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Is it possible to wave the flag too much? Provided, of course, that you ",;ave it with integrity? Is it possible to study Lincoln or Shakespeare too much? Is it possible to read the Bible too much The great, the good , the true, are inexhaustible for inspiration, example and strength . I believe that we are not. waving our flag enough , not nearly enough It seems to me that we are developing a tendency to be timid or even apologetic about waving the stars and stripes. Walk up and down the streets on July 4th and count the flags. It is our nation 's birthday, a sacred day in world history, the most important day of America. Why isn 't the fla g flyin g on every rooftop and from every home and building? This complacent attitude is strong evidence of cancerous patriotic decay. The flag is a symbol of our national unity. It is the spirit of our undying deyotion to our country. It stands for the best th at is in us . .. for loyalty, character, and faith in democracy Isn't our flag a synonym of the United States of America? Does it not represent man 's greatest, noblest , most sublime dream ? Is it not the zeoith of achievement, the goal to which generations have aspired? Ladies and gentlemen, I believe it is time for us . . . for the mad, rushing Twentieth Century American ... to stop for a moment and think. Let us arrest our near reverential admiration of material success and return to the spiritual and ethical values. Let us imbue and rekindle in ourselves and our children the so-called old-fashioned way of patriotism, a burning devotion to the principles and ideals upon which our country was founded * Should not every home own and proudly display the colors on holidays and other such occasions? Isn't the flag Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington , N athan Hale, Gettysburg and Valley Forge, Paul Revere, Jackson and other grea.t men and women who have given us our heritage. 'Vhen you look at the flag can 't you see the Alamo, Corrigedor, Pearl Harbor, The Monitor, The Merrimac, Wake Island, and Korea? Lest we forget , isn't th e flag Flanders Field, Bataan, Iwo Jima, Normandy, Babe Ruth and Davy Crockett? The great events of our past and present are wrapped up in our flag It is a symbol of this blessed nation, a giant in industry, education and commerce. Millions of fertile square miles, wheatlands, coal mines, steel plants. Our great republic, the chosen infant destined to be man's last and remaining hope for suffering humanity, a shining beacon of light, noble and glorious, the haven for the oppressed and persecuted and truly God's gift to mankind That is 'w hat the flag means to m e. Can we wave it too much? I don't think so.
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~~ Reply of S. L DeLove on the Kn ow Y o tl r History Hotlr, December 30th, 1956, to a listener who wro te as follows: "Your program s are wonderful - especially the no commercials - but you are waving the fl ag too much ." The above has been reprinted ann ually in m any national magazines, newspapers and radio stations, and is a part of the Congressional Record . ' Dr. DeLove is the auth or of Th e Q uiet B et ra yal and president of Independence Hall of Chicago.
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DISCERNING BUYERS AGREE ON QUALITY. They know it's important. Why? Because quality builds Champions . .. quality saves money, too! From the Little League set to the Olympic stars, athletes do their best with top-flight equipment. That's why winning coaches and thoughtful parents throughout the world specify AMERICAN, the brand name you can depend upon for superior construction and championship performance. We guarantee same day mailing of catalogs of any of the lines illustrated above. Send for yours now!
Janie Speaks .
Volume VI
No. 8
CONTENTS NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ............. ........ ..... ..Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK ....... ........ ............ .... .......... .......... ..................... OLYMPIC ELIMINATIONS ..................... ..... ... ... Jerry Wright USGF DIRECTOR'S REPORT .................................... Frank Bare GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION .... A. B. Frederick HELPFUL HINTS .................. ..................... .......... ...Jim Farkas TRAMPOLINING ................................................ Jess Robinson QUESTIONS AND POINTERS .. ... ....................... Art Shurlock WHAT'S THE SCORP ...... .................... .............. Jerry Wright RESEARCH AND FITNESS .. .............................. James S. Bosco LETTERS ......................... ..... ........... .........................................
Kathy Corrigan
COVER : Members of the US Olym· p ic Gymna stic Team: Greg Weiss, Rusty Mitchell, Makato Sakamoto, Ra n Barak and Larr y Banner (Art Shurlock and Armand o Vega missed the boat tha t afternoon ) have an afternoon of relaxation and sa iling at Bal boa Isl and , Cal· ifornia be f o re gi ving Of! evening exhibition at nearby Corona del Mar High School, just prior t o departure for the Olympic Games at Tokyo.
Grass f eld
Mar ie Walther
THE MODERN GYMNAST IS publ15hed by American PhYSical Fllness Research Institute, Inc. , 410 · Broadwa y, Sonta Monica, Callfornlo . Second cla ~s postage paid at Santo MonICa, Collf. Publi shed monthly except June, August and October which arc co mbi n ed With the prev ious month's Issue. Price $4.50 per year, SOc single co py.
Do r is Fuchs
Sul ,scrlptlu n corresp ondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P. O. Box 611 , Santa MonICo , Collfornlo COPYright 1964 by AMERICAN PHYSICAL FITNESS RESEARCH INSTITUTE , INC ., 410 Br oadwa y . Santo M Ollica , Callfornlo. All pICture s and manuscripts subrnlttetJ beco me th e pr o pert y u f THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return reque st and ':>ufflc lc nt p os ta g c or c rp c lu · j(>u
5 8 12 22 24 28 30 32 34 35 36
USA OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC DATA The Modern Olympic Games were revived by Baron Pierre de Coubertin and his associates who constituted themselves into an International Olymupic Committee. James E. Sullivan organized an American Olympic Committee and the first modern Ol ympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Germany won the Gymnastic team title and Karld Schumann of Germany won the Long Horse event. Zutter of Switzerland the Side Horse, Hermann Weingaetner of Germany the Horizontal Bar, Alfred Flatow of Germany the Parallel Bars, Mitropoukos of Greece the Flying Rings and Andiakopulos of Greece the Rope Climb.
* *
THE lInd OLYMPICS were held in Paris in 1900 and all we can find in the available records is that Sandras of France won the Individual All-Around title. THE IIIrd OLYMPICS were held in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904. Being on home ground the USA Gymnastic team scored the best ever (or since). Led by Anton Heida who took first place in the All-Around, Long Horse, Side Horse, and Horizontal Bar and aided by George Eyser who tied him on the long Horse and won the Parallel Bars and Rope Climb events and Ed A. Hennig who tied Anton on the Horizontal Bar and won the Indian Club Swinging, plus Herman T. Glass winning the Flying Rin gs gave the USA an unofficial Olympic Team Championship in Gymnastics just sixty yea rs ago. Other members of the team were; John Duha, Charles Krause, W. A. Mertz, E. Voight and R. Wilson. THE IVth OLYMPIC Games were held in London in 1908 (the records also state that an unofficial Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece in 1906 and that Norway won the Gymnastic Team Championship). Alberto Braglia of Italy won the All-Around award and Sweden the Team Championship.
* *
THE VIth OLYMPICS were to be held in Berlin, Germany but because of the war they were cancelled.
Art Shurlock
Rusty Mitchell,
Gregor Weiss,
The VIIth OLYMPIC Games were held in Antwerp, Belgium in 1920. The USA team consisted of four Gymnasts all entered for the All-Around individual contest. The All-Around events were: Horizontal Bar, Parallel Bars, Flying Rings, Side Horse and Free Calisthenic's Drill. Compulsory and Optional exercises were needed for the Horizontal , Parallels and Rings with Optionals only for the Side Horse and Free Call Drill. Frank K. Kriz of New York was the highest scoring U.S . Gymnast with 10th place All-Around; Paul Krempel of Los Angeles placed 20th, Barney J orgensen of Brooklyn, 21st and John Mais of Philadelphia was 23rd. Roy E. Moore was the American team manager. Zampori of Italy was the All-Around Champ and Ital y won the Team Championship.
Makato Sakamoto.
THE Vth OLYMPICS were held in Sweden in 1912 and Sweden won the Team Competition with movements according to the Swedish System . . . however Italy is also listed as winning the Team Competition according to Special CQnditions. Norwa y is listed as the Team Champion with Free Choice of Movements and Apparatus. Alberto Braglia of Italy successfully defended his All-Around title to be crowned Individual Champion for the second time.
THE VIIIth OLYMPICS were held in Paris in 1924. The USA "ent twelve Gymnasts to this Olympiad; Rudolph Novak, John C. Mais, Charles Cremer, Curt Rottman, Frank Safanda, Al .J oc him, Frank Kriz, Lt. .J. B. Pearson , Adolph Zink, .John F. Andreasen, Frank Kruse and Max Wandrer. Roy E. Moore was Coach 8; Manager. C. H. Bojus went along as an
Ron Barak,
Lorry Bonner.
Official. lta ly won th e Team Champi onship (OSA placed fifth) and Stukelj of Yugos lavia was the All -Around Champ . Frank Kriz of the ('SA won the Lon g Horse event. .
* * *
THE l Xth OL YM P IC Gallles were h eld at Amsterdam , Holland in 1928 . The USA team was made up of eight Gymnasts; Alfred J ochim , Glenn Berr y, Frank Griz, Frank Haubold , H. C . Newh art, J. B. P earson , H. Witzi g and Paul Krempel. Roy E. Moore was the Manager and Coach , Herbert G. Forsell train er and Henr y Panzer the Team Drill work . George Miez of Switzerland was the All- Around Cham pi on. Team stan din gs were: 1. Switzerland ; 2. Czechoslovakia ; :-1. Yugoslavia; 4. Fran ce; 5. Finland ; 6. Italy; 7. US A ; 8. Holland ; 9. Lu xembourg and 19. Hungary. THE X th OLYMPIAD was held in Los Ange les, Califor ni a in 1932. The Intern ati onal Gym nastic Federati on accepted th e h os t- co ufltries request for ~ep a rate team and in dividu al competiti olh -The Americans fi elded two teams 5 All-Around men and 16 specia lists. Cumiskey, Galbraith , Herrma nn , Carmichael, Meyer, Witzig , Roth, Haubold , Schuler , Jochim, Erenberg, Bish op, Gulack, Bixler, Gross, Gleyre, Denton, Wolfe, Connell y, Bass, Kuhlemeier. Roy E. Moore manager, coach, Kanis, Price Assist. Coach, Lindenbaum official. Ital y won the T eam Champion ship, USA came in second , Finland was third , Hun gar y fourth , Japan fifth , Mexico sixth and S witzerland seventh. Homeo Ne ri of Italy was the top All-A round sco rer. Frank Haubold was the top America n with 6th place All-Aro und , with team mates Fred Meyer in 8 th place, Alfred J ochim 10th, Frank Cumiskey 11th and Michael Schuler 17th . (The Japanese team members placed-- 18, 21 , 22, 23 and 24. ) [n the indi vidual specia lists events the USA boys did ver y well winnin g 16 medal s and five first place awards ; six second places and five thirds, as follows: Hope Climb , Ha ymond Bass (1), W. Ca lbraith (2) and Th omas Connelly (3). Tumbling, Rowland Wolfe ( 11 , Edward Gross (2 ) and Wil li am He rrmann (3 1. Pommelled H orse, Frank Haub old (3). Fl yin g Rin gs, Ceo rge Gulack ( 1 ), William Denton ( 2) . H oriz ontal Bar, Da llas Bi xler (1). Indian Clubs, George Roth ( 1 1, Phil Erenberg (21 , and Wi lliam Kuhlemeier (3) . Long Horse, Alfred J och im (21 and Edward Ca rmichael (3) .
* *
THE X lth OLYMPIAD was held in Berlin , Ge rmall Y in 1936. The LTSA team sent eight Gymnasts; Ar thur Pitt, Chester Phillips, Alfred Jochim , Frank Haubold , Frederick Me yer , George Wheeler, Kenn y Griffin , Frank Cumisk y with J oseph Oszy as co ac h and Herbert Forsell manager. Germa ny won the Team Champi onship followed by Switzerland , Finland 3rd , Czechoslovakia 4 th ; Ital y 5th, Yugosla via 6th ; Hun gary 7th ; France 8th ; Japan 9th and the liSA 10th. Karl Sch warzmann of German y was the top All Around winn er. Frank C umi ~ k y was the hi ghest lJSA Gvm nast tf8 th pla ce}. For the first time the USA entered a Womell 's team cOllsisting of Adelaide Meyer , Mrs. Irma Haubold , Mary Wright, Margaret Duff ; Marie Kibler, Ada Lupardoni , Consetta Caruccio, Jennie Caputo and George Miele as coach. The women 's team placed fifth and Consetta Camccio placed the highest of USA women.
* * *
XlIth OLYMPIAD not held. Was to be held in London but was cancelled due to the second World War as was the XIIIth whi ch would h ave been held in 1944.
* * *
X l \Tth OLYMPI CS was held in London in 1948 h onoring their 1940 bid. The OS A sent an eight man squad to the London Olympics: Frank Cumiaky, Haymond Sorenson, William Hoetzheim , Edward Scrobe, Joe Kotys, Louis Bor-
do , William Bonsall and Vincent D' Autor io. Gene Wettstone was the team Coach, George Gulack manager. The Women's team consisted of; Laddie Bakanic, An ita Simon is, Marian Barone, Doroth y Dalton, Meta Elste, Clara Schroth , COil' setta Lenz and Helen Schifano. Co·managers were George Miele and J oseph Sa lzman. Finland won the team cham· pionships, Switzerlan d was 2nd, Hungary 3rd, France 4th , Ita ly 5th , Czecho lsova kia womens team won the cham· pionship with Hun gar y 2nd and the USA 3rd. Helen Schi · fano was th e top US woman scorer.
* * *
THE XVth Olympics were held in Helsinki , Finland in 1952. The USA sent an eight man team: Vincent D'A utoria , Robert Stout, Donald Holder , Ed Scrobe, Charlie Simms, \\lilliam Roetzheim, Walter Blattman and Jack Beckner with Tom Ma loney , Coach and Frank Cumisky as manager. HU5s ia entered the Ol ympics for the first time and took the top honor s in team championships, Switzerland 2nd fol· lowed by Finland, German y and Japan . Hun gary and Czech· os lovakia tied for 6th place and the USA team placed 8th. Tchoukar ine of RU5sia was top All-Around champ . Ed Scrobe was the top US team scorer with 31st place AllArou nd . T he USA womens team consisted of Ruth Grulkowski , Clara Lomady, "Meta Elste, Doris Kirkman , Doroth y Dalton, Marian Barone, Ruth Topalian and Marie Hoesly. Ma nage r- Coach was Roberta Bonniewell with Consetta Lenz, as Chaperone. USSR won the team championship followed by Hungary and Czechoslovakia. USA placed 15th. Mrs. Marian Barone wa s the top performer on th e US women's team.
* * *
THE XVI th OLYMPIC Ga mes were held in Melbourne, Australia in 1956. The USA sent a seven man team . Members were: Jack Beckner, Armando Vega, Charlie Simms, Karl Schwenzfeier , Abe Grossfeld , Richa rd Beckner with Gene Wettstone as Mana ger-Coach. USS R won the team Championships with Japan a very close second , Finland 3rd , Czechoslovakia 4th , Germany 5th and the USA 6th . AIl- Aro und Champion was Tchoukarine of USSR . Jack Beckner was the high scorer for the USA. The US A women's team with seven gymnasts; Sandra Reddick, Doris Fuchs, Jo yce Racek, In geborg Fuchs, Judith Howe. Muriel Davis and Jackie Kline. Mrs. Erna Wachtel was the coach. Russia won the team championship followed by Hungary and Homania, Poland , Czech oslo vakia , Japan and the USA. Top woman scorer was Larissa Latvnina.
* * '*
THE XVII th OLMPICS held in 1960 at Rome, Italy. USA team members were Larry Banner, Jack Beckner , Abe Gr ossfeld, Ga r O'Quinn, Fred Orlofsky alid Don Tomy. J apan cam e through to outscore Russia and win the Team Champi onship. Ital y was 3rd, Czechoslovakia 4th , and l JSA 5th. Boris Shakhlin of Russia was the All-Around Champion and Larry Banner was the highest scorer of the US team in 21st place. The USA women 's team members were: Doris Fuchs, Muriel Grossfeld , Bett y Maycock, Theresa Montefusco, Sharon Richardson and Gail Sontgerath . Janet Bachna wa s the team coach-;-R-u5sia won- the team- championship and the girls from the US placed 9th. Larissa Latynina was top all-around and Gail Sontgerath was the top scorer for the US A placing 28th.
