Polaris 2012 USAF Academy Yearbook

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The solemnity of the 9/11 Memorial dedication ceremony on the Terazzo touches the hearts of all generations in attendance. (Inset) Hands-on access to the World Trade Center girder gives a tangible reminder of the 2001 attack. - Photos by C3C Andrew Bathurst The Cadet Wing lines the Terazzo for an evening vigil to comemmorate 9/11.- Photo by C3C Joe Cole 9/11 Memorial

Remembering 9/11

“Where were youwhenthe worldstopped turningthat Septemberday?” asks the

song by Alan

Every generation has a historical event that shaped the world they lived in. For our grandparents, it was World War II and Pearl Harbor. For our parents, it was the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis. For our generation, it’s the War on Terrorism and Sept. 11,2001.

Our generation was around 10 years old when the United States was attacked

by al-Qaeda, the Islamist militant group. Adults left work and children were sent home from school; the country came to a halt, grieving for the nearly 3,000 lives lost. Then, a wave of patriotism surged across America, and war was declared.

Ten years later, citizens all over Amerb ca commemorated the anniversary of 9/11 in various ways like the Security Forces

9/11 March to Remember (a 2,100'mile two'inonth march from Lackland AFB, Texas to New York). At USAFA, a new monument containing a piece of the former World Trade Centers was dedicated to those who lost their lives, honoring the 10th anniversary of the attacks. Cadets in service dress lined the edges of the terrazzo at Taps, and a giant American flag covered the football field.

A decade after that sunny day, our generation has lived nearly half of our lives in a post-9/11 era. Whether we realize it or not, this one event affected the decision we had to make when applying to the Academy. Just ten years earlier, teenagers were joining the military with' out the expectation of immediate conflict. For us, the red and yellow ribbons on our service dress mean we volunteered with this expectation. We didn’t just join the U.S. military; we were joining the military of a country at war.' C2C Lauren Sako

New York City firefighters attending the ceremony pause to remember their fallen comrades.

C1C Samantha Reep speaks at the new memorial's dedication.
9/11 MemorialV
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Spencor Editors-in-Chief Photo by Amic

Victory Laps mark progress to graduation

It’s no secret; success at the Air Force Academy is marked by the many small achievements lining the road between the milestones. Each accomplishment, small or large, is worth taking a moment to savor victory over the forces that stand between us and graduation.

While Victory Lap is most commonly associated with the firsties’ final sprint... jog.. .walk.. .at the end of their last PFT, the term is broader than the ensuing fury of the Athletic Department at the graduating class. It is about working hard, and enjoying the results. It is about taking the time to breathe (literally) and enjoying where we are and where we are going.

This year’s theme is about more than just the firsties, but it is, in its title, something that all cadets recognize as a ‘senior right.’ It signifies how we are all moving forward and having new experiences. As the end of each year approaches, we can appreciate where we began and where we are going.

Indeed, it is of ments that mean through the week through the next bit of freedom we cadets cherish so much. From time to time, we owe it to ourselves to raise our hands, or maybe just our first and second fingers, to form a celebratory “V” even if it’s just for a moment.

Victory Lap represents more than the final lap around the track or success on a difficult GR. It represents the victories

that, instead of affecting our OPAs, affect our most fundamental development. This yearbook illustrates ourown personal victories, whether it be in a sport (IC, club, OR intramural), a club, or in the social interactions that we have with one another. More than anything, this yearbook shows all cadets have different victories.

These feats require much more than others are willing to give, and that is why we are cadets. The work required to make it here is demanding, full of obstacles and setbacks. It is truly not for the faintof heart.

That makes our victory laps so much sweeter. We work hard and play even

harder because we’ve earned it. Prop & wings, car keys, class rings and gold bars do not come easy. They are earned with blood, sweat and tears. That is what makes the Air Force Academy a great place.

So dive onto your bed after a tough week; sip a beer at Haps Thursday night; plunge into the fountainsafter your last final as an Air Force Academy cadet. Firsties, enjoy your 60 days of leave knowing you didn’t merely receive themyou earned each and every one. Enjoy the vietory laps of your military career because you were tough enough to stick it out and succeed. - CICs Kelsey Smith and Zach Schneider (pictured below)

Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Theme
Table of Contents -hM ' mm
- Superlatives 252 Squadrons 336 Group Photos 418 - Wing/Group Staff 420 - Clubs 426 - Faculty 438 Commercial Ads 444 Congratulatory Messages 458 Index 476 Table of Contents 7
C1C Zach Schneider Fall Editor-in-Chief photographer C1C Kelsey Smith Spring Editor-in-Chief Academics editor Allison Paddock rsties co-editor C1C Amanda Johnson Firsties co-editor C2C Lauren Sako Military editor C3C Andrew Bathurst Military assistant editor a rah Castro ubs editor C4C jeanne Domingc Academic assistant editor C2C Monica Br< Cadet Life eriitor FMary Misr Life assistant^ 1C Dan Dwyer Editorial Board loshua Will Editorial Board fotographer 3olaris Staff 3C RoecPWejia
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C1C Bryan Rhoades speaks loudly just in case the fourthclassman can't hear over all the Recognition activity. - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst

cretary of Defense

U.S. Chain of Command Photo by Arnie Spencer

1st Group

Lt. Col. Thomas Dorl 1 st Group Commander Lynn Barron / 1st Gn Lt. Col. Elena Oberg 2nd Group Commander
USAFA Chain of Command
MSgt. Jeriann Sigley 2nd Group Superintendent

3rd Group

Photo by Arnie Spencei
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4th Croup Comman Lt. Col. Christopher Gough 3rd Group Commander SMSgt. 3rd Gro Carlos Cordova up Superintendent

Basic Cadet Training

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Ddsics siariu m awe oi me coniicience course s i iitin Hilton, as cadre demonstrate the proper way to negotiate the obstacle. - Photo by Arnie Spencer
Gold-capped basics keep step with cadre leaders as they march past the chapel en route to noon meal at Mitchell Hall. Photo by C1C Zach Schneider Basic Cadet Timothy Voss and the rest of the Academy's Class of 2015 raise their right hands and take the Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. - Photo by C1C Zach Schneider

Basics slay 'Beast' before beginning school

The Academy welcomed one of the smallest incoming freshman classes in recent years June 23 when new basic cadets took their first steps toward becoming members of the long blueline. Greeted by footprints, motivated cadre and a bus ride they would not soon forget, the Class of 2015 was hurled into the stressful and demanding world of Basic Cadet Training.

With their class motto, “One Fight, One Team,” echoing constantly in their heads, the new doolies plunged headfirst into the fray. First BCT, or First Beast, cadre taught Air Force customs and courtesies as well as the always-difficult skill of marching in formation.

“It’s going to be a learning experience for them, so we aren’t expecting them to be perfect,” said C2C Adam Geeskie, “but we are looking for them to show effort and teamwork.”

Trading inspection-ready beds and rooms for cots and eight-person tents, basics marched down to continue their training in Jacks Valley just two short weeks after inprocessing. Known for being more physically demanding than its counterpart, Second Beast gave upper-class cadre a chance to instill in basics a warrior spirit that will serve them well throughout their Academy experience. For many of the upper-class cadets, Basic Cadet Training is a chance to apply the leadership lessons taught to them in the classroom as they prepare men and women just a few years younger than themselves to become full-fledged cadets at the Air Force Academy.

Taking on the Assault, Obstacle, and Leadership Reaction courses in addition to Ops Warrior and an outbreak of the Norovirus, the soon-to-be four-degrees gave everything they had before marching back up to the hill for their acceptance parade and the start of another challenge - the school year. - C1C Zach Schneider

Opening your mouth while low crawling under barbed wire is a good way to taste the flavor of the Jacks Valley dirt. - Photo by C1C Zach Barrington Basic Cadet Training
V ^
Left: Ben DeWilde proudly celebrates his impending graduation with the Class of 2012 at 100s Night dinner in Mitchell Hall. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Military Right: Senior Micahel Audiss returns to his room to find it transformed into hay storage. - Photos by C3C Kyle Palko C1Cs Layne Clawson and Rick Boyle take advantage of the indoor skeet range created by CS 1 I freshmen to honor the Class of 2012 grads. - Photo by C1C Lavne Clawson

Seniors, freshmen rejoice as school year nears end

Hundred’s night is when first class cadets are given their next assignment. After months of waiting, they finally find out where they will be spending the next 2-3 years of their lives.

It is tradition for seniors to wear a “uniform” related to their Air Force Specialty Code, but some jobs allow for more creativity. Force Support includes MWR and services, so some appeared in Hawaiian shirts or aprons. Future intelligence officers dressed like James Bond or secret agents.

Before bases were released, the anticipation was tangible, thicker than the ice cream in the Mitch’s Mountains served at the end of the meal. Once the speaker finished, it was complete chaos.

AOCs and AMTs used their most creative ways of dispersing the coveted information. Cadet Squadron 8 gave out balloons with a “clue” written on it which led to a PEZ candy dispenser holding the name of each senior’s base written on pieces of PEZ candy.

Other AOCs made it a challenge by freezing (in ice) or hiding the info for their cadets to go find using provided coordinates. Soon there were screams of joy and gasps of shock flooding Mitchell Hall as people found out their assignments.

“I was so excited and relieved. Now I can finally start planning for where I’m going to live!” said C1C Bridgett Murphy of CS 04.

The weekend after Hundred’s Night, freshmen decorate firstie rooms. It is an opportunity for freshmen to get fancy with decorations or totally destroy a room, depending on their opinion of the soon to be grads. Among the best was an “Angry Birds” themed room, complete with bird sling and green pigs to knock over. It’s a tradition that brings the newest and oldest classes at the Academy closer together. -

C4C David Horney cuts while his classmates Luke Andrew and Eric Bonick hold plywood steady as the freshmen decorate a CS 13 senior's room. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
With only four official days left until Recognition, C4C Warren Saunders of Cadet Squadron 4 takes on the Wing commander and gets a pugil sti to the head for his efforts. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko r wi» CS 40 starts th countdown with a banner in Mitchell Hall that questions the math of the training organizers. - Photo by C4C Caroline Martin

Training countdown preps for Recognition

he title “58*40” is a countdown to the day four degrees are finally recognized. After a long year of training, it all comes down to 40 days and a 72-hour finale called “Recognition.”

For the Class of 2015, “One Fight, One Team,” this event was lengthened to exclude weekends. Activities involved equate to a third basic cadet training session. Upperclassmen plan ways to train and challenge the freshmen. Rooms, appearances and perfonnances are expected to be top-notch. There is simply a new pile of stress added to the already-filled academic and athletic schedule.

“Whenever I want to quit, I just look to my left and see my family struggling with me,” said C4C Chase D. Morelock, Cadet Squadron 4.

Weekends are no longer time to relax. Training sessions are more strenuous than last semester’s: basic wakeup at 0515 on a weekend, climbing the Three Bears, rifle runs, racetracks, the buddy system, and beds tossed right before breakfast.

There is a method to the madness however.

[Cadets] have to be broken down so that we can be built up again as something new, something better, faster, stronger,” said C2C Helen G. Ensley.

During these 58 days, cadets are presented with opportunities to excel in leadership and teamwork. Upperclassmen take pride in the results of nine months of training. In turn, four degrees look back on all of the great things: agonizing in front leaning rest, running up stairs while reciting the Code of Conduct, feeling scared to walk out of their rooms - five feet away from their destinations, and last but not least, greeting people by every personal fact known to mankind.

The experiences gained from four-degree year and ultimately 40 days can be summed up by Muhammad Ali’s quote: “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life like a champion.’”

Freshmen will remember the challenges they overcame together and move forward as a team. - C4C

IWI 2*40 21
The Vikings of CS 9 show spirit and historical knowledge by playing on words at what was long ago called the "Bring Me Men Ramp." - Photo by C1C Zach Schneider (Top Three Photos) C4Cs Carter Post and Matthew Honeycutt use an improvised compass to make an "8." The CS 8 freshmen's Spirit Mission used plastic to turn the planetarium into an 8-ball.
Courtesy photos

2015 demands notice from upperclassmen

As the National Anthem came to a close and the Cadet Wing dropped its salutes, a determined band got ready to make a bold and unprecedented move. A few seconds passed, seconds that felt like years to the renegades, until the freshmen of Cadet Squadron 30 led the rest of the four degrees out of fomiation, doing what had never been done - taking the hill mere minutes before officially beginning Recognition.

After short, adrenaline-filled seconds of listening to C4C Aaron Oats’ motivational speech, the freshmen turned to notice hundreds of beret-wearing upperclassmen walking toward the hill. Surprisingly, they appeared happy.

“I wanted to do something to make our class memorable and respected,” said Cadet Oats. “This would be our last chance to band together as a class and stand up to the upper three, and I wanted to impress them. If we were going to get beat, I wanted to strike first, and provoking the worst possible beating only made it that much more glorious in the end.”

After taking the hill, Cadet Wing Commander C1C Ben Barringer told the doolies that 2015 was “either really dumb, or really gutsy.” With those words, Recognition had officially begun.

The Class of 2015 had been waiting for this day since inprocessing day, waiting for its chance to prove

(continued on page 24)

Freshmen from CS 16 crawl up Spirit Hill only to be told by Recognition cadre to turn around and go back. - Photo by Arnie Spencer ments aloft to avoid the wrath of C3C Ernesto Cuerrero during meals at Mite hell Hall. - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Military C4C Rogelio Castaneda jr. learns that yearbooks are heavy reading when used to supplement training. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko


Cadet Squadron 40's C4C Ramy Korkis-Kanaan carries his classmate C4C John Stout during Recognition training. Developing teamwork skills to help each other through Academy ordeals is a key theme of the freshman year. - Photo by Arnie Spencer Boardwalk takes on new meaning and requires CS 32 C4Cs Kaina Miller, Elizabeth Maldanado, Trevor Woodward, Kathleen McQueeny and Joseph Goode to work together to move ahead.
- Photo by Arnie Spencer


4-degrees survive ordeal

(continued from pg 22) every one of them had what it takes to be an upperclassman and an officer.

The purpose of recognition is “to push fourth classmen past what they thought their limits were and show them that they can do anything with teamwork and internal motivation,” said C1C Ian Hall, CS 36 squadron commander. Hall was also a flight commander during 2015’s Basic Cadet Training.

Each event, from theme rooms to physical and mental chah lenge courses, had its own unique purpose. But to fourthclassmen, they seemed to blend together as Saturday, the final day of Recognition, approached and anticipation built.

Finally, as each 2015er walked down pitch-black hallways towards the squadron staff at the end, it was over.

“2015 is an incredible class and they, no joke, had the best Recognition I had ever seen. It looked to me like they all came together and proved that they were top notch,” said Cadet Barringer.

As life quieted down, and the happiness and content of being recognized fell into a routine, the horrors of freshmen year faded into the background, but the memories remained.

“Everyone had a hard time, but no one really struggled because we had each other,” said C4C Chas Ballard, CS 36 class representative.

Memories of the hard months before, fade in prominence to the experiences after Recognition and the significance of earning the Prop and Wings will never be forgotten. - C4C Emily Willson

A class coin and prop and wings pins may seem a small reward, but for the newly-recognized cadets in the Class of 2015, they are worth their weight in gold. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko C4C Malcolm Price lets a well-deserved smile show as he is awarded his prop and wings pin by C1C Paul Wilson at the end of Recognition. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
C4Cs Nathan Johnson, Charles Hill and Travis Schriner undergo the scrutiny of C3C Sarah Collins during a room and uniform inspection - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko C2C Brent Mattocks congratulates squadmate C4C Paul Crowley and welcomes the freshman to the cadet ranks. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
Recognition 25
C4C Samuel Escobedo celebrates with his peers from Cadet Squadron 7 after completing the Run to the Rock. The event means Recognition training is nearly over and recognition by the rest of the Cadet Wing is nearly at hand. - Photo by Arnie Spencer

Outstanding Squadron

Raptors lead all cadets for second straight year

The Raptors highly-decorated guide-on was embellished with the wing’s Outstanding Squadron banner for the second consecutive year at the annual Organizational Awards Parade May 21,2012.

Throughout the 2011 and 2012 academic year, Cadet Squadron 22 went beyond the daily routine and excelled as individuals and as a group in training, athletics, and academics. The cadets who make up Squadron 22 exceeded expectations, excelled beyond the minimum requirements, and fonned an intenninable bond of camaraderie.

“Raptors train harder and longer but not without a reason; the training is more intense in order to mold and form the best leaders the Air Force Academy can offer,” said second semester Squadron Commander C1C Kyle Stockamp.

Squadron members work tirelessly to strive for excellence by maintaining the tight bonds of teamwork and training the fourth class cadets.

“While walking down the hallways of Squadron 22, a passerby will not only witness the many talents of the individuals that make up this squadron, they will also witness the unbreakable bonds of a family. Each member of the Raptor family aims to maintain the central bonds of strength, determination, and perseverance,” said C2C Doug Brown.

By sharing these core values, the squadron is able to make a lasting impact of the character development of all its members.

“Whether it is a first class cadet ready to graduate or a fourth class cadet getting ready to move to their new squadron, the lessons learned in three years or a short one year as a part of Squadron 22 will always be remembered,” said C4C Desirae Ionata. “Cadet Squadron 22 is not just another squadron at the Air Force Academy, it is not just a group of individuals that live together down the same hallway. Cadet Squadron 22 is a family that is living a large footprint in the long blue line.” - CS 22

Recognition training took CS 22 freshmen back to the footsteps where it all began. - Courtesy photo CS 22 marches to lunch at Mitchell Hall. - Courtesy photo
’i4h'+f>ik Left: CS 22 celebrates winning the intramural Ultimate Frisbee championship. - Courtesy photo CT>
Cadet Squadron 22 receives another Outstanding Squadron banner for its guide-on at the Organizational Awards Parade May 21. - Photo by Arnie Spencer Nothing brings a team together like shared pushups in the morning. - Courtesy photo Outstanding Squadron

Event tests year's worth of military, team training

Polaris Warrior filled two days with training that raised the competitive spirits of the whole Cadet Wing April 21 28

Cadets within each squadron signed up for events and competed as a team against other squadrons. This year, the challenges included were: obstacle course, M-9 marksmanship, land navigation, self-aid and buddy care, historical tour, stadium sprint, Eagle’s Peak Ascent, and warrior workout.

“I loved it and we need to do it more instead of school,” said C3C Luis Gonzalez.

Intended to become an annual event, Polaris Warrior is physically and mentally challenging. Still, it is a nice change from the usual training. Activities offer a break from the stress of academics and a chance for cadets to bond with each other and enjoy the outdoors.

“It felt more like a team effort than a competition, and that’s what made it special,” said C3C Seth M. Rodgers who competed in the stadium sprint. “Everyone had already done events prior to the run, but they still came out... just because someone asked. At the end, we all sprinted to the finish and took a group picture.”

The event boils down to a huge competition, but cadets feel there is a bigger meaning besides just winning. Seniors have one last opportunity to lead cadets while they work as a unit. Participants feel as though they go through a bonding experience rather than a competition. Strength within each squadron increases as members step up to fill in missing spots and encourage each other along the way. It is a fun way to test limitswhile spending quality time together and exemplifying squadron pride.

At the completion of the events, cadets were rewarded with a landing demonstration of the CV-22 Osprey, a speech by Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel (Air Force Special Operations Command commander), a barbeque and Battle of the Bands. - C4C Nirachapom Pitaksarp

Xa) 1 28 Military
Cadets carefully hurry through the over/un der log weave obstacle. The marksmanship event challenged cadets' 9mm pistol proficiency at the Academy Combat Arms Training Range.
C3C Mara O'Sullivan conquers the rope swing water hazard during the obstacle course. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

A C-22 Osprey landing and speech from Air Force Special Operations Command Commander Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel made for an exciting conclusion to the two-day challenge.

Polaris Warrior

Combat readiness was field tested in an urban environment exercise scenario.

C3C Peter Foschi nimbly vaults over a wooden barricade. C3C Kevin Cardenas leaps high to beat the heat.

Academy teams take on obstacle challenge

Teams of cadets and permanent party set out May 5 to accomplish a feat destined to end in mud and blood. The 2012 Colorado Spartan Military Race at Fort Carson, CO, provided an intense challenge to even the toughest competitors.

The new craze of obstacle course races and mud runs has swept the nation and the Spartan Race certainly did not disappoint. Designed by the 4th Infantry and Special Forces units at Fort Carson, the course had a distinct military feel. Several competitors agreed it reminded them of Basic Cadet Training courses, only better.

“Dang, the BCT obstacle course was nowhere near this awesome,” said C1C Josh Yeaste of the four-mile course that includes a 150-yard low crawl station under barbed wire. “The mud crawl was the worst; it took forever,” Yeaste said.

The complaint prompted a similar retort from C4C Logan Barfuss who added, “Low crawling sucks; nothing has changed.”

The race had a mix of military personnel and civilians which created some headaches for the competitors. Tine concept of teamwork emphasized during training at the Academy was not evident from some teams as many failed to help their fellow competitors complete obstacles. Military teams excelled with this and finished the race much quicker. Of course, prior experience in the mud helps.

Overall, the race provided a great environment and the chance for friends to get together to challenge themselves. While some cadets decided to study for finals, others were knee deep in mud, slowly crawling toward the finish line.

“You just got to embrace the suck and mess around and it becomes fun,” said C3C Patrick Duffy. “In the end, I took home a couple pounds of mud, a solid workout, a good time, a medal, and a great experience.” - C3C Kyle Palko

C3C Kevin Cardenas focuses to keep his dirty hands from slipping on the monkey bars. - Photos by C3C Kyle Palko C1C Johsua Yeaste stays surprisingly clean during his first mud encounter of the 2012 Spartan Race.

Sponsor base provides hands-on AF experience

Every squadron in the Cadet Wing has an Air Force base attached to it and this provides cadets an opportunity to experience operational Air Force life. Cadet Squadron 25 visited Creech AFB, NV, April 12-15, where they not only saw today’s Airmen in action, but future operations as well.

Creech is home to remotely-piloted aircraft and this visit gave insight into these weapons systems’ significance.

“Many cadets have a negative view of RPAs,” said C2C Brian Collett. “I don’t think many of us are interested in flying RPAs, but I think it’s really interesting that they’re always in the fight. They complete the missions that most manned platforms can do and yet, we can still send these pilots back to their families every night.”

CS25 visited the 432nd Wing where they received a briefing from its commander, Col. James Hecker, Class of 1989, and a former F-15 and F-22 pilot. Fie is now an MQ-9 Reaper pilot and briefedthe cadets on his transition between manned to unmanned platforms and the significance of the MQ-9.

“I’ll admit, I also had a cynical view of RPAs when I first learned I was being switched from the F-22 to the MQ-9,” he said. “Here I was, flying the Air Force’s premier fighter platform and they wanted me to fly the MQ-9? I was upset at first but I’m glad I made the switch. This is where the future of our Air Force is going and ironically, my greatest contribution to the war was flying the MQ-9.”

Creech also allowed cadets to experience other sides of the Air Force. The base is located in the Nevada desert, terrain that provides a great location for training security forces. It is home to the Air Force’s premier military operations in urban terrain training facility and cadets took part in a vehicle roll-over exercise and K-9 demo. They also enjoyed a weapons and vehicles display hosted by Creech security forces.

Sponsor base trips are very similar to Operational Air Force trips cadets do between their sophomore and junior year but sponsor base trips allow for even further development by giving opportunities to these future Air Force officers. - C2C

32 Military
The trip included a close up look at MQ-9 Reapers from the 432d Operations Group. - Photo by C2C Brian Collett (Above) TSgt. Andrew Aultman, CS 25 Academy military trainer, checks out a Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle. (Right) Capt. Kalv Cod frey instructs C3C Shuai Yuan as he attempts to fire on an enemy tank in an MQ-9 simulator. - Photo by C2C Brian Collett

Base Sponsor Tour

Cadets demonstrate proper vehicle rollover procedures by protecting their necks, bracing themselves, and catching the gunner as he/she falls into a safe position.

- Photos by C2C Edward Garces

C2C Cameron Vickroy is assisted with his battle gear as cadets prepare for a vehicle roll-over exercise.

Base Sponsor Tour
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Cadets train to challenge international military teams

The Academy’s Sandhurst Team tests its military skills team at West Point’s international Sandhurst Competition each April. This year’s contestants included more than 40 American teams as well as competitors from Canada, England, Chile, Afghanistan, Australia, Spain, and China.

The cadet team begins training in January and focuses on physical fitness, shooting, land navigation, casualty care, and boat races. Each spring, the team votes its nine best members to represent the Academy on the competition team at West Point.

The team must include at least one cadet from each class as well as one woman. The competition itself is a two-day event with shooting and land navigation taking place on day one. Day two challenges teams with an unpredictable assortment of military skills designed to test mental and physical fitness.

The Sandhurst Competition has been held annually at West Point since 1967 when Britain’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst presented West Point with a British officer’s saber. The sword was intended to act as a prize for a regimental skills competition and to promote military excellence among the Corps of Cadets. Since that time, the competition has become an international event. Tire Academy has been invited since 2003. - USAF Academy Sandhurst Team

Cooperation is critical as many challenges seek to prove each \ team is only as strong as its weakest member. - Courtesy photos

Cadets take aim during a marksmanship test.


Cutbacks include the loss of "touch and go" meals at Mitchell Hall.

Budget Cuts

Students roll with Air Force budget cut punches

AU.S. Government-issued order required the Air Force Academy to cut its budget by 12.2 percent in 2011, according to the article “The Future of Air Force Academy Enrollment.”

In order to slash roughly $41 million from its budget, the Academy cut the student body by about nine percent. The incoming class was down 165 cadets from the previous accepted class, and sat at about 1,050 cadets at the end of the academic year.

A smaller student population isn’t the only budget-related change cadets have noticed. Other measures were needed.

“Cadet clubs have taken a major hit when it comes to having spending money for different opportunities,” said Maj. Eduardo Guevara, Cadet Squadron 8 air officer

commanding and Paintball Club officer-incharge. “We now have to find creative ways to come up with our own money in order to keep cadets involved in clubs.”

Examples of this impact are a significant amount out of pocket expenses paid by the Cycling Club and the Cadet Honor Guard sending smaller teams to events this year.

“Touch and Go’s” are no longer among the meal option offered by MitchellHall since the Academy stopped carrying the Styrofoam containers and plastic utensils needed for cadets to take meals back to their dorms.

Another cut-back reduced the size of the Goodwill custodial services. Result, cadets are now in charge of more cleaning than previous years.

Although additional chores have fallen into cadet’s hands, namely four degrees, they

seem to be keeping a positive attitude.

“[We] use cleaning time to bond with each other,” said C4C Anthony Rosati.

Related to the budget issue is a merger of Cadet Survival Training arid Global Engagement programs. The move saves on the costs of participating cadets and pennanent party. The new program is called Expeditionary Survival and Evasion Training, or ESET. It will be implemented for the Class of 2015 this summer.

Current freshman, C4C Fiona Akoth is eager to be among the first to try the new program. “[I’m] looking forward to taking the road less traveled,” she said.

These measures taken are not necessarily permanent, but rather are a reflection of the Air Force’s need to be flexible and respond to changes in U.S. Government funding priorities. -

A smaller budget led the Cadet Wing to merge summer survival training and Global Engagement training into a single program to save money. -

- Photo by James A. Rush Photo by Ray McCoy

Iraq, Afghan withdrawals signal changes in military

The Academy Classes of 2012 - 2015 arrived here with full expectations that, in four short years, they would commission into a military at war.

Dec. 15, 2011, marked the official end of the war in Iraq. Most cadets were studying for finals or rejoicing the start of winter break when their future took a turn.

“After talking with my brother, who just returned in October from a year-long deployment in Iraq, I feel confident the United States accomplished its mission of creating a stable military and democratic government capable of preventing a terrorist resurgence in the future,” said C4C John DiEugenio, Cadet Squadron 35.

However, the end of the war leaves ambiguity as to what will happen next. Although there is no longer a military presence in Iraq, the United States still maintains its embassy in Baghdad, a huge fortress on the Tigris River.


For cadets, it is difficult to tell what the future might hold. One might expect those among them who studied Arabic to potentially be out of a job. However, issues in the Middle East will continue for many years to come as it seems trouble is continuously boiling in western Asia.

U.S. forces are still present in Afghanistan. In June of 2011, President Barack Obamaannounced the United States would withdraw 10,000 troops by the end of 2011 and another 23,000 by September 2012. While the withdrawal of troops is more gradual than Iraq, it is still a significant change that affects each cadet class.

“My heart is heavy because of the painful sacrifices from so many. My sincerest sympathy goes out to those who have lost loved ones, to those people who have lived in the midst of the wreckages of war at home, to the innocent, and especially to the servicemen and women who have endured so much in the name of justice,” said C1C Emilio Becerra, CS 15.

Cadets were all shaped by these two fronts. They would not be where they are today if not been for the motivation to defend the nation in a time of war. The world will throw different curve balls, but had these future lieutenants not been up for the challenge, they never would have accepted it in the beginning. - C1C Kelsey Smith

Capt. Michael Polidor, Class of 2004, conducts a pre-flight inspection Nov. 2009, at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. - Photo by SrA. Airman Felicia Juenke
Col. Ted Mathews, Class of 1 989 shakes the hand of an Airman under his command Dec. 18, 2011, before they board a C-17 at Ali AB, Iraq.
& Afghanistan Withdrawals
Mathews was the 407th Air Expeditionary Group commander. - Photo by MSgt. Cecilio Ricardo Iraq


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*K Wittman the bundling process with U.S. Army Riggets )une 18, 2011, in Southwest Asia. The cadetTtook part in "Deployed Ops," a summer program that sends Academy cadets to deployed locations to follow officers in different career fields and to gain an understanding of career responsibilities.

'09 grad dies in Djibouti crash

First Lt. Justin J. Wilkens, Class of 2009, died Feb. 18 during a U-28A accident near Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, located in the Horn of Africa. Lieutenant Wilkins was assigned to the 34th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, FL.

Also killed were Capt. Ryan P. Hallfrom the 319th Special Operations Squadron; Capt. Nicholas S. Whitlock from the 34th SOS; and Senior Airman Julian S. Scholten from the 25th Intelligence Squadron. Tire U-28 was returning from a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Lieutenant Wilkens, 26, was a combat systems officer on his third deployment. He entered the Air Force in 2009, receiving his commission through the Air Force Academy. He had been assigned to the 34th SOS at Hurlburt Field since April 2011 and had more than 400 combat hours.

“The Hurlburt Field community expresses our deepest condolences to the family of the crew, and we share in their sorrow. Our efforts are focused on helping them through this difficult time,” said Col. Jim Slife, commander of the 1st Special Operations Wing. “We will never forget the valuable contributions these brave men made to their country and community.”

The LL28A is a single engine, manned fixed wing aircraft developed around the Pilatus PC-12 airframe that provides intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities in support of special operations forces. - AFNS, Courtesy 1st Special Operations Wing Public Affairs

- Photo by C1C Shaina Thompson C2Cs Keegan Peckham and Elliot Unseth prepare pallets for bundles by stringing them with fastening straps while working with the U.S. Army Riggers detachment in Southwest Asia. - Photo by C1C Shaina Thompson
Grad Combat Fatality v37
A U.S. Air Force carry team transfers the remains of Air Force 1st Lt. Justin J. Wilkens of Bend, OR, at Dover AFB, DE, Feb. 21, 2012. Wilkens was assigned to the 34th Special Operations Squadron, Hurlburt Field, FL. - U.S. Air Force photo by Adrian R. Rowan


Exchange Cadets learn


allies' heritage

An amazing opportunity to represent the Academy took two cadets far south to Chile and La Escuela de Aviacion del Capitan Manuel Avalos Prado during the fall semester.

CICs Rocque Gartland and James Dunlop learned about their Chilean hosts’ proud air force heritage and how seriously they take their military training. Every day the entire school wakes up at 0550 to do a formation run. The rest of the day is filled with classes, sports, and disciplinario at night, aka physical training for cadets who commit infractions during the day.

Weekends were culture broadening experiences. The USAFA exchangers got to go home with Chilean cadets and spend days with Chilean families. Long weekends saw travel throughout the country from arid deserts in the north to the vibrantly beautiful lake regions of the south.

Cadets Gartland and Dunlop took part in three different military training campaigns with the Chileans: Andes Mountains snow survival, desert survival, and a trip to visit the Brazilian Air Force Academy with the Chilean senior class. Each lasted about 10 days and was led by Chilean commandos.

On the snow campaign the cadets learned search and rescue techniques, snow movement to include skiing, ice climbing, snowshoeing and even got to build and sleep in an igloo. The desert campaign culminated in a 55-kilometer ruck march across the Iquique desert in northern Chile with minimal food and water. The Brazilian Academy trip was a three-day visit.

The semester exchange was an incredible experience which resulted in lasting friendships with allies, gaining cultural experience and improving language skills.

larroeii trails behind C1Cs Rocque Gartland and James Dunlop durin training in the Andes Mountains. Right: Gartland pauses at la Valle de la Luna while biking in the northern Chilean desert. - Corntesy photos

C2C Tyler Stearns and C1C Benjamin Barringer test out the M-9 and M-4 simulators. The system offers cadets different training exercises such as a video training mode, a computer graphic mode, reload drills, stoppage drills, direct fire planning for team leaders and moving targets.

Shooting Simulator

Laser system takes weapons training inside

n today’s technologysavvy world, the introduction of a new virtual shooting simulator is always an exciting experience.

On March 22, the Academy opened the doors of the Fireanns Training Simulator, a computer laser system which allows cadets to practice their aim in the comfort of Vandenberg Hall. The system provides feedback on each shot allowing cadets to instantly assess their skills.

In addition, the facility has 25 weapons, all of which are Ml6s, M9s,

and M4s. Despite being a computer system, the weapons are made as realistic as possible. Each weapon requires a magazine, has a functioning safety and slide, and has a weight and recoil that is similar to its real counterpart.

“The new shooting simulator is a great alternative to the [combat amis] range or [military operations in urban terrain] village when there is adverse weather. It is also capable of providing many training scenarios that we wouldn’t normally see, and gives us instant feedback on our performance in the situation,” said C4C Blaize Dunn, a member of the USAFA Combat

Shooting Team.

Few other students our age have the opportunity to take advantage of virtual simulators such as this. While the simulator provides feedback on shooting skills, it is also programmed with different scenarios. This gives cadets who are interested in a career in Security Forces or Special Forces the opportunity to step into the shoes of their future while still at the Academy.

The development of this new program is just another example of our expanding technological abilities. Anyone, from a weapon-experienced member of the Combat Shooting Team to someone who is interested in weapon handling, has the opportunity to take advantage of the system. For busy cadets, this is another new opportunity to gain and develop a new skill within the comfort of our own dorm.

- Photos by Mike Kaplan
Shooting Seminar
plains how the new firearms training simulator works.

Flying Team

AF fliers work with cadets to dominate collegiate aviation

The Flying Team was established in 1969 to represent the U.S. Air Force Academy in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association. Unlike its competitors at civilian colleges though, the team has the additional responsibility of preparing cadets to become Air Force officers.

“The leadership experiences from being on the team far surpass anything offered up on the hill. Cadets see more of what it will take to lead in an actual Air Force squadron,” said C2C Robert Kouwe, a landing and simulated comprehensive aircraft navigation team chief this year.

So although officially tasked to compete in NIFA, it is the team’s secondary obligation that truly motivates their dedication to excellence. Flying team cadets work closely with active duty Air Force officers at the 557th Flying Training Squadron and experience firsthand what life is like as a military pilot. Cadets draw valuable leadership lessons from these experiences and gain a jump start on the basics of military flying.

This year, team captains C1C Thomas Fiainline and C1C Joshua Wilson led the team in two regional competitions, an interregional contest and the NIFA National Competition.

At its primary regional competition, USAFA took first overall for the 24th consecutive year. Flonors included first place in seven of nine events, first through third in four events, and being named Best in Flying Events and also Best in Ground Events. C1C Daniel Barina stood out as a competitive flyer earning the coveted TopPilot Award. The team’s exceptional performance earned them a slot at the 2012 NIFA National Competition held in May.

“I had a great time this year. Everyone was on the same page and worked hard, even in the face of some difficult administrative challenges,” said C1C Joshua Wilson, second semester captain. “My class will be sad to leave the team this summer, but we’re also looking forward to seeing the classes of ’13, ’14, and ‘15 develop and lead the team future success.” - U.S. Air Force Academy Flying Team

Precision landing skill is shown by touching down on the runway stripe. Left: C3C Greg Hanson goes through a pre-flight aircraft inspection. - Photos by C3C Andrew Bathurst Above: A USAFA Flying Team member practices dropping a message during flight. Suecess is measured in distance to target.

Academy cadets are treated to a combat search and rescue demonstration on the Terrazzo. Aerial performances are popular morale boosters among the cadets many of whom will pursue air crew careers after graduation.

- Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Closing Photo 1 US-AfFCIig- Photo by Arnie Spence' freshmen carefully on the marblestrips, Recognition tlj^errazzo, pre Cadets traverse Academics
Aeronautics instructor Lt. Col. Kurt Rouser shows C4Cs Rachel Miller and Vicente Pomparo the finer points of jet engine operations. - Photos by Sarah Chambers C1C Shelia Sherman and Rat Olympics champ Feivel make a case for learning behavioral science to C3C Ed Bucher (right) and another underclassman. Astronautics major C2C Wes McVay talks to C4C Matthew Wizo about the benefits of being a rocket scientist. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko

Majors' Night

Academic displays help decisions

The Academy offers 30 majors, some very technical and others not so much. Cadets call it techie vs fuzzy, and figuring out in which cat-! egory they belong is where Majors’ Night comes into play.

Twice a year, all the departments from Astronautical Engineering to English come out of their hubs on the sixth floor to associate with third and fourth class cadets, as well as cadet candidates from the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School.

Each specialty shows students what the departments do and why a cadet should declare that major. Professors and cadets of a department stand at booths while handing out pamphlets and answering the question of the night: “How will this major help me get to where I want to be in the [operational] Air Force?”

C4C Jacob Hernandez valued the chance to interact with the older cadets.

“I got to experience individual perspectives from cadets who are in the majors,” he said. “It wasn’t just the professors telling me what the

course would be like, but the cadets who are actually experiencing it.”

Majors’ Night is mandatory for those who have not yet declared a major, in order to help them decide what seems right. The event gives cadets an advantage over their civilian counterparts.

Oftentimes, civilian students graduate with a different major than they declared as freshmen, a change that happens less frequently at the Academy. The night is a way to prevent that shift by helping cadets see what the majors have to offer while serving as an open forum to talk to professors and cadets who are currently involved with the program.

“Majors’ Night was great in helping me narrow down what I wanted to study. All the departments set up a booth and try to ‘recruit’ us to join their department. It helped me ultimately choose my major, management,” said C3C Alec Trilles.

So while cadets know whether they are in the techie or fuzzy, Majors’ Night helps them figure out where within those two categories they fit in best. - C4C

j *
Above: Capt. James Walliser talks to a U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School student about the Human Factors track of Behavioral Science.
Majors’ Night
Left: C1C Benjamin DeWilde uses a Formula race car to tempt C4C Austin Heckman to declare for mechanical engineering. Heckman chose systems engineering management instead. Sipping might get by at state college, but AF Academy cadets ensure they have excellence in all that they do. Cadet Schoonover is joined by C3C Aaron Henrichs and C4C Malcolm Price as they punch a hole in the bottom, pop the top and SLAM! Another night sees Cadet Henrichs racking out while his roommate C3C Conor Higgins suffers with his procrastination-related circadian rhythm sleep disorder.


Some cadets' study skills peak at 0-dark-30

The dorms’ hall lights are always on. That’s for people like me. The ones pulling all-nighters, buming the midnight oil to finish that paper/project before second period tomorrow.

Every cadet knows someone who has done one. We expose ourselves to all matter of chemicals/ substances to do it - coffee, Monster, Vick’s vapor rub - everybody has a favorite. Some even speak positively of the experience.

“I wouldn’t say I love them, but it’s neat when, in the middle of an eight-page paper, I just sit and self-reflect and consider all theweird stuff I never have time to think about,” admits C3C Blake Hege.

Most people I talk to become indignant when I ask them if they’ve stayed up all night for school.

“I think it’s stupid to stay up all night. Why would I do that?” scoffs C1C Stephen Wakefield.

I agree, the morning after stinks, but all-night

ers are a great way to do work quickly. Class starts exactly at 0750 and that seems so far away at midnight. But it’s dangerously close only a couple of hours later, which makes a deadline feel so much more final.

I like to think I do my best work late at night. The silence is what does it. It’s so quiet at 0300 you can hear the inner workings of the heater next to your desk, and in about 30 minutes you get your second wind.

This combines with the caffeine in your system to create a sort of complete awareness. You think faster, work harder, and notice everything - like the factthat you’re still five pages away from sleep.

For some cadets, late nights are the only way to finish all their work, but for others like me, well, if you wait ‘til the last minute, it only takes a minute.

\bove: Chemistry homework done, C3C Sarah Collins crashes hoping a few short hours of ?eauty sleep will be enough to look presentable for morning class.
All NightersV
.eft: C3C Andrew Zaldivar loads up for a long night. A portion of AAFES ladet Store profits on anti-sleep aids go toward supporting Academy Morale, Welfare and Recreation activities. TUNNEL OF EVIL by C1C Matthew Clinard Photo was taken in Temescal Gateway Park, Pacific Palisades, CA. "It inspires me to remain courageous, even in the darkest of times." LILY by C4C Katharine Kessler
"I am often inspired by what I find around me. For this painting, the inspiration was a calla lily. This work was an experiment with abstraction by simplification: omitting some details while still retaining the integrity of the original flower. I enjoyed experimenting with color to bring out the flower's character and the challenge of presenting the lily in a unique way."


Science curriculum can't hold back creative cadets

Outsiders reflecting on the Air Force Academy are likely to think of the military discipline, the rigorous academics, or that it is simply “a small engineering school in Colorado” (as is the description so many cadets use while on leave). Every cadet graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree so it is not difficult to see from where the emphasis on the sciences comes, however Icarus is here to direct USAFA’s attention to underrepresented arts.

“Icarus serves as a creative outlet for cadets who, in addition to their military, athletic, and academic activities, engage in usually lesserknown artistic hobbies,” said C1C Adam Evenson, general editor of the 90-plus page publication.

Icarus highlights the abundance of cadet talent, focusing on fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, drawing, and memoirs written using only six words. Tire 43 cadet-submitted works reflect aspects of cadet life, daily challenges, one-in-a-lifetime events, pondered consequences, all the while portraying the surprising and relatable.

In the Forward of the Spring 2012 edition, Chief Editor C2C Cory Concha writes: “Sometimes the easiest words and minimalistic images convey the most meaning. This semester’s edition of Icarus focuses on this truth as the complicated and contrived are exchanged for the profound effect of the simplistic.” - C3C Claire Palmer

Some Wildflowers

C1C John Nickerson

Can you see!

My body blooms for you.

This bouquet sprungfrom lovely veins' roots

Feeds on the slow trace of thought and care of you

That curls through my blood’s other passions.

These peonies and poppies and chicories (for these flowers are wild as you)

Now with dewy stems I bare

Upon the vines without a claim

The more I bloom, the more husks.

You lay there as I beat my tongue on,

Your hair cast fitfully about your face

Like so many strands of wheat grass

i Above: ANNAPOLIS by C2C Zak Boston

Saturday morning on the Chesapeake Bay before Air Force took the

f another Commander-in-Chief's trophy.

I Left: NOT SAFE BUT GOOD by C2C Kathleen Vardell

I "But as for Aslan himself, the Beavers and the children didn't know what to do or say when they saw him. People who have not been in Narnia sometimes think that a thing t cannot be good and terrible at the same time." - C.S. Lewis, The Lion the Witch and the


Your eyes open

To flick twisting, through the veil -

And that is (But what was that Oh, that is enough!

Background photo by Arnie Spencer first victory towards
Josh Zambrano, Hermes Silva and Erik Von Husen found times to study
ANCfENT COSTA R!C WEATHER ST Condition of ston£ l,n3 Coo'4 see sVcor Sicoe is an S^coc is ^ V>vv^ ^ C(> liciVsrvef stc'T c K »cvd bn- v r r Ic <rd Ic^vrC
Costa Rican weather forecasting at the Manuel Antonio National Park on the country's Pacific coast. - Courtesy photo A toucan adds color to the Costa Rican jungle. Allison Chermel, Nick Smith and Kelsey Smith mount up for a ride past a volcano to a jungle waterfall. - Courtesy photo

ica Exchange

Cadets head south to study in Costa Rica

The Class of 2012 broke new ground in exchange studies in 2011. Beginning with spring last academic year and again this past fall, quartets of cadets tried out La Universidad Latinoamerica de Ciencia y Tecnologia, more commonly known as ULACIT. This private civilian university offered small class sizes, a variety of USAFA-equivalent courses, and a location near central San Jose, Costa Rica.

The new location stems from a change in military’s guidance. A restriction from visiting Mexico has mostly been felt in Spring Break planning. The Mexico cadet-embargo also forced the study abroad program to change its location from Guadalajara, Mexico.

After her semester abroad, C1C Cassandra Pederzani exclaimed, “I returned from Costa Rica rejuvenated and confident, ready to take on my last year at the Zoo. The blissful sound of the ocean and the sweet smell of maduro are already

calling me back. Pura vida!”

SanJose is located in central Costa Rica, hut the exchange cadets were able to take advantage of long weekends (Thursday through Sunday) to travel from the Pacific to the Caribbean and hack again.

“I loved getting to live with a Costa Rican family because I got the chance to eat real Costa Rican food, talk to people of all ages in Spanish, and got a feel for how locals felt about different issues. I can’t help but look back at the pictures of all of the amazing times I had there with my group and think about how lucky I am to have been able to go there for a semester,” said C1C Lauren Bailey.

Costa Rica is known in Latin America for its peace; it has not had a military since 1949. Most students at our university had no idea the cadets were associated with the U.S. military, which provided for a completely new experience - learn a foreign language and culture, without concentrating on military tasks. - C1C Kelsey Smith

Erik Von Husen, Josh Zambrano and Hermes Silva pose with an instructor from La Universidad Latinoamerica de Ciencia y Tecnologia. - Courtesy photo
Costa Rica exchangeV51
Nick Smith sips coconut water while working on his sunburn. - Photo by C1C Kelsey Smith C1Cs Rich Noble, Andrew Durkee, and Matt Street take measurements of the pedal boxes and discuss possible design modifications to improve functionality based on data gathered from testing. - Photos by C3C Kyle Palko Above: C1C Benjamin DeWilde assembles slices of Styrofoam into the shape of the nose cone for the body of the car. Fiberglass fabric will be layered over the completed body plug to create a stiff yet lightweight nose cone. Right: Faculty advisor Capt. Rob Bailey gives design and manufacturing suggestions to Durkee and C1C Jared Powell.

Capstone Cadets apply Major skills to racing

Hidden away into the depths of Fairchild Hall, a team of first class cadets can be found welding and wrenching on a finelyTuned piece of automotive precision destined for the Michigan International Speedway.

“I can’t wait to see how this year’s car will perform,” said team member C1C Benjamin DeWilde. “I really hope it works as well as it looks.”

The engineering mechanics students and assorted gear-heads that make up the USAFA Formula Racing Team spend their senior year designing, fabricating and testing a small Formula-style racecar to compete against top engineering schools from aroundtheworld. Each team’s car is scrutinized and evaluated by a panel of judges from the Society of Automotive Engineers, then put through a series of rigorous tests on the track to rank each car’s perfor

mance and design quality.

“There’s a lot riding on this year’s team. To date, no USAFA team has completed the endurance event at the competition because something always breaks before the car has gone the full distance. We hope to be the first USAFA team to end this streak of bad luck,” said DeWilde.

Each high-perfomiance machine submitted to the competition must adhere to strict regulations that constrain everytiling from the electrical system to the tire tread.Rules require all air entering the motor pass through a restrictive opening no bigger than a nickel and engine size is limited to 600 cubic centimeters.

These limitations force teams to find a balance between precision handling and ultra-lightweight construction rather than pursuing raw power. Weight is kept to a minimum by incorporating custom-

machined aluminum components and carbon fiber body panels. As a result, the car is capable of breakneck acceleration using only 50 horsepower from a small single cylinder dirt bike engine. Reaching 60 mph from a dead stop takes only four seconds - respectable for most supercars.

“This project brings together many of the things I’ve learned in my major’s classes,” said DeWilde. “Engineering classes don’t give you the answers, they teach you how to find the answers and that’s what you need for capstone projects.

“Tire Academy has also taught me the people skills that are essential to working with a team. If you don’t know how to communicate your ideas or how to follow along with someone else’s idea, you won’t he much good to your capstone team.” - C1C Colin Swanson

Above: Powell prepares to weld the final touches on the gas tank for the car. The tank is made of lightweight aluminum and requires highly skilled welding techniques to properly fabricate.
Left: C1C Mark Mataczynski adjusts the front tie rod on this year's Formula Society of Automotive Engineers car.


Cadets share cool STEM ideas with local students

A dream of reaching out to K-12 students in the local community and inspiring them to be the next generation of science, technology, engineering and math enthusiasts is where the Academy’s STEM organization got its start.

The group aims to bring cadets and faculty members together for larger outreach projects already happening throughout the academic department and to bridge the gap between the Colorado Springs community and the Academy.

“[STEM] allows cadets to share their passion for learning and knowledge with a new generation. It is very rewarding when you see that spark in a student’s eye. Not only is it great for the students, but it also brings back that great feeling and reminds you of why you choose your major,” said C2C Jacob Decklever.

Since beginning in fall 2011, STEM outreach has connected with thousands of Colorado Springs students at science festivals, fairs, and Olympiads; bilingual school presentations; and via hundreds of Air Force Academy tours.

A recent example from April brought 300+ elementary students to the Academy for “talk with an Astronaut” day.

“We care about taking STEM to the KT2 program because it encourages these students to remain involved in math and sciences throughout their early years of school. It gives us an opportunity to take the position as role models who give the kids hope to be able continue their education past the high school level,” said C4C Jacob Hernandez.

STEM also reaches out via social media on Facebook and Twitter with its mascot, Aurora PhD. Check out @ msauroraphd on Twitter and “Aurora PhD” on Facebook. Aurora takes part in all outreach events to students around the community. The group also shares information @ cw_stem and “Cwusafa Stemclub” on Facebook.

Cadets from all classes have stepped up to help in STEM endeavors to reach out and touch the lives of students from Gdorado Springs. STEM members even gain celebrity status as local kids recognize the cadets from outreach events during trips in town. - C2C Victor Lopez

Fine Arts

Art classes draw upon

The south side of Fairchild Hall houses a unique array of opportunities for permanent party and cadets to relax and hang out. There’s the C-Store, the art gallery, the I lounge area, Trina’s cafe, a diner, and last but not least,

there’s an art studio in the far southeast comer.

The studio hosts classes where cadets can study and create art away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of Fairchild. Yes, the Academy offers art classes. It may seem totally mind-blowing, but what’s more amazing are the different artworks created by the cadets.

“Painting class has been a really worthwhile experience,” said C1C Kelsey Smith. “Having a peaceful class where you can let your mind wander and experiment with ideas through paint and paper has been a nice change of pace.”

Art, like sports and music, gives cadets an outlet for channeling stress and energy while producing results that don’t just end up in a paper thesis or as an answer to a GR question. Even with all the technical classes here, there is room for creativity and to really let cadets express themselves outside the Bachelor of Science box.

Enrolling in Art 464 can be a rewarding and yes, fun

cadets' creative sides

experience. Fun at USAFA can be hard to come by, but this class offers an outlet from the usual school work. A double period class doesn’t have to equate to grueling physics or chemistry, it can be the opportunity to relax and let the imagination roam.

£h ms
Cadet's Fine Arts creations adorn the displays in the Permanent Professor Art Gallery at the end of the academic year.
C2C Kaitlin Coffey cleans her brush while working on a portrait painting. - Courtesy photos C1C Kaitlin Shetley consults with her instructor during class.
w Fine Arts 55

Summer Immersion

Cadets wrap themselves

Weekdays of classes and weekends of travel adventures filled cadets’ days during the Cadet Summer Language Inv mersion Program in Morocco May 26 - June 15, 2011.

On the schedule were visits the famous blue city of Chefchaouen in the mountains of the north; the largest mosque in Africa, Hassan II, in the infamous city of Casablanca; the lively city and square of Marrakesh; and a tour the traditional markets of Fez and Meknes.

C2C Dominique Amor spent the three weeks at the Institute for Leadership and Communications Studies in the capital city of Rabat.

“It’s amazing how much you can tell about a country simply by driving through it.. .the Moroccan culture is not really a culture - it’s a blend of cultures,” Cadet Amor said. “Due to the strong colonial influences of both France and Spain in Morocco’s history, French is spoken throughout the country and Spanish is also often a third language in the North.”

Cadets in Morocco spent four to six hours a day s§jdy-

in Moroccan culture

ing both Modena Standard Arabic and Darija - the Moroccan dialect which mixes Berber, French and Spanish with Modem Standard Arabic. They also lived in pairs with a local family for the duration of their trip.

C2Cs Anna Pliilbrick attended the Arabic Institution in the small town of Meknes.

“Besides having the opportunity to develop and practice my Arabic speaking skills, CSLIP enabled me to experience and adapt to a culture completely foreign to my own,” Cadet Philbrick said. “I learned so much from developing relationships with my Moroccan teachers, sponsor family, random ‘tour guides’ we met wandering through the towns, and even the market vendors. They gave me a better appreciation of their culture and my own.”

After being fully immersed in this new culture and language, cadets returned with not only more passion to pursue Arabic, but thousands of amazing stories about their interactions with the Moroccan people. - C2C Sarah Nickisch

Academics Mil
Academy cadets, instructors, escorts and other students pose in front of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. The mosque is the largest in Africa and second largest in the world.
Summer Immersion
Moroccan children. Kate Kanetzky, Paola Gavilanes and Tim Crowe work up the nerve to try snails from a local vendor in Morocco's Market of Rabat. - Courtesy photos Shopping in the local market. C1C Jon Davis (center, facing forward) and friends turn a Terrazzo fountain into a post-finals pool party. Taking a plunge after completing their last final is a treasured senior tradition. - Photo by Brad Milliman Above: Snow and freezing cold couldn't deter C1Cs Ryan Critchfield, Jason Groose, Kelsey Smith and Cody Settle from a fountain plunge. - Photo by James A. Rush Right: C1C Beau Stegemann and friends turn heads with their enthusiastic fountain dive. - Photo by James A. Rush

Fin End of year finals

Spring semester finals week feels different than fall. Instead of bundling up in parkas and scarves to make the pre-break battle against the wind to Fairchild, cadets study casually in sun-soaked quads during the final days of the academic year.

Monday brought a slight change of scenery though.

Low fog and icy temperatures settled in as firsties crammed into the morning astronautical engineering final. As they scribbled math equations with flotation devices lingering at their feet, expectations of jumping into the fountains were changing along with the weather - both for the worse.

By the time the first final was released, giant snowflakes speckled the air, falling at a flat angle thanks to a chill wind. These winter wonder-flakes consistently fell throughout Monday, yet firsties still found it in them to preserve the tradition and fling themselves into the freezing water.

“For the firstfive seconds after jumping in, I was just trying to catch my breath and come to the realization that I was still alive,” said C1C Zach Schneider whose next thoughts were, ‘“that was

Week represents change

fun; I want to do it again,’ and ‘the water is a lot shallower [than expected].”’

Warmer weather meant the remaining days of finals week were not marked by “Hapcicles” racing from the fountains to their rooms. Signs of the upcoming change were still evident though. Freshmen and sophomores look forward to their upcoming summer programs and juniors anticipate their upcoming Ring Dance. Once the tests are done, everyone hurries to sell back books and update their “vs the Dean” posters.

“If I go in expecting to get a zero, I always exceed my expectations,” exclaimed C3C Max Piazza.

With the end of finals comes a breath of fresh air. The Class of 2015 anticipates the arrival of new underdogs and 2014 waits for its first leadership program opportunities. Tire Class of 2013 sees its upcoming new bling and symbol of seniority while the soon-to-be graduates realize this is it. The only thing left is the final hat toss, pumping fists in the air, and celebrating the victory. For everyone, finals are a symbol of moving on.


VS. The Dean

Above: Cadets chart their progress during finals week with fun illustrations on their dormitory doors. So far Room 5E39 is tied in its battle vs. The Dean. - Photo by Brad Milliman
w Finals Week wv 59
Left: Soggy C1C Cole Smith pours fountain water from his boots before going into his room. - Photo by James A. Rush
/, J|
Catcher Garrett Custons returns the ball back to the pitcher as the UNLV batter appears to disagree with the umpire's assessment of a called strike. Custons was named to the Mountain West Conference First Team as a catcher in 2011. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

The team placed three players on the 2012 Mountain West Baseball All-Conference team. The Falcons were led by senior Blair Roberts, who earned first-team honors at second base.

Junior Garrett Custons was named second-team catcher and sophomore Seth Kline earned second team honors at designated hitter/utility. Custons became Air Force’s first two-time all-conference honoree since Josh Phifer, who did so in 2002-03. Air Force placed three players on the all-conference team for the first time since 2003.

Roberts capped off a standout four-year career at Air Force by batting .258 as a senior with 25 runs scored. Roberts led the Falcons with 52 starts, 25 walks and nine stolen bases. He also ranked in the conference top 10 with 142 assists. The senior from Parker, CO, was second on the team with a .302 average in Mountain West play. Roberts is Air Force’s first all-conference middle infielder in the Mountain West era.

Custons, who was a first-teamer as a sophomore last year, batted .316 with four homers, 16 doubles and 34 runs scored. Custons possesses one of the top throwing arms in all of the nation at catcher, leading the confercnee by throwing out 20 base runners arid 66.7 percent of steal attempts (20-of-30). Tire Sarasota, FL, native was

first or second on the team in 11 offensive categories.

Kline made significant strides from his freshman year to become one of Air Force’s top hitters this year. Kline led the Falcons with a .322 batting average, .441 on-base percentage, five home runs and 25 walks. The Yakima, WA, native also led the Falcons with in Mountain West play by batting .348, slugging .576 and hitting four of the team’s six conference homers.

Custons, Kline and Alex Bast were named to the College Sports Madness Mountain West Baseball AllConference team for the 2012 season. Bast was one of Air Force’s top hitters, batting .305 with four homers and a team-leading 31 RBIs and five triples. The center fielder also ranked second on the team with 12 doubles, 30 runs scored, six sacrifice bunts and seven stolen bases. Bast, a native of Pensacola, FL, was also second on the team with 51 starts and games played.

The Falcons conclude the 2012 season with a 14-39 overall record and 5-19 mark in Mountain West play. Six seniors graduate from this year’s team, Evan Abrecht, Michael Ceci, Adam Hill, Victor Iacobbo, Mike Kazakoff and Roberts. A strong core group of underclassmen will return for the 2013 season, including Custons, Kline, Bast and Cameron White. - Athletic Media Relations

Pitcher Evan Abrecht Infielder Matt Roberts
Junior Taylor Broekhuis battles Wyoming's Franciso Cruz underneath the basket. The Falcons snapped a seven-game losing streak in Mountain West Conference play with a 58-53 win over the visiting Cowboys Feb. 15. - Photos by Arnie Spencer Freshman forward Kamryn Williams umor guard/torward Mike Fitzgerald

IDi bASKEtbAul

Air Force’s 79-64 loss to New Mexico in the Mountain West Conference tournament quarterfinals is an improvement over the 30- and 39-point blowouts handed down by the Lobos during the regular season, but the Falcons aren’t satisfied.

“Fm glad we battled back,” junior guard Mike Lyons said. “We’ve got to get better on defense. We’ve got to work all spring and summer. I’m really excited about next year. We’re going to work hard every day. I’m going to lead by example. We’re going to win games, not just compete. We’re tired of hearing, ‘We competed, we competed.’”

Leading Air Force in this effort will be Dave Pilipovich who agreed to become the pemaanent bead coach of the Air Force men’s basketball team. He had been serving as head coach since Feb. 8 when Jeff Reynolds was relieved of his duties. Pilipovich is the eighth head coach in program history.

Next year’s team will be without senior Taylor Stewart who won the Bob Spear Award given to the studentathlete that is outstanding in all areas of the Academyacademics, athletics and military performance. There is no higher honor for a men’s basketball player. Stewart, from Lexington, KY, played in 90 career games andstarted 34. He started the first 15 games this season before suffering a season-ending leg injury. He was averaging 8.1 points and 2.9 rebounds this season and finished his career with 352 points and 165 rebounds. Stewart scored a career-high 16

points against Army and Chicago State this year and pulled down a career-best 10 rebounds in the second game of his career against Cal State Bakersfield. He also dished out a career-high seven assists in the season-opener against Anny. In what was his final game as a Falcon, he had possibly the best game of his career with 12 points, four rebounds and four assists in a 74-59 victory at Boise State Jan. 14.

Lyons earned the Bob Beckel Most Valuable Player award for the 2012-12 campaign. Despite missing six games during the middle of the season with a high ankle sprain, he led the team and finished third in the Mountain West in scoring, averaging 15.5 points per game. He was named most valuable player of the season-opening All-Military Classic and became the first Falcon since 1998 to score at least 20 points in three consecutive games. Lyons finished the season with 997 career points, placing him 23rd on the school’s all-time scoring list.

Senior Shawn Hempsey earned the Cliff Parsons Falcon Award, given to the player that gives 100 percent regardless of their situation and place on the team. Hempsey, a 6-2 guard from Encinitas, CA, played in 88 career games, starting eight. He had 85 points and 65 assists in his career, including a career-high five assists this season against Johnson & Wales.

Other individual award winners included senior Scott Stucky, who won the Rob Marr Sportsmanship Award, and junior Mike Fitzgerald, who won the Tim Harris Most Improved Award. - Athletic Media Relations

Men’s Basketball
Freshman guard DeLovell Earls


The eighth-seeded Air Force women’s basketball team dropped a 68-58 decision to top-seed San Diego State Wednesday afternoon in the opening game of the 2012 Conoco Mountain West Women’s Basketball Championship.

Junior Katie Hilbig scored a team-best 15 points to lead the Falcons, while classmates Dymond James and Alicia Leipprandt added 14 and 11 points, respectively.

“We had a focused game plan,” said Air Force head coach Andrea Williams. “My team andkids gave everything they had, great energy and focus. We were disappointed [with the loss]. We thought it was a team we could beat, even though they’re number one in the league. I’m just proud of the way my team came back and focused for the third time seeing them.”

James was named to the Mountain West 2011 -12 Women’s Basketball All-Conference team. James, who was tabbed an honorable mention selection, earns the first all-conference accolades of her career.

James concluded the regular-season averaging a careerbest 12.3 points and a team-leading 6.4 rebounds per contest, while also ranking among league leaders in free-throw percentage (.805).

James, who is the first Falcon to receive all-conference recognition since 2010, is just the ninth Air Force player to be named an All-Mountain West selection. She was also selected by her teammates as the MVP for the 2011-12 season.

Meanwhile, senior Jamela Satterfield (Sacramento, CA) racked up several awards on Saturday. In addition to receiving the captains’ award, Satterfield was recognized for leading the team in season field goal percentage after recording a career-best mark of .421 and was also the recipient of the Iron Bolt Award, given to the player who demonstrates the greatest commitment to the team’s strength & conditioning program, for the second straight season.

In addition, Satterfield, who finished second on the team with 40 steals on the season, was named the defensive player of the year and was also the recipient of the Loudermilk-Chavez Leadership Award.

Satterfield, the Falcons’ lone senior in 2011-12, closed out her career as the school record holder in career games played with 119, while also ranking ninth in the program’s Division I history with 102 career steals. - Athletic Media Relations

Junior guard Danielle Sorrera Junior guard Austyn Wilson Sophomore guard Cherae Medina
Women’s Basketball
Sophomore guard Camille Thompson rises above the Longwood University defender enroute to two of her nine points scored. The Falcons dropped a 59-48 decision to the Lancers. - Photos by Arnie Spencer


Highlighted by four national champions, Air Force boxing picked up its 19th National Collegiate Boxing Association title April 5-7, at the Academy’s Clune Arena. The Falcons went 4-1 on the last day, en route to their first NCBA championship since 2004.

Air Force scored 47 points to capture the title, defeating Navy by six points. Army, which had won the last four national titles, finished third with 21 points.

Air Force entered the final day in first, holding a narrow one-point lead over Navy, but quickly extended its lead as junior Drew Pineda defended his NCBA title at 112 pounds. After receiving a bye throughout the first two rounds of competition, Pineda stepped into the national ring and earned a victory over Navy’s Richard Gonong.

The Falcons’ added another championship belt in the 139-pound weight class, as senior Dan Starr claimed a split (3-2) decision over Maryland’s Dan Contreras for his first NCBA title. Senior Casey Habluetzel stepped into the ring three bouts later and picked up his first national title at 165-pounds after claiming a 3-2 decision over California’s Juan Ramos.

Habluetzel’s victory clinched the team title for Air Force, returning the Falcons to a one-point (42-41) advantage over Navy, who had ended its night with the 156-pound bout. Air Force added one more title to its tally, as junior Olawale Lawal earned a unanimous decision over Lock Haven’s Nick Gounaris in the heavyweight contest. Lawal immediately took charge of the ring, sending his opponent to the mat in the opening minute.

Senior Mike McLain also competed in the championship round, but dropped his 175-pound bout with Army’s John

Maddux by a 4-1 decision. With his second-place finish, McLain concluded an impressive collegiate career with four consecutive NCBA All-America certificates.

The wins by Pineda, Starr, Habluetzel and Lawal bring the Falcons’ total of national champions to 109 since 1976.

Prior to the NCBA Championships, McLain became the 12th Air Force boxer to claim four Wing Open titles during the finals of the 54th annual Wing Open Championships March 1.

In other Wing Open action, Glenn Miltenberg suecessfully defended his 147-pound title over senior Craig Spranger. Miltenberg earned the Wing Open Outstanding Boxer Award.

Senior Tyrus Korecki claimed his first Wing Open title at 1 56 pounds, earning a decision over Blaze Dunn.

Starr picked up his third Wing Open title, after taking the judges’ vote from sophomore Ethan Salgado in the 139-pound contest. Senior Logan Brandt won the hotly contested 195-pound bout over Brian Corcoran.

Andrew Munoz captured the 132-pound title after defeating Will Petersen. Roy Taylor withstood a fast start by sophomore Stephen Bittner to win the 125-pound decision.

The final two bouts were stopped early by the referee. Habluetzel repeated as the 165-pound Wing Open champion after forcing the referee to stop his bout with junior Chris Nelson in the second round.

Lawal also earned an early victory, taking the heavyweight title over classmate Joseph Okai. - Athletic Media Relations

Junior Olawale Lawal earned an early victory, taking the heavyweight title over classmate Joseph Okai just two minutes in. Lawal, immediately connected with Okai, forcing him against the ropes and landing several hard shots before the referee stepped in. - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Dunn - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Senior Graig Spranger and junior Glenn Miltenberg
Freshman Blaze Dunn and senior Tyrus Korecki


The Air Force Spirit Program has been hard at work all year preparing for and supporting Air Force Athletics, the Academy and events in the Colorado Springs area. As one of the busiest and most diverse groups on campus, these 50-plus cadets come | together to add extra energy to football and basketball games, Association of Graduates tailgates and events sucb as Spirit of the Springs. They have also spent many hours doing community service projects at numerous schools in Colorado Springs and the

surrounding areas.

The group consists of the mic man, varsity cheerleaders, dance team, mascot team and junior varsity cheer team. Fans can see the entire group at all home football games working in the Press h Box with Blue Silver members, Fanfest applying AF tattoos, inflating the helmet for the football team to run through to the field, third quarter dances from the dance team and chants from the mic man and cheerleaders.

IFootball isn’t all. Men’s and women’s basketball keeps the teams busy along with volleyball and hockey. The team does its best to get out and support all the athletic programs as well. Highlights from this season are a visit and pep rally at the Pentagon during the Navy game, a visit to Walter Reed Hospital during the Armed Forces Bowl in December and a trip to Las Vegas for the Mountain West Conference basketball tournament in March. - Air Force Spirit Team

The Bird Junior Jen Bremser placed 21st at the Mountain West Conference Championships this year. - Photos Courtesy AFA Athletic Media Relations The Rust Buster Invitational in Colorado Springs, CO Junior Jeremy Drenckahn


Highlighted by junior Jeremy Drenckhahn’s runner-up finish, Air Force men’s cross country picked up a secondplace team finish at the 2011 Mountain West Cross Country Championships Oct. 29 in Fort Collins, CO. The men ; fell just four points short of capturing the conference title, The women finished fourth in the team standings, behind junior Melissa Fuerst’s ninth-place finish.

Drenckhahn ran the 8K route at Collindale Golf Course in 25:11.2 to finish second, edging out Colorado State’s Spenser Lynass at the line by just 0:00.3. Drenckhahn’s finish matched the Falcons’ best-ever placement at the conference meet. The junior was one of two Falcons in the top five, as senior Jim Walmsley finished fifth at 25:24.9.

Air Force also picked up a pair of top-15 finishes from junior Andrew Quallio and sophomore Isaiah Bragg. Quallio clocked a time of 25:38.0 to finish 12th, while Bragg posted a time of 25:44.8 to take 14th. Sophomore Gavin Owens rounded out the Falcons’ scoring runners with a 21st-place time of 26:03.6.

Four additional Falcons ran at the conference championships. Sophomore Charlie Perkins placed 25th with a time of 26:16.1, while junior Matt Bell finished 30th in 26:27.9. SophomoresJake Hawkins and Dan Bailey finished 33rd and 42nd, respectively, as Hawkins clocked a time of 26:34-7 and Bailey crossed the finish line in 27:12.3.

On the women’s side, Fuerst became just the second Air Force runner ever to finish within the top 10 of the Mountain West Conference Championships, as she completed the course in 21:21.9 to take ninth.

Jen Bremser placed 21st with a time of 22:16.6, while

fellow junior Kate Kanetzky clocked a time of 22:35.4 to finish 27th. Senior Katie Carroll and junior Morgan Mosby placed 34th and 35th, with respective times of 22:49.6 and 22:52.8, to round of the Falcons’ scoring finishers.

The team concluded action at the NCAA Mountain Region Championships Nov. 12 in Provo, UT. The men, paced by Walmsley, finished eighth in the 17-team race, while Fuerst led the women to a 13th-place finish in the 19-team event.

In the first 10K race of the season, Walmsley recorded a time of 31:14.0 to finish 21st in the 115-runner race at East Bay Golf Course. The senior captain paced all five scoring runners to finishes within the top 50. Drenckhahn clocked a time of 31:38.8 to finish 39th, while Bragg finished right behind with a 40th-place time of 31:39.1. Air Force also earned back-to-back finishes from Perkins and Quallio, as the duo finished 49th (31:59.6, first career 10K race) and 50th (32:02.2, career-best), respectively.

In all, only 48.2 seconds separated the five scoring runners for Air Force, marking third-closest pack in the field (Colorado, 30.6 seconds; Northern Arizona 45.3 seconds). Sophomores Gavin Owens and Jake Hawkins also competed at the regional race, placing 62nd (32:27.2) and 67th (32:35.5), respectively. It was the first career 10K race for both Owens and Hawkins.

For the women, Fuerst placed 32nd with a 6K time of 22:05.7. Air Force also earned scoring finishes from three of her classmates, as Bremser, Kanetzky and Mosby placed 49th (22:33.3), 69th (23:05.1) and 82nd (23:20.4), respectively. - Athletic Media Relations

Juniors Kate Kanetzky and Melissa Fuerst
Cross Country


The Air Force Academy sent three fencers to the 2012 NCAA Men’s Fencing Championships in Columbus, OH, March 24-25. The three Falcons finished 15th overall after scoring a total of 26 points.

The Falcons’ two competitors in the men’s foil championships were Phillip Choy and Alexander Chiang. Choy finished 23rd winning six of 23 bouts. Chiang, who finished in the top 12, won 13 bouts. Chase Houser competed in men’s epee and finished 22nd winning seven bouts. This was the first NCAA Championships for each fencer.

Air Force Academy freshman Chiang earned third-team AllAmerica honors in men’s foil fencing. At the 2012 NCAA Men’s Fencing Championships in Columbus, Ohio, March 24-25, Chiang (Atlanta, Ga.) finished 11th in the foil championships with a 13-10 bout record against his 23 opponents. In his first collegiate national championship, Chiang scored 13 victories, with 90 touches scored, 79 touches received and had a +11 identifier.

“I am very proud of our guys,” said Head Coach Abdel Salem. “Finishing 15th is a good finish, especially because we only had the three qualifiers. Chiang did very well and it makes me proud to see one of our freshmen finish in the top 12. He did very good going up against the nation’s top collegiates.”

As a freshman, Chiang finished the regular season in collegiate competition, 43-21. His bout records were earned at the Western Invitational where he finished 17-1 (Jem. 7). He was 8-7 at the Duke Meet (Feb. 11), finished 5-3 at the West Regionals (March 10) and 13-10 at the NCAAs (March 24-25). - Athletic Media Relations

W Fencing
Tara Zartman Senior Tim Jefferson capped off his four-year career at the Academy as the winningest quarterback in school history with 2815 record. Jefferson is the first quarterback in service academy history to lead his team to fourconsecutive bowl games.
- Photos Courtesy AFA Athletic Media Relations


WASHINGTON, D.C. - A failed two-point conversion gave the Toledo Rockets a 42-41 win over Air Force in the Military Bowl Dec. 28.

The game was an expected offensive shootout featuring offenses that scored a combined 920 points this season. The two teams gave just that to a national television audience, with 35 points scored just in the first quarter, and going into the halftime tied up at 28-all.

This shoot out featured 746 yards of offense and boiled down to a 42-35 deficit for Air Force with just under five minutes left and 78 yards to go to tie the game.

Four-year starting quarterback Tim Jefferson led the Falcons the length of the field in 11 plays, featuring eight passes and only three rushes, before putting six more points on the scoreboard with a 33-yard pass to Zach Kauth.

But in the second half, the Toledo defense had held the Falcons to only two scores, so the Falcons coaches decided they were better off going for the win, than prolonging the game into sudden death overtime, he added.

“We called an option left, with and inside player blocking down and thought we’d have the punter run it, and he’d be able to pitch out to the kicker if needed.”

But the pitch was fumbled and bounced unclaimed out the left side of the end zone. The Toledo bench erupted in cheers, but the game wasn’tdone yet. The clock still had 52 seconds left in regulation.

Bowl game

Then the falcons lined up for an extra point with punter David Baska holding and Parker Herrington set to kick.

But the play called wasn’t a kick.

Extensive film study of the Toledo Rockets had shown Air Force coaches that the Rockets tended to overload the right side when facing an opponent’s extra point and field goal attempts, said Falcons head football coach Troy Calhoun.

“We thought we’d get an overload on the right this time too,” said the coach. “We thought we were better off going for two. When we’re getting four-five-or-six yards per play like we normally do, then going for the tie and taking it to overtime could work,” said coach Calhoun.

Air Force lined up for an onside kick, with two kickers in the middle to disguise which way the onside kick was destined to go. The kick was recovered by Toledo, which ran out the clock to secure their 4241 win.

The Air Force Academy Falcons ended their 2011 season with a 7-6 record, but had a few more chapters before the 2011 Fighting Falcons story came to a close. The graduating seniors returned to the nation’s capitol in the spring, when they visited the White House and received the Commander-in-Chief’s trophy from the President, for beating the other service academies in football. Then it was on to grdauation for the seniors.

“For them, it’s all about graduation now,” said Coach Calhoun. “It’s all about them becoming second lieutenants and how they will lead and influence others throughout the rest of their lives.” -

Public Affairs

Military Bowl Came
Linebacker Patrick Hennessey
Defensive back Jon Davis stops Army's Jared Hassin in his tracks. Davis was second on the team in tackles with 94 and tops in interceptions with four. - Photo by Arnie Spencer Quarterback Tim JeffersonSchneider Photo by C1C Zach

In Air Force’s battle to keep the Commander-in-Chiefs trophy, Army drew first blood and second, and if not for a few big plays, the Black Knights would also have drawn third, fourth and fifth blood. But Air Force’s defense forced three second half fumbles to set up 24 unanswered points and a 24-14 Air Force victory.

The victory combined with a 35-34 win over Navy in Amnapolis, MD, Oct. 1, achieved the Falcons’ top priority for the season - extending the Commander-in-Chief Trophy’s stay in Colorado Springs for a second straight year.

Air Force’s offense didn’t spend much time on the field in the first half, with less than 10 minutes time of possession.

When they had the ball, the Falcons appeared to have trouble finding their rhythm.

Air Force went three and out on their first possession, and quarterback Tim Jefferson fumbled on the first play of their second possession. That fumble and Army’s recovery led to the Black Knights’ second touchdown to take a 14-0 lead in the first quarter.

they knocked us on our heels,” Falcons head coach Troy Calhoun said. “That’s a real credit to their coaches and the young men at West Point.”

Air Force faced an uphill climb in the second half, but the Falcons had momentum. They emerged from the locker room looking like the team that put a scare into No. 5 Boise State Broncos Oct. 22, blitzing down the field in their first possession of the second half. Parker Herrington kicked his first of three field goals to give the Falcons their first points of the day.

Army Navy

Army ran for almost 300 yards in the first half, but while moving the ball came easily for the Knights, scoring did not. Five firsthalf trips inside the red zone added up to only 14 points.

Air Force’s first red zone stop came on Amiy’s second drive, with Ryan Gardner and Jordan Waiwaiole stuffing Larry Dixon on fourth and 2 from the Falcons’ 19. The second came at the goal line, this time with Alex Means and Brady Amack combining to stop Army quarterback Max Jenkins inches shy of the goal line.

The third key play came within 30 seconds of halftime, when Falcons defensive back Josh Hall stripped Anny running back xott Williams of the ball just outside the goal line. Tire ball xrunced out of the end zone for a touchback.

“I thought they came out and slugged us right in the face, and

After Air Force’s defense stopped Army at midfield, the Falcons struck again. Jefferson got the Falcons into striking range with passes of 21 yards and 35 yards to Joshua Freeman and Zack Kauth to set up a two-yard touchdown run. Asher Clark carried in the two-point conversion to make it 14-11. A fumbled snap on Army’s next possession set up Herrington’s second field goal of the game to tie the score.

On the Knights’ subsequent possession, the Falcons again held fast, forcing fourth and 6 from the Anny 36. In a play reminiscent of Air Force’s failed fake punt against Boise State, Anny receiver Justin Allen fumbled the handoff from punter Kolin Walk, and Stephan Atrice recovered for Air Force at the Anny 14. Four plays later, Jefferson ran untouched into the end zone to give Air Force the go-ahead touchdown.

Two more Army turnovers in the fourth quarter sealed the game for the Falcons. Jon Davis forced a fumble from Anny running back Jared Hassin and ran it back to the Anny 19, setting up Herrington’s third field goal of the day. Davis also intercepted Army’s Jenkins at the Air Force 30 with 2:37 to play, allowing the Falcons to run out the clock. - Don Branum, USAFA Public Affairs JoArA M

Linebacker Alex Means - Photo by C1C Zach Schneider Wide receiver Zack Kauth
I*/Army/Navy 79
Kicker Parker Herrington splits the uprights during the season opener against South Dakota. Herrington was 15 for 18 on field goals this season and 45 of 48 on extra-point attempts. - Photo by C3C Jae Woo Park

The Mountain West named seven Falcons for its football all I conference teams this year. Making the first team was senior offensive lineman A.J. Wallerstein, junior kicker Parker Herrington and I senior defensive back Jon Davis. Senior running back Asher Clark, senior linebacker Brady Amack and senior defensive back Anthony Wright are second-team honorees. Junior linebacker Alex Means was an honorable mention selection.

Wallerstein helped the Falcons offense gain 320.3 yards rushing per game which ranked second in the nation. The rushing average, as well as norms for points (34-4), passing yards (138.5) and total offense (458.8) was best in head coach Troy Calhoun’s era (2007-present). Herrington led the conference in field goals at 1.25 per game and field goal percentage with an 83.3 mark. He hit 15-of-18 field goals this season and was 13-of-14 from inside 40 yards. He was the first kicker at Air Force to earn first-team all-conference since Joey Ashcroft in 2002.

Davis was the first Falcon safety to earn first-team all-MW honors ever. He was second on the team and eighth in the conference in tackles with an average of 7.4 per game. He led the Falcons and was tied for second on the all-conference team in interceptions with four. He ranked sixth in Air Force history at 10 career interceptions.

Clark was a second-team selection for the second straight year. He led the Falcons and finished fourth in the conference in rushing with a career-best 1,096 yards. His 7.3 yards per carry ranked second in the conference. Clark entered the bowl game just 33 yards shy of becoming the all-time leading rusher in Air Force history. He had 3,580 rushing yards.

Amack ranked second in the conference and 15th nationally in tackles with an average of 10.4 per game. He was fourth in the MW in fumbles forced with four. Amack won several national honors

with his 23-tackle performance in Air Force’s overtime win at Navy. The 23 stops were a Mountain West single game record and the second most by a Football Bowl Subdivision player this season.

Wright was fifth on the team in tackles with 49 and second on the team in interceptions with two. He had a team-best four pass breakups and was a second team selection for the second time in his career, also earning the honor in 2009. Means led the team and was ninth in the conference in tackles for loss with 9.0. He ranked seventh in the MW in sacks with a team-best 6.0.

Senior receiver Jonathan Warzeka won the Brian Bullard Memorial Award, the highest honor a Falcon football player can earn.

Warzeka led the Falcons with 31 catches and was second on the team with 442 receiving yards and four touchdown receptions. Warzeka also had 244 rushing yards on 28 carries and led the team with 23 kickoff returns for 489 yards. He was the school’s all-time leader in kickoff returns yards during a season and finished his career with 59 returns for 1,495 yards. He ranked sixth in school history with a 25.3 career kickoff return average and was the only player in school history to post two 100-yard kickoff return touchdowns.

The Bullard Award, established in 1984 and voted on by the football team, is based on the criteria that typifies the late Brian Builard - unselfishness, 110 percent effort, total team commitment and pride in his role on the team whether he’s a starter or not.

Air Force ended the regular season with a 7-5 overall record and 3-4 mark in Mountain West play. The team earned a school-record fifth consecutive bowl game, taking on Toledo in the Military Bowl in Washington, D.C. The Falcons also captured the Commander-inChief’s Trophy for the second straight year, marking the first time since 2001-02 the team had won back-to-back trophy titles. - Athletic Media Relations

mm Hoops
t {.Yfy-rfflv
Sophomore Blake Jones, senior Mark Boyer and junior Andrew Hoops walk down the fairway during a practice round at the Academy's Eisenhower Golf Course. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

Air Force men’s golf team captured its 15th consecutive Service Academy Golf Classic title Oct. 15 at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. The Falcons, who have not lost the SAGG since 1994, posted a three-round total of 938,12 shots better than second-place Navy and 25 better than third-place Army. The tournament was not played in 2007 and 2008.

Air Force sophomore Kyle Westmoreland also recaptured the individual title for Air Force with an 11-over par total of 227, beating teammate Robert Belz by five strokes. Westmoreland is the 12th Air Force player to win the individual title and the first since Kyle Bailey in 2009.

“I am very proud of Kyle and our team,” said Air Force head coach George Koury. “The conditions were difficult at times and we have plenty to work on in the off season, but it is great to win this for the 15th straight time. I would also like to give a huge thank you to Mickie Gallagher and the staff of Trump National. This world-class venue was a perfect setting for the championship.”

Westmoreland fired a five-over par 77 in the final round, tying for the second-best score of the round. Tim Shield of Navy, who finished fourth overall at 236, posted the day’s best score with a 76, while Matt Philie of Army finished third at 234.

Other Air Force players in the top 10 included sophomore Todd

Berglund, who finished ninth (243), and senior Caleb Leestma, who finished 10th (245) after shooting a 77 on Tuesday. Rounding out the Falcon roster was junior Andrew Hoops (T, 11th/ 246) and sophomore Philip Colwell (15th/ 254).

During the spring season the team traveled to tournaments in Houston, Georgetown, SC; Provo, UT; and Goodyear and Scottsdale, AZ. Following the spring tour, the Falcons returned to Arizona once again for the Mountain West Conference Championships at the par-71,7,144-yard Catalina Course at OMNI Tucson National May 4-6.

Tire team fired a final round team score of 292 (+8) arid finished in seventh place. Tire Falcons, who improved each day at the tournament, posted a three-round total of 882, nine strokes ahead of the University of Wyoming.

Individually, junior Andrew Hoops led the Falcons with a threeround total of eightover par 221 after shooting a team-best evenpar 71. Hoops tied for 24th overall. Westmoreland followed in a tie for 28th place with a total of 223 after a 74 in the final round.

Leestma and Belz, playing their final rounds for Air Force, tied for 31st overall with a three-round total of 224. Leesttna fired a 72 while Belz recorded a 75. Colwell shot a 78 for a total o£225, good for a tie for 34th place. - Athletic Media Relations

Freshman Blake Edwards Senior Caleb Leestma
Colf^BP 83


The Air Force men’s gymnastics team, ranked 12th in the national standings, wrapped up the 2012 home schedule with a fourth-place finish at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships on Saturday, April 7, at the Academy’s Cadet West Gym.

The Falcons amassed a team score of 335.950 to finish fourth, behind second-ranked Oklahoma (355.600), thirdranked Stanford (352.100) and seventh-ranked California (345.950).

Senior Devin Menefee earned the Falcons’ best finish of the night in his final home competition. The team captain scored a 14.900 to finish sixth and earn a trip to the awards’ podium. Menefee was one of two top-10 finishers on the still rings for Air Force, as sophomore Tyler Huebner tied for 10th with a 14.500.

