Modern Gymnast - January/February 1963

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JANUARY-FEBRUARY,1963 - -. . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CDOUBLE EDITION) -~------~-------------::::3


... n.



Your School's Physical Fitness Program Begins With The All New


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American Athletic 路 Equipment Co. JEFFERSON, IOWA -

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NEW PORTABLE RING FRAME Here 's a su'perbl y designed ring frame that can be set up in the gym wherever horizontal bar floor plates (Olympic specifications) are located . It el iminates the dependency on overhead beams or supports . The construction of this frame is of a special oval-shaped tubing in five easy-to-assemble sections that are strong and completely stable . Heavy rubber pads on the bottom prevent slipping and the four guy cables have standard turn-buckles and the other two have instantaneous turnbuckles for tension adjustment. Special steel fittings . Adjustable web straps attached to the cables support the wood rings at heights from 73Y2// to 98Y2 // from the floor . This new ring frame offers the top-notch performance required by champion gymnasts and meets all Olympic specifications for competition. Interested in more information~ Write :



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3 B.G. 211 DEMONSTRATOR & USED EQUIPMENT Unit . Description Price Mat Cove r, 22 '''22' vi n ylgood con di t ion ............................... 65 .00 Parallel Bar Rails, 10' new, slightly warped ........ ................... 19.95 Parallel Bar Rails, 11' -6" steel core, demonstrators .................... 40.00 Official Climbing R o pes, l S'manila No. 282, ll lightly u sed .... 14.00 Twisting Belt No . 415, demonstrator' .................. 75.00 Horizontal Bar, Combined No 180 w/floor pl a tes (reg. $150).... 90.00 Officia l Parallels No. 151 with 11'- 6" rails ....................................... . ·10.00 Ensolite Mats , 5',,10'''1'' GOLD (Reg. $117.50) ................................. 75.00 Trampoline, Offit'ial-Flashfo ld w /we b bed, "ab les, and roll e r ~tands, d e monlltrator (Reg. $510) ............... .................... 395.00 Trampoline B e ds, 6'''12',,134'' SAMPLES, never u se d, (Reg. $165) ..................... 100.00 Trampoline S a fet y Pads 15 .00 Trampoline Pit Fram es , 9',,15 ' Like New ..... .......................... 39.00 Tra mpoline Spottin g Rig.... ...... ... 50.00 Gymnastic Pants No . P -56 (co tton) Slightly ~oiled (reg. $5. 80) State in~eam length .... .................. 3.00 Gymnastic PantR NO. P-57 (knit) Slightly soiled (reg. $9.50) State inseam length ..... 5.00 All He'm s F.O.B'- San Pedro, Galif. and subject to 'prior sa le. Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Items GYMNASTIC SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. 250 W. SIXTH ST.


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There's quite a difference in gymnastic apparatus and you'll see this difference if you compare Nissen Medart's new nickel-chrome line with ordinary gymnastic apparatus. Gleaming, maintenance-free nickel-chrome finish, strong oval-shaped steel tubing construction (in place of cast iron), finger tip adjustment, easy portability, and traditional Nissen Medart performance make this new line your best buy. Nissen Medart gymnastic apparatus conforms to Olympic specifications, too. Can you afford less than the best when it costs no more than ordinary apparatus?








~". . . .§ . 1963


Nos. 1 & 2

Volume V

Notes From The Editor ... ... ..... ..... .. ....................... ... 5 Chalk Talk .. .......................... ........ ....... ......... ..... .. .. ... 6 7 Personality Sketch ... ..... ..... ... ................. ... ... .. .. .. . Gymnasts, Coaches and Enthusiasts ... .. .. ... ...... .... ... ..... 8 Report From The President of The USGF .. ... ... ....... ... .. 9 The United States Gymnastic Federation ...... .. ........... . 11 USGF Directors Report ... ......... ......... ... ........ ... .. .... ... .. 14 1964 Me n' s Olympic Compulsories Exercises ............ 15 Report From Germany .. ... ................................. .... .... 16 Canadian Pan-Am Trials ...................... ............ .. ...... .. 18 National Gymnastics Clinic .... ..... .... ...... ........ ............. 19 Western Gymnastics Cl inic .... ... .... .. ..... ... .......... .. ....... 22 Puppet Federations or Union of Puppets ........ . .... .. . 26

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.. USGF and WNGA Report ................. ...... .•.... ....... ...... 31 Interscholastic Gymnastics ........ ...... .... ....... .... .... ....... 32 The Little Trojan ..... ..... ............. ............... ................. . 34 Helpful Hints ... ..... ............. .......... .... ...... .. ........ ......... 36 Gymnastic Gimmicks .. .. ......... ................. .................. 38 Modern Gymnast Index ..... .. ........... ..... ......... .......... . .40 Junior Gymnasts of America .. ..... ...... ...... .... ...... ... ... .. .42 Competitions Results ......... ......... ... ......... .. ...... ... ........ .43 Letters ..................... .... .. ....... .. ............ .... ...... ... ......... 44


The United States ;-VOLU




There is a big battle going on today in the Gymnastic circles of these United States of America. It is not ·a battle to decide who will control the top gymnasts or competitions or one of sanctions and eligibility, but one of people in the grass roots of Gymnastics raising up all over the country calling for a program of training and help. This is the reason for the birth of " The United States Gymnastics Federation." The USGF was not formed to " take over" from another faction, but to go beyond the antiquated limitations of the past and press forward to the goal of "Gymnastics For All." Therefore, it is not a revolution, but a natural evolution of a nation looking up and preparing itself to take its rightful position as a strong nation of physically fit Americans, and a respected power in the world of Gymnastics. .





THIS EDITION : We present the structure and reports from several officers and members of the new UNITED STATES GYMNASTI CS FEDERATION . .. Report on the top gymnasts of 1962 ... National and Western Clinic Highlights ... Special Ballet Scholarships Instructional hints and build it yourself apparatus .





NEXT EDITION: Further reports of progress from USGF Director, Frank Bare concerning people and places he has seen and visited in his initial fact findin g tour of U. S. Gymnastics . . . Planned compulsory Trampoline and Tumbling Routines for Men and Women at the First USGF Championships June 13th in Chicago . . . More reports on World Gymnastics . . . Further new ideas and physical education articles by A. Bruce Fredericks . . . And a new series of Gymnastic and Keep Fit Articles for women by Margaret Korondi .


Cov er Artist : Don (Putt) Putnam at work Cov er. Don. on ex-circus acrobat was the great trampoli ne .performer Tomm y Parris. free lance art work along with instructing Art Center .

on the New M. G. last partner of the Dan is now d oi ng at the Los Angeles


.. ......... Publ isher


................... .. Editor

FEATURE CONTRIBUTORS: Frank Bare , Dr. Josef Gohler, Herb Vogel, Tom Malo ney, Grace Kaywell, Bud Marquette, A. Bruce Freder icks, Jim Fark a s, Norman Barns, Rich Harr is and Robert Bohl.

THE MODERN GYMNAST is published in the U.S.A. b y AMERICAN Physic al FITNESS Research INSTITUTE, Inc., nine issues f or $3.00, SOc th e singl e copy. All pictures and manuscripts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage are included . Pub lished material becomes the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST. Copy r ight 1963 by AMERICAN Physical FITNESS Research INSTITUTE, Inc ., 410 Broadway, Santa Monica , California .

We have not waited for subscriptions to build up to warrant these new improvements in the Modern Gymnast. We have gone ahead on faith to bring you the kind of M. G. you have asked for - "Bigger and Better than ever." We have not just told you what we could do or would do. We have done it. We have shown you what we can do . . . Now we challenge you to do your part ... If this is the kind of M. G. you have always wanted then get out and do something about it .. . Support it! If you are in Gymnastics, a Physical Education student, teacher or in anyway connected with a Physical Fitness Program you should be a subscriber to The Modern Gymnast and see to it that every Library and Institution in your area also subscribes . . . Take up this challenge and Go Forward with Gymnastics and The M. G.


PHYSICAL FITNESS IS NOT A FIFTY MILE HIKE .. ! By Glenn Sundby Physical Fi tn ess is not a fifty mil e hike once in a lifetime any· more than most F itness tests without a program are much more than statistics. A fifty mile hike unl ~ss train ed for and practiced with certain regularity only proves the extent some people will go to be a local hero, foll ow a fad or jump on the publicity bandwagon. These once, in a lifetime escapades do however demonstrate the need fo'!: a good personalized Physical Fitness program and the tremendous capabilities of st ress and stra in th e good Lord has endowed in our physica l be in g. I sin cerely doubt that when Teddy Roosevelt set up the sug· gested Marine test hike in 1908 that he expected them to come stumblin g or fall over a predetermin ed fini sh line blistered and p.xhausted ready for a hospit al or rest camp. I'm sure it was more likely that he expected these physically well trained Marin es to be fit and ready for battle if need be. While on thi s subj ect of fitn ess and tests the same conditions you may set up for a ri gger, lumberj ack or telephone lineman may not necessarily apply to a concert virtuoso or a bookkeeper, anymore than yo u might expec t a c!raft horse and a race horse to perform the sa me, Cardiovasc ul ar , respiratory and general well being yes, but not power, speed or agility. Whether house·wife, laborer or executive, one of the real tests of fitn ess is to be able to complete the regul ar tasks of the day and still have energy and condition to do more. If you are u sin g 100 percent of your capabilities at your job you are workin g too hard. You had better get out and join a gym, do some regular home fitn ess exercises or take part in a vigorous sports activity. It just makes sense, if yo u can double yo ur fitn ess capability then your regular work will be twice as easy, or half as hard whichever you may prefer. To cite a personal exam ple on this subj ect of fitn ess, let's go back to December 1949. At that time I was performing in an acrobatic act with my partner and sister at the Shorham H otel in Washin gton, D. C. Our act was working regul arly and had been for yea rs performing difficult routines and trick s th at reo quired better th an average feats of strength and coordinati on, (even for an acrobat ) so I felt I was in pretty good condition. It was under this illusion that I decided to prove somethin g or other by wa lkin g down the steps of the Washin gton Monum ent on my hand s. Well, I made it and got front page pictures in the Washin gton papers and coverage in n ews media across the country. I even ended up in the Sunday co mics in " Ripl ey's Beli eve it or ot" section. What did all thi s prove? It proved to me th at I was neither fit or tra ined for thi s stunt. When I fini shed my hike down 858 stairs (eq uivalent to a fifty story buildin g), I was achin g and exh austed. In fa ct I was una ble to perform my part of our acrobati c trio to any degree of effi ciency th at ni ght or fo r several weeks to foll ow. But th at was not all , it was over a year before I co uld perform the handstand s and lift moves req ui red of me without re·occu rin g severe pa ins in my shoulder muscles. Onl y with tim e and a systemati c tra inin g schedul e wa s I able to recove r com pl etely without any fur th er ill effects. Sin ce my first trip down the monument several others ha've made, attempted and completed this same trip in half the tim e it took me, with no ill effects, th at is other th an to get arrested fo r poor taste in usin g 'a Na tional Monum ent for a publi city stunt. What wa s the d ifference, an d why d id the others do it in less time and with no appar en t ill e ffects? Just this, they train ed for it and were in shape to accomplish it. Please do not ge t me wrong. I think a fifty mile hike is a p;reat idea, in fact I feel th e sam e about a twenty or ten mil e


M .G. Ed itor walking d ow n steps of Wa sh ingto n Monument - 1949

hike. But I do feel one should be in good condition before attemptin g such a trip whatever the distan ce. I have great ad· mira ti on for Robert Kennedy and the physical fitn ess example he set and at th e same tim e I have deep r esp ect for Press Secre· tary Pierre Salin ger who realizing he was not in condition or fit for the task declined to participate. Wha t I am sayin g here has been sa id many times before, " Fitness is not a once a year test but a pa rt of your everyday life." :::




GYMNASTIC and WRESTLING SPECIALISTS Im ported Men 's ond Women's Gymnostic Uniforms Warmups and Slippers Wool - Exla" 100%-AII Way N,ylon Stretch Exlan and Cotton-Cotton Features: Pants-sewn in crease, zipper secured elastic waistband .Shi rts-secured at crotch by hooks, high tight chest cut, wide shoulder straps. Leotard-nylon stretch short or 3,4 sleeve . All colors and trim . Warmups-nylon stretch, full o r half zi pper, all colors. GYM SHOES All-purpose shoe-canvas upper, composition sole. Apparatus sho&-all leather. Absorbent rubber cut outs sewn to sole, light weight. Hand Guards-worn by Japanese World and Olympic Teoms. 269 EAST ARGYLE STREET VALLEY STREAM LI, N. Y. Sales agencies available


Persona Ii ty Sketch Frank Bare attended Beaumont High Schoo l in St. Louis, Mo ., ( 1944 - 48), was a three year letterman and Captain of the team. He received much of his early training at the Northside Y_M.C.A. and the North St. Louis Turners. Frank spent two years at St. Louis University (1949 - 50) and then transferred to the University of Illinois. Under Charlie Pond's able guidance he won the NCAA and the BIG TE J side horse championships as a sophomore, ( 1952 ) . Lettei-ed in 1953 and 1954 and was Captain of the team in 1954. Frank graduated in June 1954 ... (was voted "Outstanding Senior" of his class). After graduation Frank accepted a position as -assistant ph~s i ca l director at the Houston (Texas) Central Y.M.C.A. Uncle Sam called him to active duty in March of 1955 and there he stayed for nearly four years. Frank resigned his Commission ( 1st Lt. ) due to the ill health of his son. With his wife and three children, Frank headed back to Illinois to complete his Masters Degree. Little Frank's health guided them West to the dry climate of Arizona and so improved was his health there thaL they stayed. The Life Insurance business beckoned Frank and he was well on his way to a very successful career ifl Tucson when the Executive Committee of the U.S.G.F. offered him the position of Executive Director of the new UN ITED STATES GYMNASTIC FEDERATION. Frank's love for Gymnastics and his belief in objectives of the Federation were the deciding factors as he accepted the position of Executive Dir. of the U.S.G.F. on January 7th, 1963. The challenge which the Federation has lain in front of Frank is a great one and with the help of the many dedicated persons connected with this wonderful sport ... I know he will give it his all to help make it the organization that it is intended to be. .::.



Frank and his wife Vera .

Frank Bare with USGF officers Dick Clau sen, Donald Baydston , Glenn Sundby and committee members Irwin Volze and Charlie Pond , in Santa M onica, Califo rnia, accepting position as USGF Director.

President H . Bruce Plamer of Mutual Life Ca., presenting Frank with a special award in 1962 .

Frank with his you ngsters, Becky 9, Cydney 7 , and little Frank 5.


lItnite~ ~tutes

otymnustirs 1Jfe~eratinn

Executive Offices: P. O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona fRANK L. BARE, Executive Director

EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE President DONALD N. BOYDSTON Athletic Director Southern Illinois University

Vic ..President, Men GLENN SUNDBY 410 Broadway Santa Monica, California

Vice.President, Women BUD MARQUEnE 262 Coronado Ave. Long Beach, California

Se,re•• ry.T, •• surer

M. R. CLAUSEN Athletic Director University of Arizona

MEMBERS CHARLES CALHOUN 1872 Orchard Hurst Cleveland, Ohio JOE GIALLOMBARDO New Trier H.S. Winnetka, Illinois CHARLES POND Gymnastics Coach University of Illinois HERB VOGEL Flint Jr. College Flint, Michigan . CHET PHILLIPS Gymnastics Coach U. S. Naval Academy

To Gymnasts, Coaches and Gymnastic Enthusiasts : All of us connected with the sport of gymnastics feel in our hearts that it is, without a doubt, the most challenging activity in which humans may participate . Who can imagine an ultimate routine . . . one which could never be surpassed? The fact that each year we see finer performances, better organization and more performers leads me to believe that we have not even begun to tap the resources of the youth of our nation. It is unfortunate that we appear to be at war with any other group as such, for indeed we are not. If a war must be waged by members of the federation it should be directed against the lack of program and the lack of providing information that have held us back in the past. Every group, every organization and every individual who can express a real concern for the advancement of the sport and act in a way which clearly demonstrates this concern, is needed in the U.S.G. F. We must all carefully weigh the job that faces us and be sure that if we are united in effort and ambition, for the good of the nation . .. that we will solve individual problems at the same time . May I encourage you to look at the over-all picture and simultaneously concentrate on developing your own state programs . I will personally welcome hearing from all of you . I know the same is true for every member of the Executive Committee. It should go without saying that I would like to speak for you .. . all of you . . not making policy, not coaching the coaches, but rather to coordinate, file, process, release and locate all the information available in the world which might help each of you and therefore our entire nation to become the gymnastics power that it should be . With all of you represented we cannot fail. Gymnastically Yours . FRAN K L. BARE Executive Director U. S. Gymnastics Federation



Recently the several new sports federations formed in this country have been the subjects of some rather harsh accusations and indictments. This has been true although it is difficult to understand how anyone could be opposed to the objectives and the principles of such an organization as the United States Gymnastics Federation. Simply enough, the U.S.G.F. hopes to build gymnastics in this country so that the sport will be much stronger both nationally and internationally than in the past. We want the sport to contribute to youth fitness, to recreational programs and give us strong national teams for Olympic and world competition. Nearly all of the active organizations operating on the national or sectional level, including Turners, Sokols, high schools, colleges, universities, junior colleges, and practically all group that are actually training, preparing and spon路 soring gymnasts in this country are supporting the U.S.G.F. in one way or another. There can hardly be a cry of "power grab" or "you are insulting the President of the United States" merely because it is their aim to make this wonderful sport avail路 able to so many more people and build national prestige. Actually, the opposition can be traced back to a few isolated and insecure people who are unwilling to join a truly democratic effort as represented by the federations, so that all interested persons can make a contribution to the gymnastic movement in this country. We feel that Jim Farkas in the publication American Turner Topics of November-December, 1%2 made some extremely pertinent remarks and we take the liberty of quoting a few here. "The AAU (the Amateur Athletic Union) has a past history of about 74 years. During this time it has represented U. S. international interests in gymnastics, along with basketball, boxing, handball, track and field, swimming, weight lifting, volleyball, ice hockey, judo and some other competitive activities which have no international popularity (like horse-shoe pitching, baton twirling, codeball, etc.) " These sports, under the jurisdiction of the AAU, :were drifting along with the times before the Second World War. And since U. S. trackmen steam rollered the international competitions-assuring overwhelming all-around victories -nobody was really questioning the administration of U. S. sports. "World War II changed all this carefree drifting. Due to the fact that the Soviets recognize the political potentials of every segment of human culture, the term 'athletic excellence' has absorbed new meanings . .. in the early 50's we had despised and ignored the Soviet effort to dominate world athletics, we came to realize that this contest was no longer just athletic but also significantly political, and also that something must be done about it. "By this time U. S. trackmen were matched man-to-man with scientifically prepared Russian athletes and had little hope to balance the heavy defeats in other sports, while the USSR gained dozens of gold medals in gymnastics alone, beating us with ever-increasing margins.

"U. S. athletes were deeply hurt in their pattlOtlc pride and a spontaneous upsurge of improved training efforts followed. In all sports, but especially in gymnastics (which has been neglected for decades) rapid gains appeared in quality as well as in quantity. Besides the still-sleeping primary organizations (like Turners, Sokols, etc., who have long retreated into a protective shell of isolation from the outside sport-life with an aim to preserve the old gymnastic culture) first the colleges, and following them . . . the high schools of the nation have awakened to appreciate the superior gifts of gymnastics. They had the kids from the Turners and from other primary organizations, but they followed new methods, new and up-to-date techniques. "Everywhere coaches and teachers inquired about methods and information, but there was no organization or authority to provide the essential and needed help. The AAU held itself above all plebian business, sitting in an ivory tower, claiming rights without duties. "The National Association of Gymnastics Coaches was the only organization with enough strength, vigor, professional knowled ge and militant determination, to fight for the right of gymnasts. It directed its executive officers to prepare plans for the formation of an independent gymnastics federation .. . Representatives of the NAGC toured Europe this summer (during the Gymnastics World Championships in Prague) and established contacts with European gymnastics federations. Their activity included intensive study of the various European gymnastics organizations to gain information about ways and means to crea't e an independent gymnastics authority. The idea of an U. S. Gymnastics Federation received the enthusiastic support of the European federations, who have long opined that gymnastics in the U. S. could not rise from mediocre backwardness without its own independent federation. The AA U was aware of the situation and attempted to smear and discredit the efforts of the NAGC representatives (showing their questionable loyalties to their countrymen) , but at the 41st Congress of the F.I.G.-the dominant one- the NAGC discreetly did not attempt to sit in, even as observers. "The AA U continues to smear and discredit these new federations. Not only in the U. S., where it is well known to all who is the real villain, but abroad where if (AA U) is the sole (self-authorized) representative of many U. S. sports, thus dishonoring U. S. athletes. But the AA U's fate is already determined, as it always happens when the will and the , rights of the peo ple are opposed and suppressed by tyrants, who hold no legal authority. The honest endeavor of the U.S.G.F. will succeed-to the benefit of all concerned." Actually, Mr. Farkas has capsuled why those people in this country, who are genuinely interested in the complete 9

program of gymnastics, have banded together to form the United States Gymnastics Federation. For far too many years gymnastics in this country have languished. We are far behind the Russians and Japanese and are struggling to hold a place with the second level powers in world gymnastics. Let's look at what the U.S.G.F. has as its objectives and then ask what men or organizations could possibly oppose such a program. First, the U.S.G.F. is interested in developing a continuo ing educational gymnastics program for both boys and girls of all age groups. Another important objective is to unify and coordinate the efforts of all agencies interested in furthering gymnas· tics, allowing all interested parties to have a hand in the development of the sport in the United States and internationally. There will be creation and maintenance of research projects that will benefit · all parties interested in gymnastics. Provisions are being made for a clearing house and distribution center for coaching aids, literature, films and research materials collected from sources both in this and other countries. We wish to establish effective means of communication whereby coaches and athletes will be informed of the latest developments and techniques. We will have an annual series of gymnastics clinics. We intend to maintain records and disseminate informa tion pertaining to all phases of gymnastics. We will train and certify competent gymnastics officials. Also we will raise funds and administer finances in gymnastics and finally as a logical and natural result of such programs in this country, which would have the cooperation and support of practically every active gymnastics group, we would expect the U.S.G.F. to regulate and control all international competition as a member of the Federal International Gymnastique. We honestly cannot see how anyone who has the best interests of gymnastics and the United States at heart can be opposed to such a program. For these reasons we can't help but be both optimistic and enthusiastic about the future . of gymnastics in the United States.


DOUGLAS R. MILLS Director of Athletics, University of Illinois The Federation movement will make gymnastics a nationwide sport, rather than one which is centered and dominated in the New York area. Under the Federation, there will be more democratic administration of gymnastics, with consideration being given to the wishes and ideas of participants and coaches. The sport then should thrive in this nation, and there will be hope that we can successfully compete internationally in the foreseeable future.




CHARLESS.CALHOUN National Physical Education Chairman, American Turners Gymnastics handled correctly can stimulate the public interest no end. Who knows, we might eventually, bring back into focus the teaching of Physical Education from the ground up by competent, dedicated teachers who are well versed in the fundamentals. If the shcool systems would cooperate in the primary grades, on up through the junior arid senior high years, the prospective gymnast, having received the elementary rudiments, will already have poise, grace and a wonderful sense of security, thereby making it truly possible for our United States Gymnasts to compete on an equal basis with the other countries, where Physical Education is taught in this manner. Let's not fool ourselves. Throwing out a basketball to a group of boys and letting them carry on from there, is not 10

Physical Education Per Se; nor is square dancing, or jumping up in the air to see how high you can touch on the wall. A person graduating from college should be required to teach more than this in order to receive a degree in Physical Education. I sincerely hope that through the United States Gymnastic Federation's proper handling of gymnastics in this country, everyone will get a fair chance, not just a chosen few. This organization has long been needed. At this time, too, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that The American Turners National Festival will be held in Cleveland, Ohio. June 19th through the 23rd. The West Side Turners are the host society. The program will consist of gymnastic competition, track and field, and cultural activities. We, the American Turners, invite those of you close enough to us, to come and witness this spectacle, which is held one every four years.




NOTE: To F ederati on Skepti cs, fr omCHET PHILLIPS Gymnastics Coach, " U. S. Naval A cade my Please ! . . . bear in mind that the U. S. Gymnasti cs Federation is an orga ni zation of organi zati ons, not one of individuals, clubs or regions. Membership in the Federation is limited to organizati ons whi ch operat e on a national basis in the promotion of gy mnastics_ Thu s, you and I are not Federation members but rather members of colleges or clubs or regions that are members of th e national organization s whi ch do or will hol d membership in the Federation. Now let's clarify your pl ace as an individual. Your voi ce will be heard in Federation pro ceedin gs through on e or more of the nati onal organizations. All you have to do is become a delegate for one of the national organizations to which you belong. This wo uld make you a member of the Governin g Council and as such yo u could be elected president. As a point of interest, Gene W ettstone is a member of the Governing Council because he represents the NA GC, Charlie Pond and I are not delegates for anyone but have been elected at large by the Governin g Council to the Executive Committee for a first-year term to effect continuity. Gene is not a member of th e Executive Committee simply because he was not elected to it by th Governing Council. Now to the state level. Every national gy mnastics organizati on that has a member in a state has at least on e representati ve on the Federation Governin g Coun cil. These delegates could all be from one state if they earn ed the right to represent said organizations. The F ederation is not set up to dictate downward ; states and lo cal areas are set up to dictate upward. I can hear your next question: How about my Gym Club'~ Th ey fit right where they've been in the past, - members of an " open" organization such as the- AAU or, in lieu of AA U acceptan ce of F ederation membership , the National Gy mnastics Association which is now bein g form ed . The unattached gymnast ? He will be certifi ed, on reques t, by the elected " regional director" of the NGA, men's or women's division . In closin g, It me say . . . Every organization listed in the stru cture of th e U. S_ Gymnastics F ederation was full y represented in Chicago on 8 - 9 December except where the organization itself had not yet decided its own committment. The charter organization s that were there claim no special status and the door is wide open to all other organizations when they decide their courses of action. There is no need for skepticism or alarm on anyone's part unless they oppose the federation movement in its entirety, and if that is the case we can only hope the progress and forward action of the F ederation workin g for the good of Gymnastics, will pro ve itself i~ tim ~ to y,?ur sa tisfa ction .