This brief Olympic histor y was compiled fr om materials loaned us by Dallas Bixler and someda y we will present to yo u a more detailed report. On each of the past Ol ympics. 7
WESTERN CLINIC ST AFF So me of Ihe o u t ~ t a n din g coaches who will be present and instru cti ng 路at the I V An nu al Weslern Gymna sti cs Clin ic are : Charli e P ond- Un iversily of llli no is; Karl Schwenzfe ier- Air F orce Academy, H al Frey - U ni ver~ i t y of California , Geo rge Ba uer -- Uni ve rE il y of Wiscdm in , J erry ToddPasad ena Ci ty College, Dick H olzaepfelUn iversi ty of Iowa, Don Rob inson- Aurora H il!h SchooJ- DPllver, Ril l'S Po rterfield.\ [ aryva le H igh School--P hoen ix, Gordon -'1addnx- Los Angelps State Co ll ege, Bud -'[a rquetle-Los Angeles, California. SO'UTHERN
T here will be t h ree classifica ti ons f o r each meet; " A", "B", & "C". (A) Co llege & Post High Schoo l. (B) High Schoo l Va rsity. (C) J u ni o r Hig h and under; (H igh Sch ool sophomores w ith no
va r sity exper ience m ay enter t h is div ision),
Gab ri el
A rea:
MEET SCHEDULE Octob e r 17 - Go n esha H ig h Sch ool October 31 _No rt h view Hi gh School No v emb e r 14- A rroyo H igh Sch oo l De c e mber 5 -Charter Oaks H igh Schoo l January 9 - Ba ldw in Park Hi gh Schoo l San Fe rnando Va ll e y A rea: Octobe r 24- Reseda H ig h Schoo l No vemb e r 7-Reseda High Schoo l No v ember 21 -Resead High Schoo l December 12- Reseda H igh Schoo l * January 9-Reseda Hig h Schoo l Har bo r & Long Beach Area: Octob e r 31 -Westministe r H igh Schoo l November 7-:--Westminist e r High Schoo l November 21 -Corona Del Mar High Sch oo l De cembe r 12- Corona Del Mar H ig h School -I<
January 9-Wes t ministe r High Sc h oo l
(A ll o f the above meets start at 12:00 noon; registr a tion at 11 :00 A.M. ) *Div is ion qualifying ",eets (top five on each
event qualify fo r t he Southern Californ ia T rop h y Meet.) Southern
Califor n ia
Gymn ast ic
Assoc iation
Officers and Co mm ittee : President, Ken Bartlett , Long Beach State Coll ege; Secretary, Je~s Robinson, 4207 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank , 849-6039. Son Ga b riel Volley A rea Director: Verne Ev ans , Ganesha High School; Son Fer nand o Vo ll ey Area Di re ctor : Don Schul t z , Reseda H igh School; Harbor & Lo ng Beach A rea Director: George Bec kstead , Westministe r High Schoo l. (Western Area Director" and Meet sched ule t o be announced at
late r date. )
Armand o Ga r c ia
1964 Olymp ic team mana ger To m Mol o ne y and coa ch Jo h n Muir pose fo r an informa l
snap fo r the MG du ri ng workouts at The Los Angeles Athletic Clu b which was the training headquarters f or the Olympic teams while in Los Ange les pri o r t o t he
To kyo departu re.
SANTA MONICA GYM FEST MEET RESULTS INViTATIONAL CHAMPIONSH IPS-labor Da y Se pt . 7 t h, 1964 All-Around: 1. Henr y Magdaleno; 2. Enrique Ga rcia; 3. Armando Ga r cia; 4 . Dann y Gar c ia . Flo o r Exe rcise : 1. H. Magdaleno; 2. A. Garcia;
3. Rich Pasqual ; 4. G. Garcia; 5. AI Lu ber. Side Ho rse: I. Magdaleno; 2. A. Garcia; 3. Bob- Smith; 4. E. Garcia; 5. D. Garcia. Parall e l Bars : I. E. Garcia; 2. A. Garcia & Bob Hyde; 4.
D. Garc ia;
John Magginettie.
H o riz o ntal
~ ar: I. E. Garcia; 2. D. Garcia; 3. H. Magda leno; 4 . B. Hyd e ; 5. A. Ga rcia . Rings : I. Steve Zahm ; 2. H. Magdaleno; 3. J. Magginettie;
4 . E. Garcia; S. A. Garcia.
Sept .
5t h,
Floor Ex e rcise : 1. Don Dimit; 2. AI Luber; 3 . Dennis Sherman. Sid e Horse : J. Magginettie; 2. Rossman ; 3 . Lu ber. Parall e l Bars : 1. Maggi rettie; 2. Lu ber; 3. Gunter. Ho rizontal Bar : 1. Mortara; 2. Smith & Lub e r . Rings : I. Maq-
Enrique Ger.c io
2. Hennehan; 3. Gunt~r. Ali - Aro und : J ohn Magginettie; 2. AI Lu ber; 3. Dennie Sher-
qinettie; rYlQ "" ,
Tramp olin e:
MEET-Sunda y,
McFarland ;
Se pt . 2.
T om
6 t h, Mc-
Fa rl and; 3. Jerry Smith. Swinging Rings Dis mounts: Steve Lerner; 2. Denn is Sherman; 3. Jock Schwart z . Mi ni -Tromp Dis m o unts : Russ Pierce; 2 . Jerry S:nith; 3. AI Roginsky. Girl s Ex hibiti o n on th e Balan ce Be am a nd Fl oor Exe rcise; Ellen and Dorthy Perschke , D io na Z o rick , Candy Solomo n and Dian Jo hn so 路... Judges for the Invitationa l Competition : Cha rl ie Sims, Dave Heiser , Frank Endo, Gordie
Rosenst ock.
J erry
sp :J tter and Ba r bara Bach scor er. Assisting for the o ther co mpetitions were : Perschke , Steve Johnson , Russ Pier ce , Lo u Jess Rob inson and Frank Bore.
Danny ' Garc ia
Jess Robin son presented ribbons to the boys in the Swinging Rings Dism o unts competition, Steve Lern e r t Dennis Sherman , Jock Schwartz, and Dale Goren.
Santo chomp:
Monica Henry
All -A round
Fronk Ba re presents winning ribbons to Santo Monico gym fest Tra mpoline winners: (Steve Johnson looks on from high in the background).
Girls gym nasti c exhibit ion participants , Ellen and So lomon, Diana Zorick and Dione Johnson.
Lou Perschke congrotulat~s Mini-Tramp AI Rog insky, and Dennis Sherman.
Cand y
Smith ,
1 \ I
THE COMPETITION It soon became apparent that the same gymnasts that had excelled at Kings Point New York on August 26th-30th were again to be pre-emin ent at San Fernando, with "almost" one exception-Armando Vega. This fin e gymnast, three tim e named to the
All American team in four different events, suffered a damagin g shoulder injury just a few days bCore the meet which made it ques ti onable as to whether h e could can路 tinue. The first turn of th e competition ca me with the first comp ulsory event, the fl oor exercise, where Don Tonry, who said " the meet began at 10 a. m. that mornin g for me when I started worrying about the comp ulsory free ex", apparently was not ready and fell to a low score of 8. 7. Also sho wing the strain al;d leaving I'oom for questions was Greg Wei ss as he recorded a low 8.5. Befo re a surprisingly large audience of so me 2000 in th e spacious San Fernando Va ll ey State College gym (too spacious perhaps, as they were unabl e to locate a fla g for the presentation of the colors), the scene of battle then shiftt'd to the side horse event. Here an ama zin g display took place, as only two of the ten gymnasts really co uld be accused of havin g " missed" their routine. Ron Barak " took it too easy on my fir st attempt" and fell victim to the pressure of the meet on his second to register a low of 8.6. Vega th en muscled his way through a faltering routine to register a questionable 9.1. The r~s t of the fi eld scored 9.3 or better , an outstanding achievement. With the . New York trials scores bein g added to the San Fernando trials, after two events, some minor shifting had now taken piace .. . Sakamoto (never seriously weavering from his number one "spot held over a two year period) was still well in first place, Weiss remained in second place ,S hurlock overt ook Vega for third , Mitchell and Banner combined to push Barak to 7th place follow ed by Se~vard and Beckner. With Jack ha vin g moved ahead of Tonry. Beckn er then had his usual difficulties on the still rings and ended up at 8.85. Tonry fell a little furth er behind with a weak 8.7. Vega is up next on one of his better events. The murmer of the knowledgab le audience could be heard- they know Vega is not un fa miliar with this event- then th e terrible truth was evident-Vega was hurt- and suffering-there were sli ght mi sses here and there that a normal Vega woul d not miss-it was abovious he was favorin g one shoulder. Dismountin g with a grimi ce he was rewarded with a 9.1, lowe rin g him to 4th place. Rusty Mitchell is up next with a goo d chance to catch up to Armando but he is soon in trouble and has to signal for a repeat. The audience was practically brought to their feet however, as Ru sty came right back to register a 9.5. So that after the still rings Rusty stands onl y .25 points behind Vega. Meanwhil e Barak had overtaken Banner again and Seward wa s still figh,ting for 7th place.
Jack Beckner
Tom Seward
Opening line-up team and official s
OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC TEAM ELIMINATIONS Report by J erry Wright For Ivlakoto Sakamoto it was a history making week- end , the youngest male Olympic gy mnast in the history of American gymnastics. For Art Shurlock it was the successful culmination of se veral years of determination and oft tim es lonely work. After bein g a very successful member of the U.S. National teall) that competed in Moscow in 1958 (Art was 7th on the side horse), Art suffered through many disappointin g seasons before this-hi s greatest year. For Rusty Mitchell it was the story of a tumbler who luad e good-not because he was a good tumbler but because he was a hard "workeE and had some "excellent coaching. ( Rusty had more than -just olympic trials to occupy hi s thoughts-his wife was back in Carbondale, Illinois expec tin g a baby any day.) For Craig Weiss it was a come back story. After winning the 1959 Pan Ameri can Games side horse gold medal and the 1961 NCC all-around Greg came into rather disappointin g tim es, suffering the bitter hum iiatio!) of failing to fini sh in the top ten in the 1962 NCAA all-around. But this wa s the year that was. For Ron Barak it was the old adage about hard work payin g off. In this case it wa s a co mbinati on of hard work guided by superior coaching. For Larry Banner it was th e same " ole" story-w hen the go ing go t the toughestso did Banner Don Tonr y
For Armand o Vega, aithough no~ at hi s best becau se of a very cripplin g injury, it was probably the most gratifyin g meet in 8 years. After making the 1956 olympic tea m, in whi ch he was the seco nd highest sco ring A meri can gymnast, Vega preceded to reco rd a list of triumph s eq ual ed by few in th e hi story of our spor t. Then to have th e mi sfqrtune to suffer major routine break s that result ed in hi s failure to make the 1960 olympi c team . But, bein g th e dedica ted athl ete he is, Armand o resin ged himself to , and acquired thi s prized positi on on the 1964 team. For Tom Seward it was the most fru strating of all defea ts-to be in 8th place when seven go to Tokyo. For Don Tonry it was the year that was not. F or J ac k Beckn er it was th e climax of a brilliant ca reer. A ca reer that has seen him on every conceivabl e type of national tea m- winnin g, at one time or another, all the top awa rd s possible, onl y to lose out on a record equ allin g attempt at a 4th Ol ympi c tea m (on ly AI Jo chim has been on four teams).
J ack and Don were
trailin g ,.by . a wid e
Sakamoto loses one pain t on hi s first va ult beca use of a zone violation but hits for a 9.5 on his second chan ce. Barak hits two solid va ults for 9.45. Vega is strong on hi s first vault at 9.5 and then eases off on th e seco nd. Rusty is weak on his fir st va ult- 9.55 on the second. Beckner hits 9.55 and then Tonry advances hard and surehittin g a rather low hecht but with good di stan ce onl y to sudd enly realize he had perform ed the wrong vault. The Judges - not prone to making the same mi stakeobl iged with a score of 路zero. Don then registered 9.15 on his second vault. Sewar.d led off on the parallel bars with a bad break and chose to repea t. Second try score was a remarkable 9.45. Banner ,\'as next and with slight form breaks registered a ques tionable 9.6. Weiss came through almost flawle ssly at 9.8. Barak showed so me real class in registerin g a. 9.6. Nex t up is the ve teran ] ack Beckn er; onc of the all time great parallel bar perform ers ; peach to handstand-stutz-cast - forward roll- back ri se-straddle cut catch - straight stratight- lower down- peachglide-ba ck kip Y:! turn and almost incredibl y J ack is. standing on the matsup goes the arm- a sign of failur e and a signal that the pressure is at its greates tJ ack sits down to wait for his second attempt as Shurl ock perform s. Art misses also and ha s to repea t. ] ack remounts a little shak y but doing fin e-then glide lh turn aga in but th e III turn is not there and hi s sco re is 7.7 probably endin g hi s hopes for a fourth olympi c team. Shurl ock then repeat s for 9.15. Goin g into th e hi gh bar Sakamoto is still firs t, Weiss strongly in second, Art now a preca riou s third , Vega at 4th- in dan ge r of slippin g to fifth , Ru sty 5t h, Ron 6th , Ba nner 7th and Seward 8th, on ly 1.05 away. Barak is not up to standard and scores onl y 9.0 on the horizontal bar (does not repeat beca use of a disloca ted ankle suffered in Ne w York-it was r emarkable that he co uld be in the mee t at all); Vega registers onl y 9.1 dropping to 7th pla ce. ( havin g start ed the me et in 3rd place) . Sakamoto i co mfortable at 9.8 (w ho wouldn 't be I. Beckn er breaks again by over shooti ng hi s mount and coming off the bar and then mi ,sed hi s second attempt to reg ister an 8.2. We iss broke on his fir st att empt and ended up at 8.4. Banner is now ti ed for 5th with Ru sty and Tom Seward is only .65 of a point fr om the 7th place Vega. As a whol e th ~ _en tire team wa s very in co nsistant on th e co mpulsories, accord in g to repo rt s, a bout 25 % worse th an in the New York trial s. Saturday ni ght the fe sti vities got und er way in a grand mann er with a borrowed fla g from th e Hollywood Legion and with an
audience so large that some had to be turn ed away. The competi tion began with Weiss in fl oo r exercise_-ve ry wak at 9.0. Vega was next with a truly grea t optional routin e but so difficult it produ ced many flaws and add ed to a ' weak fini sh r esulted in a 9.35 . Beckn er was shaky at 9.2, but lookin g det ermin ed in spite of hi s low position. Shurl ock was smooth power, weak only on th e di smount for a 9.5. Mitch ell was fan tastic and ea rn ed 9.7 (see winnin g routine) . Sakamoto was flu ent with a lot of equipm ent for 9.65. Banner showed real class but small break s held him to 9.45 . Next ca me th e worse event of the two ni ghts-the " animal" ( the side horse). In a lm os t 100% contrast to the compul sories wh ere all but tw o had 9.3 or bett er, in the opti onal s only four did 9.0 or bett er with Shurl ock at 9.75, Tonry at 9.35, Beckner at 9.15 and Sakamo to at 9.0 (easing up now with a fanta stic lead ) . On the still rin gs the entire group received hi gh sco re~ but it was felt by this ob-
Makato Sakamot o high scorer f or the competitio n pictured at t op of page doing hi s mount , a hi gh cast to immed iate stoop st raddte fro nt Stalder. Above, Sak amoto's straddle Hecht dismou nt fr om the High Bar. Below Sakamoto executes a beau tiful high scissors in his Side Horse routine.