Junior James Okamoto and freshman Greg Chaput finished within the top-10 on the pommel horse, as Okamoto scored a 14.100 to place eighth and Chaput tallied a 14.000 to take 10th. Sophomore Ben Zaiser scored a 14.600 on the vault to tie for 10th, while classmate Mac Ritchie earned the same placement on the high bar with a score of 14.150.

Freshman Corbin Palmer was the Falcons’ top finisher on the parallel bars and floor exercise, placing 13th on the

parallel bars (14-35) and 15th on the floor exercise (14-400).

With a score of 333.750, the Falcons wrapped up team competition April 19 at the NCAA National Qualifier in Norman, Okla. The Falcons finished sixth in the session of national qualifying action.

Air Force claimed a pair of top-10 finishes on the pommel horse, as Chaput and Okamoto finished ninth (14-400) and 10th (14.350), respectively. Chaput’s score is a career-best by 0.200 and tied for the sixth-best mark in Academy history. Sophomore Patrick Duffy also finished within the top half of the 43-competitor field, as he placed 18th with a season-high 14.050.

Chaput also paced the Falcons on the parallel bars, scoring a 14.350 to finish 18th. Classmate Josh Ramos, who led Air Force with a 19th-place score of 14.350 on the floor exercise, also finished within the top half of the field on the parallel bars (14.300, 20th).

Junior Tory Brown was Air Force’s top finisher on the vault, scoring a career-high 14.600 to finish 20th and move into a tie for third on the program’s all-time list. Ritchie paced the Falcons on the high bar with a 21stplace score of 14.000, while Menefee collected the squad’s top score on the still rings (13.600, 24th). - Athletic Media Relations

w84 Sports
Sophomore Mac Ritchie was named Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Gymnast of the Week for the week of April 3. Ritchie won the USA Gymnastics high bar title that week with a school record score of 14.900. - Photo by Arnie Spencer Freshman Gared Chapman on pommel horse
Men’s GymnasticsW
Freshman Nick Gaudlip on floor exercise


Sophomore Linnaea Hance was Air Force's top gymnast at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships. Hance placed fourth in uneven bars and the all-around competition. She tallied a score of 9.600 on bars, while totaling a 37.875 in the all-around. - Photo by Ray McCoy Sophomore Katie Hawthorne, bal ance beam - Photo by Rav McCo\ Sophomore Jen Larsen, uneven bars - Photo by Arnie Spencer

Air Force women’s gymnastics scored a 189.125 to finish third at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships in Davis, CA, March 23. Sophomore Linnaea Fiance paced the Falcons with a pair of fourth-place scores.

Fiance’s best marks came on the uneven bars and in the all-around. The sophomore scored a 9.600 on the uneven bars, while totaling a 37.875 in the all-around. Air Force earned two other top-10 marks on the uneven. Senior Sammi Jones finished fifth with a 9.575, while freshman Jessica Wallander placed ninth with a mark of 9.525.

The Falcons picked up three finishes within the top half of the 24'gymnast field on the floor exercise. Wallander tallied the squad’s highest score of the night (9.725) to finish ninth, while freshman Alexandra Stych and sophomore Katie Flawthome tied for 12th with matching marks of 9.675.

on both the vault and

McRobbie placed seventh on the vault with a mark of 9.575, while earning a 9.675 to finish 10th on the balance beam. Jones also finished within the top-10 of the vault (9.475, 10th), while sophomore Emily Bucher joined McRobbie in the top half of the beam standings (9.525, 12th).

With an all-around score of 38.225, Hance wrapped up competition at the 2012 NCAA Regional Championships April 7 in Salt Dike City, UT. As Air Force’s lone representative at the Salt Lake regional, she placed 14th in the four-event competition at the Huntsman Center.

Hance’s best individual placement came on the uneven bars, where she tied for 16th with a score of 9.700. She also finished 34th on the balance beam (9.475), 35th on the floor exercise (9.550) and 39th on the vault (9.500).

Sophomore Jessica Hanner, balance beam - Photo by Arnie Spencer Senior Samantha Jones, floor exercise - Photo by Arnie Spencer Freshman Kim McRobbie was Air Force’s top finisher balance beam.
Women’s Gymnastics

The road to the NCAA hockey tournament has been well-traveled by the Falcons in recent years. It’s the outcome in the opening round the team is trying to change. For five of the last six seasons, the Falcons have been the Atlantic Hockey Association’s representative at the NCAAs. Fa all but one of those years the Falcons have suffered a heart-breaking loss to one of the elite programs in college hockey. This year, the Falcons drew the top-ranked Golden Eagles of Boston College in the NCAA Northeast Regional at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA, March 24.

Midway through the first period, BC opened the scoring on Chris Kreider’s 21st of the season. Kevin Hayes came out from the behind the net and found Kreider on the weak side for a 1-0 lead.

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In the final minute of the period, Stephen Carew, Cole Gunner and Paul Weisgarber allhad shots on goal that were saved by Patrick Milner. Air Force had two quality chances early in the second period, but Milner made the saves. Boston College then took control of the puck in the Air Force for the better part of the second period. BC took 11 straight shots in the middle of the period, but Jason Torf was there to make several saves. Boston College outshot Air Force 11 -4 in the second period,

but neither scored and the Eagles maintained the 1-0 lead after 40 minutes.

In the final four minutes of the third period, Air Force had two quality chances. John Kruse ereated a turnover at the blue line and took shot that was saved with just under four minutes left. With just under three minutes left, Weisgarber created a turnover and took a shot that was saved. With 1:53 left in regulation, contact in the neutral zone led to a penalty called on Falcon defenseman Dan Weissenhofer. Thirty-two seconds later, BC sealed the win as Kreider scored his second of the game on the power play.

“Boston College is a heck of a hockey team, but

Fa my opinion we have a heck of a hockey team too,” head coach Frank Serratore said. “We got the game into the third period and put ourselves Fa a good position, but we didn’t find a way to score a goal. We couldn’t get a bounce. I am really proud of our guys. They executed the game plan to perfection.”

BC outshot AFA, 34-20, in the game. Torf made 32 saves for the Falcons while MiFaer made 20 for the Eagles. Air Force was O-for-2 on the power play while Boston College was l-for-5.

“For the most part, our competitive hockey days are over,” Weisgarber said followFag the loss to Boston College at the NCAA Tournament. “We have obligations that are, Fa our opinion, a little bit more important than hockey, and that is servFag our country. We are proud to do that and are ready to do that. We’ve had four years of top of the line traFaFag with academics, the military and athletics, so we’re ready to take that next step and lead our country.”

Weisgarber earned three major awards and senior defenseman Tim Kirby was named the most valuable player at the 2012 Air Force hockey banquet, April 1.

Weisgarber, a senior winger from Fargo, N.D., earned the Jim Bowman Award as the team’s top scholar-athlete, the Larry Cronk Award as the most mspirational player and the Vic Heyliger Award for character, dedication, leadership and work ethic. Weisgarber carries a 3.60 cumulative grade point average and has a 3.95 in his major of management. A French minor and a team captain this season, he is also a fmalist for the Lowe’s Senior CLASS award. Weisgarber never missed a game in his four years, setting a new' school record with 155 consecutive games played. With two goals and two assists, he was named to the AHA all-tournament team. His leadership as team captain was critical to the team winning the regular season and toumament titles. He finished the season with 24 points on six goals and 18 assists. The Heyliger and Cronk awards are voted on by the team while the Bowman is chosen by the academic committee. The Heyliger is named after the team’s first coach while the Cronk and Bowman are named after fonner coaches/athletic administrators who made major contributions to the hockey program.

(Continued page 91)

Senior defenseman Paul Weisgarber - by Mike Kaplan
Forward Casey Kleisinger flips a wristshot past Colorado College goalie Josh Thorimbert to give Air Force a 2-0 lead. The Falcons would go on to beat the Tigers 2-1. It was the first time the Falcons won at Colorado College since 1985. However, it is the second time in the last four years the Falcons have beaten the Tigers. - Photo by Mike Kaplan Senior captain Paul Weisgarber battles for the puck in the corner with Boston College defenseman Patch Alber during the opening round of the NCAA hockey tournament in Worcester, MA, March 24. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Junior forward Kyle De Laurell and freshman defenseman Dan Wei; senhofer - Photo by Arnie Spencer

(from page 88)

Weisgarber is the only player in school history to earn six major awards in his career. He also won the Heyliger, Bowman and Cronk awards as a junior. He is just the second player to ever win the Heyliger Award in back-to-back seasons.

Kirby, a senior from Austin, MN, earned the Chuck Delich Award as the team MVP award. He is the first defenseman in the last 16 years, and just the sixth in school history, to be named team MVP. The award, voted on by the team, is named after the Falcons’ all-time leading scorer and the all-time leading goal scorer in NCAA history. Kirby was named the AHA Player of the Year and a Hobey Baker finalist. He was the top scoring defenseman in the league with 28 points. His 12 goals are the third most in the nation by a defenseman.

Kirby, along with Weisgarber, set a new school record by playing in 155 consecutive games. He was also was named to the AHCA/CCM Hockey AllAmerica East second team as selected by the collegiate hockey coaches.

Freshman Scott Holm, from Plymouth, MN, earned the most improved player award as voted on by the team. Holm scored just three points in his first 21 games. Then in his final 11 games, he had five goals and two assists, including a four-game goal-scoring streak

down the stretch. He finished the season with six goals and four assists for 10 points.

Freshman Cole Gunner, from Richfield, MN, earned the John Matchefts Award as the team’s top freshman. Tire award, voted on by the team, is named in honor of the Falcons’ second coach.

Gunner was among the nation’s top freshman scorers all season. He finished the season with 28 points on eight goals and 20 assists, to rank fifth in the league and 22nd in the nation. With two goals in the AHA Final Four, he was named to the alltournament team.

Sophomore forward Jason Fabian, from Roseau, MN, earned the defensive player of the year award. This award is presented to the defensive player who the coaching staff feels was the team’s most diligent defensive perfonner. Defensive habits and skill with plus-minus ratio are factors used to select the recipient. Fabian not only embraced his role as a defensive forward, he excelled at it. He blocked more shots than any other Falcon forward and was a +7 on the season. He took more faceoffs than any other player and won a team high 61 percent of them. He finished the season with nine goals and 14 points, including four at the AHA Filial Four to help lead the Falcons to the tournament championship. He is the first forward to ever win this award. - Athletic Media Relations

Air Force defeats UConn, 4-3. - Photo by Arnie Spencer
Hockey 91
Sophomore forward Kyle DeLaurell - Photo by Nick Serrata


Unable to overcome a five-goal halftime deficit, Air Force lacrosse dropped a 12-8 contest to its final Eastern College Athletic Conference foe Hobart April 28 at Boswell Field in Geneva, NY.

Hobart started out the game hot, tallying a pair of scores in the opening minute to take a 2-0 lead. The Falcons tied the score with the next two goals, including a man-down goal by freshman Keith Dreyer at the 12:45 mark in the first period, but the Statesmen scored the last two goals of the period to regain their advantage.

Falcon sophomore Mike Crampton tallied his first goal of the game midway through the period to answer another Hobart goal making the score 5-3 in the second period. The Statesmen closed out the opening half with a 3-0 run, including a pair of man-up goals, to take an 8-3 advantage into the intermission.

In the second half, Air Force trailed by as many as six goals on two occasions, but put together a streak of their own in the fourth quarter, tallying three straight scores, including a pair of man-up goals.

Crampton registered a hat trick, his sixth of the season, to lead the Falcons’ offense, while Dreyer added a goal and two assists. In addition, Kyle Cassady and Adam Paranka each notched a goal and an assist.

Air Force outshot Hobart for the game, 40-30, but the Statesmen used strong play from goalkeeper Peter Zonino to hold off the Falcons. There were a combined 15 penalties in the game, with the Falcons going 2-of-6 on the extra man opporutnity compared to 2-of-7 by the Statesmen.

Sophomore Bryan Price turned in a strong performance

at the face-off X, winning 11-of-21 draws against the second-ranked face-off midfielder in the nation.

Four players were honored by the ECAC Lacrosse League in their annual awards, as voted on by the league’s coaches. Senior Dayton Gilbreath was named a first-team all-conference honoree, while Price and Dreyer and Davis Gunter were named to the league’s inaugural all-rookie team.

Gilbreath becomes just the third four-time all-conference honoree in program history, after earning All-GWLL honors as a freshman and All-ECAC accolades in the past three seasons. This season, he registered a career-best 32 ground balls.

Earning a spot on the all-rookie team as an attackman was Dreyer, who led the Falcons in total points scored on the season with 46, including a team-best 27 assists. Dreyer’s 46 points were the most for a Falcon in a single season since 1998. At the end of the regular season, he led all freshmen in the nation in assists (2.08) and points (3.54) per contest, while also ranking first and fourth among all conference players in those two categories, respectively. Gunter, who, along with Dreyer, started every game for the Falcons in his freshman campaign, earned a spot on the allrookie team as a defenseman. Gunter finished second on the team with 14 caused turnovers.

Meanwhile, Price was named to the all-rookie team as a specialist. The sophomore put together impressive numbers at the face-off X in his first season as a member of the Falcons’ squad, finishing third on the team with 40 ground balls and posting a face-off win percentage of .511 for the year.

- Athletic Media Relations

yLacrosse 93 pThe
team takes the field. Sophomore midfielder Erik Smith ^r<r<r/ Senior goalkeeper Matt Sanders makes a save during a game against Quinnipiac at Falcon Stadium.
- Photos by Arnie Spencer
Senior Mike Seery sights in his rifle during practice. Seery is the most experienced member of the team. In 2010 he competed with the U.S. Shooting National Team at the World Championships, where he led the junior team to a bronze medal. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

Air Force rifle closed out the regular season at home Feb. 16 with the highest team score of the year in the smallbore and air rifle.

The Falcons lost the match to Texas Christian University 4,644A,701, but could feel good about scores of 2,305 and 2,339 points in smallbore and air rifle. The combined score is a school record since Launi Meili has been head coach.

The team’s high scorers in smallbore were Pat Everson with a 579 for fifth place. Everson shot a 99- 99- 94- 93' 95- 99. Sixth through ninth went to Ben York, 576; Meredith Carpentier, 575; Mike Seery, 575; and Craig O’Daniel, 569. Seery’s scores included two 100s.

York was the team’s top finisher in air rifle. His 588 (97-99-99-97-97-99) was good for fourth place. Following in seventh through 10th were Robert Vasquez, 586; Everson,583; Seery, 582; and Carpentier, 582. O’Daniel took 14th with 558 points.

Two days later the team traveled to Fort Worth, TX, to square off against that same TCU team. This time the Falcons fell to the Homed Frogs 4600-4680 in the NCAA Qualifier Match.

Air Force’s top scores in both the air rifle and smallbore matches came from Everson, who finished in fourth place in air rifle with shots of 100-96-97' 100-97-98 for 588 points. In smallbore, Vasquez also finished in fourth place with shots of 99-100-94-90' 99- and 93 for a total score of 575.

In team scoring, the air rifle squad scored 2,324 points, combining Everson’s 588 with York’s 581 followed by Meredith Carpentier’s 578 and Mike Seery with 577 points.

In the smallbore, York’s 575 total points were combined with Carpentier’s 568, Everson’s 568 and Seery’s 565. Seery also fired off a 100-87-92-90-91 and 94 in the match. The combined team score for smallbore was 2,276. - Athletic Media Relations

USAFA alcons - Relay 1
Morrissey, Caitlin Brogdon, Mattie Seery, Mike Senior Pat Everson


Air Force had 16 total shots, including a team-high three from Durr and Caleb Downey, and put six shots on goal against Brown, who made four saves.

“This was a heck of a win for our program,” said head coach Doug Hill. “To beat a good team twice in a week, especially on their home field when they are looking for revenge, says a lot about the character of our players.”

Getschow scored his teamleading ninth goal of the season just 3:32 into the game, knocking in a rebound after Denver goalie Oliver Brown saved a header by Air Force defender Eric Tise. The Falcon defense and Underwood dominated the rest of the game. AFA’s back line allowed just nine shots by the Pioneers and Underwood saved all four shots on goal as Air Force won its first conference tournament game since defeating UNLV 3-1 in 2003.

Kevin Durr notched his sixth goal of the season with just 15 seconds remaining with a shot from the top of box after Conor Henry beat the Pioneer defense and sent a pass to Brian Klazura, who found Durr for the insurance tally. Air Force’s 12 wins are the most in one season since it posted a 13-5 record in 1997 and its six-game unbeaten streak is the longest since winning six straight during the 2001 campaign.

“The key tonight was 11 players tracking back and playing solid defense whenever the game demanded,” said Hill. “I am so proud of the way we came out tonight but we have a very short turnaround to play a very good team that is rested. We will have to rely on our dept! which has been an asset for i all season.”

The Falcons had their six-game unbeaten streak and 2011 season come to an end Nov. 11 with a 1 -0 overtime loss to CSU Bakersfield in the tournament semifinals.

“We gave it our all tonight, that’s for sure,” said Hil “It is tough to lose the last game of the season in overtime, but we had a great season and we lost to a very 7 good team. Our future is bright with an excellent junio class.”

CSUB outshot the third-seeded Falcons 19-16 in tot shots and 8-4 in shots on goal. Underwood made seven saves in the game. Durr and teammate Eric Wilson we named to the all-tournament team.

Durr was named the team’s most valuable player foi the season. Sophomore Caleb Downey was named mos inspirational player. Junior Patrick Compton and fresh man Zach Modly earned most improved and rookie of the year respectively. - Athletic Media Relations

Freshman Matt Payne - Photo by C1C Zach Schneider Garrett Getschow scored the game-winning goal in the fourth minute and Matt Underwood posted his fifth shutout of the season as Air Force men’s soccer defeated Denver 2-0 in the first round of the 2011 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Tournament Nov 9 at the University of Denver’s CIBER Field. Junior goalkeeper Matt Underwood leaps high to make a save. Underwood started in every game this season for the Falcons, recording 69 saves, five shut outs and a .784 save percentage. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

Forward Bridgett Murphy earned her second-straight team MVP award this season. The senior from Melbourne, FL, finished her career being named to the All-Mountain West four times.

- Photos by

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Sophomore goalkeeper Kelly Stambaugh Arnie Spencer Senior defender Meagan Eissele


Air Force women’s soccer finished the season 6-10-3 with a 1-5 mark in the Mountain West after falling to Wyoming 5-1 Oct. 29 at Cadet Soccer Stadium in the Falcons’ 2011 season finale.

Wyoming got on the scoreboard first with goals in the 15th and 40th minutes. The Falcons had three great scoring chances in the first half. Kaleigh Moses and McKenna Fox had good looks in the box while Leah Bratt narrowly missed with a 20-yard rocket that clanked straight down off the crossbar before getting cleared by the Cowgirl defense.

Air Force cut the lead in half and gained some momentum early in the second half when Moses scored her first goal of the season in the 57th minute. Bridgett Murphy sent a centering pass directly in front of the net, where Moses was waiting to knock it past Wyoming keeper Courtney Merkle.

The Falcons’ momentum was short-lived however, as less than a minute later the Cowgirls scored again.

Air Force held a 17-16 lead in total shots, while Wyoming had a 10-9 advantage in shots on goal.

Air Force four seniors, Murphy, Krystin Shanklin, Meagan Eissele and Cassie Wilson were honored in a pre-game ceremony for their hard work and dedication over their fouryear career.

Murphy, a native of Melbourne Beach, FL, was named team MVP for the second-consecutive season. She also earned team Offensive MVP honors. The senior is a fourtime All-Mountain West selection. Murphy led the team with five assists and ranked second with four goals and 13 points. Murphy has racked up several accolades this season, earning all-regional and academic all-district honors.

Wilson earned Defensive MVP honors. A native of Klein, TX, Wilson was the lead backer in the Falcon backfield that held opponents to a 1.37 goals allowed average. The team had six shutouts this season, which is second all-time in the Div. I era.

Junior midfielder Sophia Lockerby earned the Players’ Award, freshman McKenna Fox earned the Rookie of the Year award and senior Krystin Shanklin earned the Coaches’ Award. - Athletic Media Relations

Women’s Soccer
Freshman midfielder McKenna Fox


Air Force men wrapped up action at the 2012 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Swimming & Diving Championships Feb. 15-18 at Los Angeles College. The Falcons finished in sixth place with 265 points after several strong swims.

Air Force had five top-five finishes on the final day of action.

The Falcons’ strongest event on the day was the 1,650-yard freestyle, where four AFA swimmers placed in the top 12. Freshman Max Evans-Nolan placed fifth with a time of 15:39.24. Senior Corydon Butler followed in sixth place with a time of 15:40.58. His 1,000-yard split of 9:21.76 was the sixth-fastest time in Academy history.

Junior Mark Hansen was a top 10 finisher in the 200 breastroke, winning the consolation finals and finishing ninth overall with a time of 1:50.01. Sophomore Alex Pecci was AFA’s other top 10 finisher, placing sixth in platfonn diving with 278.50 points.

Air Force’s top swimmer in the 200 backstroke was sophomore Angus MacDonald, who swam a season-best time of

1:48.79 and placed 11th. Freshman Ryan Dunne was Air Force’s top swimmer in the 100 free with a season-best time of 45.44 and placed 13th.

Senior Cody Deacon led AFA in the 200 breast, placing 16th with a time of 2.03.04.

The Falcons closed out the meet with a seventh place finish in the 400 free relay. Tim Martinelli, Butler, Cole Smith and Dunne swam a season-best time of 3.01.22.

The team placed four swimmers on the 2012 All-MPSF Team. Tire Falcons earned second-team all-MPSF in five events, led by senior Butler, who earned All-MPSF in three events.

Butler was the lone Falcon to earn first-team all-conference, doing so in the 500 free. Butler also earned second-team All-MPSF in the 200 free and the 1,650 free. Fellow senior Cody Deacon earned All-MPSF in the 100 breast.

Evans-Nolan earned All-MPSF in the 1,650 free. Pecci earned All-MPSF in the platform diving. - Athletic Media Relations

Unknown, freestyle

(Left) Team captain senior Cody Deacon pumps up the swim team by shouting a Guamanian war chant, a USAFA tradition at each home meet. - Photos by Arnie Spencer A swimmers' celebration : reshman Sam Sloan, 100-yard backstroke
Men’s Swimming & Diving 101


Air Force women broke three school records in final day action at the 2012 Mountain West Conference Swimming & Diving Championships at the Oklahoma City Community College Aquatic Center Feb. 22-25. The Falcons finished in eighth place with 192 points. Air Force school records fell in the 200yard events for backstroke, breaststrokeand butterfly.

Sophomore Samantha Laughlin set the school record in the 200 back with a prelim time of 1:59.77, becoming the first Falcon to swim the race under the two minute mark. Laughlin now owns both records, as she set the 100 back mark to 55.37 Feb. 24. Laughlin placed fifth overall.

Freshman Kim Davis broke the school record in the 200 breast with a finals time of 2d6.78, finishing ninth overall and winning the consolation final. It was Davis’ second school record of the weekend, as she also set the 200 IM school record 2.02.45 Feb. 23. Davis capped her freshman season setting three Academy bests overall.

Senior Katharine Ernst capped off her four-year career by setting the school record in the 200 fly with a finals time of 2.01.94 and finishing eighth overall.

The Falcons also had three other swims that cracked the school top 10 list. Senior Cassie Fletcher placed 19th in the 100 free with a time of 51.81, seventh-fastest in school history. Junior Rosie Mayou swam the eighth-fastest 200 breast time with a prelim time of 2:22.96. Sophomore Gabby Aranda swam the third-fastest 200 fly time with a prelim time of 2:02.67.

Three swimmers were named to the 2012 MWC Women’s Swimming & Diving All-Conference Team. AllConference selections are awarded to the top eight finishers in the individual events and top three relay team finishers at the championships. Laughlin led the way, earning all-conference honors in the 100 yard and 200 backstroke events. Davis earned all-conference in the 200 individual medley and Ernst earned all-conference in the 200 butterfly. - Athletic Media Relations

Freshman Laine Long, three-meter springboard Senior Katherine Ernst competes in the 200yard butterfly. She was named to the All-Mountain West Conference team for this distance. - Photos by Arnie Spencer Sophomore Elizabeth Keenan, 500-yard freestyle (senior Lauren Delaney counting laps) Sophomore Alex Grubbs serves during an indoor match at the Cadet Field House. Grubbs earned the Lightning Bolt Award, given to the player with the most combined dual match wins. - Photos by Arnie Spencer Junior Lance Wilhelm Freshman Grant Taylor and Wilhelm Senior Mike Tope


Men’s tennis won its regular-season final April 22, defeating Colorado College 7-0 at the Academy. The Falcons finished the regular season with an 1112 record, the most wins in one season since 2007. The Tigers fell to 8-9.

Air Force jumped out to a 1 -0 lead with wins at all three doubles spots. Junior Lance Wilhelm and freshman Grant Taylor won their 13th match at the No. 1 spot this season with an 8-4 victory over Nate Burt and Lionel Zen-Ruffinen. Sophomores Steven Young and Alex Lineberry won the No. 2 match, 9-7, over Jack Burger and Will Lindsay, while senior Michael Tope, playing his final match at the Academy, and sophomore Alex Grubbs downed Robert Kasemodel and Zach White, 8-5, at No. 3. With his victory at No. 3, Tope posted the first dual match win of his career.

The Falcons cruised through singles play as well, winning all six matches in straight sets. Wilhelm improved to 15-8 at the top spot with a 6-1,6-0 victory over Burt, while Grubbs blanked Lindsay, 6-0, 6-0 at No. 2. Grubbs posted his 29th combined dual match victory this year, the most by any Air Force player since Shannon Buck won 32 in 2006. Wilhelm, meanwhile, has 28 combined wins this season.

Landon Kinsey (No. 3), Young (No.

Sophomore Steven Young

4), Lineberry (No. 5) and Taylor (No. 6) also won handily in straight sets.

“This was a perfect day for our team captain Mike Tope,” said Air Force head coach Dan Oosterhous. “Fie has done an amazing job in his four years as a Falcon, starting out as a manager and finishing up as the team captain,

providing great leadership all along the way. Our whole team was thrilled to see him get the first collegiate dual match win of his career.

Wilhelm was named the team’s Most Valuable Player for the third consecutive season and will join Gmbbs as team captains for the 2012-13 campaign.

Wilhelm won a team-high 22 singles matches this season, including 15 at No. 1. He was selected to the Mountain West all-conference team for singles and doubles and held a 17-16 doubles record with Taylor, who won the team’s Most Improved and the Rich Gugat “Attitude is Everything” awards.

Grubbs captured the Lightning Bolt Award, given to the player with the most combined dual match wins. He won 15 singles and 14 doubles matches for 29 total wins this year.

Wilhelm and Lineberry shared the Iron Bolt Award for dedication to the strength and conditioning program and senior Tope was honored as this year’s team captain after starting his career as a walk-on manager.

Air Force finished the season, the third under Oosterhous, with an 11-13 overall record. The Falcons posted the most wins in one season since 2007 and had two all-MW picks (Wilhelm and Taylor) for the first time since 2006.

- Athletic Media Relations


MM tug

Junior Melissa Cecil (foreground) and Senior Thalia Smoke return a volley during indoor competition. Cecil and Smoke were named to the all-Mountain West Conference women's tennis team. - Photos by Arnie Spencer
w106 Sports
Sophomore Anastasia Hueffner Freshman Marcelli Magday

Senior Tahlia Smoke and juniors Melissa Cecil and Christine Molina were named to the alhMountain West women’s tennis team April 26 at the conference’s banquet in San Diego, CA. Molina was selected for singles, while Smoke and Cecil were selected as a doubles team. It is the most all-conference players in one season for Air Force since the Falcons moved to Division I in 1996.

Smoke and Cecil were 23-13 in doubles this season and are the first Air Force doubles team to make an all-conference team since Laura Nigro and Gina Black in 2003. Smoke and Cecil were 13-9 at the No. 1 spot this spring and 3A against league opponents.

Flead coach Kim Gidley was named Coach of the Year and Molina won the Cissie Leary Award for Sportsmanship in the Mountain Region, announced by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. The Mountain Region, one of 12 regions around the country, consists of 21 schools.

Gidley, who just completed her 14th season as head coach, led the Falcons to a 17-8 record this season, the most wins in one season since 1999.

La addition, the Falcons secured a 3-4 record against Mountain West opponents, the most conference wins in one season since the program moved to Division I in 1996. Gidley is the winningest coach in program history with 182 victories.

Molina led the team with 24 overall singles victories and was 17-8 in dual matches, including a 14-7 mark at the No. 2 position. She went 3-4 against Mountain West opponents and earned her first all-conference selection this year.

The Cissie Leary Award is given to a player who displays inspiring dedication and commitment to her team, which has enhanced her team’s performance and exemplified the spirit of college tennis. - Athletic Media Relations

Women’s Tennis


Highlighted by four event titles, Air Force men’s track and field captured its first-ever outdoor team title at the Mountain West Outdoor Track and Field Championships May 12, easily beating the field by 30.5 points. Backed by two champions, the women matched their highest finish in program history with sixth-place.

The final day of action at the Cadet Outdoor Track and Field Complex saw senior Jim Walmsley win the 5,000 meter run (14:42.15) and the 3,000-meter steeplechase. He also won the MW 3,000-and 5,000-meter indoor titles.

Junior Cale Simmons won the pole vault (18T") and sophomore Alex Lindsay placed first in the 800-meter mn (1:52.12). The team of senior Bryce Bergman, classmate Manny Smith, junior Anthony Delgado and freshman Jake Spuller capped off the day with a victory in the 4x400-meter relay (3.09.96).

With his Academy-record clearance of 18T ", Simmons broke the championship-meet record set in 2008. The junior paced the Falcons to a dominating finish in the pole vault, claiming five of the top six heights and 26.5 of the possible 39 points in that event.

Lindsay guided the Falcons to the top two spots in the 800-meter mn, as senior Nick White placed second with a time of 1:52.49.

Bergman added additional points to the Falcons’ total in both hurdle events. He was the runner-up in the 400-meter hurdles with a season-best time of 51.61.

Air Force added a runner-up finish from Smith, who placed second in the 400-meter dash with a season-best time of 47.61.

La addition to running on the winning 4x400-meter relay team, Spuller and Delgadojoined junior Uzor Udensi to scoring finishes La the 200-meter dash, which gave the Falcons the lead in the team standings during the final few events.

For the women, junior Morgan Mosby became the program’s first conference champion from a track event after winning the 1,500-meter run with an Academy-record time of 4:33.93. Senior Paige Blackburn claimed the program’s fifth title La the javelin throw since 2004 with a career-best mark of 170'5".

Joining Mosby atop the 1,500-meter run medal podium was junior Melissa Fuerst who finished third with a career-best time of 4:37.77.

Sophomore Kassie Gumell was runner-up in the triple jump, recording a distance of 417".

The Falcons picked up their best-ever finish La the 4x400-meter relay, as junior Bethany Gross, Gumell, freshman Morgan Malone and senior Tawny Lambuth posted a sixth-place time of 50.78. Sophomores Regan Rogers and Rachel Herald tied for seventh La the high jump with matching marks of 5'3", while Blackburn earned the same placement in the shot put (48'4") to score for Air Force La all four throwing events.

Senior Rachel Thomas scored for the Falcons La the 400-meter hurdles, clocking a time of 61.68 to place eighth, mad ran a leg of the eighth-place 4x400-naeter relay team (3:58.60) with Gross, Gumell and Mosby.

Air Force tallied a program-record points to finish sixth - just four points out of the top fie.- Athletic Media Relations

Junior Anthony Delgado, senior Bryce Bergman and freshman Jake Spuller celebrate the Falcons first ever Mountain West Conference Outdoor Track Championship May 12. - NCAA Photo Junior Michael Tibbs, hurdles - Photo by Arnie Spencer Sophomore Rachel Herald, high jump - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Senior Paige Blackburn, javelin - Photo by Arnie Spencer


Freshman Kristen Holt cuts the ball around a blocker during a home match on Falcon Court. The 6'1" freshman is one of eight first year players to make the Falcons' roster - Photos by Arnie Spencer unior libero Maiya Perich Freshman setter Hillary Keltner

Four returning players - one junior and three sophomoresmatched with eight freshmen was not a recipe for Division I suecess at least when it comes to winning volleyball matches in 2011.

With so much uncertainty, head coach Matt McShane could promise very little at the start of the season.

“We fight all the time. We compete very hard. Our offense will be a little faster than it was last year,” he said. The team’s four returning players “have done a remarkable job of bringing the freshmen along.”

support from my team and coaches,” said Hein. “As my teammates and 1 continue to push ourselves this spring, we will get closer and closer to accomplishing our goals for success.”

Hein earned all-tournament honors three times at the Falcon, Aggie and Kristen Dickman invitationals. Tire latter saw her lead the team attacking at a .333 success rate in Air Force’s win over Navy. She compiled six kills, three aces, and three block assists in the match.

Academic All-Conference

Claire Bieber, sophomore, political science (3.54)

Junior libero Maiya Perich and sophomores Claire Bieber, Cami Richan and Josalynn Wise formed the leadership core for the young team. No other seniors or juniors on the team left an experience void; however it also resulted in an abundance of valuable game time for the underclassmen.

Lizzy Carpenter, freshman, undeclared (3.36)

Ayesha Hein, freshman, undeclared (4.00)

Maiya Perich, junior, foreign area studies (3.45)

Freshman middles Ayesha Hein and Kristen Holt along with their classmate setter Hillary Keltner joined Perich and Richan in playing every set this season.

“My teammates and I always strive to improve ourselves and our game. I was only able to excel this past season because of the

Perich was all-tournament at the Kristen Dickman as well and she was named best libero at the Denver Invitational.

“I’m really happy with how well this season went for me and I’m looking forward to being even better next season,” said Perich. “I think everyone on this team plays with heart and although we didn’t get the record we wanted, we gained a lot of valuable experience that will prove to be our strength next season.”

The junior set an Air Force Division I record of 400 digs over the season and holds the Falcons’ single-game record as well after notching 36 defensive stops against Denver Sept. 1. Her 4.17 digs per set is an Academy Div. I record as well.

Freshman middle hitter/middle blocker Ayesha Hein Head Coach Matt McShane


Sophomore utilityman Josh Stedman takes a shot on goal. Stedman was named to the Western Water Polo Association's first team - Photos by Arnie Spencer

unior driver Brad Rajchel

SophomoreJosh Stedman scored a game-high three goals to lead the 20th-ranked Air Force water polo team to an 8-4 victory over seventh-seed Claremont in the fifth-place game of the Western Water Polo Association Championship, hosted by UC San Diego.

Fifth-seeded Air Force never trailed in the game and took a 2-0 lead in the first period with goals from Andrew Hamilton and Alex Arcidiacono. Claremont’s 6-on-5 goal less than two minutes into the second period cut the margin to one, but the Falcons closed out the period with scores from Stedman and Brad Rajchel to take a 4-1 lead into the intermission.

The Falcons’ advantage grew to five goals in the third period before the Stags got back in the board with 23 seconds left in the quarter. However, Stedman added his third goal of the game just 15 seconds later to give Air Force a 7-2 lead going into the final stanza.

Claremont scored two goals in the fourth quarter to get back within three goals, but Cruz Smithson closed out the game with a goal in the final minute to give Air Force the 8-4 victory.

For the third-straight game, senior goalkeeper Danny Harold recorded double-digit saves, notching 12 blocks against the Stags.

The Falcons finished fifth at the WWPA Championship for the second-straight season and closed out the 2011 season with an 11-17 overall record. For his efforts, Harold was named a second-team selection to the 2011 WWPA All-Tournament team, following the conclusion of the league’s championship game.

Three Falcons were honored with WWPA annual awards, voted on by league coaches. Stedman was named a first-team All-WWPA selection, Smithson earned honorable mention allconference recognition and rookie Petar Jackovich was named to the WWPA All-Freshman Team.

Stedman, an all-freshman selection last season, is the youngest member of this season’s All-WWPA first team and the second Falcon to be named a first-team all-conference honoree in the past three seasons. The attack from Brea, CA, currently ranks second on the team in goals (38) and points (48), while leading the Falcons with 26 steals on the season.

Smithson also earns the first conference accolades of his career after being named the WWPA Newcomer of the Year in 2009. The utility player from Capistrano Beach, CA, had a team-best 43 goals and 58 points on the season and is third in both assists (15) and steals (16). Meanwhile, Jackovich, a native of New Lenox, IL, was honored as an allfreshman team member after finishing the regular season with eight goals, two assists and eight steals.

Senior goalie Danny Harold

Sharing top honors for Air Force Wrestling were were junior team captain Cole VonOhlen and sophomoreJosh Kreimier. Each received the Falcons’ Outstanding Wrestier award.

VonOhlen closed out the regular season at 35-2 earning his third consecutive NCAA bid after winning a West Regional title for the second-straight year. VonOhlen was ranked as high as third nationally at 149 pounds and reached the 100-win career plateau. Fie is the first Air Force junior to do so since 2002.

In addition, VonOhlen turned in his best-ever showing at the NCAA Championships, reaching the round of 12 and finishing just one win short of All-America status. VonOhlen received the team’s Most Falls Award for the third-straight season, winning 11 matches in this man ner.

Earning Most Improved honors for the Falcons was Clayton Gable. Tire junior closed out a 19-14 season winning 10 of his final 13 bouts. This included first-place at the All-Academy Championships. Gable finished as the West Regional runner-up.

The Coaches Appreciation Award was presented to a pair of individuals w 7ho have displayed great dedication to the program, teammates and coaching staff. Earning this year’s award were freshmen Dylan Flyder and Carter McElhany.

Er addition, senior Sam Mitchel was named the recipient of the Iron Bolt Award, given to the athlete who demonstrates the highest commitment to the strength and conditioning program.

Also handed out was the Wayne Baughman/A-10 Wart Hog Award.

Sophomore Greg Isley, 184-pounds

Meanwhile, Kreimier posted a 26-16 record earning his first NCAA bid with a third-place West Regional finish at 157 pounds. Kreimier also advanced to the round of 12 at the national tournament, posting a 3-2 record which included a pair of wins over nationally ranked opponents.

Junior Brandon Mueller arid team manager Pam Zhang were honored with the Commitment to Excellence Award granted to the cadets with the best all-around performance at the Academy (academics, military and athletics). Meanwhile, sophomore Chris Morales was the recipient of the Scholar-Athlete Award.

Named in part for the Falcons’ former head coach, the award is earned by the

wrestler who, like Coach Baughman and the A-10 Wart Hog, is relentless and aggressive, demonstrates an unwavering determination to succeed and who embodies good sportsmanship and team spirit. The recipient of this year’s award was junior Jared Erickson, who battled back from a mid-season injury to return to the Falcons’ starting lineup.

The Falcons, who graduate senior wrestlers Ryan Fountain, Mitchel, Karl Oeser, Mengyuan Qiu, Tyler Untrauer and team captain Alec Williams, finished the 2011-12 season with an 8-5 overall record and fourth-place finish at the NCAA West Regional. - Athletic Media Relations

Junior Cole VonOhlen, 149 pounds, seeks an edge over Martin Bell from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Von Ohlen earned his third NCAA bid this year. - Photos by Arnie Spencer
Wrestling W "5
Dylan Hyder, 133-pounds Sophomore Josh Kreimier, 157-pounds Jack Bristol gets high with a little help from his friends on the rugby team to take the ball from a Utah opponent. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko


pp. 118-135

See Group Photo Section

pp. 420-441

Recreational Clubs

Academy Concerts

Aerobatics Club



Amateur Radio


Arnold Air Society



Cadet Outfitters

Car Club


Combat Conditioning

Equestrian Hi@

Falcon Club (BB/BS)


Bodybuilding, Powerlifting


Fly Fishing

Ice Sports @

In the Stairwell %


Model Engineering



Racquet Club


Ski-Freestyle, Snowboarding

Soccer Club

Sports Climbing

Swimming Open Water

Tae Kwon Do

Trap and Skeet

Academy Clubs


Eagle's Club Hispanic/Latino Club

International Club Korean American

NAHC Pacific Rim Way ofLife

in Clubs
Falconry, Ernesto Guerrero and Ace - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst
118 Clubs
Cycling, C2C Evan Glowiak - Photo by Arnie Spencer



Drum & Bugle <@>


Honor Guard


Sabre Drill %

Show Choir

Wings ofBlue

Combat Shooting


Flying Team Media @ RATTEX

Sandhurst Soaring




Chinese Club

Cyber Warfare



Mock Trial

Operations Research


Portuguese Club


Space Society



Marathon @ Ski Alpine Nordic

Fast Pitch Softball @ Rodeo

Team Handball @ Volleyball Men’s


Lacrosse, Women's Rugby, Men's @ Rugby, Womens Triathlon

Ultimate Frisbee | Water Polo, Women's ®

Wings of Blue - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst

Team soars to national prominence

Coaches Adam DiGerolamo and Greg Monck can't hide their shock after the University of Utah blocks a Falcon kill.

Early season wins over Army and Navy made the 2011-2012 Air Force Men’s Club Volleyball Team back-to-back service academy champs and hinted at the great season to come.

“The early Service Academy wins set the precedence for the rest of the year. Before these games, we knew we had the potential to have a great year, but these games just solidified our desires to win everything from Conference to Nationals,” said senior captain Justin Lukso.

Before fall was over, the team took first at the Colorado Invitational sweeping the field with wins over Colorado, Colorado State, Johnson & Wales and Colorado School of Mines.

As spring rolled around, they lost no momenturn. Their first win of the new semester was a four-game victory over Holy Names University, a team ranked nationally. One of the best wins of the year came at Ohio State where cadets took a thrilling three-set victory over the top-five ranked team.

The Falcons dominated the Mountain West Volleyball Conference starting with a win in the Pre-Conference Tournament. As the number one seed heading into the end of season conference tournament, Air Force had a giant target on their back. Without dropping a game, they swept through the competition. The Falcons were so dominant they never even called a time out during the entire tournament.

This is the Falcons’ first MWVBC championship in Academy history. Freshmen libero, KeKai Nu’uhiwa, and Lukso (outside hitter), were named to the all-tournament team and senior setter and captain, Karl Grosselin, was named the conference player of the year.

Their success to that point earned the Falcons the number one spot in the Mizuno Club Volleyball National Rankings. Air Force never dropped a set until reaching the final four where they needed three to um and earn a shot at the gold medal match.

Facing UW-Facrosse in the championship, Air Force came up just a few points short and finished second out of 48 teams which qualified nationwide. Grosselin, Anthony Emtman and Seth Miller were named all-tournament first team and Justin Lukso made second team.

“If you would have asked me four years ago how my final season with the team would go, never would I have dreamt we would have had so much success. My four-degree year we were 4HO,” said Grosselin. “This team has been my family here at USAFA and I will never forget what we went through together to achieve the success of 2012.”

Air Force finished its season winning four tournaments with an overall record of 44-7 making it the most successful in the school’s history.

MSgt. Greg Monck, Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge


The Falcons win the Mountain West Volleyball Conference Championship. Stephen Welling dives for a dig against West Point.
Men’s Volleyball
No. 10 Karl Grosselin and Welling hustle for an errant free-ball in the conference title match against the University of Arizona. Show Choir bandmembers Henry Grob, Shannon Young, Joseph Hays and Peter Quick provide musical backup. Other band members include Jeep Atkinson (trumpet), Laura Squire (keyboard), Kwo-Zang Wang (keyboard), Royce Atkinson (percussion), and George Hermance (trombone). David Shadoin was a choir leader on stage and off as the club's assistant cadet-incharge. Daniel Hayes, club cadet-incharge, and Kayla Vildosola dance to "It's a Grand Night for Singing."

Hayes is featured during a presentation of "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat."

Echelon entertains with sequins, smiles

Sequins, smiles and live music filled F-1 this January during the annual Wing-wide performance by USAFA’s very own Show Choir, Echelon.

The performance was just one of several given by the group this school year at a variety of locations, including the Veteran’s Association Flospital in Denver, retirementcommunities and the Commandant’s house. Classic and popular music alike filled the shows which were brought to life with many fabulous costumes and the group’s very own live band.

Twice each year, the group flies in professional choreographer Rob DiComandrea from New York City to help bring their music to life with dance and creative effects.

This spring, Echelon spent a long weekend of sunrise-to-sunset days at the cadet lodge and on the stage in F-l learning, rehearsing, and perfecting the choreography to a collection of music that ranged from show tunes to today’s top 40. They then proceeded to show off their hard work, which was featured in their shows in the local area and beyond.

“Rob was actually our guide around New York City today,” said C2C Deanna MacMillan while travelling in the Big Apple with Show Choir.

“We went and saw Broadway shows and performed for the Long Island, NY, parents club and the [wounded warriors of the Warrior Transition Unit at combined base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NT

Show Choir has existed at USAFA since 1993, and continues to get better and brighter with each passing year. Echelon currently consists of about 30 dedicated cadets who meet four times a week to rehearse.

Jean Cooley, an instructor in the Academy’s Management Department, currently gives her time as officer-in-charge. The entire Cooley family has been tirelessly supporting Echelon since the fall of 1998, when Dr. Tim Cooley took over as officerin-charge of the group.

Echelon continues to provide entertainment to the Cadet Wing and to the public, and discipline to its members through dance and song as its members pass through the Academy headed for the Long Blue Line. - C1C Daniel Flayes

$how Choir

w124 Clubs
Marshall fights off two opponents. Goalie Avery Larkin stretches to make a save while No.13 Georgina Marshall and No. 8 Jessica Bickford turn to assist her defense. - Photos by Arnie Spencer Marie Brown challenges for the ball.

Wometi Water Polo

The future seemed bleak at the beginning of the 2011-2012 women’s water polo season. Without a coach, the team struggled to find pool time, and practiced under the guidance of team captain C2C Meg Edson for the fall semester.

Spring saw more change than just the season however. Captains Monica Herrera and Christopher Patterson volunteered to coach the team and under their guidance, the team dynamic began to shift. The team defined its goals as maintaining a family atmosphere whilestill competing at the highest level, and these goals became a focus for every practice.

“My favorite part about water polo has been finding another family at USAFA and spending some amazing times both at practice and at toumaments,” said team captain ClCJessica Bickford. “There’s no better feeling than winning a hard game and going out to dinner with the team you love.”

Captains Herrera and Patterson helped the team begin practicing in the water polo pool, and the team saw rapid improvement through their strenuous new drills.

On March 5 and 6, the team hosted a toumament which included teams in Colorado as well as teams from Arizona and New Mexico. Air Force’s ladies defeated the University of New Mexico, 84 and Northern Arizona University, 7-5, but the weekend’s highlight was an 11-10 victory over the Arizona State University “B” team in one of the fiercest and most exciting matches of the season.

The cadets faced several challenging opponents during the Southwestern Conference Championships, and ended up in sixth place at the end of the season.

Most importantly, throughout the season the team developed an exceptionally close bond, and developed friendships in and out of the pool.

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Women’s Water Polo 125
Coach Monica Herrera jump starts the team with a cheer before action.

This year marked the first fully competitive season for the Academy Equestrian Team which shocked several well-established schools by taking third place at regional competition. Cadets actually took home a blue ribbon from every show this year.

Freshman Cherie DenHollander took the lead in her Walk/Trot Divisiona wonderful feat for a beginner rider. Sophomores Annie Sanchez and Cole Donnelly also won multiple classes in their Hunt Seat Jumping courses and Spencer Rutter took first place in the Open Reining Division in Colby, KS.

Founded just two years ago, the team began as a group of friends with a simple appreciation of equine sports and a desire to do something fun and competitive with their hobby. Initially, the equestrian team consisted of a few cadets who had ridden in the past, or at home in any discipline, and would take what they knew arid try to teach others a few tricks of the trade.


Combined, all of the team’s points totaled up to place the team above the much larger University of Wyoming and on the tails of the regional leaders of University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of Colorado.

“I think we were all shocked. As a brand spanking new team and a very small team, we didn’t really know what to expect, but we definitely wouldn’t have thought we would do that well,” said Cole Donnelly.

After such a wonderful start, the team is pre-

The team made a big step forward competing against Anny at West Point in the first-ever Academy competition. Now, they’re taking it further, focusing in on Western Horsemanship and Hunt Seat Equitation.

This year, the team got in the game, by joining the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and adding a coach: Kari Randle-Bright from Wyoming.

“I think the coach has made us a lot more organized and a lot more professional. It really brought us together as a team,” said Teresa Elsbree.

Tire momentum has finally picked up with a solid schedule of 15 shows next season and the team aims to do even better against their regional competitors and even take it to a national level. paring to take off into the lead for next season.

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ivision in Colby, KS, this year. The Academy Equestrian Team took third place regionally in its first competitive year. - Courtesy photo Dayna Grant jumps her horse over an obstacle. - Courtesy photo Teresa Elsbree cleans up at the team's stables in Pine Valley. - Photo by C3C Sarah Castro
Cole Donnelly secures a bit in his horse's mouth. - Photo by C3C Sarah Castro C1C Ryan French uses a pitch pipe to start the group off on the right note. C2C Derrin Gould performs his solo. USAFAcapella singing group, In the Stairwell, performs at the Academy's McDermott Library. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

Singers hit big time at White House

In the Stairwell has been an Academy mainstay since 2004 when the all-male a cappella group was fonned by a group of freshmen who practiced in the stairwell because it was the only place they were allowed to meet. However, in spite of numerous performances both on and off the hill over the years, it took a request from the White House staff to push the group to become an official Air Force Academy club.

“We talked with the protocol folks at [the Cadet Wing],” said In the Stairwell member ClC Julian Gluck, “and they said that for this we had to be official, because without that we weren’t supposed to represent the academy.”

The team spent the next several months working out specifics and talking to alumni, determining that official club status could only be a positive step for the group. With this stamp of approval in place, In the Stairwell departed for Washington, D.C., where they prepared for their White House Christmas concert by hopping from restaurant to restaurant performing numbers for the patrons.

“We even sang in front of the White House for the first female four-star general because she just happened to be walking by,”

C1C Julian Gluck punctuates a moment during In the Stairwell's White House performance. - Courtesy photo

Gluck said while smiling. “She’s an Academy grad, so that was pretty cool.”

After singing for various media personalities as they met and mingled, In the Stairwell was infonned they would be able to meet President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama. Once introductions and formalities were completed, the group was asked to sing, so they launched into theirrendition of Straight No Chaser’s Twelve Days of Christmas mash-up—complete with beatboxing.

“The First Lady’s Face was just lit up the whole time,” Gluck said of the performance. “And when we finished, President Obama was like, ‘Wow.’ I don’t know the exact quote, but he said something like, ‘That was pretty funkadelic.’”

Besides their concert in D.C., the 15 cadets of In the Stairwell have performed for retirement centers, veterans, the Home Front Cares charity event, the Mile High Vocal Jam A Cappella Competition, Academy class reunions, incoming professors, and even a high school prom in Kansas.

“Also, everyone in the group gets one free In the Stairwell favor,” Gluck said. “Usually it involves serenading a girl. We have fun with it.” - C3C Sarah Castro

Taylor Bye and Frederick Rath lead a line of melaphones and altos at a Clubs basketball game. - Photo by Arnie Spencer D&B perforins its "Tunnel Show" before taking the field. - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Drum and Bugle morphs from a "X" formation to what would become an echelon during halftime at a football game in Falcon Stadium. - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst

When the Falcons next celebrate a win with a victory lap around the field in Falcon Stadium, they’ll likely do so to the beat of the Academy Drum and Bugle Corps. Playing at basketball games, weekly cadet parades and Thursday moming Reveille formations as well, D&JB is a regular component of cadet life.

“It’s a lot of work, but we get to do some awesome things,” said C3C Stephen Shea.

Awesome includes earning back-to-back Interservice Academy D&J3 Champion titles to run the club’s record to 22 times in 36 years. USAFA D&JB also played for every home and away football game, travelling to support the team at the University of Notre Dame, Boise State University, the University of New Mexico and Washington, D.C., for the Military Bowl against the Toledo Rockets. Select members also represent the Academy as part of the ensemble “Red, Plaid, and Blue,”

Drum Major C1C Matthew Bufford leads the corps during warm-up in Washington D.C. prior to Air Force's bowl game against Toledo. - Photo by John Van Winkle

which performed with bagpipers this winter for several community events in Aspen and Denver.

Corps members spend an average of 20 hours per week in the fall and 10 hours per week in the spring practicing to master the skills necessary to support the Cadet Wing. Whether new to playing a brass instrument or experienced on their horn or drum of choice, those who audition become a part of something bigger than themselves.

“It’s like a second squadron for a lot of us,” said Shea. “We take care of each other in all kinds of ways, like helping out with academics, athletics, and MWR events, among other things.”

Tire Corps has been comprised of cadets since 1972 and has performed all over the United States, providing musical proof of the Air Force’s core value“Excellence In All We Do.” - C1C Matthew Street

Drum & Bugle

C2C Kris Warner and his bass drum lead the Air Force pep rally through the Pentagon prior to the Air Force / Navy football game. - courtesy photo

Drum and Bugle

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w132 Clubs
Parker Quinn releases a throw under severe duress.
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John Limpert looks for a way around a defender. Conor Favo (right) extends his reach to try to snare a pass. Photos by C3C Kyle Palko

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When I talk to my friends, they claim ultimate frisbee is just something college kids play in the quad in-between classes. I cannot deny the accusation, but I must remind them this is how every sport came about. After all, basketball started in a YMCA using peach baskets and look at the impact of the game now.

Anyone who has played ultimate frisbee, even on the smallest of competitive levels, can understand the beauty of the game.

“As a sport, ultimate combines so many different parts of many sports in a beautiful way. Speed, skill, creativity, intelligence, strength and teamwork,” said C3C Parker Quinn. “College ultimate is a great example of what college sports should be. The best college teams in the country come from prestigious schools like

Cody Johnson (No. 7) fades into position for a catch which William Suys makes sure an opponent doesn't outjurnp him.

Carleton College, Harvard and Stanford. No ultimate player gets into these colleges just with his athletic skills, because there are no scholarships for ultimate (yet).”

This is where the beauty lies: in the thrill of running to catchthe disc, of the mass cluster of kids jumping to reach the disc while it is floating in the air above, and then being the only one to come down with the disc clutched in hand. It is the same as jumping for a ball m basketball or receiving a touchdown pass.

Anyone who plays a sport knows the passion involved, and on your Air Force Academy Ultimate Frisbee Team, there is no lack of kids wanting to have fun and compete. Ultimate has taught us all how to be good athletes and great people. - C2C Krishna Rengan

Ultimate Frisbee

Matt Woods lays out for a brilliant grab.
Ultimate FrisbeeV133

'Devotion to perfection' drives team members through grueling training

The Cadet Sabre Drill Team has always enjoyed having the privilege of being able to perform on behalf of the Air Force Academy. That being said, stepping out in front of thousands of people who are watch' ing your every move remains nervewracking.

“There’s no way to hide a mistake. Every single move has to be sharp, crisp, and distinct. Everything has to be perfect,” said C2C Adam Geeskie, team superintendent.

It is this mindset that drives team members through grueling practices and training every day and leads them to strive to reach their full potential.

Sabre Drill Team was founded in 1961. Many things have changed since then, but the goals and purposes of the team have remained the same. The team’s primary duties include wedding arches and exhibition performances. Additionally, for freshmen who join every year, the team provides a unique training environment not to be found anywhere else in the Cadet Wing.

Devotion to perfection has earned the team a great deal of prestige. It certainly attracted the attention of

Col. Richard Moore, McChord AFB vice wing commander. He asked the team to perform at the base’s Air Force Birthday Ball this past September. The team travelled to Washington, where they trained the base honor guard, received a tour of Seattle, and attended the ball to perform in front of distinguished guests.

In addition to this most recent trip, the team has performed at Thunderbird air shows across the country, as well as opening for the Tops in Blue. Local shows ranged from small perfonnances in front of a few dozen guests to perfonning at the Academy’s graduation ceremony in front of thousands.

The best part, even more so than the fantastic opportunities that being a member of the team provides, is the friendship gained. Team building is an enormous part of the training that is accomplished during team candidates’ freshman year, and this continues throughout all four years of membership. The sense of camaraderie, and the dedication to the team and teammates, is a vital part of what makes working with the Sabre Drill Team such a fantastic experience. - C3C Matthew Chavez

C2C Adam Ceeskie proposes to his Ring Dance date Brianna Keck while his friends on the Sabre Drill Team help make the moment even more memorable.
- Courtesy photo
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'tjHliiii *rirr£SSa C2C Richard Gangloff performs for the Graduation Parade crowd on Stillman Parade Field May 22. - Photo by Arnie Spencer

a moment.

- Courtesy photos

Freestyle ski & board

Freestyle team soars, grinds its way to Nationals

The Air Force Freestyle Team is a self'admitted strange group. Comprised of freshman through seniors, girls and guys, they all share a common thread, an undying love for the snow.

While others may hide indoors when snow blankets the Academy, the AFFT view it “as an excuse to get on our sticks and ride the Sijan hill or look around for local handrails to grind. When others are complaining, we’re making snow angels,” said Beau Riebe.

Keystone, CO.

Typically, the team’s goal is to make cool videos and give tips to new shredders looking to improve their park skills. “But don’t think that means we’re strictly park rats, I love powder just as much as [teammate] Kevin Doolittle’s snowmobiles,” said Riebe.

After a rough season for snowfall, the team was struggling to find practice days. However, just in time for nationals, they were able to hit the slopes and land some new tricks. The cadets broke new ground and attended the U.S. Collegiate Ski and

Snowboard Association National competition in Sunday River, ME.

Having to secure its own funding, the team managed to assemble a “rad crew” and placed seventh overall for skiing and sixth overall for snowboarding among 21 entrants.

Skier Jordan Potterton ripped it up and placed high enough to receive All-American status. Snowboarder Sam Raine earned the bronze medal in Giant Slalom as well as All-American. Doolittle also proved himself and earned All-American status for snowboarding.

“Competing against 21 schools from all over the nation and meeting riders from so many different places was unreal. [It was] one of the best weekends of my life, and I was so proud to rep AFFT and USAFA that weekend,” Doolittle spurted out in a stoked manner.

Check out the AFFT Winter Edit 2011 on youtube.com and remember, pray for snow! - Air Force Freestyle Team

Freestyle skier Beau Riebe defies gravity if only for Jordan Potterton slides sideways down a rail at Snowboarder Greg Renner grinds his way down a rail. Women's Lacrosse, Alyssa Deiters, Alma Stuhldreher, Caroline Martin - Photo by Arnie Spencer Men's rugby - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Cadet Chorale, C2C Dominque Amor - Courtesy photo Flying Team, C3C Greg Hanson - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst SCUBA, Derek Hale - Courtesy photo Team Handball, Aaron Henrichs - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
Assorted Clubs 137
Sandhurst competing at Westpoint - Courtesy photo

nboree, previa

September to l<
Arnie Spencer

cadet life army week


Welcome News Feed Messages 1 Events



Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook

97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy

T-zo Fox

My Life is Cadet


Tzo Fox, pp 142-143

Cadet Cars, pp 144-145

m S!

Intramurals, pp 146-147

Spring Break, pp 148-149

Talent Show, pp 150-151

A-Hall, pp 152-153

Bonfire Strike a Victory pose! - Photo by Arnie Spencer Special Ops Army sympathizers on exchange from Westpoint borrow boots to leave a message to the Cadet Wing on Spirit Hill. - Photo by C1C Zach Barrington


army week

fSUpdate Status: Air Force soars

Academy cadets gave their ground-pounding companions special treatment during Army Week 2011

For seven days, spirit banners hung proudly in Mitchell Halland Army cadets on exchange ran the strips in anything from cheerleader uniforms to banana suits. They had no escape from the pranks, as four-degrees transformed their rooms into combat landing zones and office chair warehouses.

"It was fun to be able to mess with upperclassmen for a change," said C4C Britney Petrina of Cadet Squadron 25.

West Pointers did not go down without a fight however. Using their vast Army intelligence and intellectual tenacity, they managed to steal more than 30 pairs of boots, leaving them on Spirit Hill.

during Army Week

At the game, cadets never gave the mules a moment's rest. Mic Man was relentless with his cheers, while the Bird made sure to fire up Air Force fans as much as he distracted the opposition.

"The chilled atmosphere, rambunctious playful attitudes, and sense of communal victory really butters my muffin," said C2C John Skeele of CS 28.

Army momentarily outperformed their reputation during the first half, but the crowd rallied behind the Falcons, who came back in the second half. Wing-wide pride paid off and helped carry the football team to a 24-14 win, securing the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy for yet another year.

Cadets can rest assured that the trophy is here to stay. Air Force has won it 18 times since its creation in 1972. - C1C Zachary Barrington

P.O.W. Army exchange cadet Alexander Pinigis endures a little good-natured misery. - Photo by C3C Mary Misra CSAR Air Force heroes practice bailing Soldiers out of a tough spot? - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko army week

cadet life t-zo fox

t-zo fox

^Update Status: Wild family earns unofficial mascot status from cadets


Welcome News Feed Messages 1 Events


Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook

97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy

^ My Life is Cadet


Army Week, pp 140-141

Cadet Cars, pp 144-145

Intramurals, pp 146-147

Spring Break, pp 148-149

Talent Show, pp 150-151

A-Hall, pp 152-153

The first sighting of foxes on the terrazzo caused uproar in the Cadet Wing. Black gates surround the perimeter and had previously been successful at keeping cadets in and everything else out. Eventually the T-zo Fox made its home on Spirit Hill and has since become USAFA's unofficial mascot complete with its own Facebook page.

Recently, the adult T-zo Fox has been seen playfully roaming about in the Air Gardens, where it has relocated its family of t-zo fox kits. The move has delighted students and their guests alike.

"Cadets love that wily rascal," said C2C Joe Kraynak.

"I can't believe there are foxes living right on campus!" said Stephanie Salathe, a visiting family member of C2C Julie Manning.

Foxes are primarily found in the wild, avoiding human contact. Like all animals, foxes have the ability to adapt and have done so by surviving almost exclusively on Mitch's food. T-zo foxes are known to approach cadets and eat right out of their hands. Baked Lays potato chips have made their way into the creatures' regular diet, and the population is still going strong. However, many were unsure how the Terrazzo residents would fare after touch 'n' goes were taken away.

"The T-zo Fox is so adorable! I think the absence of Touch and Go's is healthier for it though," said C2C Francesca Fogarty.

Despite the lack of take-out boxes, t-zo foxes have been thriving. The black fox, known affectionately as Shadow Fox, is larger than ever, and spring-time brought new life to the Air Gardens. T-zo foxes often make appearances on the Facebook page, "My Life Is Cadet," and there are even individual profiles for Shadow Fox and T-zo Fox.

The arrival and survival of T-zo Fox and its t-zo fox family brings some cheer to the wing. Cadets hope the no rent, no taxes home is enough to convince their beloved, albeit still wild, pets to stay...if not for the great Mitch's food, then perhaps for the people.

"Seeing the t-zo fox family reminded me of home. Feeding T-zo Fox was one of the few things that you could do outside of the normal USAFA routine." - C3C Hyun Yoo

Fur Coat Tzo Fox bulked up for winter weather.
142 cadet life
- Photo by Arnie Spencer
Friend or Food Tzo Fox perks up to see what's coming. - Courtesy photo Stalker Shadow Fox eyes a potential meal. - Photo by Arnie Spencer Snacks C3C Ryan Rathke shares a treat. - Photo by C3C Teegan Partridge. Darwin's Driving Shadow asks "What did tell you kits about playing in the road?" - Photo by C3C Roed Mejia
t-ZO fox
Sibling Rivalry Kits spar on the FHonor Court lawn. - Photo by C1C Kenneth Moak


Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook

97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy


My Life is Cadet


Army Week, pp. 140-141

Tzo Fox, pp 142-143

Intramurals, pp 146-147

Spring Break, pp 148-149

Talent Show, pp 150-151

A-Hall, pp 152-153

Name: Jeremy Sarno

Year: 2012

Ride: 2006 Dodge Charger R/T

Daytona Edition

Jeremy developed his love for the Dodge Charger at 130 miles per hour tearing up back roads with his dad. After that experience, he knew he wanted a car like his dad's one day. After five years of waiting, Jeremy was not going to be outdone by his old man; he went the extra mile to get a limited edition "Go Mango" Charger. His passion for cars and working on them came from the

time he spent taking care of his beat up Chevy Cavalier in high school. But upon his return home during his four-degree year, he realized it was time to let her go.'l got tired of hating the car I drove around so I decided to look into a vehicle that I could take pride in again." So he bought the new Charger, a car that, "represents the next step to my own independence." Working on the car and paying for it himself has given Jeremy a sense of pride in his ride. So as far as future ideas for the Charger go, Jeremy is content with waiting until next year when he has lieutenant's pay.

cadet life
New Vette - C1C Vincent Jovene relaxes on his Vette. - Photos by Arnie Spencer
NOVA - C1Cs Harry Green and Cody Abies peer into a vintage Chevy.

Name: Colin Swanson

Year: 2012

Ride: 2005 Subaru Legacy GT


Colin's car is a labor of love. Colin went a bit farther than most owners when buying his vehicle. After searching for just the one he wanted online, he flew to North Dakota and purchased it. He decided on the 2005 Subaru because he wanted both an all-wheel drive car for the snow and a luxury sport sedan for fun. The Legacy GT was "perfect to satisfy my needs for

Name: Andrew Gibler

Year: 2012

Ride: 1989 Mustang LX, Triple White Sports Addition Convertible

The car in which you learn to drive is always special, whether it was your dad's hand me down piece of junk, or in Andrew's case, a classic American muscle car, the Mustang. The car has been in his family for some time, and Andrew bought it from his grandfather in 2009. The car is "my life quite frankly." Andrew has almost completely rebuilt the car with help from friends and family, taking it from a fun boulevard

going fast in the snow with some friends in comfort." Colin's done a lot of work on his car, and all of it himself. A new turbocharger has been added and tuned up, handling improved with anti-sway bars and a coilover suspension, and a new transmission swapped in, no small task. While most people would consider maintenance a chore, Colin embraces it. "Upgrades and maintenance are a major hobby of mine and it's something that I really take pride in," he says. "Being able to drive my car away from the shop after putting hours of work in is very rewarding."

cruiser to a fire-breathing drag strip monster. Andrew has supercharged the car to about 500 horsepower, and is looking forward to reaching an earth rotating 1,000 "when the money comes" and "to be unique." With all the work he has put into it, the car means a lot to him. In addition to taking the car to the drag strip, "my time is spent researching what to do next, my money (or lack thereof) is all spent on her, and my memories of the car will last me a lifetime." The Mustang holds a special place in Andrew's heart, and he plans on passing it down to his children one day to see it "last for a lifetime more."


cadet cars

diupdate Status: vehicles give uniformed students way to express themselves

Old Vette - C1C Raymond Crone cruises the Tzo in his 1982 Chevrolet Corvette. Meep, meep - Plymouth's 1971 version of the Roadrunner has nothing to fear from wily coyotes or Tzo foxes.
cadet cars
Cadet Custom - A barely street legal hot rod is an eye-catcher.

cadet life intramurals



News Feed

Messages 1



Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook


97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy

^ T-zoFox

My Life is Cadet


Army Week, pp 140-141

Tzo Fox, pp 142-143

Cadet Cars, pp 144-145

Spring Break, pp 148-149

Talent Show, pp 150-151

A-Hall, pp 152-153


HiHupdate Status: squad v. squad competition offers fun challenges

Softball - Catcher Bradley Kusel, CS 21, and Henry Niemeyer, CS 3, battle on the diamond - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Flag Football - Paige Hawkins pulls down a reception for CS 14. - Photo by Ray McCoy.
Soccer - CS 35 goalie Charlie Meyer valiently defends his goal - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Rugby - Black-shirted ruggers (l-r) James Tipton, Nathan Carey and James Hendersaw battle for "Shadow Seven" honor. - Photo by Ray McCoy Ultimate - A frisbee reception is just beyond the reach of Joel Noble from CS 14. - Photo by Ray McCoy Football - CS 17 quarterback Benjamin Pagano eludes a pass rush while looking for an open receiver. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko

cadet life



News Feed

Messages 1



Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook


97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy

T-zo Fox

My Life Is Cadet



Army Week

^ Tzo Fox, pp 142-143

^ Cadet Cars, pp 144-145

MttS! Intramurals, pp 146-147

EH Talent Show, pp 150-151

IS A-Hall, pp 152-153

HiUpdate Status: cadets work, train, relax during mid-term vacation trips

Ahhhhh! - Andrew Bathurst and Hailey Clinton - Courtesy photos
spring break
Take Aim - Joey Springfield, weapons competition, East Granby, CT
Homework - C3C Chelsea Renfro, Habitat for Humanity - Photo by TSgt. Ray Hoy Fightin' Falcon - Blake Morgan, Homestead AFB, FL Wing Walkers - FIDEA air show, Santiano, Chile
V- spring break 149
Disney Date - Chris Ruiz and date, Disneyland, CA.

cadet life



News Feed

Messages 1



Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook

97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy

T-zo Fox

My Life is Cadet


Army Week

Tzo Fox, pp 142-143

Cadet Cars, pp 144-145

Intramurals, pp 146-147

Spring Break, pp 148-149

A-Hall, pp 152-153

USAFA's Got Talent - Performers onstage. - Photos by C2C Monica Bray Break Dance - Kaz Moffett kicks up his heels to the extreme as Brandon Keiper applaudes.

talent show

EHUpdate Status: Cadets thrill cadets with variety of performing arts abilities

The Academy hosted its "First Annual Talent Show in a Long Time" this year as a class project for SE301 Project Management. Firsties Erik Von Husen, Taylor Gore, Dalton Miller, Ryan Nelson and Kyle Casci put together the event.

The great crowd enjoyed musical performances, dance steps, slam poetry, and rifle drill. "We had a crazy turnout and awesome talents, which we didn't expect," said Gore.

Guests were standing in the back and setting up extra chairs. The group hopes that this project will be continued by their future classmates and the talent show will become an annual happening.

"We ran out of programs, we

weren't expecting this many peopie to come," said Von Husen. The organizers shouted out a special thanks to the Bluebards who helped with the show. Also praised was Zack Ratkovich who did a phenomenal job as master of ceremonies, introducing each act adding his own comical interlude.

The five-person panel of judges made their selections with a little help from the crowd. Nicque Robinson won first place with her flawless clarinet act. Justin Zahn placed second with his great guitar performance and melodic voice. In third place, was Mark Richardson who performed an exciting rendition of rifle drill.

home HbV
j jjlrBSp!
Piano Man - Steven Cox tickles the ivories. Audience Approval - Moffett and Cox stand by as master of cermonies Zach Ratkovich polls the crowd to help decide who won. Multitalent - Nicque Robinson sang and played clarinet to earn first place overall.


Welcome News Feed Messages 1 Events


Monica Bray

Mary Misra

Polaris Yearbook

97.7 KAFA

US Air Force Academy

T-zo Fox

My Life is Cadet


Army Week, pp 140-141

T-zo Fox, pp 142-143

Cadet Cars, pp 144-145

Intramurals, pp 146-147

Spring Break, pp 148-149

Talent Show, pp 150-151


(§3 Update Status: Students find ways to let loose at Academy's 'student center'

The Academy's version of a college student center, Arnold Hall, is named for the only Air Force five-star general, "HAP" Arnold. Known by most as "A Hall," it's popular among cadets seeking a place to grab a bite to eat and catch the game on television.

"It is great to have A-hall when you miss the dinner hours, couldn't make it back to change into a uniform in time, or if your stomach just isn't up to Mexican night at Mitch's," said C4C Sydney Smith.

"If it wasn't for Subway and Godfathers I don't know where I would get dinner," added C4C Mathew Bowyer, referring to sandwich and pizza restaurants in Arnold Hall.

The building is also home to "Haps," the only cadet bar in the Air Force and a safe place for cadets to have fun. It was recently renovated and modernized, complete with flat-screen TVs, billiards, and karaoke. Arnold Hall's ballroom gives cadets a different kind of venue to socialize and dance. The Cadet Treats office provides a nice way for friends and family to give sweet gifts for any occasion.

A full-sized theater provides a venue for the RATTEX Club to show movies on the weekends for free. In addition, the Cadet Only

Riveting Entertainment concert series brings upand-coming singers, comedians and magicians to the student audience.

"I think the opportunities we have for food and relaxing there are great. I also really enjoy the opportunities to see the shows and help out at events like the Jamboree; that was great!" said C4C Robert Larson.

The Academy Concerts series presents nine additional acts each year which are open to the public. Broadway plays, tribute bands and Cirque shows are frequently on the schedule.

They continually try to come up with fun and interesting classes that cadets will enjoy. Some examples include how to be a connoisseur of wine and beer to how to play Mahjong, from picking out a diamond to learning how to balance a checkbook. They even teach cadets how to survive on their own without Mitch's! Arnold Hall will always be able to provide fond memories of cadet life here at USAFA.

"I really like how versatile the ballroom is, not only do we have it for dances but different clubs get to use it for numerous holiday festivities. There are just a lot of positive connotations about that place," said C2C Dominique Amor - C2C Joe Kraynak

cadet life
Off We Go - Bungee acrobats try a different way of soaring at the Cadet Jamboree. - Photos by Arnie Spencer What's HAPpening - C1C Raymond Crone lines up a shot at the newly renovated Hap's Place. - Photo by C1C Zach Barrington Wrap Star - C4C Kaitlin Butler seems to enjoy securing a straight jacket on a C.O.R.E. concert series comedian. Burn Notice - C4Cs Joseph Perdue and Patrick Madden join another cadet in chugging hot sauce in the audience participation part of a show.
Hit Me! - C4Cs Trevor Langford, Steven Cox and Joshua Fouraker hope to see the dealer go bust.

Taken from Presidential speech

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cadets, this is the day you finally become officers in the finest Air Force in the world. Like generations before you, you’ll be charged with the responsibility of leading those under your command. Like classes over the past 10 years, you graduate in a time of war and you may find yourselves in harm’s way. But you will also face a new test, and that’s what I want to talk to you about today.

Four years ago, you arrived here at a time of extraordinary challenge for our nation. Our forces were engaged in two wars. A1 Qaeda, which had attacked us on 9/11, was entrenched in their safe havens. Many of our alliances were strained and our standing in the world had suffered. Our economy was in the worst recession since the Great Depression. Around the world and here at home, there were those that questioned whether the United States still hadthe capacity for global leadership.

"You are the first graduates since 9/11 who can clearly see how we'll end the war in Afghanistan."

Today, you step forward into a different world. You are the first class in nine years that will graduate into a world where there are no Americans fighting in Iraq. For the first time in your lives - and thanks to Air Force personnel who did their part - Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat to our country. We’ve put al Qaeda on the path to defeat. And you are the first graduates since 9/11 who can clearly see how we’ll end the war in Afghanistan.

So what does all this mean? When you came here four years ago, there were some 180,000 American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve now cut that number by more than half. And as more Afghans step up, more of our troops will come home - while achieving the objective that led us to war in the first place and that is defeating al Qaeda and denying them safe haven. So we aren’t just ending these wars, we are doing so in a way that makes us safer and stronger.

Today we pay tribute to all our extraordinary men and women in uniform for their bravery, for their dedication. Those who gave their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan to make this progress possible - including 16 graduates of this Academy - we honor them. We will always honor them.

For a decade, we have labored under the dark cloud of war. And now, we can see a light - the light of a new day on the horizon. So the end of these wars will shape your service and it will make our military stronger. Ten years of continuous military operations have stretched our forces and strained their families. Going forward, you’ll face fewer deployments. You’ll have more time to train and stay ready. That means you’ll be (Continued pg. 158)

Graduation Week
Graduates from Allied military are given a moment to show then colors and honor their home country. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko President Barack Obama challenged cadets to findtheir leadership roles through the next "American Century." - Photo by Arnie Spencer
Graduation Pre DiplomaV
C4C William Chapman and the Academy Sabre Drill Team entertained the crowd during a pre-ceremony performance. - Photo by Arnie Spencer.
e biggest challenge of areer is staying awake
e entire
graduation cer- by C3C Kyle Palko

better prepared for the full range of missions you face.

And ending these wars will also ensure that the burden of our security no longer falls so heavily on the shoulders of our men and women in uniform. As good as you are, you can’t be expected to do it alone. There are many sources of American powerdiplomatic, economic and the power of our ideals. Arid we’ve got to use them all. And the good news is, today we are.

Around the world, the United States is leading once more. From Europe to Asia, our alliances are stronger than ever. Our ties with the Americas are deeper. We’re setting the agenda in the region that will shape our long-tenn security and prosperity like no other - the Asia Pacific.

We’re leading on global security - reducing our nuclear arsenal with Russia, even as we maintain a strong nuclear deterrent; mobilizing dozens of nations to secure nuclear materials so they never fall into the hands of terrorists; rah lying the world to put the stron' gest sanctions ever on Iran and North Korea, which cannot be allowed to threaten the world with nuclear weapons.

"As good as you are, you can't be expected to do it alone."

We are leading economically - forging trade pacts to create new markets for our goods; boosting our exports, stamped with three proud words - Made in America. We’re expanding exchanges and collabora' tions in areas that people often admire most about America - our innovation, our science, our technology.

We’re leading on behalf of human dignity and on behalf of freedom - standing with the people of the Middle East and North Africa as they seek their rights; preventing a massacre in Libya with an international mission in which the United States - and our Air Force - led from the front. We’re leading global efforts against hunger and disease. And we’ve shown our compassion, as so many ainnen did in delivering relief to our neighbors in Haiti when

(Continued pg. 160)

Graduation Week
lie Class of 2012 rejoices at the conclusion of the graduation ceremony as the ThunderbirT rocket overhead right on cue. - Photos by Arnie Spencer

After safely dodging about 1,000 falling hats, cadets rejoice the end of four (or more) years of study, discipline and training at the Academy.

Gradua|on Post-Diploma hV 159
C1C Aarol Clinton gets a well-deserved Presidential congratulation. Thumbs up and a wink show C1C Katy Dieters' excitement after leaving the graduation stage. J j
in <
Proud parents, siblings and other family pack the stands to join their gracb elebration.

they were in need and to our Japanese allies after the earthquake and tsunami.

Because of this progress, aroundthe world there is a new feeling about America. I see it everywhere I go, from London and Prague, to Tokyo and Seoul, to Rio and Jakarta. There’s a new confidence in our leadership. And when people around the world are asked, which country do you most admire, one nation comes out on top - the United States of America.

Of course, the world stage is not a popularity contest. As a nation, we have vital interests, and we will do what is necessary always to defend this country we love - even if it’s unpopular. But make no mistake, how we’re viewed in the world has consequences - for our national security and for your lives.

See, when other countries and people see us as partners, they’re more willing to work with us. It’s why more countries joined us in Afghanistan

"We will do what is necessary always to defend this country we love."

and Libya. It’s why nations like Australia are welcoming our forces who stand side by side with allies and partners in the South Pacific. It’s why Uganda and its African neighbors have welcomed our trainers to help defeat a brutal army that slaughters its citizens.

I think of the Japanese man in the disaster zone who, upon seeing our ainnen delivering relief, said, “I never imagined they could help us so much.” I think of the Libyans who protected our ainnan when he ejected over their town, because they knew America was there to protect them. And in a region where we’ve seen burning of American flags, I think of all the Libyans who were waving American flags.

Today, we can say with confidence and pride the United States is stronger and safer and more respected in the world, because even as we’ve done the work of ending these wars, we’ve laid the foundation for a new era of American leadership.

(Continued pg. 162)

Cadet demonstrations ofAirmanship thrilled the Graduation Parade crowd. The Academy's Wings of Blue Parachute Team (top) and C2Cs Adam Geeskie and Richard Gangloff of the Sabre Drill Team (right) demonstrated discipline, precision and teamwork both in tfe air and on the ground. The flyby and landing of the TG-15A (bottom) was part of an aerial parade of aircraft flown by cadets. The glider is used by cadets for cross-country and racing training in the advanced soaring program. Other aircraft flying by were the UV-18 from which Wings of Blue jumps; T-41, T-51 and T-53 planes; and TG-15A and TG-1(Jjj gliders which also landed on thje field. An A-10 Warthog formation later flew over the parade.

160 Graduation Week \Ti
- Photo by Arnie Spenc Spring Commander C1C Ben Barringer returns the sword symbolizing command of the Cadet Wing to Commandant of Cadets Richard Clark. The sword was then presented to the Cadet Wing summer commander who will oversee Basic Cadet Training. - Photo by Arnie Spencer Firsties formally leave their squadrons by marching out in a wing formation at the Graduation Parade May 22 on Stillman Parade Field. The Cadet Wing population will be restored once the Class of 2016 joins them using the reverse formation at the end of this summer. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Seniors rejoice at the completion of the graduation parade. The next time they march will be to open their graduation ceremony in Falcon Stadium. - Photo by Arnie Spencer
Grad Parade

And now, cadets, we have to build it. We have to build on it. You have to build on it.

Let’s start by putting aside the tired notion that says our influence has waned or that America is in decline. We’ve heard that talk before. During the Great Depression, when millions were unemployed and some believed that other economic models offered a better way, there were those who predicted the end of American capitalism. Guess what, they were wrong. We fought our way back. We created the largest middle class in history and the most prosperous economy the world has ever known.

After Pearl Harbor some said, the United States has been reduced to a third-rate power. Well, we rallied. We flew over The Hump and took island after island. We stormed the beaches andliberated nations. And we emerged from that war as the strongest power on the face of the Earth.

After Vietnam and the energy crisis of the 1970s, some said America had passed its high point. But the very next decade, because of our fidelity to the values we stand for, the Berlin Wall came tumbling down and liberty prevailed over the tyranny of the Cold War.

"Never bet against the United States of America/'

As recently as the 1980s with the rise of Japan and the Asian tigers, there were those who said we had lost our economic edge. But we retooled. We invested in new technologies. We launched an Information Revolution that changed the world.

After all this, you would think folks understand a basic truth - never bet against the United States of America. And one of the reasons is that the United States has been, and will always be, the one indispensable nation in world affairs. It’s one of the many examples of why America is exceptional. It’s why I firmly believe that if we rise to this moment in history, if we meet our responsibilities, then - just like the 20th century - the 21st century will be another great American Century. That’s the future I see. That’s the future you can build.

I see an American Century (Continued pg. 164)

Graduation Week
(Above) Smoke and flames erupt from the cannon during one of multiple shots by the cadet fire team. - Photo by C3C Kyle Palko (Right) C1C Michael MacAndrew of the Academy Sabre Drill Team maintains focus while his dual-wielded swords are airborne. - Photo by Arnie Spencer (Bottom) Falconer C2C Nate Lebons yanks away the lure used to draw his performance partner Apollo into a crowd-pleasing dive and flyby. - Photo by Arnie Spencer
Awards Parades
Cadet leadership faces off in front of the wing-wide formation. - Photo by C3C Kyle I’.illo»

because we have the resilience to make it through these tough economic times. Were going to put America back to work by investing in the things that keep us competitive - education and high-tech manufacturing, science and innovation. We’ll pay down our deficits, reform our tax code and keep reducing our dependence on foreign oil. We need to get on with nation-building here at home. And I know we can, because were still the largest, most dynamic, most innovative economy in the world. And no matter what challenges we may face, we wouldn’t trade places with any other nation on Earth.

I see an American Century because you are part of the finest, most capable military the world has ever known. No other nation even comes close. Yes, as today’s wars end, our military - and our Air Force - will be leaner. But as Commander-in-Chief, I will not allow us to make the mistakes of the past. We still face very serious threats.

"We will maintain our military superiority in all areas."

As we’ve seen in recent weeks, with al Qaeda in Yemen, there are still terrorists who seek to kill our citizens. So we need you to be ready for the full range of threats. From the conventional to the unconventional, from nations seeking weapons of mass destruction to the cell of terrorists planning the next attack, from the old danger of piracy to the new threat of cyber, we must be vigilant.

And so, guided by our new defense strategy, we’ll keep our military - and our Air Force - fast and flexible and versatile. We will maintain our military superiority in all areas - air, land, sea, space and cyber. And we will keep faith with our forces and our military families.

And as our newest veterans rejoin civilian life, we will never stop working to give them the benefits and opportunities that they have earned - because our veterans have the skills to help us rebuild America, and we have to serve them as well as they have served us.

I see an American Century (Continued pg. 166)

Graduation Week
C2C Anthony Cummings and his date C1C Allison Paddock share a toast. Partygoers traditionally upend their glasses and use lips to catch drowned rings before exchanging a kiss. C2C Mark Kaminski and his date join actors in period uniforms in a World War II jeep on display unhide Mitchell Hall. The Class of 2013's World War II era the - Photos by Arnie Spencer Ring
Friends show off their rings.

because we have the strongest alliances of any nation. From Europe to Asia, our aliiances are the foundation of global security. In Libya, all 28 NATO allies played a role and we were joined by partners in the air from Sweden to the Gulf states. In Afghanistan, were in a coalition of 50 allies and partners. Today, Air Force personnel are serving in 135 nations - partnering, training, building their capacity. This is how peace and security will be upheld in the 21st century - more nations bearing the costs and responsibilities of leadership. Arid that’s good for America. It’s good for the world. And we’re at the hub of it, making it happen.

I see an American Century because no other nation seeks the role that we play in global affairs, and no other nation can play the role that we play in global affairs. That includes shaping the global institutions of the 20th century to meet the challenges of the 21st. As President, I’ve made it clear the United States does not fear the rise of peaceful, responsible emerging powers - we welcome them. Because when more nations step up and contribute to peace and security, that doesn’t undermine American power, it enhances it.

"Human rights and dignity are central to who we are as Americans."

And when other people in other countries see that we’re rooting for their success, it builds trust and partnerships that can advance our interests for generations. It makes it easier to meet common challenges, from preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to combating climate change. And so we seek an international order where the rights and responsibilities of all nations and peoples are upheld, and where counties thrive by meeting their obligations and they face consequences when they don’t.

