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U.S. kills bin Laden 5/2/2011
Event spurs cadet celebration
An intelligence-
Annie Dally "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death
driven U.S. operation in Pakistan killed al-Qaida leader
of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding
Osama bin Laden yesterday, President Barack Obama
deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do
announced in a nationally televised address from the
White House late last night.
—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbot-
Tuesday at 1:43pm
■*> 4 people like this,
tabad, Pakistan," President Obama said. "A small team of
o View all 8 comments
Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary
Kathleen S. Dally How true Annie. I love you dearly. Yesterday at 7:41am Like
courage and capability.
'No Americans were harmed,” he continued. "They took care
Becky Weingart I don't rejoice in the death of one but celebrate the
to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they
end of one's reign of terror.
Yesterday at 9:59am
killed Osama bin
*5 1 person
Laden and took
custody of his body."
United States
Barack H. Obama
Obama noted that bin Laden
had been al-
Qaida's leader and symbol for more
Brett Boyce
Osama bin Laden is dead, i have 5 days of school left, hopefully only 1 (most likely 2) finals, and 24 days until graduation... Not a bad start for the month of May!
May 1 at 9:49pm
|5 Samantha Berthiaume, Trevor Boyd and 6 others like this.
Max Lystrup YEAH. Hopefully we can be victorious in our
classes now
May 1 at 9:59pm
Write a comment...
than 20 years and continued to plot attacks against
the United States and its allies.
"The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat
al-Qaida, yet his death does not mark the end of our effort," Obama said. "There is no doubt that al-Qaida will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must, and we
will, remain vigilant at home and abroad." The president revealed that shortly after taking office in January 2009, he ordered CIA Director Leon E.
Panetta to make bin Laden's death or capture the top
priority of the U.S. war against the al-Qaida terrorist organization. John D. Banusiewicz, American Forces
Hilary Gibson He's dead! I think we should all get the day off tomorrow.
May 1 at 8:59pm
■5 16 people like this. View all 10 comments
David Ince They killed him a week ago but waited for
via genetic testing is what I heard.
Monday at 9:39am
Hilary Gibson I heard that too, but the president's speech made it happened yesterday Monday at 9:58am Like
seem like it
Press Service
Social media web sites were busy with cadet comments tor several Laden's capture and demise.
days after the news of Osama bin
ept. 11, 2001, is a day that is forever
forged in the minds of fhe American
people. Many at the Academy are here
because of these attacks and the
Global War on Terror. Nearly 10 years later, May 1, 2011, was a
milestone in the war on
terror when President Obama
announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed by U.S
Special Forces. As the chilly Sunday night ensued a small murmur was
heard on the
Terrazzo's grassy knoll. As the night waned on, this faint rumble soared to a roar of hundreds upon hundreds of cadets "in light of recent events” went to "participate in festivities on Spirit Hill."
Cadets were celebrating with chants of 'U-S-AI" followed by other
lead er,
but creating a symbol
patriotic songs to include the National Anthem time and time again.
that terrorism will not be tolerated. No matter
However, many in the nation and even some of the cadets in the wing
who you are, if you threaten the freedoms we hold dear, there is no
weary of how Americans reacted to the death of Osama bin
Laden. Mark Twain once said I've never wished a man dead, but I
have read some obituaries with great pleasure." John Stewart Mill
said, "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things,” and Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopft said "any soldier worth his salt should be antiwar. And still there are things worth fighting for." These quotes are
longer lines of history repeated by a fourth classmen during Recognition, it is something that was awakened and recognized in the hearts and minds of every cadet atop Spirit Hill that crisp spring night. Tactically Osamas death will not make that big of a difference a in the war. However in many hearts it isn't about killing a man, or no
place you can hide where we will not find you. At 11 p.m. on May 1, 2011, cadets, not in uniform of raiment, but uniform in spirit, sang our National Anthem and observed a moment of silence as the flag of our
great nation was lowered in remembrance of all those who have
fought for freedom. Some cadets were found in front of the memorial of fallen graduates honoring their fallen comrades' memory. In the end, the Cadet Wing has unified in such a spontaneous event not seen since Sept. 11. And that night, the evening of a great and terrible leader put to silence, echoed back the Terrazzo were the chants that once
sang out from the lips of fourth classmen running the strips the day
the towers fell: "God Bless America!"
C1C Raphael Watson
Osama Bin Laden
ypfffO #WtS
the moment we heard of the
of the South China Sea during an Ops Air
Air Force Academy, we all had the
Force visit to Japan. Nor can they unveil the
dream of making it to this place
rich rewards of language immersion in China.
where the best and brightest come
And truly, waking up deployed with our fel-
together. We dreamed of sharp uniforms, glorious parades, opportunities to travel the world, and one day graduating and defending this great nation. However, we have learned that dreaming the dream and living the dream are two completely different things. Basic Cadet Training was a wakeup call.
low servicemen or passing out at 9Gs in the
It was at that moment, our dreams shifted.
But taking a step back to look on the feats we have accomplished, we can see
We were living the dream, both the sweet
back seat of an F-15 are experiences about which most others can only dream.
The past four years have been challenging
yet beneficial. Looking back, all of it seems like one long dream. At times we get caught up in all the
"stuff" we have to do and fall
short of the high marks we set.
living what our former selves only
and the bitter. The nightmare of basic was no bed of roses. But as time went on, we looked
we are
back on all the great experiences accumulated that now exist in our minds as dreams
the dream, and now it is time to start living a
dreamt of doing. We have been able to live new one.
The death of Osama bin Laden makes the
fulfilled. We all came with hopes and expectations of what we would do at the Zoo, but
dream of living in a more peaceful world less
much of what we've done is far better than anything we could have dreamed of.
like what we wake up to. With the pos-
Dreams cannot compare with the breathtak-
201 Vs, Living the Dream, living its hopes and
ing reality of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or of the vastness of the waters
goals and desires isn't just a figure of speech,
like something we wake up from, and more
sibilities that now lay before it, the Class of
it is a way of life.
C1C Raphael Watson, Polaris Editor-in-Chief
ik \ Mg
SSifdp 1 “
170 190 352 ds y
434 450 472
C1C Storm McNab firs tie Editor
GC Nick Debarmore Tfioto Editor
C2C Rachel Harris
C2C Dan Dwyer CCuBs Editor
GC Nick Holland
C1C Dustin Tanen
'Proofreade r/Wri te r
Academics Editor
C2C Kelsey Smith Mifitary Editor
C1C Raphael Watson Edi to r- in Ch i ef
C2C Zach Schneider
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C4C Jessie McDowell yVr iter/Photographer
C4C Joe Bomar
Brad Milliman JAcfvisor
Nifl^Hostetter esigner
olaris Staff
Military sets the Air Force Academy apart from other universities. From the in-processing
footsteps to graduation seats, cadets drill, march and salute. Even when compared to other service academies, this stands alone because of ifs focus
Power aspects of
milifary. That makes this
Academy uniquely qualified fo develop
the officers of character
needed to lead and uphold the United States Air Forces
greatest Air and Space Force.
Secretary of Defense 16
Secretary of the Air Force
Air Force Chief of Staff
Brig. Gen. Dana Born
Brig. Gen. Richard M. <UarK
Dr. Hans Mueh
Dean of Faculty
Commandant of Cadets
Director of Athletics Chain of Command
Lt. Col. Larkin Hastriter
SMSgt. Mark Crespo
1st Group Commander
1st Group Superintendent
Lt. Col Elena Oberg
SMSgt. Angela Evans
2nd Group Commander
2nd Group Superintendent
Lt. Col. Christopher Gough
SMSgt. Parker Pernell
3rd Group Commander
3rd Group Superintendent
Lt. Col. Timothy McCaffery
SMSgt Todd Farlee
4th Group Commander
4th Group Superintendent
Chain of Command
Basic Cadet Kyle Palko and three classmates shout their way through Ranger pushups during training in
Jacks Valley.
Photo by C1C Dustin Roark Tanen .
BCT powered by cadets' dreams asic Cadet
Training was well underway when the cadre for
Second Beast showed up ready to play. Waves of excitement washed over the upperclass cadets waiting to meet their Basic Cadet John Schertz gets down and dirty during t BCT -
Long hours of physically demanding work helps cc
basics returning from Doolie Day Off. lining of second their capabilities
memories flashed back to the
Nerves tingled and
ghosts of BCT past,
known that BCT introduces freshmen to the protocols and
Photo by Arnie Spencer
will shape their military careers. Less discussed however is summer training provides the opportunity for juniors and seniors the skills they will use after graduation as leaders of Airmen.
Red-capped basics made their way from Arnold Hall chanting their class motto, "2014 Like a machine!" eliciting laughter from cadre prepared to yell and intimidate. Soon they would see what kind of 'machines" the basics truly were. 'Being able to work basic last year was the first experience I had at the Academy where I felt like I had the opportunity to make a lasting impact. As a flight commander this summer, I hope to only build onto the leadership skills that I developed last year." said C2C Jeff Schaefer. Cadre scanned for their squadron among the now stressed basics faces herding them together as quickly as possible. The Class of 2014 had a lot to prove and cadre was anxious to introduce themselves. Soon they -
C!C Mark Mosby greets" Basic Cadet Travis Foote on the footsteps near the Core Values Ramp on In-Processing Day Photo by Brad Milliman —
would find out how competent the basics were at this point of BCT. Second Beast was physically demanding and taught all the cadets
involved, basics and cadre alike, something new about themselves. Basics were just beginning their Academy journey; many were starting to live childhood dreams.
But cadre could easily recall walking in those boots; exhausted, covered in
mud and grinning from ear to ear after finishing the Assault Course.
Watching their charges rinse off at the water pump, the upperclassmen were reminded of how their own dreams were still unfolding. C2C Alyssa Hughey
Executioners in the log carry event sprint through the Field Day competition. Basic cadets are
assigned to one of 10 squadrons: Aggressors through Jaguars.
Red-capped freshmen raise their right hands to take the Oath of Enlistment witnessed by their family and friends standing atop the Class Wall. Photo by C1C Storm McNab -
Photo by C1C Raphael Watson
Basic Cadet Training
Wing counts down to Recognition weeks leading up to Recognition, were a bittersweet time
I for four degrees. Freshmen eagerly ticked off days during the lj-7 aafion-packed countdown which led to the arduous 72 hours I they would face with joy and dread. Counting back from
Recognition one day for each squadron, Cadet Squadron 40 kicked off "R minus 40." Filled
training sessions, new rules and stress for freshman, it was
also timi
show a little squadron pride. Spirit wars include banners rom
Fairchild, a car show on the terrazzo, the Superintendent's
tele decorated like a "Loose Hawg," The Lion Sleeps Tonight playing over
the loud speakers at Taps, and a flash mob in the middle of Mitch's
during lunch. "[It] was tough. Our training staff pushed us all hard, but they were fair," said C4C Dylan Kay from CS34. "It felt like it took forever, definitely the longest 40 days of my life." Friendly competition, such as the Pink Panther/Black Panther rivalry, led to furniture on Spirit Hill and shaving cream bombs. "It was fun seeing what the other squadrons did for their spirit missions," said C4C Tim Maciag from CS36, "but it was challenging because the upperclassmen started turning up the heat for Recognition." Throughout this time of spirit and good-natured competition, freshmen came together as a class to press on through the strict expectations of the upperclassmen. Teamwork, responsibility and communication were vital during the countdown as freshmen and upperclassmen alike prepared for the biggest event of the year, Recognition. "I've never been so close to my friends before; [these days] really
Fourth class cadets tired of carrying their packs with their left arms while running the marble to strips on the Terrazzo can see the light at the end of the tunnel during the 40 days prior
Photo by Mike Kaplan
brought us together as a team," said C4C Deborah Kim from CS27. -
C4C Jessie McDowell
C4C Paige Ragland makes sure the Barnstormers of Cadet Squadron 23 get credit for their late night construction proiect
The Proud Pink Panthers from Cadet Squadron 36 expressed their spirit using the popular "sheet art" medium. -
Courtesy photo
Photo by C4C Amanda Tranum
IL-R Front Row! C4Cs Andrew Alderman, Michael Whiteside, and Thomas McKenna join classmates Jacob Risma, Joseph Euhus and John Gendron to practice it while carTying the Cadet Squadron 9 charge.
C2C Andrew Franklin supervises the training session. The freshmen were preparing to keep pace with seniors in their unit during the Run to the Rock near the end of Recognition. Photo by Arnie Spencer -
yv\A/y\/tA4' i
«sa r*F --/to* \*5&sL*ts -
(Above! C4C Kevin Plascencia lines up corner pieces of the
big red barn erected in the dead land cold) of night 23 days prior to Recognition The freshman and his Cadet Squadron 23 Barnstormin' classmates built the structure to show pride in their unit and enthusiasm for the Academy’s Recognition tradition -
Photo by C4C Amanda Tranum
(Left! Enthusiastic freshmen from Cadet Squadron 34 take a moment to pose with Academy Superintendent It, Gen. Michael i he vehicle was mysteriously pimped' in hoggish fashion 34 days prior to Recognition. Courtesy photo
C. Goulds staff car.
R minus 40
(Above) C4C Rebecca Bauman of Cadet Squadron 12 shows mul-
titasking ability by maintaining form while doing planks and reciting knowledge from her Contrails book. C3C Tyler Stearns (blue beret) ensures both the exercise and trivia answers are presented correctly. Photo by C2C Zach Schneider
(Right) Cadet Squadron 32 upperclassmen simulate a rave party in a Recognition therne room to show freshmen the temptations they must resist as cadets and Air Force leaders.
Other examples of
theme rooms depicting prisoner of war or military funeral scenarios
show the serious side of the career path cadets choose to follow. Photo by C1C Nick Holland
Three days marks special transition nine months of hard work. It
begins life as an upperclassman,
ion marks a special transition at the Academy, a shift from ocus
of four degree training to preparation for graduation and
lowing year. the culminating event of four degrees' training, Recognition is I grueling test of their endurance, teamwork, and determinaa
chance for upperclassmen to test what doolies have learned,
doolies to prove to upperclassmen what they have earned, y moment of Recognition as a freshman sticks in the minds of
C2C Margaret Weingart encourages C4C Alec Trilles to try crawling a little harder. Much of the Recognition training tests cadets under BCT-like conditions. This allows them to see how much more capable they have become during the school year.
Photo by C1C Nick Holland
sophomores as they begin their first Recognition as upperclassmen: the march back to Fairchild; the chaos of the first night; classmates holding one another up through the courses; the lighter than air feeling as they carry the charge back to their squadrons; the sound of the doors slamming for classmates who didn't make it; and the faceless salutes of upperclassmen as doolies walk darkened hallway to receive their prop and wings.
Recognition is such a huge event, Bull Six's second semester training officer, C1C Patrick Doyle, admits to some relief at how well it all came together. "I was really worried at first because we had no specific plan in mind at the beginning, but that's the beautiful thing about Recognition" he said. It's the one time of the year when the entire squad comes
there are no [intercollegiate athletes] or regulars, slackers or
overachievers. Everyone was on board to accomplish the same task; everyone turned out, and we got it done." (Continued on next
Ltok. C4Cs Christian Fontaine and Claire Beiber happily tote their squadron charge during the Run to the Rock near Recognition's end.
Photo by C1C Raphael Watson
IBelow) C4C Jay Desanctis' dream of being recognized is lip-smackin good
Photo by C1C
Nick Holland
C4C Tirzah Prince provides an enthusiastic response during Recognition questioning as C4C David Simpson keeps a straight face to try to blend in and avoid the attention of upperclassmen Photo bv C1C Nick Holland
C4Cs Max Reilly, Alden Solon and Zachary Saunders of Cadet Squadron 34 bone up on critical knowledge by
reviewing their editions of Contrails during a pause in the Recognition action, -
Courtesy photo
Miitinued from page 25) Specific Recognition traditions vary, but one thing does not change from squadron to squadron the mentality of upperafas^nen. There is a unanimous objective of making Recognition as difficult -
^passible, to tear freshmen down, build them back up, show them how far rave come,
and help them understand the importance of the choice
theme rooms made the commitment more real. They made me fully
unqefstand the magnitude of my responsibility and that those stories of sacrifice aren't just stories," said roommates C4Cs Tina Napper and Lauren Linscott. When the words Cadre, fallout and make corrections' were followed by ’Sir, there are no more corrections to be made' I couldn't believe that it was finally over. The feeling was so surreal."
Once it is over, cadets realize that the harder the task, the more memorable its completion and the more revered its outcome. And with the end
of Recognition comes a general feeling of a weight lifted from everyone's shoulders within the squadron. It means entrance into the golden age of
smiles, quiet hallways and plenty of time for homework. From the first sirens to the final applause, Recognition 2011 was one wild and tiring ride, but one well worth it. At the end of day three, upperclassmen were
able to look into the eyes of their freshmen, knowing they now
shared the strongest bond which exists at the U.S. Air Force Academy and that each of them had a hand in forging it. -
C3C Joshua Williams
C1C Kyle Foley subjects freshmen to a white glove review
during the Recognition Saturday Mor
Inspection or SAMI. Rooms and uniforms must be in tip top shape in order to meet stringent sta, Photo by Arnie Spencer
C1C Mark Mosby rewards C4C Byron Muhlenburg with the coveted Prop and Wings badge to honor his
completion of Recognition. This accomplishment is the final step freshmen must attain for full integration into the Cadet Wing Courtesy photo
An open window clues red hats in to tine mess
awaiting them in the rooms after the SI.AMI' lk' wreckage of their fence inspection ready rooms t fore they leave for more training. The trick continues when upperclassmen return the rooms to freshmen typically have a moment to bemoan the
levels of cleanliness in what is often the first gesture of acceptance before Reraoniti™
by C1C Nick Holland
C4C Kenneth Johnson stands at attention during a stand up session in Cadet
Squadron 12.
It is during this aspect of Rec-
ognition that firsties test the fourthclassmen's knowledge and military beaming.
by C2C Zach Schneider
m m m
Recognition Cont.
(Above) CICs Samantha Stibick and C1C Kelly Grabarek of Cadet Squadron 33 eagerly dig into the mountainous sundae
presented during the 100 s Night dining in at Mitchell Hall Photo by Megan Davis -
(Rightl C1C Joel Kraus pokes his head out of a hatch on the battleship built in the room he and C1C Marvin Poquiz (leftl share. Tin foil Is a popular redecorating tool used by freshmen during their renovation of seniors' rooms on 100's Night. The versatile material lends itself to many uses from wall paper to
Photo by CIC Nick DeBarmore
100 s Night tradition si
gnifies end is near t's one of the many stepping stones to graduation in cadet careers.
For many, 100's Night is that last, final mile marker before graduaC4C Lindsay Johnson ties off another balloon to fill the room of C1C Robert Caulkins. Freshman -
tion week and bufter bars.
treat the seniors in their squadron to a free dorm room make over for 100 s Night.
Firsties receive base assignments giving them something more
Photo by Megan Davis
concrete to more
begin thinking about in regard to the next year or
of fheir lives. If means a life in a new home, af a new base,
somewhere that isn't Vandy or Sijan.
Emotions run high as people anxiously await the moment of the dinner when their air officer commanding hands them some cryptic message
that contains their base. Some people scramble to build puzzles, others
dig bases out of a cake. "It was exciting to know that the next three years of my
in my
te were
hands...I couldn't wait to
figure it out," said C1C C.J. Cole. As they start to realize where they're going, you see excited faces, and exclamotions echo around the room: "I got
Sheppard," or "I'm going to England," or Japan, or wherever else Air Force needs dictate.
Some people walk away slightly dis-
appointed, only to have their classmates build them back up: "It could be worse;
C1C Antonia Conception
at least you're not going to Thule."
The special meal at Mitchell Hall is just the beginning of fhe excifemenf. The firsf class deparfs for fhe weekend headed to the mountains,
Vegas, or some other exciting trip. In their absence, amazing transformations take place in the firsties' rooms courtesy of mischievous freshmen. "It was an awesome experience. We got a taste of upperclassmen freedoms to come and were able to have some fun giving the seniors a
parting gift," said C4C Aileen Herrera. C1C Joel Kraus (foreground) and C1C Alexander Jack puzzle out where their first assignments will be during the 100's Night Dining In.
Photo by Megan Davis
Rooms have become combat zones, love shacks, foreign counfries or
just plain messes in the occupant's absence. A few are placed in inspection order.
The 100's Night tradition marks the beginning of the final countdown to Thunderbirds and the hat toss, and as such it's another exciting step in
the journey for those cadets "living the dream."
C1C Jason Holland
C1C Mark Sajowitzs friends gather around to see if he received the first assignment of his dreams.
Photo by Megan Davis
100 s Night
2011 rallies around LCWB status ews
of the change created uproar and adoption of the
policy has taken years. It scandalized the Cadet Wing with the most unimaginable of the unimaginable. Every class before was united. Every class knew who they were. Esprit de corps was threatened and tradinew
tion was broken.
step forward or a step back? Shirts were made; ft/record were tossed across desks only to fall upon deaf ears, De
written about how the new change was not appropriate
position the Academy was in. The t-shirts finally arrived featuring huge white letters "LCWB and are proudly worn by the Class of 2011. Yes that's right, Class of 2011, "Last Class With BDUs." The Air Force ~ie
the Battle Dress Uniform in favor of the Airman Battle
Firstclassmen do not wear the same uniform as the rest of the Air Force. After graduation, they Photo by C4C Heath Schule will no longer be the sore thumbs sticking out in the crowd. -
Uniform introduced with the Class of 2012. The once common BDUs fit well in the Academy's mountainous setting. So well that firstie pedestrians must be extra wary of traffic as they blend into the landscape along Academy roads. BDUs do a good job. With three of the four current classes wearing the non-iron, non-shining
alternate though, ABUs have quickly become the norm among the cadet wing. There will be those among the firsties who may regret the change and pine for the good old days of dark green-based camouflage. But it's time to wake up and start living the new dream.
Two degrees coax the
firsties saying, "Change is good, now look on the bright side, we wear ABUs 80 percent of the time and they never needs ironing. Look at these boots! They never need shining; change is definitely a good thing." However these cajoles now fall upon the firsties' deaf ears only to be
interrupted by shouts of "what it was like back in the day" and "when it was
hard and we had to shine our boots..."
Ultimately it has never mattered what is on the outside long hair What has always made the Cadet Wing strong or a light grey fabric. As times change is the quality of the character inside each member. at Camp USAFA, from the people who enter here to the clothes they wear, cadets are still the best and the brightest the country has to offer. C1C Raphael Watson -
For now, it's easy to determine who is charge within the Cadet Wing; look fa the ones wearing BDUs.
After graduation however cadets will have to get a little cbser to
insignia on their uniforms.
Photo by C1C Storm McNab
identify rank
% V
1 w <.
(Above! CIC Cairlin Miller of Cadet
Squadron 32 gives her opinion of the A3!is worn by most cadets. She and the rest of the Class of 2011 will have to get rid of their favored BDUs which have been phased out by the Air Force.
Photo by CIC Nick
(Left) Hat color isn't the only thing making the Class of 2011 stand out during formation.
Once the current firsties graduate all cadets will be wearing the newer ABUs.
CIC Nick Holland
Photo by
(Above) C4C James Buckingham of Cadet Squadron 35 fine tunes the edges of his sheets and blankets. The method for
properly making a cadet bed is very precise and measures their ability to follow specific instructions. This attention to detail may seem trivial initially, but for future Air Force leaders it translates to a critical skill that can mean the difference
between mission success or failure.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Right! Cleaning the squadron microwave is one of the least desirable tasks but failure to do a good job is a sure way to get the entire unit in trouble and possibly restricted to base.. -
Photo by C2C Kelsey Smith
Inspections keep worker bees busy andenberg and Sijan hives buzz with activity. Duct tape blocks off spotless toilets and the smell of Windex is in the air. It's a pre-SAMI Friday. Since the establishment of the Academy, Saturday Morning Inspections have been a routine inspection throughout cadets' careers. While emphasis is placed on the grade received during the SAMI, perhaps the most crucial part of the process occurs on Friday night, or, in many cases, very early on Saturday morning. It's about slipping and sliding along the recently mopped floors while dancing to the beat of a neighbor's blasting tunes. "Cleaning for SAMIs has been the mashed potatoes and gravy, or in Mitch's terms, the teriyaki chicken of my Academy experience. It's right up there with the 'How to Use Bulleted Lists to Communicate Effectively' CPME lesson," said C3C Patrick McGunagle. SAMI cleaning is a portion of a cadet's experience that should not be forgotten. Upperclassmen drive off base, only to return with bags of fast food to spotless rooms scrubbed clean by dutiful freshmen. Some cadets clean throughout the day, doing one thing at a time, while others vow to, "start cleaning soon," as taps begins to play. Roommates argue over who will extract the dead flies wedged into window runners. An unlucky freshman scours the inside of the squadron's microwave and cadets crawl into (or rather, on top of) their beds early in the night drifting off to sleep to the hum of vacuum cleaners throughout their respective quads. "Cleaning for a SAMI is like a fun event for my roommate and me. We just turn up the music and dust until we can't dust anymore!" said C2C Tranay Tanner. While not the most enjoyable of experiences, SAMI cleaning reminds cadets of where they are and how their school differs from others. It constitutes the sarcastic part of the saying, "I'm just living the dream." It is the less than glorious portion of an institution seen by outsiders as prestigious and glamorous. It is the part of the Academy that truly shows
(Above) Using furniture wax to get a high gloss shine that repels dust is one of many tricks cadets use to prepare uniforms for inspection. (Below) With her room set to inspection-ready status, C1C Kelly Hamilton salutes to greet C1C Scott Theuerkauf who arrives to see if requirements are met.
White gloves and rulers are common tools of the inspectors trade.
Photo by
C1C Storm McNab
how attention to detail can affect the dream
from SAMI checklists to
preflight checklists. The Academy, however, would not be the same without SAMIs, and
cadets scrub every nook and cranny of their rooms, preparing for the
white glove inspection that is only hours away, they are reminded once
again of their uniqueness, and the anomalies that make the Air Force Academy what it is. C2C Kelsey Smith -
Mopping and sweeping common areas in a
the cadet dorms is
must before each inspection.
Helmets are optional, but taking
additional safety measures is never
Photo by
C2C Kelsey Smith
Pre-SAMI Cleanup
Semester adds French to Long Blue Line
iving the dream? Nothing compares. A semester abroad in France was the single greatest experience I've been able to
participate in while at USAFA. The term started with a two-week language school in Mont-
pellier, situated a short bus ride from several Mediterranean beaches. However, cadets hardly had time to work on our
beards before we arrived at I'Ecole de LAir.
The French Air Force Academy is located in sunny Provence, southern
La Patrouille de France' the French Air Force s precision aerobatic demonstration team performs over the beach at Montpellier. France.
Photo by C1C Dustin Roark Tanen
France. And what an arrival it was! First up, survival training in the Alps. There was barely enough time to grab a shower before we worked basic for the incoming class. It was during the time working their basic that the importance of what
I was participating in struck me. I found myself whirling with pride every
day I woke up in France
and the feeling was shared, often.
C1C Scott Gregory, another exchanger, would randomly shout, "This is our life!"
"I could accomplish what really made me happy, satisfied, and fulfilled as a
human being," added classmate C2C Nancy Chavez on the ex-
change experience. U.S. Air Force Academy cadets in France shared a dream amongst themselves which helped reveal some of what the "Long Blue Line" is all about. Since the 1960s, Academy cadets have been going on exchange to France and living that dream. More than 50 years worth of Frenchexchange grads can silently nod as they reminisce about nights in Aix-enProvence.
The Academy's seven exchange cadets to France and the U.S. Air Force liaison officer to TEcole de I Air" salute during retreat at the Normandy Cemetery and Memorial over Omaha Beach. -
Courtesy photo
About seven cadets from each school swap places for six months and enjoy the change of scenery (to say the least!). Their academy is the sole commissioning source, so every French Air Force officer today can think
back to the Americans in their class.
The semester was spent representing the United States at countless ceremonies.
Particularly memorable was a march down the Champs-
Rlysees in Paris
Nov. 11, in which the French President was the review-
ing official. I brought back with me my French parachutist badge, my French of-
ficer's dagger, and plenty of memories that I will cherish forever. I worked hard for my opportunity to go on exchange, and I will graduate this May knowing that dreams don't just happen when you sleep, but
when you wake up and push yourself to achieve them. -
C1C Dustin Roark Tanen
C1C Scott Gregory compares his poignard earned at the French Air Force
Academy saber. The poignard is worn by all French Air Force officers. Roark Tanen
Academy with an
Photo by C1C Dustin
(Above) C1C Dustin Roark Tanen gathers himself after his second static line
parachute jump at I'Ecole de (Air The French Air Force Academy grounds have been a base aerienne' since World War II. Courtesy Photos -
(Left! A picture from the 1959 yearbook shows a cadet from the first USAFA class in front of TArc de Triomphe' during a tour around France as ambassadors to the French Air Force. GC Dustin Roark Tanen recreates the moment Nov. II 2010, during an Armistice Day parade commemorating the end of
World War I.
Chain of C. ommand
Six Academy cadets sought a different
challenge this summer by going to the Marine Corps Officer Candidates School in Quanficc
VA, Four succeeded over the
grueling six-week course and the Bulldog’ cadets will cross-commission into the Marines following graduation.
Courtesy Photo
CSK%/■ w W jt 1| ^
Mil ;
Cadets cross-commission into U.S. Marine Corps s the Class of 2011 lined up to get into ring dance six of its members lived a different dream. They stood
line for in-processing at Officer Candidate School.
Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA.
While the rest of this year's firsties were scattered to the four corners of the world on Ops Air Force, leave,
Cadet Summer Language Immersion Program and Olmstead trips, or in
Cadet Wing command positions, the same sextet spent six weeks under the watchful gaze of Marine drill instructors and officers. It was Basic Cadet Training, Global Engagement, Combat Survival
Training and school all rolled into one with a level of intensity only the Marine Corps could deliver. "I hated and loved every second of it...it was a great experience and really instilled in me the qualities one must have to successfully lead others in combat," said C1C Elliot Loper. Wake up at 0330. Conduct the plan of the day and if lucky, hit the rack at midnight. Stairwells were ladders, floors were decks, and gunnery sergeants were certainly NOT just
The Academy has the O-Course and the A-Course. There it's the Combat Course, the High Ropes Course, the Endurance Course and the Obstacle Course. There are 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-mile marches through the night with full combat loads. Infantry tactics taught in the class room are
Bulldog cadets blend into the Quantico, VA, woods during field training at Marine Officer Candidates School.
Courtesy photo
applied in the field culminating in 12 hours of squad assaults. Squad
leaders rotate so everyone gets evaluated. All candidates are evaluated in three categories, academic, athletic and leadership. Character isn't a test; if someone's is even remotely in
question, then they earn a seat on the next bus home. Why would six firsties give up leave and sacrifice the other opportunities of first class summer for six weeks of BCT on steroids? To lead
Marines. With a depth perception problem that stops me from being a pilot, [navigator, or air liaison officer] there was no job in the Air Force I
wanted to do. I came here for the opportunity to work forward air
control," said C1C Jason Holland. "The Air Force said I couldn't do it, the Marines promised me a slot if I could make it as a Marine. It was an easy choice for me."
For six weeks, these cadets were the odd balls, Air Force guys in a
C1C Jason Holland (right! swears an oath to defend the United States during his commissioning ceremony in
Exemplar Hall.
Photo by C2C Zach Schneider
Marine's world. They had six weeks to prove they could make it as
Marines, and those four who made it...did. Semper Fidelis.
Olds' dream lives on
through Class of 2011
rig, Gen. Robin Olds, U.S. Military Academy Class of 1943, merican hero: a fighter pilot, a leader, and owner ka
\y moustache pest
Son of an Army Air Corps officer, Olds grew up hearing about aerial adventures and aspired to be a pilot. Afferl bping an All-American football player at West Point, /on
in World War II's
European theater, becoming
months. His remarkable accomplishments include the
Brig Gen. Robin Olds was famous for his facial hair fhus his adoption as exemplar by the Class of 2011 resulted in cadet mimicry. (Above) Most popular is fake mustaches like these sported by CICs Eric Prince, Zone Steadman and Stephen Pfaff. (Below) CICs Carrie
Tengelsen and Kaylyn Arvidson found a more subtle means of expressing their respect for the Air Force triple ace and former Commandant of Cadets. Courtesy photos -
destroying a German aircraft while his own engines were ■commanded a P-51 Mustang squadron at the young age of 22, which, of course, is equal to 2 x 11. Olds was a wing commander during Vietnam when he devised and led Operation Bob. His clever plan tricked the communists into attacking a formation of what they thought were unwieldy F-105's, but were actually MiG-killing F-4 Phantoms, the mustachioed generals signature airframe. The result was seven MiG 21 kills claimed by U.S. Airmen (one for Olds himself).
Through his flying career, he notched 17 confirmed kills in combat making him a triple ace. Before retiring, Olds also served as the Academy
AIR reset
Commandant of Cadets from 1967-71. His funeral (which included an F-4 flyover), took place at the Academy two days after the Class of 2011 started cemetery June 30, 2007 BCT, creating a personal connection from the start. His wingman, retired Col. J.B. Stone, spoke at the current firsties' Exemplar Dinner and Christina Olds loaned her father's personal effects for -
the display case. She compiled and published her father's memoirs and the book Fighter Pilot is now standard issue for firsties. In honor of Olds' epic moustache, the Class of 2011 has worn mous-
taches to several formations over the years.
General Olds lived his dream with a healthy spirit of rebellion, a willingness to take risks, and a commitment to being the best. This legacy lives on in the Class of 2011 many of whom can be seen wearing "Living the Dream" T-shirts featuring the general's picture. Fast forward 20 years or more, if an Air Force officer or retiree
responds to the mention of 11 by impulsively shouting "Olds!" it will leave no doubt that this link in the Long Blue Line comes from the Class of 2011. -
C1C Barrett Schake
C1C Jessica Gentry and other members of the cult of Olds celebrate their mentor
reading and T-shirts.
Courtesy photo
Col. Robin Olds, later promoted to
brigadier general, shot down four enemy MiG aircraft in aerial combat over North Vietnam. General Olds’ accomplishments and character earned him the respect of the Class of 2011 which named him its
U.S. Air Force photo
(Inset] CIC Jonathan Bradley and the rest of the graduating firsties seek to emulate General Olds as they become Air Force leaders.
Courtesy photo
AF appreciation grows after time at rival academies very semester, juniors have the opportunity to spend a semes-
ter at one of our sister academies: the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy or the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in order to further the bonds of inter-service camaraderie.
Upon arriving at our sister service academy, we quickly formed tight friendships with our fellow 'zoomies'" as we
in a constant state of cluelessness the first several
weeks. It was
much like the beginning of freshman year, although without the constant
the Yard Patrol Squadron at Navy, rifle shooting at West Point, and a week on the U.S.S. Eagle at Coast Guard. Additionally, those at Navy
during the fall semester had the pleasure of being present when Air Force finally took away the Commander in Chiefs Trophy. "You'll never really experience gloating until your Academy wins the CINC's Trophy while you are at the school that loses it after seven I met instrucyears. Being able to rub that in the faces of everyone was truly a memorable experience," said tor as well as midshipman -
fear of being yelled at. We were living the nightmare. However, we quickly adapted to the language and customs of the Army, Navy and
C2C David Adams.
Coast Guard and learned that Tm a zoomie" was an accepted excuse
ing around with paint brushes at three in the morning were a common sight. Although we suffered through our share of destroyed rooms,
to any mistakes we might make.
"Spending a semester at another service academy was a valuable experience. At first I was frustrated with the small differences between
the Air Force Academy and Army culture, but over time I was able to assimilate and learn from their different perspectives," said C2C Michael Hauser.
Highlights of our semester included meeting Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, exploring Washington D.C. and New York City. We partook in activities unique to the other academies, such as
During Air Force spirit week, zoomies donning bath robes or snea!
shaving cream bombs and relentless "chair force"" jokes, we ultimately were able to bring back the commander in chief's trophy after seven long years. We can never forget our incredible experiences over on the east coast, nor will we ever lose the friendships we formed. Our semesters away, though rewarding, truly showed us how rewarding it is to be a: the Air Force Academy, where we truly are "Living the Dream." C Margaret Weingart and C2C Anthony Jaddick
(Above) Despite being severely outnumbered, Air Force Academy cadets wear Air Force blue and brave hostile stands to cheer for the Falcons volleyball team at West Point. The cadets were on exchange to Army for the fall semester. (Right) A tour of the White Ffouse reminds cadets the chain of command for all of them ends with the President of the United States,
but only the future Airmen seem able to smile about it.
Courtesy photos
Cadet Squadron 22 Guide-on bearer C3C Christopher Stephens
proudly stands by as C1C Tania Buda attaches the 2010-2011
Outstanding Squadron streamer. -
adet Squadron 22 is the
Outstanding Squadron in the Cadet Wing for the 2010-
2011 academic year. The achievement was
recognized at the Organizational Awards Parade May 23 when |: Commandant of Cadets Brig. Gen. Richard M. Clark presided of placement of a commemorative streamer on the squadron's guide-on. The CS 22 Raptors set lofty expectations
to help cadets get off and stay off academic
CS 22 raptors
and athletic probations. "I think the most important thing is we
take year s top
squadron honors improving individuals to improve the squadron as a whole began in the fall semester, he
added. "We were held [by squadron leadership]
and developed plans that placed them above
he other 40 squadrons in the Cadet Wing.
each other at the start of the school year
What we focused on this year was to get
people off of probations and by doing so,
making each person a better wingman to each other," said C1C Jonathan McMahon, spring semester squadron commander. This emphasis
able to make a family atmosphere in
the squadron, including the permanent party
higher standard and we were all expected to keep those standards," said C4C Andrew
Photo by Bill Evans
Fall semester squadron commander C1C W. A. Wijesinghe began the school year with
emphasis on using the cadet chain of command, a dedicated squadron staff and a rewards plan. This set the stage for peer-run programs
leadership, where everyone felt comfortable to discuss any issues and work towards making things better for the squadron," said Cadet Wijesinghe. This positive starting point gave all CS-22 members the potential to succeed, thereby
enhancing the squadron as a whole. The Raptors took one step forward in truly "living the dream" with their dedication throughout this year. By making the squadron into a family like environment, where each cadet was given opportunities for growth and success, everyone received the push necessary to step up to challenges and succeed. C2C Kelsey Smith -
Academy Exhange/Outstanding Sauadron
Display recognizes 53 years of enlisted grads nistedlAirmen who realize their dreams of leadership
MtoV^P^ommissioning at the Academy will rfzeq tlrough
be recog-
memorial display that overlooks the ball-
ro&mlin tVnold Hall.
Adacemy leaders officially unveiled the collection of
nine walnut boards in late April. Each part of the display holds the Acadepn/ seal, the Prior Enlisted Cadet Assembly seal and six
lidually frcfoped placards which contain the names and class crest of Unlisted graduate by class year. Many times, people are shocked to learn that enlisted Airmen have been a part of every graduating class since the first class in 1959,” said C1C Jason Gabrick, cadet in charge of PECA and one of those largely responsible for creating the display. Part of the PECA mission is to develop, through prior enlisted cadets, a positive image of the enlisted corps within the Cadet Wing. "The gallery serves this mission by displaying the broad depth of influence the enlisted corps has had on the Air Force Academy and its graduates since its very inception," the senior said. Cadet Gabrick and PECA assistant cadet in charge C1C Richard Casburn noted the lack of history available regarding enlisted graduates during their junior year. They requested a list of every prior enlisted graduate from the Academy's Plans and Programs Office. Upon receiving the list and realizing how much history there actually was, we decided to lobby for the approval and construction of the plaques," Cadet Gabrick said. Funding and approval to create the plaques through the Academy's Training Devices Office was granted. However, a back log of work orders threatened to postpone project completion until after the seniors graduated. In order to see the idea to its completion, Cadets Gabrick and Casburn, along with C1C Justin Munger, offered to learn how to operate the machinery used to make the plaques. It took three months to finish. The 53 anodized black aluminum placards bearing the graduates' names were donated by Synrad, Inc. Polaris staff
An Air Force officer reads one of the 53 plaques that comprise the display which is located in Arnold Hall.
Photo by Bill Evans
CICs Jason Gabrick Irightl and Richard Casburn pose in front of the display they envisioned and built to honor prior enlisted graduates.
Photo courtesy of the Association of Graduates
Members of fhe Prior Enlisted Cadet Assembly stand
by Bill Evans
ready to unveil the new display.
Wf> V n* /
(Above! C1C Jason Gambrick measures and cuts wood for the display in a fabrication shop here. He along with CICs Richard Casburn and Justin
Munger learned to use the equipment in order to build much of the display. This allowed the seniors to see their project completed prior to graduation. (Left) Cadet Gambrick installs a portion of the
display in Arnold Hall.
Photos courtesy of the
Association of Graduates
Academy teacher slain in Afghanistan Friends and colleagues gathered hen to remember the life and
legacy of an Academy assistant profesj
illed April 27 in Kabul
could see that in his eye every single day. He valued the freedoms he had in this country and he defended those freedoms. He had an attitude
of,I'm going to give it my all.' And he gave it his all."
Maj. Phil Ambard, age 44, was k
c&shooting at the Kabul
Major Ambard grew up in Venezuela. He was a translator in France International Airport. Ffe was serving on\a 4/ TO team training the multiple times. Fellow professor and foreign language department head, Col. Daniel Uribe, felt his experiences and background were a perfect AfahpfliAir-bQrce. /hile statidneaf at the Academy, he qs t ie Department of Foreign fit for his role a the Academy. in that same role for the "Phil came to our department in 2003 and made an immediate anguages execttttye^officer and later sei )ean of the Faculty impact," he said. "He instantly became one of our top instructors. Cadet "As you can imagine, a fellow Soldier, Sailor, Airman comments and ratings had him at the top of our faculty. And all of the or Marine, it affects us all," sai cadet comments painted a picture killed April 27 while deployed to Maj. Phil Ambard A former Gen. Kabul, instructor Dana and Dean’s Dean of Born, Afghanistan. Academy of someone who was dedicated Brig. executive officer, the major scheduled to return to the the Faculty. "But when it's someto this mission and dedicated to his Department of Foreign Languages here after his deployment.
that we know and love, it
hurts a little bit more. Today we want to bring to life an amaz-
ing man who served here at the Academy; who was a great
colleague, a tremendous mentor; a man who exemplified integrity,
The popular instructor is survived by his wife, Linda, and five
children: son Alex, a student at the University of Denver;, son
Tim, a third-class cadet at the Air Force Academy; daughter Emily Short, a 2007 graduate of the Air Force Academy currently serving in Hurlburt AFB, FL; son Joshua Short, currently serving in the Army and stationed at Walter Reed Medical Center; and son Patrick Short, also a 2004 Air Force
Academy graduate serving in the Navy at the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, VA.
"You would always see a line of cadets at his office," added Lt. Col. LeAnn Derby, fellow professor and
friend of Major Ambard. "It was easy to see the impact he had on
service and excellence for our
Colonel Derby, who also had the duty of being the casualty notification officer to Major Ambard's family, painted a picture of not only an integral part of the Academy,
cadets and faculty as well."
Major Ambard served as General Born's executive officer from 2006 to 2007. In 2007, he was sponsored
but someone who was a dedicated
by the Department of Foreign Languages for a doctoral degree program at Denver University, which he completed
family man who touched the lives of people all around the community. His wife is a teacher," she said. When I spoke to her yesterday, she
in 2010. He was scheduled to
told me how much the kids at the
return to the Department of
school are also going to miss Phil.
Foreign Languages after a deployment to Kabul. "He was ready to do what he had to do (in Afghanistan) and he was
with them, and they all knew and loved him. Were
excited upon returning to be able to get back into the classroom to do
loss here at the Academy, but all of Colorado
what he loved to do, and that's develop these cadets," General Born
explained. "He felt as though he'd been given an opportunity and you
He would come to her school and
participate in some of the activities
of connection with Phil Ambard and its a —
USAFA Public Affairs
talking about our Springs had some sort
great loss for the community.
D Kabul attacks kills two grads Two Air Force Academy graduates were killed in Kabul Afghanistan,
April 27. Lt. Col. Frank Bryant, Class of 1995, and Maj. David Brodeur, Class
of 1999, were serving on a NATO team training the Afghan Air Force
Operation Enduring Freedom. "Wednesday's tragedy in Afghanistan continues to deeply affect our Air Force Academy family, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of these graduates," said Lt. Gen. Mike Gould, Academy superintendent. "As we prepare cadets for leadership in the world's greatest Air Force, these events showcase the perils they will face in the profession of arms. The Academy will forever be grateful for the sacrifices of Colonel Bryant and Major Brodeur." Colonel Bryant, 37, graduated with a degree in general engineering, lettered in wrestling from 1993-1995, as well as the team captain and most valuable player in 1995, and was assigned to Luke AFB, AZ.
Major Brodeur, 34, graduated with a degree in political science and assigned to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK. The officers are the 12th and 13th Air Force Academy graduates killed while supporting operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. The graduates were killed in the same shooting incident as Maj. Philip Ambard, Academy assistant professor. USAFA Public Affairs was
in support of
Grad dies in helicopter crash An Air Force Academy graduate died July 2, following injuries
received when an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter crashed in southeastern
Afghanistan June 9, 2010.
Capt. David Wisniewski, 31, was an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter pilot assigned to the 66th Rescue Squadron at Nellis AFB, NV, and deployed to Afghanistan. Captain Wisniewski passed away at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, July 2, 2010, from injuries received during the
Maj. David Brodeur
Lt. Col. Frank Bryant
Captain Wisniewski is the 11th Air Force Academy graduate killed while supporting operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. His
awards and decorations include a Purple Heart, three Air Medals and two Air Force Commendation Medals.
The two injured Airmen from the helicopter mission, both from Nellis
AFB, are Capt. Anthony Simone, a helicopter pilot assigned to the 66th RQS and TSgt. Christopher Aguilera, an aerial gunner assigned to the 66th RQS. Both Airmen are recovering at Brooks Army Medical Center in San Antonio, TX.
USAFA Public Affairs
incident. Four other Airmen were killed and two were wounded in the
crash. The Airmen were deployed in support of Operation Enduring
Freedom and responsible for casualty evacuation. Bom in Fort Dodge, I A, and raised in Moville, I A, Captain Wisniewski attended Woodbury Central High School before attending the U.S. Air
Force Academy, where he graduated in 2002 with a bachelor of sci-
degree in civil engineering. During his eight-year career, Captain Wisniewski had logged more than 1,500 flight hours, flown 289 combat hours and is credited with saving numerous lives, including several during his most recent deployment to Afghanistan. In one day, Dave was key in saving 40 people during the largest single mass casualty mission in Regional Command South," said Lt. ence
Col. Thomas Dorl, 66th ROS commander. "This was no small feat as he
Chet and Beverly Wisniewski receive the American flag that was draped over their son's casket during his
braved enemy action and flew into a hot landing zone three times to
Hawk helicopter pilot with the 66th Rescue Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, NV, died July 2 from injuries
interment at Arlington National Cemetery Aug. 23, 2010. Capt. David A. Wisniewski, an HH-60G Pave
suffered during a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
Photo by SSgt. Gina Chiaverotti-Paige
The Academy didn't earn its reputation as one
of the top engineering schools
country by offering
diploma is a science degree (Yes, really. A Bachelor of Science in
English.) so every student vive the
challenges of
physics, calculus, chemistry and
who thrive
the hard
fast scientific world
plenty of options
year. Not everyone has to be a
rocket scientist though. The choice of major
really comes down to what interests you. 48
Cadets mold academics to interests Academy cadets have a wide selection of specialties from which to choose and Majors' Night is time to sort
through and find what best fits their interests. Whether it be aeronautical engineering or English, cadets can
choose to be as "techie'' or
they want as they
work to earn their bachelor of science degrees.
Majors must be declared by the fall of cadets' third class year, but with the many options available some cadets
struggle to choose the right one. That's where majors' night comes in as instructors and other cadets working hard to recruit new students and help them find their calling. The list of options doesn't end there though. After joining an academic department, cadets can choose some of their own courses to complete the major. This allows them to select unique classes and learn about subjects that interest them.
studies majors can take history courses
(Right) Maj. Cory Antosh helps a cadet decide if majoring in computer and electrical engineering is the best path to follow.
scientists in astronautics.
enroll in classes to build rockets or satellites. Electrical engi- j neers can take courses in robotics and humanities majors can pursue fine arts.
For C2C Rocque Gartland. a macroeconomics course was
especially useful with his foreign area studies. "The
material was interesting and applicable; it helped me understand what was going on in the news," he said.
C2C Carrie Baties favorite biology course has been
zoology. "It's really hands on. There's lots of dissections and it has taught me a lot." No matter what major a cadet chooses to pursue during their time at the Academy, all graduate with a bachelor of science
degree from one of the most prestigious schools in
the country. With the broad selection of majors available, cadets are guaranteed to find a subject that challenges and
(Above) A cadet signs up to get more information on possibly becoming one of the rocket
specific to their region of interest. Astronautics majors can
interests them.
C2C Alyssa Fiughey
\ 1
(Above) A senior c aspect of his major.
(Above Left) C1C James Cook tries to entice C4Cs Daniel Burke and Ben Scott into trying meteorology. Cadet Cook is demonstrating how to use a spin tank to model the atmosphere as a fluid. By
dropping colored dye into the spinning water, cadets can observe the formation and movement of vortices in the fluid. Both freshmen are
still undecided on their major.
(Left) C1C Kevin Dandino introduces a freshman to his behavioral science lab
partner" Master Splinter Algernon.
(Above) FUZZY
Studying rats' behavior gives cadets a look at the softer side of science. Photo by Johnny Wilson -
(Right) FUZZY
A blindfolded C2C Kelsey Smith and her guide C3C Rachelle Crespo lead a group of
cadets in a psychology activity at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind.
(Below) TECHY
Courtesy photo
C3C Sun Lee offers encouragement as her lab partner pricks his finger to test the pH
level of his blood.
Photo by Rachel Boettcher
All cadets pursue scientific method echy or fuzzy, the unofficial academic line in the sand at the Air Force Academy places cadets on one side or the other. Freshmen and
sophomores must balance their own interests with the influences of upperclassmen, teachers and Majors' Night demonstrations. Everyone who walks the graduation stage earns a bachelor of science degree. Techy diplomas come in technical, scientific fields like engineering, math or physics. Fuzzy counterparts bear titles like English, history or law.
tions, complex human systems, financial and managerial
accounting, managerial finance, human resource management, marketing, production and operations management,
investing, and many more. Also popular among the non-technical oriented cadets is a major unique to the
Academy Foreign Area Studies. With inter-disciplinary and inter-departmental flexibility, FAS can be tailored by cadets to fit their interests. After choosing a region (i.e. South America, Western Europe, Africa etc.) the cadet will choose either a social-political or
FUZZY Management is perhaps the "fuzziest" of all majors. It's also one of the most popular major at the Air Force
Academy. The Academy's management program is designed to develop cadets into critical thinkers and leaders who can understand and manage major organizations. They have the opportunity to study topics such as global organiza
historical track. Studies concentrate on these areas,
filling class schedules with additional foreign language classes, economics and geography classes.
TECHY All cadets must complete core studies in biology,
chemistry, and physics. After whetting their appetite in these hard sciences, many techy cadets wish to continue along the technical path. (Continued on next pagel
Maj. Chris Morgan explains constitutional issues to a group of cadets during Law Day 2011 in early May. The observance also saw Academy cadets argue the Photo by Ray McCoy
freedom of expression Supreme Court case Snyder vs Phelps in front of their peers during a brown-bag luncheon.
(Continued from page 53) Some even become scientists
offer something for everyone, even those who like both
and doctors for the Air Force.
paths. Cadets who excel at both fuzzy and techy classes during freshmen year have the option of becoming a
Other techy students may not be as interested in the they are in engineering. The departments of
sciences as
Aeronautical and Astronautical engineering
popular given the role graduates will have as leaders in "the world's greatest air and space force."
system engineering management major. SEM includes many of the higher level math and engineering classes however their main focus is management. Another major unique to the Academy, it produces cadets
Aero or Astro students study topics such as aeronauti-
who know how to manage programs and projects, but
cal fluid mechanics, computational aerodynamics, aircraft
who also have fairly in-depth knowledge of the systems
performance and static stability, and engine design. Those
they oversee. Fuzzy, techy or both, the Academy's wide list of majors offers students ample opportunity to find something that interests them. Four years of study allows them to explore it in depth too. Each course presents its own challenges, but instructors are always available to help motivated students
able to handle the harsh workload all the way through
graduate with in-depth knowledge of engineering and computational investigations.
senior year
BOTH The Academy's selection of academic majors seems to
(Above) TECHY
to succeed.
C2C Saskia Hicks
Engineering students build a
concrete canoe for an intercollegiate competition.
Photo by Megan Davis
(Right) TECHY on
C1C Mark Benischek briefs
the Astronautics Department's FalconSAT program.
Photo by Mike Kaplan
5 Hem
C2C Brittany Rudder works
with satellite imagery in her engineer-
ing course
Photo by Mike Kaplan
(Above) FUZZY sciences.
The Academy has experts from U.S. and Allied forces teach
military arts and
Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Left) FUZZY
Academy military trainer TSgt. Romney Sheirer helps cadets understand the downfall Photo by Johnny Wilson
of poor leadership practices.
Techy vs Fuzzy
^ fX S|
IIIsBf ....
f /I
(Above) A street vendor lures C2C Trevor Ibarra with an interesting variety of food, some familiar and like sea horses, starfish and scorpions on a stick.
Photos by Raphael Watson
(Right) Climbing stairs at the Sun Yat Sen Memorial could be a good way for exchange cadets to stay in
shape during their semester abroad.
(Below) A Chinese boy is drawn to a magazine cover photo of the F-22 Raptor. Host residents expressed an interest in things American that matched the cadets' fascination with Chinese culture.
?!/ ik \
0 44-. 3-* r 1 ll
some exotic
mi w
/ 1 3J
1 •**
Chinese immersion semester
[broadens cadets' cultural IQ
emember when we were little and
and think they are speaking a different language? This
dreamed about digging the ultimate
time they were.
hole all the way to China and finding
Specific courses included international relations theory, During the latter class, five cadets practiced Chinese language skills by teaching their host peers about American geography and
everything upside down? Had a dusty
boy succeeded during fall semester, he wouldn't have found everyone standing on their heads, but he might have seen eight cadets running around China instead.
Speaking Chinese is not near as fun when nobody
Living abroad in China was a dream come true for
around you understands what you are saying and can t
handful of Academy students.
respond," said C2C Derek Ecklebe.
They lived in their own apartment, had to get their owp-fSod'and pay bills, but on the upside, there were a
business management and geography.
Spending a semester in China was no bed of roses. Coming back
SAMIs, no morning
to America was
formations and no uniforms.
literally a breath
Although it was a break
of fresh air. Be-
from the normal Academy
ing able to live with the Chinese
tempo, it brought invaluable insights that could never be
people, go to their
experienced in the Zoo. "The geopolitical and
schools, eat at the hole in the wall
social economic factors that
place they all eat
play into what makes China
and experience
unfathomable, you have
of the cultural
to be there to know it," said
pressures they face
C2C Grant Meyer
every day makes
China is a huge country,
appreciate the freedoms that we us
population and geography and because of that is in
incredibility diverse.
enjoy in America
After a
even more.
while you could tell where
"[One day I]
different people were from
Just found myself
based on how they looked
listening to Christ-
and their accents. Each
region of China brought a flavor to the table.
Northern China craved
music, sitting
alone at the kitchen table while eating
Cadets were able to find time to relax at the sandy paradise of Hainan Island during their semester abroad to China.
chocolate frosting
every kind of noodle imaginable. Sweet and sour and
from the can with a chopstick," said Cadet Ecklebe. "I ap-
rice dishes filled southern China. Western China was
preciate America so much more after coming back; it is amazing to see the difference between here and China."
saturated in a spicy Muslim aroma and the East was
drowned in sea food. But for all of the delicious Chinese
There is a reason why we fight for the freedoms that
foods, nothing compares to a good of American steak. While at school, the cadets took heavily-loaded Chinese classes, but still had a chance to study culture, history
privileged to enjoy, because those freedoms are what sets us apart. Returning from China was a sobering experience, I remember stepping off the plane at Los Angeles and feeling that I was back in the land of the free and the home of the brave. C1C Raphael Watson
and political science. In addition to the normal classes at the international school, they also studied with Chinese
we are
students. Ever walk into astro on the first day of school
China Exchange
Academy cadets explore limitless opportunities in astro ground station
he door thumps closed behind the lone cadet
ry and the Department of Physics.
sending echoes down the empty hall. Hall lights flicker on and his eyes scan the liters p sages of Fairchild. He could easily be the only
rth and the natural occurrences that happen in its upper
With this data, we re contributing to our knowledge of
osphere," said Cadet 2nd Class Rachel Harris.
human left on campus after a
Each crew
commander, operations officer and engineer works to accomplish their mission within a short window of
zomn^w&^re 1
A code punched on the keypadrallows^fntry
to the Department of Astronautics.
A pairJfrig of J^ichae
Wynne, 21st Secretary of the Air Force,greets
^Darkness partly conceals the Air ForcafeadeK eyes asfrney 5rily look down on the cadet, /^aprherjpoe, anq^r door entrance to the ground
statin i^fmitted is
ashing lights and whirring^quio^ient on racks provide wvelcome change to th^raap^nt hall\^^s. The cadet ^setnto ina^d startsJ^rebaiTOs the CQgrof his three-man crew
portunity. The ground station can contact a satellite from the time it appears in the night sky to the time it sinks below the horizon
pare to contact a friend speeding through space at a rate
of miles per second.
about 10 minutes.
Crews are composed of students from a variety of fields -
rocket scientists (a.k.a. astronautical engineering) to more
fuzzy" majors. Regardless, the expediency and professionalthey accomplish their mission makes Cadet Satellite Operations a frequent distinguished visitor stop and ism with which
Tired eyes contrast to their excited voices as they pre-
inspiration for other academic programs. As the youngest force in the U.S. Air Force, FalconOPS shows the sky is
crew no
longer the limit. Instead, cadets in the program can discover that their
FalconOPS doesn't prepare cadets for the "real" Air
Force, it is in fact, a true operation. Information gathered
possibilities, and the possibilities of humanity, have no limits except to the farthest of distant stars. C2C Skyler
from satellites goes directly to Air Force Research Labora-
(Clockwise From Above) A portrait of former Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne stands guard outside the FalconOPS ground station, where cadets must show they
belong by entering a pass code to open the locked entry door. Cadets enter the ground station at all hours of the night in order to download data from FalconSAT orbiters when they are in a transmission window. The ground station can contact a satellite from when it appears in the night sky, until it dips below the horizon, about 10 minutes. With assignments being driven by the transmission windows instead of class schedules, ground station operators often end up walking through empty corridors in Fairchild Hall with only the echoes of their bootsteps. Photos by C1C Nick DeBarmore -
C2Cs Kathryn Blythe and Chris Hassa brief Air Force Space
Command Commander Gen. William L. Shelton on FaloncOPS
ground station activities.
by Rachel Boettcher
l rr*
i \
§■ Ell
(Above) Timing is everything when the assignment is to talk to a satellite
streaking across the sky so cadets in the FalconOPS ground center have a multi-region clock in order to properly track their transmission windows. Photo by C1C Nick DeBarmore -
(Above Left) C1C Adrianna Eaton explains how cadet crews operate the FalconOPS ground station to an audience of faculty and other interested parties
during a briefing prior to the launch of the astronautics programs most recent satellite FalconSAT 5 in November (pictured at left). Photo by Mike Kaplan -
(Above) C3C Raquel McCagg looks to her biology instructor It. Col. Jennifer Guess for assistance.. The willingness and ability of teachers to work with small groups or even one-on-one with students is a big
help considering how difficult much of the science-heavy curriculum can be.
Photo by Rachel Boettcher
(Right) Squadron Leader Martin Harris of the Royal Air Force climbs right into the cockpit with his Photo by C4C Joe Bomar
students to teach dogfighting and flying tactics in the air warfare lab.
(Below) Professor Bridget McGrath helps cadets puzzle out physics questions.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Cadets learn academic, life lessons
through their teachers' accessibility of the most amazing things
endure longer than the academic material," said Maj. Tom
about the Academy is instructor
Jost who taught physics before working in the Center for
This is frequently men-
but perhaps most importantly, cadets will learn how to
tional literature written about this
establishment. valuable is the investment instructors make in each
cadet. Despite busy schedules that rival our own, Academy educators show concern about students' grades and
well-being by making time to talk to and mentor us. An instructor from one of my favorite classes pulled me aside not long ago. It wasn't due to potential failure, but rather because she saw potential unrealized in my work. Time constraints imposed by extracurricular activities were keeping me from doing as well as I could. A reassessment of priorities was in order and it helped immensely. "I'm sure in time cadets will forget much of what they learn about the course but I hope there's something ...
about life that I can share with them, somethinq that will
Lt. Col. David Kent stands close by to make sure his
and how to care."
The actions of Academy instructors teach a hidden
Something less heralded, less quantifiable, but even more
Character Development. "Academics are important too,
tioned in every piece of informa-
they foster a sense of responsibility that is not necessarily achieved at other college. Each teacher knows he or she is shaping the next generation of leaders, not just in the military, but also in other aspects of life. -
Their investment is to ensure our success. The change among cadets isn't always dramatic. More often it happens in small steps as we are shaped
gradually into students who can truly be proud of their accomplishments. Academy instructors budget a great deal of their time for cadets based only on the promise of future dividends who among their future grads will be the next war hero, chief of staff or influential politician? Because of their dedication, perhaps the literature should be rewritten to note how availability here is multiplied exponentially by caring. C2C Zachary Ratkovich -
chemistry students, C4Cs Seth Jackson and Joseph Grant, don't run into trouble.
Photo by Rachel Boettcher
Final exams conclude in wet, wild fashion Some can't wait and hit the water immediately. Others
t most universities across the nation, finals
week is a time to look your worst and per-
rendezvous with classmates for group dunking. In each case
form your best because these exams can
this frigid plunge signals success for the soon-to-be second
make the difference to getting a job offer
after graduation or being overqualified for
Many take pride in finding creative and obnoxious ways to take their plunge. "I hate this place! I am so happy I am done!" screamed one anonymous firstie as he sprinted toward the fountains with a child flotation device to accent the juvenile presenta-
position in retail. But sandals, shorts and a T-shirt don't cut it at the Acadea
my where clean and serviceable uniforms are required every
day. On the other hand, cadets don't always feel pressured to earn top marks. Sometimes, a firstie who only needs 40 percent on their core astronautical engineering final may aim for a 45 and be completely satisfied. That's because the fountains waits outside.
Mid-May temperatures sometimes approach freezing at the cadets Colorado Springs aerie. Regardless, firsties completing their last final barrel out of Fairchild Hall heading straight for Honor Court fountains.
(Above) Cadets can often be found studying at all hours of the night in their dormitory rooms,
especially around finals exams.
Photo by Mike Kaplan
(Right) C1C Welsey Osborn went to his last final exam prepared to take a dip to the Honor Court fountain immediately afterward. Photo by Brad Milliman -
But for juniors, sophomores and freshmen, finals week is
merely another task standing between them and summer programs. Unlike firsties, the lower three classes usually take their time and spread out finals because they have nothing better to be doing during that week. This does not stop cadets from their perpetual state of procrastination. -
C2C Rachel Harris
Some soon to be gradu-
ates time the completion
of the final e<ams in order to leap into the Honor
Photo by Brad Milliman
(Above) After four years of cadet study, C1C Dustin Tanen couldn't wait for any friends so he cannon-balled into the water.
Photo by Brad Milliman
(Above Left) Freezing temperatures couldn't deter CICs Nick Holland and
Georgina Torok from enjoying their post-finals dunk. Instead they took advantage of the snow fall to show some class pride. Photo by James Rush -
(Left) A laptop, a pile of books and the library provide a freshman what she needs to prepare for finals.
Photo by Mike Kaplan
Whether it's on the baseball diamond, in the
pool, on the ice or in the lockeroom, sports teaches us valuable lessons about life, ourselves and our teammates. No matter how successful any athlete is, he or she will even-
tually deal with the adversity of failure and losing. How the
responds to
tory and defeat
what kind of
leader, what kind of
follower and
what kind of a son,
he or she really is.
(Left) Parker Mayo frames a pitch. Mayo, a senior from Sacramento, CA, batted .266 with a .404 on-base percentage and split duties between catching and playing first base.
(Below) Stephen Colangelo delivers a pitch during a home series against BYU.
Colangelo recorded a teamleading seven saves during the 2011 campaign for the Falcons. His earned run average of 5.52 was fifth
best on the team this year.
(Bottom) Matt Thorne gathers up a ground ball. The sophomore from Murfreesboro, TN, started in 50 games this season, while
driving in 23 runs.
Thorne is one of 13 rising juniors slated to return next year, giving the Falcons a lot of experience
for the coming campaign.
Photos by Arnie
Mike Kazlausky was named Air Force baseball head coach at the end of the 2011 season. Kazlausky signed a three-year contract through the 2014 season.
Garrett Custons applies a tag at the plate preventing TCU from scoring. The Sarasota, FL, native led the team in 10 offensive categories,^ posting a .330 batting average, 42 runs scored, 21 doubles, six homers and 13 stolen bases. The sophomore also ranked in the Mountain West
Conference top 10 in 10 offensive categories.
New skipper breathes new life into ailing program 'he Falcons concluded the 2011 season with a 19-36 over-
years," head coach Kazlausky said. "He is a multifaceted player that
all record and 4-20 mark in Mountain West Conference
run, hit
catalyst on our team and we will continue to build around Gar-
Head coach Mike Kazlausky saw his interim tag removed and signed a three-year contract following his retirement from active duty June 1.
As the interim skipper in 2011, the Kazlausky-led Falcons notched their most wins since 2002. The 19 victories were also the secondmost in school history against Division I opponents and the most Division I wins by a first-year head coach at the Academy.
Sophomores Garrett Custons and Sean Corley were named to the 2011 All-Mountain West Conference baseball team. Cus-
tons was named to the first-team as a catcher and Carley earned
second-team honors as a right-hand pitcher. Custons led Air Force in several offensive and defensive categories
including batting average (.330), runs scored (42), doubles (21),
homers (six) and stolen bases (13). The sophomore also ranked in the MWC top 10 in 10 offensive categories. Defensively, Custons led the conference (as of May 21) with 22 base runners thrown out and ranked second with seven pickoffs.
Custons caught fire late in the season, batting .538 (14-for-
rett for the years to come."
Carley had one of the strongest seasons ever by a Falcon starting pitcher, striking out 62 batters in 82.1 innings. His 3.94 earned run average was the lowest ERA by an Air Force starting pitcher in 28 years, dating back to Bob Wright's 3.58 ERA in 1983. Melbourne, FL, native's 62 strikeouts are the most by a Falcon pitcher since 2002, when Erik Fisher fanned 88. Carley posted a 3-5 overall record.
Carley set a school record for the lowest conference ERA at Air Force, posting a 4.10 in 37.1 innings pitched. He also led Air Force with three complete-games and held opponents to a .279 batting average. His two-hit shutout against Bowling Green University was one of the best single-game performances in Air Force history. After hit base in first the and off the second, Carallowing singles leading ley retired 24 consecutive batters to close out the game. He also struck out a career-high 12 batters in the game. Carley is just the second Air Force pitcher to earn all-MWC honors and the first since Matt Kaercher in 2002. "Sean is our ace of the staff, and it is a tremendous honor to
the last two weekends to raise his batting average 31
points. Custons also led the Falcons with a .356 batting average in MWC play.
"Garrett is an incredibly talented baseball player and we are excited to have him at the Air Force Academy for the next two
and throw, as well as being an excellent catcher. He is
him and to our program to have him selected to the MWC All-
Conference Team," Kazlausky said. "Sean pitched brilliantly m nil nf our -
games and we look forward to having our ace bad
Polaris staff
(Left) Mike Lyons' reverse by up against Florida A&M was two of his eight points in the game. The 81-48 shellacking c f
the Rattlers was the Falcons' biggest margin of victory sir ;,
defeating Prairie View 75-41 on Dec. 8, 2009. (Below) Lyons looks on as Taylor Stewart lays in two point' for the Falcons as they cruise past North Dakota 77-6 the opening round of the Collegelnsider.com Tournamen!
(Bottom) Chase Kammerer roughs up FAMUs Yannick Crowder as he tries to drive the lane.
Photos by Am*
Washington contests a shot by Utahs Jason Washburn.
of i 300 saw the Falcons upend the visiting Utes 77-69.
Air Force
A crowd
Todd Fletcher drives past Evansvilles Jordan Jahr. Fletcher was one of two Falcons to start every game during the 2010-11 season. Fie led the. team with an .806 free-throw percentage.
returns to post-season play
he Air Force Mens Basketball team closed out the season
32 this season. After missing all but four games due to injury as a
with an 88-75 loss to Santa Clara in the second
sophomore, he was a solid asset on the court the last two seasons.
round of the Collegelnsider.Com post-season tournament.
He finished third on the team in scoring this season, averaging 10
With the loss, the Falcons finish the 2010-11 season with a
points per game, and scored a career-high 18 points, including three 3-pointers, in the Falcons' 66-65 overtime victory at TCU Jan. 29.
16-16 record.
Sophomore Michael Lyons was named to the all-
He also dished out a career-high four assists against the Frogs in
Mountain West Conference third-team. The leagues nine head
Fort Worth, TX.. He posted Air Force s only double-double of the
coaches, along with a selected media panel, picked the all-confer-
teams, as well as the coach, player, newcomer, freshman, sixth
with 14 points and a career-high 10 rebounds against North Dakota and finished second on the team in rebounding at 3.9 per
and defensive awards.
Lyons, who has appeared in 28 games and started 27 this year, led the team and finished fhe regular season eighth in scoring in the MWC at 13.2 ppg. He is No. 2 in the conference in field-goal percentage (49.8 percent) and fourth in free-throw percentage (79.1 percent). He is the first Falcon to earn a spot on one of the
career-best 11 assists against Utah, the most by an Air Force player
three all-conference teams since Tim Anderson was a second-team
in one game since 2004, and tied for No. 5 on the school's all-time
selection in 2007-08.
single season assist list with 127 this year. Washington became the
Washington was named the team's most valuable player for the 2010-11 campaign. Washington, who did not miss a game in his fouryear career at Air Force, led the team in rebounding, assists, steals,
blocked shots and minutes played this season. He dished out a
In addition, seniors Tom Fow and Evan Washington were each
first Falcon to score 200 points in each of his four seasons since
named honorable mention by the conference. Fow was No. 2 in the
Of is Jones from 1991-95 and is ranked fifth on Air Force's career
3-point percentage for all games and led the MWC in
the same category for conference games only. Washington, mean-
assist list with 327.
while, led the team and was No. 5 in the MWC at 3.9 assists per
Sophomore Kyle Green earned the Falcon Award, given to the player that gives 100 percent regardless of their situation and
He also led the team in rebounds, steals and blocked shots. Senior Derek Brooks was awarded the top honor at the team s
place on the team. Green, a 6-2 guard from Richland Hills, TX, played in five games and scored five points this season, all against
awards banquet. Brooks won the Bob Spear Award, given to the student-athlete that is outstanding in all areas of the Academy -
Florida A&M. He was a valuable asset on the scout team this sea-
helping his teammates prepare for every opponent. Brooks, Washington and Tom Fow received the prestigious cap-
academics, athletics and military performance. There is no higher honor for a men's basketball player.
Brooks, from Nathalie, VA, played in 71 career games and all
tain's award for the '10-11 season for serving as team tri-captains. -
Polaris staff
(Left) Dymond James fires a shot against Metro State James led the team in many offensive categories. She was the team's top scorer
with 356 points, including 74 free throws.
(Below) Raimee Beck weaves past a defender en route to the basket. A team captain, Beck averaged 11.4 points per game.
She was also the team's MVP for the 2011-2012 season.
(Bottom) Austyn Wilson drives baseline against Navy. The
Lady Falcons lost a heart-breaker to their service academ rivals 63-62. Photos by Arnie Spencer -
Birds pull off post-season upset over CSU nable to overcome a second-half scoring drought,
rated players in program history, setting all-time records for games
the ninth-seeded Air Force women's basketball team
played and started (118), three-point field goals made and attempt-
70-55 decision to fifth-seed Utah in the
ed and free-throw percentage, as well as Division I era records in
dropped quarterfinals of the 2011 Conoco Mountain West Conference Championships. Sophomore Megan Muniz led the Falcons with 13 points, while Kelsey Berger and Raimee Beck added 12 and 10 points, respectively. a
The Falcons finished the season with a 9-22 overall record,
points (1,386), scoring average (11.7). assists (278) and steals (157). Beck is also the only player in Academy history to rank in the top 10 all-time in career points (fifth), assists (sixth) and rebounds (seventh). In addition to earning team MVP honors. Beck was also received the Loudermilk-Chavez Leadership Award, while being recognized
for leading the team in season free-throw percentage and receiving
surpassing their season win total from the past two years combined. They also posted a 3-13 record in MWC action, snapping a 40-
the captains' award.
game conference losing streak. Air Force also became the first nine
sophomore Katie Hilbig. One of Air Force's quickest and most aggressive defenders, Hilbig started 14 games during the MWC
seed in MWC Championship history to defeat a four-seed, as the
Falcons knocked off Colorado State in the opening round of the
The Falcons' award for defensive player of the year went to
conference tournament.
Sophomore Dymond James, who finished the season as the
The 2010-11 award winners for the Air Force women's basketball team were lauded at team's annual banquet. Earning top honors was
senior captain Beck, who was selected
and finished the year with 19 steals and five blocks.
by her teammates as
MVP for the 2010-11 season.
Beck, the Falcons' lone senior, was an outstanding all-around
performer this year, finishing the season with 11.4 points and 5.2
Falcons' top scorer with 11.5 points per game, received recognition as
Air Force's leader in field goal percentage (.439) and rebound-
ing (6.8). James finished the season ranked 10th in the Mountain West Conference in rebounds per game and was ninth in defensive rebounds per contest with 5.2. Junior Megan Muniz was the recipient of the "Triple Threat"
Academic Award, bestowed upon cadets whose core, cumulative
rebounds per game, ranking second on the team in both categories. She led the Falcons in both 3-point field goals made (54) and free
and semester GPAs are all at least 3.0. Meanwhile, junior Jamela
throw percentage (.836), while ranking second on the team in assists
Satterfield earned the Iron Bolt Award, given to the player who
(71), blocks (7) and steals (37).
demonstrates the greatest commitment to the team's strength and
Meanwhile, Beck closed out her career as one of the most deco
conditioning program.
Polaris staff
Nate Bratka lin blue) defends himself from Brian Corcorans
right jab. The squad mates squared off in the Wing Open's heavyweight bout, with Bratka claiming the win via decision.
(Right) William Jeong (in silver) trades blows with Drew Pineda in the 112-pound bout. Pineda connected on a flurry of punches to force the referee to call the bout with 15 seconds remaining in the opening round. It is the second Wing Open title for Pineda, who won by a walkover as a
(Below) Casey Habluetzel (blue topi lands a left hook to the head of Dalton Hall in the 165-pound match. Habluetzel upset defending
champion with a win by decision.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
Members of both teams pose with Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Mike Gould at the conclusion of the 2011 Wing Matt Coates waits tor his advancing opponent in the 195-
pound bout. Coates lost in a hard-fought match against Zak Spranger.
Open Championships. The winners of the Wing Open form the nucleus of the Air Force team that represents the Academy regional and national competitions. The Falcons have won 18 of 30 national titles and produced 102 national champions.
at the National Collegiate Boxing Association
Sweet science tests pugilist cadets' mettle Pith a chance to make the "Dirty Dozen." 24 members
of the Air Force boxing team stepped into the ring under the lights of Clune Arena March 3, for the 53rd installment of the Wing Open Championships. With the
majority of bouts going to the final bell, the winners showcased their talents and demanded a spot on the Falcons' national team.
Tyrus Korecki took to the ring for the finals at 156 pounds. Both boxers accounted for multiple scoring shots, but Silvio was able to earn the decision from Korecki for the second straight year. In his first Wing Open Championship appearance, junior Casey Habluetzel upset defending champion Dalton Hall by decision in the 165-pound contest. With both the 156- and 165-pound bouts, momentum swung between both boxers before going to the judges for the ultimate decision.
McLain, the 2008 and 2009 Wing Open champion at 175 pounds, took
The night featured seven repeat champions, including junior Mike McLain, who earned the Clune Outstanding Boxer Award following his third-straight
championship at 175 pounds. Sophomore Drew Pineda opened the night with a quick, decisive victory 112-pound bout. Facing freshman William Jeong, Pineda connected on a flurry of punches to force the referee to call the bout with 15 seconds remaining in the opening round. It is the second Wing Open title for Pineda, who won by a walkover as a freshman. The next two bouts were also stopped before the final bell. Senior Matt DeMars caused the referee to halt his 119-pound bout with freshman Justin Zahn in the third round. Zahn stayed with the two-time defending Wing Open champion throughout the first two rounds, but DeMars came hard in the
in third round and forced a stoppage seconds before the final bell. Junior
freshman Denis Voroboyov. The senior immediately took control of the ring,
forcing Vorobyov to his knee early in the first round. Midway through the second two-minute round. McLain connected hard with Voroyov and forced the referee to stop the bout. McLain becomes just the fourth 175-pound boxer to earn the Clune
Outstanding Boxer Award, as voted on by the coaching staff and judges, and the first since current volunteer coach Capt. Mark Clifford took home the trophy in 1997. Seniors Will Kuechler and Reggie Howard toed the line at 185 pounds for the second straight year, with Kuechler successfully defending his title. Freshman
Zak Spranger claimed his first title following a hard-hitting 195-pound
contest with senior Matt Coates.
Rainer Caparas, a Wing Open finalist in 2009, earned his first title at 125
The final bout of the evening featured two heavyweights from Cadet
pounds, when his opponent, freshman Stephen Bittner, was disqualified in
Squadron 27. Freshman Nate Bratko, a member of the track team, outpointed sophomore Brian Corcoran, a member of the Falcon football team, to earn the judges' vote. The two "big boys" came out firing and kept the crowd on their feet until the final bell, capping off a stellar night of Academy boxing. At the 2011 National Collegiate Boxing Association Championships in West Point, NY, Pineda won the 112-pound national title, as the Air Force boxing team finished third in the team standings. Pineda is the 105th NCBA national champion in the Falcons' impressive legacy. Facing Army's Ethan Issacson in the 112-pound championship, Pineda claimed the judges' decision for his first NCBA title. Pineda's title marks the
the third round following several warnings and point deductions for illegal
procedures. Senior Michael Mizes, celebrating his 22nd birthday, successfully de-
fended his Wing Open title at 132 pounds taking a decision from sophomore Will Petersen. In a rematch of last year's finals, Mizes gained the upper hand with scoring blows to earn the judges’ votes. At 139 pounds, junior Dan Starr captured his second Wing Open title with a decision over freshman Andrew
Munoz, while sophomore Glenn Miltenberg won his first championship bout at 147 pounds by decisioning junior Craig Spranger. Although Munoz and
Spranger were both able to connect on some solid shots, Starr and Miltenberg were able to earn their respective titles. In a repeat of last year's Wing Open finals, senior Joe Silvio and junior
sixth time in the last seven years that a member of the Air Force boxing team has claimed the 112-pound title at the NCBA Championships.
Media Relations
f 1
y ...
The Air Force dance team entertains fans during a time out at a men s
basketball game at Clune Arena.
(Right) The Bird demonstrates that it is one of the most versatile mascots in the country as it parachutes into Falcon Stadium before an
Air Force football game.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
When play on rne neia srops, rne spinr squaas ao rneir oesr ro
keep the crowd energized with dance routines, cheers, acrobat-
The Silver squad demonstrates strength, balance and agility during their basketball performances. All spirit teams spend countless hours practicing
ics and stunts like
for their moment in the spotlight.
pyramid building.
Spirited athletes entertain, energize crowds ome
of the busiest athletes at the Air Force Academy are
involved in the Spirit Program. With quite possibly the longest season and one of the largest rosters, this team is always busy and working hard
with smiles on their faces!
The Spirit Program is made up of four different teams. The
Blue and Silver Co-ed, Pom and Mascot squads support Air
Force athletics as well as other events and programs at the Air Force Academy and in the community.
The Blue squad began the season with twice-a-day practices and
During the spring semester the team performed at every basketball home game and traveled to the conference tournament in Las Vegas, NV. The Pom team also attended a private camp this year and logged many long hours practicing the dance routines they would perform in front of thousands. The team danced at every home football and basketball game. The mascot team was as busy as ever this year not only performing their unique brand of fun at Academy events, but also attending events around the Colorado Springs area. The Silver team kept a busy schedule as well this year,
attended private cheer camps. The team also traveled to all the away foot-
tailgates, Falcon Fanfest and women s basketball games thi
ball games this season, including the Independence Bowl in Shreveport, LA.
Spirit teamsSfecg
(Left) Junior Alexa Ramsier finished the 5800-meter
Rocky Mountain Shootout in 24:56. (Below) Sam Hair is part of a strong group of underclassmen returning for the 2012 cross country seascr
The team brings back seven rising seniors. 12 rising juniors and 12 rising sophomores.
Gage Owens jogs through the 8,000-meler course of the Rocky Mountain Shootout Oct. 2, The sophomore form McAlliseter. MT,
finished the races with a time of 28:34.
Kate Kanelzky (3) and Ramsier (5) set out with the pad' at the Rocky Mountain Invitational. Kanetzky led all Air Force women at the event yyith : a time of 23:55 which placed her 63rd overall.
Harriers set pace at conference finals
ighlighted by senior Justin Tyner's runner-up finish in the
finish line in 25:47.5 to place 18th. Freshman Isaiah Bragg rounded
men's 8000-meter race, three members of the Air
out the scoring runners with a 30th-place time of 26:29.3.
Force cross country team earned all-conference honors
Four other Falcons also competed in the men's 8000-meter race.
at the 2010 Mountain West Conference Champion-
Senior Tyler Small clocked a time of 26:55.6 to finish 35th, while
ships Oct. 29, in Laramie, WY. Tyner and junior Jon
freshman Lance Wolfsmith (27:31.1) and sophomore Andrew Qual-
Rock earned first-team honors in the men's race, while
lio (27:46.7) placed 42nd and 44th, respectively. Sophomore Seth
senior Katherine Ward became the first female to earn all-MWC
Pelletier rounded out the Air Force runners with a 47th-place time of
honors since 2005.
Running at an elevation of 7,200-feet, Tyner clocked a time of 2509.5 at Jacoby Golf Course to match the Falcons' best-ever finish at a Mountain West Conference Championship meet. The senior is
since Nicole Graham in 2005 to earn all-conference accolades,
On the women's side, Ward became the first Air Force female ing 13th with a time of 22:27.6. Her placement is the best since that and tied for the third-best MWC finish ever.
of three Falcons to finish second at the conference meet, joining
former Falcons Nick Wilson (2005) and Ben Payne (2003). Tyner,
Sophomore Melissa Fuerst, freshman Carley Gross and sophomore Morgan all finished within the top half of the field. Fuerst recorded a time of 23:02.8 to place 24th, while Gross (23:22.1) and Mosby (23:28.7) placed 29th and 30th, respectively. Sophomore Kate Kanetzky rounded out the team's scoring runners, as she placed 43rd
whose time was just eight seconds off of the meet winner, also joins
Payne as the only Air Force runners to claim two first-team all-conference
selections in a career.
Tyner was joined on the first-team all-conference list by Rock, who placed sixth in 25:15.8. The pair marked the first time since 2007 and only the fourth time ever that two Falcons claimed first-team honors at the same championship. Sophomore Jeremy Drenckhahn just missed all-conference honors, as he placed 15th with a time of 25:38.0. Four of the five scoring runners placed within the top 20, as the crossed Jim Walmsley junior
with a time of 24:14.4. In addition to the scoring runners, four other Falcons competed at the conference meet. Sophomore Jen Bremser clocked a time of
24:15.7 to take 45th, while freshman Stephaney Saari (25.50.1), junior Katie Carroll (25:54.6) and freshman Tasha Mayne (26:08.3) finished
63rd, 64th and 65th.
(\S » V
4 <
Athletic Media Relations
Freshman Adam Walker practices with a teammate ■
prior to the start of the Academy's Nick Toth Open
Sept. 18 and 19.
(Right! Simone Barrette was a NCAA All-American in 2010, was the team s MVP in 2009. After a strong
sophomore year, she became the program's top performing women's epee fencer establishing the best record in the history of women s epee fencing at the Academy. Photos by Amie Spencer -
I Dalton Boatwright spent the majority of the season competing in '
the epee division.
Daniel Trapani leaves the Academy as one the most decorated fencers in the program's history. He was named to the all-region team four times f and also earned an All-American title in 2011.
■ .
All-Americans get in touch with opponents ‘wo Air Force Academy fencers, freshman Daniel Cohen
and senior Daniel Trapani, earned All-American honors
Sophomore Scott Pippin finished in 24th place with four victories 1.174 pet, 55 TS. 107 TR and -52 Ind.l in his first national collegiate
at the 2011 NCAA Men's & Women's Fencing National Championships in Columbus, Ohio, March 24-27. Cohen, a freshman, finished tied for third place in the men's foil final four of the NCAA National Championships. Cohen lost to Miles Chamley-Watson from Penn State, 15-5. He
championship. Pippin was also the all-region after capturing the men's saber title at the 2011 NCAA West Region Championships March 5. "I feel the men did very well in the national championships," said head coach Abdel Salem. "They all had very respectable finishes, Daniel Cohen and Dan Trapani performed well, both had very good
finished with 18 victories (.783 pet. of bouts won, 103 touches scored
results and became All-Americans. All four of our Air Force
(TS), 65 touches received (TR) and 38 indicators (Ind.
fought some very tough bouts against some tough opponents. This was the best competition I've watched and I am very happy for both Cohen and Trapani."
TS minus TR).
Cohen earned his second career All-American title, his first at Air
Force; he placed fifth while fencing at Duke in 2009. Cohen also earned all-region status following his championship win at the 2011
In the women's tournament, sophomore Heather Nelson competed
NCAA West Regional Championships.
in the women's saber
Trapani, a senior, finished in eighth place with 13 victories (.565 pet.. 89 TS, 73 TR and 45 Ind.) in men's foil. After finishing the first four rounds on Day 1, Trapani moved up to finish in the top 8. He concludes his Academy fencing career as a two-time All-American (2009 and 2011). Trapani was a four-time all-region selection while at
23rd with only four victories (.174 pet., 59 TS, 105 TR and a school. In the West Region Championships, Nelson won the women's
Air Force.
ward to having her back as a team leader next year."
championships, March 26-27. Nelson finished
Ind.). It was Nelson's second participation in the NCAAs while at saber title with an 8-0 record. "Heather had some tough competition" said Salem. "We look for-
Polaris staf
(Above) Richard Ricketts and Andre Morris celebrate a bowl game
victory with the traditional dumping of Gatorade on Coach Troy Calhoun. AF defeated Georgia Tech 14-7to win the
Independence Bowl.
(Middle) Tim Jefferson makes a pass during the bowl game. Jefferson had 117 passing yards against Georgia Tech.
(Far Right) Reggie Rembert tries to steal a pass from a Georgia Tech receiver. Rembert had three interceptions in the season.
Photos by Mike Kaplan
M Ricketts tries to push his way through the Georgia Tech line.
(Left to Right) Ken Lamendola. Andre Morris and Alex Arndt celebrate after the playing of the Third Verse at the Independence Bowl.
Ricketts tallied 71 tackles in the season.
