The Zoo
Cadets and graduates have long applied this unofficial nickname
to the U.S. Air Force Academy.
The source of the moniker is not certain. However, many suspect it comes from the image of students on display as they navigate the
Terrazzo under the watchful eyes of tourists on the chapel overlook. The 2009 Polaris saw completion of a Long Blue Line of six identically covered
yearbooks which commemorated 50th anniversaries from the signing of the Air Force Academy Bill in 1954 to the graduation of the Class of 1959. Given the opportunity to reengage their imagination in 2010, the cadet staff chooses to "go wild" with its theme.
Our cover illustrates a desire to further develop this theme. Cadets are not caged animals being tended by zoo keepers. Rather, they are a collection of the finest representatives of their separate "species," each of whom survived a rigorous selection process.
They are, in fact, among the fittest our nation has to offer. Basic cadets are a diverse and disparate mob when they arrive, but over the summer, cadre shapes them into fourthclassmen. Then it's four years of strenuous military, physical and education lessons that guide cadets through their metamorphosis into leaders for the world's most powerful air and space force. Naturally, many fall off along the way as the selection process continues. The Class of 2010 has seen its fair share leave, but as we applaud their graduation, be confident that we are Respecting The Best of the wild creatures who arrived four years ago. —
James Rush, Polaris Advisor
From the oyster to the eagle, from the swine^to the tiger, all
animals are to be found in men and each of them sometimes
several at
8Xis t S
in some
nothing but
portrayal of our virtues and vices
made manifest to our eyes,
the visible reflections of —
Victor Hugo 5
academics sports clubs
cadet life
firs ties entertainment
commercial ads
congratulatory messages
\\ 4
,/'/ 7
V*^ v\
«« ^
i in
C1C Luke Connolly
C2C Dustin Tanen
C2C Raphael Watson
C3C Kelsey Smith
Photo Editor
Cadet Life Editor
Military Editor
Clubs Editor
C1C Chris Hunter
C2C Nick Debarmore
C1C Chloe Angello
C1C Whitney Bouchard
Public Affairs Liaison
Maj. Tom Jost
James A. Rush
Brad Milliman
Arnie Spencer
Graduate Liaison
C1C Andrea Wise
Rene Tate
Nic Hostetter
Elizabeth McNeal
Public Affairs Liaison
Proof Reader
find the warrior within (Right] A cadet creates a camouflage selfportrait during combat skills training over the summer.
(Above] A little bit of snow
and brisk temperatures makes for a picturesque run during Commandant's in
November. I Dominant photo is a cour-
tesy photo, supporting photo by C1C Luke
Qavack J—|. Ok
am a
President of the United States
Secretary of Defense
MiA I Q. Donley ae
Secretary of the Air Force
Gen. [\J orton Air Force Chief of Staff
1 t. G M'clnaei 0- GouU r0n
Brig. Gen. Samuel D- Cox Commandant of Cadets
Qr\q. Oen. \^)ana ^orn Dean of Faculty
Dr. •j—jon? j^ueln Director of Athletics
Chain of Command
L_t 0°i- M'd* jas-fcriier
Duran Pjarino
Col. D^'d D|. j ange
MS# A nejela -j—vans
1st Group
1st Group
2nd Group
2nd Group
Lt. Col. N^iiliam Thomas
SMS#. Pernell Parser
Lt Col. Ted Detwiler
3rd Group
3rd Group
4th Group
4th Group
j odd Parlee
common V I ®W1 Suyfll &3
■3 r
Spring W'r>6 Staff
Chain of Command
(Above) Mike McLain looks for a
passing angle against the University of Northern Colorado. Cadets got a break
from the rigors of Commanant’s Chal-
lenge in order to cheer on the home team in Clune Arena.
(Below and Right) A rescue team locates a "downed
Airman,” provides protection
from enemy combatants and calls for a
helicopter evacuation on the Terrazzo. I Photos by C1C Luke Connolly
(Right) C4Cs Cody Anderson, Jef-
frey Baptist and John Skeele brave the chill air to represent their class and Cadet Squadron 31 during the
fitness challenge run.
Cadet Squadron 23 scored its
Commandant of Cadets Brig. Gen. Samuel Cox attaches the champion streamer to Cadet Squadron 23’s guidon at the Commandant's
the outbrief, top squadron individual
Commandant’s Challenge Nov. 21-23.
performers received coins from GenThis year’s theme was “Leaders
ing the Cadet Wing’s physical, intellec-
in Action.” C1C Jonathan Cordell said
tual and mental fitness. Cadets were
events were targeted to resemble the
outbriefed Nov. 23 in Clune Arena
Air Force operational aura as much as
before the long-awaited Thanksgiving
Cadet Group 3 superintendent
Challenge award ceremony in
year CS23 has stood above all of the 40 cadet squad-
“We’re proud of what you’ve
Senior Master Sgt. Pernell Parker
done, and you should be proud,”
said he felt the challenge was very
said Commandant of Cadets Brig.
successful and that its intent was well
Gen. Samuel Cox emphasizing every
carried out.
squadron met the standards for all Events included physical fit-
this year than last and has improved
ness and field exercises with trials in
from year to year. He said one of the
marksmanship, land navigation, urban
toughest parts of the challenge was
evasion, chemical suit drills, convoy
the lack of sleep but called the Sat-
maneuvers and self
urday afternoon break, when cadets
aid-buddy care.
The evaluation portion tested cadets
got an unprecedented break to attend
for room inspection, uniforms, drills
Falcons sports events, a “real morale
and military and Academy knowledge.
The Falcon Feud challenged cadets on
military knowledge by squadron in
a game show
format, with CS23 and
CS40 sharing top honors. In other events, CS28 took
squadron first place for field exercises, CS2 placed first for physical training,
sive positions during convoy maneuvers.
C2C Jamie Lemieux of CS12 said he felt his squadron overall did better
challenge events.
Cadets leap from their transport truck to set up defen-
eral Cox.
against squadron in competitions test-
Clune Arena Nov. 23. This is the second consecutive
upgrades and activities. During
second straight overall win in the
The annual event pitted squadron
C2C Trevor Boyd with the win-
ning CS23 had his fingers crossed that the squadron could pull off another win. He served as element leader and said it was challenging to keep team
members motivated. “We won last year, and I think we
and CS37 won the evaluation chal-
performed at the same level this year,”
he said. “It would have been tough to
Winning squadrons garnered trophies and cash awards for squad
come back this year and
be beaten.”
-Ann Patton, USAFA Public Affairs
Commandant's Challenge
The Academy’s 100s Night tradition marks the
Friday closest to
100 calendar days from graduation.
to go straight to bed. Instead, I had to
spend 30 minutes popping enough balloons to clear off my bed.”
senior cadets
Cadet Quintana knew that pro-
find out where they will be assigned
viding snacks or entertainment for
after graduation. Their dorm rooms
doolies was one way to mitigate the
get temporarily renovated too.
It’s the
night when
gathering where
“We left them $20.10 to get piz-
began by
they would be stationed af-
ter they finished technical training at
the 100s Night ceremony in Mitchell
if they wanted and also left them
Squadron 36 celebrate 100s Night with a special dinner
SSgt. Don Branum
Swartz of Cadet
11 removed the door to
the room of C1Cs Michael Skidmore
nior cadets in the late hours of the
and William Boyd.
In its place, the
plywood bolted together,
Some were mild.
One room in
Cadet Squadron 32 was turned into
“princess room,” complete with a
mural and
chandelier. room
poured about 500 pounds of
sand and other materials into the
aluminum foil-coated
space between the boards.
the fourthclassmen filled the firsties’
of C1Cs Sean Quintana and
Joshua Bouquio with balloons.
than 800 balloons
containing glitter, flour and sugar. I
“There’s a huge smiley face in
opened my door when I got back from
the middle of the floor made of flour,”
the weekend,” Cadet Quintana said.
Cadet Swartz said.
“I had to come back on Sunday night
because I had to catch
there, but we thought that might be
The soon-to-be lieutenants find out
Some were more diabolical.
“extreme dorm makeovers” to
at Mitchell Hall.
where they will first be assigned at the meal. I Photo by
nice decoration,” he said.
Later, freshman cadets in their
C 1C Andrew Ward and a fellow firstie from Cadet
maybe that had some sway on the
Hall Feb. 12.
snacks for the weekend,
surprised when
bus for a
jump at 4:45 a.m. the next morning. I
got back at around 11 p.m. expecting
Winkle, USAFA Public Affairs
bit much,” he added.
John Van
LOW RENT DISTRICT C4C David Jorgenson orchestrated the total relocation of C1C Bryan Holtz’s living area from the firstie’s
dorm room in Cadet Squadron 07 to a stairwell in the
southwest corner of Vandenberg Hall. I Photo Van Wi- W
by John
(Below) Freshman test their lung capac-
ity by filling a dorm room with balloons. I Photo by John Van Winkle
(Above) A cadet-made spiderweb snares tennis shoes and other unwary items in
one room while
freshmen shrink wrap
(Above) C1C Jason Sewell of Cadet
the bunk of a firstie known for her ger-
Squadron 29 is known for his in-depth
maphobia. I Photos by John Van Winkle
knowledge of the Cadet Sight Picture, so C4C Jakob Fischer divided room with a wall
of pages from the pub-
lication. I Photo by John Van Winkle
A-MAZE-ING In CS36, C4Cs Michael Winstead and
Ryan Thompson transformed CICs
Benjamin Brice and Michael Langley’s room
into a labyrinth.
They even includ-
ing “little prizes” at the dead ends. I Photo by John Van Winkle
100's Night
BASIC NO MORE A cadre member slips fourthclassman
epaulets on a former basic cadet following the Acceptance Parade that concludes Basic
Cadet Training. I Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Right) Red smoke flows past as basics prepare to begin the obstacle portion of the Assault Course in Jacks Valley. I Photo by C1C Arthur Grijalva
(Left) A basic cadet
wriggles under barbed wire while completing the Assault Course. I Photo by
C1C Arthur Grijalva
(Right) C2C Andrew
Whitmey offers “encouragement” to basic cadets
competing in the tug-o-war during BCT field day. 1 Photo by Arnie Spencer
training An assault by flu-like illnesses
didn’t keep this year’s basic cadets from returning to the Cadet Area after
same, the delivery of the training is
always unique.” One unanticipated challenge for
demonstrating a “consistently high
the Class of 2013 was basic cadets
level of motivation and energy,”
who developed symptoms after being
cording to the Basic Cadet Training
exposed to flu-like illnesses. Overall,
the impact on the Academy mission,
“[The Class of] 2013 did an ex-
however, was mitigated through
C1C Kile Kuzma explains to Basic Cadet Christopher Cameron the importance of "dressing to the left," otherwise known as maintaining distance and spacing while
marching in ranks. I Photo by Arnie Spencer
cellent job throughout the challenges
effective crisis action planning and
of Jacks Valley,” said Lt. Col. Ted
Detweiler. “The class can certainly be
proud of its performance.” The trek back to the Hill isn’t the
some courses,
course, obstacle course and confi-
dence course, they ensured basic
of Jacks Valley really only marked
cadets had at least one chance to
the end of the fifth week of training,”
complete each course. With FLI-related concerns loom-
another solid week filled with evalua-
ing, the traditional Doolie Day Out
became Doolie Day In. A USAFA team effort made for a near seamless
not significantly different than last,
change in plans to ensure the health,
Colonel Detwiler said. However,
safety and a boosted morale of all.
cadet leadership changes every year,
Photo by Arnie Spencer
such as the assault
to be the end of BCT, the march out
Training in Jacks this year was
a messy day of training in Jacks Valley during BCT. I
point,” the BCT commander said. Although the staff had to reschedule
Colonel Detwiler said. “We still had
Basic cadets let loose with some verbal stress relief after
relatively minor from an overall stand-
end; rather, it’s just one of many more
“While the basics may want it
“Impact from FLIs has been
“While it may not have been
which brings new leadership styles
exactly what they were hoping for, I
and techniques to the program. “The
think it’s fair to say they all enjoyed
end result being that, although the
themselves,” the colonel said.
training events themselves are the
Carter, USAFA Public Affairs
Basic Cadet Training
weeK Say goodbye to carrying book bags, morning
physical fitness for good measure. That
minutes of knowl-
edge recitation, restricted paths and
time to reflect in
wearing uniforms off-base.
squadron “theme
squadron puts their
freshmen took
variety of themed
earned prop and wings and full ac-
ceptance as cadets for the Class of
world scenarios.
2013 after closing ceremonies at this
first was a mock deployment brief-
year’s Recognition, March 11-14.
ing, followed by a flight simulation,
Recognition of the
four-degrees’ training
For CS 16, the
capture, a prisoner of war interrogation and a funeral for a squad mate.
cess, a capstone challenge event of
Major training
physical fitness and knowledge, said
Brian Thorn said it was the highlight
Maj. John Orchard, air officer com-
of his own Recognition.
manding for Cadet Squadron 16, the
“It is the most
events officer C1C
meaningful re-
“Proud Chickenhawks.” Recognition
minder of what my profession is,” he
reflects the Basic Cadet Training ex-
said. “This is serious business.”
periences and challenges; it summarizes and wraps up those challenges and
the freshmen
have gained throughout the year.
“It’s an emotional milestone, and
On March 13, freshmen’s dorm rooms and
perclassmen’s rigorous inspection. Then, seniors led the freshmen in a run to Cathedral
they know they have done something important in their life,” he added.
Challenges began the evening of March 11 in the
hallways, lined with upperclassmen rendering salutes, each fourth-class-
words, “Recognition granted.”
rigorous training
combination of fitness and knowl-
March 12 was dedicated to
physical fitness courses,
exercises and tours of the Terrazzo, where upperclassmen explained the
at last heard the
where the
long-awaited in
newly-recognized congratulations
full members of the Cadet Wing.
rich heritage of the Academy present
sweet,” said C4C Rory Montgomery.
there and, of course, threw in more
-Ann Patton, USAFA Public Affairs
celebrate with silver-hatted freshmen after the classes com
Afterward, in dorms’ darkened
CAUSE TO CELEBRATE C1C Megan Moulton and a fellow red-hatted senior
pleted the Run to the Rock. I Photo by Arnie Spencer
squadrons with
uniforms went under up-
Fourth class cadets faced a
variety of physical ordeals ing Recognition. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly
One great leap carries a freshman clear of
Cadre push freshmen relent-
(Above) Fourthclass cadets team up to
lessly to help them discover
floor studded with paper "mines." The
blindfolded cadets have to trust their peers
new limits to their
to guide them through safely. I Photo by
abilities. I Photo by Amie
Amie Spencer
(Left) C4C Steven Wedan can't help but
squadron "charge” from the
smile with pride after receiving his prop
cadet area to Cathedral Rock during the
and wings from a squadorn upperclass-
move their
Run to the Rock. I Photo by CIC Luke
I Photo by Amie Spencer
Recognition Week
(Above) Squadron theme rooms teach freshmen the patriotic lessons connected to the Airmen’s Creed and the Code of Conduct. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly
(Above) Fourthclassmen must endure firsties' wrath when the freshmen fail to live up to standards and expectations. 1 Photo by C1C Luke Connolly
(Above) C1C Kathryn Lynn re-decorates her squadron “charge” which will be carried to Cathedral Rock by unit freshmen. I Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Right) Upperclassmen formally recognize freshmen as full cadets by pinning on the cadets’ prop and wings emblems. I Photo
by Arnie Spencer
Recognition is the most impor-
lations about 40 days and supposed
tant annual event in a fourthclass-
insiders reporting the new horrible
man’s cadet life. The 2010 event
things “sure to be included this time.”
started March 11 and continued until
This year’s myths included some
March 13. The Class of 2013 had
diversions that pop up every year
waited 231 days since arriving on I-
-fake schedules, going one direction
Day (Inprocessing).
around the T’zo for 40 days, the as-
Four degrees were finally able
sault course being two days long and
to live the life they observed as ap-
stories of ambulances driving cadets
pointees, recruits and visitors. Rec-
away in scores. It also included a few
ognition is a unique training event
new ones
because almost every single fresh-
for cadets who had been isolated for
The honor of serving the nation potentially carries
deadly consequences. Many of these are explained to freshmen
through theme rooms designed by each
squadron. I Photo by C2C Nick Debarmore
is involved, regardless of status.
Intercollegiate sports, club activities
“special” Recognition
swine flu and recognition probation. All in all, after three days, the
injury cannot get one out of
Class of 2013 successfully completed
For some freshman, Recognition
the task and was recognized as a full-
is their first “beat” session since basic
fledged member of the Cadet Wing.
or even
The class is more united
The experience has taught them
than at any point since basic and that
exactly what training they will help
gives them strength.
enforce on the Class of 2014, in turn
Preparation starts months prior
affecting every class following. This
and so do the mind games. Dorm hall-
pattern forever cements the impor-
ways abound with exaggerated stories
tance of Recognition 2010 in acad-
of past recognitions, ridiculous specu
emy history.
C4C David Dunkel
NO PEEKING! Fourthclass cadets learn to work together to overcome
challenges such as how to make a square out of rope while blindfolded. I Photo by Amie Spencer
Recognition Week Cont
group of animators
perform a full parade before the
sitting around a coffee table think-
critical eyes of permanent party and
ing up ideas for a new project that
intrigued onlookers lining the chapel
These artists
they had been given. left the
wall. Just before
Disney studios to come to
the Air Force Academy where they
Hall we pass the Eagle and
found inspiration in marching.
ling statue, whose words are forever
The cadets’ focus, attention to
engraved into our minds and hearts
detail and the fact they marched just
since basic cadet training.
about every day, presented the per-
the eagle nurtures its young, Firsties
feet model from which the animators
marching in the front nurture their
could build.
Because of the impact
Just as
fledgling officers.
cadets left on them, strips eerily fa-
in formation is
miliar to those who have paced the
method where
Terrazzo may be
to work
group and
continue to develop team cohesion
marching hyenas
present the infamous Scar with
modified “eyes right.”
ferent tune, a
clapping and
rambunctious “Hey” interjected in
the middle. We also tend to emulate a
as a
‘COLUMN LEFT, HARCH’ Cadets perform a left turn as they march by squadron in the 2010 Organizational Awards Parade on Stillman Parade Field. I Photo by James A. Rush
squadron. As we march in for-
mation, it is a time to demonstrate
At our Zoo we march to a dif-
Every Monday before
As the story goes, in the early
different kind of creature, symbol-
ized by how we march.
warrior ethos by having a hun-
dred individuals as one
move as one
A time-honored tradi-
tion, marching will always be a part of helping
fly from fledglings to
C2C Raphael Watson
PATRIOTIC APPEAL C1C Matthew Deming issues commands to Cadet Squadron 38
during the Red, White and Brave Parade in downtown Colorado
Springs, Colo., Aug. 29.1 Photo by Rachel Boettcher
HAVE A BLAST The shockwave from cannon fire adds to the
atmosphere when the National Anthem is played
during Academy parades; it tends to set off nearby car alarms too. I Photo by James A. Rush
(Above) C4C Colton Steen practices rifle drill and ceremonies on the Academy’s Honor Court in
January. The Cadet Honor Guard
performs ceremonial and funeral honors for the Cadet Wing as
well as for local, national and intemational communities. I Photo
by SSgt. Don Branum) REVILLE
(Right) The Cadet Honor Guard’s flag formation team raises the American flag during reveille on the Terrazzo Sept. 11 in honor those who died in terrorist attacks
eight years earlier. I Photo by Mike Kaplan
(Right) With an “eyes right” salute from each
squadron, the Cadet Wing honors the American
Flag during a Sept. 18 parade celebrating the Air Force’s 62nd birthday.
I Photo by Mike Kaplan
auav For most cadets, reveille is the
the Cadet Wing in flag decorum. Ca-
20-minute warning to be in uniform,
det Honor Guard exemplifies “excel-
squared away, and walking to break-
lence in all we do” from fourth class
fast. For members of the USAFA
year training to competition and detail
Cadet Flonor Guard, however, reveille
training. Admission into honor guard is
is the conclusion of the first military
duty of the day. Long before most cadets wake
rigorous and tough, requiring tenacity and dedication its members.
position at the flagpole, carrying our
is not an end. There is still more work
nation’s colors. When reveille plays,
to do.
it is the Honor Guard that ensures ev-
decorum, raising and lowering the flag
eryone for miles around knows which
as well as other duties.
Hoisting up the flag with preci-
of Sept. 11, 2001. I Photo by Mike Kaplan
Each member is trained in flag
“We value respect, dignity, and
duty,” said C2C Eddie Miller.
“I joined
[Honor Guard] because I respect what
cated to its duties. The flag is not the
assumed though.
in honor of those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks
Earning the black beret
sion and skill, honor guard is dedi-
only responsibility these cadets have
skills necessary for
up, the honor guard carefully takes
country we serve.
The flag formation team secures the American Flag at half staff
Honor Guard competes in na-
flag stands for.” Through the hard work and
excellence of the Cadet Honor Guard, this tradition of respect continues to
tional drill competitions, presents the
be passed to future members of the
flag in color guard details and trains
long blue line.
C1C Jeff Faulkner
HONOR CORDON Cadets stand ready to honor the official party at the
2010 graduation ceremony in Falcon Stadium. 1 Photo
by Maj. Tom Jost
Honor Guard
Following Is a transcribed interview betweeq the host of KAFA's Character \ Matters Show, retired CMSgt. Bob Vasquez and Academy Superintendant
Lt. Gen. Michael C. Gould.
Q,; You've been here at the Academy for almost a year now right? h: Not quite a year, we got here in June of last year, so everything we've seen in this cycle has been new. So, come June 9th we'll have our first year under our belt and we'll go from there. Q: Now sir you are a graduate of the Academy? h:
Graduated in 76 also graduated from the Prep School, so I'm real proud
of that.
Q: So you're the first superintendant we've had that was "a preppie." A: I believe so. Q: So you spent five years here then? A: I did.
Q.: So where is your home originally? A; Ohio... Kent, Ohio. Kent State University, you may remember back to ...
May 4th 1970? The Ohio Guard came in and tragically four students were killed. That was during my junior year at Kent State University High and it was a pretty formative time in my life. Q: Did that have an effect on you coming in the military? A; Well it had more of an effect on a lot of my buddies. A big anti-war movement was going on and I was real interested in serving in the Air Force; and a lot of my buddies thought "why would you do that? We have a war going on in Vietnam." Thankfully I had a lot of good guidance, the right type of upbringing from my parents and I had the desire to serve. I felt /f was a commitment and when the Air Force
Academy opportunity arose, I jumped at it.
Q: And how did that arise, did someone recruit you? A; / was actually contacted by football. So, you know, to have an opportunity to play division one ball and I'll be honest with you I was attracted to Colorado
because the skiing. I've told a lot of folks just don't come to the Air Force Academy because you want to play football and ski, but that's sort of what lured me here, and then there Is the sense of commitment sets in afterwards. It is an evolutionary process. I never thought at that time that 35 or 40 years I'd still be doing this, but that sense of commitment does grow on you. We've
enjoyed every minute of our time in the Air Force. Q: Now did you come here as a professor or anything like that between graduation and now? A: I stayed as a lieutenant while I was awaiting pilot training. I worked about eight months as a grad assistant fresh out of the Academy and then I did come back on the athletic department staff as a captain to work for Coach Hatfield and Coach DeBerry. I flew the T-41 on the side and was an associate AOC, so we
got involved in all aspects of the base. I have to admit, I enjoyed my experience at the Academy better during that time 32
as a staff member and a coach
than I did as a cadet. But it helped us understand the challenges of
doing the right things at the Academy and providing the right atmosphere to develop these young men and women into leaders.
Q: Has a lot changed since you were gone? A:
It looks fairly similar; the environment
looks the same, but it was so much harder back when I
fourthclass cadet.
Of course things change but
«laughs» mostly for the better. Ne hope to Things evolve over time. continue with those changes, focus on ,
the traditions; the traditions that are worth Continue to make our maintaining. more applicable to the challenges training
graduates will face when they are out So the changes I've seen are all for the good. our
there as lieutenants.
What can you share with the cadets,
especially those who will be graduating so they can succeed in our great Air Force? A; You just hope they can capture all the rhetoric that they've been hearing for the past four years and they can whittle it down to what's really important about being leaders; and that is to go out and treat your people with respect. Hopefully what the cadets have learned during their experience here is they responded well to leaders who cared about them. If nothing else, they can take that forward and it will really help them when they get out on active duty; to go lead others in the same way they liked to be led. I think that's just about as simple as it can be. Now that doesn't mean you have to be easy on your people. You can hold your standards high. You can demand excellence in everything you do, but if you can do that with a smile and still have some fun, you'll be an effective leader. Listen to your gut. As you're making decisions and you're faced with some tough calls, if you think something isn't right in what you are about to decide, it probably isn't. So you listen to your gut, you listen to your conscience and then you make your decisions based on that. 1. USAFA’S FIRST FAMILY
Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Mike Gould and his wife, Paula, celebrate at the Red, White and Brave Parade in downtown Colorado Springs, CO, Aug. 29. | Photo by Mike Kaplan 2. MISSION IMMERSION Lt. Col. Alexander Cos describes to General Gould the aircraft exit
strategy they will use to safely clear a UV-18 aircraft during their tandem jump. The general jumped with Colonel Cos Aug. 3 in order to learn more about the Academy mission and cadet programs.
Photo by TSgt. Christopher DeWitt 3. QUIZ WHIZ
General Gould interacts with the host, judge and panel of NPR's
Catch Character Matters with ret. CMSgt. Bob
“Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me!” comedy news quiz May 6. The
Vasquez Wednesdays at 8 and 8 on 97.7 KAFA
Academy superintendent, correctly answered two of three questions about Eton College in England to win a prize for Dan Condon of
Boulder, CO. I Photo by Johnny Wilson
Q&A with the Superintendent
(Series above)... and the log won. Fortu-
nately for Basic Cadet Clayton Elliot, cadet EMTs were close by to ensure he recovered
from his slip quickly. The rigors of Basic Cadet Training, especially second Beast,
keep EMTs busy during the summer. I Photo by C1C Arthur Grijalva PATCH ‘EM UP
send ‘em on their way. Ban-
daging minor scrapes, cuts and blisters can be a full-time job for cadet EMTs during BCT. I Photo by Arnie Spencer
Many years ago in the Swiss Alps,
Most cadets who participate in this
Saint Bernards were dispatched to roam
program have had little to no prior train-
the snowy peaks looking for travelers
ing in the art of life saving, but each se-
who had fallen ill to avalanches and
mester EMTs look for cadets interested
other hardships while travelling in the
in becoming the health watch dogs for
extreme climate.
the Zoo.
With bottles of brandy slung around
Meeting most weekends, these
their necks, they would go out looking
cadets take on a new kind of class.
for those who have fallen and wait for
stead of thinking to themselves, “When
help to come.
I going to use the derivative of X
At our Zoo, we have a different
squared over Pi,” these cadets know
breed of rescuer for cadets who struggle
and understand what they learn this
with physical hardships.
week could save someone’s life tomor-
Brandy has
been replaced by an actual medical
kit allowing cadet Emergency Medical
Hopefully the first time we have
Technicians to play an integral part in
seen our cadet EMTs wasn’t when we
maintaining a safe environment during
the Zoo’s major events.
parade dress and seeing three blurry
They’re everywhere, at football
staring up at a blue sky wearing
lines and a distant voice asking us how
games, parades, training sessions,
many fingers you see.
Commandant’s Challenge and Recogni-
don’t come equipped with brandy like
tion; cadet EMTs are sent throughout the
the original EMTs of old, they will fill you
wing with vigilant eyes for those in need
up and get you on your feet in no time.
of assistance.
C2C Raphael Watson
Although they
hang in there. Active duty
EMTs frequently attend the
Academy’s large events. These full-time professionals are aug-
mented by the cadet volunteers. I
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Cadet EMTs
They didn’t get mad. They got even, and then some.
gave us a shot at winning. We just smiled and used that as motiva-
tion to make them eat their words
tion Air Force trip in Southwest Asia
because we knew who would have
Twelve cadets on
out for revenge at the start
of the
the last laugh.” The cadet team of 10 was se-
The cadets
by a mere second in the first seven-mile relay. were defeated
Before the first contest,
cadets had been traveling for more than 20 hours on the journey from With
Denver to Southwest Asia.
little more than two hours of sleep,
lected from
total of 12 cadets.
The Army culled their best runners
from 220 soldiers.
30-day Operation Air Force experience gave the cadets opportunities to see Air Force opThe
erations up close. “I
they took up the challenge for the
really enjoyed seeing
Air Force in real action,” said C1C
of July 4.
Ridge Flick from CS27. “Watching planes take off and knowing that
simple, said C1C Dan Hill from Ca-
The Acad-
they were heading for Iraq and Afghanistan was an incredible experience. It really made me appreciate why we work so hard while we’re at the Academy.”
emy team of 10 runners bested the
Cadet Hill, too, said he appre-
det Squadron 2.
“We just wanted
to beat Army.”
totally different story.
Army by well over a minute. “It felt really good to
ciated beat
for the KC-10 fuel tankers.
smack talk from
lot of
Army during
with those who cared
tenance personnel
race, so it was fun shutting them up
work 12 hours
when we beat them.”
week in
drew several hun-
dred spectators.
the flightline
day, six days a 120-plus degree heat and 90-percent humidity. “Their pride is uncanny,” he a
“There was no doubt in any of
“In the heat and sun,
minds that we would win,” said
C1C Josh Whiteheart.
“The whole
week Army talked trash and
Photo by SSgt. Joshua Garcia
He was especially
from CS15.
facilities June 25 at an air base in Southwest Asia. I
opportunities to see the Air
Force in action.
them,” said C1C Clayton Bryant “There
first aid kits for deploying members heading downrange while visiting the 379th Expeditionary Medical Group
first race in the early morning hours
SELF AID CICs Dan Everett and Erik Nelson build individual
A cadet celebrates after
themselves.”-Ann Patton, USAFA Public Affairs
passing the guidon during a
against the Army at a deployment base in South-
west Asia. I Photo
by SrA. Stephen Lynch
VICTORY LAP C1C Harold Parker takes the guidon from C1C Ridge Flick and begins the race’s final lap. The Falcons took the lead in the seventh lap and held on for
victory. I Photo by SrA. Stephen Lynch
BAND-AID, CHECK (Above) CICs Mallory Morgan, Carrie Moore and Gina Koenigsberger go
AIR POWER C1C Harold Parker holds the 380th Air
Expeditionary Wing guidon high after finishing the final lap in a seven-mile guidon relay race July 22, 2009, at an air base in Southwest Asia. The Academy team of 10 runners beat Army
by more
than a minute. I Photo by SrA. Stephen
over the contents of an
individual first
aid kit during the cadet’s visit of unit medical facilities June 25 at an air base
in Southwest Asia. I Photos by SSgt. Joshua Garcia
Army Spc. John Dodson briefs cadets on the Army mission June 24 at an undis-
closed location in Southwest Asia.
Ops Air Force
l.r^l -vyf was killed July 18 in the crash Capt. Mark R. McDowell V 3k
L„ .J; \A a| of an F-15E Strike Eagle over eastern Afghanistan. Also killed was
Capt. Thomas J. Gramith.
Both Airmen were deployed
loved ones
and to the Airmen and the joint and coalition
team members who called them friends and will miss their fel-
low warriors,” said Lt. Gen. Gary North, U.S. Air Forces Central
A team of U.S. and coalition forces immediately respond-
from the 336th Fighter Squadron at Seymour-Johnson Air
They were flying in support of coalition op-
ed to the crash site, secured it and recovered the Airmen. The
erations when the crash occurred at approximately 3:15 A.M.
Airmen have been returned to their families through a dignified
Kabul time.
transfer from Afghanistan to the United States.
Force Base, NC.
The crash was not due to hostile fire.
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and
(Far left) Members of the 4th Fighter Wing Honor Guard stand guard at the lockers of fallen 336th Fighter Squadron pilots Capts. Mark McDowell. 26. and
Thomas Gramith. 27. at Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base. N.C.. July 28. 2009. I Photo by SrA. Ciara Wymbs
Capt. Mark R. McDowell, seen here in his senior year cadet photo, was killed in an
F-15 crash in eastern Afghanistan July 18. Captain McDowell graduated from
the U.S. Air Force Academy. Colo., in 2005.1 Courtesy photo
a\x/ara won
A native of Aurora, CO, and member of Cadet Squadron 30
cadets volunteered to be a part of the NCLS
the inaugural 1st Lt.
cadet staff. The NCLS team was selected as
Roslyn Schulte Cadet Character and
Leadership Award during a ceremony held in the McDermott Li-
brary May 25.
2010 and earned
C1C Mychol Alexander received the award for his role as
As cadet in charge of NCLS, Cadet Alexander led planning
praise from Academy Su-
perintendent Lt. Gen. Mike Gould.
cadet in charge of the 2010 National Character and Leadership
quarterly award winner for January to March
The award is named in honor of 1st Lt. Roslyn Schulte, a
2006 graduate of the Academy who was killed in Afghanistan by a
roadside bomb May 20, 2009. Lieutenant Schulte embodied
and execution of the 17th-annual event, themed “Guardians of
the Air Force core values
Trust: Leaders in the Modern Era,” which featured guest speak-
and Excellence in All We Do
such as Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Tommy
Lasorda, Brian Billick, Roberts Ridge veteran and former Army
Integrity First, Service Before Self
said retired Lt. Gen. Erv Rokke,
president of the USAFA Endowment and a 1962 graduate. “Over the years, some of the words have
changed in (the
Ranger Nate Self and other combat veterans. More than 2,000
Academy’s) mission statement, but the central thrust has been
Academy staff and 600 guests attended the event along with the
constant since the Academy began in 1955,” Dr. Rokke said. In
Academy’s 4,400 cadets.
Lieutenant Schulte, the Air Force had an officer who
Cadet Alexander designed and led the first-ever NCLS re-
cruiting night, according to his award nomination. As a result, 53
nalized the core values.
truly inter
SSgt. Don Branum, USAFA Public
ment, Lieutenant Helton volunteered to help lead Det. 2 as a
Sept. 14, 2009, was the final roll call for 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton Jr., 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron,
flight commander. On Sept. 12, the members of Det. 2 honored his memory.
Detachment 2 flight commander, who perished when a road-
On the stage, in front of more than three hundred service-
side bomb detonated close to his vehicle near to Baghdad
members, lay a folded American flag; it had been pulled out of
Sept. 8, making him the first security forces officer to have died
Lieutenant Helton’s backpack, which he had with him on his
in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
last mission.
Lieutenant Helton chose to be a “ground pounder” as some members in the
security forces profession call it.
“We know that people join the fight for different reasons.
Some join for the sense of service, some to be a part of some-
November 2008, he volunteered for an assignment to Iraq,
thing special, and some for a pride in their nation.
went through pre-deployment training attached to Det. 2, but
the fight for all three,” said Maj. Joe Engelbrecht, 732nd ESFS
deployed to the 732nd ESFS Det. 3 as a flight commander.
Det. 2 commander.
Instead of going home upon completion of the Det. 3 assign-
vice and staff reports.
Joe joined
Compiled from Armed Forces News Ser-
An Airman from the 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron De-
tachment 2 Police Transition Team kneels to pay his final respects during a memorial ceremony held at Camp Stryker, Iraq, in honor of 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton Jr. Sept. 12. 2009. Lieutenant Helton, a flight commander for the 732nd ESFS Det. 2, was killed Sept. 8. 2009, by an improvised
sive device while leading his team. I Photo by TSgt. Johnny Saldivar
BROTHERS IN ARMS Airmen from the 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Detachment 2 Police Transition Team stand in formation at
Camp Stryker. Iraq, during a memorial ceremony honoring 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton Jr. Sept. 12. 2009.1 Photo by TSgt. Johnny Saldivar
CONTINUING LEGACY Bob and Susie Schulte present
C1C Mychol Alexander with the first Lieutenant Roslyn Schulte
Award for Cadet Character and
Leadership during a ceremony at the McDermott Library May 25. The award is named for Mr. and
Mrs. Schulte’s daughter, 1st Lt.
Roslyn Schulte, who was killed by a
roadside bomb near Kabul, Af-
ghanistan. May 20, 2009.1 Photo by Johnny Wilson
Combat Heroes and Schulte Award
c ass Academy cadets received the first unmanned aerial systems-remotely piloted aircraft wings awarded in the
Iraq and Afghanistan to provide persistent reconnaissance and strike capability. The Air Force is programmed to go to 50 CAPs
school’s 55-year history during a function at the Dean’s
and may go
Heritage House Feb. 25.
Poss, the director of Air Force intelligence, surveillance
junior and
sophomore U.S. Air
Lt. Gen. Mike Gould, the Academy
dent, and Brig. Gen. Dana Born, the dean of the fac-
ulty, presented cadets with certificates and UAS-RPA scarves during the event. “I’m thrilled to recognize the first class of cadets to graduate from Airmanship 200, Airmanship 201 and Airmanship 202 and become the catapult leaders for
high as 65,
and reconnaissance strategy,
Maj. Gen. James
integration and doctrine
at the Pentagon.
“I’d tell you that you’re the wave of the future, but
realized what a tremendous impact they could have on
you’re not; you’re the wave of the present,” the general said. “That’s the kind of impact you’re going to have.” C2C Jeff Nakayama, a native of Warner Robins, Ga., is one of the four juniors forming the Academy’s instructor pilot cadre and an economics major with Cadet Squadron 34. He first found out about the Academy’s UAS-RPA program through C2C Bradley Sapper, an astronautical engineering major with CS03. “They were looking for people to head up leaderin a brand-new program,” said Cadet Nakayama. ship “I said, ‘You know what? Let’s see what happens,’
the application of airpower. Now, we can’t build them
and it took off from there,” he said.
the UAS-RPA program at the Air Force
General Born said. “You are all pioneers.” Cadets dined and spoke with Generals Gould and Born as well as other leaders in attendance. “I’ve been with RPA’s since the beginning,” Gen-
eral Gould said.
“At first, it was tough going until we
fast enough to satisfy demand.”
The instructor pilots visited Nellis AFB and Creech
The Air Force’s role in that history began in the mid- to late-1990s,
General Atomics a con-
tract to build the first MQ-1 Predators for $3.2 million
apiece. Teams with the 11th Reconnaissance at Indian
Springs Air Station
(now Creech AFB), NV,
AFB, in the summer of 2009 to learn more about RPAs in the operational Air Force.
“It was an interesting experience, seeing the operational side and watching Airmen actually conduct a mission out there,” Cadet Nakayama said. “We were able to go through the program first,
experiment and
flew Predators during Operation Allied Force in 1999.
RPA mission frequency stepped up during
cadets did, and we got to teach them, which was the
Freedom in October 2001
Air Force of-
“Back then, we were doing good to get two Predators in the air for 20 hours a day,” General Gould said.
little more time on the airplane than the 2012
biggest challenge and learning experience.”
ficials started deploying Predators in greater numbers to gather intelligence.
The UAS-RPA program will take another step forward next year when the Academy acquires a Scan Ea-
gle, a 40-pound unmanned aircraft that launches from a
hydraulic system similar to the catapult systems on
The number of RPA missions leaped after Secre-
aircraft carriers and lands using a skyhook and Global
tary of Defense Robert M. Gates demanded more ISR
Positioning System guidance. “Everyone’s going to be learning again,” Cadet Nakayama said. SSgt. Don Branum, USAFA Public
capability from the Air Force in June 2008. Today the Air Force flies approximately 40 combat air patrols, or CAPS, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, primarily
(Left) Cadets talk to Maj. Gen. James Poss
during an unmanned aerial surveillance-re-
motely piloted aircraft reception Feb. 25, 2010 at the Dean’s
Heritage House. The cadets are
the first in Academy history to receive wings
and become instructor pilots for the UAS-RPA program. General Poss is the director of Air Fore intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
strategy, integration and doctrine at the
Pentagon. I Photo by Rachel Boettcher VIKING 300 (Below) C2Cs Jeffrey Nakayama and Rupert
Domingo inspect a Viking 300 unmanned aerial vehicle before launch from Camp Red Devil at Fort Carson. Colo.. July 20, 2009. The U.S. Air Force Academy’s new Unmanned Aerial System
training is designed to encourage cadets to serve as UAS
leaders after graduation. I Photo by Ann
** : *:
GLOBAL HAWK A flightline ground crew secures the Global Hawk for towing July 19 at Andersen
AFB, Guam. The aircraft has a wing span of 116 feet and is designed to cruise at SCAN EAGLE I he Scan Eagle UAS is u
portable system, which features
three air vehicles or AVs, a
ground control station, remote
video terminal, and a launch and the Skyhook system.
recovery system known
Academy cadets expect to begin working with Scan Eagle next year. I Courtesy photo as
extremely high altitudes. The Global Hawk RPAis a high-altitude, long-endurance
unmanned aircraft system with an integrated sensor suite that provides intelligence,
An MQ-1 Predator unmanned aerial
surveillance and reconnaissance, or 1SR, capability worldwide. I Photo by SrA.
vehicle sits in the desert sun at Balad
Miranda Moorer
Air Base, Iraq. I Photo by A1C Drew
UAS Class
e re
&KRWK) A be here. You got that? —
McDermott 5gt. /\ldn {^d?
-ram. in
j—jamburger j—jiH, I 987
“I became known as ‘Big S,’” General Clark wrote in
The Academy’s sixth superintendent died March 8 at
the age of 96.
Colorado Springs, was superintendent from Aug. 1, 1970,
knew that in the spring, when we moved to the new camp,
to July 31, 1974.
the Germans would search each of us thoroughly.
Retired Lt. Gen. A.P. Clark, a resident of
“The Air Force Academy lost a great leader this week
by the loss of Gen. A.R Clark. He was my superintendent when I was a cadet; he was a trusted mentor and friend,” said current Academy superand is deeply saddened
intendent Lt. Gen. Mike Gould.
“Our most heartfelt sympathies and condolences go out to the Clark family. Our thoughts are with them during
his book, “33 Months as a POW in Stalag Luft III.”
task of getting our money, false travel papers, tools, com-
passes, maps and civilian
clothing through the search
would be a formidable one.” While some small escape efforts were made, larger
plans were in place. Individual escape efforts were attempted in 1942 and 1943 with varying degrees of sueand failure.
But the Allied Airmen
tary Academy at West Point and went on to a flying career
working They spent months digging three underground tunnels to get past the camp’s perimeter and created their own mini-factories with the goal of equipping 200 escapees. On the night of March 24-25, 1944, a group of Al-
after graduation.
lied Airmen hazarded
this very difficult time. His loss is felt throughout the Academy and graduate community. We will miss him,” General Gould said. General Clark was a 1936 graduate of the U.S. Mili-
He went to England in June 1942 with the 31 st Fighter
Group, the first American fighter unit in the European
toward a more long-term objective.
sandy, claustrophobic tunnel to
escape Stalag Luft III.
The escape tunnel didn’t go far outside the wire and was dangerously close to
Theater of Operations. His unit was flying British Spitfires
the midpoint of one of the guards’ patrol routes.
July 26, 1942, when his squadron and two other Allied units engaged a group of Luftwaffe FW-109s just inland
and two or three were caught above ground at the exit,”
of the French coast near the town of Abbeville.
General Clark wrote. “Some 50 to 60 men, still head to toe
“As it turned out, 76 men were able to clear the area
In the
aerial melee, then-Lt. Col. Clark became separated from
in the tunnel, had to crawl backwards all the
his flight lead and was pounced on by four German fight-
fumbling and thrashing in total darkness.” Seventy-three of the Airmen were eventually recap-
Eluding these, he later took flak damage and nursed his aircraft into a crash landing along the coast near Cape Grisnez. He was soon take prisoner, interrogated and ers.
transported to Stalag Luft III, in what is now Poland, as a prisoner of war. In the POW camp, the general continued his efforts to resist the enemy.
He wound up in the Allied officers’
camp and was one of the first Americans interned with the largely British officer population at the time.
effort in their ever-expanding camp. i
| Military
way back...
tured and 50 were executed by the Germans.
and histories from that escape attempt formed the basis for the 1963 film, “The Great Escape.”
After retiring from active duty, the general
stayed in-
volved with the Air Force Academy. He became a found-
ing member of Friends of the Library in 1987 and never missed an Academy home football game.
The Al-
lied Airmen kept themselves well-organized, dividing up duties with their available personnel to continue their war
The final chapter in General Clark’s life took
March 17 with
scheduled in the Cadet
Chapel followed by interment at the Academy Cemetery. -
John Van Winkle, USAFA Public Affairs
TRUTH & SEMIFICTION A display case in the Academy's Me-
Dermott Library combines artifacts from
Stalag Luft III with a Hollywood movie poster to relate the story of General Clark’s POW experience. I Photo by James A. Rush
(Left) The tunnel pictured here allowed 76 Allied prisoners of war to escape Sta-
lag Luft 111 in 1944. (Above) A Gentian
(Above) Lt. Gen. Clark poses with a
soldier emerges from the tunnel after its
mascot in Falcon Stadium. The general
discovery. Lt. Gen. A. P. Clark played a
attended every home football game after
critical role in this escape by managing
he retired and he also literally wrote the
the production of clothing, false travel
book on Academy falconry. His published
papers, compasses, maps and other tools
work describes the Academy falconry
while in the POW camp to give his fel-
program in great detail. I Photo courtesy
low prisoners the best possible chance
of Air Force Academy Special Collections
of escape. I Photo courtesy of Air Force
Academy Special Collections
General Clark
boosting brain power (Left] Fourthclassman Heather Nelson assembles her trebuchet final project. The wooden
model taps into the history of warfare to
increase the "cool" factor of
physics lessons.
Common classroom reactions, to mental
overload, featured above, include plucking eyebrow hair, daydreaming and naps.
I Dominant photo by Rachel Boettcher, supporting photo by Arnie Spencer
The possibility of driving a
Maj. Elaine Bryant dis-
front end loader or a bull-
cusses the aeronautics
dozer is too much for C4C
major program with Cadet
Colton L. Dietrich to resist
Candidates Jazmind Hill,
so the freshman
Acacia Miller and Enicia
signs up
to major in civil engineer-
Porter during Majors’ Night
ing. I Photo by C1C Chris
Feb. 11, 2010. I Photo by
Rachel Boettcher
Cadet Candidates Jacob
Michele Fincher of
Morin and Morgan Tilong
the Department of
test their piloting skills
Behavioral Science
in a T-6 Texan flight
and Leadership holds
simulator. The two are
students at the Academy
examine. Each of the
brain for cadets to
Preparatory School,
Dean of Faculty’s 32
which prepares students
academic departments
academically, physically
held displays to help
and militarily to enter the
cadets select their
Academy. I Photo by
fields of study. I Photo
Rachel Boettcher
by Rachel Boettcher
Academy Superintendent
Capt. Jordan Hudak
Lt. Gen. Mike Gould stops
demonstrates the
to speak with Lt. Col. Max
effects of earthquakes
Despain and C4C Erin Crain
about prospective academic
ed atop soft ground to
buildings construct-
majors. Colonel Despain is
C4C Andrew Lankow
assistant professor with
Captain Hudak is an
the Department of English.
instructor with the
Cadet Crain is assigned to
Department of Civil
Cadet Squadron 38. I Photo
and Environmental
by Rachel Boettcher
Engineering. I Photo by Rachel Boettcher
ajors' Night, a semiannual event held Feb. 11 in Fairchild Hall, gave cadets who hadn't declared their field of study a chance to look into their options and make an informed decision.
Freshman, undeclared sophomores and cadet candidates from the Academy Preparatory School squeezed through crowded hallways to learn more about each of the 32 majors offered here. Instructors and guests from other Air Force bases set up exhibits
showcasing everything from trained rats to a full-scale, disassembled R2 droid, a Van de Graaff generator and a remotely piloted aircraft simulator. One of the guests was 2nd Lt. Elizabeth-Ann BuPane, a launch systems officer with the 5th Space Launch Squadron at Patrick AFB, FL. The 2008 graduate and astronautics major spoke to cadets in front of the Asfronautics Department's FalconSAT display.
"I've always been interested in space,” said Lieutenant BuPane, who was a space
operator for FalconSAT-3 and worked on the design for FalconSAT-5. "My mother worked in the space program, so coming here and working with satellites seemed like
the logical choice." Further down the hall, Michele Fincher let cadets put their hands on every zombie's favorite treat: brains. Fincher, an associate professor wifh the Behavioral Sciences and
Leadership Department, explained how an understanding of the human brain could ap-
ply to officers' careers. "Understanding the brain helps us understand things like traumatic brain injuries and how they relate to suicide, depression and anxiety disorders," she said. It's important as a
leader to have a basic understanding so they can determine, Is my Airman having
problems because he doesn't want to be in the Air Force or because he might have some sort
of brain injury?"
Cadets have until October of their sophomore year to choose a major. That
choice is a significant milestone for cadets, said C2C Vai Schierholtz, a systems engineering management major with Cadet Squadron 03. "It's a pretty big deal, because it's what you're going to be
doing for the next three years and possibly your career," Cadet Schierholtz said.
"Once you declare,
that's one way you identify yourself with other cadets. on
You have a lot going
inside your major."
SSgt. Don
Branum, USAFA Public Affairs
Spanish host mother
Senior Jacque Har-
Sehora Adoracion Go-
rier gets what might
proudly displays the
sand at the seaside
in her kitchen. The dish
beach where the ca-
features tuna a common
dets hung out almost
addition in the seaside
every afternoon.
town of Nerja. | Courtesy
Immersing themselves in the culture of Spain means
cadets learn how to shake it while salsa dancing
be too much sun and
salad she made for lunch
ORGULLO CIVICO A quiet, simple, and clean
street illustrating the
quaintness and civic pride of Spain’s small cities
Secondclassman Blake Noble has fun with
Pedestrians are
shrimp he would soon be eating as part
treated to a beauti-
of a paella cooking class at school. Food
ful view along a
preparation (and consumption)
can be one
walkway leading
of the most enjoyable ways to identify with a
to one of the many
beaches along
foreign culture.
Nerja’s coastline.
urrounded by an unfamiliar style of architecture and sense of fashion, speaking a foreign language, and trying interesting new foods is to be expected
while taking part in the Cadet Summer Language Immersion Program.
unexpected cultural difference is what left a lasting impression however during a trip to Nerja (pronounced "nair-ha").
The small city lies on Spain's Mediterranean coast in the region of Andalusia.
Nerja is home to about 22,000 very proud residents, something that was evident to 12 CSLIP students who relocated their studies there this past summer.
The familiar
cities of Colorado Springs and Denver made for an interesting contrast to the cadets'
month-long home. C2C Jade Best remembers walking to school every morning and seeing grandmothers and grandfathers outside sweeping and cleaning their doorsteps.
She re-
counts the main thing she loves about Nerja is "just how much pride everyone takes in
the town. This is the type of thing that you don’t see in big cities,” she said.
Nerja has no tall or fancy buildings, yet each shop owner and housekeeper takes great delight in making sure their property is presentable. Cadet accounts of walking to school each morning or strolling to the beach each afternoon tell of a city "beaming
with simple beauty never noticed in the large metropolises in the United States." A 30-minute walk takes travelers from one side of the city to the other with each turn telling a story; yet each story has the same element of pride residents take in
the place they call home.
The life of Nerja is in the character of its people and
the joy that they have in the simplicity of their homes explained one student's Spanish mom
during one of these walks. This is what separates Nerja from the big cities like Madrid
Nerja's civic pride left the cadets with more than a better grasp
of the
Spanish language; it
also granted them a deeper sense
of the appreciation residents have for their homes, shops and city. -
C1C Jeremy Van Driessche
Languagi mmersion
Biology professor Dr. Bob Noyd takes his students into the field for Biology 331, a study in botony. The class searches the Acad-
emy grounds for fresh
samples of a variety of local plants. | Courtesy
(Above) C1C Cary Reeves is thrilled to explain the finer points of his summer research
completed at Kirtland AFB, NM, to a willing listener in Fairchild Hall.
Biology lesson or a cost-saving way to trick cadets into pulling weeds? C1C Edison Abeyta and C2C Shannon Hart had
the opportunity to ponder this
question as they searched for
After months
C2C Joe Bledsoe
of cadet trash
signs the TriBeta
talking, “age,
membership log
skill, and a little
which notes all
treachery overcame
present and former
youth and
cadets who have
arrogance” at the
been invited to join
annual faculty vs.
Beta Beta Beta, the
firstie dodge ball
National Biology
game April 17.
Honor Society.
iology is unlike any other major
between fuzzy and techy, it requires
careful scientific thinking and a curiosity for the inner workings of life itself without much of the mechanical knowledge associated with engineering.
Strange things often occur in the biology department: in the basement of CTEF, in
the Anatomy classrooms, students dissect human cadavers and learn first-hand
about the way the body actually works. The end of the semester in botany class features an annual quest throughout
Academy grounds to find liverwort, one of the most ancient and primitive plants still around. And the department itself is brimming with celebrations of different interests
Darwin's birthday party featured a giant cake with Darwin's figure,
lectures by various professors are routine, and field trips to the Denver Zoo, the
Denver Botanical Gardens, and the Denver Science Museum are commonplace.
Although biology seems obscure for the Air Force mission, the critical thinking skills taught in the major are important and relevant to future careers as officers.
Biology department seniors are entering a variety of AFSCs, from medical careers and Air Force biologists to force support and aircrew. C1C Carol Quirindongo-Crespo already uses her biology background to
explain things to people, from "conversations about ladybugs" to being an "interpreter of the natural world." C1C Katelyn Hunter will serve as a bioenvironmental engineer, and will call on what she learned in classes such as molecular biology and microbial diversity to respond rapidly to
biological threats.
C1C Alex Paladino will need all his biology
knowledge when he goes to medical school to become an Air Force physician. But no matter the career, the seniors agree
they are prepared for the tough decisions they will make as
officers thanks to the critical thinking skills they learned in the biology department.
Vs v» ^
— *
C1C Chloe
Angello Biology
Cadets studying astro-
Vehicle signs warn
nautical engineering
against complacency.
wheel out a crated rocket to the launch pad.
carry a
couple of fire
extinguishers as well, just in case.
(Right) The rocket flies skyward as (above) launch team members track its flight from a
ground control station.
(Above) C1Cs Austin Baker and Ben Williams attach the rocket’s avionics section to its final pre-launch assembly. The mission is protected from accidental electrical and static-resistant plastic
sheeting. | Photos by John Van Winkle
propulsion section durir
discharge by blue grounding core
C1C Woody Sukut installs
Unpacking the well-
the experimental tail fins
padded rocket from
designed by scientists at the
it’s crate requires
Space Systems Research
steady hands C1C
Center at Los Angeles AFB,
Ryan Gauntt as well
as a
he Air Force Academy's latest cadet-built rocket took to the skies of Southern
Colorado April 25 to support a Department of Defense test program.
FalconLaunch 8 blasted off shortly after 11 a.m. Sunday morning from the
Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, 30 miles northeast of Trinidad, Colo. This is the latest in a series of cadet-designed and cadet-built rockets under the Department of Astronautics' FalconLaunch program. Each academic year, a new
multi-disciplinary team of senior cadets takes the two-semester capstone course and advances the FalconLaunch program a step toward the program's end goal by de-
signing and launching a new version of the FalconLaunch rocket.
This year's FalconLaunch was the first Academy sounding rocket to fly a Department of Defense
payload, said Col. Tim Lawrence, director of the Space Systems
Research Center at the Space and Missile Systems Center, which is based out of Los
Angeles AFB, CA. "FalconLaunch 8 provided 40 seconds of key data for this future system," Colonel Lawrence said. This is the first time ever that the Academy in the world
any other university
has been able to provide a launcher to deliver such data."
The ExFIT payload was an instrumented, experimental fin tip on two of the rocket's stabilizing fins, AFRL's use of the FalconLaunch vehicle gave the Air Force a
highly cost-effective testing and demonstration platform: a comparable launch through commercial or other space assets would cost millions of dollars, but using the FalconLaunch 8 as a demonstration platform only cost AFRL $10,000. The data gathered from the flight will be used to verify the fin's ability to
provide better supersonic lateral stability at high angles of attack, for possible use in
future reusable reentry space vehicle, said C1C Aaron Price. FalconLaunch 8's program manager.
The FalconLaunch program's end goal
is to
provide the Air
Force and Department of Defense with a cost-efficient, op-
erationally responsive method of delivering small fife*.
scientific and engineering payloads lower earth orbit.
John Van Winkle.
USAFA Public Affairs
^il\ t Vsi*
good tool box.
C4C Christopher Shields
C1C Bryan Hanes
(left) monitors intru-
and local student Will
into an Air Force
Mitchell take part in the
Academy cadet-oper-
Computer and Network
ated network during a
Vulnerability Assessment
Cyber-Defense Exercise
Scenario here April 2.
April 24. Cadets spent
Scenarios challenged
four days defending their
students to hunt down
systems from “attacks”
and identify system
by the National Security
weaknesses for a fic-
Agency. | Photo by Bill
tional Web site. | Photo
by Bill Evans
e-status A screen shot gives continual updates on overall system vulner-
ability during a cyber exercise. | Photo by Rachel Boettcher E-WARRIORS C3C Tyler Schultz and C1Cs Anthony Blanken-
berger, Benjamin Bruckman, Jase Garcia and
Jesse Lind gather to watch
proceedings during the National Security Agency’s
2010 Cyber Defense Exercise here April 22 | Photo .
by Rachel Boettcher
A simple keyboard and
mouse are common
need to navigate a
weapons for information
complex jungle of • a i
cables, plugs and
warfare fought in cyber-
blinking lights in
space. | Photo by Rachel
order to keep vital
computer equipment functioning.
| Photo by Rachel Boettcher
he Air Force motto is to fly, fight, and win in air, space, and cyberspace and the
Academy is stepping up to the cyber challenges facing our Airmen, our nation and our
Cadets are involved in a number of cyber-related activities to prepare them for
today's technical Air Force. They learn first-hand the threats, tools, and countermeasures to attack and defend our nation's information infrastructure.
In the classroom, and on the
"friendly fields of cyber-strife" they are getting hands-on experience preparing to fight tomorrow's battle today.
The cadet Cyber Warfare Club gathers on a regular basis to learn new techniques,
explore new tools, and hear cyber experts talk about current threats. The club set up hardware
and software in the Computer Science Cyber Warfare Range lab to get experience
with the same tools used by "hackers" attacking our nation. In the ultimate test of cadets' preparedness to counter cyber attacks in the field, cadets
take part in an annual competition with the other service academies. Cadets in the Network Defense class and the Cyber Warfare Club build and defend a computer network
against attack. The National Security Agency red team relentlessly attacks the networks to penetrate the defenses and teach students where vulnerabilities exist.
Teams score points
by maintaining computer services, such as e-mail and web site, and quickly reacting to ward off attacks.
This is an intense week-long event with a great deal of high-level visibility.
Working with and inspiring tomorrow's cyber professionals is also a part of the cadet cyber experience. University students from along Colorado's Front Range gather to comHere, students are the attackers, not
pete with cadets in a one-day vulnerability exercise.
the defenders, trying to find weaknesses in a simulated social networking system.
This year.
70 students gathered at USAFA and interacted with their peers to employ
hacking tools to "break" the system.
Teams were composed of students
from different schools, so USAFA cadets worked side by side with
their civilian school counterparts in a
real-life scenario. Research Publicity
Julie Imada, DF
(Left to right) Capt.
As part of Meteorol-
Paul Homan and
ogy 320, Introduction
C1C John Bowman,
to Meteorology and
measure the
Aviation Weather, cadets
ancy of a weather
track a weather balloon
balloon before
launched from the Ter-
launch. I Photo by
Michael Kaplan
formation. I Photo by
during noon meal
Michael Kaplan
(Above) A radiosonde equipped with a GPS, temperature, pressure, and humidity sensors is
prepared for launch as the payload of a weather balloon. I Photo by Michael
Professor of Meteorology
Capt.Paul Homan uses Magic Planet to explain to majors’ night cadets how waves
propagate similarly
in the ocean and atmo-
sphere. I Courtesy photo
A weather balloon’s
C2C Phil Cook
payload takes pic-
takes baseline
tures of the thin blue
limb of the atmo-
measurements in
sphere and the black
preparation for a
of space from an alti-
weather balloon
tude of 100,000 feet.
launch. I Courtesy
I Courtesy photo
cadets follow the path of meteorology majors.
The little known program,
shared by the Physics and Economics and Geosciences departments, averages
only 10 cadets per class year. Few would argue against its merits though, espe-
dally after living in Colorado Springs mercurial climate. "Always remember there are no bad days,' just good days with flaws. There is also can
such thing as bad weather,' only different kinds of good weather, which
sometimes kill you," said Gass of 2010 meteorology major C1C Morgan Sayes.
What's a low pressure system? When will it snow again? These questions can be an-
swered with knowledge attained in the Meteorology program. even
become amateur forecasters, accurately predicting weather up to a week out. The program's value is apparent
Meteorology majors
weather impacts execution of every Air
Cadets who do not become meteorologists after graduation still
benefit from their understanding and awareness of weather bringing a unique and desirable skill set to help accomplish the unit's mission. Courses taken within the major prepare cadets adequately for almost any job in the Air Force, especially the coveted
pilot slot. "Pilots with meteorology experience are a major step ahead of the game when going to UPT," said Capt. Paul Homan, meteorology professor. "Knowledge and under-
standing of flight weather hazards, how to read and interpret weather data, being able to picture the atmosphere in four dimensions, and a general comprehension of how the atmosphere works are all vital to a young pilot's success.” Cadets begin the Meteorology Program as sophomores
taking Meteorology 320: Introduction to Meteorology and Aviation Weather.
This course is offered as a Core Energy
Systems Option and is also a popular Academy Option, taken by cadets in a variety of majors. "I strongly believe any student going to UPT should take
this course. I've already applied the concepts I learned in Met
320 to several programs here at USAFA including the Powered Flight Program," said C1C Ryne Seeto. -
C1C Cameron Rochelle
Cadets grind away at
Timon and Pumbaa
one of their final exams.
are barely ahead of
Each test may take
Scar in the .vs the
nearly four hours to com-
Dean challenge for
plete. | Photo by Arnie
Room 3E70 in Van-
denberg Hall. Each mark represents a final taken. | Photo by Arnie Spencer Dean
History instructor Lt. Col. Michael McDermott
congratulates a cadet upon completion of his final exam.
| Photo by Arnie
C3C Kelsey Smith spends her lunch break working in a
little last-minute studying
between tests during finals week. | Photo by James A. Rush
Four years (sometimes
Wet uniforms drying
more) in the making, firsties
in dorm hallways
look forward to diving into
indicate firsties who
the Terrazzo fountains after
have cooled their jets
completing their last final exam.
in the Terrazzo foun-
| Photo byArnie
tains after completing their last final exam.
| Photo by Arnie
je sunrise
le room,
awakening cadets and
bringing forth the first day of finals. Minutes like hours, hours like days of I
studying for the first of five grueling tests, and still many months remain for
most until the final departure towards what is said to be one of the most memo-
rable feelings a cadet will experience.
Laboring to arise from the bed, muscles force themselves into action, allowing the body to finally support itself on two struggling feet.
Eyes are bloodshot, stinging
from minimal sleep. Blue clothing envelops the body, providing negligible warmth on an
unpredictably cold day in Colorado's mid-May. Only seven hours have passed through the new day and many have already
begun their long journey across the Academy's sea of marble and concrete, each trek seeming longer than the last. The only sources of energy to maintain cadet consciousness, caffeine and sugar, become valuable substances amongst those engaging in
early-morning academic battles. Biannually, the student population undergoes these trials of academic war
combating each exam for up to four days. Each hopes that after four years of
vanquishing every obstacle presented, the promised rewards will be granted, an accomplishment with which no typical human can compete.
Thoughts reel through the mind of a better place, of a normal life, until those thoughts are replaced with those who have gone before to serve a greater good. Antietam. Gettysburg. song: Fort McHenry.
Lexington. Normandy. The birthplace of the nation's sacred
Suddenly the thoughts of those willing to risk everything oblit-
erate the selfish thoughts of academic suffering.
An innate, unexplained spark of flame ignites inside the warrior; the chin and chest are raised. Descending down stairwells to the test room, he initiates battle, charging headfirst, continuing the long legacy
of spirit and pride through tempestuous struggles,
knowing this is one of many contests which will lead to his final purpose. -
C2C Michael Vetri
Finals Week
Lt. Col. Colin Tucker, Lt. Col. Paul Lambertson, Lt. Col. Chuck Wisniewski,
Col. Neal Barlow, Shirley Orlofsky, Dr. Aaron Byerley, Dr, John Pletcher,
Tom Yechout. Dr. Steve Brandt
Jerry Stermer, Lt. Col. Angie Suplisson, retired Lt. Col. Fred Porter, Martiqua Post, Maj. John Mah, Maj. Elaine Bryant. Dr. Stefan Siegel, Mr. Grant Grovenburg, Dr. Eric Stephen, Mr. Robert Decker, Ma|. Patrick Heim retired Lt. Col, Chris Seaver,
Dr. Russ Cummings, Dr. Tom McLaughlin,
Capt. Roger Greenwood, Raymond Lewis, Dr. Gary Yale, Maj. Mike Tison, Lt, Col.
Hyoung Chung, Dr. Irv Jones, Dr. Jurgen Seidel, Casey Fagley, Georg Kleber, Jeff Falkenstine, Staff Sgt. Danny Washburn, Tim Hayden, Dr. Billy Crisler, Dr. Tom Cunningham, Maj. A.J. Rolling, Capt. Dell Olmstead, Lt. Col. James Hall, Lt. Col. Ryan Osteroos, Maj. Art Cartwright, Dr. Keith Bergeron, Tech. Sgt. Chris Campbell, Steven Senator, Ken Ostasiewski
Lt. Col. Tim Lawrence,
Maj. Aaron Mainstone, Staff Sgt. Nathaniel Boyd, Capt. Dan Showalter, Capt. Mike Fiandt, Maj. Tom Joslyn Dr. Rob Brown, Dr. Jack
Anthony, Lt. Col, William Cochran, Col. Martin France, Capt. Amanda Salmoiraghi, Erin Abramson, Kwi Spinks, Capt. Chalene Eber, Maj. Tara Webster, Steve Waiss, Maj. Doug Bayley Dr. Kenneth Siegenthaler, Dr. Paul Vergez
Front row: Dr. Andy Katayama,
Dr. George Mastroianni, Col. Randy Gibb, Col. Gary Packard, Dr. Richard Harris, Dr. Juanita Firestone, Dr. Craig Foster,
Dr. Steven Samuels Second row:: Dr. Dave McCone, Dr. Michelle Butler, Maj. Crystal White, Capt. Mona Stilson, Dr. Christina Salnaitis, Dr. Lauren Scharff, Capt. Brian Webster, Lt. Col. Annette Ortiz, Lt. Col. Kim
McArthur, Capt. Peter Reiley, Dr. Jeff Dyche, Michelle Fincher, Laura Neal, Amy Singer, Capt. Christal Serrato,
Capt. Meredith Ortiz, Lt. Col. Joe Don
Looney, Capt. Jennifer Coon Back row: Capt. Bryan Calkin, Dr. Jeff Jackson, Dr. Justin Hackett, Lt. Col. Dan Watola, Maj. Rod Smith, Capt. Matt
Linford, Capt, Derek Read, Randy Torres, Dr. Wil Scott, Capt. Lome Gibson, Dr. Peggy Toldy, Cmdr. Michael Reddix
Front row: Melanie Grogger, Michelle
Wickersheim, Col. John Putnam,
Capt. Melanie Presuto, Maj. Andy McQuade, Dr. Jill McQuade, Dr. Tom Unangst
Second row: Maj. Laura Terry,
Maj. Mark Pomerinke, Lt. Col. Dan Lykins, Maj. Dave Welge Third row: Dr, Ken Sagendorf, Dr. Bob
Noyd, Dr. Dave Hale, Dr. Dave Westmoreland, Dr. Don Veverka Back row: Lt. Col. Steve Black, Maj. Tim
Zoo Keepers
e e Front row: Lt. Col. John Peak, Lt. Col. Brian Tom, Lt. Col. Mark Reimann, Dr. John
Wilkes, Dr. Donald Bird, Col. Michael Van
Valkenburg, Dr. C. Michael Lindsay, Lt. Col. Richard Schoske, Lt. Col. Tuthill, Dr. Norman Heimer
Second row: Sharon Knight-Lewis, Maj.
Tammy Low, Capt, Jeremiah Betz, Dr. Joel Cain, Capt. Nilesh Christian, Dr. Michael Krein, Dr. Richard Deans,
Ralph Hutchinson, Dr. Maria Lamb-Hall, Dr. Kimberly Gardner, Dr. Ronald Furstenau, Sandra Zingarelli, Dr. Margaret Rakowsky, Randall Ramsey, Dr. David Summers, Maj. Katherine Todorov, Capt. Tracy Clinton, Lt. Col. Robert Reiman, Dr. Lowell King, Lilibeth Austria Back row: Maj. Daniel Branan, Lt. Col. David Kent, Capt. Leslie Hall, Margaret Williams, Capt. Jessica Kashka, Cynthia Corley, Jane Johnson, Capt. Samantha Adee, Maj. Daniel Shea, Maj. Kathy Fullerton, Dr. Robert Racicotr, Dr. Barry Hicks, Dr. Kristen Fletcher, Dr. Gary Balaich
Front row: Carolyn Robinson, Lt. Col. Eric
Waters, Col. Gregory Seely, Lt. Col. Jeff Heiderscheidf, Dr. Karen Henry, Dr. Michael Hollis Second row: Capt. Theresa White,
Dr. Edel Cortez, Capt. Joe Sundy, Maj. Steven Thomas, Maj. John Christ, Maj. Anthony Barrett, Maj. Justin Morrison, Dr. Thomas Phelan, Dr. David Cole, Master
Sgt. John Agnew, Capt. Brad Bucholz Back row: Capt. Katie Augsburger, Dr. Adrian Won, John Lobdell, James
Swonger, Capt. Matthew LeBlanc, Capt. Jordan Hudak, Dr. Jim Pocock, Tech. Sgt. Patrick Start, Capt. Andy Hoisington. Not pictured: Lt. Col. Dan Derby, Maj. Nathan Kartchner, Capt. Mark Russell
e r s
Col. Dean Bushey, Dr. Martin
Carlisle, Col. David Gibson, Dr. Barry
Fagin, It. Col. Jeff Boleng Maj. Alex Ackerman, Bill McCrary, Lt. Col. Troy Weingart. 1st Lt. James Maher, Dr. Donald Kraft,
Capt. Traci Sarmiento, Maureen Harrington, Capt. Mike Henson, Dr. Leemon Baird, Del Christman, Dr. Scott
Teel, Capt. Patrick Baldwin Dr. Steve Fulton, Dr. Randall
Bower, Maj. Matthew Thomas,
Capt. Corban Bryant, Lt. Col. David Bibighaus, Capt. Paul Graham. Dr. Steve Hadfield, Dr. Dino Schweitzer
Wayr le Sideboftom, Col. Christopher Moffett, Col. Neal
Rappoport, Col. Richard L. Fullerton, Dr. Taylor Barnes, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Cook, Lt. Col. Kenneth Hart Dr. Sarah Robinson, Dr. Mary Kelly, Capt. Elizabeth Hastings, Lt. Col. James Williams, Dr. Robert Waller.
Dr. Katherine Silz-Carson, Kathleen
Calahan, Lt, Col. Len Cabrera, Danny Lt. Col. Michael
McMahon, Dr. Thomas Koehler, Lt. Col. Michael Wermuth, Capt. Nick
Mastronardi, Master Sgt. Garry Patterson,
Maj. Tobin McKearin, Lt. Col. Steve Barrows, Dr. Bruce G. Linster Dr. James West, Dr. Terrence
Haverluk, Dr. Steven J. Gordon, Ma|. Jason
Stowe, Capt. David Ratliff, Lt. Col.
Christopher Brooks, Dr. R. David Mullen
Zoo Keepers
Dr. Ken Sagendorf, Doran Snider, Daryl
Randall. Adrian Horner,
Bryan Blind, Dr. David Stockburger, Chris Snider, Jim Trumbly Debbie Vander Schaaf. Eric Jochens, Sean Maday, Jody Ritchie, Carolyn Dull, Paul Quals, Danny Portillo,
Jay Trent, Lt. Col. Brian Maue Rhonda Maffeo, Dr. Lauren Scharff, Bob
Hawley, Leo Swiontek, Steve Brodhead Sharon Richardson, Steve Luster,
Phillip Blanton, Julie Imada, Meredith Eivins, Benita
Cartwright, Lyle Thompson, Rob Wells Lt. Col. Freddie Rodriguez, Maj. Molly
Marshall, Ken Jones, Kirk Lipscomb, Pat Speer,
Daniela Trapani, Lt. Col. Nick Volpe,
Renay Reeves, Shannon McCurley, Chad Mello, Tom Lear, Steve Trapani
Larry Bryant, Lt. Col. Andy Berry, Dr. Steve Jones, Lt. Col. Mark Heredia, Col. Rob Fredell,
Dr. Rolf Enger, Dr. Terry Pierce
Dr. Daniel Pack, If. Col. Brian
Peterson, retired Brig. Gen, Alan Klayton, Col. Jeffrey Butler, retired Brig. Gen. Erlind
Royer, Lt. Col. Anne Clark, Dr. Randall Musselman Dr. Glen Dudevoir, John
Rhoades, Chad Hager, Lt. Col. Andrew Laffely, Dr. Albert Batten, Andreas Kipp. Dr. Pedro Lima, Henry Gahner, Stefan Franzen, Dr. Scott Gruber, Maj. Patrick Sweeney, Maj. Frankie Glavic, Marsha Cornett, Capt. Constance Hendrix, Capt. Willie Mims Dr. Dimitri Zarzhitsky, Lt. Col. Darren Wilson, Maj. Shane Crippen, Maj. Stephan Chastain, Jonggook Choi, Dr. Hyukseong Kwon, Matthias Gruene,
Torsten Krahn, Dirk May, Capt. Cory
Antosh, Michael Drew, Susan Elmore Not pictured Capt. Francisco Parada
Front row: Col. Tom Yoder, Maj. Kendra
Crider, Capt. Jim Mikes, Dr. John Wood, Sandra de Rusha Second row: Ben Royall, Dr. Saravanan
Arunachalam, Capt. Matt Obenchain, Dr. Dan Jensen, Master Sgt. Jon Solomon Third row: Justin Rausch, Lonn Rodine, Dr. Mike Maixner, It. Col. Andy Szmerekovsky, Dr. Jim Greer Fourth row: Lt. Col. Kevin Gibbons, Sarah
Galyon Dorman, Maj. Brian Egbert, Dr. Scott Dennis, Capt. Rob Bailey, Dr. Sandeep Shaw, Todd St. John Fifth row: Capt. Rob Vincent, Richard
Boschee, Matt Hammond, Maj. Trent Greenwell, Rob Lotz, Maj. Alan Landis, Ian
Pryce, Warner Bauer Back row: Maj. Steve Hendricks, Dr. Ed Anderson, Capt, Scott Robertson, Dr, Rob Redfield, Jesse Vickers, Maj. Tye Prater
Front row: Dr. Richard Lemp, Dr. Kerry
Linfoot, Lt. Col. Martha Despain, Danny Iberri-Shea, Dr. Wilson Brissett, Lt. Col. James Bishop, Lt. Col. David Lawrence,
Capt. Kristen Loyd, Lt. Col. Sarah Strachan, Capt. Miranda Baldwin, Maj. Doug Cunningham, Dr. Ross Gresham Second row: Dr. Lori DavisPerry, Prof. Pam Aloisa, Dr. Gina Iberri-Shea,
Capt. Tammy Gant, Maj. James Moad, Capt. Brandon Lingle, Lt. Col. Thomas McGuire, Lt. Col. Gary Mills, Dr. Ann Reagan, Mary Fordham, Prof. John Farley, Prof Donald Anderson, Capt. Constance Trent, Capt. Sonja Pasquontonio, Dr. Andrea Trocha-Van Nort Back row: Capt, Greg Dandeles, Prof. William Newmiller, Maj. Byron
Calhoun, Capt. Jesse Goolsby, Lt. Col, Richard Tatem, Jeanette Millar,
Prof. Thomas Vargish, Marsha Childers
Zoo Keepers
Starting with bottom row, left to right: Col. Dave LaRivee, Dr. Jue Wang, •
Dr. Miguel Verano, Dr. Yoshimitsu Khan,
Col. Daniel Uribe Dr. Ismenia DeSouza, Dr. Carmen Fer-
Capt. Sabine Peters, Rebecca Cota, Dr. Liz Fackelman •
Alice Meyer, Capt. Victor Lopez, Lola Helton •
Lt. Col. Dana Louie, Dr. Carolyn
Kendrick, Dr. Carole Edwards, Dr. Halimur Khan •
Angela Brehm, Dr. Lisa Van Zwoll, Dr. Katherine Moskver,
Maj. Bryan Christensen •
\Wljr 1 1 Ift
Maj. Rouven Steeves, Julien Jones,
Maj. Seth Tribett, Dr. Mamdouh El Nady Lt. Col. Tommy Peasley, Lt. Col. Richard Dabrowski, Capt. Qais Rabadi Lt. Col. Scot Allen, Lt. Col. Roland Runge, Maj. Luis Linares Dr. Jean LeLoup, Zackary Hickman, Capt. John Morash, Capt. David Berrios Dr. Salah Ffammoud, Maj. Joe Scholes, Maj. Enrique Castro Elaine Balogh, Capt. Pavel Tendetnik, David Boyd Lt. Col. Baron Savage, Capt. Eric Dittman
IL rj ■
Dr. Elias Bensalem, Victor Nell, Lt. Col.
Gregory Sarafian
Front row: Christi Westerfield, Lt. Col.
Doug Kennedy, Lt. Col. Mark
Grotelueschen, Col. Mark Wells,
Lt. Col. John Plating, Lt. Col. Ben Jones,
Dr. Jeanne Heidler Second row: Dr. Charles Dusch,
Maj. Laura Johnson, Maj. Matt Basler, retired Maj. Mike Terry, Dr. Charles Steele, Lt. Col. Mike McDermott, retired Maj. David Schlortt, Dr. John Jennings, Dr. Alan
Osur, Lt. Col. Kristine Swain, Linda Padilla,
Maj. Scott Swartsfager, Maj. Matt Rodman Back row: Maj. Jason Zimmermann, Dr. Jacob Abadi, Capt. Curtis Baack, Maj. Patrick Rayner, Maj. Wayne Magnusson, Cmdr. Steven Sprague, Lt. Col. John Donovan, Lt. Col. Paul Seeling, Maj. John Clune, Maj. Jeff Stamp, Capt. Mark Sideno Not pictured: Col. John Abbatiello, Lt. Col. Robert Carriedo, Lt. Col. Tim Matson,
Maj. Tim Peckham
Ik A ,4
{ 1
rn? ftpf
Carol Vilcek, Prof. David James Durant III, Col. Paul Col. Pamela Perry, Prof. Shelby
Ma|. Christopher Morgan Maj. D. Michael Tucker,
King, Capt. Hugh Capt. Shelly McNulty, Lynch, Capt. D. Blake Williams, Thompson, Capt. Aaron .
Johanna Astle, Prof. John Brian Gagne, Prof. W. Chad
Howard Eggers,
Gertrude Pollok, Robert Humes, Lizbeth Jones, Lynn Keskeny, Edward Scott, E. Jeanne Entze, Marie Nelson, Jin Lee,
Frances Scott
imala Santos, Sharon
Johnson, Sean Bryant, Janice Young, Karen
Millis, John Beardsley, M. Douglas Johnson, Marcia Mohn, Sandra Higel, Lynnette
Welch, Tracey Roman, Carol Becker, Trinidad Guerzon, Susan Gavagan Jill Ponti, John Ortega, Mary
Elizabeth Ruwell, Robert Cox, David
Hooker, H. Fred Haas, David Schaffter, Steven Maffeo, Joseph Barry Gail Jenkins, Ffelen Galaviz Vivian Baker, Timothy Madigar, Kelly
Merriam, Noreen Vickery, Debbie Coffey, Sandra Burgess, Michael Greco, Marie
Rapkoch, Robert Toy, Timothy Powers
Zoo Keepers
Lt. Col. Stephen Harnnon, Lt. Col. Gary Denney, Lt. Col. Steve
Leftwich, Col. Andrew Armacost,
Copt. Emily Bulger, Capt. Angelinda Fedden, Maj. Doug Patton, KC Kelly Prof. Larry Stimpert, Dr. Kevin Davis, Dr. William Jennings, Capt. Jeremiah Kirschman, Lt. Col. Carolyn
Stickell, Dr. Sally Baron, Capt. Kathy Marchesseault, Maj. Amy Meeks, Dr. Cyndy Cycyota, Dr. Rita Jordan, Dr. Claudia Ferrante, Jean Cooley, Dr, Tim Cooley, Dr. Steve Green, Lt. Col. Maureen Borgia, Lt. Col. Jennifer Wrynn
Maj. Allen Atwell, Dr. Jim Lowe, Lt. Col. Kent Halverson, Lt. Col. Brian
Walker, Capt. John Feely, Maj. Conrad Preedom, Maj. Joe Suhajda, Capt. Brian
Lemay, Dr. Dave Levy, Dr. Kurt Heppard, Lt. Col. Sharon Heilmann
Lt. Col. Brian Ralston, Dr. Mike
Brilleslyper, Lt. Col. Chris Nelson, Dr. Bradley Warner, Lt. Col. Scott Williams, Capt. Ken Horton Kimberly Swetz, Maj. Greg Steeger, Maj. Terence Kudo, Maj. James Love, Capt, Thomas Hodge, Debra Glaze. Lt. Col. Sarah Russ, Dr. Beth Schaubroeck,
Capt. Emily Knight. row
Kelly Greene, Maj. Mike Martinez, Dr. Dale Peterson, Capt. Sean Estrada, Lt. Col. Trae Holcomb, Lt. Col. Randy Redell,
Dr. Jon Epperson, Capt. Katie Guldenschuh, Lt. Col. Christy Holliday, Lt. Col. Tony
McKenzie, Dr. Julie Barnes, Dr. Michelle
Ghrist, Julieta Johnston Dr. Jim Rolf, Maj. Doug Benton,
Capt. Frank Echeverria, Capt. Scott Sigler, Lt. Col. Mike Lattanzi, Lt. Col. Mike Smith, Lt. Col. Tom Boushell, Maj. Derrick Doyle, Dr. William Kiele, Dr. Brian Winkel, Lt. Col.
Tom Slusher, Dr. Kurt Herzinger, Lt. Col. Rob Block, Capt. Jonathan Murphy, Capt. Justin Rufa, Maj. Mike Cook, Maj. Nicholas
Zeisler, Lt. Col. Steven Oimoen Dr. John Farquhar, Lt. Col. Dan
Gillespie, Lt. Col. John Modinger, Col. Thomas Drohan, Col. Ronald Machoian, Lt. Col. Mike Veneri, Dr. Dorri
Karolick, Dr. Jim Titus Lt. Col. Jerry Boone, Lt. Col. Mark Bradley, Lt. Col. Tom Swaim, Jim
Schlagheck, Lt. Col. Steve Pomeroy, Dr. Glenn Ferguson, Cmdr. Mike Peterson
(USN), Maj. Naofake Abe (JASDF), Lt. Col. Dave Christensen (USA), Sqn. Ldr. Martin Harris (RAF). Lt. Col, Eric Moody, Maj. Tara O, Dr. Brent Talbot, Dan Yinger, Judy Saunders, Glenna Linton Lt. Col. Patrick Donley, Maj. Dean Hagadorn (USA), Don Smith
e e
e r s Front row: Col. James Cook, Capt. Kelly
McPherson, Dr. Rhonda Smith, Dr. James Reid Second row: Jesse Carter, Tennille
Thorne, Dr. Carl Ficarrotta, Dr. James Carey Back row: Maj. Mark Swiatek, Dr. Carlos
Bertha, Dr. Leonard Kahn, Capt. Will Caudill, Capt. Mike Growden.
Front row: Dr. Brian Patterson, Lt. Col.
George York, Dr. Francis Chun, Lt. Col. Michael Gauthier, Col. Rex Kiziah, Dr. Richard Cook, Lt. Col. Kenneth Blumen-
berg, Dr. Lon Enloe, Lt. Col. Anthony Franz Second row: Capt. Justin Spring, Mark Mayer, Dr. Devin Della-Rose, Capt. Christopher Charles, Capt. Kirk Olson, Lt. Col. Steven Novotny, Capt. Francesco Echeverria, Bridget McGrath, Dr. Heidi Mauk, Dawn Gagnon, Dr. Michael Dearborn, Dr. Gabriel
Font-Rodriguez, Dr. Roger Tippets, Maj. Robert Lee, Rebecca Lickiss, Capt. Jessica Hewitt, Maj. Clayton Pflieger Back row: Capt. Evelyn Schumer, Capt. Paul Homan, Dr. Chad Carlson, Dr. Yalin Lu, Dr. Fredrick Kontur, Dr. Michael Shaffer, Martin Johnson,
Francis Pummer, Dr. Thomas Eller, Dr. Gregor Novak, Maj. Thomas Jost,
Maj. Anthony Dills, Duane Dunlap, David Hemlock
Zoo Keepers
(Right] Anna Lowe advances the ball with a
head shot. The freshman defender start-
ed four games for the Falcons this season.
(Above] Silver boxer Bailey Ball, above,
jabs Dan Starr in the Wing Open March 4 in Clune Arena.
Ball and other winners
went on to represent the Academy at the
National Collegiate Boxing Association Re-
gionals in San Francisco. I Dominant photo by Arnie Spencer, supporting photo by C2C Nick Debarmore
Pi 1
enior first-baseman Addison Gentry made
The Falcons clawed their way back and
his last at bat in an Air Force baseball
eventually took an 18-12 lead after a 10-run sixth
uniform count. His two-run homer in the
inning. The Falcons racked up eight hits in the in-
eighth inning broke up a 18-18 tie and helped lift
ning, capped by a three-run homer by Custons.
the Falcons to a 22-19 win over BYU in a windy
The Cougars rallied back however, scoring
slugfest in the season finale at Falcon Field. The
two in the seventh and four in the
Falcons conclude the 2010 season with a 13-42
up at 18-18.
overall record and 3-20 mark in Mountain West
Conference play.
eighth to tie it
Falcon starting pitcher Alex Truesdale
pitched six-plus innings, striking out five in his
With a steady wind over 30 miles-per-hour
final start. Truesdale became the MWC’s innings
blowing out to left-center field, with gusts of 40-
pitched leader, with 328.2 career innings pitched.
45 mph. the two teams combined for 49 hits-18
It was the final game for five Air Force
for extra base—including five home runs. In a see-saw battle. Air Force finally took
seniors. Matt Alexander, Ben Ausbun, Addison
Gentry, K.J. Randhawa and Alex Truesdale were
control of the game in the eighth inning. With
honored before the start of the game. It was also
the score knotted at 18-18, Gentry drilled an 2-0
the final game for head coach Mike Hutcheon,
fastball from BYU’s Kevin Sloan (9-1) into a
who back in April, announced his resignation ef-
heavy cross-wind and over the tall fence in right
fective at the end of the season.
the school and conference with 15 triples.
named to the 2010 Louisville Slugger Freshmen
the inning. BYU scored a run in the ninth and got the
game-tying run up to the plate, but Sean Carley
All-American Team, as chosen and announced
today by Collegiate Baseball. Custons, a native of Sarasota, FL, had one
(3-5) was able to strike out the side in the ninth to earn the win. Carley struck out six in three in-
of the best freshmen seasons ever at the Academy,
nings of relief.
batting .328 with nine home runs and 64 RBIs.
Air Force racked up 24 hits in the game.
He also led the Mountain West Conference with
Matt Alexander and Nathan Carter had four hits
16 stolen bases. Custons set Air Force freshman
for the Falcons and K.J. Randhawa, Addison Gen-
records for at bats (232), hits ( 76 ), RBIs, sacrifice
try, Garrett Custons and Alex Bast had three hits.
bunts (6) and total bases (133). His 64 RBIs is a
Carter homered and tripled, scoring three
driving in three. He ended the season
MWC freshman record and is fifth at the Acad-
Alexander drove in four runs and finished the
24 at catcher. Despite just 24 starts behind the
season with a
plate, Custons threw out 14 base runners attempt-
BYU led 9-3 early on, highlighted by a second inning.
Matt Roberts turns a double play at second base
against San Diego State at Falcon Field. The freshman infielder turned 36 double plays this season.
categories. He started 29 games in right field and
team-high 80 base hits.
Turning Two
emy. Custons ranked in the MWC top 10 in seven
with 11 triples, the second-most in school history.
Carter rounds second with eyes on third base, He led
Freshman outfielder Garrett Custons was
center. Air Force went on to add two more runs in
runs and
Legging it Out
ing to steal, good for a 48.3 percent throw-out rate.
At the Helm
Head coach Jeff Reynolds just com-
pleted his third season at Air Force. Reynolds, who served as an assistant coach with the Falcons for two seasons before his promotion to head coach on
April 17, 2007.
enior Grant
games this season and led the team in points (318),
arker was
rebounds (145) and assists (94). He scored a career-
Awarded the
high 23 points in AFA’s 70-63 win over Wyoming at
top honor at the men’s
Clune Arena on Jan. 30 and tied his career-best with
basketball awards
seven assists
banquet. Parker won the Bob Spear Award, given to
in that game.
Seniors Mike McLain and Avery Merriex
the student-athlete that is outstanding in all areas of
shared the Falcon Award, given to the players that
academics, athletics and military performance. There
gave 100 percent regardless of their situation and
is no higher honor for a men’s basketball player at
place on the team. McLain, a center from Portland,
Air Force.
Ore., played in 30 games this season and started 28
Parker, from Aurora, CO, finished second on
of them. He scored a career-high 25 points against
the team with 267 points despite missing 10 games
Texas-Pan American and pulled down a career-best
with a stress reaction in his pelvis, but led the team
nine rebounds vs. UC Davis. McLain averaged 2.9
by averaging 12.7 points per game and tied for third
points and 2.2 rebounds in 61 career games for Air
with 92 rebounds. The 6-8 forward scored a career-
high 26 points in the season opener against Western
Merriex, meanwhile, started the first 12 games
State, the most points by a Falcon in a season-open-
of his senior season before missing a pair of games
ing game since 1997. He also produced two double-
due to a concussion and broken nose. The 6-2 guard
doubles during his senior campaign, against Charles-
from Denver, CO, averaged two points and one re-
ton Southern (25 points, career-high 11
bound this season and was a valuable point guard off
and Missouri State (15 points, 10 rebounds).
Parker, who played 66 games in his career and
the bench following his injury. Merriex, who played
in 70 career games for Air Force, scored a career-
started 23, will share the team’s most valuable player
high nine points against Western State as a junior and
for the ‘09-10 season with junior Evan Washing-
pulled down a personal-best four rebounds in this
ton. Washington was the only Falcon to start all 31
year’s season opener against Western State.
(Above) Evan Washington scores on a break-awa\ dunk against San Diego State.
Washington led the
Falcons in scoring this season with 318 points. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
Tipping Point Todd Fletcher goes up to
tip the ball to a teammate during a non-conference match up with North Carolina Central Univer-
sity. The Falcons cruised to a 61 -49 win over the
Fast Falcon
(Left) Tyler Stewart drives past UNLV’s Tre'Von Willis. The sophomore from Lexington, KY, played
in 16 games this season, while starting in seven.
Splitting the Difference
(Right) Shawn Hempsey brings the ball up court against two UNLV defenders.
Men's Basketball
Beck in Business
(Right) Junior Raimee Beck drives the lane and looks to pass the ball off to her teammate.
1 Photos by
Arnie Spencer
Best Defense
Candice Chase ap-
plies some pressure to a Denver
player. Chase will be one of three
seniors next season
for the Falcons.
Under Pressure Katie Hilbig looks
for an open teammate to pass to during a
home contest against
Denver University.
The forward from Castle Rock, CO, led all freshmen with 81 rebounds this season.
ir Force junior guard Kaimee Beck
named to the Mountain West
Conference 2009-10 Women’s Bas-
with six assists vs. UNLV. season
motion honprs. In addition, the
with 106 assists on the season. Her
205 career assists ranks fourth overall.
ketball AlkConferen^fc Team. Beck earned
Earlier this season, she dished out a
career-high 12 assists against Colorado State
junior was named team MVP for the second-
consecutive year as well.
est total by a Falcon.
Beck led Air Force in scoring, averag-
ing 13.5 points per game. The Blackfoot,
She finished the
Jan. 9. The 12 assists is the second high-
It was Gault’s third
double-digit assist game in her AFA career. With nine freshmen, Air Force had one
ID. native scored 405 points on the season,
of the youngest teams in the nation. The
setting team record (all accomplishments
Falcons got significant contributions from
are from
the Division I era unless otherwise
in both minutes played and percentage of
games for the Falcons. She also led the
points scored.
letterwinners for the 2010-11 season. Senior
per game. Beck became the first junior to
Kathleen Schjodt is the lone player to gradu-
reach 1,000 career points and the 12th Fal-
ate from the 2009-10 squad.
in school history. She currently ranks
third with 1,044 career points.
The Lady Falcons will have a new head coach next season as Ardie Mclnelly
Sophomore point guard Anna Gault
will not return next season, according to an
ranked fifth in the MWC in assists averaging
announcement from Director of Athletics
4.2 per game. Gault is already third all-time
Dr. Hans Mueh.
in assists at Air Force.
her ninth season as head coach at Air Force
Gault surpassed the 100 assist mark
Beck was second on the team in steals with 38.
Air Force returns four starters and 15
free-throws made, attempted and minutes
(Above) Beck steals the ball from an Adams State player.
the freshmen, ranking top 10 nationally
noted). The team co-captain started all 30
team in rebounding, three-point baskets,
Going the Other Way
Mclnelly just completed
where she had a 57-201 record.
Laying it In (Below) Alicia Leipprandt scores on a
lay-up against
the University of Wyoming.
Leipprandt was third highest in scoring for the Falcons
with 7.5 points per game.
Women's Basketball
Mizes Matters
Michael Mizes (Silver)
slips a fast jab to William Peterson’s cheek. Mizes
pounded his opponent for three rounds, forcing stand-
ing eight-counts in each, en route to a unanimous
decision and his seventh win of the year.
Andrew Pineda were uncontested winners in the Wing
best of sophomore Nick Cataldo, last year’s Outstand-
Open March 4.
ing Boxer. Hall improved to 7-1 with the judges’ selec-
Held in Clune Arena, the championships gave 18 Air Force boxers their opportunity to earn one of nine
remaining spots
on the Falcons’
national team.
tion after a well-planned, aggressive bout.
