Modern Gymnast - February 1966

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IN GYMNASTIC AND GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT t TRAft1POLINES, AND ATHLETIC FIELD MARKING EQUIPMENT ~\ The American lines are ~rst in quality, performance and design . . . the true marks of a thorouqhbred. .O nly the finest equipment displays the American medallion .. : available to your school through purchase or lease. See your American Distributor today. You can always depend on him for unexcelled service because only top distributors sell American. Write now, for our new 1966 Catalog and the name of your nearest American Distriblitor.




FEBRUARY, 1966 NUMBER 2 CONTENTS NOTES FROM THE EDIT,OR ... _............. _.... Glenn Sundby 5 CHALK . TALK ................................................................ 6 GYMNASTIC CIRCUS .......................... Faber & Veselak 8 NEW ENGLAND CLINIC ........................ Hery & Bickum 9 CANADIAN REPORT .............. :...................John Nooney 10 USGF DIRECTOR'S REPORT ........................... Frank Bare 12 WESTERN GYMNASTIC CLINIC .................. Dick Criley 15 TRAMPOLINING ......................................Jess Robinson 22 GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................... . A. B. . Frederick 24 RESEARCH AND FITNESS ............. _........James S. Bosco 26 NOTES FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE .............. Roy Davis 28 HELPFUL HINTS ........... _... _..........................Jim Farkas 29 LETTERS .......................................................................... 30 WHAT'S NEW ................................................................. 32

COVER: Jerry Crowder from Iowa State Univ ersity performing a Full Spin on the Parallel Bars. (See page 7 for detailed sequence of this skillfu l manuever)


BALLET FOR GYMNASTICS Manual for Class "C" Record # 1000 (Stepping Tones) Send $3.00 to: Ballet for Gymnastics P.O. 80x 777, Santa Monica, California

.......... ...... ...................... .... Editor-Publisher

ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. BRUCE FREDERICK ............................................ Education DR. JAMES S. BOSCO .............................................. Research DICK CRILEY .......................................................... Statistics JIM FARKAS ........................................................ 1nstruction JERRY WRIGHT ........................... _._ ............. __ .. _.. Competition FRANK L. BARE ............ _........... ..... _._ .......................... _.USGF JESS ROBINSON .................................................. Trampoline ROY DAVIS ............................................... _.............. Judging JACKIE KLEIN UPHUES ............. _._ .................... ____ .... Women GRACE KA YWELL ._ ....... ___ .. _.. _...................................... Ballet INTERNATIONAL JOHN NOONEY ............... _.......................................... Canada KURT BAECHLER .................. _.......................... _.......... Europe HELMUT ROHNISCH .......................................... Scandinavia YURI SABIROV ............................................................ Russia BRUD CLEAVELAND ..................................................... Japan THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publicati ons, 410 Broadway, Santa Monica, California . Second class postage paid at Santa Monica, Calif. Published monthly . Pr ice $5.00 per year. SOc single copy: Subscription correspondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 611, Santa Monica, Califarnia . Copyright 1966 © all rights reserved by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broadway, Santo Monico, California. All pictures and manuscripts subm itted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage are included .

NOTES THIS EDITION: WE have Gymnastic Clinic Reports from the NORTHEAST, the SOUTHEAST, the NORTHWEST and the SOUTHWEST. Our thanks to all those that had a part in these reports. This is the first time in many years that your editor has not attended a Holiday Gymnastic Clinic. There was so much to do we just stayed home and worked on the MGs. Although from what we hear with so many Clinics going on at one time, everyone thought we were at the other one. We had hoped to cover the new Clinic in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, but just couldn't make it, perhaps if all goes well we can get there next year. Even if we did not travel, many did as you will see further on in this edition. Somehow when we got this edition all together we found we left out a section of Frank Bare's report which we thought to be very interesting and informative. Think we had better put it in right here ... * * * * "An entirely new era in American Gymnastics is developing. During the last week of December, 1965, two large scale Gymnastic events were held at the same time in cities 2,500 miles apart and both were very successful. The Fifth Annual USGF Western Clinic had 718 participants and Clinic directors Sam Balie and Glenn Wilson reported it was a truly great event. The First Annual USGF Eastern Clinic, under the direction of Dick Holzepfel and Bill Meade drew nearly 200 athletes and coaches. Each Clinic was marked by great teaching sessions and even greater yerformances by the nation's finest gymnasts. In Tucson . . . . the West won the An-Star Champion. ship defeating the East by a score of 189.60 to 188.90. In Ft. Lauderdale . . . . the North defeated the South in that All-Star Championship by the amazing score of 193.750 to 193.725. It's an absolute fact that anyone of the four All路Star teams in question could have beaten any team in the nation . . . . the talent that was shown at the two Clinics was impressive. Think on this for a moment . . . . nearly 1,000 gymnasts and coaches at a USGF Clinic or Clinics at .one time . . . . plus four All路Star teams of 16 members each. It was only three short years ago that this program began and at that time it was dif路 ficult to find enough talent to fill one such team roster. Now there are four. Is is in the planning stage that we will select a true "East" team in Ft. Lauderdale and a true "West" team in Tucson and meet later in Chicago and Denver . . . . That would really be a competition to witness."

* * * * WORLD GAMES: While on the subject of the USGF, be sure to read the announcement about the Special USGF TOUR r.o THE WORLD GAMES. YOU can help make this tour possible. Wouldn't it be a wonderful experience to go to the WORLD GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS? Make your plans now!!! Beg, borrow, work and slave, but get the fare to make the trip. It will be well worth it, something to talk about and profit by for years to come for any coach, gymnast, official or fan. Reports and films are fine, but no substitute for being there in person to see the WORLD'S BEST IN ACTION. SEE YOU THERE!! PLAN ON IT NOW!!! * * * * MG AS A TEXTBOOK: If any coaches or P.E. teachers would like to use the MG in their classes for a supplementary textbook for just a semester at a time, we will provide a special 6 issue rate of the MG for $2.50. These subscriptions can be back dated two or three editions if you like so that your students

will receive all of their copies during a single semester period. (This offer is limited to groups of 25 or more orders at one time.) The MG makes a very stimulating text for the classroom and goes a long way in getting the students excited about Gymnastics.









WANTED: The MG would like more reports and instructional articles from the Eastern part of the USA. Even with the fast pace of the day, telephones, Air-Mail, and Jets, we have let down our Eastern subscribers in much of our past coverage in the MG. WE want to remedy this as fast as we can .. . Eastern and Midwestern coaches and gymnasts, do you have a special instructional idea our readers should know about? a twist? a suggestion? unusual photos or facts of interest? Don't keep them to yourself! Send them on to the MG so we can share them with our readers all over the world. PAINTINGS AND CARTOONS: As we have traveled around the country we have seen many interesting drawings and cartoons on gymnastics brightening up the gym bulletin boards. Are YOU a budding "Vip", "Michaelangelo" or "Rockwell"? Cartoons or Classics, OPs or Pastels, if they're Gymnastic perhaps they will fit into the pages of the MG, or even on a future color Cover. We would also consider high quality color photo transparencies (21,4 x 21,4 preferred) or Gymnastic action for future MG covers.





ARTICLES or ART, PHOTOS or STRUCTION let us hear from and all our other world wide issues a year we have more Gymnastics.



CARTOONS, MEET RESULTS or INyou. This goes for our European readers of the MG also. With 12 room than ever before to report



NEXT EDITION: We will have Photo Sequence photos of Diomidov's (USSR) Olympic Parallel Bar routine. Diomidov was the first gymnast to use the twisting Stutz-kere (or whatever you care to call it) in Olympic competition ... We will also present a report on the results of the Japanese National Championships by "our Man In Japan" Brud Cleaveland ... And from Wheaton, III. "A GYMNASTIC CHRISTMAS GIFT" to the people of Haiti ... Plus GYM SNAPS from Annapolis, a large CENTER SPREAD action photo of one of Americas top All-Around Gymnasts, along with many other regular MG reports and Instructional features.

* * * * MG SCHEDULE: WE are gaining speed and making up time on each edition and it will not be long before you will be receiving your MG the first part of each month. Make sure when you receive a renewal notice to resubscribe right away so you will not miss a gymnastic action edition. For your information the numbers on your address plate indicate when your subscription expires; Example 8-2 means Volume 8, Number 2. Volume 8 is 1966, number 2 is second edition or February (this edition!) and so on thru the year to Volume 9-1967, Vol. 10, 1968. Stick around for our Special '68 Olympic Edition.



* 5

Evening entertainment was usually gymnatsics oriented with films and discussions concerning judging, rules, and routines. Jim Gault, his guitar, and the Seattle girls kept the camp singing. The Ninth Annual Northern California Gymnastics Camp will be held in August, 1966. Another outstanding staff is being assembled, and Howard Moorman has been appointed as Clinic Director. Ernie Marinoni, Berkeley YMCA Physical Education Director, will be Camp Director_

LAW STUDENT COACH When Jack Beckner recently resigned his position as Gymnast coach at the University of Southern California, one of his past student champions came through to follow in his steps. Ron Barah 1964 NCAA All-Around Champ and Olympian has taken over the S.c. Gymnastic team coaching job while attending Law School at S.c. . . . . Ron is in his first year of law school . . . . and will be a tough coach to contend with legally anyway. (With a team full of Sakamotos, who needs a lawyer?) Good Luck, Ron_



N.H.S.C.C.A. The National High School Gymnastic Coaches Association is a real go go group . . . Just received their Handbook for the year, a wonderful presentation of the NHSGCA program for the past year and the plans for what lies ahead . . . This Handbook is a reflection of dedicated work by the Association's Officers: Vic Lesch, Pres., Dick Aronson, Vice-Pres., Sid Drain, Sec-Treas. plus the Association's District Corresponding Secretaries _ . . . ROY DAVIS, Dis. #1, HARRY JOHN SON, #2, BOB RECTOR, #3, THOMAS KIDD, #4, DON PERRY, #5, DR. JOSEPH MASSI NO, #6, PAUL URAM, #7, and STAN McCALLER District # 8 . . . If you are a High School Gymnast Coach and do not hold a membership card in the NHSGCA, Shame, Shame, Shame .. . Don't sit around, contact your District Sec. and join up . . . (I am sure you have had notices from him already).

Sid Freudenstein one of Coach Hal Frey's (also pictured) top 路all Around gymnasts. Sid was standing up a Triple Flyaway from the High Bar at the summer Northern California Gymnastic Camp (in a belt).


Clair Jennett, Clinic Director Approximately 280 gymnasts participated in the eighth annual Northern California Summer Gymnastics Camp during the third and fourth weeks of August, 1965. The first week was devoted to youngsters from ages eight through fourteen, and the second week was for gymnasts age fifteen and up.

The camp board was able to assemble an outstanding staff. The women's program was led by Dale McClements, Gail Daley; Chic Johnson, and Don Nelson. The men's program was led by Art Shurlock, Roy Davis, Hal Frey, Louis Perschke, Dick Wolfe, Nils Bengsston, Dick Beckner, and Bob Lynn. Many other fine instructors contributed to the program. The Clinic was fortunate to have equipment loaned from the Nissen, American, and Porter equipment companies. Due to this service, an ideal amount of equipment was available for classes and workouts. Eight forty-minute classes were held each day for girls and boys. In addition, a clinic was held each day, and the day ended with an hour workout. The clinics were outstanding and many times the demonstrations by our visitor from Japan, Kanzaki Katsutoshi, brought loud applause from the campers.

NORTHWEST CLINIC The first Northwest Gymnastic Clinic for college and high school gymnasts, coaches and teachers took place Dec. 2628 at Tongue Point Job Corps Center (Astoria, Oregon) with approximately 85 participants from 18 schools. Clinic directors were Y oshi Hatano and Thorne Tibbitts of the Job Corps Center's physical education department. Staff members also included Dick Smith, gymnastic coach from University of Oregon; Paul Thompson from David Douglas High School (Portland) who is president of the Oregon High School Gymnastic Coaches Association; and Rich Harris, College of San Mateo, Calif. Although the clinic was primarily designed for college and high school gymnasts, coaches and teachers, other gymnastic enthusiasts were invited to attend. A women's program was not included due to lack of facilities. The program consisted of ten sessions, an hour each, for gymnasts and coaches, with such activities as floor exercise, tumbling, trampoline, horizontal bar, side horse, long horse, parallel bars and still rings.

Above: February cover gymnast Jerry Crawder from Iowa State University team illustrating the va rious Stutz Full Spin from the start ~ to the finish.

Ed Gagnier's stages of a

Below: Eighty- fi ve participants attended the first Northwest Gy mnastic Clinic held in December at Tongue Point Job Corps. Kneel ing at center of photo are left to right, Yoshi Hatano and Thorne Tibbitts, clinic directors.