Shurl ock
se rve r that Ih ere was too much l eanin g on I he s lraps for a g ro up of thi s cal ib er. S hurlock was e xce ll ent a l 9.65, Hu sty was equal at 9.65. Sewa rd wa s s tron g and orig in al for 9.6, \\l eiss, beca use of lean in g on th e straps . be nt arm uprise, and han g on full tw is t di smounl , was a surpri se at 9.55. Vega mi ssed a hand stand but did n ot fall and slayed in th e fi g hl a t 9.5 . Bann er was s moo th with hi s pal e n ted ba ck roll 10 ba ck le ver for 9.4.5 . Barak' was up last and d id a marvelou s j ob 10 fini sh w ith a very well e xec uted d o ubl e fl y-a-way for 9.55. Weiss va ulted firs l, 10 slart Ih e optiona l eo mpe liti on on th e lon g h orse, and prese n led two hands prin gs that were short and low for 9.4. Se ward h eld hi s own wit h a bes l tlf 9.3. Bara k had tw o g iant h ands prings in pike pos ition (f ront so mi or Ya mashit a I thai barely cleared th e e nd of the horse for a bes t of 9.35 . ]'ditc h ell had I wo Yal11ash il a 's Ihal Bara k could ha ve alm os t d on e hi s und e r for a best o f 9.85 and Ih e hi l!h(' sl sco re o f th e tw o nig hl s of compe tition. Vega wa s off form at 9.45. Ban11<'1' l ac k ed di s lan ce at 9.4路. Be('kn e r was ,;!i ll in Ih e ir fil!h lin g w ilh a 9. 7 on an exce ll ent h ec h!. T o m y wa s s lran g at 9.4S . Saka mol o perfurm ed two e xccll enl h echt's wilh phe n o minal pu sh for a bes t of 9.75. And S hurl oek was far o ff form wi lh a bes l of 9.15 . II wa s on Ih e para ll el ba rs Ih al th e final lui'll of eve n Is loo k pla ce .' The onl y pe rson in rca l d a n ~c r at Ihi s pu int was V(' ~a {now in ~(,vt'll th place), w ho wa s in dan ge r o f h e in ~ " ver take n b y. T om Seward. Tonry wa s up fir, t w illI a ~oo d pe rfo rm a nce for 9.4S .
pic tured above on the Side H o rse a nd b elow on the Parallels ,
Veua.s wa!:" next and po wered hi s way Ihr'(; ug h a diffi c ult ro utin e- Iow a n a stut z and ve ry Iowan a back ove r-bar- nol glal' in !! mi stak es but not quit e up to th e 9. S h~ rece ived. Sa ka mo to cO lll es up n extslllilin :.; and relaxe d, show in g no s igns of Ih e s tress, as h e slips 10 a fe w min or fla ws whi c h bro u!! hl a smil e to hi s face as h e w as pe rfo l'lllin p- : ' and coas led 10 a 9.55. Ru s ty n e xt . . . appearing so mew hal confu sed aft e r hi , . mo unL as Ih o u p- h he ha d go tl en los t and was not quile s ure o f wha t to d o n ex t, h ad mu ch re pe titi on and eve n an int e rm e路 dial e sw in !!. to be ove rseo red at 9.S. Al'l Slrurln ck ,;'as jus t s impl y e xplos ive as h e reco rd ed 9.6. Ba rak was n ot quit e up 10 hi s NCAA w innin !! routin e- less flu e nt but stronp: at 9.5 . Now'Se ward is up n e xt - nee din l! a hi p"h sco re to sla y w ilh Vega ( kno winl! full we ll tha t Vega is probahly m ore lik ely to brea k on th e hi p: h bar than an y o th e r eve nl ) . but th e press ure is too mu ch as Tom fall s ou t o f a ha nd stand and fail s 10 recove r hi :;:. compos ure to reg iste r an 8 .GS. Bann e r foll ows w ith a s lock l'oul in c until he hil s a heautiful sla rili and f' nd ed up at 9.55. \\le iss was ne xt wilh hi s Im pres!! iv(' fro nt upri se- fron t ove r bar 10 s uppo rt- to s wil' g ing piroull e, and a 9.8 mas le rpi ecc . Beckn e r was las t up w ith a fin e 9.5- slill g ivinp- hi s bes t w her e lesse r me n wo uld have g i" c n up. Going into the fina l event matte rs were pretty well sdtled with Ih e possible exce pt ion of v.ega and Sewa rd. 1拢 V ega misses hi s hi " h bar as h e ha s bee n kn ow n tu d u in th en pa sl an d scores 8 .0 or below Se ward
co uld score a 9.5 and ti e him for se venth place o r even kno ck him off th e team. Sakamo lo is first up with small breaks and a 9.4S. Mil c hell is nex t and fa lls to a 3rd pla ce ti e w ith W e iss . Tolll'Y is o ut of th e runnin g but perfo rm s a fin e routin e only to fa ll 'In th e di smo unt for 9.50. Vega ad-
Above: Rusty Mitchell on the Ri ngs, High Bar and Side H or se an d at right Grego r Weiss on t he Rings ( Rusty and Greg tie d f or third place ).
va nce s lu Ih e bar as th o u gh h e ow n s it路r a l(ll'r Ih a n th e us u a l r ou tin e o f s lowly chaIk in " up and d o uble ch eck in o' e ve rythill" - Ill' Iu':',b at th e ba r a s th ough h e kn ow~ IIIl' c hal len;!c is th e re a nd Ih a t, in s pitt' o f the "u re s huuld e r , h e is read y to m ee t th a t e h a ll l' n ;!t'. Wha t fo ll owed wa s pro bab ly Ih e Illt )~ l dl'lt-'rlllin ed a nd a~g r l'::;s i ve hi g h bar r Uli l in t' l'Vl' r pe rforlli ed by Armand o Vega as he fla s h ed 10 a 9.40 to se w up a trip 10 ,],,, k I' o. A" fat e wo ul d h ave it Sew ard wa s up nex i. pro b a bl y r ea li zin g th at a ll wa s los l. W ilh hi s conce ntrati on down Tum a 1:-' 0 ralt e r ~ un hi s hi gh ha l' ro utin e and c nd s u p a l 9.25. lleck n e r reco rd s 9.1. Barak is " n uo lh I it is diffi c u lt to fee l th a t th e m iddl e uf hi s r o utin e is a s s tron g a s it Ini;,dll 1Jt' 路- va ult - c at ch--s imp le k i p to r e o V(' rse ~ i a nt (' tc), wit h ~ood di ffi c ult y and ro c k s olid duuble f1 y路 a -way for 9. 75, send in l( him a h ead of Ba nn er in th e s tan din !!". W'piss ca tc h es hac k up to Ru s t y w ith - a fin " 9.65 . S hur loc k hit s th e bar w ith hi s feet un a :i toop th ra u ;!h and s uffe r s a maj or brea k fa ll in .,; to a 9. 15, b u t r e m a in s in scc-
Above: Ron Barak on the Rings and Parallel Bars; at ri ght Larr y Bar and below Armando Veg a on t~e Rings.
and place. Banner has slight breaks in form and continuity for 9.35 and 6th place.
Final standings ':' Makoto Sakam oto ':' Art Shurlock ':'Rusty Mitchell ':'GreO' Weiss ':'Ron" Barak ':' Larry Banner ':'Armando Vega Tom Seward Don Tonry Jack Beckn er
230.05 227.20 226.75 226.75 225.75 225.65 224.65 223.00 222.10 219.60
To meet ave. per event 9.53 9.50 9.44 9.44 9.406 9.402 9.360 9.29 9.25 9.15
This report almost had the headline "Final Olympic team trials" but in actu· ality the final eliminations, and in some respec ts, the most diffi cult of all elimin· ation s may well be still ahead. Six of these final seven will be pi cked to actually com· pete in the gam es in tokyo .. . thi s should pro ve to be th e mos t difficult task of all. WINNING ROUTI NES Floor Exe rcise: R usty IV] itchell Hand sprin g front hand sprin g fall - straddle - straight strai ght press· forward roll - % turn - piroutte - roll :jI~ planche stoo p throu gh·back out roll ex tension - to stand - run ..:.- round off flip flop - full twi stin g back lay out sit back - hop piroutte - straddle jump - flip flop - flip fl op - back di ve %
Banner on the
twist.·fo rward roll - kip to seat drop -lay ba ck % turn - roll to stan d - ro·ffb·ff·back. (Rusty says he is planning to use ro·ff·doubl e back in Tokyo) . Side Horse: Art Shurlock Loop - hop - double in - moore reverse scissors - forward scissors - moore - tra vel - loop - hop - % turn to pike to ex tension. Still Rings: Art Shurlock Pull up pike - press to maltese - laya·way - shoot to hand stand - swing lowe r to di sloca te - shoot - cross - pull over - press hand stand - lower dislocate - hi gh pike di smount. Long H orse : R usty Mitchell Giant hand spring Pike Parallel Bars: Greg Weiss F ron t uprise - fr ont catch piroutte - back over bar - peach - .glide - kip to " L" - press - 1 ann hand stand straili - stutz hand stand - lay back front uprise - front with % twi st dismount. High Bar : R on Barak Jump wo over grip - cast with lh turn sw ilig forward to hand stand stoop legs through - shoot to inlo cate gian t di slocate to eagle giant - chan ge one hand to und er grip doin g giant with one hand dislocated and other in und er grip fu ll spin over top of bar to va ult - ca tch kip - change to und er grill - one reverse gian t, piroutte - to over grip giant - stald er giant doubl e f1 y·a·way.
1964 USA MEN'S OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC TEAM: L. to R.; Makato S~kamoto, Armando Vega, Gregor Weiss, Ron Ba rak, Rusty Mitchell , Art Shurlock and Larr y Banner. (Photo by Paul Odor, Ho ll ywood, Calif. )
i\tlakoto Sakamo to : Age, 17; Los Angeles, California. High School Student, formerly at Los Angeles High School presently goi ng to school in New York. Hi gh school co ach J ohn Muir (LA High ). 1963 National AAU all-around champion. 1964 National allaround champion. 1963 LA City high school All around , long horse, free exercise, parallel bar, and high bar champion. Nat uralized ci tizen_
* * * Arma nd Vega: Height , 5-6; Weight , 140; Age, 28 ; Los Angeles, California. Graduate, Penn S lat e Uni versit y. Occ upation: has agreed to coach th e national team of Mexico aft er the olympi cs. High school coach Bob R oss ( \\lilso n High School L.A_) _ College coach Gene Wettston e ( P enn State). Nl arri ed. Parall el bar seco nd place winn er in Na tional AAU as senior ill high school. 1956 Olympi c team. All American 1st Team in all around 1961 , parallel bars 1957, 1960, 1961 , 1963, 19M; Long H orse 1957, 1960, 1961 , 1963, 19M ; Still Rin gs 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961 , 1963, 1964; Free Ex ercise 1961 , 1963. Sco red more points than any other gy mnast 111 NCAA champions hip competition,
* * *
Greg Wei ss : H eight , 5-6; Weight, 138; Age, 23; Ridgefield , New J ersey . Graduate, J'enn Slat e- University. Occupa ti on: 1st Lt. U.S. Air Force. Altend ed high school at Dwight Morrow, Englewood, New J ersey. Rece ived ea rl y Iraining at Un ion Hill Turners under Guido Hoernin g. College coach Gene Weti Slone. Ma rri ed. Pan American side horse champi on 1%9. NCAA all around
cha mpion 1961. Eastern intercolleg iate si de horse champi on 1959, 1960, 1961. National AA U sid e horse champion 1963. Eastern J nt ercollegiate Rings, long horse and parallel bar champion 1960 and 1961. R~ n
* * *
Barak: Age 21; Los Angeles, California. Graduate, USC 1964. BS Physics (enlerin g USC Law School after olympics). Hi gh Sc hool coach Bogan (Hamilton Hi gh Schooll. Coll ege Coach Ja ck Beckn er (USC). LA City high school all around champ ion 1960. Eight gold medals in 1961 Maccab ia !lames in Israel. AAU conference all -a round 路champio n 1962 and 19M. ICAA all arcund champ ion 1964. Member Nat ional tea m vs. Czech tea m 1964. Sen ior Na ti onal AAU hi gh bar champion 19M . NCAA parallel bar and hi gh bar champion 1964.
* ** Ru sty Mitchell : Height. -5-7; Wei ght. 139; Age, 22 . Marri ed: wi fe ex pectin g an y day during olympi c trial s. Graduate, So. Illin ois Uni versil y August 1964. Presently st ucl yin g for Masters and working as assistan t coach at Southern. High school coach J ohn Draghi !Baldwin Park Hi gh). Ca)Jtain of So. 111 gymnastics t{'am as so ph, Juni or and Seni or. Most outstand in g; athlete 62-63 seaso n and 63-64 season. 1963 midwes t op en all around , free ex , long horse and tumbling champ ion. 1963 Iowa in vitat ional all around , fr ee px ., parall el bar, lo ng horse, and tumbin g champ ion. 1964 NCAA fre e ex., and tumhlin g champion. 1964 Pasa dena National inv il ational all around and tumblin g; cham pion. 1964 Na ti onal AAU lumbling cham-
pion. 1964 USGF National all around , fr ee ex., parallel bar and tumbling champion.
* * * Art Shurl ock: Height , 5-9%; Weight, 160; Age, 27; Veni ce, California. Graduate, Unive rsity of California, Berkeley. Occupa tionwill begin coaching at the University of California at Los Angeles (UC LA ) after th e olympics. Married. Has had only one principal coach through out career-Hal Frey. Attend ed hi gh school at St. Rita in Chi cago, Illinois. Holder of over 400 medals, trophi es, and titles. Canadian aM-around champion at age 17. U_S. Worlcl team 1958. 1963 Pasadena National In vi tational all a rollnd , parallel bars, long horse and si de horse champ ion. 1963 USGF Na tional all around, long horse, hi gh bar and sti ll rings p.ham pion.
* * * Larry Ba nn er: H eight , 5-11; Age 28; Lak ewoo d, California. Graduate, UCLA 1958. Occ upation-Teacher: R eading specialist-Corona del Mar High SchoolNewport-Harbor Uni on High School di slrict. Hom e address: 4559 Knoxville Stree t, Lakewood. Californ ia. Affiliated with Lo s Ange les 路 Turners. High school coach: Barney Quinn (Van Nul'S High) JC coach Al Arps (L.A. Vall ey College). College Coach Ralph Borrelli (UC LA ). All city parallel bar and long horse champion 1954. Helm 's gymna sti c athlete of th e year 1956. World games tea m Moscow 1958. National AAU lon g horse champi on 1960. 1960 Olympic team -71h on sid e horse. 1962 world games team Prague. 17
USA WOMEN'S OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC TEAM : Dale McCleme:1 ts , Doris Fuchs , Linda Metheny, Marie Walther , I~ a ~hy Corrigan and Jan ie Speaks . (Team pho t o and ph o t os on the ~" a o 'Ni ;-. g p:ge b y Paul Odo r , H o ll ywood, Calif .)
Women ' s O lympic Vannie Edwa rds
T eam
Mu r ie l
Gross f eld,
Coac h ,
Pic1ured at left are scenes fr om the ex hi bition at The Los Angeles Ath letic Club by the US men's and women's Ol y mpic Gymnastic T eams . It was the onl y exhibition in "the Los Angeles area by the Womens' team howe v er the men ' s t eam put on fund raising exhibitions ot Santa Barbara . Bakersfie ld , Son Diego and Co rona del Mar .
Pictured a t rig h t : Olympian Marie Walther
- --~~-~
.. £~~
.... ~
THE CA LIFOR l\' IA Ii\TEHSC HOL ASTTC FEDERATIOi\ . .. 1Cl.F .1 has 1:14 schoo ls with gy mnastics prog ram s 1as I indi cated l~s t issue I but I t yped the fi gures wron g ... a nd did the CTF injusti ce b y doin g so .. . they ha ve listed 4,5 17 participants in that 134 high sch oo ls. Little _wond er that of the top seven men on the 1964 Ol ympic Gymnasti cs T ea m .. : six o f them are fr om Californ ia originall y.
USG F Di rec tor - Fronk
l.3() f P.
l -SC F HULE 1100K , is now out in its temporar y form .. and will be formally and completely printed a nd distributed fo r 1965 -66. on Januar y 1st. It is beli eved that copies will be read y for mailin g about th e time of the Western Clini c so if yo u plan on attendin g copies will be avai lable at that time . "AC E-CIWl"P (;Y~IL\A STICS WORKBOOK" is read y now I Thi s exce ll e nt gy mna stics wo rkbook, contains g rad ed compul so r y routin es fo r four skill levels and also desc ribes req uired pa rts o f optiona l ro utin es. Each part of a routine has an assig ned valu e fo r ease of evaluation and class room standardization 'of pe rf o rman ces. Provid es for yo un gs ters fr om age s ix 161 throu gh high sch oo l . .. has three Class awai路d s ... "C ' , " B" a nd " A" ... with appropriate l oSe r pins fo r each level of achi e vement. An important part of eve r y ph ysica l educati on library . .. $2.00, (includ es postagel to l -SC; F. PO Box 4699, Tucson, Ariz . 857 17.
