Modern Gymnast - March 1966

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MARCH, 1966


CONTENTS NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ......Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK ............. ..... ........ .... .................... A CHRISTMAS GIFT .................. Bud Williams CANADlAN REPORT .................. John Nooney GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION ........................ A. B. Frederick USGF DiRECTOR'S REPORT .......... Frank Bare GYM SNAPS ............. ....................................... RESEARCH AND FITNESS ........ James S. Bosco USA OLYMPIAN GREG WEISS ........................ HELPFUL HINTS ... ......................... Jim Farkas "Y-NEWS" ................................ Kenneth Hollis SEQUENCE PHOTOS ........................................ TRAMPOLINING ... ...... .. _............ Jess Robinson NOTES FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE ........................ Roy Davis WHAT'S THE SCORE ............... ...Jerry Wright LETTERS ............... _................_.........................

5 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 24 28 30 31 33

COVER : Scenes from the USGF Eastern CI inic at Fort Lauderdale, Flor ida . Fun on the Beach and the North South teams and coaches.


......... .. ............................... Editor-Publisher

Vlo"EO RECORDER: In the January MG our Swiss editor, Kurt Baechler reported on a Video recording unit being used by the National Sports School in Magglingen, Switzerland. Kurt felt and we agree that this is one of the most helpful aids ever devised for coaching gymnastics. Besides the natural enthusiasm by the team to study their routines (look fellas, I'm on TV) the instructional use of Video recording in gymnastics seems unlimited. We now have a report (see the next page) that our good friend Charlie Pond, coach at the University of Illinois has just such a unit in operation for his team. OLYMPICS: While in Japan for the Olympic Games we noted the Toyko TV stations were doing instant replays of many of the Olympic events including gymnastics. The instant replay so familar to us in the football season, when used in gymnastics gave the viewer a second look at the routine before the judges scores were flashed. Better yet some of them were shown in slow or stop motion. Still another use was to replay the competitors previous compulsory or op· tional routine in slow or stop motion just before he or she was to perform in the finals. To me this had a stimulating effect of what was to come plus a refresher of highlights to look for in taking photos for publication in the MG. AVAILABILITY: In Toyko I investigated the availability of a Video recording unit and even made plans to go to the Sony TV factory. However, time did not permit and it became a thought for the future, especially when informed the only units available cost about ten thousand dollars. Fortunately demand and technology have now produced smaller units which reportedly sell for between one and three thousand dollars depending on ttnl accessories desired.

INTERNATIONAL JOHN' NOONEY .. ........................................................ Canada KURT BAECHLER ............ ............................................ Europe HELMUT ROHNISCH .......................................... Scandinavia YURI SABIROV ................................. __ ......................... Russia BRUD CLEAVELAND ..................................................... Japan Dr. Joseph Gahler ....... ............................................. Ge"rmany

JUDGING: Along with the benefits as an instructional aid in teaching and perfecting gymnastic skills I can also see the use of Video recording for officiating in gymnastics. There may be those who would rebel at the thought of automating judging to this degree and feel it would tend to make gym· nastics more mechanical and less artistic. For one, I do not think so, my personal thought is that the gymnast is not a magician trying to fake or razzle·daz the judges with a flashy routine but an artist combining muscle, skill, move· ment and experience into a pattern of gymnastic perfec· tion that may even be enhanced by a second look (especi· ally in slow motion). With all the possibilities for the use of instant replay Video recording in judging gymnastics, my only immediate suggestion is that as soon as possible it be made available for the head judge or jurors in all na· tional and international competitions for use as a back·up in cases of technical dispute.

THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publications, 410 Broadway, Santo Monico, California. Second closs postage paid at Santo Mon ico, Calif. Published monthly. Price $5.00 per year. SOc single copy: Subscription correspondence, THE MOPERN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 611, Santo Monico, California . Copyri ght 1966 © all rights reserved by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broad wa y, Santo Monico, Cal i fornia. All pictures and manuscripts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage are included.

FUTURE: The future is here for the use of Video recording as a gymnastics instructional aid for the competitor, coach and official. Who can but pause to wonder what might be ahead for further progress and achievement in gymnastics through the use of modern computors, electronics and technology.

ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. BRUCE FREDERICK ............................. .. ........ ..... Education DR. JAMES S. BOSCO ................................ .............. Research DICK CRI LEY .......................................................... Statistics JIM FARKAS ........................................................ Instructian JERRY WRIGHT .................................................. Competitian FRANK L. BARE ....................... ............ ......................... USGF JESS ROBINSON .................................................. Trampoline ROY DAVIS .................................. ,...........................Judging JACKIE KLEIN UPHUES ............................................ Women GRACE KA YWELL ........................................................ Ballet Kenneth W . Hollis ......................... ..... ........................ YMCA


Pond Sees Fast Re-Play As Boon To Coaching by Ed O'Neil News·Gazette Sports Editor Charlie Pond has turn ed to electronics to improve trainin g techniques for his hot young Illinois gym nastics sq uad, and sees the instant replay camera havin g applica· tions to improve athletes in many sports. Pond has just started to use a $3,000 instant replay television tape recording machin e a t Illini gy m practices, turning the ca mera on his athletes as they go through th eir routines. "This will revolutionize gymnastics as much as anything in the last 15 years," Pond said. "The last big breakthrough was the twisting belt I patented in 1951." Th e belt allowed gymnasts to work on new routin es in safety of a spinning ham· ess that didn't impede their motion. It is now used universally. Pond taped pictures of all hi s athletes in practi ce thi s week. " In the past, we had to shoot movies of practi ce, send th e films ou t for developing and wait a week or more to point out mis· takes." he sa id. " TOW we can have an athlete do his routin e and seconds later ghow him his mi stakes or points where he can improve hi s work. At the same time the camera is tapin g the workout, I have a micro· phon e and can make notes right on th e tape and comm ents. It gives you a sound· on·ta pe critiqu e of each workout." Charlie Pond toping UI gymnast Ron Bauer

Charlie Pond, Jamille Ashmore and g ym nast Ron Bauer instant repla y video-tope unit. (Photos by Lorry Brooks )

CATALOGUING THE GREATS The instant replay camera has been used at several places in fo ot ball , for both ga mes and practices. But Pond thinks this is its first application to gymnastics or any other sport. H e thinks it will even tuaUy become a common training tool. The compact unit he has acquired weighs less than 70 pounds and can be used at meets for reo view of work the following week. For P ond's Illinois gy m team , enjoying one of its best seasons in years, it can only help a team of great potential get stronger. Th e Illini are already showing tremendous depth in dual meets. New scorin g rules in gymnastics put a premium on depth and team strength. Pond wonders what kind of a library oj training tapes he wou,[d now have compiled if he had been able to use it on his great athletes of the past. He feels that by making a library of tapes, he can train future athletes by letting them watch the work of stars in their specialties. The camera itself is not mu ch larger than a cigar box, easi ly handled and relo· ca ted. The tape is played back on a tabl e mod el unit with a nine in ch screen. MORE SPORTS TO BENEFIT Extra eq uipm ent Pond hopes to add include wide·angle and telephoto lenses and an adapter that enlarges the monitor pictures to 23 in ches. Rewinding and rerunnin g a tape is just a matt er of second s, so that an athlete may review a pi ece of the tape over and ove r.

" There are applications to this which we haven't even thought oj' yet," Pond said. He and his assistant, lamille Ashmore, have been jiguring new uses ior the machine this week . ''1'111 sure it wi ll be of help in other sport s, too, " Pond says. " It will be a t rainin g a id to so me track and fi eld el:ent s, for tennis and golf, and base ball hittin g. We co uld probably k eep the unit busy all year rOllnd in the vari· ety of athl etics here."


look over

rout ine


EDITOR'S NOTE: Charlie Pond and lamille Ashmore intend to travel abol£t the country this coming summer doing video tape recording at clinics on invLta· tion of the clinic officials. The y will also give critiques and corre ct performances of gymnasts by showing them faults immedi· ately after the per lorman ce. R eql£ests for this service may be sent to Charlie at the University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill. WORLD REPORT OF GYMNASTICS

By Dr. Joseph Gohler

rRIALS FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Burenn, Czechoslovakia, Dec. 1965 All-Around: Klecka , 110.65; Stastny, 110.30; V. Kubicka, 109.80; Gajdos, 109.45; Pazdera , 108.45; Soumar, 108.45. POLAND (282.75) & CSSR (282.00) Krakon, Polond, Nov. 1965 .... All-Around: M. Kubica (P). 57.15; W. Kubica (P). 57 . 15; V. Kubicka (CSSR). 56.80; Fejtek (CSSR). 56.50; Stastney (CSSR). 56.45; Kucharczyk (P). 56.20; Hawelek (P). 56.05; Gaydos (CSSR), 55.90; Rokosa (P) , 55.90; Valasek (CSSR). 55.60. TRIALS FOR CHAMPIONSHIPS OF THE WORLD Bochnin, Germony (West), Dec. 1965 All-Around : G. Lyhs, 110.85; W. Taschek, 109.40; V. Steinmet.z, 107.20; M. Tepasse, 105.90; K. Bauzhaf, 105.40. CHAMPIONSHIPS OF EAST-GERMANY Neu-Strelitz, Dec. 1965 All-Around: Brehme, 114.70; Foerster, 112.35; Felle, 112.30; Weber, 112.10; Beier, 111.30; Dietrich, 111.05. There was more severe judging at Bachnin than at Neu-Stretlitz , but this fact changes nothing of the truth, that the gymnasts of East-Germany are the best of Germany. CHAMPIONSHIPS OF ITALY Vorese, Itoly, Dec. 1965 All-Around: Men ichelli, 116.05 ; Cimnaghi, I 13.50; Francescheffi , 108.80; Fiavin, 106.55; Siliga, 104.50; Lucani, 102. 10. Menichelli






(19.200) and Horizontal Bar (19 .700); Cimnaghi won the championship at Pom mel Horse (19.325) and the Parallel Bar (19.475). The brothers Giovanni and Pasquale Corminicci were missed. The gymnast Vicardi is no mo re active .

" SPARTAKIADE Peking, Chino All-Around : Liao Tun-tien , 114.75; Yu Lieh -feng, 114 .25; Yeh T-ta, 114.05; Yang Ming-ming , 113 .95; T Hsie·nan, 113.20; Liao Hua-ju, 112.65 . Free Exercise: Wu Shou-te, 19.375; T Hsie-nan, 19.350; Yeh T- ta, 19.300; Chu Shih-sheng, 19.300. Pommel Horse: Yang

Ming-ming, 19.550; Yu Lieh-feng, 19.475, Liao Tun-tien, 19.350. Still Rings: Llao Tuntien, 19.675; Yang Ming-ming, 19.050; Liao Hua-yu, 19.025. Long Horse: Lin Cheng-to, 19.100; Yeh T.-to, 18.900; Liao Tun-tien, 18.850. Parallel Bars: Yu Lieh-feng, 19.525; Yeh T-ta, 19.350; Liao Tun-tien, 19.250. Hori"ontal Bar: Hsu Ta-ming, 19.500; Yang Ming-ming, 19.375; Yeh T-ta, 19.325. There is no. doubt路 that the gymnasts of China will be among the best of the world.