( ' NOR, 1i1vE"



GYMNASTIC CIRCUS By Dolores Faber and Dr. Kenneth Veselak Nassau Community College On December 3, 1965, Nassau Commun· ity College presented its second annual gymnastics show for the benefit of the residents of Nassau County. Through the diligent efforts of the Nassau Community College Women's Recreation Association, Gene Cron, gymnastics coach at the Central Queens Y.M.C.A., and Dr. K en· neth Veselak, gymnasti cs coach at Nassau Community College, an even in g of gymnastics entertainment was provided for all those interested in gymnastics. The Women's Recreation Association of Nassau Community College has been active in the advancement of gymnastics for the past several years. Each year, through the efforts of Miss Faber and the student members of the Women's Recrea tion Association, so me type of gymnastics show has been developed and presented to the public. In 1964, Von Jackson, gy mnastics coach at the Grande Avenue Junior High School in Bellmore, Long Island, brought his youngsters to perform with the Nassau Com munity College gym nasti cs club. The program consisted of demonstrations on all the gymnastics "apparatus. This year it was decid ed to have a gymnastics circus. The organizati on of th e circus was the responsib ilit y of Miss Faber. Gene Cron set up the program, Dr. Veselak equipment, Ruth Nelson and Naomi Baumgarten, sa le of ti cke ts. Ruth Messing, Ilene Munson and Jinny Lamana special lighting eff ects. Music was provided by Dr. Ralph Ritchie of the Nassau Community Coll ege Music Department. Diana Schoolsky, refreshment s. Perform ers from the Central Queens Y.M.C.A. who took part in th e circus included Lynn Fazzio, Linda Fi,her, Dave Jacobs, Charles Watchet, Harold Daly, Walter Leach, Carmine Li s('('llo, Mike Murphy, Don Kenny, Pat '\ ~c r, Pat Titani, Sid Lorber, Bob Castellano, Clifford Smith, Stan Parker, Sal Caputo, Ken Tozzi, Terry Rei lly and Bill ,\uqi n. Perform ers from Nassau Community Co ll ege included William Edmund, Sun Young Choi, John Jaeger, Craig Pope, Kent Reitter, Pat Scognamillo, Paul Scla· fani, Karen Walter, Nancy Beatty, Diana Kurthy , Laura Orticello, Jani s Westfall, Diana Schley, and Char.ley Tapia. The circus began with a parade con· sisting of Mother Goose and her nursery rhym e characters. Included in this part of the parade were clowns dressed up to represent the Cat and the Fiddle, the Three Blind Mice, Alice in Wond erland. Little Bo Peep, and Humpty Dumpty. These nursery rhyme chara cters were followed by clown, jugglers, gym nasts and all the other performers in the show. Followin g the nati onal anthem were act s which includ ed the uneven parallel bars (Lady Gymnasts Supreme), parallel bars (Pierless Perfectionists on the Parallel Bars-The Barron Troupe ) , clown acts (J oker of J est), the Hofstra Universi ty Persian Rifl es Drill Tea m (Proud Persians on Parade), tumbling (The Topsy Turvey Tumblers), trampoline (Somersalting Sensa tions of th e Trampoline), ladder pyramid s (Prodigious Pyramidicial Panorama), juggling (The Great D'Madden) , unicycle juggli ng (The Amazing J erry Greenberg and the Unicycle Juggling Genius Walter Leach), men and women's floor exercise (Beautiful Artistic Gymnastics Gyrations), still rings (Gymnastics Pyros-'-:'A n Exhibition of Symmetry and" Strength), clown acts (Merry Makers of Myth)" high bar





Comm unity - College's second annual

( Renounced" Artists of the High Bar ) , balance beam (Ballarina's of the Beam), suspended ladder act (Aerial Skylarks) , hand balancing (Handbalancing SupremeThe Adamovi ch Troupe) and the Inco mperable Smi th " and Daly Troupe ) , clown act s (Gorilla Rampa ge), tabloos (Glittering, Glamorous Sterling Silver Anatomy of Beauty), Swedish box vaulting (Aerial Springboard Gymnastics- Astounding Acrobati~ Aces Hurdlin g Through Space at Skyrocket Speed), and finally the Grande Finale. All of the above acts provided three hours of wonderful entertainm ent for children and adults of all ages. Over <WO people attended thi s circus spectacular. Proceeds from the performan ce went to the college scholarship fund and the Children's Hospital in Port Washington.

gymnast ic



Third Annual New England Gymnastic Clinic Report by George Hery and At Bickum New England's Third Annual Gymnastic Clinic, held at the University of Massachusett s over the Thanksgiving weekend, has again been an un eq uivocal success. The clinic directors drew heavily upon the United States Olympic teams for the master teaching staff. Over 730 gym nasts, coaches and teachers who participated in the three day clinic cen tered at the University's magnificent new 1 % acre gym· nasi um. To en ter this huge fa cility and have spread before you the panorama of over 600 I!:ym nasts of all ages working under

the best teaching available, was an awe inspiring sight indeed. This year's master teaching staff included: For the men, Rus· ty Mitchell, Abe Grossfeld, Don Tonry and Jeff Cardinelli, George Hery. For the women, Muriel Grossfeld, Betty Maycock, Richard Mulvahill, and Milan Trnka. Highlights of the clinic came in two of the many teaching sessions. Saturday morn· ing, Rusty Mitchell held approximately 100 youngsters spell·bound with his explana· tions and demon strations in advanced tumbling. He was later joined by Abe Grossfeld, George Hery and Frank Schmidt. These four men gave the entire group an

idea what happens when four of the nation 's leading gymnasts get together in a "can yo u top this" session in free exercise. The other outstanding session came later the same day with Muriel Grossfeld tcaching ballet for gymnastics, working with 250 girls in one portion of the gym· nasium, teaching and demonstrating the techniques which have made her one of the outstanding women gymnasts in the world. High School, College and YMCA coaches made up the bulk of the teaching staff, with college gymnasts from the New Eng· land area providing the very necessary

Gymnastic actio n and instruction at the 3rd annual


student instructors for teaching and general supervision of the workout sessions. The New England Gymnastic Clinic has progressively become larger and better, both from th e standpoint of participation and in the quality of teaching. This was undoubtedly the largest of the gymnastic clinics of this type in the United States thi s year. All of the participants having expressed their appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by this annual events. Photos by Marsha

Connors and AI


England Gymnasti c Cl inic





by Johnnv Noo'ney 18 Lavine:ton Dr.! Weston. Ontario

C.A.H.P.E.R. The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation is a voluntary, non-profit, professional association dedicated to raise Canadian health, recreation and physical education standards. The Association seeks to promote the profes~ional growth of its members, to foster tbe exchange of ideas, and encourage res~arch. The Association further un· dertakes to cooperate with other organiza· tions concerned with the total fitness of the Canadian people.

Board of Directors-196,S-61 Honorary President: MR. JACK LANG, Montreal 29, P.Q. PreSident: MR. J. H. PASSMORE, Professor of Physical Edu· cation, Ontario College of Education, Tor· onto 5, Ontario. Past President: OK MAX Ii HOWELL, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AI· berta. President Elect: DR. W. ' DONALD SMITH, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. Vice·President ior Health Education: MR. A. W. ERIKSSON, ' Faculty of Physical Education, University of Alb ~rfa, Edmonton, Alta_ Vice-President for Physical Education: DR. MICHAEL S. YUHASZ, De· partment of Health, Physical and Recre· ation Education, University of Western On· tario, London, Ontario. Vice·President for Recreation Education: D. L. CUNNINGS, Recreation Director" New Westminster, British Columbia. Chairman 0/ the Finance Committee: K. WIPPER, Hart House, University of Toronto, Toronto 5, Ontario. Chairman of ~he Membership Committee: A. F. AFFLECK, Faculty of Physical Edu· cation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Chairman of the ' Publications Committee: DR. BRYCE M. TAYLOR, York University, Toront6 12, Ontario. Chairman of the Afiiliations Committee: MISS DOROTHY WALKER, Halifax, N.S. Chairman of the Speakers Bureau: YVES BELAN.GEB" La Commission Des Ecoles Catholiques; " pe Quebec, Quebec 6, P.Q. Chairman'. for French Speaking Pro· fessionals: ANDR~ HUPE, Dept. d'Educa· tion Physique, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, P. Q. Chairman, Women's Ath. letic Committee: MISS HELEN GURNE.Y, Inspector of Physical Education, Ontario Department of Education, Toronto 5, On· tario. Chairman, Research Committee: DR. DONALD W. BAILEY, University of Sas· katchewan, Saskotoon, Saskatchewan. M em· ber·at.Large: H. J. McLACHLIN, Faculty of Physical Education, University of AI· berta, Edmonton, Alberta. Executive Dir· ector: C. R. BLACKSTOCK, National Of· fice, C.A.H.P.E.R., Toronto 4, Ontario. 10



Mr. Frank Holm, Sir Patrick Dunn C.V.I. Sault Ste. Marie, one of our out· standing high school coaches informs me that the members of his last year cham· pionship team are attending the following Colleges and Universities and continue to be active in the promotion of the sport. LARRY MATTHEWS-QUEENS UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON is on the Gym Team with another great Sir Patrick Dunn graduate, Art Kuisma. Larry is having a fine year. PETER SMITH -McGILL UNIVER· SITY, MONTREAL. No gym team at McGill but Peter is doing something about it this year. HANNU ESKELlN-UNIV-ERSITY OF TORONTO. Hannu has not made the top five but is training regularly. This boy has a great future in this sport. BRUCE FREEMAN -MICHIGAN IN· STiTUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY. No gym team at this Institute. Notice the loss of only one of our gym· nasts to America'n Colleges. Frank, you can be proud of your gymnasts.

Mr. Neil Godin, Vancouver was assigned the responsibility at the Annual conven· tion of approving and making available a distinctive Canadian crest for Canadian gymnasts. Excellent news. Another giant step forward.

• • • • • SPORTS AWARDS. More than 450 boys and girls from Metro Toronto were honored this month at the Municipal Sports A wards Dinner. Included ~ere some of our Ontario Gym. nastic Champions: Barbara Thompson, Theresa McDonnell, Judith Wilki!l, Marilyn Minaker, Rick Robinson, Egor Morin.

• • • .* • Luigi Maiocco, the great Italian gymnast, died last month in his home town of Tur· in, Italy. He was 73 and devoted his life to this sport. He won top laurels in the 1912 Olympic Gam!,!s, Stockholm and in the 1920 games at Antwerp and in the 1924 games at Paris. When I was a boy I attended clinics and displays given by this great man and his performances were always the highlight of the day. I know many people of my age group will be saddened by the loss . of this dedicated gymnast. Jennifer Diachun an the



A LlnLE MILLE. G. If you're walking down the street and a cartwheeling figure bounces by, don't be surprised. It will probably be 12-year-old Jennifer Diachun, who practices cartwheels or handstands whenever she gets the impulse - and those come frequently. "She even does them in our living room when we're watching television," remarked her mother. Scarboro residents in the neighborhood of Norman Cook Public School have seen Jennifer cartwheeling her way to school on more than one occasion. Jennifer had dedicated herself to a ca· reer in gymnastics and has already reaped early dividends. She earned a secondplace finish in tumbling, gaining a fifth place over·all standing in the U.S. National Gymnastic Clinic at Sarasota, Fla. during the Christmas holidays. The pe.rformance, in the competition fOl youngsters 12-14 years of age, was a re markable one from a remarkable young girl. Jennifer and her 19·year-old coach Elsbeth Austin work out four nights a week at the Harmonie Club. Two other night, Jennifer takes ballet lessons to improve her gymna~tic form . That schedule leaves Sundays the on1,open day and Jennifer and Elsbeth fiil that by driving to Buffalo each weekend for lessons with the highly respected coach Al Stumpf. Jennifer considers the balance beam her best event and so it is no coincidence there was one in her backyard this sum· mer. " I used it every day," said Jennifer. "And as for gymnastics I wouldn't want to do anything else." Although much of Jennifer's time i, spent on gymnastics, she mail)tains high

her coach

Elizabeth Austin


her position.

grades at school, reaching the honor level in the past few years. J ennifer hopes to make Canada's Olympic team some day- but she will have to set her sights on the 1972 Games. She would be 15, and still under the 16-year age limit, for the 1968 Olympics.

UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Dr. D. J. Pugliese has announced the appointments of Norman J. Ashton as assistant professor and Howard J. Green as lecturer. Professor Ashton will teach physiology of exercise and kinesiology in addition to participating in several research programs. Mr. Green will conduct a tests and measurements course. He will also assist the coaches of football and hockey.

Nouvelles De L' Associotion Gymnastique af Quebec Mr. Jean Paul Marcil, one of the on~ inal inst ructors at the Immaculate Conception Gym Club, is returnin g. This is good news, Jean Paul was one of the pioneers of Gymnastics in this Province. H e is going to coach Women's Gymna stics. Welcome back Jean.

North American Championships, Montreal The Quebec Gymnastic Association will host the Championships Feb. 12th and 13th. The Championships are under the patronage of Mr. Jean Lesage, the Provincial Premier and , Mr. Jean Drapeau, Mayor of the city of Montreal. c.B.S. Television , will cover this important Meet and Radio Canada will do a coast to coast broadcast in French and English. This Meet promises to be the highlight of the coming season.