Operations Formal operations of the United States Gymnastics Federation began at the Chicago, Illinois inaugura l meeting on December 8, 1962. A committee on Committees was selected (Gene Wettstone-Chairman, Georg~ Szypula, Hal Frey, Paul Fina, Pat Cullen, Herb Vogel , Cliff Fagan, Ja:k MacKenneth, Ed Morkowsky, Jake Geier, Andrew Doyle and Gordon Maddux) and they are appointing members to the following committees:


(I) Membership (2) Education (3) Rules, Records and Eligibility (4) Finance S~ONO PRIN11HG

(5) Legal (6) Men's Technical (7) Women's Technical (8) Judges and Officials Certification (9) Foreign Relations & International Competitions

WHAT IS THE UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION? The United States Gymnastics Federation is a federation of national organizations dedicated to perpetuating and stimulating interest and participation of the American people in gymnastics.

The United States Gymnastics Federation was formally inaugurated and officers were elected at the organizational meeting held December 8:9, 1962 in Chicago, Illinois.

SANCTIONS The United States Gymnastics Federation will provide sanctions upon request to the office of the Executive Director.

Foreword The United States Gymnastic Federation has been established to perform services and exercise functions which have often been neglected or given little considerat ion in the past. One of the most important of these is to provide an organization that can represent and coordinate the efforts of schools, colleges, armed forces and the many fine gymnastic groups and clubs for the purpose of making gymnastics a leading Americnn sports activity. The USGF feels those organizations that provide the facilities , equipment, and teaching personnel, and the athletes themselves should make the decisions as to how gymnastics programs should be organized and administered in this country and abroad. The USGF does not feel that any single organization, no matter what tradition may dictate, has the right to make such decisions. The concept of sports federations in this country was born of this basic premise and the USGF is the outcome of many years of hopeful planning and thoughtful anticipation for the time when gymnastics could be given equa l emphasis and be considered of eq ual importance with other olympic and interna tional sports. Our objectives indicate that most of all we are interested in the development of our youth. It is our belief that for the future, if we are successful in programs for our young people, we will in variabl y be successful on the national and international level. DONALD N. BOYDSTON President

Additional operating committees may be established by the execu tive commi ttee.

Committees Suggested areas for consideration by the committees are: MEMBERSHIP

The committee on membership shall consider all applications, determine classification of membership, and keep appropriate records. There shall be two types of membership: active and associate. EDUCATION

The committee on education shall be responsible for Youth Fitness materials, Research, Public Relations, Clinics, and Official Publications. RULES, RECORDS & ELIGIBILITY

The committee on rules, records and eligibility shall keep necessary historical records, and be responsible for eligibility rulings. FINANCE

The committee on finance shall investigate and suggest procedures for raising adequate funds. LEGAL

The legal committee will work with legal advisors in areas involving federation responsibilities. MEN'S TECHNICAL

The men's technical committee shall be responsible for technical aspects connected with men's competition, compulsories, and meet procedures. WOMEN'S TECHNICAL

The women's technical committee shall be r~sponsible for technical aspects of women's competition, compulsories, and meet procedures. JUDGES AND OFFICIALS CERTIFICATION

This committee shall be responsible for testing, rating and certifying all U.S.G.F. Officials. FOREIGN RELATIONS & INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION

This committee shall be responsible for international competitions and tours. 1T

(11) To establish effective means of communication for transmis· sion of useful ideas, whereby coaches and athletes will be informed of the latest developments and techniques in gym· nastics.


(12) To give prompt attention to valid suggestions of how to improve the conduct and administration of gymnastics in the United States. Inter-


Scholastic Division




*(l) N.F.IS.H.A.A.





(0) 'nte,-

(4) N.C.A.A.

(13) To establish an annual series of gymnastics clinics.

Na!'!. Gym.


Service Sports Council


Allied Organ.




N. J.C.A .A.


II) Sw;ss Turners

Athletic Trainer!

(I) N.A.G .C.


N.H.S .G .C.A.


(II ~oko l III American

I A.M.A.

President's Counc~ on

W.N .G.A.

(14) To malntain records and to disseminate information pertaining to all phases of gymnastics. (15) To train and certify competent gymnastics officials. (16) To finance improvement in the sport of gymnastics and to raise money for that purpose.

Sports Committee I

T urners






This membership shall be open to all national organi· zations which actively engage in the technical aspects of gymnastics as a competitive sport or as a physical education activity. These members shall have the power of vote in Federation proceedings through their chosen representatives.


This membership shall be open to groups and individuals who are engaged in interests which are allied with gymnastics .. These members all have voice but no vote in the Federation.

I All intarested in promotion of gymnastics




I. President 2. Vice Pres.-Men

Ma nufacturers


3. Vice Pres.-Women




4. Secretary-Treasurer



I. Membership 2. Education l. Rules, Records, & Eligibility 4. Finance

Member organizations of the Federation shall be represented through one of the following categories:

8. Judges & Officials Certification 9. Foreign Relations & International Competitions



The name of this organization shall be "The United States Gymnastics Federation".


Interscholastics Division-

National Federation of State Hi g h School Athletic Associations

Intercollegiate Division-

National Collegiate Athletic Association

b. Men's Technical 7. Women's Technical

10. Additional Committees may be established

5. Leg.1

Purposes and O bjectives

The purposes and objectives of this Federation are: To perpetuate and improve the sport of gymnastics in the United States.

(2) To stimulate the interest of the people, particularly the youth of the United States, in healthful sports participation through gymnastics. (3) To represent the United States in gymnastics as a member of the International Federation of Gymnastics and to abide by IFG rules. (4) To supervise and administer a continuing gymnastics program for all age groups for the purpose of stimulating interest and developing athletes through careful preparation and plan· ning, this program to utilize existing facilities, resources and coaching. (5) To unify and coordinate the efforts of all agencies interested in furthering gymnastics, and allow all interested parties to have a voice in the development of the sport in the United States and, indirectly, in international gymnastics matters. (6) To promote pleasant foreign relations through encouraging internation",l competition under the highest possible standards, to welcome foreign athletes desirous of competing in the United States and provide these athletes with the proper accommodations and training facilities at equitable cost to t he host. (7) To conscientiously plan and prepare athletes for international competition through the best available coaching, careful scheduling of workouts, and meets, and proper travel (transportation, · housing and food) arrangements. (8) To protect the interests of the United States and the athletes representing this country in international competition. (9) To create and maintain research projects that will benefit all parties interested in gymnastics. (10) To provide a clearing house and distribution center for coaching alds, literature, films, research material and rules collected f~om sources both in the United States and abroad.


Representation of Mem bers

Committee on Committees




There shall be two types of Federation membership:

Armed Forces-

Inter-service Sports Council

National Gymnastics Organizations-

N.G.A., Swiss Turners, Sokols, American Turners, W.N.G.A.



Allied OrganizationsAssociate-

N.A.G.C., H.H.S.G.C.A., AAHPER Athletic Trainers, A.M.A., President's Council.on Fitness, manufacturers and all interested in gymnastics.


Orga nization

The governing Council is hereby empowered to establish and direct the general policy of the United States Gymnastics Federation and shall consist of the following: National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations National Collegiate Athletic Association Armed Forces National Gymnastics Organizations At·Large Allied Organizations Associated Groups Members of the Governing Council shall be selected by the con· stituent organizations they represent. The period of membership of each delegate shall be determined by the organization which each rep· resents; however, no representative shall serve more than eight consecutive years. Each member of the Governing Council is entitled to one vote and only the votes of delegates present at the Council meetings will be counted. A two-thirds vote of those delegates of the Governing Council present and voting is needed to increase or alter membership of the Federation or Governing Council. The Governing Council shall meet at least once a year. Special meetings may be called when requested in writing by at least fiftyone per cent of the Governing Council membership. It is required that the secretary of the Federation notify all members of the Governing Council of the place, date and hour of the meeting, ten days before the meeting is to commence. A representation of at least fifty·one per cent of the Governing Council membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The President is authorized to conduct a mail, telegraphic or telephonic poll of the Governing Council. The Secretary shall be charged with keeping a record of the voting and reporting the results of the vote in written form to the Governing Council members once the balloting has been completed. A two"thirds majority of those voting shall be necessary to adopt a motion by a mail, telephonic or telegraphic poll. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to employ an Executive Director and such other persons as may be necessary to an efficient operation of the business of the Federation.



The officers of the Federation shalf be elected annually · by the Governing Council. The officers shall be President, Vice·President (Men), Vice·President (Woinen) and Secretary-Treasurer. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Governing Council and shall call special meetings o.f the Governing Council when requested in writing by fifty-one per cent of the Governing Council membership. He shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee when, ever necessary. In the absence of the President, the Vice·President (Men) shall take his place and perform his duties. The Secretary.Treasurer shall keep records of the meetings of the Governing Council and Executive Committee and shall make an annual report of the proceedings of the GovernL'lg Council and Executive Committee to the membership of the Federation. The Secretary·Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Federation and shall submit an annual detailed report of all receipts and disbursements to the Governing Council and the full membership of the Federation. . The Secretary·Treasurer a lso shall present to the Governing Coun· cil prior to the end of any fiscal year a proposed operating budget 'for the ensuing fiscal year. ARTICLE VII- Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall be composed of four officers and five other members. No more than one of the fi ve Executive Com· mittee members may be selected from anyone member orgllnization. Each organization may nominate f our persons for membership and the Governing Council shall elect five of the persons nominated. The Executive Committee is empowered to act for the Governing Council between meetings and shall transact the business and administer the affairs of the Federation in keeping with the purposes and policies of the Federation and the Governing Council. ARTICLE VIII- Committee on Committees A committee on Committees shall be established annually and its members shall be appointed by the Govern ing Council as follows:

ARTICLE XI- By-Laws The governing. Council may adopt or amend any By·Laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution by a majority vote of the" members present and voting at any regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting called for the specific purpose of amending or adopting By·Laws. The By-Laws may provide .ior the establishment and control of gymnastics meets, the adoption of rules for gymnastics competition, and the delegation of authority in connection with such subjects to other individuals, officers or committees. ARTICLE XII -


The income of the Federation shall be levied by the Governing Council upon the constituent organizations in proportion to the number of representatives on the Governing Council. ARTICLE XIII- Resolutions L egislation may be enacted throug h resolutions not inconsistent with the Constitution or By·Laws at any regular or special meeting of the Governing Council by a majority of representatives present and voting, provided the legislation proposed is of a temporary character effective only for the time specified in the resolution itself. ARTICLE XIV -


The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the Governing Council or at a special meeting called for the specific pur· pose of amending this Constitution by two·t hirds of the delegates present and voting. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Secreta ry of the Federation at least thirty days before ' any meeting that will consider such amendments. The ' Secretary shall mail a copy of the proposed amendments to the members of the Governing Council not later than twenty days before such a meeting. A proposed amendment to the Constitution may be amended at the meeting by a m'ljority vote of the members present and voting, provided that the amendment to the proposed amendment does not increase the modifi· cation of the Constitutional provision to be amended.

Interscholastic competition ........................... two members Intercollegiate competition ............................four members Arm~ . Forces competition .............................. one member National Gymnastics Organizations ............ four members At·Large .... .. .................. one member ............................. one member Allied Organizations .... The purpose of the Committee on Committees is to present to the Governing Council a list of nominees for the various Operating Committees.


Operating Committees

The following basic Operating Committees are hereby established by the Federa tion: Foreign Relations and International Competition Committee Membership Committee Education Committee Rules, Records and Eligibility Finance Committee Legal Committee Men's Technical Women's Technical Judges and Officials Certification Additional operating 'committees may be established by the Exe· cutive Committee.


Duties and Powers

The Governing Council, in addition to the powers elsewhere pro· vided in this Constitution, is authorized to undertake the following duties and may exercise the necessary authority to complete said duties. The Governing Council may, by majority vote: (1) Impose and' enforce penalties for any violation of the Constitution or By·Laws of the Federation; (2) Remove any suspensions or remit any penalty pertaining to individuals or organizations; (3) Approve international competition between the United States and foreign countries; (4) Collect dues and monies for the Federation and expend the same. (5) Enact those necessary and reasonable provisions to c'lrry forward the purposes and objectives of the Federation.

Federation Time Table

March 28, 1963 Meeting of the Executive Committee, 2:00 P.M., Webster Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. June 13, 14, 15, 1963 First USGF National Championships, for men and women, Chicago, Illinois


P . O. Box 4699 Tucson, Arizona FRANK L. BARE Executive Director


The BERKELEY Y.M.C.A. manages to produce excellent gymnastics teams (both boys and girls) and little wonder. With the type of coaching I witnessed bein,g put forth by Ernie Marinoni and his assistan.t Ken HollIS it has to be that way. I have always been Impressed by the fine spirit and attitude of Ernie's youngsters, and it is not by chance that they develop this characteristic Ernie and Ken both set fine examples of what each youngster should strive to achieve. The BERKELEY "Y" is now producing a fine age-youth-group team and al~o placing some emphasis on Post-Graduate .gymnast~. Erme indicated he would be at the U.S.G.F, NatIOnals thIS June,


Clair Jennett , Bill Gustafson, Jim Bosco and Frank Bare .

UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT: SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE boasts the largest and also one of the finest, gymnastics coaching staffs in the U. S. Clair Jennett, Jim Bosco (now Dr, Bosco, having just completed his PhD) and Dr. Bill Gustafson round out the gymnastics personalities at SJSc. Clair insists that he does all the work, and only has problems man· aging his coaching assistants. . The U.S.G.F. will be placing a great deal of emphaSIS on the research area of gymnastics, through its Education Committee and with the help of highly qualified persons such as Bill, Jim and Clair the end product will be excellent. Clair is President of the Northern California Officials Association.


HAL FREY is still one of the hardest working coaches in the country. I dropped in on Hal to find him pouring the coal to his team in a practice session at the University of California. If every practice session is like that one, look out NCAA. Hal is assisted by JOHN OSTARELLO and both are very active in the Northhern California Officials Association.

Frank Bare between John Ostarello and Hal Frey .


I had a most enjoyable talk with MR. TOM HAMILTON, Commissioner of the ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN UNIVERSITIES (Big 6) and his very capable assistant TOM HANSON. It is indeed a pleasure to talk to someone in Tom's position who shows such interest and knowledge of the sport of gymnasctics . . . those of you in that area are most fortunate and to both MR. HAMILTON and his assistant a vote of confidence from the U.S.G,F.





I had the opportunity to talk with AMI LESO and his wife, LEA, during my trip across California. AMI has contributed much to the area's progress in women's gymnastics and in the spreading of U.S.G.F. ideals. He has conducted many clinics and classes and apparently has spent a great deal of time working with persons not involved in the area of gymnastics to help foster development of the sport . . . this is a real need. The SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION, with Gordon Maddox as President and Brud Cleaveland as Secretary-Treasurer have announced the first USGF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEET for Los An· geles on May 24-25, 1963 , . . just one week later will be the USGF REGIONAL MEET in San Francisco on May 31st - June 1st. Both meets will be a lead-up to the U.S.G.F. NATIONALS in Chicago on June 13-14-15th. The WNGA, WOMEN'S NATIONAL GYMNASTICS ASSOCIA TION is moving right along with its organization. HERB VOGEL and BUD MARQUETTE are keeping the group moving from their respective locations. Aim your correspondence at them if you need help or information. Let's not forget that our U.S.G,F. EMBLEM shows a man and a woman gymnast ... join your local organization and support your state program. We now have almost all the information on the 1964 Olympic Games .. . including hotel rates, travel information, dates and locations of the various competitions, distances from hotels to gymnasiums, etc., and if you desire any of this information write to my office and we will forward it on to you.

Mr. BRUNO JOHNKE has accepted the position of official interpreter and foreign language translation ex· pert l German and French) for the U.S.G.F. . , . we are indeed fortunate to have him with us and look for· ward to excellent translations of routines, rules, etc., from this date forth . The BEN PRICE MEMORIAL gymnastics meet was held at Pasadena City College on February 2nd, 1963. Hosted and managed by Jerry Todd, the meet was (as all of Jerry's are) extremely well run from every point of view. A fine crowd exhibited the fact that they were wellinformed spectators by rewarding the many outstanding performances with much-deserved applause. Eight outstanding competitors made up the entry list. They were the result of an earlier elimination meet. Art Shurlock and Armando Vega finished 1-2 respectively in what proved to be an exceptionally close meet. The all·around wasn't decided until the last event . . . both performers looked to be in very good condition.


ABSOLUTELY FANT ASTle! The AAU Notice No. 74, dated January 1963 begins with what would appear to be a normal, rationally expressed series of facts concerning the holding of the 1963 National AAU Championship. What happened to the writer when he reach ed item No.5, is unknown, but none-the-less item 5 represents the most fantastic announcement ever printed ..' . and I quote . . . 5. IMPORTANT: W e wish to emphasize that the AAU eligibil· ity rules will be strictly enforced. A thletes who wish to remain eligible for participation in AA U m eets, clinics, et c. and to repre· sent the United States in international competition, must be registered in their local di strict AA U Associations; compete only in those open meets, clinics and exh ibitions which are sanctioned by the AAU; and obtain a travel permit from their home district associations for competition or participation in any clinic or exhibition outside their hom e distri ct association. ANY VIOLATION OR INFRACTION OF THESE RULES WILL DISQUALIFY AN ATHELETE FOR FURTHER AMA· TEUR COMPETITION BOTH NATIONALLY AND INTER· NA TIONALLY (including competing in the Pan American and Olympic Games). HOWEVER . . . all of you should be aware of the fact that : The International Amateur Athletic Federation DOES NOT

dictate the m eets in which any amateur athlete may compete internally within hi s own country. The recently-publicized reso· lution by the L A .A.F . Congress in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Sep· tember 17, 1962, pr~sents nothing n ew. It represents an affirmation of a widely· known international rule ; i.e. that athletes from foreign nations may not com pete in this country and AMERICAN ATHLETES MAY NOT COMPETE ABROAD without the approval of the IAAF member, in this case the AAU. IT IS PERFECTLY CLEAR THAT NO INTERNATIONAL BODY IS GOING TO USURP OR IN FRINGE' UPON THE RIGHT OF AN AMERICAN ATHLETE TO COMPETE IN AMATEUR MEETS OF HIS OWN CHOIC E IN THIS COUNTRY. Every one of the n early 400 young gymnasts attending the WESTERN GYMNASTICS CLINIC is n ow ineligible. Every youngster who attended any clinic, meet or exhibition· and par· ticipated . . . without havin g a travel permit issued before·hand is now I take it, FOREVER, in eligible. In other words . .. the AA U has proclaimed that each of these child ren, regardless of their aims in attending a clinic, spon sored b y an Educational Institution, is NO LONGER AN AMATEUR. I personally would like to see one of these offi cials look at the six , seven and eight year olds wh o participated in the Western Clinic ... and explain to these youngsters why it is th a t they are no longer amateurs. This will no doubt do a great deal to foster and develop the sport of gymnastics in the United States.


4. One bac k

g i ant sw in g , reac hin g


und e r grip with rig ht hand a nd ¥., turn to r earwal'd s w in g with mixed g rip, left hand und er grip. 5. Back uprise and r ear vau lt catch to do u bl e over grip. 6. Swing fOl'lvard a nd pas:; s tra ight l eg!:) betwee n h ands a nd back kip to free

r ea r !::iuppo r t. Gernl a n g iant swing t o free


Ri:;e o n toes and swing arms for ward, step forward with right foot arms lowering s id ewa.rcl an d hop on righ't foo t step forward wi t h left foot and execu t~ round-off left o r right, and jump back with ¥., turn right or left and d ive w ith stra igh t body to forward r oll to stand. 2. Jump in place w ith ¥., turn right or

rea r support. 7. Lower bac kwa rd to bent in verted hang legs :; Iretch ed, a nd d isengaging leg:; ¥., t urn rig ht around rig'ht arm to double



s ,vingin g


f o re


a nd

exec ute back handsp ring to stand '(FlicFlac) (at point "B" facing "A" ). 3. Jump in pl ace a nd swing arms forwarel to land on right foot in horizontal scale, arms s ic1eward- HOLD. 4. Bend trunk and placing hands on fl oo l' raise (lift) to handstand-HOLD .5. Lower to neck and kip to sta.nd ,';'ith s Itghtly bent legs and then h ead kip to stand, arms upward. 6. Lower arms bending trunk a nd drop bae kwards executing back roll throug h hand stand to fro nt leaning rest position with back a rched (Su ppl e Movement): 7. Bend knee and place right leg between han ds and circle left leg under left h a nd , under right leg and under right h and B:nd c ircle with both legs and '4 t u~'n rtg ht to back leaning rest position . ,~rlth s uppl e movement execute ¥., t u rn left over left arm to front lean ing r est pos ItIon (A t point "c" facing towards



S. Be nd arms and lowe ring a bdom e n to fl oor , roll up to a h a ndstand-HOLD . n. Ben d arms and roll forward w it h s tl'aight legs to stand. Raise arms fore up wanl, a.nd s tep for ward w ith right leg lower a rm s ·sidewa.ys a nd swinging left leg forward with % turn right and raismg of arms fore upward, and lower arms SIdeward . 10. Turn to left a nd execute cartwheel to s ta nd o n left foot and lower into s ide se a le, arn1S c ircling il1\varcl. left arln ex -

tended w i th palin uP.

ri gh~

arm a long

hody-HOLD. 11. Lrnver bo dy to left and car twheel to .left to stand on left foot, '4 turn right I '~ l s lng'

a rm s s i de\vard, upwa rd, a n d jOin

\'Ight lcg to le ft leg (Fac ing toward " E"). 12. Lower

<"t rill S

r ear,,' ard, 2 or 3


d ive forward w ith arc h ed bod y, r oll forwat'd to squ a t sta.nd arms forwal'Cl str a ig hte n legs , jump forward to a h and~ sta.nd , snap


and back hands pring

back somer sault with bent body and bent legs , to sta nd. (Move m en t of anns on part 12 is optional). (Th e flool' exer cise may onl y b e r e\'ersed in its e ntirety)

uncl eI' gTip, and s" ring for\va.rd and kip to h an dsta nd,

S. One g iant swing forward and 'h turl1 to doub le over gr ip (Pirouette) .

e 1. Franl

9. Two ba c k giant swings . 10. F lyaway di s mount with a r ch ed body

STILL RINGS han g, slow l y raise

t o s tand. (T h e horizontal ba r exercise ma y be .::ilrai ght

body with slig htly bent arms to straight inverted h a n g. 2. Dend hips

and di s locate to s wing forward and f r ont uprise to straight arm s l.lDport. 3. Rai se legs to " L " - HOLD. 4. Slowly press straig ht body with s lightl y bent al'lns to h andstand-HOLD. 5. LowE'r body to s upport and cast au t with o uts tretch ed arms to hang. 6. Swing backward and inl ocate to be nt in verted hang, and hig h ba ck upr ise t o s upport and free c ircle backward to handRtano- HOLD. 7. Ln wer slowly to su pport and s tretch ar m~ s id eward to CrOSS- HOLD. S. Lower backward w ith s li ghtly bent . a 1'lns with stra igh t or s lightly be nt body tf) straight inverted hang. Bend hips a n d (I is locate. 9. Swing forward and flyaway dis mount lI'ith 'h turn right or left to stand . PARALLEL BARS

cross stand rear"ra~'s a t en d of bars, grasp end of bars ' and back s hoot-up to ' h a nd stand. 2. Swing forw ard with ¥., turn r ight or left (Stuetz - K ehre) . ~. Cast to upper arm hang. 4. Swing baclnvard nnd s h ou ld er r oll 1. ' Vith


forward. 5. Back upri se , free stradd le oy er bal's

to "L" -HOLD. 6. Slowly press s traight arm s , bent body, with legs straddl ed to h a nd stal1(l . Joi n legs and HOLD. 7. Lower to support a nd basket to ca tch. 8. and glide k ip with ¥., turn right or left to upper arm h a ng. 9. Front upri se to s upport. 10. S,ving b3clnvard to h andstand ,vith

% turn to momentary handstand on on e bar, stl'addle d is mount to s ide stand rear'vays. (T h e parallel bars exercise may b e r e yersed wholly or in any of its parts)


Vau lt No.4 as li sted in Annex II to the "Code of Pain ts": Stoop va ult from nec k: Vault bodv stl'etch ed during' IT;omen tal), stlPport, then bend the bod y 111 order to pass the straigh t and jOined legs over t h e Neck a nd then stretch the body before t h e land ing, to stand rearways .


1. Jump to hang w ith mixed g rip , left hand und er, pu ll up bending arms and s hoot (underswing) with ¥., turn right a round left a r m to double oyer grip . 2. On e giant swing to h andstand. 3. Lower to support a nd free hip circle to hand s tand . .

t" e ' "enicd o nly in its entirety) S I DE , HORSE 1. From s id estand with left

hand on neck, rig ht hand on left pommel in reve r se grip, jUI11P t o s upport with Ih turn

lef t , pas s in g both leg s over right pommel. L eft hand to rig ht pomm e l. One counter cloc kwi se c ircle to front s upport. 2. Swing- bo th legs und er right hand with ¥., tU\'ll left t o rear s upport on c ro up, ri g h t h and on croup, left h a nd on ri g ht pomm el.