National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association Report br Richard Aronson, Vice President, NHSCGA Gymnastics, in this country, has become a major sport in many areas. Large crowds, newspapers and other public relations media have given the sport much impetus in reaching the public. The recent Springfield College dual meet with Penn State drew over 7600 fans making this meet the largest attended gymnastics meet ever held in this country. (Mr. George Kunzle, of the gymnastic coaching book fame, men tioned to me that he was quite "staggered" by the size of the crowd) _ Certainly, this is quite a tribute from a man who has seen gymnastics all over the world. It is without question that high school gymnastics is the key to the collegiate scene_ Here the coach takes the young gymnast and guides him on a careful road of competitive work, as well as, grounding him in rules and regulations of the sport. From this basic beginning, the gymnast moves in to college and even higher levels of competition_ Education of the public regarding the sequences of gymnastics is necessary. It is vital that the coach, hoth at the high school and college level, adopt methods of educating the public so they may understand some of the complexities of the sport. Together, with the NCAA Gymnastic Championships and the Pennsylvania HS Championships on April 1 & 2 at Penn State University, the annual meeting of the NHSGCA will be held. This will be the largest gathering of gymnastic coaches and fans for this year and should surpass the record crowd at the Springfield-Penn State meet. The annual convention of the NHSGCA will be another highlight of the NCAA's. Coaches from all over the nation should be on hand to voice their opinions, meet with other coaches and share in the growth of the sport. This organization, with its offices in Illinois, is rapidly becoming a major organization in gymnastics and is open for membership to any high school coach in the nation. They have an excellent handbook containing suggested guide lines and other important items for the administration of gymnastics_ By a fine gathering of high school coaches at the NCAA's, this organization will continue to grow and promote gymnastics throughout the country. TWO

NEW CHAMPIONSHIP FILMS (16mm) AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL I. 19(15 Los Angeles City High School Finals 2. 1965 California Interscholastic Federation High School Finals. Each film consists of five exercises on each apparatus including Tumbling, 800 feet long, 20 minutes normal speed, 30 minutes silent speed. 80th are excellent teaching tools. Several of the exercises are by Olympian, Makoto Sakamoto. RENTAL: Each film $5.00 for three days. Order from: Fred Bellmar, Millikan High School, 2800 Snowdon Ave., Long Beach, California. Gymnasts shown were finalists in leagues consisting of more than fifty High Schools.

1966 Collegiate Open Gymnastic Championships for Women Apri I 8 - 9, 1966 - Sports Arena Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois The 1966 Collegiate Open. Gymnastic Championships for Women planning committee swings into high gear as host university, Southern Illinois, ties down vital meet operational details in on effort to make this the prestige event of the academic year. This competition, in its second year, found seven collegiate teams and 33 women gymnasts vieing for the final competition at Washington Ul'liversity of St. Louis lost season. This year, with slight title change, the "Collegiate Open" is predicted to match the St. Louis event which brought together teams and individuals from California to Massachusetts and equaled in numbers' and final performances the combined entries of the Notional A.A.U. and United States Gymnastic Federation Championships. The 1966 Collegiate Open Championship is "open" only to bonafide college women carrying 12 quarter or equivalent' semester hours; or meet the specific eligibility requirements of the institutions at which they are currently enrolled. As the college women in gymnastics does not, as yet, have an official governing body, the "College Open" is not a National Championship. It is a prestige opportunity, the one meet, in which the college women and collegiateIy oriented teams can seek out and find competition among their peers. The College Open for 1966 is sponsored by the Women's Gymnastic Club, a division of tHe Women's Recreation Association, of Southern Illinois University. In its organization and conduct follows the recommendations and standards of the division of girls and women's sports of the American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and the competitive guidelines of the Federation of Internationa I Gymnastics. Southern Illinois University, the host school and team winner in 1965, is the favorite in the Team Championship event. Donna Schaenzer, junior and cocaptain, will defend her All Around title in leading a sophomore squad into the competition. Donna was also the Gold Medal winner in Tumbling with team mate, Janis Dunham taking the Balance Beam honors. Dale McClements, recent All Around winner of the North American Championships, led the 1965 individual scoring and her team, the University of Washington, to the runner-up position with impressive mastery of the Uneven Bars, Vaulting and Floor Exercise events. The University of Wisconsin rounded out the top three teams garnering the Gold Medal in Trampoline. Now, with the 1966 "Collegiate Open" still two months away, entry support has been irjdicated by the University of Nevada, Centenary College of Louisiana, Western Illinois University, the University of Washington and host school, Southern Illinois University . With over 30 college women a Iready on the competitive roster the orgarlizing committee, in predicting a record entry, extended the Meet to a two day competi-

tion with two preliminary sessions qualify gymnasts to the finals .


1966 COLLEGIATE OPEN COMPETITIVE SCHEDULE April 7th: 12:00 Noon to 9:00 P.M. Open practice-S IU Arena April 8th: Preliminary Competition1st session: 1: 00 P.M.~Beam, Vaulting and Trampoline 2nd Session: 8:00 P.M.-Fl oo r Exercise, Bars and Tumbling . All-Around winners determined by preliminary scores. April 9th: Final Competition (Top 10 finalists in all events) 8:00 P.M. Collegiate Open Championship Awards shall be presented to the top six places in the All-Around, Individual and Team Championship Events. For complete information packet (includes eligibility forms, medical examination release, transportation and housing information and full meet particulars) write: Miss Jackie Puhl, Meet director, Department of Women's Physical Educati on, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. Entry Deadline: 12 midnight, March 25, 1966. (No entries shall be accepted after this date, no entry fees will be charged,) AMATEUR HOUR On April 10th, (Easter Sunday) Coach Bud Marquettes' "SCATS" (So uthern Calif. Acro Team ) from Long Beach will appear on the " TED MACK" Amateur Hour, in color . . . If you get a chance tune in your TV set and cast a vote their way.

1928 Olympian Glenn Berry and 1932 Olympian Dallas Bixler present 1964 Olympian Makoto Sakamoto with winning tr ophy ot recent annual Ben Price Invitati onal Meet at Pasadena , Calif .


Bud Williams

narration being


AN UNUSUAL TOUR TO HAITIA CHRISTMAS GIFT by Bud Williams Ever since competing in gymnastics at Penn State, I have been excited by the many values inherent in the sport. After graduation in 1963, I brought gymnastics to Wheaton CoIlege, where I came to fur路 ther my education. Because the sport is new at Wheaton, we have been the subject of much discussion. We started as a club three years ago; and practicing under limitations of time and facilities ,we entered three men in a regional meet at BaIl State in Indiana. The next year after hard work, much publicity, and the needed equipment, we opened our first season against Indiana

State University with a crowd of 1500 questioning spectators and they liked it. And they continued to support it. In the off season, a spring festival, outside demonstrations, and other performances gave an added boost to the sport. Then one day last spring, a foreign student from Haiti joined the bandwagon. He watched an outdoor workout on the new portable equipment purchased by the team and invited us to his country. At first the trip seemed like an unlikely dream. However, the ' idea grew, and this faIl athletes from other sports in the college offered their support. Finally enthusiasm for the project engulfed the entire student body. One girl, for example, gave $300 ~o pay for transportation of the equipment. Each member of the team paid his own expenses for the trip. Without much time remammg, we worked through the Haitian student, whose father was a past member of Parliament, and arranged the necessary details. Long hours were spent in practice; and finally we left for Miami on December 14 for what turned out to be a tremendous experience. We spent one night in Miami before flying to Haiti on Friday, December 17. Arriivng in Port-au-Prince, we were surprised at the warm reception that we reo ceived at the airport. Having the approval and encouragement of the Ministers路 of Education and State, we immediately met with those assisting us and made further arrangements for our performances. The remainder of the day consisted mainly of meeting people at a reception. Saturday was our first full day in Haiti. We were shocked at the poverty and overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people. Everywhere we went, the people ga ve us the best that _they had. In the evening over 600 people jammed into one smaIl building to see us and listen to our musical talent.

Wheaton College gymnastic team which made trip to Tahiti

It was the first time in Haitian history that the Haitians had ever seen gymnastics in their country. Having an interest in physical culture, they literally packed into performances. They were amazed at every trick, but they were especially enthusiastic about our routines_ Even our warm-ups were cheered. We started our performances with the Haitian National Anthem and then the presentation of the team. Our first event was floor exercise, then parallel bars, high bar, still rings, and finaIly the trampoline. The most popular event was the trampoline although each received a great . response. We usuaIly ended our performance with some hand balancing. Between events we had musical numbers by an excellent trumpet quartet, vocal quartet, two guitarists, and a French trio. Sometimes our performances lasted over two hours. On Sunday morning we participated in a service at one of the largest churches in Port-au-Prince. That evening foIlowing another church service, we were guests at two parties including one at the HaitianAmerican Institute. Our equipment arrived Monday in time for our television performance which was held over Tele Haiti from 7 to 7 :30 that evening_ The show was very well received and when we returned to our quarters after the show we found that over 1500 excited and screaming fans had gathered to see us. They were everywhere-around the apparatus, in the driveway, and even in a large tree. The United States Ambassador received us on Tuesday morning and expressed appreciation for our people to people diplomacy. After this appointment we travelled high into the mountains to a small village where we put on an hour performance before several hundred peasants in a field carved out of the hillside. In the evening we returned to Port-au-Prince for our performance in the National Stadium from 7 to 8 :30 which was sponsored by the Haitian Federation of Sports. Our next highlight was a flight to Jacmel, another large city in Haiti where we were met by the mayor and chief of police at the airport. Wisked from one reception to another, including three meals and one snack all before 3 :00 p.m., we could hardly walk; but, nevertheless, we performed before a crowd of 2,000 gathered in a soccer field that evening. That same day in J acmel we visited a hospital, a school, and took part in a Christmas church service attended by about 1500 people. We returned to Port-au-Prince in time to perform at an all-night Christmas Eve party. Ater getting a little sleep, we prepared for a Christmas day performance before well over 2,000 at Independence Square in Port-au-Prince. On Sunday we split our group and traveled to many towns with the nationals and took part in church services and visited with the people. Our last day, Monday, was extremely enjoyable as we went skin-diving over coral reefs and were fed a delicious meal by a Haitian family. In the evening we had our final performance before 4,000 in the amphitheater of Port-au-Prince. At the conclusion of each performance we shared our faith in Jesus Christ as the hope for the present and future of all people. Throughout the holidays, we gave our time, energy, and performances as our Christmas gift to encourage the people of Haiti.

Above: A handstand on the rings under the lights of the National Stadium, Planche in bandshell. Upper right: Independence Square perfo rmance; Center: Bandshell at night; Lower left: Flying high in a mo untain v illage; Lower right: Dave Thillen holding a cross.


CANADIAN REPORT bv Johnnv Nooney 18 Lavington Dr. Weston. Ontario

NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 1966 A crowd of over 3,000 watched a superbly organized North American Championship Meet at Maisonneuve Sports Center, Montreal. This large crowd was thrilled with standout performances by Makoto Sakamoto, Dale McClement, Susan McDonnel, Wilhem Weiler, Gail Daley, Gilbert Larose and many other excellent gymnasts. This great interest is indicative of the upsurge of gymnastics in our clubs, schools, and colleges in Canada and to the organizin g ability of the sponsoring groups in Quebec. This Meet was filmed for showin g by C.B.5. for the Sports Spectacular Show and the C.B.C. National T.V. and Radio Canada Networks. WOMEN'S DIVISION The Team Championship was won by the American Team with a total of 214.35 pts. to Canada's 208.51 pts. Dale McClement won the All Round Title with 72-95 pts., followed by Susan McDonnel of Canada with 71-62 pts., and in third place Gail Daley of Canada with 71-39 pts. This was an excellent showing by the Canadian girls. Susan McDonnel performed very well on the Un evens and Vaulting and Gail Daley on the balance beam. Jn passing, the American Colleges, STU and Centenery, Louisiana should be thanked for th eir cooperation. Our Canadian girls are students at these Universities. In the Individual Division Susan McDonnel, Canada, had an excellent day winning the Unevens with a score of 18.48, also the Floor Exercise with a score of 18.41.