The City of Montreal Championships Mr. Guy Guilette will again be' responsible for the organization of this meet. It will be held at the new beautiful Montreal East Sports Center. This is always a fine meet. For further information contact direct Mr. Guy Guillette, 11370 Notre Dame Est. Montreal-Est. P.Q.

O.S.G.C.A. Review of Activities in 1965 Over two hundred High Schools and Universities in Canada have received literature, booklets, films, etc. from the Ontario School Gymnastic Coaches Association. The Gymnaestrada films taken by the President, Mr. Doug Kerr have been shown to over 50 High Schools and Uni· versity groups. These magnificent films in color show many of the wonderful displays given at the Gymnaestrada in Prague. Many Clinics have been given in many parts of the country by the association clinic team under the direction of Mr. Al Warrick. The concept of the clinic team is that every team member is a specialist in a particular facet of school gymnastics. The overall emphasis of the Clinic is on Class Lessons in Gymnastics, the School Gym Team, and Simple School Judging. any fine books, periodicals, and bookIcts are available on membership from the ~ecrt'lary, Mr. Hugh Rodgers. The most a~ked for book is the "Age Group Gymnas-, tic Workbook". This excellent book contains simple, judged routines in stick form for boys and girls of all ages and is be· coming a must in any school gymnastic programme. Membership in the Association is running in the hundreds and is National


rather than Provincial and also some of our teachers abroad, are using some of the Association material. This coming year many actiVItIes are planned by the Executive and if the first eight months is any indication, a tremendous year is ahead. For membership or information write Mr. Hugh Rodgers, T. L. Kennedy Collegiate, Cooksville, Ontario or to 22 Arkley Cres Weston, Ontario.

AN INFORMAL EVENING UNIV. OF TORONTO An informal evening was recently held at the Benson Women's Athletic Building, University of Toronto. The program consisted of Educational Gymnastics, Modern Gymnastics, Traditional Gymnastics and Folk and Contemporary Dance. This tremendous and exciting display was given by this year's students, attending the School of Physical and Health Education. Miss Elizabeth Hunter handled the segment of Educational Gymnastics. Basic concept of movement and progression very well. lVIiss Reet Leesment was responsible for the presentation of modem gymnastics, technique, sequence with ,. balls, hoops, etc. ' beautifully presented. The traditional or apparatus gymnastics was in the capable hands of Miss Marina van der Merwe, also rhythmics. This important segment of gymnastics was a delight to watch- excellent. The second part of the program, contemporary and folk dance, was under the direction of Miss Yone K vietys. Studies in time, force, space were magnificently presented and a superb performance study, entitled "A Landscape of a City" was something of a show stopper. Great credit was due to the talented students taking part. Miss D. M. R. Jackson, Director ' of Women's Athletics can be justly prolid of her students and staff who contributed to tbis wonderful evening of gymnastics.

ALBERTA NEWS A monthly Newsletter is now being mailed to all who are interested in the promotion of competitive Gymnastics in that Province. If you wish to have your name on the mailing list contact G. M. Elliot, Faculty of Physical Education University of Alberta, Edmonton. This Newsletter will cover such topics as Meets, International Meets, Dates, etc. and general gymnastic news. Already over 40 are on the mailing list without any publicity. Mr. S. Carlsen was elected this year's branch chairman and Mr. P. Viney is looking after southern Alberta and believe it or not he has organized a Clinic already. Major Meets this year will be the Senior and Junior Provincial Meet and the Schools Provincial Meet April 2nd at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Other Provinces take note. Alberta is on the move.

GYM SKETCH This is the story of Jim Hynds now co· ordinating the Mott Gymnastic Program. Jim although directing gymnastics in Fli~t, is continually assisting Canadian gymnastics. A native of Windsor, Ontario he attended school at the W. D. Lowe Vo· cational School and started his gymnastic career under Mr. Bernie Newman, coach of the Windsor Gymnastic Club (Bernie Newman is a member of Parliament today).



Jim, as a member of this Club, competed in Detroit, Indianapolis, Vancouver, and Toronto. In 1959 he won the Canadian AI!Around title at the National Championships and the same year received a full scholarship to the University of Michigan. This boy has always been grateful for this opportunity, for without it, he feels he may not have been able to attend College. At the university of Michigan he maj· ored in biology and general science and minored in physical education. He was a continuous member of the Big Ten Cham· pionship Team in 1961, 1962 and 1963. Just before graduating in 1963 he and the University of Michigan had a perfect season winning the Big Ten and the N.C.A.A. Championships . Jim climaxed his career in College gymnastics with a 3rd All Round in the Big Ten, a magnificent record. Today Jim Hynds is coordinating one of the finest gymnastic program ~ in North America. He has made Flint .R hotbed of gymnastics and his Flint Invitational Meet must be considered one of the top meets anywhere. This boy is also an outstanding teacher, teaching biology and physiology at the local high school. In every conversation I had with this fine gymnast, he continually prai.sed the efforts his two coaches, Mr. Berme Newman and Mr. Newt Loken. Jim Hynds is a credit to his school, college and to Canada.

SUBMITTING MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATION I received a letter last month from Mr. Raymond Gagnier, Chairman of the Na· tional Gymnastic Association, A.A.U. of Canada and to quote his letter "I will do my best to send you all the news I can, so that your writeup covers all Canada". Also he continues "Congratulations on the nice job done, this is the first time there has been so much news about Canada in the "Modern Gymnast" . . . Thank you Raymond. May I say. once again. This is your Report , The Canadian Gymnastic fraternity. I have sent llJany personal letters asking; for ncws, meet results, etc. and some have responded wonderfully, others have not. Please send me your Gymnastic News and your Meet Results and if possible pictures. Let us, for this coming New Year, show the world the great upsurge in Gymnastics in Canada through this great International Magazine. My address is 18 Lavington Dr., Weston, Ontario. And above all DON'T FORGET TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIP· TION FOR THE COMING YEAR. 11

FRAN K L. BARE Executive Di rector

Z, i'te~to't:t !â‚Źeft0~ THE UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION P.O . Box 4699,


THE 1966 U.s.G.F. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, will be April I 5-16th at the U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colorado Springs, Colo. The World's Games compulsories will be used in the ELITE Division and newly designed compulsories for the CLASS "A" divisions are now ready for distribution. For entry blanks . . . . required routines , . . . and housing information write USGF, P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona. , Special Nate: The USGF has announced that the national championships will serve as a qualifying competition to select a team to attend the WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIPS in Dortmund, Germany, September 19-25, 1966.

SPECIAL INVITATION: THE WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIPS . . . DORTMUND, GERMANY . . . . The USGF contemplates a tour for coaches and teachers to attend the 1966 World's Games in Germany. Tentative plans call for the USGF Flight to depart from Chicago, lllinois . . . . on September 16, 1966 . . . . stop in New York and then proceed to Germany. The competitions are from the 20th to the 25th and the flight would return to Chicago on the 26th of September arriving in time for most people to connect with other flights and be in their respective home towns that evening. The flight is designed to accommodate teacher-coaches and keep them away from their positions as few working days as possible. Basic facts about the tour' are as follows. 1. Round trip from Chicago, Illinois . . . $275.00 2. Estimated expenses in Germany . . . $125.00 3. Full amount of $275.00 should be sent to GYMNASTICS TOUR, P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717 immediately. Number of seats is limited-first reservation basis of filling seats. 4. The USGF will firm up the flight on April 1, 1966 . . . . and should the flight not be sufficiently filled at that time full refund will be made to all those havmade reservations. ANY QUESTIONS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO "GYMNASTICS TOUR" PO BOX 4699, TUCSON, ARIZONA . . . . DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. SEE THE WORLD'S GAMES FIRST HAND . . . . along with your fellow coaches and teachers from the U.S.A. The EASTERN GYMNASTICS CLINIC was off to a great start and saw some 200 in attendance at the first annual Ft. Lauderdale event. The NORTH-SOUTH ALLSTAR MEET was absolutely great. The NORTH, coached by Vic Lesch . . . . Illinois High School Coach won the 12

contest . . . . over the SOUTH, coached by Furman University's Rusty Frank . . . by the fantastically close score of 193.750 to 1'93.725. Rusty Mitchell was the standout in what was unquestionably a meet filled with many standout performances. In the women's competition it was the powerful Southern Illinois University girl's team that walked away with everything. Donna Schaenzer . . . . took the all-around title and looked most impressive in doing so. Perhaps the brightest part of the Clinic was the prospect of growth and servcie to the beautiful southeast portion of the USA. The Ft. Lauderdale recreation department was most courteous, and I cannot ever remember meetin a more gracious hosts. At every turn there were individual~ anxious to help those of us visiting there and in turn eager to have the coaches in attendance help promote the sRort of gymnastics in that area. Tom Hanvey from David LIpscomb College (USG F Nationals-1965 ) , Dr. Hartley Price, Florida State University, Chick Ciccio (Miami High School), and of course, the founder of the first such event in Florida . . .. Mr. Lyle Welser, of Georgia Tech. Univers~ty, all were in attendance. Dr. James Baley from ConnectIcut . . . . Tom Darling from "Navy" . .. Joe Giallombardo for Winetka, Illinois.... Bill Meade and Dick Holzaepfel . . . . clinic directors from So. Ill. and Iowa respectively . . . . Vic Lesch and Rusty Frank mentioned above from Willowbrook HS and Furman University. Lucy Whisenant, gymnastics coach at Ft. Lauderdale's Nova High School deserves a real vote of thanks for her help in every Ilrea of the clinic. Lucy works hard in her coaching program and provided a great deal of liaison for those of us new to the area. Carl Patterson from Temple dropped in for a view of the all-star meet. Gymnasts from :Wichigan, Springfield college . . . . and most every point In between those states and Florida attended this bare at event. Ed Bequette, from Denver, Colorado headed up an excellent women's program with able help from Dick and Sharon Zuber . . . . George Hery on the trampoline and I'm sure I'm missing someone. It was great .. .. next year it'll be greater. Come on down . . . . and be a part of it! At right.: Clinic photos' by Bob Davd ioff of competition action and USGF Director Frank Bare presenting Rusty Mitchell award. Photo In~e! .of Donna Schaenzer, Women's All-Around winner at Eastern CliniC (Further Eastern Clinic action and personality photos on f o llOWing page). Below:




f or


North-Sou th


EASTERN CLINIC CHAMPIONSHIPS All-Around: Rusty Mitchell, 562.5; Bob Dickson, 533.5; Rick Tucker, 508.5; Lorry Lindauer, 507; Ike Heller, 477; Neil Schmitt, 472; Tom Sexton, 441 ; John Elias, 396. Free Exercise : Rusty Mitchell, 95.5; Frank Schmitz, 95; Bob Dickson, 91.5; Larry Lindauer, 90.5; Jay Otto, 88; Brent Williams, 86.5; Steve Whitlock 86.5; Rick Tucker, 82.5. Long Horse: Rusty Mitchell, 96.5; Frank Schmitz, 95; Brent Williams, 91.5; Bob Dickson, 90.5; Larry Lindauer, 89.5; Ike Heller, 89 .5; Gary Balcomb, 88.5; Fred Dennis, 87 .5. Rings: R. Mitchell , 94.5; Don Hatch, 94; Tom Cook, 93 .5; Jim Jackson, 92; Rich Blanton, 90.5; Fred Orlofsky, 89; Thomas Seward, 84 .5; Rich Kennay, 84. Parallel Bars: Jim Curzi, 95.5; R. Mitchell, 94; Ron Harstad, 93; Fred Dennis, 91.5; L. Lindauer, 87; Rick Tucker, 84 .5; John Elias, 82.5. High Bar: Jim Curzi, 93; R. Mitchell , 92.5; R. Tucker, 92.5; Bob Dickson, 90.5; Dan Price, 89 .5; L. Lindauer, 88; F. Dennis, 87; Neil Schmitt, 84 .5. Side Horse: Keith McCanless, 95; Ken Gordon, 94.5; Mike Boegler, 92; R. Mitchell , 89.5; Bob Dickson, 88 ; Fred Orlofsky 86.5; R. Tucker, 85; Ike Heller, 82; Chuck Manching, 82. Trampoline: Frank Schmitz, 95; Hutch Dvorak, 90; Brent Williams, 87 .5; Jim Holzaepfel, 87 .5; Tim Rogers, 83; Dale Hardt, 79.5; Dave Creech, 60. 1ST ANNUAL NORTH VS. SOUTH MEET EASTERN GYMNASTIC CLINIC Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Floor Exercise: Rusty Mitchell, S, 9.65; Frank Schmitz, N, 9.60; Larry Lindauer, N, 9.20; Jay Otto, N, 9. 10; Bob Dickson, S, 9.00; Brent Williams, S, 8.925. North 27 .90, South 27 .575. Side Horse: Mike Boegler, S, 9 .75; Ken Gordon, N, 9.60; Keith McCanless, N, 9.55; Fred Orlofsky, N, 9.05; Bob Dickson , S, 8.20; Rusty MItchell , S, 8 .85 . North 28 .20, South 26.80. Trampoline: Frank Schmitz, N, 9.80; Dale Hardt, S, 9.40; Jim Holzaepfel, N, 9 .20; Brent Williams, S, 9.10; Hutch Dvorak, S, 8.85; Tim Rogers, N, 8.75 . North 27 .75, South 27.35. High Bar: Jim Curzi, N, 9 .50; Rick Tucker, S, 9.40; Rusty Mitchell, S, 9.20; Dan Price, N, 8.95; Larry Lindauer, N, 8.90; Bab Dickson, S, 8.85. North 27.45, South 27.45 . Long Horse: Rusty Mitchel路l, S, 9.60; Brent Williams, S, 9.45; Frank Schmitz, N, 9.40; Bob Dickson, S, 9.35; Fred Orlafsky, N, 9. 10; Ike Heller, N, 8.85 . North 27 .35, South 28.40. Parallel Bars: Rusty Mitchell, S, 9.60; Ron Harstad, S, 9.55, Fred Dennis, N, 9.25; Larry Lindauer, N, 9.15; John Elias, N, 8 .85 ; Rick Tucker, S, 8.65. North 27.20, South 27.80. Rings: Rusty Mitchell , S, 9.70; Don Hatch, N, 9.65; Tam Cook, S, 9.50; Fred Orlofsky, N, 9.40; Rich Blanton, S, 9.15; Larry Lindauer, N, 8.85. North 27.90, South 28.35. Final Team Score: North 193.750, South 193 .725.