3. Pass legs over rig'ht p Olnmel and %

tu rn to le ft plac i ng left h a nd on croup . Co ntinu e ~ wing- i ng legs o ve r right POlTIm e l , v ith additiona l % turn to rear s up-

port. Ri g-ht hand on right pomm el, left ha nd on cro up. 4. Pass rig-ht leg und er left hand and over t h e le ft pomm el with '4 turn left in pa ss ing- the leftl eg over the c roup and

di splacing the left h a nd on to t h e right pomm el to c ross s upp ort, (l egs str a ddled): w i Ih double und ergrip . 5. '4 turn to left , a nd pla ce right hand o n c ro up a nd pa ss left leg over left pomnlel, pa ss j o in ed legs over the c roup

and th e lef t pomm el w ith ¥., turn to left, pl ac ing right hand on left pommel. (Now in r ear s upport in saddle ). 6. Pass both legs under le ft h and, pass rig h t leg undel' ri g'ht h a nd and fro n t s c issor s to left , front sc issor s to right, pass le ft leg- und e r left ha nd and pass both legs under right hand , und er left hand , und e r ri gh t ha nd, unde r left h and. (Two doubl e leg circles cloc kwise ). (Now in r ea r s upport in s ac1<1l e). 7. Pa ss ri g'h t leg und er ri ght ha nd a nd back sc isso r to left, back sc issor to ri g'h t , pa ss le ft leg und er left hanil to f!'Ont support in saddle. S. l- 'h Double leg circles co unter clockwi se to r ea r s upport . 9. Pa ss both legs under right pomm el

a nd place left ha nd on left pommel (Trom let), and with s upport on left arm, pass both legs over th e neck and place ri gh t h a nd on th e n ec k. (Now in r ear s upport on the neck). 10. Pa ss legs und e l' left pomm el a nd with ';" turn left , pla ce left hand on th e neck, pass legs over th e left pommel (r ea r support), to rearward dis mount with 'h t urn to rig ht to le ft sid e s tand. (T h e s id e horse exerc ise may be reversed on ly in it s entirety) .


Dr. Josef Gohler

Fronk Endo

REPORT FROM GERMANY By Dr. losef Gohler Almost One and a Half Million Turners in West Germany The Yearbook of the German Gymnastik Association ("Deutscher Turner-Bund"), edited by Wilhelm LimpertVerlag, Frankfurt/Main, brings to lightsome very interesting details concerning the life of the 7,699 West Ger路 man Gymnastic Clubs. The most interesting: There are at least 1,453,271 Turners of all ages, who train their body for health or competition. 740,000 (about half) are less than 19 years of age. Three clubs have over 3,000 members, 16 more than 2,000 and 122 have over a 1,000 members. But only 10,000 are modern artistic ' gymnasts, training for competition: and mastership. Of international caliber are the following Turners: Philipp Fuerst, Guenter Lyhs, Guenter Jakoby, Helmut Baum, Willi Jaschek, Juergen Bischof, Klaus Zschunke, Kurt Friedrich, Karl Michel, Klaus Schafer, Laszle Scakacsi, Werner Becker, Gerhard Kern, Herwig Matthes, Karl Banzhaf, and Kai-l Schwoebel. The greatest talent is Juergen Bischof, who in 1963 can reach the top masters, Fuerst and Lyhs. Rapid progress is also being made by J aschek, Matthes, Baum and Zschunke. TURNFEST YEAR 1963 is a "Turn fest-Year" for the German Turners. At Essen the Pittsburgh of Germany, 40,000 gymnasts will meet in 31 competitions and another 40,000 friends of gymnastics will visit the "Turn fest". The best gymnasts will have an Olympic match using the compulsories exercises of Tokyo. This match is open for the members of all Gymnastic-Associations invited by the Deutscher Turner Bund to this the greaest demonstration of gymnastics in the Free World. RUSIAN TOP TEN The ten best gymnasts of the USSR, who will form the elite for 1963 are according to an official publication these men : Titov, Schaklin, Kerdemelidn, Lisitzke, Makurin, Zapenko, Arkajev, Leontiev, Miligule and Gronov. It is remarkable that there is no mention of Stolbov, Stojda or Azaryan. We will therefore conclude that these top gymnasts will not train in 1963 for Tokyo in 1964. It may be interesting to know who are the best women gymnasts in the USSR. Here they are: Latynina, MUflitova, Astachova, Ljukina, Pervuchina, Manina, Ivanova, Trachelova, Filatkina and Ninoschvila. No man is younger than 23 (Leontiev and Arkajev) and no women younger than 21 (Pervuchina and Trachelowa). It is a long road to mastership in gymnastics. 16

THE WORLD'S BEST GYMNASTS OF 1962 The 1962 World-Championships at Prague was not the only matc~ where the masters of gymnastics could prove their quality. Therefore the list of Prague alone is not the real test. If we regard all the other meetings and matches of international character, including the Championships of the different countries, perhaps this will better determine the real placings of the masters of the gymnastic world for 1962: 1. ENDO-Japan; 2.-6. CERAR-Yugoslavia, ONO-Japan, MITSUKURI-Japan, TSURUMIJapan, and TITOV-Russia. 7.-11. AIHARA-Japan, YAMASHITA-Japan, SCHAKLIN-Russia, KEREMELIDA -Russia, and MENICHELLI-Italy. 12.-16. LISITZKIRussia, STOLBOV-Russia, ZAKENKO-Russia MAKURIN-Russia, and HAYATA-Japan. 17.-23. ABE:-Japan, KATO-Japan, NAGASAWA-Japan, LEONTIEV-Russia, ARKAJEV-Russia, MILIGULO-Russia, and G. CARMINUCCI-Italy. 24.-35. KAPSASOF-Bulgaria, YU LIE-FENG-China, STASTNY-Czchoslovakia AIZAWA KENMOTO, . MATSUMOTO, TAKIZAWA,' TAKADA: NAKAYAMA, J. WATANABE, all Japan, STOJDA-Russia, GROMOV -Russia and DON TONRY, USA. In the next group of 20 gymnasts, there are BOB LYNN and ARMANDO VEGA from the USA, five more Japanese, three from Czechoslovakia, two from China, BENKERSwitzerland, PRODANOF - Bulgaria, VICARDI - Italy, FOERSTER-East Germany, FUERST-West Germany KESTOLA-Finland and the old-master AZARYAN fro~ Russia. Cerar

Tit ov


(Photos by Karel Novak af Czec h oslovak ia and Alex Frankenste in of Frankfurt, Germany) Aihara

Yu Lie-Feng

In the men's area the judging des criminated effectively between performers with the final placement of the individual team members relative to their skill in performance in the trial. Unfortunately through the Canadian method of proportionment of financial grants for transportation to its various provinces and other internal' disagreements gymnasts such as Gil LaRose and Jim Hynds did not make the trials. It is doubtful that these two men would not have made the team, were they financially able to make the "far west" trek. As such the Canadians will not be able to field their best team. In a year of "unrest" in the United States this could well have been the year for Canada in all-around events. Richard Kihn, managing first places in the Side Horse and Horizontal Bar events even trough he was not yet in a state of " peak" condition, will not be able to represent Canada until his final citizenship is approved next August. With a "top" shape Kihn, a dependable and much improved La Rose and with Hynds in the six place spot would more than assist the bids for Pan American "Gold" which wiH be made by Weiler and Montpetit. By any standard, with an open minded Canadian Gymnastic Committee, Canada is on its way to a bright future in international gymnastics. Certainly there is a great deal to be accomplished in terms of drawing the country together, increasing communications, and remembering that "No man is an island." 1962 CANADIAN TEAM FINAL PAN AMERICAN RESULTS &. AA PLACEMENT MEN WOMEN

1. W. Weiler ............ 113.20 2. R. Montpetit ........111.00 **3. N. Marion ............ 107.10 4. R. Dion ................106.40 5. 1. Boisclair ..........100.40 6. B. Brooker............ ** 3rd Place in trial-R. Kihn ( N ot Canadian Citizen)

CANADIAN PAN-AMERICAN TRIALS By Herb Vogel An excess of 1500 spectators jammed the University of Saskatchewan to watch the 1962 Canadian Pan American Gymnastic Team Selections. Surviving the 34 below tern¡ perature the local Saskatoons witnessed an administratively efficient contest which pitted most of the best of our north of the border neighbors. Credit for the meets administration can be placed upon the shoulders of Canadian National Gymnastic Chairman, Chuck Sebestyen of Saskatoon. The contest and related function s and responsibilities were the true result of community effort. Weiler, with first place finishes in Parallel Bars, Rings, Floor Exercise and Vaulting outclassed the competition to win the ALL-Around. , Gale Daily, of Saskatoon, winning first places in Beam, Bars and Vaulting survived a knee inj ury to win the ALLAround. Daily, much improved over last season, undoubtedly due to the experience gained through participation in the world games, was greatly over scored by "home town" oriented judges. The exception was in the horse vault whieh a 9.6 average score was none too high. The women's judging left a great deal to be desired due to the lack of experience of officiating at a national level and knowledge concerning style of performance, technical 'composition of an exercise and application of what we in gymnastics call " artistic." This deficiency was balanced by the sincere effort of the jury to do the best job possible and a great deal of credit must be given to Saskatoon for taking the " bit in their teeth" to kindle the fire of women's gymnastics in Canada. 18

1. G. Daly ....................72.568 2. G. Sebestyen .......... 69.334 3. Mc MacDonald ........ 66.131 4. S . MacDonel ............ 66.066 5. 1. Hawo rth ............ 65.734 6. L . Krol ....................63.199 110.90

Ten (10) year old Glenna Sebestyen, ()f Saskatoon, one of the outstanding children in both the United States and Canada displayed exceptional difficulty in all events which earned a second place AA finish. Lacking the polish which comes from experience this youngster might be the "shining star" for Canada in future years. Pending a ruling by the Pan American Games Committee, subject 10' the interpretation of the FIG ruling on age limitation, Glenna might not be allowed to compete. Susan Gauvuin of Montreal would then become the 6th member of the Canadian Pan American Team.








For The Best In Gymnastic Equipment and Supplies WR I T E!



GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATES LTO. 2210 Beaconsfield Ave., Montreal, Quebec Tel. 484-5141

NATIONAL GYMNASTIC CLINIC, 1962 SARASOTA, FLORIDA By Tom Maloney The 12th Annual National Gymnastic Clinic is now history but it will long be remembered for the excellent F. I. G. Judges courses for Men and Women directed by Mr. Frank Cumiskey and Miss Marty Gable, the very interesting basic gymnastic course presented by Mr. Gordon Eggleston, the excellent appartus supplied by the Nissen Trampoline Corporation, the tremendous competition at all levels, and last but not least the absolutely perfect eighty degree weather with cloudless skies when most of the country was experiencing severe wintry weather. Actually it was hard to say which was the greatest attraction, the climate, the fine instruction, the fellowship of old gymnastic friends , or the chance to sharpen one's gymnastic teeth under the skillful tutelage of the - nation's leading gymnasts. There were over eight hundrel and fifty people in attendance as this year's Clinic opened. This included registrants from forty six states, fifty colleges, and over sixty groups from Y.M.C.A.'s, Clubs and Turner organizations. The High Schools also turned out in great force as we had a record entry for the Boys and Girls competition. The National Gymnastic Clinic Championships in all events for Men and Women witnessed ·a record entry making it necessary to have a qualifing round with the finals being held in the large Municipal Auditorium before a


AROUND: 1. Jerry George ; 2. Neil Schenk ; 3. Bill Patton; 4. Tom Donavan; 5. Ron Clemmer; 6. Bobby Fa.y. RINGS: 1. Ron Peek; 2. Jerry George ; 3. Steve R,oss; 4. Bill Patton; 5. George Vanis ; 6. Neil Schenk. LONG HORSE: 1. Jay Werner; 2. Tom Donava n; 3. Jerry George; 4, David Fisher; 5. J. Smith; 6. Neil Schenk. PARALLEL BARS: 1. Jerry George; 2. Bob Balderson; 3. Bill Patton; 4. R. Stewart; 5. Steve Ross; 6. Loyd Huval. FLOOR EXERCISE: 1. Frank Fortier ; 2. Loyd Huval; 3. Jerry George ; 4. S . Rodgers; 5. Tom Donavan; 6. Neil Schenk. HORIZONTAL BAR: 1. Jerry GeOl'ge; 2. Lawson King; 3. Neil Schenk; 4. S. Smith; 5. Bill Patton ; 6. R. Tucker. SIDE HORSE: 1. Russel Mills; 2. Jerry George; 3. Lee Cunningham; 4. S . Ross; 5. Ron Peek ; 6. Mike Boegler. TUMBLING: 1. Jim Bussolattl; 2. John Hamilton; 3. R. Clemmer; 3. Frank Fortier (tie); 5. Hank Rogers ; 5. S . Smith (tie). TRAMPOLINE: 1. F. Sanders; 2. F . Schmitz; 3. Gary Erwin; 4. W . Miller; 5. J . Bussolatti ; 6. N. Smith. ALL


ALL AROUND: 1. J:>hn Crosby; 2. R. DiNicola; 3. R. Dickson ; 4. Fred Mann; 5. David Creech; 6. Philip Naukam, 6. Peter Sielski (tie). FLOR EXERCISE: 1. John Crosby; 2. Charles Blumhardt ; 3. Robert Dick~on; 4. Rick Brillhart; .5 B. Haase; 6. Fred Mann; 6. Philip Naukam (tie). RINGS: 1. John Crosby; 2. Lenny Rubun; 3. Robert Dickson; 4. Rick DINicola; 5. Clyde Ashley; 6. Peter Sielski; 6. B. Haase; 6: Philip Naukam ( tie). PARALLEL BARS: 1. Clyde .A.shley ; 2. David Creech:; 3. John Crosby; 4. Robert Dickson; 5. Bobby Tubb; 6. Gar.y Barnett. SIDE HORSE: 1. John Crosby; 2. Robert Disckson; 3. Bobby Tubb; 4. B. Haase; 5. Jim Best; 6. R. DiNicola. HORIZONTAL BAR: 1. Rick DiNicola; 2. John Crosby; 3. Lenny Rubun; 4. Wayne Shaw; 5. Robert Dickson; 6. Jim Best.

Coach Tom Maloney presenting Johnny Crosby with the Boy s All-Around Award. Second place Di Nico la at left . (A Crosb y Photo)

filled to capacity auditorium. The 1st Pan American Trials for men and women was keenly contested with thirty entries in the Womens competition and twenty three in the mens. As a result of this competition twelve women were selected for the womens squad and eight men for the mens squad and the final trials at a later date. The results of the various competitions:

LONG HORSE: 1: John Crosby; 2. Fred Mann ; 3. Robert Dickson; 4. Charles Blumhardt; 5. Noel Paruninfo; 6. Rick DiNicola. TUMBLING: 1. John Crosby; 2. Ronnie Kenigs; 3. R. Dickson; 4. Fred Mann; 5. Philip Naukam; 6. Cris Blumhardt. TRAMPOLINE: 1 : R. Dick~on; 2. G. Huntzlcker; 3. J. Youngue; 4. J. Creech; '5. G. Barnett; 6. B. Tubb. GIRLS ALL AROUND: 1. Kathy Gleason ; 2. Janie Speaks; 3. Sherry Schaeur; 1 . Patti Corrigan ; 5. Gerrie Mc Fadden;

6. Debbie Plassiance. VAULTING: 1. Sherry Schaeur; 2. Patti Corrigan; 3. Wanda Bissell; 4. Kathy Gleason; 5. Gerri McFadden; 6. Debbie Plassiance. BALANCE BEAM: 1. Janie Speaks; 2. Kathy Gleason; 3. Genl Mc Fadden; 3. Sherry Schaeur (tie); 5. Patti Corrigan; 6. Debbie Bailey. . UNEVEN BARS: 1. Kathy Gleason; 2. Patti Corrigan; 3. Debbie Plassiance ; 4. Janie Speaks; 5. Debbie Bailey ; 5. Sherry Schaeur' (tie. FLOR EXERCISE: 1. Janie Speaks; 2. Judy Hutton; 3. Gerri McFadden; 4. Lynn Gillmore; 5. Kathy Gleason; 6. Debie Plassiance. TRAMPOLINE: 1. G. Carot ; 2. Beverly. Bauer; 3. Linda Marsh; 4. Judy Altken; 4. Kitty Grubbs; 4. Barbara Bauer, (tie).

TUMBLING: 1. Gerrie McFadden; 2. Barbara Bauer; 3. Kitty Grubbs; 4. Vicki Freeman ; .5 Lynn Gilmore; 5. Linda Ma.rsh , (tie) . WOMEN ALL AROUND: 1. Sharo n Sawitzke; 2. Barb Zweifel; 3. John Bernheimer;



Monin ;




Go~rn .

UNEVEN BARS: 1. Sharon Sawitzke ; 2. J. Bernheimer; 3. C . Monin; 4. B . Zweifel; 5. Shirley Parks ; 6. K . Mc-


FLOOR EXERCISE: 1. Andrea Hyla nd; 2. S . Sawitzke ; 3. Sally Noble; 4. B. Zweifel ; 5. Pat Duncan ; 6. J . Bern heimer. VAULTING: 1. Sally Noble; 2. S. Sawitzke; 3. B . Zweifel ; 4. C. Monln; 5. J. Bernheimer; 6. Elaine FertIg. BALANCE BEAM: 1. S . Sawltzke ; 2. B. Zweifel; 3. S . Noble; 4. J. Bernh ei mer; 5. C. Monin; 6. S. Parks. TRAMPOLINE: 1. Donna Vaughan ; 2. Sue Brown; 3. Mary Staebler.


1. Grossfeld, ·-3860; 2. Walther, 3795; 3. McClements, 3690; 4. Fuchs 3670 ' 5. Ti e ber, 3655; 6. Dunh a m 3535' 7' Corrigan, 3515; 8. Raeburn: 34%; 9: Landry, 3470; 10. Averyt, 344.5; 11. Swaetzke, 3375; 12. Scbaenzer 3·370 This is the 12 w o men squad selected for the final Pan Am trials.


A.-A. Name Floor-x Long H. Side H. H. Bar Parallel Rings Wilhelm Weiler(NE) 18.65 19.20 18.50 19.65 18.95 18.45 113.40 18.45 113.25 Gar O'Quinn 18.55 18.95 19.40 18.80 19.10 Don Tonry 19.10 18.75 18.75 18.75 19.05 18.75 112.75 Fred Orlofsky 18.15 18.70 18.85 18.7.0 18.95 112.00 18.65 18.50 Jay Werner 18.55 19.20 18.25 19.15 18.30 111.95 Abie Grossfield 18.8f' 18.75 16.95 19.25 18.95 19. 05 111.80 Jamile Ashmore 18.95 18.30 17.20 18.50 18.40 110. 60 19.25 Ron Barak 17.60 18.55 17.30 19.3!} 18.50 18.35 109.60 18.40 109.30 Arno Lascari 16.45 18.20 18.40 18.50 19.35 Joe Toth 17.05 18.45 18.00 15.75 17.70 18.20 105.15 Bnmo Klaus 16.65 18.40 16.70 16.60 18.15 104.10 17.60 Zamenik-103.40; 12. Mitchell-101.80; 13. Hladik-101.5O,; Cunningham101.15 and 15. Isabelle-100.00 . Hal Holmes and Rusty Mitchell qualified in Tumbling . .. and Gary Erwin and Frank S c hmitz qualified in the Trampoline event. The first 8 men have been selected (in the AA) for the final trials. • Canadian gymnast, not eligible for U.S. Pan-Am. Team (top score).

• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Above: Press day at Lido Beach, at left Abie Grossfeld, (Sara sota Herald Tribune Photos); Below: Muriel Grossfeld on the beam (Pal/as Journal Photol.





Above and right: Pa ll as Journa l Photos of Doris Fuchs, Janice Landry and A v is Tieber . Below : A balance beam duet photo by Jim Stolp o f Sa ll y N abJe, of East Lansing , Michigan and Barbara Zweifel of Michigan State. Sally was chosen queen of this yea r's Clinic .


By Frank Bare The Second Annual Western Gymnastics Clinic hosted by the University of Arizona and sanctioned by the United States Gymnastics Federation was attended by some 400 gymnasts and coaches from across the nation. The clinic featured competitions for all ages, and formal classes for boys and girls in each of three levels of ability. The Berkeley Y.M.C.A. group, under the excellent guidance and coaching of Ernie Marinoni dominated the boys division. The high school group was represented by gymnasts from Colorado, California, Arizona, Kansas, New Mexico and Illinois. The girls program, under the able direction of Bud Marquette, with assistance from Marion King, Bob and Charlotte Probst and a host of others, witnessed a tremendous increase in enrollment. Frank Hailand, his wife and young Danish gymnast Inglissa De Blanc made a great contribution to the clinic, after making the long trip from eastern Montana. Opening day activities included registration, lunch at the University student union building, films of the Prague Championships and an informal work-out for all followed by the clinic championship meet for men. The members of the East and West teams were selected from this competition and teams were slated for action in the First Annual East vs. West All-Star Meet two nights later. Hats off to the four coaches of the two teams, Bill Meade and Dick Holzaepfel of the East, and Jim Tanaka and Dick Smith of the West. So close were the teams in relative strength, that at the end of the first four events the team score was 32 - 32. The West emerged victorious on the better side of a 66 - 62 final score. Armando · Vega was selected "outstanding performer" and received a beautiful trophy for his accomplishments. Some 2,000 spectators thronged to see the meet, TV coverage was excellent, and all went away pleased with having seen undoubtedly the finest gymnastics meet ever held in the Southwest. A coaches breakfast was held and the guest speaker was Mr. Richard Clausen, Athletic Director at the University of Arizona . .Mr. Clausen, Secretary-Treasurer of the newly formed United 22

States Gymnastics Federation also presented the awards to the event winners during the East-West Competitions. An outdoor work-out, and picture taking day was held, and it proved to be a photographers haven as the gymnasts performed beneath the blue skies with the green grass and palm trees for a backdrop. Several hundred spectators quickly surrounded the gymnastics area and the · circus-like atmosphere kept them watching for quite a spell. The clinic had many highlights, the East-West meet, the girls exhibitions, and childrens competitions, outdoor work-outs and the excellent films furnished by the Nissen Corp., and the M. C. But from this person's standpoint the highlights of the week-long gymnastics festival were the excellent teaching performances turned in by so many of those in attendance. Joe Giallombardo, Bill Meade, Dick Holzaepfel, Jim Tanaka, Art Shurlock, Armando Vega, Jon Culbertson, Marshall Claus, Don Carney, Larry Snyder, But Marquette, Mafion King, Irwin Volze, and the names could go on and on. To them goes the biggest trophy and the largest medal and above all the sincere thanks of all of the youngsters who attended this Second Annual Western Gymnastics Clinic, for they are the ones who made it the wonderful event that it was.

WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES AT WESTERN CLINIC By Bud Marquette Approximately 150 girls, young ladies, coaches and par· ents participated in the womens division. A large number of these were new comers to the gymnastic scene and their deep desire to help one another was indeed gratifying to watch. The instructional staff was with out a doubt the finest ever assembled for a clinic in the United States. Forty minute class sessions were conducted each morning with emphasis being placed on the free ex and tumbling ses· .sions. Both Mrs. Marion King (Texas) and Frank Hailand (Montana) doing a tremendous job. Other competent in· structors were, Martha Tsucheya and Vada Crable of Northern Calif., Mrs. Palas, Mr. Rod Hoeltzel, Mrs. Young· Women 's Instructors and Gymna sts in fr o nt of Women' s Gym .

ren, Mr. Speraw, and Mrs. Stell way of Southern Calif. Mrs. Kent and 'Betty Jones of Arizona, Mrs. Gerry Krezenecky of Berwyn, Ill., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Probst, Riverside, Calif., Mr. & Mrs. Jess Robinson, Burbank, Calif. Every afternoon, coaches and participants viewed gym· nastic film and held open discussions in regard to their own gymnastic problems. The girls performances in most events were good, but again noticeably weak in vaulting and un evens. Many of the girls showed tremendous future potential. The girls competition was divided into four age groups. (results included) Missing from the scene this year due 10 previous committments were Coach Ross Black and his group of girls from Lovington, New Mexico. A fitting climax to a grand clinic was the invitation by the Directors to have three of the top girls perform during the mens East· West Championships, Judy Trammel, Paula Crest and Ingelesa DeBlanck never performed more beauti· fully and for a most appreciative audience of some 1500 spectators. Judging and spotting sessions were conducted at the close of each day, attendance and interest shown far ex· ceeded the Director's expectations. Judging for the first time after being qualified and selected were Mr. & Mrs. Fuller, Mr. Solomon, R. D. King, Betty Jones and Pat Bonner. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Probst had the direct responsibilities for the function and compiling the statistics of all age group meets, most ably assisted by such competent scorers as Mrs. Solomon, R . D. King, Mrs. Cluff, Mrs. Marquette, and Mr. Gilmore. As a project that progresses we also have our growing pains. Knowing that all of them will be taken care of in the future, we look forward to a grand and glorious year of women's gymnastic activities and the 1963 Western Gymnastic Clinic. My deepest thanks to all who helped make the 1962 Western Gymnastic Clinic a success.

FIRST ANNUAL EAST YS. WEST GYMNASTICS MEET By Glenn Wilson, Meet Manager The first East vs. West meet was a unique competition in several ways. The coaches of the two teams chose a team in a draft session which they felt would give them the strongest bid. Most of the draft choices were made on the basis of the tournament held the first day of the clinic. Bill Meade of Southern Illinois and Dick Holzaepfel of the U. of Iowa were coaches for the East while Dick Smith of Oregon and Capt. James Tanaka of the U. S. Air Force Academy were coaches for the West. The final team score at the close of this exciting meet was West 66 - East 62. 1400 fans were anxiously waiting for the results of the meet in which the .West took an early lead but were o"ertaken after the H. Bar event at 32·32. Once again the West took a commanding lead with first and second place in Long Horse, and first and third in Parallel Bars. The score at this point was West 53 and Amanda Vega, top scoring gymnast at Clinic.