Sophomore Mike McLain defended his title at 175 pounds, decisioning classmate Spencer Baucke.
Senior Sam Sheppard, making his collegiate
debut, raced out at first bell to claim the 125-pound title. His quickness and hard-hitting overcame freshman
McLain's NCBA All-American experience was evident as he controlled the
pace and kept Baucke on the ropes.
Junior Will Keuchler came out swinging from the
Vicente Vasquez. After three standing eight counts in
first bell of his 185-pound bout with classmate
the opening round, the referee stopped the bout.
Howard. Howard absorbed shots after shot,
Junior Michael Mizes toed the line with freshman William Petersen in the 132mound bout. Mizes forced r, connecting on several
causing the
referee to call a standing eight count in each round and Keuchler earned a unanimous decision. The final bout featured the “big
boys” between
Despite a standing eight
heavyweights junior Mike Chambers and senior Rich-
ve up and battled to
ard Meldrum. Both traded body
the bout to year. Starr re
punches until Cham-
bers gained the upper hand midway
through the bout.
Meldrum fought back though, but Chambers received the judges’ decision.
(Above) Daniel Starr (Silver) hammers into Bai-
ley Ball in the 139-pound bout. The Blue boxer answered with a furious earn the
response though to
Wing Open title and Outstanding Boxer
Award. I Photos by C2C Nick DeBarmore
Dunn At Last
Chambers Chin Music
(Left) Mike Chambers (Blue) busts fellow heavy-
weight Richard Meldrum square on the nose. Meldrum fought back but Chambers still came out on
top in a judge’s decision. Silvio Success
(Right) Joe Silvio earned his first Open title defeating Tyrus Korecki in the 156-pound bout.
Smiles Everyone
(Above) Members of the Air Force Pom Squad Alicia
Quaco and Jessica White strut their stuff at a basketball
game at Clune Arena.
In the National Spotlight
Meghan Martinez with Colton Floyd and Alicia Fleshntan with Andrew KacuraMiller demonstrate balance and strength during the taping of ESPN's College
Gameday at the Academy. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
le Air Force
Spirit Program consists of four teams.
There are
men’s and women’s basketball games.
The team also traveled to Wash-
and made their first
two cheer squads, Blue and Silver, and the Pom and Mascot
ington D.C. to cheer at the Navy football game
teams. Each team works from August to March supporting
appearance at the MWC Basketball Tournament. The Mascot team went non-stop all year!
spoij|i and other Academy events. An exciting visit from ESPN’s Col-
Appearing at as many as
lege GameDay highlighted the Blue Cheer and Pom teams prior to the
10 events a week during the busiest times, the Bird entertained Air Force
Army win.
fans of all ages during the summer as well as the academic year.
The Blue Cheer squad began the year practicing twice a day dur-
ball, basketball, volleyball, hockey, and all the other sporting events the
ing transitions week and then attended a private cheer camp where they
Bird attends didn’t keep Air Force’s beloved mascot from competing in
received Superior awards as well as an automatic bid to National Cheer-
the NCA National Collegiate Mascot competition for a second year.
leading Association Nationals. Traveling to all the away football games
The Silver Cheer team, consisting of eleven four degrees, didn’t
including the Armed Forces Bowl game kept them busy throughout the
have much time to get settled before they began working tailgates and
Spring semester wrapped up with a trip to Las Vegas for the Moun-
tain West Conference Men’s and Women’s basketball tournament.
Fanfest during football season. The squad cheered during the spring at women’s basketball games as well. The team loses some valuable members this year to graduation, but
Air Force Poms had a very busy season. At their private camp,
they received all Superior awards and received an automatic bid to NCA Nationals as well.
They spent their year dancing at home football, and
like every year the Spirit Program will continue to showcase its talent around USAFA and the country.
Silver Spirit Shines
(Right) Silver team captain Samantha Stibick shows her team spirit
during a women’s
basketball game at Clune Arena.
Pom Team Represents at Nationals At their private camp, the Air Force Pom Team received all Superior awards and received an automatic bid
to national
Jessica White and KaiCheerleading Association Nationals as well. Front row: Rachel Mamroth. Danielle DePaolis, tlin Bibeau. Micia
Back row: Kinder McCullough. Victoria Wyler, Stephanie Martin, Jessica Drewicz, Amanda
uaco (team
captain), Kimberly Flopkin, Karolyn Capes, Regina
C audill,
Loucks and Sarah Thomas.
Getting a Leg Up Justin Tyner placed third at the Mountain West Conference Cross Country Cham-
pionships with a time of 23:45.
unior Justin Tyner
a career-best time
of 26:15 to place 32nd.
clocked a career-best
Sophomore Ryan Del Grosso finished 38th with
time of 23:45 to place
a time of
27:00, while classmate Nick White
third at the 2009 Mountain
rounded out the Air Force contingent with a
West Conference Cross
45th-place time of 27:50.
Country Championships Oct. 31, in Orem, UT.
On the women’s side, freshman Jen
With all five scoring runners placing within the
Bremser had a stellar showing at her first con-
top-25, the Falcons finished third in the team
ference championship meet, pacing the Falcons
standings. The women picked up an impressive
with a 20th-place finish. Clocking a career-fast
fourth-place finish in the team standings, as
time of 22:36, Bremser became the first fresh-
four of the five scoring runners placed within
man to pace the women this season.
the top 30.
the best finish for an Air Force female since Ni-
Finishing just 10 seconds off of the meet
It is also
cole Graham finished eighth at the 2005 meet.
winner, Tyner’s first-team all-conference per-
Bremser paced four Falcons to top-30
formance was the Falcons’ best individual fin-
placements, helping Air Force to its best team
ish since Nick Wilson placed second at the 2005
finish since 2004.
meet. The junior was one of two Air Force runners to earn
all-conference selections, as senior
Junior Katherine Ward crossed the finish
line in a season-best time of 22:43 (22:43.2)
Zach Nordahl placed 13th with a season-best
time of 24:42. It is the second consecutive year
that Nordahl has claimed all-conference second-
Senior Katie Lynch clocked a 6K time of 22:49
team honors, as he finished
to finish seventh. Freshman Kate
14th last year.
Sophomore Jonathan Rock matched his
place 23rd, while sophomore Auriele Fain right on her heels at 22:43.5 to finish 24th.
rounded out the scoring members of the Air
career-best time of an even 25 minutes to place
Force squad, as she recorded a
19th, while classmate James Walmsley finished
time of 23:15 to finish 37th.
21st with a time of 25:14. Senior Andy Sch-
Sophomore Meghan Prinkey finished
weitzer rounded out the Falcons’ five scoring
right behind Kanetzky with a 38th-place time of
(Above) Members of the women's team break
23:18, while senior Brittany Morreale, compet-
rado at Colorado
a career-best time of
ing in her first 6K race of the season, finished
Jeremy Drenckhahn and finished back-to-back, as the course at Cascade Golf
1st and Small posted
46th with a time of 24:04. Also
competing in
her first race at that distance was freshman Me-
lissa Fuerst, who finished 51st in 24:21 to round out the Air Force runners.
The Start of Something Big
from the starting line at the
University of Colo-
Springs Rust Buster Invitation
al meet Sept. 4. The women took first place out
of eight teams at the meet. I
Courtesy photos
Breaking Away (Left) Zach Nordahl (No. 143) and James Walmsley (No. 153) lead the pack at the UCCS Rust Buster Invitational meet. Nordahl finished second overall and Walms-
ley took sixth.
Newcomer Makes First Start
(Above right) Freshman Jeremy Drenckhahn makes his first appearance in organized competition for the Falcons the Rust Buster.
Ally’s Alone (Lower right) Ally Romanko finds it lonely at the top of the Rust Buster. Shewas the Falcons’ top finisher, clocking a 4K time of 15:29.
Cross Country
Making Some Adjustments Senior Jen Nolta talks with one of the assistant coaches
during a recent home meet,
olta was named one of the team's most valuable fencers.
Daniel Fang makes some adjustments to his a meet in the West Cadet
equipment prior to the start of
Sharpening Skills
I Members of the Academy’s Fenc-
ing Team practice in the West Cadet
^ Gym. The team spends more than [ 20 hours a week honing their skills. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
Academy’s fencing team
regular season on at the North
.M. Cup in Virginia Beach, VA,
f Three Falcons competed in the Men’s Foil
Division I individual event: juniors Nicholas
first round of DE competition and defeated his
Stockdale and Daniel Fang, and sophomore Phil-
first opponent, 15-14, before losing to Adam
lip Choy. Stockdale was the Falcons’ top finisher
Rodney, 12-15.
p in the event, placing 31st out of 170 compedi tors. i
Fang and Choy finished 114th and 135th,
Senior Peter French was the Academy’s
2010 Outstanding Athletic Achievement Award
recipient. Seniors Michael O’Connor and Jen-
respectively. Stockdale and Choy both had a 2-4 record
record in pool play. He earned a bye during the
in pool play, and earned spots in direct elimi-
nation or DE competition. Fang finished 1-4
nifer Nolta were named the team’s Most Valuable Fencers Award honorees. French was one of the fencing program’s
in pool play and did not make the cut for DE
most successful athletes. During his four-year ca-
competition. Choy lost his first DE bout 6-15.
reer, French, a native of Austin, TX, has brought
1 Stockdale pulled off a 15-6 upset of the 24th
sportsmanship recognition to the Academy and to
seeded competitor, Lucas Lin, during his first
the program as the 2007-08 MWC Hal Rothman
DE bout. He defeated his next opponent 15-13
Sportsmanship Award and NCAA Sportsmanship
I before losing to David Willette from Penn State
Award recipient. French is the program’s highest
ranked fencer in the U.S. Fencing Association
University, 5-15. “Stockdale had two very good victories
point standings (fifth). He is a three-time NCAA
in the DE competition to put himself in the top
Men’s Epee All-American and earned honors as
32,” said head coach Abdel Salem. “He lost his
a NCAA All-West
concentration during the last bout, which cost
At the 2010 NCAA Men’s and Women’s Fenc-
Poise and Pride
Region selection three times.
him the victory. But I am proud of him since
ing Championships, he won the silver medal in
it is his best result for the season. Overall, we
men’s epee.
fenced very well during the three-day touma-
nior team leader. While here he earned all-region
her to. She was tough, strong and focused. Her
honors four times amassing a 105-89 collegiate
final bout was against U.S. Olympian Kelley
record. He is a four-time MWC Scholar Athlete
Hurley, which was a very tough match up.”
in astronautical engineering (2006-2009). He
The previous day, the team wrapped up
has received the team’s outstanding academic
Trapani posted the top result for the Falcons
performance award four times. Nolta was the 2010 women’s team captain.
in Division 1 Men’s Epee, placing 34th out of
She took the women’s epee team to a combined
218 competitors. Freshman Nathan Sorensen
57 wins at both the Brandeis and Duke meets.
finished 125th and sophomore Benjamin Rin-
She concluded her Academy career with five
aldi finished 153rd. Freshman Heather Nelson
top-10 finishes at the Nick Toth Open, the Falcon Open, the New Mexico Open and the Amarillo
was the Falcons’
lone competitor in Division 1
Women’s Saber, finishing 37th. She posted a 3-3
She finished second at
the Falcon open this season.
O'Connor was the Falcons’ men’s saber se-
ment. (Simone) Barrette fought as we expected
day two of competition at the as junior Daniel
Simone Barrette is one of the underclassmen that will return to the team next season.
Sportsmanship Above All Ben Rinaldi shakes hands with his oppenent at the
conclusion of a match.
ore ix interceptions powered Air Force to'a
^i(J^^47-20 win
over the
University of Houston
F^^^Cougars in the Armed Forces Bowl Dec. 31 in Fort Worth, TX.
Thanks in part to the Falcon offensive line, Air Force set an Armed Forces Bowl record with 402
Tew hammered his way in from six yards out.
The Falcons got all the points they would need when Tim Jefferson optioned to Clark for the
The 2009 Armed Forces Bowl was Air
Squaring off with the Cougars
37-yard-line. A few plays later, fullback Jared
team’s third touchdown. The tailback ran right
Force’s third trip to the bowl game in as many
and crossed the goal line to up the score to 21-3
years, and turned out to be a rematch that pitted
after the extra point.
Air Force’s No. 1-ranked passing defense against
Houston answered with a 33-yard field goal
Houston’s No. 1-ranked passing offense. And it
by Hogan, but Air Force’s Erik Soderberg matched
was the defense that won this
that for a 24-6 halftime score.
yards and 563 total offensive yards.
battle, ending six
Houston drives with interceptions and limiting the Cougar offense to only four of 10 third-down
the goal line for a TD in the second half. This was
the Falcons’ first kickoff return for a touchdown
“We were outplayed today by Air Force,”
Tim Jefferson and Michael Hampton celebrate another
Falcon touchdown.
it against Utah in 1985. That was 297 games ago,
think there’s any doubt about that. They had
and the longest streak of going without a kickoff
the number one pass defense in the country and
return for a TD in the
areas.” The Falcons racked up two scores on their
Jefferson scored on a quarterback keeper
following his senior offensive line’s push and Tew broke into the end zone for Air Force’s final score.
first two possessions, with their run-heavy triple-
Clark earned the MVP trophy, “but this
option attack, and larger-than average number of
could go to the entire team,” said Falcon Head
Coach Troy Calhoun. “The ultimate team place is
Falcon Asher Clark ran for an early touch-
is defensive unit onto
since the now-retired Lt. Col. Scott Thomas did
said Houston head coach Kevin Sumlin. “I don’t
showed it today. We were a little off, frankly in all
New Year’s Party
Jonathan Warzeka returned a kickoff from
Air Force football. The best stuff these guys will
down to put Houston in an 0-7 hole when it first
ever do is ahead of them
took the ball. Air Force’s passing defense gained
try. This was just a terrific all-around effort across
the upper hand on a pass deflection which was
the board. These guys fought hard and played
intercepted by Falcon defensive back Anthony
well. The third time here was a charm!”
Wright. His grab made it Falcon football at their
Van Winkle. USAFA Public Affairs
in service to their coun-
In the Eye of the Storm
(Left) Senior John Falgout zeroes in on Houston Cougar quarter-
back Case Keenum.
tallied six solo tackles and three
assisted takedowns. I Photos by Bill Evans
Running Away with it Jared Tew breaks free from
Houston linebacker Marcus MeGraw. Tew set an Armed Forces Bowl record with 173 rushing
yards on the day.
High Stepping Asher Clark notches more of his 129 rushing yards.
Force was in rare company
during the 2009 bowl season. The Falcons and the national
champion Alabama Crimson Tide were the only two teams to have two
100-yard rushers
in a bowl game.
Armed Forces Bowl Game m
Dual Threat
(Above) Tim Jefferson came up big against Army throw-
ing for 131 yards and one touchdown while rushing for another score. He has an axe to grind with Navy
The midshipmen stymied him allowing a combined 52
rushing-passing yards. Back for More
(Right) Kyle Halderman is back for the 2010 campaign
after missing most of last season due to
injury. He’ll
look to be a bigger part of the Falcons’ CINC trophy effort after toting the ball once versus
Army and missing the
Navy game.
The 12th Man The Academy’s high-octane fan base, Section 8, plays an
integral part of the Falcons’ success in Falcon Stadium.
TfcfW^alcon hearts broke JL
needed only a split to retain the prize. An-
following the battle for the Com-
napolis has held the trophy since 2003. The
mander-in-Chief’s Trophy as Navy
midshipmen’s 12 CINC wins are still second Army has taken the
retained the top prize between the service
the Air Force’s 16.
trophy only six times. The Falcons matched Navy score for
“Any time you play Army, any time
in regulation play.
Air Force’s Antho-
you play Navy, there’s more than a little
bit of ‘want to’ that’s involved with all the
ny Wright returned an interception 67 yards
participants,” said Air Force Head Coach
Troy Calhoun.
“There’s always plenty of
equal Navy’s lone touchdown and kicker
Erik Soderberg was good from 27 and 39
stir and inspired play that’s involved in these
yards. The final score came as time expired.
Navy notched its third field goal in overtime
Air Force fell four points short from
but Air Force’s kick was wide left.
reclaiming the CINC Trophy after its grid-
Wright turned in another big play
iron battles with Navy and Army in 2009.
against Army, this time an 88-yard punt re-
The Falcons 16-13 loss to the midshipmen
turn for touchdown.
Oct. 3 in Annapolis, MD, was the difference
Falcon success in a first half that ended 7-7. In the second half, Asher Clark scored
maker. Both teams handled Army easily,
His score was the only
36- and 8-yard runs. Tim Jefferson ran
although Air Force’s 35-7 home win was
it in from the 2-yard line and threw and 73-
arguably more impressive than Navy’s 17-3
yard TD pass to Kevin Fogler.
victory at West Point. Navy, as the reigning trophy holder,
“That second half, we came out on
fire,” said Clark.
James A. Rush Settling the Bet (Far right) Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley
exchanges jerseys with of the Navy Ray Mabus conclusion of the game,
by C1C Luke Connolly Tew Much for Navy
(Right) Jared Tew stiff ai ms a
Navy defender. He beat for 102 rushing yards notched 89 all purpose
against Navy.
Football CINC
Sure Handed
Jonathan Warzeka sprints after hauling in one of his 18 catches for 2009.
Warzeka was second in both receptions and yards
(246). I Photo by Amie
J|J|aur Academy
^ seniors raked in the team's highest honors at the Falcons'
awards banquet. Senior Ben Garland took home two of the top awards when he was
Troy Calhoun. “We completely back Ben's priorities of earning his commission as an Academy
graduate, serving as a fine officer in the world’s best Air Force, and in the future, pursuing a pos-
sible opportunity to play in NFL regular season and playoff games.” Peter Lusk earned the offensive MVP
named the recipient of the Brian Bullard Award
and the team’s overall MVP for the 2009 season.
tion while leading an offensive line that was one
Additionally he was named second-team
He was a second-team all-MWC selec-
of the strengths of the team. Air Force won its
all-Mountain West Conference while leading the
26th conference rushing title in 2009, while fin-
team in sacks with 4.5 and tackles for loss with
ishing third nationally in rushing with an average
10.5. He ranked ninth in the MWC in tackles for
of 283.5 yards per game.
loss with .81 per game and had at least one TFL
Chris Thomas helped lead one of the top
in nine of 13 games this season. Garland also
defenses in school history en route to earn-
blocked two kicks to lead the team. The Bullard
ing the team's defensive MVP. An honorable
Award, established in 1984 and voted on by the
mention all-MWC selection. Thomas recorded
football team, is based on the criteria that typifies
a team and
the late Brian Bullard
unselfishness, 110 per-
loss and two interceptions vs. Houston in the
cent effort, total team commitment and pride in
Armed Forces Bowl. He was second on the
his role on the team whether he’s a starter or not.
team in
The Air Force senior defensive lineman
season-high 12 tackles, a tackle for
interceptions with five and closed his
career with
18 career turnovers (8 INT, 3 FF, 7
also signed a professional contract with the
FR). He capped off his senior season by being
Denver Broncos, according to an announcement
selected to play in the 85th-annual East-West
made April 27 by the National Football League.
Shrine Game at the Florida Citrus Bowl in
Garland is required by Department of
Orlando, Jan. 23. Punter Brandon Geyer, was
Defense policy to serve at least 24 months active
named the special team’s MVP and was an hon-
duty before applying for an early release. If
orable mention all-MWC selection. He finished
granted, his remaining three years of active duty
fourth in the MWC and 24th
will be served in the reserves for a period of six
ing with a 43.0 average. He led the conference
and was sixth nationally in net
Ben, like so many young men football players, also to one day
play in the National
Air Force Head Coach
nationally in punt-
punting with a
39.5 average.
Geyer earned MWC player of the week honors vs. Army while averaging 48.2 six punts, including a 46.7 net
yards on
Reaching the Goal (Above) Kyle Halderman reaches for the comer
pylon to score a touchdown against Colorado State. I Photo by C1C Chris Hunter
Connor Dietz reads through the coverage to toss a pass to one of his receivers. etz and Tim Jefferson
the quarterbacking duties
during the 2009 season and could again for the upcom-
ing campaign. Amie Spencer
Charging out of the Gate (Left) The Falcons take the field for the home opener against Nichols State a game Air Force won 72-0.1 Photo
by Amie Spencer
Wright on Time (Lower right) Anthony Wright returns an inter-
ception. His seven interceptions are the third most in a single season at Air Force and most
since 1992. The feat earned him a selection to
the Mountain West Conference second team in
2009.1 Photo by Arnie Spencer
Football Regular Season
I Photo by
Whitney’s Winning Ways Senior Tom
Whitney rewrote the Falcon Golf Record Book dur-
ing his four years on the team.
I Photos by Amie
Belz Belts One Robert Belz tracks
his tee shot during a home match at
the Academy’s
Eisenhower Golf
Course. Belz finished 19th at the Mountain West Conference Tournament.
anwhile, Caleb Leestma and Kyle
e Air Force g
placing sixth at
Bailey each turned in their best rounds of the
the 2010 Mountain West Conference
tournament on Saturday before placing 38th
est MWC finish ever
Championship. The event was held at the 1
par-7 !, 7,144-yard Catalina Course at OMNI
and tied for 41st, respectively. In the final collegiate event of his career,
Tucson National. The Falcons turned in their
Whitney finished tied for 39th place at the
best round of the tournament on the final day,
2010 NCAA Men’s Golf Southwest Regional
firing a 291 to finish at 887 (+35).
Championship, being held at the par-72,
The Falcons’ previous best finish at the Mountain West Conference Championship was in
2002, when they placed seventh in the
7,360-yard Carlton Oaks Golf Course. Whitney, one of 10 participants in the regional competing as an individual, shot a
4-over-par 75 in the final round to bring his
eight-team league. Sophomore Robert Belz was the top
tournament score to 226 (+10). Whitney ends
finisher for the Falcons, tying for 19th overall
his Air Force career as one of the most deco-
with a three-round score of 217 (+4) after fir-
rated golfers in school history.
ing a 72 in his lasts round. Freshman Andrew
A finalist for the Byron Nelson Award,
pi Hoops, who also shot a 72 in the final round,
Whitney was a two-time All-Mountain West
■ was next in the individual
standings, tying for
K 26th place at 221. Senior Tom Whitney, the Falcons’ ■ leader
throughout the season, struggled on the
Conference selection and two-time qualifier to the NCAA Regionals. He also holds numerous
school records, including lowest tournament scores for
18 holes (64), 36 holes (133) and
^ final day of competition before finishing the
54 holes (200), as well as lowest season stroke
■ tournament tied for 31st place overall at 225.
average (71.7, during the 2009-10 season).
Approaching the Finish Kyle Bailey hits his approach shot to the 12th green at Eisenhower. He placed first at
the Service Academy Golf Classic.
Lining it Up Travis Deckert lines up his putt. Deckert’s best finish was at the Service Academy Golf
Classic, where he finished tied for 12th
'■Tighlighted by junior Nash Mills’ na-
®«^=>*^tional title in the all-around and
a team
emy record score of 14.800 to place first on the
pommel horse, while classmate James Okamoto
r *
score of
342.350, the 12th-ranked Air
scored a career-best 14.600 to finish third. Junior
Force men’s gymnastics claimed its first-ever
Dan Klimkowski finished fifth with a 14.100,
USA Gymnastics national title March 26, at the
while senior Garrett Canter tied for sixth with a
Academy’s Cadet West Gym. The Falcons bet-
tered the field by more than seven points.
Mills tallied a 14.650 to finish first, while Klim-
Lining up the Competition (Below) The teams line up prior to the start of the USAG Championships hosted by the Academy in the Cadet Field House.
Mills tallied a combined score of 85.450
kowski scored a 14.400 to place second. Sopho-
to tie for first in the all-around with William
and Mary’s Derek Gygax, the defending US AG
14.200, while classmate Joel Uptmor finished fifth
champion in the all-around. Mills’ all-around title
with a score of 14.050.
marks the third time in the past four seasons that a member of the Air Force team has taken
the top
Thom Wilkinson performs his routine on the pommel horse during a home meet in the Cadet Field House.
Devin Menefee tied for third with a mark of
Air Force also dominated the parallel bars. Behind Mills’ first-place score. Canter placed
spot on the medal podium. Contributing to his
third with a mark of 14.000, while junior Matthew
all-around score were first-place scores on the still
Thorne tied for fourth with a mark of 13.900.
rings (14.650), parallel bars (14.450) and high bar No Horsing Around
of personal-best 14.000. On the still rings,
(13.950), as well as a fourth-place score of 15.450 on
the vault.
five of the six events. In addition to Mills’
first-place scores on the still rings, parallel bars
Air Force tallied a score of 342.350
The Falcons claimed the top individual score
to win its first US AG na-
and high bar and Nobles top score on the
horse. Menefee led the field of 50 on the vault,
tional title in the 23-year history of the event. The
scoring a 15.650. Uptmor recorded the Falcons’
Falcons bettered the field by over seven points,
top performance on the floor exercise, scoring a
13-time national champion, William and Mary,
finished second with a score of 335.150. Spring-
14.450 to tie for fourth. Backed by career-best performance from
field placed third with a tally of 329.350, while
Nobles. Okamoto and Canter, the Falcons shat-
the Falcons’ service academy rival
tered their previous team
Navy finished
fourth with a score of 327.450.
horse. Scoring a combined mark of 57.500. Air
The Falcons’ victory marked the first time since 1993 that neither William and
high on the pommel
Mary or Navy
has won the USAG national team title.
Freshman Chase Nobles tallied an Acad-
Force bettered its previous standard
points (55.950).
by nearly two
Firm Grasp On Things
Garrett Canter, shown above on the
parallel bars, made his first trip to the national championship meet, as he
qualified on the high bar with a national qualifying average of 13.560.
Iron Man
(Above) Dan Klimkowski was one of four Falcons to
qualify for the NCAA chant-
Hitting the Bars and the Books
pionships on still rings.
Aaron Zaiser’s hard work in the gym and classroom paid off as he was selected to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation
All-Academic Team for the second consecutive time. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
len's Gymnastics
MVP Effort Jenna Dudley was named the
MVP of the women's gymnastics team, head coach Doug
Day announced at the team's end-of-the-season banquet.
Beaming With Pride
(Above) Michelle Denise posted season
high scores
in uneven bars
(9.625), balance beam (9.600) and all-around
(38.250) against Denver Univer-
sity this season. I Photos by Arnie
ophdrapre Jenna Dudley was :d the MVP of the women’s
perfect “hit” percentage. Wong tallied careerbest marks in every event she competed in this
'mnastics team, head coach
season, posting scores of 9.725 on the balance
Doug Day announced at the team’s end-of-
beam, 9.675 on the floor exercise and 9.550 on
the-season banquet, held this evening at the
the vault.
Academy’s Falcon Room. Day and his staff
Classmate Holland Davis was the recipi-
honored each gymnast, while handing out the
ent of the team’s Most Improved Award. Hav-
team’s annual awards.
ing competed only as an exhibition performer
Dudley had a stellar sophomore season, en route to become
the youngest Falcon to earn
during her freshman and sophomore seasons, Davis joined the rotation of the vault and bars this year. Davis competed on the
the team’s top honor since Kimberly Broughton
claimed MVP honors as a freshman in 2000.
vault in nine meets, while participating on the
She earned career-best marks on the vault
bars in all 13 competitions. The junior steadily
(9.800, twice), balance beam (9.750, twice),
bettered her scores throughout the season, high-
floor exercise (9.825) and all-around (38.850),
lighted by an improvement of over one point
while recording a season-best 9.700 on the
uneven bars.
Dudley claimed a pair of USAG
All-America honors (all-around, uneven bars), while becoming the first Air Force athlete to earn the vault title at the
Mountain Pacific
the uneven bars (9.550). She also upped her
vault score by nearly a half point to 9.525. In addition, the Falcons honored 2010 team captain, senior Aftan Boudreaux, as
well as her classmates Michelle Denise and
Sports Federation Championships. She was a
Stephanie Frick. Day also named rising senior
two-time MPSF Gymnast of the Week, a three-
Brittany Dutton captain for the upcoming 2011
time all-conference selection and a participant
at the NCAA Regional Championships.
The Falcons' banquet closed out a re-
For the second straight year, junior Lisa
markable season, which saw the program cross
Wong was the recipient of the Warrior Award.
the 190-point mark on three occasions and post
Wong, a competitor at the NCAA Regional
its highest team total in six years
Championships, missed only one meet this
during its final home meet. Six upperclassmen
year while recovering from laser eye surgery.
accounted for career-best marks in 13 differ-
She returned to the lineup with a vengeance,
ent events, including six marks over 9.750 and
surpassing the 9.000 mark in every meet for a
three over 9.800.
Off and Running
(Above) Lisa Wong sprints down the runway towards the vault, while her teammates cheer her on.
toughness and determination earned her the teams Warrior Award for the second straight year.
Women's Gymnastics
Crashing the Net Kyle De Laurell ends up in Mercyhurst’s net during a regular season contest at the
Cadet Ice Arena. The freshman from
Colorado Springs saw action in 36 of 37 games this season and will be a key part of team’s goal to return to the NCAA tournament next season.
enior Matt Fairchild claimed two of the
the team’s top scholar athlete and the Larry Cronk
major awards, Volkening was named
Award as the team’s most inspirational player. The
the team’s Most Valuable Player and senior
senior from Ashburn, VA. was on dean’s list every
Jeff Hajner earned the program’s top award at the
semester and the superintendent’s list three times.
2010 Air Force hockey banquet, presented by the
He carries a 3.55 overall grade point average and
Falcon Blue Line Club. April 3.
has a 3.68 GPA in his major of systems engineering
Senior Jeff Hajner earned the team’s Vic
management. An assistant captain this season, he is
Heyliger award, the cornerstone of Air Force
also a finalist for the Lowe’s Senior CLASS award.
hockey. The award, voted on by the team, is given
He also holds the school record with 155 career
to the
games played and tied the school record with seven
player whose dedication, character, leader-
ship and work ethic exemplifies Falcon hockey and is named after the Academy’s first hockey coach.
career short-handed
Junior Matt Becker won the team’s most
Hajner battled through injuries, not only this season
improved player award as voted on by the team.
but most of his career, and still set the school record
A forward from Moorhead, MN, Becker
with 150 consecutive games played. An assistant
just 10 career games entering this season. This year,
captain as a junior, he wore the “C” this season and
he played in 29 games and had a career best
his leadership was critical to the team’s success.
points with one goal and seven assists. His work
The center from Las Vegas finished in the top 35 in
ethic and determination put his name in the
scoring with 111 points in 151 games.
every night in the second half of the season.
Volkening earned the Chuck Delich Award as the team’s MVP. This
award, voted on by the
Kyle De Laurell earned the John Matchefts Award, voted on by the team, as the team’s fresh-
team, is named after the Falcons’ all-time leading
man of the
scorer and
saw action in 36 of the 37
program’s third head coach. Volkening
played in
year. The winger from Colorado Springs
games and was the top
is only the second player in school history to earn
scoring freshman on the team with 18 points on six
the MVP award three straight years (goaltender
goals and 12 assists. He ranked fifth on the team in
Kim Newman in 1969, 1970 and 1971 is the other).
scoring by all players and was the 10th in Atlantic
He holds nearly every goaltending record at the Air
Hockey in points by a freshman.
Force Academy, including season and career wins, season and career saves career
percentage, season and
goals-against average and season and career
shutouts. A second-team all-conference selec-
Sophomore Tim Kirby was named the team’s defensive player of the year. Kirby was a first-team
all-conference selection as he was one of the
scoring defensemen in the league. He led the team
tion this season, he was among the league leaders
with a +6 and had 24 points on five
with a 2.44 goals-against average and a .918 saves
assists. He scored three
season, all coming in the final three minutes of a
Fairchild earned the Jim Bowman Award as
game or in overtime.
goals and 19
game-winning goals this
Everything’s Under Control (Above) Derrick Burnett controls the puck in the opponent’s end of the ice Burnett was the second leading scorer on the team with 33 points on the season I Photos by Arnie Spencer
Getting a Little Chippy (Below) Burnett takes
exception with some of the Pioneer’s tactics.
Light-hearted Moment (Left) Team captain Jeff Hajner shares a laugh with Denver Pioneer John Lee prior to a faceoff.
ends his Air Force career with 111 points in 151
games played.
Goal-Oriented with (Right) Sean Bertsch (No. 15) celebrates a goal teammates Hajner (No. 29), Scott Kozlak (No. 8)
and Brandon Johnson (No. 9).
Ice Hockey
Getting the Upper Hand (Above) Jacques Lamoureaux (No. 21 )
celebrates his opening
goal against Army in the AHA Quarterfinals at the
Cadet Ice Arena.
Covering Up (Left) Volkening covers the puck in closing minutes of game one of the AHA quarterfinals series. Volkening tallied 60 saves during the series.
Last-minute Discussion
(Right) The Falcons meet around the net before the start of the opening game of the AHA
ver the
Force pulled its goaltender in favor of the extra
last three seasons, the
men’s hockey team has risen to
skater. The Falcons won the ensuing faceoff
prominence in NCAA hockey.
in the Pioneer end and Scott Mathis fired a
With the rise in prominence
slap shot at Legatto, Lamoureux collected the rebound and tied the game with 1:29 remain-
however, conies a bigger bulls-eye.
ing in the third. Derrick Burnett also assisted
Falcons couldn’t fly under the radar anymore as
teams started to measure their own success
on the
play. With less than a minute remaining,
based on their performance against Air Force.
Sacred Heart’s Dave Jarman had the puck at the
That became evident this year when the team,
goal line to the left of Volkening. His centering
hampered by injuries to key players, earned a
pass was right on the tape of Knowlton who
third seed in the Atlantic Hockey Association’s
post season tournament.
the season gave the Pioneers a 2-1 lead with 42
camped on the weakside post. His 13th of
seconds left. The Falcons again pulled Volken-
After Air Force tied the AHA semifinal game with 1:29 left in the third. Sacred Heart’s
ing for the final 42 seconds, but were unable to
Patrick Knowlton scored the game-winner with
tie the game.
Sacred Heart outshot Air Force, 34-33,
42 seconds remaining as the Pioneers beat the
in the game. Each team had three power plays
Falcons, 2-1. Air Force’s season was over as the Falcons finish the year
in the game but neither scored. Volkening and
Legatto each made 32 saves in the game.
16-15-4 overall.
“This was a terrific hockey game,” head
After a tight defensive game by both teams in the first period, it was Sacred Heart
coach Frank Serratore said. “They blew us
that got on the board first in the second period.
out at their place and we blew them out at our
Eric Delong took a shot that was saved by
place. I fully expected a low scoring slugfest
Andrew Volkening. However, Erik Boisvert
and that is what transpired. There is not much
was there to clean up the rebound
for a 1-0 lead.
of a margin for error when you only score one
Joint Services Meeting
Early in the period, Air Force had two quality
goal. We died from a disease that has plagued
(Above) Goalie Andrew Volkening
chances on the power play. Tim Kirby took the
keeps his eye on the puck amid the many bodies in front of the net.
stone-walled the Black Knights of Army VO in the opening game of the American
Hockey Association Quarterfinals. I Photos by Amie Spencer
puck off the wall and skated right to the top
all season. We didn’t score enough goals.
Ironically, our magic run here at the Blue Cross
the crease, but his shot was saved by Steven
Arena ended very similar to the way it started.
Legatto. Less than 30 seconds later, Jacques
Against Sacred Heart (in 2007) we pulled our
Lamoureux’s wrister from the right circle hit
goalie and scored and then scored in overtime
the cross bar behind Legatto.
to beat them. I thought we might do it again, but
With 1:37 left in the third period, Air
it was not be.”
Ice Hockey
Last Line of Defense Brian Wilson sets up to defend the Falcons’ goal. Wilson was the team’s starting goalkeeper for the second consecutive season.
jffm everal members
fensive players. A starter in all 14 games in 2010,
^B^of the Air Force
Dayton finished second on the team in caused
turnovers with
were honored at the
25 ground balls.
Falcons’ annual awards
banquet. Earning the
16, while also being credited with
Junior midfielder Zack Carroll, a native of Freehold Township, NJ, received this year’s
team’s top award as most valuable player was
Most Improved Award. Carroll, one of the
senior captain Ridge Flick.
Falcons’ top face-off midfielders for the past two
Flick, a native of Plano, TX, represented
seasons, emerged as an offensive threat in 2010.
the Falcons well both on and off the field. A
He ended the year as Air Force’s top scorer, reg-
starting attackman for the past two seasons, he
istering a team-high 21 goals and 31 points.
led the team in points (38) and assists (22) in
The Ground Ball Award, given to the play-
2009 and was second in both categories (27 and
er who
12) in 2010. Flick also stood out in the class-
course of the season, was earned
holding the team’s highest GPA as an
picks up the most ground balls over the by junior Bryan
Gilbreath. A second-team All-ECAC honoree as
aeronautical engineering major, and was a final-
ist for the Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award. Flick
career-high 71 ground balls on the year, ranking
was one of two
16th nationally in ground balls per game (5.07).
recipients of the Iron Bolt Award,
given to the player(s) who demonstrates the most
specialist, Gilbreath picked up a team-best and
Finally, sophomore John DeBonis (Say-
commitment to strength and conditioning, in
ville, N.Y.) was honored with a pair of awards.
terms of attitude, effort and leadership.
For the second-straight season, DeBonis earned
Earning offensive MVP honors for Air
the Unsung Hero Award for the player who
Force was junior captain Vinny Sandtorv. A
contributes most to the team’s success without
midfielder from Centereach, NY, Sandtorv, a
getting the recognition. DeBonis, a short-stick
second-team All-Eastern College Athletic Con-
defensive midfielder, played in every game over
ference selection, finished second for the Falcons
the past two years, and proved himself as one of
with 19 goals, despite often drawing one of the
the Falcons’ top defenders.
opponents’ top defenders. In addition, he shared the Iron Bolt Award with his co-captain, Flick.
Sophomore Dayton Gilbreath, a native of Bainbridge Island, WA, was named the Falcons’ Air Force’s lone first-team
this season, Dayton was or
covering the opponents’ top of
DeBonis also earned the Pace Weber
Ready for Action
Award, which is presented as a tribute to C1C Pace Weber who perished along with his instruc-
(Above) Dayton Gilbreath battles for a ground ball against Quinnipiac in a score the
tor in a T-3
flight training accident here at the
Academy. Voted on by the team, the recipient is an individual who most
exemplifies the charac-
teristics by which Pace Weber lived his life.
game that saw him
winning goal. The freshman from
Bainbridge, WA, was Great Western Lacrosse League Newcomer of the Year, first-team AllGWLL selection on defense, and shared the
Falcons' Rookie of the Year honors. I Photos Arnie Spencer
Passing Judgment Tristan Newkirk winds up to rifle a pass to a teammate. The midfielder from Albany,
NY. tallied five goals and four assists this season.
Ready for Action (Left) Benson Oldmixon is one of the top defenders for the lacrosse team. The junior from Austin, TX, started in 12 of 14 games this season.
I Photos by Arnie Spencer
Leaving it All on the Field
(Right) Wilson removes his helmet as he leaves the field. The New Jersey native recorded 522 minutes in goal this season.
Even-keeled Everson Pat Everson was a model of consistency for the Falcons this season, finishing in the top-ten in seven
meets. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
It’s up to You New York
(Left) Ben York is one of three newcomer to the team this season. saw
The freshman from Larkspur, CO
limited action this season, but with a strong
showing at the NCAA qualifier, he should become an
integral part of the team next year.
m m
Academy’s rifle team concluded the
regular season at the Aloha Invitational Matches (AIM) in Honolulu, HI. out tfc year, the team had several
Dialing It In
(Left) Assistant coach Michael Anti
team total of 4,626.
had a 4,624.
During the match, two team records were bro-
highs and lows that
Army posted a 4,619 and Navy
ken when Chandler had the highest aggregate air rifle
discusses technique with a member of the team. Anti earned a silver medal in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.
ing against some of the country’s toughest nationally
highest score overall of the match.
ranked teams. This season was the Falcons’ best
highest total score of 1,178, which was previously
season finish since
held by Christopher Hill who scored a 1,174 in 2006.
Launi Meili took over as the head
three years that she’s been at Air Force. The team started the season off in Lincoln, NE, in October 2009, with two losses to Nebraska and West Virginia.
Against Nebraska, junior Tom Chandler was
to TCU at the Air Force Academy rifle range.
the first match, Air Force lost 4,656-4,599. The
points in the air rifle and 2278 in
Against West Virgin-
the smallbore three-position matches. In the second
ia, Chandler was again the Falcons' top shooter with
match, Air Force lost 4.663-4.582, scoring 2.317 in
the highest smallbore score of 582 overall, he also
air rifle and 2,265 in the smallbore three-position
fired a 581 in air rifle.
Following the TCU matches, the Falcons swept all three matches against North Carolina State and
matches, 4,612-4,586-4,579. Air Force won
The Citadel in Charleston, S.C., Jan. 30-31, improv-
the smallbore three-position match with 2,294 points
ing the team's season record to 6-9. The win was the
and finished with 2,318 in air rifle.
team's best finish since competing in the President’s
Chandler was the smallbore high scorer with 581/600 points and Mike Seery was ranked second with 580 points.
Chandler had AFA’s highest score
in the air rifle with 585 points. Pat Everson and Kurt
Hakola followed with 581 points each. In smallbore, Everson placed fourth with an
aggregate score of 571, Nick Krieger followed with a score
of 568 and Phillips finished ninth with 565
In November, Air Force finished third at the All-Service Academies (President’s Trophy)
match in West Point, NY.
Cup in November. Air Force won with 4,633 points versus
North Carolina State (4,531) and The Citadel
(4,449). In February, TCU hosted the 2010 NCAA
Qualifier/NRA Sectionals on Feb. 13. The Falcons suffered a blow toward the march to the NCAAs that weekend when TCU won the NCAA Qualifier
match, 4,654-4,607. The loss to TCU left Air Force
just two points shy of making it to the nationals.
best in air rifle against in a match against
In January 2010. the rifle team lost two match-
smallbore and a 590 in air rifle.
won the
Robert Vasquez shot a 579, a personal
men’s air rifle.
team scored 2.321
weekend against Nevada-Reno and UTER Air Force
Besting His Best
Chandler each finished within the top-10 in the 10m
the highest scorer in the match with a 581 in the
Air Force hosted two matches the following
2009 Winter Air Gun Championships. Hakola and
The Huskers won the first match,
4,629-4,614, and the Mountaineers won, 4,655-4,587.
He also had the
In December, the USOC was host to the
coach. Meili has brought the team a long way in the
for an Air Force shooter with a 592/600 and the
accumulated into a 7-11 season record after compet-
Army won the event with
Chandler had a strong performance as he finished with the second-best aggregate match score of
1,168 and was the Falcons’ top shooter in both quali-
the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
When the Falcons hosted Alaska-Fairbanks the
follow ing month. Vasquez
ired a 583 in air
riflefwhich was his
highest sebre recorded against the Na-
5,789/6,000 points. Navy followed with 5,784, Air
fying matches. Chandler shot a 588 in the air rifle
Force (5,781) and the Coast Guard (5,164). In the
and 580 in smallbore. The air rifle team finished the
four-man NCAA format, Air Force reported the high-
match with 2,336 points, while the smallbore team
est overall team scores in the two disciplines, with
had 2,271 points for the team aggregate 4,607.
nooks this season.
2301 points in smallbore and 2,325 in air rifle for a
|rf*W%#ie Air Force men’s soccer team’s 2009 season came to an end Nov
■^L shootout loss
12 with a
to the University of Den-
the Falcons in scoring with 13 points on four
goals and five assists. The Coach’s Award is not given every year, but awarded when a player
iw the quarterfinals of the Mountain Pacific
exhibits outstanding dedication and a work ethic
Sports Federation Tournament in Denver, CO. The
worthy of the award. Rhynard, a team tri-captain
Falcons, who made a furious second-half rally
in 2009, finished his career with 10 goals and 10
to tie the game at 2-2 and force overtime, finish
assists for 30 points.
their season with a 7-8-2 overall record since the
playoff game is officially recorded as a tie. Three seniors from the team were named to
Eshkenazi, a defender from Coral Springs, FL, started 16 games his final campaign. He was second on the team in minutes played and notched
the 2009 MPSF all-conference teams. Midfielder
the first goal of his career, the game-winner in a
Kevin Rosser was named to the first-team, while
2-1 victory over Furman. Eshkenazi, a team tri-
forward Steven Noller was a second-team selec-
captain in ‘09, started 51 of his 52 career games
tion and defender Aaron Eshkenazi was named
with the Falcons.
honorable mention. It is the second consecutive
all-conference honor for each player.
FL, played in 14 games in 2009, scored three
The team also honored six players at the
goals and added an assist for seven points. He
team’s annual banquet, including Rosser as
paced the team with two game-winning goals,
the team’s Most Valuable Player for the 2009
including one with less than five minutes remain-
The Weather Outside is Frightful
Gomez, a midfielder from Satellite Beach,
Senior Josh Rhynard earned the presti-
ing in a 2-1 victory over UNLV.
gious Coach's Award, Eshkenazi was named the
Melcher, a midfielder from St. Simon
Defensive MVP, senior Jared Gomez was named
Island. GA, appeared in 16 games this season and
the Most Inspirational Player, sophomore John
started the first game of his career
Melcher the Most Improved Player and freshman
He also scored the first goal of his career this
Kevin Durr the Rookie of the Year.
against UMKC. Melcher finished the season with
Freshman Kyle Moses tracks down a loose ball
during a early fall snow flurry at the Air force
Academy’s Cadet Soccer Stadium.
Rosser, a midfielder from San Jose, CA, finished second on the team in scoring with 11
against Dayton. year
goal and one assist for three points. Durr, a midfielder from Garmisch. Germa-
points in '09. Fie tied for the team lead with five
ny, burst onto the scene this season in a big way.
assists and 10 shots on goal. Rosser, a two-year
He was one of only three Falcons to start all 17
captain and an all-MPSF first-team selection
this year, finished his career with five
goals and
11 assists, good for 22 points.
Rhynard, a forward from Helena, MT, led
games and posted eight points on three goals and two assists. Durr, whose three seven shots on
goals came on just
goal, also proved to be one of the
best playmakers on the team.
As the snow flies. Eric Wilson (center)
goes for a header against
the University of
Nevada-Las Vegas during a home match at the Cadet Soccer Stadium.
I Photos by
Arnie Spencer
\r ■QEubI
Elbow Room
(Top) Aaron Eshkenazi and Wilson battle for
position against a UNLV player. Rosser Takes Aim
(Middle) Kevin Rosser takes a penalty kick dur-
ing a home match against the University of Mis-
souri-Kansas City.
Jumping Over a ‘Roo (Bottom) Josh Rhynard|| fires a header against
UMKC. The Falcons cruised to a 6-3 win over
Rising High Amber Sikora leaps high to head the ball away from a Wyo-
ming player. The sophomore midfielder/defender started all 18 games for the Falcons
in 2009.1 Photos by Arnie
Fancy Footwork (Above) Forward Stephanie Patterson dribbles the ball out of reach of a Cal Poly de-
fender. The freshman started 15 games for Air Force and
led the team in scoring with two goals and three assists.
Ithough the women’s soccer team concluded
Team. Junior Lyndsey Horn led the way with her third
the 2009 season with a 2-15-1 record and 0-7
Academic All-Conference honor. Senior Kelsey Yip, junior Shannon Nail and soph-
gmark in conference play, its members garnered some
Murphy, Sharon Aradine. Kelly Laurent, and
mcn&idual recognition and awards.
Soph<5^jore defender Cassie Wilson earned the
Krystin Shanklin earned their second academic all-conIn addition, freshmen Eryn Avjian and
team’s Most Valuable Player award. Wilson, a Spring,
ference honor.
TX, native, appeared and started all 18 games as the
Anna Lowe earned their first academic all-conference honors.
lead back for the Falcons this
Lastly, Larry Friend agreed
past season. Wilson took home to
Bridged Murphy earned
Friend, who has
14 years of coaching experience
Academy, just recently
completed the 2009 season as
live of Melbourne Beach. FL,
the interim head coach for the
Muiphy was named to the 2009
All-Mountain West Conference
of the contract
Offensive MVP honors. A
become the head women’s
team Defensive MVP honors as
Women’s Soccer Team. was
the second time she
games for the Falcons,
eight starts.
Despite missing
seven games to an
named to the honor.
was -
Keep Away
Krystin Shanklin slide kicks to deny ball access to
the second
head coach to lead the Falcons in
Goalie Ariana Green knocks
Regis University. The sophomore defender/mid-
fielder started 18 games in 2009.
Marty Buckley, who was head
injury, she tied for the team lead with
18-year history, replacing
coach from the program’s inception in 1992 to 2008. “It is an honor to be given this opportunity at the
two goals scored.
This is Murphy’s second soccer accolade on the
Air Force Academy,” Friend said. “We have some in-
season, as she was also named to the ESPN The Maga-
credible cadets. Our staff is excited to develop them as
zine Academic All-District VII women’s soccer team.
student-athletes and future leaders in the Air Force.
Freshman Britni Carroll earned Most
“This is
country. The athletes have a lot of potential and are
Most Inspirational.
ready for the challenge.
student-athletes on the MWC Academic All-Conference
the ball clear during warm-up
drills. The junior logged more than 770 minutes between the
pipes during 11 games with seven starts.
of the youngest programs in the
Player honors and senior forward Susan Finch earned
For the second straight year, the team placed nine
Corner Denied
We look forward to working
with them and seeing what they can accomplish in the
coming years.”
Women's Soccer
total of 14 members of the Air Force men’s and women’s swim-
ming and diving teams were named All-Mountain West Confermce
selections. The all-conference honorees for the Falcons
included'12 individuals and four relays. To be placed on the All-MWC yv
eyfht, clocked in at 48.71 in the preliminaries. Senior Sean O'Keefe will leave the Academy with nine individual
all-conference performances after earning All-MWC recognition in the 200 free, 500 free and 1650 free in each of the past three seasons. This
team, an individual must place in the top six of an event for men and the
year, O’Keefe registered his best-ever showing at the conference meet,
top eight for women. For the relays, the all-conference team consists of
tying for second in the 500 free with an NCAA 'B’ mark of 4:24.89.
the top three finishers in each race for both men and women.
He placed fourth in the 200 free after clocking a time of 1:38.45 in the
Sophomore Corydon Butler earned all-conference honors for the first time in his career, finishing fourth in the 1650 free and fifth in the 500 free. His NCAA'B’ standard time of 15:31.09 in the 1650 free ranks as the fifth-fastest in school
history, while he ranks seventh all-time at
the Academy in the 500 free with a mark of 4:29.46.
preliminaries, while placing sixth in the 1650 free with an NCAA ’B’ standard of 15:34.58.
Diver Kyle Van Valkenburg,
recipient of the MWC Senior Recog-
nition Award, earned a pair of all-conference honors for the
season, finishing second on the three-meter springboard while placing
Junior Robert Dawson finished third in the 100 freestyle to earn
third on the platform. A two-time conference platform
champion, Van
the first individual all-conference honors of his career. Dawson’s career-
Valkenburg recorded career-best marks in both events, scoring a 373.20
best time of 44.73 in the preliminaries moved him into fourth-place in
on three
the Academy record books.
meters, while registering a mark of 371.80 on the platform.
Freshman J.H. Vivadelli earned All-MWC honors in the 200 but-
Also earning all-conference honors for the first time was senior
Greg Edmonds, who placed sixth in the 100 breaststroke. Edmonds’ finals mark of 55.76 ranks as the fifth-fastest in school history. For the second-consecutive year, junior Benjamin Gunn
terfly in his rookie campaign, placing sixth in the event after recording a career-best mark of 1:50.82 in the preliminaries. Paul Young also turned in an all-conference
all-conference honors in three individual events. Gunn defended his MWC title in the 200 individual medley with a school and conference re-
performance in his
first collegiate season finishing sixth in the 200 backstroke.
preliminary time of 1:48.05 ranks as the sixth-fastest in school history. The men also grabbed all-conference
recognition in the 200
cord time of 1:47.22. In addition, Gunn, a two-time All-MWC performer
freestyle relay, 400 freestyle relay, 200 medley relay and 400 medley
in the butterfly events, competed in the backstroke events this season,
relay, posting NCAA provisional marks in three of the four events. Gunn.
placing second in both the 100 and 200 back. Gunn’s time of 48.64 in the
Edmonds, Morin and Dawson recorded an NCAA 'B' standard time of
100 back was a school record, while his mark of 1:46.28 in the 200 back
3:17.05 in the 400 medley relay to take second
one one-hundredth off of the Air Force record.
owns four school
Gunn, who now
records, posted NCAA provisional marks in all three of
his individual events at the MWC Championships.
Junior Tom Hansen was an all-conference performer for the
place, while the 200 free
relay team of Morin, O'Keefe, Eric Robinson and Dawson also placed second with a mark of 1:21.95. In addition, the 200
medley and 400 freestyle relay teams each
posted NCAA B standards to place third. The 200 medley relay team of
Isecond-straight year. After earning All-MWC honors in the 500 free and
Gunn, Cody Deacon, Morin and Dawson registered a mark of 1:29.46,
while the 400 free relay team of Gunn, O'Keefe, Morin
in 2009, Hansen finished third in the 400 IM with a mark of
3:58.15. His time ranks as the eighth-fastest in Academy history.
Setfior captain CJjf'is Morin scored the first individual all-conferencc accolades of his career with a
fifth-place finish in the 100 butterfly.
Jy holds the second-fastest time in school history in the
and Dawson
clocked a time of 2:59.86. The Air Force men finished second at this
Conterence Championships, women took
ninth place.
year’s Mountain West
matching its finish in 2009, while the
Gunning forTop Honors For the second-consecutive year, junior
Benjamin Gunn garnered all-conference honors in three individual events. Gunn defended his Mountain West Conference title in the 200 1M with a school and con-
ference record time of 1:47.22. Gunn was also a two-time All-MWC performer in the
butterfly. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
Psyching Up the Crowd (Left) Chris Morin dons the ceremonial mask before the start of a meet. A
time-honored swim team tradition says that a senior on the team wears the mask as a way to both
prior the start of the meet
psyche up the team and intimidate
the opponents.
Fantastic Finish (Middle) Newcomer Brent White
completes a dive at the Cadet Natatorium.
Spring Board to Sucess (Right) Kyle Van Valkenberg placed fifth on the men’s platform to conclude a strong three-day meet at the 2010 NCAA Zone E Div-
ing Regionals, after placing 13th at three-meters and 16th on the one-meter board. Van Valkenburg posted a score
of 337.50 in the opening round of the platform
competition before finishing with a mark of 694.75.
Men's Swimming and Diving
wmw i
wmm it
gam i
sjSitB A
mn • IV MMI #
Precision and Grace
(Left) Chelsea Tompkins composes herself before executing a platform dive at the Cadet Natatorium. (Above) Tompkins straightens toward vertical as she nears the water. She capped her at Air Force with a 10th
diving career place finish at the
Mountain West Conference Sshirw I Phr»tr\o
uring a solid jiieet in which several Falcons added new entries the Academy all-time top-10 list, the Air Force women's
swimming team closed out the 2010 Mountain West Confer-
'onships with a spectacular performance in the 200 butterdifferent swimmers surpassed the previous school record of
2:04.50, set in 2004 by Academy graduate Carly Baxter. In the morning’s preliminaries of the 200 butterfly, senior Becky
her top time enterii# the meet. Ernst, in her second final of the meet,
knocked nearly four seconds off her previous best time, finishing seventh at 2:03.54. Meanwhile, Holcombe won the consolation heat in com-
manding fashion, clocking a school-record time of 2:02.85, more than seven
seconds faster than her previous best time at the Academy. “This was one of the best championship meets for our team in
many years, with lots of best times and top-10 all-time swims,”
said Air
Gleason, sophomore Katharine Ernst and freshman Haley Holcombe all
Force women’s swimming coach Casey Converse. “The 200 flyers really
bested the previous school record, with Gleason posting the top time, a
capped off the meet. Everybody swam under our record in the morning,
mark of 2:04.03. She and Ernst, who recorded a time of 2:04.23, both
and then all three were faster at night. Becky came out of the morning
made it into the finals of the event, while Holcombe, who clocked a time
session with the record and she and Katharine were in the big final. By
of 2:04.40, just missed the cut, advancing to the consolation finals.
the end of the night, Haley ended up with the record, winning her second
Each Falcon improved in the evening swim, with Gleason taking fifth place with a mark of 2:03.00, more than three seconds faster than
consolation final of the meet-it is tough to go in seeded first and pull of the win in a heat of great swimmers.”
Flying to the Finish Jenna Dolota swims the final leg of the 200
breaststroke. Dolata
competed in both the 100 and 200 breaststroke
Talented Duo Makes a Splash
(Right) Esther Kim and Cassie Fletcher celebrate the conclusion of the 200 freestyle. Kim and Fletcher will be two of the key returners for
the women’s swim team during the 2010-2011 season.
Women's Swimming and Diving
y^H^rihe Air Force men’s tennis team wrapped -A-
up its 2009-10 campaign with a 4-0 loss to 55th-ranked San Diego State in the
q u a® r finals of the 2010 Mountain West Conference
Evan Urbina in his first career MWC match.
Championships in Las Vegas. The Falcons
finished the season with a 10-13 record.
Soster. meanwhile, paired with senior Brett
Rodgers to post an impressive 21-12 overall doubles record, the first 20-win season by an AFA doubles team since 2003. when current assistant coach Tyler McClung and Eric Pittman combined
The second-seeded Aztecs, who evened their
for a 25-6 mark.
record at 12-12, took a 1-0 lead with wins at No. 1 and No. 3 doubles. Singles wins at the No. 2,
but one of his singles matches at the No. 3 posi-
5 and 6 positions gave them the insurmountable
tion, with his biggest win coming in a 4-3 victory
“Despite losing 4-0, this was one of our best matches of the year,” said first-year head coach Dan Oosterhous. “There were 30-plus mile per
earn the
MVP award. He led the Falcons with 20 over-
at the No. 1
than 24 hours after suffering food
Rodgers and teammate Sam Barnes were named to the 2010 Academic All-Mountain West
Conference team. To be eligible for selection,
I'm extremely proud of the season we had.”
student-athletes must have completed at least one academic term at the member institution while
Valuable Player for the ‘09-10 season, while Tay-
maintaining a cumulative grade-point average of
lor Soster was named team captain for the 2010-11
3.0 or better, and be a starter or
tributor on their athletic team. This is the second
Wilhelm, from Gig Harbor, WA, became just
Freshman Lance Wilhelm was named the team’s Most
all singles wins and 13 dual match wins this season, all
Chris Albomoz, 6-4. 6-2. at the No. 3 spot less
conditions very well. It was an exciting match and
MVP Performance
the fourth freshman in the history of the program to
service-academy rival Army. Soster defeated
hour winds and 1 thought our guys handled the
Lance Wilhelm was named the team's Most
Valuable Player for the ‘09-10 season. He became just
A junior from Allen, TX, Soster played all
the fourth freshman in the history of the to earn the MVP award, son
following Jason Ander-
(1997), Shannon Buck (2003) and Cody Hall
significant con-
academic all-conference honor for
Rodgers and
the first for Barnes.
Rodgers graduated from the Academy in May and played the majority of the ‘10 season at
( 09). He led the Falcons with 20 overall singles
the No. 4 singles and No. 1 doubles
wins and 13 dual match wins this season, all at the
combined with Soster to produce 14-8 mark at
No. 1 position, the most at that
the No. 1 spot (21-12 overall).
Rodgers graduated
with a 3.19 cumulative GPA in
spot by a Falcon
since Buck had 18 in 2006.
Wilhelm opened the season with a 6-3,
Barnes went 4-7 overall in
positions. He
singles play dur-
6-4 triumph over Yannick Weihs of Denver, the
ing his freshman season. He also won 10 overall
Mountain Region’s second-ranked
doubles matches. Barnes recorded a 3.01 GPA dur-
player, and
AFA’s first singles victory over BYU
since 2006 with a 6-1, 3-6, 7-6(2)
victory over
ing his first year at the Academy and is majoring in systems
engineering aeronautics.
Serving Up Aces
Fantastic Frosh
Stephen Katrein returns a volley. He was one of six newcomers to the Falcons this season. He saw action in 19 singles matches and 14 doubles matches.
Powerful Pair
(Above) Austin Francis, frontcourt and Wilhelm, backcourt racked up an 11 -9 record at 2nd doubles
this year.
Men's Tennis
Doubles Trouble
(Left) Chermel closes to the net to attack
during doubles play
with partner Hannah Dake.
The duo teamed up for a 3-5 record during the season.
Super Sophomore Allie Chermel uses her speed to run down a deep shot. She saw plenty of partners action for Women’s tennis posting a 19-17 record in doubles competition. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
Going Back Back Back (Left) Katrin Eromin stretches to return a volley in the backcourt.
The Falcons will look to her for
leadership next season as she is one of three rising seniors on
the team.
The Lone Senior
(Right) Erlyn Rudico was the only senior on the team this season.
Heading into ther last
season at Air
Force, she was
a three-time
member of the
Mountain West Conference All-
Academic Team.
le women’s tennis team
season in
completed its best
11 years and first winning campaign
since 2003 despite a 4-0 loss to 33rd -ranked
UNi^ in the quarterfinals of the 2010 Mountain West
resentative for the Air Force Academy on and off the tennis court," Gidley said. “It is nice to see her efforts
recognized by other coaches. I can’t think of a better recipient for this award than Sarah."
Conference Championships in Las Vegas. The Falcons
The junior from Columbus, GA, became the first
finished the season with a 16-12 record, their best since
Air Force female in the NCAA Division I era (1996) to
a 20-10 mark in
have three consecutive 20-win seasons in singles after
The second-seeded Rebels, who improved to
posting a 25-16 overall record this season. Cassman
21-3, took a 1-0 lead with wins at No. 1 and No. 3
finished third on the team in wins and helped the Fal-
doubles. Singles wins in the No. 2, 3 and 6 matches
cons to a
closed the deal causing the remaining matches to be
1999. Cassman has a 67-56 career singles record in
Despite the loss, Falcons coach Kim Gidley
was enthusiastic over her team’s
“This was a great way to end the season, finish-
16-12 overall record, their best record since
her three years at the Academy.
Post-season honors continued to roll in for
Cassman when she and freshman Christine Molina
ing the conference tournament playing our best tennis
were named to the 2010 Academic All-Mountain West
of the year,” she said. “In singles, we won sets in
Conference team. To be eligible for selection, student-
three different matches after losing all six to UNLV in
athletes completed at least one academic term at the
straight sets just last week. This showed the true char-
member institution while maintaining a cumulative
acter of our team and what amazing fighters they are. It
grade-point average of 3.0 or better, and be a starter or
was a
great effort to close a great season.”
significant contributor on their athletic team. This is
Sarah Cassman received the 2010 Arthur Ashe
the third academic all-conference honor for Cassman
Jr. Leadership and Sportsmanship Award for the Mountain Region, presented by the Intercollegiate Tennis
and the first for Molina.
Cassman played the majority of the season at the
Association. The award goes to the player who exhib-
Nos. 5 and 6 singles positions. She finished third on
its outstanding leadership and sportsmanship as well as
the team with singles wins while maintaining a 3.38
scholastic, extracurricular and tennis achievements.
cumulative GPA in environmental engineering.
Cassman was selected from the region’s 21
Molina finished second on the team with 27
teams and was one of 12 finalists for the national
singles wins. She played all six positions during the
award. The national winner will be honored during a
season and had a
special ceremony hosted by the USTA during Arthur
doubles wins, she became the first Falcon to post 50
Ashe Kids’ Day inside Ashe Stadium just prior to the
overall victories since 2006. Molina recorded a 3.28
start of the 2010 U.S.
Open in New York City.
“Sarah is an outstanding leader and a great rep
winning record at Nos. 2-6. With 23
GPA during her first year at the Academy and has yet to declare a major.
Cassman Cashes In Sarah Cassman is the recipient of the 2010 Arthur Ashe Jr. Leadership and
Sportsmanship Award for the Mountain Region, presented by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. The award goes to the player who has exhibited outstanding
leadership and sportsmanship as well as
scholastic, extracurricular and tennis
Women's Tennis
or the second
straight year, Air Force thrower Sara Neubauer
picked up a top-eight finish in the discus throw at the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. During the first
Point Award, as she accounted for 52 of the women’s 93.50 points at the conference championships this year.
Frawley, the men’s MVP, won his second indoor pole vault
day of competition June 9 at a rainy historic Hayward Field in
title in February, leading the Falcons to the top two places at the
Eugene, OR, Neubauer used a toss of 172’9” to place seventh in the
annual conference meet. A NCAA Provisional Qualifier, Frawley set
24-member competition. That mark gave Neubauer the third All-
America award of her career.
Duals. During the indoor season, Frawley was a two-time Mountain
season-best, team-leading clearance of 17’7 A” at the Don Barrett
West Conference Athlete of the Week, while winning the pole vault
Senior Ally Romanko concluded her collegiate career with a
19th-place finish in the national semifinals of the
outright in three meets and finishing as the top
800-meter run. Placing sixth in the second heat
collegiate vaulter in two others. For the second straight year, Romanko was
of runners, Romanko clocked a time of 2:09.89.
named the Most Valuable Competitor for the
The top two finishers from each of the three heats, as
women’s team. Romanko, the most valuable runner
well as the next two fastest times, advanced to
the finals. Competing against four other Mountain
of the 2010 women’s cross country team, made
West Conference runners, Romanko recorded the
several impacts on the track and field record books
third fastest time, while beating the defending
this year.
Joel Nolan was honored with the Lt. Gen. Tad
conference champion.
Oelstrom Award for Excellence, which is awarded
Pole Vaulter Nick Frawley claimed the fourth
All-America honor of his career June 10, at the
to the one senior on the combined roster who excels
2010 NCAA Outdoor Championships. In a meet
athletically, academically and militarily. Holding
hampered by delays that brought the length of
competition to nearly five hours, Frawley tied for
the top-10 of the program’s all-time pole vault list
third with a season-best clearance of 17’4‘/2".
during both the indoor and outdoor seasons.
strong grade-point-average, Nolan moved into
Katie Weber was honored with the Amie
The third-place finish is the best for Frawley
since placing second at the 2008 meet. It is the
Arneson Coaches’ Award. This award is given to
third consecutive year that he has earned All-
the individual whom the coaching staff feels best
America status at the outdoor championships and
exemplifies the quality of dedication to excellence.
the fourth top-eight finish of his collegiate career, as
he also claimed the honor at the 2009 indoor
Frawley Fares Well
Weber, a leader on the team during both the indoor
Nick Frawley’s four All-American trophies
and outdoor seasons, served as a team captain in
are the most in
Academy Division I history.
Neubauer and Frawley were named the Most Valuable Athletes
for their respective squads, as the Air Force track and field team honored its outstanding senior class with its annual banquet. Neubauer received the women’s Most Valuable Player honor the third straight year. She was also honored with the Academy’s
Performance Award and the women’s High
2009. As a senior, Weber closed out her conference
with her first Mountain West title in the javelin throw.
The Falcons handed out 13 awards to freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Justin Tyner claimed the largest haul, as he took home three awards, highlighted by the Men’s Most Valuable
Award. Freshmen Chase Cooper and Bethany Gross received the
Newcomer of the Year award for their respective teams.
(Continuedon 121
Taking it in Strides
(Right) Seth Pelletier, Nick White and Tyler Small break from the starting line at the Air Force Invitational.
Award-winning Ally (Middle) Ally Romanko is the team’s Most
Outstanding Female Competitor award for the second straight year. She earned a trip to the NCAA Semifinals in her home state
of Oregon in 2010.
./•■S'"' s y ,,r
(Continued from 120) y
Sophomores Robert Drye and Paige Blackburn shared the
Laura Piper Ironman Award,
which is named in honor of 1992
Academy graduate Laura Piper, who was killed in Operation Desert Shield. The award
recognizes an individual who competes in, excels and scores in
multiple events at a scoring meet.
Sophomore James Walmsley
named the men's Most
Improved Athlete, while classmate Tawny Lambuth received the distinction on the women’s side.
Fellow sophomore pole vaulter Kimber Shealy was awarded with the Callie Calhoun Award for
Drive and Determination. Junior Tyler Stanley earned the men’s Drive and
Determination award, named after the late Bret Hyde, who passed
award of Lou Gehrig’s disease in 2000. Sophomore Amanda
Wineman was named the recipient of the Paul Gensic Comeback
Award, after recovering for injury
to compete in the high jump at the
'^O '■
MWC Outdoor Championships, while freshman Riley Feeney received the Ernie Cuncliffe Manaser Award.
Toss and Take Hon
Sara Neubauer winds up to throw the hammer
during the Air Force Invitational. Neubauer was named Female Field Athlete of the Year for the
Mountain Region by the U.S. Track and Field
and Cross Country Coaches Association.
Track and Field
CAN YOU DIG IT? Blockers Dani Griffith
(#6) and Michelle
Harrington channel an attacker toward
backrow defenders
Maiya Perich (#23) and Caroline Kurtz.
OUTTA REACH Michelle Harrington
stretches her 6’ 2” frame to its peak in order to cut the ball around a UNLV blocker. The senior
middle hitter is the
only Falcon lost to graduation this year. I Photos by Arnie
T^blleyball ended
painful 8-21 season
with a 17-match losing streak that in-
the honor
eluded dropping all its Mountain West
Conference matches. The team won only three sets in
16 conference matches.
Despite the rough road, the team enjoyed
■tournament te;
selection, claiming r Classic
and LaSalle
Stillwell, Jessica Heilman and Caroline Kurtz were named to the academic all-conference for the third
times in as many years. Co-
the support of a program record 2,475 fans at-
SIDA Academic All-District honoree Kurtz leads
tending home matches. Couple this with a new
the Falcons
coaching staff, led by Matt McShane a former
and all Air Force fall honorees
with a 3.88 grade-point-average in systems en-
assistant at the University of California Berkley
gineering management. Stilwell, who is spend-
and there’s reason to be optimistic about the
ing the current semester in the Ukraine as a part
upcoming season.
of the Academy’s Exchange Program, boasted a
GOOD TIMES Caroline Kurtz (#13) gathers the Falcons together to celebrate a successful
McShane, recently selected as one of Vol-
leyball Magazine’s 10 Best Assistant Coaches, takes over a program that graduated only one
senior, Michelle Harrington. The 6’ 2” middle was third on the team with
198 kills and led in
3.74 GPA in mathematics, while Hellmann holds
in English.
In addition, Harrington and freshman
Maiya Perich earned their first academic allconference selections.
Harrington had a 3.05
GPA in systems engineering management, while
easy, but freshmen Julianne Haun, Maile Lolo-
Perich. currently undeclared on a major, holds a
hea or Preslee Maki might make the most of the
3.17 average.
Team most valuable player Nichole Stillwell should provide an offensive and defensive
anchor at the other middle position. The junior
attempt in the middle. The junior racked up 59 total blocks
including 10 solo rejections. a cumulative GPA of 3.66
blocking with 72. Filling her shoes won’t be
Team MVP Nichole Stillwell stuffs a UNLV attacker’s kill
Volleyball will need all the skill and brain it can muster in 2010 as the team faces several
early challenges prior to conference play. “Our preseason schedule is great,” Me-
played in every set for the Falcons, led the
Shane said. “It gives us a good mix of different
squad in hitting percentage (.236), and ranked
teams that run different styles of play.
second kills per set (2.57), solo blocks (10), as-
Northern Colorado and Long Island made the
sisted blocks (49), total blocks (59) and points
NCAA Tournament last year. We need to play a
(284.50). She became the first Air Force player
tough schedule to prepare us for Mountain West
since 2003 to earn the Mountain West Confer-
Conference action. Three teams from the MWC
ence Athlete of the Week award after a stellar
made the NCAA Tournament last year. We will
weekend (3.57 kills, 1.00 blocks, .455 hitting
be ready by the time we play UNLV in the first
percentage) at the Sugar Bear Classic. She was a
conference match.”
Strategy Session Head coach Jeff Ehrlich (center) and assistant coaches Kirk Reimer and Michael Peterson talk with the Falcons during a
time out.
he water
in 2009, after a scoreless rookie campaign. Meanwhile,
rookie of the year honors went to utility player Cmz Smith-
team an-
son. who scored 44
nounced its individual awards at
goals and 18 assists en route to earning
the WWPA Newcomer of the Year award. Other awards handed out included nods for Hardest
the team’s annual
Worker and the Coaches Award. Sophomore Danny Harold,
banquet as the
the Falcons’ back-up goaltender, was named the Hardest
Falcons celebrated a successful season in 2009. Air Force
Worker, registering 69 saves in eight games. Earning the
finished with an 18-14 overall record and a final ranking of
Coaches Award was junior Kurt Wallin. Wallin scored 41
17th in the nation.
points on the season, ranking second on the team in assists
Earning MVP honors for the 2009 season was senior utility player Alex Chumside. Chumside, named an hon-
with 25, while coming off the bench.
The team’s captains’ awards went to seniors Jason
orable mention All-American during his final campaign,
Fung and Hines. Meanwhile, Fung was also presented with
finished the year ranked second on the team with 86 points,
the Derek Argel Memorial Award, named for the former
a team-best 49 assists.
He ended his career as the
Air Force water polo player who was involved in a fatal
fifth-leading scorer in school history with 276 career points.
aircraft crash in Iraq in May 2005. The Derek
In addition, he ranks second all-time at the Academy with
rial Award, now in its fourth season, is awarded
131 career assists and is third in career steals with 198. A
the player who demonstrates
first-team All-Western Water Polo Association honoree,
ible work ethic, those attributes which most
Chumside was also the winner of the team’s Most Inspira-
character of Argel.
tional Award.
Bobby Geiger, who notched a team-best 77 goals and 100
His 77 goals ranked tied for fifth-most in
exemplify the
and Hines, senior goalkeeper David Ostrom received honorable mention all-conference
recognition for his performance.
Ostrom tallied 219 saves for the season while
all-time at Air Force in scoring with 202 career points.
the cage, and also recorded 12
the third-straight season was senior captain Jack Hines. A
second-team All-WWPA honoree for a third-consecutive year, Hines was also one of the Falcons’ top scorers, register-
recognize the
team's WWPA honorees. In addition to Smithson, Chumside
the nation during the 2009 season. Geiger now ranks 14th
Earning most valuable defensive player honors for
annually to
perseverance and an incred-
The Falcons also took a few moments to
Most valuable offensive player honors went to junior
on the year.
Argel Memo-
sharing time in
points on the year, including
three goals. The three-year starter finished his career ranked third all-time in Air Force history with 674 career saves.
Meanwhile, head coach Jeff Ehrlich received the first WWPA Coach of the Year honors of his career after
ing 44 goals and 17 assists on the year. Primarily a 2-meter
the Falcons to an 18-14 overall record and 10-4
defender, Hines ends his career ranked 22nd on the Falcons’
WWPA. Under his guidance, Air Force knocked off a
all-time scoring list with 174 career points (118 g, 56a).
team (then-lOth-ranked UC San
ledger in the
Taking Aim Matt Shields winds up to take a
shot on goal. The junior utilityman from
Diego) for the first time in
The most improved player award was given to sopho-
the past six seasons, while also
Taque Patino, who tallied 22 points (15 goals, 7 assists)
victories, including the Falcons’ first over Pacific since 1995.
posting three other top-15
Gilroy, CA. tallied 19
goals and 13 assists on the sea1 Photos by Arnie
Alex Arcidiacono looks to pass the ball to an open teammate.
snagged four steals in 2009 and is one of 13
freshmen on the team.
Close Confines
(Left) Cruz Smithson finds himself in close contact with two defenders from St. Francis College of NY.
Smithson was named Western Water Polo Association newcomer of the year.
Defending the Goal (Right) Goalie David Ostrom prepares to stop a shot from a Cal Baptist player.
Ostrom, a senior from
Mission Viejo, CA, recorded 219 saves this season and also notched 12 points on three goals.
Water Polo
(Right) Joe Stafford appears to have the edge as he applies pressure and makes breathing difficult
for his opponent. The
165-pound grappler will be a team captain in 2011.
(Above) Wrestling at 149 pounds, Alec WilHams gets some good advice from head coach Joel Sharratt.
(Right) Neil Delaney seeks an advantage before exploding into action. He was the Falcons most
successful 197-pound wrestler in 2010 with 17 wins. I Photos by
Amie Spencer
(Right) Tyler French steers his hapless opponent around the mat using a
leg for a rudder.
The senior from Malta, MT, co-earned the
Coaches’ Appreciation Award this year for his dedication to the program.
V\ as
2002^0 award winners for Air Force wrestling
program, teammates-and*e*acl1ihg staff, embody-
wer#honored at the team’s annual banquet. Earn-
ii)g what an Air Force wrestler is, both on and off the mat.
ingVip honors was freshman Cole VonOhlen, who
This year’s winners were seniors Tyler French and Justin
imed the Falcons’ Outstanding Wrestler.
Shadrix. French, a West Regional champion and NCAA
VonOhlen, the lone Air Force representative at the
qualifier in 2008, was second on the team with 23 victories
NCAA Championships this season, finished his rookie
as he earned a runner-up finish
campaign with a 31 -9 overall record. Among those victories
Shadrix, also honored as the team’s captain, battled for a
were six
wins over NCAA qualifiers, including a technical
in the WWC. Meanwhile,
spot in the Falcons’ lineup throughout the season. Despite
fall over 1 lth-ranked Adin Duenas of Cal Slate Fullerton.
seeing his career end prematurely due to injury, Shadrix
Ranked 18th in the nation at 141 pounds at the conclusion
continued to support his teammates with his leadership off
of the regular season, VonOhlen brought home a second-
the mat.
place finish at the 2010 NCAA West Regional to earn sec-
Also handed out was the Wayne Baughman/A-10
ond-team All-Western Wrestling Conference honors. He was
Wart Hog Award. Named in part for the Falcons' former
also the unanimous choice as WWC Freshman of the Year,
head coach, the award is earned by the wrestler who, like
as voted
by the league’s coaches. In addition, VonOhlen was
Coach Baughman and the A-10 Wart Hog, is relentless and
also the recipient of the team’s Most Falls Award, winning
aggressive, demonstrates an unwavering determination to
12 matches by fall this season.
succeed and who embodies good sportsmanship and team
Senior Joshua Smith was honored with the Commit-
spirit. The recipient of this year’s award was senior Stephen
ment to Excellence Award, which is granted to the cadet
Larson. Larson, who also spent part of his career at the
with the best all-around performance at the Academy
Academy on the Falcons’ varsity football team, was able
(academics, military and athletics). Meanwhile, sophomore
to overcome numerous knee injuries to become Air Force’s
Mengyuan Qiu, the team member with the highest GPA, was
starting heavyweight. Despite getting his senior season out
the recipient of the Scholar-Athlete Award.
to a rocky start, dropping his first seven bouts of the season,
Earning Most Improved honors for the Falcons was
Larson went on to post 13 victories on the year, including
junior Derek Gillespie, who posted a 20-11 record at 133
10 wins in dual competition. Larson also placed second at
pounds after going 10-17 in the 2009-2010 season. In
the NCAA West Regional, nearly earning an NCAA bid.
addition to earning an individual title at the All-Academy
The Falcons, who graduate seniors James Ciccone,
Championships, Gillespie earned a third-place finish at the
Michael Erickson, French, Thomas Gorry, Larson, Stephen
West Regional, garnering third-team All-WWC honors.
Makuka, Akira Nervik, Shadrix, Samuel Sheppard, Smith and
The Coaches Appreciation Award was presented to a
pair of individuals who have displayed great dedication
Steven Suhrie, finished the 2009-10 season with a 6-11 overall record and fifth-place finish at the WWC Tournament.
(Left) Junior Laura Abbott pushes herself to climb High School Hill during a national cross
country skiing competition this year.
(Above) Men's rugby player Dan Fulcoly prepares to throw the ball out of a stable
ruck to his awaiting teammates. I Courtesy
Pitch Softball Judo
Lacrosse, Women's Rodeo
*Rugby, Men's Rugby, Women's *Ski Alpine
Featured in the 2010 Polaris Clubs Section
Falcon Club (BB/BS)
Weightlifting Powerlifting Ice Sports
Karate Marathon Model Engineering
Mountaineering Paintball
Team Handball Triathlon
Volleyball, Men's Waterpolo, Women's
Racquet Club Ski Club Ski
Tae Kwon Do
Portuguese Club Psychology Russian
Space Society Spanish
Mission Clubs *Chorale/HC Drum and Bugle
Eagle's Club Falconry Flying Team Forensics Honor Guard Los Padrinos
Recreational Clubs
Trap and Skeet Tuskeegee Airmen
Academy Concerts
Ultimate Frisbee
Aerobatics Club
Professional Clubs
Pacific Rim
Astronomy/Physics Chemistry Cyber Warfare
Show Choir
Soaring Way of Life Wings of Blue
Airsoft Amateur Radio
Arnold Air Society Aviation
Bluebards Cadet Outfitters Car Club Chess Combat Condition
History International Club
Operations Research
Media *Mock Trial NAHC
Saber Drill
wk Trial
"Mock Trial? What is
The Academy earned two direct bids to the Opening Round Champi-
onship onship Series for the first time in team history while also winning three irivita-
that?" Each team member tion before they join, either as or someone
asks that
club day inquisitor, curious classmate,
"I've found some of my very best friends on the mock trial team at the
invited to join the team just four days before the national tourna-
Academy," said Zac Crippen. "Getting the opportunity to travel all across the
tional tournaments, 13 times placing in the top five and earning 42 individual
awards. But it's not all about winning.
A mock trial starts with three lawyers and three witnesses presenting a
nation and hone our critical analysis and communication skills by competing at
for three hours to put a defendant behind bars. Later in the day, they
trial advocacy is one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had."
Club members fondly recall cramming 26 cadets and two officers on
switch to arguing the same defendant is not guilty. The 26 cadets on the Academy's team, along with law department
bus for a 10-hour drive to middle-of-nowhere-Missouri, pretrial rituals of
advisors, spend two hours each afternoon honing speaking skills, analytical
dancing to "Poker Face" or "If You're Happy and You Know It," and smoking
reasoning abilities and creativity by developing themes, theories and witnesses.
traditional cigars at the end of tournaments while poking fun at each other
"The opportunities offered by the mock trial program were amazing," said Matthew Ross. “We did everything from arguing objections to acting like
because of ridiculous quotes during trial.
"After all, only in trial can you declare as a witness, I Am the Law,' 'I'm
medical examiners to leading the entire team to a victorious and rewarding
good at twisting facts, I should have been a lawyer,' or '2+1 does not equal 3,'
and be believed," said Deanna Franzen.
Courtesy the USAFA Mock Trial Club
STATE YOUR CASE Paulo Dutra tries to be convincing in mock court. Club members practice arguing both
sides of the law as representatives for the
The Mock Trial Club shows off hardware earned during competition at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. | Courtesy photo.
defense and the prosecution.
Mock Trial
■*.-. ,>v.
(bine Skiing USAFAST is what they call themselves.
:Th e Academy's Alpine Ski Team takes this mild boast into com-
Slalom disciplines. The fastest times around every gate guarantees a spot on the team of 12.
The team trains or competes
petition in the Rocky Division of the United States Collegiate Ski
every weekend until March at locations like Loveland, Keystone,
and Snowboard Association.
Beavercreek, Steamboat, Winter Park, and Telluride.
The season begins with dryland in the fall, where athletes
USAFAST competes against Colorado College, Colorado
work out as a team three times a week to get in shape for the
Mountain College, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State
rigorous ski season ahead.
University, Fort Lewis, Mesa State, University of Colorado,
Team selection is made in November at tryouts. The
University of Denver, University of Wyoming, and Western State.
returning team and around 40 cadets others travel to the
They also attempt to qualify for the Regional and National
mountains to see who the Academy's fastest skiers are for the
Competitions, whose locations vary from year to year. This year
new season.
Regionals was at Snowbasin, UT, and Nationals was at Sunday
Tryouts consist of timed runs of both Slalom and Giant
River, ME.
Courtesy the USAFA Alpine Ski Club
Chris Brown shoots through the stalom at Snow Basin. I Courtesy photo ler,
Campbeftand Ben^Joltisz joTn club officer ii
Maj. Gregory Steeger for run at Keystone during
Dedicated equestrians escape
love of horses with the local community through community service
the worries and stress of day-to-day
This includes volunteering at Ruby Ranch a local organization dedicated
cadet life at the Academy as they work and train with horses at the Academy
stables twice a week.
of abused and neglected horses in the Colorado Springs area. In March, team members worked with other volunteers at Ruby
Cadets in Charge Dayna Grant and A.J. Nemethy, along with other
clearing a wooded area of sharp branches and hanging limbs to ensure
experienced riders work with beginners on the basics of horsemanship. Each
the safety of the horses.
rider works to develop his or her horsemanship skills in order to compete in
the horses at Ruby Ranch. Cadet volunteers also learned about the complex
shows both locally and regionally as part of the Intercollegiate Horse Show As-
relationship between horse and rider as well as the importance of situational
sociation and local clubs.
For Grant, the competitions aren't the only motivation to be part of the equestrian team.
"The thing I enjoy the most about the equestrian team is
tough guy fall in love like it was a tiny puppy," she said.
In addition to being a competitive club, the equestrian team shares their
They also contributed in measuring and de-worming
around these frightened and distrusting animals.
"In all, the USAFA Equestrian Team is about more than just riding horses," said Shauna Casey. "It is about teaching cadets personal accountability with
their horses as well as encouraging members to work with one another on
developing each other's horsemanship."
Courtesy the USAFA Equestrian Club
Hfn The Road to Excess is orihe Academ^fTowerlifting
^tT route to qualifying 'ilgree caflitting i \i^i#innk4n"Orlnndo. FL, in r
joined senior team captain Ryan
Tmaflest Hearn, faced fierce competition. Nationals saw 289 'most by far since its inception 28 years ago.
Nationals was quite an experience. I feel privileged to have lifted with some
5f the strongest guys in the country.
I didn't place as well as I would have liked, but it
has given me a goal to work towards next year,'' Seaver said.
The team holds its two-hour workouts three times weekly in the Cadet Gym
RECONDO Room which it shares with the rest of the cadet wing.
Having the smallest team, and no gym we are able to call our own, it would be next to impossible to compete at the Collegiate Nationals level, but we still manage
"If we did not have the heart and dedication
to," said powerlifter Derek Schleiden.
which we are becoming known for, then we wouldn't have the chance to compete at this level." In order to go to Nationals, team members must lift a certain amount of total
weight between the squat, bench, and deadlift. Standards are set by the USA Powerlifting Association according to the lifter's weight class. Ryan Schleiden, men’s 165 pounds bench missed 314
squat 474 pounds (an academy record),
pounds, deadlift 474 pounds, finished unranked due to missed
Travis Seaver, men's 181 pounds
squat 435 pounds, bench 314 pounds, deadlift
496 pounds, finished 30th Karlie Taylor, women's 132 pounds lift 265 pounds, finished 9th
squat 198 pounds, bench 116 pounds, dead-
Courtesy the USAFA Powerlifting Club
WRAP IT UP Protective wraps help
keep reduce the risk of
injury for during squats lifts. | Photo by Arnie
Ryan Schleiden leans back to complete a deadlift rep. Deadlift, squat and bench are the three exercises in which
powerlifters compete. | Photo by C3C
Kelsey Smith
(Top) Iron may pave the way to success for the club, but a little chalk keeps
grips firm and weights from slipping. | Photos by Arnie Spencer ON TRACK
(Middle) Notebooks are used to track weight amounts and workouts so lifters can see their progress.
(Bottom) Squats rely on powerful leg muscles to press iron. The protective rack allows lifters to more safely train
with extremely heavy weights.
Power Lifting
FINISHING TOUCHES Coach and officer in
charge, Lt. Col. Michael Brothers, waxes skis right before a race | Courtesy
crosses the finish
GO BLUE GO! Freshman Jessica Launcher’s Air Force colors set her apart at the start of the women’s
Senior Chloe Angello battles her way up
High School Hill.
/ %
Lightning bolts on Air Force blue and silver split through a rainbow of competitors' colored spandex at the U.S. Cross Country Skiing
Association Nationals in Freeport, ME, this year. Led by team captains Daniel Shea and Andrew McPherson, the men's team consisted of Daniel O'Keefe, Bryan Bentz and Adam Engelhardt. The women's team
consisted of Chloe Angello, Laura Abbott, Erica Chimelski and Jessica Laucher.
team was guided by Lt. Col. Michael Brothers and Dr. Karen Henry. USCS A
Maine was filled with scenes familiar to every Nordic skier:
freshly-waxed skis
sliced away at the crisp snow, which alternated between icy and slushy throughout the day. The chilly air was soon to be forgotten, with adrenaline rushes creeping onto Si-
competitors, and the thrill of going down a steep hill
and the dread when approach-
ing a long uphill. In Maine, this uphill was
High School Hill." Nearly every race in the week-long
competitions traveled at least once up this hill, some two or three times. Teammates lined its sides to cheer on their racers as they tried to make their way up the brutal incline.
In a grueling 15K, the third time up this hill was both a blessing and a curse for
after High School Hill came relief. The course's last 1,000 meters was a gradual down-
hill, with only a few small hills until the finish.
Through the races, the team members grew close, and were even able to tease each other: C4C Engelhardt: "How was the race?"
C1C O'Keefe: "Great, I only fell down a couple of times."
C4C Engelhardt: "Oh, is that what those holes on the side of the course are from?" CIO O'Keefe: "Yeah, fhe snow bank stopped my fall.''
The team did well, and the women's team was victorious over the West Point Nordic Ski Team. The last race led to the annual East Coast vs West Coast snowball
fight, which quickly became a West Point vs Air Force competition. As snowballs flew and some skiers slid quietly away, the elation in the air illustrated that it was another year well done.
C1C Chloe Angello
Senior Daniel Shea tucks and glides uphill.
Nordic Skiing
Academy's premiere choir and is directed by 9
Gabma Approximate!' ^60 cadets from all class years are chosen after
out and Chorale fiembe l
requiresvffiey remain free of any probation
military! academic, alrletic) Academy SincJIrs are a Chorale sub-group who perform a capella. such a joy siijging in chorale, to be a part of something bigger than
^d doing what you love to do," said Jill Larsen,
firstclassman with the
In August, the Chorale sang with the Organ & Stellar Brass Concert for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Academy Cadet Chapel groundbreaking and for the 84th Infantry Divisions Railsplitters Society 64th annual reunion at
the Double Tree Hotel, in Colorado Springs. Another event the Chorale enjoys
MESSIAH The Cadet Chorale’s annual
performing for is the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO in nearby Memorial Park. The Chorale also took a trip to Dodge City, KS, for a public
terpiece is an Academy tradition
concert in October.
with a strong local following.
"The Chorale and The Academy Singers are essential to the mission of the
performance of Handel's mas-
| Photo by Johnny Wilson
USAF Academy because the cadets passionately represent the Air Force Academy by singing locally and nationally," Larsen said.
Along with big events in the community, the Chorale also sings for memorial services at the Cadet Chapel, National Anthems for specific ceremonies such as
retirements, and Wing TAPS vigils.
Each December, the Chorale performs Handel’s Messiah in the Chapel
for approximately 1,000 people. In April, the Chorale also performed Mozart's
Requiem. With as much as the Chorale does, The Academy Singers also perform for dinners at the Broadmoor, the Superintendent's Holiday Open House, the
Secretary of the Air Force and the Academy Volunteer Recognition Awards Ceremony. Chorale finishes out the year with the 52nd Annual Graduation Concert
performed during Grad Week in Arnold Hall.
Courtesy the USAFA Cadet
SEASONAL SPIRIT A Cadet Chorale octet sings carols at the Carlton House to entertain a
| Photo by Mike Kaplan
holiday crowd.
FLYING SOLO All eyes are upon Chorale senior soloist C2C Jill Larson she performs dur-
ing Handel’s Messiah. | Photo by Johnny Wilson
ii>y Js
(Above) Chorale Director Dr. Joseph Galema leads the crowd in applauding the cadets’ Mozart performance. | Courtesy photo
(Left) C2Cs Mister Jackson and Brianna Adams take the stage during the Chorale’s annual presentation of Handel's Messiah in the Cadet Chapel. | Photo by Johnny Wilson
Cadet Chorale
game control
BUSTED Brennan Gallai
h^breaRs :
fackle>on a long,
v xmv
MINE! Reed Fleming tries to maintain ball
control while getting
rucked over by Brennan Gallagher.
READY, SET, GO! Dan Fulcoly prepares to
throw the ball out of a stable ruck to the await-
ing 10. | Courtesy photos
Air. .Force
'ife the time, consisted onl
rugby under USA rugby, -aSl Since that time, Air Force has earning three national championships gone on to
represent the USA on the U.S. Men's National Rugt
Trautwein, Matt Schmitz, Josh Dean, and Brian Lemay. The Air Force womens team was founded in 1977, shortly after the of women to the Academy.
The women's team competed within Colorado
years, but moved to national competition when the women's national championship
petition was organized in 1991. The women's team won the first national championship that same year, and has gone on to win three more, in 1994, 2002 and 2003.
Two of the Air Force women's
players, Shalanda Baker and Laura McDonald, have gone on to play for the U.S. national team.
Wikipedia 1980 National runners up
1992 National 3rd place
1983 National runners up
1993 National runners up
1986 National 3rd place
1994 National 3rd place
1987 National runners up
1995 National runners up
1988 National 3rd place
2003 National Champions
1989 National Champions
2004 National 3rd Place
1990 National Champions AERIAL BATTLE
(Left) Zoomie Mac Griffin competes to win a
defensive line out as
teammates hold him
TAKE DOWN Trevor Wade is first to
reach the ballcarrier,
grab hold and make a tackle.
Men's Rugby
The cadet, wargaming dub reaches from ancienf history to distant and imagined futures in
order to developing strategic decision-making skills in
avarrety of table-top miniature battles, role-playing games and computer
[Wargaming] gives every cadet the opportunity to test his or her strategic prowess against others'
it's exciting, crazy, and more fun than
many cadets realize. I haven't met a cadet who's played
these games and
not thoroughly enjoyed it," said club member Robert Steigerwald.
Participation develops tactical thinking and encourages cadets of different class years to work together, according to club members. It also encourages them to have fun in a relaxed professional environment.
The club is a cadet-run recreational activity open to all four classes. With oversight from the Academy's history department, wargaming pro-
Joshua Bruder takes part in a historical miniature game at a local gamers store.