It's easy to get into an airy mood in the light roomy beautiful new Women's Gymnasium at the University af Arizona,

FIFTH WESTERN GYM. CLINIC-TUC., ARIZONA by Dick Criley Snow·capped peaks and bright sunny weather greeted participants in the fifth Western Gymnastics Clinic held December 26-30 at the University of Arizona in Tuc· son. A year ago, Bruce Frederick wrote con· cerning clinics that "through the experiences, words and actions of the elite . . . others receive encouragement and knowledge and skill. The novice has an opportunity to enlarge his philosophical grasp develop attitudes and double-check tech: ?ique,s." With this rather idealistic thought m mmd, I attended my first clinic. As it turned out, my pre·clinic ideas were not extensive enough and I write now a synopsis of both the favorable and unfavorable impressions gleaned from my observations and many conversations. Each day was scheduled to in'clude classes for intermediate and advanced work on all the olympic events and trampoline. With n~arly 500 gymnasts participating, the men s program had a constant air of activity and confusion. Two events were being instructed at a time, and other apparatus was available both inside and out· doors for individual efforts. The great outdoors proved very popular and inside classes suffered some attendance drop. The trampolines and side horses set up outside were constantly in use as well as the parallel bars and long horse. The recent rains had made the ~round a bit soft

Photos by Tracy Rogers and Dick Criley

and slippery but this failed to discourage the practice of the boys and girls interested in tumbling. A variety of teaching techniques were observed from the lecture-demonstration to group evercises. On the rings, for instance, selected gymnasts performed advanced moves for comment to the class by instructors Hal Frey and Lou Perschke. Later in the class each of the gymnasts got a chance to try these moves with spotting and coaching. A free ex class under the direction of Art Shurlock and Don Robinson performed group exercises, including such basics and handstands and back handsprings, strength and flexibility exercises, guided by explanations as to the correct and/or most attractive may to present a movement. The class participated in series such as back handsprings and back handspring-turn-lunge and the like while the instructors made suggestions fo; improvement. A free period ended the class with a group of gymnasts endeavoring to improve their tumbling skills. On another occasion, an intermediate parallel bar class was building on the previous day's work, learning how to combine several moves into a sequence and learning new ones. All the major" equipment companies displayed equipment, and each c1as~ had enough equipment to permit n~axlmum cl~ss participation, with the posSIble exceptIOn of rings where space was limited.

Classes on many events were run simultaneously


The 1966 World Games compulsories were demonstrated by a number of gymnasts under the watchful eyes of Jack Beckner, Erwin Volze, and Karl Schwenzfeier. Participants were Dan Millman, Arnold Lascari, Ray Hadley, Paul Mayer, Sid Freudenstein, and Dennis Albers. A number of constructive comments were of· fered with emphasis on height, form, econ· omy of movement and the proper interpretation of the compulsory exercise. For the advanced gymnasts this session was one of the most valuable parts of the clinic and intermediate gymnasts protited from the opportunity to watch these men in ac· tion and learn from these fine instructors. For the first time there was an organ· ized program for the youngsters. Directed by George Bauer, 50-60 boys, some with only a smattering of gymnastics back· ground, were instructed in very basic skills (kips, uprises, hip circles, etc.) on the six olympic events. During the mornings three events were run simultaneously for an hour, then on to the next three with 15-20 boys in each group. The boys could rotate events from day to day to cover everything. For this year, time, equipment, and personnel were adequate but next year they may need to be expanded because of the success of this year's clinic. The women's program attracted over 200 girls and was much improved by the new women's athletic facility with ' its three spacious, well· lighted workout roo m s.



There was always scheduled aCtiVIty and a sufficien t number of instructors was available for each of the seven events. There was no equipment lack as all the equipment manufacturers had provided ap路 paratus (although a few more mats would have been helpful) . In contrast to the men's program, there was usually little activity on the non-instructed events. The classes were taught with a sense of humor by a top-flight crew of instructors under the direction of Bob Peavy. Emphasis was placed on mechanics, basic moves, and how-to's. Individuals wishing to learn advanced moves were aided by the instructors both in class and on the side. Rose Ann Saylor described the purpose of her ballet classes as trying to develop posture and poise. In trying to stay away from the stereotype ballet" forms, she introduced the girls (fellows too!) to . the techniques and movements best suited to free exercise-head movements, connecting steps, flowing movements, continuity of expression. Suggestions on selection of appropriate music for the floor exercise and how to phrase the routine to the music were made, with a goal towards developing a routine which could rise and fall, have a feathery quality to it, and avoid a monotonous pace. The clinic was highlighted by a 1 hour open championship meet under the direction of Glenn Wilson. The girls were en thusiastic about the open meet because they had a chance to recognize what went into a routine, how to put a routine together ; and to discover sequences of interest to them. As Bob Peavy expressed it, "This year's performance will bring back some of the talent which flit ered away in past years." Nearly 50 men and women showed up for the 9:00 a.m. judging classes conducted by Roy Davis. There were essentially only two sessions and the judges' examination. The lack of a formal instruction setup was cited by a few as limiting the value of the "classes." Nonetheless participation by all was active and judging was revealed for the corriplicated business it is. Roy outlined his method for judging (as he has presented it, for MG readers in past reports, it will not be described here), noting that it requires instant r ecognition of the moves by the judge and that experience and subj ective analysis are still important in arriving at a final score. As an exercise, several sequences of moves were presented and the participants asked to rate them as to difficulty. Some peculiarities of the manual describing A-B-C parts were pointed out. Other subj ects discussed were the judging of the incomplete or lo.w value routine, the use of the .3 to .5 deduction for extra swings, and the philosophy of substitution on B and C moves. After all, it was pointed out, we can't wait for the Europeans to get started on this as it will never get done. I regret not being able to describe the activity of each class in more detail and can only ci te the above as a sampling of the efforts of the instructors. J ess Robinson, for instance, was oveqvhelmed with trampolinists and trapolinists-to-be. His observations are duly documented elsewhere in this issue. "Y ou can't satisfy everyone," is an old adage and quite applicable to this clinic. Beefs ranged (no pun intended) from sel-


Left: Mens' classes were well attended . A fine staff war ked hard ta impart as much as they could in the few short days of the cI inic .

ection of the East and West teams, to the size of the classes (too large), to the lack of spotting belts. It would be grossly unfair to discount the expressions of dissati,,[ac tion and describe the clinic as all good. Some of the problems raised are those inherent in the nature of clinics and careful thought is being given to minimize them. On the other hand it would be unfair to say that the weight of these criticisms renders the clinic valueless. Clinic directors Sam Bailie and Glenn Wilson were well aware of sources of dissatifaction and are already making plans to correct them and improve n ext year's clinic. They noted that this was the largest participation to date, despite the attraction of the USGF Eastern Clinic in Fort Lauderdale and the AAU Sarasota clinic. While the instructors were designated ahead of time, they were not told what their assignments wOl)ld be until they arrived. As a result some were not as well prepared as they would have wished, and some of the first classes resembled something from Phys. Ed. 1. At times instructors were almost ignored by gymnasts intent on working what thev pleased. Other times the instructors had so many participating they were overwhelmed. Lively discussion centered about what should be taught. How much emphasis on basics and how much on "tricks"? Should 4 or 5 moves be concentrated on to the neglect and exclusion of others? Ho'w many ways can one get into a move, for instance, eagles on high bar? How about dismounts on rings or high bar? Should there be opportunity for a gymnast to say "these are things I've come here to learn; will you work with me'?" Some gymnasts felt that the large classes limited their opportunity to warm-up or concentrate on particular moves and dis' mounts. As one fellow put it, "You have to be abtrusive to get to work on a given move." One suggestion was heard that the groups could be better divided although the question of conflicts with workouts at different levels on other apparatus would arise. Someone else suggested that more regimentation and less choice of apparatus to work would draw the gymnasts to classes. On the other hand, organization was sufficiently loose to allow the gym路 nasts flexibility in scheduling their workouts. One coach noted that some of his top gymnasts were not participating in -the classes and wondered if the classes were aimed too low or if these fellows knew everything. Actually the top gymnasts present were helping and inspiring the lesser gymnasts who were there to learn, and they were doing it both in class and in localized little groups with individual attention. A gymnast commented, "A move 1 wanted to learn wasn't being taught in class, but I did get some help on the outside." Another said that he'd picked up a number of good moves, most of them out of class, but conceded that the classes were useful for the ideas and refinements and he went to them as well. An observer, who described hims,elf as a real novice at gymnastics, said that he was looking for some of the basic howto's, the lead-ins for basic tricks his gymnasts must learn before progressing further. He was particularly interested in Gar O'(,)uinn's handling of a small group in Right: There was very little of the "demonstration type" teaching in the Women's ciasses l this was the "doing typel/. Clinic competition c'enter spread.





how to get into double leg circles on side horse, and in Bill Holmes' teaching methods on hi gh bar_ He noted that the opportunities for association and observation were quite valuable for one such a;; himself and hoped to come back next year with some of his boys_ Coaches and gymnasts alike gain from the knowledge of proper spotting techniques, especially for parallel bars and high bar ; maybe there should be a session or so emphasizing spotting, particularly of some of the newer moves. A suggestion was made that a teacher's clinic be held to enabl e coaches who lack familiarity with women's gymnastics to learn how to spot and critique their gymnasts. The daily film period would be quite useful if new film s wer e invited and coaches given the opportunity to preview them for. evel\tual use in their teaching programs. The women's program proceeded well, the clinic director, Sam Bailie, was pleased with the favorable comments regarding . the organization and administration of the girl's program, particularly th e improved instruction for beginning and intermediate gymnasts. He promised that next year's will be the fin est clinic ever held at Tucson and that Bob Peavy would return to Ever yone found a healthy exhilarating atmosphere in which t o work. There were five balance beams in a row with an instructor on another beam in front I three sets of Parallel bars, and instru ctors and helpers at every piece of equipment. Ballet cla sses attracted 150-200 participan ts .


direct the women's program with his fine staff of instructors. I came away from this clinic with a mixed feeling of praise and criticism for the men's program. I hope that in my portrayal I have not painted too dark a picture, as I feel that there is immense value to be derived from the clinic, and I know that needed improvements will be made. I don't suppose that everybody will ever be completely in agreement with the balance struck between organized general instruction, small units of special inter路 est. and free workouts. The more . I think about it, the more appropriate seems the observation by one gymnast that, "Too many people don't know how to use the clinic to get the most out of it." Certainly the opportunities afforded every gymnast were excellent, and the extent to which he took advantage of them determined what he gained from his clinic experience. A few random thoughts and comments: How about a master registration list to be available to include position (coach, judge, gymnast), where lodged, events of special interest (for aid in getting hold of people with special tricks and techniques) . . . There was a large, well-organized group in attendance from Colorado. A lot of interest being evidenced there, Watch out California! . . . Gymnastics is moving fast, especially in those events requiring a knowledge of leverage and its analysis. You could easily become out-of-date if you didn't come to things like this . . . Thought for the day : Instead of lying around doing nothing while watching TV, practice your splits... Karl Schwenzfeier offered the following advice to a group of youngsters working on free ex: In developing presses, the Japanese try to educate the right muscles. Practice leaning forward on straight arms to strain off balance with the weight of your body starting to rise. You may not get up right away but do it regularly, say 30 times a day, and eventually it comes .. . Words of praise for the University of Arizona trainer who worked long hours and aided the bumps and sprains of a number of gymnasts . . . Perhaps the East-West Meet could be held on a different day to serve as a climax to the Clinic. To shorten the men's Open meet, there. could be a separate meet strictly for all-around and one for specialists. Of maybe long horse could be run in the afternoon?