Camp Directors, East-West Coaches and Teams.

East 43. But the East was not to be denied as they roared back with inspired performances from Garber and Wolf on the Rings. Score, East 55 - West 57. So, the outcome of the meet rested with Tumbling, an event that saw three performers doing a double back and also one triple twist. Fittingly, Butts of the West and Millman of the East tied for first place, but the overall depth of the West proved to be too much. Final score, West 66 - East 62. At the conclusion of the meet the four coaches met to pick the outstanding performer. Armando Vega was chosen for this first Flamingo Hotel A ward for outstanding per· formance in the East vs. West competition. The individual winners of each event were; THE INDIVIDUAL WINNERS OF EACH EVENT WERE:

Floor Exercise Trampoline Side Horse Horizontal Bar Long Horse Parallel Bal's Rings Tumbling

Vega, (Wes·t) .......................................... 9.3 Millman, (East) ....................................9.45 Doty, (West) ........................................ 9.65 Shurlock, (East) .................................. 9.7 Vega & Fujimoto, (West) ................ 9.6 Vega., (West) .......................................... 9.55 Ualis & Wol,f (East) ........................ 9.55 Butts, (West) & Millman, (East) 7.85

AGE GROUP GYMNASTIC MEET AT THE WESTERN GYM CLINIC DECEMBER 27, 1962 By Ernest Marinoni-Meet Director As has been our custom to break our Boys into 3 groups -Grade School, 11 years and under-Jr. High, 12 to 14 years and High School. 49 boys were divided into the 3 aged groupings. The all· around winner of the 11 and under was Jim Ward of the Berkeley Y.M.CA., who also was 1st in Side Horse and P. Bars. For second place there was a tie between Craig Notten and Jeff "Tiger" Roda of the Berke· ley Y.M.CA. Also very impressive in this division was 7·year old Billy Smith of Sacramento, the winner in free ex. We will be hearing more about him in the future. The Jr. High School division (a very outstanding group that will be making history for us in the future) was won by Mike Sullivan of the Berkeley Y.M.C.A., who just had his 12th birthday. Mike was first in five events and second in two. Mike is a strong boy, who will be making his bid for national honors in the near future. In this division he was closely followed by his team mates Howard Hardie and Kirk Edwards also of the Berkeley Y.M.C.A. The final scores being 63.5 and 57.2. It was nice to see more boys doing better routines on the appartus. In the High School division, Richard Impson of Phoenix, a repeater who won last year was outstanding performer, winning 3 first places and scoring 2nd in two events. Rich· ard showed real improvement in his performance and rou· tines. Placing second was Gary Demial and third was Stoney Grishman. Our thanks to the officials for this meet-Jim David, U. of Wash., Steve Southwell, S. F. State; Angelo Festa, new coach at S. F. State, Danny Millman of Burbank; Ken Hollis, Berkeley Y.M.CA.; Don Robinson of Colorado and Martha Tsuchia of Berkeley Y.M.C.A. 23

:;YMNASTICS CLINIC nes from the Clinic: Above, Honeymooners, y s winners, Danny Milman in a triple piked of practi ce, competition and fun at this ern Clinic in Tucson.


A UNION OF PUPPETS An Open Letter to Those in Women's Gymnastics By H. Vogel Puppet Federations or a Union pf Puppets . . . this is the charge and counter.charge of the much publicized AAU - NCAA ocnflict. Though top level committees hammer away at the problem of control and general opinion is being mounded, ,we-the people this issue affects most must be of open mind, analyze the true problem as it relates to gymnastics and then determine what will be the best for the future health of our sport. A recent letter from AA U headquarters, specifically Bulletin #29, dated Decembeqr 14th 1%2, and signed by Stephen M. Archer, secretary of the AAU, encouraged this open letter to you the women's gymnastic community of the United States. This letter began, "Request you urge all members your association and parents athletes all sports to write or telegraph President Kennedy supporting AAU position against NCAA." Unfortunately I did not know the AAU position but that of course did not foster much of a problem for the bulletin went on to state, "We must get across our view to President Kennedy and to the press in each locality immediately. Only by tens of thousands of letters and telegrams can we prove that our loyal workers are solidly supporting the AA U. Keep in mind: The NCAA is actively trying to destroy the AAU." Had I been the puppet, in the true sense of the term, I would have responded fully, unthinkingly, to the "pull of the string." Instead, with pencil in hand, I reread the above mentioned bulletin and took the editorial license to underline a few phrases which I found needed a bit of clarity before I could form an opinion. Underlined were the phrases "our view" and "prove that our loyal workers are solidly supporting the AAU." Certainly there are thousands of workers promoting, on a voluntary basis, sports of all types for the love of the association with athletics and what they inherently represent, not for the prime purpose of supporting some controling body. The term AAU could be substituted by terms such as TCAA, WPA, FIG, NACP ... if those groups wished to assume control and credit for every ounce of effort and every drop uf prespiration which represents individual gymnastic growth throughout the nation. Solid support is not for a governing body such as the AAU, nor for that matter for the NCAA, but solid sUPPClrt of the sport of gymnastics. Enclosed with this bulletin were the remarks made by Louis J. Fisher, President of the AAU at the 75th Convention on December past. I quote the opening paragraph, "The continued attacks upon the Amateur Athletic Union by the NCAA and its puppet federations are completely unjustified. Every national organization conducting a program in those events for which the AA U is the recognized governing body has representation at all levels from the bottom to the very top. There is absolutely no reason for new federations unless it is to tum control over to a professional group to exploit for their own benefit. They hav芦: made glib promises and thrown up a lot of smoke screens to impress the uninformed. However they don't fool anyone who is knowledgeable in amateur athletics." Being a solid member of the "uninformed" I could list some "completely unjustified" attacks with the premise that I can't "fool anyone who is knowledgeable in amateur athletics," but instead of being negative lets take a more positive approach. What does a "puppet federation" mean to you, a woman in gymnastics? It means that the NCAA has put up the "gold" to enable the gymnastic community to step out of confusion and clear the path for positive thinking, plan路 ning and dynamic development. Through this financial 26

assistance, the United States Gymnastic Federation, which officially came into being December 9th, 1%2, is called a "puppet federation" of the NCAA. We must realize that neither the AAU, in its 75 year history nor the NCAA, with its fantastic men's collegiate sports achievement record, have little concern or little to offer women's gymnastics-past, present, or future. This top level AAU - NCAA battle of brain, "bootIe," and brawn will ultimately, through governmental action, be settled. When the smoke of top level friction clears and progressive programs of gymnastics for all concerned. The United States Gymnastic Federation shall not be a "puppet federation" with the NCAA as puppeteer nor shall it be a "Union of Puppets" with a complex of "string attached" appointed positions. The USGF makes no glib promise when it states that it will be democratic, with all positions elected from the rank and file of all national organizations promoting gymnastics. This is mere constitutional fact. The most important example of equal representation to those of us in the women's area is the recognition gained for women in the administrative structure of the USGF. The annually elected officers of the USFG are: President, Vice-President for Men, Vice-President for Women and the Secretary-Treasurer. The fact that for the first time in the history of the sport have women been placed on a true equal level with the men and that the position is elected from the ranks of the newly organized Women's National Gymnastic Association gives stature to the ' federation movement. The Women's National Gymnastic Association, fertilized by the current strife, has and is organizing each area of the United States right down to the city level. Take Michigan, as a sample WNGA organization. Each city with existing gymnastic programs have organized women's committees. These city committees will send their chairman and/or voting delegate to the Michigan Association for Gymnastic (MAG). In turn the MAG elects from the city delegates a President, Vice-Pres. for Men, VicePresident for Women and a Sec.-Treas. This Women VP heads up the State womens gymnastic committee and is the State of Michigan representative to the Regional meeting of the WNGA. On the Regional level, of which Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa form Region IV, a Regional Chairman is elected to coordinate the affairs of the four state members and as such carries the city, state and regional message to the Sectional Meeting of WNGA. The' USA being divided geographically into four sections, Eastern, Central, Midwest, and Western find Michigan ill the Central Section. Each Section elects through its three member Regions a Sectional Chairman. The Four Sectional Chairmen and the elected Vice-President of the United States Gymnastic Federation become the Women's National Gymnastic Association executive body. In addition the Women's Division of the USGF is composed of each of the 11 Regional Directors, its 4 Sectional Directors and their elected National VP of the USGF. This is the meaning and the worth. Seventeen men and women will conduct and promote through an unlimited number of city committees and chairmen, 50 state committee chairmen, recommendations etc. the progress and advancement of Women's Gymnastics in the United States. Every club or organization, every city, every state, each region and section having eqqual, elected representation in the national organization. THIS NATIONAL ORGANIZATION, THE WOMEN'S NATIONAL GYMNASTIC A..SOCIATION, a division of the United States Gymnastic Federation is THE FUTURE OF WOMENS GYMNASTICS IN THE UNITED STATES. The foundation upon which it is built is the tradition and heritage of the past-based upon the 75 years of success and ,failure that the AAU has had in gymnastics. Its present- is the conversion of a structure of iron into a structure of steel-governmental arbitration. Its future lies merely in our good faith, self respect, and how deeply you and I believe in Democracy.




4. THE WAIST TWIST (Trims waistline). Stand with feet 10" -14" apart, arms at side horizontal position. Turn from waist to your left swinging arms to the left too, continuously turn to the right. Repeat 16 - 32 times .

6. TUMMY EXERCISE (Good for muscle toning and tummy flattening and for better posture too). Sit on floor with straight legs . Bend forward, touching toes , bounce four times than slowly roll down on your back. Lie flat, relax and then sit up. Repeat 5 - 16 times.

8. KNEE RAISING (Especially good for abdominals and thighs ). Lie 011 back, lift your head and shoulders slightly, support yourself with arms . Raise right knee close to chest and return to starting position. Do same with left knee. Repeat 16 - 32 times.


..... ,-

and put weight resting in front slowly, hold for position. Repeat

12. RELAXING (Freshening exercise). Stand with feet 6" - 10" apart. Lift arms ov er head, inhale. Hold for four - eight counts, than drop arms down, shoulders erect in front, bend knees slightly and exhale. Repeat 8 -16 times . .

9. SIDE LEG RAISING (Firms thighs). Lie on left side, legs straight, lift shoulders on left elbow. Right arm is used for balance of your chest on floor. Lift right straight leg four counts and return again slowly to starting 16 - 32 times. Same on your right side.

7. POSTURE CORRECTING EXERCISE Lie on your back, bend knees slightly, arch, leaving shoulders and hips down. Count four, than press down buttock. Repeat 16 - 32 times.

5. BACK ARCH (Helps posture, relieves tension in shoulders and back), Sit on floor with straight back. Clasp fingers behind back and lift arms back, arch. Hold for 4 counts , then drop shoulders and relax. Repeat 16 - 32 times.

11. GENERAL CONDITIONING EXERCISE (Also firms thigh muscles). Squat, hands on floor. Quickly straighten your knees, stretch arms over head and stand on toes. Hold for four counts and return to starting position. Repeat 25 - 50 times .

AMERICAN KEEP FIT LADIES DOZEN is printed as a public service by the AMERICAN PHYSICAL FITNESS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. Publishers of The MODERN GYMNAST magazine - 410 Broadway, Santa Monica, California. Additional free copies available upon request.

10. LEG RAISING . Lie on stomach, bend elbows and put hands under your face. Lift left leg, leaving both hips and shou!ders on floor. Hold for four counts and return to starttng position . Repeat 16 - 32 times . Continue by alternating legs, left than right.







Exercises Planned and Demonstrated

3. TOE - TOUCHING (Stretches lower leg and back of legs). Stand erect, feet 10" - 14" apart, arms over head. Bend forward to touch floor between feet. Bounce four times and stand up to starting position. Repeat 10 - 40 times:

by Former Olympic Gymnastic Champion MARGARET KORONDI Consultant and Instructor with AM ER ICAN Physical FITNESS Research INSTITUTE Inc.


AMERICAN KEEP FIT LADIES DOZEN: These Exercises are especially designed to help you achieve and maintain figure contro l, increase your flexibility and improve your posture.

2. LATERAL BENDING (Corrects waistline, relieves stiffness). Same starting pos ition as Ex. 1, leaving your arms overhead, close to your ears, elbows straight, bend directly to your right side as deep as you can. Keep back straight. Return to starting position and bend to the left si de. Continue by alternating to left, then right. Repeat 10 - 40 times .


;?';. 1'"


AMERICAN KEEP FIT LADIES DOZEN: We believe these simpie exercises practiced da ily will start you on a good program of personalizecl PHYSICAL FITNESS.



1. STRETCHNIG EXERCISE (Relieves tension and stiffness). Stand with feet 10" - 12" apart. Lift arms over head, try to reach up with left arm, then with right. Can be done on toes or with heels on the fl oor. Repeat 16 - 32 times.


by Herb Vogel

ADVANCED UNEVEN BARS BACK KIP or GLIDE BACK SEAT CIRCLE An analysis of the top 6 World Game routines finds these moves. Both illustrate excellent timing, change of direction, and give class to any routine.





