Kathleen 68 Hertach, Anthony 365 Hertel, John 66
Herzberg, Matt 135 Herzberg, Matthew 375 Herzinger, Kurt 63 Herzog, Andrew 365 Hess, Ryan 357 Hettich, Lauren 349 Hewko, Tyler 347 Hewuse, Carol 67
Hickerson, James 353 Hickle, David 361 Hickman, Brett 273 Hickox, Daniel 363
Heemstra, Brian 340 Heffernen, Joshua 381
Hicks, Parker 395
Heflin, Katherine 387 Heflin, Pat 67
Hicks, Tracy 67
Hicks, Timothy 385
Heiland, Frank Von 413
Hidalgo, David 408 Higginbotham, Dawn 78 Higginbotham, Katherine D. Higham, Charles 265
Heimburger, Kais 135, 351
Hildebrand IV, William E. 277
Heimer, Norman 62
Hilger, Gina
Harris, Andrew 416
Heisel, Mary 284
Hagener, Ryan 351 Hague, Tyler 64
Harris, Comrie 130,276 Harris, Daniel 387
Heitshusen, William 351
Haiar, Nicholas 372
Harris, John 411
Heiland, Daniel 231
Hainebach, Blaine 379
Harris, Lara 345
Hainsfurther, Albert 203
Harris, Wyatt 369
Hajner, Jeffrey 401
Harrison, Jamal 362
Hakos, Eric 408
Hale, Dave 62
Harrison, Roger 67 Harrison, Ryan 367 Harrison, William 52, 353
Helm, Skylor 353 Helmers, Nicole 292 Helms, Ian 380 Heisel, Dustin 345 Helton, Joseph 235
Hill, Alex 349 Hill, Anthony 365 Hill, Benjamin 369 Hill, Daniel 367, 383 Hill, David 407 Hill, Jonathan 394
Hale, Kimberly 405
Harry, Melissa
Hale, Ralph 395
Hart, Christin 82, 83, 348 Hart, Devin 412
Habrun, Kirk 343
Heiden, Richard 369
Hadfield, Steven 62
Harper, Ian 396 Harper, James 62 Harrier, Jacque 407 Harrington, Michelle 122, 405 Harrington, Stephen 415
Hafner, Stefan 199
Hackeling, Stephen Hacker, Troy 63
Hackett, Shawn 356 Haden, Jennifer 345
Halbleib, Christopher 132,338
Haley, Roy
Hall, Benton 207
Hart, Ken 66
Hall, Chad 92
Hart, Seven 64
Hall, Chandler 388 Hall, Jacob 360
Hall, James 401 Hall, Rachel 383 Hall, Shea 365 Hallada, Francis 269 Halle, Jacob 399 Hallenbeck, Jason 405 / a' 2
Hart, Theodore 417
Harte, Sean 339 Hartenstein, Dorald 341
Hartig, Nicole 347 Hartley, Shea 391 Hartman, Christopher 345 Hartung, Daniel 219 Hartwell, John 370
Heidler, Jeanne 68
Helart, Ronda 289
Hill, Patrick 338
Hillier, Adam 415 Hillier, Michael 370
Hempen, Eric 404 Hempen, Jacob 60, 179 Hemphill, Anthony 381
Hilligrass, Daniel 346 Hillshafer, Leif 357 Hindley, Shannon 409
Hendel, Andrew 371
Hines, Aaron 389
Henderschied, Kandi 131,297 Hendershot, Colin 374 Hendershot, Stephen 393 Henderson, Aarron 413 Henderson, Tobias 346
Hines, Jack 385 Hinrichsen, Lars-Kristian 374 Hinton, Maximilian 356 Hirst, Stephanie 131,284
Henderson-Casteel, Joshua 407 Hendren, Daniel 373 Hendrick, Robert 321,429
Hendrickson, Austin 360 Henicke, Bradley 377
Hiveley, Erin 368 Hoang, Jonathan 284 Hobbs, Carsten 371
Hocking, David 238 Hocking, Nathan 363 Hodges, Michael 403
Hodgkins, Gordon 338 Hoecherl, Joseph 339 Hofer, Michael 373 Hoffler, Bryan 359 Hoffman, Brian 281
Hudson, Christina 404 Huebner, Bradley 305 Huffman, Jarrod 130, 363
Janus, Justin 401 Jarrell, Brian 106,371
Jones, Diane 63 Jones, Jason 195
Jasinski, Matt 167 Jastrab, Timothy Joseph 269
Jones, Justin 392
Hogan, Melissa 68 Hogrefe, Karianne 411 Hoh, Sarah 351
Hughes, Anthony 383 Hughes, Colin 407 Hughes, Jonathan 402 Hughes, Joshua 403 Hughes, Melissa 416 Hughes, Shawn 20 Hughes, Zachary 187
Holbrook, Samuel 367
Hultin, Seth 361
Holcomb, Keri 353 Holcomb, Trae 63
Humphreys, Brian 391 Humphries, Robert 215 Hundley, Drew 345
Jenkins, John 387 Jenkins, Rod 64
Hundt, Jerome 309
Jennings, Allen 174 Jennings, John 68 Jensen, Ashley 139, 370
Hoffman, Raymond 364 Hofman, Griff 285
Holden, Corey 382 Holder, Daniel 354 Holets, Ryan 399 Holland, Cody 239
Hunt, Joseph 405 Hunt, Joshua David 313
Jaszkowiak, John 329 Javaid, Syed 362
Jones, Kyle 85, 367 Jones, Randy 345 Jones, Robert 378
Jean-Pierre, Winston 365 Jeffcoat, Jacob 405 Jeffers, Troy 364
Jones, Rosser 407 Jones, Talaya 372
Jelinek, Derek 407 Jemo, Gregory 367
Jordan, Christopher 368
Jordan, Jasmine 399
Jennie, Scott 409
Jones, William 407 Jordan, Dan 382 Jordan, Mark 66 Jordan, Rita A. 67
Jordy, Mark 347 Jorgensen, Eric 349 Jorgenson, April 393 Joseph, Akili 399 Joseph, Anthony 343 Joyce, Joseph 354
Holley, Joel 375 Holliday, Caitie 120 Holliday, Caitlin 305 Hollingshead, James 377 Hollingsworth, Joshua 289 Holloway, Nathan 293
Hurdle, Ian 369 Hurtt, Daniel 393
Jensen, Troy 400 Jensen, William 411 Jerde, Kevin 411
Holmes, Will 341
Husk, Aaron 317
Jesse, Eric 356
Holtz, Bryan 381
Husk, Philip 395
Hutcheon, Laura 83 Hutcheson, Seth 364 Hutchins, Jeffrey 397
Jessop,Jack 413 Jessup, Stuart 131, 183
Jui, Hung 393
Honda, Steve 392
Jiblits, Evan 373 Joelson, Benjamin 415
Jurcak, Matthew 387
Honda, Steve. 34
Hong, Andrew 391 Hong, Casey 405
Hunter, Calvin 363 Hunter, Christopher 353 Hunter, Katelyn 411
Huppert, Zachary 347
Hutchinson, Ralph 62
Hood, Adam 392
Hutchison, Leah 413
Hook, Kevin Van 357
Hutto, Bill 390 Hutto, Eric 399
Hooper, David 411 Hooper, Randall 348 Hoover, Gregory 361 Hoover, Kristin 386
Hope,Jason 383 Hopkin, Ross 338 Hopkins, Adam 381 Hopkins, Brittany 371 Hopkins, Thomas 409 Horan, Matthew 401 Horban, Alessandra 389 Horn, Christopher 347 Horn, Vincent 358
Horner, Seth 366
Huxley, Thiago 401 Hwang, Jane 385 Hyatt, Robert 365 Hyde, Janelle 83, 309 Hyder, Luke 387 Hyland, Michael 62 Hylko, Anthony 403
-IIfft, Christopher
Ignaco, Ezekiel 81,207 Ignatowski, Joseph 403 III, Leemon Baird 62
Jensen, Matthew 387 Jensen, Nathan 62 Jensen, Sky 179
Johnson, Adam S. 339 Johnson, Adam M. 385 Johnson, Adam D. 239 Johnson, Anders 333
Johnson, Andrew 135,352,370 Johnson, Anwar 389 Johnson, Brandon 387
Johnson, Bryan 393 Johnson, Bryce 382 Johnson, Casey 121,211
Johnson, Christine 378 Johnson, Christopher 187, 364, 417 Johnson, Erikka 349 Johnson, Erin 347 Johnson, Gareth 66 Johnson, Gavin 404
lllig, Jamie 85, 355
Horrell, Alexander 347
Indharasophang, Travis 203 Ingallina, Bartholomew 83, 162
Johnson, James 293, 351 Johnson, Jennifer 375 Johnson, Kallyn 378
Inman, Reid 363
Johnson, Laura 405
Horrell, Blake 357 Horton, Amy 66 Horton, Jesse 81, 359 Hoskins, Clint 63
Inocencia-Holloway, Gyscar 353
Johnson, Marty 63
Ishiba, Alexander 367
Johnson, Matthew 371
Hostomsky, Caroline 374 Hostomsky, Helen 341
Ishida, Christopher Isip, Violandrino 373
Johnson, Michael 367
Houck, Matthew 385 Hought, Matthew 132,297
Iwaniec, Sashonna 101,313 Izzo, David 405
Houghton, Patrick 387 Houser, Matthew 384 Houseworth, Sean 85, 385 Houston, Isaac 343 Howen, Jordan 339
Howley, Scott 387 Hoxie, Derrick 343 Hrabak, Bruce 351
Hrynyk, Kate
Hsu, Chen-Yu 415 Hua, Brandon 392 Huber, Matthew 211
Huberty, Joshua
Hubschmitt, Krista 393 Huckins, Christopher 211
-JJackson, Daniel 347 Jackson, Deron 67 Jackson, Edwin 406 Jackson, Jonathan 412 Jacobellis, Juliana 353 Jacobson, Sean 350
Jaglowicz, Christopher 377 James, Johnathan 374 Jamison, Bruce 81, 386
Jamshidian, Rod 387
Jang, Hoon-Seok 360 Janner, Steven 360 Jansson, Dane 349
Juchter, Erica 130,410
Judd, Shelby 351 Jude, Stephen 373
Jung, David 372 Justice, Randy 408
John, Russell 407 Johns, Daniel 372
Horng, David 353 Hornung, Matthew 412
Indelicato, William 385
Juback, Sara 85, 413
Johnson, Nathan 388 Johnson, Todd 356 Johnson, Trevor 131,349 Johnson, William 360 Johnston, Althea 361 Johnston, Eryn 374 Johnston, Jacob 341 Johnston, Joshua 68 Johnston, Kevin 367 Johnston, Yvonne 395 Jolls, Nathan 343 Jones, Brandon 371 Jones, Brennan 355 Jones, Bryan 325 Jones, Chasmine 379
Jones, Christopher 409 Jones, Clifford 413
Jones, Damon 382
-KKabanuck, Richard 375 Kabat, Brian 63 Kaczmarek, Kenneth 349
Kaempf, Gray 356 Kaffine, Lynette 64 Kahn,Jacob 416 Kahn, Jordan 135,203 Kalamaroff, Katharine 415 Kallabis, Kim 122, 123 Kallabis, Kimberly 406
Kallevig, Josef 353 Kambourian, John 67 Kamon, Nicholas 167
Kang, Agnes
Kantcheva, Kalina 179
Kapatos, Alexander 407 Karl, Catherine 391 Karl, Lucas M. 321
Karlen, John 40 Karlen IV, John R. 329 Karlsen, Anders 338 Karski, Peter 389 Kasischke, Brett 389 Kaskela, Jon 277
Kaspari, Luke 351 Kassemi, Simon 371 Kaszynski, Alexander 391 Kaszynski, Peter 363 Katz, William 395