Gail Daley, Canada, scored 18.58 to win the balance beam and Doris Brause, U.S.A. won the Vaulting with a score of 18.66. In fairness to the American team , Dale McClement had a slight injury on Saturday and did not compete in the Individual Division on Sunday. The路 coaches, Mrs. Phyllis Cooper, U.S.A., and Mr. Dezso Kiefer, Canada, can be proud of their respective Gymnasts. The Women's Division at the Pam Am Games should be of a high standard and I would like to see a period of intensive training for our Canadian Team under our National Coach prior to the Pan Am Gam es, if at all possible. JUDGING OFFICIALS Head Judge- Cecile Preville, Valery Nye, Ursula Bear, Neita Black, Jacqueline St.Jean , Marilyn Savage. WONIEN 'S RESULTS Team Championships - U.S.A. 214.59, Canada 208.51. All Round - Dale McClement, USA, 72.95; Susan McDonnel, Canada, 71.62; Gail Daley, Canada, 71.39; Linda Metheny, USA, 71.27; Doris Brause, USA, 70.98 and Iren e Haworth, Canada, 65.49. INDIVIDUALS Unevens - Susan McDonnel, Canada, 18.48; Linda Metheny, U.S.A. 18.08; Gail Daley, Canada, 18.01. Floor Ex- Susan McDonnel. 18.41; Linda lVletheny, U.s.A.~ 17.95; Gail : Daley, Canada, 17.71. Beam-Gail Daley, Canada, 18.58; Doris Brause, U.s.A., 18.48; Linda Metheny, U.S.A., 18.38.

Mexican Team: Coach, Armando Ve~a, Armando Valles, Enrique Garcia and Armando Garcia. (Not pictured, E. Valles, A. Sanchez and R. Mendoza.) USA Girls team: Lindo Metheny, Dole (McClements) Flansaas, Doris Fuchs Brouse, Mrs. Phyllis Cooper, Coach. USA Men's team: Makota Sakamoto, Arno Lascari, Jim Culhane, Jim Yongue and Coach Joe Kotys

Vaulting- Doris Brause, U.S.A., 18.66; Susan McDonnel, Canada, 18.46; Gail Dal ~y, Canada, 18.40. . MEN'S DIVISION The Team Championship was won by the American Team with a total of 327.40 pts., Canada taking second place with a total of 320.30 pts., and Mexico third with a total of 309.75 pts. Makato Sakamoto with some magnificent performances won the All Round with 113.18 pts. Wilhem Weiler with one of his best days came second with 108.70 pts. and Arno Lascari third with 107.48 pts. All Round- Special mention should be made of the tremendous performances of Armando Valles of Mexico. This boy will be heard from in the future. INDIVIDUAL DIVISION In the Individual Division Makoto Sakamoto won the Free Exercise with a score of 9.55; also the Pommell Horse with a score of 9.55. Wilhem Weiler (Canada) with a tremendous vault scored" 9.55 to win the Vaulting. Gilbert Larose (Canada) with a 9.45 score won the Parallel Bars and Arno Las路 cari ( U.S.A.) with an exceptional difficult routine scored 9.65 to win the Rings. Armando Garcia (Mexico) was 2nd in F.X. and Armando Valles (Mexico) was 2nd in P. Bars and in Rings. Armando Vega, the Mexican coach has done wonders with the Mexican team. The Mexican team will be tough to beat at the Pam Am Games. Joe Kotys, the America coach can be






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Canadilln Girls team: Mr. Dezso Kiefer (coach). Leslie Bird, Susan Hartley, Dione Masse, Gail Daley, Irene Howorth and Susan McDonnel

proud of his gYlimasts. Arno Lascari is a very mu ch improved gymnast and it is always thrillin g to watch Makoto Sakamoto. Andre Bedard the Canadian coach, has a very st rong Canadian team led by Wilhem Weiler, Gilbert Larose, Roger Dion, Barry Brooker, Andre Simard, Jim Hoyle, This tea m has depth, but maybe an intensive Iraining period working together would help, it certainly is helping the Mexican team. MEN'S RESULTS Team Scores-U.S.A. 327.06; Canada 317.19, Mexico 302.85. All Round- Makoto Sakamoto, U.S.A., 113.18; Wilhem Weiler, Canada, 108.70; Arno Lascari, U.S.A. 107.48. INDIVIDUALS Free X - Makoto Sakamoto , U.S.A., 9.55; Armando Garcia, Mexico, 9.50; Gilbert Larose Canada, 9.40. Rings-Arno Lascari, U.S.A., 9.65; Armando Valles, Mexico, 9.55; Alvaro Sanchez, Mexico, 9.35. Horiz. Bar-Arno Lascari, U.S.A., 9.50; Wilhem Weiler, Canada, 9.45; Gilbert Larose, Canada, 9.40. Parallel Bars-Gilbert Larose, Canada, 9.45; Armand Valles, Mexico, 9.40; Roger Dion, Canada, 9.20. Pommel Horse-Makoto Sakamoto, U.S.A. 9.55; Arno Lascari, U.S.A., 9.45; Armando Valles, Mexico, 8.15. Long H orse- Wilhem Weiler, Canada, 9.65; Roger Dion, Canada, 9.45; Andre Simard, Canada, 9.35. JUDGING OFFICIALS Head Judge- Jacques Chouinard, Dave Coyle, John Tutte, Frank Vidlack, Albert Dippong, Gil Oram, Carl Girard. Scoring Table under the direction of Guy Valiquette. Meet Director- Jean-Paul Marcil and his executi;'e staff members, Mr. Gilbert La路 rose, President of the Quebec Gymnastic Association and Mr. Raymond Gagnier, the dynamic Na tional Chairman. ALL OFFICIALS CAN BE PROUD OF THIS MEET. Scoring Table

University of Alberto Gym Team: L. to R.: Kerestes, Cooper, Tolly, McClure, Hard)" Staples and Coach Geoff Elliott. Kneeling, Wegmann and Danielson.

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA VS. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA by F. Tally Just recently a dual meet was held between the above Universities. University of Alberta easily defeated the University of British Columbia. This was the first year in compellllon as a team for U.B.C. They have an eight man team and should improve with coach路 ing. University of Alberta was coached by Geoff Elliot. This University has a strong team. Danielson, Hardy and Krestes placing in the first three places followed by D. Friduhn, U.B.C. in fourth. A return Meet will lake place next month in Edmonton. Detail results to follow. RESULTS AROUND: R. Guerin, L., 42.74; M. Tremblay, L., 39.54; R. Chevalier, M.T., 37.10; G. Poirier, M.T., 35.69. FREE X: M. Tremblay, L., 8.55; M. Chevalier, M.T., 7.85; G. Poirier, M.T., 7.7. HIGH BAR: R. Guerin, l. , 8.23; G. ALL


M.T., 5.2; M. Tremblay, L., 5.13. RINGS: R. Guerin , L., 8.0; R. Chevalier, M.T., 7.87; M. Tremblay, L., 6.7. PARALLEL BARS : R. Guerin, L. , 7.05; R. Cheva lier, M.T., 6.75; R. Lapalme, M.T., 5.75. SIDE HORSE: M. Tremblay, L., 5.33; R. Guerin, L., 4.93; Gilbert, M.T. , 4.83. VAULTING: G. Poirier, M.T., 8,47; M. Tremblay, L., 8.33; Gilbert, M.T., 8.0 .

Lynne McCamon, Marion Gym Club, Sask., 2nd All Round; and Diane Jones, Marion Gym Club, 5ask., 3rd All Round. RESULTS . SENIOR MEN-All-Around: Bill Robinson, Brandon Manitoba, %.10; Gary Balcomb, 51. J os., Sask.,. 44.10; Rick Danielson, Univ. of Alberta, 42.20. JUNIOR MEN::-ALL Around: Ron Hunter, Y.M.C.A., Vancouver, 41.20; Dale Smith, St. J os., Sask. , 39.25; Tim Sedgwick, St. J os., Sask., 38.40. WOMEN'S SENIOR-All-Around: Glenna 5ebestyen, Marian Gym Club, 35.76; Liz Carruthers, Edmonton Gym Club, 33.16; Karen Dean, St. J os., Sask., 32.30. . JUNIOR WOMEN-All Around: Anitll Walecke, Marion Gym Club, 31.03; Lynne McCamon, Marion Gym Club, 27.33; Diane Jon es, Marion Gym Club, 26.70. Alberto Chomps: Jr. All-Around winner Ron Hunter and Bill Mackie 4th place AA Bill Robinson: Senior Senior Division; Men's All -Around winner; Junior Women's

Champ ions, Marians Girls Gym Team.



ALBERTA PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Men & Women Junior & Senior Bill Robinson, Brandon, Manitoba ran up an impressive score, to win the Men's Senior All Round before a packed house at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Gary Balcomb, St. Josephs Gym Club, Sas路 katoon followed closely to place 2nd All Round and Rick Danielson, University of Alberta was placed 3rd All Round. Junior Mens-Ron Hunter, Y.M.C.A. Vancouver was 1st All Round and Dale Smith, St. Joseph's, Saskatoon, 2nd All Round and Tim Sedge-wick, also of St. Joseph's, Saskotoon, 3rd All Round. Women's Senior- Glenna Sebestyen, Marian Gym Club, Sask. had some excellent performances, Free X 8.8, Vaulting 8.9, Balance Beam 8.9 and the very high score of 9.0 on Unevens to win the Women's Senior All Round. Liz Carruthers of Edmonton Gym Club pressed Glenna closelv actually beating Glenna in Free X to place 2nd All Round. Karen Dean, St. Joseph's, Saskatoon placed 3rd All Round. Junior Women-Anita Walecke, Marion Gvm Club, Sask. placed 1st All Round: 1,


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OUR TRIP TO MONTREAL Third Annual No. American Gymnastic Championship Meet February 12·13, 1966

By Phyllis Cooper Women's Team Coach of


Friday: After surviving the traffic jams on the runways of Kennedy Airport our plane landed in Montreal approximately eighty minutes later. The air was quite brisk as we stepped off the plane, and to a Texan ,vho failed to bring a coat, it was quite cold! We checked into the lovely Le Lucerne Motel, then were on our way to the Arena where the meets were to take place. While touring the Arena with its spacious gymnasium, swimming pool, art exhibits and other recreational facilities we were amazed to find such a large number of people taking advantage of these fine facilities. Official films of the 1966 World Games compulsories were shown and discussed by the representative competitors from Can· ada, Mexico, and the United States. (Canada had six female and six male com· petitors; Mexico had six male competitors, and the United States had three female and three male competitors). Saturday: All were aroused at 7 :00 for breakfast which was served at the Police Training Center, another section of the Arena. The boys had to "eat and run" since they were to perform in three events before the girls competition started. Compulsories lasted until 3 :30 so we had a quick dinner as optionals started at 5 :00. It was a very close meet all the way with a final score of 109 to 114, the U.S. team the winner; Dale Flansaas being the all around champ.

It was quite a long day and all competitors are to be congratulated for their fine performances. Sunday: While the competitors had an opportunity to sleep in, the officials and coaches had meetings concerning the next North American Championship Meet and the Pan American Games. Finals started at 1 :30 before a capacity crowd. The meet went fairly fast despite the usual delays due to taping for a future T.V. show. The audience was very attentive ihroughout the entire meet, and they just loved our Doris with her bouncy ponytail. After awards were made, and the meet officially closed, we were invited to a banquet as guests of the City of Montreal. As we left the Arena for the last time we were astonished to . see six inches of snow-but to the Canadians who chauf· fered us to St. Helenes Island for the banquet, it was just another snowfall. The delicious filet mignon dinner was very appetizing to the exhausted competi· tors, and the atmosphere of the banquet hall was very conducive to a well deserved, relaxed evening for all. Note: Mrs. Cooper is an instructor at West Chester State College; is one of few women who attended both National Insti· tutes on Girl's Sports (Oklahoma and Michigan) and represented Maryland and Pennsylvania. Her tremendous work for gymnastics in the East was rewarded by her appointment as coach of the U.S. Women's team at the North American Championships.

