Modern Gymnast - October 1966

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THE RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL LIAISON COMMITTEE National Association of College Gymnastic Coaches (N.A.C.G.C.) and National Gymnastic Clinic (Sarasota) CHAIRMAN : Dr. Hartley Price, Florida State University; Tallahassee, Florida ANNOUNCEMENT: Fou r Research Awards will be offered this year. GYMNASTIC RESEARCH AWARDS for

1966-1967 I . The C. H . McCloy Honor Research Award of the Notional Gymnastic Clinic-Sarasota-$IOO. (President, Fronk Cumiskey, RFD Westwood; Rockleigh, New Jersey). Decided at Sa ra sota. 2 . Two Honor Research Awards of the NACGC (Notional Association of College Gymnastic Coaches)-$IOO each . (President, J a k e Geier, Gymnastic Coach , University of Nebraska; Lincoln , Nebraska). a. Western Award USGF Notional Clinic (Chairman, Dr . William Gustafson) b. Eastern Award USGF Notional Eastern Clinic (Chairman, Dr. Hartley Price) Also at the Gymnastic Clinic at Tucson, Arizona: 3 . The Gym Moster Company Research Grant-$200. (Director, Mr . Sam Bailie, University of

the prospectus ore sent to me . b . Studies for consideration for the NACGC Western Award and the Gym Moster 'Grant at Tucson, Arizona, must be submitted to Dr. Willi am Gustafson, Son Jose State College; Son Jose, California . 2. The Prospectus af the Research: a . The candidates shou ld include the following points in their prospectus: (I) Outline the problem (2) States the hypotheses (3) Indicate the methods to be used (4) Report the bibliography that was used in approaching the problem (5) Justify the researc h b. The deadl ine for the prospectus for this year's award will be: November 30, 1966. c. Indicate the progress that has been made up-to-date on the re search . d. The members of the sub-comm ittee will decide what candid ate will rereceive the award after studying the prospecti. Therefore, the prospecti sh ould be ver y complete.

for 1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 Norih Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA




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Arizona; Tucson , Arizona) . CRITERION OF COMMITTEE: The committee wishes to stres,s that studies that benefit a large group rather than a small group will be favored. PROCEDURE OF CANDIDATES: Candidates cannot submit their outlines to both clinics. A choice must be mode. I. A prospectus of the problem must be submitted by November I . a . Studies for considerati on for the Honor Research Awards of the Notional Gymnastic Clinic or the NACGC (Notional Association of College Gymnastic Coaches ) Eastern Award (USGF Notional Eastern Clinic) must be submitted to Dr. Hartley Price, Fl o r ida State University, by November I . The prospectus will then be passed on to the sub-com mittee of the Re search Award Committee in order to decide the winning candidates . It will facili tate matters if several copies of



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CONTENTS NOTES FROM THE EDITOR .... ..Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK .......... ..... .... ........ .. ... .... ... ...... ..... U.s. OLYMPIC TRAINING CAMP .. Dick Criley FOURTH ANNUAL SANTA MONICA GYMFEST .. :.. ....... .......... STAMPS AND GYMNASTICS .. Harry Johnson THE AMAZING JAPANESE .... Dr. Eric Hughes CANADIAN REPORT ........ ......... .John Nooney FRANK SCHMITZ ......... .. ............................. .. TRAMPOLINING .......... ....... .... .Jess Robinson "Y-NEWS" ...... .................. Kenneth W. Hollis GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION .... A. B. Frederick LET'S GO ALL-AROUND ....... ... ... .Art Shurlock WOMEN'S NORTH SOUTH INVITATIONAL .. NOTES FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE ... ...... .. ......... .. Roy Davis CONDITIONING FOR COMPETITION ................ .... ... ... Dick Wolfe PEACH BASKET TO HANDSTAND ............... ....... .. Don Tonry LETTERS ... .. ................ .. .. ....... The MG Readers

5 6 7 8 10 11 12 18 20 22 26 28 24 30 31 32 33

COVER: The World of Gymnastic Sta mps. Caver photo and article by Harry Johnson (see page 10 ),

GLEN N SU N DBY .. .... ................... ... ... .. ........ .... Editor-Publisher ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. BRUCE FREDERICK ... ... .... .... ... ... .................. ... ... Educati on DR. JAMES S. BOSCO .... .. .. .... ..... ... .... .. ... .... ...... ... .... Re search DICK CR ILEY ... ....... ... ..... .. ..... ... ....... .. ....... ......... .. ..... Statistics J 1M FARKAS ....... ....... ... .... .. ........ ............ .... ........ . Instruction JERRY WRIGHT ...... ... ......... .... ...... ............. ......... Competition FRANK L. BARE ....... ............. .......... ......... .... ............. .. .. USGF JESS ROBINSON .............. ... ... ... .. ... .. ... .... ..... ... ....... Trampoline ROY DAVIS ..... .. ............. .. .......... .... ....... ... ............... .. . Judging JACKIE KLEIN UPHUES ..... ........... ... ... ... ........ ............. Women GRACE KA YWELL ... ....... ............. ... ...... ..... ................ ... Ballet KENNETH W . HOLLIS ......... .. ........... ... ..... ... .... ........... YMCA INTERNATIONAL JOHN NOONEY ....... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. .. .......... ........... ... .. Canada KURT BAECHLER ... ... ......... ... .. ............ ..... ................... Europe HELMUT ROHNISCH ... ...... .... ..... .. ..... ...... ........... Scandinavia YURI SABIROV ......... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .... ...... ... ....... ......... . Russia BRUD CLEAVELAND .... ..... ... ..... ....... ..................... ... .... Japan DR. JOSEPH GOHLER ...... .. .............. .... ......... ... ... ....... Germany THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publications, 410 Broadway, Santa


Califo rnia . Second





Santo Monico , Calif . Published monthl y e xcept Jul y and September which ore combined with the previous mont h' s issue . Price $5.00 per

year. SOc single copy: Subscription correspondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 611 , Santo Monico, California . Copyright 1966 Š all right s reserved by SUNDB Y PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broadwa y,

Santa Monica, California. All pictures and manuscripts submitted be~

corne the I?roperty of T.HE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return reo quest and sufficient postage are included .

NOTES FROM THE EDITOR WORLD GAMES: As this MGgoes to press the Sixteenth World Gymnastic Championships are being held in Dortmund, Germany. This will be the third time for a USA Men's Team to compete in the World Gymnastic Championships, and the second for a USA Women's Team to compete.




The USA sent a Men's Team to Moscow in 1958, Grossfeld, Shurlock, Vega , Tonry and Banner they placed 7th . The Men 's Team to Prague in 1962 consisting of Grossfeld, Tonry, Lynn, Vega, Banner and Orlofsky took 6th place for the USA. This time we only have three veterans of World Competition, Tonry (this will be Tonry's third World Games), Weiss and Sakamoto plus newcommers Lascari , Roesthlisberger, Cohen and alternate Allen with World and Olympic Games veteran Abie Grossfeld as coach. Although greats like Mitchell and Shurlock will be missed the newcomers are tops in training and talent with good coaching behind them . Never before in the history of USA Gymnastics has a team entered an Internationa I Competition better prepared as a team (see US Olympic Training Camp page 7). Besides they will have 40 to 50 USA Coaches and Gymnasts rooting for them in the stands (the USGF Group alone numbers more than 30).




As for the ladies, they will have three Olympic team veterans, Linda Metheny, Dale McClemments Flansaas and Doris Fuchs Brause (Doris was also on the '62 World Games Team) plus youngsters Carolyn Hacker, Debbie Bailey and Kathy Gleason with Donna Schaenzer as the alternate and Avis Tieber Kolliner as coach. The girls also had a one month training camp before their departure for the World Games . Fact is they trained in real luxury as they were hosted by Grossinger's the famous resort in the New York Catskill mountains . * * " We wish both the Men's and Women's Team good health with sharp clean compulsories and outstanding optionals.