I see an American Century because more and more people are reaching toward the freedoms and values that we


O'Connell and Johnny Newman star as Dianna Goodman and Doctor Fine in the Bluebards' portrayal of "Next to Normal" May 19 in Arnold Hall - Photos by Arnie Spencer Deanna MacMillan, Savannah Peterson, Sam Latch and Danny Taubenslag sing the chorus of "My Psychopharmacologist and I" during the Bluebards show. Rood Mejia, Kevin Pamilagas and Kaz Moffett sing and danc Show Choir performance in Arnold Hall May 21.
e during

share. No other nation has sacrificed more - in treasure, in the lives of our sons and daughters - so that these freedoms could take root and flourish around the world. And no other nation has made the advancement of human rights arid dignity so central to its foreign policy. And that’s because it’s central to who we are, as Americans. It’s also in our self-interest, because democracies become our closest allies and partners.

Sure, there will always be some governments that try to resist the tide of democracy, who claim theirs is a better way. But around the world, people know the difference between us. We welcome freedom - to speak, to assemble, to worship, to choose your leaders. They don’t. We welcome the chance to compete for jobs and markets freely and fairly. They don’t. When fundamental human rights are threatened around the world, we stand up arid speak out. And they don’t.

We know that the sovereignty of nations cannot strangle the liberty of individuals. Amd so we stand with the student in the street who demands a life of dignity and opportunity. We stand with women everywhere who deserve the same rights as men. We stand with the activists unbowed in their prison cells, and the leaders in parliament who’s moving her country towards democracy. We stand with the dissident who seeks the freedom to say what he pleases, and the entrepreneur who wants to start a business without paying a bribe, and all those who strive for justice and dignity. For they know, as we do, that history is on the side of freedom.

And finally, I see an American Century because of the character of our country - the spirit that has always made us exceptional. That simple yet revolutionary idea - there at our founding and in our hearts ever since - that we have it in our power to make the world anew, to make the future what we will. It is that fundamental faith - that American optimism - which says no challenge is too great, no mission is too hard. It’s the spirit that guides your class: “Never falter, never fail.”

That is the essence of America, and there’s nothing else like it anywhere in theworld. It’s what’s inspired the oppressed in every comer of the world to demand the same freedoms for themselves. It’s what’s inspired generations to come to our shores, renewing us with their energy and their hopes. And that includes a fellow cadet, a cadet graduating today, who grew up in Venezuela, got on a plane with a one-way ticket to America, and today is closer to Inis dream of becoming an Air Force pilot - Edward Camacho. Edward said what we all know to be true: “I’m convinced that America is the land of opportunity.”

You’re right, Edward. That is who we are. That’s the America we love. Always young, always looking ahead to that light of a new day on the horizon. And, cadets, as I look into your eyes - as you join that Long Blue Line - I know you will carry us even farther, and even higher. And with your proud service, I’m absolutely confident that the United States of America will meet the tests of our time. We will remain the land of opportunity. And we will stay strong as the greatest force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known.

May God bless you. May God bless the Class of 2012. And may God bless the United States of America.

w168 Graduation Week

Blaize Angelet

Seal Beach, CA


To my Mom, Robert, Dad, Grandma Donna and friends - thank you all for the incredible support and encouragement you have given me over the years. You made it all worthwhile and added some good laughs along the way. Grandma Kay, this one is for you “Walk in the path of your own light.” -unknown

Paige Blackburn Soldotna, AK

Civil Enginerring

Mom - thanks for always believing in me and your unwavering love. Dad - thanks for all the life lessons you have taught me and your guidance. Douglas - not sure if I would’ve made it here if you hadn’t came into my life, thanks for everything. Emily, Carmella - inprocessing day, ‘Today you’ll meet people who will be your closest friends for rest of your life.” Throwers - wash your clothes, make Buck proud, and believe in yourselves. Love you guys.

Spencer Buck Woodland, CA Pilot

“One day’s exposure to mountains is better than a cartload of books.”

If I am allowed to do this all over again, 1 will definitely be more vocal active and motivated in every aspects of my life. Be prepared.

Robert Belz

San Antonio, TX


“Act as if it all depends on us, for it does. But pray as if it all depends on God, for it does.” - St. Ignatius Thank you so much Dad, Mom Jess, and Chris. I would not be where I am today without you all “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

- African proverb

Michael Brown Boise, ID

Financial Management

dnsert Epic Life Changing Quote Here>

Chris Carte

San Diego, CA Pilot

Sometimes when 1 think about quitting, 1 think to myself: Did George Washington quit when the British kept beating him? Did Frodo quit when everyone but Sam had forsaken him? Did that surfer chick quit when she got her arm bitten off by a shark? Do cats quit on life even though they have all these extra lives? Did Rocky Balboa quit when he had to fight that jacked Russian? Then I keep doing homework

David Cleveland Hadley Brookeland, TX Pilot

If there is one thing I’ve learned at my time here it’s that I never could have done it without my amazing friends and family. Also, Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.

Chiahsien Chao Pingtong, Taiwan Pilot

Michael Cousins

Columbus, GA

Cyber Operations

Mom & Dad: Thanks for getting me here, supporting me no matter what, and raising me the way you did, I appreciate it. Boys: I expect great things from you Melissa: Thanks for putting up with me. Magnificent Seven: Thanks for the memories, friendships, and fun. Remember, “This too shall pass” and “The female bear is ALWAYS bigger than the papa bear.”

Ryan Critchfield

Auburn, CA

Security Forces

Movie theater parking lots, shredding gnar pow + clipped season pass, JB09.5, Ithat babe I met at a bar!, jeep transmission, kush boy Touareg, caving, bolt cutters, LP pizza pie to face, Steinbro, Good Vibrations. Jason— my bro, we’ve done some adventures, another check in the book. My Entourage. Special Leo—the no-style Miami nerd (Saturn Rocket) who owes me at least $5,000 by 2020. It’s been hella real Time to get “pitted,” USAFA!

James Dunlop San Dimas, CA

UAV Pilot

Paulo Dutra Kearny, NJ

Security Forces

Ifyou are reading this, know that I am the most blessed man in the world

Thanks be to my classmates, friends, family, and God for the opportunity of a life time. May we strive to never falter and never fail

- James 1:17

Thanks Mom and Dad for everything you have taught and given me. Thanks Jenny, Steven, David and Tommy for all the great memories. Thanks Grandmom & Granddad for the frequent visits. Thanks Michael for being an awesome roommate. Thanks Chris Nelson Mike Roland, Tom Wilson and all the other amazing teachers in my life. Gracias weonas por el excelente semestre. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.”

Frederick Feigel Philadelphia PA Intelligence

“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.”

- Gandalf “Life is not about where you go. It’s about the company you take with you” - unknown

Jeremiah Haynes Ignacio, CO

Cyber Operations

Mama and Daddy - You’ve taught me so much, thank you for always being there and giving me a compass to navigate through life. My brothersyou may never know the blessing you are, stay strong. Lizzy - You are the love of my life. 1 can’t wait to spend it with you. Aamaw -1 love you “Those who live should no longer live for' themselves but for him who died for 11 tern and was raised again.”

2 Corinthians 5:15

Michael Hauser Mason, MI


Dad Mom, Julianna and Hauser clan

Without you and God none of this is possible. Grandpa: “Have you thought about the Air Force Academy?” And so it began...Thanks for everything. ‘This is the great reward of service, to live, far out and on in the life of others; this is the mystery of Christ, - to give life’s best for such high sake that it shall be found again unto life eternal”

Lindsey Heath Memphis, TN Intelligence

Don’t be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

Squadron One(ti W 173

Catherine Kiyota Wahiawa, HI

Developmental Engineer

I can’t express my gratitude for the love and support from my family and friends, 1 am truly blessed. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

Mike McKinley Phoenix, AZ Pilot

“Were not retreating, we’re advancing toward future victories.” Stay positive! Life is so much better when you re not angry all the time! Thanks to all my friends and family for helping make this place rock!

Christopher Reinsing Waynesburg, PA Intelligence

A sincere thanks to all my family and friends who have supported me through this journey. If you weren’t pushing me up a mountain, you were helping guide me through and I wouldn’t be here without you “Listen to the mustn’ts, child Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child Anything can be.” -

People laughed at me when I said I wanted to come here... they laughed at Louie Armstrong when he wanted to go to the moon now he’s up there laughing at them.

Victoria Martinez Thornton. CO Force Support

Thanks to everyone who supported me through this journey - Mom Pete, Dad Kim Grandma Grandpa and Alex just to name a few. Aunt Judy -1 still sleep with my rosary you gave me before I left for the Prep School five years ago. It helped me just as much as you said it would Google; “Our deepest fear”; it’s my all-time favorite quote... just a little too long to fit here:) LIVE.


Rachel Reeder St. Thomas, PA Medical School

We toast our faithful comrades. Now fallen from the sky. And gently caught by Gal’s own hand, To be with him on high.

“It’s a once in a lifetime thing that happens every so often” - Randy Moss


“Two raids diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost; To my loving family today has happened because of you. Your siippxul and unending love has done more for me than I will ever be able to tell you.

To my friends - Looking forward to the great times we are gonna have in the future. I love all y’all.

Aaron Schuetze Albuquerque, NM Pilot Alexander Schultheiss Coon Rapids, MN Pilot
Kyle Schwochow Brookville, OH

Timmonsville, SC

Financial Management

“You always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece.” - unknown; so embrace your flaws and know that the challenges in life are the chisels that shape you into the amazing work of art that you are. Thanks to everybody in my life who have helped to make me a better person (haters included;)).


I will never forget the incredible opportunity I’ve been given, or the friends I’ve made along the way. Thanks to my family and everyone who has helped me to make it this farI couldn’t have done it without you.


To my parents; Thank you for your love & support throughout this whole process; To friends and close relatives: 1 appreciate the messages and help along the way; and to anyone who’s had a hand in my development as a man, I just want to say thank you; To GS; make sure yall thank our guardian angel above...we did it #letsgo!l - “Can’t is not a statement of one’s ability, but rather one’s will”

Thanks to all of you for making this a great time and good luck to you all We did it live

Janai Singletary Ryan Taylor Olympia, WA Anthony Wright Cleveland, OH Zheng Zhong Hanapepe, HI Intelligence

Acquisitions Manager

Thank you to all my friends and family... I love you! “Dwell in Possibility.” -

To my friends and family, I couldn’t have made it through here without all of your support. I love y’all with all of my heart. To anyone who reads this: “Dream as if you’ll live forever, Live as if you’ll die today.” -

Meredith Dilley Columbus, OH Public Affairs

Thanks Mom, Dad, Grant, Chuck, Dave, and my lacrosse girls for helping me be the person 1 am today. And now, in the words of Albus Dumbledore: 'Li us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.”


I would like to thank my Mom and Dad for giving me all the advantages that helped me get to this point

Thanks friends and family.

Cyberspace Ops

Thank you Mom. Dad, Erika, and Carlo for all the love and support. 1 couldn’t have done it without ya'll. To my friends, thank you for always being there and all the unforgettable memories, we did it! “The sky is the limit.”

Simone Barrette London, England Joe Boyle Dallas, TX Michael Butler Gun Barrel City, TX Pilot
Casey Cardwell Lacey, WA Pilot Jon Escamilla San Antonio, TX

Ryan Gardner San Jose, CA

Cyberspace Operations

I took the road less travelled by, what was I thinking? Thank you to my mom, dad, and brother for the support to keep it up.

David Hein AdeLIA

Acquisitions Manager

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


Stephen Keck Belleville, IL


I want to thank all of my family and friends who have supported me through this adventure. I would not be the person I am today without all of you.

Johnny Melcher St. Simons Island, GA

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Money is material Memories are forever. Thank you family and friends for all the memories and memories to come. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”Walt Disney.

Kody O’Connell

Corpus Christi, TX

Developmental Engineer

I’ll never forget what got me here, the loving support of my family and friends and my own sweat.

Crawling through the dirt, rucking up mountains on an empty stomach, and scribbling for our lives just lo finish l hose GR’s, we did it all together, and I’ll never forget Now I’m embarking on another Harrowing Adventure, and I can only hope to see you out there. We did it! Just imagine what’s next...

Wendy Lathrom Wichita KS Pilot

To my Mum, my Dad, Sister, and Friends - What a journey this has been! “Fr om the standpoint of daily life there is one thing we know: that man is here for the sake of other men above all for those upon whose smile and wellbeing our own happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy.” - Albert Einstein

Andy Neal Winchester, TN

Civil Engineer

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13; Mom and Dad, thank for your love and support that you have always given me in everything throughout my life. I could not have asked for a better life than the one you have provided Mom, you are my hero and cheerleader, and I am so thankful that you are still here today to help me get to this point in my life.

Austin Pershke Killen, AL


There were good times and bad ones but only the good will be missed I thank God, family, friends, and mommies for helping me graduate from this place. Mona I can’t thank you enough for all you did to help me get in here and for me while I was here. The weekly calls, the rides to and from the airport, and most of all for cooking awesome food while I was home. USAFA friends, hopefully we will run int#each otl% at some pint in the future.’

l#each otltj' at

Squadron Two

I’d like to thank my family for supporting me while I was here, and my friends for always helping me out when I needed it “You know life is worth the struggle when you look back on what you lost, and realize what you have now is way better than before.” - unknown

If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.

Shoutout to my little bros Rob and Steve, two guys I couldn’t stand but can’t stand to be without! Thanks to my parents as well love you both and thanks for everything! Live life to the fullest: “Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”

God, Mom, Dad, Sister, and Friends. I never could have made it without your love and support every step of the way. Thank you.


I’m a mama’s boy and always will be for her unshakable love and support. I will always try to impress my papa because he is my hero. I will always be grateful for all of my family and friends for the encouragement along this journey. Thank you all for helping me concentrate my motivation from trouble making to...well I am still a trouble maker but at least I am a productive one.


Thanks mom and dad for all of the support you have given to me. I truly could not have trekked this journey without you. Katie you were one hell of a sister to help push me through the hard times. Thanks to the rest of my family and friends for all your love and compassion. “By changing the inner attitudes of our minds, we can change the outer aspects of our lives.”

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” - James 1:24

Eric Phillips Newburgh, IN Pilot Jared Powell Hemphill TX Lauren Shetley St. Louis, MO Yoshiki Revell St. Petersburg, FL Intelligence David Takahashi Phoenix, AZ Pilot Tranay Tanner Romulus, MI Intelligence Meagan Wyngarden Puyallup, WA Pilot
178 Firsties

Mason Armstrong

La Junta, CO

Space and Missiles

We don’t remember days, we remember moments and the items of our lives which lend themselves to create. Take the chance! Life and memory may be but paper thin.

Romans 6:11, and thank you to my parents, family, and friends for all your encouragement and support; especially my brother Gordon

Cyberspace Operations

Life isn’t the result of a single moment, a single decision It’s the culmination of a million tiny moments that shape what you are and how you see the world I want to thank you mom dad Tay, Will Adam, Chaz, and so many others for orchestrating all those little moments to make sure I got where I needed to go with the tools I needed to succeed I love you all!

Raymond Crone Douglasville, GA Navigator

Thank you to all of my family and friends that have supported me throughout this endeavor. You never lost faith in me, even when times got rough. I could not have done it without you. “And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these Is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:13

Bryce Bergman

New Bremen OH

Civil Engineer

Faith. Attitude Sweat. Gratitude Rowdiest...


What a ride! It was a blast. I learned more about myself than I could have anywhere else. Thanks to everyone here who’s put in for/up with me, especially my fellow squadmates. Hop1 to see you all in the Big Blue! “I lift my eyes to the mountains, from where does my help come from? My help come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

- Psalm 121:1-2

A huge thank you goes out to all my family. You all have never doubted me and given me so much love and supprt. Even when things get rough I know we will always have the ties that bind. Love you all! Chem nerds, dogs, and everyone else... it has been a blast. Here’s to a small Air Force and running into you all again down the road Take care.

T.C. Davis Phoenix, AZ


Gentlemen and humans it has been a great ride and I ain’t believe we have survived this far. Live Fast and Die Fast I always say...I said that once. In the words of a great philosopher of our time “All I ever needed was a pair of shoes. A dollar in my pocket. And a parachute, Air-o-plane that 1 can lake to the sky...” - Shwayze

Jonathan D. Broadbent Crescent City, CA Intelligence Lauren Carter Colorado Springs, CO Sheldon Clary Colorado Springs, CO Caleb Cole Edinburg, VA Pilot

Derek Ecklebe Omaha, NE Pilot

It’s been quite a ride. Thank you for the memories. I could not have done it without all of the support from everyone. Mom, Dad, Dan, & Dustin I love you all so much! I wish everyone the best and can’t wait to see all life has in store for us!

Michael “Reed” Fleming Columbus, GA Pilot

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” - Proverbs 3:5-6

Jorge Gonzalez El Centro, CA Pilot

Thanks to my family, my friends, my sponsor family, and God of course for all the support in helping me through this five-year plan Nunca olvides tus raices, never forget your roots. Peace to all and Good Luck

Matthew Ibarra York, PA


Thank you to my family and my friends for helping me overcome the obstacles that have I experienced. I could not have possibly pushed through without you all. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Corey Eddy Somer, MT Civil Engineer

Thanks to my family for giving me the support and guidance I needed Thanks to my friends who made this place bearable during the worst times. ‘The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” -

Cody Gentry Medford WI

Astronautical Engineer

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will” - Vince Lombardi 1 have to thank my family and the Lord for giving me the strength of will to always keep going. It’s been rough but immensely rewarding. To Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happy Hour.” MMTHI

Caitlin Gregory Fairfax, VA


If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined he will meet with asuccess unexpected in common hours.

Shelley Johnson Phoenix, AZ


“For I know the plans 1 have for you.” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.

To all my friends, soaring IPs, Astro nerds and my Dogs of War, you have made my time here unforgettable. Good luck, this is only the beginning! Morn Dad, Megan, thank you for your amazing love and support. And Lord, it’s all for You!

Squadron Threef181

Samantha Jones

Sewell NJ


“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail” - Dr. Robert Schuller. Thanks to my all friends, teammates, and family for supporting me through everything. I am grateful for the four amazing years of memories I have. I wish you all well and the best of luck in all life has to offer us.

Jonathan Kimball Camp Zarrn, Japan Pilot

“I am a peacock...You gotta let me fly!”

- The Other Guys. Mom, Dad, Chanel Jeremy, and Carson thank you so much for being there for me over the past 4 years. I couldn’t have done it without you. To all my great friends, thanks for all the memories. Keep in touch, I will missya!

David Lucas II Daytona Beach, FL Cyberspace Operations

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” - Muhammad AIL I could not have made it on my own. Thank you Lord for ordering my steps, my family for love and support and the lifelong friends I met along the way. #letsgo! goons. 282

Mengyuan Qiu Glendale, AZ Security Forces/ Army

Thank you AF wrestling team, I am grateful for this great family, and the amazing experiences. Good luck to all of you. Fortune Favors the Brave!

Patrick Joseph Harrisonville, MO Pilot

This has gone so fast but has been a great ride Thank you to my friends and family for all the support that they have given me in this journey. Thanks for all the memories and best of luck to everyone “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -

Jamie Levesque Orange, CA

Space and Missiles

Thanks to my wonderful parents and brothers for their support, faith, and encouragement throughout these past few years. I couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks to all my friends for the many memorable moments I will cherish for the rest of my life! I am blessed.

- Jeremiah 29:11

Henry “Hal” Niemeyer McGomb, MS Pilot

I can’t believe it’s over already. I deeply appreciate and will remember my friends and the memories we made for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to serve with yoti and I’m sure we’ll run into each other down the road Thanks to my family and Lindsey for being so supportive. “You will break them with a rod of iron; You will shatterthem like pottery.” - Psalm 2:9

Sheila Sherman Gonneaut, OH Force Support

Thank you to my family for your love and support. Thank you to all of my friends, squadmates, and classmates for walking each step of this adventure with me (especially Christine, who’s been by my side since day 1). There's a big world waiting for us outside USAFA; 1 wish you all the best! “Fear not. 1 am with you...I will strengthen you and help you.” - Isaiah 41:10

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” - Isaiah 43:2. Thank you God for blessing me with this opportunity! I dedicate this moment to my family, whom I could not have succeeded without.

Ryan Sol Thompson Falls, MT Pilot

To Mom Dad, and Joe, thanks for keeping me sane and getting me through it all. I hope to make you proud in all that I do. To all my friends and classmates, it’s been a great four years and it’s all been thanks to you. I wish you nothing but the best.

Michael Wojdan Safety Harbor, FL

Acquisitions/Medical School

Thank you to all of my friends and family. Without you I couldn’t have accomplished thisdream To my fellow Dogs of War, bio majors, medical school aspirants, and choir buddies... I look forward to seeing you around the Air Force. Good luck and godspeed! “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."

Thanks to my parents, sisters and brother for the continual support and prayer. Thank you to my friends who have been with me for this adventure. I’ve had so much fun with you guys. “He Is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

Dennis “Trent” Smith Clearfield, UT Pilot Calvin Woodard West Lafayette, IN Pilot

Cody Abies Ontario, OR Pilot

Thanks Mom and Dad, thanks for everything. You guys Rock! Grandma Lindsay and John, Hailey, Father Ray, Josh, the Schindlers, and all my friends, thanks for being there for me. To everyone else: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” - Dr. Seuss. PEACE!

linden Ballen Sky Valley, CA Riot

I would like to thank my Mom and Dad, Family and Friends. For their continued love and support, I couldn’t have done it without you

“Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self controL They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.” -1 Corinthians 9:24-25. To God, my parents, and three awesome sisters-1 love you! To all my friends, keep it real..

Amanda Atitya

Clovis, CA

Force Support

“On the edge of a moment in the land that we love, in a time when our best has to be good enough. Like all those before us, we start out alone. We race from our schoolyards into the unknown. City lights as far as the eye can see. You and I we will live differently. With our hearts in our hands like loaded guns, we’re taking our chance. We’re the lucky ones...”

Jason Besecky Fairfax, VA


This space intentionally left blank.

“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.”

- Yogi Berra; To my parents, sister, friends, and all of the Fighters: thank you so much for reminding me where I’m going and helping me get there. This has been an amazing experience where I have met some of the best friends I’ll ever know and had many experiences I’ll never forget. “Vini Vidi Vici” - Caesar


To my family, my friends; thank you all for loving me throughout. I will forever change the things I can accept those that I can’t, and have the god-given common sense to know the difference because truthfully, “Life is too important to be taken seriously.”

From rad-times in the Rockies, shredin' with the bros. to bad times in the Ami getting restricted blows! From strength that was only a fatale, to the stuff that can only come from God. From early mornings on parade, to tin' late nights we almost got... From silver clouds, to gold bars. Everything good and hid lias an end. Except for one thing: here's to the family, who 1 used to rail friend.

Matt Bleckman Rolla, MO Pilot Corbin Boyles Tempe, AZ Pilot Hannah Campbell Columbia, NH Danny Castro Bozeman MT / Jackson WY Pilot

Anthony Demina

Knob Noster, MO Pilot

I would like to thank God for supporting me through my entire life. Mom and dad, you guys are the best, without you guys I wouldn’t be close to where I am today.Thea, Sara, and Lisa, thank you for always being there for me!

David Granato

Essex Junction VT

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor." - Aristotle; To my parents, friends, and family; thanks for always being there and supporting me in all of my decisions. It has been a challenging road to get where I am and I couldn’t have done it without y’alL Thanks for keeping my spirits high during the challenging times. “Vent Vidi Vici.”

Andrew Haus

Oak Grove, MN


“The very credentials these people are waving around as something special I’m tearing up and throwing out with the trash—along with everything else I used to take credit for. Why? Because of Christ. Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Gompared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant...”

-Philippians 3:7 (MSG)

Brett McKinnon Savannah, GA


“Don’t wait for extraordinary opportrinities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them”

- Orison Swetl; Maiden To everybody who did and didn’t quite make it with me these four years, thank you for some of the most memorable, and occasionally forgettable, times. These past four years have been the fastest and slowest at the same time biit I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.

Shawn Emery

Dallas, TX Pilot

Thank you Lord for the career I am about to begin, because I can’t say that I have earned it. Mom, thank you for always being available to talk for hours on the phone. Sarah, thank you for being such an awesome sister. And finally, thank you Dad for motivating me to keep pushing forward. Your encouragement has helped me achieve so much, and I wish you were here to experience it with me.

Harrison Green

San Antonio, TX Pilot

“Success is not final failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill. Looking forward to an incredible career and many future adventures. I am incredibly grateful to God, my family, my incredible friends and squadmates, and everyone who has helped me fulfill my childhood dream. Here’s to you.

Matt Hendrickson

Canton GA

Financial Management

Thank you Mom, Dad, and family for the support throughout; thank you Katherine for the support within thank you Lord for the reminder that “there is a time for everything under heaven a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1,8 ...But right now I’m just happy that it’s time to leave.

Timothy Miller

Worthington OH


I’d like to thank my family and my sponsor family for their support. To those of you who understood my jokes, thank you. To eveiyone else, I was still got a kick out of your puzzled and confused expressions.

Squadron Four 185

Bridgett Murphy Melbourne Beach, FL


USAFA+Mom=soccer seasons of stress/ 2 hour Sunday phone chats. +Dad=”you can be a contractor just likeme!7a surprising appreciation of cadet humor. +Keara=two sisters playing DI soccer/ “lol what’s a SecDef?” +Bemadette=Nope. +Noah/ Abe/Aaron=future Fightin’ 4th grads? -+Gracie=how did she get so big? +Al=Roommates for life. +The Boys=the older brothers I always wanted

Ashley Olson Silver City, NM Pilot

Much love and thanks to my family, friends, and the Fighter family! You all mean so much to me! Mom- thanks for listening to me through all those teary phone calls and encouraging me to never give up. Dad- thanks for bragging about me constantly, you’re my hero. I can’t believe these 4 years are already over, but thank goodness they are! Good luck to everyone! We did it!

Alexa Ramsier Dallas, TX


And in the blink of an eye, four years has gone by just like that. It’s been one crazy awesome journey and I owe it all to my amazing family and friends who have put up with me along the way. “But I know there’s one more thing left I got to do...Ramble On. And now’s the time, the time is now, to sing my song.” -LedZeppelin

Thanks Mom, Dad, joe and Kate for your constant, unconditional love and support. I couldn’t have done it without you Bert, we did it! Thanks for always being there no matter what. Best twin bro in the world. Thanks to all my great friends, especially Jess, Plarry, Elf Carson, Matt, Geoff, Linden, Johnny, Chris, Tim, Kenny, Trudy, Vinny, the Fighter family, and ski team “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.”

- Philippians 4:13

Michael O’Donnell Syracuse, NY Pilot

“Remember kid there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid and you’ll never go wrong.”

- The Sandlot, All thanks to God whose grace always sustains, my parents for their continual love and support, my older brothers who are my heroes for training me up young, and to my fellow PTWOBs who have made my Academy experience unforgettable to say the least. ...Here’s to you - Acts 20:24

Joanna Pattugalan Irvine, CA Force Support

Thank you God for blessing me with the fortitude to persevere through the toughest four years of my life. To Dad. Mom, and Courtney, thank you fixing my loot, for letting me ciy, and for believing in me when I lost the will to believe. Without you. I am nothing, and I most certainly wouldn’t be where nor who I am today. I love you!!! And to Nancy and Bethany... STAY STRONG 6E17I

Timothy Reid Brookings, SD


Thank you Mom, Dad, Lindsey, and Becky. Also, thanks to the many family and friends who have been there for me throughout this experience I never made it easy for any of you and I never could have done it without you “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” - Oscar Wilde

“Your attitude towards class is cavalier and nonchalant.” - Mr. Nell: “Get your head out of the clouds." Mr. Nell: "1 do not know why Cadet Roesler is at USAFA.” Major Beattie; “We love you no matter what.” - Mom and Dad

Samuel Rinaldi Coraopolis, PA Pilot Nathaniel Roesler Hastings, MN Pilot

Joseph Shields

Newark, CA

Air Battle Manager

In the immortal words of many fine actors, “I’d like to thank the Academy...” But more importantly, thank you Mom Dad, Tom Grandma and Grandpa, Grandma and Granddad, andall of my family and friends. Without your support and guidance throughout the years I would never have made it this far. It has been a long road and I know I may have seemed unappreciative sometimes but I now realize that you were right (usually.)

Enoch Wong Monterey Park, CA Pilot

Thank you God for answering my prayers and blessing me with friends and family every step ofthe way. Dad, thanks for always being there for support and advice. I always look forward to your calls on the weekend. Mom your love and encouragement have always been the solid foundation I need when times are tough. Hariy and Dan, “Here’s to the bureaucracy that made us better!”

Daniel Won

Lake Forest, CA


By the grace of God, my time has finally come. My dream is finally hem Mom and Dad, thank you for making me the person I am today. David, I couldn’t ask for a better brother, friend, and mentor. I realized that I’ve been following your footsteps ever since I was little because you have always seem to do the cooler things in life for some reasoa - Matthew 5:9


“Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” - Ferris Buehler; Thanks Mom and Dad, Ben Isabella Family and Friends; I couldn’t have done this without all of your support.

Thank you to all my family and friends for your continual support. Wolfpack you are like a second family to me and 1 will miss all of you. Phillipians 4:13


To my family, thank you for your love.

To the Raptor Firsties of ’09, thank you for setting the bar high. To my friends at the Academy and especially my Wolf Pack family, thank you for allowing me to grow alongside you in difficult and fun times.


“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” - 2 Cor. 12:9 God has blessed me beyond daydreams, and any success I have seen during this adventure has stemmed from my brave and brilliant family.

Thank you for believing that this was exactly where I was supposed to be and never letting me forget that all glory is His.

To my parents, sisters, grandparents and friends thank you so much for your constant support and love Wolfpack keep raging! I can’t imagine a better squad to be a part of and I know how blessed I was to spend these last three years with all of you. “Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good” - Wicked


I want to say thank you to Mom and I wish I could say thank you to Dad for all the unconditional love you gave me. I could have not made it these last five years without you Brother Will, thanks for plowing the way and keeping me going. You’re my hero. Sister-bears: please keep a lid on it. And lastly, hallelujah!... I’ve taken my diaper off!!

To Mom Dad Barbara, Clyde, Kate, Jeremy, Rachel and Alex, thank you so much for the love and support. I could not have done it without you guys!


Thank you to all of those who helped me along the way - all my amazing friends in the Wolfpack. Thank you Mom and Dad for everything not just for 4 years, but for 22. “Do not te anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Zachary Bennett Tamuning, Guam Pilot Madison Chilton Colorado Springs, CO Bioenvironmental Engineer Brack Duvall Goldsboro, NC Pilot Andrew Ferris Sheridiari WY Eli Garduno Santa Fe, NM Daniel Harold Corona del Mar, CA Pilot Fumiko Hedlund Kohala, HI Matthew Lee Columbia, MO

Ryan Lutz

North Aurora, IL Pilot

I want to thank my friends and family for supporting me throughout my time here at USAFA. I have met some great people along the way and am blessed for having them in my life. I havehad such a great time here and the memories that were made will last a lifetime. “Rule #76: No Excuses, Play like a Champion” - Wedding Crashers

Sean McGee Grand Rapids, MI Pilot

The last four years have flown by surprisingly fast. I want to thank my family and friends for helping and putting up with me throughout the past four years. This place has taught me a lot more than I would have expected. “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried.” - Albert Einstein

Jonathan Newman

Rock Springs, WY


My loving parents raised and nourished me from the womb to boyhood. McCallie took me as a boy and made me a man The Academy took me as a man and made me a soldier. “Fear is the most devastating human creation yet it is nothing more than an illusion” - Joe Restaino McCallie ‘08

Samantha Reep AppleValley, UT


Thanks to everyone who made this dream a reality! Mom and Daddy, yott’ve been my strength; Thomas, my inspiration; the Tomme’s, my mentors; Ernili, my test friend; & Andrew, you’ve completely changed my life. I love you all! To the Baby Blackbirds, the Wolfpack, & 2012, thank you. You’ve taught me so much about life, leadership, ambition & above all, friendship. I’m blessed to be among you! Good luck & give'em hell!

Hanna Marlette Auberry, CA Pilot

‘There never was a good war or a bad peace.” - Benjamin Franklin

Kenneth Natelli Byram, NJ Pilot

Thank you Mom, Dad, and Richie for all your support I couldn’t have made it this farwithout you. Thank you to the Wolfpack for being a home away from home and thank you to my roommate Ryan. “Aim for the bushes” - The Other Guys

Aadit Patel

Staten Island, NY

Mechanical Developmental Engineer

“I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.” - Albert Einstein

Thanks Mom and Dad for the support.

Benjamin Rinaldi Pittsburgh. PA


I want to thank all of my friends in the Wolf Pack for all the help they’ve given me over the last few years. Thank you Sam, for always being a brother and a true friend to me. Joe, Kate, Mom, and Dad, I love you all. Thank you for all the support and care packages over the years. And to Casey, I love you, girl

Squadron Fiveis) •^■^189

Brandon Roberts

Denton, TX

Cyberspace Operations

“In hisheart a man plans his course but the LORDdirects his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9; I want to thank everyone for getting me here, all my mentors, my friends and especially my family. Thanks for always supporting and standing next to me. Most of all I thank God for the grace and the hope that got me through it. This place has been an adventure that has and will take me to places that I never thought were possible. Life is adventure, you

“Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice; say that I was a drum major for peace; I was a drum major for righteousness.” - Martin Luther King Jr. Mom and Dad, I Love You Wolf Packl War Eagles! We’ve struggled through much and gained so much from it! See you out there in the Big Boy Air Force!

Ryan “Trudy” Trudelle San Jose, CA Finance

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a T-Rex more than anything in the world I made my arms short and I roamed the back yard I chased the neighborhood cats, I growled and I roared everybody knew me and was afraid of me, and one day my dad said “Ryan, you are 18, its time to grow up and go to college” so I said “ok pop” and then 1 went to the Air Force Academy. Thanks Mom, Arianna and the Wilsons and Woltkamps.

Sacramento, CO Civil Engineering

Take a deep breath and let life happen. I am grateful for the great opportunities and people that have come into my life over the past five years unforgettable memories. Thank you family, friends, and team for your love and support; I don’t know where I would be without all of you. I love you all and you have made a difference in my life.

It’s been a fun four years...and senioritis almost kicked my butt several times. But I made it. When asked how I made it, the best answer I can give is “Very carefully.” Then there is the question, how could you have had fun? Let me splain...No, there is too much. Let me sum up: Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

James Ure Cupertino, CA


“Two roads diverged in a wood and I-I took the one less traveled by, And that hasmade all the difference.” - Robert Frost

Bryan Watson Bellevue, NE


1 want to thank my Mom, Dad and my Brother. Thanks to all my friends and to those I had help from. I couldn't have done it without yoti guys. Most importantly. Thanks for till the memories! 1 f there is anything I’ve ferried over the years, it’s to never give up and to appreciate life. T1tanks again to everyone 1 know! 1 Love you all!

Jamela Satterfield David Shadoin Crete, NE Pilot Michael Sattes Charleston, WV Pilot

Tyler Weissinger

Altoona, LA


Thanks to my mom, dad, Nick, Trish, and Nicole for your support through these years. I love you all and I could not have made it without your help. To all the classes following the class of 2012, HAP!, keep your heads up. You will make it through quicker than you know. The sky is not the limit...it is our playground.

Weston Woldt

Raymond NE


Dad Mom Dylan, and Cara thank you for your constant support these last four years. Without you I don’t know if I couldhave done it. To my sponsor family Gary, Ruth, JP, and Hannah you have been amazing. To all my friends thank you for all the laughs and good times. This place would have been unbearable without you.

Alex Zubey Tamaqua. PA


Thanks to my Dad, my Mom my brother George, and the rest of my family and friends for all the love and support over the last four years. I truly could not have done it with you.

Denton TX

Security Forces

They gave me a job that involves a gun how could they make such a mistake?

I’ve shared the last four years with the best friends anyone could ever have. Thank you all so much for your support and the incredible times together. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you do!

“Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.” - John F. Kennedy. Thank you Mom, Dad, Greg, Grandma Grandpa all my Family Members, Friends, Instructors and Mentors for encouraging me to Go for the Gold and chase after my dreams! The journey has been long, the journey has been tough, butthe journey has been rewarding!

Finally done! I wouldlike to thank God for guiding me through many successes and failures, as well as Mommy, Daddy, and my sister Chelsea for listening to me for countless hours over these four years. You provided such wonderful support and encouragement. Lastly, I would like to thank Ben for being an awesome roommate and for becoming the friend that you are.

It’s been a long road to say the least but I will always cherish the experiences I’ve shared with those whom I have grown to love. I would like to give thanks to my family, my friends, and the friends who have become family.


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”

“Leadership is a gift.” - Gen Mark Welch

Mom, Dad. and Laura, thank you so much for t he love and support you have given me, I couldn’t have done it without you. To all my incredible friends and mentors, thanks for always believing in me and being there for me. God, thank you for blessing and protecting me. I’m so grateful for the opportunities 1 have txvn given and will always do my best. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. ODCTM.

Russell Ahrens David G Baccash Jacksonville FL Pilot Vince Capra Arvada CO Christopher J Brown Corvallis, OR Pilot Colby Dawn Chaput Worcester, MA Pilot Morgan E England Highlands Ranch, CO Intelligence
Harrison Collins Gebs Chesterfield, VA Pilot Dustin Luke Hayhurst Freeport, FL Pilot

Timothy Jefferson Jr.

Atlanta GA

Airfield Operations

No matter the obstacles you go through in life, you must always hold your head high. Even when you seem to have lost all hope, just remember that nothing can take away your pride and dignity, for those alone will get you through life. Thanks to you Mommy, Daddy, Tract Temia and Grandma I have passed yet another milestone in life. I Love You! |\A'

Tacoma WA


This has been the most incredible experience. I want to thank my family for always being by my side, Denny and Maria for being the greatest people ever, Chris and Kathleen for doing so much for me, the Bugg family for giving me a home away from home, and especially all of the guys that are brothers to me now. I’ll never forget any of yon

Pittsburgh, PA

Medical School

Mom, Dad, Annelise, Michael and everyone else who would have relentlessly made fun of me if I had failed, you guys are the reason I made it through this place. To all you Academy people, it was.Jnteresting, thanks, bye.

Harry Kehs

Vienna VA

Space and Missiles

There are no words that could express the love and thanks I have for God my family, and my friends for helping me make it through this place. I am nothing without you. Much love to all the Pony Homies!

Developmental Engineer

It has been my experience that trying times have come not in ones and twos, but rather in multiples thereof. It is during those times, then, that I have found friends and family alike to be the pillar upon which I rely - the momentum by which I abide. To any and all in these categories, you have my thanks and appreciation ad infinitum


Mom, thank you for your love, support, and amazing care packages the past four years. Dad, remember that one time you played golf instead of coming to class with me on Parents Weekend? You are the most amazing parents and 1 couldn’t have accomplished this dream without you two, Dan, and Paige. To my friends, thank you for the memories, love, and laughter. I cannot wait to start the next chapter of our lives together.

Aaron Koveleskie Tristan Alexander Latchu Fort Lauderdale, FL Anthony Pompa Sarah Justine Radakovich Leesburg, VA
Squadron Six 193

Paulina Kim Rudolph

Silver Lake, KS

Force Support

Praise be to God for His plan is so much better than mine! I had some serious doubts at first, but now, looking back, I can see His faithfulness and how much I have grown since Day 1. Thank you to my family, friends back home, and new friends made here. Without your support and encouragement I would not have been able to see past those dark days and be so successful Proverbs 3:5-6

Sergeant Bluff, 1A


God gets all the glory! He got me in here and He kept me here. Thank you Dad, Mom Emily, Jonathan, Alexa, and Caleb for all your love, support, and prayers. I couldn’t have done this without you Thanks to all my friends back home for your amazing encouragement. Finally, thanks to my friends here who made this place such a great experience. 1 am extremely blessed Joshua 1:9

Bryan Stigall

Paducah, KY

Medical School / Pilot

To the Father and my Family and my Friends, 1 owe the greatest thanks for all that you are and all that you have pushed me to become. However if I don’t let you know that outside of this Blurb, it’s not you it’s me. I’m probably busy trying to find room for all my stuff in Sir Winston the Safari Wagon Spalla, what will you do with all that space?

Susan Vanden Dries Austin, TX


God, I cannot thank you enough for the blessings you continuously give me. Dad continue to walk with me through all I do, dry my tears when I’m sad and hit me upside the head when I’m being stupid. 1 miss you and pray that yott’re proud of me. “Where there is no love, put love and there you will draw out love.” - St. John of the Cross

Daniel Rule

Kiowa, CO


Once I had a dream, this is it.

Andrew Spalla Dublin. OH


“The harder you work, the luckier you get.” - Gary Player; To Mom, Dad, Em. Daniel and Bill thanks for being there every step of the way!

Stafford VA


I want to thank my family, sponsor family and friends fortheir continuous support and encouragement. It is because of them that I have made it this far. It has not been easy getting through this place, but I am grateful for the memories and friendships that I will have for a lifetime


Thank you to all my family and friends that believed in, supported and inspired me to reach for high goals.

Benjamin David Sowers Nicole Torres Chase Welch Murrieta, CA
Squadron Six 195

Aaron Taylor Ashley Overland Park, KS


I owe the biggest thanks to my Mom, Dad, Sister Amber, Brother Hunter, Brother JB, Carrie and the rest of my family and friends for helping me get to this point and being such a huge part of my life. I have also made and forgotten plenty of memories over the last four years with some great people, as for dirty mike and the boys it’s been great getting through this place with you all

Michael P Beaulieu

Ann Arbor, MI Pilot


“Without hope, you have nothing.” This statement truly describes all the experiences and obstacles 1 have overcome these years. Those important to me drove my motivation to succeed: Dad, Mom, Unde Joe, Aunt Tina and Katherine - all of you helped define my best years. When I walk down the long blue line in May, I know that He will be walking beside me. Thanks for joining me as I embark onto a new beginning.

Oklahoma City, OK Intelligence

Thank you to... Dad for showing me it was worth the fight, Mom for showing me love, Drew for showing me the right way, Brendan for showing me there is humor in everything, and all my friends for showing me how to keep it real.

Civil Engineering

A loving gratitude for all those who’ve touched my life and helped me develop into the person I’ve become. 1 will carry all ofyou with me and never lose sight of the chapters we’ve written together. God Bless are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Michael Jordan

It has been a hell of a journey. Thanks to my family who stood behind me during the good times and the bad. It would not have been possible without the support of family and friends. I inherited another family when I came here, and it has been worth every minute of pain. Here’s to you fellas. I’ll see you on the other side^^^^^’Liiiiits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”

Matthew C Blessing Tannersville, PA Pilot

“Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain” - Dave Matthews Barid^^^^Thank you to my family and friends: out not where but who you’re with that really matters.” - Dave Matthews Band

Cyber Operations

I am very thankful to all of my family and friends who have always been there for me. Without all of you, this journey would not have been possible.


Thank you to rny family and friends for being my constant support while at the Academy. Daddy- thank you for being the backbone I always called. Douggie- You are the best older brother a girl could ask for and my constant inspiration. Mommy- Thank you for always being there and making me want to be a better person Julia You are the sister never had, and 1 cannot wait for you to join our family. 1 love you all!

Diana Bennett Ocala FL Patrick Burke Joshua Burton Merrill WI Stephen Dennis Caple Rice Lake, WI Caroline Lilyann Dluzen Roscoe. IL


This is my prayer to myself as well as cadets to follow: “Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”


This space was intentionally left blank.


1 want to thank my friends and family for helping me these last few years. I couldn’t have imagined making it through this place without ya’ll “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. Andthen go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.” -

Developmental Engineering, Astronautical

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your - Psalm 37:4


Life sure is an incredible journey. I never would have believed that three years after graduating from high school in Alaska I would be a future pilot, spending my freetime in freefalf and sharing the greatest experiences in life with so many other incredible people. I’ll always carry the memories of those surreal jumps, rifle team trips, crazy weekends, hot tubs, and of course the people that have made me love my life. Blue Skies...


“The higher the mountain you climb, the greater the reward.”- MGG jias |;)een a and rewarding 4 years. Mom and Dad, your love, support and guidance has been instrumental to my success, thank you very much. Holly, Hannah, Marcus, and Mitchell without your loveand encouragement I wouldn’t be where I am today, thank you To the rest of my family and friends, I thank you for all that you have done.

Civil Engineering

“I kept dreaming of a world I thought I’d never see. And then one day...I got in.”


Push yourself to the limit, Work until you can’t push yourself further, Go until you break the wall Go until you taste blood, Until your lungs feel like they are ripping out of your chest, And when you collapse from exhaustion, Then you know how far you can truly push yourself, Get up smile and come back tomorrow. To see if you can go further.

Christina “Grinch” England Nashville, IN Patrick Everson Eagle River, AK Colton Flynn Biloxi MS Maurice Joseph Grosso Hartland MI Philip Leppo Marietta, GA Joseph P Matejcik Rapid City, SD Bryan P McCarthy Leesburg, VA Karl Oeser Wichita, KS
Squadron Seven

Allison Paddock

St. Louis, MO

Financial Manager

G’bye slow internet, with your neverending buffers; G’bye Mitchell Hall with your mysterious-looking suppers. G’bye Falcon Stadium, so long march-ons and tailgates; G’bye Tzo Fox, friends and squadronmates. G’bye Haps, my Thurs. night destination; G’bye Fairchild, GRs, and final presentations. G’bye Permanent Party, the of puppet masters; G’bye school that is, until I get my Master’s. G’byeVandy Tower, so glad I’m done. G’bye USAFA, it’s been...fun?

Robert Raynor

Sebastopol CA

Physicist, Nuclear Engineer

I’ll be glad to put cadet life behind me for goal and find out what plans God has for my life after graduation That being said, I’m thankfulfor all of the opportunities I’ve received and the things I’ve learned while at USAFA. Thank you, to my family, friends, professors, and all who have helped me make it this far. Congratulations 2012!

Never Falter, Never Fail!

Kevin Restrepo Queens, NY


Ma, Pa, & Jenn, this one’s for you. I wouldn’t have done it without the love and support from you and the rest of our family. Better than selling kabobs, no? To all my loser friends, thanks for keeping me sane. Finally, thank you baby Jesus for looking out. st=4°''****

“Many of the things you can count, don’t count. Many of the things you can’t count, really count.”

Amber Kay Sikora Vancouver, WA


“Ifyou believe in yourself, then you will be able to achieve anything.”

- unknown

Jamaal A N Paul

Arima, Trinidad & Tobago Intelligence

“Man finds nothing so intolerable as to be in a state of complete rest, without passions, without occupation, without diversion, without effort. Then he feels his nullity, loneliness, inadequacy, dependence, helplessness, emptiness.”

Colton J. “Reido” Reid Maryville, TN


“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack in will”

Michael Rubanka San Antonio, TX

Developmental Engineering, Mechanical

Mom and Dad thank you for pushing me to come here and once I was here pushing me to get through. I can’t imagine having done this without your continuous support andharassment. You pushed me beyond what I thought my limits were And Hana, you may not think you did much, but your little gifts and comments made life a lot easier than it could have been I love you all

James Walmsley

Scottsdale, AZ


Thank you Mom, Dad, Wi! and Kim for all the love and support, especially throughout these last four years. To all the AFXC guys, I take away so many great memories with you. Thank you Coach Benson and Coach Stanforth for always being there. Flea Trainer.

Jeremy Webb

El Paso, TX

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

“Anyone can give up, it is the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” - unknown

Paul A Weisgarber Fargo. ND


1 want to thank my family, friends, and teammates for all the support over the past four years. I would not be where I am today without your thoughts and prayers. ************

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas Edison

Seth White

Carson City, NV Pilot

If there is no struggle no challenge, then what is the point?

Charles Bowyer

Tucsoa AZ Pilot

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”Winston Churchill If we keep looking ahead what’s behind us doesn’t seem nearly as difficult, so let’s get started!

Nicholas Rosario Cataldo Jupiter, FL Intelligence

Thank you to those who made my Graduation possible. Mora Dad, & Alexis, I love you all very much, I am the man I am today because of yoa The Tripod, Brittany, Cole, my old Bulldawgs and Eagles, the Boxing team, and everyone else who befriended me while on my journey here, thank you. I will always carryyou in my heart.

Thank you God and may you always bless theUnited States of America!

Thank you to my friends and family for all of your love and support, especially my Mother who gave me the courage to succeed “Cue the Duckboats!”

Thank you to my family and friends back home for your love and support.

Thanks Baby BJ’s for pulling me through the first year and Eagles for making the last three Great.

Christopher Cassidy Buffalo, NY


“The greatest happiness is the happiness that comes as a by-product of striving to do what must be done even though sorrow is met in the doing”TR Here’s to the striving, the late nights, the endless days. Here’s to the happiness and fulfillment we may not yet truly recognize Most of all here’s to the loving family, the best of friends-even across thousands of miles, and the rock of faith that got me through.

Matthew Clinard Novi MI Intelligence

Family and Friends; that is the foundation upon which my life is built. All of you are incredible people and I appreciate everything you have ever done or - sacrificed to get me to this point in my life. “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” -Isocrates

Thank you Mom, Dad Bel and Isaac for all your support and love. To all my classmates from 28 and 8, you guys made the Academy an awesome experience and I’ll miss all of you. Thanks.

Combat Rescue Officer

To my family, of blood and otherwise; Thanks, you made this step passible and enjoyable. P 23 -SANDHURST!!!

Ryan Joseph Cooney West Newbury, MA Developmental Engineer Christopher-Seth Dyer Altus, OK Pilot
An Wyatt Dyer Burns, WY Pilot William Friedl Rushville, IN

Timothy Michael Hartford Georgetown, MA


Thanks Mom, Dad, Shannon, Matt and the rest of my family for all your love, support, and inspiration that got me to where I am today. Goodluck to my Deucers/ Eagles as we moveon to bigger and better things. My UOCS boys, Lakyn, Aimee: I can’t thank you enough for all the good times and the lifelong friendships. Cooney and Siebs: Thanks for all the shenanigans and the many more to come.


“Lie, too, has resigned his part In the casual comedy; He, too. has been changed in his turn, Transformed utterly: A terrible beauty is bom” ~W.B. Yeates- Thank you to everyone who got me through, family by blood or by experience, you all mean more than I’ll find the words to say. With this ending, life begins!


“Winners train losers complain” and a thanks to my family, because without them I would never be who I am.

Jennifer Lee Millis Texas City. TX

Airfield Operations

1 MADE IT! Thank you Mom, Dad, Jacob and friends for all of your love and support through the years.

“I’m officially kicking off phase two; Operation Fiscal Jackhammer”-Rod Kimble

Steve Jones

Kansas City, MO


Life is what you make it! I thank God, my family, and my friends for helping me make the best of it. Always “Goin against the grain” 282

Logan Lastovica Fredericksburg, TX Pilot

Thanks to my family and friends for getting me through. “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” - John F. Kennedy


Thank you to my mom who taught me the value of hard work and to my sister, for being my friend. “Thus we cannot make our sun stand still yet we will make him run.”


It all started with my Family, 1 wouldn’t be the man or where I am today without you so thank you for everything! Guys, this is only the beginning of the ride so much more to come. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” RWE. Custcdes Regni Superiora

Samantha Elizabeth Latch Phelps, NY Nicholas Ambrose Manning Rosemount, MN Erika Martin Billings, MT Jared Morris Brenham, TX
Squadron Eightw201

Cassandra Maria Pederzani Coventry, RI Intelligence

Hiii Thank you Mom, Dad, Thomas, and Raquel You are my motivation and inspiration. TQM I love my lips! A special thanks to Him for giving me strength, and to everyone who supported me through thick and thin. Congrats and take care, 2012. I’ll miss you. To 2013, 2014, and 2015, carry on and I’ll see ya out there. Byeee

It’s not what you do or where you are, it’s who you’re with and what they mean to you that make all the difference. Thank you everyone who has supported me through it all.

I would not have been able to do it without the support of my loving family and friends. Thank you for everything that you have done to help me become who I am today. To you 1 owe my success. To my fellow Eagles: It was a pleasure, may God be with you throughout your future endeavors. Tim: “You’re welcome.” Cooney “My name is Ryan and I like to party.”


Nathaniel Dixon Raymond

Peachtree City, GA

Developmental Engineer -Astro

I could not have done this without the love and support of my family. Thank you. You mean the world to me. Fellas: We actually made it. Roadhouse. Abs and my future astronauts: SPACEPOWER! “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.” -Proverbs 19:31

To my whole family thank you so much for sticking with me the entire time, supporting me when I needed it and even when I thought I didn’t. I love you all. To my friends, youguys are messed up: see you on the other side. ‘The reason most jreople fail instead of succeed is because they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment.”

and Missiles

I learned how to forge a document and I learned how to forge it well

Sine amore, nihil est vita

“Determination lies in l he balance of tage, perseverance and faithfullness."

Theodore Henry Reicks Swisher, 1A Pilot Nick Reed Memphis, TN Pilot Ryan Russell Siebert Dallas, TX Pilot Matatal” Warren Cole Smith Charlotte, NC Space John Wesley Stribling Blytheville, AR Civil Engineer Jefferson Robert Sweet Asheville, NC Civil Engineer

Love what you do, love where you are, love the people around you, and love yourself. If we choose to act on love, andrefuse to act on hate, this world will be a better place. So spread the love, smile at a stranger, have random dance parties, laugh loudly. You’ll live longer. #wisdomgainedfrombeingfoolish

Philip Valenzo

San Antonio, TX


To my family and the family I have found here: thank you for your love and support. You made this possible. Veni, vidi vici

Shaina Grace Thompson Olympia WA Force Support

Nick Barrett Franklin, MA Contracting

“Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life. Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Andrew Franklin Chesapeake, VA Intelligence

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream Discover.” - Mark Twain

Julian Gluck LaGrange, GA Pilot

“I believe that man will not merely endure:he will prevail He is immortal not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.” - William Faulkner. Thank you to my family, friends, teachers, and mentors for your invaluable insight and support. See you in the Blue! “...And the weather’s so breezy. Man, why can’t life always be this easy?’ - Kanye

David Heitstuman Sasebo, Japan Pilot

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”

Kirsten Buslinger

Eton NC

Physician’s Assistant

I have been blessed by an awesome God, a wonderful family, and loving friends...couldn’t have done it without you all Micah 6:8 “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.”

William Giguere Groton MA Pilot

“Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.” - Anna Freud

Joshton Hall Atlanta, GA Intelligence

“Do you think God gives people patience when they ask for it, or an opportunity to be patient? Do you think He gives them courage when they ask for it, or an opportunity to be courageous?’

-God, Evan Almighty....282

K Sarah Hitt Universal City, TX Behavioral Scientist

Thanks to my family for their love and support, and thanks to my friends who made it worthwhile. “And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” - Erica Jong

Rachael Holderle

New Braunfels, TX Intelligence

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Developmental Engineer

I could not have made it without my awesome buddies, the support of my family and girlfriend, chocolate milk from Mitch’s to look forward to every night, free streaming of TV shows from hulu.com, and the omnipresent spectacle of the Rockies. “This above all: to thine own self be true.”

- Shakespeare, Hamlet

Justin Lukso Tucson AZ


“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” -

Henry David Thoreau

Casey Horgan Aurora, CO


Thanks to my family and friends for everything you have done for me Mom, Dad, and Kelly, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your love and support. “Be excellent to each other.”

- Abraham Lincoln, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Russell Long Owasso, OK


Thank you Liz for always being there for me, through everything. Thank you Mom, Dad, and Jess for always supporting me.

Kyle Phillips Stockbridge, GA


I just want to thank my parents and family because they have helped me become the man I am today. Without them I would not have been able to make it through all of the challenges I have faced. Thank yall so much, I Love yall with all of my heart.

Kolesar Canton, MI
Squadron Nine 205

“For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone.”

- Romans 14:9. All things are possible with God Thanks to my family and friends without whom this journey would have been impossible and meaningless.

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

“For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” - 2 Timothy 4:6-7.1 would first like to praise God that he gave me the strength to make it through this place. Second I would like thank my parents for all of their support, I couldn’t have made it without them

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9


To Mom Dad Hannah, Jared Annie, Katie, friends and family. Thank you For everything. I love you so much.


Jose, CA


Big Gulps huh? Alright, welp see ya later... “For 1 know the plans I have for you, declares die LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

- Jeremiah 29:11


CO Space and Missiles

Thanks to my Lord friends, and family for all of their support and encouragement. For “those who hop' in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

-Isaiah 40:31

Thomas Pitcher McKinney, TX Engineer Steele Rackley Niceville, FL Cyberspace Operations I will now take my leave. Joshua Rodriguez Huntington Beach, CA Zach Schumann Monument, CO Electrical Engineer right? Do Taylor Swope Hebron, MD Pilot Daniel Tenpas Beavercreek, OH Pilot Walitsch San Wilson Monument,

Daniel Ayala

I want to thank my family for their love and support, to the Ecuadorian Air Force and the US Air Force for giving me this great opportunity and finally to all those who believed in me and pushed me day by day. Thank you Tigers.

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” - William Arthur Ward

Mom Dad, Jason, Jacob and Camas thank you for always being the support I needed, I love you alL Zig-bratya po oruzhiyu, James-stay nerdy, SchwoNOPE, Everybody else-stay beautiful!

“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” - Rudyard Kipling

First with the Head, then with the Heart. Thanks to my family and friends, both here and there— You all made it worth the while. TINAGDTBAP...Rebels

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”

- Abraham Lincoln

Wesley Baker Tampa, FL Physician

Does this parade dress make me look fat?

David Behr Summerville. SC

Space and Missiles

I want to thank my Mom and Dad for their endless love and support. I would never have made it without you. Thank you to my amazing fiance for staying by my side through all of it. I can’t wait for the adventures we are going to have together. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. What I learned... 1 hate chemistry, physics, and math...and Never, Never, EVER Give Up!

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln; Thank you to my Mom, Dad, sister Alexis, family and friends for helping make this true. It’s been tough but looking back every moment was worth it. No price can be given to the memories you make, the friends you meet, and the lessons you learn. Now to the next chapter, may it be as rewarding as those which have preceded it.

Aircraft Maintenance

“True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.” George Washington; Thank you to my parents, my friends, and nt\ Tigers for making these past four years better than I could have ever imagined. Without you, 1 would never have made it through this place!

Guayaquil Ecuador Pilot Jared Barkemeyer Belen, NM Pilot Zachary Blasdel Edmond, OK Pilot Grant Boehme Albany, OR Pilot Kaitlyn Bogan Colfax, WI Pilot Stormi Brewer Moriarty, NM

Christopher Chua Bayside, NY Pilot

Mama and Papa, none and I mean none of this would have been possible without either of yotiTim and Nia, thanks for the support. To the friends and times that I will never forget, thanks for putting up with me. It has been an awesome ride and I would not have done it with any other group, you MFPTWoBs. Here’s to the breezes... PTWoB 407.

Benjamin Crider Jefferson City, MO Acquisitions “Bless the Rains”

Daniel Dwyer Fayetteville, NC

Logistics Readiness Officer

I had a lover’s quarrel with the world

Each step I took was a step forward to the deep end I knew I was grown so I never looked backed because life is too tumultuous to tread lightly. In the end I whisper: I did it to myself.:)

Ashley Hand Grants Pass, OR

Aircraft Maintenance

Carpin Denium

Robert Cilia

Long Island, NY

Cyberspace Operations

“Bring me men to match my mountains, Bring me men to match my plains, Men with empires in their purpose, And new eras in their brains.”

- Sam Walter Foss It’s been real it’s been fun, but it sure as hell hasn’t been real fun.Thanks for the memories everyone. I’ll see you all on the outside.

Erin Dannemeyer

Lake Forest, CA

Developmental Engineer Astronautical Dearest family & friends, thanks for the support through my AFA adventure. 2 Cor. 12:9-10

Landon Grover Palmer, AK Pilot

Did I have fun? Yes. Am I going to miss it? Hell no! Thanks to my bros, mentors, and my Dad who helped get me through this place. Without you it would have been impossible

Daniel Hayes

Gottageville, VW Pilot

And before it seemed like the beginning began, the ending was upon them Much like a book it begins only to end too quickly and leave the reader with a sense of loss. Here is to the longest and shortest time that I’ve ever had.

Squadron Ten

Daniel Hughes

Areata CA


The only thing that got me through this place alive were the amazing friends I made and the support of loved ones. I have been handed a great opportunity after graduation to lead a long and exciting life, and I won’t waste it.

Kyle Johnson

Jacksonville FL


Thanks to my family and friends. I couldn’t have done it without you all.... Rebels!!!

John Krzyminski

Cincinnati OH

Combat Rescue Officer

USAFA has not been about me. It’s been about the guy next to me. Whether drowning in the pool with my special tactics buddies, going to practice with my boys on the lax team, training with my squaddies, going to Korea with my fellow missionaries, or leading the wing with everyone by my side, I realized the importance of my bros. I love you guys and I love my family! Intensity and Courage, NFQ.

Kevin Loudermilk

Brentwood TN

Aircraft Maintenance

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Elaine for the love and support you have given me that has enabled me to succeed here. This school has pushed me to come out of my comfort zone and consistently reach for those opportunities that will help me grow as a person and a leader. I look forward to my future as an Air Force Officer and am excited to leave here with the love of my life!

Brittany Rucker

East St. Louis, IL

Developmental Engineer Mechanical

Thank you Mom and Dad for keeping me grounded and having confidence in my abilities. Thanks Aunt Julia and Uncle Melvin for taking me under your wings and being my family away from home. Also, thanks to all my family and friends who have supported, and encouraged me along the way. It’s been a long journey, but I know 1 could not have made it without you Lord.

Jeremiah 29:11

Sean Knowles

Allentown, PA


Thanks to all my family and friends for the love and support along the way! “If one goes in then we all go through it.” - Drake

Tess O’Neill

Eagle River, AK Intelligence

“The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time” - George Bernard Shaw

Colton Serilli

Kernersville, NC

Security Forces

It was...an experience.


Nathaniel Wells

New Orleans, LA Pilot

Whew. What a ride that was! I’m never getting on that thing again. In the end tho, it was definitely all worth it. Five years in the making babes. I’m finally out! Check me hovering in that beautiful sky of ours now;-)

Kelvin Winter

St. Michaels, MD

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Meh, at least the skiing was good

Lance Wu South Bend, IN Security Forces

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Christine for supporting my dreams. To allthe brothers and sisters who have done this with me keep on keepin on. “Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing.” - Optimus Prime

Erik Ruiz Tuscon, AZ Pilot

I never could have done it without the support of my family and friends. Thanks Mom and Pop for always believing in me and keeping me on my feet. Tony, I could never put in words what you mean to me, you have always been my biggest inspiration. Finally, those that went through it with me, thanks for keeping me focused on what matters, “vcmctv”

Chad Aukerman

Cleveland, TN


“We couldn’t wait to get outside. The world was wide, the time goes by. The tour is over, we’d survived” - Blink 182

Lance Beissner Lakenheath, England


The Academy’s been a rough ride, but well worth it. I learned a lot here that I wouldn’t have anywhere else, and I couldn’t have managed it without a lot of help; so thanks a lot to my friends for keeping me sane, my grandparents for giving me somewhere to run to for a while, and my parents for their constant support, advice, ...and an unreasonable amount of candy (one can only eat so many butterfingers).

Kurt Brill

Churchville, VA

Air Liaison Officer

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” - President John F. Kennedy

Alison Ceranski Marinette, WI

Developmental Engineer - Aeronautical

To my family, thank you for all the support and encouragement throughout my life. I would not have made it this far without you! AFA S’Wornen: I will miss laughing at how coordinated swimmers are on dry land. Hopefully, the pack will be able to have some more “crazy” Friday nights in the future! I will never forget those epic movie nights.

Lindsey Barber

Forsyth, GA

Space and Missiles

I want to thank Lt Col Barringer and Major Nash for all their metorship throughout my time at USAFA I also want to thank my friends and family for their support as welL Thanks guys Love ya’lll

Rick Boyle

Melissa. TX

Civil Engineering

I sure hope I’m a better lieutenant than I was a cadet.

Christina Cassabaum

Tucson, AZ

Civil Engineering

Thanks Mom Pop, Tyler, Michael Carri Ann, Maria Wende, Sophia Ginger, Olivia Pelaiah, and Alison. Baby All-Stars, Rebels, thanks for the good times and support. I came here for the wrong reasons after finding the academies on Google under “free college" and flipping a coin, but I stayed for the right reasons and wouldn’t change a thing if I had to go back. Let’s go find the next adventure, 2012!

Layne Clawson Englewood, KS


I’d like to thank everyone for motivating me to attend this fine institution and begin a new journey here. Most of all. I give credit to my Lord and Savior Jest is Christ. “When once you have task'd flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long, to return." Leonardo Da Vinci But the most important puce of advice received was...

Steven Eberl Olympia, WA Pilot

Thank you mom and dad for all the encouragement and support. I can’t believe four years could go by so fast.

Andrew Eslinger Laramie, WY Pilot

“Sometimes some things happened, and that was OK But them on the other hand other things did too, which was different. In conclusion... forever.”

My Top 4 USAFA Takeaways: 4)

Set your dreams as a goal then live as though you have already reached them

3) Choose your reality and live in the moment, it is the only one you have.

2) A person’s fortitude is held by their capacity to love, it is God’s greatest gift, thus, give wisely, give generously, give with pride. 1) And.... remember it ain’t over till the800’s run To my Family and Friends, thank you.

Stephen Gillespie Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

There were times when I had my doubts, not knowing if 1 was smart or strong enough to make it through, but by relying upon the support of my family back home and my brothers and sisters here (Isaiah 6:8).

Chelsea Esenwein Leetonia, OH

Cyberspace Operations

‘That which does not kill me can only make me stronger, and I don’t see why everybody feel as though they gotta tell me how to live my life Let me live baby, let me live” - Tupac Shakur

I would like to thank my family for all of their love and support over the years!

David Friday Peoria, IL


Thank you Jesus for literally everything!... The good and the bad (Rom 5:3-5). Keep molding me into who you want me to be (Phil 2:12-15). Mom and Dad thanks for raising me to love God care for others, and to love myself enough to be disciplined... and thanks for always loving me so much through these past 22 years! (despite myself:). Rebels... stay rowdy, keep in touch, and keep danc’n!

Morgan Grohol Charlotte, NC

Civil Engineering

Friends are the family you make. 1 deeply appreciate the small number of friends back home who supported and believed in my dream to leave North Carolina and go to a place few knew existed. A big thank-you to all my Academy friends who listened and gave me a good reality slap when I needed it the most. Randall, thanks for being my best friend and teaching me so many things about life 1 never

Joshua Freeman Anacoites, WA Pilot Phaelen French Delta, CO Pilot
Squadron Eleven 213

Shawn Hempsey

Encinitas, CA

Financial Management

Pops, Mom, ] star, and The Villagio-1 love you guys. Thank you for always being there for me through the good bad, funny, and underappreciated times. The word garage actually stems from the latin root word of go-rage. Blessed to make it to this point and to have the friends and family that I do. Let’s get out of here.

Sean Herbison Inver Grove Heights, MN

Cyberspace Operations

“Realistic people do not accomplish extraordinary things.” - unknown; Thanks Dad Thanks Mom.

Matt Keith Fort Collins, CO Pilot

To all my friends that shared in the green machine experience...let us not forget the memories created there that will last us a life time. Special thanks to all my family and friends and for the support you gave me over the past five years I couldn’t have made it without you.

Bethany Marley

San Antonio, TX

Force Support

Mom, Dad, Stephen, Rachel Patrick; 1 love you. Thank you for supporting and encouraging me through the years. Jim; I love you You have changed my life. To my roommates and best friends both near and far; wouldn’t have made it through without you all. This place has given me so much and I know 1 could never be so lucky again.

Ryan Henderson

Beavercreek, OH

Cyberspace Operations

I’m glad I did it but, but I’m more glad I’m done

Eric Hwang Los Angeles, CA


Through the darkness we followed a glimmer, a hopeful ray, a leading light. And in this light some found the sky, others the stars. But 1.1 found the world. Family- my enduring love for yours, through it all. Brothers- cheers to what we’ve conquered, together. “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” - Anais Nin

Ben Kopacka Alpharetta, GA

Civil Engineering

Thanks to all my family and friends who have supported meover the last four years. Without you this accomplishment would not have been possible

Kristopher Morehouse Auburn CA


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214 Firsties

Christina Salley

Dumas, TX

Cyberspace Operations

“Every fighter has one fight that makes or breaks him” - Elia Kazan

Wesley Stowe

The Colony, TX Physician

Thank you Grandparents, Mom Dad, and brothers. Good luck Colt.


greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”

- Walter Bagehot


To my family and friends, thank you for your love and support. I couldn’t have made it this far without it. To my brothers that have been with me from the beginning, I’ll never forget the good and the bad. It’s been one hell of a ride and I wouldn't change one minute of it. Seize the Carpel!

Tyler Untrauer Midwest City, OK Pilot Joshua White Hartsville, TN
Squadron Eleven

Amy Abraham

Florence, KY

Developmental Electrical Engineer

i love you mom

J Seth Bopp Douglas, AL

Air Battle Manager

1 cannot thank everyone enough for the support and motivation afforded to me over the past 5 years. To the Chief, Maw-Maw, Mom, Dad and Hannah your support has meant the world!

Todd and Chris I would have been lost without you - thanks for being my awesome second family! “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made ALL the difference.” -


First, I want to thank Cod for giving me the chance to get here as well as seeing me through it. Mom, Dad and Amber, as well as my extended family, thank you for all the cards, letters, packages and visits. It was you who gave me the will to keep going. To all my friends, thanks for putting up with me and helping me through the week. It’s been a heck of a ride!

Michael Audiss

Petal MS


Mom, Dad Shelley, Amy, Stacey and extended family- your unfaltering love and support has kept my spirits high throughout my time here, thank you You gave me the strength to carry on through trying times; words cannot express how much I love y’alL To the greatest friends I could’ve ever asked forfrom what I can remember. Til never forget the ski-weekends, spring-break trips, and other habitual mayhemcheers to the many more to come

Ryan Brady Danville, IL


Lord thank you for helping me through each day. Without you I would be nothing. Help me to continue to grow close to you and to put you first in my life both now and always. Mont and Rex. Dad, and Jeremy, you guys are the best. I love you!


Thanks to everyone, who got me through—I couldn't have done it without all the support from my family and friends. “You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.” - Aaron Tippin

Zachary Crippen Philadelphia, PA Intelligence Per Angusta ad Augusta, pro Deo et Patria Connor Dietz Columbus, OH Logistics
4.13, FSU, J+J, Much Love
Benjamin Dixon New Albany, MS Nickolas Ernandes Hillsborough, NC

James Evans

Berlin Center, OH


I want to give a big thank you to all my friends and family from back home, especially to Mom and Dad Thank you for your love and for making me who I am Beth, thanks for putting up with me, I love you. Dozen crew, I’m going to miss the adventures.

Stephen Groff Merchantville, NJ Pilot

Mom and Dad your endless encouragement and prayers got me here, thanks for always telling me what I needed to hear. Shannon your last four years at home were probably harder than mine here but I owe you a ton #flyingleapoffaith. Dozen crew, I owe you everything. You guys were the best part of this place and without you I’d still be asleep in that bathtub of a burnt down Breck house. Dum

David Herman Williamsburg, VA Pilot

Mom Dad Thank you for always being here for me. I wouldn’t have gotten into USAFA or made it through this place without yon Mary; You’re the best sister around you can borrow my car anytime. Love you! Dozen No other group of friends comes close to being as tight as we are. From snow seasons to spring breaks, Ring Dance, the summers and our upcoming 60 days, we’ve done pretty well for ourselves.

Carlee Koutnik La Veta, CO


My love for USAFA-land encompasses so much: experiences, people, and... even school To my family, I love yon Your support these four years never dwindled and that in itself got me through. Thank you. I am thankful for t he fteople and blessings in my life; an adventure it has been and will always lie! Something to remember; Amidst the negative, always, always a positive can be found Happy Life! That is all.

Philicia Fahrenbruch

Falcon, CO

Environmental Engineering

“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” - Herm Albright. Thank you everybody who has made the past four years such an amazing experience! To all my friends, it’s been one heck of a ride; I can’t wait to see you out there! Greg, thank you for all the support and good humor as I continually drag you around Mom Dad and Alex, you have always been there for me. I love you!

Christopher Lorenz San Ramon CA


I look around and I can hardly believe it. I am standing on the threshold of the next chapter of my'life, and I rememberthe sheer number of people who have supported me throughout my time here; classmates, acquaintances, and family alike. Mom, Dad, Katie, and Jenna; I love you all so much and 1 wouldn’t have made it without you! “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” - Helen

f Keller m

Squadron Twelve

Jacob Mersino

Fresno, CA Pilot

“...to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen” Mom Dad, I cannot thank you enough for the support and encouragement and prayers throughout my experiences. Trust me; I am working on getting those grandkids to yon To Scott and Andrea, you are the best brother and sister to have! To Harold Gallagher, my inspiration for flight, thanks for everything.

Ben Misra Rochester, MI Pilot

I love you Mom Dad, MA & Nate. Dozen Crew; we had outrageous fun. Friends and family: thanks for the good times and help through the bad times. I’m so lucky to have such amazing people around me, thank you God.


Luke 12:48

Stephanie Puzak

Colorado Springs, CO Behavioral Scientist

Its all in the state of mind To my Mom Dad, Hobie, Kelly, my friEnds, and team I cannot begin to explain how much you all mean to me and I wouldn’t be here with out your help andrelentless support! Thank you for everything. I love you all

Zachary Schneider

Cincinnati OH


Biggest thanks in the world to my Mom and Dad, who are the reasons I am the person I am today. Logan and Griffin, you are the best brothers anyone could ever wish for. Without you four, none of this would have been possible, and I love yon Thanks to the Dozen Crew and Grant and Kyle for making these past 4 years something to remember. “Without music, life would be a mistake.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Ryan “Muz” Misare

Castle Rock, CO

Aircraft Maintenance

Mom Dad, and Mai thank you for the constant support. I could NEVER have made it without you. Kelly, your tremendous love and support carried me through all the tough times. Thanks for putting up with me, I love you!

Dozen Elite-1 consider you all my family and I love you with all my heart! Thanks for all the great times (the ones we remember at least) and making this place so much fun!

Richard Noble Pittsburgh. PA Pilot

Grandpa, you are the reason I'm going to be a pilot. Thank you for being my motivation to get through USAFA Keep the stories coming! Mom and Dad, thank you for supporting me through all four years here and nudging my in the right direction when I needed it. Dozen group (Mike and Danny included), you guys got me through this place and I owe some of the best times of my life to you.

John Quadrino

Staten Island, NY

Cyberspace Operations

Thank you James, Joseph, mom and dad for supporting me through prayer and jokes. I love you and I know that without you I would never have achieved anything. A sincere thanks to my brethren Julian Rico, Mario and Richard Casslehoff. Finally, thank you to Meghan Prinkey. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen Documentation: Grant Meyer and Mike Jones.

Linwood Steiner Mobile, AL


What a journey. What a journey. Mom and Pop, I wouldn’t have made it without your prayers, love, patience and support. General Cox, you believed in me and we made it happen. Major Schopmeyer, tough love is greatly appreciated Windy, Lauren and Savannah, I’m so proud of y'all I'm a lucky brother. Carolyn, you’re my rock, lady can’t wait to marry you. lord.! don t deserve your blessings but am so thankful for your grace. Roll Tide.

218 Firsties

VL\\>^ vF$v

Andrew Street

Walpole, NH Pilot

What a hell of a ride. Thanks Mom Dad Charlie and his weak friends who sit on people. My crew that I run with couldn’t have asked for more. Cruise, Japan, Mountains, Tejon, being dumb along the way, rarely regretting it. Shout out to big dumb square head what a little pb. gl Steve, Rich, Dave, Mikey, Website Moderator delta boy, jim, dj pretzel yeaste, Crippen, Misra, Mac D, Bruhn, 26 brethren, see you over Tehran.

Paul Wilson Clarksville, TN Intelligence

To my family, sponsor families, friends, and Cru mates it has been quite an adventure. There were good times and challenging times, but the relationships that have been forged over the course of 5 years have been incredible. I never would have made it without any of you and especially Jesus Christ. I leave this place excitedand ready for what’s ahead To God be the glory for the great things He has done!

Robert Vasquez

El Paso, TX

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

The greatest experiences of my life, good and bad, have been here at the academy. I’ve met some awesome people here along the way. I can’t wait for the next adventure, but I must always remember, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

Joshua Yeaste

Lawrenceburg, KY Pilot

To Mom, Dad Kara, and Tori; Thank you so much for all the support you have given me. 1 wouldn’t have made it through USAFA without you Love you all; To the Dozen crew; good luck and thanks for the awesome times; ‘Praise be to the Lord for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.” - Psalm 31;21; “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”

1 j ■■■■■ Zw j w t iWJL■rJL 1 i \ j n f

Carolyn Batie

Little Rock, AR

Nurse Practitioner

Mom, Dad, Mary, Sarah, and the Wichmann Family - Thank you so much for giving me encouragement and support when I needed it most. I will never forget the amazing people I’ve met along the way! “Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.” - Henry David Thoreau

Asher Clark Lawrenceville, GA


“Nobody can stop you but you. And shame on you if you’re the one who stops yourself.” - Damon Wayans.

To God be the glory, I had to have a guardian angel to get through here. To all the support my family has given me, I couldn’t have made it without you To my friends, it’s been a long journey, but we made it, through the good and bad, #letsgo goons. 282

Austin, TX Civil Engineer

I’ve learned a lot during my time here. Most importantly that people with the moral courage to say what needs to be said are worth their weight in gold Thank you to my Bulldawgs and Baby War-Eagles who were always there for me. I don’t think I could have made it through all four years and especially second semester senior year without you. I look forward to seeing you out in the REAL Air Force.

Ryan Fantasia San Diego, CA Riot

Mom, Dad Brandon, and Riley; t hank you so much for your support, I love you all very much...I’m not going to miss the sleepless nights, and hours of homework...But I will forever be indebted to the people around me that carrying me through.J’m the most fortunate guy on the face of the planet. “For those who haven’t, no explanation is possible, for those who have, no explanation is necessary.” Here’s to yoti..MFPTWOB 403

Adam Berheide

Kalida, OH


Thank you to my loving and supportive family in this epic journey. Mom, Dad Kim, Anna; you have always been there and are amazing. My beautiful Sarah; every day has become exponentially more exciting and incredible since you came into my life. Lastly, to my “Brotherhood” of friends; Pancake Parties, The Mountains, Eegee’s, Adventure Golf, Polish...great times fellas. Thank you anyone that allowed me this unforgettable opportunity!

James Cole Bozeman, MT

Cyberspace Operations

God, Morn Dad Kellie, andall my awesome friends, thanks to you all for your support in getting me where I am today. “The best things in life are beyond money; their price is agony and sweat and devotion... and the price demanded for the most precious of all things in life is life itself •ultimate cost for perfect value.” - unknown

Robert Drye

Las Vegas, NV


I want to thank all my family and friends who have given me their love and support throughout my life and especially through my journey at the academy. I could not have done it without you. “In life there is a purpose to which everything happens for a reason We may not know or understand why it has happened but we must have faith that when the day is done we are better for it.” - unknown

Stephen Fitzwater Woodland Park, CO


I Can’t believe I made it this far. Thank you so much to all the friends and family that helped me succeed Mom. Dad, and Mimt thanks for always being there to pick me and friends up. cook food for us, and let us all hang out and play Catan when we needed to relax. Chris, thanks for hang a great “big brother and encouraging me to get t Itrough the Academy. Thank you !

Kathleen Deiters

Frank Genco

Kailua HI Logistics

“It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reasoning”Carl Sagan; Thanks to my family for helping me since the beginning.

Rachel Harris Youngstown, OH Space and Missiles

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.

- Napoleon Hill. Colleenyou are my best friend, better half, and more than just a sister...I love you Thanks to everyone who opened a door for me, pushed me around in my wheelchair, or helped me to not fall on crutches. Graduating would not have been possible without the amazing people that helped and pushed me along the way.

Alyssa Hughey

Castle Rock, CO Pilot

Mom and Dad, thanks for giving me the solid foundation and encouragement I needed to thrive here. I appreciate and love you both immensely. Aaron, Sarah, Sean and Cade, every day you motivate me to be a good role model and pave the way for our family. You guys mean the world to me. I am a lucky girf and thankful for all of the opportunities and great friends I’ve had here at the Academy!

Mark Mataczynski Rosemount, MN

Developmental Engineer

“People create their own questions because they are afraid to look straight. All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don’t sit looking at it - walk.” - Ayn Rand

Luke Gillis Statesville, NC Pilot

Mom, Dad, John, and Kelly thank you for your love and support over the years. You have all been an inspiration to me and I could not ask for a better family. I love you all and am so proud to have you in my life

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” -

Kainoa Ho Aiea, HI Pilot

Dad, Mom, Arie thank you for all your love and support, without you I would have never made it. I love you all! Fitzwater’s/Mimi thank yorr for being an awesome home away from home.

Baby Vikes/Bulldawgs/Friends you made this experience unforgettable and we’ll always have our memories. “You ran only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” - Mae West; It has been an amazing journey and it’s only just beginning!

Ian Maier

Salt Lake City, UT Pilot

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” -

Miguel Millares Anaheim, CA Civil Engineer

First, I want to thank my Mom Dad, Aunt, Uncle and all my family for believing in me and supporting me throughout my life. To the Dykstra’s 1 want to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family. To my friends, P-school friends, PTWOB's and especially Andrew, Kai Adam, and Fitz; It’s been an awesome ride and I’m truly going to miss you all! Blue Skies...

Squadron Thirteen i 221


I cannot begin to explain what my family, friends, and faith have meant to me these four years. I would not be where I am or who I am without their loving support and unfaltering patience. Kelly, you are the blessing that I pray one day to deserve. Jeremy, there are no words... except perhaps insomnia To the PTWOBs, I wouldn’t trade our antics over the past 3 yrs for anything. Here’s to you.. 396

Lord thanks for one amazing journey! April thanks for putting up with me. It’s been tougli/trying but we endured, 2%. Mom/Dad, I now realize how much you prayed and listened! Migs/ Fitz/ Kai I will miss BWW & Qiic-Fil-A Tyler, God blessed me by having you as a roommate. You are a role model & you will be blessed for your faithfulness. CS-13/NAVS/Fitzwater’s. thanks! My Academy experience, 4 words? Energy Drinks/No Sleep; Philippians 4:13

Thanks to my all my friends from CS-40 and 13 and everyone else I met along the way. The people are what make the Academy awesome. Of course, without great parents to provide all the necessities for me to recharge at home, none of it would not be possible.

Malcolm Strong Grand Island, FL

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

THANX Lord for making me into the man 1 continue to become; family lor always being there when times felt unbearable; fiancee, Cassie, my split rock you are so gentle patient loving and kind hearted; the best roommate and brother, Rob, and to the younger sister I always wanted, Carrie, 1<3U!!!; TSgl Dirian, a solid supporter. THANK YOU ALL; “Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi

San Francisco, CA


Just want to thank my family, my girlfriend, and all my friends back home for the love and support that helped me make it thru For all my boys here at the academy, thanks for having my back and making these last four years a lot fun. Finally, to ZRFC and all the rugby bros, thanks for the great times and memories. SOS/DTMFSCP. “Play to Win, Win to Party.” - Yukon and Crazy Legs

Dad, Mom, Mike, Kevin, Grandpa Mike, Grandpa Ken, Grandma, Uncle Sean, Bob, Mr. Hart, Mr. Woodsum, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Cutliffe, Woody, Bill, Coach Franklin, and many more... Thank you; I would not be where I am today without your influence and mentoring. For all my friends from the Academy back to Maine- it doesn’t end here. Love you all.

I would like to thank my parents for giving me the tools (and quite a bit of nagging) to get into the Academy and my beautiful fiancee, Mindy, for helping me survive these long four years. I couldn’t have done it without you, crazy girt 2% club! Now, let’s go fly fighters! Q: Was it worth it? A Yes, it was!!


“What was hard to endure is sweet to recall!” - unknown

Moore Denton, TX Pilot Patrick Murphy Adam Resch Berlin, WI Pilot Daniel Scully Brunswick, ME Pilot Nathaniel Shanks Rye, NY Pilot Christopher Smith Beavercreek, OH Pilot Tyler Todd Quitman, MS

Jeremy Warfield

Bolivar, OH


Thanks to God for making all of this possible. Thanks to Mom, Dad, Jeanie, Amanda, The Zoomies, the Baby Wolverines, the Bulldawgs of 13 and my roommate, Josh “What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us is insignificant compared to what lies within us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Squadron Thirteen i

Brianna Adams

Evans Mills, NY Pilot

“If it were possible for me to alter any part of His plan, I could only spoil it.”

Done with another chapter, now on to the nextlThanks to my family and friends for everything, I would not have made it without your support

Still in the universities or in any other institution, you can often find some dissidents hanging around in the woodwork—and they can survive in one fashion or another, particularly if they get community support. But if they become too disruptive or too obstreperous-or you know, too effective—they’re likely to be kicked out.

“And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:20; (KJV) Do not be afraid to do goal

James Arita Huntington Beach, CA Pilot

“To rely on the evidence of the senses and of reason is heresy and treason It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible What we know as blind faith is sustained by innumerable unbeliefs.

Eric Hoffer, The True Believer

Stewart Brandon Madison AL

Developmental Engineer

First of all thank you Mom, Dad, and Spencer for all your encouragement and support. To all my amazing friends, whether from back in Alabama ruggers, squadmates, roommates, everyone: You all have made the past four years an unforgettable experience through the good and bad. I would not have made it this far without you all Thank you all for the great memories and crazy times we shared. DTMFSCP

Travis Deckert Wichita KS


Well...I guess I made it. These were definitely the 4 most difficult years of my life, but also the most rewarding. Thanks for all the support I received along the way from family and friends.

USAFA. it has finally come to an end You didn’t buy me happiness, but you did bring me a more pleasant form of misery. tried to keep up the fight and take it one day at a time, but several GRs, papers and projects attacked me all at: once, Tqpac said. “For every dark night, there’s a brighter day,” so exprt the next few years of my lileio. shine as compmsation.