Courtesy photos
vides cadets a place to explore this hobby while honing their understanding
of strategy and history. Cadets host and participate in events for and with the local commu-
nity each year
notably the FalCon convention held in Arnold Hall, inviting
wargamers from the Colorado
Springs area and abroad to engage in
their hobby with cadets and allowing the cadets to build rapport with our
community. With events like FalCon, GenghisCon and things going on nearly every weekend, the club provides a great atmosphere for
cadets to relax
and enjoy cadet life," said Josh Bruder, who, along with Alexander Jack, took
charge of the wargaming club this year.
Courtesy the USAFA
Wargaming Club MINIATURE MILITIA Bruder and a civilian gamer work together in a historical miniature game at the regional event Genghis Con.
Victor Rodriguez, Try Cottingham, Joshua BruderaTahichi Ri and Alexander Jack prepare for a large sci-fi table top game
aerial battles with a simple
yet fun table top card/miniature game at FalCon in
October 2009.
(Above) Victor Rodriguez and Matt Jerrell contemplate their next moves in a sci-fi game. HISTORY LESSON
(Left) Bruder reinacts World War II through a table top miniature game.
DRUM & BUGLE Members of the U.S. Air Force
Academy Drum and Bugle Corps demonstrate their musical talents
from the Terazzo to performances around the country.
(Below right)
The group marched in the annual
Fiesta Battle of Flowers parade
April 23 and performed at several Fiesta venues. | Courtesy photo and photo by Bob Jensen
Air Force Academy senior
Nolan Brock executes a throw
during a Judo
competition at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO, Jan. 16. Brock won a gold medal in novice competition and a silver in regular
competition during the National Armed Forces
Championships at Fort Leavenworth, KS, in November. | Courtesy photo
(Left) Buzz, a kestrel falcon, poses for a photo in the Academy mews
Jan. 21. The newest of the Academy’s 13 falcons,
Buzz came to the Academy from the University of
Minnesota’s Raptor Center.
| Photo by Bill Evans
(Right) A cadet falconer and one of the mascot
birds perform at the 2010
Graduation Parade. | Photo by Arnie Spencer
Club Pictures
(Right) Air Force cadets take on their Army counterparts in an indoor rockclimbing chal-
lenge during Army Week when West Pointers came
visiting tor the annual football show-
(Above) Fourthclassman Eric /Widen,
featured above,
explores the wonders of
the Garden of the Gods and pays homage to Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt during
Break. I Dominant photo by Arnie Spencer,
supporting photo is a courtesy photo.
The Falcon football team trots out before the annual Army/Air Force rivalry game.
Air Force
dominated the visiting cadets 35-7.1 Photo by C1C Luke Connolly PSYOPS A helicopter crew sympathetic to the Army football team bombards the Terazzo with pro-Army leaflets. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly HEATED RIVALRY
Force cheerleaders are silhouetted against the bonfire featured at the Army Week pep rally. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly
SOCIAL CLIMBER An Air Force cadet clambers up the indoor climbing wall during a competition with visiting Army cadets. I Photo by C2C Dustin Tanen
Me e k WAR OF WORDS Falcon fans enjoy the good weather and leave no question where their loyalties lie. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly SHOW OF HANDS Andrew Street fights off an Army defender in the Cadet Gym. Air Force and Army
cadets faced off on the team handball court as well as of the football field during Army Week. I Photo by Amie Spencer
BATTLE BIRD The Bird stands up to the Army’s donkey mascot on the football sidelines. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly EAGLE UP An F-15 Strike Eagle enters a steep climb during a flyover. I Photo by C1C Luke Connolly
taking first and
said Lt. Col. Charles W. Schweiss Jr, chief of intramurals here and
fourth overall at the 2010 American Collegiate Intramural Sports
the officer who oversaw the Academy ACIS effort. "The strength,
Fitness Nationals held here April 24.
agility and fitness he demonstrated during the competition set him
Cadet teams dominated the competition
apart from the rest."
Firstie Daniel Hill was the male most valuable player for the Hill and
entire event.
USAFA Team B scored 80 points to edge Baylor University's
Academy Team B's Brennan Gallagher,
The University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse took third with 72 and
Caitlin Glitz and Carlee Koutnik placed first in the tug-o-war and
third in the team mini-triathlon en route to winning the competition.
USAFA Team A had 67. nationals each year.
G1C Daniel Hill is the perfect example of collegiate fitness,"
u Of
central cotNecrcirMr* U Of CENTRAL ARKANSAS
6 7
I O university .FOREGO*
4 (j
3 5
3 Ij
Up to 12 teams can earn a berth in the
Neither Academy team made the top three in the obstacle
The Fitness Challenge consists of standardized assessments of
strength, endurance, and speed/agility. It is part of the ACIS Cam-
pus Challenge program which provides students the opportunity to
"[Well] simply work on hand eye coordination and a little
take part in basic fitness assessment events throughout the semester to help track their individual physical fitness progress.
The Academy's Team A finished first in the mini-triathlon and
fourth overall.
Competing were Danielle Snider, Moises Rendon,
event, but Gallagher plans to perform better there next
agility,'' he said. "We were so close in the obstacle course,
but next year we should definitely take first in that event as well. -
James A. Rush, Polaris Staff
David Heitstuman and Alexandra Trobe.
TEAM (2) B (EAT) The Academy’s B Team, Daniel Hill, Caitlin Glitz, won
the tug-o-war and took
with the obstacle course
Carlee Koutnik and Brennan Gallagher, third in the triathlon.
Their combined
earned them first place overall in the ACIS Challenge. I Courtesy photos SPECIAL DELIVERY Alexandra Trobe negotiates the “mailbox” on the Nike Swoosh obstacle course. Trobe and the rest of the Academy’s Team A placed fourth overall. RING KONG Daniel Hill negotiates the most difficult part of the obstacle course- the rings. He won overall male
MVP for the entire competition. END IS NEAR David Heitstuman guts
out the last couple meters in the bike leg of the mini-triathlon under the
encouragement of Team A partner Moises Rendon who runs alongside. Team A won the triathlon.
ACIS Competition
C1C Robert Tonio, is an international cadet from Narobi, Ke-
Wrestling practices and tournaments for Spranger conflicted
nya, and C1C Kurt Spranger, is a red-blooded (and not to mention
with the Tonio's interests in Wings of Green and joining other inter-
To those who know them, the two
national cadets for weekend fun in Denver. Tonio was 22 years
red-head) Air Force brat.
may seem
like polar opposites, but they have become extremely
close over the last three years.
only ones who didn't pick roommates on time
get picked by
The two barely spoke the first semester. Kurt didn't
know Tonio was foreign until Thanksgiving sophomore year.
-‘im ne •
B P.
1 ■
The wrestler
would return early Sunday morning from a wrestling trip and his
Tonio and Spranger were paired up because they were the
anyone else.
old sophomore year and Spranger was only 20.
roommate would be stumbling in from Denver. Most Sundays con-
sisted of Tonio recovering from a horrible hang-over and Spranger
attempting to get his homework done for the upcoming week.
Opposing work ethics is another fundamental difference.
Spranger receives a
coin from graduation speaker Adm. Mike Mul-
len, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I Courtesy photo FIRST SALUTE Diploma in hand, C1C Robert Tonio renders his first salute after
crossing the graduation stage. I Courtesy photo OVER AT LAST Spranger and Tonio unite after the graduation hat toss to celebrate the end of
their time together at the Academy.
The room-
mates started off as a picture of contrast, but as
time passed, they built a strong friendship differences
notwithstanding. I Photo by Amie Spencer
VIVA LAS VEGAS The roomies enjoy a trip to
Las Vegas in a convertible. I Courtesy photo
SHARP DRESSED MEN Tonio and Spranger are dressed to dazzle
during a night on the town.
I Courtesy photo
Spranger does his assignments well in advance and hates laying
talked extensively since they were trapped within their room at
around. Tonio procrastinates, stays up late hours for no good rea-
parade rest with nothing else to do. That sparked the friendship
and does homework while Spranger tries to sleep.
starts cleaning for SAMI
that has steadily grown stronger and stronger.
This year Tonio spent spring break at Spranger's house in Flor-
four days before the inspection; Tonio
ida and Spranger plans to visit Tonio in Kenya for several weeks
waits till 0100 the day of...
And then there are the differences in language barrier, fam-
during the cadets' 60 days of leave over the summer. So deep is
ily and cultural backgrounds, but none of these kept Tonio and
their friendship now, don't be surprised if Tonio and Spranger are
Compliance Inspection
the only roommate pair to attend the 40-year reunion for 2010.
Spranger separated forever.
The Unit
SAMI during sophomore year was the first time the two cadets
C1C Jacque Harrier
Dormitory hallways at the Academy reflect powerful emo-
The most recognizable hallway peculiarities are the murals. The
tions from deep pain to great happiness. Murals decorate walls;
somber tone of P.O.W. memorials and 9-11 commemorations are bal-
class-colored tiles line alcoves. ous
Add to these decorations vari-
awards, bulletin boards and lasting memories of what takes
anced with displays of pride in squadron, service and nation.
Each painting has thought, originality, and purpose behind them. Cadets paint them as their lasting mark on their squadron.
place here. "The hallways represent freedom. Before we were recog-
Murals instill a sense of tradition that goes beyond any individual
nized we had to greet, be at attention and were yelled at in the
and shows how cadets as a whole define themselves and their roles
hallways," said fourthclassman Don Dennert.
in their
"I was stuck to the
squadron. By living among murals painted by graduates all
right side, like driving down the freeway; then it's March, now I
the way down the Long Blue Line, cadets are able to identify with
walk it my way."
the same values and morals of those who came before them.
Cadet Life
HALLWAY HUBS Cadets stream past the CQ desk at a busy hallway intersection in a dormitory. students
The hallways both divide and connect the
cadets are expected to remain in their squadron halls, but mu-
rals, class-colored tiles and other traditions give cadets common experiences
share. I Photo by C2C Nick Debarmore SQUEAKY CLEAN
Dam the door bottoms with towels, add water and soap and you’ve got “carrier landings” to allow Air Force cadets a chance to bond with their
midshipman counterparts. Trash can targets are optional. I Photo by C2C
Nick Debarmore INTERIOR DESIGN A C4C Elaine Bradford decorates a poster used to transform two seniors’ room
into a fairy princess
castle as part of 100s Night. If they could talk, dorm hallways could tell
experien ce
remarkable stories about Academy traditions.
Fortunately for the
cadets, the halls are mute. I Photo by Denise Navoy MOO JUICE The
Academy is after all still a university and cadets are not immune to the urges which cause students to try stunts that cause observers to question the validity of entrance exam scores.
Chugging a whole gallon of milk
in one sitting to test the body’s resistance to lactose build up certainly
qualifies. I Photo by C2C Dustin Tanen
Class-colored tiles represent the different classes with their
fellow squadron mates.
hallways via the CQ, the microwave, or just milling around
distinctions privileges and responsibilities. They are also reminders
in the
of the special bond each graduate shares, especially with others
in the little free time
of the same class color.
Every day cadets bond with each other
they have.
These memories are possibly the greatest things filling these
Awards and bulletin boards show the day to day commit-
halls. The sweat and tears from training, Hundreds Night room
ment and work that goes on in these halls. They also display work
decorations, dimmed hallways walking past classmates at the
each cadet contributes and excellence achieved.
end of recognition, hanging out with lifelong friends
The long hallways seem not only to connect squadrons, but
personal relationships. Here freshmen learn to trust each other
these hall-
of happiness, laughter, and unforgettable
ways carry
C3C Jim Daniels
during training sessions and upperclassmen make bonds with their Common Hallway, Common Experience
Dozens of
Academy cadets traded in spring breaks sunlit
beaches for hammers, nails and saws to build homes for the needy
classes, combined with military duties in the squadron and athletics can wear on even
during Alternative Spring Break March 22-26. The Center for Character and Leadership Development hooked up 63 cadet in
the most resolute of cadets.
Compared to USAFA, doing manual labor in Texas is a vacation," joked C3C Brendan Maestas.
volunteers with Habitat for Humanity housing projects
Cadets Maestas and Walker were two of several would-be
Kansas City and the Texas towns of El Paso, Wichita Falls, Bryan
comedians among the group of cadets, helping keep a light-hearted
and Victoria.
approach to the hard work ahead, and keeping it fun. Each time the
The 14 cadets who travelled the furthest from the Academy
words "spring break" came up in anyone's conversation, there would
started their spring breaks at a warehouse in Victoria, TX, loading
be a pause and the cadets would yell
lumber for a construction site. C2C Bobby Walker said the cadets
excited about the cause and the change of pace. Six or seven
gfP 1I 'fpyHiBE 1
"Spring break, woohoo!" in
Some of this camaraderie was born on the drive to Victoria. It
took two days for the cadets, driving two vans, to reach the small Texas town. Victoria, which is an hour inland from the Gulf coast,
ing cadets an economical way to spend a week out of town, see someplace new, do something meaningful and still stay within their
opened its arms to the cadets. A local church gave them a place to
sleep, local businesses donated food, and a church youth choir even
opportunity to go somewhere new during spring break to work with Habitat for Humanity and to put deeds behind the words
serenaded the cadets upon their arrival. When they arrived to the 800 Block of Virginia Avenue in
Alternative Spring Break gives cadets a paid but no-frills
"service before self."
downtown Victoria with their building supplies, they found a site that
"Past cadet feedback has continually been positive," said CSL
had a concrete base but zero electricity and a moat of mud surround-
Program Director Capt. Julie Mustian, [with] comments saying, This has been one of the most rewarding and memorable weeks of my
ing the concrete.
With a generator and some elbow grease, the
cadets had two of the home's exterior walls in place before lunch.
Volunteering for Alternative Spring Break only costs $20, giv
life.' It is amazing and humbling to watch all the countless selfless acts the cadets do ..."
John Van Winkle, USAFA Public Affairs
HAND OFF C3C Sarah Sauter
and C2C
Bridget Flatley move building supplies over muddy
ground in Victoria, TX. teers team
WALLS UP Cadet volun-
up to raise a wall
while building a home
for Habit for Humanity. NAILED IT C1C Michael Bates nails together 2x4 boards to make a wall in
maal Paul starts his alternate spring break by load-
ing boards at the Habitat for Humanity warehouse in
Victoria, TX. LOOKING UP ClC Cheng Tay takes careful measurements before cutting ceiling panels. I Photos by John Van Winkle, USAFA Public Affairs
Alternative Spring Break
When a legion of cadets collectively put their minds towards
something, they can accomplish a lot.
If their focus is helping the
able to see something that would have taken days to complete finished in a couple of hours. One of these projects was recently completed by Cadet
community, the effect can be significant. Several projects are done annually at the Academy includ-
Squadron 36 when they helped out the Wild Blue Animal Shelter
ing Toys for Tots, the Combined Federal Campaign, and various
and Sanctuary.
other events. But besides those, each of the 40 squadrons plans
shelter practices a "no kill" policy where they will not euthanize
and performs a community service project.
As each squadron
has approximately 120 people, charities facing large tasks are
Started by USAFA grad, Lauri Cross, this new
animal under their care.
The project began at nine o'clock Feb. 22 and continued un-
CADETS’ BEST FRIENDS Justin Lukso and Andy Franklin play with puppies who are waiting to be adopted through a local animal shelter (the puppies, not the cadets). I Photo by C2C Laura Buster
TOO MUCH TEAMWORK? Feel free to insert a joke about how many cadets it takes to bag leaves, but these and several more volunteers were a huge part of a “Live United” effort to clean up a local
park. I Photo by C2C Dustin Tanen KICKIN’ BACK Cadets are regular volunteers for little Hailey Spencer’s soccer team. I Photo by Arnie Spencer SPRING BUILD Thirdclassmen Kirby Forssell and Chris Miller assemble a wall frame in Bryan, TX. The cadets volunteered to travel to the small Texas town and build homes as part of Alternative Spring Break March 20-26. I Photo by John Van Winkle IN THE NAME OF RESEARCH Air Force Academy gymnasts
take part in the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure in Denver Oct. 4. The men’s and women’s gymnastics teams joined more than 57,000 other participants and raised $2,150 toward breast cancer research. I
Photo courtesy of Athletic Communications
til about one o'clock. on
During these four hours the cadets worked
clearing logs and brush for the future creation of a home for
the shelter's caretakers. "I had a ball knowing that I helped out, but the really fun
part was getting a couple of guys and throwing a log that
serve as a
home for any rescued felines.
"It was a great way to spend a Saturday, and I think we should do it again next year," said junior Haley Staples. "The time
really flew by." Of course Wild Blue residents aren't the only beneficiaries Other community service projects have
weighed, like, 400 pounds on our shoulders," said thirdclassman
of cadet volunteerism.
Stephen Wakefield.
helped fund breast cancer cures research, Habitat for Humanity,
Cadets also helped to build a "feline condominium" that will
youth sports teams and many, many more.
C3C Alex Nelson
Globetrotting students from Cadet Squadron 10 fish for piranhas in the Amazon River. I
Photo by C2C Robert Lystrup GOOD TO BE KING Cadets from CS38 pose in front of King’ Palace 643 in Thailand. I Photo by C3C Jared Tomaszewski SKY HIGH A (relatively) modem high rise building towers over its neighbors and
reaches skyward in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I Photo by C2C Robert Lystrup FARMING AFAR CS30’s Michael Piazza looks over the Andean corn and
e ak
lima bean field he helped hoe. I Photo by C3C Nathan Seibt
DOWN AND DIRTY Cadets cover themselves in Dead Sea mud hoping to reap the health and beauty benefits it reput-
edly offers. I Photo by C2C Sharon Aradine A LITTLE HELP PLEASE Nick Reed (right) leaves Dan Hughes to handle fight with the tide over a derelict boat in the Bahamas.
I Photo by C3C Kody O'Connell HIGH QUALITY H20 Rain-
drops rolls off com stalks at a high altitude farm in the Andes Mountains. I Photo by C3C Nathan Seibt TOMB READER Ancient ruins in Petra, Jordan, offer cadets a tangible connection to the past not found in history books. I Photo by C2C
Sharon Aradine EARLY RISERThe serene beauty of a Cancun sunrise is a fair reward for getting up early (or not both-
ering to go to bed). I Photo by C4C Kenneth Gipson
The Academy offers many opportunities for cadets to take a
Hansen's spiritual road took him to southern Taiwan for two
break from its military and academic rigors to make a differ-
years, where he traveled from
parts of the world for a few weeks or even a
the community on a daily basis.
in various
place to place meeting locals in
semester. Some cadets even have the chance to spend a couple
The thing I enjoyed most about my trip was the people.
of years in pursuit of other life goals before graduating and start-
Everyone was unique, they each had their own story to share,"
ing Air Force careers.
he said.
Curtis Hansen, a thirdclassman with Cadet Squadron 38,
While living
Taiwan, the cadet learned how to make
entered with the Class of 2010. He chose to leave the Acad-
fried rice, mastered the use of chopsticks, and brushed up on his
emy after his freshman year though to go on a mission trip for the
Mandarin Chinese. Hansen also learned a few fundamental life
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Cadet Life
SECTION 8 Blending in to the crowd, Curtis Hansen holds a sign at a Section 8 spirit rally during the cadet’s freshman year. NEW FRIENDS Hansen’s red tie and foreign looks help him to stand out among friends made during his religious-based mission to Taiwan. “AQUAWESOME” A magnificent aquarium is among the places Hansen found time to visit
during his two-year stay overseas. FASHION REBEL Despite being back among cadets, C3C Hansen still stands apart from the rest of the Class of 2012 because the BDU uniform he was issued is being phased
king a
All his current classmates wear the new ABU uniform. 1 Courtesy
it "Interacting with people, watching how they lived showed me the importance of family and keeping priorities in
Academy, now with the Class of 2012.
check," he said.
have two more years to go," he said.
"It's hard seeing my friends ready to graduate, while I still
Taking a break from the Academy did offer Cadet Hansen
Taking a break from the Academy may sound good, but there are a lot of factors to consider. Cadet Hansen's decision
insight about cadet life that others may have missed.
While in Taiwan, he was allowed only
"The cynicism was very apparent, people would always be
complaining about one thing or another. I'd say 'What's so bad
about that?' I also feel that I've gained an appreciation for the
admits it was difficult leaving his newfound friends in Taiwan and
Academy, motivation that I wouldn't have otherwise if I hadn't
it was also tough coming back to the strict, regimented life at the
left," he said.
two phone calls a year to contact his family, but
to keep in contact
with friends and family through e-mail.
C1C Claudia Santos and C3C Harriet Randolph
Taking a Break
"Cadating“ Offers Creative Outlet for Romance
Sweat slowly drips from my palms as I tightly grip the guitar. Cadet 4th Class Matthew Webb once again looks over the second We quickly rehearse before our performance starts. verse as he frets about the few notes barely within his range. to The however, is not a thousand cheering fans or the ushering of a stage manager but rather a voice over the loud
begin, queue Air Force Academy and this is our story. speaker commanding "Wing 'tench hut," for we are cadaters at the United States meal formations. The Cadating is just as much a tradition at USAFA as yelling at basic cadets, early morning inspections, and noon desire to obtain a greatly coveted cadate, a date from a cadet, originates from one of two sources. Freshmen have few passes to go off base, so when a freshman spots another cute female cadet, his best dating option is to ask
her to dine with him at Mitchell Hall for lunch. Although many freshmen enjoy asking cadates, more often than not, upperclassmen will originate the quest for a cadate by asking the freshman to get a cadate. no small matter. Oftentimes, is made out of a desire for entertainment because proposing to a prospective cadate is This
the proposal is just as much a show as it is an attempt at a first date. Some cadets bring gifts, others bring food, and the most dedicated cadaters write a song to serenade the prospective cadet. with me at lunch? It's teriyaki Shortly after the wing snaps to attention the cadaters are off to sing the refrain asking, "Will you eat Smooth-talkin' Cadater C4C Class Stephen Beaton chicken and chilled punch." -
Diners Carry on Form 0-96 Tradition Forms 0-96 have been a staple of Mitchell Hall culture
days at the Air Force Academy, according to Department of Physics instructor Dr. Tom Eller. In the same way they did in 1955, basics and fourthclassmen fill the forms out, upperclassmen review them, and then leave them for since the brown-shoe
the staff to read after the meal.
"Fast-neat-average-friendly-good-good," are the options
bers the words,
"fast-neat-average-friendly-good-good," and
said he has "seen the words used a few times since graduation." The list of boxes to check never fades, but the jokes are a dif-
Nothing in particular stands out to the general 26 years after graduating. After only three years of attendance at this fine institution, Cadet Dylan Asmar, CS-32, is of the the jokes are mildly entertaining, but not very same sentiment ferent story.
selected for the first six questions on the form (no one remem-
bers the questions though). In the "Comments" section, the Doo-
hardly be reasonably But, anything that can put the upperclassmen in a better mood is usually beneficial to the fourth-classmen, so everybody wins in the end. Cadets growing up in a family of USAFA grads, were likely well aware of the tradition during their own days with closely shaved heads. With any luck, Doolies in the distant future will also remember "Fast-neat-average.as they ride their
The Forms 0-96 were initially intended to give Mitchell
expected of a panicked Doolie.
lies are forcefully encouraged to write a joke.
Hall honest feedback... while this purpose
To be fair, sophisticated wit
partially in
the forms are currently used mainly for entertainment.
enjoyable as family-style meals can be for a Doolie, they usually fill the forms out as quickly as possible, since they are usually a requirement to be excused from the meal. Brig. Gen. Samuel Cox, Commandant of Cadets, remem
hovercars to and fro on the Terrazzo.
C2C Barrett Schake
Fire In The Hole! A hush befalls the table as every eye turns his way.
Upperclassmen sit with wide grins spread across their faces, riveted on the
freshman at the very foot of the table. He sits silently, eyes fixated on the smooth plastic container carefully situated in his left hand. The tension is palpable, and upperclassmen nearly lean forward in anticipation, eyes bright with the promise of a tradition fulfilled.
The freshman takes a deep breath, lets it out and finally looks up to meet the eyes of the table commander. The firstie nods solemnly, and the freshman's eyes fall back to the peanut butter container in his hand.
All is quiet for a brief moment, then—"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" With rapidity unmatched, the freshman smashes the peanut butter container against his forehead and breaks the paper seal keeping the upperclassmen from the delicious peanut butter within.
As the seal breaks, a delicate hunk of peanut butter flies from the container, drawing a smooth arc in the air before landing, almost
gently, in a great glob on the floor. The silence is torn as cheers erupt exuberantly from the table. The firstie nods his approval of the deed, allowing the freshman to bask in the glory of a job well done. 164
Cadet Life
C1C Jennifer Haden
(From the top) Feeling brave, C4C Patrick Helms dares to ap-
proach C2C Jessica Rodgers hoping to exchange a ketchup flower for the lady’s favor. Part social exchange, part entertainment, CADATING is a Mitchell Hall tradition that rewards bold
and imaginative freshmen with classmates’ respect. | The Academy wastes no time indoctrinating freshman to the Air Force’s
survey culture.
New students are required to complete 0-96
forms during meals, but all answers must be the same.
ing a joke in the comments section is recommended as well. | After warning nearby Airmen with a shout, “Fire in the hole!”
C4C Robert Juckett III smashes a lidless but unopened plastic
jar against his head. Done properly, the deed results in a gooey blast of peanut butter shrapnel. | Photos by Arnie Spencer
Mitchell Hall Traditions
(Left) C1C Kyle Kuzma embraces the chilly water of a Terrazzo fountain as he cel-
ebrates completion of his last final exam. More imaginative firsties observe the tradition using inflatable pool toys, snorkels
and other water gear. (Above) Firsties take a break during the annual Run to the Rock which occurs at the end of Recognition.
The event is a bonding opportunity
between the upperclassmen, identified
by the hats showing class color, and the
newly-recognized freshmen. I Dominant photo by Brad Milliman, supporting photo by Arnie Spencer 167
Tyner M. Apt lola, KS
Biology 'Pain is Temporary, Pride is Forever.” Mom, Dad, Maggie and Charles -1 can’t thank you enough! I love you more than anything! To my best friends you got me through it -
all, the ups and downs. Becky, you
already know...
Jimmy Ciccone
Andrew L. Burke
Mentor, OH
Woodbridge, Foreign Area Studies Eastern Europe/Russia I am so grateful for having had this opportunity. I traveled the world, saw and did things few are blessed to experience. Thank you to all of my friends for making this place bearable on those particularly rough days- meeting you really made this place worth it all. To my family, thank you for supporting me every
Basic Science
step of the way -1 love you. Patrick, hang in there bud. Mbi Bdann Ha
I am thanking my parent’s, family and friends for all the support they
have given over the years. I am the reserves by myself. cabeza del came. the death crawl.
I am the
I am JAM.
I am
I am waking you
up to go to breakfast. I am not a fielder. I am going to miss my boys;
you guys got me through this place. I am surprised I graduated, are you?
nyTb MeHee nyieuiecTBOBan, v\ sto 6bmo He Tax nnoxo. 9\ totob...
Lucas J. Connolly
Jason D.W. Gallimore
Meridian, ID
Winston-Salem, NC
Management Lord, thank you for always looking out for me and taking care of me. Mom and dad, thanks for always being there to encourage me and give me advice. Krystal and David,
Humanities From skipping class in high school to the hot pavement of Lackland to
the Tyndall flight line to commanding a group and a
squadron at the Prep
School and now the Academy...who
you guys are the best brother and sister anyone could hope to
would have thought. Words cannot
have, I don’t know what I would do
and friends.
without you. To all my friends at the
because of all of you; I love you
Academy, thanks for all good times,
I can’t wait to see you guys down
beautiful ladies in my life: Mom, Jenny,
the road.
and Tehane! PS. Chester is a true
express my gratitude for my family I am where I am today
Especially thanks to the three
Rebecca M. Gleason
Ryan Gonzales
St. Louis, MO
San Antonio, TX
Behavioral Science
Social Science
AFA S’Women, never stop the crazi-
Thank you to all those important to
ness and
don’t stop singing! “I look
sign, this is all so crazy, everyone seems so famous.” Cyrus; L&J I love my hello kitty phone keychain!
would never have been possible!
Mach One, thanks for the memories. Tyner, best room-ever! “Don’t assume that it is too late to
get in-
Doubleday; Lindsay, wish you were here. Kt&Meg, Mom&Dad, -
wouldn’t have made it without you. Much love.
(parents, friends and the rest
of the family) without you guys, this
to the right and I see the Hollywood
Jonathan J. Klenk
San Fernando, CA Electrical Engineering Return With Honor.
Hannah A. Marcelo
Virginia Beach, VA Political Science God. thank You for blessing me
beyond all measure, by Your incredit Faithfulness! I fall more in love with You everyday! Dad, Mom, Naomi, Aaron thanks for your love, support, and guidance. Thanks to my extended
family, friends, OCFers and prayer warriors who have helped me through both times of praise and hardship. My brothers and sisters-in-Christ, continue to love, serve, and be a shining light to
others! (2Cor4:8-12) -the Happy Cadet "God's Joy is my strength”
Zachary A. McCarter
Lucille R. McMinn
O’Fallon, IL
Cary, NC Computer Science
Political Science
Validating the first four days of BCT =
Four of the craziest years of my
Life is short me from
to JL, never failed
basic to graduation, to the
girls who I won’t ever forget
life that showed me how desperate-
ly I need you Jesus. Philippians 1:6
<3 Little B and T who caught me
and Habakkuk 2:3 Thank you Mom,
when I fell, J who was in my corner
Dad, Austin, Claire, and friends for
and put me back in the fight. JR and
helping me through the toughest
MC: all I hope to be as a leader.
years of my life.
I know Amber
would be proud.
I know you’re in
better place sis but I miss you.
RSpektor -Walkin arm in arm, I hope it don’t get harmed but even if it does I'll just do it all again. -
Love you all.
Nathan P. Moeller
Hudson, OH
Civil Engineering
Political Science
“To guard my innocent country against the evils of slavery, seems
greatest duty; and, therefore,
now my
Kyle Philip Novae
Charleston, SC
I am determined that while I live, she shall never be enslaved. She
may come to that wretched
state for
It s hard to believe that we finally made it through this place. Thank you Mom and Dad for all your sup-
port! Great memories and great times (minus Physics...) RTB
what I know, but MY eyes shall never behold it. Never shall she clank her
chains in my ears, and pointing to the ignominious badge, exclaim, ‘it was your cowardice that brought me to this.”
Brig. Gen. Francis Marion
(quoted by Parson M. L. Weems)
Grant I. Parker
Wanatah, IN
Systems Engineering Management I want to say thank you to my parents
for their faithfulness and encouragement. I have the most amazing family
anyone could ask for. I love you Dad, Mom, Thomas, Bart, and Brittany.
Sean T. Peters El Paso, TX
Political Science
Appreciate the value of other perspectives, but don’t forget who you are. Live fast, love strong, and watch lots of movies. :)
Thank you Mike for your mentorship,
friendship, and commitment to the Lord. Most of all, I thank my Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ for giving me
strength and meeting me where I was at in every circumstance. Everything I’ve done is for Him.
John T. Rice
David M. Skelly
Maddock, ND
Stuttgart, Germany
Geospatial Science Everyone love everyone! Thanks Mom, Dad, Paul, Janna, Katie, Will. I love you all!
People’s Champion
Behavioral Science Thanks Mom and Dad for getting me here and giving me a life of amazing experiences. Tom, thanks for being the best brother. Kyle, Andy, and
Joel, oh how time flies, but now it’s BUSINESS TIME! And yes, when it’s all said and done, it was.
Kari Thomas
Kenny Welborn
Fleming Island, FL Biology
Geospatial Science
Stamford, CT
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Hi, Mom! To my family: I love you
and do not depend on your own
guys. To everyone else: It’s been a fun four years, but now it’s time for
Seek His will in all
you do and He will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6
the real deal. Bring it on.
Dreams can come true!
Austin S. Westbrook
Stevens Point, Wl Behavioral Science I should put some inside joke that
Joshua Royall Whiteheart
Winston-Salem, NC Behavioral Science
and Organization
I won’t remember in five years,
Thank you, Lord for getting me
like, “Hardcore Parkour!" but I will
through this place. Momma, I love
probably just wuss out and say,
you all there is in the world! Dad, Tina, and Miles thanks for always
“Thanks Dad, Mom, Clint and Jenni for all the support and help through the years.” so much,
Seriously, thank you
I couldn’t have made it
without you.
Isaiah 41:10
supporting me in everything I do. Babygirl, you have no idea how much you make me proud. Blake, thanks for being my number one fan always. Maybe you will end up here someday! All four years, KFW, thanks. To my boys...b-rad, Jason, j-teezy, bking, doshow, dr. ben fox, bball, and Liam. Alpha Shred.
Nate ’’Token” Wills
Jackson, MS
Foreign Area Studies Five years down baby...you would have thought I liked this place. I want to thank my friends Drew
Burke, Jason Gallimore, and Jack Daniels. You made my time here
Pain is temporary; pride is forever.
quoted byT"y N E R Apt
William “The Show” Adorno III
Cape May, NJ Operations Research “Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and
be great?”
Jimmy Johnson
Thanks Mom, Dad, and friends for all of the support. I was very
fortunate to have this opportunity and I am glad I did not blow it. Bring on the next
Kristen M. Barra
Thomas B. Bernard
Bethel, CT
Gainesville, GA
Management This space was intentionally left blank.
Social Science I want to thank all of my family
for support through my time here at USAFA. Especially my mother
Diana, my grandparents Bill & Joyce Reinke, and my sister Nicole. I would not have made it without you
all. Also, a special thanks to Paul
Quintana for the good times on the
river, imparting wisdom, and endless amounts of support in my life. To the guys, it’s been good. We will
rally many more times before it’s over.
Belkacem Bachir
Christopher Y. Chang
Akram Boumezrag
Fredericksburg, VA Management
Algiers, Algeria Aeronautical Engineering
To Mom, Dad, and William, thank
you so much for your support and encouragement before and
Papa, maman, I would like to thank you for your continuous support
during my academy experience. I also want to thank the Derby for treating me like one of their sons. Finally, I want to thank all my international and American chaps.
throughout the years here. I would have never made it without you. To the '10 baby Vikes and Deucers, thanks for being such great people. I
Finally, to the “chaps" at the lunch
would have never made it without
table, thanks for being such great
you guys. Thanks USAFA and thanks I love you all! Call
friends and making this place
us none too serious...
serious... CC, CP, JL, JM, MB, MF,
the Unites States.
so much fun.
Call us none too
John “J.P.” Dombroski
Kurtis E. Droppa
Toledo, OH
Scranton, PA
Political Science
First, I would like to give all the
Foreign Area Studies “So then it does not depend on the
credit and glory to my Lord & Savior
man who wills or the man who runs,
Jesus Christ for getting me here and
through the last four years. Next to my loving family and amazing fiance, Aubrey, for your constant support. .Thank you! To the deuce family, my department, AA staff, the .
BDUB’s crew, my church, thank you for the numerous opportunities, the
memories were great. See ya out JP Ez. 22:30, may one be
but on God who has mercy." -
Romans 9:16
I love you Mom, Dad, Logan, and
Mark “Fave” Favinger
Jase D. Garcia
Minden, NE
San Antonio, TX
Behavioral Science Thanks to my parents, brothers and sister, friends and family, Matt, and
“The term is over: the holidays have
Jennifer. Any successes of mine are results of your love and support.
Computer Science ,
The dream is ended: this is
the morning."
C. S. Lewis
“I can do all things in Christ who
strengthens me.”
Phil 4:13
Call us none too serious... CC, CP,
Matt Greenwood
Stephen R. Grace Cincinnati, OH
Fairfax, VA
Civil Engineering
Computer Science “If you go that way you can be
Thank you so much to everyone who helped me make it through
somebody...you will be a member of the club and you will get promoted and you will get good assignments... Or you can go [the other] way and you can do something- something for your
here a day at a time, if you’re
reading this it means I made it! Love you Mom and Dad.
country and for your Air Force. To be or to do? Which way will you
Col. John Boyd
Kimberly E. Hammernik
Daniel R. Hill
La Veta, CO
Chandler, AZ
Social Science
Thank you to mom, dad, and
“It doesn't do me any good to be
Matthew for all your support and
proud. It’d be better to just force
encouragement over the years! I love you! Thanks to all the awesome
myself to be naive about things, because otherwise I'll start being happy with myself and then I'll stand
friends I’ve made along the way never
forget the memories!
still. And then I’m old news.”
"Common men do common things; uncommon men do uncommon
Unknown “All that is
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -
Edmund Burke
Roland J. Kern
Gina L. Koenigsberger
Los Lunas, NM
Mequon, Wl
Management Thanks to my family and friends. The only reason I’m here today is because of all your support and
Biology “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t
Call us none too serious... CC, CP,
Thanks to family and friends for all
your love and support!
Dr. Seuss
Carrie J. Moore
Jacob W. Malcolm Grand Rapids, Ml
Tucson, AZ
Systems Engineering Management
Mom and Brian, I love you both and
To my fellow Buttercups from basic,
thank you for all of your support.
to the girls on the water polo team,
Dad, I can’t even describe how
to my lifelong friends in Deuce:
much of a hand you had in me
Thank you. You all have carried
graduating from this place (but I’m sure you know). To everyone else who helped me, thanks. I just hope
years from now, I remember how terrible this place actually was.
through and blessed me in
more ways than
I can count. To my
family: your love and support are the foundation for all of my successes,
Adulthood apparently begins now!
you had and still have faith in me. Its been a trip, but one I’ll never
Call Us None Too Serious.
Mallory C. Morgan
Chris “P” Piascik
Parker, TX
Lexington, KY Legal Studies
Social Science
There is no substitute for hard work.
James 1: 2-4
Call us none too serious... CC, CP,
Christopher L. Prochnow
Spencer “Shib” Shibler
Warrenville, IL
Rancho Cucamonga, CA System Engineering Management
Management I just want to thank everyone who helped me through this place. To my
Mom, Dad, Heather my sister, and other friends and family: thank you for all the support! I've made tons
of friendships that will last a lifetime and I’ll never forget this place. “Life is what you make it” and I think all of us have really made a life only a
few get to experience. Thanks again
Andrew M. Smith
McDonough, GA Electrical Engineering “If I find in myself a desire which no
experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” -
C.S. Lewis “If nothing is self-
evident, nothing can be proved.
Similarly if nothing is obligatory for its own sake, nothing is obligatory at all.” C.S. Lewis “Morality or duty...never yet made a man happy -
in himself or dear to others.”
“Learn from the Past, Live the Moment and Plan for the Future.” -
Daniel J. Wabinga
Ryan A. Ten Eyck
Rome, NY
Psalm 23. Thank you Mom, Dad, Aaron, and Julia for your love and
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared
support. Thank you Deuce; I had a great time. And Thank you baby Vikings; we've been through a lot.
to what lies within us.” -
Mechanical Engineering
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Travis M. Whitt
Katherine A. Wallace
Jacksonville, NC
Morristown, TN
Environmental Engineering
Systems Engineering Mechanical “There comes a time in every
This space was intentionally left blank.
man's life when he is called upon to do something very special for
which he and he alone has the
capabilities, has the skills, and has the necessary training. What a pity if the moment finds the man unprepared." Winston Churchill Thanks to everyone who helped me survive this place, especially you -
“There comes a time every man ’5 life when he is called in
upon to do some-
thing very special for which he and he alone has the
capabilities has the skills and has the ,
necessary training.
What a pity if the
finds the unprepared.
moment man -
Winston Churchill as
quoted by
Travis Whitt
Cameron S. Beckett
Canyon Country, CA Behavioral Sciences As the great Wesley once said, “We are men of action. Lies do not become us.”
Karl A.E. Bohn
Meghan “Boozer” Booze
Fort Worth, TX
Littleton, CO
Systems Engineering Management “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and
Systems Engineering Mechanics “...decide...whether or not the goal is
I’m not sure about the former.” -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
“If you are going through hell, keep going.” Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) -
worth the risks involved. If it is, stop
worrying. .."-Amelia Earhart “If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.”
Michael Jordan
Thank you so much to my family and friends that got me through
To all the people that got me
this place. I really, truly, could not
through this place Love You Guys!!!
have done it without your love and
Aaron R. Brockman
Lebanon, IN
Management Fortis et Liber
Berkley R. Davis Richmond, VA Astronautical Engineering “It is impossible to convey the
life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence-that which makes its truth, its meaning—its subtle and penetrating essence. It is impossible. We live, as we
Jozef Korzeniowski
Catherine M. Haycraft
Aaron R. Hines
Minneapolis, MN
Germantown, TN
Political Science
Military History
“You find you are made up of bits
“Know thyself and thou shalt know
and pieces of all who have ever
all the secrets of the gods and the
touched your life, and you are more
because of it and you would be
Thank you mom, pops, Alan, my
less if they had not touched you.”
little brother, and my most favorite
Unknown author
To all those who gave me the
strength and unconditional love to get through these four years, you know who you are-you are always in my heart
The oracle of Delphi
little trailers. Love you guys.
Chen-Yu “Tie-My” Hsu
Winston “JP” Jean-Pierre
Taipei, Taiwan ROC Aeronautical Engineering
Coral Springs. FL
To my parents, my best friends in
Dogs of War and Luke class. There is far too much appreciation but
History “Winning is nothing, you must know how to profit from your success." Napoleon de Bonaparte -
too few words to say to you and to
I love you Mom. Dad, Grandma,
those people who helped me and
Kelsey, Sammie Fran, Johnson, Hector, my extended family and my new family: the Class of 2010. Congratulations fellow classmates,
shared these great experiences with me throughout my four years in USAFA.
It has been a lot of fun
and finally it is time to say goodbye.
Happy graduation! I love all of you! Keep in touch! GO— Taiwan! Go
let's go out there and lead the
AF better than we led the Cadet
Paul Kim Belle rose, NY
Systems Engineering “Only a life lived for others is worth living.” Albert Einstein -
Gregory “Parks” Masters Calhoun, GA
Computer Science This has been the busiest time of his life.
So busy in fact he didn’t
have time to put any thought into his “yearbook blurb.” But overall
this place has taught him the best
lessons, brought him the best of
friends, and offered the best times of his life.
Kevin Michael McGuiness
Michael Angelo Menna
Snohomish, WA
Cranston, Rl
Foreign Area Studies: Chinese “Most men stop when they begin to tire. Good men go until they think they are going to collapse.
Management “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” Unknown "Chester is a true gentleman." -
But the very best know that the mind tires before the body and they
push themselves further and further, beyond all limits.” Mark Mysnyk I would like to sincerely thank my family and friends for their support -
and love. Without them, I would not have made it to where I am today.
Josh W. Rhynard
Edward “Squall” Ramirez
Helena, MT
Bakersfield, CA
English I will show you something different from either. Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
Systems Engineering Management Thank you to all my Family and Friends for all the support, I couldn’t have done it without you. And with
that, “Today I do the work that others won’t so tomorrow
T.S. Eliot
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Phillip, Gary Cham-
I can do the
things that others can’t.”
bers, Bolstad, Sara, Cory, Jake, Yannika, Terzino, Mariana, Ramshur, James, Hideo Kojima, Tetsuya Nomura, Squall Leonhart, Spike Spiegel, Laguna, Balthier, Ramza, Delita, Will Shakespeare, Albert Camus, Hemingway, Stephen King, Hamlet, Mersault, and the Skywalkers. Shantih, Shantih, Shantih.
John P. Sorce
Erlyn R. Rudico Duncanville, TX
Biochemistry “Courage is grace under pressure.” Ernest Hemingway. Mama, Papa, and -
Algonquin, IL Military History Mom, Dad, Friends, and Family, thanks for all the support.
Jo Jo: Thanks for the love and support you have given me throughout the years. Tita Cynthia, Uncle Bob, Ali,
Jackie, and David: Thanks for taking me
in as another daughter/sister.
“Success is not final, failure is not
fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Tennis Ladies: You are wonderful and
talented! Just remember, you can do
anything if you work together! To all my friends especially CS39 and CS03 best friends: You made all the hard work worthwhile! Let’s go Dogs, Nuke
Jonathan R. Tellefsen
Joshua E. Thomson
Ham Lake, MN
Cincinnati, OH
Aeronautical Engineering
Computer Science “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” Walter Bagehot “For once you have tasted flight you
I, unlike many, have loved my time at the Academy. To all my friends,
I will miss you extremely, but wish
you all the best as we head off in different directions. Mostly though, I need to give ALL credit to my
will forever walk the earth with your
savior and LORD, Jesus Christ, who
eyes turned skyward.” Da Vinci
sustains me every moment of every
Mom and Dad-Thank you for
day. He is the only thing worth living for. And remember... “Even
without you. I love you all.
Hsu know!”
Blue Skies...V
Richard H. W. R. Tippitt
everything, I could not have done it
Matthew J. Weakley
Hernando, MS
Ripon, CA
English Hmmm where to begin...screw that I’m just ready to finish.
Aeronautical Engineering Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is none upon earth that I
desire besides you. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:25-26
Michael R. Winn
Quentin Yip
Portsmouth, VA
Pasadena. CA
Civil Engineering
“There is nothing like returning to
Well, it’s been real and it's been fun,
place that remains unchanged to
but... it ain’t been real fun. I’d like
to thank God, my family, especially
find the ways in which you yourself,
my Mom, my church, Dogs of War
have altered."
(Luke!), and my friends, without them I never would have made it.
Rob, Reed, Q, you guys are the best, without y’alls good humor and tolerance of my crazy this place would have sucked my soul away.
“You’re all clear, kid! Now let’s blow this thing and go home!”
Han Solo
%0 £
“Courage is grace under pressure.
” -
Ernest Hemingway
quoted by ERLYNRudico
Nelson Mandela
Benjamin “Auzzy” Ausbun Puyallup, WA Systems Engineering Management Mom and Dad, your guidance has led me to where I am today and I’m grateful to have caring parents such as you.
I’ve learned so much from
both of you and I hope I’ve made
you proud. Taylor, my brother and best friend, the memories I have had with you bring a smile to my
face; whether on a fishing adventure or
brawling each other. Thanks to
everyone who put a smile on my face while I was here.
Bailey A. Ball
Elizabeth Anne Blair
Lahaina, HI
Huntington, WV
Behavioral Science
Behavioral Science
“Pa’ina he’e nalu nui”
Surf, Party,
Thanks to my family and friends for
all of your support.
Jamey Lee Boyd
Nolan Robert Brock
Spotsylvania, VA
Royal Center, IN
Political Science
Astro Engineering
Just want to thank God and my
Thanks to my mom and dad for
family for helping me make it this
encouraging me to push myself everyday growing up. It means more to me than you'll ever know. Also, thanks to the Alpha Males. I would
not be the same without you guys.
Finally, I would like to thank Evan Jiblits. You’re my hero.
Benjamin Joseph Bruckman
Nicholas G. Charles
Cleveland, OH
San Antonio, TX
Computer Science I just want to thank my family for all the encouragement they have given me throughout the years, and also Charissa, my fiancee, for being
Management God placed us here for a reason. I would be nowhere without Him.
I want to thank my entire family
there for me even when we were
(sponsors and all!) for their ongoing support throughout the past five
years. Mas, here is your shout out
big boy. Most of all thank every single one of my brothers on the team. You guys are family to me and I am so grateful to have tirelessly worked by you. Win the West. Beat Army. Beat Navy!
James William Curran
Benjamin “Hebrew Hammer”
North Brunswick, NJ
Elliot Fox
Chesapeake, VA Biology I can sum my Academy experience up in a few examples:
Thanks Mom, Dad, Kait and Mike for all the support. I would not have been able to do it without you. Also
Made the best friends of my life.
here is to the Bros, new and old,
thanks boys.
2. Learned to get around and away with anything.
3 I have more Intro to Engineering credits than Biology credits. 4. They still don’t know what is
wrong with my liver... Love you guys.
James J. Gullo
Shannon M. Hindley
“The Good Jimmy”
Monument, CO
Systems Engineering Space
River Forest, IL
Biochemistry Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” Vernon Wormer, Dean, Faber College -
“Take this world from me; I don’t need it anymore. I am finally free; My heart is spoken
Covered by Your love divine, Child of the risen Lord. To hear You say This one’s Mine’;
My heart is spoken for.” -Mercy Me-
Brett A. King
Brent J. Lavey
Warren, PA
Puyallup, WA Biochemistry
Civil Engineering I would like to thank my friends and especially my family for their
Thanks to everybody.
support throughout the years here
friends, there's nothing to be sorry
at the Academy.
From ICS to ER, I’ll never forget.
Michael “Mas” Masiello
Kevin F. McCarthy II
Brighton, Ml System Engineering Management I am thanking my parents and friends for all their support!
Mesa, AZ
I am JAM, Roomie, Section 8 I am hating seven outs I am the new super evil I am 11 hour drive to Vegas
Astronautical Engineering "When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead, true
B. Stinson.
To my family and friends you made the worst days here bearable and
I am deciding to go to Vegas on
you made me want the best days to last forever. And just for the record,
I know this next part is
I am dinner at 6:15 I am still listening to O.A.R.
LEGEN-wait for it...
I am standard position
going to be
I am going to miss my boys I am one step closer to living my
dream, are you?
Fakhri Mokni
Amanda J. Peterson
Jemmel, Tunisia
Lawton, OK
Aeronautical Engineering
Behavioral Science
Thanks to my family and all the
Thank you to my family and friends,
internationals for their help and
for the love, encouragement, and
support. I hope to see you all again.
help they have given me over the past four years.
Daniel James Puhek
Fairfax Station, VA
Systems Engineering Management “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -
I would like to thank my family
(Mom, Dad, Jamie, Jeff, Kevin, Hannah, and Nicole) for all their support and confidence. Without you, I would not be where I am.
Christopher Michael Reichelt
Nicholas Anthony Sahagun
Monterey, CA Engineering Mechanics Top 5 things I learned at USAFA
Lanexa, VA Astronautical Engineering “Here’s the deal, I’m the best
there is, plain and simple, I mean I
1. You’ll never meet better friends
wake up every morning and I kiss
than you will here
excellence, and nobody can hang
2. Hulu is a gift from god
with my stuff, uh, you know I’m just
3. Gateway computers have and
a, just a big hairy American winning
always will suck
machine, you ain't first, you’re last, you know, what I’m talking about.”
4. There is always a way around
the rules 5. NEVER loan a freshman your
Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights
flight suit because tours suck
Eric T. Straub
Joshua Arthur Tempel
Phoenix, AZ
Spokane, WA
Environmental Engineering
It was harder than you could
imagine and I’m glad I came to speak.
Go big. ...
Made some of the best bros I could ever ask for...
Forever LC!
Mom and Dad, you're the greatest in the world!
“Live For Today Tomorrow
Plan for
Party Tonight”
Katherine Mary Grace Thompson
Lucia R. White
Fresno, CA
Weirton, WV
Astronautical Engineering
Thank you to my family and friends
In dreams and in life nothing is
for your love and support!
impossible. Thanks Mom & Dad, Stephen (RTB 2018), Aunt Peg. and the girls for being such an amazing
support group. What a remarkable FOUR years.
Bradley A. Wolff
Andrew J. Yaszemski
Pittsburgh, PA
Rochester. MN
Civil Engineering
Geospatial Sciences/Foreign Area
I want to thank my family and
Be true to yourself.
friends for helping me the past four
years. It has been great!!! P.S. Go Steelers
of his
jJ&VFOWg/ “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
quoted by DANIELPuhek Firsties
Richard R. “Dick Roy” Barnes
Somerset, KY
Computer Engineering Thanks to my family and friends back home. I couldn’t have made it
through here without your support. To my friends here, it’s because of
you guys that I’ll always remember the words to Jeremiah Weed and the nickname “T-Rich.”
cadet we
David Z. Bennett
Joseph “Sloppy Joe” Brundidge
Littleton, CO
Honolulu, HI
Social Science “Some say the world will end in fire,
“Run in such a way as to get the
Some say in ice.
Is also great
prize...Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disquali1 Corinthians tied for the prize.”
And would suffice.”
From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice
Robert Frost
At the end of this EPIC race I can
Tl;dr Live it up!
proudly say that I have won the
prize. WE MADE IT!
Brandon C. Carter
Jeff Choi
Birmingham, AL
New York, NY
Legal Studies
Biology Thanks to all my family, friends, and
I made it.
mentors, I could not have done it without your support and guidance. All I am and have accomplished, all that I will become is solely by the grace of God. I will cherish the memories we made these past
years and look forward to the adventures ahead.
Alexander M. Clift
Southiake, TX
Military History To my God, my family, and my friends: Thank you. Without your love, support, and letting me sleep on your couch,
I never would have
made it through Calc I or everything
Christopher A. Copeland Albuquerque, NM Social Science OUT of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
that followed. I won’t remember the
briefings and formations, but I won’t forget the Wolfpack and the great times we’ve had. Love God, love people, and the rest will work out. “In the midst of winter I found there was, within me, an invincible sum-
Albert Camus
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
Thanks to my parents and family for your support while I went through this place. I could have not done it
without you!
Peter H. Grooms
Austin, TX
Military Strategic Studies “We shall not cease from explora-
tion And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first
T.S. Eliot
To my family and friends, thank you
for all your encouragement, under-
standing, and counsel.
Brian D. Humphreys
Fayetteville, NC Legal Studies “The Christian life does not take its pattern from good men, but from God Himself, that is why it is an absolutely supernormal life all through.” Oswald Chambers -
Juliana G. Jacobellis
William P. Katz
Windsor, CT
Cambridge, MN Geospatial Science
Behavioral Science The five year plan is finally over!
Thank you Mom, Dad, Jessica,
Thanks Mom, Dad, Jesse, and
Bridget, and Rebecca
Jeremy for supporting me through everything and listening to me complain! To the crew thanks for being the greatest friends anyone could
of my family for supporting me and
ask for and thanks to my two favor-
and the rest
always being there for me, I could not have done it without you and I Love you all. Thanks to all my friends for the memories, you made
ite roommates for keeping me sane!
it worth it.
And last but not least, thank you
“Great moments are born from great
Christopher for the amazing times
Herb Brooks
we’ve had during these five years and I cannot wait to get married!
Joy Lomheim
Anthony E. Lorenzini
Sewalla, OK
Herndon, VA
Foreign Area Studies "... Fix your mind and pleasures
Foreign Area Studies Russia Thanks to God, the only one who
Allis upon what is before you. bright if you will think it so. All is
And to all my friends and family: it
happy if you will make it so.”
never left my side for a moment.
would never have been the same
Robert E. Lee Thanks to my family,
without you.
my kiska, and my friends for helping me through my four years here
without a sublime idea."
and for being a part of some of the
greatest memories I've ever made
“Greater love hath no man than
and will forever cherish. 1 Thessalo-
this, that he lay down his life for his
nians 5:16 “Be joyful always"
“Neither man nor nation can exist
" -
John 15:13
Silence is golden.
Peter Lusk
Raleigh, NC Legal Studies “And you just remember, that your old man walked Ben Wade to that
station, when nobody else would.” -
Dan Evans
Kyle “Ogre” Maier Houston, TX
Biology Unsurpassed gratitude for my family, my friends, my DeBoalts, and everyone else that made these four years what they were-you are all so awesome and
I don’t deserve
you. Who would’ve guessed that I’d make it through? I’m forever thank-
ful for my experiences here, good and bad, and know for sure a smile is always worth the effort.
Andrew “Pickle” McFee
Zachary T. McClelland Williamson GA
Bainbridge, NY
Legal Studies Thanks to all my family and friends who helped me through the rough
Behavioral Science “He Saw The Big In The Small
times. For all those times I look
Even When No One Else Approved
back and wonder how I got here,
He Took The Job Only A Fool Would
“The answer is there is no answer.”
He Saw The Beauty In The Call
Geoff Moore
Rebecca E. Rasweiler-Richter
Nate Rings
Cos Cob, CT
Midland, Ml
Biology and Mathematics Thanks to all who made this place worthwhile-Bulldawgs, Wolfpackers, and everyone else along the way. Looking back, I would do it all again. “Everything will be okay in the end-if it isn’t okay, it isn’t the
end.” Anon.
Dad always told me there are three
types of people in the world: Those that make things happen, those that watch things happens, and those
that wonder what happened. Thanks to you Dad, Mom, Sarah, and Daniel as well as the rest of my family and friends I will always be in that first group. I love you all. Thanks for
seeing me through this. “We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do use harm.”
George Orwell
Juan Pablo Rojas Camacho
Masha Scheglov
Santa Cruz, Columbia
Los Angeles, CA
Systems Engineering Management
Social Science
Thanks to God, my family, mentors,
To Mom and Dad: Your uncondi-
and friends. I am grateful for the op-
tional love and support have meant
portunities and challenges USAFA gave me. Papi Juan, Mami Flora, Aldo, Ximena, Alain, Tia Leo gracias
the world to me. Thank you!
por sus oraciones y por tenerme en sus pensamientos. Sin sus oraciones y apoyo no
lo hubiera logrado.
To Paul: Thank you for always keep-
ing it real and telling me how it is. I love you! To Joyous: This is only the beginning... “You only meet your once in a lifetime friend... once in a
The Little Rascals
To my friends: Too many fun memories to recount. I couldn’t have made
it without you guys...
Jesse P. Swanson
Matthew A. Zimmer
Morton Grove, IL
North Royalton, OH
Political Science
Political Science
Thank you God! Mom and Dad ment. ZRFC I had great times with
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be
you. Chancho, beuno suerte en
Thanks to all those who didn't let roes
thanks for the constant encourage-
Sir Winston Churchill.
‘...Fix your mind and pleasures upon what is before you. ...All is
bright ifyou will think it so. All is happy ifyou wil make it so. -
General Robert E. Lee
quoted by jOYLomheim
Nicholas A. Bassett
Saranac, Ml Electrical Engineering Thanks to all my family and friends for all of the support and encour-
agement that helped me make it to
I couldn’t have done
it without you. Especially Arthur for
being the best roommate I could possibly have. We finally made it!
Christopher P. Bordenave
Logan A. Clark
Del Rio, TX
Litchfield Park, AZ
Social Sciences
Mom, Dad, and family, thank you for
“Trip us or trap us, but we refuse to fall,” claims The Last 5 Years. If I’ve learned anything, it’s to never give up on yourself and never betray who you are. If you do, you’ll never be happy. Thanks to all those who encouraged my talents and differences instead of forcing me to conform. I’ll
your love and support throughout the years. I owe where I am today because of your prayers. I am eager for the adventure that waits.
“Grant me justice, Lord! I have walked without blame. In the Lord
I have trusted, I have not faltered.
forget you! “Consistency is
Test me, Lord, and try me; search
my heart and mind. Your Love is before my eyes; I have walked guided
the last refuge of the unimaginative,”
by your faithfulness.”
Psalm 26
said Oscar Wilde. Don’t be boring.
Enjoy life! I will!
Jonathan R. Cordell
Taylor C. Coffey Fishers, IN
Seattle VZA
Civil Engineering/Japanese
I would just like to say how grateful I am for what the following people have done in my life to help me
Never say Never...unless an up-
perclassman asks to borrow your ski pass! I’d like to thank my Mom and
through this place and to help me to My Family: Mom, Jordan, my other brother Ryan, and Dad... I hope I have made you proud. And to the Zoomies... good stories, light weight! “Woah, Big Gulps, huh? All right! Well, see ya later.” Lloyd Christ-
Dad as well as my two little brothers,
and he shall direct your paths.”
where I am today.
Bryant “BD” Davis
Matt and Jared for the inspiration and support throughout these four
I can’t wait to see what God
has in store. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him,
Solange M. Eddy
Gainesville, FL
Denver, CO
Chemistry Thanks Mom, Dad, Andy and Jess for all the love, and...you were right as usual. If there is one thing
Legal Studies For my Mom, my Dad, Miles, The
Captains, the swim team, the BULLS, those who never gave up on me,
I’ve learned here it’s to plan for
those who didn’t believe, those who
the future but live for the moment.
didn’t care, those with unwavering
Besides, no one looks back and re-
faith in me and my dreams, those who
members the nights they got plenty
helped me grow even when I didn’t
of sleep. Also thanks to everyone
want to, and for those who
who has helped me in my journey to
second change; I am thankful. This in only the beginning
become a leader of character; you
helped me rage every day to the fullest of my potential.
gave me a
Amanda M. Essary
Matthew R. Fair
Denver, CO
Mandeville, LA
Military History
Legal Studies For my Mom, my Dad,
Thank you to all of my family and
The Captains, the swim girls, the
friends that have helped me get to
BULLS, those who never gave up
where I am now. I could not have
me, those who didn’t believe,
done it without you.
those who didn’t care, those with
unwavering faith in me and my dreams, those who helped me grow even when
I didn’t want to, and
for those who gave me a second
chance: I am thankful. This is only the beginning...
Ryan M. Forystek
Jeffrey Faulkner
Spring, TX
Cedar Falls, IA
Aeronautical Engineering
“Someone should miss you when
you’re gone” Mzee. I haven’t achieved it yet, but it’s a goal I’m shooting for. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. Lisa-ninakupenda kabisa! “There’s nothing -
that a hundred men or more could ever do”
Toto. God grant me the humility to know that I don't know anything, the wisdom to ask for truth -
and the courage to act on that truth.
Thank you God for those who have carried me this far.
Six; It's been a great three years together. Keep in touch. All the work, disappointments, success, late nights, weekends, nights out make this place what it is: the best/worst experience of a lifetime. They say that what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. I think we’ve had plenty Let’s get out of here and do
Arthur “Gooj” Grijalva El Paso, TX
Thanks to everyone who made this
place not only bearable, but pretty awesome. I’ll miss all you bros and all those cool things we did.
They were pretty rad. There were so many cool things I can’t even all.
while. To the 2010 Firsties of Bull
Timothy P. Genda Berryville, VA Physics
name them
It’s been a long road from the dirty thirty to here. Thanks to everyone who has made this place worth-
Like that one time.
That being said... Tzat. See ya,
Operations Research First off, I want to thank my family and friends for always supporting me and helping me accomplish my goals. I would not have made it without y’all. Nick thanks for being such a great roommate and friend. You definitely helped me get up each morning Making it through four years of the Academy shows how passion and heart can get you
through anything. I want to wish the best of luck to my classmates.
Skylor S. Helm
Stephen “BC” Heptig
Casselton, ND
Houston, TX
Biology I’d like to thank my family and friends back home for supporting
it, all the heartache, all the misery,
I could not
but I can t today, maybe tomorrow,
me the last four years;
have done it without you all.
I'd also
Military History I d like to say that it was all worth
perhaps never. My rare true friends,
like to thank Bull Six, the soaring
for you only am I still here. I thank
squadron, and my teammates for all the good times.
my family for faithful support even knowing how hard it was for me. Mrs. H, thank you for my home the
past four years. Colonel, of anyone, you have kept me the closest to the
straight and narrow, I will be forever grateful.
Christopher L. Ladehoff
Kayla Lynne Kincade Lakewood, CO
Weatherford, TX
Behavioral Science
Political Science
The truth is, it isn’t always a great
Thank you Lord, for getting me
place to be at, but it is a great place
through this place. Thank you Dad,
to be from. I couldn’t have done it
Mom, Kate, Jake, Joe, Sarah, and
without my mom and dad-thank you
Hannah for all your love and sup-
for the unconditional love, support,
port I love you all! To all my friends,
and words of advice. Kam, thanks
thanks for persevering with me and
for the laughter and reminding me
my thrown shoes. Haha, you guys
to smile. To all my friends and im-
are an
inspiration to me. “Rage!”
mediate and extended family, thank
you for being there for me when I needed you most. I am blessed -
truly blessed!
Timothy G. Mergen
Adam P. Mikulis
Madison, Wl
Ellicott City, MD
Political Science “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." -
Management “Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” Oscar Wilde -
Steve Prefontaine
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -
Edmund Burke
Thanks to God, my family, a certain email by my Dad, and most impor-
tantly for the sacrifice of my grandwithout father Nicholas Mergen all of which I would not be serving in the military. .
Juan Nolasco
Brett T. Nylander
Clear Lake City, TX
Baudette, MN
Aeronautical Engineering
Human Factors
Thanks Mom, Dad, Justin, and friends for all the support! To my best bros, remember the hours
spent laughing, trips to Keystone, endless days at the airfield, cheap beer, hangovers, Nickelback concerts and swampin’ on 32s. But seriously, I would do it again in a heartbeat...
Indescribable thanks to my family for supporting me through the four years here. Hockey got me here and I am thankful for all the sup-
port that has gone into my game
throughout the years. This was truly an unforgettable adventure! “He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense; I shall not be
greatly moved.”
Ashley M. Rivard
Psalm 62:2
Zechariah Lee Roloff
Wichita Falls, TX
Sioux Falls, SD
Operation Research
Thanks for... Mom/Dad: ...every-
From kindness and compas-
sion to drive and competitiveness, I am who I am because of you.
Harrison: ...a letter for every day of basic. Grammy/Grandy: ...my home away from home. GMom/GDad:
What can you say about this
place? Well, Ops Research is like a management and business major from hell. Never underestimate the
importance of sleep. For example, never take the UCII
GR on one hour
...prayers and faith. Kathryn/Ashton “the nuts”: “Most people come into our lives and quickly leave. It’s the
of sleep. All you can eat or drink
special few that come in and leave a footprint in our hearts, and we are forever changed.” Unknown
unless you feel like
has a negative marginal return after awhile. Never do a Dairy
Challenge spending the night throwing up. Lastly, it is never
too cold at USAFA
South Dakota.
compared to
William C Stainback Jr.
Colin Patrick Shumate
Roswell, GA
Colorado Springs, CO
Systems Engineering Systems
Behavioral Science “If the Air Force ever gets serious
I have tried very hard to have a
about strategic planning, all they
good attitude, sometimes I have
need to do is sit Colin and I down
succeeded and sometimes I have
in Haps with a pitcher or two, and
failed, but in the end it was God, m; friends, and my family that got me to graduation. “Consider it pure joy
we’ll work out it by taps. Whatever the situation, whatever the Academy threw our way, Colin usually knows
when you face trials of many kinds,
what to make of it, especially if it
because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance Perseverance must finish its
calls for sarcastic bravado. Thanks for making GE and everything after
work so that you may be mature
bearable, and being a true friend Travis Root,
and a good man.”
and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:2-4
Neal D. Terpstra
Janesville, Wl
Computer Science “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Mat-
thew 6:33. I would like to thank my
parents, my siblings, the Warricks, and all my friends in Cadets For Christ. But primarily I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Your
unfailing love. Please, take me to the place where I may see more of
Your heart.
“To give anything less than your best is to
sacrifice the gift.
” -
Steve Prefontaine
quoted by TlMOTH YMergen Firsties
Johnson T. Anderson
Kearney, NE Civil Engineering Thank you, Mom, Dad, Jeff, Leigh, and Jack! It’s been great having all of your love and support over these years. Thank you, Granddad and Uncle Jeff for the inspiration to follow in your footsteps. Thanks to all
of my buddies here at the Academy,
especially those in Shadow Seven. You all made this place a ton of fun and well worth the stay. The Heart of Life is Good. Keep Smilin’...
Bradley J. Breedlove
Caleb F. Becker
Peoria, AZ
Basic Sciences-Biology
Mechanical Engineering But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength;
After a year of prep school and leav-
ing for a mission, this long journey only to start over again with a new beginning. Thanks
They shall mount up with wings as eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
comes to an end,
Isaiah 40:31
it’s finally here, time to go out into
to all: Parents, Friends, Ac Advisors,
and Commanders.
I can’t believe
the real world and “do work.”
“All that is necessary for the triumph
of evil is that good men do nothing.” -
Edmund Burke
Joseph A. Crisostomo Barrigada, Guam
William “Matt” Crowder
Systems Engineering Management “As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy
This space was intentionally left blank.
Marietta, GA
Leonardo da Vinci
I had fun!
Albert “Espi” Espinoza
Susan C. Finch
Claremont, CA
Reston, VA
Systems Engineering Aeronautical
This journey will never be forgotten
“I don’t know whether this is the best
thanks to friends, family and the true
of times or the worst of times, but I
gentleman, Chester.
assure you
it’s the only time you’ve
Art Buchwald
Thank you mom, dad, friends
(including the one that followed me here), and the birds for everything. It’s been a crazy ride and I wouldn't
change a minute of it.
Paige E. Grant
Christopher “Nick” Flaute Kernersville, NC
El Paso, TX
Systems Engineering Mechanics
Social Science
Thank you to everyone who
Cheers!!! To the humility of never
supported me through USAFA. Grandma, Mom, Don, and Lindsey your love, support, and encourage-
ceasing to unlearn what I thought
ment the past several years led
know that I know
me to where
I knew before and the courage to
holding fast to those truths that I
I am today. Thanks to
the Moran’s for giving me a "Home
away from home.” Thanks to all my friends for everything. WE FINALLY MADE IT!!!
Bryan C. Holtz
Tyler L. Keener
Lancaster, CA
Jacksonville, FL
Aeronautical Engineering
Thanks to my parents, brothers, and
I want to thank my family and Allison
for being an amazing source of love,
“I don’t know what to say, so I’ll just
motivation, and support. I also thank
say what’s in my heart... Baboom, Mel Brooks Baboom, Baboom.”
to get through this experience, but
my brothers who not only helped me to truly enjoy and cherish it as well, am
extremely blessed.
Alex B. Larson Peachtree City, GA
Computer Science To my family, thank you for support-
ing me in all my endeavors as crazy as some of them are.
I love you and couldn't have done this without you. To my friends, thank you for countless unforgettable memories and
experiences; we all know this place isn't about marching or inspections. Juma Ikangaa : "The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.” 140.6
Danny M. Montplaisir
Daniel S. O’Keefe
Mandan, ND
Adna, WA
Civil Engineering Had a great run with the best friends
possible. man.
Chester is a true gentle-
Physics, Mathematics I am thankful to my God and
for giving me the opportunity to
experience the most challenging and truly the best four years of
my life. Churchill once stated: Attitude
is a little thing that makes a big difference. We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. Make
your next years the best ones. God Bless and best wishes to the incredible friends I’ve met here and to
Shadow Seven family.
David D. Ostrom
India Overbey
Mission Viejo, CA
Hampton, VA Foreign Area Studies: Middle East I never have anything good to say.
Management This space was intentionally left blank.
Andrew S. Pan
Portland, OR
Biochemistry Words cannot describe all the
shenanigans that comprise my “Academy Experience.” However, my times at the Academy were the best of times. I experienced skydiving, leadership, and the tyranny of the Chemistry Department. But most significantly, I met amazing people dedicated to the same fight. To my family, friends, and Shadow Seven Family, I sincerely thank you for your support during these tough years. To my classmates, I am proud to have graduated with you. No regrets. RTB for life!
Evan G. Roth
Morgan K. Sayes
Peachtree City, GA
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Geospatial Science
“How much can you know about
Thanks to my family and my true
yourself if you haven’t been in a fight? I don’t want to die without any scars.” Tyler Durden, Fight Club
friends, your love and support will
All my love to Mom, Dad, Ian, and
rise above and overcome.”
through here. To my Seagram 7 family, stay classy.
Jonathan E. Stephenson
Aaron A. Traver
Romance, AR
Williamsburg, VA Management God, Family, Friends, 757, Go Yan-
“I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them; Neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed. I have wounded them, So that they
could not rise; They have fallen under my feet. me with
For You have armed
strength for the battle; You
have subdued under me those who rose up against me.”
I love
the family and friends that got me
Political Science
always drive me forward.
you all. “There is nothing we can’t live down,
kees-Thank you Be the straw that stirs the drink
Joseph R. Valdez Las Vegas, NM Systems Engineering Management Dream Big!!! -352
“Words cannot describe all the shenanigans that comprise my “Academy
However my times at the Academy were the best of times. I ,
t/?e tyranny of the Chemistry Deexperienced skydiving leadership But most / met partment. significantly amazing people dedicated to the samehht ,
-Andrew'P an
Kyle W. Bell
Kirbyville, TX Management I want to thank Jared, Evan, Ryan
and Marshall for always being there
for me and being the best brothers/friends anyone could ever hope for. Thanks to my parents for raising me to
W Wayne “Notso” Black
Kilgore, TX Astronautical Engineering My Family: Mom, Dad, Troy, Valerie, Sabrina, Reese, and Lydia, thanks ya’II. I could not have done this or much of anything without ya’II. My
be the man I am today and
always pushing me to do my best. Lastly, thanks to all my friends for the amazing memories we shared that I will never forget. I hope there are many more
unforgettable times
to come.
Joseph James “J.J.” Buckingham
Big Rapids, Ml Basic Sciences For me, the best part about USAFA
has been the extraordinary friend-
ships I have made
Best Friends: Flaute, Alec, John, Carol Q, Joel, Sean Foote and Laura thanks for putting up with me, being
there, and all the great memories. Best Memories: rooming with Flaute, lighting Joel and I on fire, climbing with Alec, hanging with John, Thanksgiving '09, talking with Carol, and class with Sean. Thanks God for everything.
Charlton J. Coats
Brendan De Brun
Rupert, ID Legal Studies
Mexico City, Mexico
In the fell clutch of cir-
Foreign Area Studies: Russia How they say? With Skill and Deter-
cumstance, I have not winced nor
mination. That’s how. Thanks for the
cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning
good times.
of chance, My head is bloody, but unbowed. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of
my fate: I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley
Mackin L. Delgado
Laura Diane Dempster
Sylvania, OH
Miami, FL
Basic Sciences
Mom and Dad, thanks for all the love
If there was ever a sign that miracles do happen, pay attention on May 26th 2010, if you see me there...you’re witnessing a big one!!! I owe it all to God, my family, and my friends for helping me through this place and always being there for me. The friendships I have made here will truly last forever, and so will the memories... Philippians 4:13 Was it
worth it? Yea, every second!!! And to Teddy and Dorn, Team Poison...
and support, I couldn’t ask for more.
Julia, your achievements always
inspired me to be better than I ever believed I could, I love you so much. ZRFC girls, without you I would have never graduated, thank you for everything and giving me an op-
portunity of a lifetime. FABU, always! Sarah and Krys thanks for sticking with me all these years, it has meant
the world to me. Ad astra per
Blake P. Duffy
Thien N. “Ty Chuot” Duong
Camas, lA/A
Due My, Vietnam
Political Science Thanks. Take luck.
Management Where there's a will, there’s a way.
Todd J. Gamiles
Shane A. Fink
Portland, OR
Bath, OH Electrical Engineering Thanks Mom, Dad, Rachel, Shawn,
Military Strategic Studies Three things to remember:
Sarah and the Veltens, I could not
“Each man is the architect of his
have made it without you. It was
not easy, but it was worth it.
fate, and sometimes the fate of -
Appius Claudius
“I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” Invictus, -
William E. Hensley
RTB’s for life!
Benjamin Adam Garoutte
Joseph Hamilton
Carrollton, TX
Washington DC
Management “To get what you’ve never had, you’ve got to do what you’ve never
Behavioral Science Nu Ti gata pana Ti gata.
done.” It looks like all the hard work may have finally paid off. From the early days as a Blackbird, watching the original number shrink every day, to La Academia General del Aire, followed by the pains of anxiousness as a 2nd semester firstie; I’m ready to get outa here. Thanks
for the support and the memories. 5A12 forever. Adios and vaya con
Scott P. Levin
Crowley, TX Mechanical Engineering Four years at USAFA has taught me that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to and that it’s not the destination that matters but the
So live life to the fullest,
don't be afraid to make mistakes, and take every
opportunity. To my loving family, friends, and God,
thank you for all your love and
encouragement. Always remember, the best is yet to come.
Jonathan A. Lewczyk
Rachel E. Lovelady
North Tonawanda, NY
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Foreign Area Studies
To my family, thank you for all the
To my Mom, Dad, and sister, I love
love and support you gave me over
these past 21 years-l stayed on
you and am so grateful for everything you've done for me. Mom,
the bike and made it. To my friends;
thank you for never giving up on me,
days were hard, some days
were fun,
but all were memorable. I
entered the Academy an only child
even when
I failed.
Dad, thank you
for teaching me that almost all of
life’s problems can be solved on a
and am leaving with 4,000 brothers
basketball court. Lindsey, thank you
and sisters. Thank you all!
for being my friend.
“Success is not final, failure is not
“No bird soars too high if he soars
fatal; it is the courage to continue
with his own wings.”
that counts.”
William Blake
Sir Winston Churchill
Philip John Morrone
Carol “Q” Quirindongo-Crespo
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Amsterdam, NY
Geospatial Science Thanks Mom, Dad, Peter, and Sam, I could not have done it without you.
Biology, Spanish Minor “I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and
l-l took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the differ-
Robert Frost
It has been quite a challenging road to traverse, but I am glad to have made it through. To all of my great friends, you know who you are; I love you and thank you for making this a ride to remember.
James H. Quon
Jeffrey P. Reddout
Bethesda, MD
Henderson, NV
Civil Engineering I would like to thank God, my family,
Systems Engineering Management To my family, I couldn’t have done it
and my friends for supporting me
without you. Thank you Mom, Dad,
my whole time here. It was a long but fun ride and I wish the best to
four years. Uncle and Grandma I
everyone in the Class of 2010 and their future careers.
and Nicole for everything the past
know you’re looking down on me, this is for you. To all the special
people in my life, thanks for always being there and here’s to all the good times we’ve had and get ready for many more to come. It’s been
real, it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun.
Joshua B. Schiffer
Wilmington, NC Computer Science “Hardware: the parts of the computer that can be kicked.” -
Jeff Pesis
Kelly L. Schuetz Tallahassee, FL
Foreign Areas Studies “The tree the tempest with a crash of wood. Throws down in front of us is not bar.
Our passage to our
journey’s end for good. But just to ask us who we think we are.”
ert Frost. Through all the good and
bad times, thank you to my parents,
family, and friends that are always there. No matter what obstacle
attempts to hinder, your loved ones
give you strength, and your own resolve will be your greatest
Frank Vicari
Alec G. Schwartz
Tampa, FL
Glenview, IL
Systems Engineering Management I origami the situation from what is 1
Cliche or not, I am grateful for every moment I got with so many of you. Through late night debates
everything under the sun, ring dance, selection, rappelling out
The outcome is legendary, and noth-
Unsuitable to something beautiful
ing less.
the window, naked in front of the
general’s house, laundry bag runs, sand dune camping, Bataan Death March, lost going to Wal-Mart, Thai Basil, the pool at 5 a.m., and which is can, I’ve enjoyed it all, good and bad, because of you all. Bust it.
Vanessa “Ness” Warwick
Bradford Waldie
Mesa, AZ
Plano, TX
Foreign Area Studies
Civil Engineering
“Let us relish life as we live it, find
Thanks Mom, Dad, Age, Dani and
joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomor-
easy four years. Dani thanks for the tips. Drew thanks for pissing me off
Drew for helping me through these
every time we ran. Age you’re my favorite older brother. Thanks to all
Thomas S. Monson
Thanks to my parents, siblings, extended family, friends, advisors and
my friends for the good times. Hope
mentors who stood by me through
to see ya'II soon! Congrats!
adversity and prosperity, elation and agony and helped me find joy in the journey.
Robert “Max” Willet
St. Ignatius, MT
History The Academy...glad when I came,
glad when I left, with some great times in between. Don’t forget the rules of Eagle 8 foosball, poolin, the BYU deep dip, or the ozree in the hallways. The early morning wake ups or the late nights of study. Most of all remember the people who made this place what it was all the way from Doolie to Firstie year.
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. as
” -
Sir Winston Churchill
quoted, by JON AT HAN Lewczyk
cadet nine
Austin J. Baker
Adam J. Bartczak
Nevada City, CA
Salisbury, MA Systems Engineering Management To Grampa: I wouldn’t be where I am today without your guidance. I will never forget the lifelong lessons you have taught me. To my parents:
Astronautical Engineering This space was intentionally left blank.
thank you for your love and support
throughout the years. “I refuse to tiptoe quietly through life only to arrive safely at death.” -Anonymous
Patrick “Patty Cakes”
Bergstresser Fairfax Station, VA Civil Engineering Thanks Mom, Dad, and Scott, without your support I never would have even applied. Here’s to the
good ol’ boys: Duty, Integrity, Loyalty, Leadership, Intelligence, Glory, Athleticism, Friendship
Harris Knox “JT” Butler IV
Towanda, KS
Operations Research Even though this is the 16th yearbook I’ve received during my school years, it is hands down the most special. Thanks to everyone who
got me through this place, I really wish it was another year longer... not!
Nicholas “Backstreet” Carter
Gig Harbor, WA Aeronautical Engineering I need a long nap.
Curtis J. Dewey Granville Summit, PA Aeronautical Engineering Thanks to everyone who got me
here, kept me here, and helped me
get through here. Remember to
always look out for the other guy, because it’s never about you. “There is no limit to the good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.” Gen. George C. Marshall
Michele K. Ernest
Adam J. Giegler
Orlando, FL
Columbus, MS
Environmental Engineering
This space was intentionally left blank.
This space was intentionally left blar
Blake “Pooh Bear” Horrell
Jacob D. Jeffcoat
Williamsburg, VA Systems Engineering Management It was a bumpy ride but worth it in
Kansas City, KS
Meteorology This space was intentionally left blank.
the end. Thanks to everyone who
helped make it something worth remembering. Jake, thanks for riding everything out with me haha without you it would have been tough to say the least. Mom, Dad, Emily, and Kaden, thanks for the support all of the way! “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Les Brown -
Matthew R. Lipscomb
Kathryn J. Lynn
Forest, VA
Fredericksburg, VA Systems Engineering Management This space was intentionally left blank.
Astronautical Engineering I had a good time at USAFA, but it’s
time to move on and take another
big step in life.
Ryan W. Nissim Temecula, CA Basic Sciences This space was intentionally left blank.
Firsties m
Aaron M. Price
Christopher L. Rice
Gettysburg, PA
Clarksville, TN
Systems Engineering Management Thanks Mom, without you I would
Systems Engineering Mechanics This space was intentionally left
be lost in this world. You supplied
the light for me to find my way
and be the person I am today. To
Lea, my mom guided me but you completed me, I love you. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have
imagined.” -
Henry Thoreau
Andrew C. Riddle
Carl A. Scott Jr.
Put-In Bay, OH
Lompoc, CA Systems Engineering Thanks to everyone who helped me through the academy: my parents,
Social Sciences This space was intentionally left blank.
brothers, friends, classmates, instructors, and all those I can’t name here. You’ve all had a great impact on me and
I hope that I will never
let you down.
It was an experience
that I’ll never forget. And here’s to the good of boys:
Duty, Integrity, Loyalty, Leadership, Intelligence, Glory, Athleticism, Friendship.
Sarah E. Skogsberg Santa Cruz, CA Aeronautical Engineering & Arabic
“Can’t” is a word that should push you even harder to do it. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t. If you want it enough, you'll work hard enough, and you’ll do it. Spread your Wings. “When once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will
always long to return."
da Vinci
Karl H. Wallskog
Bend, OR Social Sciences This space was intentionally left blank.
“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward for there you have been, and there Leonardo da Vinci you will always long to return. ,
quoted by SARAH Skogsberg
Brianna A. Baker
Castleton, NY Behavioral Science “We recognize that there are no trivial occurrences in life if we get the
right focus on them." Mark Twain’s Autobiography
These four years have been a most very interesting chapter in my life. I will remain indebted to my fam-
Russell as my constant role
model, Leandra as my confidant, and my parents as my foundation. To my friends and Drew who stayed with me throughout it all. I am truly blessed.
Lauren “Franky” Franks
Nathan E. Dial
Richmond, VA
Abilene, TX
Environmental Engineering
JFK once said, “While many ask
I went to the woods because I
why, I ask why not?” With this spirit I have approached every situation at the Academy. I encourage everyone who steps on the Tzo, to take this approach towards the academy because with this mentality anything is possible. Make goals, stick to
wished to live deliberately, to front
only the essential facts of life, and see
if I could learn what it had to
teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. -
Henry David Thoreau
them and the rest will take care of itself. I wish everyone the best of luck with their future careers as Air Force Officers and beyond.
Justin J. Goodin
Arthur “Duke” Gibbons
Annapolis, MD
Sloan, IA
Social Science
Systems Engineering Management
Thank you to all of my friends
Mom and Dad-1 could not have
and family who have stood by me
achieved this without your support,
throughout the journey-your support has given me strength and the cour-
encouragement, and inspiration, Thank you! Four years seemed like
age to make it. Mom, Kel, Toni, and Em, you have all been there for me.
when you have friends to share it
Dad, we have grown much closer the past few years-you have taught me many lessons in life and never
I will
forget them-thank you. Cris-
you have stood by me through thick and thin-you are my best friend-trip-
plesqueeze. Goodluck everyone!
eternity; time certainly flies by
with; thank you all for the memories I will not soon forget. “Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war; and my fingers for
Psalms 144:1 GO FAL-
Ralph D. Hale
Samuel M. Han
Woodbury, MN Physics
Mission Viejo, CA
Life may be smarter than me, but I
“I love you, O Lord my strength. The
love it all the same. I’m proud to be doing this, but I wouldn’t be who I am today without the support of my family and friends. Thank you to everyone who has helped me along
Lord is my rock, my fortress and
the way, it has been wonderful.
my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my
stronghold. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.”
Psalms 18:1-3
Mathrew “Tyler” Haugseth
Benjamin Joelson
Houston, TX
Warrenville, NJ
Legal Studies
Biochemistry/Japanese First and foremost, I could never
I love my Family-thanks Mom, Dad, 9
say enough thanks to my family for the unwavering support. I am
Renee, Mike, Maddy my extended family and Spenser for your support
here only by the power of their love. Thank you. For the “families” I have
adopted in my life, your mentorship and love have meant the world to me. Thank you. To all
my friends,
you made USAFA worth it. And for everyone: this is only the beginning.
without it, I wouldn’t have made it-from the letters during Basic to
making it to parent’s weekend you made this possible... I consider Spencer Schardein, Nick King, Duke Gibbons, Sam Peplin, Justin Goodin and Anthony Tipton brothers-1 look
forward to a SP at ten year reunion. "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”
Nicholas H. King
Jessica N. Laco
Littleton, CO
Woodbridge, VA Foreign Area Studies Eastern and Central Europe
Economics Mom and Dad-thanks for always supporting me and my dreams. I wouldn’t be the person I am today or accomplished what I have without your constant support and love. I owe everything to you. Bro-thanks
for being my best friend and always
being there.
I’m proud of the person
you have become and know you’ll accomplish all you desire. I love
you.\ Friends-it was a wild, fun ride SHOWER PARTY!!! -
Vivis Semel
Do Work
It is thanks to God’s grace that I have made it this far, and He has blessed me with a
loving family and irreplace-
able friends (you know who you are)! Thank you, Tom, for the random
phone calls, 1000s of texts, and long e-mails, not to mention the hugs when I needed it most! I look forward to many years together! To the lovely
lax ladies, BTB and stay beautiful! My advice: Enjoy every minute because time flies by! Huzzah.
Corey D. Loomis
Joshua Lopez
Encinitas, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you Mom, Dad, Drew, and
I would like to thank my family and
Kaylee for all your loving support and prayers, I wouldn’t have made
friends that have supported me
it in (or through) here without you
I know that without you guys, my life would never have been as fun,
guys! I also want to thank Col. Ziegler, Jan, Jordan, Jessi, and Nate for taking me in as family and giving me a loving second home here in Colorado. And lastly I want to thank the friends who helped me through this place, congratulate those who made it, and encourage
throughout my time at the Academy.
meaningful, and eventful. I will never forget the kindness and support you have shown me. As I move forward in life, I am excited to make my way in the world, knowing that through the good and bad, you will always be behind me cheering me on.
those still getting there.
Millie Mays
Michael D. McLain
Castle Rock, CO
Portland. OR
Mathematics “I’m leavin’ on a jet plane, don’t
Management Thank you to my family and friends,
know when I’ll be back again. Oh,
for the encouragement and love you
babe, I hate to go.”
John Denver
have given me over the years, and most importantly to my Lord and
savior Jesus Christ for making me into the man I am today and me the
overcome am
strength to persevere and
adversity (Isaiah 41:10).
truly blessed.
Steven M. Mudrinich
Richard Meldrum
Jupiter, FL Materials Chemistry This space was intentionally left blank.
Fayetteville, GA Geospatial Science It’s been an incredible journey, one that I’ll never forget. Nothing can replace the hard lessons I’ve learned here, ones that have helped mold I am today. To my family and friends- thank you for your constant love and support: you truly make it possible for me to succeed in everything I do. Quaere Verum “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson me into who
Samuel J. Peplin
Spencer Schardein
Minneapolis, MN Systems Engineering Management
Systems Engineering Management
Mom & Dad-Thank you for the
support you both have given me over the past four years. I truly couldn’t have done it without your
encouragement and motivation. I
tigers, and former eagles; thanks for being there through the best and worst of times. I couldn’t have made it without you. SP? To my team and
provided a refuge of laughter and understanding. I will miss the times when we lived in close proximity to one another... “It is not length of life, but depth of life.” Ralph Waldo
family, the MFPTWOBs...you made this place for me. Thanks for being
memories will never die.
else, live it up! PTWOB #353
Justin D. Shadrix
Vermillion, SD
Bremen, GA
and great memories; thanks for
helping me through this challenging experience-1 couldn’t have made it without all of you. To Adam-thanks
for being my brother away from home. To the 2010 Tigers-it’s been a
great teammates and friends... I never imagined I’d be so lucky. The
Benjamin D. Schimelfening
Computer Science To my family, at home and in the springs-thank you for keeping me sane through these four years. To all my friends-we’ve had good times
blast; good luck and see you all
out there!
Biology Mom, Dad, Bro-thank you for the love, support, and everything you have ever done for me. Mom and Dad of you are truly my heroes and
inspiration. Andrew, good luck after graduation. Mary-we made it, 2% club. I love you so much and thank
you for being there for me in all my ups and downs. AF Wrestlers-it has been a great experience and I hope to run into you guys in the future.
BV10. Tigers-Good luck.
John “Jay” JJ ShalekBriski
Calvin Singh
Elm Grove, Wl
Flonolulu, HI
Systems Engineering Management
Computer Science
“When the spirits are low, when
To my parents-Thank you for push-
the day appears dark, when work
hardly seems worth having, just
ing me to reach for stars I never imagined I could touch. Mom, you no longer have to worry
mount a bicycle and go out for a
To my brother-You're going to go
becomes monotonous, when hope
spin down the road, without thought
anything but the ride you are taking.” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1896 Thank you to my family and friends on
for their support and encouragement over these last four years.
Shower Party!
It’s been an incredible four years. Thanks to my family for being so supportive. To my friends, fellow
love you. Friends-Each of you has
Louisville, KY
far in life, one step at a time. I love you. To my friends-l couldn’t have made it through this place without you guys. Through ups and downs, we’ve done it all. Time for big-
ger and better things. SHOWER PARTY!!!
Sara R. Suniga
Justin “JDub” Warner
Jacksonville, NC
Palmbay, FL Computer Science
Military History
To mom, dad, and brothers: I love
Mom and Dad: thank you for ev-
you. Thank you for all the support and inspiration that has carried me
I never would have made
it without you. To my friends: it’s been fun! Thanks for sticking with me.
through my time here even in the darkest hours.
These four years have been
an awesome
To my friends (you know who):
experience. Tough as
I could not have done it without
it’s been, it was worth it. “You may be whatever you will resolve to be.” -
you. I wish the best for all of you! I will never forget our times here.
Gen. Stonewall Jackson
“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”
Thomas Whitney La Quinta, CA
Social Sciences These past four years have been a
great start to an amazing journey. Thank you Mom, Dad, and Bobbay for helping get me through this
place-1 couldn’t have done it without Thank you FCA for the great friendship. Golfers, keep going low. And Jess-1 look forward to spending you.
the rest of my life with you and creat-
ing many new memories together. May God light our path and continue to bless us in our walk. 2 Corinthians
We recognize that there are no trivial occurrences in
life if we get the right focus on them
” -
Mark Twain
quoted by B RIA N N A Baker Firsties
Felix A. Abeyta II
Colorado Springs, CO Social Science First off I would like to thank my
parents, without them I would never reached this point in my life. Then you have no idea how important you are to me and
comes Zantia;
without having your support I could never have
accomplished the things
I have, you are my rock. To the boys in 11 and % I will always love you. 3
Stephan “Zab” Azab
Latinos and 2 white guys since day 1 we have been
William “Tyler” Boyd
Addison, IL
Kentwood, Ml
Aeronautical Engineering
I couldn’t have made it on my own;
It was four long years but we made it.
II %, Preppies, DIKs, PTWOBs,
Thanks to my friends and roommate
Brothers and sisters...Thanks!
for helping me through all the hard times. And thank you to my family
for all the support.
Thomas Michael Chiasson
Andrea M. “Fanta” Fantacone
Carmel, IN
Vicenza, Italy
Astronautical Engineering Thanks to Mom and Dad, David and
Aeronautical Engineering
Hannah, and the rest of my family for all of your love and support. Thanks to the Godchasers for being the best friends a man could have. Thanks to my teachers, AOCs, and AMTs for all of your help and patience. Thanks to my first class for
keeping it real and to ‘the fun class' for keeping it interesting. If I died today, I would consider the past five years of my life the best I could have lived, and all of you helped make it that way.
Thank you to my parents Anne and
Tony, my brother Alessandro, Maj. Dayton, Maj. Quigley, MSgt. Davidson, TSgt. Norden, TSgt. Blackburn, Austin, Sarah, Chris, Brian, Luke, Matt, Skids, Tyler, Chris and all the
great friends that I met along the way. Thanks to all the Rebels, the aero guys, and the SIPs, and all of the great teachers. I could not have done it alone. If you’re going to
dream, dream big: it’s free!
Matthew L. Fullerton
Eric Goral
Colorado Springs, CO
Littleton, CO
Computer Science
Foreign Area Studies
Thanks Mom for laundry and much
“Don’t ask what the world needs.
better meals than Mitch's all four
Ask what makes you come alive,
years, love you, and Dad for running so many errands for me and your
and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have
“academic concern." Thanks Fanta
come alive."
for all those late night hypotheticals;
want to thank everyone who has
the rest of the lunch table: Chris, Will, Tyler, Tim; Moose for getting
come alive.
Howard Thurman. I
through CompSci; and all the
helped me along my journey to Mom, Dad, Krista, Shannah, family, friends, teachers,
other Rebels. The days were slow,
coaches, and more. I honestly could
the years fast, but in the end it
never have done
turned out good.
Thank you for
it without you.
everything. Je serai
la, quoi qu'il arrive."