NOTICE! SECOND ANNUAL UNIVERSITY OF LO UISVILLE I NV ITATIO NA L January 14, 1967 Crawford Gym - Louisville, Kentucky BRIEF HISTORY : In its first year the U of L Invitational was extremely successful. Over two-hundredfifty (250) grad e ~chool, hi gh school and college gymnasts from fiv e states took part in thi s all day mee t. The senior men's divi sion was by far the largest group and the level of co mpetition was very good _ Several strong coll ege teams took part as well as many_ outstan din g individuals_ The Second Annual U of L Invit ational is expec ted to be much larger with the addition of six new coll ege teams in Kentucky and several new high school teams_ FACTS ON THE MEET: This is an Age Group Mee t, open to all interested gy mnasts_ This is a Dual Sanctioned !'vl ee t ( USGF and AAU) _ There are four (4) divisions, Boys and Girl s junior hi gh and und er, Men and Wom en Open_ Award s for first six (6 ) places in all event s (AA included) _ Four team trophi es_ ADDITIONAL I NFORMATIO N: Contact : Bob Wason, Gymnastic Coach, University of Louisville Balknap Campus, Crawford Gym, Louisville, Kentucky 40208_ PLAN TO ATTEND THE 1966 NEW ENGLAN D THANKSGIVING CLINIC For the past three years in the New England area, a gymnastic clinic has been held durin g the Thanksgivin g vaca tion_ Las t year thi s clinic attal!Cted 700 school age yo ungsters from the age of 10 through approximately 18_ The clinic has been organized and conducted by a group of high school, YMCA , Boy's Clubs and college teachers and coaches call ed the New En gland Gymnastic Clinic Committee_ This clinic has, in the past, received sancti on by the Massachuse tts Secondary School Principal's Association (MSS PA), whi ch govern s all High School athletics in the state_ We are now pending sanction from th e above organization as well as the U.5_G_F., th e A.A .U . and the E.C.A.C. Even though the past three New England Gymna sti c Clinics have been held at Sprin gfi eld College or the University of Massachusett s, our site this year will be Framingham North Hi gh School in Framingham , Massachu setts whi ch is 'abo ut twenty- two miles west of Boston , Mass. The clinic committee has found that in the past the majority of reg istrants were from the Eastern Massachusett s area, therefore we hope that more gymna sts will be able to a tt end this yea r since the traveling and lodgin g problems are somewhat red uced. This Clin ic is open only to junior and senior high school boys and girls and their coaches representin g th eir schools. There is no competiti on as it is en tirely a teaching and learnin g affair. 6

On our Master Teachin g Staff we hope to include : J eff Cardinale, Abie Grossfeld, Donald Tonry, Milan Trnka, George Hery and George Zypula for the men; Muriel Grossfeld, Herb Vogel. Betty Maycock, Robert Laundy, Richard Muvahill, Dr. Joseph Massimo and Ernestine Russell for the women. We will also have other outstandin g personnel from New England Hi gh Schools, Colleges and Universities. The Clinic Program is divided into four main phases : L Lecture demon stration on advanced and intermed iate level which will be basically theory on mechanics, teaching and spotting. 2. Problem Solving - practical sessions designed to enable the student and teachercoach to take his/her problems to a qualifi ed instructor for suggestions and help_ 3. General supervised work-outs under the guidance of college student instructors and high school coaches. 4. Special Sessions - covering topics of special interest to performer and teacher such as Basic Gymnastics for elementary ages, care and prevention of gymnastic injuries and some of the latest in films for judging and viewing_ Registration forms will be sent to all of the High Schools in New England that have a gymnastic club or tea m as well as the colleges and universities. These will be mailed thi s October. The fee for the clinic should be approximately $5.00 per registrant. Persons seekin g further information or early registration form s should write either to Mr. Alan Bickum, Director of # Waltham Boy's Club, Ex chan ge Street, Waltham, Massachusetts or myself. ' This year the clinic will be held on Friday and Saturday, ovember 25th and 26th, 1966. Clinic Director - 1966 : George C. J essup, Jr. , New England Gymnastic Clinic Newton Hi gh School, 453 Walnut 路 Street, Newtonville, Massachusetts 02160. MEXICO CANDIDATES HAVE TO BE NON SMOKERS ( Tr anslation from the "Deutchestumen") A well acknowledged, and in sports well versed scientist explained the other day that anybody who wants to be a successful athlete in Mexico, must be a non smoker. Beca use of th e high altitude of the Mexican Capital- where shortn ess of breath sets in as physica l activity is increasedsmokin g will be a double and triple handicap. At about the same time th e German pa pers reported that the research on cance r had proved, that smoking has a definit e influence in the development of lun g cancer_ Th e German scienists therewith concurred with the findin gs of the America n cancer research. . . . . . . We are a gymnastics magazine, not a medical journal, but we are concerned a bou t the health of our gym nasts, who already today work-out much harder, and will in th e future probably work-out twi ce as hard as we ever did. Wh at the modern co aches, like Friedrich Schreiber, Moser and Kop icki , who believe in the "hard wave", the modern method of gymnasti cs training, demand from their young charges, takes for granted a private life without smoking. Besides sufficient slee p and whol esome nutriti on, there is nothing more important in th e life of a hard working gymnast th an to abstain from smoking and drinkin g. It is, of co urse, alm ost impossible to give up smokin g from one day to the next- althou gh it has been done-but one can reduce the number of cigarettes smoked daily until on e is down to the last one.

It mieht be menti oned that the coaches co uld gi;'e a good exa mple, or, at least, refrain from smokin g in the presence of the gy mna sts_ In such matters, a good example do es more than rule enforcement. One of the most prominent fi gures in our gymnastic movement said recently, that a gymnast who is not able to quit cigarettes and booze, should quit gy mnastics. It seems that th e gymn asts are lagging behind the athletes in other sports as track and fi eld and rowing, which, sin ce decad es, have given us a good ex ample as ascetics in their private lives during trainin g. Already today, our young candidates for the Olympi c [earn in Mexico must be told , that the habitual smoker will have no chance to go to Mexico in 1968_

J. G_

National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association Report District #2 by Harry Johnson, Corresponding Secretary Gymnastics within District #2 shows a marked contrast in development. The- states of Washington and Oregon are experiencing fast growth and interest is high. Montana has little activity with three or four "unofficial" tea ms. In Alaska, Idaho, and Wyoming competitive teams are non-existent. The constant problem of locating qualified hi gh school coaches remains the big fa ctor retarding the development of more teams in Washington and Oregon. Many large high schools are interested in initiating new teams but are unable to locate coaches. Opportunities for qualified coaches are excellent throughout the Northwest. Several schools are encountering practice fa cility problems in conflict with basketball and wrestling programs. Conversely, other schools are receiving outstanding administrative support and are being provided with practice fa cilities that would render many college coaches envious. Twenty teams, including seven new teams , entered the Washington High School Championship meet. A total of 143 gymnasts took part in the meet. Washington coaches are contemplating the establishment of districts for the 1967 meet. Oregon teams were required to qualify for the state championship met through districts this year which proved very successful. Gymnasts from nin eteen teams qualified for the Oregon Championship Meet. Although Oregon coaches have dropped both tumbling and trampoline from all competition, Washington continues to compete in these events. Competition in both Oregon and Washington includes the six Olympic events. Oregon high schools have adopted a new method of competitive order for meets. Team members will perform in succession in each event. The plan is designed to provide more spectator interest and to promote spectator association with a " favorite" team. Competitive action is nil in District #2 until the 1966-67 season arrives. The only remaining activity is the Highline Summer Gym Kamp held annually near Seattle. Camp dates this year are July 2-16. The camp , under director Jack Mackenroth, has been a great aid in developing Washington gymnastics. Many boys from Oregon are also beginning to travel to the camp. Gymnastics in the Northwest has unlimited potentiaL With the solving of the fundamental problems of coaches and facilities the, sport should experience even more rapid progress.