OP E.\ THAMPOLl'\iE COMPETlnO l\' . .. l-SG F h as sa nctioned an open trampoline competiti on for NOVEMBER 28th . .. in S prin gfield , Tilinoi s. Stri ctly trampoline and has four classes of competiti on. Cha mpi o nship divisions a nd novi ce di vis ions for me n and women . . . so plan nOI\if yo u are in that area to attend and parti cipate. For information. write : J e rald '\\'. Clark Trampolets eym T ea m 15 Ca lland Drive S pringfield . Illi noi s THF. Fi i\A L OLYMPI C THJALS for men .. . held a t Sa n Fern a ndo Va ll ey State Co ll ege . . . on Se pt. 18- 19, res ulted in th e se lectipn of the top seven gy mna sts in th e l -nited States toda y. Tt is signifi cant ( we think ) to note that in th e final standin gs . .. the de fendin g 1964 PSCF a ll-around champi o n fini ~hed third .. . and tl~e 196:) PSG F a ll-aro und champi o n finish ed second . 1Mitch ell-1964. Shurlock-196:-lI. )\'ot bad representati on at a ll ! THE A.A.L HAS CHEATED QUTE A STIR in the world o f a mateur a thleti cs . Th e Executive Director of the "go vernin g bod y" of eve r ything (aaul has made a public statement th a t th e re is a good chance th a t at the 1964 meetin gs of th e inte rnati onal sports bodies that there mi ght be a rulin g b roug ht up that a ll college athletes on sch olarship s be rul ed 1supposedl y by th e internati ona l group) professiona l. It appea rs that the aau is out to forever eliminate the {' .S.A. fr om bein g a contender in a ny sport . . . fo r that is exactl y what such a rulin g would elo. To quote from Paul 7.imme rm a ns article in th e Los An. , "Th e shee r stupid ity o f geles Tim es (Se pt. 16. 1964) s uch a thin g is beyo nd belie f. " From thi s o ffi ce's point of view . . . I'd like to offer the fo ll o wing. It is a well known fact th at th e aau has a lwa ys main'tain ed th a t they .. . and only they . .. ca n spea k fo r Am e ri ca n ath letes . It II-ill be inte restin g to see h011" their offi c ia ls defend our athletes should thi s be brought up in Tok yo.
CLASS ., C " CLASS " S "
CLA SS " A "
51 At left : page t oken fr o m the USGF Age Grou p boo k and abov e USG F ach ieveme nt pin awa rd s.
Work -
s. G.
FOURTH ANNUAL WESTERN GYMNASTIC CLiNiC December 26-30, 1964 University of Arizona, Tucson , Arizona HIGHLIGHTS Third Annual East VS. West All-Sta r Meet' (D ecember 28, 1964; 8:00 p.m.) Inst ruction by the not io n 's best coaches and many notiona l Champi ons. Cl inic open championships f or men and women. Coaches go lf tourn ament .
Latest gymnastics films. Judging
* All candidates fo r selection must send action
pho t og raphs ac-
companied by a lette r with you r Qualifications fr om yo ur coach to the selection committee in you r area. (must be received by Dec. 15, 1964)
West selection chairman-Je rr y Todd Gy mnast ics Coac h Pasadena City Co l lege Pasadena, Calif o r nia Dividing line f o r meet will be Minnesota, low o , Nebraska, Kansas , Oklahoma, and Texas. All east of th is will be in the area for the Ea st team.
REGISTRATION The registration fee will cover the cost o f the prog r am and ol ! cI in ic sponso r ed ev ents. INDIVID U AL- 5 7.00 FAMIL Y-5 I 0.00 GROUP-( I C or mor e whe n paid tog ether)-S5.00 / per person. Send all Regist r ations t o: Mr, Sam Bailie 2145 Colle Polm Tu cson, Ar izona 85710 Registrati o ns shoul d be mailed by December 15 in orde r t o moke sure they arri v e prio r to clin ic time. HOUSING Clinic headqua r ters a r e the Flaming o Motor H ot el ; 1300 N. St o ne A v e. ; T ucson, Ariz ona. Fo r all info r mation concerning rates and f o r r oom reservati o ns wr ite directly t o Mr . Moe Abbasi , Manager. Be sure and let them k now that yo u are ottending the clinic in order to rece ive the special clinic rates.
GYMNASTIC PROFILE for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----:--_ __ __ ---::-:--=----=-=-----=-=---:-:-:=-:-_ _ Fi rst name
(Last name,
Address Date of Birth _ _1_1__ School or Club
Girl's Level = I
Boy's Level =
First Evoluation _ _ __ _
I. (Boys and Girls)
+ I+
+ R+R-
Second Evaluation
IV ___ _ _ T hird Evaluation
Moment. Handst'd (3) _ _ __ B. Skip Step (3) _ _ _ C. Backbend (3) _ __
D. Bk . Hip Circle (3)
E. Headstand (3) _ _ _ F. Rolls (3)
L. Back Handsp'g (6)
G. Handspring for . (4) _ _
.J . Pullover L.B. (4)
H. Cart. (4) _ _ _ I. Kip Movement (4)
La you t (7)
M. Cast to stand (6)
K. Lo Kip P-Bar (5) _ _
N . Fr . Somey (7)
Fr. Handsp'g
P. Round-off, Flip, Somey (8) _ __
II. (Boys) A .Achieve Support on Rings
B. Kip Hi Bar (5)
D. 6 Cont. Leg Cuts S.H . (5) sors R. & L. S.H. (6)
C. Squat Vault L.H. (5)
E.Sw ing with hand support P-Bor (5)
G. Handst'd P-Bars (6)
F. Fr . Scis-
H . Dislocote R. (6)
HB (7) _ _ _ J. Two Cont. Circles S.H . (7) ____ K. Stiff-Stiff Press (7) _ _
I. Front Gian,t _
L. Vault (FIG Val-
ue) _ __
III. (Girls) A Mill Circle (4) _ _ _ B. Back Roll B. (5) _ _ _ C. Scale B. (5) _ __ D. Bk. Walkover (5) _ _ E. Squat Vault (5) _ _ _ _F. Ft. Walkover (6) _ _ _ G. Handstand Lo P- Bor (6) _ __
H. Wrap Around UPB (6) Kip (8)
I. Dislocate UPB (6) _ __
I. Dislocate UPB (7)
J. Glide
K. Vault (FIG Value) _ __
R. (Routines) Each routine must consist of a mount, 5 movements and a di s mount; should be done with
good form and show elements of good composition and combination of moveme nts . May include more than 5 movements if it will add to the routine and in no way affect continuity. Each routine thus completed will have a value of 10 points .for the eva luation regardless of difficu lty. (Add 5 points for each B part and 10 points fo r each C part.) Boys R _ _ _ HB _ _ _ PB _ _ _ SH _ _ _ . FX Girls B _ _ _ UPB _ _ _ FX _ _
IV. (Weaknesses) If any of the following weaknesses are checked, every effort should be made by the boy or girl to continually check them and eleminate them through dail y practice of exercises designed to overcome them.
Backbend (-4)
C. Hamstrings (-5)
D. Splits (-4)
E. Abdominal
F. Arm Support (-5)
G. Arm Flex (-5) 24
B. Gleno-Humeral (-3)
H. Exp los ive ness (-5)
~ . ~
:ffcYHI/~ tn'
THE GYMNASTIC EVALUATION What are th e needs of yo ur gy mnasts? In planning for your class sess ions are you sure yo u know which spec ific gy mnasti c areas yo u should e mphasize ·? How do you meas ure In·ogress? What is a beginn er, an int erm ediate or an adva nced pe rform er ? I-l ave yo u ever had a secret yen to di splay the ev id ence o f progress before yo ur s tu· den ts, parents or club board ? Have yo u in deed ever said, " Boy, if I on ly had some ~ilO ~,i es of thi s group when th ey were start in g
Th e need for evaluati on is a continuin g one for th e excellent program of gy mna sti c in stru cti on. Unfor tunately, we cannot re ly wholl y on our mind s to do this. The expe rienced in stru ctor can certainly indica te di rec ti ons; he know s wh er e he is and where he is go in g. Yet, with a ll of his ability to foc us subj ecti vely on hi s work , he will o ften omit so me very important element s of in struc tion. Th e u3e of a GYM NASTIC PROFILE will help th e goo d in s tructor to beco me even more acut ely aware of th e needs and progress o f hi s classes. The profile suggested he re can be rev ised to meet local r equirement s. Certain items may be added or de· leted , va lu es assigned may be chan ged or yo u mi ght decide upon another coding systcm. Th e point is that yo u should use so me too l whi ch is simil ar if not th e e xact dupli ca te of th e prototype sugges ted here. Th e pro fil e co ntain s fiv e major areas: 1. Roman N um eral I- Basic gy mnastic skill s for both se xes 2. Roman Nun) er a l II- Gymnastic skill s es pec iall y masculin e in nature 3. Roman N um eral III- Gymnastic skill s found in th e modern girl's program. 4. Ii. (Ho utin es) - A place to record each s tud ent's progress with respe ct to a co m pl e ted gy mna sti c r outin e· in an y of th e seve ral event s for boy s and girl s.
5. Roman N um eral IV- Individual weaknesses Th e cod in g system used in th e protot ype is rela ti ve ly simpl e. After each of the maj or a reas indi cat ed by Roman num eral s I·IV , th e read er wi ll find each item li sted code d alphabeti cally. Eac h of the ite ms has a l"o been grad e d subj ec tively and thi s valu e will be found in th e parenth eses foll ow in g eac h it e m. F or exampl e, U-F is found to bc ,In it em parti c ularl y suit e d for boys; it is th e front sc isso rs done in both directi on;; on t he sid e horse and has been given a va lu e of six. Th e " R" or routine pha se of th e ev aluation is explained on the pro· fil e. Th e rt- is a s pec ial rectan gular area near th e top of th e s hee t in whi ch the reade r will find a formula for both boys and girl s. Th e formula re present s th e simpl e arithmeti c tota l o f a ll point s and s pace is provided to record th e number and dat e for three se lla rat e eva luations. It is also sug-
Fig. 1
!tested' that · a competitive or exhibition· r ec:~ rd for eac h stud ent be pla ced on the r eve rse side o f th e shee t. Th e remaind e r of our discuss ion will be s pec i fica ll y related to po ints for certain indi vidual items contain ed in th e r ecord. Pl ease re member that th e assigned valu e for each item is onl y given for a n ea r perfect pe rformal1.ce. F or a n it em valu ed a t five points, onl y two mi ght be g iven for a n inferior performan ce. Zero is assigned wh en the·r e is littl e or no attempt to co mpl e te an item . UNDER N O CIRCUM STANCES SHOULD THE PROFILE BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSIGN I NG A LETT ER GRADE (A, B, C, D, Fai l etc.). TO DO SO WOULD BE A GROSS MIS US E OF THE EVALUATIVE TECH JIQUE.
From a sitting position (1). extend legs to position (3) which is shaded pass ing through . position (2) . In a quick motion, hips are flexed to (2) and a kipping action is perform ed fa o r through (3) to a variety of final positions.
Roman Num.eral I A. For full value, both legs are stretched and togeth er mom entarily and legs are lowe red with contro!' B. The skip ste p is one whi ch is used prior to a maj orit y of tumbling element s. (Ex. hand springs, round-off, aeria l walkovers e tc.) For full valu e th e ste p s hould be perform ed quickly, surely and with ag ility. C. P erform ed without help for full valu e D. P e rform ed with a stretched body to a co ntroll ed fr on t s upport for full value. F. Both a forward and a ba ckward r oll mu st be performed skillfull y for full value. H . Ca rtwh eel- Att ention to performance sid eward in a strai ght lin e. 1. From silt in g positi on roll ba ckward and ex tend body as thou gh a ttemptin g the back extension roll. (The head does not ge t off th e flo or.) With a sudd en motion bend th e hips to a trampolin e back drop pos iti on and once again extend fully. (See Fi g. 1) ./. Front support positi on mu st be held for full valu e. K. Probabl y th e easiest kip to do on apparatus. (See Fig. 2)
Fig. 2 From a stand between the P-Bars (1l, !lump with immediate hip flexi on ca~s ing a swing in a piked position (2). the end of the back swing, kip to upper arm support (3).
L. Stretched position with bouncing action wh en hand s hit mat for full value. M. Performer definitely shows a shift of we ight forward. ( See Fig. 3) N . Front so mersault- Controlled landin g without usin g hands for full value.
R oman N umeral II A. P erform er may ge t up any way he chooses. B. No mu scl e up acti on for full valu e. E. Legs are maintain ed stretched with entire , body above level of the bars on forward and backward swin gs . H. For· full value, thi s item is perform ed without j erky or extreme bouncin g move-· J ll.p nt .
Fig . 3 From a front support on the bar ( 1). slightl y ftex the hips (2) and cast tegs backward (3). As weight is shifted f o r ward (shaded figure ) hips are lifted enab ling the performer to come t o a stond on the bar. (4)
, //~
, 'J , , , ,, I
Fig . 5
Fig . 4 Fig. 4
Fig . 5
From a standing position, arms stretched overhead , attempt to move the stretched orms rearward in a simpl e test of flexib ilit y in the shoulder ioint. (G leno- humeral )
The Bu rpee Test. From a stand, move to squat stand ( 1), immedi a tely extend legs rear ward to fr o nt support p os itior> (2) then back to squat stand (3) and finall y t o a stand ( 4 ). Observer usually records the number o f com ple ted cyc le s in 10 seconds. H owever tor our purposes o f support st rength, stort in position (1) and si mpl y extend and flex the knees as many t imes as poss ible. If the perf o rmer has tr o uble comp l eting 15 o f the se, he shou ld wo rk on support strength exercises.
Fig . 6 The Jump. and " Reach Test of toes markIng the highest level and jump a nd rea ch attempting If the difference in heig h ts is m~y be weak.
K. S trai .,. h t
Exp losiv e Power. Fac ing a wall as shown, stret ch up on possib le with the fi ngertips. Cr ouch down foll ow ing this to t ouc h the wall at a hi gher point than the o riginal mark . less than 10 inc he s, this indicates that exp los ive power
strai"h t leg press to a
co ntr~lI ed ha:ld stand.
Roman Nume ral III C. Any sca le where head is in fro nt of body. E. Vau lt done over s id e horse. C. H and s la lld mu s t be co ntroll ed for full ra lu e. 1-1 . Frum long ha n g initi a ted by a cas tin g Ill ovc menl. back hip circ le on lower bar to controll ed fr ont supp ort for full valu e.
NOlll an NU llleral IV Th e it e ms s ugges Le d und er thi s headin g have neo'a li ve valu es which indi ca te weak· nesseS uf th e st ude nts. Each item may l; e Il'"tl'll in a numb er of ways but for our pu rpuses he re tes ts ar e s ugges ted whi ch a re fa irl y reliable in th e gy mnastic pro· !.!ralll. From back lying position, ca n s tud ent lift body fr om floor so that head is clear a nd th e re sultant position of th e back is a suppl e one? (No le : Weak a rm s may prevent acco mpli shm en t of d es ired posi· t ion and thi s should be n oted unde r strength .) B. See dia gram . (See Fig. 4) C. \Vith l egs stra ight an d stretched, ca n stud ent be nd at th e hips and touch th e flour "l .\lus t be perform ed slowly rathe r than with j erky moti on. D. Forward and ba ckwa rd s plit s att empt ed. Is one ,; id e bett er than th e othe r ? H ow far down? E. F rom s itting pos iti on, knees fl excd , h and s back of head , l ower back ,;low ly to fl oo r. (C url down) Is there a suddcn drop approximat el y half \ray down " F. Usc th e Jlu sh up or Burpee. Th e la tt er is abo a tes t of coo rdinati on. (See Fig. SI C . Chin s 11. Th e ju mp rea ch tes t or kippin g action. I See Fig. 6) To sa \"(:! Ill e read e r so me tim e and trouble, we ha,"e ad ded up approp ri ate fi gures to
F;g. 6
co mc up with th e following data on th e s ugges ted prototype for a GYl\I ASTlC PROFILE. 1. Th e lowes't poss ible score for both boys an d g irl s is - 36. 2. Highest possibl e sco res : A. 130Y5- 347 B. Cirls- 260 3. Our ex peri ence indica tes that th e fol· lowin g levels are indi cated by ce rtain scor es on the profile. A. Low Beg inn er- Will have a minu s score. No previous gy mnasti c ex peri· ence. Thi s in cl ud es boys and g irls. B. Beg inn er I H as had a bas ic co urse) --Fr~m ze ro to 24 points. C. .Int e rm ediat es-Sco res may ran ge from 50·100. If th ere is a ver y wide r ange, the in s tructor llIay break a group down int o Low lnt erm ediat es a t Ih e lower end of th e sca le and Low Advanced at the hi gher end. D. ..\d \"a nce d- Sco res of 125 or more. Yo u may wi sh to es tab li ;; h a 100 cluh or a 200 Club and ma ke a special awa rd fur s uch a g roup. The in stru c· tur , llU uld abo we igh th e poss ibility of an award for rais in g any sco re 50 po int s.