Jessamy Barton Milwaukee, WI Pilot Adam Campbell Otsego, MI Pilot Joshua Drapes Missoula, MT Pilot Okezie Ezekannagha Montgomery, AL Aviator
224 Firsties

Coy Fischer Guymon, OK Weather

“dear Eyes, Full Heart, Can’t Lose”; Thanks Dad, Mom, and Katey. I love you all more than you know. “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.”

-1 Corinthians 16:13

Paige Hawkins Houston, TX Navigator

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt Thanks to my family and friends who were my support through everything and my grandpa who was my inspiration.

Frederick Johnson Atlanta GA Pilot

“All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” - T.E. Lawrence; To the Father that resides in the eternal sky, my family, friends and mentors...; I am the effort of your prayers. To USAFA AMF.

Stephen Mellinger Akron, OH Pilot

To my family, friends and mentors; Thank you all for your amazing support, love and care. As I move on from this place to a new one, I will remember you all. so please remember me. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17

Thomas Hainline Alamogordo, NM Pilot

“Fate is the Hunter”

Cody Johnson Chilhowie, VA Pilot

To Mom Dad, and Chris, thank you for everything you have have done for me over the past four years and always being there for me. I love you. To all my friends, thanks for being there through the good times and the bad The bad times were bad but boy were the good times fun. I’ll never forget you all “The road goes on forever, butthe party never ends.” - Robert Earl Keen

Brent Maggard Olive Hill KY Pilot

I love you Mom Dad and Tia Head High, Mach Up, I’m out of here...

Grant Meyer Byron. IL Pilot

In most cases, the people who make it through the institutions and are able to remain in them have already internalized the right kinds of beliefs: it’s not a problem for them to be obedient, they already are obedient, that’s how they got there. And that’s pretty much how the ideological control system perpetuates itself in the schools-that’s the basic story of how it opiates.

Squadron Fourteenw

Samuel Mitchel

Peru, IN


Set the Pace

Joel Noble Springboro, OH Pilot

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosphy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival” - C.S. Lewis

Ryan Roulette San Antonio, TX Pilot

“Never, Never, Never Quit.”

- Winston Churchill

Martin “Trae” Span Seminole, FL

Developmental Engineer

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-1 took the road less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost; Thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I love you Mom and Dad. Couldn’t have it without my wonderful family and friends.

Alan Moore

Houston, TX

Civil Engineer

Thanks to all my friends, teammates, teachers and mentors that helped me through this place; I’ll never forget what I learned here Mom and Dad, thanks for supporting me all the way. As I enter the real world, I’m sure the darker parts of my experience here will fade, so let me be reminded that this was never easy. Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Matthew Richardson Adair Village, OR Force Support

“I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

- Psalm 27;13-14; Mom, Dad, Drew and Jay, thank you so much for always being there. I love you guys.

Tahlia Smoke Belmar, NJ


Thank you to my family, friends, teammates, and coaches. My gratitude and love for you all is endless. Special love and thanks to Mom & Dad FarOur year together was my favorite time here. ‘Brew Crew 1-2’ “Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther.” - John Pierpont Morgan

Rachel Stanley Melbourne, FL

Aircraft Maintenance

Tm shakin the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I’m gonna see the world. Italy, Greece, the Part henon, the Colosseum Then, I'm cornin’ back here to go to college and see what they know. And then I’m gonna build things.” -George Bailey

Brian Walford

San Diego, CA


I want to thank all of my family


friends for helping and supporting me through these last four years. I never could have done it without you “All you need in life is ignorance and confidence, then success is sure.”
- Mark Twain

Johnathan Westland

Hill NH


I couldn’t have made it to where I am now without the support of my family nor without the help of my friends. Thank you all so much for everything. You all have worked so hard and I look forward to working with you on the otherside.

Emilio Becerra

Newberry Springs, CA Space and Missiles

1 cross + 3 nails 4 given


San Antonio, TX

Developmental Engineer - Electrical

Thank you Mom and Dad for being so supportive of me and really making all of this possible!

Jacob Dockery

Clayton NC Aircraft Maintenance

Much thanks, and much love, to my family and friends. I could not have made it this far without your support every step of the way. At times you had to drag me when I felt like quitting, but you never left my side. Know that I will always strive to be worthy of the faith you have in me and I will never stop being the “Man in the Arena”

Mack Griffin Amarillo, TX Pilot

I will never forget the times at the sponsor’s house, the one crazy month in Denver, and my ZRFC brothers ruggers for life DTMFSCP.

Carmella Bumiss

Gloucester, VA Intelligence

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us7 Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’” - Isaiah 6:8

Andrew Chinlund Fayetteville, NC Pilot

To Mack, Kyle, Cole, Gabe and the Thursday night slayers..."GOTCHA ROOKIE!!!” To John and Q thank you for some of the greatest memories of my life. To all my friends and family I am truly blessed to have you in my life and I couldn't have done it without your love and support. “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” -1 Corinthians 16:13

Belleville, PA Force Support

“Walk worthy of the calling you have received...” - Ephesians 4:1

Bryan Johnston

PA Pilot

Big gulps, huh?

Emili Grabill Economy,

Andrew Kim

Edison, NJ


Life is a grind; whether you come out as a polished diamond or a crushed rock depends on what you’re made of.

Peter Lind Wilsonville, OR Pilot

To Dad, Mom, Ruth, Helen and the Braders - would not be here without you “Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.’’

Ernest Hemingway

Michael MacAndrew East Greenwich, RI

Operational Analyst

“We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us.” - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Evan McCroskey Kingston, TN


“Ride, boldly ride...if you seek for El Dorado.” - Edgar Allen Poe

Robbie Kunkle

Zephyrhills, FL


“God gives every bird its food but He does not throw it into its nest.” - J.G. Holland

Jacqueline Littlefield

Merritt Island FL


“If you can do it, do it girl” - Marion Littlefield

Kyle MacDonald Bridgewater, NJ


“Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful” - Brian Tracy

Mark Mendez

Kingwood TX


“In life we get many who help us. Yet, the work and effort can only be done by you. Yes, many are well intentioned but at the end of the day, you put your effort. Success is luck, just ask any failure. It seems the harder you work, the luckier you are The world is full of opportunities for those who are willing to work and help others.”

Squadron Fifteenix) VP 229

Stephanie Michael Lubbock, TX Force Support

Thank you Mom for your unfailing support and teaching me to look UP, not out. To my family and military friends, you have been an incredible source of encouragement through this grand but stressful journey. While being at the academy, I have learned many things...but putting my faith in God ranks #1. “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13. God is GOOD!!!

“We don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we can see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” - 2 Corinthians 4:18

“It don’t matter where ya bury me, ‘cause I’ll be home and I’ll be free.” - Jars of Qay

Cole Stegeman Jefferson City, MO Pilot

To my squadron bros: Thanks for the family away from home you have provided me, “STUCK HIM!”. Oh, I almost forgot. Love you Mom and Dad. Thanks for helping me through the hard times.

Robert Neal

Morgan Hill CA Pilot

To Charlie and Danny thanks for making my stay at the academy worth it. I’m glad we got to spend a couple more years together. To my Parents and Laura thanks for all the support and love. I will never forget all the good times at the sponsor’s house and all the adventures we took!

Bryan Rivera Houston, TX Pilot

“They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run. and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” - Isiah 40:31

Paul Sikkema Hanford, CA


“Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil” - CS. Lewis. I’m glad that I chose to receive an education that extends beyond the books, and I am beyond thankful for those without whom I never couldhave learned so much.

Jordyn Stoddard Aliso Viejo, CA

Developmental Engineer

Thank you to my family for your support, encouragement and guidance. 1 will never forget it.

Gabriel Paterson Monument, CO Pilot Nathan Seibt Flushing, MI Pilot
Christina Thompson Bokeelia, FL Pilot Stress is relative, pain is superficial your attitude defines every situation Life is what you make it, tell good stories. Paul Weatheroy Portland, OR Financial Management Beast Mode 282

Mom, this is for you. And for all those who doubted me, I made it. “Nothing is impossible. You want to see a miracle? Tell me I can’t do it.”

“May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you, and heaven accept you.” - Irish Toast; Thank you family and friends!

//goonsquad Aletsgo!

everyone we made it. Lost a lot of good men along the way but its finally over, finally free!

Thank you Mom Dad, Hannah, Gretchen, andall my friends and family for the TONS of support! I wouldn’t have made it without all of you...and the memories along the way are what movies are made of. In 75 words I can’t express all my thanks but know I am grateful and love all of you. And now it begins! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

-Philippians 4:13

Thanks to all my friends and family for your support... BOP.

a1 want to thank God first, for blessing me by giving me the opportunity to be able to do this. To my Dad, Mom Mel and Sid- thanks for always being there for me. Uncle Rob, Aunt Linda and family/friends-you made this place much more bearable CE majors- it sucked but we did it! And thanks to all the great friends I have made here that helped me get through this place.

This space intentionally left blank.

To all those who encouraged me. supported me. reminded me to leave my worries with the Almighty, I am truly grateful. Dad, thank you for expecting my best. Mom thank you never hesitating to help. Brothers, thank you for your special brand of crazy. Mike, 1 want you to hit me as hard as you can And my beloved Emma, thank you for the adventure.

Michael Alvarez San Diego, CA Civil Engineer Brady Amack Pleasanton CA Riot Nathan Christian Plano, TX Cyberspace Operations Steve Conradi Bluemont, YA Pilot James Cooper Kansas City, MO Pilot Congrats Sydney Croxton Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Nathan Curl Colorado Springs, CO Intelligence Jacob Daniels Ladora, LA Pilot
232 Firsties

Alyssa Deiters

Spotsylvania, VA


Thanks to all my family and friends for supporting me through the good times and bad I love you all! To my lax ladies, you guys are my best friends and I don’t know what I would have done without you Always remember... BTB!

Justin Franklin

Mission Viejo, CA

Space and Missiles

To all of my family and friends who helped me through this journey: “With love on my mind and fire in our hearts, they can never take us apart..” Thank you!

Lauren Fuchs

Jamestown, NC

Office of Special Investigations

“’For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you’, says the Lord, ‘thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.’” - Jeremiah 29:11; Thank you to my mom and dad Nathan, Caroline, Zachary, and Ms. Turner for your continuous support through this incredible journey. I love you! To the Aero Team, I’ll miss all your shenanigans. LUSD

Jonathan Han

Mission Viejo, CA

Cyberspace Operations

Thanks to my family and friends for the support over the years. It’s been fun...not really, but a great experience... psych!

Victor Iacobbo

Golorado Springs, CO

Civil Engineer

I would like to thank God first and foremost for all the blessings he has put into my life. Thank you to my mom and dad for supporting me and encouraging me to pursue my goals. Thank you Niki and Bo for' making me smile and being there for me. Thank you Christy for being the best girlfriend a guy could ask for. I’m glad it’s over....on to the next one

Dayton Gilbreath

Bainbridge Island WA


“Begin each day as if it was on purpose.” - Mary Anne Radmachen

Thank you mom and dad for making me the man I am today, thank you bro for leading the way and thank you Kristen for helping me smile during the worst and best of times. -AFLAX20

Justin Harris

El Segundo, CA


No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care

Daniel Lacroix

Richford VT


Thanks to all my family and friends from VT for helping me get here. Thanks to my friends here for helping me get through this place.

Squadron Sixteen

Gordon Lang Portsmouth, RI Pilot

Everything has an end date.

Jack Murtha Dallas, TX


I am so thankful for what the Lord has taught me over the past four years. It has definitely been a struggle at times and I couldn’t have done it without the love and encouragement of my family. Mom, Dad Anne, Clayton, y all are amazing! “We live by faith, not sight.”

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

Jacob Petter Waco, TX

Finance Management

The Academy is a game, thank you to all those who helped me get through. To former players of the game, and to players after me, a few quick words: After so many days and trials we’ve gone through here, I’ve learned in the end to live life with no fear. For all those years and experiences are valuable assets, they show us life is too short so always finish with no regrets.

Imed Rebhi Tunis, Tunisia

Developmental Engineer

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” - Colin Powell; Thanks to all those who helped me achieve this dream.

John Lowom Washington GA Intelligence

Thanks to my amazing family for supporting and believing in me out hero I love y all! Thanks to my sponsor family for providing a great home away from home for me and to all my friends here for being with me through the good times and the bad And especially thanks to Tammie for being the bright spot in my life no matter the circumstances here. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” - Semisonic

Dave Neville Pittsburgh, PA Pilot

I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me over the past four years. It was an amazing time and I look forward to what lies ahead

Eric Poland Rochester, MN Pilot

Thanks to all my friends for helping me through this place. Thanks to my parents, sister, and brother for getting me here and supporting me. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Sarah Sauter

Eaton, CO

Medical School

The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Thank you Luke for letting me sleep in your office doolie year, Mark for solving all of my crises, and Mom and Dad for being the shoulders I cried on when times got tough. Thank you God for helping me survive and blessing me with four of the best years of my life.

Long Beach Island NJ

Developmental Engineer

Mom, Dad, Steve, and Hit- Thanks for being there for me throughout the past 4 years. I love you guys, and could not have done it without you.

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination” - Tommy Lasorda

Albuquerque, NM

Public Affairs

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord...” Jeremiah 29:11; Thank you Shelmon Brown for reassuring me that my world was pink even when it started to gray. Thank you parents for your infuriating persistence and their loving support. I would like to thank all my wonderful friends that held my hand hugged, and dragged me through this place. I love you all and I will not forget any one of yon


Minot, ND

Cyberspace Operations

I want to thank my friends and family for helping me out the entire time. Without you I never would have made it. When sliding down the banisters of life, make sure the splinters are pointed in the right direction.

Marissa Strauss Yucaipa, CA


“It’s supposed to be hard If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard, is what makes it great.” - Jimmy Dugan A League of TheirOwn

Ryan Williams

Huntsville, AL


Thank you so much to my friends and family in supporting me though this adventure. A special thanks to my dad for his help and encouragement, and thanks to Miranda for putting up with “this” for 4 years...and her support. Thanks again, I could not have done it without you guys! “Good things come to those who wait.”

Brian Smith Alicia Wallace

Si vis pacem parabellum

Thank you so much to all of my amazing friends and family for all of your support over the years to help me accomplish this lifelong dream of mine. My time here has taught me that all you need to do in life to be happy is to: Live, Laugh, and Love. The memories and friendships I have made over the last 4 years are some that I will never forget and hope to maintain for the rest of my life.

The Academy has been an amazing experience that 1 wouldn’t change. I have no regrets coming to the Academy and I can proudly say I left knowing I gave it my best shot. “Battle Is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base.” - Gen George S. Patton


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Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini qui fecit caelum et terram.

My experience at the academy is due in part to my friends, family, Mary, and the community of saints constantly praying for me; it is entirely due to the Being which holds me in existence at every point in my life. I could not have done it on my own, so I deeply thank everyone involved in my life. St. Thomas Aquinas Pray for us.

“It’s not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victors' nor defeat. Thanks to all nay Friends and Family.

Anthony Alt Long Island, NY Developmental Engineer Danielle Atkins Warner Robins, GA Logistics Readiness Good Lauren Bailey Marco Island, FL Operations Research Analyst Daniel Brand Fort Worth, TX Pilot ZRFC Jacob Byorth Dublin, OH Space and Missiles Richard Cassleman Spring Lake, MI Pilot Johnathan Cox Kingwood, TX Pilot Jillan Daniels Sati Antonio, TX Pilot

Lauren Delaney

Panama City, FL


Mom, Dad, and Meg, THANK YOU

for all the support and love you have shown me throughout all my up and downs. You have taught me to follow my dreams, no matter the work, no matter the cost. I Love You “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is God’s gift, that is why we call it the present.” -

Ryan French Jacksonville, FL Pilot

“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith— of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire— may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” -1 Peter 1:6-7 He must become greater, I must become less.

“Do your job and don’t SUCK,” “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” - Psalms 121 12

LeRoi Edwards

Kent, WA

Logistics Readiness

Intangibles. That is what I will remember many years down theroad In times of great pleasure and great despair, the intangibles will persevere. Happiness, laughter, heartbreak, and adversity - If you can touch any of those things, hold tight and remember what it feels like. To the masses - It has been a distinct pleasure. To the fewThank you apart maybe in miles, but never in heart. To the Zoomies - Stories over Standards. 2012 HAP

Estrella Ham Queens, NY

Cyberspace Operations

Mom, Dad and Kat, thank you for inspiring me and making all those sacrifices so that I could have the opportunities you never had Thanks to my friends and MSgt Dickson for believing in me and the Engelmanns for 3 great years. Yagie & Estrella Days. V conceits judo, Morgan CE&SB1, my fav alcove! “Only those who dare to fail greatly, can achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

The academy has been a place of great joy and great sorrow. These past four years are a time in my life I will never forget. To all the friends and people I have met here, you guys are amazing and have made this place worth it. Remember to keep smiling for good things shall come, and that shall always be true.

I can’t decide if I’m $400,000 smarter or not, but I do know that family and friends mean more than anything. DPFL

Jacob Houder Pinehurst, TX Pilot This space intentionally left blank. Andrew Jacobs Tallahassee, FL Eric Johnson Carson, CA Pilot Lance Larsen Sarasota, FL Pilot
Squadron Seventeen¥237

Aeronautical Engineer

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience.” - James 1:2. From the Prep School to Freshmen Year, to Senior Year, the last five years have been full of obstacles and trials. I’d like to thank God first and foremost for staying with me this whole time. Thanks to all my family and friends for staying with me as well! God Bless!

“Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they leave.”Oscar Wilde. There is such a thing as stupid questions. - DPFL

To my Mom, Amy, and Grams, thanks so much for all your support! Paige, I’ll always be your biggest fan! Carmella JB JB! Chelsea, we will always be a bunch of schoolgirls! And Delaney, preesh trick... I’M DONE!!!


Cyberspace Operations

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Thank you Mom and Dad for getting me this far. To the love of my life, I wouldn’t have made it without you and I can’t wait for the wedding. Thank God for the life I have and the amazing people in it. “Faith makes all things possible... Love makes all things easy.”

Thank you Mom, Dad, family. God; I owe it all to you for where I am today. With your love and support, you made it all possible. If there is one thing I take away from here, it wall be the memories made and friends gained To all my friends, thank you! This experience has been amazing. “Never take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway.” DPFL Stories over Standards. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Cyberspace Operations

A special thanks to my family and friends for helping me get to where I am now. A very special thank you to my wonderful better-half, Margo -1 did not understand true happiness until I met you. I could not have done it without all of your support. The friendships made here and all of the fun times will be remembered and cherished forever.

“Ah, by no wind are stirred those trees; That rustle through the unquiet Heaven: Around the misty Hebrides! Ah, by no wind thoseclouds are driven: That rustle through the unquiet Heaven; Uneasily, from morn till even."

Edgar Allen Poe (DFPL)

Bryant Mateus Mamaroneck, NY Ndeye Ndour Senegal Taylor Roberts Aurora, CO Pilot Mark Olme Sterling, CO Pilot Emily Ryals Baltimore, MD Pilot Christopher Shields Wyomissing, PA Matthew Toussain San Antonio, Keegan Vaira Great Falls, MT Civil Engineer

Brandon Wilde

Belton, TX

“Graduation is the key to Air Power.”DPFL; “Standards first, stories always.”

- Colonel 0

Alec Williams

Birmingham, AL


The greatest strength is forged through truth in adversity. Nothing builds brotherhood like fighting every day against one another, and for one another. We made each other bleed we made each other cry, and we stood by each other no matter what. My brothers know who they are, and you’ve earned my respect for life. See you guys on the other side.

Katherine Wright

Las Vegas, NV

Space and Missiles

“Faithful is He who calls you and He also will bring it to pass.” -1 Thessalonians 5:24. Thanks Mom Dad, Sarah and Jonathan - couldn’t have done any of this without you! To the love of my life, thank you for everything. I’d do it all again. To my friends and family, thanks for the love and support!

See you on the other side: “what’s past is prologue” - Shakespeare. USAFA; this too shall pass.

Squadron Seventeen fw-m ttJU y| j i 7 v ■ml?

Joseph Achenbach Denver, CO


People say that I chose SEM because I believe that ambition is the enemy of success. If this were true, I would have done CE. @Grant Swanson #notmydad #bum

PJ Adeji-Paul Tulsa OK


Thank you Mom and Dad, Friends and Family, and anybody else who had me in their prayers. I am blessed to be in the position that I am in. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good

Jacob AlJen Arlington, WA

Aircraft Maintenance

Without my family I would not be where I am today, I love you guys through thick and thin Mom, I reached for the stars and never looked back. As for my future, in the face of uncertainty, it’s time to lock and load.

If you’re reading this, - (Days approaching infinity)

Willis Ryan Brown Zionsville, IN


To a humble beginning with those who attack first to an appreciation of the frat we called deuce...followed by one heck of a ride with the dark unicorns...then on to the fourth group family. I’ll never forget the transition from green to blue, so I’ll borrow a line and say to the “T” in PTWOB. I wouldn’t have done it any differently. Thanks for all the support, especially from my loving parents, mentors, and friends.

Benjamin Ameberg Chippewa Falls, WI

Developmental Engineer

To my family, friends, and fellow PTWOBs—you guys are unbelievable. I couldn't have made it without your constant love and support. All glory to the One who gave me this opportunity and carried me through the tough times Phil. 4:6-7. Blue Skies...

“You and me have a better time than most can dream, have it better than the best and so we can pull on through whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down and if nothing can be done, well make the best with what’s around” - Dave Matthews; Thank you Mom, Dad and Claire and all my other friends and loved ones for your prayers and support, I’ll make you proud

Troy Danno

Shepheidstown. WV Graduation

Wouldn’t have been able to make it through this place, without nty family, best friends in the world, and an incredible chain of command that supported me my entire 5 years.

Dale Becker Cincinnati OH Pilot Kelly Bieber Windsor, CO Pilot

Kurt DeRussy

Dayton, OH

Civil Engineer

I’d like to thank my family, my sponsor family, and friends here and back home for all the love and support they gave me through the years! I couldn’t have it done it without all of you!

Rocque Gartland Jacksonville, FI, Pilot

I sincerely wish to thank my family, friends, and the American people for all your love and support. It’s been a spectacular journey so far and the future only looks brighter. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

Kyle Kennerly College Station, TX

Developmental Engineer - Astronautical

To all who shared the journey, we made it. To my family and friends, thank you for one cannot do it alone. Finally, to USAFA for the experience, now begins another adventure to do. “I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come agaiu What we leave behind is not as important as how we’ve lived.”

Kristi Miner


Many thanks to my wonderful family and friends and all the amazing people I’ve met here; you’ve all helped and inspired me more than you know. “And no, we don’t know where it all will lead. We just know there’s something much bigger than any of us here."

Douglas Foss Landenberg, PA Pilot

Thanks to all my friends and family for the love and support through the best and worst of days. To the Zoomies, joining the rugby team was the best decision I made in four years. Never forget, Stories over Standards. To the Dozen and the Nightriders, thanks for the great times we shared. And to Kristen, thanks for deciding to date a military man. You pulled me through.

Michael Hester Birmingham, AL


Thank you to my family back home as well as to my family I’ve spent the past four years with on the football field. I couldn’t have made it without you “If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quityou’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.”

Rocco LiBrandi Long Beach, CA

Cyberspace Operations

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday...Don’t waste your time on jealousy, sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind...the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.

Richard Mundy Swansea, MA Pilot

“But I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand.” - The Little Prince

Photo not available
Squadron Eighteenw W 241
Colame, SD

Randall Ott

Frederick, MD Pilot

Thank you God, Mom, Dad, and Will I would never have gotten here without you guys. Morgan, you buddy dragged me through this place and sorry if you have to do it some more afterwards. Thanks to all the Nightriders out there who’ve made this experience (at times) fun. “Remember man... you gotta put the team on your back, no matter what you do...”

Christopher Peiper Aurora, CO Army

Dad, Eric and all my friends, you guys made theride worth it can’t wait to see what’s next. Mom, your lessons made me the man 1 am today. I will always love you and I will never forget you. This isn’t where I parked my car.

I want to thank you Mommy for always loving me and giving me encouragement all the way through. Second, thank you Dad; you were right and I am glad I came. Jesse and Janelle, you are the best brother and sister anyone could ask for. Nightriders 4 Life!!! All my NWP Buddies, we actually did it. Last but not least....Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Durbeck for giving me a chance. “To Be or To Do”

Adam Paranka

Denver, CO


Big thanks to Moms, Pops, Sis, and the G-rents great support over the last couple years. Shout out to AF LAX & haps bros. Woody is a goo & Scoin is too.

Mom and Dad, you have always been there for me, as my guiding light and inspiration. Kurt and Zak, you have been my best friends for my whole life and without you I would be a lesser person. Mandy, my soon to be wife, we made it 5 years and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you Boxing team, squadmates, and all you other guys I’ll miss you. A.M.D.G. TTDLTPD

KelliArm Seaman Parlin. NJ


1 would like to thank my Mom, Dad, Danielle, Janet, and Brian for their support, love, and guidance throughout my life. I am extremely blessed to have such amazing and loving friends and family. From one of the hundreds of quotes I have received from my mother over the past four years, each making my day so much brighter. “That which we obtain loo easily, we esteem too lightly.” -

To everyone who helped make this place more than what it is- Thanks. All of the laughs are Dedicated to Karl- My lawyer, Anthony- My roommate/Gangle Beast, and the rest of the volleyball guys (Ben and Erikson you’re in there too) for too many hours of amusement. I will never forget you guys.


Thank you God for Your blessings and guidance through this place. Thank you Mom, Dad, Kirk and Luke and the rest of my family for your love and support t hrough these four long years. Thanks to the best friends and times 1 will never forget. I came here for the challenge, but stayed because of my buddies. “What saves a matt is to take a step. Then another step." - Philippines 3:12-14

Joel Short Winston - Salem, NC Pilot Bradford Smith Cherry Hilf NJ Pilot Craig Spranger Tampa, FL Pilot Grant Swanson Caledonia, IL

Aaron Volk

Waldorf, MD

Security Forces

Thanks Dad, for showing me the way. Thanks Mom, for not accepting my complaints. Thanks Spencer, Megan, and Jacob, for support while I was here and away. “The coward’s fear of death stems in large part from his incapacity to love anything but his own body. The inability to participate in others’ lives stands in the way of his developing any inner resources sufficient to overcome the terror of death.” - J. Glenn Gary

Caitlin Williams Eustis, FL Force Support

Thanks mom, dad, and Shane for always supporting and encouraging me to never give up on my dreams. You made me the woman I am today. I love you guys! To my CS-18ers, thank you guys for an awesome three years. I will never forget it. Nightriders for Life! To my friends, thank you for always being there for me and helping me to survive the Academy. Thanks for making my years at USAFA memorable!

Richard Yielding Mukiteo, WA Pilot

“On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot, ‘tis a silly place” - King Arthur, MontyPython and Holy Grail

Jonathan Warzeka

Lake Elsinore, CA

Space and Missiles

Thank you to all of my family and friends who have made this possible. “Never Die Easy” - Walter Payton II

Coryn Wilson Poquoson, VA


“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” - Audrey Hepburn.. Mom, Dad, Alex, Michael - Thank you for being with me every step of the way. I love you.

Eric Zane Highlands Ranch, CO Pilot

It is impossible to thank my family and friends enough for all the support, wisdom and guidance they have given me. So, to each and every one of you all I can offer is a simple, Thank You. I couldn’t be the person I am today without you. “For some the sky’s the limit. For me it’s home sweet home”

Rob Blank

Green Bay, WI Medical Corps

Mommy, Daddy and Sara: I want to thank you for supporting every decision I have ever made and for being there for me through all of the tough times. I would not be where I am today without your unconditional love. You taught me to live with no regrets and to reach for the stars, and for that, I am eternally grateful “Do the thing you think you cannot do.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Jonathan Davis Cincinatti, OH Force Support

Thanks to my parents and friends for always helping through all of my endeavors. I want to thank my coaches, for always standing by my side. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs while being at the Academy, and I am ready to move on with the next step of my life.

“With love on my mind and fire in our hearts, they can never take us apart.”

#Letsgo 282

Amie Ellis Keller, IX Intelligence

Thank you Mom, Dad, Freddy, and Maddie for all your support and encouragement over the last 4 years. I would’ve never made it through here if it weren’t for my family and all the great times I’ve had with my friends.

“Be joyful always, pray continuously, and give thanks in all circumstances.”

-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

James French Newport News, VA Pilot

“Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.”

Anthony Carillo

Fountain Hills, AZ Pilot

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Meagan Eissele Lake Mary, FL Intelligence

I would like to thank, my wonderful family for all of the support they have given me. Thank you to my Mom, Dad and brother for always believing in me, sometimes more than I believed in myself! Thank you to my amazing friends. I would not have made it without you! “I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

- 2 Corinthians 12:10

Colton Floyd McKinney, TX Security Forces

As much as I hated this place and the challenges it brought along the way, 1 would not have changed a thing. Thank you to permanent party and the mentorship you provided since the day I showed up. Thank you to my amazing friends, family, squadmates, and everyone I encountered on this wild ride. I know I would not be commissioning without your support.

Eric Gilpatrick Trenton MI


To Mom and Dad, thanks for always believing in me and my dream to come to the Academy and lo fly. To Brian, thanks for all the advice and inspiration. To Amy, Chase, and all of my friends, thanks for the support through the years. I love you all and wouldn’t have made it without you. Hutch, Sh-sh shut your mouth, shush up for one second.

Caitlin Glitz

Des Plaines, IL

Security Forces

FOR GOD AND COUNTRY! I have had the time of my life here, and made some ‘forever friends.’ Thanks to my family - Dad, for giving me the desire at age 9, and Mom, for making me tough enough to give as good as I got. Didi, thanks for being the Better Half that kept me pushing. Nattie I love you! Sandhurst and Co. you truly changed my life - thanks. PSALM 18:34.

Ben Hoff Waterloo, IA

Developmental Engineer

Watch out now!Here I go: Thanks to everyone who listened to me complain. Including: Mom, Harrison Came to our Ring Dance House, Count in Binary, Sippy Cup, Make-Out Champion It’s a Trap, our wannabe 2012er, the Asian who hates being Asian Sleepy, Cuddle Buddy Regret, and Mr. Blister Hand. Thanks for keeping me alive, entertained and putting up with me. Keep trouting my friends. Hey Tate, that’s cute. I remember my first beer.

Alex Hutcheson Floweiy Branch, GA Pilot

Veni, Vedl Viet et tu quoque. To my family, and especially Mom Dad and Grandpa: Thank you for all of your love and support through the years, you’re all a true blessing and all a son and grandson could ask for. To my Wolverine family. One love, I will miss you all (special shout out to my roommate). Playboys rock the wing!

“Gil you don’t say that! Hey Phil sprechen sie...”


Mom, Papa, Julie, Kristan Grandma Liddle, Grandma Taylor, and of course Grandpa Liddle and Taylor, thanks for supporting me every step of the way. To my friends, I will remember each of you for the rest of my life. I can’t believe it is all coming to an end, but thank the lord for that because it won’t come soon enough!

Chad Hennig

North Bend WA Pilot

To my biggest fans. Mom, Dad and maybe once in a while even Shane: Thank you for everything you’ve done for me to get me where I am today. I owe everything to you all for the support you’ve given me over these past few years. To my friends at home and at USAFA keep in touch, there’s too many memories for me to remember on my own Need More Weight In Front!

Ethan Hunter North Agusta, SC Pilot

You know what Ben? I still hate you, but you got a pretty awesome collection of Contours.

Thanks Mom Dad and family for all the support and encouragement you’ve given me. Dad this too really did pass even though at times it felt it never would God truly deserves all the credit and I cannot thank Him enough for blessing me with such amazing friends, family, and opportunities. To all my squad mates, you guys are the best! “Maxwell you’ve literally done all of those things.”

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my rock, in whom 1 take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold. To my family and friends, words do not begin to describe how thankful I am for all that you’ve done in each of your specific ways. I made it because of you! Gil better not get in my face, ‘muse I’ll drop that little bear!

Philip Knodel Flagstaff, AZ Pilot Maxwell Lutton Puyallup, Wa
Squadron Nineteenw n
Blake Liddle Irvine, CA

Kenneth Moak

Urbana, OH Intelligence

Thanks to everyone who has been there for me over the last four years. It has been a blast!

Zach Rasmussen Belton MO

Acquisitions Manager

Thank you Mom Dad, Derek, and the rest of my family and friends that supported me over the last 4 years! “Now faith is the substance of things hoped, the evidence of things not seen”

- Hebrews 11:1

Dakota Risner Rochester, IN Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

I would not have made it this far without the support of my family, friends, and wonderful fiancee. They were my rock during difficult times and I love them all “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill Isaiah 40:31

Bennett Stuppy Ins Angeles, CA


Mom Dad, Hayes, Jaime, Meg, Grarina, Sandy, and Susan thanks for everything you have done for me, I would not have been able to accomplish what I have without your constant support. To all my friends who have shared the misery and joy of the last four years you made it the best possible. Finally, to Jordan, Matt, and Mark the best friends I could ask for, thanks for always being there for me.

Tate Montgomery Paradise, CA Pilot

‘To live is Christ, to die is gain”Philippians 1:21. Thanks to my family: your unconditional and unceasing love and support have taught me to live life to the fullest. To my friends: Never have I been so blessed with the craziest rambunctious yet faithful group of friends. Thanks for filling my life with adventure! “Ethan, you keep your liverspotted hands off my mother! She’s a saint!”

Andriamaholy Sedra Fitahiana Razafinimanana

Samboranto, Madagascar Civil Engineer

Where Sky and Earth meets, Is the place I call my home. A heaven beyond the seas. Is the place I come from To my God I am thankful For I am nothing, nothing Without my God's blessing. My journey would be pitiful To yon friendship, I boast. For you kept me afloat; When came hardship, You made me triumph. Love you Mom Dad Sister, Brothers, Nephew, Niece. And all the PTWOBs Blue Skies... #431

Robert Stephenson Romance, AR Pilot

By the time I read this it’ll be after graduation so here’s my 2 cents: I’d like to thank my family (My parents and my brother, Jonathan) for helping get where I am today... I couldn’t have made it without them I’m so glad to have finally graduate from this place! To my soon to be wife, Mae: I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

Allison Swaney Seymour, IN

Space and Missiles

I am blessed beyond belief with family and friends, and 1 will be forever thankful to God for all the support 1 received the past five years. Mom Dad Sarah, Jon, Eagle- You never gave up on me. and you never let me give up on myself. I wouldn’t be where 1 am today without your love & support, teats & laughter, good times & had! 1 love you all! Jeremiah 29:11

Grace Trolinger

Portland, OR


Big thanks to all my family and friends who supported me over the last four years through some of the hardest and best times of my life. Another thanks to the Playboys of 19 that I’ve had the privilege of sharing these last three years with. To all my fellow skydivers - thanks for all the crazy adventures and the unconditional friendships, you guys are truly the best. Blue skies...

Hector Valladares

Napa, CA

Cyberspace Operations

Thanks to everyone who has helped me get here and through this experience. I may not have been the best, but I gave it my all Through the tough times and the good times I have grown from this experience. “In basketball- as in life- true joy comes from being fully present in each and every moment, not just when things are going your way.”

James VonAhnen Marshalltown, LA Pilot

“You’re only a fool if you give up.”

Thanks mom and dad for all the support, and thanks to my friends for making this place awesome.

Dustin Woodside Columbus, NE


Mom Dad and the rest of the crew, thanks for everything over the last four years. It has been a crazy ride and I truly could not have made it without all of your love and support along the way. I gave it my all, got a lot back, and look forward to the next steps, wherever they may lead

Emily Ubbens

Midland, Canada

Force Support

Mommy, Daddy and Sara; I want to thank you for supporting every decision I have ever made and for being there for me through all of the tough times. 1 would not be where I am today without your unconditional love You taught me to live with no regrets and to reach for the stars, and for that, I am eternally grateful. “Do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Mary Vasta

Bainbridge Island, WA

Space and Missiles

Thank you mom dad, and Robert for always supporting me and to Bob and Suzie for a second home. I will always remember all of the good times with the girls drinking wine, I would have never gotten through this place without you guys.

Heather Watts Chino Valley, AZ


God is great! He has given me so much. Thank you, Mom I’m the woman I am today because of you. Little Father Thank you for your support and for being your children’s biggest fan every day. Thank you, Missy, for going to all those boring soccer games; I wouldn’t be here without you. To everyone else, thank you for believing in me and pushing me to be a better person. I love you all!

Evelyn Abbate

Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Developmental Engineer

Finally, we made it that far!! I couldn’t have done it without my friends, family, and mentors keeping me sane. And now it’s time for the next adventure!

Katherine Boyle

Ridley Park, PA Force Support

Thank you, Momma and Dadio, for your love and patience. Michael and Stephen, you’re the greatest big brothers; thanks for always looking out for me. Daniel I am so lucky to have you. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” - C.S. Lewis

William Coley

Knoxville, TN

Space and Missiles

Thanks to my family and friends for the unwavering support and guidance. Looking back, it has been four years of awesome memories and friendships to last a lifetime... especially with the Village People. Can’t wait for the next chapter.

Michael Estacion

Virginia Beach, VA

Operations Research Analyst

Let’s go to Haps!

Michael Alfred

Danville, VA


Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Jana Bradshaw

Fort Worth, TX

Logistics Readiness

Never would I have made it this far without the love and support from my family and friends. It’s been quite theadventure these past five years, but I couldn’t imagine life any other way! Mom & Dad, t hanks for always listening and giving he best advice. Josh & Seth, thanks for being such thoughtful brothers. Stephen, it’s time for a new adventure! Finally, Trolls of 20, it’s been a blast!

Aaron Daggit Coon Rapids, MN

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

I would like to thank my parents and my sister for always being there with me. Also, to my classmates in the squadron you’ve all become another family for me and made things here a lot more enjoyable. Lastly, to anyone who I didn’t mention here, I’m sorry, but thank you as well!

Christopher Ganczewski

Niagara Falls, NY Air Liaison Officer

To the Folks; 1 owe everything to you. Thanks for being there even if 1 didn't make it apparent you were. To the Team: Septum Magnificus and TCF No matter what dumb stuff we do. To the Trolls: Thanks for putting up with me for 3 years. Seriously. Meant a lot. And to Steve: I can never thank you enough lor making me who 1 am today, hunt land, from air...


Irvin George Orlando, FL


Thank you to my family and my God, who have been the two unwavering sources of my strength and support in my life, I love you all I will forever turn to them in my time of harm, hurt, or despair. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths,” - Proverbs 3:5-6 282

Karl Grosselin Beavercreek, OH


To all who have made this place better than it should have been My family, friends, the volleyball team Jeeves, Ben, Erickson thanks for the memories. I am glad to be done but will never forget pocket-vetos, NAAs, discretionary passes, flags thrown superhero powers, breakfast discussions, Recognition matinees, hours in the weight room 4 gotta float, passing the buck, bets, business proposals, and hundreds of adventures. They were the best.

San Salvador, El Salvador General Engineering

Galatas 2:20. Con Cristo estoy juntamente crucificado, y ya no vivo yo, mas vive Cristo en mi; y to que ahora vivo en la came, to vivo en la fe del Hijo de Dios, el cual me amo y se entrego a sf mismo por mi. A mis padres, hermano y prometida que con su amor y apoyo me ayudaron a ver la luz al final del camino y perseverar hasta el final.

Thomas Kashul Park Ridge, IL


Thanks Dad Mom, Joe, Julia, and Nick for everything, I love you. “Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”

Ariana Green

Lake Oswego, OR

Logistics Readiness

Cause I’ve got faith of the heart; I’m going where my heart will take me; I’ve got faith to believe; I can do anything, I’ve got strength of the soul; And no one’s gonna bend nor break me; I can reach any star I’ve got faith; Faith of the heart; For my family and friends. I love you. Thank you. And miles to go before we sleep.

Noah Hanks Woodland Hills, CA Pilot

We finally did it! And it only took me 6 years! I want to thank my family for all their love and support, and to all the great friends I’ve met along the way, I couldn’t have done it without you guys!

Steven Jacob

Franklin Square, NY Pilot

It’s been a tong and bumpy road, but sadly it’s come to an end Thank you God for the abundant blessings you have given me. Thank you Apa Mummy, Christy, Pappa and Ammachi for your unwavering love and support in my conquest to achieve my dreams. Thanks to my best friends I’ve gained from the for all the great times and memories you’ve provided Congratulations and best of luck to the graduating Class of 2012!

Delaney Kiernan Gowanda, NY


“Other things may change us, but we start; and end with family.” Daddyo, Madison, Evan, Momma and Dave; thank yon Grandpa this one’s for yon Zoomies, FABU. To all of the ones who drove me crazy just to keep me sane: I owe you all that you have helped me achieve. Athlete. “I’ve always.been famous, it is just that nobody knew” c<» ladygaga #SBFST. Could be worse, GO BILLS.


Iankel Hernadez Lemus
Squadron Twenty

Benjamin Liptak

Streator, EL

Civil Engineering

Dad, Anne, Mom, Lizzie, Hayley, Cvan, Scarbeary, Ty, Peace, Rakes, Erickson Karl and the rest of my friends and family: Thank you for everything, 1 couldn’t have done it without you. “I wouldn’t be the man I am today if not for those Eve loved along the way.”Eric Church

Michael Mason Phoenix, AZ Munitions

Dear 8 pound 6 ounce newborn infant Jesus, Thank you.

Mitchell Metzler

Topeka KS


Thanks Mom and Dad for all of the support throughout the years!

Christopher Paek

Seoul, Korea

Civil Engineering

Ishiryoku - Inner strength. It’s what makes a person truly invincible. Flard work never lies, never betrays. Work hard for what you want and you will end up getting it.

Katelyn Maffei

San Antonio, TX


Thank you Mom and Dad for never giving up on me; without your encouragement I could not have made it through this place To all my friends I made here thank you for the humor on those really bad days. I wish you all the best of luck in the future! Proverbs 3; 5-6

Justin Merrick Parker, CO

Aeronautical Developmental Engineer

Thank you to my family, to my parents, my grandpa, my papa, my Uncle Dave, my Uncle Rick, andall those who ignited in me a passion for the science of flight, for the power of possibility, and for the importance of freedom Thank you to my friends, both old and new. Thank you Meghan for your support your comfort, and for inspiring me to reach beyond my limits. I love you all

Darrin Nottingham Frisco, TX

Cyberspace Operations

I wanted to say thank you to all of my family and friends who have supported me over the last 4 years. You have made this journey worthwhile and amazing.

Geoffrey Pamerleau Annandale, NJ


Thank you to everyone who has helped me to get where I am today without you none of this would be possible.


Tacque Patino

Rockford MI


I would like to thank my family, friends, and girlfriend for all of their support. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.“I had no shoes and complained until I met a man who had no feet.” -

Indian Proverb

Trevor Spiro

Davidson NC

Financial Management

I am extremely grateful for the support from my mom, sister, brother, and Beth Mangan. Without yon I would not be half the person I am There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.” -

Andrew Jackson

Jonathan Tack

Sugar Grove, PA


“One ring to rule them alL” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Amanda Terry

Fort Worth, TX

Logistics Readiness

“I do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.”

- Unknown To my friends, family, and those friends I consider family, thanks. Thanks for everything. To my brothers, sisters, and mentors in OCF, words can’t express how grateful I am to even know yon To God be the glory. Philippians 1:6 “It is well”

Remember when...

We stuck out us tke only class in ABUs.

We went through Commandants Challenge, and made it REAL.

Breakfast was mandatoryfor all classes everyday.

We cheered for Michael Phelps after all his wins in the 2008 Summer Olympics.

We had to go through Recognition before we could "legally" watch movies or listen to music.

You could walk through Vandy or the gym and not run into construction.

Chants about the A-course weren't outlawed.

We flung our sweat covered caps as we chanted our class motto entering Mitch's.

Kellen Curry and Darshan Subramanian were the most-feared names at USAFA during BCT.

Push-ball separated the men from the boys.

Everything was "hubtastic."

We had to go through VECTOR twice. Training violations just didn't exist.

We wore blues 3 days during the week.

We ran the strips to breakfast, drenched in sweat from Minutes.

Parades were on Wednesdays.

Quad Raves

We had plastic bags to carry touch-ngoes back to our rooms.

When BCGs made your head look like a box.

The lightning Van roamed the T-zo.

We had wing-wide internet outages every night.

We discovered (and dealt with) Max the Facebook Cadet.

Firstie Superlatives CLASS CLOWN Leroi Edwards Most likely to... PULL ALL-NIGHTERS MOST OPTIMISTIC Mary Anderson Most likely to... FLIRT Cat Begansky INSTITUTIONAL PRIDE Most likely to win... Brian Stigall SILVER CUP Ben Dixon

2012 Class Facts

Been engaged the longest

Shawn Johnson: Dec. 31, 2006

2% club

Alexander Nelson, Jackson Wekmeyer, Andrew Nemetky, Joseph Springfield, Stuart Coston, Colton Reid, John Tack, Justin Merrick, Albert Hatchett, Adam Resch, Christopher Luke, Coy Fischer, Austin Davis, Jonathan Garcia, Tyler Levy, Ryan Misare, Caleb Egli, Michael Ceci, Craig Spranger, Ryan Kolesar, Jeremy Warfield, Matthew Hendrickson, Steven Alsen, Joshua Zambrano, James Tewaheftewa, John Welch, Jordan Keefer, Daniel Ronning, Bryce Bergman, Steven Collins, Chris Smith

First one here for basic

Vincent Gillmore: Also, in 2006 1 was the first basic off the first bus for the Class of 2010 because of the way they loaded the buses.

Christopher Reith: 1 was the first one to go through the door at inprocessing.


Corey Benson, Jan. 24, 1985


Sydney Croxten, Jan. 20, 1991

Most Expensive Car

Aaron Koveleskie - 1999 Porsche 911 Carrera - MSRP $91,000

First to get married after graduation

Malcolm Strong, May 24

International Cadets

Belize: Francis Usher

Brunei: Arif Mohammad Idris

Ecuador: Daniel Ayala

El Salvador: lankel Hernandez Lemus

Honduras: Gabriel Valle Padilla

Korea: Jihwan Yoo

Madagascar: Sedrea Razafinimanana


Peru: Jose Gastiaburu Flerrera

Poland: Maciej Krakowian

Senegal: Ndeye Ndour

Serbia: Milos Seovac

Singapore: Edward Wong

Slovenia: Matija Zupancic

Taiwan: Chia Hsien Chao

Tunisia: Imed Rebhi

Most likely to have... CSP and CONTRAILS MEMORIZED
Malcom Strong Most likely to be a... FAVORITE EXCHANGE STUDENT STEALTH CADET Daniel Ayala Brian Stenger Most likely to... FALL ASLEEP DURING CLASS David Herman
Firstie SuperlativesV

Most Expensive Class Ring

Andrew Beckman and Jackson

Wehmeyer: $5,600

100s Night AFSCs

2 special tactics, bioenvironmental engineer

3 combat rescue, airfield operations, health services administrator, chemists

4 weather, munitions and missile maintenance, air battle manager

5 public affairs, behavioral psychology scientist, computer engineer, electrical engineer, special investigations

7 physics scientists, mechanical developmental engineer

10 math/ops research scientist, astronautical engineer

13 general engineer

14 aeronautical engineer, navigator

16 security forces

19 financial management

26 aircraft maintenance

28 logistics readiness

31 force support, remotely piloted aircraft

33 contracting

34 civil engineer

47 acquisition manager

52 cyberspace operations

56 space and missile

79 intelligence

505 pilot

Sports Records (not necessarily confirmed)

Tahlia Smoke: 1 am the first USAFA women's tennis player to achieve a national Division I singles ranking. 1 was ranked 102nd in the first rankings of the spring season 2010.

Thomas Taylor: I am the captain of the rodeo team and I am the first AF Academy Cadet to COMPETE and PLACE in collegiate and professional rodeo, riding both bulls and bucking broncos. I also have the highest recorded score for the Academy in both events: 89 point score in the Bull Riding, and an 86 point score in the Bareback Bronco riding.

Billy Thimmel: Sports record, I was the only cadet to ever hit a homerun in gym class softball over the netting at the field house.

Most likely to... ACE PT TESTS EVERY TIME

Margaret Weingart

Most likely to... RETURN AS DEAN

Casey Florgan

Most likely to... KEEP APARTMENT IN SAMI Robert Brazil

Most likely to be...


Thomas Fiainline

Most likely to be a... RING KNOCKER

Vincent Jovene

Most likely to... REMAIN CYNICAL AFTER USAFA Adit Patel

i|)254%|f Firstie Superlatives

Robert Drye: Academy track and field team record Hammer and weight throws

Simone Barrett: 2010 Fencing All American Victoria Martinez: Fourth in the record book for volleyball. Single season number of digs.

Emily Cotharn: 400m hurdles record for track last year since like the 80's Tim Jefferson: I hold a record for football for the number of wins by an Academy quarterback with 28 Paige Blackburn: 1 have the women's standing long jump record at 87".

Robert Stephenson: I've done 3 lronman triathlons here... 1 don't think anyone else has done that many Cody Deacon Andrew Marchi, Richard Brennan Willis Brown Matthew Melhado, Grace Trolinger Tyler Weissinger, Shawn Johnson Patrick Everson, Christopher Chua, Timothy Smith: broke the Colorado State Record for big-way skydiving

Robert Belz: 1 currently hold the course record for the Eisenhower Blue Course. I shot a 64 back in August of 2009.

Devin Menefee: Since freshman year, and still counting, I have won 13 1st place finishes at different NCAA Men's Gymnastics Competitions (10 on the Still Rings and 3 on the Vault), 1 have been on the team through two years of winning USAG National Championships and two years of winning All Academy Championships. In 2010 l set the record for the highest score on a Vault in USAFA history.

Melvin White: Distance Medley Relay a School Record, First Service Academy to send a DMR to Nationals, 9th in Div 1 NCAA indoor Championship.

Manuel Smith: top 10 All time performances in Air Force Academy history in the 4x4 indoor, 4x4 outdoor, and 400m indoor.

Most likely to be a... MILLIONAIRE Corey Eddy Most likely to be a... BRO FOR LIFE John Kryzminski Most likely to be a... PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE John Davis Most likely to... RETURN AS COMMANDANT Julian Gluck Most likely to have the... BEST CAR Dave Gillette

Farmington, AR

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

God, Mom, Dad, Blake, Taylor, and all of my friends, you kept me going in the hardest times. Thank you for all of your support. I love you all!


Flexibility REALLY is the key to airpower.

I’ll always have treats for anyone who cares to visit. Toss the dice every once in a while, see where you end up, I’ll meet you there.

Thanks to everyone who helped me get here. Special thanks to you dad, couldn't have done it without you.

Never give up on your dreams!

Thanks to my mom, family, coaches, teammates, leaders, and great friends for never giving up on me either.

Definitely wasn’t able to do that on my own.. I owe so much to my family, especially Grandma who was there when it started, my friends who were there every step of the way, and my great sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Rosa It has been one hell of a ride and it’s just beginning. In the words of Captain Jack Sparrow, “Now, bring me that horizon.. Drink up me 'earties. Yo ho!”

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” - Romans 1:16

Evan Abrecht Matthew Akaydin Louisville, KY Civil Benjamin Brown Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Rainer Caparas Eagle River, AK Air Liaison Officer Elvira Chiccarelli Panama City Beach, FL Medical School Christopher Chorney Clifton, VA Pilot
Steven Collins Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

Alicia Fleshman

Layton, UT


This has been a wonderful experience but I’m happy that this chapter of my life is coming to an end and the next beginning.

Fallynne Henderson

Window Rock, AZ

Space and Missiles

Ahehee’ shima shizhe’e’, shik’ei doo shik’is shaa adahoyaa doo ayoo adashiinoh’niigo shika anahjahgo ashdla’ naahai. Thank you mom, dad, Otis, family, and friends for all your support. Fa’afetai Stana, for helping me overcome the tough challenges I faced over the last year of my Academy experience. -Jeremiah 29:11 & Philippians 4:13 -

Trent Kern

Monument, CO Pilot

Thank you to everyone who has been there for me over the past four years... my family, friends... I would not have made it without yon All thanks to God for giving me this opportunity. Love it or hate it (I love it), this place changes you and sends you towards the rest of your life.

Bradley Kusel

Port St. Luce, FL Pilot

Thanks to all rny great friends and family for making all this worth it.

Benjamin Galloway

Sherwood, OR Pilot

Well that was fun! I can’t say that I’m sad it’s over, but I’m grateful for the experience and the opportunity. There were times when it seemed like I wasn’t going to get to live my dream, but it all fell into place thanks to the Man upstairs. To God be the Glory. Thank you to my family and friends for being there through the good times and the bad...I love you all - Psalm 27

Jennifer Horn

San Antonio, TX Pilot

Matthew, Mom, Dad, GG. Granddad, Grandmama, MomMom and PopPop, Alicia Paige, Marissa Ashley, Girl Family, Blackjacks, Barons, Christmas in Hawaii, Maxine, jetta Lucky, Navy Bros, weekend snowboarding, Recognition, Football with Billy, late nights, procrastination Legal Studies buddies, 2012, cruise with Ashley, Florida trip, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, 4 long years I’m finally graduated!

Anne Koons

Allentown PA

Nurse Practitioner

Psalm 118

Katherine Lyons

Charlottesville, VA

Cyberspace Operations

4 dig year. Embrace the suck; 3 dig year Deal with it; 2 dig year Shut up and color Firstie year. HUZZAH!!

Squadron Twenty-Onew

Martin Madsen Denton, TX


Guys I probably couldn’a done it without yall but yall couldn’a done it without me either.. Yall are welcome.

J C Mintzmyer

Dateland, AZ


“Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today!” - James Dean

Roman Owens San Diego, CA Pilot

So I guess its really over, and I’m sure glad it is. 4 years of late nights & long days, wouldn’t trade it for the world. To my family for pushing me, to my friends who helped me, and to God for looking over me I wouldn’t be here without you. Nothing’s wrong with having a dream but turning it into reality is truly special.

Jeremy Robben Qeves, OH Pilot

Thanks to my family and friends! Thanks for sticking by me and making this all possible! I will never forget my experiences here at USAFA! It was an unbelievable, full of countless memories, and yet such a short ride and it’s now time to moveon to the next chapter of my life! Thanks again and love you all!

Charles Paul Salisbuiy, NC


“Everyone ought to believe in something. I believe 1 will go fishing.”

- Heray David Thoreau

Anthony Robinson Toledo, OH Intelligence

Casey, Sack and Jared couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks Mom Dad, Keriy, Kelly and of course Jackie for all the support and love over the past few years!! “Everything stinks till it’s finished.” - Dr. Suess.

Clayton Schmitt Alden, NY

Security Forces

Mom and Kate, Kris, Kate, all my family and friends hereand back home thank you for everything. Your love and support has made all thedifference It’s been a great ride so far. “The greatest glory in life lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall' Nelson Mandela. For the Class of 201P as we begin to serve; Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio.

William Thimmel

Pompton Plains, NJ Pilot

What a wild ride, from being a DOOLIE to being what we all strived to be. Thanks to my loving family and loyal friends. Couldn’t have done it without you all Love my Blackjack Family and all the memories made there. I don’t know what I’ll do without my faithful roommate, but life goes on. What Awesome experiences, leaders, and times, all unforgettable! It was real; it was fun, IT WAS REAL FUN. Double Down.

Erik Von Husen Farmington Hills, MI Pilot

To my family; Thank you for all your support. This one’s for you. I love you all.

Catherine Wilson Spring, TX Logistics

“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” - Paul Bryant; Dad, Mom, Erin -1 can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. I wouldn’t have made it without the help and support from y’alL I couldn’t be more lucky with the family I was given. Kimmy - Thanks! I love y’all - See you on the outside!

Kalyn Tung

Denver, CO

Developmental Engineer

To the ones by my side, to the ones at my back, to the leaders who pushed me, to the subordinates who trusted me, to the family who believed in me, to the friends who inspire me, to the experiences that define me. For you, I will live, and I will soar. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.”

Austin Wallerstein Canyon Country, CA Physicist

Go Falcons, Win the West!

Don Adkins

Beckley, WV

Behavioral Sdentist

Thanks to all of my family, classmates, and friends who have been there for me along the way. You all helped me find the real. Love, Don

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.”

Mark Twain

“The most important thing I have learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes, and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow.”

- Colin Powell; Thank you Anna Mom, Dad, Granny, Grandpa Amber, Alyssa Eric, the Paluch Family, the Forest Family, and all those who made me who I am today. I love you dearly.

Air Liaison Officer

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”

- St. Augustine of Hippo; Thank you to everyone who has helped me: my friends, my classmates, my mentors, my sponsors, my family, our chaplains, our enlisted airmen and NOOs.

Mary Anderson

San Diego, CA

Operations Research Analyst

Thanks to all who helped me through my four years here You ve been such a blessing to me I love USAFA1!

Thank you to the group of incredible family and fiends for helping me through. And thank you to my Dad, Philip, and Corban for being such great examples to live up to. Ephesians 3:16-19.

Iceman: “I don’t like you because you’re dangerous.” Maverick; ‘That’s right! Ice...man I am dangerous.” It’s been fun evetybody. Steve, you’re looking skinny. ...Rebels!


My American family! Just want to give a Big Hug to everyone who has helped me get to this point in my life. Specially dad, moms, Justin, Thaniel Ames, and Ashes. Yall’s testimonies constantly impact tny life. Scott, Austin, and freidskie, y’all are men For His glorx. Rich Psalm 20:7, NPQ.

Tom Browning N/A Pilot Garret Bryant Monument, CO Pilot Austin Davis Jacksonville, FL Intelligence Blaze Dunn Dubai United Arab Emirates Pilot Christopher Ela Lompoc, CA David Fox Corona, CA

Ray Gutierrez

Grand Prairie, TX

Operations Research Analyst

Thanks to all my close friends and family for your support throughout all my experiences here at the Academy. Without your support I would not be where I am today. There are so many memories that I will take away from my time here, both good and ted, but I wouldn’t change a thing. “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” -

Kaylee Hay Liberty, MO

Public Affairs

The Academy has taught me how to appreciate the little things in life like a hot shower, good food and SLEEP! I could not have made it through this place without the love and support I so thankfully received every day from my friends and family.

Stephanie Konvalin

Waynesville, MO

Space and Missiles

Thank you to everyone who supported me through these four years. I am blessed to be surrounded by your goodwilL Nothing can stop passion, passion feeds off challenges and thrives from the support of loved ones. “Young people are in a condition like permanent intoxication, because youth is sweet and they are glowing.” - Aristotle

Scott Mathis

Crystal Lake, IL

Acquisition Manager

Mom and Dad, thank you for the love and support you have given me throughout this challenging journey. I could not be where I am today without you. To the 12ers, I love youguys and damn did we have some good times. To the hockey team, nothing is better than a weekend sweep and a Saturday night with the boys! Keep the tradition alive...

Jacob Harrison

Mission Viejo, CA

Special Tactics Officer

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? and I said ‘Here I am send me!”’ -


Alex Kingsley

Hurlburt Field FL Pilot

“Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. Stay close to your friends at the Academy and you’ll all make it through together.” - Robert Block

Dane Lannon

Framingham MA


Thank you Mom Dad and Will for supporting me and keeping me on the track towards this wild dream of mine. PTWOBs, here’s to three years of our dreams unfolding before our eyes. I can’t wait to see you guys out there. Here’s to you, and here’s to me. Blue Skies...401

Kyle McAlpin Plantation, FL


Where am I going? I’ll tell you where. Someplace warm A place where the beer flows like wine Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I’m talking about a little place called Pilot Training. Thanks to my family and friends for supporting me. Love ya!

Squadron Twenty-Twof

As the great Lloyd Christmas once said: “Hey guys. Woah, Big Gulps, huh? All right! Well see ya later!”

Kyle Nunez

Fullerton, CA


“You only live life once...enjoy.

Financial Management

Time flies when you’re having fun.

To my family (Mom, Dad, Nachi and many more): I would not be where I am today if it were not for your unconditional love and support. Thank you. I love you! To my friends and my fellow Raptors: Thank you for helping make my days at USAFA tolerable and enjoyable(sometimes). I am humbled to serve alongside all of you, and I look forward to seeing you all do amazing work!


Lane Thaut

Medical School

Dad and Family - Thank you for always being there and supporting me. Without you, I would not be where 1 am today or been able to reach my goals. Fellow Raptors and FriendsThank you for the memories that 1 will never forget. Nothing can replace what we have been through together. Best of luck to everyone with their future endeavors!

Michael Seery Oregon OH

Cyberspace Operations

We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. “Do good work and hard work”


Thanks Mom and Dad for your love and support! I love you guys. That was definitely the longest six years of my life, but I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I’m honored to have the friends that I got here at USAFA. They truly meant the world to me as I reached my highest highs and my lowest lows. See ya’ll in the real AP.

Kelly Ann Wert Mililani HI

Logistics Readiness

Dad, Mom, Ryan, Josh, and Yoshie-san: 1 made it. **1 will never forget the stripes I wore, those stripes got me here and got me through.**

Mikey Moore Cottonwood Heights, UT Pilot Steven Parker Lumberton, NC Hermes Silva Victoria TX Pilot
Kyle Stockamp Boone, NC Monument, CO

Mark Williams

Potsdam, NY

Operations Research Analyst

Thank you to all my friends and family for all of your love and support. Mom and Dad, thanks for all that you have sacrificedyou are the best! Boys, thanks for all the great memories...I wouldn’t have made it without you.

Ron Windham

McDonough, GA Acquisitions

“May I helpa-you’sa-peaz-SUHHHY.

The famous Mahatma Gandhi once said, “If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.” Mom and Dad, thank you for pushing me to be everythingyou’ll never had a chance to be. Though you may claim this accomplishment as mine, I will forever remember this accomplishment as OURS. Nannie, I will always be your “little angel”. Thank you for always being there, my guardian angeL

1 .®

Mark Boyer

Hershey, PA


Thank you to God my family my friends and all the people who there to celebrate the highs and pick me up from the lows. You mean the world to me, and I am certainly blessed to have such great people in my life. Thank you.

Jacob Binder Colorado Springs, CO Security Forces

“The real test comes when all strength has fled and men must produce victory on will alone.” - Steven Pressfield Gates of Fire

Sarah Dugan Bethalto, IL Aircraft Maintenance

“Be on guard Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.” -1 Corinthians 16 13-14

Kevin Escobedo

Visalia CA Pilot

I want to thank God, Mom, Dad, Darlene, and Gadi for getting me through this place. Without you, who knows where I would be. To my Stormer family words cannot express my gratitude for each and every one of you. You made this place fun, thanks for the laughs and thanks for the memories. In the end, it was all worth the trouble What doesn’t kill you makes you feel more alive. Fin.

Kevin Brady Philadelphia PA Security Forces

“May God give you... for every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.” - Irish Blessing: To family and friends thank you! I cannot express in words my gratitude and love for you all thank you for all the support. Cheers!

Austin Buscher Pullman, WA Aeronautical Engineer

“Isn’t it a great day to be an American Warrior? Heirpower!”

Adam Dunne Thornton, CO Civil Engineer

“If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” - Michael Jordan; Good times. Good Memories! “May the good saints protect you. And bless you today. And may troubles ignore you, Each step of the way.” - Irish blessing

Andrew Finley Dover, TN


Thanks to my family, friends, and everyone who supported me along the way.

Nathan Foltz

Patatine, IL


Why do gorillas have big nostrils? Because they have big fingers.

Stand behind what you say and do because if you don’t, nobody else will “Let your yes be' yes and your no be no.” - Matthew 5:37. Thank you to all my family and friends who supported me at the Academy. And a special thank you to my OCF family who were there for me when things got bad

Nicole Johnson Crestview, FL Aircraft Maintenance

I want to thank my Mom and Dad for everything and helping me along the way, without your support and love 1 never would have made it this far. I cannot wait to see what the future brings. “Happiness is not the object of life, Life has no object, It is an end in itself, And courage consists in the readiness to sacrifice happiness for an intense quality of life.” - unknown

Kelly Laurent St. Louis, MO

Scientist/Medical Corps

Thank you Mom, Dad, Ashley and Eric for your unwavering support and love! To my friends, THANK YOU for the great times! I would have never made it through without every single one of you, especially the Stormer family, supporting my McDonalds addiction. If I’m 400 pounds at our reunions, don’t laugh. lave you all! ‘Celebrate we will, for life is short but sweet for certain”

Dave Mat t hews Band

Matthew Fryer Bartlesville, OK Pilot

It took me 7 years to get through but all worth it. Thanks to all of those who took the time to shape and humble me. I hope to represent those people well Now it’s time to go fly some planes!

Adam Hill Charlotte, NC Pilot

Humbled by the opportunity God has given me. Thankful to my parents, my brothers, my friends, and my girL It is my prayer that I may be a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God Romans 12:1

Matthew Keough Monument, CO Pilot

Mom and Dad - Thanks for all the love and support over the years and for helping me make it this far in life, 1 couldn’t have made it without you. To my brothers -1 know I can count on you for anything, thanks for always being there. To my friends - Good times remembered and good times to come...thanks. -Freedom Isn’t Free... Never Forget-

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Four years at the Academy have taught me one thing...To never stop fighting and 1 never will. This is only the beginning... “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13; Thank you God. Family, and Friends!

David Gillette Valdese, NC Pilot David Leeds Renton, WA
Squadron Twenty-Three

Patrick Mayfield

St. Louis, MO


Future stormers, make it long and hard for the freshmen, they will be happier in the end

Eryn Nyre Chicago, IL


“The best yet to come, and babe, won’t that be fine.” - Frank Sinatra; Thanks family, friends, and everyone who ever contributed to Operation Graduation

Daniel Pickett

West Palm Beach, FL Pilot

Hard work doesn’t guarantee success, but without it success is virtually impossible. Proud to wear the bolts!

My parents; I honestly would not have made it here if it weren’t for you You’ve always been supportive of any decision I’ve made, and I love you for it.

Dillon; A lot can change in 4yrs, always pursue what you love. Zoomie Bros: DTMSCP, and never forget- Stories over Standards. Sambo, AO, and Big JakeRR BBC- It stands the test of time, but we do ’em anyway! Stormer Nation; Good luck to ya. 2 Kings 2:23-24

Lindsay Morse

Colorado Springs, CO Intelligence Officer

Thanks to God who without, none of this would have been possible, mom and dad who always believed in me no matter what, my brothers and sisters who kept me grounded the mac to my cheese who taught me I am capable of far more than I thought and of course all my friends, who have been there through thick and thin. I am so excited to see what our future holds; remember “The key to happiness is to own your slippers...”

Austin Ollis Golumbus, NC


“It’s not where you start; it’s where you finish. And it’s OK along the way to fail I failed. It took that failure for me to realize what my potential was and to dedicate myself to something I truly believed in, to understand that it was going to take a whole lot more than going through the motions, no matter how talented I might be,”

Jacob Ringrose Eagle Point, OR Civil Engineer

If it wasn’t for Track & Field I wouldn’t have got in. If it wasn’t for friends and family, I wouldn’t have stayed If it wasn’t for luck, I wouldn’t have graduated Thank you to everyone I ever met, and I wish you the best of luck in life. “Well time and fate can’t be controlled You play the hand that you’re dealt And the dice that you rolled.”

- Gary Allan, No Regrets

Jeffrey Sasaki Qeveland, OH Pilot

“Insanity is just a state of mind.”

Hawkeye, M*A*S*H “Ever wonder why we’re here?” - Red vs. Blue; Don Eppes: |Talking about a paper airplane.! “Well the wings are a hit thin.” Charlie Epjtes: “Forgive me if all my years in advanced applied mathematics take issues with that assessment.” Don Eppes; “Well, forgive me if all myyears in high school detention say I'm right."


Trent Rodriguez Essex, CT Pilot

Tanner Weltzin

Alexandria, MN


Many Thanks to all that helped me along the way. Brothers on the team— Stay metaL Globus Ad Murum

Jacob Wiseman

Roswell GA


You stay classy, USAFA

O,;,-8 << i Squadron Twenty-Three

Los Angeles, CA Pilot

“’What’ ain’t no country I’ve ever heard of. They speak English in What?’ - Jules, Pulp Fiction

Thank you to all my friends who never missed the opportunity to recognize my additional age and helped me through this place. Thank you to my family who supported me while I was out here. Thank you to my prior' supervisor when I was enlisted who helped me realize my potential.

Worry is simply praying to the wrong God Thank you to all of my growing family, you are all very dear to me, I love you.

God you are AWESOME! Father, thank you, for family who supported me, for friends who encouraged me, for the amazing woman who enables and loves me. Most of all thanks for You, Gal Yotrr mercy, grace, and love are the only things that got me though. As my classmates and I embark on this journey, turn our eyes to you, the Ultimate Warrior, for otrr hope. Draw us to you. Amen. Soli Deo Gloria

Roy, WA Force Support

Thank you Dad and Donna! Your help and support made all this possible!

“I am the kit fox, I live in uncertainty.

If there is anything difficult, If there is anything dangerous to do. That is mine,” - Sioux warrior’s song

Thanks Mom and Dad for all your support!

Jason Black Monica Clements
Christopher Danielson Huntington, IN Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Ryan Del Grosso Marysville, OH Special Tactics Officer Jane Demkowicz Colorado Springs, CO Operations Research Analyst Kevin Doolittle Sauk City, WI Pilot Caleb Egli Colorado Springs, CO Pilot
268 Firsties

Paola Gavilanes Linden, NJ Intelligence

Mami, Papi, Big D, Vic and My Rose... Gracias por estar siempre a mi lado, siempre apoyando me y por creer en mi No fue facil pero lo hice.

To my friends, especially those who have known me since our first days at Lackland and my Preppies, I pushed harder every day because 1 felt you all at my side, thank you for making USAFA the best decision I ever made.

Jennifer Kagarise Monument, CO Pilot

Thank you to everyone who helped me get to this point. 1 couldn’t have done it without the support of my family and friends. I have had the mast amazing opportunities here and made lifelong friends I will never forget. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” - Bil Keane

Tyrus Korecki Denver, CO Pilot

“Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored, there are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all” - Dr. Suess. Thank you to all my friends and Family. I would never have made it without you. I love you all

Bryan Maynard Washington PA

Control and Recovery

“1 wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it...”-

Albert Hatchett

Bell Buckle TN Force Support

Thank you to all my friends and family back home who wrote and prayed (FDLFG2H). Mom, Dad, Emmy, and Alex, thanks for supporting me and being there for me throughout this journey (12 am Steak and Shake!) Jenny, thanks for being patient and helping me get through this place your love and support were awesome and I couldn’t have done it without you. Let a new journey begin! Proverbs 3:5-6

Blair Kessler Boeme, TX Financial Management

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Allison Laning Oswego, IL


It’s been a tough five years, but has been some of the most rewarding times of my life! I know I could not have made it through without the support of my family and close friends. Thank you all for believing in me and always being there for me. I love you! A-Squad!

Daniel McGinnis-Welsh Cascade, ID

Munitions and Missile Maintenance

Thank you to everyone who has helped me make it through this experience and has taught me how to be a better man. Remember always to place faith and trust in God and he will guide your path. “Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.”

Squadron Twenty-Four

Michael McLain

San Clemente, CA


“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert Kennedy: Mom, Dad, and Alex thank you for never letting me believe I couldn’t dream big.

Jacob Naumaim

Huntingtown, MD

Combat Rescue Officer

A man can only be beaten in two ways: if he quits or if he dies.


Thank you to my family and sponsors for helping me to become kind of a big deal


Thank you friends and family for helping me through the Academy. I have had amazing times and terrible times; it is a place of extremes, but I would not replace my experience. I have done everything I have wanted the way I wanted to do it. Sanza tema d’infamia ti rispondo.

John Saydah

Glen Rock, NJ


1 couldn’t have made it to this point in my life without the love and support of my family and friends. I Love all of you. “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming.” Theodore Roosevelt

Chelsea Ragland Maryville, TN

Space and Missiles

Thank You so much for my family and for getting me through this place! In that book which is my memory...On the first page, that is the chapter when I first met you appear the words...Here begins a new life.

Laith Samarah Gaylord, MI


“Walk tall Kick ass. Learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget that you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors.” - Hunter

S. Thompson

Best of thanks to my family for all of your support over the last four years, could not have done it without you

Cory Williams Sarasota. FL


“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” - Michael Jordan. I got to thank all my family and friends. Without all your love and support 1 would not be where I am 1 love you all.

Zachary Peters Lockboume, OH Zack Ratkovich Gleason, WI
270 Firsties

First, I would like to thank God for giving me the strength in pursuing my dreams. My family, for always being there for me to guide me through and give me advice. Melanie, for always being so supportive and believing in me, no matter what. Without their love and care, support and knowledge, I would not be the person I am today. “Living one day at a time; accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.” - Serenity Prayer

Joshua Zambrano Newport News, VA
Squadron Twenty-Four

Paul Archambault

Wrentham, MA

Civil Engineer

Mom, Dad, and Deana: I love you and I couldn’t have made it without your advice and support. Egypt crew: we had some awesome times even though we hated it! To the Dubs: thanks for the support, love, and food Shaina and Zach: you are my best friends and you made this place bearable. Zach: you and Sarah are awesome, and you kept me sane this past year. To everyone else, we’ve finally made it!

Nathan Betcher Luray, VA Pilot

“Talent, genius, and education aren’t worth a damn without determination

The world has plenty of talented, unsuccessful people and society is as replete with inconsequential intellectuals as it is fools waiting on fate or planning on luck Remember-your skill your integrity, and your brilliance count for nothing until they are carried out in actions and each fades quickly with neglect.” - unknown; Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat; to family & friends: thanks.

Derek Bums San Diego, CA Weather

To the people who mean so much to me: Mom, Dad Grandparents, Brian, Yvonne, N.J, Dan, Josh, Austin, and Steve, you have no idea how much you all mean to me. Thanks for all the love, support, and good times we’ve had so far. The future is bright and great things are to come Let’s keep it that way!

John Debonis

Sayville, NY


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Zachary Barrington

Orange County, CA


This is not a summary of things past, butthe foreword to a library s worth of experiences. If this class could feel the weight of our future responsibilities, I do not think we would toss our caps so high. Now is our turn to serve and fight and die, and to do so with a light heart, with the same attitude that got us this far. Documentation: None.

Rachel Burk Richmond, VA


“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

Alison Chermel Dallas, TX


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”Dr. Seuss; Thank you to all my friends, old and new, my family, and my invaluable mentors. I couldn’t have done this without your support and helping me to remember Live, Laugh, & Love.

Sarah Evans Dallas, TX

Operations Research Analyst

“Do not let this Book of Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:8 9


Joseph Gramling Beckley, VW

Office of Special Investigations

If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you run with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan? - Jeremiah 12:5

Kyle Hansen Prattville, AL Pilot

“Uri vinciri verberari ferroque necail” Endless thanks and love to my family and friends. You always believed in me even when I doubted myself, supported me in victories and downfalls, and I could have never made it to where I am in life without you all. Now on to the next great adventure!

Andrew Kleman

Fort Jennings, OH Developmental Engineer

“Why are we here? Because were here. Roll the bones.” - Rush

Joshua Linsell Tuscan AZ Pilot

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” - Sir Isaac Newton

Jonathan Griffin

Spencerville, OH Pilot

“Short people have long faces, and long people have short faces. Big people have little humor, and little people have no humor at all” -

Cosmo Brown

James Jensen

Memphis, TN

Cyberspace Operations

What I will remember most from here is what helped me through the hard times andcould not be where I am today without, and that is the people. I met some of the best friends I have ever hadand enjoyed some of my greatest times. That is what makes it all worth it. Can’t wait to see you all out there. Good luck, God bless, and have a heck of a good time.

Daniel Lee

Monterey, CA Developmental Engineer

This too shall pass.

Christopher Miller Belton TX

Cyberspace Operations

“If all guys were like me the human race couldn’t survive” - Leonard Hof'stadter


Squadron Twenty-Fivew ity Five 273

David Riegleman Mayville, WI


Embrace life and dare to fail

Life is a choice. What you choose to believe, who you choose to trust. You can choose to be happy or you can choose not to be happy. There is no world but the one you create for yourself.



“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles" - Audrey Hepburn; Thank you to my family and friends who supported me throughout my Academy career!


“No regrets, that’s my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight.”

- Zach Galifianakis as Luke, Out Cold

Logistics Readiness

Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. - Deuteronomy 31:6; Thanks mom, dad and all the other family and friends who supported me in my 4 years here!

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people; the affection of children; learn the appreciation of honest critic; to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived This is to have succeeded”

- Ralph Waldo

Wish to own your own dream, this could prove earned today.

Kimberly Shealy Powder Springs, GA Joseph Silverio Binghamton, NY Pilot Joshua Stanley Virginia Beach, VA Pilot Emerson Rachel Thomas Colorado Springs, CO Evan Twohig Sumter, SC Pilot This space intentionally left blank. Aaron Vincent Salida, CO Aircraft
Jihwan Yoo Seoul Korea Pilot

Benjamin Aiken

Jacksboro, TN


I just want to thank all of my family for their support during my time at the Academy, especially my parents and my sister. I love you guys! HAP!!!!

Sara Bangert Parkland. FL

Operations Research Analyst

Thank you to my friends and familyespecially Mom and Dad-for everything you have done for me, I would not be where I am today without your love and support. “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work”

David Beranek Maxton NC

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” - Nelson Henderson First and foremost, I’d like to thank my parents for their unwavering dedication to me. Next, Maurice and Bess, thank you for all the laughter and support from so far away. Finally, to my Baron family and the rest of my friends at the Academy I will miss you all so much. Were finally done!

Jessica Bickford Tacoma, WA Pilot

Thank you to my family, fFiends, and everyone who helped me get this far! Your love and support have made me who I am today.

Alexander Arredondo

Somerset TX

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

The time here at USAFA has been an unforgettable experience with many ups and downs of which I could not have done without the loving and caring support of my Mom, wisdom and encouragement from my Dad support from my sister, the companionship and unrelentless camraderie of my friends.

Jeff Benson Birmingham, AL


Never let your schooling interfere with your education

Daniel Bergstresser Columbus, OH

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

From stripes to bars.

Dylan Brock Safety Harbor, FL


You mean I can write anything here, and they’ll publish if?!?! Mom, Dad. Samantha, Alex, Zach, CS-26, thank you all for your support and friendship! I couldn’t have done it without you.


Tyler Brown

Vero Beach, FL


To my family, I love you so much and could not have done it without your support. Pops, you’ve been an inspiration to me. To my friends, thanks for the help through the tough times. And to the paintball team, you’ve taken all of my money but had some great times too. Mikey likes shooting those paintbarets. Family Environment. PENALTY! So much determination doh. Someone once said, work hard but always remember to have fun.

Katharine Ernst Folsom, CA


AFAs’ Women never stop the craziness. Words cannot express how much 1 miss everyone (and Texas-sized jelly beans!) Baby Shadows, thanks for an amazing freshmen year, the memories, laughter, and support. Thanks to the Barons, the Astro kids (it’s on the sharepoint), and everyone else I’ve met... it’s been a great ride. Trevor, Jordyn j, Sam, Cassie, Alison and Lauren I cannot imagine my life without you all..thanks for everything.

Andrew Glover

Inver Grove Heights, MN


To my family and friends who have been with me through the good and the bad, and ultimately to my Savior... thank you. Sacrifice or Regret, you choose!!

Michael Kazakoff Denver, CO

Financial Management

It is belter to live on your feet than die on your knees, live life to the fullest and work hard every day, you either get bet ter or you get worse.

Phillip Choy

Basking Ridge, NJ


Big thanks to my friends, family, and preppies! Couldn’t have done it without you! In the end it’s how you make it, so just make it to the end. Phil Choy Phil

Choy Phil Choy Phil Choy Phil Choy

Phil Choy Phil Choy Phil Choy Phil

Choy Phil Choy Phil Choy Phil Choy

Phil Choy

Jose Gastiaburu

Lima Peru

Developmental Aeronautical Engineer

Thanks to the baby bulls for an awesome freshmen year and to the Barons for 3 amazing years. Thanks to my roommate Daniel and to my amigos Gabriel Dave, Jeff, Tyler, Jackie, and Yunior for all the fun. Thanks to my family for the unconditional support. This four-year journey was rewarding and prepared me for my future officer life. Remember “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

Dayna Grant Morriston, FL

Aircraft Maintenance

“In my world, everyone’s a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!”- Dr. Seuss. Thanks to those who I’ve met and those who I’ve known, you have all been there for me along this great journey. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!


John Lydiard Bedford, NH

Operations Research Analyst

Fortes fortuna adiuvat


Squadron Twenty-SixV277

David Marston Semmes, AL

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Thank you, USAFA for the opportunities you provided me. That being said, you will never be able to talk me into coming back here to teach.

Meghan Prinkey White Plains, MD

Developmental Astronautical Engineer

“We choose to go to the moon We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win..” - John F. Kennedy

Thanks to all my family and friends for their support over the years.

Manuel Smith

Alpharetta GA


Finish through the finish line in all things that you commit to, so that at the end ofyour life you have as few regrets as possible...Psalms 23:4

Jacqueline Marie Mozingo

Charlotte Hall MD

Mathematical Sciences

Above all I will thank God for giving me the strength to overcome and learn in these past five years. I thank those who helped me get here and have supported me through it alL I am now very excited to see what these next years will bring. “If you want to feel proud of yourself, you’ve got to do things you can be proud of. Feelings follow actions.” -

David Rice Melbourne FL


1 would like to thank my friends and family for helping me through. I could not have done it without you guys.

It’s been emotionaL

James Snider Toledo, OH


Thank you to my family and friends, especially Mom, Dad and Jaimie. for all the support over the past four years. 1 could not have done it without you and I love you alL

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and 1 I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost

Derek Schillaci Auburn, WA Pilot Matthew Selby Eagan, MN Pilot

Yunior Soto

Brooklyn, NY


Thanks to all my family, friends, and my best friend Angela I couldn’t have made it this far without everybody’s support. It has been a long road but the journey is only beginning.

Travis Thornton

Niceville, FL Pilot

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Sky Torres Colorado Springs, CO Space and Missiles

To those I know, and those I have yet to meet: In the end, what we have in our existence is not as important as how we’ve lived While beauty may not hold truth, thruth will always hold beauty. The future is home to many dreams, but reality will always belong to those who dream by day. Morn Dad Rachel, thanks for your love and support in these interesting years! =)


“Wa-Wa” Waddel O’Fallon EL Intelligence

“What a long strange trip it’s been”Grateful Dead. Tell me about it! Thank you God and to Mom, Dad Tom, Andy, Matt for your awesomeness because this gooberhead wouldn’t have made it alone. To the Volcheffs, O’Fallonites, baby Knights, Baron bros and sistahs, salsa dancers, and all my friends both insideand outside the zoo, thanks for all the hilarious times! And to my baby Giggy, for your never-ending love and support.

Samantha Wright Dayton OH Intelligence

Sam “They kept going. Because they were holding onto something.” Frodo: “What are we holding onto, Sam?”

Sam “That there’s something good in this world Mr. Frodo...and it’s worth fighting for.” It’s been real I couldn’t have done it alone though. I want to thank all of my friends from Mach One and the Barons, especially Sarah, Bri, and Katharine. I really don’t know what I would do without you guys.

To all my friends and family I cannot express how much your support has helped me get through the last four years. I love you all so much.T-birds I am looking forward to the next step in our journey. Keep living the dream and I hope I see all of you in the big Air Force.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. It’s been an amazing four years and I couldn’t have done it without my friends and family. I love you guys.

What a journey these past four years havebeen I’ve learned to live life to the fullest and to cherish those around you. I’m forever thankful for my family, friends, and brothers on the field There’s no time like the present time, and God Bless to all who’ve helped me through this journey.

As a 4* I wrote that my purpose was to prove to myself and the world that I could accept the challenge atid overcome it. I would not have been able to do that without the support of my friends and family especially my two younger brothel's. Caleb and Ellery. Thank you so very much! Now on to the next challenge!

When you get what you want and the world has made you king for a day, go to a mirror and look at yourself, and see what that man has to say. You may fool the world and get pats on the back as you pass, but your final reward will be the heartaches and tears if you have cheated the man in the glass. Thank you all for not letting me cheat that man.

It’s humbling to realize how much 1 have grown over the last four year's. I’d like to thank my God family, friends, instructors, superiors, suboordinates, and “Hap” Arnold for making me the man I am today. Everything I am and will be, I owe to yon The next time “we toast to men we boast”, I’ll be toasting to you.

Thank you Lord Jesus for finding me and saving my life. And to you Dad Mom, Ken Joanne, Janna Kim, Krystal and Mrs. Arnold for always believing in me and propelling me to my dreams, I love you all very much. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but takeheart! I have overcome the world” - John 16:33

li has been a great four years because of the people around me, Thanks to all the friends and family.

Steven Alsen Boxborough, MA Pilot Robert Brazil Moreno Valley, CA Pilot Richard Brennan Chicago, IL Pilot Jeffory Brenner Urbandale, LA Pilot Michael Ceci Marietta GA Pilot Brian Davis Cheyenne, WY Pilot Kirby Forssell Laurel, MD Pilot Ross Gourlay Lake Mary, FL Pilot

Brian Higgins

Vestal NY


To Mom and Dad, who never stopped believing and praying, I can only hope I will continue to make you proud

To Jill Katherine, and Sev, who never stopped making me laugh, please try to come and visit me sometime. And to my bros... you stay classy. Of course, I owe everything to Jesus, whose Word inspires me to serve. “Who will go for us? I said ‘Here I am Send me.’”Isaiah 6:8

Oakland, CA


The summers were too short, and the winters too long for this Cali kid, and yet I’m going to miss this place dearly. Through it all I had the best family and friends supporting me. To my Mom and Dad, I will never forget the words of wisdom. To all those graduating right along with me from 27, thanks, arid I hope our paths cross again someday.