MOVES OF INTEREST Full twist from front support to front support . . . double leg circles both on end and in middle of parallel bars to immediate planche .. . tinsica moUnter (tinsica, high diving walkout) . . . (high bar) back kip, german, seat circle, german .. . straddle cut and reg rasp to support . . . (free ex again) full twisting butterfly?good luck!... three-quarter b a c k to chest roll . . . cartwheel turning out while still on one hand to finish as in a back walkover (a healy?) .. . (rings) dislocate, straight arm shoot to inverted cross . __ iron cross to inverted (at least that's what it looked like!) .. . straight arm pull through cross to support ... ( tramp) quadruple twisting back _ . . double twisting double cody . . . 2~ back to double piked cody (done by guess who?) . . . (p-bars) stitz with a full twist . . . Judy Johnson's tramp routine: Barani out to stomach, cody, barani, back, back with full, back, barani, back, % back with full, cody.

Staff for

women at cI inic

Western Gymnastics Clinic Instructional Staff 1965 Clinic Directors : Glenn Wilson, University of Colorado; Sam Bailie, University of Arizona. Men's Program: Karl Schwenzfeier, U_S. Air Force Academy; Don Robinson, Aurora, Colorado; Bill Holmes, Denver, Colorado; Art Shurlock, U.C.L.A.; Hal Frey, University of California, Berkeley; Art White; J ess Robinson, Trampoline, In c. ; George Bauer, University of Wisconsin; Lou Perschke, Nissen Corp.; and many others who volunteered their services as assistants. Women's Program: Director : Bob Peavy, San Mateo, California; Rose Ann Saylor, Menlo Park, California; Chic J ohnson, Chico State College, Chico, Calif.; Roy Davis, San Jose, Calif.; Dick Beckner, University of California, Irvine; Sue Conrad, San Francisco State College; Ruth Ann Toth, Michigan; and others who volunteered their services as assistants.


by Bob Peavy Some new and talented faces appeared on the gymnastics scene with the women's open championships held at the Tucson Clinic. Miss Deana Lorenzten, a senior at the University of New Mexico, earned the all路around title, edging out two Californiahs, Tina Gudge and Kerry McCollom. Deana's imaginative and well-executed routines on the uneven parallel bars and bal路 ance beam plus consistent performances in the other events won her the title and made her the unanimous choice for the "Outstanding Women Gymnast" of the clinic. Fine performan ces turn ed in by many of the other entrants show good promise or future competitions. Tina Gudge from Chico State College showed fine strength on floor exercise and vaulting, while Kerry McCollom of Orange Coast College displayed fine talent on the uneven bars and balance beam. Other top performances were turned in by Sue Conrad on floor exercise, Judy Johnson on trampoline, and Betty Smith in the side horse vault.

WOMEN'S OPEN CLINIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Floor Exercise : Sue Conrad 8.86, Tina Gudge 8.7 , Deana Lorentzen 8.66. Balance Beam: Deana Lorentzen 7 .8, Tina Gudge 7.73 , Sue Conrad 7 .66. Betty Smith 8.76, Side Horse Vaulting: Linda Willco x 8.5, Deana Lorentzen 8. 1. Trampoline : Judy Johnson 8 .0, Linda Willco x 6.36, Candy Pacheco 5.1 . Uneven Parallel Bars: Deana Lorentzen 9 .36, Kerry McCollom 8.86, Lynda Borden 7 .73. AILaround: Deana Lorentzen 33 .82, Tina Gudge 30 .65 , K~rry McCollom 30 ,09. EAST 楼S. WEST ALL-STAR MEET East Coaches: Karl Schwenzfeier, USAFA; Art White, Denv er , Colo, West Coaches : Art Shurlock, UCLA; Mel Gourdin, Tucso n , Ariz. Floor Exercise: Millman (w) 9,6, Freudenstein (w) 9 , 1, Nappi (e) 9.0 , Mayer (e) 8,8, Monk (w) 8.7 , Fisher (e) 8,65 , Event sco re : East 26.45, West 27,50. Side Horse : Ryan (e) 9,6,5, Doty, 5, (w) 9.4 , Frer icks (w) 8.9, Siebum (w) 8.4 , Boland (e) 825 H o ffman (e) 7,80. Event score : East 25,70, West 26 .70 , , Trampoline: Millman (w) 9.40 , EWing (e) 8,95 , Sullivan (w) 8,8 , Bower (e) 8.75, Van Wagenen (e) 8 ,35 , Castner (w) 8,2 , Event score : East 26.05, West 26.40, High Bar : Higgins (e) 9,55, Gailis (e) 9 ,3, Millman (w) 9,3, Luber (w) 9,25 , Greenfield (w) 8,8, Arminderez (w) 8 ,5, Morrissey (e) 8,5, Event score: East 27,35, West 27,35 . Long Horse: Millman (w) 9,65 , Freudenstein (w) 9.45 , Mayer (e) 9 ,35, Parr (w) 9 ,20., AlIen (e) 9.20 , Johnson (w) 9, 10, Ev ent ;~o re : East 27,60, West 28,30. Parallel Bars: Nicholas (e) 9 ,25 , Allen (e) 9. 15 , Higgins (e) 8,95, Keenan (w) 8 ,95 , Fisher (e) 8.75 , Field (w) 8,35, Siebum (w) 8 ,35 . Event score: East 27 ,35 , West 25 ,65, Rings: Gailis (e) 9.45, Evans (e) 9.45 , Christianson (w) 9.40, Nicholas (e) 9,25, Gu inn (e) 9.2 5, Clarke (w) 9, I , Ev ent score : East 28 . 15, West 27.45 . Flnol Score: West 189.25, East 188,70 1965 MEN'S OPEN CLINIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Floor Exercise: Millman & Freudenstein 9.45 , Nappi 9,3, Tracey 9.1, Moyer 8,95, Gailis 8,85 , Side Horse: Ryan 9 ,5, Frerick 9.4, Hoskins 9,3 , Siebum 9. 15, Boland 9,05, Doty, D, 9 ,05 , Gailis 8.45. Trampoline: Millman 9,2 , Ewing 8 ,75 , Bauer 8.45, Evans 8,2, Bailey 8.05 , Gauthier 8.0, High Bar: Monk 9,25 , Gailis 9,20, Arston 9 . 10, Morrissey 9,00, Higgins 8.95, Ramerez 8,90, . Long Horse Vault: Freudenstein 9.55, Parr 9,35, Millman 9,30, Bennett 9 ,05, Kollay 9,05 , Bruce 9,00 , Parallel Bars: Freudenstein 9 , I 0, Gailis 8,95 , Kenan 8 ,95 , Higgins 8,90, Morrissey 8,90, Impson 8,80 , Still RiI'!J$ : Gail is 9 ,65 , Evans 9.45 , Christianson 9.35, Robinson 9.30, Johnson 9 ,20, Guinn 8 ,95, Millman 8.95. All-around: Glenn Gailis 53,85 , Sid Freudenstein 52 ,25, Terry Higgins 49,85 , Richard Nicholas 49 .60, Jock Kenan 49.45, Joe Nappi 49.35,


By Jess Robinson More than 750 gymnasts, coaches and parents attended the 5th Annual Tucson Gymnastic Clinic held December 26-30 at the University of Arizona_ This was approximately 200 more than attended the 19.64 clinic despite the fact that the first eastern gymnastic clinic at Fort Lauderdale, Fla_, drew away at least 50 who normally attend this event. Tucson's first clinic, held in 1961 and co-directed by Sam Bailie and Frank Bare, drew approximately 200 enthusiasts. It was an immediate success even though the large initial turnout was not anticipated and attending coaches were asked to volunteer their services. Attendance jumped more than 100 per year the second and third years and indicated that Sam and Frank had a good thing going. After the third year Frank's duties as directors of the U.S_G_F. became so demanding that he had to drop his position at the clinic and Glenn Wilson stepped in to fill the gap. Together, Sam and Glenn have been solving problems created by each year's new record attendance and with the solving of these problems each year the clinic becomes more enjoyable and consequently more and more people attend_ Fortunately, facilities at the University are growing with the clinic. This year women had a beautiful 'new gymnasium for their program which allowed their old gym to be used for the boy's beginning program. In a few years there will be a new men's gym giving four on campus gyms available for the clinic. If and when the clinic outgrows all four buildings there is a high school just two blocks from the University whose facilities are available_ After that who knows. This clinic may eventually become similar to a European Turnfest with many thousands in attendance.

NEW BEGINNER'S PROGRAM Trampolinists from our group received more benefit from this clinic than any of the previous ones. Not from trampolining but from learning other gymnastic events. The new beginner's program allowed them to acquaint themselves with other apparatus, something they have not had the opportunity to do before. They enjoyed this so much they hardly used a trampoline the entire time there.

TRAMPOLINING AT THE CLINIC Weather was excellent and with the sunny skies trampolines used for the men's


program were moved out of doors. All three units were in constant use, the majority of the users coming from Colorado. Trampolining in Colorado is coming on very strong and in couple of years should be on par with trampolining now in the Big Ten schools. We brought our Australian bed for those who had never had the opportunity to use

one and as usual it was accepted with mixed emotions. Some, such of John Seiger, thought it was the greatest bed ever invented but there were several who jumped once and said .. . . forget it. The Aussie bed is a nylon string mesh that has almost no air resistance and consequently is extremely bouncy. However, it is very difficult to see as it is like jumping on a screen and the performer sees right through it. Our vote this year for a boy at the clinic showing most potential goes to Edward Ramos of Denver, Colo., age 15, height 5'1". Edward bounces as though he grew up on a trampoline and executes a back with a quad twist with such ease that we mistook it for a triple twist. He can be great if he sticks with it. Unfortunately, the trampoline event at the East-West meet suffered because of the addition of the eastern clinic. Frank Schmitz, Dale Hardt and others from the Big Ten schools found it more convenien t to attend the Florida clinic and therefore there was not the same competition in this event as in past years. Dan Millman won with comparative ease. Dan mounted with a piked Rudolph out fliffis and ended with a 2% back, double cody and scored a 9.4. Ewing from Colorado State University was second with an B.95 and Dennis Sullivan of Pasadena City College was third with an B_B.

RECORDS BROKEN We misplaced our notes and will have to list the records set from memory. Albert Heinrich regained his double porpus (double front somesault from back drop to back drop) by performing 20 on a regular 714 nylon web bed. He also set a new record of 61 front somesaults taking the record of 50 from Frank Schmitz. Coach Don Robinson confirmed that Tony Rowan of Auroa, Colo_, performed 64 back with full twists which adds three to the old record. Steve Lerner had someone else (my memory fails me) made an assault on the seat drop front somesault record and both tied at 29. We will print who it ~as as soon as we receive an irate letter from him.

UNUSUAL STUNT Rick Sadok of Wheatridge, Colo., turned a triple twisting porpus (front somesault with triple twist from back drop to back drop) at the clinic_ A very difficult moY<' that very few others have done.

FORT LAUDERDALE CLINIC Frank Bare reports that weather was fin e and talent deep at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The 200 in attendance was about the same as at the first Tucson clinic. In the North路South meet North won 193.750 to 193.725 or how close can you get. Trampoline event went to Frank Schmitz who scored a 9.S. Second was Dale Hardt with 9.4 and Jim Holzaepfel was third scoring 9.2. Nancy Smith defeated Judy Wills for the womens' title. This gives Nancy three in a row over Judy. Both girls are great tram polinists.

WOMEN'S TRAMPOLINE Women's trampoline competition at the clinic was light again this year. California girls Judy Johnson of La Crescenta de路 feated Linda Wilcox of Pomona. Last year Linda beat Judy.

Handbalancing At II

left :





Trampoline reocti o n



Aussie" bed.