A New Ull plicating Te chnique is Introduced S hould a n y of ou r r ead ers be int eres ted in th e ma ss dupli ca tion of th e GY .\I NASTl C PROF ILE , thi s mi g ht now very eas ily be acco llipli shed by a n ew process int roduced hy i\. B. Di ck . You r local authorized A. B. Di c k di stribut or wi ll show yo u h ow mim eo· g raph mas le r unit s can now be made elec· Iruni ca ll y on one of th e ir n e w machines. Since Ihis ma chin e cos ts in e xcess of S1.000. it is not Ih c type of thing that you "ru~ down to yo ur co rn er story to bu y. On th e olh e r ha nd , Ih e A. B. Dick peo ple w ill mak e a maste r for yo u of a n ythin g yo u may wa nt tll rcprodu ce for as littl e as S3.00 a ma ster. For Ihe firs t lim e yo u will be abl e to reo prod uce thin gs on a mim eograph ma chine wh ich in th e past were imp oss ibl e. Pas te· ups. photographs a nd other inn ova ti ons are now on th e li st of thin gs whi ch llIight be re produced by th e :\Iimeo process in yo ur local schoo l. A t leas t one Delaware sc honl has purchase d a mac hin e. S hould yo u be unabl e to loca te thi s ser vice in yo ur a rea, wril e l\Ir. Win ston E. Cleland . 415 ~[ark e l St., Wilmington, Del. l\Ir. Cl eland i s an auth ori zed represent a ti ve of the A . B. Di ck COlllpa ny. So me material s for a r ece nt ati ona l Gymna sti c Clinic at ]\[ichigan S tat e Un ive rs it y we re r eproduced in this man· net' to th e delight of all who were the re to rece ive th en; . (Mor e on the Na ti onal S Ulllm er Cl ini c in the n ex t l\I.G.) 2ND NA TlO NA L I NSTITUTE W e have lea rned fr om Dr. Thelma Bishop of .\lichigan S tat e niver sit y th at th e Sec· ond Na tion al ln s titut e on C irl 's S port s will co n vene in Se pt ember of 1965 at th e nive r· K ell ogg Cent er on :\Ii chi ga n S tat e sity's ca mpu s. \Ve tak e note Ih at th e re will aga in be a s pec ial e mphasis g iven to gy lll ~ nast ics and more advanced techniqu es a re plann ed . Int eres ted part ies Ili ay conla cl Dr. Bishu p c/ o De pt. of Phys ica l Ecl uca ti on for Wo me n, .\f. S.U. Three Iliure ed iti uns o f the In s tilul e J uurnal are to he Jlub l i ~ h ed ac· cu rdin g to Dr. l3i shop. S he is ImplenlL'n ta· li on Chairman fur th e ln stitul e. Hl G H VALDEZ A g irl co mp eting in the Natio na l Turn er '\[ ce t thi s pas t Jun e wa5 l)bse rved wur k· in g in and our of a Valdez on th e Hi gh Bar of Ihe neven s.
.'."".",_ J'-~" " ~ --" VA L1) E. Z "
E le m entary GYlIl nastic A p paratu s Skills lIIus trated by H a r old J. Frey and C harles J. K een ey The R onald Press Co., 15 E. 26th S t. , New York 10, N .Y . Pri ce- S4 .50 Thi s n ew boo k fr om R onald Press fit s int o th e c urre nt gy mn as ti c series fr om this su urce.
Du n ot le t the word " el em enta r y," mislea d yu u. Thi s b oo k is n o t intende d for th e ele· me ntary sc h olas ti c level l G r a d es 1·6) but rath e r s h ould be inte rpre ted to m ea n n ovice gy mnas t ics at the J r. Hi g h Sch oo l or Hi g h Sc h oo l l evel. Th e b ou k is w ritt en w ith th e p o te nti a l c um pe t it o r in mind w ith e a c h sec tion di · r ected tow ard s a n ov ice r outin e in th e fo ur Ol ympi c a p p ara tus events. Free e xe r c ise a nd va ultin g a re th e r efure n ot includ e d . We wu ul d lik e to h ave seen a be tt e r d e· velupm e nt uf a ver y sig ni fica nt s ta te m e nt whi c h . a pp ea rs in a n ea rl y chapt e r. Th e a u· th a I'S s ta te, '" .It is no lu nge r imp e rati ve th a t t he in s tru c tor pe rfor m th e ac tu a l d e m on· ~ Ir a li o ll ~ '"
too 10 1H! a
l im E'
n ow o ur
c ull e ges h ave a d upt e d the perform a n ce ap· p roac h a nd ha ve n eglec ted t o r e la te to th e ir futur e teac h e rs th e m e th od ology n ecessary tu m a k e th e m co mpe tent in thi s are a. K now· ledge and m e th odo logy a re al wa ys to b e pre· fe rred to p erfo rm a n ce w he n it com es to und e rgra duat e pre p a r a ti on o f potenti a l ph y· s ical educat or s. Thi s be g inn er 's g uid e to co mpe titi ve ap · pa ra tu s gy mn a s ti cs fur b oy s has been w ritt en il y t wo hi g hl y r es p ec ted Ca lifornia coac h es, h e nce th e co mpetiti ve a p proach. F or th e sch u la s ti c e lem ent a r y level we wo uld r ec· u mm e n d an oth er R on a ld Press public ati on . . . GYII/ nastic App aratns Exe rcises ior Girls. Th e la tt e r is equa ll y good fo r ~ I e · m e nt a r y schoo l Boy's gy mnas ti cs a s w ell. A. B. Fre d eri ck
G Y/Il. n{/sti cs for Women by Blan ch Drury a n d A ndrea lVl oln a r T h e N a ti un a l Press, P a lo Alt o, Cali fo rnia Pri ce-$3. 00 R es pondin g to th e c a ll o f the ir Jll a n y fe· ma le co ll e ag ues in th e p h ys ica l e du c ati on fiel d , a form e r Ol ympi c l'vl ed a li s t a nd a p a r-ti c i pa nt a t th e fir s t Na ti on a l Ins titut e o n G irl 's S port s h ave combin e d th e ir t a le nt s to pro du ce a co mpl e te gy mn as tic work f or wo m en. No t sa ti s fi ed w ith simpl y cover in g th e fu ur O lympi c eve n ts, these la di es h ave e x· pa nd ed t h t' ir text tu in clu de th e foll ow in g a r ea s : 1. Wa rm·up an d Cu n d iti onin g 2 . Dan ce fo r Gy mnas ts ( Illus tra te d b a ll e t te rm inology ) 3 . Rh ythmi c Gy mn a s ti cs a . Ba ll work b. C lu b wo r k ( In d ia n Clu bsl c . R ope Jum p in g d. R e la ted r o p e work inc h"lin g: ro pe climbin g e . H oop s f. Wa nds 4 . G y mn as ti c Co m pe titi ve Eve nt s a. B a la n ce Be am b. Free E x er c ise c. U n even Parall e l Bars d . Va ultin g c. Tr a m polin e f. Tumblin g ;) . G ym na s ti c A dmini s tra ti un a . C urri c u lum Des ign b. De m on s tra tion s c. Gy mn as ti c M ee ts Th e book i" we ll illu s tra te d in e ve ry r e o s pec t. The r eade r will find at le as t on e ill us tr a ti un fu r ever y m ove m e nt (,,"sc rib ed . P a t ri c ia TllO lll so n is th e illus trat o r. It is t' n c(J ura g ill ~ tu n u te the gy mn as ti c con oec ln ess u f th ese illus trat ion s. GYII/nastics fo r WOII/en is very r e aso n a b ly p r iced a n d is th e fir s t book we h ave see n w hi ch is to ta ll y du e to th e effo rt s of U.S . wo m e n w h o a rt-' pr umin e nt r e prese n tati ves o f th e ir s pec ia lt y. Thi s buo k a d e qu a tel y ma rk " th e tru e beg in nin g o f feminin e g ym· n as ti c lead e rship in th e U nit e d S ta tes . We ""' ri olls ly d oubt th a t t hi s Jlartic ul a r tex t ('u ul d h ave bee n w ritt e n b y a m a n. A. B ru ce Fre d e ri ck
THE RESEARH AND PROFESSIONAL LIAISON COMMITTEE N9tional Association of Gymnastic Coaches ( N.A.C.G .C.) and National Gymnastic Clinic Chairman: Dr. Hartley Pri ce, Florida State Un iversi t y, Ta ll ahassee, Fl o ri da Announcement:
T he f o llow i ng f ive awards w i ll
be o ff ered t h is yea r a t the Wes t e rn a n d Eas tern Gymnastic Cl in ics. Gymnastic Research Awards for: (1964-65) at the National Gy mnastic Clin ic at Sa rasota, ·Fl o r -
ida. I. The Eastern Ho no r Research Awa rds o f the N.A. C. G.C. . ( Nat iona l Ass oc iot ion o f allege Gy mnastic Co oches) t wo awards a t S I 00 .00 cash. (Pres. Bi ll Mea d e, Gymnastic CoachIllinois Sout hern Unive r si t y, Ca r bondal e, Ill inois. ) .
2. The C.H. McC loy Hono r Research Awa rd o f the National Gymnas ti c Clinic- $ I OO.OO . (Prsident , Frank Cumiske y, RFD Westwoo d , Rockleigh , New J e rsey) At the Gy mnastic Clinic at Tucson, Ar izo na I The Western Hono r Resea rch Award o f the NAC.G .C. -S I 00.00. 2. The GYM MAS TE R COM PANY Research Grant-$ 200.00. CRITERION OF COMMITTEE : The committee wi shes to stress that s t ud ies that b enefit
gro up will be fa vo red. PROCEDURE OF CANDIDATES: Candidates cannot submit their outlines to both clinics. A c h o ice mus t be mad e. I. A p rospectus of the p robl em mus t be submitted by November 15. o. Studies fo r consideration fo r the Hono r Research Awa rds of the National Gymnastics Clin ic o r the N.A.C.G .C. (Nati onal Association of Gy mnastic Coaches ). Eas t ern Awa rds must be submitted to D r . Hartley Pr ice, Florida State Uni v er sity ,
by Nove mbe r 15. The prospectus wi ll then b e passed on to t he sub-committee of the Research Awa rd Co mmittee i n o rd er t o decide the winning candidates. It will facil itate matter s if sev e rol cop-
ies o f the prospectus are sent t o me. b. Studies fo r conside ra tio n fo r the N.A. C. G.C. , Western Ho nor Resea rch Awa rd and the GYM MAS TE R Com pany Awa rd at Tucson , Arizona must be submi t t e d t o Dr. Fred Roby, University o f Ariz on a.
2 . Th e Prospectus of th e Res e arch: a. The candidates shou ld incl ud e lowing
(I) (2 ) (3 ) (4 )
th e
in their prospectus:
Out line the p roblem State the hypothese Ind icate the m e thods t o be use d Report the biblio g raph y that was used
in app roac hing the pr b lo me
(5) Justify the res e arch b. The d eadline for th e prospec tus fo r this y ear ' s awa r d wi l l be N ov ember
c. Indicate the progress that has b ee n mad e
II NEff! fJ A.'l1I)IIL ET ON BEA .lI WORK H c il'n S jur;c n h a s rec e n tl y co mplet ed a m on ug rap h on ba la n ce bea m. Th e be a m pamp hl e t is th e secon d in a se ri es of pra c· t ieal coachin g m a te ri a ls to be p r ese nt ed to th e gy mn a sti c field . Ea ch of th ese pa mphl e ts m ay be obt a in ed fr om t he a uth or for 81.00 a CO JlY. The orig· in a l pa m phl e t is on e ve n p a r a ll el h al'S. l-l " le n S jursen 46 P opla r Pla ce F a n wood , N .J.
up-to-date on th e research . d. T he membe rs o f the su b -c omm itt ee will decide what candidate wi ll re ceive the award a f ter stu d y i ng t he p rospect i . The re f o re , the pr osp ecti sh oul d b e v er y com-
plete. J. A repo rt of th e winners o f all awards w i ll be made at the N .A. C. G.C. An n ual Mee t ing a t the N. C. A .A. Gym nasti c Champio n ships at Ca rbond ale , Ill ino is , on Ma rch 26, 1965 .
P. O. Box 64334, los Angeles, California 90064
HORIZO NTAL BAR From front support FREE HlP CIRCLE BACKWARD to hand-stand. This is a basic exercise-element on Horizontal Bar, yet its use is frequ ent in th e combination of most advanced exercises. Man y gy mnasts lea rn it with an easy natural sense of technique, but a lso man y-even ad va.nced gymnasts - show disturbin g difficulty to develop a r eliable FREE HIPClR CLE.- Tn general it ca n be sa id that those who in their basic training lea rn ed a swin ging technique with emphasis on the mobility o f the spin al column and the hip j oints ("Pikin g Technique" 1 will be at a gr eat ad vantage, compa red to thoce who were not discoura ged to approach . gymnas tics with a n orthodox strength technique with ri gid b ody -extension (" Arching T echnique"l. HINTS : 1.1 from free support ( Fig . A. No.1 ) all ow slow descent by maintainin g the shoulders in front of the bar's ver tica l proj ecti on, and descend with the hip leadin g the motion.
2.) When the legs during their descent pass the bar's horizontal projection develop " pike" and forcefull y keep 路 the abdom en awa y fr om the bar while the legs pass under the bar ( Fig. A. No. 2-3. )- At this point the replacement of the Center of Gra vity behind the support is complete. The Hip路 Circie must begin with utmost rapidity, allowin g the shoulders to rush under th e bar. It is important to note tha t until the shoulders emerge on the other side (above the bar's h orizontal projection) the " pike" must be main- . tained. Therefore the head should not be thrown backward becam:e it would force the coordination of th e hip-j oint to premature extension (all ef the bod y would fall back before reachin g at least a vertical position ) . ;1. ) The knees must be maintained in close proximity to the ba r until th e should ers in their circular path start to move upward again ( Fi g. A. No . 5). From here on the legs g raduall y mo ve upward , awa y from the bar with the buttock leading the motion (N o complete hip-extension ye t.)
Helpful hints by "Jim" farkas. Instructor 0/ Physical Education, 0/ Th'e Milwaukee Turners. Wisconsin
4.) .Hip- e~ tension (and q)inciding head elevation) can. b~ .emphasized only after' the hands have rotated from suspension to support position (Fig. A. No. 6-7.) and the shoulder h as emerged above the bar's horizontal projection.
On Horizontal Bar : High Under-swing dismount from free front support; Hip-circle backword; On Fl oor: From head-stand (with bent hip), hip-extension (kip movement) and press to hand-stand. After at least the preceding 3 prerequisites were secu~ed, the most important compenent to learn is the rotation of the hands on the bar and the following immediate arm-e xtension. Thi s can be best learned on a low (fa~e high) horizontal bar (Fig . B. ): 1.l With the sWinging of one leg start lightning-fast hip-pullovers around the bor (Fi g. B. No. 1-2.) trying to get above the bor with both legs and hip, then switch the wrists to support before grav itati on would start pulling the belly to the bar.
2.l Do it foster and faster ,but also try to extend hip (kip motion ) during the rotation of the wrists. Start to extend hip sooner and sooner and push orms stra ight immediately, toward hand stand (Fig . B. No. 3-4.)-Jump off to restort (Fig . B. No. S.l.
SPOTTING : Passive: Early extension is the only dangerous action
PREREQ UISITES for Learning:
t/ / _
whic h brings a gymnast so i ling d cw n again, but with the wrong grip. The body must be stopped by the spotter before it reaches the vertical projecti o n of the bar. (or better: train the gymnast to turn out arid jump off) Active: At the beginning phose (on low bod active spotting not only prevents falls but also speeds up the learning process itself. By forcefully guid in g the shoulders upward fro m below until the rotation of the wrists is completed (Fig. B. No. 3.) the spotter helps to perceive strange speeds, .m otions, positions; securing the transfer from one known element-through an unknownto an ot he r known element, c : mbining the ports into one larger and new moti o n-sensation. From support to hand-stand the spotter can s'-lpplement the arm strength of the perfo rmer by gi ving on upward thrust en the gymnast's shoulder; at the same time supporting him to prevent a fall -back from early extens ion (Fig . B. No. 4.l.