William L. Hay
Colleen M. Graska
DeSoto, TX
Fairfield CA
Political Science
Systems Engineering Management
To my mom and dad never would
my dream have become reality -
without you. To my little brotheryou will accomplish great things... I
believe in you. To Megan-thanks for being my rock. Finally, to all the men
and women in uniform-thank
you for all your sacrifices. “Be strong and courageous. Do not
uted to my success these past five
(yes five) years: Broham, Warchief, ThatBoy, my other sister, mother, father, uncles, Queen Eleanor Hay the first, the pack leader and the rest of her pack, as well as other friends and family. With this knowledge, I can take a firm
step forward into the
be terrified; do not be discouraged,
world and embrace whatever fun
for the Lord your God will be with
filled adventures await me.
you wherever you go.”
I’d like to thank all those who contrib-
Joshua 1:9
Christopher B. Johnson Elon, NC Aeronautical Systems Engineering “I hated training, every minute of it, but I said to myself, ‘Suffer now, and
live the rest of your life as a cham-
Muhammad Ali
Mom Dad and Mitchell, thanks for all
your support in getting me through this place. It's finally time to move on
and I couldn’t be happier. To my
friends here and especially those of the lunch table thanks for all the
good times, and good luck.
Sarah E. McDowell
Broderick S. “B-Rod, Mo-Rice’
Mercersburg, PA Aeronautical Engineering
Niceville, FL
Social Sciences
“I hope that my achievements in life
shall be these-that I will have fought
A Toast
for what was right and fair, that I will
foremost, 11 and 3/4, the first MHMF, Chunna and long breaks,
have risked for that which mattered, and that I will have given help to those who were in need, that I will have left the earth a better place for what I’ve done and who I’ve been."
C. Hoppe. Thanks to all my friends and family for their enduring
to my Family first and
rallying like you wouldn't believe, Spring Break trips, Bad ideas, Worse ideas on Sundays, my Boys from 24, the Distro, Finals Spreadsheets, the Mens Women’s Practice Team, Yo Felix, and all the less memorable times that we will never
forget. “Celebrate we will because life is short, but sweet for certain.’’ -
Dave Matthews
David “Moose” Musielewicz
Brian K. Scheller
Waunakee, Wl
North Canton, OH
Computer Science
Human Systems Engineering
Mom, Dad, Rachael, Leanne, and
I could never have done it on
Morgan, thank you for everything
you’ve done. I wouldn’t be who I am today without your continuous guidance, love, and support! Stephanie, you are everything to me. Thank you for always being there and loving me regardless. I can’t wait to begin our life together!
for all the support. Also to my boys
Special thanks to my Family
here at USAFA including 11 %,
dance house, THE distro, preppies
06, and the men’s basketball team. We made it.
Joshua D. Smith
Michael C. Skidmore
Clarksburg, WV
Orem, UT
Basic Sciences
Aeronautical Engineering
I’d like to say thank you to my
Work hard and focus on your goals,
parents Ike and Beth, my Brothers Andrew and John, my grandpar-
it is possible to do well academically, compete athletically, participate in
ents, my friends back home, and
religion, and have a social life. The
everyone I met along the way. It has been a long journey and I can’t
decision really comes down to you.
thank you enough for all the help in
throughout a lifetime. Always find the best and be happy.
getting through the last four years. I give special thanks to everyone in
From the Academy come friends who can remain
the Rebel classes of 2009 and 2010
you made every day more interesting. Until our paths cross down the
road, “I’ll catch you on the flip side.”
Robert “Bobb-o” Tentler
Chelsea R. Tompkins
Clarendon Hills, IL
Grand Junction, CO
Legal Studies
Biology Thanks to all of those who helped me make it
through this place.
I hardly knew what I was getting my-
self into before I came to USAFA but
Without the support of my family
this place was right where I belong!
and friends I don’t think I could have
Would I do it again? In a heartbeat!
made it through this place. Thank
Thank you to my family, God, the
you for all your words of encouragement and helping me stay the
diving team, and friends I’ll never ever forget Andrew, Ashleigh, Lauren, Kylie, Dave, Steph, and my 4-dig girls. I wouldn’t trade the past
four years for ANYTHING!! It was well worth it.
Timothy V. Truong
Wilson “Wil” Tucker
Camarillo, CA
Rome, GA
Military History Thank you God for helping through this place, family, friends I can’t thank you enough for helping me through the hard times. Mom, Dad, Lydia all
Behavioral Science To those who have helped me along the way and always stood by my side I am forever grateful. To my Mom
and Dad, thank you for the oppor-
the guys at the lunch table where
tunities you have given me and the
we had
love you have constantly shown me. To Martha, you work harder than
tunneling, purple drank, Col’s son, the sleep deprived aero majors you guys made this possible. Rebels, Nightriders thanks for all the good times good luck and I hope to see you guys soon
in the “real” Air
Force. «lnsert Bob Vasquez quote
anyone I have ever met and I am so excited to watch where your future goes. To Jennifer, I am looking forward to a life together with you.
love you all.
Bradley J. Wheeler Atlanta, GA Mechanical Engineering “’For I know the plans I have for
Jonathan “Johnny” Wieninger
Surprise, NY Biology “On the plains of hesitation lie the
you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans
blackened bones of countless mil-
to prosper you and not to harm
lions who at the dawn of victory lay
you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11
down to rest, and in resting died"
Adlai Stevenson
Family, mentors, friends, PTWOBs ...carpe diem
Carrie Emerald J. Wong K
Sarawee Village, Belize Behavioral Science Thanks to Jah, FAMILY, friends,
acquaintances, mentors, teachers, coaches and fellow Belizeans who
supported me in this endeavour. I’ll miss all 2010 International Cadets, my new brothers! DFIP, DFBL, WLC, KAFA, TAI, NSBE, ALLIES, Dandelion Flight, Warhawks, & of course the Rowdy Rebels; Once a “When yo go dah maaket nuh listen to the noise, check yo
Belizean Proverb
“Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come
alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people
who have come alive.
Howard Thurman
quoted by ERIC Goral
Ivando Arroyo
Morgantown, PA Systems Engineering Management Never settle for mediocrity, accept challenges, and give it all you got To Winners and Champions... TINAGDTBAP
cadet twelve Jonathan Tyler Brateng
Juan Carlo Castaneda Velarde
Spokane WA Civil Engineering
Quetzaitenango, Guatemala
People come to the USAFA for many reasons, but usually stay for another. The friends I have made
during my time here have been phenomenal and I will always look back with joy at the good times we had. However, I look forward to a future
Political Science
First, the most important thing I learned: I’m absolutely incapable, but when the God who created the
universe decides to glorify himself
through me, I can do all things. Secondly, Thanks to: God, family and friends; the dean too, for all the
with all of them as brothers in arms.
extra time in those GRs. Thirdly, I’m
Thanks to my friends and family for
of T-ZO I “borrowed” from the re-
all of the love and support they have
given me; it has meant the world to me.
out of here, and I’m taking a piece
construction. Fourthly, if you’re ever in Guatemala, look me up, I'll hook
you up. Finally, smile!... it confuses
people :)
Sean Foote
Stephen Gregory Donaldson Savannah, GA
Fishers, IN
Astronautical Engineering
If you are reading this, then I have
“There are pilots and there are pi-
made it through USAFA (unless I got
lots; with the good ones, it is inborn.
kicked out after publication). I want
You can’t teach it. If you are a fighter
to thank my friends and especially
pilot, you have to be willing to take
my family (Mom, Dad, Sydney and Stuart) for supporting me and mak-
Gen. Robin Olds, USAF
IYMITF. If you make it that far.
ing these past four years go by fairly easily. I will never forget the friends I have made while here. Although our time together has ended, our bonds have not, and I look forward to meeting up with everyone in the
future... IWMITF.
Tate James Grogan
Madeleine “Maddie” Hanson
Foxborough, MA
Roseville, MN
Behavioral Sciences
“A journey of a thousand miles
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Abbie for
always begins with one step..." To my family: thanks for raising me right.
always being there! I love you to the sky and back again! “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right.”
Shelby West Judd Shell Beach, CA
Aeronautical Engineering Thank you so much to God, Papa,
Grandma, my parents, my sister, my brother, family and friends I could not have done it without you all. I love you all. Isaiah 40:31
Andrew Sung Min Kim
Richard C. “Chas” Kabanuck
Dresher, PA
Max, ND
Management There are some fish that cannot be
Foreign Area Studies East Asia Thanks Mom, Dad, and Angie
caught. It’s not that they are faster or stronger than other fish; they’re just tougher. My family was always there for me, but it was because of
my brothers that I did this. I’ll see you out there boys! To Winners and Champions” TINAGDTBAP
Lance A. Marchesseault
Tyler Matthew McBride
Vacaville, CA
Thornton, CO
Behavioral Science
Systems Engineering Management
I would like to thank my family,
Mom, Dad & Chase thanks for your
friends, and God for the support to make it through this place. To
loving support. Thanks to all my friends and the good memories, you
Christina, I love you and could not
all have made this place worth it.
have done this without you. I leave
“Your command makes me wiser
the Academy knowing that I’m truly
than my foes, for it is always with
blessed and look forward to whatev-
er the future holds.
Psalms 119:98
“Go confidently
in the direction of your dreams. Live
the life you have imagined."
David Thoreau
Justin Moore
Brittany Lynn Morreale
Columbus, OH
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
Mom, Dad, Shawn and all the kids.. .thanks for all your support... I
Thank you to my Parents, my Sistei
love you all.
ported and inspired me. Nakupen-
and all of my friends who have supda!
Carpe Diem!
Caroline “Carrie” Ojerio
William Benjamin “Ben, P-town’
Sierra Vista, AZ
Pleasanton Jr.
Political Science,
Warwick, MD
Foreign Area Studies Mom and Dad thank you so much
Thanks so much to my dad, mom,
for the support for the last five
family, friends, and mentors. You all have encouraged and helped me
years! “Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.” John Russell -
and I am forever grateful for that. Your strength gave me strength.
pray that someday I can return the favor. “We know what we are, but not what we
may be.”
Sean Patrick Purio
Benjamin “Shop” Shoptaugh
Perth, Western Australia
Baton Rouge, LA Space Operations
English Thanks mom, dad, Heather, Col-
2 Timothy 4:7 Thanks to all those
leen, Hallie, Claire, Brian, Meghan,
who helped me along the way.
Stephanie, Brett, Jimmy, Ridge,
Eric, Andrew, Alex, Mike, Josh, Justin, Griffin and (especially) Nancy and Greg.
William Michael Smith
Shea Wesley Speer
Mt. Holly, NC
Pea Ridge, AR
Foreign Area Studies: Russia
Military History
“What is best in life? To crush your
Movies, music, and history: those
enemies, see them driven before
are me. Academics
you, and hear the lamentation of their women.” Conan the Barbarian
not so much.
Andrew James “VT”
Danielle “Dani” Ward
Van Timmeren Jenison, Ml
Pelsor, AR
Political Science John 15:13, Romans 8:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Thank you God
for your tremendous blessings and
helping me through here, it is only with Your help that all things are
From wanting to leave,
to bathroom BIC, and all the way to
where I am today, I want to thank
everyone around me who helped, your impact is everlasting and my
gratitude to you is forever.
Biology Learn from yesterday, live for today,
hope for tomorrow!
3 Trenton “T.J.” West
Gary William Whiteman
Centennial, CO
Scottsdale, AZ
Aeronautical Engineering Be faithful.
Leave the rest to God.
"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo -
There are pilots and there are pilots; with the good ones it is inborn. You cant teach it. Ifyou are a fighter pilot, you have to he willing to take risks. Gen. Rohm Olds USAF ,
1 2th SQUi
quoted hy SEAN Foote Firsties
Domingo Astiasaran Hartford, CT Economics “I love life because what more is
Anthony Hopkins
To all the ruggers, keep floating... and spreading... To all the bros in arms including
Clafin, Hova, and the one with the
dodgy haircut, well...it’s been fun.
Maggie Pearl Blackstun
Scott Ball New Orleans, LA
Craig, CO
Basic Sciences
Astronauticai Engineering
“It would take a thousand words to describe how I feel right now, so I
just took a picture.”
Scott Ball
Mom, you inspire me. Dad, thanks for your tireless support. My sister, Millie, thanks for your unconditional love. My brother, Greg, thank you for always remembering Veteran’s
Day, thinking I’m cool, and making me laugh. Grandma and Grandpa S, thanks for providing a sanctuary for me to escape to. Grandma and
Grandpa B, thanks for always being interested, and constantly caring. And thanks to the rest of my friends and family for the support.
Whitney Louise Bouchard
Clinton Dean Brdlik
Fort Kent, MA
Lewisburg, WV
Political Science,
Civil Engineering
Foreign Area Studies
Mom, I will never forget you...Pops,
Without my family I would never had
it’s ok, I actually graduated!...to
made it this far. They’ve always let
all my friends, thanks for the good
me chase
times...to God be the glory.
my dreams wherever they
may lead me, and for that I am truly grateful. It’s a long four years, but somehow they go by so fast. USAFA gave me more opportunities than I ever could have imagined-take advantage of everything life throws
at you. I won’t tell you it wasn’t hard, or that there weren’t
low points, but
it was worth every day.
David Corpman
Joseph Cameron Dilts
Cedar Falls, IA Electrical Engineering This place seemed lengthy and redundant but at times seemed to have good points.
Cincinnati, OH
Foreign Area Studies: Russia “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” -
John Kachilla
“A guy from Ohio can make it in life
if he works hard enough.” -
Woody Hayes
Thomas J. Hopkins
Katherine B. Heflin Fall City, WA
English Dad, thanks for being my rock and always listening; you kept your promise. Mom, thanks for telling me to stop whining and get over it; you were right. Boys, thanks for being my inspiration; I did it all for you. Marc, thanks for always being there for me, even when
Orrington, ME Foreign Area Studies: Russia This space was intentionally left blan
I didn’t think I needed
it. And, to the best lunch table ever, thanks for just being awesome. God
Bless. “Oh no! It’s Katrina all over again!” -
D. Ryan Workman
Joseph Hunt
Jarrod J. Huffman
Goshen, IN
Physics I have really tried to keep a good
Waco, TX Economics
Mom, Dad, Sisters, thank yall so
attitude and remember this is an
much for the support and love. My
important opportunity. I had some really great times and made plenty strange memories, but when it’s all
without you. Blake, Domingo, and
said and done, I still can’t say I liked it. Oscar Wilde said it best: “I never saw sad men who
looked with such
a wistful
eye, upon that little tent of blue we prisoners called the sky, and at every careless cloud that
Brother Brandon, I would have left
all my other brothers I love yall. Just remember: “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the
power, then you get the women.” Tony Montana
passed in happy freedom by.
Akili Joseph
Kevin Jin Soo Kim
Santa Cruz, Trinidad & Tobago
Saugus, CA
Geospatial Science
Social Sciences
I am a little short for a stormtrooper.
Be wary though, the force is strong
“We Ride Together, We Die Together, Bad Boyz 4 Life.”
in this one!
Ryan J. Koerber
Cohan Lammerding
Floyds Knobs, IN Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
First, I’d like to thank God for getting me
through here and my family for
their support and encouragement. I also want to thank all my friends for the awesome times we’ve had and all the trouble we didn’t get in. I’m
gonna miss all the fun times I had with y’all. 2nd Corinthians 4:17-18
Austin, TX Soli Deo Gloria
Brandon “B Lass” Lassiter
Craig Francis McGreal
Lawrence, KS
Louisville, KY
Operations Research To my family, you know I love you and I appreciate the support you’ve given me all this time. To my brothers, Mingus... Hoseph... I will never forget you. To my Bulldawgs, I will miss you all. To everyone else, hope
Management “One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some
fantastic pictures.”
George W.
Bush Go Boston Sports!
I see you out there! And remember, it’s not what you know... it’s who you know.
Keith Michael O’Brien
Conor P. Murphy Delmar, NY
Chicago, IL
Human Systems Engineering
Political Science
I would like to thank my family and friends for helping to make this an
“Moderation is a fatal thing.
enjoyable experience.
Oscar Wilde
Kathryn Parsons
Mark Herman Price
Kodak, TN
Porterville, CA
Aeronautical Engineering
Human Systems Engineering
“The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means of education.” -
succeeds like excess.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It hasn’t been easy, and maybe not always fun, but my experiences
I thank God, my awesome friends, and my loving family for helping
through this place. Ya there tough times, but they were definitely outnumbered by the good me get
times. When it all comes down to
here are some of the best I’ve had.
it, coming here was one of the best
decisions I’ve ever made.
John Evans Rebolledo
Dublin, NH Political Science, German This space was intentionally left blank.
Timothy D. Ryan Orlando, FL Operations Research To Momma, Coach, Tommy and Grace, Michelle and John, Sarah,
Kelly, Caca and Spanish Rob, and Kevo-thanks for the support To my Academy friends-l hate you,
just kidding, but seriously... As the Late Great Lloyd Christmas once said, “Big gulps eh? Welp, see ya later..." Thank you Lord for
getting through. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 me
Brent Spencer
Julie Ann Song
Winona, MN
Behavioral Science
Aeronautical Systems Engineering
Character cannot be developed in
To Mom, Dad, Joel, and Jessica.
ease and
Thank you for your loving support,
quiet. Only through the experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.” -
believing in me, and encouraging To the lifelong friends I made here, you made this place bearable. me
Above all, to my Savior and Heav-
Helen Keller.
Through it all you were there for me umma, appa, and oppa. I love you.
Aja Aja Fighting!
enly Father. Thank you for the grace you have given me and the strength you always provide that enabled me to make it through this place. 1 Peter 4:11
Taylor Jack Verett
Dominick Totino
Medford, NY
Lubbock, TX
Geospatial Science Just a squirrel tryin’ to get a nut! Friends, I couldn’t possibly thank you for everything, but thank you for everything. Mom, Dad, Lisa, Miko,
Computer Science
remember that summer I flew out to ASU for orientation, and a few days later I ended up here for BCT, where
you left me and didn’t let me quit for 5 years? Yeah, me too. I guess it all worked out though. Love you guys To Winners And Champions... TINAGDTBAP
To my brother Kristofer and sister
Whitney, thank you for beating me up and verbally abusing me as a child. Those times were essential in my upbringing and your endless
support carried me through my four years at the Academy. To my
parents Steve and Patricia, I am
eternally grateful for the foundation of common sense, integrity and work ethic you provided me, without your support and loving encouragement I never could have made it
through to graduation.
Laura Elizabeth Weber
Nathanael Witmyer
Mount Vernon, SNA
Bakersfield, CA
History God has blessed me tremendously during these last four years with lifelong friends, exciting opportunities, a caring and supportive family and
Management Thanks to all who helped me along this long road towards graduation! Psalms 27:3
Brandon, the most incredible guy a
girl could ask for. I look forward
to leaving USAFA as I know that
life after graduation can only be an extension of these blessings and I
give thanks for all of you who have truly enriched my life and will for years to come.
Daniel Ryan Workman
Mike B. Youn
Chapel Hill, NC Aeronautical Systems Engineering “Pleasure in the job puts perfection
Glendale, CA
in the work.”
Management It's about time! Why’d it take so
long!!! It took a long time to get here and it wasn’t always fun, but the people back at home that sup-
ported me and the people here that I went through this program with are
among the finest of people that I have ever met. Good times and bad
times, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Abdul Qayum Abdulrashid
Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan Foreign Area Studies Going through the United States Air Force Academy programs has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. It made me realize the importance of living as a team and
making a difference in other people’s life. Most importantly, it taught me the importance of living honorably and integrity. At the end, I would like to thank all my instructors, permanent
party, and my friends for helping me out throughout the challenges of the
academy and getting me through it successfully.
Christopher L. Ahn
Nicholas “Nick” Batey
Columbus, OH
Colorado Springs, CO
Basic Sciences To my family; To my teachers (Jon-
First off I’d like to thank my family,
nik and Greg); To my classmates and friends: Thanks for everything
God, and most of all my friends for
you’ve given me-mainly the will to endure in spite of failure and overcome everyday challenges.
helping me to make it through this place. I never would have made it without you. I made some lifelong connections here, and some memo-
I’m a better person because of
ries that I will never forget. Just
you all. Thanks Abdul for being the best roommate ever. With that, it’s
remember, “57, 58, go home Dave! Go home!”
time to turn the page in a little book called life...Bon voyage!
Haley Brewton
Jacob H. Belka
Flagstaff, AZ
West Valley City, UT
Applied Mathematics I’ve had some of my greatest fail-
Behavioral Science: Human Factors What a ride! Thank you to all my
to CS-14, and all teachers, officers,
friends, especially those from Show Choir, and D and B, past and present
enlisted personnel, mentors, family,
for helping me through some of the
and friends for helping me make
toughest times as well as making
it through. You will always be
some of the best times I’ve ever had;
ures and successes
here. Thanks
remembered!!! Thanks especially to
memories I’ll never forget. Family,
I love
thank you for your support, prayers,
you and look up to you so much!!!! Best wishes to all!!!
and helping me to believe in myself.
by beautiful fiancee KayCee.
I couldn’t have gotten this far without
you. This is only the beginning. RWH
Thomas C. deCiutiis New Rochelle, NY
Management Big thanks to my family who are always there for me through my ups and downs, especially these past four years I could not have done this without you. To all my friends
and the boys remember YES IT
WAS and NO YOU WOULDN’T but without all of you I would not be able
say those six words, thanks for all the memories and hopefully many more.
“Nil ego contulerim iucundo
sanus amico.”
Adam K. Gorzkowski
Jaclyn E. Fleming Redondo Beach, CA
Oak Creek, Wl
Social Science
Civil Engineering
Thank you to my family and to all of
Well, it wasn't always fun, but in the
those who have become family. It
end it was worth it. Everything from
was a
long four years and I couldn’t
the late nights working on home-
have done it without you. Never
work to the relaxing weekends at
forget... “You can let something
the cabin (Good food, good friends,
beat you until you don’t want to fight
good times!) have all had a permanent impact on my life. I wouldn’t have made it through without the strength and support that God, my family, and all my friends have pro-
anymore, or you can pick yourself up and fight back.” And the most
important thing of all, “don’t worry, be happy."
vided me with. Here’s to the good of boys.
Jeff Hajner
Sarah G. E. Hoh
Las Vegas, NV
Galt, CA
Management I came to the Academy to play hockey and hockey only. I had 25 teammates and friends and thought that was all I needed. I am leaving the Academy to do great things in the
Behavioral Science I want to thank all my family and friends for everything they have
done to help me through the last four years.
Air Force with the same determination I had about hockey. I am leaving
with more than just 25 teammates. I now have over 50 brothers and friends I met along the way away from hockey. Thanks for all the memories.
Zachary D. Huppert
Bryan R. Johnson
Merritt Island, FL
Atlanta, GA
Systems Engineering Management “The road goes on forever, and the
Systems Engineer Management Thanks to all those who helped me
party never ends...”
to get to this point.
Robert Earl Keen Jr.
Thanks to the people who dragged me
through the last four years
William “Chip” Kirk
Michael J. Koslow
Pittsburgh, PA Military and Strategic Studies
Spring boro, OH Operations Research
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Kim! You
Life is a roller coaster, so hang on
guys help more than you could ever know.
for the ride.
It's been fun... To the Good Old Boys: Duty, Integri-
ty, Loyalty, Leadership, Intelligence, Glory, Athleticism, Friendship
Always look for the sillining and take advantage of the opportunities you're provided even when they aren’t what you wanted,
expected. Thank you Mom and Dad for the continued love and
port you've always shown me. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -
Philipians 4:13
Brandon J. Krupa
Steve Lee
Tomball, TX
Morganville, NJ Electrical Engineering
Foreign Area Studies “Our lives are not determined by
Four years, but it was worth it. A
what happens to us, but by how
special thanks to my Mom, Dad,
react to what happens to us,
Grandmom, and a few close friends.
not by what life brings to us, but
by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events that creates extraordinary results.” -Anonymous Family-thanks for all of the love and support I couldn’t have done it without yall!
Christopher “Moron” Morin
Joshua D. McCormick
Crown Point, IN
Bellevue, NE
Mathematical Science
Computer Engineering “If you need help, ask God. If not,
“Act on your principles, for the good
thank God.”
of the country and the nation. Place all your authority, your body and your soul at stake. You will be hated and
you will be loved, but no one -this I
guarantee-will ever dare to [deleted] with you for as long as you live.” -
Megan E. Peterson
Urho Kekkonen
Peter Glen Pfau
Colorado Springs, CO
Pao/a, KS
Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Well, I did it. Mom, Dad.. thanks for
“Most people are other people.
getting me in. Whitney, if I can do
Their thoughts are someone else’s
it you can do it! And we better be
opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” Oscar Wilde
stationed at the same base! Shaun,
I love you brudder. Yataa!
Special shout out to all those who helped me pass
my classes. THE CREW!
Matthew D. Rice
Bryan R. Sanchez
Boise, ID
Colorado Springs, CO
Political Science
Mom and Dad, all that I am and all
These past four years have helped
that I’ve done is because of you.
me see who
Thanks so much for all your love
am, and guide me to who I will be.
and unyielding support. “To give
I’d like to thank everyone who has
anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” Steve Prefon-
made an impression on my life, whether good or bad, but I know
I don’t have enough space, so.. Thanks. “So much time and so little
I was, defined who I
to do. Wait a minute. Strike that.
Reverse it.”
Willy Wonka
Richard G. Wheeler
Matthew M. Scott
Declo, ID
Civil Engineering
Geospatial Science
A good attitude makes anything
There is no way to measure how much I have gained from the friends
possible even if it is a nickel at a
I’ve made at the Academy. Thanks
time! A huge thanks to Mom, Dad,
to everyone who helped get me
family, Doc, Dax & Mel, Luke & Sara, Adam, Chip, and Mason for the love, support, and good times Looking forward to the next stage, knowing there’s a lot to miss here. “When God is my co-pilot, then
through this. “Only those willing to risk going too far can find out how far they can go.” T.S. Eliot. -
know I’m in the wrong seat..- Fr. Bruno
Brett J. Workman
Helen “Meghan” Wildner
Atlanta, GA
Norwalk, IA
Foreign Area Studies
Political Science
“Everything passes. Everything changes. Just do what you think you Bob Dylan should do.”
“tomorrow the sun will rise, who knows what the tide might bring
in...”-Tom Hanks, Cast Away
“And now these three remain: faith,
hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13
Thanks Mom and Dad for all your love and support. To my little sister,
Mary, and my little brother, Chas; I love yall. Thanks Lindsay B. Thank you to everyone else that has ever been dear to my heart.
“Act on yourprin-
cipics, for the good of the country and the notion.
Place all your
authority your body
and your soul at stake. ) ’on will be hated and you will be loved but no one—this 1 ,
guarantee—will ever dare to [deleted/ with you for as long as you —
lived" 1 Urho Kekkonen
quoted by Christopher as
Morii Firsties
Kayla M. Beach Tampa Bay, FL
Management Thanks to my friends and family. I
honestly could have never complet/-vH
Jocelyn “Joce the Boss” Booker
Clayton A. Bryant
Stone Mountain, GA
Charlotte, NC
Foreign Area Studies: Africa “Hey Christie...They didn’t kick us out!”
“Try to become not a man of suecess, but try rather to become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein
Becca L. Burditt
Gregory D. Cappuzzo
Colorado Springs, CO
South bury, CT Operations Research Looking back on the past four years they were the best four years of my life. No matter how bad things got
Behavioral Science “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -
itilthAI it
Philipians. 4:13
Thanks be to God, for His infinite
we were in
love and unending blessings.
Lead with Character. Bad-Ass 28
Thanks to my wonderful family and friends who have loved, encour-
and Mighty 15. Thank you to my family for everything. Thank you CCLD. Guido, Alfredo, and Luigi.
aged, and supported me over the past four years and throughout my life, and who have helped shape me into who I am today.
it with the best of friends.
“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is,
perhaps, the end of the beginning.” -
Carsen F.S. Chun
Sir Winston Churchill
Jonathan W. Coffey
Honolulu, HI
Fort Collins, CO
Computer Engineering
I AM the #1 Chunna I AM from da 808 State I AM Vegas every Thanksgiving I AM playing 36 holes of mini-golf
with B-Rod before leave I AM taking credit for the Reggae
revolution at USAFA I AM thanking my bruddahs and sistahs here for getting my through
these five years. I AM thanking my Family and Friends back home for supporting me. I AM stoked I'm graduating. Are You?
“If I can’t go back with my self-re-
spect, I won’t go back at all." -
Capt. Theodore Harris
Connor Flynt
Kansas City, MO
Management PTWOB 358 To the times we may not remember, but friends we will never forget. To
the epic adventure of playing the
game and making it. To all my far ily and those who have become my brothers and sisters, thanks for a
great four years.
Dorald Scott Hartenstein
David R. Greer Rio Rancho, NM
Management Although I still have a long way to go in life, I wouldn’t have made it this far without my awesome family.
Augusta GA ,
Mathematical Sciences Well, that was weird. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.’’
I have no doubt we were meant to
experience the adventure of life Earth together. Mom, Dad,
on this
Adam, Jin, and James I love you
guys! I am grateful to live in this country who’s many freedoms have allowed for countless blessings in my life. I hope to do my part in allowing the continuation of those freedoms in our land.
Sara K. Juback
Alexander Z. Konowka
Eagle River, AK Behavioral Science
Buffalo, NY
To everyone who has helped me
Management Thanks to my family and all my
reach this moment-thank you for
friends who were there to have
your support and the experiences you have shared with me along
the way. Friends are the family we
great memories through the
last four years.
It’s been a crazy
choose for ourselves, and I have the best family possible.
Don’t let your dreams be dreams.
Trevor Mendenhall
Megan “Meg” Moulton
Fontana, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you first and foremost to my
Thanks and love you Mom, Dad, and
God, my strength in everything. Without You my life is not worth liv-
Bubbah, without you I wouldn’t be half the person I am today. To my besties-
ing. Sarah, we made it club.
2 percent
I love you. Thanks to my fam-
ily and friends for supporting and encouraging me, this is something
Alex, TT, Jenny, and Ashbaby, xoxo thank you for always being there. “So come to the moon, I hope to see you soon.
Half a million miles isn't far to
for all of us to celebrate. To all my
Jimmy Buffett. Special thanks
bros from GODchasers past and
to RedBull, couldn’t have done it
present, thanks for all you do. It’s been great chasing God with you
without you!
over the last few years.
Talon M. Pope
Ashley L. “Ricky” Reinig
Lakenheath, England
Camano Island, WA
Basic Sciences
Through trial comes achievement; through endurance comes reward. Live here, today, because tomorrow is not as clear as yesterday.
Mom and Dad, you got me through this place. Thank you for all your
love, support, and guidance. I am very proud to be your daughter. Also, thanks for taking care of my
baby Bearsy for four years. Ty and Todd, thanks for being the greatest brothers a little sister could have. To all my friends, we’ve shared some bad times and some
times, and I will never forget the memories we've made.
best roomie ever!
Benjamin R. Saunders
Jordan “Jay Are” Roberts
Charlotte, NC
Katy, TX
General Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
This space was intentionally left
Thanks Dad, Mom and Katie “I wonder if it remembers me...
Steve Zissou
Victor “Dal” Shealy IV
Kelly R. Snyder
Colorado Springs, CO
Green Bay, Wl
Geospatial Science
Legal Studies
I AM 1000 nicknames
“Education is what remains after
I AM still in the 3rd rd with Huppert
one has
I AM detour to Vegas
learned in school.”
I AM a coach’s kid I AM five different hometowns I AM and always will be a Falcon fan
I AM forever thankful to my all my friends for getting me through these
five years I AM thanking my Family for their tremendous support I AM blessed by a loving God
I AM stoked I’m graduating. Are You?
forgotten everything he -
Albert Einstein.
I’d like to thank God and my family for always being there for me, and all the others along the way who
made this journey possible and enjoyable along the way. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein.
Tyler L Swanson
Aaron R. Widener
Randolph, Wl Systems Engineering Management This space was intentionally left
Behavioral Science
Granada, CO Thanks to my parents for giving me
strong work ethic, life lessons, and advice for every occasion. I hope a
you have more advice because I will need it. Riley and Darcy: thanks for the many good times and all the
funny memories we share of our adventures. Thanks to my grandparents for encouraging me and giving me a thirst for knowledge. I wouldn't be here without all or
support. “I wonder if it remembers me...”
Steve Zissou
Zachary Zimmerman Scottsdale, AZ
Military Strategic Studies Megan Moulton is my favorite! Thank you for writing my blurb! RAWR
“Try to become not a man of success but try rather to ,
become a man of value. as
” —
Albert Einstein
quoted by Clayton
Patrick “Trick” Arkwright Allen Park, Ml
Social Sciences How do you thank so many people
in such a small blurb? You start with where you came from... I would not be where I am today without my family. Thank you Dad, Mom, and Rich. Memories are gifts that we are
allowed to have forever, and I thank everyone for these presents. “Strive to get everything out of life,
cadet sixteen
but don’t miss life getting it."
Patrick Arkwright
Kirk Bingaman
Michael G. Bates
Allen, TX
Austin, TX
Political Science
Aeronautical Systems Engineering Love the good times, laugh at the
I want to thank my Mom and Dad for all of their hard work and sup-
bad. Make a difference and always
I would not have gotten this far
enjoy what you do.
without them! I also want to thank my family and friends for being there for me when times were hard. I also want to thank my grandpa Poppy, if it were
not for him I would have never
considered the military life style.
love you all, and thanks to everyone
again for helping me get through USAFA!
Thomas Jared Braxton
Alexander E. Chung
Lake Village, AR
Arcadia, CA
Social Sciences
Social Science
Hey Mom and Dad, Larkin, Ashley and family! Thank you for all your
support through all the ups and downs I've had at the Academy.
Loving my family and friends. Living without regrets. Can’t ask for anything better.
love you all!
John Lucian Cox
James Cruz
Memphis, TN Aeronautical Engineering Thanks Mom and Dad for dragging me through this experience. Nicole you’ve made everything, including this place, easier to deal with. I
Rouses Point, NY
love you
Behavioral Sciences To my Mom, Dad, and Sister, I would not be the man I am today
without your love and support. Not
day goes by without thinking about the amazing life you have
given me and how much fun is left to be had. To my friends, it was long and it was tough, but it was worth it. “One must wait until the
evening to see how splendid the day has been.” Sophocles -
Danielle L. DePaolis
Rick J. Davies
Murrysville, PA
Shannock, Rt
Human Systems Engineering
Geospatial Science Mom, Dad, Geoff, and Christine, I
Mom, Dad and family, thanks for all
couldn’t have done this without you.
the support, encouragement and
Your support made this journey pos-
advice through the tough times and ?
sible and I don’t know where I would
the good times.
be without you. To all my friends
of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for
I’ve had the time
I couldn’t ask for better
-thanks for the memories and keep
in touch. When the opportunity pres-
friends; it’s you who have made it;
ents itself, pounce on it like there is
epic journey. This is all the bacon. “Don’t give up, just be you... cause
no tomorrow.
If you let it slip through
your grasp, you’ll never get to see what tomorrow has in store.
life’s too short to be anybody else.
John P. Dolan
Nicole Elliot
Hudson, Wl
Colorado Springs, CO
Civil Engineering Thank you to all my friends, family
I would like to thank God, my par-
members, and role models who
ents and family for being my back-
helped me succeed. I wouldn’t have
bone throughout this whole process.
done it without you.
I wouldn’t have made it through
“This above all: to thine own self be
this place without them or the great
friends I made at the p and the hill.
It's been long but WE MADE IT!!!!
Aaron M. Eshkenazi
Jaffet M. Ferrer-Torres
Coral Springs, FL
Indianapolis, IN
Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
“Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is
practical. Expect more than others think is possible.” Claude Bissell -
"I sought the Lord, who answered me, delivered me from all my fears.’’ -
Psalms 34:5 I thank God every
day for the opportunity of attending this Academy, and for seeing me through to the end. To my familia, I want to let you know how your never ending support helped me get through this place. To all my friends, near and far, thank you for making this place worthwhile. ^Mami y Papi, adivinen? jLo hice!
David Hickle
Rolla, MO Mechanical Engineering This space was intentionally left blank
Jacob Bradford Jensen
Christine E. Kistler
Morgantown, WV Aeronautical Engineering
Plano, TX Mathematics
Thank You Family and Friends! To my
I am the master of my fate. I am the
08’er pals, thanks, see you soon! To
captain of my soul. Mommy, Daddy, Mrin, and Sami
Jenny, Thank you!
couldn’t have asked for a more lov-
ing family, nothing would have been possible without each of you! To all my friends and ‘mains’: I <3 u and THANK YOU ! We made it. Rule # 76: No excuses. Play like a
champion. -Mrs. Officer:)
Jacob Kirk Lair
Trevor P. Miller
Independence, MO
Bettendorf, IA Economics
Systems Engineering Management Love & thanks to.. .God: For His
No institution can mold people who
love, mercy, protection & those
below. M&D: Your love & encouragement made this possible. Miss: Your love & support have been unfailing.
put up with more, yet I have had some of the best moments of
my life here and made great lifetime friends.
Thanks for waiting! I love you! Fam & Friends: For your prayers. Bros: We made it! “That this...be a land of
liberty, and every man may enjoy his rights and privileges alike, so long as the Lord sees fit.”
Mosiah 13:45
Michael O’Connor
Micah P. Paul
Charlotte, NC
Fond du Lac, Wl
Astronautics Now that that’s over may I get some
Aeronautical Engineering Philippians 4:12,13
Catherine “CAT” Robertson
Lexington, GA Civil Engineering Got er done ya’II! “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
Alex Roosma
Bloomingdale, NJ Computer Science I thank my parents and sisters for getting me here through their
upbringing, those late night phone calls and my buddies for keeping me here by keeping me sane, and “Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.”
Lucy Larcom; “What you see and hear depends a good deal on where
you are standing; it also depends on what kind of a person you are.” -
C.S. Lewis
Nathanael Thalhofer
Zachary “Diesel” Stroman Waco, TX
Vashon Island, WA
Social Science
Aeronautical Engineering “To dream the impossible dream
A big thanks to my Mom and Dad
for always being there for me, I
could not have done it without your
p.s. keep your hand at the level of
love and support. Also, to all my friends who actually helped me
your eye
make a good time out of these past
four years. “It’s a funny thing about
life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.’’ -
W. Somerset Maugham
Brian Thorn Fort Worth, TX
Foreign Area Studies “I will lift up my eyes to the moun-
tains; from where shall my help come?
My help comes from the
LORD, who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1-2. Thank
you, Abba Father, for helping me through these last four years.
Thanks to my family and friends back home who were faithful to pray for me every day. I needed those prayers every day. Thanks to my OCF family. I would not have gotten
through the Academy without y’all.
“It’s a funny thing about
life; ifyou refuse to accept anything but the best W. you very often get it. Somerset Maugham ,
quoted by ZACHARY Stroman
Chris Allen
Alabaster, AL
Geospatial Science It’s been a long road, with highs and lows. Thanks to my family and friends who were there for both. I never could
have made it without
you. I’ve grown a lot over the past four years, and learned a lot too. Most importantly I’ve learned the undeniable fact that life is about the impact that you make on those around you, and that a life well lived
is one that has had a positive impact on others.
Nullum Desiderium
Shane E. Crowe
Stephen W. Bintz Londonderry, NH
Frederick, MD
Mechanical Engineering
Systems Engineering Management The Academy has been an extraordinary experience in which I have had the opportunity to grow as a person. It was always challenging and I was always pushed to my limits. I want to thank my family and friends and all of the people who have acted to help me make it through.
Carpe diem.
Thank you Mom, Dad,
Jen, and Jeff for your love and
support through my years here. Throughout the last four years, your phone calls, your letters and packages, and time we had as a family were always special and something to look forward to. Thanks to my
friends for their help and the many
great stories that will always be remembered. This journey has been an experience of a lifetime.
Corey A. Curtis San Diego, CA Mechanical Engineering “Scarecrow: I haven’t got a brain... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven’t got a brain?
James T. Cushing Salt Lake City, UT Geospatial Science “There is a destiny that makes us
brothers, None goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of
Scarecrow: I don’t know...But some
people without brains do an awful lot of talking...don’t they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you’re right.’’
Comes back into our own.”
Wizard of Oz
Thank you to my family and friends that helped me through this place
and made it all worth it.
Thanks to all my loved ones for sup-
porting me through my time here. I wouldn’t have made it without you.
Jamie L. Daugherty
Grant C. Fleming
Grand Junction, CO
Little Rock, AR
Behavioral Science
Mechanical Systems Engineering
“When you come to a fork in the
I’d like to thank my family and all
road, take it.”
my friends whole helped me get through this place. “It is not by strength that one prevails.”
Yogi Berra. Thanks Grandma, Grandpa, and especially Daddy for all your support. Stalag and friends, you’ve been great!!! -
1 Samuel 2:9
Alexander C. Horrell
Austin Francis
Weddington, NC
Scottsdale, AZ
Systems Aeronautical Engineering Thank you to all of my family, .1 friends, and the best squadron in the wing. STALAG, for your love
Thank you so much Mom and Dad. I owe a lot of my success to you
Luke, you are the man...keep going after life strong. Thank you to every-
and support Go Falcons Golf! “In
one else who have
the middle of every difficulty lies op-
helped me along,
I am a better person because of your
willingness to help when I needed it. “...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering pro-
character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4. To the Author and
Ephesians 5:20
Albert Einstein
better than the history of the past.” Thomas Jefferson
duces perseverance; perseverance, -
“I like the dreams of the future
'What lies behind us and what lies
before us are small matters com-
pared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Patrick A. Houghton
Shawn O. Killpack
Candler, NC
Brigham City, UT
Biology To my family: Even though we have
Electrical Engineering Thank you to everyone who has
endured so very much since I first
made this possible. My family for all
entered the Academy, your love,
the support and advice to get me
confidence, and support have seen immense wisdom of my late beloved
through. Thank you also to the Stalag family and all the friends here. I could not get through this place
brother and hero, Capt. George-
alone. Thanks.
through. Thank you. From the
Bryan “ICE" Houghton, I leave you all with the most valued advice he me, “The last person you have to report in to at the end of the
ever gave
day is yourself.”
Zayn M. Knaub
Kyle S. Knight
Ogallala, NE Geospatial Sciences “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Rolling Meadows, IL "You're gonna see a guy who will
-Albert Einstein
down to it your gonna do the same
“One man with courage is a major-
for him. That’s a team, gentlemen,
ity.” Thomas Jefferson “Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.” Jerry Garcia
and either, we heal, now, as a team,
Basic Sciences sacrifice himself for this team, because he knows when it comes
or we will -
die as individuals.”
Al Pacino, Any Given Sunday
To us and those like us.
Meagan Patricia Kuchan Warrington, PA Electrical Engineering “I think I’ll try defying gravity.” -
Eric S. May
Louisville, KY Mechanical Engineering Thanks Dad, Mom and TJ I could not have made it without your support. Thanks ZRFC and everybody that
helped me make it through this place.
Daniel J. Paladino
Avery F. Merriex Denver, CO
Monroe, NY
Management Thank you family and friends for you help guiding me through this long journey, people call the Academy. I
Social Science “If you choose not to decide you still
have made a choice.”
could not have done it without you.
Samuel H. Pang
Norwalk, CA
Management It has been a pretty, pretty, pretty good four years. Peace USAFA.
Kyle E. Rowland
Kathleen M. Schjodt
Woodland, Ml
Hot Springs, SD
Aeronautical Engineering
I would like to thank my mom, dad and brother because without their
Thank you to my family and friends
support and advice I would not have been able to accomplish my goals.
agement over these past four
for giving me support and encouryears and to Adam for being my best friend. I couldn’t have done it without you. “We are hard pressed on every side,
but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not destroyed.” -
2 Corinthians 4: 8-9
David “DJ” Thompson
Jeremy A. Van Driessche
Jacksonville, FL
Simi Valley, CA Biology and Spanish
Foreign Area Studies “As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead trying to kill me.” George Orwell -
Thank you to everyone who helped me
along the way and for all the
great memories we have together.
Things that matter take time. Philippians 4:13
Harrison H. Whiting IV
Indya S. Vernon Corona, CA
Niceville. FL
Biology To my family-Thank you for your love and support throughout this journey. Daddy, you are a true hero, and mom you are an angel. To my preppies and the CREW, we had crazy times together. To my Stalag family, thank you for allowing me to be the squadron princess and making the academy more enjoyable! Thanks to Avery for being my best friend. My advice: if your day isn’t going well...just shop, it always
Systems Aeronautical Engineering If you aren't falling, you aren’t trying,
makes me feel better!
“Ifyou choose not to decide you still have made a choice. as
quoted by
” —
DANIEL Paladino
Bruce W. Bain II
Houston, TX
History and Japanese Thanks to all of my family and friends Everything I have been able to accomplish is due to your love and support. “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” -
Spencer Bell
Matthew “Botts” Bottorff
Burleson, TX
Huntington Beach, CA Legal Studies Mom, Dad, Alex, Grammy, Grandma, Karen, and the rest of the family,
Aeronautical Engineering “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
Sir Isaac Newton
Psalms 23:1. I owe a
big debt of gratitude to my family
thanks for all your love and support
and friends for their support the last
over the last few years.
22 years. Without their love and en-
thanks for making the time here go
couragement, this would have been a much more difficult goal.
by a little faster. And lastly to The Clique, we’ll always have our time at
To the bros,
the FAFA Winter Break ’06.
Matthew E. Bradwick
Eric L. “Dwin” Darwin
Wimberley, TX Operations Research
Military Strategic Studies
Thanks Mom and Dad for the
Thank You to everyone for your
continued support over the years.
support and believing in my dreams. Thank you Mom, Dad, and Aaron for your unbounded love and support
Nightrider Bros, it’s been more than fun. We’ve had our ups and downs but overcame everything in the end. See you on the outside. To my fellow freshmen Mach One Griffins, it seems like
only yesterday we were out in Jacks Valley running through the courses and doing endless flutter kicks phonetically to the Air Force Song. I’ll never forget the lifelong memories...“Dial it up and get legit!”
Geneseo, IL
along the way. Thank you Norn Norn for being an amazing roommate and spending random Friday nights preparing for SAMIs. Last but not least, thank you Larissa. You provided me with support, food, and fun, but most of all a best friend and I cannot
wait to spend the rest of our lives
Michelle D. Denise
West Milford, NJ
Behavioral Science
Behavior Science,
Mom and Dad, thank you for all you have done for me. All I am or all I will ever hope to be I owe to you. Christy—Thank you for always being there for me, you are a great
listener. Team—Thank you for all the amazing memories, we had so
many great times together. I will miss you all more than you know. “Think for yourselves and let others
enjoy the privilege to do so too.” -
Adam “STORITO” DeRito
Kennewick, WA
Human Factors Engineering Every day is a chance to change your life; USAFAwas my favorite mistake. It made me realize who I really was and who I wanted to
become. To my family and friends who were always there; i love you all. To Lt. Col. Tiernan, Maj. Clyncke,
Capt. Cox, First Sgt. Sandercock, GySgt Alessio, GySgt Clay and the OCS staff; you changed me forever. Where ever life takes me in my mili-
tary career, I will be forever grateful.
Dany “Dudu” Gatsinzi
Christopher AJ “Chief” Edlund Comstock Park, Ml
Kigali, Rwanda
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
I want to thank the Lord for the great opportunities I’ve had the last four years. To all the Fighters, Nightriders, Crusaders, and Mech majors thanks for all of the great memories. We've been through the good times and the rough times, but we’ll always
Thanks to the almighty God he who
strengthens me daily. To my family, country and friends, this journey '
could not have been possible without your support.
"Brave hearts do not back down.” -
be able to look back on our time here
fondly. Thanks mom, dad, Aaron, and all of my friends for all of your
support, I wouldn’t have been able to succeed without you.
Ryan D. Gauntt Madison, MS Astronautical Engineering “Ad Astra Per Aspera” Though the road may be rough, it is still worth traveling. Go confidently, and enjoy yourself along the way.
Brandon “BG” Geyer
Bay City, Ml Management This truly is the greatest achievement of my life and I could not
have done it without my family and friends. Mom, thanks for never
letting me get complacent. Dad, thanks for teaching me about work ethic by working hard every moment of your life. Nate and Lexi, you are the best little brother and sister I could have asked for. Lastly, thank you to my brothers on the football team; you helped make the Academy bearable.
Nicholas J. “G” Goirigolzarri
Rose burg, OR
Management Mom, Dad, Ben, and Alex- your love and support helped me through each day and I can’t thank you
enough for everything. I couldn’t have done it without you and love
you all. I’ve been fortunate enough to have made the best of friends here- I’ll never forget any of you.
Erika, your constant sacrifices led to my successes. I love you and
thank you. To my rugby boys, much
love, and never forget: Stories over Standards! GO ZOOMIES!
Brandon James Johnson
Andrew Blaine Layman
Duluth, MN
Boiling Springs, PA
Social Sciences
Thanks to my Mom, Dad, my
I want to thank my parents and sist
Sister’s Brittany and Breanna, and
for making my time here survivable
the rest of my family. I could not
I also want to thank my brother,
have made it without all of your
Nathan, for honestly being the best
love and support. To the guys on
friend I could ever ask for and my
the hockey team your friendship
roommates for all the good times we
has meant everything to me, we
shared together. I’ll never be able
really had some good times over the years. Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find that
to express how thankful I am to my
amazing fiancee, Kristin, for always giving me something to count down to. There's one thing I've learned at the Academy, never give up.
you have crossed the mountain.
Robert Michael Lee
Sondra Lynn Lesser
Cullman, AL
Phoenix, AZ
Social Science
Biology and Spanish
“There are many here among us who
“One doesn’t discover new lands
think life is but a joke but you and I,
without consenting to lose sight
we’ve been through that; this is not our fate.
Let us not speak falsely
now, the hour’s getting late.”
of the shore for a very long time.” -
With that said, I can see land
Along the Watchtower. Somehow, I made it. Thank you to the friends and mentors who guided me along the way. Thank you Mom and Dad. In the end, I can say I lived
as a bro... I
lived the dream. RTB
for life.
Thomas P. Posey
Benjamin David “Nom-Nom” Naumann
Santa Clara, CA
Huntingtown, MD
Systems Engineering Management Thanks to everyone who’s helped
Physics Thanks, mom and dad, for all the support, Jake and Christian, good luck. Thanks, Kaitlin, for helping me through the tough times. Thanks,
make it this far. Mom, Dad and
Darwin, for the Robin Williams SAMI
Kara, you are the best family a guy could ask for, thanks for all your support! To the Nightrider Bros, El Quatro and the Fantastic Four,
cleaning and for listening to me vent.
thanks for all the laughs, it wouldn’t have been the same without ya. To
my teammates, you are what gave me energy throughout. It’s been a
long 5 years, but every bit of pain was worth
RTBs for life. TCF.
KJ Randhawa
Cristina E. “Cristinita” Richter
Fairfield, CA
Longwood, FL Foreign Area Studies: Latin America Mom and Dad: Thanks for always believing in me and never letting
Social Sciences I am humbled and so thankful that
He truly is a jealous God. Thank
you, Lord Jesus for finding me and saving my life.
me lose faith,
I wouldn’t be where
I am today without your love and
support. To my best friend: thanks for always pushing me through and never
To my friends:
letting me quit.
I began a “Baby Shadow” and end a
“Nightrider for Life”
thanks for all
the good times and laughs. To my water polo girls: couldn’t have asked
for a better team. One last thing...I
Brett Michael Rodgers
Benjamin H. Schmidt
Midland, TX
Management I could not have made it through the past four years without God,
my wonderful family, friends, gf s, and continuous support from back home. Thanks to my Mom, Dad,
Sis, T-Sos, Tyler and Nicole. Thanks also to the tennis team for an amaz-
ing ride. “Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10 -
Elburn, IL
Foreign Area Studies “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.”
Mark Twain
Thank you to all my friends and
family for the support throughout the years.
Erinn E. Scott
Andy M. “A-WAD” Waddel
Birmingham, AL Mechanical Engineering It’s been a journey: A time to grow
O 'Fallon. IL “Siirrrrr!. Basic Cadet Waddel
make lifelong friends, to meet my
reports as ordered!” I honestly never thought I'd see the light at the end g
wonderful fiancee, and to learn
of the tunnel, but now that I’m here,
closer to my Lord and Savior, to
about living life to the fullest.
I'd like to thank God, my awesomely
and Dad, your love and support
supportive family (especially my mom and dad), Tom, Katie, Matt, the Volcheffs, fellow baby Cobras, Average Joe’s Gym, my roommates, all Nightriders, the Bros, and to everyone else I missed... “Stay thirsty The Most Interesting my friends."
have been priceless to me and have made me who I am. Bill and Kelly, I
couldn’t have asked for better sponsor parents.
Thanks to those who
helped me enjoy the good days and make it through the bad ones.
^ ^ on
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders Sir Isaac Newton of Giants. ”
quoted by BRU c E Bain
fl-w-i \ A Ir^r\r\
Samuel P. “Sam”
Portland, TX Astronautical Engineering "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that He considered me faithful, appointing me to His service”
1 Timothy 1:12.
I would like to give an immense
thank you to my family and friends for getting me through this place, and for the incredible memories we’ve made along the way.
Kenneth M. Bidmead
Aaron J. Canciani
Colorado Springs, CO
Torrington, CT
Foreign Area Studies
Electrical Engineering
The past four years have been a
Thank you to my family for all your
great experience, and I am looking forward to the years ahead. Thanks
support. Thank you to my friends for making this the best four years
to everyone who helped me along
of my life, you guys are awesome.
the way. Mom, Dad, Racheal, Paul,
I also thank God for everything He
and Carol, thanks for everything!
has given me and for working so much in my life at the Academy.
William G. DiMaio III
Jane A. Evans
Garnet Valley, PA
Albuquerque, NM Operations Research “Give me a lever long enough and a place on which to stand, and I shall
Behavioral Science Mom and Dad, without you, I would never have even
applied to the
Here I am, graduating,
when four years ago I didn’t think
move the world.”
To my family: “My Life for You!”
there was any possible way I’d make it through a place like this.
I can’t
thank you enough for everything that
you have done for me and for the support you’ve given me. You've
always been there for me. To everyone else that has supported me, so many thanks. You’re all my heroes. -Will
Austin W. Fritzke
Honolulu, HI
Electrical Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Mom, Dad, Katie, and all who are
The Academy is analogous to flying
close to me, thanks for all your love
a broken oversized aircraft with
and support. “For I know the plans
working gauges, three out of four high-bypass turbofan engines working and part of the left wing missing from hitting a tree. The plane flies cocked to the right due to internal balancing issues, and the likelihood of surviving from an outsiders' perspective is low. The only way you make it through is with faith and a family who expects nothing less than a safe return home. Yes, Mahalo!
I have for you, declares the LORD,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11. A
special thanks to God, who is always there for me. To all my friends I made here, it truly was a joy, and I will never forget the experiences.
Proverbs 27:17
Jason S. Fung
Mount Shasta, CA
Matthew L. Guertin
Ross M. Gioiosa
Altoona, PA
Huntsville, AL
Operations Research
Mechanical Engineering
I MADE IT! When I look back on
Dad. thank you for your loving
this I will only remember all the
greatest and best parents anyone could ask for, I am blessed that you
example for my life. Mom, thanks for your constant support. "May I be a son who is strong enough to face myself when I am weak and brave enough to face myself when I am afraid; one who is proud and unbending in honest
my parents. “You can always retake a class, but you can NEVER
defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.” Prayer to Son, Douglas
relive a Party"
MacArthur, 1942
good times with the greatest bros. Without you guys I can’t say I would have made it... Forever LC. To Mom and Dad you guys are the
Christopher P. Jaglowicz Huber Heights, OH Mechanical Engineering
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
Mahatma Gandhi.
No one has taught me this more than my brother, to whom I look up to for this very reason. To my Mom
and Dad and sister as well who are
always there even when my strength I could not have made it
is not.
through without you.
Scott E. Jennie
Agnes Kang
Medina, OH
Fort Walton Beach, FL Behavioral Science
Political Science Thanks to my entire family, espe-
“One day your life will flash before
dally Mom, Dad, and Megan, for helping me make it through the past four years. Thanks for being there for me, encouraging me, helping me, and loving me. I can’t believe I actually made it...Thanks to all my friends here at the Academy; you all made this a fun experience and one that nobody could ever forget.
your eyes.
Isaiah 40: 28-31
Make sure it’s worth -
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your unconditional love and for always
believing in my dreams. Thanks to all of my wonderful, true friends who have always been there for me. And thank you to my squadmates for
keeping me entertained and for always making me laugh. I appreciate and love you more than you know.
John A. “Johnny” Kuconis
Friendswood, TX
Mechanical Engineering
Thanks for the best friends in the world to help me through the tough times... just taking it one day at a time
John M. Lockwood
Danvers, MA
forever LC. To Mom, Dad,
Mary and the rest of the family, could not have survived without
To all my family, for their love, sup-
port, and provided laughter to make this long journey bearable, I am
thankful and blessed. You are the reason
I am here today.
the support and love, it was a slow crawl to the finish. Will always
To my friends, both new and old, I
remember the good times singing #10 Sweet Caroline at the Bee or headed to #61 VEGAS with the bros. “Work Hard... Play Harder!”
my sanity and making this place
“Don’t you want a little taste of the glory? See what it tastes like?”
thank you for allowing me to
great. Without you, I would be nowhere. Call Us None Too Serious... CC,
Andrew Novak
Jamie C. McDowall
Arcadia, CA
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Astronautical Engineering This squad became my home and the people in it my family so to them I owe a great deal for getting me
through this place! To my friends and family back home, I thank you for all the love and support throughout my time here! Enough of the past, it’s time for these RTBs to graduate! Acta est fabula, plaudit! -
Aeronautical engineering To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the
appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in
others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Bessie Stanley
I’m living my Dream! Thanks to all
for their support and love
Emma K. Przybyslawski
Tahichi “Cheech” Richardson
San Antonio, TX
San Diego, CA
Foreign Area Studies: Asia Mom and Dad- thanks for sticking with me on this crazy journey of mine. I owe you everything. Ally and Timyou are the best sister and brother in the world. I love you all so much.
Kyle- thank you for being you and always making me laugh. You are the
Social Science “If you're gonna judge a man, walk a
mile in his shoes. Then you’re a
mile away, and you have his shoes.’ -
Mark Twain
Thanks to all my friends, I couldn’t have made it without you.
love of my life. To the classes behind me: it’s all worth the walk across the
stage if you maintain your sense of humor! Keep your heads up!
Cameron S. Rochelle
Michael E. Rogers
Las Vegas, NV
Boerne, TX
Meteorology Hydration is the key to airpower.
Systems Engineering Management I am my mother’s son and my father’s passion. I am Jennifer’s humor and Megan’s determination.
For this, I thank my family and love you all very much. I would have never been able to make it through here if it wasn’t for you. To all my
squadmates of Playboy 19, it was an awesome experience and I wouldn’t have wanted to share it with anyone else. I love you all. Time to saddle up. Adios and vaya con Dios.
Benjamin “Scroggs” Scroggins
Sean-Michael W. Royer
Riverside, CA
Madison, AL
Military Strategic Studies
Social Science
Thank you Mom, Dad, and Natalie
“I am the lizard King...I can do
for all of the love and support you
guys gave me while I was here, there is no way I could have done it alone. “We are hard pressed on every side,
but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Fidelis Usque Ad -
Mortem O
Jim Morrison
Ruby A. Tamariz
Brent E. Whiteman
Vacaville, CA
Scottsdale, AZ
Political Science it is better to give unasked. And is there anything you would withhold?
Someday, all that you have shall be given. And what greater merit shall there be than that which lies in the courage and the confidence,
nay the charity, of receiving? You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly live.’’ Khalil -
“Effort only fully releases its reward
“It is well to give when asked, but
after a person refuses to quit." -
Napoleon Hill
Mom, Dad, Gary and Kristi: thank you for your love and encouragement throughout this journey!
Samory A. Abdul-Raheem Houston, TX
Management Five years and finally done. I want to first thank my mom dad for their
support, and God. I want to thank
everybody who has helped me to get to this point. Most of all I want to shout out to the “Good Ole Boys," we had fun. CS-20 will always be home.
Everybody must remember always DO WORK!
Elsa Mae Bohlender
Matthew B. Alexander
San Simon, AZ
Oak Park, CA
Delight in the unknown.
Foreign Area Studies, Geospatial Science Thanks to everyone, especially the best friends I ever made, here at
USAFA, for making my life here a
happy one. Time flies
have fun
Lucas R. Catalano
Saj El-Amin
Louisville, CO
Houston, TX / Clearwater, FL
Systems Engineering Management Thanks to everyone who has helped
along the way, it’s been a long road. me out
Management “Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not. It takes
patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether
you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you
into inaction, or
whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.” Barack Obama
Deanna J. Franzen San Antonio, TX
Political Science To Dad, Mom, Brett, Lara, Travis, and Wesley, the journey from NMMI to USAFA would have been impossible without you- thank you for your
support. To all of my friends, and especially my best friend, Jennifer, thank you for the millions of priceless memories and endless support that has made this journey a little more bearable. And
most especially,
thanks to God-1 know I am where I am
today because of Him. Jeremiah
Michael T. Gies
Austin, TX
Management Thanks to my family and friends for helping me make it through what appeared to be, at times, the
impossible. Mom, Dad, Danny, Josie, Grandpa, Ashleen and John: I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you Major Dobbs and Sgt
Craven for believing in me.
Cameron Maison Henrion
Lauren A. Kerdavid
Melvindale, Ml
Westhampton, MA Foreign Area Studies Africa -
Management “Preach the word of God. Be pre-
pared, whether the time is favorable or not.
Patiently correct, rebuke, and
encourage your people with good teaching.” 2 Timothy 4:2 -
My sincerest thanks to everyone who has helped me through all of the hard times and in greater eloquence, I have three quotes which I recommend living by: “If yoq. a stumble at mere believability, what are you living for? Be excessively reasonable and you risk throwing out the universe with the bathwater.’
Yann Martel
“I favor the ditches of digression.”
Maarten Troost “Don’t sweat
the petty things and don’t pet the
sweaty things.”
George Carlin
Anthony R. Lannigan
Randall J. Kindle II
Summerville, SC
Agana, Guam
Management “I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it.” Jack Handey My family and friends are the best. I
Mechanical Engineering
Four years down and the rest of my
life to go. “I shall be telling this with a sigh
love you all very much and I couldn’t
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
have made it through this place
Two roads diverged in a wood, and
without every single one of you.
Thank you so much for everything.
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the differ-
Robert Frost
Jesse J. Lind
San Antonio, TX
Computer Science “If you can't convince them, confuse
Harry S. Truman
Frank A. Martinez
Ashleen Marie McCarthy
Niceville, FL
Lafayette Hill, PA Management
Human Systems Engineering What an amazing four years this
God. You are my rock and my
has been. Thank you to all my
strength, thank You for all the blessings in my life. To my family and |f friends: Duane, Lauren, LD, Patrick, Dianne, Eric, Bern, Jenna Marie, Zan, Jim, Sunny and my Michael Thomas'
friends for making these four years
bearable. My greatest thanks goes to my family. Your love and support
gave me the drive I needed to keep
going. I love you very much. Finally, some inside jokes for the boys
to remember: Ronnie Millon, Table
420, and Zero Percent Chance.
thank you for your loving support
through this journey. Most importantly, Mom and Dad- your encouragement, your wisdom, and your love' mean the world to me.
Forti et Fideli
nil Difficile
Michael V. Nettis
John R. McDonald
Spring Hill, FL
Concord, OH
Management Thanks to all of you who helped me get through these last four years with some semblance of sanity, even though it seemed impossible at times. In particular, thanks to Mom, Dad, Jane, Jeanette, Morgan, Mikey, the Good 01' Boys, and the host of other people I haven’t been able to include. Ego fortitudine vici
Computer Science I cannot thank my friends and family enough for helping me get here, and more importantly, supporting me during my time here. “Our Dreams” “Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink.
But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away." -
Ryan P. Schleiden
Thomas L. Powell
Ocala, FL
Gibsonia, PA
Environmental Engineering
There are no problems, only solu-
I would like to thank God, my family,
and all my friends who helped me
get through the Prep School and the past four years here at USAFA.
Jason C. Shank
Jonathan R. Slater
Pemberville, OH
Fairbanks, AK
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
To my family, friends, and good ‘ol
Mom, Dad, Patricia, and Jeremy,
boys; thanks! This place has been quite an experience. The support every one of you has given me has
thank you for all the support you gave me during my time at the Academy. I love you guys.
been incredible. I couldn’t have done it without you. Proverbs 46:1-
3. “There’s nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you.” Woody Hayes. PS: -
Randy I’m sick of your farts.
Thomas “Woody” Sukut
Caitlin Harte Suttie
Billings, MT Astronautical Engineering I have to give a big thanks to those that helped me along the way and to
Des Moines, IA
those that created the roadblocks. Each of you has helped me get to where I am today and where I will
be tomorrow.
Legal Studies I would like to thank everyone who
helped me get this far, particularly my mom for writing a letter everyday during BCT and knowing when I needed chocolate. I held on. “I
believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so you
learn to let go, things go
wrong so
you appreciate them when they’re
right, you believe less so you eventually learn to trust yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things fall together.’’ Marilyn -
Daniel I. Tillier
J. Spencer “Big Spence” Walker
Tucker, GA
Birmingham, AL Biology
Social Science Thank you to all my family and
Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Jordan
friends who were by my side over
for all the love and support through
the years, I would not have been
the years and for pushing me to do
able to do it without any of you.
my best. I've loved my time here and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Thanks to the team for making the
past three years unforgettable. To I’ll never forget you everyone else and it wouldn't have been the same -
without you.
Much love, PTWOB
Mark J. Watkins
Joseph Walton Colorado Springs, CO
Rome, PA
Management This space was intentionally left
If there is anything I’ve learned from
this place; it is to Keep your head to
Aeronautical Engineering
the Sky, take Advantage of every Op
portunity, do Not let the bad get the best of you, and Always take Time to Enjoy the good. We choose our Fate. Thank You, Mom and Dad for
getting me here. Thank you, friends and family for supporting me. Let’s Live On.
Chelsea Welsh
Falcon, CO
Biology 1 Cor 13
“Ifyou can ’t convince them confuse ,
Harry S. Truman
quoted by J E 5 5 E Lind
Edison Isaac Abeyta El Paso, TX
Biology Thank you to my family, friends,
mentors, and teachers; you have impacted my life more than you will know.
“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”
cadet Twenty-one
Ernest Hemingway
Nicholas R. Clark
Lauren Baas
Gulfport, MS
Houston, TX
Computer Science
Thank you Mom, Dad, and Emily,
I was told it was difficult and they
and Bible study group for your love.
did not lie. I survived by doing what I
Dr. & Mrs. Warrick, for encouraging
was told to do and
me to follow Christ.
To my joy-buddy
(yip-yip), for your sincere and loving friendship, and for the impact you have made in my life!! Most importantly, I thank my God for sav-
ing grace. “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever.”
allowing whatever happen, to happen. Family is
was to
my foundation and naked ambition is a burden unless used to enrich
your life. “I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one
religion, and it is the
Kahlil Gibran
2 Peter
Thomas A. “Tony” Gorry
Adam S. Feliz Colorado Springs, CO
Hickory, NC
Systems Engineering Management All too often we forget the power of a smile and an act of simple kindness to heal the soul of not only the recipient, but the sender as well.
Aeronautical Engineering
Mom, I appreciated your many care
packages. Always needed a pick me up when the weeks got long. Dad, your words of advice always kept me going. Semper Fi. Matt, Sarah, and Mary, thanks for being proud of me and supporting me these past four years. To the BV 6: It was fun and without you guys, I wouldn’t
have made it through. And finally, to Anna. Thanks being there, next to me, every step of the way.
Susan L. Guinane
Chicago, IL Management Well, it hasn’t always been easy but it’s been fun! I never could have made it through this place without the constant support from my fam-
ily and friends. Mom, Dad, Pat, & Therese thank you for always being there for me and pushing me to
keep going. To the crew, my roommates (Chas, Ashton, Maggie, and Ashley), and all the other awesome friends I’ve made along the way, thanks for all the great memories and trying to keep me sane!
Anthony W. Hemphill San Antonio, TX
Political Science “Life is not tried, it is merely survived If you’re standing outside the fire." -
Garth Brooks
Daniel N. Hickox
William “Bobby” Jones
Mobile, AL
Sumter, SC Economics
Information Systems Engineering To my friends and family: thank
It may be cliche, but man, how
you for all the support, laughs, and prayers over the years; I am
Thanks Dad for being there and
these five years went by so fast.
people in my life. To everyone: never stop growing, mentally physically
always giving me words of advice during the stressful times. I thank you for giving me the opportunity
blessed to have such wonderful
and emotionally. “No man is fit to
to succeed at the AFA, and in life.
command another that cannot take
Suzan, Molly and Amy, you were
care of himself.”
my motivation to keep going and make you proud sisters and mother.
William Penn
Renae, thanks for teaching me to
always do the right thing. Love you. Easy. Lucky. Free.
Matthew “K-nutz” Knutson
David M. “D-Vo” Leibrartdi
Madison, Wl
Scobey, MT
Astronautical Engineering
“Death is nothing; but to live de-
I can honestly say I had the time of
feated and inglorious is to die daily.”
my life here and I firmly believe this place is what you make it. Thanks
Napoleon Bonaparte
to all my PTWOB brothers for the times, experiences, growth, and friendships Finally, I need to thank my mom for all the support! "Expect
More. Get More." Blue Skies...
Stephen C. Makuka
Diana L. “Dirty D” McVay
Columbus, NJ
The World
Systems Engineering Management
First I would like to thank all my
family and friends who helped me get through. It was a great experience and now my dream is finally coming true. “I am an Air Force Wrestler. My devotion to institution and team are of
Mom and Dad, thank you for all of your love and support-couldn’t have done this without you. Richy and Ben- thanks for being the best
brothers ever. To My Friends: “A friend is someone who thinks you're
superior priority than self-preservation. We take rest knowing there are no regrets for we are Air Force
good egg even though you're slightly cracked.” Thanks for the laughs and memories! BJsof21: Thanks for everything, congrats
-Air Force Wrestling Core Values
Ashton L. Miller
Erik C. Nelson
Onawa, IA
Uncasville. CT
Aeronautical Systems Engineering
Thank you to all my friends and family for your bountiful support. Mom, Dad, and Adam-1 could not have done it without you. Ashley and Kathryn-You all made this place enjoyable and I cannot thank you enough for your
perpetual friendship. Blackjacks and former Eaglets-I will never forget the great times we’ve had. Softball Team-Thank you for many wonderful memories. I love you all!
To Mom, Dad, Olin, Annali: Thanks for the support which made this
seem a bit closer to home. To
my friends From Tin Cup to the Caribbean, just a bunch of Joes! And to Kristin: Always by my side and a bit shorter. I wouldn’t give up one minute of our time together. “For once
you have tasted flight you will walk the
earth with your eyes turned
for there you have been and there you will long to return.” da Vinci
Franklin “Jon” Nesselhuf
Theodore A. Ornelas
Swink, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Military History “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor
spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore -
Roosevelt in the Strenuous Life
Civil Engineering To all my family and friends: Thank you for being there during the hard and fun times.
To my mom: Thanks for the love and support that you always give. Without you, I wouldn’t have made it
through this place. Your little Teddy is all grown up! To my dad: Mission complete! I wish with all my heart you were alive
today to see the man that I have become.
Love, Ted
Timothy Phillips II
Rexford R. Pearce
ritos later...no more Mitchell Hall.
Sulphur Springs, TX Operations Research Thank you Mom, Dad, Perry and Robin. You all have given me the
On a more serious note, I would like
foundation I need to succeed in
to extend my sincere thanks to ev-
every adventure my life has yet to face. The strengths of character I
South St. Paul, MN
Management Four years and 1,000 Chipotle bur-
eryone who has helped me achieve my personal and professional goals over the course of the
last four
It’s been a great ride!
in every one of you have helped
pass my first test, USAFA. You will always be in my heart and in my me
prayers no matter where I am in the world these next few years. God Bless America
Michael “Rosie” Roseburg
Moses Lake, WA Human Systems Engineering “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads...” -
Doc Brown
James Colby Tomlin
Lauren Ashley Twitty
Tyrone, GA Management
Political Science
Puyallup, WA
Thank you Mom and Dad for all
Thanks to all my family, friends and
your help and support. It truly meant so much to me.
instructors who have believed in
Love you Kelly and Alex! “What we do for ourselves dies with us.
What we do for others and the
world remains and is immortal.”
-Albert Pine
me and have helped me make it through. The more I learn about the
world, the more certain I am that the people and ideals of our country form a cause worth fighting for.
Zachary A. Walker
Andrew L. Volkening
Genoa, IL
Red Oak, TX
Behavioral Science
Social Science Thank you to my parents for alway
I’d like to thank God, family, and
being there for me and to all of my
friends for all the help and support -
friends here who convinced me
especially Torey.
Hooah! Heir Power! And finally...who
to stay freshman year. Without all
stole the hooah from the hooah bar!?
of you I would not be graduating. 'Life's tough...it’s even tougher if you're stupid.” John Wayne -
Zach T. White
Timothy A. Williams
Bethel, CT Aeronautical Engineering
Fredericksburg, TX Military Strategic Studies
I would like to thank everyone who
“Patriotism is not short, frenzied out-
helped me get to the Academy
bursts of emotion, but the tranquil
and those who have mentored me
and steady dedication of a lifetime.’
along the way. I truly appreciate the support and guidance. To those still at the Academy, stay positive, work hard and play hard. Continue to develop yourselves into the best
Adlai E. Stevenson
leaders you can. “Never... Never...
Never...Never Give up!” -
Sir Winston Churchill
Zack L. Ziegler
Seagrove, NC Foreign Area Studies: Middle East If I learned anything at USAFA, it is that a group is stronger than any individual. Without the support of my family, classmates and friends, I would not have completed in-processing day. Dad and Mom; thanks for teaching me to persevere and always do what is right. 2009, the good and bad made us closer than brothers.
2010, thanks for warmly accepting me as your peer. To the rest, your
friendship and wisdom made me an officer. Khalis!
"Life's tough...it's even tough you're stupid." John Wayi —
quoted by
Firsties I
Corey A. Apodaca Gilbert, AZ Behavioral Science I’m finally done! Thanks Mom, Dad,
Kristen, Kylie, and family for making the ride bearable-you have always
believed in me and I love you all. Thanks to all the bros from Cobras
Derelict flight for making 4 dig year what it was. Won, relax. Joking,
cade Twenfy-twc
thanks for being a great roommate
and broing it out. Thanks Austin for
being a true chief. Thanks to every Raptor who made this place the best time I could have had.
John Thomas Avrett II
Troy K. Baggs
Nashville, TN
North Salt Lake, UT
Electrical Engineering “All men dream, but not equally.
Systems Engineering Management Mosiah 2:17 "And behold, I tell
Those who dream by night in the
you these things that ye may learn
dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was mere vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may
wisdom; that ye may learn that when
act out their dreams with open eyes
ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Thanks to all who made this place both memorable and
to make it possible.”
bearable. Thanks mom and dad for
-T.E. Lawrence
your continual support and encouragement and for making me who I
Thank you to all of my family
I don’t regret a day of the last six
and friends who have given their
unwavering support over the past four years!
years. It's been worth it.
Joshua Thomas Cousins
Jirasak “TON” Daochern
Xenia, OH
Udorn Thani, Kingdom of Thailand
Social Science
Aeronautical Engineering
First I would like to thank God. With-
Thank you to all my friends who
out him nothing is possible. Then I
would like to thank my family. I love
gave me laughs, tears and all unforgettable memories. Thank
you guys! And last but not least I would like to thank all the friends I
you to all my teachers who gave me wisdom and knowledge. Thank
made here. Without you I wouldn’t
you to all my cadres who gave me sweats and disciplines. Thank you
have made it.t
to all Americans who paid for my
education. Thank you to the U S.
government for the firm relation-
ship with my country and accepted me to this institution. Thank God
Eric J. De Gruchy
Sean Donnelly
Hillsborough, NJ Electrical Engineering
Reston, VA Economics
Thanks goes to my Mom and Dad,
Thanks to my family. Without you
my brother Greg and sister Michelle. There is no question; I would not
I wouldn't have made it anywhere
have made it to this point without
near this far. Thanks to all my friends here and all of you who we
you. To the Jiblits, thanks for the second home, food, and everything
lost along the way, I’ll see you in the
else. It meant a lot. Of course, to my
level of your eyes.”
Rasta Roomie, Hunter. We held the
the Opera
most legit room in the Wing. Hey
Adam, E-BRAKE!!!
real world. "Keep your hand at the -
Phantom of
Tyler A. Gross
Seth Gunn
Albuquerque, NM
Orangeburg. SC Management
Military History
1 /USAFA-0
It’s been a long road, but in the end
the experience has been invaluable.
To my friends: Thanks for all the
I’ve been so lucky to have amazing people in my life who support
To my family: I sure needed all your
me and
I could never thank them
unforgettable times.
enough. Although after everything I guess really in the end it’s all about who dares wins.
Michelle Harringtonn
Calvin “RastaRaptor” Hunter
Stuttgart, Germany Systems Engineering Management Mom, Dad, Tommy, and Laura, thanks for all your support! Many thanks to family and friends I could not have survived without-you know
Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Geospatial Science This has been a long and hard road for me. My parents were my big driv-
ing force and source for motivation that helped me survive and stay
who you are. Raptors and Loose
focused on my goal. Thanks to my
Hawgs, you guys are awesome and I will never forget all the remark-
family for all the support you have given me. To all my friends, military
able times and amazing but crazy
and civilian, that believed in me
memories. I wish everyone the best
and put up with my crazy Jamaican
of luck with this Irish Blessing: May
accent for the past five years or
your troubles be less, your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness
more, thanks, I couldn’t have done
through your door. Ciao bebes!
it without you. Nuff Respect and
Everything Irie!
Myung Kim
Myles McDowell
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands Management The journey was an amazing experi-
Military History The last four years have been life
changing. Thank you Mom, Dad,
Murrieta, CA
Katie and Mike, you all gave me the
guidance and discipline I needed to make it through this place. Ryan, Taylor and Morgan, thank you for giving me a sense of humor and the drive to find the joy in life even wher it seemed bleak. Kody and Brogan, I hope I've made you proud; you both always gave me strength.
Austin Blaine McKinney
Myles Whitemountain Morales
Detroit, Ml
San Antonio, TX
Social Science
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Connor and
I thank God for the
Lucas for your support throughout
friends that I have. Great memories
my whole life. I wouldn’t be here without you. Thanks to Spencer
and I will always love you all.
family and
and Steve for putting up with my shenanigans four-degree year. Also, thanks for teaching me how to break a window with a Gatorade bottle and
the importance of an orange dream
swirl. Thanks to Corey for always be-
ing a true chief. Won, relax. Thanks Eaglets, Raptors, and everyone else who made my time special here.
Jennifer “JenJen” Nolta
Sara Neubauer
Reston, VA
Bottineau, ND
Biology Thanks Mom and Dad for believing in me. All of my family, thank you for
the support, love, and goodies! Bros, love ya. Kade, you’re the sister I never had.
t4bmbf Rick, Kristi, Jessica,
Kaytlin.. .your family is awesome! Thanks for letting me share it with you. Coach, thanks for the throwing help and life lessons. Throwers... make Buck proud. Friends: thanks for the laughs and helping me get through. Live today to the fullest for tomorrow is not promised.
Foreign Area Studies “If the minimum wasn’t acceptable it wouldn’t be called the minimum.” -
George M uncaster. To The
Wrecking Crew-we always had each other’s backs. To the team-you guys have been my family. I love you all and will miss seeing your faces. To my besties-Susan and Peter-1 couldn’t have made it through without you. Peter, you knew how to an-
noy me best. Susan, rahhhh Zebra Cake! “Avoid fruits and nuts. You are what you eat.”
Jim Davis
Matt Plourde
Julie K. Waren
Somerset, Wl
Yelm, WA
Aeronautical Engineering Thanks to all of those who made
Biology First off, thank you Mom, Dad, and
these past four years unforgettable!
Samantha for everything. Someone
“I'm glad I did it, partly because it
once asked me to consider if the
was worth
it, but mostly because I
shall never have to do it again.” -
Mark Twain
juice was worth the squeeze. Looking back at the time I have spent here, the bonds, the memories, my team, the wrecking crew, my squadron, the mountains, the lessons
learned, the obstacles overcome, and everything that came with living
hill, I could not imagine better tasting juice. I love you all! TCF. on the
Andrew Garland Werner
Robert “Robby” W. Winchester III
Lakewood, CO
Operations Research All praise and glory goes to God! Thank you to my family-Dad, Ruth, Shea, Brooke, and Carlos-I love you all with my whole heart. I wouldn’t have made it without your love and support. Isaiah 40:29-31
Bakersfield, CA
Computer Science-Cyber Warfare Since in-processing, every day has been full of challenges and rewards. All through 4* year in 38, standing up a new squadron, to my time in 22, growing as a leader, I have enjoyed getting to know everyone. Thanks Mom and Dad for your continued support over the years and to my fellow Raptors for becoming
my family.
Robert “Robby” W. Winchester ill
Lake Forest, CA
Systems Engineering Management I have definitely taken the long road to get here. This would not have
been possible without God who has been with me every step of the way. I also want to thank my parents and
my brother Daniel for being there with me through the good and bad times. The friends I have made on this long journey are like brothers to me. I will never forget you guys! I
love you all!! Jeremiah 29:11
“I'm glad I did it partly because it was worth it, but mostly because I ,
shall never have to do it again ,
” —
Mark Twain
quoted by M AT T Plourde
Aftan K. Boudreaux New Orleans, LA
Biology I want to say thanks to my mom,
dad and sister. Without ya’II I would not be where I am today. I love you!
I also want to thank my teammates. You girls will always hold a special
place in my heart and I will never
forget any of you. I love you girls with all my heart and will miss you greatly next year. BELIEVE!
Kevin J. Gross
Daniel O. Fulcoly
Plano, TX
Tustin, CA
Physics, Mathematics
Systems Engineering Management To my family, thanks for supporting me and always being by my side.
Thank you to all my friends and
family back home, I never could have made it without your support. The memories of early mornings,
Often times you were the ones who
late nights, SAMIs, and parades will
friends, thanks for some of the best
soon fade,
but I will never forget
helped me make it through. To my memories of my life. Best of wishes
the friends I made here-you all
to everyone in their future endeavors
made this a great four years. To the Zoomies, thanks for keeping
and I hope to see everyone at our future assignments...and party hard
me sane. To everyone
I met here,
over 60
I hope at some point I made you
laugh just enough to make your day better.
Kristin Henry
Kevin T. Jerde
Bentonville, AR
Santa Cruz, CA
Aeronautical Engineering
A big hug and thanks goes out to
HECTOR!!! Thank you Mom and
all my friends that helped me get through this place. I want to thank my Mom, Dad and Kyle: you guys are amazing and your support was priceless. Thank goodness for
throughout the years. Thanks to all my friends and family, I could not have made it through without you.
rollover minutes! But most of all,
“We will always remember. We will
I’m pretty sure I would have never
always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.” Ronald Reagan
survived this place without you, Erik. You made this place bear-
Dad for all your love and support
able...can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
Althea Johnston
Randy W. Jones
Cotton, MN
Bear River, WY
Geospatial Science Here’s to a God who has guided
Foreign Area Studies,
great opportunities! God is good-all the time. May I never
Thanks to all the family and friends
forget that! Additionally, thank you to my wonderful parents and family and
my dreams. Especially Mom, Dad,
me to
friends for your support, advice and
encouragement! You all have been a blessing!
Political Science who supported me in the pursuit of
Brandy, Sheila, Nick, and Kaden “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is
merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do.”
Amelia Earhart
Ryan O. Kerns
Jung-Han Kim
Stillwater, OK
Busan, South Korea Political Science
Mechanical Systems Engineering
First, I want to thank God for bless-
Thanks to my friends and family.
ing my life in more ways than I could have imagined. Second, to my family
Thank you, my motherland, South
Mom, Dad, and Devin
I could not
have survived without your support and understanding; thank you for
always being there to encourage me. Lastly, to the friends I have made thanks for the memories and great times together. Good luck in each of your careers and I hope that our
friendships shall continue for years. (Isaiah 40:30-31)
Alex A. Kimber
Andrew K. Kwon
Alamogordo, NM Mechanical Engineering Thanks to my family for all the love,
Basic Science
patience, and support over the years that helped get me into and through this place. Omi, Oppa, and
Tacoma, WA Thanks a bunch Mom, Dad, family,
and friends, I wouldn’t have done it without you guys. It was one bumpy ride but I’m happy I took it.
Mom, I can’t ever thank any of you
enough. Thanks to all the friends I've made here that have helped get me through here and for making it fun. Take care, good luck, and see you all down the road!
Dwayne Q. Lyons
David Miller
Houma, LA
Norco, CA
Systems Engineering Management Forever grateful to God, family, friends, and music. To my Academy
Management Thanks to all my family and friends for helping me get through four
friends, you may not have been the
I came, but you're definitely
the reason I stayed. “Do your work so that no one could
do it better,
do it so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: you did your job as if God
Almighty called you at this particular time in history to do it.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Jacob Matthew Mueller
—■JM! Brogan O’Toole
Canon City, CO
Fallon, NV
Aerospace Engineering The Lord is my strength and I will never forget it. I want to thank my parents who gave me my wings to fly, my sisters who are always there, my family who gives me so much support, and my wife who is the greatest companion. I could never
have done it without all of your
The things I love most about this
place are the things I least expected.
They are the amazing people I have met and the friends that I have made.
Many people would say that I am lucky to have this degree and the experiences the Academy gave me, but I feel truly blessed to have the friends I made here and the
support of my
family throughout my time here.
Cristina C. Pawlica
Jonathan D. Pryor
Las Vegas, NV
Albuquerque, NM
Social Science
Mechanical Engineering
These have been the best years of
What an adventure these past four
my life. Fantastic Four-missing you
years have been. I can’t even begin to recap all the fun I have had. I will
will be the hardest thing about mov-
ing on. Don Lino-You’ve been more than just my best friend. Thank you for growing up with me and making me so
happy. Roomie-you deserve
the BEST, if you ever forget that, call me and
I’ll remind you! Family-You
never forget all those amazing ski trips, mech lab reports, Moab 09, the trip of a lifetime, and so many other exciting days. Thank you to
all my friends and family for being there for me, day in and day out.
make me so proud. Daddy-1 miss
“The days go by like weeks, but the
you. I wish you could be here to see this. “Love Always.”
weeks go by like days”
Robert J. Rivera
J. Michael Pulli
out you. To my friends, you made
St. Joseph, MO Computer Engineering It has been quite a journey, and I have learned much about myself. Chasing my dreams, and helping
this place what it is. We’ve had some
others chase theirs, I have had an
Clarence, NY
Legal Studies Thanks to my family for all of the support, I couldn’t have made it with-
times I will never forget. And you're
experience I will always treasure.
absolutely right, it was the best worst idea I ever had. The scariest thought of all is that the biggest challenges
To the Fam-it ain’t so hard. To my We made it through no problem. To the haters-don’t be
still lie ahead. Fortune favors the
“To give anything less than the best is to sacrifice the gift.”
Tamiko Jill Toyama
Gavin “UV” Unverfehrt
Munster, IN
Mount Vernon, IL
Military History
Allan K. Calmers once said, “The Grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” In my years at the academy, I had lots of great times and tons to do with team mates & friends on trips or
I’ve made friends that I love
The path leading to today was not
always fun, but always the way God intended it. I pray only that I make my family proud and that I serve my country to the best of my ability. Without my family, I would not have had the courage to follow my
& cherish. Now that I’m graduated-
dreams. Without my friends, I would
this place has given me plenty to
not have had the fortitude to accom-
hope for. Thank you to all those who contributed to my happiness here,
plish them. “I ask not for a lighter
especially my best friend.
Go Air
burden, but for broader shoulders.”
Kevin VanHook
Darren J. Ward
Waco, TX
Edmond, OK
Systems Engineering Management “I’ve only just a minute, Only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can’t refuse it, Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it, But it’s up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it,
Give an account if I abuse it, Just a
tiny little minute, But eternity is in it.” Dr. Benjamin E. Mayes
Everybody has their own unique experience at the Academy. Mine has ranged from once-in-a-lifetime thrills to hazy nights and utter exhaustion. One thing I think most Cadets have in common is that we can’t make it
through alone. I have to thank my family, the Stormers, and especially Laura for helping me survive. To those still here.. .Be a good man.
Justin Wohlford
Katie A. Weber
Malta, MT
Lena, IL
Aeronautical Engineering
Mom, thanks for all your love and support. To my family who keeps me going, my friends who have helped
Thanks to my family and friends and
my roommate for understanding me, and God for
Ense Petit Placidam
me on my way,
all others who have been my teachers in
guiding me. I am blessed. Sara, I wouldn’t have made it without you. t4bmbf. Rick, Kristi, Jessica, Kaytlin: thanks for making me part of your
family. Throwers: keep being the best! Coach, thanks for making this possible. Live the life you love and love the life you live.
Joe Andersen
Petaluma, CA Civil Engineering Had fun, made great friends, did some pretty cool
things, but it’s time
to move on -RTB-
Andrew Bryant
Andrea Brichacek
Hesston, KS
Huntsville, AL
Behavioral Science
Aeronautical Engineering
“I arise in the morning torn between
This space intentionally left blank.
improve the world, and E.B. a desire to enjoy the world.” a desire to
White; I would like to thank my
family and friends for their unwavering support through the years, Nathaniel for helping me through the good and bad, and especially to Max Edwards who gave me more than I could have asked for.
Jacob E. A. Carvalho
Alex Churnside
Arvada, CO
Orange, CA
Material Science: Chemistry
“If you want peace work for Justice”
God grant to us the serenity of mind
John Paul II
1972. “Let us have
faith that right makes might, and in
to accept that which cannot be
that faith, let us, to the end, dare to
changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom
do our duty as we understand it.”
to know the one from the other.
President Abraham Lincoln
“Those who deny freedom to others
paraphrased from The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr
deserve it not for themselves; and
under a just God cannot long retain it.”
Abraham Lincoln
Life liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, Long may it reign!!
Allen Dunn
Haines, AK
Basic Sciences
Foreign Area Studies : Latin America Mom, Dad, Kelly, Christine, Andrew, Andy, Jeanette, and all family and friends, thank you for supporting me through these times and helping me to take advantage of all of the challenges and opportunities. But
“Accept Nothing, Question EveryAnonymous
Ann Hansen
Arlington, VA
most of all, I want to thank God for
making all of this happen in the first place! Mighty Mouse. -
Stephen Harrington
James Hardin
Alamogordo, NM
Bentonville, AR
Mechanical Systems Engineering
Political Science
“Better than yesterday.”
Without the help and support of my
To my parents, you all are my heroes;
graduation would not be pos-
family and friends, I would have never been able to overcome the challenges bestowed upon me while completing the rigors of the Academy. I have made lifelong friends and accomplished more than I ever expected I could. These friends and experiences
sible without your unconditional love
have molded me into the person I am
and Courageous! Do not tremble or
today, and I wouldn’t trade that for the
be dismayed, for the Lord your God
world. Thank you, and see you on the other side!
and support. To my sisters, you all are unbelievable; it is because of your example that I am able to make my dreams a reality. To my friends, we had some great times, but it's time to move on
“Be strong
with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Brittany Hopkins
Andrew J. Klausner
Townsend, MT
Colorado Springs, CO
Aeronautical Engineering
“You can chase a dream that seems
“I will not tiptoe through life only
so out of reach
to arrive safely at death’s door.”
and you know it
might not ever come your way dream it anyway” Martina McBride -
Harry S Truman. “Never forget
that only the dead fish swim with the
Malcolm Muggeridge. “At
harvest time he sent a servant to the tenant farmers to receive some
of the produce of the vineyard. But
they beat the servant and sent him Luke 20:10 away empty-handed.” Thank you, Father. Thank you, -
Mom and Dad.
Ian E. Lee
Ryan Martelly
Cerritos, CA
Salt Lake City, UT
Economics and Management Thanks to Mom, Sister, and Brothers.
Aeronautical Engineering This space was intentionally left blank.
I would not have gotten this far
in life without you. “If you are going
through hell, keep going. Never, never, never give up.” -
Winston Churchill
Ryan “McCox” McCoy
Marcus Mosher
Pittsburgh, PA
Colfax, IA
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Where do I start? I want to thank
“I study what I study not because I am
my family, friends, ex-girlfriends, and the movie The Departed. All have
good at it, not by any means. Rather,
made my four years memorable and
ways that things fly; engines, wings,
funny in retrospect. To my family and
I do it because I love
flight and all
friends, here and at home, you have
you name it. Each little bit more that. * I learn gets me closer to
been an irreplaceable safety net. I
that bright July day when I strapped
couldn’t have done any of this without
you. It’s been quite the journey for all of us and I can’t wait to see what
comes next.
“That’s the end of this
Blazing Saddles
jet on my back, an ejection seat on my butt, and tore around the sky like -
kindergartner high on pixie sticks." Lt Damon Bosetti
Ryan Pitts
Chris Ng
Sierra Vista, AZ
Randolph, MA Biology Be the change you want to see in
I want to thank god and my family
the world.
for helping me get through. Had a
blast and looking forward to seeing
Systems Engineering Astronautics
everyone on the other side. Bless-
Jessica Pray
Michel “Ram” Ramarolahy
Somerset, Wl
Fandriana, Madagascar
Political Science Friends and Family are Forever.
To Dad, mom, Lisy, Nivo, Liva, thank
“The secret of health for both mind
you for your support, thank you for your love. To my friends, thank
and body is not to mourn for the
past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” Buddha -
you for those memorable times, it makes me smile each time I think of those. To USAFA, thank you for the adventures: BCT, basic swimming
(twice ha), water haze...and just the academy life. To me, tsy misy kozy e! tohizo ny lalana de mahereza
hatrany. To Him, six Lesy e! Miss you all. Take care. See you out there!
Mathew Richards
Syracuse, NY Social Science
Thanks to all my family and friends to helped me get through.
Clarke Sumerel
Brookville, IN
Aeronautical Engineering
Foreign Area Studies “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something
This space was intentionally left blank.
Candice Vickroy
Greenville, SC
that will.”
Chuck Palahniuk
Nicholas Wright
Erin Wilson
Pensacola, FL
San Diego, CA
Management Thanks to my amazing family, you're
Aeronautics Systems Engineering "Go confidently in the direction of
the BEST and I love you more than
your dreams! Live the life you’ve
anything... only two years left Cass! To my friends, plan on seeing me
the laws of the universe will be
more nerd
imagined. As you simplify your life, simpler.” Henry David Thoreau; "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4; “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering pro-
giggles, long sto-
ries, & dance parties to come. “Life
pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you moves
could miss it.”