Kauffman, Daniel 358 Kauffman, Michael 340 Kawaguchi, Casey 376 Kaye, Matthew 349 Keane, Chris 68 Keane, Erin 355 Keaton, Charles 407 Keeling, Charles 357 Keener, Tyler 369 Keeter, Alyssa 386 Keeton, Chris 356 Keidel, Sarah 354
Keil, Michael 355
Kinsinger, Lindsey 393 Kirchhoff, Lindsey 163
Koval, Carolyn 379 Kowalkowski, Jordan 379
Kraay, Robert 90, 281
Kellenbence, James 305
Kirchoff, Aaron 411 Kirk, Andrew 349 Kirk, Jason 235
Kellenbence, Nicholas 386 Keller, David 397
Kirk, Kaitlin 417 Kirk, William 371
Keller, Joseph 269
Kirwan, Richard 413
Kramer, Erich 383 Kranich, Shannon 399
Keller, Nicole 317
Kiser, Meghan 118, 339
Kranz, Kali 341
Kellermann, Thomas 391
Kissinger, Niki 360
Krasco, Peter 400
Lannigan, Anthony 413 Lansford, Meghan 344
Kelley, Douglas 309 Kelley, William 409 Kelly, Brandon 223 Kelly, Evan 227
Kistler, Christine 417 Kitaif, Eric 341 Kittle, Joshua 62 Kiziah, Rex 63 Klausner, Andrew 373
Krause, Nikolaus 415
Lantz, Robert 235
Kravitz, Michael 341 Krawchuk, Bennet David 277
Lapin, Justin 285 Lapinsky, Joseph 353 Lapso, Joshua 415
Keiper, Brittany 375 Keith, Katrina 390 Kellar, Patrick 376
Kemendo, Andrew 356 Kemnitz, Ryan 350
Kracht, Michael 399 Kraft, Donald 62
Kramer, Andrew 261
Kreidel, Joseph 329 Kreighbaum, Brysen 382
Laroche, Brandon 342 Larson, Alex 417
Kreke, Kim 361
Larson, Jill 130,401
Klenk, Jonathan 375
Kress, Calvin 397
Larson, John David 195
Klenke, Stephen 325
Larson, Stephen 339 LaSalle, Gilda 66
Lattanzi, Mike 63 Lattimore, Jonathan 301
Klepper, Daniel 389 Kliatchko, Raissa 356 Kliewer, Joel 340 Kline, Derrick 377
Krohn, Austin 399
Kendrick, Jacobe 163
Klingensmith, Luke
Kendrick, Kurtis 410
Kluk, Justin 411 Klukovich, Hope 62
Kepple, John 378 Kepple, Rebekah 415 Kerdavid, Lauren 377 Kern, Jacob 357 Kern, Roland 369 Kerns, Ryan 359
Kester, Brian 83, 199 Ketterick, Sean 348 Kettler, Matthew 396
Keyes, Randi
Knapp, Kenneth 67 Knapp, Michael 409 Knaub, Zayn 381 Knaute, Chris 112 Knaute, Christopher Lee 239 Knicely, David 369 Knieff, Jennifer 367 Kniep, Scott 382 Knight, Kyle 409 Knight, Rachel 339 Knipp, Delores 63 Knize, Randy 63 Knobeloch, Roger 398 Knoblock, Barry 375 Knoerzer, Timm 62
Killian, Candice 416
Knoll, Jacinda 359
Killion, Christopher 363
Knox, Cutter 383 Knussmann, Jason 277 Knutson, Matthew 383 Kober, Peter 130, 395 Koehler, Cameron 415 Koehler, Thomas 66
Kim, Andrew 389 Kim, Anthony 342 Kim, Hyongdong 413 Kim,Jae 351 Kim, Joseph 414
Kim,Jung-Han 341 Kim, Kevin 130, 391 Kim, Myung 409 Kim, Paul 371 Kim, Philip 360
Kimak, Gregory 364
Kimber, Alex 365 Kimmich, Daniel Alexander 231 Kincade, Kayla 357 Kinchen, Troy 353 Kindle, Randall 367
King, Brett 369 King, Kasey 362 King, Matthew 355 King, Nathan 235 King, Nicholas 417 King, Patrick 195 King, Ryan 414 King, Travis 384 Kingsbery, Russell 191 Kinova, Evelina 163 Kinsel, Colby 373 Kinsey, Jon 348
Lankford, Nicholas 417
Kreiner, Erika 399
Kriegbaum, Jacob 366 Kroeger, Brian 361 Krogh, Kyle 132,163 Krogh, Michael 338
Kenzik, Eric 408
Laney, Michael 343 Lange, Walter 355 Langefeld, Bjorn 281 Langley, John 363 Langley, Michael 411 Langston, Ashley 381
Klayum, Todd 416 Klein, Kyle 381
Kemp, Kamille 139, 191 Kemp, Kristi 395 Kemp, Michael 351 Kemp, Theodore 409 Kemper, Ken 66 Kempker, Lisa 139, 372 Kendall, Joseph 392
Kennedy, Charles 371 Kennedy, Katherine 369 Kennedy, Matthew 374 Kennedy, Nicholas 389 Kenny, Richard 411
Lanagrai, rvenritjui
Koenigsberger, Debra 167 Koenigsberger, Gina 359 Koepke, Michael 373 Koerber, Ryan 385 Kohles, Matthew 346 Kolcun, Michelle 83, 195 Konowka, Alexander 389 Konvalin, Ivan 397 Koolis, Damien 339
Kopp, Christopher 391 Korac, Ashley 387 Korb, Mike 67 Korte, Olivia 175
Kosirog, Hannah 379 Koslow, Michael 130, 393 Kost, Jeff 64
Kostrubala, Anastasia 395 Kosycarz, Malgorzata 281 Kotelnicki, Oliver 395 Kotlewski, Jason 359 Kotowski, Brian Joseph 325
Koury, George 97 Koval, Benjamin 364
Krueger, Jared
Kruse, Adam 381
Krystyniak, John 402 Kryzak, John 400 Krzyminski, John 409 Kuamo’o-Peck, Kekoa 396 Kubik, Matthew 348 Kuchan, Meagan 341 Kuchta, Justin 105,265 Kuconis, John 373 Kuehner, Karl 269 Kuennen, Steve 64 Kuffenkam, Chad 277
Lasorda, Paul 342 Lassiter, Brandon 405
Lau, Justin 207 Laushine, Andrew 341
Lavey, Brent 375 Lavy, Anthony 343 Lawal, Joy 390 Lawhorn, Ryan 351 Lawhorn, Tyler 135,386 Lawrence, Timothy 64 Lawrence, William 339 Lawson, Bryan 171 Lawson, Stephen Manford 309
Kugler, Brett 62 Kuhar, Benjamin 366 Kuhn, Mark 273
Layendecker, Alexander 402 Layman, Andrew 403 Layo, Eric 289 Le, Kathleen 139,394
Kuhrt, Brett 356
Leach, Nathaniel 373
Kukuruda, Emily 333 Kulumani, Shankar 375
Leake, Blair 223
Kumpula, Scott 277 Kurtz, Christopher 301 Kurtz, Garrett 357 Kuzma, Kile 401
Kuzminaite, leva 187 Kwak, Ki 187
Kwiatkowski, Randall 352 Kwon, Andrew 393
-LLaBrie, Michael 401
Lachiewicz, John 345 Lackey, Jessica 163 Laco, Jessica 389 Ladehoff, Christopher 403 LaFavor, Colin 81, 188 Lahnert, Tadd 414 Lair, Jacob 405
LaLiberte, Thomas 396 Lalich, Victoria 361 Lambach, Jacob 384 Lambert, Anthony 411 Lamie, Jameson 361
Leake, Meredith 82, 83, 411 Leblanc, Matthew 175 Lechner, Justin 339 Ledbetter, Aaron 393 Ledbetter, Don 366 Ledvina, Justin 130, 409 Lee, Amanda 376 Lee, Andrew 357 Lee, Anthony 374 Lee, David 63 Lee, Ian 415 Lee, James 293 Lee,John 383 Lee, Justin 415 Lee, Melissa 392 Lee, Nicholas 366 Lee, Robert 63, 349 Lee, Shaun 301 Lee, Spenser 395 Lee, Steve 395 Lee, Sunny 407 Lee, Timothy 377
Leedom, Heather 343 Leen, Brian 305
Leestma, Peter 395 Lefebvre, Eric 309 Leibrand, David 353
Lammerding, Cohan 413 Lammert, Kelly 350 Lamoreux, Cale 407
Leicht, Reinhold 371
Lampkin, Cherelle 408 Landecker, Zachary 409
Lemp, Richard 68 Leonard, Doug 68
Leonard, Grey 348
Lohse, Jonathan 130,293 Lomheim, Joy 381
Leonard, Taylor 368
Leong, Raymond 301 Leonhardt, Christopher 179 Lepire, Krista 381
Lessin, Aaron 374
Long, Andrew 377 Long, Brit 381 Long,Jesse 68 Long,John 413 Long, Sean 373 Loomis, Boyce 81 Loomis, Corey 375
Lete, Cynthia 409
Loomis, Joshua 353
Letendre, Linell 66
Lopez, Amanda 410 Lopez, Carlos 355 Lopez, John-Paul 377 Lopez, Joseph 417 Lopez, Joshua 339 Lopez, Matthew 360 Lopez, Zabrina Sandy 410 Lorber, Benjamin 227 Lord, Bridger 126, 188 Lord, Zachery 127,183 Lorenzini, Anthony 359
LeRoux, Kevin 347 Lesser, Brett 379 Lesser, Sondra 363
Leung, Isaac 397 Leuschen, Jessica 188 Leute, Holden 417
Levin, Scott 351
Levinsky, Joseph
Levinson, Luke 358
Levy, Dave 67 Levy, Hila 354 Lewczyk, Jonathan 357 Lewis, Christopher 413 Lewis, Donald 368
Lewis, Grant 350 Lewis, Kathryn 354 Lewis, Kelly 100,408 Lewis, Maverick 345 Lewis, Michael 313, 361 Lewis, Travis 380 Lewkowicz, Ryan 317
Liebnitzky, Sherry 356 Liedl, Spencer 112,113,402 Lien, Christopher Eric 163 Lietz, Adam 359
Light, Gavin
Lind, Jesse 361
Lindberg, Brady 333 Lindenberger, Michael
Martinez, Joshua 375 Martinez, Sheriden 82, 83, 408
Macarescu, Andrei 361
Martini, Justin 397
Macauley, Madeline
Martinson, David 353
MacDonald, Jessica 68
Martinson, Richard 321
Maciejewski, Jeffrey 385
Martz, Joshua 135,379
MacKenzie, Robert 362 Mackie, Aaron 395
Maru, Sid 341
Mackinder, Steven Lawrence 199 Mackintosh, David 377 MacMillan, Gordon 62
Marzo, Dennis 417 Mascaro, Anthony 399
Madani, Khalil 357
Mashburn, Robert 401
Madarang, Lorenz 362 Maddox, Ashley 130,349
Mashburn, Sarah Rebecca 207, 429 Masiello, Michael 135, 399
Marvin, Jared 397
Maser, Scott 19
Madrid, Julian 89, 390
Mason, Jackson 391
Madson, Robert 83, 135, 203 Maffuccio, Christopher 377
Mason, Josh 130 Mason, Joshua 381
Magram, Gregory 387 Mahan, Christopher 392 Maier, Kyle 389
Mason, Justin 85, 339
Massa, Brian 105 Massman, Jeffrey 354 Massot, James 372
Maier, Matthew 417
Lorraine, Ryan 388 Losinski, Marcus 195
Makuka, Stephen 391
Lotspeich, James 62
Malanowski, Sean 397
Louder, Robert 379
Malberg, Jacob 407
Masters, Casey 367 Masters, Gregory 403 Mastroianni, George 66 Mathews, Christopher 408
Louie, Jonathan 285 Lovas, Christopher 381
Malcolm, Jacob 393 Maldonado, Ivonne 390
Mathis, Morgan 405 Mattalino, Benjamin 394
Love, Ashley 363 Love, Jim 63
Malkin, Shane 404
Mattei, Daniel 407
Maloney, John 207 Maloy, Kenneth 372
Mattes, Peter 358