Stun t man Ron nie Rande ll in action scenes fr om the Un iv ersal " Shenandoah ",
3 ."' Pi c ture~ h f' r e :, how th elll pl ay in g a crazy ga n.H~ of cow boys and in d ian s . S tuntm en oflt' n ha ve favo ri te ~ tllnt s tht"
Jess Ro binson
Hil II' uf ten ha ve yo u see n a tramp olin e in a Ill uv ie or on t e l ev i s i o n '~ 0[[ han d we ca n reca ll tranlJ)(j li nes in th e mo vies "Mo ve Over Darl inl!," " _\I ad , _\'lad , _\'lad World" and " Fr" m Hu "s ia With Love" ; on telev i"iun on "C re atl'st Show on Earth' 'and "Tilt' Cd <; ulli "a n S how '" and in co mm er.. ia l" advel~li " inl! ,dlir ts ~ nd Iwa nut hutte r. Cll ll ~ id (' ril1 g: huw Illan y trampolin es ar c used
l1l(J v it ':3
o il
TV it
i s !3 urpri ~ ing.:
few arc actually seen, Ont' uf t 1.1l' must int e restin g ph ases of th e tramp"line bu"in c,,,' he re in th e film ca pi (01 of th (· wo rld i:- workin g with studi os and ~ itlnt Ill e ll . Th ey are co ntinu all y u :- in ~ ' I,.. .. ia l d f,'c t, tha t re quire use o f tra m1'"lill('" a nd I!y nl t ramps, Th ey r efer to gy m Iramp" as " !t-ap,>r'" ""ca use th ey use Ih elll tn It'lI p onlo h or:-;.(':-,. u ve r wa ll s . through win · 110\\':-: . de. I t i::: CO llllll Un tu conce al th em in
d r ll lll-- for d a nl' l'r~ 10 jump ont o in Jllusica i
" Ilt'l'tu c ul ar", T hl'Y a lso li se th em in uni qu e ",a)" s uch a" in ''[Iuhber'' where th ey built a "mall narrow trampolin e int o t hc baskt'llJ:l II flnol ' " players co uld jump up "'Tr t he bask et. Fr ank S ina tra and hi s " C la n" had a tram poiin( '
~t' t
m onth
shoo tin g
~ till
pi ctu rf'" tn publi cize the ir p icture "Se rgea nt "
lik e to do with thi s equipnH'nt. A lan Pin so l~, for exa mpl e, i" a n e xcl' ll "nt s word fi,,: ht c r a nd l!" lwrall y uses a gym tramp to leap ovp r o b ~ t a c l (,5 d urjn g :-wo rd I ights. Lom e J an es, al so a top man in th e b usiIl l' ~~ , lbe:::: u ur j\u ~ trHl!an lrampo Jin e t o alla in ~ r ea t h l' i ~ ht ~ and to j um p long: d ista n,..-,;, II wa, Lom e wh o di d th e exce llcpt tr ampo lin ~ work a t poul s id t' in " ],love Ove r Ihrlin l!" a nd later in th e pi ct ure did a fan l a~ tj c ~ lIllll'r S alllt ove r Ollri :3 Da y':, head landinl! in a sma ll "ha ll ow po ol of water , Hf' did a " illl ili ar j ump from the Au s" ie int o th e anll~ of a :-:tatlll' jn ·· \I ad. l\fad. _\Iad World ," Ronni e l{ ond l' lI wai' ('h e fir s t "tunt Illan to he blown lip It I' an explo, ion,,{'ia t,he gy \ll Ira lllp, Thi" unlw li eva hl e pi ctul'e here show s Ron ni e as yo u will see him on th e scree n in S hena ndoa h, a LJnil'l' r"a l Internati on al pi cturt-', In thi s IlIov il ' Bonnie nin s dow n a hill wi th a rlll ,; filII I) f allllllun iti on an:d di s, appt'a"!'s hl'liind a eannu n, A t th 'is jloin t h e turn " a It a rany lof "o rt s ' o ff th e g Y"1 tramp
Ih a l
prcc i ~ e
s i,'"" arc "e t o ff. It app,'a'rs th at he h as hee n blo\\'n up, j\ v(, ry illlpre"s ivc stunt 10 "ay t he leas t. In wn rkill t! wil h sllIdi o!3 Olle ca n not help but 1Jl' awt:d by the troubl e and eo:; t r e , '1l1il"<'<1 tn gt,' t a d es ircd s hot. In " \Yhat A Way T o C o" Itobe rt j\ l it chulII wa~ , upp osed tn ' ha ve IWl' n kic ked throu gh a wal l of a It a rn It y a hull , !\ dUlIIlII Y wa s II St 'd in the ori !!in a l "hot llllt it wa s d ec id ed it wo uld lu,,'k Iwlt tT to ,.l' nd a lII a n th ro ul! h ,th e wa ll. So tIlt'\' bui lt a barn of balsa wlIo d an d
ca ll ed Lorn e .J anes, Lom e used th e Au ss ie Iru lll jJcdinl' and a ~ kl'd me al ong a ~ co nsult ·
a nt. On tilt' fir :; t a tt t'llIpt he llIad e it thro ul! h tht , wa ll but jll"t barely , Th e nt'xt tilli e, IU),,"l'Vl·' 1".
a tt ain ed
tre lllendnu !'
h t' i ~ hl.
ja nlllll 'd hi s fi:; t:; thr"ug h th .. wa ll on ta k .. /Iff a lld "a il ,'d llIore than 20 fe et before la nd in g, eMI uf buildin l! th e ha m , cu nlt'ra ( T (' W~ .
Lll rn (' ~
e ll' .. l11u ~ l
have be{"1l sevp ral
,h l1 l1:-:and d() ll ar~,
:\ :-: Il ea l' a5 w(> ca n fi!!ur e tlll' Y lIIu s t not ha ve ha d till' cn rr cc t Cat;, e ra
a ll ~,.d t' l)t-'rHu:'I ' w hen yo u Set=' t ll(, pi ct ure yo u
will "cc 11 dllllllll Y be ing pull ed throug h th e wa ll. \X ' hi .. h a ll l'"l'S to proye that wh en it colllt" to acti on ill ~ p ec i al e ff ec ts th e tralll 1",J in e is ve ry eff ective, UNUSUA L STUNT OR WILD RO UTI NE 2"/1 ba ck sOlll ersa ult ( tripl e ba ck t o s tOIll ach I fir" t perform ed in 1962 by Del vin Du _\ lc y in l3urbank on a 6 x 12 ' nyl on we b be d, S tr','l' Lnllt'r performs thi s stunt a nd claim s he ,. po ts forwa rd on th e doub le ba ck a nd th en j lI ~ t does a :~ back, Delvin and Da nny :\ Iilltll a n have bot h sw unl! out of th i" tri ck with a Ir iple cody, OF THE ~ IO ' TH I feet to fee t ) per , fo n1ll 'd by Frank Sc hmit z at Ih e Tucson Cli n ic las t Dece mber, RE CO RD
~o Frollt ,o nwr,a uli s
Any News? .'-'t· llel
,Ilt '\\'"
illlt'n ',-1
Ir alll plllini ~ ' :-
I" ,Il'''' j{ ob il""'", "/0 Tr alllpolinl' Inc , ~20 , \\ 't" t \l a,~ I\I>li a Hhd .. Hllrbank, Calif.
POINTERS /i tt(>
~ Dea'r Mr. Shurlock: Thi s is the first time I ha ve ever written YO ll , but I find it necessary beca use I need some information. I would appreciate it very much if yo u could find the tim e to answer my letter. A few word s abo ut myself. At the present time I am a post-graduate a t the Moscow In stitute of Physical Culture and Sport and I am very interes ted in th e development of Gymnastics throughout the world and in the U.s.A. in particula r. By the way I've seen yo u in Moscow in 1958 and 1961. P erhaps you r emember me too because I was in the team of the USSR in 1961. I wanted to make acquaintance with you then but the trouble was that I co uldn 't s peak Englis h and that's why I only asked yo u for an autograph , whi ch you kindly gave me. Now know English enough t o write this letter to you. I am a con stant reader of your excellent " Th e Modern Gymnast". Thi s is th e mos t interesting and useful ma gazin e I have ever seen in my life. Co ngratul a ti ons and -best wi shes t o Mr. Glenn S undby! I also enj oy yo ur a rticles "Q uesli ons a nd POinters". Th ese a rticl es show yo u 10 be a good spec ia list in Gymnas ti cs. As. Gym na sti cs is a co mmon and favor it e th inp: for us, le t's excha nge some useful id p3., litc ra ture, book s, magazines a nd elc. in ord er to kn ow more abo ut Gymnas li cs. If yo u have no objections I'll he p: lad 10 cOlTP spond with yo u. A nd for the beg innin p: will yo u be so kin d as t o send me Ih O! b60k hy IvI r. Tak e moto abou t th e men 's gym nas li cs and some new co pies of "T he Mo(: rn Gy m.na st" . S in ce rely yo urs, Sa birov Yuri , Moscow, USSR P.S. Mr. Shurl ock, after r ead in g " The IvIodern Gy mn ast" (May-Jun e 1964) I h ave not iced so me mi stakes in th e inl erpretation of Ih e F IG rul es, especia ll y it concern s I he sid e horse . Yo u as a gy mnas t who does so well on th e s id e horse and ca n win the Ol ympi c medal, must know th e FIG rules prop crl y. In my nex l letter I'll explain th e diffe ren ct's a nd mi stakes t o yo u.
Dear Yuri: I t was a pleasnre to receive YOlir letter and I appreciate th e opportnnity to correspond with a / ellow gymnast and instruc路 tor from the USS R. I 'have conveyed ),our appreciation o.f the Morlern Gy mnast to Mr. Sundby and will sllPply yon with some later edition s of Th e Modern Gym nast. I contacted Mr. Frank Endo w h o has the illlport rights on Japan ese gymnastic literatllre in the USA. Fr om hilll )'0 11 will recl'i ve Mr. Ta kemot.o's book on all arol/.nd -gYlllnastics. We have jlist recen tly rece ived th e raised and corrected FIG mles. Thank
YOli fo r yonr o//I'r 10 explain Ih e incorre ct interpretations presented in th e May-JlIn e edition. I will leave it to YOll to seleci some USSR gymnastics book to send in retlim . Pre ferably one' that is well illllstrated sin ce I do no( have YOllr e~'ce!lent ad vantage o.f speaking both Rll ss ian and English . I hm;e jllst rece ntly been appointed coach and tea.cher at one of th e iin est universities in the USA, Th e Univers it'y o.f Cali/ornia at Los Angeles (UC LA ). I am ve ry h appy about this appointment althoiLgh I will have to term inale my competitive care er alter. th e Olympic Gam es in Tokyo. . Sincerely, Art Shurlock P .S . Y Oll r English is pxcellent and no exrl/.ses are necessary in you r 1Vriting.
Pi ctu red below and at r ig ht a re my Olympic T eam mates -perfo rming rou tines t hrough th e lens o f the Graph-Check Cam-
era. Below Sakamoto doing the scissors on the Side Horse, Rusty M itchell performing strai g ht body pullo v er to b o ck leve r pull-up t o Olympic Cross on th e Rings. At right ; .Ron Borak d oing on overbor bock ca t ch to a handstand . re g Weiss showing the compulso ry k ip half turn t o an upper arm hong catch and Lorry Bonne r going int o high doub les f or hi s Floo r exercise routine.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GYMNASTIC ASSN. WOMEN'S'DIVISION" Dear Gymnast s & Coaches: A definite gymnastic program has been scheduled for you by the S.CG.A. Exec . Com-
mittee and now the success of o u r young Lady Gymnasts r ests entirely in you r hands, either as
a gymnast, coach, judge or even a spectato r. A ll are equal ly important. Let us work together in h armony and unison
to promote and further the couse of Women ' s Gymnastics not only in our Southern Califo rnia
a r ea but throughout t he United States as we l l.
The association's program is gea red not only to the champion cal iber g y mnast but also to the overage closs participant Sincerely, Bud Marquette 'UNITED STATES GYMNASTIC FEDERATION WESTERN SECTION Regions 1 and Regions 2 Girl's - Women's 1964 - 65 Schedule Oct. Sth-7 :00 P.M .- "Demonstration Workshop. " Lakewood High Schoo l, Lakewood , Calif. OCT . 17th-l0:00 A .M.-Workshop Co mpulso ry Routines. North T orrance Hi gh, T or rance, Calif. OCT. 17th-l :30 P.M . "Demonstrati on Workshop". Mc Lane High School , Fresno, Cal if. NOV. 14th-10:00 A.M .-Age Group Meet . Campulsories on ly . North T orrance High Schoo l. DEC. 5th-7 :30 P.M.-"Gymnastic Carousel" by the "Scats." Southern California Aero Team. Lakewod Hi gh Schoo l. DEC . 12th-10:00 A.M.-Age Group Meet. Campulsories only. Corona Del Mar H igh School, New port Beach , Ca lif. DEC. 26th-Westearn Gy mnastic Clinic. Tu cson , Arizona. Sam Bail ie, Director. JAN 16th-Age Group Development Meet. Optional Routines. 10 - 11 & 12 and 13 - 14 & 15. (Site to be anno unced.) JAN. 23rd-1 :00 P.M.-Age Group Development Meet. 13 - 14 & 15 a~d 16 & above. Optiona l routines. Jordan High School , Lang Beach. FEB. 6thl:00 P.M . -" AII Comers" Meet. Optilonal routines. Westminster High Schoo l. West-
minster, Calif. FEB . 20th-10 :OO A.M. - Southern California Championships. Compulsory and optio nal rou tines. 3 age gro ups. Corona Del Mar High , Newport Beach , Ca lif. MARCH 13th-10:00 A .M. -Califo rnia State Champ ion ships. Compulsor y and optio nal. A ll age gorups. Sacramento State Co llege , Sacramenta , Calif. MARCH 20th-10 :00 A.M .-Regio n 2 Championships. Boys and g irl s. Berkeley, California April 10th-Western Section Grand Championships. Regions 1 and 2. Lakewood High Schoo l, Lakewood , .Calif. APRIL 16th - 17th-U.S .G. F. Nationals. Da v id Lipscomb Co llege , Nash v ille, Tennessee. APRIL 17th- Nev ada State Championships
Ren o, Ne vada. APRIL 30th - MAY Ist- ( Tentati v e) Optiona . Routine Meet. Mt. Dia b lo High Schoo l, Concord , Calif. MAY 29th-S:00 P.M.-No rth - South Inv itational, La ng Beach State Co llege, Long Beach, Calif. JUNE : -Local Associati on Acti v ities. Awards, Banquets.
JULY 3rd- Nev ada Inv itatio nal , Sparks Nev . JULY - AUG.-Summer Gym Champs. Vaca -
ti o n Please send dates and sites o f yo ur State Cha m pi onships t o Bud Marquette, 262 Cor onado A v e., Long Beach; Calif. , if yo u ha v e no t already
d o ne so. Highline Junior College, Seattle, Washington COMPETITIVE SCHEDULE H igh Schoo l Age Junior Hi g h Ag e
Dec. 5-
Bcllcv ic
N ov . 21-Sea hurst
Jan. 30- 0 ly mpia Jan . 16-W immett Feb. 27- Botthe ll Feb . 13- Sunset March 27-Champ ianship Meet f o r Junior Le v el of both Junio r High and Seni or Hi g h optio nal
ro utines.
Ll!!1e will lll' r uf th e T akashi 0110 trophy a s' the Juni or a ll aro un d e h a m p ioll. Other t rop hy w inn e rs includ e d: T yro buys te am: Amh ers t Novice boys tea lll: L. R. Hayter trophy to SI. J ohn Y Juni or buys team: Bo ri s Shaklin troph y to U.N. B. Seni cl r '\[ en'" tea lll : james H oyle truph y to Calll p Gage tow n G ym club Gy ro g irl, tca lll : Amh e rs t "A" !lest llIal e cl ub: J ose ph S ta lder Tro phy ttl S I. J ohn Y I\ 'nv il 'l' bo y, indi vidual a ll aro und: " Wil li e " W e il e r tro ph y to Dou g Nolan l. ad ies C lub Troph y: Amh ers t MEET RE SULTS MEN All -Aro und: Hoyl e, J . (Halifax) ; Carlton, R. (e.G.G.G. ); Harrison, B. (e.G.G. G.); Raspbe rr y, M. (e. G.G.G.). Free Exerc ise: 'Hoy le; Harri son' Carlton . Vaulti ng: Carlton; Hoyle; Harrison', Parallels: Hoyle; Carlton; Harrison. H igh Bar:
il l' J eITY \'hig ht Sa n Franci sco S tat e College
Hoyle; Courtu r ier; Carlton. Side Horse: Hoy te' ~arrjson; Ca rlt on. Ring s: H oy le, Carlton; Ha r: ri son.