Timothy Kirby Austin, MN

Space and Missiles

Thanks to everyone who has helped me get through this place. Especially my parents and brothers because without you guys there is no way I would have made it!! The great experiences with the hockey guys was awesome and love ya guys like brothers.

Riley Livermore Phoenix, AZ

Developmental Engineer

These past four years have been full of incredible opportunities with some of the most amazing people I know. I would not have been able to make it without my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the love from my friends and family. To all my fellow Tfiunderbirds, good luck on your endeavors and 1 hope to see you out there in the “real” Air Force.

Parker Jamieson

Dallas, TX


“Never was anything great acheived without danger.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

Kristen Kennedy Eufaula, OK

Financial Management

It was hard gettin in here, through here, and outa here but I made it! Couldn’t have done it without the love and support from my amazing family, friends and boyfriend Thank you Mom and Dad for believing in me and not letting me take the easy way out and thank you Chloe for the constant youtube distractions. I may have griped a little but this was an amazing experience. Stay cute and little yalL

Jeremy Kurz Cheyenne, WY


I will never forget PPP, Fabulous, DFBL, freefall the Brocave, weekends in Breck, Florida, NYC England, Peru, Tony’s, Guthrie’s, O’Malley’s, Pinz, and Hap’s. The greatest people in the world live here. They made it all worth it. The sun was warm, the breeze was cool the pow was fresh, the beer was cold, and the juice was worth the squeeze. Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat.

Andrew Marchi Murrieta, CA


Its impossible for me to put the past four years in thislittle box, but here’s to all my friends who stuck with me through it all, my family whose love never ceases, and God. I’m incredibly thankful for the life he has given me and the wonderful opportunities he has blessed me with. Proverbs 3:5. GSOS...

Erik Kastmiler
Squadron Twenty-Sevenf

Joseph Martin Cartersville, GA Pilot

I would like to give a shoutout to all my friends, especially the Fabulous Thunderbirds and my fellow Baby Wareagles-thanks for helping to make my 4 years here totally worth it! I only came here to fly planes, but I’m gonna be sad to leave y’alL Thanks, Mom and Dad for teaching me to always trust God and work hard

Austin Moore Dayton OFI HPSP Medical Student

Dad Mom, and Sis, you only ever believed in my potential as a leader and continuously gave me the inspiration I needed to pursue my goals. Without you, I would be nothing. I am living my dream and I thank you for the encouragement along the way. To my friends, good stories, great beer, and even greater adventures. “We drank... we fought... we made our ancestors proud” It has been an honor.

Erik Red Mechanicsburg, PA Pilot

Shout out to God family and all my friends for always supporting me in my life. Mom and Dad you always believed in me and pushed me to my potential which is the greatest gift a son could receive. To my friends I met here at the Prep school and USAFA I will always remember you along with the memories we experienced forever. Cave Ride Begins!!

Fanita Schmidt

New Braunfels, TX Space and Missiles

“I do the very best I know how - the very best 1 can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end If the end brings me out all right, what’s said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”-Abraham Lincoln-In honor of the greatest father, mother, little sister and brother, and to my closest friends, you know who you are!, with so much love and more to come.

Timothy Miller

Eagle River, AK Pilot

To Mom Dad and the rest of my family, thank you for all of your love and support over the years. It wouldn’t have been possible without you. To all my friends and fellow Thunderbirds, thank you for the great times, good beer, and incredible stories throughout our four years here. You’ve truly made it an unforgettable journey. Always remember... “I like where your head’s at...” and stay classy Bros. LUSD

Katelyrm Morgan Peachtree City, GA

Aircraft Maintenance

Isaiah 40:3. Mom/Dad- Each step brought its own tribulations but you both were always the railing I held onto and the light that showed me the way. Thank you for everything! 2012“May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again. May God hold you in the hollow of His hand” - Irish Blessing; Brest

Matthew Sanders

Annapolis, MD


Thanks to everyone that helped me get through this. Love you Mom Dad Bryan and the rest of the family. Big thanks to AFLAX for having a huge part in me graduating, great times bros and I couldn’t have done it without you all

Nicholas Smith

Eden Prairie, MN


1 thank God for the opportunities he has given me, and all my friends and family who helped me t hrough.


Kevin Whitt


Thanks everyone for

Song Killeen TX Mechanical Developmental Engineer
thanks be to my family and friends and all glory be to God. Veni Vidi ViciClass Dismissed!
@il n
your love and support, I couldn’t have done it without you all Go Air Force!

John Atkinson Pittsburgh, PA

Logistics Readiness

It’s been unforgettable, in the best and worst ways. I’m excited to put this education to work and I’m incredibly thankfulfor all the people who have been there for me - Mom Dad, family, squadmates, roommates, many othersbecause I know I would not have made it without your support. No big deals and no regrets!

Kelsey Bristol Georgetown, IN CyberspaceOperations

“I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it’s both. Maybe both is happening at the same time.”

Stuart Coston Benton, AR

Acquisition Manager

“I refuse to tip-toe through life only to arrive safely at death.” - Anonymous; “God I’m asking you to change me into the man I wanna be.” - Chris Young “Melissa, you rescued my heart when you came into my life.” - Stu Coston; “Hell yes I love my truck, but honey, I love your love the most.” - Eric Church; “The view I love the most is my front porch lookin’ in.” - Lonestar.

Adam Evenson Mahtomedi, MN


“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, lidding promise for both this life and the next.” 1 Timothy 4:8. “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

- Isaiah 40: 30-31

Catrina Z Begansky Yorktown, VA


I honestly couldn’t have made it this far without the love and support from my friends and family. Mom and Dad, you’ve inspired me to challenge the impossible, never give up, and live life without regrets. Chris, you continually remind me it’s not going to matter how may breaths I take, but how many moments take my breath away. Thank you all-I couldn’t have done this without you.

Paul Mason Carpenter II Centralia, IL Pilot

We listen, we learn. We discuss, we understand We debate we evolve.

Andrew Durkee Monterey, CA

Developmental Engineer

Thanks to all my friends and family who have supported and guided me through these years. It’s been quite a journey, and this is only the beginning. “Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you 1. Jesus Christ 2. The American GI, One died for your soul the other for your freedom”

Alexander Fogassy Oceanside, CA


Wow....what a rush. Every day was its own challenge, but God has hen so faithful! Now here l am, going off into the “wild blue yonder” feeling like King David must have when he wrote “Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war; my fingers for battle”. To jo, Jared, Dave, Ariel and 11 thank Cxi every day for putting, you in my life... 60 days, here we' come!

Brittany Gerard Aurora, CO Space and Missiles

“Have a little faith and you’ll see.” - Brad Paisley- Thank God for my parents, family, and friends whose constant support and encouragement enable me to pursue even my wildest dreams. I eagerly look forward to the challenges that lay ahead of me, but I will never forget where 1 come from and who I am Querer es Poder “To succeed in life you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.” - Reba McEntire

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most responsive to change


“I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” - Dr. Suess

Chelsea Hagar Skiatook, OK Pilot

Dad Mom and Patrick, thank you so much for your faith and support. I could not have made it without you. Blackbirds, it was such an opportunity and a privilege You have taught me more than I could ever imagine

Lucas Johnson Boeme TX Pilot

The Academy is a great place to learn whatkind of person you want to become by observing examples of what you should do and countless ones of what you shouldn’t. Thanks to all who have helped me through this challenging experience and I hope to never let you down “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” - Proverbs 17:22


Jehovah got me here and He carried me tfirough four years of helL I should also thank my parents for a righteous upbringing, my siblings for all their love and support, and the Bros, for all the lols. Hap Zemke.

“Study to shew thyselfapproved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.” - II Timothy 2:15


Mom, Dad, and Grandma: “Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten through, You were always there, even when I was blue. Now it is on me, to always stay true, To be the best man that you grew. There are no words that can express how I feel. You never kept a secret, always stayed real, And I appreciate, how you raised me. And all the extia love that you gave me.” - 2pac

David Ince St. Mary’s County, MD Pilot Jonathan Kim Chicago, IL Moses Krehbiel Manistique, MI Cyberspace Steve Imnbe Tempe, AZ Navigator Samuel A-R Macheak Little Rock, AR
Squadron Twenty-Eight(t/285

Kristopher Martin Crossville, TN Pilot

I just wanted to say thank you to my mother and father for putting up with me. I would not be where I am today without your love and support. And as my Granny would always say - Don’t embarrass the family.

Joshua Nelson Fort Collins, CO Physician

“If growing up is war, thenthe friends who grew up with you deserve a special respect. The ones who stuck by you shoulder to shoulder, in a time when nothing was certain, all life lay ahead, and every road led home.” - The Wonder Years “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God goes with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

Rett Rayhill Memphis, TN Acquisitions

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. -Steve Prefontaine. Thanks to all my friends and family, especially you Mom Dad, and Wrendy. “Change is never easy. You fight to hold on. You fight to let go.” - The Wonder Years

Brian Rhoades Spotsylvania, VA Pilot

Like to start off by thanking my parents and brothers for all of their support, they are a driving force for everything I do. Next without (he help from my Aunt and Uncle there is no way 1 could have made it through the Academy. “Only three things are important to me; One, I’m a pilot, two, I’m a pilot, three, I’m a nYT* pilot.” “1 stole the hard drive.” “Football”

Hannah Morehouse Auburn, CA Physician

“It’s a troublesome world. All the people whore in it are troubled with troubles almost every minute You ought to be thankful a whole heaping lot, for the places and people you’re lucky you’re not” - Dr. Seuss. Thank you Mom Dad, Kristopher, and all my friends for helping and supporting me through these last four years, I love you guys!

Ryan Patrick West Chester, PA Developmental Engineer

I'm Ryan, and I lost the game.

John Red League City, TX

Developmental Engineer

“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and stars, which You have ordained: what is man that You take thought of him and the son of man that You visit him? Yet You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor.” - Psalm 8:34

Daniel Ronning St. Cloud, MN

Financial Management

I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. Phil 4:13


Yes it was!

Milos Seovac

Beograd, Serbia


Kaitlin Shetley

St. Louis, MO

Space and Missiles

Thanks Mom, Dad and Holly for all the love and support for the last four years. I couldhave never made it through this place without you.

William Thompson

Goodlettsville, TN

Cyberspace Operations

Thank you to my family and friends, for listening when I was upset, and helping me struggle through school and life. Without you all I would not have graduated. Thank you. Sometimes, to do what’s right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:34

Stephen Yoshimura

La Quinta CA

General Engineering

“In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.” - Friedrich Nietzsche. “When there’s nothing left to bum, you have to set yourself on fire” - Stars “Do not regret growing old, it is a privilege denied to many.” - Unknown

Caleb Whitlock

Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

“And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." - Romans 5:3-5


I can’t believe my Academy experience is drawing to a close! It seems short looking back, but it was not without its share of trials. Thanks to my parents, sisters, grandparents, OCF buddies, and squad mates for pulling me through the tough times. Y’all are awesome!

Proverbs 3:5-6

Thank you to my family (Mom Dad, Stacey, Ayana and Alan) and friends for your support over these past 5 interesting years. I’m excited to see what the rest of this journey has to offer. “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” - Luke 12:48

To my wonderful and amazing family, I cannot thank you all enough for the inspiration that you are to me! To all my fellow Panthers, through the good times and the bad you are the best friends that I couldhave asked for. To my friends in BSU, you all have kept me on track in so many ways, I don’t know what I would have done without you all.

A sister makes the best friend. Parents make the biggest fans, and God makes the greatest confidant. Life is what you make of it so surround yourself with people who care and love you and always believe in yourself. Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about. These past four years were an experience.


“We will either find a way or make one.” - Hannibal

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” - Harper Lee

“If you find a path with no obstacles, il probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”

Peter Broughton Daleville, VA Chemist Samantha Berthiaume Allen, MD Force Support Tony Caliva Idaho Falls, ID Pilot
Aarol Clinton Prattville, AL Pilot Johnathan Cody Sylva NC Pilot Benjamin DeWilde Omaha, HE Pilot Alexandra Gegen Kansas City, MO Aircraft Maintenance

Hilary Gibson

Possum Kingdom Lake, TX


“I’m glad I did it, partly because it was worth it, but mostly because I shall never have to do it again.” - Mark Twain; Thanks so much to everyone who helped me through - without the countless calls to my parents and sister I probably I wouldn’t be where I am today. Also, thank you Panther pals and Dogs of War freshmen buddies for always being around to get through things together. I love yalll

Chase Guamaccio

Libertyville, IL

Aeronautical Developmental Engineer

To succeed in life is to never be satisfied, never settle for second best, always stay hungry.

Fayetteville, GA Pilot

“Now we’re gonna have some fun”

- Jack Bauer

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt

Julie Grabarek

Laguna Niguel CA


I wouldn’t have gotten through these four years without my Family, Friends, or Kelly McGuire! You all are amazing and brighten up my life every day! I will miss everyone in CS-29 and AF S’Women tremendously, y’all are my family! Steph and Lauren keep it up, only one more year. I love you both! “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” - Sam’s Dad, A Cinderella Story

Brian Harris

Colorado Springs, CO Space and Missiles

I wouldn’t have made it through this place without great leadership, family support, and friends. You all are what keep me going.

Over the past four years I have made lifelong friends, had good times, and even bad times, but I will remember it for the rest of my life. I will also never forget those who helped get me here and keep me motivated. My Mom Karen Dad Danny, Sister Katie, Tony, Mike, and everyone else, thank you for everything! I WILL Fly, Fight, and Win “Never Give Up, Never Surrender!”

- Tim Allen Galaxy Quest

“Life is a storm. You will hask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. You must look into that storm and shout: Do your worst, for I will do mine!”

- Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

James Hill Ryan James Wichita Falls, TX Pilot Andrew Kirk Oklahoma City, OK Pilot Alexis Laleman East Moline, LL Pilot
Squadron Twenty-NineP

Caleb Leestma

Seabrook, TX


“If you can’t see the bright side of life, polish the dull side” - W. Sommerset Morgan

Chris Lodge-Maragh Palm Harbor, EL Pilot

“Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from theweak.” - Thomas Carlyle; I look forward to an amazing career and the many adventures life throws at me. I am extremely grateful to God, my wife to be, Bekah, my family, friends, squad mates, and everyone who has helped me fulfill my childhood dream. Here’s to you

Richie Newberry San Antonio, TX

Computer Engineer

You won’t remember the night you stay in your room, get your homework done, and go to bed early. You will however, remember the night you went out with your friends, did something crazy, and (maybe) got into trouble with your friends.

Michael O’Kelley

Santa Clarita CA


Meet me in the basement with a toothbrush, duct tape, five 9-V batteries, and all the Michael Jackson DVDs you can find...

John Limpert

Mount Airy, MD Pilot

“I get by with a little help from my friends” - The Beatles

Kelly McGuire Albuquerque, NM

Force Support

1 am incredibly blessed to have all of my wonderful friends and family who have supported me through this journey. Mom and dad, thank you. Colton. I will always love you. Jules, you have made this more fun than I could have ever imagined. To my family and friends, I love you all and am so thankful for every one of you! “Shoot for the moon Even if you miss, you’ll land among the star's.”

Phil Ofili Houston, TX


God has blessed me beyong belief with such a supportive family-1 love you guys. Shout to all the Moon Men out there honorary and resident, we made it Boys! We “climbed through a 5 year river of =+= and came out clean on the other side”...#BOPR

Meghan O’Neill Bedford, MA


Dad and Pat, I’m so proud to be following in your footsteps. Mom and Molly thanks for always being my support. Thanks to everyone 1 met here. You made this experience meaningful and fun. 1 lope to see you all in the future. “We are never more truly or profoundly human titan when we dance" Jose Union

290 Firsties

It’s been a wild four years with many ups and downs but I will never forget the experiences I have had and the incredible friends I have made while here. I thank God every day that I was given the stregth to pull through and that I had friends and family to support me. “If you are going through hell keep going.” - Sir Winston Churchill

“Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?’

- What a Girl Wants. I could not have asked for better support from my loving parents, family and my best friend. I am truly grateful! I could not have done this without you. Love you guys no matter what! I love my squad and will forever be a black panther.

Our only son and oldest child our hearts are full Your outstanding achievements come as no surprise. You can do all you set your mind to. You’re an amazing leader, possessing honor and integrity, striving to do what is right, encouraging others to be great, evidence of your love for your fellow man. We’re so proud of the man you’ve become, and the example you are to your sisters. We Love You! Mom and Dad

Thanks everyone for making this such a memorable experience! I apologize if I couldn’t be a more interesting international cadet with a weird accent. I hope our paths will cross again sometime in the future.

“It is the way of weakened minds to see everything through a black cloud”

Jonathon Powell Daphne, AL Pilot Jazzy Sapp Arvada, CO Force Support William Young Aledo, TX Pilot - Alexandre Dumas Thomas Taylor Product of the USAF Pilot Edward Wong Singapore Pilot

Julie Sung

Vancouver, WA


Come what may, and love it. Thank you daddy, mommy, unnie, jj, and everyone else who has helped me do just that!

Edward Camacho Guacara, Venezuela Pilot

Gracias a Dios, mi familia y a mi novia por su ayuda y soporte incondicional. Los Amo! “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4

To my wonder family, thank you for all your support and encouragement. To Rachef you are my rock and I couldn’t have done this without you “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” - Marilyn Monroe

Developmental Engineer

Thank you Mom, Dad, Caitlin, and Erin for all the love and support; you made me the person I am today. To the Bonnins: thank you for opening up your home and hearts to us hooligans. Go Pack Go! Finally, thank you to my friends for all the memories. “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Jacob Blasbalg

Barrington RI Pilot

To those who said I could not: I did To those who said I could Thank you. “A soul in tension-that’s learning to fly Condition grounded but determined to try Can’t keep my eyes from the circling skies Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I” - Pink Floyd

Joshua Cerimele Houston, TX Pilot

So that was USAFA... My gratidute goes to all those who supported me though this, family, and friends. You made it possible and worth while. To those who aren’t supportive ■'Content Removed for Adult Language*


Well that was an experience! Thanks to my family, the A-squad homies, and the dirty bros for the support and the good times, let WHEELS roll forever.


“It’s not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you.”

- Batman Begins

Emily Cotham Cedaredge, CO Pilot Kurtis Day Falls, OR Pilot Ryan Dowden Slinger, WI Josiah Eubank Honey Brook, PA
292 Firsties

Rachel Gebauer

Alpena Mi


Thanks mom and dad for all the support I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks Andrew for always being by my side whenever I needed anything. Thanks to all the throwers you made life bearable and enjoyable here. Last but not least thank you Emily you are the best roomate I could ever haveand I couldn’t have done it without you Gear eyes, full hearts can’t lose!

Benjamin Gomez Cullman, AL


Thank you to my family, friends, and everyone else who has supported me over the past 4 years. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Zachary Helton Vacaville, CA Pilot

Thanks to everyone who supported me. To my family and friends, I couldn’t have done it without you. To my PTWOB family, I love you guys. To God be the glory in everything. Blue Skies... 408

Maciej Krakowian Warsaw, Poland


Chcia?bym serdecznie podzi?kowa? wszystkim tym ktorzy przyczynili si? do mojego sukcestr Mamie, ca?ej rodzinie, Wiktorii, wszystkim przyjacio?om, OLL team i oc.zywi?cie Dirty Bros. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL..

Vincent Gillmore

MarshalMle, GA

Chaplain Corps

“He must increase; I must decrease” - John 3:30

James Hamilton Hamlet, NC Pilot

Thank you to all of my friends and family for helping me make it through. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.” - George Washingon

Matt Kasakitis Torrance, CA Pilot

Huge thanks to my beautiful family for all of their support. Shoutouts; 27 doolies, 30 bros, green machine crew, spice boys (fingers and beers here), Torrance, Ca studs. A great man once said, “Sometimes you’re going to have a great time, other times... not so much.” That man was me and I’m going to fly planes.

Aaron McClain Tampa, FL

Financial Management

A big THANK YOU goes out to my family, friends and to The Rock! To all the homies; The good times don’t have to end here, but thanks a lot for the ones we’ve had and the ones we’ll continue to make. Take care. The only constant is change.

Squadron Thirty ^B^293w

Michael Oakley

Springfield MA


Thoughts become words. Words become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become your character. Character becomes your destiny. Thank you to my Mom Grandparents, Evelyn, TO, The Fal and Franey Families, B-Squad and Dirty 30 it’s been a great experience

John Quirarte Kansas City, KS


To my family, thanks for all the love and support you have shown me over the four years and always motivating me towards the end goal To my friends: thanks for making this a better four years and always having fun. I’ll see you all out there!

David Walcher

Oklahoma City, OK Pilot

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” - John F. Kennedy

Jordan Wittman Council Grove, KS


A special thanks goes to all those who have encouraged me along the way especially my father, mother, Kris, and Sam “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

-Phillipians 4:13

Michael Piazza York, ME

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Be competent, don’t be a jerk. Improve from there Don’t forget the long blue line we’re in, and the early pilots who we sprang from I still can’t believe how blessed I’ve been here and am thankful to everyone who helped me make it. God’s blessed me with my parents, brothers, sponsors, awesome friends, BSU, you guys have been the best. See you all on the other side!

Megumi Voight

Alpharetta GA

Public Affairs

“She packed up her potential and all she had learned grabbed a cute pair of shoes, and headed out to change a few things.”

Matthew Ward Lancaster, CA Physician

“Gome unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Thank you family for your continual encouragement, support, and advice! And thank you Shan Shan. Your smile and your letters always brighten my day.

Jonathan Yi Seoul Korea


To my loving family You always have been and will be my foundation, thanks for all the support and encouragement! To all my bras: Had our fun at USAFA, and now it's time to make our memories elsewhere. The road goes on forever, but the party never ends...

David Anderson

Nashville, TN Pilot

Thank you Mom, Dad, Frances, Bryan Sandy, friends, family, love interests, squad-mates, teammates, roommates, classmates, co-workers, commanders, instructors, alcohof tobacco, firearms, music, caffeine, ski slopes, 4x4’s, designated drivers, drivers willing to pick up hitchhikers, and acquaintances for your love, support, motivation and/ or ability to provide an escape from the grind “What a long, strange trip it’s been” - Grateful Dead

Michael Broch Auburn WA Pilot

“Now bid me run, and I will strive with things impossible” - Ligarius, Julius Caesar

Patrick Day Katy, TX Pilot

Thanks USAFA for showing me how to properly make my bed, roll my socks, sew a knife sheath, make a powerpoint, and drink beer, but also for teaching me how to live wisely, not like a fool making the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Thanks for the trials and hardship for I’ve found Joy in them Thanks for the wisdom and fellowship I’ve found Do it again though? Heck no!

Auriele Fain Billings, MT


My freshman year, my brother gave me a piece of advice that I will never forget. He said “Do everything. Take advantage of every opportunity. Don’t ever turn anything down because you’re too tired or you just don’t feel like it. If it’s boring, the worst that happens is that you’ll forget about it and it will never matter. But if it’s awesome, you’ll remember the adventure until Alzheimer’s kicksin.”

Kristian Barber

Sierra Madre, CA


Thanks everyone for supporting me through the years. Katie you were my best friend through everything and you always will be. Mom and Dad I love you so much. You always pointed me in the right direction and pushed me to do my best. To all my friends, thanks for all the wonderful memories. You guys made it worth it and I wouldn’t be the same person without yon -Psalm 27:14

Jonathan Chung Irvine, CA


‘Thank you for making me struggle thank you for making me grind I perfected my hustle, tell me the wot aint mine.” - Maino

Robert DeMarsh Oak Harbor, WA

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

It’s supposed to be hard being hard is what makes it great. If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it!

Jennifer Flynn Trabuco Canyon, CA


Thank you to my family- Mom Dad Heather, and John your love, strength, and support helped me make it through each day here. Love you so much! To my friends, squadinates, and teammates- thanks for the good times and countless memories. It has been an unforgettable four years. 5D38. we made it!! Let Go, Let God.

Jeremiah Gray King, NC Pilot

I thank the Lord Jesus for blessing me with this chance of a lifetime and for the many people that have been a part of my life for the past 5 years. From the “P” to the Dozen to the Reapers, the memories will last a lifetime. God

Speed Phil 1:21 & Ps 27:13-14.

-Chris, Shrifty, and Ariel: Mission accomplished!

Anthony Jadick Pittsgrove, NJ Pilot

1 would like to thank my friends, family, and parents for their love and support during my 4 years here. I would like to thank my cousin Peter for being my older brother and helping me throughout my time here. I miss you. This was an amazing experience, and 1 wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’ve taken advantage of every opportunity I could have and wanted to. I cannot wait to see what life and God have in store moving forward as I serve my country.

Vincent Jovene

Guess who’s got two thumbs and is out of here? THIS GUY! I had a blast. To the Crew and all my other friends: you guys are awesome. To my parents: thanks for hooking me up with life; I like to think you did a pretty ok job raising me. To God: couldn’t have done it without you, thanks for carrying me. To everyone else: what, you want a cookie?

Nicholas Konishi Tustin, CA

Cyberspace Operations

“Don’t try to be a great man; just be a mart, and let history make its own judgments.” - Zefrarn Gochrane, Star Trek: First Contact.

Anson Harvey

Thousand Oaks, CA Pilot

Without the love and support of my family and friends, none of this would have been possible. Thank you.

Mathew Jerrell Dumfries, VA Pilot

At my finest hour and at my lowest point my Squadron, my classmates, my friends have been there alongside me. You all are the reason I was able to make it through and I wish y’all the best. “You can be a King or a Street Sweeper but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper.” - Major G


“Lighten up while you still can, don’t even try to understand. Just find a place to make your stand and take it easy.”Eagles; REBELS! How do ya like them apples?

Raymond Leinenbach Aiea, HI Pilot

Thank you to all my family and friends for supporting me these past four years. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!

Elmendorf AFB, AK Pilot Cranston Kline Kansas City, KS
Squadron Thirty-OneV297

Tyler Levy

Wichita, KS

Developmental Engineer - Aeronautical

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing the last of human freedoms, the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” -Viktor Frankl

John Nickerson Sacramento, CA


“Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.” -

Victor Rodriguez Clearfield, UT

Space and Missiles

“It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protestor to bum the flag.” - Father

David Shrift

Boa Vista, Brazil


To everyone who helped me get here, thank you

Tiffaney McKinney

Birmingham, AL

Cyberspace Operations

I love you family!! I am ever so grateful for your belief in me. I truly could not have done it without you. Your encouragement is what got me through. I am blessed to have Eric Von, and Evan out here too! Thank you for your support!

Russell “Blair” Roberts Denver, CO

Financial Management

Count your blessings. “I’ve got news for rejoicing/ Now a new sun is rising/ I count my blessings/ That I’m safe when I’m resting/ Furniture in my nesting/ But by force I’m suggesting/ Ya count your blessings” - Damian ”Jr Gong” Marley

Matthew Rogers Cleveland, OH


Dear Future Matt, Whenever you read this, remember to thank your mom and dad and family for raising you right and always supporting you You would be lost without them. Their support and wisdom was more than anybody couldhave asked for. And don’t forget the awesome and hilarious friends you made here either. They made this place so much fun and taught you so much. Love Present Matt: “Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.”

Brian Stenger Sunman, IN


Thank you to everyone who has helped me to get to this point in my life It has been a rough four years but 1 made it. 1 am excited to see what the future has in store for me “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

Sarah Thomas

Kemersville, NC


Re! I’m taking Elliot- you can have Olivia Dun Dun! 3C12. To my wolf pack, thanks for a great year. You girls are amazing and I look forward to coming to see you next year. I’ll miss you, Arwooooo! ...And this is definitely where I parked my car. “You can either run from it...or learn from it.” - The Don King

Francis Usher

Belize City, Belize

Future Prime Minister

Work Hard, Love your family, and Trust in God...everything else will follow. #3C36-How you like them apples?!?


Jason Whitehead Bradenton, FL Pilot

To God: Thank you so much for everything! To My Family: I love you all! Thank you for your support and care! To My Beloved Fiancee: I love you and WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!!! To the Matheson Family: Thank you for adopting me as your sponsor son! It was great! To Cheng Chuan Tay, Christ Thomas, Kenneth Kaczmarek, and Brian Stenger: You all have been grant roommates! Thanks for dealing with me! To IJSAFA:

Alexander Wright

Oregon City OR Civil Engineering

A big thank you to God, my family, and my friends -1 couldn’t have made it without you. Dad, Mom Becky, Christy, Daniel Jeanette, Jonathan, Emily, Katie, Elisayour loving support back home was amazing. The Crew - we’ve had some awesome times! 2012 Reaps - thanks for being the best classmates I could have ever asked for.

Security Forces

I would like to thank everyone who believed in me. I finally made it!

Coral Springs, FL Physicist

I want to thank my friends and family for their support and advice over the past four year, “I need to believe, that something extraordinary is possible.”

- Beautiful Mind

Justin Wilson Stamford, TX Keith A. Wyman

“If it was easy, every a**hole would do it.” - Dad

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Mom, I made it!

To all those who supported and believed family, friends, comrades, and the few who really got to realize who I am:

Thank you

Thanks to God, my family, and friends for making my time here more of a blessing and less of a burden. As for you, USAFA So long, and thanks for all the fish. Illegitimi non carborundum.

Here’s to soaring, the Bros, PEXs, B | Dubs, and Old Cs - pretty much the last four years of my life. I couldn t have done it without the love and support my friends and family have given me Thank you all so much!

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” - Matthew 6:33

Thank you to God my friends, and my family. Mom, Dad Mike Alii and Gabby, your love, support, and guidance inspires me and never fails to put a smile on my face I love you all so very much. Here’s to late nights of homework, frostbitten tzo walks, and ops normal statuses. Though it wasn’t what I expected I’ve learned so much and wouldn’t trade any of it. Finally. LUSD....Box, see ya

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore

Levi Almond Magna, UT Acquisitions Louis Bloom Randolph, MA Pilot Rodney Brooks II Memphis, TN Remotely-Piloted Aircraft David Brumbaugh Lyman WY Pilot Devon Dettloff Rocklin, CA Pilot Timothy Dominice Yorktown, VA Pilot
Lee Embry Blythewood, SC Intelligence Christa Ewasko Winter Springs, FI, Pilot

Casey Habluetzel

Olathe, KS


Thank you everyone for all of the support. I am really going to miss this place.

William Johnson Huntertown, IN Pilot

“Where there’s a will there’s a way.” - unknown; Thanks to my family and friends for your support. Mom and Dad, we made it.

Michael Quezada Woodbridge, VA

Cyberspace Operations

“Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.” - Obito Uchina

Yagie Janisch Olympia, WA Intelligence

Thank you. I love you.

Paul Ochs Jamestown, PA


Thank you to all my friends and family who supported me throughout the past 4 years; it was an amazing ride. “Think big, believe big, act big, and the results will be big.” - unknown

Jared Penner Peoria, AZ Pilot

“His Spirit fill my hung’ring soul His power all my life controL My deepest prayer, my highest goal - That I may be like Jesus.” - Ephesians 1:12

Gabrielle Quirao

Colorado Springs, CO Nurse Practidoner

Thank you to my Nanay, Tatay, family, friends, and Tim Your encouragement, love, humor, attd support is what kept and always keeps me going. Appreciate the small things in life, learn from your mistakes, don’t take anything too seriously, be yourself, and smile it always makes people wonder what you’re thinking. “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that Ls given to us.” #>Gandall'i


Zachary Payne Hoover, AL Contracting Football!!!
Squadron Thirty-Two
Vi/> lBP 301

Leo Ricciotti

Miami FL


Thank you Mom and Dad for everything. And thank you to my friends for giving me something to laugh about.

Am Ruiz

Glen Rose, TX Force Support

Thank you God, for blessing me and helping me make it through the past four years. Family, friends, and Caseythank you for your love, support, and believing in me! You guys are amazing. “It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you had the time of your life.” - Green Day

Peoria IL Intelligence

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim Accept no one’s definition of your life. Define yourself.” - Harvey S. Firestone; Couldn’t have done it without those I love!!

Beau Stegemann Holts Summit, MO Developmental Engineer

I’ve always been preparing for the rest of my life. Now it’s time to live it. Thanks to everyone that helped me along the way. 1 wouldn’t be where I am today without you

Edward Rubio

Los Angeles, CA


Someone once asked me - “Hey Edward, why did you join the military? Do you want to die?” I smiled and told him I didn’t join the Air Force to die, I joined it to live” Heartfelt thanks to all my family and friends for the support. I love you all and I am truly grateful.

Marty Schaeuble O’Fallon, IL


“Gentlemen, we will chase perfection and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way. we shall catch excellence.” - Vince Lombardi

Thank you God, Mom Dad Derek, family, and friends for getting me through this place.


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”- Philippians 4:13.1 just wanted to thank God and my family for having faith in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I couldn’t have done it without you. Love you guys.

Ariel Waiters Memphis, TN

Civil Engineering

Honestly 1 have nothing to say. 1 don't have any holy text to repeat, no special phrase to restate, nor lasting memory to recall for this book. 1 would rather let my life speak for itself. Whether if that is for the bad or good, no characters left on pages such as this will enlighten you to who 1 am Only from walking with me in this life will understand what 1 value.

Lee Schatsiek Daniel Starr Greenwood Village, CO

I’m so excited!

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” - Bill Cosby. Thanks to Kari, Emma Nicola Mom and Dad for all your support

« : u l
Margaret Weingart Broomfield, CO Intelligence Shannon Young Salem OR Physicist
Squadron Thirty-Two

Joshua Bergman Wickenburg, AZ

Cyberspace Operations

God has blessed me with the best family and friends a man could ask for. Mom and Dad, your support, along with God’s guidance, has been my driving force. Aunt Cheryl Grandpa Lefty, I miss you and know you’re watching from above. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4, ILT


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails, Explore. Dream Discover.” - Mark Twain; Thanks Mom Dad Mary, Jimmy, David and Jennifer for helping me get where I am today, I couldn’t have done it without you! Also, thanks Dayton for keeping me out of trouble (mostly).

Thomas Erlinger Honolulu, HI Pilot

Thanks to my friends and parents for their constant support. Bill Lyons and CFT, thanks for providing a refuge.The journey was tough but rewarding. I look forward to the future. “Bet ter to arrive late, than tired”

Carl Chandler

Everywhere, The World Force Support

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but bum, bum bum like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”

All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the future task of the philosopher, which is to solve the problem of value, to determine the true hierarchy of values. Friedrich Nietzsche

Your yearbook is less meaningful because l didn’t include a serious quote.

Kristen Connell Camas, WA Andrew Davenport Okinawa Japan Civil Engineer
David Floren Royal City, WA Pilot

Jonathan Garcia Schertz, TX Pilot

Moral fiber’s about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all you put her in front of eveiything, your life, all of it. Nothing else matters... Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That’s what moral fiber’s all about.

Christopher L Hassa Lyons, CO Developmental Engineer - Astronautics

Remember the Past, Act in the Present, Live for the Future Take what you know and those who support you and face the universe together. Thank you to God, my family, and my friends for all your guidance and support!

Matthew Hensley Beckly, WV Pilot

It’s been good

Zachary Kauth Dayton, OH


Thank you to my family for giving me the support and encouragement to graduate and play four years of football...alza...beat army and navy

Colleen Elizabeth Haggerty Millis, MA Force Support

What a journey. I could not have made it through this place if it weren’t for the incredible support of my family and friends. Mom, Dad Andrew, Erin, Helen, and Rob, your constant encouragement and excitement motivated me to always push through, even during the longest weeks... It wasn’t easy, but I made it!

Laura Henderson Bolivar, PA Space and Missiles

Thank you Dad, Mom, and Emily for helping me every step of the way. Your love and support will always be a source of strength. If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth doing. We made it! I press on toward the goal to win the prize forwhich God has called me heavenward -PhiL3:14

Mister Jackson Phoenix, AZ

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

I would like to thank God my parents, my family, my church family, and my friends. I truly appreciate how phenomenal and irreplaceable you are in my life Thank You for all the love and support. I know I would not be where I am today if it were not for you.

Philippians 4:13

Jeffrey Keating Hazelwood MI


I would do it all again, because of the friends I made and the fun we had I learned how to have fun even when times were hard May the many academy lessons resonate through the rest of my life. I will miss everyone Happy Flying!

Squadron Thirty-Three

Saint Louis, MO


“EVERY new beginning comes from some oTHer beginnING’s end”Semisoniq tHAnk you ben for Paving the Path, kdm for reminding me to set the example, my parENts and grandparents FOR the unwAvering support, and fRiEnds for the everlASting memOries. “I am thankful to all those who said No to me. It’s because of them I did it myself.”


“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”


“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

- Hebrews 12:11

“Dogs are forever in the push up position” - Mitch Hedberg; Well here I am, out the other end and I’m still alive. I guess it all worked out. Thanks Mom and Dad Jonathan, my fiancee Jordan, and all the friends who supported me from tack home. Can’t say it was the most fun journey but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right? “lllegitimi non carborundum”

Thanks to all my friends and family. This has been the best four years of my life. “Still round the comer there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.”

“Celebrate it or ignore it.” “Paradox & bedrock’

Thank you to everybody who helped me succeed especially my family and close friends who helped me get through the good and bad times!

DTMESCP. Carpe Diem!

The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is Ids passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlesslychanging horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

Rachel Mamroth Travis Myers Buffalo Creek, CO Pilot Charles W Norton Vernon, AL Cyberspace Operations Alexandra Petit Plainville, CT Aircraft Maintenance Andrej Pulver Yucaipa, CA Pilot Samuel Roller Burke, VA Pilot Jeremy Sarno Jackson, MO Pilot Colin Swanson Salinas. CA Pilot

Christine Sydney Elgin IL Intelligence

Dad I’m here because of yon Thank you for being my first and best military role model. Mom thank you for teaching me to be the strong, independent woman I am today. And John my brother, I learned how to stand up for myself from your example. Lastly, Sheila, my best friend— it has been an awesome four years and thanks for standing by me! Helaman 5:12

William Kyle Tanner Greenville, AL

Space and Missiles

Sic Vis Pacem Para Bellum “I never let schooling get in the way of my education”-Mark Twain “Independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value. What a man is and makes of himself; not what he has or hasn’t done for others. There is no substitute for personal dignity. There is no standard of personal dignity except independence.” -Howard Roark

Amanda Wineman

New Palestine, IN Force Support

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” - Roald Dahl; Thank you to my familyyou mean the world to me. Joshua 1:9


David Adams

Atlanta GA


If you’re reading this, you’re probably writing my biography. Finally, someone who recognizes my brilliance.

Andrew Bolden Graham, NC

Cyberspace Operations

This space intentionally left blank.

Ben Chavez

Yorba Linda CA

Space and Missiles

“Hard work good, and hard work fine but first take care of Head” - Sublime

Cody Deacon Portland, OR

Who’s the best?


James Beilby

Laguna Niguel CA


5 years later and I have no regrets. Shout out to my family and friends for all the support. Couldn’t have done it without them. B Squad - Roadie - Hawg

Thomas Carter

Titusville. PA Pilot

“More than anything else the sensation is one of perfect peace mingled with an excitement that strains every nerve to the utmost, if you can conceive of such a combination.” - Wilbur Wright

Jim Daniels III

Rineyville, KY

Civil Engineer

“Its what you learn after you know it all that counts” - John Wooden; Thanks to all of my family and friends for the support and encouragement throughout my time here I love you all!

Katherine Dials

Valparaiso. IN

Force Support

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for the lord and not for men” Colossians 3:23.1 want to thank my Lord my Savior for this opportunity and for the strength and guidance you have given me, may my life be yours. 1 cannot thank my friends and family enough. Morn Dad, Alex, and Drew I couldn’t have, done this without your unconditional love. 1 love you guys!

308 Firsties

Drew Dela Cruz

El Dorado Hills, CA Pilot

Thank you friends and family for all your support on this journey. I love you alL “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2

Dustin Gooden Chesterfield, SC Civil Engineer

I want to thank God, my family, and my friends for everything. I could not have made it without all the support that 1 have received It has been a difficult four' years, but I wouldn’t change them for anything. USAFA tells you alot about yourself, you really find yourself while being here. Once again I would like to thank everyone for everything they have done for me.

Kelcie Irvan Midlothian, TX Space and Missiles

Thanks everybody!

HMichael Fournier Lincoln, RI Pilot

“Strong All Along” -311; Also thanks to my friends and family

Joshua Park Lisle, IL Pilot

“Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.” - Shawshank Redemption; “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians 6:12; “Salvation lies within” - Shawshank Redemption

Daniel Henning State College PA Pilot

I owe everything to my parents and family. We have sacrificed many opportunities and memories that cannot be returned so that I could obtain my goal. Thank you.

Tawny Lambuth Auburn, CA

Force Support

Thank you to all my family and friends who helped me make it to this point. I could not have done it without the support of my loved ones. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


Si vis pacem, para helium

Olga Pearse Colorado Springs, CO
Squadron Thirty-FourPP

Andrew Petiy

Kalamazoo, MI

Aeronautical Engineer

Thanks to all my family and friends who encouraged and supported me during my time here!

Jon Richardson

Apopka FL

Space and Missiles

Well after 5 years of being here on the Rocky Mountain top I finally see the light. I want to thank my family, and friends for all the support through the years; it was a hard road but I made it and I have no regrets. USAFA has taught me so much about life and myself, I will always cherish the people I’ve met and lessons I’ve learned here Well USAFA it’s been fun, kiss my class goodbye...282

Lafayette, CA


Always set the standard, be the better person, and work hardest when things are going downhilL Remember that even the worst follower deserves a good leader, but only the greatest leader can help the bad follower succeed


A big thankyou to my friends and family who believed in me and made my experience at USAFA one to remember. It’s been tough, but I’ve learned a thing or two, and hopefully have become a better person in the process. Here’s to the times we’ll never remember, and to the people we’ll never forget. God Bless

Brendan Taylor Newhall, CA


Mom, Dad Kyle, Neal, Friends and Family. I could not have done it without you. This was a long journey and your support throughout has made all the difference. I cannot count the nuiulvr of times I said “this place sucks” but when it comes down to it. il was all worth it. Thank you.

Gordon Spahr Michael Stacks White Lake, MI

If it weren’t for my family’s constant motivation and support, I would not be where I am today, and for that I can’t thank them enough. To all my friends, CONGRATS! I hope to see you all again on the other side. To Tahlia, I can’t believe we really made it! BREW CREW 1-2!!!

Kevin Weaver

Memphis, TN

Medical School/Acquisitions

“As a prisoner for the Lord then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” - Ephesians 4:1-2.1 want to thank my Lord Mom, Dad Whitney, Kendall Robert, Walter and my friends. You were the support I needed to make it through here Thanks from thebottom of my heart.

It was all worth it. I cannot thank my friends and family enough for everything they have done

If you want to do great things you have to surround yourself with great people.

Megumi VanderWaal Grand Rapids, MI Pilot Ryan Weldon Chino Hills, CA Pilot Kody Wilson Harrah, OK Pilot

Andrew Beckman

New Brighton, MN


There is no better room then 5D79Sijan HalL Jackson, I will miss sleeping on bunk beds. The lunch table, some of the best conversations ever and the greatest group of people I know. Thank you to my amazing family and of course God for everything I have done in life. I could not have done anything without each and every one of you. “Winning isn’t everything but it’s pretty dam close to happiness.”

- unknown

Austin Bracy Southlake, TX

Developmental Engineer

Thanks to all my friends and family who helped me successfully make it through this Academy. Special thanks to all my squad mates in both squadron 30 from freshmen year and the Weasel Family. You guys all made this place worthwhile. Thank you God for being with me and helping me every step of the way through. To all my friends still at Camp USAFA my words of wisdom to you...Carpe Diem!

Eric Dziokonski

Fort Walton Beach, FL Pilot

“You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” - Wayne Gretzky, Take a chance, you have some good memories

William Evans Garland, TX Pilot

Many thanks to my friends and family for helping me get where I am today. I would not have made it without all of your support. USAFA has offered me many amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and I’m excited to be starting the next stage of my life with my wonderful fiance. I’m looking forward to entering the officer corps, and hope to be the leader our nation’s airmen both deserve and expect.

Cody Boswell

Hungtinton Beach, CA Pilot

Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood and the last drop of fuel to the last beat of the heart.

Ann Dally Owatonna, MN

Force Support

“Your life is an occasion rise to it.”

Ryan Erickson Okemos, MI Pilot

I couldn’t have made it through the last four years without my family and friends - Thank you all!


Thanks to all my fiiends,squadmates, and family who supported me all 1 years! Love you guys. Kali, my crazy twin, you’re awesome Don't forget. Unicorns really are Real Huge Wild Weasels for life! Get ready world, the great class of HAP,2012 is graduated. Yes, Morn and Dad, I’m finally getting promoted.

Cassie Fletcher Durham, NC

Denise Garcia Whittier, CA


The past five years have been an adventure, but I made it through with the strength and support of my family and friends. They taught me to be strong and to bounce back when life gets you down. To my parents, Daniel Vincent, Jade, my family in the US and my future in-laws in France: Thank you for your unyielding support, je vous aime et vous remercie de tout mon coeur

Airfield Operations

Firstly, I thank theLord for giving me the endurance to make it all the way to the end. Secondly, to my friends and family who encouraged me every day, I couldn’t have done it without you! I’m leaving this place with some of the best friends and memories I could have ever hoped for. Two things I hope to never forget: Was it hard? Yes it was. Was it worth it? Definitely, buh-bye!


It is only through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my family, and friends that I owe all my love for helping through the good and bad times. I love yall forever and always. Philippians 4:13


Jason Groose

Eldersburg, MD


Thanks to all my friends and family for encouraging me even when I was denied the first time. Never give up! To Ryan and “Special” Leo... I’ll be waiting for my $5,000 in 2020.


Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Documentation: None. YGBSM...

Put your gnarly boots on, were about to get extreme

Jason Ponce Mission Viejo, CA

Space and Missiles

“Don’t call me Sir, call me Survivor”Lil Wayne; Thank you to all that got me here...Mom and Dad Jonathan, Michelle, GF. Your influences have shaped the man that I am today. Love you all!

Saskia Hicks Waterloo, Belgium Sean Lanham Granville, Jami Larson Dodge City, KS Charlie Meier Aurora, CO Pilot AMDG Christopher Moede Milwaukee, WI
Squadron Thirty-Five


Lake Charles, LA



Thanks to everyone for the amazing experiences, and thanks to my family and friends for the support. God Save Our SWAG!! BlueSkies... 405


Munitions and Missile Maintenance

When every day is a marathon the finish line is amazing. I couldn’t have done it without my family and the friends I’ve made here.


Steve, Nanci, and Austin Trevino, Thank You for all of your support throughout the years! I owe all of my success to my friends, family, coaches and teachers who have showed nothing but unwavering support and love.


When I found out that I was coming to 35, my first reaction was disappointment. I did not want to be a WeaseL Three years later, I have made countless experiences and made the greatest of friends. Most importantly, I have realized how lucky I was to become a part of the Wild Weasel Family. Thanks everyone for your support! And yes, I am ready...

Behavioral Scientist

“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” - Bob Marley, To those who loved and supported me in my eccentric ideas, gregarious mannerisms, and spontaneous adventures. To those who let me breathe, and live the life I wanted to live - thank you.


Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Jonathan Primeaux Les Bon Temps James Darrell Racca Fairfield, CA Annalisa Sims Drum, NY Kelsey Smith Bigfork, MT Anthony Trevino Denver, CO Colin Vining Los Angeles, CA

Jackson Wehmeyer

Austin, TX

Space and Missiles

I want to thank everyone who helped me get here, get through, and get out. 5D79 will never be forgotten and neither will my friends and squad mates.


Little Rock, AR


Jerry and Linda Williams, Thank You for promoting my success through the Academy, ou are the best parents ever, and along with Jeremy, Jermica, and Nisha, helped me tough it out through the rough, dark times. To my Grandparents Albert and Sadie, I hope to dance with you amongst the clouds soon! “No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper.” - Isaiah 54:17. 282.

Squadron Thirty-Five

Patrick Bodner

SykesviUe, MD Pilot

As my time at the Academy comes to and end I think of all the people who I depended on in order to reach my dream. My family, whose everlasting support always carried me forward. My friends, both new and old, you were the crutch that I leaned on in the times of need. To everlasting memories and friendships, cheers.

Joshua Butler USAF Academy, CO Pilot

“I have fought the good fight, 1 have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

- 2 Timothy 4:7: For all my family, friends, and roommates who have run with me, thank you so much for the journey!

Bobby Carte

Scotia NY

Space and Missiles

“To act with common sense according to the moment, is the best wisdom I know; and the test philosophy is to do one’s duties, take the world as it comes, submit respectfully to one’s lot.” - Horace Walpole; I’ve tried do to my job and the right thing no matter the circumstance but it was only with the knowledge that those closest to me would understand and support me. To them I say thank you

Aaron Foster Windham, NH


“The greatest and noblest pleasure which we have in this world is to discover new truths, and the next is to shake off old prejudices.” - Frederick the Great; Eternal thanks to God and my family and friends. Without the latter, this would not have teen possible. Without the former, it would not matter.

Amanda Bolton

Overland Park KS

Developmental Engineer-Project Work hard and be nice to people.

Daniel Carlson Amherst, NH

Developmental Engineer

Thank you Mom, Dad, Andy, and Erin for all your support through this incredible journey. Without you this would not have teen possible. To all my friends: thanks for everything. I look forward to serving with you in the coming years. Finally, thank you Gal for giving me the strength to press on. “I like a man who grins when he fights.”

Justin D’Olimpio Centerville, MA


“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view...where storms come and go as lightning clangs upon the high crags where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you...”

Allana Gallant Damascus. MD

Aircraft Maintenance

Thank you to everyone who got me through this place, 1 never would have made it alone. It has been an interesting ride, now onto the next challenge Jeremiah 29:11


Ian Hall

Lake Havasu City, AZ


Roll with the punches. Don’t let the little things get you down, remember they’re only little things. I thank God for getting me through this place, my parents and family for encouraging me through every step of the way, and all the awesome people I’ve met here. Couldn’t have done it without ALL of you! ...and always - Joshua 1:9

Jacob Krasnov Kennesaw, GA

Developmental Engineer-Astronautical Engineering

Do it for the stories.

Perri Leake Springfield, MO

Cyberspace Operations

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” To my family for their loving andrelentless support, I could have never done it without you. To my little surprise for you inspire me, so unexpected but perfectly on time.


Thank you to all my family and friends who have supported me on my journey, I love you all, HAP.

Allanna Jones Norco, CA

Cyberspace Operations

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us.” - Helen Keller. I would love to thank my mom, dad, and brother for supporting me through these five years and helping me keep my head up through the bad times.

Austin Lan Ontario, CA

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

Despite the hard times (two cellphones?!), 1 have found a new sense of optimism Going through this place has given me a quiet sense of pride that comes with doing things right A friend taught me that people can change if they really try. I believe this now, and that is perhaps why I have so much hope for the future.



Can’t give enough thanks to everyone who supported me throughout. Mom and Pop, thanks for never letting me quit at anything. To my brothers, thanks for all the inspiration along the way.


Rochester. NY Pilot

I want to thank my friends and family for helping me get through 5 years here at USAFA. A special thanks to my Mom and Dad, my sister, all my brothers for keeping me in the fight here. Thanks to all the people here at USAFA who have help'd me get through this place successfully. “Don’t pray for lighter burdens, pray for stronger backs.”

- unknown

Lerch Eagle River, AK Hector Lopez Deerfield Beach, FL Main
Squadron Thirty-SixV317

Harrison McWilliams

Brenham, TX

Financial Management

USAFA, the least you could have done was challenge me. Alternate Blurb: God Bless Mitch’s.

Benjamin Rehl Lakeville, MN Pilot

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” - Sir Edmund Hillary; Thank you parents, family, and friends for helping me conquer mountains. Thank you, Josh, for destroying mountains with me.

Tyler Schultz

Anchorage, AK

Cyberspace Operations

“Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable, let’s prepare to grablle with theineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all” - Douglas Adams

Ashley Sikora Vancouver, WA

Air Battle Manager

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything Is a miracle.” - Dr. Seuss, Thank you to all the support from my family and friends. Big girls got to eat!

Alexander Nelson

Boise, ID

Cyberspace Operations

“It’s not enough that I should succeed - others should fail” - David Merrick; Mom, Dad, Anne and Sean, I love you and I would not be who am I without you. All credit/blame lie with you. You guys are the greatest. Lauren, my love for you bums with the white-hot intensity of a thousand burning suns. Friends, the bonds we’ve formed rival the strength of Adamantium. I’m a lucky guy.

Christopher Richardson

Fort Rucker, AL


“At the end of our lives I think it’s unlikely we’ll be counting our money or cataloging the deals that we made or the things that we managed to accumulate. Instead I think it’s more likely that we may simply ask ourselves a question ‘Did I make a difference?’ - Chesley Sullenberger. Thanks Mom, Dad, Thomas, Ace. Myke. Mr. Baisa for putting so much pressure on me that I had to stay. It was worth it.

John Seaver

Whitesboro, TX

Cyberspace Operations

“I will never understand why people get so upset at things I don’t even remember saying.” - unknown


Nathan Timsuren

California City, CA

Remotely-Piloted Aircraft

I’m like a peacock, you gotta let me fly!

Gabriel Valle

Tegucigalpa, Honduras Pilot

THIS WAS A BLAST! Thank you Papa andabuelitos for your love, support and advice. To the awesome friends I’ve made, thanks for helping me get through the ups and downs. Caitlin, Jake, Jose and all you amazing people, Thanks! You can do anything you set your mind to. The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?

Angie Zeqollari Grand Rapids, MI

Electrical Developmental Engineer

“When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’ - Psalm 56:3-4 Here’s to the amazing friends that have made the years memorable from the Proud Pink Panthers to the late nights in the EE department. Thank you to my wonderful family and Matty for their incredible support and love. Next chapter is an amazing future.

Michael Tope

Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

Thank you to my family and friends for the unfailing love and support that have guided me through the Academy! I could not have done it without you, and I owe much of my success to your help. To my coaches and team Thank you for letting me a part of something special - it was undoubtedly what kept me here and what I enjoyed most.


Stephen Wakefield Gilcrest, CO Pilot

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.’’ - Isaiah 40:31. Thanks to everyone for the support over the past four years.

Daniel Barina Houston, TX Pilot

There can be no thought of finishing, for ‘aiming at the stars,’ both literally and figuratively, is a problem to occupy generations, so that no matter how much progress one makes, there is always the thrill of just beginning.”

John Cowen Shreveport, LA Pilot

Done... Guess I’ll go fly now

“Life is hard It’s harder when you’re stupid” - John Wayne


Thanks to all my friends and family that have allowed me to make it this far. It’s been fun and I wish everyone the best of luck out in the AF.

Michael Brecht

Quincy, IL


How will I get over leaving this place?

Zed Davies Frenchglea OR Pilot

Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember. It is better to beg forgiveness than ask permissioa A word to the wise ain’t necessary, it’s the stupid ones who need all the advice. I don’t have a solution but I admire the problem. Could not have made it without the Davidsons. Bringhursts, and my family backhome. This place wasn't that hard yeah, it was.

Cody Freeborn Lakeland FL

Logistics Readiness

Thank you so much to all my family, friends, former bulldogs, and especially the tripod for helping me get through this crazy place Now onto the next adventure! “April showers? No! April snow!”

Ryan Fountain Frederick, CO Pilot Fulton Douglasville, GA Pilot
320 Firsties
Nicholas Jernigan Panama City, FL Operations Research Analyst ;)

Johnson Johnson

Council Grove, KS Pilot

“Men are like steeL When they lose their temper, they lose their worth.”

Cyberspace Operations

Thanks to my family, my fiancee, my sponsor family, my team, Doc, the D’s, and all my other friends for supporting me and helping me get where I am today. To my friends here:

It has been a blast and I hope our paths cross in the future -1 look forward to working with you on the other side.

“Hang-Tough” - Major Winters, USA; ICor10:31

Office of Special Investigations

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela

Financial Management

Stay golden, Ponyboy

CJ Jung

Waynesville, MO


Thank you Mom, Dad Rachel family, and friends for always being supportive. I couldn’t have made it without you.

“Fumbles. It was always Fumbles.” -unknown

Arif Mohammad Idris Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Pilot/Engineer

Alhamdulillah! I made it and now it’s time to go home for good! Thank you Babah, Mami, Ninl Abang, Kaka, Nguai, Pian and Amni for your support especially the phone calls and care packages! To my friends at the academy thank you, good luck and hope to see you in the future. My time here at USAFA and America will be something I will never forget. Brunei I’m coming home!! ?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step... This is MY story.

Jordan Keefer Manheim PA Joshua Kim Bossier City, LA Pilot Michelle Kiyota Wahiawa, HI Casey Mott Stamford, CT James Newton Parker, CO Pilot
Squadron Thirty-Seveny VP 321

Payton Pearson

Roseville, CA Pilot

It’s not hard to die, when you know you have lived The finest warriors on Earth and in Heaven are made to go through Hell You may not always know what you’re getting yourself into, but if you know why you chose your path, then no matter how long it takes, no matter what battered soils your feet land upon, no matter how stacked the cards seem to be against you, you will never fail

Marie Paquin Auburn, CA Pilot

Thank you Mom Dad and Rose, for giving me the opportunities which led me to the Academy, and a firm foundation throughout. “Be joyful pray continuously, and give thanks...no matter what!”

- unknown

Mathew Street Hendersonville, NC Pilot

True leaders are among the minority. Be among the minority. Find the dedicated leaders... search them out, stick with them and work hard to be worthy of their company.

Scott Stucky Dublin, OH


All the thanks to the good lord and my family! Work hard now in order to play later. Never let your surroundings change who you are-I did it my way!

Coumey Pinkerton

Tyler, TX

Aircraft Maintenance Officer

THANK YOU JESUS for being my rock and salvation in every part of my life! Thanks mom for being the greatest role model a kid could ever ask for, thanks bro for being my favorite sibling, and thanks Lauran for always being there! Friends and Family, I love you guys and couldn’t have done this without you! John 8:12

Taylor Stewart Lexington, KY Pilot

I want to thank my family, friends, and teammates for always being there for me, I would not have been able to do it without you The ride was a crazy one but we made it. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. To all the guys on the basketball team thanks for some of the best times of my life.

“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down on his shoulder's what would you tell him to do? To Shrug.” - Francisco D’Anconia, Atlas Shrugged

Jan Teope Hanover Park, IL Pilot

The Hill provided countless opportunities from traveling abroad through Asia to eternities working in the mech lab. Learned to dean up and be disciplined, but never forgot to gel my hands dirty (both in lab and the dirt); a once in a lifetime experience to treasure the rest of my life, 1 now owe it. taking what 1 have accomplished, to build upon the great foundation that is the Academy...but. will miss this place.

Kathryn Stuard Box Elder, SD Civil Engineer

Mom, Dad, Robin - Thank you so much for being behind me from day one of Prep School all the way through graduation. I would never have even made it into the academy without your support. To my friends; thank you all for being with me every step of the way and for putting up with my shenanigans. I wish you all the best of luck

Thanks to everyone that helped me along the way, especially my family and close friends. You all are awesome!

Derek Winkler Buffalo, NY Pilot Mitchell Young Monument, CO Pilot

Sharon Aradine Madison, AL


It’s been 5 long, grueling years...but I can finally get a cat. Thank you mom, dad, and especially Elizabeth for helping me finish. Kira I hope we survive 60 days. “Success is dependent on effort.”


Gina Bosworth Osan, Korea Force Support

‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference” - Robert Frost

Benjamin Barringer Monument, CO Intelligence

“He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me That is why, for Christ’s sake I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

-2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Matthew Buford Warner Robins, GA Pilot

My four years here at the Academy have been an enormous blessing when looking back at all the Incredible opportunities given to me and the future ahead of me I’d like to thank everyone who has played a role in my acceptance to and persistence through such a prestigious institution, particularly my parents and grandparents. “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”

- Philippians 4:13

Casey Cox Graham, TX Contracting

Space and Missiles

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”

Curtis Hanson Hyde Park. UT


2010 - few of you will see this, but know that you’re what brought me back here from Taiwan a choice that changed my life. Beautiful Fiancee -1 can’t: say how much your support and encouragement means to me, Kylie. tank yon tank you tank you PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST!

After five years I finally made it. The nights on Tejon will never be forgotten and the nights at Copperhead may never be remembered I pulled myself up. I studied really hard I read ever/ book in the library and now I work for the government. I have the highest possible security clearance. Don’t repeat that!... I can’t protect you I know where all the nukes are and I know the codes. Documentation: Bridesmaids helped me with this quote

Jordan Hauschild Farmington MN


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

Kira A.S. Gonzalez De Soto, KS

Life passes you by in an instance, don’t miss any opportunities and live life to the fullest


Thank you. Mom, Dad, Garge, and family and friends for supporting me throughout the years. I couldn’t have done it without you, love you guys! To my lady laxers, you were my family away from home. I’ll never forget the great times we had together! BTB fo’ life!

Hope I didn’t get dis-enrolled between writing this and the yearbook getting printed That would be awkward. Guess I need some quotes: “Tide goes in Tide goes out. You can’t explain that.” - Bill O’Reilly “America is all about speed Hot, nasty, bad-a** speed” - Eleanor Roosevelt, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the otwher poor dumb bastard die for his country.” - Gen George S. Patton

You get what you give. That about sums it up. If 1 had the chance to go hack and do it over'. I wouldn’t change a tiling. It is what you make it and I’ve been blessed with great friends, incredible opportunities, and tax payer dollars. Thanks to Ashley, the love of my life, my family and everyone who helped me through. Couldn’t have done il without you.

There’s no rest for the weary

Cyberspace Operations Incipit Vita Nova

“Sociable is profitable”

Environmental Engineer

Luckily I’m a Mormon or this place would have made me an alcoholic

Joshua Huckabee Anchorage, AK Pilot Kris Hull Nokesville, VA Pilot Linda Lam Honolulu, HI Michael Lester Johnson City, TN Ryan Martinson Tucson, AZ Pilot Devin Menefee Houston TX Pilot A.J. Nemethy West. Melbourne, AL Pilot
Squadron Thirty-EightP
Robyn Pack Park City, UT


“The destiny of man is not measured by material consumption When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits - not animals. There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.” - Winston Churchill


To my family, friends, and classmates, I could have never made it without yon “Do not go where the path may lead: go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am so thankful that God has not only brought me here, but also brought me through this place. It has been anything but easy, but so rewarding. I will never forget what I have learned, accomplished and especially won’t forget the great friendships I have forged. I’m excited to see what other great things are in store for me...“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”Proverbs 16:9.

Civil Engineering

I would like to say thanks to my family and the gymnastics team for all of your support. “When 1 started flirtin with the hustle, failure became my ex. Now I’m engaged to the game and married to Success.” - Lil Wayne


To my family and friends, Thank \ ou for making this experience at USAFA unforgettable Surviving this adventure would not have been possible without your support and encouragement. Follow Your Dreams!


I want to thank my mom, dad brother. Nono, Nona (aka la vieja loca). los abuelos, Tio, and Ulysses for helping me build the right foundations and always being there. I love you all! Also, a special thanks to the rugby bros, “squadmates," and friends back home for turning the tough times into good times. “If it’s important to you, you will find a way. If not you’ll find an excuse.”VENl.


Time flies by when you’re having fun!.... Too bad that felt like forever.


1 want to say thank you to my mom dad and the rest of my family for everything they have done to help me succeed “You cannot always control what happensduring thegame, but you can control what happens before and after.” - unknown

Clifford Peterson Northville, MI Stephen Pineo Macomb, MI Kevin Rosen Dunwoody, GA Ryan Russomanno Anaheim, CA Michael Smith Jenison, MI Pilot James Tewaheftewa Isleta, NM Aeronautical Developmental Engineer Jared Cort Jon Tomaszewski Hoffman Estates, IL Kebin Umodu West Covina, CA

Matthew Woods, Lemoore, CA


Its been real and its been fun...but it hasn’t been real fun

Matija Zupancic Gomilsko, Slovenia Pilot

Hvala vsem, ki ste mi kakorkoli pomagali in stall ob strani v teh najlepsih in najtezjih trenutkih mojega zivljenja Oj Triglav, moj dom, cetudi je svet zacaral s cudesi mi veckrat pogled, tujina smehljaje kazala mi kras, le nate sem mislil ljubece ves cas, o tebi sem sanjal red’ svetlih dvoran: oj Triglav, moj dom kako si krasan!

Las Vegas, NV Space and Missiles

“Your Life Will Be A Success Story.”

- James Atkins

“The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee; Send thee help from the sanctuary, And strengthen thee out of Zion.” - Psalm 20:1-2

Thanks to the people here and back home who kept it real at this place. The guy to my right is a loser!!

Township, MI Intelligence/ Acquisitions

“All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating.” - Eminem

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:33-34.

Johnathan Atkins Bobby Bell Commerce Corydon Butler Williamsburg, VA Pilot Cory Benson Kingman, AZ Cyberspace Operations Matthew Cain Brockport, NY Security Forces Veni, vidi, vicl Shauna Casey Phoenix, AZ Logistics Readiness vivite, ridete, amate, et in Deo fidete Ellis Clagget Washington D.C. Pilot Kyle Cressy Boise, ID Pilot Yachts on the Reg

Jenna Dolata

Colorado Springs, CO

Developmental Engineer

Thank you to everyone who has supported me through the difficult and stressful times, to my Dad and Mom for always showing me to push myself and loving me always, and to the love of my life, Levi, thanks for always being by my side; I know I can count on you.

Bobby GuUa Levittown, PA Maintenance

“Snake it ‘til you make it”

Danny Kim East Brunswick, NJ


“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” - Henry David Thoreau; I’m living my dreams now due to the amazing blessings that God has given me. I am so grateful for the Academy for showing me the amazing potential I have within myself. I am even more grateful for everyone in my life who shaped me into the person I am today. Never settle in life because you never know what you are capable of.

Chris Luke Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

“Do or do not there is no try.” - Yoda

Andrew Gibler Brodhead, WI Maintenance

Best accomplishment at the academy was making the issued foam shower sandals last for all four years. Thanks to everyone who pushed, pulled and dragged me through, without your help it wouldn’t have been possible!

Leah Hoffmann Oconomowoc, WI

Space and Missiles

To my beautiful daughter Kaia - being apart from you made this the hardest year of my life...but constantly thinking about you helped me get through it - along with dozens of plane tickets and consistent webcamming. To my parents -1 couldn’t ask for more supportive, loving, and just plain AMAZING parents (or grandparents). And thanks USAFA for approving all those SSS’s for me to go home!

Brady Knutson Hubbard, IA Pilot

“When all the king’s men gathered around, they saw that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men; not a hair of their heads was singed, their robes were unaffected, and there was not even the smell of fire on them.”

Alex Malm Bismarck, ND

Space and Missiles

Making it through the Academy was hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it. It’s the hard stuff that made it great. Congratulations 2012, we didn’t falter and we didn’t fail.

Squadron Thirty-Ninew

Nancy Maloch

Stuart, FL Force Support

Mom and Dad, thank you for showing me the world at a young age and teaching me to live my life with no regrets. Mark and Mike, I love guys! Beth and Jo, you’re the sisters I never had I'm excited to be an Officer in our Air Force and I cannot wait to drive away from this place with the love of my life!


“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.” - Philip Brooks


“You are remembered for the rules you break. Not the rules you follow.”

- Gen. Douglas MacArthur. “No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.”

-John 15:13


“Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.” -Elie WfeseL Thank you to everyone who has given me hope and who has stayed by my side; this is what has made this day possible.

Air Liaison Officer



To my friends and family, thank you for all your support and encouragement. Dad, thanks for your wisdom and guidance, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. To my angel mother, I hope I make you proud. Class of Hap, see you all out there! We made it! “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” - Mark Twain


It has been a hell of an experience. “It don’t really matter just where you from. All that really matter is where you’re goin’.” - Kid Cudi

Christopher Brandon Poje Atlanta, GA Travis Potthoff Houston, TX Christina Salinas Fort Worth, TX Brandon Schoenfeldt Fort Worth, TX FROSTY GENTS!! Stephanie Sexton Pinehurst, NC Matt Siverio Atlanta, GA

Erik Soderberg

Eden Prairie, MN

Special Tactics Officer

Thank you to all my family and friends who love and support me. Whole Wheat.


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and notto harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” - Jeremiah 29:11


Thanks to everyone that has been with me through my time here it would have been impossible without you Godspeed, everybody.

Lance Wach Hayes Center, NE Joshua Wilson Rockford, IL Pilot Ryan Young St. Louis, MO and Missiles Spice Boyz 4 Lyfe

Claire Brown Weaverville, NC Pilot

I want to thank my family, friends, and God because without you I wouldn’t have made it this far. It’s been 5 long years so what are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started

Seth Danielson Caledonia, MN Riot

Thank you to my friends and family for helping me to make my time here a great experience. I havemade memories and friends here that. I will never forget. Best of luck to the class of HAP and everyone at USAFA.

-1 Timothy 4;12

Anna Gault

Aurora, IL Force Support

Thank you to my family, friends, and above all God I would have never made it here without your support. To the Qass of Hap....it’s finally “Our Time” leggooo! “Welcome to the real world! It sucks! You’re going to love it!”


Charles Gross Clayton, NC


When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure you’ve got plenty to watch.

James Colvin III

Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

Mom, Dad and Jordan; I am so grateful for your unlimited support, wisdom, and providing me the inspiration to want to be greater than I am. This has been an amazing experience! 2012 thanks for the great times -1 look forward to seeing what we will accomplish in the future. 282 “Success is not final failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts.”


Brent Drabek Rochester Hills, MI Pilot

“Don’t lie trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” -

Sean Gent McKinney, TX Pilot

I would like to say thank you to Ty and Sheryl Gent. I could not be where I am today without your help and support. Thanks to all my friends and good luck in your careers. See you out there. “Do not detain me, now that the Lord has granted success to my journey. Send me on my way so I may go to my master.” - Genesis 24:56 The Holy Bible

Zachary Hamby

Sherrriils Ford, NC


“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar tin wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” - Isaiah 40:31


Kenneth Hertzler

Milton, FL Pilot

To all my friends and family, thank you. Without your love and support, I could not have made it this far. To the class of 2012, let’s get to work. “To begin, begin.” -

Katherine Jacobs State College, PA

Logistics Readiness Officer

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by. Andthat has made all the difference” - Robert Frost

John Lohr

Hickam, HI


I would like to thank my Mother, Father, and Sister for their support, motivation and discipline—without them I would be a lesser man today. They encouraged me to strive for excellence, yet never discouraged me from the things I enjoyed. Their love along with God is what kept me strong when I felt weak, what made me succeed when I thought I would fail To them, I owe everything.

Kevin McMullen Gahanna OH


The following quote helped my father gel: into medical school and achieve his dreams: “Dedication and sacrifice in one’s life is caring...it’s a habit of caring...wanting to do things right... until suddenly it’s not hard work at all...it’s just what you do every day.” - unknown: It is this same quote that helped me get into the Air Force Academy and achieve tny dreams. Thanks to my family and friends for all your love and inspiration!

Trevor Ibarra

Las Vegas, NV


I just want to thank my family and friends for supporting me through the times when I really needed it and for making me a better person

Amanda Johnson

Frankfort, IL


While I am so glad to graduate, I can say I enjoyed my time here thanks to my supportive family and amazing friends who always brought me through with laughter. This path has been hard, but it was worth every sacrifice. Broken Windows!! ‘The future belongs to those who believe in. the beauty of their dreams.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Brendan Maestas

San Antonio, TX Pilot

First, and most important, I truly praise Jesus, my savior, who has guided my steps, both to here and through here. I also thank my parents for providing so much support whether it was love, food, or time. Finally, thanks to my friends for making this place bearable and entertaining. “Lord I pray that I would be the best leader I can not for me, but for those I lead and for Yon” - Jeremiah 29:11

Kyle Mefford Modesto, CA


Finally made it!

Squadron FortyT333

Rachel Mittelman

Peachtree City, GA


A big, big thank you to everyone who has helped me through it alL To my family from Georgia South Carolina Wisconsin, and the Spamily I found in Colorado: I love you all and thank you for your incredible support through these four years. And to Sammy: don’t let them steal your creativity.


Thank you Mom, Dad, and Roman for supporting me throughout the last four years and all of my friends for all the incredible adventures! “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” - James Dean



I’d like to thank my family, friends, and mentors who helped get me to where I’m at. I would not be the person I am today without you. Thanks USAFA for the memories and a great experience.

John Sidwell Foley, AL

Space and Missiles

“It’s not whether you get knocked down it’s whether you get up.” - Vince Lombardi



Thank you to my family, my friends, and teachers for helping me make it through USAFA. I will continue with learning and protecting that which is dear to me in the service of our nation.

I’d like to thank my parents, grandparents, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and good friends for believing in me even when 1 didn’t believe in myself. I won’t forget where I came from. I’m proud to say that I let this place change me a little. USAFA has brought me to my purpose in life... they’re gonna let me fly planes too, so that’s nice. And for that, I’d like to thank the Academy... Ahhhhh, KThxBye.

Krystin Shanklin

Thousand Oaks, CA

Behavioral Scientist

Welp, I made it. But not without the help of my loving family. Thank you mom, dad, Lauren and Jackson. Thank you for always supporting me, loving me, and providing a home for me to come back to. I could not have made it to this point without the 4 of you. Don’t forget: “Carpe the Diem Seize the carp.” - Pig Pea Out Cold

Daniel Taubenslag Monmouth Junction NJ

RemotelyPilotod Aircraft

Two heads are better than one

John Ottusch CA Dmytro Pichkur Queens, NY Bobby Poisson Plainville, MA Pilot Christopher Reith Charlotte,
334 Firsties

Thank you to everyone who has made my success possible. My Mom and Dad for always encouraging me raising me to do right. My brother Anthony for going through everything with me, and Jordan for all of the support! None ofthis would have ever happened without you in my life. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13

Cadet Squadron 1 I

Home of the World’s Finest Leaders

Maj. Christopher Klempay
CLEARANCE 9 fr.io mj
TSgt. Preston Campbell
James M Agee Alexander S Albertson Jacqueline P Alequin Henry W Binzer Kurt A Borecky
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Victoria Cachro Joshua
Robert C Gibson Michael T Harrington Stephen J Henderson Gregory A Hodgkins Haley D Holcombe Kimberly N Hopkin Cory M Hume Mark A Kaminski
Andrew J Lankow Jonathan M O'Neill Kennedy
M Patterson Wesley
Reid Alexis
Sanchez Joseph
Truxal Christopher
Ve Scott DWooden Regan E Rogers Michael A Thomas Michael J Thrasher Jordan A Camacho Daniel R Jones
Jac M Yon
Angelique Peray Genovese Colin T Probasco Jack C Carda Fedor A Kalinkin Dylan A Quaider David N Coy Matthew Leslie Andrew W Rekieta Edmond Duvall Mary C McCullers James D Shults Casey Gibson
Squadron 1
Jacob K Snow Lindsey G Gorski Elaina R Cammarata Dylan M Juedeman Devin E McDaniel Caitlin Sippel Neil Meach

Cadet Squadron 2 #

Photo by Arnie Spencer
Bryan R Bentz Victor
Breault Michael
Cannioto Kim Cory Adam
Engelhardt Robert W Ferrell Todd P Fletcher
Woody S Go Zachary Grove Parker Herrington Dymond James Robert Kouwe James MacAndrew Amanda Marshall Joshua C Mills William J Petersen Jase T Reyneveld Kendrick Talamantez Nathanael Tousley Benjamin J Van Horn Alexis B Zuniga Travis C Miller
J Antoszewski Nicholas A Arellano
C Edwards Annette R Eichenberger Marie A Brown Conor Favo Hailey E Clinton Ashley B Flanagan Melanie K Daugherty Jessica Grier Cody S Davis Vance M Hawk Robert C Dunn Tyler Y Higaki Marcus B Hill
W Koh James K
Ryan A Mavity Thomas P McKee Shaun C Morrison Patrick V Perez
Melissa L Kempin Glamis
Raymond Sou Kurt R Ulrikson Timothy A Urista Jack G Waller IV
Gregory D Potts Cydney
Yeong Hwa Song
Kevin Plascencia
J Bentley Kyle F Casias Anna M Clapp Andrew J Dane Michael J DeSandre Nathan Dennler
E Fox Alexander L Frazier Tyler J Gold Austin E Gouldsmith Sarah E Hayden Kenneth A Koonz Avery N Larkin Ryan L Pollard Natasha Rizvi Squadron 2V341
A Belcher Michael
342 2 D 1 3
Photo by Arnie Spencer David M Arquette Rebecca M Bailey Todd C Brandenburg Jennifer A Cains Patrick W Caplinger Ryan J Decarlis Matthew W Degrassi
Don W Dennert II Jeffrey A DesRoches Ryan B Dukes Scott M Hedden Adam Howard Peter
Jackson Irene
Joyce Su
Ryan K Slttig Ramon A Villanueva Prittany D White Squadrons
Brandon J
R McColaugh John A McKenzie Lindsay M Plasencio Adonis A Reiler
G Sabol Jacqueline M Salas
Maxson Ian
Austin R Hayes Elise E Hill Joshua M Hunt Cameron R Christopher D Junio Michelle M Kuyper
Dustin P Graves Angela
III Jeremiah S
John M Thompkins Denis Vorobyou George
A Waddell
Weakley Charles
Noah T Blach Miriam A Bustamante Samuel A Byrne Zachary T Christenson Heather A
Justin M Dant Andrew L Donlin John A Goudelock Henry B Grob Ayesha G Hein Austin C Maxwell A Krasnov
John D Anthony Matthew Aust
Andrew B Reese Curtis C Riley Jacqueline
Struzik Ryan C Thompson Nathaniel Woodford
Sarah A Neyra
Squadron 3 343
Henry A Leeuwenburg IV Niles C Lujan
Nicholas Vicente
Pamparo William
Parks Avalisa M Poialii Photo by Arnie Spencer Charity G Blanton Mary K Bush Darrell Dancy Adam J Carr Neil T Corran Colton L Dietrich Luke J Dorlac Christopher D Fabian Garrett J Fly Jonathan D Fonbuena Mia E Gwirtsman Patrick M Harrison Elisha Henry Bamboo Hewitt Daniel S Jones Justin K Riling Michael S Rommel Timothy W Smith
344 Squadrons
Rusty C Thomas Ranee A Thompson Steven G Trochlil Dustin
Wilson Robin C Ekholm Matthew S Forrest Cody
L Ftouston Deborah B Kim Lauren T Linscott Robert T Masiello Bryan R Matz Tasha M
Mayne Cameron White Connor J Wiese Arthur X Williams David L Wolfsmith II Stefan P Morell John W PierceJonathan W Reasoner Gabriel L Peter Smith Laura Squire Ananchai Tangsinthaweewa Not pictured: Michael A. Husar Sarah N Turner Steven J Ramos Dustin M Rivich Winston A Sanks Bianca
Santos Warren
Saunders IV Carson L Wellman
Squadron 4
George W Hermance III Clayton C Higginson Patrick Madden
Christopher McNerney Chase
Morelock Erin
O'Brien Stephen Orians Jr William N Phillips

Cadet Squadron 5 g

Maj. Melissa Youderian Kenneth K Montel Sara M Schnabel
C Petrie Anna
Philbrick Andrew P Pineda
B Guiler
346 Squadrons
Alexander C Beveridge
L Hall Jared
Trey G Cottingham Dylan C Hallums Anthony C Delgado
Collin R Hills
Justin T Moore Michael T Walsh Jr Michael W Duff
Sean B Hoang
Amanda R Mueller Garrett D Womack Christopher A Espinosa Thomas
G Jack
L Grant Joy M Johnson
David L Greenstreet
Brandon M Leet
Aaron Y
Parker J Hunsuck Matthew M Kelly
Kim Abby
McCaffrey Warren B McGriff Christopher C Mets Joshua A
Nielsen Hyun M Yoo Steven J Young
George T Antoniou Adam J Brubakken Alexander T Chen Riley
M Coates Jose
DeJesus Cayce S Dossett Thomas J Galvin
David W Greene Michael L Grimmer Jacob
Helm Scott
Holm Misha
Ignacio Jacqueline
Jacobs Jared
Jones Travis
Seth T Miller Elias R Omar Katherine Peters Simonne
Potts Jorden Rader Joseph Schwemmer Marcus Shannon Albert Shen

Cadet 5q\Aadroy\ 6

Michael G Griffin Philip Hawkins Daniel R Katz Alicia D Leipprandf Timothy M Martinelli Brent A Mattocks Nathan A
B Morrison Ismael
David H Besson Karen M Chinnery John H Decker Matthew L Destito James J Dills
S Fabling
Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst
Mitchener Samantha
348 Squadrons
Matthew T Zettler
Jacob T Elliott Jonathan D Eng Joseph M Euhus Drew A Gauthier Joshua R Glass Lisa M Halbach Huston R Harrison Katherine E Hinkel Mark D Jensen Blake E Jones Jonathan C Lee David J McCarthy Garrett L Medlock Alyssa M Militano Samuel A Mittelman Josiah H Sayers
Allante B Staten Jacquelyn O Stringfield Joshua F Torano Jacob Weiner Jennifer B Yi George Zeitler
W Crowley Sean M Daigle
A Dunkelberger Benjamin J Eastman
Taylor J Ham Trevor A Haydel Petar Jackovich Sierra N Kelly Paxton T Luke Mark D Manley Timothy J Mullins Kaitlyn J O'Brien
Katharine C Albright Spencer P Cavanagh
Mason D Thatcher Narayanan M Vellyath Hannah M Weeger Jake Werner
Ziqmas Polinauskas Brooke Pottle Luke Preslar Julian Rojas Nicholas W Schwab Ezra J Siegel Michael R Smith III Mark D Suges

Cadet Squadron 7 T

Photo by Arnie Spencer
Stephen D Ament Matthew Anthony Alexander Arcidiacono Edward Artz Matthew
Bailey Rebecca Barron Joshua Christman
C De La
Garrett R Clark Ke-koa-kaulu-la Clarke Joseph Collura
Cooper Christopher
Torre Daniel
Gieck James
Hendershaw Conor Henry
350 Squadrons
Max D Robertson Daniel J Thompson James T Tipton Dake
Williams Sean
Zoufaly Jaime Gutierrez Jr Angus J MacDonald III Theresa L Cameron Jessica C Hanner Calvin E Morgan Nathan J Carey Jordan J Hellmann Kaitlin O'Connell Heather L Drephal Jerry Henry Max K Reilly Stuart A Eichenberger Daniel J Incorvaia Daniel Schmitz Troy A Fitle Kyle J Keith Ryan P Thompson Jared K Greene Michael D Lee Shannon N Todd Reuben Luoma-overstreet Wayne A Tonnesen Not pictured: Daniel Boylen Andrew L Bennett Austin M Bryant Samuel L Escobedo Rebecca A Esselstein Sang Han Broam D Hart Bobby L Watkins III
Squadron 7
Donald L Wharton IV Samantha M Wilson Brett A Heitshusen Robert H Holland Kyle B Holzem Mckenna L Kimball Jacob M Maynard John C McGee Derek J Miller Kekaikuimauloa Nuuhiwa Joseph M Perdue Jr Matthew D Rizo Giorgi Rostomashvili Justin C Scheidt Kendra M Smith Danielle K Tabb Adam J Thomas Tetsuo J Toyama

Cadet Squadron 8

Maj. Eduardo Guevara Jr. MSgt. Jerald Custance MSgt. Tom Welch Photo by Mike Kaplan Alexander C Baker Erin J Brown Dariel R Baker Jr Shane M Bruski Margarita A Balish Mark
Conque Andre D Ball Bernard E Cox-ferreras Samuel T Barnes Matthew S Drake Tyler K Meirose Kevin M Beauchemin Jeremy T Drenckhahn Roland Neal Brendon J Birdsell Jacob A Forbes Brad M Rajchel Hilary M Bowen William M Heineken
352 Squadrons
Amanda K Rodriguez Christopher A Ruiz Ethan
Smith Jack
Taute Sierra
Justin D Bruton Kristin N Butt Shelby S Coats
Ryan M Arrowood Jeancarlo Barrios Hannah
Matthew J Croghan Michael P Gallagher Liana
M Gaudreault James
Gregory Alec
Gunsch Moranda
Hern Brandon
Humphreys Samuel J Kiekhaefer
Michael C Shippey Marcus E Walker Sarah A Warner
Timothy T Kim
Scott R
R Hopf
Sarah R Farmer Brendan
R Traverse
Hoenisch Matthew Honeycutt Anthony
Strom Rachael
Trafford Christopher Waterman

Cadet Squadron 9

Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
J Bell
Jerell Alexander Caleb Belden Matthew Christopher
Calderone Ian Culpepper Anthony
Adetunji A Fisayo
John Graves Janie
Gray Kyle
Green Zachary Hoeffner Karianne Kopchick Mikhail Legaspi Kyle Lengyel Colin R Matson
354 Squadrons
Jonathan M Weir Stephen
Welling Jenna
Whetsel Angelito E Aragon Jr Simeon N Cole-fletcher Tyler A Conrad Benjamin R Dewar Katy
Dunkelberger Carl W Eifert Andrew S Fuerst
Matthew J Gutgsell Daniel K Hamaker Mary E Herman Amy C Hoybook Roy M Koehmstedt Andrew J Love Byron H Muhlenberg Dennis P Murray Christopher A OConnor Hannah E Peterson Olivia M Prosseda Kenneth B Schuemann Alden C Solon Caitlin E Williams Christopher T Windley Tara S Zartman Austin W Britt Kiara Davis Jacob J Deruyter Ronnie J Elly Sarah
A Folse Edward L Glinski Justin Z
Gonzales van C Richtmyer Matthew R Spretnjak David J Thomas Max P Wilkinson Andrea L Wyant Anthony Paglialonga Evan G Pohler Nathan J Hutchison Jacob Jasiewicz Taylor M Klinkmann Anthony M Lages Jennifer R Lindstrand Bradley G McBride