Lovelady, Rachel
Loveless, Dana 341 Lovell, Dustin 405 Loverock, Laurie 68 Lovuolo, Justin 393 Low, Huson 364 Lowdon, Tyler 406
Lincoln, Nicole 392
Ma, Fai Wah Hugo 401
Mabry, Laurel
Majors, Marc 391
Matthews, Joshua 371 Matthews, Lauren 376
Mancos, Nicole 405
Mangano, Michael 349 Mangold, David 207 Mangold, Michelle 401 Maniguet, Jacques 401
Mattingly, Michael
Mann, John 273
Mauer, Kevin 391
Mattson, John 404
Maue, Brian 67 Mauer, David 346
Lowe, Jim 67
Mann, Joshua 389
Lowenstein, Ryan 106, 415
Manning, Robert
Linder, Cameron 350
Lowery, Anna
Mansen, Samuel 351
Maxfield, Jenna Lenore 215
Lindquist, Jenna
Lowrie, Jacob 375
Manship, Mark 369 Manship, Matthew Charles 215
May, Andrea 367 May, Brett 408 May, Eric 135, 411 May, Michael 188 May, Sean 411 Mayberry, Joseph 338 Mayer, Charles 62 Mayer, Mark 63 Mayne, Dustin 227 Mayor, Christopher Jesus 188 Mayor, Jason 373 Mayra, Michael 341 Mays, Millie 367 Maziarz, Michael 383 Mazur, Matthew H. 231 McAlister, Laura 277 McAuley, Adam Kenneth 235 McAuliff, Brett 395 McBride, Alan 135,343 McBride, Timothy 163 McBride, Tyler 373 McCallum, Matthew 363 McCandless, Matthew 415 McCartan, Mark 293 McCarter, Zachary 365
Linster, Bruce 66
Linz, Charles 167 Lipkin, Sean 345 Lippert, Jeffrey 385 Lipscomb, Matthew 365 Liptak, Nathan 417 Liscar, Eric 305
Lissy, David
Lister, Darin 285 Little, Aaron 367 Little, Jarrett 135 Little, William 386 Littlefield, Sarah 361
Lowry, Nathan 192 Lowry, Sarah 196 Lozano, Benaiah 397 Lucas, Andrew 352 Lucas, Maxine 371 Lucchesi, Mike 66
Luce, Julie 383 Ludvicek, Esther 403
Ludwig, Matthew 383 Luhrmann, Jonathan 352 Luina, Nicholas 207 Luken, Bryce 340
Mapes, Jessica 381 Mapes, Megan 203 Marakowski, Natasha 389 Marana, Alexander 379 Marcelo, Hannah 411 Marchesseault, Lance 395 Mark, Shaffi 402 Marks, Steven 416 Marmino, Marc Edward 219
Marquez, Alexander-Brian
Marrero, Jaime Martinez 344
Lundquist, Matthew 385 Lunger, Jason 135,370
Marsden, Remington 376 Marsh, Mike 66 Marshman, Ashly 352
Lusk, Peter 397
Lo, Earl 377 Lo,Jason 339
Luttrell, Blake 196 Luttrell, Katy 329
Lobdell, John 64 Lochocki, Frank 175 Locker, Steven 108, 416 Lockhart, Colin 413 Lockwood, John 369 Loesch, Richard 392 Loeser, Josiah 375 Loewecke, Kristopher 413 Lofton, Elizabeth 343 Logan, Brock 132,371
Lynam, Branden 347 Lynch, Caitlin 110,345 Lynch, Jacqueline 401 Lynch, Susan 63 Lynch, Tyler 106,387 Lynes, Jacob 354 Lynkins, Daniel 62 Lynn, Casey 367 Lynn, Kathryn 139,365 Lyons, Dwayne 347 Lyons, Kathryn 392
Lohr, Collin 179
Manuel, Shane 359
Lunde, Brooke 345
Lloyd, Willie 81 Lloyd-Jones, Jared 223 Lloyd Jr., Willie W. 301
Loggins, Barry 179 Lohmiller, Corey 371
Maulsby, Wade 223 Mauss, Brooklynn 347
Martelly, Ryan
Martenson, Matthew 395 Marti, Christopher 351 Martin, Joel 394
Martin, Margaret 68 Martin, Nicholas 342 Martin, Nikita 338 Martin, Robert 399 Martin, Timothy 411 Martineau, Laura 385
McCarthy, Ashleen 407 McCarthy, Kevin 339 McCarthy, Kip 376
Martinez, Brandon 204 Martinez, Frank 379 Martinez, Genelle 343 Martinez, Gilberto 416
McCarthy, Sean 321 McCartney, Nathan 385 McCarty, Danielle 349 McCarty. Steven 68
Martin, Whitney 347
McLendon, Marie 409
Mikulis, Adam 371
Monson, unrisiopner
McClain, Boston 391 McClain, Sean Michael 257 McClelland, Zachary 417 McClure, Kyle 353
McMahon, David 395
Milkert, Lindsay Renee 239
M ontague, Kenneth
McMillian, Tyler 415
Millener, Laura 396
Monte, Mauricio 204
McMinn, Lucille 351
Miller, Ashley 351,371
Monteagut, Rudy
McMullan, Miles 401
Miller, Ashton 353
Montes, Darren 361
McCollough, Mark 398
McNabb, Duncan 285
Miller, Chad 171
Montgomery, Emily 391
McCone, Dave 66
McNamara, Bradley 357
Miller, Christopher 360
McConnell, Casey 322 McCorkle, Benjamin 397 McCormack, Matthew 369 McCormick, Erin 407 McCormick, Joshua 341 McCormick, William 373
McNamara, Stephen 360
Miller, David 397
Montilla, Daniel 397 Montoya IV, Stanley V. 208
McNaughton, Mark 289
Miller, Duane 340
McNeil, Erin 389
Miller, Eric 175,345
McNeil, Richard 360
Miller, Hugh 317
McPeak, Lance 301
Miller, Jacob 368
McPhail, Matthew 80, 81, 357
Miller, James 343
McCorry, Gavin 406
McPherson, Andrew 359
Miller, Jonathan 377
McCown, Jace William 329
McPherson, Krysten 293
Miller, Joseph 393
Mooney, Michael 417 Mooney, Rachael 370
McCoy, Mike 66 McCoy, Ryan 343 McCrary, Bill 62
McPherson, Matthew 227
Miller, Joshua 379
Moore, Aaron 199
McQuade, Jill 62 McQuade, John 62
Miller, Justin 399
Moore, Amy 139,344
Miller, Katherine 265
McCratic, Mica Marie 219 McCraw, Matt 70 McCraw, Matthew 183 McDermott, Cynthia 224 McDonald, April 227
McRae, Galen 361
Miller, Lee 63
Moore, Carrie 139, 413 Moore, Clifford 80,81,374
McSorley, Collin 378 McVay, Diana 373 McVay, Michael 397
Miller, Lincoln 401 Miller, Matthew 359
Moore, John 339, 355, 383
Miller, Megan 373
Meade, Ron 64
Miller, Sean 414
Moore, Michael 385 Moore, Tiffany 392
McDonald, Colin Douglas 277
Meakins, Kyle 412
Miller, Stephen 167
Moorman, Creighton 358
McDonald, John 339 McDonald, Kevin 399 McDonald, Matthew S. 133, 270
Medenwaldt, Jay Mats 102, 297
Miller, Steven 341
Morales, Kyle 285
Medina, Ernest 394
Miller, Travis 361
Medina, Richard 380
Miller, Trevor 375
Morales, Myles 395 Morgan, Kelly 119,322
McDonald, Michael 345 McDonald, William 388
Medsker, Sean 338
Miller, William 341
Meeks, Eryn 360
McDowall, Jamie 347 McDowell, Myles 375
Meents, Joshua 374
Miller, Wooddy 364 Millette, Trevor 179
Mees, Eric 344
Milliken, Elliott Lawrence 322
McDowell, Sarah 353 McFarland, Ian 85, 374 McFarland, Joshua 395
Meeter, Ryan 339
Meissen, Bradley 224
Milliman, Jeremy 64 Millner, Sean 363
Meister Jr., William Marshall 261
Mills, Dave 63
McFee, Andrew 357
Melander, Andrew 388 Meldrum, Richard 353 Melendez, Ricardo 412 Melnicoff, Lawrence 364
Mills, Matt 67
McCaskey, Nathan
McGarvey, Christopher 281 McGee, David John 215 McGill, Robert 402 McGowan, Dennis 406 McGowan, Kelly 349, 356 McGrath, Christopher Bronson 265 McGreal, Craig 349 McGrew, Patrick 393 McGuiness, Kevin 351 McGuire, Ryan 398 McGuire, Thomas 68 McGuire, Victor 415
Mcllroy, Ryan 340 Mclnelly, Ardie 78,79 Mclnteer, Amy 369 McIntosh, Kyle 355 McIntyre, lain 281 McKay, Ian 163 McKee, Emily Penn 231 McKeegan, Matthew 285 McKeever, Ty 372 McKelvy, Shawn 66
Miranda, Lindsay 386
Mendenhall, Trevor 361
Mirandette, Erik 120, 344
Mendoza, Jun 175 Mendoza, Mario 382
Mirro, Thomas 348
Moseby, Daniel Lee 219
Mishev, Robert 67 Mitchell, Anthony 403
Mentillo, Richard 342 Mercurio, Frank 363
Mitchell, Daniel 359
Mosher, Marcus 391 Moss, Ryan Christopher 227 Mossman, Valerie 371
Mitchell, Robert 366
Moubry, Erin 362
Mercurio, Joseph 355 Mercurio, Nicholas 362
Mitchell, Scott 385
Moulton, Jesse 409 Moulton, Megan 395 Mount, Patrick 365 Mount, Steven 135,398 Mowle, Tom 67 Mowles, Eric 62 Mudrinich, Steven 393
Menna, Michael 383
Merello, Adam Joseph 301
Mergen, Timothy 377 Merino, Carla 372 Merriex, Avery 349 Merritt, Kassandra Maureen 329 Merritt, Matthew 293
Mitchner, Randall 409 Mitnaul, Jocelyn Ranelle 216 Mixdorf, Scott 402
Miyamura, Marisa 130,351 Moak, William 375 Moats, Eric 413
Moe, Heather Renee 257 Moe, Lisa 353
McKenzie, Sam 375 McKenzie, Tony 63
Metzger, Joshua 399 Meyer, Cherie-Lee 409 Meyer, Eric 367 Meyer, Frederick 412 Meyer, Joshua Dale 289 Meyer, Samuel 398 Meyer, Steven 369 Meyer, Thomas 339 Meysembourg, Barrett 313 Mickelsen, Richard 164
Moeller, Nathan 379 Moffett, Michael 344
Mickles, Andrew James 302
Mongcrier, Robert 64 Monnier, Dereck 192
4 S'6
Moroz, Michael 387
Minnich, Jason 370
Metkus, Katherine 411 Metroka, Isaac 365
McLean, Dustin 343 McLean, Rebecca 394
Morgan, Mallory 355 Morgan, Skylar 383 Morgan, Victoria 350 Moronese, Angela 389
Mendel, Benjamin 384
McKenna, Michael 305 McKenzie, Casey 346
McLain, Michael 377 McLaughlin, Daniel 376, 399
Moore, Justin 355
Melzer, Tyler 373
Mocalis, Nathaniel 405
McLain, Forrest 403
Moon, Alex L. 239 Moon, Jeffrey 196 Moon, Preston 131, 363
Melton, Isaac 344
Messinger, Amanda 378
McKinnon, Lauren 389
Montplaisir, Daniel 383 Moody, Jamie 350
Miltenberg, James 391 Miltenberger, Edwin 365 Minner, Zachary 400