Morris made five tackles, all unassisted, during the bowl game.
ndence' win caps 9-4 season ir Force concluded the season with a 9-4 overall
complish four straight eight-win seasons and lead his team to a bowl in
record and finished tied for third with a 5-3 mark in
his first four year. Calhoun has led Air Force to a 33-18 career record
the Mountain West Conference to record its fourth
and is among the winningest coaches in MWC history with a 21-11
straight top four conference finish. The Falcons played in the Independence Bowl to mark the fourth consecu-
tive season in a post-season bowl for just the second
western State and a 35-14 victory over No. 24 BYU. Following a
The Falcons opened the season with a 65-21 win over North-
The Falcons have posted four straight eight-win seasons for just the
hard-fought 27-24 loss at No. 7 Oklahoma, the Falcons posted three straight victories to improve to 5-1 overall. Air Force defeated Wyoming, 20-14, than took its first step to the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy championship with a 14-6 win over Navy and jumped into the national rankings for the first time since 2003. The team also beat Colorado
second time in school history and first time since 1982-85. Troy Calhoun
State, 48-27, to win its first game as a ranked team since 2002. The
time in school history and first time since 1989-92. The bowl game was
the 21st in school history. The Falcons defeated Georgia Tech from the
ACC, 14-7, to notch their first back-to-back bowl wins since 19982000
is the first head coach in school
history to do so and is also the first
head coach in the 100-plus years of service academy football to ac
Falcons climbed as high as No. 23 in the polls. A trio of losses followed, but the three (continued on page 831
(Right) Kyle Haiderman
and Asher Clark
work to move the ball up the field. Clark amassed 1,031
rushing yards in the 2010 season.
r L
% Jr
It JH V •
L4C1 ^
Jonathan Warzeka and Mikel Hunter work together to
keep Army back. Warzeka made two touchdowns in Air Force-Army game.
(Right) Jon Davis prepares to defend whatever play Army throws his way. The Falcons beat Army 42-22. Photos -
by C1C Nick Holland
Quarterback Tim Jefferson races away from Navy defenders. Jefferson rushed for a total of 868 yards in the season. Photo -
by C2C Zach Schneider
Rick Ricketts and Andre Morris line up on defense against Navy. The Falcons defeated Navy for the first time in seven years by a score of 14-6. -
Photo by C2C Zach Schneider
CINC hardware comes back home 38-7 loss at No. 4 TCU and a 28-23 loss to No. 8 Utah in Falcon
yards per game. Junior quarterback Tim Jefferson was among the conference's top performers, ranking in the top 10 in rushing, passing and scoring. Jefferson dosed the season with 15 rushing touchdowns, the 10th most in school history. FJe also threw for 10 touchdowns
Stadium. The Falcons closed the regular season with three straight
which ties as the 10th most in school history.
...(continued from page 811 games are a little deceiving. The Falcons dropped a tough, 27-25, decision at top tour finishing San Diego State. The team lost back-to-back games to top 10 teams with a
2002 with a 42-22 win at Army. Air Force defeated New Mexico,
Fellow junior Asher Clark led the Falcons in rushing, becoming just the 15th player in school history to top the 1.000-yard mark in a sea-
48-23, in Falcon Stadium to tie a school record for most wins at
home over a four-year period with 19. The Falcons ended the regular
to reach 1,000 yards in a season and ranked third in the MWC in
Air Force won its first Commander-in-Chief's Trophy since
with a 35-20 win at UNLV.
Air Force has one of the nation's most prolific offenses. The Falcons won
the conference rushing title for the 12th consecutive year and
with 1,031 yards. Clark is just the third tailback in Air Force history
rushing with an 79.3 per-game average. The Air Force defense rani ed fourth in the conference ir^coma and total defense. The junior
ranked second nationally with a 306.5 per-game rushing average.
and Brady Amack and
The Falcons were third in the conference in total offense with 425.8
(Left) Nate Walker gets
ready to stiff-arm his Army opponent. Walker had a total of 15 carries and 109
yards against
Photo by C1C
Nick Debarmore
(Left) Tim Jefferson. Jomathan Warseka and Asher Clark line up behind center in a stacked-l formation.
(Below) Asher Clark breaks free from a Utah defender (Bottom) Marquez Jones celebrates with teammates after weaving his way to the endzone. Arnie Spencer
Photos by
Reggie Rembert had plenty to celebrate this season, as he was named Photo by Arnie Spencer third-team AP All-American.
Warzeka led the Mountain West Conference in kick-return yards with an 28.7 average He also returned two kickoffs 100 yards for touchy -
Photo by C2C Zach Schneider
Falcons confine winning ways under Calhoun Force's first first-team All-American since 1997.
...(continued from page 83) had three 10-tackle games to lead the Falcons. Waiwaiole finished 10th in the conference in tackles with a
Junior Jonathan Warzeka was named to several mid-season All-
American teams as a kick returner. Warzeka led the conference with
7.4 per-game average. Defensive back Reggie Rembert led the
team in interceptions with three and ranked second in the conference
in pass
28.7 average per return. He became the only player in school his-
tory to return two kickoffs 100 yards for touchdowns after returning one against Colorado State to go with the one against Houston in
breakups with a 1.0 per-game average. Rembert was a
first-team All-American selection by the American Football Coaches Association and earned third-team Associated Press honors. He is Air
last year's bowl game.
Alex Means makes a
diving attempt
to bring down
New Mexico
quarterback Stump Godfrey. Photo by Bailey Fox -
(Left) Andrew Hoops knocks a wedge shot towards the pm. One of Hoops best finishes was a three-round score of 242 he posted at the San Diego Intercollegiate Classic, held at the
par-72, San Diego Country Club. (Below! Caleb Leestma studies the line on his putt during a home match at the Academy's Eisenhower Golf Course.
(Bottom! Kyle Bailey rifles an approach shot down the fairway.
Bailey capped off his senior season with a 31st place
finish at the Mountain West Conference Championship at the Catalina Course at OMNI Tucson National.
by Arnie Spencer
Phillip Colwell goes through his pre-shot routine on the green. Colwell and Bailey were the top Air Force finishers at the Wyoming Cowboy Classic with three-round scores of 220 MO).
Head Coach George Koury Heft) looks on as Leestma hits his tee shot on a par three, Caleb is following in the footsteps of his oldest "brother_Ben who was a standout golfer at Air Force from 1998-2002.
Links masters edge out Army, Navy
ed by junior Robert Belz, Air Force golf finished eighth at the
Andrews at Andrews AFB, MD. Originally scheduled for 54 holes,
2011 Mountain West Conference Championship, held at the
the event was shortened to a single round of 18 holes after heavy
par-71, 7,144-yard Catalina Course at OMNI Tucson Na-
rain and
tional. The Falcons, who posted a score of 292 on the final
earlier in the week. In its single round, Air Force registered a team total of 373 (low
day, ended the tournament with a 23-over-par 875, finishing stroke behind Utah.
just Belz, the Falcons’ top finisher at the 2010 MWC Championship, tied for seventh place individually this year, carding a 212 (-1) for the one
tournament. It marks the best conference finish for an Air Force golfer since 2005, when
Tyler Goulding tied for seventh place.
Senior Kyle Bailey, whose best round was his last, finished tied for 31st at 221 (+8), followed by freshmen Kyle Westmoreland and Philip Colwell, who posted marks of 223 and 224, respectively. Rounding
unplayable course conditions caused the cancellation of play
five scores), edging out second-place Army by three strokes, while
Navy finished third at 379. Also competing was the Merchant Marine Academy, which posted a team score of 571. Leading the Falcons at the event were Westmoreland and sophomore Wes Denny who each carded a 73 (+1) on Tuesday. Also finishing in the top five was Leestma, who tied for fourth place with a score
of 74.
out the group of competitors for Air Force was Caleb Leestma, who
Finishing in the top 10 for the Falcons was Colwell, who shot a 76 to tie for ninth place, while Belz finished a stroke behind in a tie
finished in 41st place with a 230.
for 11th place. Rounding out the competition for Air Force were Kyle
In October, the team was able to hold on for its 14th-straight
victory at the Service Academy Golf Classic, held at the Courses at
Bailey and Andrew Fioops, who both shot a 79 to tie for 16th place. -
Polaris staff
his way across the
pommel horse. ;AAyers was named to the USA
Gymnastics Scholar-Athlete Team
(Right! Mac Ritchie's finish draws cheers from his teammates- Ritchie recorded a career-high
i/T ;
(14.200) on the parallel bars at the
2011 USA Gymnastics Collegiate National
■/. Championships in Springfield, MA. -
(Far Right) Dan KlimkoWski hold steady on the ■
rings. He paced the team with a third-place score qf 13.900 on the apparatus'during a dual meet with the University of Nebraska.. -
Photos by Arnie Spencer
Aaron Zaiser performs his parallel bars routine in the Cadet West Gym. Zaiser posted the Falcons' top mark on the floor exercise, scoring a season-best total of 14.500
Tory Brown wraps up his floor exercise routine. Highlighted by a 15th-place finish on the vault from Brown, the Air Force men's gymnastics team concluded the 2011 season with five individual performances at the NCAA Championships individual event preliminaries April 15, in ColumbuS, OH.'. Brown posted the best finish of the night for the Falcons, tying for 15th in a field of 51 with a score of 15.850.
Cadets become perennial powerhouse
he ninth-ranked Air Force men's gymnastics team claimed its second consecutive USAG national title March 25, at the 2011 USA Gymnastics Collegiate National Champion-
broke his own standard of 14.900 to easily win the preliminary on
the parallel bars. All four scoring finishers on that event surpassed the 14.000 mark, including Mills, senior Matt Thorne (14.200) and
ships in Springfield, MA. The Falcons collected a combined score of 345.700 to win the meet, highlighted by the highest overall meet scores on five of the six events. Air Force recorded its second-highest score of the season and fourth-highest total in Academy history to win its second straight
career-high marks from freshman Mac Ritchie (14.200) and senior
title. The 345.700 bettered the five-team field that included William
14.900. Klimkowski also finished within the top 10, tying for eighth
and Mary (344.600), Springfield (335.100), Army (334.500) and
with a score of 14.300.
Navy (332.600). Arizona State won the club team title with a score of 329.800.
One individual title was decided that night and freshman Colton Wulf placed second in the all-around with combined score of
Dan Klimkowski (14.100). The Falcons opened the night on the still rings, where Mills tied
for the meet lead with a score of 15.000. Junior Devin Menefee collected the second-highest score of the night, posting a season-best
Air Force claimed four of the top eight scores on the vault, includ-
ing sophomore Tory Browns runner-up score of 15.800. Freshman Ben Zaiser scored a 15.300 to finish fifth, while Wulf and Mills tied
for eighth with matching marks of 15.200. Brown also paced the
85.600. Wulf's score was just 0.100 off of the event winner. The Falcons posted the highest event scores of the night on the
Falcons on the high bar, finishing fourth with a score of 14.100. Sopho-
floor exercise (57.300), still rings (58.300), vault (61.5001 parallel bars (57.700) and high bar (56.000). Air Force's 57.700 on the
14.000, while Mills placed 10th with a 13.900.
parallel bars is a new Academy record mark by 0.600.
shattering the previous
Contributing to the Falcons' program record on the parallel bars was senior
Nash Mills' Academy record score of 15.200. Mills
James Okamoto and Wulf recorded the fifth-highest totals at
Wulf and Brown paced the Falcons on the floor exercise. Wulf was
the runner-up with a 14.900, while Brown tied for 10th with a
of 14.200. In the Falcons' final event of the night, the pommel horse, Okamoto posted Air Force's best finish with a 14.000 to tie
for sixth.
Polaris staff
(Left) Jessica Hanner was ranked seventh in the MPSF on the balance beam. Hanner is only a freshman and will be a cornerstone on the team in the coming years.
(Below) In her first season with the Falcons, Linnaea Hance accounted for all-conference honors on both the balance beam and in the all-around. The freshmon
ranked second in the conference on the balance beam with a regional qualifying mark of 9.680.
NCAAW Cttwwnoww^/^)
She was also ranked fourth in the all-around with
Lisa Wong (above) and teammate Brittany Dutton earned a share the conference title on the balance beam with career-best scores, the Air Force women's gymnastics team finished second at the 2011 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships March 19,
Junior Samantha Jones, who earned a lOth-place finish on the uneven bars at the USAG Nationals with a score of 9.675, was the fop Air Force
at the Academy's Cadet West Gym.
finisher on the vault, as she tied for seventh with a score of 9.700. She was one of two Falcons to place within the top 10 at the USAGs.
Team shows poise, power in pursuit of perfection omen's gymnastics concluded an impressive
at the USA Gymnastics Collegiate
finishes from freshman Jessica Hanner (balance beam) and Dutton
(uneven bars). Air Force opened on the balance beam. Hanner tied for third
National Championships with three USAG
the best beam score by any
national awards, as selected by the division
with a career-best score of 9.800
coaches. Brittany Dutton was named the Most
Air Force gymnast this season. Classmate Linnaea Hance tied for fifth
Outstanding Senior, while Doug Day was named Head Coach of the Year and Lumi Garcy was named the Assistant Coach of the Year.
Dutton, who wrapped up a stellar four-year career by winning the 2011 USAG uneven bars title, is just the second Falcon to earn
with a 9.725, while fellow freshman Emily Bucher (seventh tie, 9.675)
and senior Lisa Wong (ninth tie, 9.675) also finished within the top 10.
Dutton, the final competitor of the night on the uneven bars, tied for third with a mark of 9.750. The senior was also the top finisher on
the floor exercise, tying for 11th with a score of 9.725.
Junior Samantha Jones, who earned a lOth-place finish on the
the top gymnast award, joining 2004 recipient Erin Maguire. It is the
bars at 9.675, was the top Air Force finisher on the vault, she tied for seventh with a score of 9.700. She was one of two
second major award for Dutton this season, as she was named the
Gymnast of the Year by the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation in
Falcons to place within the top 10, as Dutton tied for ninth at 9.675.
Day claimed the first USAG Head Coach of the Year of his career, while Garcy claimed her first assistant coaching honor. Day, who was also named the coach of the year by the MPSF for the second straight season, is in his fifth year with the Falcons, while Garcy is in her first year. Garcy's award, is the first USAG coaching award for the Falcons since 2002, when Holly (Saunders) Tedeschi earned the assistant coach of the year award.
Prior to the USAG National Championships, the team posted a
combined score of 191.975 to finish third at the USAG team champi-
onships, at the Academy's Cadet West Gym. It is the Falcons first trip to the USAG team finals since 2003. The Falcons claimed top-three
Four members of the team earned academic all-conference honors, the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation announced May 20. With a
team-leading 3.37 GPA, Wong paced the quartet with her third
academic all-conference selection. A management major, Wong was one of two seniors to earn academic distinction from the MPSF, as classmate Holland Davis
made her first appearance on the list with a final GPA of 3.17, also in management.
Junior Tara Harris (3.01, operations research) and Jones (3.14,
behavioral science) also made their first appearance on t academic all-conference list.
Polaris staff
Sean Bertsch tries to make
wraparound goal against Yale. Air Force had a win and a tie in the season against Yale during the regular season, but during the NCAA playoffs the Bulldogs prevailed 2-1. Photo by Dave Hahn a
(Right] Jacques Lamoureux waves to his fans. Lamoureux was the Academy's first ever Lowe's Senior Class Award Winner for the 2010-2011 season.
Photo by AJ Gentile
(Below] A Falcon celebrates a goal against Sacred Heart in the American Hockey Association Quarterfinal Series. Air Force would win the series 2-1 in front of a Cadet Ice Arena.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Serratore era develops into Falcon dynasty
had Ziegler scored at 3:16 of overtime as third-
said. "We had a plan and our guys executed it to perfection. Yale is
ranked Yale, the top overall seed in the tournament,
defeated 20th-ranked Air Force, 2-1, March 25, in the NCAA East
Regional at Webster Arena at
Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, CN. Air Force's season ended with a 20-12-6 overall record.
In a scoreless first period, Air Force had an 8-7 shot advantage.
Yale opened the scoring at 7:28 on Brian O'Neill s 19th of the season. Jason Torf made a pad save, but the Falcons were unable to clear the puck out of the zone. Nick Jaskowiak knocked a puck down at the blue line and his shot from the right point was tipped in by O'Neill on
the back door. Through the first 15 minutes of the period, Yale
outshot Air Force, 9-1. However, in the final five minutes of the period, AFA had a 4-3 shot advantage. The Falcons tied the game with 1:26
remaining on Sean Bertsch's fifth of the season. Ryan Timor collected a loose puck in the Yale zone and fed Mike Walsh for a shot from the slot. Scott Kozlak dropped the puck to Bertsch on the back wall. The senior from Woodland Park, CO, scored
on a
back-hand wrap-around
through the five hole to tie the game. Each team had five shofs on goal in the third period, but neither scored and the game went into overtime tied at 1-1. Air Force dominoted the first few minutes of the overtime and five shofs in three minutes. Once Yale got the puck in the Falcon zone, Jaskowiak took
shot and Jason Torf made a blocker save. Ziegler followed with a rebound and Torf made a kick save. Ziegler followed his own shot a
and as he was falling forward, he chipped the puck over the pad for the game winner at 3:16 into overtime. "I could not be prouder of our team,’' head coach Frank Serratore
explosive and we knew they would come at us hard. We rope-adoped them for two periods and they expended a lot of energy. I thought we had more legs in the third period than they did. But they made a second effort play and it went in. Sometimes life ain't fair, but I could not be more proud of these boys." "Our coaches did a great job of preparing us for this game," senior Jacques Lamoureux said. "We had them right where we wanted them, but their goaltender was great and they made a play. They are the No. 1 team in the tournament for a reason. They win games like these. It hasn't sunk in yet, but it's tough." Junior Paul Weisgarber earned three of the seven major awards and Lamoureux was named the team's most valuable player at the 2011 Air Force hockey banquet.
Weisgarber earned the team's Vic Heyliger award, the cornerstone of Air Force hockey. The award, voted on by the team, is given to the player whose dedication, character, leadership and work ethic
exemplifies Falcon hockey and is named after the Academy's first hockey coach. The winger from Fargo, N.D., truly embodies the award. A tenacious penalty killer, this season he was second on the team with a career-high 13 goals and sixth with a career-best 25 points. Weisgarber's two game-winners were tied for second on the team and 15th in the AHA. He is one of just three players, and the only forward, in school history to win three major awards, joining Mike Keough in 2000 and Billy Devoney in 2007. Weisgarber also earned the Jim Bowman Award as the team's top scholar athlete and the Larry Cronk Award as the teams most inspiretional player. Not only was Weisgarber (continued on page 951
(Left) Blake Page works to get a quick shot off in an
attempt to score. Page had a total of five goals
and five assists throughout the season.
(Below) The Falcons meet at center ice with the Black Knights from West Point. The Falcons
outscored Army with a total of 9 goals in the two
matchups. (Bottom) Stephen Carew and goalie Stephen
Caple work together to keep the puck out of the net. Caple had an .896 save percentage in net and Carew scored five goals and had four assists in the seaons. Photos by Arnie Spencer -
Red hot team leads to ice cold victories (continued from page 93) among the team's top scorers, but he
this season and played in all 38 games on the blue line. He had the only assist on Derrick Burnett's game-winner vs. Robert
made some of the biggest plays of the season by scoring timely
goals, drawing penalties, winning faceoffs and blocking shots. In the class room, Weisgarber has a 3.57 cumulative grade point average.
Morris, Feb. 26, as Air Force clinched a bye in the first round of the
playoffs. Torf earned the John Matchefts Award voted on by the team,
In his major of management, he has a 3.95 GPA. He has been on the
the team's freshman of the year. The first goalie to ever win
Superintendent's List for excellence in academics, military studies and
athletics every semester.
the award, Torf's 16 wins this season were the second most of any
Lamoureux earned the Chuck Delich Award as the team's MVP.
freshman goaltender in the nation. He started 30 consecutive games
This award, voted on by the team, is named after the Falcons' lead-
dating back to his first career win over third-ranked Yale, Nov. 14.
ing scorer and program’s third head coach. Lamoureux led the team with 24 goals and 44 points this season.
An AHA all-rookie and all-tournament team selection, Torf finished
A second-team all-conference selection, Lamoureux was named
percentage. He tied his career high with 40 saves and recorded his
the MVP at the AHA Tournament as he helped lead Air Force to
second career shutout in the 1-0 win over RIT in the AHA champion-
its fourth AHA title in five years. He scored the game-winner in both
ship game.
games at the AHA Final Four. His 13 power-play goals lead the na-
tion and his five game-winners are the 10th most in the country.
He ranks sixth in AFA history with 79 goals scored, the most
the season with a 2.87 goals-against average and a .909 saves
Senior Brad Sellers was named the team's defensive player of
the year. This award is presented to the defensive player who the
coaching staff feels was the team's most diligent defensive performer.
by any Falcon in the last 25 years. His 136 career points rank 15th in school history. This season, he broke the league record with 59 career goals in conference games. Sophomore defenseman Mike Walsh won the team's most improved player award. After playing just over half the games as a
Sellers' 46 was the best on the team and the fourth best in the
freshman, the Vernon Hills, IL, native had a career best seven points
when he scored the game-winner against Clarkson.
league this season. The Centennial, CO, native posted a career +45 which is the best
by any player in head coach Frank Serratore's 14-year tenure. Sellers was named to the all-tournament team at the Denver Cup this season -
Polaris Staff.
»Mmwm -
iWNj. \mndi m»VuV»\\V>VinV>n\Vn\Vll'
ill <utWM§ U| HI -\\\\VAVuuAV,
Adam Paranka breaks away from an Ohio State
defender during a match at Falcon Stadium. Paranka will be one of seven rising seniors on the team for the 2011-2012 season. He started in 10 of 13 games this season.
(Right) Brian Wilson makes a save in goal for Air Force. Wilson was the teams starting goaltender in all 13 contests. He recorded 96 saves on the season.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Below) The team takes the field at Falcon Stadium, proudly waving the American flag.
Zach Carroll battles a-
Buckeye defender for, open space. The senior,
midfielder from Freehold
Township, NJ, scored 12 goals and eight assists Ffe was also named
Freshman Franklin Martin passes the ball to a teammate. The freshman from Memphis, Tenn saw action in 6 games
tri-captain for the 201Q2011 season.
this season and tallied 1 goal.
Sandtorv earns MVP, All-ECAC honors
ed by senior Vinny Sandtorv, Air Force lacrosse picked up
33 points, including a team- and career-high 27 goals. Starting all
9-6 win over Hobart to close the season on a high note.
13 games for the Falcons at both attack and midfield, Sandtorv also
Sandtorv, playing in his final game for the Falcons, tallied a
posted career-high numbers in assists (six), ground balls (24) and man-up goals (seven), leading the Falcons in the latter category. Dayton Gilbreath was named the Falcons' defensive MVP for the second-straight season. A three-time all-conference honoree, includ-
game-high three goals. Hobart scored the first goal of the game, with Cam Stone
getting on the board at the 8:55 mark in the opening period.
later with an assist from Erik Smith, while Sandtorv gave the Falcons
ing a second-team all-conference selection this year, Gilbreath was responsible for shutting down the opponents' top scorer. This season, he
the lead with a score in a six-on-four situation at the 1:12 mark.
registered a career-best 30 ground balls, while also finishing second on
Air Force freshman Mike Crampton notched the equalizer six minutes
Smith, assisted by classmate Kyle Cassady, found the back of the
the team in caused turnovers with 14.
The Statesmen responded
With as many as five freshmen in the starting lineup for the Falcons
with a man-up goal from Tim Bigelow to get back within two goals.
this season, the Rookie of the Year award was one of the toughest to
However, Air Force went on a 3-0 run, which included the first career
decide, but the honor went to freshman Erik Smith (Golden, CO), who also earned the Ground Ball Award and Face-Off Award. Smith,
net in the second periods opening minute.
goal from sophomore Alex Kauth. Scott Hewitson added another Air Force goal to give the Falcons' a 7-3 advantage at the break. Cassady scored a man-up goal on another six-on-four opportunity for the Falcons, giving Air Force the 8-5 advantage with 8:36 left in
named one of the top freshmen in the nation by Inside Lacrosse, started all 13 games at midfield for the Falcons. Senior defenseman Benson Oldmixon was the recipient of this year's Most Improved Award. Starting in 10 games this season, Oldmixon
the third quarter.
With a two-goal cushion going into the final period, Air Force
pushed the margin back to three with another goal from Sandtorv, assisted by classmate Zack Carroll with 10:52 to play. It proved to be
helped anchor the Falcons' defense which allowed just 8.6 goals per contest, the team's best defensive average since 2006.
the last score of the game, as both goalkeepers made several out-
Earning the Falcons' Unsung Hero Award was senior captain Tristan Newkirk. After spending his first three seasons as a midfielder, Newk-
standing stops in the fourth quarter.
irk made the switch to defense this year in an effort to improve the
The Falcons won five of their last seven contests, ending their season
team. In his first year with a long pole, Newkirk had a strong season,
with a 6-7 overall record and 3-3 mark in the Eastern College Ath-
finishing the year with 14 ground balls and ranked third on the team
letic Conference, tying for third in the conference.
with 12 caused turnovers.
Earning the team's top award
most valuable player was senior
Meanwhile, senior Woody Johnson was also honored with the Pace
captain Sandtorv. Sandtorv earned second-team All-ECAC honors as a midfielder for the second-straight season to help lead the Falcons to a 6-7 overall
Weber Award, which is presented yearly as a tribute to C1C Pace
record and a 3-3 conference ledger. Also named the Falcons' offen-
recipient is an individual who most exemplifies the characteristics by which Pace Weber lived his life. Polaris staff
sive MVP, Sandtorv finished the season with a team- and career-best
Weber, who perished along with his instructor in a T-3 flight training accident here at the Academy. Voted on by members of the team, the -
(Abovel In a
dual match with the University
of Nebraska, Mike Seery had the team s highest smallbore score
with 583 points.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Above, right) Tom Chandler was named first-team smallbore and second-team air rifle All-American by the National Rifle Association (NRAI following the 2011 NCAA Rifle Championships hosted by Columbus State. Chandler finished 15th with an aggregate score of 580 in the smallbore three-position (relay I: 98-98-93-98-96-971 at the NCAA Championships.
(Right) Assistant Coach Michael Anti works with Robert Vasquez during practice. Vasquez brought home top honors in the air rifle competition against The Citadel with a score of 588.
Z \ Kl* p
Team builds on success, sets sights on future
he Air Force Academy rifle team lost to TCU, 4,699-
rifle, York had 582 for an overall score of 1,147, two points above his
4,620, in the NCAA Qualifier Match Feb. 12, in Fort
"TCU had a really good day," said head coach Launi Meili. "We shot just below our season average."
Only the top eight teams can qualify for the NCAA
Championships in March. In 2009-10, Air Force placed ninth overall. In the qualifier, Air Force scored 2,285 points in smallbore and 2,335 points in air rifle. Individually, senior Tom Chandler finished fourth with 580 points in smallbore. In smallbore, the three different positions: kneeling, prone and standing, Chandler fired a perfect 100 in round two of the prone position. Junior Mike
aggregate to finish eighth.
"This whole season we were around ninth or 10th in the standings."
Seery finished in sev-
Meili said. "In our final few matches we started shooting the kinds of scores
that it would take for the team to get to nationals, so I was
hopeful we were on the upswing of all the hard work we had
done over the season and that it was starting to pay off. The shooters gave it their all, but we really needed another score pushing 4,640
to secure a spot in the top eight for nationals.
We shot a 4,620, and
that was not enough to finish the season like we had wanted."
Chandler was named first-team smallbore and second-team air rifle All-American by the National Rifle Association following the 2011
enth place with 571 points. Juniors Pat Everson finished ninth with 568
NCAA Rifle Championships hosted by Columbus State. Chandler
points and Kyle Phillips placed 10th with 566 points. In air rifle, Chandler scored two perfect 100s in the first and final
finished 15th with an aggregate score of 580 in the smallbore three-
rounds, rounding out his final score of 586 and a sixth-place finish. Junior Robert Vasquez placed seventh with 586 points. Seery had 582 points, Phillips finished with 581 points and Everson finished with 578 points. The three finished in 10th, 11th and 12th place, respectively. Also competing in the Qualifier was sophomores Matt Kluckman with a 569 and Ben York, who shot a 565 in smallbore.
In the air
position (relay 1: 98-98-93-98-96-97) at the NCAA Championships March 11, in Columbus, GA.
"Tom had a great career at the Academy and he made it to the
championships his final season," said Meili. "It's the most exciting match of the year and he shot just below his average. Of course you'd like to finish on top, but that's realistically where his scores have been and
he maintained it.
Athletic Media Relations
Fernando Suito-Acuno extends to deflect an opponent's shot.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Right) John Tilton heads a ball during a home match against Sacramento State. The senior defender from Arlington, WA scored one goal this season. Photo by Arnie (Below) Matt Underwood makes a sliding grab. The freshman appears to be the incumbent candidate for the goalkeeper job during the 2011-2012 season. Photo
C1C Elizabeth Borroni
Sophomore leads team with four game-winners he Air Force men's soccer team saw its 2010 season come
game at 3.11. Durr earned first-team all-MPSF honors in 2010.
Tilton, a defender from Arlington, WA, played in 17 games this
to an end Nov 10, with a 6-2 loss to Sacramento State in
and scored the second goal of his career, the game-winner, in 2-0 victory over San Jose State on Oct. 22. Tilton was a member
the quarterfinals of the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation
Tournament in Sacramento, CA.
Junior John Melcher and sophomore Zane Dydasco each scored for Air Force, which finished the campaign
with a 7-12 record.
of the MPSF all-academic team for two seasons.
Melcher, a midfielder from St. Simons, GA, played in just 11 games this year due to an injury. He scored one goal this past season, AFA's
The team honored five players, including sophomore Kevin Durr as the team's Most Valuable Player for the 2010 season. Senior John Til-
first goal in the MPSF Tournament game against Sacramento State.
ton earned the prestigious Coach's Award, Melcher was named the
Compton, a midfielder from Murfreesboro, TE, played in 14 games and started 10 this season. He did not score but attempted 15 shots, including three on goal during the 2010 campaign. He was named to
Most Inspirational Player, junior Patrick Compton the Most Improved
Player, freshman Caleb Downey the Rookie of the Year. Durr, a midfielder from Garmisch, Germany, started all 18 games he played in during the 2010 season. He finished second on the team in scoring with 10 points on four goals and two assists. All four of his goals were game-winners, including three in MPSF play. He tied for third in the conference in shots with 56 and was second in shots per
He attempted 17 shots during the season, with eight of them on goal.
the MPSF all-academic team earlier this month.
Downey, a midfielder from Evergreen, CO, started all 19 games this season. He scored the first goal of his career, and only goal this season, in a an assist
3-2 upset victory at New Mexico. Downey also posted
and finished the season with three points.
Polaris staff
(Above) Senior Meogan Eissele heads the ball to deflect it away from the opposing offense. The senior defender started 18 games for the Falcons this season.
(Right) Stephanie Patterson puts the ball in place via a free kick. A junior forward, she led the team with 14 points and five goals.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Above) Kelly Stambaugh started 18 games in goal for the Falcons during the 2010-2011 season. She notched
89 saves during her sophomore season at the Academy..
(Left) Sophia Lockerby clears the ball past an opponent. The junior midfielder from Great Falls, MT, started 11 games scoring one goal and one assist.
Falcons barely miss conference pla he Air Force womens soccer team drew a 0-0 tie at
Wyoming in their Mountain West Conference season finale. The Falcons needed a win to extend its season, but fell just short. A win would have put the Falcons into the Mountain West Conference Championships.
The Falcons concluded the 2010 season with a 8-9-2 overall record and 1-5-1 mark in conference play. Wyoming moved to
7-9-3,1-3-3. Air Force recorded 17 shots in the game, while Wyoming had 23.
Coach Larry Friend announced his team awards for the 2010
Murphy earned the team's Most Valuable Player award. Murphy started all 19 games for the Falcons and led the team
with five assists and ranked second with 11 points and third with three
goals. Her five assists were the most by a Falcon since Beth Boyer had six in 2001. Murphy earned All-Mountain West Conference 'm jmSSKh. % honors for the third-consecutive season. AM Sophomore forward Stephanie Patterson earned team Offensive MVP honors. Patterson led the Falcons in scoring for the second-
Junior Bridgett Murphy led the Falcons with five shots.
consecutive season, with five goals and 14 points. Her 14 points
Freshman Kelly Stambaugh had five saves at goalkeeper for AFA. Stambaugh also notched her fifth shutout of the season, setting a
scored are the most by a Falcon since Beth Boyer notched 24 points
school freshman record. Her 0.98 goals-allowed per-game season average is also a freshman record and the second-lowest in school
in 2001.
Sophomore defender Kim Koeppen earned Defensive MVP Koeppen helped spearhead a backfield that held opponents
to a 0.91 goals allowed average the lowest in the program's Div.
history. The team enjoyed its winningest season since 2002 and posted
I history and second-lowest mark ever. The team also posted seven
its best winning percentage since 1999. The Falcons also had its best
shutouts, which is also a new Div. I era record and third fewest in
play since 2002. Air Forces nine losses is the
school history. Freshman Leah Bratt earned Most Improved Player
fewest since 1995 and the second-fewest in school history. The eight
honors and junior midfielder Krystin Shanklin earned Most Inspira-
wins are fourth-best in school
in conferenece
Athletic Media Relations
Tom Hanson was named to the conference all-
academic team for third time this year. Hanson recorded the teams fastest 400 individual medley time in 2011 with a time of 3:58.66.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Right) Brent White competed in the 1-meter diving competition this His high score for the season was a 381.65 at the Intermountain
Shootout in Grand Junction, CO.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Below] Josh Hammervold competed in the 200 breaststroke at the
Indianapolis Grand Prix, at the III Natatorium, Hammervold finished with a time of 2:25 65
Above) Peter Cialkowski was named to the Mountain
West Conference all-academic team in 2011. Right! Micah Newmann ranks fifth all-time at the Academy in the 100-meter freestyle with a
time of 44.84.
The freshrran from Duncanville. TX looks to have a strong
future as a member of the Academy's swim team.
Gunn takes aim at AFA records, garners awards he Air Force men's and women's swimming team capped off a
successful 2010-11 season at the 2011 Mountain West Conference Swimming & Diving Championships in Oklahoma City,
400 free relay, 200, 400 medley relay). The men finished sixth at the MWC Championships, while the women
finished ninth. Air Force earned all-conference performers in 10 total events, led by
OK. The Falcons broke ten school records, had 40 swims that cracked the schools' all-time top-10 list and nine NCAA B-cut
Butler and Gunn's all-conference honors in four different events.
Gunn, a senior, earned Air Force's first-ever conference title in the
Leading the way were senior Benjamin Gunn and junior Corydon
200 yard butterfly event with a time of 1:46.21. It was Gunn's third
Butler for the men. For the women, Haley Holcombe and freshman Erin
overall MWC title. The Gainesville, Ga„ native earned AII-MWC
Holcombe earned AII-MWC honors in the 100 and 200 butterfly
honors in the 200 individual medley, where he was runner up, the 200
events and set school records in the 200 fly and 200 and 400 medley
backstroke and was the leadoff leg of the all-conference 800 free relay
relay groups. Bleyl capped off one of the most successful freshman campaigns in Air Force history by setting five school records (100, 200 back,
earned the MWC Senior Recognition award. (Continued on page 107)
team. Gunn set a new school record in the 200 back (1:45.60) and also
wm Ben Gunn sel a new school record in the
200 backstroke with a
time of 1:45.60 and
also earned the Mountain West Conference
Senior Recognition
(Above) Newcomer Elizabeth Keenen competes in the butterfly. She was named an all-state swimmer in Arizona.
(Above, right) Freshman Alma Berg recorded some of the top times in many freestyle categories this season for the Falcons.
Below (Right) Alex Trobe checks the scoring clock as freshman teammate Michelle Kuyper enters the water.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Left) Moranda Hern tallied a season high score of 210.25 in the 1-meter dive and 254.30 in the 3-meter dive. (Above) Erin Bleyl set Academy records in the 10Q« meter backstroke and the 200-meter backstroke with times of 56.28 and 2:01.66 respectively.
AF women rewrite Academy record book (continued from page (05) Butler, a junior, earned all-conference honors in the 200, 500 and 1,650 freestyle events. The Williams-
burg, VA, native was a top-five finisher in all three events, earning NCAA B-cut swims in the 500 and 1,650 free events. In addition to the middle and distance free events, Butler anchored the 800 free
second-leg of the 800 free relay group. Martinelii, a sophomore from Vero Beach, FL, also earned all-conference honors in the 800 free relay. Martinelii swam the third-leg of the relay.
relay group.
Holcombe earned all-conference honors in the 100 and 200 butterfly events. The sophomore from Snellville,GA, broke her own
Leonhardt, a freshman, capped of a stellar freshman campaign by earning all-conference honors in the 200 fly. The Plano, TX, na-
school record in the 200 fly, with a time of 2:02.36. Holcombes time of 55.31 in the 100 fly is the second-fastest in school history. In addi-
tive placed fourth in the 200 fly with a time of 1:48.97, which is
tion to her accomplishments in the fly events, Holcombe was part of
the seventh-fastest mark in school history. Leonhardt also swam the
AFA's school record 200 and 400 medley relay groups.
Rosie Mayou was a two-time
Caitlin Teresky competes in both the 100 and 200 backstroke
competitions for the Falcons. She was named team captain for the 2010-2011 season.
(Left! Lance Wilhelm returns serve. The sophomore from Gig Harbor. WA, was named the team MVP for the second consecutive year.
(Below) Andy Jackson earned the team's Lightening Bolt Award for most dual match wins with 17.
(Bottom) Freshman Alex Grubbs had a 17-16 singles record this season and a 14-16 doubles record. Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Left! Taylor Soster. who suffered a shoulder injury in his final singles match as a senior at the Academy earned the Rich Gugat 'Attitude is Everything" Award for character leadership and attitude. (Above) Although he is only a freshman. Ali Revzi saw plenty of action in both singles and doubles competition this year.
Tennis rebuilds road to success in MWC he Air Force men's tennis team wrapped up its 2010-11
campaign Wednesday with a 4-0 loss to 54th-ranked TCU in the quarterfinals of the 2011 Mountain West Conference Championships in Fort Collins, CO. The Falcons finished the season with a 10-14 record. In doubles play the Horned Frogs came out swinging
and never looked back. TCU began the match by claiming a victory at the No. 2 position, with Paul Chappell and Cameron Nash notch-
leadership. Team captain Taylor Soster suffered a shoulder injury in singles and it was a difficult way to finish his last match as a Falcon. Alex Beaussart played very well and was fighting hard at 4-6 when the match was decided. Both seniors leave a great legacy and have lots to proud of in the Air Force tennis careers.' The team honored the 2010-11 team at its annual banquet. Sophomore Lance Wilhelm was named the team's Most Valuable Player for the second consecutive season, while junior Mike Tope was named
ing a speedy 8-1 win over Taylor Soster and Alex Grubbs. Moments later, the Horned Frog tandem of Daniel Sanchez and Zach Nichols
team captain for the 2011-12 campaign.
secured an 8-4 victory over Alex Beaussart and Steven Young to
the No. 1 position. That number would have been higher but four of
capture the doubles point. TCU's Christopher Price claimed the first singles victory of the match after Soster had to retire due to a shoulder injury in the first
his six matches against MWC opponents resulted in a third-set super-
set at No. 3 singles. Nichols then notched a straight-sets win over
Andy Jackson (6-3, 6-1) at the second position to put TCU up 3-0 in
Wilhelm won 12 overall singles matches this season, including 10 at
tiebreak loss. Wilhelm tied for second on the team with 14 overall doubles wins and went 8-6 at the No. 1 spot with freshman Andy Other award winners included Soster, who earned the Rich
the dual. Slah Mbarek closed out the dual for the Horned Frogs, re-
Gugat "Attitude is Everything” Award for character, leadership and
cording a 6-3, 6-1 victory over Grubbs at the No. 4 spot. The other
attitude. Beaussart took home the Iron Bolt Award for the hardest
three matches were halted at that time.
worker in the weight room. Freshman Steven Young received the Most Improved Player
We needed to play our best tennis today and it didn t happen, said Air Force head coach Dan Oosterhous. "It's been a season of up
Award and Andy Jackson won the Lightning Bolt Award for mosf
and downs for our team and unfortunately we finished the season not
dual match wins. Air Force finished the season, the second under head
playing our best. Our seniors did a great job this year we II miss their
coach Dan Oosterhous, with a 10-14 overall record.
(Below) Sarah Cassman earned the Intercollegiate Tennis Association's Arthur Ashe Jr. Leadership and Sportsmanship Award. The award is given for outstanding sportsmanship and leadership as well as scholastic, extracurricular and tennis achievements, Cassman became the first Air Force
female in the Division I era to have four consecutive 20l
win seasons in
this year.
singles after posting a 21-19 overall record
(Bottom) Anastasia Hueffner finished her freshman compaign just below the .500 mark in singles and doubles wins with duplicate records of 19-20. She is part of a
strong core group of underclassmen poised to take thereigns next season.
r hristen Monreal received
the llA's Cissie Leary Award for
'.poflsmcinship She finished her four year run at Air Force with a 74-80 singles record.
Members of the women's team celebrate a 5-2 victory over the University of New Mexico, fhe Lady Falcons finished the season with an 8-3 home record.
Seniors leave foundation for success he Air Force women's tennis team completed its 2010-11
with a 4-0 loss to 55th-ranked Utah in the quarter-
ments. Cassman became the first Air Force female in the Division I
(1996) to have four consecutive 20-win seasons in singles after
finals of the 2011 Mountain West Conference Champion-
posting a 21-19 overall record this year. She led the team in singles
ships in Fort Collins, CO. The Falcons finished the with a 16-11 record, tying last year's mark for the most wins
victories and her 88 career singles wins are the most by any AFA
in one season since a 20-10 record in
"It was a great day to play tennis and the team showed up to
female in the Division I era. In addition, Cassman tied for the team lead with 25 doubles wins this season. Monreal finished her career with 75 singles wins and played the
play," said Air Force head coach Kim Gidley. The doubles was huge and we had a lot of opportunities and just fell short. If we had
No. 1 position each of her last two years. She is a two-time team MVP and earned all-Mountain West honors this season. The Cissie
converted at match point it could have been a different match. In the singles, the fight was there, they were just stronger than us. Overall I
Leary award is given to a player who displays inspiring dedication and commitment to her team, which has enhanced her team's performance and exemplified the spirit of college tennis.
really proud of the energy and effort and the team had a great
Three members of the team received regional honors from the
"Two awesome awards for two amazing individuals," said Air Force head coach Kim Gidley. Sarah and Christen are both great
Intercollegiate Tennis Association. Senior Sarah Cassman was the recipient of the Arthur Ashe Jr. Leadership and Sportsmanship
ambassadors for the Air Force Academy and have represented the
Award, fellow senior Christen Monreal won the Cissie Leary Award
well deserved honor for each of them."
for Sportsmanship and Nick Dargene was named Assistant Coach of the Year. All three won the award for the Mountain Region, which
cord in his three seasons at the Academy. The 42 wins are the most
consists of 21 teams. Each of them was one of 12 on the ballot for
in a
their respective national award.
Cassman won the Arthur Ashe award for the second consecutive season. The award is given for outstanding sportsmanship and
leadership as well as scholastic, extracurricular and tennis achieve-
women's tennis team with the highest standards. This is a great and
Dargene, meanwhile, has helped lead the Falcons to a 42-40 rethree-year span since Air Force won 43 between 2001 and 04. He has also helped the program's recruiting efforts, evidenced by the number of freshmen that made an immediate impact during his tenure. Air Force is one of just nine teams in the nation to receive at least
three regional awards this season.
Athletic Media Relations
(Left) Charlie Perkins sets the pace in the one-mile run at the Don Barrett Duals.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Below) Noah Palicia was awarded honorable mention All-American status in the decathalon. Palicia scored 7.385 points at the Mt. SAC/California Invitational this spring.
(Bottom) Robert Drye scored a season-high distance at the Mountain West Conference Outdoor Cham-
pionships where he tossed the hammer 209-feet, 11-inches.
Ivassie ourneii earnea me womenb i \ewLumei
award after setting a new Academy record in the outdoor
triple jump, breaking the program's 26-year-old record.
Lesly Torres clears the second set of hurdles at the Don Barrett Duals. Torres set a personal record in the 60-meter Mountain West Conference Indoor Championships with a time of 9.46.
hurdles at the
Athletes get on track for successful campaign ighlighted by a first-team honor for senior Justin Tyner,
three members of the Air Force track and field team were awarded All-America distinction by the U.S. Track
and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association. Tyner claimed first-team honors following an eighth-
place finish in the 3,000-meter steeplechase finals
season, she became the second runner in
11 years to impact the
Academy's top-five list in the 10,000-meter run, moving into fourth with a sophomore class record time. She also moved into ninth all-time on
the outdoor 5,000-meter run.
The team also received nine all-conference selections following the Mountain West Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Fort Col-
June 10. In addition, junior James Cole and senior Noah Palicia were awarded honorable mention All-America status. Cole placed 24th in
lins, CO. By finishing within the top three of their respective events, nine individuals and one relay earned all-MWC distinction.
the national finals of the discus throw June 8, while Palicia competed on the first day of competition in the decathlon before being forced
The men's team claimed nine all-conference honors eight individuto mark the most such awards at an outdoor als and one relay
to withdraw with injury.
Tyner was one of seven men from the Mountain West to earn first-team distinction and one of 10 to place within the top 16 of their respective events. Cole is the first member of the Falcons' men's team to receive USTFCCCA recognition in the discus throw. Palicia bethe second Falcon to earn All-America honors in the decathlon. This season marked the first year USTFCCCA awarded three divi-
sions of All-America honors. First-team mention was awarded to those
who earn any portion of a team point at the national championships
(first-eighth place). Second-team All-America honors were given to those who place from ninth to 16th at the national meet. In addition,
championship participants who did not place within the top 16 are listed as honorable mention for the All-American award. On the women's side, junior Paige Blackburn and sophomore Kate
championship meet since 2007. In addition, the eight individual awards collected by the men's team are tied for the most since 2004.
Bryce Bergman claimed a share of two all-conference accolades, after winning the conference title in the 400-meter hurdles and running a leg of the 4x400-meter relay team that placed third. With a third-place finish, the quartet of Bergman, Manny Smith,
Chris Severino and Anthony Delgado claimed all-MWC relay honors for the second straight year and marked the first time since 2002 the Falcons have claimed all-conference honors in the 4x400-meter relay during both the indoor and outdoor season.
Tyner and Robert Drye earned all-conference medals after claiming first-place finishes in the 5,000-meter run and hammer throw, respectively. Tyner and Drye, the Academy's first-ever champion in
Kanetzky were named to the 2010-11 Capital One Academic All-
the hammer throw, claimed their second all-conference selections of
District VII Team for track and field and cross country.
their careers in their respective events.
Blackburn concluded her junior year with a 3.44 GPA in civil engineering. She led the Falcons in all six throwing events and ranked third in the conference in the shot put and javelin. A 2011 NCAA national semifinalist in the discus and javelin, Blackburn made several improvements on the Academy's all-time list, moving into second in the
Conner Van Fossen and Mike Lauritzen earned all-conference honors in the javelin throw, after finishing second and third, respectively. It
indoor shot put, third in the weight throw, outdoor shot put and discus
throw and fifth in the hammer throw. In her first year of eligibility for the academic all-district award, holds a 3.73 GPA in geospatial science. During the track
is the 10th time in 12 years at least one member of the Falcons'
team has accounted for a top-three finish at the conference meet.
James Cole became the Academy's first all-conference honoree in the discus, behind a third-place finish, while Michael Tibbs and Cale
Simmons added all-conference honors in the decathlon and pole vault respectively. Tibbs was the conference runner-up in the decathlon, while Simmons took third in the pole vault.
Athletic Media Relations
(Left! Freshman outside hitter Annalyse Schmitt ("91 digs the ball bach toward her teammates with
encouragement from
Caroline Kurtz Schmitt started opposite Kurtz this season ore ended up third on the team with 230 kills.
Photo by Amie
Spencer (Below) Maiya Perich's burst of emotion is seconded by her teammates as Air Force wins a critical point during a male"
Falcon Court. The home team enjoyed their greatest popularity ever with record-setting attendance of more than 7.000 this season. Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Bottom] Plead coach Matt McShane speaks to his pla,-
during a time out. In his first year at the Academy, McShane and his assistants have cultivated a new
attitude and confidence among players that resulted in the end of a
losing streak.
five-year Mountain West Conference Photo by CIC Nick Holland
Caroline Kurtz rears back to serve The senior outside hitter led the falcons with 376 kills and earned Academic All-Conference honors.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Conference home win paves way for future success
icole Stilwell's match-winning kill against San Diego State caused an eruption at the Academy's Falcon Court in the Cadet East
Gym Oct. 21. It was
perhaps the high point of a season showing much improvement that left fans hopeful for more to come.
The last kill against San Diego was probably the highlight of was over," my career. I saw the pass and just knew that the game
have been working so hard and waiting for this moment." The team also relied heavily on seniors, including Emily Frick, Jacqueline Norton and Julia Hansen, throughout the season. But with
juniors, the rest of the load fell to a pair of sophomores and six freshmen which explains speculation about greater things to come. The rejuvenated team brought drew fans in record numbers in no
2010. The total season attendance of 7,045 shattered the previous record of 5,613. The 1,284 fans at the Oct. 9 match against
Wyoming was an East Gym record
Stilwell said, because I knew Jess was going to give me the ball. It was an amazing accomplishment for Air Force
Volleyball, and I'm just happy that I part of it." The senior middle-hitter connected
was a
with her classmate, setter Jessica Hellman, to secure a
25-23, 16-25, 25-23,
Academic All-Conference Claire Bieber, freshman, foreign area studies (3.50) Jessica Hellmann, senior, English (3.73) Caroline Kurtz, senior, systems engineering (3.90) Maiya Perich, sophomore, foreign area studies (3.39) Nichole Stilwell, senior, mathematics (3.67)
25-23 win snapping a Mountain
and marked the second time Air Force
attendance topped 1,000. Freshman Annalyse Schmitt left a mark on the record crowd and Cow-
boy defenders. She led the team with 14 kills, one of them off the forehead
of the Wyoming setter. For the season, her 230 kills finished third behind Kurtz
West Conference losing streak that reached back to 2005. Senior outside hitter Caroline Kurtz paved the way to match point by
(376) and Stillwell (237). This and the many accomplishments of her
racking up a career best 24 kills. Kelly Spencer, also a senior, led the team with 16 digs.
fans reason to look ahead to 2011 and beyond. The team banquet honored the seniors with the following awards:
fellow underclassmen throughout the rest of the season give Falcon
It feels awesome," head coach Matt McShane said. 'We knew
Most Improved, Julia Hansen; Defensive Player, Kelly Spencer, Of-
going to win a match. Maybe not when, but we knew we were going to win one soon. I am so proud of the seniors. They
fensive Player, Nichole Stilwell; and MVP, Caroline Kurtz. Freshman Claire Bieber earned the Coaches' Award. James Rush
we were
Mike Fish gathers during a home match against Loyola Marymount University. Fish recorded 246 saves and 27 steals in 2010. Photos by Arnie Spencer in another save
(Right) Head Coach Jeff Heidmous meets with the team during a time out. Heidmous returns to the team as head coach after an IIyear hiatus. He is a member of the USA Water Polo Hall of Fame.
lower, right) Bobby Geiger fires a shot on goal.
Geiger led the
team with 67 goals this season.
-gjrz, *>,
Geiger was an honorable mennon Mii-Mmencan seiecrion by the Association of Collegiate Water Polo Coaches. Geiger is the 17th Falcon to earn All-American distinction
Anson Harvey looks to pass the ball to an open teammate.
Harvey is one of four juniors reluming for the 2011 season
Familiar face returns to water polo helm
period, but it was a short-lived
ater polo looks to return to its roots as Jeff
in the first 30 seconds of the second
Heidmous was named the head coach prior to the start of the 2010 season. Heidmous served
advantage, as the Falcons tallied four unanswered goals before the
as Falcons head water polo coach from 1981-
Redlands never came closer than two goals the rest of the way, as Air Force pulled away in the fourth quarter, outscoring the Bull-
84 and 1986-1998. He compiled a career record of 232-202-1 in 17 years as the head
coach and led Air Force to two league championships.
half to take a 6-3 advantage into the intermission.
dogs, 4-1. In addition to Lemmen's four scores, Smithson and Versage added
A 1977 Academy graduate, Heidmous is currently the chairman of
three goals each. Also getting on the board for the Falcons were
the NCAA Men's Water Polo Committee and was inducted into the
Kurt Wallin, Dillon Fisher and Taque Patino with a goal each. Air
USA Water Polo Hall of Fame in 2002.
Force also received strong play from sophomore goalkeeper Mike
The coach's first season back ended with senior Kurt Lemmen scoring four times to lead seventh-seeded Air Force past fifth-seed
Fish, who was credited with 13 stops in the game.
Redlands for fifth-place at the 2010 Western Water Polo Association Championship, hosted by the University of California-Santa Clara. With the victory, the Falcons closed out the 2010 season with a 13-18 overall record.
Geiger was been named a 2010 honorable mention All-America selection by the Association of Collegiate Water Polo Coaches. Geiger becomes the 17th water polo player in school history to earn All-America distinction.
Geiger, a second-team All-Western Water Polo Association
Air Force scored the first two goals of the game, with Cruz
honoree in 2010, led the Falcons with 84 points on the season, includ-
Smithson and Matt Versage getting on the board for the Falcons. However, Redlands closed out the opening period with two goals of
ing a team-best 67 goals. The team captain closed out his Air Force career ranked fourth all-time in scoring at the Academy with 286
their own to tie the contest at 2-2.
points. In addition, his 214 career goals are the third-most in school history. Polaris staff
The Bulldogs grabbed their first lead of the game with a score
Cole VonOhlen tucks his foot around Jesse Cruz's calf to gain control of the Western State wrestler s leg. The Falcon sophomore's 18-2 technical fall was one of 44 wins tallied this season as
he mowed through opponents enroute to an NCAA Regional
ship title in Clune Arena March 5.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Above Right) Kazden Ikehara tries to finish a single-leg takedown
during his opening
at the regionals against Eric Brennan from Northern Colorado.
Competing at 184
pounds for the Falcons. Ikehara had 16 wins this season.
(Right) Alec Williams leverages Oregon State's Alex Elder into a takedown slam that led to a 4-2 win. A junior, 10 of Williams' 26 wins this season were by fall including one
in a minute flat.
Joe Stafford roughs up Western States Zach Frazier enroufe to a win by fall at
1:55. Stafford, a senior team captain, made it to the regional finals helping the team take third overall behind Northern Iowa and Wyoming.
Oregon State's Charles Johnson buckles under the strength of Falcon Neil Delaney s take down. Competing at 197 pounds, the senior took third at the NCAA Regional Championships.
Von Ohlen rips through NCAA regionals
ed by a regional title from tournament Outstanding Wrestler
with a hard-fought 3-1 decision. In the championship finals, Stafford
Cole VonOhlen, Air Force wrestling placed third at the 2011
faced Wyoming's Patrick Martinez, but came up short in a 6-2 loss.
NCAA West Regional March 5, in Clune Arena. The Fal-
Meanwhile, four other Falcons finished third in their respective
registered 59.0 points to finish behind Wyoming (93.0
pts.) and Northern Iowa (87.0 ptsi Wyoming, capturing its second-straight regional champi-
onship, finished with five regional champions, while Northern Iowa
weight classes. Senior Derek Gillespie placed third at 133 pounds for the third-straight season. After dropping his semifinal match against eventual champion Flint Ray of Utah Valley, Gillespie recorded a pair of victories in the consolation bracket, earning a 17-2 tech fall over
claimed a pair of individual titles. North Dakota State, which placed
North Dakota State's Justin Solberg, before winning a 10-6 decision
fourth with 45.5 points, and Utah Valley, finishing fifth with 41.5
Ryan Jauch of Northern Iowa in the third-place bout.
points, each brought home an individual title. Rounding out the team
At 165 pounds, sophomore Clayton Gable dropped his opening
scoring was Northern Colorado in sixth place (24.0 pts.) and South Dakota State in seventh place (14.0 pts.).
round match to Northern Iowa's Trevor Kittleson, 5-1, but rebounded with three straight wins in the consolation bracket. After scoring a
VonOhlen claimed his first West Region title at 141 pounds with a 3-0 record. The lOth-ranked wrestler in the nation, VonOhlen did not allow a single point by his opponents, recording a fall and a pair of
technical falls. In his opening match, VonOhlen pinned South Dakota State's Tyler Johnson in a time of 1:28, before registering a 16-0 tech fall against Wyoming's Chase Smith in the semifinals. The champion-
16-0 tech fall over John Nething II of South Dakota State, Gable pinned Utah Valley's Jeb Clark in a time of 4:54. In the third-place
bout, Gable had a rematch against Kittleson, this time avenging his loss, pinning Kittleson with 40 seconds remaining in the third period. Senior Neil Delaney also scored a third-place finish at 197 pounds,
ship bout saw VonOhlen roll to a dominant first period 16-0 tech fall against second-seed Justin Morrill from Utah Valley. Although he did not place at the NCAA tournament, finishing with a 2-2 record, he
knocking off second-seed Nick Bayer from Northern Colorado in a 5-4 double tiebreaker decision. He then dropped a close 6-5 decision to UNI's Andy O'Loughling in the semifinals, before capturing a third-place finish with a 4-1 win over Drew Ross from North Dakota
finished the year with a 44-9 overall record. His 44 wins rank first in
Division I this season and are the most by an Air Force wrestler since
Rounding out the group of place winners for Air Force was heavyweight Jared Erickson. After an opening round bye, Erickson came up short in the semifinals, dropping a 3-2 decision to Wyoming's Matt McLaughlin. He rebounded in the consolation bracket, coming up with
the 2003 season
Also advancing to the regional finals was senior captain Joseph Stafford, who placed second at 174 pounds. Stafford opened the
day by pinning South Dakota State's Joe Rasmussen in a time of 6:24, while knocking off second-seeded Brice Wolf of Northern Iowa
8-0 major decision over NDSU's Will Johnson before scoring a 2-0 win over SDSU's Kevin Kelly to earn third place. Polaris Staff
Academy's formal training in military,
academics, athletics and character is thor-
ough, but not all encompassing.
Clubs pro-
vide opportunities for cadets to round out
their lives and learning with additional com-
petitive, recreational and personal development opportunities that match their interests. are
Because clubs
elective pro-
pursued in an impassioned manner. Bonds of
strong as members jointly live their dreams within the
Recreational Clubs Academy Concerts Aerobatics Club Aikido
Mission-Academic/Professional Astronomy/Physics
Chemistry Cyber Warfare
0 Arnold Air Society
Eagle's Club Hispanic/Latino Club
0 History
Internationa Club
Mock Trio
Cadet Outfitters
Operations Research
Pacific Rim
Car Club
0 Chess
Way of Life
0 Portuguese Club
Combat Conditioning
^Combat Shooting
0 Space Society
Equestrian Falcon Club (BB/BS)
Fitness-Bodybuilding Fitness-Powerlifting Fitness-Weightlifting
0Cycing Judo
Ice Sports
&0 Lacrosse, Women's
Model Engineering
Mountaineering Racquet Club
Rugby, Men's ^Rugby, Women's Ski —Alpine
Ski Club
Ski -Nordic
Ski, Freestyle
Team Handba
0 Soccer C ub
Tae Kwon Do
Ultimate Frisbee
Trap and Skeet
Volleyball, Men's 0Waterpolo, Women's
0 Wargaming
#Fast Pitch Softball
^Featured in Club Section, pp 120-135 OSee Group Photo Section, pp 170-189
Mission-Support Chorale/HC Drum & Bugle
Falconry Flying Team Honor Guard
Orchestra RATTEX Sabre Drill
0Show Choir
Soaring &Wings of Blue
1. Cadets who study Aikido demonstrate their martial skills at an open house tor cadet clubs.
Photo by C4C Jessie
McDowell 2. Los Padrinos dancer Nick DeBarmore and his partner swivel their hips to Latin sounds.
Photo by James Rush
3. Mock Trial lawyer Clayton Schmidt cross-examines a witness (from another
school) during a competition here Oct. 17. -
Photo by Mike Kaplan 4. A cadet Falconer and mascot bird
perform on center stage at a football Photo by C4C Heath Schule game. -
Susa 0 Vanden Dries lays down a bunt in order to move her teammate from first base into games 9-0 and 8-0..
Photos by C4C Jessie McDowell
scoring position during the second game of a double-header here against Navy Oct. 1. Air Force blanked the mids in both
Softball 124
Improvements show promise of next season ed by captains, Katie Schuler and
Kansas State, the second-ranked team. "We have such
Amber Sells, the Air Force Academy womens
fast-pitch softball team com-
peted in yet another strong
This year was different from previous seasons
because the Academy al-
lotted the softball team limited on-season status for both the fall and spring semesters. "We
young team and carry a
ton of potential. We have a great chance of
making it to nationals next year," said Christa Ewasko who will be next year's captain along with Kaylee Hay and Susan Vanden Dries. Speaking of a young team, freshmen Elise Hill and Kelsey Dees pulled through for the
attitude of the team was unbeatable. As a
four-degree it was especially nice to be able to escape from the chaos while being able to do something I love, be competitive with it, and have fun," Said Dees.
Although the team does not spend as much time together as your average intercollegiate team for practices, it is full of positive energy.
team when it needed them the most. Hill is
There is never a dull moment around the soft-
of intramurals, but now we have grown closer than we had in the pasts," said Erin Doran
the fastest pitcher the Academy has seen in a
ball team with their charisma and "loving life"
while, and was rightfully awarded the National
regarding the change.
Collegiate Softball Association pitcher of the
The softball team's ultimate goal is to make it to nationals in April of each year. The top 16
year award. She also carries her weight at bat
teams from all over the United States qualify
shook off a rock-climbing incident and broken
and coached the games ourselves," said
with only one team per region allowed to
ankle to step up as catcher after the team lost
Schuler. "It was awesome to have so much
partake. Air Force's last showing was in 2009 where they finished in sixth place, beating
its incumbent starter at the position.
ownership and this was a great leadership opportunity for team." C2C Kaylee Hay
struggling getting
practice in because
the team's leading home-run hitter. Dees
"The friendship and relaxed, yet focused
"The part about our team that I liked best was
how much it was run by cadets. We ran
our own
practices, scheduled our own games,
1. Team captain Katie Schuler (black sweatshirt) gives a final pep talk prior to the Falcons taking the field in game one.
2. Thirdbaseman Erin Doran chases a Navy
player during a run down between third base and home plate. 3. Elise Hill meets her teammates at home
plate after hitting a home run. The freshman
led the team in home runs and was the
primary pitcher earning recognition from the National Collegiate Softball Association. 4.. A Navy batter tests the ride side of
Air Force's defense but firstbaseman Susan
Vanden Driess is ready.
Fast-PitchI Softball I
A Combat Pistol Team member supervises weapons training for a fellow cadet this
The team held several familiariza-
tion courses during the year in an effort to
better prepare cadets for the expeditionary environment into which they will graduate. -
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Combat Pistol
earn 126
Shooting team promotes expeditionary mindset realizing the importance of
I'm developing. I don't want excellence to be c punch line," said Cadet 1st Class Ken Costello, team cadet in charge. "What I do want is for everyone to buy into the team and pour their
skills in areas such as small
blood, sweat, and tears into its success and
arms, close quarters
promoting its mindset. It's kind of a way of life
convoy operations, and specialties that extend
but it's absolutely necessary in today's conflicts.
irmen support
ground opera-
tions with fellow Soldiers and
Marines and so cadets are
far beyond the role of "stick jockey." The Academy's Combat Shooting Team, for-
merly the intercollegiate pistol team, is a prime
example of this shift toward a joint tasking mentality that demands dynamic and flexible expeditionary Air Force officers. "You'll find there is a huge gap between
[previous] cadet culture and the culture my predecessors have developed and that I hope
The core group of 16 cadets selected
during the first semester seeks to enhance the expeditionary mindset of Academy graduates by exposing the team members to diverse materials in subjects such as combat mindset, tactical marksmanship, advanced weapons manipulations, advanced field casualty care and foreign weapons familiarization through various scenarios. Team members then spread
this knowledge to other members of the Cadet
Wing in a leadership experience via military training time. [These cadets] participate purely on their
personal time," said Maj. Meghan Ripple, Combat Shooting Team officer in charge. own
[They] devote an incredible amount of time and energy to improve their warrior skills with no
extrinsic reward."
The team hones their skills during multiple
practices each week at the Academy Combat Arms Training Maintenance Range. The team
applies its skills during advanced training conducted by guest instructors as well as civilian and intra-service competitions. Courtesy the —
Combat Pistol Team 1. The Combat Pistol Team
tacked up targets at the
Academy's weapons range prior to a training session. Photo by Arnie Spencer -
2. An M-4 rifle lies grounded next to a spent shell casing.
The missing ammo clip and open ejection port show the weapon is safe.
Photo by
C4C Andrew Bathurst 3. A pistol team instructor
pantomimes the technique for holding and aiming a rifle
during a lesson. Arnie Spencer
Photo by
Combat Pistol Team
A Wings of Blue performer is about to make a different sort of -
Photo by Arnie Spencer
touchdown on the field at Falcon Stadium before one of the
Academy's home football games
Parachute teams realize dreams at national events cademy cadets do things others may only dream of doing and nothing compares to the wakeup call of ’standing" outside of a plane 17,000 feet above the ground with only what's on our back to save you. Each day the USAF Parachute Team Wings of Blue and Wings of Green experience this flight in its purest form, gliding through the air like a flying squirrel. The USAFPT is divided
been seen falling into baseball games, horse races and even NASCAR And what would an airshow be without the finest U.S. parachute
into two parts, the WOBs and the WOGs.
combat controllers, special forces and world class jump coaches, this past
"At first I didn't really think about trying out for the team," said
team gracing the sky?
In addition to the demo team, the PTWOB has about a dozen fliers who compete on the national and college level. In teams of two or four the team slips though as many free-fall aerobatics as they can before
pulling the cord and floating to the ground. Expertly trained by former year was one of the team's most successful.
sophomore Mitch Agee, "but I had such a good time at AM490 [Basic
At the national collegiate completions, every member of the Wings
Parachuting] that I tried out, and with a little bit of luck...maybe a little
of Blue took home a medal for something in which they competed. In
than a little bit, I made it."
the end, USAFA took first place overall. Even more memorable was a
If you ever catch a WOB on a day they are not wearing a flight suit, you can usually tell who they are by the way their uniform looks, blues
dream come true finish for the team at the U.S. nationals competition
first place.
sharp, still undimmed by the light of day, their BDUs still crisp from the
This is no easy feat, with only three years or less of experience, cadets
time they put starch on it three years ago, when this is the second
may face veterans with more than 30 years of jumps. Not just limited to schools and students, the national completion is against the nation's best
time you are in the UOD it usually looks pretty good.
Now it is reported
by the WOBs, that WOGs are a lot easier to pick out, because "you can smell them from around the corner." Hygiene aside, the WOBs and WOGs represent the Academy well. This past year the Wings of Blue have been debuted across the country. In addition to every Falcon football game, the Wings of Blue have
jumpers, all of whom could not measure up to our own Wings of Blue. "With the sky as our playground, the smile of a first jump as our passion, a team dynamic that makes our time here exhilarating and a pro-
foundly deep bond We are the Wings of Blue," said senior Ike Leuthold C1C Raphael Watson
1. A Wings of Blue member takes advantage of his center stage moment to propose to his girlfriend after jumping into Falcon Stadium prior to a football game.
by Arnie Spencer 2. A jumper gets ready to leave the comfort of the drop plane.
Courtesy photo
3. Parachutists line up on final ap-
proach to the landing zone. Courtesy photo
4. The jump team's excellence in
performing their aerobatics maneuvers earned them first place at the U.S. Collegiate and U.S. Nationals competitions this year.
Coleen Pacurariu breaks away and is about to place the ball for a try during the Falcons
10-5 win against Colorado State University. -
Photos by Arnie Spencer
Rebuilding season ends with strong finish he 2010-2011 Women's Rugby season was one of constant
potential, skill and achievements. Fall season saw a rough start having graduated five starting seniors, gaining two new coaches, and recruiting more girls, all new to the game. The team faced a tough challenge after finishing the previous season ranked fourth in the Western Rugby Union Collegiate Championships. "This year was focused completely on rebuilding the team with new plays, techniques, and strategies," said senior co-captain Elizabeth Smith. Steady progress was made through October, when they played the Navy Women's Rugby team, ranked 10th in the nation. The midshipmen
increase in
came away
with a 20-5 win, but Air Force overcame many obstacles,
including more than half of the starting players being in their first year of rugby. "Regardless of the score, at the end of the day, we were still a ridiculously good-looking team and that lasts longer than any rugby game score,"
said Delaney Kiernan. Obviously, motivation and enthusiasm was still high.
The revamping of the team was far from complete. Junior and senior members had work to do, considering everyone was in new and unfamiliar positions. The increase in new
double their number of forwards.
players, however, allowed the team to By spring season, much improvement was
"Scrums were stronger because props and locks were able to drive harder and deeper. Flankers were able to get off faster and eliminate
opposition so the new and improved back line had a better chance of scoring," said Michelle Mendelsohn, the team's other senior co-captain. "If that wasn't possible, the forwards were properly trained to find holes right up the center of the field."
At the beginning of March, the cadets successfully put their new skills to the test beating league leader Colorado State University 10-5. This win,
along with more hard work and dedication will hopefully lead to a strong C2C Emily Ryals
start for the 2011-2012 season.
1. Ann Dally strips the ball from an opponent.
2. Layne Harrod (left! and Mackenzie Schofield
(right) assist Shaina Thompson off the field after an injury.
3. Ann Dally, the scrum-
half, places the ball into an
Air Force scrum.
4. Emily Ryals (back) and
Layne Harrod (front) lift the main jumper, Theresa
Cameron, allowing her to steal the ball from the op-
ponent during a line-out.
Women's Rugby
Meredith Dilley goes through her warm-up routine
prior to a game at service academy rival West Point.
Courtesy photc
Womens LAX team bonds to succeed on, off the field ne
of the most close-knit teams at the Academy
that most people take for granted
Although their funding is lim-
compefition locally and from rival Army.
lacrosse, commonly referred to as LAX.
"People ask me what sport I play. I say
The team's biggest competition comes from West Point, Westmin-
lacrosse. People ask me what I do for fun. I say
step Colorado School of Mines, and University of Northern Colorado.
lacrosse. People ask me who I go to when I
With these teams and many more, women's lacrosse spends all year
need someone who I know I can count on. I say Lambda Alpha Chi
LAX, my sorority sisters," said senior team captain Trisha Penrod. "I remember passing physics freshman year thanks to the girls and gallons of automated Oasis vanilla lattes. Being able to truly act like a
status for the entire team all year long.
ited and does not allow travel all across the country, they do face stiff
is womens
girl in a world of boys is one thing I'll always miss. From stuffing our
faces at pre-game dinners to going out on the town, it's nice to be a
girl for just a little bit." Like other dubs teams, women's LAX does not enjoy intercollegiate status, but over the years have been able to achieve limited on season
honing their skills and creating an unforgettable team on and off the field.
"Joining this team my freshman year was the best decision I could make for my cadet career. These girls are always here for each other whenever anyone needs anything. I can't imagine a closer knit group," said Penrod.
"Although graduation will be here before we know it, I am confident that what has been created over the past four years will live on," said Penrod.
CIC Raphael Watson 1. Amanda Robillard battles for the ball with an opponent from Westminster University. Teammates Meredith Dilley and Linda
Lam position themselves to sup-
port should Robillard gain control. 2. Meredith Dilley, Angela Fox and Lindsay Johnson team up in the kitchen to make some sweet treats.
3. Rachel Yuen and Angela Fox chase down an opponent from the Colorado School of Mines
during the team's final game of the season. 4. The team charges onto the
field at West Point.
Women's Lacrosse
1. The Cadet Honor Guard and Color Guard spend countless hours honing drill and marching skills in order to carry on
long-standing military traditions.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
2. The Cadet Orchestra brings it's sounds to Arnold Hall. Photo by Mike Kaplan
Cycling Club biker Jared Becker tears through a mounPhoto by C1C Don Feeley
tain trail on the Academy.
4. Drum and Bugle Club members are regular performers at cadet sporting events and they frequently represent the
Academy at parades and other shows around the country. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Song and dance are on the playbill for fhe Cadet Show Photo by Arnie Spencer
6. Erik Shok (left) deflects a kick from Dalton Miller during a
Taekwondo demonstration.
Courtesy photo
Assorted Photos
Cadets do the darndest things. And it's true.
Cadet Life is another aspect that adds to the Academy culture. It is sometimes
impossible to explain to our civilian
relatives half of
and the
exciting adventures we experience. us
Truly, it sets
apart from the norm and
show our brilliance. INTEGRITY
give our best to be the I:
leaders for tomorrow, but wh have tons of fun while we're
Wisdom of elders helps to cope with Cadet Life adets who survive the physical, academic and military
ing at the ones from the past • Got a dirty car? You can wait for it to rain again (it happens
rigors of the Academy often owe their success to some of the small lessons learned by their predecessors. Short
every other day so you are usually okay), but for the dry spells, just inform
cuts save time (there's never enough of that valuable
the underclassmen borrowing it the fee is a vacuum and car wash
commodify) and advice can prevent headaches. Here's
Mop and glow is a great way to get your shoes shiny quick, just don't do it all the time, or else it will be a quick way to ruin your shoes
quick list of some of the most popular helpful hints.
USAFA Short Cuts
Find someone who knows how to tie a tie (probably the ones
Use shirt garters and duct tape to keep your bed looking sharp
Put your bed in Saturday Morning Inspection readiness and then
undo it
put a mattress pad over that to keep your bed ready for inspection and
looking good Pay a four degree in pizzas to make your bed every SAMI (practice is good for them) Get old Graded Reviews from people who are taking the same course a semester early, when you get them it won't mean anything to you, but it is a huge way to save time studying for your own GR by look •
Cadet Life
going to church every Sunday) and once they tie it for you, never
Buy a skateboard. When you need to get down to the parking lot in a hurry, it definitely pays off Take as many summer school classes as possible. It pays off in the end and not being able to go home CAN be bearable •
USAFA Advice •
Get a cadet boyfriend
when you need him the most
if is awesome, he is
always around
(Left) Friendship bonds made at the Academy tend to be
especially strong and remain valuable for life. photos
(Below Left to Rightl Cadating, or dating other cadets, has benefits and drawbacks to take into consideration. Staying inspection ready can consume a lot of time if cadets fail to learn preparation short cuts for activities like making beds. Cadets are strongly encouraged to take advantage of a
variety of Academy programs that enable them to see the world. Supporting classmates at Academy events is one of the most popular ways to pass time on the hill and it has the
added benefit of building esprit de corps.
Do NOT get a cadet girlfriend, it is nice at first because she is always around, but soon you find out she is always around and you can •
never •
are •
get rid of her
ones we
did you know that there used to be a Medal of Honor recipient serving
food at Mitchell Hall? Talk to these people, there's a lot to learn
Enjoy the relationships you make, they will never die; people you close to now will be your friends for a lifetime There's always a bright side, look for it, or you will always be
found in the dark Go on all the trips and cultural exchanges you can, they are are and once in a life time experiences, and you will appreciate who you •
Depressed? Cadet Service Learning is the best dose for depression, there is a reason why it says service before self on the core values ramp, sometimes losing yourself in others is the best way to find yourself Support your class mates, go to their events •
Make a schedule and stick to it, the number one cause for in workout time, which is subsequently filled recondo is not
Some of the most interesting people at the Academy are the
Read books if you can, if not, read later
Don't spend your whole loan on alcohol/impulse buys/luxury items
Thank you to C1C Kurt Lemmen, C2C Wendy Lathrom, C3C Preslee
of being on recondo are slim)
Join a club at USAFA, there are so many things to do here, most
bored cadets just don't know what is out there
what you have so much more
with more hulu and DOTA (if you don’t know what that is, your chances
take for granted, Goodwill, Mitchell Hall, Tailor Shop, etc...
Maki, C4C Andrew Berwyn, C4C Andrew Josephson and many more for contributing to the advice for future generations of Air Force officers. -
C1C Raphael Watson
Advice and Shortcuts
Sarahs Big Adventure' born from good friends' ingenuity
aving the entire weekend free, a paycheck to cash, a car to drive away in and a couple of friends who enjoy the outdoors adds up to a Colorado road trip and camping! Blue Weekends, consecutive days without military
or some
sort of mandatory fun, are rare, so when
the opportunity above arose, Dan Dwyer and I had to
ing with us!" At first I thought he meant the real Sarah, but he meant her picture. "No silly, well just bring her picture with us..."
"Oh and well take pictures of her picture!" I said finishing his thought.
Laughing uncontrollably, we took Sarah off the wall, ran to my room and took a photo of Sarah in front of my valet mirror. Soon after we
embarked on what we appropriately named "Sarah's Big Adventure."
seize it.
Luckily for Academy cadets, National Parks abound in Colorado and
Every step of the journey was carefully documented. Photos of
wanted to see as many as we could in one weekend. We made
Sarah were taken at every random opportunity. Sometimes she got
preparations and invited two French cadets who would have been stuck on
Dan knew this and suggested, "Shaina, we should take Sarah camp-
away from us and took pictures with strangers! But most of the time we
the Hill.
took pictures of her doing the random activities involved with camping:
Walking back from main Vandy to the tower the night before the
helping set up the tent, starting the fire, eating Chef Boyardee cooked in the can over the fire.. .even packing the car up when it was time to
trip, Dan and I passed the group staff pictures hanging up on the wall. Hanging there was a photo of the one other person I'd want on the trip, Sarah Radakovich. 140
Unfortunately, she was already in Boulder, CO.
Cadet Life
go home. We took over 150 pictures, most of them of Sarah.
It was a special trip, made more so by the involvement of
Unable to join her friends
during a Colorado excursion, Sarah Radakovich is present in
spirit as her portrait is taken to Waffle House and other stops over
the weekend.
(Left to Right) Dan Dwyer and Shaina
with whom we would not normally have spoken. Sarah was a
fantastic ice breaker. At times it seemed people thought maybe she had been killed in Iraq and we were doing this trip in her memory, but after Dan explained she was just not with us in the sense that she was
somewhere else, I think their opinions changed from empathetic to
Thompson settle for carrying a portrait of Sarah Radakovich with them during their weekend camping trip since their friend
could not join the fun.
The pals and Radakovich pose outside the
Zapata Falls Recreation Area. Dwyer shows the way to the alligator wrestling in
Alamosa, CO.
Thompson gets a feel
for the Great Sand Dunes National Park.
Courtesy photos
No one ever turned down a picture with our friend, and Sarahs Big Adventure is immortalized by the 106 photos in my Facebook album
by the same name. Blue Weekends are a great chance for cadets to break the cycle of the average weekend of going to Denver and partying. Instead,
try something totally different, act a little childish and maybe get stared at in grocery stores for taking a bunch of pictures in the we can
produce aisle. There are a lot of things to do if you just get a little creative.
C2C Shaina Thompson Blue Weekend
Proud AF cadets see Navy sunk anatical institutional pride surged at the Academy during Navy Week
decked out in their new uniforms, the upperclassmen were anticipating a discre-
noted in a 14-6 Air Force win over Navy's football team Oct. 2.
tionary pass, and all the while the freshmen were stoked to be wearing flight suits," said C4C Melanie Daugherty.
Cadets' demonstrations of spirit included "borrowing" visiting mid-
shipmen's clothes and wearing them to class leaving only Halloween costumes for the exchange students to wear and creating an amazing
YouTube video that gathered thousands of views. ’’All week, the cadets were hyped and you could feel fiery excitement in the
Something good was about to happen," said C2C Shaina Thompson.
On game day, weather was perfect. The Cadet Wing marched into Falcon Stadium by squadrons and ran like hell to the seats.
"Section 8 was rowdy and ready to cheer, the football players were
2010. Seven days of good-natured competition and pranks culmi-
Cadet Life
Everyone participated in creating an outstanding crowd-wave. Well nearly everyone; Navy rebelled and just sat there. Maybe the Middies worried and were filled with anxiety. Maybe. Undeterred by Navy's non-participation, the crowd cheered the Falcons to victory and finally, after eight long years, the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy would be coming back to the Air Force Academy (pending a 42-22 win over Army Nov.6). ...
AF 14 Navy 6
Cadets storm the field as a dejected
Navy football team makes for its sideline after time expired at Air Force s victory over Navy in Falcon Stadium Oct. 2. This win was the first step toward Air Force reclaiming the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy which is awarded to the winner between the Air Force, Navy and Army football programs each year. Photo by C4C Andrew Bathurst
Sink Navy The football victory in Falcon Stadium was the
The entire time we were all engaged.
We cheered as loudly as we could
and there were no signs of this loud madness to end anytime soon, said C3C
Danielle Sorrera. As the final whistle blew to declare Air Force the winner, cadets rushed to the field to join the football team and sing their alma mater, the third verse of the Air Force song.
The Commander-in-Chief's Trophy was created in 1972. Ever since then, it has travelled between the three service Academies spending most of its time with Air Force which has 17 wins.
Navy has 12 and Army 6.
C2C Dan
climax of Navy Week, but the excitement also manifested in pranks, spirit displays and other cadet versus midshipman competitions.
(Left to Right) Cadets lower themselves to the
challenge of a pie eating contest at the Sink Navy pep rally. An Air Force boxer introduces his blue fist to a Navy chin. A cadet strolls past the relocated bedding of a visiting Navy midshipman. Cadet Wing Commander C1C Michael Shaw holds high the severed head of a grilled goat that was soon after devoured at the pep rally. Institutional pride manifested in a variety of ways including auto graffiti art. Photos by -
Arnie Spencer, C4C Andrew Bathurst, Bathurst,
Spencer, Spencer and C1C Nick Holland
Navy Week
Programs open world to all cadets t is quite remarkable, in one year, cadets only get four breaks.
While four sounds like a pretty good deal, two holiday breaks,
Spring Break and Summer leave are anything but long. Despite their brevity, one thing cadets are quick to notice is there are some amazing opportunities at their fingertips during breaks. From Olmstead Scholarships to Cadet Summer Language Immersion Program trips, name the country and there's a very good chance a cadet is going there during spring break. In contrast to how the Academy keeps its students close most of fhe year, if acfively fries to send cadets out to explore the world during breaks. The time frame is
Cadef Life
limited, but the ability to attend such a trip is astounding. "I went to Cape Verde for Spring Break. It's a set of islands on the northwest of Africa. I definitely enjoyed it," said C2C Albert Hatchett.
Sure other college students can go see the world, but usually those who are able to go are the ones with deep pockets. Cadets have only to fill ouf some paperwork, go to a couple extra briefings, maybe a get
few immunizafions and then boom, they're on a plane and flying fo all four corners of fhe world.
Sometimes cadets don t even need to apply to leave the country. There are cadets flying to Germany and Italy as a part of fheir de-
ployed operations training. Of course some do stay state-side for spring break. Either way, those few days aren't taken for granted. "I visited family and friends from back home for spring break. Its refreshing to see everyone again," said C2C Daniel Hayes. But for those who truly want to go somewhere amazing and make unforgettable memories, the Academy is the place to make that happen. The opportunities are limited only by the cadets' passion and ability to dream; it just might be a little tougher with only two or three weeks to "get er done.'' C4C Pamela Zhang
(Left to Right) Academy programs offer cadets opportunities to experience
the world from braving white
water rapids in South America to
sampling European culture. Daniel Won and Kelsey Smith enjoy a rocky beach in Hawaii while attempting to mimic the famous Titanic scene.
Cadets pause from a Spring Break
sample beaches and warm Megan Wyngarden poses in front of statues in Recife, Brazil. Courtesy photos
cruise to
weather in Central America.
Spring Break
The forbidden fruit always smells sweeter. Leaps a n d bounds. Life is limitless.
Well doesn't this just really suck.
I am a drop of rain.
One bad idea led somewhere good.
1 sh2Hld t§k£ this m2r£ s£ri°Esly.
Experiences from today make decisions tomorrow. Charlie Sheen's mother mHst b£ livid.
Red dirt clumps; barefoot caressing sun. _
Relax a little...live a little.
Cadet Life
Trying to please all; pleasing none.
You live, You love, You learn.
Dream to believe, believe to dream. 146
Forgiveness comes from truth, ask misery. I’m here t2 be h§a r d e| s e w he r e
The half-empty lesson taken from the Greek myth warns of the consequences of youthful hubris. A halffull take on the
sees a
daredevil who isn't
Icarus is compiled twice each year. It serves as a tribute to those cadets who are unafraid to spread their creative wings.
The Spring 2011 edition included a new feature, 6
afraid to challenge limits in pursuit of greater accom-
word Memoirs, that succinctly capture cadet experi-
plishment. Some cadets, while pursuing their bachelor of science
degrees, likewise dare to explore less frequented paths
Also among the 36 original entries is the full
version of Waterfall by Andrew Pineda, photos, short
(Left to Right)
Hopeless hues turn blacker than blue Sadness surpasses
laughter reduced
to fractions of ashes in passionless tunes. Impending, the pendulum grasps and subdues every ounce of life inhabiting you. An amateur sleuth cracking the clue -
Crashing and booming in fragments of truth, The final step reflected in actions you do: A waterfall that happens
Waterfal from
Fallen Rose: The most memorable part of this picture is the red rose placed in the hands of the wounded soldier. Several other roses were scattered around the memorial, but this one was deliberately placed in between the weakening
fingers. It is important to honor our fallen soldiers from wars past and remember the sacrifices so many young men and women made. Photo by Lauren Delaney Reflecting on the Past: When I visited the Vietnam Memorial this year, I
looked up to see if a Sturdevant was listed and William Sturdevant was the
only one. I then took a picture of his name to find out later if I was related to him and wondered what type of person he was like. As I reflected, the sunset
ended up reflecting back from the wall, creating this picture.
Photo by Laura
Mountain Waterfall: This shot was taken on a family trip to Sequoia National Park in the mountains of central California. We discovered this waterfall down a small, rarely-traveled path. I took a few shots but wasn't really happy with any of them, until I decided to get a new angle by setting up my camera on a -
To crash
tripod on a small rock in the middle of a raging river: this is the result.
Photo by Andrew Bathurst
Enraptured: Despite the hustle and bustle that normally goes along with taking a toddler to the zoo, this moment captured the sincerity of being mesmerized by an unknown Photo by Jana Bradshaw Take the Bull by the Homs: A rider mid-dismount at the Lincoln County Fair -
& Rodeo steer wrestling event in the spring of 2010. Saturation and contrast
editing done with Photoshop CS2 and Topaz.
Photo by Michael Jansen
Shows cater to student population adet Only Riveting Entertainment presented a year's worth of laughter to its student audiences this concert
Up and coming comics brought their refreshsurprisingly funny shows to ing and to an extent Arnold Hall throughout the year. CORE provides entertainment for cadets free of
charge. Simply show up and enjoy the show. "[It] brings entertainment to cadets. It brings live, cultured, entertain
Cadet Life
ing shows to Arnold Hall and makes them available to cadets who might not otherwise get to experience such performances," said C3C Thomas Indelicato who volunteers with the CORE program.
Comedy can be fun, but be warned, acts might pick on you. One "ca-dating" couple sitting up front at one show ended up becoming part of the show. The comedian wanted audience participation and immedi-
ately picked the girl. She was very cool about it and played along, but in the end, she was glaring at her boyfriend for not saving her.
Veterinarian turned
joker Kevin Fitzgerald
frequently finds humor in the animal kingdom. The Denver native brought his routine to Arnold Hall April 8 as part of a three-act comedy night at
Arnold Hall.
Photos by
Arnie Spencer
"It's all funny, but I honestly wouldn't know what I d do if I got picked," said C2C Brittany Rucker. "It's a thrilling surprise because you
don't expect to get roasted by a comedian.'' While one comedian can be awesome, imagine having three of them back to back. The marathons of jokes seemed to resonate with the cadets possibly helped by the beer garden provided by the Catered foods and other incentives await cadets at CORE
(Left to Right) Comedian Owen Benjamin adds a finger wag to emphasize a point
during his routine at Arnold Hall April 8. Jokes weren't the only thing served up at the event as cadets were treated to a catered buffet meal. It's comic Kevin Shea's turn to laugh as a
cooperative cadet takes the stage Jan. 14. Later in the show, Tig Notaro asks another cadet to join him in the Sjootlight.
these shows also.
C2C Dan Dwyer
Social decorum classes cultivate cadet gentility [EDITOR'S NOTE: The column that follows is fictional and is not based on
Alternately, leaving the fork and knife next to each other on the right side of
actual scenarios from the Cadet Wing nor are replies from Academy culture
the plate tells your waiter you are done eating. Your girlfriend might have kept
and manners guru Donna Rosa]
you from missing out on the rest of your meal.