Cadet Squadron 10

Maj. Sharon Nickelberry MSgt Mark Schwartze TSgh Marshall Cavif Photo by Arnie Spencer Leila J Abdulrazaq Dan C Derby IV Torry S Beauchamp Michael A Fisk Theodore K Qui|ano Carlos G Berreteaga Pia K Goodman Carl V Rossi Jacob C Bessler Johnson C Ho Katherine A Shaw Joshua P Casey Corey A Leibbrand Michael P Sortino Jr Rachelle M Crespo Katrina L Litchford Colton D Steen Robert C Deebel Rachel E Allison Connor J Ference Not pictured: Tony Strickland
356 Squadrons
Alexandra Z Trobe Kris E Warner Jr
2 0 1 4 Brian S Andre Nolan A Bader Todd A Berglund Yung C Chin Marilyn M Cole Jason R Dark MichaelD Foley
Krystal V
Dylan J Kay Kyle J LaPrade Alexander D Lindsay Michelle S Littlefield
In memory of C3C Peter T. Quick Aug. 29,1990 April 7, 2012
Alexander J Grubbs Helen L Jantscher
B Stehr
Jaewoo Park William C Sevier Jr Andrew
Shea Barrett
Szall Not pictured:
L. Ariguzo, Anthony D. Daniels Jr., James L Monk, Emily E. Raney, Anthony Wooding Jr.
S Baltar Drew M Barrera Sara M Brooks Joshua R Burdge Ryan E Clark Dillon J Freeman Garrett T Gamble Calvin A Gammon Kayla M Gibson Alexander E.
Robert J Gutierrez Benjamin T
Kevin W Abney David
Adler Catherine
Curtis A Lackey Kathryn S Lowry Kevin Lu Carter
McElhany Kaz
Moffett Justin
Moon Alexander
Quattrin Elizabeth R Schofield
2 D 1 3 James T Africano Kschristopher M Anda Jordan K Bolster Mister Carlton Katrina C Castellanos
Joseph S Kohan Jessica E Laucher Morgan D Mosby Luke B Pickering Jordan W Potterton Gregory X Renner Samuel K Riehn
Marshall E
Jorden D Simons Andrew Smith
Stout Katie
Tiedemann Uzochukwu
A Udensi Spencer
Weide John Wetzig
M Bierman /ana D Cameron Shawn P Carroll Brandon L Daley Thomas A Denninghoff Jeremy T Dimmick William S Dugan Malkhaz Geldiashvili David M Harris Harrison P Hatcher
Babauta John
E Levy Alexander S Malay Bryanna M Mueller Gavin C Owens Jonathan C Patience
Victoria P Perkins Derek Randall Chase D Ronsman Garrett S Shinkle Brandon M Towers Patrick H Trentman Squadrons Not Pictured: Ryan E. Timor
E Kaufmann Daniel
Michael Perdomo
A jff rf 2 0 1 5 Charles E Aly Michael J Andersen Colin B Banks Jedidiah Beam Colin R Busho Jessica A Canada Elizabeth Carpenter Daniel S Cotton Scott A Cronin Adam B Davis Delovell L Earls Joseph P Frank Matthew S Goellner Daniel Jones Emiliano A Travis D Kirkland Ashli B McDonald Eric M Moeller Kevan C Mordan Foster M Pace David L Pettis Casey M Philbin James S Rasmussen
eS Kevin M Dwyer Jr Alec S Ferguson layne H Harrod Michael P Jones Jr Nathan J Lebens Trey M Livingston Charles D MacDonald Rafael Magana if
Sara K O'Connor John J Patton Jr Mario Perez Kenneth T Scull Jr Kyle P Singletary Craig R Stan William T
Christopher J Valencia Kristina L Whiteman
2 0 m
E Boyle Kevin R Cardenas Ashley S
E Collins Megan N Davis Patrick J Duffy
Allen R Frankenberger Jamielynne Hart Aaron S Henrichs Conor Higgins Andrew C Hill Judah M Hooper Maxwell R Jones Rachel C Kennedy
Zachary J Zeitlin
Chung Sarah
Aaron M Quick
^eUAjeas MahhadNayyer Kyle
Palko Jared
Peterson Zachary
Raskey Kyle M Schoonover
Urbon 360 Squadrons
B Williams
Courtney J Sheeks Grant
Vine Benjamin
Vowell Colton Wetzel Matthew

Cadet Squadron 12

Maj. Todd Schopmeyer Photo by Arnie Spencer Ryan Allen Davis R Gunter
Barfuss Merida S Hayes
Tramaine A Barnett
Susan E
Rogelio Castaneda Jr
Megan Clary
Jacob T
J Larkin
Samuel Gagliano
Laheta Mitchell
Griebel Henry Lang Griffin
Kimberly K McRobbie Noel B Nicolas Ryan P Novack
Kyle E O'Brien Malcolm Price John Rosenberg III
P Weiss
William N Sherrill Ana Smith Elisabeth Staab Nathan
Squadron 12 361
A Schriner Peter H Shelbourne
Cody M Anderson Joshua L Archer Andrew Bettinger Brooke N Byerley Vincent Chen Patrick D Compton John W Denny
G Nelson
J Olson Benjamin C Payne Kyle D Rasmussen William H Ross Julian R Stark Dustin
P Ferguson Aaron S Gibson Sarah C Haas Jordan E Hall Nathaniel J Hart Andrew P Hoops Olawale B Lawal Jr Wesley A McVay
Katherine E Moorkamp Christopher
Weeks Ian
Jessica H Downey William D Fleming If. f 9 m t >rMichellejvey G7stal_MJohnson_ Jennifer J Larsen Tyler B Ludwig Zachary A Mangers Luke J McNamara Adalys Ramirez Amador
Nathaniel V Youd
Mark E Richardson Zachary C Sounders Annalyse M Schmitt Erik L Schweiss Oliver Sfeir Patrick J
C Remien
Shields Eleanor
Richard D Yount Jr 362 Squadrons
Reynaldo M Toledo

Cadet Sqmdron 13

MSgt. Jason Otto TSgt. Sedquwick Bell Photo by Arnie Spencer
Zen Z
Luke J Andrew Jonathan Beck Eric Bonick Calilung Hayden Clark Lindsay Crawford Brenna Crow
Jr Charles W Meyen Frances E
Geneva E Croxton Marcus
Graves Wilson
Heres David Horney Zachary
Madison Elwyn
McCargar Ortiz
Matthew Payne Zachary Perkins Dakota Potere-ramos Cameron Potts Robert Rich Zachary Senn James Stofel Alexandra
Stych Alexander J Trembly Dominique
M Amor Ryan F Boedeker Megan Brandt Monica C Bray Alexander J Congram Chase J Cooper Francesca Fogarty
Antonio E Neris Connor R Niebrugge Benjamin J Peterson Michael D Radosevich Jordan M Staff Nicholas A Tappa Jarred W Teakell Joshua D Thomas Christopher M Twigg Michael F Wurth
364 Squadrons
Michael K Yam Adriana Zamora Photo by Arnie Spencer Steffen M Williams Charles Wilson Mark E Zeagler Timothy R Brown Robert S Larson Tyrone Sauls Jr Sean E Craig Kimberly N Davis Kelsey N McGee
Squadron 14
Ian K Sweeney Robert D Barbera Kenner B Roberts Toby D Bodnarchuk Kevin T Hemphill Samuel N Rose Derek J Sargent Louis McCullagh Jr Sydney M Smith Timothy J Donley Kelsey N Orvin Noah Pierce Sydney E Tower Peter T Vonich Matthew D Bowyer Kristen A Holt Travis B Grindstaff Kinder N McCullough Timothy Ambard Christopher Huynh Dillon C Pettyjohn John J Blaess Kaleb M Jenkins Tyrae K Rivers Johncarlo A Buitrago Kristina L Kemp Blake V Rothschild Lindsey A Byrd Jeremy A Krohngold Jacob T Spiering Joseph M Chapman Gyan N Das Leon Lowman III Richard B Margerison III Zachary B Tulley Stephen M Vu Daniel W Frymire Daniel J McAdams Nicolas O Watson Curtis R Widener Laura N Young Thomas J Appleton Stephen T Bittner Brett M Burnside Kyle P Cousino Tyler J Fuentes Caitlin B Gabrielson Samuel A Gramling Jason T Hodges Phillip T Huebner Andrew T Kerber Jessica D Nichols Alexander R Pecci III Derek M Richardson Heather R Shepard
366 Squadrons
Aaron B Wurster

I Cadet Sqmdrm 15

Photo by Mike Kaplan
Jung G Choi David A Degroat III Jonathan O Diaz Lacey N Dreppard Brett J Fabian James H
IV John A Hamm Austin L Heckman Ryan B Howe Haley R Janssen Blake J Kidd Terri Kim Drew B McAuliff
Alexander J Carlson Alexander
John C Pacheco Savannah Peterson Noelle Ray Thomas J Vogel Demetra M Votto
Jr Adam S
Squadron 15
Timothy Royce Bradley Simon Patrick
Sullivan Roy
Gavin L Mills Heather C Nelson Alexander L Randall Matthew F Roberts Louis C Rogers Loring H Ross Keyona C Sanchez Ava R Tamosuinas David B Tipton Elliot A Unseth Andru S Vandiver Christopher S Villanueva Jonathan R Weed Zachary R Westerfield Michael J Wong Danielle N Griffith Ga H Han Justin M Hillstrom Keaton Hinners Kyle A Land John R Lepird Alexander D Lerda-Plog Keeley G McCann Valerie L Bachand John Bana Stephan W Bitner James R Bloch Garrett J Custons Helen G Ensley Bo T Bateman Kenan C Bell Ryan J Bohdel Emily M Bohnenkamp Peter A Cialkowski Tyler H Crompton Kyle B Frayling W' f i% f Wv 1 f Daniel A Goebel Luis F Gonzalez Joseph R Grant Margaret A Haley John M Joern Tyler J Jordan David K Lee Terryn B Mills m 0 Ai v ?> w j^J^^^°°^^^^^^Davic^^tacel^^^^^^wi^^Robertso^^ Seth M Rodgers John R Schertz Christopher J Shannon Jamie M Stewart Demetrius D Stinson Lindsey M Summerlin Kevin M Tanous Derek J Trujillo Pamela Y Zhang 368 Squadrons
'j Cadet Squadron 16 US. AIR FORCE ACADEMY GUEST
MSgt. James Pope Taylor M Amundsen Kelsey Applegate Alexander E Boules Matthew D Bowersox Riley S Cannon James Dimmick Aaron R Dodd 2 0 1 5
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Alexandra Prerss Alexandre J Quiros Joshua P Shaffer Richard States Jonathan E Steinmetz Martin Vu Alison M Weiss Todd A Wirsch Squadron 16V
Nirachaporn Pitaksarp Ryan D Kunce Kyle W Lenz Michael A Lyons II Carlo A Mancini Ryan A McCluskey Brandon A Mueller Ryan T Nelson Matthew D Petersen
2 0 1 4
Lance T Wilhelm Christopher Grimm Not pictured: Steffon Batts Erin N Bleyl Halie A Brimelow Jackson A Bristol Matthew L Bryant Timothy J Cordeiro Joel Cramer Raika A Dacquel William J Gregg Andrew Lim Kenneth G Johnson Joshua C Rivey Marcus P Kellogg Niko Ruud Christopher S Keranen Jonathan J Schneider Elizabeth M Harrison Michael B Morris David J Heaphy Mallory E O'Malley Devin S Hightower Gregory M Rinker Taylor J Scott Ivor A Tiwari
370 Squadrons
Amanda E Tranum Andrew J Zaldivar Maj. Robert Bryant Photo by Arnie Spencer Andrew M Acton Daniel S Burleson Christopher J Carter Kevin S Cooper Lucus Duncavage Louis W Fasano Michael Giordano
Caleb Harris Marcus E Hendricks Abhiram Iyengar London
Kinsey Christine
Kirkwood John
Miller Benjamin Pagano Jonathan C Remiasz Hannah Riddle Inse D Rnrhin Inel N Russn Kevin Saval Thomas E Soiotta III Crvstal M Staszak Tvler A Troesch Pascal Won
Michael T McCoy Matthew C Melhado Suzann G Nordquist Howard B Phelan Maria S Phillips Thomas C Popp Luke J Richardson Kyle A Robinson
Jessica M
Joshua D
Joseph Abakunda Madeline M Atkinson Stacey P Blunt II Paul A Buchanan Patrick M Callaghan Jennifer M Carr Andrew L Chapman V7 Philip E Colwell Garrett S Dean Mathew L Gamm Richard T Guttman III Meredith L Herndon Robert G Isley Manquez F Jones Kenneth C King ^^^WKIinglesmitl^^^^Rya^^HKrame^^^ Anthony W Kwakenat Kevin D Meng Kaleigh C Moses Connor L Muilenburg Cody R Nelson jCL V l ^ r * r Elizabeth M Pacyna i/. 8 Derek J Sandblom Mark J Skurdahl 372 Squadrons
R Sarette Kyle
Schory Nathan
Tangeman Taylor

Cadet Squadron

Photo by C3C Kyle Palko William N Chapman Taylor W Cooksey Timothy M DesRoches Jeremy A Etling Lauren R Faulkner Amanda P Beranek Calvin N Johnson Garrett L Jameson Jonathan Kim Michael D Hychko Linnea B Larson Dillon J Garvin Donald Figgins Ari J Morris Stefan M Namath Patrick Noyes John P Suttorp Kamryn D Williams Patrick H Yoo Viktor J Theiss
Tiffany A Tran Charles A Weeks Evan Weld
Ryan P Aceves Jared B Brown Kristin A Cromwell Charles O Crouse AAartinus R Davis Robert AA Dewitt Adah AA Frankovic Adam S Oeeskie Deanna J MacMillan Foster L Meier Christian E Minnick Chad H Moore Kelly M O'Grady Kelsey L Pilcher Nicholas R Santoro Cale J Simmons
Lauryn J
M Thompson Caleb A Tucker Jeffrey J Wagner Cooper J Zielinski Ian A Anthony Mark L Audette Elijah J Baik Tanner J Bennett Jared M Broussard Dylan T Byrd Sarah T Castro
James T Simons Matthew
Thomas Christopher
Ashley R Christ Nicholas J Donnelly Ora D Hampshire Anastas.a M Hueffner Jamie M Jovene Logan J Kuhn William C Lawson III Mathieu M Lefebvre
Jesse D O'Connor Alana L Piccone
374 Squadrons
Miguel J Macias Garrett
McKinney Preston Nguyen
Sower Meredith
Dylan D
Cobi N Brady Joshua H
Peter Amaddio Nathan Arauco
Bechen Chandler
Jr Jeremy S Delzer Christian Ferrarini Victoria M Foster Nichole T Freeman Elliott A Gonzalez II John T Jackson Maxwell M Lai
Jonathan M Lee Alexandra J Lingle Justin Nevins William Rizzuto Kyle Rouse Felicia M Sturgeon Antonio D Trilb Jr Jordan S Wesemann Robert L Williams
David Saunders Kiersten
Schmidt Karl H Schroeder
Shawn A Caale lima Calite Ryan A Fattal Ian W Faulkenberry Bradley Frost Alexandra B Goodwin Joshua A Hall
N Harris Chancellor A Johnstone Marshall D Kay Jared R Leininger Christopher Mittelberg Ryan M Moran Daniel G Pickett In memory of C2C Stephen Williams Sept. 27,1990 Dec. 10, 2011
Hamer Cameron
Meghan E Vernier Madilynn E Viens
Colby Kluesner Tobiah S Kroskob Erik A Lenke Alex P Lineberry Denny J Loucks William M Loving Jarod M McPherson
Timothy L Neely Megan E O'Neil Andrew J Palmier Arpan Y Patel Melissa N Ratliff Matthew J Reilly Jack 1 William Hi mi % vJ VJ Reilly T Savage
F Zaki 376 Squadrons
Daniel J Stasik Jeremy
Sunshine Elizabeth
Taylor Sebastian
Squadron 2D
Lt. Col. Daniel Nielsen MSgt. Jason Herman 2 0 1 5 Erin H Barela Colt M Barnhill Miguel Barrios Kaitlin G Butler Joseph F Corso Aubry J Eaton Jacob L Ehm Corey M Friend Molly J Gilroy Dylan J Glenner Ethan P Glover Victoria A Gullo Jacob T Hernandez Connor P Howard Angela B Johnson Kellen C Kinder Alexander G Lu Hailey L MacLeod Scott R McGillivray Rajeem Moore Timothy J Voss David L Williford Joshua A Wilson William C Womack Patrick J Nink Hannah M Schwartz Weston J Umano Squadron 20 377
Photo by Arnie Spencer

Cadet Squadron 2 1 0

2 0 1 3
S Baska
C Davies
Robert J Gasper Jonathan G Hagan Molly M Heath Shawn D Hibbard James A Hurley IV Ryan T Kelly William G Lawlor
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Adkins David
Christina Beckett Melissa
Cecil Nathan
Edwards Robert Garza Michael
Elisabeth Mellado Christine C Molina Meagan M Ostrander Gage C Parrott Joshua M Partain Maiya Perich Robert J Simmons Justin J Sleeter
L Tibbs II Cole
Vonohlen Weston
378 Squadrons
Zachary Watkins Michael S Yemane
Daniel E Barringer Andrew M Burns Grace Cho Gavin G Delphia Joseph M Gallinatti Andrew M Gough
Eric W Peek Esteban Perez Jr Roland Pierce
M Quinn James C
Evan A Miller Carlos Pacheco
Reeder Samantha
Ben A Scott Jonathan Sebourn Zachary C Sumerlin Jason
Torf Alec
C Butters Meredith G Carpentier Jeanne S Domingo Justin D Ellis
Torrey S Barnes Anthony M Bizzaco David
Burleson Jacob
C Garrison Cole M Gunner Laura Haggerty Jonathan D Kay Aaron E Macy Amanda E McKeever Zachary T Modly
Fullam David
Joshua D Nations Marek J Olesinski Nicholas Parker Aleksey V Timiryasov Ryan M Tucker Ben|amin Yokley
Kalie J
Squadron 21V379
Jordan A Pierce
Ryan Carol Southard Spencer D Teiken
Photo by Arnie Spencer
0 1 3
Bryan E Anderson Benjamin C Bertelson Erin E Doran Benjamin E Fischl Anthony P Gray Jr Kimberly A Jackson Cory Johnson Justin C Juedeman Paul C Kim Theodore W Kruczek Jacob M Mijares Meaghan A Moore Mark S O'Hair Cole M Patten Ty M Perich Alexandra M Prusko William A Suys Andrew J Svecz IV Tyler A Vincent
380 Squadrons
Alyssa J Manwaring Connor P McKinney Ford B Carty Ricardo A Chavez Sean M Cork Darrell W Cousin Beau A Davidson Stephanie L Adrianna L Dong Stephaney N Saari Zachary P Schrock Paige C Shirley Joseph Suwabe Patrick E Boyle Alexander R Humphrey Rolando D Catano Desirae E lonata Alexandra M Claude Ryan Kissinger Ryan Good Lindsey Lewis Will D Gustafson Nicholas M Longhi Emily Hazen Marcelli K Magday Nolan Hinton Michael T Measom James H Moody
Squadron 22V381
Kent Romney Austin Sellers

Cadet Sq\Aadrov\ 23 A

2 0 1 3
Photo by Arnie Spencer Montana W Collie Cory D Concha Brendan K Donovan Henry J Egan Cody H Felipe Peter G Forde Zachary J Francis
Uddit H Patel
Johnathon M Haase Vincent A Lodolo Allison M Reedy Kyle McCabe Nathan G Sorensen Mark W Hansen Jonathan F Jones Kate L Kanetzky Matthew J Patrick Lillian S Pryor Wrendy K Rayhill Not pictured: Alexander Huskisson Steven G Strickland William H Trevathan Ryan
382 Squadrons
Kathleen K Vardell Ryan F Averill Claire L Bieber Carley Gross Austin W Hornsby Delas E Raiford Anthony R Riel Not pictured: Laura M Duffy Jasmine G Leyro Annie K Sanchez John S Farquhar Matthew R Markman Trevor D Sapp Joseph E Flescher III Ethan D Michael Kaylon E Smith Davis P Gray Danny Mills Alexander B Thomson Bryan J Price James L Nicklas Dustin A Wallace Jean-luc Duckworth Samantha A Laughlin Timothy B Walsh Shane S Welch Dillon J Beschel Alton Clifford Erin
N Crow
Daum Allison Egan Alexander W Fotheringham Alexander M Halloran
Aaron T Hartmann Emily Hess Jacob Hoekstra
Huntsman Daniel Johnson Bradley
Klanderman Benjamin
Lenos Nolan D Mallory Joshua A Maury Brio McClary Jacob McGill Noel P Niccum Derrick Pee Benjamin J Persian Briana Quintana Cameron S Rouleau Erik B Schuh Cameron J Smith Cody N Swafford Rachel K Sykes Juan J Torres-cisneros Ryan M Vickers
Squadron 23
Akil Romany

Cadet Squadron 24

Photo by Mike Kaplan Britta L Bigej Richard S Brockington William A Coleman William C Deavor Matthew E Demichiei Beniamin G Deschane Jakob L Fischer Kyle D Fitle Brandy A Danielle B Sorrera James K Stevens Kevin K Ueunten Andrew N Gallion Brandon T Hirneise Stephen D Hunter Darius P Jones Christopher W Knutson Sophia C Lockerby Kenneth E Serafinko
C Adams Dylan T Foley Georgia E Marshall Daniel J Boerckel David J Gardiner Evan D McCartney James Bradin Jarret C Hoeppner Colin E McConville Hwang Brian Jeffery D Howdeshell Jin Y Mun Patrick J Conley Joseph J Humphrey Jacob W Musselman Jon A Espinoza Seth M Jackson Christina A Napper Stephanie N Fabian Matthew S Jones Christopher T Proctor Mitchell J Kim Jacob F Risma
Sanchez Kelly V Stambaugh Chih-feng Wang Keenan L Welsh Robert P Wilson Emerson P Woerner Charles Yi
Cort M Rogers Orlando Saldana
Ernest C Andrews Anish K Bachu Michael J Blaser Daniel M Bradley James R Carney Steven Dahl
DeLoache Andre E Guthrie Richard Hackney II Clara S Heffernan Erin R Hoover Stephen D Joiner Christopher M Lyver Joshua R Mayfield
Jason Amick
Philip D
Jacob D
Christian M Spears Athina C Teicher
John M McCarty Milton J Merritt Nathan
Carl J Thrasher Lauryn M Van Valkenburg
Squadron 24 385
Zachary V White

Cadet Squadron 25 'i

2 0 1 3 «. C: Ryan E Adams Colby T Browning Brett W Brunner Kirsten Bunecke Cecilio E Carter Jr Christina M Cave Brian J Collett icholas R Doumont Daniel F Durham Clayton J Elliott Zachary S Esau Benjamin R Fonte Edward J Garces Kyle R Gladney
R Gore If i%*■ w w ■^srj Tt 3 Jairo J Martinez Kyle D Nazarek Catherine E O'Brien Kevin A Sack Michael S Smith Jr Heather M Udell
G Wood
Daniel M Zotto 386 Squadrons
Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
Brady Lukas
T Barnes
E Boettger Owen B Cooper
C Arnold Austin
III Nicholas B Gibson Stewart A Harlow Seth A Kline Adam N
C Francis Juan M Gainsback Edward Galloway
A Perkins Amanda R Reyes Alexander L
R McKone Michelle M McMillen Charles
Rosen Ruben
Smith Emily A Stelmaschuk
Hache Stossmelsler David Swanson Camille A Thompson Seth S Wynn Shuai Yuan Kenneth G Allen Michael P Dunlap Brittany A Peters Bryce A Weaver Ryan
D Bruns James Heitmann
Britney M Petrina
D Hruby
Ashley C Yarian Dylan
Bungum Nathaniel
S Chui
R Johnson Derek Titus Squadron 25
Steven D Lester Kyle W Morse Gavin Oneil
Matthew W Van
L Waddel Daniel T Perkins
Tyler S Saleck David
Copeland Ryan
Denhard Emma
Velzer Matthew

Cadet Squadron 26

Photo by Arnie Spencer
Isaiah M Alley Justin M Blott Karl A
r Yw t Todd J Del Toro Jeffrey W Downie Ian T Ellington Matthew K Fruge Paul Gaski Alexa M Gingras Bethany A Gross Joshua W Hartmann m f 1 [%
Burnett Chia-Hsuan Chen Brendan
Conroy Corey M Davis
Justin L
Kenneth R Sample Mark Stewart Matthew R Webb Grant R Williams 388 Squadrons
Huff III Stephen
Katrein Philip
Lange Chelsie
Manchester Zachary
Matthews Daniel
Nissen Karen Rubin-Santos
Krista L Bennett Joseoh V Bomar f=*nh AA Rrnff n C C”'
Eric P Bahorik Jamil Bailey
Brandon C Lee Chase W Lehocky Christopher
Metzger Matthew
Miller Madelyn P Moore Joel T Stark Jarred A Strength Holly A Thompson Morgan T Viar Jie Zhou
J Puleo Jacob A Schomaker
Carly D Jamal E Byrd Chad D Demers Justin Domingo Corinne Easter Jacob Echeverry William R Gattmann
Anthony J
Jantz V
Erling S German John Grondin Sean
Johnson Courtney
Keplinger Reade
Midyette Jordan Myers Alexander Warner Kylie J Williamson Reggie Young
Squadron 26 389
Meredith Prinz Brandon C Reams John A Rios Robert Schilpp Devin Scott Brian P Sicher Nikolas D Taormina Kwo-zong A Wang Photo by Arnie Spencer l\yle A Hathaway Beniamin R Johnson Alexander J Pennetti Matthew L Scheie Joshua S Sprang Peter B Bangen Adam J Brakeville Kathryn M Buga James E Chambers II Brian P Corcoran Sophia M Epps Virginia L Galbraith
390 Squadrons
Wolf Thielmann Clark P Walsh Keith X Bentley Jr Patrick J Murphy Emily T Bucher Claudia K Hawthorne Ian N Parks Robert L Hollister Breeden M Ritchie Michael T DePauw Adam J Kenes Tucker D Sears Kelsey M Dees Brian F Klazura Bryan W Townsend Scott E Gregory Mara K O'Sullivan John Lu Alyssa M Van Baalen Ciani M Ellison Joshua P Mote Justin S Zahn Tony H Zilli Courtney A Beck Christopher R Boulanger Joseph M Champaign Cherie K Denhollander Randall J Draeger Andrew K Duggan Rachael V Evans Marie N Rossillon Bradley A Snadecki Jonathan S Spiro
Alma Stuhldrerter Kayla L Vildosola Jonathan Will Matthew D Wong Caleb K Ziegler
2 0 1 3 David H Baumeister Andre D Brito Gordon P Broadbent IV Terry W Burke Aaron J Burns Kaitlin M Coffey Erin M Crain
M Dean Riley A Feeney Daniel P Gregory Aaron B Kerkhoff Kimberly Koeppen Scott B Lagarile Michael D Mercier Andrew J Oury
392 Squadrons
William M Tyrrell Loren N VanRassen
Rebecca D Bauman Clifton
Bostick William Burnette Jeremy
Jared D Hafich Elizabeth S Hicks Tanner M Jones Ryan A Kleintop Benjamin D Kramer Joshua Kreimier Ryan B Lamo Holden N Lanier William T Leach Kyle S Mesecher Matthew
Nelson Claire A Palmer Paige
Ragland Matthew K Scott Michael Smythe Turner B Walton Hannah M Wiesneski Stefan M Zavislan MichaelD Althausen Lonnie A Armstrong Gina M Biagetti Joseph Brandt Lauren Brodie Joshua S Burdett Ryan
K Byerly
Benjamin A Christ Ryan Combelic William Dengler
Dunne Michelle
Ferguson Patrick
Jenkins Roger
Jones Kim Nathan J Kruse Kirsten A Larson Alexander D Thomas
Siotame H Latu James M Lydiard Brice A Mossman Preston K Pearson Sierra G Schepper Ross W Talbert
2 0 1 3
Photo by C3C Kyle Palko Nicholas J Adagio David R Alvarado Kenn R Boechler Rebecca A Breslow Andrew M Calloway Kelsey M Collier Eric J Dahlin Logan T Mitchell Nicholas W Dona Joshua
Dunn Melissa
Fuerst Alexios C Gavrilos Daniel G Gunderson Patrick D Helms Max M Manley
John H Oms Stephanie L Patterson Benjamin M Peterson Ryan P Recker Thomas A Swinchoski David W Winterlin
Matthew C Benson Jordan E Doom Justin R Martinez Michael J McClearn Alexander D Mitchell Kevin S Michael Craig Tirzah W Prince Michael J Brooke M Isch Luke R Rockwell Rachel K Doby Corey A Landis Eric C Ruth Andrew J Carpenter Brook T Gosch Gregory W Hanson Dylan G Leary Tyson R Rydalch
Brianna M
Joshua N Young
Erik H Smith Chad D Speer Nicholas
Jose M Baez Alexander J Hooks Beniamin A Barber Vania J Hudson Alexandria G Boswell Maxfield J Johnson Christopher M Brown Joel E Lewis Mathew C Bumgarner Courtney N Dearth Cody Locke Samuel P Magennis-molke Jordan M
Alison D Almonte Jonathan Grullon
R Rushing III Kerri A Schmidt John P Simpson Joseph R Uhle Reid A Vernon Scout T Wallace Squadron 29 395
Mason E McDaniel Michael H McDonald Jr Matthew J Presutti James

Cadet Sc\\Aadrov\ 30

396 Squadrons
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Elliott E
Anderson Chante
Beski Briceton
Cannada Megan
Jason W David Thomas M Dickey Matthew F Gabreski Bradford
Hacked Jennifer
Johnsen Kristian E Kates Lauren D
Laffosse Benjamin A Pearson Matthew S Schneider Joshua S Stedman John
Tardieu Maloupu L Williamson
Alexander R Allard Natasha Boozell Thomas G Burgess Taylor
J Bye Brian
Davidson Justin M Decoud Joseph H Elliott
Zachary K Funke Kyle Gartrell Kelsey
Glover Daniel Heine Jeffrey
Herrera Rebecca
Jones Joseph
Knufson Linda E Kuster
Hallie C Marohl Geoffrey P Novakowski Aaron M Oats Kaislie M Shepherd Troy Timmerman Daniel Weissenhofer
Samuel R Yanez Paul J Zalar Squadron
Clark R
Pain Jahan
Rafie Casey J Riggs
Julie C Ahn Brian B Ford Anthony M Pipe Michael A Gartee John R Sambo Ian A Butler Tyler D Glaze Daniel A Slade Maria C Carriedo Kayla Harvey Justin T Smith David A Dunkel Alexander J Kauth Garrett V Soileau Jordan M Eason Christopher N Kirk Anthony D Sullivan Michael B Fish Amanda K MacLean Justin S Tharp Dillon T Fisher Blake E Moorhead Alexander P Williams Haley P Wilson Victoria R Wyler John S Yang Jr Joanne E Choi Michael C Cooper Danielle Danish Tesia C Davis Benjamin A DeMarr Daniel S Dixon Kevin D Dolan Thomas M Harris fff Philip C Hellmers Rafael A Hoyos Laura E Kelly Robert L Larsen Henry F Martin Vincent A McPeak Jacob R Morin * ^
C Ortiz Craig J Phelan Ariel E Saltin Anthony C Shinn Mitchell S Torrel Jacob R Trubiano Amy L Vander W 398 Squadrons
Josue M Breaux Seth D Carmichael Andrew S Daugherty
Michael E Ellsworth Stephanie
Ferry Miles
Fisher Christian
Gann Christine
Haight Alexis
Jones-hardy William
Kearney Robert
Lizama Calvin P Llarena Andrew M Marty Kadie A McNamara Johnathan
Miller Blake
Morgan Elliot R Myers Terrence J Rowland Isaac H Rydman Chelsea M Spencer Jacob P Williams
Squadron 31
Brandon Pitts Hillary E Redmond
Hale Andrew W
Kendra M Miller Austin D Nash Gage L
Brett A Gudim Derek
Hedman Parker
Hodges Andrew
Kacura-miller Kraison Kingthong Tristen
Kresin Thomas J Lerum Francis A Marges Zachary
Owens Hayden
Richards Evan Rishel Rachel A Roberts
tWf Damien M Ashley Hunter B Birdsong Isaiah L Bragg Matthew E Chavez Andrew J Ciechomski Mercedes M
Andrea Y Hagadorn Jacob A Hawkins Jazmind L ^°a ^ HuYnh Teresa G Koziol Kurt J Luithly William E Madsen
Edward R Schroder Cameron S Urquhart Erik Voron Micah Winkley Rachel C Yuen
Dexter Tyler
Dennjs^AA_Parkei^ Ayesha
Pladera Jovan Popovich Clinton
Ramos Samuel
Sasser Brandon W
400 Squadrons
Vasutorn V Thiengtrong Kyle Van Alstine Joseph M Votto Ryan R Wilson Josalynn L Wise Photo by Arnie Spencer Henry A Avery Jr Alexander N Carlson Andrew J Chaves Chelsea Cogswell Trevor A Enos Joseph A Goode IV Ryan R Haas Jennifer B Healy Samuel D Larson Jacob K Lee Scoff P Lopez Jr Elizabeth M Maldonado Morgan B Malone Kevin A Martin Kathleen M McQueeney Alexandra A Mihaylova Kaiana M Miller Jonathan M Ochi Hope T Stremcha Ralph Williams Trevor M Woodward
Squadron 32V401
Corbin D Palmer Oliver L Pohl Zachariah A Provchy Alexander S Raines David B Carte Hernandez-Ruberte Josiah Lane Royd Lim Matthew R Masters Huston G Matheus Erin McAlister Dalton J Miller Derek W Monjeau Joel A Parritt Allen R Revels Jr John E Ritschard Ryan J Thompson
2 0 1 4
Derek G Travis Hannah L Wyall Paul A Young Jr Jacqueline J Ahloo Charles J Armstrong Nicholas T Boardman Nathan A Bratka Jason A Douglas Cassandra R Dunn Joshua D Durbin
Shane R Simonson Caroline C Spencer Tatsuki Watts
402 Squadrons
Kyle J Westmoreland Joshua A Wiesner

Cadet Squadron 33

Maj. David Talafuse MSgt. David Devan
Scott T Alsid Owen R Corn Aaron M Daylida Janelle F Galang Robert C Green Kevin C Guadagno Cody S Hancock Lydia M Hill Corey Hites John W Munro Jeanne M Nolan Stuart B Leonard Christophe A Mateo Matthew A McConnell Andrew J Miller
Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst
Jr Gregory Smith Sarah A Sykes
Daniel J Putney Michael Rodden Kenneth
Ryan P Turner Nathanael L Webb Clay R West Squadron 33w 4i 403
Joseph Wioncek Ashley R Barfmas Ryan F Froerer Ryan P McKilligan Richard C Gangloff Craig D Nowadly David A Burns Reginald P Hargrove II Joel P Starkey Stephan H Claxton Andrew M Hyde Karlie E Taylor Not pictured: Austin Niklas Stephen J Colangelo Kristin L Long Eric E Thomas Philip Conte Regina G Loucks Kimberly A Twohig Nicholas M Lundin Trevor A Wade Aaron W Lauren B McGuire Samuel H Ward Kyle P Werner Steffan M Wilcox Lee F Wise Alex M Trigo Garret J Wilson
404 Squadrons
Taixuan Yin

Cadet Squadron 34

TSgt. Adrian Oriade
H Apt IV Skyler J Awisus Rahal Belkalai Elson Boo Gregory A David De Los Santos Nathan T Dickey Chloe M Donoho Patrick N Dunkel Dalton W Henderson Melissa M Hildremyr David M Jones Ryan A Lynch Jared D Lynd Jeriko Mafnas
Photo by Arnie Spencer
Trevor D Moore Patricia Pasque Emerald
Leah E Vincuilla Daniel M Walsh Geoffrey
M Schulter
pictured: Alexandra K Jack Suveer S Shekhawat Marques S Stevenson David D
Annemarie Totorica Squadron 34 405
S Alvarez
Eric J Amos
Kevin C Durr
Bryan C Hall Thomas
Arnett Chan
Han Alexander C Bast
Mary C Hansard Not pictured: Anthony Cummings Patrick Morgan
Renee R Bohac Ryan L Hartz
Karolyn C Capes Seth W Pelletier Peter R Crawford Kevin J Rossillon Heather C Diniz Tyler M Spangler Anna C Wallace Patrick F Waters Jeremiah G Williams
G Hillig Andrew P
Edwin D
James A
III Brian K Lee
W Fabian Julianne M Germain Laura E
Halle Thane
Jackson Brendan
^dsayMeidell Evan M Menchen Howard P Palmer Matthew J Piazza Nicholas W Slater Zachary J Spranger Jelisa M Stevens Justin A Tijerina
406 Squadrons
Angela C Tomasek Matthew M Wynn Roman
Young Photo by Arnie Spencer
J Link
Blaize A Dunn Genis Guzman Daniel
Hicks Dylan Hyder Haley
Jones James
Kegyes Keith
Alisha R Maskarenas Daniel P McArdle Ryan B McVay Christopher D Mortensen Richard S Sapp II Spencer A Sherman Christopher R Waddington Lillian B Warner Christopher M Woychak
Squadron 35 407
Tristan J Turknett Andrew L Tymchenko
David J Bradfield Eduardo R Aguilar Anthony R Amaddio Eric M Artman Alison A Balutowski Jeffrey D Baptist Zakaria B Boston Corinne B Conrow Colin E Cook Zone K Cameron Edwards Mercedes S Edwards Mario Elizondo Nicklaus A Fisher Austin A Fox Nico P Gigante Andre M Golson Chelsey L Hamilton William L Hantla Cassandra L Heather E Ireland Benjamin S Kram James R Lucky Christopher J Probasco Samuel R Raine John H Rush Jr Lauren S Sako Tyler A Stearns Kyle P Street Lesly M Torres Cody Verge Edward S Wood Kassie M Gurnell Linnaea J Hance Deion J Hardy Gregory B Hege Spencer T Jacobson Michael A Kapolka Stephen W Kearney SunglOe^^^B^nPMille^^ JuliENoldeberg^ Derek R Rath Sofia M Schmidt Trevor A Schultz David L Simeroth
S Whiteside 408 Squadrons
Todaro Micah Villarreal Michael

Cadet Squadron 36

Photo by Arnie Spencer
Jr Rex Brown Samuel N Coen
Melissa A Baldauff Charles Ballard
Crawford Daniel
Deakins Mitchell Dobson
Jared M
Squadron 36
Chad K Rivera Samuel J Sloan Leah Smith Shane Toner Quincy Watts Wesemann Emily
Evan A Zebulon J Hanley Joshua W Mohr Jonathan E Beabout Cody A Hanson Sarah Nickisch Colton L Buechel Julianne M Haun Collin E Payne Sean C Carley Andrew R Hilton Amanda G Pestana Daniel H Chen Jake T Jones Reid A Witt Matthew S Cosmo Nathan M Jones Ryan M Lombardo David T
!* W " W. Abigail M Buns James S Desanctis Jr Clark W Follansbee Daniel J Funk Joshua E Griffin Aaron M Hall
N Herman Joshua A Huertas Rashan Johnson Ross H Kellet Victor V Keyes Zebulon M Kimball David J Lore Dylan J Mason
Ali H Rizvi Stormy T
Ian C Sanford Dennilyn J
enjamin M Murphy Mccall G Ostlie Matthew
Sarsozo Samuel J Sewell
Alfredo G Zurita Jr 410 Squadrons
Coleman G Vivian Chloe G
Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Elyse L Adams Royce Atkinson Marissa Beiling Cody P Calaway Joshua A Castagnetta William C Conant Billy L Edenfield Jr
Balys Gintautas Ryan
Holler Chandlee Jackson
IV Alexander
Kober Elizabeth P Kovarik
Evan C Glowiak Nathan D Badqer Mathew Barbazon Austin Howard Matthew S Howard Gregory R Kidd William C Buddy C Kinder Matthew P Dupont Kenneth Kinderwater Joshua M Gilly Sun Y Lee
Samantha E Thomas Andrew T Watson Brent P White
Anthony G Navaroli Marko Podplatnik Michael Powell Harriet K
Frederick W Rath
John Alora Jennifer L Bennett Brandon M Cameron Hannah M Cesare Christopher M Champion Lukas A Cowen Trevor Cutler f Si) V? Austen J Ebert Nicholas L Hafner Christopher S Haley Tyler A Heck Dean P Helmick Anastasia E Holbrook Joseph A Kraker Jacob R Krimbill
pictured: Evan E Kaufman
D Underwood
Orion H Rooney Brandon
T Lauritzen Charles E Lewis III Nicholas R Losoya Adam R McMurray Kevin J Mook Jacob A Nicholson Maria R
Peredera Patrick
Not pictured: Christian D Cummings
412 Squadrons
Kaley E Sirak
M Snook Jonathan
Stewart Corey
Trojanovich Randy
Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst Alan Acosta Andrew Alexaitis Derek B Barbee Courtney E Bishop Jacob Brodacz Erica P Carson Blake Edwards Nicholas J Felag
Emilio J Garcia
L Kim
Knuths Demario
Squadron 38V
Brett J Salter Christine M Schira Hensmann C Smidt Richard D Phernetton Sophia C Vasiliadis Brandon K Whitmire Taylor J Broekhuis Joshua R Stephen C Carew Ryne D Hanson Canyon L Chambers Yannie Horth Erik D Clark Joshua R Kusan Erin M Endres Paul G McArthur Rory P Montgomery James Neat Monique M Pal Philip S Patchoski Nathan L Pelc Evan E Rowley Casey L Schindling Ethan A Yokes Honghao Wu Carter S Adams Joseph D Baucke Anthony M Canino Lauren E Clisby Richard D Cook Lance B Cronin Evan J Gros Not pictured: Ty VY MacArthur Timothy M Park Rachel E Quesinberry Kyle N Schroeder Aaron T Sporrer Terry L Tilghman II Eric C Timpe Michael J Osborne Aileen M Herrera Lauren Leet Paul L Leonhardt Miguel R Martinez Jennifer K James Nathaniel W Landecker Photo by Arnie Spencer von Vietinghoff-Scheel Kathryn L Brien Elliot M Bucki Austin J Cooner Steven Cox Nathaniel E Dreslinski Joshua E Fouraker Rahni J Giardina Carlos R Guerra Cavazos Joel U Iwaniec Forrest S Jeffery Joshua T Jordan Alexander M Kot Trevor J Langford Alexander P Lodge J-ainie B Long Jonathan J Lowell Mu-chien Lu Evan J McDowell Ryan T Vigil Jessica A Wallander Sean M Williams
Bryce W Mitchell Thomas S Nicklas Mariah J Schoch Jordan W Snyder Steven
Nicholas T Levine Nolan R Bet
Ian J Gibson Stephanie A Morris Steven H Chon Staci A Rouse Nicholas A Derrin J Gould Benjamin D Schoener Kyle C Cranston Samuel R Harms Ethan T Senn Evan K Showier Kristen A Suhrhoff Alex M Jessop
Eric J Tise Steven W Wedan Giovanni Allevato J
Downs Gabrielle M Aranda Ethan W Biddy Andrew L Hamilton Andrew S Munoz Robert C Bland John J Steven M Nelson Thomas R Jividen Teegen J Partridge Hannah J Cox Jeremy A Darnell Simon Duong Indigo D Blakely Shane A Hardman Lindsay M Johnson Aseef M Raihan Ryan M Rathke Camille M Richan Daniel S Stein Anthony J Thomas Jared W Tonder Squadrons
2 D 1 5
Photo by C3C Kyle Palko
Taylor J Ausbun Joseph D Berling Maria Brown Angelica Cachro Joshua
Christen Elijah M Delgado William F Denison
F Gaudlip Sarah K Godish Nicholas A Holguin Andrew M Jones Ramy Korkis-kanaan Michael M Magtalas Caroline F Martin
Nicholas Fitzgerald Nicholas Cadets fans, especially the famed Section 8 club, provide enthusiastic support for football (above and middle), hockey (right) and many other Falcon sports teams. - Photo by C3C Andrew Bathurst

Cadet Wing Leadership

Front Row: C1C Robbie Kunkle, C1C Chris Reith, C1C Dustin Hayhurst, C1C Samantha Reep, C1C Zachary Crippen, C1C Colby Chaput, C1C Carlee Koutnik. Second Row: C1C Nathan Betcher, C2C Tyler Ogren, C2C Michael Harrington, C2C Danielle Cortez, C2C William Heineken, C2C Trey Lowman, C2C Dirk McDonald, C2C Ryan Petrie. Back Row: C1C Kimber Shealy, C2C Janie Grey, C1C Caitlin Glitz, C2C Drew Hilton, C2C Zeb Hanley, C1C Paulina Rudolph, C1C Josh Yeaste. Not Pictured: C1C Adam Resch, C1C Steele Rackley, C1C Tristan Latchu, C1C Trae Span, C1C Miguel Millares, C2C Max Manley, C2C Michael Jones, C2C Erin Brown, C2C Derek Hale Front Row: C1C Kelsey Smith, C2C John Yang, C1C Christina Thompson, C1C Ben Barringer, C1C Tyler Schultz, C2C Chelsie Lehman, C1C Brittany Gerard. Middle Row: C2C Tyler Stearns, C2C Andrew Gallion, C1C Ryan Henderson, C2C Josiah Lane, C2C Katrina Castellanos, C1C Sarah Dugan, C1C Julie Sung, C2C Olawale Lawal. Back Row: C1C Frederick Johnson, C1C Brendan Maestas, C1C Zed Davies, C1C Christopher Richardson, C1C Aaron Foster, C2C Andru Vandiver, C2C Cassandra Hill, C1C Michael Oakley. Not pictured: C2C Richard Margerison, C2C Martinus Davis, C2C Kyle Fitle, C2C
Joshua Harnisch, C2C Meaghan Moore, C2C Brandon Mueller, C1C Michael Quezada C1C Steele Rackley, C2C Benjamin Register, C1C Colton Reid, C1C Brandon Roberts, C1C Martin Span, C2C Esther Willett, C1C Alyssa Deiters, C1C Dayton Gilbreath, C2C Kevin Dwyer


Front Row: C2C John Skeele, C1C Jon Stribling, C1C Sean Knowles, C2C Laura Young, C1C Phaelen French, C2C Derek Travis.
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Middle Row: C2C Reid Witt, C2C Joseph Sarette, C1C Willis Brown, C2C Aaron Bassut, C2C Paul Young, C1C Mathew Sanders, C1C Brain Smith, C2C Jeremy Krohngold. Back Row: CIC Jon Escamilla, C1C Cody Abies, C1C Jonathan Broadbent, C2C Zachary Tulley, C2C Patrick Harrison, C1C Daniel Hughes, C2C Gordon Broadbent, C1C Nathan Seibt
Fall Cadet
W)422^Mr Croup Photos
Front Row: C1C Erika Martin, C1C Brett McKinnon, C1C Matt Clinard, C1C Julian Gluck, C1C Susan Vanden Dries, C1C Rachael Holderle, C1C Teddy Reicks. Second Row: C2C Scott Wooden, C1C Joanna Voss, C1C Meagan Wyngarden, C1C Simone Barrette, C2C Ian Culpepper, C2C Jen Cains. Back Row: C2C Matt Zettler, C2C Matt Anthony, C2C Kevin Beauchemin, C2C Alexandra Trobe, C2C John Hopkins, C2CKatrina Litchford Front Row: C1C Benjamin Dixon, C1C Michael Audiss, C1C Stephan Groff, C1C Tyler Todd, C1C Peter Lind, C1C Jacqueline Littlefield, C1C Malcolm Strong. Second Row: C2C Kschristoper Anda, C2C Jessica Laucher, C2C Kelly O'Grady, C2C Keeley McCann, C2C Ga Han, C2C Jonathan Weed. Back Row: C1C Kristi Miner, C1C Andrew Kim, Robert Neal, C2C James Bloch, C2C Chris Villanueva, C2C Kyle Schory, C2C Nathan Tangeman. Not Pictured: C1C KelliAnn Seaman, C1C Benjamin Kopacka, C1C Kathleen Deiters, C2C Daniel Beckman C2C Christopher Nelson, C2C Lindsey Byrd

Group Leadership


Front Row: C1C Phil Choy, C1C Julie Baumgardner, C2C Jeremiah King, C1C Paola Gavilanes, C1C Michael Oakley, C1C Aarol Clinton, C2C Karen Rubin-Santos, C1C Megumi Voight. Second Row: C2C Chris Knutson, C1C Rachel Thomas, C2C Zachary Adams, C2C Bethany Gross, C1C Bethany Gerard, C2C Sophia Epps, C1C Laith Samarah, C2C Pasach Dehue. Back Row: C1C Patrick Mayfield, C2C Yasmin Sarmiento, C2C Jakob Fischer, C2C Chris Jordan, C1C Phil Ofili, C2C Dan Neal, C1C Erik Kastmiller, C1C Hannah Morehouse
Wing &
Front Row: C1C Andrew Cibler, C1C Zachary Hamby, C1C Patrick Williams, C1C James Colvin, C2C Kendra Miller, C2C Timothy Graley, C1C Payton Pearson. Second Row: C2C Cameron Urquhart, C1C Anna Gault, CICJami Larson, C2C Reginald Hargrove, C1C Willis Brown, C1C Phaelen French, C2C Patrick Waters, C2C Aaron Bassut. Back Row: C2C Samuel Harms, C1C Clifford Peterson, C2C Mathew Barbazon, C2C Andrew Kacura-Miller, C2C Cody Hanson, C2C Ian Gibson, C2C Evan Shawler

Spring Cadet

Front Row: C1C Victoria Martinez, C1C Allison Paddock, C1C Christopher Chua, C1C Michael O'Donnell, C1C Caleb Cole, C1C Shelley Johnson, C1C Amanda Atitya, C1C Cassandra Pederzani. Middle Row: C2C Chloe Lyon, C2C Haley Holcombe, C2C Mitchell Mehaffey, C2C Samuel Barnes, C2C David Creenstreet, C2C Todd Lee, C1C Jared Morris, C1C Andrew Ferris. Back Row: C2C Kyle Dancy, C2C Ryan Dukes, C2C Jordan Loudenback, C1C Steve Keck, C2C John Graves, C2C Anna Philbrick, C2C Woody Go, C1C Wesley Baker. Not Pictured: C1C Nathan Seibt, C1C Jonathan Broadbent, C1C Jared Powell, C2C Gordon Broadbent, C2C Laura Young, C2C Carlos Berreteaga, C2C Molly Bush Front Row: C1C Rachel Stanley, C1C Kelli Seaman, C1C Ben Misra, C1C Laren Delaney, C1C Miguel Millares, C1C Justin Harris, C1C Gordon Lang. Middle Row: C1C Joel Nobel, C2C Katie Danno, C2C Zach Westerfield C2C Danielle Griffith, C2C Kelsey Pilcher, C2C Jessica Wong, C2C Alexander Cogram. Back Row: C2C Joe Lee, C2C Kyle Stigall, C2C Robert Alleman, C2C Matthew Sullivan, C2C Madilynn Veins, C2C Zachary Zeitlin C1C Carlee Koutnik. Not Pictured: C1C Irvin George, C1C Douglas Foss, C1C Leroi Edwards, C2C Trey Lowman, C1C Jessamy Barton Croup Photos

Group Leadership


Front Row: C1C John Stribling, C1C Adam Evenson, C1C Samantha Berthiaume, C1C Matthew Keough, C1C William Thimmel, C1C Christopher Chorney, C1C Meghan O'Neill, C1C Richard Ollis. Second Row: C2CTara Harris, C2C Kelsey Collier, C2C Carrigan Dean, C1C Brian Davis, C1C Chris Ela, C1C Paola Gavilanes, C1C Katie Morgan, C1C Kelly Laurent, C2C Kyle McCabe. Back Row: C2C Grant Williams, C2C Thomas Swinchoski, C2C Wrendy Rayhill, C2C Joseph Okai Jr., C2C Daniel Zotto, C1C AJ Wallerstein, C2C Cooper Johnston, C2C Paul Young Jr., C2C James Stevens. Not pictured: C2C Britta Bigej, C2C Kathrynn Bugg, C2C Clayton Elliott, C1C Daniel Hughes, C1C Anthony Robinson, C2C John Skeele, C1C Megumi Voight
Wing & Croup Staffs<i
Front Row: C1C Travis Potthoff, C1C Cassie Fletcher, C1C Jenna Dolata, C1C Anthony Jadick, C1C Mister Jackson, C2C Luke Hantla, C1C Shauna Casey. Second Row: C2C Sarah Nickisch, C2C Ryan Williams, C2C Ryne Hanson, C1C Lee Schatsiek, C1C Amanda Johnson, C1C Seth Danielson, C1C Raymond Leinenbach, C1C Gabriel Valle. Back Row: C2C Heather Diniz, C2C Chelsey Hamilton, C2C Sam Raine, C2C Austin Nash, C2C Patrick Waters, C2C Cody Hanson, C2C Brent White, C1C Willis Brown. Not Pictured: C1C Phaelen French, C2C Ken Kinderwater, C1( Katie Dials, C2C Tyler Glaze, C2C Tony Sullivan, C2C Greg Kidd, C1C Kris Hull, C2C Joseph Sarette, C2C Alex Harvey, C2C AJ Bassut

Aerobic Instructors

Cadet Honor Guard

Clockwise from 12 o'clock: Holley Macpherson, Yasmin Sarmiento, Addie Riley, Chelsea Hagar, Courtney Pinkerton, Julie Sung, Laura Henderson
426 Group Photos >i
Front Row: C1Cs Kathryn Stuard, Christopher Ganczewski, Christopher Perkins, Justin Harris. Second Row (from sunglasses): C2Cs Margarita Balish, Robert Garza, Matthew Drake, Christina Beckett, James Neat, Mister Carlton, Cory Hume, Cole Patten, Sun Lee. Third Row: C3Cs Hannah Cox, Winfield Mason, Michael Yam, Niko Ruud, Nathan Armes, Daniel Incorvaia, Joel Stark, Michael Shippey, Elizabeth Pacyna, Samuel Kiekhaefer. Fourth Row (helmets): C4Cs Anthony Bizzaco, Jacob Laheta, Aubry Eaton, Daniel Jones, Matthew Goellner, Evan Pohlei, Chandlee Jackson, Kenneth Koonz, Billy Edenfield, Eric Moeller, Colin Busho. ABUs on right: Capt. Bradly Bucholz and MSgt. Mark Schwar-' tze. Not Pictured: C4C Joshua Nations and C3C Juliann Lestina

Combat Shooting Team

Front Row: Derek Schillaci, Joseph Springfield, Aaron Kerkhoff. Back Row: James Kegyes, John McCarty, Blaize Dunn, Glen Hanson, Ryan Lamo, Jared Hafich, Mike Jones, Chris Moede, Alex Severson, Sebastian Constable
Ari Morris, Tucker Brown, Sarah Collins, Zebulon Hanley, Stefan Zavislan, Andrew Cady, Emily Willson, Alexis Todaro, Sean Daigle, Jason Intagliata, Nathan Woodford, Joel Parritt, Keegan Peckham, Austen Ebert, Wolf Thielmann, Ryan Thompson, Dave Burns, Karl Schroeder, Evan Clowiak, Brandon Shaw, Coleen Pacurariu, Scott Gregory, Brent Eberle


Flying Team

Front Row: Cole Donnelly, J.T. Ploschnitznig, Kevin Bogan, Annie Sanchez, Coach Kari Randle and Baby Coach Chloe. Back Row: Spencer Rutter, A.J. Nemethy, Irene Joyce, Nicole Johnson, Zach Provchy, Josh Dahlenburg, Dayna Grant Front Row: Ian Gibson, Mike Mayclin, Andrew Spalla, Stefan Morell, Dan Barina, Bryan Johnston, Nick Attillo, Dmytro Pichkur, Megan Brandt, Matt Barbazon, Jon Weed. Back Row: 2nd Lt. Dan Gidassi, Coach Bert Boyce, Dick Cook, Josh Wilson, Tom Hainline, Rob Kouwe,Stew Harlow, Evan McCartney, Zach Adams, Capt Jack Nelson, Maj. Richelle Heflin

Hispanic Heritage

Front Row: Lindsay Plasencio, Joseph Torano, Carlos Pacheco, Miguel Barrios, Jon Espinoza, Jacob Hernandez, Joshua Torano. Second Row: Jeancarlo Barrios, Luis Gonzalez, Joshua Zambrano, Candita Curcio, Hache Stossmeister. Back Row: Collin Payne, Stephanie Marris, Lt. Col. Jose Cintron, Keenan Welsh, Brian LaGrange, Jose Benitez, Thomas Denninghoff Front Row: Ryan Holler, Brian Brookover. Second Row: Kyle Schoonover, Pat Mayfield, Matt Clinard, Mike Fisk, Brandon Shaw. Back Row: Maj. Bryan Cooper, MattCignoli, Jon Steinmetz, Bobby Bell, Frank Candelmo, Erik Soderberg, Henry Lang, Conor Higgins, Aaron Quick, Trevor Sapp, Paul Archambault

In the Stairwell

Korean American Relations Society

Front Row: Sarah Ruckriegle, Michael Oliver, Trent Smith, Colin Cook, Taylor Pearce, Kevin McMullen, Derek Ecklebe, Monica Clodwick. Back Row: Julian Cluck, Derrin Gould, Ryan French, Erik Clark, Trey Lowman, Travis Crindstaff, John Tack. Not Pictured: Charles Gilliam, Corey Landis, Roy Koehmstedt, Alex Williams, Breck Stewart Front Row: Paul Kim, Danielle Danish, Joanne Choi, Ashley Chung, Andrew Lim, Pascal Won, John Krzyminski. Second Row: John Bang, Kim Cory, Alexander Kil, Emilio Becerra, Paulina Rudolph, Kristi Tanaka Cort Rogers Back Row: Brandon Lee, Chris Paek, John Yi, Mike Estacion, Michael Joo, Stephanie Marris, Maj. Jimmy Do

Women's Lacrosse


Bottom Row: Keyona Sanchez, Jessica Adams, Grace Cho, Raika Dacquel, Elizabeth Maldonado, Alyssa Deiters, Linda Lam, Alma Stuhldreher. Middle Row: Jessica Abbott, Courtney Beck, Christie Glavic, Mary Vasta, Alison Weiss, Cassie Dunn. Back Row: Grace Kim, Erin O'Brien, Emily Stelmaschuk, Courtney Sheeks, Rachel Yuen, Sharon Aradine, Taylor Curtiss, Caroline Martin, Heather Udell, Claire Palmer, Erin Crain Front Row: lima Calite, Christina Schira, Kate Brien. Back Row: Ben Christ, Geoffrey Whitener, Marcus Penner, Jason Burbach, James Stofel, Mike Andersen, Chris Chorney, Ben Fischl

Media - KAFA

Media - Polaris

Front Row: Aaron Volk, Chris Ela, Zachary Scheider, Michael O'Donnell, David Beranek. Back Row: Jim Cunningham, Rob Evenson, Elise Hill, Lauren Linscott, Ken Nahrwold, Dave West, Andrew Chapman, Joe Bomar. Not Pictured: Andy Kleman, Cole Smith, Steve Simon, Raymond Hoy, John Bierman, Ian Butler, Andrew Gallion, Fred Rath, Shane Simonson, Rosalie Mayou, Nick Taormina, Michael Harrington, Cody Nelson, Joshua Sprang, Bob Vasquez, Jeff Wagner, Kwo-Zong Wang Front Row: Monica Bray, Allison Paddock, Andrew Bathurst, Kelsey Smith, Zach Schneider, Sarah Castro, Lauren Sako Back Row: Ga Han, Kyle Palko, James Rush, Arnie Spencer, Roed Mejia, Jeanne Domingo Not Pictured: Josh Williams, Joe Cole, Edward Garces, Mary Misra, Zach Barrington, Brad Milliman, Debbie Evert

Men's Rugby

Saber Drill

Front Row: Clayton Hayes Victor Woo, Reed Fleming, Matt Piazza, Colby Browning, Brandon Poje, Ryan Russamano, Trent Rodriguez, Steve Reardon, Huston Harrison, G. Blake Hege, Eddie Love, Collin McConville, Joe Muehlbauer. Second Row: Brad Bugg, Richard Yount, Christian Minnick, Sam Roller, LeRoi Edwards, Austin Ollis, Eric Schreck, Mac Griffin, D.J. Foss, Ken Kinderwater, John Nickerson, Cobb Brandon, Taylor Roberts, Jake Byorth, Aaron Schuetze, Anthony Hopf, Zachary Dennis, Jake Morin, Kaiana Miller, Brady Miner, Roger Stewart, Denny Meredith. Back Row: Rich Bristol, Joe Rippe, Jeremy Warfield, Jack Bristol, Nick Lundin, Dan Lange, Mike Girolami, Pat Murphy, Kevin Umodu, Garrett Jameson, Conor Melanson, Sean Collins, Austin Halle Matthew Chavez, Ian Brotnov, William Chapman, Sydney Smith, Kevin Jagoda, Richard Gangloff, Michael MacAndrew, Josiah Lane, Adam Ceeskie, Jordan Doom, Nicolas Longhi, Nathan Carey, Rahal Belkalai, Jeriko Mafnas, Carter Post, Col. Jeffrey Butler

Show Choir

Front Row: Jenny Healy, Lindsay Heath, Rachel Stecher, Brandon Reams, Liz Pacyna, Richard Phernetton, Bradley Simon. Back Row: Derek Hale, Kevin Martin, Win Mason, Spencer Rutter, Andrew Hedman, Blake Morgan, Matthew Schneider, Emilio Garcia, Martin Vu, Austin Hill, Aaron Dodd, Chia-Hsuan Chen
(NmiI pM v 11
Floor: Daniel Hayes, David Shadoin. Front Row: Deanna MacMillan, Teresa Elsbree, Ryan Thompson, Roed Mejia, Lindsey Summerlin, Kayla Vildosola, Kevin Pamilagas, Kaz Moffett. Middle Row: Kerri Schmidt, Ashli McDonald, Misha Ignacio, Garrett Gamble, Kathryn Lowry, Rachel Allison, Alicia Wallace, Kiersten Schmidt, Henry Grob. Back Row: Justin Bergman, Peter Quick Royce Atkinson, Jeep Atkinson, Shannon Young, George Hermance, Joseph Hayes, Laura Squire. Not Pictured: Jean Cooley, Sharon Nickelberry, Kwo-ZangWang Croup Photos

Women's Softball

Team Handball

Front Row: Christa Ewasko, Kaylee Hay. Second Row: Molly Gilroy, Erin Doran, Randi Imerman, Alyssa Manwaring, Kelsey Dees, Jacqueline Struzik. Back Row: Katharine Albright, Linnea Larson, Bryanna Mueller, Elise Hill, Kirsten Larson, Sierra Kelly Front Row: Bryan Matz, Jarod Washington, Christopher Hu, Stephen Orians, Matthew Demichiei, Nick Slater, Andrew Street, Kevin Bess, Cody Houston, Torry Beauchamp. Back Row: Mike Cavanaugh, Sean Cahill, Daniel Stein, Conor Muilenburg, John Stout, Jacob Weiner, Andrew Donlin, Mike Fournier, Montana Collie, Matt Forrest, Jared Greene, Michael Hychko, Maj. Jimmy Do

Men's Volleyball

Front Row: Maj. Adam DiGerolamo, Stuart Corbett, Daniel Hayduchok, Brad Smith, Steve Welling, Jacob Bessler, Kekai Nu'Uhiwa, Francis Usher, Chris Mortensen. Back Row: Adam Berheide, Seth Miller, Daniel Thompson, Anthony Emtman, Justin Lukso, Reginald Hargrove, Alexander Raines, Karl Grosselin, MSgt. Greg Monck
Front Row: Akil Romany, Vania Hudson, Andre Ball, Austyn Wilson, Gen. Gar North, Lt. Gen. Paul Selva, Ashley Flanagan, Nicole Torres, Christopher Hall, Brittany Peters, Joy Johnson, Nikita Wetherbee. Second Row: Bonita Allen, Andre Guthrie, Sarah Neyra, Sierra Richardson, Darrell Cousin, Allanna Jones, Demetrius Stinson, Brent Mattocks, Rajeem Moore, Noel Nicholas, Martinus Davis, Jerell Alexander, Derek Davidson. Third Row: Louis Rogers, Malcolm Price, Joseph Abakunda, Prittany White, Bria McClary, Fiona Akoth, Joshua Young, Kyle Robinson, Joseph Okai, Chandlee Jackson, Justice Owusu-Achiaw. Back Row: Ryan Allen, Reggie Young, Deion Hardy, Cecilio Carter, Kenneth Royster


Lt. Col. Joe Fulton, SSgt. Chris Smith, Bill Saylor.

Steve Hart,

Dan Lee, Maj. Tara Webster, Capt. Nate Collins, Elsa Bruno, Gary Payton, Maj. Scott Putnam, Lt. Col. Aaron Mainstone, Lt. Col. Neil Thomas, Lt. Col. David Richie. Not

Lt. Col.

Joslyn, TSgt. Nathaniel

Front Row: Lt. Col. AJ Rolling, Lt. Col. James Hall, Lt. Col. Colin Tucker, Lt. Col. Scotty Nowlin, Lt. Col. Nick Hardman, Col. Neal Barlow, Dr. Aaron Byerley, Dr. Tom Yechout, Dr. Steve Brandt, Dr. John Pletcher, Dr. Russ Cummings, Dr. Tom McLaughlin. Second Row: Jerry Stermer, Wes Pyle, Grant Grovenburg, Tim Hayden, Dr. Martiqua Post, Maj. Kara Greene, Capt. Chris Col.ey, Capt. Caitlin Thorn, Dr. Eric Stephen, Maj. Elaine Bryant, SSgt. Danny Washburn, Ken Ostasiewski. Third Row: Timothy Siefers, Lt. Col. Kurt Rouser, Lt. Col. Shad Reed, Dr. Gary Yale, Maj. Nidal Jodeh, Andrea Osteroos, Rob Decker, Dr. John Farnsworth, Dr. Mehdi Ghoreyshi, Dr. Jurgen Seidel, Dr. Charles Wisniewski. Back Row: Jeff Falkenstine, Dr. Tom Cunningham, Maj. Art Cartwright, Maj. Jerome D'Oliveira, Dr. Irvin Jones, Chris Seaver, Capt. Dell Olmstead, Dr. Casey Fagley, Steve Senator Front Row: Jack Anthony, TSgt. Brandon Longcrier, Capt. Uriah Tobey, Lt. Col. Douglas Bayley, Dr. Mike Holmes, Dr. Rob Brown, Dr. Scott Dahlke, Dr. Paul Vergez, Capt. Luke Hagen, Col. Martin France, Back Row: Capt. Donald Heaton, Capt. Pictured: Thomas Boyd, Erin Abramson, Dr. Ken Siegenthaler, Kwi Spinks, TSgt. Brian Calenberg Front Row: Capt. Krista St Romain, Maj. Amy Carpenter, Dr. David Hale, Lt. Col. John Huckstep, Dr. Helen Pigage, Maj. David Morris, Dr. Michael Wilcox, Capt. Jason Hofstede, Maj. Keith Blount, Jerry Wright, Dr. Robert Noyd. Second Row: Alex Sintas, Dr. David Westmoreland, Dr. Thomas Pressley, Capt. Marisa Romero, Patti Kryzanowski, Lt. Col. Regan Keener, Lt. Col. David Welge, Col. John Putnam, Lt. Col. Keith Bishop, Maj. Ryan Maresh, Cary Ryder, Capt. Ilea Eskildsen, Capt. Daniel Pike, Dr. Ken Sagendorf, Lt. Col. Matthew Buehler



Dr. Maria E. Lamb-Hall, Lilibeth V. Austria,


Front Row: Lt. Col. David J. Kent, Lt. Col. Royce W. Beal, Lt. Col. Mark D. Reimann, Dr. John S. Wilkes, Dr. Donald M. Bird, Col. Michael E. Van Valkenburg, Dr. David W. Ball, Lt. Col. James C. Rohrbough, Lt. Col. John M. Garver, Lt. Col. Dennis J. Tuthill, Maj. Daniel P. Shea. Second Row: Dr. Joel D. Cain, Capt. Jeremiah N. Betz, Capt. Luke J. Fisher, Capt. Seth C. Ostlund, Dr. Ronald P. Furstenau, Capt. Adam S. Batchellor, Dr. Margaret H. Rakowsky, Capt. Jessica L. Kashka, Dr. Kimberly A. Gardner, Dr. Timm A. Knoerzer, David Summer, Leslie T. Hall, Sharon Knight-Lewis, Dr. Gary J. Capt. J. Quentin Buquoi, Maj. Ryan B. Roach. Back Row: Joseph A. Levisky, Capt. Benjamin B. Worker, Dr. Silvia A. Richert, Capt. David Bullock, Capt. Rebecca Stone, Dr. Cassie S. Kettwich, Hannah A. Miller, Jane B. Johnson, Cynthia A. Corley Capt. Samantha L. Adee, Dr. Barry W. Hicks. Not Pictured: Lt. Col. Brian A. Tom, Lt. Col. John D. Peak, Capt. Scott T. lacono, Randy G. Ramsden Front Row: Lt. Col. Jeremy Noel, Lt. Col. Troy Weingart, Dr. Barry Fagin, Col. David Gibson, Lt. Col. David Bibighaus, Dr. Martin Carlisle, Lt. Col. Jeff Boleng. Second Row: Capt. David Merritt, Dr. C. Wayne Brown, Bill McCrary, Delbert Christman, Dr. Randy Bower, Heike Siegmar, Dr. Dino Schweitzer, Dr. Scott Teel, Dr. Steve Hadfield, Dr. William Wolfe. Back Row: B. Tina Pratt, Capt. James Maher, Dr. Steve Fulton, Capt. Judson Dressier, Maj. Daniel Schmitt, Capt. Christopher Patterson, Maj. Patrick Baldwin, Capt. Adrian de Freitas. Not Pictured: Dr. Leemon Baird

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Front Row: Larry Bryant, Dr. James Smith, Lt. Col. Charles Gaona, Dr. Rolf Enger, Col. Brent Richert, Lt. Col. Jennifer Guess. Second Row: Rhonda Maffeo, Lyle Thompson, Julie Imada, Robin Wells, Lt. Col. Freddie Rodriguez, Polly Holdorf, Sharon Richardson, Marne Harris, Lt. Col. Andrew Berry, Erin Chmel, Roberto Restivo, Tom Lear, Alex Swanson. Back Row: Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. Kenneth Sagendorf, Lt. Col. Lou Perret, 2nd Lt. Jeffrey Nakayama, 2nd Lt. Justin Lennon, 2nd Lt. John Connelly, Carolyn Dull, Dr.Lauren Scharff, Marie Shelton Front Row: Danny Portillo, Terry Haverluk, Dr. Bob Waller, Kate Silz-Carson, Lt. Col. Tom Swoveland, Lt. Col. Mike McMahon, Lt. Col. Len Cabrera, Capt. Kristin Dowd, Capt. Charlotte "Charlie" Portlock, Kathy Calahan, Dr. Mary Kelly, 1st Lt. Rachael Clark. Second Row: MSgt. Nate Taylor, Capt. Sean Doyle, Maj. Dave Ratliff, Capt. Pete Furseth, Lt. Col. Matt Tracy, Lt. Col. Aaron Koenigseker, Dr. Dave LaRivee, Capt. Nick Mastronardi, Mike Lucchesi, Lt. Col. James Wilmer, Dr. Sarah Robinson Front Row: Dr. William Eccles, Dr. Randall Musselman, Lt. Col. Anne Clark, Col. Jeffrey Butler, retired Brig. Gen. Erlind Royer, Dr. Daniel Pack, Dr. Glen Dudevoir. Second Row: Marsha Cornett, Maj. Constance Hendrix, Maj. Bryan Cooper, Capt. Michael Tanner, 2nd Lt. John Roling, John Evans, 2nd Lt. Brooks Waugaman, Maj. Cory Antosh, Maj. Randall Deppensmith, Richard Speakman, Mike Drew, Lt. Col. Marcus Roberts. Back Row: Capt. Ryan Silva, Dr. George York, Chad Hager, Maj. Frank Glavic, Dr. Scott Gruber, Dr. Hyukseong Kwon, John Rhoades, 2nd Lt. Joseph Kerhin, Dr. Harry Direen, Capt. Willie Mims, Alan Mundy, Susan Elmore. Not Pictured: Lt. Col. Andrew Laffely, Maj. Paul Kaster, Dr. Hubert Porbadnik

Engineering Mechanics

First Row: Capt. Scott Robertson, Col. Andrew Szmerekovsky, Col. Thomas Yoder, Lt. Col. Sean Londrigan, Maj. Byron Miranda.

Second Row: Capt. Mike Richards, Dr. James Greer, 1st Lt. Wolfgang Wuth, Capt. Aaron Drenth, Lt. Col. Richard Buckley. Third Row: Dr. Mike Maixner, Lt. Col. Don Rhymer, Kevin Williams, Dr. Greg Shoales, Dr. R.A. Saravanan, 2nd Lt. Anthony Ressell.

Fourth Row: Sarah Galyon, Dr. Ralph Bush, Dr. Rob Redfield, Rob Lotz. Fifth Row: Lucinda Matteson, Dr. John Wood, Capt. Rob Vincent. Sixth Row: Megan Seebeck, Richard Boschee, Dr. Dan Jensen. Seventh Row: Cindy Klahn, Andrew Radzicki, Brian Burns, Jason Niebuhr. Eighth Row: MSgt. Chad Bruce, Michael Bugeaud, Joe Royal, Peter Jackson, Justin Rausch. Ninth Row: Ryan Wichman, Michael Bugeaud, Kevin Gibbons, Ronnie Thornburg. Tenth Row: 1st Lt. Timothy Nichols, Jesse Vickers, Dave Arrington, Klaus Hofmann. Eleventh Row: Alexandra Freudenberg, Capt. Mike Knauf, Dr. Scott Dennis, 2nd Lt. Matthew Wharton. Twelfth Row: Yongwon Lee, Capt. Joseph Wahlquist

English & Fine Arts

Front Row: Dr. Betsy Muenger, Lt. Col. Sarah Strachan, Capt. Miranda Lashinski, Col. Kathleen Harrington, Chris Smith, Dr. Richard Lemp. Second Row: Matt Siegel, Dr. Nora Dooley, Capt. Tammy Gant, Capt. Mike Sukach, John Farley. Third Row: Gretchen Koenig, Lt. Col. Martha Despain, Jeanette Millar. Fourth Row: Pam Aloisa, Dr. Patrick Dooley, William Newmiller. Fifth Row:

Lt. Col. David Lawrence, Dr. Gina Iberri-Shea, Capt. Grace Miller, Dr. Claudia Honeywell. Sixth Row: Marsha Childers, Maj. Douglas Cunningham, 2nd Lt. Edward Boylan, Dr. Wilson Brissett. Seventh Row: Dr. Ross Gresham, Dr. Lori Davis-Perry, Capt. Sonja Pasquantonio, Lt. Col. Gary Mills, Capt. Brian Dumm. Eighth Row: Dr. Fred Kiley, Dr. Andrea Trocha-Van Nort, Dr. Thomas Vargish. Back Row: Donald Anderson, Dr. Hugh Burns, Capt. Gerard Carisio. Not Pictured: Dr. Ann Reagan, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Collins, Capt. Lindsay Zeller

Front Row: Lt. Col. Rouven Steeves, Dr. Katherine Moskver, Dr. Miguel Verano, Col. Ronald Machoian, Col. Daniel Uribe, Col. Jeffrey Louie, Dr. Sheri Spaine Long, Dr. Salah Hammoud, Lt. Col. Richard Dabrowski. Second Row: Brian Brandow, Maj. Kenny Dailey, Dr. Jue Wang, Dr. Jean LeLoup, Dr. Ismenia DeSouza, Lt. Col. Scot Allen, Dr. Halimur Khan, Capt. Lea Newman, Veronica Haun. Third Row: Mohamed Nouri, Maj. Mark Braun, Capt. John Morash, Maj. Juan Velazquez-Gaztelu, Lt. Col. Andreas Kaukel, Lt. Col. Jean-Philippe Peltier, Lt. Col. Daniel Szarke, Lt. Col. James Bogle, Maj. John Chamberlin, Maj. Kelly Kafeyan, David Boyd, Alice Meyer, Dr. Yoshi Kahn, Yumiko Guajardo. Back Row: Joe Barreira, Ksenia Egorova, lanina Grigortchouk, Andrzej Pudlo, Maria Duran, Dr. Elias Bensalem, Angela Brehm, Leslie Johnson, Maj. Javier Reyes, Maj. Kurt Fife, Lt. Col. Cintron, Victor Nell, Brad Hince, Mary Blair, Elaine Tendetnik, Lt. Col. Dana Louie, Sara Stalker, Dr. James Rasmussen, Julien Jones, Capt. Phyllis Pelky

Croup Photos

Seated: Col. Paul Pirog, Lt. Col. Rachel VanLandingham. Front Row: William "Chad" Austin, Maj. Afsana Ahmed, Maj. Erika Lynch, Maj. Shelly McNulty, Kevin Watson, Capt. Jonathan Compton, Lt. Col. Pamela Perry, Capt. Hanna Yang, John Hertel, Maj. Kyle Payne. Second Row: Capt. Thomas McNab, Maj. Anthony Bell, Maj. Amer Mahmud, Lt. Col. James "Jeremy" Marsh, David Fitzkee, Capt. Dominic Angiollo. Not Pictured: Howard Eggers, Carol Vilcek Front Row: Lt. Col. Chuck Murnieks, Dr. Steve Green, Jean Cooley, Lt. Col. Denise Cooper, Dr. Greg Parnell, Lt. Col. Tim Pettit, Capt. Will Griffin, Lt. Col. Troy Harting, Col. Andrew Armacost, Lt. Col. Joseph Thomas, Dr. Claudia Ferrante, Dr. Sally Baron, Lt. Col. John Martin, Capt. Emily Bulger, Maj. AbizerTyabji, Dr. Kevin Davis, Dr. Cyndy Cycyota, Capt. Cathy Marshessear. Second Row: KC Kelly, Lt. Col. Jeff Merrell, Capt. Jeremiah Kirschman, Maj. Allen Atwell, Lt. Col. Eric Tucker, Capt. John Feely, Capt. Anthony Stinton, Maj. Conrad Preedom, Lt. Col. Steve Harmon, Maj. Rob Evert, Capt. Brian Lemay, Dr. Jim Lowe, Dr. Kurt Heppard, Dr. Dave Levy, Capt.w Daniel White. Not Pictured: Maj. Joe Suhajda, Lt. Col. Carolyn Stickell, Dr. William Jennings, Lt. Col. Brian Walker Front Row: Lt. Col. Tom Boushell, Col. John Andrew, Lt. Col. Steven Thorsen. Second Row: Dr. Mike Brilleslyper, Dr. Beth Schaubroeck, Debra Glaze, Dr. Richard Marchand. Third row: Maj. Terence Kudo, Lt. Col. Paul Alfonso, Dr. Kurt Herzinger, Dr. Ralph Boedigheimer, Dr. Brad Warner, Dr. Michelle Ghrist, Kim Swetz, Lt. Col. Gloria Porter, Maj. Emily Knight. Fourth Row: Lt. Col. Stephanie Bruce, Lt. Col. Chris Nelson, LT (USN) Philip Smith, Capt. Patrick Jackson, Maj. Kevin Treat, Capt. Ryan Jobman, Lt. Col. Edward Werner, Capt. Thomas Fulton, Lt. Col. Christy Holliday, Lt. Col. Mike Lattanzi, Dr. Dale Peterson, Lt. Col. Eric Demkowicz. Back Row: Lt. Col. Steven Oimoen, Lt. Col. Doug Benton, Lt. Col. Robert Wolverton, Dr. James Rolf, Lt. Col. Scott Callihan, Capt. Jesse Lynn, Lt. Col. William Cochran, Maj. Ben Kallemyn, Lt. Col. Chris Cullenbine, Capt. Brandon Bernardoni, Lt. Col. Marty Gaupp, Capt. Chris Carson, Capt. Greg White, Lt. Col. Christopher Solo. Not Pictured: Lt. Col. Andy Gaydon, Lt. Col. Trae Holcomb, Capt. Ray Magallanez, Capt. Nate Collins'


Systems Engineering

Front Row: Dr. Jim Titus, Lt. Col. Steve Pomeroy, Col. Tom Drohan, Col. Dan Gillespie, Lt. Col. Stephen Naftanel, Dr. Tom Keaney. Second Row: Glenna Linton, Dr. John Farquhar, Maj. Jason Harris, MSgt. Chris Lamson, Lt. Col. Jessica Baker, Sqn. Ldr. Martin Harris, Maj. Yuki Kimura, Capt. Matthew Harmon, Dr. Brent Talbot, Tim Frenchman Yinger. Back Row: Rick Walker, Lt. Col. Eric Moody, Mark Melville, Lt. Col. Tom Allison, CDR. Kyle Michael, Dr. Glenn Ferguson, Jim Schlagheck, Maj. Dan McLagan Front Row: Dr. Rhonda Smith, Dr. Jim Carey, Capt. Kelly McPherson, Capt. Ashley Anderson, Tennille Thorne. Back Row: Col. James Cook, Maj. Mark Swiatek, Dr. Brent Kyle, Dr. Carlos Bertha, Maj. Logan Sisson, Dr. Mark Jensen. Not Pictured: Dr. Deonna Neal, Dr. Leonard Kahn
ill \lijlil tm v
Front Row: Dr. Stephen Spicklemire, Dr. Lon Enloe, Dr. Francis Chun, Lt. Col. Christian Wohlwend, Lt. Col. Anthony Dills, Lt. Col. Brian Griffith, Lt. Col. Steven Novotny, Dr. Gabriel Font-Rodriguez, Lt. Col. Phillip Gronseth, Dr. Matthew Mcharg. Second Row: Linda McCarthy, Dawn Gagnon, Bridget McGrath, Dr. Boris Zhdanov, Dr. Heidi Wainscott, Dr. Geoff Andersen, Maj. Christina Dugan, Maj. Evelyn Schumer, Maj. Nathan Terry, Capt. Jessica Hewitt, Dr. Devin Della-Rose, Lt. Col. Stephen Phipps. Third Row: Dr. Roger Tippets, Capt. James Scoville, Dr. Gregor Novak, Martin Johnson, Fran Pummer, Duane Dunlap, Dr. Richard Balthazor, Capt. Robert Vincent, Maj. Brian Fry, Lt. Col. David Strong, Dr. Michael Dearborn, Mark Mayer, Maj. Grady Phillips. Fourth Row: Lt. Col. Christy Kayser-Cook, Rebecca Lickiss, Gabe Wilson, Lt. Col. David Meier, Lt. Col. Monte Anderson, Capt. Christopher Charles, Lt. Col. Brian Paeth, Lt. Col. Victor Putz, Dr. Frederick Kontur
f nxn~T Front Row: Dr. John Pletcher, Col. Neal Barlow, Lt. Col. Nick Hardman. Back Row: Dr. Irvin Jones, Maj. Art Cartwright, Dr. Gary Yale




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Congratulations to the Air Force Academy's Class of 2012 New Jersey Cadets.

Thank you for the commitments you've made to yourselves, your families, friends, the Academy, and country. May God Bless and protect you.

And, a hearty thank you to the parents (and Officers of the AFAPANJ), of those Cadets, who for four years gave selflessly of their time and energy (not to mention money), to assure ALL of our New Jersey Cadets had whatever they needed, many times throughout the last four years. THANK YOU!

Parents Clubs Ads 461
We Salute our 2012 jpjfodtiates l \ A > k *
2d Lt Russell Aherns 2d Lt Matt Blessing 2d Lt Katherine Boyle 2d Lt Kevin Brad 2d Lt Josiah Eubank DJ Foss Bobby Gulla 2d Lt Anne Ko^ns^
v t a ’I .If t \ .A * « V\1P '
Eastern Pennsylvania Auj* Force Acad^ntyParents Association o A $ Parents Clubs Ads
2d Lt Ch^is Shiel
Congratulationsto our nowost 2nd Uoutonants! Good luck in your continued pursuit of excellence! From the Arkansas USAFA Parent's Association
Evan Abrecht Carolyn Batie Stuart Coston Samuel Macheak Robert Stephenson John Stribling
Congratulations Class of 2012
Patrick Williams Steven Alsen Paul Archambault Nick Barrett Louis Bloom Ryan Cooney
Best Wishes from the Proud Parents of the USAFA Cadet Parents Association of Eastern Massachusetts Parents Clubs Ads iti.
Justin William Giguere Colleen Haggerty Dane Lannon Robert Poisson


Jessica Bickford


Casey Cardwell

Monica Clements

Steven Gregory Eberl

David Floren

Derek Schillaci

Ryan Taylor

Shaina Thompson

Mary Vasta

Florida Gulf Coast Parents’ Club Congratulates The Class of 2012! 2nd Lt. Lauren Bailey 2nd Lt. Lance La 4 // g G. Spranger // Lt. Michael S. Wojdan Revell Freedom Stands Because H You Make Us Proud! www.fgcparentsclub.org CONGRATULATIONS TO
il V*: i
Chad Hennig
iavid Leeds
Meagan Wyngarden Parents Clubs Ads USAFA CLASS OF 2012
Kaila Weber

Congratulations from the Capital Parent’s Club

2nd Lt Layne Clawson

2nd Lt Travis Deckert

2nd Lt Jami Larson

2nd Lt Tyler Levy

2nd Lt Karo Oeser

2Lt David(Baccash

2LtAustin (Davis

2Lt (Ryan Trench

2Lt <2Ipque QartCand

2Lt %yCeJohnson

The (ME TCorida

ZJ.S-A>T.A (ParentsAssociation Congratulates Our Class of2012 graduates!