Milner, Dean 382
Mobley, Patrick 373 Mobley, Robert 411
McKnight, Ross 394
Morreale, Brittany 85, 375 Morris, Andrew 371 Morris, Brent 63 Morris, Broderick 385 Morris, Michael 380, 402, 403 Morris, Patrick 345 Morrison, Arianne Rose 131,265 Morrison, Justin 64 Morrone, Phillip 389 Mortensen, Jesse 394
Messer, Brett 380
McKinley, Marcellus 407 McKinney, Austin 353 McKinney, Benjamin 381
Migliuri, Joseph
Mohr, Heidi 393 Mohrbacher, Cory 357 Mokni, Fakhri 381 Mokos, Melinda 262 Molina, Jerry 380
Molleson, Kenneth Scott 188 Molstad, Christopher 381 Molten, Matthew 396
Mudry, Ryan 409 Mueh, Hans 72, 81,424 Mueller, Brian 347 Mueller, Jacob 395 Mueller, Megan 338 Muench, Andrew 383
Muenger, Betsy 68 Muery, Clinton 329 Mueth, Marcella Lynn 130, 270 Mugg, Jordan 231 Mulka, Thomas 67 Muller, Mark 385
Mulligan, Kevin 363 Mullin, David 66 Mumma, Shea 285 Mundell, Benjamin 257 Mundell. Korey 414
Munson, John 367
Murphy, Brandon 329 Murphy, Conor 379 Murphy, Jonathan 63 Murphy, Kevin 342 Murray, Chad 404 Murray, Crystal 130, 411 Murray, Douglas 67 Murray, Kevin 257 Murrill, Mary 353 Musielewicz, David 397 Musser, Andrew 371 Mussler, Bryan 347
Myer, James 380 Myers, Ashley 403 Myers, Barbara 208 Myers, Hunter 381 Myers, Kyle 293 Myers, Lem 63 Myszka, Adam 135,380
-NNadal, Justin 417
Nahrwold, Kenneth 414 Nail, Ben 347
Naiman, Donald 333 Nakatani, Scott Yoshio 49, 325
Nan, David 359 Nannen, Joshua 399
Narasaki, Craig 62 Narduzzi, Gabriel 340
Ng, Jennifer Sholan 270 Ng, Jonathan 398 Ngo, Nicholas 313 Nguyen, Christine 393 Nhan, Mary 330 Nicholas, James 409 Nichols, Brian 354 Nichols, Marc 404 Nichols, Stephen 417 Nicholson, Thomas 351 Nickels, Abigail 357
Nicolay, Ryan 371 Niday, Jack 68 Nielsen, Chris 67
Nigro, Andrew 108,414 Nikiforoff, Garrett 273 Nissen, David Chris 278 Nissim, Ryan 411
O’Donnell, Michael 400
Page, Adam 383 Page, Brian 358 Page,Jay 416 Paget, Nicole 363
O’Malley, Tom
O’Sullivan, Daniel 413 Ocampo, David 339 Ochoa-Castillo, Itzam 347 Odell, Christopher 164 Oeffner, Jennifer 364 Oerter, Christopher 338
Pak, Michael 381 Paladino, Alexander 401 Paladino, Anthony 342 Paladino, Daniel 383
Oh, Daniel 361
Palan, Kirk 364
Ohotnicky, Pete 63 Ojerio, Caroline 355
Palicka, John 184
Oke, Olufemi 373 Oldham, Daniel Scott 257
Palmer, Alyssa 294 Palmer, Brandon 413
Oligney, Brittany Ann Oliphint, John 345
Palmer, Trenton 415
Pallo, Jason 379
Palomba, Jessica 106,298 Pambianchi, Johann Antonio 282 Pan, Andrew 343
Nixon, Blake 286
Olsen, Andrew 386
Panebianco, Frank 357
Noble, Austin Moreland 289 Noble, Clifton 391 Noel, Ian 130, 371
Olsen, Dakota 346
Pang, Samuel 363
Olson, Brandon John 265 Olson, Brent 407 Olson, Brett 102
Pannone, Alexander 298
Nolan, Brandon 353 Nolasco, Juan 341 Noller, Steven 108,341 Nolta, Jennifer 377 Nordahl, Zach 85 Nordahl, Zachary 413
Nordby, Nathan
Nation, Andrew Paul 262
Nordquist, Keith 356 Norman, Anthony 364 Norris, Kyle 343
Navarro, Kevin 398
North, Justin 361
Navin, Brian 360
Novae, Kyle 401
Nazzaro, Sergio 199 Neal, Alexander 371
Novak, Andrew 415 Novak, Gregor 63
Neal, Charles 367
Novak, Jacki 79 Novak, Jaclyn 278
Nordman, Dustin 391
Nugent, Daniel 408 Nugent, David 365 Nusraty, Weiss 302 Nussbaum, John 369
Neely, Nicolas 370 Negaard, Kees 342 Negron, Evin 81, 305
Nwaelele, Dan 76
Nelson, Aaron 359
Nwaelele, Onyenma 239 Nylander, Brett 102,381
Nwaelele, Ikechukwu 391
Nelson, Cody 407 Nelson, Daryn 388 Nelson, David 416 Nelson, Erik 405
O’Brien, Cory 346
Nelson, Hali 380 Nelson, Houston 381
O’Bryant, Collin 398 O’Bryant, Shaun 397
Nelson-Kelley, Aaron 407 Nep, John Samuel 278 Nesbitt, Timothy 349 Nesselhuf, Franklin 405 Nettis, Michael 409 Nettles, Christopher 393
O’Connor, Brian 343 O’Connor, Christopher 309 O'Connor, Darcy 346 O’Dea, Ryan 306 O’Fallon, Keith 346 O’Keefe, Daniel 339 O’Keefe, Sean 343
Newcomb, Jonathon 389 Newell, Todd 346 Newkirk, Katie 398 Newman, Benjamin 270 Newman, Joshua 383 Newsome, Kolin 62 Ng, Christopher 399
Paffett, Tyler 400
Olmstead, Tyler 341
Naugle, Shawn 403 Naumann, Benjamin 401
Neubauer, Sara 415 Neumann, Jared 333 Nevitt, Griffin 345
Padmanabhan, Asha 382
O’Donnell, David 286
Ollis, James 382
Norden, Jerod 360
Nedolast, Dustin 395 Needham, Joshua 388
Padilla, Sergio 135,294
O'Connor, Michael 401
Nitzberg, Roberta 373 Nitzel, Christopher Eric 282
Nastasi, Kevin 342 Nathaniel, Timothy 64
Neal, Jamaal 350 Neal, Matthew 387
O’Bryant, Shaun
O’Malley, Sean
O’Neil, Amanda 393
O’Neill, Kevin 343 O’Neill, Kyle 313 O’Neill, Patrick 341 O'Rourke, Jonathan 364
Olson, Caitlin 382 Olson, Erica 286 Olson, Wes 66 Omdal, Caroline 346
Onxley, Matthew 408 Operchal, David 375 Oppenlander, Christopher 414 Oravetz, Christopher 310
Papenberg, Kate 85, 412 Papp, Steven 180 Pappalardo, Alexander 397 Parchman, Liddell 364 Parco, Jim 67
Parcus, Jason 382 Park, Anson 382 Park, Elisa 413
Park, Jae-Hyun 310 Park, Myogene 289
Oredson, Joshua 364 Ornelas, Jordan 175 Ornelas, Theodore 363 Ortiz, Anthony 395 Ortiz, Carlos 63 Ortiz, Ozmund 379 Ortiz, Sebastian 85 Ortiz Jr., Edward 314 Orvis, Matthew 415 Osborne, Casey 392 Osborne, Jeffrey 347
Parker, Anna 408
Osgood, Michael 394 Oster, Benjamin 387
Parmenter, Paul 112, 113 Parmenter, Paul Thomas 199 Parmer, Matt 67 Parrish, Ryan 407 Parrish, William 348 Parsons, Kathryn 359 Parsram, Tony 345 Pascuzzi, Brian 228 Pass, Benjamin 352 Pastoor, Kevin 362 Pate, Matthew 342 Patel, Kavir 365 Patenaude, Bernard 359 Patino, Anthony 164 Patterson, Brian 63 Patterson, Evelyn 63 Patton, Christopher 383 Paul, Alex 322 Paul, Micah 353 Paul, Michael 379 Paulson, Jacob 399 Pavlisko, Anthony 349 Pavius, John 374
Ostrom, David 363 Ostwald, Jordan 368 Osur, Alan 68 Oswald, Gregory 351 Oswalt, Jonathan Allan 168 Otten, Adam 405
Ottenad, Ryan 349 Ottow, Zachary 395 Ou, Tse-Wei 224
Oueslati, Nora El 379 Ouper, Daniel 132, 175
Overbey, India
Overman, Cassandra 373 Owen, Rachel 394
Owens, John 351 Oznowicz, Alexandra 339
-PPace, Christopher 346 Pack, Robyn 413 Packard Jr., Gary 66
Packer, Layne 64 Paden, Daniel 180
O'Shea, Anthony 389 O’Toole, Brogan 343
Padget, Nicole 2
O'Brien, Keith 417
Padilla, Linda 68
Parker, Ashley 302 Parker, Dylan 376 Parker, Grant 417
Parker, Harold 383 Parker, Matthew 192 Parker, Pernell 346 Parker, Steven 188 Parker, William 339 Parks, Adam 175 Parks, William 196
Pawlica, Cristina 379 Paya, Danielle 348 Payne, Brian 67
Payne, John 382
Phillips, Julia 63 Phillips, Melissa 63 Phillips, Timothy 383 Phipps, Stephen 63 Piascik, Christopher 385
Pratt, Mark 363 Pratt, Tina 62
Kaine, jacK
Pray, Jessica 381 Preciado, Javier 341
Rainwaters, Kyle 383
Prescott, Daniel 130,407
Rakowsky, Marge 62
Picard, Daniel 171
Ralston, Brian 63
Picard, Patrick Edward 132, 325
Pressley, Thomas 405 Prestidge, Timothy 366
Peck, David 359
Pickell, Blake Bernard 232
Preston, Damien 411
Ramirez, Christina 224
Peck, Matthew 357
Picou, Travis 348
Preston, Heather 63
Ramirez, Edward-Larry 405
Pecora, Jeffrey 347
Pierce, Joseph 382
Ramirez, Ryan 381
Pedersen, Alexander 408
Pierce, Stephanie 83, 394
Preston, Robert 130,384 Presuto, Melanie 62
Pedersen, Christopher 387
Pierce, Zachary 388
Pretz, Joanne 184
Pedersen, Kenneth 400
Pierson, Jordan 385
Prevendar, Alexander 380
Pedone, Justin 399
Pilch, Fran 67
Pribyl, Jerry 367
Pedroni, Anthony 67
Pilinko, Cory 366
Price, Aaron 353
Peeples, Michael 414 Pelehac, Jeffrey M. 257 Pelkowski, Amanda 384 Peloquin, Andrew 171 Pendleton, Zachary 407 Peplin, Samuel 365 Peppers, Adrian 211 Percoski, William 367
Pinckney, Richard 400
Price, Carolyn 357
Pineda, Laurence 347
Price, Charles Andrew 262
Pineda, Matthew 405
Price, George Raymond 257
Pineros, Lina 408
Price, Mark 407
Ramsey, Andrew 282 Ramsey, Brandes 364 Ramshur, Kelly 342 Ramstein, Nicole 417 Ranaweera, Radhika 343 Randall, Gordon 373 Randall, Stephanie 339 Randhawa, Kamaljit 75, 365
Pinner, Ryan 341
Price, Ryan 81,384
Randle, Austin 368
Pino, Juancarlos 399
Prileszky, Istvan 409
Pinsky, Heather 350
Prince, Eli 400
Pinson, Matt 121
Pringle, William
Percy, Robert 231
Pinson, Matthew 236
Perdue, Barrett 236
Perez, Ruben Ruiz 352