Dear Donna
My girlfriend and I were at a restaurant yesterday and I excused myself in order to take a call from work on my cell phone. As I got up from my chair, she told me her mom always said the knife and fork shouldn’t be left on the
edge of the plate but should instead position them in an upside down "V" at the top. Why? Puzzled, CS29 -
Sending the proper non-verbal messages allows the wait staff to attend to your needs without interrupting your conversation by asking questions. This in turn allows you to keep your focus where it belongs, on your lovely girlfriend. Lastly, I compliment you on your discretion while using your cell phone. Excusing yourself is the polite solution when duty requires you to take a call during a meal. (I hope the ringer was off though.) Donna -
Dear Puzzled The placement of your utensils sends an unspoken message to your wait staff. In American culture, setting the fork and knife like a master sergeant's highest chevron near the top of your plate says, "I'm taking a break, but I will continue
dining shortly." Continental culture sends this same message by crossing the business ends of the utensils in the center of the plate with the handles extended in opposite directions.
Cadet Life
Dear Donna
My Aunt Barbie gave me a card with $50 for Christmas (she does every year) and I posted my thanks to her on Facebook the next day. Mom just found out though and she's furious. Mom says a written note should be sent instead and that I should still send one. Does mother know best?
April, CS 17
Grateful in
To exhibit proper "cadetiquette" requires learning a
variety of skills and the cadet social decorum
program offers classes throughout the year.
(Left to Right) Cadets learn the art of “Mixology" from selecting liquors to preparing ingredients. Chocolate samples await testing via cadet taste
buds. A wine and chocolate tasting expert discusses how to evaluate samples. A cadet puts his new knowledge to work and uses his senses to rate wine. C3C Katie Tiedemann finds humor in the book From Clueless to Class Act
in coming, the
Dear Grateful A saying becomes an adage when time proves it to be correct more often than not. A Facebook shout out is nice, but your mother is accurate both in
your childhood, but now you've grown up,
You did well to respond quickly, but a written note on fine stationary is much more elegant. The extra time it takes to hand write thank you notes, even
when penmanship is not great, shows genuine warmth and greater ap-
by R.R.
Photos by Arnie Spencer
longer it should be, so next time, send it quickly.
Dear Donna
I want to be a better officer and gentleman, but I'm too embarrassed to ask
written note is best and it is never too late to express gratitude.
I suspect she has been sending notes to Aunt Barbie on your behalf during
my squad about etiquette. ous
Plus, how would I know if they are correct?
(but shy), CS 4 Dear Curious
You can start by hitting a book store or searching on-line. There are plenty
of books on etiquette from which you may choose. Some even break down the
predation as well. It's time to get a nice correspondence kit, that can certainly be accomplished on-line, and write Aunt Barbie a note. Make sure to let her know
rules for men and women separately.
how the money was spent and remember to tell her what you thought of the
to building officers of character on the Academy's Social Decorum Program
card; did you laugh, smile, etc.?
intraweb site: http://intraweb/Commandant/cwtm/.
In addition, the Academy hosts several social training sessions throughout
each year. You can find a list of classes as well as other information pertaining
Apologize for the delay, but don't make excuses. The more late the note is Dear Donna
School year ends in record-setting fashion he Air Force Academy is known for many things
architecture, mountain views, gliders, skydiving, academics, and
the attempt and submit it to the Guinness Book of World Records. The
leaders of character. Cadets hope that after May 25 it will
verification process takes six weeks according to information on the world
be also known as the site of a world record dodgeball game.
record keepers website.
Two teams of nearly 2,000 cadets each faced off on the Terrazzo May 18 to beat the Guinness World Record for
the largest dodgeball game, which was set Feb. 4 by the University of
Alberta, Canada. Their game had a total of 2,012 participants.
Lining the grass of the Terrazzo, cadets played by standard dodgeball rules. You get hit, you're out. Someone catches the ball you threw, you're out. It was single elimination, no second chances. Permanent party staff from the Cadet Wing acted as the 84 referees required for the
The idea for the dodgeball game came out of Group 1, when Group
Commander C1C Christopher McCool and Group Air Officer Com-
manding Lt. Col. Michael Hastriter were approached by C4C Preston Spaulding. Fie (Spaulding) heard that another university had broken the record and knew that the Academy could do even better," Cadet McCool, an event organizer, said.
We loved the idea and took it to the Common-
dant, who also loved it." So what did it take to turn that idea into reality?
In order to set the record, the cadets must collect documentation of
Cadet Life
Hardy cadets gather on the terrazzo undaunted by the wet and cold of a late spring rain storm. The weather threatened to derail the Cadet Wing's attempt to set a new
world record for participation in a
game of dodge ball, however skies cleared up just in time for the event.
Photos by
Arnie Spencer
Heft to Right) Sijan Hall cadets belly
There were more than 50 action items that weve coordinated including pitching the idea to the [Academy Commandant and Super-
intendent], getting approval from safety, procuring dodgeballs (and inflating 1,050 of them!), coordinating with Wings of Blue, honor guard, EMTs, radio station KAFA, two cadet bands, security forces, Mitchell Hall, and much more," Cadet McCool explained. Weve been planning this for months."
Why did the cadets go yard game?
crawl to present a low profile while
retrieving ammunition for teammates to launch toward Vandenberg Hall op-
ponents. Master Sgt. Elwood Tegtmeier from the Academy's permanent party staff steps in as a referee. A cadet uses the side arm twist technique to increase the velocity of his throws. As last man
standing for Vandenberg Hall, Andrew Lankow makes a gallant effort to avoid a
barrage of Sijan shots.
through all this trouble just to play a school-
Because it will be fun,” Cadet McCool said. That s the main reason. Not only will it boost morale, but we ll prove to the world that the Academy is the best at mobilizing great numbers of people
together to break a Guinness World Record."
while we come
Leslie Finstein, Academy
Public Affairs
Simply finding the road that leads from basic cadet to lieutenant is
who seek to travel the route are unable to set
foot on the path.
Of those who do
make it, many more lose their way during
the trip.
Those who succeed in reach-
ing the destination have just a
few short days to enjoy their accom-
for fhem at the bottom of
the graduation
stage ramps road
ing companions as the active
duty Air Force awaits.
k t
(Below and Right) C2C Kelliann Seaman's ring settles to the bottom of a champagne glass where she and her date admire it prior to christening. Next he will drink and catch the ring with his teeth.
(Right) C2C Lindsey Heath trades her uniform for a chic dress and enjoys a slow dance with her date. Ring Dance has ample opportu-
nity for romance after the formal dinner.
Following the
dance in Arnold Hall, many
couples leave for a weekend getaway.
Graduation Week
(Left) Secondclassmen compare rings at the dining out held in Mitchell Hall prior to Ring Dance. The Friday event is the first major activity of Graduation Week and signifies the beginning of a leadership transition from seniors to juniors.
(Below) Underclassmen judge the appearance of their friends and dates as the couples make their way from the meal to the dance in Arnold Hall.
Ring Dance
CICs Anthony Giebelhaus and Adrian Ramon-Sanchez start the long-awaited process of packing up and moving on. After four
long years of calling the Academy home, it is finally time to start moving out and getting on to bigger
and better things.
by C2C Zach Schneider
I here are many
unique experiences and opportunities at the Academy, one
of which is getting the chance to see the Thunderbirds up close and personal. -
Courtesy photo
Graduation Week
The Cadet Saber Drill Team practices their
grad day routine during the senior staff walk
through prior to graduPhoto by Arnie ation. Spencer -
Newly-commissioned 2nd Lt. Cristen Monreal's younger sister pins on an epaulet bearing the soon-to-be grad’s new rank Family and friends are often part of the commissioning ceremonies conducted by each squadron. -
Photo by C2C Zach Schneider
(Right) The string section of the Codet Orchestra focuses on their roles
during a Grad Week concert.
(Right) Erik Clark gets ready to sing as Show Choir dancers perform in the background on the Arnold Hall stage.
(••tiff ****** «**-*#<
Bluebard Marilyn Cole turns in her uniform for something a bit more racy to perform in Jekyl and Hyde
the Musical. The acting club puts two shows each academic
Photos by Arnie Spencer
The honor guard fires the howitzer cannon
used during
the playing of the Air Force song.
by Mike Kaplan
Cadet Group 3 leaders (left to right! CICs Max Barnes, Frank Schmidt and Michael Mosteller perform the eyes
right during pass and review at the Organizational Award Parade. Photos by Arnie Spencer maneuver
Graduation Week
A formation of F-4 Phantom jets fly above the parade. The aircraft are a tribute to the Class of 2011 exemplar Brig. Gen. Robin Olds who flew the aircraft during the Vietnam War.
An excited smile slips through C1C Lauren Allison's military bearing as she stands with her fellow
Cadets in the honor guard salute as a Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley walks to the stage.
Secretary Donley was guest speaker for graduation.
Photo by Arnie Spencer
CICs Nicholas Penry and Katie Gorbacz
lead their rows during the cadets' march to their seats at the start of the graduation ceremony.
Photo by
Arnie Spencer
graduates on the Falcon Stadium field.
Photo by Maj. Tom Jost
Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, Colorado
(Left) Cadets walk up to the grad stage, receive their diploma and the
of Air Force officials and then render a salute to the classmate who preceded them before
returning to their seats.
Ffioto by Arnie
Spencer (Below) Blue skies peek through the clouds as
graduates' family and friends pack threequarters of Falcon Stadium for the Class of 2011's graduation ceremony.
Fhoto by C4C
Andrew Bathurst
(Left and right] 2nd Its. Bridgette Griffiths and David Eng join a classmate in appreciating the moment when their hats join the Thunderbirds in the sky at Falcon Stadium.
C1C Mark Mosby is
ready to celebrate
the very near end of
his cadet career as he leaves the graduation
stage and returns to his seat.
Photo byC4C
Andrew Bathurst
Graduation Week
Second It. Andrew Taylor proudly displays the to his family in the stands at Falcon Stadium.
diploma for his bachelor or Photo by Arnie Spencer
Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Left) Youngsters hold tight to their souvenirs as they marvel at the Thunderbird performance following graduation. Tradition allows children to storm the field and
claim a new lieutenants hat.
Photo by C4C
Jessie McDowell
(Right) After four years (or more) of hard work and discipline, it's excusable for cadets to mo-
mentarily allow emotion to break through for a celebratory hug. Photo by Arnie Spencer -
he hat fumbling from a
joyful cadet s
head reveals a treat for whichever child claims it. 2.011 cents from the outbound class
Photo by Arme Spencer
P ost-Diploma
The Grand Finale The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds Demonstration Team opens its performance season at
Falcon Stadium each year following graduation. The F-16 aircraft streak through the
skies solo, in pairs and in formations of four or six while amazing the ceremony crowd with precision aerobatics maneuvers.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the
thand th to reach for the stars to change the world. -
Harriet Tubman
Back row: Maj. Dan Nielsen, Evan Wise, Joseph Kraynak, Kenneth Scull, Robert Ashby, Michael
Front row: Shawn Cagle, Francesca Fogarty, Karen Chinnery, Ian Culpepper
Yam, Alexander Sakovich
Jeremiah Haynes, Michael Estacion, Joseph Sarette, Anastasia Zhuravlyova, Waruna Ambanpola, Austin Lan, Keith Wyman
Front Row: Jared Becker, Austen Ebert, Ashley Olson, Emily Brown, Zeb Hanley, Christina England Lt. Col. Len Cabrera, Alexis Tamosuinas, Brandon Odum, Joel Parritt, Neil Back Row: Don
Grigsby, Andrew Cady. Dan Henning, Cody Settle. David Asche, Matt Petersen, Scott Gregory, Paul Wilson. Brent Eberle
Front row: Ciani Ellison, Alicia Robillarcl, Angela Fox, Cassie Dunn. Addie Frankovic, Elaine Bradford Amanda Robillard Meredith Dilley, Lindsay Johnson, and Jessica Adams.
Middle Row:
Keyona Sanchez. Stevie Puentes Chelsea Agee, General Clark, Brittany Bennett Casey Boyle. Trisha Penrod, Alyssa Deiters Courtney Sheeks, Renee Kitka., Grace him.
Back Row:
Megan Lavelle. Mary Vasta, Linda Lam, Heather Udell, Erin Crain, Elizabeth Taylor
Rachel Stanley, Karen Rubin-I
Ire Brito. Meagan VVyngarden. Stormi Brewer, Daniel Dwyer. Travis McMillan Ismenia De Souza
Kneeling: Peter Quick iwith guitar), Joshua Ku, Leif Lindbiom 'with drum sticks) First row: Daniei Hayes. Amy Terry, Lindsey Summerlin, Deama MacMiilan Bridget Flatley, David
Center row: Erik Clark. McCall Ostlie. Alicia Wallace Rachel Allison Teresa Eisbree. Ken Moot
Not pictured:
Back Row: Tany Zilli, Kris Martin, David Myers, Josh Stemen, Tom Popp, Mike McCoy, Michael
stone. Andrew Cavallo, Josh Nelson. James Carson.
Back row: Roed Mejia. Bobby Walker. Kevin Pamilagcs
Sydney Croxton, John'Jeep'Atkinson. Travis Vayda
Christopher Cullen Front Row: Alexis Zuniga, Nick Lazos, Andrew Leighner. Marian Nicula, Chris Villanueva
Center Row: Brittney Perkowski, Rafael Hoyos, David Moore Garrett McKinney, Chance John
Front Row: Shane Bruski, Jordan Wittman, Joseph
Abakunda Back Row: Lt Col Doug
Benton. Dawn Gagnon Dr Kenneth Siegenthaler,
Glamis Koh, Captain Matthew Ellis, Caleb Whitlock.
Krzysztof Ryszka
Not Pictured: Jason Holland, Anthony Alt, Ryan Fattal, Victor Rodriguez, Ryan Aceves, Jeff Brenner
Shawn Carroll, Tyler Levy, Christopher Hassa
accomplish^T^^things, we
well as -
Anatole France
Third Row: C2C Beniamin Barringer, CIC Andrew Hepler, CIC Brendan Lanphear CIC < Peterson, CIC Leif lindblom. CIC Peter Komar C2C Miguel Millares Chavez. <
Front Row: CIC Laura Cusimano CIC Courtney Vidt CIC Glynnis Quern. C2C Lauren Bailey
C2C Kelsey Bristol, CIC Lyndsey Horn, CIC Katherine Higdon. C Second Row: C2C David Fox. C2C Kelsey Smith, C2C Mark Evans. C2C Robert Stephenson
Back Row: CIC Tania Buda, CIC Eric Robinson CIC Parker Huge, CIC i Jacob Ricks, CIC Kyle "lomaszewski, CIC John Nygard
C2C Ty ler Todd, C2C Jordan Rozsa, C2C James Cooper
C2C Dayt< .
Andrew Hepler. CIC tney Vidt CIC Kc ,
C2C Brandon Rc
ndi CIC
Back Row: CIC Stanley Amu Joshua Larson, CIC Brett Boyce, CIC Not Pictured: CIC Andrew Costa, C! (
C2C Kelsey Smith, C2C Cody Abies, C2C
Sean Knowles .
C 2C Surah
and Honor
Front Row: John Sarette kdeb Marsh. Lyndsey Horn. Andrew Costa. Jimmy Leli Taryn Ramsey, A!e>: Babbs-Butler David Ryan
Back Row: Jenna Scheller John Broadbent, Matt Connellen- Chapleski, Nate Seibt. Sean Knov.ies. Dan Hughes Brian Smith. Cody Abies. Willis Brown. Cody OKonnell. Matt Sanders Phae French
Front Row: Cory Concha, Lauren Delaney, Tranay Tanner, Maj. Jesse Goolsby
Not pictured: Emily Ubbens, Kaitlyn Bogan, Darrell Dancy, Ashley Hand, Claire Palmer
Back Row: Laura Henderson, Deanna Flemings, Katherine Boyle, Alexander Nelson Kenneth Hertzler
Ncaflonal AeronauticallESgineering Honor Society Front Row: Dr. Martiqua Post, Dustin Hayhurst, Andrew Lamb, Christopher Leung, Marie Gaud-
reault, Samuel Johnson, Craig Porter, Yunior Cruz, Andrew Petry, Jared Becker, Jonathan Swift, Dr Ken Siegenthaler Second Row: Kevin McMullen, Austin Buscher, Tom Ainscough, Nick DeBarmore, Bryan Rhoades Kyle Smith, Noah Hanks, Evelyn Abbate, Andrew Buttitta, J.J. Bae, Jeffre Wood
Third Row: James Reynolds. Cody Deacon, Eric Prince, Gregory Eslinger, Kevin Rowe, Sean Daly, Stephen Pineo. Rachel Mittelman, Kalyn Tung, Caleb Whitlock, Timothy Nash Back Row: Joseph Boben, Neil Grigsby, Scott Theuerkauf, Dylan Asmar, Chase Guarnaccio, Brent Maggard, Dustin Woodside, Ryan Kolesar, Bran McCarthy, Ben Gomez
Acadmic Organizations
Front Row: Dr Ken Siegenthcsler. Frank Schmidt, Eric Prince. Casey Habluetzel. Caleb Whitlock
Third Row: Gregory Eslinger. Nick DeBarmore. Christopher Leung, Neil Grigsby. Imed Rebhi Matt
Andrew Cavatlo, Dylan Asfnar Rachel Mittelrnan, Dr. Marriqua Post
Brew Tony Ressel. Dustin Woodside
Second Row: JJ Bee. Kyle Smith. Ryan Kolesar, John Hadjis. Pad Homsher. Dame! Parker, Bryan
Back Row: Jordan Rozsa. Daniel Lacroix Michael McLain Jared Tomaszewski Trevor Koenck.
McCarthy, Marie Gaudreadt
Stephen Pineo Joey Springfield, Tom Ainscough
Back Row: Chris Severino Joshua LeMair. Amy Abraham, Margaret Weingart. Tristan Latchu, Dave Adams Joel Kraus ,
Riley Livermore,
Not Pictured: Benjamin Ameberg Bryan Ashton, Daniel Barina, Hugh Black Zachary Bradford Ryan Dowden. Sergio Duran Ross Elder, Bridget Flatley. David Floren, James French, Michael
Glatthar, Eric Hunt Andrew Jarvis, Philip Knodel, Robert Lenzen, Spenser McIntyre, Roderick Mills Nathan Seibt, Tyler Oar, Reed Ragsdale Evan Terry Alex Volesky. Trevor Vranicar. Evan Wise
18 ?
Front Row: Lt. Col. Bob Kraus, Lt. Col. Colin Tucker, Lt. Col. Angie Suplisson, Lt Col. Charles Wisniewski, Lt. Col. Scotty Nowlin, Col. Neal Barlow, Dr. John Pletcher, Dr. Tom Yechout, Dr. Russ
wood, Tim Siefers, Maj. John Mah, Rolf Hellbutsch, Marcus Roemer Grant Grovenburg. retired Lt Col. Fred Porter, Dr. Irvin Jones, Dr. Gary Yale, retired Lt. Col. Chris Seaver, Wesley Pyle, Staff Sgt.
Cummings. Dr. Steven Brandt, Dr. Tom McLaughlin, Dr. Aaron Byerley Second Row: Jeff Falkenstine, Jerry Stermer, Capt. Dell Olmstead, Brian Kinsey 2nd Lt Nathan Thalhofer, Dr. Martiqua Post, Maj. Elaine Bryant, Dr. Stefan Siegel, Dr. Mehdi Ghoreyshi, Maj Nidal Jodeh, Maj. Kara Greene, Capt. Caitlin Thorn, Andrea Osteroos. Dr. Keith Bergeron. Dr Jurgen Seidel, Dr. Kwang Seop Lee, Ken Ostasiewski Third Row: 2nd Lt. Matt Lundquist, 2nd Lt. Cale Lamoreux, Dr John Imamura, Maj. Roger Green-
Danny Washburn
Back Row: Lt. Col. John Bode, Maj Patrick Heim, Lt. Col. A.J. Rolling, Dr. Marc LaViolette. Lt. Col. Ryan Osteroos, Maj. Arthur Cartwright, Georg Kleber. retired Lt. Col. Mike Chapa, Robert Decker Dr. Casey Fagley, Tim Hayden Not Pictured: Dr. Eric Stephen, Dr. William Crisler, Dr. Tom Cunningham, Dr. Matt Rotondaro, Lt.
Col. James Hall. Tech. Sgt. Christopher Campbell, Steve Senator
11JJv l ;
i i
Front Row: Erin Abramson, Lt. Col. Joseph Fulton, Col. Martin France, Bill Saylor Second Row: Lt. Col. Doug Bayley, Maj. Tara Webster, Dr. Paul Vergez, Steve Waiss. Lt. Col.
Heaton, Lt. Col. Tom Joslyn, Maj. Neil Thomas, Staff Sgt. Nathaniel Boyd, Kwi Spinks Back Row: Capt Dan Showalter, Steve Hart, Don Waite, Dennis Musick, Jack Anthony, Tech, Sgt.
Dave Richie, Capt. Uriah Tobey, Capt. Dan Lee.
Brian Calenberg
Third Row: Dr. Ken Siegenthaler, 2nd Lt. Ryan Pitts, Dr. Rob Brown, Dr. Scott Dahlke Capt. Donny
Not Pictured: Lt Col. Aaron Mainstone Tech. Sgt. Robert Longcrier
Front Row: Dr. Andy Katayama, Dr. Steve Samuels, Lt. Col. Dan Watola, Dr, Judith Stiehm. Col. Randy Gibb Dr. George Mastroianni, Lt. Col. Joe Don Looney, CDR Michael Reddix, Dr. Craig
Fincher. Dr. Cindy Laub. Lt. Col. Annette Ortiz, Amy Singer, Dr. Jeff Jackson, Dr. Steve Jones, Maj. Damian McCabe
Back Row:
Second Row:
Smith, Maj. Mark Oliver, Randy Torres, Lt. Col. David Keller, Dr, Wil Scott, Capt, Bryan Calkin,
Capt. Brian Webster Dr. Michelle Butler, Maj. Julie Freedman. Lt. Col. Kim McArthur, Capt. Ebony Cook, Dr. Jennifer Clarke, Laura Neal, Lt. Col. Carlene Perry, Capt. Christal Serrato, Capt. Jenni Coon Third Row: Dr. Laruen Scharff, Dr. Christie Salnaitis, Maj. Crystal White, Dr Peggy Toldy, Michele
Capt. Derek Read, Lt. Col. Vinnie Gillis, Capt. Matt Linford, Maj. Jimmy Do, Maj. Rod
Maj. Michelle Nash Not Pictured: Col. Gary Packard. Lt. Col. Linda Dinndorf, Lt. Col. Doug Lindsay, Lt. Col. Scott
Walchli, Maj. Jason Kiker, Capt. Mona Stilson, Dr. Dave McCone, Dr. Kathy O'DonnelL Dr. David
Stockburger, Dr Arthur Schwartz
Front Row: Dr. Dave Westmoreland Lt. Col. Keith Bishop, Col. John Putnam. Dr. Bob Noyd, Dr.
Back Row: AAaj. Laura Terry, AAaj. Keith Blount. Dr. Dave Hale, Lt. Col. Steve
Tom Unangst
Morris. 2nd Lt. Pete Kaszynski
Second Row: Lt. Col. Jennifer Guess, Capt. Marisa Romero, Lt. Col. Michael Brothers, Dr. Mike
Not Pictured: Dr. Helen Pigage Lt. Col. Dan Lykins. Lt. Col. Dave
Wilcox, Maj. Amy Carpenter, Lt. Col. Matt Buehler, 2nd Lt. Jeremy Van Driessche
Simina Vintila. Melanie Grogger, Patti Kryzanowski, Alex Sintas,
Black, Capt. Dave
Welge, Dr. Don Veverka. Dr. Cary Ryder
Front Row: It. Col. Royce Beal Lt. Col. Mark Reimann, It. Col. Matthew Sandelier. Lt. Col. David
Dr. Sandra Zingarelli, Hannah Miller. Dr. Silvia Richert. Dr. Kim Gardner. Ralph Hutchinson, Randy
Kerr Dr. Steven Gammon, Dr. Donald Bird, Lt. Col. John Peak, Dr. John Wilkes, Dr, Barry Hicks, Lt.
Col. Dennis Tuthill
Back Row:
Second Row: Dr. Joel Cain. Sharon Knight-Lewis. Capt. Jeremiah Betz. 1st Lt. Seth Ostlund. Dr. Ron Furstenau Maj. Dan Branan. Capt Leslie Hall. Dr, Margaret Rakowsky. Capt. Jessica Kashi a
Front Row: Dr Roy Pargas, Col. Troy Weingart. Dr. Barry Fagin. Col. David Gibson. Dr. Martin Carlisle. It. Col. Jeff Boleng Second Row: Bill McCrary, It. Col. Troy Weingart. Stephanie Skaff. Capt. Michael Connor. Dr. Donald Kraft, Delbert Christman, It, Col. Daren Williams, Capt. Joseph Erskine. Dr. Dino Schweitzer,
Maj. Mark Engesser, Capt. Scott lacono, Dr. Timm Knoerzer, Capt. Nilesh Christian, Maj. Tammy Low, Peg Williams. Jane Johnson Capt. Samantha Adee Dr. Maria Lamb-Hall Maj. Danny Shea. Cynthia Corley, Beth Austria Dr. Cassie Kettwich
Tina Pratt. Dr. Scott Teel. Dr. Steve Hadfield Back Row: Dr, C. Wayne Brown, Capt. James Maher Dr. Leemon Baird Cap! Corban Bryant Capt. Judson Dressier, Capt. Paul Graham It. Col. David Bibighaus. William Bahn Dr. Steve Fulton Not Pictured: Ma|. Pat Bald win, Capt Christopher Patterson Capt David Merritt
Chastain John Rhoades, Oliver Jung. Simon Drygaila. John Evans, Richard Speakman Marsha Cornett. AAaj. Patrick Sweeney, AAaj. Randall Deppensrnirh. Capt. Willie Mims. Susan Elmore
Back Row: Lt. Col. Darren '.Vilson. Chad Hager Dr. Hyukseong Kwon, Dr. Harry Direen Capt Cory Antosh. Lt. Col. Brian Peterson. Dr. George York, Dr. Scott Gruber. Mike Drew Alan Munc AAaj. Frank Glavic Not pictured: Capt. Constance Hendrix. Maj. Paul Raster, retired Brig. Gen. Erlind Royer, Dr Dimitri Zarzhitsky
Front Row: Lt. Col Andrew Laffely, It. Col Anne Clark Dr. Herbert Hess Col Jeffrey Butler retired Brig Gen. Aian Kiayton, Dr Dcniei Pack. Dr. Randall AAusseiman. Dr. Glen Dudevoir
Second Row: Lt. Coi. Marcus Roberts. 2nd Lt. Eric DeGruchy Capt. Ryan Silva, Maj. Stephan
Front Row: Capt Sean T. Doyle Dr Jim West Lt. Col. Mike McMahon Dr. Kate Silz-Carson Col.
Jim Cushing. Capt, Jackson Grant 2nd Lt. Cody Yenter. Capt. Kristin Dowd
Neal Rappaport, Col. Dan Driscoll Lt. Col. Steve Barrows, retired Col. Wayne Sideboftcm Lt Col
Back Row: Capt. Nick Mastronardi, Dr. Dave laRivee. retired Lt. Col. Mike Lucchesi. Dr. Tom
Ken Hart. Dr. Terry Haverluk
Koehler, Lt. Col. Aaron Koenigseker Lt. Coi. Mike Wermuth Dr. Peter Hovey. Maj. Mike Marsh
Second Row: Lt Col. Chris Brooks, Capt Evan Palmer, Kathy Calahan Dr Steve Gordon. Dr.
Not Pictured: Lt. Col. Jeff Smith. Lt. Col. Jim Williams. Lt. Col. Tom Swoveland
Sarah Robinson Maj Jason Stowe, Dr. Robert Waller Dr. Dave Mullin. Lt. Col Len Cabrera 2nd Lt
Maj Tobin McKCapt. Dave Ratliff, AAaster Sgt. Garry Patterson Dr. Mary Kelly, Danny Portillo
Front Row: It. Col. Rachel Vanlandingham. Col. Paul Pirog
Back Row: David Fitzkee, William "Chad" Austin, 2nd Lt. Charlton Coats, Maj. David Mike
Maj. Brian Gagne, John Hertel, Kevin Watson, Capt. Shelly McNulty, Ma| Erika Lynch, Capt. Johanna Astle, Capt. Hanna Yang, Maj. Afsana Ahmed, Maj. Sarah Carpenter Charles Hasskamp
Tucker, Capt. Aaron Drake, Maj. Anthony Bell, Maj. Jennifer Raab. Michael Wheeler. Howard
Front Row: Lt. Col. Stephen Harmon, Lt. Col. Gary Denney, Lt. Col. Steve Leftwich. Col. Andrew
Cycyota, Dr. (Brig. Gen.) Rita Jordan. Dr. Claudia Ferrante, Jean Cooley, Dr. Tim Cooley, Dr. Steve Green, Lt. Col. Maureen Borgia, Lt. Col. Jennifer Wrynn Back Row: Maj. Allen Atwell, Dr. Jim Lowe, Lt. Col. Kent Halverson, Lt. Col. Brian Walker. Capt John Feely, Maj. Conrad Preedom, Maj. Joe Suhajda. Capt. Brian Lemay, Dr. Dave Levy, Dr. Kurt Heppard. Lt. Col. Sharon Heilmann
Second Row:
Armacost, Capt. Emily Bulger, Capt. Angelinda Fedden, Maj. Doug Patton, Capt. Melanie Frost
K.C. Kelly Second Row: Prof. Larry Stimpert, Dr. Kevin Davis, Dr. William Jennings, Capt. Jeremiah Kirschman Lt. Col. Carolyn Stickell, Dr. Sally Baron, Capt. Kathy Marchesseault, Maj. Amy Meeks, Dr. Cyndy
Eggers Not Pictured: Lt. Col. Pamela Perry, Carol Vilcek
Front Row: Lt. Col. Chris Nelson, Col. John Andrew, Lt. Col. Trae Holcomb
Back Row: Dr. James Rolf. Maj. Nicholas Zeisler. Dr. Jon Epperson, Lt. Col. Erik Demkowicz, Lt. Col.
Second Row: Dr Mike Brilleslyper, Dr. Kurt Bryan, Dr. Kurt Herzinger, Dr Beth Schaubroeck
Tom Slusher, Maj. Jonathan Murphy, Lt. Col. Tom Boushell, Capt. Benjamin Kallemyn, Maj. Dustin
Third Row: Julieta Johnston, Debra Glaze, Lt. Col. Stephanie Bruce. Maj. Terence Kudo, Lt. Col.
Keck, Capt. Jesse Lynn, Maj. Derrick Doyle. Lt. Col. Andy Gaydon, Capt. Raymond Magallanez,
Chris Sob Capt. Thomas Hodge, Lt. Col. Paul Alfonso, Kim Swetz Fourth Row: Lt. Col. Steven Thorsen, Maj. James Love, Capt. Frank Echeverria. Capt. Greg White.
Capt Justin Rufa. Lt Col. Chris Yakabe, Lt. Col. Doug Benton, Lt. Col. Steve Oimoen Not pictured: Lt. Col. Tony McKenzie, Dr. Mike Keane. Maj. Mike Cook, Maj. Greg Steeger,
Dr. Dale Peterson. Lt. Col. Mike Lattanzi, Lt. Col. Rob Block, Dr. Ralph Boedigheimer, Capt. Patrick
Copt Emily Knight, Capt. Katherine Guldenschuh and Capt. Susan Bettison
Jackson, Lt. Col. Christy Holliday, Capt. Sean Estrada, Lt. Col. John Larson, Lt. Col. Sarah Russ
■1 JR
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Front Row: Lt. Col. Monte Anderson, Dr. Geoff McHarg, Lt. Col. Michael Gauthier, Dr. Joseph Liu,
Col. Rex Kiziah, Dr. Richard Cook, Lt. Col. Christy Kayser-Cook, Dr. Randy Knize Lt. Col. Brian Paeth Second Row: Bridget McGrath, Maj. Nathan Terry, Maj. David Meier, Lt. Col. Steven Novotny, Maj. Evelyn Schumer, Dr. Boris Zhdanov, Dawn Gagnon, Martin Johnson, Dr. Heidi Mauk, Capt. Jessica Hewitt, Dr. Devin Della-Rose, Dr. Roger Tippets, Dr, Chad Carlson, Capt. Matthew Ellis Third Row: Dr. Yalin Lu, Dr. Lon Enloe, Dr. Gabriel Font-Rodriguez, Maj. Kirk Olson, Dr. Michael
Dearborn, Dr. Gregor Novak, Dr. Richard Balthazor, Dr. Francis Chun, Dr. Jerry Sell
1 _>
Back Row: Lt Col Kenneth Blumenberg. Lt. Col Phillip Gronseth, Capt. Christopher Charles, Maj. Grady Phillips Capt James Scoville, Dr. Michael Shaffer, Maj. David Strong. Lt. Col. Victor Putz. Fran Pummer Dr Brian Patterson Not Pictured: Dr Geoff Andersen, Lt. Col. Anthony Dills, Duane Dunlap, Lt. Col. Lt Col Brian Griffith. David Hemlock Irene Klarich, Dr. Fred Kontur, Rebecca
Mandeville Mark Mayer, Maj. Clayton Pflieger, Dr. Parris Neal
Anthony Franz.
Lickiss. Dr. William
Front Row: Dr. David Sacko, Dr. Paul Carrese. Dr. Paul Bolt, Col. Cheryl Kearney, Ambassador Roger Harrison. It. Col. Michael Gleason, it. Col, Joseph Foster Second Row: Dr. Griffin Hathaway. Dr. Fran Pilch, Dr Tim Sandusky, Dr Schuyler Foerster Capt. Joe Brown Lt. Col. Deron Jackson, Dr. Damon Coletta, Lt. Col. Eun Seok Jang. Maj. Cynthia Brothers
The dream
who tugs and
begins with
pushes and
Back Row: Theresa Daniels, Cdr. Lesley Priest, Maj. Nathan Stackhouse. Maj Jeremy Lloyd, Capt. Naomi Henigin. Maj, Jeffrey Jackson. Tracy Hicks Maj David Ware Not Pictured: Retired Gen. James McCarthy. Sharon Richardson Kurt Lichtfuss. Maj. Matt Van Hook. Capt. Ben Shearn
i you who believes in
you to the next plateau,
sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called Dan Rather
Firstie: coveted title of all cadets. That one word means so many things, most significantly one year, or
less, left at the Academy. Every
moment at USAFA becomes a "last"
fitness test, last football game, last winter Leave,
last Ml. For the Class of Olds, firstie year has included the
untimely loss of a friend and classmate, being the last class to wear BDUs,
being the only current class to see the Cadet Area not
under construction, and like so many classes before us, learning to lead the Cadet Wing through
trials, errors, and victories that wi leave a 190
legacy for the classes to follow.
Josh Auerbach
Longmeadov'. AAA intelligence Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way. Danmark 4 life.
Matthew Douglas Beath
Jesus "McCholo“ Beltran
Si. Louis. MO
Del Rio. TX
Acquisition Monager
Thank you Mom, Dad, Stu, Ben, and Annie for always supporting me and giving me the motivation to achieve my goals. Thank you to all my bros on
the lacrosse team for helping me
through the hard times. "As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round." Ben Hogan
So there I was, at the "P" in-
processing...lots of late nights, GR's, and SAMI's later, here I am now, in
parade dress looking like a boss, think ing to myself: what did I get out of it and was it worth it? A sweet job. a
few great friends and lots of stories... hell yeah!
Jason Breaux
Angelica Catherine
Slidell. LA
Renee Canales
Temecula CA
The frontier was constant adventure
Logistics Readiness Officer
but now, I leave this land in search of
greater adventures to conquer and warmer
climates. I thank my fellow
adventurers: Ferut, John "F" Maggs,
Train, the Warrior, and my Mach 1
family, specifically Liam “Dirty Pitbull." To the people back on the bayou, y'all got me through. Remember, Do it for the kids, Free stuff is the Best stuff!
Mom, Glenn, Dad, Alec, thank you for being so supportive. Momma. I
hope you know how much I appreciate the struggles you've endured for me. I used to be nervous about the future but now I know God is watch-
ing over me. "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future."
Jer. 29:11
Ryan Cougar" Cobb
Tobias Dirks
Memphis TN Air Bottle Manager
WoKeeney. KS
"The liberties of our country, the
Mom, Dad, and Taylor: I could not have gotten through here without your support. To my friends at the Academy: thanks for putting up with
freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them
Samuel Adams; "... to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; ..."
to secure peace, one of the most
powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known we are at all times ready for War." ...
George Washington
and helping me out.
Cowboy Up
Sean Michael Dronen
Michael C Dunn
Driggs. ID
Leesburg VA
Unmanned Aerial Systems
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Thank you everyone who's supported
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Neibuhr -
Thanks Mom, Dad, Kelli for supporting me every step of the way. Through the entire struggle, I still can't believe I emerged with everything I've wanted.
Too bad I'm just getting started!
me this far, whether in boxing or normal life. Forrest, it's been a good three years bud, even if you didn't
always have your window bed. To the boxing team, you guys kept me sane, thanks for all the good times and humbling fights. For my girlfriend, thank you for everything you've put 5E3! up with for me. No Regrets -
Derek N Fiebig
Jessica Christina Fischer
Monument CO
Bakersfield. CA
Logistics Readiness
"Have I not commanded you? Be
Thank you to my family and friends
strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
John 1:9.
To the brohans and Gulf
Charlie,Thanks for great times.
for all the support you have shown me
the last four years. I wouldn't have
made it without you. Thank you Bri
for all the girl talks and thank you Kurt for all the love and encouragement. You guys made everyday enjoyable. We did it! "Happiness depends upon ourselves." Aristotle. -
Christopher F Fleming
Damian T Franz
Cary. IL
Auqusta. GA
Thanks to all those who were there through the good and the bad. I couldn't have done without the sup-
rock and pushed me to truly meet my
port of family, the encouragement of friends, and the strength of prayer. "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." -
Albert Pine
Mom, Dad, Nadia, Bianca, you guys
potential. Thank you. I love you. To men's soccer: You are the brothers I
had. You keep doing what you do and know you will always have
someone watching your back. Go Birds. "The strength of a family, like
the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other."
Mario Puzo
11 Kyle Goldsmith
Jacob Logan Highfil
Houston, TX Pilot
Cyberspace Operations
Mexico, KY
To my parents: Thanks for supporting me in everything that I do. To
First, I would like to thank God for
tough but I had a great time with you all. Keep up the hard work and good luck with your future
giving me strength and support to get through this experience. Also, thank you to my family and friends who helped me get through this challenging experience, I truly appreciate
Do not follow where the
your help and support that you have
my friends and classmates:
path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -
Harold R. McAlindon
shown. I want to especially thank my
parents and siblings for all of their words of encouragement and prayers.
Greg Hoyt Tyler. TX Aircraft Maintenance
Grace to you and peace from God Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am deeply grateful to all the diligent prayer warriors and vigilant supporters with which God has seen fit to fill
my life. In this happy hour I can claim no success as
my own, for I can do
nothing without Him who strengthens me.
"Non Nobis Domine Non
Nobis Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam." -
Psalm 115:1
Daniel Klimkowski
Stephen "Nick Krieger
St. Clair, Ml
McDonough GA Acquisitions
It's the hard things in life you most
Thanks to my family for getting me here, I would have never had this opportunity without your support.
appreciate. If it was easy, everyone
Thanks to my friends, roommate, and
out...that's what makes it worth it."
gymnastics team for helping me get through each day, I could have never stayed without you. D.A.M.N.
Thank you to my family who has supported me through everything. Most of all, thank you Caitlyn for being
would do it. That's why it stands
my One.
I can't wait for our future
Steven Lauver
Keisha F Salandy
Lusby, MD
Atlanta, GA/Las Vegas, NV
Information Technology Cyberspace Operations
There are good ships, and there are wood ships...here's to the best of
This five-year journey would not have
friends, the best of times, and some
been possible without help and sup-
of the best memories of my life! I couldn't have made it half this far without the love and support of my AWESOME family, my friends, and my absolutely drop-dead gorgeous
fiancee, Lauren. Good luck to every-
port from my family, friends, teachers, and mentors. Thank you! Most memorable: Walking, saw something messed up. Said, "What kind of ish is this?' Around a corner pops four-star
general who says, "I don't know, what kind is it?' Gotta be more careful!
Travis H Sebree
Christopher W Severino
Yuma. AZ
Pataska/a OH
I would like to thank all those who en-
To my friends here and at home thank you so much for your constant
couraged me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of. Without them I would not be here.
help and encouragement. You guys are what make this experience so valuable. To Mom, Dad, and Connor you re the best family anyone could wish for. Thank you so much for -
your unwavering love and support. I couldn t have made it here or made it
through here without you.
Matthew Alan Tasin
Liam M Stein
Eagle River, AK
Klein TX
Air Liaison Officer
To my amazing family, Mom, Dad, Sis: I love you all so much. Without
Thanks to my family and mentors who helped forge me into who I am today. "Many people have the desire to be a warrior or elite athlete, but only a
the support you've given me over the years, I wouldn't have made it this far.
David, thanks for being the brother I had. Hal, I couldn't have asked
for a better frosh roomie. Emersyn, FIFA until we die! Jason, one day we will save the world. Saegs, it goes without saying, but, I love you man.
few have the will to prepare their minds and bodies, and to stay the to mastery. Desire is simply the first step in the long, and often lonely,
pursuit of excellence....The strong shall stand, while the weak will fall by the
"To infinity and beyond!"
Forrest Whitfield
Evan D Wise
San Diego, CA
Plano, TX
Developmental Engineer
To Mom, Dad, and Kamaryn, thank
This graduation isn't like others we’ve
you for always believing in me and
had before. We know where we re
pushing me to be better!
I would
going; we're going to war. Well
have never made it without your love! To Mike, I don't know how I would have gotten through this place without
spread near and far, all over creation, But when duty calls, wherever our station, Well meet on the field or flying
you! Thanks for being a best friend
above; And remember our bonds of
who was more insane than I was! To
fraternal love.
Major Thomas, thanks for always giving me a positive attitude, no matter how bad things were! Finally made it!
Margo Zhukov Little Falls, NJ
Logistics Readiness Officer Never miss an opportunity; you don't know which will change your life. Sometimes the biggest challenges are the most rewarding memories. If it wasn't for today, tomorrow would be nothing. Tears dry, bruises heal, pain is forgotten, GOLD lasts forever. My pride and thanks to the class. To trav-
els and experiences in far off lands
to friends and newfound joys. Mama,
Papa, Vladi, Shri, Dedushka, Babushka: Thank you for your love and support.
Mach Firsties
James John Albano Center Moriches N't Pilot Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded
you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discour-
aged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." To my mom, dad, sister, all my family and friends back home, my sponsor parents, AOC's, AMT's and instructors,
and all my brothers and sisters here at
the Academy: Thank you, I could not have done this without you.
Joel Nathan Bateman
Jaejin "J.J.“ Bae Incheon, Republic of Korea
York. NE
Thank you very much, my friends! I really enjoyed every single second
Thanks Dad, Mom, Laura for all the support and Kyle for paving the way for me. To my friends: we've been through the best times and the
in the United States thanks to all of
I will never forget the great
memories we made
If you
have any chance to come to Korea,
worst times together.
Stay classy.
Romans 8:28
please find me.
David Beatty
Andrew Ryan Buttitta
Aurora, CO
Thousand Oaks CA
Behavioral Science-Human Factors
"You cannot dream yourself
Thank you to all of my family and friends. I love you all and I could not have done this without you supporting me and giving me the opportunity to succeed. I will never deserve all that you have done for me. Be strong and
into a character: you must hammer
and forge yourself into one.” -
Henry D. Thoreau.
Thanks to everyone who helped me reach my dreams; my parents, the rest
of my family and the many friends I have made here.
courageous. Do not be terrified; do
not be discouraged for the Lord your
God will be with you wherever you
Joshua 1:9b
M Robert Jace Cau/kins
Bradley "Zeus" Connor
Bremerton, WA
Fayetteville, GA
Medical Corps
Aircraft Maintenance
Thank you Mom, Dad, Jess and T.
Thank you to all of the people that have supported me along the way. It took a long time, but we finally
I love you guys.
made it!!
Mike Duenes
David S Gray
San Juan Capistrano. CA
Denver. CO
"My friend asked me if I wanted a
I just want to thank my friends and
frozen banana. I said No, but I want
family for helping me through this place. Without your help and support, I wouldn't be where I am today.
regular banana later, so...yeah."' Mitch Hedberg. -
Thanks to my family and friends, defi-
nitely couldn't have done it without you.
Jessica Noel Hellmann
Kalien Lee Judah
Palisade. CO
Fort Myers. FL
Force Support
I would like to thank my family for
Thanks to my family and friends who
their unflagging support; I also want
have supported me every step of the
to say thanks to my best friends at
way through my Academy experience.
the Academy for teaching me how
It's been a phenomenal journey
to relax and simply live life. I wish you
with ups and downs that have taught
all to remember that "No man is an is-
land entire of itself...any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." John Donne
me lessons I will carry for the rest of my life. To my Delta Tau Deuce family, thank you for the awesome memories! I look forward to hopefully seeing you all in the Teal" Air Force. Good luck and thank you all!
Bryan M Koenig
Emersyn G Lara
Simi Valley. CA
Great Falls M T
To my family: Mom, Dad, Michelle,
"If the road is easy, then the
Kevin, and Kimberly, I know I would
destination is worthless. But, whereso-
not be where I am today without
your unconditional love and unwaver-
you go, go with all your heart."
ing support. I am forever grateful and always proud to call you my fam-
ily. To my friends: "I live for the nights I will never remember with the friends I will never forget." Toodles USAFA.
joshua D LeMair
Kurt "Lemdog" Lemmen
Madison. SD
Orlando FL
Space and Missiles
Thanks to everyone who has made
Mom and Dad, thanks for the support
this achievement possible! God, my
and believing in me. To everyone who
Parents, Grandparents, family, amazing friends, my wonderful girlfriend, my team and everyone else, there
fought to keep me here despite all the trouble I continued to get into, I
is no way to express my
and love for all of you. I didn’t enjoy every second, but I look back with fond memories of good friends and great times and look to the future with excitement for more. Blue Skies.. .380
eternally grateful. 4/5 probations good enough for me. To my bros,
let's brochill again sometime soon. To
2012, learn from our mistakes AND our successes.
To everyone who feels
they have seen too much of me over the years: "It has to be free!"
Trisha Penrod
Evan M Porter
Columbus, OH
Waltham AAA
I could not have made it to this place
Thanks Mom, Dad, Ryan, and the rest of the family for all your support
through this place without the sup-
port of my family back home. Thank
through my time here. I couldn't have
much! Also I'd like to send a you shout out to my teammates who have kept me going over the past four
made it without all of you. Rebels and
years. I don't know what I would do
together, especially those nights in Denver and Boulder. Looking for-
without lacrosse. Be The Best!
Deucers, it's been a pleasure. To my bros, we shared a lot of good times
ward to many more... "Water Flows,
Rocks Remain"
Romanian Proverb
Moises Fabio“ Rendon
Palmer F Roux III
San Jose, CA
Jersey City, NJ
Mom and Dad: You have been the
I thank my family for understanding
inspiration and strength that has con-
tinually guided me in all my endeavors.
and for the support that I needed
I am today; I love you so much. To
my military career. To my mother. thank you for your strength. To my father, thank you for your wisdom. To
my AOC's: Sorry for the headaches
my baby sister, thank you for provid-
and thank you for all your patience.
ing me the inspiration to want to be greater than I am. To my classmates, only the strong survive. OLDS!!
Thank you for getting me to where
Friends: You guys rock! You made the worst of times, just bearable. To the
Deuce-bros: Let's Brochill...you blee-
din,' yeah you bleedin.' "NO retreat, NO surrender...Prepare for Glory!''
Kelly Elizabeth Spencer
Darrell Strovers
Sharpsburg, CA
Bridgeport WV Acquisitions
Acquisitions I could not have made it through this
place without the love and support from my family. To my teammates: we
have been to hell and back but we
made it!!!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 Thanks a lot to everyone who helped me these -
last four years, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Dad, Mom, Gina, the great
friends I've made in Delta Tau Deuce, and everyone back home supporting
It's been great! Well, maybe not really, but I'm very grateful for my four years here and looking forward to me.
whatever lies in store for me next!
Chris Thomas San Diego, CA
Acquisitions I never thought I would make this many great friends. There are times
I will never forget. PCB 2009, Hurlburt's STOC Crew, Formal Clarification 2010, Ring Dance 2010, Satterfield sponsor house, Dawgs and Deucers. Matt Torrence, from
wrestling to getting me off the road when I had a flat, Joe Silvio and Kyle Moses who saved too many of us with book smarts, thanks bros. It was a
long crazy road but well worth it.
Raphael Eldon Watson AAentone Beach CA
Intelligence It has been a long road, thanks to my
family for supporting me every step of the way. Thanks to all my friends
from home, from church, from the classes of 04 until 14 for all the great memories, experiences, and good times we ve had together. Above all
else I thank Him to was, and will be, with me every step of the way.
He gave me water, and the heart to
Tyler P Wright
Kyle David Yohe
Corryton TN
Liberty. MO
Thanks to my family for supporting me for these many years. I love you all very much. Thanks to my friends for being there. I will never forget
I can honestly say that these last four years have been a blast. Thank you to my family who has always been there
for me through everything. What made this experience unforgettable
all the shenanigans we've had. “Life can
only be understood backwards;
but it must be lived forwards." -
the friends who have become
essentially family. Of course, the PTWOBs made everyday a party. Thank you for the friendships, memo-
Soren Kierkegaard
ries, and stories I expect to hear for
forever. Blue Skies...PTWOB 379
Deuce mil!
Rachael Lee Swanner Arthur Albuquerque. NAA Logistics Readiness "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us". Ralph Waldo -
Emerson, quoted by Coach Bill Roy. Thanks to my family, friends, and mentors for the love and support these five overwhelming years. To Brian, my best friend and love, thank you for saving me, for loving me, for showing me I am capable of anything. I can't
wait to start our lives together.
Matthew William Barattino
Kaylyn Clare Arvidson Parkers Prairie, MN
Purcellvilie VA
Pilot. Foreign Area Studies-Russia
Unmanned Aerial Systems
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. You can do anything you decide to do." Amelia Earhart. Mom, Dad, Corey, Tyler, and Brady thank you for always being there. I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you to all
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Nikki, I could not have made it without yawl's support. To my boys, it has been a
my friends, the Griffins, the Dogs of War, and everyone else who made
guys, some of the best summer times I
have ever had...Finally, Kyle and Vai,
this place memorable! The journey
roomies for life...some of the greatest
wild four years, most of which I don't remember...never could have gotten through without you guys; we ll be
boys for life. Shout out to all the LRC
times I will never forget...WP4L!
definitely worth it!
Van-Ryan J Belanger
Zachary Albert Borg
Monroe, NPi
Ames, /A
Thank you to the family and friends I
I cannot put to words my gratitude
had on Day 1, and to those I found, and am leaving with, on day 1,428.
for the time and love family and friends have selflessly given. Mom,
I could not have accomplished the things I have, nor become the person
support, and guidance throughout
Dad, Lucas, and Elaina: your love,
I am, without all of you in my life. "For
the years are a blessing. "Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil.
everyone who exalts himself will be
humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 14:11 "Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." John Lennon
Cling to what is good." Romans 12:9 "The woods are lovely, dark and -
deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."
Robert Frost
James Edward Carson
Chase Justice Darden
Aladison At
Plano TX
Cost Analysis
"And the turtles, of course...AII the
Thank you to my Lord Jesus Christ for getting me through it all. My time
turtles are free
As turtles and,
maybe, all creatures should be." Dr. Seuss; Mom, Dad, Mamaw, Papaw, Abby, Charles, Billy, Tommy, Tricia, my family, my teachers, Fellow Mechies and Swing Dancers, and so many -
here was filled with football, home-
work, confinements, probations, and
it's over. Smile because it happened"
Dr. Seuss
1 200
great friends who helped me through it all and have great times whenever
others. Thanks. "Don't cry because -
Jason D Gabrick
Nathaniel William Gilbert
Napa Valley CA
River Falls, Wl
Graduate School
"Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who
My family, couldn't have done it without you. My team and my coaches love you guys. My friends: How we made it without dying or being
trains my hands for war
My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge" -
Psalm 144:1-2. Without the Lords
grace, a loving family, the girl I cannot
live without, and friends who never let me
down, I would not have made it
through these five years. I hope to be
arrested, I'll never know. Remember. "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used
gracious steward of the love and support I've received. 3FNS
up, totally worn out, and proclaiming
Ian N Ignatiev
Samuel C Johnson
West Allis Wl
Watertown. SD
Thank you to all my family and friends for all your support throughout the
"The LORD is my strength and my
past five years.
WOW, what a ride!"
song; he has given me victory." Exodus 15:2. Thanks for all the support from family, friends, teachers, and others! I love you Mom! ”1 do not love -
the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." J.R. Tolkien -
Brennan Kyle Lawson
Travis Anton Lyon
Warner Robins GA
Grass Valley CA
Live fast. Die young. Family above all.
Thanks to all my friends and family
that have helped me get through! Special shout out to all my 37ers, I will never forget you Skyraiders! To the 2011 Dogs of War, USAFA is like a fountain of knowledge and the students are there to drink! Love you JCKRMDRLG!!
Alex Meyer
Andrew R Miller
LihertyviHe, II
Mechanicsville. MD
Thanks to everyone who helped get to where I am. My family
God is awesome! Thank you to my parents for everything you've done
and friends are everything to me, especially all my PTWOBs out there.
for me! I love you Carla! "Find your
limits, then exceed them."
I couldn't have done it without you
all. Always remember, "Bad decisions make great stories." unknown. See —
you out in the real world soon.
Kyle Bennett Nelson Ventura CA Pilot
To my family: your support- has been never
ending. I love you guys and am so glad to have you.
To the guys: words can't describe the fun we have had, the trouble we
have caused, or the memories we have all forgotten. You guys are like family. May this be just the start to a life of ridiculous adventures and never
ending stories. Time to take the next step.
Thomas Lee Pressley Lubbock TX Pilot
Many thanks to all ya II who have helped me through, especially Mom, Dad, Gretchen, foreign sisters, friends, of course the rest of the family, and can't forget God. I have loved my experience at the Academy. And although this adventure has been a blessing I'll never forget, I think it's about time I graduate. Keep it real Dogs. Pax Tecum.
Sara K Puckett
Philip A Rancour t
Edmond OK
Kentwood Ml
Systems Engineering Management
My friends, thank you for the unforgettable memories and support.
Friends: I would not be where I am
I wish each of you the best as we
without you.
Thank you to my Family and to my
go off info the Air Force. And to my family, Mom, Dad, and Chris, I could not have made if through this
place without your constant love and understanding. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!
Live the life you've imagined." -
Henry David Thoreau
Bradley Ryan Sapper
Vai Aaron Schierholtz
Warsaw, IN
Danville, CA
Thank you Mom, Dad, and Teryn for
To Mom, Dad, Nate, Cainan, Sophia
supporting me, and thank you everyone in the Thirsty Third for making it such a great time.
Chris, Larry, and Megan: Thank you for your continued support throughout these four difficult years. To my friends: Cheers to the great times we don t remember. Those were some wild nights! I am humbled to have known such a great group of guvs.
Matthew T Siegel
Dustin Smail
Strongsville, OH
Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you to my family for always being there. Thank you to my friends for making this experience bearable. To my classmates: We made it! Thanks, that was fun, now on to bigger and better things.
Thank you to my friends and fam-
ily for all you have done for me in helping me through these last four years. I will never forget my teachers and mentors who challenged me to become a better person. Live like
there is no tomorrow and always pay it forward.
Paul "Tyler
Krystal Ann Sweitzer
Columbus. OH
Woodinville, WA
Logistics Readiness
Thank you to all my friends and most
"I was born with an enormous need
importantly my family for all the support and good times. Psalm 121:1-2.
for affection, and a terrible need to
give it.”
Audrey Hepburn.
To my parents, I owe the world; your love and guidance is my rock. Drew: I
hope you always find joy in life. Linsay and Boo: may you both shoot for the moon.
To Kevin: I cross my heart and
kiss my elbow that well always be
happy. Live. Love. Laugh!
Trever Sinjin Symalla
Carrie Louise Tenge/sen
Denver. CO
Colorado Springs. CO
Intelligence Officer
Thanks to my family for all the
Mom, Dad and Erin, I am truly
support. My mom was particularly supportive and, even though she got
blessed to have the support system
little carried away sometimes, I really appreciated it. To the 2011 baby a
All Stars, thanks for making freshman year more fun than it should have been. To the 2011 Dogs of War, it was an awesome
ride. Now let's go
out singing "Aye, Aye, Aye, well fight
that I have. Each of you celebrated the successes as well as felt the tears with me and, for that, I am truly thankful. I live each day with the following
words of wisdom in my heart: "The hardest road to travel is the road that's right...the shortcuts lead to woe."
until we die..."
Grandpa T. and "Straighten Grandpa H.
up and fly right"
Liliana Gabriela Urrego
Charles J Wasson
Fayetteville, CA
Conneaufvil/e. PA
Air Field Operations
Follow your heart. Don't listen to
what other people say about how to live your life because only you know what makes you happy. Thank you to my family and closest friends for
supporting me through the toughest years of my life so far! Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Henry David Thoreau -
Thank you to everyone who helped to carry on and make it through a tough four years. To Katie, thanks for
giving up, even when it seemed like it would not be worth the trouble.
To the guys, it's been a great couple of year and I will never forget them.
Erot G Asu Clinton. NY Pilot I want to thank my family, without
whom I would've never made it here in the first
place. During my time at
the Academy I've made the best
friends of my life, some of whom I would call brothers, thanks for helping me
through and laughing at my jokes.
To my fellow fighters it has been an awesome
three years and I'll miss you
all, I'll see you out there.
Anthony John Belviso
Sean 5 Bertsch
Bedford. NH
Woodland Pork CO
Pears, Wildcards, Big Macs and Sunkist, Mountain Houses, Raging, Firstie
I want to thank my family and fiancee
3-man room, the Business...to name a few. The times have been amazing I will never forget them. Thank you to
for helping me through the challenges of the Academy and hockey. I came here to follow a childhood dream of
playing D-l hockey. The four years
my family for the amount of support
here provided me the opportunity to
they have given me, no way I would have made it without you. And finally to the ZRFC, brothers for life, and
win three conference championships, play in three NCAA tournaments and play on national television. I made
always stories over standards. Tony B-Side -
great friends here and I wish
them the best in their future endeavors.
Matthew S Brew
Thanks for the memories!
Monique A Cazares
Suffie/d CT
Edmond. OK
Air Battle Manager
"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the
without the help of my family and
years, I've given myself a thousand
friends, thank you all. Mom and Dad,
I couldn't have made it through
to keep running, but it always
you both pushed me my entire life to
back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and
do my best and I would not be the
of achievement."" Steve Prefontaine. Of course, thanks to my
your guidance and love.
reasons comes
a sense
person I am today if it weren't for
family and friends for their encouragement...l hope you all realize just how important you've been to me from the start and through difficult times!
Curtis Christensen
Erin MichelleFlanny" Flanigan
Los Alamos NM
Las Vegas NV
I would like to thank God because
Thanks to God, my wonderful family for all the love and support you have
everything I am, and will be emanates from him. Thank you Sarah for the woman of God you are and for
waiting for me. Thank you dad, mom, and the rest of my family for all your loving support. I couldn't have done it without you all. Thanks Mark for being an awesome roommate of 2 V2 years (almost...);-]. Psalm 46:10
given me, and thanks to the amazing friends I've made here, who were there with me through the rough times
laughed with me in good times, and were always down to go to Haps. Live for the weekends, Party like there s no tomorrow, Get yo drinks on, love you all.
Jack 7 C“ Forrester
Mark Gaudette
Jenks, OK
Katy, TX
Security Forces
Four years at USAFA: 2 Hard ARCs, tours, 5B56 late-nights, Big Mac's &
Thank you to my friends and family for supporting me through these challenging years. I'm so grateful for the
Sunkist, Firstie 3-man, The Business, and the Fighter Family. Thanks to my family
wonderful friends I've met here and
and friends, I never would have made it without you. "Aiyyo I'm gonna be
the adventures we've shared together.
ti-dop, that's all my eyes can see victory is mine, yeah surprisingly I've been layin', waiting for your next
fiancee for standing by me and endur-
mistake, I put in work and watch my
done it without you. I can't wait to see
status escalate."
Gang Starr
Most of all, thank you to my beautiful ing our long absences from each other for so many years. I couldn't have
what life has in store for us all!
Lyndsey Laura Horn
James L Leli
Albuquerque, NM
Fairfield, CA
"...all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about." Charles Kingsley
Mom and Dad, thank you for being
my role models. Johnny and Kristin,
thank you for being my best friends. And to all the Boys, thank you for being my brothers. All of you have given me the motivation, confidence, humor, and support to make it through the best four years of my life. Now let
the fun begin! 6G40, Trolls Roll, Olds,
Fighters For Life
Christopher A Lester
Robert G Menzel
las Veqas. NV
Charlotte NC
For giving me strength for this and future adventures, I thank Jesus Christ. To my family, especially Mom and Dad and to the Walkers: words aren't
I am so grateful to God and to my
family for their love and support during my time here. I wouldn't trade what I learned here for anything. To
adequate but thank you and I love
those behind me, you get as much out
you all. To my friends, especially my
of this place as you put into it. And being a short three hours from some of the best slopes in the world isn't a
Astro buddies, thanks, I'll miss you. Without you all, I'd be lost. Life is all about experience, good or bad, what
bad deal either! Hebrews 10:23
matters is how you learn and grow.
Love and Light! Olds!
Fighters for Life!
Sarah Elizabeth Mueller
Raychel A Poremski
Glendale, AZ
Palmdale, CA
Thank you to my family for all the
To my family: you're stuck with me. Thanks for loving me despite all the
support they have given me not only here at the Academy but all the times before as well. I could not have done any of this without all of you. Also to my friends both here and back home you have been there through thick and thin and I look forward to all the memories we still have ahead of us.
stupid things I say and do. To my friends: you KNOW who I am and love me anyway. Thank you. To the rest of you here, you made this
place USAFA. OLDS!!!!!!!!!!! "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Kyle N P Rimando
Keenan Ryner
Sacramento, CA
St. Croix U.S. Virain islands
Cyberspace Warfare
Very few people can say they ve graduated from this prestigious institu-
I give thanks to God for this rare and
tioa and even fewer can say that
quite the run. I've had some rough experiences and some inconceiv-
they have experienced everything the Academy has to offer. I never would have guessed that the Academy would be this hard, and I never would have made it save for my God, my family, and my friends. "Sorry for
remarkable opportunity. This has been
ably extraordinary experiences. The bonds created will last forever. Family support and unwavering friendships
partying." Ephesians 6:10-11
made my stay here possible. To my fellow PTWoBs; blue skies my friends. I'm out! -PTWoB # 383
Michael John Sayers
Tyler "Shoney Schonsheck
Clermont. Ft
Wixom, Ml
To my family, the Business, and the Jelly Jammers: Thank you for all your
love and support over the past four years. I believe Ferris Bueller had it
I thank the Lord for bringing me
here, for introducing me to wonderful friends, and helping me stick it out.
right when he said "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." As
rough as it was, I am definitely going to miss the great times I had and will
remember them forever.
Kyle Alexander Smith
James Logan Spidel
Crown Point, IN
St. Thomas, PA
To everybody who has been a part
How would I describe myself? Three
of my life during our four years here,
words: hard-working, alpha male,
thank you so much for making memo-
ries worth
holding onto. To my family, I can't thank you enough for always being there for me and keeping me pointed in the right direction. This is only the beginning...but it's looking good so far.
William Brooks Waugaman
Chad Lee Weaver
Monument, CO
A/\ancos CO
Pilot First off I would like to thank God, for all the blessings he has given
throughout my life. Also, to my family and friends that have supported me throughout this experience. Alright Boys, time to "Flight-suit up" Barney Stinson me
Security Forces Thanks to my friends and family for all of the support over the last few years. Special thanks to my brother. Mom and Dad, Matt. Luke, Wagner,
The Cumm Family and all the squad-
bros. It's been real and it s been fun, but I can't say it's been real fun. ron
Derek Worth
Ryan A Zielinski
Longwood. FL Cyberspace Warfare To my family: Thanks for all your love and support. I couldn't have done it without you. To my friends:
struggled, we had fun. You made if memorable. I'll never forget you! "Watch your thoughts, for they we
become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
Las Vegas NV
To Mom, Dad, Todd, and God above, you gave me the support and
guidance to get through here. It was wild ride! Thank you for everything! To all the friends along the way, you sincerely made every minute of the
journey worth it! 6G40, Trolls Roll, Olds, Fighters For Life... "Go For It!' -Dad
Scott M Addy Colorado Springs CO Pilot Thank you to my family and friends for seeing me through trying times. "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”
Steve Prefontaine
Jade E Best
Hugh MacDonald Black IV
Sacramento CA
Litchfield Pork AZ
Civil Engineer
Thanks to my family and friends who have supported me these last four
Thanks to all the people that got me here, got me through, and will be with
years at the Academy, especially
my mom! I never would have made
after graduation. Good luck to everyone, WE ARE DONE!
it without your constant love and
support. Thanks to P&B and the Wolfpack for making these years entertaining and memorable to say the least! "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the road less traveled by,
and that has made ALL the difference."
Robert Frost
Lantz Wayt Casey ...
"If you want to catch beasts you don't
Thanks everyone for helping me get through this place, especially my fresh-
every day,
buddies and all the others I met
along the way.
the way, You have to go places no others can
Hillsborough. A/C
You have to go places quite out of
Midland. TX
John "Cronman
get to.
"The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep on running." -
You have to get cold and you have to get wet, too.” Dr. Seuss -
fee William "Tyler" Dallas
Gavin M Fluhart
College Station TX Acquisitions
San Diego CA Acquisitions.''Intelligence
Thanks to the sponsor family (SC the dad, WW and JT the sons, & the dog) for all the good times, thanks to DF and CW for all the bad times, and thanks to Mom, Dad and Cassie for
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understand-
being there the whole time. Most importantly, thanks to God for guiding my steps.
ing; in all your ways acknowledge
Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6. -
I just want to say thank you to God. my
family and my friends. You are the reason
I made it to where I am.
Alexander Jack Manassas VA Marine Corps Naval Flight Officer I d like to thonk my mother, my friends
and the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 (Olds) for seeing me through the long and winding road, the road less trav-
eled by. Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat
efficiency, we are winning." Col David M Schoup, USMC
Joel Thomas Kraus
Chase E Lane
Harrisonburq, VA
Phoenix AZ
Acquisitions Program Manager
Wow, I can't believe I made it. Soli
Thank you to my family, friends, and girlfriend for helping me through these
Deo Gloria. Without God, I am nothing. Thanks to my family, friends, and instructors that made these four years
worth it. Here’s to slaving away at my C.E. homework with Ted Labedz
countless evenings, finding the "slope of the slope” and running through hundreds of sheets of engineering paper.
To my squad, thanks for making the
last four years. It has been a challenging and reward-
ing experience which I will cherish.
"Opportunity follows struggle. It follows effort. It follows hard work. It doesn't come before." Shelby Steele -
Wolfpack a home to me! Cheers.
Elliot Christian Loper
Christopher Jay McCool
Columbia. MD
Anderson, IN
Security Forces
Thanks to my friends, family, and
It's been a crazy rollercoaster ride.
brohans for supporting me through my Academy Career. ZRFC: Stories
twists and turns, moments to laugh
Standards... and I'll leave with
and moments to put your hands up
There have been ups and downs,
this, "As the great warrior poet Ice
in the air and scream. But most of
Cube once said: if the day does
all, it's been a rush. Challenging and
not require an AK, it is good.”'
exhilarating. The best part is that I
Generation Kill
wasn't alone. Without my friends, there would have never been any
point on getting on board. Thank you, I won't forget you.
Stephen J Miller
Nathaniel Sails Moyer
Barrington, PI Aeronautical Developmental Engineer
Westford, MA
Ski Weekends, Code Red and
Defaulting thanks to P and B
MP, JB, HB, KH, GF, CL, MR, ZP, and my part time roommate T$. Thanks to Mom, Dad, Andy and Tom for
Pilot Thank you to everyone who helped
through. To everyone I flew with, thanks for being my eyes. To all of the CS guys, thanks for sharing in the me
supporting my decision and helping me
make it, I couldn't have made it
through without Ali.
Stevie Alexa Puentes
Marvin G Poquiz Brea, CA
Rio Rancho, NM
Aircraft Maintenance
To my family, thank you for always being there for me. I love you all
To my family, I could not have done
very much. To my second family,
thanks for never giving up on me. I honestly could not have made it without all of you. Thanks for the I suppose I love you all too.
P&B for life.
it without you. EMT, TDW, CJC, AMG, thanks for the memories, but we
still have a lot more to come. To
all those that took that extra year to make it through, it was worth it...fiveyear plan baby! And to those who started the journey with us but were unable to finish, you will always have a
special place in my heart.
Adrian Ramos
Reginald Bonanza Rembert Jr
Spring Valley. CA
Flower Mound. TX
I want to thank my family, friends and
Thanks to everyone who has been
God for giving me all of these opportunities. Thank you all, I wouldn't have
there for me during the last five years.
made it this far without the support and hope you all have given me. With all that I am, I promise to work hard to give back to my God, country, family and friends. God bless America and Lord help me to serve those that
I really appreciate everyone helping me through the tough times that I have been through here, because God knows there have been many. Thanks again. I made it!!!! Don't ever
let someone say you CANT
do something... prove them wrong!"
I love the best way that I can.
Eric John Robinson
Patrick Shawn Ryan
Denver, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Thanks to everyone who has helped
"Don't wait for the last judg-
through these past few years
my teachers, coaches, teammates,
it takes place every day.” -
Albert Camus
classmates, and family. I look forward to working with you as we move through the Air Force. I wish everyone
the best. "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are
Isaiah 43:1
Rachel Elizabeth Simmons
Viludani "Vilu‘ Yatawara
Rocklin CA
Kandy Sri tanka
Aeronautical Engineering
Rip Van Winkle pulled it off! You’ve Rat Race.
Thanks to all who made this place worthwhile and were with me every mo-
Thanks: Mom, Dad, Brothers, Friends,
ment- my family, 2007-2008 Bulldawgs
got to love a long shot."
Family, Dr. Ferrante and Scottie.
2008-2011 Wolf packers, and everyone else along the way. Also a special thanks to all international cadets, DFIP and all Sri Lankan friends who encouraged me
all along from a long distance as my own
brothers and sisters. Ayubowan. May SriLankan welcome you live longer" -
Kyle Owen Bailey Austin TX
Cyberspace Operator Thanks to everyone in my family for supporting me while I have been at the Academy. There is no way I would have made it through without
y'all. Also thanks to everyone on the golf team for being the best group of friends I could have asked for, y'all are awesome.
It has been a great
four years. Thanks to everyone who
pushed me to come and convinced me
to stay.
Jennifer Bandi
Jenny Ann Barbee
Winchester. MA
Carfersvi/le CA
The last four years have taught
that through every disappointment
Thanks to my parents and four sisters for supporting me through these four years. I love y'all so much and don't know what I would do without the
He is sovereign and will spark new
longest emails ever and trips to see
that God shuts some doors I
expected to be closed, but
opportunities that I never even knew
each other. To all my best friends
existed. I have to say thanks to my amazing family, friends, and many mentors. Special shout out to Brooke and Christina, who have been my lifeline during my time at USAFA.
here: partying with y'all has made my experience so much more fun. I will always remember the laughs, the
Jamboree runs and the dance-parties.
I love y'all.
Isaiah 40:31
David i Barron
Mark Bell
Pleasant View, TN
Peoria. AZ
Thank you Mom and Dad for
To all my family and friends, your
your unfailing support and Godly
love and support has had been a
example. You have taught me more
blessing to my time at the Academy.
than you could imagine. Thank you to my friends and family who have
Mom and Dad, thank you for your continued support and instilling in me
been a great source of encourage-
the values that got me to where I am.
ment through these tough years. The
I love you! Colossians 3:17
greatest thing I have learned in the last four years is to put all your pride, worries, and past failures in God's hands and humbly follow Christ.
Patrick Kieran Doyle Saint Michaels, MD
Bon, NC
Civil tngineering
"Do work son."
"Better to light one small candle
than to curse the darkness." -
Chinese proverb
Jess D Gentry
Micheal N Glatthar
Aurora CO
Hayesvil/e, NC
Behavioral Scientist
Parental Units, thanks for all the little
Thank you Mom and Dad for
things; you're my inspiration and support. Pretty Lady, you’re my best friend. Thanks for being "trouble" with me. MSgt Pope, you're the best mentor I've ever had; thanks for being the
your unwavering support and love
throughout my life. To all my friends and fellow Bull Six firsties thanks for all the good times, laughs, dinners at
first person to believe in me. Michael,
thanks for pushing me to my future. To the class of Olds; it was fun, now let's do this thing! Remember, life is choices,
with all thine heart; and lean not unto
live your life fully, no regrets.
ways acknowledge Him, and He shall
Mitch's, and our sophomore training Ashlin thank you for always being there for me. Trust in the Lord -
thine own understanding. In all thy direct thy paths."
Richard J Kim
Derrick Wayne Luken
El Paso. TX
Lompoc; CA Space and Missiles
Intelligence Thank you umma, appa, Monica,
harabuhjee, halmuhnee, gomo, little
Thank you to all my family that have helped me get through this place.
munchkins, sumo, Sarah, Luscious Lu,
Special thanks to my brother, Bryce,
and all my other close family and
because without him I might not have
friends for supporting me these past
made it. Thanks to all the fellas EP,
four years! Couldn't have done it
Dug, TA and all the others. We had our tough times, but we will never forget 5996 Bestview and all the good days. Jeremiah 29:11
without ya!
Randy James Mann Camarillo CA .
Pilot I want to thank everyone who helped reach my goals. I would not be who I am today without all your
support. I'll miss the bulls, friends, baby cobras, and everyone who helped me
along the way. I wish everyone the best and hope we stay in touch. :-)
Edward Henry Vincent Miller
Vincent Miranda
Asheville NC
Peoria. AZ
Airfield Operations
"It's not the job or the place you miss. It's the people." unknown; Thank you to my family and friends who have helped me through this journey. The -
I took the long way, but I did it my way. Thanks to everyone that helped
along the way. 82nd Drive and N. Lovekin where it all started.
world would mean nothing without God to worship and friends and family to have fun with. Don't ever forget our
lessons and memories of this place.
When you get stuck, listen to the big guy upstairs since he has the blueprints
for everything. As always, Remem-
ber....TCF 24/7/365
Prior take MN
James Ryan Nichol Yorkfown VA
Travis P Nelson
"Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire" Garth Brooks To my family- Thank you so much for -
your support.
To my friends- Thanks for the memo-
I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me throughout the years and always being there for me. I could never have made it
without your love and support! Passion: There is No Other
Way to Play
than All Out.
Douglas E Parrish
Jasper "Jaspe' Simmons
Cary, NC
Rockford. IL
The funny thing about life is that you
I came here expecting to develop physically and intellectually. However I never expected God to work so diligently on my heart spiritually. While I may not have always recognized His work, looking back now and I clearly see the fingerprints of Gods loving hand which carefully orchestrated this four-year experience that lovingly
only get one shot. As I leave here, I hope I do so as a better man and well rounded person. Thank you to my family and friends for the generous amount of guidance and encouragement, I will be forever grateful. 3FNS,
thanks for the support, memories, and
laughter. I learned a lot of tough lesyet you guys got me through the hardest of times. I love y'all.
broke me down and built me up closer to Him. For that I am eternally grateful.
2 Corinthians 12:8-10 ly
Allan Smith
Devon Azell Ussery
Boeme, TX
Montclair CA
Aircraft Maintenance
Thanks to my friends and family for the past five years, and thanks to the
I'm not going to thank my family and
friends; there's not enough room. I'm
physics department for two years
not going to give the lower classes
of fun!
advice; they've heard it all. I am, howto continue to be myself. I have finally graduated and I'm not
ever, going
going to give the world a "scene;" I going to give them a Broadway show. 'HAPPY DANCE'
Alexander Joseph Arndt Austin. TX
Pilot I would like to thank my parents for
helping me through all the tough times and the many countless situations that I could have not made it through without you both. I love you both very much. I would also like to thank my
brother for always being a good role model for me, and an awesome big brother. Finally, to my roommates and friends, thank you for the memories and making this place entertaining.
Sean M Christy
Nehemiah F Bostick Houston. TX
Snellville, CA
Developmental Engineer
Aircraft Maintenance
Thanks to the grace of God and the support of friends, teachers, and of course my family I was able to
Thank you to my family and loved
make it.
for your continued support
through the years. Without your guidance and words of encouragement I would not have been able to make it. I especially appreciate my friends for
making the time I was free enjoyable.
Brendan R Cleary
Amanda Lee Davis
Portland. OR
Reno NV
Medical School
To my God, my mother and father,
Gracias a Dios, mi familia, amigos, profesores, y DFIP por mis oportunidades en America Latina. Dawn and Mommy: I could not have made it without your support; I love and admire you both. Mommy: You said this to me at my last graduation, and I'll tell you this now you inspire me
family, friends, and all who gave much to support me through the tough weeks and rougher years: I am so
forever thankful, awed, and humbled
by the unfailing love you showed to a
kid who deserved a whole lot less.
Today give all that you have, for what you keep inside you lose forever."
Owen Marecic.
to become a better person. Thank you
for your strength and unconditional
love; I am proud to be your daughter.
Kipp Druecke
Ross M Elder
Brookfield lA/I
Williamstown, 11 L
Aircraft Maintenance
This has been the best and worst
It has been an epic ride, but we have
experience of my life. I want to thank my mom and dad, my grandparents,
the Schweiss family, Dr. Furstenau, the
lifelong friends I've made here, and everyone else for all of the support
you have given me. To all of you still
here, make time to have fun otherwise you will go insane. Long live the Old
Ford Truck Club.
finally reached the light at the end of this tunnel. I wish everyone receives
everything they want in life and more. From the memories I have had with you, I'm certain our horizons are truly
limitless. Here's to going and doing colossal things in the world! But never
forget: Nothing is ever easy in the kingdom of earth." unknown -
Michael D Harrison Apple Valley, CA
Logistics Without my faith, family, and friends this journey through the happiest place on earth would have been impossible...thank you! Find something to smile about every day, "There's no normal life...it's just life. Get on with it"
Doc Holliday, Tombstone, 1993
Ian James Hocking
Joshua T Ku
Merrimack, NH
North Brunswick. NJ
To my God, my family, and my friends. Special thanks to my parents, to the Warrick's, and to J Bradley. I couldn't have made it through without your Godly encouragement, wisdom, guidance, and friendship. Won't it be fun to see what God does? Psalms 1, Proverbs 3:5-6, Colossians 3:23, and 1 Corinthians 13.
I thank my God and my family for
getting me through this place. Isaiah 40:30-31 all the way the second verse is the assurance, but the first verse is the truth. Mom and Dad, and Izzy and Caleb and Deeny, and to -
all of you out there whom I haven't
mentioned, thank you for your prayers
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.. .But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15.
and support. To my Hawgs and Shad-
Elizabeth "Betfa" Levri
Kevin Lewis
Pittsburgh, PA Force Support
Radcliff. KY
ows, it's been real; I'll catch you on the
flip side. Kudos all!
Don't know if this should be serious or
"The most important thing I learned is
funny. This place has a way of confusing the two. To those I've laughed,
that soldiers watch what their leaders
do. You can give them classes and
sweated or cried with, and to those
lecture them forever, but it is your
who have lent an earlobe, it’s been
personal example they will follow."
Few people know how to take
Gen Colin L. Powell, USA
walk. The qualifications are endurance, plain clothes, old shoes, an eye
I want to thank God, my family, and
for nature, good humor, vast curiosity, good speech, good silence and noth-
ing too much."
my friends for seeing me through this
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ben J Mathewson
William / MeAngus
Potter, NE
Victoria TX
Financial Management
Space and Missiles
The clock locked loudly, but of what it
"Christ is Risen"
spoke I never knew.
Elliot Noon
Taylor Olson
Alexandria VA
Denver, CO
Thanks to my family for helping me get to the Academy, thanks to my
half right, but not as they
Imagine; rather, I
friends for helping me get through the Academy, and thank you Academy for sending me all over the world, and paying me to do it.
Seek in myself the things I meant to say.
And lo! The wells are dry." C.S. Lewis -
Kyle Rich
Jon Ryherd
Monrovia, MD
St. Louis, MO
Intelligence "
I had some great times and some
For I know the plans I have for you,
not so great times. But the people I
declares the Lord, plans to prosper
shared all it with matter more than
you and not to harm you, plans to
any degree or commission USAFA
give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. I want to thank God for
could ever give me. That includes you Missy. Thank you for helping me get through this place. I love you. IHTP
blessing me with a loving, supportive family, a unique and fulfilling Academy experience (despite my efforts to the contrary), and for filling said experience with people of the best kind. Thanks to all of you!
Elizabeth Ann Scarberry
Amber R Sells
Fairborn, OH
Houston. TX
Logistics Readiness
Mom, Dad, Daveo
Thanks for
being there to push me in the right direction. I would never have made "A
it without your love and support. man can
to be.
be as great as he wants
If you have the courage, the
determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are
willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done."
It has been hard, but well worth it. I have been through experiences and met friends I will never forget. Dad, Mom, Megan, Missy, and the rest of my family, I could not have done this without your support. The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution or way of life, or say and do things that
make people think."
Vince Lombardi
Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
John Simkus
Jennifer L Simoneau
Chicago, IL Acquisitions
Burrton, KS
I want to thank my family for their un-
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters
wavering love and support. You were always there when I needed you most. I want to thank my best friend who stuck with me these many years, matter what happens in the future I am glad I will have you in my life. To Alex and Pat, I think of you guys
like my brothers. I will never forget the many Garndtkus experiences we shared together.
compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson. -
To Mom, Dad, Philip, Liz, Samantha and Brian
thank you for your unend-
ing love, support and encouragement through the good and the bad. To
life-long friends thank you for all the laughs and smiles along the way. I my
love you all! WE MADE IT!
Gray Montgomery Thompson
Nathaniel E Thuli
Knoxville. TN
Rio Rancho. A/44
"Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will
Thank you Mom, Dad, Zach, Alexis, family and friends for all your support and guidance. You have been
mount up with wings like eagles, They
will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary."
a blessing to me each day. Anne, Howard, Isaac, and Addison: Thank
iah 40:31 "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But victory belongs to the LORD." can
you for seven wonderful years and
many more to come! Love always and
Philippians 4:13 "I
God bless!
do all things through Him who
strengthens me. For His glory and His honor."
Proverbs 21:31
Brittany White Dayton, OH Scientisf/Medical School To my mom, dad, sister and friends: you all have given me countless bless-
ings and encouragement. Thank you for believing in me.
CHAIN of command
Kevin D A Hum Murrieta CA
Pilot Shout out to my friends and family for helping me get through this place. "Swan Dive! And Wiz Wit!" But most
importantly, "Give it All".
Mario R A Vila Diaz
Kyle Brandon Ames
Mazatenango Cuatemola
Ouakerfown, PA
Intelligence Bock when if was hard...Thanks for the nickname "Lennie," Kevin; if caught on...What time is it!? Major Walsh:
$% up, Ames...I gotta thank my family for their love, support, Shut the
and many care packages while I've been here! Batman once said, "it's not
who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." Go do great things Eagles! WIZ WIT!!
Well, we made it, and it was quite a ride! A pleasure getting to know you
all, thanks for the support, and espe-
dally thanks for the memories, keep it classy and good luck in the future.
Rock on! Ahora al espanol. Gracias a toda mi familia, amigos y demas gente que siempre me apoyo. Sin ustedes no
hubiera podido llegar hasta aca,
gracias por todo. Mama no vayas a llorar mucho jeje. Arriba y adelante!
Carmilya Nichole Boykin
Richard F Casburn
Fayetteville. NC Space and Missiles
Littleton. CO
"For I know the plans I have for you,'
Hey, remember the time that they told us the end to Harry Potter in basic. That was the worst. Eight balls roll out!
declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11. God always knows who to put in your life to help you prosper. Thank God for my mom, brother, and my girls Sam and Reecie. The GHC is -
growing up! (tear loll
Aaron Haejoon Cho
David S Clark
Jacksonville. FL
Sunnyvale CA
Through late nights, frozen sweat,
To Mom, Dad. Ian, Grandma, and Kim, I genuinely thank you for all of
early mornings, bland food, ancient rules, refrigerated dorm rooms, ineffecfive silver weekends, and thousands of
your love and support.
I would not be where I am without you all.
unnecessary e-mails, I found friends are
best made through creativity, stupid-
ity, and an optional get away plan. Thanks Ty, Guato, Dill Pickle. Dome, Double "D", PD-T, and all you others. If is because of you and our hijinks I am certain our future is secure.
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds for you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.' -
James 1:2-3
Derek E Clowes
Joel Andrew Corapi
San Dieqo CA
Vancouver, British Columbia
Air Liaison Officer
To my friends and family: Thanks for
However, I consider my life worth
all of the support and understanding,
nothing to me, if only I may finish
especially during the occasional weeks
the race and complete the task the
months of no communication due
to the wonders of being a chemistry
major. To my squadron: "You stay classy Great Eagle Eight."
Lord Jesus has given me the task of testifying to the gospel of God's -
Acts 20:24
Kenneth Costello
Nipomo, CA Navigator I wish I had something unique to say,
but I really don't. Thank you God for the strength to complete this, for the life-long friends I shared it with, and for experiences that changed me so
much. To my friends, I'll always
remember you guys and gals. It's been a great ride. This isn't good-bye, just see
you later. To my family, you know
how I feel. Much love.
Grant R Dilley
Emily / Frick
Columbus, OH
Colorado Springs. CO
"So do not throw away your con-
Thank you Mom, Amanda, Molly, friends, and family for all of the love
fidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when
and support through these last four
you have done the will of God, you
years. And to my girls, I couldn't have
will receive what He has promised."
done it without you!
Hebrews 10:35-36
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."
James Dean
Marie Chantelle Gaudreault
Erin Partidge Green
Colorado Springs, CO
Cincinnati, OH
"Opportunity is missed by most people
This Thank you to everyone who
because it is dressed in overalls and Thomas A. Edison looks like work."
helped me get this far it wouldn't have been possible without every single one of you!
Everyone has oceans to fly as long as you have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe...but what do dreams know of boundaries." -
Amelia Earhart
Jason B Harris
Alexander Joseph Horn
Stafford VA
Littleton CO
Thank you to my family and friends for your love and support through the years; you all have helped me in more ways than you'll ever realize.
"He does not lead me year by year nor even day by day, but step by
step my path unfolds; My Lord directs Barbara C. Ryberg. my way." -
Everyone knows this has been a long and challenging journey. I'm just glad I didn't have to do it alone, thanks to my parents, my friends, and my Lord
Skipper, Rico, and Melman for life.
Jared Marcus Jaime
Anthony W Langdon
Anchorage AK
Hampton VA Security Forces
Combat Rescue Officer Thanks fam for putting up with all my
shenanigans over the last six years and supporting me every step of the way. To my classmates and the fellas,
let the good times roll as we head out from this place and thanks for all
"I'm a big believer in starting with high standards and raising them. We make progress only when we push ourselves to the highest level. If we
don't progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude."
the sweet memories.
Dan Gable
"THUMBS UP LETS DO THIS!!!!''... "Where did all the rum go?"
Andrew P Lee
Kaleb Robert Marsh
Nashville. TN
Knoxville TN
"When once you have tasted flight,
Dad, Mom, and Kars; thank you for
you will forever walk the earth with
every call, package, thought, and of
your eyes turned skyward, for there
every prayer. I could not have done anything without your support and love. Thank you for pushing me to take the road less traveled. You'll never know how much your example has meant to me. I hope I can continue to make you proud. To all my friends thanks for the good times and great laughs. Good luck and God Bless!
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."
da Vinci Thank you Mom, Dad, Kristin, and Rachel. You guys are all amazing. I love you all so much. Thanks for your
support through it all.
Merry Noel Miller
Jonathan Michael Plyler
Lubbock, TX
Guys Mills. PA
Thanks Mom and Dad for believing
First I want to thank God, my best
in me and all the support, love and
goodies! Thanks to all my friends who made these past four years unforqettable!
friend, for His leadership. I also want to thank my family and my friends you know who you are
for being
there for me through these four years.
"I’m glad I did it, partly because it worth it, but mostly because I shall never have to do it again."
Mark Twain
When I came to the Academy sometold me I was going to make the best friends of my life. I didn't believe
it at the time, but I do now! Best
wishes to you all. Isaiah 6:8.