OLYMPIC TRAINI G CAMP by Dick Criley In a forward step toward s a bett er United States performan ce in th e 1966 World Games, the U.S. Olympic Co mmittee auth· orized a 4·week gy mnasti c trainin g camp for th e top 7 qualifiers in the Nationa l trial s. In addition, nin e more co mpetit ors were invited to particip ate in the camp which was hosted by The P ennsylvania State University. U.S. team coach, Ab ie Gro ssfeld of So uthern Conn ecti cut, was aided in settin g up a ri gorous trainin g schedul e by coach e~ Ca rl P atters·on (Temple), New t Lok en (Michi gan) and Gene Wettstone ( Penn State) . In addition , a number of offi cials and coaches parti cipated by providin g the services of their experiences in internati onal co mpetition through a seri es of lectures specifically arran ged for the ca mp. The men tal preparation of the gy mnasts was a seri es of lectures designed to cover every thin g from marchin g, runnin g, stand · in g and sittin g postures to Germany today. Films of the comp ul sory exercises were shown and reviewed a gain and aga in. A mechani cal analysis of the swan vault was presented by Dr. G. R. Nelson of the P enn State Engineerin g Department. Experienced co mpetitors Sakamoto, Tonry, Grossfeld , and Weiss added personal hints, and form er Olympi c T eam Coach and Mana ger Tom Maloney reviewed some past U. S. experi· ences in internati onal competition. The im· portance of each man as a represe ntative of the United States was emphasized and hi s role as an ambassador of good will und er· scored. Th e gymnasts were divided into two gro ups, th e Na tionals with training em· phasis on the World Games and the Juni ors wi th emphasis on trainin g for the Pan America n Games. Each man was asked to kee p a record of hi s activi ty durin g train· ing as a guide to evaluation by th e co aches. Workouts wer e scheduled twi ce daily and suppl emented by the lectures. WPSX, the

Gymnasts and coaches atte nding U.S. Olympic Training Camp at Penn State Uni ve rsit yBack row: Turoff, DiFurio, Mi llman, Swetman, Thor, Carg ill , Emery! LltOW, Lynn , Freudenste in . Front row: Patterson , Coach; Loken, Coa ch; We iSS, Lasca " , Allen, Raethllsberger, Cohen, Tonry, Sakamoto, Grossfe ld, Coach; Wettstone, Coach.

P enn Sta te edu ca tional TV stati on, taped a half hour training film fo r rebroadcast. Throughout th e trainin g camp eve ry en· deavor was mad e to promote a TEAM ef· for t. Every tim e a team member add ed points to the team total by improvin g the performan ce of his exercises, a littl e fl ag was run up . Every routine was regularly eva lu ated and critiqu es levied with the view toward s im provement. Gymnasts and coaches alik e agreed tha i the ca mp was worthwh ile. The most marked improvement was shown among the Juni ors. as migh t be ex pected, sin ce the Na ti ona ls had been trainin g for several mon th s. In· deed, th e eagern ess of the yo unger gymnasts se rved as a spur to the enthu siasm of the National tea m who co uld well have bogged down in individu al pa tterns had it not been for the fresh competition of th eir juniors. Th e coaches were pleased to note the will· in gness of the more experienced gy mnasts to advise and aid those with less experi· ence. T he injury list was surpri sin gly small an d, en terin g the last week of camp, th e co aches expressed concern only for Saka· moto's sprained ankle, injured in a tum · bling seq uence. Competiti on was not lackin g as a stim · ulan t, as six gymnasts were sent to Tor· onto, Canada, in an ex hibition mee t on August 20. Co untin g on ly t he four best scores in each event , the United States out · scored Canada 222.35 (9.26 average) to 216.25 (9.01 ave rage) . All aro un d rankin gs were: 1. Fred Roethlisberger, 55 .75 ; 2. Sid Freudenstein, 55 .25 ; 3. tie between Arno Lasca ri and Wilhelm Weiler (Can.), 54.40 ; 5. Dave Th or, 53 .85 ; 6. Bob Lynn , 52 .90 ; E. Roger Di on (Can. ), 52.70; 8. Andre Simard (Can. ), 52.60 ; 9. Dan Millm an , 51.40. On the basis of only four event s Gi l Larose of Canada scored 36.25. Meanw hil e, in cen tral P enn sylvan ia plans were un derway for a most unusual mid·

summer gy mnastic event. Host Gene Wett· stone programm ed a Camp Championship pittin g the Juni ors (with their opti onal and Pan Am comp ulsory exercises) against the World Games Team with th e 5 best scores of each tea m in each event to co unt. The co m pulsories were to be run Au gust 25 with the optional Saturday the 27th. Instead of an all around award , a special award was to be made to the gymnast contribut· in g the most to hi s tea m's total. To ad d to th e atmosphere of a Deutsch Gymnastik Fest, " bias mu sik" was to be provided by the State Coll ege Little German Band. (As we went to press, we learned that Greg Weiss and Dave Th or earn ed in· di vidual honors for their teams in a meet whi ch drew over 2000 spectators.) No r was this to be the last competition before the World Games in Dortmund , Ger· many, on Sep tember 19-25. U.S. officials arran ged an international meet with the orwegian team for September 10 and 11. Despi te the chance of injury, it was felt th at the exposure to international competi· tion would be of substantial benefit to our team. With U.S. officials hopin g for a "best ever" United States team showi ng, one of the " best prepared" of Un ited States Na· tional Gym nastic teams wo und up an in· ten sive trainin g program , no less unique in it hap penin g than in th e need for it to happen. By the time this article appears, Dort· mund ana the World Games will be but a memory to our participants. But th e tremen· dous feelin g of accomplishm ent will go on. In th e words of Mr. Charles Lupton of th e P enn State Foundation in addressin g the training camp : "Th e effort you exert durin g thi s intensive period of trainin g . . . can strengthen yo u so th at, as a man , you will be better prepared for the co mpet itions of life that lie ahead."


FOURTH ANNUAL SANTA MONICA GYMFEST (Labor Day Weekend) Sunny skies and a large crowd of Cali路 fornia tourists greeted the Fourth Annual Santa Monica Gymfest. On hand were more than 100 gymna ~ ts from Colorado, Arizona, Washington, as well as California, ranging in age from 5 to 4{). Assisting in the management of the meet and officiating were Rick Field, Don Ros路 enstock, Dick Beckner, Cathey Shelley, Ron Barak, Bud Marquette, Frank Endo, Jack Beckner, Glenn Wilson, Fred Saunders, Frank Bare, J ess Robinson, and Gordie Maddux. Lou Perschke provided the equip路 ment and awards, Dick Criley and Glenn Sundby the organization. All in all it was gym fun in the sun, as we are sure the S.M. Chamber of Commerce would concur. Men's Open Competition-September 3, 1966 AA: Bob Lynn, Dan Garcia, Juan Sanchez; FX: L. Bassist, G. Greenfield, S. Bassist; SH: J . Tepp, B. Lynn , tie between Sanchez and D. Ramsey; HB: A. Luber, J. Sanchez, D. Garcia; PB: B. Lynn, D. Garcia, D. Connelly; SR: B. Teel, D. Garcia, Beers; TR : MacFarland, tie between C. Castner and D. Sullivan; MiniTramp: D. Sullivan, c._Chrisman , C. Castner; Swinging Rings Dismounts : L. West, Smith, R. Zecca. Women's Open Competition-September 4, 1966 AA: V. Hartley, D. Zorick, E. Perschke; FX: W. Cluff, L. Nelson, D. Wells; B: C. Rigby, W. Cluff, E. Perschke; UPB: C. Rigby, B. Parcher, B. Marquette; TR : J. Johnson, tie betmee!1 D. Perschke and E. Perschke. Men's Invitational Competition-Sept. 5, 1966 AA: S. Freudenstein, B. Lynn, A. Luber; FX: D. Millman, S. Freudenstein, L. Bassist; SH: J . Tepp, B. Lynn, S. Freudenstein; HB: A. Luber, Yoshi, D. Millman; PB: Tie between A. Luber and B. Lynn, tie between Millman, Freudenste in , and Holt; SR: B. Teel , P. Arnold, M. Chap Ian. At top: Competition site of' the Gymfust . Upper left : Sid Freudenstein Invitational All-Around winner. Left : A.A. winners Bob Lynn, Freudenstein and Luber. Below: Some of the Gymnasts, Coaches and Officials who took an active part in the Gymfest. Below: Norbert Dill, German "Gymwheel" Champ who gave a thrilling exhibition during festival plus a few of some of the other fine performers in the competition.