Ferris Bueller
duces perseverance; perseverance,
character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4-TCF
“Goa grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot he
changed; courage to change that which can he changed and wisdom to know the one from the other. as paraphrased hy ^ L E X Churnside ,
Zachary M. Bartsch Newark, DE Social Science Thanks to everyone who has sup-
ported me throughout my four years here at the Academy, Mom, Dad, and Jake without you guys I would have lost my mind. To all my squad mates in 25, you have all helped get me through my four years, including my three years of academic probation,
you guys have made it fun, and I will have lasting memories of all those silver weekends. May the bonds we made here last a lifetime.
John David Bowman Kansas City, MO
Meteorology “I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it
is, you can make it.”
Gale Sayers.
Always give your best in everything you do. Anytime life throws something new and exciting your way, jump on it. You never know where it will take you. You never know what
you’re missing or who you’re missing, until you try. Always work as hard as you can.
Madison Lovie Burgess
Christopher Carl Campbell
Gunnison, CO
Waxahachie, TX
Aeronautical Engineering
At six, this dream was born. Now
James 1:2-4
I stand ready to throw my hat into the air. Who I am today and who I
Thanks to God, my beautiful
support from my family and friends!
Katharine, mom and dad for always being there and walking me through all the tough times. I have truly been blessed with amazing friends
I graciously thank each of you and
and will miss you all. To my Falcon
know that with God in control, and
Brothers thank you all for giving me the best years of football anyone
hope to be tomorrow is by the grace of God and unconditional love and
you by my side, I am ready to begin life’s next chapter with confidence and excitement! Dreams Do Come
could ask for, for all you youngsters who will play more seasons always
remember to “WIN THE WEST!”
Scott R. Hatter
Anchorage, AK Social Sciences Thanks Dad, Mom, Drew, Cait,
Matt, and Amy for all the support. I could not have made it through
here without your support, and I will
always be grateful for that. Thanks to Lord for all he has taught me over
the past four years, James 1:2. To the fellas, it has been a memorable
couple years, you have made the journey worthwhile.
David D. Keller
Erin L. Keane
Hoffman Estates, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Aeronautical Engineering
Basic Sciences
Thank you Daddy, Mum, Maggie,
The dictionary is the only place
and Shannon for being the best
success comes before work.
family a girl could have. These four years have been filled with amazing
work is the price we must all pay fc
friends and great times and I can’t believe how lucky I am.
Oliver J. Kotelnicki
Frank P. Mercurio
Bridgewater, NJ
Cleveland, OH
Political Science
Thanks to my family and friends for all the love and support-1 wouldn’t have traded these four years for the
“You have to be ready for the pos-
sibility that God doesn’t like you.” Tyler Durden, Fight Club
world. Now it’s time to move on to
To my fellow ruggers, always re-
the next chapter of life, hopefully
member. .Stories over Standards.
greater than the last. “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” -Ayn Rand
Me play rugby. Did I graduate?
Darren R. Montes
Steven K. Noller
Phoenix, AZ
Fort Collins, CO
Aeronautical Engineering
Biology Through the good and bad times, I have learned a lot, and this place
Thanks to my family and all the
great friends who helped me through the last four years. This was just the start. “We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.” Carl Sagan -
has forced me to become a better person
Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of
glass, you don’t feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go.
Green Street Hooli-
Ryan “Chuck” Norris
Eric Scott Olsen
Sandy, UT
Salt Lake City, UT
Behavioral Science
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
This space was intentionally left blank
trust in the Lord from the start. Trust in the Lord every day, trust in the
Lord to guide your way.”
“In memory of our God, our religion,
and freedom, and our peace, [our
Alma 46:12; Thanks
to my wonderful family-l could not have done it without all your prayers and support. To my good friends,
thanks for an awesome six years!
Here’s to the best two class-
es...2008/2010! Never Forget.
Istvan M. Prileszky
Holly J. Rettig
Monument, CO
Frederick, MD
Electrical Engineering Thanks for all the support from friends
and family.
“Great is Thy faithfulness, oh God my Father!” “When I was a child, I
“By all means let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our
thought, spoke, and reasoned like a
Richard Dawkins
away with childish things.” “Praise the King to the Lord, the Almighty
brains drop out.”
child. When I became a man, I did
of creation.” Thank you, Lord. Thank you to Dad, Mom, Emily, Luke, and Christy for your unending love and
encouragement, to Dr. and Mrs. Warrick for your tremendous impact on the my life, and Cadets for Christ best friends I could ever ask for. -
Evan R. Robertson
Anchorage, AK Mechanical Systems Engineering Thanks to the Lord for getting me to where I am today. Mom, Dad
and Brenda, thank you for always expecting the most out of me, you have given more than I could ever ask for. Thanks Grams and Gramps for always believing in me and
making life so fun. Thanks to the all of my friends and family for always
supporting me and loving me, I couldn’t do it without you. Love to all of you.
Tiffany M. Sollmann
Alex C. Steele
Xenia, OH
O’Fallon, IL
Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according
Amber, Adam, Heather, Aunt Deb, the Volcheff’s, and all the rest of my
to the power at work within us, to
family and friends.
him be the glory in the church and
support, I would’ve never made
in Christ Jesus throughout all gen-
it through these four years alive.
BIG thanks to God, Mom, Dad,
Without your
erations, forever and ever. Amen.”
Done eating this elephant...so
Thank you to all of my family and
what’s for dessert?!
friends near or far, God has blessed me
greatly though you. Lax girls, Be
the Best!
Roy “RJ” Surita
Cheng Chuan Tay
Fond du Lac, Wl
Social Sciences I wouldn’t have made it without my
friends and family.
Singapore Aeronautical Engineering I would like to thank everyone for making my four years here so
enjoyable. In addition, I would like to thank my family and fiancee for
their unparalleled support during my time here.
Douglas P. Zschoche
Zane J. Taylor
Orlando, FL
Dubuque, IA
Human Systems Engineering
Social Science
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I want to thank all those who have in-
I took the one less traveled by,
spired and supported me throughout my four years-my parents, family,
And that has made all the difference.
friends, coaches, teammates, squa
Robert Frost
mates, and Major Schreiner and Sgl
Cams for believing in me, and giving
me a
chance to lead. To my room-
mate Zach-thanks for putting up
with my shenanigans. Good luck to
everyone in the future, just remember this place is only the beginning.
Finally, Lindsay Brown-thanks for inspiring me in both life and in deatl
“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers. Carl Sagan ”
quoted by DARREN Montes
Michael L. Bennett
Shalimar, FL Aeronautical Engineering
“May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you are going, and the
insight to know when you have gone too far.”
Irish Proverb...Mom, Dad,
Krista -1 want to say thanks for the
support, I am blessed to have such a great family and to my friends, it’s been fun albeit challenging, see ya’II around and hopefully still in shape at reunions ;)
“Rule#1- Cardio”
Janna M. Blardony
Adam T. Brunderman
Jackson, NJ
Springfield, VA Systems Engineering Management
Behavioral Science The Academy was a great experience; one to never be forgotten.
Thanks to my Dad and brother who I could always count on for encour-
made a lot of memories here and a
lot of good friends that I will always
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile
because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss
Karras E. Clark
Thomas J. Cooper
Little Rock, AR
Rockledge, FL Systems Engineering Management
Behavioral Sciences “If the essence of my being has
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Matt for
caused a smile to have appeared
always being there supporting me through the good and bad times. Thanks to all my friends who kept me laughing all the way through and
upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart. Then in living -1 have made my mark." -
Thomas L. Odem Jr.
made it worthwhile to stick it out. I
Mom, Pops, Molly-thanks for helping
couldn’t have gotten through this
get to where I am now. Without you guys, I’d probably be a bum.
place without any of you. “Rule #12 When it stops being
fun, break something.”
Rachel L. Crawford
Larry “Matt” M. Fairchild
Colorado Springs, CO
Ashburn, VA
Civil Engineering
Systems Engineering Management Mom and Dad...I am grateful for everything you both have done for me
I have experienced my highesthighs and lowest-lows here at USAFA In fact, I never thought I would actually survive to graduate. Indeed,
these past years have seemed like the never ending story. And yet, ev-
erything passes...eventually. I never would have succeeded without my
fellow cadets and supportive family.
They make the entire journey worthwhile. Y’all are wonderful! Proverbs 20:24
over the years.
I wouldn't be where I
am now without
you two. I just want
to say, Thank You.
Kevin M. Finster
John M. Falgout
Beaumont, TX
Bunker Hill, IN
Aeronautical Engineering
Thanks to all the people who helped
Wow! Who thought this day would
through this place. To Mom,
Thank you for your support and
finally come? It’s been a tough, but rewarding journey. I want to thank my Lord, my family and friends, and
Dad, my family and everyone else:
guidance. I couldn’t have done it
all the many others who made my
without you. To my brothers: We
time here bearable and even some-
made it. I love you guys. Thanks for
times fun. I can't wait to have the
the lifetime friendships. “If you see
opportunity to serve my country with
a turtle on top of a fence post you
all of you at my side. “.. Those who
know it didn’t get there by itself.’’
hope in the LORD will renew their strength: they will soar on wings like Isaiah 40:31 eagles...
Fisher DeBerry
Anthony “Tony” Hill
Rachel C. Hall
Augusta, GA
Mesa, AZ
Legal Studies This space was intentionally left blank.
Computer Science Mom. dad...making it here was only possible because of all the work you put into me, and the love you have shown me. Thank you. To all my friends and family, thank you for being there for me. I love you all. I also thank God for showing me
love through hardships throughout my time here. “Endure hardship as discipline: God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” Hebrews 12:7 -
Jack “Smash” Hines
Riverside, CA Operations Research Oh Crap. Now I have to learn how to cook.
Mark J. Jordy
Hopewell Jet., NY Social Sciences Thank you to everyone in BSU, would not have made it without you.
Mom, Dad, I love you. More thanks to Dan,
Keith, Christina, Laurel,
The Gandy Clan, Risti, Dave, The
Brines, Kaitlin, The McMahels. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understand-
ing. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” -
Proverbs 3:5-6
Love the Lord with all your heart.
Cale R. Lamoreux Las Vegas, NV
Mechanical Systems Engineering Thank you, God, for blessing me with the best family anyone could ask for, blessing me with friends to create memories with, blessing me
with things I need and the things I
don’t, and for guiding me through
Jacques T. Maniquet Pine Bush, NY Basic Sciences Thank you Mom, Dad, Elise, and
everyone else who I have met along the way who helped me get from freshman year till now; I couldn’t have done it without you.
these past four years. Mom, Dad,
Rach, Christin-I love you all! Finally, being afraid to die shouldn’t be an excuse not to walk out the door
each day and live life to the fullest. See you around...
Patrick D. Mobley
Sean D. O’Keefe
Rialto, CA
Lake Oswego, OR
Economics I guess there’s no turning back now
Social Sciences Thanks Mom, Dad, Kyle and all the rest who helped me get here.
couldn’t have done it without you.
Big big shout out to all the Fellas past and present. Who's the best!
Michael M. Pak
Josh D. Rehder
St. Louis, MO
Memphis, TN Systems Engineering Management Thanks to my family and friends. I
Biology Thanks everyone for helping me get to where I am today. Thanks mom and dad for supporting me in my decisions. I guess if I had one random
piece of advice for everyone: Always hold your head high and only look back if there’s something worth catching a second glimpse at. :)
could not have survived without you. I hated every minute of training, but I
said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” Muhammad Ali
Evan W. Rodts
Alison “Ally” Romanko
Coal Valley, IL
Coos Bay, OR
Systems Engineering Management Infinite thanks to my mom and dad, brother Brandon, twin sister Selena,
History "I came, I saw, I conquered.” -
Julius Caesar
my whole family and relatives, and all of my great friends for never-
Thank you Mamo and Dado for pay-
ending support by helping me get through my awesome USAFA
ing for my cell phone, thanks Katie for stealing all of my civies during
experience. This place grows on
freshman year, and thank you Isis for
you and you learn to cherish it and appreciate it. But at the same time,
keeping me sane!
More to come from me...
keep living the dream and I’m so glad that it’s over with!!!
Travis Scott Clayton Root
Elliott R. Sahli
Norwalk, OH
Even when everything
Red Wing, MN Geospatial Sciences, German I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me these last
hits the fan at once, let him go fly
four years; I could not have done it
for a bit (and maybe a little bit of
without you.
Hapital Punishment), and he’s ready to keep going. You want somebody who knows how to keep perspective? Ask him. He's going to run for office someday. And you know
“I will do today what others won’t,
Geospatial Sciences “Travis knows how to roll with the
what? I’ll vote for him. To the most reliable colleague, wingman, and friend: thanks for keeping it worth it." -
Colin Shumate, CS-06
so tomorrow I can
do what others
Steven M. Suhrie
Gabriel J. Staples
Emmett, ID
Mercer, PA
Aeronautical Engineering
“You don’t drown by falling in
“If you don’t go when you wanna j
water, you drown by staying there.”
when you do go, you'll find you\
Unknown; so isn’t it time we left?
Well...I’m going.
After seven years of hard work to
get to this point, I am grateful for the
opportunity I have had to go through this institution. I have learned a lot and grown a great deal, and come to know that “The chief cause of
failure and unhappiness is trading what you want the Most for what you want now.”
Zig Ziglar
Mathew L. Thomas
Daniel A. Tortuga
Hilton Head, SC
Waipahu, HI Systems Engineering Management
Operations Research “Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been remembering that land they came from, they would have had opportunity to return. But they now aspire to a better land—a heavenly one. Therefore
To Mama. Papa, and my sister,
Dana, thank you for everything you have done for me. Without you, I
could not be where I am today. To all the friends I’ve made in my four years here, we’ve seen and done many things together that I will
forget. I cannot wait to see
God is not ashamed to be called
their God, for He has prepared a
what the future has in store for us.
city for them.”
Hebrews 11:14-16;
“Even if He kills me, I will hope in
Him.”-Job 13:15
Loyd “Alex, Trues, 3” A. Truesdale
Vincent Thomas O’Meara'
Austin, TX
Redlands, CA
Geospatial Science To everyone that has helped me through this mess, I sincerely thank
Mechanical Engineering “If you’re life was a book, would
Dad anyone want to read it?” “No, but they might watch the DVD.’ -
you. You know who you are, I love you. To all the baseball guys, I am
proud to have worked, played, and survived with you and made memories that’ll last forever in the process. To my Mom, you are the best anyone
could ever have. All the strength I
have, you have given me and this is for you...
“I will do today what others won 7 so tomorrow I ,
do what others cant.
quoted by
Joshua M. Bruder Colorado Springs, CO
Military Strategic Studies I would like to thank everyone who
has been there for me over the last four years. My friends, the squadron, but most importantly, my parents, who were always there to lend sup-
port and advice. Thanks so much Mom and Dad, I could not have done it without you.
William A. Cuchens
Stephanie A. Davison
Madison, MS
El Reno, OK
Management “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians -
4:13. To all of my friends at USAFA, thanks for the good times and
memories. Our futures have been set before us and will hopefully
bring us together again. Mom, Dad, and Bryan, thanks for your love and
support throughout my life. Without it I would not have made it through this experience. All said and done, it was an “AWESOME” experience.
Meteorology There is only one constant, every-
thing else can and will change. Hold fast to and represent the love of God well, it is the only constant. It can be no greater and it will never be less. I thank God for all the good times and the bad and all the people that helped me along the way. Thanks also to my family, OCF buddies, cheer/dance friends, CST comrades,
Wolverpups, and all my chapel band homies. -peace- love you guys!
Ridge R. Flick
David “25 Percent” Garcia
Plano, TX
Santa Rosa, CA
Aeronautical Engineering
Mom, Dad, Dustin, Brooke, family and friends, thank you for always
being there for me. When I needed
Biochemistry I’m not sure why I came here, but I know why I stayed. To my family and friends, I love you guys.
someone to lean on, you were there. Thanks for taking pride in
what I’ve done and what I’ll be do-
ing. Making you proud has been my motivation, seeing you proud has been my joy. I haven't become a legend, but I have become a man. AFLax for life and let’s celebrate,
Benjamin N. Garland
Daniel “Lil Dan” Hurtt
Grand Junction, CO
Enon, OH
Systems Engineering Management To my family, I love you and thank you for supporting me. I would not
I’m following the path laid out by the
Biology Creator. I'm going to continue fol-
have made it without you. It meant
lowing Him because only He knows
the world to me that you came to
where I’m going. Thanks Dad, Mom,
all of my games. To my brothers on
James, Grandpa, Grandma and the
the team, I had the time of my life
rest of my family for your continual
as a falcon football
player both on and off the field. The experience would have meant nothing without you guys.
love and support. Thanks Uncle Don and Sharon for all you’ve done for me here.
To all my friends,
OCF, I love you all, thanks for some amazing times, and I can’t wait to see what we do!
Is 6:8
Living to serve
Josef N. Kallevig
Sidney, MT Civil Engineering
Thanks to my family and everyone else who's been there for all of your
support Every end brings a new
beginning. “What we hope ever to do with ease, we
must learn first to do with
diligence.’’- Samuel Johnson
Anthony “Tony T” R. Lavy §|P
Victoria L. Lalich Del Rio, TX
Legal Studies Thank you Jesus, my Lord and
Savior, for bringing me to and through USAFA-You’re everything. Mom, Steve, Chris: thank you guys
Yuba City, CA
Operations Research “For those who have, no explanation is necessary. For those who Unknown.
much for your love and support. I
“What lies before us and what lies
couldn’t have done it without all that
behind us are small matters com-
you provided. Isaac, you are such a blessing- thank you for being my
haven't, no explanation is possible -
pared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
best friend. I can’t wait for what’s next! Allie-Cat: we made it sister! It wouldn't have been the same w/o
you dear. My OCF family, you guys rock! Eph 2:2-8!
Matthew “Matty T” Ludwig
Anthony D. Mascaro
Florissant, MO
Chesapeake, VA
Electrical Engineering
Political Science
Some of the best decisions I’ve
Dad, Mom, Maggie and Tina: Thank
made in life have been made in
you so much for your constant support and prayer! Your love and en-
near blind faith.
I’ve gone places,
met people, and done things that I
would never have imagined. Thank
you to all of my family and friends; without you, it wouldn't have meant
couragement kept me going when I needed it most. To all my friends -
I would have quit a long time ago
without you guys.
I’m glad I came
here. "Blessed are the peacemak-
Life’s an adventure.
ers, for they will be called sons of
Randall “Thickhouse” Mitchner
Matthew 5:9
John G. Moore
Cordova, TN
Tucson, AZ
Systems Engineering Management I would like to thank my family
Systems Engineering Management
and friends for all of their love and
support. I would not be able to do
anything without your support. It has been a great trip full of great memo-
ries. I am excited and ready for what the world brings to my door. I thank
God for having the opportunities that I have had so far.
The question isn’t “what are we
to do." the question is “what aren’t
going to do?" If you sit down and consider all the possibilities, if
waste your time worrying what others will think, if you ponder whether or not
you are good enough, then you never will be.
My friends and family really
got me through this one. Looking back I won t regret it. Thanks for all the love, memories, and most
tantly the laughs.
Angela Mornese
Harold Brandon Parker
Colorado Springs, CO
Virginia Beach, VA
Social Science
Thank you God, Mom, grandpar-
We are not owed anything except
ents, all my amazing cousins David, Saletia, Andrew, and Eliza, aunts
our held
and uncles, the Sandridge family,
know it!
pay. Earn it! To Villa: That’s Bull crap and you
the Lawson family, the Billard family,
Junam and everyone else for always
being there for me- These 4 years wouldn’t have been the same without you. I’ll miss you Baby Barons family and T-birds! “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather,
bring your own sunshine.” J. D’Angelo
always Anthony
Jordan B. Pierson
Ross A. Perry
Somerset, MA
Lubbock, TX
Systems Engineering Management Wow. The days went slow, but the years went fast. To my family, who supported me through the best and
Social Science
worst of times, all I can say is thank
you. And I can’t possibly thank all the friends I have made here
enough. Without my friends, I definitely wouldn’t be here today. You guys made four long years at this place worth every minute.
I would like to thank my family for all their support. Mom, Dad,
Dana, Emily, Tom, Julia, Grandma, Grandpa, and Jaime, you all played an important role in helping me to make it through here. And thanks to everyone in 27, it was a great time and I am glad it is over.
Stephen W. Renner
Sara Lynn Schmitt
Piedmont, CA
Stroudsburg, PA
Astronautical Engineering
Social Science
It seems life is marked by periods of
Mom and Dad, I couldn’t have sur-
great change bringing about great
vived without your undying love and
friends. Life would be insufferable both new and old, so thank you for the times I'll never forget and
support. You’ve listened to every teary call and supported every crazy idea; words can't express my love and gratitude. Lisa, Dave, Jacki,
the people I’ll always remember
and Jamie I couldn’t ask for better
without the aid of family and friends,
I look forward to the next great
siblings, I love you! Alexis, mini-me, I’ll be there in 2029! Britt and Tonia, I would’ve gone off the deep end
without you, love you for life, HAPPY FRIDAY! sane.
Brenda “Debrah” Song
Peggy, you’ve kept me
TBirds, you’re faaaaabulous!!
Robert A. Steigerwald
Los Angeles, CA
Granite Bay, CA
Behavioral Science
Astronautical Engineering,
Mom and Ben, thanks for every-
Mathematical Sciences
thing. To all my friends that made
Thanks to God for carrying me
this adventure worthwhile: love you
through—it is on Your strength alone I am here today. I am deeply grateful
guys. I'll miss the lunch table kids, my sisters, B-Squad, Jipsee, tea time, and the CO night skies. MAR, MYS, MNG, BLZ—thanks for the memories, USAFA!
for my brother, mom and dad, the
“may my heart always be open to
and support. To the wargamers, box-
little birds who are the secrets of
ing team, Wolverpups (Care Bears Flight), Thunderbirds, my classmates
Bruders, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, coaches, teachers, and sponsors—thank you for love
and my best friends—be eccentric,
live passionately, and stay Fabulous!
Misael “Villa” Villatoro
Austin, TX
Foreign Area Studies Reading this will be one of the happiest moments in my life. Given the option... I guess I’d do it all again.
“For those who have
explanation is necessary. For those who
explanation is possible. as
quoted by
Ryan W. Albrect
Apple Valley, MN Management “Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches.” Jim Carrey -
Thomas A. Bowen
Michael L. Bruton
Alameda, CA
Kellyville, OK Military Strategic Studies All four years I went through, I did for them. They have supported me all
Aeronautical Engineering, French “Cause once all we wanted seemed so far away
But with every step it was closer each day
the way and I couldn’t have done it
The more that we tried it was within
“There’s no limit to the good you can
our grasp
do if you don’t care who gets the
The more that they told us that it
without them.
Gen. George C. Marshall
wouldn’t last.’’ -
Hoobastank, From the Heart
Thanks Melissa, Mom and Dad the rest of the fam and bros, couldn’t
have gotten this far without you!
Mark A. Douglass
Jason E. Epperly
Vandergrift, PA Management
Civil Engineering
Tacoma, WA
Thanks to all my brothers, whose
To my family, I am forever grateful
examples reminded me every day that I could do it. My sponsors, who I definitely consider family. Everybody in PA for making me proud to be at USAFA. But most
for the continued support and the
of all, my mom. How do I look? You got your picture and thanks for
continue when we’re gone from
values you’ve instilled within me
throughout my life. To my friends, thanks for the good times that never seems to end. I guarantee they will here...
helping me get it! Love you all. Oh yeah, thanks to all these ugly mugs around mine, you guys made this
place for me.
Mikhail “Misha” Fedorchik
Evangeline “Evie” Fleischaker
College Station, TX
Carlsbad, CA
Civil Engineering
Thank you to the folks back home who have made this possible. Like
“You have brains in your head. You
to send a particularly warm thank
steer yourself in any direction you
you to my family: these four years have been a long haul, and nobody
choose. You’re on your own. And
knows that better than you. Thanks so much for
always having a home
have feet in your shoes. You can
you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” -
Dr. Seuss
to come back to. To everybody
behind the scenes: couldn’t have
Mommy, Daddy, and Nathan, thank
done it without you.
you for your endless love and
Congrat's to all
the Stalagers! You guys are great.
support. To my dearest blackbirds,
Can’t wait to see you out there. “No
thank you for the laughs and
Nick G. Frawley
Jared D. Gomez
Midlothian, TX
Satellite Beach, FL
Systems Engineering Management Believe it or not, that was kinda fun
"For me it's a passion" I would like
at times
but only because of the reality stupid things we did it to keep
to thank the most important people
ourselves amused.
in my life who have made me what I
today. My Mom and Dad, my two
brothers Gabriel and Robert, Auntie
Wanda and Uncle Chris, Braiden,
Grandma, Grandpa, my entire extended family, my AOC Major Franz,
Ryan Weldon and my Satellite Lightning Brothers, the Falcon Soccer coaching staff, all my brothers on the field (GO BIRDS!), and my brothers—Gil and Taylor (DO WORK!)
Blaine Charles Hainebach Oklahoma City, OK Human Systems Engineering What a ride, Alicia, I could not have made it without you.
I have
experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, made great friends along the way, and found my life partner here at the Academy, now go forward prepared to handle whatever life may throw at me. “One
may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night.” Kahlil Gibran. -
This is just the beginning of many
great things to come.
Sean P. Harte
Adrian Taras Haywas
Tucson, AZ
Oceanside, CA
Civil Engineering
Geospatial Science
Mom, Dad, Mary, Jamie and all of
Now bid me run, and I will strive
my friends, thank you all for your love and support throughout my life,
with things impossible.
I would not have come this far were
it not for all of you. To my Blackbird
family, thanks for all the help you’ve given me during these past three years, it’s been great! To my homies from Mach One, we finally made it! “Do today what others will not, so that you may do tomorrow what others cannot.”
Steven J. Meyer
Goodyear, AZ Mechanical Engineering\ There’s a lot of things I take seri-
this yearbook quote isn’t one
of them.
Mark Maximillian
Ikechukwu Nnamdi Nwaelele
“Max Demerits” Poppler
Bothell, WA
Boise, ID
Astronautical Engineering
I want to thank the Lord, as well as
my family and friends, who dared me to succeed, inspired, supported, and
me in
company, we are
victorious! At last, I know you all will go on to do marvelous things for the world but if there are ANY of you I
After so long I started to realize,
high school wasn’t my last hoorah before the Academy, these kids know how to have a good time too, except they’re crazier here... love my boys in 28.
can assist on the way don’t hesitate
to ask.
“It is wise then to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever
Roger Babson
Anthony M. Puntel Puyallup, WA Mechanical Engineering
Holy mother that was a hell of a trip: four years of sleep deprivation, time
management up the yahoo, and a lot of awesome people. I guess I could say it was worth it, but I can’t really say for sure, have to see. The friends I’ve made are pretty awesome, so that’s a definite plus. Thanks Mom,
Dad, Matt, Jay, and Maddie for letting me come here and putting up with me. “So many people tiptoe through life, so carefully, to arrive, safely, at death.” Tony Campolo -
Ric Y. Rebulanan
Daniel “Doc” Richardson
Mililani, HI
Foreign Area Studies, English What ARE birds?
Bakersfield, CA
Systems Engineering Space Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Molly, Ted-without you I would not have made it all four years. Thank you for all of your love and support.
Ric and Adrian- y time here would not be the same if it wasn’t for
you. Thanks for all the good times and even better weekends. Never
quit-trust me, I’m a Doctor. It was real.
Benjamin M. Schmidt Junction City, KS Political Science Thanks Mom, Dad, Brad, Michelle and my close friends for all the sup-
port over the years. It wouldn’t have been possible without you!
It was fun.
But it wasn’t real
David M. Waddell
Joshua M. Slocum
Burnt Hills, NY
Placerville, CA
Systems Engineering Management
Live everyday like it’s your last day
I've had some of the best and worst
alive, work hard, take chances and
experiences here. I'm lucky to have
the most incredible friends and family
give up.
help me make it through. Brothers, many memories. See you out there. Kendal, my best friend, my miss-
ing piece, thank you for loving me much and being there when I’ve
needed it most. You all have made me who
I am today. I couldn’t have
done it without you. Let’s see what the rest of life has to offer!
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." Dr. Seuss —
quoted by £ VANG ELINE Fleischaker
Michael J. Albert
Olympia, WA Economics “If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run-Yours is the Earth and every-
thing that’s in it, And-you’ll be a Man, Rudyard Kipling my son!” Smile at a stranger. Illegitimus non -
carborundum. Rock the box. Push the envelope. Thanks Bro for set-
ting the bar ridiculously high, and thanks Mom and Dad for inspiring me through your example. I’m a free bird!
Anthony W. Blankenberger
Jonathan “Jonny” Benson
Carl Junction, MO
Carmi, IL
Aeronautical Engineering
Computer Science
Thank you Lord for carrying me
through the hardships and blessing me throughout. It’s by God’s grace I am finishing strong. Thanks mom and dad for supporting and encouraging me in everything. Your prayers and investment have helped me arrive where I am today. You’re incredible! To my amazing friends whom I will always remember; thank you
Thank you to everyone who helped me out
along the way.
for all the memories that I will never
forget! This life really is a sweet trip! I’m just along for the ride...
Aaron “BrugZ” Brugman
Keane Alexander
Lakewood, CO
“K-City, The Prospect” Carpenter
Systems Engineering Management
Newark, OH
Friends-Quanto Pod, Family-Mom,
Management To my family: I am just really happy you all got to experience this with me. I’m going to miss my friends the most: Qaunto Pod, Scotty H, Steve, Flong, Curtis, and Austin. Thank you
Pops, Neal, Sean, Lane; couldn’t have done it without you guys. Thanks for the memories. Good
talk, see you out there.
for your time and consideration.
Frederick M. Diederich
Newell, PA Economics
Stacey L. Fenton Oceanport, NJ English Mom, Dad, and Kenny: thank
Thank God for my friends and family who helped me make it through
you for all your love and support
this place. At least once a day
throughout these four years. I would
they would have to help me with something I couldn't take here. LC Forever.
have never made it without your en-
couragement (and phone calls). To my friends, thanks for being there for the good times and the bad; you made it all worth it.
“The world is round, and the place which may seem like the end
also be the beginning.” -
Ivy Baker Priest
Paul E. Gannett
Ryan S Gipson
Bowie, MD
Baytown, TX Computer Science To my family, a million thanks. out you I wouldn't have even gotten
Economics It’s been a wild ride, and I don’t have
any regrets. There were many times when I fell on my face, but God has
here, let alone made it through. To
carried me through it all. Thanks
all my other friends and loved ones!
to my family for all their love and
thanks for the love and support you
encouragement, the Brown family
have shown me these past four
for their support and making me feel like a part of their family, and my
years. Lastly, thank you to all the teachers, officers, and mentors who
awesome friends and
have worked with me. You have all
squad mates
for helping me make the most of this
place while having a good time. God
helped to make me into who I am today.
Christopher “Scotty H, CFC”
William “Tyler” Jensen
Memphis, TN Management God, My Family, and my brothers. I would've had no chance at making it through here without them. They are my rock. My two girls, Sally and Shelby. The shotty, parking over a fire, Raspian!, Ishmail Conduit, Strength and Honor, Driveshaft, Escape Ex- Perfect Record, Keystone, Ringdance, Rock Quarry,
Colorado Springs CO Aeronautical Engineering Do today what others won’t so that you do tomorrow what others can’t. Thanks to all those out there that
supported and prayed for me, ESPECIALLY my family. You have no idea how much you have blessed me over the years. As for the
“quantopod” of “bro’s”, Jeff, Nick, Dave and Andrew, you guys got me through the rough times whether you know it or not. I am no longer AS, thank God!
I '
Wondershowzen, Braveheart Trilogy, Oktoberfest- How did we get back?, If you had lockers you woulda made it!, THRK(CB)MMCB, Sho is Good!
Corey R. “Corndog” Lohmiller
Nicole R. Mancos
Thornton, CO
Hammond, IN
Environmental Engineering “Thought Before Action, Action
I wouldn't be here today if it weren’t
Before Regret."
for my supportive parents who
I would never have made it through
this place without my family, my
believed in me every second of the way. I love you Mom and Dad.
friends, and my faith. Family: I love
Thanks to those who didn’t think
you and thank you for always being there. Friends: Thanks for never
letting me put school before life. Quanto Pod. Faith: Psalm 27:1 and Romans 8:28.
major withheld by request
I could make it during the hard times because it was fun to prove
you wrong! Thanks to my amazing friends who helped me through this
place, because your friendships are what truly got me through....
Gordon Jamall Randall
Scott W. Robinson
New Market, MD
Centennial, CO
Aeronautical Engineering
I would like to thank my parents
"Nothing that you have not given
bringing me to this point...absolutely
away will ever be really yours." Lewis
no way to do it without them.
same goes to those who doubted me.
Take a loss. Yeah...Five-year
program, well worth it.
Wayne F. Sails
Jessica “Geep.” Schafer
Herndon, VA
Fayetteville, NC Physics, Math
Foreign Area Studies “God is faithful, and he will not let
Dad & Lee, Mom & Jamie, Jared,
you be tested beyond your strength. But when tested, he will provide a
Justin & Katie, Johanna, and
way out so that you may be able to 1 Corinthians 10:13. endure it.”
I love and appreciate you. You put meaning into everything I do. Nerd
I can’t thank God enough for giving
friends and non-nerd friends, thank
me the wisdom
and strength to
finish this leg of my journey. Mom,
JENN—I can’t express how much
you for supporting and entertaining me these four years. From being
vaulter/sprinter, rugger, gimp,
Dad, and Aaron, thank you for your
prayers, love, and support. To my friends, thanks for the unforgettable
weasel, panther, CoolSciencer, to a
memories these last five years.
physics major, I’ve met some amazing people I will never forget. Unless I lose my memory. Geep. Blink.
Kristen L. Smith
Jason M. Sewell Colorado Springs, CO
Ayer, MA
Aeronautical Engineering
Social Science
Thanks to my wonderful family and
Mom, Dad, Luke, thank you for your continual support. I am blessed to
all of the awesome people here at made it without your support and
have such a loving and supportive family. Diana, they say laughter is
the best medicine; you filled my pre-
the Academy. I would never have
scription daily. Thanks for being you. “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed
easier because
you have lived. This is to have sueceeded.” Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Morgan L. Trevarthen
Joe “BalZ” Walz
Behavioral Science
Evansville, IN
Antioch, CA
To my brother: even though we’re
Systems Engineering Management Quanto Pod: I will miss the skiing and good times. To the Fam: thanks for coaching me through the tough times. I’m here
years apart, I still look up to you. Nan and Papa: thank you for believ-
because of you. To everyone else: just remember...I
ing in me. Matty: My best friend
made up whatever phrase you just said when I was in third grade. Say
To my parents: dad and my lady, you gave me strength when I felt like I had none and I love you both.
and partner, thank you for loving me and
being patient. To my girls: I absolutely love you all. PS, how
fabulous are we?
goodbye to the epicenter of cool.
“Nothing that you have not given away will ever he really yours.
” —
C.S. Lewis
quoted by SCOTT Robinson
Mychol “Mych” Alexander Aurora, CO Social Sciences 1 Peter 1:7. Thanks to God, my
Healer, Saviour and Provider. Never would have made it without You.
Dad, Mom, and Chrissy, I can’t express enough how much I appreciate the support you’ve shown me. To all 2010 baby Trolls, only 20 of us made
it, but we made it!! Thanks to all my
Knights for the great three years!! To my BSUers and CGE members,
you've become some of my best friends and may God bless you all.
Andrew J. Anderson
Stephen C. Cruickshank
White Bear Lake, MN
Rockford, Ml
Environmental Engineering
Foreign Area Studies I would like to thank my family for their support, especially my parents
Ash, Mom, Dad, Matt, Megan, Sara,
Bradley: Thanks for all the support and helping me get
and older brother.
through the tough times. ZRFC #1. The Mottos: 1 -If you wait till last minute... then it only takes a
minute. 2- Don't waste away life; you can sleep when you’re dead. 3“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to
forget,” keep in touch; you know who you are...
Ryan Michael Fortney
Chad Everett
Marietta, GA
Kalispell, MT
Operations Research
Military History The Academy has been a journey,
To my family: Thanks you for your
but in life
love and support, I would not be
what matters most is
the journey, not the destination.
here without you. To my friends: I will never forget you guys. Through
China, Soaring, Nacho Night, Skiing Weekends, the Squadron, and more we have
made friendships that I
will always remember. To the Jones
Family: Thank you for taking me in for the past four years; I am happy to have five more people I can call
Patrick “Hunter” Hastings
Huntingdon, TN Management This space intentionally left blank.
Ryan CK Hess Denver, CO
History Lo cimodo y lo bailado, nadie te lo
puede quitar
Carsten W. Hobbs
Casey S. Hong
Electrical Systems Engineering
Scottsdale, AZ
Browns Mills, NJ “We are what we repeatedly do.
"Greater love has no one than this,
Excellence, therefore, is not an act,
that he lay down his life for his
but a habit.”
John 15:13
These past four years have been
exciting," to say the least. I could
not have made it through the acad-
emy without the love, support, and most of all humor from my family
Mom, Dad. Kristin, and
and friends.
Gershwin; thank you for everything! If there is one thing that I learned from this place, sleep is over rated!
Matt M. Lundquist
Jenna L. Lindquist
Tacoma, WA
Chisago City, MN
Behavioral Science
Aeronautical Engineering
Thank you to my family, loved ones
“Obstacles cannot crush me. Ever
and friends for not giving up on me
obstacle yields to stern resolve.
and pushing me through the hard
He who is fixed to a star does not
times. Now it is time for me to move
change his mind.”
on with the
rest of my life. “The
future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -
Eleanor Roosevelt
Danielle K. “Dani” McCarty
Andrew W. McPherson
Roscoe, IL
Cataldo, ID
Behavioral Science
Environmental Engineering
Mom, Doug, Justin, and Derrick,
Everything I am I owe to others and
thank you for your unconditional
their unfailing kindness, love, and
support which has allowed me to
forgiveness. We all have debts
grow and become the person I am today. To my close friends and
to pay, not with thank yous, but
family, I will cherish the memories we have made up until this point and am looking forward to the ones to come. Most importantly, I thank God, for leading me on this journey, continuously guiding and inspiring me along the way.
the change you want to see in the
with the conviction of action. “Be world." And, if you’re ever in doubt, choose to be the man in the arena.” -
Mahatma Gandhi.
Tyler J. Melzer
William C. Miller
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Bloomfield, IN
Dad, Mom, Wyatt, and Grif: thank
Thank you Mom, Dad, Sis. Your
you so much for always being there
support has been priceless, whether
to support me and encouraging
it was filling me in on
push forward. I owe you all so much. It wasn't always fun or enjoyable, but my friends helped me make it through every, single day.
gossip before I even knew, telling me to “turn phone off, put in drawer; pull head out- of 6'00," or even'
me to
LC Forever.
reminding me about how many more
patches you have on your let-
ter jacket than I did. It has all been
great. This is where I belong. Gooc luck. God speed.
Joel M. Nolan
Steven E. Riedl
Ypsilanti, Ml
Franklin, Wl
Behavioral Sciences
Legal Studies
Worse things have happened to
“Whether you think you can, or think
better people.
you can’t, you're right.” Ford
Samuel Noah Sheppard
William M. Sims
Franklin, TN
Behavioral Sciences
Civil Engineering To all those who have helped,
I like to party!
encouraged and kept me going... Thank You.
It is because of you that
I have endured and have succeeded.
Just remember... the 46th word of the Third Verse of the Air Force
Song... Rainbow’s... (
Joram “Rage” Smith
Chi “Micah” Sun
Mitchellville, MD
Taichung, Taiwan / Shalimar, FL Aeronautical Engineering What a journey this was! Ba, Ma, thanks for sending me to the US with
Management Thanks Dad and Mom. What got me through this place: “You can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet.
You have to be in the right
my aunt and all the support. Auntie and cousin Mona, I am truly thankful
for both of you. Uncle Robbie, as an
What mood is that?
USAF combat controller and Viet-
Last-minute panic.” -
Calvin and Hobbes
nam veteran, you continue to be a
great inspiration for me. USAFA may not be the best place to be at, but I’m sure it’ll be a
Courtney A. Swaney Colorado Springs, CO
Foreign Area Studies “One always dies too soon-or too late. And yet one’s whole life is complete at that moment, with a line drawn neatly under it, ready for the summing up. You are-your life, and nothing else.” Jean-Paul Sartre -
great place to be from.
Bryan J. Watson
Marshall R. Wills
Seattle, WA
Dimmitt, TX
Applied Mathematics My four years defined by Steven Krantz, “Being a mathematician is a bit like being a manic depressive: you spend your life alternating between giddy elation and black 92T0 and go, and a despair.” special thanks to all who helped me ...
endure it.
Economics Mitch... Really?
Marcus A. Alvidrez
Albuquerque, NM Biology “I do not choose to be a common It is my right to be uncom-
Dean Alfange. These last
few years have been incredible!
I’ve done things I didn’t think were
possible, and I’ve made it through difficulties that at times seemed
impossible! Thank you to my family, friends, and everyone else who has
helped me make this dream come true! I couldn’t have done it without
you and your love, help, and support! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Katie Lynn Batchelder
Jorge Andres “Balls” Ballesteros Bogota, Colombia
Chico, CA
Foreign Area Studies “Well-behaved women rarely make history.” Eleanor Roosevelt
First of all I want to thank God the
opportunity to make my dream come true, my parents Jorge
Thank you to all of my friends
Ballesteros and Martha Cecilia for
and family who have given your
always being there for me and my brother and my sister for always looking after me. It has been four
Steph, there’s no words for how
love and support.
thankful I am for you.
years of hard work where I had the opportunity of getting to know amaz-
ing individuals which I believe it has been the time of my life. To all the Class of 2010 “strength within” and
everyone’s encouragement. “Don’t ever change who you are, and go with your gut.” Grandpa; May the future hold many amazing adventures for us all. Ciao baby!
Natalie E. Doede
Brenton M. Byrd-Fulbright
Colorado Springs, CO
Southgate, Ml
Behavioral Science
Above all, I want to thank my
I can’t even express how grateful I
parents for always being supportive of me and for always being there. I
am toward
I never would have become the
my family and friends for supporting me, my mom for listening, my dad for encouraging, and my brother for making me laugh. I want to thank my sponsor family, the Dowdys, for always being there for me and making me feel a part of your family. And to my Best Friend,
person I am today and I don’t think I would have made it through this
you don’t know how much you inspire me. I love you all! I couldn’t
place with my sanity. OMOH ON
have done it without you!
also want to thank my brothers (Jeff and De’Andre) for just being great
older brothers.
Lastly I want to
thank my other brothers, El, Avery,
Chambo, and Croff; Without them
Gregory “Nugget” Edmonds
Peter R.N. “Two Shells, Shnarf
Fairfax Station, VA
Shnarf” French
Civil Engineering
Austin, TX
First off I want to thank my parents,
Fluman System Engineering
Bob and Ann, for always supporting me
in everything I did and still do.
love ya’II I haven’t figured out everything but I do know you can't get bogged down by the little things and you always need to “Carpe Diem” Guintus Horatius Flaccus. Finally,
I would like to thank all my friends I have made here, for without you, I
would not have made it. Who’s The
I could not
have accomplished this without
Mom, Dad, and
I never thought I’d make it, but
this place definitely taught me you can
push on through. So to speak.
Thank God for my great family and the best friends of my life who got me
through it all. Forever LC.
Mason R. Gordon
James “Greenbean” Greener
Atlanta, GA
Elgin, IL
Behavioral Science
The people I met here and spent so much time with made it worthwhile.
I may be good at chess, tennis, school, racquetball, have an amaz-
Thanks to God, Mom, Dad, Jerett,
ing personality, be fluent in French,
Brittany, Doc, Family, Friends, and the Rosary group for the time you have shared with me, the support
you have given, and the impact you have made on my life. I will miss
have leveled to 58 in WoW, or take
snowboarding Manchesters way too seriously (think Banana Man), but people will not remember me for these. No, I have huge calves!
this place, but I look forward to what
lies ahead. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux.
Jennifer M. Haden
Richard B. Heiden
Cedar Hill, TX
St. Cloud, EL
Biology Thus ends the chapter of my life that yielded some of the best times
Civil Engineering
Hey guys. Woah, Big Gulps, huh? All right! Well, see ya later.
of my life, some of the worst, and some of the best friends
I'll ever
have. I’ve got to thank my family, for without their love and support I
certainly would never have made it. It’s been a great adventure, but it’s time to move on. See you guys in the “Real Air Force”!
Chamberlain C. Herndon
Houston, TX Social Sciences I am thanking my friends, family, and all who supported me through
Nathan R. Jolls
Gowanda, NY
Operations Research Here's to all my family and friends back home. Mom, Dad, Jake,
this journey, especially my Mom,
Grandma, and Grandpa thank you
Dad, the Elliotts, and the boys
for your undying support and for al-
ways reminding me of where I come from (God's country). Thanks to all
I am 39 rolls and a Freemont hat. I am down 3 then up 3 in 1 hour. I am missing Comm’s challenge for
Vegas/Provo/Wendover/Blackhawk. Are you?
my Reaper buddies. You guys made it fun here. Go Bills, Sabres. FPTFF
Philippians 2:9-11.
Psalm 121
Kenneth “KAZ” Kaczmarek
Calvin “Jake” Kress
Heerlen, Netherlands
Colorado Springs, CO
Social Sciences, Law, Economics To all those who made it with me,
and those who didn’t, I'll never for-
get. If you’re reading this just know that there is a god, and I couldn’t have done it without my friends and
family. I love you mom!
Management To Mom and Lauryn, you have
helped and supported me every step of the way Thanks for believing in me and encouraging me no matter what Dad, thanks for teaching me to
keep my head up and keep charging Guys from Porch and Clique, you're the best friends a guy could ask
for. I’ve enjoyed my time here and won't forget memories we’ve made:
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of
Winston Churchill
Justin Baumann Miller
Robert “Brooks” Louder
Dana Point, CA
Marietta, GA
Political Science, Russian First and foremost, I would like to
Legal Studies From the BL factor to porch every Thursday, I will never forget my
thank Coffee! You kept me up while
memories here. Porch, I could
normal sleep patterns tried to keep
not have asked for a better class.
me down.
Thanks so much to my parents, the
could I forget the great times we
best little sister ever, and the most
had by the stairwell after I finished a
amazing woman in the world for their encouragement and support. I feel
Your cheap price and delicious taste
so blessed to have been
here. Be
Second, Cigarettes! How
long night of work. And finally, PBR!
provided me the bridge I required
strong and courageous, do not be
to cross from one week to the next.
terrified or discouraged for the Lord
Without this holy trinity it is doubtful
your God will be with you wherever
I would be here today.
you may go.
James “Ole Pfeif” Pfeiffer
Adam J. Page
Key Biscayne, FL
Palm Harbor, FL
Political Science
It has been an interesting journey to
Thanks to all of my friends and fam-
say the least. I am forever grateful for the memories, friends, and op-
portunities. With some hard work, a lot of good fortune, and the support from friends and family I am able to close this chapter of my life and move onto the next. I owe a special
ily, I would’ve never made it without you guys! Special shout out to all my porchies too, I wish you guys the best in life, wherever it takes you.
Finally, here is one to all those who said I couldn’t make it, that I didn’t
have what it takes to graduate from
thanks to my mother, brothers, and
the academy...well here I am, how
the Phelps for being such influential
do you like me now? FPTFF
factors in my life and success over the past five years.
Dylan “I Spit Hot Fire” Smith
Zachary Ritter
West Milton, OH
Katy, Management
Mechanical Engineering
“It is not the critic who counts; not the
“Some of the worst mistakes of my
man who
points out how the strong man stumbles... The credit belongs
life have been haircuts.” -
Jim Morrison
to the man in the arena, whose face
But seriously, thanks to all for every-
is marred by dust and sweat and
thing. You know who you are.
blood, who strives valiantly,... who
spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his
place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither
victory nor defeat.”
Haralambos “Bobby” Theologis
Larkspur, CO Behavioral Science Thanks to God and all the fam-
ily and friends and my amazing girlfriend, who all helped me get to and through here and who really deserve all the credit. I'll never forget the ups or the downs, it’s all been a
great experience. Porch forever. Go Broncos. FPTFF
Frank “Dirty” von Heiland
Michael C. Zeleski
Anaheim, CA Foreign Area Studies,
Sacramento, CA
Geospatial Science
First I would like to say Jesus thank
Management you. everything is truly from you though you and to you! Mom and
I couldn’t have made it this far
without my family, my friends, or my
cigarettes. Thanks to all of you.
Dad you two have brought me up and have been amazing parents and will continue to be. As for the rest of you Porch members, “There was no
Tiger and I’m sticking to it!”
thank you
First and foremost I would like to thank Coffee! You kept me up while normal sleep patterns tried to keep me down. Second Cigarettes! How could I forget the great times we had by the stairwell after I finished a ,
long night of work. And finally PER! Your cheap price and delicious taste provided me the bridge I required to cross from one week to the nex Without this holy trinity it is doubtful I would he here today. ,
Megan E. Biles Gresham, OR Political Science Phil 4:6-7
Joshua D. Bouquio
Christopher Clawson
Harpursville, NY
Apopka, FL Economics
Military Strategic Studies Thanks to Momma and the Ole’
Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria
Man who always supported me
and pushed for me to go one more
day. Ashley, I love you more than anything in this world. I especially could not have done this without
you! Chester is a true gentleman.
Daniel R. Cohoon
Nora El Oueslati
Unison, VA
Wiesbaden, Germany
Computer Engineering
Political Science
A huge thank you to my mom, dad,
Be yourself, it is the best you have
sisters, family and friends, without
to offer the world.
whom I never would have made it.
See ya!
Braden A. Gross
Nicole M. Hartig
Louisville, KY
Henderson, NV
I would like to thank my family and
"Life is far too short to take anything
everyone who has helped me along the way.
Oscar Wilde. Thank
you Mama, Daddy, Krista and my best friends! I wouldn’t have made it without you guys!
Christopher “Brett” Killion
Peter C. Kaszynski
Alton, NH
Lubbock, TX
Electrical Engineering
Thanks to everyone who helped me
through here, I absolutely could
not have done it without you.
Thanks to all my friends who made this place enjoyable.
met the most amazing people here, thanks for being the best friends
anyone could ask for.
I know I’ll be
seeing you all in the ‘real’Air Force. Maybe this place really wasn’t so bad.
Mathew F. McPhail
Pearland, TX Basic Sciences “Live your life as if you’ll never have another because you won't.”
Eric David Meyer
Abigail M. Nickels
Scottsdale, AZ
Montgomery, IL
Systems Engineering Management “He who does nothing, makes no
Political Science “To learn to succeed, you must first
mistakes; and he who makes no
learn to fail.”
Michael Jordan
mistakes, never makes any progress.”
Paul Winkler
Justin Y. North
Patrick O’Neill
Athens, GA
Hanscom APB. MA
Political Science
Colorado Springs, CO
I would like to thank all those at the
Behavioral Sciences
Academy and at home who have helped me get where I am today. I
Without my family none of this would
thank my family for their love and
flights home to a home-cooked meal
support. I thank my friends for their loyalty and the great memories. I
Courtney, we went through a lot... and came out strong. To the 2010
also want to give thanks to God for His many blessings!
have been possible, from those
Roadies, best wishes and we’ll be
seeing you in the “real” AF. Finally, I must thank Capt. (Ret) Richard Carson and Chief (Ret.) Chris Edris, two men held high in regard and without whom my tenure at USAFA would
have been short and sweet.
David M. Pool
Sean P. Quintana
Marion, IL
Highlands Ranch, CO Systems Engineering Management I am thanking my Dad, Mom, and Sister Ashley for all their support. I am stock blocking.
Civil Engineering “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God
for the salvation of everyone who
Romans 1:16. The
I am hot tub season. I am smashing a keg and howling at
Academy has been an incredible ride; I’ve met some amazing people and seen some unforgettable places
the moon at 4 am.
all because of God’s grace. Romans
I am stuck on the pass line.
I am convincing Gonzo to party.
12:1; “Not everything that counts can
I am coming in through the 2nd
be counted. And not everything that
can be counted counts.”
I am... proud to graduate, are you?
“I refuse to tip-toe through life only to
safely arrive at death.”
William C. Ray
Tiffanie “T-sizzle” Lan Richardson
Red Bank, NJ
Yuma, AZ
Basic Sciences To my family for always believing
Thank you Mom, Dad, Jeremiah,
in me and encouraging me through
Victoria, and Colleen for keeping
this experience. To my friends for making the experience into what
faith in what I do. I couldn’t have
it was.
I will always remember to
“enjoy the little things” (rule # 32)
made it through without the support
of my family and friends. And to my best friend, thank you for always
being there no matter what. Live well, Laugh often, Love always -Anonymous
Alexander J. Shin
Gary A. Smith
Kapolei, HI
Mount Dora, FL
Social Sciences
This space was intentionally left blank.
Social Science “When you put your pants on, put
your smile on and everyone will have a great day!” Lindsay M. -
lan J. Talbot
Weare, NH Behavioral Science-
Leadership and Organizations “With every new sunrise, there is a new chance.
you blew it.” ‘Noodle*
But with every sunset, -
Jack Handy
Benjamin R. Williams
Amanda “Mandy” LeeAnn Warren
California City, CA
Fredericksburg, TX
Behavioral Science
Astronautical Engineering
Without the support of my family
Mom, Dad. Marjorie and Erin: Thank
and friends, my journey at USAFA would not be possible. Thank you
you for all of your love and support you have given me over the last four
so much for all the love and
I could not have done it with-
To my friends I have made
“How exciting are your dreams?
out you.
Most people don’t aim too high and
here (THRKMMC):
miss-they aim too low and hit!”
memories live on forever.
May all of our Operation
Blizzard, Gibberish German Conver-
Bob Moawad
sations, I Remember My First Beer. I think MLK summarized it the best when he said “Free at last, free at
last, I thank God I'm free at last!”
Alexander P. Yee
Christopher “C” Brennan Wolford Thornville, OH
Spring, TX
Mechanical Engineering
Political Science
“Be kind, be strong, be happy, and
I love eating all types of food
try hard.”
Craig Luebben
“When you put your pants on put your smile on and everyone will havi ,
great day!”
Lindsay M. Brown as
quoted by Gary smith
Charles D. Arden
Chandler, AZ Political Science, Chinese DTB!
qg,<M Seung-Min T. Baik
Andrew Bolint
St. Paul, MN
San Antonio, TX
History Here is a trustworthy saying that
Mom, Dad, Jen, and the dog, if
deserves full acceptance: “Christ
you’re reading this that means I
Jesus came into the world to save
made it and I thank you for your If not,
sinners—of whom I am the worst.
loving help and support.
But for that very reason I was shown
we’re gonna need a house with a
mercy so that in me, the worst of
basement I can live in.
sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example
for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.”
1 Timothy
1:15-16 Thank you Dad and Mom for your Love. To everyone else, thank you for everything.
Alicia M. Bouges
Blake Paxton Brooks
Lincoln, NE
Waco, TX
Behavioral Science
Foreign Area Studies-Russia
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
Mark Twain
“I will lift up my eyes to the moun-
tains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the
Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” -Psalm 121: 1-2
Blue Skies...
Austin R. Cardenas
Arlon T. Carroll
Tyler, TX
Red Oak, TX
Political Science
Basic Sciences
“Every man dies. Not every man really lives.” William Wallace -
This space was intentionally left blank.
Lewis “Boss” Dummermuth-Boss;
John M. Doeseckle
Carol Stream, IL
Waterville, KS
Legal Studies “I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and
Operations Research "An investment in knowledge always
live the rest of your life as a cham-
Muhammad Ali
pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
Thanks to all my friends and fam-
ily for helping me get through this place. It’s been a fun journey and somehow this is only the beginning.
Mark A. Hammond
Michael “Sack” Harencak
Warren, OH
Abilene, TX
Systems Engineering Management
Social Science
I would first and foremost thank my
family and friends for helping me through the last four long years. Dad, Sarah, Dan, Brady, and Nonnie I would never have been able to make it without you. To all the
friends I made, thanks for all your
support, positive influence, and the good times we had along the way, I’ll never forget ’em.
Lauren “Lu” Hettich
Chris “Gunther” Hunter
Louisville, KY
Huntsville, UT
Legal Studies
Geospatial Sciences
“I'd rather live among the birds than
Urn missao dada e urn missao
spend my life wishing I had wings
to fly.”
Luke “Nick Nightrider” Hyder
Walter “W” Marcus Lange
Rome, GA
Del Mar, CA
Management First and foremost, thank you God
Economics I survived 7/20/09
for getting me this far and all the
opportunities you’ve blessed me with. Mom and Dad, you set an incredible example for me. I would not be the person I am today without your encouragement and prayers. And to the boys, I couldn’t have
done it without ya.
Through it all I’ve
learned that there really is “a friend who sticks closer than a brother”
(Proverbs 18:24). I AM going to miss you guys.
Andrei Macarescu
Samuel A. Mansen
lanca, Romania
Huntington Beach, CA Management This space was intentionally left blank.
General Engineering Everything happens for my own good.
Jessica R. Mapes
Matthew R. McCandless
Minot, ND
Baxter Springs, KS
Foreign Area Studies: Middle East Matthew 17:20,
Social Sciences “If you want to be successful, it’s
just this simple: Know what you’re doing. Love what you’re doing. And believe in what you’re doing.” O.A. -
Brian Patrick “OC” O’Connor
Melissa “Missy” Perkins
Potomac, MD
Roy, UT Legal Studies Thank you to all my family and especially my mom, without you I would not be where I am right now! I
Foreign Area Studies: Latin America I cannot begin to express my love and gratitude for my father, mother, siblings and friends for being there through thick and thin. To the class of 1970 and all graduates, it is an honor and a privilege to join you in the Long Blue Line. For Dad and Rory, “But we in it shall be remembered; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he today that
also want to thank all my friends for
giving me some awesome experiences and
my roommate of three
years (Autumne) for singing me Disney songs. To RATZ, thanks for
enjoyable three years (DTB). “Life is not about surviving the an
sheds his blood with me shall be my
storm, but how you dance in the
Jack R. Raine
Dunsmuir, CA
Military Strategic Studies Welcome to the layer cake, boy.
Matthew K. Ross
David T. Rodriguez
Rochester, NY
Grafton, MA
Aeronautical Engineering
Political Science
“Those who hope in the Lord will
Thank you for all your guidance
renew their
and support Mom, Dad, David and
strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” -
Jaclyn. "Welcome the task that makes yod
go beyond yourself." Frank McGee
Isaiah 40:31
Michael G. Wojciechowf
Autumne L. Wells
Henderson, NV / Brooklyn, NY
Washington, MA Physics
Political Science
Thanks everyone who have helped
Through the valuable lessons I’ve learned at the academy, I’ve become a different person. This journey would not have been possible without the help and guidance of my friends (the tripod), family, and
make it this far. A special thanks
and shout-out to my roomie, Missy
Perkins, who has taught me everything that a Mormon shouldn’t do...
mentors. I thank God that I’ve found more success than failure,
and that
will move forward with purpose and
determination to succeed both in the Air Force and life. “The future is not set. There is no fate but what we
make for ourselves.”
John Connor
Diana Denina Wong
Christopher S. Yuen
Yigo, Guam Management, Chinese
Vacaville, CA Systems Engineering Management, There are good ships, and there are wood ships...Blue Skies 364
Thanks to all that were there with me
through the last four years: in travel adventures (Spokane, England, Indonesia, China, West Point), spotting “light weight,” visits home (Guam, South Korea, C-Springs), venting and tea time (Celestial), Skype phone calls, Ratz yoga club, Tako sushi outings, building gingerbread houses, parades (DTB), arrests, intramurals, and staff meetings. You have helped create lifelong memories, love and will miss U—SAFA
“Keep away from people who tty to belittle § your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too , can become
Mark Twain
quoted by A L I C I A
BOUg< Firsties
Christopher M. Bean St. Charles, IL
Management The “five-year plan” has brought
many challenges and great memoires to me, my family, and close friends. I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to my Mom, Dad, and brother, Ryan for supporting me.
Juliana, I look forward to our
bright and exciting future together. I love you all. Thank you.
Samuel “Boonery” J. Boone
Lindsey Maria Briggs
Allentown, PA
Hadley, PA Operations Research
Systems Engineering Management Success is what God and others
Relationships with others are our
enable you to do.
most important legacy in life. I
“O my God, in You I trust, do not let me be ashamed.”
Psalm 25
wish I had taken more advantage
of the potential relationships I had
Dad, Mom, Lydia and Sarah-Asante
these five years and apologize for
kwa maombi.
treating some of you poorly. To my
To my brothers and sisters on our
Dad, Mom, Mike, Dan and Kate: I
team-you are truly family. Remem-
love you! Thank you for being so
ber “We are...”
supportive! Jake, you have made my academy experience so much richer; I love you! With All My Heart, Lindsey
Blue Skies...347
Patrick Brown
Mobile, AL
Management To everyone that helped me get through this place: THANK YOU! All of the letters, emails, words of
encouragement, and continued support over the past four years have meant so much to me, and I will never be able to repay all of you. I truly could not have made it without all of your help and support. And to the “bros,” thanks for all the memories I now have because of
...Whoa I just blacked out,
what happened...?
Matthew B. Cook
Denton, TX
Biology Thanks Mom, Dad and Candace.
Alexander J. Frank
Simon S. Ferrel
Amarillo, TX
Thornton, CO
Physics, Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath
desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that
thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” -Luke 22:31-32
Katelyn R. Hunter
Cliff D. Jones
La Crescent, MN
Fort Smith, AR Political Science
Biology Swim team girls, thanks for always
To my Mom, Dad, the super cool
making me laugh, I will never forget
bros, and my paw-paw, couldn’t
you... And Mom and Dad, thank you for always believing.
have made it without you all. Couldn't have made it without the
“I expect to pass through this world
sweaty video game sessions, bowl-
but once.
Any good therefore that
ing alley, and Skynyrd playing on
I can do, or any kindness or abili-
the computer during homework.
ties that I can show to any fellow
was a
creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
rocky and memorable time, but in the words of Speedwagon: “So, if you’re tired of the same old story, turn some pages.”
Derrick E. Kline
Sarah L. Littlefield
Hampton, IA
San Diego, CA
Foreign Area Studies: Latin America
General History
“Whether you think you can or can’t,
you’re right.”
Thanks for all the Memories....
Henry Ford
Michael J. McDonald
Marcellus “Marquavious” Pablo
Asheville, NC
White Post, VA
Thanks to the fam for all their sup-
Foreign Area Studies
port during my stay here...lopes
“But he knoweth the way that I take,
may Apollo continue to bless your days with his rays...ruggers keep up the good fight...lots of love...I’m out.
and when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as
shining gold.”
-Job 23:10
Give praise to GOD, family and friends! On to the next one!
Steven “Adam” Pollock
Alicia Kimberly Quaco
Louisville, KY
San Diego, CA Social Science
Mechanical Engineering What a ride. God first. Thanks to all
To my family and friends -thank
my family and friends for helping through the experience. Through
you for all your love and support that helped me make it through
all the ups and downs I wouldn’t
these last four years.
change a thing. Everything happens
mean the world to me and
for a reason. Good luck in the real
wait to start our life together. To my
Air Force everyone.
dance team-you girls are amazing.
“Knowledge speaks, but wisdom
Remember that life isn’t about wait-
Jimi Hendrix
ing for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain-and we
Colossians 3:23
Blaine, you I can’t
sure did dance.
And T: This is our country!!!
Radhika “Rad” Ranaweera
Christopher A. Smith Ferndale, WA
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Aeronautical Engineering It has been a truly unbelievable
Above all, thanks be to God who is
ride! The four years spent here
able to do exceeding abundantly
were the best years of my life.
above all that we ask or think. To
Foreign Area Studies: Middle East
all the friends I made in 34, Aikido,
Dad, Mom, and my brothers: thank
Blue Bards, Dance (Swing, Latin &
you for all your love, support, and prayer; for the many letters, phone
Blues), and everyone else I know, I will NEVER forget you. You have made my journey memorable. I’ll
that you offered all along the way.
be half way across the world but
To my friends: thank you for the
I do hope to meet you all again
many memories and the times in life that we shared, I will not forget you.
calls, wisdom, and sound advice
Blue Skies...
Brendan F. Sullivan
Andrea M. Wise
Boston, NY
OFallon, IL
Civil Engineering
Human Systems Engineering
Thanks for all the memories.
“The future belongs to those who
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.” Unknown
believe in the beauty of their -
Eleanor Roosevelt
Dad, Mom, Heather, Lee, Drew, Erin, Jamie, Matt, Catholic Choir, & friends: You are truly a blessing. Thank you for touching my life in such incredible ways. I loved every minute here and I owe it all to you.
Cody M. Yenter Newark, TX
Geospatial Science For a long time I have wondered what I would put in my blurb for the
yearbook and I guess I will always wonder, but to those that helped me, Thank You! Those of you that said it couldn’t be done, here I am!
To my friends, Thank You for picking me up when I fell!!! Lastly, to my family there are no words to express my gratitude other then I love you!
Leanne Heidi Caballer
San Diego, CA Social Science I can’t even begin to thank those who believed in me. I am most
grateful to God and my loved ones for giving me the strength to make it one day at a time.
cfldisg Sara E. Chapman
Robert “Cap” Capparelli
Severn a Park, MD
Economics You learn what kind of person you
Mom, Dad, Anna, and Becky-thank
are when your back is against the wall and the only way out is to
you for always being a phone call away with love and support. I am
fight. These past four years were a struggle and I'm glad I made it. Thank you God for being my rock and blessing me with great family
happy to be your daughter and
Sunny-thanks for being
the best friend ever in the Weasel
Squadron. Meems, we made it!
and friends. Thank you Mom and Dad for your support and unwaver-
ing love.
Daniel and Elizabeth, two
of my best friends, thanks. Serm, 14 3. To everyone else...I’m outta
Tarasita “T, Sweet Tea” Davis
Anthony Dean Christian Gilroy, CA Social Science “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the
glory forever!”
Romans 11:36
Chesapeake, VA Foreign Area Studies The days in the zoo are tough but God places people in your life to help you make it through. BSU became home and friends became
Although the road may be hard, God is good and He is always
family. Mumsie and Papi, thanks for always being there with words of
encouragement and love. I couldn’t have made it without you. “For I know the plans I have for you, dedares the LORD, plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -
Jeremiah 29:11
Michael Jay Erickson
Daniel J. Everett
O’Fallon, IL
Isanti, MN
Behavioral Science
Engineering Mechanics
Thanks to all those who helped
Thank you everyone who stood by
get me through, especially my parents. Thanks to the Richards for putting up with me for four long
me and
years. Thanks to my friends on the Wrestling Team, who always
bad? Was it worth it? See ring for
managed to make me laugh-espedally at myself. I’ll never forget the ‘V’, super smoker day at lunch, or Buena Vista. “If you can’t get it up, Book of Joel you can’t get it in” -
listened to me whine while
I was here. You know who you are.
Was it hard? Was it fun? Was it that
Robert Harold Hayward
Jacque Cristine Harrier
Central Point, OR
O’Fallon, IL
Management Wow, this day has finally come! Thank you God for blessing me!
Mom, Dad, Claire, Sara, my grandparents, and all of my friends-your support meant everything. My sponsors, Suzy and Bob, thank you for
Electrical Engineering
Mike, Reed and Q thanks for all the
good times, it's been a long four years but it’s finally done. Mom and Madi thanks for supporting and helping me get through the tough time.
welcoming into your home and family. Rob, thank you for always being there for me, I can’t wait to begin the next chapter of my life with you. All of my roommates, Brittany and Kim
you were awesome and I love you
girls. We did it! :)
Dane T. Jansson
Adam “Jay Baby” Johnson
Wichita, KS Biology
Las Vegas, NV
Social Science
“The human thirst for excellence,
I AM thanking my mom, dad, brother,
knowledge: every step up the ladder of science; every adventurous
grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and Joab for their support.
reach into space; all of our combined
I AM all the hard ways and one for
modern technologies and imagina-
the dealer.
tions; even the wars we’ve fought
I AM flaking out on another spring
have provided us the tools to wage
this terrible battle.
I AM “Hazard Jay” after 10 o’clock.
Through all of the
the wrongs and the discord;
I AM black moccasins and no hat in
through all of the pain and suffering; through all of our times, the one thing
service dress at the Army-AF game.
that has nourished our souls... is our
I AM going to miss the good times.
I AM... proud to graduate. Are you?
Armageddon (1998)
I AM AWOL during dead-week.
Brittany Michele Keiper
Austin M. Krohn
Chandler, AZ
Fresno, CA
Behavioral Science
Political Science
Mom, thanks for always telling me
Mom, Dad, Aubrey, Olivia, & Emma-
to “keep my chin up and know I am
line: I am so grateful to God for you
special.” Dad, thanks for all your support, postcards, and convincing me to try everything. Bo, good luck here :) Jacque, I never had a
guys and all you have done to serve Him-I love you all so much! Friends:
better time than when we went out
and serve with His grace-God
thank you for everything-especially for your prayers. Walk with the Lord
together or with Tonio. Dan, can you
is good...all the time! And all the
believe we made it? Weasels, live
your life to our motto YGBSM and I will see you all soon. <3 bk
“He must increase, but I must
Kile H.K. Kuzma
God is good!
John 3:30
Isaac J. Metroka
Erie, PA
Helena, MT
Meteorology I’ve got to thank my family first and foremost. They’ve taught me so
Computer Science
much and I’m forever thankful. To
Brad, Jennie, and Taylor you’ve been everything a cadet could ask
for and more from their sponsor! THANK YOU!
Mom & Dad: Thank you for your
prayers, love, and support. Friends: Thanks for the amazing times and all of the support, it’s been fun. Tori: You're the bestest. “I cannot
be bought, compromised detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or
delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the
pool of
popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity.”
Zachary A. Nordahl
Akira B. Nervik
Molt, MT
Bellflower, CA Mechanical Engineering Vineyard, Revolutions, Chem
Beach, Stanley Canyon, Buttball, dislocated kneecap, Buena Vista, Adventure Races, Corey Smith,
“Forget being a pirate, I wanna be a bus driver,” Squat 'till you puke, Nearly Naked Mile, “Every day at three o’clock, if you’re not working out, you have to ask yourself what you are doing with your life (BOJ)." AF Wrestling, the only thing I did
Civil Engineering Thanks to Mom, Dad, Eb, my family and the folks back home for giving me the
support to get through here,
and to my friends, teammates and
coaches who made every day worth it. “Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you’re standing outside the fire.”
Garth Brooks
AFXC Fleatrainer!
that mattered. “There are millions of
people in this world who wish they had your problems.” BOJ
Matthew D. Roland
Neil M. Pfau
Paola, KS
Lexington, KY
Military Strategic Studies
Aeronautical Engineering
“Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici...” -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
To Winners and Champions... TINAGDTBAP
Todd “Toddy Poo” Smith
Kyle H. Spitzer
Northside Fargo, ND
Fowler, CO
Management I AM thanking my parents and friends for everything they have done for me. I AM watching Almost Famous instead of studying for an Arabic final. I AM downtown Vegas alone for 15
Behavioral Sciences “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take
heart! I have overcome the world.” -
John 16:33
hours. I AM losing 4 G’s in 5 days.
I AM rallying with Croff and Chambo until 10 in the morning. I AM putting my pillow into the washing machine blacked out. I AM going to miss my boys. I.
Kurt T. Spranger II
Robert Ngugi Tonio
Tampa, FL
Nairobi, Kenya
Astronautical Engineering
Electrical Engineering I wouldn’t change much in the last four years. I’ve had fun, memo-
Thanks Mom, Dad, & Zak for all the
support from home. Craig you’re the best brother & PIC in the world.
Tonio, you’re the best international .ever. Summary of my life at USAFA: shadow 7, Wrestling,
Astro, jump, Excursion, 35 HWW, CST, snowboarding, Weightlifting, more Astro, Korea/Japan, coaches, friends & sponsor families. “It’s not what you do when others are watch-
ing, but what you do when no one is looking.” Dad -
rable experiences and made good friends. Thanks to God and the
Woller’s for the chance to be here; the Schaads (sponsors), my International and American friends for making this place bearable and
getting me through the tough times (swimming); Kurtis for pushing me I’ll never forget this place or the people when I go home to warm Africa. Hopefully, one day we’ll meet again; till then, Kwaheri.
Benjamin D. Zumstein Baton Rouge, LA
Aeronautical Engineering Thank you to my family and everyone who
have supported me over
these few years. To all my friends and classmates remember, “There is no limit to the good you can do if
you don’t care who gets the credit.” Gen. George C. Marshall
f .UBflfful L
“The human thirst for excellence knowledge: eveiy step up the ladder of ,
science; every adventurous reach into space; all of our combined modern
technologies and imaginations; eve n the wars we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle. Through all of the chaos through all of the wrongs and the discord; through all of the pain and
suffering; through all of our times the one thing that has nourished our souls... is our courage." —Armageddon (1998) ,
quoted by DANE Jansson
Cody D. Armstrong Erwin, TN Behavioral Science and Leadership One chapter of my life comes to a close and another begins. Through all the wonderful times and the endless struggles, I’ve grown and I’ve learned much. Thanks to all my fam-
ily and friends for making this place better on a daily basis. I couldn’t have done it without your support. To all my fellow graduates, I’ll see you on the other side. For those of us who made it, we enjoyed being Lt. Gen. Regni’s “fun class.”
Taylor S. Baughn
Benjamin D. Brice
Bartlesville, OK
Kingwood, TX Legal Studies
“I wonder if he remembers me?”
We’re in it.
Steve Zissou
James R. Cornell
Jordan D. Craft
Hoover, AL
Overland Park, KS
Economics Thank you to God, my friends, and
Political Science, Legal Studies
Mom, Dad, family, and friends,
I couldn’t have
thank you for your constant support
done it without your thoughts and
throughout the years. To the 8-Balls, I’ll always remember the experience and great jumps we had. To my friends here, the good times never
family for support.
prayers! See this place in 20 years!
ended and never will. To Brendan and Danny, BBC. Our activities dur-
ing our SSS were eventful, I will see you later or I will see you another time. This is the end- this is the
beginning.“What you do on Earth echoes in Eternity.” Gladiator -
Quinton L. Croff
Beaumont, TX
Management I AM thanking all those who supported me on this long journey... I AM pick-up basketball at 4:30... I AM Vegas, Provo, Wendover, & Black Hawk in a weekend... I AM 48 hours no sleep...
“Hennessy, Press It”... CROFF!!!
Harry A. Dale Bronx, NY
Geospatial Sciences This space was intentionally left blank.
Austin L. Fallin
Justin C. Fisk
San Antonio, TX
N. Richland Hills, TX
Behavioral Sciences
English “I have no idea what I’m doing and
Thanks to my friends and fam-
that’s the state I would like to be in to you guys then I’m sure you’ll do
ily members who have helped me through the tough times and celebrated with me during the good
the same, and
just to really not be quite clear or confident in any one
times. Thanks mom and dad for
area except that area
advice. I would also like to thank
and if that’s the state that feels good
itself, that’s
the spectacular love, support, and
the headspace I want to be in, and
God Almighty for allowing me to
to really throw yourself into the fire I
overcome the trials in
guess in that way, to not play it safe and to really, really put yourself out
allowing me to press on when things get too tough to handle on my own.
there, even if it's humiliating. That’s
2 Cor. 12:9-10
where I want to be.”
my life and for
Andrew W.K.
Daniel P. Hann
Stephanie E. Frick Phoenix, AZ
Littleton, CO
Biology “Be like the bird that, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings.” Victor Hugo
Mechanical Engineering
I’d like to thank God for all He has done to provide the opportunities and
people to help me get through these last four years. Thanks Mom, Dad,
Tommy, Ritchie, and Jared, for all of your support; and thanks to Chelsea for being the best, and always being there.
Brendan and Jordan, lest
forget being tunnel ratz, spring break, trick or treating, or losing golf
clubs, and may we continue to devise future memories together, and never
forget BBC.
Christopher “Kip” Hanson Rhinelander, Wl
Mechanical Engineering Thanks for the memories! Blue skies... PTWOB 362
Daniel J. Hill
Heidelberg, Germany Geospatial Sciences Whoa, one bump in the road down, the weeks crawled by but the years flew by. To my family, I love you. Thank you Mom and Dad for all of the support and encourage-
ment, you made me what I am to-
day. Larissa and Kevin you guys are the best. Bucedawg and Franklin I couldn’t have survived without you !
To everyone else thanks for the good times, the bad times, and two.
all the help.
Carolyn R. Koval
Michael R. Langley
Troy, IL
Leavenworth, KS Operations Research
Political Science
Thank you to all the friends and
family who have always been there for me! I definitely could not have gotten through the last four years without you or Him.
Thanks to my family, my great friends, this place would have been a
lot tougher without their help.
I’ll always remember our
MMCHRBTK, learning to skydive, all of our weekends here,
“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” Clark
Karen Kaiser
camping, snowboarding, and fighting zombie hordes, RASPIAN, sweet tea, poker nights, Ring Dance, and way too many nicknames to count.
Christopher T. Molstad
Ashley M. Myers
Peachtree City, GA
San Antonio, TX
Biology To all my wonderful family members, to all the amazing friends I made for life and to all the highest peaks and lowest valleys I experienced through my journey at USAFA, it was worth every minute. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by
Robert Frost
Management “Even if we recycle all the bottles in the ocean, that doesn’t mean that the whales still won’t die. Td like to thank God for guiding me thru.
God bless mommy, daddy, Alexys, Angela, Gary and Adrienne. To my love, Ronnie, thanks for being everything I could ever want and
need, and much more! I love you nine times over!! To the crew, Iraqi
hostage and battleball, love yahl. To my tablemates: Teriyaki chicken and chocotacos! Yeahahah I made it!!
John H. Oliphint IV
Alexander D. Paladino
Colorado Springs, CO
Issaquah, WA Biology This space was intentionally left blank.
Management “Mad Rebel,” your wisdom, confidence, and love inspire me to be the third John H. Oliphint to serve in the U.S. military-1 love you, and I won’t let you down.
Mom and Dad, the
extent of my love and gratefulness are
simply beyond words. Thanks
to Him through whom all things are new, for our gift of free will, Your
unmerited grace, and that this is
only the beginning. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
David E. Peck
Richard Brendan Ross
Civil Engineering
Winter Springs, FL
Cripple Creek, CO I just want to say thank you-thank you God for the miracle of putting me here and all You've blessed me
with, especially the love of my life, Erinn. Thank you Mom and Dad for all your love and support. Amanda,
Andrew, Hannah, and Emily you’re the best siblings ever. Thank you to all my friends here. We’ve had
really great times and some tough ones. I could not have done some
this without any of you.
Physics Thank you God. Mom, Dad, Brian-I couldn’t have gotten where I am
today without your support and guidance. Nana, Papa, Mema, and Poppy-thank you for your constant encouragement. Physics majorssee you at hbar. Danny and Jordan, what’s up what’s up-l enjoyed slappin’ da base after cruisin’ the strip on the way to your house at 88 mph. I got a surprise for you, my poker face was a hit at Cowboys. You guys are awesome. BBC.
Emma L. Rush San Antonio, TX
Management Never give up...Never surrender!
Gilbert M. Valdes
Cory “Titz” Tintzman Corvallis, MT
New York, NY
Social Science
Operations Research
I’d first like to thank God, my par-
Mom, Dad, Datten Atten, Michael,
ents, family and friends for getting
Brendan, Melanie, my Grandparents,
through the last four years. To
and Damian: I could never have ac-,
the many friends I’ve made here,
complished any of this without your love and support. Jared, Andrew, Taylor, Kelsey, Susan, Ike, Marcus,
thank you for all the good times. I have so many good memories with the Boxing team, Tough Times Don’t
and Zack:
No person could ask
Last, Tough People Do! “Stories, not
for more loyal and true friends...I
cherished every day we made it through together. “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
Albert Pine.
Andrew Trowbridge “Trow” Ward
Kelsey Lu Yip
Savannah, GA
Littleton, CO
Mechanical and Aeronautical
Biology Mom, Dad, David, and Lindsay
Engineering These last four years have finally
thanks for all the support and words
screeching halt amidst a cloud of green engineering paper and multiple pages of AIAA format papers. It was an amazing experience only a nerd like me could appreciate. I have touched the
of wisdom to help me through this
carbon fiber fan blades of a GE 90
chance, either because they're too
come to a
To my friends, you’re the
best! Thanks for everything! “Let me tell you something kid ; Everbody
gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the
turbofan and I have seen the sixth
scared, or they don’t recognize it
F136 engine being built. I dig Low-
when it spits on their shoes.”
Babe" The Sandlot
“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. as
” —
Karen Kaiser Clark
quoted by Carolyn kovqi
Chloe J. Angello
Manassas, VA
Biology “Don’t worry too much about the future-remember LIFE is what is
happening now. Enjoy the moments every day. I don’t worry that much about the future-things turn out or
things change.” Thanks Mom and Dad for all your words of wisdom over the years.
I never could have
made it without you!
Jay “Clark” Beesemyer
Cameron M. Bowsky
Reno, NV
Colorado Springs, CO Civil Engineering
Astronautical Engineering
“Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion.
You must set
yourself on fire.”-Arnold H. Glasow Thanks to my family and friends who supported and motivated me
every step of the way. I will never forget the memories or lose the friends that I have gained.
The Master said: ‘When you see a man of worth,
think how to rise
to his level. When you see an unworthy man, then look and examine yourself.'”
Confucius, The
Analects: Book IV
ber that some days you’re the bird, others you’re the statue...it takes both to value what you have.
Jon Wiley Bucey
Pittsburgh, PA Aeronautical Engineering I love my family; they support me regardless of the impacts of my stupidity. Mitches never gets better, it just switches the ingredi-
Brandon C. Burfeind
Chanhassen, MN
Computer Science Mom and Dad, thanks for being great parents and supporting me through everything these four years. Leah, Philip, and Joel, you guys
ents. Without my friends, I would have washed out of here long ago.
are the
Senior year truly is the best. With
express what you have meant to me
perspective gained comes power to change what is not right. Laugh. You can’t beat the system, but you can work it. Never slip into mediocrity. Never waste a day. The end is
these past three years.
all worth it.
Ajay P. Dua Bristow, VA; Yokosuka, Japan
Geospatial Science “Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.”
Mark Twain
Thanks for the support Mom, Padre,
Broham, and My person. See you Peeps out there.
best, I couldn’t wish for betLaura, words cannot
ter siblings.
for the rest.
I can’t wait
I love you guys. “Let
us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author
and perfecter of our faith.” -
Hebrews 12:2
Ambrose Dante Garcia
Addison B. Gentry
Roseville, CA
Sanford, CO Social Science I want to thank everyone who has
supported me in accomplishing my dream of graduating from this great institution and contributed to my
life experiences, especially Mom. I wouldn't be who I am today without those experiences. “We all wish we could erase some dark times in our
Social Science From honor probation to varsity
baseball. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Special thanks to all my close prep school friends and teammates. You all made my time here absolutely
lives. But all of life’s experiences, bad and good, make you who you are.
Erasing any of life's experi-
ences would -
be a great mistake.”
Luis Miguel
Philip I. Husk
Ashley D. Langston
Beverly, OH Systems Engineering Management First off, I thank my God, my family,
Management Brig. Gen. David “TEX” Hill once
and my friends.
said to me, “Be honest, be kind,
I would not have
Boerne, TX
made it through this place without
and be the best you can be. Follow
hard, and follow your dreams.
your dream.” Determination, in my opinion, is the keystone in achieving
Romans 8:31-39
this dream.
Believe in yourself, work
Stephen “Psycho Steve” Larson
Kevin L. LeRoux
Apple Valley, MN Management
Rockledge, FL Geospatial Science
I love you Mom and Dad, thanks for
Thanks to everyone who ever
your support. Clara, Andrew, and Sara: If I am capable of doing what
helped me to stay motivated here, especially my family and close friends. I only wish I had done more while I was here. Always work towards your goals or else you’ll
I have done, then you three are all
capable of so much more. I love you all and I know you’re going to do great things, and I’ll be there for
never achieve them.
you every step of the way. To my wrestling and football brothers, no one else earned
it like we earned it.
Go Falcons and God Bless.
Jonathan D. Miller
Sewickley, PA Computer Science Thank you Mom, Dad, David, Katie and Sarah for the endless support
Anthony C. Mitchell Eaton, OH Aeronautics Systems Engineering This space was intentionally left blank.
you’ve given me throughout these four years; I am so fortunate to have you behind me. Thank you Aunt Susie, Uncle David, Theodore, Noah and Hamilton; your house has been my second home and I’m truly
grateful for it. “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” Steve -
Michael “Mike” A. Moroz Jr.
Jason S. H. Perry
Thomaston, GA
Tuscaloosa, AL
Human Systems Engineering
Legal Studies
Thank you to my friends and family
This space was intentionally left blank.
who have always been there for me and supported me throughout life. Thank you for pushing me to be better than I currently am. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a a
good person. I wouldn’t change thing about my life. “If anything
is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also.” -
Marcus Aurelius
Derek B. Potter
Selena S. Rodts
Granite Falls, NC
Coal Valley, IL
Civil Engineering “This is a house of learn’ed men.” -
Step Brothers
Biology Thank you to my family and friends
for your unwavering support through thick and thin. Without it I wouldn’t be where or who I am today. My time here has flown by and I must
admit without my special support
team, Evan and Brandon, I don’t know if I could have made it on my I am happy to say this chapter of my life is now over, but I am more own.
excited for what is next to come.
Kyle S. Schemenaur
Woodridge, IL Geospatial Science Thanks to my family and friends for supporting me and helping me to realize my dreams.
Brett P. Troutman
Orange Park, FL Behavioral Science I want to thank my friends and
family for their continued support, particularly my parents and brothers.
I also want to thank my bros,
Nancy, and Greg for some great memories. Thank you General Cox for not kicking me out. Finally, I want to thank my grandfather for the
support he gave me while he was with us, and the inspiration he has been from above.
David J. Urban
Kyle A. Van Valkenburg
Duncanville, TX
Tucson, AZ
Foreign Area Studies
Political Science
Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O
“Life is like a pipe and I’m a tiny
man, what is good; And what does
penny rolling up the walls inside.” -Amy Winehouse. Thanks to my family; Mom, Dad, Zach, Aunt Mary Jane, Uncle Wayne, Chris, Jim, Nick, Ashley, Uncle Mike, Grandpa Mac and Grandma Peggy. It wouldn’t
the LORD require of you, but to do
justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Here’s a shout out to my awesome OCF friends: Yeah Texas!! Y’all made this place awesome and bittersweet to leave. We partied like rock stars
(but only the ones who don’t really party that much)
have been the same without you. Thanks to all the divers, you guys we’re one of the best things about
the Academy. The Mighty Barons, the Skyraiders and all of
my other friends here, I love you guys.
Adam J. Wickley
San Antonio, TX
Management Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
“//anything is within the powers and province of man believe that it is within your own compass also. Marcus Aurelius ,
quoted by Michael Moroz Jr.
David “Andy” C. Anderson
University Place, WA Basic Sciences
Well, it seems like it was quite a
long time ago when I first arrived here.
I’ve learned a lot and made
great friends along the way.
With the preparation I’ve gained from both the good and the bad ex-
periences here, I now look forward I hope I’ve been a help to at least a few people while
to life ahead.
I’ve been here, and I thank all those who have helped me.
Franklin “Frankie” Baker
Andrew “Champ” M. Beauchamp
Fairmont, WV
Dartmouth, MA
Aeronautical Engineering Who would have thought four years
These past four years flew by.
ago I would be graduating from college and going into the military to
Thanks to my family and friends
my country? To all those who made it possible, Mom, Dad, Arielle,
place. To the crew, we had some great times and made some memories: ring dance, spring break, and just leaving the Hill to find a good time. “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Dylan Thomas
Grandmas Jean and Joy, and the rest of my family, thanks for support-
ing me and my decisions through these past years. To all my friends
who helped me get through this
at the Academy, thanks for being
there and making it not that bad of a
place to be.
Morgan A. Bennett
Matthew J. Buscemi
Hudson, OH
Manteo, NC
Military History One small paragraph is not nearly enough to convey all of the thanks that I owe. I owe everything to the many people who had a hand in raising me. Thank you to my friends, family, and everyone else who was
Civil Engineering To my Mom and Dad, my three
brothers, and my fiancee, thank you so much for your support and love. “Yesterday I dared to struggle.
Today I dare to win.”
there for me whenever I needed
help, guidance, or just a laugh. “Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be
Mark Twain
Justus S. Carey
Mathew Deming
Memphis, TN
Harford, CT
Social Science
“Hey Jack, don't forget to write your senior blurb for the yearbook.”
“I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should
burn out in a brilliant blaze than it
should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow,
than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my
trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”
Jack London
Jennifer “Jenny” Ebert
Quinn D. Evans
Germantown, Wl
Panama City, FL Systems Engineering Management This space was intentionally left blar
GeoSciences I’d like to thank my family and friends for all their love and support in the last four years. Mom and Dad, you’ve been a source of unconditional love and encouragement through both the
ups and downs. Austen, your drive, honesty, and work ethic never cease to amaze me, and I am so proud of
you. Love you guys.
Tyler W. French
Jack G.M. FitzGerald
Wichita, KS
Malta, MT
Systems Engineering Management Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty & well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming, “Wow, what
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a grey twilight that knows not victory or
Theodore Roosevelt
Christopher Giacomo
Gabriel J. Guzman
Nelson, NH
Queen Creek, AZ
Aeronautical Engineering
“People crushed by law, have no hopes but from power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies
This space was intentionally left blank.
to laws; and those who have much to hope and nothing to lose, will always be dangerous” & “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edmund -
Burke, 1770 To Sarah, the family, and all my
friends, I owe you everything.
Brennan D. Jones
Colorado Springs, CO
Management The Academy has been the chal-
lenge I have wanted it to be. I am the person I was aspiring to be, and there are many I can thank for that. Mom and Dad thanks for
always being at my side and pushing me through everything. Michael thanks for taking me under your arm when things didn’t go well. Nick thanks for challenging my intellect. Evan thanks for being the person I can look up to and strive to become
Caitlin “Katie” Lynch
Aaron James Nelson-Kelley
I want to say thank you for all the
Splendora, TX Military Strategic Studies One chapter of life closes and an-
love and support that my family and
other opens. Each one better than
friends have given me during this
the last.
time in my life. I couldn’t have done
“In three words I can sum up every-
this without you. Dad and Mom
thing I’ve learned about life: it goes
thank you for all you have done
Aurora, CO Behavioral Science
Robert Frost
for me, I love you so much. To my
brothers, you all mean the world to me. Thank you all for supporting me through my adventures in these five years; I am forever grateful.
Charles Matthew Reynolds
Kevin M. Rosser
Lanett, AL
San Jose, CA
“The man of science seeks truth as a remote and unknown benefac-
Thank you for all the love and sup-
tor; he cherishes and loves it in his solitude: the poet, singing a song in which all human beings join with
him, rejoices in the presence of truth as our visible friend and hourly
port- Mom, Dad, Amy, Stuart, Team 5th, close friends, my 38 crew, and
especially all of my soccer brothers. Thank you some of the best years of my life and so many awesome
companion. Poetry is the breath and
memories. GO BIRDS!!! I'll be back
finer spirit of all knowledge; it is the
for Alumni Weekend. “It matters not
impassioned expression which is in
how straight the gate, How charged
the countenance of all science... it
with punishment the scroll, I am the
is as immortal as the heart of man.” William Wordsworth
Master of my fate, I am the Captain of my soul.” William Ernest Henley
Claudia “Yaya” Santos
Jared D. Wagner
Floresville, TX
Lebanon, PA
Engineering Mechanics Thank you Mom and Dad for helping me get through the past four
First and foremost I would like to thank God and my family for
providing the support, strength, and love I needed to get where I am I love you Mami, Papi, Chuy, and Bebe! To my friends and my “mains,” I love you and will miss
you all! PS. I wish I was taller.
years. To all my Mech Buds, I will miss all of the fun times. Hard Work Makes Dreams Come True.
“The man of science seeks truth as a remote and unknown henej tor; he cherishes and loves it in his solitude: the poet, singing a song
in which all human beings join with him, rejoices in the presence
of truth as our visible friend and hourly companion. Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge; it is the impassioned expression which is in the countenance of all science... it is as immortal as the heart of man. William Wordsworth ”
quoted by CHARLES Reynolds
David J. Arlington
Eagle River, AK Social Sciences I am indebted to all you who have
helped me get here, stay here, and finally graduate from here. I won’t ever be able to fully express my gratitude and I will never forget what you have done for me.
Garrett L. Canter
Reed A. Elsbernd
Tallahassee, FL
Macon, GA
Basic Sciences
Physics Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. God works in amazing and mysterious ways! Rob, Mike, and my other good friends and family, thank you for helping me through this place. Paul, you are the best brother I could hope for. I love
“Put your oars in the water and row.” -Dad
you mom!
Erin E. Ferderer
Joshua L. Gelsomino
Port Orchard, VIA
Glocester, Rl
Behavioral Science
Behavioral Science
Throughout these past four years, words cannot describe how truly
To the many that supported and
thankful I am for the support from
ence, I can't express my gratitude
family and friends. Dad, Mom, Julie, Ryan, Mike, and Dottie, thank you for everything. As this new chapter of my life begins, I can look forward with confidence and remember that the friends I made as well as this
institution have made me a better individual. “Today we do what others
stood by me through this experi-
I hope that I’ve enriched
your lives half as much as you’ve enriched mine. Thanks for your
encouragement, your love, and your patience through the years, and know that I feel truly blessed to have you all in my life.
won't, so tomorrow we can do what others can’t.”
Sean Andrew Flores Guerrero
Pittsburgh, PA Biology I made it here through tough love. I got through here with tough friends. As much as people complain, I love this place. Yatta!
“There is no limit to the good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Gen. George C. -
Marshall, USA. USAFA has given me many opportunities at the cost of some of my life, but I have gladly
given it.
I encourage those who
come after me to be people who de-
mand respect, and who understand that the military is about selflessness.
Good luck to all my friends
and classmates!
Matthew “Martial Arts Mayhem”
Colorado Springs, CO
Derek R. Jelinek
Everett, WA Electrical Engineering The support of my family and
friends has helped me accomplish more
here in four years than I ever
thought possible. Mom & Dad, your unconditional love helped me make it through the worst days. The experiences I have had with my friends
have made me a better person: I cannot express my gratitude.