Tyler D Ring waId tola. KS
Mom, Dad, Travis, Amy, Mark, family: Thank you for everything. Friends: Thank you for making this place home. If I called you names, deal with it. Don't forget wiz wheels, when to say
BOOMER!, our class hangouts, and if you don't like something...just send it back. Look to the future, and never never never
give up. Real Talk. God is great.
Peter J Tarvin Minnetonka. MN Pilot Life is good. To Mom, Dad, and Sarah: Thanks for being constant sources
of support and encouragement. To my mountaineering buddies: Get high,
stay high! Up is the right direction! To everybody else: Take a look at Edward Abbey's final paragraph of advice. Robert Frost got something right because there's a lot left that I could have done, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.
Jon Wylie Wikstrom St Paul MN
Developmental Engineer Thanks to my family and girlfriend, I wouldn't have made it through here
without your support. Even with football I never would have come without my dad’s influence. Also thanks to THE family; Bullwinkle, Dog, Prison Dad, and my Unidentical Identical Rebellious Twin. And Ryan Curry, do you have headphones? Three years brother. And Waiwai for helping me write this
(who I told not to come here on his recruiting trip but he came anyways).
Lisa Yun-Chun Wong Silver Spring, MD Pilot
"I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most
special places your heart has ever known."
I'll remember the good times, never forget the tough times, and will cherish the people who supported me every
step of the way.
Elliott Anthony Battle Los Angeles. L A Cyberspace Operations
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Laura Jayne Buster
Jonathan S Bradley Beaumont, TX
Tustin CA
Aircraft Maintenance
Logistics Readiness
"Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7:25; To my family for first teaching me about God and for your loving support to Holly for your friendship, patience, and your love to the Warricks for your countless hours of counsel, living
I want to say thank you to my Dad
example, and your love
and to all
my brothers and sisters in Christ, for your priceless friendship and the best memories
thank you so much!
and my Mom for their faithfulness,
for praying for me and encouraging me.
I have the most incredible family
anyone could ask for. I love you Dad.
Mom, Brian, Meg, &Sara. Most of all thank you Jesus, you have sustained me
and kept me in your hand. 'Not
that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but it is of God."
David Garrett Cotter
Mary Elizabeth Duns worth
Sacramento CA
Rock Island, IL
Thank you to my family and friends
I thank everyone who constantly sup-
for your constant love and support these last few years. Every day was
ported and encouraged me over the
long, but the years blew by and I will never forget them. I love you guys!
person I am today. Trials show the true
"Your life is yours and yours alone. Rise up and live it."
Terry Goodkind
years, without you I wouldn't be the
nature of who you are. "I've learned
that college friends become a kind of
family. You eat together, and have nighters. You laugh: you cry: you fight; you do absolutely everything together until you cannot seem to movie all
remember how you ever lived without them."
Dayne Michael Foote Guymon. OK Security Forces God grant me the serenity to accept
things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the weaponry to make the difference. Invictus. Heart and Soul. Though I walk through the Valley of Death, I shall fear no
evil. He today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother. People
sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
Brennan Morgan Gallagher
Sam Harriger
Stockbridge GA
South/oke, TX
Civil Engineering
"Sure, I've been called a xenophobe,
I had some rough times, but more importantly had many great times while here. Thanks to God, my family, and my friends that helped me through
but the truth is, I'm not. I honestly just
feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren't as
good. That used to be called patriotism." Kenny Powers
and made it worthwhile.
Thanks Mom and Dad for helping me
through these past four years I could not have done it without you. To the
ZRFC rugby team thanks for making this time worth it.
Daniel James Hess
Krystie Anne Kasperson
Indianapolis, IN
Kalispell M T
Thank you to all my great friends who
Thanks to my parents for helping me
helped get through this place and to my family who has supported me
reach my dreams and always believ-
since the
ing in me. To all my friends who have supported me, thanks for being there
when I needed you most. To my Vi-
kings, it's been hard, but I appreciate everything you all have done to help me
make it. To my mentors, thanks
for showing me what is possible. "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done, it's always Dr. Wayne Dyer your choice." -
wmmmmmm Anthony Joseph Morosco
Marshall L Nye
Ormond Beach, FL
Cody wr
"Every man's life ends the same
"I never let my schooling interfere with
way. It is only the details of how
my education."
Mark Twain
he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." Ernest Hemingway -
Tyler Dakota Oar
Kaitlin F Otto
Moyvi/le. ND Cyberspace Warfare Officer
Houston, TX
"It is a well-known fact that those
To my family, I love y'all so much! Thank you for being there for me
people who must want to rule people are, ipso
facto, those least suited to
through these four years and for
Douglas Adams
putting up with my stories and AFA Visitor's Center Christmas gifts. Thanks also to all the friends I've made here,
do it"
These last four years have flown by. I have learned so much and made so many great friends during my time here. Thank you to my parents for all your support, I love you!
better see y'all out in the big Air Force. Lesson learned: just work like it's all up to you, but pray like it’s all up to him. Jeremiah 29:11.
Sarah Petersen
Anthony D Ressel
Staten Island NY
Kodiak, AK
Thanks Mom, Dad, Will, and Chubbs
Amigos, friends, and other good people, I enjoyed life here and will
for everything. To all my friends-thanks for the good times. Will: Now you can have your weekends back. Brought the Maro back to life, couldn't have
miss it here because of you guys.
I look forward to what God has
done it without you kid! Well, that
regular life after USAFA. "Blessed are those who
have not seen and have believed."
in store for me in
Michael Saeger
Scott Ross
Brentwood CA
Flagstaff, AZ Intelligence A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.
John 20:29
Navigator "What you just said is one of the most
insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling,
incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for
listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." Billy Madison; If there's a will there's a way... Mom, Dad, Steve -
Thank you all
Joel A Sanders
Geoffrey M Simkin
Mason OH
Destin, FL
Thanks goes out to my parents and family. The number of phone calls
Thank you mom, dad, friends, and torn-
home to chat about normal family life and advice helped me to make a lot
of important decisions here over the years. To my classmates, thank you for being my brothers and sisters these four years. I don't think I would have stayed if not for the awesome people who had that one extra smile that
brightened my day.
James J Taggart Houston TX Pilot It's been a long four years, see all of you on the outside!
ily. I couldn't of done it without you. "Pride goes before destruction, a
haughty spirit before a fall." -
Proverbs 16:18
Thomas Glenn Wood Jr Granite Bay CA Pilot Thank you Mom, Emily, Sydney, Scout, Stanley, Sprocket and Snowball for all the support you have provided over the last four years. The feeling is mesmerizing: a sincere sense of accom-
plishment, merged with the recognition of all that still lies in my future. "There's
plaque on our wall that says we've sold over 65 million albums, and I don't feel I've accomplished anything.
I feel like I m just getting started." -
Eddie Van Halen
James Woodall Anderson IV Hankins NY
Unmanned Aerial Systems Thanks to family, friends, and associates for an amazing four years!
Whether or not these years are the best years of our lives remains to be seen, but you all were
definitely the
best folks to spend them with. Always
remember, "It is not life's events that define who you are, it is how you choose to react to life's events that
define you."
Block foot. ID
Gulfport, MS Acquisition Manager achieve new heights and never quit even
when I thought I wasn't good
enough. Mom, thanks for your love and support throughout these tough years. The advice, inspiration and
motivation you both have shown me
has opened doors some people can
only dream of. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards"
Paul Bear Bryant
Raimee H Beck
Keit M Bartholomew
Dad, thanks for always pushing me to
Contracting Thank you to all my family. Each of you has had such a great impact in my life. I could not be where I am
today without your constant love and support. Thank you to my friends, teammates, and squadron. I will treasure the relationships I've made here forever. "Remember, a good attitude
produces good results...We shape our own life, and the shape of it is determined largely by our attitude" -
William Clay Bradford
M Russell Ballard
Jerry Dean Carroll III
Amarillo TX
Portland OP
Civil Engineer
Thanks to my mom, dad, sister,
Mom and Dad, thank you for prepar-
brother-in-law, grandparents, my many supportive aunts and uncles and
ing me so well for this challenge and for your unwavering support. Thanks to
my friends who supported me though
Brie, Cassie, and Jordan for inspiring
the greatest challenge of my life...
and being there for me no matter what. To Melissa, thank you for stand-
far. Thanks to all the friends I've made during this long experience that so
started in a little "hell-hole" in New Mexico. "If we go down, we go down together."
ing by me every step of the way. To the lifelong friends I have made, you made my time here unforgettable. God has a plan for everybody, and I am
truly blessed in mine.
Charles "Cf Cole II
Tamara Anne Duff
Essex, VT
Hampstead, MD Contracting
Pilot "The greatest suffering is to fail those who refuse to fail you."
Thank you to my mentors, my friends, and my teammates for all of your
guidance and support. I want to especially thank my Mom, Dad, and the rest of my family for helping me become who I am today.
I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ,
with whom all things are possible. I want to thank my amazing family:
Mom, Dad, Mallory and Renee! I love you all and could not have done this without your love and support. Thanks to all my friends and Tiger Ten firsties: we made it! Thanks for making this the best squadron ever! Huzzah!
Kyle "Axle Foley
Daniel Min woo Han
Atlanta CA
Tacoma WA
Thank God my time is up in this place. I didn't really say that, I LOVE
Thanks go out to my loving family
USAFA! Really though, this place has
especially my parents for always pushing me. Thanks to my permanent
given me great memories I remember for the rest of my life. Not many can
boys, you know who you are: through
party who mentored me. To all my
say they went through six weeks of
blood, sweat, tears, and above all
basic, nine in my case, before they
laughs, we did it! It was real, and it
went to college. I must thank my
support structure, my family & friends. THANKS! To all the preppies still here, We made it boys!
fun, now it's time to have some
real fun! The greatest test of courage on
earth is to bear defeat, without
losing heart."
Robert Green Ingersoll
Sean Cason Harrison
Jason Willis Holland
Keller TX
Intentionally Blank Marine Corps
Acquisitions Mom, Dad, Ryan and Lindsay
thanks for being by my side through
everything. To the Waltons
for your incredible hospitality. To the friends I've made along the way
"I know wherever I was that you
thought of me, and if I got in a tight place you would come if alive. —
Gen William Tecumseh Sherman. Semper Fidelis
it's been a wild ride. I'm thankful for the —
camaraderie that has been built and look forward to seeing everyone down the road. "Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it."
Ezra 10:4
Peter Sat terlee "Cali" Horban
Megan Elizabeth Hoskins
L-olleyville TX
Dallas, TX
I would like to thank my family, particularly my sister who helped me through the first two years at the Academy. All my friends from Tiger Ten and the four-degree Raptors, we went through the worst year of our lives together and I wouldn't trade it for anything. To all the guys on AFU,
"Far better it is to dare mighty things,
guys are awesome
do work next
"Get busy living, or get busy Andy Defresne
to win glorious triumphs, even though
checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt; Thank you Mom and Alex, Tiger Ten and all the -
great friends and family I've made the past four years. I love you all.
Joshua James Johnson
Vladimir Kovalenko
Nordland. WA
Kiev Ukraine
Thank you to my family, friends and
Thanks to my Mom and Dad for the
sponsors who have continued to
incredible love and support through-
give me encouragement and support throughout these past four years.
out my whole life, and especially after my accident...! love you so much!
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his 1 Timothy 1:12 service" -
Thanks to my amazing friends for the love and support
most excellent
times with RR, JR, JO, DT, CB, KB, SH,
JC, SL, PH, DH, TB, JF. MS, KR, BL, BK, AH, and of course all my NWP bros...I love all of you! "Resolve to live an extraordinary life." unknown -
Sergio Christian Lozano
Robert "Max" Lystrup
Menomonee Falls, Wl
Idaho Falls, D
Medical Corps
Thanks Mom, Dad, Benjamin, Gary,
To all I love, "Beneath the clothes, we find a man...and beneath the man we find... his... nucleus." Nacho Libre.
and Carlos for being there and supporting me over the last four years. It has been a crazy and difficult journey but I'm glad I did it all the same. I can't imagine what it would have been like without rugby and the great friends I've made.
For six years I've been wearing a uniform. Beneath the uniform of my country and the missionary suit of my faith, I have discovered my purpose in life. Thank you friends and family,
here and in Paraguay, for helping me to find my true character...deep within the confines of my
nucleus. Aguijendeve che familia kuera. Rohayhu.
A "Jake" Owens
Richard S Mazen Elkins Park, PA
Decatur II
Special Tactics
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.''
Dr Martin Luther King Jr
I DID MY BEST! Shirack, Jane, and
CorrynneJ love you more than anything, I'll never be able to thank you enough! Bros, you made me better every day. Blaine & Heni, I love you like grandparents, you're the best. We re both still weirdos J love you! DT and NFQ never die. Never grow up...all the way. I'm invincible as long as I'm alive. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Kyle Eugene Palmer
Jeffrey M Parlee
West Point. UT
Dracut MA
"I'm glad I did it, partly because it
Thank you to my family, friends, and
worth it, but mostly because
I shall never have to do it again."
everyone who helped me through these years. A special thanks to my
Mark Twain
mentors and supporters for getting me
Thank you to my friends and family, especially my parents, I would not have been able to do it without your unwavering support. I will never forget the friends I have made here and
through tough times and always being there for me. "The testing of your faith develops perseverance so that you may be
perfect and complete"
James 1:2-4
the good times we have shared.
Sarah Lynn Smith O Fallon i Aircraft Maintenance USAFA has been a journey, filled with awesome memories and hard times. To my friends, squadron, family,
and church, I thank God for you! You
always there to encourage me and to make the most of everything.
I would never have made it without
you! Thank you!!!! To everyone, don't give up, and "when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance!”
Daniel Kneeland Trapani
Luke Maclay Travis
Houston TX
Winter Springs, FL
Cyberspace Operations
I would like to thank my family and
Could be worse. Could be raining.
my friends for all the support that got me
to the academy and has helped
persevere through the tough
times here. The best thing about this
place is the friends I met here and the times spent with them. Whether I
partying with LC in Las Vegas or travelling the country fencing with my brother, Peter French, there was rarely a dull moment. Nil Desperandum was
Kevin R Uniacke Jr
Jennie S Wood
Sherman, CT
Glendale. AZ
Thank you to my family: Mom, Dad,
To live greatly, we must develop
Blair, Quinn, and Grace for always
the capacity to face trouble with
being there. I love you all. My one
courage, disappointment with cheerful-
piece of advice, "Look for fulfillment in everything you do."' One Love.
ness, and -
triumph with humility."
Thomas S. Monson.
I never thought my time at the Academy would be over so quickly. Thanks to all my family and friends for helping me overcome the many trials and challenges I have faced over the years.
Desbah Rose Yazzie
Flagstaff AZ Medical Service Corps "Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you
love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning -
things divine." Gordon B. Hinckley; Family, thank
you for showing me how to succeed and find laughter when most needed. Shima for showing me how to love.
Christ for showing me how to live.
Jeffrey Michael Allen Edmond Ok Missile ond Munitions Mointenonce Let me first start by thanking those most important to me, my family,
because without their unfaltering
support, I would not be where I am today. Also, thanks to all my friends, for four long years we suffered, but we
finally made it through. According
to Winston Churchill, "Now this is not
the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end
of the beginning." 2011...Let's Roll!
Alex Erik Biglow
Jon James Birmingham
North Potomac, MD
Son Bernardino C. A
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot
Mom, Dad, Ian, and the rest of my family, thanks for supporting me in
"I'm so scared right now. I'm just gonna to do what's sensible, I'm gonna file for unemployment. Then I'm gonna try
all I've gone through. I couldn't have done it without you. Stephanie, I truly appreciate you for sticking by me these past four years. You mean so much to me and I can't wait to see where the road takes us next. And to everyone I met along the way, thanks
to get a job at Enterprise Rent-A-Car
because they got an excellent corporate structure and they...they give you the tools to be your own boss."
Brennan Huff, Stepbrothers
for the great memories, best of luck to you all.
Kory J Carpenter
Alexander Hapki Choi
Evergreen. CO Civil Engineering
Irvine CA
If it hadn't been for friends, I would
As children amongst titans, we were
have never made it past week one of
too young to realize that certain
BCT. The companions I've made make
things were impossible. Which is why we did them anyway. After suffering through all of those insomniac conventions, we will look back and laugh at how they thought it was a capstone project. Meem and Nuun, you girls
every hardship worth it. The support
from my family has been indescribable. From prayers, to Sunday visits, their selflessness has let me keep my
sanity. Above all I've learned to keep
things lighthearted, but even with that being said...the good times are killing me.
are my life. Mom and Dad, my heroes. And as for team that I love, there will always be good ships. 388 -
Thomas J Fow
Katie Marie Corbacz
Scottsdale AZ
Temecula. CA
"Rule number 71 no excuses play like a
Thank you to Mr. Stuart who first introduced me to the Academy and
champion!'' 4 Musketeers
to my family, because they mean everything to me. Thanks to my girls especially Kim, the water polo team Mighty Mach One and the Rebels
which include the four musketeers and my neighbors that played video games at all hours of the night. They
all have helped me get through this place and I cannot thank them
enough. Don’t Quit! Go Cubs!
Timothy U“ Hammerle Lenox. AAA
Nicholas R Hoogervorst Scottsdale AZ
Pilot To my family and friends: thanks for
being there through the good times and the bad. When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry wall. And to all those people at the custard
Pilot took me two months to come up with this blurb.
restaurant... I'm sorry.
Drew Richard Ives
Jonathan M Lewis
Bridgewater NJ Operations Research Analyst
Fayetteville. NC
Thank you to my close friends and
Lord, thank you for Your endless
family for supporting me through my
mercy and grace. Thank you for friends stronger than brothers, friends that I would give my life for at a moment's notice. Thank you for my wonderful beautiful family that has
experiences at the Academy. It was not easy, but there is nothing that I would have changed. I made it through some of the toughest times and the best moments of my life. The
friendships that I made truly made this place worthwhile. PTWOB 381.
supported me to the ends of the earth and asks nothing in return. But most importantly, Father, I thank you for being my Lord and Savior "my one true north." Give me the strength to -
finish the race.
Robert L Lloyd
Matthew James Luman
North Platte, NE
Amelia Island. F!
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot
Thank you to all my family and
Thanks for all the support from my
friends for encouraging me this past four years. Thanks to all my teachers and mentors for leading me through
these difficult times. For anyone who needs comfort remember, "If the Lord
family. I love you guys. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -
Eleanor Roosevelt
delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him in his hand"
Psalms 37: 23-24
Drew William Martin
Shawn Michael McDonald
Belle Plaine. IA
Muncy Valley, PA
Thank you to my family and friends for helping to guide my decisions here at the Academy and in all aspects of my life. Brianna, thank you for making it more enjoyable here than I could have ever hoped or imagined it could be. 2011, we finally did it!
To all the
All-Nighters" and everyone who pulled them with me. To every
weekend for keeping us sane. Finally, thank you friends, family, mentors, and everyone who helped out along the way.
"God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even -
though I think it is hopeless." Adm Chester W Nimitz
Daniel Scott Mosher
Timothy John Nichols
Ketterinq. OH
Jupiter Ft
Soli Deo Gloria! Thanks to my friends and family for your love and support. 08, 09, and 10... thanks for setting
that has to be lived and enjoyed, No
In between goals is a thing called life
Regrets. Thank you friends, 5E3 and
the example. 12, 13, and 14... you have big shoes to fill. Contrary to
Four Musketeers, for the great times
what most people say, time here does not go by fast! But make the most of
Mom and Dad, thanks for always being a phone call away. Paul thanks for being that 3 a.m. phone call on
the time here the opportunities at USAFA are endless (just like 201 I s horizonsll. Let's go fly jets. Psalm 73:26. -
which always offset the rough ones.
the weekends.
Daniel John Parker
Nicole Renee Rubeck
Westford AAA
Crystal Lake. It
Mom, Dad. Cathy, Julia, and Suzanne:
What doesn't kill you makes you
thank you so much for always being there for me. Rachael, I couldn't have
stronger...at times this place definitely
made it through these last two years
I expected, and 1 wouldn't want to
close though. It wasn't what
without you. Nightrider freshmen, I'll
do it again, but I definitely learned
forget everything through. Best roomie Dustin and all
the rebels, thanks for some great
lot, met some great people along
the way, and had experiences and opportunities I’ll never forget. Was it
with your careers, and always stay
worth it? It's hard to say. But hopefully when I look back on these years
in touch.
from now I can say it was.
Casey Alan Shotwell
Dustin John Soriano
Chula Vista CA
Marysville. WA
The shortest distance between two
Mom, Dad, I couldn't have done this without your love and support. Dan you're the best roommate in the
memories. I'll miss all of you,
good luck
points is under construction.
world. To all my friends, thanks for the memories. Best of luck to everyone.
"Nothing good comes easily, sometimes you've got to fight." 311 -
M Jessie Marie Stimpson
John Russell Tilton
Inqlesic/e, //
Arlington WA
Thank you to my family and friends for all your support. I'll never forget
Thanks mom and dad for everything.
the friends I made or the adventures
and I love you. To my brothers on the
we had. Through all the punishments, parades, SAMIs, and everything else the Academy threw at us, we made
Matt, you are a great inspiration soccer
team, I don't know what I'd do without you. GO BIRDS!
it and that is all that matters. No
Be who you are and say what you
regrets or disappointments, just great memories that I couldn't have found
feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
anywhere else in the world.
5 Oburo Tongoi
Adrienne Camille Torielli
Nairobi Kenya
Menomonee Falk Wl
We arrived as recruits, we leave at the feet of sages, stood on the
Tomorrow is o new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old
shoulders of giants and lived amongst titans. Now we embark on a new adventure in pursuit of our destinies.
Some days seemed like nonsense, but today there is only possibility. Mom &
Let us live purposeful lives. When our
Dad, you've given me the ingredients
legacies are passed down to our
for success, and I can t wait to whip up a batch. Emilie & Michael, our sibling dynamics prepared me for a
brothers. We gained wisdom
posterity, let there be tales of how greatly we dared, how selflessly we gave, how valiantly we changed the
world for the better.
Ralph Waldon Emerson;
life of diplomacy. Bryan, our bliss is just beginning. Thank you.
Katherine / Vrana Commack, NY
Intelligence "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Confucius; I definitely couldn't have gotten through here by myself. Thanks -
to my Mom and Dad for never
letting me quit and for always supporting me. To my friends, thanks for making me laugh and to Steven, for
keeping me sane. And finally, thanks to Teresa for being my rock. I never could've done it without all of you.
James Frank Aultman Selden. NY Civil Engineering
Thank you to my family and friends that helped me get to where I am today. I also want to thank my brothers in the Dirty Dozen that helped me
get through the rough times. Good luck to you all and see you out there!
Melissa Ann Beerse
Elizabeth Nicole Borroni
Cincinnati OH
College Station TX
Cyberspace Ops
My best friend once told me: "be 100 percent where you are." Stay focused on the task at hand. Dwelling on the past and preoccupation with
Mom, Dad, Phil and Sam. thank you for making every opportunity possible and for always being there to support
the future prevent you from giving your all. The academy showed me the
I'm just too stubborn to admit it. To my
importance of this advice. It's the only
worth it. "It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my
way to thrive.
Phil, I owe a lot to you. sometimes
girls, thank you for making this journey
fate: I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley.
Dominic M Collins
Nathan J Carter
Fairfax, VA
Concord. CA
Pilot Thanks to my parents and friends, I couldn't have done it without you.
Thanks to all those who helped me make it through this place: My Family
for their love and support: Kylie's encouragement and understanding; Uncle Paul and Aunt Joy for a place to get away; my fellow Mach One freshmen for pushing me through; and last but definitely not least...my
Dirty Dozen family who provided all the drinking buddies a guy could ever
wish for... I couldn't have done it
without you.
Ryan M Darrohn The Woodlands TX
Acquisitions To the friends I've made: Words can't describe how close we've become. Our bond will last forever; your
encouragement, support, and friend-
ship has guided me these four years. Thanks for all the wonderful memories:
they will always be treasured. To my parents and brother: Thank you for all you ve done and shaping me into the person I am today. "Be true to your work, your word, and your friendlsl. Henry David Thoreau -
Nicole Ryan Flint
Dalton J Hall
Conaseraga NY
Boonvi/le: MO
Civil Engineering
"What lies behind and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when what is within comes out into the world
miracles happen."
Henry David
Thoreau; Psalm 121
I want to say thank you to my parents for being -
the inspiring people I want to be
someday. Best wishes to all the amazing individuals that have walked the halls of USAFA. friendship, love and
Thank you to my family, friends, and everyone else who has had an impact on
my life; without you, I would never
have been able to make it through this, I love you all. Fellas, it's been good; we've shared some pretty incredible experiences... and some that were well, not so awesome. But guess what, we made it! Go do
great things, I know you all will.
Julia A Hansen Golden CO
Acquisitions Thanks to my family, friends, and faith I couldn't have made it without you. To the team I owe a lot through the good and bad you guys were always
there, we made it fun! Never take
anything for granted.
Timothy Patrick Keitel
Jamie Thomas Lemieux
Effingham. It
Decatur TX
Thank you to my family and friends for all your help and support.
Mom and Dad, thanks for always
pointing me in the right direction, but always allowing me to steer. To
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Steve
Beth, thanks for the love and support
I couldn't have done it without you. To Rylie, thanks for being my purpose
you gave me these last three years.
in life. You couldn't have come at a
better time kid. I'll always love you. "And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and % percent guaran-
Dr. Seuss
Roderick Andrew Mills
Christen Clarissa Monreal
I'm a Sojourner
San Antonio. TX
"The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them
I would like to thank my mom and dad for their support and believing in
His covenant."
Psalm 25:14. Thanks
Lord...for everything. Your Presence
Their encouragement pushed me
through tennis and academics, and
has sustained me through every day
their love has driven me further than
of the challenge. I am forever Yours. To my wonderful family: You guys are
I have ever dreamed. I would also like to thank my uncle for his care and
awesome, and I love you SO much! To my friends: what a joy it has been
to enjoy the journey with you! This is
only the beginning of the beginning.
guidance. One of my role models, I hope to be as successful and as happy as he is with his career in the Air Force.
Joshua Patrick Monroe
John J Nygard
Ozark. MO
Perrysburg OH Pilot
Medical Service Corps
you have been my he-
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working tor the
To my family
Lord. This verse is a base of my life,
all along; I am truly blessed, humbled
but here I realized you cannot work, grow or have real life without the
and grateful. Friends
people God designed for you. To my family, friends, fiancee and Academy bros: thanks, God has made you the difference in my life From Him, -
and the facilitators of my dreams -
thank you so
much for your unbelievable support and giving me a push when I needed it. To my PTWOB brothers and sisters you gave me a home here and
kept my soul alive and free. I love you
through Him, and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory!
all more than you know.
Whitney D Peterson
Richard E Ricketts
Colorado Springs CO
San Jose CA
Space and M issiles
To my wonderful parents, thanks for
Thanks to my Mom, Dad, & Sisters...! love you guys and will always be
getting me in and getting me through! To sisterface. you're my hero. To brud-
der, if your sisters can do it, you can do it too! To my lifelong friends, thanks for all the laughs! It's been real fun!
there for you os you have been for Thanks to my teammates for the support. Thanks to Coach Street &
Coach Getty, your help & coaching has been invaluable. Thanks to Coach
Tom Miller for the opportunity to come
here. Thanks to my brothers,
love you guys. Love, Rick Ricketts # 90
"Work hard, play hard!"
Jeremy Scott Smith
Stephen M Shaffer
Santa Fe. NM
Austin TX
Cyberspace Operations I am a lucky guy.
Thank you foremost Lord for giving me
the dream. Next, thanks family
and friends for your love and support
of that dream. Thanks bros in the Dozen for making this place awesome. I will never forget all the fun we had. Keep it Dirty. Carpe Diem. We die daily. Happy are those who
daily come to life as well." George MacDonald "To change one s life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. -
No exceptions."
William James
Darren Wade Stowe
David VP Tavenner
The Colony TX
Seattle 14,4
Don't sweat the small stuff cus in the end it will all workout. Define yourself
I d like to thank my Lord Jesus for giv-
by placing yourself deep in the storm because steel sharpens steel.
ing me life, and the greatest love I'll know. To all the friends I made here: it was truly a joy, I'll never forget you. To every cadet: Live strong
with integrity and conviction. Never stop learning. Make unrealistic goals and fight for them. I can t wait to see
all that we will accomplish! "It's time to start living the life youve -
Henry James
Ian A Trott
John R Wallin
Eton NC Pitot
VZoodbridge, VA Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Thank you to God, Mom, Dad, Nana,
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Grandma, Grandpa, Michael, Lauren
I want to do my part in serving my country, whenever I can, wherever I
and all my friends who supported and
believed in me these past four years.
can, and for as
Always remember that character is formed through adversity. Peace USAFA.J'm out! "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
long as it will let me.
I took the one less
traveled by, and that has made all the
Robert Frost "I am the
captain of my fate, I am the master of my soul."
William Ernest Henley
Mark Weber
James A Zaiser
Bartonville TX
Pittsburgh. PA
That was mighty fun ’ey, shall we do it
Thanks to everyone who supported
again? Documentation: God, parents, family, teachers, squad mates, TZO
fox, mentors, you tube, TI-30 IIS, commandant and dean approved mug, and everyone else whose support and encouragement enabled me to endure and make it through this place. It was "a damn close run thing (Wellesley)" at times but thanks to you all, I get to
throw my hat and walk across that
Logan "Lo“ Hyrum Barlow Surprise AZ Pilot Thank you to all those who helped me to get to the Academy, to graduate from the Academy, and who I know will continue to guide me in life. Thank you to Mom, Dad, Mitch, and K lay son. Thank you to Miki, who never stopped loving me. I love you.
Thank you to my friends who stuck by me through the toughest of times. You all always knew I would come out the better.
Michael Lee Celio
Adam Steven Chandler
Philadelphia PA Pilot
Presque isle, ME Intelligence
Mom, Dad, Chris, thank you so much
Mom, Dad, and Emily: Thank you for
for your support and love. I could have not of possibly had as much fun here if if were not for your love and
love you all so much. 16Q 0273840 1893200 and mask squeeze. So who
support. The last four years flew by.
cleaning my car? What week did
I get again? I think the great Sam
"All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the
understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason." —
patiently listening all these years. I
Immanuel Kant
Snead would approve of this modification to his sage wisdom: "Practice puts brains in your liver." And to the Cuatro Amigos Here's a Toast: To -
the Usual.
Maximilian Clukey
Jonathan Gustavo
Portland. ME
Barillas Fogarty
Litchfield NH Pilot
It's been a long four years: I d like to
say that I've been through a lot here,
"Everything is possible to one who has
but I couldn't have done it without the
support of my friends and family
thanks everyone! Thanks to my family for all their prayers and my friends for keeping me from wandering from my I Faith. To the proud Class of 2011 -
look forward to seeing you out in the
Mark 9:23; Thank you Lord for all the successes you have blessed -
me with. Thank you Mom and Papi for all the love and support these past
four years. Much Love. Good times with the Dawgs; club meetings, diving,
wild blue yonder!
climbing awesomeness. When is the dive shop opening? Good thing I learned financial responsibility...
Collin BJ Goodwin
Justin Bradley Graff
Little Rock. AK
San Diego CA
Civil Engineer
There never was a horse that couldn't
Mom, Dad, Nick, Todd, and Ryan, thank you for your continued support.
be rode; Never was a steer that couldn't be
I could not have gotten where I am
today without you. G& G, you
guys have been the best role models anyone could ask for. Barbara and your entire family, thank you so much
for everything you have done for
These past years would not have been the same without you. Bull-
dawgs, you all are my best friends for life. BFAM.
Matthew R Guy
David Preston Hard
Fuquay-Varina. NC Physicist
Bensalem. PA
To my family, thanks for providing me with the support I needed to keep
To my Savior Jesus Christ: I owe it all
pushing when life got tough. To all of the physics majors, we made it! Despite sleepless nights and days where we all wondered why we picked the
To my Bensalem friends: thanks for lifting me up at USAFA and being real
major, I think we re all better for it. Finally, to all of my fellow ex-shadows
to you. To my family: thanks for your
constant, selfless, invaluable support.
bros on leave. To my Academy mentors: thanks for making me a leader.
And finally, to my lifelong friends and
and bulldawgs, thanks for the good
comrades-in-arms of the class of 2011:
times. You guys kept me sane when
things out here got crazy.
thanks for allowing me to look back on this miserable place with a smile.
Anthony Hill
Kevin Patrick Horn
Centerville, UT
Hilton Head Island. SC
Developmental Engineer
First and foremost, I would like to thank my Father. Thank you for al-
I'm glad to have had my family through it all, and I made the best
ways being there and supporting me
friends of my life. The sign over the
everything I set out to do. I would like to thank my Mother along with the rest of my family and friends for always being there for me. Your support and love made it all possible.
door says change lives; it doesn’t specify for better or for worse. And it's a good thing Brian didn't come
back to the room that time. No,
there isn't any food in that Snack Kit. But now it's time to move on, make an impact and do something worth
Kevin Thomas LaCosse
Christopher S Leung
Fontana, Wi
Randolph, AAA Navigator
Intelligence Mom, Dad, and Grandpa: Your unwavering support got me through this crazy place more than you'll ever
Thank you to my mother and father for their unwavering support and to the 2011 Bulldawgs for making our
know. Bulldawgs: I'll never forget you loveable folk, nor look at a coffee-pot
time here at the Academy legendary.
the same way. Tri-Crazies: You're the
luck in all its future endeavors!
I wish the Class of Olds the best of
best bunch I could have ever asked
for. We learned a lot about living life and a bit about triathlons. Flippy: I'll miss you my inflatable friend. You are not supposed to like things. Only to
Ernest Fiemingway
Morgan J. Mathis
Bryan Stephen Mazer
Intentionally Blank
Helotes TX
"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who
These are some good times...you're
has given us freedom of the press. It
Trace Adkins; I gonna miss this." won't miss going to class and the long
is the soldier, not the poet, who has
given us the freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who gives us the freedom to dem-
nights doing homework, but I will miss the Bros, the Birds, the Bulldawgs, and the good times. After you break
onstrate. It is the soldier who salutes
the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the
flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag." Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, Sergeant, USMC -
giant window, you start to see the important things in life. God, thanks for helping me through. My family, thanks for the support. Blake, Dan, Kess, Browe and all my friends/bros, you were legend...wait for it...
Kelcie L Meineke
McKay Ross McLaren Lakenheath. England
C anyon Lake CA
Educating the mind without educat-
Thank you to my family and close friends for being there for me through all the ups and downs. I love you guys and thank goodness we made it.
ing the heart is no education at all' Aristotle. —
I am grateful to all my professors and especially the Biology department for a challenging four years. I am honored to graduate with so many life-long friends.
"Difficulty need not foreshadow despair or defeat. Rather, achievement can be all the more satisfying
because of obstacles surmounted.” William Hastie -
Blake Davis Noble
Kevin M Po/esky
Coto de Caza L A
Midwest City. OK
"You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take."
Wayne Gretzky;
I am so thankful I took a shot at this place and never settled for less. To my family, thanks for all your love
and support. I will always remember:
To my family, thank you for more
than I can say. To everyone that said I couldn't do it, looks like you were wrong. To my friends, this isn't only a great place to be from; because of you it was a great place to be. We
Nightriders, Bulldawgs, Skydiving, Snowboarding, Ring Dance, Warrior
may not have always been the bright-
Dash, Ultimate Frisbee Team Stretch-
for life.
est, but we are the best. Bulldawgs
ing, Bowl Dawgs, Guitar Hero. Bryan, Paul, Kessler- best roommates ever ...
William D Remington
Brian Christopher Riley
Charleston. SC
Pittsburgh, PA
Combat Rescue Officer
"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense.
Thanks Mom and Dad for letting me
The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than
when I needed you. Thanks 2011 Bull-
either. The final weapon is the brain.
All else is supplemental."
take this adventure and being there
dawgs for the great times, I can't believe they're gonna let us be officers.
John Stein-
I'm not coming back to the room for
beck; Parents, friends, brothers, thank you all for getting me through this place, and even making it fun. Special
any reason for two hours. Kevin, don't
turn into a pack-rabbit on me. Makebelieve time is over, let's get out there
thanks to those who kept me here freshman year. I had to grow a lot.
and do something real. And then I did
Samantha Alexandra Sarkis
Matthew Shields
third thing...SNACK KITS!!!
Chasko. MN
Gilroy, CA
Security Forces
Thank you Mom, Dad and Alex for
Thanks to my family and friends for all
all the love, support and guidance
throughout these four years. Thank you to my friends for all the long last-
the fun times. Death is Certain Life is Not
ing memories. Thank you Kelcie and
Finally Lunch will be canceled due to
Zoe for being the best roommates could luck out to have. And lastly,
lack of hustle.
thank you to my fellow bulldawgs: We finally made it! You all have been
such an amazing support system and I will miss each and every one of you.
Evan J Snyder Palmer. AK
Contracting This space was intentionally left blank.
Matthew J Adams La Porte TX
To my Mom & Dad. and the rest of my family, thanks for all of your love and support. To all my friends and
classmates, thanks for all the laughs and good times. It's been tough but we succeeded.
Jeremiah Lynn Baxter
Alexandre Jacques Beaussart
Lawton, OK
Charlotte, NC
Security Forces
Thank you to my family for all the support that they have shown over the
Finally done! Parents and teach-
years. Thank you to all of my friends for helping me through the challenges I have faced. Special thanks to all my squad mates and classmates for all the wonderful memories that were
shared here at the Academy. "Kick
Butt, Take no Prisoners"
ers me
thanks for putting up with
these last four years. AF Tennis
Words cannot describe the
experiences I've shared with you on and off of the court, the wins and the
losses. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for those four years competing with you all. Thanks for pushing me to become a better player, a better person, and a better leader.
"Just do it"
Matthew Jacob Coates
Chelsea Marie Cooper
College Station TX Acquisitions
Behavioral Scientist
First, I have to thank Mom, Dad, Jordan & Ashley for always supporting me, even
through the worst disap-
pointments. Besides that, to those who know who I'm talking to (Especially Chooch)..."You were always there for me, and I'll be there for you for al-
Woodstock CA
To Mom and Dad, LYMB. "The Lord is my strength and my
shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." -
Psalm 287
ways..." except when it involves beer and an F4. I'll miss ya'II! Coatesy -
W Cameron C Cordell Silverdale, PA
Jennifer Elizabeth De George Palm Harbor. Ft
I cannot thank my family enough for
Thank you Mom, Dad, Frank and Nick. Thank you to all my friends for listening
all their help and support. I could not have done it without them. To all my friends, we had some fun and I will see you all later on down the
road. Until then "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy." -
Billy Currington
to my stories and staying a part of my new lifestyle. I love you guys. I
appreciate all of the help I've received from my teachers and my classmates for always being there for me. It's all
uphill from now. Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once -
in a while, you could miss it,
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Matthew "Chooch" DeMars
Alex "Flowers" Flori
Howell. Ml
Puyallup, WA
Thanks and love to my amazing Dad:
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...
Paul, Mom: Geri, Brother: Jonathan, Sister: Melanie, and Nieces: Ashley and Madison, my wonderful girlfriend: Cindi, my great friends and boxing
than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
teammates, and the coaches: Weichers,
Clifford, Baldi, Bagley, Gibb, and
Tintzman for the support to get me
Theodore Roosevelt
through five years. Also, I lived with the best roommate for three years and he was a Big Bear, and his name is Coatsie with an
"i"... Shwammie.
Carli Erin Frasier
Daniel A Gidasi
Aguanga. CA Space and Missiles
Merrick, NY
"Consider the lilies of the field how
"They misunderestimated me.” George W. Bush
they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these. 3 Nephi 13:28-29
Derek Franklin Gillespie
Samantha R Hill
Chesapeake. VA Air Battle Manager
Colorado Springs. CO
Thanks family and friends for your
GOD: Thank you for this wonderful
unwavering support the past years and always. Thanks to the wrestling
vided me. Mama: Thanks for watch-
Cyberspace opportunity & Blessings you've pro-
team for helping push me to be not
ing over me from above...I made it!
only a better wrestler but also a
Daddy and Mrs. Dee Dee: Thanks for your guidance, love & support, even when we bumped heads. Mama E: Thanks for taking me in as one of your own! Family: Thanks for your support
better person. It takes courage to face
the challenges life throws at us and determination to not fail. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is
important than fear."
& I will love you FOREVER. Friends:
Thanks for helping me through this
place & I love you.
Redmoon. Personal motto, "No regrets".
II John M Kessler
Daniel Liu
Byfield MA Scientific Analyst
Sugar Land. TX Navigator
Thankful for: Family, Friends, OR/
Thanks to my God, Family and Friends. Without ya'II I could have
Math buddies and Faculty, J-Roll's ability to sleep with the lights on,
never made it. It was tough but fun! Thanks for getting me through all this!
Freshmen nightriders, nops, Tunak Tunak Tuesdays, Cici's pizza, IHOP/ Denny’s, O’Malleys, Ronald Wang,
Love Ya'II.
the '09 bros, Mile Hi, Swollen Nolan
and Delmorva, Joel, Keystone, Halo, Super Smash brothers, Guitar Hero,
Superbad, the door that wouldn't stay
shut on the ring dance bus, Street-isms, EMT gators, and Egg Noffles.
Jake McKeon
Justin H. Mitnaul
Murrieta, CA
Colorado Springs L O
Acquisition Manager
Family, friends, loved ones: thank you for helping me get through I couldn't every tough day here
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Jocelyn, Janiya Sasha and Noah for all your support over the long four years. I couldn't
have made it without your love and support. And despite the Academy's
have made it this far without you guys and I love you all. To all the
challenging atmosphere, I enjoyed this
close friends I've made, especially the
opportunity and every moment I was
freshman year Redeye, thanks for the
able to spend with my friends here. I will miss the fact that I can just walk
great memories!
down the hall and hang out with you guys. Keep in touch all!
"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. -
Michael Jordan
Nicholas Christopher Penry Oklahoma City. OK Unmanned Aerial Systems Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior: I am eternally grateful for your relentless
love, enduring faithfulness, and absolute provision. You were my strength when I had none, enabled me to love when I was weak, and gave me the
focus and endurance to graduate. I also acknowledge my beloved family,
friends, and mentors who have sup-
ported me over these years in becoming the man I am today. Thanks yall, and may God bless you abundantly!
Taryn Lynn Ramsey
Richard Ricky Rodriguez
Destrehan. LA
Wylie TX
Thank you so much to my family
Mom and Dad I love you so much
It's been a long road just to get to the beginning, but it's finally here. To
and can't thank you enough for all the
my family and Sarah: thank you for
love and support you have given me all my life. Brandes I very literally
your inspiration, sacrifices, and never
wouldn't be here without you
guess I forgive you for lying. To my
friends, my cru- you helped me get through the day to day struggle and
letting me settle on mediocrity. To the boys: y'all helped me through the hard times and taught me how to enjoy the good times.
focus on what is most important: faith,
friends, and family!
John Mark "J-RolP Roling
Eldersburg, MD Pilot Here's a toast: Hawaiian helicopter rescue,
Vegas, Brazil, riding Pegasus
nude, Assault Course (rd. two) on no sleep due to puppy rescue, Halo, Dr, Pack, 90 tours, football, power outages, Streetisms, Dl, Recognition, friends, roommates, and EE budies. The last four years weren't always fun, but they were worth it. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Master Oogway -
Jessica Ashley Rowe Mores Valley PA
Public Affairs To my family & my God: I will never be able to express my gratitude for the great times you made better and
the terrible times you made tolerable. Squeeze all the joy out of life that you can. You don't have to be
perfect. Laugh every chance you get.
Self-forgiveness is divine. Have faith yourself. I'm a lucky kid!!
in God and
Michael Dean Scott Jr
Carlos D Sandoval Colorado Springs, CO
Kahoka MO
Air Battle Manager
I wanted to thank my Mom for
"Through him we have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope
always being there and for helping me
get to where I am now. I also
want to thank all my friends who
supported me and gave me a reason to keep trying. As for the Academy, it's been real, it's been fun, but it ain't
been real fun.
does not put us to shame, because
God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."
Romans 5:2-5
Alejandro S Sena
Charles G Street V
Boca Raton, FI
Walpole, NH
Thanks mom and dad for your
First, thanks to Mom, Dad, Andrew,
prayers, I couldn’t have done it
and Toby for helping me get through.
without you. Thanks to all my friends,
Nice to finally have actual jobs
family and mentors who have made
instead of always trying to "make it
this ride worthwhile and foremost all thanks to JC for always being by my side. "I did it for the kids!"
real." Four years of the grind seemed to never end, but we finished right: another day, another dollar. Would've
made life easier if I learned to stop
asking "why" questions earlier. It's the people I'll miss, not the place. Remember: deny, deny, deny, counter-accuse, deny. Kunu out.
Michael Samuel Vetri
Eric Wallace
New Windsor. MD
Denver. CO
My greatest gratitude to my family
I want to thank my family for their
and friends for their constant support.
Mom, Dad, Anthony
endless support and faithfulness. Thank you Melanie for you constant
you were
there from the beginning and I couldn't
you are all true friends who can never
encouragement and strength. Thank you friends for the best four years of my life. You made it all worth it. Above all, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for
be replaced. "Another season of my
your endless love, grace, and truth. All
life is done. Another race I’m glad I got to run. Another chapter of my life
the glory is yours. Psalms 27:4
ask for more. Wesley, Guillory, Glover,
Gutierrez, Scott, Schafer, Penry, Neptune, Huckeba, Campbell, Meehan -
is over."
Kenny Chesney.
Derek Antonio Brooks Nathalie VA
Financial Management Michael Jordan once said, I can ac-
cept failure. I can't accept not trying.’ Since you’re reading this, I obviously didn't fail. I would like to think everyone that believed in me, supported me, and
kept me on the right path to
achieve success. To those who didn't believe, I appreciate the motivation you instilled in me to keep pushing
and chugging along through all my ups and downs. I MADE IT!
Benjamin Guy Cochran II Dublin. CA Pilot
Civil Engineering
"Be fearless, compete like crazy, enjoy the battle, and remember the people
who matter most, love you for who you are...pressure is a privilege." -
Ryan Combest Colorado Springs. CO
Guy Cochran
Thank you Jesus.
Lord, THANK YOU for bringing incredible people into my life and for drawing my heart closer to Yours
through them. Mom and Dad, your faithfulness in trusting the Father and
reflecting His love have been so powerful in my journey, I love you! "I consider all things a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, for Whose sake I have lost all things.. .that I may gain Christ and be found in Him."
Philippians 3:8
Christopher S Driggs
Brian Wayne Dunlap
North Platte, NE
Enterprise, AL
Jack London said "The proper func-
I could have never done this on my
tion of man is to live, not to exist. I
Mom, Dad, and Matthew thanks for all your support and
shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." The
everything you have done for me I
Academy has taught me to live that
would not be here if it wasn't for y all.
quote. I know I wouldn't have made
To my boys I will never forget all the
it to or through the Academy without
things we've been through and the fun we've had together; you truly are
encouragement, wisdom, and help from my family and lifelong friends I've made here. Thank you. Now, Into
my best friends.
the Wild Blue Yonder!
Angela "Cadetapa"Etapa
Robert M Evenson Jr
Ontonagon MI Civil Engineer
Edmond. OK
Thanks to my friends for helping me
Mom, Dad, Andrea...I couldn't have
get through and enjoy this place. I
done it without you. You don't even realize what you did but believe me
could not have done it without you.
Keep your sisu.
you made it possible. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! To all my friends remember "Go Big or Go Home!"
Andrew M. Forsyth
Christopher Michael Cheen
Murray. K Y
Nice viHe. PL
Cyberspace Operations
Thank you to my family and friends, especially those friends who started
Thank you to all my friends and family
together in Tiger Ten. Your friendships are what make this place worth it. Mom and Dad thanks for always pushing me to do better, I would not have made it here without that. It was the first thing that I ever did...
for the support throughout my time here at USAFA. To my squadron mates in CS-15: Don't forget where you came from and never let people
around you bring you down. To TT, I
love you, thank you for being my best friend.
that I did not know how it would
Nathaniel Fick
John Alexander Hadjis
Bridgeport WV Pilot It has been a great four years. From EE studying late Saturday nights to buddy carries back from haps, I don't regret a minute of it. Every journey must begin with a single step.
Shannon 'Shay Shay Hart
Andrew Hepler
Kissimmee PL
Cheyenne. WY Intelligence
Space and Missile Operations The most important thing in life is Love. If love is always the focus in our
interactions with others and in the
First off, thanks to God for helping me
through this place; couldn't have done it without him. To my family, thanks
decisions we make, we cannot fail. It
for your support
is the love from my
my friends, We made it! It's been quite
family, friends, and
my God that has gotten me through
this place. I love you all, and thank you so much!
I love you guys. For
the adventure you're all awesome and I will miss you. To those below me, -
"This is your time, this is your dance; live every moment, leave nothing to
chance. Swim in the sea, drink of the
deep. Embrace the mystery of all that you can be."
Michael W. Smith.
Hans J Hoffman
Joseph Michael Kerhin
Grand Junction CO
Brea CA
Cyberspace Operations
Thank you to my family for your
support through these challenging four
It's been a long and challenging ride, but we made it. Hours in the lab, late
years; you helped me accomplish one of my biggest dreams. Thank you to
to the room by taps
anyone else who had an impact on my life during my time at the Academy. Always pursue your dreams
nights writing papers, rushing back this chapter is coming to a close. I'm ready to take on
the world, live life to the fullest.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Ryan M Loyd
Julie M Paladino
Albuquerque NAA
Buffalo NY
Force Support
Thank you to my family, especially
Thank you to my family and friends.
my Mom and Chuck, for all the help,
I would never have made it without your support and love.
support, and love you have given me I wouldn't over the past five years have gotten to where I am without —
It's been one hell of a journey we finally did it! There's a light at the end of the tunnel even for a preppy A Squad. Now, "Let
you. To my friends
the wild rumpus begin!" Plus Oultre
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The
fears are paper tigers. You can do
anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own
Amelia Earhart
Eric L Parks
Ryan A Rogi
Cedar Rapids. IA
Colorado Springs CC
Financial Management
I want to thank my parents and fam-
Through all the good and bad, I
ily for all of their love and support.
attribute my success to my wonderful
Tough times don't last, stories do...oh,
family who has supported me since day one. Having the best people to spend valuable free time with over my five- year adventure has truly been a blessing. Thanks to my now fiancee for four years of patiently
and get a house, it's worth it.
waiting, and above all thanks to my mom
and dad! You know I would not
be here today if it weren't for you.
Brett Rodgers Skene
Nolan "Swollen" Sweeney
Littleton. CO
Ellsworth, Wl
Without God, none of this would be possible. I want to thank my parents
Bite off more than you can chew.
and family for their enduring love
and support. I also would like to send a
Then chew it. And also, we did it!
special shout out to all of my bros
who made this experience memorable
for me...Stories Over Standards
Kurt W Wallin
Joseph P Wilkinson
Temecula, CA
Yorktown. 144
Well it has been one heck of an
"Seriously, that's like Eggs 101.'
experience. Plenty of ups and downs but it's finally over. I couldn't have
made it through without my friends and families support. Mom and dad you two helped give me lessons I will use
"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you." -
Isaiah 41:10
Katherine J Wilson Waco TX
Logistics Readiness "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that give value to survival."
C S Lewis
Travis Kirby Adams Houston TX
Navigator I want to thank my family, for being there for me through the dark times in my life, for
always believing and
trusting in me, and for the tremendous love they gave. My Poppop who has
been my hero and lighthouse throughout the journey. Those who gave me the opportunities I needed to excel.
My friends for spreading light in my life. And those who never believed.
I Tania Buda Gallatin, TN
Intelligence Thank you to Tata, Mama, Mia,
Jacob and Saul, I love you all very much. I've taken quite the ride and thanks to all my friends, we're gonna be telling stories for years to come because we never failed at having too much fun. I owe some gratitude to the Haps staff and all the VIP's. My only advice is keep trucking even though the end might not be in sight.
Thomas P Buenger
Christina Lindsey Canales
Oxnard CA
Katy. TX Cyber Space Operations
Intelligence Earth isn't really spherical. From space,
I’m so grateful I was blessed with the
it looks like a big, blue spherical
marble, but when we look closer at the actual mass distribution, we find that earth is actually kind of squashed.
opportunity to be here! I have the best parents ever, who've been nothing but supportive and never stopped believing in me. Thank you to my beautiful
Thus, we can't really treat it as a pure point mass when we do very precise
all keep me smiling and sane! To my
sister and awesome brothers-you
orbital modeling. We call this squashed
fiance, Daniel, I love you so much and
shape oblateness. I have mastered problem solving. Thank you, Astro, for making me into a superior officer.
you've been my light at the end of the
Louis Joseph Cascino
Michael Arthur Chambers
Buffalo, NY
Harbor. OP
tunnel. I would have never been able to make it without you!
Thanks to my friends and family for
Thank you Mom and Dad, you made this ride a lot easier with all
your outstanding support. To my sister, mom, and dad
if it wasn't for you
guys I don't think any of my papers
would have ever passed; thank you so
much! To the guys in my squad,
thanks for all the laughs and good
Good luck in your futures. Just remember, "Life is either a daring
adventure or nothing."
Hellen Keller
the support and love you gave me. I couldn't have done it without you. To my siblings: You will never know
how much of an impact you have had in getting me here. I love ya II for it. Everyone who struggled with me these four years, you know how I feel
about you.
Jocelyn Juno Cravens
Lucas R Derby
Cincinnati, OH
Kissimmee, FL
It has been a long journey! Thank you
Thanks to all of my friends
to all of my friends and family who
steinberg, "Man, he's the man" Kimbo, "always breaking things big" Guy, always sick and injured Looeey, "WHY
constantly supported me through every hard time and were always
there to encourage me to expect the best from myself and others. I could not have done it without you.
Weakness of attitude beweakness of character." Albert Einstein
AM I YELLING?" TRAVIS! Millertime, and our honorary firstie James F Coopaloop, You're the reason I love this place. I wish I had more space to include all of you who have been
there for me.
Jake Dude"Duede
Guy Hamilton Evertson
Townsend, M T
Knoxville, TN
Mom and Dad, thank you so much for being there for me all these years. It has been a long road since high school and no matter what, you have
Thank you to my family for all the
support you have given me over the years.
Thanks to all my friends from
been there. My friends have been
NWP, the squad, and everyone else: it's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't
invaluable to in my times here too.
been real fun.
Without them, probably wouldn't have made it through some things. "Never mistake activity for achievement." -
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Friedrich Nietzsche
John Wooden
Paul Edward Heins
Chance E Johnson
Annapolis MD
Ida/ou TX
"I cry out to the God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me" Psalm 57:2.
What an experience: I jumped out of
To my classmates: let us make the best of the gifts God has given us as we go on to serve this great nation. Thank you Sharon, Dad, Mom, Megs, Grandma, and Jake for making this an
incredible journey.
planes, traveled the world, laughed, cried, made some lifelong friends, lost some, and most importantly learned about living life to the fullest and never taking a moment of it for
granted.. .all this without a single regret. Dad, Mom, Justin, Trevor, Jacob, Haiden, friends and family, thanks for
helping me enjoy the good days and make it through the bad, I couldn't have done it without you.
Benjamin Lee Keister
Jonathan R Kimberly
Carthage, MO
San Antonio, TX
Thanks friends and family for the step where there was none, the kick when I needed one, and the shenanigans
"The task ahead of you is never as
that ensued...seriously...that was ridiculous. I brought this hardship on
myself so in hindsight I cannot help but "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company." Mark Twain. say,
great as the power behind you." Mark 9:23 -
A big thanks to my Mom and Dad for always being there for me, I could not have done this without your love
and support. To my friends, ya'II are
definitely made this fun and unforgettable four years! I
awesome; you a
hope the best for everyone and keep in touch!
Scott J Kozlak
Patrick Joseph Livingstone II
Duluth. MN
Plainfield NJ
Financial Management
Security Forces
Thonk you to my Mom, Dad, Sister Trish, and Brother Joe, and the rest
Thank you to everyone who has
helped me along the way. my family, lifelong friends, and even a few en-
of my family. I could not have made it this far without your unconditional love and support. To all of the guys on the hockey, our friendships will last
friendship, inspiration, and great times. I will never forget what has been one
forever. I owe my greatest memories at the Academy to all of you.
of the best experiences of my life. Let us go out and do great things.
emies. Thank you for all your support
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity“ Maximus Decimus Meridius —
Travis "T-Mac“ McMillan
Nathan T Miller
Elgin TX
Waikersvil/e MD
Thank you to my family and friends
Finally made it! Thank you Mom and
for pushing me to follow my dreams, even when I doubted myself. To the
Dad for all of your support, I wouldn’t
NMMI crew: Loyalty got us through
And to the Mitnaul Family, thank you
this place; brothers to the end. To my
for giving me a home away from home! To all my friends, it's been awesome, keep in touch!
classmates: we made it, but this is only
the beginning, just remember (I know
be in the long blue line without you.
how much my thoughts mean to every-
one) "Success is the ability to go from one
failure to another with no loss of
Winston Churchill."
Tristan R Newkirk
Erik M Olson
Albany. NY Acquisitions Manager
Security Forces
Thanks to my Mom, Dad, my brother's Ben, Russ, and Rick, and the rest of my
Answered the call to serve, stayed because of the friends I made and the
family. Thanks to the AFLAX boys for all the good memories. You guys got me through the days here. How you doing four eight?
family I intend to protect.
Carlsbad CA
Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put." And one more: "Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities...because it is the
quality which guarantees all others.’ -
Winston Churchill
Alex T Parmater
Jacob J Robertson
Benton, LA
Marietta CA
Developmental Engineer
"The pursuit of pleasure must be
Thanks to my family, friends, and wonderful girlfriend I couldn't have done it without you. "For this is what America is all about. It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge. It is
the goal of every rational person.' -
the star that is not reached and the
harvest sleeping in the unplowed ground. Is our world gone? We say
Farewell. Is a new world coming? We welcome it and we will bend it to the
hopes of man.
Lyndon Johnson
Katie Elizabeth Schuler
Matthew David Thorne
Titusville Ft
San Diego CA
Thank you so much to my family and
First off I have to thank God; I couldn't have done it on my own.
friends who supported me every step of the way. I couldn't have done it without you! "WWLPSD"
Mom and Dad; thank you for your constant support, I love you. And D.A.M.N. -I love you guys. To everyone else that helped me get throughthank you; you've made a bigger
impact on my life than you know.
Tymothy Donald Vandermosten
Eric Randall Varner
Ironton. OH
Austin TX
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Kylie, and Keirann for your love and support to
Thank you to my family who has been
help me get through this place. To all
my biggest supporter over these last four years. I would not be where I am
my friends back home, never give up. To all my Academy friends, there's no
my friends who have made this place
way I could have ever made it with-
out you. "The journey is the reward." —
Chinese Proverb
today without you. Thank you to all that much easier to get through. I will always remember all of our wonderful adventures over the years. Always keep in touch no matter where we may end up.
Kelli Catherine Wood
Michael Jay Yoo
Eagan, MN Airfield Operations
Boy, that was a long five years! I
Two roads diverged in a wood, and
could not have made it without my incredible family and friends, skydivers, preppies, and CS-16—ka-kaw! You oil carried me through some of the
Denton, TX
We took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
best and hardest times of my life! I
love you! Philippians 4:13 Blue Skies...
"Die Living"
William Clayton Adair IV Missouri City TX Pilot The Academy has been the experience of a lifetime; I have had some of the best moments in my life here and would truly not change a single
decision. Mom and Dad thank you for showing me the path but letting -
walk down it, even though I know
you were always only a few steps
behind me. "If you are truly great, remember you won't need to tell anyone." unknown -
Alexander Nathan Anderson
Jonathan Christopher Banta
Bedford, MA
Louisville KY
Medical School
Friends, you are some of the great-
To all my family and friends who have made me the man I am today, thank
est people I've ever met and have
helped me become the person I today. Family, I don't think I'd
have made it this far without your support. The only wisdom I have to leave behind is that the experience
"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit."
Henry David Thoreau
is what you make of it, so
make it something worthwhile. "Two men
look out the same prison bars;
mud and the other stars." Frederick Langbridge
one sees -
Tyler John Benjamin
Kyle C Capko
Seorsmont. ME
Los Vegas. NV
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your
who have supported me throughout
Abraham Lincoln.
Thanks to all my family and friends for making this experience, at worst bear-
able, and at best an unforgettable adventure. I am truly grateful to all of you who have helped me succeed
Thanks to my family and friends my life. It is finally over and yet has
only begun. To those that follow, piece of advice my grandfather told me; "every day is a good day. a
just some are better than others. -
Grandpa Capko
and put "life" in these four short years.
Andrew J Costa Manlius, NY Pilot To my family, thank you so much for
being there for me through all the years. I would've never been able to
do it without you. Thank you to the
great friends I've made here. We've had some amazing experiences together that I know have changed who we are. "I have tried to live my fe so that my family would love me and my friends would respect me. The others, they can do whatever the hell they please." John Wayne -
It s not the mountains we conquer but
Sir Edmund Hillary
AFLAX 18- Thanks Mom Dad and Dan! Cheers
Casey William Cowan
Rudyard Josef Vitoria Dacquet
Saratoqa. WY
Los Angeles, CA
Air Bottle Manager
I would like to thank my family
I’d like to thank God, my family, and
for their support but especially my
my friends for always being there to
mother for her years of dedication and sacrifice. For those that have come before us and those that will
Without your guidance and encour-
follow, remember The nation that
here or accomplished as much. To the
will insist upon drawing a broad
crew, we had some great times and
line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man
memories: ring dance, spring break,
is liable to find its
support me through the four years. agement, I could never have been
and just leaving the Hill to find a good time. Remember to Aim High,
fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards."
Hit the Mark! Never Look Back and
Sir William Francis Butler
Leave No Regrets!
Brian Andrew Hayes
Robert Brian Hemker
Allendale Ml
Missouri City, TX
Thank you to my family, my class-
Mom, Dad, and Monica: thanks for
mates, and especially my fiancee for
always being there when I need you. PTWOBs: I'll always remember the awesome times...you guys are why I made it through here. I'm going to
making these last four years some of the best of my life. We pushed through a lot of tough times and enjoyed many exciting experiences together that will shape who I am in the years to come. Congratulations to all of my fellow classmates for making it through the Academy!
miss all of you and the amazing times we
Paul T Homsher
Sam Janasov
St. Louis, MO
Washington Court House, OH
To all of my friends, we made it.
Nature's first green is gold: Her
To my mom, dad, sister and grandparents, there is no way I would be where I am today without all of
hardest hue to hold. Her early leafs a
your love and support. Lastly, I thank
USAFA for all of the incredible memories it has given me. If I were to do it again, I would not change anything.
flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down today. Nothing
gold can stay."
Robert Frost
Stay Gold. Henning. Stay Gold
I am not excited because this is the end,
but because this is just the beginning.
Andrew E Jarvis
Michael James Kanaan
Annana'ale, VA Air Liaison Officer
Birmingham, Ml Intelligence
Thank you friends and family for the support over these exciting four years!
Thank you to my friends and family. Without you I would not have ac-
Godspeed to everyone.
complished the goals I sought after. I'll never forget the experiences I was
“For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be glory forever." Romans 11:36 -
fortunate enough to have here. Shoot for the stars, land in the clouds.
Michelle Lee Mendelsohn
Katrina Elizabeth Moffett
Sylmar, CA
Fairfax VA
Thank you to my family and my
If I have lived a life worth experiencing, it has only been through the love
friends. I never could have done it without you. To my rugby girls: BOH A, in all that you do.
1 am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." William Ernest -
and support of my amazing friends and family. No matter where you go the real adventure depends on the
people you find and love. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand."
Irish Blessing
Jacqueline R Norton
Soren Olson
Highland. CA
Bothell WA
To my friends and family thank you
Thank you Marissa and Laura for listening to my adventures. Arlen, thanks for always being there, we ll break the
for all your support and guidance through the years. I could not have done it without you. It has been a
Sam & Dean thing eventually. Evan, I
long five years, but I wouldn't change a single thing. "No one will ever see me quit, because I simply won't. If I start something, I will finish it and do it
love ya bro. Mom and Dad thanks for
Steve Belmarsh
listening and helping me, without you I wouldn't be here...To my friends, it's
been a wild four years and we re only getting started. I love you, thanks for
putting up with me. "Whatever you are. be a good one." Abraham Lincoln -
Jessica Lyn Rodgers
Kyle C Schafer
Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
My family, I wouldn't be here without your support. Mom and Dad, thank
Thank you to my family and friends for
you so much for motivating me and
always believing in me, you guys my rock. Shelley, no words can
describe how blessed I am to have a sister like you. My friends, I couldn't have survived without you, thanks for the all the laughs. What an experi-
ence...finally: YES IT WAS!
supporting me through this crazy fiveyear journey. It's with your support that
I am here today. To the soccer team, forever "Go Birds". Thank you to those who believed in me and gave me the
opportunity. "Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something... You got a dream, you gotta protect
it...You want something, go get it. Period." The Pursuit of Happyness -
W Michael J Sexton
Blake Y Sherwood
Stuttgart, Germany
Doculo GA
Acquisitions "When you were bom, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." -
Cherokee Expression
Thanks to my family for helping me through the tough times and sharing in the good times. Your impact on my life is more that you will ever know. To my friends, we made it through this experience while still managing to make some awesome memories and I want to thank you all for that. Now
have the world in front of us so let's go do it big!!! Philippians 4:13
Grant L Starkweather
Dustin Roark Tanen
Charleston, SC
Redding CT
Here's to you, Mom and Dad, for
For the sake of your life, live it. To all those who didn't stop me from
putting up with me every day for 15 years. Without your love and
guidance, I wouldn't be the man I am today. And Mom, you can only blame yourself for my career choice when you put me on that discovery flight. To my friends, thanks for always being
living mine, thanks. By the way, it was worth the squeeze.
there for me. I came here for the op-
portunities, but I stay here for you. Till we
meet again.
Sarah Wilson Round Rock TX Force Support
Thanks to my family and friends who have supported me every step of the way.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful
lips, speak only
words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never
Audrey Hepburn
Christopher Maxwell Batson Castle Rock
Pilot I would like to thank God, my parents Max and Karen, Kara, the love of my life, and all my friends that I made
along the way. Without their love, help, and support the last four years would not have been possible.
Matt Becker
Edward Vincent Boylan
Moorhead MN
Smith-field. FA
Space and Missiles
Poleski, Bruno, Football Head...Let's
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.
shine some Dolphins! See you boys in Cali, Narch 2011 here we come!
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. This doesn't encompass
everything that goes on here, but I choose to believe in its principle: that all things do come at a price. That the pain we went through did have a
reward and that anyone who's
determined and perseveres will get
something of value in return, even if it's not what they expected.
Zachary James Carroll
Belle Dirks
Freehold, NJ
Westminster CA
Cyberspace Operations
Thank you to my family. AFLAX I love you. Woody is a goo, Hawk is too.
I made it through six years of
obstacles here with the help of my
Mom, friends, teachers, and mentors. Thanks to Dad for pointing me in this direction and to Mom for instilling in me the belief that I should never give up. To David Phetmixay, thank you for the great times in our relationship and much more. To the Ladies, I'm thankful
for your support and all the fun outings. Denise, Good luck!
M Christopher Fei
Scott F Gregory
Plymouth, MN
Fairfax VA
Thanks to my family and friends for the support they have given me over these past four years. It has been quite the experience, and has
definitely been a blast. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 -
To my family, your unwavering
support and belief in me made me realize I could accomplish this dream thank you. To the NMMI crew I cannot believe we all made it. So much has changed since Roswell, but weve always been together. To my CS-18 bros, I will never forget the ridiculousness of the last three years. Were the best Halo players in the world. Always remember to live every week like it's Shark Week. -
Stephen "The Puma“ Guillory
Alexander "Panda" Hess
Baytown TX
Panama City, FL
Space and Missiles
I would like to thank God, from
Nothing's impossible, except dinosaurs.
whom all blessings flow. "I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.” -
Anne Frank
Clayton Guthrie Macomber
Joseph Miles Ma/oy
Albany NY Pilot
Kingsport, IN Cyber Warfare Operations
It takes a huge team to launch a plane on a mission. I guess the same is
supportive friends for helping me get
true to achieve a dream. Thank you
through here.
very much to everyone who has
helped and supported me over the
I want to thank my loving family and
"No tiki, No Washi.''
past 22 years as I tackled this dream, especially you Mom, Dad, and Chris. It is truly humbling to have been given so much and to be cared for so much. I couldn't possibly ask for anything better.
Stephanie Agnes Martin
Kyle Drake Moses
San Ramon, CA
Huntington Beach C A
Thank you first to my amazing family who, since day one of BCT, has supported me with countless letters and phone calls. Thank you to my friends, especially the Baby Skyraiders from
I would like to thank my family, espe-
CS-37, and Carly, my roommate of four years I couldn't have made it -
without you! Last but not least, thank you to the Air Force Dance Team. This team and these friendships have
defined my Academy experience. I love you girls so much!
dally my mom and dad, for making into the person I am today. They have
pushed me and been there for me through the highs and lows of my life. No matter what the situation, they are always there for me. I love them very much and will always appreciate what they have done and continue to do for me. To my teammates, Go
Tytus Marshall Moss
Sam Oas
Knoxville, TN
Kansas City. MO
If it wasn't for God, my Dad, Mom, and sister Audrye, I never could
Glad to make it through. I thank my
family very much
have made it through here. Thank you for your prayer and support!
To my friends, you all are the best. I will never forget the good times we had. We had fun and according Yogi Berra, "We made too many wrong
mistakes." But I would do everything all over again if I had the chance!
Carly Mae Olsowski
Harrison Matthew Paull
Elgin It
Rogers AR
Thanks to my parents, Karen and Ken, and my love Bryan for the continuous support throughout the years. Without
you this journey would have been even more
difficult. Another thank you
to Stephanie, my roommate of four
years! We have been through a lot together, and I can't think of another person that I would rather have there
with me. Remember to "reach for Your
Stars, because they are far, far above anyone else's."
Zachary Peters
Michael Reid
Fresno. CA
Midland. TX
Financial Management
"There will be sleeping enough in the
Benjamin Franklin
Thanks Mom and Dad for helping me
get here, and thank you Grandma and Grandpa and Marmie and Opa for supporting me through. Bros from
eighteen, thanks for good times and good luck in life. It's been a rollercoaster ride and I'm ready to ride a
Thank you to my family and friends for all the support. It's been a lot of long days, but short years. Nightriders: it's been a work hard, play hard situation. So stay classy out there because
"Clothes make the man. Naked
people have little or no influence on society.'* Mark Twain -
new one.
James R Reynolds
Lacey Nicole Richardson
Schwenksvil/e, PA
Melbourne. FI
Developmental Engineer
Aircraft Maintenance
These last four years really flew
"There is no limit to the good you can
by (sort of...). Thanks to everyone
for your support along the
"Life moves pretty fast. If
you don't stop and look around once -
in a while, you could miss it.”
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
do if you don't care who gets the
Gen George C Marshall; Without supporting words from my mother and laughter from friends the Academy would've been a much different place. Growing up from a Thunderbird to a Nightrider,
I never thought I would see the light at the end of the tunnel here, but the
Academy has taught me at least one thing...never give up.
David Michael Sproul Chandler AZ Pilot
Without the love and support of family and friends I would not be where I am
today. Mom and dad: Words cannot thank you enough. Such a minuscule dream became an unimaginable reality. Brotherhood of CS-18: even with Restrictions, fear or boredom, nothing prevented us from making the most
unforgettable memories. Kitty. Starfish. Headshot. Most importantly, even
when I stumbled, He knew I would. To
God I owe everything.
Nichole Rhea Stitwell
Jennifer Nicole Wallers
Divide, CO
Marriottsviile AAD
Mom, Dad, and Cydnee, thank you
Mom, Dad, John
for the love and support you gave me
love and support. I wouldn't be where
throughout my time here. You believe dream-chasing adventures, which have only just begun, and for that I am grateful. To my volleyball girls, you are my best
in me and all my crazy
friends and I can't wait to see where our lives take us! I am truly blessed, and thankful for the wonderful people
thank you for your
I am today without it. To my friends, you made the good times better and
hard times easier. It's true what they if for nothing else, you'll stay for
the people. Lastly, Woody, no matter what happens, to me you'll always be a goo. "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding
in my life!
Russell Daniel Wilson IV
Havelock Ellis
Miguel Alberto Zapata Irvine. CA
Westville IN
Developmental Engineer Electrical
Cyber Operations
What lies behind us and what
Strength through unity, unity through
lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Oliver Wendell Holmes
faith. It's all about friends, all about
family, all about who you surround yourself with, that will make this place worth all the struggles, all the nonsensical rules, all the bitter moments, but
they make them life learning experiThis place has given me a life, has helped me find those that will stick by my side through thick and thin. Thank you Nightriders, I love you all! ences.
Kellan Dane Bethke AAahfomedi. MN Pilot "But those who trust in the Lord will their strength; they will soar on
wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and
not faint."
Isaiah 40:31
I can't believe this is only the begin-
ning! Cheers to all the good times and adventures that are sure to be in store! See you out there! Fides
Jessica Lynn Brown
Derrick William Burnett
Canyon TX
Corona, C A
Space and Missiles
I am so incredibly thankful for all
Thanks to ALL of my family for
of my amazing family. Mom, Dad, Stephen, especially: your unconditional support and love is overwhelming, and I am more grateful than you will ever know. To all my friends, thanks
supporting me and believing in me throughout the years here. I am very
for keeping me sane and making it all worth it. I never could have made it
blessed to be surrounded with such
great people as I was being a member of the hockey team here, I could not have done it without you guys
and I love all you like brothers.
without y’all. No Regrets!
David James Cooke
Hastings NE Pilot I am not the best, but I know I gave it my all. My goal has always been to make my mom and dad proud that I am their son, and make Thomas proud that I am his brother. I love my family
and they love me. Thank you Mom,
Dad, and Thomas. Jeremiah 29:11
Kyle William Cadoury
Steven Ha
West Warwick. PI
Paramus, NJ
"It's almost Friday!"
I want to thank my family and all my friends for being there for me through the good times and the bad times.
Aimee Leigh Hammon
Eric M Hunt
Mill Creek. PA
Glen Rock PA
Force Support
Throughout my experience at the
This space was intentionally left blank.
Academy, what I have learned can be found in Matthew: 5:7: "Blessed are
the merciful, for they will be
shown mercy," and 7:1-2: "Do not
judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure
you use, it will be measured
to you.” I want to thank my family for
all their support and love.
Lamin Onaje Jackson
Ryan "Ryno" Johnson
St. Croix. U.S. Virqin Islands
Rockwall TX
I am blessed and I thank God for it.
Thanks to my loyal friends back home
Ma, Pops and Z; I am so grateful for
and here, and to my loving family,
you three and the unlimited love and support sent my way. I LOVE YOU. My sweetness; we did it! I am excited for the rest of our lives together. I LOVE YOU. All mi friends dem; Thanks
for the great times! I LOVE YOU ALL. Wheel bend and de story end" Cruzan saying. 282 —
who have always been there for me.
I could have all the success in the
world, but it would mean nothing to me
without your unconditional love
and support. I Love you all. Special Thanks to my Mom and Dad for their infinite wisdom. "My Mama says that
alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush." Bobby Boucher, The Waterboy -
Alex T Kiel
Peter A Komar
Valders. Wl
Danville PA
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, deter-
Earning patches and WoG piles, JM rides and big oL smiles. 500 jumps with no delay, weather standby until May. Santa calling "drop approved," Longmont campouts, doing CReW, big-way jumps and sipping brews, and Marty's love of HR2s...Everything with the whole mob: ladies, gentlemen, and Rob. Going harder than we should, best ships aren't made of wood: I saw them built through bushy eyes, with my best friends in bright blue skies.
mination and hard work.”
Gen Colin
Powell. Thank you to all of my family and friends for your support through the years. Even through the ups and downs you were always there when I needed you. I'll never forget the
good times, with all of the amazing people I have come to know in these four years.
Suong Hun Lee
Jin U Lee Ontario. CA
Civil Engineering
Space and Missiles
"Take time to work, it is the price of success. Take time to play, it is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time
I want to thank my family and friends
for helping me through these four
to think, it is the source of power.
years. Without them I would not be where I am today. I also want
Take time to read, it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to pray, it is
to thank my mentors for giving me the best advice I have ever had. To
conversation with God. Take time to
my friends at the Academy, I wish
laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to worship, it is the highway of reverence. Love to be loved, it is gift
you the best for your fufure. Just remember, "You can accept failure, because everyone fails at something, but you cannot accept not trying." Michael Jordan
of God."
Daniel J Mitchell
Suzi Jane Park
Milton-Freewater OR
Oxon Hill MD
"But now faith, hope, love abide
First and foremost all praise, honor and glory to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior thank You so much God, I
these three; but the greatest of these 1 Corinthians 13:13. Never is love" —
hesitate to give all of yourself when the time is right. Ultimate cost for
perfect value."
Robert A. Heinlein.
The love from my family and friends
has been the fuel that has pushed me through, thank you from the depths of my heart for being there with me and being examples which taught me to love truth more than anything.
appreciate You. Mom, Richard, and Edward, thanks for being there, you are my heart and I love you so much. Lee and Wendy, thanks for being a home away from home. To The Leftovers," you guys rock! I look forward to seeing you out there. Isaiah 45:2-3
Jeffrey Michael Pendley
Candice Reecie Peterson
Warner Robins, GA
Columbia SC
Cyberspace Operations
Thanks to my family who helped me
To my family (Calvin Sr., Delores, Calvin Jr., and Connie], thank you so very much for getting me through the hard times at USAFA and never letting me quit. To all of the lifetime friends I have made while here, thanks for the laughs and all the little things that made life at USAFA that much
greatly throughout these last few years. Thanks to my roommate Dave
for putting up with me living on the other side of the room. Thanks to the music for getting me through the
rough days. Thanks to Sean and Lamin for being some of the real people. And thanks for reading this if you actually took the time.
better. I love you all so much...keep your head up! Psalm 30:5'
Steve Roberts
Benjamin C. Scroggins
CedarviHe AR
Madison AL
Thank you family and friends for all of your support and encouragement
"Better Late Than Never"
the years.
Nicholas A Stockda/e Lansdowne, PA Pilot Thanks be to God. Omnia mei donna Deo.
Andrew David Strawbridge San Jose, CA
Medical School
Do not forget me, because I will not forget you. You made this -
place enjoyable. Mom, Tim, Danny Could not have done it without all the -
family support, I love you guys. DadYou are my hero! When you cannot get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one.
Mark Twain look good!"
Sean "Stunfzy Stuntz
Cameron ‘Muffin“ Taylor
New Orleans. LA
Garland. TX
Civil Engineer
I wouldn't be where I am today with-
We are always told that we come
out the love and influence from my
out of here with a good Education.'
friends, family, and even my little sister
Well I once heard that Education is what remains after you've forgotten everything you learned in school. So if that holds true then I will have gotten
Shannon...I love and thank you all very much. The past four years have
been long, fun, short, at some points boring, at most points challenging, but
great education. Good luck to ev-
most of all, memorable and worth it.
eryone in all their endeavors. Thanks to
I can't wait to see where I go, but I will never forget where I'm from. "Aint
my friends for always telling me when
to shut up and my family for always
being there when I needed them.
James Ryan Wilder
David Anthony Zite/li
Freehold, NJ
Fayetteville CA
To my family: Thank you for your con-
Thank you to my family, friends, teach-
tinuous love and support. Without you,
I would not be where I am today. To my friends: We made the best of the bad times and relished in the good times. I love you all and wish you the best. To AFU: My best memories were spilling blood and sweat with
ers, and over
mentors for all your support
these last four years. Without
you I would not have been able to
be where I am now. It's been a great
ride, and this is just the beginning.
you all on the field. Stay focused,
work hard, shock the nation.
David Michael Zumbach Wolframs-Eschenbach, Germany
Intelligence "Yea, I've pretty much been winging it this whole time.'
Karl Agudo Chandler. AZ PilotThanks to my family and friends for all the support. I love you all. Those who thought I'd never make it this far: thanks for the inspiration. ’When you come to the edge of all light you know and are about to drop into the
darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly." Patrick Overton -
Emily Rebecca Allen
Alexander Babbs-Butler
Andersonville. TN
Fayetteville NC
To my family, friends, teachers,
The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is
sponsors, and mentors: thank y'all
for always standing behind me and guiding me. You have shaped me into the woman I am today. As rough as it was, I
often merely his will to try it and his faith to believe it is possible.
wouldn't change a thing.
To my classmates: as Brig. Gen. Robin
Olds once said, "There are pilots, and there are pilots." Be the better of the two; search for you own breeze. Fly
steady and true.
Benjamin "Jelly" Brown
Andrew Cavallo
Auburn. WA
liMjktown MA
Developmental Engineering-Mechanical
Yahweh is the only way. To all of
Thanks to Rudy, Serg, Karl, Jesse, Chaskes, Marc, and Pat for putting
those who stood beside me, made me
stronger, pushed me to be better and
helped me through this place thank you! To my amazing family I love you and thank you for everything. To my bros thank you for all the good times, all the laughs, and all the S.O.S. Go Falcons, Dare to be Uncommon, and God Bless!
up with me as roommates. Thanks to Frank for being with me from start to
finish. Thanks to my family for making me
who I am today. And finally, the thing I have learned, "Now and
then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. -
Guillaume Apollinaire
Justin Colby
Lucas C Cumm
Las Vegas NV
Colorado Springs CO
Pilot "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I can't say thank you enough to my
family and my friends, you have been an inspiration for me throughout life.
Pilot Ich greife nach den Sternen.
Chaz A Demerath
Alan D Delaney Economics
Wichita KS
After four grueling years of intense
I want to thank first and foremost God for blessing me and helping me
academic and military training I can graduate this elite institution with
make it through a tough four years,
confidence in my ability to meet and answer life's great challenges and
thank my parents so much for all the
questions. Such as, "How much healthy
support, guidance, and wisdom they
choice ice cream can I eat before it is no longer a healthy choice?
my friends, teammates, and the bros
at a tough place. Second I want to
gave me. Finally, I want to thank all
for the support and countless memories...never
forgetting "Stories Over
Standards." Peace.
David L Dye
Stephen 14? Gorman
Sandpoint IO Intelligence
Castle Rock LO
Thanks to all my friends and family for
Never, ever give up. Pursue your dreams with a passion, and never let
all of your support!
"Because I wouldn't be the man I am today; if not for those I've loved along the way." Eric Church -
Scuba Squad for life
anyone talk you out of them.
I also want to thank my Mom for
selflessly helping me every step of the way. She is the sole reason I am who
I am today. I love you, Mom!
Oh, and Scuba Squad for life!
Diana Ricci Hall
Laura Michelle Jones
Jacksonville. FL
Columbus, OH
Force Support
Therefore do not worry about
Thanks to my parents and my family for all their support and thanks to
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry
about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Mom, thanks for never
doubting. Doofus, thanks for the
comedic relief. Dade, I hate it when you're right. I love you guys.
my Denver family the Symallasl! Could not have done this without you. Thanks to all the past, present, and up and coming Zoomie ruggers
and coaches, you guys have been
great and made everything worth it, keep rucking, BOHA! Et pour mes amis franijais a I'Ecole de I'Air, FAIRE FACE! Toujours la Trois!
Kaeli Jo K/uesner
Brendan Lanphear
Denver, CO
St. Charles, //
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
Thanks to everyone at USAFA who
Steve Prefontaine
This has been an experience of a lifetime.
helped make the last four years bearable, and fun at times
you guys
rock. Thanks Mom & Dad, Brit, Katie,
Chris, Mere, David, Jeff, and everyelse who put up with the potholes along the road; I love all of you and appreciate everything you've done for me. I hope to someday make you proud. "We will either find a way, or
make one."
Davie FL
William A Lindberg Enqtewood, Ft
The worst regret you can have in life is not for the wrong things you did, but for the things that you did not do.
"Sacrifice is what we do. It is our way of life. We do it for our brothers and sisters next to us we do it for home.
Robert K Lenzen
Just want to say thank you to all my friends and family for helping me get through this place and for always being there for me, I really appreciated it. Scuba Squad it's been a wild ride
and I'll never forget you guys.
Shannon Dee Noil
Yngwie Jareth Brian Marroquin Los Angeles CA
Visalia CA
Medical Service dorps
Thanks to the Scuba Squad, Nayiri, my friends, and especially my family for all the support. Couldn't have
"The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be just you" —
Leo F. Buscaglia
done it without you. To my father, I hope I am making you proud up
there...Fear Nothing.
Tyler William Small
Patrick 'Patches'‘ Tracy
Nashport OH
St. Louis. MO
Nightriders, hard to believe we survived this long considering episodes of sub-par driving. Dan+Median=Coke Browe. Matt, try not to sleep in on T-40 any-
First off, I thank the Father for all the growth in my life these past few
years. His grace has been overwhelm-
many memories. Coach Hayes, thanks for keeping me on the team. Coach
ing in many times of trial. Also, I'm forever grateful to my family and my friends in Troll Country and the Catholic Community. I value their
Benson, thanks for always believing in me. Mom, Dad, Todd, Sarah, thanks
support and treasure the memories. Marc, you showed us all how to live
AFXC'ers, it's been amazing, too
for supporting me through my up’s and down's, ump out of the jar. AFXCFT
"Never complain. Live with boldness and honor, and Respond to others with only love." AMDG
Timothy M Trieu Coral Springs FL
Monument CO
Pilot Never before have life's opportunities been so bountiful. I'd like to thank my parents Dat and Leah Trieu for their
support, my crazy awesome friend Tini Thalin for being there for me, DFL,
Y.umiko Guajardo, and Sammy Tongoi for giving a speech during basic no one understood. Finally I would like to thank Cecilia Peters: the amount of gratitude I have for you is equal to the intensity in which you loathe me.
Aeronautical Engineer
Mom, Dad. Eric and all of my family and friends who have supported me the past four years, thank you. You have always been there to support me
and I couldn't have done it with-
out each and every one of you.
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid, for the Lord
thy God, he it is that goes with thee: he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. -
Deuteronomy 31:6
Matthew "Big Red“ Watson Hilliard OH Pilot Thank you Mom and Dad for the constant support throughout it all,
Coach Lardiere and Dietz for being inspirational role models, and Hitch for looking out for us while we were in Roswell. Pfaff, Biggie Smalls, and Jack you guys are the best of friends. This has been the most challenging
experience of my life, but everyone has kept me going strong! It could be worse."
Marc E Henning
In memory of
Marc E Henning Jan 22 1988
Sept. 16 2010
"It could always be worse; you could be
getting shot at in Iraq" "The grass may be greener on the other
side, but your side is pretty darn green." Some beach, somewhere...
Thanks Marc.
AAiguel A ngel Baca Cisneros Quito. Ecuador
Aeronautical Engineer I would like to thank God. my family my friends, and Ecuador. You all made
this possible. I really want to thank
Mami, Papo, Mariscal, Geova, Alex.
Jorguito and Albita for your support I couldn't have made it without you. I am thankful for all the opportunities that USAFA gave me through
these four years and I know that this time away from home helped me to become a better man. Double Down!
Mark Beeman
Matthew Timothy Bender Air Force brat
Monrovia, CA
all over
Pilot To me, real friends are just family without the blood ties
Without question, these last four years have been challenging and rewarding. As much as I love being finished with studying for now, I'll be connected to the USAFA family throughout my career.
To friends: thanks for the humor
which helped keep it all in perspective. To multiple sponsor families: thank you for treating me like a son while
I've been here. And to family: I love you so much; it's your support and
love which helped me succeed.
Mark David Benischek
Vitaliy O Benz
Severna Park, MD
Millbrook AL
It has been an honor to spend the last
Well, thank you everyone, especially
four years with each and every one
family and friends. Although I am ready to leave USAFA, I actually enjoyed my time here. I might even return someday.
of you. I cannot wait to continue our service
together; stay safe and good luck.
"When you come to a fork in the
road, take it."