BACK KIP: Although both movements illustrated give the same impression the back kip is more difficult, requiring greater skill of performance. Points to Stress: #1) Power glide to obtain forceful swing. (#2-4) Look back w/head at #2 helps the straight legs under the bar to fold into a tight kip pos. as quickly as possible. This keeps hips above or parallel to bar (A) to obtain max. swing. (#6) Press on bar with straight arms, press down from the shoulders as body is extended (slight arch) elevating legs and hips above level of bar. (#7) fold to tight kip pos. (#10) extend body sharply lifting chest and head, rotate hands to top of bar, follow this action with lift of legs, bend of hips, pull of the straight arms. draws the body up and over the bar to free L support rearways.

~~~ ~ 1~ c( ~,/\i!~ 5








GLIDE-BACK SEAT CIRCLE: Points to stress-same as to #4 above. (#5-7) Shoot over the bar to support rearways by pressing down with the straight arms, elevate the chest and extend the legs and body (#8) Lift legs and fall backward with straight arms to tight kip pos. (#9) Keep bar tightly under the hips as hands rotate to top of bar (#11) Arch sharply pulling bar up under seat and raise head, chest and legs to L support. SEE NEXT ISSUE FOR TEACHING HINTS FOR THESE ADVANCED UNEVEN BAR SKILLS



Gymnasts By Grace Kaywell 3 Tanglewood Court '" est Palm. Beach. Florida

In recent correspondence with my editor, Mr. Glenn Sundby, he stated that the first edition of the Modern Gymnast for 1963 would be "extra special." Therefore, the Ballet for Gymnasts article should be extra special, too_ l am happy to. report that I have the most wonderful news for you to start off our new gymnastic year, but we'll start at the beginning _ . . On March 5, 1959 I wrote a letter to Mr. Kenneth L. Wilson, President of the United States Olympic Committee. I saved a copy of that letter and from this I quote: "I was employed by the Olympic Development Committee on December 26, 1958 to teach ballet at the National Gymnastic Clinic in Sarasota, Florida_ I was told that the girls with whom I would wvrk would have had considerable ballet training. Thp.refore I created several ballet combinations going into an acrobatic trick and then ballet combinations coming out of the trick. There were only two girls at this whole clinic who could do them, one was Betty Maycock. So I revised my teaching program and taught

EDITOR'S NOTE: In 1960 when Grace Kaywell started writing for the Modern Gymnast, she received many letters from allover the world asking her advice about certain ballet exercises. Some people even wrote to her listing all their capabilities, acrobatic tricks, etc., and asked her to choreograph a free exercise routine for them. The editor has _been amazed at the response to the Ballet For Gymnqsts : series, and it seems only fitting that we tell you a little bit about Grace and her capabilities and background. First oj all, letters come addressed to MISS Grace Kaywell. Let me advise you here and now, that she is Mrs. Bernard Kaywell, wife of a prominent attorney-at-law, in Palm Beach, Florida. The Kaywells have five children. The oldest daughter Carol, has finished college, earning a BS degree at the University of Florida. She is {lOW married (Mrs_ frank J. Kelly, Jr.) and lives in Boynton Beach, Fla. The Kaywell's oldest son, John, is studying for the priesth.90d in Miami, Florida at the St. John Vianney Minor Seminary. I might add ~hat he is a Judo enthusiast and is holder of the Judo green belt. The other children are living at home ¡ and attending grade school. They are Jimmy, age 10, Jerry, age 9, and Joan, age 7. Grace has written at length in the magazine of the accomplishments of other teachers, but says no~hing about herself. Her advanced ballet training was acquired under the supervision of Constatine Kobelo// and Veronine Vestoff in New York City. Both teachers had been members of the Imperial School of Petrograd in Russia and both had at one time partnered the Preat Pavlova. Being a member of Dance Masters of America, Mrs. Kaywell had the opportunity to study with some of the leading names in the world of ballet today. Igor Youskevitch, Michael . Maule, Alexandra Dar-ilova, Thalia Mara, Andre Eglevsky, Robert Lunnon and Doreen Tempest, to name just a few. Early in her career she owned and operated six studios


only simplified technique. I SUbsequently vIewed the films of the finalists at the World Meet in Moscow_ The ballet form was obvious throughout, and several ballet steps were used. (In the compulsories for next year there is even more ballet.) Music is required for the free exercise routines_ Without exception, our girls were using just any record, not keeping time at all, and when the routine was finished the needle was then lifted off the record, sometimes even in the middle of a phrase_ To me this is deplorable. "The reason I was chosen to teach ballet at this Clinic is that I also taught at the Gymnastic Clinic in West Palm Beach in June of 1958 and have devoted all of my tea-ching to gymnastic ballet and coaching the West Palm Beach Gym Team. Mr. Ben York, supervisor of this team told me some time ago that ballet was needed for their exercises and got me interested, so that now it is a full time occupation. "In Sarasoto the coach of the men's team from Finland said he would like to join the ballet class because we in America have such "short cuts" to everything. I argued and said that it took years to develop form_ But his statement started me to think on this line and it is true . . . we do have short cuts . . . and we do have a modern approach to old techniques_" Also in my letter to Mr. Wilson of March, 1959, I said, "My girl, Gail Sontgerath, has music composed for her routine, but I don't believe it should stop there. I .mention Gail's name because she has some balletic foundation and I feel confident that because of this she will make the Pan American Finals and then you will see for yourself how this gymnastic ballet technique really works_" My confidence was justified. The rest is now history. Gail did make the Pan American Team, the Olympic Team, the World Games Team . . • and she was our National Champion in 1960. As a-result of the recommendations I made in this letter to Mr. Wilson, the Olympic ' Development Committee sent me to Kent, Ohio, to meet with the Gymnastic Committee

in Michigan's upper penninsula. Always a lover of sports, she taught ballet on ice at iron Mountain, Michigan, which city, by the way, boasts the highest artificial ski jump in the world_ if was there that Grace trained many young dancers who have appeared in the famous "Ice Capades" and "Ice Follies." When Grace taught in Michigan she used the stage name "Janis Eaton." So feaders, if you remember Janis, it is really Grace Kaywell. Sacrificing a career for marriage and the raising of her five children, Grace retired from . the ballet scene. She started coaching the West Palm Beach Gym team in ballet as a hobby, but her oldest daughter at that time contracted polio. Doctors suggessted that she take ballet lessons as therapy to strengthen weakened back muscles. That was all that Grace needed to know . Realizing that ballet teachers in this country are unlicensed, she didn't know where to send her child. She opened her own school. Subsequently, Mr. Ben York (Chairman of the United Sl'ates Women's Olympic Swimming Committee) asked Grace to teach ballet as part of his Recreation program in West Palm Beach. Grace teaches for Mr. York on Saturdays. The rest of the week is spent in training at the Imperial Studios in Palm Beach under the direction of JoAnna, whom you have read about in our magazine. Dedicated to the highest ideals of teaching the art of ba!let, it is no wonder that the Studio that has accomplished the most in the ballet world in the United States, in the shortest amount of time., has asked our Grace to be a member of their teaching staff. So .it is with confidence, that your editor, salutes Grace Kaywell! Thank you for all you have done, and are still doing for 'Our gymnasts! P.S. The polio victim? Completely recovered. Posture straight. Back strong and perfect. Another rewarding result of {{ood ballet!

concerning the use of ballet, the publication of suitable music and a ballet training manual. We had little time for a full discussion due to the crowded schedule, but the Committee did agree that a pianist should be employed to accompany the girls at national and international meets. On page 95 in the Gymnastic AAU Rule Book for 1960 you will find the ' report on music. On Page 96, paragraph 8 it states: "For competition, a pianist should be employed who will practice with and play the music for each contestant. This applies to both compulsory and optional gymnastic compositions." You will notice in the AAU Rule Book on page 94 that it states: "Free Calisthenics exercises are tending to move more and more toward classical ballet. It was noted in the World Championships that the top exercises were free of any hold positions and the style of continuous motion was very noticeable ... etc." Subsequently, I had a letter {rom Mr. George Gullack, then Chairman of the Natiorial AAU Gymnastic Committee. From this letter dated May 22, 1959, I quote: "It is regrettable that we did not have sufficient time to exchange views during our visit at Kent. However, I want to assure you that I am fully in accord and strongly in favor of the work you are doing. My observation of the performance by the Floridians during the meet prompts me to make this statement. As I have explained to many people since the meet, there is a marked improvement in the area where we needed proper instruction. You will be interested to learn that calisthenic movements for men are beginning to follow the trend already established by the women. Therefore, it is most desirable that this phase of gymnastics be taught wherever and whenever possible. Music is not yet required for the men's calisthenics, but will be perhaps, in the very near future. ' The men's compulsory exercises for 1960 indicates the new trend, and it was already apparep.t in some exercises by the Russians and Poles in Moscow last summer. Personally, I feel that there will be an accelerated demand for this type of instruction. As you probably know, the AA U is charged with the responsibility of providing our members with the latest material and exercises eminating from the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, it is not our function to teach. Anything you can do to enable our gymnasts to get on the right track of the prevailing trend will be greatly appreciated. Please accept my best wishes for your success." My next step was to find a musician who could write or adapt music suitable for the free exercise. I knew many pianists who could read music beautifully, but I wanted an accompanist . . . one who could follow the movements of the gymnast and if there was the slightest error in timing on her part, could speed up measures if necessary to give her the proper support when needed to enhance her performance. I found this person - Mr. Jay Gilbuena. He was the arranger for the late Mr. Oscar Hammerstein. He composed many original arias for free exercise and arranged scores of familiar American music to fit the Olympic timing requirements. These were all done to a minimum time of one minute to a maximum of one minute and thirty seconds, with variations. I asked the Olympic Committee to put these on the market, but I had found out that it is not their function to do this. I had to find someone in the business who could market it for us. Mr. Bob Kimble, president of the Kimbo Record Company, seemed to be the ideal person for this job. Mr. Kimble evidently thought the idea was tremendous, but he decided to go ahead without Mr. Gilbuena's arrangements. Therefore, the records he produced are not the original ones intended and in my opinion do not fulfill the need of the really modern gymnast. I'll have to keep trying, 1 guess, to find a record company to make this available for us.

Inspired by all of this encouragement from the officials, I will continue plugging away in my efforts to help gymnasts. I am above the petty jealousies and disputes that plague our sport. I want to help gymnasts. We must have a short-cut to ballet if we hope to compete with countries who support a complete program, which includes ballet. There is definitely a short-cut, a new American approach. This has been proven by Imperial Studios who trained Miss Claudia Cravey (story in the July-August 1962 edition of the Modern Gymnast) in a record breaking three and a half years. At the age of 13 she appeared as guest artist with Ruth Page's Chicago Opera Ballet Co., thus becoming America's youngest dancer to play leading roles with a recognized major ballet company. This highly personalized and revolutionary approach to ballet is the very short-cut needed for gymnasts. Money has always been a problem in our sport, so we needed a benefactor ...

WE HAVE ONE! Mr. Frank J. Hale has donated six scholarships for gymnasts to study ballet at Imperial Studios under the direction of Joanna and her teaching staff. Mr. Hale will house you at his Academy Royale. He evens plans to hire a chef to take care of your dietary needs. You will have the oportunity of working at Mr. Hale's famous theater, The Royal Poinciana Playhouse, which has always brought a dazzling group of stars to study under the direct suervision of one of America's greatest ballet teachers and learn all the professional secrets that make a performance great. There will no longer be any "guess." You will learn all the elements of timing, breathing, body placement, drama, show business "sell" and all the little tricks of the performing arts. It is yours for the asking. Write your qualifications to the editor of the Modern Gymnast. If you are in the senior division, male or female, and have placed in a championship recently, let us know. If you are or have been an Olympic or World Games team member and wish to take advantage of this remarkable training . . . let us know. Our first scholarships will start this summer. Apparatus will be available. ,No doubt you will be wanting to know who is Frank J. Hale? Why is he making gymnasts eligible for his Academy Royale Scholarships, and just what" is it all about? Frank J. Hale is a man of vision, and integrity and has a deep devotion to his fellowman. He is the President of

Imperial Studio teacher Cynthia demonstrates how to get an ex tra-stretch in ,the split by lifting the back leg. Directing Miss Kno x is Joanna , watching are : Mr . Bob Cummings, Mr. Frank J. Hale and teaching staff Mrs . Richmond Dodd, Grace Kaywell , Marie Hale and Linda Hand.


the N-ational Yeast Company, Inc. He is the founder and President of the American Society for the Aged, a research organization dedicated to making life on "this earth healthier and happier for all of us. He is widely known in the Palm Beaches and in this country for his generous contributions to worthwhile charities. The Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws was recently bestowed upon him by the Institutum DiVi Thomae of Cincinnatti, Ohio, in recognition of his numerous humanitarian contributions and untiring efforts on behalf of mankind. Frank J. Hale is also a showman_ He has known and been associated with all phases of the theater as a performer, director and producer. Without his globecircling "connections and friendships, his dynamic energy not to mention his strong financial backing, neither the Royal Poinciana Playhouse, nor the Academy Royale Theater Inc. would have become a reality. _ THE ACADEMY ROYALE THEATRE, INC. The Academy Royale Theatre, Inc., is a non-profit educational foundation established by Frank J. Hale in 1958 for the purpose of developing a program for the performing arts which would make Palm Beach one of the outstanding cultural centers of the nation_ The immediate aims of the Academy have been two-fold and may be best summarized by the words performance and training_ In the area of performance The Academy has made possible the presentation of two notable original work.s. THE PRINCESS, a full length ballet with score by Mario Bragiotti and the Libretto Choreography by JoAnna demonstrated that work of great originality could be produced in Palm Beach before a highly di,scriminating and appreciative audience. In 1961 the Academy 'made the facilities of the Playhouse available to the THEATRE GUILD AMERICAN REPERTORY CO. for the preparation of three plays which were sent to Europe by our State Department. The value of this service to the performing arts in our country may be summed up in the statement of the Theater Guild's Lawrence Langner when he said . . . "without a theatre plant like the Royal Poinciana Playhouse at our disposal it would have been virtually impossible to prepare a project of this scope."

. , , I

Since it has been the firm belief of its director that no cultural project is complete without an educational commitment The Academy has included training goals for its program. In pursuit of this aim, to date, over $11.500 has been given in ballet scholarships utilizing the outstanding and unique ballet and dramatic training method.s developed by Ted and JoAnna Kneeland at their Imperial Studios in Palm Beach. The use of these new methods for their ballet scholarships program has been fully justified by the outstanding success already enjoyed " by the first group of scholarship recipients. These include Miss Victoria Leigh, Miss Donna Rae and Mr. Ted Kivett, now with Lucia Chases's American Ballet Theater. And of course, Miss Claudia Cravey was a scholarship student. Mr. Hale knows that the gymnastic performance of our athletes can be vastly improved by this already proved ballet program. He is bringing it to you, an honored group of six, at no cost to you. Recognizing that its accomplishments to date represent only the beginning for a performing arts program- which have tremendous far reaching significance, the Directors of the Academy propose the following: 1. The continued sponsorship of production projects which will bring new and original dramatic, balletic and musical works to Palm Beach. 2. A continued and expanded scholarship program which will serve to train young people for the ever-increasing demand for excellence in the performing arts. 3. The development of a self-perpetuating fund which will meet the financial needs of this program. 4. To combine the purpose of performance and training in such a manner that we may create A FESTIVAL OF THE PERFORMING ARTS as a continuing attraction for one of the most exclusive and cultural communities of the world: Palm Beach, Florida. In conclusion, I wish to add that Mr. Hale is aware of the fact that you are amateurs and must maintain your amateur status. He intends to assist you in any way he can to improve your performance as gymnasts in national and international meets. Let's all get together and work for the best gymna&tic performance yet in 1963 by submittin~ your applications for admission to this six-member scholarship program.

ROYAL 1111 \ 1 RE .INC.

REPORT BY BUD MARQUETTE Vice-President, V_S_C_F_ Women's Div_ A directive is being prepared to serve as a guide and reference with recommendations for state, regional and sectional officers_ This guide will be available to all coaches, schools and associations very shortly_




The first federation national championships will be held in Chicago on the 13, 14, and 15th of June, 1963_ There will be two classes of competition, "Elite" and "Class A." The " Elite" competitors will use the 1964 Olympic compulsories and the "Class A" group will be using the 1963 Pan-Am compulsories. Copies of these routines are now being prepared by the U.S.G.F. office and will be mailed out upon request.



The Women's National Gymnastic Association . CWNGA) has been formed and national officers have been appointed for the iriterim 'period. Serving in this capacity until a complete slate of officers is elected at the Federation Championships in Chicago, June 13 - 15 are: Eastern Section-Mr. Browne Wrona , Beaver Falls, Pa.; Central-Mr. Inskip, Flint, Michigan; Mid-West- Mrs. Marion King, Dickenson, Texas; and WesternVada Crabbe, Berkeley, California. Mr. Herb Vogel of Flint Michigan will serve as President of WNGA during the interim period.

In the next issue of the M. G.:a comple te listing of all WNGA personnel will be published including Sta te and Regional Chairmen . . . Li sting of the mem bers of the U.S.G.F. Technical Committee . . . The recommended appartus specifications for the U.S.G.F. girls and Women's pro gram. For further information, write: U.s.G.F. Execu tive offices, P. O. Box 4699, Tu cson, Arizona; or to me, Bud ·, 262 Coronado Ave. , Long Beach 3, California.




Events wil follow F.I.G. Rules, There will be no compulsbry events. There will be three women judges for each event. Free Exercise, 1 - 1'h minutes with music. Balance Beam, 1'h - 2 minutes with no music. Trampoline, 1 routine with 10 bounces·. Side Horse Vaulting, two different vaults. Uneven Parallel Bars, one routine . DRESS: All gymnasts must be in leotards; tights and shoes are optional. All entries close at midnight, March 22, 1963. Mail all entries to: Dr. Blanche Drury, San Francisco State College, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco 27, California. RULES:


WOMENS IN.V ITATIONOL GYMNASTIC MEET Sponsored by Girls and Women's Sports, California Association for Health, Physical Education a nd Recreation; San Francisco State College Women's Recreation AssociationSaturday, March 30, 1963-10 :00 a.m. 1 :00 p.m., Gym 200. Classifications:

Junor High School-7th-9th grades Senior High School-lOth-12th .. EVENTS:

Free Exercise, Tumbling, Trampoline, Balance Beam, Side Horse Vaulting, Uneven Parallel Bars. Anyone may enter the All-Around eve nt in h er classification . All Around includes: Free Exercise, Uneven Parallel .Bars, Balance Beam and Side ' Horse Vaulting. ENTRY FEE: SOc per school


U.S.G.F. WISCONSIN GYMNASTI CS CHAMPIONSHIPS - 1963 FINAL RESULTS Men's High School W.I . A.A. 1. Boys Tech Milw; 2. Menomonee Falls: 3. Custer !\iilw. ; 4. Bay View Milw. :5.


Men's Novice Divisi o n

1. George ';Yilliams of Chi cago.

Men's Junior Divi sio n 1. Wis. State La Crosse;

2. Marqu et te; 3. George ' Vill iams of Chicago. Women ' s Novice Divi s ion

1. Chicago Turners; 2. Milwauk ee Turners; 3. N . W. Turners of Chicago; 4. Blue Islan d Turn ers of Chicago; 5. McKinley Y.M.C.A. of Champaigne, Il1.: 6.

Sheboygan Turn ers.

W omen's Junior Divisi o n

1. Milwaukee Tur'ners; 2. Y.lVLC.A. of Champa igne, Ill.


Women 's Sen io r Division 1. Turners, Milwaukee;


2. Y.M.C.A. of Champa ign e, Ill.






1. U.S.A. divided into four sections: Eastern, Cemral, Mid·West, and West. 2. Each section is then divided into three regions, with the exception of the West, whi ch will only have two . (But will include Alaska and Hawaii). 3. Every state where possible to have a state chairman, who is then responsible to his (her) Regional Director. The four Sectional Directors are directly answerable to the U.S.G.F. Vice-President (women) and the W .N.G.A. Presiden t. 4. The U.S.G.F. Women's Technical Committee will be compiled of the followin g: Chairm an- U.S.G.F. Vice-President (women). ViceChairman- W.N.G.A. President. Committee Members- (4) Sectional Directors ; (1) At· Large ( member U.S.G.F. national executive committee); (I) At-Large {from each of the other national constituent organizations who are members of the U.S.G.F. including the ALLIED DIVISION- Note : organizational chart. 5. The official delegates in the Women's Division meeting at least once a year at the National U.S.G.F. Convention would therefore include U.S.G.F. Executive Director (member ex-officio), U.S. G.F. Vice-President (women), W.N.G.A. President, four (4) Sectional Directors, eleven (1I) Regional Directors and the At-Large Women's Technical Committee members. 6. Every state in the union, each region and section will have equal representation and a voice with vote in the U.S.G.F. through their elected and appointed officials.

Winning Sr. and Jr. Girls Gymnastic Tea ms from the Milwaukee Turners.




WES, Region X


Mi.n ne sota

Vermont Massachus etts Rhode Island New York

Ne,,' Hampshire 'Viscons in

Michigan Iowa.

Montana North Dakota South Dakota Wyoming

Washington Idaho Oregon Alaska

Region II Pennsylvania

Region V

Region VIII

Region XI

Ohio West Virginia Ne\v Jersey


Missouri Illinois Indiana Kentucky

Neb raska Colorado Kansas Oklahoma

Dela\vare Region III

North Caro lin a South Ca.rolina Georgia

F lorida

Region VI

Arkansas Tenn essee Alabama Mississippi


1\T evada


Arizona Ha,vaii

Region IX

Ne,v IVl exico





INTERSCHOLASTIC GYMNASTICS EDITOR'S NOTE: The two articles which follow describe ideas for interscholastic gymnastics and their organization. One describes a method for organizing a beginning competitive situation in an area where there has not been a strong gymnastic program. The second describes the organization of league competition in a city school -system where gymnastics has been an established ac tivity for many years. Competitive interschool sports under proper supervision and organiza,tion are art important part of the total physical education curriculum. We are recommending here that gymnastics should have a place in the competitive picture but often does not because of scheduling conflicts in many schools. Wrestling, basketball for boys and girls, swimming as well as gymnastics are often mentioned as Winter sports. Since the above average gymnast will want to keep in training all year, why not schedule the sport during the Fall or Spring? At these times the demands for indoor space are not as great and many gyms may actually stand idle. Another suggestion for those who are r eally energetic is that prac tice sessions might be scheduled an hour or so before school opens. This has been tried in a number of schools who report they have found this to be very effective. One of these schools has even prgyided breakfast for the participants at very little cost.

PART I-Values of the Standard Exercise System For Interscholastic Competition Competitive gymnastics in Delaware has been slow get路 ting started. The activity itself is new to many Delaware physical educators and so we might describe the State as a newcomer to the gytnnastic scene. Since this is the case, there is a wonderful opportunity to organize for this sport taking advantage of the knowledge and experience of others who have conducted competitive gymnastic programs for many years. The suggestion below for standardization in interschool gymnastics has two distinct advantages : 1. The leaders of a specific geographic area in which gymnastics is at a common stage of development may "feel the pulse" of this development and recommend standard exercise movements which are appropriate to the gymnasts involved. The specific standard movements for each event may be so selected that they actually motivate a higher level of performance. These elements are then periodically evaluated and if a higher level of performance has been demonstrated, the sta~dards may be raised accordingly. This is somewhat true of the F.I.G. rules. The standards are so high, however, that they are not siutable for local high school usage. 2. The standard exercise system also provides a sound base for judging. If specific components are met by the gymnast and his form and flow are perfect his score becomes 8.0. This provides an open end for the boy or girl who wishes to go beyond the standard. which is almost always true. In a sense this system really provides for a combined compulsory-optional type exercise. This entire system may be adapted to the conditions of international (F.I.G.) judging in which the gymnast is given a score according to specific rules- rather than arriving at his score by comparing his performance with others in a single meet. A great deal of attention must be directed towards the problem of training judges. In places where gymnastics at the competitive level is just getting started, there will be very few, if any, judges available. If judging is poor, it is very likely that a negative situation will develop in which the sport will suffer losses rather than develop into full bloom. It is our thought that the simplest method


M. G. feature writers Grace Kaywell and Bruce Fredericks discussing gymnastics at National Gym Clinic, Sarasota, Florida .

of judging should be sought in which a novice judge will not be discouraged or be tempted to disassociate himself from the sport. Specific methods for handling this problem have been discussed in recent issues of the M.G. ("Let's Modernize Gymnastic Judging," by G. V. Bauer, July-August 1962; "A Better System of Judging Gymnastics," by A. Festa, Nov. 1962) The authors have suggested a team approach to judging. Thjs makes sense. The novice judge can concentrate on one aspect of judging rather than attempt an all inclusive evaluation. Other experimental techniques should be attempted, to further ease the burden in this area of weakness in our sport. (As developments occur, they will be reported in this column) . The standard movements reported below are suggestive of the type which may be used in an area where interscholastic gymnastics is beginning to get a start. GYMNASTIC COMPETITION FOR PUBLIC . HIGH SCHOOLS IN DELAWARE The following suggestions are made in hopes of arriving at a standard by which gymnastic competition may be judged in an area where there has been little or no gymnastic competition in the past. In all of the events listed below, certain movemen'ts have been isolated which are at a level which can be reached by High School gymnasts in our area. The order in which the movements are listed are of little importance. It is merely suggested that these movements be used as a basis to judge a standard gymnastic performance and if they are well done a score of 8.0 would be awarded. It is hoped that these standard movements will be surpassed by gymnasts in our area within a short period of time. At that time the standards can be reevaluated and new standards set. The term, "Olympic" as used here only indicates those events used in international competition and shouuld lIot be interpreted to mean an advanced level of performance. It is suggested that competition in gymnastics be limited to Olympic events with tumbling being an optional event. There is also a possibility of sponsoring trampolining as an optional event when it is more widely accepted by the schools. Free Standing (Free "X", Free Calisthenics) Boys-Must demonstrate rhythm, strength, balance and agility. Girls---Rhythm (selection of suitable music for an exercise), balance, agility, three ballet movements, back walkover. Tumbling (Boys and Girls) Forward handspring, backward handspring Horizontal Bar (Hi Bar; Boys orily) Kip, hip circle backward, hip circle forward, one-half giant circle either grasp Parallel Bars (Boys only) "L" position (hold 3 sec.), front and rear uprise, kip or cast

Uneven Parallel Bars (Girls only) Bounce hip pullover, hip circle backward, Mill circle forward, cast off dismount Side Horse (Boys only, pommeled horse) Single leg circles left and right, simple tromlets, gymnast uses all three sections of the horse during his exercise, loop mount or its equivalent Side Horse Vault (Girls only) Stoop vault Still Rings (Boys only) Straight arm support, straddle off, uprise back or front, one strength movement Long H or se V ouLt (Boys only) Stoop vault BaLance Beam (Girls only) A jump, a run, two held positions (splits, scales, balances) ...






By Carl Patterson The Philadelphia Public School System has the oldest High School Gymnastic League in the country, and it is the first city to provide interscolastic gymnastic competition for Junior High Schools. . The High School League was founded and developed under Dr. Leopold Zwarg, former teacher and coach at Northeast and Germantown High Schools. For many years Dr. Zwarg was the League chairman. Now retired, he continues taking an active part in the continued growth of gymnastics in Philadelphia by serving as an official for both Senior and Junior High School meets. Former Audenreid Junior High School teacher and coach of gymnastics Royal Morris, and Robert Stout, member of >the 1952 United States Olympic Team, now gymnastic . coach at Abington High School, provided the initiative and determination that made Interscholastic gymnastics a reality on the Junior High School level. Both Leagues operate under the Olympic or All·around system. Each gymnast does a compulsory and optional exercise on each piece of apparatus. The high schools have a five event program including Horizontal Bar, Parallel Bars, Side Horse, Still Rings and Tumbling. Junior 4igh gymnasts compete in Tumbling, Side Horse and Still Rings. The High School League operates on a round·robin schedule. Most of the meets are triangular. William Braverman, Overbrook High School Athletic Director, is the League Chairman under the control of the Philadelphia High School Supervisory Committee on Athletics. In triangular meets each school enters twelve men. All twelve work all-around doing a compulsory and optional exer-

cise on each of the five events. The thirty-six gymnasts representing the three schools are divided into five squads and rotate from one piece of apparatus to another with all five events operating at the same time. The judges score each routine on the basis of one hundred points and .enter the re.s ults on a score card provided for each partiCipant. After all five events have been completed by each gymnast, the score card is totaled. The ten best total scores from each team are added together to determine the team total. The school with the highest team SCOre is the winner of the meet. The Junior High School run their meets in a similar manner but with three events instead of five. In the High School League the team with the best dual and triangular meet record is declared the League Champions. In 1962 the title was shared by West Philadelphia High School, coached by Sam Fogel, and Central High School, under Charles Houston. The Philadelphia Public High School Individual Gymnastic Championships are held at the completion of the dual and triangular meet season. To be eligible for the champiopships, a gymnast must have averaged eightyfive or better in the event during the regular season. To enter the all-around the gymnast must average eight hundred fifty points or better. The winner in each event at the Championship Meet is declared the Philadelphia Public High School Champion. The Junior High School League does not run on a round-robin basis. Schools hold .dual meets with other schools in their own proximity. The team championship it not decided by dual meet record. At the completion of the dual meet season the Junior High School Championships are held to determine team and individual champions. Each school may enter a team of ten. The all-around totals of the best eight count for team score. The team with the highest score is declared the champion. Ribbons are awarded the top ten in each event and the all-around . The members of the first five schools also receive ribbons. The High School season runs from December lst to March 15th; the Junior High Season is. in the fall, October 15th to December 15th. This makes it possible to use the same judges for each league season. It balances the Junior High afterschool program by having two fall, winter and spring sports. It also eliminates the problem in Junior High Schools of sharing one gymnasium with the basketball team. With seventeen High Schools and over thirty Junior High Schools having teams, over a thousand boys each year are involved in the Philadelphia afterschool Gymnastic program. Over the years Philadelphia has turned out a continuous flow of outstanding gymnasts who have gone on to gain Olympic berths, win National titles, become teachers of Health and Physical Education and coach in schools and colleges; while at the same time providing an opportunity for all who are interested to participate in a program designed to meet the objectives of the over-all development of the individual.

1962 Champions of the Philadelphia Public High League West Philadelphia High School

Central High School


THE LITTLE TROJAN EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve Androutsos is a studen~ an9- a member of the gymnastic team at Temple U~llvers!ty. The article which follows is the result of an mt,:rvIew with Steve by A. B. Frederick who also drew the fIgures to accompa ny the article. Requests for homemade equipment come in steadily. Let us know what you have made or things you would like to make. Steve Androutsos is an enterprising young man. In his cellar one might find some examples of his creative talents. For instance, you might look into one corner and see a homemade photo enlarger. Steve is an amateur photographer. Look in another corner and you will see a new side horse. You think to yourself, "Gee, I don't recognize that brand." Followers of gymnastics pride themselves on keeping up with equipment and don't like !o ~e caught unaware of something new. Then, before CUrIOSIty gets the best of professional pride, Steve says, "I made it." Although this imaginary conversation never took place, I'm sure this might be a typical reaction by many gymnastic coaches to the completely FIG horse of Steve Androutsos. Could such a thing be hand manufavtured? To the unimaginative person I suppose the answer would be, " NO." This was my first reaction. Yet there it was. And it was terrific. Not only that, but the total cost had been less than that of a commercial pair of pommels. This low cost does not include the hours of work done by Steve at the going rate but when o~~ is. engaged in a true avocation, the challenge and exhIhratlOn cannot be reduced to a mere evaluation of how much was saved because he did it himself. The "Little Trojan" was the happy result of a set of circumstances which were: 1. Steve wanted to work out during the Summer. Since one of his events is side horse, it would be nice to have his own. 2. Steve has the ability to accomplish work of various kinds with tools. This includes the associated bits of knowledge which are necessary for proper shop proced ures. 3. Steve has a creative talent. Mix this together with information which one finds in the current AA U rule book and, voila, one side horse! I could really stop at this point. There are certainly many others with the same magic ingredients in their make-up. To people like this all that is needed is an idea. The rest is a matter of time. The information that follows should help those of you who would follow in Steven's footsteps and possibly it will save you many hours of mental gymnastics in accomplishing this most worthy project. And to you, Steve, many thanks for your fine contribution. If the project is repeated only once, you may feel the satisfaction that comes only at rare intervals in our lives. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The information below should be ample to more than get you started on a side horse project. Unfortunately, Steve did not have working notes available which might have been valuable here. Use your own creative gift while working out the details. You can probably come up with some improvements. At any rate you will have a decided advantage over young Androutsos who started from scratch. The Body oj the Horse-Figures A, Band C show construction features of the body of the horse. All dimensions given in Fig. A have been adjusted to allow for %" of padding and covering material. A single sheet of %" outdoor plywood was used for the body of the "box." With care, you can layout your work on this single piece of wood. If scraps are available, they may be large enough for the keystone supports. Figure C shows how the tops and sides are joined by screwing them into 2" x 4" braces in each corner of the box. Note that the top of the box consists of two pieces of plywood. If the screws are countersunk as shown, there will be less chance of shearing them off during the planing stage. 34


Having constructed the box as shown in l'ig. A, an electric planer is then used on the top and sides. Two guide lines are drawn on the top of the box as shown and one guide line is also placed on each side. Two cardboard templates should be prepared as shown. These are used to check the progress and accuracy of the planing stage. Template No. 1 must be slipped on at the end and passed from end to end. Template No. 2 is used as a more handy aid for checking the sides from time to time. When the planing is completed, the box will resemble the one in Fig. B. At this point your should bolt on the special welded fittings. Special. Welded Fittings-The two views of these fittings are shown in Figs. D and E. These fittings were made of scrap odds and ends. Steve did have some luck in obtaining some of his material at little or no cost. A visit to a local junk yard might prove profitable. Welding can be done in most high school shops. The proper angles for the pipe part of this special fitting are given in Fig. B. It might be a good idea to make a cardboard mock-up of this fitting. You may use cylinders from paper towel rolls as the pipe part. This will give you a good idea about which welds should come first. On the original horse, the two receivers (pipe) and the spacer in between were first cut and welded. Then this assembly was welded to the base and the two traingular supports were added. Since the legs of the horse simply slip into the receivers, there is no need to provide an adjustment mechanism. For long horse vaulting, you must have a separate set of longer legs. Naturally it is imperative that a ring be installed on the under side of the body so the horse is held in place by a turnbuckle rigging which inserts into a floor plate. Out of doors, Steve has used a large "dead man" screw. This is the type of screw which is commonly inserted in the ground to attach to a dog's chain. It has a ring on one end which substitutes for a floor plate once the screw is all the way in the ground. Needless to say these special welding fittings are a key piece in the construction of the horse. Correct angles for the pipes are shown in Fig. B. Pipe Legs-The legs are simply four pieces of 2" O.D. pine. The tricky part here is to cut the ends of the legs properly since two angles are involved. As told to me, one angle is first set and then the second angle is set in a plane at 90 degrees to the plane of the first. Then by rotating a compass around the end of the leg you can draw a guide line which will result in an accurate cut. Please seek advice on this aspect of construction. To arrive at the proper length for the legs you may use the following method. Stretch a string which is parallel to the floor at a distance from the floor which is equal

to the distance from the floor to the bottom of horse body minus the thickness of the steel plate. This string is then used as a guide. Take a broom stick or any straight stick of appropriate length and place it on the floor perpendicular to the floor and right alongside the string. At this point, tilt the stick at 70 degrees to the left or right. Then tilt it 65 degrees through a plane which is perpendicular to the first plane and mark the stick where it contacts the string. The horse is easily portable. One need only loosen the turnbuckle, take out the legs and there you are. Pieces of rubber (rubber sink stoppers-wide, flat variety) are placed under each leg. Padding and Covering-The padding used was of the type of material commonly used for rug underlays. It is brown and hairy-looking. Often times rug dealers will be able to let yOU have what you will need at little cost.



Experiment to see that you build up the padding and the covering material to exactly equal %". This may be done by experimenting with small squares of the materials. The top cover was an imitation leather. Since Steve uses his horse out of doors, he felt that this waterproof. rna: terial was best. The material may be obtained in most department stores. Since I spoke with Steve, I talked with a retired shoemaker who gave me some excellent ideas about finishing the ends. The folds shown in the photograph are adequate however. Homemade Pommels-Information on the construction of homemade pommels is found in Figure F. Additional information and dimensions are located in the 1962-1963 AAU Gymnastic Rule Book. Good luck. Let us know how you made out.





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( "GU"





5/8 " steel rod


Side View

Three pieces of oak were cut to shape on the jig sa·...·• These pieces ·...·e re then lam i nated using a c ontact ce!:'lent 'K it h a rubber bas e. It is suggest e d t.'hat the side vi ew of th e :)omnel be blown up with the opaqu~ projecto r unt il the exact dim e nsions are obtained . The shape may then be copied or traced directly on the ..... ood . The pomme Is were rou g h finished with a wood rasp and fine finished with 3r-! emery cl oth in strip fO Tm. The strips were placed a r ound the pommels and pu lle d back and forth until th e d esir ed roundness a nd size were obtained .

A piece of steel plate was bent to the shape of the bot to!!! side of the pommel and screwed in place . To this alate was welded a steel rod as sho~·n. It is off ce nte r so tha t minimum and maximum pommel wi dths might be obtained according to t . I.G . r ules . To chang e Widths , simply pullout po~mel and replace after giving TI half a turn . In this manne r three widths may be used . The st eel rod is !:lade to fit through the horse body and is !" ecured on t he unde r side by large thumb sc rews.

t:: :


o Eo ttol!! View

Top Vie .....

L6\ ~ ~

Pommel before and

snap~ng sand1-ng


Helpf~m~F"k~'~~P~i~ Education, 0/ The Milwaukee Turners, Wisconsin

BEGINNER STILL RINGS: "Knee Up-swing"_ F or beginners the number of possible moves on the rings is rather limited to only swinging combinations under the rings. This is because to get above the rings, even just into support, requires such strength which a beginner rarely commands. They may be able to go through the motions of a "front uprise," a "back uprise," a "kip," even a "streuli," but it takes a long time before they also can stay up in support, and this time is full of dangerous falls from attempted support positions. Under 15 it is not even desirable (physiological reasons) to encourage youngsters toward strength moves on the rings. Despite this limitation it is still desirable that beginners show greater variety in their exercises, besides the overwhelming number of "inlocations" and "dislocations." Such a possibility is the "knee up-swing," which at the same time prepares a beginner for more advanced support positions.

Jim Farkas

From a "bent inverted hang" (1); turn the H ring out and "wrap" the R leg around the R wrist (it could also be bent onto the top of the R ring, to get into a more comfortable support, but the upswinging phase would be more difficult) at the same time extend L hip and swing L leg downward, turning L wrist out and starting an upward muscling motion (2). The L leg then should be moved into a vertical position, and the L arm kept close to the body to gain stability (3). NOTE: The R arm cannot be fully extended in the support and the R wrist is under painful stress but it is far not intolerable while it makes a safe and relatively easy support possible.



ADVANCED P AHALLEL BARS: ' "Czech-double" or "Mooredouble". This is a frontvault into a flank-and a rear-vault. Mechanically a "kehr-in" added to a "moore". Since at the "kehr-in" the hip has to be kept rather low, the preceeding 'moore" cannot be allowed to go too high, although a "moore" alone ~hould be performed as high as possible. ST AHT from a well extended l but not high) rear wpport (11 ; with the backw. swing force elevation of the hip l not the legs) and pushing by the left arm pivot around the rightarm toward left in such a way that the face would project over the left bar (there is a feeling of imminent fall onto the opposite bar) ( 2 ); then, in immediate succession, regrasp on the right bar (both hands in "under;grip" on the right har now) and replace the weight from

the R to the L arm swinging the legs toward right as a preparation to a flank-vault over both bars ( ;'l l ; (up to this point it could be a "moore" too, but ... ) now turning only approv. 45 0 to the left rear-vault under the R arm passing completely over the (originally L) now R bar to a rear-support 14-51. PREREQUISITES : both components, the "Moore" and the "double-in", separately. sporrl NG: (1) Belt, with single cord suspension at the middle o{ the lumbal region, is the best available spotting technique. Its use will greatly reduce the learning process. (2) Also manual spotting can be pr,ovided (facing the performer at #2 position, reaching toward his shoulders, eliminating fears of crashing with the face on the opposite bar, in case the elbows collapse) or (reaching up at the opposite side at #2 position and supporting the abdomen while the pivot is done) but these are rather preventative measures, not active help as in the first method.

Gymnastics Clinic for Instructors And Their Student-Leaders To - Be Held at University of Conn. Dr. George Van Bibber has announced that the School of Physical Education at the University of Connecticut will hold ' its third Annual Gymnastics Clinic at the Un iversity on Saturday, March 23, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Men and women physical educati on teachers in elementary and high schools and colleges, YMCA and YWCA directors, community recreation directors, operators of private schools and others are in vited to brin g a maximum of fi ve of their stud en t leaders. There will be no registration fee . The morning hours will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations by gymna sti c authorities. The afternoon hours will be devoted to practice under the guidance of well-qualified coaches. ,Dave Field, AI Scholz, Dick Terry, AI Morgan, Erick and Kitty Kjeldsen, Paul Kirkland, Hayes K roger, Mat Maetozo, John Peasonelli, L"5 and Beverly Farris, Ollie Allen, Clare AIbom and Joyce Raffa have agreed to contribute their coachin g serv ices. "Bud" Beyer will again be con tributing his leadership. "Bud". Additional information may be secureu by writing Dr. James A. Baley, U-llO, School of Physical Education , University of Connecticut at Storrs_


ERNNIE GEIBEL'S 3rd annual GYMNASTICS CAMP June 23 to July 6, 1963 Beginners, Intermediates, Advanced • GYMNASTICS • MODERN JAZZ • APPARATU S


• Swimming • Horseback Riding • Crofts • Pioneerinq • Hiking a Nature St udy • Arc~ery a Ma rksmanship a Ath let ics

Attention Coaches . Stoff applications are being token for the 1963 and 1964 Gym Camps. An Invitotion . . . To post and present Olympic Team Members to be our guests.

June 23 ta July 6, 1963 Total Fee $125.

TO~ft~~~!rSln Post Office Box 148 Friendswood, Tex ..



GYMNASTIC GIMMlcl(s By Norman Barnes Mr. Barnes reviews a unique new gy mnastics teaching system develop ed by E. F. " Bud" Beyer , our regular contributor to Gymnastics Gimmicks. This month's column introduces a new teachin g gimmick called "GYMNASTICS A LA CARD," by Bud Beyer , which is bein g published and will soon be ava ilabl e to gymnastic instructors and coaches. The Beyer ' Cards, or "Gy mnastics a la Card" have the following interesting advantages over every Gymnasti cs book now on the market:

1. Th e Beyer Sys tem introduces a folding card for each Gymnastic movement. These cards will fit into a standard office file drawer. (See illustration No.1). 2. The Gymnastics teacher or co ach can now provide Gym· nastic movement s a la carte by selecting the particular movement he needs out of the file . The selection will be on th e basis 'of proper teaching progression as the coach sees it. Many coaches who are good teachers have student leaders assisting them. This assistan ce need not be hampered by laborious note takin g fr om various gymnastics books. With this new system, you just go to the hIe drawer and select th e day's lesson plan. 3. A II movements are coded to make th e return of thc fold er to the fil e drawer a simple task. The code is actually a code of progression for th e coach who wants to use it in this manner.


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3. All movements are coded to make the return of the fold er to the file drawer a simple task. The code is actually a code of progression for the coach who wants to use it in this manner. The code and the nam e of the movement appear on the top of the card the same as they do in a business file. It provides a new and effi cient approach to the "b usin ess" of teaching and coaching. 4. The emphasis in almost all gy mnastics books has been on performer technique so the beginning teacher is at a loss for in· formation regarding spottin g and ' methods of presentation of mao terial. In " Gymnastics a la Card," however , every movement has as much emphasis on spotting and teaching as it has on performance. This emphasis is carried out in both the written text and the illustrations . 5. All the illustrations in " Gymnastics a la Card" are actual sequ ence camera photographs of both teacher-spotter , and per· former. There is realistic reproduction of the details of action. 6. Most of the movements have a section on teaching methods actually givin g some of the mechanics of movement and the use of the gimmicks for which Bud Beyer has become fa)nou s. Many of the movements have a paragraph giving the relationships vf the movemen t being discussed with similar movements on otht-r ap paratus. These extras should provide the performer and the co ach wi th new insights for learning Gymnastics. 7. A wall chart is included giving a brief survey of the entire system. 8. Cards for recording individual progress are al so included. "Gy mnastics a la Card" was created by Bud BeyeL to' solve the problem of the coach who has usually large classes, but has just as much to offer the beginnin g co ach who may have smaller cl asses. The program Office of the Metropolitan YMCA of Chi cago gave Bud Beyer both the financial and moral support to mak e this work possible. The Beyer·Card System will eventually encompass four phases of Gymnastics in an ascending di ff iculty arrangement. This first phase is almost read y for prin tin g and it covers elementary Gymnasti cs. Clini cs given all over the United States by Bud Beyer for the Nissen Corporation have made evident the need for basic teachin g techniques. Bud has presented his teaching techniqu es in person to over seven thousand teachers during 1962 and 1963 and has been instrumental in in creasing interest in the sport of Gy mnasti cs all over the country. It is fitting that he should de· vise a new and flexibl e teachin g system. If you are interested in receiving a brochure on this " book" just send yo ur name and address to E. F . Beyer, Rt No.1, Wes t of the Wind, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

* 38





GYMNASTICS AND ISOMETRIC TRAINING GYMNASTICS GIMMICKS By Rich Harris A new method of physical tramm g has been developed that should be very effective for aspiring gymnasts in the years to come_ It's called Isometric Contraction and is hased on the principle of exertin g force against an immovable object to stimulate musCle ti ss ue -to develop at a maximum rate_ Athletes in track, wrestlin g, football , basketball, weightlifting and many other sports have already proven that Isometri c Contraction can improve st rength and performance in an amazingly short time_ In fa ct, strength increases up to 5% per week are not un common_ Wha t does thi s mean to gym nastics? Obviously, it offers our gymnasts a means by which they can increase their strengt h capacity whil e not interfering with the ir reg ular practice routines_ Here are so me of the main advantages of Isometric Training: ' L Isometric exercises require only 1 or 2 minutes a day_ K eep in mind th at the prin ciple behind this method of training is th at a sin gle maximum con tract ion, held for approximately 8 - 12 seconds, is sufficient stimulus for maximum muscle development and maintenance_ If the training consists of 5 or 6 basic exercises the total elapsed time would be about 60 seconds_ 2_ Very little warm-up is req uired_ A gymnast can gently loosen up with so me brief calistheni cs and is all set to begin hi s Isome tric exercises_ Because there are no repeated 'contractions .of the muscles and therefore no build-up of lactic acid in the tissue, fatigue is not likely to occur. 3_ Results are immediate_ Also, if the isometric exerciser · has a built-in dynamometer lik e the one shown in the accompanying photographs, the gymnast can accurately mea ~ure his strength attainment level and record his progress. The fact that he can see the results of his trainin g tends to motivate him to maximum effort. Isometrics can be a valuable system of training for both our men and women gymnasts. It builds and maintains the needed strength for the graceful gymnastic movements required for in ternational competition. If Isometrics can improve gy mnastic performance as much as it has in ou r ot her Olympic sports, the American team could score much higher in the 1964 games. Below: This t y pe of isometric exercise dev elops the muscles used for all g y mnastic movements requiring arm extension power . Pressing upward against the isomyte resistance bar develops the arms for press handstands, parallel bar front somersaults, uprises, etc .




Nissen Trampolines have been used in NCAA and AAU meets since Trampolining first began as an event. With the new "Delta-Wing" web bed and "Mickey Pease" Trampoline cables, they provide the ultimate in championship performance.


With a baCkground of over 25 years in Trampoline manufacture, Nissen prides itself on the built-in safety features of its products. Flush-type hinges , plastic bed suspension bars, thick foam frame pads, and in addition, professional teaching aids and manuals for proper instruction.


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by A. B. Frederick, Wilmington Turners In addition to being 0 wonderful magazine in its own right, M.G. is also a valuable teaching oid. This jnde~ ho~ been prepared so that all three vo lumes may be used WIth dispatch

by coaches, gymnasts, officials and others interested in. the sport. Not all articles ore indexed. The letters to the editor, for example are not. Many informative ideas have been expressed in these letters howeve~. . After each entry the reader Will find for example: BALANCE BEAM Split on beam: 1-3, 9- 10 / 57, p. 25 (Meaning Vol. I, Number 3, September and October, 1957. Art icle in question will be found on page 25 of this particular issue). In the third edition many meet resulfs were also reported. Only the results of major meets wil! be found in this index

(A~~e ~Cp~~be~~-·bctober 1961 edition was incorrectly called Vol. 3, No.7. It should be Vol. 3, NO.8. Please be gu ided by the listed month in this case. There will appear to be two

P-59 GYMNASTIC PANTS. New imported lightweight knit fabric, made from imported yarns with elasticized weav· ing. Half the price of other imported pants! Zipper on side, and elastic waist· band. Crease sewn in. Special formed ankle cuff with elastic strap in off· white only. State waist and inseam measurement when ordering. Available in waist sizes 24" , 26", 28", 30", 32", 34" and 36" . Price prepaid ... . ........ $11.50

iSsB~~~i~!~esa~r~~~a~(a~~· f;om the M.G. offi ce, P. O. Box 611, Santa Monico, Calif . As of this date (2/ 14/ 62) they (Vols. 1-3 \ may be purchased for $1 0.00. T~e'( are well worth the investment. Used in conjunction with thiS Index, they are an extremely valuable reference. BALANCE BEAM Split on beam: 1-3,9- 10/ 57, p. 2;5 . Balance beam, B. Marquette (baS IC routines): 1-9, 11-12/ 58,

Begi~~i~~ moves on the B.B., B. Marquette: 2-7,9-10/ 59, p. 2 Bock roll to split leg head stand: 3-1, 6 / 60, pp. 16-17 Balance beam for beginners, Keiko Ikeda: 3-6, 5-6/ 61, pp. 14-15 BALANCING Handstand Press: 1-2. 7 / 57 , p. 25 On balance (Pics): 2-1, 1/ 59, p. 18; 2-3,3/59, p. 16; 2-4, 4 / 59, p. 20; 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 22 (Sigmund Klein) BALLET FOR GYMNASTS by Grace Kaywell Introduction, position and ":l0vements: 3-2, 11 / 60, pp. 18-21 Ballet techniques and exercises for gymnasts: 3-3, 1/61,



bottement: 3-4,3 / 61, pp. 26-27 Battement tendu and exercises: 3-5, 4 / 61, pp. 18-19 General rules for leaps and jumps: 3-6, 5-6/ 61, pp. 20-21 Retire and associated exercises: 3-7, 9- 10/ 61, p. 20 Battements frappes and exercises for: 3-7,7-8/ 61, pp. 18-1 9 Stretching exercises at the barre: 3-9, 11-12/ 61, pp. 22-23 CHAMPIONSHIPS (Only Major Meets Reported Here. Reports, Results, Evaluations) AAU Gym. Championships 1957 : 1-2,7 / 57, p. 9 AAU Gym. Championships 1958: 1-7,7-8/ 58, p. 14 AAU Champ. (Nat'l Women's), L. Day: 1-8, 9-10/ 58, p. 10 AAU 1958 (Tromp . re port), F. LauDe, 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 24 AAU 1959 (Not'l Men's Chomp.): 2-6, 7-8/ 59, p. 10 AAU 1959 (Not' l Women's Champ.): 2-6,7-8/ 59, p. 18 AAU 1960 (Nat'l Jr. Women Champ.): MG Newsletter No.1,

HIGH. SCORE SHOES Long·wearing leather sole. Heavy duty canvas top , 3" ·wide elastic instep strap keeps shoes extra snug. Available in white only, no half sizes. 5·6 SHOE, pre· paid, per pair ... .. ... $2.40


AAUPi9~0 Championships at

West Point: 3-2, 11 / 60, pp. 14-17 AAU 1760 (Nat ' l Jr. Men's Chomp.) : 3-2, 11 / 60, p. 26 AAU 1961 (Nat ' l Jr. Meet): 3-6, 5-6/ 61 , p. 24 AAU 1961 National Championships at Dallas: 3-7, 7-8 / 61,

~"" " " "']"~" ~~~U~:~~h H~~~~i~~P!a. .


Mid-Slet: 2-7,9-10/ 29, p. 10 Ben Price Memoria l Meet - 1958: 1-6,3-4/ 58, p. 15 Ben Price Memoria l - 1959: 2-3, 3 /59, p. 10 Big Ten Chomps. - 1958, L. Day : 1-6, 3-4/ 58, p. 19

terial provides protection and relief from sore, blistered and calloused hands. Com · plete with straps. LH HAND · GRIP, prepaid , per pair. .$1. 50

~:i:~::-21$tJ:~r~d e~~~ri: 3-5, 4 / 61, p. 9 Canodion Chomps. 1957: 1-3,9-10/ 57, p. 10 c.c. 1958: 1-8, 9-10/ 58, p. 15 c.c. 1959: 2-7, 9-10/ 59, p. 15


Los Pan



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250 W. Sixth St. , San Pedro , Calif. Send P-57 Pants. Size ______ . LH Handgrip. . S-6 High Score Shoes. Size DB Handgrip . CM2 Chalk. _ _ _ _ _ _ Ibs . Enclosed is


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( 1959} Crit ique o n Women's Competition, H. Vogel : 2-8 and 9,1 1-1 2/ 59, p. 34 NCAA Chomps 1957, C. Simms: 1-1, 5/ 57, p. 6 NCAA Champs. 1958: 1-7, 7-8/ 58, p. 10 NCAA Chomps. 1959: 2-5, 5·6/ 59, p. II NCAA Chomps. 1960: 3-1, 6 / 60, p. 8 · NCAA Chomps . 1961 : 3-6, 5-6/ 61, pp. 8 - 11 Pacific Coast Conference Chomps, S. M. Dorbin: 1-2. 7/ 57, p.20

Fi nest imported , soft and light type preferred by gym· nastists and athletes every· where. Eight 2-oz. bars to the lb . CM2 CHALK, per lb. plus postage ....... $1.50


1-2, 7/ 57, p. 9

Pan Am. - Women's Trials, J. Bachna: 2-7, 9-10/ 59, p. 27 Pon Am. - Post-Mortem, Capt. J. A. Gillanders: 2-8 and 9, 11-1 2/59, p. 8 Pan Am Gomes - GymnastiC Coverage: 2-8 and 9, 11 -12/ 59, p. 18 Pan Am Gomes Report. P. C. Romeo: 2-8 and 9, 11-12/59, p.22 Pan Am Competition Report, C. Simms, 2-8 and 9, 11-12/ 59,



.:tg2(e~·A~~City Gym. Chomps., Jack Hughes: ~;;'~;ican Games, Chicago 8-9/ 59: 2-4, 4 / 59,