Pipalski, Edward 415 Pipes, Andrew 381 Pipes, Candice 68 Pirner, Stephen 394 Pirog, Paul 66 Pitliangas, Mark 376
Print, Joshua 402 Printt, Josh 103
Randolph, Deaven 393 Randolph, Jeffrey 375 Raper, Thomas 286 Rasley, Craig 176
Perez, Stephen 400
Pitman, Brian 401
Perkins, Melissa 399 Perkowski, Brittney 111,310 Perlow, Stuart 92, 286
Pitts, Ryan 389
Payne, Ty
Paz, Jose 382 Pearce, Rexford 355
Pearl, Nicole 366
Peasley, Alicia 306 Peay, Adam 208 Peck, Ashleigh 355
Perez, Ashley 356 Perez, Eric 180 Perez, Gilberto 171 Perez, Juan 349
^ 1 1
Raines, Justin 106, 107, 368
Rakel, Kathy 131,216
Probst, Casey 131, 168 Prochnow, Christopher 403 Protsch, Carl 366
Provenghi, Alexandria
Ramarolahy, Michel 401
Ramsden, Randy 62
Rasweiler-Richter, Rebecca 363 Rathel, Rodney 372 Ratner, Seth 239 Rattana, Satapat 339
Rauch, Michelle 62
Pruitt, Chris 63
Rausch-Davis, Joshua 196
Pryor, Jon 135 Pryor, Jonathan 411
Plazas, Angelica 357 Pleasanton, William 391 Plichta, Katherine Ruth 325
Psihas, Alexandra 358
Plocinski, Joshua 290 Plourde, Matthew 393 Plummer, Michael 196
Puhek, Daniel 385
Ray, Brandon 388 Ray, William 339 Raybine, Kevin 338 Rayborn, James 290 Reagan,Joshua 414 Reagen, Ann 68
Pulli, John 413
Rebolledo, John 347
Pummer, Fran 63
Rebulanan, Ric 385
Pocock, James 64
Puntel, Anthony 415
Reddis, Joshua 347
Poe, Hayden 357 Pohnert, Paul 340
Purcell, Emily 397 Purio, Sean 345
Polage, Brett 344 Poland, Dierra 121,334
Putnam, John 62 Putz, Jeremy 211
Persiani, Michael 341 Peskar, John 204
Pollock, Steven 403
Pyszkowski, Michael 351
Peters, Andrew 373 Peters, Sean 371
Polston, Jonathan 228
Reddout, Jeffrey 405 Redfield, Micah 382 Reed, Amanda 130,139,184 Reed, Samuel 325 Reed, Spencer 404 Reed, William 345 Reeder, Michael 365
Petersen, Nicholas 385
Pong, Erica Kai-Wei
Peterson, Amanda 341
Pool, David 395
Peterson, Brian 381
Poole, Eric 397
Peterson, Dale 63
Poon, Christina 375
Peterson, Drew 372
Petrash, Donald Johnathan 216
Pope, Calen 362 Pope, Krystle 395 Pope, Talon 399 Poppler, Mark 401 Porter, Stephen 265 Porter, Tony 132 Portillo, Danny 66 Posey, Thomas 405
Petro, Jake 389
Potter, Derek 365
Perry, Alexandra Swanson Perry, Christopher 392 Perry, Daniel 414 Perry, Jason 403 Perry, Pamela 66 Perry, Ross 369 Perry, Sean 389 Perry, Tyler 341 Pershing, Beth 375
Pomerinke, Mark 62
Peterson, Kevin 396 Peterson, Megan 361
Peterson, Melanie 402 Peterson, Michael 361
Pettie, Jasamine 361 Pfarr, Matthew 409 Pfau, Neil 379
Puffenbarger, Mark 371
Polmonari, Phillip 370
Peterson, John 375 Peterson, Joseph Scott 200
Petty Jr., Steven Craig
Puchalla, David 387
Pound, Leah 368 219
Powell, Ryan 176 Powell, Thomas 403
-QQasba, Omesh 400
Reeger, Jonah 317
Qayum, Abdul
Reese, Brian 294
Quaco, Alicia 130,343 Quashne, Michael 266
Reeves, Brandon 401 Reeves, Trenton 388
Quijano, Arturo 365 Quinlan, Daniel Wayne 270
Regan, Ryan 211 Regen, Thomas 374 Reger, Chad Allen 306 Regis, Stephanie 355 Regni, John 109,424 Regnier, Laura 359 Rehder, Joshua 347
Quinn, John 81, 348 Quinn, Kevin 92, 273 Quinn, Lauren 172 Quinn, Michael 390
Quintana, Jeana 374 Quintana, Sean 385 Quirarte, Anthony 184
Quirindongo-Crespo, Carol 409 Quon, James 345
Powers, Christine 100,164 Powers, John 239
Raabe, Justin 377
Pfeifer, Joseph Pfeiffer, James 381 Pfluke, Paul 357
Powers, Kenneth 341
Raaberg, Curtis 204
Phillipich, Michael 351 Phillipich, Mike 102 Phillips, Daylan 413
Prantl, Caitlin 377 Prater, Jesse 343
Pfau, Peter 377 386
Pozun, Danielle 415 Praiswater, Shane 408
Pratt, Andrew 196
Rabell, Hansel 224 Rabold, John 384 Racicot, Robert 62 Rader, John 398
Ragland, Taylor 347 Rahl, Brian 350
Reich, Richard 62
Reichelt, Chris 351 Reichert, Shannon 379 Reierson, Nicholas 385
Reiley, Matthew Forrest 322 Reiman, Robert 62 Rein, Christopher 68
Reinig, Ashley 383 Rember, Jonathan 386 Remington, Marcus 362 Rennebaum, Jacob 349 Rennebaum, Jake 132 Renner, Stephen 353
Renquist, Robert 402
Rettig, Holly 403 Rettler, Gregory 385 Reusser, Christopher 314 Reyes, Daniel Dominguez 262 Reyes, Jose Garcia 171 Reyes, Paul 350 Reynaud, Robert 406 Reynolds, Charles 405 Reynolds, Christopher 368 Reynolds, Jonathon 372 Reynolds, Roger 63 Rhynard, Joshua 109,347 Rhynedance, Elisa 399 i
Roth, Benjamin D. 228 Roth, Evan 413
Ricciardi Jr., Richard 228
Robinson, Kimberly 375 Robinson, Lindsey 361 Robinson, Sarah 66
Rice, Brandon 317
Robinson, Scott 395
Rottinghaus, Daniel
Rice, Christopher 347
Rocco, Anthony 350
Rousseau, Shawn 411
Rice, John 363
Rocco, Bryan 349
Rice, Matthew 357
Rochelle, Cameron 387 Rochelle, Nicholas Ryan 236
Rowland, Daniel 208 Rowland, Elisabeth 192 Rowland, Kyle 349
Richards, Talitha 343 Richardson, Celina 184
Richardson, Daniel 371 Richardson, Drew 63 Richardson, Erik Gordon 314 Richardson, Sharon 67 Richardson, Tahichi 387 Richardson, Tiffanie 395
Rodts, Evan 349 Rodts, Selena 371 Roe, Raymond 188
Richmond, John 414 Richter, Andrew 405 Richter, Cristina 139,351 Richter, Thomas 85, 407
Rogers, Abigail 381 Rogers, Douglas 358 Rogers, Michael 389 Rogers, Randy 371 Rogers, Robert 366 Rogers, Robin 401 Rogowski, Danielle 343
Rickard, Mike 386
Rickey, Donald 367 Ricks, Clinton 354 Riddick, Michael 374 Riddle, Andrew 387 Rieber, Clayton 236
Rohrbach, Jacob 352 Roks, Patrick 390
Rieber, Nathan 164 Rieder, Patrick 66 Riedl, Steven 377
Rieger, Zachary 371 Riggan Jr., Martin Anthony Riley, Katelyn 341 Riley, Richard 348 Riley, Steven 172 Riling, Elliot 176 Rimelspach, Drew 390 Ringo, Erick 373 Rings, Nathan 375 Riordan, Charles 392 Rios, Ramiro 343
Roldan, Raul 298
Rolf, Jim 63 168
Roling, Carol 397 Roling, Katherine 364 Rollins, Skylar 83, 192
Salazar, Eugene 262
Rosser, Kevin 387
Salazar, Zaqueo 330 Salcedo, Doel 370 Saleh, Andrew 384
Rothmann, Rachel 414 379
Rowland, Lisa 130 Rowton, Alexander 381
Roy, Bill 106 Roy, Joseph 417 Roy, Keidrick 375 Roy, Timothy 409 Roy, William 68 Roycroft, Zachery 368 Royer, Sean-Michael 349
Sails, Wayne 367 Salvatierra, Sandra 377 Samson, Daniel 376
Samuels, Steve 55, 66 Sanchez, Aaron 330 Sanchez, Bryan 130, 403 Sanchez, Carlos 359
Sandberg, Trenton
Sanders, Keith Adam 232 Sanders, Kyle 408 Sanders, Tracy 378
Sandfry, Ralph
Sandoval, Eric 394 Sanford, Corbin 111,383 Santana, Brett 371
Santangelo, Christopher 376 Santino, Anthony 236 Santis, Tyler De 366
Rozsa, Jordan 369
Santos, Claudia 411
Rube, Tyler 258
Santos, Robert 212
Rubianogroot, Jose Ricardo 273 Rubin, Chad 341 Rubin, Jeremy 339
Santos, Rodrigo 232 Santosus, Anthony 371 Santroch, Eric 318
Rubio, Annaline M. 302 Rudd, Adam 386
Sarver, James 391 Sass, Brittany 197
Rudico, Erlyn 118,415 Rudolph, Chad 404
Sasser, Zachary 89, 302 Satre, Brandon 374
Rufus, Jack 343 Ruiz, Jonathan 369
Saunders, Benjamin 351
Ruiz, Ruben Ihuit 340
Rulien, J.D. 135 Rulien, John 351
Rumage, Charles 359 Ruotolo, Joseph 196
Sauncy, Patrick 411 Saunders, Denver 124, 128 Sauter, Adam 385 Sawruk, Nicholas 63
Rush, Emma 367
Sayegh, Lisa 66 Sayes, Morgan 387 Saylor, William 64
Rusnak, Barb 66
Scanland, David 330
Roloff, Zechariah 393
Russell, Aaron 330
Schaf, Brian 354
Roloson, Julie 352
Russell, David 370
Romaihi, Ghanem Al 268
Russo, Paul 3, 352
Roman, Alexander 383 Romanko, Alison 405
Russon, Tyler 369 Ruth, Mryamn 340
Romanko, Ally 85 Romano, Christopher 348
Ruther, Mark 81
Romano, Natalie 391
Rutherford, Ryan 373
Romans, Timothy 68
Rutter, Ryan 374
Risinger, Matthew 417 Ritter, Zachary 347 Rivard, Ashley 365
Romero, Daniel 403
Ruvolo, Michael 409
Schafer, Jessica 407 Schafer, Kyle Matthew 216 Schaffer, Daniel 372 Schaffer, Emily 417 Schaffer, Joshua 410 Schaftel, Benjamin 416 Schaid, Blake 408 Schardein, Spencer 353 Schaub, Mike 67
Rommel, Kurt 345
Rivera, Michael 386 Rivera, Robert 387 Rivers, Kevin 355
Roose, Joshua 369
Ryan, James 370 Ryan, Timothy 343 Rybak, Garrett 388
Rizkowsky, Alexander 347
Root, Travis 399
Rizza, Keith 410 Roach, Taylor 400 Robaina, Jose 363 Robbins, James 180 Robbins, Matthew 367 Robblee, Michael 387 Roberts, Andrew 407, 408 Roberts, Gregory 270 Roberts, Jon 388
Rosales IV, Jose Luis 290
Risdon, Lorinda 404 Risher Jr., Gary James 168
Roland, Matthew 391