Yogi Berra
Kathryn R Blythe
Ryan Alexander Campbell
Irmo SC
Westlake Village CA
The last four years have been difficult for so many reasons, from running into
The Academy has taught me so many
pole to surviving the 2% Club, but
it will all be worth it in the end (or so
they say). I have to thank my fiance David who has been my rock every
day, my roommate JerrBear for putting up with me for three years, and
things...to be a man, to pick your friends wisely, to manage your time. But, despite all of the lessons I have learned, I would have never made it
through this place without the absolute love, care and support of my family
all my friends who have made this
the passion and great memories from all of my friends, and finally the careful
place fun. Time to make it real!
oversight and plan from God when he told me to come here. Thank
all the memories.
you for
Josh Day Sha/imar FL
Cyberspace Thanks to everyone who helped me get this far. Jesus, you are my rock. Thanks Britni for always being there for me. Also have to thank my family for always supporting me in everything. This journey never would have begun without them. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson —
Nick "Nico DeBarmore Jr
Adam Ediger
Raleigh. NC Developmental Engineer
Inman KS
Here’s to having a little fun along the
Thanks Mom and Dad for your sup-
way. Carpe Diem. Thanks Mom and
port, and thanks to all my bros here.
Dad for your support, and thanks to all my bros here. The people are what
worth it. "If A is success in life, then A
made USAFA worth it. "If A is success in life, then A
equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut."
The people are what made USAFA
equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y play; and Z is keeping your mouth
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
II Krystal Antonique Clover Hampton VA Intelligence God has truly been faithful! I've had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing people and had so many wonderful experiences. Mom and
Dad, thanks for being real. I couldn’t have asked for better parents! To the rest of my family and to everyone else who has become family to me, thanks for all of the love and encouragement! Bray, thanks for being with me through everything! Jeremiah 29:11
Grant Kenneth Hadley Chandler AZ Pilot Thanks to my family and friends for all the support and encouragement!
Mom, Dad, Mandy, Bree, Sammy...l could have done it without you.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man
sharpens another."
Proverbs 27: 17
Esther Boot‘ Kim
Kirsten M Lorch
Huntiqgron Beach. CA
.Northfield. AA N
Cyberspace Operations
AFA S'Women: No other team can
I would like to thank my parents
pull off performing Solja Boy in front of a Verizon store. My crazy family: that dear octopus from whose
and friends and the countless others who made getting through this place
tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish
possible. It was a frequently frustrating but always rewarding journey,
to (DS). Thank you for your support in
and I wouldn't trade my time here for anything else. So to my classmates I
getting me through the five-year plan.
say: we finally made it!
Friends: You all deserve the best... rock on! BABU: You have taught me how to love and for that I am forever
Kyle Thomas Miller
Justin R M unger
Lansing, KS
Houston. TX
God, Family, Friends,
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Thank you. I could not have done it without you.
Jason, Ricky, and Randy, thanks for making this an enjoyable experience that I will never forget. God Bless You All.
Michael Steven Oliver
Stephen Ashley Pike
.Middletown. DE
Falmouth. ME
To my parents and the rest of my family, thank you for all of your
Thank you to everyone who has given
encouragement and love through the last four years. I'm so glad that you
years, it has been an adventure. Fam-
there to support me through my
their support over the last four
ily and friends, I could not have made it this far without you!
entire cadet journey. To my friends, I'll never
forget some of the great times
had on the football field, down at the airfield, and everywhere else. we
Good luck to everyone, and I hope to see you down the road!
M Vincent K Sandtorv
Andrew Schweicks" Schweickert
Centereach. NY
Mooresvil/e, NC
Space and Missiles
To Mom and dad, thanks for the
I had a blast with my four years at the Academy! To all my friends
support I would have never made it through without you. You are both amazing parents and my heroes. Thank you to Mia for the love and patience over the last four years. To AFLAX 11, you'll always be my brothers, thanks for the memories. Bobby Bag-o-donuts, you're the best room-
mate/friend a guy could ask for.
here, thank you for giving me more memories than I know whot to do with. To my family, thank you
for helping me through the challenging times and motivating me to keep going, and to Cassie thank you for being with me every step of the way and truly making me a better person.
Randy Roudy Semrau
Joseph Ellis Silvio
AAillerstown. PA
Pittsburgh. PA Acquisitions
Pilot Great friends & good memories.
Thank you first and foremost to my
family. Mom, Dad, Vince, and Marielle, I love all of you. Also, thank you to the boxing team and all my friends
at the Academy that made my four years here a blast!
Nicholas "Dutch" Strobe/
Caiflin C Teresky
Carlisle PA
Newtown. PA
It's the small things in life that make it
Thank you to my family and friends
bearable so find something to laugh
for all of the support, love, and con-
about each day. Thank you to all who
fidence that you have given me my
made this possible: my parents, siblings
whole life and especially these past
and true love Mary. I hope I can
four years.
pay it all back someday. DOUBLE
Jerra Leigh Turner
Aaron Thomas White
Norfolk. NE
Hereford. TX
Air Battle Manager
I want to thank God, for his love
Thank you to my family for everything
and guidance. I have been blessed. I
you have done for me. I can't say it
want to thank my family and friends
easy, but it was well worth the trouble. Friends are what made this
for their love and support. I adore them. To my Madre Rose, Jenna,
place worthwhile, and I know I won’t
Jade, Bubby, Matt, and Keith: I love
forget the friendships I made here.
you. To Kat: you are awesome lady.
To Ben: you made my Firstie year the best. Thank you all. "With men it is impossible; but to God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 -
Eric M Conroy
Thomas C Dowell
Cincinnati, OH
Le\ington NC
I expected the Rocky Mountains to
"I guess this will teach me to
be a little rockier than this.
be more careful about what I -
promise people in the future. Woodrow Call, Lonesome Dove
Anthony "Giebs" Giebelhaus
Ashley Elizabeth Green
Dearborn. Ml
Porterville C4
"It was real...it was fun...but it never was real fun." unknown
It was not the road I expected
Thank you to my Dad and Mom and my bro Austin and the rest of my
family for keeping my spirits up and for pushing me through this place and
to take but the journey has been
amazing. I would not have made it without my teammates, my wonderful roommate, my fellow physicists, and the love of my family.
thank you to my girlfriend and my
"All our dreams can come true, if we
true best friends (you know who you
have the courage to pursue them."
is) who stayed by my side through it
Walt Disney
all and made this place a bit more bearable.
Reh/ing Paige Hitt
Brandon Hough
Universal City, TX
Panama City Pi
"Everyone possesses the insight,
I am the author of my life. And I'm
wisdom and understanding to see
writing in pen, and I can't rub out my mistakes. If I could start again in life. I would repeat all my mistakes. They make us who we are in this world.” unknown
past apparent differences and discover solutions that benefit not only themselves but everyone around them." unknown -
Always remember, the best revenge is success. Lastly, thanks to all who helped me realize this dream. May god bless you, as he has me.
Nathan John Janssen
Matthew C Jones
Madison, SD
Astab/ua OH
"To be somebody or to do some-
Congrats all! I have come to find out that in life, there's only one speed...
thing...Which way will you go?" John Boyd. -
I come here hoping to make a dif-
GO! May we all learn to be biwinning.
ference. After four years here, I now understand and am more willing to make the sacrifice that will be necessary for me to do something rather
than be somebody. I'm here to do something, and I hope that is or will be the case for everybody else.
Joshua Paul Khune
Jonathan Thomas Klein
Caldwell, OH
Foley. At
Space and Missiles
Hope for the best, prepare for the whatever comes your way.
"Free at last, Free as last. Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!" Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Zoe Meredith Kotnik
Justin Kevin Landseadel
Poynette Wl Pilot
Simi Valley CA Cyber Warfare Operations
I couldn't be more thankful for my
worst and you will be ready to take on
Academy experience or more proud to have the opportunity to serve in
this Air Force. My family, teammates,
squadron and friends have given me the experiences and memories of a
lifetime. Thank you for the endless support. Blue Skies...
Jonathan Ashley Loyd
Francisco Antonio Lugo
Greenville, IN
Katy. TX
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot
To my family, Mom, Dad and Andrea, thanks for all the support. I could not have made it through this place without that. To my friends, I can’t believe
Thank you to my mom and dad for
supporting me so much through the four years and being my motivation, I love you. Thanks to my friends
made it this far and thanks for all
for making it easier to get through
the good times we shared. I made
USAFA. Thanks grandma for moving
great memories while here and
out here so I would have a piece of home to go away to on the weekend.
I'm ready to have some more fun...
somewhere else. "Do not go gentle into that good night."
Dylan Thomas.
Psalm 18:2
Thanks to my AOC, for believing in and helping guide me to become
better person and leader.
Cory A McCart
Jonathan W AAcAAahon
Lawrenceviile. CA
Londonderry Nh
Civil Engineer
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Net
That was the longest four years of my life. Nothing can replace the brothers
Thank you to my family: Mom, Dad, Jen, and Becca. I could not have
I've met since being here. Thank you to God, my Mom, Dad, and brother who supported me all the way
accomplished anything without your tireless support, love and guidance throughout my life. You are the most special people I know. To the boys. I will never forget the crazy adventures we got ourselves into and how
much fun our four years were WP4 Raptor and Bull families-you all were -
the best!
Michelle Parenteau
Ty B Payne
Lakewood, CO
Moses Lake Tl'4
Thank you to all my friends, family and teammates. You're the reason I made
it through.
"The tender mercies of the Lord are all those whom he hath chosen,
because of their faith, to make them
mighty even unto the power of deliv1 Nephi 1:20. erance." -
God has blessed me more than I can describe in my time here and I thank Him for it. I would also like to thank
Dad, Mom, Ray, Cali, Abe, Grace, Ande and Michelle. Without their sup-
port, I couldn't have done it.
Frank H "Hah Schmidt Jr
Eric Herbert Steen Jr
Cody. WY Developmental Engineer
North East AAD Pilot
“In life there is often a roll call. That's
Well, this is exciting. It has been an
when you have to make a decision: to
incredibly long four years and I'm glad
be or to do."
Col John Boyd
Thank you to my family, friends, mentors, and teachers who taught me
what is required of an officer who
does something for the Air Force and for those around him. I will always strive to apply those lessons in my career
and in my life
to do something
I made it. Thank you to everyone who
has cared, it's appreciated. I'm anxious to move on and start the next chapter in my life, and have
enjoyed my time
here believe it or not. I'll leave you with my favorite quote, courtesy of General Patton, “Pressure makes
and to make a positive difference.
Daniel Davies Venable Jr Frank/in. TN
Chamara Dubs" Wijesinghe Colombo. Sri Lanka
Airfield Operations
Aeronautical Engineer
After four years of struggle, we have emerged victorious. It would
THANK YOU to all my amazing friends and their families for making
not have been possible without the
support of my family and friends edging me on, encouraging me when I needed it. I can't wait to see what we achieve as a class. "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited
for; it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan -
me a part of their lives. I love you all... I When I came to USAFA, I had
only one sister; I am leaving with thousands of brothers and sisters... and I know they are going to make this world a much better place. Good luck to you all...!
Kevin Edward Wright San Jose, CA
Scientist Thank you to my family, friends, and teammates for your continued support
throughout the years. Good luck to everyone in the future.
Raptors Firsties
Joseph J Boben Pittsburgh. PA Pilot "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." —
Leonardo da Vinci
Here's to pursuing what was once a distant dream, and having no idea where this life will lead. To my family,
Kristin, the bros me
thanks for getting
through this place.
Trevor Collin Boyd
Brett Roland Boyce
Brigham City, UT
Lentreville MD
Chemist/Medical Corp
Airfield Operations
Dear Family and Friends,
"Surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never
"I bet you probably hate my guts by
already believe that I must have died long ago in the wilderness.
give in, never, never, never, never-in
now, and
But you are wrong
I still alive!"
Nacho Libre. Thanks for all your love and support. I leave you with this: "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and
nothing, great or small, large or petty never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently -
overwhelming might of the enemy. -
Winston Churchill, October 29, 1941
leave footprints on our hearts and we are never
the same."
Emily D Brown
Daniel Eric Campbell
Chattanooga TN Navigator
Long wood. FL Cyberspace Operations.
I wouldn't be who I am today, or
I would like to thank God, my
where I am, without the incredible
parents, my sister and brother, the rest of my family, and all the close friends
support that my parents and the rest of my family have given me through-
that I have made throughout the five
out the years. The awesome friends
years. Thanks for getting me through
I've made here
the tough times here and making it
you know who you
and my amazing sponsor family
have definitely helped me survive the
Academy. Thanks, everyone!
a little bit of fun at the same time (stories over standards). I couldn't have done it without you.
M Thomas Chandler
Candice J Chase
Oak Harbor WA
Lakewood. C O
Force Support
To my Savior, family, teammates,
To all those who said I couldn't, well, I did. To all those who knew I could, friends and family, I could not have done it without you. And yeah dreams may not always come true,
coaches, teachers, squad mates, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy, Dr, & Mrs. Warrick, Nick, J-Weaves, Trevor, Bridgette, Matt, Jack, Katie, Cory, Jenny, Kelly, Erin, Dan, Shawn, Craig, Lindsay, Cassie, Zach, Emma, Kat, Ian, Justin, Snuggles, Wendy, Lee, Lacey, Abby, Will, Mark, Casey and Megs...Thank
you! "Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend."
but sometimes you end up with some-
thing beyond your wildest imagination.
Goodbye nerds!
Matthew John Connellan Chapleski
Nicholas Jacob Davis
Denver CO
Key West FI
Navy Information Warfare
My USAFA experience: "Friends are a sturdy shelter: whoever finds one has
Me: Someday I too would like to lift up my kilt and flash the enemy
found a treasure. Faithful friends are
beyond price; no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life-
saving medicine; and those who fear the Lord will find them.”
Recruiter: Kid...the United States Air Force Academy is for you!
Sirach 6:1416. My prayer is that the love for our Father and the friendships that were -
fostered during our time here will last forever. May God bless us and never leave us, God bless America.
Rupert Charles Domingo
Paul Nighthawk“ Driggers
Eagle Pock. CA Acquisitions
Arroyo Grande, CA Pilot
Here’s to my Dad and two brothers
The past four years have been
who supported me throughout this
packed full of experiences and memories more incredible than anything I could have imagined. I really can't
journey...and to my loving Mom, the only woman who never left me during college. Love RC -
believe it, but I have to say that the epic journey was worth the pain. Of course, I didn't do it alone. Thanks I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Dad, I wish you could have seen where I am now. Andrea, thanks for making me feel human again. mom,
Craig W Duffy
Emily Ann Fisher
Warrington, PA
Milton, Wf
I've learned a lot these past four
This space was left blank intentionally.
years. I've learned that sometimes the only way to deal with a tough situation is to laugh. I've learned that friends and family are everything and become one. I've learned that
"just one beer" at Haps really means 3three,.at best. Hakuna Matata, Later
Days, Cheers!
Francisco L Guzman
Kyle Halderman
Southbridge. MA Contracting
Katy. TX Acquisitions
I've had some good times and some bad times. I'm glad I did it, and I
I would like to that everyone who has
know I’m a better person from the experience. I'm very thankful for all the friends I've made, and for everyone who helped me through here.
made my journey through this place possible. To be specific I would like to thank God, My Parents, My sisters,
Grandparents and the close friends I've made here. Lastly I will always remember the great memories created here and stories over standards
Sara Rene Horton
Kali Jean Kingsley
Manassas VA
Spring Hill FI Intelligence
Intelligence I sincerely believe the Acodemy is a
Not Pictured
great place to be, and more than
The best of times is now. To everyone I've met along the way, thank you for
that you determine how you react to
being in my life. To everyone who has supported me [mom, dad, grandpar-
your environment versus letting your
ents] thank you, I love you all.
anywhere else in life it has shown me
environment dictate you. Thanks to my
parents, family, and friends for their support! Thanks for being my rock Tom, and I look forward to our future
allow yourself to be mode a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself." Harvey Fierstein —
Justin A Lennon
Evan Russell Lomeli
Scottsdale. AZ
Roseville CA
"In dreams and in life,
"Never be bullied into silence. Never
nothing is imposFortune Cookie; It's hard to
Friends and family will never be forgotten. Through thick and thin you
believe, but we finally made it. To the
best friends anyone could ask for: you
you the most. Whether it was just to
all there for me when I needed
made these four years worthwhile.
catch up or talk about some problem
Thanks for the awesome times and
I knew I could count on any of you.
great stories...at least the ones I can remember. LUSD. Thanks to Mom, Dad, Candy and the rest of the fam
become who I am today and for that
for the support. Work hard. Play harder. No regrets...Now lets get
It is because of you that I have I am eternally grateful. I hope I can continue to make you proud.
outta here!
Gregory R Mancewicz
Grand Rapids. Ml Pilot Thank you Mom, Dad, Joe, Steve, and
Emily for your prayer, support, and encouragement over these four years.
Soooooo I'm a better person now
I could not have done this without you! "But we even boast of our afflictions,
knowing that affliction produces enduronce, and
endurance, proven charac-
ter, and proven character, hope, and
hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us."
Romans 5:3-5
Elizabeth Emory Smith Richmond VA Civil Engineering I wouldn't have lasted without the
love and support from my family:
Dad, Mom, Ali and my Zoomies. Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."
Dave Mathews
Jonathan M Swift
Johnathan Andrew Weaver
Bellevue Air Pilot
Plant City FL Remotely Piloted Aircraft
"For what we love determines what
I feel as though I'm going to wake up
seek. What we seek determines
at any moment. I guess that's what
what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are and who we will become. Dieter F. Uchtdorf; Many thanks go out to
happens when your dreams become reality. To my friends, you all are my brothers. To my family, thank you for your unending love and support during
Mom, Dad, Jen, Jes, Jordan, and Jared. I couldn't have made it without
my iourney. I could not have done this
you. Though it has taken six years, as
good things come to an end, even better ones begin.
without you. "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." Christopher Reeve -
Brian A Wilson Summit. NJ
Acquisitions Thanks Mom, Dad, John, and Jenna. I couldn't have made it through the last four years without you guys. Also, here's to AFLAX: past, present, and future. Thanks for everything bros.
"Stay far from timid, only make moves when your heart's in it, and live the phrase sky’s the limit." The Notorious B.I.G. -
Reed Altman Daegu South Korea Pilot I owe everything to my family and
country, for the only things of consequence in life, they have given me. "A civilization cannot be conquered from without until it destroys itself from within." Unknown; "Those things that -
precious can only be saved by Pvt Ryan Webster; "All we sacrifice." are
have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." Gandalf; "Know Thyself" -
Jared Daniel Alvin Becker
Kaitlin A Bibeau
Austin. TX
Naples, Italy
Developmental Engineer (Aero!
"... life is constantly testing us for our
"Optimist: someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking
level of commitment, and life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never ending commitment to act until they achieve. This
step forward is not a disaster, it's a Robert Brault; I've ended
in a step forward and couldn't have
level of resolve can move mountains
done it alone. Thank you Mom and
but it must be constant and consistent.
Dad for always supporting me. Thanks
As simplistic as this may sound, it is still
to my friends for asking how I was
the common denominator separating
and waiting for an answer. Those
those who live their dreams from those
that believed in me: you got me here
who live in regret." Anthony Robbins; Great job everyone, we did it.
and got me through; I can t believe
Aaron Timothy B/ore
Katie Brock
it's done.
Bellevue, VVA
Spring, TX
Space and Missiles
Force Support '
I couldn't have made it through this
place without the support of my family and friends. I love you all.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13; Thanks to God for His love and wisdom. To my family love y'all. -
Mommy "you gotta be" thanks for pushing me when I wanted to quit. Dad thanks for always supporting me. My friends Thanks for standing by me through it all, I will never forget -
the memories. No one said it would be easy
they just promised it would be worth it.
Joseph R Cook
Jesse 5 Galt
Las Vegas NV
Kennesaw CA
Security Forces
Special ladies Officer
In life there are gains and there
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake."
losses. Being at the Academy
is definitely a LOSS. On the other hand, graduating from the Academy is a sure gain. Thank you to all the
fam. You saw me through this hell, no
joke. To my classmates, all I can
say is congratulations. You did it. You
survived all that they could throw at us.
For that, take a GAIN ladies and
gentleman, take a GAIN! 284
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
Nicholas Preston Giec/a Kitiingly, CT
Christopher L Goetz
Combat Rescue Officer
Thanks Mom and Dad for everything and to the rest of my family as well.
First say to yourself what you would
St. Marys. PA
be; and then do what you have to do."
"The future doesn't belong to the
faint-hearted, it belongs to the brave." -
Ronald Reagan
Heather Marie Greenup
Kelly E Hamilton
Lindsborg. KS
Friendswood. TX
Aircraft AAaintenance
Thank you parents, sister and family/
Don't ever forget how special this place is. With everything going on in our lives it is so easy to forget how
friends for support each day. God, thank you for lessons of faith, love,
strength, and the power to overcome that have molded me. Jesus thank you for teaching me how to have a heart
hard we worked to get here, and stay here. Thank you to all of those who have supported me throughout
after you and to love you as my Sav-
my time here. I have learned so much
ior, without you I am nothing. "I am the
about leadership and life. Take things
vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear
much fruit; apart from me you can do
John 15:5
alligator at a time, make time to
and do your best with what
you're given! OLDS!
Jessica Dawn Hildebrand
Hwang James Ho
Signal Mountain. TN Financial Management
Northridge CA Cyberspace
Thanks Mom and Dad for support-
I will never forget my time here with
ing me in everything that I do. Ryan, you're my best friend and the love
of my life. I can't wait to start our lives together. A huge thanks to all my friends, I love ya'II!!! And finally I
would not be even close to where I am today without my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "A man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord determines his
Proverbs 16:33
Christopher Jimenez
Storm Suzanne MeNab
Indio CA
las Cruces NM
Financial Manager
Aircraft Maintenance
It was the best of times...it was the
Thank you to my family and friends for your support through these
worst of times...but friends make it
all worth it. I'd like to thank God, my
parents, Manina, my extended family, Fred, and all of the people along the way who have helped me get to where I am today. The memories from here will last a lifetime, as will our
legacy. No more taking losses, it's time to take gains! We did it homies!
challenging years. Thank you to my teachers and mentors for putting so much effort into making me a better leader and a better person. To my classmates: it's been a rough ride, but we made it! I'll never forget you guys. "Be yourself, for you decide who you are. You choose what defines you. Do not let others make that choice for you." unknown -
Cory James Ostrowski
William Lawrence Page
Broadalbin, NY
Suwanee, CA
Civil Engineer
"I would like to be remembered as a
I'd first like to thank my family, both
who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine
immediate and my sponsors. Without
family and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually."
been infinitely harder. To my friends, thanks for all the great times! I'll miss you all and all the shenanigans we've
Frank Sinatra
To my family, I love you very much.
To my friends, I will never forget the times we had. Thank you all so much. Finally, and without hesitation: Yes It
you, these four years would have
had over the years. Lastly, I'd like to thank God, because none of this
would be possible without him.
Psalm 27
Bradley W Pingel
Carson L. Slater
St. Louis. MO
Muncie. IN
"I've come to the conclusion that the
"Don't worry about the world coming
two most important things in life are
to an end today. It's already tomor-
good friends and a good bullpen."
in Australia."
Charles Schulz
Bob Lemon
So, here is to baseball for getting me here and to those friends for keeping me
here. Thanks to the family for the
support over the years. WP4L.
Dirk R Strykowski We/lsboro. PA
Stephen Richard Vrabic Fort Lauderdale Ft
I can't really say it's what I thought it
I can't thank those close to me enough
would be, because I didn't know what it would be, but it's been something.
for the selfless help they have so often given throughout the years. To Dr. Green, what can I say short of
you're the Man. To my family, I love you guys more than you know. To my
boys, you are soul the reason why this place was worth it. [Dont] take life to seriously. You II never
get out alive.”
Van Wilder
Trevor J Vranicar
Cole Edward Wagner
Chillicothe. OH
West Point NE
Developmental Engineer
Life flies by; don't procrastinate
Thanks to my family especially Mom
your way through it. Do as much as you can in your short time at the
and Dad for your support in this endeavor. It has been a long time
Academy. A special thanks to my
coming. You have always been just a quick phone call away for both the
father, mother, my sister Kristin, my sponsors The Donley's, all my AOCs and AMTs, all my friends, the upper classes that lead me, and especially the lower classes that I lead. Thank you all for helping to develop me into
good and bad days and I know that will never change. All my friends and especially fellow Phantoms, just take a second to grin and always remember, Yes It Was.
the person I am today.
Nathan J Walker
Cody James Weaver
Colorado Springs, CO
Mancos, CO
First, I thank God for His many blessings. Isaiah 40:31
..but those who trust
in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will
walk and not be faint." Thank you Mom and Dad for all the love and support in
everything. Thank you Micah and
Hannah, I love you. Dudemang, you the mang. Saltwater bandits all rules apply,
stay salty...always.
Thanks to my family and friends who I couldn't have made it without, I love you guys. Always remember, "Yes it was..
Joseph AA Cortez Yonkers NY
Security Forces Thank you to my family and friends for always being there to guide me along this challenging path. Mom, you've always been my inspiration and continue to be every day. DJ Danny you'll always be my boys
keeping me sane. Sask, you'll always have a spot right by my side. 143 I'll never forget my teammates. Y'all are the best, we made it! TCF 24/7/365
Parker V Dodds Ei Paso IX Air Battle Manaoer
Thank you to everyone that helped me
through these past few years. I
have amazing family and friends that never gave up on me. Thank you to my parents for all the loads of laundry
and home-cooked meals. Thank you to my friends, roommates and squadmates for all your support. I wish you
good luck wherever life takes youl Go Air Force!
Kyle D Ellsworth
Daniel H Emery
Chandler, AZ
Lamar AA O
Air Battle Manager
I have graduated, due to the love
Thanks to my Mom and Dad. You
and support of my friends and family, my faith in God, and the desire to
gave me the tools to do this. Thanks
to all who have encouraged me and
do something awesome with my life. I
supported me throughout my time
pray for challenges to come and hope
here. Without your help and guidance I would not be the man I am today.
to take on each day as if it were my
last. "The LORD is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The
Philippians 4:11-13
LORD is the stronghold of my life whom shall I be afraid?”
of Psalm 27:1 -
Vivere Militare!
Michael T Greer
Katherine "KaP Higdon
North Hampton NH
Alice Springs. Australia
Air Field Operations
You are the best, thank you
Thank you to everyone who has
for always being there for me and
supported me over the last five years
being my biggest fan. Dad -You
and all the memories we have shared
are a
role model and a man that I
will look up to for the rest of my life.
Lauren, I'm proud of you and hope you never change. I’m fortunate to
have such great friends and family to
keep me going on those long days. I love you all. Non Sibi.
together. When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed.
The future is yet in your power. -
Phyllis Bottome
Grace Higgins
Siobhan Alia Hulslander
Incline Village NV
Intelligence Officer
Chesapeake, VA Intelligence
"I just want to thank everyone
There is no certainty; there is only
who made this day necessary."
Not Pictured
Yogi Berra
Roberto Assagioli
Immense thanks to my friends, class-
But, really, thank you to my friends,
mates and mentors for four wonderful
family, mentors, and those who were
years of fun, learning, and adventure!
all of the above. I would never have pushed myself for so long if it weren't
Thank you to my family, for absolutely
Can t wait to see you all out there.
for your advice, encouragement, and love. When it's all said and done, I
everything. Go Falcons!
glad I stayed. Off we go into the
Wild Blue Yonder, eh?
Trevor Pete Koenck
Krystal Rose Hynson
Denison IA
Newnan CA
Thanks to my wonderful family for the
1 just wanted to thank all of my
unending support and encouragement.
friends and family. Without all of you
I love all of you. Thanks to my friends and classmates for all of the awesome and unforgettable memories. You're
1 would have let the stress of the
Not Pictured
past few years drive me insane. For everyone else, remember you're never
of the few things I'm really going
too old to have fun. "Fantasy is a nec-
to miss about this place. And thanks
essary ingredient in living. It's a way
to God for putting all of these amaz-
of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what 1 do, and that enables you to laugh at
ing people into my life.
life's realities."
Dr Seuss
David Kovalak
Jeffrey Alan Larkin
Grand Rapids, Ml
South,lake TX
Space Operations
"We contend that for a nation to try
I could not have made it through here
to tax itself into prosperity is like a
without my friends and family. We have met so many challenges and
standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."
Winston Churchill
conquered them. I will continue challenging myself and others and will not rest until the job is done. ”1 refuse to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death."
Fight the good fight.
Matt Lavigne
Austin Grady McKenzie
South St Paul, MN
Newberg OR
Space and Missiles Economics
Thanks Mom, Dad, Nick and Anna for supporting me during these tough four years. Without you guys my dream
Anonymous thanks for: cookie brownies, fraternity, loafing, spirit videos, spirit cheese, Aikido, shenanigans, tom-foolery, V8 Frusion regurgitation, humor, Dr Pepper, Halo parties, email wars, mandatory fun, good education, Econ, free food, innuendoes, explosions, brotasticness, ginormous subwoofers, cadet techno raves, taking the hill, critical thought, warrior-poets, the Republic, CST, Free Socks, Rifftrax,
would not have come true. "More cheers more beer, that's it that's all."
worm-tossing and the Blue Zoo.
Charles Andrew Miller
Michael Opie Mosteller
Bakersfield CA
East Bend. AA_
Navigator Thank you to everyone that help me
'[A] man is free at the moment he chooses to be.
get to where I am in life right now. I
could not have made it without all of you. I am greatly appreciative to all
of my friends who helped me cope
with everyday life and to my family who supported me the whole way. Remember to always take easy and live it to its fullest, forever.
Jordan Passmore
Stephen W Pfaff
Corning, NY Logistics Readiness
Crystal Lake, IL Cyber Warfare Officer
Thanks to everyone that has sup-
Well, I did it!
ported and friended me throughout my time here. Now let's go out there
and Ramjam.
Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears...Beets... Battlestar Galactica.
Taylor Paul Gerard Soster
Patrick N Steppe
Salt Lake City, UT
Swansea. IL
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Thank you to my family and friends for their love and support over the
This space was intentionally left blank.
last four years. If it were not for them
I would not have made it to where I am today. I love you all and will never
forget everything you have
done for me. Always remember one
thing, "In life you are going to make mistakes, you're going to fall down, but it's the getting up that counts.'
Scott William Sung
Michael E Tempter
Vienna. VA
These four years have been invaluable
I couldn t have done this without God
Torrance CA
to me. I was given the opportunity to
do incredible things. I have traveled to beautiful places where I saw fascinating things. I have met amazing people of all backgrounds. Truly, I
have grown as a person. Thank you to my friends and, most importantly, my family for all the love and support
they provide me. Classmates, congratulations! We have so much ahead of us to be excited for.
my friends, and my family
I'm truly
blessed. Kimberly, you inspired me.
Umma, you supported me. But, Dad I did it for you. I know you'll continue to watch over me as I start the next
chapter of my life.
Amy Marie Terry
Jared D Tew
Seminole, TX
Park City UT
Behavioral Scientist
I owe complete gratitude to my
I couldn't have made it without having both of my families there for me.
family first and friends second. Without them I would not have made it through. Y'all have helped me
through tough times and for that I am eternally grateful. Therefore do not
Thanks to everyone for the memorable four years. It was a fun ride. Win the West!!! Tic Toe, Walk O' Clock.
worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." —
Matthew 6:34
Matthew Alexander Torrence Tulsa OK Air Battle Manager
Train at the pace to sustain the pace!
Michael "Ewok Walker
Michael T Willcox
San Diego, CA
McKinney TX
I want to thank all my friends, fam-
Thank you everyone who made this
ily, and those PTWOBS! Thanks for making this time here full of great
that we will meet again in some way,
memories!! Lil Walk, 382 "I refuse to tiptoe through life only to arrive
safely at death"
bearable for your support. I hope
shape, or form down the road. To everyone coming after me, my one
piece of advice is to forget all advice; you will just wing it anyways.
"They can't stop me, even if they stopped me!" Lil Wayne -
Katie Barber Beverly Hills L.4 Acquisitions Thanks Mom and Dad for all your
help through these fun years. Rebecca you are a "girl's best friend," thanks for being there through everything. Krissy, I love you and I'm so proud of you! Jade you're my other half love ya girly! To everyone else I've been close to along the way, you've made me into the woman I am today. Thanks for everything, the good times and the bad. Philippians 4:13
Sean M Boyington
Alisfer Call Union. K I.
"Be who you are and say what you
I d like to thank my family and friends for all the love and support they have shown me over the last few years.
feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't
Dr. Seuss.
My undying thanks to all of you who didn't mind. Without you the experiences of this place would mean
Charles Mitchell Etheridge
Joseph Fry
Macon. GA
Laramie. WY
Thanks to all my friends and family. Mom and Dad, thanks for all your support. Harrison, thanks for putting up with my stuff all over the room for the past two years. Mary Ellen, thanks for putting up with everything and sticking it out with me! Your love
A big thank you to my family for your
the hard times. I love you and I could
support and prayers throughout the last four years. It hasn't always been easy, but you all have never failed to be a great encouragement. Also, a thanks and congratulations to my fellow 2011 Barons. This place wouldn't have been near as great without you all. Best of luck to all of you in the
have never made it with you (and
and support always got me through
Thomas Paul Hansen
Dustin Gil Heideman
Berkeley Heights. NJ Intelligence
John Day OR
Unmanned Aerial Systems
To my family, friends, coaches, and
When I first got here I couldn't even
mentors, thank you for your support
these past four years. To all the fellas, who's the best? To Sarah, thank you
for all your love and devotion. Let's take on the world together. Finally, God, You are my Rock and my Salvation. Psalm 62:5-8.
imagine how I was going to get
through five years of this place. I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for the grace of God, my family, the Christmans, Mike, Brit, Evan, Ty, and all my other friends, who were always there believing and supporting me in this endeavor. I will always be thankful and grateful for what you all did for me. God Bless!
| 8
Christopher David Hollinger
Renee L Kittka
Fuquay-Varina, NC
Bethesda AAD
I want to thank God, my family, and
I wont to thank my family for
friends, getting through the Academy
always being there and supporting me through my four years here at the Academy. Thank you to all my teachers who helped me through all my classes. Thanks to all the girls on the Lax team, it was awesome being your guys' captain and good luck
would not have been possible without them. The friendships and experiences I had made all the ups and downs
worth it. Graduating from USAFA is truly a dream come true. I will cherish many of the memories I made here,
others not so much. It's been a good run
2011, I look forward to seeing
next year. To everyone else, "Be the
change in the world you wish to see.'
what you will accomplish in your
Mahatma Ghandi
Derek Crews Kvedar
Harrison T Marble
Lynnfieia'. /VIA Unmanned Aerial Systems Pilot
Talkeetna AK
To the team
I wouldn't have made
it through this place without you guys.
Mom and Dad, thank you for raising me into the man I am today so I can be at
To my family
this point in my life. To my friends here,
thanks for everything
you've done for me that allowed me
thank you for your friendship, it's been
to do what I've done. To my class
real, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Mitch, thanks for all the Aplia
good luck in everything you choose to do.
ll have to pay better atten-
tion to where the terrazzo cameras are!
Life is an adventure...
"Be a man, follow the Lord!"
Kay Magdalena Nissen
Doug Philips
Blake Adam Page
Nazareth. PA
San Clemente CA
Force Support
Space and Missiles
Wolfpups for Life
Whoa Barons!
Thanks everyone, you know who you are,
I wouldn't be where I am without you.
"If you live with me, III die for you..." -
Green Day
I would have never attended this school or stayed without the help of my family, teammates, and fiancee.
You have all helped to get me through the tough times and keep
focused and I can't thank you all enough. I have had a better
experience than I would have ever
expected freshman year. Sells, sauce, and beck, see you dudes next year in the silo.
11 Christopher Lee Poulsen
Caleb F Powell
Atlantic IA
South Jordan UT
Documentation: I'd like to thank
Cliche, Cliche, Cliche...and all the other good stuff that everyone says!
everyone who encouraged me along
the way, especially my family. The memories we made along the way
will never be forgotten. "Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." Bob Dylan -
But really I'm glad I had all the help I did to make it through this place.
Eric R Prince
Holey Down Puffenbarger
South Jordan. UT
Fairfax Station, VA
Thanks to God, my Mom and Dad, my family, and my friends for helping me get to where I am today!
who have been there for me along the way. It has been a great four
Thank you to my family and friends
years and I wouldn't trade it for
anything. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...As we let our own light shine...we are liberated from our
fear, our presence automatically liberMarianne Williamson ates others." -
Jason E Roberts
Alicia Margaret Robillard
Victorville CA
Bristol. CT
Space and Missiles operator
The crazy advnetures life brings
Thank you to my family for supporting me
through. Mom, Dad, Lauren, Coli.
and Meme, I would never have made it to where I am today without your constant encouragement. Cate, and
all my friends, you made everything
worth it, I love you all. Mona, MRGB BTB. "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience
always. LaxLadies
to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer
Zone H Steadman
Eleanor Roosevelt
Fernando Suito Acuna
Salt Lake City. UT
Anaheim. CA
Unmanned Aerial Systems Pilot
Thanks Mom and Dad for all of your
Thank you to my friends and espe-
support and encouragement, even
dally family in California and New
before I started here at the Academy
Mexico. I could not have done this without their support. I want to spedally thank my fiancee and little man Alessandro for getting me through
it was you two that set me up for
Barons, I am going to miss all of you, you are great friends and I hope to see you all around!
those tough times.
# Marcus R Tenenbaum
Evan Terry
Florham Park, NJ
Hoover. At
Aeronautical engineer
Thank you to my family and friends. I
Thanks to my Heavenly Father, Family
appreciate the help in everything I've been through here. Good luck to all. "If your life was a book would anyone want to read it."
and Friends, especially those I have met here. Here is a quick summary
of me: "Let man regard us in this manner..."
ICorinthians 4:1; Today
I gave my all, for that which I did not give has been lost forever,
Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess." Edwin Land -
Hatton "Ginger" Updike
Robert Lee Volsey II
Chandler. AZ
Rock Springs, WY
Life is either an extreme adventure
Thank you to my family for the con-
nothing at all, you can waste your time playing it safe, or you can go for
stant support these past four years. I
it. But at some point, you know when
To my friends, it has been a wild ride and I am glad you were here to ride
something's right. This place has truly been an adventure. "What we do in life echoes in eternity." Maximus. Thanks to my friends and family for the tremendous support. I would not have made it without you. -
could not have made it without you.
it with me. I can t believe it is already over, but
it is really just the beginning.
Cody Paul Wheeler Boardman OH Pilot Thanks to all my friends and family who have supported me and helped
get through this place. To a select few, thank you for not felling anyone about the things we never did, on the me
weekends that never happened. "For what is the best choice, for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve." —Aristotle; "Never
take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway." unknown —
Michael Louis Alonso Marlboro NJ
Acquisitions Dad, Mom, Julian, T, Emily, and Hay lee, THANK YOU so much for everything you have done for me. I love you all so much and I don't know what I would have done without Sara, you are the best thing that
has happened to me, and I love you.
Friends, thanks for being there for me when I needed you, I hope we can
keep this friendship for a long time. General Olds, cheerio!
Tom Baker
Brittany Bennett
Holy. Ml Contracting
Port Huron Ml
four years but I finally made
it. Crawled through the trenches,
crawled through the deepest of valleys. Then, three years later, I finally made it. I made it to the top of the mountain...crawled to the top of that mountain. Then it all hit the fan and now
I'm back down in the trenches.
Back down crawling through the valley. But you know what? They can't stop me, even if they stop me!
Ineffable out!
I would've never made it through without all of my family's love and support.
Thank you, Dad; you're my hero. The
Harpers, you're in my family forever. I love you all. Mike, you're such a blessing to me. I could never thank you enough. Lady Laxers, BTB! Friends and fellow T-Birds: we've laughed, cried, and helped each other make it through. Wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I'll see you all out there!
Rebecca Bonkers Bodtke
John IP “IP“ Christy
Naples Italy
Reston VA
"I am the master of my fate, I am the
To my family- thanks for all the love and support you have given me over
captain of my soul," (William Ernest
Hensley) have been the words I've
the past 22 years. I love you all. To
tried to live by. But there are other
my friends- congratulations, we made
important words: Mom, Dad, brother, family, friend, and classmate. Without
it! Y a todos mis amigos por el mundo.
all of you the path would have been
gracias por su amistad y que tengan buena suerte con todo. Sobrevivimos
much harder. The fight has been long
"la mofa" de las cuevas!
and difficult, but I am grateful for it. To those that follow (warning...bio
humor): make life your niche!
Antonio Concepcion Niceville FL
Phil Cook ;emp;e lerrace
Behavioral Scientist
To the boys and girls of 27, preppies,
"Have I not commanded you? Be
and all the other awesome people I
strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with
met here and will never forget; Thank
you! I could not have made it through the five years without the crazy nights
(Haps, O'Malley's, Pinz, Back East, and more). Thank you Mom, Dad,
Sylvia, Carmen, and Santi, for pushing me even
when I didn't want to be
pushed, it was worth it. "You've got to pay the price...”
Joshua 1: you wherever you go." All praise and honor be to God the -
Father Almighty and Christ Jesus His Son. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa. and Matt: Without your love and support, none of this would have ever been possible. To the PTWOBs...Blue Skies 384
Corey Austin Daughenbaugh
Peter A DeBois
Lees Summit, MO
Gresham OP
Space and Missiles
Financial Management
"Good Gawd!" Mom, Dad, Shawn,
Thanks to my Colorado and Oregon family for helping me through the last four years! I couldn't have gotten this far without you. The Academy journey was tough but the friends I made along the way made it all worthwhile. From Vegas and the Caribbean, to
Mary, and my old crew: Mike and Mike, and Kate-0, thanks for
everything. Shout to my boys Necco, MasterShef, Gnarles and Jack! (and the Weasel). I learned some amazing
things and met amazing people, but best of all, I learned to pick myself up from the ground, and to keep going.
Renditions and the Riviera (Bandits) we made the most of it...Remember, You
Most importantly, I discovered this is
got to have some salt about ya.“
my life, and nobody can stop me from
achieving my dreams.
Caleb Decker
Jon S Flanagan
Indianapolis. IN
Everett W.A
Cyberspace Operations
In the words of the great warrior poet Ice Cube, if the day did not re-
Thank you to my family for everything
quire an AK then it was indeed good.
time here. It has meant more than you
you have done for me throughout my
know. To my friends
I will never for-
get the good times we had and the places we went. If it wasn't for my family and friends I would have never
made it through this place. The last five years have gone by faster than I thought. "Pain is temporary; quitting Lance Armstrong lasts forever." -
Charley Adams Ford III
Derek William Francis
Clovis, CA
Corona CA
Financial Management
To my Mom, Dad, Emily, Alyssa, Gus, and Spencer, thank you so much for
Thank you Mom, Dad, Elaine, Ryan and Adrienne for supporting me, I
the love and support you have given
love you all!
through the years. It went by so
fast. You were with me every step of the way, whether it was a water
polo game or a tough day at school. The journey was epic to say the least, I am thankful for all the experiences I have had and the friendships I have made.
Gregory "Old Greg" Guiney
Woodruff Johnson
.Moncks Corner SC
Annapolis. MD
I would like to thank my family for
Thanks Mom and Dad for everything
all your support and encouragement. I would not be the man I am today without everything you've done for me. Staying at the Academy was the
Love you guys! Good Luck with everything Maggie, thanks for being such a great Sister, Love you!...Jenn.
best choice I have ever made, and I want to thank all my fellow T-birds,
past and present, for making if the easiest choice I have ever made. I'm
going to miss eating dinner out on the porch. OLDS!
what is the proper yaw of melvin 324 to keep straight and level flight?
AFLAX...Wins, Beating Army, tough losses, Cancun, Navy Game, Halloween, Jose Duenes, Ring Dance, Vegas, Broklahoma, too many good times love you guys, and Tristan, best wishes to you and Tania in the future.
Andrew J Lamb Siioam Springs AR Pilot
Mom. Dad. and Ashton
can't begin to express the gratitude I have for your support. I truly would not be here without you. To my
friends, it's been an unforgettable ride! I'll always cherish the time we spent here together and I can't wait until we meet again in the future. Each day you live is one you'll never get back, make the absolute most of it. Finally, LUSD and Box, see ya!
Kenny Lamendola
Jamie LaRivee
Westlake. OH
Monument, CO
"A man can be as great as he wants
I could not have made it this far
to be. If you believe in yourself and
without everyone around me
have the courage, the determination,
to my great friends and my wonderful
the dedication, the competitive drive,
family! "My best friend gave me the
and if you are willing to sacrifice the
best advice, he said each day's a gift
little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile. It can be done.'' Vince Lombardi
unturned, leave your fears behind, and
and not a given right, leave no stone
try to take the path less traveled by."
Ryan Murdock Triangle, VA Pilot Thanks to everyone who helped made this place better and more fun -
my family, the squaddies, ZRFC, and those crazy exchangers we always
got. The Academy has been a great experience with a lot of adventures. It was a challenge at times, but helped me
to grow as a person and learn
what challenges lie ahead.
Ryan S Rickert
Jacob MacRae Ricks
Indianapolis, IN Cyberspace Operations
Brenham TX
Message to the future:
I must thank God, my family, and my friends for their constant support and
If you are reading this right now and you are me, congratulations, you
made it. Go call your friends to say hi and reminisce old times. Call your
family and say thanks for everything again. Now go and live your life...
guidance. Without them, I would not find myself where I stand today. The friends I have made here are not just friends, but truly part of my family. Balius baigs, kurvos namo, bet seima visada pasilieka"
is over, the friends
when the party go home, but the
family always stays...Oldsstyle!
Josh Stroud
Martynas Smitas
Bryan. TX
Kaunas, Lithuania
Pilot I want to thank God, my family and
friends for all fhe support. I could not
have done it without you. I want to thank everybody for the fabulous time in the United States. Now, come and
party all the time in Lithuania!!! "What makes the desert beauti-
ful,' said the little prince, 'is that somewhere it hides a well..."' Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are things that men need to believe in the most. That people are
basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always love true love triumphs over evil, ...
Doesn't matter if it's true
not a man should believe in those
things because they're the things worth believing in." Secondhand Lions -
Michael A Tester
Abigail Ann Sutton
h'omosassa, FL
Lawrenceburg. IN Acquisitions
Aircraft Maintenance Mom and Dad Thank you for all of your love, support, and encouragement throughout the past five years. You two have been there for me -
I sincerely thank my friends and family
for their unending love and support the past four years, but most of all, my Mom. I would not be here if not for all your love and encourage-
ment! To my teachers and mentors, thank you for dedication guidance.
through everything. The Dykstra's
Thanks for opening your house and
family up to me. You two are a blessing. Bobby and Jenn Thanks -
Class of 2011, work to live, never look back, conquer your fears, and chase your dreams. "To thine own self be true." Polonius, Hamlet -
for all the support. Britt can
No words
express what you mean to me.
I can't wait to finally "start" our lives
together. I love you.
Daniel Wyatt Winningham Nashville, TN Pilot First thanks goes to my parents for their constant support, yall are the
best! Thanks 27 for being a great place to work and live in. Ken and Marva, thanks so much for letting us take over your house and get away
from here on the weekends. Fi-
nally, thanks to those back home who stayed close, Robin Olds, and 6G40.
Matt A Alva Mission Viejo CA
Acquisitions I want to thank my Father and Moth-
family, and friends for supporting through the five years here at the Academy. It has been a long haul,
er, me
but I made it! I also want to thank my sponsor dad and brothers for the awesome
memories. I never would
have been able to reach my dreams without the influence and guidance from all of you. Thank you so much!
Michael David Barnhart
Zachary Taylor Bradford
Loganvilie GA
E! Paso TX
I thank my parents, family, and friends
Thank you mom, dad, Will, all of my
because without them I would not have made it this far. Remember:
"There is nothing impossible to him Alexander the Great.
who will try."
Scientia est potentia.
great friends from home and here, and God who have all helped me on this difficult and life-changing journey. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I don't
know what God has in store for me but as long as my family and friends are
with me, it will be great. "No man
is a failure who has friends' mous; "Just
gotta keep livin' man...L-l-
V-l-N- Matthew McConaughey
Mar/ena J Carrillo
Travis R Collier
Louisville,, K Y
Warner Robins AFB. GA
To Mom, Dad, Christina, and Shayne I would not be where I am today
The Academy is a great place to find out the kind of person that you want to be...or don't want to be.
without your love and support. Thank you for always believing in me when
I did not believe in myself. To my best
friends, Glynnis and Sarah, you make my world brighter and every day better. To the Blackbirds, it has been an
honor and a privilege. 'Lo que esta pa ti nadie te lo quita."
Andrew R Cutler
Adrianna J Eaton
Meridian, ID
Lakeland FL
Astro Developmental Engineer
I want to thank my parents for their
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer
loving guidance and support. I've had an awesome
time these past four
years making many great friends. This
experience at USAFA has been challenging, but very rewarding. Sleep is
for the weak. Philippians 4:4.
yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one
who II decide where to go... -
Dr. Seuss
Brian "Farmhouse"Farmer
Bobby Geiger
Cody VIC
Santa Barbara, CA
On a powder day, always go first
If it wasn't for my family, my faith and water polo, I would not be where I am today. I have been blessed with
You can't get hurt in the air
amazing support cast; Mom, Dad, Danielle, Billy and Tyler, I am lucky to
A fast skier is a safe skier
Thank you to my friends, my family,
have all of you in my life. I will look
my coaches, and my mentors. My success
back on my experience at the Academy with pride, for I have endured the hardest times of my life here. To
is your success.
my teammates, "I have always thought
the actions of men the best interpreters
of their thoughts."
John Locke
Jeremy D Granow
George M Knudsen
Charlotte. NC
Colorado Springs CO
Civil Engineering
Friends made the four years fly by. Through the good times and numerous bad, I could count on plenty of laughs. You are all awesome people and
Live life to the fullest because once you are born you start dying.
great to be around. Thanks for my
family for all the love and help. Time to move on to bigger and better things! See you out in the real world. Best of luck to everyone, Jeremy
Forrest Mitchell Lampela
Dominic VC Leon Guerrero
Alexandria VA
Yona. Guam
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
"I just like to smile. Smiling's my
I have to begin by thanking the man
Buddy, Elf
above for always giving me the faith I needed to make it through this
place. Ma, Dad, Lynn, Steve, Flo, and Alessandro, I represent a little piece of each of you because you all have been my strength and encouragement since Day 1. I'll never let you guys down. Si yu'os ma'ase yan hu guaiya
Matthew R Markling
Shayne Lucas McAfee
Cleveland, OH
Andover CT
Thanks to everyone who helped me through the academy. My family
Thank you to all of you who have
and my friends back home. Thank you especially to the lifelong friends I
here, to my family for all they have done, and to all of the lifelong friends
made at the Academy. Thank you for helping me through the rough times
helped me through my four years
I have gained along fhe way.
and becoming my second family.
A jay McLaughlin
Houston TX
Aircraft Maintenance
All men dream, but not equally. Those
I want to thank God for blessing me each and every day; I couldnt have
Not Pictured
Marifza N Mendoza
Seattle. WA
who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the
day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." -
T E Lawrence
made it without him. Mom, dad, Kary, Christopher, and JR I love you guys very much.
Thank you for always being
there; I couldn't have made it without your support. To my Prep School friends: WE HAVE FINALLY MADE IT!! To all my friends: thank you for everything, time flew by because you were there in
the hard times and the good times.
Lianna Marie Phillips Kathleen CA
Sarah Rose Ruckriegle
Breckenriage CO
After five long years at USAFA, it is
"To sacrifice what you are and to live
hard to imagine myself where I am now.
I would like to thank my family
without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying" -Joan of Arc
for all of their support through the difficult times. For that, I am eternally grateful. Without you, I would not have made it this far. I love you,
Thank you for the greatest gift of my life; believing in me. I love you. My
Mom, Dad, and Barak!
best friends Glynnis and Marlena: the
Dad, Mom, Heidi and Stephanie:
words thank you" fail to express my
gratitude for your selfless love and support. You're my people. Never Stop Exploring.
Mark W Sajowitz
Jon J Santiago Jr
Nicevil/e FL
Kapolei HI
These past four years have been the toughest and most rewarding I've had
out of the north. Until then, dive even
the pleasure of going through. Thanks
when the waters dirty.
and dad for continually support-
ing me in this adventure and my two brothers, Eric and Scott, for always
providing a little friendly competition.
No surf with the right tide and winds
Always remember those who helped you along the way. Mom, Dad, Trina, Aaron, and Jodi
I stand here
Thanks to my friends who have made
today because of your love and sup-
these past four years memorable. I'm
port. Mahalo to my braddahs for all
looking forward to seeing everyone
of the good times.
out there in the real world! Cheers!
Kyle R Southard
Bojan "Udi" Udovicic
Vogelbach, Germany Force Support
Uzice. Serbia Kosmonaut
As we leave this academy to defend
I would like to thank the leader-
country's constitution, we know that we're ready to do so with excel-
ship for the wonderful four years spent here. Guys, I will never forget
lence. To the Class of 2011, thanks for being there for each other. Out of many, we are one. To my mother,
father, and brother, I love you.
you. Seriously, it's been a wonderful
Eric 'Atch" Atchison Northfieid AAN Air Liaison Officer
First and foremost, all the glory and praise goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I couldn't have made it
through without Him! To my family thank you so much for all your support and prayers...I am so blessed to have you! To the Class of Olds, you all were such an awesome group of classmates, I'm glad I had the privilege
of getting to know all of you! Philippians 3:7-8
Cameron A Carter
Max Jeffray Barnes Hayward, Wl
Chicago. IL Contracting
Acquisitions Thank you Mom and Dad for always
being there for me. Thank you Jess, Alex, Tanner, Dave and the rest of my
Carlos Helu, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet...I will eat your lunch.
friends for keeping me relatively sane the last couple years. Lastly, thank you
Grandpa for giving me the inspiration to come here and, most importantly, the inspiration to stay. You are truly missed.
Nancy Carolina Chavez
Neil Delaney
Newberg, OR
Grand Rapids Ml
I've been in some crazy but delicious
To those who helped me find my
ice cream flavored dreams... I live the
way, I extend my heartfelt gratitude.
My family, friends, Panthers and
life I love and I love the life I live! I've come
to find that if you're honest with
yourself life may not give you what you want but it’ll give you what you
need. C'est la vie! But seriously
my family, friends, roomies, and of
teammates that always have my back -
you guys are the best. Thank you
God, "for I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength" (Phil 4:13). A special thanks to the Chief for
Muchas Gracias for
his inspiring words of wisdom, James
your support and encouragement to
live out my dreams!
Austin, and the Wrestling team who have prepared me for future trials. Keep banging heads boys.
Brittany N Dutton
John David Feltenberger
Tucker, GA
New Braunfels. TX
Force Support
Praise be to God I could not have made it without faith in You. Thanks
Thanks to my family and friends for all
to my family, friends, and teammates
for all the love and support you have given me over the years. Also thank you to my fiance, Josiah Loeser, who made each day a brighter day.
And special thanks to my roommate, Bridgette Griffiths, for inspiring me to become a better person with each
day that passes. Philippians 4:13
the support, through the good times and the hard times. Thanks for teach-
ing me to keep everything in perspective and to work towards my goals each day. Illegitimi non carborundum
Ian Michael Gregoire Colorado Springs. CO Pilot
What an incredible journey! Chasing the dream has been all thanks to incredible family and friends who have been with me every step of the way.
Bridgette D Griffiths Perry. Ml Physical Therapy Thanks and glory to God, He gives all strength and faith! Dad you are the most amazing man I know—I love and miss you. Mom—thanks for
couldn't have done this without you. To all my family: thanks for your love,
encouragement, and wisdom. Thanks to amazing friends, both here and there, you keep me humble and sane.
Brittany—Roommate!!!! You've become a sister. Panthers and Babybirds you'll always be family! Jeremiah 29:11
Caleb "Skyraptor/Chexmex" K/ass
David lamb Chop“ Lam
Escondido CA
Boonfon NJ
Wow, I have to thank God for be-
Cadet life is like the stock market. bulls and bears. And sometimes, there is a
ing a personal support and for such amazing parents. My parents are THE role models on how to live, thanks
Mom and Dad. Countless others who
There are peaks and valleys
recession, but in the long run, there is
bound to be a rally!
have always been there, Uncle Ray/ Aunt Robie to name a few (my sibling, yes even the blonde ones, hahal (my friends, you know who you are). I want to finish with, Live; Strong, Fearless,
Happy, Passionately and with Love
Tanner A Lee
Nash S Mills
Moorehead MN
Newport Beach LA
Without my family and friends I
This space was intentionally left blank.
wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you for all of your support!
Robert C Nolan III
Noah Alexander Palicia
Stafford VA
Stoneboro. PA
To my family and friends, I owe you everything. Thank you so much for the
support and love you all have shown me, I
will never forget it, nor will I
forget you. Olds and cheers.
Hey, I m a reasonable guy...But I've just experienced some very unreasonable things." Jack Burton -
"They just keep coming. But that's what keeps me going." -Jim Thorpe Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in 34 and 29! Good Luck!
Garrett M Riley
Hickory Hills IL Pilot To those I have met and known along
the way it has been a special journey! I thank everyone who has been there tor me along the way. To my freshman
squad mates you were the best!
To my PANTHERS it has been a great ride! Friends and family I cannot wait to see what the future holds!!! LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD, CLIFF, BEN, AND KEVIN!!! Now let's go camping!
Peter "Shu“ Shufeldt
Benjamin Joseph So/tisz II
Portland, OR
Detroit, Ml
Cyberspace Warfare
Dad, Mom, and Joy: thank you for
"It's hard to be humble when you're as
your prayers and encouragement.
great as I am."
Mohammad Ali
Tara, my North Korean Communist, I can't wait to start our adventure.
"I have learned to use the word
impossible' with the greatest caution." -
Wemher von Braun
Sam one Amorita Suluai
Hunter Keane Van Stetsen
Pago Pago, American Samoa Contracting I'm free! Thank you Lord! Mom and dad you are my inspiration and heart.
Mika, Mati, and Brina you've blessed me with skills of patience and endurHaha. To papas, nanas, aunties
and uncles, thank you for everything!
Sponsor families, thank you for being my home away from home. Sponsor sisters, Chris, and especially Esther thanks for putting up with me. I love
you! To the rugby team, FABU baby! -
"It gets better, I swear.”
Benicia CA ,
Pilot No one person can ever truly succeed
alone. Whatever the journey, whatever the cause, there are always a few faithful friends ready to do what no one
else will; to lift you up when
you re down, to hold you up when you re out. This is God, Family, and Friends. Thank God for my wonderful family and friends! Dad, Mom,
Pamela, and Eric, you guys were the wind beneath my wings! Isaiah 40:31
Andrew S Wagner Phoenix, AZ Pilot "I've come to the conclusion that the two most important things in life are
good friends and a good bullpen." -
Bob Lemon
Thanks for the memories, amigos!
Remember: No rain, no rainbows.
Black Firsties
Laura A Abbott
Eugene OP Special Investigations Two years with 2010. Two years with 2011. One year abroad. All eternity with Jesus Christ. "I decided to sacrifice my life with all its pleasures to God. But he greatly
disappointed me in this idea, for I have met with nothing but satisfaction in giving my life over to Him. —
Brother Lawrence
Stan Amundsen
Jonathon Michael Ashley
Phoenix AZ
Brooks. CA
If the only way you can accept an
I'd like to thank my parents for all
assertion is by faith, then you are
their support and guidance along the
conceding that it can't be taken on its
way. To my grandparents, especially Granddaddy Junebug, thank you for the inspiration! To my friends here at the Academy: I wish you the best in your careers and will greatly cherish
the memories we made.
Dustin M Beall
Callie W Brown
Westminster MD
Palmdale CA
Security Forces
Force Support
Thanks to Friends and Family for help-
You may be whatever you resolve
ing me through here. I think we've all learned a lot from the Academy: but
to be.”
in the end it's just a
Gen "Stonewall'' Thomas J Jackson
place, the people
and the memories are what will endure with us as time passes.
Colton T Cash
Carson Cleveland
Los Lunas, NM
Mokena it
Scientific Analyst
Thank you to my family for all of the
love and support through the last four years; Friends: I couldn't have done it without you, thanks for helping me
through. Eemember all of our good times! We finally made it through, make sure to keep in touch. Gilby: I will never forget the support, the shows, or the ridiculous number of
good times; I couldn't ask for a better roommate.
Sean Thomas Coombs
Jessica Louise Drewicz
Nice viHe. FL
Midlothian. VA
Amazing how powerful the word "mandatory" is here. So, here goes another thing that must be done. Thanks for all the encouragement and
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Sam
support over the years!
Jack, Max, and Sarah for helping me
get through these last four years.
I love you all and your support has meant so much to me. To the Dance
Girls, the last two years have been great. Remember, "Life is like a marshmallow, keep squeezing it flat and it keeps straightening itself. So if you
feel squeezed, you're strong enough Dad to straighten yourself up." —
Ashleigh Anne Fugote
Bryan Gilbreath
Rochester MN
Bainbridge Island. WA Cyberspace Operations
Thanks to my friends and family for all
Mom and Dad, thank you for pushing
the love and support they have given
me more
than I ever thought possible.
the past five years, I couldn't have
done it without you! USAFA has been
good for lots of laughter, smiles, late nights, and incredibly long parades. This is only the beginning...
Benjamin 'Tanto Sr Gunn
David Bryce Holloway
Gainesville. CA
Broomfield. CO
It's just a tortilla "Robert Dawson"
Thank you Mom and Dad for all of your support! Thank you brother for convincing me to follow your
footsteps even though you knew the pain. Thanks to all my friends for pushing me through the hard times and
enjoying the good times. See you on the other side! Beware of the Beast! -
William Alexander Keuchler Columbus. OH
Roommate Dave
John Patrick Maggs Scotia NY
Aircraft Maintenance
It has been a long, slow, and at time torturous five years since I first enter
It's been real, it's been fun, but not real fun. Good luck Connor. "Seren-
the academy and without the support
dipity usually beats careful planning if preparation meets opportunity."
of my coaches, friends, and family I don't think I would have been able to keep my sanity, so I would like to thank them for that. The friends
I've made at the Academy have been great and I'm anxious to work
with them out in the real Air Force. GOOD BYE USAFA!
Gabriel Matthew Necochea
Travis Fenner
Hemet CA
Pitfsboro IN
"Nothing of me is original. I am the
I thank the Lord Jesus, my parents, Eric.
combined effort of everybody I've ever known." Palahniuk; To my par-
have played an influential role in my
Dale Earnhardt, and all others who
ents and family, I love you and owe
life; to include: classmates, professors
you the world. To my benefactors and
and other permanent party members.
friends, Colonel Strain and Master Shef especially, I am eternally grateful. For rigorous teachers seized my youth, And purged its faith, and trimmed its
fire, Showed me the high, white star of
Truth, There bade me gaze, and there aspire." Matthew Arnold -
Charles J Prichard
Robert Austin Robinson
Aurora. CO
Heath IX
"I can do everything through Christ,
This space was intentionally left blank.
who gives me strength." Philippines
4:13. Thank you God for giving me the strength to persevere! Everything I do is for your glory. Thank you to my
family, friends, teachers and mentors for your support. I couldn't have done it without you. I still can't believe I made it! "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the
glory of God."
ICorinthians 10:31
Breanna Marie Schmidt
Jordan Allen Sheffer
Pock ton, It
Kalamazoo. Ml
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil,
I want to thank my family for all the
tears and sweat."
Winston Churchill.
support they've given me through
Also, the wise words of my old training officer to my freshmen classmates:
my time here at the Academy and
"What did you think this was going to
be, a bunch of rainbows and skittles?"
my amazing fiancee Rachel who's been wonderful in our long distance
relationship. Mostly though, I want to thank God. I have grown so much in my time here and I would not be
where I am if it weren't for His grace. Psalm 16:8-11. May I never forget where my strength comes from.
Megan Amanda Thompson Grand Forks APB ND
Gloriemar "TS“ Torre' Santiago
Hope .Mill's NO
Ordnance "I will see you in the light of a thousand suns. I will hear you in the sound of the waves. I will know you
when I come, as we all will come through the doors beyond the grave." -
Beth Nielsen Chapman
Five years! To all of my preppies friends, and especially the teachers that fought for me to stay thank you. It wasn't always easy. To my family, the hardest part was being away, but you helped me get to where I am today. To those I've lost on this journey like my grandfather said, "Lo mas importante es seguir adelante" and my grandmother otro angel velando del cielo” GLOW c/o 2011 C SOD Joshua 1:9
Gabriel Sahagun Valdeleon
Courtney Vidt
Round Rock. TX
Vacaville CA
Security Forces
Thanks Mom, Dad, Ate, Tom, Will,
"Be who you are, say what you feel
Conway, P07_AII.
because those who mind, don't matter,
All I do for you.
and those who matter, don't mind." -
Time's up, let's do this!"
Dr. Seuss.
Daddy you have been my inspiration and Mom you are my hero. To all my friends, family and mentors thank you for all your guidance and support
throughout the years. Luke 12:48
Andrew David Whitmey Dana Point. CA Pilot Thanks to my friends and family, especially my best man Stan and most of all my beautiful wife-to-be Sarah. I couldn't have possibly made it through this place without both of you keeping me sane! Thanks as well to LtCol Peterson, without whom I would have
had no one to continually annoy. I'm sure
I'll see all of you 2011'ers again
(reunions and what-not)...until then, fly straight and shoot 'em in the face.
Daniel Acero Elizabeth City. NC Force Support To my classmates, congratulations on it because your success! I only made of you. To my mom and dad, thank you for giving me the opportunities I
have had in life. Always remember
shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among fhe stars.
Thomas Grover Ainscough
David Allen Asche
Denver CO
Cordova. AID
Thank you to my family, friends,
Thanks to my parents for supporting
teachers, and supervisors that have
and putting up with me throughout
supported and encouraged me throughout all these years. I have
my time here. To those that accepted
been able to meet and work with truly remarkable people. I will always
long I have been with your class I will always partially remain 2010. To my teammates who supported me when I was sick I will always remember
be grateful for the wonderful op-
portunifies that I have been given and I look forward to the opportunities of many years of service in the future,
into 2011 thanks. No matter how
"Virtus per Fraternitas.”
wherever it may take me. Aim for the stars and lift where you stand.
Brett Michael Boudreaux
Jeffrey T Braden
Lafayette LA
Marble Falls, TX
I want to thank my beautiful mother,
Thank you to everyone who sup-
supportive father and amazing sister
ported me through my time at the Academy. There are too many to name. I actually made it! Who would have guessed?
and brother. I would not be where I am today without y'all. I would also like to thank Sarah, Ian and Lisa
Travis who was my family away from home and gave me a place to call my
My final words: Life is short. Live it up!
Finally, thanks to my friends
for without our good times together the Academy wouldn't have been the same.
Christina Renee Burke
Sergio Ernesto Duran Perdomo
South Riding, VA
Neiva Colombia
Thank you to my father for inspiring
When I first arrived to this country I had no clue on what kind of ride
me, my mother for encouraging me,
and my brother for supporting me
throughout my entire life. To all my friends, thank you for helping me make it through. Finally, to the throwers, you got me through this place whenever it got tough; I can never thank you enough. Keep being awesome. "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." Jack Handey; MDYT -
I was in for. Fortunately, these past four years have been the best time of my life. I got to meet so many great
friends, and I am going to miss this great country and each one of them. Stay classy. Sobre todo, gracias a mi familia, sin ustedes no lo hubiera logrado. As! se va a las Alturas!
Don "Thumper" Feeley
Kevin Joseph Fogler
Livermore. CA
Fort Wayne. IN
Special thanks to my family and
I would like to praise God and thank
friends, Mom, Dad, Jake, Ryan, Matt, Neil, JRad, Chris "Vito," and all the
my family and friends for supporting me
through these four years. I couldn't
guys and girls I got to play bikes with.
have done it without you.
It's been a hard road, but you guys made it livable and we had some
great times. Thanks to Preston and Justin for the good trips and mentorship. I'll never forget the great rides,
funny quotes, and experiences we all shared.
Colder Dayton Goc
Tyler A Haunreiter
Clearwater Beach, PL
Huntington Beach, CA
Biology Scientist and Peasercher
To my boys
you are greater friends
than I could have ever asked for, and
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
I love you to the moon.
Steve Prefontaine
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Winston Churchill —
Isaiah 46:3-4
Scott Michael Hlavin
Casey G Hawkins Thatcher 1ST
Rockford, IL
Security Forces
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. the people who are eraThe rebels.
I want to thank my family and especially my friends for all of the
zy enough to think they can change
memories and support you have given
the world, are the ones who do.
me. The memories I am leaving with will always make me smile, especially
I am thankful for my parents who
taught me to question and challenge the status quo. Thank you to my brothers and sisters, my friends, who have shaped me into the person I am. I am
thankful to my Father who has gotten me
all of the crazy nights and Vegas trips!
Godspeed and I can't wait to fight alongside you against our enemies. "Either you create your future, or you
become the victim of the future that for you." Vice Adm Arthur K Cebrowski
someone creates
to where I am.
Michael "Doc" Jansen
Morgan Danielle Landreaux
Rapid City. SD
Spokane. WA
Force Support
"After the game, the king and
Thank you mom, dad, and the whole
the pawn go into the same box."
family for supporting me in everything I've wanted to do, Alexa for being by my side through everything, and Joey who is always there for me and looking out for me. To my friends and sponsor family thanks for all the awe-
Italian Proverb
Regardless of which one you think I helped
was, thanks to everyone that me
make it.
memories here. To Kimi, Christina, Kevin and Joe for all the great times.
We've finally made it and I couldn't have done it without you guys!
Joshua Tyler Larson ;
Windsor CO
Trevor Ryan Lockhart Nope lA Pilot
Cyber Warfare Officer
mat with my best friends, the countless
family, friends, and most importantly, God for getting me through the last few years I've been
long hours programming away with the most selfless people I know, and to one hell of a ride the last four years
blessed with. Four of the craziest years of my life showed me how desperately I need you Jesus. "Whom have I in
together with all of you, the greatest people in the world! I can't forget God, my family, or my vast support
heaven but you? And earth has noth-
ing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength
network (both home and abroad) either; without you, I'd never of made it!
of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:25-26 Oh yeah, LUSD
Here's to the blood, sweat, and adventures shared on (and off) the
Thank you
Alexander Xavier Milhous
Kipp London Moorhead
Marietta: GA
Colorado Sorinqs C O
"All men dream but not equally. Those
Thanks friends and family.
who dream by night in the dusty recesses
of their minds wake in the
day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." -T.E. Lawrence
Jennifer Nguyen
Ryan Robinson
Winter Springs, FI
San Pedro. CA
Logistics Readiness Officer
"Be kinder than necessary, for every-
Thank you to my family and friends for helping me out, especially when
you meet is fighting some kind of
battle. Live simply, love generously,
the Millennium Falcon broke down.
deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God." Anonymous
many people didn't finish but some-
Yeah it was a long five years and how with lots of help I did.
Jenna Sarah Schel/er
Nicholas W Smith
Porker. CO
Hagerstown. MD
"This school was on top of a hill so that God could see everything that went on. It looked like a cross between a prison and a church and it was."
Quentin Crisp
I would like to thank my Mom, Dad
Brandon, Chelsea, and my entire
family for their support. I'd like to thank all of my friends for helping me through this place. "The secret of suecess in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. -
Benjamin Disraeli
Evan J Washington
Ryan Michael Wichman
Columbus. OH
Milwaukee. Wl
"The ultimate measure of a man
This has been an amazing journey, that has truly changed my life.
is not where he stands in mo-
ments of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times
Without the support of my family and friends, I would have never made it.
of challenge and controversy." Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Thank you all.
Zackery Tylor Williams
Ryan Thomas Witzig
Augusta, CA
Rochester. MN
Combat Rescue Officer
To my family: You helped me get to
Thank you to everyone who is
the Academy, and have been nothing
but supportive throughout my fouryear journey, thank you. To my friends,
teachers, mentors and Christian leadThank you for your influence in my life as I become the man and leader God envisions. I have no doubt that it is through God's presence and influ-
in my life that I have succeeded
involved with my life and cares so much about me
I owe so much of
my success to you. USAFA has been a
journey which I will not soon forget. Live your life honorably, work your
heart out, and never forget why we are
Isaiah 40:30-31
graduating from the Academy with a pilot slot.
Dylan Asmar Ridae ram
To my family and friends that have helped me make it this far, especially my mother and stepfather, thank you! "We only do it for the scars and
Fall Ouf Boy, Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends
stories, not the fame."
Chris Beck
Rebecca D Branyen
Auburn. AL
Berwick AAE
Thank you to my Mom, my stepdad Greg, my Dad, and my brother War-
WE RE DONE!!! Thanks Mom. Dad, and Adrian for the love and support
for all the love and support over the last four years. Thanks Amanda, my beautiful fiancee, for always
through these four years. Katharine, you're the best friend a girl could ask for and I am so lucky to know you. To
loving me and being there to talk to throughout my time here. And lastly,
will NOT make you a sandwich, ever.
thanks to the friends I made here as the Academy would have been a lot more
boring if I didn't have anyone to break the rules with. WDE
the lunch table, I love you guys but I I'm gonna miss you Roadies, we've had some good times. Finally, I thank Jesus Christ for giving me this amazing
opportunity! Romans 5:3-5
Eddy "Young Pasty Cortez
Scott Ellis
Thetford, VT
Vancouver. WA
A big thanks to my family for all their
here. Finally, to the permanent party
Mom, Dad, Brent. Brad, Emilie...I couldn't have made it without everything you did for me. I will be eternally grateful. Bros...I don't know how we pulled it off, but it was
and teachers who cared about seeing
support while I was at The Zoo. I love you all! I have to shout out to all my bro's. You dudes are why I stayed
graduate. Lord only knows how I managed to graduate from this place, but I got a feeling it's because of all of you awesome people. me
Raymond Ralph C Gamboa Quezon City, Philippines Pilot To my family, thank you so much for the unconditional love and inspiration that you have given me through these years. It is you who made me earn every inch of success that I have in my
life. To my friends, thanks for all the
great times, making my four years of
"college" indescribably crazy. Wherever we
go, let's be the diamonds
that we are: beat up to the core but are
meant to shine.
Paul Gaylord III iampa. PL
intelligence I think the laughs will be what I'll
remember most about USAFA when I look back on my time spent here
.These four years have had their ups and downs, but with the most
challenging times came the most rewarding moments. To my buddies in 18 and 32, it's been fun. Thanks to my Mom and the rest of my family for their love and support. Without them I
couldn't have done it.
Josh "Hammer Hammervold
Nicholas L. Holland
Sugar Land TX
Bartow FL
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep
Live for the memories, learn from the
not screaming, like the passengers in
his car."
Jack Handey
experiences. I believe we are all a reflection of those we love, so I would like to
thank all of my family and friends for inspiring me to be the person that I am, and
supporting me as I continue
to grow. Rest in peace, Dad.
Samantha R Howard Phoenix, AZ Scientist
"My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.” Stephen Hawking —
Caroline Templet Kurtz
Kajetan Lapczuk
Albuquerque NM Developmental Engineer
To my parents, thank you for bringing
"It is often said that before you die
home to me at every opportunity. I
your life passes before your eyes.
will never forget how lucky I am to
It is in fact true. It's called living."
have you both. To my friends, we had a
Terry Pratchett
great ride. I will certainly look back
on these years and have a good laugh! "Be who you are and say what
you feel, because fhose who mind
don't matter and those who matter Dr. Seuss don't mind." -
Simon Mohr
Waipahu HI Pilot
Benson Oldmixon
Stephen Newell '
To my family, you guys mean the world to me and I could not have made it through the ZOO without your support. -
i \
Space and Missiles
To my parents and my family, I
couldn't have done it without you. AFLAX Bros...YOURE RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING...We made it.
GOOO! GOOO! GOOO! (If you turned around, you are onel
Michel Pordal
Joe Ritt
Jacksonville, F'l
Ewa Beach. Hi
A cquisitions
These last few years have flown by and looking back I've had a blast. To my friends graduating with me I’ll see ya out there, to those who still have a while, enjoy it while you can.
Thanks Mom and Dad for guiding me here and encouraging every choice I
make. Ant, Matty, Dan, and Benson, I'm sorry for getting you sucked into
loving cars as much as I do. Paulie, it's been an honor rooming with you.
Barrett Eller Schake
Savier Stephens
Colorado Springs, CO
Jacksonville, FL
After making it through four awesome
You can kiss my class good bye...282
years, I owe a huge thank you to God,
my family, relatives, teachers, commanders, mentors, and SPIRE leaders.
And especially all the friends I made while I was here. When I was applying, someone
told me the greatest thing
about the Academy was the people. He was right. Good luck in the real Air Force, everyone! I'm sure I'll see you around. Dormi ubi es mortuus.
Justin Tyner
A/ex Volesky
Brainerd, MN
Newhall IA
Praise God for His many blessings.
Here's to too much homework, late
Thanks to all my family and friends who have supported me throughout
nights, Hop's 'til TAPS, Wolf pups, skiing, sleeping in truckbeds, nights in Aero lab, Rockies games, DDing, WWAMR,
my life, and especially the last four years.
Mt. Herman Rd, The Muhs, Hollo-
flying, Dick's Mom, house sitting, teaching the Columbian to ski, Rafael and the Elephant, CSRP chicks, and the man,
best friends ever...Good Times! And to my family: none of this would have
been possible without your love and
support. Thank you so much!
John K Winston
Robert V Wolfe
Springfield. VA Remotely Piloted Aircraft
White House. TN
"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”
I endure because of Mom, Dad,
2 oan z
Samuel 22:33
Intelligence and all the girls your support and prayers mean the world to me. To my -
extended family and friends, thank you for investing your time and effort into making me a better person. Thanks to all my classmates, I look forward to serving with y all! Finally, I thank my God, for "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them" Psalm 34:7. -
Angel Adrian Ayure-Lopez Cary. NC Pilot I'd like to send a special thank you to and
my family who made this possible
supported me all the way through. I will forever be grateful to everyone who helped me accomplish this and
brought a smile to my face when times were hard. This experience is one for the books but now I am
ready for the next one! Congratulations to everyone!
Whitney G Beck
Richard 'Dick Bean Marker Heights, TX
Eden. UT
Behavioral Scientist
To my family: Y'all are the reason that
I've had the most amazing opportuni-
I had such an opportunity and for that
ties here, to include competing in Divi-
I will spend a lifetime doing everything I can to make you proud.
and visiting foreign countries. I've gone
sion I Track and XC for four years,
skydiving, flown in an F-16, and even soloed an airplane. I never would
To the bros: Thank you for keeping me sane over never
the last four years. Let's
have been able to experience all of
grow up! WWAMR and DTB
this if it weren't for all the support from my family and my fiance, and the help from all the amazing friends I
"Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that Charles Dickens never hurts."
made here. Thank you all so much!
Matthew K Blue
Rachel E Donoho
Portville, NY
Annapolis. MD Cyberspace Operations
Pilot I get by with a little help from my friends and family. Special thanks to all those friends and family that were right there with me every step of the way. Don't ever forget where you come from.
To my family, friends, and classmates: you're all my heroes. It's been one hell
of an adventure, but we survived. Here's to the future! "Our battered suitcases were piled the sidewalk again: we had longer
ways to go. But no matter, the road is
Albert E Garcia
Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Kelly Elizabeth Grabarek
Houston. TX
Laguna Niguel CA
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Beha vioral Scientists
To my family and friends thanks for the support. This door opened up for
We made it! First and foremost, Dad,
me, and
I jumped into it without think-
Mom, Stephanie and Julie thank *
ing about it. It was the right choice. To the Ratz when times get rough either nut up or shut up (Zombieland).
you for all of your support and love
" '
mI /
through these four years. I could not have made it without you! Julie-I am grateful I got to spend three years here with one of my best friends: I love you and only one more to go! To so
my classmates: I will never forget any of you and all of our great memories.
Alexander Paul Hillman
Joseph S Kuensting
Detroit Ml
St. Louis. MO
Scientific Analyst
Thank you, Chelsea, Mom and Dad, for all of your help along the way.
To be yourself in a world that is con-
Without family, there is truly no
America to fight for. Several years
stantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldon Emerson -
ago at a graduation I wholeheart-
edly proclaimed in front of my entire class and their families that life was
like a box of chocolates...Today I am
enlightened and of the opposite
opinion. Life is what you make of it; no more, no less.
Brian R Lane Johnsburq, II Pilot
First, thank you to my family and friends who have always supported me, especially for the support the last four years. To all my classmates in
2011, "OLDS," good luck in all your future endeavors. I will always remember the good and the hard times as we
survived our four years here.
Lastly, to my brothers and sisters in RATZ, thanks for the great memories in the greatest squad in the wing!!!
Scott L Mendoza
DAngelo Ahdi/Dizzle/Ghetto
Garland TX
Guam"Matheos Mitchell
Cyberspace Operations
Piti. Guam
To my family: thank you for all the sup-
Space and Missiles
port you have given me on this very worthwhile venture.
Why not?
To my bros: thanks for keeping me
during our stay here. I'll definitely jokes although I have a feeling that won't stop...ever. Keep in touch fellas!
miss the all the old
To my "lady" friends: Please don't Facebook stalk me.;-) DTB
Michael Scott Pyles
Adam P Robinson
Meskine, Cameroon
Phoenix, AZ
What do you call an African flying a plane? A pilot you racist. Thanks to
I can't believe it has already been four years. This wouldn't have been
everybody for everything. You know
possible without all the support of God, my family, and especially
who you are.
the Ratz family. You all made this place better than I ever expected. I wouldn't trade the memories I made
here for anything. I did some things right and made some mistakes, but
through it all I learned. Keep up the RATTITUDE!
Derrick M Rowe
Garrett A Schutz
Greeh/ CO
Fullerton CA Space and ACssiles
Thanks to everyone in CS-10 that
To my family and friends thank you
set the tone for next three years
for your support through the last four years. It was a rough ride but now
thanks to all my friends that made the experience unforgettable
to the USAFA Triathlon Team for the
good times and life lessons thanks to my parents, who supported me thanks to Sarah since the beginning for sharing any burden and bringing —
my class of 2011 and I are ready to graduate. I will remember all the lessons that I learned in leadership, class
and life. Thank you for this opportunity to succeed. To all the other RATZ just remember DTBI!
innumerable amount of joy into my
Do work; don't let opportunities
slip by you.
Centennial, CO
Eric David Shok La Quinta, CA
Space and Missiles
Thanks to everyone that helped
"This is my command be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or dis-
Brad Sellers
throughout my years here. I
couraged. For the Lord your God is
would've been able to make
it through without all the help. To all
with you wherever you go."
the guys on the hockey team, thanks
1:9; I am done!! I have been blessed
ily who was always there for me.
these past four years. I thank my
for some of the best times of my life. I also want to especially thank my fam-
family -
especially my Mom and Dad
my sponsors, the great members of
the RATZ and the amazing friends I've made here for helping me make it through.
Ryan S Southworth
Samantha Jo Stibick
Paris TX
Somerville NJ
Cyber Warfare
Acquisitions AAanager
Thanks to all my brothers on the team.
Live as if you'll die today.
The ride was awesome, and I will
James Dean
always remember it. Thanks to my family and friends that supported me through my entire journey.
jr Drew Anthony Warwick Plano TX Pilot
All my family, thanks for everything: Dad for texting me non-stop, Mom with the awesome costumes and
packages, Adrian making sure I looked ahead, Dani helping me through freshman year, and Nessa for being my twin here at the Zoo. Ratz, we survived the Army Strong and I had a blast doing it. DTB And all y'all cool cadets, thanks for the great times and memories.
Thank you to my family and friends for always being behind me and
helping me through the tough times. To my sisters thank you for always listening to me, to my mom thank for your continual advice, and to my dad
thank you for always pushing me to be better. These past five years have flown by and I will never the
friends I have made along the way.
Alan "Wong Way“ Wong Hendersonville, TN Pilot
Smile, be happy
Naomi Ballard Warner Robins. CA
Aircraft Maintenance "No steam or gas drives anything
until it is confined. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined." To all the people who have helped me develop my focus, dedication, and discipline -you will
always be in my heart. Papa, Mama, Femke, Glenn, en Use: bedankt voor
jullie steun deze laatste 22 jaar. Ik hou van jullie! NEVER ALONE; ALWAYS LOVED!
David Yue-Wing Chan
Catherine Elizabeth
Houston, TX
Grayson Elmore
Napa. CM Space and Missiles
Deepest gratitude to my family, sponsors, team,
friends, loved ones, and the
good Lord, who works in mysterious ways. My time here wasn't the smoothest. It was all at once fast as
blue thunder and slower than a T-zo shuffle. At one point it even stopped, but life goes on and so will we. So to that, I have to say, "There are good ships, there are wood ships..." Blue skies. 369-RTB-LUKE!
Finally made it! Thank you to all my amazing friends and family here and at home who supported me through
everything and always made me laugh. I love you Marc and Jack you're everything to me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with -
1 Forever. RTB
Sean "Sean John Johnson Colorado Springs. CC Pilot
Thank you to Mom, Dad, Adam, Dr.
Harper, gam gams, and Grandpa CJ. Thank you for your support and guidance. Today C1C Chad Sheiner told me the news: I spent a quarter of my life at the Academy, five years
filled with tough times but good times. I've somehow Gotta move past the late nights of Entourage and protein
shakes. Now it's time to make some-
thing happen...Gatta be a gentleman and Gatta be an athlete.
Tiffany Ann Low San Francisco C4
Space and A'\issiles
A craftsman who wishes to do his work well must first sharpen his tools.
Karl Aric Mohrmann
Mark Anthony Mosby
Lake Bluff. IL
Dallas. TX
My thanks to my family and the fellas,
"I love you, O Lord my strength." Pslam 18:1; Mom, Dad, and Ryan, I can't begin to describe how your
for keeping me sane. Two thoughts for you: "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one
and who's the best?
support got me through—I love you. Katy and Baxter, true best friends! To everyone at USAFA: you're the reason I stayed. Baby Skyraiders & Loose Hawgs: family for life. This was an experience I'll never forget. Smile often, laugh out loud, live your dream. Veni, vidi, vici. God First, JARM Always.
Jeffrey M Nakayama
Tony Onitsuka
I've never tried before"
Mae West.
"A coward dies a hundred deaths, a
brave man only once...But then,
enough isn't it?"
Judge Harry
Stone. So it's been fun, but let's not do it again anytime soon shall we? Oh
Warner Robbins GA
Ewa Beach. HI
Space and Missiles
Thanks to my friends and family for all your love and support.
To Mom, Dad, Chris, Grandma
Mom, Dad, Mike and Patrick, I don't know where I would be without you. Been a long and short four years but only the beginning to some great adventure.
and the Man above, you were
always there to support me and I am genuinely thankful for that. Thanks also to extended family and friends, both here and at home. The Academy was extremely tough, but I managed to persevere. To my classmates, if you're wondering why I'm absent at our 10year reunion, I'm on the beach: poles in sand throwin' back some Green
Mat Park
David Phetmixay
Phoenix, AZ
Ramseur, A/C
To all the people who helped me
Thank you to my family and friends who helped and supported me
through, you rock. To the dudes who went through with me, I'll see you on
through everything.
the other side. And to the bros I'm
leaving behind, good luck and deuces!
"You know, you teach. You do not
know, you learn."
11 Craig Curtis Porter
Joel G Primm
AAendon NY
Bolingbrook IL
Developmental Engineer
Four years never seemed so short
and so long at the same time. Thanks to my family for the never-ending
support, thanks to my squad mates for all the fun memories, thanks to my Aero buddies for not letting me ride on
that T-38, and most of all thanks to
all my friends who have surely given the best memories (you know who
you are). Now is when the real fun starts...
It was fun and interesting, learned
things I couldn't have anywhere else, but definitely will not be looking back. Real Air Force, real life, here I come. And Mitch s beef strogonoff, I will miss you.
Emanuel Captain Slow' Prodan
Anthony Michael Ruize
Dallas TX
Victorville CA
My Heavenly Father, my Savior Jesus Christ, my family and my brothers in
Mom, Dad, Bran, and Tay, I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. To all my ruggers, you make this place worth it. Keep on fighting. To
' '
34 are the reasons I’ve made it this far. I love you all. To God be the glory. Always remember the wisdom of James May: "Aber |a, naturlich
everyone here that meant something
to me, I love you and good luck.
Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem
wasserfall." Joshua 1:5 and Philippians
4:13. HLH.
Jasmine Antonia Searuggs
Chad A Sheiner
Aurora. CO
Roseburg, OR Logistics Readiness
Financial Management "Hakuna Matata
Thanks Dad for encouraging me to
And to all of my friends...it was
stay and never quit and Mom for a kind ear and all the positive words
fun...I LOVE you...and I'll miss you
you have had for me over the years.