~~~fi~-f~t~;~tIT~i~te4gym. Champs. 1960: 3-1, 6 / 60, p. 10 Pasadena Nat' l Invitational Gym. Meet 1961, M. Gilden : 3-5, 4/ 61 , p. 10 World Chomps. (Moscow 1958 ); 1-9,1 1-12/ 58, p. 15 World Championships 1958, Report by M. Robbins: 2-1, 1/ 59, p. 11 CHILDREN'S GYMNASTICS Small Fry - Chorlotte, N. C. Gym Club: 2-4,4/ 59, p. 16 Sokol Small Fry: 2-7, 9-10/ 59, p. 14 Granite City Program, R. E. Bohl: 2-8 and 9, 11-12/59, p. 13 Jr. Gymnasts of America, Inc .: 3-9,11-12/ 61 , p. 5 CLINICS ' Florida Clin ic, I - I, 5 / 57, p. 18 Cuba Clinic: 1-4, 11-12/ 57, p. 16 Report on Annual Meeting C.P.E.A., J. Crotty: 1-5, 1-2/58, p. 12 Nat'l Gym Cl inic 1957 Report, D. Gastuson : 1-5, 1-2/58, p. 14 Handstands ocross the border, Canadian Gym Clinic: 1-9, 11-12/ 58, p. 8 A Cooch's Observations at the Not'l Gym Clinic, E. Hughes, Clin}~~;{t5~'r-f~t~ Gym

Clinic 1958; 2-2 , 2/ 59, p. 10 Nat ' l Summer Gym. Clinic: 2-4 , 4 / 59, p. 9 Not ' l GYm Clinic, 2-8 and 9, 11-12/ 59, p. 50 Nat'l Gym Clinic 1960: 3-6, 5-6/ 61, pp. 14-25 Nat ' l Summer Gym Clinic: 3-9,11-12/ 61, p. 18 See also - GYMNASTIC HISTORY (History of Not't Gym Clinic) COACHING (See also: Individuol events, ballet, equipment, gym.


2-3, 3/ 59, p. 4 The role of flexibilit y

for the all-around g ymnast, T. Molony: i~



one from learni ng a stunt, B. Beyer,

More2~~, f1t;i~ilftY~~. Beyer: 2-5, 5~6/59, p. 28 . How to save your hands from the hi bar, S. Tarshls, 2-5, Nob ~h~{~~'e~ta~~r, G. W. Meyerson: 2-6,7/ 59, p. 8 Teaching future teachers how t o spot, B. Beyer: 3-7, 9-10/ 61,

Let'/J'~t~~-~; class ·into the gymnastic meet, G. Maddux, 3-7. Impr~~?fg6~,y~·m8:ts, B. Beyer: 3-7 , 7-8 / 61. pp. 20-21 COI~:~~~~~E~ame compulsories and analysis, C. Simms, 3-6, 5-6/ 61 , p. 28; 3-7, 9-10/ 61, pp. 24-25; 3-9, 11-12/ 61,


3·7,7-8 / 61 , pp. 24-25 Compulsory Uneven PB ports (AAU 196 1-62), H. Vogel, 3-9, 11-12/ 61 , pp. 20

ED~~~R~~J".S wil

continue, G. Sundby: 3-1, 6 / 60, p. 3 Let's have fun in gymnastics, C. Simms: 3-3, 1/ 6 1, p. 6 Fit ness through gymnastics: 3-5, 4/ 61, p. 6 Stand up, speak up, let us be heard , B. Marquette: 3-9, 11-12/ 61, p. 22


mats, M. Gildon: 1-3, 9-10/ 57, p. 25 Pit trampoline: 1-4,11-1 2/57 , p. 25 Official measurements - Women's apparatus, B. Marquette,

!~7';'~k8f~8V:~I~~9 box, J. Farkas: M.G. TUb/tu~~{n6g~)L. Pitcher: 3-2,11 / 60, p. 12


Newsletter No . I,

Rhoenrad (Ruin-rod): 3-2, 11 / 60, p. 29 (Human hoop apparatus)


" Ex" compulsory (AAU): 1-3,9-10/ 57, p. 26

~eee ceoxoe:Ji~ti~~ S:lb~\'~t 1~~th 3g~~Sn80s~ic~,5G.

Kaywell : 2-3, 3 / 59, p. 22 (see also - Ballet for Gymnasts) Bandstands, V. Josselyn: 3-2, 11 / 60, p. 25 Cartwheel, J. Farkas : 3-6, 5-6/ 61 , pp. 18-19 See Also TUMBLING GYM CAMPS, PROGRAMS, ETC. Action in Arcata: 1-7,7-8 / 58, p. 22