Sain, Allan Mathew 270 Saito, Carlos 298 Saitz, Theodore 391 Salazar, Edward Andrew 274
Rotbart, Sean 361 Roth, Benjamin 52
Rodgers, Brett 367 Rodgers, Shelley 357 Rodrigo, Mark 407 Rodriguez, Alan 211 Rodriguez, David 404, 407 Rodriguez, Freddie 63 Rodriguez, Thomas 393 Rodriquez, Jake 66 Rodts, Brandon Wayne 310
Sahli, Elliott 345
Salazar, David 393
Robinson, Joseph 344 Robinson, Kelly 85, 374
Richards, Matthew 365
Ross, Matthew 409 Ross, Rebecca 412 Ross, Richard 403 Ross, Victoria 353 Rosser III, George Phillip 236
Richard, Mitchell 370
Ross, Christopher 204 Ross, Jason 66 Ross, Justin 384
Robillard, Lauren 322 Robillard, Nicole 415 Robinette, Eric 359
Rice, Stephanie 180
Roberts, Jordan 381
Roberts, Logan 371 Roberts, Mark 413 Roberts, Zachary 130, 184 Robertson, Catherine 385 Robertson, Evan 383
Roope, Ben
Roosma, Alexander 397 Root, Mark 404
Rosander, Theodor 200 Rose, Andrew 391 Rose, David 406
Ruther, Mark Edward 219
-SSabat, Joseph 380 Sacchetta, Marilyn 63
Sacko, David 67 Sadorra, Jethro 366 Sadorra, Mercedita 403
Rose, Philip 389
Saed, Waseem 393
Roseburg, Michael 401
Saenger, Samantha 353
Roseveare, Nathaniel 407
Ross, Brian 402 Ross, Cameron 407
Saffold, Mark 374
Sagastume, Lou 108, 109 Sahagun, Nicholas 389
Schaubroeck, Beth 63 Scheglov, Masha 349 Schell, Eric 351
Scheller, Brian 379 Schelstrate, Anthony 363 Schemenaur, Kyle 355 Schenk, Adam 412 Schenk, Addison 395 Schenk, Tony 368 Scherzer, Stephen 380
Schiavone, Frank 408 Schifani, Katherine Lynn 325 Schiffer, Joshua 357
Schimelfening, Benjamin 389 Schimer, Joshua 365
Schjodt, Kathleen 369 Schlagheck, Nicholas 367 Schleiden, Ryan 409
Sena, Thomas 406
Silva, Brian 318 Simeon, Holly 365
Seo, John 64
Simmons, Anthony 378 Simmons, Kasie 338 Simmons, Wesley 200
Schmidt, Aaron 176 Schmidt, Benjamin 363, 365
Sepp, Jon 106 Sepp, Jonathan 357 Sepp II, Eric 286 Serfoss, Gary 66 Sergi, Natasha 372 Setterberg, Seth 415
Schmidt, Jeffrey 370 Schmidt, Stephanie 403 Schmidt Jr., Lon 334
Schlener, Christopher 266 Schlittler, Matthew 286 Schlortt, David 68
smitn, r\yie
Smith, Matthew 412 Smith, Michael 52, 358 Smith, Nathan 87, 345, 356 Smith, Nathaniel Lane 220
Simon, David 81,417
Smith, Philip Myles 192
Simpson, Andrew 298 Simpson, Elizabeth 362
Smith, Reilly 366 Smith, Robert 338, 389, 401, 403
Setzer, Charles Nathan 290 Severo, Timothy 415
Sims, Donald 415
Smith, Russell 385
Sims, William 407
Seville, Mario-Andres Leon 132,
Smith, Samuel 339 Smith, Skyler Coventry 184
Schmitt, Sara 389
Sewell, Jason 385
Singer, Amy 66 Singh, Calvin 369 Singletary, Cody 361
Schnacky, Jennifer 399
Shackelford, William 387
Sinica, Vaidas 258
Schneider, Carl 66
Shadrix, Justin 371
Sinkler, Joshua 387
Schnitger, Anna
Shalekbriski, John 389
Sired, Jonathan 334 Sivertsen, Ryan 405
Smith, Thomas 208 Smith, Todd 341 Smith, Tommy 135 Smith, Tyler D. 240 Smith, Will 130 Smith, William 345, 381
Schmiegel, Nicholas 353
Schoenhardt, David 390
Shamess, Jonathan 314
Scholfield, Charles 373 Scholl, Grant 294
Shanes, Emily 390 Shank, Jason 96, 391
Sizer, Carla 67
Smith-Hernandez, Garrett 376
Skarsted, Vance 68
Smith II, Robert Scott 216
Schonig, Jacob 98,411
Shannon, Clare 345
Schrader, John 393
Shanor, Aaron 406
Skelly, David 411 Skibitsky, Scott 318
Smyrski, John 358 Smyth, Russell 216
Schrass, Bryan 364 Schriner, Mark 373 Schroeder, Gregory Paul 220 Schroeder, Jessica 208 Schroeder, John 355 Schroer, Christopher 365 Schroff, Scott 354 Schuett, Aaron 172 Schuette, Christopher 413 Schuetz, Kelly 409
Shapiro, Zachary 377 Sharma, Vipul 172
Skidmore, Marissa 402
Snead, Edwin 363
Skidmore, Michael 413
Snedeker, Jason 342
Sharon, Lane 393 Shaub, Ryan 290, 429
Skinner, Justin 164
Snelgrove, Michael
Skogsberg, Sarah 353
Snellman, Erick 62 Snider, Danielle 85, 373 Snow, Andrew 384
Schulker Jr., David Bryan 240
Schulte, Christin Grace 212 Schultz, Tyler 266 Schulze, Benjamin 176 Schumacher, Christopher 338 Schumann, Zachary 355
Schurig, Ira 66 Schwald, Roderick 20 Schwandt, Matthew 270 Schwartz, Alec 367 Schwartz, Michael 366 Schwartz, Sara 389 Schweitzer, Andy 85 Schweitzer, Dennis 62 Schweitzer, Scott 371 Schwenn, Heidi 66 Scioscia, Joseph 373
Scoggin, Joshua 356 Scott, Bobby 282
Shaughnessy, Ryan Shay, Sean 357
Shea, Daniel 397
Shea, Jamie 200
Shemo, Matthew 262
Sligh, Spencer
Shenk, Peter 368
Slikker, Benn 130, 399
Shepherd, Colin 341 Sheppard, Samuel 391
Sloan, Joel 64 Slocum, Joshua 417
Sherman, Michael Jacob 216 Shibler, Spencer 367
Shillig, Theodore Robert 228
Slogic, Katherine 111,374 Slough, Dempsey 347 Smaagard, Kyle 340
Shin, Alexander 81,349 Shinabarker, Cameron 388
Small, Andrew 130, 341 Small, Matthew 408
Shinaberry, John 356 Shinoda, Kenji 349
Small, Todd 376
Shinto, Michelle 397
Smith, Alfred 200 Smith, Andrew 357, 361
Shiveley, Theodore 372 Shoptaugh, Benjamin 391 Short, Chrystina 228
Smith, Adam 294
Smith, Austin 383 Smith, Benjamin 212
Shortridge, Erika 118, 340 Shuler, Robert 374
Smith, Chad 88, 90 Smith, Christina L. 236 Smith, Christopher 197 Smith, Christopher A. 391 Smith, Cory Adam 326
Scroggins, Benjamin 383 Scully, Chase 286
Sieg, Alexander 354 Sieg, Erica 411 Siegenthaler, Kenneth 64 Sieling, Todd 377
Smith, Brent 361
Sidebottom, Wayne 66 Sides, William 135,392 Sidwell, Melissa 130, 391
Slater, Marshel 356 Slater, Mauri 83
Short, Elizabeth 220
Scott, Matthew 381 Scott, Michael R. 232 Scott, Will 66
Sellner, Kyle 395 Selzer, Brett 353
Slater, Jonathan 389
Sleasman, David 359 Sleeter, Ryan 379
Shumaker, Cristofer 399 Shumate, Colin 401 Sibal, Alexander 310 Sickles, Tyler 99, 356
Seely, Greg 64 Seeto, Ryne 407 Seher, Theodore 322 Seibert, Shane 388 Seifert, Alexander 348 Seifert, Bradley 135, 410
Skorupski, Mary 373 Skypeck, John 382 Sladek, Nathanael 130, 339
Shealy, Victor 399 Sheffield, Angela 130 Sheffield, Angela Marie 228 Shehan, Jeffrey 298 Shelly, Nicholas 334
Scott, Carl 375 Scott, David L. 278 Scott, Dennis 64 Scott, Erinn 351 Scott, Lanie 224 Scott, Mark 375
Seefried, Joshua 395 Seehawer, Bradlee 338
Skora Jr., Thomas Allen 326
Smith, Daniel 343 Smith, Don 176 Smith, Dylan 355 Smith, Eric 180 Smith, Eva 414 Smith, Gary 343 Smith, Graham 20 Smith, Gregory 374
Sievers, Adam 398
Smith, James 354
Sievers, Matthew 180
Smith, Jered 397 Smith, Joram 411 Smith, Joseph 330 Smith, Juliana 340 Smith, Kay 19 Smith, Keith 347 Smith, Kristen 106,393
Sifuentes, Christopher 372 Silcox, Jarrod Lane 306 Siler, Scott 352
Silkett-lrvine, Byron 310 Silko, Jeremy 356
Silsby, Kurt 397
Snyder, Alan 417 Snyder, Ashley 358 Snyder, Ashley Nicole 240 Snyder, Kelly 353 Snyder, Ryan 224 Sobers, D. 64
Sobey, Matthew 383 Sohm, Peter 363 Soifer, Benjamin 403 Solheid, Patrick 353 Sollmann, Tiffany 413 Sondecker, George 377
Song, Benjamin 402 Song, Brenda 377 Song, Julie 357 Sorber, Hannah 355 Sorce, John 365 Sorensen, Nathaniel 200 Soto, Jessica 345 Southworth, Aric 54, 55,67 Sowa, Bryn 405
Spader, Brandon 412 Spakowski, Matthew David 278 Sparks, John 262 Sparks, Yvonne 258 Sparta, Matthew 409 Speakman, Joseph 360 Spear, John 411 Speer, Shea 387 Speliotes II, George Charles 224 Spencer, Brent 371 Spicer, Tom 63 Spielman, Timothy 383 Spigiel, Leonard 306 Spinks, Kwi 64 Spitler, Cody 83 Spitler, Nathaniel 82, 392 Spitz, Joseph 345 Spitzer, Kyle 373 Splawn, Joshua 378 Sponaugle, Graydon 356
Spranger, Kurt 351 Springer, Ryan 365 Staab, Benton 385
Takekoshi, Tetsu 63 Talafuse, Thomas 185
Thoreson, Brynn 396
Staha, Jesse 407
Streit, Tyler Christian 262 Strekowski, Przemyslaw 349 Strickland, Clayton 417
Talbot, Ian 349
Thorn, Brian 393
Stainback, William 381
Strickler, Jesse 410
Stampher, Sarah 330 Standridge, Caleb 232
Strishock, Daniel 369
Tally, Taylor 371 Tamariz, Ruby 393
Thuli, Zachariah 350 Thurmond, Samuel Mchenry 216
Tamosuinas, Amanda 414
Tillier, Daniel 379
Tanis, Matthew 97, 400 Tanner, Michael 212
Tillman, Regan 282
Stafford, Gregory 405
Stagg, Christine 367
Stanko, Devon 387
Stroh, Jesse 398 Stroman, Zachary 401
Stanley, Clayton 52, 208 Stanley, Ross 350 Stanton, Christopher 396 Staples, Kaitlin 405
Strong, Robert 376 Struthers, Basil 353 Strzelec, Rob 132 Strzelec, Robert Thomas 266