Trampolines outside were in constant use

BRAINS Smewhere in a conversation at Tucson we uverheard someone declare that gym路 nasts generally have a higher IQ than athletes of any other spurt. Of gymnastic teams throughout the United States the b'Ylll tcalll at University of California at Berkeley are brainiest of all. Contributing tu this is Pat Bailey, trampolinist on this year's West team. Pat is a physics major anti scores a straight 4. Wish we coulJ remember where we heard this informa路 tion. It might even have been from Hal Frey. 23

A Few Notes About Books, Authors and Publishers In a month or so we shall update "The Golden Library of Gymnastics." At first glance one might be tempted to ask, "Why was this or that book overlooked?" After all . . . only twenty·two books were listed on the original "Golden List." (M.G.May·June, 1965) It is always possible that we might miss one of the better books. This is certainly true of most foreign books which are pub· lished in a language other than English. There are several ways that new books come to our attention: 1. Publishers very often send review copies. 2. Lists of new books appearing in the leading professional journals are care· fully reviewed and requests for reo view copies may be sent to publishers who have overlooked The Modem Gymnast. 3. Original manuscripts are often reo ceived for pre·publication review. These may come from either authors or publishers. 4. We may be informed about the pub· lication of a book by personal asso~i ­ ation with the authors. All books or publications received in allY one of these ways will be reviewed in the M adem Gymnast. The reviews emphasize positive features of the books whenever pussible. It is our view that anyone who takes the time to set pen to paper will ultimately come up with at least one or Illore ideas which makes the whole effort worth while. On the other hand, our read· ers could not reasonably be expected to buy every book as they come into print, The expense is much too great. For this reason, and due to many requests from our readers to publish a valuable listing, we initiated the "Golden Library" program. The development 'of the "Golden List" was no feat of magic. The first job involved the serious reading of every book published on gymnastics from 1950 to date. There were, of course, many reviewed which were published prior to 1950. Some of these have long since been out of print. The first shock of such a venture is to notice that only a very few of the books provide documentation. Many have a bib· liography but this in and of itself is of little value unless specific portions have been applied throughout a book. By com· parison of books it has been observed that some authors may have simply appended a random sampling of books for a bibliography, for upon further examin· ation we could show that the content of their book was in no way related to the list provided. The best use of the docu· mentation of the work of others in a book on gymnastics is Pure and Applied Gym. nastics by A. D. Monroe. It is a relatively simple matter to read the conclusions of Monroe and equally simple to check up on the related materials which he has had the consideration to supply. In the absence of documentation one must conclude that some books are pro· duced . with little or no library research. The author's experience is the only guide.


Such books are usually either very good or practically worthless. An excellent ex· ample is Kunzle's recent book, Parallel Bars. This book has neither documentation nor bibliography. Even if Kunzle had been aware (and probably is) of a few cine· matography studies done at Springfield College and ' the University of Illinois, it is doubtful if such materials would have enhanced the value of his book. He would have achieved very little more had he sur· veyed the articles listed in the Field Bibliography. This source lists only ten references to parallel bars published prior to 1959. In Kunzle's book we may wade through more than <WO pages of material on parallel bars. It follows logically that any author considering any writing on this subject must read Kunzle if only to disagree with or add to a truly masterful job. How much easier it is to sit back and hastily write something which is either an expression of personal opinion or the unresearched volume which occasionally af'pl,ar,.. One of the major faults of the publi cation industry in the United States i. Ihat they will publish almost anything thai I hey believe they can market successfully. Jn so doing, they have often flooded tht' llIarket with worthless materials which lIune-the-less have had wonderful sales. The authors of such books .a re occasionally fooled into the belief that their book i, successful simply because it is enjoying a second or third printing. In the future expansion of "The Golden Library" we shall attempt to simply list those publications which are valuable for the content they provide and for no other reason. You are invited to question the inclusion or exclusion of any book. A thorough appraisal will arrive by return mail. Education Editor A. B. Frederick

EDUCATIONAL GYMNASTICSFLOOR EXERCISE FOR WOMEN by Helen Sjursen The author is a former Olympian from the United States and one of few who have done any writing for gymnastics. She is very active in New Jersey gymnastics and was the U.S. coach of the first North American Gymnastic Championships. The first twe!1ty·eight pages are devoted to ballet. Mr. Roger Pacaud, a former premier danseur and associated with quite a few ballet groups, reviewed this portion for the author. The middle portion of the book is devoted to down·to-earth suggestions for . accomplishing basic to advanced movements in floor exercise. The author concludes with an interesting suggestion for planning a floor exercise routine and she includes a number of exercises for beginners, intermediates and advanced performers. H. S. Sjursen, Publisher, 46 Poplar Place, Fanwood, N.J. (07023) $3.50 1965


GYMNASTICS IN THE SCHOOLS by Jam es A. Baley The author has been one of those dedicated men who have struggled against dis. couraging obstacles to keep the sport (gymnastics) alive during its "lean" years. These are the words of the author (although he does not refer to himself) and aptly describes a man who has contributed more to the literature of gymnastics in the United States than any other single individual during the period of time when a majority of physical educators were using the parallel bars as coat racks. Featured among his contributions have been articles on hand balancing, display gymnastics and public relations. Much of this material has been incorporated into his book. The reviewer especially recommends the chapter on teaching principles. Dr. Baley has extracted principles from the fields of anatomy, physiology, psychology, kinesiology, sociology and safety education. This particular chapter could be developed into a very comprehensive work and we look forwar dto the author attempting such a challenging job at some future date. Those readers who are interested in some novel ideas for school exhibitions should consult this book. And finally, due to the author's long association with personalities in gymnastics, he has included action photographs of many, many different people one of which might be you! Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 150 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. $8.50 1965

GYMNASTICS FOR SCHOOLS by Walter G. Dunn From England comes this new text which is devoted entirely to the school program of vaulting and agility (tumbling) . The selection of these two aspects for the beginner's program is quite characteristic of the program on the Continent especially in the countries of Scandinavia. The con· tent is also typical of the gymnastisc offered in the schools and YMCAs of Britain. The author suggests many creative tech· niques for the teaching of the elements described and any reader is apt to acquire a dozen or more novel ways to present material to classes. Pelham Books Ltd., 26 Bloomsbury St., London, W.e. I, G.B. Distributed by Sportshelf $6.75 1965.

GYMNASTICS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN by Randi Norman This book is an updated version of a popular gymnastic text used in Denmark and Norway entitled Gymnastic Tab eler For fenter. Not since' the English translation in 1925 of Niels Bukh's Primary Gymnastics, have we been able to read an English translation of the Scandanavian approach to gymnastics and physical education. The author was a visiting Fulbright lecturer at Washburn University during the 1963 Spring semester and has now resumed her teaching duties at the ValIer Secondary School in Oslo, Norway. Twenty gymnastic tables ("tabeler") are presented in progressive order and are reminescent of the Swedish Drill Tables. In the current volume, however, the tables of exercises are especially designed for girls and women. Each table contains suggestions for exercises which are challenging for the whole body. Each of the twenty tables has approximately fourteen different exercises. There are supplementary chapters on gymnastic apparatus work and one on ball work. The latter is divided into five exercise programs. The chapters on beam, tumbling and vaulting merely skim the surface of these activities and are not comprehensive treatments. The value of the book is confined to the gymnastic table approach ,to an exercise program for gymnastics or for that matter to any activity of the girl's physical education curriculum. wni.: c. Brown Co., Publishers, 135 S. Locust St., Dubuque, Iowa. Paperback, $2.75. 1965.

CONN OT ATJONS OF MOVEMENT IN SPORT AN D DANCE by Eleanor Meth eney At last we may obtain a collecti on of th e speeches and other unpublished papers of Eleanor Methen ey. Dr. Metheney is a recognized world leader in the movement fi eld and any person who has Ii~ard her speak will enjoy this coll ection. The speeches appear in unedited form. Th ereore all of the original " inner glow" of the author is retained as well as the documentat ion she employed. Presentations of the author in Greece and Rome are included as well. One of the latter was a lecture for particpants of the Int ernational Olympic Academy. A professor of physical education at the University of Southern California, Dr. Metheney concludes the collection with "I Like Being a Teacher." It is our guess that her students at U.S.C. share this view and will be the first to obtain copies of the collection so that they may be reminded of the vision of the author throughout their professional careers. Since the book is a real "pat-on-theback" for all dedicated teachers of physical education, it will probably be read and re-read for many years to come. Wm. C. Brown Co., Publishers, 135 S. Locust St., Dubuque, Iowa. Paperback $3.50 1965.

DEVELOPMENT MOVEMENT by Muska Mosston Th e author, Chairman of the Division of Physical Education at Rut gers (The State University of New J ersey ) , presents a

Pi cture page fr om " Devel opme nt Move me nt " by Muska Mosst on

most unusual and creative approach to the teachin g of agi lit y, balance, fl exibility and strength. There is a definit e pro gressive approach to each of these areas of movement and in their deve lopm ent Dr. Mosston makes wide use of gymnastics. Yet, the approach present ed is open to development and many suggestions and question s are pro posed throughout the text which are int end ed to make the reader-performer think about his move ment. Th e reviewer wishes to make spec ial not e of the final chapter entitled, "The Sequence." It is an excellent description of a . method wh~c h could .b.e used for begin nIn g gy mnastIc compOSItIOn. Over 1800 action fi gures add to the in terest of the book which is, as far as we kn ow, the first attempt by an Ameri can

to develop a new "system" for gy mnasti cs. Charl es E. Merrill Books, In c., Colum bus, Ohio. $5.50 ( pp. 317) 1965.

COACHING FOR GYMNASTICS by J. G. Garstang Ex ce pt for some hints about gy mnastic di splays and the author's approach to the teaching of gymnastics, he has taken on too much coverage of the gymnastic field in his "complete" book and has confine d him self to only a portion of the space necessary to do justice to the events h e describes. The Trinity Press, London, England, (Available through Sportshelf, P. O. Box 634, New Rochelle, N.Y.) $4.25 1964.



by James 5., Bosco, San Jose State College This is the fourth in a series of articles dealing with research in kinesiological and cinematographical analysis of gymnastics activities. Articles for this series are still being accepted. When possible, photographs, diagrams, etc., should accompany written materials. Send all comments, questions, and suggestions to the above address. LUNDIEN, Edwin C.

A Cinematographic Analysis of the Backward Somersault. Unpublished Masters' Thesis. Urbana: Univer· sity of Illinois, 1951


SVbj ct. l:



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ArlC1lE B .. Q~lni n~

____ _

Fig. 6

TAKE·OFF ANG LE Subj« l; Richo,d B''''''"i''9


PURPOSE: The purpose of ,t his study was to analyze by the cine· matographic method, the lift-backward somersault, following a round-off, back handspring to determine if the following factors were related to the gaining of height: 1. Take-off 2. Take-off angle 3. Movement of knees 4. Movement of arms 5. Movement of the head PROCEDURE: Four subjects were used, two male subjects (national champions) who were "lift" and two female tumblers who were "whip" tumblers. Motion pictures (35mm) were taken of each subject at 48 frames per second. A sequence was chosen and each frame was enlarged and printed. These frames were eventually combined to obtain a representative performance for each subject. Measurements of angles, heights, and distances were made by projecting the film directly onto paper mounted on a screen, tracing the pictures, then measuring directly from the tracing.


, Fig. 1 TAKE ·O FF ANG LE

Subject' Su,' e Hill



11 . If~ol i. _

fig . 8


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TAK ( ·Off ANGL E $ubje.t: lI:obf rt $ulliyon

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- t

ANALYSIS: The angle of take-off of the girls was milch greater than that of the boys (figures 6, 7, 8, 9) . Figures 10, 11, 12, and 13 show the heights reached by each subject. Table I shows the relationship between (1 ) angle of take-off and height and (2) between take-off angle and distance. TABLE I Browning Sullivan Wilson


Take-off Angle 73.5 ° 78.0° 83.0° 01.0 °

Height 6'10" 6'3" 4'10" 4'5"


2 'S"

Distance 6'4" 6'2" 5'9 4'6"


L /

Fig .





Subie 'I ' II:O~:SuUiYO"

_ _ _ _ b2 _






._ - - -;:

- ---~

CONCLUSIONS: 1. There is a direct relationship between the angle of take-off and the height gained. 2. The optimum angle of take-off is 75 ° from the horizontal. 3. The knees are brought up sharply. Although they seemed to have no ' effect on height. They were an lmportant factor in gaining momentum. 4. A strong thrust of the shoulders was an important factor in gaining height, not the anTIS alone. Coupled with an upward movement of the arms, the effect is much greater. 5. The head is directly related to height. No more height was gained after the head was thrown backward . 27




by Roy Davis ( Note: This is the fourth and last in a series of articles devoted to a critical evaluation of the FIG Code of Points as it appears in the AAU translation. What follows is a good deal more discomfortinu th:m ,any of the preceding articles; if i~ doesn t start you thinking and make you a little bit uneasy, then abandon the sport - you are beyond reach!) DESTRUCTION OF AN APPLE CART Ye olde neurotic judge proposed the following lunatic ideas: (1) Abolish the 10.0 maximum score in favor of a limitless scoring system which permits scoring increments for added movements of higher and superior difficulty (k and B moves). (2) Install a category of reward for daring and originality. (3) Abolish the maximum deduction rule to enable limitless deduction regardless of the category of the flaw. (4) Remove all requirements in the combination area which demand a specific level of difficulty. know; you think I'm nuts! If so, then stop reading and look at all 'da ' purty pitchers. If there remains a residue of hope for me, then take a chance arid continue with this scintillating literary adventure. Formulating a code of points or similar evaluating device presents many problems. Whatever the solution, it will be imper' fect. This we must accept. The task then remains to select the system which pre· sents the fewest problems and most favor· able potential. With this in mind, let's attack those' rather shocking proposals one by one. (l) MEASURING