~h~~lli~ ~~~~~~ ~~~,:;~ nc';!P~'1 ~i, 11-1 2/58, p. 22 ~~~~~~:\~in~O~e~~ ~-~d !~;~:(~:4,Pi 11_1 2157, p. 20 Lisar's protoges: 1-4,11-12/ 57, p. 24 Flint Acrolympian Club: 1-6,3 -4 / 58, p. 16

~~~p- C~n~~~~rf.i[r J~fenWt;71 !J',~0/57,

p. 9

Muscle Beach: 1-3,9-10/ 57, p. 18

Comp Longhorn, b. -Vol~ntine: 1-4, 11-1 2/57, p. 8 Northwest Visit, R. Horm: 2-4, 4 / 59, p. 18 Recreational gymnast ics, F. Bore: 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 10 Gymnastics exhibition on nationwide T.V.: 2-5, 5~6 / 59, p. 19


Gymkana, J . Mi les: 2-7 , 9-10/ 59, p. 22 C P. Health and Fun Show: 2-7, 9- 10/59, p. 24 Flint Sparks: 2-8 and 9,11- 12/ 59, p. 40 Calandian Nat'l 5xhibitions: 3-2, 11 / 60, p. 8

~~';i~~~rG;~dC'li~ic~~6b:' 1--1,' iftil,' gp.414-25

Santo Monica - Californio Beach Playground: 3-7,7·8/61 , pp.5-7 The Tallahassee Tumb"ng Tots: 3-9 , 11-12/ 61 , p. 11 Little Ol ympics (Camp): 3-9, 11-12/ 61, p. 14 Lienert' s Gym Camp: 3-9, 11-12/ 61, p. 18 Texas Gym Camp : 3-9, 11-12/ 6I , p. 19 Circle Ranch: 3-9, 11-12/ 61, p. 19 See also CLINICS GYM CHAMPS by Hagner Armando Vega: 2-4 , 4 / 59, p. IS Art Shurlock: 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 14 ' 5rnestine Russell: 2-6, 7-8/ 59, p. 17 Edward Scrobe: 2-7,9-10/ 59, p . 8 Chorlie Simms: 2-8 ond 9,11-12/ 59, p. 14 Larry Banner : 3-3, 1/ 61 , p. 14 Doris Fuchs: 3-5, 4 / 61, p. 15 Abie and Muriel Grossfeld : 3-6, 5-6/ 61 , p. 13 GYMNASTICS GIMMICKS by E. F. " Bud" Beyer The role of fle xibil ity in gymnastics: 2-3,3/ 59, p. 14 Using physiCS in learning Qymnostics: ~-I, 6/ 60, pp. 20-21 Using mechanics for learning gymnastICs: 3-2, 11 / 60, pp. 22-23 (See also individua l events) GYMNASTICS HISTORY The American Sokol Organization, Florence Palos: 2-7, Fall :~~06~~'irfe,;". Josselyn: 3-1,6/ 60, pp. 24-25 Notional Gymnastic Clinic, L. Welser: 3-3, 1/ 61, pp. 8 -13

GY2~~Al_~~~~U~~ 9;

Eastern Intercollegiate Champs.: 2-6, 7-8/ 59, p. 40 European Gym. Chomps. , Copenhogen, Denmark (10/ 59) : 3·1 ,

Heavy duty two·piece hand · grip with buckle and rivets. DB HANDGRIP, prepaid, per pair .............................. $1.50

A ten week program fo r beginning g ymnasts, J ._ c'rafty: 'p'art I, 2-3, 3 /59, p. 24; Part 11, 2-4, 4/ 59; p. 28; Port III, 2-5,

gymnastics, B. Beyer: 2-3 , 3 / 59,_ D. 14

2-7, 9-10/ 59, p. 16; 2-8 and 9, 11-12/ 59, p. 12; 3-5, 4/ 61, p. 25 GYMNASTIC SNAPS (Pictures) 1-3,9-10/ 57, p. 16; 1-4, 1l~12 / 57 , p. 6; 1-5, 1-2/58, p. 10; 1-6, 3-4 / 58, p. 20; 1-8, 9-10/ 58, p. 20; Camp. 12/ 56; 1-1,5/ 57; 2-1, 1/ 59, p. 10; 2-3,3 / 59, p. 18; 2-4, 4/ 59, p. 12; 2-6, 7-8/ 59, p. 16

GYS~a~~~~~ ;yE~~stiC

team, J . Crotty: 1-1,5/ 57, p. 23 (see also COACHING) HORIZONTAL BAR Dislocate giant, J. Robinson: Camp. 12/ 56, p. 27 Dislocate giant (Port III. J. Robinson: 1-1 , 5 / 57, p. 27 Dislocate giant (Port III ), J. Robinson: 1-2, 7 / 57, p. 26 Overhand (backl giant - Spo tting for M. Gitdon: 1-4, 11-12 / 57, p. 27 Rear vault catch, J. Farkas : 1-5, 1-2 / 58, p. 26 Kip to support, J. Farkas: 1-7, 7-8/ 58, p. 26 Upper gr ip, swing fore. and " rear kip upswing fore." then " rear hip circle backward", J. Farkas: 2-3, 3 / 59, p. 23 Back giant to fl y away, J. Farkas; 2-4,4/ 59, p. 27 Pantomime in learning the horizontal bar kip, B. Beyer: 2-7, 9-10/ 59, p. 30 ~~r~~ FI~r~~a~i~ithc~;et!r::!tJ~~a~k:s~r~~3,: 13 lpl/~~, p. 24 Front hip circle, J. Farkas: 3-3,1 / 61, p. 25 Undercqst to fore. somersault, J. Farkas: 3-5,4/ 61, pp. 22-23 Fore, g iant, reverse pirouette to fore. giant, J. Farkas: 3-6, 5-6/ 6I,p.19 INTERNATIONAL GYMNASTICS Report from USSR (Reprint from USSR, Wash., D. C.), V. Chukarin : 1-2,7/5 7, p. 24 Finnish Report: 1-3, 9-10/ 57, p. 14 Canadian Gymnastics : 1-6, 3-4/ 58, p. 9 Europe Repo rt , K. Baechler : 1-6 , 3-4/ 58, p. 10; 1-7, 7-8/ 58,


spai,f'I:vitational: 1-7,7-8/ 58 , p. 21 Report from Russio, D. Tonry: 1-8, 9-10/ 58, p. 8 Visitors from Denmark: 1-9, 11-12/58, p. 10 All's well down under, D. Robertson: 1-9,11-12/ 58, p. 18 Swiss Visit, E. Volse: Camp. 12/ 56, p. 10 Fo reign Report, K. Baechler: 2-1 , 1/ 59, P. 8 Fin ish - USA Debut : 2-2,2/ 59, p. 8 Finnish Team Tour: 2-3,3/ 59, p. II Danish Team Tour : 2-4, 4 / 59, p. 8 Puerto Rico Report, L. Bestmann : 2-4, 4 / 59, p. 22 A.P.TC. Display Team, S. Wi lkes: 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 8 Cuba Trip, B. Marquette: 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. IS Tromp Talk (International sCeMe), F. La~ue: 2-6, 7-8/ 59, p. 32 Swiss Turnfest, F. LaDue : 2-7,9-10/ 59, p. 18 GymnastiCS in South Africa, F. LaDue: 2-8 and 9, 11-12/ 59,

Forei~~ I~eport, K. Baechler: 3-1 , 6 / 60, p. 11 Gymnastics in Jopon, F. LaDue: 3-1,6/ 60, p. 12 Russians in Action (Pics): 3-3, 1/ 61, pp. 16-17 USSR vs. USA (Tou r) : 3-4, 3 / 61 , pp. 6-13 Olympic ring champion (Azaryan): 3-5, 4 / 61 , p. 14 Japanese team visits U.S.: 3-6, 5-6/ 61 , pp. 6-7 Stuttgart Gymnaestrada (1961 1: 3-7, 9- 10/ 61, pp. 5-9 Vlth Maccabioh Games (israel), R. Borak : 3-7, 9-10/ 61 , p. 10 IX World Gomes fo r the Deof (Hels inki, 1961) : 3·7, 9- 10/61, pp. 10·11

~;Cs E~~~~~~~,mK:~~~~·le7:U~~t:~~I-~/:i,1 g:~ ~ p . II Eur ~pea n

Championships for Men: 3-7,9-1/61, pp. 15-17

La dle;p~lgo!i~a n Championships, J. P. Prestidge: 3-7, 9-10/61,

Men'~ Gymnastic~ in the USSR, D. Tonry: 3-7, 7-8/ 61, p. 25 JU~G~~~h GymnastIc Camp: 3-9, 11- 12/61, pp. 15- 17

Gu idt~ ~w~~~~u2~tg-4 /l:.r~~5ance on the apparatus, Let's 5"}6:59j,u;~~n",g eosier for dual meets, G. Wilson: 2-5, An ell~'2t}59,o~.g?tnastic judging, E. Hughes: 2-8 and 9,

LOJHgg~~R~iv~t-lt 9- 10/ 61 , p. 25; 3-9, 11 - 12/61, p. 2'"

Tech.,;~a;,d~~~:{S~i~;:rl~~d):' j~le :/5~ ~~rV jump handspring MINI TRAMP by Rich Horris ' , The mini tra!"p for exhibitions: 2-"', 4/ 59, p. 30 Advanced m!n! tromp stunts: 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 26 Adva!"1ced mini tromp stunts : 2-6, 7-8/ 59. p. 36 Spotting o n the mini tromp: 2-7, 9-1/59, p . 36

NA~16H~~ ~SS6c~OO~iGY~':A~T~i'c~'AbUE5:h~A~)

Colleg iate gymnastics, G. Wilson 3-5 4/ 61 P 13 24; 3-9, 11-{2/6 1, p. 25


OL~C;p~Crse : 3-6, 5-6/6 1, p. 12

Olympic ou tlook, J. Hardy: Camp. 12/56, p. 13 OlympIC Report: 1- 1,5/57, p. 9 g:~~~~~ ~ci~~~~' 3~3,Sil"}6f~ ~15Newsletter No. I , 8 / 60


Teoc~~n/t:o~~e2!g:e5~6/~9~ li& ~~mount with active spotting, J . Straight a rm, straight leg press handstand: 2-6 7-8/59 P 30 Adva;.c:~ instruction (P-Bors) , J. Farkas: 2-8 arid 9, 11:12i59, Bock .uprise with a V2 turn, J. Farkas : 3-2, 11 / 60, p. 2'" PEiiscg~~~I~IEf:c~$MS~~Slrc:~eyer : 3-6, 5-6/ 61, pp. 16-17 The Beckner Story: Camp. 12;65, p. 12 Gymnost ic,Tragedy (J oaquin Blume) : 2-5, 5-6/ 59, p. 4 ~oo~IE~~r~~~~~i.O~~~~Oto~~~)i ;i5~~~:~ 1-6, 3-4/58, p. 14


1-2,7/57, p. 7

tt~~~ ~~s~~nf~~~~$:Ri_r.aJy~~f~.2i~' 9-10/ 59, p. 26

~~I~~r~~~,'lter~3(Fr; a~4Medart scholarshiP) p.7

~;~t~~~gst~:i:~iS:!e~ctiS:e b~~5~ 5_:;~2,-4'~22l·

3-1 '

~uoJ~~~~~~~t~.~~_~;r,:;6d(I~!id;:c;~!;\ 1/59, p. I'" Kon':l0, Takoshi : 3-1 , 6 / 60, p. 12 A tribute - The spir it of Roy E. Moore will live forever: 1-1 ,5/57, p. 8 Gymnast extraordinary (Eddie Motler) : 1- 3, 9-10/ 57 P 12 Maestro of !he Trampoline (Geo. Paul): 1-4, 11-12/ 57; p. 18 Pond, ~harlte, l. Day: 1-9, 11- 12 / 58, p. 20 The Nissen Story, I. Wallace: 1-4 11-12/ 57, p. 9 Beau:: )"~th a bounce (Armando Whitman): 1-4, 11-12/57, PHOTO CONTEST (MODERN GYMNAST) 3-9,11-12/61, pp. 8-9 PROFESSIONAL ACTS Assem.bly time (Otto and Donna) : 2- 1, 1/ 59, p. 13 The ~~li?S - Australian Trampolinists, R. Harris, 2-1, 1/59, Good o ld days, V. Josselyn: 2-5, 5-6/59, p . 37 Acrobat? V. Josselyn: 2-6,7-8/59, p . 39 Circus - Flying Alexanders: 2-7,9-10/59, p. "'0 "Vic Says" (Handstands), V. Jossel yn: 2-7,9- 10/59. p. "'1 Dive ~~ t4eod to head stand. V. Josselyn: 2-8 and 9, 11-12/ 59, RINGS Giant swing fo re. t o " L" support, J. Farkas : 1-7, 7-B/58, p. 26 Giant swing fore. from handsland to handstand, J . Farkas, 2-1,1/59, p. 26 Hints to develop spec ial strength, J. Farkas, 3-1, 6/60, p. 18 St raddle off backward, J. FarkQs: 3-5, 4/ 61 , pp. 22-23 SIDE HORSE Ba ~ic information about S.H., J . Farkas: 1-9, 11-1 215B, p. 2'" QUln'7!8li59~~. v32 lls~ ~fs~-~btM~~hC~TU~rkas: 2-6, SIDE HORSE VAULT (See also VAULTIN G)

[~~~~ta:t:~d~~!: ~~~ft~t/~8or~~:t~e: 2-5, 5-6/ 59 p. 18 TRAMPOliN E ' Front .flip progressions, C. Keeney: 1- 1, 5 /57 p . 2'" LearrTI?d.?~7~p~'260mmy with a safety belt, C. Keeney, 1-4,

p, 7 Physical fitness for youngsters - J. Farkas 4-1, 1/ 62, P A note from the publisher - M. Ruder ian "'-2 , 2 / 62, P Authori t arianism in gymnastics - M . Robbins 4-2, 2/6 2, p. 24 An open letter - P. Fino -4-2, 2 / 62 , p. 24 Yes! Amer ican Gymnastic Federation - J. Farkas Note: See also - United States Gymnastic Federation Commendation from De utches Turner -4-6, 7-8/62, p. -4 . Reply to Ed Gombos - J . Farkas 4-7, 9-10/ 62, p. 25 EQUIPMENT IDEAS Side Ho rse fo r $1,00 and other homemade equipment -4-3, 3/ 62, p. 29 Tumbling table - R. Block 4-6, 7-8 / 62, pp. 18-19 Handstand Gimmicks for teaching "one arms" 4-6, 7--B/ 62, p . 21 Extension bar to convert to unevens - A. P. Frederick 4-8, 11 / 62, p . 25 Homemode judging computer 4-9, 12 / 62, p. 29 EXHIBITIONS Program and routine for exhibition - K. Hollis 4-9 . 12/ 62, pp. 24-25 fREE " EX" The illusion - H. Vogel 4-1, 1/ 62, p . 19 Aerial cartwheel - H, Vogel -4-2, /262, p . IB Hand balancing and gymnastics - B. Beyer 4-2, 2/ 62, pp. 20-21 Artistic design in fr ee calisthenics - B. Jackson -4-3, 3/ 62- p, 24 4-5, 5-6/ 62, p, 22 Forward Aerial walkover - G. Ko ywell Va ldez - B. Jackson 4-7, 9-10/ 62, p . 27 Some cunent and popular floor exercise moves - A. Shurlock 4-9, 12/ 62, p. 20 Forword handspring , fro nt somersault - J . Fa rkas -4-9, 12/62, p . 22 GYM CAMPS, PROGRAMS, ETC. Gymnastics in Delawa re - A. B. Frederick 4-1, 1/ 62, p. 7 Gym Camp - Bisham Abbey, Eng land 4-1 , 1/ 62, p. 10 4-1, 1/ 62 , p . 10 Swiss Camp at Macolin Early Bird program (good idea) - F. Raye 4- 1, 1/62, p. 28 Any school can have a complete gymnastics program J, Boley 4-2, 2 / 62, p. 12 GymnastiCS in the 50th State 4-3 , 3 / 62 , p. 6 Berkeley YMCA program - E. Morinoni 4-3, 3 / 62, p. 18 Washington's Highline Gym Komp 4-8 , 11/ 62, p. 22 Central Atlantic Area YMCA camp 4-8, 11 / 62, p. 23 First Eastern District Sokol Camp -4-8, 11 / 62, p. 24 GYMNASTIC GIMMICKS by E. F. "Bud" Beyer ' Hand Balancing and GymnasticS (# 13) 4-2,2/62, pp. 20-21 GYMNASTICS HISTORY Barney's beach album (1940) -4-6, 7-8 / 62, pp, 22-23 HORIZONTAL BAR Swingful continuation for "German" giant - J . Farkas 4-7, 9-10/ 62, p. 22 Teaching forward giants (spotting) 4-8, 11 / 62, pp. 16-17 INTERNATIONAL GYMNASTICS Swedish Gymnastic Federation 4-1 , 1/ 62, p. 9 Report from Euro pe _ K. Baechler 4-2 , 2 / 62 , pp. 10-11 JUDGING Judging Quiz 4-1, 1/ 62 , p. 24; 4-3 , 3 / 62, p. 24; 4-5, S-6/ 62 , p . 24 Gymnastics statistics and judging reports 4-1, 1/ 62. pp. 26-27 See also RESEARCH A further comment on gymnastic scores - Loken & Faulkner

Safety on the trampoline, R. Harris: 1-6, 3-4 /5 8 p 26 Doub~~s2.runcing on the trampoline, R. Harr is: 1:8, 9- 10/58 ,

1~~'9i~~6:, t.. s1~ms

Begi~~i2~· trampoline fOI ch ildren, R. Harris: 1-9, 11-12/ 58,

~~~:s 7~81l2~i~~. g~~_25stic judging - G. Bauer



trampolining, R. Harris: 2-1, 1/ 59, p. 2'"

Teoc~~n~6 the back somersau lt on the T., R. Harris, 2-3, 3 / 59,

Fu nd9~~/~aJ, t; i~~n g t echniques .on the T. R. Harris: 2-7,

pant~~iB~~~ ~~ ~~~c~:nrl_lf2J~:, t~~r:rgoline "swivel h ips", Rebo3~1~ ~/68~i~~. ni2-i j9th Annual Gym Clinic), B. Bollinger: Trampoline rebound tumbling assoc iation : 3-2, 11 / 60, p. 11 Back full twisting somersault, R. Harris: 3-3,1/6 1, p. 26 What's· in a name? (The Cody) , R. Harris: 3-5, "'/ 61, pp. 24-25 Proposed rebound tumbling ru les based on F.I.G.: 3-5, 4 / 61 , p.26 TUMBLING Head kip, J . Farkas : 1-5, 1-2/ 58, p. 26

lt~kbki~~~~r~~~~;/2~t~~io15~: ~~130{59,

p . 32 Spotting the back double somersault, S. Mitakis: Camp . 12/ 56, p.24 Foreword handspring, J. Farkas: 1-6,3-"'/ 58, p . 24 Handstands, J. Farkas : 3- 1" 6 / 60, p. 19 Bock e xtension roll , J. Farkas: 3-1, 6 / 60, p. 19 Teaching techniques for large groups, B. Beyer, 3-3, 1/6 1, pp.22-23 Relat~~~s~~~{ff cartwhee ls to handstands, B. Beyer: 3-5, 4 / 61 ,

Lead-up for the bock handspring, J . Farkas : 3-7, 9-10/ 61 , p.21 UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS Bock kip ta front support, double knee hong o n high bar to handstand on LB : 2-"', "' / 59, p. 2", Dislocate catch : 3-1, 6/ 60, pp. 16-17 Singl~:'f6_r7ing up fore. (p lus other stunts\: 3-5, 4/6 1, Compul sory UPB ports "One step beyond", H . Vogel: 3-9. 11-12/ 6 1, pp. 20 VAULTING (See also SIDE HORSE VA ULT) Beginner's inst ruction, J. Farkas: 2-8 and 9, 11-12/59. p. 43 pantll~ld~9:~~1~7g on the floor, B. Beyer: 2-8 a nd 9, How to bui ld a vaulting box: MG Newsletter No. I , 8 / 60, p.3 WOMEN' S GYMNASTICS

wom;~;br?8r:\~~:ur_~a{?~I~j5:8 ,1 ~~'13i;4~~~: ~i;~: ~.-~o Com~~12~y

rout ines for women (1960 Olympics): 2-"', "'/ 59,

AdVO;.Cn gymnastic skills for women, H. Vogel: 3-1, 6 / 60, Reports on Women's Gym. from New Eng land and California : 3-7, 7-8/61, pp. 22-23 MODERN GYMNAST-INDEX FOR VOl. IV



Preparing the instrument - Jo Anna 4-6,7-8 / 62, pp. 1-4-15 Editorial - Ballet for gymnasts 4-7, 9-10/ 62, p. 21 CHAMPIONSHIPS (Note : Due to the large coverage in this area by MG, only meets · of major interest are indexed here.) 1962 - 74th Not' l AAU Gymnastic Meet 4-5, 5-6/ 62, pp. 9- 19 Ben Price Memorial - 1962 4-2, 2 / 62, pp. 16-1 7 1962 - NCAA Championships -4-4, 4 / 62 , pp. 8-13 World Games - Prague 4-7, 9- 10 / 62, pp. 8-17 World Gomes - Pics and Rou tines -4-8, 11 / 62, pp. 10- 11 CLINICS ~::i~e~~1 1r~~6!;Tc Cti{i~ic (~~~~bsot~)I~ ~ :6~~"p~~:y (S. Balie) 4-2, 2/ 62, pp . 7-9 National Summer Clinic - G. Szypula 4-8, 11 / 62, pp. 18-19 -4th N. California Gym Clinic - I. Faria 4-8, 11 / 62 , pp. 20-21 COACHING Physical fitness through gymnastics (Excellent) - I. Faria 4-3, 3/ 62, p. 4 Shurlock's Train ing Schedule 4-9, 12/ 62, p. 29 COMPULSORIES World Games Compulsories and Analysis - C. Simms 4-1, 1/62, p, 24; 4-2, 2/62, p. 22; 4-3 , 3 / 62 , p. 22 1963 Notional YMCA Gymna st ic Championship Camps.