Thanks to all my friends and Family. Thanks Nancy for being there for me
when I needed it most. Oh yea and Sean John for driving my car back from Boulder at 3 a.m. with ice on the road going 95. I love you all. I’m out!!!
Alexandra "Lexi“ Swanson
Andrew J Taylor
Warner Springs, CA
Newtown CT
Civil Engineering
Mom, Dad: long ago, I couldn't com-
I can't thank God enough for this "
prehend why you pushed me so hard,
and now I understand. Thank you, I
who strengthens me"
Phillipians 4:13. Ora pro nobis, Sancta Christi Genetrix To Dad, Mom and Matt: Thank you for supporting me in throughout my life and at the Academy. I couldn't
love you. To Olds' Hawgs, my "sisters,“ and my friends who "danced" into experience and I would do this
again if that was the only way I could have you. To the rest: "Do not just live:
have done it without you. To my
friends, I will never forget the memories. Blue Skies forever- 391
learn to love first and live incidentally." -
my life: you have made this journey an
I can do all things in Him
Conner Van Fossen
Skyler T Villers
Missoula. M T
Fort Wayne. IN
Mom, Dad, Ash, CJ, Lois, Janey, Mel,
Friends, brothers, teachers, teammates, family, AP, Warren, especially mom, Bowski, and Brax, who have unfailingly
and the list goes on...thank you more than words can say for your endless support. To my two Hawaiian bradd-
been at my side and supported some-
ahs...Hanapa'a on one screamah and if no can, Heinekan! If you're wonder-
who has made more mistakes than any living 22-year-old should
ing where you can find me ten years down the road, go to the confluence of the Clark Fork, Bitterroot, and Blackfoot Rivers and look for a guy with a smile on his face.
Tight Lines
be allowed; thank you. The Lord
truly works in mysterious ways. Every experience changes you, so always dive in with both feet because you never
know how God uses
shape you for tomorrow.
today to unknown
Robert L Walker Hillsboro, MO
Navigator Here's to SAMIs, parades, and brief-
ings; Here’s to Das Boots, Vegas and Drampings; To marching and Mitch's. To Vegas and beaches. Here's to wind and forty below. To the good times we've had; And those yet to come; To
living through the bad and asking; "Hey, what happened to all
the rum?" Here's to you, USAFA, you son
of a gun: In spite of it all, We still
Chelsea J Agee Jacksonville FL
Intelligence "When you get to the end of all the light...it's time to step into the darkness
of the unknown. Faith is knowing
that one of two things will happen: either you will be given something to
stand on or you will be taught how to fly." Edward Teller -
To my family and friends: you have
made me who I am and prepared me for what lies ahead. I will be forever thankful.
Lauren Elizabeth Allison
Lantz R Balthazar IV
Fort Collins. CO
Niceviile FI
Space and Missiles
"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.'" -
Jeremiah 29:11
I thank the good Lord, my family
I'm talking about you, you are right) for helping me get through these four years.
I thank God every day for giving me
such a supportive family and group of friends, who I would not have made it this far without. I am the person I am
dad, casey, mary, Josiah, note, and zach, and my friends (if you think mom,
"First and foremost you gotta be a
gentleman. Second and always you gotta be an athlete."
today because of you.
Sarah C Cassman
Johnny 7 Buck Buckingham Richland. WA
Columbus. GA
Uvil Engineering
If there's one thing that I realized up to this point in my life, it's that if
you really want something, you'll do
whatever it takes to get it. You'll wait as long as you need to, do anything you have to, and in the end you'll be rewarded.
Thanks for the support these past four years. Love you guys.
Friends You all are awesome. Thanks for all the good times, the -
support during the rough times, and countless unforgettable memories
along the way. "It's not where you start, but where unknown you finish." -
Thanks mom and dad. I'm on a BOAT!
M Marc P Charles
Robert A Dawson
Chaguanas. Trinidad and Tobago
Colorado Springs c. C
It was a rough ride and hopefully I
A jug fills drop by drop.
directed that horse where I wanted to go. I will never forget the genuine friends I made while at the Academy.
Andrew C Geist
John R Green way
Oak Harbor. WA
Fayetteville GA
Documentation: received extensive
Thank you mom and dad for always
help and support from my Lord Jesus
believing in me and supporting me through this adventure. Your love and encouragement led me through many hard times. Jeremy and Zach, we did the thing and had some fun doing it. To the Marion Kings, here and at West Point, we have done what they
Christ, my parents, and my friends in CS35, DFCS, and CHG. Thanks Ely, Zach, Kirby, JR, Tyler, J. Buck, Phil, Nate, and everyone else who made my four years here so much fun.
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. That which we obtain too
cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value."
said we couldn't. "If you don't beat Army tomorrow you haven't got a hair on your asses!" Brig Gen Robin
Thomas Paine Proverbs 3:5-6
Timothy J Hartman
Tyler Kendrick Hazel
Arlington TX
Bulverde. TX
In everything set them an example by
doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be
condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because
they have nothing bad to say about us."
Titus 27-8
Theodore J Labedz
Jeffrey S Lee
Omaha. NE
Aurora CO
Civil Engineer
I have the best family and friends in
Without the love and encouragement
the world, I wouldn't be where I am
of my parents, my brother, and my
today without all of you. I've learned to embrace the good times and learn from the bad, but most importantly -
to never quit.
friends, I would not be where I am
today. Thank you so much for lifting me when I fall and guiding me when I am lost. You may not always end up where you want to be, but you will
always end up where you are meant to be."
Ben Leung
Alexander Lawrence Lisot
Keller TX
Richardson. TX
"Crap happens, wipe your butt and
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Maxine for
supporting me through all the years. Without you none of this would have been possible. Friends and Family are what make life worthwhile.
Frank Joseph Magazu -
Benjamin Big Dumb Bear
Chester Springs, PA
Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Burlington NC Acquisitions Manager
These four years have been the
longest of my life, but the Academy has also provided me some terrific op-
Thanks to Mom, Dave, and the family
portunities. Thank you to all my friends for the great memories. Andrew, I will miss our intense competitions in obscure sports. Thank you, Dad, for
this journey, it was a short one. I had
sharing your knowledge and experience, and Mom, for all of your advice
for helping me immensely through the best teachers in the world that
inspired me to greatness. The crew: the best group of friends anyone could ask for. I will look back with fond memories. Now it's time to look
and support. I look forward to making my way in the Air Force and life.
Kevin Jacob Mudd
Thomas Gregory Nichols
Mount Juliet, TN
Albuquerque NM
First and foremost, I want to thank my
Thank you to everyone who made this
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all
journey worthwhile and my success
that He has given me. Without Him, and my family and friends, I wouldn't
possible. I am fortunate to have made
be standing here today. Thanks for
along the way. I wouldn't have made it without them. Mom, Dad, Phillip and Patrick, thank you for always being there for me and showing me the
everything! "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith."
many great friends and stories
way. Blue skies...
2 Timothy 4:7
Tobias L Pedretti
Alana Michelle Phaneuf
La Crescent, MN
Amherst NH
Cyber Warfare Officer
"Hasta la vista, baby."
The Lord blesses us in all things. In our
strengths, in our weaknesses, in our miserable failures. And every time, He lifts us up again. Be not afraid. I thank God every day for the beautiful landscape that surrounds me here. But without the amazing support of family and friends throughout the
journey, I could not have made it. God bless you all...Je vous aime plus
qu'il y a des etoiles dans le ciel.
Kevin Brent Rowe
Kristopher K Sherman
Novi. Ml
Colorado Springs CO
Mom, Dad, Jennifer, and Denise: thanks for molding me into the person I am today and teaching me to never
settle for less than my best. I could have never done it without your love and support. Nightrider and Weasel bros: I will never forget the fun we've
had. We went on killing sprees in
Halo, proved ourselves as warriors, and traveled the world at Thai Basil.
Aero: you brought it weak. Light the
Thanks to my family for being there and believing in me through these
past four years. Thanks to all my friends for making the Academy bearable and keeping me sane, I'll miss all
good times and I hope I see you all again soon. It's been a long road
to this point, but the real fun is
beginning. WWAMR!
Stephanie Sheree Stanford Stephenville, TX
Michael David Trubilla Reaainq PA
Cyber Warfare
Thank you to my family and friends
To Dad, Mom, brothers, and all the many friends that helped me get
for the support and the laughter you
provided me these last four years. I never would have made it to this
point without you. Especially to Mom, you will always be my hero. To the Class of 2011 congratulations! It has been an interesting, challenging, and -
life changing experience.
through my time here, thank you!!! This place has been the most difficult challenge in my life, but I'm finally done! From Executioners and Wolverines to
Weasels; BCT, D&B, Recognition, GE, Jump, MTI's, TWOC, Wing-Staff, Russian Olmsted, Orchestra, Astro-Math&-Russian, Expensive Rings, CSRP, and FalconSat
Regardless of what
anyone says, Dormi ubi es mortuus.
Zachary Taylor Turner
Kirby J White
Jefferson GA
Chehalis. WA
Thanks to mom and my three sisters for being there for me through thick
Thank you to my family that was
always there for me when things got
and thin. I love you.
hard. Thanks to my friends that gave
"The nation that will insist upon
drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards."
Sir William Francis"Butler
me a
dose of home when I really
needed it. It's been a memorable four years with its share of ups and downs.
"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future." -
Jeremiah 29:11
Frank Ray Adamik Fox Island WA Pilot "I am an American Airman. I am a warrior. I have answered my nation s
call..." On a serious note, I'm not sure why I came here, but I know why I stayed. Thank you to my parents, Frank and Terry, my roommates Ricky and Nate, and all the friends I've made along the way, I love you all. "Act as if it were impossible to fail,
for success isn't permanent, and failure isn't fatal" Dorothea Brande and -
Mike Ditka
Josh Bauder
Elizabeth Lee Box
South Royalton VT
Chantilly VA
These years have been an experience
Thanks to my family and friends, the
that will be unlike anything else I will
support, the love, and the craziness they bring to my life has meant the
encounter in life. I need to express my thanks to my Mom and Dad for
world to me. I also want to thank
their encouragement and support. To
my Father in heaven who has been
my sisters for someone to talk to and
with me every step of the way. And
text during class. Emilee, for always
finally, good luck to all my classmates. It has been a tough, yet rewarding
being there for me and moving out here to be closer. The Johnson family,
journey. Good luck to you all!
for putting up with me and letting me unwind.
Andrew M Campbell Anchorage, AK
Alexander J Chesney
This space was intentionally left blank.
Riverside CA .
I would like to first thank God, my
loving family, and all of my friends for supporting me through my four years at the United States Air Force Academy. I will never forget my experiences
here and I will always treasure
the enduring friendships I made.
Laronce DeAngelo Jamal Franklin
Chicago, IL Logistics Readiness I want to thank god for allowing me
to have the fight to accomplish
anything I set my mind to. To Momma, Squeaky, and Lonyae thanks for everything, I love ya'll. To Momma J, Pops, and Kourtnee thanks for giving me a
home away from home. To my
queen Ashley, you're everything I
always knew I always wanted and 111 love you 4 forever and a day. “The Future Is Now!" 282
Nathan Louis Frey Westminster C 'O Pilot
Mom, Dad, and Madie I love you, thanks for all the support. Thanks to all my friends and the team for all the
good memories, you made this place worth it. Im just livin' in the moment...
Richard Andrew Gelles
Braylon Vaughn-Scott Gurnell
Johnstown. PA
Houston. TX
Developmental Engineer
Thanks to all my friends and family that have helped me make it this far...I couldn't have done it without
I would like to thank my family for
you. Mom and Dad
being there for me through all of my triumphs and failures over the past
Love You! To
four years. I would also like to thank
my Grandfathers, I will never forget
my friends for caring about me when
you...you have helped make me who
nobody else did. Romans 8:18. 282
I am today. I know the process has so much stress, but it's the progress that feels the best. To my best friend
BMac- Stay Strong Bro. Charlie
Carpe the Diems!
Danny T Hale
Patrick William Haupt
Daphne, AL
Hagerstown MD Navigator
Pilot It has been an honor to work with all
Thank you to everyone that has had
of you over the last five years. You all have been incredible. Thank you to all the friends I have made here who have helped me get through the
any part in my making it through this
good and bad. You all have made this place for me and really defined what it means to be a family. I look
forward to seeing you all on the other side.
place. I am forever grateful for your support. I especially want to thank God, my family and the Tegtmeier family every one of them played a pivotal role in making me the person I am today. To my classmates, I wish you guys the best of luck with whatever endeavors you chose to undertake in life. We made it!
Patrick J Hussey
Paul Virgil Gimenez Lucero
Goshen IN Pilot
Olympia WA Cyberspace Operations
This space was intentionally left blank.
Special thanks to God, loved ones and friends back home, here and abroad who supported me through these years. Thanks to the mentors,
advisors, and teachers who influenced us
to make us who we are today.
shout out to the Filipino mafia, we
finally made it! "If a leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles." Carl von Clausewitz -
Timothy C Nash Sea-tie, WA Pilot
"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again. May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Irish Blessing
To my family and friends, you have all helped me more than you will ever
know. Thank you, and I will love you
always. Firsties
Christopher Won "Fancy" Ricks
Matthew Paul Rother
Boise, ID
Coliege Station i X Space and Missiles
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference," -
I am so thankful for what the Lord
has taught me by bringing me here. Good friends have been brought into my life and I have had some sweet
Robert Frost
Thanks to all of my friends and family who have made the road less trav-
eled bearable.
opportunities. My family is unreal and has supported me the whole way. Counseling me through poor decisions and helping me make good ones.
David Arthur Ryan
Bachar Nathaniel Satchel/
Cincinnati, OH
laurel MD
Developmental Engineer
"Isn't it pretty to think so?"
It's been a long, rough ride, but I did
Ernest Hemingway
it. Praise the Lord, first and foremost!
To all of my friends: Thank you for
everything. To my family: I love you very much. To my Preppie family: We made it! To the Nupes: YO!!l Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not
depart form it"
Proverbs 22:6...282
Derek Robert Schleiden
Haley Staples
Gibsonia. PA
Peachtree City GA
Cyberspace Operations
Space and Missiles
Thank you to my family and friends for your support through these chal-
Thank you, to my family. Dr. Furstenau and my true friends for your guidance,
lenging years, I would not have been able to make it without you.
love and support! I could not have made it through without you. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowl-
edge, but rather a lack of will." -
Vince Lombardi
Matthew V Versage
Katherine Ai/een Ward
Merced. CA
Army Brat Intelligence
This space was intentionally left blank.
Thank you! Family for loving me, friends for
supporting me, Major Todd for keeping me sane, awesome
Coach Benson for being on
coach, teammates for suffering
with me at practice, classmates for helping me
accomplish "operation graduation'
roommatels) for putting up with my clothesline, dancing buddies, Christian influences, and Brittany at Trina s coffee shop. I'm going to miss mandatory bedtime, my single bed, restrictions, and running the strips.
Patrick Thomas Casey
If there s one lesson III take from this place, it’s that if you want something bad enough, then you re gonna have to be willing to fight through a lot of
bullshit to get it. If you're resilient, if you can persevere through failure, if
you can continue fighting after getting the holy hell beat out of you, then
there's nothing in this world short of
God himself that can keep you from getting what you want.
Christopher Leonard Daniels Woodbridge VA Developmental Engineer Electrical -
Thank You, Mom and Dad for getting me this far and pushing me to achieve my goals.
God and Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be. Follow always
that great law. Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement."
Marcus Garvey
Spencer William Edwards
Annette Lynn Ehrman
Salt Lake City UT
Houston, TX
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
Live life to the fullest with no regrets.
John Douglas Ferut
Bridget Nolan Flatley
Medina, OH
Plainview. N)
Developmental Engineer -
Mom, Dad, Erin, Oscar, Grace, and
Lucy, thank you for all your prqyers and support these last four years, I am
Computer Engineering
To my family and friends
I love you all dearly. Thank you for always -
so blessed to have all of you! To my three closest friends, we squeezed out every last bit af adventure and it was
being there for me and loving me no
awesome...always remember to feed
in some way, thank you.
matter what. To everyone who has
helped me make it through this place It has been
and honor the warrior, no matter how
cool you think you are you're always
many good memories to take away
smack, and never forget "strikes get chicks but spares win games."
crazy four years, but there are so
from it. In three words I can sum up
everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
Robert Frost
Patrick D Gill
Benjamin Narvaez Gozun V
Toledo OH
Mililani HI
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Many thanks to my soaring buddies,
"When I was a child, I used to
friends from 23, and fellow Skyraiders. I owe my success to you all. I
talk as a child, think as a child,
hope to see you again in years to come.
reason as a a man,
Leave the world better than
child: when I became
I put aside childish things. 1 Corinthians 13: 11
you found it and you will have sue-
ceeded in life.
Benjamin A Hessney
Clinton Manley
Pitisford NY
Molokai. HI
This space was intentionally left blank.
Long live the 808! BTTW
Andre Morris
Alan Pham
Newnan. CA
Sugar Land. TX Cyber Warfare
Acquisitions "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It
Thanks for the support mom, dad, and
Nai, couldn't have made it through without you.
light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Who am I to be brilliant,
is our
gorgeous, talented, fabulous? We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liber-
ates others."
Marianne Williamson
11 Kayla Anne Raisor
M arcus 'Pretzels" Poehler Phoenix AZ
Morton IL
Force Support
My time here was definitely an ex-
in my life. To my mom and dad: thank
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel
you for always being there regardless
insecure around you. When we let our
of the circumstances. To Benjamin and Crippie: stay classy and thanks for
other people permission to do the same.
putting up with my countless shenani-
As were liberated from our own fear,
perience that I will not forget. I would not have made it without the support of my family and friends. I am a lucky person to have such amazing people
gans. "Live Strong!"
light shine, we unconsciously give
presence automatically liberates
Marianne Williamson
Amanda Robillard -
DnSrOi •
vj. /
Eric David Rode Fredericksburg TX Pilot
Thank you to everyone who has helped me through these four years. To my family Mom, Dad, Lauren, Coli and Lishi, you all have been my unwavering support; I would not have -
I'd like to thank all my family and friends that have helped and supported me throughout my time here at
the Academy. To my parents and my sister, I couldn't have done it without
y'all. Thank you for pushing me to my
made it where I am today without you. To all my friends and the LAX
limits and supporting me in everything
girls, thanks for everything, you all
I have done, I love y'all. To my fellow
made this place worth it. Mona.
skyraiders and Academy friends, our journey has just begun; let's make the
MRGB. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their Eleanor Roosevelt dreams."
best of it.
Shane M Ruether
Andrew C Sainsbury
Montevideo MN
Pittsburgh, PA
Life is either an extreme adventure, or nothing at all...so just jump off a cliff, ride the camels hard on Mt. Herman, or do something else that makes evthanks to ery day truly worth living my awesome friends & family for supporting me through this place and all the stupid (genius) ideas I have had...I
First and foremost, I want to thank my
happy to say that it all worked out in the end! Never stop dreaming bigger & pushing the limits...never. am
Lord, Jesus Christ, my family, and my friends for their support throughout the years. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to take advantage of everything at USAFA and to learn
from wonderful mentors. The next step won't be easy, but I look forward to the many challenges ahead with
Brett Satterfield
Joshua L Stevens
Athens, GA
Odenton MD
"The Master of Life's been good to He has given me strength to face
Mom, Dad, Family and friends, thanks for hearing me out during tough times.
past illnesses, and victory in the face of defeat. He has given me life and
Although there is sure to be more adversity, the unpredictable nature of
joy where other saw oblivion. He Has given new purpose to live for, new
the future excites me.
services to render and old wounds to
heal. Life and love go on, let the music
Johnny Cash
Caleb Jett Taylor
Newport News, VA
Georgina Torok Fountain Valley CA
Thanks to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, without Him none of this would
Thanks so much to all my friends and
have been possible. Thank you Taylor
Family, your letters and our good times got me through. A HUGE thanks
to all my friends you guys made this
place so much better, so many outrageous times. Soccer guys you're awesome good luck. To all, never take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive. God bless, Later dayz.
family who have been by my side these past four years. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world for having such a wonderful support system and treasure all the amazing memories.
Love you all!
A nimhlhtic
Christopher Heiwa Ansel Kohala Hi
Family has and will always be my greatest gift. Thank you for helping me get through the times when I needed you most. Thanks to all my
friends and the 38 crew, we had
great times but it s not over yet...I’ve been in and out of Trouble some
many times I never knew if I was gona finish.
Joseph W Bledsoe III
Kimberly Mahalia Burghardi
Quarryville, PA
Wohiawa HI
Aircraft Maintenance
Thank you to everyone who made my
Much love and thanks to my friends
experience at USAFA one that I will
and family who supported me through
forget. I pray that each and
it all. For all those supportive phone
every one of you will succeed in ev-
calls from my mom and dad, when I
erything you do. Never forget where
going through a rough patch to
you came from but focus and strive
the laughter with my crazy sisters until
to meet all your goals and success will
my sides hurt and cheeks cramped. To
easily. Until we meet again may
you be blessed in all you do.
my water polo peeps, we had some
great times. Lamin'you were my rock, every step of the way.
Anthony "Tony Correole
Yunior Israel Cruz
Allen TX
Jacksonville Pi
wrote this with over 200 days left
Thanks Mom, Alonso, and Yanet for
'til graduation. Now that's planning
supporting me in my pursuit of my lifelong dream. Mom, I know you
ahead! Blue skies..
look at my every step from heaven
and will continue to do so for the rest TCF
of my life. May God save you and
keep you under his wing until the day we meet again. Love always. Your
Let's do it.
beloved son.
C Holland Davis
Christian Scott Drescher
Dadeville AL
York. PA
Thank you to my friends and family
Thanks to my family and friends for
for your love and support throughout
all your help. "When I die. I want to
these four years. You have helped me
be frozen. And if they have to freeze
through my greatest challenge in life thus far. Although I'm about to embark on the next chapter of this amazing journey we call life, I will never forget
in pieces, so be it. I will wake up
stronger than ever, because I will have used that time, to figure out
exactly why I died. And what moves
to lean on those I love. Like at USAFA,
I could have used to defend
life may not be the party we hoped
better now that I know what hold he
for, but while were here, we should dance.
had me in.
Dwight Shrute
Katrina Ivana Eromin
Eric P Fenske
Sebastian. FL
Toms River. NJ
This long journey was only made possible because of the support of my wonderful family and friends. I
Thanks to everyone for helping me
through this. To my friends, thanks. You
have met some of the most amazing
best times I will never forget. Let's go
people, and I thank each one of you
all made this worth it. We had the
who has touched my life. Mom and
Dad, thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on, believing in me when I did not believe in myself, and
for your unconditional love and sup-
port all these years. I love you guys!
Alan Ryan Foote
Madeline J Goff
Wilson, NC
Folsom. CA
Logistics Readiness Officer
Every man dies but not every man
I've learned more about myself and
life in my time as a cadet than I could ever
Thanks so much to Mom, Dad and
Bryanna for teaching me how to live, laugh and love.
have hoped. I've seen the world
from Europe to S. America, from the richest to the poorest of countries; I've cried and bled and had sleepless
nights; I've surmounted obstacles and been trampled by defeat. But through it all I've learned that life is not a
competition, it's an experience: so love it, live it and Faire Face.
Jon "Wes“ Gray
Brighton. TN Civil Engineering
Justin Hitchens ■
Fredericksburg. VA Pilot
Thanks to all my family and friends
Thank you to all my friends and family,
who have helped me along the way
because making it through here would
and a special thanks to my mom, for
not have been possible without you.
always telling me to suck it up and quit complaining. I'd like to thank
And to Mr. Powers, I want to thank
God for giving me the chance to do
foot in the door.
something that matters with the life He has given me. "We are the music
makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
Willy Wonka
you for everything and getting my
"All you need in this life is ignorance
and confidence, and then success is sure."
Mark Twain
11 Adam Matthew Jaskula
Rafael Kessler
Edison NJ
Havertown. PA
Air Battle Manager
Everything happens for a reason,
Sam Kessler, you're the reason I went
enjoy every minute of life. Thank you Amanda, Devin for giving me
here and did well. Thanks bro.
a reason
Fire It Up. ’01
to succeed and Thank you
Mom and Dad for giving me a strong
"What is best in life? To crush your
enemies, see them driven before you,
and to hear the lamentation of their women."
Conan the Barbarian
Endless Horizons. 11
Parker Mayo
Nicholas Scoff Lockharf
Sacramento CA
Appleton Wf
Pilot I just want to express my appreciation
for my family, friends and classmates
Thanks to all the friends and family that helped me through the last four years. WP4L
and their support of me and my decisions in life. Believe it or not,
I have
successfully made it through this part of my life, and I have even learned a valuable lesson or two along the way.
Phillip Marron Mills
Spenser W Mc/nfyre Black Forest, CO
Auburn. IN
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Thank you Mom and Dad for every-
I want to thank my mom and sister
thing, you thought you
for the support. Amy, I wouldn't have
rid of me after high school but weren't
made it here without you! Hitch, you
lucky. And thanks to all my friends, family, and PTWOBs for keeping me
made life here fun; we had a lot of
sane over
the past four years.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the globe." -
great times bro. Friends, I am not old
just wise. I'm glad Ansel was
able to stay out of Trouble his last few years..
Albert Einstein
Marc W Penninga
Marcus Rosenfhal
Colorado Springs CO
Fountain, CO
Thanks to all my friends and family
"You can get all As and still flunk life.
that helped me throughout my entire
Walker Percy
time here. Special thanks to my Dad
for supporting me in everything that I do.
"Today you are You. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
Dr. Seuss
Philip D Rue/
Daryl R Wells
Albuquerque. NM Intelligence
"The roofs of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." a
Aristotle; It's been
long four years but it's now time to
taste the fruits of victory! Thanks Mom,
Dad, Peter, Susan and all of my friends for helping me get through it. I couldn't have done it without you. I made a lot of great memories here and even better friends. Keep in touch, fight the
good fight. Here I Am, Send Me.
Rosenberg. TX Not everyone is lucky enough to
understand how delicious it is to suffer."
Katharine Hepburn
Jessica Michelle White
Nercresainne M White
Phoenix, AZ
Houston, TX
Success is failure turned inside out; the silver tint of the clouds of doubt...."
This journey has finally come to an
Unknown, Don't Quit; Mom & Dad,
journey begins and I could not have made it without the help of my
end and I'm not sad that it has. A
thank you for guiding me along this journey. Daniel, you are my inspira-
sponsor parents and friends I have
tion, I wouldn't have made it through
met along the way. Mississippi here
this place without you. Holland, your toughness and ambition always pushed
I come...oh let's do it (waka flaka
to step it up a notch. Cheers to my
dance team girls; when life gets tough, we
might as well dance!
Andrew Z“ Zwir/ein Nashotah. Wi Pilot To all my wrestling duders, I love you guys. You fellas could always cheer me up with your ridiculous antics. I'm sur-
didn't get in more trouble.
And to Eric, I couldn't have made it without you. Here's to all the times
couldn't breathe from laughing
too hard. Stop JPing me bra! I prob-
ably would have failed more classes without your academic expertise. We made it boys, on to the next challenge!
Michael Archibald Stoughton VVI Civil Engineer 'Now let's set the record straight.
There's no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there s
only one guaranteed way you can have peace and you can have it in surrender." Ronald the next second -
Reagan; "There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."
Winston Churchill;
"You and I have a rendezvous with
Ronald Reagan
Levi Beard Fallon, NV Civil Engineer I can t believe that I've made it. Thank you Lord for guiding my steps, open-
ing the doors, and blessing me with this opportunity, Mom for all of your
support, Dad for all of your wisdom, Jordan and Cody for your support and encouragement through all of this, all of you that have a hand in my success, and
thank you Jenna for your
relentless love and support; I love you sweetheart. I love you all. ■■
Andrew N Briley
Yvette Cline
Springfield, VA
V L-hesapeake 74
Force Support
We sleep safely in our beds because
The challenging four-year Academy
rough men stand ready in the night
journey has finally come to an end. Though excited to start a new chapter of my life, I will sincerely miss this unforgettable experience. Thank you
to visit violence on those who would
harm us." -
George Orwell
to CS39, my blues babies, the bio
department, and Catholic Choir for pushing me far more than I believed I could go. Mom and Dad, you continue to inspire me by your example. Nata-
lie, my sister and my best friend, you will always be my hero. Psalms 37:3-5
Eric Collins
Laura Cusimano
Madison AL
Air Bottle Manager
Annapolis MD Force Support
"Always Finish"
"Kick ass."
Gregory Eslinger
Whitney Gremillion
Gurnee, IL
Overland Park KS
Developmental Engineer
God, Mom, Dad, Brittany, and all
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Jacob, and
the rest of my family: thank you all for your support these four years. To my
Daniel for being there to support me all the way through what was the
friends: stay classy.
first step in a long journey. Thanks to all my friends here in 39 and 23, for enjoying every last minute of what did, not matter how bad it was at that time. Philippians 4:5-7
Patrick R Hennessey
Caleb Howard
Cleveland OH
McDonough GA
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
"Do work son."
"I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." -
Psalm 121:1-2
Caleb McConnell
Tyler McCoy
St. Louis, MO
East Tawas, Ml
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers,
To all my family, friends, and loved
whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverPerseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and com-
my life.
plete, not lacking anything."
Philippians 4:13
1:2-4; I would like to thank God for getting me into USAFA when I shouldn't have made it, and lastly, my family for encouraging me when I
thank you for all the support
throughout my life. Nothing would be obtainable without the people in
Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins." —
Native American Proverb
thought I could not keep going.
Javier Noboa
Brandon Odum
Simi Valley, GA
Winchester VA
Project Engineer
I dedicate my success to mom and
Thank you to my mother, Lorri, for
dad. Without their unconditional love and constant support, tough times would not have been bearable. I
your continued and unconditional sup-
port. I hope all that I am and do will make you proud. I love you.
thank my brother for being a great role model and providing endless amounts of advice. I thank my sister for her support through emails. Last but not least, I thank Lauren for all the love
and support. To all my friends and classmates: do great things out there.
Faith Sanders-Walker
John Sarette
Mobile, AL
Elk Grove CA
Thank you to God, my family, and friends who helped me during my time here. Thank you to the many mentors I had. You made me into o far better leader than I could ever
I would love to thank my family and friends, for without their love and
become on my own and gave me the motivation I needed. "Airmen are a
direct reflection of their leader; take ownership of them. Never accept
mediocrity or hand-outs, and you'll be amazed at what they can do." Tech. Sgt. Drennon
support, I would be an empty shell of a man.
Wolfpups, thank you for a sick
freshman year. Rads, stay rad. "If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now,
quiet, they're about to announce the Ukn, n, mnl—iorcl"
^ imncnn
Taurean Singletary
Michael Shaw Landenberq, PA
Goldsboro, NC
Air Battle Manager
"Never give up, bring intensity to everything you do, and understand,
"Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimum food or water, in austere conditions. The only thing clean on him is his weapon. His rucksack weighs what it
"And Jesus said unto them
'If ye
have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to younder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be
impossible to you."'
Romans 1:17
weighs, and he runs until the enemy stops chasing him. He doesn't care how hard it is;' he either wins or he dies... He knows only the 'Cause.' Now, who wants to quit?”
U.S. Special Forces
Joseph Stafford
Laura Sturdevant
Loomis, CA Pilot
Champlin MN Intelligence
Thanks God, Family and Friends! Kick some butt AF Wrestling. S.S. 1 Corin-
who has supported me throughout the
thians 9:24. Have fun Jesse!
years. Without each and every one of
I am forever grateful to everyone
you, I would not be the person I am
today. I am excited to start the next leg of this journey called life and cannot wait to see what the future holds for me. "In order to succeed, you must
believe. In order to believe, you must dream."
Alexis Tamosuinas
David Truxal
Wayzata MN Force Support
Raleigh NC
Thank you mom and dad for motivat-
radicals! I am very blessed to have been able to go to the Air Force
Thanks to everyone who has helped through this place, from my family who supported me the entire way to my friends who made sure I was able to stay. To all the memories, good and bad, that we have shared. I could not have done it without y'all, espedaily my close group of friends, you know who y all are. Memento vivere,
Academy, and have my family and
memento mori. DAVESMASH!
ing me to never give up on myself, Amanda for setting a path to aspire
towards, Ava for making me smile, and Mike for helping me remember to enjoy life. I will never forget the rowdy rebels and the cool campus
friends beside me.
Matthew P Avila Los Angeles. LA
Aircraft Maintenance Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." -
Calvin Coolidge
Thank you to all my family and friends who have helped me get this far. You are the ones who have convinced me to press on, then and now. And for my mom, whose last wish was to see me
Zachary Frederick Bell
Tallahassee PL
Medical Service Corps
Thank you Mom, Dad, Julie, and
Thanks to my family for getting me
Bailey for all the support, I would not have made it through this place without you. I hope I make you proud.
keeping me here. I don't know what I
here, and thanks to my friends for would have done without all of your support and love. I love you dll!
Pinz, Thor, Papa Bear, KevDan, and Gruncle, great memories dramping and drawling. You guys made my experience unforgettable, CA CAW.
Erica Chimelski
Nicholas Wayne Cottage
Corpus Christi, TX Health Professions Scholarship
Aircraft Maintenance
Thanks Mom, Dad, Laura, and Grandma for your endless support over
these past years- I love you and
Butler PA
Thanks to everyone who has helped
get me through these past few years, you know who you are. To my
I never could have made it through
classmates, this has been a long few
this place without you! Thanks to
years in the making. It’s about time to
friends and classmates, past and present, for the good times! May
say other than that...Life’s a garden,
we cross
paths often on the other
be getting out of here. Not much to
dig it.
side! "Ce qui embellit le desert, dit le petit prince, best qu’il cache un puits
quelque part..." Antoine de SaintExupery; ~ChimChim -
Meghan Elizabeth Cummings
Kevin "Kevdan" Dandino
Amherst. NH
Colorado Springs CQ
Force Support
Air Baffle Manager
To Mom and Dad, Ned and Nancy,
Mom, Dad, Jason and Beth: You all most closely shared and felt not
and all my friends and family: Thank you for supporting me in every way
and reminding me why I decided to go through all this craziness. I love you
all so much. To everyone else: It has been an
often-frustrating honor. Good night and good luck.
only the great times, but the pains and hardships as well. Thank you so much for all of your love and support!
Gruncle, Scott, JoeJoe, Morgan and all my other closest friends: Thanks for
making this place bearable and even enjoyable at times! Remember. I'm always just a phone call away! From the reaches of space..
Christin 5 Burrows
Darieni IL
To the Warhawks, GCM, BBC,
Gabriel David DeJong III
Gavin Foley
Naples. FL
Austell, CA
Much love to family and friends who
My experiences at- USAFA have vastly surpassed my expectations. I've
made the past few years seem to
fly, and thank you to the Academy for providing teachers and leadership
shared these experiences with some
who made it so memorable.
friends with for a lifetime! I want to thank my friends and family for their support. Last, but not least, I want to thank the United States Air Force
1 am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love
people, who I will remain
Academy for giving me the opportunity to make my dreams into reality.
Jacob A Fouraker
William Gabriel Aguon Hock
Philadelphia, PA
Shreveport LA
Cyber Operations Officer
Without the support of my friends, my
I want to thank my family for everything they have done for me
family, and my fiance I never would who challenged me during these four
these past four years. Mom and Dad, I'll never forget the lessons you
years and helped develop me into
taught me and how you supported
have made it. I appreciate all those
who I have become. "With God all things are possible." —
Mathew 19:26
me no
matter what. To my sisters: I
don't know what I would do without you, thanks for being the best siblings
anyone could ask for. I love you! And
future William: Go Kick Some Ass!
Parker Darius Huge
Chad Jessup
Fort Myers, FL
Covington. CA Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Pilot Thanks to all my family for making me
Let us cross over the river, and
who I am. Thanks to all my friends
for the great times. Thanks to all the teachers and officers who have given me some
rest under the shade of the trees." -
Gen Thomas J "Stonewall" Jackson
amazing opportunities.
Not all those who wander are lost." -
Best of luck and God bless.
Tim Krystosek
Jacques AA Lamoureux
M\aple Grove. MN
Grand Forks, ND
Financial Management
Thank you to my friends and family
Thank you to my family and friends for the love and support and to my
for all their support through my time at the Academy. Their care and support has helped me get through the daily ups and downs. I am thankful for the relationships I have formed while
teammates for giving me the time of
at the Academy and believe they will
last long into the future.
Michael E Lewis
Leif Ericson Lindblom
Federal Way WA
New Orleans LA
Logistics Readiness
Civil Engineer
I just want to say thank you and
dary...Thanks to all of my family and
I love you to my family who has
always pushed me to succeed, even when it wasn't easy. To my friends,
with all our awesome nicknames, thanks for helping me get through this
place and having so much fun while doing it...LEGEN
friends. I wouldnt have even gotten here without you, forget about making it through. Everyone still on the hill, it's always the most obvious answers that are the hardest. Sometimes 2
and 2 is 22..."Great ambition and
conquest without contribution is withThe Emperor's Club out significance." "If you ain't been a part of if, at least Drake, Forever you got to witness." -
Ben Mamroth
Trenton Michael Heisler
Dardenne Prairie, MO
Remotely Piloted Aircraft
San Antonio. IX
My time here has certainly been one not to be forgotten. I must thank my family and friends for helping me through my ups and downs, since there certainly were many. To all of
my close friends, thanks for every-
thing. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Pretzels and Crippie, keep on keepin on.
Thanks to everyone who got me
through this place. You are the best family and friends anyone could ask for. As I'm clearly writing this before graduation, I hope I'm not jinxing it, but we did it together and, most importantly, we did it our way.
Never let schooling get in the way of your education."
Mark Twain
John Newman
Elizabeth Kay Norvell
Marmora NJ
Woodland Hills CA
Security Forces
Developmental Engineer
First, I would like to thank my family
Thank you to my friends I could not have made it without you. To my best
for their unconditional support. Next, I would like to thank all of my friends,
both from New Jersey and USAFA,
friend, you carried me through the chaos; I'll love you forever. Thank you
for keeping my liver well-conditioned.
to my parents, sisters, and grandpar-
I don't know where I would be
ents, who encouraged me along the
without you fellas. Plenty of fun times
way, I love you so much! And a huge
during CST, summer, and during the school year. I had a blast, but I sure
thanks to my mom who was always my side, supporting me no matter
glad to have this place in my rear
view mirror!
Ralph Alfonso Ojeda III
Sara Elizabeth Schoemer
Fort Worth IX
Las Vegas NV
Force Support
Thank you to my Mom and Dad for
Dad, Mom, Rachel, Aunt Karen, and Brian I want to thank you for all the support you have given to me. I love you all. To all my friends we did it
encouragement when I lost my motivation and to the rest of my family and friends at home for always giving me support. To my friends here at USAFA: Thanks for making everyday more bearable, and every weekend a
and I wish you the all best.
"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill
Scott Theuerkauf
Ely Fitzgerald Smith Smyrna, GA
Rochester. AM
Developmental Engineer
"We are what we repeatedly do.
The most important thing I can take from USAFA is how to face the
Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a
Thank you so much to all my family, friends, and teammates who helped me through the last four years. I would not have made it without you.
They have certainly been the toughest and most memorable years in my life
unknown. Thank you to every cadet I have met here, thank you to every instructor, thank you to all my friends
and relatives, and thank you John Q. Taxpayer. I wouldn't have had such a unique, meaningful, and formative four-year experience if it weren't for
any of you.
thus far.
Kyle R T Tomaszewski
Travis Terence Vayda
Hoffman Estates, IL
Bradenton FL
Astronautical Engineering
Thank you to everyone who has sup-
Thank you Mom and Dad, your
ported me through these years. To my family, I will be home soon! To all my friends, thank you for being with me through the best times of my life.
encouragement and support mean
Always remember, "They can't stop me, even if they stop me...haha!"
the world to me and have helped me achieve my goals. Thank you Amy, for always being there and being the love of my life, you mean
much to me! To all my friends and
everyone else along the way, thanks for an awesome four years, it really
has been a blast! And of course, the mandatory: OLDS!
Yung Argentina Winata
Jordan T Wind
Irvine CA
Los Angeles, CA
Cyber Warfare
Thank you Mom, for your uncondition-
"Catch you on the flipside."
al love and for always believing in my dreams. I couldn't have made it here today without you. Thank you to my wonderful friends, you guys bring out the best in me. Thanks to everyone who's been here for me through this
tough journey. "All our dreams can come
if we have the courage
to pursue them.”
Walt Disney
Squadrons are the lowest level of command with a headquarters unit such as a commander or
first sergeant. Not too large like a wing or
group, nor too small like a flight, the size of
cadets squadrons, about 100
people, is just right. Cadet
members grow into an
ily, brothers and sisters supporting each other
through hard times and celebrating success together.
Even as freshmen leave
for a new squadron to beg in their second year, they typically remember their "cousins''
Wfc--^L *
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v ,
Kpt m^i
US# r
w? m
Michael D Cousins
Ryan B Critchfield
Bethany P Blackburn
Michael J Brown
James M Dunlop
Frederick W Feigel
Michael D Hauser
Maj Brett King
MSgt Jeremy Brignac
TSgt Preston Campbell
Christopher L Carte
Chia-Hsien Chao
David A Cleveland-Hadley
Jeremiah L Haynes
Lindsey M Heath
Catherine M Kiyota
Daniel A Adjangba
James M Agee
Alexander S Albertson
Victoria Cachro
Jacqueline P Alequin
Benjamin H Baumann
Henry W Binzer
Kurt A Borecky
Elaine A Bradford
Daniel J Curry
Joshua A Dahlenburg
Robert C Gibson
Michael T Harrington
Gregory A Hodgkins
Andrew J Lankow
Jonathan M ONeill
Kennedy M Patterson
Sarah L Rash
Haley D Holcombe
Kimberly N Hopkin
Cory M Hume
Mark A Kaminski
Wesley J Reid
Alexis T Sanchez
Joseph R Truxal
Scott D Wooden
Kenneth S Appel
Krista L Bennett
Justin D Bruton
Nathan J Carey
Trevor Cutler
Ciani M Ellison
Dylan T Foley
Alexander J Grubbs
Alec R Gunsch
Joshua M Hunt
Herbert J Ice III
Jennifer K James
Dallin M Larsen
Brian K Lee
Henry F Martin
Robert T Masiello
John T Metzger
Alexander D Mitchell
McCall G Ostlie
Kyle J Park
Craig J Phelan
Stephaney N Saari
Yeong Hwa Song
Jamie M Stewart
Kyle T Van Alstine
Hyun M Yoo
*w; i*]P ,! V3HH
Simone E oarrette
1^——^__L p Q_
Joseph r do/i©
52 Michael A BuHer
Casey R Cardwell
HMk r
Spp. ^'
m Meredith A Dilfey
John f AAelcher {V
Kenneth A Neal
David C Hein
\ i-V 1 nS
j^iu Austin D Pershke
Eric P Philbos
** •
Stey en D Keck
n Wendy L krhrorn
■! HHT
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Kody L OConnell
iEa sk
KgHgt^H i*~ '
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! rtunar. M <sk„‘W,
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115 ?,
Zachary R Grove
James E MacAndrew
Amanda L Marshall
1 iith
Michael E Cannioto
Michael l Gardner
Y*rrm* ,J|
Parker j Herrington
Dymond B James
Nathanael I Tousley
Benjamin J Van Ham
Adam W Engelhardt
Robert W Ferrell
Robert S Juckett III
Robert N Kauwe
Alexis B Zuniga
v i
Andrew j Berwyn
Han A Fontaine
Clifton T Bostick
Blake A Branton
Shawn P Carroll
Jalen T Fooster-Barrino
Bradford C Hackert
Spencer T Jacobson
Lindsay M Johnson
Andrew A Josephson
Ethan D Michael
Matthew D Miller
Samuel A MiHelman
Maurice L AAotley
Andrew S Munoz
StfNBi *-
^ 1
Ir^taAT W|
William J Petersen
Kendrick V Talamantez
David R Bradsha'-
2 1
ipl m
ivid I. Simeroth
Elizabeth E Taylor
Kyle J Wesfrnon
AAason T
Jonathan D Broadbent
Lauren M Carter
Sheldon C Clary
Me M "
'ST" j
Derek J Eckiebe
Michael R Fleming
Cody J Gentry
Jonathan F Kimball
Andrew C Konemann
Jorge Gonzalez Jr
Caitlin M Gregory
Matthew J it
AAengyuafi Giu
jp\ fCT f -^p- P? t4 | —jl w% I v .mgIR ^
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Scott M Hedden
Adam Howard
L _Z23
Justice Owusu-Achiavv
1 _'
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VjL*^ I
p«v JjJ'
Ryan B Dukes
Peter T Jackson
Irene E Joyce
Su J Kim
Andrew J Qualtio
Matthew A Major
Matthew L Schuetz
Jonathan K Shaw
William G Shaw
Ryon K
1 1
Pnttany D White
‘j^Jk ■
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f '
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Jon H Borah
AAatthieu P Caldwell
Briceton M Cannada Christopher M Champion
Ricardo A Chavez
John A De
dry Hi is* >/
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Matthew R johnson
Jane E Kaufmann
James K lockman
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Cody W Abies
Amanda P Atitya
Michael E O'Donnell
Ashley D Olson
Joanna K Pattugalan
Maj Matthew Anderson
Sgt Bryant Ward
TSgt Micheal Kline
Matthew R Bleckman
Corbin J Boyles
Hannah A Campbell
Anthexyy D Demrna
^Shawn T Emery
Alexa A Rcirnsier
Timothy A Reid
Samuel P Rinaldi
Nathaniel W Roesler
Joseph ti\elds
Charity G Blanton
Mary K Bush
Adam J Carr
Darrell L Dancy
Colton L Dietrich
Luke J Dorlac
Jeancarlo Barrios
Nathan J Bradfield
Kevin R Carrington
Soren A Christensen
Simeon N Cole-Fletcher
Jacob J Croegaert
Zachary S Decker
Nicolas J Hamm
Ashley D Hernandez
Devin S Hightower
Michael A Kapolka
Charles A Perk
Shaun Pelerson
Colette C Eule
Christopher D Fabian
Garrett J Fly
f Melissa N Rcillifl
Amy I Vander Wyst
Squadron F our
tMelissa Youderian
Zachary l^Bennett
Madison Chilton
Hanna B Marlette
Daniel T Harold
Sean P McGee
Kenneth A Natelli
Jonathan C Newman
TSgt Robert Thompson
tatthew J Lee
Samantha B
Timothy S Baird
Zaqueray R Berridge
Alexander C Beveridge
Joshua C Brundidge
Trey G Cottingham
Stephen W Kearney
Mlthieu M Lefebvre
William E Madsen
Emmanuelle M Massey
Benjamin M Murphy
Preston G Nguyen
Y Allante B Staten
Anthony C Delgado
Michael W Duff
Christopher A Espinosa
Dylan C Hallums
Thomas J Hamel
Collin R Hills
David G Baccash
Vincent J Capra
Aaron J Koveleskie
Paulina K Rudolph
^£)uslin L Hayhurst
William J Lav
Joanna P Voss
Susan R Vancfea. Dries
John D Welch
i Ismael Barragan
David H Besson
John H Decker
Matthew L Destito
James J Dills
Allen J Dunn II
Jeremy S Fabling
Michael G Griffin
Philip A Hawkins
Alicia D Leipprandt
Timothy M Martinelli
Brent A Mattocks
Nathan A Mitchener
Samantha B Morrison
Megan L Muniz
Gabriel B Narvaez
Geri R Veilleux
Joshua O Williams
Michael R Winstead
►/ I
Zachariah J Wood
Keegan K Peckham
Matthew T Zettler
Harrison P Hatcher
Daniel G Hayduchok
Liana M Gaudreault
Matthew A Gentzel
June D Griffin
Ryan G Kramer
Lauren T Linscott
Tyler B Ludwig
Winfield H Mason
Samuel A Sasser
Brianna M Wilson
Aaron B Wurster
Squadron Six
Maj Robert Reimer
rw •
Christina D England
Michael P Beaulieu
Diana N Bennett
> 7
t / •t
Patrick J Everson
Colton P Flynn
Matthew C Blessing
Patrick K Burke
rw ? f i
Philip J Leppo
Jamaal A Paul
Joseph P Matejcik Jar
Allison K Paddock
TSgt Patrick Nichols
.aroline L Dluzen
Maurice J Grosso
jt Jerriann Sigley
Bryan P McCarthy
* «.
Michael A Rubanka Jr
Paul A Weisgarber
Sfephen D Ament
Matthew D Anthony
Alexander A Arcidiacono
Edward J Artz
Matthew C Bailey
Rebecca L Barron
Garrett R Clark
Ke-koa-kaulu-la Clarke
Joseph V Collura Jr
Matthew M Cooper
Christopher De La Torre
Daniel J Gieck
Holley M Macpherson
Rebekah S McKenna
James T Okamofo
Natalie J Justice
Matthew J Burnham
Joshua Christman
Thomas B Ishmael
Max D Robertson
Dake E Williams
Matthew T Buerger
Ashley R Christ
Michael C Durham
Michael A Husar Jr
DereL Randall
Crystal M Johnson
Sierra B Richardson
Marcus E Walker
Orlando Saldana Sanchez
Joshua R Glass
Trenton G Grabowsl i
Dylan G Leary
Catherine M Mazur Chris
Trevor A Schultz
Patrick M Shannon
Anastasia L Zhuravlyo'
jher E McBride
Charles G Bowyer
Christopher D Cassidy
Nicholas R Cataldo
Matthew E Clinard
Ryan J Cooney
Mai Keith Nelson
Andrea Blanchetti
Christopher S Dyer
Wyatt N Dyer
TSgt Jerald Custance
William T Friedl
X 7 -
Tf Timothy Hartford
Cassandra M Pederzani
Steve B Jones Jr
Logan C Lastovica
Samantha E Latch
Nicholas A Manning
Erika L Martin
Jennifer L Millis
Jared L Morris
Nicholas K Reed
Theodore H Reicks
Ryan R Siebert
Warren C Smith Jr
John W Stribling
Jefferson R Sweet
Shaina G Thompson
Philip N Valenzo
Melvin N White
Shelby M Atkinson
Alexander C Baker
Dariel R Baker Jr
Margarita A Balish
Andre D Ball
Samuel T Barnes
Kevin M Beauchemin
Brad M Rajchel
Scott E Rice
Amanda K Rodriguez
Christopher A Ruiz
Ethan J Smith
Jack D Taute
Sierra R Taylor
Robert C Bland
Kami L Bohannon
Jared M Broussard
Andrew M Burns
Marilyn M Cole
Tyler A Conrad
Timothy J Cordeiro
Erik K Gilbertson
Linnaea J Hance
Thane G Hillig
Robert L Hollister
Takayuki Iguchi
Damon O Kirkpatrick
Alexander D Lindsay
Colin E McConville
Lindsay Meidell
William C Remien
Annie K Sanchez
Tucker D Sears
Dylan D Turner
Blake C Washington
Kaylon E Smith
Raymond Sou
Brendon J Birdsell
Andrew C
Lauren Leet
Kirsten A Bustinger
Andrew W Frankiin
William M Giguere
Julian R Gluck
"Sgt Theodore Fest
TSgt Kerry V
Jared A
ifA 'V
* -
Thomas J Pitcher
^ |L-
1K' JLd
Steele A Rackley
Shayne P Hulce
Shawn G Johnson
Ryan S Kolesar
Joshua M Rodriquez
Zachary D Schumann
Taylor H Swope
Russell 11(
Eric C Wilson
Michael 0
Matthew J Beil
John T Ploschnitznig
Suzanne M Bisschops
Karianne E Kopchick
Mikhail T Legaspi
Zachary S Smith
Jonathan M Weir
Anthony D D Enrico
Michael C Swartz
James D Thomas
Jenna R Whetsel
Ian J Culpepper
\ndrew S Richardson
Christopher C Colderone
Roman A Cummins
V *
'Wt ■■K
W^j ■»>•' f.
S Stedman
.fl \7
Michael S Whiteside
Matthew Willis
Wesley S Baker
Jared S Barkemeyer
David C Behr
Zachary T Blasdel
Grant Boehme
Kaitlyn J Bogan
Maj Dominick Martin
TSgt Gilda Alexander
Stormi L Brewer
Christopher K Chua
Nathan A Wells
Lance F Wu
Leila J Abdulrazaq
Rachel E Allison
Torry S Beauchamp
Carlos G Berrefeaga
Jacob C Bessler
Joshua P Casey
Rochelle M Crespo
Dan C Derby IV
Connor J Ference
Michael A Fisk
Pia K Goodman
Johnson C Ho
Tristan B Kooker
Philip S Koons
Katrina L Litchford
Kurt S Moehling
Carl A Morgan
Lee R Morris
Ezra B Petersen
Theodore K Qui|ano
Carl V Rossi
Katherine A Shaw
Jeremy A Darnell
Melanie K Daugherty
Tyler B Finley
Mitchell J Kim
Harriet L Lakind
Andrew S Lambert
Robert C Deebel
Not Pictured:
Tony D Strickland
Michael P Sortino Jr
Colton D Steen
Alexandra Z Trobe
Kris E Warner Jr
Tyler H Crompton
7 Anastasia E Holbrook
Charles E Lewis III
Garrett L Medlock
Kaitlin O'Connell
Gavin C Owens
Alannah M Staver Not Pictured: Moshood A Adeniji Lucan Marin Salcedo
Arthur X Williams
David L Wolfsmith II
Sebastian F Zaki
Pamela Y Zhang
Squadron Ten
Chad E Aii<.erman
Shawn J Hempsey
Lindsey A Barber
Richard G Boyle
Kurt D Brill
Phaelen A French
Chelsea D Esenwein
Andrew C Eslinger
Joshua H Freeman
Ryan W Henderson
Sean M Herbison
Eric Y Hwang
Christina M
David M Friday
Alis^^A Ceranski
Stephen A (j|
^^gyne N Clawson
J Grohol
James T Africano
Kschristopher M Anda
Jordan K Bolster
Mister Carlton
Katrina C Castellanos
Sebastian Constable
Shane D Cox
Timothy C Crowe
Frederick D Dellecker
Louis R Descioli
Duncan J Dillon
Michael J Fitzgerald
Kelsey V Garcia
Steven E George
William J Hicks IV
Monica R Hottle
Jessica E Laucher
Morgan D Mosby
Luke B Pickering
Jordan W Potterton
Samuel K Riehn
Ryan J Bohdel
Andrew J Carpenter
Philip E Colwell
Michael D Foley
Matthew J Gutgsell
Adam N Hachtel
Dylan J Hunter
Brayden R Mickelson
James L Monk
Jonathan A Monsalve
Coleen Pacurariu
r -
Stephen W Houk
Joseph S Kohan
Michael B Arakawa
Daniel C Dieudonne
\ John A McKenzie
1 angsinatnawelijM
Michael D Audiss
Jonathan S Bopp
Philicia Fahrenbruch
Stephen C Groff
tSgt Lynn Barron
Kevin J Jablonsky
Carlee M f oyt,niL
Chrisf^pher P Lorenz
Zachary M Schneider
Linwood L Stt
James D Evans Jr
Ryan C Misare
Robert T Guidry
David E Herman
Richard A Noble
Andrew G Street
Robert A Vazquez
TSgt Brian Howell
Joshua C Yeaste
Charles T Ogren
John J Patton Jr
Mario I Perez
Colton G Wetzel
Kristina L Whiteman
Zachary J Zeitlin
Muhammad A Ahmad
Joseph D Baucke
George L Michalke III
Danny Mills
Kenneth T Scull Jr
Kyle P Singletary
Christopher J Valencia
Rebecca D Bauman
Theresa L Cameron
Michael J Crompton
Brian G Franshaw Jr
Mark D Jensen
Steven M Nelson
Jonathan C Patience
Hannah E Peterson
Michael D Lee
Stephen M Reardon
Jonathan C Stewart
Maj David Armifage
Adam C Berheide
Kathleen B Deiters
Daniel Alvarado
Kainoa J Ho
A Fitzwater
Glares Cho\
tw]j|H ■I
*• (
■r Vi
Christopher M Smith
Michael A Smith
Malcolm L D
I' Warfield
Squadrons li
Joshua L Archer
Andrew Bettinger
Brooke N Byerley
Nathaniel J Hart
W \.
Christopher G Nelson
Christopher J Olson
Dustin Weeks
Nathaniel V Youd
Waruna E Ambanpola
Emily M Bohnenkamp
1*=* V
Annette R Eichenberger
Chase M Houser
Taylor R Johnson
IL 'S l
i- 4f j
JRTi f
1; :
Joshua D Durbin
Jazmind L Hill
Julian R Stark
Michael D Curran
William H Ross
Matthew E Chave;
Katherine E Moork
Kyle D Rasmussen
Sarah T Castro
1 A
^ r
Benjamin C Payne
Andrew P Hoops
Elizabeth A Keenan
1'jsfln R Malone
■ J,. f A y
Rachel E Guesinberry
Shannon N
Kurt R Ulrikson
Allen R Front e: c
li-, J .7
Donald A Trillanes-AAessi
Matthew B William:
elas E Raiford
Maj Julian Stephens
Brianna N'Adams
James K Arita
Jessamy 1 Barton
Stewart C Brandon Jr
ji !
il Jk
Travis 1
TSgt Jason Tepool
Josfl^C Drapes
Cijj^zie Ezekannagha
Frederick J Johnson Jr
Matthew C Richardson
Brent A Maggord
Martin T Span III
Stephen J Mellinger
^ r
'X* 1
:m, ^
MSgt Robery Devall
Alan D Moore III
Adam J Campbell
Grant W
Brian M Walford
G Mitchel
Johnathan G
Christopher J Gresham
Ryan F Hogan
Antonio E Neris
Connor R Niebrugge
Christopher M Twigg
Jeffrey D Williams
Gabrielle M Aranda
Charles J Armstrong
Bradley T Basek
Christian W Brechbuhl
Jeannette F Brewer
Stephanie N Fabian
Conor Favo
Daniel J Funk
Ora D Fiampshire
Aileen M Herrera
Luke T Jones
Everett D Karpauskas
Joseph R Kraynak III
Arturas Kucharevas
Benjamin J Peterson
Joshua D Thomas
Michael F Wurth
Leif E Christensen
Andrew C De
Kristian E Kates
Michael B Morris
Matthew J Piazza
Michael Smythe
Michael H Vena
Jacob Podolnick
Squadron Fourti
\*4Bt i1
Emilio Becerra
Carmella C Burruss
Daniel R Kunkle Jr
Peter S Lind
Katherine L Carroll
Andrew R Chinlund
Jacqueline M Littlefield Michael V MacAndrew
\aj Paul Kaster
MSgt. Christopher McEwan
TSgt. Roger Stewart
Jacob W Dockery
Emili J Grabill
Bryon E Johnston
Andrew H Kim
Kyle N MacDonald
Evan D McCroskey
Stephanie A Michael
Robert D Neal
Nathan W Seibt
Paul D Sikkema
Cole R Stegeman
Christina L Thompi
Not Pictured Mark Griffin
Gabriel J Paterson
Christopher A Perkins
Bryan J Rivera
Carly A Allison
Timofhy T Ambard
Travis B Grindstaff
John J Blaess
Johncarlo A Buitrago
Lindsey A Byrd
Joseph M Chapman
Gyan N Das
Daniel W Frymire
Christopher Huynh
Jeremy A Krohngold
Leon Lowman III
Richard B Margerison III
Daniel J McAdams
Kinder N McCullough
Tyrae K Rivers
Jacob T Spiering
Zachary B Tulley
Stephen M Vu
Nicolas O Watson
Curtis R Widener
Not Pictured Nicholas DeJulio Jokob Stronko
Laura N Young
Ian M Brotnov
Abigail M Buns
Ashley S Chung
Thomas W Dickinson
Kevin D Dolan
Robert C Dunn
Ryan D Finkelstein-Dia
Angela M Fox
Mathew L Gamm
Stewart A Harlow
Rafael A Hoyos
Brendan S Keiper
William A Kent
Samantha A Laughlin
Chase W Lehocky
Kathryn E Lopez
Zachary A Mangers
Tasha M Mayne
Kevin S Pamilagas
Kevin H Presley
Gregory M Rinker
Joseph Rippe
Lewis C Robertson
Chgcl D Speer
Demetrius D Stinson
Alexander B Thomson
Joseph M Votto
Stacey L Wilkens
Craig M Wo|tkiewicz
Brady McCoy
John L Lovvorn
Brady A Amack
Steven G Conradi
John P Murtha III
David E Neville
James F Cooper
Sydney A Croxton
Nathan T Curi
TSgt James Pope
Jacob A Daniels
Jordan D Rozsa
Derek F Schumacher
Marissa E Strauss
Alicia K Wallace
Ryan J Williams
Valerie L Bachand
John Bang
Stephan W Bitner
James R Bloch
Garrett J Custons
Helen G Ensley
Clayton D Gable
Alexander D Lerda-Plog
Keeley G McCann
Danielle N Griffith
# Heather C Nelson
Alexander L Randall
Matthew F Roberts
Louis C Rogers III
Loring H Ross
Andru S Vandiver
Christopher S Villanueva
Jonathan R Weed
Zachary R Westerfield
Michael J Wong
Paul A Buchanan
J M Downs
Jordan B Garcia
Julianne M
Philip C Hellmers
Zachary G Hoffmann
Matthew M Kelly
Joshua C Kreimier
Michelle S. Littlefield
Peter Quick
Jacob A Schomaker
Erik L Schweiss
Courtney J Sheeks
Ryan J Anderson
Thomas J Appleton
Nicholas B Gibson
Andrea Y Hagadorn
Vance M Hawk
Ava R Tamosuinas
iSgt James Dickson
Danielle Atkins
Lauren M Delaney
Bryant AAateus
eroi G Edwards
M I rench
Daniel A Brand
Jacob B Byorth
Estrella C Ham
Jacob D Elouder
Taylor AA Roberts
Emily L Ryals
Richard C
Jof^k^Tan R Cox
Christoplier M Shields
Matthew M Toussain
Brandon J Wilde
Alec S Williams
^^illann A Daniels
Katherine C W right
Robert J Alleman
Jennifer G Bremser
Katherine R Brock
Candita L Curcio
John M Rutherford
Bradley A Schneider
Carly J Serratore
Holden D Simmonds
Ryan J Wallway
Lance \ Wilhelm
Feyisade A Adeoba
Michael A Armacost
Mark L Audetle
John M Bierman
Daniel A Goebel
Ernesto I Guerrero
R Johnson
Lauren G Kolod
Henry M Krukowski Jr
Barbra E Terry
Anthony I Vahling
Jason S Burbach
Aaron S Henrich;
Christopher G Flu
Samuel J Kiekhaefer
Rocque S Gar I land
Kyle D Kenerley
Rocco F Librandi
Ricliard S Mundy
Randall T
A Pararia
Jordan S Bresnahan
Jacob R Deck lever
John R Della Pia
Megan S Edson
Deanna M Flemings
Andrew C Gorospe
Charles A Heredia
Victor J Lopez
Jessica M Wong
Sean M Cork
Matthew S Jones
Connor A Rhoads
ISquadron Eighteen
WAN'S FliofS
Anthony J Carillo
Caitlin E Glitz
Kenneth D Moak Jr
Jonathan A Davis
TSgt David Johnson
A French
'Eric M Gilpatrick
Amanda M Ellis
Colton J F'oyd.j;,
Ethan J Flunter
Alexander J Hutcheson
Philip C Knodel
Zachary J Rasmussen
Sedra F Razafinimanana
Dakota M Risner
Robert M Stephenson
Bennett D Stuppy
Allison J
Grace M Trolinger
Hector J Valladares
Mary K Vasta
James M Vonahnen
Heather C Watts
Dustin C Woodside
Chad M Hennig
Tate N Montgomery
Dianne Ferrarini
Blake J Li(
Maxwell W Lutton
Kristin A Cromwell
Charles O Crouse
Martinus R Davis
Robert M Dewitt
Matthew L Heien
Matthew L Kluckman
Drew T McKnight
Christian E Minnick
Chad H Moore
Kelly M O'Grady
Lauryn J Thomas
Christopher M Thompson
Caleb A Tucker
Lukas A Cowen
Rachel C Cranfill
Cale J Simmons
James T Simons
Matthew S Sullivan
Jessica C Adams
Donald Andreas
Nicholas L Barkley
Kassie M Gurnell
Holden N Lanier
Moranda A Hern
Michael R McKone
Chrisfopher ^Windley
Nicholas 5 Lazos
Nathan W Orrill
Taeyoung Lee
Caleb S Maclachlan
Deanna J Macmillan
David Salinas Jr
Nicholas R Santoro
Jacob G Danowski
Cody L Houston
Benjamjm Kramer
Aimee E St Cyr
Anthony J Thomas
Re^oldo M Toledo,
Charles R
Christopher M Paek Not Pictured:
Tom h ashu! DJ Nottingham
ron N
Kara N Hovseth
Zacharias H Use
Daniel G Pickett
Christopher C Smithson
Spencer K Baldwin
Sean G Bowman
Judah M Hooper
Fi «7
Chancelbr A Johnstone
Meghan E Vernier
Peter A Cialkowski
Joseph. J Humphrey
Mallory E O Malley
Brandon W Oster
Not Pictured:
Ikenna Ariguzo
Marshall D Kay
Jared R leir
Kalyn A Tung
Erik R Von Husen
Austin J Wallerstein
Catherine M Wilson
Jonathan G Hagan
Molly M Heath
Shawn D Hibbard
Michael A Leland
Elisabeth Meliado
Christine C Molina
Meagan M Ostrander
Gage C Parrott
Joshua M Partain
Michael L Tibbs II
Cole L Vonohlen
Weston L Walker
Michael S Yemane
Kramer S Young
Nicholas A Arellano
Bo T Bateman
Kimberly M Bergo
Ethan W Biddy
Christopher Blake
Michael C Cooper
Beau A Davidson
Jean-luc Duckworth
Andrew L Hamilton
Thomas M Harris
Daniel J Incorvaia
Seth M Jackson
Katelyn Jenkins
Anthony W Kwakenat
Joshua M Kieser
I Eugene H Lefebvre III
Stormy T Sagmoen
Robert J Simmons
Ian N Parks
Annalyse M Schmitt
Jacquelyn O Stringfield
Adam D Walker
Chih-Feng Wang
Shuai Yuan
William G Lawlor
Brandon C Lee
Adkins Jr
Raymond V Gutierrez
Mary C Anderson
Thomas J Browning Jr
Jacob R Harrison
Michael K Seery
tSgt Steve Honda
TSgt Adam McNeill
Garret L Bryant
Alexander M Kingsley
Stephanie M Konvalin
Hermes Y Silva
Kyle J Stockamp
Dane M Lannon
chqsl R Moore II
Bryan E Anderson
Benjamin C Bertelson
Pasach G Dehue
Theodore W Kruczek
Anthony P Gray Jr
Benjamin G Lipp
Alyssa J Manwaring
Tyler A Vincent
Angelito E Aragon Jr
Matthew P Bayne Ward
Jennifer L Bennett
Amanda M Blain
Joseph V Bomar
Kevin R Cardenas
Cassandra R Dunn
Matthew S Forrest
Edward Galloway III
Jared D Hafich
Tucker B Hawley
Jamie M Jovene
Jorden B Castaneda
And§§|v Lim
Thomas A Redfield
Squadron Twenty Two
York Pasonen
Mark W Boyer
Kevin L Brady
Jacob P Bruder
Austin J Buscher
Sarah E
Andrew C Finley
Nathan P Foltz
Matthew V Fryer
David E Gillette
Adam AA Hill
Nicole L Johnson
David J Leeds
Patrick A AAayfleld
Lindsay Morse
Erin M Nyre
Richard A Ollis
Matthew D
Trenten D Rc
Jacob!. Wt
Ccry D Concha
Brendan K Donovan mm
R Jfcv v ?
P il i *
Jfe \
mm Nathan G Sorensen
H T evcthan
Ryan T Umberger
Kathleen K Vat deli
Steven G Strickland
Nathan T 'Whitehead
'1#%' 1
A Berglund *1
r^_ BP«^j
■*>' ¥
^B *
Wr*\ '^T
■Rti s Tisj 1
William M Loving
m *■ .
IT-i j*r |A ■■
Jesse D O'Connor
\ 3l
*■ ,
1 jk rl^. iiir \t ^
Brandon K Peters
Kevin Plascencia
Brontavious A Railey
Kyle AA Schoono*
Monica R Clements
Albert K Hatchett Jr
Christopher L Danielson
Jennifer D Kagarise
Jacob M Naumann
Zachary A Peters
Jane M Demkowicz
Kevin R Doolittle
J R Korecki
Allison M Laning
Zachary M Ratkovich
Laith K Samarah
Bryan J Maynard
;t Jerami Mahaffey
TSgt Shawn Merritt
Ra% Fleming
Roola M Gavilanes
Cory C Williams
Joshua E Z<
Michelle L Anatra
Christopher W Knutson
Michael D Lavoie
Danielle B Sorrera
James W Bradin III
Richard S Brockington
Andrew N Gallion
Stephen D Hunter
Thomas E Indelicato
Sophia C Lockerby
Olivia B McOuilkin
Mackenzie K Schofield
William A Coleman
William C Deavor
Matthew E Demichiei
Benjamin G Deschane
Kenneth E Serafinko
Kevin K Ueunten
i .
Kyle J Antoszewski
Maria H Babauta
Kyle J Laprade
Reuben Luoma-Overstreet
Halie A Brimelow
Jackson A Bristol
Matthew F Gabreski
len S Hanson
Tyler J Jordan
Kevin J Mook
Connor L Muilenburg
Matthew J Puleo
Alexander L Rosen
Ian C Sanford
Benjamin A Demarr
Derek M Demyanek
arafvA Warner
luadronjTwenty Foi
TSgt Andrew Aultman
Zachary L Eiarrington
Nathan R Betcher
Rachel S Burk
IPl j
W. ^
Derek A Burns
Allison R
Jonathan R Griffin
Kyle S Hansen
Kimberly J Shealy
Joseph M Silverio
kl v
Andrew S Kleman
Joshua D Stanley
Jo% Debonis
Joseph A Gramling
«ptj -V 1
Paul M
Newington J Tamaalii Jr
Rachel E Thomas
f f
^^Sarah E Evans
Ryan E Adams
Colby T Browning
Clayton J Elliott
Zachary S Esau
Brett W Brunner
' "
Benjamin R Fonte
Kirsten Bunecke
Christina M Cave
Brian J Collett
Nicholas R Doumont
Daniel F Durham
Jairo J Martinez
Kyle D Nazarek
Edward J Garces
Kyle R Gladney
Spencer G Wood
Ian A Anthony
Ryan M Arrowood
Matthew C Benson
Matthew L Bryant
Raika A Dacquel
Nicholas J Donrx;lly
Caleb J Downey
Troy A Fitle
Dominic A Garcia
David J Gardiner
Brian F Klazura
Samuel D Murphy
Timothy M Park
Benjamin T Vowell
Christopher T Proctor
Sara M Bangerl
ff ■*
Sarah J Bangley
w 1
Jeffrey A Benson
r r
Daniel P Bergstr
TSgt Christopher Greene
Jes3^j|E Bickford
...Dylan L Brock
1 yler A Brown
Phillip X Choy
Katharine E Ernst
E)avid S Marsfon
Jacqueline M Mozingo
Meghan K Prinkey
Jose Gasfiaburu Herrera
i imoi
David H Beranek
!j Nathan Clyncke
Andrew G Gbver
Daynci A Grant
Derek .1 Schillaci
Mallhew D Selby
1 1 avis W Thomlon
Micliael J
John^^l.ydiord IV
Manuel Smith
Samanlha I WrKthl
Zachary H Adams
Justin M Blott
Philip T Lange
Chelsie L Lehmann
Matthew R Webb
Grant R Williams
Karl A Burnett
Zachary J Matthews
Daniel E Nissen
Brendan T Conroy
Corey M Davis
Bethany A Gross
Joshua W Hartmann
Barbara A Holt
Joseph N Okai Jr
Karen Rubin-Santos
Kenneth R Sample
Jeffrey W Downie
Mark Stewart
William S Dugan
Laura E Green way
Angela L Hartford
Nolan T IHebein
Tyler Y Higaki
David E Kendall
Michael f Lauritzen
Aseef M Raihan
Jeremiah S Weal ley
Squadron Twenty-Six
Maj'Christel AAq^tfjristel bergin
AAsat MSgt Cl Christopher Lamson
TSgt Daniel Basel
Robert J Brazil III
Richard J Brennan
Jeffory A Brenner
Michael V Ceci
Brian P Davis
Kir^A Forssell
^oss A Gourlay
Brian P Higgins Higc
Parker E Jamieson
Erik N Kastmiler
Kristen L Kennedy
Timothy J Kirby
Jeremy R Kurz
Riley A Liver\re
An^-S March,
Timothy J Miller
Austin T Moore
Katelynn G Morgan
Erik J Red
Connor Magg'
If Me Joseph D Martin
/ Nicholas A Smith [♦[■[•[•If#]
Fanita H Schmidt
Kevin T
! if
Ma 11 hew B Sanders
Jonathan Sebourn
Sl»phen J Shea li
Peter B Bangen
Adam J Brakeville
Kathryn M Bugg
James E Chambers II
Joshua J Hamisch
Kyle A Hathaway
Thomas S Heikkinen
Zachary S Jackson
Andrew C Leighner
Ethan J Martinez
Raquel E McCagg
Glenn M Miltenberg
Wolf I Thielmann
Christopher R Earp-Pitkins
Sophia M Epps
Virginia L Galbraith
Benjamin R Johnson
Douglas C Johnston
Christopher H Jordan
Jeremiah W King
Tim Mobley
Lindsey C Mueller
Alexander J Pennetti
Matthew L Scheie
Clark P Walsh
Kyle W Baker
Brandon Eaves
Margaret A Haley
Santantha M Marshik
Conor C Higgins
Khoa A Huynh
Deborah B Kim
Zebulon M Kimball
Kenneth King
Charles J Reichel
Nicque M Robinson
Maj Oliver Johnson
John D Atkinson IV
Hannah A Morehouse
Catrina Z Begansky
Kelsey E Bristol
TSgt Aaron Kiewicz
TSgt Edward Struckel
Paul M Carpenter II
Stuart D Coston
Andrew D Durkee
Chelsea R Hagar
Lucas S Johnson
Jonathan W Kim
Moses A Krehbiel
Samuel A Macheak
Kristopher C Martin
Joshua M Nelson
Gilbert E Rayhill
Kaitlin M Shetley
William A Thompson
Caleb W Whitlock
Stephen K Yoshimura
Andrew J Oury
Ian D Pryce
Alexander J Sakovich
Ryan D Thompson
William M Tyrrell
Loren N Vanrassen
Matthew S Bliley
Samuel J Burton
Daniel R Schonfeld
John B Skeele
William Smedley
Keslie R Cooper
Thomas C Coughlin
Lance B Cronin
Anna Cruz
Michael Joo
Andrew T Kerber
w Austin L Halle
Elizabeth M Harrison
Parker A Holt
Brandon D Humphreys
Conor F Melanson
Terryn B Mills
Gary T Ochs
Kathrina M Orozco
William C Sevier Jr
Vianca M Torres
George Zeitler
Joseph Suwabe
David Swanson
Camille A Thompson
Petar G Stefanovic
Jacob T Elliott
Ralph K Tatum
Kyle B
Maj Greg Thrornton
MSgl Charles Clawson
Samantha F Berthiaume
Peter B Broughton
Anthony M Caliva
Aarol T Clinton
Hilary R Gibson
Julie k Grabarek
Chase C Guarnaccio
Brian A Harris
James D Hill
Ryan D James
Andrew R Ki
Caleb W Leeslma
John T Limpert
Donald C Lodge-Maragh
Kelly A McGuire
Richard A Newberry
Michael O Kelley
AAegfian A O Neill
Not Pictured:
Johnathan M Ct
TSgf Jenny Hendry
B Dewilde
Alexis A Laleman
Jonailxn hi
Nicholas J Adagio
David R Alvarado
Kenn R Boechler
Rebecca A Breslow
Andrew M Calloway
Nicholas W Dona
Joshua B Dunn
Melissa L Fuerst
Alexios C Gavrilos
Daniel G Gunderson
Kelsey M Collier
Kyle M Delaurell
Max M Manley
Logan T Mitchell
Not Pictured: John Oms
jnie I. Patterson
Blake R Abrechl
Ashley R Crowe
Mir lx* I J Ihrasher
jamin M Peterson
Bi ian S Andre
John S Farquhcir
William J Gregg
S Mahan
Bryarma M Mueller
Ryan P Recker
Thomas A Swinchosl i
Nathan W Aimes
David W Winterlin
Daniel J Boercl el
Meredith L Herndon
Michael J Osborne
Christopher G Robertson
Brandon W Shaw
Morgan I Vlar
Connor J Wiese
Anthony Wooding Jr
Kelly V Slambaugh
John D Tardieu
Squadron I'wenly-Nine
Julie O Baumgardner
Jacob H Blasbalg
Vincent M Gillrnore
Aaron J McClain
Edward D Camacho
Michael A Oakley
Emily K Cotharn
James M Hamilton
Zachary 1 Helton
Michael C Piazza
hallynne J Henderson
Matthew P I^Sakitis
Jonathan M Quirarte
Joshua M Shovellon
Jordan R Willrnan
Jonathan S Yi
Mocbl Y ral o wian
David R Walcher
Matthew L Ward
Jay P Zoigta
Squadrons XS&~
Evan D Blazevic
Michael S Girolami
Jared R Breuker
Tory C Brown
Darrell J Cherf
Anthony J Chiaro
Danny R Compton
Justen D Fazekas
Tara J Harris
Raymond J Hill
Brandon T Hirneise
Randi M Imerman
Steven G Joseph Jr
Daniel J Lange
Krishna C Rengan
Cory M Sabet
Travis C Smith
Joshua D Stemen
Adam H Stoll
Jarrod M Cox
lyler J Curlee
Megan N Davis
William D Fleming
Nathaniel W l.andecker
Nicholas R Losoya
Olivia M Prosseda
Rami M Qjnishat
Megan C Lavelle
Travers A McEntyre
Sophia M Villagrasa
Nicholas J Wawrzyniak
Esther D Willett
Giovanni Allevalo
Thomas J Avers
Courtney M Bailey
Patrick M Callaghan
Duslin I 1 Graves
Christopher Grimm
Anastasia M Huelfner
Mark G Hunkins
1 , 1 *.-.
M Mon, hen
I loward P Palmer
Tony I I /illi
£1 wrath
David J Anderson
Kristian A Barber
Michael A Broch
Jonathan M Chung
Jeremiah J Gray
Anthony R Jadick
Mathew J Jerrell
Vincent T Jovene III
Cranston M Kline
Victor Rodriguez
Matthew T Rogers
Maj Matthew Contreras
MSgt Thomas Jenkins
TSgt Anette Santos-Barnes
Robert C Demarsh
Auriele N Fain
Jennifer A Flynn
Nicholas A Konishi
Raymond F Leinenbach
Brian R Stenger
Not Pictured:
Anson J Harvey
Jason P Whitehead
Justin D Wilson
Alexander J Wright
Julie C Ahn
Tyler S Breske
Ian A Butler
Maria C Carriedo
David A Dunkel
Jordan M Eason
Michael B Fish
Dillon T Fisher
Brian B Ford
Michael A Gartee
Tyler D Glaze
Kayla L Harvey
Alexander J Kauth
Christopher N Kirk
Amanda K MacLean
Blake E Moorhead
Justin S Tharp
Alexander P Williams
Haley P Wilson
Not Pictured: Justin T Smith
Jacqueline J Ahloo
Madeline M Atkinson
Trennert Barillas Fogarty
Kenan C Bell
Stacey P Blunt II
Brandon L Daley
Thomas M Dickey
Jessica H Downey
I Clark W Follansbee
Richard T Guftman III
Taylor C Hanley
Jason A Intagliata
Thomas R Jividen
Jennifer S Johnsen
William C Kammerer
Jonathan C Lee
jt Mark Mitchell
Edward M Rubio
Rodney E Brooks II
David W Brumbaugh
Martin A Schaeuble
Lee M Schatsiek
Devon J Dettloff
Timothy P Domint
t.ee 3
Ariel L Waiters
Christa E Ewasko
Margaret E W^jngart
Shannon R Young
Thomas J Lerum
Rachel A Roberts
Edward R Schroder
Cameron S Urquhart
Erik D Voron
Micah D Winkley
Rachel C Yuen
Jacob S Bradshaw
Nicholas L Hafner
Scott C Hewitson
David K Moore
Jacob W Musselman
Michael Perdomo
Emerson P Woerner
Maj David Talafuse
Matthew C Cignoli
Drew W Clasen
Kristen E Connell
Andrew W Davenport
MSgt Ronald Walker
Thomas C Erlinger
Jonathan E Garcia
William K Tanner
TSgt Christie Parker
Amanda B Wineman
Kelsey K Berger
Ryan M Brigman
Zachary S Butcher
David B Carte
Stephannie Hernandez
Josiah I Lane
Megan E Lewis
Royd S Lim
Jonathan E Pearson
Allen R Revels Jr
John E Ritschard
Krzysztof Ryszka
Andrew M Sugar
Ryan J Thompson
Derek G Travis
Ryan W Williams
Hannah L Wyall
Benjamin C York
Paul A Young Jr
Keane J Lucas
Roed M Mejia
Blake W Morgan
Jordan C Ollis
Alexander R Pecci III
Jared M Peterson
Aaron M Quick
Derek M Richardson
Kenneth B Schuemann
Mark J Skurdahl
Rachele S Szall
Grant C Urbon
Alyssa M Van Baalen
Garret J Wilson
jt Michael Bumgardner
Andrew M Bolden
Juan J Rodriguez
Weston K Smith
Jim H Daniels III
TSgt Adrian Oriade
L Dials
Mchao1 P Fournier
Jon'AA. Richardson
Tawny R Lambuth
Joshua M Park
Andrew K f%ry
Gordon M Spahr
Michael L Stacks
Brendan A Taylor
Not Pictured:
Thomas J Carter
lenjamin K Chavez
Kevin W Weaver Jr
Ryan T Weldon
Kody A Wilson
Aaron M /odoln
Ashley R Bartmas
Dalton L Bridgers
David A Burns
Stephan H Claxton
Richard C Gangloff
Reginald P Hargrove II
Andrew M Hyde
Kristin L Long
Kyle P Werner
Steffan M Wilcox
Lee F Wise
Andrew R Bathurst
Dustin E Bridges
Marie A Brown
Grace Cho
Ashley P Feldman
Joseph M Gallinatti
Malkhaz Geldiashvili
Gregory W Hanson
Stephen J Colangelo
Philip A Conte
Nicholas M Lundin
Eric E Thomas
Kimberly A Twohig
Brett P Denehan
Michael T DePauw
Lauren B McGuire
Samuel H Ward
Joseph E Dunham
Tobiah S Kroskob
Cody P Rademacher
Ryan P McKilligan
Mark E Richardson
Elisabeth A Westfall
Squadron Thirty-Four
Ryan P Erickson
Sean M Lanham
Jami L Larson
Annalisa M Sims
Charlie J Meier
Christopher H AAoede
Anthony F Trevino
Jason M Ponce
Juan S Alvarez
Eric J Amos
Thomas J Arnett
Alexander C Bast
Karolyn C Capes
Peter R Crawford
Anthony J Cummings
Mary C Hansard
Ryan L Hartz
Patrick T McGunagle
Patrick S Morgan
Edward W Puffenbarger
Joel V Reyes
Kevin J Rossillon
Jordan E Doom
Shawn C Dubbs
Tyler J Fuentes
Heather C Diniz
Khanh-Christopher Ngo
Kyle K Norquist
Seth W Pelletier
Patrick F Waters
Joseph A Webster
Jeremiah G Williams
James S Buckingham
Wesley R Clark
Adrianna L Dong
Andrew J Love
Ruben A Sanabria Jr
Anna C Wallace
Caitlin B Gabrielson
Christopher k; Gallagher
Casey R Kleisinger
Madi@|fj Leute
Dylan J Mason
Dennis P Murray
Jaewoo Park
Glenn J Proctor
Matthew S.Schneider
Ryan P Thompspn
Corey J Trojanovich
Meredith M Wilmer
Gabriel L Rodri
iquadron Thirty-Five
MSgt Brian Edick
TSgt Ernest Dinolfo
Patrick M Bodnar
Amanda D Bolton
Joshua D Butler
Daniel M Carlson
Gregory R Carte
Justin M D'Olimpio
Aaron E Foster
Allana L Gallant
Ian W Hall
Allanna S Jones
Jacob J Krasnov
Austin E Lan
John C Lerch
Hector Lopez Jr
Cody C Main
Harrison C McWilliams
Alexander J Nelson
Benjamin J Piehl
Christopher D Richardson
Tyler A Schultz
John T Seaver
Matthew C Thompson
Nathan S Timsuren
Stephen D Wakefield
Angela J Zeqolbri
Michael R Tope
Gabriel A Vallepadilla
Zone K Dydasco
Cameron O Edwards
Mercedes S Edwards
Mario I Elizondo
Nicklaus A Fisher
Austin A Fox
Nico P Gigante
Andre M Golson
Chelsey L Hamilton
William L Hantla
Cassandra L Hill
Benjamin S Kram
Samuel R Raine
John H Rush Jr
Lauren S Sako
Tyler A Stearns
Kyle P Street
Lesly M Torres
Cody A Verge
Edward S Wood
Alan D Gilbert
Luis F Gonzalez
Bradley L Heberle
Andrew C Hill
Katherine E Hinkel
Marquez T Jones
Adam J Kenes
Timothy M Maciag
Georg ia E Marshal!
Michael K Mayclin
Cody R Nelson
Victoria P Perkins
Ajaya S Rana
Jonathan W Reasoner
Kenneth C Salazar Jr
Kyle N Schroeder
MattLiew K Scott
Paige C Shirley
Daniel S Stein
Coleman G Vivian
Dustin A Wallace
Kevin R Wise Jr
Tara S Zartman
Maj Colin Donnelly
Jordan T Johnson
w Marie F Paquin
Michael L Brecht
John W Cowen
Steven Z Davies
Ryan P Fountain
r Cody S ieeborn.