A GYMNASTIC DILEMMA "The idea for the puzzle below comes to us from Mr. PaulO. Steele, a principal in the Oak Grove School District in Els· mere, Delaware. Mr. Steele is a good "] oe" -but he occasionally causes a sleepless night or two for members of his stafl. Any of our readers who have a good puzzle are encouraged to send it on to Mr. Steele and especially those of you who burn the midnight oil getting the right girl on the right beam. Turn-about is fair play." "We'll keep you in suspense until the next edition when we will publish the answer. Good luck." Any reader who would like a detailed answer write-Balance Beams, 13-15 Morlot Ave., Fair Lawn, N.J.

Balance Beam Nightmare In the terminology of the new math, you have probably heard your children (or somebody) mention "SETS." You mayor may not know that sets can contain a number of objects, elements or members. They need not be identical to be members of the same set. From the information about the gymnasts below, arrange the data in order that you 12



2125 ARMOUR DRIVE WILMINGTON8, DELAWARE will have five (.5) sets. · Each set is to contain one balance beam, each of a dif· ferent kirid of wood; one girl of a differ· ent nationality on each beam; each girl wearing a different colored leotard; each girl has a different approach to hand pro· tection on the beam and each girl has per· formed a different mount. Of . course, all of the girls are perform· ing simultaneously in the same gymnasium and the beams are arranged in a row with appropriate room between each beam. You must not only select the correct data for each set but you must be able to tell exactly the order of the beams etc. 1. There are five balance beams. 2. The Canadian is wearing a red leotard. 3. The girl from the USA is working on a birch beam. 4. The girl in the green leotard is work· ing on a beam to the ri-ght of the girl with a white leotard. 7. The girl who mounted with a shoulder stand is performing on a redwood beam . 8. The girl in the yellow leotard did a forward roll moun t on the end. 9. The girl working on the beam in the middle uses gauze on her hands for protection. 10. The girl from Norway is performing on the first beam. 11. The girl who used the straddle mount is performing next to the girl on the maple beam. 12. The girl who mounted with a forward roll on the end is performing next to the beam which is made of pine. 13. The girl who mounted with a front support is wearing lampwicks. 14. The Japanese girl did a handstand mount. 15. The Norwegian girl is performing next to the girl in the blue leotard. 16. IN EACH SET THERE IS ONE GIRL, SHE HAS DON E ONE MOUNT, SHE WORKS ON A BEAM OF ONE KIND OF WOOD, EACH GIRL IS OF A DIFFERENT NA· TIONALITY AND EACH GIRL HAS A DIFFERENT A P PRO A C H TO HAND CARE. If you arrange the information correctly, yo u should be able to answer these ques· tions: 1. Which girl uses nothing on her hands? 2. Who is working on the oak beam? For a quick, detailed answer write: Bal· ance Beams, 13-15 Morlot Ave., Fair Lawn, New Jersey.


MEET SCHEDULE COACHES AND OFFICERS evening, April 14th, 8:00 p.m .

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FRANK L. BARE Executive Director


Z' i'te~to~d, 7<eft0~



P.O . Box 4699,




ELITE DIVISION COMPULSORIES-Friday morning, April 15th, 10 :00 a.m. Compulsories for men and women in Elite .Division.




BANQUET- Thursday


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CLASS "A" DIVISION COMPULSORIES-Friday afternoon, April 15th, 2 p.m.-Compulsories for Men and Women in Class "A".





ELITE DIVISION OPTIONALS-Friday evening, April 15th at 7:00 p.m. (First Optionals ) (Men and Women) 1966 USA CHAMPIONSHIP -

APRIL 15-16

The United States Air Force Academy, will be the site for the 1966 U.S.G.F. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. April IS-16th are the dates to mark on your calendar and the nation's leading gymnasts are looked for as the USGF National Meet will also serve as a trial to select a group to attend the World's Championships in Dortmund, Germany in September. The Elite Division features the 1966 World's Championship compulsories. The Class "A" Division has its own compulsories that are now available from the U.S.G.F. Office. For entry blanks, routines and specifics write immediately for this material. Host Coach for this year's event is Captain Karl Schwenzfeier, gymnastics coach at the USAF Academy and himself a leading gymnast of some years ago at Penn. State Univ. Karl, who hosted the selection for the preOlympics last year in Mexico City has indicated he expects the meet to be the biggest and best yet for the USGF. The Colorado Gymnastics Association is co-hosting the meet and have already begun selecting and training judges for the competition. The USAF Academy, located in beautiful surroundings and featuring quite an excellent gymnastics program of its own should be a great location for this the largest of national open championships in America. Plan now on attending. APRIL 15-16, 1966 at the U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. There are three motels reasonably near the Academy and entrants are expected to make their own reservations for their stay in Colorado Springs. THE RAMADA INN . . . THE PALMER HOUSE . . . and THE ALBERT PICK .. . may be contacted directly iIi Colorado Springs, Colo., for reservations. U.S.G.F. RULES as published in the official rules book (1966-68) will govern the competition. Official USGF Medals will be awarded to the first three places in each event, except the all-around event in which six places shall be awarded. All-around scores will be based on total scores of all compulsories and optionals. Finalists will be determined on basis of first two routines totalled. Meet will be under the technical supervision of the men's and women's technical committees of the United States Gymnatsics Federation. SEND ENTRY BLANKS TO: CAPT. K. SCHWENZFEIER, GYMNASTICS COACH, USAF A, COLORADO. (Make entry fees payable to USGF)





CLASS "A" DIVISION OPTIONALS-Saturday, April 16th, 1 :00 p.m. (first optionals).





ELITE DIVISION FINALS- Saturday, April 16th, 8 :00 p.m. For top six qualifiers in each event for men and women. Competition for individual event awards.

* * * * Relative to the announcement made last issue concerning the USGF's flight to Germany . . . we have hit a significant snag in the proceedings. Seems the World's Championships are set for a busy time of the year and we have been asked to take our place on the waiting list for a charter flight aircraft. Obviously, this means we may or may not get a plane at all and with such indefinite word we have moved another direction. It is not, of course, as economically advantageous but it represents a savings to those who can make the trip anyway. We have a limited number of seats on a flight leaving Chicago on September 15th . . . . and returning on Sept. 27th. Costs . . . . round trip jet .. . . $425.00 and expenses in Europe estimated about $150 . . . . this of course could be much less or much more depending on travel, side-trips, etc. I have had mixed reactions from groups I have talked with concerning the flight. Some are pleased that it will be a longer trip (figuring that if you are going to Europe . . . . 11 days are better than 9) and some feel that the shorter trip is better. Remember, we have a mighty few seats and according to letters received here half of those are already spoken for .





1966 appears to be quite a year for gymnastics growth. The M.G. carried a photo of our Gymnastics Poster in the January issue, and as a result of that notice .. . the 2,500 posters we had on hand quickly disappeared . We . are now re-doing them and will offer them in red (background ), green and blue so that schools might utilize them three week-ends in a row by changing colors for each new event . . . . then start the cycle again. We also contemplate making them available with a woman gymnast shown thereon, however, to date we have not received more than a few inquiries concerning the need for them. Posters are available for 15c each . . ' . . without any specific printing thereon. Minimum order is ten . . . . and they are verv well done. f See .T anuary edition. MG) 13



FROM ANNAPOLIS These Action Gym·Snaps r eceived from the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Mary· land picture : Junior, Walt Newton holding

an "L" cross ; Senior, Farr Arrington a handstand and team Captain " Butch" Zed· dies, a senior, doing a "full·tunl.·catch" on the horizontal bar. And across the page we find sophomore, Mike Slattery snapped during a " Moore" on the parallels ; Bob Byerly, a senior, in a "double pike back" on the Trampoline ; Gordon Sloat, a junior, doing a "full.twi stin " o~ th~ Tramp, ; sophomore Wayn e ErrIckson s SI,.sors: a "one·arm·handstand" by Gordon Pettus, a junior ; a "standin g·fro nt· ~ omi e" bv iun· ior Bill Olsen; a "yogi" by Jim Lohse, a junior and a "candlestick" by Gavin Arnold, a senior.

RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS by James S. Bosco, PhD, San Jose State College This is the fifth in a series of articles dealing ~ith research in kinesiological and cinematographical analysis of gymnastics activities. Articles for this series are still being accepted. When possible, photographs, diagrams, etc., should accompany materials. A short series of random topics is being planned. Send all comments, questions, and suggestions to the above address. SULLIVAN, Robert M.

The Forward Somersault on the Parallel Bars. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Urbana; University of Illinois, 1953.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to analyze the body movements during the somersaults of five performers, using the somersault done b y Sullivan as the criterion. . PROCEDURE: A Bell and Howell, 35 millimeter, "EYEMO" camera with a lens speed ranging from f 2.5 to 35 was used. The film was exposed at the rate of about thirty frames per second with a . shutter speed of 1/ 216 of a second. The camera was placed on an adjustable tripod 35 feet from the nearer bar, with the axis of the camera perpendicular to the parallel bars and level with the performer's shoulders. A synchronous time clock was placed in view of the camera to time the frames ; six foot markers were placed on the nearer bar to provide a scale, and a black string was stretched under and parallel to the nearer bar to measure the spring in the bars. Each subject performed the skill at least three times and the best of three was used for analysis and comparison. \6

ANALYSIS: A composite of successive frames was made of each somersault and the forced acting on the body during the skill were analyzed. Positive film was projected on 7 by 10 inch graph paper, and a tracing of the body position at instant of release and regrasp was made for each perforiner. The center of gravity at release and regrasp was estimated, and the path of the center of gravity during flight was calculated mathematically. Stick figures showing the body positions in successive frames from release to regrasp were also made. The stick figures were used to prevent overlapping body outlines and to simplify analysis. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Starting from a handstand , the swing down, forward and up in a support position, the reverse from a piked position with the legs extended and the swing back in a support could be executed b y any skilled gymnast. The performer should try for optimum height on the forward swing and a position with the body well forward of the hands 路 so that the backswing approximates that necessary for a return to a handstand. 2. At release the body should be in a layout position with the arms essentially straight, the head erect and the angle of the arms with the perpendicular about 35 degrees. The . center of gravity (crest of the ilium or navel) should be di'rectly over the hands and traveling upward rather than upward and forward. 3. The pike should start after release and should be executed sharply and forcibly. (Starting the pike before

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release resulted in: first, having the toes too close to the bar so that they had to travel farther to get the body around to a suitable regrasp position; second, tending to introduce a considerable forward component resulting in horizontal travel down the bar; and third , reducing the force and depth of the pike so the performers tended to approximate a piked shoulder roll in the air with the pike increasing somewhat.) 4. (From release to regrasp the performer can travel too low or too high. Insufficient height gave insufficient time to get the body and arms around to a suitable regrasp position, especially if the pike started before release. Too much vertical travel increased the downward component at regrasp, making maintenance of a support position difficult, especially with elbows bent.) 5. From release to regrasp the path of the center of gravity should be such that the performer's body should appear to rotate about the waist (center of gravity) rather than the shoulders. Apparent rotation about the shoulders was associated with travel down the bars, approximated a piked shoulder roll, and made return to a handstand impossible. 6. During fli ght, the arms should be held essentially straight and should be brought around sharply in the vertical planes through the bars. (B ringing the arms out to the side and then extending them behind the body and fumbling for the bars, resulted in an unsuitable regrasp position which made return to handstand impossible. Bending the arms at the elbows and then extending them behind the body also resulted in an unsuitable regrasp posi-