PA~lxr;:eEL ~AR~s (1960): 3-3, 1/ 61, pp. 18- 19

~~~k~{,afdl=~;:a~~kl!~, 19~1'0~5"'1.5:, f4

BALLET FOR GYMNASTS by Grace Kaywell Modern jazz warm-up exercises - G. Giordano 4-1, 1/ 62, pp. 20-2 1 De\ eloppe 4-3, 3/62, pp, 20-2 1

4-5, 5-6/ 62, p. 24 Judging tips - C. Simms 4-6, 7-8/ 62 , p . 24


MODERN GYMNAST Still just $3.00 for 9 Big Editions MODERN GYMNAST P.O.Box611 Santa Monica, Calif.

M.G. Back

Editions Complete Set of All M .Gs. Published to Dote including original Camp. Edition


A better system of judging gymnastics - A .• Festa


4-9, 12 / 62 , p. 29 NATIONAL ASSOC . OF GYMNASTIC COACHES by Glenn Wilson NAGC News 4-1, 1/ 62 . p. 25; -4-2 , 2 / 62, p . 23 (AAU- NCAA Ba ttle); 4-3, 3 / 62, p. 23 (Coach of the year); 4-5 . 5-6/ 62. p . 25 (FIG) NOMENCLATURE Nomenclature - K, Hollis 4-3, 3/ 62, p. 24 PARALLEL BARS " Finnish" kip _ J . Farkas 4-4 , 4 / 62, pp 22-23 Stutz twist to handstand 4-8 , 11/62, P 16 PERSONALITIES IN GYMNASTICS Canadian Gym Sketch - Willy Weiler -4-6, 7-8/ 62, pp. 8-9 PHOTO CONTEST 4-1, 1/ 62 , p. 18 ("Nose stand" on high bar); 4-2. 2 / 62 , pp, 14-15; 4-3 , 3 / 62 , pp. 1-4-15 (Shokhlin o n side horse) ; 4-4 , 4/ 62, pp. 14-15 (Standing on g ymnast holding flog on stoll bars); 4-5, 5-6/ 62 , p. 20 (Homemade uneven bars ); 4-6, 7-8/ 62, p. 10 RESEARCH Judging in the West ern Conference and NCAA gymnastic meets - Faulkner & Loken -4 -1 , 1/ 62, p. 26 Study of bock somersault 4-2, 2 / 62, p . 19 Gymnastic meet time analysiS - W. Skill 4- 5, 5-6/ 62, p. 26 Criteria for NAGC re$ea rch awards 4-8, 11 / 62, p. 7


Supply limited to 100 sets Complete set of:

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Ring routine - B, Wolf 4-4, 4/ 62 , pp. 16-17 SIDE HORSE Side horse routine - S. Bailie 4-3 , 3 / 62, J)p, 16-17 SOKOLS 4-9, 12/62, pp. 11-1 7 Sokol Slet TRAMPOLINE Teaching the fundamentals of rebound tumbl ing A. B. Frederick 4-9, 12/ 62 , pp. 18-19 TUMBLING Study of a bock somersault - Brodeur and Johmon 4-2, 2 / 62, p. 19 Double somersault - V. Josselyn · 4-7, 9- 10/ 62, p. 26 Mechanics of a back double - Y. Hotono 4-8, 11/ 62, p . 27 UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS St radd le cu t away dismount 4--4, -4 / 62, p. 21 Seat circle, drop, seat circle (pics) 4-8 , 11 / 62 , pp. 16-17 Uneven Bars for boys too - A. B. Frederick "'-8, 11/ 62, p. 25 UNITED STATES GYMNASTIC fEDERATION Proposed o rganizational chart 4-5, 5-6/ 62 . p. '" Proposed constitution 4-5, 5-6/ 6 2, p. 5 4-7, 9-10/ 62 , p. 6 Organi zat iona l meeting in Chicago 4-9 , 12/62, p, 5 Fo rmal organization - Chicago See also EDITORIALS (Yes! American Gymnastic Federation) VAULTING Hints a bout toke-offs - J . Farkas 4-1, 1/ 62, pp. 22-23 Straight body vault ("hecht") - E. Gombos -4-7. 9-10 / 62, pp. 23-25 WOMENS' GYMNASTICS Women's rout ines 4-6, 7-8/ 62, pp. 6-7

Camp . and 11-9 -

$ 1.00 each

* Valli-I; Vol 111-4 & 5 and Vo l. IV-9 a v ailable in vo lu me set s onl y.


M. G. BACK EDITIONS P. O. Box 611 Santa Monica, Calif.

.. 41


Mrs. Helen Schifano Sjursen, the former 1947 and 1948 National Gymnastic Champion and member of the 1948 Woman's Olympic Gymnastic Team is now one of the coaches at the Fanwood - Scotch Plains YMCA . Other Gymnastic coaches are her husband Clifford Sjursen and Hamilton Williams. Mrs. Sjursen is the only American gymnast since the 1948 Olympics who has scored high in a single event taking second place on the side horse vault in the 1948 Olympics. The next highest score in a single even t of an American woman gymnast i s 8th and 9th places. The Fanwood - Scotch Plains YMCA children are making fa st progr ess in gymnastics. When Mrs. Sjursen started teachin g nine months ago she readily saw that three young children, a 10, 11 and 12 year old could already press handstands on the floor, all these children being tumblers. She cr edi ts the fa st progress in gymnastics to the excellent tumbling training they are r eceiving from Mr. Dun can Smith and Mr. Edward C hen, tumbling coaches. The North Central New J ersey MidWinter Invitational Gymnastic Competition was held February 2nd, 1963 sporisor ed by the Fanwood -Scotch Plain s YM-

CA, Scotch Plains, N. J. 92 children were entered in various age groups. This is the first year the "Y" has sponsored a gymnastic competition and will now run it as an ann ual affair. Boys 8 - 10 yrs. All Around 1. B illy Ruyle, F a n wood-Scotch P lains YMCA. 2. Kenneth DeGraaf, Nat . Turn<ir s (Irvington). 3. Jimmy Francovitch Nat. Turners (Irvington) . Girls 8 - 10 yrs. All Around 1. Judy Gardozo, Fanwood - Scotch P la ins YMe:A. 2. Katherine Yeo-Elizabeth Turners. 3. Mary Ann R e ichle, Nat. Turners. Boys 11 - 14 yrs. All Around 1st. Ralph Manaker, Nat. Tu r ner s (Irvington) . 2. John Kuterka, Nat. Turners (Irvington). 3. Bob Cowell , Nat. Turnel1s (Irvington) . Girls 11 - 14 yrs. All Around 1. J a n ette H unt,Fanwood Scotch P la in s YMCA. 2. Jane Cowell , Nat . Turners (Irving ton. 3. Darrell Lehr, Fanwood-Scotc h P la in s Y,M CA. Men 15 - 17 yr. All Around l. Robert Sew'a1ls, Fanwood-Scotch P lains YMCA. 2. A I Hook, : Nat. Turners (Irv ington ). 3. Jim Steinman, Som m erville YMCA . Ladies 15 and over All Around 1. Nancy D e in, Elizab eth Turners. 2 Joyce Stahl, Tom Donovan Gy m Club. 3. Frances Hutcheson , Fanwood - Scotch P la ins YMCA. S路oys 11 - 14 Tumbling 1. J ohn Kuterka, Nat . Turn ers (Irv ing to n. 2. Bob Cowell, Nat. Turn er s (Irvi ngton. 3. Rich ard Hyman, F a nwood -Scotch P lai ns YMCA. . Girls 11 - 14 Tumbling 1. Janette Hunt, F a nwood Sco tch P lains YMCA. 2. J a ne Cowell, Nat. Turn ers (Irvington) . 3. Carl K uterka, Nat. Turners (Irvington. Boys 14 and over Trampoline 1. Robert Sewa lls, Fanwood - Sco tc h P la in s YMCA. 2. William Sidarick, Bloomfield Police Athl etic League.




Jr. gymnasts from New Jersey : Upper Right: 12-y ear-ald Janette Hunt, Billy Ruyle, Ricky Hyman. Belaw: Babby Sewalis, at left: Judy Cardoza, Jannette Hunt and Diana Smith .



Co-Sponsored By The M. G. A. and the University of Illinois, Ohicago By Robert E. BohZ A record 214 total men and women entered the 1962 Midwest Open held again at the University of Illinois Navy Pier Field House in Chicago. A record number of persons attended as spec tator,s forcing many to. stand throughout the finals. 170 of the entries were men representing over twenty colleges and Uni versiti es. A few staggered entries came from YMCA's and Turner organizatjons. A total of 19 teams entered and perhaps the most impressive figure was 40 persons competing in the All Around event. The Midwest Open has always had a tremendous appea l to the Colleges and Universities and is the real kick off to the Collegiate season. Many people refer to this as the "Little NCAA" as it provides a good basis for those coaches sporting strong teams. The womens entry was cons·iderably smaller, 35 total entries, 10 team entries and 18 all around candidates. The contrast is always perplexing and seems indicative of the need t o stimula te greater interest in womens gymnastics in our secondary schools, c olleges and universities. The private c lubs , Sokols, Turners, the YMCAYWCA's and the Recreation D epartments are hampered in their effort :;; to conduct concentrated programs. This is a story all of its own . . . I mention it briefly now, only because of the effect it has at many of our la rger meets . . . in partic ular the Midwest Open. These women are not to be counted out however, because what they lacked in numbers they picked up in quality. Herb Vogel's very talented Acrolympians with outstanding individual performances· by Judy Dunham, her sister Janice and Donna Schaenzer exemplify what a college progra m can accomplish. Other women performing fine routines were Ruth Ann Inskip co mpeting for Sokol Tabor in Chicago, Barbara Sweifel from M.S.U. and a real c omer, Collen Vlachos from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. The tumbling event was dropped from competition because of the lack of entries. The emphasis on the all around il1' the last few years has brought about a real sharp decline of competitive tum.bling. The men'·s events were conducted on a sec tional basis for the first time in the ten years the M.G.A. has conducted the Midwest Open. Becaus e the last few years have' brought such a large number of entnes, the preliminaries became long, exhausting ordeals. This year on an experimental basis we split the entries half to one section 'Lnd half to another and conducted two of the same event at the same time a nd qualified six men from each division. It worked real well. The spectators enjoyed it, the competitors preferred it, and as director of the meet, I was extremely happy to b e able to adhear to a decent time ::;chedule. In December 1963, the men's events will again be split by division, the o nly change being the ALL AROUND e ntries will comprise one division a nd the SPECIALTIES the other. Highlights of the men's competition was the outstanding all around performances of Gil Larose from th~ University of Michigan, Fred Orlofsky from S.I.U . and Gar O'Quinn from the second team entry from S.LU. "Salukis," who finished one, two, three in the order mentioned. These top flighters in th e all around had a tough time of it though m a tching skills with some outstanding indi-

vidual entries. Only in one event, the Parallel Bars, did an all around winner place first. Thi,s was done by Fred Orlofsky. In the other all a round events, Rusty Mitchell, S .LU. won th e free e x. event. The Side Horse was picked of by Bill Buck, Chicago Turners, the Ring event by Denny Wolf from S.LU. a nd Denny did it once more in the Horizon tal Bar, as such being the only double winner in the meet. Th e Long Horse eve·nt was won by Bruno Kla use from S.L U. The Trampolin e and Tumbling events were equally spectacular with Gary Erwin from the Univ. of Michigan doing a fine routine including a triple back somersault. The phenominal tumbling machine Hal Holmes made short work of thLs event netting a 97.5 the highest score given in all events. M. G. A . TO OBTAIN NEW FILM

The M.G.A. is announcing the rental and pUrchase of a new and thrilling gymnastic sound film entitied "Midwest Gymnastics." It has many exciting routines by top performers with slow motion sequences repeated from various angles. Watch for more details in the next edition.

BEN PRICE INVITATIONAL The "Ben Price I~vitational" is one of the season's top All·Around competitions in the Southern California area. This year's mee t at Pasadena City College proved ou t· standin g as usual with J erry Todd doing; a fin e job as meet director. Art Shurlock was the top scorer follow ed by Armand Vega and fifteen·year·old Los Angeles high school sensation , Makute Sa· kamoto. Routines and moves of note were Joe Kappi's floor Maltese and full· twi sting; semi to a split, iVlakato Sacamoto's peach basket immediate straddle on the P·Bars, Terry Montero's back giant hop to hand· stand reverse grip immediate stoop through high shoot to eagle gia nts, Jim Amerine's ring routine, Gary Buckner's tremendous hetch di smount from the High·Bar, Vega's Horse Vault and Shurlock's consistency in all events to come through with a top calibre routine to beat out Vega by a nar· row margin to win the All·Around.




USGF Director Frank Bare congratulating Art Shurlock on winning the Ben Price Invitationa l. Other all-around placers pictured: L-R: Amerine, Vega, (Sublock), Sakamoto, Montero and Klus. Shown below: Buckner, Montero, Nappi and Sakamoto.


NEW JERSEY GYMNASTS ORGANIZE At a meeting held on Friday evening, January 11, 1963 at the Paterson, New Jersey YMCA, a group of twenty-nine men and women actively engaged in and dedicated to the sport of gymnastics formally organized the NEW JERSEY GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION_ This action followed a series of meetings held in both Elizabeth and Paterson to lay the groundwork of such an organization_ Elected chairman of the Association was Marvin H_ Speidel, of Rahway, a physical education teacher in the Elizabeth public schools and Gymnastics Coach of the Elizabeth Turners_ Jerry Krawitz of F.air Lawn, gymnastics coach of the Paterson YM, YWHA and Mrs_ Helen Sjursen of Fanwood, gymnastics coach of the Scotch-Plains Fanwood YMCA, were elected · Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer respectively_ The Association, which will hold its general meetings on the second Friday in March, June, September, and December, has announced as its purpose the promotion and expansion of the ideals of the sport of gymnastics through standardization of rules, compulsory exercises, and judging procedures and through the sponsoring of competitions and clinics for boys and girls, men and women of all ageS: and on all ability levels_ A technical committee to conduct such events and to interpret and administer the rules of the Association has been appointed by the Chairman and consists of: Mrs. Louise Mills-Paterson Swiss Turners, women's gymnastics; Peter Pretga-Newark YMCA, Calendar; Bob Ferretti-Paterson YMCA, Judging; Andy Pasinski-AAU, Special Events; Pat DiNicola-AAU, Compulsaries; Tony Napier -M6ntclair State Teachers College, Colleges; Sidney Morrison, Jersey City High Schools, Schools; John BabuskaSlovak Sokol, Sokols; and Peter Grimm-Carlstadt Turners, Turners. A series of compulsory exercises for those age groups not covered in the standard AA U rule book have been prepared by the New Jersey AAU gymnastics committee under chairman Frank Wells, and have been tested and interpreted at a clinic held at the Paterson YMHA on Thursday evening, February 7, 1963. These have now been distributed to all coaches and gynmastics organizations in the state. Parties interested may obtain information from eith!!r the chairman, Marvin H. Speidel, 708 Dianne Court, Rahway, New Jersey or the Secretary, Mrs. Helen Sjursen, 40 Poplar Place, Manwood, New Jersey.






Area Code 312

276- 1690











G M Shopping Centers also planned for East and West Coast Areas


Letters Dear S irs: Som e tim e a g o you p ri n t e d a p ic tu re of a J a panese gymnastic stamp in th e lVI. G. Are t h ere a n y oth e r Gymnastic stam p s f r om other coun t ri es? Si ncer e ly , D avid L ee C hicago , Illinois . ED . Many countries have put out Gymnastic stamps from time to time. I picked up a few from Chechoslovakia and ·other parts of Eu rope when I was there this summer. The little country of San Marino special izes in putting out spec ial stamps as a national business. Pictured are a couple of San Marino





have collected so far from Ger · many, Japan, Austria, Sweden, etc. Maybe some day the U. S. will print a good Gymnastic stamp . . . Maybe for the '68 Olympics.

material to ' us as soon as we need It or as soon as they would like . All this and many unex pected items that always pop up in any business make it very difficult to maintain a good production schedule: We had a little tr().uble with a printer a few issues back that resulted in a six week delay and a poor job on top of it, followed by a three week delay on the follow· ing edition. (We are no longer using that printer ) . Admittedly we a re a little late , but are doing our best to put out a good magazine (and only) for this wonderful sport of Gym. n a stics. (I suppose we could go to the other ·extreme as do some publications and print a date of three of four months iro advance on our cover " but that would not make the news any more current, Just misleading) , However we do hope to do bet. ter this year even if we are off t,o a poor start in schedule . . . but, a great start in material and style. ( P.S . The M.G. is not put on the news stands, it is SUBSCRIPTION ONLY) .

. . .

DISAPPOINTED! Dear S ir: I h a d ordered a s ub scrip ti on to y our m agazine last J a nua ry for m y s on a nd h a d inte nde d t o do th e sam e this yea l' aga in bu t no w I am n ot s ure w h e the r I w ill or not . The rea son is tha t h e h as been ver y ver y disapp o inte d b ecau s e the m a g azin e " The Mode rn Gymnast " a lways c om es s o la te . . . muc h la te r tha n his fri e nds r eceive t h e irs or la t e r than they com e ou t on s t a.nd s. F or example . . . h e o.n ly r eceived the Novemb e r i ~­ s u e of th e mag a zine T uesd ay a nd her e it is J an u a ry alread y! That is ridic ul o u s! I h ave s ubscrib e d to man y m agazin es a nd I' ve n eve r rece ived any that late. I n fact , most of th e m a g a zin es I s ubscrib e t o I receiVE> even b e fore they com e ou t on t h e s t a nds. I would like t o kn ow w hy h e r eceives the m so la t e a n d a lso if so m e thin g can't b e d one t o get t he m h e r e soon er an d th e n I w ill l et yo u kn ow \" h eth e r I w ill s ub scrib e again or n ot. Than k yo u. Your s trul y , Ver y Di sappointed. ED. Dear Disappo i nted, we are

as sorry as you are that we have not been able ·to get the M. G. out on time . It is a big job and we just have a small staff of people to do the actual make ready for the printer. AI· though we are very fortunate to have many wonderful people throughout the USA and the Wo r ld who contribute articles for the M . G. They do so in their spare moments and are not always able to get their


Dea r Mr. S undby : I just r ece ived t h e Novembe r issue of Th e Mod e r n Gymnast, a n d I wo uld lik e t o com m ent on somethin g. An "in a nd out s tu tz twi s t to a h a ndsta.nd " iR s how n a t th e top of p ag'e s ix t een . Al t h o u g h I d on 't c lai m to kn ow exac tl y wh a t t o call i t , I do b e li eve tha t credi t s h ould b p g ive n w h e r e credi t is d u e. A yea r an d a h a lf ago, d u ri ng t h e s u m m er of 19 61 , I s a w Wa rren W a k e tlin , th e capta in of th e Un iversity of Illino is gym nast ic tea 111 , do the same tri ck , in t h e b e lt. I kn ow tha t h e w ork e,l o n th e trick even b e for e t hat. Thi s p ast SUl11 1n e r I a ga in saw h im d o it, a nd wi tn essed him ta k e t h e trick o u t of th e b el t. La s t m o nth, a t th e MidWest Op en Gy mnas tics C h a mp io n s hips , I saw h im d o it durin g c omp et iti on . Al t h ough h e 'lin not hit t o a co ld hand s ta nd , h e w as abl e t o w o r k o ut o f it. T jus t th ought t ha.t I w ould g ive W a rre n th e c r edit , f or as fa r as I kn ow W a r re n thought of th e trick a nd was the first t o u se t h e trick in competi tio n . S i ncerely yo urs , .TIM J OH N S ON

N il es, Illin o is P. S . Wh at h a p pened to th e in · s tru c ti on a l a.rticl es? ED. The stutz trick shown in the Nov . edition was performed several years ago by a Hungar. ian Gymnast now coaching in Sweden. Some times we get a bit ahead of the contributors sending




but not often.

articles ,

AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE DIRECTORS OF THE WESTERN GYMNASTICS CLINIC Dear Coach and Gymnast: We wou ld like to thank all of you who h elped make the 2nd Annual Western Gymnas tics Clinic such a tremendous success through your attendance and h and wlork. Also, another word of thanks to a ll fo the equipment companies. Since the c lose of the clinic we h ave received many letters of congratulation a long with some excell ent suggestions to make next · years c linic even better. We a ppreciate these letters and h ave a lready begun work on next years program, taking into consideration yo ur s uggestion s . The following are some of the changes which we have planned: 1. There w ill be no charges other than the \"egistration fee, all meets, programs, id entifi cation badge to be pinned on, etc. will be inc lud ed in that fee. 2. Classes w ill be longer so that more material can be covered. 3. Additional classes for the coach and teacher. 4. Demonstrations of the olympic routines for men and \VOlnel1.

5: More extensive judging classes for men and women w ith testing and certification by the United States Gymnastics Federation. These are on ly a f ew of the many improvements that w ill be made in next years program. Thank you again for your wonderful support. We are looking forward to seeing you all again next year . Gymnastically, SAM BAILIE Clinic Director I I-

v is it their M ili tary Academy at Baguio in Northern Luzon. It's patterned in almost every respect aHer our own West Point, except for their Dept. of Phys ical Education. Although they have a ll the equipm ent and fac ilities, they lack a sport towards which their Corps of Cadets can aspire. With their s ma.!1 sta.ture I feel gymnastics is the answer, Their gym is modestly equipped with one orlzontal bar, two parallel bars, one set of rings, one trampoline, a nd t\VO side horses, and 1110st important of a ll , one Dept. head who is most erithusiastic for a gymnastic progra m, . but is handicapped by a lcak of direction. I promised him I would attempt to get him some wri tings on the following subject:s 1. • The organization and· con duct ' of a gymnastic program. 2. Beginning, intermediate, & advanced apparatus exercises for men, to include spotting techniques. 3. An y other writ ings wh ich may be of ass is ta,nce . May I enlist yom' aid? Per · ha,ps you could publish a s h ort "help wanted" paragraph in your NOTES column asking anyone \"ho might have some thing a long these lin es to please send them to: Commanda,nt Philippine M ilitary -Academy, (Attn: Dept. o f P. E.) Baguio, Philippine Island s . It doesn' t matter what concli · tion the items are in , n or ho\v outdated and behind the times the materia.! may be, I'm sure it will be appreciated . ED. Past M. G.'s are part .of the answer. Perhaps someone will send other materials.


STRETCH SOCKS Made from 100 % Nylon. Guaranteed to be the finest in the country. Worn in place of gymnastic shoes and highly recommended for ringmen, rope climbers. side horse, etc. White only. Fits all sizes . from 6-1 I. $2.00 pair ppel.



MORE TUBE TUMBLING Dear Glerm: I just received notice that it is time to renew my subscrip16 MM tion to M. G . The Motlern GymGYMNASTIC FILMS nast is so informative tha t I MEN & WOMEN wou ldn't want to be with out it. CHAMPIONSHIPS I'm constantly going ' over bac k issues for assistan ce in tea c hWrite for FREE brochure ing some particular phase of a VAN DIXON FILMS trick. Box 611, Santa Monica, Calif. Perha ps you would be interested in knowing that I have received requests for additional information on Tube TUmbling,":================~ from a lmost every state and ·' from several foreign countries. A GOOD ONE PIECE This response resu lted from that LEATHER HAND GUARD article I wrote for . M. G. two years ago. The M. G. really gets around!

Tube Tumbling is beginning' to take hold throughout the nation. There are several universities and man y s c hool dis tricts and recrea tion departments that have added it to their regular cllrriculul11. The tubes have been so helpful in making our physical edueation program more successful that I would be happy to assist anyone interested in T u be Tumbling. Thank you for your interest in this matter. Very truly yours, Lynn Pitcher P. S. If you would be intereste d in an article or series of articles on Tube Tumbling', complete with accompanying photographs and illustrations, I wou ld be happy to supply them for puhlication




OTHER PRODUCTS ALL LEATHER SHOES.......................... $4.00 pro ppd. Soft white leather with elastic stra ps across top.

ONE PC. HANDGRIPS (IetterJ... ....... $1.75 pro ppel. Made entirely from one pc. of white leather. Small. Medium and Large

Gy nl-

I have also written a booklet call ed TUBE T UMD LI?-<G, in which your readers may also be interested. ED. Thanks Lynn, I'm su re our readers would be interested in more articles on HTube Tumb· ling.'.' n a~t.

HELP WANTED Dear Glen n: I h ave just returned from a short tour in the Philippin es where I had an opportunity to

This is the imported gymnastic · canvas shoe worn by the World and Olympic ChampiQns. Top edge is bound with canvas for that ·weor·ever strong construction . Double duty elastic straps across the top provides for that perfect fit and appearance. Sale mode of long"weoring white rubber. Shoe approved for women . Order same size ' as your street shoe or draw outline of foot on paper for correct size. In white only. Sizes: Kids, 12-5; Adults, 6- 12. Only $2 .50 pair, postpoic HANDGRIP mode of pliant but very stron~ Japanese leather . Perfectly designed to give sofet) and protection to those hands . Identical handgrip worn by Melbourne and Rome horizontal bar Gold Medal winner. Sizes: Small, Medium and Large . Only $1.40 pair, postpaid

"FOR USE ON ANY FINGER" Used exclusively by the gymna"ties tecull of Un i vel'!:)ity of .Ca.liforn ia, Berkeley, and at the North Cali · fornia Gymnastic Camp C lini c. $1.65 pro ppd . - $18.00 doz . ppd Sizes Sma ll , Average, or Large. Pat. Pend. Ord er from Louis Perschke 616 Richmond St. EI Cerrit.o, Calif .


... ............ .. ....... ........ .............. $2.00

pro ppd.

Extra strong and pliant. Worn by International champions.

GYMNASTIC PANTSNylon (white) pants .................... $12.95 pro ppel. Wool (cream) pants .................. $16.50 pro ppel.




M.G. BILLBOARD NEW GYMNASTIC PUBLICATION : " Gy a t ist ique & Gy mnastique Artistique " published in Paris , France is n o w a v ailable through M . G. Billboard . Price $5.00 per year (8 issues) . Write "Gy m-Art." M.G. Billboard and encl ose $5 for subscriptio n. USED GYM APPARATUS-save on good, slightly used g y mnastic apparatus. Write for quotations. Nissen Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa . PHOTO BALANCING COURSE: This course shows you all the different ways to pressup to a handstand and to do such advanced ba la nces as Tiger-Bends, o ne-hand balances, Pirouettes and Planches. Send just $ 1.00 to: PHOTO BALANCING COURSE , P. O . Box 611 , Santo Monico , Calif. SKILL: The Journal of Athletic Technolog yWeight li fting, Circus , Handbalancing Instruction, Karate, Figure C;ourse, Bo x ing, Wrestling, Bod y -Building and many other features. Publ ished by Ken Woodward School of Ph y sical Culture, 61 Talbot Rood , Blackpool , Lancashire, England. 4 issues for $ 1.50, 8 issues for $3 .00. In U.S.A. order from Sportshelf, P. O . Bo x , New Rochelle, New York. SPECIAL: Trampoline springs at wholesale price. Box of 96 for $21.96 , including tax, F.O.B. Offer limite dto current stock suppl y so Order Now' Bickmo re Acrobatic Co ., core of M. G. BILLBOARD , Bo x 611 , Santo Monica , California. MEN'S GYMNASTIC PANTS: Mode from finest double stretch n y lon in white or Navy . Price $12 .95. These are mode to measure so be sure to include accurate measurements as foll o ws: Waist, Hips , Thigh, Ankle , inside and Outside leg length. Please send money order or check with o rd er t o : TH E GYMNAST, Glenwood, The Pork, Sidcup, Kent, England. THE GYMNAST: The Official Magazine of the






Britain. Filled with News, Results, Photos and Instruction of g y mnastics in Great Britain and the Conti n ent . Published quarterly. Send $1 .00 for a year 's subscription to: J. P. PRESSTIDGE , Glenwood, The Park , Sidcup, Kent, Great Britain . Order single copies from: M. G. BILL BOARD , Bo x 611 ,




co. # 1. UNICYCLE .... _.......... ..... $35.00



Professi o nal curved seat, heavy industria l

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tipped .



bearing, 20" wheel, durable enamel finish,





Mode. of 1" heavy n y lon hands traps. Features on aircraf1'-t y pe buckle that adiusts t o all sizes .

# 3. INDOOR SPOTTING RIG (10 ' ceilingl. ......... _....... _.. _._$22 .50 (15' ceiling) .. ....... ............. $24.50 (20' ceilingl. ... ___ ... _._ .... _... _ $25.50

NOTE: With each piece of equipment you get a brochure containing instructions for beginners . . . and how to core for the equipment.


Includes pulleys, ropes, snaps, belt . (send appro x imate height of cei ling )

# 4. TRAPEZE ........... _... ....... $12.95 This is a pro fessional bar and includes eye bo lts, steel hooks , wrapped bar , podded ends , 5 / 8 " cotton rope. Standard length 7 ft.

# 5. LEAPING TRAMPOLINE (with 5pringsL. ... .. _... _... _...... $22.95 {cable) .. _._ .... _. _... _..... . _....... $29.95 Strong steel frome, 2 ft. square nylon web bed , spring or exercise cable.






used ,

out of print . For P. E. majors , Teachers, Coaches. Buy & Sell. Send for FREE list. EDLEVIN , 7668 W I NNETKA AVE . WINNETKA , CALIFORNIA. FOR SALE: Regul~tion replacement side horse bodies with regulation pommels, $150 or with light-weight center bose, $250. Contact Louis Perschke, 616 Richmond S.E ., EI Cerrito, Calif. USED GYM HEALTH EQUIPMENT: Exercise Bicy cle, $35; Adjustable Horizontal Bar, $40; Abdominal Board (for use with Stoll Bars) , $35; Wooden Stoll Bars ;double set) $30; Rowing Machine (frictioCl tension ) $30; Wall resistance Whee l, $55; Gym Scale, $35; Also Sun-Lamps, Acrobatic Teater-Boord, Belt Vibrators and other health and exercise equipment. Contact: Joseph's Health C lu b, 1238 - 7th St. , Santo Monico, California. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: Films of the Wor ld Gymnastic Championships in Prague ore now availab le in 8mm reels. $35 for a 400 ft . reel. Complete set (4 reels) $1 2 5.00. For purchase or further info rmation , contact: George C. Kunzle, 67 Eastern Rood, Selly Oak, Birmingham 29, England. "GYMASTICS JACKETS" Western Gymnastics Clinic Pockets, 100 0;" nylon, M. G. Billboard Special-$6.95. Small & medium sizes only. Write: Sam Bailie, Gy mnastics Coach Univ.

of Arizona , Tuchon, A rizona . HANDGUARDS: Mode from lampwick. Sizes: Lorge, Medium and Sma ll. $1.25 per pair. Order from : Palmsavers, 740 SunsetSt., Iowa City, Iowa. HAN DSTAND PEDESTALS: Handstand Pedetals, great for pr a ct i cing all t y pes of balancing, and for improving your Ring work. Just $35 .00 a set. Order from: John Gibson , 2810 Manchester, Tucson, Arizona .

you are Q coach, Physical POWER prov ides you with actual weight·troining pro.grams and phil~sophies of the champions. Clear, precise instruction articles complete Wit h photos and. exercise illustrations dealing with All s~o.rtsl News and lotest findings about cardio vascular efficiency, nu· Int.I?" and the athlete, etc . . . . See our Hrepri nts available" page for an Idea of the kind of instruction Physical POWER offers. you are an athlete, Physical POWER will be an 'absolute gold mine of information concerning sports, bodybuilding and supreme effie· lency. Its pages always contain a liberal se lection of action photos and exercise illustrations. Beginners and champions alike learn the TRUTH from accurate instruction and reporting.



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PARALLEL BARS New fun cti on al design wit h low. fl at base to in sure absolute saf ety . . . preve nts any shake or sway . . . ba rs can not tip. Meets all Ol ympi c-N CAA-AAU specificat ions . Hardwood laminated bars give great er res ili ency. Rol ler tru ck inclu de d as sta nda rd eq uipme nt. Lifet ime rubbe r base preve nts marring of gym fl oo r. Exc lusive with Gym Master ... "Sure·Set . Sa f ety Lock" adj ust men t .. . cha nges wi dth or heig ht to exact pos ition desired easily . quickly; bars w ill not sli p d uring positioning.

PORTABLE HORIZONTAL BAR AND STILL RINGS A comp let ely po rtab le Horizonta l Bar a n d Still Ring unit. Use anyw here- i n th e gym or out doo rs. N 0 I NS TA L LA T I ON. NO MOORI NGS. NO FLOOR PLATES , NO TIE·DOWNS OR WEI GHTS. Comp lete ly stab le. when in use will not sway or move. Meet s all Olympi c- AA U- NCAA spec if ications. Full y assembled . enti re un it can be easi ly moved on pe rmanent ly attac hed, non-ma rring rubber wheels. Lam inated ha rdwood sti ll rin gs are offi cia l size , comp lete with adjust ab le ny lon straps. stee l cab les and bearing swivels .

WRITE FOR CATALOG AND COMPLETE DETAILS TODAY ABOUT GYM MASTER GYMNASTIC APPARATUS includ ing uneven Parallel Bars, Side Horse, Buck, Horizontal Bars, Bal ance Beam, acc essories and the world's most complete line of Trampolines

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