Friends, Family & Supporter Messages 2012

Abraham•, Amy Wow! Super! Great! Fantastic! Amazing! Many dream, some try, but only few achieve. You are an achiever. You have made us so very proud and we can only imagine the greatness yet to come. Rest assured, your dad has been with you on this journey and will continue to guide you. Congratulations Amy! Love, Mom and Autumn.

Ahrens■, Russell You remained focused, persevered and tackled any challenge through your strength of character. Congratulations on joining your brother in the Long Blue Line. As you continue on your life's journey, mayyour future be full of happiness and wonderful adventures! Your very proud family!

Aiken, Benjamin

So proud of you Ben! Little boy's dreams do come true! Now it's time for you to enter into the next chapter of your life. Just remember that wherever you go in this worldWell love you forever, like you for always. As long as we're living our baby you'll be. Dad, Mom, and Meagan Afitya, Amanda

Some want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen. Amanda we all know how hard you worked to make this happen. We are all very proud and love you very much! Listen with your heart and let God guide you on your journey. Now float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!

Baecash, David CONGRATULATIONS! David, your journey the past 5 years has been one you will never forget. You realized the first part of your dream. Now, as that door closes, the next part of your journey and dream begins. Your family will always be there to love and support you. Love Dad, Mom, Steven and the rest of your family. Bailey, Lauren Congratulations Lauren! We are all so proud of you! Your hard work, positive attitude, good will, and honor will continue to carry you far in life! We Love you so much' Love, Mom, Dad, Kristin & Tim

Barina, Daniel

Congratulations, 2nd Lt. Daniel Barina! Daniel - since age 10 when you first dreamed of the Academy, we are so proud of how hard you have worked to reach your goals. As you continue on to your next dream, pilot training. 'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord' (Col. 3:23). All our love. Mom, Dad, Hannah

Parents Clubs Ads /Congratulatory Messages■V465

Barrette, Simone

You Rock, Simone! Not too long ago, we were all thinking "starving artist"-but what a waste of a brain?! We knew you always had the "whole package"-so now our country can capitalize on your talents & strengths as well! Congratulations...We love you! Mom, Dad, Bryce, Oma & Opa...and the gang of 4-legged ones in AZ!

Beilby, James

To accomplish great things you must not only DREAM, PLAN and ACT, but also BELIEVE. Keep believing in yourself the way we believe in you. Continue to learn even when the text books are closed. The world is open to you; enjoy the ride knowing how much you are loved. Mom, Dad, Blake,and Missy

Beilby, James

From a cute infant to a handsome grown man. have witness your many accomplishments culminating in today's Air Force Academy graduation. Undoubtedly, there will be many in your future. My pride and love is always with you. LV forever G-ma Hamilton


LT. ROBERT F. BELZ. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." Robert, YOU are a leader and we are SO PROUD! May God Keep You Safe and Bless You Always! We Love You!! Uncle Steve, Aunt Ruthie, Erik and Matthew

Betz, Robert

Congratulations 2nd LT. Robert F. Belzl! We are so very proud of you! You are a leader.... Always have a sense of purpose and pride. This is your life...make it what you want it to be! Never compromise on the things that really matter to you. Always believe in yourself. There's NO LIMIT to what you can accomplish! We love you, Mom and Dad

Beranek, David Your parents (and late grandparents) are exceedingly proud! Love, Mom and Dad

Betz, Robert Congrats PB! It's the 18th hole and you've just made a birdie! We're so proud of all of your accomplishments! Keep climbing the ladder and always follow your dreams! There's no limit to what you can achieve. REMEMBER always eat that elephant.one bite at a time! We love you Chris, Jess, and Tim

Berthiaume, Samantha Samantha & Zed. Congratulations to both of you on your graduation from the Air Force Academy. Soon you will become one to spend many happy years together May you reach all your goals Love always GRANNIE & POP-POP B

Berthiaume>, Samantha

Samantha You Did It! We can still see the day we brought you to BWI 4 years ago. You have done amazing things since then. We are so proud of you and the Class of 2012. You have an amazing future ahead of you and we are excited to watch you soar! We love you!

Dad, Mom and Abigail Besecky, Jason

Congratulations Lieutenant Jason Besecky! Today we are reflecting on all the memories of you that fill us with love and pride. As you venture into serving this great country we stand proudly beside you. Love, Grandma, Grandpap. Uncle Richard, and Uncle Raymond Besecky■, Jason

Congratulations on Graduating USAF Academy Jason! Yours is the World and everything that's in it today! We feel so blessed to knowthat you are leading the way to our future -as Americans - and as your loving family. Well earned Airman! No One Comes Close! With Faith and Love, Mom, Dad, and Brett Bieber, Kelly We're so proud of you sweetheart. And Pepa is proud too, up in heaven. What a great job you have done! Congratulations! "Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof." Lev 25:10. You're going to be a great Air Force officer! Mom, Dad, and Claire.

Boltoni, Amanda

To our favorite Proud Pink Panther!! Congratulations Amanda on your tremendous accomplishments at USAFA, we are so proud of you. Thank you for the exciting ride the last 4 years. May there be many more! Love you always! Mom & Dad, Tom, Jen & Ben Bopp, J. Seth B-bopper- Congrats! You did it! We ore very proud of ail your accomplishments. We can t wait to see what amazing things God has in store for you. Love you- Dad. Mom and Hannah

Bracy, Austin

Congratulations, Austin Bracy! Words can't express our pride and gratitude. We are proud of you for what you have accomplished, and we are so grateful to the Lord for giving you everything you have needed to reach your goal! Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him. and He will direct your paths. We love you Mom & Dad

Broch, AAichae! Congratulations Mike on this amazing accomplishment! We are so proud of you and excited that you are following your dreams. We know you will have an exceptional career and we look forward to your success in the coming years. Love. Mom and Dad


Brock, Dylan

You made if. We are so proud of all your accomplishments. Graduating from US Air Force Academy is not something that everyone can do. You should be very proud of yourself. With best wishes from all.

Bruder, Jacob

Congratulations Jake! 2LT Jacob Bruder United States Army Infantry HOOAH!

GABAF! We are so proud of you Go forth and do great things Are you a happy sponge now? LY, MY, BB

Campbell, Adam

Congratulations Adam Jon Campbell. From your first breath to your first 2nd Lieutenant Salute we have been proud & we admire your willingness to protect our freedoms. We respect you for being ready to serve & lead; we recognize your problem-solving skills & are pleased with the friendships you have made. We love you, Dad, Mom & Julee

Capra, Vincent

Congratulations, Vince! "The more difficult the obstacle, the stronger one becomes after hurdling it." You've persevered Ihrough many challenges in your life. We are so proud of the man you've become. Now its time to enjoy the benefits of the last four years. Remember, we will always be here for you. Love. Mom and Dad

Carlson, Daniel

Congratulations Second

Lieutenant Dan! Daniel, we are all so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished! This has been a real E-Ticket ride and it is only just the start! We wish you all the success and happiness a person can have! Love you always, Dad, Mom, Andy and Erin.

Carte, Gregory

Congratulations Bobby Carte!

A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. Ralph Nader Bobby,You got it done and am so proud of you! You're the BEST! Believe in yourself and success in all you do in your career. love you!

Your Mom xxo

Casey, Shauna

We are so proud of you, Shauna! Four years and another chapter completed! Continue to do your best at all you do! Enjoy yourself! Happiness is a choice! Choose happyIII! :} You have been blessed with an adventurous life ahead!!!! We will always love and support you! Mom, Dad, and Kayla

Chua, Christopher You Did It! Chris, We're so proud of you! Four years had gone by. Look at you now. You left Bayside a boy,you are returning a man. You accomplished so much. As you embark on a new challenge, takewith you what you have taken with you when you entered the USAFA and more. Well always be so proud of you! Love U!

Cooper, James

Words cannot describe how incredibly proud we are of you and the person you have become. Your dedication, hard work and determination are limitless. You are such a fine young man. Love You!! Mom & Dad

Critchfield, Ryan

As a 4th grader, you dreamed of graduating from the USAFA. Your dream is reality; cherish your accomplishments. In life's next chapter may you be safe and successful. We love you! Your Family

Curl, Nathan Congratulations 2Lt Nathan Thomas Curl. We are so proud of the son, brother and lieutenant you are and we are excited to watch as you begin an exciting Air Force career. Stay true to your faith in God, do the right things for the right reasons and always give Him the glory. We love ya! Mom, Dad, Hannah, Alexis, Arika & all your family.

Drew! Pride is not a strong enough word to describe how we all feel about your graduation from the United States Air Force Academy. We feel so blessed to have a son, and brother with such amazing drive, positive energy and meaningful dreams for himself and the world. Love, Mom, Dad and Cory

Demkowicz, Jane

Four Years is Too Long... Hopefully you found something amazing at this place. know I sure did. will never forget it. We made it to the end of one journey, now let's begin another. Always and Forever, Aaron Timothy

Dela Cruz, Drew Congratulation
Congratulatory MessagesV467

Dettloff, Devon

Many have dreamed of your achievements; you made it a reality! You're an inspiration to all! We are so proud of you!!

Congratulations on your Civil Engineering degree and Pilot slot! Love, Mom & Dad


MEREDITH! "You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!" We love you and are so...proud of you, Dad, Mom and Grant

Drye, Robert

No philosopher's wisdom, no poem, or famous quote, could express what's in our hearts. There are no limits to what you can achieve. We are all so very proud of you! Love, Lisa, Jason, and Brad

Drye, Robert

We Salute Rob Drye! From Earth, Heaven, and Beyond, your family thinks you're totally out of this world! All our love goes with you on your new adventure. Always, Your loving Support Staff!

Drye, Robert

Congratulations Son! Attitude, Inspire, and Believe are the words you live by. Your attitude is positive and can't is not in your dictionary. You inspire others with your values, focus, and determination. We believe in you and your strength of purpose. Aim high and follow the path less m % traveled! Love, A&F i M Mom & Dad

Drye, Robert

Congratulations Punk! You can handle anything that the world throws your way! You will succeed because of the Power, the Spirit, and the Vision of You! Love Ya, Christy

Dunn, Blaze

Dearest Blaze, You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way! Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go! So proud of you and all that you have achieved. All our love and support as always. Mum, Dad & Max Eta, Christopher The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace! Numbers 6:24-26. We love you very much. Mom and Dad

Ernst, Katharine

Congratulations, Katharine!

"Were very proud, were very happy, and were thrilled!!' Love, Father, Mother, and Matt

Estacion, Michael

Watch out world, Mike is here!!! Congratulations Mike, you did it! Your graduation proves all of your hard work and determination has paid off. We are so proud of you for achieving such a rewarding accomplishment. Keep up the good work son! Our hearts are filled with happiness because of you. Love Mom, Dad & Francis

Eubank, Josiah To Josiah Eubank: Gliding, soaring high above On to Russia sent with love. Here is to continued success And may God thee forever bless. Congratulations!! Love. Mom and Dad

Fitzwater, Stephen CONGRATULATIONS STEPHEN FITZWATER! We are so proud of you, and all you’ve accomplished these last 4 years. May God continue to use Isaiah 41:10 in your life, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for am your God. will strengthen you and help you; will uphold you with my riqhteous right hand." Love, M.DCM

Fleming, Michael Reed

Foss, Douglas CONGRATULATIONS - 2nd

Lt. D.J. Foss! D.J., Years ago, you set your sights on the Academy experience...and, more importantly, service to our Country. You've achieved so much...and we know that you will continue to succeed as you move on to pilot training. We are very proud of you! Love, Mom, Joe. Lindsey, Chaz and Stephen

Foss, Douglas

Esenwein, Chelsea

Congrats BG Esenwein! From a small school in Leefonia, Ohio to throwing your hat in the air as the Thunderbirds fly over head. You did it Chels! You are a 2012 AF Academy Graduate. We love you are all so proud of you.

Congratulations Reed Fleming do 2012. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 We love you and are proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom, Kristen and Madison

Congratulations D.J. Foss! We love you and are so proud of all you have accomplished! Dad, Ann, Molly Wes

Foss, Douglas French, Ryan

Congratulations 2nd Lt. D.J. Foss! Ryan French, where are you going Capt. Philip L. Foss USMC. Retired now? We're going to Disney World! We could not be more proud. All our love, Dad, Peggie and Matthew

468%lf C
Congratulatory Messages

French, Ryan

am so proud of you and the sacrifices you made and the dedication you gave. Continue to trust in God and there is no limit to your accomplishments. Phil. 3:14 1 love you so much. Mom

Gallant: Aliana

Congratulations! We are forever proud of you. Never stop believing in what you can achieve. Remember, when you trust in what God can do in your life, nothing is impossible. We love you - Mom, Keith and Jackson.

Galloway, Benjamin

Congrats Soon-to-Be 2Lt Galloway!! Whoohoo!! Holy Cow!! You not only made it through, you did it well!! Were so grateful for you and so proud of you proud of al! you are and all you've done! You're such a blessing to the whole family and we couldn't have asked for anything more. God Bless you Son, we love you lots!! Mom and Dad

- .Cw : GMCY^

Gluck, Julian

Aim high 2nd Lt Julian Gluck

Julian, We are so proud of your achievements but even prouder of the man you have become. You have always been selfmotivated and unafraid to follow your own path. As you approach a new chapter of your life, know we are always on the sidelines cheering for you.

Love, Your # 1 fans Mom and Dad

Gooden, Dustin


Dustin! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Your dedication and strong will have paid off. Always keep God first in your life and he will see you through! We Love You Son!

Good Job! Dad and Mom

Grohol, AAorgan

My little girl yesterday, my friend today, my daughter forever. You make me so proud!! I love you, Mom

Grant, Dayna

Your charm, tenacity, intelligence, loyalty & compassion for humans & animals amazes us all. We are so proud! Love & Happy Trails - Mom, Dad, Justin, Michael, Grandma, Jenny & Tina and your many Friends.

GuHa, Robert William

Bobby- Congratulations on your graduation from the USAFA and becoming a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. You have been challenged these last couple of years and we could not be any prouder of your great accomplishments! Good luck in Japan- Love, Mom, Dad and Jessica

Habluetzel, Casey

Congratulations! You have accomplished many goals these past four years and we are so proud of you. Remember everywhere you go we will always be there for you!! We love you. Mom, Dad and Jessie!

Hagar, Chelsea

Congratulations to Chelsea Renee Hagar! Keep Reaching for The Stars! We Are So Proud of You! Love and Best Wishes, Mom. Dad, and Patrick Hagar Grams and Gramps Fairbrother

Harris;, Justin

Congratulations Justin! We are so incredibly proud of you. We know how hard you have worked to accomplish your goal of graduating from the USAF Academy and know that you will continue to pursue your dreams with the same character, integrity, and passion. May God be with you always. We love you - Dad, Mom, Jessica & Nicole.

Hassa, Christopher

You have worked hard and we are proud to rejoice with you in the exciting and wonderful ways God is blessing your life. May Fte continue to bless you and keep you safe; Luke 1:37. You are an outstanding young man! We wish you success in your new career. We love you, Mom and Dad

v Y/.wu :■
Congratulatory Messages

Hatchett Albert

Congratulations Albert! We re so very proud of you! You've grown into such a wonderful young man. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord in everything you do. We love you so much! Mom Dad Emmy Alex

Hauser, Michael Congratz 2d Lt. Michael Hauser/Mach One! Love and much gratitude from your Mason and Ann Arbor, Michigan; Colorado, Georgia, and Alabama & c. families! Go Air Force, and Go Army! Your Air Force family has been and is wonderful to all of us, a joy to know.

Henderson, Laura You are absolutely over the top AMAZING! For all you've achieved, you are a success. For the sense of purpose that shapes your decisions and the integrity that guides your heart, you are a leader. Remember always that you are surrounded by God's love and that you're never alone. Were proud of you and love you very much.

Mom, Dad and Emily

Higgins, Brian

Congratulations, Brian YOU DID IT! Brian - We are all so proud of you. You have accomplished so much, with even greater things to follow. You and Jesus have a great future together. Godspeed!

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. - Philippians 1:6

Ho, Kainoa

Ho'omaika'i e Kainoa Jason

Perez Ho! So proud of you!

This is just the beginning of the bright future that awaits you. Let God be your guiding light in everything you do. The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. will advise you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8) With all our love Dad, Mom & Arienne

Holderle, Rachael

My first child. You catapulted me into motherhood and for that thank you. On that day you were born, there we were. Mother and child. With you couldn't wait for the next adventure. You helped me grow. always miss you when we are not together. But, know you have to go and be your own woman. A strong woman. You are.

Horgan, Casey

Congratulations on a fantastic four years! Your innate kindness, grace and integrity amaze us. We are so incredibly proud of you, Case!

Horn, Jennifer Dearest Jennifer!

Congratulations LT! Jennifer, you have made our hearts soar throughout the years, & your selfless service & love of this country only help them fly higher as the years progress. You are wished all the happiness & success you deserve & are loved more than you can imagine. Thank you, angel, for taking us on this journey!


JENNIFER HORN! Be in the arenal Dare greatly! Be valiant even when you err. Embrace victory and defeat. Live for something. You have the power to change lives for the better, so do it! We love you and are so proud! Audentes fortuna iuvat! Veni, Vidi, Vici! Mom and Mat

Jadick, Anthony

Congratulations 2nd Lt. Anthony R Jadick ...for know the plans have for you declares the Lord.plans to prosper you... plans to give you hope and a future.lJeremiah 29:ll|We are very proud of what you accomplished and what you will accomplish, know Peter is. Serve with pride your country your home, your God! Love, Mom, Dad, Andrew. Adam.

James, Ryan

Son, your family is so very proud of you!!! YOU stood strong and determined like you always do and YOU DID IT!!! YOU are proof that dreams do come true. GOD has blessed us with an amazing Son. Ryan, always keep GOD first and foremost. NEVER STOP REACHING FOR THE STARS!

Love Always, Mom, and Family.

Jefferson, Timothy

Timothy "The Future": Congrats! We are very proud of your accomplishments. Your football games were very entertaining. Continue to follow your dreams. Keep flying high and reach your altitude. Love, Your Family

Jerrell, Mathew

Life's Lesson From Your "Staff Matt Jerrell HOPE says "Be excited about life and don't settle for a morsel'’. LACEE says "Take time out to reflect and recharge". FRANKLIN says "Ya gotta sometimes stick your neck out to meet challenges ahead". REMEMBER 2012NEVER FALTER NEVER FAIL Congratulations and much love - Mom, Dad & Lizzy

Congratulatory Messages

Johnsont, Kyle

Way to go KyKyil We are so proud of your accomplishments at the Academy! You are an amazing young man and we know you will continue to excel and achieve your dreams and goals during pilot training. No one could ask for a better son and brother!!! We love you.

Mom, Dad, Brianna, Brandon and Allie

Kim, Andrew

Congrats! We know your journey as a Cadet made you grow up to be the man you are today. We are so very proud of you and we know Dad is too! Always be strong and pray. God bless you! Love. Mom & Peter

Kirk Andrew

Congratulations on your success at USAFA! We are so proud of you. You have our ongoing support in all your endeavors. May God protect you throughout your Air Force career.

Love. Mom, Dad, Sarah & Ben

Korecki, J. Richard Tyrus

Congratulations Tyrus! You have achieved a great milestone in your life graduating from USAFA Class of 2012. am so proud of you! May all of your dreams come true. Love Mom


Congratulations, graduation is only the beginning. Sean

Congratulations, Alexis! Ben Great job getting through the first major challenge, now move on to discover your true destiny. Dad "Good job, Alexis, sleep well, I'll likely kill you in the morning." D. P. Roberts. Mom

Love from all of us!

Latch, Samantha

Lambuth, Tawny

Congratulations Tawny! We are so proud of you. Your growth over the past four years has been amazing. You will live up to your motfo...Be the change you wish to see in the world. ove, Mom, Shayne, Zaac and family

Congratulations Samantha Latch. We could not be prouder of our 2nd Lieutenant, rocket scientist daughter. May you get your dream to fly an A-10 and support our troops on the ground. Love Mom and Dad

Leppo, Philip Congrats, Jeff! As you look back, stand tall and proud, and realize that this is a great milestone that you have achieved. Your future is yours for the making! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & all your family

Lorenz, Christopher

Chris, We are all so incredibly proud of you! Congratulations on your graduation. Many exciting adventures await, and our love goes with you wherever you are. Love, Mom, Dad, Katie & Jenna

Lyons, Katherine

You are a remarkable young lady. There are no words to describe how extremely proud we are of you! You have prepared yourself well for a bright and promising future. Matthew 6:31-34. Love, Mom & Bill

MacAndrew, Michael

Mike, We are so proud of all that you have accomplished in the past four years! We know that this is just the beginning of tremendous Air Force career. The places you will go and the things you will see are endless! We love you, Dad, Mom, Ross, Bryce and all of your family and friends from Rl!!

MacDonald, Kyle

Kyle Nelson MacDonald

never gives up! Kyle we are all so very proud of you for your perseverance in reaching your goals. Your simple and successful ethic of "Do Work" describes you so welland your achievements are a testament to who you think you are. We have always known you to follow your own pathways and never give up!

Maestas, Brendan You Dreamt, You Survived, You Achieved! It is not important the times you fall down but the times you get up and keep going. Learn from your past and never give up! "Set an example for others in what you say and in how you live. Also, set an examp e in how you love and in what you believe.'ITimAG We are so proud of you! Love TX Mom&Dad

Mccroskey, Evan

Congratulations Son! can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13. He did and You did! Praise the Lord! You boldly faced the challenge of USAFA, blazing the trail your siblings followed. We love you, are proud, and pray for you. Keep seeking Gods wisdom/ strength, guiding your step

Mcguire, Kelly

2nd Lt. Kelly A. McGuire; You are loved. "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. Hedoes not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.’ General Douglas MacArthur

McKinley, Michael

Congrafulations, Lf! You have made us all proud. You have your bars, now get your wings! Love, Mom and Dad

Misare, Ryan

Congratulations Ryan! We are incredibly proud of all you have achieved the last four years. We wish you much success and happiness in the next phase of your career. All our love, Mom and Dad (and Rover too)

Misra, Benjamin

Little did we know that our Dark Wing Duck would turn out to be such a successful young man in every sense of the word "success'. You are bright, responsible, funny, caring, a leader, and now accomplished! ...But we know this is only the beginning of a great future for our Bubber. Love, Mums & Dad

Mitchel, Samuel

The sun is shining! Get ready for a bright future. You possess the fortitude and soul to finish the race. We are so proud of the amazing man you're becoming. Trust God to guide the next journey.

Congratulations!! Love and prayers, always, Mom & Dad

Morgan, Katelynn

We are inspired, humbled and incredibly proud of your awesome accomplishments. May today's success be the beginning of tomorrow's achievements. Congratulations! We love you! Mom, Dad and family

Murphy, Patrick

We Love You! We are so proud of you and all you've accomplished. We wish you much success at Flight School. Your future holds many adventures & memories. Glad we are part of it, Love, Mom, Dad, & Francesco

Murtha, Jack

Jack, we are very proud of you and all you have accomplished! May this be the start of many great achievements and experiences in your life. To God be the glory! We love you, Mom, Dad, Anne & Clayton

Nelson, Alexander

It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to graduate and our remaining days waxing nostalgic about our school days. Soak in every minute of it! Love Brad, Mary, Noah, and Mackay Huff

Nelson, Daniel

2LT Daniel Alexander Nelson, congratulations! Graduating from the Academy is truly an impressive accomplishment! It's exciting to see you take on demanding challenges & living life to its fullest. We are so proud of you & will be thinking of you as you start your career. God Bless you. With love & respect, Mom, Dad, Michael, Christina & Joseph

Nemethy, Andrew

You have achieved one of your many dreams through hard work and determination. Follow the path God has planned for you and you will SOAR far! We love you always. Dad. Mom, Stephen, Claire, & Grandma

Noble, Richard Congratulations Richard! We are so proud of you! May God be with you and protect you. Love, Mom and Dad. O Connell, Kody

Second Lieutenant Kody O'Connell. Wow! You left home with swimmer's hair and flip flops on. We were all so scared. But we knew you had made the right decision. Some are dreamers,some are talented,you are both! We always have been and always will be proud of you! Congratulations! Mom. Dad, Sis Never Falter Never Fail!!

Ofili, Phillip

Congratulations Phillip Ofili! We wish you God's overflowing blessings as you move on. May He always hold you in the palm of His hand and His divine light shine upon you in all your deeds. Love, Mom and Dad.

Pamerleau, Geoffrey

Congratulations! Though the path was not easy, you have persevered and prevailed. You now stand at the doorway to your future. Before you lie the unexplored dreams of your life Go forward boldly knowing that you have met every challenge of your youth and emerged a man. Love Mom Dad & Jen

472 Congratulatory Messages

Pattugalan, Joanna

Hooray -Joanna PattugalanCongrats!!! You did it! Were so proud of you for tackling what /ou put your mind & heart into. Now your life's great adventures begin. Watch out for her world! We wish you success & happiness & to enjoy every moment. May God bless, guide and protect you always. We love you. Ninang Lou & Uncle Steve (Barton)

Pattugalan, Joanna

Congrats to you, Joanna Were so proud of your achievements. Bright future is ahead of you for sure. Dr. Kieu

Pattugalan, Joanna

Joanna, you are a source of pride to your family and friends! It has been a true joy to watch you transform from a young child info the capable woman you have become. The Jaruszewski family.

Pattugalan, Joanna Kristen

Congratulations Joanna!! Dearest Joanna, Congratulations!! Wishing you much success and happiness wherever your future takes you. You are someone special who can make a real difference in the world. Dream big, the future is yours. You will forever be my shining star! Love, Mom

Pattugalan, Joanna Kristen

Joanna - NHS is so proud of you! Northwood High School would like to congratulate Joanna on her commencement and commission! NHS is so proud of you and your success!!!! Leslie Roach Principal - Northwood

Pederzani, Cassandra Cassandra, You've taken on great challenges with quiet determination. We are happy for you, for what you have accomplished, and for your promising future. Though we cheered you on, you were the one that made it happen. Congratulations. Serve proudly! Love, Mom. Dad, Thomas, and Raquel

Pattugalan, Joanna Kristen

Congratulations Jo! consider you as the greatest influence in my life. It's bittersweet to know that you will be moving to England in a couple of months because could not be more proud, yet at the same time, will miss my big sister so very much. Congratulations Jo, you did it! love you JoPants!


PattugaIan, Joanna Kristen

We are so proud of you Joanna!! Dear Joanna, Having a lieutenant for o granddaughter makes us extremely proud. We wish you all the best!! Much love. Grandpa Vey, Grandma Qrtie, Grandma Noli

Pompa, Anthony

Congratulations, Anthony Pompa! Dear Anthony, Not many parents can say their child has become their hero. We are proud that we can. You are truly amazing, we love you dearly, and we know you will continue to do great things. God bless you and your future.

Love, Mom, Dad, Annelise, and Michael

Restrepo, Kevin

Words can not describe how proud we are of you. You are truly a role model to look up to. Graduation is a time to celebrate your achievements, prepare for a future of opportunities and embrace a world of infinite possibilities. May all your dreams come true. All our love, Chris, Jenn, Aiden, Mia, Maddy

Restrepo, Kevin

Pickett, Daniel

Congratulations Daniel Pickett #84. We are so proud of your hard work and commitment. We look forward to your continued success and accomplishments. You are a star. Love, Mom and Pop

To Our Wonderful Son Kevin Restrepo: We are bursting with pride on your graduation with the class of2012 from the Air Force Academy. This is the one of your many accomplishments as you embark on life's journey. Remember no dream is too big or star is too high you will always succeed in all you do. All our love. Mom & Dad

Roberts, Brandon Well DoneBrandon Roberts! Congratulations, you ran the race and finished with excellence! You achieved much through your journey from Basic to Wing Character Officer. You earned jump wings and traveled from COS to Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia. We are proud of you & can't wait to see what's next! Love,

Rodriguez, Trenten

Barnstorming LT. Trenten D.

Rodriguez. 4 Parents Weekend: $5,000 4 years of cadet treats: $1000 4 years of cadet laundry: $600 1 Son and 1 Brother graduating as a 2012 USAFA Barnstormer: Absolutely Priceless Trenten. Your entire family is very proud of your accomplishment. Godspeed and much love, Dad, Mom and Dillon

Sasaki, Jeffrey


Jeff! It is the first step in what is to be a fantastic journey. You survived "The Beast" and have gone on to excel these four years at USAFA. It wasn't always easy, but you persevered and succeeded. As your journey continues always rememberBelieve, Achieve. Love Mom and Dad

Schatsiek, Lee

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live thelife you have imagined." (Thoreau) Your four years of hard work, determination, and perseverance have paid off. May God watch over you and protect you as you defend our nation. We are so proud of you. We love you. Dad, Mom, TJ, & Samantha

Schneider, Zachary

Congratulations 2d Lt Zachary Michael Schneider. We are so proud of you and your efforts, determination and accomplishments! With your wings let the adventures begin! Love Mom, Dad, Logan and Griffin

Congratulatory Messages wV 473
Mom, Dad & Christine,

Short: Joel

Be a great officer, work hard. You have done well and am so proud. Dad; You did if!! Now on to pilot training. You have the strength to do anything you put your mind to. Mom; Good luck in your Air Force career, Joel! Make us proud! Jesse; Congratulations JD and good luck! Janell; We all love you!

Sidwell, John Words can not express how proud we are of you. What an amazing achievement! We look forward to all of the great things your future holds. We love you. Dad,Mom, Jessica, Granddaddy & Grandmother.

Silva: Hermes Yanuel

Hermes Yanuel SilvaCongratulations! May the LORD bless you & keep you; make his face shine upon you & be gracious to you; turn his face toward you & give you peace." For Heknows the plans he has for you...plans to prosper & not to harm you,to give you hope & a future. We are so proud of you. Dios te bendiga. Love, Mom, Dad & Nachi

Silverio, Joseph

Congratulations Joe-man!!! We all knew you could do it!! So very proud of you!! Best wishes and good luck at Vance!! Much love and happiness now and forever!! Mom & Mark, Dad & Wendy, Mark, Jamie, Riley & Mikayla, Anthony, Jenni, Aiden & Baby-to-be, and your favorite little sister, Emily.:)

Smith, Michael B.

Since the first grade you have dreamed of flying airplanes. You have exceeded all of our expectations and are now going on to pilot training. But this is only the beginning. We know that you will make a difference in this world as you continue your career in the US Air Force. Love, Mom, Dad and Angie.

Springfield, Joseph William YOU DID IT JOEY-Ur amazing! All the best to your pilot training & enjoy this next phase of your life. God Bless & Keep u always. Go Airforce! All Our Love and Prayers, Mom, Dad and your sis Marge

Stacks, Michael

Congratulations Michael Lammert Stacks. What is most important is not where you stand, but the direction you're going in. Remember to live just one day at a time & do not add tomorrow's troubles to today's load. Love what you do, and do the best you can. Know how proud we are of you & how much you are loved!

Dad, Mom, Tayler, & Lindsay

Starr, Daniel Lee Christion

Our "SONSHINEVour "NCBA CHAMPIONVour "BabyBEAR"/ our #1 SONVour "BSE7 our "CHAMPVour "Boo-Boo Bear" and StarrVour "LiL GRINCH" ©. Congrats our "2nd LT." Thank God YOU are living the dream!

BSE don't ever think "Why am so worthy?" Think instead, “Why is GOD SO good?" CHAMP remember Psalms 23 got YOU THRU IT ALL! Love, Your #1 BPE!

Stegeman, Cole

We are SO proud of you and your accomplishments. Your journey through USAFA marks the next impressive chapter of your life. Your future will hold many achievements. We feel honored to be your Family!

Stephenson, Robert

Congratulations!!!! 2 Timothy 2:1-7 We LOVE you and are Soooo proud of you and Jonathan for continuing to carry the torch! My son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and to God be all the Glory!

Love, Mama and Daddy

Street, Andrew

What a ride! Guts to Dirty Dozen. BCT rap, GE last man standing, jump, Japan, VP security ops, solo dunk, rugby shattered collarbone, CIC team handball. Continue to soar, KIHO. Love Dad, Mom, C5. Toby

Street, AAatthew

Matt, We are incredibly proud of your accomplishment! It seems like yesterday you were leaving for basic & now you are graduating. Enjoy all life has to offer! Love you, Mom Larry Jess Andrew

Sweet, Jefferson

Congratulations - Jefferson Robert Sweet. Words cannot express how proud we are of you son! God truly has big plans for your life. PHIL. 1:6 says "Being confident of this, that he who began work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." We love you very much! Mom, Dad, Jonathan and Amber

Taylor, Ryan

Congratulations Ryan! You did it! We re so proud of you and your accomplishments! We love you and wish you everything good in the future! Lots of Love - Mom, Kent, Becca, and your ever-loving, loyal Sasho.

Thimmel, William OORAH!!! To our 2nd Lt. Billy We are so proud of you and words can not express it all. You have amazed us so far and can't wait to see what the future brings. "So here's to you MR. 3rd Group Wing commander USAFA graduate 2012 gone Marine Corp" We love you! Always, Dad, Mom, Jackie, Justine, Juliana and Jessica OORAH!!

Thomas, Sarah

Nothing happens unless first a dream. Sarah, as you begin to see your dream come alive, continue confidently and live the life you have imagined, because the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams! Mom Dad Alec Audrey Jack ...going to Carolina. Can t you see the sunshine. Torres, Nicole You Made It. No words can express how proud we are of. you have accomplished so much in life and have exceeded our expectations. We know you will continue to do great things in life. We love you Mom & Dad '

474^^^ Congratulatory Messages

Vanden Dries, Susan

Congratulations, Susan!!!!!!!!!!!! We and Dad are so proud of you. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Now it's time to get back to TEXAS! Jackelope populations are out of control!

Voight AAegumi

Dear Megumi Since you were a baby, you have an amazing gift that creates everything from nothing to a treasure. You have The Magic Wand! Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true You are always our sweet little girl. We are Proud of You! IS Daddy § and Chibby

Walitsch, John

John - Congratulations! "We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God" Ps.20:5 We are so very proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom and your entire family

Wilde, Brandon

Congratulations Brandon

Joseph Wilde! Words can not begin to describe how proud we are of you and all that you have accomplished in the last FIVE years! You have overcome tremendous physical and mental obstacles and they have made you the man that you are today! We know that you will achieve your dreams and goals. Love, Mom and Dad

Yearbook Editors

Zach Schneider, Kelsey Smith, Allison Paddock and Amanda Johnson - you've done a tremendous job leading the Polaris Staff as we assembled a fantastic book of memories. It's been fun and a privilege to work with you. Now throw your arms in the air and enjoy your Victory Lap. - James, Brad, Stacie, Debbie and Congratulatory Messages

Index A

Abakunda, Joseph 372, 436

Abbate, Evelyn 248, 461

Abbott, Jessica M 407,431

Abdulrazaq, Leila J 356

Abies, Cody 144,184,421

Abney, Kevin W 357

Abraham, Amy 216

Abrecht, Blake R 339

Abrecht, Evan 63, 463

Aceves, Ryan P 374

Achenbach, Joseph 240

Acosta, Alan 413

Acton, Andrew M 371

Adagio, Nicholas J 394

Adams, Brianna 224

Adams, Carter S 414

Adams, David 308

Adams, Elyse L 411

Adams, Jessica 385, 431

Adams, Ryan E 386

Adams, Zachary H 388,423, 428

Adeji-Paul, PJ 240

Adeoba, Feyisade A 376

Adkins, Don 260

Adkins, Francis V 378

Adler, David S 357

Africano, James T 358

Agee, James M 338

Agnolutto, Joseph S 351

Aguilar, Eduardo R 408

Aguilar, Felix M 397

Ahloo, JacquelineJ 402

Ahmad, Muhammad A 397

Ahn, Julie C 398

Aiken, Benjamin 276

Akaydin, Matthew 256

Akina, Brooke A 364

Akoth, Fiona 35, 353,436

Alber, Patch 90

Albertson, Alexander S 338

Albright, Katharine 349,435

Alequin, Jacqueline P 338

Alexaitis, Andrew 413

Alexander, Jerell 354, 436

Alfred, Michael 248

Alicea, Rafael 360

Allard, Alexander R 397

Alleman, Robert 370,424

Allen, Bonita 436

Allen, Jacob 240, f \ 464

Allen, Justin 79

Allen, Kenneth G 387

Allen, Ryan 361,436

Allevato, Giovanni 416

Alley, Isaiah M 388

Allison, Carly A 366

Allison, Rachel 356, 434

Almond, Levi 300

Almonte, Alison D 395

Alora, John I 412

Alsen, Steven 253, 280,463

Alsid, Scott T 403

Alt, Anthony 236

Althausen, Michael D 393

Alvarado, David R 394

Alvarez, Juan S 406

Alvarez, Michael 232

Aly, Charles E 359

Amack, Brady 77, 79, 81,232

Amaddio, Anthony R 408

Amaddio, Peter 375

Amador, Adalys Ramirez 362

Ambanpola, Waruna E 347

Ambard, Timothy 366

Ament, Stephen D 350

Amick, Jason 385

Amor, Dominique M 56, 136, 152,364

Amos, Eric J 406

Amundsen, Taylor M 369

Anda, Kschristoper 358, 422

Andersen, Michael J 359, 431

Anderson, Bryan E 380

Anderson, Cody M 362

Anderson, David 296

Anderson, Mary 252, 260

Anderson, Rex L 339

Anderson, Ryan J 397

Andre, Brian S 357

Andreas, Donald 339

Andrew, Luke 19, 363

Andrews, Ernest C 385

Angelet, Blaize 172

Anthony, Ian A 374

Anthony, John D 343

Anthony, Matthew D 350,422

Antinone, Joshua P 349

Antoniou, George T 347

Antoszewski, KyleJ 341

Appel, Kenneth S 379

Applegate, Kelsey 369

Appleton, Thomas J 366

Apt, Charles H 405

Aradine, Sharon 324,431

Aragon, Angelito E 355

Arakawa, Michael B 398

Aranda, Gabrielle M 102, 416

Arauco, Nathan 375

Archambault, Paul 272, 429, 463

Archer, Joshua L 362

Arcidiacono, Alexander A 113, 350

Arellano, Nicholas A 341

Arita, James 224

Armes, Nathan 336, 345,426

Armour, Michael A 343

Amistrong, Charles J 402

Armstrong, Lonnie A 393

Amistrong, Mason 180

Ameberg, Benjamin 240

Amett, Thomas J 406

Arnold, Dylan C 387

Arquette, David M 342

Arredondo, Alexander 276

Arrington, Kristian C 349

Arrowood, Ryan M 353

Artman, Eric M 408

Artz, Edward J 350

As, Kira 324

Ashby, Robert W 398

Ashcroft, Joey 81

Ashley, Aaron Taylor 196

Ashley, Damien M 400

Ashton, Bryan 288

Atitya, Amanda 184, 424

Atkins, Danielle 236

Atkins, Johnathan 328

Atkinson, Jeep 122, 434

Atkinson, John 284

Atkinson, Madeline M 372

Atkinson, Royce 122, 411,434

Atrice, Stephan 79, 372

Attillo, Nicholas H 404,428

Audette, Mark L 374

Audiss, Michael 18, 216,422

Auger, Carly D 389

Aukerman, Chad 212

Ausbun, Taylor J 417

Aust, Matthew 343

Averill, Ryan F 383

Avery, Henry A 401

Avjian, Eryn K 416

Award, Heyliger 88,91

Awisus, Skyler J 405

Ayala, Daniel 208, 253 B

Babauta, Maria H 358

Baccash, David 192,465

Bachand, Valerie L 368

Bachu, Anish K 385

Bader, Nolan A 357

Badger, Nathan D 412

Baez, Jose M 395

Bagdasar, Brooke E 404

Bagehot, Walter 215

Bahorik, Eric P 389

Baik, ElijahJ 374

Bailey, Courtney M 406

Bailey, Daniel B 73, 343

Bailey,Jamil 389

Bailey, Kyle 83

Bailey, Lauren 51,236,464

Bailey, Matthew C 350

Bailey, Rebecca M 342

Bailey, Rob 52

Baker, Alexander C 352

Baker, Dariel R 352

Baker, Kari A 125, 347

Baker, Kyle W 364

Baker, Stephen M 351

Baker, Wesley 208, 424

Baldauff, Melissa A 409

Balish, Margarita A 352

Ball, Andre 352, 436

Ballard, Charles 24, 409

Ballen, Linden 184

Baltar, Catherine S 357

Balutowski, Alison A 408

Bang, John 368, 430

Bangen, Peter B 390

Bangert, Sara 276

Banks, Colin B 359

Bannon, Brandon K 345

Baptist, Jeffrey D 43,408

Barbazon, Mathew 412, 423, 428

Barbee, Derek B 413

Barber, Benjamin A 395

Barber, Chante’ N 397

Barber, Kristian 296

Barber, Lindsey 212

Barbera, Robert D 365

Barela, Erin H 377

Barfuss, Logan P 31,361

Barger, Evan A 410

Barina, Daniel 40, 320,428

Barkemeyer, Jared 208

Bames, Austin T 387

Barnes, Chase W 399

Bames, Samuel 149, 352,424

Bames, Torrey S 379

Barnett, Tramaine A 361

Barnhill, Colt M 377

Baron, Stefan A 415

Barragan, Ismael 348

Barrera, Drew M 357

Barrett, Nick 204, 463

Barrett, Simone 176, 255,422

Barillas Fogart, Trennert M 362

476^Hr Index

Barringer, Benjamin 22, 24, 39,. r


Barringer, Daniel E 379

Barrington, Zachary' 8, 141,272

Barrios, Jeancarlo 353, 429

Barrios, Miguel 377, 429

Barron, Rebecca L 350

Barth, Andrew D 353

Bartmas, Ashley R 404

Barton, Jessamy 224

Basek, Bradley T 349

Baska, David 77, 378

Bassut, Aaron J 400, 421

Bast, Alexander C 63, 406

Bateman, Bo T 368

Bathurst, Andrew 8, 69,148,


Batie, Carolyn 220, 463

Baucke, Joseph D 414

Bauman, Rebecca D 393

Baumeister, David H 392

Baumgardner, Julie 423

Beabout, Jonathan E 410

Beam, Jedidiah 359

Beauchamp, Torry 356, 435

Beauchemin, Kevin M 352, 422

Beaulieu, Michael P 196

Becerra, Emilio 36, 228, 430

Bechen, Dylan D 375

Beck, Courtney 391,431

Beck, Jonathan B 363

Becker, Dale 240

Beckett, Christina 378, 426

Beckman, Andrew 254, 312

Beckman, Daniel M 360

Begansky, Catrina Z 252, 284

Behr, David 208

Beilby, James 308

Beiling, Marissa 411

Beissner, Lance 212

Belcher, Brandon A 341

Belden, Caleb M 354

Belkalai, Rahal 405,433

Bell, Bobby 328,429

Bell, Kenan C 368

Bell, Martin 115

Bell, Matthew J 73,354

BeE, Robert 83,172,255

Benitez,Jose 358,429

Bennett, Andrew L 351

Bennett, Diana 196

Bennett, Jennifer L 412

Bennett, Krista L 389

Bennett, Rose O 353

Bennett, Tanner J 374

Bennett, Zachary 188

Benson, Cory 253, 328

Benson, Jeff 276

Benson, Matthew C 395

Bentley, Keith X 391

Bentley, Michael J 341

Bentz, Bryan R 340

Beranek, Amanda P 373

Beranek, David 276

Berenguer, Curtis C 395

Berg, Alivia K 387

Berglund, Todd 83, 357

Bergman, Bryce 108, 109, 180, 253

Bergman, Joshua 304

Bergman, Justin 343, 434

Bergo, Kimberly M 406

Bergstresser, Daniel 276

Bergstrom, Hannah L 353

Berheide, Adam 220, 436

Berling, Joseph D 417

Berreteaga, Carlos G 356

Bertelsen, Joel A 347

Bertelson, Benjamin C 380

Berthiaume, Samantha 288, 425

Berwyn, Andrew J 398

Berwyn, Patrick W 339

Beschel, Dillon J 383

Besecky, Jason 184

Beski, Elliott E 397

Bess, Kevin 435

Bessler, Jacob 356, 436

Besson, David H 348

Bet, Nolan R 416

Betcher, Nathan 252, 272, 420

Bettinger, Andrew 362

Bettis, Matthew S 391

Beveridge, Alexander C 346

Biagetti, Gina M 393

Bickford,Jessica 124,125, 276, 464

Biddy, Ethan W 416

Bicker, Claire 111, 383

Bieber, Daniel E 398

Bieber, Kelly 240

Bierman, John M 358

Bigej, Britta L 384

Binzer, Henry W 338

Birdsell, Brendon J 352

Birdsong, Hunter B 400

Bishop, Chandler D 375

Bishop, Courtney E 413

Bitner, Stephan W 368

Bittner, Stephen T 68, 366

Bizzaco, Anthony M 379

Hach, Noah T 343

Black, Gina 107

Black, Jason 268

Blackburn, Paige 108,109, 172,


Blaess, John J 366

Blain, Amanda M 349

Blakely, Indigo D 416

Bland, Robert C 416

Blank, Rob 244

Blanton, Charity G 344

Blasbalg, Jacob 292

Blasdel, Zachary 208

Blaser, Michael J 385

Blazevic, Evan D 396

Bleckman, Matt 184

Blessing, Matthew C 196, 462

Bleyl, Erin 103, 370

Bliley, Matthew S 345

Bloch, James R 368,422

Bloom, Louis 300,463

Blott, Justin M 388

Boardman, Nicholas T 402

Boatright, Dalton L412

Bodnarchuk, Toby D 365

Bodner, Patrick 316

Boechler, Kenn R 394

Boedeker, Ryan F 364

Boehme, Grant 208

Boerckel, Daniel J 385

Boettger, Corbin E 387

Bogan, Kaitlyn 208

Bogan, Kevin 407,428

Bogue, Sean 349

Bohac, Renee R 406

Bohannon, Kami L 339

Bohdel, RyanJ 368

Bohnenkamp, Emily M 368

Bolden, Andrew 308

Bolster, Jordan K 358

Bolton, Amanda 316

Bomar, Joseph 389,432

Bonick, Eric J 19, 363

Bonner, Wren 375

Boo, Elson 405

Boone, Evan R 380

Boone, Spencer H 400

Boozell, Natasha 397

Bopp, J Seth 216

Borah, Jon H 349

Bordenave, Manuel A 407

Borecky, Kurt A 338

Bosner, David L 380

Bostick, Clifton T 393

Boston, Zakaria B 49,408

Boswell, Alexandria G 395

Boswell, Cody 312

Bosworth, Gina 324

Boulanger, Christopher R 391

Boules, Alexander E 369

Bowersox, Matthew D 369

Bowen, Hilary M 352

Bowyer, Charles 200

Bowyer, Matthew D 152, 365

Boyd, Shayne 396

13oyer, Mark 82, 264

Boyle, Casey C 366

Boyle, Joe 176

Boyle, Katherine 248, 462

Boyle, Mary E 360

Boyle, Patrick E 381

Boyle, Rick If, 212

Boyles, Corbin 184

Bracy, Austin 312

Bradfield, David J 408

Bradfield, Nathan J 398

Bradin,James 385

Bradley, Daniel M 385

Bradley, Loyd 358

Bradshaw, Jana 248

Brady, Cobi N 375

Brady, Kevin 264, 462

Brady, Ryan 216

Bragg, Isaiah 73, 400

Brakeville, AdamJ 390

Brames, Taylor 373

Brand, Daniel 236

Brandenburg, Todd C 342

Brandon, Cobb 433

Brandon, Stewart 224

Brandt, Joseph 105, 393

Brandt, Logan 68, 372

Brandt, Megan 364, 428

Branton, Blake A 376

Bratka, Nathan A 402

Bratt, Leah 99, 389

Braun, Garrett D 353

Bray, Monica 9, 151,364, 432

Brazil, Robert 254, 280

Breault, Victor E 340

Breaux, Josue M 399

Brechbuhl, Christian W 398

Brecht, Michael 320

Bremser, Jennifer G 72, 73,108, 109,370

Brennan, Richard 255, 280

Brenner, Jeffory 280

Breske, Tyler 398

Breslow, Rebecca A 394

Bresnahan, Jordan S 372

Breuker, Jared R 396

Brewer, Stonni 208

Brian, Hwang 385

Bridgers, Dalton L 404

Briehl, Austin C 400

Brien, Kathryn L 415

Brigman, Ryan M 402

Brill, Kurt 212

Brimelow, Halie A 370

Bristol, Jackson A 117,370, 433

Bristol, Kelsey 284

Brito, Andre D 392

Britt, Austin W 355

Broadbent, Gordon 392, 421

Broadbent, Jonathan D 180, 421

Broaddus, Julian 176

Broch, Michael 296, 464

Brock, Dylan 276

Brock, Katherine R 370

Brockington, Richard S 384

Brodacz, Jacob 413

Brodie, Lauren 393

Broekhuis, Taylor 64, 414

Brookover, Brian S 408

Brooks, Rodney 300

Brooks, Sara M 357

Brooks, Scott 176

Brotnov, Ian 410, 433

Broughton, Peter 288

Broussard, Jared M 374

Brown, Benjamin 256

Brown, Christopher M 395

Brown, Claire 332

Brown, Douglas M 26, 380

Brown, Erin J 352

Brown, Jared B 374

Brown, Maria 417

Brown, Marie 124, 341

gJBrown, Michael 172

Brown, Oliver 96

Brown, Rex 409

Brown, Timothy R 365

Brown, Tory' 84

Brown, Tucker 407,427

Brown, Tyler 277

Brown, Willis Ryan 240, 255, 421,423,425

Browning, Colby 386, 433

Browning, Tom 260

Brubakken, Adam J 347

Bruder, Jacob 264

Bruhn, Zachary G 339

Brumbaugh, David 300

Brunner, Brett W 386

Bruns, Ryan D 387

Brush, Davis T 360

Bruski, Shane M 352

Bruton, Justin D 353

Bryant, Austin M 351

Bryant, Garret 260

Bryant, Matthew L 370

Buchanan, Paul A 372

Bucher, Eduard 44 m % Bud

Bucher, Emily 87, 391

Bucher, Matthew J 398

Buck, Shannon 105

Buck, Spencer 172

Bucki, Elliot M 415

Buckingham, James S 389

Buckle, Bell 269

Buechel, Colton L 410

Buerger, Matthew T 391

Buford, Matthew 324

Bugg, Brad 433

Bugg, Kathryn M 390

Buitrago, Johncarlo A 366

Bullard, Brian 81

Bumgarner, Mathew C 395

Bunecke, Kirsten 386

Bungum, Dylan D 387

Buns, Abigail M 410

Burbach, Jason 391,431

Burch, Logan S 380

Burdett, Joshua S 393

Burdge, Joshua R 357

Burger, Jack 105

Burgess, Thomas G 397

Burk, Rachel 272

Burke, Daniel R 358

Burke, Patrick 196

Burke, Terry W 392

Burleson, Daniel S 371

Burleson, David G 379

Burnett, Karl A 388

Burnette, William D 393

Bums, Aaron J 392

Bums, Andrew M 379

Bums, David A 404, 427

Bums, Derek 272

Burnside, Brett M 366

Burress, Joshua H 375

Burruss, Carmella 228

Burt, Nate 105

Burton, Joshua 196

Buscher, Austin 264

Bush, Mary K 344

Busho, Colin 359,426

Buslinger, Kirsten 204

Bustamante, Miriam A 343

Buder, Corydon 100, 328

Butler, Ian A 398

Butler, Jason M 400

Butler, Jeremy J 393

Butler, Joshua 316

Butler, Kaitlin 153, 377

Butler, Michael 176

Butt, Kristin N 353

Butters, Jacob C 379

Bye, Taylor 130,397

Byerley, Brooke N 362

Byerly, Ryan K 393

Byorth, Jacob 236,433

Byrd, Dylan T 374

Byrd, Jamal E 389

Byrd, Lindsey A 366

Byrne, Samuel A 343 C

Cachro, Angelica 417

Cachro, Victoria 338

Cady, Andrew 404, 427

Cagle, Shawn A 376

Cahill, Sean 404, 435

Cain, Matthew 328

Cains, Jennifer A 342, 422

Gilaway, Cody P 411

Calderone, Christopher C 354

Cale, Matthew 353

Calilung, Zen Z 363

Calite, lima 376,431

Caliva, Tony 288

Callaghan, Patrick M 372

Calloway, Andrew M 394

Camacho, Edward 292

Camacho, Jordan A 339

Cameron, Ayana D 358

Cameron, Brandon M 412

Cameron, Theresa L 351

Cammarata, Elaina R 339

Campbell, Adam 224

Campbell, Hannah 184

Canada, Jessica A 359

Candelmo, Frank 429

Canino, Anthony M 414

Cannada, Briceton M 397

Cannioto, Michael E 340

Cannon, Riley S 369

Caparas, Rainer 256

Capes, Karolyn 70, 406

Caple, Stephen Dennis 196

Caplinger, Patrick W 342

Carda, Jack C 339

Cardenas, Kevin R 30, 31,360

Cardwell, Casey 176,464

Carew, Stephen 88,414

Carey, James P 399

Carey, Nathan 147,351,433

Carillo, Anthony 244

Carley, Scan C 410

Carlson, Alexander J 367

Carlson, Alexander N 401

Carlson, Daniel 316

Carlton, Mister 358, 426

Carmichael, Seth D 399

Carney, James R 385

Carpenter, Andrew J 395

Carpenter, Elizabeth 359

Carpenter, Lizzy 61, 111

Carpenter, Paul Mason 284

Carpentier, Meredith 95, 379

Carr, Adam J 344

Carr, Jennifer M 372

Carriedo, Maria C 398

Carrington, Kevin R 416

Carroll, Katherine 73, 228

Carroll, Shawn P 358

Carson, Erica P 413

Carte, Bobby 316

Carte, David B 402

Carter, Cecilio 386, 436

Carter, Christopher J 371

Carter, Lauren 180

Carter, Thomas 308

Carty, Ford B 381

Carte, Chris 172

Casci, Kyle 151,380

Casey, Joshua P 356

Casey, Shauna 328, 425

Casias, Kyle F 341

Cassabaum, Christina 212

Cassady, Kyle 92, 366

Cassidy, Christopher 200

Cassleman, Richard 236

Castagnetta, Joshua A 411

Castaneda, Jorden B 347

Castaneda, Rogelio 22, 361

Castellanos, Katrina C 358, 420

Castmiler, Erik 19

Castro, Danny 184

Castro, Sarah 9,129, 374,432

Cataldo, Nicholas Rosario 200

Catano, Rolando D 381

Catchpole, Loren A 393

Caudill, Amanda H 360

Cavanagh, Spencer P 349

Cavazos, Carlos R Guerra 41

Cave, Christina M 386

Ceci, Michael 63,253, 280

Cecil, Melissa 106,107, 378

Ceranski, Alison 212

Cerimele, Joshua 292

Cesare, Hannah M 412 ^

Ceynar, JacobJ 345

Chambers, Gmyon L 414

Chambers, James E 390

Champaign, Joseph M 391

Champion, Carol J 399

Champion, Christopher M 412

Chandlee Jackson, IV 426,41L

Chandler, Carl 304

Chao, Chia Hsien 172,253

Chapman, Andrew 372,432

478^|Bj Index

Chapman, Gared R 85, 345

Chapman, Joseph M 366

Chapman, William 157, 373, 433

Chaput, Colby 420

Chaput, Gregory A 84, 405

Chavers, Jacob M 406

Chaves, AndrewJ 401

Chavez, Ben 308

Chavez, Matthew 400, 433

Chavez, Ricardo A 381

Chen, Alexander T 347

Chen, Chia-Hsuan 388, 434

Chen, Daniel H 410

Chen, Vincent 362

Cherf, Darrell J 396

Chermel, Allison 50, 272

Chiang, Alexander 75, 367

Chiaro, Anthony 100, 396

Chiccarelli, Elvira 256

Chilton, Madison 188

Chin, Yung C 357

Chinlund, Andrew 228

Chinnery, Karen M 348

Cho, Grace 379,431

Choi, Joanne 398, 430

Choi, Jung G 367

Chon, Steven H 416

Chomey, Christopher 256, 425, 431

Choy, Phillip 75,277,423

Christ, Ashley R 374

Christ, Benjamin A 393, 431

Christen, Joshua T 417

Christenson, Zachary T 343

Christian, Nathan 232

Chnstman,Joshua 350

Chua, Christopher 209, 255, 424

Chui, David S 387

Chun, Andre 360

Chung, Ashley 360,430

Chung, Jonathan 296

Cialkowski, Peter A 368

Ciechomski, Andrew J 400

Cignoli, Matthew 304,429

Cilia, Robert 209

Clagget, Ellis 328

Clapp, Anna M 341

Clapp, Lydia J 395

Clark, Asher 79,81,220

Clark, Erik 414,430

Clark, Garrett R 350 *4

Clarke, Ke-koa-kauluda 350

Clary, Megan 361

Clary, Sheldon 180

Clasen, Drew 304

Claude, Alexandra M 381

Clawson, Layne 18, 212, 465

Claxton, Stephan H 404

Clayton, Nicholas A 416

Clements, Monica 268,464

Cleveland-Hadley, David 172

Clifford, Alton 383

Clinard, Matthew 48, 200, 422, 429

Cline, Josiah E 399

Clinton, Aarol 288, 423

Clinton, Hailey 148, 341

Clisby, Lauren E 414

Coates, Riley M 347

Coats, Shelby S 353

Cobb, Wes 81

Cody, Johnathan 288

Coen, Samuel N 409

Coffey, Kaitlin M 55, 392

Cogram, Alexander 424

Cogswell, Chelsea 401

Cohen, Daniel S 389

Colangelo, Stephen J 404

Cole, Caleb 180, 424

Cole, Douglas L 375

Gile, James 220

Cole, Joseph M 80, 353

Cole, Marilyn M 357

Cole-Hetcher, Simeon N 355

Coleman, Elizabeth A 360

Coleman, William A 384

Coley, William 248

Collett, Brian J 32, 386

Collie, Montana 382,435

Collier, Kelsey M 394, 425

Collins, Sarah 25,47,360,427

Collins, Sean 389,433

Collins, Steven 253, 256

Gillura, Joseph V 350

Colvin, James 332,423

Gilwell, Philip E 372

Gimbelic, Ryan J 393

Compton, Danny R 396

Compton, Patrick 96,97, 362

Conant, William C 411

Concha, Giry D 49, 382

Congram, Alexander J 364

Conley, Erin E 380

Conley, Patrick J 385

Conradi, Steve 232

Conrow, Corinne B 408

Conroy, Brendan T 388

Constable, Sebastian 358, 427

Conte, Philip 404

Cook, Colin 408, 430

Cook, Richard D 414, 428

Cooksey, Taylor W 373

Cooner, Austin J 415

Cooney, RyanJoseph 200, 463

Cooper, Chase J 364

Cooper, James 232

Cooper, Kevin S 371

Cooper, Matthew M 350

Cooper, Michael C 398

Cooper, Owen B 387

Gipeland, Gregory R 100, 387

Corbett, Stuart 407,436

Corcoran, Brian 68, 390 ^

Cordeiro, TimothyJ 370

Cordero, Lindsay M 412

Cork, Sean M 381

Com, Owen R 403

Girran, Neil T 344

Girso, Joseph F 377

Cortes, Christian M 345

Cortez, Danielle 404, 420

Cory, Kim 340, 430

Gismo, Matthew S 410

Giston, Stuart 253, 284,463

Githam, Emily 255, 292

Cottingham, Trey G 346

Cotton, Daniel S 359

Coughlin, Thomas C 349

Cousin, Darrell 381,436

Oiusino, Kyle P 366

Giusins, Michael 173

Cowen, John 320

Cowen, Lukas A 412

Cox, Casey 324

Cox, Hannah J 416

Gix, Johnathan 236

Gix, Megan M 397

Cox, Shane D 358

Cox, Steven 151,153,415

CoxTerreras, Bernard 149, 352

Coy, David N 339

|Lraig, Michael 395

Craig, Sean E 365

Crain, Erin M 392, 431 (Timer, Joel 370 Crampton, Michael J 92, 395 Cranfill, Rachel C 339