Christina J Jung
Jordan S Keefer
Joshua J Kim
Michelle H Kiyota
Taylor H Stewart
Matthew R Street
E Lescarbeau MSgt gt Eric
TSgt Andre Bell
P Fulton
Nicholas R Jernigan
Arif S Mohammad Idris
Casey B \A.o|t
james-D Newton
Kathryn L Stuard
Scoit E Stucky
Jan T Teape
Derek J Winkler
Mitchell E \ou>g
Payton E Pearson III
Courtney D Pinkerton
Jonathan E Beabout
Colton L Buechel
Sarah M Frankosky
Zebulon J Hanley
Cody A Hanson
Ryan M Lombardo
David T Miller
Joshua W Mohr
Evan A Barger
Matthew S Cosmo
Andrew R Hilton
Sarah M Nickisch
Nicholas A Owen
William D Burnette
Lauren E Clisby
Collin E Payne
Nathan M Jones
David M Jorgenson
Amanda G Pestana
Brandon J Sleeth
Austen J Ebert
Jason W Fabian
Edwin D Kingman
Paul L Leonhardt
Taylor J Scott
Ryan H. Sheikh
Not Pictured:
Kevin Bess Donald Jackson
Reid A Witt
Hunter B Birdsong
Andrew M Gough
Ashleigh N Hammer
David J Heaphy
Marcus B Hill
Cameron R Igawa
Jennifer M Kimura
Jan R McColaugh
Michelle M McMillen
Joshua A Nielsen
Adalys Ramirez Amador
Matthew J Reilly
Not Pictured:
Brett Johnson
Heathe^fi Shepard
Jacob R Trubiano
Jesse Chervinka
Jordan P Hauschild
Benjamin Barringer
Gina L Bosworth
Joshua M Huckabee
Kristopher S Hull
Clifford A Peterson
Matthew R Buford
.urtis N Hansen
Michael C Lester
Ryan C Martinson
Ryan Russomanno
Michael B Smith
James G Tewaheftewa
Kebin P Umodu
Matthew T Woods
Andrew J Nemethv
Jared C Torwe*e> A
Nathan D Badger
Mathew Barbazon
Dalton L Boatright
Joseph A Hollway
Austin M Howard
Matthew S Howard
Anna B Lowe
Jared K MacNaught
Austin M McCollum
Lindsay M Cordero
Anthony G Navaroli
Evan E Kaufman
Gregory R Kidd
Marko Podplatnik
Michael H Powell
Buddy C Kinder
Sun Y Lee
Orion H Rooney
( Brandon T Stenger
Brennan J Sweeney
Eric P Bahorik
Nicholas T Boardman
Daniel A Butcher
Michael P Gallagher
Samuel A Gramling
Claudia K Hawthorne
Kyle H Cassady
David B Hopkins
Kyle P Cousino
Tesia C Davis
Christian GBtston
Christopher D Junio
Seth A Kline
Eunice H Park
Samuel J Sewell
Hannah J Cox
Lucas J Ibarra
w I
Blul e C Mabry
^^arren B McGriff
Denny J Merideth IV
JRrrih hi Smith
^ it Sieve Morris
Jonathar^T Atkins
Robert A Bell
Corydon B Butler III
Matthew E Cain
Shauna L Casey
Andrew C Gibler
Robert W Gulla II
Danny Kim
Brady A Knutson
Christopher G Luke
Alex J Malm
Nancy l Mc^rh
Christopher B Poje
Travis S Potthoff
Christina M Salinas
Brandon C Schoenfeldt
Stephanie S Sexton
Matthew J Siverio
Erik R Soderberg
bshua f Wilson
Ryan D Young
Ellis R
TSgt Romney Scheiier
K^^\ Cressy
Jenna L Dolata
M Palmer
Kyle K Ziegler
Lfh V
J I'
Steplien C Carew
Canyon L Chambers
* 1
r rl
Yannie Horth
Nicholas E Espinoza
Joseph A Gulal
Joshua R Kusan
nPi f -J
Paul G McArthur
tP /
Rory P Montgomery
James W Neat II
Andrew P Olejnik
Philip S Palchoski
Evan E Rowley
Casey L Schindling
Juwayne M Tanner
Nathan L Pelc
Rachel E Herald
wM Elizabeth S Hick
Danielle Danish
D Howdeshell
k ~r
Aaron Y Kim
xw Matthew J Croghan
ktonql i< k Wi
Ethan A Yokes
Monique M Pal
Joshua P Antinone
/ 1
Brian M Meehan
1 igfefi
fit m
Joshua R Hager
Ryne D Hanson
Jared R Erickson
Erin M Endres
►/ 1
Erik. D Clark
i(®| 4 m
Dmvtro Pictiu
rephanie L
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2d Lt Kyle Ames
2d Lt David Hard
2d Lt Joseph Bledsoe
2d Lt
2d Lt Mike Celio
ft \ 2d Lt Richard Mazen
2d Lt Tim Clark
2d Lt Jin! Reyriblds
2d Lt Cameron Cordell m
2d Lt Michael Shaw
2d Lt Craig Dufi|
* 44
Fra^k Magazu I
2d Lf Jake Foilrak<
Caitlii^C. Tereskgj *
2d Lt Michael D. Trubilla
Air Force A 452
Parents Clubs Ads
y Parents Association
Congratulations to the Class of 2011 Pursue your "
Endless Horizons
Air Force Academy Parents Association of New Jersey
2nd Lt. Michael Alonso
2nd Lt. Zachary Carroll
2nd Lt. Eric Fenske
2nd Lt. Steven Ha
Toms River
Glen Rock
2nd Lt. Adam Jaskula
2nd Lt. Joshua Ku
2nd Lt. Patrick Livingstone
North Brunswick
2nd Lt. John Newman
2nd Lt. Scott Pierson
2nd Lt. Palmer Roux
2nd Lt. Samantha Stibick
2nd Lt. Marcus Tenenbaum
Jersey City
Florham Park
2nd Lt. Santiago Torre
2nd Lt. James Wilder
2nd Lt. Brian Wilson
2nd Lt. Margarita Zhukov
Pompton Plains
Little Falls
Congratulations te our newest
2nd Ueutenanis! Good luck in your continued
pursuit of excellence! —
From the Arkansas
USAFA Parent's Association
TItp CaPifarmioi Capital Reqi&tt AFA Pan exitis, CPmb
CtmqncituiPoite& ~the CnaduciteA of 2011 f
2nd Lt. David Cotter 2nd Lt. Madeline Goff
2nd Lt. Travis Lyon
2nd Lt. James Leli
2nd Lt. Evan Lomeli
2nd Lt. Parker Mayo
2nd Lt. Daniel Nguyen
2nd Lt. Kyle Rimando
2nd Lt. John Sarette 2nd Lt. Rachel Simmons 2nd Lt. Joseph Stafford 2nd Lt. Courtney Vidt
Parents Clubs Ads
Florida Gulf Coast Parents’ Club
Congratulates The Class of 2011! 2nd Lt. Phil Cook
2nd Lt. Kali Kingsley
2nd Lt. Jennifer DeGeorge
2nd Lt. Jonathan Lewis
2nd Lt. Adrianna Eaton
2nd Lt. William Lindberg
2nd Lt. Paul Gaylord III
2nd Lt. Travis Vayda
2nd Lt. Parker Huge
2nd Lt. Johnathan Weaver
Freedom Stands B&bause Heroes Serve. You Make Us Proud!
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~'"»hii i
2£t CheCsea jlgee USAFA Georgia Parents Club
2Lt (Ricci J-CaCC
The WE ‘FCorida
our Class of 2011 Cadets!
Good Luck in your Air Force career!
We are proud of your success.
The Air Force Academy
Parents' Association of Nebraska
Congratulates the USAFA Class of 2011!
Joel Bateman
David Cooke
Christopher Driggs
Theodore Labedz
North Platte
Robert Lloyd
Ben Mathewson
North Platte
Jerra Turner
Cole Wagner
West Point
Adair IV, William
Congratulations Clay!! Awesome Job!! We are proud of you, your USAFA & your choice to serve our country. You went for success
dream & now you are living
Albano, James
Ballard, Naomi
Beck, Martin Christopher
Awesome! 2nd Lt. James J. Albano USAF! Congratulations James! We are so proud of you! You are a person of integrity and character. Stay humble before God and man. Love Mom,Dad,and Lauren. Proverbs 4;
Wij zijn heel trots op jou! Wij wensen je veel succes en vreugde in je carriere en leven. Vergeet niet dankbaar te zijn en te genieten elke dag! Liefs Papa en
Words cannot express how proud we are of you. Your efforts and
it. Your hard work & perseverance
the best as you begin your career as
Air Force Officer. Love,
Mom & Dad
Asche, David Congratulations
has come true. Your unending faith in God has given you the strength you
serve our country and always. Love, Mom, Greg and Warren
Beatty, David
Belviso, Anthony
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your
And the F-22's will take off on their
soul. Dream
deep, for every dream the precedes goal. Love, Mom & Dad
needed when you needed it most. We are so
proud of you! Love, Dad Mom
Melanie Katy Sprocket
Adamik, Frank
Ashley, Jonathon
Beck, Chris
Fly Boy! With the earth at your feet
You are living your dream. Continue
Congratulations Chris on a job well
to follow God's path. "In all your ways
your future with a path cross the
acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.’Prov 3:6 We love you and are proud of you! Mom, Dad,
done. Ever since you were a young
sky. Fly Boy! Fly! But always safely home. Love, Mom & Dad
Jeff,and Julianne
Adams, Travis
Auerbach, Joshua worked
You have our utmost respect for your
hard and persevered and now the
intelligence, integrity, persistence and indefatigable sense of calm. We love you and support you thoughout your future military career and beyond. Mom Dad Elyssa
skies are yours to conquer. You've
always had a clear vision of what lies ahead and, glory or danger notwithstanding, have gone out to meet it. We are so proud of you and even prouder to call you son
and brother. Love, Mom and
the past four years. Excellent job in your course work, and as the playing captain of the Falcon golf team. Good luck in Graduate school! Mom, Dad, Kristin
they fly Their stealthy bodies cutting through the sky. Wishing I could be flying up high Congratulations on making your dream come true! We
boy you were a joy to watch grow You have always made me proud, be it manners you exhibited, athleticism you displayed on the playing fields, or in the classroom. up.
Bender, Matthew
The decision to leave Auburn to
achieve this goal is awesome. You
The AF core values have always been a
make me very proud Dad.
part of your being, long before you
knew what they were called. Continue to let your
goals and dreams soar, & be the incredible person that you are.
We love you!
Bailey, Kyle Congratulations Kyle Owen Bailey We are so proud of your accomplishments
mission. I shall watch in awe as
Love You! Mom,Dad & Nick
and your spirits soaring high You carve now
watch over you and keep you safe as you
Psalm 7L6&17; Psalm 259&21.
has paid off & you are ready to
face a bright future. We wish you
Mam. Is. 41:10
determination have paid off. May God
Beck, Christopher We
Boudreaux, Brett your
accomplishments and are happy to welcome you into our family. You have so
much success ahead of you and we
not wait to
what the future
holds. Love, The Wilson
Congratulations! You have brought us much joy and pride these academy
and have matured into an incredible young man. Love you. Mom, Dad, Beth, Andy, Elise and the rest of years
the Boudreauxs
Celio, Michael
Boyce, Brett Congratulations portion of
life's journey. May God bless your continuing adventures and ambitions. Our love and prayers are with you. Mom, Dad and the Boyce Boys "CTR" your
Congratulations Michael! We are proud of your accomplishment-graduating from the USAFA. You never let anything interfere with pusuing your dream. Good job. so
We are excited for your future. We
love you. Mom, Dad & Chris
Boylan, Edward Whom shall I send? And who will
for us? And I said, Here am
I. Send me!"
Way to go Mr D!
You have overcome adversity and can
accomplish anything you set
mind to! You
the third
Cole II, CJ
and we could not be prouder of
accomplishments. Love Mom, TUD & Maggie your
CJ, ten
years ago
you wanted to become an officer
pilot in the United States
Air Force. Your indomitable spirit awarded you that goal today! We are
Branyen, Rebecca We to
hope your dreams take you
of your smiles, to
the highest of your hopes, to the windows
and to the most your
of you, with you,
and for you at all that you have
Son! With all our love and pride
special places
heart has ever known Anon
We are so very proud of you! Our
Cook, Cory
Love Grandma & Granpa
The birth of that marvelous wish in your soul
the dawning of that
secret dream
the Voice of
God himself
telling you to arise up higher because he
had need of you. Emmet Fox We
Casey, Lantz I am VERY proud of you and so exctied to
the amazing things God has
proud of you and all you've accomplished. We love you! Mom, Dad & Kelsey Philippians 4:13 are so
planned for you. Never forget God is the source of your strength and the prize at the end of this race". I love you! Mom
Cassman, Sarah
Cortez, Joseph M
Congratulations! We are so proud of
To my
you for all of your accomplishments.
Pride! You have been the best
We love you very much, way to
role model. You taught us to never
go Sarah! Love, Mom, Dad, Nori,
give up & keep going. You taught us dignity, discipline, & loyalty. I'm
and Eva
To my brother. Our
extremely proud of you & I'm glad you followed your hopes & dreams. You'll succeed due to the right choices & decisions you've made. Love you! Your lil sis Temarah & mom!
Friends Family and Supporter Messages
Darrohn, Ryan
Domingo, Rupert ’RC’
Congratulations, Ryan! Congratulations on this terrific milestone, Ryan! You've shown that you have "the right stuff" to be a leader in the AF and beyond. Your character and strength will serve you throughout your life. Were so proud of your success and
Greetings form Daddy & Mommy Congratulations! You have made
the way for the rest of the family.
commitment to
We love you, Daddy & Mommy.
Cosme, Sean bro
Congrats proud of you bro, this is an awesome to my
accomplishment and I know that you will not stop here. Never lose your determination and you will go far. Your
bro, Jason
Cosme, Sean Well Done Sean! I’m so proud of you. I congradulate you with all my heart on your graduation. With hardwork,discipl ine,commitment,pride and honor you've achieved another milestone.God bless, Your Kindergarten teacher,Ms Robinson
Daughenbaugh, Corey What a journey! You stayed focused,
Dandino, Kevin DJ KevDan it was great to have you on KAFA airwaves, you were a
true role model and an inspiration
to ALL of US. Thank you for paving
persevered and
Driggers, Paul the
Congratulations! You're an amazing man.
challenges. Be as proud of yourself
attitude and hard work have led to
of you. A new journey hold begins your head up, have faith in yourself, meet and defeat
incredible achievements. Were so
the next challenges. You will always
for graduating from USAFA. May
have our support. Love Mom, Dad,
God be your pilot as you soar into
as we are
Big-Bro, Mary Ann
proud of you for choosing to serve your country in a time of war and
the wild blue yonder. Jer.29:ll Love, Your Family
great asset. I enjoyed listening
graduate from the USAFA. You are
Cosme, Sean
and achievements. May God's hands always be upon your life. We are prouder than a peacock love you Mom & Dad.
PROUD, as the very 1st in the
Keep flying high! Mom, Dad &
A Pilot in the Making! It is a great honor and a blessing to be your parents!
Your attention to detail will make you a great officer and a great SNACKO. (Jim) Seeing you progress
Debarmore, Nick
Druecke, Kipp
joy. Your positive attitude and commitment to doing the right thing
You did it Nico! You REALLY did
will carry you far. (Brad) Be blessed
heart will be clear, whose
Congratulations on making your dream come true! Good job on all the hard work done at the Academy. Good
from sophomore to a 2Lt has been
in your
AF career! Navigate back
will be high; a son who will master
himself before he seeks to master
to us sometimes! (Stacie)
luck, and God Bless you, in serving your country. Love, Mom and Dad!
other men; one who will learn to
laugh, yet never forget how to
Daniels, Christopher
weep; one who will
blessed to have a son like you and
proud of your success at the USAFA.
Duede, Jacob
reach into the
future, yet never forget the past.
We are so proud of you and your
Gen. MacArthur Congratulations Son!
accomplishments! Love, Mom, Dad
Dilley, Grant
Duenes, Michael
and Sean
Your hard work and perseverance has paid off. You have set an example for future family members to follow. Outstanding Job. May
God bless you and and we love you dearly. Mom & Dad
God be with you and be the Pilot of your life. We love you and are honored to be your parents and sister.
Congratulations Mickey D! Crede quod habes et habes Ad eundum -
lit John, June and
Photo by Maj. Tom Jost
Dye, David L Congratulations we are so proud You have always achieved We wish you the best knowing you will excel and succeed in whatever you set out to do!
Ferut, John Douglas
Flatley, Bridget Nolan
Foote, Dayne
Congratulations Bridget! We are
Dear Dayne Foote Few people are
determine the direction from
proud of you. This was your dream and you followed it through. The entire Flatley and Cashman
John not
which admiration flows. I
of your commitment to God,
community and family. I am so very proud of you. Love Aunt Carol
talented, determined, and patient
families wish you all the best as you
enough to accomplish the dreams and goals of their childhood-you are one of those lucky few! Enjoy
this great country. We love
all you have achieved for now is
you. Mom, Dad and Ray
Eromin, Katrina Eromin, Katrina Your
so very
begin living the life
you dreamed of. We Love YouHeart & Soul! Dad, Mom, Daryne
honor & integrity have served you well
and Patty.
& will continue to guide you throughout your career.
the time you
We are all so proud of
you. Love Mom, Dad and Family
Gentry, Jessica You did it, Jessica!!! You fought to
get in; you fought to stay. But YOU DID IT! IPOY. Thank you for letting
along with you during these frequently frustrating years. What a joy it will
Gilbert, Nathaniel W I have
always had faith in you, Nate. Keep soaring. May God always have a hedge of protection
Gill, Patrick Dennis
Fly High and God
Bless Patrick, they say that the choices we make in our lives defines
Goodwin, Collin 2 Lt. Collin
"Porkchop" Goodwin Congratulations on a tremendous accomplishment!!! May God bless
us come
around you. Blievnu! I do! All my
who we are. Your choices define you
and protect you in all of your future
four fabulous, fun and
love, Mom
as a man
of Perseverance, Attitude,
endeavors!! Always seek whatever
Talent, Respect, Integrity, Courage
right, pure, of good repute, and all things excellence. We are so proud of you!! All our love, Dad.
be to see what you will do with the
incredible gifts God has given you. We love you. Mama and Daddy
Green, Ashley Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Congratultions! We love you Boogie Doo. Mom and Dad
i r~m
Friends Family and Supporter Messages
and Knowledge. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep joy in your heart. Love As
Alway, Mom and Kerrie
Andrea, Cass, Carson, Savannah, Walker and John Steven.
Graff, Justin
Hammon, Aimee
Guzman, Francisco
Hansen, Julia
We Are So Proud of You--Justin
Your hard work
We are so PROUD of you Aimee...
B. Graff JB, We are all so very
You Rule! I've learned that people
years ago beside soaring hills, under
proud of youl! Your perseverance
and perseverance paid off. We are also proud that you will serve
will forget what you said, people
skies woven with silvers and blues,
and ability to balance all that was
required of you in such an honorable
the greatest tradition of those of us
great nation. Your service is in
way is a statement about who you
who served before you. We are so
person. As you graduate
excited for your future. May God
and move on, we will always be
always be in your heart and guide
there for you. We love you, Mom,
you all your
are as a
life. We wish you the
Dad, Nick, Todd, Ryan, Grandpa
best, we love you! Mom, Dad, and
& Grandma
Juan J.
Harrison, Michael Words cannot express how proud of you.
Through ups and downs and with God by your side, you soared like an eagle. We can't we are
wait to see what God has planned
forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Don't ever forget that great leadership is not an entitlement; it is a privilege. God Bless and Keep You As You Travel Thru Life, Jamommy, Jibe' and Jinger
Hill, Anthony Hill,
Anthony D. I'm extremely proud of your accomplishments and willingness to serve in the worlds greatest Air, Space, and Cyber Force. I wish Grandma Hill
golden ends
Congratulations Mike)!
Julia, 4
and spires pointing a march to many
began, a march with many
squad, prayers to God. We love you & celebrate your strength & determination! Mom & Dad
Homsher, Paul
(Alias Big
friends, teachers, teams, leaders,
Holloway, Michael Alex
just beginning. Graduation was the first step. Keep the Lord in your heart and led him guide your career. I
challenged yourself tremendously and worked so hard to build an amazing foundation for life. We could not be more proud of you
for your life! Congratulations! We
love you! Mom and Dad
achievement; she loves you and is
who gives me strength. Philippians
and love you very much! May God bless you and always be in
proud! Where you're going, there are no roads... ENJOY THE
4:13. We are so very proud of you
and your commitment to our great
Love, Dad, Mom, and Ashley
country. Love, Mom & Dad
here to enjoy this incredible
everything through
Congratulations Paul!
Howard, Regenald Yesterday we looked over into the eyes of a young boy and he smiled. Today we looked into those same eyes and saw a young man and we smiled.
You make us smile with pride. Love you,
Jessup, Chad CONGRATULATIONS! 2nd Lt. Jessup, Chad S Chad, we are so proud of you. Your dedication and hard work have paid off and now the next chapter of your life is about to unfold. Best of luck to you! Love, the Beard, Jessup and Spencer families.
Photo by C1C Nick DeBarmore
Johnson, Ryan Your family is incredibly proud of you and all that you've accomplished! We know the
road was hard, but you filled it with
experiences. The rewards will benefit you for a lifetime. May
your success continue in your career
and remember to let God be your
pilot. We Love You!
Johnson, Ryan Lee Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings
like eagles; they will run & not grow weary,
they will walk & not be faint. soaring Ryan. Love, Aunt
Paula & Austin
Jones, Laura
Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on
your way!
Dr. Seuss (Oh, the
Places You'll Go!)
Klein, Jonathan We are so proud of you. We knew you could
do it. We pray that God's
wisdom and grace will guide you as you continue
your life. PS.119 With all our love. Dad.
Mom, Kristie, Abby
Kurtz, Caroline Caroline Congratulations We
incredibly proud of your accomplishments, not only in academics and leadership, but also in volleyball are
Your hard work, perseverance and talent will take you far! Love from Mom, Dad and Chris
Lam, David You went for your dream and now
you're living it. May God always be in your heart and the pilot of your life.
Congratulations! We love
you. Mom and Dad
Lane, Brian
Leli, James
Congratulations, Brian! As one journey to an end, so another begins. May the skies you fly always be blue. We are so very proud of you and what you have accomplished. With all love, Mom, Dad, and Kevin.
James Louis Leli What a tremendous achievement! Dreams do come true. May God always bless you on your path of success. Remember "A leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don't want to do, and like it." Frank & Brenda Marrero
Levri, Elizabeth
Lindberg, William
Liu, Daniel
Complimenti Betta! From BCT to jumping in the Terrazzo pool, you
Congratulations Daniel Liu May you soar like an eagle. May
left your mark on an unbelievable
Congratulations! All your hard work paid off and you made it through USAFA! We are very proud of you!
Reach for those "Endless Horizons"!
Landeadel, Justin Congratulations Kevin, I am so proud of you! You are a gift, a joy and a blessing from God. May your life be forever showered with
Gods favor. Love, Mom
Lemieux, Jamie It seems like yesterday
you fly off to the Academy. Now you are
truly flying. We love you & are
proud of you. Love, Tracy, Kim, Jadon, Rylan, Brennon
Photo by C4C Andrew Bathurst
We ask
special blessing and protection for you today and forever. You have honored your entire family with your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad, Mary, John and Cate, Joe
Love, Mom, Dad and Derrick
God bless you forever and ever, increase your wisdom, and
your territory. May His hands and
always be with you and pilot you, keep you from harm and danger. The Load is your shepherd; grace
Loyd, Jonathan Jonathan! Your Congratulations adventure begins! Love, Mom, Dad, and Andrea
you shall not be in want. Love from
Mom and Dad.
Leon Guerrero, Dominic V.C. Class 2011 Congratulations on a
Everyone proud of
are so
Hold me, Jose!! We
proud of you!! Love you lotsa!
McConnell, Caleb
Martin, Drew
Lyon, Travis Anton Baby T
We are Congratulations so incredibly proud. Your faith,
family is your accomplishment. As the first to graduate from a Military Academy, you have set the bar quite high for those that aspire to follow your footsteps. Best wishesl
J, C, K, R. G, R, L, K, R, M & D (& Tobi too!)
Job well done! God bless. Nina &
Your graduation marks an ending
DONE, SON. All our love, Mom
and a beginning. Our joy continues
and Dad
accomplishment. Remain on course. May God bless and watch over
Markling, Matthew
you as you enter the next amazing
phase of
best as you pursue new dreams. Your
family, mom, Aunt Jane. Jessica. Dale and Levi. LYMYKY!
McDonald, Shawn Congratulations on achieving your goal! All your hard work has paid off! great nation and througout future. We are so proud of you! your
serve our
big heart! May God always be
part of your life. We are so very proud of your accomplishments as
did it. We are so proud of you. All the
May God bless & protect you as you
watching the man you've become. A man of character; a big man with a
You Did It! Congratulations Caleb, you
Love, Mom & Dad
Loyd, Ryan Congratulations! "The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it: We are so proud of your
you begin your successful Air Force
Career. We love YOU, Mom & Dad
accomplishments and we know you will serve our nation proudly. With all our
Martin, Stephanie Agnes You rocked as a cadet and you will
officer. Our hearts
Mendelsohn, Michelle You've done it!!
Congratulation your
hard work has paid off. Now on to
bursting with pride! Enjoy the journey.
your next step for your dream. Good
Love, Mom, Dad, Jen and Em
luck at pilot school. I am very proud of
you and love you very much Dad
love Mom and Chuck
Friends Family and Supporter Messages
Meineke, Kelcie
Mendelsohn, Michelle
Menzel, Robert
Congratulations Daughter" The world is waiting for
You are the Master of Your Fate. You are the Captain of Your Soul.
Congratulations, Rob! You have accomplished so much. Were grateful
you. You now have the freedom to
You have looked at USAFA in your
follow your dreams and create a life
rear-view mirror. Every great dream
you love. Listen to your inner voice
begins with a Dreamer. Now on
and trust your instincts, because you have everything you need to
to your
and will continue to pray for God's
providence and protection in your life. Be His wingman always! We love you!
Mom, Dad, & Liz
path that is yours alone. You make us proud each and every day! With Love, Your Family.
Mitnaul, Justin
carve a
Congratulations blessed
Moses, Kyle
You worked so hard and deserve all
from Omaha-across
the recognition and success that awaits
the USA and
Europe--to USAFA.
enjoyable four years! Seriously-we are so proud of you-a man Mendelsohn, Michelle Congratulation!
You. Good Luck and a
Mendoza, Scott
Proud of
Happiness to
of faith and love. Never stray from the good Lord. We love you. Mom
and Dad.
We are so very proud of you,
and cant wait to see what your future holds!
Congratulations! Rayne & Brandon
Moses, Kyle You made it! We
proud of
you and you continue to amaze us every single day! Your future success is only limited by your dreams, so keep dreaming big baby. We love you more than words can say! Mom & Dad
Nguyen, Daniel Manh-Tien Dear
DaniellCongrats on your graduation! We are so thankful and proud of you as always. We knew that you have strength, determination and a serving heart.
We wish
all your
future undertakings! Always keep a
students spirit, true discernment &
humility. God bless, love, Nguyen, Grand-Parents Dad Mom Patrick Christine Michelle.
Nichol, James Nichol, James
Ryan We are
proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You never cease to
Continue to follow
dreams. The
sky's the limit!
Love Always, Your Family
Page, William Congratulations Will! We couldn't be Your hard work and more proud. perseverance have paid off. We are confident in you and your success no matter where your career takes you.
Love Dad & Mom.
Palicia, Noah Noah A. Palicia Congratulations and Good Luck! Mom and Dad
Palicia, Noah We are very proud of you! Good luck!
Love, Mom & Dad
Penner, Travis Penner, Travis J. We are very proud of you son!! We are grateful for your strong work ethic, and ability to finish strong. We pray God will continue to Bless your future in the Air Force. Love you Travis!! Dad & Mom
Friends Family and Supporter Messages
AA unger, Justin Reid
Pingel, Bradley
Porter, Evan
I am so proud of you, Justin! You
Bradley Pingel Congratulations on
enlisted just a few years ago and then decided to go into the
your great achievement! The first of
Porter, Evan M. Congratulations Evan! We are incredibly proud of you and all
Academy. Now you have a college degree and serving our country as an officer. You should be proud of your accomplishments! Stand tall and be proud, you have earned it!
many yet to come in a very bright
future. Continue to do your very best and remember You are the
Captain of your Fate and you are
you have achieved.
May your future
be filled with continued success and
happiness. Can't wait to see what's next. Love Mom, Dad & Ryan
the Master of your Soul" Love Dad
Ramsey, Taryn
& Mom
Taryn Ramsey Congratulations on your 2011 Graduation and Acceptance to
Onward and upward. Love you, son! Dad
Medical School. We recognize it has not
been an easy road to follow but
YOU made it. You are "SIMPLY THE BEST" With our Love
Puffenbarger, Haley
Reynolds, James
Dawn Puffenbarger, Haley Congratulations--you did it! We are so
proud of you. Good luck as you
take off on an exciting career. You're great stuff and getting better every day! God bless. Love you, Mom, Dad, Mark, and Steven
of you. Your hard work has paid off. Now you are set for a successful
bright future. We
salute you! Love, Mom, Dad, Joe
Riley, Brian Congratulations Brian Christopher Guite
proud of you. After 4 tough years you
your way to
Remember "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around
bring you
toiling upward in the night.
We are so proud of you, your hard
while, you could miss it.
We will forever be your wing man and will always love you. Dad and Gina
-Ferris Bueller
Rescue Officer and who knows what else. May the years ahead success
in a
Powell, Caleb F. The heights by great men reached and kept where not obtained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept,
work, and
and Rob
Mom and Dad
Powell, Caleb
Congratulations Jim! Congratulations! We are so proud
and satisfaction.
Learn from and enjoy the journey. Love- Mom, Dad & Sean.
Rowe, Jessica
Reynolds, James
Ashley proud of the amazing woman you are! Insightful and intelligent, beautiful and brave, Rowe! We're
with an adventurous spirit and a passion for life. Love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations Jimmy!! This has been an amazing four years with you! I enjoyed all our late night phone calls and sporadic visits. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished! I love you so much! xoxo Maura H.
Searuggs, Jasmine
Rowe, Kevin
Well done! You are a blessing from
Boyhood Dream; A Young Man's Accomplishment! So proud of the many special achievements you pursued with passion and strength. Remain safe in
God. The joy of living comes not in what you take but in the giving of is
with you. Life's
journey to enjoy & live to its fullest.
We love you, Mom&Dad I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good
fo me. Psalms 13:6
pursuit of your future endeavors. Kevin, We Love You
your blessing. Choose to love God
& know He
Sherwood, Blake Sherwood, Blake Yeargin We
Soltisz, Benjamin are
very proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Continue to look to God for strength and wisdom and your life will be blessed beyond measure. Congrats! Phil 4:13 We love so
Congratulations! Never could parents be so proud. We wish you the best. The future holds great things for you. We love you. Mom, Dad, Carl and
you, Mom and Dad
Photo by C4C Andrew Bathurst
Tanea Dustin
Spencer, Kelly
Street, Charles
Spencer, Kelly Elizabeth Big Guh has Big Guts! Congraulations, we are so proud of you. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. You are loved, Mom, Dad, Greg and Sean.
Charles G. Street V Quite the ride! Mach 1 Recognition, 1C Track, BCT/ CST Evasion cadre, Panama, Qatar,
tailgate coffee, Flt/CC, Jump, Vegas, aeroclub, flight solo. Fly high, Kunu. So proud. Love, Mom, Dad, Andrew, Toby
Congratulations 2nd Lt James L. Spidel! All your hard work has paid off. We're so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. May God bless you and everything you do in the future. Keep reaching for the sky! We
Alexis Christine Tamosuinas- USAFA 2011 "Driven Pride "...The epitome of your years as you persevered to become an exceptional leader in the world's finest air force! We are very proud of you and your accomplishments!!
love you. Mom & Dad
Love,Mom,Dad,Amanda,A va
Tenenbaum, Marcus
Teresky, Caitlin
Vayda, Travis Terence Bold steps Vayda, equaled great strides. Congratulations
"If it doesn't kill
Cailtin Cecilia Teresky, Congratulations on your graduation
you it will make you stronger." You
and 2d Lt commissioning. You will
made it and we are so proud of
be an exceptional officer. May you
for sticking with it. The entire
realize all your dreams serving our
great nation on the "Long Blue Line". We will be with you every step.
wish you all the best, we love you.
with your wit, individuality, spunk,
you always, Mom and Dad.
Tamosuinas, Alexis
You've stayed true to who you are -
curiosity and commitment. We love
Spidel, James
Tanen, Dustin Roark We honor the choice you've made and are so proud of how you've achieved it.
We are so proud and love you so
much! Mom, Dad, Jackie, Jessica
son! We wish you blue skies with calm air
powered by a roaring jet engine even higher. Love Mom
to send you
& Dad!
Wallin, Kurt Kurt William Wallin
Congratulations proud of you. A great future awaits you. May God
Kurt. We
Bless You and be in your life with the of future goals. We love you.
Mom and Dad
White, Aaron
Vidt, Courtney
we are
all very proud of
you. 1 am so happy for you, you have made your dreams come true.
1 have watch you grow from a little
girl to a beautiful young women. All
experiences have helped you become who you are
Wind, Jordan
White, Aaron Thomas We are proud of you end your accomplishments. Your hard work and perseverance have paid off. We wish you the best as you begin a new chapter of you life. Remember: Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always Psalms 105:4 We bve you always! Dad, Mom, Teddy, Alisa, & Andrew
did it very well. You now have the keys to your future, go forth and better! And if that's not
enough your award & capstone
today. Your foundation is strong and always know there are many people who love you very much. Gods Speed!
son what Congrads You did it accomplishment!
Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Sarah Congratulations! You
goal for yourself and you accomplished it! Your whole family is so proud of you. We wish you all the set
project tops it off, saving lives of soldiers-marines too, Good job! We are so
proud of you BRAVO!! Love
always Mom & Dad
best as you follow your dreams. We love you. Mom and Dad
Wind, Jordan
Witzig, Ryan
Wood, Kelli
Everybody proud of you. You should be so proud of yourself. You are at the
Congratulations Ryan Thomas Witzig Dear Ryan, For this boy we have prayed & God has granted our
Congrats Kelli Wood! There has always been something remarkable
request..." 1 Sam 1:27 We are blessed
about you. You have proven your
start of the most exciting adventure
to be your parents. Now go forward
Job well done!
of your life. Enjoy every minute of this adventure and may God be
to CRO and beyond
with God. Our
love & blessings, Mom & Dad
Wherever you go, know that you an amazing source of love and pride. May God watch over are
with you. Love and best wishes, Jim
Wood, Kelli
and Marianna
Congratulations Lt. Kelli Wood!!!! Kelli, We knew you could do it!! It's been a
long road, and your dream has finally come to
fruition! Now you will continue
to soar!! We love you and are so very
proud of you! Love, Dad and Kelly
ability to accomplish your dreams.
Friends Family and Supporter Messages
you venture out to
fhe world. We love you. Mom &
Wood, Thomas Thomas on
Congratulations significant accomplishment.
Your unwavering commitment and determination has enabled your dreams to come true. Your Dad is
beaming with joy as he is watching you
from Heaven. Your sister and
I are so proud of you today and every day. Love, Mom and Emily
Worth, Derek Worth, Derek Bradford My son, what
monumental event your is for you, another
milestone you have accomplished. Your hard work, perseverance and your
continual trust
God have
journey. Thank my son. I'm very
you in your
you for
being proud to be your mother.
Wright, Tyler Tyler, per angusta ad augusta Love Always, Mom, Dad and Zach
Zwirlein, Andrew Andrew Paul Zwirlein Congratulations, with perseverance and determination you have made your dream come true.
Fly high and wherever you go, go with all your heart. Were so very proud of you. Love Mom, Kristin & Emily
Photo by Maj. Tom Jost
often become ch
but challenges are what we
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Index A
Alfred, Michael R 392
Archer, Joshua L 379
Bae, Jae Jin 179, 181, 182, 196
Alicea, Rafael 377
Archibald, Michael 344
Bagdasar, Brooke E 431
Alleman, Robert J 387
Arcidiacono, Alexander A 367
Bahorik, Eric P 429
Allen, Emily Rebecca 268
Arellano, Nicholas A 395
Baik, Elijah J 417
Allen, Jacob J 388
Ariguzo, Ikenna 393
Bailey, Courtney M 413
Allen, Jeffrey Michael 232
Arita, James K 380
Bailey, Daniel B 365
Abbate, Evelyn A 181, 392
Allevato, Giovanni 413
Armacost, Michael A 387
Bailey, Jamil 433
Abbott, Laura A 308
Allison, Carly A 383
Armes, Nathan W 411
Bailey, Kyle Owen 86, 87, 212
Abdulrazaq, Leila J 373
Allison, Lauren Elizabeth 164, 328
Armour, Michael A 425
Bailey, Lauren N 179, 386
Abies, Cody W 180,360
Allison, Rachel E 176, 373
Armstrong, Charles J 381
Bailey, Matthew C 367
Abraham, Amy M 182, 376
Allum, Kevin D 220
Armstrong, Dan V 252
Bailey, Rebecca M 359
Abrecht, Blake R 411
Almond, Levi D 416
Armstrong, Mason T 358
Baird, Timothy S 363
Abrecht, Evan D 394
Alonso, Michael Louis 296
Arndt, Alexander Joseph 81, 216
Baker, Alexander C 369
Acero, Daniel 312
Alora, John I 411
Arneberg, Benjamin J 388
Baker, Dariel R 369
Aceves, Ryan P 391
Alor, Jimmy L 393
Arnett, Thomas J 423
Baker, Kari A 178, 373
Abakunda, Joseph
177, 433
Achenbach, Joseph E 388
Alsen, Steven R 406
Arquette, David M 359
Baker, Kyle W 407
Acuna, Fernando Suito 294
Alt, Anthony T 386
Arrington, Kristian C 363
Baker, Nathan 431
Adagio, Nicholas J 411
Altman, Reed 284
Arrowood, Ryan M 403
Baker, Stephen M 411
Adair, William Clayton 256
Alva, Matt A 300
Artman, Eric M 425
Baker, Tom 296
Adamik, Frank Ray 332
Alvarado, David R 411
Artz, Edward J 367
Baker, Wesley S 372
Adams, Brianna N 380
Alvarez, Juan S 423
Arvidson, Kaylyn Clare 38, 200
Baldwin, Spencer K 393
Adams, Carter S 393
Alvarez, Michael A 384
Arthur, Rachael Lee Swanner 200
Balish, Margarita A 369
Adams, David C 40, 182, 420
Amack, Brady A 384
Asche, David Allen 174, 312
Ball, Andre D 369
Adams, Jessica C 175, 391
Amaddio, Anthony R 425
Ashby, Robert W 173,385
Ballard, Naomi 324
Adams, Matthew J 244
Ambanpola, Waruna E 173, 379
Ashley, Aaron T 366
Ballen, Linden B 360
Adams, Ryan E 403
Ambard, Timothy T 383
Ashley, Damien M 405
Balthazar, Lantz R 328
Adams, Travis Kirby 252
Ament, Stephen D 367
Ashley, Jonathon Michael 308
Balutowski, Alison A 425
Adams, Zachary H 405
Ames, Kyle Brandon 220
Ashton, Bryan T 410
Banda, Jacob 344
Addy, Scott M 208
Amor, Dominique M 381
Asmar, Dylan 181, 182, 316
Bandi, Jennifer 179, 212
Adeji-Paul Jr, Paul I 388
Amos, Eric J 423
Asu, Erol G 204
Bangen, Peter B 407
Adeniji, Moshood A 373
Amundsen, Stanley 179, 308
Atchison, Eric 304
Adeoba, Feyisade A 387
Anatra, Michelle L 401
Atitya, Amanda P 360
Bangert, Sara M 404 Bang, John 385
Adjangba, Daniel A 355
Anda, Kschristopher M 375
Atkins, Danielle 386
Bangley, Sarah J 404
Adkins Jr, Donald J 396
Anderson, Alexander Nathan 256
Atkins, Jonathan J 430
Bannon, Brandon K 359
Adkins, Francis V 395
Anderson, Bryan E 397
Atkinson IV, John D 408
Banta, Jonathan Christopher 256
Africano, James T 375
Anderson, Cody M 379
Atkinson, Madeline M 415
Baptist, Jeffrey D 425
Agee, Chelsea J 175, 328
Anderson, Colby B 422
Atkinson, Shelby M 369
Barattino, Matthew William 200
Agee, James M 355
Anderson, David J 414
Attillo, Nicholas H 389
Barbazon, Mathew 429
Agudo, Karl 268
Anderson, James Woodall 228
Audette, Mark L 387
Barbee, Jenny Ann 212
Aguilar, Eduardo R 425
Anderson, Mary C 396
Audiss, Michael D 376
Barber, Chante' N 407
Aguilar III, Felix M 393
Anderson, Rex L 433
Auerbach, Josh 192
Barber, Katie 292
Aguon Hock, William Gabriel 349
Anderson, Ryan J 385
Aukerman, Chad E 374
Barber, Kristian A 414
Ahloo, Jacqueline J 415
Andre, Brian S 411
Aultman, James Frank 236
Barber, Lindsey A 178, 374
Ahmad, Muhammad A 377
Andreas, Donald 391
Averill, Ryan F 371
Barger, Evan A 427
Ahn, Julie C 415
Angelet, Blaize E 354
Avers, Thomas J 413
Barina, Daniel K 426
Ahrens, Russell T 364
Ansel, Christopher Heiwa 340
Avila, Matthew P 348
Barkemeyer, Jared S 372
Aiken, Benjamin R 404
Anthony, Ian A 403
Avjian, Eryn K 433
Barkley, Nicholas L 391
Ainscough, Thomas Grover 181, 182, 312
Anthony, Matthew D 367
Ayala, Daniel A 372
Barlow, Logan Hyrum 240
Ainvsworth, William C 425
Antinone, Joshua P 431
Ayure-Lopez, Angel Adrian 320
Barnes, Austin T 419
Akaydin, Matthew H 394
Antoszewski, Kyle J 401
Appel, Kenneth S 355
Barnes, Max Jeffray 162, 304
Akina, Brooke A 357 Albano, James John 196
Appleton, Thomas J 385
Babauta, Maria H 401
Barnhart, Michael David 300
Albertson, Alexander S 355
Aradine, Sharon 428
Babbs-Butler, Alexander 180, 268
Barragan, Ismael 365
Alderman, Andrew 22, 371
Aragon Jr, Angelito E 397
Baccash, David G 364
Barrett, Nicholas B 370
Alequin, Jacqueline P 355
Arakawa, Michael B 375
Bachand, Valerie L 385
Barrette, Simone E 78, 356
Alexander, Edward S 381
Aranda, Gabrielle M 381
Bader, Nolan A 427
Alexander, Jerell N 371
Archambault, Paul M 402
Badger, Nathan D 429
Barringer, Benjamin 179, 428 Barringer, Daniel E 375
Barnes, Samuel T 369
Barrington, Zachary L 402
Bell, Robert A 430
Bigej, Britta L 178, 401
Boone, Spencer H 417
Barrios, Jeancarlo 361
Bell, Zachary Frederick 348
Biglow, Alex Erik 232
Bopp, Jonathan S 376
Barron, David L 212
Beltran, Jesus 192
Binzer, Henry W 355
Borah, Jon H 359
Barron, Rebecca L 367
Belviso, Anthony John 204
Birdsell, Brendon J 369
Borecky, Kurt A 355
Bartholomew, Keil M 228
Belz, Robert F 354
Borg, Zachary Albert 200
Bartmas, Ashley R 421
Bender, Matthew Timothy 272
Birdsong, Hunter B 427 Birmingham, Jon James 232
Barton, Jessamy I 380
Benischek, Mark David 54, 179, 272
Bisschops, Suzanne M 371
Bosner, David L 397
Basek, Bradley T 381
Benitez, Jose A 401
Bitner, Stephan W 385
Bostick, Clifton T 357
Baska, David S 395
Benjamin, Tyler John 256
Bittner, Stephen T 417
Bostick, Nehemiah F 216
Bassut, Aaron J 417
Bennett, Brittany 175, 296
Bixby, Nicholas E 276
Boston, Zakaria B 425
Bast, Alexander C 423
Bennett, Diana N 366
Black, Hugh MacDonald 208
Boswell, Cody W 174,182, 422
Bateman, Bo T 395
Bennett, Jennifer L 397
Black, Jason E 400
Bosworth, Gina L 428
Bateman, Joel Nathan 196
Bennett, Krista L 355
Blackburn, Bethany P 354
Boudreaux, Brett Michael 312
Bathurst, Andrew R 11, 421
Bennett, Tanner J 363
Blaess, John J 383
Bowen, Hilary M 369
Batie, Carolyn M 50, 378
Bennett, Zachary L 362
Blain, Amanda M 397
Bowman, Sean G 393
Borroni, Elizabeth Nicole 236
Batson, Christopher Maxwell 260
Benson, Jeffrey A 404
Blake, Christopher 395
Bowyer, Charles G 368
Battle, Elliott Anthony 224
Benson, Matthew C 403
Blakely, Indigo D 427
Box, Elizabeth Lee 179, 332
Baucke, Joseph D 377
Bentley Jr, Keith X 375
Bland, Robert C 369
Boyce, Brett Roland 2, 179, 280
Bauder, Josh 332
Bentz, Bryan R 357
Blank, Robert H 390
Boyd, Shayne J
Bauman, Rebecca D 24, 377
Benz, Vitaliy O 272
Blanton, Charity G 361
Boyd, Trevor Collin 280
Baumann, Benjamin H 355
Beranek, David H 404
Blasbalg, Jacob H 412
Boyer, Mark W 182, 398
Baumeister III, David H 409
Berenguer, Curtis C 359
Blasdel, Zachary T 372
Boyington, Sean M 292
Baumgardner, Julie O 412 Baxter, Jeremiah Lynn 244
Berg, Alivia K 106, 375
Blazevic, Evan D 413
Berger, Kelsey K 71, 419
Bleckman, Matthew R 360
Boykin, Carmilya Nichole 220 Boy Ian, Edward Vincent 260
Berglund, Todd A 399 Bergman, Bryce T 358
Bledsoe, Joseph W 340
Boyle, Casey C 175,399
Beabout, Jonathan E 427
Blessing, Matthew C 366
Boyle, Joseph P 356
Beall, Dustin M 308
Bergman, Joshua L 418
Boyle, Katherine E 181, 392
Bean, Richard 320
Bergman, Justin M 385
Bleyl, Erin N 107, 417 Bliley, Matthew S 409
Beard, Levi 344
Bergo, Kimberly M 178, 395
Bloch, James R 385
Boyle, Richard G 374
Beath, Matthew Douglas 192
Bergstresser, Daniel P 404
Bloodworth, Tyler P 399
Boylen III, Daniel M 419
Bayne Ward, Matthew P 397
Boyle, Mary E 417
Beatty, David 196
Berheide, Adam C 378
Bloom, Louis S 416
Boyles, Corbin J 360
Beauchamp, Torry S 373
Berreteaga, Carlos G 373
Blore, Aaron Timothy 284
Bracy, Austin S 422
Beauchemin, Kevin M 369
Berridge, Zaqueray R 363
Blott, Justin M 405
Braden, Jeffrey T 312
Beaulieu, Michael P 366
Bertelsen, Joel A 405
Blue, Matthew K 320
Bradfield, David J 425
Beaussart, Alexandre Jacques 244
Bertelson, Benjamin C 397
Blunt II, Stacey P 415
Bradfield, Nathan J 361
Becerra, Emilio 382
Berthiaume, Samantha F 410
Blythe, Kathryn R 59,272
Bradford, Elaine A 175, 355
Beck, Chris 316
Bertsch, Sean S 92, 204
Boardman, Nicholas T 429
Bradford, William Clay 228
Beck, Raimee H 70, 71, 228
Berwyn, Andrew J 357
Boatright, Dalton L 79, 429
Bradford, Zachary Taylor 300
Beck, Whitney G 320
Berwyn, Karl A 398
Boben, Joseph J 181, 182, 280
Bradin III, James W 401
Becker, Jared Daniel Alvin 135, 174, 181,
Beski, Elliott E 365
Bodnar, Patrick M 424
Bess, Kevin 427
Bodtke, Rebecca 296
Bradley, Jonathan S 39, 224 Bradley Jr, Loyd A 377
Becker, Matt 260
Bessler, Jacob C 373
Boechler, Kenn R 411
Bradshaw, David R 357
Beckett, Christina M 395
Besson, David H 365
Boedeker, Ryan F 381
Bradshaw, Jacob S 417
Beckman, Andrew S 422
Best, Jade E 208
Boehme, Grant 372
Bradshaw, Jana L 392
Beckman, Daniel M 377
Bet, Nolan R 433
Boerckel, Daniel J 411
Brady, Kevin L 398
Beeman, Mark 272
Betcher, Nathan R 402
Brady, Ryan D 376
Beerse, Melissa Ann 236
Bethke, Kellan Dane 264
Boettger, Corbin E 431 Bogan, Kaitlyn J 372
Begansky, Catrina Z 408
Bettinger, Andrew 379
Bogue, Sean 373
Brakeville, Adam J 407
Behr, David C 372
Bettis, Matthew S 425
Bohac, Renee R 423
Brand, Daniel A 386
Beiber, Claire 25,357
Beveridge, Alexander C 363
Bohannon, Kami L 369
Brandenburg, Todd C 359
Beilby, James H 420
Bibeau, Kaitlin A 284
Bohdel, Ryan J 375
Brandon Jr, Stewart C 380
Beissner, James 374
Bickford, Jessica E 178, 404
Bohnenkamp, Emily M 379
Brandt, Megan I 381
Belanger, Van-Ryan J 200
Biddy, Ethan W 395
Bolden, Andrew M 420
Branton, Blake A 357
Belden, Caleb M 371
Bieber, Claire L 357
Bolster, Jordan K 375
Branyen, Rebecca D 316
Bell, Kenan C 415
Bieber, Daniel E 367
Bolton, Amanda D 424
Bratka, Nathan A 72, 407
Bell, Mark 212
Bieber, Kelly A 388
Bomar, Joseph V 11, 397
Bratt, Leah M 419
Bell, Matthew J 371
Bierman, John M 387
Boone, Evan R 397
Bray, Monica C 381
Bragg, Isaiah L 77, 387
Brazil III, Robert J 406
Brundidge, Joshua C 363
Butt, Kristin N 403
Breault, Victor E 357
Brunner, Brett W 403
Buttitta, Andrew Ryan 181, 196
Carroll, Katherine L 77, 382
Breaux, Jason 192
Brush, Davis T 377
Byerley, Brooke N 379
Carroll, Shawn P 357
Carroll, Jerry Dean 228
Brechbuhl, Christian W 381
Bruski, Shane M 177, 369
Byorth, Jacob B 386
Carroll, Zachary James 97, 260
Brecht, Michael L 426
Bruton, Justin D 355
Byrd, Dylan T 411
Carson, James Edward 176, 200
Bremser, Jennifer G 77, 387
Bryant, Garret L 396
Byrd, Lindsey A 383
Carte, Christopher L 354
Brennan, Richard J 406
Bryant, Matthew L 403
Brenner, Jeffory A 406
Buchanan, Paul A 385
Breske, Tyler S 415
Bucher, Eduard T 405
Cachro, Victoria 355
Carter, Cameron A 304
Breslow, Rebecca A 411
Bucher, Emily T 363
Cady, Andrew M 174, 431
Carter, Lauren M 358
Bresnahan, Jordan S 389
Bucher, Matthew J 425
Cagle, Shawn A 173, 393
Carter, Nathan J 236
Breuker, Jared R 413
Buck, Spencer H 354
Cahill, Sean P 373
Carter, Thomas J 420
Carte, David B 419
Carte, Gregory R 424
Brew, Matthew S 182, 204
Buckingham, James S 32, 423
Cain, Matthew E 430
Carty, Ford B 377
Brewer, Jeannette F 381
Buckingham, Johnny 328
Cains, Jennifer A 359
Casburn, Richard F 42, 43, 220
Brewer, Stormi L 175, 372
Buda, Tania 41, 179, 252
Calderone, Christopher C 371
Casci, Kyle A 397
Bridgers, Dalton L 421
Buechel, Colton L 427
Caldwell, Matthieu P 359
Cascino, Louis Joseph 252
Bridges, Dustin E 421
Buenger, Thomas P 252
Calite, lima 393
Casey, Joshua P 373
Briehl, Austin C 417
Buerger, Matthew T 367
Caliva, Anthony M 410
Casey, Lantz Wayt 208
Brigman, Ryan M 419
Buford, Matthew R 428
Call, Alister 292
Casey, Shauna L 430
Briley, Andrew N 344
Bugg, Kathryn M 407
Brill, Kurt D 374
Buitrago, Johncarlo A 383
Callaghan, Patrick M 413 Calloway, Andrew M 411
Cassabaum, Christina M 374
Brimelow, Halie A 401
Bunecke, Kirsten 403
Camacho, Edward D 412
Cassady, Kyle H 429
Bristol, Jackson A 401
Buns, Abigail M 383
Cameron, Ayana D 389
Cassidy, Christopher D 174, 368
Bristol, Kelsey E 179, 408
Burbach, Jason S 387
Cameron, Brandon M 399
Cassleman, Richard C 386
Brito, Andre D 175, 409
Burch, Logan S 397
Cameron, Theresa L 131, 377
Cassman, Sarah C 110, 328
Cash, Colton T 308
Broadbent IV, Gordon P 409
Burghardt, Kimberly Mahalia 340
Campbell, Adam J 380
Castaneda, Jorden B 397
Broadbent, Jonathan D 180, 358
Burke, Christina Renee 312
Campbell, Andrew M 332
Castellanos, Katrina C 375
Broch, Michael A 414
Burke, Daniel R 51, 407
Campbell, Daniel Eric 280
Castles, Benjamin W 355
Brock, Dylan L 404
Burke, Patrick K 366
Campbell, Hannah A 360
Castro, Sarah T 379
Brock, Katherine R 387
Burke, Terry W 409
Campbell, Ryan Alexander 179, 272
Cataldo, Nicholas R 368
Brock, Katie 284
Burk, Rachel S 402
Canales, Angelica Catherine Renee 192
Catchpole, Loren A 405
Brockington, Richard S 401
Burnett, Derrick William 264
Canales, Christina Lindsey 252
Caulkins, Robert Jace 29, 196
Brookover, Brian S 363
Burnette, William D 427
Canino, Anthony M 377
Cavallo, Andrew 176, 182, 268
Brooks, Christopher A 433
Burnett, Karl A 405
Cannada, Briceton M 359
Cave, Christina M 403
Brooks, Derek Antonio 69, 248
Burnham, Matthew J 367
Cannioto, Michael E 357
Cazares, Monique A 204
Brooks II, Rodney E 416
Burns, Aaron J 409
Caparas, Rainer E 394
Ceci, Michael V 406
Brotnov, Ian M 383
Burns, Andrew M 369
Capes, Karolyn C 423
Cecil, Melissa A 395
Broughton, Peter B 410
Burns, David A 421
Capko, Kyle C 256
Celio, Michael Lee 240
Broussard, Jared M 369
Burns, Derek A 402
Caple, Stephen D 94, 366
Ceranski, Alison M 374
Brown, Benjamin 268
Burnside, Brett M 389
Caplinger, Patrick W 359
Cerimele, Joshua C 412
Brown, Benjamin L 394
Burrows, Christin S 348
Capra, Vincent J 364
Cesare, Hannah M 425
Brown, Collie W 308
Burruss, Carmella C 382
Cardenas, Kevin R 397
Ceynar, Jacob J 417
Brown, Christopher J 364
Burton, Joshua J 366
Cardwell, Casey R 356
Chambers, Canyon L 431
Brown, Claire E 432
Burton, Samuel J 409
Carew, Stephen C 94, 431
Chambers II, James E 407
Brown, Douglas M 397
Buscher, Austin J 181, 182, 398
Carey, Nathan J 355
Chambers, Michael Arthur 252
Brown, Emily D 174, 280
Bush, Mary K 361
Carillo, Anthony J 390
Champion, Christopher M 359
Brown, Erin J 369
Buslinger, Kirsten A 370
Carley, Sean C 67, 427
Brown, Jessica Lynn 264
Chan, David Yue-Wing 324
Bussey, Lee G 357
Carlson, Daniel M 424
Chandler, Adam Steven 240
Brown, Marie A 178, 421
Buster, Laura Jayne 224
Carlton, Mister 375
Chandler, Thomas 98, 280
Brown, Michael J 354
Butcher, Daniel A 429
Carpenter, Andrew J 375
Chao, Chia-Hsien 354
Brown, Tory C 89, 413
Butcher, Zachary S 419
Carpenter II, Paul M 408
Chapman, Andrew L 425
Brown, Tyler A 404
Butler, Ian A 415
Carpenter, Kory J 232
Chapman, Joseph M 383
Brown, Willis R 180,388
Butler III, Corydon B 430
Carr, Adam J 361
Browning, Colby T 403
Chaput, Colby D 364
Butler, Jason M 417
Carr, Jennifer M 365
Charles, Marc P 328
Browning Jr, Thomas J 396
Butler, Jeremy J 391
Carriedo, Maria C 415
Bruder, Jacob P 398
Charney, Nicholas Robert 264
Butler, Joshua D 424
Carrillo, Marlena J 300
Chase, Candice J 280
Brumbaugh, David W 416
Butler, Michael A 356
Carrington, Kevin R 361
Chavers, Jacob M 371
Chavez, Benjamin K 420
Clayton, Nicholas A 433
Conradi, Steven G 384
Cox, Shane D 375
Chavez, Matthew E 379
Cleary, Brendan R 216
Conrad, Tyler A 369
Cox-Ferreras, Bernard E 369
Coyle, Emily A 428
Chavez, Miguel Millares 179
Clement, Aaron J 405
Conrow, Corinne B 425
Chavez, Nancy Carolina 304
Clements, Monica R 400
Conroy, Brendan T 405
Craig, Michael 433
Chavez, Ricardo A 359
Cleveland, Carson 308
Conroy, Eric M 276
Crain, Erin M 175, 409
Cramer, Joel 411
Chen, Chia-Hsuan 405
Cleveland-Hadley, David A 354
Constable, Sebastian 375
Chen, Daniel H 427
Clinard, Matthew E 368
Conte, Philip A 177, 421
Crompton, Michael J 377
Chen, Vincent 379
Cline, Yvette 344
Cook, Colin E 425
Cranfill, Rachel C 391
Cherf, Darrell J 413
Clinton, Aarol T 410
Cook, Cory 256
Cranston, Kyle C 433
Chermel, Allison R 402
Clinton, Hailey E 407
Cook, James Phil 51, 296
Cravens, Jocelyn 253
Chesney, Alexander J 332
Clisby, Lauren E 427
Cook, Joseph R 284
Crawford, Peter R 423
Cheung, Joseph S 399
Clowes, Derek E 221
Cook, Richard D 389
Crespo, Rachelle M 52, 373
Chiaro, Anthony J 413
Clukey, Maximilian 240
Cooke, David James 264
Chiccarelli, Elvira N 394
Coates, Matthew Jacob 73, 244
Cooks, Jamil D 373
Cressy, Kyle A 430 Crider, Benjamin S 372
Chilton, Madison 362
Cobb, Ryan 192
Coombs, Sean Thomas 309
Crippen, Zachary A 376
Chimelski, Erica 348
Cobb, Wesley P 355
Cooney, Ryan J 368
Crippes, David John 336
Cochran, Benjamin Guy 248
Cooper, Cameron S 427
Critchfield, Ryan B 354
Chinlund, Andrew R 382
Cody, Johnathan M 410
Cooper, Chase J 381
Croegaert, Jacob J 361
Chinnery, Karen M 173, 365
Coffey, Kaitlin M 409
Cooper, Chelsea Marie 244
Croghan, Matthew J 431
Cho, Aaron Haejoon 220
Cohen, Daniel S 79, 433
Cooper, James F 179, 384
Crompton, Tyler H 373
Cho, Grace 421
Colangelo, Stephen J 66, 421
Cooper, Keslie R 409
Cromwell, Kristin A 391
Choi, Alexander Hapki 232
Colby, Justin 268
Cooper, Matthew M 367
Crone III, Raymond C 358
Choi, Joanne E 363
Cole, Caleb S 358
Cooper, Michael C 395
Cronin, Lance B 409
j Chin, Yung C 419
Chon, Steven H 433
Cole, Charles 228
Cooper, Owen B 427
Crosby, Molly M 433
Chomey, Christopher R 394
Cole, James R 378
Corapi, Joel Andrew 221
Crouse, Charles O 391
Cboy, Phillip X 404
Cole, Joseph M 367
Corcoran, Brian P 72, 407
Crowe, Ashley R 411
Christ, Ashley R 367
Cole-Fletcher, Simeon N 361
Cordeiro, Timothy J 369
Crowe, Timothy C 375
Christensen, Curtis 204
Coleman, Elizabeth A 377
Cordell, Cameron C 244
Croxton, Sydney A 384
Christensen, Leif E 381
Coleman, William A 401
Cordero, Lindsay M 429
Cruz, Anna 409
Christensen, Soren A 361
Cole, Marilyn M 369
Cork, Sean M 389
Cruz, Yunior Israel 181, 340
Christman, Joshua 367
Coley, William P 392
Correale, Anthony 340
Cullen, Christopher 176
Christy, Sean M 216
Collett, Brian J 403
Cortez, Danielle M 421
Culpepper, Ian J 173, 371
Chua, Christopher K 372
Collie, Montana W 399
Cortez, Eddy 316
Cumm, Lucas C 268
Chun, Andre K 377
Collier, Kelsey M 411
Cortez, Joseph M 288
Chung, Ashley S 383 Chung, Jonathan M 414
Collier, Travis R 300
Cory, Kim Y 357
Cummings, Anthony J 423 Cummings, Meghan Elizabeth 348
Collins, Dominic M 236
Cosme, Sean A 236
Cummins, Roman A 371
Cialkowski, Peter A 105, 393
Collins, Eric 344
Cosmo, Matthew S 427
Cunningham, Raleigh S 417
Ciechomski, Andrew J 363
Collins, Sarah E 389
Costa, Andrew J 180, 256
Curcio, Candita L 387
Cignoli, Matthew C 418
Collins, Sean 367
Costello, Kenneth 221
Curl, Nathan T 179, 384
Cilia, Robert D 179, 372
Collins, Steven R 394
Coston, Stuart D 408
Curlee, Tyler J 413
Cisneros, Baca 272
Collura Jr, Joseph V 367
Cotharn, Emily K 412
Curran, Michael D 379
Claggett II, Ellis R 430 Clapp, Lydia J 387
Colvin III, James T 432
Cottage, Nicholas Wayne 348
Curry, Daniel J 355
Colwell, Philip E 87,375
Cotter, David Garrett 224
Curry, Ryan Tobin 221
Clark, AsherS 81,84,378
Combest, Ryan 248
Cottingham, Trey G 363
Cusimano, Laura 179, 344
Clark, Cheyne N 372
Compton, Danny R 413
Coughlin, Thomas C 409
Custons, Garrett J 67, 385
Clark, DavidS 220
Compton, Patrick D 379
Coulter, Jon S 417
Cutler, Andrew R 300
Clark, Erik D 176,431
Concepcion, Antonia 296
Cousin, Darrell W 393
Cutler, Trevor 355
Clark, Garrett R 174, 367
Concha, Cory D 181, 399
Cousino, Kyle P 429
Clark, General 175
Congram, Alexander J 381
Cousins, Michael D 354
Clark, John R 403
Conley, Erin E 397
Cowan, Casey William 257
Clark, Timothy 273
Conley, Patrick J 407
Cowen, John W 426
Clark, Wesley R 423
Connell, Kristen E 418
Co wen, Lukas A 391
Clarke, Ke-koa-kaulu-la 367
Conne lan Chapleski, Matthew John
Cox, Casey M 428
Clary, Sheldon C 358
180, 281
D'Agostino, Tyler D 375 Dahlenburg, Joshua A 355
Cox, Hannah J 429
Dahlin, Eric J 411
Clasen, Drew W 418
Connelly, John 208
Cox, Jarrod M 413
Dake, Hannah M 417
Clawson, Layne N 374
Connor, Bradley 196
Cox, Johnathan R 386
Claxton, Stephan H 421
Conque, Mark A 369
Daley, Brandon L 415
Cox, Megan M 371
Dallas, William 208
Dacquel, Raika A 403 Daggit, Aaron T 392
Dally, Ann P 131,422
Decarlis, Ryan J 359
Dietrich, Colton L 361
Druecke, Kipp 216
Daly, Sean K 181,288
Decker, Caleb 297
Dietz, Connor R 376
Drye, Robert J 112, 378
Dancy, Darrell L 361
Decker, John H 365
Dieudonne, Daniel C 375
Dubbs, Shawn C 423
Dandino, Kevin 51, 348
Decker, Zachary S 361
Dilley, Grant R 221
Duckworth, Jean-luc 395
Daniels, Christopher Leonard 336
Deckert, Travis L 380
Dilley, Meredith A 132, 133, 175, 356
Duede, Jake 253
Daniels III, Jim H 420
Decklever, Jacob R 389
Dillon, Duncan J 375
Duenes, Mike 197
Daniels, Jacob A 384
Decoteau, Andrew C 381
Dills, James J 365
Duff, Michael W 363
Daniels, Jillann A 386
Deebel, Robert C 373
Dimmick, Jeremy T 357
Duff, Tamara Anne 228
Danielson, Christopher L 400
Dees, Kelsey M 397
Diniz, Heather C 423
Duffy, Craig W 281
Danielson, Seth T 432
DeGeorge, Jennifer Elizabeth 244 Degrassi, Matthew W 359
Dippel, Brittany C 375
Duffy, Laura M 377
Danish, Danielle 431
Dirks, Belle 260
Duffy, Patrick J 401
Dannemeyer, Erin R 372
Dehue, Pasach G 397
Dirks, Tobias 192
Dugan, Sarah E 398
Danno, Katherine M 377
Deiters, Alyssa M 175, 384
Dixon, Benjamin K 376
Dugan, William S 405
Danno, Troy M 388
Deiters, Kathleen B 378
Dixon, Daniel S 417
Dukes, Ryan B 359
Danowski, Jacob G 391
DeJong, Gabriel David 349
Dluzen, Caroline L 366
Duncan, Bradley M 365
Darden, Chase Justice 200
DeJulio, Nicholas 383
Doby, Rachel K 395
Duncan, Dale A 425
Dark, Jason R 431
Dela Cruz, Drew P 420
Dockery, Jacob W 382
Dunham, Joseph E 421
Darnell, Jeremy A 373
Delaney, Alan D 269
Dodds, Parker V 288
Dunkel, David A 415
Darrohn, Ryan M 236
Delaney, Lauren M 181, 386
Dohms, Edison C 419
Dunlap, Brian Wayne 248
Das, Gyan N 383
Delaney, Neil 119, 304
Dolan, Kevin D 383
Dunlop, James M 354
Daughenbaugh, Corey Austin 297
De La Torre, Christopher 367
Dolata, Jenna L 430
Dunn, Blaze W 396
Daugherty, Melanie K 373 Davenport, Andrew W 418
Delaurell, Kyle M 411
DGIimpio, Justin M 424
Dunn, Cassandra R 175, 397
Delgado, Anthony C 363
Domingo, Rupert Charles 281
Dunn II, Allen J 365
David, Jason W 381
Della Pia, John R 389
Dominice, Timothy P 416
Dunn, Joshua B 411
Davidson, Beau A 395
Dellecker, Frederick D 375
Dona, Nicholas W 411
Dunn, Michael G 193
Davies, Nathan C 395
Delphia, Gavin G 393
Dong, Adrianna L 423
Dunn, Robert C 383
Davies, Steven Z 179, 426
Demarr, Benjamin A 401
Donnelly, Nicholas J 403
Dunne, Adam B 398
Davis, Amanda Lee 216
Demarsh, Robert C 414
Donoho, Rachel E 320
Dunsworth, Mary Elizabeth 224
Davis, Austin T 396
DeMars, Matthew 273
Donovan, Brendan K 399
Duong, Simon 421
Davis Jr, Brian P 406
Demerath, Chaz A 269
Doolittle, Kevin R 400
Dupont, Matthew P 429
Davis, C Holland 340
Demichiei, Matthew E 401
Doom, Jordan E 423
Duran, Austin M 394
Davis, Cody S 361
Demkowicz, Jane M 400
Doran, Erin E 125, 397
Duran Perdomo, Sergio Ernesto 312
Davis, Corey M 405
Demma, Anthony D 360
Dori, Jonah 361
Durbin, Joshua D 379
Davis, Jacob E 377
Demyanek, Derek M 401
Dorlac, Luke J 361
Durham, Daniel F 403
Davis, John M 399
Denehan, Brett P 421
Douglas, Jason A 381
Durham, Michael C 367
Davis, Jonathan A 390
Dennert II, Don W 359
Douglass, William C 429
Durkee, Andrew D 408
Davis, Martinus R 391
Dennis, Zachary K 399
Doumont, Nicholas R 403
Durr, Kevin C 423
Davis, Megan N 413
Denny, John W 379
Dowden, Ryan M 412
Dusak, Ryan S 433
Davis, Nicholas Jacob 281
DePauw, Michael T 421
Dowell, Thomas C 276
Dutton, Brittany N 91, 304
Davis, Sarah D 393
Derby IV, Dan C 373
Downey, Caleb J 403
Duvall, Brack W 362
Davis, Tesia C 429
Derby, Lucas R 253
Downey, Jessica H 415
Dwyer IV, Daniel P 10, 141, 175, 372
Davis Jr, Thomas C 358
D'Errico II, Anthony D 371
Downie, Jeffrey W 405
Dwyer Jr, Kevin M 377
Davis, Zachary J 357
Derussy, Kurt A 388
Downing, Tyler J 409
Dydasco, Zane K 425
Daviscourt, Joshua P 363
Desanctis Jr, James S 25, 417
Downs, J M 385
Dye, David L 269
Dawson, Robert A 328
Deschane, Benjamin G 401
Doyle, Patrick Kieran 212
Dyer, Christopher S 368
Day, Josh 273
Descioli, Louis R 375
Dozier, Megan N 357
Dyer, Wyatt N 368
Day, Kurtis M 412
Desroches, Jeffrey A 359
Drabek, Brent A 432
Dyke, Aaron W 421
Day, Patrick J 414
Destifo, Matthew L 365
Drake, Joseph W 401
Dyson Jr, Shaun T 367
Deacon, Cody O 181, 182, 420
Dettloff, Devon J 416
Drake, Matthew S 369
Dziokonski, Eric A 422
Dean, Carrigan M 409
Dewar, Benjamin R 363
Drapes, Joshua C 380
Dean, Garrett S 419
Dewilde, Benjamin B 410
Drenckhahn, Jeremy T 77, 369
Deangelo, Stephanie L 433
Dewilder, John A 359
Drephal, Heather L 433
Deavor, William C 401
Dewitt, Robert M 391
Drescher, Christian Scott 340
DeBarmore Jr, Nick 10, 123, 181, 182,
Dials, Katherine L 420
Eagle, Zachary R 387 Earp-Pitkins, Christopher R 407
Drewicz, Jessica Louise 309
Eason, Jordan M 415
Diaz, Mario R Avila 220
DeBois, Peter A 297
Eaton, Adrianna J 59, 300
Dickey, Thomas M 415
Driggers, Paul 281 Driggs, Christopher S 248
Debonis, John T 402
Dickinson, Thomas W 383
Dronen, Sean Michael 193
Eberle, Brent A 174, 417
Eaves, Brandon 407
Eberl, Steven G 374 Ebert, Austen J 174, 427
Ecklebe, Derek J 57, 358
Esenwein, Chelsea D 374
Fiebig, Derek N 193
Forbes, Jacob A 369
Eslinger, Andrew C 374 Eslinger, Gregory 181, 182, 345
Finkelstein-Dia, Ryan D 383
Ford, Brian B 415
Finley, Andrew C 398
Ford, Charley Adams 297
Ediger, Adam 273 Edson, Megan S 178, 389
Espinosa, Christopher A 363
Finley, Tyler B 373
Forde, Peter G 399
Espinoza, Jon A 363
Fisayo, Adetunji A 371
Forrester, Jack 205
Edwards, Andrew C 369
Espinoza, Nicholas E 431
Fischer, Coy C 380
Forrest, Matthew S 397
Edwards, Cameron O 425
Estacion, Michael A 173, 392
Fischer, Jakob L 401
Forssell, Kirby A 406
Edwards, Leroi G 386
Etapa, Angela 248
Fischer, Jessica Christina 193
Forsyth, Andrew M 249
Edwards, Mercedes S 425
Etheridge, Charles Mitchell 292
Fish, Michael B 116, 415
Foschi, Peter C 401
Edwards, Richard R 395
Eubank, Josiah W 412
Fisher, Dillon T 415
Foss, Douglas J 388
Edwards, Spencer William 336
Euhus, Joseph M 22, 371
Fisher, Emily Ann 178, 281
Fossen, Conner Van 326
Egan, Henry J 399
Eule, Colette C 361
Fisher, Nicklaus A 425
Foster, Aaron E 424
Egli, Caleb J 400
Evans Jr, James D 376
Fisk, Michael A 373
Fountain, Ryan P 426
Ehrlich, Jacob M 399
Evans, Kyle A 407
Fitle, Kyle D 401
Fouraker, Jacob A 349
Ehrman, Annette Lynn 336
Evans, Mark 179
Fitle, Troy A 403
Fournier, Michael P 420
Eichenberger, Annette R 379
Evans, Ryan J 433
Fitzgerald, Kevin 149
Fow, Thomas J 69, 232
Eichenberger, Stuart A 419
Evans, Sarah E 402
Fitzgerald, Michael J 375
Fox, Angela M 133, 175, 383
Eifert, Carl W 389
Evans, William M 422
Fitzwater, Stephen A 378
Fox, Austin A 425
Eissele, Meagan E 102, 179, 390
Evenson, Adam B 408
Flanagan, Ashley B 371
Fox, David W 179,396
Ekholm, Robin C 399
Evenson Jr, Robert M 248
Flanagan, Jon S 297
Francis, Derek William 297
Ela, Christopher L 396
Evers, Joshua A 391
Flanigan, Erin Michelle 204
Francis, Nicholas C 359
Elder, Ross M 216
Everson, Patrick J 366
Flatley, Bridget Nolan 176, 336
Francis, Zachary J 399
Elizondo, Mario I 425
Evertson, Guy Hamilton 253
Fleming, Christopher F 193
Frankenberger, Allen R 379
Ellington, Ian T 405
Ewasko, Christa E 416
Fleming, Michael R 358
Franklin, Andrew W 22, 370
Elliott, Clayton J 403
Ezekannagha, Okezie 380
Fleming, Ross W 400
Franklin, James J 384
Flemings, Deanna M 181, 389
Franklin, Laronce DeAngelo Jamal 332
Fleming, William D 413
Frankosky, Sarah M 427
Elliott, Jacob T 409
Ellis, Amanda M 390
I Ellis, Scott 316
Fabian, Christopher D 361
Flescher III, Joseph E 433
Frankovic, Adah M 175, 391
Ellison, Ciani M 175, 355
Fabian, Jason W 427
Fleshman, Alicia H 394
Franshaw Jr, Brian G 377
Ellison, Kristen M 273
Fabian, Stephanie N 381
Fletcher, Cassie M 422
Franz, Damian T 193
Ellsworth, Kyle D 288
Fabling, Jeremy S 365
Fletcher, Todd P 69, 357
Frasier, Carli Erin 245
Elmore, Catherine Elizabeth 324
Fahrenbruch, Philicia 376
Flint, Nicole Ryan 237
Frayling, Kyle B 409
Elsbree, Teresa J 176, 419
Fain, Auriele N 414
Floren, David D 418
Freeborn, Cody S 426
Embry, Lee B 416
Fang, Daniel Christopher 224
Floren, Helen K 363
Freeman, Joshua H 374
Emery, Daniel H 288
Fantasia, Ryan C 378
Flori, Alex 245
French, James A 390
Emery, Paul S 393
Fariza, Daryl J 427
Floyd, Colton J 390
French, Phaelen A 180, 374
Emery, Shawn T 360
Farmer, Brian 301
Fluhart, Gavin M 208
French, Ryan M 386
Emtman, Anthony R 389
Farquhar, John S 411
Fly, Garrett J 361
Freund, Steven P 433
Endres, Erin M 431
Farris, Kellee 375
Flynn, Colton P 366
Frey, Nathan Louis 332
David E 183, 212 | Eng, 1 Eng, Jonathan D 363
Fattal, Ryan A 393
Flynn, Jennifer A 414
Frick, Emily I 221
Faulkenberry, Ian W 393
Fogarty, Francesca J 173, 381
Friday, David M 374
| Engel, Cory 387
Fauss, Laura N 401
Fogarty, Jonathan Gustavo Barillas 240
Friedl, William T 368
Engelhardt, Adam W 357 England, Christina D 174, 366 England, Morgan E 364 f Engle, Molly S 409 Ensley, Helen G 385 Epps, Sophia M 407 j Erickson, Jared R 431 Erickson, Ryan P 422
Favo, Conor 381
Fogarty, Trennert Barillas 415
Frost, Bradley J 393
Fazekas, Justen D 413
Fogassy, Alexander G 408
Fruge, Matthew K 405
Feeley, Don 174, 313
Fogler, Kevin Joseph 313
Fry, Joseph 179, 292
Feeney, Riley A 409
Foley, Dylan T 355
Fryer, Matthew V 398
Foley, Gavin 349
Frymire, Daniel W 383
Feigel, Frederick W 354
Foley, Kyle 26,229
Fuchs, Lauren E 384
Feldman, Ashley P 421
Foley, Michael D 375
Fuentes, Tyler J 423
Felipe, Cody H 399
Follansbee, Clark W 415
Fuerst, Andrew S 419
Erlinger, Thomas C 418
Feltenberger, John David 304
Foltz, Nathan P 398
Fuerst, Melissa L 77, 411
Ernandes, Nickolas G 376 Ernesfon, Christian G 429 Ernst, Katharine E 404
Fenske, Eric P 341
Fonbuena, Jonathan D 361
Fugal, Carson B 361
Ference, Connor J 373
Fontaine, Christian A 25, 357
Fugate, Ashleigh Anne 309
Ferguson, Alec S 377
Fonte, Benjamin R 403
Fulton, Jacob P 426
Eromin, Katrina Ivana 341 Esau, Zachary S 403
Ferguson, Ian P 379
Fooster-Barrino, Jalen T 357
Funk, Daniel J 381
Ferrell, Robert W 357
Foote, Alan Ryan 341
Furches, Cory S 413
Escobedo, Kevin M 398
Ferut, John Douglas 336
Foote, Dayne Michael 224
Furlow, David H 432
Fei, Christopher
G Gable, Clayton D 385 Gabreski, Matthew F 401
Gabrick, Jason D 42, 201 Gabrielson, Caitlin B 423
Gadoury, Kyle William 264 Gainsback, Juan M 365
Galbraith, Virginia L 407
Gallagher, Brennan Morgan 225 Gallagher, Christopher K 423 Gallagher, Michael P 429 Gallant, Allana L 424 Gallinatti, Joseph M 421
Gallion, Andrew N 401
Galloway, Benjamin S 394 Galloway III, Edward 397 Galsick, Matthew T 363 Galt, Jesse S 284 Gamboa, Raymond Ralph C 316 Gambrick, Jason 43, 201
Gamm, Mathew L 383 Ganczewski, Christopher D 392
Gangloff, Richard C 421 Garces, Edward J 403 Garcia, Albert E 320 Garcia, Dominic A 403
Garcia, Jonathan E 418 Garcia, Jordan B 385 Garcia, Kelsey V 375
Garcia, Miguel 273 Gardiner, David J 403 Gardner, Michael L 357 Garduno, Eli A 362 Garr, Ruslan 425
Gartee, Michael A 415 Gartland, Rocque S 50, 388 Garza II, Robert V 395
Gaski, Paul 405
Gasper, Robert J 395 Gastiaburu Herrera, Jose 404
Gaudette, Mark 205
Gaudreault, Liana M 365 Gaudreault, Marie Chantelle 181, 182, 221
Gault, Anna M 432 Gauthier, Drew A 405 Gavilanes, Paola M 400
Gavrilos, Alexios C 411
Gaylord, Paul 316 Gebauer, Rachel K 412
Gebs, Harrison C 364 Geeskie, Adam S 391
Gegen, Alexandra P 410 Gegenhuber, Jeremy R 423
Geiger, Bobby 116, 117, 301 Geist, Andrew C 329
Geldiashvili, Malkhaz 421
Gelles, Richard Andrew 333
Golson, Andre M 425
Gregg, William J 411
Genco Jr, Francis E 378
Gomez, Benjamin C 181, 182, 412
Gregoire, Ian Michael 305
Gent, Sean W 432
Gomez, Bryan M 433
Gregory, Caitlin M 358
Gentry, Cody J 358
Gonzalez Jr, Jorge
Gregory, Daniel P 409
Gentry, Jess D 38, 213
Gonzalez, Kira 428
Gregory, James T 373
Gentzel, Matthew A 365
Gonzalez, Luis F 425
Gregory, Scott E 34, 174, 431
George Jr, Irvin A 392
Gooden, Dustin L 420
Gregory, Scott F 260
George, Steven E 375
Goodin, Jared A 177, 370
Gremillion, Whitney 345
Gerard, Brittany J 408
Goodman, Pia K 373
Gresham, Christopher J 381
Germain, Julianne M 385
Goodwin, Alexandra B 177, 393
Grier, Jessica N 178, 357
Gheen, Christopher Michael 249
Gorbacz, Katie Marie 232