1. •

tion. ) Bringing the arms around sharply, essentially straight and in the vertical planes through the bars aided in closing the pike, locating the bars (which are not visible ) and regrasping with the hips high and forward of the hands. 7. At regrasp, the arms should be essentially straight to counteract the force of the fallin g body better. The angle of the arms with the vertical should be only about 20 degrees so the center of gravity (waist) will be forward of the hands. Having the center of gravity forward of the hands at regrasp provided a forward, as well as a downward, component which could be counteracted by the arms and converted to rotation at the shoulders-making possible return to a handstand. A regrasp position with bent arms, with the arms at a considerable angle from the vertical and with the center of gravity over or behind the hands resulted in only a downward, or a downward and backward component. This forced the performer to an upfler arm hang position, making return to a handstand impossible. 8. The forw ard somersault to an upper arm hang and the forward somersault dismount from the parallel bars should not be considered "preliminary" exercises for learning the forward somersault to a support position. The performer must actually train out of a tendency to pike before release, to travel forward , to swing the arms out to the side, or to simply roll over in a pike position. All of these may be done in the somersault to an upper arm hang position or dismount, but not in the forward somersault to a support position. 17

Helpful hints by "Jim" Farka:s, Instmctor 0/ Physical Education, 0/ The Milwaukee Turner:s, Wi:scon:sin

STILL RINGS SPOTTI NG A DISLOCATION Most beginners need some time and innumerous tries before they realize what has to be done when performing a "Dislocation" on the rings. Until they do, they will tend to resort to defensive reflexes (such as bending arms and throwing the head backward too _early) which will interfere with the correct technique and thus will lengthen the learning period. Active spotting can do away with these problems and within a few applications can enforce the proper actions. Start from a high bent inverted hang which should be overbalanced toward the abdominal side. The spotter must stand on an elevated platform (Vaulting Box) with the top of his head just below the rings (avoid raising- the head into ring.level because the rings are thrown apart too frequently thus injuring the spotter's face). One hand should support the legs just above the knees (do not spot the lower legs because it will become ineffective if the performer bends his knees ) the other hand prepares to lift the shoulders at the beginning of the hipextension (Fig. #1.)

From this initial contact the hands follow the movement, guiding the legs to the proper direction, at the same tilJ1e elevating and holding the shoulders while the arms are pushed apart, turned out and with a wide swing joined in the front again (Figs. #2-3-4-5). It is important to maintain the lift of the chest and thighs (Fig. #5) until: the arms are joined in front; the elevated (eyes on hands ); elbows, shoulders, back and hip joints are completely extended. Only then can the spotter release the support and allow the body to swing forward. However, even then he must be cautious and with one arm he should reach behind the back of the gymnast to guard ae;ainst a possible ripping off the hands when the legs pass forward through the vertical projection of the rings. This spotting should be used only after the appropriate lead-up exercises (hip flexion and rapid extension in inverted hang ; dislocation to stand on low rings) has been successful.


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"Y -NEWS" Editor's note: Starting with this edition, Kenneth W. Hollis, Phy. Dir. of the Brooklyn Y. lllf .C.A., Cleveland, Ohio will be reo porting "Y·NEWS" as a new regular jeature oj the M G. Mr. Ho llis has a BS from Otterbein College (Westerville, Ohio), his MS from Springfield College (Sp ringfield, Mass.) wi th additional studies at Oberlin, Unill. of Calif., Univ. of Iowa, and George Wil· liams.

1966 NATIONAL Y.M.C.A. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1966 Under the Auspices of the Dayton Central YMCA, 1 17 W. Monument Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. OPEN TO ANY REGISTERED Y.M. e.A. ATH· LETE OF AMATEUR STANDING. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES CLOSE ON APRIL 2nd, 1966. SEND ENTRIES and FEES TO : Frank O. Perron , Assistant Ph ys ical Director, Day t on Central YMCA, 1 17 W . M onu m ent Avenue, Dayton , Ohio, RULES ! Competiti o n to be conducted according t o the latest A.A.U. Rules. REGISTRATION : Registrati on number must be sh own on Entry Blank. If you are not registered, you should apply at o nce to your Area Reg istration Commissioner. AWARDS: Regulation YMCA Championship Medal s will be awarded t o the to p six compet it o rs in all events. A Team Champ ionsh ip FILL





Ken has taught at Mendon (O hio) High School, Cleveland, Central YMCA, Berke· ley (Calif.) YMCA, and Mainz, Germany, NCO School. He also served as a coach and consultant with the Peace Corps in Indonesia, 1963-65. Ij you have "Y.NEWS" that should be in the MG .. . Send it dire ct to Kenneth W. Hollis, 3881 W. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, 44109. Kenneth W. Hollis

Trophy will be awarded ta the top six competitors in all events. A team Champi onship Tro ph y will be awarded to the organization scoring the greatest number of po ints (based on AAU Rules). Trophies for second and third

place teams, a lso.

ELIGIBILITY: Open only to g y mnasts wh o are properly registered in the YMCA. ENTRY FEE : An Entry Fee of $1.50 will be charged for each ev ent. The All-Round entry fee of $ 1.50 does not include Single Apparatus Competition. All-Round entries, in order to complete for single apparatu s awards must pa y a $1.50 additional entry fee for each appartus event in which they wi sh to compete for indiv idual awards. COMPULSORY EXERCISES : The prescribed exerci seS moiled to all YMCA branches on the National YMCA Gymn a stic Committee's Mailing List, will be used for this championship. The r ight is reser ved to cancel an y event f o r which six or more competitors do not appear when the ev ent is called . One optional exercise is required in each even t in addition t o the prescribed exercises.





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In consideration o f your a ccepting thi s entry, I hereby, for myself, and m y heirs, Ex ecuto rs and Administrators wai v e and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may hav e again;t the Dayton Central YMCA, Dayto n, Oh io, th e NATIONAL YMCA GYMNASTIC and PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES, their representati ves, successors or assi gns, f or an y and all injuries suffered by me at said Gymnastic Championsh ips. SIGNATURE CITY &

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PRINT

STATE: _ __ _ __


_ _ _ _ ADDRESS

YMCA Reg. Ex piration Dote I hereby certify that the above named athlete

No . is a

member of the

Y.M.C.A., and acco rding to the YMCA Rules to represent our Associat ion: Phys ical



Cha irman

is eligible

Ph ysical Director DATE REMITTED TO DAYTON Y.M.C.A. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

ENTRIES CLOSE APRIL 2, 1966 If additional forms are needed, this form may be duplicated or reprodu ced. Otherwise contact : Fronk O. Perron, Assistant Ph ysical Director, Dayton Central 117 West Monument Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45402


Compulsory Exercises for the 1966 National YMCA Gymnastic Championships for Women BALANCE BEAM From a stand at end of beam , right shoulder to beam: 1. A few rapid steps, jump from left foot while swinging right leg and then left leg over the beam using right hand support, arriving in sitting position, right leg extended back, left knee bent (hitch kick m ount) . Land on last VJ of beam . 2 . Lift legs to oblique position in front with hand support in rear-pause (V-sit). Lower to rear lying position and place hands on beam near head and back shoulder roll to right knee and immed iately place straight left leg on beam in front of body . Arms lift to form a circle in front of body, parallel to beam, and extend them out to the sides. 3. Lower arms and raise up on left leg while placing right foot close in front of the left and raise on toes while raising arms to crown position overhead. Turn (Y2) to lett on both feet , and at end of turn, raise left leg forward and open arms out to sides. 4. Step left, displace left f oot with right foot (chasse' left) step left and leap onto right foot. Step left and swing right leg and both arms forward , Swing right leg with Y2 turn to r ight, arms swing dQwn and out to sides. 5 . Step on right foot, bend right knee (lunge position), arms down and bock, head back-pause. Place hands on beam and execute a forward roll. Finish roll ni sitting position with legs straddled. 6 . Place hands on beam, arms straight, and swing legs back. Finish with right toe on beam and left leg extended upward in arabesque position--pau<e. Place left foot on beam, left knee bent (lunge position), left arm diagonally for-downward , right arm diagonall y back-ulJward, body turned to right -pause. 7. Shift weight to right foot while turning Y2 to right, continue with another Y2 turn to right on right leg, ·Ieft leg extended back, arms extended to the sides. S. Step left, swing straight right leg foreupward and leap onto right leg while swinging left leg fore-upward (hitch kick). Step left and extend right leg forward . 9. Step right and kick to handstand (English)-pause and dismount by arching over to stand rearways. THE UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS From sidestand frantways station, facing right Y3 of low bar : 1. Jump to stretched pike hang on low bar, overgrip, and swing forward. At beginning of bock swing, pass straight right leg between hands and shoot right leg over bar to arrive in stride support, right leg forward . (glide single leg overshoot) . 2. Change to undergrips and circle bar forward in stride position . 3. Transfer hands to high bar, Qvergrip , and lift left leg over bar to lOon right leg. Immediately lift legs to high bar and shoot with Y2 turn to left around left arm , changing right hand--Ieft hand undergrip and right hand overgrip (cast with Y2 turn). 4. Swing forward under low bar, circle low bar backwards, transferring hands to low bar overgrip, arriving in front support . (back hip circle) 5. Swing legs forward and backward to squat stand between hands (squat up). 6, Stand up, changin~ hands to high bar, Qvergrip, jump to free I L" position and swing backward to bent inverted hong . Swing bock


up and shoot both legs to left, releasing left hand and regrasping, Qvergrip, in long hand (flank cut). 7. Swing forward and bock, place left foot on low bar and bring right foot to high ba r. Shoot right leg up and push with left f oo t on low bor to r ise to free front support on high bar (single leg kip or stem to free front suppor t) . 8. One-half circle backwards and shoot over low bar, releasing grasp with 3,4 turn t o

sidestand sideways. SIDE HORSE VAULT Without pommels-height inches.