Crespo, Rachelle M 356

Cressy, Kyle 328

Crider, Benjamin 209

Crippen, Zachary 216, 420

Critchfield, Ryan 58, 173

Croegaert, Jacob J 376

Croghan, Matthew J 353

Crompton, Tyler H 368

Cromwell, Kristin A 374

Crone, Raymond 145,180

Cronin, Lance B 414

Cronin, Scott A 359

Crosby, Molly M 416

Crouse, Charles O 37|ggMH

Crow, Brenna K 363

Crow, Erin N 383

Crowe, Timothy 57, 358

Crowley, Paul W 25, 349

Croxton, Geneva E 363

Croxton, Sydney 232, 253

Cuant, Joshua 343

Culpepper, Ian J 354, 422

Cummings, Anthony 165

Cummins, Roman A 339

Curcio, Candita 370, 429

Curl, Nathan 71,232

Curran, Michael D 345

Curtiss, Taylor 345, 431

Custons, Garrett 62,63, 368

Cutler, Trevor 412

DDacquel, Raika 370, 431

Daggit, Aaron 248

D’Agostino, Tyler 343

Dahl, Steven 385

Dahlenburg, Joshua A 338, 428

Dahlin Eric J 394

Daigle, Sean 349,427

Dake, Hannah M 400

Daley, Brandon L 358

Dally, Ann 312

Dancy, Darrell 344

Dancy, Kyle 424

Dane, Andrew J 341

Daniels, Jacob 232

Daniels, Jillan 236

Daniels, Jim 308

Danielson, Christopher 268

Danielson, Seth 332, 425

Danish, Danielle 398,430

Dannemeyer, Erin 209

Clark, Hayden W 363

ClarisJohn R 393

Clark, Ryan E 357

Clark, Wesley R 366

Connell, Kristen 304

Ginnick, Heather A 343

Cinque, Mark A 352

Ginrad, Tyler A 355

Cranston, Kyle C 416

Crawford, Connor D 409

Crawford, Lindsay 363 (aawford, Peter R 406

Danno, Katherine M 360,424

Danno, Troy 240

Dant, Justin M


Index(*)X VP 479

Dark, Jason R 357

Darnell, Jeremy A 416

Das, Gyan N 366

Daugherty, Andrew S 399

Daugherty, Melanie K 341

Daum, Nicholas O 383

Davenport, Andrew 304

David, Jason W 397

Davidson, Beau A 381

Davidson, Brian J 397

Davidson, Derek 436

Davies, Nathan C 378

Davies, Zed 71,320, 420

Davis, Adam B 359

Davis, Austin 253, 260,465

Davis, Brian 280, 425

Davis, Cody S 341

Davis, Corey M 388

Davis, John 255, 343

Davis, Jonathan 58, 78, 79,81, 244

Davis, Kiara I 355

Davis, Kimberly N 102, 365

Davis, Martinus 374,420, 436

Davis, Megan N 360

Davis, Sarah D 404

Davis, Tesia 66, 398

Davis, Zachary J 389

Daviscourt, Joshua P 362

Day, Kurtis 292

Day, Patrick 296

Daylida, Aaron M 403

Dejesus, Jose D 347

Dela Cruz, Drew 309

DeLa Torre, Christopher 350

DeLoache, Nicholas 385

DeMarr, Benjamin A 398

DeMarsh, Robert 296

DePauw, Michael T 391

DeRussy, Kurt 241

DeSandre, Michael J 341

DeWilde, Benjamin 18, 45, 52, 53,288

Deacon, Cody 100,101,255, 308

Deakins, Daniel S 409

Dean, Carrigan M 392,425

Dean, Garrett S 372

Deangelo, Stephanie L 381

Dearth, Courtney N 70, 395

Deavor, William C 384

Debonis, John 272

Decarlis, RyanJ 342

Decker, John H 348

Decker, Zachary S 408

m ^ Deckert, Travis

Decklever, Jacob R 54, 372

Decoteau, Andrew C 393

Decoud, Justin M 397

Deebel, Robert C 356

Dees, Kelsey 391,435

Degrassi, Matthew W 342

Degroat, David A 367

Dehue, Pasach 423

Deiters, Alyssa 136, 233,420, 431

Deiters, Kathleen 220

Delaney, Lauren 103, 237, 424

DeLaurell, Kyle 90, 91

Delgado, Anthony 108, 109, 346

Delgado, Elijah M 417

Del Grosso, Ryan 268

Della Pia, John R 372

Dellecker, Frederick 358

Delphia, Gavin G 379

Delzer, Jeremy S 375

Del Toro, Todd J 388

Demers, Chad D 389

Demichiei, Matthew 384, 435

Demkowicz, Jane 268

Demma, Anthony 185

Demyanek, Derek M 364

Dengler, William H 393

Denhard, Ryan D 387

Denhollander, Cherie K 391

Denison, William F 417

Dennert, Don W 342

Denninghoff, Thomas 358, 429

Dennis, Zachary 362, 433

Dennler, Nathan 341

Denny, John W 362

Derby, Dan C 356

Deruyter, Jacob J 355

DesRoches, Jeffrey A 342

DesRoches, Timothy M 373

Desanctis, James S 410

Deschane, Benjamin G 384

Destito, Matthew L 348

Dettloff, Devon 300

Dewar, Benjamin R 355

Dewilder, John A 408

Dewitt, Robert M 374

Dexter, Mercedes M 400

DiEugenio, John 36

Dials, Katherine 308

Diaz, Jonathan O 367

Dickey, Nathan T 405

Dickey, Thomas M 397

Dickinson, Thomas W 406

Dilley, Meredith 176

Dillon, Duncan J 358

Dills, James J 348

Dimmick, James 369

Dimmick, Jeremy T 358

Diniz, Heather 406, 425

Dippel, Brittany C 343

Dixon, Benjamin 216,252, 422

Dixon, Daniel S 398

Dixon, Larry 79

Dluzen, Caroline L 196

Dobson, Mitchell C 409

Doby, Rachel K 395

Dockery, Jacob 228

Dodd, Aaron 369,434

Dolan, Kevin D 398

Dolata, Jenna 329, 425

D’Olimpio, Justin 316, 463

Domingo, Jeanne 9,45,379, 432

Domingo, Justin 389

Dominice, Timothy 300

Dona, Nicholas W 394

Dong, Adrianna L 381

Donley, Timothy J 365

Donlin, Andrew L 343, 435

Donnelly, Cole 126, 127,428

Donnelly, Nicholas J 126, 374

Donoho, Chloe M 405

Donovan, Brendan K 382

Doolittle, Kevin 268

Doom, Jordan 395,433

Doran, Allyson G 357

Doran, Erin E 37, 380, 435

Dorlac, Luke J 344

Dossett, Cayce S 347

Douglas, Jason A 402

Douglass, William C 412

Doumont, Nicholas R 386

Dowden, Ryan 292

Downey, Caleb 96, 393

Downey, Jessica H 362

Downie, Jeffrey W 388

Downs, J M 416

Dozier, Megan N 345

Drabek, Brent 332

Draeger, Randall J 391

Drake, Joseph W 345

Drake, Matthew 352,426

Drapes, Joshua 224

Drenckhahn, Jeremy 72, 73, 352

I>tye, Robert 220, 255

Duckworth, Jeanduc 383

Duff, Michael W 346

Duffy, Laura M 383

Duffy, Patrick 31,84, 360

Dugan, Sarah 264, 420

Dugan, William S 358

Duggan, Andrew K 391

Dukes, Ryan B 342, 424

Duncan, Bradley M 387

Duncavage, Lucus 371

Dunham, Joseph E 364

Dunkel, David A 398

Dunkel, Patrick N 405

Dunkelberger, Katy K 355

Dunkelberger, Molly A 349

Dunlap, Michael P 387

Dunlop, James 38, 173

Dunn, Blaize 39, 407,427

Dunn, Blaze 68, 69, 260

Dunn, Cassandra R 402

Dunn, Joshua B 394

Dunn, Robert C 341

Dunne, Adam 264

Dunne, Ryan 100, 393

Duong, Simon 416

Dupont, Matthew P 412

Duran, Austin 256

Durbin, Joshua D 402

Durden, Devin T 396

Durham, Daniel F 386

Durham, Michael C 404

Durkee, Andrew 52, 284

Durr, Kevin 96,406

Dusak, Ryan S 416

Dutra, Paulo 173

Duvall, Brack 188

Duvall, Edmond 339

Dwyer, Daniel 9, 209

Dwyer, Kevin M 360, 420

Dydasco, Zane K 97,408

Dyer, Christopher Seth 200

Dyer, Wyatt 200

Dyke, Aaron W 404

Dyson, Shaun T 364

Dziokonski, Eric 312

D’Olimpio, Justin 316

D’errico, Anthony D 354


Dietrich, Colton L 344

Dietz, Connor 216

Dieugenio, John K 407

Drephal, Heather L 351

Dreppard, Lacey N 367

Dreslinski, Nathaniel E 415

Dreyer, Keith 92, 353

Dridge, Emma 61,387

Drolshagen, Taylor M 407

Eagle, Zachary R 381

Earls, DeLovell 65,359

Eason, Jordan M 398

Easter, Corinne R 389

Eastman, Benjamin J 349

Eaton, Aubry 377,426

480^HF Index

Eaves, Brandon 402

Ebel, Lindsay A 409

Eberl, Steven 213, 464

Eberle, Brent 400, 427

Ebert, Austen J 412, 427

Echeverry, Anthony 369

Echeverry, Jacob 389

Ecklebe, Derek 181,430

Eddy, Corey 181,255

Edenfield, Billy L 411,426

Edson, Megan S 125, 372

Edwards, Andrew C 341

Edwards, Blake 83, 413

Edwards, Cameron 408

Edwards, LeRoi 237,252, 433

Edwards, Mercedes S 408

Edwards, Richard R 378

Egan, Allison C 383

Egan, Henry J 382

Egli, Caleb 253, 268

Ehm, Jacob L 377

Ehrlich, Jacob M 387

Eichenberger, Annette R 341

Eichenberger, Stuart A 351

Eifert, Carl W 355

Eissele, Meagan 98,99, 244

Ekholm, Robin C 345

Ekman, John D 409

Ela, Christopher 260, 425, 432

Elizondo, Mario I 408

Ellington, Ian T 388

Elliott, Clayton J 386

Elliott, Jacob T 349

Elliott, Joseph H 397

Ellis, Amie 244

Ellis, Justin D 379

Ellison, Ciani M 391

Ellsworth, Michael E 399

Elly, Ronnie J 355

Elsbree, Teresa 126, 127, 364, 434

Embry, Lee 300

Emery, Shawn 185

Emtman, Anthony 120, 372, 436

Endres, Erin M 414

Eng, Jonathan D 349

Engelhardt, Adam W 340

Ennis, Ryan P 353

Enos, Trevor A 401

Ensley, Helen G 21,368

Epps, Sophia M 390,423

Erickson, Jared 114, 115,414

Erickson, Ryan 312

Erlinger, Thomas 304

Emandes, Nickolas 216

Emeston, Christian G 381

Ernst, Katharine 102, 103, 277

Esau, Zachary S 386

Escamilla, Jon 176, 421

Escobedo, Kevin 264

Escobedo, Samuel L 25, 351

Esenwein, Chelsea 213

Eslinger, Andrew 213

Espinosa, Christopher A 346

Espinoza, Jon 385, 429

Espinoza, Nicholas E 414

Esselstein, Rebecca A 351

Estacion, Michael 248, 430

Etling, Jeremy A 373

Eubank, Josiah 292, 462

Euhus, Joseph M 349

Evans, James 217

Evans, Kyle A 366

Evans, Rachael V 391

Evans, Ryan J 416

Evans, Sarah 272

Evans, William 312

EvanS'Nolan, Max 100

Evenson, Adam 49, 284, 425

Evenson, Rob 432

Evers, Stuart J 345

Everson, Patrick 95,197, 255

Ewasko, Christa 300, 435

Ezekannagha, Okezie 224

FFabian, Brett J 367

Fabian, Christopher D 344

Fabian, Jason 91,406

Fabian, Stephanie N 385

Fabling, Jeremy S 164, 348

Fahrenbruch, Philicia 217

Fain, Auriele 296

Fainnan, Christiana R 411

Fantasia, Ryan 220

Fariza, Daryl J 410

Farmer, Sarah R 353

Farquhar, John S 383

Fasano, Louis W 371

Fattal, Ryan A 376

Faulkenberry, Ian W 376

Faulkner, Lauren R 373

Fauss, Laura N 404

Favo, Conor 132,341

Fazekas, Justen D 396

Feeney, Riley A 392

Feigel, Frederick 173

Felag, Nicholas J 413

Felipe, Cody H 382

Ference, Connor J 356

Ferguson, Alec S 360

Ferguson, Michelle A 393

Fernandez, John H 391

Ferrarini, Christian 375

Ferrell, Robert W 340

Ferris, Andrew 188, 424

Ferry, Stephanie R 399

Field, Boswell 92

Fierro, Cameron M 411

Figgins, Donald 373

Finkelstein-Diaz, Ryan D 404

Finley, Andrew 264

Finley, Tyler B 400

Fisayo, Adetunji A 354

Fischer, Coy 225, 253

Fischer, Jakob L 384, 423

Fischl, Benjamin E 380, 431

Fish, Michael B 398

Fisher, Dillon T 398

Fisher, Miles W 399

Fisher, Nicklaus A 408

Fisk, Michael A 356, 429

Fide, Kyle 384,420

Fide, Troy A 351

Fitzgerald, Michael J 64,65, 358

Fitzgerald, Nicholas 417

Fitzwater, Stephen 220

Ranagan, Ashley B 341,436

Hanagan, Brendan R 353

Heming, Reed 433

Heming, Ross 268

Heming, William D 362

Hescher, Joseph E 383

Heshman, Alicia 71,257

Hetcher, Cassie 102, 312, 425

Hetcher, Todd P 340

Horen, David 304, 464

Hoyd, Alyssa D 413

Hoyd, Colton 244

Hy, Garrett J 344

Hynn, Colton 197

Hynn, Dylan S 373

Hynn, Jennifer 296

Fogarty, Francesca 142, 364

Fogassy, Alexander 284

Foley, Dylan T 385

Foley, Michael D 357

Follansbee, Clark W 410

Folse, Sarah A 355

Foltz, Nathan 265

Fonbuena, Jonathan D 344

Fontaine, Christian A 408

Fonte, Benjamin R 386

Fooster-Barrino, Jalen T 404

Forssell, Kirby 280

Foschi, Peter C 30, 360

Foss, Douglas 241,433,462

Foster, Aaron 316, 420

Foster, Victoria M 375

Fotheringham, Alexander W 383

Fountain, Ryan 114, 320

Fouraker, Joshua 153, 415

Fournier, Michael 309, 435

Fox, Austin A 408

Fox, David 260

Fox, McKenna 99, 341

Francis, Nicholas C 387

Francis, Zachary J 382

Frank, Joseph P 359

Frankenberger, Allen R 360

Franklin, Andrew 204

Franklin, Justin 233

Frankosky, Sarah 410

Frankovic, Adah M 374

Frayling, Kyle B 368

Frazier, Alexander L 341

Freeborn, Cody 320

Freeman, Dillon J 357

Freeman, Joshua 79, 213

Freeman, Nichole T 375

French, James 244

French, Phaelen 213, 421,423

French, Ryan 128, 237,430, 465

Freund, Steven P 416

Friday, David 213

Friedl, William 200

Friend, Corey M 377

Froerer, Ryan F 404

Frost, Bradley 376

Fruge, Matthew K 388

Fryer, Matthew 265

Frymire, Daniel W 366

Fuchs, Lauren 233

Fuentes, Tyler J 366

Fuerst, Andrew S 355

Fuerst, Melissa 73,108,109, 394

Fugal, Carson B 389

Fullam, Jayp C 379

Fulton, Jacob 320

Funk, Daniel J 410

Funke, Zachary K 397

Furches, Cory S 396

Ferguson, Ian P 362

Forbes, Jacob A 352

Ford, Brian B 398

Forde, Peter G 382

Forrest, Matthew S 345,435

GGable, Clayton 114,368

Gabreski, Matthew F 397


h)< W 4 481

Gabrielson, Caitlin B 366

Gagliano, Samuel A 361

Gainsback, Juan M 387

Galang, Janelle F 403

Galbraith, Virginia L 390

Gallagher, Michael P 83, 353

Gallant, Allana 316

Gallinatti, Joseph M 379

Gallion, Andrew N 384, 420

Galloway, Benjamin 257

Galloway, Edward 387

Galvin, Thomas J 347

Gamble, Garrett 357,434

Gamm, Mathew L 372

Gammon, Calvin A 357

Ganczewski, Christopher 248, 426

Gandhi, Neel 409

Gangloff, Richard 160, 404, 433

Gann, Christian M 399

Garces, Edward J 8, 32, 386

Garcia, Denise 313

Garcia, Dominic A 339

Garcia, Emilio J 413, 434

Garcia, Jonathan 253, 305

Garcia, Kelsey V 358

Gardiner, David J 385

Gardner, Ryan 79,177

Garduno, Eli 188

Garr, Ruslan. 381

Garrison, David C 379

Gartee, Michael A 398

Gartland, Rocque 38, 241,465

Gartrell, Kyle 397

Garvin, E)illon J 373

Garvin, Traverse P 353

Garza, Robert V 378,426

Gaski, Paul 388

Gasper, Robert J 378

Gastiaburu Herrera, Jose 253, 277

Gattmann, William R 389

Gaudlip, Nicholas F 85,417

Gaudreault, Liana M 353

Gault, Anna 332,423

Gauthier, Drew A 349

Gavilanes, Paola 57, 269,423, 425

Gavrilos, Alexios C 394

Gebauer, Rachel 293

Geeskie, Adam 17,160, 374, 433

Gegen, Alexandra 288

Gegenhuber, Jeremy R 347

Gehring, James H 367

Geldiashvili, Malkhaz 358

Genco, Frank 221

Genovese, Angelique Peray 339

Gent, Sean 332

Gentry, Cody 181

George, Irvin 249

George, Steven E 358

Gerard, Brittany 285, 420, 423

Germain, Julianne M 406

German, Erling S 389

Getschow, Garrett 96, 390

Giardina, Rahni J 415

Gibler, Andrew 145, 329, 423

Gibson, Aaron S 362

Gibson, Casey 339

Gibson, Hilary 289

Gibson, Ian 416,423,428

Gibson, Kayla M 357

Gibson, Matthew R 391

Gibson, Nicholas B 387

Gibson, Robert C 338

Gidley, Kim 107

Gieck, Daniel J 350

Gies, Daniel R 376

Gigante, Nico P 408

Giguere, William 204, 463

Gilbert, Alan D 339

Gilbertson, Erik K 343

Gilbreath, Dayton 92, 233, 420, 464

Gillespie, Stephen 213

Gillette, David 255, 265

Gillis, Luke 221

Gillmore, Vincent 253, 293

Gilly, Joshua M 412

Gilpatrick, Eric 244

Gilroy, Molly 377,435

Gingras, Alexa M 388

Gintautas, Balys 411

Giordano, Michael 371

Girolami, Michael S 396, 433

Gladney, Kyle R 386

Glass, Joshua R 349

Glavic, Christie 345, 431

Glaze, Tyler D 398

Glenner, Dylan J 377

Glinski, Edward L 355

Glitz, Caitlin 245,420

Glover, Andrew 277

Glover, Ethan P 377

Glover, Kelsey D 397

Glowiak, Evan 118,412,427

Gluck, Julian 129, 204, 255, 422,430

Go, Woody S 340,424

Godish, Sarah K 417

Goebel, Daniel A 368

Goellner, Matthew 359,426

Gold, Tyler J 341

Golson, Andre M 408

Gomez, Benjamin 293

Gomez, Bryan M 416

Gonzales, Justin Z 355

Gonzalez, Elliott A 375

Gonzalez, Jorge 181

Gonzalez, Luis 28, 368, 429

Good, Ryan 381

Goode, Joseph A 23,401

Gooden, Dustin 309

Goodman, Pia K 356

Goodwin, Alexandra B 376

Gor, Meagan T 365

Gore, Taylor 151,386

Gorospe, Andrew C 372

Gorski, Lindsey G 339

Gosch, Brook T 395

Goudelock, John A 343

Gough, Andrew M 379

Gould, Derrin 128, 416, 430

Gouldsmith, Austin E 341

Gourlay, Ross 280

Gourley, RyanJ 404

Grabarek, Julie 289

Grabill, Emili 228

Grabowski, Trenton G 389

Graeve, Joseph D 389

Graley, TimothyJ 400, 423

Gramling, Joseph 273

Gramling, Samuel A 366

Granato, David 185

Granby, East 148

Grant, Dayna 127, 277, 428

Grant, Joseph R 368

Grant, Samantha L 346

Graves, Dustin P 343

Graves, John 354, 424

Graves, Marcus A 363

Gray, Anthony P 380

Gray, Davis P 383

Gray, Janie E 354

Gray, Jeremiah 297

Gray, Ryan 408

Green, Andre E 389

Green, Ariana 249

Green, Harrison 144, 185

Green, Kyle R 354

Green, Robert C 403

Greene, David W 347

Greene, Jared 351,435

Greenstreet, David L 346,424

Greenway, Laura E 406

Gregg, William J 370

Gregory, Caitlin 181

Gregory, Daniel P 392

Gregory, James T 353

Gregory, Scott 391,427

Gresham, Christopher J 364

Grey, Janie 420

Griebel, Mitchell S 361

Grier, Jessica 341

Griffin, Jonathan 273

Griffin, Joshua E 410

Griffin, Mack 228, 433

Griffin, Michael G 348

Griffith, Danielle N 368, 424

Griffith, John R 382

Grimm, Christopher 370

Grimmer, Michael L 347

Grindstaff, Travis 366, 430

Griner, Samuel K 347

Grob, Henry 122, 343,434

Groce, Ahmed J 345

Groff, Stephen 217,422

Grohol, Morgan 213

Grondin, John 389

Groose, Jason 58, 313

Gros, Evan J 414

Gross, Bethany 108,109, 388, 423

Gross, Carley 383

Gross, Charles 332

Grosselin, Karl 120, 121,249, 436

Grossman, Jolie K 382

Grosso, Maurice Joseph 197

Grove, Zachary R 340

Grover, Landon 209

Grubbs, Alexander J 104,105, 357

Grullon, Jonathan 395

Guadagno, Kevin C 403

Guamaccio, Chase 289

Gudim, Brett A 400

Guerrero, Ernesto I 22,118,408

Gugat, Rich 105

Guidry, Robert 217

Guiler, Robert B 346

Gulat, Joseph A 414

Gulla, Bobby 329,462

Gullo, Victoria A 377

Gunderson, Daniel G 394

Gunner, Cole 88,91,379

Gunsch, Alec R 353

Gunter, Davis 92, 361

Gumell, Kassie M 108,408

Gustafson, Will D 381

Gutgsell, Matthew J 355

Guthrie, Andre 385,436

Gutierrez, Jaime 351

Gutierrez, Ray 261

Gutierrez, Robert J 357


Gutkin, Gregory M 345

Guttman, Richard T 372

Guzman, Genis 407

Gwirtsman, Mia E 344

HHaas, Ryan R 401

Haas, Sarah C 362

Haase, Johnathon M 382

Habluetzel, Casey 68, 301

Hachtel, Adam N 376

Hackert, Bradford C 397

Hackney, Richard 385

Hafich, Jared 393, 427

Hafner, Nicholas L 412

Hagadom, Andrea Y 400

Hagan, Jonathan G 378

Hagar, Chelsea 285, 426

Hager, Joshua R 414

Haggerty, Colleen Elizabeth 305, 463

Haggerty, Laura 379

Haight, Christine M 399

Haines, Brandon H 349

Hainline, Thomas 40, 225, 254, 428

Halbach, Lisa M 349

Hale, Derek 137,400, 434

Haley, Christopher S 412

Haley, Margaret A 368

Hall, Aaron M 410

Hall, Bryan C 406

Hall, Christopher 369, 436

Hall, Ian 24,317

Hall, Jordan E 362

Hall, Joshton 204

Hall, Joshua A 79,376

Hall, Nathaniel L 346

Halle, Austin 406,433

Halloran, Alexander M 383

Hallums, Dylan C 346

Ham, Estrella 237

Ham, Taylor J 349

Hamaker, Daniel K 355

Hamby, Zachary 332, 423

Hamer, Hunter G 376

Hamilton, Andrew 113,416

Hamilton, Chelsey L 408, 425

Hamilton, James 293

Hamm, John A 367

Hamm, Nicolas J 339

Hammer, Ashleigh N 389

Hampshire, Ora D 374

Han, Chan Y 406

Han, Ga 8, 368,422,432

Han, Sang 351

Hance, Linnaea 86, 87, 408

Hancock, Cody S 403

Hand, Ashley 209

Hanks, Noah 249

Hanley, Taylor C 379

Hanley, Zebulon 410, 420, 427

Hannah, Sun Lee 426

Hanner, Jessica 87, 351

Hansard, Mary C 406

Hansen, Kyle 273

Hansen, Mark 100, 382

Hanson, Cody A 410, 423, 425

Hanson, Curtis 324

Hanson, Glen 381,427

Hanson, Gregory W 40, 395

Hanson, Ryne D 414, 425

Hantla, William L 408,425

Hardman, Shane A 416

Hardy, Deion 408, 436

Hargrove, Reginald 404, 423, 436

Harlow, Stewart A 387,428

Hanns, Samuel R 416

Hamisch, Joshua J 390, 420

Harold, Daniel 113, 188

Harper, Erik G 339

Harrington, Michael T 338, 420

Harrington, Sean C 389

Harris, Brian 289

Harris, Caleb 371

Harris, Cameron N 376

Harris, David M 358

Harris, Justin 233, 424

Harris, Rachel 221

Harris, Tara 396, 425

Harris, Thomas M 398

Harrison, Elizabeth M 370

Harrison, Huston 349, 433

Harrison, Jacob 261

Harrison, Patrick M 344, 421

Harrod, Layne H 360

Hart, Broam D 351

Hart, Jamielynne 360

Hart, Nathaniel J 362

Hartford, Angela L 343

Hartford, Timothy Michael 201

Hartmann, Aaron T 383

Hartmann, Joshua W 388

Hartz, Ryan L 406

Harvey, Alexander H 416

Harvey, Anson 297

Harvey, Chad 374

Harvey, Kayla 398

Hassa, Christopher L 305

Hatchett, Albert 253, 269

Hathaway, Kyle A 390

Haun, Julianne M 410

Haus, Andrew 185

Hauschild, Jordan 324

Hauser, Michael 173

Hawk, Vance M 341

Hawkins, Jacob A 73, 400

Hawkins, Paige 146, 225

Hawkins, Philip 348

Hawley, Tucker B 362

Hawthorne, Claudia K 86, 87, 391

Hay, Kaylee 261,435

Haydel, Trevor A 349

Hayden, Sarah E 341

Hayduchok, Daniel 379,436

Hayes, Austin R 343

Hayes, Daniel 122, 123, 209, 434

Hayes, Joseph 434

Hayes, Kevin 88

Hayes, Merida S 361

Hayhurst, Dustin 420

Haynes, Jeremiah 173

Hays, Joseph M 122, 391

Hazen, Emily 381

Healy, Jennifer B 401,434

Heaphy, David J 370

Heard, Andrew M 416

Heath, Lindsey 173, 434

Heath, Molly M 378

Hebein, Nolan T 376

Heberle, Bradley L 402

Heck, Tyler A 412

Hecker, James 32

Heckman, Austin L 45, 367

Hedden, Scott M 342

Hedlund, Fumiko 188

Hedman, Andrew 400, 434

Heffeman, Clara S 385

Hege, Gregory B 47,408, 433

Heidmous, Jeff 112

Heien, Matthew L 374

Heikkinen, Thomas 390

Hein, Ayesha 111, 343

Hein, David 177

Heine, Daniel 397

Heineken, William M 352,420

Heitmann, James 387

Heitshusen, Brett A 351

Heitstuman, David 204

Hellmann, Jordan J 351

Hellmers, Philip C 398

Helton, Zachary 293

Hemphill, Kevin T 365

Hempsey, Shawn 65, 214

Hendershaw,James D 147, 350

Henderson, Dalton W 405

Henderson, Fallynne 257

Henderson, Laura 305, 426

Henderson, Ryan 214, 420

Henderson, Stephen J 338

Hendricks, Marcus E 371

Hendrickson, Matthew 185, 253

Hennessey, Patrick 77, 78

Hennig, Chad 245, 464

Henning, Daniel 309

Henrichs, Aaron 46,137,360

Henry,Konor 96, 350

Henry, Elisha 344

Henry, Jerry 351

Hensley, Matthew 305

Herald, Rachel 108,109, 381

Herbison, Sean 214

Heredia, Charles A 372

Heres, Wilson L 363

Herman, Amanda N 410

Herman, David 217, 253

Herman, Mary E 355

Hermance, George W 122, 345, 434

Hem, Moranda A 353

Hernandez, Ashley D 395

Hernandez, Jacob 45, 54, 377, 429

Hernandez Lemus, Iankel 249, 253

Hemandez-Ruberte, Stephannie 402

Herndon, Meredith L 372

Herrera, Aileen M 414

Herrera, Jeffrey A 397

Herrera, Monica 125

Herrington, Parker 77, 79, 80, 81,340

Hertzler, Kenneth 333

Hess, Emily 383

Hester, Michael 241

Hewitson, Scott C 364

Hewitt, Bamboo 344

Hibbard, Shawn D 378

Hicks, Daniel T 407

Hicks, Elizabeth S 393

Hicks, Saskia 313

Hicks, William J 358

Higaki, Tyler Y 341

Higgins, Brian 167, 281

Han, Jonathan 233

Hassin, Jared 78, 79

Hatcher, Harrison P 358

Helm, Jacob A 347

Helmick, Dean P 412

Helms, Patrick D 394

Higgins, Conor 46, 360,429

Higginson, Clayton C 345


Hightower, Devin S 370

Hilbig, Kathryn M 66, 372

Hildremyr, Melissa M 405

Hill, Adam 63, 265

Hill, Andrew C 360

Hill, Austin 343, 434

Hill, Cassandra L 408, 420

Hill, Charles 25, 361

Hill, Elise 343,432,435

Hill, James 289

Hill, Jazmind L 400

Hill, Jeffrey E 369

Hill, Lydia M 403

Hill, Marcus B 341

Hill, Raymond J 396

Hillesheim, Anthony J 389

Hillig, Thane G 406

Hills, Collin R 346

Hillstrom, Justin M 368

Hilton, Andrew R 410, 420

Hinkel, Katherine E 349

Hinners, Keaton 368

Hinton, Nolan 381

Himeise, Brandon T 384

Hites, Corey 403

Hitt, K Sarah 204

Ho, Johnson C 356

Ho, Kainoa 221

Hoang, Sean B 346

Hock, Diana M 404

Hodges, Benjamin T 357

Hodges, Jason T 366

Hodges, Parker T 400

Hodgkins, Gregory A 338

Hoeffner, Zachary W 354

Hoekstra, Jacob D 383

Hoenisch, Scott R 353

Hoeppner, Jarret C 385

Hoff, Ben 245

Hoffman, Matthew D 22, 409

Hoffmann, Leah 329

Hogan, Conor J 372

Hogan, Ryan F 364

Holbrook, Anastasia E 412

Holcombe, Haley D 338,424

Holderle, Rachael 205,422

Holguin, Nicholas A 417

Holland, Robert H 351

Holler, Ryan 411,429

Hollister, Robert L 391

Hollway, Joseph A 412


iolm, Scott 90,91,347

Holm, Timothy L 381

Holt, Amari A 364

Holt, Kristen 110, 111, 365

Holt, Parker A 400

Holzem, Kyle B 351

Honeycutt, Matthew 21,353

Hooks, Alexander J 395

Hooper, Judah M 360

Hoops, Andrew 82,83, 362

Hoover, Erin 94, 385

Hope, Daniel K 358

Hopf, Anthony 353,433

Hopkin, Kimberly N 338

Hopkins, David B 362

Hopkins, John D 352,422

Horgan, Casey 205, 254

Horn, Jennifer 257

Homey, David 19, 363

Hornsby, Austin W 383

Horth, Yannie 414

Hottle, Monica R 358

Houder, Jacob 237

Houk, Stephen W 358

Hourin, John K 352

Houser, Chase 75, 404

Houston, Cody 345,435

Howard, Adam 342

Howard, Austin 412

Howard, Connor P 377

Howard, Matthew S 412

Howard, William J 347

Howdeshell, Jeffery D 385

Howe, Ryan B 367

Hoybook, Amy C 355

Hoyos, Rafael A 398

Hruby, Nathaniel D 387

Hu, Christopher 381,435

Huckabee, Joshua 325

Hudgins, John J 416

Hudson, Vania 395, 436

Huebner, Phillip T 366

Huebner, Tyler 84

Hueffner, Anastasia 106, 374

Huertas, Joshua A 410

Huff, James D 388

Hughes, Daniel 210, 421

Hughey, Aaron W 395

Hughey, Alyssa 221

Hulce, Shayne 205

Hull, Kris 325

Hume, Cory 338,426

Humphrey, Alexander R 381

Humphrey, Joseph J 385

Humphreys, Brandon D 353

Hunkins, Mark G 404

Hunsuck, Parker J 347

Hunt, Joshua M 343

Hunter, Ethan 245

Hunter, Stephen D 384

Huntsman, Colton S 383

I lurley, James A 378

Hurtado, Susan E 361

Husar, Michael 345

Hutcheson, Alex 245

Hutchison, Nathan J 355

Huynh, Christopher 366

Huynh, Khoa A 400

Hwang, Eric 214

Hychko, Michael 373, 435

Hyde, Andrew M 404

Hyder, Dylan 114, 115,407

IIacobbo, Victor 63, 233

Ibarra, Matthew 181

Ibarra, Trevor 333

Idris, Arif Mohammad 253, 321

Igawa, Cameron R 343

Ignacio, Misha 347,434

Iguchi, Takayuki 362

Imerman, Randi 396, 435

Ince, David 285

Incorvaia, Daniel 351,426

Ingerson, Andrew D 413

Inocencia-Holloway, Enrique 352

Intagliata, Jason 364, 427

Ionata, Desirae E 26, 381

Ireland, Heather E 408

Irvan, Kelcie 309

Isch, Brooke M 395

Ishmael, Thomas B 350

Isley, Robert G 114,115,372

Ivey, Michelle 362

Iwaniec, Joel U415

Iyengar, Abhiram 371

Jablonsky, Kevin 217

Jack, Thomas G 346

Jackovich, Petar 113, 349

Jackson, Andrew P 406

Jackson, Chandlee 411,426, 436

Jackson, John T 375

Jackson, Kimberly A 380

Jackson, Mister 305,425

Jackson, Parker C 369

Jackson, Peter T 342

Jackson, Seth M 385

Jacob, Steven 249

Jacobs, Andrew 237

Jacobs, Jacqueline M 347

Jacobs, Katherine 333

Jacobson, Spencer T 408

Jadick, .Anthony 297,425

Jagoda, Kevin 413, 433

James, Dymond 66, 340

James, Jennifer K 414

James, Ryan 289

Jameson, Garrett 373, 433

Jamieson, Parker 281

Janisch, Yagie 301

Janssen, Haley R 367

Jantscher, Helen L 357

Jasiewicz, Jacob 355

Javier, Jonathan 391

Jayne, Brandy A 384

Jefferson, Tim 76, 77, 78, 79, 255

Jeffery, Forrest S 415

Jenkins, Kaleb M 366

Jenkins, Katelyn 376

Jenkins, Max 79

Jenkins, Patrick A 393

Jenny, Shake 269

Jensen, James 273

Jensen, Mark D 349

Jemigan, Nicholas 320

Jerrell, Mathew 297

Jessop, Alex M 416

Jimenez, Krystal V 357

Jividen, Thomas R 416

Joem, John M 368

Johnsen, Jennifer S 397

Johnson, Amanda 8, 333, 425

Johnson, Angela B 377

Johnson, Benjamin R 390

Johnson, Calvin N 373

Johnson, Cody 133, 225

Johnson, Cory 380

Johnson, Crystal M 362

Johnson, Daniel R 383

Johnson, Eric 237

Johnson, Frederick 225, 420

Johnson, Jantz V 112, 389

Johnson, Joy 346,436

Johnson, Kenneth G 370

Johnson, Kyle 210,465

Johnson, Lindsay M 416

Johnson, Lucas 285

Johnson, Madelyn R 387

Johnson, Matthew R 379

Johnson, Maxfield J 395

Johnson, Nathan R 2 5, 361

Johnson, Nicole 265,428

Johnson, Rashan 410

Johnson, Shelley 181,424

Johnson, Stephen R 370

Johnson, Taylor R 3 39

Johnson, William 301

Johnson, Zachary R 376

tJohnson, Shawn 205, 253, 25


Johnston, Bryan 228,428

Johnston, Cooper 425

Johnston, Douglas C 390

Johnstone, Chancellor A 376

Joiner, Stephen D 385

Jones, Allanna 317,436

Jones, Andrew M 417

Jones, Blake 82, 349

Jones, Daniel 359

Jones, Daniel R 339, 426

Jones, Daniel S 344

Jones, Darius P 384

Jones, David M 405

Jones, Haley N 407

Jones, Jake T 410

Jones, Jared N 347

Jones, Jonathan F 382

Jones, Luke T 364

Jones, Manquez F 372

Jones, Matthew S 385

Jones, Maxwell R 360

Jones, Michael P 360, 427

Jones, Nathan M 410

Jones, Rebecca L 397

Jones, Roger T 393

Jones, Samantha 87, 182, 461

Jones, Sammi 87

Jones, Steve 201

Jones, Tanner M 393

Jones-Hardy, Alexis R 399

Joo, Michael 402,430

Jordan, Christopher H 390, 42 3

Jordan, Joshua T 415

Jordan, Tyler J 368

Joseph, Patrick 182

Joseph, Steven G 396

Josephson, Andrew 402

Jovene, Jamie M 374

Jovene, Vincent 144, 254, 297

Joyce, Catherine E 344

Joyce, Irene 126, 342, 428

Juedeman, Dylan M 339

Juedeman, Justin C 380

Jung, Christina 75

Jung, CJ 321

Junge, Laura A 339

Junio, Christopher D 343

Justice, Natalie J 350

Kaminski, Mark 165, 338

Kabel, Gregory M 397

Kacura-Miller, Andrew 400, 423r~ rf

rise, Jennifer 269

u, KristoffJ 372

inkin, Fedor A 339

Kammerer, William C 381

Kane, Brian J 344

Kanetzky, Kate 57, 73, 382

Kapolka, Michael A 408

Kaptain, Emiliano A 359

Karpauskas, Everett D 364

Kasakitis, Matt 293

Kasemodel, Robert 105

Kashul, Thomas 249

Kastmiler, Erik 281,423

Kates, Kristian E 397

Katrein, Stephen P 388

Katz, Daniel R 348

Kaufmann, Jane E 358

Kauth, Alexander J 398

Kauth, Zachary 77, 79, 305

Kavanay, David B389

Kay, Dylan J 357

Kay, Jonathan D 379

Kay, Marshall D 376

Kazakoff, Michael 63, 277

Kazan, Elia 215

Kazar, Jacob T 409

Keane, Bil 269

Kearney, Stephen W 408

Kearney, William B 399

Keating, Jeffrey 305

Keck, Stephen 177,424

Keefer, Jordan,253, 321

Keenan, Elizabeth 103, 379

Kegyes, James K 407,427

Kehs, Henry 77

Keiper, Brendan S 150, 406

Keith, KyleJ 351

Keith, Matt 214

Kellet, Ross H 410

Kellogg, Marcus P 370

Kelly, Laura E 398

Kelly, Matthew M 347

Kelly, Ryan T 378

Kelly, Sierra N 349, 435

Keltner, Hillary 61, 110, 111,


Kemp, Kristina L 366

Kempin, Melissa L 341

Kendall, David E 347

Kenerley, Alexander E 357

Kenes, AdamJ 391

Kennedy, Kristen 19,281

Kennedy, Rachel C 360

Kennedy, Kyle 241

Kent, William A 408

Keough, Matthew 265, 425

Keplinger, Courtney N 389

Keranen, Christopher S 370

Kerber, Andrew T 366

Kerkhoff, Aaron B 392

Kem, Trent 257

Kessler, Blair 269

Kessler, Katharine L 48, 409

Keyes, Victor V 410

Kidd, Blake J 367

Kidd, Gregory R 412

Kiekhaefer, Samuel J 353, 426

Kieman, Delaney 249

Kil, Alexander T 391,430

Kim, Aaron Y 347

Kim, Alexander D 404

Kim, Andrew 229, 422

Kim, Danny 329

Kim, Deborah B 345

Kim, Grace S 402, 431

Kim, Jonathan, 373

Kim, Jonathan L 413

Kim, Jonathan W 285

Kim, Joshua 321

Kim, Kyung M 366

Kim, Mitchell J 385

Kim, Paul C 380,430


Kim, Teresa B 374

Kim, Terri 367

Kim, Timothy T 353

Kim, Ye C 393

Kim, Yong-uk 411

Kimball, Jonathan 182

Kimball, Mckenna L 351

Kimball, Zebulon M 410

Kimura, Jennifer 125, 364

Kinder, Buddy C 412

Kinder, Kellen C 377

Kinderwater, Ken 412, 433

King, Jeremiah W 390, 423

King, Kenneth C 372

King, Sean S 350

Kingman, Edwin D 406

Kingsley, Alex 261

Kingthong, Kraison 400

Kinsey, Landon W 105, 371

Kirby, Timothy 88, 89, 281

Kirk, Andrew 289

Kirk, Christopher N 398

Kirkland, Travis D 359

Kirkwood, Christine A 371

Kissinger, Ryan 381

Kiyota, Catherine 174

Kiyota, Michelle 321

Klanderman, Bradley J 383

Klazura, Brian 96, 97, 391

Kleintop, Ryan A 393

Kleisinger, Gisey R 89, 353

Kieman, Andrew 273

Kline, Cranston 63, 297

Kline, Seth 63, 387

Klinglesmith, Sean K 372

Klinkmann, Taylor M 355

Kluckman, Matthew L 374

Kluesner, Colby 376

Knodel, Philip 245

Knowles, Sean 210, 421

Knuths, Kristian J 413

Knutson, Brady 329

Knutson, Christopher W 384, 423

Knutson, Joseph A 397

Kober, Alexander D 411

Koehmstedt, Roy M 355

Koeppen, HallieJ 391

Koeppen, Kimberly 392

Koh, Glamis W 341

Koh, Justin S 364

Kohan, Joseph S 358

Kohn, Demario R 413

Kolesar, Ryan 205, 253

Kolod, Lauren G 370

Konishi, Nicholas 297

Kons, Alorjason 376

Konvalin, Stephanie 261

Koons, Anne 257,462

Koonz, Kenneth 341,426

Kopacka, Ben 214

Kopchick, Karianne E 354

Korecki, Tyrus 68, 69, 269

Korkis-Kanaan, Ramy 23, 417

Kot, Alexander M 415

Koury, George 83

Koutnik, Girlee 217,420, 424

Kouwe, Robert 40, 340, 428

Kovarik, Elizabeth P 411

Koveleskie, Aaron 253

Koziol, Teresa G 400

Kraker, Joseph A 412

Krakowian, Maciej 253, 29


Kram, Benjamin S 408

Kramer, Benjamin D 393

Kramer, Ryan G 372

Krasnov, Jacob 317

Krasnov, Maxwell A 343

Krause, Adam N 387

Kraynak, Joseph R 142, 152, 364

Krehbiel, Moses 285

Kreider, Claris 88

Kreimier, Josh 114, 115

Kreimier, Joshua 393

Kresin, Tristen J 400

Krimbill, Jacob R 41

Krohngold, Jeremy A 366,421

Kroskob, Tobiah

s 376 mmm


Kruczek, Theodore W 380

Krukowski, Henry M 370

Kruse, John 88, 374

Kruse, Nathan J 393

Kryzminski, John 210, 255

Kucharevas, Arturas 364

Kuhn, LoganJ 374

Kuhn, Warren R 353

Kunce, Ryan D 370

Kunkle, Robbie 229, 420

Kurz, Jeremy 19, 281

Kusan, Joshua R 414

Kusel, Bradley 146,257

Kuster, Linda E 397

Kuyper, Michelle M 102, 343

Kwakenat, Anthony W 372

LLabuhn, John M 391

Lackey, Curtis A 357

Lacoste, James A 406

Lacroix, Daniel 233

Laffosse, Lauren D 397

Lagarile, Scott B 392

Lages, Anthony M 355

Lagrange, Brian K 364, 429

Laheta, Jacob 361,426

Lai, Maxwell M 375

Lake, Salt 87

Lakind, Harriet L 397

Laleman, Alexis 289

Lam, Linda 325, 431

Lambe, Steve 285

Lambert, Andrew S 379

Lambuth, Tawny 108, 109, 309

Lamo, Ryan B 393,427

Lan, Austin 317

Lancker, Jerome C Van 411

Land, Kyle A 368

Landecker, Nathaniel W 414

Landis, Corey A 395

Lane, Josiah 402, 420, 433

Lang, Gordon 234,424

Lang, Henry 361,429

Lange, Daniel J 396,433

Lange, Philip T 388

Langford, Trevor J 153, 415

Lanham, Sean 313

Lanier, Holden N 393

Laning, Allison 269

Lankow, Andrew J 338

Lannon, Dane 261,463

LaPrade, Kyle J 357

Larivee, William 372

9 % Larkin, Avery N

Larkin, Griffin J 361

Larsen, Jennifer J 86, 362

Larsen, Lance 237, 465

Larsen, Robert L 152, 398

Larson, Jami 313,423,465

Larson, Kirsten 393, 435

Larson, Linnea B 373, 435

Larson, Robert S 365

Larson, Samuel D 401

Lastovica, Logan 201

Latch, Samantha Elizabeth 166, 201

Lathrom, Wendy 177

Latu, Siotame H 393

Laucher, Jessica E 358, 422

Laughlin, Samantha 102, 383

Laurent, Kelly 265, 425

Lauritzen, Michael T 412

Lavelle, Megan C 396

Lawal, Olawale 68, 69, 362, 420

Lawlor, William G 378

Lawson, William C 374

Lazos, Nicholas S 374

Leach, William T 393

Leake, Perri 317

Leano, Marcela R 344

Leary, Dylan G 395

Lebens, Nathan J 360

Ledford, Emilee D 413

Lee, Brandon C 389, 430

Lee, Brian K 406

Lee, Connor J 341

Lee, Daniel 273

Lee, David K 368

Lee, Jacob K 401

Lee, Joe 424

Lee, Jonathan C 349

Lee, Jonathan M 375

Lee, Joseph A 372

Lee, Matthew 188

Lee, Michael D 351

Lee, Russell H 416

Lee, Sun Y 412

Lee, Sung K 408

Lee, Taeyoung 374

Lee, Todd K 344,424

Leeds, David 265,464

Leestma, Caleb 83, 290

Leer, Brandon M 346

Leet, Lauren 414

Leeuwenburg, Henry A 343

Lefebvre, Eugene H 339

Lefebvre, Mathieu M 374

Leibbrand, Corey A 356

Leighner, Andrew C 390

Leinenbach, Raymond 297,425

Leininger, Jared R 376

Leipprandt, Alicia 66, 348

Leland, Michael A 378

Lengyel, Kyle W 354

Lenke, Erik A 376

Lenos, Benjamin R 383

Lenz, Kyle W 370 ^

Leonard, Stuart B 403

Leonhardt, Paul L 414

Lepird, John R 368

Lepley, Thomas A 339

Leppo, Philip 197

Lerch, John 317

Lerda-Plog, Alexander D 368

Lerum, Thomas J 400

Leslie, Matthew 339

Lester, Michael 325

Lester, Steven D 387

Lestina, Juliann N 402

Leute, Madison J 416

Levee, Elijah 413

Levesque, Jamie 182

Levine, Nicholas T 416

Levy, Daniel E 358

Levy, Tyler 253, 298,465

Lewis, Charles E 412

Lewis, Joel E 395

Lewis, Lindsey 381

Lewis, Megan E 402

Leyro, Jasmine G 383

LiBrandi, Rocco 241

Liddle, Blake 245

Lim, Andrew 370, 430

Lim, Royd 402

Limpert, John 132, 290

Lind, Peter 229, 422

Lindsay, Alexander D 108, 109, 357

Lindsay, Will 105

Lindstrand, Jennifer R 355

Lineberry, Alex 105, 376

Lingle, Alexandra J 375

Link, Keith J 407

Linscott, Lauren 345,432

Linsell, Joshua 273

Liptak, Benjamin 250

Litchford, Katrina L 356, 422

Littlefield, Jacqueline 229, 422

Locke, Cody 395

Lockerby, Sophia 99, 384

Lockman, James K 341

Lodge, Alexander P 415

Lodge-Maragh, Chris 290

Lodolo, Vincent A 382

Lohr, John 333

Lombardo, Ryan M 410

Long, Kristin L 404

Long, Lainie B 102, 415

Long, Russell 205

Longhi, Nicolas 381,433

Lopez, Hector 317

Lopez, Kathryn E 416

Lopez, Scott P 401

Lopez, Victor 54, 372

Lore, David J 410

Lorenz, Christopher 217

Losoya, Nicholas R 412

Loucks, Denny J 376

Loucks, Regina G 404

Loudenback, Jordan 344, 424

Loudermilk, Kevin 210

Love, Andrew J 355

Love, Edward J 370,433

Lovett, Shaun P 416

Loving, William M 376

Lowom, John 234

Lowell, Jonathan J 415

Lowery, Robert F 369

Lowman, Leon III 366,420,430

Lowry, Kathryn 357,434

Lu, Alexander G 377

Lu, John 391

Lu, Kevin 357

Lu, Mu'chien 415

Lucas, David 182

Lucas, Keane J 360

Lucky, James R 408

Ludwig, Tyler B 362

Luithly, Kurt J 400

Lujan, Niles C 343

Luke, Christopher 253, 329

Luke, Paxton T 349

Lukso, Justin 120, 205, 436

Lundin, Nicholas M 404,433

Lunn, Nathan F 381

Luoma-Overstreet, Reuben 351

Lutton, Maxwell 245

Lutz, Ryan 189

Lydiard, James M 393


Legaspi, Mikhail T 354

Lehmann, Chelsie L 388,420

Lehocky, Chase W 389

Littlefield, Michelle S 357

Livermore, Riley 281

Livingston, Trey M 360

Lizama, Robert P 399

Llarena, Calvin P 399

Lobo, Patrick A 397

Lydiard, John 277

Lynch, Ryan A 405

Lynd, Jared D 405

Lyon, Chloe 342,424

Lyons, Katherine 257

Lyons, Michael A 65,370

486%Br Index

Lyver, Christopher M 385

MMacAndrew, James E 340

MacAndrew, Michael 162, 229, 433

MacDonald, Angus 100, 351

MacDonald, Charles D 360

MacDonald, Kyle 229

MacLachlan, Caleb 374

MacLean, Amanda K 398

MacLeod, Hailey L 377

MacMillan, Deanna 123,166, 374,434

Macheak, Samuel A 285, 463

Maciag, Timothy 414

Macias, Miguel J 374

MacNaught, Jared K 412

Macpherson, Holley 350, 426

Macy, Aaron E 379

Madden, Patrick C 153, 345

Madison, Zachary D 363

Madsen, Martin 258

Madsen, William E 400

Maestas, Brendan 333, 420

Maffei, Katelyn 250

Mafnas, Jeriko 405, 433

Magana, Rafael 360

Magday, Marcelli 106, 381

Magee, Lionel III 397

Magennis-Molke, Samuel P 395

Maggard, Brent 225

Maggs, Connor 397

Magtalas, Michael M 417

Mahan, Kyle S 339

Maier, Ian 221

Main, Cody 317

Malay, Alexander S 358

Maldanado, Elizabeth 23, 401, 431

Mallory, Nolan D 383

Mallory, Travis P 347

Malm, Alex 329

Maloch, Nancy 330

Malone, Morgan 108,109,401

Mamroth, Rachel 306

Manchester, Justin L 388

Mancini, Carlo A 370

Mangers, Zachary A 362

Manley, Garrett J 379

Manley, Mark D 349

Manley, Max M 394

Manning, Julie 142

Manning, Nicholas Ambrose 201

Manuel, James D 369

Manwaring, Aiyssa 380, 435

Marchi, Andrew 255, 281

Margerison, Richard B 366, 420

Marges, Francis A 400

Markman, Matthew R 383

Marlette, Hanna 189

Marley, Bethany 214

Marohl, Hallie C 397

Marris, Stephanie A 416,429, 430

Marshall, Amanda L 340

Marshall, Georgia E 124, 385

Marshik, Samantha M 404

Marston, David 278

Martin, Caroline 136, 417,431

Martin, Erika 201,422

Martin, Garret M 360

Martin, Henry F 398

Martin, Joseph 282

Martin, Kevin A 401,434

Martin, Kristopher 286

Martinelli, Timothy M 100, 348

Martinez, Gabrian F 342

Martinez, Jairo J 386

Martinez, Justin R 395

Martinez, Miguel R 414

Martinez, Victoria 174, 255, 424

Martinson, Ryan 325

Marty, Andrew M 399

Marx, Zachary A 387

Masiello, Robert T 345

Maskarenas, Alisha R 407

Mason, Dylan J 410

Mason, Michael 250

Mason, Winfield 402, 426, 434

Massey, Emmanuelle M 402

Masters, Matthew R 402

Mataczynski, Mark 53, 221

Matejcik, Joseph P 197

Mateo, Christophe A 403

Mateus, Bryant 238

Matheus, Huston G 402

Mathis, Scott 261

Matson, Colin R 354

Mattee, Zachary P 400

Matthews, Zachary J 388

Mattocks, Brent 25, 348,436

Matz, Bryan 345, 435

Maury, Joshua A 383

Mavity, Ryan A 341

Maxson, Brandon J 343

Mayclin, Michael K 364,428

Mayfield, Joshua R 385

Mayfield, Patrick 266,423,429

Maynard, Bryan 269

Maynard, Jacob M 351

Mayne, Tasha M 345

Mayou, Rosalie A 102, 352

Mays, Jordan M 395

Mazur, Catherine M 353

McAdams, Daniel J 366

McAlister, Erin 402

McAlpin, Kyle 261

McArdle, Daniel P 407

McArthur, Paul G 414

McAuliff, Drew B 367

McBee, Payden W 411

McBride, Bradley G 355

McBride, Christopher E 389

McCabe, Kyle 382,425

McCaffrey, Abby E 347

McCagg, Raquel E 390

McCann, Keeley G 368, 422

McCargar, Elwyn J 363

McCarthy, Bryan P 197

McCarthy, David J 349

McCarthy, Nichole C 379

McCartney, Evan D 385, 428

McCarty, John M 385, 427

McClain, Aaron 293

McClary, Bria 383,436

McCleam, Michael J 395

McCluskey, Ryan A 370

McColaugh, IanR 343

McConnell, Matthew A 403

McConville, Colin E 385, 433

McCoy, Michael T 372

McCroskey, Evan 229

McCroskey, Justin D 364

McCullagh, Louis365 McCullers, Mary C 339

McCullough, Kinder N 366

McCurdy, Matthew C 400

McDaniel, Devin E 339

McDaniel, Mason E 395

McDonald, Ashli B 359, 434

McDonald, Dirk 420

McDonald, Michael H 395

McDowell, Evan J 415

McElhany, Carter 114, 357

McElwrath, Craig M 404

McGee, John C 351

McGee, Kelsey N 365

McGee, Sean 189

McGehee, Brock E 382

McGill, Jacob 383

McGillivray, Scott R 377

McGinnis-Welsh, Daniel 269

McGriff, Warren B 347

McGuire, Kelly 290

McGuire, Lauren B 404

McKee, Thomas P 341

McKeever, Amanda E 379

McKenna, Rebekah S 350

McKenna, Thomas A 406

McKenzie, John A 343

McKilligan, Ryan P 404

McKinley, Mike 174

McKinney, Connor P 380

McKinney, Garrett L 374

McKinney, Tiffaney 298

McKinnon, Brett 185, 422

McKone, Michael R 387

McKown, Connor 344

McLain, Michael 68, 270

McMillen, Michelle M 387

McMullen, Kevin 333, 430

McMurray, Adam R 412

McNamara, Kadie A 399

McNamara, LukeJ 362

McNeese, Blaise R 341

McNemey, Christopher 345

McPeak, Vincent A 398

McPeek, Cassandra 341

McPherson, Jarod M 376

McQueeny, Kathleen 23,401

McQuilkin, Olivia B 384

McRobbie, Kimberly K 87, 361

McVay, Ryan B 407

McVay, Wesley A 44, 362

McWilliams, Harrison 318

Meach, Neil 339

Means, Alex 80, 81

Means, Melany A 346

Measom, Michael T 381

Medina, Cherae M 67, 379

Medlock, Garrett L 349

Meehan, Brian M 414

Mefford, Kyle 333

Mehaffey, Mitchell E 342, 424

Meidell, Lindsay 406

Meier, Charlie 313

Meier, Foster L 374

Meili, Launi 95

Meirose, Tyler K 352

Mejia, Roed9,167,353,432, 434

Melanson, Conor 339, 433

Melcher, Johnny 177

Melhado, Matthew 255, 372

Mellado, Elisabeth 378

Mellinger, Stephen 225

Menchen, Evan M 406

Mendez, Mark 229

Menefee, Devin 84, 255, 325

Meng, Kevin D 372

Mercier, Michael D 392

Merideth, Denny J 353

Merkle, William G 397

ix)Index ^B^487

Merrick, Justin 250, 253

Merritt, Milton J 385

Mersino, Jacob 218

Mesecher, Kyle S 393

Mets, Christopher C 347

Metzger, John T 389

Metzler, Mitchell 250

Meyen, Charles W 147,363

Meyer, Grant 225

Meyer, Kevin A 417

Michael, Ethan D 383

Michael, Stephanie 230

Michalke, George L 402

Midyette, Reade A 389

Mihaylova, Alexandra A 401

Mihm, Daniel M 409

Mijares, Jacob M 380

Militano, Alyssa M 349

Millar, James B 381

Millares, Miguel 221,424

Millen, Eric M 346

Miller, Acacia C 364

Miller, Andrew J 403

Miller, Christopher 273

Miller, Dalton 151,402

Miller, David T 410

Miller, Derek J 351

Miller, Evan A 379

Miller, Evan P 408

Miller, Jack M 344

Miller, John H 371

Miller, Johnathan J 399

Miller, Kaiana 401,433

Miller, Kendra M 400, 423

Miller, Matthew D 389

Miller, Rachel J 44, 343

Miller, Seth 120, 347,436

Miller, Tanner 121

Miller, Timothy 185, 282

Miller, Travis C 340

Miller-Bissell, Andrew 341

Millikin, Matthew L 344

Millis, Jennifer Lee 201

Mills, Danny 383

Mills, Gavin L 368

Mills, Joshua C 340

Mills, Terryn B 368

Milner, Patrick 88

Miltenberg, Glenn 68, 69, 390

Miner, Brady 401,433

Miner, Kristi 241,422

Minn, Austin 88

Minnick, Christian E 374, 433

Misra, Ben 218, 424

Misra, Mary A 9, 339

Mitchel, Samuel 114, 226

Mitchell, Alexander D 395

Mitchell, Bryce W 415

Mitchell, Logan T 394

Mitchener, Nathan A 348

Mittelberg, Christopher I 376

Mittelman, Rachel 334

Mittelman, Samuel A 349

Moak, Kenneth 246

Moberg, Ronald P 339

Mobley, Tim 390

Modly, Zachary T 96, 379

Moede, Christopher 313, 427

Moehling, Kurt S 356

Moeller, Eric 359,426

Moffett, Kaz 150,167,357, 434

Mohr, Joshua W 410

Molina, Christine 107, 378

Monjeau, Derek W 402

Monsalve, Jonathan A 357

Montel, Kenneth K 346

Montgomery, Rory P 414

Montgomery, Tate 246

Moody, James H 381

Mook, Kevin J 412

Moon, Justin D 357

Moore, Alan 226

Moore, Austin 282

Moore, Bryan M 364

Moore, Chad H 374

Moore, David K 397

Moore, Joshua 222

Moore, Justin T 346

Moore, Kyle L 368

Moore, Madelyn P 389

Moore, Meaghan A 380, 420

Moore, Mikey 262

Moore, Rajeem 377,436

Moore, Trevor D 405

Moorhead, Blake E 398

Moorkamp, Katherine E 362

Morales, Christopher A 114, 376

Moran, Ryan M 376

Mordan, Kevan C 359

Morehouse, Hannah 286,423

Morehouse, Kristopher 214

Morell, Stefan P 345, 428

Morelock, Chase D 21,345

Morgan, Blake C 149, 399,434

Morin, Jacob R 398, 433

Morris, Ari 373, 427

Morris, Jared 201,424

Morris, Lee R 356

Morris, Michael B 370

Morrison, Samantha B 348

Morrison, Shaun C 341

Morse, Kyle W 387

Morse, Lindsay 266

Mortensen, Christopher D 407, 436

Mosby, Morgan 73, 108,109, 358

Moses, Kaleigh 99, 372

Mossing, Jason C 397

Mossman, Brice A 393

Mote, Joshua P 391

Motley, Maurice L 397

Mott, Casey 321

Mozingo, Jacqueline Marie 278

Mueller, Amanda R 346

Mueller, Brandon 114, 370, 420

Mueller, Bryanna 358, 435

Mueller, Lindsey C 390

Muhlenberg, Byron H 355

Muilenburg, Connor L 372, 435

Mullins, Timothy J 349

Mun, Jin Y 385

Mundy, Richard 241

Muniz, Megan L 348

Munoz, Andrew 68, 416

Munro, John W 403

Murphy, Benjamin M 410

Murphy, Bridgett 19, 98, 99, 186

Murphy, Patrick 222,433

Murphy, Patrick J 391

Murphy, Sean M 364

Murray, Colin J 411

Murray, Dennis P 355

Munell, Andrew G 397

Murtha, Jack 234

Musselman, Jacob W 385

Myers, David F 358

Myers, Elliot R 399

Myers, Jordan 389

Myers, Oliver N 353

Myers, Travis 306 N

Namath, Stefan M 373

Napper, Christina A 385

Nations, Joshua D 379

Naumann, Jacob 270

Navaroli, Anthony G 412

Nayyer, Mahhad 360

Nazarek, Kyle D 386

Ndour, Ndeye 238, 253

Neal, Andy 177

Neal, Dan 423

Neal, Robert 230, 422

Neal, Roland 149, 352

Neat, James 414, 426

Neely, Timothy L 376

Neilan, John B 381

Nelson, Alexander 47, 253, 318

Nelson, Christopher G 68, 362

Nelson, Cody R 372

Nelson, Heather C 368

Nelson, Joshua 286

Nelson, Matthew L 393

Nelson, Ryan T 151,370

Nelson, Steven M 416

Nemethy, Andrew 253, 325

Neris, Antonio E 364

Neville, Dave 234

Nevins, Justin 375

Newberry, Richie 290

Newman, Jonathan 166,189

Newmann, Micah C 404

Newton, James 321

Neyra, Sarah 343,436

Nguyen, Hai-Dang 341

Nguyen, Preston G 167, 374

Niccum, Noel P 383

Nichol, Joseph V 353

Nicholas, Matthew W 343

Nicholas, Noel 436

Nichols, Jessica D 366

Nicholson, Jacob A 412

Nickerson, John 49, 298, 433

Nickisch, Sarah 56, 410,425

Nicklas, James L 383

Nicklas, Thomas S 415

Nicolas, Noel B 361

Nicula, Marian A 402

Niebrugge, Connor R 364

Nielsen, Joshua A 347

Niemeyer, Henry 146

Nigro, Laura 107

Nin, Anais 214

Nink, Patrick J 377

Nissen, Daniel E 388

Noble, Joel 147,226,424

Noble, Richard 52, 218

Mintzmyer, J C 258

Mio, Jonathan H 391

Misare, Ryan 253

Morgan, Blake W 397

Morgan, Calvin E 351

Morgan, Carl A 356

Morgan, Katelynn 282, 425

Narvaez, Gabriel B 348

Nash, Andrew 413

Nash, Austin D 400,425

Natelli, Kenneth 189

Nokleberg, Juli E 408

Nolan, Jeanne M 403

Nordquist, Suzann G 372

Norrington, Jessica R 382


Norton, Charles W 306

Nottingham, Darrin 250

Novack, Ryan P 361

Novakowski, Geoffrey P 397

Nowadly, Craig D 404

Nowland, Nicholas A 411

Noyes, Patrick 373

Nunez, Kyle 262

Nu’uhiwa, Kekai 120, 351,436

Nyre, Eryn 266

OOakley, Michael 294, 420, 423

Oats, Aaron M 22, 397

Ochi, Jonathan M 401

Ochs, Paul 301

Oeser, Karl 114, 197,465

Ofili, Phil 290,423

Ogren, Tyler 420

Ogundipe, Obadare 74, 417

Okai, Joseph 68,69, 425,436

Okamoto, James 84, 350

Olesinski, Marek J 379

Oliver, Michael 430

Ollis, Austin 266,433

Ollis, Richard 425

Olme, Mark 238

Olson, Ashley 186

Olson, Christopher J 362

Omar, Elias R 347

Oms, John El 394

Oneil, Gavin 387

Oniu, Bogdan 339

Oosterhous, Dan 105

Orians, Stephen 345, 435

Orozco, Kathrina M 347

Orrill, Nathan W 398

Ortiz, Frances E 363

Ortiz, Melanie C 398

Orvin, Kelsey N 365

Osborne, Michael J 414

Ostert, Brandon W 402

Ostlie, McCall G 410

Ostrander, Meagan M 378

Ott, John J 364

Ott, Randall 242

Ottusch, John 334

Oury, Andrew J 392

Owens, Gage L 400

Owens, Gavin 73, 358

Owens, Roman 258

Owens, Steven A 402

Owusu-Achiaw, Justice 342, 436

O’Brien, Kaitlyn J 349

O’Brien, Kyle E 361

O’Connell, Kaitlin 166, 351

O’Connell, Kody 177

O’Connor, Christopher A 355

O’Connor, Jesse D 374

O’Connor, Sara K 360

O’Daniel, Craig 94, 95, 381

O’Donnell, Michael 186, 424, 432

O’Grady, Kelly 374, 422

O’Hair, MarkS 380

O’Hanlon, Garrett B 381

O’Kelley, Michael 290

O’Malley, Mallory E 370

O’Neil, Megan E 376,425

O’Neill, Jonathan M 338

O’Neill, Meghan 290

O’Neill, Tess 210

O’Sullivan, Mara K 28, 391

PPace, Foster M 359

Pacheco, Carlos 379, 429

Pacheco, John C 367

Pack, Robyn 325

Pacurariu, Coleen 353, 427

Pacyna, Elizabeth 372,426, 434

Paddock, Allison 8, 159, 165, 198,424,432

Padilla, Gabriel Valle 253

Pack, Christopher 250, 430

Pagano, BenjaminJ 371

Paglialonga, Anthony 355

Pain, Clark R 397

Pal, Monique M 414

Palko, Kyle 9, 31,81,109,360, 432

Palmer, Claire 49, 393, 431

Palmer, Corbin 84, 401

Palmer, Howard P 406

Palmer, Joshua 330

Palmier, Andrew J 376

Pamerleau, Geoffrey 250, 461

Pamilagas, Kevin 167, 395, 434

Pamparo, Vicente M 343

Paquin, Marie 322

Paranka, Adam 92, 242

Park, Eunice H 366

Park, Jae Woo 80, 357

Park, Joshua 309

Park, Timothy M 414

Parks, Ian N 391

Parks, William D 343

Parritt, Joel 402, 427

Parrott, Gage C 378

Parsons, Christopher A 413

Partain, Joshua M 378

Partridge, TeegenJ 416

Pasque, Patricia 405

Patchoski, Philip S 414

Patel, Arpan Y 376

Patel, Uddit 189, 254,382

Paterson, Andrew D 339

Paterson, Gabriel 230

Patience, Jonathan C 358

Patino, Tacque 251

Patrick, Matthew J 382

Patrick, Ryan 286

Patten, Cole M 380, 426

Patterson, Christopher 125

Patterson, Kennedy M 338

Patterson, Stephanie L 394

Patton, John J 360

Pattugalan, Joanna 186

Paul, Charles 258

Paul, Jamaal A 198

Paul, MacKenzie R 417

Payne, Benjamin C 362

Payne, Collin E 410, 429

Payne, Matthew 96, 363

Payne, Zachary 301

Peabody, Matthew R 410

Pearce, Taylor 364, 430

Pearse, Olga 309

Pearson, Adam M 381

Pearson, Benjamin A 397

Pearson, Payton 322, 423

Pearson, Preston K 393

Pecci, Alexander R 100, 366

Peckham, Keegan 37, 348, 427

Pederzani, Cassandra 51,202, 424

Pee, Derrick 383

Peek, Eric W 379

Peeler, Nathan R 385

Peiper, Christopher 242

Pelc, Nathan L414

Pelletier, Seth W 406

Pence, Randy J 350

Penner, Jared 301

Penner, Marcus 341,431

Pennetti, Alexander J 390

Peoples, Emerald T 405

Perez, Patrick V 341

Perich, Maiya 110, 111, 378

Perich, Ty M 380

Perkins, Charlie 73, 387

Perkins, Christopher 426

Perkins, Daniel T 387

Perkins, Victoria P 358

Perkins, Zachary I 363

Perlinger, Joel M 369

Penne, Stephen T 353

Pershke, Austin 177

Persian, Benjamin J 383

Pestana, Amanda G 410

Peters, Brandon K 353

Peters, Brittany 387,436

Peters, Katherine A 347

Peters, Zachary 270

Petersen, Matthew D 370

Petersen, William J 68, 340

Peterson, Benjamin J 364

Peterson, Benjamin M 394

Peterson, Clifford 326, 423

Peterson, Hannah E 355

Peterson, Jared M 360

Peterson, Savannah 166, 367

Peterson, Shaun 381

Petit, Alexandra 306

Petrie, Ryan C 346, 420

Petrik, Zachary P 360

Petrina, Britney M 141,387

Petry, Andrew 310

Petter, Jacob 234

Pettis, David L 359

Pettyjohn, Dillon C 366

Phelan, Craig J 398

Phelan, Howard B 372

Phemetton, Richard D 413, 434

Phifer, Josh 63

Philbin, Casey M 359

Philbrick, Anna E 56, 346,424

Philie, Matt 83

Phillips, Angelica G 381

Phillips, Eric 178

Phillips, Kyle 205

Phillips, Maria S 372

Phillips, William N 345

Piazza, Matthew J 59,406,433

Piazza, Michael 294

Piccone, Alana L 374

Pichkur, Dmytro 334, 428

Pickering, Luke B 358

Pickett, Daniel 266, 376

Perdomo, Michael 358

Perdue, Joseph 153,351

Piehl, Benjamin 318

Pierce, John W 345

O’Brien, Catherine E 386

O’Brien, Erin 345,431

Parker, David A 339

Parker, Dennis M 400

Parker, Nicholas 379

Peredera, Maria R 412

Perez, Esteban 379

Perez, Mario I 360

Pierce, Jordan A 379

Pierce, Noah 365 0 m

Pierce, Roland 379

Pilcher, Kelsey L 374, 424

Pineda, Andrew P 68, 346

Pineo, Stephen 326

Pinkerton, Courtney 322, 426

Pipe, Anthony M 398

Pippin, Scott T 354

Pitaksarp, Nirachapom 21,28, 369

Pitcher, Thomas 206

Pitts, Brandon 399

Pladera, Ayesha C 400

Plascencia, Kevin 341

Plasencio, Lindsay 343, 429

Plasier, Kalie J 379

Podplatnik, Marko 412

Pohl, Oliver L 401

Pohler, Evan 355, 426

Poialii, Avalisa M 343

Poisson, Bobby 334, 463

Poje, Christopher Brandon 330, 433

Pol, Ryland T De 407

Poland, Eric 234

Polinauskas, Zigmas 349

Pollard, Ryan L 341

Pomparo, Vicente 44

Ponce, Jason 313

Popovich, Jovan 400

Popp, Thomas C 372

Posey, Samuel L 381

Post, Carter H 21,353, 433

Potere-Ramos, Dakota 363

Potterton, Jordan W 358

Potthoff, Travis 330,425

Pottle, Brooke 349

CPotts, Cameron M 363

Potts, Gregory D 341

Potts, Simonne T 347

Powell, Jared 52, 178

Powell, Jonathon 291

Powell, Michael 412

Prerss, Alexandra 369

Preslar, Luke 349

Presutti, Matthew J 395

Price, Bryan 92, 383

Price, Malcolm 25,92, 361,436

Primeaux, Jonathan 314

Prince, Tirzah W 395

Prinkey, Meghan 278

Prinz, Meredith 389

Probasco, Christopher J 408

Probasco, (Alin T 339

Proctor, Cliristopher T 385

Proctor, Spencer M 381

m % Prosseda, Olivia

Provchy, Zachariah A 401,428

Prusko, Alexandra M 380

Pryce, Ian D 392

Pryor, Lillian S 382

Ptacek, David R 368

Puleo, Matthew J 389

Pulver, Andrej 306

Putney, Daniel J 403

Puzak, Stephanie 218

QQiu, Mengyuan 114,182

Quadrino, John 218

Quaider, Dylan A 339

Quallio, Andrew 73, 342

Quattrin, Alexander N 357

Quesinberry, Rachel E 414

Quezada, Michael 301,420

Quick, Aaron 360,429

Quick, Peter 122, 357,434

Quijano, Theodore K 356

Quinn, Parker 132,133, 379

Quintana, Briana 383

Quirao, Gabrielle 301

Quirarte, John 294

Quiros, Alexandre J 369

Qutaishat, Rami M 381

RRacca, James-Darrell 314

Rackley, Steele 206, 420

Rader, Jorden 347

Radosevich, Michael D 364

Rafferty, James 115

Rafie, Jahan D 397

Ragland, Chelsea 270

Ragland, Paige E 393

Raiford, Delas E 383

Raihan, Aseef M 416

Railey, Brontavious A 402

Raine, Samuel R 408, 425

Raines, Alexander 401,436

Rajchel, Brad M 113, 352

Ralston, Landon D 417

Ramey, Jaime L 381

Ramos, Clinton A 400

Ramos, Josh 84

Ramos, Steven J 345

Ramsier, Alexa 186

Randall, Alexander L 368

Randall, Derek 358

Randolph, Harriet K 412

Rasmussen, Zach 246

Rath, Derek R 408

Rath, Frederick 130, 412

Rathbone, Victoria A 409

Rathke, Ryan M 416

Ratkovich, Zach 151,270

Ratliff, Melissa N 376

Ray, Noelle E 367

Rayhill, Rett 286

Rayhill, Wrendy K 382, 425

Raymond, Nathaniel Dixon 202

Raynor, Robert 198

Razafinimanana, Andriamaholy

Sedra F 246, 253,490

Reams, Brandon 389, 434

Reardon, Stephen M 339,433

Reasoner, Jonathan W 345

Rebhi, Imed 234, 253

Recker, Ryan P 394

Red, Erik 282

Red, John 286

Redfield, Thomas A 347

Redmond, Hillary E 399

Reece, Iva S 396

Reed, Nick 202

Reeder, James C 379

Reeder, Rachel 174

Reeder, Wesley W 364

Reedy, Allison M 382

Reep, Samantha 3,189, 420

Reese, Andrew B 343

Register, Benjamin D 346, 420

Reichel, Charles J 402

Reicks, Theodore Henry 202, 422

Reid, Colton 253,420

Reid, Timothy 186

Reid, Wesley J 338

Reiler, Adonis A 343

Reilly, Matthew J 376

Reilly, Max K 351

Reith, Christopher 253, 334, 420

Rekieta, Andrew W 339

Remiasz, Jonathan C 371

Remien, William C 362

Rerasing Christopher 174

Renfro, Chelsea 149

Rengan, Krishna C 133, 396

Renner, Gregory' X 358

Resch, Adam 222, 253

Restrepo, Kevin 198

Revell, Raymond Y. 178,464

Reyneveld, Jase T 340

Rhoades, Brian 10, 286

Ricciotti, Leo 302

Rice, David 278

Rich, Robert M 363

Richan, Camille M 111,416

Richard, Jesse E 353

Richards, Hayden K 400

Richardson, Andrew S 354

Richardson, Christopher 318, 420

Richardson, Derek M 366

Richardson, Jon 310

Richardson, LukeJ 372

Richardson, Mark 151,362

Richardson, Matthew 226

Richardson, Sierra 404, 436

Richter, Evan J 381

Richtmyer, Evan C 355

Riddle, Hannah 371

Riebe, Beau M 384

Riegleman, David 274

Riehn, Samuel K 358

Riel, Anthony R 383

Riggs, Casey J 397

Riley, Adelae B 350,426

Riley, Curtis C 343

Riling, Justin K 344

Rillings, Jared C 346

Rinaldi, Benjamin 189

Rinaldi, Samuel 186

Ringrose, Jacob 266

Rinker, Gregory M 370

Rios, John A 389

Rippe, Jospeh 339,433

Rishel, Evan 400

Risma, Jacob F 385

Risner, Dakota 246

Risse, Andrew 291

Ritchie, Breeden M 391

Ritchie, Mac 84,85

Ritschard, John E 402

Rivera, Bryan 230

Rivera, Chad K 409

Rivers, Tyrae K 366

Rivey, Joshua C 370 ^1

Rivich, Dustin M 345

Rizo, Matthew D 351

Rizvi, Ali H 410

Rizvi, Natasha 341

Rizzuto, William 375

Robben, Jeremy 258

Roberts, Blair 63


Rapp, Kelly T 358

Raskey, Robert C 360

Rasmussen, James S 359

Rasmussen, Kyle D 362

Revell, Yoshiki 178

Revels, Allen R 402

Rex, Kobi A 391

Reyes, Amanda R 387

Roberts, Brandon 190,420

Roberts, Kenner B 365

Roberts, Matthew E 368

Roberts, Rachel A 400


Roberts, Taylor 238, 433

Robertson, Christopher G 404

Robertson, Lewis C 368

Robertson, Max D 350

Robinson, Anthony 258

Robinson, Kyle 372, 436

Robinson, Nicque 151,347

Rochin, Jose D 371

Rockwell, Luke R 395

Rodden, Michael J 403

Rodgers, Seth M 28, 368

Rodriguez, Amanda K 352

Rodriguez, Des R 402

Rodriguez, Gabriel L 345

Rodriguez, Joshua 206

Rodriguez, Juan Jose 310

Rodriguez, Trent 266, 433

Rodriguez, Victor 298

Roesler, Nathaniel 186

Rogers, Cort M 385

Rogers, Louis C 368, 436

Rogers, Matthew 298

Rogers, Regan E 108,109, 339

Rojas, Julian 349

Rojas-Reyes, Rafael E 411

Roller, Samuel 306, 433

Romany, Akil 383, 436

Rommel, Michael S 344

Romney, Kent 381

Ronning, Daniel 253, 286

Ronsman, Chase D 358

Rooney, Orion H 412

Rosati, Anthony S 35, 353

Rose, Glen 302

Rose, Matthew 258

Rose, Samuel N 365

Rosen, Alexander L 387

Rosen, Kevin 326

Rosenberg, John H 361

Ross, Loring H 368

Ross, William H 362

Ross, William J 353

Rossi, Carl V 356

Rossillon, Kevin J 406

Rossillon, Marie N 391

Rost, Erin 358

Rostomashvili, Gorgi 351

Rothschild, Blake V 366

Rouleau, Cameron S 383

Roulette, Ryan 226

Rouse, Kyle W 375

Rouse, Staci A 416

Rowe, Christopher C 359

Royster, Kenneth 403,436

Rozsa, Jordan 234

Rubanka, Michael 198

Rubin-Santos, Karen 388,423

Rubio, Edward 302

Rucker, Brittany 210

Ruckriegle, Sarah 430

Rudolph, Paulina 420, 430

Ruggieri, Ashley E 411

Ruiz, Ana 302

Ruiz, Christopher A 149, 352

Ruiz, Erik 211

Rupert, Paul J 347

Rush, John H 408

Rushing, James R 395

Russo, Joel N 371

Russomanno, Ryan 326, 433

Ruth, Eric C 395

Rutherford, John M 370

Rutter, Spencer 126,127, 381, 428,434

Ruud, Niko 370, 426

Ryals, Emily 238

Ryan, Jack W 366

Ryan, Patrick 379

Rydalch, Tyson R 395

Rydman, Isaac H 399

Saari, Stephaney N 381

Sabol, Matthew G 343

Sack, Kevin A 386

Sagmoen, Stormy T 410

Sako, Lauren S 3,8,408, 432

Sakovich, Alexander J 392 ^

Salas, Jacqueline M 343

Saleck, Tyler S 387

Salgado, Ethan L 68, 364

Salinas, Christina 330

Salley, Christina 215

Saltamachia, Samantha E 379

Salter, Brett J 413

Saltin, Ariel E 398

Samarah, Laith 270, 423

Sambo, John R 398

Samlowski, Adam A 341

Sample, Kenneth R 388

Samuel, Aaron Bassut 423

Sanabria, Ruben A 387


Alexis T 338

Sanchez, Annie 126,383,428

Sanks, Winston A 345

Santoro, Nicholas R 374

Santos, Bianca A 345

Santos, David De Los 405

Sapp, Richard S 407

Sapp, Trevor D 383,429

Sarette, Joseph R 372, 421

Sargent, Derek J 365

Sarmiento, Yasmin 380, 423, 426

Samo, Jeremy 144, 306

Sarsozo, Dennilyn J 410

Sasaki, Jeffrey 266

Sasser, Samuel A 400

Satterfield, Jamela 66,190

Sattes, Michael 190

Sauls, Tyrone 365

Saunders, David 375

Saunders, Warren C 20, 345

Saunders, Zachary C 362

Sauter, Sarah 235

Savage, Jack T 376

Saval, Kevin 371

Savitsky, Philip D 385

Savonne, Stephen D 348

Saydah, John 270, 461

Sayers, Josiah H 349

Schaefer, Jeffrey 314

Schaeuble, Marty 302

Schatsiek, Lee 302,425

Scheider, Zachary 432

Scheidt, Justin C 351

Scheie, Matthew L 390

Schepper, Sierra G 393

Schertz, John R 368

Schillaci, Derek 278, 427,464

Schilpp, Robert V 389

Schindling, Casey L 414

Schira, Christine M 413, 431

Schirarer, Cydney E 341

Schmidt, Fanita 282

Schmidt, Kerri A 395, 434

Schmidt, Kiersten 375, 434

Schmidt, Sofia M 408

Schmitt, Annalyse M 362

Schmitt, Clayton 258

Schmitz, Daniel 351

Schnabel, Sara M 346

Schneider, Bradley A 370

Schneider, JonathanJ 370

Schneider, Matthew 397,434

Schneider, Zachary 5, 8,17, 218

Schomaker, Jacob A 389

Schonfeld, Daniel R 392

Schoonover, Kyle M 46, 360, 429

Schory, Kyle P 372, 422

Schreck, Eric 364, 433

Schriner, Travis 25, 361

Schrock, Zachary P 381

Schroder, Edward R 400

Schroeder, Karl 375, 427

Schroeder, Kyle N 414

Schuemann, Kenneth B 355

Schuetz, Matthew L 342

Schuetze, Aaron 174,433

Schuh, Erik B 383

Schulter, Charles M 405

Schultheiss, Alexander 174

Schultz, Trevor A 408, 420

Schultz, Tyler 318

Schumacher, Derek 235

Schuman, Ory M 347

Schumann, Zach 206

Schwab, Nicholas W 349

Schwartz, Hannah M 377

Schweiss, Erik L 362

Schwemmer, Joseph 347

Schwochow, Kyle 174

Scott, Ben A 379

Scott, Devin 389

Scott, Matthew K 393

Scott, Taylor J 370

Scull, Kenneth T 360

Scully, Daniel 222

Seabury, Jacob D 385

Seaman, KelliAnn 242, 424, 461

Sears, Tucker D 391

Seaver, John 318

Seboum, Jonathan 379

Seekins, Luke 401

Seery, Michael 94,95, 262

Seibt, Nathan 230, 421

Seis, Michael J 380

Selby, Matthew 278

Sellers, Austin 381

Sena, Austin E 354

Seim, Ethan T 416

Senn, Zachary B 363

Seovac, Milos 253, 287

Serafinko, Kenneth E 384

Serilli, Colton 210

Serratore, Carly J 370

Sanchez, Keyona 368,431

School, Mariah J 415

Settle, Gxly 58, 314

Rowe, David D 402

Rowland, Terrence J 399

Rowley, Evan E 414


Sanchez, Orlando Saldana 385

Sandblom, Derek J 372

Sanders, Matthew 93, 282,421

Sanford, Ian C 410

Schoener, Benjamin D 416

Schoenfeldt, Brandon 330

Schofield, Elizabeth R 357

Schofield, Mackenzie K 384

Severance, Timothy R 411

Severson, Alex 427

Sevier, William C 357

Index 491

Sewell, Samuel J 410

Sexton, Stephanie 330

Sfeir, Oliver 362 tk

Shadoin, David 122,190,434

Shaffer, Joshua P 369

Shanklin, KTystin 99, 334

Shanks, Nathaniel 222

Shannon, ChristopherJ 368

Shannon, Marcus 347

Shannon, Patrick M 412

Shaw, Brandon 400,427

Shaw, Jonathan K 342

Shaw, Katherine A 356

Shawler, Evan K 416, 423

Shea, Andrew M 357

Shea, Stephen J 131,404

Shealy, David A 354

Shealy, Kimberly 274, 420

Sheeks, Courtney 360, 431

Sheikh, Ryan H 347

Shekhawat, Suveer S 405

Shelboume, Peter H 361

Shen, Albert 347

Shepard, Heather R 366

Shepherd, Kaislie M 397

Sherman, Sheila 44, 182

Sherman, Spencer A 407

Sherrill, William N 361

Shetley, Kaitlin 55, 287

Shetley, Lauren 178

Shield, Tim 83

Shields, Christopher 238, 462

Shields, Joseph 187

Shields, Patrick J 362

Shinkle, Garrett S 358

Shinn, Anthony C 398

Shippey, Michael 353, 426

Shirley, Paige C 381

Short, Joel 242

Shrift, David 298

Shults, James D 339

Sibley, Laurel M 400

Sicher, Brian P 389

Sidwell, John 334

Siebert, Ryan Russell 202

Siegel, Ezra J 349

Sierra, Sergio A 366

Sikkema, Paul 230

Sikora, Amber Kay 198

Sikora, Ashley 318

Sill, Sarah D 417

Silva, Hermes 50, 51,262

Silverbush, Angela E 343

Silverio, Joseph 274

Simeroth, David L 408

Simmonds, Holden D 370

Simmons, Cale 108,109, 374

Simmons, Eleanor E 362

Simmons, Robert J 378

Simon, Bradley M 367

Simons, James T 374

Simons, Jorden D 358

Simonson, Shane R 402

Simpson, Daniel E 404

Simpson, John P 395

Sims, Annalisa 314

Singletary, Janai 175

Singletary', Kyle P 360

Sippel, Caitlin I 339

Sirak, Kaley E 412

Sittig, Ryan K 342

Siverio, Matt 330

Skeele, John B 141,392, 421

Skurdahl, Mark J 372

Slade, Daniel A 398

Slater, Nicholas W 406, 435

Sleeter, Justin J 378

Sloan, Samuel J101,409

Smedley, William 392

Smidt, Hensmann C 413

Smith, Ana 361

Smith, Andrew 358

Smith, Bradford 242, 436, 461

Smith, Brim 235, 421

Smith, Cameron J 383

Smith, Christopher 222, 253

Smith, Erik H 93, 395

Smith, Ethan J 352

Smith, Gregory 403

Smith, Justin T 398

Smith, Kaylon E 383

Smith, Kelsey 5, 8, 36,39, 50, 51,314,432

Smith, Kendra M 351

Smith, Kimberly R 387

Smith, Leah E 409

Smith, Manuel 108, 109, 255, 278

Smith, Michael 326

Smith, Michael R 349

Smith, Michael S 386

Smith, Nicholas 50, 51,282

Smith, Peter 345

Smith, Ryan 310

Smith, Sydney 152,365,433

Smith, Timothy 255, 344

Smith, Travis C 396

Smith, Trent 430

Smith, Warren Cole 59,100, 202

Smoke, Tahlia 106,107

Smythe, Michael 393

Snadecki, Bradley A 391

Snell, Jeremy C 417

Snider, James 278

Snook, John M 412

Snow, Jacob K 339

Snyder, Ethan D 364

Snyder, Jordan W 415

Sober, Kevin T 380

Soderberg, Erik 331,429

Soileau, Garrett V 398

Sol, Ryan 183

Solon, Alden C 355

Song, Bill 283

Song, Yeong Hwa 341

Sorensen, Nathan G 382

Sonera, Danielle 67, 384

Sortino, Michael P 356

Sortor, Jake M 341

Soto, Yunior 279

Sou, Raymond 341

Southard, Carol 379

Sower, Samson S 374

Spahr, Gordon 310

Spalla, Andrew 428

Span, Martin 420

Spangler, Tyler M 406

Spaulding, Preston K 408

Spears, Christian M 385

Speer, Chad D 395

Spencer, Caroline C 402

Spencer, Chelsea M 399

Spiering, Jacob T 366

Spiotta, Michael 339

Spiotta, Thomas E, III 371

Spiro, Jonathan S 391

Spiro, Trevor 251

Sponer, Aaron T 414

Sprang, Joshua S 390

Spranger, Craig 68, 69, 242, 253,464

Spranger, Zachary J 406

Spretnjak, Matthew R 355

Springer, Audrey 341

Springfield,Joseph 148,198, 253,427

Spuller, Jake 108, 109,411

Squire, Laura 122, 345, 434

Staab, Elisabeth R 361

Stacey P Blunt, II 372

Stacks, Michael 310

Staff, Jordan M 364

Stambaugh, Kelly 98, 385

Stanley, Rachel 226, 424

Stark,Joel 389, 426

Stark, Julian R 362

Starkey, Joel P 404

Starr, Daniel 68, 302

Stasik, Daniel J 376

Staszak, Crystal M 371

Staten, Allante B 349

States, Richard 369

Staver, Alannah M 347

St Cyr, Aimee E 364

Steams, Tyler 39,408,420

Stecher, Rachel 366,434

Stedman, Joshua S 112, 113, 397

Steen, Colton D 356

Stefanovie, Petar G 392

Stegeman, Cole 230

Stegemann, Beau 58, 302

Stehr, Barrett B 357

Stein, Daniel 416, 435

Steiner, Linwood 218

Steinmetz, Jonathan E 369, 429

Stelmaschuk, Emily 387,431

Stenger, Brandon T 412

Stenger, Brian 253, 298

Stephens, Christopher C 380

Stephenson, Robert 246, 255, 463

Steuber, Jessica 74, 381

Stevens, James K 384, 425

Stevens, Jelisa M 406

Stevenson, Marques S 405

Stewart, Breck M 341

Stewart, Jamie M 368

Stewart, Jonathan C 412

Stewart, Mark 388

Stewart, Roger 433

Stewart, Taylor 65, 322

Stigall, Bnan 252

Stigall, Kyle S 370,424

Stinson, Demetrius 368,436

Stockamp, Kyle 26, 262

Stoddard, Jordyn 230

Stofel, James 363,431

Stoll, Adam H 396

Stone, David D 405

Stossmelsler, Hache 387

Stout, John 23,417,435

Stout, Marshall E 358

Stover, William T 360

Stowe, Wesley 215

Strauss, Marissa 235

Street, Andrew 219,435


Smith, Zachary S 354

Smithson, Cruz 113

Smithson, Jared C 381

Stan, Craig R 360

Stange, Nichole B 404

Stanley, Joshua 274

Street, Kyle P 408

Street, Matthew 52,131,322

Stremcha, Hope T 401

Strength, Jarred A 389

Stribling, John Wesley 202, 421, 425,463

Strickland, Steven G 382

Stringfield, Jacquelyn O 349

Strom, Alex R 353

Strong, Malcolm 222, 253,422

Struzik, Jacqueline 343, 435

Stryker, Nicholas J 395

Stuard, Kathryn 322, 426

Stubblefield, Eric D 404

Stucky, Scott 65, 322

Stuhldreher, Alma 136, 391

Stuppy, Bennett 246

Sturgeon, Felicia M 375

Stych, Alexandra 87, 363

Suges, Mark D 349

Suhrhoff, Kristen A 416

Sullivan, Anthony D 398

Sullivan, Matthew S 374, 424

Sullivan, Patrick J 367

Sumerlin, Zachary C 379

Summerlin, Lindsey M 368, 434

Sumpter, Steven 347

Sung, Julie 292, 420,426

Sunshine, Jeremy K 376

Suttorp, John P 373

Suwabe, Joseph 381

Suys, William 133,380

Svecz, Andrew J 380

Swafford, Cody N 383

Swan, Chloe 310

Swaney, Allison 246

Swanson, Colin 53, 145, 306

Swanson, David 387

Swanson, Grant 242

Swartz, Michael C 354

Sweeney, Brennan J 412

Sweeney, Ian K 365

Sweet, Jefferson Robert 202

Swinchoski, Thomas A 394, 425

Swope, Taylor 206

Sydney, Christine 307

Sykes, Rachel K 383

Sykes, Sarah A 403

Szall, Rachele S 357

TTabb, Danielle K 351

Tack, Jonathan 251,253,430

Takahashi, David 178

Talamantez, Kendrick 340

Talbert, Ross W 393

Tamosuinas, Ava R 368

Tangeman, Nathan L 372, 422

Tangsinthaweewa, Ananchai 345

Tanner, Tranay 178

Tanner, William Kyle 307

Tanous, Kevin M 368

Taormina, Nikolas D 389

Tappa, Nicholas A 364

Tardieu, John D 397

Tatum, Ralph K 392

Taubenslag, Daniel 166, 334, 461

Taute, Jack D 352

Taylor, Brendan 310

Taylor, Elizabeth E 376

Taylor, Grant 104, 105,413

Taylor, Karlie E 404

Taylor, Roy 68, 367

Taylor, Ryan 175, 464

Taylor, Sierra R 35, 352

Taylor, Thomas 254, 291

Teakeil, Jarred W 364

Teicher, Athina C 385

Teiken, Spencer D 379

Tenpas, Daniel 206

Teope, Jan 322

Terry, Amanda 251

Terry, Barbra E 370

Tewaheftewa, James 253, 326

Tharp, Justin S 398

Thatcher, Mason D 349

Thaut, Lane 262

Theiss, Viktor J 373

Thielmann, Wolf 390,427

Thiengtrong, Vasutom V 400

Thimmel, William 254, 259, 425

Thomas, Adam J 351

Thomas, Alexander D 393

Thomas, AnthonyJ 416

Thomas, Daniel J 385

Thomas, David J 355

Thomas, Eric E 404

Thomas, James D 354

Thomas, Joshua D 364

Thomas, LaurynJ 374

Thomas, Michael A 339

Thomas, Rachel 108,109,274, 423

Thomas, Rusty C 344

Thomas, Samantha E 412

Thomas, Sarah 299

Thompkins, John M 343

Thompson, Camille 67, 387

Thompson, Christina 231,420

Thompson, Holly A 389

Thompson, Matt 318

Thompson, Ranee A 344

Thompson, Ryan C 343, 434

Thompson, Ryan D 392

Thompson, Ryan J 402, 427

Thompson, Ryan P 351

Thompson, Shaina Grace 8,19 37,203,464

Thompson, William 287

Thomson, Alexander B 383

Thorimbert, Josh 89

Thornburg, Timothy A 417

Thornton, Travis 279

Thrasher, Carl J 385

Thrasher, Michael J 339

Tibbs, Michael 109, 378

Tiedemann, Katie L 358

Tijerina, Justin A 406

Tilghman, Terry L 414

Timiryasov, Aleksey V 379

Timmerman, Troy 397

Timpe, Eric C 414

Timsuren, Nathan 319

Tipton, David B 368

Tipton, James 147,350

Tirado, Enrique J 413

Tise, Eric 96, 416

Titus, Derek 387

Tiwari, Ivor A 370

Todaro, Alexis 408, 427

Todd, Shannon N 351

Todd, Tyler 222, 422

Toledo, Reynaldo M 362

Tomasek, Angela C 406

Tomaszewski, Jared 326

Tonder, Jared W 416

Toner, Shane D 409

Tonnesen, Wayne A 351

Tope, Michael 104,105

Torano, Joshua F 349

Torano, Joseph 429

Torf, Jason A 88,89,379

Tomo, Ryan M 339

Torrel, Mitchell S 398

Torres, Lesly M 408

Torres, Nicole 436

Torres, Skylar 279

Torres-Cisneros, Juan J 383

Totorica, Annemarie I 405

Tousley, Nathanael I 340

Toussain, Matthew 238

Tower, Sydney E 365

Towers, Brandon M 358

Townsend, Bryan W 391

Tran, Tiffany A 373

Tranum, Amanda E 370

Travis, Derek G 402, 421

Trembly, Alexander J 363

Trentman, Patrick H 358

Trevathan, William H 382

Trevino, Anthony 314

Trevino, Austin 335

Trigo, Alex M 404

Trilles, Alec P 45, 379

Trillo, Antonio D 375

Trobe, Alexandra Z 102, 356, 422

Trochlil, Steven G 344

Troesch, Tyler A 371

Trojanovich, Corey J 412

Trolinger, Grace 247, 255

Trotter, Jarvis N 387

Trubiano, Jacob R 398

Trujillo, Derek J 368

Truxal, Joseph R 338

Tucker, Caleb A 374

Tucker, Ryan M 379

Tulley, Zachary B 366, 421

Tung, Kalyn 259

Turknett, Tristan J 407

Turner, Adam S 367

Turner, Ryan P 403

Turner, Sarah N 345

Twigg, Christopher M 364

Twohig, Evan 274

Twohig, Kimberly A 404

Tymchenko, Andrew L 407

Tyree, David M 347

Tyrrell, William M 392

UUdell, Heather 386, 431

Udensi, Uzochukwu A 108, 109,358

Ueunten, Kevin K 384

Uhle, Joseph R 395

Ulrikson, Kurt R 341

Umano, Weston J 377

Umberger, Ryan T 382

Umodu, Kebin 326,433

Underwood, Matt 96,97

Unseth, Elliot 37, 368

Untrauer, Tyler 114,215

Urbon, Grant C 360

Ure, James 190

Urista, Timothy A 341

Urquhart, Cameron 400, 423

Usher, Francis 253, 299,436

Tanaka, Kristi 411,430

Thompson, Christopher M 374

Thompson, Daniel 350,436

Toyama, Tetsuo J 351

Trafford, Rachael L 353

Vahling, Anthony T 370

Vaira, Keegan 238

Valencia, Christopher J 360

Valenzo, Philip 203

Valkenburg, Lauryn M Van 385

Valladares, Hector 247

Valle, Gabriel 319,425

Van Alstine, Kyle 400

Van Baalen, Alyssa M 391

Van Horn, Benjamin J 340

VanRassen, Loren N 392

VanderWaal, Megumi 311

Vandiver, Andru S 368, 420

Vardell, Kathleen K 49, 382

Vasiliadis, Sophia C 413

Vasquez, Robert 95, 219

Vasquez, Vicente 190

Vasta, Mary 247,431,464

Vaughan, Zachariah D 354

Veilleux, Geri R 348

Veins, Madilynn 424

Velez, Christopher J 338

Veliyath, Narayanan M 349

Velzer, Matthew W Van 387

Verge, Cody 408

Vernier, Meghan E 376

Vernon, Reid A 395

Verones, Elysia C 347

Viar, Morgan T 389

Vicino, Dominic C 357

Vickers, Ryan M 383

Vickroy, Cameron D 33, 386

Viens, Madilynn E 376

Vigil, Ryan T 415

Vildosola, Kayla 122,391,434

Villanueva, Christopher S 368, 422

Villanueva, Matthew E 357

Villanueva, Ramon A 342

Villarreal, Micah 408

Vincent, Aaron 274

Vincent, Tyler A 380

Vincuilla, Leah E 405

Vine, William B 360

Vining, Colin 314

Vivian, Coleman G 410

Vogel, Thomas J 367

Voight, Megumi 294,423

Vokes, Ethan A 414

Volk, Aaron 243,432

VonAhnen, James 247

VonOhlen, Cole L. 114,115, 378

Von Husen, Erik 50, 51,151, 259

Vonich, Peter T 365

Voort, Wyatt D Vander 381

Vorobyou, Denis 68, 343

Voron, Erik 400

Voss, Joanna 422

Voss, Timothy J16, 377

Votto, Demetra M 367

Votto, Joseph M 400

Vowell, Benjamin T 360

Vu, Martin 369, 434

Vu, Stephen M 366

WWach, Lance 331

Waddel, Katie 55

Waddel, Matthew L 387

Waddell, George A 343

Waddington, Christopher R 407

Wade, Moussa 411

Wade, Trevor A 404

Wagner, Christian E 362

Wagner, Jeffrey J 374

Waham, Chloe G 410

Waiters, Ariel 302

Waiwaiole, Jordan 79, 203

Wakefield, Stephen 47, 319

Walcher, David 294

Walford, Brian 227

Walitsch, John 206

Walk, Kolin 79

Walker, Adam D 362

Walker, Marcus 92, 353

Walker, Weston L 378

Wallace, Alicia 235,434

Wallace, Anna C 406

Wallace, Dustin A 383

Wallace, Scout T 395

Wallander, Jessica 87,415

Waller, Jack G 341

Wallerstein, Austin 259, 425

Wallway, Ryan J 370

Walmsley, James 73,108,109, 199

Walsh, Clark P 390

Walsh, Daniel M 405

Walsh, Michael T 346

Walsh, Timothy B 383

Walther, Taylor A 387

Walton, Turner B 393

Wang, ChihTeng 385

Wang, Kwo-Zong 122,389

Ward, Matthew 294

Ward, Samuel H 404

Warfield, Jeremy 223,253,433

Warner, Alexander 389

Warner, Kris E 131,356

Warner, Lillian B 407

Warner, Sarah A 353

Warren, Taylor K 372

Warzeka, Jonathan 81

Washington, Jarod 435

Waterman, Christopher 353

Waters, Patrick F 406,423, 425

Watkins, Bobby L III, 351

Watkins, Zachary 378

Watson, Andrew T 412

Watson, Bryan 190

Watson, Nicolas O 366

Watson, Randy L 412

Watts, Heather 247

Watts, Quincy 409

Watts, Tatsuki L 402

Wawrzyniak, Nicholas J 396

Weakley, Jeremiah S 343

Weatheroy, Paul 231

Weaver, Bryce A 387

Weaver, Kevin 311

Webb, Jeremy 199

Webb, Matthew R 388

Webb, Nathanael L 403

Weber, Kaila 175,464

Wedan, Steven W 416

Wedge, Robert G 374

Weed, Jonathan R 368,422

Weeger, Hannah M 349

Weeks, Charles A 373

Weeks, Dustin 362

Wehmeyer, Jackson 253, 254, 315

Weide, Spencer G 358

Weiner, Jacob 349, 435

Weingart, Margaret 254, 303

Weir, Jonathan M 354

Weisgarber, Paul 88,90, 91, 199

Weiss, Alison 369,431

Weiss, Nathan P 361

Weissenhofer, Daniel 88, 90, 397

Weissinger, Tyler 191,255

Welch, John 253

Welch, Luke A 417

Welch, Shane S 383

Weld, Evan 373

Weldon, Ryan 311

Welling, Stephen 121,354,436

Wellman, Carson L 345

Wells, Nathaniel 211

Welsh, Keenan 385,429

Weltzin, Tanner 267

Werner, Jake 349

Werling, Kaitlin 175

Werner, Kyle P 404

Wert, Kelly Ann 262

Wesemann, Jared M 409

Wesemann, Jordan S 375

West, Clay R 403

Westerfield, Zachary R 368, 424

Westland, Johnathan 227

Westmoreland, Kyle J 83, 402

Wetherbee, Nikita 436

Wetzel, Colton 360

Wetzig, John 358

Wharton, Donald L 351

Whetsel, Jenna R 354

White, Brent P 412,425

White, Cameron 63, 345

White, Jonathan T 361

White, Joshua 215

White, Melvin 255

White, Nick 108,109

White, Prittany D 342, 436

White, Seth 199

White, Zachary V 105,385

Whitehead, Jason 299,464

Whiteman, Kristina L 360

Whitener, Geoffrey S 405,431

Whiteside, Michael S 408

Whitlock, Caleb 287

Whitmire, Brandon K 413

Whitt, Kevin 283

Widener, Curtis R 366

Wiese, Connor J 345

Wieser, Samuel J 359

Wiesner, Joshua A 402

Wiesneski, Hannah M 393

Wilcox, Steffan M 404

Wilde, Brandon 239

Wilhelm, Lance T 104,105, 370

Wilkens, Stacey L 412

Wilkinson, Max P 355

Will, Jonathan I 391

Willett, Esther 396,420

Williams, Alec 114,239

Williams, Alexander P 398

Williams, Arthur X 345

Williams, Caitlin 243, 355

Williams, Cory 270

Williams, Dake E 350

Williams, Grant 388,425

Williams, Jacob P 399

Williams, Jeremiah G 406

Williams, Joshua 9, 348

Williams, Kamryn 64,373

Williams, MalcolmJ 411

Williams, Mark 263

Williams, Matthew B 360

Williams, Patrick 423, 463

Williams, Ralph 401

Williams, Robert L 375

Williams, Ryan 235, 425

Williams, Sean M 415

Williams, Steffen M 365

Williams, Stephen 376

Williamson, KylieJ 389

Williamson, Maloupu L 397

Williford, David L 377

Willson, Emily A 24, 409, 427

Wilmer, Meredith 374

Wilson, Austyn 67, 358, 436

Wilson, Brianna M 395

Wilson, Cassie 99

Wilson, Catherine 259

Wilson, Charles 365

Wilson, Coryn 243

Wilson, Dustin R 344

Wilson, Eric 96, 206

Wilson, Garret J 404

Wilson, Haley P 398

Wilson, Joshua 40, 331,377, 428

Wilson, Justin 299

Wilson, Kody 311

Wilson, Paul 25,46, 219

Wilson, Robert P 385

Wilson, Ryan R 400

Wilson, Samantha M 351

Windham, Ron 263

Windley, Christopher T 355

Wineman, Amanda 307

Winkler, Derek 323

Winkley, Micah 400

Winstead, Michael R 348

Winter, Kelvin 211

Winterlin, David W 394

Wioncek, Joseph 403

Wirsch, Todd A 369

Wise, Josalynn L 111,400

Wise, Kevin R 71,364

Wise, Lee F 404

Wiseman, Jacob 267

Witt, Reid A 410,421

Wittman, Jordan 37, 294

Wizo, Matthew 44

Woemer, Emerson P 385

« Wofford, Kristin E 353

Wojdan, Michael 183,464

Wojtkiewicz, Craig M 347

Woldt, Weston 191

Wolfsmith, David L 345

Womack, Garrett D 346

Womack, William C 377

Won, Daniel 187

Won, Pascal 371,430

Wong, Edward 253, 291

Wong, Enoch 187

Wong, Jacob S 411

Wong, Jessica M 372, 424

Wong, Matthew D 391

Wong, Michael J 368

Woo, Victor 353,433

Wood, Edward S 408

Wood, Spencer G 386

Wood, Zachariah J 348

Woodard, Calvin 183

Wooden, Scott D 338, 422

Woodford, Nathan 427

Woodford, Nathaniel 343

Woodruff, Joshua D 372

Woods, Matthew 133, 327

Woodside, Dustin 247

Woodward, Trevor M 23, 401

Woolfoik, Michael 207

Woychak, Christopher M 407

Wright, Alexander 299

Wright, Anthony 81, 175

Wright, Katherine 239

Wright, Samantha 279

Wu, Honghao 414

Wu, Lance 211

Wurster, Aaron B 366

Wurth, Michael F 364

Wyall, Hannah L 402

Wyant, Andrea L 355

Wyatt, Kelly 315

Wyler, Victoria R 398

Wyman, Keith A 299

Wyngarden, Meagan 178, 422, 464

Wynn, Matthew M 406

Wynn, SethS 387

Wyst, Amy L Vander 398

YYam, Michael 364, 426

Yanez, Samuel R 397

Yang, John 398,420

Yarian, Ashley C 387

Yeaste, Joshua 31,219, 420

Yee, Brian K 417

Yemane, Michael S 378

Yi, Charles 385

Yi, Jennifer B 349

Yi, John 430

Yi, Jonathan 294

Yielding, Richard 243

Yin, Taixuan 404

Yok;in, Marie E 371

Yokley, Benjamin 379

Yon, Jac M 339

Yoo, Hyun M 142, 347

Yoo, Jihwan 253, 274

Yoo, Patrick H 373

York, Ben 95

Yoshimura, Stephen 287

Youd, Nathaniel V 362

Young, Joshua N 395,436

Young, Kaleb K 366

Young, Laura N 366, 421

Young, Mitchell 323

Young, Paul 402,421,425

Young, Reggie 389,436

Young, Roman T 406

Young, Ryan 331

Young, Shannon 122, 434

Young, Steven 105, 347

Young, William 291

Yount, Richard 362, 433

Yuan, Shuai 387

Yuen, Rachel C 400, 431

ZZacher, Ryan T 366

Zadalis, Aaron 311

Zahn, Justin S 151,391

Zaiser, Benjamin D 84, 360

Zaki, Sebastian F 376

Zalar, Paul J 397

Zaldivar, Andrew 47, 370

Zambrano, Joshua 50, 51,253, 271,429

Zamora, Adriana 364

Zane, Eric 243

Zartman, Tara 75, 355

Zavislan, Stefan M 393, 427

Zeagler, Mark E 365

Zeigler, Jay 295

Zeitler, George 349

Zeitlin, Zachary J 360, 424

Zemko, Charles R 343

Zen-Ruffinen, Lionel 105

Zeqollari, Angie 319

Zettler, Matthew T 348,422

Zhang, Pamela Y J14, 368

Zhong, Zheng 175

Zhou, Jie 389

Ziegler, Caleb K 391

Ziegler, Kyle 331

Zielinski, Cooper J 374

Zilli, Tony H 391

Zonino, Peter 92

Zotto, Daniel M 386,425

Zoufaly, Sean L 350

Zubey, Alex 191

Zuniga, Alexis B 340

Zupancic, Matija 253, 327

Zurita, Alfredo G 410

Colophon Polaris Vol. 54

Body Text: AWPC Palatino

Captions: AWPC Optima

Headlines: AWPC Bracken Bold, AWPC TimesBold, AWPC Braddon

Bold, AWPC Unitedland Bold, AWPC OutoftheFridge, AWPC Futura

Bold, AWPC Alice Bold, AWPC Starved Bold, AWPC Sleepwalker Bold

The 2012 Polaris was produced and printed by Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, MO, with Greg Stimack Sr. and Greg Stimack Jr. as company representatives. Walsworth designer, Debbie Evert, was responsible for the theme and page designs. Brad Milliman handled editing and writing responsibilities. James “Kimo” Rush was an editor and served as advisor to cadet writers and photographers. Maureen Welch supervised the production process as Chief of Cadet Wing Media.

The cover binding is Premium Rich Matte Black, 9" x 12" trim size, 160 pt. pre-tempered binders board.

A specific class photo was mounted on the cover surrounded by a raised embossed panel. One clear silk screen of the theme graphic is included. Each book’s spine, theme, book name and raised border around the mounted photo is hot foil stamped in navy foil.

InDesign CS5 and Photoshop CS5 was the software used.

A total of 4,500 copies of the 2012 Polaris were printed.


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