Griffin, Jonathan R 402
Gibler, Andrew C 430
Gore, Taylor R 403
Griffin, Joshua E 393
Gibson, Aaron S 379
Gorman, Stephen W 269
Griffin, June D 365
Gibson, Hilary R 2, 410
Gorospe, Andrew C 389
Griffin, Mark 382
Gibson, Ian J 433
Gosch, Brook T 393
Griffin, Michael G 365
Gibson, Matthew R 405
Gough, Andrew M 427
Griffith, Danielle N 385
Gibson, Nicholas B 385
Gould, Derrin J 433
Griffith, John R 399
Gibson, Robert C 355
Gould, Patrick Kyle 217
Griffiths, Bridgette D 305
Gidasi, Daniel A 245
Gourlay, Ross A 179, 406
Grigsby, Neil 174, 181, 182, 249
Giebelhaus, Anthony 158, 276
Gourley, Ryan J 369
Grimm, Christopher 413
Gieck, Daniel J 367
Grabarek, Julie K 410
Grindstaff, Travis B 383
Gieda, Nicholas Preston 285
Grabarek, Kelly Elizabeth 28, 320
Griner, Samuel K 433
Gies, Daniel R 373
Grabill, Emili J 382
Groff, Stephen C 376
Gigante, Nico P 425
Grabowski, Trenton G 367
Grohol, Morgan J 182, 374
Giguere, William M 177, 370
Graeve, Joseph D 389
Groose, Jason R 422
Gilbert, Alan D 425
Graff, Justin Bradley 240
Gros, Evan J 433
Gilbert, Nathaniel William 201
Graley, Timothy J
Gross, Bethany A 405
Gilbertson, Erik K 369
Gramling, Joseph A 402
Gross, Carley A 77, 367
Gilbreath, Bryan 309
Gramling, Samuel A 429
Grosselin, Karl H 392
Gilbreath, Dayton M 179, 384
Granato, David A 360
Grossman, Jolie K 399
Giles, Heather E 363
Granow, Jeremy D 301
Grosso, Maurice J 366
Gill, Patrick D 337
Grant, Dayna A 404
Grover, London R 372
Gillespie, Derek Franklin 245
Grant, Joseph R 61, 359
Grove, Zachary R 357
Gillespie, Stephen A 374
Grant, Samantha L 363
Grubbs, Alexander J 108, 355
Gillette, David E 398
Graves, Dustin P 413
Guarnaccio, Chase C 181, 410
Gillis, Luke A 378
Graves, Jeffrey W 433
Gudim, Brett A 417
Gillmore, Vincent M 412
Graves, John J 371
Guerrero, Ernesto I 387
Gilly, Joshua M 429
Gray Jr, Anthony P 397
Guerrero, Leon 301
Gilpatrick, Eric M 390
Gray, David S 197
Guidry, Robert T 376
Gimenez Lucero, Paul Virgil 333
Gray, Davis P 389
Guiler, Robert B 363
Gingras, Alexa M 405
Gray, Emily E 387
Guillory, Stephen 261
Girolami, Michael S 413
Gray, Janie E 371
Guiney, Gregory 297
Gladney, Kyle R 403
Gray, Jeremiah J 414
Gulat, Joseph A 431
Glass, Joshua R 367
Gray, Jon 341
Gulla II, Robert W 430
Glatthar, Micheal N 213
Gray, Ryan
Glaze, Tyler D 415
Green, Andre E 379
Gunn, Benjamin 105, 309
Glitz, Caitlin E 179,390
Green, Ariana M 392
Gunsch, Alec R 355
Glover, Andrew G 404
Green, Ashley Elizabeth 276
Gumell, Braylon Vaughn-Scott 333
Glover, Krystal Antonique 273
Green, Erin Partidge 221
Gurnell, Kassie M 113, 391
Glowiak, Evan C 429
Green, Harrison M 360
Gutgsell, Matthew J 375
Gluck, Julian R 370
Green, Kyle R 371
Gutierrez Jr, Jaime 407
Goc, Colder Dayton 313
Greene, Jared K 391
Gutierrez, Raymond V 396
Godwin, James K 379
Greenstreet, David L 363
Guttman III, Richard T 415
Goebel, Daniel A 387
Greenup, Heather Marie 285
Guy, Matthew R 241
Goetz, Christopher L 285
Guzman, Francisco L 281
Goff, Madeline J 341
Greenway, John R 329 Greenway, Laura E 405
Goldsmith, Kyle 193
Greer, Michael T 288
Gunderson, Daniel G 411
Gwirtsman, Mia E 361
H Ha, Steven 264 aas, Sarah C
aase, Johnathon M
iabluetzel, Casey P 72, 182, 416 Jachtel, Adam N 375 lacked, Bradford C 357
Hadjis, John Alexander 182, 249
Hadley, Grant Kenneth 273 Hafich, Jared D 397 Hafner, Nicholas L 417
Hagadorn, Andrea Y 385 Hagan, Jonathan G 395 Hagar, Chelsea R 408 Hager, Joshua R 431 Haggerty, Colleen E 418 Hainline, Thomas 182 J lalbach, Lisa M 387
Halderman, Kyle 81, 281 I tale, Danny T 333
Hale, Derek 417
Haley, Christopher S 359 Haley, Margaret A 407 Hall, Aaron M 379 Hall, Bryan C 423 loll, Dalton J 72,237 Hall, Diana Ricci 269 Hall, Ian W 424 Hall, Jordan E 379
Hall, Joshton G 370 Hall, Joshua A 393 Hall, Nathaniel L 363 Halle, Austin L 409
Hallums, Dylan C 363 Ham, Estrella C 386
Hamaker, Daniel K 419
Hamby, Zachary R 432 Hamel, Thomas J 363 Hamer, Hunter G 393
Hamilton, Andrew L 395 Hamilton, Chelsey L 425 Hamilton, James M 412 Hamilton, Kelly E 33, 285
Hamm, Nicolas J 361 Hammer, Ashleigh N 427
Hammerle, Timothy 233 Hammervold, Josh 104, 317
Hammon, Aimee Leigh 265
Hampshire, Ora D 381 Hance, Linnaea J 90, 369 Han, Chan Y 423 Han, Daniel Minwoo 229 Han, Ga H 385 Han, Jonathan 384 Hand, Ashley 372 Hanks, Noah 181, 392
lanley, Taylor C 415
Hanley, Zebulon J 174, 427
Haun, Julianne M 427
Hanner, Jessica C 90, 389
Haunreiter, Tyler A 313
Henry, Jerry 419
Hansard, Mary C 423
Haupt, Patrick William 333
Hensley, Matthew S 418
Hansen, Curtis N 428
Haus, Andrew J 360
Hepler, Andrew 179, 249
Hansen, Julia A 237
Hauschild, Jordan P 428
Herald, Rachel E 431
Hansen, Kyle S 402
Hauser, Michael D 40, 354
Herbison, Sean M 374 Heredia, Charles A 389
Henry, Elisha B 361
Hansen, Mark W 399
Hawk, Vance M 385
Hansen, Thomas Paul 292
Hawkins, Casey G 313
Herman, Amanda N 371
Hanson, Cody A 427
Hawkins, Jacob A 377
Herman, David E 376
Herman, Mary E 419
Hanson, Glen S 401
Hawkins, Paige E 380
Hanson, Gregory W 421
Hawkins, Philip A 365
Hernandez, Ashley D 361
Hanson, Ryne D 431
Hawley, Tucker B 397
Hernandez Lemus, lankel Y 392
Hanson, Tom 104
Hawthorne, Claudia K 429
Hernandez, Stephannie 419
Hantla, William L 425
Hay, Kaylee J 396
Herndon, Meredith L 411
Hard, David Preston 241
Hayduchok, Daniel G 365
Hern, Moranda A 107, 391
Hardman, Shane A 363
Hayes, Austin R 423
Herrera, Aileen M 381
Hardy, Deion J 399
Herrington, Parker J 357
Hargrove II, Reginald P 421
Hayes, Brian Andrew 257 Hayes, Daniel P 176, 372
Hertzler, Kenneth P 181, 432
Harlow, Stewart A 383
Hayhurst, Dustin L 181, 182, 364
Hess, Alexander 261
Harms, Samuel R 433
Haynes, Jeremiah L 173, 354
Hess, Daniel James 225
Hamisch, Joshua J 407
Hazel, Tyler Kendrick 329
Hessney, Benjamin A 337
Harold, Daniel T 362
Heaphy, David J 427
Hewitson, Scott C 417
Harper, Erik G 403
Heath, Lindsey M 354
Hewitt, Bamboo K 361
Harriger, Sam 225 Harrington, Michael T 355
Heath, Molly M 395
Hibbard, Shawn D 395
Hebein, Nolan T 405
Hicks, Elizabeth S 431
Harris, Brian A 410
Heberle, Bradley L 425
Hicks IV, William J 375
Harris, Cameron N 393
Heck, Tyler A 367
Hicks, Saskia R 422
Harris, David M 423
Hedden, Scott M 359
Higaki, Tyler Y 405
Harris, Jason B 222
Hedlund, Fumiko E 362
Higdon, Katherine 179, 288
Harris, Justin W 384
Hedman, Andrew W 417
Higgins, Brian P 406
Harris, Rachel L 10, 58, 378
Hedrick, Garrett R 365
Higgins, Conor C 407
Harris, Tara J 413
Hege, Gregory B 391
Higgins, Grace 289
Harris, Thomas M 395
Heideman, Dustin Gil 292
Highfil, Jacob Logan 193
Harrison, Elizabeth M 409
Heien, Matthew L 391
Hightower, Devin S 361
Harrison, Huston R 371
Heikkinen, Thomas S 407
Hilbig, Kathryn M 389
Harrison, Jacob R 396
Hein, David C 356
Hildebrand, Jessica Dawn 285
Harrison, Michael D 217
Heineken, William M 369
Hill, Adam M 398
Harrison, Patrick M 361
Heins, Paul Edward 253
Hill, Andrew C 425
Harrison, Sean Cason 229
Heisler Melcher, Trenton Michael 350
Hill, Anthony 241
Harrod, Layne H 131, 377
Heitstuman, David T 370
Hill, Cassandra L 425
Hart, Jamielynne 411
Hellmann, Jessica Noel 115, 197
Hill, Elise E 125,417
Hill, James D 410
Hart, Nathaniel J 379
Hellmann, Jordan J 431
Hart, Shannon 249
Hellmers, Philip C 385
Hill, Jazmind L 379
Hartford, Angela L 405
Helms, Patrick D 411
Hill, Marcus B 427
Hartford, Timothy 368
Helton, Zachary T 412
Hill, Raymond J 413
Hartman, Timothy J 329
Hemker, Robert Brian 25Z
Hill, Samantha R 245
Hartmann, Joshua W 405
Hempsey, Shawn J 374
Hills, Collin R 363
Hartz, Ryan L 423
Henderson, Fallynne J 412
Hillig, Thane G 369
Harvey, Alexander H 433 Harvey, Anson J 117, 414
Henderson, Laura A 181, 418
Hillman, Alexander Paul 321
Henderson, Ryan W 374
Hillstrom, Justin M 385
Harvey, Chad 391
Hendrickson, Matthew W 360
Hilton, Andrew R 427
Harvey, Kayla L 415
Hennessey, Patrick R 345
Hinkel, Katherine E 425
Hassa, Christopher L 59, 418
Hennig, Chad M 390
Hinners, Keaton P 385
Hastriter Jr, Michael L 423
Henning, Daniel H 174, 420
Hirneise, Brandon T 413
Hatcher, Harrison P 365
Henning, Marc E 271
Hitchens, Justin 341
Hatchett Jr, Albert K 400
Henrichs, Aaron S 387
Hitt, Kathleen S 370
Hathaway, Kyle A 407
Henry, Conor J 101, 367
Hitt, Rehling Paige 276
Hlavin, Scott Michael 313
Hovseth, Kara N 393
Iguchi, Takayuki 369
Joern, John M 417
Ho, Hwang James 285
Howard, Adam 359
Ikehara, Kazden 118, 194
Johnsen, Jennifer S 415
Ho, Johnson C 373
Howard, Austin M 429
Use, Zacharias H 393
Johnson, Amanda M 179, 432
Ho, Kainoa J 378
Howard, Caleb 345
Imerman, Randi M 413
Johnson, Benjamin R 407
Hoang, Sean B 363
Howard, Matthew S 429
Ince Jr, David G 408
Johnson, Brett 427
Hock, Diana M 417
Howard, Regenald E 73, 237
Incorvaia, Daniel J 395
Johnson, Chance E 253
Hocking, Ian James 217
Howard, Samantha R 317
Indelicato, Thomas E 401
Johnson, Cody L 380
Hodges, Jason T 373
Howard, William J 399
Inocencia-Hollo, Enrique V 369
Johnson, Cory R 397
Hodges, Parker T 417
Howdeshell, Jeffery D 431
Intagliata, Jason A 415
Johnson, Crystal M 367
Hodgkins, Gregory A 355
Hoybook, Amy C 393
Irvan, Kelcie R 420
Johnson, Eric R 386
Hoeffner, Zachary W 371
Hoyos, Rafael A 176, 383
Isch, Brooke M 433
Johnson Jr, Frederick J 179, 380
Ishmael, Thomas B 367
Johnson, Jordan T 426
Johnson, Joshua James 229 Johnson, Joy M 363
Hoene, Spencer E 418
Hoyt, Greg
Hoeppner, Jarret C 359
Hu, Christopher G 387
Ives, Drew Richard 233
Hoff, Benjamin K 390
Huckabee, Joshua M 428
Ivey, Michelle N 71, 419
Hoffman, Hans J 249
Hudgins, John J 373
Hoffmann, Zachary G 385
Huebner, Phillip T 419
Hogan, Conor J 389
Hueffner, Anastasia M 110, 413
Jablonsky, Kevin J 376
Hogan, Ryan F 381
Huertas, Joshua A 389
Jack, Alexander 29, 177, 209
Johnson, Lucas S 408
Holbrook, Anastasia E 373
Huff III, James D 405
Jackson, Andrew P 108, 361
Johnson, Matthew R 359
Holcombe, Haley D 355
Huge, Parker Darius 179, 349
Jackson, Donald 427
Johnson, Nicole L 398
Holderle, Rachael L 370
Hughes, Daniel R 180, 372
Jackson III, Mister J 418
Johnson, Rashan R 423
Holland, Jason Willis 37, 229
Hughey, Aaron W 433
Jackson, Kimberly A 397
Johnson, Ryan 265
Holland, Nicholas L 10, 63, 317
Hughey, Alyssa M 21, 378
Jackson, Lamin Onaje 265
Johnson, Samuel C 181, 182, 201
Hollinger, Christopher David 293
Hulce, Shayne P 370
Jackson, Peter T 359
Johnson, Sean 324
Hollister, Robert L 369
Hull, Kristopher S 428
Jackson, Seth M 61, 395
Johnson, Shawn G 370
Holloway, David Bryce 309
Hulslander, Siobhan Alia 289
Jackson, Zachary S 407
Johnson, Shelley R 358
Holloway, Mike 324
Hume, Cory M 355
Jacob, Steven D 392
Johnson, Stephen R 387
Johnson, Kenneth G 27, 377 Johnson, Kyle M 372 Johnson, Lindsay M 29, 133, 175, 357
Hollway, Joseph A 429
Humphrey, Joseph J 393
Jacobs, Andrew M 177, 386
Johnson, Taylor R 379
Holm, Timothy L 389
Humphreys, Brandon D 409
Jacobs, Katherine E 432
Johnson, William B 416
Holt, Amari A 381
Hunkins, Mark G 413
Jacobson, Spencer T 357
Johnson, Woodruff 297
Holt, Barbara A 405
Hunsuck, Parker J 433
Jadick, Anthony R 40, 414
Johnson, Zachary R 399
Holt, Parker A 409
Hunt, Eric M 265
Jaime, Jared Marcus 222
Johnston, Bryan E 382
Homsher, Paul T 182, 257
Hunt, Joshua M 355
James, Dymond B 70, 71, 357
Johnston, Douglas C 407
Hoogervorst, Nicholas R 233
Hunt, Sarah E 182,362
James, Jennifer K 355
Johnstone, Chancellor A 176, 393
Hooper, Judah M 393
Hunter, Dylan J 375
James, Ryan D 410
Jones, Allanna S 424
Hoops, Andrew P 86, 379
Hunter, Ethan J 390
Jamieson, Parker E 406
Jones, Blake E 381
Hope, Daniel K 367
Hunter, Stephen D 401
Janasov, Sam 257
Jones, Briana V 429
Hopkin, Kimberly N 355
Hurley IV, James A 395
Janisch, Yagie 416
Jones, Daniel S 361
Hopkins, David B 429
Husar Jr, Michael A 367
Jansen, Michael 313
Jones, Darius P 401
Hopkins, John D 369
Husen, Erik R Von 394
Janssen, Nathan John 277
Jones, Jake T 427
Horban, Peter Satterlee 229
Hussey, Patrick J 333
Jantscher, Helen L 375
Jones, Jonathan F 399
Horgan, Casey V 370
Hutcheson, Alexander J 390
Jarvis, Andrew E 257
Jones, Laura Michelle 269
Horn, Alexander Joseph 222
Huynh, Christopher 383
Jaskula, Adam Matthew 341
Jones Jr, Michael P 377
Horn, Jennifer R 394
Huynh, Khoa A 407
Jayne, Brandy A 401
Jones, Luke T 381
Horn, Kevin Patrick 241
Hwang, Brian S 401
Jefferson Jr, Timothy 80, 83, 84, 364
Jones, Manquez F 84, 411
Horn, Lyndsey Laura 179, 180, 205
Hwang, Eric Y 374
Jenkins, Katelyn 395
Jones, Marquez T 425
Hornsby, Austin W 371
Hyde, Andrew M 421
Jensen, James R 402
Jones, Matthew C 277
Horth, Yannie 431
Hynson, Krystal Rose 289
Jensen, Mark D 377
Jones, Matthew S 389
Jeong, William S 72, 73, 389
Jones, Maxwell R 419
Jernigan, Nicholas R 426
Jones, Nathan M 427
Horton, Sara Rene 282 Hoskins, Megan Elizabeth 229
Hottle, Monica R 375
lacobbo, Victor P 384
Jerrell, Mathew J 414
Jones Jr, Steve B 368
Houder, Jacob D 386
Ibarra, Lucas J 429
Jerrett, Myles L. 421
Jones, Samantha C 91, 358
Hough, Brandon 276
Ibarra, Matthew J 358
Jessop, Alex M 433
Jones, Tanner M 391
Houk, Stephen W 375
Ibarra, Trevor D 56, 432
Jessup, Chad 349
Joo, Michael 409
Hourin, John K 369
Ice III, Herbert J 355
Jimenez, Christopher 285
Jordan, Christopher H 407
Houser, Chase M 379
Igawa, Cameron R 427
Jimenez, Krystal V 401
Jordan, Tyler J 401
Houston, Cody L 391
Ignatiev, Ian N 201
Jividen, Thomas R 415
Jorgenson, David M 427
Joseph, Patrick H 358
Kelly, Matthew M 385
Kingthong, Kraison 417
Kraker, Joseph A 371
Joseph Jr, Steven G 413
Kelly, Ryan T 395
Kirby, Timothy J 406
Krakowian, Maciej 412
Josephson, Andrew A 357
Kempin, Melissa L 419
Kirk, Andrew R 410
Kram, Benjamin S 425
Jovene III, Vincent T 414
Kemp, Kristina L 383
Kirk, Christopher N 415
Kramer, Benjamin D 391
Jovene, Jamie M 397
Kendall, David E 405
Kirkpatrick, Damon O 369
Kramer, Ryan G 365
Joyce, Catherine E 361
Kenerley, Kyle D 388
Kittka, Renee L 175, 293
Krasnov, Jacob J 424
Joyce, Irene E 359
Kenes, Adam J 425
Kiyota, Catherine M 178, 354
Krause, Adam N 433
Juckett III, Robert S 357
Kennedy, Kristen L 406 Kennedy, Rachel C 361
Kiyota, Michelle H 178, 426
Kraus, Joel Thomas 28, 29, 182, 209
Judah, Kallen Lee 197
Klass, Caleb 305
Kraynak III, Joseph R 173, 381
Juedeman, Justin C 397
Kent, William A 383
Klazura, Brian F 403
Krehbiel, Moses A 408
Jung, Christina J 426
Keough, Matthew D 398
Klein, Jonathan Thomas 277
Kreimier, Joshua C 385
Junge, Laura A 417
Keranen, Christopher S 399
Kleintop, Ryan A 389
Kresin, Tristen J 417
Jungman, Tylor K 379
Kerber, Andrew T 409
Kleisinger, Casey R 423
Krieger, Stephen Nick 194
Junio, Christopher D 429
Kerhin, Joseph Michael 249
Kleman, Andrew S 402
Krimbill, Jacob R 411
Justice, Natalie J 367
Kerkhoff, Aaron B 409
Klimkowski, Daniel 88, 194
Krohngold, Jeremy A 383
Kern, Ian J 391
Kline, Cranston M 414
Kroskob, Tobiah S 421
Kern, Trent J 394
Kline, Seth A 429
Kruczek, Theodore W 397
Kabel, Gregory M 417
Kerr, John Andrew 209
K ing esmith, Sean K 381
Krukowski Jr, Henry M 387
Kacura-Miller, Andrew J 417
Kesler, Seth N 395
Kluckman, Matthew L 391
Kruse, John N 391
Kagarise, Jennifer D 400
Kessler, Blair W 400
Kluesner, Colby
Krystosek, Tim 349
Kalau, Kristoff J 389
Kessler, John M 245
Kluesner, Kaeli Jo 269
Krzyminski, John W 179, 372
Kaminski, Mark A 355
Kessler, Rafael 341
Knight, Caleb J 317
Ku, Joshua T 176,217
Kammerer, William C 68, 415
Keuchler, William Alexander 309
Knodel, Philip C 390
Kucharevas, Arturas 381
Kanaan, Michael James 257
Keyes, Victor V 367
Knowles, Sean 180, 372
Kuensting, Joseph S 321
Kane, Brian J 361
Khune, Joshua Paul 277
Knudsen, George M 301
Kuhn, Logan J 431
Kanetzky, Kate L 77, 399
Kidd, Gregory R 429
Knutson, Brady A 430
Kunce, Ryan D 387
Kanke, Joshua D 371
Kiekhaefer, Samuel J 387
Knutson, Christopher W 401
Kunkle Jr, Daniel R 182, 382
Kapolka, Michael A 361
Kiel, Alex T 265
Koehler, Paul K 397
Kurtz, Caroline 114, 115, 317
Karpauskas, Everett D 381
Kiernan, Delaney R 392
Koehmstedt, Roy M 429
Kurz, Jeremy R 406
Kasakitis, Matthew R 412
Kieser, Joshua M 395
Koenck, Trevor Pete 182, 289
Kusan, Joshua R 431
Kashul, Tom 392
Kim, Aaron Y 431
Koenig, Bryan M 197
Kusel, Bradley S 394
Kasperson, Krystie Anne 225
Kim, Alexander D 393
Koeppen, Kimberly P 409
Kuyper, Michelle M 106, 421
Kastmiler, Erik N 406
Kim, Andrew H 382
Koh, Glamis W 177, 365
Kvedar, Derek Crews 293
Kates, Kristian E 381
Kim, Danny 430
Koh, Justin S 413
Kwakenat, Anthony W 395
Katz, Daniel R 365
Kim, Deborah B 22, 407
Kohan, Joseph S 375
Kaufman, Evan E 429
Kim, Esther 274
Kolesar, Ryan S 181, 182, 370
Kaufmann, Jane E 359
Kim, Grace S 175, 387
Kolod, Lauren G 387
Labedz, Theodore J 182, 329
Kauth, Alexander J 415
Kim, Jonathan W 408
Komar, Peter A 179, 265
LaCosse, Kevin Thomas 241
Kauth, Zachary J 418
Kim, Joshua J 426
Konemann, Andrew C 358
Lacoste III, James A 371
Kavanay, David B 401 Kay, Dylan J 22, 421 Kay, Marshall D 393
Kim, Kyung M 411
Konishi, Nicholas A 414
Lacroix, Daniel J 182, 384
Kim, Mitchell J 373
Kons, Jasons 393
Laffosse, Lauren D 363
Kim, Paul C 397
Konvalin, Stephanie M 396
Lagarile, Scott B 409
Kazakoff, Michael J 404
Kim, Richard J 213
Kooker, Tristan B 373
Lagrange, Brian K 381
Kearney, Stephen W 363
Kim, Steve 298
Koons, Anne Y 394
Lakind, Harriet L 373
Keck, Stephen D 356
Kim, Su J 359
Koons, Philip S 373
Laleman, Alexis A 410
Keefer, Jordan S 426
Kim, Teresa B 391
Kopacka, Benjamin G 374
Lam, David 305
Keele, Trevor A 363
Kimball, Jonathan F 358
Kopchick, Karianne E 371
Lam, Linda G 133, 175, 428
Keenan, Elizabeth A 106, 379
Kimball, Zebulon M 40Z
Korecki, J R 400
Lamb, Andrew J 181, 182, 298
Kehs, Henry H 364
Kimberly, Jonathan R 253
Kotnik, Zoe Meredith 2ZZ
Lambert, Andrew S 373
Keiper, Brendan S 383
Kimura, Jennifer M 1Z8, 427
Koutnik, Carlee M 1Z9, 376
Lambuth, Tawny R 420
Keisler, Benjamin Lee 253
Kinder, Buddy C 429
Kouwe, Robert N 357
Lamendola, Kenny 81, 298
Keitel, Timothy Patrick 237
King, Jeremiah W 407
Kovacs, Janie E 381
Lamo, Ryan B 393
Keith, Kyle J 403
King, Kenneth 407
Kovalak, David 289
Lamoureux, Jacques M 92, 349
Keith, Matthew C 374
King, Sean S 367
Kovalenko, Vladimir 229
Lampela, Forrest Mitchell 301
Kellet, Ross H 423
Kingman, Edwin D 427
Koveleskie, Aaron J 364
Lan, Austin E 173, 424
Kellogg, Marcus P 365
Kingsley, Alexander M 396
Koziol, Teresa G 401
Land, Kyle A 385
Kelly, Laura E 399
Kingsley, Kali Jean 282
Kozlak, Scott J 254
Landecker, Nathaniel W 413
Landis, Corey A 433
Lee, Jin U 265
Lewis III, Charles E 373
Lovett, Shaun P 405
Landreaux, Morgan Danielle 313
Lee, Jonathan C 415
Lewis, Jonathan M 233
Loving, William M 399
Landseadel, Justin Kevin 277
Lee, Joseph A 389
Lewis, Kevin 217
Lovvorn, John L 384
Lane, Brian R 321
Lee, Matthew J 362
Lewis, Megan E 419
Lowe, Anna B 429
Lane, Chase E 209
Lee, Michael D 377
Lewis, Michael E 350
Lowman III, Leon 383
Lane, Josiah I 419
Lee, Russell H 397
Leyro, Jasmine G 381
Low, Tiffany Ann 324
Lane, Steve 179, 324
Lee, Sung K 375
Librandi, Rocco F 177, 388
Loya, Teresamarie 403
Lang, Gordon 179, 384
Lee, Sun Y 52,429
Liddle, Blake J 390
Loyd, Jonathan Ashley 277
Langdon, Anthony W 222
Lee, Suong Hun 265
Lim, Andrew 41, 397
Loyd, Ryan M 250
Lange, Daniel J 413
Lee, Taeyoung 391
Limpert, John T 410
Lozano, Sergio Christian 230
Lange, Philip T 405
Lee, Tanner A 305
Lim, Royd S 419
Lu, John 359
Lanham, Sean M 422
Lee, Todd K 361
Lindberg, William A 270
Lucas, Keane J 419
Lanier, Holden N 391
Leeds, David J 398
Lindblom, Leif Ericson 176, 179, 350
Ludwig, Tyler B 365
Laning, Allison M 400
Leestma, Caleb W 86, 87, 410
Lind, Peter S 382
Luebbe, Dana P 395
Lankow, Andrew J 153, 355
Leet, Brandon M 363
Lindsay, Alexander D 369
Lugo, Francisco Antonio 277
Lannon, Dane M 396
Leet, Lauren 369
Lineberry, Alex P 389
Luithly, Kurt J 361
Lanphear, Brendan 179, 269
Lefebvre III, Eugene H 395
Linscott, Lauren T 365
Luke, Christopher G 430
Lapczuk, Kajetan 317
Lefebvre, Mathieu M 363
Linsell, Joshua D 402
Luken, Derrick Wayne 213
Laprade, Kyle J 401
Legaspi, Mikhail T 371
Lipp, Benjamin G 397
Lukso, Justin A 370
Lara, Emersyn G 197
Lehmann, Chelsie L 405
Liptak, Benjamin K 392
Luman, Matthew James 233
LaRivee, Jamie 298
Lehocky, Chase W 383
Lisot, Alexander Lawrence 329
Lundin, Nicholas M 421
Larivee, William O 389
Leibbrand, Corey A 373
Litchford, Katrina L 373
Lund, Travis J 364
Larkin, Jeffrey Alan 289
Leighner, Andrew C 176, 407
Littlefield, Jacqueline M 382
Lunn, Nathan F 381
Larsen, Dallin M 355
Leinenbach, Raymond F 414
Littlefield, Michelle S 385
Luoma-Overstreet, Reuben 401
Larsen, Jennifer J 363
Leininger, Jared R 393
Liu, Daniel 245
Lutton, Maxwell W 390
Larsen, Lance P 386
Leipprandt, Alicia D 365
Livermore, Riley A 182, 406
Lutz, Ryan C 362
Larsen, Robert L 375
Leland, Michael A 395
Livingstone, Patrick Joseph 254
Lydiard IV, John M 404
Larson, Jami L 422
Leli, James L 179, 180, 205
Livingston, Trey M 377
Lyon, Chloe J 361
Larson, Joshua Tyler 179, 314
LeMair, Joshua D 182, 197
Lloyd, Robert L 233
Lyon, Travis Anton 201
Lasher, Melissa E 357
Lemieux, Jamie Thomas 237
Lobo, Patrick A 417
Lyons II, Michael A 68, 69, 387
Lastovica, Logan C 368
Lemmen, Kurt 197
Lockerby, Sophia C 103, 401
Lyons, Katherine B 394
Latch, Samantha E 368
Lemmon, Jason C 387
Lockhart, Nicholas Scott 342
Lystrup, Robert 230
Latchu, Tristan A 182, 364
Lengyel, Kyle W 371
Lockhart, Trevor Ryan 314
Lathrom, Wendy L 356
Lenke, Erik A 407
Lockman, James K 359
Laucher, Jessica E 375
Lennon, Justin A 282
Lodge-Maragh, Donald C 410
Mabry, Blake C 429
Laughlin, Samantha A 383
Lenzen, Robert K 270
Lodolo, Vincent A 399
MacAndrew, James E 357
Laurent, Kelly J 398
Lenz, Kyle W 387
Lohr Jr, John R 432
MacAndrew, Michael V 382
Lauritzen, Michael T 405
Leonhardt, Paul L 427
Lombardo, Ryan M 427
MacArthur, Ty W 415
Lauver, Steven 194
Lepird, John R 385
Lomeli, Evan Russell 282
MacDonald, Charles D 377
Lavelle, Megan C 175, 413
Long, Kristin L 421
MacDonald III, Angus J 371
Lavigne, Matt 289
Lepley, Thomas A 415 Leppo, Philip J 366
Long, Russell I 370
MacDonald, Kyle N 176, 382
Lavoie, Michael D 401
Lerch, John C 424
Loper, Elliot Christian 209
Macheak, Samuel A 408
Lawlor, William G 395
Lerda-Plog, Alexander D 385
Lopez Jr, Hector 424
Maciag, Timothy M 22, 425
Lawrence, William J 364
Lerum, Thomas J 417
Lopez, Kathryn E 383
Macias, Miguel J 431
Lawson, Brennan Kyle 201
Lester, Christopher A 205
Lopez, Timothy R 411
Macias-Valadez, Asdrubal S 393
Lawson III, William C 403
Lester, Michael C 428
Lopez, Victor J 389
Maclachlan, Caleb S 391
Lazos, Nicholas S 176, 391
Lestina, Juliann N 403
Lorch, Kirsten M 274
MacLean, Amanda K 415
Leach, William T 421
Leung, Ben 329
Lore, David J 391
MacMillan, Deanna J 176, 391
Leano, Marcela R 361
Leung, Calvin K 377
Lorenz, Christopher P 376
MacNaught, Jared K 429
Leary, Dylan G 367
Leung, Christopher S 181, 182, 241
Losoya, Nicholas R 413
Lebens, Nathan J 377
Macomber, Clayton Guthrie 261
Leute, Madison J 423
Loucks, Denny J 417
Lee, Andrew P 222
Macpherson, Holley M 367
Leuthold, Isaac 321
Loucks, Regina G 421
Lee, Brandon C 395
Madorran, Kimberly B 213
Levesque, Jamie R 358
Loudenback, Jordan P 361
Madsen, Martin S 394
Lee, Brian K 355
Levine, Nicholas T 433
Loudermilk, Kevin A 372
Madsen, William E 363
Lee, Daniel C 402
Levri, Elizabeth 217
Love, Andrew J 423
Maestas, Brendan J 432
Lee, David K 357
Levy, Daniel E 357
Love, Edward J 379
Maffei, Katelyn C 392
Lee, Jeffrey S 329
Levy, Tyler S 414
Lovett, Ross M 433
Magana III, Rafael 377
Magazu, Frank Joseph 330
Martinez, Travis S 360
McCoy, Michael T 176, 389
Magdziarz, Jacob W 357
Martinez, Victoria M 354
McCoy, Tyler 345
Meineke, Kelcie L 242
Maggard, Brent A 181, 380
Martinson, Ryan C 428
McCroskey, Evan D 382
Meirose, Tyler K 369
Maggs, Connor 406
Masiello, Robert T 355
McCroskey, Justin D 409
Mejia, Roed M 176, 419
Maggs, John Patrick 309
Mason, Dylan J 423
McCullough, Kinder N 383
Melanson, Conor F 409
Mahan, Kyle S 411
Mason, Michael P 392
McCurdy, Matthew C 415
Melcher IV, John F 356
Maier, Ian W 378
Mason, Winfield H 365
McDonald, Shawn Michael 233
Melhado, Matthew C 389
Main, Cody C 424
Massey, Emmanuelle M 363
McDowell, Jessie R 11, 407
Mellado, Elisabeth 395
Major, Matthew A 359
Masters, Matthew R 419
McElwrath, Craig M 413
Mellinger, Stephen J 380
Meier, Foster L 391
Maki, Preslee M 419
Mataczynski, Mark R 378
McEntyre, Travers A 413
Melville, Mitchell A 393
Malay, Alexander S 427
Matejcik, Joseph P 366
McGee, Sean P 362
Menchen, Evan M 413
Malm, Alex J 430
Mateus, Bryant 386
McGehee, Brock E 399
Mendelsohn, Michelle Lee 258
Maloch, Nancy L 430
Matheus, Huston G 419
McGinnis Welsh, Daniel 400
Mendoza, Maritza N 302
Malone, Justin R 379
Mathewson, Ben J 217
McGriff, Warren B 429
Mendoza, Scott L 321
Maloy, Joseph Miles 261
Mathis, Morgan J 241
McGuire, Kelly A 410
Menefee, Devin A 428
Mamroth, Ben 350
Mathis, Scott S 396
McGuire, Lauren B 421
Meng, Kevin D 361
Mamroth, Rachel S 418
Matson, Colin R 371
McGunagle, Patrick T 423
Menzel, Robert G 205
Mancewicz, Gregory R 282
Mattee, Zachary P 417
McIntyre, Spenser W 342
Mercier, Michael D 409
Mancini, Carlo A 387
Matthews, Zachary J 405
McKee, Thomas P 433
Merideth IV, Denny J 429
Mangers, Zachary A 383
Mattocks, Brent A 365
McKenna, Rebekah S 367
Merrick, Justin D 392
Manley, Clinton 337
Mattson, Landen 369
McKenna, Thomas A 22, 371
Mersino, Peter J 376
Manley, Garrett J 431
Matz, Bryan R 393
McKenzie, Austin Grady 289
Mesecher, Kyle S 381
Manley, Max M 411
Mavity, Ryan A 399
McKenzie, John A 375
Mets, Christopher C 433
Manning, Julie A 405
Maxson, Brandon J 405
McKeon, Jake 246
Metzger, John T 355
Manning, Nicholas A 368
Mayclin, Michael K 425
McKilligan, Ryan P 421
Metzler, Mitchell R 392
Mann, Randy James 213
Mayfield, Patrick A 398
McKinley, Duane V 369
Meyer, Alex 201
Manwaring, Alyssa J 397
Maynard, Bryan J 400
McKinley, Michael J 354
Meyer, Grant W 57, 380
Marble, Harrison T 293
Mayne, Tasha M 77, 383
McKinney, Garrett L 176, 413
Michael, Ethan D 357
Marchi, Andrew S 406
Mayo, Parker 66, 342
McKinney, Tiffaney D 414
Michael, Stephanie A 382
Margerison III, Richard B 383
Mayou, Rosalie A 107, 369
McKinnon, Brett J 360
Michalke III, George L 377
Marges, Francis A 417
Mazen, Richard S 230
McKnight, Drew T 391
Mickelson, Brayden R 375
Markling, Matthew R 301
Mazer, Bryan Stephen 241
McKnney, Connor P 397
Mijares, Jacob M 397
Markman, Matthew R 403
Mazur, Catherine M 367
McKone, Michael R 391
Milhous, Alexander Xavier 314
Marlette, Hanna B 362
McAdams, Daniel J 383
McKown, Connor B 361
Militano, Alyssa M 389
Marley, Bethany A 374
McAfee, Shayne Lucas 301
McLain, Michael R 73, 182, 400
Millar III, James B 395
Morris, Stephanie A 433
McAlister, Erin M 419
McLaren, McKay Ross 242
Millares Chavez, Miguel A 378
Marroquin, Yngwie Jareth Brian 270
McAllister, Patrick Robin 333
McLaughlin, Ajay 302
Millen, Eric M 363
Marshall, Amanda L 357
McAngus, William I 217
McMahon, Jonathan W 41, 278
Miller, Acacia C 403
Marshall, Benjamin 330
McArthur, Paul G 431
McMillan, Travis 175, 254
Miller, Andrew R 201, 290
Marshall, Georgia E 178, 425
McBride, Christopher E 367
McMillen, Michelle M 427
Miller, Caitlin Marie 23, 317
Marshik, Samantha M 407
McCabe, Kyle T 399
McMullen, Kevin R 181, 182, 432
Miller, Christopher A 402
Marsh, Kaleb Robert 180, 222
McCaffrey, Abby E 387
McNab, Storm Suzanne 10, 285
Miller, Dalton J 135, 419
Marston, David S 404
McCagg, Raquel E 60, 407
McNamara, Luke J 395
Miller, David T 427
Martin, Drew William 233
McCann, Keeley G 385
McNeil, Samuel F 433
Miller, Edward Henry Vincent 213
Martinelli, Timothy M 365
McCart, Cory A 278
McPeak, Vincent A 431
Miller, Evan A 371
Martin, Erika L 368
McCarthy, Bryan P 181, 182, 366
McPherson, Jarod M 389
Miller, Evan P 415
Martin, Franklin 97
McCarthy, David J 357
McQuilkin, Olivia B 401
Miller, Jack M 361
Martin, Garret M 377
McCarthy, Nichole C 393
McVay, Wesley A 379
Miller, Kendra M 417
Martin, Henry F 355
McCartney, Evan D 407
McWilliams, Harrison C 424
Miller, Kyle Thomas 274
Martin, Joseph D 406
McClain, Aaron J 412
Means, Melany A 363
Miller, Matthew D 357
Martin, Kristopher C 176, 408
McClearn, Michael J 387
Medina, Cherae M 365
Miller, Merry Noel 222
Martin, Stephanie Agnes 261
McCluskey, Ryan A 387
Medlock, Garrett L 373
Miller, Nathan T 254
Martinez, Ethan J 407
McColaugh, Ian R 427
Meehan, Brian M 431
Miller, Stephen J 209
Martinez, Gabrian F 359
McCollum, Austin M 429
Mefford, Kyle B 432
Miller, Timothy A 360
Martinez, Jairo J 403
McConnell, Caleb 345
Mehaffey, Mitchell E 359
Miller, Timothy J 406
Martinez, Justin R 433
McConville, Colin E 369
Meidell, Lindsay 369
Miller, Travis C 357
Martinez, Miguel R 393
McCool, Christopher Jay 209
Meier, Charlie J 422
Millikin, Matthew L 361
Millis, Jennifer L 368
Moore, Meaghan A 397
Murphy, Sean M 397
Nichols, Timothy John 234
Mills, Danny 377
Moorhead, Blake E 415
Murray, Dennis P 423
Nicholson, Jacob A 387
Mills, Gavin L 385
Moorhead, Cody L 202
Murrell, Andrew G 365
Nickerson, John W 414
Mills, Joshua C 357
Moorhead, Kipp London 314
Murtha III, John P 384
Nickisch, Sarah M 427
Mills, Nash S 305
Moorkamp, Katherine E 379
Musselman, Jacob W 417
Nicklas, James L 407
Mills, Phillip Marron 342
Morales, Christopher A 395
Myers, David F 176, 385
Nicula, Marian A 176, 389
Mills, Roderick Andrew 237
Moran, Ryan M 393
Myers, Travis R 88, 418
Niebrugge, Connor R 381
Mills, Terryn B 409
Morehouse, Hannah A 408
Miltenberg, Glenn M 73, 407
Morehouse, Kristopher D 374
Miner, Kristi J 388
Morell, Stefan P 379
Na, Hyun 286
Nietzsche, Friedrich 253
Minnick, Christian E 391
Morgan, Blake W 419
Nail, Shannon Dee 270
Niklas, Austin J 421
Mintzmyer, J C 394
Morgan, Calvin E 399
Nakayama, Jeffrey M 325
Nissen, Daniel E 405
Miranda, Vincent 213
Morgan, Carl A 373
Napper, Christina A 365
Nissen, Kay Magdalena 293
Misare, Ryan C 376
Morgan, Katelynn G 406
Narvaez, Gabriel B 365
Noble, Blake Davis 179, 242
Misra, Benjamin J 376
Morgan, Patrick S 423
Narvaez Gozun V, Benjamin 337
Noble, Joel W 380
Misra, Mary A 359
Morin, Jacob R 359
Nash, Austin D 417
Noble, Richard A 376
Mitchel, Samuel G 380
Morosco, Anthony Joseph 225
Nash, Timothy C 181, 182, 333
Noboa, Javier 345
Mitchell, Alexander D 355
Morris, Andre 80, 81, 83, 337
Natelli, Kenneth A 362
Nokleberg, Juli E 431
Mitchell, D'Angelo Matheos 321
Morris, Jared L 368
Naumann, Jacob M 400
Nolan, Robert C 305
Mitchell, Daniel J 266
Morris, Lee R 373
Navaroli, Anthony G 429
Noon, Elliot 218
Mitchell, Logan T 411
Morris, Michael B 381
Nayyer, Mahhad 367
Nordquist, Suzann G 389
Mitchener, Nathan A 365
Morrison, Samantha B 365
Nazarek, Kyle D 403
Norquist, Kyle K 423
Mitnaul, Justin H 246
Morrison, Shaun C 431
Ndour, Ndeye F 386
Norrington, Jessica R 399
Mittelberg, Christopher I 393
Morse, Lindsay 398
Neal, Daniel B 411
Norton, Charles W 418
Nielsen, Joshua A 427
Niemeyer III, Henry F 358
Mittelman, Rachel L 181, 182, 432
Mosby, Mark Anthony 21, 26, 166, 325
Neal, Kenneth A 356
Norton, Jacqueline R 258
Mittelman, Samuel A 357
Mosby, Morgan D 375
Neal, Robert D 382
Norvell, Elizabeth Kay 350
Mizes, Mike 73, 286
Moses, Kaleigh C 371
Neal, Roland B 369
Notini, Arthur M 412
Moak Jr, Kenneth D 176, 390
Moses, Kyle Drake 261
Neat II, James W 431
Nottingham, DJ 392
Mobley, Tim 407
Mosher, Daniel Scott 234
Necochea, Gabriel Matthew 310
Nowadly, Craig D 421
Moede, Christopher H 422
Moss, Tytus Marshall 261
Neely, Timothy L 373
Nunez, Kyle J 396
Moehling, Kurt S 373
Mosteller, Michael 162, 290
Neilan, John B 405
Nye, Marshall L 225
Moffett, Katrina Elizabeth 258
Mote, Joshua P 379
Nelson, Alexander J 181, 424
Nygard, John J 179,238
Mohammad Idris, Arif S 426
Motley, Maurice L 357
Nelson, Christopher G 379
Nyre, Erin M 398
Mohr, Joshua W 427
Mott, Casey B 426
Nelson, Cody R 425
Mohrmann, Karl Aric 325
Moyer, Nathaniel Sails 209
Nelson, Daniel A 364
Mohr, Simon 317
Mozingo, Jacqueline M 404
Nelson, Heather C 385
Oakley, Michael A 412
Molina, Christine C 395
Mudd, Kevin Jacob 330
Nelson, Joshua M 176, 408
Oar, Tyler Dakota 225
Monjeau, Derek W 419
Mueller, Amanda R 363
Nelson, Kyle Bennett 202
Oas, Sam 261
Monk, James L 375
Mueller, Brandon A 387
Nelson, Matthew L 359
O'Brien, Catherine E 403
Monreal, Christen Clarissa 111, 237
Mueller, Bryanna M 411
Nelson, Ryan T 387
Ochs 111, Gary T 409
Monroe, Joshua Patrick 238
Mueller, Lindsey C 407
Nelson, Steven M 377
Ochs, Paul S 416
Monsalve, Jonathan A 375
Mueller, Sarah Elizabeth 205
Nelson, Travis P 214
O'Connell, Kaitlin 373
Montel, Kenneth K 363
Muhlenberg, Byron H 26, 421
Nemethy, Andrew J 428
O'Connell, Kody L 356
Montgomery, Rory P 431
Muilenburg, Connor L 401
Neptune, Alexandria C 246
O'Connor Jr, Anthony R 419
Montgomery, Tate N 390
Muka, Jacek A 298
Neris, Antonio E 381
O'Connor, Christopher A 389
Mook, Kevin J 401
Mun, Jin Y 389
Neville, David E 384
O'Connor, Jesse D 399
Moore, Austin T 406
Mundy, Richard S 388
Newberry, Richard A 410
O'Connor, Sara K 377
Moore, Bryan M 397
Munger, Justin R 43, 274
Newell, Stephen 318
O'Donnell, Michael E 360
Moore, Chad H 391
Muniz, Edward A 415
Newkirk, Tristan R 254
Odum, Brandon 174, 345
Moore, David K 176, 417
Muniz, Megan L 71, 365
Newman, Jonathan C 350, 362
Oeser, Karl F 366
Moore III, Alan D 380
Munoz, Andrew S 357
Newmann, Micah C 105, 379
Ofili, Phil 410
Moore II, Michael R 396
Murdock, Ryan 298
Newton, James D 426
Moore, Jordan T 415
Murphy, Benjamin M 363
Ngo, Khanh-Christopher 423
O'Grady, Kelly M 391 Ogren, Charles T 377
Moore, Joshua M 378
Murphy, Bridgett M 360
Nguyen, Jennifer 314
O'Hair, MarkS 397
Moore, Justin T 363
Murphy, Patrick J 421
Nguyen, Preston G 363
Ojeda, Ralph Alfonso 350
Moore, Kyle L 359
Murphy, Patrick M 378
Nichol, James Ryan 214
Okai Jr, Joseph N 405
Moore, Madelyn P 429
Murphy, Samuel D 403
Nichols, Thomas Gregory 330
Okamoto, James T 367
OKelley, Michael 410
Pal, Monique M 431
Peabody, Matthew R 397
Pham, Alan 33Z
O'Konnell, Cody 180
Paladino, Julie M 250
Peace, Kyle J 306
Phaneuf, Alana Michelle 330
Oldmixon, Benson 318
Palicia, Noah Alexander 112, 305
Pearce, Taylor E 417
Phelan, Craig J 355
Olejnik, Andrew P 431
Palko, Kyle A 20,393
Pearse, Olga 420
Phelan, Howard B 389
Oliver, Michael Steven 274
Palmer, Claire A 415
Pearson, Benjamin A 385
Phetmixay, David 325
Ollis, Jordan C 419
Palmer, Howard P 413
Pearson III, Payton E 426
Philbrick, Anna E 363
Ollis, Richard A 398
Palmer, Joshua M 430
Pearson, Jonathan E 419
Phillips, Angelica G 36Z
Olme, Mark G 386
Palmer, Kyle Eugene 230
Pecci III, Alexander R 419
Phillips, Eric P 356
Olmedo, Devin J 397
Palmier, Andrew J 433
Peckham, Keegan K 365
Phillips, Kyle L 3Z0
Olsen, Alexander D 429
Pamerleau, Geoffrey D 392
Pederzani, Cassandra M 368
Phillips, Lianna Marie 302
Olson, Ashley D 174, 360
Pamilagas, Kevin S 176, 383
Pedretti, Tobias L 330
Piazza, Matthew J 381
Olson, Christopher J 379
Paquin, Marie F 426
Peek, Eric W 359
Piazza, Michael C 412
Olson, Erik M 254
Paranka, Michael A 96, 388
Pelc, Nathan L 431
Piccone, Alana L 39Z
Olson, Soren 258
Pardal, Michel 318
Pelletier, Seth W 423
Pichkur, Dmytro 432
Olson, Taylor 218
Parenteau, Michelle 278
Pence, Randy J 367
Pickering, Luke B 375
Olsowski, Carly Mae 262
Park, Eunice H 429
Pendley, Jeffrey Michael 266
Pickett, Daniel G 393
O'Malley, Mallory E 393
Park, Jaewoo 423
Penner, Jared 416
Piehl, Benjamin J 424
Oms, John 411
Park, Joshua M 420
Penner, Travis 310
Pieper, Christopher A 388
O'Neil, Megan E 413
Park, Kyle J 355
Pennetti, Alexander J 407
Pierce, John W 395
O'Neill, Jonathan M 355
Park, Mat 325
Penninga, Marc W 342
Pierson Jr, Scott Norwood 334
O'Neill, Meghan A 410
Park, Suzi Jane 266
Penrod, Trisha 175, 198
Pike, Stephen Ashley 274
O'Neill, Tess A 372
Park, Timothy M 403
Penry, Nicholas Christopher 246
Pilcher, Kelsey L 391
Onitsuka, Tony 325
Parker, Daniel John 182, 234
Perdomo, Michael 417
Pineda, Andrew P 363
Oniu, Bogdan 371
Parker, David A 397
Peredera, Maria R 357
Pineda, Drew 72, 73
Orozco, Kathrina M 409
Parker, Dennis M 375
Perez Jr, Esteban 359
Pineo, Stephen L 181, 182, 428
Orrill, Nathan W 391
Parker, Steven V 396
Perez, Mario I 377
Pingel, Bradley W 286
Ortiz, Krista E 405
Parks, Eric L 250
Perez, Patrick V 379
Pinkerton, Courtney D 426
Ortiz, Melanie C 385
Parks, Ian N 395
Perich, Maiya 114, 395
Pipe, Anthony M 415
Osborne, Michael J 411
Parlee, Jeffrey M 230
Perkins, Charles A 112, 361
Pippin, Scott T 371
Osborn, Wesley Hamilton 62, 202
Parmater, Alex T 254
Perkins, Christopher A 382
Pitcher, Thomas J 370
Ostert, Brandon W 393
Parrish, Douglas E 214
Perkins, Victoria P 425
Pladera, Ayesha C 387
Ostlie, McCall G 176,355
Parritt, Joel A 174, 419
Pershke, Austin D 356
Plascencia, Kevin 23, 399
Ostrander, Meagan M 395
Parrott, Gage C 395
Perumal, Daniel J 379
Plasencio, Lindsay M 407
Ostrowski, Cory James 286
Partain, Joshua M 395
Pesich, Daniel C 392
Ploschnitznig, John T 371
O'Sullivan, Mara K 433
Partridge, Teegen J 415
Pestana, Amanda G 427
Plumb, Alexander Lee 282
Ott, John J 413
Passmore, Jordan 290
Peters, Brandon K 399
Plyler, Jonathan Michael 222
Ott, Randall T 388
Patchoski, Philip S 431
Peters, Zachary
Podolnick, Jacob 381
Otto, Kaitlin F 225
Patel, Aadit A 362
Peters, Zachary A 400
Podplatnik, Marko 429
Ottusch, John J V 432
Patel, Arpan Y 365
Petersen, Ezra B 3Z3
Poehler, Marcus 337
Oury, Andrew J 409
Patel, UdditH 399
Petersen, Matthew D 174, 387
Poisson III, Robert J 432
Owen, Nicholas A 427
Paterson, Andrew D 357
Petersen, Sarah 226
Poje, Christopher B 430
Owens, Andrew J 230
Paterson, Gabriel J 382
Petersen, William J 357
Poland, Eric G 384
Owens, Gage L 77, 417
Patience, Jonathan C 377
Peterson, Benjamin J 381
Owens, Gavin C 373
Patino, Taque G 392
Peterson, Benjamin M 411
Polesky, Kevin M 242 Pompa, Anthony G 364
Owens, Roman C 394
Patrick, Matthew J 177, 399
Peterson, Candice 179, 266
Ponce, Jason M 422
Owens, Steven A 431
Patrick, Ryan M 408
Peterson, Clifford A 428
Pond, Jacob A 401
Owusu-Achiaw, Justice 359
Patten, Cole M 397
Peterson, Hannah E 377
Popovich, Jovan 421
Patterson, Kennedy M 355
Peterson, Jared M 419
Poquiz, Marvin G 28, 210
Patterson, Stephanie L 102, 411
Peterson, Shaun 361
Poremski, Raychel A 205
Pacheco, Carlos 431
Patton Jr, John J 377
Peterson, Whitney D 238
Porter, Craig Curtis 181,182,325
Pack, Robyn E 428
Pattugalan, Joanna K 360
Petit, Alexandra D 418
Porter, Enicia S 405
Pacurariu, Coleen 130, 375
Paul, Charles W 394
Petrie, Ryan C 363
Porter, Evan M 198
Pacyna, Elizabeth M 395
Paul, Jamaal A 366
Petrik, Zachary P 433
Potterton, Jordan W 375
Paddock, Allison K 366
Pauli, Harrison Matthew 262
Petry, Andrew K 181, 420
Potthoff, Travis S 430
Paek, Christopher M 392
Payne, Benjamin C 379
Petter, Jacob L 384
Potts II, Gregory D 359
Page, Blake Adam 94, 293
Payne, Collin E 427
Pettyjohn, Dillon C 383
Poulsen, Christopher Lee 293
Page, William Lawrence 286
Payne, TyB 179, 278
Pfaff, Stephen W 38, 290
Powell, Caleb F 293
Raihan, Aseef M 405
Risma, Jacob F 22, 371
Powell, Jonathon H 410
Railey, Brontavious A 399
Remien, William C 369
Risner, Dakota M 390
Powell, Michael H 176, 429
Raine, Samuel R 425
Remington, William D 242
Risse, Andrew Q 410
Powell, Zachary T 363
Raisor, Kayla Anne 337
Remsing, Christopher R 354
Ritchie, Breeden M 88, 403
Rajchel, Brad M 369
Rendon, Moises 198
Ritschard, John E 419
Pressley, Thomas Lee 202
Rakes, Jacobb Corey 306
Renfro, Chelsea D 381
Ritt, Joe 318
Price, Bryan J 381
Ramey, Jaime L 361
Rengan, Krishna C 413
Rivera, Bryan J 382
Prichard, Charles J 310
Ramirez Amador, Adalys 427
Resch, Adam J 378
Rivers, Tyrae K 383
Primeaux, Jonathan A 422
Ramon-Sanchez, Adrian 158
Ressel, Anthony D 226
Rivey, Joshua C 391
Primm, Joel G 325
Ramos, Adrian 210
Ressel, Tony 182
Rizvi, Ali H 423
Prince, Eric R 38, 181, 182, 294
Ramos, Clinton A 381
Restrepo, Kevin 366
Robben, Jeremy S 394
Prince, Tirzah W 25, 178, 417
Ramsey, Taryn Lynn 180, 246
Revels Jr, Allen R 419
Roberts, Brandon L 179, 362
Prinkey, Meghan K 404
Ramsier, Alexa A 76, 77, 360
Reyes, Amanda R 371
Roberts, Jason E 294
Proctor, Christopher T 403
Rana, Ajaya S 101, 425
Reyes, Joel V 423
Roberts, Matthew F 385
Proctor, Glenn J 423
Rancourt, Philip A 202
Reyneveld, Jase T 357
Roberts, Rachel A 417
Prodan, Emanuel 326
Randall, Alexander L 385
Reynolds, Jacob W 363
Roberts, Russell B 414
Prosseda, Olivia M 413
Randall, Derek 367
Reynolds, James R 181, 182, 262
Roberts, Steve 266
Prusko, Alexandra M 397
Raney, Emily E 419
Rhoades, Bryan M 181, 408
Roberts, Taylor M 386
Pryce, Ian D 409
Rapp, Kelly T 433
Rhoads, Connor A 389
Robertson, Christopher G 411
Pryor Jr, David A 412
Rasfeld, Daniel M 379
Ricciotti, Leo M 416
Robertson, Jacob J 254
Pryor, Lillian S 399
Rash, Sarah L 355
Rice, David H 404
Robertson, Lewis C 383
Ptacek, David R 365
Rasmussen, Kyle D 379
Rice, Scott E 369
Robertson, Max D 367
Puckett, Sara K 202
Rasmussen, Zachary J 390
Rich, Kyle 218
Robillard, Alicia Margaret 175, 294
Puentes, Stevie Alexa 175, 210
Rath, Derek R 415
Richan, Camille M 401
Robillard, Amanda 133,175,338
Puffenbarger, Edward W 423
Rath, Frederick W 429
Richard, Jesse E 409
Robinson, Adam P 321
Puffenbarger, Haley Dawn 294
Rathke, Ryan M 357
Richards, Hayden K 417
Robinson, Anthony M 394
Puleo, Matthew J 401
Ratkovich, Zachary M 400
Richardson, Andrew S 371
Robinson, Eric John 179, 210
Pulver, Andrej E 418
Ratliff, Melissa N 361
Richardson, Christopher D 424
Robinson, Kyle A 389
Puzak, Stephanie F 376
Rayhill, Gilbert E 408
Richardson, Derek M 419
Robinson, Nicque M 407
Pyle, Anthony 401
Rayhill, Wrendy K 399
Richardson, Jon M 420
Robinson, Robert Austin 310
Pyles, Michael Scott 321
Raymond, Nathaniel D 368
Richardson, Lacey Nicole 262
Robinson, Ryan 314
Powell, Jared C 356
Presley, Kevin H 383
Raynor, Robert A 366
Richardson, Luke J 389
Rock, Jonathan M 77, 410
Razafinimanana, Sedra F 390
Richardson, Mark E 421
Rockwell, Luke R 431
Reardon, Stephen M 377
Richardson, Matthew C 380
Rode, Eric David 338
Quadrino, John A 376
Reasoner, Jonathan W 425
Richardson, Sierra B 367
Rodgers, Andrew J 365
Quallio, Andrew J 77, 359
Rebhi, ImedE 182,384
Richmond, John D 262
Rodgers, Jessica Lyn 258
Quern, Glynnis Ann 179, 334
Recker, Ryan P 411
Rickert, Ryan S 298
Rodgers, Seth M 373
Quesinberry, Rachel E 379
Red, Erik J 406
Ricketts, Richard E 80, 81, 83 238
Rodriguez, Amanda K 369
Quezada, Michael R 416
Redfield, Thomas A 397
Ricks, Christopher Won 334
Rodriguez, Des R 403
Quick, Aaron M 419
Red, John M 408
Ricks, Jacob MacRae 179, 298
Rodriguez, Gabriel L 423
Quick, Peter 176, 385
Reece, Iva S 413
Riebe, Beau M 401
Rodriguez, Juan J 420
Quijano, Theodore K 373
Reed, Nicholas K 368
Riegleman, David L 402
Rodriguez, Richard 246
Quinn, Parker M 405
Reeder, James C 387
Riehn, Samuel K 375
Rodriguez, Trenten D 398
Quirao, Gabrielle A 416
Reeder, Rachel M 354
Riel, Anthony R 363
Rodriguez, Victor 414
Quirarte, Jonathan M 412
Reeder, Wesley W 367
Riley, Adelae B 367
Rodriquez, Joshua M 177, 370
Qutaishat, Rami M 413
Reedy, Allison M 399
Riley, Brian Christopher 242
Roesler, Nathaniel W 360
Reep, Samantha B 362
Riley, Garrett M 306
Rogers III, Louis C 385
Reichel, Charles J 407
Riling, Justin K 361
Rogers, Matthew T 414
Racca, James-Darrell V 422
Reicks, Theodore H 368
Rillings, Jared C 363
Rogers, Regan E 421
Rackley, Steele A 370
Reid, Michael 262
Rimando, Kyle N P 206
Rogl, Ryan A 250
Radakovich, Sarah J 141, 364
Reid, Timothy A 360
Rinaldi, Benjamin L 362
Roling, John Mark 246
Rademacher, Cody P 421
Reid, Wesley J 355
Rinaldi, Samuel P 360
Roller, Samuel W 418
Radosevich, Michael D 381
Reiler, Adonis A 401
Ringrose, Jacob C 398
Rommel, Michael S 361
Ragland, Chelsea 401
Reilly, Matthew J 427
Ringwald, Tyler D 223
Ronning, Daniel J 408
Ragland, Paige E 22, 399
Reilly, Max K 26, 421
Rinker, Gregory M 383
Ronsman, Chase D 393
Ragsdale, Reed Eugene 230
Reith, Christopher A 432
Rippe, Joseph 383
Rooney, Orion H 429
Raiford, Delas E 379
Rembert Jr, Reginald Bonanza 80, 85
Rishel, Evan P 417
Rosen, Alexander L 401
Q Qiu, Mengyuan
R )sen, Kevin C 428
Sainsbury, Andrew G 338
Schake, Barrett Eller 318
Scully, Daniel J 378
R jsenthal, Hans C 433
Sajowitz, Mark W 29, 302
Schatsiek, Lee M 416
Seaman, Kelliann 388
F jsenthal, Marcus 342
Sako, Lauren S 425
Scheie, Matthew L 407
Sears, Tucker D 369
F'ose, Robert M 394
Sakovich, Alexander J 173, 409
Scheller, Jenna Sarah 180, 314
Searuggs, Jasmine Antonia 326
I dss, Loring H 385
Salandy, Keisha F 194
Schertz, John R 21, 403
Seaver, John T 424
Ross Scott 226
Salas, Jacqueline M 375
Schierholtz, Vai Aaron 202
Sebourn, Jonathan 406
Ross, William H 379
Salazar Jr, Kenneth C 425
Schillaci, Derek J 404
Sebree, Travis H 194
Ross, William J 365
Salcedo, Lucan Marin 373
Schindling, Casey L 431
Seery, Michael K 98, 396
Rossi, Carl V 373
Salinas, Christina M 430
Schirmer, Cydney E 365
Seibt, Nathan W 180, 382
Rossillon, Kevin j 423
Salinas Jr, David 391
Schleiden, Derek Robert 334
Seidel, Riley M 401
Rost Erin 363
Salley, Christina E 374
Schmidt, Breanna Marie 310
Selby, Matthew D 404
Rother, Matthew Paul 334
Saltamachia, Samantha E 403
Schmidt, Clayton 123
Sellers, Brad 322
Rothschild, Blake V 383
Saltin, Ariel E 423
Schmidt, Fanita H 406
Sells, Amber R 218
Rouse, Staci A 433
Samarah, Laith K 400
Schmidt Jr, Frank H 162, 182, 278
Semrau, Randy Roudy 275
Roux, Palmer F 198
Sambo, John R 415
Schmidt, Sofia M 389
Sena, Alejandro S 247
Rowe, David D 375
Sample, Kenneth R 405
Schmitt, Annalyse M 114, 395
Sena, Austin E 371
Rowe, Derrick M 322
Sanabria Jr, Ruben A 423
Schmitt, Clayton J 394
Senn, Ethan T 433
Rowe, Jessica Ashley 246
Sanchez, Alexis T 355
Schmitz, Daniel S 405
Seovac, Milos R 408
Rowe, Kevin Brent 181, 330
Sanchez, Annie K 369
Schnabel, Sara M 363
Serafinko, Kenneth E 401
Rowley, Evan E 431
Sanchez, Keyona C 175, 385
Schneider, Bradley A 177, 387
Serilli, Colton D 372
Rozsa, Jordan D 179, 182, 384
Sanchez, Orlando Saldana 367
Schneider, Jonathan J 365
Serratore, Carly J 387
Rubanka Jr, Michael A 366
Sandblom, Derek J 381
Schneider, Matthew S 423
Settle, Cody P 145, 174, 422
Rubeck, Nicole Renee 234
Sanders, Joel A 226
Schneider, Zachary M 11, 376
Severino, Christopher W 182, 194
Rubin-Santos, Karen 175, 405
Sanders, Matthew B 180, 406
Schoemer, Sara Elizabeth 350
Sevier Jr, William C 409
Rubio, Edward M 416
Sanders-Walker, Faith 346
Schoener, Benjamin D 433
Sewell, Samuel J 429
Rucker, Brittany S 55, 372
Sandoval, Carlos D 247
Schoenfeldt, Brandon C 430
Sexton, Michael J 258
Ruckriegle, Sarah Rose 302
Sandtorv, Vincent K 274
Schofield, Mackenzie K 131, 401
Sexton, Stephanie S 430
Rudolph, Paulina K 364
Sanford, Ian C 401
Schomaker, Jacob A 385
Sfeir, Oliver 433
Ruel, Philip D 342
Santiago, Gloriemar Torre' 310
Schonfeld, Daniel R 409
Shadoin, David P 176, 362
Ruether, Shane M 338
Santiago Jr, Jon J 302
Schonsheck, Tyler 206
Shaffer, Stephen M 238
Ruz, Ana 416
Santoro, Nicholas R 391
Schoonover, Kyle M 399
Shanklin, Krystin M 432
Ruiz, Christopher A 369
Sapper, Bradley Ryan 202
Schory, Kyle P 389
Shanks, Nathaniel T 378
Ruize, Anthony Michael 326
Sapp, Jasmine S 410
Schreck, Eric 387
Shannon, Christopher J 371
Ruiz, Erik B 372
Sapp, Trevor D 359
Schrock, Zachary P 405
Shannon, Patrick M 367
Rule, Daniel K 364
Sarette, John 180, 346
Schroder, Edward R 417
Shaw, Brandon W 411
Rupert, Paul J 415
Sarette, Joseph R 173, 389
Schroeder, Kyle N 425
Shaw, Jonathan K 359
Rush Jr, John H 425
Sarkis, Samantha Alexandra 242
Schuemann, Kenneth B 419
Shaw, Katherine A 373
Sarmiento, Yasmin I 397
Schuetze, Aaron J 354
Showier, Evan K 433
Rutherford, John M 387
Sarno, Jeremy J 418
Schuetz, Matthew L 359
Shaw, Michael 143, 179, 346
Ruth, Eric C 357
Sarsozo, Dennilyn J 379
Schule, Heath T 357
Shaw, William G 359
Rutter, Spencer T 417
Sasaki, Jeffrey M 398
Schuler, Katie Elizabeth 125, 255
Shea, Andrew M 431
Ruud, Niko 397
Sasser, Samuel A 365
Schultheiss, Alexander A 354
Shea Jr, Stephen J 406
Ryals, Emily L 131,386
Satchell, Bachar Nathaniel 334
Schultz, Trevor A 367
Shealy, David A 371
Ryan, David Arthur 180, 334
Satterfield, Brett 338
Schultz, Tyler A 424
Shealy, Kimberly J
Ryan, Jack W 417
Satterfield, Jamela D 71, 362
Schumacher, Derek F 384
Sheeks, Courtney J 175, 385
Ryan, Patrick Shawn 210
Saftes, Michael A 362
Schumann, Zachary D 370
Sheffer, Jordan Allen 310
Ryherd, Jon 218
Saunders, Zachary C 26, 421
Schuman, Ory M 387
Sheikh, Ryan H. 427
Ryner, Keenan 206 Ryszka, Krzysztof 177, 419
Sauter, Sarah S 384
Schutz, Garrett A 322
Sheiner, Chad A 326
Savage, Jack T 363
Schweickert, Andrew 274
Shepard, Heather R 427
Savonne, Stephen D 365
Schweiss, Erik L 385
Sheridan, Adam C 306
Saydah, John D 400
Schwochow, Kyle E 354
Sherman, Kristopher K 330
Saari, Sfephaney N 77, 355
Sayers, Josiah H 383
Scott, Ben A 51, 407
Sherman, Sheila R 358
Sabet, Cory M 413
Sayers, Michael John 206
Scott, Matthew K 425
Sherwood, Blake Y 258
Sabol, Maffhew G 379
Scarberry, Elizabeth Ann 218
Scott Jr, Michael Dean 247
Shetley, Kaitlin M 408
Sack, Kevin A 403
Schaefer, Jeffrey A 21, 422
Scott, Taylor J 427
Saeger, Michael 226 Sagmoen, Stormy T 99, 395
Schaeuble, Martin A 416
Scroggins, Benjamin C 266
Schafer, Kyle C 258
Scull Jr, Kenneth T 173, 377
Shetley, Lauren N 356 Shields, Christopher M 386 Shields, Joseph D 360
Russomanno, Ryan
Smitas, Martynas 299
Sowers, Benjamin D 364
Stenger, Brandon T 429
Shields, Patrick J 387
Smith, Allan 214
Spahr, Gordon M 420
Shinkle, Garrett S 367
Smith, Andrew M 375
Spalla, Andrew J 182, 364
Stenger, Brian R 414 Stephens, Christopher C 41, 397
Shinn, Anthony C 427
Smith, Bradford L 388
Spangler, Tyler M 423
Stephenson, Robert M 179, 390
Shippey, Michael C 415
Smith, Brian J 180, 384
Span III, Martin T 380
Stephens, Savier 318
Smith, Christopher M 378
Spaulding, Preston K 363
Steppe, Patrick N 290
Shields, Matthew 242
Shirley, Paige C 425 Shmurak, Yevgeniy B 407
Smith, Dennis T 358
Speer, Chad D 383
Stevens, James K 401
Shok, Eric David 135, 322
Smith, Elizabeth Emory 282
Spencer, Caroline C 429
Stevens, Jelisa M 433
Short, Joel D 388
Smith, Ely Fitzgerald 351
Spencer, Kelly Elizabeth 198
Stevens, Joshua L 338
Shotwell, Casey Alan 234
Smith, Erik H 429
Spidel, James Logan 206
Stewart, Jamie M 355
Shovelton, Joshua M 412
Smith, Ethan J 369
Spiering, Jacob T 383
Stewart, Jonathan C 377
Shrift, David P 414
Smith, Jeremy Scott 238
Spiro, Trevor D 392
Stewart, Mark 405
Shufeldt, Peter 306
Smith, Justin T 415
Sporrer, Aaron T 403
Stewart, Taylor H 68, 426
Sibley, Laurel M 367
Smith, Kaylon E 369
Sprang, Joshua S 407
Stibick, Samantha Jo 28, 322
Sidwell, John A 432
Smith, Kelsey A 10, 52,145,179, 422
Spranger, Craig G 73, 388
Stigall, Bryan G 364
Siebert, Ryan R 368
Smith, Kimberly R 389
Spranger, Zachary J 73, 365
Stigall, Kyle S 387
Siegel, Matthew T 203
Smith, Kyle Alexander 181, 182, 206
Springfield, Joseph W 182, 366
Stilwell, Nichole Rhea 115, 263
Sierra, Sergio A 369
Smith, Manuel 404
Sproul, David Michael 262
Stimpson, Jessie Marie 234
Sikkema, Paul D 382
Smith, Michael A 378
Squire, Laura 371
Stinson, Demetrius D 383
Sikora, Amber K 366
Smith, Michael B 428
Stacks, Michael L 420
Stockamp, Kyle J 396
Sikora, Ashley M 424
Smith Jr, Michael S 403
Staff, Jordan M 381
Stockdale, Nicholas A 266
Silva, Hermes Y 396
Smith, Nicholas A 406
Stafford, Jesse M 409
Stoll, Adam H 413
Silverbush, Angela E 387
Smith, Nicholas W 314
Stafford, Joseph 119, 346
Stone, Emma M 356
Silverio, Joseph M 402
Smith, Peter 381
Stainbrook, David A 433
Stossmeister, Hache K 409
Silvio, Joseph Ellis 73, 275
Smith, Ryan P 420
Stambaugh, Kelly V 103, 411
Stout, Marshall E 375
Simeroth, David L 357
Smith, Samantha N 357
Stan, Craig R 377
Stover, William T 377
Simkin, Geoffrey M 226
Smith, Sarah Lynn 230
Stanford, Stephanie Sheree 331
Stowe, Darren Wade 238
Simkus, John 218
Smith, Travis C 413
Stange, Nichole B 431
Stowe, Wesley D 374
Simmonds, Holden D 387
Smith Jr, Warren C 368
Stanley, Joshua D 402
Strauss, Marissa E 384
Simmons, Cale J 391
Smith, Weston K 420
Stanley, Marc D. 421
Strawbridge, Andrew David 266
Simmons, Eleanor E 407
Smith, Zachary S 371
Stanley, Paul 203
Street, Andrew G 376
Simmons, Jasper 214
Smithson, Christopher C 393
Stanley, Rachel K 175,380
Street, Kyle P 425
Simmons, Rachel Elizabeth 210
Smoke, Tahlia C 110, 380
Staples, Haley 334
Street, Matthew R 426
Simmons, Robert J 395
Smythe, Michael 381
Starkey, Joel P 421
Street V, Charles G 247
Simoneau, Jennifer L 218
Snider, James J 404
Stark, Joel T 385
Strength, Jarred A 367
Simons, James T 391
Snook, John M 401
Stark, Julian R 379
Stribling, John W 368
Simons, Jorden D 375
Snyder, Ethan D 401
Starkweather, Grant L 259
Strickland, Steven G 399
Simonson, Shane R 397
Snyder, Evan J 243
Starr, Daniel L 73, 416
Strickland, Tony D 373
Simpson, Daniel E 417
Sober, Kevin T 397
Stasik, Daniel J 363
Stringfield, Jacquelyn O 395
Sims, Annalisa M 422
Soderberg, Erik R 430
Staten, Allante B 363
Strobel, Nicholas 275
Singletary, Janai N 354
Soileau, Garrett V 415
Staver, Alannah M 373
Strong, Malcolm L 378
Singletary, Kyle P 377
Sol, Ryan S 358
St. Cyr, Aimee E 391
Stronko, Jokob 383
Singletary, Taurean 346
Solon, Alden C 26, 421
Steadman, Zane H 38, 294
Stroud, Josh 299
Sirak, Kaley E 399
Soltisz, Benjamin Joseph 306
Stearns, Tyler A 24, 425
Strovers, Darrell 198
Sittig, Ryan K 359
Song, Bills 182,406
Stecher, Rachel N 393
Stryker, Nicholas J 387
Siverio, Matthew J 430
Song, Yeong Hwa 355
Stedman, Joshua S 3Z1
Strykowski, Dirk R 286
Skeele, John B 409
Sorensen, Nathan G 399
Steen, Colton D 373
Stuard, Kathryn L 426
Skene, Brett Rodgers 250
Soriano, Dustin John 234
Steen Jr, Eric Herbert 278
Stubblefield, Eric D 407
Skurdahl, Mark J 419
Sorrera, Danielle B 401
Stefanovic, Petar G 409
Stucky, Scott E 426
Slade, Daniel A 415
Sortino Jr, Michael P 373
Stegeman, Cole R 382
Stuntz, Sean 267
Slater, Carson L 286
Soster, Taylor Paul Gerard 109, 290
Stegemann, Beau J 416
Stuppy, Bennett D 390
Slater, Nicholas W 421
Soto, Yunior G 404
Stehr, Barrett B 405
Sturdevant, Laura 346
Sleeter, Justin J 395
Sou, Raymond 369
Stein, Daniel S 425
Sugar, Andrew M 419
Sleeth, Brandon J 427
Southard, Kyle R 302
Steiner, Linwood L 376
Suhrhoff, Kristen A 433
Smail, Dustin 203
Southworth, Ryan S 322
Stein, Liam M 195
Sullivan, Anthony D 415
Small, Tyler William 77, 270
Souza, Ismenia De 175
Stelmaschuk, Emily A 413
Sullivan, Matthew S 391
Smedley VII, William 409
Sower, Samson S 389
Stemen, Joshua D 176, 413
Suluai, Samone Amorita 306
Sumerlin, Zachary C 387
Taylor, Sierra R 369
Thuli, Nathaniel E 219
Summerlin, Lindsey M 176, 415
Taylor, Thomas J 410
Tibbs II, Michael L 395
Trolinger, Grace M 390
Sung, Scoff William 290
Teague, Brett E 387
Tiedemann, Katie L 151, 375
Troft, Ian A 239
Sunshine, Jeremy K 427
Teakell, Jarred W 381
Tien Nguyen, Daniel Manh 282
Trubiano, Jacob R 427
Sufton, Abigail Ann 299
Templer, Michael E 290
Tijerina, Justin A 429
Trubilla, Michael David 331
Suwabe, Joseph 409
Tenenbaum, Marcus R 294
Tilghman II, Terry L 407
Trujillo, Derek J 391
Suys, William A 397
Tengelsen, Carrie Louise 38, 203
Tilong, Morgan C 365
Truxal, David 346
Trojanovich, Corey J 423
Svecz IV, Andrew J 397
Tenpas, Daniel J 370
Tilton, John Russell 100, 234
Truxal, Joseph R 355
Swan, Chloe M 420
Teope, Jan T 426
Timor, Ryan E 431
Tucker, Caleb A 391
Swaney, Allison J 390
Teresky, Caitlin C 107, 275
Timpe, Eric C 373
Tulley, Zachary B 383
Swanson, Alexandra 326
Terry, Amanda E 392
Timsuren, Nathan S 424
Tung, Kalyn A 181, 394
Swanson, Colin S 418
Terry, Amy Marie 176, 291
Tipton, David B 385
Turner, Dylan D 369
Swanson, David 409
Terry, Barbra E 387
Tipton, James T 367
Turner, Jerra Leigh 275
Swanson, Granf T 388
Terry, Evan 294
Tise, Eric J 433
Turner, Sarah N 429
Swartz, Michael C 371
Tester, Michael A 299
Tiwari, Ivor A 385
Turner, Zachary Taylor 331
Sweeney, Brennan J 429
Tewaheftewa, James G 428
Todaro, Alexis M 99, 359
Twigg, Christopher M 381
Sweeney, Nolan 250
Tew, Jared D 291
Todd. Shannon N 379
Twohig, Evan M 402
Sweet, Jefferson R 368
Tharp, Justin S 415
Todd Tyler L 179, 378
Twohig, Kimberly A 421
Sweitzer, Krystal Ann 203
Thaut, Lane C 396
Toledo Jr, Reynaldo M 391
Tyner, Justin 77, 318
Swift, Jonathan 181, 182, 283
Theuerkauf, Scott 33, 181, 351
Tomasek, Angela C 411
Tyrrell, William M 409
Swinchoski, Thomas A 174, 411
Thiede, Kendrick M 421
Tomaszewski, Jared C 182, 428
Swope, Taylor H 370
Thielmann, Wolf I 407
Tomaszewski, Kyle R T 179, 351
Sydney, Christine J 418
Thiengtrong, Vasutorn V 429
Tona, Kenneth K 429
Udell, Heather M 175, 403
Symalla, Trever Sinjin 203
Thimmel, William D 394
Tonder, Jared W 373
Udensi, Uzochukwu A 375
Szall, Rachele S 419
Tholen, Emily R 393
Tongoi, S Obura 235
Udovicic, Bojan 302
Szuch, Nathanael J 429
Thomas, Anthony J 391
Tonnesen, Wayne A 413
Ueunten, Kevin K 401
Thomas, Chris 198
Tope, Michael R 424
Ulrikson, Kurt R 379
Thomas, Eric E 421
Torano, Joshua F 371
Umberger, Ryan T 399
Tack, Jonathan G 392
Thomas, James D 371
Torf, Jason A 95, 393
Umodu, Kebin P 428
Taggart, James J 226
Thomas, Joshua D 381
Torielli, Adrienne Camille 235
Uniacke Jr, Kevin R 231
Takahashi, David S 356
Thomas, Lauryn J 391
Torok, Georgina 63, 338
Unseth, Elliot A 385
Talamantez, Kendrick V 357
Thomas, Michael A 431
Toro, Todd J Del 405
Untrauer, Tyler C 374
Tamaalii Jr, Newington J 402
Thomas, Rachel E 402
Torrel, Mitchell S 413
Updike, Hatton 295
Tamosuinas, Alexis 174, 346
Thomas, Rusty C 361
Torrence, Matthew Alexander 291
Urbon, Grant C 419
Tamosuinas, Ava R 385
Thomas, Samantha E 429
Torres, Lesly M 113, 425
Ure, James C 179, 362
Tanen, Dustin Roark 10, 63, 35, 259
Thomas, Sarah B 414
Torres, Nicole M 364
Uribe, Daniel 270
Tangeman, Nathan L 389
Thompkins, John M 371
Torres, Skyler M 404
Urista, Timothy A 433
Tangsinathaweewa, Ananchai 375
Thompson, Camille A 409
Torres, Vianca M 409
Urquhart, Cameron S 417
Tanner, Juwayne M 431
Thompson, Christina 179
Tousley, Nathanael I 357
Urrego, Liliana Gabriela 203
Tanner, Tranay L 181, 356
Thompson, Christina L 382
Toussain, Matthew M 386
Usher, Francis M 414
Tanner, William K 418
Thompson, Christopher M 391
Towers, Brandon 415
Ussery, Devon Azell 214
Tanous, Kevin M 371
Thompson, Daniel J 367
Townsend, Bryan W 405
Tappa, Nicholas A 381
Thompson, Gray Montgomery 219
Tracy, Patrick 270
Tardieu, John D 411
Thompson, Holly A
Tranum, Amanda E 399
Vahling, Anthony T 387
Tarvin, Peter J 223
Thompson, Matthew C 424
Trapani, Daniel Kneeland 79, 231
Vaira, Keegan D 386
Tasin, Matthew Alan 195
Thompson, Megan Amanda 310
Travis, Derek G 419
Valdeleon, Gabriel Sahagun 311
Tatum, Ralph K 409
Thompson, Ranee A 361
Travis, Luke Maclay 231
Valencia, Christopher J 377
Taubenslag, Daniel W 432
Thompson, Ryan D 409
Trentman, Patrick H 397
Valentine, Joshua 411
Taute, Jack D 369
Thompson, Ryan J 419
Trevathan, William H 399
Valenzo, Philip N 368
Tavenner, David 238
Thompson, Ryan P 423
Trevino, Anthony F 422
Valladares, Hector J 390
Taylor, Andrew J 166, 326
Thompson, Shaina 131, 141
Trevino, Austin E 432
Vallepadilla, Gabriel A 424
Taylor, Brendan A 420
Thompson, Shaina G 368
Trieu, Timothy M 270
Van Alstine, Kyle T 355
Taylor, Caleb Jett 338
Thompson, William A 408
Trigo, Alex M 403
Van Baalen, Alyssa M 419
Taylor, Cameron 267
Thomson, Alexander B 383
Trillanes-Messi, Donald A 379
Vanden Dries, Susan R 124, 125, 364
Taylor, Elizabeth E 175, 357 Taylor, Karlie E 421
Thorne, Matthew David 66, 255
Trilles, Alec P 25, 417
Vandermosten, Tymothy Donald 255
Thornton, Travis W 404
Trobe, Alexandra Z 106, 373
VanderWaal, Megumi T 420
Taylor, Ryan S 354
Thrasher, Michael J 411
Trochlil, Steven G 361
Vander Wyst, Amy L 361
Wagner, Cole Edward 287
Weaver, Cody James 287
Whitlock, Caleb W 408
Van Horn, Benjamin J 357
Wagner, Jeffrey J 391
Weaver, Johnathan Andrew 283
Whitmey, Andrew David 311
Vanrassen, Loren N 409
Waham, Chloe G 381
Weaver Jr, Kevin W 420
Whitt, Kevin T 406
Van Stetsen, Hunter Keane 306
Waiters, Ariel L 416
Weaver, Max 339
Wichman, Ryan Michael 315
Vardell, Kathleen K 399
Wakefield, Stephen D 424
Webb, Jeremy C 366
Widener, Curtis R 383
Varner, Eric Randall 255
Walcher, David R 412
Webb, Matthew R 405
Wiese, Connor J 411
Vasquez, Robert A 98, 376
Walford, Brian M 380
Weber, Kaila M 354
Wiesner, Joshua A 431
Vasquez, Vicente N 362
Walitsch, John H 370
Weber, Mark 239
Wiesneski, Hannah M 363
Vasta, Mary K 175, 390
Walk, Robert G 291
Webster, Joseph A 423
Wijesinghe, Chamara 41, 278
Vaughan, Zachariah D 371
Walker, Adam D 78, 395
Wedan, Steven W 433
Wikstrom, Jon Wylie 223
Vayda, Travis Terence 351
Walker, Marcus E 367
Wedge, Robert G 409
Wilcox, Steffan M 177, 421
Veilleux, Geri R 365
Walker, Michael 291
Weed, Jonathan R 385
Wilde, Brandon J 386
Vena, Michael H 381
Walker, Nate 83
Weeks, Dustin 379
Wilder, James Ryan 267
Vandiver, Andru S 385
Venable Jr, Daniel Davies 278
Walker, Nathan J 287
Wehmeyer, Jackson L 422
Wiles Jr, Robert J 417
Verge, Cody A 425
Walker, Robert L 176, 327
Weide, Spencer G 375
Wilhelm, Lance T 108,387
Vernier, Meghan E 393
Walker, Weston L 395
Weingart, Margaret 25, 40, 182
Wilke, Chase 347
Versage, Matthew V 335
Wallace, Alicia K 176, 384
Weingart, Margaret E 416
Wilkens, Stacey L 383
Vetri, Michael Samuel 247
Wallace, Anna C 423
Weir, Jonathan M 371
Wilkinson, Joseph P 250
Viar, Morgan T 411
Wallace, Dustin A 425
Weisgarber, Paul A 95, 366
Willcox, Michael T 291
Vickroy, Cameron D 403
Wallace, Eric 247
Weissinger, Tyler D 362
Willett, and Esther 178
Wallerstein, Austin J 394
Welch, John D 364
Willett, Esther D 413
Viens, Madilynn E 393
Wallin, John R 239
Welch, Shane S 415
Williams, Alec S 118,386
Villagrasa, Sophia M 413
Wallin, Kurt W 250
Weldon, Ryan T 420
Williams, Alexander P 415
Villanueva, Christopher S 176, 385
Wallway, Ryan J 387
Welling, Stephen J 371
Williams, Arthur X 373
Villanueva, Ramon A 359
Walmsley, James L 77, 366
Wells, Daryl R 342
Williams, Caitlin E 403
Villarreal, Micah 431
Walsh, Clark P 407
Wells, Nathan A 372
Williams, Caitlin M 388
Villers, Skyler T 326
Walsh Jr, Michael T 363
Welsh, Keenan L 429
Williams, Cory C 400
Viloria Dacquel, Rudyard Josef 257
Walsh, Timothy B 367
Weltzin, Tanner J 398
Williams, Dake E 367
Vincent, Aaron T 402
Walters, Jennifer Nicole 263
Williams, Deshawn D 429
Vincent, Tyler A 397
Walton, Dominic E 387
Werling, Kaitlin A 354 Werner, Kyle P 421
Vine, William B 363
Walton, Turner B 407
Wert, Kelly A 396
Williams, Jeffrey D 381
Vining, Colin S 422
Wang, Chih-Feng
Westerfield, Zachary R 385
Williams, Jeremiah G 423
Vinson, Daniel M 389
Ward, Katherine Aileen 335
Westfall, Elisabeth A 421
Williams, Joshua O 365
Vivian, Coleman G 425
Ward, Matthew L 412
Westland, Johnathan G 380
Williams, Mark J 396
Voight, Megumi J 412
Ward, Samuel H 421
Westmoreland, Kyle J 357
Williams, Matthew B 379
Vokes, Ethan A 431
Warfield, Jeremy P 378
West, Tyler D 322
Williamson, Maloupu L 361
Volesky, Alex 318
Warner Jr, Kris E 373
Wetzel, Colton G 377
Williams, Patrick J 422
Volk, Aaron D 388
Warner, Sarah A 401
Wetzig, John M 375
Williams, Ryan C 364
Volsey, Robert Lee 295
Warren, Taylor K 389
Wharton, Matthew Daniel 226
Williams, Ryan J 384
Vonahnen, James M 390
Warwick, Drew Anthony 322
Wheeler, Cody Paul 295
Williams, Ryan W 419
Vonohlen, Cole L 118,395
Washington, Blake C 369
Whetsel, Jenna R 371
Williams, Stephen 393
Voron, Erik D 417
Washington, Evan J 69, 315
White, Aaron Thomas 275
Williams, Zackery Tylor 315
Voss, Joanna R 364
Wasson, Charles J 203
White, Brent P 104, 429
Willis, Matthew 371
Votto, Joseph M 383
Waters, Patrick F 423
White, Brittany 219
Wilmer, Meredith M 423
Vowell, Benjamin T 403
Watson, Andrew T 429
White, Cameron 397
Wilson, Austyn L 70, 375
Vrabic, Stephen Richard 286
Watson, Bryan Y 362
Whitehead, Jason P 414
Wilson, Brian A 96, 283
Vrana, Katherine I 235
Watson, Matthew 271
Whitehead, Nathan T 399
Wilson, Brianna M 365
Vranicar, Trevor J 287
Watson, Nicolas O 383
White, Jessica Michelle 343
Wilson, Catherine M 394
Vu, Stephen M 383
Watson Jr, Randy L 389
White, Joshua C 374
Wilson, Coryn M 388
Watson, Raphael Eldon 10, 198
White, Kirby J 331
Wilson, Desiree E 381
Watts, Heather C 390
White, Melvin N 368
Wilson, Dustin R 361
Wach, Lance A 430
Watts, Scott M 427
White, Nercresainne M 343
Wilson, Eric C 370
Waddel, Katherine L 177, 404
Watts, Tatsuki L 431
White, Prittany D 359
Wilson, Garret J 419
Waddell III, George A 365
Waugaman, William Brooks 206
Whiteman, Kristina L 377
Wilson, Garrett Thomas 214
Wade, Trevor A 421
Wawrzyniak, Nicholas J 413
Whiteside, Michael S 22, 371
Wilson, Haley P 415
Wagner, Andrew S 307
Weakley, Jeremiah S 405
Whitfield, Forrest 195
Wilson, Joseph H 371
Wagner, Christian E 405
Weaver, Chad Lee 206
Whitlock, Caleb 177, 181, 182
Wilson, Joshua E 430
Vidt, Courtney
179, 311
Williams, Grant R 405
Wilson, Justin D 414
Wooldridge Jr, Alan P 393
Wilson, Katherine J 251
Woolfolk, Michael D 370
Wilson, Kody A 420
Worth, Derek 207
Wilson, Paul S 174, 376
Wright, Alexander J 414
Wilson, Robert P 381
Wright, Katherine C 386
Wilson, Russell Daniel 263
Wright, Kevin Edward 279
Wilson, Ryan R 363 Wilson, Sarah 259
Wright, Samantha L 404 Wright, Tyler P 199
Winata, Yung Argentina 179, 351
Wu, Honghao 431
Wind, Jordan T 351
Wu, Lance F 372
Windley, Christopher T 391
Wulf, Colton M 359
Wineman, Amanda B 418
Wurster, Aaron B 365
Winkler, Derek J 426
Wurth, Michael F 381
Winkley, Micah D 417
Wyall, Hannah L 419
Winningham, Daniel Wyatt 299
Wyatt, Kelly E 422
Winstead, Michael R 365
Wyler, Victoria R 415
Winston, John K 319
Wylie, Dallas E 405
Winter, Kelvin J 372
Wyman, Keith A 173, 414
Winterlin, David W 411 Wise, Evan D 173, 195
Wyngarden, Meagan A 145, 175, 356 Wynn, Matthew M 405
Wise, Josalynn L 385
Wynn, Seth S 367
Wise Jr, Kevin R 425
Wise, Lee F 421
Zacher, Ryan T 407
Zadalis, Aaron M 420 Zahn, Justin S 73, 427
Zaiser, Benjamin D 399 Zaiser, James A 89, 239
Zaki, Sebastian F 373 Zaldivar, Andrew J 393
Zambrano, Joshua E 400 Zamora, Adriana 371 Zane, Eric D 388
Zapata, Miguel Alberto 263 Zartman, Tara S 425 Zavislan, Stefan M 407
Zeigler, Jay R 412 Zeitler, George 409
Zeitlin, Zachary J 377 Zemko, Charles R 391
Zeqollari, Angela J 424 Zettler, Matthew T 365
Zhang, Pamela Y 373 Zhong, Zheng 354 Zhou, Jie 393
Wiseman, Jacob L 398
Yam, Michael K 173,393
Witt, Reid A 427 Wittman, Jordan R 177, 412
Yang Jr, John S 415 Yatawara, Viludani 210
Witzig, Ryan Thomas 315
Yazzie, Desbah Rose 231
Woerner, Emerson P 417
Yeaste, Joshua C 182, 376
Wo|dan, Michael S 358
Yeilding III, Richard P 388
Wojtkiewicz, Craig M 383
Yemane, Michael S 395
Woldt, Weston E 362
Yi, Charles 413
Wolfe, Robert V 319
Yi, Jennifer B 431
Wolfgramm, Sione T 403
Yi, Jonathan S 412
Wolfsmith II, David L 77, 373
Yin, Taixuan 433
Womack, Garrett D 363
Yohe, Kyle David 199
Won, Daniel Y 145,360
Yoo, Hyun M 355
Wong, Alan 323
Yoo,JiH 402
Wong, Edward 410
Yoo, Michael Jay 255
Wong, Enoch T 360
York, Benjamin C 419
Wong, Jessica M 389
Yoshimura, Stephen K 408
Wong, Lisa Yun-Chun 91, 223
Youd, Nathaniel V 379
Wong, Michael J 385
Young, Joshua N 431
Wood, Edward S 425
Young, Kaleb K 375
Woodjeffre 181,182
Young, Kramer S 395
Wood, Jeffre K 364
Young, Laura N 383
Wood, Jennie S 231
Young, Mitchell E 426
Wood, Kelli Catherine 255
Young Jr, Paul A 419
Wood, Spencer G 403
Young, Roman T 367
Wood Jr, Thomas Glenn 227
Young, Ryan D 430
Wood, Zachariah J 365
Young, Ryan M 429
Woodard, Calvin J 358
Young, Shannon R 416
Wooden, Scott D 355
Young, Steven J 379
Wooding Jr, Anthony 411
Young, William R 410
Woodruff, Joshua D 389
Yount Jr, Richard D 387
Woods, Matthew T 428
Yuan, Shuai 395
Woodside, Dustin 181, 182
Yuen, Rachel C 133, 417
Woodside, Dustin C 390
Zhukov, Margo 195
Zhuravlyova, Anastasia L 173, 367 Ziegler, Kyle K 430 Zielinski, Cooper J 391 Zielinski, Ryan A 207 Zilli, Tony H 176, 413 Zitelli, David Anthony 267
Zotto, Daniel M 403
Zoufaly, Sean L 367 Zubey, Alex M 362 Zumbach, David Michael 267
Zuniga, Alexis B 176, 357 Zupancic, Matija 182, 428 Zurita Jr, Alfredo G 433
Zwirlein, Andrew 343
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Vol. 53
Polaris BODY TEXT: AWPCMaximo
CAPTIONS: AWPC Maximo HEADLINES: AWPCMasterMindBold AWPC Maximo, Kunstler Script The 2011 Polaris was produced and printed by Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, MO,
with Greg Stimack Sr. and Greg Stimack Jr. as the company representatives. Walsworth designer, Nic
Hostetter, was responsible for the theme and page designs. Brad Milliman handled editing and writing re-
sponsibilites. James "Kimo" Rush was an editor and served as an advisor to cadet writers and photographers as
well. Maureen Welch supervised the production process as Chief of Cadet Wing Media. The cover binding is Smyth sewn and rounded and backed using 160pt pre-tempered binders board.
It is decorated with a laser cut cutout of a jet that reveals the 4 color endsheet B, a clear silk screen is used to create the contrails of the jets and a matte gold foil stamp on the front and spine is used for the 3 jets on
the front cover, the title and the spine copy.
The cover material is Rich Matte Navy.
Endsheets are made with 100 pound Passport Pumice stock. mosaic artwork created from individual Cadet
They are 4-color front and rear with a
1st Class color photos. The front endsheets were designed to
show through the laser cut cover. The paper stock in the book is 100 pound signature gloss enamel. A total of 4,525 copies of the 2011 Polaris were printed.