1 10




right arm from side position down and raise it fore-upward to the horizontal , palm up and arm extended , left arm remains out to side. Right leg extended to rear, right toe pointed on the floor-pause . 16. Run right, left , hurdle, dive cartwheel. Finish in lunge position left leg bent, r ight leg extended backwards, right arm extended over head, left arm extended forward, body arched bock, head back-pause. 17 . Left leg straightens, right leg clo"es to left (5th position), left leg in front . Right arm curves overhead , left arm open to side. FINIS

& 5/ 6

FL~~Ll~Eiglsitt body ascent squat vault. I . Jump from bath feet slightly to right, left leg extended diagonally backward, land on right f oot-left leg maintaining position


-arms raise to horizontal circle in front of body and open to sides. Left leg crosses in front of right to sma ll or close lunge position (fourth position ballet), right foot in front, arms remain out to sides. Bend both knees sl ightly and jump from both feet backward, right leg extended forward , land on left foot, right leg mainta ining position , right arm lowers to circle in front of body and rai ses to crown position above head, left arm lowers to ci rcle in front of body, raises to horizontal and extends out to side. Close right foot to left foot in fifth position, right foot in front . 2. Repeat number 1. After closing right foot in fifth position immediately spring to toes, feet closed tightly. Right orm opens to side and both arms IQwer to circle in front of body and raise to crown position overhead . 3. Step right and displace right foot with left foot (chasse ' ) step right , step left, lift right leg backwards, jump from left f oot, land on right foot while lifting left leg backwards (bock hitch kick) . Arms to sides. 4. Turn (3/a) to left o n right foot, step left-right-feft--hurdle, fro n t handspring landing on left leg , arms lowering to sides of body. Step r ight, left. Step on right foot (on toes) and close left fo ot behind right foot (still on toes), arms rai sing forward and overheod-ex tended-pouse. 5. SI ide left foot bock and kneel on left knee (slowly) , arms lower down and bock and finish diagonally backward, sit on left heel , body bent forward , head touching k nee. 6 . Stand up (slowly) on right leg , arms lower down and forward and rai se to horizontal position, extended forward, palms up . Left leg extended in back, toe pointed on floor . 7 . Step back left, right, left; arms lower down and bock to back horizontal position, body leans forward, head down. Extend right leg forward , toe pointed on floor arms move down and forward and rai se overhead-back walkover. 8 . Land on right foot, Y2 turn to left on right foot. Continue turning to left (1 & %) on left foot keeping straight right leg next to and against left leg , arms out to sides. Step right sidewa rd and cartwheel r ight. UpOn iand ing on ie f f iOOT, i/ 4 turn to r ight , step right, raise left leg high in rear , up right arm diagonally fore-upward, left arm diagonally backwa rd , body and head turned to left-hold. (arabesque) . Lower left leg to closed position behind right foot (5th posi t ion) and raise up on toes, right orm remains diagonally fore-upward, left arm moves down and raises in front to the horizonta l, both arms extended, head and body twisted to the left. 9. 3fa turn to left on right foot while stepping on left fo ot, arms move out to sides. Run r ig ht, left , leap from left leg, right leg bent, then extended , land on right leg , arms move down, fore-upward to the horizontal and then out to the sides (stag leap ). 10. Run left, right, left, kick right leg fore -upward while lower ing orms to circle in front of body and raising them overhead in crown position. Spring from left leg and turn (V2) to left in the air . Land on right leg while lifting left leg up in rear, arms open to sides (tour jete'). 11. V2 turn to left on right foot, 1 & % turn to left by springing on toes of left foot, right leg bent and toes of right foot ogainst left knee, arms move to circle in front of body-horizontal. At completion of turn, step forward on right foot, hop on right foot, while extending left leg in rear and raising extended right arm diagonally foreupward and extending left arm farwardhorizontal. 12. turn to the left on right foot , arms open to sides. 13. Step left sidewa rd on toes of left f oot, V2 turn to left. Step on toes of right foot, Y2 turn to left, closing arms in horizontal circle in front of body and opening them again to sides (chene' turn left). 14. Repeat number 13. 15. Step left with '!4 turn left , left knee slightly bent. As left knee straightens, sweep I



Floor Exerc ise Fl oor Pattern Th ese exercises were composed . by Muriel Grossfeld.


Compulsory Exercises for the 1966 National YMCA Gymnastic Men's Championships Composed by Mr. Don Tonr y SIDE HORSE (May be reserved in entirety only) 1. From a side stand frontways , left hand on neck, right hand on neck-pommel , jump to a support passing right leg forward under left hand and then backward under right hand . 2 . Pass left leg forward under left hand , right leg forward to straddle-wpport on right arm , pass left leg backward over neck and grasp neck pommel with left hand. 3 . Bock scissors to the right and grasp croup-pommel with right hand. Pass left leg bock under left hand, right leg forward under right hand. 4. Front scissors to the left and then to the right. 5. Pass left leg forward around left arm, pa ss right ieg backward over croup-pommel with a % turn right with support on left a rm . Place right hand on neck pommel, continue to turn another '!4 turn as both legs pass over croup to rear support with left hand on croup-pommel. (single leg or Baby Moore.) 6!. Pass left leg rearward under right hand and forward under left hand. 7 . Pass both legs back under right hand, forward under left hand, bock under right hand and forward under left hand. (2 doubleleg circles.) 8 . Pass left leg under right hand, then around left arm and 9. Pass right leg rearward over neck-pommel and croup with % turn right with support on left arm. Place right hand on croup, join legs in the rear and pass legs over crouppommel to flank vault to side stand rearways. FLOOR EXERCISE (May be reversed in ent irety only) 1. Raise arms forward-upward while rising on toes. Continue moving arms side-downward as knees are bent slig htly. Throw arms backward and jump backward into a backward handspring . (Flic Floc.) 2. Step on right foot with left f oot held high and to the rear. Ex ecute V2 turn left step forward on to the left foot and fall to front support position with bent arms and right leg held high to the rear. 3. Push body upward by straightening arms, place right leg forward t o lunge position with V. turn left. Arms are held - horizontally sideward in line with the shoulders. V. turn t o the left with support on right f oo t . Raise left leg and toke 1 t o 3 running steps forward to a skip step into a forward handspring to stand with the feet together and arms overhead. 4. Raise right leg forward and V. turn left to wide straddle position, arms sideward.

Place hands on the floor and slowly ra ise body to a handstand with bent arms and hips. HOLD. Legs are straddled during the press and are joined at the hand-stand position. 5 . Execute Va turn left by moving the right hand around the left hand . Roll forward with straight legs to stand. 6. Raise arms forward and upward. Raise left leg and step forward o n left leg while lowering arms sideward-downward. Kick right leg upward and raise arms forward-upward, and then left leg upward as right leg returns to the floor. (scissors kick). 7 . From stand on right f oot, hop to the left foot . Lower body to f orward scale position with arms mov ing sideward as trunk is lowered . HOLD. 8. Raise body to stand with % turn right while raising arms vertically overhead and join the right leg to the left leg . Step forward with the right leg and m oving arms sidewa rd-downwa rd, take 1 to 3 running steps to a skip-step into a front handspring to one foot and step into another front handspring at stand with feet together. PARALLEL BARS (May be reversed wholly or in part) 1. From a cross-stand between the bars with an outer or inner grip, execute on under-bar backward somesault. (basket). Body should be completely straightened above the bars. 2 . Grasp the bars and swi ng f orward below the bars and execute a glide kip to a hand support above the bars. 3. Swing rearward and straddle legs forward over bars and under hands to a half lever ("L") position. HOLD . 4. Press slowly with bent arms and hips and with legs straddled to a handstand. HOLD . Legs are joined as the handstand is reached. 5. Swing downward and forward and V2 turn in support to hand support above bars. (Stutz-Kehre with straight arms). 6. Swing forward and drop bock into undercast to upper-arm hang. 7. Swing backward and execute a backward uprise into a double reor vault dismount to a cross stand. HORIZONTAL BAR (May be reversed wholly 路 or in part) 1. Jump to hang, left hand undergrip and right hand overgrip. Execute high underswing forward and swing rearward to support and V2 turn around left hand with legs in straddle position. (single leg Kehre) The right hand is displaced during the turn to overgrip opposite the left hand. 2 . Swing rearward in straddle position while disengaging legs forward and execute Y2 turn around the left arm . (Cast out with V2 turn). Join legs during V2 turn and displace right hand t o avergrip. 3 . Swing forward and change left grip to overgrip and bring legs between arms and swing forward and upward to free rear support over bar. Swing backward and bock seat circle to free rear support (Back kip). A.

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engaging legs, and execute cast outward with V2 turn around left arm . Right hand to avergrip. 5. Swing forward and kip to handstand changing right hand to undergrip as body moves from front support to handstand . 6 . Execute 1 and % forward giant circles and change to overgrip with both hands simultaneously. 7 . Free backward hip circle to handstand and two backward giant circles. 8 . Place both feet on bar and swing backwards below bar while disengaging feet on forward portion of swing and release grasp. Touch both hands to toes and extend hips before landing. (cast toe-touch) . RINGS 1. Pull to inverted hand with straight body and slightly bent arms. 2 .F lex hips and extend rearward and dislocate to hand and 3. Shoot legs upward to a shoulder stand. HOLD. 4 . Lower body to support straightening arms and cast legs forward a r.d lower body to a hanging position. 5. Continue swing rearward and inlocate to half-inverted hong position . 6. Cast Jawn and rearward to backward uprise to " L" position . HOLD . 7 . Slowly raise body with bent arms and hips to a handstand. HOLD. 8. Lower body and turn rearward through a support and backward through a straight inverted hong to a bock hanging lever. HOLD. 9. Dislocate and swing forward to V2 inverted hand and shoot legs backward into another dislocate. 10. Swing forward into high straddle cutaway dismount to stand. LONG HORSE Stoop vault from neck. Vault No. 4 per A .A.U. Gymnastic Rule book code of po ints.

OLYMPIC FINALS - SEQUENCE PHOTO ROUTI N E Parallel Bars-Sergey Diomidov. (USSR) 19.225 (score for this routine 9.55 ) Fourth Place Individual Championships, 1964 Olympic Games, ' To kyo, Japan . Cast support, forward roll, back uprise, back ' stutz, hop pirouette, layback, front uprise-stutz to "Ln. Press, stutz handstand, Diomidov (full twisting stutz hand stand ), back over bar, stutz layaway front uprise, front somi off with % twist.

WORLD TRAMPOLINE CHAMPIONSH IPS Information was received this past month regarding both amateur and professional world trampolin e championships. Amateur championships are to be held April 29·30 in Lafaye tte, Louisiana. Date for 1966 pro· fessional championships has not been set but we have been given the World Profes· sional Trampoline Championships Official Handb ook, a portion of which we discuss ' later in the column. Amateur As most readers are probably aware, 1964 and 1965 World Amateur Trampoline Championships were held in London, Eng· land. Each year both the U.S.G.F. and

A.A.U. sent two men to compete and in both years the U.S.G.F. competitors placed first and second. This year the meet will be held under sanction of the A.A.U. and only the A.A.U. team will be allowed to represent the United States. This move should increase the A.A.U. team's chances of winning considerably. Although 1964 and 1965 champions Dan· ny Millman and Gary Erwin and also run· nemp Frank Schmitz won't be competing fin e trampolinists in David Jacobs and Wayne Miller.· Both attend the University of Michigan. The women's team will be Judy Wills and Nancy Smith, students at Southern Illinois. These fou'r were elected at a competition held in Florida over the Christmas holidays. Winning routines for the four were as follow s: Jacobs; Triple back, 112 out £Iiffis, double back, full twisting back, double back, 1Vi! twisting front somersault, full twisting back, double twisting back, 1%, back, double twisting cody. Miller; 2Vi! twisting front double, double back, double twisting back, full twisting back, Vi! in· If2,out fliffi s, Vi! out fliffi s, 1 Vi! twisting front, double twisting back, full twistin g back, double twisting double back. Wills; Vi! out fliffi s, double back, double twisting back, 1 Vi! twisting front, full twisting back, 'h out fliffi s, full twisting back, back, 1%

back, double cody. Smith; Vi! out fliffis, double back, 'h out £Iiffis, full twisting back, double twisting back, 1Vi! twisting front, double twisting back, back, I %, front somesa ult, bailout with 1 Vi! twist. Professional .Most interesting portion of the professional trampoline handbook is rating of the pros. It is as follows: 1st George Hery, Farmington, Mass.; 2nd, Steve Johnson, Ft. Collins, Colo.; 3rd, Ron Munn, Amaril· 10, Texas; 4th, Gary Erwin, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 5th, Ed Cole, Evanston, Ill.; 6th, Fred Sanders, Honolulu, Hawaii; 7th, Pat Winkle, London, England; and 8th, John Hamilton, Louisville, Ky. (We weren't aware that Erwin, Sanders and Hamilton had turned professional.) The handbook contains rules as to eligibility, entries, method of competition, qualification for finals, seeding, judging, uniforms and equipment. It is published by the World Professional Trampoline Assn., Box 1270, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and sells for $2.00 per copy. Unusual Stunt or Wild Routine, Record Of the Month and Then Some Rick Tucker of Southern Illinois reo ports: In the jew minutes after our gym meet with Iowa State, our trampolinists were so

Don Millman pertorming What we term , a fl~.inq bock , .. layout to tuck. Arms lead somersault into 0 layout position with hips driv!ng up on takeoff. Head spots forwara holding somersault back un til full height is obtained. Tuck begins just before top of somersault IS reached and performer should snap Immediately to a pike position upon release of knees from tuck.