Tarantino, Frederick 367 Tardieu, Kaitlin 396
Stark, Mike 67
Stuart, Ryan 343 Stuart, Thomas 408
Tartaglia, Francis 294 Tate, Spencer 355 Tay, Cheng 383 Taylor, Andrea Pricilla 290 Taylor, Bryan 391 Taylor, Christie 339 Taylor, Christopher Abbott 240 Taylor, Elizabeth 287 Taylor, Jaclyn 344 Taylor, Jared 387 Taylor, Katherine 389 Taylor, Liam 339 Taylor, Thomas 393 Taylor, Zane 391 Taylor Jr., Daniel Arthur 274 Te’O, Mercy 417
Starkey, Debra 341 Staten, Charles 330
Stecker, Tyler 401
Stuckey, Linea 375 Stuhr, Ryan 346 Stypula, Andrew 393 Styron, Eric 62
Steel, Christopher 344
Subramanian, Darshan 371
Steel, Jonathan 334 Steele, Alex 371
Sucillon, Shaun 350 Suder, Beau 90, 189 Suhrhoff, Katherine 360
Steele, Charles 68 Steen, Trevor 347
Suhrie, Steven 355 Sukut, Thomas 383
Steffes, Joseph 367
Sullivan, Brandon 389 Sullivan, Brendan 385
Stead, Richard 372 Steadman, Lucas 353
Steele, Alecia 79, 358
Stegeman, Anthony 127,392 Stegman, Anthony 387 Steigerwald, Robert 375
Sullivan, Eric 379
Stein, Steven 192
Sullivan, Leah Regan 274 Sullivan, Ryan 364
Steiner, Cheryl 394
Sullivan, Sean 369
Steiner, John 351
Sultemeier, Kyle 385 Sumerall, Harrison 271
Steiner, Thomas 334
Steipp, Shaun 229 Stenger, Ron 384 Stephens, Daniel 407 Stephens, Timothy 290 Stephenson, Jon 106 Stephenson, Jonathan 393 Stevens, Brent 413 Stevenson, Alexander 130,403
Sumerel, Clarke 387 Sumner, Zachary Alexander 326
Tardif, Adam 132,348
Teach, Adam 413
Teague, Andrew 393 Teer, Cody 306 Teets, Ryan 310 Teigeler, Andrew Karl
Thoreson, Kara 378
Timberlake, William 347 Timmermann, Aaron 172 Timsuren, Livingston 409 Tindall, Zachary 344 Tintzman, Cory 339
Tippets, James 353 Tippitt, Richard 369 Tipton, Anthony 415 Tison, Edward 373 Todd, Ronald 411 Todorov, Katherine 62
Toerner, Clay 386
Togni, Megan
Tolzien, Michael 356
Tomaszewski, Steven 413 Tomczak, Joseph 357 Tomlin, James 375
Tompkins, Chelsea 381 Tonio, Robert 403
Tope, Cindy 380 Torgerson, Ariel 410 Torke, Kyle 68 Tornow, Eugene 404 Torres, Randy 66 Tortuga, Daniel 413
Tekell, John 314
Tossell, Chad 66 Totino, Dominick 417
Sun, Chi 391
Tellefsen, Jonathan 397 Temes, Lindsay 294
Suniga, Sara 395 Surita, Roy 373
Tempel, Joshua 399 Templeton, Douglas Brock 326
Touchberry, Reid Benjamin
Sutcliffe, John 392 Suttie, Caitlin 415
Tentler, Robert 401
Towns, Denny 360 Townsend, Maclane 355
Sumrell, Wendie 67
Stewart, Brian 375 Stewart, Candice 287 Stewart, Jennifer 387 Stewart, Jessica 369 Stewart, Kristina 407 Stewart, Matthew 408 Stewart, Phillip E. 164
Sutton, Christopher 184
Stignani, Gregory 344
Sutton, Douglas 130, 373 Sutton, Edward Logan 282
Swaney, Courtney 357 Swanson, David 64, 382
Teope, Kaz 132,411 Terns, Adam 366
Terpstra, Neal 403 Terry, Billy 361 Terry, Mike 68
Totorica, Christopher 347 306
Towal, Erik 414
Toyama, Tamiko 417 Toyama, Toshiro 393 Tracy, Paul 404 Tran, Nicholas 353
Swanson, Jesse 413
Tetreault, Michael 172 Tetrick, Caroline 409
Swanson, Robert 66
Tewksbury, Ronald
Swanson, Tyler 389
Thalhofer, Nathanael 407
Stillman, Matthew 362 Stillwell, Amber 342 Stillwell, Ryan Michael 229 Stine, Greg 99 Stirewalt, Alicia 266
Swart, Daniel 360 Swart, Joseph 60,271
Tharaldson, Derek 66 Theisen, Peter 168
Swartsfager, Scott 68
Theisner, Will 338
Travelstead, Christopher 364 Traver, Aaron 341 Travnicek, Sandy 340 Trembath, Benjamin 374 Trevarthen, Morgan 413 Trew, Noel 410 Tribble, Jordan 126,385
Swartz, Larissa 369
Theologis, Haralambos 409
Trier, David 416
Swartz, Margot Alexandra 278
Stockamp, Kyle 379
Sweatt, Cody 397
Thistlewood, Kaelin 331 Thomas, Benjamin 395
Trimpe, Eileen 302 Tritz, Tyler 356
Stockdale, Jason 236
Sweeney, Christopher M. 326 Sweeney, Timothy 66, 370 Swetz, Kimberly 63 Swiderski, Mallory 130, 282
Thomas, Christopher 383 Thomas, Grant 204 Thomas, Jason 135,373 Thomas, Kari 379
Trott, Michael 360
Swift, Jonathan 383
Thomas, Mathew 411
Truesdale, Loyd 343
Swigonski, Scott 290
Thome, Nicholas 338
Swindle, Jared 208
Thompson, Chad Alexander 291 Thompson, David 413 Thompson, Jared 416 Thompson, Jeremy 393 Thompson, John 384 Thompson, Katherine 343 Thompson, Lee 83, 334 Thompson, Victor William 232 Thompson, Zachary 353 Thomsen, Christopher 402 Thomson, Joshua 397
Trujillo, Trevor 386 Trumble, Kristopher 180 Truong, Timothy 373 Tubesing, Christopher 398 Tubman, Wesley 375 Tuchscherer, Michael 326
Stogner, Laken 349 Stoll, Chad 363
Stone, Rebecca Lynn 271 Stoneham, Katsume 397 Stooke, Adam 406
Stooksbury, William Grant 240 Stoops, Brian Dean 258 Storer, Don 344 Storm, Charles 380 Storm, Justin 385 Stover, Christopher 376 Stover, Timothy 381 Stowe, Jason 66 Stralka, Jonathan 220 Strand, Gene 410 Strathman, Kyle 405 Straub, Eric 373
Switzer, Michael 398
Sylvester, Davin 400 Synovec, Thomas 409 Syntas, Alex 62 Szabolcs, Christopher 342
-TTabata, Meade 350 Taborn, Kory 394
Taggart, Paul Anthony 278 Takanen, Matthew 212
Thongfuang, Sompop 344
Trottier, Michael 370 Troutman, Brett 345 True, Christina 130, 362
Tucker, Daniel 359
Tucker, John 367 Tucker, Lance 352 Tucker, Phillip 414 Tucker, Wilson 135, 345
Tuinstra, Jared 395 Tulk, Christopher 415
Tullson, Drew 60, 294 Turner, Clayton 388
Veerathanongdech, Andrew 135,
Turner, Ian 392
Turner, Spencer Estes 181
Turnquist, Blake 362
Velati, Nicolas 399
Tuscano, Kailin Marie 306 Tuthill, Dennis 62
Wallace, Erik 392 Wallace, Erin 371
Weimar, Sara 400
Velarde, Juan Castaneda 411
Wallace, Katherine 383
Weinberg, Matthew 368
Velasquez, Thanya 385
Weindel, William 341
Velo, Daniel 417
Waller, Bryce 385 Waller, Robert 66 Walls, Clinton 357
Veltre, Philip 339
Wallskog, Karl
Weingart, Troy 62
Tuttle, Colton 331
Vendt, Mary Asher 307
Tuznik, Ian 81 Tuznik, Ian Sterling 189
Venters, James 66
Walsh, Brian 121,204 Walsh, Charles 405
Weinstein, Curtis 307 Weis, Leah 339
Walsh, Laura 391
Welborn, Kenneth 343 Welch, Daniel 360
Twedell, Matthew Ryan 192
Twitty, Lauren 393 Tye, Tamara 404
Verduyn, Joost Justin 232 Verett, Taylor 409 Vergez, Paul 64 Vernon, Indya 367 Veverka, Ronald 62
Veydt, Aaron R. 237
Walsh, Patrick 374 Walter, Andrew 340 Walters, Jennifer 345 Walton, Joseph 377 Walton, Matthew 283
vvener, jusun
oo i
Weiner, Aaron 62 Weiner, Alexander 401
Welch, Matthew 380
Weller, Grant 68 Wells, Autumne 391 Wells, Charles 360 Wells, Daryl 397
Uhl, James 356 Ulisse, Joseph 355
Viani, Augustin H. 240 Vicari, Christopher 359
Unangst, Edward 62 Unangst, Tom 106
Vicari, Frank 367
Underwood, Forrest 379
Vickroy, Candice 363
Underwood, Nicholas 391 Uniacke, Kevin 357
Vieth, Jared 390 Vilcek, Carol 66
Ward, Andrew 403 Ward, Ben 63
Unterberger, Cameron
Villanueva, Shane Kawika Kenji 291
Ward, Danielle 367
Wendt, Neal 412
Villatoro, Misael 415
Ward, Darren 351
Wenger, Rachael 130, 348
Vineski, Christopher 354
Vickers, Brian 399
Unverfehrt, Gavin 339
Walz, Joseph 397
Wamsley, Christina 355 Wang, Steven 375 Wanko, Patrick 283 Ward, Aason 66
Wells, David 62 Wells, John 376
Wells, Marcus 279 Welsh, Chelsea 106, 373
Welshinger, Scott 415 Welt, Michael 295
Visalli, Joseph 372 Viscito, Lauren 310 Vlasov, Aleksey 314
Ward, Edmund 407 Ward, Jill 398
Werner, Andrew 355 Wessell,Ann 360
Ward, Marc 135,410 Ward, Matthew 287, 401
West, Andrew 343
Utrilla, Jameson 382
Voci, Adam 390
Ware, Beth 318
West, Jeffrey 302
Uzelac, Nicholas 200
Vogel, Robert
Waren, Julie 387 Warfel, Patrick 132, 399
West, Jim 66 West, Meghan 366
Wargula, William
West, Trenton 375
Unverzagt, John 357 Updike, Trenton R. 278 Urban, David 363
Urbanovsky, Brady
Volk, Aaron 371
-VVaage, Jonathan
Vaccaro, Elizabeth 331
Vagle, Mike
Valdes, Gilbert 355 Valdez, Joseph 375 Valdez, Zachary 392 Valenzuela, Miguel Felipe 413 Valine, Chris 135 Valine, Christopher 408
Volkening, Andrew 393 Volkland, Wendy 67 Volpe, Kyle Clarke 279 Vongroven, Brett 258 Vorhies, Drew 349 Vork, Christopher 364 Vos, Brian 396 Voss, Mark 408
Valle, Nathan 334
Wabinga, Daniel 130, 355 Wacker, Robert 63
Valme, Rony 408
Waddel, Andrew 365
VanAlstine, David 209
Waddell, David 379
Vandagriff, Keith Daniel 274
Wade, Adam 263
Vandagriff, Kevin Michael 240