by Harry Johnson Postage stamps illustrating gymnastics have been around for a good many yea rs. It has not been until the last ten years, however, that a significant number have been issued . The first stamp honoring gymnastics wa s issued by Bulgaria in 1931 to commemorate the First Balkan Games bein g held in Sofia. Since that date the number of gym nastics sta mps issued has steadily in cn;a sed until the present when almost two·hundred are in existen ce. A large number from almost twenty countries was is· sued for the Tokyo Olympi cs. Stamps have been issued depicting every event found in Olympic gymnastics competiti on. Most popular events are women's fl oor exercise, balance beam, still rin gs, parallel bars, side horse, and horizontal bar. In add ition to the regular compe titive events, other activities occasionally show up on stamps. Among th ese are the hori· zon tal ladde r, hand balancin g, team calisthenics, Swedish box vaultin g, fl ying rings, and wand, bann er, hoop, and ball exer· cises. This brin gs to the fore an interestin g point when an individual begins a gymna sti cs stamp coll ection: Where do yo u "cut·off " the coll ection ? Do you take only those stamps showing the competitive eveuts, do you take stamps showin g any phase of gymnastics {from horizontal bar to horizon ta l ladder}, or do you take any stamp supposed ly issued to publicize gym· nasti cs, regardless of whether it illustrates some form of gy mn astics or not? The col· lection which will be illustrated in the monthly se ri es now beginning in The Mod· em Gymnast falls into the second category. It is interestin g to observe how the popu· larity of gymnasti cs in a particular co untry has influenced the stamp issue. Any gym· nastics . enthu siast co uld venture a solid guess as to which countries have produced the heav iest concentration of gymnasti cs stamps-Russia, J apan, Yugoslavia, Hun· gary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, R o· mania. Most of these stamps were issued to commemorat e some special event, such as the Olympic Games, World Games, Euro pea n Cham pionships, or Gymnaestrada. Some are apparently issued for no pur· pose other than to sell stamps. A few cou ntries issue their stamps from year to year with a fairl y similar design. This is partioularl y true of J apan and Hun· gaIlY. Their stamp designs are gy mnastically 10

correct, but such is not the case in many co untries. As an example, Kuwait issued a stamp with the gymnast performin g a German giant across the parallel bars. Art· ists in terpreta tions of the sport are fre~luently decep tive and very often incorrect. Countries in which gymnasti cs are popular are more likely to produ ce stamp s with correct illustrations. When the step is taken to start a gymnastics stamp collection, several factors need be considered. Whether to collect used or new (mint) stamps is of prime consideration . The cost per stamp is, of co urse, less for used stamps. The quality and conditi on of th e used stamp may not be the best. The mint stamp makes a " cleaner", more attractive collection. Many co untries iss ue both perforate stamps, such as the Uni ted States issues, and imperforate stamps. The imperforates carry the same design and are usually the same color but th ey are more expe nsive and ca n be co nsidered ex tra in a collection. Concern· in g gy mnast ics, Hun gary does most of the issuing of the imperforate stamps. Many other aspects can be added to a collection, such as so uven ir . shee ts and first day covers. Examples of these will be illustrated in future monthly articles. Securing most of these stam ps is not difficult, but purchasin g th em economically is another matter. Nearl y any loca l stamp store can supply the current stamps, but only in sets. This means that in many cases it may be necessa ry to purchase any· where from four to twelve stamps in order to get one gymnastics sta mp. Many of the old er stam ps are very di fficult to co me by indiv idually or in sets. The writer has loca ted only one stamp dealer who is willin g to dea l in sin gle stamps without sellin g the entire se t. Interested persons may contact this deal er for pri ce lists : Zannie E. Davis 16156 Alcima Avenue Pacific Palisades, Ca lifornia 90272 Dea lers in the United Sta tes are not per· mitted, by law, to dea l in sta mps from 'orth Korea, Red China, Red Cuba, or North Viet 'am. All of these " renegade" co untries have iss ued gymnastics stamps. It is ill egal to purchase or sell th em but ev id ently not to possess them. For the peron who is a "total gym nastics nut " coll ectin g st amps is merely a further step into ca ptivity. W hen you get to this stage yo u mu st be ca pti va ted by the sport! In any case, th e activity is interestin g, relaxi ng, and gymnastica lly educational.

THE STAMP AND GYM NASTICS PHOTO SET NO. 1 In the ensuing monthly issues The Mad· ern Gymnast will carry a set of gymnastics stamps with total descriptions of each ' stamp. All stamps will be classified by Sco tt P ostage Stamp Ca talog numbers, un · less th ey are not recognized (such as Red Chin a, North Viet Nam, etc.). Descriptions will note the event or event s illustrated on the sta mp, the purpose, if any, for which it was issued, the year of iss ue, and how many stamps are in th e set. If such thin gs as imperforate stamps or souveni r sheets are associated with the stamp they will also be mentioned. T he first photo se t of gymnasti cs stamps, illustrated above, is described from left to right with the top half fir st, followed by th e bottom half. 1. Japan #817 a. balance beam b. 19th National Athletic Meet c. 1964 d. one sta mp in a set of two 2. San Marin o #583 a. balance beam b. 18th Olympi c Games (Tokyo, J a pan ) c. 1964 d. one stam p in a set of 10 3. Yu goslavia #549-550 a. still rin gs and parallel bars (#549) b. women with hoops (#55 0) c. Yugoslav Physical Culture Festival d. 1959 e. two stamp in a . set of eight 4. Czechoslovakia # 1092 a. balance bea m b. 15th World Gymnastic Championships (Prague, Czechoslovakia ) c. 1962 d. one stam p in a set of six 5. Russia # 2224 a. side horse vaulting b. 2nd National Sparticist Games c. 1959 d. one stam p in a set of four 6. Hun gary #921 a. pa rallel bars b. 1950 c. one stamp in a se t of six d. im perforates ex ist 7. J apan #736 a. horizon tal bar b. 16th Na tional Athl etic Meet (Ak ita, J apan) c. 1961 d. one stam p in a set of two 8. Fin land #365 a. woman with hoop b. 100th Ann iversary of birth of Elin K allio (Finish Women's Physical Education Pioneer) c. 1959 d. sin gle stam p issue 9. Czechoslovakia #698 a. mal e gymnast b. 1st Nation al Summ er Sparticist Games (Prague, Czechoslovakia ) c. 1955 d. one stamp in a set of three 10. H ungary #B241 a. woman wit h banner h. 37th S Lamp Day c. 1964 d. one stamp in a set of four e. so uvenir shee t ex ists 11. Red Chi na # Y vert 1265 a. women's fl oor exercise b. 1st Na ti onal Sports Meet (Peking, Ch in a) c. 1959 Next month : A pair of attractive Hunga dia monds and a set of " mod ern· ized" gymnasts from T rieste Zone " B".

THE AMAZING JAPANESE by Dr. Eric Hughes (The author spent five months in Japan visiting Junior high schpols, high schools, and universities to learn as much as pos· sible about the Japanese gymnastic pro· gram from the lowest level up to the de · velopm.ent oj' Olympic performers.) Why are the Japanese the best gymnasts in the World? An analysis of this question may reveal many factor s that will enable the United States to raise the level of their international gymnastics. Some fal se conceptions that many peo· pIe may have about Japan ese gymnastics must be erased before the qu estion ask ed in th e paragraph above can be an swered. First, gymnastics is not a popular sport in Japan , that is, it is not a sport with large numbers of participants. Second, Japan does not have es pecially good faciliti es or equipment. Our gyms are much better and we have many more schools that are ad e· quately equipped for gymnastics. Third, many , many schools in Japan have the same probl em we have concerning the shar· ing of facilities with other sports. Basket· ball often has first chance at the facilitie s with the result that gymnastics is allotted inadequate practice time. Fourth, one of the biggest problems is the lack of quali, fied coaches. How many times have we heard in the United States, "We can't have a team in Ollr school because no one on our staff is qualified to coach gymnastics"? This is a typical statement made in most Japanese schools. It is probably safe to say that we have more qualified coaches in the United States than they have in Japan. In general the techniques of instruction and the methods of class organization that wcre observed were weaker than in the United States. This does not mean that there are not excellent teachers and coaches in Japan. There are. The majority of classes observed, however, were not well taught, . especially at the lower levels. Gymnastics is a relatively n ew sport in Japan . Its development has occured since th e second world war. Several Am erican coaches, such as George Lewis of the Seat· tIe YMCA, who were stati oned in Japan immediately aft er the war, con tributed to this early growth. The fact that they de· veloped from practically nothing to the bes t in th e world in a peri od of fifteen years from 1945 to 1960 is a fanta stic ac· complishment. What has been res ponsibl e for their success ? Why are they the best gymnasts in the world? A large part of the Japan ese gymnastic success must be attributed to their way of life. Their hom es, schools and gyms are not heated. Th ey do not have. cars and therefor e walk more than we do. Their di et is more spartan with less fat and less protein. This is not necessarily a more healthful diet but it does tend to develop a thinn er and more wiry individual. You seldom see fat peo ple in Japan. In general they possess greater strength per pound o{ body weight than Americans and in general they are constitutionally tou gher. Some of their success must be attributed to their racial structure. The Japanese are small and possess light fram es. This gives th em certain mechanical advan tages but it must be remembered also som e di sadvant· ages. The philosophy of the majority of Japan ese gymnasts is somewhat different from the majority of the United States' gymnasts. They are more dedicated to