This sequence shows spotting forward on takeoff of double back somersau lt . Most important picture, however, is frame number feur which clearly shows Dan spotting forward between somersaults.

happy about our narrow victory that they started turning out some fantastic stunts for the folks gathered around the trampoline. Here are some of the things they saw and didn't believe: 1. Aft~r a couple of tries Dale Hardt managed to pull around a quadruple twisting cody! 2. Both Frank Schmitz and Dale did a forward triffus with the 1fz twist in the second somersault. (What do you call ita front-barany-back, a barany out back, a front·baran y in, or a barany within triffus? ) 3. Frank did a full in-double back out triffus (back with full-back-back) and then one I still don't believe; 4. A back in-double full out fliffus (backback with double). He waits until he completes his first somersault until he starts the twist. 5. And here is one for the record. Dale performed five full in-full out fliffuses (back with full-back with full) followed by a Rudolph out (front-front with 1V2 twist) all in swing.

CANADIAN TRAMPOLINE NEWS By Larry Martin A number of important changes involv-

ing the sport of trampolining have recently taken place in Canada. It is the purpose of this newsletter to make all interested persons aware of the present circumstances affecting the future of Canadian Trampolining.

TR AMPOLINE COMPETITION 1. The National Gymnastic Committee of the AAU of Canada will be responsible for the official governance of the sport of tram po lining in Canada. 2. Trampoline -shall be a "Special Event" at the following gymnastic meets: (a) North American Championships in Montreal on F eb. 12, 1966. (b) Western Canadian Championships -Sask. Branch, Spring, 1966. (c) Eastern Canadian Championships -Q uebec, June, 1966. (d) Canadian Gymn.a stics Championships and World Games TrialsMan itoba, July 8·9, 1966. International Invitational (e) CNE Meet- Aug. 19·20, 1966. (f) Pan American Trials-Montreal, May, 1967. (To be open only to eli gible Senior Men and Women Gymnasts ) . (g) Pan American Games-Winnipeg, July 24·28, 1967. (h ) Canadian Championships and North Amercian Trials.-CNE-August 18-19. 1967.

3. The AAU of Canada will be applying for membership in the International Federation of Trampolining so that Canada will be eligible to compete in the World Trampoline Championships. 4. The next World Trampoline Championships will take place at the Uni· versity of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana on April 29th and 30th, 1966. Meet Director is Jeff Hen nessey. This is to be the 3rd World Trampoline Championships, but will also include World Championship competition s in Tumbling and Synchronized Trampolining. Since trampoline is definitely to be an event at the next Canadian Championships, and we are also likely to have r epresenta· tion at the 3rd World Championships, I think it is appropriate to find out which are actively interested in Canadians trampoline competition. To this en d, it is hop ed that you will take a minute to drop a short note to the C. T.A. to let me know what trampolinists are active in your area and who is likely to be entering future trampoline events. In this way, I will also know who to keep informed of all trampoline news and forth coming competi tions. Write to: Larry Martin , President, Canadian Trampoline Association, 397 Millcraft Crescent, Apt. 7, OTTAWA 7, On tario CANADA. '





by Roy Davis "HOW THE BEST JUDGES ARRIVE AT A SCORE" The following four paragraphs were returned to me in response to 10 letters to various nationally known and highly respected judges who have been very active in national competition and in promoting judging at the local leveL The gentlemen included found time to write (with a 100 word limitation ) their method of judging. Please note that the process is quite complex and highly individual in nature. Describing in 100 words or less proved to be quite a job. Also, note that the judges are all from different areas of the nation. WHAT I LOOK FOR IN JUDGING A ROUTINE The most important item is knowing the Band C tricks and being able to count them during an exercise. One cannot possibly do the job expected of him unless he has an understanding of the B's and C's. Second, I look j'or combination and fluency of the exerc.ise in an artistic manner. Gymnatsics is a beautiful sport and should be presented with an aesthetic quality. Finally, I examine how the gymnast presents himself before and after an exercise since the manner in which he carries himself shows to me the type of gymnast he is . .. Roy, this was a somewhat difficult chore. To put down on paper in a few sentences what I have learned over 10 years, was a thought provoking job. I hope I have given you what you want. Regards, DICK ARONSON Springfield College Svrintdield_ Mass. ARRIVING AT 4 SCORE WHILE JUDGING GYMNASTICS As soon as the routine ends I immediately count the A Band C moves that I have re corded during the routine and determine the starting value of the routine. 1/ there are less than eleven parts I deduct .5 for each missing part as well as for any combination requirements not met. I then count and subtract the deductions that I have listed during the routine. This gives me the gymnasts score. BOB RECTOR Lawrence High School Lawrence, Kansas I arrive at a score in all events, except longhorse and trampoline, by means of the following procedures: 1. Noting, on paper, the A, B, and C moves presented (this also provides a measure of the length of a routine in terms of principal part5'). 2. Concurrently tallying deductions ( I use a mechanical counter) for execution. 3. Reviewing the routine, at its conclusion, in terms of technical requirements and general composition. 4. Arithmetic compntation of tentative !tcore (snbtracting deductions nnder 2 and a from the maximum score determined under # 1). 5. Final mental review 0/ the exercise for ove r-all impression ( I may adjust the score as much as .2-.3 from this step) . HOWARD MOORMAN Valley View Int ermediate School Pleasant Hill. California 30

Dick Aronson

Jerry Todd

Use of the Code of Points in the consideration of an evaluation of the presentation of a gymnast's skill of the whole exercise is the most important part of my judging. Conforming to a system of judging guidelines gives uniformity in evalnation of exercises; hence the Code. The snm of the parts that equals the finished exercise is very important in my evaluation of a routine. The difficulty is computed by counting the Band C parts only. If the exercise 3eems short, the A parts are reviewed for a more accurate difficulty score. This is done manually. During the exe rcise I keep a mental count of the number fo execution and form breaks. At the conclusion of an exercise I consider the requirements of combination. At the termination of a routine, I quickly review, thinking ' of the WHOLE exe rcise and compute my score. I take very few notes during an exercise. I think it is extremely important for a judge to watch the entire exercise. I hope I have not incriminated myself. BILL HOLMES East High School Denver, Colorado As you know, judging is a very intangible thing. However, I have several guideposts in helping evaluate a routine. Because there are so many different levels of gymna3tic ability, my judging vears have almost automatically set my Bob Richter

mind into a pattern of finding a range of a gymnast's caliber of work. Almost immediately, I can tell whether a gymnast is in the 6-7, 7-8, 8-9 or 9-10 range. I do not judge him this way, but it is such an obvious thing to me that I cannot help but think of the competitor in these terms. Naturally, meeting the A,B,C requirements, form breaks, falls, poor execution ste., all enter into m y actual evaluation. Probably my biggest difference with some judges would be . what I call my judgment oj' the esthetic beauty of the routine. I like to enjoy a routine-not just se e one done to satisfy requirements. 1f a routine has a "C" move in the start of the routine, .1 more or less feel as though I can really relax and enjoy the routine as the ABCs jnst click off in my mind as I enjoy the work rather than looking for them. I feel that judging is such an individual thing that a beginner must work with the Code as much as possible, but as he judges longer he will learn to feel as well as see the routine. Thanks fo r the chance to blow off. Pasadena, Calif. JERRY TODD Pasadena City College Next month: the NCAA Rules-an appraisal with recommendations. ROY DAVIS

Howard Moorman

Bill Holmes


SCORE?II Il l' Jerry \\'righl Frallci,co S iale Co ll ege

East-West Tucson, Arizona The 4th annual East-West meet proved to be the biggest and best ever, continuing to be one of the largest spectator draws in the Nation with over 2000 in attendance. The flo or exercise event proceeded along with average performances until Cal's Sid Freudenstein who was explosive but shakey (straddle jump to front he drops out of), Sid was then followed by Dan Millman who gave the best performance of his life to give the fans a preview of things to come by bouncing away with the gold medal. It seems just a part of the game but the side horse event proved a good example of what the pressure of a meet of this caliber can do to fine gymnasts as the fir st 5 performers had major breaks, after which Steve Doty, undefeated in this meet, came through (in spite of the fact that he is spending much time as assistant coach at Arizona), and appeared to be a sure winner until Colorado's Jack Ryan came up. Ryan did an excellent job with only two small faults-his break into reversc scissors was weak as was his dismount but neither detracted much from a routine that garnered a 9.65. The trampoline field wa s quite weak compared to the past years; Kasten was weak with A moves ; Bauer was fair with stock material but nice double fr ont dis路 mount; Sullivan was wild but maintained good form in sp ite of much traveling; Bailey was extremely wild ; the next man threw triple back- went into the springsresumed his routine and fini shed in the springs; Millman (9.4) was off balan ce and scraped his head on a 2%, back to double cody ( planned piked double cody but was not in position ); Van Wegenen (B.35) showed lots of potential as did Bob Ewing (8.95). Arfsten started off the high bar competition and tried to cover a missed giant by mixin g grip to cris kher but chan ged the wrong hand ; Millman (9.3) had a good routin e and fini shed with piked dou路 ble fly-a -way to shake up everyone; Morrissey looked good but lost hi s grip on a braini dismount ; Greenfield ( PCC ) suffer ed many breaks and threw a sloppy dismount; Gailis (9.3) was fair with low dismount but no breaks; Higgins (9.55) was top rate; Luber had stalder both ways and double fly-a-way-judges were off at 9.25. After a slight delay to round up a grip zone judge Albers began the vaulting with a good yamashita but fell on the landin g; Parr was underscored at 9.2; Mayer was good but had a solid landin g for 9.35; Freudenstein was underscored on a giant stoop a t 9.45; Millman, 1965 NCAA champion h ere, added another feather to his cap by hittin g an excellent handspring but missed a full twi sting Yamashi ta, still winnin g with 9.65. On the Parallel Bars Allen had a piked back som i dismount: Nicholas was stock



but clean to win at 9.25; Seibum threw full twisting stutz (han ging on all the time) . The team score was not decided until the last man in the last event- still rings - Ed Clark, who never seems to r each his potential in Tucson, was rough at 9.1 ; Guinn had trouble pulling out of a cross then stran gely enough pulled a good plan che press and "L" cross with n o diffi culty but had no dismount ; Arnold failed to hold anythin g long enough; Nicholas uniquely moved through many holds to the next move -followin g a pattern somewhat like that advocated for floor exercise; Christianson was good at 9.4 but again no dismount; Evans was about the same only smoother for 9.45; Johnson had bad breaks ; Gailis fini shed off the event with a fin e routin e that lacked the luster and flair frequen tly seen of him but had no dismount to ti e for first at 9.45.

Men'$ Open Championship Western Gymnastics Clinic Glenn Gailis, University of Iowa graduate assistant gymnasti cs coach, won all around honors in the Men's Championship mee t held in conjunction with the Western Gymnastics Clinic. Gailis, a 22 year old zoology stud ent, needed an 8.15 score or better in the final event of the evenin g, the long horse vault, to beat out Californi a's Sid Freudenstein for the all around crown.