Christopher “Koppdawg” Kop Acworth, GA Behavioral Science I want to thank my family for believing in me and being there no matter how tough this place got. I’m sure
I could not have made it without
ya’II. It's been said that the most important things in life are what you leave behind, not what you take with you; all I can say is I hope what I’m leaving behind is better than what I'm taking.
Zachary R. Landecker
Joshua “Uncle” Lapso
Monticello, MN
San Luis Obispo, CA Computer Engineering [Tommy]: A lot of people go to college for eight years. [Richard]: Yeah we call them doctors” Tommy Boy
Biology I thank my family and friends for all of their love and support throughout these past four years; it has already been a great journey and life is only about to begin. “To get what we
have never had, we must do what we’ve never done.”
Jill A. Larson
Sean Coutts Long
Dodge City, KS
Arlington, VA
Political Science
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
This space was intentionally left blank.
And do not lean on your own under-
standing. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 Thank you Mommy and Pops for -
all your love and support. Thank
you Oma and Opa for being the best sponsor family. Jace thanks for
keeping mom awake on the trips. Jami finish out these next two years
strong. I love you guys!
Joseph “The Albino Burrito” Lopez
Whitney D. Martin
Nashua, NH
Social Science and Philosophy
Management “Maybe, just once, someone will call me ‘sir' without adding, ‘you’re making a scene.'” Homer Simpson -
Billings, MT You all made it worthwhile. I am forever grateful that each of you touched my life in the way you did. “Lord of the far horizons,
Give us the eyes to see Over the verge of the sundown The beauty that is to be.” -
Bliss Carmen, Lord of the Far
Tyler G. Russon
Jonathan R. Ruiz
Papillion, NE
Fremont, CA
Social Science
Experience often teaches us what regardless,
Thanks to my family, the Preppies
our loved ones cannot;
of '06, and all my friends for their
thanks to everyone who tried. Mom
support. Aviate, Navigate, Commu-
and Dad, your encouragement and
nicate...in that order.
support were invaluable; I won’t forget you were there every step of
“The only test of an informed or
the way. Nathaniel and Matthew,
person understands how little they know.” Christopher Hitchens
God has great plans for you; seize
educated person is how much that
your futures. Friends, thanks for caring, sticking with me through good times and bad, plus everywhere in between. I love you all and thank you for your support.
Scott “Andy” Schweitzer
Macedonia, OH
Management Thank you Mom, Dad, and Kate for
all the help and support you have given me. I could not have done it without you!
William C. Shackelford II
Cristopher “Shu” Shumaker
Mascoutah, IL
Loveland, OH
Aeronautical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
“Suffering produces perseverance;
I’m so happy that I made it. I
perseverance, character; and charRomans 5: 3-5 acter, hope.”
couldn’t have done it without my
I want to thank the Lord Jesus
for His grace, love, and direction. Thank you to my mom, dad, sister,
family as well as my friends at home and at the Academy. “Happy are those who dream dreams and are
ready to pay the price to make them Leon Joseph Cardinal
family, and church for their continual
come true.”
support and love. It’s been an exciting ride, glad I got to take it with everyone I did. Remember, “It’s not who you are underneath, but what
you do that defines you.” Batman Begins
Edmund “Ed” Ward
Linea M. Stuckey
Norco, CA
Whiteford, MD
Behavioral Science
Basic Sciences
I have to admit, it’s been a rough
As all of you know this has been
long hard road for me and there many people that I want to
four years. I’d like to thank my
friends, my mom and dad and the
are so
rest of my family, and James for
thank that I can’t fit it in less than
helping me make it through. I am forever grateful for the person that this place has made me. “Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would I’d never leave.”
80 words. Most importantly I want
Winnie the Pooh
to thank my family for all their sup-
port, Mom, Dad, Reuben, Jethro, Josie and Gabe. And of course all the great guys here, Chris, Dave,
Nathan, Sam, Jelli and many more I couldn't have graduated without you guys.
Katherine “Katie” Anderson Coon Rapids, MN
Behavioral Science “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed
and broken...”-2 Corinthians 4:8-9. Thank you Lord for the many bless-
ings you have given me throughout my lifetime; I owe everything to You. Mom, dad, and Betsy thank you or all your love, guidance, and support; I couldn’t have made it this far ,
without you all. Mike, Marissa, and
Alisa, thank you for putting up with me over the years and
helping me
grow. Pistevo!
Christopher D. Carillo
William R. Baker
Edmond, OK
Fountain Hills, AZ
Aeronautical Engineering
Geospatial Science I would like to thank My Dad and Mom, Moose, Mike, Mary, Peter, and Leah, Grandparents, Aunt Becky, Uncle Jim, Uncle Frank, JC, Suzan, and Danny Curran, Paul and Adam Feliz, The Dills Family, Matt G. and Matt FI., Ryan Stuart,
I truly appreciate aeronautics, but I am truly thankful that four years after speaking up, the Lord has
finally sent us. Now, let’s go. -
Nick L., Justin N., Chad G., Sam S.,
Frank, DJ, Sean L., Grooms, Dan,
Cap, Todd S., the Kickers, Col R., and Neil for helping me through this place.
Devon “D.J.” Ford Jr.
Michael P. Dobransky
Willmar, MN
St. Louis, MO
Aeronautical Engineering
System Engineering Management
Dad, Mom, Joe, and Daniel, thank
“Reach for the Moon Because Even
you for the incredible support you
if you fail, you will still land somewhere between the stars.”
have given me over the last four
years. To my friends, it’s been a privilege to have known you over
Vince Lombardi
these past four years and I look forward to serving with you.
“Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. Gen. George S. Patton
Brittney L. Garrett
Jim “Indiana James” Godfrey
Temecula, CA
Quincy, IL History
Behavioral Science Thanks to God and all the family
“Freedom is never more than one
and friends who got me through this
generation away from extinction.
place. Now on to the next challenge... “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
We didn’t pass it to our children in
-Abraham Lincoln
the bloodstream. It must be fought
for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” -
Ronald Reagan
Christopher “Gigs” Horn
Peter D. Guzowski
Athens, GA
Tiffin, OH
Systems Engineering Management This space was intentionally left blank.
Biochemistry To my family: I love you all. I couldn't have done it without your
support through these four years.
Brock F. Logan
Sean A Lipkin
Gladewater, TX
Centennial, CO
Operations Research I don’t have enough space to adequately thank the people who have helped me through this place. To my family, you have always
To my Mom and Dad, I couldn’t have made it through the Academy without you. To all my friends, the
Horse, L’ rein, Vegas, and my true fascination of 119 ridges, you truly made life here unique. Thanks to
been there for me. I will miss you all dearly, more than I can possi-
To my
the Academy for all the places I
bly convey through words.
have been, the people that I have
friends, I’ll never forget you. Good
met, and the future that I hold. Do
luck to all of you in the future, and I
what you love and live everyday like
hope our paths cross frequently!
it’s your last, because one of these
days, you will be right.
Christopher M. Lovas
Hercules, CA
Basic Sciences
Systems Engineering Management Mom, Dad, family, P10, Jon, Dorn,
It took five years, but I finally made it! To the lives I’ve changed and
whose lives changed me, and to all my friends-thank you for helping me make it through and for the
amazing experiences. Michael, Stephen, and John-you are the reason
Maxine E.T. Lucas
Waukesha, Wl
I come home and I love you!
Jakz, Chan: thank you for the prayers, love and support. My enlisted buddies: thanks for the suppor
though I “crossed to the dark The experiences and memories are what helped made this place
bearable. There’s no way I can neve
Mom, there’s no way I can thank
forget “the little people” or where
you enough for listening to me, and for giving me strength, encourage-
thank you for being my other Moms.
ment, and unending love. I love you
[All others] Thanks for the memories!
forever! John 15:13
I came from. Tita ImeldaA/ioletta:
Lauren K. McKinnon
Houston A. Nelson
Haddam, CT
Nashville, TN
Civil Engineering
Behavioral Science
Always, be true to your heart so in the end you will never feel like you
cheated yourself.
Thanks to Mom and Dad (RIP), my
good friends, and amazing teachers for getting me through; cruise frosh year; scrubs; rugby; fishing with
shovels; Samantha, Sabrina, and
Sally ride together; HRTKMMCB; cookie monster fight; Halo/Zombie nights at Club Milligan; holes in walls; throwing Christmas tree; three bears: cashville summers; operation black top; chopping up in
turkey; ghosts
the darkness; shower time;
club; where is she!?; Phillipians 4:13
William D. Percoski
Cameron L. Ross
Belleville, Wl
Denver, CO
Space Operations
American History I want to thank God for the amazing
First and foremost, thank you Mom,
Dad, Gram and Gramps. Looking back, I’ve come a long way. In my first year here, my old roommate,
Spencer Shibler told me to “Never forget where you came from.” And so, I thank all of my friends, family, and mentors who helped me along the way. I will never forget... for this truly is a great place to come from.
opportunities and blessings he has given me throughout my time here, his love is amazing! Fam, you guys are the best! To all
my friends and
homies, I love you guys more than words can express! Thanks for all
the salsa, bible studies, rocking
out, and After-show-re-run-fun! Just
experiencing life with you cats was wicked fun! For the basketball fellas, it was a wild ride but you guys made it worth it!
Chad “Chims” Rubin
Daniel R. Shea
Lancaster, PA
Eagle River, AK Biology
Operations Research Thanks to everyone who made the
I would like to thank His Noodliness
past four years possible. Here’s to good times for years to come.
the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
could not have graduated without the strength and comfort of His
Noodly Appendage. “Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.” Napoleon Bonaparte -
Samuel G. Smith
Arvada, CO
Military History
Foreign Area Studies Never give in to pressure to abandon good morals, no matter the personal cost.
“If you will it, dude, it is no dream.” -
Christie Marie Taylor
Ronald C. Todd III
Tigard, OR
Lawton, OK
Behavioral Science
Systems Engineering Management I would not have made it through
“Hey Jocelyn... they didn't kick us out!”
Patrick A. Solheid
Waynesfield, OH
without the love and support of my friends, sponsors, family, and God. Thank you. That said, RIP
Safari, Quad Raves, elk bomb,
R(J)HTMKMCB, 30 times, Ra the Sun God, Chronicles of Carebear,
Casa Bonita, Octoberfest, club
Milligan, Raspian, Barbara Ann, Beastmaster, Caw Caw, snuggies, Lukkkkkeee, Ring Dance, Ukraine, Prom, techno, cross fit, victory lap, Pam the blam, and roof jumping.
Daniel M. Walker
William Weindel
Arlington, TX
San Francisco, CA
Political Science
"It's all about the bucks kid. Ev-
I fought this place for so long... I
erything else is just conversation.”
fought myself and God even longer. In the end, I lost to them all, yet still
Gordon Gekko.
found the meaning of each. Thank
Shout out to all the Bros and Buds
you to everyone who stood by my
that made is possible. Mom, Dad
side; I love you mom and dad!
and Sis thanks for the Support.
EconFrat, Gun Runners, Cali Sun,
Daytona. 94th, 1465. Live Forever Young
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,
protected and handed on for them to do the same. ,
” —
Ronald Reagan
quoted by Jl M Godfrey
with the
(Right) Wearning a gift from a cadet, a hat, LeAnn Rimes heats up the stage on a cold winter
night during her Jan. 22 concert in
Arnold Hall. po ballad women
She dedicated her up-tem-
"Strong" to the service men and
present in the audience.
Cadets perform in the Blue Bards fall musi-
cal. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Left) Fourthciassmen Kelly 0'||rady builds a gingerbread house at Winterfest 2009 in Arnold Hall. I Photos
by Amie
Fun and Funny
(Above and below) Comedians Hasan
Minhaj and Tracey Ashley entertain cadets with good humor.
They were
among a joke-heavy line-up for the C.O.R.E. concert series in 2009-2010.
£a*ino Fe*t £eptem&er 25, 2009 7J30 pm
j^fiROTHERV FROM PlFFERENT MOTHER V CtOMEPlAN*) October 23, 2009 7530 pm Holipay Fe*t
Pecem&er 5, 2009
7'30 pm
Pan Ahpoot C6omepian)
January 15, 2010 7130 pm Tracey A*hiey (&omepian) January 15, 2010
7130 pm
Sit Down for Stand Up
(Above) Dan Ahdoot adds more good humor to cadets' lives while (below) the Dynamic Duo entertains students with “Slam
£anpy £o&urn Country Pop/Rock February 19, 2010
7530 pm
Ha*an Minhaj C£omepian)
Pynamic Puo C^lam Poetry) April 9, 2010
7130 pm
Tuning In (Left) Candy Coburn s treats cadets to her country-pop-rock show. The singer was C.O.R.E.’s
only music act until the grad
week’s cadet Jamboree.
Top* in Blue (Variety £how) Aucu*t 23, 2009 Penni* Miller (6omepian) September 19, 2009 In the Moop (Theatrical Revue) Ostomr 16, 2009
£amelot (Musical) November 6, 2009 Tops in Blue (Above) The musical Airmen show their stuff with song, dance and musical instruments.
10 Tenor* (£hri*tma* £how) November 10, 2009
LeAnn Rime* (Country Mu*ician) January 22, 2010 Pink Floyp Experience (Rock Tribute) February 5, 2010 Ie £ranp Cirque (Preci*ion $kill) March 5, 2010
Camelot and In the Mood
(Above) Lancelot and Guenevere bring the fabled story of
King Arthur to the Arnold hall stage and singers and dancers get patrons “In the Mood” (right) for a theatrical review. The shows brought Broadway-style culture to the Academy.
M ;
Tops in Blue
(Right) Talented Airmen from around the Air Force team up to bring their annual variety
show to entertain. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
In the Mood
(Above) Trumpets lead the way during a theatrical review offered by In the Mood.
Dennis Miller
(Above) The well-known comedian and
political humorist hits the Arnold Hall crowd with his politically insightful but sometimes blunt commentary.
Le Grand Cirque
(Left) AcrolSts treat patrons to ay
dazzling array of precision stunWand athletic prowess amidst the brash colors and costumes. I Photos by Amie
LeAnn Rimes
(Above) Cadets make the country diva feel at home showering her with and an invitation to was declined
Ring Dance (which
|Dierks Bentley l(Left) Country artist Dierks Bentley and warm-up act Hays jCarll join the Academy Concert series as an unscheduled, lateIseason addition.
10 Tenors
(Above and left) The 10 Tenors treat Arnold Hall attendees to a wealth of musical talent.
Academy Concerts
Beauty and the Beast (Top five photos) Blue Bards treated graduation week guests to their musical telling of the
story of
Belle and the beastly prince who imprisoned her father complete with magical kitchenware
May 20,1
22 and 23.1 Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Clockwise from above) Bell and her father, Logan Clarke and Michael Scott, sing “No Matter What.” Alex Hillman, The Beast, performs “If I can’t Love Her.” The Radhika Ranaweera as the candlestick
invites Bell to “Be our Guest.”
Ryan Hess, as
Gaston, sits among the adoring local women while Joe Lopez as LaFou, sings “Gaston.”
Katy Moffet
brings Mrs. Potts to life
A Night of One Acts (Bottom three photos) Blue Bards produced a variety show featuring seven short skits
Feb. 22 and 23.1 Photos by Amie Spencer
(From left'
pl,j a
and D
‘0 Joe Lopez, Zach Ratkovich and Kyle Schory perform “The Philadel-
mdler leads the Improv group called “Fourth Wall.” Ratkovich, Schory .iernan bring “Words, Words, Words” to Arnold Hall.
Blue Bards
(Left) In order to gain full acceptance into the Cadet Wing, freshmen endure grueling
days of Recognition training. Several days of extra exercise combined with lessons in
leadership and military heritage results in the award of Academy prop and wings to the fourthclassmen. wear
(Above) Cadets
their parade day best for a home-
coming formation on the Terazzo. I Photos
by C1C Luke Connolly
mach L>l1t? The emblem in the shape of a spearhead and bordered in
black, has two colored fields, the upper green and the lower black. A black diagonal strip edged in white separates the fields. A black Maltese cross trimmed in white is on the green field and a
gold griffin
is on the black field. "First Takes
Care of its Own" is written in black letters on a gold scroll beneath the black field. The griffin symbolizes the search for the treasure from intruders.
1 Joshua M Auerbach Matthew D Beath Jesus J Beltran Jason P Breaux
Angelica R Canales Ryan M Cobb Tobias G Dirks Sean M Dronen
Michael G Dunn Derek N Fiebig
Jessica C Fischer
Christopher F Fleming Damian T Franz
Kyle T Goldsmith Jacob L Highfil Greg E Hoyt Kazden K Ikehara Daniel J Klimkowski
Stephen N Krieger Steven D Lauver Keisha F Salandy Travis FI Sebree
Christopher W Severino Liam M Stein
Matthew A Tasin Forrest K Whitfield Evan D Wise
Margarita Zhukov
Cadet Squadrons ssseKf ■.ssssHf-'■
Blaize E Angelet Robert F Belz
Bethany P Blackburn Michael J Brown
Spencer H Buck Christopher L Carte Chia-Hsien Chao David A Cleveland-Hadley Michael D Cousins
Ryan B Critchfield James M Dunlop Paulo M Dutra
Joseph H Early IV Michael D Hauser
Jeremiah L Haynes
Lindsey M Heath Catherine M Kiyota Alexa K Landreaux
Victoria M Martinez Michael J McKinley Rachel M Reeder
Christopher R Remsing Aaron J Schuetze
Alexander A Schultheiss
Kyle E Schwochow Janai N Singletary
Ryan S Taylor Kaila M Weber Kaitlin A Werling Zheng Zhong
Edward S Alexander Alison A Balutowski Alexander C Beveridge Adam J Brakeville Davis T Brush
Johncarlo A Buitrago Rolanda Burnett Jr. Nicholas A Clayton
Philip A Conte Heather C Diniz Brendan K Donovan
Zachary J Francis Kurt J Hakola John D Hopkins
Brandy A Jayne Paul C Kim
Buddy C Kinder CarloAMancini Alyssa J Manwaring Garret M Martin Lee R Morris
Lindsey C Mueller Christopher G Nelson Marko Podplatnik Thomas C Popp
Creighton V Scovil Craig R Stan Brennan J Sweeney Laurel K Tracy Cameron D Vickroy Nicolas O Watson Shandiin J West John M Wetzig
Jeremiah G Williams Alan P Wooldridge Jr.
Cadet Squadrons
The patch is a large circular
emblem with a thin silver border. A banner inscribed with the word
"DEUCE" sits on top of the circle. From a white contrail on a black
field emerges the Roman numeral II. A red and blue contrail, pro-
duced by two jet aircraft frame the white contrail. The red, white and blue contrails represents the colors of the American flag. The "II" identi-
ties the Second Cadet Squadron. The black background signifies the vastness of space. The planes
originating from the top of the field denote humanity's conquest of space. The three contrails represent the three areas in which all cadets strive to excel: Military, academics, and athletics. This patch,
and first used by the Second Cadet
Squadron in 1972, is the third patch worn by its members.
James J Albano Jae J Bae Joel N Bateman
David P Beatty Andrew R Buttitta
Robert J Caulkins
Bradley J Connor Michael A Duenes
David S Gray Jessica N Hellmann Kallen L Judah
Bryan M Koenig Emersyn G Lara Joshua D Lemair Kurt A Lemmen Trisha Penrod
Evan M Porter Moises Rendon Palmer F Roux III
Kelly E Spencer Darrell B Strovers
Christopher R Thomas Kristin R Ware
Raphael E Watson Tyler P Wright Kyle D Yohe
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Simone E Barrette
Joseph P Boyle Julian T Broaddus Scott A Brooks Michael A Butler
Casey R Cardwell Meredith A Dilley Jon P Escamilla
Andrew S Fuller
Ryan J Gardner Woody S Go David C Hein
Stephen D Keck Thomas T Kirwan John F Melcher IV Kenneth A Neal
Kody L O’Connell Devin P Patterson Austin D Pershke
Eric P Phillips Jared C Powell
Raymond Y Revell Lauren N Shetley Thomas L Spangler Emma M Stone David S Takahashi
Tranay L Tanner Zachary C Tubb Meagan A Wyngarden
2013 Julie CAhn
Matthew J Bell
Kelsey K Berger Shayne J Boyd Jennifer A Cains Andrew M Calloway
Wesley P Cobb Cory D Concha Matthew M Cooper Jeffrey W Downie Megan S Edson Bradley J Frost
Michael A Gartee Brandon T Hirneise
Ryan F Hogan Natalie J Justice Matthew L Kluckman John C Lavengood
Brandon M Leet
Kyle T McCabe Patrick T McGunagle Daniel B Neal
Suzann G Nordquist Nicholas A Owen Ian D Pryce Allen R Revels Jr.
William G Shaw Derek T Smith Loren N Vanrassen
Stephen J Welling Jeffrey D Williams
Cadet Squadrons
The prominent feature is a lunging,
silver, three-headed dog. Behind the dog are three red columns rest-
ing on a red pedestal. Across the tops of the columns is a red lintel
bearing the word "Cerberus." Silver bands edge the base and the
top of each of the three columns. Behind the columns is a yellow fire accented with red. Cerberus is the
gods' three-headed watchdog with the tail of a dragon or a serpent; the three heads symbolize the
qualities of loyalty, obedience and fearlessness.
Rachael L Arthur
Kaylyn C Arvidson Matthew W. Barattino
Van-Ryan J Belanger Zachary A Borg James E Carson Chase J Darden Jason D Gabrick
Nathaniel W Gilbert Ian N Ignatiev Samuel C Johnson Brennan K Lawson
Travis A Lyon Alexander J Meyer
L 1 w
Andrew R Miller
Cody Moorhead Kyle B Nelson Wesley H Osborn Thomas L Pressley Sara K Puckett
Philip A Rancourt Bradley R Sapper Vai A Schierholtz
Matthew T Siegel Dustin P Smail Paul T Stanley Krystal A Sweitzer Trever S Symalla Carrie L Tengelsen Liliana G Urrego Charles J Wasson
Cadet Squadrons
2312 Mason T Armstrong
Bryce T Bergman Jonathan D Broadbent Lauren M Carter
Sheldon C Clary Caleb S Cole
Raymond C Crone III Thomas C Davis Jr.
Derek J Ecklebe
Corey A Eddy Michael R Fleming Cody J Gentry Jorge Gonzalez Jr. Caitlin M Gregory Matthew J Ibarra
Shelley R Johnson Samantha C Jones Patrick H Joseph Jonathan F Kimball Andrew C Konemann
Jamie R Levesque David A Lucas II
Christopher A Maloney Allison A Marx
Henry F Niemeyer III Mengyuan Qiu Sheila R Sherman Dennis T Smith
Ryan S Sol Ethan G Still Michael S Wojdan
Calvin J Woodard
2013 Eric M Artman Kevin G Bess Andrew Bettinger Renee R Bohac Danielle M. Cortez
Garrett J Custons Darrell L Dancy Pasach G Dehue
Joshua B Dunn
Sophia M Epps Ryne D Hanson James A Hurley IV Robert G Isley Kevin P Jackson Lauren G Kolod Robert N Kouwe
Michael A Leland Francis A Marges
Michael T McCoy Gabriel B Narvaez Daniel E Nissen
Meagan M Ostrander Michael D Radosevich
Kyle D Rasmussen Spencer P Rhoton Krzysztof J Ryszka Justin T Smith
Matthew S Sullivan
Madilynn E Viens Benjamin C York
Cadet Squadrons
A white contrail, originating from
infinity, passes through the center of the "4" and emanates from a
pair of silver prop and wings. A
light blue starburst sits behind the prop and wings.
"Fightin' Fourth"
is the squadron motto. The motto
"Fightin' Fourth" was given to the squadron in recognition of the squadron's defense of the falcons against mascot thieves at Lowry Air Force Base, Colo. The bold printing
symbolizes the pride and polished attitude of each squadron member. The prop and wings symbolize an upperclass cadet.
Gold, blue,
silver, and red represent the four
Academy class colors. This patch is a symbol to all Fourth
grads of the unifs winning tradition, Erol-George S Asu Anthony J Belviso Sean S Bertsch Matthew S Brew
Monique A Cazares Curtis E Christensen Erin M Flanigan Jack C Forrester Mark G Gaudette
Lyndsey L Horn James L Leli
Christopher A Lester Robert G Menzel
Sarah E Mueller
Raychel A Poremski Kyle N Rimando Keenan R Ryner Michael J Sayers
Tyler M Schonsheck Kyle A Smith James L Spidel William B Waugaman Chad L Weaver Derek B Worth
Ryan A Zielinski
Cadet Squadrons
2312 Cody W Abies Amanda P Atitya Linden B Ballen Jason E Besecky
Matthew R Bleckman Corbin J Boyles Hannah A Campbell Daniel J Castro
Anthony D Demma Shawn T Emery David A Granato Harrison M Green Andrew J Haus Matthew W Hendrickson Travis S Martinez Brett J McKinnon
John P Mendez
Timothy A Miller Bridgett M Murphy Michael E O’Donnell
Ashley D Olson Joanna K Pattugalan Alexa A Ramsier
Timothy A Reid Samuel P Rinaldi Nathaniel W Roesler
Joseph D Shields Timothy W Smith Daniel Y Won Enoch T Wong
Jennifer G Bremser Karl A Burnett Lee G Bussey Erik D Clark
Shane D Cox David A Dunkel Aaron W Dyke
Rhianna-Katherine Farm Robert J Gasper Steven E George Daniel P Gregory Michael T Harrington Stephannie Hernandez-
Ruberte Thomas B Ishmael Austin E Jones Daniel R Katz
Henry M Krukowski Jr. Jessica E Laucher
Caleb S Maclachlan Connor P McKinney Jonathan M O’Neill James T Okamoto
Collin E Payne
Angela M Phillips
Gregory X Renner Matthew F Roberts William V Smedley Andrew W Stueckemann
Ralph K Tatum Wolf I Thielmann Joshua D Thomas
Stephanie M Wells Cooper J Zielinski
Cadet Squadrons
A blue semicircular field, placed
at an angle on the upper half of the patch, shows a camouflaged F-4 Phantom jet. A snarling gray
wolf's head rests on the cockpit of the aircraft, and a red numeral
"5" is located on the fuselage to the right of the wolf. The patch
signifies the squadron's association with the famous "Wolfpack"
wing, led in Southeast Asia by Brig. Gen. Robin Olds; the fierceness,
professionalism and dedication to duty demonstrated by the
is emulated the Fifth Squadron
cadets. The F-4 Phantom and the wolf indicate the cunning and te-
nacity used by General Olds' forces and the high degree of spirit
Scott M Addy Jade E Best
Hugh M Black IV Lantz W Casey John R Connelly William T Dallas Gavin M Fluhart Alexander Jack
John A Kerr Joel T Kraus Chase E Lane Elliot C Loper Christopher J McCool
Stephen J Miller Nathaniel Moyer Marvin G Poquiz Stevie A Puentes Adrian Ramos Sanchez
Reginald B Rembert Eric J Robinson Patrick S Ryan Rachel E Simmons Y B Yatawara
Cadet Squadrons
Zachary L Bennett Madison Chilton Brack W Duvall
Andrew J Ferris Eli AGarduno
Daniel T Harold Fumiko E Hedlund
Sarah E Hunt
Thomas G Jack Matthew J Lee
Ryan C Lutz Hanna B Marlette
Sean P McGee Kenneth A Natelli
Jonathan C Newman Aadit A Patel
Samantha B Reep
Benjamin L Rinaldi Brandon L Roberts Jamela D Satterfield Michael A Sattes David P Shadoin
Brittany B Szewc Ryan C Trudelle James C Ure
Vicente N Vasquez Dartanian T Warr
Bryan Y Watson Tyler D Weissinger Weston E Woldt
Alex M Zubey
Kschristopher M Anda Evan D Blazevic David L Bosner Erin J Brown Ian A Butler
Anthony J Cummings Kevin C Durr Richard R Edwards
Nicholas E Espinoza Aaron S Gibson
Alexandra B Goodwin Janie E Gray
Kyle R Green Casey B Hancock Ryan L Hartz Sean S King
Ryan D Kunce Josiah I Lane
1 fl
¥ l-
Megan E Lewis Sophia C Lockerby Samuel F McNeil Brian M Meehan
Christopher J Olson Andrew P Pineda Joel V Reyes
Luke J Richardson Ethan J Smith
Christopher M Thompson William H Trevathan
Cody A Verge Samuel H Ward Steffan M Wilcox Esther D Willett Sean L Zoufaly
Cadet Squadrons
The bright red patch, a circle bordered in white, shows a large,
boldly printed white "6" located in the center. A ferocious black
bull, snorting a white cloud, leaps
through the circular opening at the bottom of the six. The huge black
bull, the Sixth Squadron's mascot
symbolizes strength, courage, determination, perseverance and te-
nacity. The bright red background adds to the glory of the bull. This is the original squadron patch.
Lyndy E Axon Kyle O Bailey Jennifer A Bandi Jennifer A Barbee David L Barron Mark P Bell Patrick K Doyle
David E Eng Jessica D Gentry Michael N Glatthar Richard J Kim Derrick W Luken
Kimberly B Madorran Randolph J Mann Edward H Miller Vincent C Miranda Travis P Nelson James R Nichol
Douglas E Parrish Jasper D Simmons Allan J Smith Grace L St Clair
Devon A Ussery Garrett T Wilson
Cadet Squadrons
3012 Russell T Ahrens David G Baccash
Christopher J Brown Vincent J Capra Colby D Chaput Morgan E England Harrison C Gebs
Dustin L Hayhurst
Timothy Jefferson Jr. Henry H Kehs Jennifer M Kinsey Aaron J Koveleskie
Tristan A Latchu William J Lawrence Travis J Lund Daniel A Nelson
Anthony G Pompa Sarah J Radakovich Paulina K Rudolph
Daniel K Rule
Benjamin D Sowers Andrew J Spalla Bryan G Stigall Cesare A Szur
Nicole M Torres Susan R Vanden Dries
Tyler J Vaughn Joanna R Voss
John D Welch
Ryan C Williams Jeffre K Wood
2013 Isaiah M Alley Jordan K Bolster
Lindsey A Byrd Nathaniel R Cameron Daniel H Chen
Corey M Davis Ian J Day Clayton J Elliott Daniel W Frymire
Kenneth T Gipson Jr.
Bethany A Gross Gregory A Hodgkins Monica R Hottle Nathan M Jones
Zachary B Laird Alexander D Lerda-Plog Amanda K Maclean Matthew C Melhado Elisabeth Mellado
Anthony G Navaroli Adelae B Riley Max D Robertson
Christopher A Ruiz Travis C Smith Patrick D Sparks Daniel J Thompson
Zachary Watkins Alexander P Williams Dustin R Wilson Micah D Winkley
Laura N Young
Cadet Squadrons
Integrity First Service Befor Excellent
The patch is a royal blue equilateral
triangle, bordered in gold, standing on its vertex. A white unicorn,
features outlined in blue, stands in the center. A golden lightning bolt
overlaps the unicorn and forms
the shape of a large seven. The
large and powerful unicorn signifies
strength. This mythological animal
virtually invincible in battle.
The blue field behind the unicorn
V' -vsS*'
stands for fidelity and relates the Seventh Squadron to the Air Force. The gold border stands for valor and its golden rewards. The seven,
shaped from a lightning bolt, symbolizes the speed with which the Air Force strikes in battle. This is the
original squadron patch.
Alexander J Arndt Nehemiah F Bostick Sean M Christy
Brendan R Cleary Amanda L Davis
Kipp C Druecke Ross M Elder Patrick K Gould
Michael D Harrison Ian J Hocking
Joshua T Ku Elizabeth A Levri Kevin R Lewis Ben J Mathewson
William I McAngus Elliot M Noon
Taylor J Olson Kyle S Rich Jonathan C Ryherd Elizabeth A Scarberry Amber R Sells John M Simkus
Jennifer L Simoneau
Gray M Thompson Nathaniel E Thuli
Brittany L White
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Aaron T Ashley Michael P Beaulieu
Diana N Bennett Matthew C Blessing Patrick K Burke Joshua J Burton
Stephen D Caple Caroline L Dluzen
Christina D England Patrick J Everson
Colton P Flynn Maurice J Grosso
Philip J Leppo Joseph P Matejcik Bryan P McCarthy Allison K Paddock
Jamaal A Paul Robert A Raynor Colton J Reid Kevin Restrepo Michael A Rubanka Jr.
Joseph W Springfield Teresa H Vrana James L Walmsley
Jeremy C Webb Paul A Weisgarber Seth N White
Leila J Abdulrazaq Anthony R Amaddio Joshua L Archer
Jonathan E Beabout
Ryan F Boedeker Britni A Carroll
Joshua P Casey
Gyan N Das Jacob R Decklever Nicholas R Engberg Cody H Felipe
James K Godwin
Christopher J Gresham Sarah C Haas
Thomas S Heikkinen
Stephen R Johnson David M Jorgenson
Nicholas S Lazos
Nicholas M Lundin Eric M Millen Catherine E O’Brien Matthew J Patrick Alexandra M Prusko Kevin J Rossillon
Shelby A Schaefer Tyler M Spangler Julian R Stark
Joshua D Stemen Ranee A Thompson Michael S Yemane
Cadet Squadrons
The F-l 5 was the newest interceptor in the Air Force inventory, and
the words eagle and eight begin with the same letter. The ghost
gray color, along with the plane's
leading edge, is the color used by the Air Force Aggressor squadrons. The four colored stars represent the four classes at the academy. The
patch symbolizes Eighth Squadron's aggressiveness in intercepting and destroying its enemies.
Kevin D Allum
Kyle B Ames Mario R Avila Diaz
Carmilya N Boykin Richard F Casburn III Aaron H Cho David S Clark Derek E Clowes
Joel A Corapi Kenneth P Costello
Ryan T Curry Grant R Dilley
Emily I Frick Marie C Gaudreault
Erin P Green Jason B Harris
Alexander J Horn Jared M Jaime
Anthony W Langdon Andrew P Lee Kaleb R Marsh
Merry N Miller Jonathan M Plyler
Tyler D Ringwald Peter J Tarvin Jon W Wikstrom
Lisa Y Wong
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Charles G Bowyer Christopher D Cassidy Nicholas R Cataldo Matthew E Clinard
Ryan J Cooney Christopher S Dyer Wyatt N Dyer William T Friedl
Timothy Hartford Steve B Jones Jr.
Logan C Lastovica Samantha E Latch Nicholas A Manning Erika L Martin
Jennifer L Millis Jared L Morris
Jennifer M Parker Cassandra M Pederzani Nathaniel D Raymond Nicholas K Reed Theodore H Reicks
Ryan R Siebert Warren C Smith Jr. John W Stribling Shaina G Thompson
Philip N Valenzo Jordan K Waiwaiole Melvin N White
Ryan E Adams Alexander S Albertson Rafael Alicea Trevor P Anhder
Edward J Artz Daniel M Beckman
Joseph H Box Darrell J Cherf
Kelsey M Collier Don W Dennert II William C Douglass
Christopher D Fabian Dillon T Fisher John H Greenwood
Layne H Harrod Charles A Heredia Shawn D Hibbard Brian J Kane John R Lepird
Regina G Loucks Erin M McAlister Alex V Means
Christian E Minnick Nathan L Pelc Kevin A Sack Alexis T Sanchez
Christopher C Stephens Michael L Tibbs II
Kenneth K Tona Michael J Wong
Cadet Squadrons
vikingfljf|£ Within the octagon, a Viking ship sails away on a bright orange-
rayed sun in the background. A royal blue flag flies from a mast
stretching upward from the deck of the ship. "VIKING," printed in
royal blue, is to the left of the flag. The dragon symbolizes the power and tenacity that characterized
the Vikings, early explorers of the vast seas. The Vikings often sought
adventure and were courageous in their exploration of uncharted lands around the globe.
Elliot A Battle
Evan N Bialk
Jonathan S Bradley Laura J Buster David G Cotter
Mary E Dunsworth Daniel C Fang Dayne M Foote Brennan M Gallagher Sam B Harriger Daniel J Hess
Krystie A Kasperson Anthony J Morosco Marshall L Nye Tyler D Oar Kaitlin F Otto
Sarah C Petersen
Anthony D Ressel Scott T Ross Michael J Saeger Joel A Sanders
Geoff M Simkin James J Taggart
Matthew D Wharton
Thomas G Wood Jr.
Cadet Squadrons *•«'-
2)12 Nicholas B Barrett Kirsten A Buslinger
Nathan R Erickson Andrew W Franklin William M Giguere Julian R Gluck Jared A Goodin Joshton G Hall
David T Heitstuman
Kathleen S Hitt Rachael L Holderle
Casey V Horgan Shayne P Hulce Shawn G Johnson
Ryan S Kolesar Russell I Long Justin A Lukso
Tyler W McCullough Mark P Nelsen
Kyle L Phillips Thomas J Pitcher
Margaret A Powers Steele A Rackley Joshua M Rodriquez
Taylor H Swope Daniel J Tenpas Kristen L Terry John H Walitsch
Nicholas E Watts Eric C Wilson
Michael D Woolfolk
Carly A Allison Jimmy LAIor Eric J Amos Todd C Brandenburg
Montana W Collie
Shelby A Crandall Matthew L Destito Ian P Ferguson Robert W Ferrell
Clayton D Gable Zachary R Grove Chan Y Han
Kathryn M Hilbig Justin M Hillstrom Kenneth L Johnson Jr.
Briana V Jones Andrew J Kacura-Miller Marshall D Kay Brian K Lagrange
Ryan M Lombardo Michael T Mauro Jr. Rebekah S McKenna Derek W Monjeau Austin J Niklas
Maiya Perich Samuel K Riehn Nicholas R Santoro Adam H Stoll Kristen A Suhrhoff John P Uehlin
Ryan T Umberger
Christopher J Valencia Spencer G Weide Scott D Wooden Matthew T Zettler
2013 Cadet Squadrons
The patch is a circle of sky blue bordered in black. It shows the head of snarling tiger at its center. Four white lightning bolts spring from the tiger's head. A white cloud sits immediately above the tiger's
head, and a white Arabic numeral "10" is a the bottom of the patch. The tiger, the supreme symbol of
tenacity and aggressiveness, was chosen by the 10th Squadron to
symbolize the tradition of the Flying
Tigers of World War II. The lightning bolts and cloud symbolize power
and the horizons open to members of the squadron. This is the
2011 James W Anderson IV Keil M Bartholomew Raimee H Beck William C Bradford
Jerry D Carroll III Charles J Cole II Tamara A Duff
Kyle A Foley Daniel M Flan Sean C Flarrison Jason W Flolland Peter S Florban
Megan E Floskins Joshua J Johnson
Sergio C Lozano Robert M Lystrup Richard S Mazen Andrew J Owens
Kyle E Palmer Jeffrey M Parlee Reed E Ragsdale Sarah Smith Daniel K Trapani Luke M Travis
Kevin R Uniacke Jr. Jennie S Wood
Desbah R Yazzie
Cadet Squadrons
squadron patch. There may be a distinct color variation
blue background
a dark
on one version.
2312 Daniel A Ayala
Wesley S Baker Jared S Barkemeyer David C Behr
Zachary T Blasdel Grant Boehme
Kaitlyn J Bogan Stormi L Brewer
Christopher K Chua Robert D Cilia
Cheyne N Clark Benjamin S Crider Erin R Dannemeyer Daniel P Dwyer IV Landon R Grover
Ashley E. Hand Daniel P Hayes Daniel R Hughes
Kyle M Johnson Sean Knowles Kevin A Loudermilk Tess A O'Neill
Brittany S Rucker Erik B Ruiz
Colton D Serilli Nathan A Wells Kelvin J Winter Lance F Wu
Nathan D Badger Johnathon P Bramble Richard S Brockington Sean C Carley
Chia-Hsuan Chen Candita L Curcio James J Dills Deanna M Flemings
Anthony J Foraker Brian B Ford
Daniel J Gieck Jonathan G Hagan
Conor J Hogan
Kimberly N Hopkin Adam Howard
Seth N Kesler Alex B Lorenzo Leon Lowman III Jacob W Magdziarz
Matthew L Millikin
Meaghan A Moore Ryan M Moran Howard B Phelan William H Ross
Bradley A Schneider Jonathan K Shaw Danielle B Sorrera
Anthony D Sullivan Emily R Tholen Benjamin J Van Horn Ramon A Villanueva Cole L VonOhlen
Kyle P Werner Desiree E Wilson
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Jeffrey M Allen Alex E Biglow Jon J Birmingham Kory J Carpenter Alexander H Choi
Thomas J Fow Katie M Gorbacz
Timothy J Hammerle Jr. Nicholas R Hoogervorst Drew R Ives
Jonathan M Lewis Robert L Lloyd Matthew J Luman
Drew W Martin Shawn M McDonald Daniel S Mosher
Timothy J Nichols Daniel J Parker
Nicole R Rubeck
Casey A Shotwell Dustin J Soriano Jessie M Stimpson John R Tilton
Sammy O Tongoi Adrienne C Torielli Katherine I Vrana
2D12 irV LH Chad E Aukerman
Lindsey A Barber James Beissner Richard G Boyle Kurt D Brill Christina M Cassabaum
Alison M Ceranski
Layne N Clawson Steven G Eberl Chelsea D Esenwein
Andrew C Eslinger
Joshua H Freeman Phaelen A French David M Friday Stephen A Gillespie Morgan J Grohol Shawn J Hempsey Ryan W Henderson Sean M Herbison Eric Y Hwang Matthew C Keith
Benjamin G Kopacka Bethany A Marley iristopher D Morehouse Christina E Salley
Spencer R Snow Wesley D Stowe Tyler C Untrauer Joshua C White
Cadet Squadrons
The patch consists of a white equilateral triangle, bordered in red,
superimposed on a circular blue field. A red Arabic numeral "11" sits on silver prop and wings at the center. The triangle superimposed upon the circle is borrowed from the 6th Bomb Wing, the original
squadron sponsor. The triangle represents the Greek letter delta to remind all wearers that each new group of fourth classmen was
assigned to Delta Squadron during basic cadet training. The three
Taylor J Broekhuis Jason M Butler David B Carte
Stephen J Colangelo Colin E Cook
Erin E Doran
Luke J Dorlac Steven P Freund
Thomas J Hamel Mark W Hansen Kevin J Horn Natalie S Jones
Steven G Joseph Jr. Jeremiah W King
Benjamin S Kram Scott B Lagarile Trenton D Manson Colin R Matson Brandon A Mueller
Nicholas C Muncy Heather C Nelson Austin C Porter Lillian S Pryor
Kenneth T Scull Jr. Ethan T Senn
Kyle P Singletary Michael C Swartz Thomas A Swinchoski Alexandra Z Trobe Brent P White
Kramer S Young
Cadet Squadrons
2011 James F Aultman
Elizabeth N Borroni Nathan J Carter Sean A Cosme
Ryan M Darrohn Nicole R Flint Dalton J Hall Julia A Hansen
Regenald E Howard Timothy P Keitel Jamie T Lemieux
Roderick A Mills Christen C Monreal Joshua P Monroe Kathleen Muckenhirn John J Nygard
Whitney D Peterson Richard E Ricketts
Stephen M Shaffer Jeremy S Smith Darren W Stowe David P Tavenner Ian ATrott
John R Wallin Mark K Weber James AZaiser
Amy M Abraham Michael D Audiss Brandin W Bear
Jonathan S Bopp
Ryan D Brady Amanda H Caudill
Zachary A Crippen Connor R Dietz
7 li-v
Jfci cl _
Benjamin K Dixon Nickolas G Ernandes James D Evans Jr. Philicia Fahrenbruch
Stephen C Groff Robert T Guidry David E Herman Kevin J Jablonsky
Carlee M Koutnik
Christopher P Lorenz Peter J Mersino
Ryan C Misare
Benjamin J Misra Richard A Noble
Stephanie F Puzak JohnAQuadrino
Zachary M Schneider Andrew G Street Robert A Vasquez Alexis J Wilson
Paul S Wilson Erin A Winner
Joshua C Yeaste
Cadet Si
Jibs erf
|U ^
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fjrx * The Polaris provides a never-fail-
ing light to guide cadets on their flight through life. It also serves as a reminder that no goal in life is too
high to attain. The aircraft in the background signifies the profession cadets have chosen; its position in
flight symbolizes the beginning of their mission to defend and protect
their country. The four colors represent the four classes. The checkerboard pattern is the traditional
symbol of the original squadron sponsors, the 401st Tactical Fighter
Wing. This, the original patch, was designed by William R. Povilus, class of 1963. Color variations of
the patch may exist.
20X3 Dominique M Amor Alexander A Arcidiacono Hannah L Bergstrom Zaqueray R Berridge Austin C Briehl Maria C Carriedo
Sebastian Constable Chase J Cooper Erin M Endres
Todd P Fletcher
Chad Harvey Andrew P Hoops James D Huff III
Alexander S Huskisson Zoee A Kanellias
Christopher W Knutson Mikhail T Legaspi Jacob M Mijares Roland B Neal Jessica R Norrington Seth W Pelletier William J Petersen
Theodore K Quijano William C Randall
Tyrae K Rivers Jordan M Staff
Kathleen K Vardell Dake E Williams
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Jonathan G Barillas-Fogarty
Logan H Barlow Michael L Celio Adam S Chandler Maximilian P Clukey
Collin B Goodwin Justin B Graff Matthew R Guy David P Hard
Anthony Hill Kevin P Horn Kevin T Lacosse
Christopher S Leung Morgan J Mathis Bryan S Mazer McKay R McLaren Kelcie L Meineke Blake D Noble Kevin M Polesky
William D Remington Brian C Riley
Samantha A Sarkis Matthew L Shields Evan J Snyder
Carolyn M Batie Adam C Berheide Asher S Clark James R Cole
Kathleen B Deiters Robert J Drye Ryan C Fantasia Stephen A Fitzwater
Francis E Genco Jr. Luke A Gillis
Rachel L Harris Kainoa J Ho
Alyssa M Hughey Ian W Maier Mark R Mataczynski
Miguel A Millares Chavez Joshua M Moore Patrick M Murphy Adam J Resch
Roy L Schafer Daniel J Scully Nathaniel T Shanks
Christopher M Smith Michael A Smith Malcolm L Strong
Tyler L Todd Joel R Uptmor
Jeremy P Warfield
The bulldog represents the full circle of qualities that make up an Air Force officer. It epitomizes the
moral resolve and dogged pursuit of duty typical to the cadets of the
13th Squadron. The lightning bolt demonstrates the courage and dedication that characterizes all
bulldog graduates. This is the original squadron patch. Early versions of this patch may have a darker blue background. Another possibil-
ity is a lighter blue background with a brown bulldog.
Bryan E Anderson Hilary M Bowen Monica C Bray Patrick W Caplinger Matthew S Cosmo
Rachelle M Crespo Martinus R Davis Todd J Del Toro
Matthew P Dupont
Francesca J Fogarty Richard C Gangloff
Adam S Geeskie William L Hantla
Gregg R Hutto Johnson T Jamison Alex M Jessop Grace E Konstanzer
Joseph R Kraynak III Nicholas T Levine James E McDermott II Michael D Mercier Antonio E Neris
Craig D Nowadly Stephanie L Patterson Brad M Rajchel
Frederick W Rath
Taylor S Scherler Petar G Stefanovic
Richard H Stevens Andrew J Svecz IV
Alexandria M Vinge Paul A Young Jr.
Cadet Squadrons
Matthew J Adams
Jeremiah L Baxter Alexandre J Beaussart Matthew J Coates Chelsea M Cooper Cameron C Cordell Jennifer E DeGeorge Matthew P Demars
Alexander D Flori
Carli E Frasier Daniel A Gidasi Derek F Gillespie
Samantha R Hill John M Kessler
Daniel Liu Jake K McKeon
Justin H Mitnaul
Alexandria C Neptune Nicholas C Penry
Taryn L Ramsey Richard A Rodriguez John M Roling
Jessica A Rowe Carlos D Sandoval Michael D Scott Jr.
Alejandro S Sena Charles G V Street Michael S Vetri Eric M Wallace
Brianna N Adams James K Arita
Jessamy I Barton Stewart C Brandon Jr. Adam J Campbell Travis L Decker! Joshua C Drapes
Okezie Ezekannagha
Coy C Fischer Thomas D Hainline Paige E Hawkins Cody L Johnson ■rederick J Johnson Jr. Brent A Maggard Alison S Meehan
Stephen J Mellinger Grant W Meyer Alan D Moore III Joel W Noble ew C Richardson
Ryan M Roulette Tahlia C Smoke Martin T Span III
Rachel K Stanley Brian M Walford ihnathan G Westland
Cadet Sqio
An advanced manned strategic
aircraft circles from right to left behind the cobra's head, crossing in front of the left hood flange and
middle of the planed outlines in black. The cobra was chosen for its
lightning speed and ability- The colors
represent the four classes. The
ever-increasing effectiveness of the Air Force is depicted by showing the aircraft eluding the blinding
speed of the cobra. It serves as a reminder to beware of the speed and abilities of one's opponents.
2013 Nicholas J Adagio
Stephan W Bitner Rebecca A B reslow Matthew J Burnham William A Coleman Peter R Crawford John W Denny
Christopher W Eby Sarah M Frankosky Melissa L Fuerst
Stephen A Gast Willie C Gilbert Jr. Cameron N Harris Barbara A Holt Donald B Jackson
Christopher H Jordan Paul K Koehler
Robert A Krupp
Megan C Lavelle Huston G Matheus
Connor B McKown
Spencer T Oetjen Uddit H Patel
Mario I Perez
Kelsey L Pilcher Jase T Reyneveld Carl V Rossi
Cory A Smith Eric E Thomas
Cadet Squadrons
2011 ■
Derek A Brooks Ben G II Cochran
Ryan S Combest Christopher S Driggs Brian W Dunlap Angela S Etapa Robert M Evenson Jr.
Andrew M Forsyth
Christopher M Gheen Neil E Grigsby Shannon C Hart Andrew G Hepler Hans J Hoffman
Joseph M Kerhin Ryan M Loyd Julie M Paladino
Eric L Parks
Ryan A Rogl Brett R Skene Nolan J Sweeney
Kurt W Wallin
Joseph P Wilkinson Katherine J Wilson
2D\2 YTY \ni Emilio Becerra Carmella C Burruss
Katherine L Carroll Andrew R Chinlund Jacob W Dockery Emili J Grabill Mark A Griffin II
Bryan E Johnston Andrew H Kim Daniel R Kunkle Jr.
Peter S Lind
Jacqueline M Littlefield Andrew E Loyd Michael V MacAndrew
Kyle N MacDonald Evan D McCroskey Mark A Mendez
Stephanie A Michael Robert D Neal Gabriel J Paterson
Christopher A Perkins Bryan J Rivera Nathan W Seibt Paul D Sikkema Cole R Stegeman Jordyn C Stoddard Christina L Thompson Paul G Weatheroy Jr.
Cadet Squadrons
The emblem depicts a black Prussian eagle against a white circle
bordered in blue and black. The
eagle symbolizes the tradition of professionalism and excellence
exemplified by the Prussian military, The five-pointed crown signifies vie-
tory and superiority. The sword and arrows represent the number fifteen
and indicate preparedness. The
aircraft airmed at the crown speaks of air power. The squadron's motto is "PLUS OULTRE", French for "to the utmost."
2)13 James R Bloch Kirsten Bunecke
Gavin S Buttenhoff Daniel J Curry Cameron O Edwards
Henry J Egan Daryl J Fariza Robert C Gibson
Samantha L Grant
Anthony P Gray Jr. Jessica N Grier Joshua Hartle Alexander H Harvey
Cory R Johnson Jason R Kons Travis J Lane
Philip T Lange Katrina L Litchford
Stephanie A Marris Mitchell E Mehaffey Jack M Miller Andrew J Oury Iva S Reece Krishna C Rengan Jared C Rillings Cale J Simmons Andrew M Smith
Rusty C Thomas Uzochukwu A Udensi Erik D Voron Kris E Warner Jr.
Haley P Wilson
Cadet Squadrons
2011 .
Travis K Adams Daniel V Armstrong
Tania Buda Thomas P Buenger
Christina L Canales Louis J Cascino Michael A Chambers
Jocelyn K Cravens Lucas R Derby
Jacob Z Duede
Guy H Evertson Paul E Heins
Chance E Johnson
Benjamin L Keisler Jonathan R Kimberly Scott J Kozlak
Patrick J Livingstone II Travis W McMillan
Nathan T Miller Tristan R Newkirk
Erik M Olson Alexander T Parmater Jacob J Robertson Katie E Schuler
Matthew D Thorne
Tymothy D Vandermosten Eric R Varner
Kelli C Wood Michael J Yoo
2912 irY inr Michael A Alvarez
Brady AAmack Nathan C Christian Steven G Conradi James F Cooper Sydney A Croxton Jacob A Daniels
Alyssa M Deiters Daniel R Forester James J Franklin Lauren E Fuchs
Dayton M Gilbreath Jonathan Ham Justin W Harris Victor P lacobbo Daniel J Lacroix
Gordon Lang John L Lovvorn
John P Murtha III David E Neville Jacob L Petter
Eric G Poland Imed E Rebhi Jordan D Rozsa
Sarah S Sauter
Derek F Schumacher Brian J Smith Marissa E Strauss
Alicia K Wallace
Ryan J Williams
♦ .
The patch, in the shape of a keystone edged in dark blue, consists of a silver and white hawk on a
blue background. A gold light-
ning bolt is clutched in the bird's talons. The hawk's chest bears a
small deep blue keystone with the
squadron numeral "16" on it. The hawk, with its outstretched wings, expresses the freedom of flight. The bared talons clutching the lightning bolt exemplify the power that one
must possess to maintain one's freedom. This serves as a constant reminder that the Air Force must
maintain a high degree of readiness to use force, if necessary, to
protect freedom. The blue keystone signifies the knowledge one
must possess to remain free.
Victoria Cachro Daniel J Cannaday Vincent Chen Brian Corcoren
Ryan A Davis Ryan J Decarlis Seth W Ellsworth
Robert V Garza II Michael S Girolami Jolie K Grossman Scott M Hedden Collin R Hills
Amari A Holt
Kimberly A Jackson Luke T Jones
Michael D Lavoie
Kyle W Lengyel Vincent A Lodolo Deanna J Macmillan Matthew Mendez Christine C Molina James W Neat II
Gage C Parrott Rachel A Roberts Andrew J Rodgers David Salinas Jr.
Joseph R Sarette Cale C Snider
Ryan W Williams Rachel C Yuen
Cadet Squadrons
William C Adair IV Alexander N Anderson Jonathan C Banta
Tyler J Benjamin Kyle C Capko Cory A Cook Andrew J Costa
Casey W Cowan Rudyard V Dacquel Brian A Hayes Robert B Hemker Jr. Paul T Homsher
Samuel P Janasov Andrew E Jarvis
Michael J Kanaan Michelle L Mendelsohn
Katrina E Moffett
Jacqueline R Norton Soren J Olson Jessica L Rodgers
Kyle C Schafer Michael J Sexton Blake Y Sherwood Grant L Starkweather
Dustin R Tanen Sarah E Wilson
Anthony T Alt Danielle Atkins Lauren N Bailey Daniel A Brand
Zachary M Brinlee Jacob B Byorth Richard C Cassleman Johnathan R Cox
Jillann A Daniels Lauren M Delaney Leroi G Edwards ™
Ryan M French Estrella C Ham Jacob D Houder
Andrew M Jacobs
Eric R Johnson
Lance P Larsen
Bryant Mateus Ndeye F Ndour Mark G Olme
Taylor M Roberts Emily L Ryals Christopher M Shields Matthew M Toussain
Keegan D Vaira Ryan V West Brandon J Wilde Alec S Williams Katherine C Wright
Cadet Sqi
tm *
1 H
The patch, a blue diamond-
shaped emblem bordered in red, has a banner at its vertex, In the
diamond, a clenched silver fist holds a silver torch with a bright
orange and red flame. An emerald green wreath encircles both the torch and fist, The solid banner at the bottom contains the inscription
"17th Squadron," The clenched fist signifies power and tenacity, The flaming torch represents the drive for knowledge and truth. The
emerald green wreath encircling the fist exemplifies the laurels of
athletic achievement. Each of the four class colors is represented to
signify the importance of unity of all the classes at the academy. This is
the original squadron patch.
Ryan P Aceves Francis
V Adkins
Stephen D Ament Thomas J Arnett
Stephen E Beaton Spencer H Boone Karolyn C Capes Adam J Carr
Christina M Cave Scott E Day Jr. Robert C Deebel
Tyler J Downing Allen J Dunn II
Adam W Engelhardt
Taylor R Gore Johnathon M Haase Jordan E Hall Patrick D Helms Peter T Jackson
Robert S Juckett III Andrew C Leighner Charles D Macdonald Dalton J Miller Cole M Patten
Benjamin C Payne Amanda K Rodriguez Evan E Rowley
Casey L Schindling Joel P Starkey
Matthew L Thorne Steven G Trochlil Matthew R Webb
Zachary R Westerfield David W Winterlin
Cadet Squadrons
Christopher M Batson Matthew D Becker Edward V Boylan
Zachary J Carroll Belle A Dirks
Christopher Fei Scott F Gregory Stephen D Guillory Alexander Hess
Clayton G Macomber Joseph M Maloy Stephanie A Martin Kyle D Moses Tytus M Moss Sam Oas
Carly M Olsowski Harrison M Pauli
Zachary R Peters Michael R Reid James R Reynolds
Lacey N Richardson John D Richmond David M Sproul
Nichole R Stilwell
Jennifer N Walters Russell D Wilson IV
Miguel A Zapata
2J12 vrv irv Joseph E Achenbach Paul I Adeji-Paul Jr. Jacob J Allen
Benjamin J Arneberg Dale M Becker
Kelly A Bieber Logan J Brandt Willis R Brown
Troy M Danno Kurt A DeRussy
Douglas J Foss Rocque S Gartland Michael J Hester
Kyle D Kenerley Rocco F Librandi
Kristi J Miner
Richard S Mundy
Randall T Ott Michael A Paranka Maria S Phillips Christopher A Pieper Kelliann Seaman Joel D Short Bradford L Smith
Craig G Spranger Grant T Swanson Caitlin M Williams
Coryn M Wilson Richard P Yeilding III Eric D Zane
Cadet S
Not Pictured
Jonathon P. Warzeka
The patch is a light blue circle su-
perimposed on a black and white equilateral triangle. A red rook is below the numeral and "ATTENDEZ LES ETALONS" is emblazoned in green. A large cumulus cloud
stretches across the horizon line. The unicorn symbolizes strength,
endurance and matchless spirit. The rook represents the academy as a fortress of
knowledge. The
three points on the triangle signify the three aspects of academy life:
Military, academic, and athletic. The clouds show the military and
aerospace careers open to graduates of the academy. "Watch for the stallions" is the English transla-
tion of the French "ATTENDEZ LES
2013 Caleb M Belden David J Bradfield Joshua R Christman Erin E Conley Dan C Derby IV
Ryan B Dukes
Jeremy S Fabling Ian W Faulkenberry Matthew K Fruge Michael G Griffin Tara J Harris
Kayla L Harvey William J Hicks IV Keaton P Hinners
Everett D Karpauskas Thomas J Lerum Chloe J Lyon
Raquel E McCagg Travis C Miller
Logan T Mitchell Alexander J Pennetti Samuel R Raine Alexander J Sakovich Matthew L Schuetz
Carly J Serratore James K Stevens Nicholas S Tilton Lesly M Torres Donald A Trillanes-Messig Caleb A Tucker
Robert J Wood
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Kellan D Bethke Jessica L Brown Derrick W Burnett Nicholas R Charney David J Cooke
Kyle W Gadoury Steven T Ha Aimee L Hammon
Eric M Hunt Lamin O Jackson
Ryan L Johnson Alexander T Kiel Peter A Komar
Jin U Lee
Suong H Lee Daniel J Mitchell
Suzi Park
Jeffrey M Pendley Candice E Peterson
Steven R Roberts Jr. Nicholas A Stockdale Andrew D Strawbridge Sean M Stuntz Cameron R Taylor James R Wilder David AZitelli David M Zumbach
2D12 vrv irv Robert H Blank Jared B Brown
Anthony J Carillo Jonathan A Davis
Meagan E Eissele Amanda M Ellis Colton J Floyd James A French
Eric M Gilpatrick
Caitlin E Glitz Chad M Hennig
Benjamin K Hoff Ethan J Hunter Alexander J Hutcheson
Philip C Knodel Blake J Liddle
Maxwell W Lutton L
Kenneth D Moak Jr.
Tate N Montgomery Zachary J Rasmussen
Sedra F Razafinimanana Dakota M Risner
Robert M Stephenson Bennett D Stuppy
Allison J Swaney Grace M Trolinger
Emily C Ubbens Hector J Valladares Mary K Vasta James M Vonahnen Heather C Watts Dustin C Woodside
Cadet Si
David Pike
Johnso Aurelia
Watkis Rachel E Allison Ismael Barragan Jacob C Besslerv
Victor E Breault
Stephen C Carew Alexander J Congram Alec S Ferguson
Jeffrey W Finnegan
Kegan M Garnett Robert B Guiler
Cody A Hanson Cassandra L Hill Andrew R Hilton Darius P Jones
Kristoff J Kalau Kristina L Kemp
Travis A Langham Jordan P Loudenback
Ryan P McKilligan Olivia B McQuilkin Kenneth K Montel
Benjamin M Peterson Justin K Riling John K Sasine Jr.
Michael J Seis Jacob T Spiering Marshall E Stout Ava R Tamosuinas
Matthew D Underwood
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Karl LAgudo Emily R Allen Alexander I Babbs-Butler
Benjamin R Brown Andrew J Cavallo Justin D Colby
Lucas C Cumm Alan D Delaney
Chaz A Demerath David L Dye Stephen W Gorman Diana R Hall Marc E Henning Laura M Jones
Kaeli J Kluesner Brendan J Lanphear Robert K Lenzen William A Lindberg
Yngwie J Marroquin Shannon D Nail
Benjamin J Pelayo Tyler W Small Shelby M Stinebaugh Patrick M Tracy
Timothy M Trieu Daniel J Uribe Matthew B Watson
Evelyn A Abbate Michael R Alfred Katherine E Boyle
Jana L Bradshaw William P Coley Aaron T Daggit
Michael A Estacion
Christopher D Ganczewski Irvin A George Jr.
Colin S Gormley Ariana M Green Karl H Grosselin inkel Y Hernandez Lem us
Steven D Jacob Thomas W Kashul Jr
Delaney R Kiernan Benjamin K Liptak Katelyn C Maffei Michael P Mason
Justin D Merrick Mitchell R Metzler Darrin S Nottingham II
Christopher M Paek Geoffrey D Pamerleau Taque G Patino
Anthony R Peluso Daniel C Pesich
Trevor D Spiro Jonathan G Tack Amanda E Terry
Danielle L Woodland
TP n lLS
The patch is a royal blue circle bordered in black. An aggres-
sive, strong troll is striding forward,
stepping over the bright red three-dimensional Roman numeral "XX." "TROLLS" is inscribed behind the troll. In Scandinavian folklore trolls were supernatural giants who
lived in the mountains. The 20th
Squadron's troll, a robust character,
symbolizes the aggressiveness and confidence of the squadron. It also
symbolizes the desire to succeed while simultaneously maintaining a
good attitude and sense of humor. The three-dimensional nature of the Roman numeral and the word
"TROLLS" signify enduring spirit. The areas of the patch
surrounding the
troll contains the four class colors.
Valerie L Bachand David S Baska
Tyler S Breske Andre D Brito
Christopher A Brooks Hannah M Dake Nicklaus A Fisher Jacob A Forbes
Cody R Getz Heather E Giles
Tyler D Glaze Bryan C Hall Taylor C Hollister Yannie Horth
Christopher Huynh Mark A Kaminski
Philip M Keup Kraison Kingthong
Rodrigo A Luna Michael A Lyons II Matthew A Major Joshua W Mohr
Katherine E Moorkamp Carl A Morgan
Luke B Pickering
Stephen P Rubenstein Kyle P Schory Brandon J Sleeth
Lauryn J Thomas Christopher S Villanueva Weston L Walker
Austyn L Wilson
Cadet Squadrons
is/gii* 2 1 izii; ??•- j..^ s 2
The patch shows two playing cards, the ace of spades on top of the
jack of spades, The white numerals "21" sit beneath the cards. The
patch has a black boarder. The ace and jack of spades form the
winning combination of twentyone in the card game,
Black Jack,
thus they note both the squadron's number and nickname. This win-
ning hand symbolizes the ingredients of character necessary to at-
tain success: skill, spirit, ability, and
fellowship. The green background represents the combined colors of gold and blue, the colors of the two classes that were involved in the patch's design. This mixture
provides the incentive for cooperation between classes.
Miguel A Baca Mark D Beeman Matthew T Bender Mark D Benischek
Vitaliy O Benz Kathryn R Blythe Ryan A Campbell Timothy W Clark
Joshua M Day Nick D Debarmore Jr. Adam L Ediger Kristen M Ellison
Miguel A Garcia Krystal A Glover Grant K Hadley
Esther Kim
Kirsten M Lorch
Kyle T Miller Justin R Munger Michael S Oliver
Stephen A Pike Vincent K Sandtorv Andrew V Schweickert
Randy R Semrau Joseph E Silvio Nicholas W Strobel Caitlin C Teresky Jerra L Turner Aaron T White
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Evan D Abrecht Matthew H Akaydin
Benjamin L Brown Rainer E Caparas Elvira N Chiccarelli
Christopher R Chorney Steven R Collins Austin M Duran
Alicia H Fleshman
Benjamin S Galloway Jennifer R Horn Trent J Kern Anne Y Koons
Bradley S Kusel Katherine B Lyons Martin S Madsen
J C Mintzmyer Roman C Owens Charles W Paul
Jeremy S Robben Anthony M Robinson Robert M Rose
Clayton J Schmitt William D Thimmel
Kalyn A Tung Erik R Von Husen
Austin J Wallerstein Catherine M Wilson
2013 Ashley R Bartmas John B Beath
Kurt A Borecky Jordan S Bresnahan David A Burns Cecilio E Carter Jr.
Kyle A Casci Patrick D Compton
Benjamin R Fonte Hunter G Hamer Brent T Hancock
Stephen W Houk Catherine E Joyce
Christopher N Kirk Theodore W Kruczek
Joseph A Lee Jairo J Martinez Daniel J McAdams Austin D Nash
Sarah M Nickisch Blair B O’Bryant
Joseph N Okai Jr. Jordan W Potterton
David A Shealy Karlie E Taylor Kimberly A Twohig Lance T Wilhelm Alexis B Zuniga
Cadet Squadrons
a ptors
The patch is a triangle with a threedimensional "22" in the upper part of its red field. A saber with navigator wings on its center and globe on the end of its hilt points toward
the center of the field. Eight red,
gold, blue and silver rays emanate from the center of the patch. The emblem's triangle shape compares the squadron's strength and
solidarity to one of the sturdiest
geometrical shapes-the triangle. The dominate red color symbolizes courage. The saber, with the
navigator's badge and globe, represents strength and readiness. The colored light rays, converging
1 Nicholas E Bixby Eric M Conroy
Thomas Dowell
Anthony M Giebelhaus Ashley E Green Rehling P Hitt Brandon A Hough Nathan J Janssen
Matthew C Jones Joshua P Khune
Jonathan T Klein Zoe M Kotnik Justin K Landseadel Jonathan A Loyd
Francisco A Lugo
Cory A McCart Jonathan W McMahon Jacob C Morgan Michelle M Parenteau
Ty B Payne Frank H Schmidt Jr. Eric H Steen Jr. Daniel D Venable Jr.
W A Chamara S Wijesinghe Kevin E Wright
Cadet Squadrons
to a point on the horizon, signify
unity among the four classes of the cadet wing. This is the squadron's
original patch.
2012 Donald J Adkins Jr.
Mary C Anderson Jacob K Bartsch Thomas J Browning Jr. Garret L Bryant
Austin T Davis Blaze W Dunn
Christopher L Ela
Benjamin E Fischl David W Fox
Raymond V Gutierrez Jacob R Harrison
Kaylee J Hay Alexander M Kingsley
Stephanie M Konvalin Dane M Lannon
Scott S Mathis
Kyle McAlpin Michael R Moore II
Kyle J Nunez Steven V Parker Michael K Seery
Hermes Y Silva
Kyle J Stockamp Lane C Thaut
Kelly A Wert Mark J Williams
Ronald L Windham Jr.
Jeffrey F Witt
Shelby M Atkinson Britta L Bigej
Corbin C Brown
Katrina C Castellanos Cameron S Cooper Colin A Corvino Kenneth B Coulter
Bernard E Cox-Ferreras
Jeremy T Drenckhahn Molly S Engle Cory S Furches Zebulon Hanley John K Hourin
Cory M Hume Zacharias H Use
Emily G Keeter Joseph S Kohan Royd S Lim Ryan A McCluskey Christopher I Mittelberg Ryan T Nelson Sara K O’Connor
Ryan C Petrie Alexander L Randall
Kyle A Robinson Jorden D Simons David A Stainbrook Tyler A Stearns Nicholas A Tappa Geri R Veilleux
Ethan A Vokes Nicholas J Wawrzyniak Robert C White Garrett D Womack Michael F Wurth Daniel M Zotto
Cadet Squadrons
Joseph J Boben Brett R Boyce Trevor C Boyd Emily D Brown Daniel E Campbell Thomas C Chandler Candice J Chase Matthew J Connellan-Chapl Nicholas J Davis
Rupert C Domingo Paul A Driggers Craig W Duffy Emily A Fisher Francisco L Guzman
Kyle E Halderman
Sarah R Horton Kali J Kingsley
Justin A Lennon Evan R Lomeli
Gregory R Mancewicz Samuel T McCraw Daniel M Nguyen Alexander L Plumb Elizabeth E Smith
Jonathan M Swift Johnathan A Weaver Brian A Wilson
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Kellan W Bateman Karl A Berwyn Mark W Boyer
Kevin L Brady Jacob P Bruder Austin J Buscher
Sarah E Dugan Adam B Dunne
Kevin M Escobedo Andrew C Finley
Nathan P Foltz David E Gillette Adam M Hill
Nicole L Johnson Matthew D Keough Kelly J Laurent David J Leeds Patrick A Mayfield
Lindsay Morse Erin M Nyre Richard A Ollis Daniel L Pickett Alexander S Prager
Jacob C Ringrose Trenten D Rodriguez Jeffrey M Sasaki
Charles R Seat Tanner J Weltzin Jacob L Wiseman
Timothy S Baird Megan I Brandt Colton L Buechel Matthew J Castriotta Melissa A Cecil
Trey G Cottingham Kyle Delaurell Anthony C Delgado Ryan S Dusak Jordan M Eason Mercedes S Edwards Adah M Frankovic Michael L Gardner
Anthony D Goodwin Samuel R Harms Andrew M Hyde Jake T Jones
Karianne E Kopchick Tristen J Kresin
Benjamin G Lipp Travers A McEntyre
Khanh-Christoph Ngo Anthony R O’Connor Jr. Christian A Olivo
Bryce C Rauhof Ryan P Recker Edward R Schroder Daniel A Slade Andrew R Spellman
Tony D Strickland Brett E Teague
Justin S Tharp
Brandon C Thee Anna C Wallace
Cadet Squadrons
The patch depicts an eagle on a
blue, inverted triangle with black borders. The black and white
eagle, clutching a gold lightning bolt, soars above a white globe. A Polaris star, surrounded by two
atomic rings, shines above the
eagle. The gold numeral "24" is directly below. The eagle symbolizes the virtues of strength, courage, and character each cadet strives
to attain. The lightning bolt represents the global responsiveness of
the Air Force. Polaris acts as a guid-
ing light to cadets in their pursuit of
knowledge. The atom symbolizes the predominant role of knowledge
and technology in the modern Air
Force. This is the squadron's original
Brian R Altman Jared D Becker
Kaitlin A Bibeau Aaron T Blore Katherine J Brock
Joseph R Cook Cameron S Cummins Jesse S Galt
Nicholas P Gieda
Christopher L Goetz Heather M Greenup Kelly E Hamilton Jessica D Hildebrand
Hwang J Ho Andres C Jimenez Storm S McNab
Michael D Mizes
Andrew H Na
Cory J Ostrowski William L Page Bradley W Pingel Mansour S Saed Carson L Slater Dirk R Strykowski
Stephen R Vrabic Trevor J Vranicar
Cole E Wagner Nathan J Walker
Cody J Weaver
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Jason E Black
Monica R Clements
Christopher L Danielson Ryan A Del Grosso Jane M Demkowicz Kevin R Doolittle Caleb J Egli Ross W Fleming
Paola M Gavilanes Albert K Hatchett Jr.
Anthony J Hwang Jennifer D Kagarise Blair W Kessler J R Korecki
Allison M Laning
Bryan J Maynard Daniel McGinnis Welsh Michael R McLain Jacob M Naumann
Zachary A Peters Chelsea Ragland Zachary M Ratkovich Rodolfo Rodriguez Laith K Samarah
John D Saydah
Cory C Williams Joshua E Zambrano
James T Africano Aaron J Burns
Joseph V Collura Jr. Timothy C Crowe Daniel F Durham
Christopher R Earp-Pitkins Mario I Elizondo
Virginia L Galbraith Alexios C Gavrilos Alexa M Gingras Andre M Golson
Joshua R Hager Nathaniel J Hart
Zachary S Jackson Evan E Kaufman John N Kruse
William O Larivee Melissa E Lasher Chelsie L Lehmann
Zachary J Matthews Wesley A McVay Charles T Ogren John J Patton Jr.
Scott T Pippin Sarah L Rash
Hayden K Richards Daniel R Schonfeld
Zachary S Smith James D Thomas David B Tipton William M Tyrrell
Ryan J Wallway Jenna R Whetsel
Nathan T Whitehead Caleb J Wyatt
Cadet Squadrons
At the base of the circle is the
squadron's number expressed in a Roman numeral. A black cat
with one red eye stands atop the numeral. Two fighters, flying in
formation from right to left across the patch, execute a climbing turn and leave gold contrails. The 25th
Squadron is nicknamed after the Redeye missile; the black cat with a single red eye symbolizes this.
"Redeye" typifies the unerring accuracy of the squadron in reaching its goals. The blue background
symbolizes the sky. The two fighters in formation signify comradeship. The gold contrails left by the fight-
20 11 Joseph M Cortez Sean K Daly Parker V Dodds
Kyle D Ellsworth Daniel H Emery Michael T Greer Katherine M Higdon Grace N Higgins
Krystal R Hynson Trevor P Koenck David L Kovalak
Jeffrey A Larkin Matthew E Lavigne
Austin G McKenzie Charles A Miller Michael D Mosteller
Jordan M Passmore
Stephen W Pfaff Taylor P Soster Patrick N Steppe Scott W Sung Michael Templer Amy M Terry Jared D Tew
Matthew A Torrence
Robert G Walk Michael A Walker Michael T Willcox
Cadet Squadrons
ers indicate that this comradeship
is long-lasting and follows cadets into the Air Force.
2012 Paul M Archambault
Zachary L Barrington Nathan R Betcher Rachel S Burk
Derek A Burns Ian R Campbell Allison R Chermel
John T Debonis
Sarah E Evans
Joseph A Gramling Jonathan R Griffin
Kyle S Hansen Heather E Ireland James R Jensen Andrew S Kleman
Daniel C Lee
Joshua D Linsell
Christopher A Miller David L Riegleman Travis S Sanchez
Kimberly J Shealy Joseph M Silverio Joshua D Stanley Newington J Tamaalii Jr. Rachel E Thomas Evan M Twohig Aaron T Vincent Jihwan Yeo
3013 John Bang
Justin M Blott
Mary K Bush Shawn A Cagle
Anthony D’Errico II Eric J Dahlin Eric N Einspahr
Kyle D Fitle Ian J Gibson
Danielle N Griffith
Nathaniel L Hall Ga H Han
Kyle A Hathaway Brian A Hayes
Benjamin R Johnson Philip S Koons Daniel J Lange Kristin L Long
Lauren B McGuire Foster L Meier David T Miller
Gage L Owens Allison M Reedy Evan P Rishel
Michael S Rommel Robert J Simmons Kevin T Sober Elliot A Unseth
Trevor A Wade
Cadet Squadrons
The patch depicts Snoopy wearing a
gold World War I flying helmet
and sitting on his sliver dog house
atop a bright green hill. The large red numeral "26" is displayed on a blue
sky above Snoopy. White
clouds form above the numerals.
"BARONS" is written in red letters at the bottom of the patch.
Charles Schulz' familiar comic strip
character was chosen because of his doggedness in getting the job done despite constant setback in his pursuit of the Red Baron. Snoopy
continually comes back for more, setting a fine example for the cadets of the 26th. The patch also
represents the Air Force's air power
heritage and contains the four class colors.
Katharine L Barber Sean M Boyington Alister R Call
Charles M Etheridge
Joseph K Fry Thomas P Hansen
Dustin G Heideman
Christopher D Hollinger Renee L Kittka Derek C Kvedar Harrison T Marble
Kay M Nissen Blake A Page Christopher L Poulsen
Caleb F Powell Eric R Prince
Haley D Puffenbarger Jason E Roberts Alicia M Robillard
Zane H Steadman Fernando E Suito Acuna Marcus R Tenenbaum Evan P Terry
Hatton C Updike Robert L Volsey II
Cody P Wheeler
Cadet Squadrons
Benjamin R Aiken
ufe} /
■pt **
r p i
Alexander C Arredondo
| Mp*
Sara M Bangert
Jeffrey A Benson David H Beranek
Daniel P Bergstresser Jessica E Bickford
Dylan L Brock Tyler A Brown Phillip X Choy Katharine E Ernst Jose R Gastiaburu Herrera Andrew G Glover
Dayna A Grant Michael J Kazakoff John M Lydiard IV David S Marston
Jacqueline M Mozingo Meghan K Prinkey David H Rice
Derek J Schillaci Matthew D Selby
Manuel Smith James J Snider
Yunior G Soto Travis W Thornton
j m
1 isk11
mjk. A * j
Skyler M Torres Katherine L Waddel Samantha L Wright
Benjamin H Baumann Dalton L Boatright Ryan M Brigman lima Calite Michael E Cannioto Steven H Chon
Charles O Crouse Louis R DesScioli Paul S Emery
Ryan A Fattal Kyle R Gladney Bryan M Gomez Andrew W Hedman Michael P Jones Jr. Su J Kim William G Lawlor Brian G Lindsay Ethan J Loosen
1 Aft
am 17
Holley M Macpherson Jonathan V Mezzacappa
Megan L Muniz Joshua M Partain Orion H Rooney
Staci A Rouse
Benjamin D Schoener Austin E Sena Garrett V Soileau
Stephen Williams Ashley M Zerr
Cadet Squadrons
The thunderbird has three black concentric triangles superim-
posed on his chest. The numeral "27" is emblazoned on the bird's tail feathers, directly below the
triangles. The thunderbird, a symbol to the early native Americans in-
habiting Colorado, could produce thunder, lightning and rain. It represents the Air Force's dominance of the skies. The silver triangle is a
stylized aircraft and the three
concentric triangles represent three
cubed, or twenty-seven.
20 11 Michael L Alonso Thomas C Baker
Brittany L Bennett Rebecca M Bodtke John I Christy Antonia M Concepcion
James P Cook
Corey A Daughenbaugh Peter A Debois Caleb N Decker Jon S Flanagan
Charley A Ford III Derek W Francis
Gregory C Guiney Jr.
Woodruff B Johnson III Steve M Kim
Andrew J Lamb
Kenneth J Lamendola Jamie LaRivee
Jacek A Muka
Ryan L Murdock Ryan S Rickert Jacob M Ricks
Martynas Smitas Joshua K Stroud
Abigail A Sutton Michael A Tester Daniel W Winningham
Cadet Squadrons
2312 Steven R Alsen Robert J Brazil III
Richard J Brennan
Jeffory A Brenner Michael V Ceci Brian P Davis Jr.
Kirby A Forssell Garrett R Getschow
Ross A Gourlay Brian P Higgins
Parker E Jamieson Erik N Kastmiler
Kristen L Kennedy Timothy J Kirby Jeremy R Kurz Riley A Livermore Andrew S Marchi
Joseph D Martin Timothy J Miller Austin T Moore
Katelynn G Morgan Erik J Red Matthew B Sanders Fanita H Schmidt
Nicholas A Smith Bill S Song Kara A Voci Kevin T Whitt
2013 Eduardo R Aguilar Alexander C Baker
Torry S Beauchamp Evan R Boone
Tory C Brown Benjamin W Castles Canyon L Chambers Karen M Chinnery
Matthew W Degrassi
Frederick D Dellecker
Zachary S Esau Timothy J Graley Dylan C Hallums Chelsey L Hamilton Conor J Henry Sun Y Lee
Jared R Leininger Jared K MacNaught
Justin L Manchester
Joshua C Mills Jonathan E Pearson
Randy J Pence Karen Rubin-Santos John H Rush Jr.
Sara M Schnabel Colton D Steen Kendrick V Talamantez Kevin K Ueunlen
Cadet Squadrons
Franz Lisa A stylized SR-71, with a white "28" on it,
is centered on the pentagon.
Two black lines emanate from the nose of the aircraft and extend to
the edges of the pentagon. The
pentagon represents the future Air Force leadership being developed at the Air Force Academy. The
stylized SR-71 signifies the search for knowledge and the dedication to the pursuit of national goals.
From this aircraft the 28th Squadron once derived its nickname,
Matthew A Alva Michael D Barnhart
Zachary T Bradford Marlena J Carrillo Travis R Collier Andrew R Cutler Adrianna J Eaton Brian J Farmer
Robert M Geiger Jeremy D Granow George M Knudsen
Austin M Kootz Forrest M Lampela Dominic V Leon Guerrero Matthew R Markling
Shayne L McAfee Ajay McLaughlin Maritza N Mendoza Lianna M Phillips Sarah R Ruckriegle Mark W Sajowitz
Jon J Santiago Jr.
Kyle R Southard Bojan Udovicic
Cadet Squadrons
Struckel Edward
John D Atkinson IV Catrina Z Begansky
Kelsey E Bristol Paul M Carpenter II Stuart D Coston Andrew D Durkee Adam B Evenson
Alexander G Fogassy
Brittany J Gerard
Chelsea R Hagar
ieiI[ jj aJLJfeijM
David G Ince Jr. Lucas S Johnson
Joshua M Kimm
MosesAKrehbiel Steven J Lambe Samuel A Macheak
Kristopher C Martin Hannah A Morehouse Joshua M Nelson
Ryan M Patrick Gilbert E Rayhill John M Red
Bryan M Rhoades Daniel J Ronning Samantha F Sarinana Milos R Seovac Kaitlin M Shetley William A Thompson Caleb W Whitlock
Stephen K Yoshimura
David R Alvarado
Bryan R Bentz James W Bradin III
Logan S Burch Garrett R Clark
Corinne B Conrow
Jeffrey A DesRoches Devin T Durden
Justen D Fazekas
Michael B Fish Edward J Garces John R Griffith
Julianne M Haun
Vincent P Higgins IV
Enrique V Inocencia-Holloway Dymond B James
Douglas C Johnston Stephen P Katrein Trey M Livingston Amanda L Marshall
Timothy M Martinelli Keeley G McCann Gavin L Mills Nathan A Mitchener Ezra B Petersen
Scott E Rice
ell Mi V
•A mlqri
John R Sambo Katherine A Shaw Mark Stewart Eric J Tise
Eugene Turgil Andres Uribe Rodriguez
Sophia M Villagrasa Steven W Wedan Lee F Wise
Honghao Wu
Cadet Squadrons
The central figure, a black panther,
crouches on the top horizontal bar of the red Roman numeral "XXIX." The black panther represents the
quick strength and cunning of the Air Force; its crouched stance is a reminder that the Air Force is al-
ways ready. The white background
symbolizes the virtue and nobility of humankind. The red Roman numeral symbolizes the fact that war has existed since antiquity, and the
mission of the Air Force is to defend the country.
2011 Eric S Atchison Max J Barnes
Cameron A Carter
Nancy C Chavez Brittany N Dutton John D Feltenberger Ian M Gregoire Bridgette D Griffiths Caleb D Klass David Lam Tanner A Lee Nash S Mills Robert C Nolan III
Kyle J Peace Jacobb C Rakes
Garrett M Riley Adam C Sheridan Peter S Shufeldt
SamoneASuluai Hunter K Van Stetsen
Andrew S Wagner
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Bryan T Ashton Samantha F Berthiaume Peter B Broughton Anthony M Caliva Aarol T Clinton Johnathan M Cody
Benjamin B DeWilde Alexandra P Gegen
Hilary R Gibson Julie K Grabarek
Chase C Guarnaccio Brian A Harris James D Hill
Ryan D James Andrew R Kirk
Alexis A Laleman
Caleb W Leestma John T Limpert Donald C Lodge-Maragh
Kelly A McGuire Richard A Newberry Michael G O’Kelley Meghan A O’Neill Phillip C Ofili Jonathon H Powell Andrew Q Risse Jonathan M Rock Jasmine S Sapp
Thomas J Taylor Edward Wong William R Young
-T r
2013 Zachary H Adams Michelle L Anatra Matthew D Anthony Aaron J Bassut David H Besson Jared R Breuker Kristin A Cromwell Colton L Dietrich
Jakob L Fischer
Joseph A Gulat Bamboo W Hewitt Parker T Hodges
Haley D Holcombe Ryan T Kelly Caleb J Knights
Chad A Liscar
Duane V McKinley
Rory P Montgomery Morgan D Mosby Benjamin J Peterson Kyle B Roberts Justin D Rose Lauren S Sako
Stephen D Savonne William T Stover Sierra R Taylor
Aleksander R Uransel
Anthony T Vahling Quinn T Van Drew Jonathan M Weir
Joshua D Woodruff
Cadet Squadrons
knights of
The patch is a circle with a knight's
helmet, topped with a four-color
plume, in the center. A stylized black and white aircraft leaves a contrail on a blue field to the
helmers left. To its right, the red numeral "30" sits amid red-highlighted
yellow flames on a black field. The
knight's helmet represents the military profession-cadet's heritage. The four-colored plume symbolizes the four classes. The flames stand fro war, to which the helmet is
impervious. The ascending aircraft on the left suggests freedom of
the skies and a peaceful contrast to the flames of war. This is the
squadron's original patch. It may be found with variations in the blue colors.
Laura A Abbott Jonathon M Ashley Dustin M Beall Callie W Brown Colton T Cash Carson C Cleveland Sean T Coombs Jessica L Drewicz
Ashleigh A Fugate Bryan J Gilbreath II Benjamin J Gunn David B Holloway
William A Keuchler John P Maggs Gabriel M Necochea Travis J Penner
Charles J Prichard Robert A Robinson Breanna M Schmidt
Jordan A Sheffer
Megan A Thompson Gloriemar Torre’ Santiago
Gabriel S Valdeleon
Courtney M Vidt Andrew D Whitmey Not Pictured
Stanley Anderson
Cadet Squadrons
2012 Julie O Baumgardner
Jesse Bicknell
Jacob H Blasbalg Edward D Camacho
Joshua C Cerimele
Emily K Cotharn Kurtis M Day Ryan M Dowden Josiah W Eubank Rachel K Gebauer
Benjamin C Gomez James M Hamilton
Zachary T Helton Fallynne J Henderson Matthew R Kasakitis
Maciej Krakowian Aaron J McClain Arthur M Notini
Michael A Oakley Michael C Piazza David A Pryor Jr.
Jonathan M Quirarte Joshua M Shovelton
Megumi J Voight David R Walcher
Matthew L Ward Jordan R Wittman
Jonathan S Yi
Jay R Zeigler
2D\3 Daniel A Adjangba Rebecca M Bailey Gordon P Broadbent IV Brett W Brunner Brendan T Conroy
Katherine M Danno Nicholas W Dona
Benjamin S Fox David L Greenstreet
Joshua A Hall
Joseph A Hollway Kara N Hovseth Brian S Hwang
Kate L Kanetzky Aaron B Kerkhoff
Gregory R Kidd Arturas Kucharevas James E MacAndrew Max M Manley
Chad H Moore Joshua G Morgan Samantha B Morrison
Anthony M Pipe Garrick M Smitherman William A Suys
Samantha E Thomas Zachariah D Vaughan Michael T Walsh Jr. Brendon A West Colton G Wetzel Jessica M Wong
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Daniel Acero Thomas G Ainscough David AAsche Brett M Boudreaux
Jeffrey T Braden Christina R Burke
Sergio P Duran Donald C Feeley Kevin J Fogler Calder D Goc
Tyler A Flaunreiter Casey G Flawkins Scott M Hlavin Michael L Jansen
Morgan D Landreaux Joshua T Larson Trevor R Lockhart Alexander X Milhous
Kipp L Moorhead Jennifer H Nguyen Ryan M Robinson Jenna S Scheller Nicholas W Smith Evan J Washington
Ryan M Wichman Zackery T Williams Ryan T Witzig
2012 David J Anderson
Kristian A Barber Michael A Broch Jonathan M Chung Patrick J Day Robert C Demarsh
Auriele N Fain
Jaclyn N First Jennifer A Flynn Jeremiah J Gray Anson J Harvey
Anthony R Jadick Mathew J Jerrell Vincent T Jovene III
Cranston M Kline
Nicholas A Konishi
Raymond F Leinenbach Tyler S Levy Tiffaney D McKinney John W Nickerson
Russell B Roberts Victor Rodriguez Matthew T Rogers David P Shrift Brian R Stenger
Sarah B Thomas Francis M Usher
Justin D Wilson Alexander J Wright Keith A Wyman
Cadet Squadrons
The patch, a turquoise circle bordered in black, dominantly
portrays the "Grim Reaper." He has a gray and white skull and hands
and wears a black cloak. He holds the gold Roman numeral "XXXI"
by a chain in his right hand and a
scythe in his left. The "Grim Reaper" represents the reality of death and serves to remind cadets
they have,
as members of the Armed Forces,
devoted their lives to their country.
This dedication distinguishes the
military profession from all others. This second patch of the squadron was approved in
Cody M Anderson Jeffrey D Baptist Christina M Beckett
Charity G Blanton Douglas M Brown James E Chambers II
Stephan H Claxton Nicholas R Doumont
Kaitlyn N Eastman Michael J Fitzgerald Peter G Forde Patrick M Harrison James D Hendershaw Austin M Howard
Irene E Joyce Timothy S Kirkpatrick
Taeyoung Lee Gabrian F Martinez Paul G McArthur
Nora M Nordmark Mark S O’Hair
Kennedy M Patterson Michael H Powell Kenneth E Serafinko Scott T Shuman John B Skeele
Ryan D Tabor James T Tipton Heather M Udell
Tyler A Vincent Amanda N Welch Thomas J Wilkinson
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Dylan M Asmar Martin C Beck Jr. Rebecca D Branyen
Edward E Cortez Scott G Ellis
Raymond R Gamboa Paul Gaylord III Joshua E Hammervold
Nicholas L Holland Samantha R Howard Caleb J Knight Caroline T Kurtz
Kajetan Lapczuk Caitlin M Miller Simon G Mohr
Stephen M Newell
Benson P Oldmixon Michel Pardal
Joseph G Ritt Barrett E Schake Savier A Stephens
Justin W Tyner Alex J Volesky John K Winston
Robert V Wolfe
2012 Levi D Almond Matthew Baker
Louis S Bloom
Rodney E Brooks II David W Brumbaugh Austin T Demmel Devon J Dettloff
Timothy P Dominice Lee B Embry
Christa E Ewasko
Casey P Habluetzel Evan L Harman
Yagie Janisch William B Johnson Nicholas A Jurado Paul S Ochs
Zachary T Payne Jared Penner Michael R Quezada
Gabrielle A Quirao Leo M Ricciotti Edward M Rubio Ana Ruiz Martin A Schaeuble
Lee M Schatsiek
Daniel L Starr Beau J Stegemann
Ariel L Waiters
Margaret E Weingart Shannon R Young
Cadet Squadrons
road runners
An aircraft and its contrails are
in the center of the patch. A roadrunner cartoon character and the bright orange numeral "32" dominate the field. The squadron
motto, "Catch Us If You Can," is on the bottom of the patch. The roadrunner represents the speed and
craftiness, as he always cleverly evades numerous encounters with
the infamous coyote. The jet plane
soaring to the top of the patch, symbolizes flight and the aspirations of new careers.
Benjamin C Bertelson Suzanne M Bisschops Elaine A Bradford Shane M Bruski
Lindsay M Cordero Neil T Corran
Kyle C Cranston Benjamin T Cullen Robert M Dewitt Michael W Duff Helen G Ensley Andrew N Gallion Steven T Gautreaux
Stephen D Hunter Nicholas E Jackson
Kimberly P Koeppen Tristan B Kooker
Nathan J Lebens Kevin M Magtalas Austin M McCollum Blake E Moorhead Connor R Niebrugge
Kelly M O'Grady Dustin T Potter
Daniel M Rasfeld
Wesley J Reid Louis C Rogers III James T Simons Justin J Sleeter
Daniel K Stiles Jack D Taute Jarred W Teakell
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Angel A Ayure-Lopez Richard G Bean III
Whitney G Beck Matthew K Blue
Rachel E Donoho Albert E Garcia III
Kelly E Grabarek Alexander P Hillman
Joseph S Kuensting Brian R Lane Isaac Leuthold
Scott L Mendoza
D'Angelo M Mitchell Michael S Pyles Adam P Robinson Derrick M Rowe
Garrett A Schutz
Bradley T Sellers Eric D Shok
Ryan S Southworth Samantha J Stibick Drew A Warwick
Tyler West Alan C Wong
2012 Joshua L Bergman Carl M Chandler Matthew C Cignoli Drew W Clasen Kristen E Connell
Andrew W Davenport McKenzie B Dowd Thomas C Erlinger David D Floren Jonathan E Garcia
Colleen E Haggerty Christopher L Hassa Laura A Henderson Matthew S Hensley
Spencer E Hoene
Mister J Jackson III
Zachary J Kauth Jeffrey Keating Rachel S Mamroth Madonna M May Travis R Myers
Charles W Norton Alexandra D Petit
Andrej E Pulver Samuel W Roller
Jeremy J Sarno Colin S Swanson
Christine J Sydney William K Tanner Amanda B Wineman
Cadet Squadrons
The patch is a white circle outlined in gold. Two black falcons, diving in formation, leave blue contrails.
The black numeral "33" is located in the patch's upper right portion. The two spacecraft-like falcons
represent the mascot of the Air Force Academy, the bird of prey
noted for its speed, keen eyesight and fierce fighting spirit. They fly in formation to show the teamwork
of the members of the cadet
wing and the Air Force. This is the squadron's original patch.