YARDSTICK Although the analogy isn't quite appro· priate, the yardstick represents the FIG Code, and the mile represents the Olympic routine. Because engineers wanted to measure greater distances than could be efficiently measured with a rigid device of unalterable length, they invented the "odometer" and proceeded to measure the height of the mountains, the depth of the seas, and the length of the continents and great bodies of water. The engineers of the sport of gymnastics have developed a system of measurement through a somewhat similar evolutionfirst, the eye and mind, then the crude deyices of estimation and general consen· sus, then the more specific scheme of regulations and requirements, finally, the demanding formulation of standards and requirements determined to define excel· lence and measure the ultimate. Each step has been adventurous and experimental. Each step has been a search for the gym· n,atsic "odometer"-a device hopefully de· SIgned to measure the distance traversed toward the " ultimate" of "ideal" in achieve· ment. Such ultimates are the life blood of sport: the seven foot high jump, the sev· enteen foot pole vault, the sound barrier, 1000 yards rushing, the 4 minute mile. This decade has seen many such mile· stones replaced by greater goals. Their disappearance is, in fact, a fitting testi· monial to man's sports achievements. Where is our gymnastics testimonial? What is our ultimate? Is there one? Can 28

it even be called perfect and given a per· fect score if it will be surpassed next time? Can we presume we know in our minds what is perfect and ultimate? Can one surpass perfection? Obviously, we cannot surpass perfection; we can only measure our progress towards it. With this in mind, it follows that the gymnast who has made the most progress toward perfection should be judged "the best" for his efforts. In the same line of reasoning the better entrant in any con· test between two people whose perform· ances are judged to have been completed with equal degrees of excellence should be decided in favor of the performer whose task is judged to be most difficult; his task was more demanding, yet he per· formed equally as well as his adversary' there~ore his .achievement is more worthy'. ThIS IS logIcal and fair, and we believe it and act accordingly. The only drawback is: in doing so, we violate the rules be· cause the Code doesn't differentiate be· tween the degrees of dijjiculty oj the task. The underlying principle seems to be : all flawless perfor~ances are equal after th~ gym.nasts. accumulates 3.4 in difficulty. WIth thIS philosophy as a guide, any gym· nast or coach who advocates anything more than one C and four B's has got to be out of his mind. The same system further imposes upon the Judges and performers the pre·Chris· tian idea that infinity can go no farther than 10.0 points. It's a nice number, but so was 7.0 feet and 4 :00.0 minutes. Twenty or more years ago performers earned 9.8's and 9.9's with routines as much as 2.0 to 3.0 lower in value than today's 9.8 and 9.9 routines. How can such obviously in· comparable routines, hoth be only 0.2 from perfect '( We are simply , admitting to our limited vision in the face of continued progr~ss.

THE PUNCH LINE I recommend that a gymnastic routine be rewarded with .2 for each additional C move beyond the first, and .1 for each B move beyond the fourth one. Under this plan the gymnast would be unwise to in· clude a ~ifficult movement unless he could do it without a significant break in form. He must also take into account the additional risk of doing anything beyond the mllllmum necessary to score well and be aesthetically pleasing. (2) SALT IN THE WOUND The Code says the gymnast should be creative and original, yet there is no pro· vision anywhere to recognize such origin· ality-oops! I forgot; it does state that movements of exceptional risk and origin· ality will be judged less severely. Less severely than what '! Huw can. I judge a daring, even a startling move, less severely than a "safe" move which received no de· duction? ?'! What, pray tell, is less severe than a deduction of O.O? Less than zero is negative. Substracting a negative in mathe· matics results in adding a positive. So, by logical extension, we should add a cate· gory of reward for daring and originajty, 1t is not only necessary in a mathematical sense, but in an aesthetic sense as well. Our only means of encouraging and al· so differentiating between excellence is by awarding a higher score to the more start· ling exercise~ Under the present rules, the startling performance will only win by a fair and justifiable margin if it is followed by the merely excellent performer, for if it is preceded by the near flawless but unoriginal and "safer" routine, the judges may have to ignore some legitimate deduc· tions in order to declare the breathtaking routine as the winner.

"BALM FOR THE SALT IN THE WOUND" When such rules have to be comprom· ised, then they should be challenged and revised. Therefore, I recommend that a ' category of reward be inserted in the Code of Points permitting a 0.1 to 0.3 increment for movem~n~s of greater hazard, and/or marke~ ongmality, and/or extraordinary executwn. A rule of this kind would hopefully, not merely acknowledge creativity, but actively pursue it as a major area of effort for the elite gymnast. (3) TWICE AS MUCH IS A TIE, JACK! As I unnastanit, 'da guy what makes a mos' mistakes loses! Right? Right. 'den whydya stop countin'? What am I supposa say? A flaw, is a flaw, is a flaw. Gertrude Stein would be proud of me! Except that Gertie wasn't a gymnastics judge, for if she were, she would have composed the ringlet like this: A flaw, is a flaw, is af· ter a while not a flaw! According to the rules, a judge may de· duct a maximum of 1.6 for combination, 3.4 for difficulty, and 5.0 for execution. But what if, just suppose for instance that for example a gymnast made more mis· takes than would add up to 1.6 or 5.0? According to the rules we must close our eyes and act as if such errors were not made. Interesting, isn't it. After so many errors, fall as much as it pleases you be· cause they don't count anyway. In by humble and limited judgment, this t~p~ . of limitation does not allow a proper dIVISIOn of performances-an especially critical fact now that raw scores are used in college (and in some cases high school) meets. "SUB·ZERO SUB" In view of this dilemma, I propose that we b~ allowed to surpass zero. Admittedly the cIrcumstance wIll be rare" but at times a negative score may be justifiable. How many times have you heard the comment: "T?at ~id was so bad he owed me points!" TIllS fIgure of speech is no laughing mat· ter. Think about it. (4) l{x: DiFFICULT OR PLEASING . To quote an oft·quoted passage: "The dltfIculty of an exen:ise must not be lon:ed to the detrimen t of a perfect exe· {'ulion.'· (FIG Code, Article V[I, U. 7.J . _ In uther words, don't put in the difficult IlHlVt; unless it can be done well. Clcarly. the emp~asis is on the finished product : Recoglllzmg an earlier violation of ' this principle, the new FIG changed the dis· mount from a prescribed B movement to one of equal value to the exercise that preceded. The Code specifies tbat on rings the gymnast must have a B hold and on parallel bars a B release. This rule in ef. fect forces the performer to include a mov~ment of d!fficulty in spite of possible detnment to hIS execution; He could sub. sti~~t~ an m?ve that better fits his ablhtle.s, but m thIS case he is penalized for domg so. "AESTHETIC ANALGESIC" Therefore, I recommend that all require. ments for types of movements and for mo~ements specific to an apparatus be deSIgnated as "movements which must cor. respo~~ to the rest of the exercise in value. Let the gymnast select his B'g and C's and compose them at his own aesthetic discretion. Next Month: "How the Best ..l!ldges Ar. rive at a Score." ~ ,

Helpful hints Some time ago a lawyer sought my "expert opmlOn in a search for a defense in a lawsuit brought against a High School teacher of Physical Education. This teacher, apparently without sufficient background in gymnastics, was in the process of teaching head路springs over a sidehorse. As it is customary at most vaults, he positioned himself for spotting ' at the landing side of the horse. After a few successful tries one of his students started the "kip motion" prematurely and as a consequence he did not



clear the horse rather he fell back toward the take-off side and severely injured himself. The teacher, in his location, was in no position to prevent the mishap. He was sued for neglecting to provide spotters at "all 4 corners of the horse", and therefore the question arose: where should the spotting have been provided? Despite my sympathy for the teacher I could lend no help for a defense because it was obvious that the teacher lacked competence. Although he was right to claim that one usually spots on the landing side of the horse; and that 4 spotters are superfluous; but he was dead wrong in not foreseeing that at this relatively easy vault there is serious danger in premature hip-extension. This early action, by the way, occurs quite frequently at early phases of the learning process, therefore it should have been known by a teacher of Physical Education. To prevent the dangerous falls on the take-off side, the spotter must position himself there, between the board and the horse. From this position he can adequately help and ensure accurate ascent to a bent head-stand position (Fig. 1 & 2). While doing this he also should retard the early extension of hip until the Center of Gravity is past of the support's vertical projection. With other words: until the performer starts to fall off balance on the other side. Here, it is true that frequent overrotation occurs at the landing of unexperienced gymnasts, therefore tempting a spotter to stand on the landing side, however, this type of overrotation is not a serious danger. Plenty of mats, and a retarding hold on the arms b y the spotter (Fig. 3) easily checks all dangers. But, and this is more important, the teaching of the head-spring should not begin on the horse. The gymnast must have plenty of earlier experience in lower and safer situations (rolled up mats, low vaulting box, etc.) before a higher vault, under more exposed conditions would be attempted.

by "lim" Farkas. Instmctor 0/ Physical Education. 0/ The Milwaukee Turners. Wisconsin

z. 29



Bus loading Clinic.


The finest oil-around gymnastic canvas shoes available' today. Worn by U.S. and International




across the top provides for that perfect ..;nug fit and appearance. Soles mode of long-wearing


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size as your street shoes or draw outline of foot on poper for correct size. In white

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ONE PC . HANDGRIPS ..... .... $1.75 pro ppd. (Better) Mode e"n tirely from one piece of white leather.


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WHITE STRETCH PANTS .... $8.75 pro ppd. Knitted fabric with elastic waistband. State waist . and inseom measurements.

NYLON GYM PANTS ........ $T4.25 pro ppd. Finest stretch pants.

TOKYO OLYMPIC FILMS 8mm in color . See the finest gymnasts in the world In ~ctlbn, per,forming the compulsory and optIOnal routines. Many new tricks are seen for the first time. Includes the winning routines and portion of the beauti-

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Men-400 ft. (35 min.) $29.00 ppd. Women-170 ft. (15 min.) $14.00 ppd.






Dear David: You've not been forgotten, your MGs in the mail; Our service \vas rotten, grade A we would fail; But be not dismayed , the fu ture looks better; If the next one's delayed just send us a letter. 'Ve are not talking ficU )n, . we will not be bel ated; You will soon get an edition, in the month it is dated; We're forging ahead, the best way we know; To make the MG in 1966, a real go, go, go.





ly worked to teach as many as much as they could in the few short days. And the competition hit a new high level both in the East-West and the Open. This year's competition was on a higher level than last year's with 4 Olympians in the race. Speaks well for the future. . Organizers of the clinic thoughtfully outfitted a complete gym with all kinds of equipment over in the Annex for those who wanted to "goof around." Not many used it though. ~olorado took two busloads this year beSides several carloads. I didn't get a complete figure, but there must have been ISO-plus fro m the Denver area. Best regards, Tracy Rogers ED: Thanks Tracy for your enthusiastic Clinic report and the .fine photos which were well used to illustrate Dick Criley's Clinic report.





Dear Sir; A subscription for Christma,s did receive, For The Modern Gymnast, and I would hate to believe, That my name and address you have forgotten so soon, Please drop me a line and let me kn.:nv When and where this wonderful magazine will go. Thanking you, I remain David A. Hammond Middletown, New Jersey


Dear Glenn: Enclosed are some photos from Tucson . . . . which leads me to some thoughts on this year's clinic. As always it was bigger and better. However, this s~iU leaves something unsaid. It seemed to me that this clinic represented a qualitative change. It really came of age. There were, of course, many, many reasons for this: organization, higher level of competition, good weather, tremendous personnel on the staffs, better facilities, more gymnasts, ad finitum. Certain things, however, combined or stood out which seemed to me to bring the whole clinic to a higher level. Two things changed the women's clinic. 1. The new women's gym. It is hard to describe the change from the dismal basement of the annex where it was pretty difficult to get into a light airy mood to the light, roomy, beautiful new women's gym. There everyone found a healthy exhilarating atmosphere in which to work and do their best. Five balance beams in a row with an instructor on another beam in front; three sets of p-bars, and in all cases, instructors or helpers at every piece of equipment. Very little of the "demonstration" type teaching. This was the "doing" type teaching. In another gym next to that one was for Free X, ballet, and vaulting where 150路200 participated in one ballet class. 2. But not second, in any respect, was the staff, headed by Bob Peavy. It was organized, it worked, everyone knew what was going on, and everyone was participating. Not enough can be said for the tremendous job done by Peavy and instructors. They were all great. Moving on to the men's clinic. Here ! think, the higher level of the gymnasts in general, combined with superior instruction brought the men's work to a new high. Art Shurlock, Don Robinson, Jack Beckner were a few of the great teachers who real路

Dear Glenn: We have a real fine gymnast group at the 28th St. Branch of the YMCA who are making real progress. The photo shows just a few who attended the Fifth Annual Gymna,stic Clinic at Tucson. Left to right: Anthony Bryant, James Betters. Henry Stuckey. Andrew Jackson, Dr. Brice Taylor and seated Charles Sims. Sincerely. Dr. Brice Taylor Los Angeles, Calif. M.G.