Gailis scored an B.75 to beat the Caliornia Sop homore, 53.B5 to 53.25. This Freudenstein is a real good look ing gymnast," said Gailis, who won the 1965 NCAA rings championship and placed second in the all arou nd. Freudenstein acknowledgin g Gailis' experience, wasn't happy about placing second but had his own philoso phy on it. " I don't like to lose," he declared "but I haven't gotten used to winning yet." Freudenstein, a 20 year old physics major at the Berkeley school, shared first place in the floor exercise wi th teammate Dan Millman, and won the long horse vault and the parallel bar events. Millman, the outstanding performer in the East-West mee t seemed ragged in the Open meet but had just cause-he had gone throu gh all of the World Games compulsories a couple of times that afternoon demonstratin g the com pulso ri es for the cl ini c parti cipants. Last year Gailis placed fifth in the all around competition in this mee t with fifth place thi s ye ar goin g to the University of Ari zona's Jack K enan. A victory for the host co ach was pi cked up by Steffan Monk who captured the hi gh bar, outpointing Gaili s 9.25 to 9.2. ] ack Ryan, winn er of the sid e horse in the East-West was a questionable repeat winn er in a close win over Mike Frericks of Pasadena City Coll ege 9.5 to 9.4. Some BOO fan s turned out to watch the championship event which lasted nearly 31h hours. 31

Western Clin'ic Women's Championships Deana Lorentzen, " A cute little trick with a bagful of cute gy mnastics tri cks, " won the Western Gymnasti cs Clinic Wom· en's all around and outstandin g performer awards before some 600 spectators. Miss Lorentzen, a 21 year old junior at the University of New Mexico took two fir st places and two third places to lead the competition , although thi s is only her second year of competition. H er coach, George Gilmore, rat es her as one of the best he has tutored. Last year, Deana, a physical education major who hopes to instruct gymnastics, placed second in the all around, but thi s night was the class of the competition. The combination of firsts and third s gave Miss Lorentzen 33.82 points in th e all around to 30.65 for Miss Tina Gudge (sufferin g from the flu at the time ). Sue Conrad of San Francisco State Col· lege captured the floor exercise in spite of the fact that her music was runnin g at the wrong speed;' Sue also placed 3rd on th e balance beam. In the trampoline event Judy John son, a tiny 20 year old coed at Glendale (Calif.) College and a member of Trampoline, Inc. (coach J ess Robinson ) was a walk· away winner. Littl e Betty Smith of Sparks, Nevada scored a handy victory in th e side horse vaultin g on the strength of a very high and dynamic handsprin g that won the hearts of the audience as well as the judges. NEW MEXICO COLLEGI ATE I NVITATIO NA L New Mexico University captured its own invitational meet with a narrow 138.90 to 138.30 win over New Mexico State Uni· versity with Eastern New Mexico Univer· sity close behind at 135.50. In k eeping with the new NCAA scoring rules each team entered 3 men in each event and the judges raw scores were added together to determine the team champion. Leadin g the field was Blasko, New Mexico U. with firsts in the FX and PH and a 2nd in the AA; Dover captured the coveted AA and was runn er up on the

HE. Individual event winners included Ham of Eastern on the SH, Smith of NMU on the trampoline and HB; Sandry of NMU on the LH; and Babcock of State on the SR. EASTERN KANSAS . REGIONALS 9 Schoo ls competed in the Eastern Kansas Regional competiti o n. With Lawrence Gy m Team taking the top ho nors with 163 V2 po ints followed by Atchison with 109; Highland Park, 51 V2; Seaman , 34; Olathe, 33V2; Topeka High , 28; Washburn, 14 V2 and Topeka West , 4. Ken Sno w of Lawrence won the All-Around followed b y Steve Mitchell of Lawrence and Stev e Sutley of Atchison. FLOOR EXERCISE: Snow, Kinder and Johnson . SIDE HORSE : Sutley, Martin and Reed . HIGH BAR: Hemphill , McDermed and Sutley . LONG HORSE : Mitchell , Tenn yson and a three wa y tie for third place, Bowerman , Behmer and Vrastil. PARALLELS: Mitchell , McDermed and Gardner . RINGS: Gardner , McDermed and Hemphill. TUMBLING: Snow, Gordner an d Escobar.

KANSAS CENTENNIAL LEAGUE MEET TEAM STANDINGS: Atchison , 194; Highland Park, 118; Seaman , 96; Washburn Rural , 75 ; Shawnee Heights, 10. ALL-AROUND : McDermed , Sutley, Foster , Ko ss, V anDy ke and Faunce. Top scorer in the meet was Mike McDermed with 33 po ints (3 gold medals, All - Around , High Bar and Parallels). FX: Kinder, Seymour and Pressler. SH; Fost, Sutley and Gardner. HB: McDermed , Sutley and Foster. LH: Garner, Fast and Van Dy ke. PB : McDermed , Worley and Gardner . R: Gardner, Koss and Jones. Tumbling: Gardner, Seymour and Pressler ana Wea v er .


Third Annual Uni. of Colorado Invitational 2500 spectators were trea ted to a fin e gy mnasti cs perform an ce Dec. 11, 1965 at the Annu al Colorado University In vitational. P art of the success of this meet can cer· tainly be at tributed to th e uniqu e idea of host coach Gl enn Wilson who invites only 4 schools and each school enters only their best two gy mn asts in each event-certainly condu cive to a hi gh quality meet! Terry Higgins managed to be the mee t's onl y double event winner as he captured th e HB and PB (Terry al so un offi cially scored 51.95 in the all around as the only AA entry ) .

J ack Ryan of Colorado U. (1965 U.S.G.F . Na ti onal Side Horse Champion ) received the hig h score of the meet by winning the side horse with 9.35. Oth er event winn ers includ ed Karl Whit· tenberg of the Air F orce Academy in the fl oor exercise event ; Karl Smith , al so from the Air Force Academy, on the trampoline ' Bill Padia, of Col. U. on the Long Horse ; and Warren Boatright of Col. U. on the rings. Offi cials: Matthews, W hite, Bradley, Holmes. OTHER RESULTS FX : Setcheill and H ig gins. HB: Arfsten and Pershing . SR: Higg ings and Lomb. SH: Boland and H iggins. LH: W hittenberg and Pershing Trampoline : Snapp and McLean . PB: Pad i ~ and Arf sten.

Atchison High School g ym team, Kansas Centennial league champs with action shots of Kurt Gardner, Mike McDermed and Don Sey m our

Dear Mr. Su ndby : A group of youngsters w ho prac tice gymnastics in Quito, Ecuador send yo u gl:eetll1g~. vVe who prac tice this s port w Ish to mform yo u that in the V Bolivarian Games, w hic h took place in Nove mb er of 1965, both masculine a nd f em inine competitions were held for the first time. We h ad the cooperation, as coaches, o f two N orth American c itizens La Von Joh!,son and Vic Tagga.r t. As ,;"e are just begmnmg the sport o f gymnastics we n eed your cooperation . For t hi s reason our first s t ep is to subscrib e to yo ur magnificent magazine, THE MODERN GYMNAST. ''Ie wo uld like to b e in corr espo nd ence with you, and would like y ou t~ k eep us up to date in your n1uga-

zines and books.


Dear Sir : We thought that you might be interes ted in publishing a pic ture of some of our outsta.nding gymnasts of the Variety Boys' Club of Houston. U nd er the coaching o f B obby Finch s hown on the right in the enclosed pi c ture, thi s t eam is b ecoming one o f the b est in the Gulf Coas t Area.. Cordially yours , Ronald John son Houston, Texas

Sincerely Jorge Antonio FloI' Note: Mr. Sundby . I would like to explain that el Sr. Flor IS presIdent of the Gymnastic Commission and also president of the association Professors of Physical Education of Ecuador. We will be sending photos and results of . the Gymnastic Competition of the Games In about one month, if you wish . We apprecIate your help in getting this sport started in Ecuador. Sincerely, Vic Taggart Peace Corps Volunteer Quito, Ecuador


D e ar Si r: I enjoy rea ding th e MG and fin d it q ui te ed u c a t iona l. I do wish you wo uld run the s equence photos of one of the Oly mpic f iriali s ts option a ls o n the beam . I h a ve found that you u s u a lly don't say much about the b eam. St. Louis, Mo. Pamm Horack ED. Because the length of a beam routine would take several more pages to present than we have space for, we have hesitated to include one. However , now that we are. pu~lishing an MG every month we WIll pIcture Caslavska's winning beam routine as soon as possible.



_ __ ..

Dear Mr. Sundby, I am a graduate of Dean Junio r College in Frankl in, Massachusetts. At Dean I was a Physical Education m a jor and a member of the Dean Gymnastic Exhibition T eam, which d oes exhibitions for h ospital s a nd schools in the area. I thought you would b e interested in knowing t h at gymnastics is being promoted on the Junior college level in this area. As f ar as I know Dean is th e o nly junior college in N ew England with any sort of team at a ll. ''Ie h ope th e exhibitions cr e ate an interest in gymnastics w h e r ever the team goes. Before attending D ean I s t art e d in gymnastics at th e Scotch Plains-Fanwood YMCA in New Jersey. My coach there was H e len Sjursen. My coach at D ean was Robert Darula. H e is a member of the Sokols and a lso a fin e coach . Enclosed are a coupl e of pic tures of Bob Copela nd , (a physical educatio n major from F a lm outh, Maine) an d m y self. K eep up th e great work on you r magazine. It is extremely h elpful to u s . Sincerely yours, Rob e rt Sewalls Rob e rt Copeland D ean Junior C olle g e Franklin, Massa c hu se tts

} __ J

COMBINATION VAULTING BUCK A new dual purpose apparatus for schools which can be used as a short horse or vaulting buck has been developed by N issen Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa . When training students in beginning side

horse work,



ore added


the apparatus to make it a short horse . For vaulting acti v itil>s, the new opparatus can be converted to a vaulting buck by simply removing the pommels. The No. 253 Combination Buck el iminates the need for two separate pieces of equipment. Interested in more information? Write: Nissen Corp ., 930-27th Avenue S.W ., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406.


NEW CHAMPIONSHIP FILMS (16mm) AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL 1. 19(15 Los Angeles City High School Finals 2 . 1965 California Interscholastic Federation High School Finals.





fi ve

e xercises


each apparatus including Tumbling , 800 feet long , 20 minutes normal speed, 30 minutes silent speed. Both are excellent teaching t oo ls. Several of the exercises are by Olympian, Makoto Sakamoto. RENTAL: Each film $5.00 for three days. Order from: Fred Bellmar, Millikan High School, 2800 Snowdon A v e., Long Beach , California. Gymnasts shown were final ists in leagues consisting of m o re than fift y High Schools.

THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY 15 East 26th Street, New York 10 Please send me copies of FUNDAMENTAL TUMBLING SKILLS ILLUSTRATED at $4.00 per copy. o Check enclosed [J Send COD ________________________


Address ______________________ MG-3 33



ProgramAi's All PROGRAM AIDS HERCUlON ' gymnas ti c equipm ent is guar· anteed for 20 years. Gua rantee Certificate acc ompani es ea ch pi ec e of apparatu s shi pp ed.

New revolut !pnary design , coupled with husky, chrome sparked good looks and absoluti9ly unmatched quality -that's the HERCULON*' series. Years of research plus consultant services f rom dozens of leading American and European gymnastic coaches have gone into producing the ultimate in equipment. Every piece of PROGRAM AIDS HERCULON* apparatus conforms to Olympic requirements and exceeds all competitive specifications! That's why PROGRAM AIDS can offer an UNMATCHE El- UNHEARD OF 20-YEAR GUARANTEE on each and every piece of apparatus .

The Program Aids Company Inc.


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No expense has been spared in making the PROGRAM AIDS HERCULON * line-there is no short-cut to perfect ion , no cheap way to produce top quality and lifetime durability. You 'd expect this ' equipment to be costly, but PROGRAM AIDS-::: as always-prings you outstand ing quality at prices no higher than more cheaply made substitutes . .

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