WOMEN EdAII ·Around: Pa;coe, l. (Dartmouth); monds , J. (S.S.H.S.); Kane, A. (e.G.G.e.) Free Exercise:
Calallder of Events: Nov . I s -Little T e n d evelopm ent All , \ro und 15 div) Be rnard H orwi ch Center \ 01' . 21 - W es te rn Ope n , Sa n fran c isco S ta te College, 1 p.m. Dec. 5- Sac ra m c nt o IIlI'itati onal , Sacram e nt u S ta te Co ll ege, 8 p.m . Dec. ·I·S - Midwes t Open , !\'avy Pi e r, C hi · caoo D l~" ll - S an J use In vit at ional. San juse State Cu i lege, 8 p.m. . D IU YOU K N OW T H AT: :\ ccurd in !! tu Ill os t o bse r vers th e cal ibe r "f " "lllllU;;li cs ill th e U.S . h as improved t rClll e nduu ,; ly in the pa s t ·W ye ars. But a I"ok at th e recurd s do es nut see m tu bea r thi ,; uut: The f,dl uw in)! is a cU lllp ar ison of th e [ ·.S. Ol ym pi c tea m a ll·aru und s tandin gs i n th e 1\12·1· OI Ylupies with the U.S . tealll all· a ru und s tand in)!,; ill th e 1960 Rom e O IYlu , pi cs : 1960 j'lace in AA (; )llIlIasl Larrv Banner 21st j ack' Beckn e r 25th 27th IJun Tunry 36th :\ IJic Gruss fe ld if' hh Fred O rl uf~ k y Car O'() uinn 53rd 1924 C rllllla st Place ill AA F;'ank Kriz 19th :\1 j'K hinl 31,; t .I u hn l'earson 37t h Frank Safa nda 41s t Curt I{ottlllan 42nd l{ud ,,1 ph i\ " vak 46 th \\ 111' 11 YoU a dd th e total, all d o btain th e a\'l'nl!!e "oU " c t: foi' 1960-- Tot al 206. an a't'. :Hth~ p l a ~(' . For 1924--'I'ota l 2 16 . a ve . 36 th p lace . .\L\ R IT I.\I E GY'.I N '\ S T ICS C1L\'. I P IONSH IP S He ld a t th e U ni " ' r" it y of New Brun sw ic k In ,pi te u f a s to rm which hel d d uw n th e n lJllll",r of "'"l1p!'lit u r" t u a bu ut 100. th e Lll in' r, it y III' !\I,·w IlruII " ,il'k s ucl'l'", full y h", It ·d th e .\ Ia rit illle c haJllpi un 5hips Ull \Iarl'h 2 1. 1%1. alld. t hanks largely to th e ..rf" rt , " f Ji," Ho yle , Truill a ll Hirschfeld. alld .I "l'k Fu x. t h('y e nj uyed th e ir fille s t (' tlllllwi iliuiI l'Vt'r. I. .. adillg th e c" " lpeti t iun was J illl H uyle - -w inll l' r "I' th e .\ l ,,>'1 '" 'i' "k l' nillt o t rlJp h y a, th ,· "'II io r a ll "r"ulld chalJlpio n. a nd Do n
Pascoe, Edmonds; Kane. monds; Poscoe; Kane.
Ba lance
Vault ing:
Beam :
A ftc r SOllI e pre linlin a ry diffi c ulti es th e 211d allnual No. Neva da S Ulllm e r gymllas tic ch alll Pi onsh ips turned out tu b e a pr e tt y ~uo d SUCCess .
S t rOll g r e preoe ntati on was mad e by th e S. J{. N . gy m club , th e B e r k e ley Y ., Vadas, a nd th e S acramen to T urn ers . I>a ul New lll an do min ated th e 15 and over 1lH-'1l:--
g roup with v i c.: l o r y'~ in th e all a round ,
tlllllblin)! . Ion )! hor se. rin g~, parallel bars and fr ee ne rc i, c. Oth e r w inn e rs incl ud e d Ray Had ley on th e sid e horse, and B o b iJunnin !! on th e Hi " h Ba r In th'~ 12·14 Bo y~ gr ou/; H O\\'a rd Hardi e of Ul'I'k e ie y h ad 9 uncont es ted fir s t pla ce" . I n th e 11 and und e r boys g r o up R o bb ie j\ l e Larin , S tt' ,·e Be rg land a nd Bo b Hart ;; h an'd th e h on or". R o bbie wo n th e sid e h o r,l', parall e l,;. anrl rin g:;; S teve wo n th e free cxe n.:i~l'. and was rUBn e r lip 011 par· allcls and trampolin e; a nd Bo b lIart won th e t Ulllb lin ~ and w a, runn e r up on th e rin )!::' . C ra ig Notll' r hrok e up th e m on opoly b y cap turin g Ih e tra mpo lin c evc nl. In the ., irl , 15 and ove r )!J'O up Fn ·d e Hill and C ind y J OIl l'S s h ared th e s po tli g h t w ith S.R.N. Gym Club
I,' n ·d e winnin g th e all·around , tumblin g and ba la n ce bea m', and C ind y winning the Free f'Xl' I" Ci 5f', va ultin g , and un e vens, and was runn e r up in th e all·aro und. Kare n Ga lloway le d -th e cl) mpe titors in th e )! ir b 11 -14· g rou p by w innin g th e a ll · a r o uncl . tumblin)!:. ba'la n ce bea m. un even s. a nd free ('x e reise , and placed scco nd to Ruth W ,·, tall on th e s id e ho rse va ultin g . J e nn y Md{ cyo nl,b wo n th e s pec ia l trampo lin e evenl. rn the )! irl :, '11 a nd und e r Lo ri F orma n w{)n th e aJl-around. tlllllblill!!. UI1 f'VC Il S, va ulting. and fr ee exe r c ise . J~nny Gallo· way ca ptu re d t hl' trampolin e and Ga il Da m es won th e b a lance bea m event.
COLORADO OPEN By Glenn Wilson Thi s is jus t a qui c k n ote to le t yo u kn ow t h at we h a ve n ' t been slee p in g over the s umm er. Three inform a l o p cn CO lli pe titi on s we r!' he ld on o ur gY ln's fr ont lawn , and whi le lIl ost eve ryo ne wa s no t in tip-to p co n -
dition. we a ll had fu n. Th ese mee ts are in · for m a l to th e point th at if yo u wa nt tu ('o mpet e yo u silllpl y s hu ll' up a lld "ign up hefure th e event s tart s. An yu n e who wa nt s to ca n co mpe te . Thi s year ,o me o f th e ('oac hes t in c luding m yse lf) .d ecid ed to CO lll e IIlIt of retire ill e nt ju:;t su th e kid s wo uldn 't ha ve a ll th e fun . S uch huffin g and /Juffin g - how ca n yo u ge t so far o ut o f s hape! Ea c h o f these three mee ts includ ed on l y a f{,w of t h l' events ra l her th a n ha vin g a jnll ~
afte m oo n (I f all u f th elll e adl t illl e. Thi :; le ft mo re tim e fo r informal wo rk out !; a ftn th e CU Ill pe t it ion s. Th e firs t m eet includ ed I O Il~ horse , trnlnpo li ne and s ide horse; fl u' "<'Lund m ee t in clud e d hi g h bar lind r in gs ; a nd t he third m ee t in clud e d fl oor e xe rc i't, and parall e l ba rs. He re arc the res ult s : MEET RESULTS July 11, 1964 • Trampoline : Glen Wi lso n , 8.6; Ty St ou t . 8.4; Bud Sh roads, 8.25. Side Horse: Jock Ryan, 8.35; Jerr y Beckett , 8.25; J o h n Quintana, 6 .7. long Horse : John Quintana, 9 . 1; Je rr y Beckett, 8 .6 ; Eri c Singe r, 8.5. Juty 25, 1964 High Bar: · John Quintana, 7.15; Lonnie Art sten, 7. t 5. Rings: J o hn Quintana , 9.55; Perry Quinn, 8.75; To m Jenkins, 8 .7. Aug ust 1, 1964 Ftoor Exe rcise : Jim Barber , 8.95; Jerry Becke tt , 8.75; Jo hn Quinlana , 8.7. Paratlel Bars : John Quinta na , 9.0; Ted Nadeau, 8 . 4; Don Robinson , 8.0. Frede H ill
J a mes S. Bosco, Ph .D. Son J ose State Co llege
This is th e last oi a series oi six articles dealillg with th e efiects ol gYlll nastics all lII otor litlless. Motor iitlless has been deiille~1 as illdudillg tl", calli pall ell ts oi st rellg th , agili t.'", balall ce, .i lexibilit.y. pOlVer alld lIIu scula r ell durall ce. An attelllpt has hePII lIIade to bri eily describe the /llIr" ose; lII et huds IIsed alld results oi represeillalire (esear ch ill 'Ihi s area. A II at lelll/it has also beell lIIade . whell e/;er iJOssible, 10 de scrive or diagralll the I.es ts that hare veell u se d to /I/('a sllre Ih e eileets a.; gnll lla sl ie parlieipa tiull. The lI eort seri es a.; arlicles will deal wilh the eiiects oi grill' lIastin parlicipalioll 011 card io vascular (ih e heart alld 6r('u lalioll ) i itness. This will be lollowed by a series oi arlicles dealillg wilh Ih e killesiological or lII echallical allalysis oi grlllllasti es 1II0 ves. Ple ase se lld your articles ill th ese areas directlr to Ih e R esearch Edilor . Ill elude pictllres, diagrams or tables. FORDH A M, S held o n L e l\ oy. "T h e
Effecl o f F o ur Se lec te d Ph ys ical Edu c ali on Activit ies o n Mu s c ular Endurance 'fest Score; ' . U rb ana: :II. S. Th esi,,_ Ph ys ica l Educat io n , Un iver,; il ) of Illi n o is, 1949, Pp. 84.
P U RPO SE The ,'iud y was co n d u cte d in o rd er to d e l e r mi n C': a I Ih e e ff eci of fu ur "e lec t e d activilil'!' I badillinion. ba s ic ph ys ica l cond iti u nin g. indiv idual lumblin ~ , Iunt s_ a nd apparatus s tunl sl o n Ih e nlu sc ldar e ndu rance l e,,1 scon ', o f l11a le .. o ll c~e fr e,hl11l'n and so phonlflrl's dur in g une !'l:' nl es ll'r'::-: wo rk . I) I th e we ig h t c h an~e:; of th e ~ t1bj cc t ::; in the above a c li v i li ('~ du ri ll~ the H·IlI l'~ l e r. I t wa~ jlurpo rt ed 10 dis-
cove r w hidl
impro ve lll C' llt
Ilt l' fUll r t ) pes o f adi, ili es effec tl' d th e g:rea ll's t mu sc ul ar end urancl' of the ~ lIbj ec t s . indi ca tin g it s supl' ri ur it y a s a n :ntribullir to pli y:, i('a l f itn r~~ . MET H OD Tlt l' 302 ,.u bjl ... !; (If Illi , ex pnil11 l' nt \\t'fe l11el11be r, of fre,ltll1an a nd ,;" pltllin o re Plt y~ i ca l Educal io n "e r vice classes al th e C hi cag:o Di vis iun /I f Ih e U ni v,,' r,i l y o f Illi noi ,.. T it " fllur a c li viti es sl'l e ct ed for l es tin ~ rCl' r e>l' III I'd li !, hl I badl11illl u n I. inlerl11 ed iate I individual s tunl s and aJlparalll ~ st unl ~l . and It eavy I ba s ic co nditi o nin g I t)pe, uf co ursp::;
in t he c tirricululll. Th t' l'Ollt l-' ll t
I) f
th ese.' ('o u r ses was as
fo ll ows: Apparat u ,. --wor k o il tlt e tral11polin e. f1 y ill ~ rin !!,. s id e h o rse, pa ra llel bar". and I",riwntal hal' III :; Iunl :; lau!!ltt oil eac lt pi ece). Badl11intun -fundallh'nlal :;_ ~ kill" t(,l' ltlliqU I':;_ "s trat eg:y o f Ih e ga 111 !'. Indi vidu a l tllln blin g ~30 different s tUll ts a n d r o u li n es. Ba ~ i c Co n di l i()n ill g-- al't i \' il i( '~' n: lalin g 10 bod y hu!l din~ , end urance alld l1111t o r fitn l',.s wi llt lull' IIr~ani ze d 'gal11es and re la ys. U n l ike the abll\c d C'!-'c ribed n Jur:,l':', participatio n ill thi ~ ac ti\ il y was presc rib ed for th t, Ill ell Oil th e iJa::-i s (If tllt'ir IlI w ~co r l'S ull 1:1 5 -i l e lll m otu r fit ne Ss te, t. Thi " fact , h ou ld il11 pl y Ih e recognilion that Ih ese m e n werl' prac li ce d un " kill " l e, t",1 in Ilt l' endura n Ct' battery a s pa rt o f th e co urse ('n nt l' nl thro u !!ltout th e "c' lll es le r ·\llholl"h th e thes is rc p o rts res ult s o f a ll Ihrl't' i",t,-. u nl y lit e fi rs t' ,; nd tlti7-d were u sed in s ta ti s li ca l t r ea ll11 e nl of th e dala . Tlti s hatll'r y co n s is t e d of: c h in nin g , floor pu s h · up:;. " ill in !,' tu cb. a n d h ops . It wa s adl11ini ~ l e r e d acco rdin g tll tht ' ~ )J l'c ifi('atillll ::; o f per ::,ul1 S t-'xpl' ri f' Il L'l'u in gi vi ng them. Tlt e proce dure fur ad lllin i" lt' rill !,' Ih e t es t ". s l a n da rd " for th e ir apprai >'al fo r I11 l' n a gt's ] :)- 2.1 . and Ih t' ir re li a bilil y and validit y h ad been prev io u :d y e>,la IJl i,lll'd. Thrt'l' 111 L'HS Un',. o~ the wei!!ht o f Ih e subj ec ts were takl'n at tht, ::,a llle li lll (·. U ll till' :-;il ll H' da y, . a ::; th e e ll duran ce tt' sb W( ' rl' g- i vl' ll . TIH'r'l ' WH :::: . h OWl' VtT. Ilo atl l' lllpt (Ill Ih t.: pa ri of th e ill v ( '~ l i ga l () r tu ev aluat e Ih e li ':'-~lIl' cl mt l' nt of th e : : ub · j ee t:: :. . I n unlt'r In d (' l erlllin l' ", hi e- It ~ rnuJl of :-i lud enh I IHldlll int tl ll. ba :-; ic c und iliollill ~. Hpp a r a lu :::. 0 1' indi vid ual :-; t un l:-;) llI ade thl' ~n'a t · t' :'! 1 }ra in in (' IHi uralll'l' ~C lJn':::; . lil l' rl' ~ lIlb (If til e' rir ~ t anil '-third tes ts we n.: c(lmpart-'iI. For ('a eh ::::('t"l ioll flf eac h ('!a::':-i. Iht.' 1llt'Il'S ~ I and anI ~c ()re~ Wt' n ' d t'lt'rlllillt'ti. Th l' "I " It' ~ t wa:.; applied to dl'l(' rlllill t, H il l' s tali ~ ti ('(.t ll y !-' i ~ lIifi l'all t }ra in ill tht· I H~ t l' nduran ce ~c ur e uve r l ilt' fir~ 1. Th" ('(Jillpari~on of wt'ighl n' ~ lIlb wa s m ad'"' in Ih e ~a I11 L'
1I 1Hll l ll' l".
A ~ ha ~ IJ ce ll pre vi ously menli ull ed, Ih l' !'-t-'cond
tes t in !!
al 9
weeksl . did nul fealur e in th e ana lys is of th e data ur th e 'cu n clu ,.;,' s ilJ n s draw n Ih e refrom .