Wade, Bradford 350 Wade, Ryan 266
Van Baren, Matthew 406
Vandament, Graydon Ross 326 Vanden Broeke, John 217,429 Vanderhorst, Chad 397
VanderMey, Josiah 355 Van Driessche, Jeremy 395
Vane, Alexander 411 Van Norman, Michael
Wager, Jessica 406 Wagner, Jared 381 Wagner, Kemper 266 Wagner, Kurt 299 Wagner, Michael 367 Wagoner, Brandon 350
Van Roekel, Robert 377
Wahl, Eric 376
Vantassel, Lucas 212
Waiss, Seven 64 Waite, Donald 64 Walden, Mark 3, 338 Walker, Ariella 139,351 Walker, Benjamin 379 Walker, Christopher 386
Van Timmeren, Andrew 357 Van Valkenburg, Kyle 389
Van Valkenburg, Michael 62 Van Valkenburg, Zachary 83, 368 Van Vleet, Kyle C. 220 Van Wyngaarden, Joshua 378
Varatharaj, Ajvish 370 Varble, Derek 68
Vargish, Tom 68 Varnum, Nicholas 343
Vasquez, Andrew 193 Vasso, Albert 389 Vasta, Robert 375
Vaughn, Kyle Raymond 274 Vazquez, Claire 342
hi de
Warner, Bradley 63
Warner, Chad 335 Warner, Daniel 367 Warner, Justin 409 Warner, Trinh 66 Warnock, Dan 66 Warren, Amanda 407 Warriner, Austin 384 Warthen, Philip 395 Warwick, Danielle 412 Warwick, Vanessa 389 Washburn, Rachel 364
Washington, Durthy 68 Watanabe, Nathan 61, 68
Waterfield-Copeland, George 361 Waterlander, Jonathan 372 Waterworth, W. Andy 130 Waterworth, William 291 Watford, Jonathan 135,361 Wathen, Anne Marie 411 Watkins, Mark 411 Watson, Brent 344 Watson, Bryan 413 Watson, Jason 361 Watson, Lance 212 Watson, Mark 378
Weakley, Matthew 339 Weant, Kayla 409
Walker, Nathanael 356
Weaver, Ryan 342 Webb, Christina 353 Weber, Eric 271 Weber, Katie 371 Weber, Laura 130,351 Weber, Michael 105,240 Weeks, Daniel 295
Walker, Ronald 400 Walker, Trent 383 Walker, Vincent 391 Walker, Zachary 399
Weeks, Michael 67 Weeks, Shane 258 Weeks, Tyler 375 Weger, Jeffrey 412
Walker, Daniel 377 Walker, James 237, 389 Walker, Karissa 314 Walker, Matt 135 Walker, Matthew 394
West, Gabriel 299
Westbrook, Austin 363 Westmoreland, David 62 Weston, Christopher 307 Westrick, Mark 62 Wetherbee, Michael 311
Wetlesen, Michael 181 Wetterer, Jack 55, 63 Wheeler, Bradley 367 Wheeler, Richard 379
Whipple, Robert 362 Whitaker, Marisa 347 White, Brandon 342
White, Caroline 168 White, Harvey 81, 377 White, Lauren 165 White, Lucia 411 White, Megan 384 White, Philipe 358 White, Ryan 315, 360 White, Trevor 383 White, Zachary 381
Whitehead, Jason 383 Whitehead, Ryan 381 Whitehead, Joshua 387 Whiteman, Brent 397 Whiteman, Gary 377 Whiteman, Ian 176
Whiting, Harrison 389 Whitman, Gailyn 68 Whitney, Kent 181 Whitney, Robert 380 Whitney, Thomas 417 Whitson, Chad 348 Whitt, Donald 241 Whittemore, Travis 363, 391 Wichmann, Matthew 377 Wickersheim, Michael 64
Wickley, Adam 357 Widener, Aaron 397
Wiedenmann, Christopher 396 Wieder, Whitney 83, 346
Wise, Christy 355
Wiehe, Blake 376
Wissner, Jessica 375
Wieninger, Jonathan 401 Wiese, Ryan 378 Wight, Taylor 394
Witmyer, Nathanael 357
Wilcox, Michael 62 Wilde, Timothy 377
Wofford, Joel 397 Wohlford, Justin 379
Wilder, John 132,374 Wildman, Reed 212
Wojciechowicz, Michael Wojtowicz, Mark 344
Wildner, Helen 373 Wilhelm, John 403
Wolf, Brandon 135,358
Wilhelm, Jordan 130,172 Wilk, Christopher 345
Wise Jr., Mark Robert 201
Yip, Kelsey 359 Yip, Lindsay 318 Yip, Quentin 357
Wittick, Travis 213
Witzig, Gregory 396
Yoder, Gabriel Steven 135,217 381
Wolff, Bradley 387
Wolff, Christopher 394
Wilkening, Wesley Scott 323
Wolford, Christopher 399 Wolverton, Kristen 395
Wilkes, John 62
Won, Adrian 64
Wilkins, Kenneth 385
Won, David 395
Wilkinson, Sydney 378
Wong, Benjamin 398 Wong, Blake 135, 404 Wong, Carrie 417 Wong, Damon 274 Wong, Diana 339
Willan, Ryan 326 Willed, Brandon 185 Willet, Robert 403 Willhite, Brian 359 Williams, Adam 367 Williams, Benjamin 411 Williams, Brittany 394
Wood, Jennie 357
Williams, Jennifer 402 Williams, Joshua E. 200
Wooten, John 335
Williams, Kevin 415 Williams, Matt 85 Williams, Matthew 347, 357 Williams, Reese 409 Williams, Ryan 88, 396 Williams, Scott 63 Williams, Shane Thomas 232
Williams, Sterling 344 Williams, Timothy 407 Williamson, Anne Lynn-Hsien 311 Williamson, Jacob 387 Willis, Scott 315 Willis, Shawn 63 Wills, Bradley 380 Wills, Marshall 379 Wills, Mitchell 362 Wills, Nathan 417 Wilson, Abel 407
Wilson, Brandon 189 Wilson, Erin 413 Wilson, Eva 64 Wilson, Jeffrey 241 Wilson, Kara 413 Wilson, Kasey 378 Wilson, Lauren 118, 368 Wilson, Phillip 379 Wilson, Ryan 193 Wilson, Sandra 64 Wilson, Shari 393 Winblad, Kevin 323 Winchester, Robert 413 Winn, Michael 349 Winner, Austin 397
Winslow, Kevin 201 Winsor, Ryan 349 Winter, Jeffrey 343 Winter, Mark 362 Winters, Joshua 338 Wise, Abigail 342 Wise, Andrea 139,355
Yoder, Steven 404 Yost, Christopher 400 Youn, Mike 377
Young, Andrew 396 Young, Anthony 376 Young, Doug 63 Young, Matthew 220 Young, Megan 417 Young, Rachel 372 Yourous, Benjamin 348 Yowell, Brock 279
Yu, Albert 397 Yu, Jin-Kyong 382 Yu, Yalin 63 Yuen, Christopher 417
Wonner, Catherine 415 Wood, Alison 110,176 Wood, Christopher 388
Williams, Darin 62 Williams, Jason 63
Williams, Joshua G. 405 Williams, Keith 407
Yenter, Cody 407 Yerk, Joshua 311 Yi, Saras 387
Woodward, Christopher M. 303
-ZZaccagnini, Ryan 346 Zack, Lindsay 370 Zacour, Theron 241
Zahner, Wolfgang 409
Worcester, Mathew 357 Word, Zack 344
Zalneraitis, Zachary 413
Worker, Benjamin 205
Zarembo, Edward 225
Workman, Brett 395 Workman, Daniel 341 Workman, Ryan 85 Worrall, Benjamin 392
Wright, Dallas 369 Wright, Daniel 364 Wright, Evan 209 Wright, Kelly 130, 377 Wright, Nicolas 401 Wright, Samuel 346 Wright, Scott Michael 274 Wright, Tiwana 66 Wright, Trisden 397 Wu, Monica 168 Wuellner, John 414
Wyatt, Jeremy 130,374 Wyngaarden, Josh Van 85 Wynn, Daniel 402 Wynn, Justin 414
Zanotti, Adam 205
Zeglen, Stephen 366 Zeigler, David 135, 387 Zeisler, Nicholas 63 Zeleski, Michael 379 Zeman, Ryan 394
Zencey, Phillip 354 Zenger, Jessica 339 Zenishek, Matthew 327 Zenkert, Raymond 193
Zhandov, Boris 63
Zhang, Raymond 401 Zheng, Daniel 377 Ziegler, Jesse Martin 233 Ziegler, Zachary 379 Zieja, Joseph 237 Zimmer, Matthew 409 Zimmerman, Nicolas 130, 361 Zimmerman, Zachary 411 Zineddin, Mohamad 64 Zinnel, Mary 209
Yacovone, Nina 181
Zoch, Meredith 185
Yadlin, Roni 397
Zorn, Zachary 258 Zschoche, Douglas 413 Zudic, Michael 263 Zulauf, Mike 402 Zumstein, Benjamin 135, 389
Yahn, Jessica 397 Yakima, Michael 338 Yamashiro, Kai 363
Yamazaki, Gayle 66 Yan, Matthew 266
Yang, Crystal
Yarlett, Kristopher 363
Yarrington, Matthew 358 Yaszemski, Andrew 359 Yates, Jonathan 379 Yazzie, Desbah 341
Yeager, Christopher 327 Yeager, Luke 369 Yeagley, Paul 398 Yee, Alexander 415
Yelk, Keith 318 Yelton, Brock 389
Do yourself a favor as you walk through life:
slow down and take the time to really see. Take a moment to see what is go-
ing on around you right now,
right where you
You may be missing
something wonderful. -
J. Michael Thomas
Photo by C3C Matt Brasher
49 5
Colophon Polaris BODY TEXT:
Arial, Feltpoint, Garamond, Handwriting, and Jasper
A rial
Arial and CheersType
Vo 14 9
AvantGuard, BasicClass, Baskerville, Berkley, Cassidy,
Garamond, Maximo, and Sleepwalker The 2007 Polaris was produced and printed by Walsworth Publishing Company of
Marceline, Missouri, with Greg Stimack Sr. and Greg Stimack Jr. as the company representatives. Walsworth designer, Rene Tate, was responsible for all page designs.
The cover was created using Adobe Photoshop CS; the binding is Smyth sewn and
rounded and backed using 160pt pre-tempered binders board. The cover is a decorated,
embossed, quarter-bound cover. Cover materials are Navy Blue Leatherette and Grey Verona #VA507. The cover features a hot foil stamp in bright gold foil #HF-807.
There is a four-color tip-on with the same foil applied. The binding features decorative head bands to match the gold silk ribbon book mark that is applied to the spine.
Ends sheets were made with 100 pound Passport Pumice. cess
and have a gold foil stamp on the end sheets. The paper stock in the book is 100
pound signature gloss enamel. A total of 4,525 copies of the 2007 Polaris were printed.
They are four-color pro-
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