Dear Glenn. When I last talked with you in Colorado you said .somethi,;,g about the possibilIty of offering a S IX month subscription for coaches and teachers that wish to use The Modern Gymnast as a. textbook for their classes. I am definitely interested in learning if you have made any further decision co ncerning a policy of this type. I was delighted to learn that The Modern Gymnast will now be published on a twelve month basis. I hope to have more orders for you by the end of Februa ry. I would also like to suggest to you that you seriously consider the possibility of s t a rting a new short column or limited by-line in the M.G. that would list job opportunities available to people who are interested in teaching or coac hing gymnastics at various levels. You could have the college路 (and high schoo]) coaches send in job openings th a t h ave bee n r ef e rred to th e m. Yo u might a lso have the ca.ndidates write to you li s ting their name and degree(s) or expected degrees(s) with dates. Such a list would h e lp the coaches because we very o ften ne e d assi路s tant coaches and it is sometimes diffic ult. to find qualified people wlthll1 a speCifiC area or region. Such a

column would also help our sport grow a nd ins ure the employment of qualified people in gymnastic positions. Mr. Fill Hendrix of Webster Elementary School, Webster, Texas is looking for a 'recent or near future physical education graduate with a gymnastic background t o teach elementary physical education at Webster. Cou ld the M.G. give him a little publicity? I was very pleased that Dr. Bosco chose to inc lude an abstract of my Master's T!)esis in the last issue of the M.G. Sincerely yours, George J. Vanis Un iv ersity of Texas Austin, Texas ED. Since more and more Coaches and P.E. teachers are finding the MODERN GYM NAST to be an excellent suppli· mentary textbook for their classes, and the fact that we are now on a regular monthly production schedule, we will be pleased to accept class group subscrip. tions of 25 members at th·e rate of $2.50 per subscription for the six issues . . . Also these subscriptions can be back dated a couple issues if the instructor wishes to do so in order to have a good start in their program. THE MODERN GYMNAST would be pleased to run a JOB OPPORTUNITIES column as a regular feature. All interested please send t.o us any openings and opportunities for full time work or assIstantships in gymnastics in your area. (Please note need of teacher in Webster, Texas).

makes one publicised easern meet in the three years that the Federation has been in existence. A very large percentage of top gym n asts come from the East. Need I mention Vega (Penn State), Tonry, Grossfeld, Werner (Penn State), Isabelle, Jacobson, the Cohens, Weiss and many more. The Federation has literally no organization in the East of meets to speak of.

Gymnas tics is one of America's traditionall y weakest sports, and oddly enough it is the basis for all sports. We need 11

unifi ed




Dear Glenn: . .. I thought I might take this opportunity to voice my ,opinion on one or t\VO points of interest to all gymnasts, and therefore to the M.G. In the April 1964 issue of the M.G. you had a big to do on the USGF -AAU question. As in most con fli cts of this type it boils down to a power struggle between the main figure s in each organization, both of which claims to be all for the gymnast. Who is the only one who gets hurt? The gymnast!! No one says that the AAU is right. Being from the east one might think that that would be my v iew point, but it is not. In fact I am a member of both the AAU and the USGF. But the Federation i s merely a front for the NCAA, who keeps all college athletes handcuffed by the threat of taking away scholarships if a man competes in other than NCAA competition. That Is no better that the AAU who suspends a man for a year if he competes in a Federation meet. Secondly the Federation has few If any meet in the East. Now you're going to say that the Federation Nationals are in the East this year. Very good, but that

nlaybe a

ne\v organ iza-













and lives in Ne\v York, how many ll1eets a year will he be able to go into-one in 3 years? one a year? even 2 a year? Maybe my idea of an organization of gymnasts, c",aches, etc. not allign ed with any other organizations (AAU-NCAA etc .) planning, workIng, competing with no other in terests in mind other than promotion of the sport, and advancement of our country's pOSition in the w,orld of gymnastics is too idealistic. So far we have nothing that is satisfactory to all, but we must put down our present I()yalties to o ur present organizations and try for some better oombinations. Rathe,' than saying the AAU are all finks or the Federation is a bunch of rebels, w h y not print something on this point of view. The M.G. gives nearly 20% of its print to the Federation and 1/ 10 of that to the AAU. Calling the AAU nationals "a qualifying test for the Olympic Trials", is a poor showing for a natianal magazine that

Dear Glenn: I have been on Okinawa for about one year IbOW and want to thank you for the copies of The Modern Gymnast which I have been receiving. They have been quite stimulating and enlightening, especially considering the military has no facilities for Gymnastics here. I have been getting my workout through the M.G. As far as I know they have a set of parallel bars at one gym and a side horse at another about eight miles away, but its better than nothing, so I've been getting in some gymnastics. Enclosed is a picture of me doolng a handstand on a coral cliff over the East China Sea. There is quite a bit of coral here and it is very sharp therefore, though the beaches are beau tiful to look at, they are very hard on the feet. Gymnastically, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Dr. Myon Alluklan


tion, composed of gymnasts, and free fro m the AA U -Federation (NCAA) strug g le. The AAU is a natLonwide organization with a nation\vide progranl in In any sports. It's not the best thing we have to offer but we must admit that the AAU has the International Recognition and the power to say who goes into International competition. At the last Trampoline champlonship F ran k Schmitz was so poorly treated it was simply an· other instance of an innocent gymnast caught in the middle as the AAU tried to give the Federation a slap. Everybody wants to be king. What is a Gymnast to do, compete with the Federation and run the risk of being banned from International competition?

Shreveport Gymnastic Supply Company

every big .,AAU


with great enthusiasm. Well, enough sa id . I hope the problem is resolved in the near ' futur e. Sincerely, David J acobs Brooklyn, New York CLUB-OR PROGRAM? ED, We have continued to back the Federation because it was an outgrowth of Just such an organ·ization as you sug· gest, The National Association of Gym. nastics C·oac hes had many members in· cluding gymnasts and officials and were the group that did the most to help form the USGF and get it rolling. WE also backed the USGF and still do because we feel it has the most tO loffer for a bright future for Gymnastics in America today, We feel the USGF Is the way with pro· gram anp concern for the Gymnasts and what is best for America Internationally, We have not played up the AAU in the M,G, in the past few years in order not to confuse the issue in what we believe, besides an AAU gymnastic program is

U'~:s~n~on...:.~~~setaftt di~esm:~r.t Pf;t~s O~o:h: program but Just a sanction control. The USGF has thousands upon thousands of gymnasts allover America competing un· der their banner and following the USGF instructional program aids". and more and more every day, , ,And one thing more the USGF is not an NCAA front , , , The NCAA could pullout completely and the USGF would keep right on GROWING. Why as you admit "the AAU is not the best thing we have to offer" should we In Gymnastics in America settle for less than the BEST? , . Maybe at the moment the USGF is not the BEST, but the point is "IT CAN BE THE B EST" if everyone gets behind it to see it through. After all the AAU has ON LY the "International Recognition, the USGF h'ls the 'PROGRAM and the PEOPLE. The AAU is using it's "lnterr:1ational Recognition" AS A CLUB, A CLUB TO BEAT DOWN and SUPPRESS the RISING TIDE of criticism of the AAU lack of program it' s ·diCtorial policies over the past years •. . Now I ask you as an American in the tradition of our great history who do you think will win out the CLUB Or the PROGRAM 1 I'm betting on the PROGRAM.

THE BICKMORE ACROBATIC CO. is reopening its doors after being closed for more than a year. Special introductory offer: Heavy 2" nylon webbing spotting belt with hand ropes. Belt adjustable to fit any size. $8 .95. Other acrobatic equipment made to - special order. Brochure sent on request.


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CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? If so p lease notify us 6 weeks in advance . Su p ply us with both your o ld and new addr~ss, including ald ress label fro m curre nt iss ue if possible. Copies we moil to your old address wi II not be de live red by the Post Office unl ess yo u pay them extro postage . MAIL ADDRESS CHANGE TO : THE MODERN GYMNAST, BOX 611, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA . Be sure to includ e your city postol zone o r Zip number.


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Comp letel y new gymnastic apparatus for beg inners and advancel students in junior and senior high schoo ls. The Gym Moster Prep Side. Horse has an all-steel body-exclusive with Gym Moster-with I-inch felt and covered with top grade leather or vinyl t ype material. Body has the same top contour, the some length, same width as the Gym Master Olympic specified side horse. Uprights are easily adjustable in height with "sure-set" locking knob and safety sprin·pin calibrated adj,!stment from 39 to 55 inches. Precision-made laminated wood pommels, with stageless width adjustment easily removed for long horse vaulting . Gym Master swivel castor transporters are available for easy movability.

M.G , INVENTORY SPECIALS Volume I Co mpl e te $2 .00 Vo lume II # 2-9 $2 .00 Vo lume III # 1,2,3, 6,7,8,9 $2 .00 Volume IV ' # 1-8 $2 .50 Vol ume V Co mpl ete $3 .00 Vo lume V I #2 ,4, 5,6,7 $2.50 Vo lume VII #2,3, 4,5,6,7 , 8 ,9 $4 .00 Total $18 .00 ' SPECIAL PACKAGE Pac kage (A) a s li sted above $17 . 50 INVEN,TORY OVERSTOCK SPECIALS Any of th e fo ll owi ng editi o ns, 2Sc each or 5 for $1.00 Volume I # 1,2,3, 5,7 Vo lume II #2,3,4 ,5,6 Vo lume III #2,3,8,9 Fo ll owi ng editions, 30c each or 4 for $1.00 Volume IV # 1,2,3,4,5, 6 , 8 Vo lume V # 1 &2, 3, 8&9 Volume VI # 7 (with color center spread) Fo llow ing editions, 3Sc e ach o r 3 fo r $1.00 Volume VII # 4,5,6 T o tal (reg u lor price $11.50) $7.00 ' SPECIAL PACKAGE (if orde red now o n overstocked special a s listed above) Package (8 ) ove rstocked spec . $6 .50 Single Co pies n ot Listed a s Specials: Volume I and II, 3Sc e ach ; ot he rs SOc each Limited suppl y of bound editions (by volume) Volumes I through VII complete Package (C) bo und editi o ns $70.00

Ideal for junior and senior high school gymnastic programs since it provides the some surface width as on official size Gym Master custom balance beam. Adjustable from 29" to 39" with " sureset" locking knobs and safety springpin calibrated height adjustment settings. Lam inated select wood beam, 12' x 4' working surface. Lifetime rubber shod bose prevents marring floo r. Easily moved on Gym Moster swivel costar transporters. For further information write Gym Moster Company, 3200 South Zuni . Street, Englewood , Colorado.

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FIRST AGAIN WITH 2 NEW, EXCLUSIVE HORIZONTAL BARS! OLYMPIC TYPE HORIZONTAL BAR Brand new-the only Olympic type bar that permits you to make height adjustments at the top of each upright WITHOUT dismantling the entire unit or changing the cable lengths! Height adjustments from 6'8" to 8'6" are made quickly and easily by safety-locking extension sleeves in the uprights at the top. There is never aprotrusion above the bar-regardless of height setting! Performing bar is official 1 Ys" in diameter. Complete with floor plates for wood floor installation.

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3200 South Zuni Street. Englewood, Colorado




ALL PROGRAM AIDS HERCULON" gymnastic equipment is guar· anteed for 20 years. Guarantee Certificate accompanies 'each piece of apparatus shipped.

New revolutionary design, coupled with husky, chrome· sparked good looks and absolutely unmatched quality - thafs the HE~CULON" series. Years of research plus consultant services from dozens of reading American and European gymnastic coaches have gone into producing the ultimate in equipment. Every piece of PROGRAM AIDS HERCULON* apparatus conforms to Olympic requirements and exceeds all competitive specifications! That's why PROGRAM AIDS can offer an UNMATCHED· UNHEARD OF 20·YEAR GUARANTEE on each and every piece of 9Pparatus.

The Program Aids Company Inc.


o o

No expense has been spared in making the PROGRAM AIDS HERCULON* line-there is no short·cut to perfec· tion, no cheap way to produce top quality and lifetime durability. You'd expect this equipment to be costly, but PROGRAM AIDS-as always-brings you outstand· quality at prices no higher th~ln more cheaply made substitutes. -

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pos. _ _ __ School _ _ _ _ _


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550 Garden Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Please send Free color·full 84·page catalog featuring your revolutionary HERCULON* Gym· nastic Apparatl1~ . Please rush m'f"Free copy of your I6·Page Full· Color Mat Catalog. Please have your representative call on me. ~

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Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Other Pace:Setters From

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Lite Weight mats

Tuf·Flex* Boundary Markers




FOR THE LADIES MADEMOISELLE' GYMNAST P. O. BOX 777 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA - 90406 Pl ease send me a Subscription (4 ) issues) of MADEMO ISELLE ' GYMNAST l-Year @ $3.00 Foreign - $3.50 Per Year Please find $ . . . . . . . . for Gift subscriptions to be sent to the names enclosed.

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It is not necessary to enclose this form. If you wish, just send complete information on a separate sheet along with your remittance to Mademoiselle Gymnast, P.O. Box 777, Santa Monica, California 90406.

More schools buy Nissen gymnasium ' apparatus than . all other bran' dS COMBINED NISSEN CORP., 930 27th AVE. S.W., CEDAR RAPII;>S, IOWA 52406

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