Full teams from many University Alumni Associations and Clubs compete for honors in the Notional Gymnastic Championships of Japan.

their sport. They work harder, longer and make more sacrifices. There seems to be a greater desire to excel. We have dedi· cated gymnasts too, with the desire to ex· cel, but we do not have as many as they do in Japan. Besides th ese gen eral reasons for suc· cess there are more specific reasons why the Japanese excel in our sport. Their development of international gym· nasts starts at the hi gh school level. On hi gh school team s there are six all-round performers th at compete in the six internati onal events. Compulsory exercises are used as well as optionals. High school rul es are ' the same throughout the country and th ere is a nati onal high school cham· pionshi p meet. (Th e in clusion of extra non·international events in this country is not particularly harmful to the development of international gymnasts but th e exclu sion of som e of the all·round events, and th e lack of emphasis on the all·round , certainl y does influence the development of future international competitors.) Another very important fa ctor in Japan that co ntributes to the devel opment of top hi gh school gymnasts is th e right for hi gh school students to select the school whi ch th ey att end. This enables the best performers in each city to enroll at the same school and work toge ther under the guidan ce of the most qualified coach in th e area. This procedure und oubtedly reduces th e number of average gymnasts developed but brin gs about the development of a few top performers. When thi s small number is multiplied by many cities and town s whi ch operate under the same system the result is a relatively large number of top hi gh school performers in th e co untry as a whole. The University is also geared to the developm ent of international gymn asts. In ternational rules are follow ed . Competition is between six man teams in the six all round event s. Compulsory exercises are used in many meets. Oth er factors also help the development of international gymnasts in Japan ese Unive rsities. Over 90 percent of the University students in Japan attend universities in th e greater Tokyo area. This facilitat es compe ti tion and commun ication. Ju st a s is done in the high schools, most of the bet· tcr gymnasts select the universities that emphasize gymna stics. This enables them to train together and thus develop to their

maximum. Tokyo University of Education has been th e traditional leader at the Uni· versity level but recently Japan College of Physical Education has moved to the front. ihon University is also becoming promin· ent in gymnastics with Mr. Endo on their staff. Most gymnasts remain in the Tokyo area after college graduation. This enables th em to continue to train together and hold regular top level co mpetiti ons. It also facilitates communi cation and distribution of information to the top international prospects. Many universities s up p 0 r t Alumni team s and permit them to train in university gyms. Alumni teams have won the top few places in National open competition in recent years. Th e concentration of gymnasts in one area seems to contribute to the development of the sport in other countries that are considered gymnastic powers., Czecho· slovakian gymnasts move to, and train in, Prague as soon as they becollle interna· tional prospects. In Italy the top gymnasts live in Rome. The concentration of popu· lation and business activity in one city in these countries elimina tes many of the problems we have in the United States in the development of our gymnasts for in· ternati onal competition. The U.S.S.R., on the other hand, has many of the same problems that we have. The Japan ese Gymnastic Association, the go vernin g body for th e sport in Japan, gives the impression to a vi sit or, of being well organized and well staffed with many full· tim e paid employees. They seem to be doing an excell ent job of reaching all those interested in the sport of gymnastics in their co untry. The strong finan cial position of thi s organization undoubtedly has a great affect on the development of the international gymnasti c program in Japan. It is obvious we should not, and can not, parallel the Japanese program in th e United States. We have differences in our way of life that wo uld be impossible to chan ge. Th e size of our coun try makes the mechani c. of co-ordination much more co mpli cated. Many of the things the Japan ese are doin g will work in our country, however, and if we wish to become an internati onal gymnastic power we can learn much from our Japanese fri ends. Their accomplishments in the sport of gymnastics in the modern era are truly amazing. 11

CANAD IA N REPORT by J ohn nv Nooney 18 LavinlZton Dr. Weston. Ontario HER E AN D THERE Mr. John Tutt e has moved to the Van· . couver area. H e has certainly done his share to promote Gymnastics etc. here in the East and I would like to publicly thank him. Good luck J ohn. Crest I believe we have two excellent designs submitted. It is almost a year since it was talked about, could something be done to have a new crest approved? Constitution The new constitution is now officially approved with some minor chan ges. As of the 1st of September, 1966 it will become opera tive. All branches and members have been asked by the National chairman to support and use it. This will be the offi· cial constitution of the Canadian Gymnastic Association. Thank You Recently I have received great assistance in the photographing of Meets etc. from Mr. J erry Diachun, Toronto and from F I Lt. Hanson R.C.A.F., Winnipeg. Many of the excellent photographs you have seen are the work of these men, without their assist· ance it would be impossible for me to write this Report. I am grateful for their help. International Tri Meet En gland, France and Canada. Hope arrangements can be worked out to hold this Meet. CANADIAN GYMNASTIC ASS OCIA TION Ed. Note: Excerpts from the General Mee tin g held in Winni peg in con juction with the National Champion ships . . . Visitors Att endin g-Mr. A. J. Fraser, consultant from th e Canadian Fi tn ess Co uncil and Amateu r Sports Co un cil was introduced. Mr. Gerald Bea ud ry, Assistant Director of the Winter Games and Mr. J ean Lemieux , advi sor on Gymnastics were al so introduced ... Ru ssian 'four-- 'liss Moniqu e Lind eman reported for Dr. Whittle on progress mad e by th e Ru ssian Tour Committee. Tour st arts Dece mber 6th. Going across Canada eight demonstration s and six clinics. Team will con sist of 18 persons plus 2 interpreters from Canad a. Final plans now depend on final confirmation from the Russian s . .. Triangular Meet, France, En gland, Canada- This mee t has been approved. The Canadi an Na tional Exhib ition has off ered to assist. Various teams mi ght be invited to different parts of Canada. Req uests for exh ibition meets should be mad e to the National Chairman .. . Pan Am Games- The new SI. Jo mes Centenary Arena will be the site for the Gymnasti c competitions. Pan Ameri can Games technical co mmittee was approved. Th e chairman for gymnastics organizin g committ ee is Mr. Emerik Duha, 868 Wicklow, Fort Gary. Assistin g him is ~1r. J ack Mowat, 162 Riverbend Cres., Winnipeg. Chuck Sebeysten


and Ja cq ue Cho ui nard will advise on the technical and equipment aspect of the ga mes . . . Pan Am Trials-Trials will take place in May 1967 at Montreal. Canadian Na tional Championships will take place at the Ca nadian National Exhibition, Toronto in 1967 . . . Na tional Office rs ,' National President, R. Gagnier (M ontreal); Vice President Technical, Al Dippong (Men ) (Toronto ); Vice Pres iden t Tech nical, Shirley Wenzel (Wom en) (Saskatoon ); Treasurer, C. Girard (l\ Iontreall ; Secretary, Lew Waller -(Montreal) .