Michael J Appleby Evan A Barger
Henry W Binzer Terry W Burke Kim Y Cory Jon S Coulter John R Della Pia
Matthew S Drake Kevin M Dwyer Jr. Adetunji A Fisayo Kelsey V Garcia
Nathan A Goodall Joshua J Harnisch
Thomas E Indelicato Jonathan F Jones
Jeremy A Krohngold Brock E McGehee
Kyle K Norquist William F O’Connor
John H Oms Anna E Philbrick
Benjamin D Register Beau M Riebe
Kyle P Street
Juwayne M Tanner Taylor K Warren
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Naomi M Ballard Mario R Calabro Michael A Holloway Sean L Johnson
Steven T Lane
Tiffany A Low
Karl A Mohrmann Mark A Mosby
Jeffrey M Nakayama Anthony K Onitsuka Mathew B Park David
V Phetmixay Craig C Porter
Joel G Primm Emanuel T Prodan
Anthony M Ruize Jasmine A Searuggs
Chad A Sheiner Alexandra L Swanson
Andrew J Taylor Conner J Van Fossen
Skyler T Villers
Robert L Walker
David C Adams
James H Beilby Andrew M Bolden Andrew J Cardenas
Thomas J Carter
Benjamin K Chavez William R II Chuch Jim H Daniels III
Cody O Deacon Drew P Dela Cruz
Katherine L Dials Michael P Fournier Dustin L Gooden Daniel H Henning
Kelcie R Irvan
Tawny R Lambuth Joshua M Park
Olga Pearse Andrew K Petry Jon M Richardson
Juan J Rodriguez
Ryan P Smith Weston K Smith Gordon M Spahr Michael L Stacks
Chloe M Swan Brendan A Taylor
Megumi T VanderWaal Kevin W Weaver Jr.
Ryan T Weldon Kody A Wilson Aaron M Zadalis
Cadet Squadrons
A bolt of lightning, gold with a white
border, extends from the upper left to the lower right. A gray and
purple armored hand holds the bolt, and Polaris lies immediately below the hand. The dominate
colors represent the four classes at the Air Force Academy. Though both aircraft are nicknamed
"Thunderbolt," the A-l 0 symbolizes the modern American Air Force while the P-47 serves as a reminder of its rich heritage. The thunderbolt shows the strength and power of
the Air Force, and the arm poised to throw the thunderbolt serves as a
warning to potential aggressors
that America is ready and willing to use military might to maintain its
freedom and society.
2013 Aleks K Akiyama Peter B Bangen John J Blaess
Katherine R Brock
Zachary S Butcher Brian J Collett
Danny R Compton Ian J Culpepper Brent A Eberle
Christopher A Espinosa John M Gelsomino
Pia K Goodman
Derrin J Gould
Emily E Gray Derek L Hale Joshua W Hartmann
Kyle A Land Marcela R Leano Alicia D Leipprandt
Benjamin J Matthewson Nathaniel P McVicker Andrew P Olejnik Daniel G Pickett Andrew J Quallio
Wrendy K Rayhill Riley M Seidel Michael S Smith Jr.
Ryan D Thompson Nathanael I Tousley Andru S Vandiver Clark P Walsh Kristina L Whiteman Curtis R Widener
Zachary J Zeitlin
Cadet Squadrons
Chelsea J Agee Lauren E Allison
Lantz R Balthazar IV Jonathan C Buckingham Sarah C Cassman Marc P Charles
Robert A Dawson Denise M Garcia
Andrew C Geist
John R Greenway
Timothy J Hartman Tyler K Hazel Theodore J Labedz
Jeffrey S Lee Benjamin W Leung Alexander L Lisot
Frank J Magazu Benjamin N Marshall Kevin J Mudd
Thomas G Nichols Tobias L Pedretti
Alana M Phaneuf Kevin B Rowe
Kristopher K Sherman
Stephanie S Stanford Michael D Trubilla
Zachary T Turner Kirby J White
2012 Colby B Anderson Andrew S Beckman
Cody W Boswell Austin S Bracy Ann P Dally
Eric A Dziokonski
Ryan P Erickson William M Evans
Cassie M Fletcher Jason R Groose Saskia R Hicks
Sean M Lanham Jami L Larson Charlie J Meier
Christopher H Moede Jason M Ponce
Jonathan A Primeaux
James-Darrell V Racca
Catherine A Regan
Jeffrey A Schaefer Cody P Settle Annalisa M Sims
Kelsey A Smith Anthony F Trevino Colin S Vining
Jackson L Wehmeyer Patrick J Williams
Kelly E Wyatt
Cadet Squadrons WMt
The aggressive weasel holds a
gold thunderbolt in the one gloved hand and a flight control stick in the other. This patch is a tribute to F-l 05 pilots who flew Wild Weasel on surface-to-air suppression missions in Vietnam. The lightning bolt signifies the speed of the Air Force strike capability. The weasel
depicts Airmen's determination and skill. This patch was authorized on Sept.
29, 1983, after approval
by General Dynamics Corporation, the missiles' manufacturer.
2013 Mathew G Barbazon Brooke N Byerley
Christopher C Calderone Joshua A Dahlenburg Nathan C Davies Ian T Ellington
Jared R Erickson Jonathan D Fonbuena
Joshua M Gilly Julia C Grose
Reginald P Hargrove II Samuel R Haueter William M Heineken
Elisha B Henry
Chancellor A Johnstone Joshua R Kusan
Andrew J Lankow
Corey A Leibbrand Anna B Lowe
Melany A Means Tyler K Meirose
Timothy F Mobley Jr Timothy J Parcell John E Ritschard
Blake V Rothschild Mark K Rulona
Ryan K Sittig Michael P Sortino Jr.
Patrick F Waters Dustin S Weeks Joshua O Williams
Hannah L Wyall
Cadet Squadrons i
Frank R Adamik Joshua A Bauder
Elizabeth L Box Andrew M Campbell
Alexander J Chesney Laronce DJ Franklin Nathan L Frey Richard A Gelles
Braylon V Gurnell Daniel T Hale
Patrick W Haupt Patrick J Hussey
Perri A Leake Paul V Lucero
Patrick R McAllister
Timothy C Nash Scott N Pierson Jr.
Glynnis A Quern
Christopher W Ricks Matthew P Rother
David A Ryan Bachar N Satchell Derek R Schleiden
Haley S Staples Matthew V Versage
Katherine A Ward
2012 Patrick M Bodnar Amanda D Bolton Joshua D Butler Daniel M Carlson
Gregory R Carte Justin M D'Olimpio Aaron E Foster Allana L Gallant
Ian W Hall Allanna S Jones
Jacob J Krasnov
Austin E Lan John C Lerch Hector H Lopez Jr
Cody C Main Harrison C McWilliams Alexander J Nelson Charles E Nobles III
Benjamin J Piehl Christopher D Richardson Tyler A Schultz John T Seaver
Ashley M Sikora Matthew C Thompson Nathan S Timsuren Michael R Tope Gabriel A VallePadilla Stephen D Wakefield Elizabeth R Woodyard
Angela J Zeqollari
Cadet Squadrons
The "Pink Panther" wears a blue
flight jacket and leans against the yellow and black numeral "36." The Pink Panther depicts the cunning and sophistication every cadet strives for during his cadet career. The flight jacket, helmet and gold bars symbolize the cadet's two
most immediate goals: a commission as a second lieutenant and a flying career. The fact that the panther is leaning against the
"36" signifies that a cadet depends on the other members of the
Squadron. This is the squadron's
original patch. The Pink Panther was chosen to adorn the squadron
patch because of his popularity as a
Saturday morning cartoon character,
2013 David H Baumeister III Kenn R Boechler
Britany F Calley Mister Carlton Andre K Chun
William C Deavor John H Decker
Anthony R Emtman Evan C Glowiak
Jeffrey W Graves Mia E Gwirtsman
Matthew L Heien
Matthew S Howard Mikel J Hunter Daniel S Jones
Teresa B Kim
Ian T Lawson
Brady W Lukas Preslee M Maki Joel A Parritt
Philip S Patchoski Amanda G Pestana Loring H Ross Evan K Shawler
Christopher C Smithson Nathan G Sorensen Joshua S Sprang
Ryan J Thompson Jeffrey J Wagner Andrew T Watson
Michael R Winstead
Spencer G Wood
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Patrick T Casey David J Crippes
Christopher L Daniels Spencer W Edwards Annette L Ehrman
John D Ferut
Bridget N Flatley Patrick D Gill
Benjamin N Gozun Benjamin A Hessney Clinton M Manley Andre Morris Jr.
Alan Pham Marcus K Poehler
Kayla A Raisor Amanda L Robillard Eric D Rode Shane M Ruether Andrew G Sainsbury
Brett D Satterfield Joshua L Stevens Caleb J Taylor Georgina Torok
Maxwell G Weaver
2012 Jonathan H Baker Daniel K Barina Michael L Brecht
John W Cowen Naomi O De La Torre Jonathan H Flynn
Ryan P Fountain Cody S Freeborn Jacob P Fulton Nicholas R Jernigan
Jordan T Johnson Calvin D Johnson Jr.
Christina J Jung Jordan S Keefer
Joshua J Kim Michelle H Kiyota
Arif S Mohammad Idris
Casey B Mott James D Newton Marie F Paquin Brian D Paredes
Payton E Pearson III Courtney D Pinkerton Corey A Skolnick Taylor H Stewart Matthew R Street
Kathryn L Stuard Scott E Stucky Jan T Teope Derek J Winkler
Mitchell E Young
Cadet Squadrons
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The current patch is yet another in the evolution of the squadron's
emblem and, technically, another color variation of the original, Its
predominant color is royal blue, with gold bordering the circle. In the center, a gray knight with o blue shield, a red and white
coronet, and a winged helmet is mounted on a large, gray and white stallion. The knight holds a silver, white and gray lance. A large,
cratered, sliver moon and the red numeral ”37" are in the upper right hand area. Gold is used for the
knight's spur, the saddle girth and the horse's front hoof. This variation,
the third major color change, has
Nicholas T Abraham James M Agee David M Arquette
been used since 1976.
Kevin M Beauchemin
Zakaria B Boston
Joseph M Chapman Kaitlin M Coffey Elizabeth A Coleman Nicholas J DeJulio Matthew E Demichiei Zane K Dydasco
Ryan J Evans John J Graves
Mary C Hansard Philip A Hawkins Parker J Herrington Justin C Juedeman
Kyle W Lenz Brittny M Lolohea Rosalie A Mayou Drew T McKnight Glenn M Miltenberg
Keegan K Peckham Edward W Puffenbarger John M Rutherford
Keyona C Sanchez Mackenzie K Schofield
Brandon T Stenger Jakob M Stronko
Kendrick M Thiede
Joseph R Truxal Stephen M Vu Joseph A Webster
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Christopher H Ansel Joseph W Bledsoe III Anthony J Correale Yunior I Cruz
Cacey H Davis Christian S Drescher Katrina I Eromin Eric P Fenske
Alan R Foote Madeline J Goff
Jon W Gray Justin A Hitchens Adam M Jaskula
Rafael E Kessler Nicholas S Lockhart Parker S Mayo
Spenser W McIntyre Phillip M Mills Marc W Penninga Marcus A Rosenthal
Philip D Ruel Jessica M White
Nercresainne M White Andrew P Zwirlein
! I
2012 Benjamin J Barringer Gina L Bosworth
Matthew R Buford
Casey M Cox Emily A Coyle Kira Gonzalez
Curtis N Hansen
Jordan P Hauschild Joshua M Huckabee
Kristopher S Hull Jeffrey D Kelly Linda G Lam Michael C Lester
Ryan C Martinson Devin A Menefee
Andrew J Nemethy
Clifford A Peterson
Stephen L Pineo Harriet K Randolph Kevin C Rosen
Ryan Russomanno Michael B Smith James G Tewaheftewa
Jared C Tomaszewski
Kebin P Umodu Matthew T Woods
Cori E Zenishek
Matija Zupancic
Cadet Squadrons
° 11
eXa ve
I The blue numeral "38" sits to the upper left of the nickname. The
shield-shaped patch resembles the American flag and the Air Force shield and symbolizes the qualities
of patriotism, courage and devotion to duty. "ALL STARS" is testimony to the excellence with which each
squadron member performs his duties and responsibilities. The five stars stand for the five ideals of the
squadron: character, discipline, devotion to duty, excellence and
Timothy T Ambard Samuel T Barnes Robert A Bernardi David R Bradshaw
Ke-Koa-Kaulu-La Clarke Erin M Crain
Benjamin G Deschane Riley A Feeney Connor J Ference Austin A Fox Nico P Gigante Travis B Grindstaff
Molly M Fleath Raymond J Hill Joy M Johnson Alexander J Kauth
James J. Livingstone Ethan J Martinez
Kinder N McCullough Kurt S Moehling
Monique M Pal Matthew D Petersen Andrew S Richardson
Kenneth R Sample
Samantha N Smith
Kyle S Stigall Derek G Travis
Zachary B Tulley Christopher M Twigg Cameron S Urquhart Jonathan R Weed Reid A Witt
Victoria R Wyler John S Yang Jr.
Cadet Squadrons
Michael R Archibald
Jacob Banda Levi T Beard
Cory F Benson Andrew N Briley Yvette N Cline Eric L Collins Laura E Cusimano
Gregory J Eslinger Whitney F Gremillion Patrick R Hennessey Leanna N Hoffmann Caleb L Howard Caleb A McConnell
Tyler J McCoy Javier A Noboa
Brandon D Odum Faith L Sanders-Walker John R Sarette Michael R Shaw Taurean D Singletary
Joseph M Stafford Laura M Sturdevant Alexis C Tamosuinas
David R Truxal
Chase S Wilke
2012 Jonathan J Atkins Robert A Bell
Corydon B Butler III Matthew E Cain Shauna L Casey Ellis R Claggett II
Kyle A Cressy Jenna L Dolata
Andrew C Gibler Robert W Gulla II
Danny Kim Brady A Knutson Christopher G Luke Alex J Malm
Nancy L Maloch Joshua M Palmer
Christopher B Poje Travis S Potthoff Christina M Salinas Brandon C Schoenfeldt
Stephanie S Sexton Robert M Simpson Matthew J Siverio
Erik R Soderberg Lance A Wach Joshua E Wilson
Ryan D Young Kyle K Ziegler
Cadet Squadrons
The patch consists of a red "39" within the nucleus of a yellow atom. The atom is set on a dark blue circle, ringed by a silver border. At the bottom is the squadron
motto, "Potentia Vincere", which is Latin for "The power to conquer".
The atom represents the unlimited abilities in each squadron mem-
ber, and the unity of the squadron as a whole. The colors represent
the tour classes, and the unified
design represents the cooperation necessary among the classes to
insure an effective squadron. This was the
squadron's original patch,
which was discontinued in 1980, but revived in 1991.
Robert J Alleman Juan S Alvarez
Eryn K Avjian Matthew C Bailey Carlos G Berreteaga Nolan R Bet Dalton L Bridgers Mark A Conque
Molly M Crosby Duncan J Dillon Garrett J Fly Paul Gaski Daniel G Gunderson Sean B Hoang
Zachary W Hoeffner Olawale B Lawal Jr. Victor J Lopez Robert C Maddox Jake T Melia
Kendra M Miller Justin T Moore Dillon C Pettyjohn
Yasmin I Sarmiento
Zachary R Schaubhut Matthew L Scheie Holden D Simmonds Andrew M Sugar
Nathan LTangeman Barbra E Terry
Christopher J Velez John H Vivadelli Jr.
Prittany D White P
Cadet Squadrons
2011 Matthew P Avila
Zachary F Bell Christin S Burrows Erica A Chimelski
Nicholas W Cottage
Meghan E Cummings Kevin E Dandino
Gabriel D Dejong III
Gavin A Foley Jacob A Fouraker William G Hock
Parker D Huge Chad S Jessup
Timothy E Krystosek Jacques M Lamoureux Michael E Lewis
Leif E Lindblom
Benjamin M Mamroth Trenton M Melcher John M Newman
Elizabeth K Norvell
Ralph A Ojeda III Sara E Schoemer
Ely F Smith Scott W Theuerkauf
Kyle R Tomaszewski Travis T Vayda Yung A Winata Jordan T Wind
2012 Claire E Brown James T Colvin III Seth T Danielson Brent A Drabek
Jenna E Dudley David H Furlow Anna M Gault Sean W Gent
Charles A Gross
Zachary R Hamby Andrew M Heard Kenneth P Hertzler Trevor D Ibarra Katherine E Jacobs
Amanda M Johnson
John R Lohr Jr.
Brendan J Maestas Kevin R McMullen
Kyle B Mefford Rachel L Mittelman
John J V Ottusch
Dmytro Pichkur Robert J Poisson III
Christopher A Reith
Krystin M Shanklin JohnASidwell Daniel W Taubenslag Austin E Trevino
Cadet Squadrons
Jerell N Alexander
Dariel R Baker Jr.
rn msrr ^
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Margarita A Balish Alexander C Bast
Brendon J Birdsell
Zachary L Bohannon Colby T Browning Joshua C Brundidge Kathryn M Bugg Anthony J Chiaro Carrigan M Dean Michael A Fisk Andrew C Gorospe Brett A Gudim Johnson C Ho Randi M Imerman
Joshua M Kieser Rodion Korolkov Rafael Magana III
Richard B Margerison III Brent A Mattocks Patrick S Morgan
Amanda R Mueller
Kyle D Nazarek Justice Owusu-Achiaw
j'Mt A
l«k ■J ML jtjjL£d iP 4m
John T Ploschnitznig
Matthew J Sprouse Katie LTiedemann James W Warnick
Grant R Williams
Cadet Squadrons
(Left) Speed, power and lethality are traits of the Academy's falcon mascots and the
Airmen Warriors the raptors represent.
march in the Academy's graduation parade
each year which marks their transition from
students to Air Force leaders. I Dominant
photo by Arnie Spencer, supporting photo by Maj. Tom Jost
FANTASTIC FUN over the fun
(Above) C4C Alexandra Prusko flips
offered at cadet Jamboree. Rides and games
provided students some well-deserved stress relief May 19. Weather concerns moved the event from the Terazzo to Arnold Flail, but Mother Nature cooperated
enough to
allow cadets to enjoy several outdoor activities such as the bungee trampoline flipping. | Photos by Arnie ...
(Right) C3C Kate Werling and
C4C Michael Powell are among the hungry cadets who devoured a tasty BBQ spread. The treat was courtesy of Mitchell Hall which paid for the catered food. FACES
(Bottom) Getting mirror image half faces painted
on their own
makes for a fun ending to the school year for
freshmen Jonathan Fonbuena and Samuel Haueter.
Graduation Week r'
(Above) Cadets live out their rock and roll dreams through videoke, often to the amusement of the rest of the crowd.
(Far left) A climbing wall on the patio outside the Arnold Hall Ballroom gives cadets a chance to test their strength and agility.
(Left) Candy Coburn rocks the ballroom stage treating cadets to a generous helping of her country hits.
Cadet Jamboree
Right) C2C Carly Olsowski has her class ring placed on her finger by her boyfriend Bryan May 21 in the Mitchell Hall. Ring Dance is of the most significant milestones of cadets’ Academy careers. | Photos by Arnie Spencer ers taking a
OSlB(Above) The setting
break from the ballroom fun.
provides a romantic backdrop for silhouetted danc
(Below) A cadet slices off a piece of the Ring Dance cake.
THE HOME STRETCH Cadets lookeforward to their Ring Dance for three school years. With rings on
hand, they need to wait only a few more
days for the outbound class to graduate, then the rising firsties take their place as
the Academy’s leaders.
Graduation Week
I '
(Far left)
Anderson and the Class of 2011 drain their
glass and catch the ring with their teeth. WITH THIS RING
(Right) Many then transfer the ring to their dates’ via a kiss before having it returned to
their fingers.
(Right) The night is filled with so much fun and romance that an extra kiss and a dip by the pool, not in, seems welcome.
«S i
(Above) Cadets keep an impressively tight grip on their flags during the Graduation Parade. Weather
permitting, cadets march in several parades over the course of graduation week.
Plenty of sun meant
plenty of marching for the students during 2010’s
grad week activities. | Photos by Arnie Spencer THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT Cadets treat graduation guests to a variety of shows
including the Cadet Chorale featuring C2C Nathaniel Thuli (right) and Cadet Show Choir (far
Most performances take place in Arnold Hall over the weekend prior to graduation.
Graduation Week
(Above) A pending graduate has his epaulets removed during his squadron’s commissioning ceremony prior to graduation day. Family and friends typically have the honor of replacing the cadet rank with Air Force lieutenants insignia, often called “butter bars” due to their
yellowish color. PRESENTING HONORS
(Far left and left) Whether it takes the form of a cadet's salute or a B-52 flyover, parades and ceremonies held
during graduation week applaud the accomplishments of the outgoing class.
t Grad Week Events
g^S mM
(Above) Concerns over bad weather prove groundless once again as the 2010 graduation crowd is treated to Air Force blue skies and comfortable temperatures. | Photo by
Maj. Tom Jost WHERE'S EVERYONE SITTING? (Below left) The Falcon Stadium
crowd appears in the glass lenses of a Class of 2010
graduate as she scans for friends and family seated among the thousands attend-
ing. | Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Below right) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen jokes during
his speech, “I’ll bet many in the staff here would love to hear from all of
you graduates in the future
you, they’d also like you to know that by ‘the future,’ they mean at least four years from now when
and after spending four years with
they’ve recovered.” | Photo by Arnie
sir ^
i"* £. 5
(Above) It’s understandable if C1C Leanne Caballer has a hard time
big smile from her face as she and her classmates march to their seats on the
floor of Falcon Stadium.
This is their
last parade opportunity as cadets.
| Photo by Arnie Spencer
Academy Superintendent
Lt. Gen. Mike Gould and his wife Paula
join cadets in a moment of prayer during the graduation ceremony. | Photo
by Arnie Spencer SABER SALUTE
Hillary Bowen
and the
cadet Saber Drill Team salute as the
official party enters Falcon Stadium.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Newly graduated
2nd Lt. Andrew
Burke and his Class of 2010 peers celebrate the conclusion of their cadet career
with the traditional hat toss. Clouds overhead blend with the white smoke lines that show where the
Thunderbirds have
recently passed.
| Photo by Maj. Tom Jost
Four of the Thunderbirds’ F-16s soar through a vertical climb during the post
graduation performance. | Photo by Arnie Spencer
Graduation Week
(Above) Adam Johnson leaves no doubt about his
joy at being among the more
than 1,000 new second lieutenants from the Class of 2010 to join the ranks of the Air Force. | Photos
by Arnie Spencer
(Far left)
The graduating class vows to support and defend.
(Middle left) A cadet raises her diploma in triumph while receiving a well-earned of congratulations from a friend.
Former cadets light up celebration cigars, a graduation tradition that has resisted the Air Force’s tough
anti-smoking policies.
Post Diploma
■1WC n
Fourth of July fireworks provide a welcome break for cadets struggling through basic
The Academy puts on a colorful
show annually. I Photos by Arnie Spencer
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the eyes
Academy residents are surrounded by an abundance of man-made.
beauty both natural and
Visitors to the Cadet Chapel
quickly come to appreciate the rainbow splendor of its stained glass windows while a
backdrop offers a simpler
but no less spectacular view. I Photos by
Arnie Spencer
2nd Lt. Ivando Arroyo 4
2nd Lt. Samuel T. Boone *
2nd Lt. Meagan Patricia Kuchan 2nd Lt. Cnted A. Rubin
2nd Lt. Will DiMaio
2nd Lt. Sara Lynn Schmitt
2nd Lt. Greg Fromknecht
2nd Lt. Mark J. Watkins
2nd Lt. Chad Haller
Best Wishes from the Proud Parents
of the USAFA Cadet Parents Association of Eastern Massachusetts John Kuconis
Karen Smith
Christopher Ng
Florida Gulf Coast Parents’ Club
Congratulates The Class of 2010! 2nd Lt. Kayla M. Beach
2nd Lt. Kenneth H. Kaczmarek
2nd Lt. John R. McDonald
2nd Lt. Kurt T. Spranger II
kt. fs *Freedom Stands Because Heroes Serve. You Make Us Proud!
The Air Force Academy
2 Lt Jessica Laco
Parents’Association of Nebraska
2Lt %ari Jinn Thomas
Congratualates the USAFA CLass of 2010
2Lt (D.J. Thompson 2Lt (Brett Troutman Johnson Anderson ■
Kearny Mark Favinger
2£t Tom
Diana McVay
JVe are a
coffee rrniy with class crest from
tps p
USAFA Georgia Parents Club
Serving cadets in Illinois, Missouri,
our Class
of 2010 Cadets!
and the St. Louis
Metropolitan region WWW.USAFAPCSTL.ORG
Good luck in your Air Foce Career We are proud of your success
Abdul-Raheem, SamoryA.
Congratulations for dreams fulfilled & a bright future full of adventure. May your future bloom bright with happiness & continued success.
We knew you could do it. You will
Congratulations and best wishes
Ming, Your hard work and
go a long way as an officer in the Air Force. With love...Mom, Dad, and
from Mom, Dad, Norma Sundberg and Frank Reidy, sister Natalie and
perseverance have realized a great accomplishment! WE LOVE YOU!
brothers Allen and Dustin, The Yow
family and David Derolph
Your Pop, Mom, Chichi and Pootxi.
Love, Mom & Dad
Ball, Bailey Alapaki
Ball, Scott
Bartczak, Adam
Batey, Nick
Congratulations to the “Hawaiian Punch’’, the Outstanding Boxer at the 2010 Wing Open. Maui No Ka Oi, but being a graduate of the
Grandson, your hard work & perseverance along with faith,
Adam, 1 am so incredibly proud of
Congratulations Nick! We are so proud of you! Its exciting to think of the places you will go and what you will accomplish during your AF
USAFA rocks!
family & friends has made your AFA graduation a lifetime memory. Always there for you.
you, not only for your outstanding achievements but for the amazing
you’ve become in the process, wish you continued success in your
career and
career. Love, Mom, Dad, Zach and
happiness always. 1 love
you. Mom
Bolint, Andy
Brateng, Jonathan Tyler
Breedlove, Bradley J.
Brice, Benjamin David
Andy, We’re extremely proud of you! You are a unique and beautiful snowflake! You’ve got the right stuff
Thanks for sharing your journey— Stand Tall, Be Proud! You set forth
Well you did it Brad, and this time we’re not talking about falling off The
and you will find your way Mornie
& conquered—you did it. We are
Great Wall!:) There aren’t words
Alantie A promise lives within you
to be a fighter pilot...you can think
proud of the man in the glass!!
that can express how proud we
fast and act faster! Remember
Love, Mom & Dad
are of
on this
this day son for it will be yours for
you. Congratulations great accomplishment, we can't wait
all time. Congratulations and love
to see what the next chapter of your
always! Mom and Dad
life brings. Love you, Mom & John
May It Be
Mornie Utulie Believe
We love you, Mom, Dad,
Courtney, Juliana, Isabella & Hope
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Brundidge, Joseph
Capparelli, Robert E.
Congratulations Son...Job Well
Aim high & Dare to dream Mike
Done! You completed the four year
“Fear not for I am with you”
mission to become an Air Force
Isaiah 41:10 We love you & Support
officer. We are so proud of you!
you, wherever you are. Mom, Dad, Liz & Dan
Your 1st mission is complete...
now the USAF journey begins. We praise God for what he blessed you to do and pray His blessings on the
ourney ahead. Love, Mom and Dad
Copeland, Christopher A.
Corpman, David W.
We have always had faith in you. We love you from here to the stars.
Your perseverance conquered
Pat, Diane, Connor, the Jouppis, the Leavells, the Gallegos and Rowdy. “Remember I am with you.”
Ciutiis, Thomas
Delgado, Mackin
Slugger you did it! On Graduation
What an exciting journey, with so
Day you hit a grand slam home run. I’m very proud of you. Love & Prayers, Auntie Di... Caesar & Teddy Cat, too!
much more to come! The road hasn’
always been easy, but you’ve grown stronger in the process. We’re so proud of your accomplishments, but more proud of the man you’ve become. Keep living life to the fulles and enjoying the ride. Love, Dad, Mom, Case, Bones & Riley
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
challenges. We are proud of your accomplishments. Congratulations! Mom & Dad Matt, Heidi, & Family Brett, Amy & Family
Deming, Matthew
Deming, Matthew
Diederick, Frederick
Dempster, Laura
From Space Camp to private pilot license to the USAFA, you have always had your eyes focused on your goals. No matter what “hurdles” you came up against, you cleared them. We’re so very proud of you!
Matt, Congratulations on achieving
You worked hard to overcome
We are so very proud of you! You
your dream! You have worked so
obstacles, faced the challenges to
have always had the ability to
hard to get there. We Love You So
achieve dreams, pursued goals and
achieve any goal you set. Your
Much! Love, Grandma and Auntie
realized them. We’re proud of you.
future is bright! We will love you
The Sky’s the Limits! Love Always,
forever, Mom and Dad
Mom & Dad
May God bless and protect you Matt. Love, Mom, Dad, John & the
Dial, Nathan Eugene Nathan Eugene Dial, generations
DiMaio, Will
Doede, Natalie
Dolan, John
Congratulations, Will! What a May all of
Natalie, Were proud of you!
In your Dad’s words, “Atta boy, John!” Four years of loving and
celebrate your accomplishments.
wonderful achievement.
Congratulations! And remember the
Soar with eagles; run with wise
your dreams come true. We’re so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad
will of God won’t take you anywhere
wolves. Fight the good fight and embrace life. Let God carry you on
and Marc
Love Dad & Mom
the Grace of God won’t protect you.
this new journey. The Dial Family.
praying and hard work have brought you through it all to this amazing moment
and the threshold of the
next adventure.
Keep up the great work and keep the faith. We love
Dua, Ajay We are all so very proud of you! This
exciting and rewarding
begins path. Above all stay true to yourself. Aim high and reach for the stars! an
Love All of us
Duffy, Blake Patterson Wahoo! You did it and we
couldn’t be more proud of your
accomplishments! You are an inspiration to every one of us We love you! Mom, Dad, Jess (and all the rest of the family too!) -
Dunn, Allen Buckley
Evans, Quinn
Junior, your Dunn and Kim
family and friends salute you. Your achievements in pursuit of excellence fills us with joy as we proudly stand by your side.
Fair, Matthew R.
Favinger, Mark Allen
Congratulations on your achievement! We are so very proud
We are rejoicing with you in the wonderful ways God is blessing your
of you! See you in the skies! Love
life. Luke 1:37 May God continue to
Always, Mom, Paul & Pops
bless you and keep you safe. Love and prayers, Dad, Mom, & Family
Fink, Shane Andrew
Fisk, Justin C.
“Discipline is the soul of the military.
The father of a righteous man has
It makes small numbers formidable;
So Proud Mom, Dad, Rachel,
great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him. Prov 23:24 We are so proud of your perseverance, accomplishments and character.
Shawn, Sarah
Love, Mom & Dad
Fromknecht, Gregory Allen
Gaeta, Edward L.
Greg We are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. May God richly bless you and keep you safe in everything you do. We love you now and always. Dad,
Congratulations on your hard work and perseverance. We rejoice with
procures success to the weak, and esteem to all”
George Washington.
you! “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Con amor y carino, the Ramirez and Gaeta families
Mom, and Andrew
Gross, Braden A.
Gullo, Jim
We are so proud of ail your
Never in the field of human conflict
accomplishments over the last 4 years at the academy. Your “can do”
has so much been owed by so
attitude and work ethic will be an
many to so few Congrats on a tremendous job. We are very proud
asset as you begin your career in the
of you. Group hug!
USAF. You are ready to soar now so aim high as you spread your wings.
We love you, Mom, Dad and Ryan
Haywas, Adrian
Hill, Daniel
Humphreys, Brian D.
Hyder, Luke Anthony
If you can fill the unforgiving
Congratulations! “If it doesn’t kill you it will make you stronger”. You did it and you are stronger for it. Fly high! The entire Hill family wishes you all
Congratulations Brian. We are proud of your success at the USAFA
has paid off and now you are ready
and your choice to serve our great
to face the world.
nation. Your selfless service is in
on a very
the best, we love you.
the greatest tradition of those who
minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and
everything that’s in it, And-which is more- you’ll be a Man, my son! Kipling
Your hard work and perseverance
bright future. Love your very proud family. James 1:12
served before you.
Jaglowicz, Christopher Paul
Jansson, Dane Thomas
Jennie, Scott Edward
Jolls, Nathan Robert
So very proud of you! Great future awaits you! Go forth & be
Our heartfelt congratulations on your
You went for your dream and now
All your hard work paid off.You
graduation from USAFA. We are so
successful. May God bless you &
proud of you and wish you a fulfilling
He most certainly will! Love Ya! Dad-
and successful Air Force career. We
you’re living it. May God always be in your heart and the pilot of your life. Congratulations! We love you.
your future. You laid your path and followed it. Good Job. Love Ya-
Mom & J-D-B-A-N-A-N
love you! Mom & Dad
Mom and Dad
Mom, Dad and Jake.
Judd, Shelby
Keiper, Brittany Michele
Kerdavid, Lauren
Kerns, Ryan
YGBSM! You exceeded your
In order to serve one’s country, self-
Off you go into the wild blue yonder!
did it.!!!!! We are so excited for
Trusting always in the Lord with
expectations. We couldn’t
consideration must be abandoned.
all your heart, and acknowledging
be more proud of you and your
You are an extraordinary woman.
Him in all your ways, we know He
accomplishments. Always
You will be an exceptional officer.
“Flying dreams mean that you’re doing the right thing with your life.” Doug Coupland Congratulations! We are very proud of you! Mom,
will continue to direct your paths
remember you are special. We love
We are so proud of you, Lauren.
Dad, and Devin
and you will rise up with wings
Mom & Dad
like eagles! With love and prayers
always, Dad & Mom.
Kline, Derrick E.
Kotelnicki, Oliver
Congratulations on your many outstanding accomplishments at the Academy. We are so proud of you! You have a great future
Congratulations on completing important chapter in your life! Good uck with your career. May God keep you safe. We Love you! -Gabby,
ahead of you. Have fun wherever the Air Force may take you and always know we will keep you in our prayers. We love you, Mom, Jeff, Nate, Hope, Connor, Sam and Taryn
Mom & Dad i
Kuchan, Meagan
Kuconis, John Andrew
Defy Gravity! We are so proud of /ou!! Congratulations! Mom & Dad
Congratulations on joining the long “Blue Line”. Graduating from USAFA requires sacrifice but your
Tim & Molly Grandma & Grandpa
USAFA friends and memories will last a lifetime. We are all proud!
Mom, Dad & MTK
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Kuzma, Kile H
Ladehoff, Christopher L.
Larson, Alex
Loomis, Corey Daniel
Congrats Kile, we are so proud of you! It was great having you as a sponsor cadet and you are a going
Congratulations! We’re very proud of you & grateful to God for all the hard work that went into achieving this great accomplishment. Love, Your Family
Congratulations Alex! We are so proud of you for the decisions and accomplishments you’ve made. May
dream. We are so glad you are one
Dad, Mom, Bradley and Leah
prayers. We are so happy for you. Mom and Dad
Lopez, Joshua
Makuka, Stephen Curtis
Marchesseault, Lance
Martinez, Frank Anthony
We are so proud of you! We are so
May God Bless You and Shield You as you Fly on Eagle Wings! Blue
We are so very proud of your
Frankie...we are just so proud of
perseverance, #5. Our hearts swell with pride. May God Bless you as
you and your accomplishments! Graduation is finally here and you
you move forward with your dreams. Love, Mom & Dad
will succeed in everything you do!
to do well in the world. Thank you
for all you’ve done and hopefully now that you are a grad I won’t have to “fine” you anymore. Love Brad, Jen, Taylor, Thurman, Thomas and
God bless you in all you do. Love,
Very few people get to live their of them. You will always be in our
excited about your future and can’t wait to see all the places you will golLove you so much,Mom, Dad, Jenny, Rachel
Skies & a Swift Tail Wind. We are so
proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Sasha.
We love you so much! Love Mom and Dad
Mascaro, Anthony David
McBride, Tyler Matthew
We are so proud of you and all
You truly are a man of Honor
that you have achieved. You ARE
and Character. Your love and
May God continue to
bless and guide you. We will always love and support you. Dad, Mom,
Maggie and Tina Isaiah 40:31
commitment for family and Country s remarkable. Our love and
pride for May God and his Angel wing’s always be flying with you. We love you, Mom, you is “Bigger than the Sky”.
Dad and Chase
McDonald, John R,
McKinney, Austin Blaine
Congrats on distinguishing yourself
in the Class of 2010! You won
Outstanding Group Freshman, Outstanding Fall Group Commander
and USAFA’s 11th Marshall
Scholarship Award!
McKinnon, Lauren Kathleen
McPhail, Matthew Fred
“One can never consent to creep
We are so proud of you and
when one feels an impulse to soar.”
fulfillment watching you soar into
congratulate the hard work it took to accomplish your goals. Happy Contrails, Matthew! Aim high! Love
a life of purpose and service. Love
Mom & Dad
H Keller We feel such joy, pride and
Mom & Dad
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Menna, Micheal A.
Miller, Ashton Leigh
Miller, Justin B.
Montes, Darren R.
Always remember,Only patriots fight for the freedoms you will provide, if the journey were easy,all men
Congrats Ash! Words cannot
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. (Thomas Jefferson) We now look to you to protect us. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) You will not be
Congratulations! A future of promise
describe how proud we are of you.
would take it. That what makes
you special,our son. You are truly a patriot, like all great men, you will defend your country.
This is just the first step of many on
your incredible journey. Love, Mom, Dad & Adam
and dreams to come true now
begins. May the Lord always hold and guide you in your journey. With love and pride, Dad, Mom, Dan, Dave and Family
alone. Dad, Sheila, and Julian
Moore, John
Mudrinich, Steven Michael
Mueller, Jacob Matthew
Nelson, Erik Conrad
We are so proud of you, Mom, Dad,
In 4 years, you have grown from a 17 year old boy into a capable young
We are proud of you son! “Giving
Eric, Sarah, Michelle
man. Your
strength and perseverance have seen you through both good
times and bad. You have proven you are ready to take on life’s challenges. We are so proud of you and have the
glory to God, seeking none in return,
amazing accomplishment. We
it’s an honor to serve.” We will
wish you many exciting adventures
forever be the wind beneath your
ahead. Be safe and Be Happy Always. Love You, Mom, Dad, Olin,
wings. Love, Mom & Dad
highest hopes for your future. Love, Your Family.
Nelson, Erick C.
North, Justin Y.
Congratulations on a job well done. As always we are so proud of you. May your future hold all you have ever hoped for and more. Love ya....Gram and Gramp
Congratulations! God speed in all you do for God and Country! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and
Novae, Kyle
Paladino, Daniel J.
Your 4 years of hard work and
We are so proud of you. You’ve achieved your goal from all your
determination have paid off. We wish you the best as you begin your career in the Air Force.
We are very of Love Mom and Dad proud you!
hard work. If He brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it. Love Mom Dad & Kristan
U5AFA 10
Paladino, Daniel J.
Paladino, Daniel J.
Congrats to a great man for a job
Congratulations-You conquered your first mountain in life-Many more w follow-Continue to stay focused.
well done. I am filled with pride and love for you and wish you the very best. God bless and keep you safe
Parents' Club Ads
Pawlica, Cristina Carrell
Perkins, Missy
Cristina, to say your family is proud
We are so proud Peanut, & thank
of you, is an understatement. You
you for serving our nation. You prove
closer to your dreams. Stay true
excited for you. Congratulations
live life with direction and purpose,
goal is beyond reach. Padu is busting his buttons with pride, just like the rest of us. We love you!
to yourself, never give up, the sky
on your
yet still remember to enjoy it. You are my first born, a
joy and a
You can bet your dad is
blessing. bragging to all the angels in heaven We love you so much!
Prochnow, Christopher Lee It’s just the beginning
one step
Quon, James You made it! We are so proud and
great start to an amazing
is the limit. We adore you & are so
career. Just remember that God has
proud of you. God Bless you! Mom,
an awesome
Dad & Heather
plan for your life. We cheering you on, Love, Mom and Hana
Raine, Jack Richard
Reed, William F.
Reinig, Ashley
Reinig, Ashley
Congratulations on your success! The Air Force Academy was your
No LAQ! UR ABT2 Gradu8! B4 U
first choice, not the easiest. We are
From the moment a parent sees their child for the first time, hopes and dreams are formed. Some
Remain a global thinker and
proud of you. With Love, Mom, Pop & Sam
so very
you've achieved, others await you. You are the daughter every parent hopes for, the true friend everyone
remember that our love is
boundless. May it provide strength in meeting life’s challenges. Your visdom will bring you opportunities.,
wants, the woman the world is
medical school! “Lanakila” With
waiting for. Be true to yourself and
Warm Aloha, Dad, Mom, Ty, Todd
maintain your fine values.
and Bearsy
Renner, Stephen W. Words can’t express the pride that we feel.
Congratulations you did it!
Love, Mom, Dad, Kevin, Elizabeth,
Papa, Grammy and everybody else that’s showing up for your
Graduation 2010
Richardson, Tiffanie Lan CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! Just a few years ago you left home to study & learn to be a leader. Now you go into the world to lead!
We are proud of YOU!
Richter, Cristina Cristina, you are caring and loving Radiant hope to family and friends;
Insightful beyond your years Sensitive and witty, stubborn and bright; Thoughtful character with purpose and mind; In this day, we celebrate who you are! Nenita to mom, a daughter to dad, a friend to
your brother.
Riedl, Steven
Rochelle, Cameron Sean
We are so proud of you! Now you’ll
This begins the next exciting phase
be going on a new path & we'll be
of your life. Your courage and talent
there for you on each and every step
will do great things for others.
you’ll be taking. Love you, Mom,
Congratulations! Love, Mom, Nick
Dad & Matt
& Kristen
Rodgers, Brett
Rodriguez, David Thomas
For I know the plans I have for
You carry our pride and admiration
you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11 We are all so proud of you! A goal you reached with integrity, trust, hardwork, and persistence. Love you!! The Smiths
with you. Congratulations Lieutenant. Now get flying! Love, dad, mom, Philip, and Shannon.
Rodgers, and Basses
Root, Travis Scott
Rosser, Kevin McKinney
Royer, Sean
Ryan, Timothy David
From Mighty Dog to Mighty Barons,
Congrats! You make a difference
you have made us very proud! Fly high, aim for the stars!! All our love
in this world with your smile, your athleticism and leadership. We are
Congratulations! We are so proud of you. May God’s blessings continue
Mom, Dad, T.J., Rachel and Leslie
proud of you and what you do for your country
Congratulations! Your Character, Integrity, Leadership, Strength, Tenacity are an inspiration to all. Blessings to you. Love Dad, Mom and Natalie “Joshua 1:9”
love you, Mom and Dad
to be upon you in all you do. Do all
things to honor God. Phil. 4:13 We
Schmitt, Sara Sometimes things are just meant to be. “It always works out for Sara.”
We’re so proud of you and what
you’ve accomplished! With all our love, Mom & Dad
Scott, Erinn E. Erinn, Graduating with Honors! You are so awesome and we are very
proud of you. God continues to bless you in all that you do. We Love You, Mom and Dad
Scott, Matt One phase is ending; an even more
exciting one is beginning. We are so proud of all you have accomplished. Love from your family.
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
Snyder, Kelly R.
Spencer, Brent Michael
We are all so proud, and happy for
Your journey has been incredible
If anyone serves, he should do it
you. We are excited for your future
and we are so proud of you! We wil
with the strength God provides,
adventures with the Air Force. Al
always be behind you as you pursue
so that in all
our love, Zack, Mom, and Dad.
your Air Force career. Love, Mom
Shibler, Spencer
Snider, Danielle
WOW!! Son you did it!! We are so proud of you! This is the moment that we have been waiting for. It’s
going to get better from here on as you filter back into the Air Force as an Officer. You’Ve going places!! Love Mom, Dad, Tim, Rob, Aunt Sally, Uncle John, Beth, Katie and
& Dad
things God may be praised, (from 1 Peter 4:11) We love you! Dad, Mom, Joel, and Jessica
Staples, Gabriel J
Stephenson, Jonathan
Stuckey, Linea
Tamariz, Ruby Alexandrina
Congratulations Gabe!!! We are very proud of your accomplishments
2 Timothy 2:1-7 Congratulations! We
From the day you received the
A true leader has the confidence
LOVE you and are SOOOOOOO
acceptance letter, to the days of
and the dedication and hard work
proud of you! Love, Mama and Daddy To God be the Glory!
your commissioning and graduation; we are behind you and are proud of
to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to
you put into your life’s goals. Love, Mom & Dad
everything you do. Good Luck and always remember that you will be in our hearts forever.
With love
& Dad
Tortuga, Daniel
Congrats on an Excellent job! Great & awesome accomplishments at the Hill! Continue to excel & do
remarkable things. We love you and are so very
proud of you! Papa,
Mama, & Dana
Van Truong, Timothy
Congratulation Tim for all your hard work. We are so grateful that the Lord has carried you through the finish line. We will continue to pray that you would trust and put God first in every area of your life. Proverbs 3:5-7 Love ya, Dad, Mom and Lydia
Watkins, Mark J
Young man,
we are SO PROUD!
We wish you continued strength &
courage for your journeys ahead, because you are... ‘all about the
doing’. Much love, BDad, Mama, & Selena
Parents' Club Ads and FFS Messages
be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the
integrity of his intent. Love, The Tamariz Family
Whitney, Thomas M.
Witmyer, Nathanael Roosevelt
Nathan we are so proud of all you
it! You persevered, excelled &
have accomplished! You have not
accomplished your goals & more!
only grown into an amazing man
BEST WISHES as you and Jess
but also in your walk with the Lord. We pray as you move on to the next
“swing” into your new careers. Love, Mom & Dad
(Jeremiah 29:11)
phase of your life you remain strong and focused on the plans the Lord has for you. We love you! Mom, Dad, James & Keri Jer. 29
Wojciechowicz, Michael
Wojciechowicz, Michael
Congratulations and best wishes on your great achievement. May God bless you and keep you in his care always. Love, Grandma
Yip, Kelsey
Dear Michael, You have brought joy & filled our hearts with pride throughout each accomplishment in your life.
Your Dreams, Hard Work and
You and your sister, Lindsay ‘07, are
Perseverance are paying off. We
amazing. We are very proud of you both. Congratulations and have a
Congratulations on your graduation from the USAFA. You set your goal & reached it, & have accomplished more than many dare to dream. Your Loving Parents
you! James 1: 2-5 Love, Mom & Dad (itwby)
Michael, I’m so proud of you!
Wonderful life! Love, Mom, Dad, and David
My prayers and love,
Aunt Lottie
Wright, Nicolas Alexander
But, a hero lies within.
not be easy.
be with you!
Wojciechowicz, Michael Grant us so much
Congratulations, Michael! You aimed high, knowing your life would
eymy l iib'i b C L V k'V ii L' iv l !c
long blue
(Left) A cadre member stands at the base of the Core Values ramp awaiting the next busload of would be cadets on inprocessing
(Above) Flowers and a statue
honor the memories of those interred at the
Academy's cemetery. I Dominant and supporting photo by Arnie Spencer
INDEX Abbate, Evelyn A 378 Abbott, Laura A 137, 398 Abdul-Raheem, Samory A 244, 461
Abdulrazaq, Leila J 353 Abeyta, Edisofl 52,248 Abeyta, Felix A. 208 Abies, Cody W 347 JT Abraham, Amy M 3d Abraham, Nicholas T 413
Abrecht, Evan D 74, 381
Acero, Daniel 400 Aceves, Ryan P 373 Achenbach, Joseph E 3/
Adagio, Nicholas J 367 Adair IV, William C 372
Adamik, Frank R 410 Adams, Brianna N 139 366 Adams, Dav'd C 406 Adams, Matthew J 366
Adams, Ryan E 355 Adams, Tjpvis K 370 Adams, Zachary H 397
Addy, Scott M 348 Adjangba Daniel A 399 Adkins, Francis
l 373
Adkins Jr, Donald J 383
Adorrp, Willianflll 172 Africano, James T 387
Agee, Chelsea J 408 Agee, James M 413 Agudo, Karl L 378 Aguilar, Eduardo R 393 Ahn, Christopher L 220, 461 Ahn, Julie C 343 Ahrens, Russell T 351 Aiken, Benjamin R 391
Ainscough, Thomas G 400 Akaydin, Matthew H 381 Akiyama, Aleks K 407
Alaybeyoglu, Metin K 200
Anderson IV, James W 358
Avila Diaz, Mario R 354
Albano, James J 342
Anderson, Johnson T 192
Avila, Matthew P 418
Albert, Michael J 280
Avjian, Eryn K 111, 417
Albertson, Alexander S 355
Anderson, Mary C 383 Angelet, Blaize E 341
Albrect, Ryan W 276
Angello, Chloe J 8, 53, 136, 137, 312
Axon, Lyndy E 350
Alequin, Jacqueline P 361 Alexander, Edward S 341
Anhder, Trevor P 355 Ansel, Christopher H 414
Alexander, Jerell N 419 Alexander, Keane 280 Alexander, Matthew B 75, 244 Alexander, Mychol 38, 39, 284
Anthony, Matthew D 397 Apodaca, Corey A 252 Appleby, Michael J 405 Apt, Tyner M 168, 171
Ayala, Daniel A 359 Ayure-Lopez, Angel A 404 Azab, Stephan 208
Alfred, Michael R 378
Aradine, Sharon 111, 161 Archambault, Paul M 389 Archer, Joshua L 353
Alicea, Rafael 355 Alleman, Robert J 417 Allen, Christopher B J 232 Allen, Emily R 378 Allen, Jacob J 374 Allen, Jeffrey M 360
Alley, Isaiah M 351 Allison, Carly A 357 Allison, Lauren E 408 Allison, Rachel E 377 Allum, Kevin D 354 Almond, Levi D 402 Alonso, Michael L 392
Alor, Jimmy L 357 Alsen, Steven R 393 Alt, Anthony T 372 Altman, Brian R 386 Alva, Matthew A 394 Alvarado, David R 395 Alvarez, Juan S 417 Alvarez, Michael A 370 Alvidrez, Marcus A 288 Amack, Brady A 370
Amaddio, Anthony R 353 Ambard, Timothy T 415
Ament, Stephen D 373 Ames, Kyle B 354
Archibald, Michael R 416 Arcidiacono, Alexander A 125, 363 Arden, Charles D 296
Arita, James K 366
Arkwright, Patrick M 228 Arlington, David J 320 Armstrong, Cody D 308 Armstrong, Daniel V 370 Armstrong, Mason T 345
Anderson, David J 400
Bae, Jae J 342
Baird, Timothy S 385 Baker, Alexander C 393
Arroyo, Ivando 212 Arthur, Rachael L 344
Artman, Eric M 345 Artz, Edward J 355 Arvidson, Kaylyn C 344 Asche, David A 400
Ashley, Aaron T 353 Ashley, Jonathon M 398 Ashton, Bryan T 397 Asmar, Dylan M 164, 402
Atkins, Danielle 372 Atkins, Jonathan J 416 Atkinson, John D IV 395 Atkinson, Shelby M 383 Audiss, Michael D 362 Auerbach, Joshua M 340
Badger, Nathan D 359
Arredondo, Alexander C 391
Atitya, Amanda P 347
David C 316
Baccash, David G 351 Bachand, Valerie L 379
Bain, Bruce W 236
Anatra, Michelle L 397
Bderson, Colby B 408
Babbs-Butler, Alexander 1 378 Baca, Miguel A 380
Arquette, David M 413
Arneberg, Benjamin J 374
Anda, Kschristopher M 349
Anderson, Bryan E 365 ^nderson, Cody M 18, 401
Baas, Lauren K 248
Arnett, Thomas J 373
Arndt, Alexander J 352
Astiasaran, Domingo 216, 461 Asu, Erol-george S 346 Atchison, Eric S 396
Anderson, Alexander N 372, 425 Anderson, Andrew J 284
Baggs, Troy K 252 Baik, Seung-min T 296 Bailey, Kyle O 95,350 Bailey, Lauren N 372 Bailey, Matthew C 417 Bailey, Rebecca M 399
Amor, Dominique M 363 Amos, Eric J 357
Andersen, Joseph E 260
Avrett, John Thomas 252
Aukerman, Chad E 360 Aultman, James F 362 Ausbun, Benjamin 75, 180
Baker, Austin J 54, 200 Baker, Brianna A 204, 207 Baker, Franklin 316 Baker, Jonathan H 412 Baker Jr, Dariel R 419
Baker, Matthew 402 Baker, Thomas C 392 Baker, Wesley S 359 Baker, William R 324 Balish, Margarita A 419 Ball, Andre D 361 Ballard, Naomi M 406 Ball, Bailey A 72, 80,180, 461 Ballen, Linden B 347 Ballesteros, Jorge Andres 288 Ball, Scott D 216, 461 Balthazar IV, Lantz R 408
Balutowski, Alison A 341 Banda, Jacob 416 Bandi, Jennifer A 350 Bangen, Peter B 407
Bangert, Sara M 391
Bang, John 389
Beath, John B 381
Bernard, Thomas B 172
Bodtke, Rebecca M 392
Banta, Jonathan C 372 Baptist, Jeffrey D 18, 401
Beath, Matthew D 340 Beaton, Stephen E 164, 373
Berreteaga, Carlos G 417 Berridge, Zaqueray R 363
Boechler, Kenn R 411 Boedeker, Ryan F 353
Barattino, Matthew 344 Barbara, Samuel P 240
Beatty, David P 342 Beauchamp, Torry S 393
Bertelson, Benjamin C 403 Berthiaume, Samantha F 397
Boehme, Grant 359 Bogan, Kaitlyn J 359
Barbazon, Mathew 409 Barbee, Jennifer A 350 Barber, Katharine L 390 Barber, Kristian A 400 Barber, Lindsey A 360
Beauchemin, Kevin M 413
Bertsch, Sean S 101, 346
Beaulieu, Michael P 353 Beaussart, Alexandre J 116, 366 Becerra, Emilio 368 Becker, Caleb F 192
Berwyn, Karl A 385 Besecky, Jason E 347
Bohac, Renee R 345 Bohannon, Zachary L 419
Barger, Evan A 405
Barillas-Fogarty, Jonathan G 364 Barina, Daniel K 412 Barkemeyer, Jared S 359
Barlow, Logan H 364 Barnes, Max J 396 Barnes, Richard R 184
Barnes, Samuel T 116, 415 Barnhart, Michael D 394
Barragan, Ismael 377 Barra, Kristen M 172 Barrette, Simone E 87, 343
Becker, Dale M 374 Becker, Jared D 386 Becker, Matthew D 103, 374 Beckett, Cameron S 176 Beckett, Christina M 401 Beck Jr, Martin C 402
Beckman, Andrew S 408 Beckman, Daniel M 355
Beck, Raimee H 78, 79, 358 Beck, Whitney G 404 Beeman, Mark D 380
Bess, Kevin G 345 Besslerv, Jacob C 377 Besson, David H 397
Best, Jade E 51, 348 Betcher, Nathan R 389
Bethke, Kellan D 376 Bet, Nolan R 417
Bettinger, Andrew 345 Beveridge, Alexander C 341 Bialk, Evan N 356 Bibeau, Kaitlin A 83, 386 Bickford, Jessica E 391
Begansky, Catrina Z 395
Bicknell, Jesse 399 Bidmead, Kenneth M 240
Barrett, Nicholas B 357
Behr, David C 359
Bieber, Kelly A 374
Barringer, Benjamin J 414 Barrington, Zachary L 389
Beilby, James H 406
Barron, David L 350
Belanger, Van-ryan J 344
Barron, Rebecca L 361 Bartczak, Adam J 200, 461
Belden, Caleb M 375
Bartholomew, Keil M 358
Bell, Kyle W 196
Bigej, Britta L 383 Biglow, Alex E 360 Biles, Megan E 292 Bingaman, Kirk P 228 Bintz, Stephen W 232 Binzer, Henry W 405
Bartmas, Ashley R 381
Bell, Mark P 350
Birdsell, Brendon J 419
Bell, Matthew J 343 Bell, Robert A 416 Bell, Spencer P 236
Birmingham, Jon J 360
Barton, Jessamy I 366 Bartsch, Jacob K 383 Bartsch, Zachary M 264 Baska, David S 379
Bassett, Nicholas A 188 Bassut, Aaron J 397 Bast, Alexander C 75, 419
Batchelder, Katie Lynn 288 Bateman, Joel N 342 Bateman, Kellan W 385 Bates, Michael G 157, 228 Batey, Nicholas R 220, 461 Batie, Carolyn M 364 Batson, Christopher M 374
Battle, Elliot A 356 Baucke, Spencer 80 Bauder, Joshua A 410
Baughn, Taylor S 308 Baumann, Benjamin H 391 Baumeister III, David H 411
Baumgardner, Julie O 399 Baxter, Jeremiah L 366 Beabout, Jonathan E 353 Beoch, Kayla M 224 Beall, Dustin M 398 Beal, Tyler B 264 Bean, Christopher M 300 Bean 111, Richard G 404
Bear, Brandin W 362 Beard, Levi T 416
Beissner, James 360
Belka, Jacob H 220
Bell, Zachary F 418 Beltran, Jesus J 340 Belviso, Anthony J 346 Belz, Robert F 94, 95, 341
Bohlender, Elsa M 244 Bohn, Karl A 176 Bolden, Andrew M 406
Bolint, Andrew S 296, 461 Bolster, Jordan K 351 Bolton, Amanda D 410 Booker, Jocelyn R 224 Boone, Evan R 393 Boone, Spencer H 373 Booze, Meghan K 176
Bopp, Jonathan S 362 Bordenave, Christopher P 188 Borecky, Kurt A 381 Borg, Zachary A 344 Borroni, Elizabeth N 362
Bosner, David L 349 Bostick, Nehemiah F 352 Boston, Zakaria B 413 Boswell, Cody W 408
Bosworth, Gina L 414
Bottorff, Matthew L 236 Bouchard, Whitney L 8, 216 Boudreaux, Aftan K 99, 256 Boudreaux, Brett M 400
Bisschops, Suzanne M 403 Bitner, Stephan W 367 Bixby, Nicholas E 382 Blackburn, Bethany P 120, 341 Black IV, Hugh M 348
Bouges, Alicia M 296, 299 Boumezrag, Mohamed B 172 Bouquio, Joshua D 20, 292 Bowen, Hilary M 365, 429
Black, Jason E 387
Bowen, Thomas A 276
Bender, Matthew T 380 Benischek, Mark D 380
Blackstun, Margaret P 216
Bowman, John D 58, 264 Bowsky, Cameron M. 312
Black, Wayne N IV 196
Bowyer, Charles G 355
Benjamin, Tyler J 372 Bennett, Brittany L 392
Blaess, John J 407 Blair, Elizabeth A 180
Box, Elizabeth L 410 Box, Joseph H 355
Bennett, David Z 184 Bennett, Diana N 353
Blankenberger, Anthony W 56, 280
Boyce, Brett R 384 Boyd, Jamey L 180 Boyd, Shayne J 343 Boyd, Trevor C 19, 384 Boyd, William T 20, 208 Boyer, Mark W 385 Boyington, Sean M 390 Boykin, Carmilya N 354 Boylan, Edward V 374 Boyle, Joseph P 343 Boyle, Katherine E 378 Boyle, Richard G 360 Boyles, Corbin J 347 Bracy, Austin S 408 Braden, Jeffrey T 400
Bennett, Michael L 268 Bennett, Morgan A 316 Bennett, Zachary L 349 Benson, Cory F 416 Benson, Jeffrey A 391 Benson, Jonathan M 280 Bentz, Bryan R 136, 137, 395 Benz, Vitaliy O 380 Beranek, David H 391
Berger, Kelsey K 343 Bergman, Bryce T 345 Bergman, Joshua L 404 Bergstresser, Daniel P 391 Bergstresser, Patrick M 200 Bergstrom, Hannah L 363
Blank, Robert H 376 Blanton, Charity G 401
Blardony, Janna M 268 Blasbalg, Jacob H 399 Blasdel, Zachary T 359 Blazevic, Evan D 349 Bleckman, Matthew R 347 Bledsoe III, Joseph W 53, 414
Blessing, Matthew C 353 Bloch, James R 369 Bloom, Louis S 402 Blore, Aaron T 386 Blott, Justin M 389 Blue, Matthew K 404
Berheide, Adam C 364
Blythe, Kathryn R 380 Boatright, Dalton L 391 Boben, Joseph J 384
Bernard!, Robert A 415
Bodnar, Patrick M 410
Bradfield, David J 375 Bradford, Elaine A 155, 403 Bradford, William C 358 Bradford, Zachary T 394
Bradin III, James W 395
Brooks, Scott A 343
Burnham, Matthew J 367
Bradley, Jonathan S 356
Broughton, Peter B 397
Bradshaw, David R 415 Bradshaw, Jana L 378
Brown, Benjamin L 381 Brown, Benjamin R 378
Burns, Aaron J 387 Burns, David A 381
Bradwick, Matthew E 236 Brady, Kevin L 385
Brown, Callie W 398
Burrows, Christin S 418 Burruss, Carmella C 368 Burton, Joshua J 353
Brakeville, Adam J 341
Brown, Christopher J 351 Brown, Claire E 418 Brown, Corbin C 383
Buscemi, Matthew J 316
Cardenas, Austin R 296
Bramble, Johnathon P 359
Brown, Douglas M 401
Brand, Daniel A 372
Cardwell, Casey R 343 Carew, Stephen C 377
Brandenburg, Todd C 357
Brown, Emily D 384 Brown, Erin J 349
Buscher, Austin J 385 Bush, Mary K 389
Brandon Jr, Stewart C 366
Brown, Jared B 376
Buslinger, Kirsten A 357 Bussey, Lee G 347
Brandt, Logan J 374
Brown, Jessica L 376 Brown, Lindsay 462
Buster, Laura J 159, 356
Brandt, Megan I 385
Butcher, Zachary S 407
Carey, Justus S 316 Carillo, Anthony J 376 Carillo, Christopher D. 324 Carley, Sean C 75, 359
Branyen, Rebecca D 402
Brown, Michael J 341
Brateng, Jonathan T 212, 461
Brown, Patrick 300
Butler, Harris K 200 Butler, Ian A 349
Carlson, Daniel M 410 Carlton, Mister 411
Braxton, Thomas J 228
Brown, Tory C 393 Brown, Tyler A 391
Butler III, Corydon B 416
Brazil III, Robert J 393
Brown, Willis R 374
Brdlik, Clinton D 216 Breaux, Jason P 340
Browning, Colby T 419 Browning Jr, Thomas J 383 Bruckman, Benjamin J 56,180
Butler, Joshua D 410 Butler, Michael A 343 Buttenhoff, Gavin S 369
Carpenter II, Paul M 395 Carpenter, Keane A 280 Carpenter, Kory J 360
Brecht, Michael L 412 Breedlove, Bradley J 192, 461 Bremser, Jennifer G 84, 347 Brennan, Richard J 393
Brady, Ryan D 362
Bray, Monica C 365
Breault, Victor E 377
Brenner, Jeffory A 393 Breske, Tyler S 379 Breslow, Rebecca A 367 Bresnahan, Jordan S 381
Burns, Derek A 389
Butler, Jason M 361
Capko, Kyle C 372 Caple, Stephen D 353
Caplinger, Patrick W 365 Capparelli, Robert E 304, 462 Cappuzzo, Gregory D 224, 462 Capra, Vincent J 351 Cardenas, Andrew J 406
Carr, Adam J 373 Carriedo, Maria C 363
Buttitta, Andrew R 342
Carrillo, Marlena J 394
Bruder, Jacob P 385
Byerley, Brooke N 409
Carroll, Arlon T 296
Bruder, Joshua M 142, 143, 272, 462 Brugman, Aaron J 280
Byorth, Jacob B 372
Carroll, Britni A 111, 353 Carroll, Katherine L 368
Brumbaugh, David W 402
Byrd, Lindsey A 351
Byrd-Fulbright, Brenton M 288
Brun, Brendan De 196 Brunderman, Adam T 268
Carroll, Zachary J 104, 105, 374 Carson, James E 344
Breuker, Jared R 397 Brewer, Stormi L 359
Brunner, Brett W 399 Brush, Davis T 341
Caballer, Leanne H 304, 429
Carte, Christopher L 341 Carte, David B 361 Carte, Gregory R 410 Carter, Brandon C 184 Carter, Cameron A 396
Brew, Matthew S 346 Brewton, Haley A 220
Bruski, Shane M 403
Cachro, Victoria 371
Carter Jr, Cecilio E 381
Bruton, Michael L 276
Cagle, Shawn A 389
Brice, Benjamin D 21, 308, 461 Brichacek, Andrea J 260
Cain, Matthew E 416
Carter, Lauren M 345 Carter, Nathan J 75, 362
Cains, Jennifer A 343 Calabro, Mario R 406
Carter, Nicholas A 200
Briggs, Lindsey Maria 300 Brigman, Ryan M 391 Briley, Andrew N 416
Bryant, Andrew J 260 Bryant, Clayton A 36, 224 Bryant, Garret L 383 Bucey, Jon Wiley 312 Buckingham, Jonathan C 408 Buckingham, Joseph J 196 Buck, Spencer H 341
Brill, Kurt D 360
Buda, Tania 370
Brinlee, Zachary M 372
Buechel, Colton L 385
Calley, Britany F 411 Calloway, Andrew M 343
Bristol, Kelsey E 395 Brito, Andre D 379
Buenger, Thomas P 370
Broadbent IV, Gordon P 399 Broadbent, Jonathan D 345
Bugg, Kathryn M 419 Buitrago, Johncarlo A 341
Broaddus, Julian T 343 Broch, Michael A 400 Brock, Dylan L 391 Brock, Katherine J 386 Brock, Katherine R 407 Brock, Nolan R 144, 180
Bunecke, Kirsten 369 Burch, Logan S 395 Burditt, Rebecca L 224 Burfeind, Brandon C 312
Bridgers, Dalton L 417 Briehl, Austin C 363
Brockington, Richard S 359 Brockman, Aaron R 176 Broekhuis, Taylor J 361 Brooks, Blake P 296
Brundidge, Joseph G 184, 462 Brundidge, Joshua C 419
Buford, Matthew R 414
Burgess, Madison L 264 Burke, Andrew L 168, 430 Burke, Christina R 400
Brooks, Christopher A 379
Burke, Patrick K 353 Burke, Terry W 405 Burk, Rachel S 389 Burnett, Derrick W 100, 101, 376
Brooks, Derek A 368
Burnett Jr, Rolanda 341
Brooks II, Rodney E 402
Burnett, Karl A 347
Calderone, Christopher C 409 Calite, lima 391 Caliva, Anthony M 397 Call, Alister R 390
Camacho, Edward D 399 Cameron, Nathaniel R 351
Campbell, Adam J 366 Campbell, Andrew M 410 Campbell, Christopher C 264 Campbell, Daniel E 384 Campbell, Hannah A 347 Campbell, Ian R 389 Campbell, Ryan A 380 Canales, Angelica R 340 Canales, Christina L 370 Canciani, Aaron J 240
Cannaday, Daniel J 371 Cannioto, Michael E 391 Canter, Garrett L 96, 97, 320
Caparas, Rainer E 381 Capes, Karolyn C 83, 373
Carter, Thomas J 406 Carvalho, Jacob E 260, 462 Casburn, Richard F 354 Casci, Kyle A 381 Cascino, Louis J 370
Casey, Joshua P 353 Casey, Lantz W 348 Casey, Patrick T 412 Casey, Shauna L 133, 416 Cash, Colton T 398
Cassabaum, Christina M 360
Cassidy, Christopher D 355 Cassleman, Richard C 372 Cassman, Sarah C 119, 408
Castellanos, Katrina C 383 Castles, Benjamin W 393 Castriotta, Matthew J 385 Castro, Daniel J 347
Catalano, Lucas R 244 Cataldo, Nicholas R 80, 355 Caudill, Amanda H 83, 362 Caulkins, Robert J 342 Cavallo, Andrew J 378 Cave, Christina M 373
Cazares, Monique A 346
Cecil Melissa A 119, 385 Ceci, Michael V 393 Celio, Michael L 364
Ceranski, Alison M 360 Cerimele, Joshua C 399 Chambers, Canyon L 393 Chambers II, James E 401 Chambers, Michael A 80, 81, 370 Chandler, Adam S 364 Chandler, Carl M 337, 404 Chandler, Thomas C 107, 384
Chang, Christopher Y 172 Chao, Chia-hsien 341
Clark, Cheyne N 359 Clark, David S 354
Charles, Marc P 408 Charles, Nicholas G 180
Cleveland-Hadley, David A 341 Clift, Alexander M 184 Clinard, Matthew E 355
Chavez, Nancy C 396
Cline, Yvette N 416 Clinton, Aarol T 397 Clowes, Derek E 354
Chen, Chia-hsuan 359
Clukey, Maximilian P 364
Chen, Daniel H 351
Coates, Matthew J 366 Coats, Charlton J 196
Chermel, Allison R 118, 119, 389 Chesney, Alexander J 410
Conradi, Steven G 370
Cranston, Kyle C 403
Conrow, Corinne B 395
Cravens, Jocelyn K 370 Crawford, Peter R 367
Conte, Philip A 341 Cook, Colin E 361 Cook, Cory A 372 Cook, James P 392 Cook, Joseph R 386 Cook, Matthew B 300 Cook, Phil 59 Cooke, David J 376 Coombs, Sean T 398
Clements, Monica R 387 Cleveland, Carson C 398
Chen, Vincent 371 Cherf, Darrell J 355
Crandall, Shelby A 357
Clasen, Drew W 404
Chapman, Sara E 304 Chaput, Colby D 351
Chase, Candice J 78, 384 Chavez, Benjamin K 406
Conque, Mark A 417
Constable, Sebastian 363
Clayton, Nicholas A 341 Cleary, Brendan R 352
Cobb, Ryan M 340 Cobb, Wesley P 343 Coburn III, Charles E
Coyle, Emily A 414 Craft, Jordan D 308, 462 Crain, Erin M 49, 415
Clary, Sheldon C 345 Clawson, Layne N 360 Claxton, Stephan H 401
Cox, Shane D 347
Connor, Bradley J 342
Clarke, Kekoakaulula 415 Clark, Erik D 347 Clark, Garrett R 395 Clark, Karras 268 Clark, Logan A 188 Clark, Nicholas R 248 Clark, Timothy W 380
Chapman, Joseph M 413
Charney, Nicholas R 376
Connelly, John R 348 Connolly, Luke J 8, 12, 18, 24, 25, 26, 91,149,168, 339
Conroy, Brendan T 399 Conroy, Eric M 382
Cooney, Ryan J 355 Cooper, Cameron S 383 Cooper, Chase J 120, 363 Cooper, Chelsea M 366 Cooper, James F 370 Cooper, Matthew M 343 Cooper, Thomas J 268 Copeland, Christopher A 184, 462 Corapi, Joel A 354
Crawford, Rachel L 268
Crespo, Rachelle M 365 Cressy, Kyle A 416 Crider, Benjamin S 359 Crippen, Zachary A 131, 362 Crippes, David J 412 Crisastomo, Jc^eph AJ92 Crit®field, Rye* € 3(
Cromwell, Kristin A 3>,
Crone ...Raymond C 345
Crosby;,Moliv Mf 417 Crouse, tlharles O 391 Crowdei
Crowe, Crowe, Til Croxton, Sidney A 370
CaH^P« ^§8
Cruz, Yunicr I 414
Corcoren, Brian 371
Wil ic|p A 27 % 46/
Chiaro, Anthony J 419
Cochran, Ben G II 368
Cordell, Cameron C 366
Cullen, BenjamipT 403
Chiasson, Thomas M 208 Chiccarelli, Elvira N 115, 381
Cody, Johnathan M 397 Coffey, Jonathan W 224 Coffey, Kaitlin M 413 Coffey, Taylor C 188
Cordell, Jonathan R 19, 188 Cordero, Lindsay M 403 Cornell, James R 308 Corpman, David W 216, 462 Corran, Neil T 403 Correale, Anthony J 414 Cortez, Danielle 345 Cortez, Edward E 402 Cortez, Joseph M 388 Corvino, Colin A 383
Culpepper, Ian 1; 407 ( Cummings, Anthopy J 34 Cummings, Megnln E 418’
Chilton, Madison 349
Chimelski, Erica A 137, 418 Chinlund, Andrew R 368
Cohoon, Daniel R 292
Cho, Aaron H 354
Colangelo, Stephen J 361 Colby, Justin D 378
Choi, Alexander H 360 Choi, Jeff W 184
Cole, Caleb S 345 Cole, Charles J 358
Chinnery, Karen M 393
Chon, Steven H 391
Cole, James R 364
Chorney, Christopher R 381
Choy, Phillip X 87, 391
Coleman, Elizabeth A 413 Coleman, William A 367
Christensen, Curtis E 346
Coley, William P 378
Christian, Nathan C 370 Christman, Joshua R 375
Collett, Brian J 407
Christy, John I 392 Christy, Sean M 352 Chua, Christopher K 359 Chuch, William R 406 Chun, Andre K 411 Chun, Carsen F 224
Chung, Alexander E 228 Chung, Jonathan M 400 Churnside, Alexander S 124, 260, 263
Ciccone, James P 127, 168
Cignoli, Matthew C 404 Cilia, Robert D 359
Claggett, Ellis R II 416 Clark, Asher S 88, 89, 91, 364
Cory, Kim Y 405
Collie, Montana W 357 Collier, Kelsey M 355
Cosme, Sean A 362 Cosmo, Matthew S 365 Costa, Andrew J 372 Costello, Kenneth P 354 Coston, Stuart D 395
Collier, Travis R 394
Cotharn, Emily K 399
Collins, Eric L 416 Collins, Steven R 381
Cottage, Nicholas W 418
Collura, Joseph V Jr 387 Colvin, James T 418 Combest, Ryan S 368
Compton, Danny R 407 Compton, Patrick D 381 Concepcion, Antonia M 392 Concha, Cory D 343 Congram, Alexander J 377 Conley, Erin E 375 Connellan-Chapl, Matthew J 384 Connell, Kristen E 404
Cotter, David G 356 Cottingham, Trey G 143, 385 Coulter, Jon S 405 Coulter, Kenneth B 383 Cousins, Joshua T 252 Cousins, Michael D 341 Cowan, Casey W 372 Co wen, John W 412
Cox, Casey M 414 Cox-Ferreras, Bernard E 383 Cox, Johnathan R 372 Cox, John L 228
Cummins, Camera Cumm, Lucas C L Curcio, Candita L Curran, James W
Curry, Daniel J 36 Curry, Ryan T 354 Curtis, Corey A 2321 Cushing, James T 23 Cusimano, Laura E 416 Custons, Garrett J 75, Cutler, Andrew R 394
Dacquel, Rudyard V 32 Daggit, Aaron T 378 denburg, Joshua A 409'
Dahlin, Eric J 389 Dake, Hannah M 118, 379
Debarmore, Nick 8, 27, 72, 380 Debois, Peter A 392
Dietrich, Colton L 48, 397 Dietz, Connor R 93, 362
Dale, Harry A 308
Debonis, John T 389 Decarlis, Ryan J 371
Dilley, Grant R 354 Dilley, Meredith A 343
Duffy. Blake P 197, 463 Duffy, Craig W 384 Dugan, Sarah E 385 Dukes Ryan B 375
deCiutiis, Thomas C 220, 462 Decker, Caleb N 392
Dillon, Duncan J 417
Dummermuth-Boss, Lewis 297
Dills, James J 359 Dilts, Joseph C 216
Dunkel, David A 27. 347
Dallas, William T 348
Dally, Ann P 408 Daly, Sean K 388 Dancy, Darrell L 345
Decker, John H 411 Deckert, Travis L 95, 366
Daniels, Christopher L 412 Daniels, Jacob A 370
Decklever, Jacob R 353 Deebel, Robert C 373
DiMaio, William G 240, 463 Diniz, Heather C 341 Dirks, Belle A 374
Daniels, Jillann A 372
DeGeorge, Jennifer E 366 Degrassi, Matthew W 393
Dirks, Tobias G 340 Dixon, Benjamin K 362
Dandino, Kevin E 418
Daniels, Jim H III 155, 406 Danielson, Christopher L 387
Dluzen, Caroline L 353
Dunlap, Brian W 368 Dunlop, James M 341 Dunn, Allen Buckley 260, 463 Dunn, Blaze W 383 Dunn II, Allen J 373
Dunn, Joshua B 345
Dunn, Michael G 80, 81, 340 Dunne, Adam B 385
Danielson, Seth T 418
Dehue, Pasach G 345 Deiters, Alyssa M 370
.Dannenqgtyer, Erin R 359
Deiters, Kathleen B 364
j Katherine M J99
Dejong III, Gabriel D 418 DeJulio, Nicholas J 413
Dodds, Parker V 388 Doede, Natalie E. 288, 463
Duong, Thien N 197 Dupont, Matthew P 365
:hern, Jirasak 252
Dela Cruz, Drew P 406
Doeseckle, John M 297
Duran, Austin M 381
Jen, Chase J 344
Delaney, Alan D 378 Delaney, Lauren M 372 Delaney, Neil 126
Dolan, John P 229, 463
Duran, Sergio P 400
Dolata, Jenna L 115, 416 DGIimpio, Justin M 410
Durden, Devin T 395
De La Torre, Naomi O 412
Dombroski, John P 172
Durham, Matthew C 300
Delaurell, Kyle 385
Domingo, Rupert C 41, 384
Durkee, Andrew D 395
Delgado, Anthony C 385
Dominice, Timothy P 402
Delgado, Mackin L 196, 463 Del Grosso, Ryan A 84, 387
Donaldson, Stephen G 212 Dona, Nicholas W 399
Durr, Kevin C 108, 349 Dusak, Ryan S 385
Darrohn Rye
Davies. Nathaif C 4L
Dobransky, Michael P 324 Dockery, Jacob W 368
Davies, Richard J 229 Davis, Amanfa L 352
Della Pia, John R 405
Donnelly, Sean P 252
Dellecker, Frederick D 393
Davis. Austin T 383
Del Toro, Todd J 365
Donoho, Rachel E 404 Donovan, Brendan K 341
Davis, Berkley R 176 Davis, Bry<
Demarsh, Robert C 400 Demars, Matthew P 366 Demerath, Chaz A 378
Doolittle, Kevin R 387 Doran, Erin E 361 Dorlac, Luke J 361
Demichiei, Matthew E 413
Douglass, Mark A 276 Douglass, William C 355
Dunsworth, Mary E 356
Durham, Daniel F 387
Dutra, Paulo M 341 Dutton, Brittany N 99, 396 Duvall, Brack W 349
Deming, Matthew M 28, 463
Doumont, Nicholas R 401
Dwyer IV, Daniel P 359 Dwyer Jr, Kevin M 405 Dydasco, Zane K 413 Dye, David L 378 Dyer, Christopher S 355 Dyer, Wyatt N 355 Dyke, Aaron W 347
Dowden, Ryan M 399
Dziokonski, Eric A 408
Davis Jr, Thomas
Demkowicz, Jane M 387 Demma, Anthony D 347
Davis, |V\artinus
Demmel, Austin T 402
Dowell, Thomas 382
DavisXdicholas Davis/Ryan A Davis; Tarasitaf 304
Dempster, Laura D 196
Downie, Jeffrey W 343
Denise, Michelle D 98, 99, 236 Dennert II, Don W 355
Downing, Tyler J 373
Davjpn, Stephanie A 272
Denny, John W 367 DePaolis, Danielle 83
Drabek, Brent A 418 Drake, Matthew S 405
Early IV, Joseph H 341
Dav&on, Rober A 112, 408
DePaolis, Danielle L. 229 Derby IV, Dan C 375
Drapes, Joshua C 366
Eastman, Kaitlyn N 401 Eaton, Adrianna J 394
Derby, Lucas R 370
Drescher, Christian S 414 Drewicz, Jessica L 83, 398 Drier, Dan 220
Eberle, Brent A 407
DeRussy, Kurt A 374 Deschane, Benjamin G 415 DesRoches, Jeffrey A 395
Driggers, Paul A 384
Ecklebe, Derek J 345
Driggs, Christopher S 368
DesScioli, Louis R 391 Destito, Matthew L 357 Dettloff, Devon J 402
Droppa, Kurtis E 172 Druecke, Kipp C 352 Drye, Robert J 120, 364 Dua, Ajay P. 312, 463 Dudley, Jenna E 98, 99, 418
Eddy, Corey A 345 Eddy, Solange M 188 Ediger, Adam L 380 Edlund, Christopher A 237
Javis, L.adfey H
)avis. Corey M
land 99j Javis,
Jcfiathan A 376
Davis © Brian
Day, Ian J 351 Dayf Joshua M 380 Day Jr, Scott E 373 Day, Kurti§,M 399 Day, Patrick J 400 Deacon, Cody O 112, 406 BDean, Corrigan M 419 Deavor, William C 411
Deming, Mathew 316
DeRito, Adam 236 D'Errico II, Anthony D 389
Dewey, Curtis J 200 'eWilde, Benjamin B 397 witt, Robert M 403
I, Nathan E 204
|s, Katherine L 406 iederich, Frederick M 280, 463
Dowd, Mckenzie B 404
Doyle, Patrick K 350
Drenckhahn, Jeremy T 84, 85, 383
Dronen, Sean M 340
Duede, Jacob Z 370 Duenes, Michael A 342 Duff, Michael W 403 Duff, Tamara A 358
Eason, Jordan M 385
Eberl, Steven G 360
Eby, Christopher W 367
Edmonds, Gregory D 112, 288 Edson, Jeffrey S 225 Edson, Megan S 343 Edwards, Cameron O 369 Edwards, Leroi G 372 Edwards, Mercedes S 385
Edwards, Richard R 349
Edwards, Spencer W 412 Egan, Henry J 369
Egli, Caleb J 387 Ehrman, Annette L 412 Einspahr, Eric N 389
Eissele, Meagan E 376 Ela, Christopher L 383 El-Amia Saj 244 Elder, Ross M 352 Elizondo, Mario I 387
Ellington, Ian T 409 Elliot, Clayton J 34, 351 Elliot, Nicole 229 Ellis, Amanda M 376 Ellison, Kristen M 380 Ellis, Scott G 402 Ellsworth, Kyle D 388
Evans, Quinn D. 317, 463 Evans, Ryan J 413 Evans, Sarah E 389
Evans, William M 408 Evenson, Adam B 395 Evenson Jr, Robert M 368 Everett, Chad J 284 Everett, Daniel J 36, 304 Everson, Patrick J 106, 107, 353 Evertson, Guy H 370 Ewasko, Christa E 402
Ezekannagha, Okezie 366
First, Jaclyn N 400
Fisayo, Adetunji A 405 Fischer, Coy C 366 Fischer, Jakob L 21, 397 Fischer, Jessica C 340 Fischl, Benjamin E 383 Fisher, Dillon T 355 Fisher, Emily A 384 Fisher, Nicklaus A 379 Fish, Michael B 395 Fisk, Justin C 309, 464 Fisk, Michael A 419 Fitle, Kyle D 389 FitzGerald, Jack G.M 317
Fitzgerald, Michael J 401 Fitzwater, Stephen A 364 Flanagan, Jon S 392
Ellsworth, Seth W 371
Fabian, Christopher D 355
Flanigan, Erin M 346
Elsbernd, Reed A 320
Fabling, Jeremy S 375
Embry, Lee B 402 Emery, Daniel H 388 Emery, Paul S 391 Emery, Shawn T 347 Emtman, Anthony R 411
Fahrenbruch, Philicia 362 Fain, Auriele N 84, 400 Fairchild, Larry M 268 Fair, Matthew R 189, 463 Falgout, John M 89, 269
Endres, Erin M 363 Engberg, Nicholas R 353
Fallin, Austin L 309
Fang, Daniel C 86, 87, 356
Flatley, Bridget N 157, 412 Flaute, Christopher N 193 Fleischaker, Evangeline J 276 Fleming, Christopher F 340 Fleming, Grant C 232, 464 Fleming, Jaclyn E 221 Fleming, Michael R 345 Fleming, Reed 140
Fantacone, Andrea M 208 Fantasia, Ryan C 364
Fleming, Ross W 387 Flemings, Deanna M 359
Fariza, Daryl J 369 Farm, Rhianna-katheri 347
Fleshman, Alicia H 82, 381
Eng, David E 350
Engelhardt, Adam W 137, 373 England, Christina D 353 England, Morgan E 351 Engle, Molly S 383 Ensley, Helen G 403 Epperly. Jason E 276 Epps, Sophia M 345 Erickson, Jared R 409
Erickson, Michael J, 127 304 Erickson, Nathan R 357 Erickson, Ryan P 408
Erlinger, Thomas C 404 Emandes, Nickolas G 362 Ernest, Michele K 201 Ernst, Katharine E 115, 391 Eromin, Katrina I 118, 414 Esau, Zachary S 393 Escamilla, Jon P 343 Escobedo, Kevin M 385
Esenwein, Chelsea D 360 Eshkenazi, Aaron M 108,109, 229
Eslinger, Andrew C 360 Eslinger, Gregory J 416 Espinosa, Christopher A 407 Espinoza, Albert C 192 Espinoza, Nicholas E 349 Essary, Amanda M 189 Estacion, Michael A 378 Etapa, Angela S 368
Etheridge, Charles M 390 Eubank, Josiah W 399 Evans, Jane A 240 Evans Jr, James D 362
Farmer, Brian J 394 Fattal, Ryan A 391
Faulkenberry, Ian W 375 Faulkner, Jeffrey J 31, 189 Favinger, Mark A 173, 463 Fazekas, Justen D 395
Fedorchik, Mikhail A 276
Feeley, Donald C 400 Feeney, Riley A 120, 415 Fei, Christopher 374 Felipe, Cody H 353 Feliz, Adam S 248
Feltenberger, John D 396 Fenske, Eric P 414 Fenton, Stacey L 280
Ferderer, Erin E 320 Ference, Connor J 415
Ferguson, Alec S 377 Ferguson, Ian P 357 Ferrell, Robert W 357 Ferrel, Simon S 301 Ferrer-Torres, Jaffet M 229
Ferris, Andrew J 349 Ferut, John D 412
Fiebig, Derek N 340 Finch, Susan C 111 192 Fink, Shane A 197, 464 Finley, Andrew C 385
Finnegan, Jeffrey W 377 Finster, Kevin M 269
Fletcher, Cassie M 115, 408 Fletcher, Todd P 77, 363 Flick, Ridge R 36, 37,104, 272 Flint, Nicole R 362 Floren, David D 404 Flori, Alexander D 366 Floyd, Colton J 82, 376 Fluhart, Gavin M 348
Fly, Garrett J 417 Flynn, Colton P 353 Flynn, Jennifer A 400 Flynn, Jonathan H 412 Flynt, Connor P 225 Fogarty, Francesca J 365 Fogassy, Alexander G 395 Fogler, Kevin J 91, 400 Foley, Gavin A 418 Foley, Kyle 358 Foltz, Nathan P 385 Fonbuena, Jonathan D 409 Fonte, Benjamin R 381 Foote, Alan R 414 Foote, Dayne M 356 Foote, Sean P 212, 215 Foraker, Anthony J 359 Forbes, Jacob A 379 Ford, Brian B 359
Ford, Devon 324 Ford III, Charley A 392 Forde, Peter G 401 Forester, Daniel R 370
Forrester, Jack C 346 Forssell, Kirby A 159, 393 Forsyth, Andrew M 368
Fortney, Ryan M 284 Forystek, Ryan M 189 Foss, Douglas J 374 Foster, Aaron E 410 Fountain, Ryan P 412 Fouraker, Jacob A 418 Fournier, Michael P 406 Fow, Thomas J 360 Fox, Austin A 415 Fox, Benjamin E 80, 81, 181, 464 Fox, Benjamin S 399 Fox, David W 383 Francis, Austin W 116, 117, 233 Francis, Derek W 392 Francis, Zachary J 341 Frank, Alexander J 301 Franklin, Andrew W 159, 357 Franklin, James J 370 Franklin, Laronce DJ 410 Frankosky, Sarah M 367
Frankovic, Adah M 385 Franks, Lauren M 204 Franz, Damian T 340 Franzen, Deanna J 131, 244
Frasier, Carli E 366
Frawley, Nicholas G 120, 121, 277 Freeborn, Cody S 412 Freeman, Joshua H 360 French, James A 376 French, Peter R 87 French, Phaelen A 360 French, Ryan M 372 French, Tyler W 126, 127, 317 Freund, Steven P 361
Frey, Nathan L 410 Frick, Emily I 354 Frick, Stephanie E 99, 309 Friday, David M 360 Friedl, William T 355 Fritzke, Austin W 240 Fromknecht, Gregory A 464 Frost, Bradley J 343
Fruge, Matthew K 375 Fry, Joseph K 390 Frymire, Daniel W 351 Fuchs, Lauren E 370 Fuerst, Melissa L 84, 367
Fugate, Ashleigh A 398 Fulcoly, Daniel O 140, 256 Fuller, Andrew S 343 Fullerton, Matthew L 208 Fulton, Jacob P 412 Fung, Jason S 124, 240 Furches, Cory S 383 Furlow, David H 418
Goldsmith, Kyle T 340 Golson, Andre M 387
Greenup Heather M 386
Gomez, Benjamin C 399 Gomez, Bryan M 391
Greenwood, John H 355
Gomez, Jared D 108, 277
Greer, David R 225
Gent, Sean W 418
Gonzales, Ryan A 168
Greer, Michael T 388
George Jr, Irvin A 378 George, Steven E 347 Gerard, Brittany J 395
Gonzalez Jr, Jorge 345
Getschow, Garrett R 393 Getz, Cody R 379 Geyer, Brandon R 92, 237
Gooden, Dustin L 406 Goodin, Jared A 357
Gregoire, Ian M 396 Gregory, Caitlin M 345 Gregory, Daniel P 347 Gregory, Scott F 374 Gremillion, Whitney F 416 Gresham, Christopher J 353
Genco Jr, Francis E 364
Genda, Timothy P 189
Gentry, Addison B 75,313 Gable, Clayton D 357 Gabrick, Jason D 344
Gadoury, Kyle W 376 Gaeta Edward L 468
Galbraith, Virginia L 387 Gallagher, Brennan M 140, 150, 151, 356
Gallant, Altana L 410
Gallimore, Jason D 168, 464 Gallion, Andrew N 403
Galloway, Benjamin S 381 Galt, Jesse S 386
Gamboa, Raymond R 402 Gamiles, Todd J 197 Ganczewski, Christopher D 378
Gangloff, Richard C 365 Gannett, Paul E 281 Garces, Edward J 395 Garcia, Albert E III 404 Garcia, David N 272 Garcia, Denise M 408 Garcia, Jase D 56,173 Garcia, Jonathan E 404 Garcia, Kelsey V 405 Garcia, Miguel A 380 Gardner, Michael L 385 Gardner, Ryan J 343 Garduno, Eli A 349 Garland, Benjamin N 92, 272
Garnett, Kegan M 377 Garoutte, Benjamin A 197 Garrett, Brittney L 324 Gartee, Michael A 343 Gartland, Rocque S 374 Garza, II, Robert V 371 Gaski, Paul 417
Gasper, Robert J 347 Gast, Stephen A 367 Gatsinzi, Dany 237 Gaudette, Mark G 346 Gaudreault, Marie C 354 Gault, Anna M 79, 418 Gauntt, Ryan D 55, 237 Gautreaux, Steven T 403 Gavilanes, Paola M 387 Gavrilos, Alexios C 387 Gaylord III, Paul 402 Gebauer, Rachel K 399 Gebs, Harrison C 351 Geeskie, Adam S 365
Gegen, Alexandra P 397 Geiger, Robert M 124, 394 Geist, Andrew C 408 Gelles, Richard A 410 Gelsomino, John M 407 Gelsomino, Joshua L 320
Gentry, Cody J 345 Gentry, Jessica D 350
Gheen, Christopher M 368 Giacomo, Christopher 317
Gibbons, Arthur 204 Gibler, Andrew C 416 Gibson, Aaron S 349 Gibson, Hilary R 397 Gibson, Ian J 389 Gibson, Robert C 369 Gidasi, Daniel A 366 Giebelhaus, Anthony M 382 Gieck, Daniel J 359 Gieda, Nicholas P 386
Giegler, Adam J 201
Gonzalez, Kira 414 Goodall, Nathan A 405
Goodin, Justin J 204 Goodman, Pia K 407
Greenway, John R 408 Greenwood. Matthew R 173
Grier, Jessica N 369
Goodwin, Alexandra B 349
Griffin II, Mark A 368
Goodwin, Anthony D 385 Goodwin, Collin B 364
Griffin, Jonathan R 389
Goral, Eric M 208, 211 Gorbacz, Katie M 360 Gordon, Mason R 289 Gore, Taylor R 373
Gorman, Stephen W 378
Gormley, Colin S 378 Gorospe, Andrew C 419 Gorry, Thomas A 127, 248
Griffin, Michael G 141, 375 Griffith, Danielle N 122, 389 Griffith, John R 395 Griffiths, Bridgette D 396
Grigsby, Neil E 368 Grijalva, Arthur F 22, 34, 189 Grindstaff, Travis B 415 Groff, Stephen C 362
Grogan, Tate J 212 Grohol, Morgan J 360
Gies, Michael T 244
Gorzkowski, Adam K 221 Goss, Jared B 277
Gigante, Nico P 415
Gould, Derrin J 407
Groose, Jason R 408
Giguere, William M 357
Gould, Patrick K 352
Grose, Julia C 409
Gilbert Jr, Willie C 367
Gourlay, Ross A 393 Go, Woody S 343 Gozun, Benjamin N 412
Gross, Bethany A 120, 351 Gross, Braden A 292, 464 Gross, Charles A 418 Gross, Kevin J 256
Gilbert, Nathaniel W 344 Gilbreath, Dayton M 104, 370 Gilbreath II, Bryan J 398 Giles, Heather E 379
Gillespie, Derek F 127, 366 Gillespie, Stephen A 360 Gillette, David E 385 Gillis, Luke A 364 Gill, Patrick D 412
Gilly, Joshua M 409 Gilpatrick, Eric M 376 Gingras, Alexa M 387 Gioiosa, Ross M 241
Gipson Jr, Kenneth T. 161, 351 Gipson, Ryan S 281 Girolami, Michael S 371
Gladney, Kyle R 391 Glatthar, Michael N 350 Glaze, Tyler D 379 Gleason, Rebecca M 115, 168 Glitz, Caitlin E 150,151,376
Glover, Andrew G 391 Glover, Krystal A 380 Glowiak, Evan C 411 Gluck, Julian R 357 Goc, Colder D 400
Godfrey, Jim324 Godwin, James K 353 Goetz, Christopher L 386 Goff, Madeline J 414
Goirigolzarri, Nicholas J 237, 464
Grabarek, Julie K 397 Grabarek, Kelly E 404 Grabill, Emili J 368 Grace, Stephen R 173 Graff, Justin B 364
Graley, Timothy J 393 Gramling, Joseph A 389 Granato, David A 347
Granow, Jeremy D 394 Grant, Dayna A 133, 391 Grant, Paige E 193
Grooms, Peter H 185
Grosselin, Karl H 378 Grossman, Jolie K 371 Grosso, Maurice J 353 Gross, Tyler A 253 Grover, London R 359 Grove, Zachary R 357 Guarnaccio, Chase C 397 Gudim, Brett A 419 Guertin, Matthew L 241
Guidry, Robert T 362
Grant, Samantha L 369
Guiler, Robert B 377
Graska, Colleen M 209 Graves, Jeffrey W 411 Graves, John J 413
Guillory, Stephen D 374
Gray, David S 342 Gray, Emily E 407 Gray, Janie E 349 Gray, Jeremiah J 400 Gray, Jon W 414 Gray Jr, Anthony P 369 Green, Ariana M 111, 378 Green, Ashley E 382 Green, Erin P 354
Greener, James 289 Green, Harrison M 347 Greenhill, Andrew C 185 Green, Kyle R 349 Greenstreet, David L 399
Guinane, Sue L 248
Guiney Jr, Gregory C 392 Gulat, Joseph A 397 Gulla II, Robert W 416
Gullo, James J 181, 464
Gunderson, Daniel G 417 Gunn, Benjamin J 112,113, 398 Gunn, Seth M 253 Gumell, Braylon V 410 Gutierrez, Raymond V 383
Guy, Matthew R 364 Guzman, Francisco L 384 Guzman, Gabriel J 464
Gwirtsman, Mia E 411
H Ha, Steven T 376
Haase, Johnathon M 373 Haas, Sarah C 353 Habluetzel, Casey P 402 Haden, Jennifer M. 164, 289 Hadley, Grant K 380
Hagan, Jonathan G 359 Hagar, Chelsea R 395 Hager, Joshua R 387 Haggerty, Colleen E 404 Hainebach, Blaine C 277
Hainline, Thomas D 366
Hajner, Jeffrey S 101, 103, 221 Hakola, Kurt J 107, 341 Halderman, Kyle E 90, 92, 384 Hale, Daniel T 410
Hale, Derek 407 Hale, Ralph D 204
Hall, Bryan C 379 Hall, Dalton J 80, 362 Hall, Diana R 378 Haller, Charles F 185 Hall, Ian W 410 Hall, Jordan E 373 Hall, Joshton G 357
Hall, Joshua A 399, 464 Hall, Nathaniel L 389 Hall, Rachel C 269 Hallums, Dylan C 393
Hamby, Zachary R 418 Hamel, Thomas J 361 Hamer, Hunter G 381 Ham, Estrella C 372
Hamilton, Chelsey L 393 .