RES LTS Th (' r(,~ lI lt :-; o f th e ex pe rilll ent ill t..:ach c1a ~s ~ h ow: J a t!.aill of 12.8'. s tandard :icu re, I th e seco nd hi g h es l ga in of Ih e fuur' acliviti es tc.ted I was found in Ih e appa ralu s da s~es . Of t h e S sect ion s u f apparalu s, th e diffe re n ce b e t wl'e n Ih e fir s t a nd third t es ls I) f e n Juran('e wa~
::: ig:nifi ca n t a t
th e
g ro u p ~ .
l e \ (' 1 fo r 4
signi -
f ica n t fo r th e rl'mainin g g roup at Ih e 5% leve l. as l11 e a :; ure d b y th e " t " le:it. b I a !!a in o f 3 .07 >, Ianda rd sco res I th e l o\\'~s t o f al l a c tiviti es te s te d I w'as fo und in the b admi n tun c la ss es . F o r Ihree o f th e 5ix sect ion s tes ted.
th e improve m ent
enduranc e sc oreS wa:; :: ig ·
nifi ca nt a l Ih e 5 '70 l evel , and for th e re m ai nin g g r o ups , th e "t" tes t sllOw ed th at Ihe res ult s mi g ht b e due t o c han ce. c l Ih e g r eates t imprO Ve llll' n t in e ndu r an ce sco res I a lo la l of 19.35 s t a ndard scores I wa, fo und for th e ba s ic co nditionin !! cla sses , Th e "t" tes t of s ignifi c an ce s h owed th e diffe r e n ce b e lwee;l m e ans fo r a ll gro ups Jo b e significant a t the 1 '1~ lev,'1 b y a w id e margin. d I ' th e secund lo wes l improve m e nt in s iandard scu res, lh a l o f 8.05 , wa s found for t h e .' ndura n ce of m e n in indi v idual tumblin g c la sses. S i x g roup" in the act ivil y WL're te, te d ; o f th ese, 5 s hu wed th e diffe re n ce in ~co r es to be si un if iea nt
a t th l'
Ievt-' l
and tlt e r Cl1luinin u
al 5% . T h e w~ i gh l c h a n gL's fo r all g r;)ll p s we r e full y d i:c ~sse d . H uwl',e r . Ih e aU lh o r conclud es th a t Ihi s da la is o f n o va lu e, s in ce Ih e li ~s u e cU lllpon c nt s of th e s ubj ects is unkn (\\\' n. In s u c h a case, a n y loss or ~a iJl in wei g ht (' a n nol h e th e ba s i ~ fur any sO llnd co n c lu s io n s a s 10 the relati ve IIIl'rit , "f th e acli vil i", in w hi c h sub j ec t s wt're e n !!a!!c d. H L' c "ncludl':; . n ever tll e les,. Ihal hi , res ult , would indi ca te Ih~ tlvt.: r wt' i}rht indi vid ual i ~ lII or c apt to ha ve a IlIw pb y:=: ica l fi tn !'ss sco rt' th a n Ih o se o f n o r ma l we ig hl (or th c under wei!! ht l. S ummari zi n g Ih e re, ult s of th e fo ll ow in g tab le , it was flJund~ 11 Th t.: r a nge of e nduran ce scu rt'~ is hi g h es t for th e ba sic co nditi onin g c la ~'L's, and lowcs i fllr indi vidual tumblin g . 21 Appara t u ;o c1a sse:;
h ad I h e hi g; h est lII l'a n uf s tandard sco r es, fo ll u we d 'in d ecre a s in g urdcr b y bad nlinl o n. indi vidua l l umblin g. a nd bas ic cu n d ili o llin g. 31 Il asic cu ndilio n in g, as mi g hl be e xp ect ed , ~ h owe d Ih e lllo~1 illl p r u\,e lll e ill in e nduran ce sco re >', fo ll uwed by appara l u s wo rk a n d in d ividua l IUlllbliil~ . Badmin lon appare ntl y did nut cll nlribu lc s ignifi can ll y. III all-round Illu sc ul ar c ndurall ct' . Th e s ig nifi ca n ce of th e diffe re nc e in e n du ran c I' sco r es o f th e firs t three acti vil ics in d ica le d th a i Illi " cl iff('l'c n ce wa , n ul du e t o c h a n cl' . a ll h oug h il doe:, n"t pru ve il 10 1)(' du e tu Ih e differe n ce in a c ti vily t y p es. CONCLUS IO NS
Ba ~ i c
cO ll d iti on i ll~
con tribut es
Illo st
im provcmc nt
Illu :-:t.: u lar l' nduf"C.uH.: e of stud t..: l1t s alllO I1 .!! 4h e fOllr ac ti viti es h':-i led. 2. S t uden l,. c h oosi n g appara t u s I le~ in th e ir co ur,.e w ith hi ~h t' r e ndurance sc" res th an Ih ose ·in th e lI lhe r activ iti es tes le d. 3 . S tucl e n ls in badmint o n illlprU VL' less in e n d urance th a n Ih o~c In Ih c o ther a c ti v iti es tes te d. 4
\V ei«(ht
of 11 01
<ra in ..;
we r e
~a l u (~ 1I1;1e!'!:' it
negli gible includ es
thi s stud y
a kn owkdge
~ ill Ce thi ~ da t a compon ent ti ::;.-
Su e o f the bod y. H oweVt' r , th e r e is a n ill di c a li on Ih al Ih ose wh u a r e ovc rw e i~ hl le n d t o h a ve poo r e r ph ys ical fi ln ess than Ih o:ie who are nn l. 'I' Ill' rt' an' fur th e r in d ica ti ons th at th e l inear Iy pe o f man w ill e h""se l\llllb l in p: in Ih e se r vice c urri cu lum if h e ha:, a c hoi ce . T a hulal l'd n':-iull:-i of th e l'x (l t' rilll l'n t are a!-' [o ll ow:-:' Acti v it y
Apparatus Badminton BaSIC Condo Ind . Stu n ts
No. of Cases
74 78 79 71
Range o f Mea n o f Standard Standard Scores Scores
35-100 15 -95 5-95 25-85
70.61 62.46 56.66 57.59
tmprove Stand- Standa rd n1ent o f o rd Erro r of Mean ( I sf Devia- Mean & 3rd tests)ti on
12.84 3 .07 19.35 8.05
9.68 9.89 13.11 9.97
2.54 2.87 2.93 2.91
WHAT IS A GYMNAST ? Between the innocence of boyhood and the dignity of manhood We find an intrepid creature called the gymnast. Gymn a sts come in assorted weights, h eig hts , s h apes,
jersey colors and insignia, but all have the same burning drive: t o compet e eve ry second
of power a nd determination in their make· up.
P-59 GYMNASTIC PANTS. New imported lightweight knit fabric, made from imported yarns with elasticized weav· ing. Half the price of other imported pants! Zipper on side, and elastic waist· band. Crease sewn in. Special formed ankle cuff with elastic strap in off· white only. State waist and inseam measurement when ordering. Available in waist sizes 24", 26", 28", 30", 32" , 34" and 36". Price prepaid................ ....... $11.50 O~DER
HIGH SCORE SHOES Long·wearing leather sole. Heavy duty canvas top , 3"·wide elastic instep strap keeps shoes extra snug. Available in white only, no half sizes. S·6 SHOE, pre· paid , per pair ....................$2.40
LAMPWICK HANDGRIPS Soft·but·tough lampwick ma· terial provides protection and relief from sore, blistered and calloused hands . Com· plete with straps. LH HAND · GRIP, prepaid , per pair. .$1.50
ORDER NOW BY MAIL! LEATHER HANDGRIPS Heavy duty two·piece hand· grip with buckle and rivets. OB HANDGRIP, prepaid , per pair .............................. $1.50
J )RDER NOW BY MAIL! IMPORTED CHALK Fi nest imported, soft I nd light type preferred by gym· nastists and athletes every· where. Eight 2·oz. bars to the lb . CM2 CHALK, per lb . plus postage ..........~ ..... $1.50
SEND FOR FREE CATALOG This 48· page buying r e f e r e l !-shows you where to fi nd every 21 n e hard·to·locate gymnastic item . -- . Saves you ti me. Saves you money.
-----------------GYMNASTIC SUPPLY CO" INC,
250 W. Sixth St. , San Pedro, Calif. Send P·57 Pants . Size _ _ _ _ __ . LH Handgrip. S·6 High Score Shoes . Size OB Handgrip . CM2 Chalk. _ _ _ _ _ Ibs . Enclosed is
__ Check
SHOCKED ACTtON D ear Mr. Sundby: In 1960 I started r eading "The Modern Gymnast" in California and ever since I h ave e njoyed your wo nde rful magaz ine very muc h . Like Mr. Pond I was also s h ocked w h en ·I read the number of M .G . subscrib e r s in yo ur last editio n . Therefore, I am ver y g la d t h at four of m y fri e ndsgymnas t s of the Amsterdam gymnastic team a nd o ur coach, as k e d m e to arrange f or them to get a s ubsc riptio n to th e M.G. Below you'll f ind t h e five n a m es and addresses o f our n ew M.G. s ubscribe r s: Wim Zwa ff, Sje f Willems, Gerry Praams tra, Ad van Noord, and J a n Koopman. I h o p e tha t these new s ub scriptions will help k eep the M.G. a live. Wilnis, The Netherla nd s Sin cerely, J a n Regi e m ED: Thanks Jan for your enthusiastic support. Many oth<lr subscribers have also taken action in response to Charles. Ponds article. If all continues at this rate the M. G. should be breathing much easier in 1965 . (By the way how are all you other M.G. subscribers progressing in getting new subscribers, rem<lmber each ·one gets one will double our list for a h<lalthier M.G .)
__ Money Order.
STATE _ _ _ __
Dear Ed itor : vVe hav e been I'ece iying y,our exce ll e nt m agaz in e f o r t wo years n ow and are satis fi e d with i t t o th e ext e nt t h at i t is ge n-
e rally info rmative. T h e on ly mnjor c riticism \I·e h ave is t h a t i t d oes not include e nough l'out i ne~ for interm ed iate a n d advanced Gymnasts . Althou g h , we h ave r e ce ntl y fi tarted a Gymnast ics Teanl here Ht V .M.I. it wo uld b e mos t beneficial fo r u s to pick up ideas in t h e var io u s cornpet it iye "au t in es, The Gym s llaps a r e excell e nt and add "') much to the maga zin e. ''Ie h ave diffic ult y in d e t e l'lninin g what A, B. a nd C Inoves a l'e and what ro utin es ,H'e top leyel. P hys icaf' Educatio n Si n cere ly yo urs , J o hn J. Re illy Instructor ED . See Code of points, top international routines. Win ning High Sch o ol routines . Apiil MG.
HIGH SCHOOL D e a r G le nn , Afte r lea fing throug h many fine copies of yo ur Inagaz in e. I fo und t h at the scorin g' of many of the s tate hig h sc h ool meet,: o u t of Ca liforn ia a r e lower in co nl pal'ison with the senr ing of mo s t of our r egional h ig'h se hool 111eets h e re in Los Angeles. n :Jes t hi s m ea n that gene r a ll y, o ut o f Ca lifornia, th e sco l~i n g' is o n a nl or e rigid sca le t h an o urs in Los Ang'e les or th at w e (in Lo s Angeles) tur n ou t better gy mnasts . S incerely, B il Morgnn . Los Ange les, Cn lifo rni a ED .- Flve of the seven members of this years Olympic Team all went to High School In th e Los Angeles area . This should indicate something.
ENJOYED D ea r G len n: I e njoyed La wrence Gridges'· " I ns id e a Young Gymnnst" in the May-June iss ue of Th e Mod ern Gymnast. Here is somethinl{ yo ur r ead e r s may a lso e njoy. As .in d icat ed O il t h e bottom o f t h e shee t , I adopted it fl'Om ",Vhat I s A Boy" by A lan Beck.
Gymnasts are found everywhere, running , swi ng ing, h a nging, jumping, vaulting, mou nting, d ismou nti ng , doi ng calesthen ics
Or falling off. Teammates kid them , op. ponents psyc h them , students ignore them, judges disqualify them, kid brothers won· der at them, coaches critic ize them , girls can ' t
them ,
mothers worry over them , and f a ther's can ' t under s tand why they are n' t out for footb a ll or basketball.
* is*behind *
When your team
in a
m eet
gymnast is incompetentl, lazy, uncoordin . ated, b reak ing training , quitt i ng, careless
and stupid. Just when your team is abou t to win a meet he breaks form , mi sses his
grip, pulls a muscle , leaves out his best move , falls off, or f orgets to show up fOI' the finals.
A gymnast Is a composite creature. He eats like a co llege squa d , sleeps lik e one, and performs like a grammar school boy. To opponents he h as the gr ace of a gull, the speed of a gazell,e, the agility of a spider monkey, the strength of a n ox, the endurance of a camel and the a bility of B eck ner , Ono , Az a rian, Vega and ner all in one!
B a n-
To his coach he h as grace of an elephant , the endurance of a sloth and the a g ility of a stranded wha.le .. He's - held together by ad h esive t ape " ·nd has a·s ·much chance of winning the big meet as h is grand· mother . To the alumnus who knows gym· n as tie St a gym n ast is someone who will never score as high, be as daring, or have
the fin e ness or the spirit of the gymn as ts of h.i s own yesteryear.
A gymnast iikes days off, trips away from home , getting off from classes for a meet, light
medals, ribbons, scholarships and the quiet sa ti s f ac tion that comes from help i ng his te am to win.
A gymnast is a wonderful character , he can be criticized but not discouraged . He can be beaten but can't be made t o quit. You can get him out of an event, but not out of the gym·. He can be dead on his feet or injured but he ' ll complete the event he is in . He may not be olympic material , but he is an example of the American way of life. He is judged not for his religion, not for his racial strain , not for his social ·standing, not for his finances , but by the democratic yardstick of how well he vaults , swings,
individual team.
competes or sacrifices
He is a h ard.working, untiring , determined
kid doing the best he can for h is school all by him self without the adulation of a crowd . And when you· leave the gym or read in th e newsp a per that your team did not win a nd you feel upset that your schaal is not top dog, he can make you feel alm Ighty ashamed with just four sincerely spoken
Adapted Boy ?"
words-"We did
Beck ' s
our best. "
" What
I wis h so m e gal would tnk e it a nd ado pt it es p ec ially for girl s . I am s ure o n e of our g irl s co uld do a good job o n it ! Hope you ca n get it in if s p ace p e rmi ts. Sincerely, J a m es SweeneY Gymnasti c Coach Washington State Un iv. Pullman, Washington
Dear Glen n: Last SU lnnl e r ''' h e n ,ve 111 e t in Chi cago have talke d to you ab o ut a "n ew' m ove on th e parallel bars. I a h1 se nding t h e pi ctures and th e d escription, h ope yo u can u se it in th e l\,l o cl ern GYlllnast. "HEALY" The st an dardization or uniform ity of 9ym!1astics exercises by copyin g winning routines of major meets is not o nl y a handicap in competitions but makes gymn astic s monotonous for the gymnast and the spectators as well_ In the following we wish to describe thi s
" new"
pirou e tt e
for -
ward (360 째 ) from hand st a nd to s t ra i gh t suppo rt on the parallel bars, (or " 'H ea l y " as we call it since Peter He a l y one of o u r gymnast in George Williams Co lleg e has m astered the move first) .
We f ee l that the pictu re d illustration a t th e parallel bars i.s n ot perfect a nd that
ca n execute
smoo ther
techni ca ll y
better or ca n have different ide a abou t spo ttin g , but we certainly h ope th a t many gym n as t s w ill try and master the mo ve having great e nj oymen t doing so . D escrip ti on: I. Swing to h andsta nd should not h ave m u ch momentum a n d shou ld ers s h ou ld b e .exte n ded . Too much arch is a di s advantage (1). II. The begi nning of the turn Or twist is simi l ar to th e forward ( 180 째 ) pil'o uette , but much f aster a nd the cen t er of grav ity must be above the right arm, which is fully ex t ended fr om e lb ow a ll th e time ( in case of right turn ) (2). III. Th e twist i s a resul t of th e extensive push of the l eft h a nd and the li ft a n d turn of the head to th e' r i g ht which is followed by the t w ist of the hip s. (3 . 4 , 5 , 6).
IV . The l eft h an d is moved with bent elbow c l ose t o the chest , then a round th e hip on the sho rtest way a nd wi th p l enty of speed so it will be ready to regrasp o n th e bar while th e leg s are st ill above th e bars (7, 8, 9) . The f o ll owing mistakes can be detected e n performance on P .B , . 1. Th e arc h is to o much a t h andstan d position r esulting in too mu ch spe,ed, so ass is t a nc e mu st be more definite. more definite . 2. Th e t w ist of the hip is too sl ow es peci a ll y in th e seco nd p art of th e mo ve as a resu lt leg s are t oo cl ose to t h e bars whe n I' egrasping. \~T it h
best wi s h es am ,
S in ce re ly
you rs
George d e Fn l ussy
Coach o f GV llln ast i c~ George 'Williams Col1 eg'e C hi cago, Illin o is
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