FIRST CANA DIAN WINTER GAMES AT QUEBEC CITY, F EB. 11-19, 1967 For many years, Canada's leading sportsmen have dreamed of a great, purely Canad ian competition, that is Canadian Games, which would complete the quadriennial cycle of the Olympic Games, the British Empire Games and the Pan-American Games. This dream has now become a real challenge worthy of our country. The Nation'al Advisory Council on Fitness and Amateur Sport and its Directorate have made these Games their primary ob· jective. The Canadian Amateur Sports Federation has multiplied its efforts to ensure thei r technical coordination and particularly their periodical continuity. Thus, after it had been agreed that this co mpet ition would be divided into Summer Games and Winter Games, these organization s have entrusted us with the preparation, the synchronization and the realization of th e First Canadian Winter Games. We are very much aware of the difficulti es of this undertakin g, but the unanimous and eager collaboration we have rece ived everywhere, "A mari usque ad mare" compels us to anicipate a tremendous success whi ch will make every Canadian even . proud er. Up to date, we have gained the concrete par ti ci pation of all govern ments ; we have provoked the settin g-up of gigantic athletic installation s in the region and we have se· cured th e coll aboration of an outstanding team. Snow being the most important natural link between all Canadians, we believe that an athl etic gat herin g of all of those Canadian s who enjoy snow, in a city whose repu· taii on for hospitality and festivities is alrea dy esta blished, will constitute an authenti c Canadian manifestation and a good omen for the next Centennial. God Bless Canada and its First Winter Games. The Management Patro Roc Games .

AIMS AND GOALS OF THE FIRST CANA DIAN WINTER GAMES I- To stimulate enthusiasm towards amateur sports throughout the country. 2-To familiarize Canadian Athletes with the particular environment of great competitions. 3-To strengthen mutual understanding and fri endship between athletes from different areas in Canada. 4-To bring to for ce some considered second rating sports; to try and increase their importance in Canada; to increase their number of participants. 5-To allow for the greatest possible number of athletes to take part in top fli ght competition. 6-To illustrate that the development of amateur sports in Canada is being ac· complished at all levels. 7-To be able to evaluate at different intervals the progress of our accomplishments in amateur sports and to compart results of training methods. 8-To develop on the part of the athletes their willingness to improve and their sense of national pride. 9-To further develop team spirit and sense of honor with the athletes. 10-To evaluate the assets of good physical fitness, the advantages of good sports discipline and the acquired merits of great performances without any lucrative r eward. Gym nastic events will take place at the Patro Roc Amadour on the 12, 13, 14, 15 of F ebruary, 1967. Please plan to attend. THE NATIONAL SECRETARY Mr. Lew Waller started his gymnastic career in the Regina YMCA as a member of the Junior, Intermediate and finally Senior Leaders Corps. He won the all round Championship in gymnastics for three years 1925 to 27 in the Regina Boys and Girls Fair. He participated in the Western Canadian Leaders Gymnastic Tournament 1928 to 33; placed 1st in the tournament in 1933. In 1933 to 35 he taught school in Southern Saskatchewan. Needless to say much of his time was spent in teaching his charges gymnastics and members of his school won local awards for physical ed ucation. Lew was a mem ber of the George Williams College, Chicago, gymnastic t eam 1936-40, and in 1940 was co-captain of the team. As a "Y" physical director, Lew served in Saint John, Regina, and Westmount. In each location his "Y" leaders corps gave creditable accounts of themselves in gymnastics, performing in gym

Amadour-Site of the Gymnastic Competition of the first



displays, and participating in local tourna· ments. The Regina "Y" Senior Leaders corps won the Western "Y" Leaders team title in 1947 under his leadership. At Westmount from 1947 to 57 he stimu· lated interest and enthusiasm in gymnastics among Montreal gymnasts through periodic "open house" invitations to all in terested in the sport. Visitors to his gym at this time were John Paul Marcil, Marie Claire Larson, and Gilbert Larose. Lew attempted to start inter Y competi tion between West· mount, Notre Dame de Grace and Central Associations in 1953, 1954, and 1957. His Westmount Y team won the inter YMCA gymnastic competitIOn between Montreal and Quebec City for 4 years 1955-58_ At this time Richard Montpetit and Raymond Gagnier were members of his men's gymnastic team_ For younger gymnasts Lew originated the Westmount YMCA Hobby Show gym nastic meets in 1955. This has now developed into two meets, one for beginner gymnasts from Westmount schools and one for registered AA U gymnasts. It is the first meet held in Montreal city, and the proving ground for many new gymnasts. Since 1958 Lew has been coaching the Lakeshore YMCA girls gymnastic club in Pointe Claire, in the fall of 1965 he started a new girls group in the St. Laurent Community Centre, St. Laurent, Quebec_ In the administrative field, Lew served as chairman of the Quebec Gymnastic Committee 1956 and 1957; as secretary 1958 to 62; as vice·president 1962; and as secretary 1963 to the present. The last two years he has served as secretary to the Canadian National committee. Lew is one of the old school of dedicated physical education teachers_ He is presently employed as Director of Physical Education Program in the 51. Laurent Community Centre, Montreal's newest and most up to date Red Feather Agency. AN EXPERIMENT IN COMPETITIVE GYl\'1NASTICS by Jim Hoyle, Y_M_C.A_, Halifax, N.S_ One of the problems of a large country like Canada or the U.S.A. is that it is very difficult for gymnasts at opposite ends of the continent to compete again st each other_ T his is particularly serious in the maritime provinces of Canada where there are r elatively few gymnasts. Furthermore, the nearest senior competition to Halifax is in Quebec, 650 miles away. Not only is it expensive to measure performance and progress against the rest of the country, but local competition generally has the sa me contestants and the result can be fairly accurately guessed beforehand_ The first part of the problem can only be overcome at great expense, but the monotony of the second has had some relief in the maritime r egion by a new kind of competition in which handicaps are given to the better gymnasts. The F _LG. rulin g in scoring difficulty of a boy's routine allows 0.6 for a "C" move, 0.4 for a "B" and 0.2 for an "A". Taking into acco unt that a young gymnast can perform, say, six "A" moves, he can still theoretically score 6.2 out of 10.0 in a senior competition, based on perfect execution and combination. Consequently, in a competition in which all boys compete as one class, a suitable deduction from the scores of a senior gymnast should allow him to compete on the same level as a junior. This was tried in Nova Scotia for both boys and girls in the 3rd Annual Dartmouth YM·YW Invitational Competition

organized by Hugh Sproule and Lynne Pascoe_ Handicaps were calculated from the results of previous competitions in two ways. First, the weakest competitor was given no deduction or handicap, others were given handicaps proportional to the diff erence between their scores and those of the weakest competitor ; secondly, the most advanced gymnast was given an arbitrary high handicap and the other proportionately less. A rough average of the two meth ods was taken. Difficulties arose in estimating handicaps for entrants who had not competed before, and in relating age groups who do not normally compete together. These were overcome by comparing members of the same club. It may be argued that youngsters may be disco uraged by the superior perfornl ances of senior gymnasts, or on the other hand, an older gymnast giving a good performance would be discouraged on receiving a low score due to a high handica p. However, the idea of this type of competition was received so enthusiastically by all concerned that there was little concern about harmful effects. In fact, even many of the "non-winners" were pleased with having beaten better-known performers. The success of the system may be judged from the results_ It is believed that this the first time a compe ti tion of this sort has been held in Canada. RESULTS Team-Boys : 1. Dartmouth YMCA coached by Hug h Sproule , 2. Ha lifax YMCA coached by Jim Hoyle. Girls : 1. Fredericton coached by Anne Mitton, 2 . Dartmouth YMCA coached by Ly nne Pascoe, 3 . Bridgewater coached by Mari on Mayne, 4. Truro coached by Toni Prayer . TOP SIX ALL- ROUND Hand i- J udg ed Fina l cap Sco re Score Boys-Age-Team 8 .0 26 .0 18.0 Rick Gilbert, 16, Hal. YMCA Dennis Ring , 15, Dart. YMCA 9 .2 26 .8 17.6 Bryon Crooks, 12, Dort . YMCA 1.2 lB .7 17.5 Doug Lucas, 11 , Dart. YMCA 0 .7 16.9 16 .2 Jim Ho yle, Sr., Hal. YMCA 14.8 30.0 15 .2 Doug Copping , 10 , Dart. YMCA 1.0 16.0 15.0 Girls ) ill Watson , 9, Fredericton 0 .3 17.2 16.9 Kim Sinclair, 10, Freder icton 4 .5 20 .1 15.6 Laurie W heeler, 11 Fredericton 4.5 19.9 15.4 Joan Baxter, 10, Dart . YW 1.6 16.5 14 .9 Adrienne Lucas, 15 , Dart . YW 6.9 21.7 14 .8 Janice Graham , 15, Dart. YW 5 .5 19 .8 14 .3

PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF ELITE GYMNASTS Preliminary report by Richard R . Montpetit Ed. Note. This was a report that was distributed at the Canadian N ational Clinic and I fe el is of major importance today to coaches and gymnasts . Although of essential physiological interest, studies of physical performance dur-

ing practice of co mpetitive sports have been regrettably few_ Cycling, running, swim. ming and skiin g have been subj ect to such measuremen ts. Gymnastics has not been subj ected to extensive physiological analysis possibly due to the difficulty involved in obtaining such measures. The need for a scientific approach to the problems of modern athletic training has been aclmowledged for many years. However, before attempting to study techniques and methods of improvement in trainin g a certain general body of knowledge must be acq uired. It is essential at the outset to investigate the physiologic response of the participants to a general physical task and to a specific task. The form er is most accurately assessed in the laboratory in a test of physical working capacity, the latter by the collection of physiologic measures during actual sport participation_ The purpose of this study was to investigate the maximal physical work capacity - (P_W_C.) of gymnasts and the energy expenditure incurred by them during actual sport participation. The P .W.C. was measured by a maximum "2 intake test carried on the treadmill. The subj ects ran for 5 minutes at 7 mph_ and 0% grade. After a 10 minute rest th e grade was increased 2.5% and the procedure repeated (with the speed held at 7 mph.) until exhaustion _ The energy cost of gymnastic exercises was studi ed by the use of a modified Douglasbag technique and the cardiac response was moni tored with a radio-telementry sys- ' tem. Results : Physical Work Capacity. A comparison of maximum °2 Intake values for athletes of various sports is - shown in Table I. The gym nasts investigated in the present study obtained a maximum "2 Intake of 50 mllKg/ min. This va lue as judged from previous investigations is only slightly above the normal value of 4S mllK g/ min. characteristic of almost sedentary persons_ Obviously gym nastics does not sufficien tly tax the cardio-pulmonary system. A trainin g pro gram in which endurance work is included would remedy this situation_ Energy Expenditure. Each gymnast perform ed two required routin es (a novice and a junior exercise) and his optional exercise on parallel bars, hi gh bar, side horse and rings. Expired air was collected during an d after the exercise to arrive at a total oxygen consumpti on. Cardiac response was simultaneously r ecorded. Since all the results on this aspect of the stud y have not been completely analyzed a sample of typical res ults is given here :

TAB LE I MAXtMUM OXYGEN INTAKE pF ELIT E ATHLETES Investiga t or Astrand Magel Faulkner

Sport Cycling Track Skii ng Swimming X-country

Watson Montpet it

Hockey Gymnastics


Max. "2 Int a ke l / min_ m I/ Kg / min. 66.8 4 .66 72.8 4 .81 80 .2 5.48 56 .3 4 .3 9

Method used t o a ssess ma x. 02

N 14 5 5 15

Bicycle ergom .

Tread m ill Sk iing Swimming

66 . 1 683. 77 .9 67 . 1 76.7 69 0

66 .7 54 .3 50 .00

4.48 4 .11 3.43

Treadmi ll Treadmi ll Treadmill

6 10 10

W eigh t



N* 3.50 150 lB

J* 4.48 168 21

N 3.30 150 13

J 3.65 168 27




P.B. Subiect C.v .B. Tota l cost in Litre of "2 Terminal Heart Rate

N 3 .30 144 18

J 4.35 174 21

N 3.45 152 20

J 4 .00 162 25

*N-Nov ice exercise; J-Junior exercise


Herb Voge l of Southern III. Univ. u ses Irene Howorth of Saskatoon to demon'strate a spotting technique during the Training Clinic he ld prior t o the Nationals.

CANADIAN GYM NASTIC ASSOCIATIO N PRE-CHAMPIO NSHIPS Coaches Clinic : Men's and Wom en's National Clinics were held in R.C.A.F. Recreation Centre, Winnipeg prior to the National Championsh ip. Women's Clinic: Excellent presentation was mad e at 5 sessions by Herb Vogal, women's gymnastic coach from University of Southern Illin ois. Work included general prin ciples of coaching, coachin g technique on various' pieces of equipment, diet , fund rai sin g, meets. Interesting literature on physics and mechanics of gymnastics, Self Brain-storming Techniques, etc. was distributed. Demonstrations by Donn a Schaenzer and Irene Hayworth were enj oye d by all attendin g the sessions, There were 17 women and 6 men coaches registered for the clinic, total attendance for the 5 sessions was 98. Gymnasts and spectators were also pres· ent at sessions held in the gymnasium. Men's Clinic: Men's clinic opened in the lated afternoon Tuesday, which allowed men coaches to attend two sessions of women's clinic. Mr. Newt Loken , assisted by Richard Montpetit and Gilbert Larose conducted an interestin g programme with a totally different approach to that of the wom en's cl ini c. Durin g the clinic Mr. Loken di splayed loop film s, brochures from various compani es, shoes designed to kee p the feet together and other items. Demonstration s were given by the two gymnasts. Eight een men coaches registered. Sessions held in the gy mna sium attracted many spectators and gymnasts as well. All coaches showed k een interest in the clinics and copious notes were taken. A suggestion for future mi ght be to hold ses· sions staggered so that men and women might attend both clinics, especially when guest lecturers are brought at some ex· pense. The Clinic would have been more ef· fective if it had been divorced from other activiti es, and free from outside spectators, etc. Gymnasts practicing and peo ple walking through the gym di sturbed the sessions.

Ed. No te: Here are excerpts from an excellent clinic :;ive n by Dr. Newt Loken, gymnastic coach, University of Michigan . Basic Work Capacity It ha s been found through Richard Mon tpetit's doctoral study that a gymll ast's basic work ca pacity should be higher. This 14

can be in creased with a better traInIn g prograin consis ling of 1110re runnin g prior to

the start of gymnasti'c workouts and with runnin g throughout the season. Th e first two weeks of th e gymn ast's trainin g period should be devoted to running distances such as a mile and also of running a few 'fa st sprints. This will improve th e athlete's cardi o·vascul ar system which in turn improves the basic work ca pacity. With a better cardio-vascular sys tem the athlete is better able to supply oxygen to th e workin g mu scles, the ca pillary field is improved and also a more effi cient elimination of waste products is accomplished. The heart muscle of co urse becomes stron ger which all produces an athlete better able to move efficiently through a rigorous lea rnin g and compe titi ve season. We often stat e that many of our athletes have won with ou t this emphasis on basic work capacity but then in an swering thi s statement we find we have won because : we ·were lucky ; the breaks were point ed in ou r direction durin g the particular meet; that we had very good speci fi c trainin g toward s the accom · pl ishment of the individual routines. But co uld we not have done better with an in· crease in our basic work capacity? No tein watchin g a leading team in th e last Ol ympi cs during th eir practice session prior to the competition it was evident that they were ex tremely well prep ared for the competition with a trem endous reserve of

strength and work capacity. As an example in the middle of their routine on parallel bars these gymnasts would stop in a handstand positi on and proceed to execute several di ps to should er stand and ba ck to hand stand and th en continue with the balan ce of their r outine without ev id ence of fatigue. Progression and Development of a Gymnast : Novice Level- Movements will be learned slowly. Good stunt progression should be emphasized-similar to learning skill s in reading, math, etc. Make the connectin g movements meaningful, helpful, etc. Compulsory ro utin e mee ts are excellent at thi s level with emphasis on proper execution, good form , etc. Juni or Level- An increase in optional routin es; but again do not saturate the Juni ors with only gymnastics. Pl ease implement th eir program with complimentary sports. Seni or Level- Move into the Competitive Program as suggested prev iously. Families of iVlo vements It is felt that a di scussion of the various fam ilies of movem ents or stunts interrelated throughout the events would be of valu e to the coaches, gymnasts and instructors. It might be of value to recall that a stunt on one piece of apparatus is closely related to a similar type stunt on another pi ece of apparatus and thus co uld be called part of the Fami ly. The Coaches and gy mnas ts might well remember this in their own trainin g and learn in g program. Some exampl es of Famili es of S tunts are: Kip- F.X., Hi Bar, P. Bars, Rings Hip Circl es- Bk Extension, Bk. Hip Circles, Free Hip Circles to hand stand, etc.; Streilli and P each Basket ; Rin gs-13k. hip Circles, Shoot to hand stand , Reverse Kip. Roll s- F.X.; Hi Bar, Forward hip circles; Rings, Forward hip circles; P. Bars, F orward circles. P each Baskets-Hi Bar, Bk. Kip ; Rings, Bk. Kip ; P. Bars, Bk. Kip. Cut & Ca tch- Hi Bar, P. Bars, F .X. Hand stands- F.X., P. Bars, Rin gs-Watch stra ight back, an d Shoulder S tand . So mersa ult- F.X_, Tuck & Pike; P . Bars, Dismo unt ; Hi Bar, Reserve and Regular fl yaway_ Thoughts OnA. Vaulting: Minimum runnin g di stance that mu st be provided for the vaulters is 18 meters. It has been found that many of the top vaulters will use over 19 meters_

Dr. Newt Loken of the Univ. of Mich . conducts a pre-Champio nship Clinic for coaches at the Airforce base in Winnipeg.