Hamilton, James M 399
Hamilton, Joseph M 197 Hamilton, Kelly E 386 Hammerle Jr, Timothy J 360 Hammernik, Kimberly E 173 Hammervold, Joshua E 402 Hammon, Aimee L 376 Hammond, Mark A 297 Hampton, Michael B 88, 241 Han, Chan Y 357 Ian, Daniel M 358 Han, Ga H 389 Han, Jonathan 370
Han, Samuel M 204 Hann, Daniel P 309 Hancock, Brent T 381 Hancock, Casey B 349
Hand, Ashley 359 Hanes, Bryan 56
Hanley, Zebulon 383 fansard, Mary C 413
Hansen, Ann L 260 Hansen, Curtis N 162, 163, 414 Hansen, Julia A 362
Haunreiter, Tyler A 400
Herman, David E 362
Haupt, Patrick W 410
Hansen, Kyle S 389 Hansen, Mark W 361
Hauschild, Jordan P 414 Hauser, Michael D 341
Hernandez Lemus, lankel Y 378 Hernandez-Ruberte, Stephannie 34 Herndon, Chamberlain C 289
Hansen, Thomas P 112, 390 Hanson, Cody A 377 Hanson, Madeleine I 212
Hawkins, Casey G 400 Hawkins, Paige E 366 Hawkins, Philip A 413
Hanson, Ryne D 345 Hantla, William L 365
Haycraft, Catherine M 176 Hayes, Brian A 372, 389 Hayes, Daniel P 359 Hayhurst, Dustin L 351 Hay, Kaylee J 383 Hay, William L 209 Haynes, Jeremiah L 341 Hayward, Robert Harold 305 Haywas, Adrian T 277, 464 Hazel, Tyler K 408
Hard, David P 364
Hardin, James E 261, 464 Harencak, Michael G 297
Hargrove II, Reginald P 409 Harman, Evan L 402 Harmon, Matthew 320 Harms, Samuel R 385 Harnisch, Joshua J 405 Harold, Daniel T 124, 349 Harrier, Jacque C 50, 153, 305
Harriger, Sam B 356 Harrington, Michael T 347 Harrington, Michelle 122, 123, 253 Harrington, Stephen J 261 Harris, Brian A 397 Harris, Cameron N 367 Harris, Jason B 354 Harris, Justin W 370 Harrison, Jacob R 383
Haus, Andrew J 347
Hellmann, Jessica N 342
Hartenstein, Dorald S 225 Harte, Sean P 277 Hartford, Timothy 355
Helm, Skylor S 189
Hatchett Jr, Albert K 387
Hathaway, Kyle A 389 Hatter, Scott R 264 Haub, Jeffrey J 264 Haueter, Samuel R 409
IVfWilliam J 375
Higdlh, Hiqqins
Heikkinen, Thomas S 353
Harrod, Layne H 355
Harvey, Anson J 400 Harvey, Chad 363 Harvey, Kayla L 375 Hassa, Christopher L 404 Hastings, Patrick H 284
Hickox, Danie
Heideman, Dustin G 390 Heiden, Richard B 289 Heien, Matthew L 411
Heins, Paul E 370
Harvey, Alexander H 369
jwitt, Bar )bard, STOWn^T 355^ Hide, David
Higgi Higgin
Hedlund, Fumiko E 349 Hedman, Andrew W 391 Heflin, Katherine B 217
Harris, Rachel L 364 Harris, Tara J 375
Hartz, Ryan L 349
Hester, Michael J 374 Hettich, Lauren C 297
Hedden, Scott M 371
Hein, David C 343 Heineken, William M 409
Hart, Shannon C 52, 368 Hart, Theodore G 237
Hessney, Benjamin A 412 Hess, Ryan C 284, 336
R 408 Hicklj|Saskia Katherine
Harrison, Patrick M 401 Harrison, Sean C 358
Hartman, Timothy J 408 Hart, Nathaniel J 387
Herzog, Andrew 229 Hess, Alexander 374 Hess, Daniel J 356
Heath, Lindsey M 341 Heath, Molly M 415
Heiland, Frank von 291
Hartle, Joshua 369 Hartman, Christopher L 281 Hartmann, Joshua W 407
Herrington, Parker J 413 Hertzler, Kenneth P 418
Heard, Andrew M 418
Harrison, Michael D 352
Hartig, Nicole M 292
Herrera, Jose R Gastiaburu 391
Heitstuman, David T 151, 357
Hill Hill, Daniel Hill, Daniel ,
,Raymond Hil Samantha ,
Helms, Patrick D 165, 373 Helton, Zachary T 399 Hemker, Robert B Jr 372
Is, Collin R Hillstrom, Justin Hilton, Andrew R
Hemphill, Anthony W 248 Hempsey, Shawn J 77, 360
Hindley, Shannon
Hendershaw, James D 401 Henderson, Fallynne J 399 Henderson, Laura A 404 Henderson, Ryan W 360 Hendrickson, Matthew W 347
Hennessey, Patrick R 416 Hennig, Chad M 376 Henning, Daniel H 406 Henning, Marc E 378 Henrion, Cameron M 245
Henry, Conor J 393 Henry, Elisha B 409 Henry, Kristin B 256 Hensley, Matthew S 404 Hepler, Andrew G 368 Heptig, Stephen W 189
Haugseth, Matthew T 205
Herbison, Sean M 360 Herbort, Eric H 209
Haun, Julianne M 123, 395
Heredia, Charles A 355
Hines, Aaron R Hines, Jack W 124, 69
Hinners, Keaton P 375 Hirneise, Brandon T 343 Hitchens, Justin 'A Hitt, Kathleen S Hitt, Rehling P Hlavin, Scott A
Hoang, Sean B Hobbs, Carsten Hnrkinn Inn
Hock, William G 418 Hodges, Parker T 397
Houghton, Patrick A 233 Houk, Stephen W 381
Ince Jr, David G 395 Indelicato, Thomas E 405
Johnson, Adam S 305, 431
Hodgkins, Gregory A 351 Hoeffner, Zachary W 417 Hoene, Spencer E 404 Hoff, Benjamin K 376
Hourin, John K 383
Inocencia-Holloway, Enrique V 395
Hovseth, Kara N 399 Howard, Adam 359
Ireland, Heather E 389 Irvan, Kelcie R 406
Johnson, Benjamin R 389 Johnson, Brandon J 101, 237
Howard, Austin M 401
Ishmael, Thomas B 347
Johnson, Bryan R 221 Johnson, Chance E 370
Hoffman, Hans J 368 Hoffmann, Leanna N 416
Howard, Caleb L 416 Howard, Matthew S 411
Isley, Robert G 345
Johnson, Christopher B 209
Hogan, Conor J 359
Hogan, Ryan F 343
Howard, Regenald E 362 Howard, Samantha R 402
Hoh, Sarah G 221
Hoyt, Greg E 340
Ives, Drew R 360
Johnson, Amanda M 418
Johnson, Cody L 366 Johnson, Cory R 369
Johnson, Eric R 372
Johnson III, Woodruff B 392
Ho, Hwang J 386
Hsu, Chen-yu 177
Ho, Johnson C 419
Ho, Kainoa J 364
Huckabee, Joshua M 414 Huff III, James D 363
Holcpmlgg, Hal^D U5, 397 Holderle, Rachael |
Huffman, Jarrod J 217 Huge, Parker D 418
Jack, Alexander 142, 143, 348
Johnson Jr, Calvin D 412
Jackson, Donald B 367
Johnson Jr, Frederick J 366
Hughes, Daniel R 161, 359 Hughey, Alyssa M 364 Hulce, Shayne P 357 Hull, Kristopher S 414 Hume, Cory M 383 Humphreys, Brian D 185, 465
Jackson III, Mister J 404
Johnson Jr, Kenneth L 357
Jackson, Kevin P 345
Johnson, Kyle M 359
Jackson, Kimberly A 371
Johnson, Lucas S 395
Jackson, Lamin O 376
Johnson, Nicole L 385
Jackson, Mister 139 Jackson, Nicholas E 403 Jackson, Peter T 373
Johnson, Ryan L 376
Jackson, Zachary S 387 Jack, Thomas G 349 Jacob, Steven D 378
Johnson, Shawn G 357
Jacobellis, Juliana G 185 Jacobs, Andrew M 372 Jacobs, Katherine E 418
Johnson, William B 402 Johnston, Althea H 256
Holland, Jason3‘ Holland Nicholas L
Holley, Joel A
Hollinger, Hollister, Taylor C 379 Holloway, David B 398 'oway, Michael A 4( Iway, Joseph:A 399
Hunt, Eric M 376 Hunt, Joseph E 217 Hunt, Sarah E 349
Holt, Bar
Johnson, Jordan T 412 Johnson, Joshua J 358
Jablonsky, Kevin J 362
Johnson, Joy M 415
Johnson, Samuel C 344 Johnson, Sean L 406 Johnson, Shelley R 345
Holtz, Bryan
Hunter, Calvin M 253, 297 Hunter, Christopher J 8, 48, 92
Homsher PajtT
Hunter, Ethan J 376
Hong, Casey S 285 Hoogervorst Nicholas|R 360 P 95, 363 I Hoops,’ Hopkin Kraberly N p3, 359 Hopkins, Hrittany K f261 D Hopkins, Hopkins,Jfhomas J '217
Hunter, Katelyn R 53, 301 Hunter, Mikel J 411 Hunter, Stephen D 403
Jadick, Anthony R 400
Johnston, Douglas C 395
Jaglowicz, Christopher P 241, 465
Hupped, Zachary D 221
Jaime, Jared M 354
Johnston, Jacob C 277 Johnstone, Chancellor A 409
Hurtt, Daniel G 272 Huskisson, Alexander S 363 Husk, Philip I 313
James, Dymond B 395
Horban^Peter S 358
Hussey, Patrick J 410
Horga® Casey V 357
Hutcheson, Alexander J 376
Horn, Alexander J 354 325 Horn, Horn, Jennifer R 381 Horn, k evm J 361
Hutchins, Jeffrey S 197 Hutto, Gregg R 365
Andrew John
Huxley, Thiago 273 Huynh, Christopher 379 Hwang, Anthony J 387 Hwang, Brian S 399 Hwang, Eric Y 360 Hyde, Andrew M 385 Hyder, Luke A 297, 465 Hynson, Krystal R 388
Horr^ Kevin F§ 364 Horrif Lyndse y L 111,346
Horrell, Alexander C 233
Horfh, Yannie 379 Hodon, Sajah R 384 Hoskins, Megan E 358 Hottle, Monica R 351 Houder, Jacob D 372
Hough, Brandon A 382 lacobbo, Victor P 370
Jones, Darius P 377
Jansson, Dane T 305, 465 Jarvis, Andrew E 372 Jaskula, Adam M 414
Jones, Jake T 385
Jayne, Brandy A 341 Jean-Pierre, Winston 177 Jeff coat, Jacob D 201
Jefferson Jr, Timothy 351
Jefferson, Tim 88, 90 Jelinek, Derek R 321 Jennie, Scott E 241 Jensen, Jacob B 230 Jensen, James R 389 Jensen, William T 281 Jerde, Kevin T 256 Jerrell, Mathew J 400
natowski, Joseph D 317
Jessop, Alex M 365 Jessup, Chad S 418 Jimenez, Andres C 386 Joelson, Benjamin K 205
Imerman, Randi M 419
Jones, Austin E 347 Jones, Brennan D 317
Janssen, Nathan J 382
natiev, Ian N 344
^LZacharias H 383
Jolls, Nathan R 289, 465 Jones, Allanna S 410
Jones, Briana V 357 Jones, Cliff D 301 Jones, Daniel S 411
Jernigan, Nicholas R 412
Johnston, Bryan E 368
Janasov, Samuel P 372 Janisch, Yagie 402 Jansen, Michael L 400
Ibarra, Matthew J 345 Ibarra, Trevor D 418
ara, Kazden K
James, Ryan D 397 Jamieson, Parker E 393 Jamison, Johnson T 365
Johnson, Stephen R 353
Jones, Jonathan F 405 Jones Jr, Michael P 391 Jones Jr, Steve B 355
Jones, Laura M 378 Jones, Luke T 371
Jones, Matthew C 382 Jones, Natalie S 361 Jones, Nathan M 351 Jones, Randy W 256 Jones, Samantha C 345 Jones, William R 249 Jordan, Christopher H 367
Jordy, Mark J 269 Jorgenson, David M 20, 353 Joseph, Akili D 217 Joseph Jr, Steven G 361 Joseph, Patrick H 345 Jovene III, Vincent T 400
Joyce, Catherine E 381
Kerhin, Joseph M 368 Kerkhoff, Aaron B 399
Klein, Jonathan T 382 Kleman, Andrew S 389
Krohngold, Jeremy A 405
Kern, Roland J 173
Klenk, Jonathan J 169
Kruczek, Theodore W 381
Judah, Kallen L 342
Kern, Trent J 381
Klimkowski, Daniel J 96, 97, 340
Krukowski, Henry M Jr 347
Kerns, Ryan O 257, 465 Kerr, John A 348
Kline, Cranston M 400
Krupa, Brandon J 222 Krupp, Robert A 367
Judd, Shelby W 213, 465 Juedeman, Justin C 413 Jung, Christina J 412
Jurado, Nicholas A 402 Justice, Natalie J 343
Kesler, Seth N 359 Kessler, Blair W 387 Kessler, John M 366
Kline, Derrick E 301, 465 Kluckman, Matthew L 343 Kluesner, Kaeli J 378
Keuchler, William 80, 398
Knight, Kyle S 233
Kucharevas, Arturas 399 Kuconis, John A. 241, 465
Keup, Philip M 379
Knodel, Philip C 376
Kuensting, Joseph S 404
Khune, Joshua P 382
Knowles, Sean 359
Ku, Joshua T 352 Kunce, Ryan D 349 Kunkle, Daniel R Jr 368
Knudsen, George M 394
Kiel, Alexander T 376
Knutson, Brady A 416
Kacura-Miller, Andrew J 82, 357 Kaczmarek, Kenneth 289
Kiernan, Delaney R 337, 378
Knutson, Christopher W 363
Kieser, Joshua M 419 Killion, Christopher 293
Knutson, Matthew W 249
Killpack, Shawn O 233
Koenck, Trevor P 388 Koenig, Bryan M 342
Kaminski, Mark A 379
Krystosek, Timothy E 418 Kuchan, Meagan P 233, 465
Kessler, Rafael E 414
Kidd, Gregory R 399
Kalau, Kristoff J 377 Kallevig, Josef N 273
Kruse, John N 387
Knaub, Zayn M 233 Knight, Caleb J 397, 402
Kabanuck, Richard C 213
Kagarise, Jennifer D 387
Krohn, Austin M. 305
Joyce. Irene E 401 Juback, Sara K 225 Juckett III, Robert S 373
Kim, Andrew H 368
Kanaan, Michael J 372
Kim, Andrew S 213 Kimball, Jonathan F 345
Kane, Brian J 355
Kimber, Alex A 257
Kanellias, Zoee A 363 Kanetzky, Kate L 84, 399
Kimberly, Jonathan R 370 Kim, Danny 416
Kang, Agnes 241, 243 Karpauskas, Everett D 375
Kim, Esther 115, 380 Kim, Jae H 293
Kasakitis, Matthew R 399
Kim, Joshua J 412
Kashul Jr, Thomas W 378
Koehler, Paul K 367
Koenigsberger, Gina L 37, 173 Koeppen, Kimberly P 403 Koerber, Ryan J 217 Kohan, Joseph S 383 Kolesar, Ryan S 357 Kolod, Lauren G 345
Komar, Peter A 376 Konemann, Andrew C 345
Kurtz, Caroline T 122, 123, 402 Kurz, Jeremy R 393 Kusan, Joshua R 409 Kusel, Bradley S 381 Kuzma, Kile H 23,167, 305, 465 Kvedar, Derek C 390 Kwon, Andrew K 257
Kim, Jung-han Kim, Kevin J 217
Konishi, Nicholas A 400
Labedz, Theodore J 408 Laco, Jessica N 205
Konowka, Alexander Z 225
Lacosse, Kevin T 364
Kim, Myung C 253 Kim, Paul C 177,341
Katrein, Stephen P 116, 117, 395
Kim, Richard J 350
Kons, Jason R 369 Konstanzer, Grace E 365 Konvalin, Stephanie M 383
Lacroix, Daniel J 370
Kaszynski, Peter C 293 Katz, Daniel R 347
Kay, Marshall D 357
Kim, Steve M 392 Kim, Su J 391 Kim, Teresa B 411 Kimm, Joshua M 395 Kincade, Kayla L 190 Kinder, Buddy C 341
Kazakoff, Michael J 391
Kindle, Randall J 245
Keane, Erin L 265
King, Brett A 181 King, Jeremiah W 361 King, Nicholas H 205 King, Sean S 349 Kingsley, Alexander M 383 Kingsley, Kali J 384 Kingthong, Kraison 379 Kinsey, Jennifer M 351 Kirby, Timothy J 100, 103, 393
Korecki, J R 80, 387
Kasperson, Krystie A 356 Kastmiler, Erik N 393
Katz, William P 185 Kaufman, Evan E 387
Kauth, Alexander J 415 Kauth, Zachary J 404
Keating, Jeffrey 404 Keck, Stephen D 343 Keefer, Jordan S 412 Keener, Tyler L 193 Keeter, Emily G 383 Kehs, Henry H 351
Keiper, Brittany Michele 305, 465 Keisler, Benjamin L 370 Keitel, Timothy P 362 Keith, Matthew C 360 Keller, David D 265
Kelly, Jeffrey D 414 Kelly, Ryan T 397 Kemp, Kristina L 377 Kenerley, Kyle D 374
Kennedy, Kristen L 393 Keough, Matthew D 385 Kepple, Rebekah L 177 Kerdavid, Lauren A 245, 465
Kooker, Tristan B 403 Koons, Anne Y 381 Koons, Philip S 389 Kootz, Austin M 394
Kopacka, Benjamin G 360 Kopchick, Karianne E 385 Kopp, Christopher 321 Korolkov, Rodion 419 Koslow, Michael J 221 Kotelnicki, Oliver J 265 Kotnik, Zoe M 382
Ladehoff, Christopher L 190, 465
Lagarile, Scott B 361 Lagrange, Brian K 357 Laird, Zachary B 351 Lair, Jacob K 230 Laleman, Alexis A 397 Lalich, Victoria L 273 Lam, David 396 Lam, Linda G 414 Lamb, Andrew J 392 Lambe, Steven J 395 Lambuth, Tawny R 120, 406 Lamendola, Kenneth J 392
Lammerding, Cohan 217
Koutnik, Carlee M 150, 151, 362 Kouwe, Robert N 345
Lamoreux, Cale R 269 Lamoureux, Jacques M 100, 102, 418
Kovalak, David L 388
Lampela, Forrest M 394
Koveleskie, Aaron J 351
Lan, Austin E 410
Kirk, Andrew R 397
Kozlak, Scott J 101,370
Kirk, Christopher N 381 Kirk, William 221
Krakowian, Maciej 399
Landecker, Zachary R 321 Land, Kyle A 407
Kirkpatrick, Timothy S 401
Kram, Benjamin S 361 Krasnov, Jacob J 410
Kirwan, Thomas T 343 Kistler, Christine 230
Kraus, Joel T 348
Kittka, Renee L 390
Krehbiel, Moses A 395
Kiyota, Catherine M 341
Kreiner, Erika F 193
Kiyota, Michelle H 412
Kresin, Tristen J 385 Kress, Calvin 289
Klass, Caleb D 396 Klausner, Andrew J 261
Kraynak, Joseph R III 365
Krieger, Stephen N 107, 340
Landreaux, Alexa K 341 Landreaux, Morgan D 400 Landseadel, Justin K 382 Lane, Brian R 404 Lane, Chase E 348 Lane, Josiah I 349 Lane, Steven T 406 Lane, Travis J 369 Lang, Gordon 370
Langdon, Anthony W 354 Lange, Daniel J 389 Lange, Philip T 369 Lange, Walter Marcus 297 Langham, Travis A 377 Langley, Michael R 21, 309 Langston, Ashley D 313
Lee, Suong H 376 Lee, Taeyoung 401
Liptak, Benjamin K 378
Luken, Derrick W 350
Liscar, Chad A 397
Lee, Tanner A 396
Lisot, Alexander L 408
Lukso, Justin A 159, 357 Luman, Matthew J 360
Leeds, David J 385
Litchford, Katrina L 369 Littlefield, Jacqueline M 368
Luna, Rodrigo A 379
Leestma, Caleb W 95, 397 Leet, Brandon M 343
Littlefield, Sarah L. 301
Lundquist, Matthew M 285
Legaspi, Mikhail T 363
Liu, Daniel 366
Lund, Travis J 351
Lanham, Sean M 408
Lehmann, Chelsie L 387
Livermore, Riley A 393
Laning, Allison M 387
Leibbrand, Corey A 409 Leibrand, David M 145, 249
Livingstone II, Patrick J 370 Livingstone, James J, 415 Livingston, Trey M 395 Lloyd, Robert L 360 Lockerby, Sophia C 349
Lusk, Peter H 92, 186 Lutton, Maxwell W 376
Lankow, Andrew J 49, 409
Lannigan, Anthony R 245 Lannon, Dane M 383
Lanphear, Brendan J 378 Lapczuk, Kajetan 402 Lapso, Joshua 321 Lara, Emersyn G 342
Leighner, Andrew C 373 Leinenbach, Raymond F 400 Leininger, Jared R 393 Leipprandt, Alicia D 79, 407
Lockhart, Nicholas S 414
Leland, Michael A 345
Lockhart, Trevor R 400
Leli, James L 346 Lemair, Joshua D 342
Lockwood, John M 241
Larivee, William O 387 Larkin, Jeffrey A 388
Lemieux, Jamie T 19, 362
Lodolo, Vincent A 371
Lemmen, Kurt A 342
Logan, Brock F 325
Larsen, Lance P 372
Lengyel, Kyle W 371
Larson, Alex B 193, 466 Larson, Jami L 408
Lennon, Justin A 384 Lenzen, Robert K 378
Lohmiller, Corey R 281 Lohr Jr, John R 418
Larson, Jill A 138,139, 321
Lenz, Kyle W 413
LaRivee, Jamie 392
Lodge-Maragh, Donald C 397
Lolohea, Brittny M 413
Lolohea, Maile 123 Lombardo, Ryan M 357 Lomeli, Evan R 384
Lundin, Nicholas M 353
Lutz, Ryan C 349
Lydiard, John M IV 391 Lynch, Caitlin M 84, 318 Lynn, Kathryn J 26, 201 Lyon, Chloe J 375 Lyon, Travis A 344 Lyons, Dwayne Q 257 Lyons II, Michael A 379 Lyons, Katherine B 381 Lystrup, Robert M 161, 358
Larson, Joshua T 400
Leon Guerrero, Dominic V 394
Larson, Stephen M 127, 313 Lasher, Melissa E 387
Lepird, John R 355 Leppo, Philip J 353
Lomheim, Joy M 185, 187
MacAndrew, Michael V 368
Lassiter, Brandon A 218
Lerch, John C 410
Long, Kristin L 389
Lerda-Plog, Alexander D 351 LeRoux, Kevin L. 313
Long, Russell I 357 Loomis, Corey D 205, 466
Macarescu, Andrei 298 Macdonald, Charles D 373
Lerum, Thomas J 375
Loosen, Ethan J 391
Lesser, Sondra L 238
Loper, Elliot C 348 Lopez, Hector 410 Lopez, Joseph D 205, 322, 336, 337,
Lastovica, Logan C 355 Latch, Samantha E 355 Latchu, Tristan A 351 Laucher, Jessica E 136, 137, 347 Laurent, Kelly J 111, 385 Laushine, Andrew J 169 Lauver, Steven D 340 Lavelle, Megan C 367
Lavengood, John C 343 Lavey, Brent J 181 Lavigne, Matthew E 388
Lester, Christopher A 346 Lester, Michael C 414 Lete, Cynthia L 245
MacAndrew, James E 399
MacDonald, Kyle N 368 Macheak, Samuel A 395 Maclachlan, Caleb S 347 Maclean, Amanda K 351 Macmillan, Deanna J 371
Leung, Benjamin W 408 Leung, Christopher S 364
Lopez, Victor J 417 Lorch, Kirsten M 380
MacNaught, Jared K 393 Macomber, Clayton G 374 Macpherson, Holley M 391
Leuthold, Isaac 404
Lorenz, Christopher P 362
Maddox, Robert C 417
Levesque, Jamie R 345
Madorran, Kimberly B 350 Madsen, Martin S 381
Lawson, Brennan K 344 Lawson, Ian T 411
Lewis, Jonathan M 360
Lorenzini, Anthony E 185 Lorenzo, Alex B 359 Loucks, Regina G 83, 355 Loudenback, Jordan P 377 Loudermilk, Kevin A 359 Louder, Robert 290 Lovas, Christopher M. 325
Lewis, Kevin R 352
Lovelady, Rachel E 198
Layman, Andrew B 237
Lovvorn, John L 370
Lazos, Nicholas S 353
Lewis, Megan E 349, 418 Librandi, Rocco F 374
Leake, Perri A 410
Liddle, Blake J 376
Limpert, John T 397
Lowe, Anna B 72, 111, 409 Lowman, Leon III 359
Maier, Ian W 364
Leano, Marcela R 407 Lebens, Nathan J 403 Lee, Andrew P 354 Lee, Daniel C 389 Lee, Ian E 261 Lee, Jeffrey S 408 Lee, Jin U 376 Lee, Joseph A 381
Loyd, Andrew E 368 Loyd, Jonathan A 382 Loyd, Ryan M 368 Lozano, Sergio C 358
Main, Cody C 410
Lucas II, David A 345
Malcolm, Jacob W 174 Malm, Alex J 416 Maloch, Nancy L 416
Lavoie, Michael D 371
Levine, Nicholas T 365
Lavy, Anthony R 273, 275
Levin, Scott P 197
Lawal, Olawale B Jr 417 Lawlor, William G 391 Lawrence, William J 351
Levri, Elizabeth A 352
Lee, Matthew J 349 Lee, Robert M 238 Lee, Steve C 222 Lee, Sun Y 393
Levy, Tyler S 400 Lewczyk, Jonathan A 198, 199
Lim, Royd S 383
Lindberg, William A 378 Lindblom, Leif E 418 Lind, Jesse J 56, 245 Lind, Peter S 368
Low, Tiffany 406
Lindquist, Jenna L 285 Lindsay, Brian G 391
Lucas, Maxine E.T 325 Lucero, Paul V 410
Linsell, Joshua D 389
Ludwig, Matthew T 273 Lugo, Francisco A 382 Lukas, Brady W 411 Luke, Christopher G 416
Lipkin, Sean A 325 Lipp, Benjamin G 385 Lipscomb, Matthew R 201
Maestas, Brendan J 156, 418 Maffei, Katelyn C 378
Magana III, Rafael 419 Magazu, Frank 408 Magdziarz, Jacob W 359 Maggard, Brent A 366 Maggs, John P 398 Magtalas, Kevin M 403 Maier, Kyle D 186
Major, Matthew A 379 Maki, Preslee M 123, 411 Makuka, Stephen C 127, 249, 466
Maloney, Christopher A 345 Maloy, Joseph M 374 Mamroth, Benjamin M 418 Mamroth, Rachel S 83, 404
j i
Mancewicz, Gregory R 384 Manchester, Justin L 393
Matthews, Zachary J 387
McKenzie, Austin G 388
Mergen, Timothy G 190, 191
Mattocks, Brent A 419
McKeon, Jake K 366
Mancini, Carlo A 341
Maura Jr, Michael T 357
McKilligan, Ryan P 377
Merrick, Justin D 378 Merriex, Avery F 76, 234
Mancos, Nicole R 281 Manley, Clinton M 412
McKinley, Duane V 397 McKinley, Marcellus Pablo 301 McKinley, Michael J 341 McKinney, Austin Blaine 253, 466 McKinney, Connor P 347 McKinney, Tiffaney D 400
Manson, Trenton D 361
May, Eric S 233 May, Madonna M 404 Mayfield, Patrick A 385 Maynard, Bryan J 387 Mayo, Parker S 414 Mayou, Rosalie A 413 Mays, Millie A 205
Manwaring, Alyssa J 341
Mazen, Richard S 358
McKinnon, Lauren K 325, 466
Mapes, Jessica R 298
Mazer, Bryan S 364 McAdams, Daniel J 381
McKnight, Drew T 413
Manley, Max M 399 Manning, Nicholas A 355 Mann, Randolph J 350 Mansen, Samuel A 298
j |
j Marble, Harrison T 390 ;
Marcelo, Hannah A 169 Marchesseault, Lance A 213, 466 Marchi, Andrew S 393
Margerison III, Richard B 419
Marges, Francis A 345 Markling, Matthew R 394 I
McAlpin, Kyle McAngus, William I 352
McLaughlin, Ajay
Mikulis, Adam P 190
Milhays, Alexqrejer X 400
Chavlz, Miguel A ^3 lEric hA 146, 353
Miller^ Andrew | 344
Marlette, Hanna B 349
McBride, Tyler Matthew 213, 466
McMinn, Lucille R 169
Marley, Bethany A 360 Morris, Stephanie A 369 Marroquin, Yngwie J 378
McCagg, Raquel E 375
McCandless, Matthew R. 298 McCann, Keeley G 395
McMullen, Kevin R 418 McNab, Storm S 386 McNeil, Samuel F 349
Miller, Dalton J 37
Marshall, Amanda L 395 Marshall, Benjamin N 408
McCart, Cory A 382 McCarter, Zachary A 169
McPhail, Mathew F 293, 466 McPherson, Andrew W 137, 285
Miller, David T 389
Marsh, Kaleb R 354
McCarthy, Ashleen Marie 245 McCarthy, Bryan P 353 McCarthy, Kevin F 181 McCarty, Danielle K. 285
McQuilkin, Olivia B 377
Miller, Edward H 31,
McVay, Diana L 249
Miller, Jack
McVay, Wesley A 387
McVicker, Nathaniel P 407
Miller, Justin B 467
McClain, Aaron J 399 McClelland, Zachary T. 186
Martinez, Ethan J 415
McCluskey, Ryan A 383
McWilliams, Harrison C 410 Means, Alex V 355 Means, Melany A 409
Miller, Kendra
Martinelli, Timothy M 395
Martinez, Frank A 245 Martinez, Frank Anthony 466
Meehan, Alison S 366 Meehan, Brian M 349
Miller, Stephen J
Martinez, Gabrian F 401
McCollum, Austin M 403 McConnell, Caleb A 416 McCool, Christopher J 348
Miller, Kyle T Miller, Merry N Miller, Nathan T
Mefford, Kyle B 418
Martinez, Jairo J 381
McCormick, Joshua D 222
Mehaffey, Mitchell E 369
Miller, Timothy A Miller, Timothy J
Martinez, Meghan 82
McCoy, Ryan 261 McCoy, Tyler J 416
Meier, Charlie J 408 Meier, Foster L 389 Meineke, Kelcie L 364
Martel ly, Ryan W 261
Martin, Erika L 355
McLain, Michael R 387 McLaren, McKay R 364
Meyer, Alexander J 344 Meyer, Eric David 293 Meyer, Grant W 366 Meyer, Steven J 277 Mezzacappa, Jonathan V 391 Michael, Stephanie A 368 Mijares, Jacob M 363
McMahon, Jonathan W 382 McMillan, Travis W 370
] Martin, Drew W 360
McAllister, Patrick R 410
McKown, Connor B 367 McLain, Michael D 18, 76, 80, 205
Metroka, Isaac J 305 Metzler, Mitchell R 378
McArthur, Paul G 401
Marston, David S 391
McAfee, Shayne L 394 McAlister, Erin M 355
McKinnon, Brett J 347
Mersino, Peter J 362
Martinez, Travis S 347 Martinez, Victoria M 341 Martin, Garret M 341 Martin, Joseph D 393 Martin, Kristopher C 395
Martinson, Ryan C 414 Martin, Stephanie A 83, 374 Martin, Whitney D 322 Marx, Allison A 345 Mascara, Anthony D 273, 466 Mashburn, Robert L 177 Masiello, Michael J 181 Mason, Michael P 378 Masters, Gregory 177
McCraw, Samuel T 384
McCroskey, Evan D 368 McCullough, Kinder N 83, 415 McCullough, Tyler W 357 McDermott II, James E 365
McDonald, John R 246, 466
Meirose, Tyler K 409 Melcher IV, John F 343
Melcher, Trenton M 418 Meldrum, Richard F 80, 81, 206
Miller, AsWor L 249, 466 Miller, Gpitlirf M 402
diaries A 388
Miller, Christopher
Miller, David M 25
Jonathcl|D ^113
Miller, Travis C 37
Miller, Trevor P 23' Miller, William C 28Millikin, Matthew L 3' Millis, Jennifer L 355 Mills, Gavin L 395 Mills, Joshua C 393
Melhado, Matthew C 351 Melia, Jake T 417 Mellado, Elisabeth 351
Mills, Phillip M 414
Mellinger, Stephen J 366
Miltenberg, Glenn M 41
Melzer, Tyler J 285
Miner, Kristi J 374
McDowell, Sarah E 209
Mendelsohn, Michelle L 372
Minnick, Christian E
McEntyre, Travers A 385
Mendenhall, Trevor S 225
Mintzmyer, J C
Mataczynski, Mark R 364
McFarland, Joshua D 201 McFee, Andrew 186
Mendez, John P 347 Mendez, Mark A 368
Matejcik, Joseph P 353 Mateus, Bryant 372
McGee, Sean P 349 McGehee, Brock E 405
Matheus, Huston G 367 Mathewson, Ben J 352 Mathis, Morgan J 364 Mathis, Scott S 100, 383 Matson, Colin R 361 Matthewson, Benjamin J 407
McGreal, Craig Francis 218 McGuiness, Kevin Michael 177 McGuire, Kelly A 397 McGuire, Lauren B 389
McIntyre, Spenser W 414
Mendez, Matthew 371 Mendoza, Maritza N 394 Mendoza, Scott L 404 Menefee, Devin A 96, 414 Menna, Micheal A 177, 466 Menzel, Robert G 346 Mercier, Michael D 365
McKenna, Rebekah S 357
Mercurio, Frank P Jr 265
McDonald, Michael J 301 McDonald, Shawn M 360 McDowall, Jamie C 242
McDowell, Myles
NashS 96,396
Mills, Roderick A 362
Wanda, Vincent C
Morehouse, Hannah A 395 Morehouse, Kristopher D 360 Morgan, Carl A 379
Misare, Ryan C 362 Misra, Benjamin J 362
Mitchell, Anthony C 313 Mitchell, Dangelo M 404 Mitchell, Daniel J 376 Mitchell, Logan T 375 Mitchel, Samuel G 366 Mitchener, Nathan A 395 Mitchner, Randall D 273 Mitnaul, Justin H 366
Mittelberg, Christopher I 383 Mizes, Michael D 80, 386 Moak Jr, Kenneth D 376
Mobley,.Jr, Timgthy F 409
Mobley^ati Cl
^hling, ir
Noboa Javier A 416 Nolan III. Robert C 396
Nolan, Joel M 120, 286
Morgan, Jacob C 382
Nash, Timothy C 410 Natelli, Kenneth A 349
Morgan, Joshua G 399
Naumann, Benjamin D 238
Noller, Steven K 108, 265
Morgan, Katelynn G 393 Morgan, Mallory C 37,174 Morgan, Patrick S 419 Morin, Christopher 112, 113, 222 Mornese, Angela 274 Morosco, Anthony J 356
Naumann, Jacob M 387
Nolta, Jennifer N 86, 87 254
Navaroli, Anthony G 351
Noon, Elliot M 352 Nordahl, Zachary A 84, 85, 306
Moroz, Michael A 312, 314 Morreale, Brittany L 84, 213
Mittelman, Rachel L 418
Narvaez, Gabriel B 345 Nash, Austin D 381
Nathan P 169
phrnnai Dhr, Sii <ni, Fakhr
Nelsen, Mark P 357 Nelson, Alexander J 159, 410
Norton, Jacqueline R 372
Nelson, Christopher G 341
Notini, Arthur M 399
Nelson, Daniel A 351
Nottingham II, Darrin S 378 Novae, Kyle P 169, 467
Mosher, Daniel S 360 Mosher, Marcus A 261 Moss, Tytus 374
AAolina, By M olstad, Chi
Necochea, Gabriel M 398
Nelson, Erick C 36, 249, 467 Nelson, Heather C 47, 87, 361 Nelson, Houston A 325 Nelson, Joshua M 395 Nelson, Kyle B 344 Nelson, Ryan T 383 Nelson, Travis P 350
Nemethy, Andrew J 133, 414
Mosteller, Michael D 388 Mott, Casey B 412
Moulton, Megan C 24, 225
Neris, Antonio E 365
Moyer, Nathaniel 348 Mozingo, Jacqueline M 391
Nervik, Akira B 127, 306 Nesselhuf, Franklin J 250 Nettis, Michael V 246
I 267, 467
\ontgoiAry, Rory f 24, 397 Montgorlery, Tate N 376
Muckenhirn, Kathleen 362 Mudd, Kevin J 408
Mudrinich, Steven M 206, 467 Mueller, Amanda R 419 Mueller, Brandon A 361
DanielfM 193 393
sMoorpj Carrie J1 37, 174
Moor^ChadH 399
Mueller, Jacob Matthew 257, 467 Mueller, Lindsey C 341
Moore I I, Alan D 366
Moore, John
Moore John
Moore, Joshua M 364 Modre, Justin R 213
Neptune, Alexandria C 366
Neubauer, Sara J 120, 121, 254 Neville, David E 370
Newberry, Richard A 397 Newell, Stephen M 402
Nowadly, Craig D 365 Nunez, Kyle J 383 Nwaelele, Ikechukwu N 278
Nye, Marshall L 356
Nygard, John J 362 Nylander, Brett T 190 Nyre, Erin M 385
0 Oakley, Michael A 399 Oar, Tyler D 356 Oas, Sam 374
Muka, Jacek A 392
Newton, James D 412
Ochs, Paul S 402
Muncy, Nicholas C 361
Ng, Christopher C 262 Ngo, Khanh-christoph 385 Nguyen, Daniel M 384 Nguyen, Jennifer H 400
O'Connell, Kody L 161, 343 O'Connor, Brian P 298 O'Connor Jr, Anthony R 385
Moorkarsp, Katherine E 379
Murtha III, John P 370
Morales, JMyles W 253 Moran, Ryan M 359
Musielewicz, David D 209
Nickerson, John W 400 Nickisch, Sarah M 381
Myers, Ashley M 310 Myers, Travis R 404
Niebrugge, Connor R 403 Niemeyer III, Henry F 345
Nichol, James R 350
Nichols, Thomas G 408 Nichols, Timothy J 360 Nickels, Abigail M 293
Niklas, Austin J 357 Nissen, Daniel E 345
N ^
Novak, Andrew C 242
Mueller, Sarah E 346
Moorhea4 Cody 344 Moorhead, Kipp’L 400
Moorhead, Blake E 403
Norvell, Elizabeth K 418
O'Brien, Catherine E 353 O'Brien, Keith Michael 218
Munger, Justin R 380 Muniz, Megan L 391 Murdock, Ryan L 392 Murphy, Bridgett M 111, 347 Murphy, Conor P 218 Murphy, Patrick M 364
Modre, Meaghan A 359
North, Justin Y 293, 467 Norton, Charles W 404
Newkirk, Tristan R 105, 370 Newman, John M 418 Newman, Jonathan C 349
Mundy, Richard S 374
Mcxpre, Justin T 417
Nordquist, Suzann G 343 Norquist, Kyle K 405 Norrington, Jessica R 363 Norris, Ryan J 265
Morris Jr, Andre 412
Mosby, Mark A 406 Mosby, Morgan D 397 Moses, Kyle D 108, 374
t, Jo:
Neal, Kenneth A 343 Neal, Robert D 368 Neal, Roland B 363
Nordmark, Nora M 401
Neat II, James W 371
Morrone, Phillip J 198 Morse, Lindsay 385
>ffett Katrina
Neal, Daniel B 343
Morris, Broderick S 209 Morris, Jared L 355 Morris, Lee R 341 Morrison, Samantha B 399
Nazarek, Kyle D 419 Ndour, Ndeye F 372
Nolasco, Juan A 190
Andrew H 386
Ncjl, Shannon D 111, 37840, 41, 406
Nakayama, Jeffrey M
Nissen, Kay M 390 Nissim, Ryan W 201 Noble, Blake D 51, 364 Noble, Joel W 366
Noble, Richard A 362 Nobles, Charles E III 96, 410
O'Bryant, Blair B 381
O'Connor, Michael 87, 230 O'Connor, Sara K 383 O'Connor, William F 405 O'Donnell, Michael E 347 Odum, Brandon D 416
Oetjen, Spencer T 367 ofili, Phillip C 397 O'Grady, Kelly M 330, 403 Ogren, Charles T 387 O'Hair, Mark S 401
Ojeda III, Ralph A 418 Ojerio, Caroline M 214 Okai Jr, Joseph N 381 Okamoto, James T 96, 347 O'Keefe, Daniel S 137 193 O'Keefe, Sean 112 O Kelley, Michael G 397
Oldmixon, Benson P 104, 402
Olejnik, Andrew P 407 Oliphint IV, John H 310 Oliver, Michael S 380 Olivo, Christian A 385
Ollis, Richard A 385 Olme, Mark G 372 Olsen, Eric S 265 Olson, Ashley D 347
Parcell, Timothy J 409 Pardal, Michel 402 Paredes, Brian D 412 Parenteau, Michelle M 382 Parker, Daniel J 360 Parker, Grant I 76, 170 Parker, Harold B 37, 274 Parker, Jennifer M 355 Parker, Steven V 383
Penninga, Marc W 414
Pike, Stephen A 380 Pilcher, Kelsey L 367
Penrod, Trisha 342
Pineda, Andrew P 80, 349
Penry, Nicholas C 366 Peplin, Samuel J 206
Pineo, Stephen L 414
Pennetti, Alexander J 375
Percoski, William D 326
Perez, Mario I 367 Perich, Maiya 122, 123, 357 Perkins, Christopher A 368
Pingel, Bradley W 386 Pinkerton, Courtney D 412 Pipe, Anthony M 399 Pippin, Scott T 387 Pitcher, Thomas J 357
Olson, Christopher J 349 Olson, Erik M 370
Park, Joshua M 406
Park, Mathew B 406
Perkins, Missy
Olson, Soren J 372
Parks, Eric L 368
Perry, Ross A 274
Ploschnitznig, John T 419
Olson, Taylor J 352
Park, Suzi 376 Parlee, Jeffrey M 358 Parmater, Alexander T 370 Parrish, Douglas E 350 Parritt, Joel A 411 Parrott, Gage C 371 Parsons, Kathryn V 218 Partain, Joshua M 391 Passmore, Jordan M 388 Patchoski, Philip S 411 Patel, Aadit A 349 Patel, Uddit H 367 Paterson, Gabriel J 368 Patino, Taque G 124, 378 Patrick, Matthew J 353 Patrick, Ryan M 395 Patten, Cole M 373 Patterson, Devin P 343 Patterson, Kennedy M 401 Patterson, Stephanie L 110, 365 Patton Jr, John J 387
Pershke, Austin D 343
Plourde, Matthew J 254, 255
Pesich, Daniel C 378
Plumb, Alexander L 384
Pestana, Amanda G 411
Plyler, Jonathan M 354 Podplatnik, Marko 341
Olsowski, Carly M 374, 424 Oms, John H 405 O'Neill, Jonathan M 347
O'Neill, Meghan A 397 O'Neill, Patrick 293 O'Neill, Tess A 359
Onitsuka, Anthony K 406 Ornelas, Theodore A 250
Osborn, Wesley H 344 Ostrander, Meagan M 345 Ostrom, David D 124, 125, 194
Ostrowski, Cory J 386 O'Toole, Brogan 257 Ott, Randall T 374 Otto, Kaitlin F 356 Ottusch, John J V 418
Oueslati, Nora El 292
Oury, Andrew J 369 Overbey, India Y 194 Owen, Nicholas A 343 Owens, Andrew J 358 Owens, Gage L 389
Owens, Roman C 381
Owusu-Achiaw, Justice 419
P Paddock, Allison K 353 Paek, Christopher M 378
Petersen, Ezra B 395
Petersen, Matthew D 415 Petersen, Sarah C 356 Petersen, William J 80, 363
Poehler, Marcus K 412 Poisson III, Robert J 418
Peterson, Amanda J 182
Poland, Eric G 370
Peterson, Benjamin J 397 Peterson, Benjamin M 377
Polesky, Kevin M 364
Peterson, Candice E 376
Pompa, Anthony G 351
Peterson, Clifford A 414
Ponce, Jason M 408
Peterson, Megan E 222
Pool, David M 294 Poole, Eric D 194
Peterson, Whitney D 362
Poje, Christopher B 416
Pollock, Steven 302
Petit, Alexandra D 404 Petrie, Ryan C 383
Porter, Austin C 361
Petry, Andrew K 406
Porter, Craig C 406
Pattugalan, Joanna K 347
Petter, Jacob L 370
Porter, Evan M 342
Paul, Charles W 381
Pettyjohn, Dillon C 417
Posey, Thomas P 238
Paul, Jamaal A 157, 353 Pauli, Harrison M 374 Paul, Micah P 230 Pawlica, Cristina C 258, 467
Pfaff, Stephen W 388
Potter, Derek B 314
Pfau, Neil M 306
Payne, Benjamin C 373 Payne, Collin E 347 Payne, Ty B 382 Payne, Zachary T 402 Peace, Kyle J 396
Pham, Alan 412
Potter, Dustin T 403 Potterton, Jordan W 381 Potthoff, Travis S 416 Poulsen, Christopher L 390 Powell, Caleb F 390 Powell, Jared C 343
Philbrick, Anna E 405
Powell, Michael H 401, 422
Pearce, Rexford R 250 Pearse, Olga 406
Powell, Thomas L 246
Peckham, Keegan K 413 Pederzani, Cassandra M 355
Phillips, Angela M 347 Phillips, Eric P 343 Phillips, Kyle L 357 Phillips, Lianna M 394 Phillips, Maria S 374 Phillips, Timothy 250 Piascik, Christopher T 174
Pedretti, Tobias L 408
Piazza, Michael C 161, 399
Prichard, Charles J 398
Pelayo, Benjamin J 378
Pichkur, Dmytro 418
Prileszky, Istvan M 266
Pelc, Nathan L 355 Pelletier, Seth W 121, 363 Peluso, Anthony R 378 Pence, Randy J 393
Pickering, Luke B 379
Primeaux, Jonathan A 408 Primm, Joel G 406 Prince, Eric R 390
Pearson III, Payton E 412
Pak, Michael M 270
Pearson, Jonathan E 393
Paladino, Alexander D 53, 310 Paladino, Daniel J 234, 235, 467 Paladino, Julie M 368 Palmer, Joshua M 416 Palmer, Kyle E 358 Pal, Monique M 415
Peck, David E 310
Pan, Andrew S 194, 195
Pitts, Ryan A 262 Pleasanton Jr, William B 214
Pope, Talon M 226 Poppler, Mark M 278 Popp, Thomas C 341 Poquiz, Marvin G 348 Poremski, Raychel A 346
Page, Adam J 290 Page, Blake A 390 Page, William L 386
Pamerleau, Geoffrey D 378
Perkins, Melissa L 298
Peterson, Williams 80 Peters, Sean T 170 Peters, Zachary A 387 Peters, Zachary R 374
Pfau, Peter G 222 Pfeiffer, James 290 Phaneuf, Alana M 408
Phelan, Howard B 359
Phetmixay, David
V 406
Pickett, Daniel G 407 Pickett, Daniel L 385
Pang, Samuel H 234 Paquette, Brandon M 234 Paquin, Marie F 412
Pendley, Jeffrey M 376
Pieper, Christopher A 374
Penner, Jared 402
Pierson, Jordan B 274
Paranka, Michael A 374
Penner, Travis J 398
Pierson Jr, Scott N 410
Piehl, Benjamin J 410
Powell, Jonathon H 397
Powers, Margaret A 357
Prager, Alexander S 385 Pray, Jessica L 262 Pressley, Thomas L 344 Price, Aaron M 55, 202 Price, Mark H 218
Prinkey, Meghan K 84, 391 Prochnow, Christopher L 174, 468 Prodan, Emanuel T 406 Prusko, Alexandra M 353, 422
Rhynard, Joshua W 108, 109,178
Robertson Jacob J 370
Ricciotti, Leo M 402 Rice, Christopher L 202
Robertson, Max D 351 Roberts, Rachel A 371
Rasfeld, Daniel M 403 Rash, Sarah L 387
Rice, David H 391 Rice, John T 170
Roberts, Russell B 400 Roberts, Taylor M 372
Puckett, Sara K 344 Puentes, Stevie A 348
Rasmussen, Kyle D 345 Rasmussen, Zachary J 376
Rice, Matthew D 222
Robillard, Alicia M 390
Rice, Scott E 395
Puffenbarger, Edward W 413 Puffenbarger, Haley D 390
Rasweiler-Richter, Rebecca E 186
Richards, Hayden K 387
Robillard, Amanda L 412 Robinson, Adam P 404
Rath, Frederick W 365
Puhek, Daniel J 182, 183 PulllJ. Michael 258
Ratkovich, Zachary M 337, 387 Rauhof, Bryce C 385
Richards, Matthew A 262 Richardson, Andrew S 415
Pulver, Andrej E 404 Puntel, Anthony M 278
Rayhill, Gilbert E 395
Richardson, Christopher D 410 Richardson, Daniel E 278
Rayhill, Wrendy K 407
Richardson, Jon M 406
Robinson, Ryan M 400
Puzak, Stephanie F 362
Raymond, Nathaniel D 355
Pyles, Michael S 404
Raynor, Robert A 353
Richardson, Lacey N 374 Richardson, Luke J 349
Robinson, Scott W 281, 283 Rochelle, Cameron S 59, 242
Ray, William C 294
Richardson, Matthew C 366
Rochelle, Cameron Sean 469
Razafinimanana, Sedra F 376
Richardson, Tahichi B 143, 242
Rock, Jonathan M 84, 397
Rebhi, Imed E 370 Rebolledo, John E 218
Richardson, Tiffanie Lan 294, 468 Rich, Kyle S 352
Rode, Eric D 412
Rebulanan, Ric Y 278 Recker, Ryan P 385
Richmond, John D 374
Pryce, Ian D 343 Pryor, Jonathan D 258, 259 Pryor Jr, David A 399 Pryor, Lillian S 361 Przybyslawski, Emma K 242
Randall, William C 363 Randhawa, Kamaljit S 74, 75, 238
Q Qayum, Abdul 220 Qiu, Mengyuan 127, 345
Randolph, Harriet K 163, 414
Reddout, Jeffrey P 198
Richter, Cristina E 238, 468 Rickert, Ryan S 392
Quaco, Alicia K 82, 83,302
Red, Erik J 393
Quadrino, John A 362 Quallio, Andrew J 407 Quern, Glynnis A 410
Red, John M 395
Ricketts, Richard E 362 Ricks, Christopher W 410
Reece, Iva S 369
Ricks, Jacob M 392
Reeder, Rachel M 341
Quezada, Michael R 402
Reed, Nicholas K 161,355
Riddle, Andrew C 202 Riebe, Beau M 405
Quijano, Theodore K 363
Reed, William F 182,468
Riedl, Steven E 286, 287, 468
Quintana, Sean P 20, 294
Reedy, Allison M 389
Riegleman, David L 389
Quirao, Gabrielle A 402
Reep, Samantha B 349
Riehn, Samuel K 357
Quirarte, Jonathan M 399
Reeves, Cary W 52, 298
Quirindongo-Crespo, Carol 53, 198
Regan, Catherine A 408
Quon, James H 198, 468
Register, Benjamin D 405
Riley, Adelae B 351 Riley, Brian C 364 Riley, Garrett M 396 Riling, Justin K 377 Rillings, Jared C 369 Rimando, Kyle N 346 Rinaldi, Benjamin L 87, 349
Rehder, Joshua D 270
R Racca, James-darrell V 408 Rackley, Steele A 357
Radakovich, Sarah J 351 Radosevich, Michael D 345
Ragland, Chelsea 387 Ragland, Taylor O 278 Ragsdale, Reed E 358 Raine, Jack R 298, 468 Raine, Samuel R 375 Raisor, Kayla A 412
Rajchel, Brad M 365 Rakes, Jacobb C 396
Ramarolahy, Michel 262 Ramirez, Edward-larry G 178 Ramos Sanchez, Adrian 348
Ramsey, Taryn L 366 Ramsier, Alexa A 347 Ranaweera, Radhika 300, 302 Ranaweera, Radhika U 336
Rancourt, Philip A 344
Randall, Alexander L 383 Randall, Gordon J 281
Reichelt, Chris M 182 Reicks, Theodore H 355
Reid, Colton J 353 Reid, Michael R 374 Reid, Timothy A 347 Reid, Wesley J 403
Reinig, Ashley L 226, 468 Reith, Christopher A 418 Rembert, Reginald B 348 Remington, William D 364 Remsing, Christopher R 341 Rendon, Moises 151, 342
Rengan, Krishna C 369 Renner, Gregory X 347 Renner, Stephen W 274, 468
Resch, Adam J 364 Ressel, Anthony D 356
Restrepo, Kevin 353 Rettig, Holly J 266 Revell, Raymond Y 343 Revels Jr, Allen R 343
Reyes, Joel V 349 Reyneveld, Jase T 367 Reynolds, James R 374 Rhoades, Bryan M 395 Rhoton, Spencer P 345
Rinaldi, Samuel P 347
Ringrose, Jacob C 385 Rings, Nathan D 186 Ringwald, Tyler D 354 Rishel, Evan P 389
Robinson, Anthony M 381
Robinson, Eric J 112, 348 Robinson, Kyle A 383
Robinson, Robert A 398
Rodgers, Andrew J 371 Rodgers, Brett 469 Rodgers, Brett M 116, 117, 238 Rodgers, Jessica L 165, 372 Rodriguez, Amanda K 373 Rodriguez, David T 299, 469 Rodriguez, Juan J 406 Rodriguez, Richard A 366 Rodriguez, Rodolfo 387 Rodriguez, Trenten D 385 Rodriguez, Victor 400 Rodriquez, Joshua M 357 Rodts, Evan W 270 Rodts, Selena S 314 Roesler, Nathaniel W 347
Rogers III, Louis C 403 Rogers, Matthew T 400 Rogers, Michael E 242 Rogl, Ryan A 368 Rojas Camacho, Juan P 186 Roland, Matthew D 306
Roling, John M 366 Roller, Samuel W 404 Roloff, Zechariah L 190
Risner, Dakota M 376 Risse, Andrew Q 397 Ritschard, John E 409 Ritter, Zachary 290 Ritt, Joseph G 402 Rivard, Ashley M 190 Rivera, Bryan J 368 Rivera, Robert J 258
Romanko, Alison M 85, 120, 121, 270 Rommel, Michael S 389
Rivers, Tyrae K 363 Robben, Jeremy S 381 Roberts, Brandon L 349 Roberts, Jason E 390 Roberts, Jordan W 226 Roberts Jr, Steven R 376 Roberts, Kyle B 397 Roberts, Matthew F 75, 347 Robertson, Catherine E 230 Robertson, Evan R 266
Rosen, Kevin C 414 Rosenthal, Marcus A 414 Rose, Robert M 381
Ronning, Daniel J 395 Rooney, Orion H 391 Roosma, Alexander C 230 Root, Travis S 270, 469
Roseburg, Michael S 250 Rose, Justin D 397
Ross, Cameron L 326
Rosser, Kevin M 108,109, 318, 462 Rossi, Carl V 367 Rossillon, Kevin J 353 Ross, Loring H 411 Ross, Matthew K 131, 299 Ross, Richard Brendan 310
Ross, Scott T 356 Ross, William H 359
Salandy, Keisha F 340
Rother, Matthew P 410 Roth, Evan G 194
Salinas Jr, David 371
Roulette, Ryan M 366 Rouse, Staci A 391
Samarah, Laith K 387 Sambo, John R 395
Schmidt, Benjamin H 238
Serilli, Colton D 359 Serratore, Carly J 375 Settle, Cody P 408
Roux III, Palmer F 342
Sample, Kenneth R 415
Schmidt, Benjamin M 278 Schmidt, Breanna M 398
Severino, Christopher W 340 Sewell, Jason M 21, 282
Rowe, Derrick M 404
Sanchez, Alexis T 355 Sanchez, Bryan R 222 Sanchez, Keyona C 413 Sanchez, Travis S 389 Sanders, Joel A 356 Sanders, Matthew B 393 Sanders-Walker, Faith L 416 Sandoval, Carlos D 366 Sandtorv, Vincent K 104, 380 Santana, Brett T 262 Santiago Jr, Jon J 394 Santoro, Nicholas R 357 Santos, Claudia L 163, 316, 318 Sapper, Bradley R 40, 344
Schmidt, Fanita H 393 Schmidt, Frank H Jr 382
Sexton, Michael J 372
Royer, Sean-michael W 242 Rozsa, Jordan D 370
Rubanka Jr, Michael A 353
Rubeck, Nicole R 360 Rubenstein, Stephen P 379 Rubin, Chad 326 Rubin-Santos, Karen 393 Rubio, Edward M 402 Rucker, Brittany S 359 Ruckriegle, Sarah R 394
Sapp, Jasmine S 397
Rudico, Erlyn R 118, 178, 179 Rudolph, Paulina K 351
Sarette, John R 416 Sarette, Joseph R 371
Ruel, Philip D 414 Ruether, Shane M 412 Ruiz, Ana 402
Sarinana, Samantha F 395 Sarkis, Samantha A 364
Ruiz, Christopher A 351
Sarno, Jeremy J 404
Sarmiento, Yasmin I 417
Schleiden, Ryan P 134, 246
Schneider, Bradley A 359 Schneider, Zachary M 362
Schoemer, Sara E 418 Schoener, Benjamin D 391
SharllJason Cl 246
Schoenfeldt, Brandon C 416 Schofield, Mackenzie K 413
Shankjinl Krystin M \ 418
Schonsheck, Tyler M 346 Schory, Kyle P 337, 379
R| Shaw, Shaw, Wilam G
Schroder, Edward R 385 Schuetze, Aaron J 341 Schuetz, Kelly L 198 Schuetz, Matthew L 375 Schuler, Katie E 370
NatnaniJ| T 364
Shaw,.Jonathan Shaw, Shawler.tEvan K 411
Schonfeld, Daniel R 387
Shea, Dan« R 1
Shealy, David A f Shealy, Kimberly J Shealy, Victor! 226 -
Schultheiss, Alexander A 341 Schultz, Tyler A 56, 410
Sheffir, Jorda| A 898 Shells, Peter R]
Schutz, Garrett A 404
Shepherd, Colin ^^266 Sheppard, Samuaj N 80,
Sasaki, Jeffrey M 385 Sasine Jr, John K 377
Ruiz, Jonathan R 322 Rule, Daniel K 351
Satchel I, Bachar N 410
Schwartz, Alec G 199
Satterfield, Brett D 412
Schweickert, Andrew V 380
Rulona, Mark K 409
Satterfield, Jamela D 349
Rush, Emma L 310 Rush, John H Jr 393
Sattes, Michael A 349
Russomanno, Ryan 414 Russon, Tyler G 322
Sauter, Sarah S 157, 370 Savonne, Stephen D 397
Rutherford, John M 413
Saydah, John D 387 Sayers, Michael J 346 Sayes, Morgan K 59, 194 Scarberry, Elizabeth A 352 Schaefer, Jeffrey A 408 Schaefer, Shelby A 353
Schweitzer, Scott A 84, 322 Schwochow, Kyle E 341 Scott, Erinn E 239, 469 Scott Jr, Carl A 202 Scott Jr, Michael D 366 Scott, Matthew M 223, 469 Scovil, Creighton V 341
Shadrix, Justin D 127, 206 Shaffer, Stephen M 362 Shald<.Briski, Jdji JJ ^06
Schnabel, Sara M 393
Ruize, Anthony M 406 Ruiz, Erik B 359
Saunders, Benjamin R 226
Sexton, Stephanie S 416 Shackelford II, William C 322 Shadoin, David P 349
Schmitt, Clayton J 381 Schmitt, Sara L 274, 469
Schumacher, Derek F 370
Ryals, Emily L 372 Ryan, David A 410 Ryan, Patrick S 348 Ryan, Timothy D 218, 469 Ryherd, Jonathan C 352 Ryner, Keenan R 346 Ryszka, Krzysztof J 345
Seovac, Milos R 395 Serafinko, Kenneth E 401
Schleiden, Derek R 134, 410
Rowland, Kyle E 234 Rowley, Evan E 373
Senn, Ethan T 361
Salley, Christina E 360 Sails, Wayne F 282
Rowe, Kevin B 408
Schimelfening, Benjamin D 206 Schindling, Casey L 373 Schjodt, Kathleen M 79, 234
Rothschild, Blake V 409
Rowe, Jessica A 366
Salinas, Christina M 416
Scroggins, Benjamin C 242 Scull Jr, Kenneth T 361
Sheiner, Chad Is 406
Sheridan, Adam (l 396 Sherman, Kristopher K 408
Sherman, Sheila R 345 Sherwood, Blake Y «K2
Shetley, Kaitlin M 395 Shetley, Lauren N 3-® Shibler, Spencer A 171, 469 Shields, Christopher Ml 56, 37^ Shields, Joseph D 3471 **.
Scully, Daniel J 364
Shields, Matthew L 124; 364 Shok, Eric D 404 |
Seaman, Kelliann 374
Shoptaugh, Benjamin R 214
Schaeuble, Martin A 402 Schafer, Jessica M 282
Searuggs, Jasmine A 406
Schafer, Kyle C 372 Schafer, Roy L 364
Seaver, John T 410 Seaver, Travis 134 Sebree, Travis H 340
Short, Joel D 374" Shotwell, Casey A 360 Shovelton, Joshu Shrift, David P Shufeldt, Peter S 395 Shumaker, Cristopher
Schake, Barrett E 164, 402 Schardein, Spencer W 206 Schatsiek, Lee M 402
Seat, Charles R 385
Seery, Michael K 107, 383 Seeto, Ryne M 59, 322
Sack, Kevin A 355 Saed, Mansour S 386
Schaubhut, Zachary R 417 Scheglov, Masha 186
Seibt, Nathan W 161, 368
Saeger, Michael J 356
Scheie, Matthew L 417
Seis, Michael J 377
Sahagun, Nicholas A 182
Scheller, Brian K 209
Sahli, Elliott R 270, 271
Scheller, Jenna S 400
Selby, Matthew D 391 Sellers, Bradley T 404
Sainsbury, Andrew G 412 Sajowitz, Mark W 394
Scherler, Taylor S 365
Sako, Lauren S 397 Sakovich, Alexander J 375
Schiffer, Joshua B 198
Schierholtz, Vai A 49, 344
Schillaci, Derek J 391
Seidel, Riley M 407
Sells, Amber R 352 Semrau, Randy R 380 Sena, Alejandro S 366 Sena, Austin E 391
Shumate, Colin P 191 Sidwell, John A 418
Smith, Christopher M 364
Southworth, Ryan S 404
Stevens, Richard H 365
Smith, Cory A 367
Stewart, Mark 395
Sidwell, Melissa L 278
Smith, Dennis T 345
Sowers, Benjamin D 351 Spahr, Gordon M 406
Smith, Derek T 343
Spalla, Andrew J 351
Smith, Dylan 290 Smith, Elizabeth E 384
Sikora, Amber 110
Smith, Ely F 418
Sikora, Ashley M 410 Silva, Hermes Y 383
Smith, Ethan J 349
Silverio, Joseph M 389
Smith, Jeremy S 362
Silvio, Joseph E 81, 380
Smith, Joram D 286 Smith, Joshua D 127, 210
Spangler, Thomas L 343 Spangler, Tyler M 353 Span III, Martin T 366 Sparks, Patrick D 351 Speer, Shea W 214 Spellman, Andrew R 385 Spencer, Brent M 219, 470 Spencer, Kelly E 342 Spidel, James l 346 Spiering, Jacob T 377 Spiro, Trevor D 378 Spitzer, Kyle H 306 Spranger, Craig G 152, 153, 374 Sprang, Joshua S 411 Spranger II, Kurt T 306 Springfield, Joseph W 353 Sproul, David M 374 Sprouse, Matthew J 419
Stibick, Samantha J 83, 404
Sikkema, Paul D 368
Stacks, Michael L 406
Strauss, Marissa E 370
Staff, Jordan M 363
Strawbridge, Andrew D 376
Stafford, Joseph M 126, 416
Street, Andrew G 362 Street, Charles G V 366
Siebert, Ryan R 355 Siegel, Matthew T 344
Smith, Gary A 294
Simkin, Geoff M 356 Simkus, John M 352 Simmonds, Holden D 417 J
Simmon^Cale 369^
Simnpns, Jasper D 3J0
Smith, Justin T 345
Smith, Kelsey 60 Smith, Kelsey A 9,134, 408 Smith, Kristen L 282 Smith, Kyle A 346
Jennifer L 352
Simons James T 1 Simons,,
Smith Jr, Warren C 355
D 383
dorc^n Robert
M 416
Sims, Annalisa A4 408 Sims, William
Singh, Calvin A 206 Singletary, Jangi N 341 : Singletary Kyle P 361 Singletary, TdLrean D Sittig, Ryan If 409 Si verio, Mcfthew J
-Jikeele. Johl B 18, Skelly, David M
Smith, Manuel 391 Smith, Michael A 364 Smith, Michael B 414 Smith, Michael S Jr 407 Smith, Nicholas A 393 Smith, Nicholas W 400 Smith, Ryan P 406 Smith, Samantha N 415 Smith, Samuel G 326 Smith, Sarah 358 Smith, Timothy W 347 Smith, Todd 306 Smith, Travis C 351
Stainback Jr, William C 191
Stainbrook, David A 383 Stan, Craig R 341 Stanford, Stephanie S 408
Stanley, Joshua D 389
Stewart, Taylor H 412 Stewart, Tyler 77
Stigall, Bryan G 351 Stigall, Kyle S 415 Stiles, Daniel K 403
Still, Ethan G 345 Stilwell, Nichole R 123, 374
Stimpson. Jessie M 360 Stinebaugh, Shelby M 378 Stockamp, Kyle J 383 Stockdale, Nicholas A 87, 376 Stoddard, Jordyn C 368 Stoll, Adam H 357 Stone, Emma M 343 Stout, Marshall E 377 Stover, William T 397 Stowe, Darren W 362 Stowe, Wesley D 360
Straub, Eric T 182
Street, Kyle P 405 Street, Matthew R 412
Stribling, John W 355 Strickland, Tony D 385
Stanley, Paul T 344 Stanley, Rachel K 366 Staples, Gabriel J 271, 470 Staples, Haley S 159, 410 Starkey, Joel P 373
Strobel, Nicholas W 380
Strovers, Darrell B 342
Smoke, Tahlia C 119, 366
Stark, Julian R 353 Starkweather, Grant L 372
Slater,parson L1386
Snider, Cale C 371
Starr, Daniel L 72, 80, 402
Slater^Jonathan R 246
Snider, Danielle M 151, 202, 469
St. Clair, Grace L 350
Sleeter, Justin Jf 403
Snider, James J 391
Steadman, Zone H 390
Sleeth, Brandph J 379
Snow, Spencer R 360
Sloc^n, Joshua M 279 Smaif, Dustin P 344
Snyder, Evan J 364 Snyder, Kelly R 226, 469
Stearns, Tyler A 383 Steele, Alex C 266 Steen, Colton D 30, 393
Stueckemann, Andrew W 347 Stuntz, Sean M 376
Smajl, Tyler W 84,121, 378
Sober, Kevin T 389
Steen, Eric H Jr 382
Sturdevant, Laura M 416
Smedley, William V 347 Smitas, Martynas 392
Soderberg, Erik R 88, 91, 416
Stefanovic, Petar G 365
Sugar, Andrew M 417
Sohm, Peter A 174
Stegeman, Cole R 368 Stegemann, Beau J 402 Steigerwald, Robert A 142, 274
Suhrhoff, Kristen A 357
Stein, Liam M 340 Stemen, Joshua D 353
Sukut, Thomas W 55, 246
R 36l |jken|, Skidrriore, Michael
Smith, Weston K 406 Smith, William M 214
SkogsbJfg, Sarah E 202, 203
Smith, Zachary S 387 Smitherman, Garrick M 399
SkolnicC Corey h 412
Smithson, Christopher C 124, 125, 411
"Slade,Daniel A
C 20, 210
Smith, Allan J 350 Smith, Andrew M 174, 369 Smith, Bradford L 374 Smith, Brian J 370 Smith,
Soileau, Garrett V 391 Sollmann, Tiffany M 266 Sol, Ryan S 345
Song, Bill S 393 Song, Brenda J 274 Song, Julie A 219 Sorce, John P 178 Sorensen, Nathan G 87, 411 Soriano, Dustin J 360 orrera, Danielle B
ftino Jr, Michael P
ter, Taylor P 116, 388 i,
Yunior G 391
Southard, Kyle R 394
Stenger, Brandon T 413 Stenger, Brian R 400 Stephens, Christopher C 355 Stephenson, Jonathan E 194, 470 Stephenson, Robert M 376 Stephens, Savier A 402 Steppe, Patrick N 388 Stevens, Brent 250 Stevens, James K 375 Stevens, Joshua L 412
Stroman, Zachary R 231
Strong, Malcolm L 364 Stronko, Jakob M 413 Stroud, Joshua K 392
Strykowski, Dirk R 386 Stuard, Kathryn L 412 Stuckey, Linea M 323, 470 Stucky, Scott E 412
Stuppy, Bennett D 376
Suhrie. Steven M 127, 271 Suito Acuna, Fernando E 390
Sullivan, Anthony D 359 Sullivan, Brendan F 302 Sullivan, Matthew S 345 Suluai, Samone A 396
Sumerel, Clarke I 262 Sun, Chi H 286
Sung, Scott W 388 Suniga, Sara R 207 Surita, Roy J 266 Suttie, Caitlin H 246 Sutton, Abigail A 392
Suys, William A 399
Teague, Brett E 385
Thorne, Matthew L 373
Tucker, Caleb A 375
Svecz IV, Andrew J 365
Teakell, Jarred W 403
Thornton, Travis W 391
Tucker, Wilson C 210
Swan, Chloe M 406
Tellefsen, Jonathan R 178
Thuli, Nathaniel E 352
Swaney, Allison J 376 Swaney, Courtney A 286
Tempel, Joshua A 182 Tempter, Michael 388
Tibbs LI, Michael L 355 Tiedemann, Katie L 419
Tulley, Zachary B 415 Tung, Kalyn A 381 Turgil, Eugene 395
Swanson, Alexandra L 406 Swanson, Colin S 404
Tenenbaum, Marcus R 390
Tillier, Daniel 247 Tilton, John R 360
Turner, Jerra L 380 Turner, Zachary T 408
Swanson, Grant T 374 Swanson, Jesse P 187
Tengelsen, Carrie L 344 Tenpas, Daniel J 357
Swanson, Tyler L 226 Swartz, Michael C 20, 361
Tentler, Robert 210
Tilton, Nicholas S 375 Timsuren, Nathan S 410 Tintzman, Cory D 80, 311
Twigg, Christopher M 415 Twitty, Lauren A 250 Twohig, Evan M 389 Twohig, Kimberly A 381 Tyner, Justin W 84, 120, 402 Tyrrell, William M 387
Sweeney, Brennan J 341 ,
Sweeney, Nolan J 368 Sweitzer, Krystal A 344
Swift, Jonathan M 384 Swinchoski, Thomas A 361 ,
Swope, Taylor H 357
Sydney, Christine J 404 Symalla, Trever S 344 Szewc, Brittany B 349 ,
Szur, Cesare A 351
Ten Eyck, Ryan A 175
Teope, Jan T 412 Teresky, Caitlin C 380 Terpstra, Neal D 191 Terry, Amanda E 378 Terry, Amy M 388 Terry, Barbra E 417 Terry, Evan P 390 Terry, Kristen L 357
Tippitt, Richard H 178 Tipton, Anthony M 286 Tipton, David B 387 Tipton, James T 401
Tester, Michael A 392
Tewaheftewa, James G 414
Tomaszewski, Kyle R 418 Tomlin, James C 250
Ubbens, Emily C 376 Udell, Pleather M 401
Tew, Jared D 88, 89, 91, 388
Tompkins, Chelsea R 114, 210
Udensi, Uzochukwu A 369 Udovicic, Bojan 394
Todd III, Ronald C
Todd, Tyler L 364
Tomaszewski, Jared C 161, 414
Tona, Kenneth K 355
Tharp, Justin S 385
Tongoi, Sammy O 360
Thaut, Lane C 383 Thee, Brandon C 385
Tonio, Robert N 152, 153, 306
Uehlin, John P 357 Ueunten, Kevin K 393
Tope, Michael R 410
Ulisse, Joseph 290
Umberger, Ryan T 357
Tabor, Ryan D 401
Theuerkauf, Scott W 418
Tack, Jonathan G 378
Thiede, Kendrick M 413
Torielli, Adrienne C 360 Torok, Georgina 412 Torrence, Matthew A 388
James J 356 I Taggart, Takahashi, David S 343
Thielmann, Wolf I 347
Torre' Santiago, Gloriemar 398
Thimmel, William D 381
Torres, Lesly M 375
Talamantez, Kendrick V 393
Tholen, Emily R 359
Talbot, Ian J 294
Thomas, Benjamin S. 294
Torres, Nicole M 351 Torres, Skyler M 391
Tamaalii Jr, Newington J 389
Thomas, Christopher M. 92, 310 Thomas, Christopher R 342 Thomas, Eric E 367 Thomas, James D 387 Thomas, Joshua D 347
Tamariz, Ruby A 243. 470 Tamosuinas, Alexis C 416
Tamosuinas, Ava R 377 Tanen, Dustin R 9, 11, 149, 155, 159, 372
Tangeman, Nathan L 417 Tanner, Juwayne M 405 Tanner, Tranay L 343 Tanner, William K 404
Tappa, Nicholas A 383 Tarvin, Peter J 354 Tasin, Matthew A 340 Tatum, Ralph K 347
Taubenslag, Daniel W 418 Taute, Jack D 403 Tavenner, David P 362 Toy, Cheng C 157,266
Taylor, Andrew J 406 Taylor, Brendan A 406 Taylor, Caleb J 412 Taylor, Cameron R 376 Taylor, Christie Marie 326 Taylor, Karlie E 134, 381 Taylor, Ryan S 341 Taylor, Sierra R 397 Taylor, Thomas J 397 Taylor, Zone J 267
Thalhofer, Nathanael J 231
Theologis, Haralambos 290
Tise, Eric J 395
Tortuga, Daniel A 271, 470 Totino, Dominick 219
Tousley, Nathanael I 407 Toussain, Matthew M 372
Umodu, Kebin P 414 Underwood, Matthew D 377 Uniacke Jr, Kevin R 358 Unseth, Elliot A 389 Untrauer, Tyler C 360
Unverfehrt, Gavin N 258
Updike, Hatton C 390 Uptmor, Joel R 96, 364 Uransel, Aleksander R 397 Ure, James C 349 Uribe, Daniel J 378
Thomas, Kari 170 Thomas, Lauryn J 379 Thomas, Mathew L 271
Toyama, Tamiko J 258 Tracy, Laurel K 341 Tracy, Patrick M 378 Trapani, Daniel K 87, 358
Thomas, Rachel E 389 Thomas, Rusty C 369
Traver, Aaron A 194 Travis, Derek G 415
Usher, Francis M 400
Thomas, Samantha E 399 Thomas, Sarah B 83, 400 Thompson, Christina L 368
Travis, Luke M 358 Trevarthen, Morgan L 282 Trevathan, William H 349
Thompson, Christopher M 349 Thompson, Daniel J 351 Thompson, David J 234 Thompson, Gray M 352 Thompson, Katherine M 183 Thompson, Matthew C 410 Thompson, Megan A 398 Thompson, Ranee A 353 Thompson, Ryan D 21, 407 Thompson, Ryan J 411 Thompson, Shaina G 355 Thompson, William A 395
Trevino, Anthony F 408 Trevino, Austin E 418 Trieu, Timothy M 378
Thomson, Joshua E 178 Thorn, Brian D 24, 231
Truxal, David R 416
Thorne, Matthew D 96, 370
Trillanes-Messig, Donald A 375 Trobe, Alexandra Z 151, 361 Trochlil, Steven G 373
Trolinger, Grace M 376 Trott, Ian A 362 Trubilla, Michael D 408
Trudelle, Ryan C 349 Truesdale, Loyd A 271
Truong, Timothy V 210 Truxal, Joseph R 413 Tubb, Zachary C 343
Uribe Rodriguez, Andres 395
Urquhart, Cameron S 415 Urrego, Liliana G 344
Ussery, Devon A 350
V Vahling, Anthony T 397 Vaira, Keegan D 372 Valdeleon, Gabriel S 398 Valdes, Gilbert M 311 Valdez, Joseph R 195 Valencia, Christopher J 357 Valenzo, Philip N 355
Valkenburg, Kyle A. Van 314 Valladares, Hector J 376 VallePadilla, Gabriel A 410 Vanden Dries, Susan R 351 Vandermosten, Tymothy D 370 VanderWaal, Megumi T 406
Vandiver, Andru S 407 Van Drew, Quinn T 397
Vu, Stephen M 413
Van Driessche, Jeremy A 51, 234 Van Fossen, Conner J 406
VanHook, Kevin 258 Van Horn, Benjamin J 359
Warr, Dartanian T 349 Warren, Amanda LeeAnn 295
Wert, Kelly A 383 West, Brendon A 399
Warren, Taylor K 405 Warwick, Drew A 404
Westbrook, Austin S 170
Warwick, Vanessa C 199 Warzeka, Jonathan 88, 92
Westerfield, Zachary R 373 Westland, Johnathan G 366 West, Ryan V 372
Vanrassen, Loren N 343 Van Stetsen, Hunter K 396
Wabinga, Daniel J 175
Washington, Evan J 76, 400
Wach, Lance A 416
Van Timmeren, Andrew James 214
Waddel, Andrew M 239
Wasson, Charles J 344 Waters, Patrick F 409
Van Truong, Timothy 470
Waddel, Katherine L 391 Waddell, David M 279
Watkins, Mark J 247, 470 Watkins, Zachary 351
Wetzel, Colton G 399
Van Winkle, John 21
Wade, Trevor A 141, 389
Vardell, Kathleen K 363
Wagner, Andrew S 396 Wagner, Cole E 386 Wagner, Jared D 318 Wagner, Jeffrey J 411
Watson, Andrew T 411 Watson, Bryan J 287
Wharton, Matthew D 356 Wheeler, Bradley J 210
Watson, Bryan Y 349 Watson, Matthew B 378
Wheeler, Cody P 390 Wheeler, Richard G 223
Whetsel, Jenna R 387
Waiwaiole, Jordan K 355
Watson, Nicolas O 341 Watson, Raphael E 9, 28, 35, 342 Watts, Heather C 376
Wakefield, Stephen D 159, 410
Watts, Nicholas E 357
Walcher, David R 399
Waugaman, William B 346 Wawrzyniak, Nicholas J 383 Weakley, Matthew J 178 Weatheroy Jr, Paul G 368
White, Jessica 82 White, Jessica M 83, 414
Weaver, Chad L 346
White, Lucia R 183
Weaver, Cody J 386
White, Melvin N 355
Van Valkenburg, Kyle A 112, 113
Varner, Eric R 370
Vasquez, Robert A 107, 362 Vasquez, Vicente N 80, 349 Vasta, Mary K 376 Vaughan, Zachariah D 399 Vaughn, Tyler J 351 Vayda, Travis T 418 Veilleux, Geri R 383 Velarde, Juan Carlo Castaneda 212
Velez, Christopher J 417 Venable Jr, Daniel D 382
Verett, Taylor J 219
Verge, Cody A 349 Vernier, Meghan E 403 Vernon, Indya S 235 Versage, Matthew V 410
Waiters, Ariel L 402
Waldie, Bradford D 199 Walford, Brian M 366 Walitsch, John H 357 Walker, Daniel M 327
Walker, James S 247 Walker, Michael A 388 Walker, Nathan J 386 Walker, Robert L 156, 406
West, Shandiin J 341 West, Trenton J 215 West, Tyler 404
Wetzig, John M 341
White, Aaron T 380 White, Brent P 113,361 White, Brittany L 352
White, Joshua C 360
White, Kirby J 408
Weaver, Johnathan A 384
White, Nercresainne M 414
Weaver Jr, Kevin W 406
White, Prittany D 417
Walker, Vincent T 271
Weaver, Maxwell G 412 Webb, Jeremy C 353
White, Robert C 383 White, Seth N 353
Walker, Weston L 379
Webb, Matthew R 164, 373
White, Zachary T 251
Weber, Kaila M 341
Vickroy, Cameron D 262, 341 Vidt, Courtney M 398
Walker, Zachary A 251 Walk, Robert G 388
Whitehead, Nathan T 387 Whiteheart, Joshua R 36,170
Wallace, Alicia K 370
Viens, Madilynn E 345
Wallace, Anna C 385 Wallace, Eric M 366
Weber, Laura E 219 Weber, Mark K 362
Vetri, Michael S 61, 366 Vicari, Frank A 199
Villagrasa, Sophia M 395 Villanueva, Christopher S 379 Villanueva, Ramon A 359
Villatoro, Misael E 275 Villers, Skyler T 406 Vincent, Aaron T 389 Vincent, Tyler A 401
Weber, Katie A 120,259
Webster, Joseph A 413
Whiteman, Brent E 243 Whiteman, Gary W 215 Whiteman, Kristina L 407
Wallace, Katherine A 175 Wallerstein, Austin J 381 Wallin, John R 362
Wedan, Steven W 25, 395 Weed, Jonathan R 415
Whitfield, Forrest K 340
Weeks, Dustin 409
Wallin, Kurt W 124, 368
Wehmeyer, Jackson L 408 Weide, Spencer G 357
Whitlock, Caleb W 395 Whitmey, Andrew D 22, 398 Whitney, Thomas M 94, 95, 207,
Vinge, Alexandria M 365
Wallskog, Karl H 202 Wallway, Ryan J 387 Walmsley, James L 84, 85, 120, 353
Vining, Colin S 408 Vivadelli Jr, John H 417
Weindel, William 327
Whiting, Harrison H 235
Weingart, Margaret E 402
Whitt, Kevin T 393
Walsh, Clark P 407
Weir, Jonathan M 397
Walsh Jr, Michael T 399
Weisgarber, Paul A 353
Voci, Kara A 393
Walters, Jennifer N 374
Whitt, Travis M 175 Wichman, Ryan M 400
Weissinger, Tyler D 349 Wei born, Kenny 170
Wickley, Adam J. 315
Voight, Megumi J 399
Walton, Joseph A 247 Walz, Joseph N 282
Welch, Amanda N 401 Welch, John D 351
Widener, Curtis R 407
Vokes, Ethan A 383 Volesky, Alex J 402
Volkening, Andrew L 100, 102, 103, 251
Volsey LI, Robert L 390 Vonahnen, James M 376 Von Husen, Erik R 381 VonOhlen, Cole L 359 Voron, Erik D 369 Voss, Joanna R 351 Vrabic, Stephen R 386 Vrana, Katherine I 360 Vrana, Teresa H 353 Vranicar, Trevor J 386
Ward, Andrew T. 20, 309, 311 Ward, Danielle 214 Ward, Darren J 258 Ward, Edmund 323 Ward, Katherine A 84, 410
Ward, Matthew L 399 Ward, Samuel H 349 Ware, Kristin R 342 Waren, Julie K 254 Warfield, Jeremy P 364 Warner Jr, Kris E 369
Warner, Justin D 207 Warnick, James W 419
Weldon, Ryan T 406
Welling, Stephen J 343 Wells, Autumne L 299 Wells, Daryl Wells, Nathan A 359 Wells, Stephanie M 347 Welsh, Chelsea 247 Welsh, Daniel M 387 Weltzin, Tanner J 385
Werling, Kaitlin A 341, 422 Werner, Andrew G 254 Werner, Kyle P 359
Widener, Aaron R 226
Wieninger, Jonathan 210 Wijesinghe, W A Chamara S 382 Wikstrom, Jon W 354 Wilcox, Steffan M 349 Wilde, Brandon J 372 Wilder, James R 376
Wildner, Helen M 223 Wilhelm, Lance T 116,117, 381 Wilke, Chase S 416 Wilkinson, Joseph P 368
Wilkinson, Thomas J 96, 401 Willcox, Michael T 388 Willet, Robert 199
Willett, Esther D 349
Witt, Reid A 415
Yaszemski, Andrew J 183
Williams, Alec S 126, 372
Witzig, Ryan T 400
Yatawara, Y B 348
Williams, Alexander P 351
Wohlford, Justin M 259
Yazzie, Desbah R 358
Williams, Benjamin R 54, 295 Williams, Caitlin M 374
Wojciechowicz, Michael G 299, 471 Wojdan, Michael S 345
Yeaste, Joshua C 362 Yee, Alexander P 295
Williams, Cory C 387
Woldt, Weston E 349
Yeilding III, Richard P 374
Williams, Dake E 363 Williams, Grant R 419
Wolfe, Robert V 402 Wolff, Bradley A 183
Yemane, Michael S 353 Yenter, Cody M 302
Williams, Jeffrey D 343
Wolford, Christopher Brennan 295
Williams, Jeremiah G 341 Williams, Joshua O 409
Womack, Garrett D 383
Williams, Mark J 383
Wong, Alan C 404 Wong, Diana D 299 Wong, Edward 397 Wong, Enoch T 347 Wong, Jessica M 399 Wong, Carrie E 211 Wong, Lisa Y 99, 354 Wong, Michael J 355
Williams, Patrick J 408
Williams, Ryan C 351 Williams, Ryan J 370 Williams, Ryan W 371 I
Williams, Stephen 391 Williams, Timothy A 251 Williams, Zackery T 400
Wills, Marshall R 287 Wills, Nate 171 Wilson, Alexis J 362 Wilson, Austyn L 379 Wilson, Brian A 104, 384
Wilson, Catherine M 111, 381 Wilson, Coryn M 374 Wilson, Desiree E 359 Wilson, Dustin R 351 .
Wilson, Eric C 109,357 Wilson, Erin B 263 Wilson, Garrett T 350
Wilson, Haley P 369 ,
Wilson IV, Russell D 374
Wilson, Joshua E 416
Wilson, Justin D 400 Wilson, Katherine J 368 Wilson, Kody A 406
Wilson, Paul S 362 Wilson, Sarah E 372 Winata, Yung A 418 Winchester, Robert W 254 Windham Jr, Ronald L 383 Wind, Jordan T 418 Wineman, Amanda B 120, 404 Winkler, Derek J 412
Winkley, Micah D 351 Winner, Erin A 362
Winningham, Daniel W 392 i
Winn, Michael R 179 Winstead, Michael R 21, 411 Winston, John K 402 Winter, Kelvin J 359
Winterlin, David W 373 Wise, Andrea M 9, 302 Wise, Evan D 340 Wise, Lee F 395 I Wiseman, Jacob L 385 Witmyer, Nathanael R 219, 470 i
Witt, Jeffrey F 383 Wittman, Jordan R 399
Won, David Y 254, 347
Woodard, Calvin J 345 Wooden, Scott D 357 Wood, Jeffre K 351 Wood, Jennie S 358 Wood Jr, Thomas G 356 Wood, Kelli C 370 Wood, Robert J 375 Wood, Spencer G 411 Wood, Zachariah J 403 Woodland, Danielle L 378
Woodruff, Joshua D 397 Woods, Matthew T 414 Woodside, Dustin C 376
Yeo, Jihwan 389 Yi, Jonathan S 399 Yip, Kelsey L 111, 311, 471
Yip, Quentin 179 Yohe, Kyle D 342 Yoo, Michael J 370
York, Benjamin C 106, 345 Yoshimura, Stephen K 395 Young Jr., Paul A 365
Young, Kramer S 361 Young, Laura N 351 Young, Mitchell E 412 Young, Ryan D 416 Young, Shannon R 402 Young, William R 397 Youn, Mike B 219 Yu, Albert S 259 Yuen, Christopher S 299 Yuen, Rachel C 371
Woodyard, Elizabeth R 410 Wooldridge Jr, Alan P 341
Zadalis, Aaron M 406 Zaiser, James A 97, 362
Woolfolk, Michael D 357 Workman, Brett J 223 Workman, Daniel R 219 Worth, Derek B 346
Zambrano, Joshua E 387 Zane, Eric D 374
Wright, Alexander J 400 Wright, Anthony 91, 93 Wright, Katherine C 372 Wright, Kevin E 382 Wright, Nicolas A 263 Wright, Samantha L 391 Wright, Tyler P 342 Wu, Honghao 395 Wu, Lance F 359 Wurth, Michael F 383
Wyall, Hannah L 409 Wyatt, Caleb J 387 Wyatt, Kelly E 408 Wyler, Victoria R 83, 415 Wyman, Keith A 400 Wyngarden, Meagan A 343
Y Yang Jr, John S 415
Zapata, Miguel A 374 Zeigler, Jay R 399 Zeitlin, Zachary J 407 Zeleski, Michael C 291 Zenishek, Cori E 414
Zeqollari, Angela J 410 Zerr, Ashley M 391 Zettler, Matthew T 357
Zhong, Zheng 341 Zhukov, Margarita 340 Ziegler, Kyle K 416 Ziegler, Zachary L 251 Zielinski, Cooper J 347 Zielinski, Ryan A 346 Zimmerman, Zachary 227 Zimmer, Matthew A 187 Zitelli, David A 376 Zotto, Daniel M 383
Zoufaly, Sean L 349 Zschoche, Douglas P 267 Zubey, Alex M 349 Zumbach, David M 376 Zuniga, Alexis B 381
Zupancic, Matija 414
Zwirlein, Andrew P 414
Photo by Arnie Spencer
is not short,
frenzied outbursts of
QfflO tiOTl *
but the tranquil and steady dedication
of a
Adlai E. Stevenson
Arid, AWPC Maximo, AWPCTimes
Arid, AWPCTimes, AWPCMaximo
AWPCAvantGuard, AWPCBames, AWPCCassidy, AWPCCheersType,
AWPCGallop, AWPCGunner, AWPCLunchbox, AWPCMichael, AWPCOliveoil, Bleeding Cowboys
The 2010 Polaris was produced and printed by Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, MO, with Greg Stimack Sr. and Greg Stimack Jr. as the company representatives. Walsworth designer, Rene
Tate, was responsible for theme and page designs with the assistance of Nic Hostetter. Brad Milliman handled editing and writing responsibilities. James "Kimo" Rush was an editor and served as an advisor to cadet writers and photographers as well. Maureen Welch supervised the production process as
Chief of Cadet Wing Media. The cover binding is Smyth sewn and rounded and backed using 160pt pre-tempered binders board. It is a decorated, embossed, quarter-bound cover. The cover consists of a premium rich matte jet black
material features embossed images designed in Macromedia Freehand MX on the front and back cover. In
addition, the cover displays WPC Cardinal Red Foil on the front and on the spine. Ends sheets were made with 100 pound Passport Pumice.
They are four-color process and have a
gold foil stamp on the end sheets. The paper stock in the book is 100 pound signature gloss enamel. A total of 4,525 copies of the 2010 Polaris were printed.