High speed is of essence for a top quality vault. The best vaulters hit the board at the speed equivalent to a 11-12 seconds 100 Yard Dash_ The minimum distance for landing on the other side of the horse is one horse length_ Many va ulters land at a greater distance beyond the horse. Yamashita is an excepti on in that the landing may be a little closer. In studies on the run the best vaulters have an even steady run with a minimum of arm wavin g, etc. Upon landin g on th e board the arms are overhead for a Yamashita, Hecht, etc. . A general principle to remember IS to keep the arms locked upon la~ding so the body is similar to a broom stick landin 0' on the end of the horse and boun cmg off. This will jettison the body into a beautiful bounding vault with a score of 10! ! B . Parallel Bars: Remember the family of stunts that can be used from one event to another. Basic strength program for the b~ginners is essential. Consisting of dips, mverted han g walk, swinging dip travels, dip walks, straiO'ht arm walks, etc. Pr~per swinging action imperative. Use the belt whenever possible if for no other reason than to reduce inhibition! Lea rn hand spotting techniques-Stutz, back to catch, Moore, etc. High Bar: Good strength again imperative. _ Free hip circle techniques with the WrIst is essential for good stunt foundation. Please learn many basic stunts before movin g into the Giant Swing. Please do not push the flyaway as the only dismount for the beginning gymnast. Short demon stration- on other dismounts. Proper body position on a Giant Swing, strai ght, not arched. D. Rings : Work rin gs at low hei ght before elevatin 0 ' them above the head. Learn proper hand and arm positions in a handstand. The rubber tube strengthening program highly important. Proper dislocation techniques. Learn proper technique of stopping a


sw in g.

Proper L support position. E. Floor Exercise: General trend seems to be a continuously movin g routine with no perceptual stops other than a scale. Some action at the beginning ,in one corner is a general rule and from here on to a diagonal trip or side trip, etc. More routines are closer to minimum time limit than maximum time limit. Good tumbling technique. F. Side Horse: Learn proper shifting of weight. K ee p arm s straight. Work the horse in each workout session so it becomes your strong event. Endea vor to work free from the horse. Learn to elevate the hips on scissors. G. Spotting Techniques: Stand close enough to be of help to the performer in case of ,need. Please watch the hands of the performer on the high bar. Better to actually spot when in doubt than suffer an injury. From motor learning and safety viewpoint, a safety belt (overhead, hand, twisting, etc.) is highly recommended.

Report on the 1966 Canadian Open Gymnastic Championships Patricia Ste/anchuk Special Publicity Photographs Taken By F / L Larry Ran son of the Canadian Armed Forces The Canadian Open Gymnastic Championships and World Trials were held in Winnipeg, Manitoba on July 8th and 9th, at th e University of Manitoba. Over 2,000 spectators witnessed the colourful two day competition which opened with rousin g march music parading in the 82 gy mnasts and 75 officials and judges. Op ening remarks were conducted by Jack Mowat, director ' of the Meet, Raymond Gagnier, Na tional Gymnastic Chairman of Canada, and Professor Em il Hrenchuk of th e University of Manitoba. For 14 young men and women, the Championships represented a chance to attend the World Championships in Dort. mund , Germany, thi s September. Both 1965 Champions, Gail Daley and Gil Larose viewed the competition from the sid elin ~s. They are both nursin g injured leas. Gil was nam ed to the Canadian Men's T;am sin ce his ankle will be in fine shape by A~gust, bui the operation on Gail's knee will mean 6 full month s of rest for her. Twenty-six junior men and tw enty -se~en junior wom en sparked off the competitIon at 10:00 A.IV!. Friday, and by 2 :00 P.M. had completed th eir comp ul sory exercises. A keen audience; Friday evening, viewed seven te en senior women and 12 senior men as they began their compulsory routin es. On e of the main contenders for the Women's team, Susan McDonnell, sustained an injury to her right leg on di smounting the bea m, her first compulsory apparatus. Very fortunately , th e cracked bone should be co mpletely healed by the e'n d of August. Susan 's coach, IVIr. Vannie Edwards, of Centenary College, Shreves port, Louisiana, hopes to have , her ready to perform for the World Champion ships at which time she would join the Canadian Team. The -optional routin es for both the Jun路 iors and Seniors were held on Saturday, July 9th. It was clearly establi shed that Miss Donna Schaenzer of Carbondale, Illinois, a vi sitor to our co untry, would take top honours for Senior Women.

Donna's team-mate, Irene Haworth, captured the title of Canadian All Aro und Champion with a total of 69,600 points. Willie Weiler, a physical trainin g instructor with the Canadian Army, who has won 11 3 medal s in gy mnasti cs, sin ce co min o' to Ca nada in 1957, captured the Men's Title. Saturday evenin g found the gro up very relaxed and enj oyi ng a Smorgasbord held in th e new P embina Hall dinin g room on th e campus, overlooking the Red River. The Awa"rds were presented at the ban quet and the Selecti on Committee gave its report of gymnasts chosen to r epresent Canada at Dortm und . Chose n to the Men's Team are: Wilh elm Weil er, Andre S imard, Rick Kinsman , Roger Dion , Barry Brooker, Gordon Gannon, and Gil Larose. The Women 's Team will be mad e up of Irene Haworth , Marilyn Minaker, Sandra Hartley, S uzann e Cloutier, Lesli e Bird, Elsheth Austin , and Susan McDonn ell. Offi cials travelling with the gymnasts will he: Manager, Raymond Gagnier of Montreal, Que.; Men's Coach, Albert Dippong, or ' Toronto, Ontario ; Women's Coa~h , Maril yn Savage, of Scar borough, Ontano; Men 's Judge, Ca l Girard of Mon treal, QueIrene Haworth, 1st AA of the Canadian

Senior Women


Simard , Rosemont, Quebec, 106.05; (3 ) Rick Kinsman, Canadian Arm ed Forces, 103 .35; (4) Roge r Di an, Quebec City, Quebec, 101 .70; (5) Barr y Brooker, Toronto, Ontario, 99.40; (6) Kurt Eggerschwile r, Toronto, Ontario, 95. 15. Floor Exercise : Willy Wei le r 17 .90; Rick Ki nsman 17.25; Bill Robinson 17. 10. Vaulting: Andre Simard 18.90; Bill Rob inson 18 .8 5; Roger Dia n 18.80. Horizontal Bar: W illy Wei ler 18.60; Rick Kinsman 17. 25; Andre Simard 16.80. Still Rings : Andre Simard 18.25; Roger Dian 17.75; Barry Brooker 17.60; Wi ll y Weiler 17.60 . Parallel Bars: Willy Weiler 18.55; Rick Kinsman 17.95; Barry Brooker 17.80. Side Horse : Andre Simard 17.35; Wi ll y Wei le r 17.00; Rick Kinsman 16.85 . Senior Women-All Around : (1) Donna Schaenze r, Carbondale, Illino is 70.068; (2) Irene Haworth, Sa skatoon, Saskatchewan 69 .600; (3) Marcia

Andre Simard, 2nd AA Senior men.

bec; Women's Judge, Fay Weiler of Vedder Cross ing, British Columbia; Chaperone, Pat Middleton , of Winnipeg, Manitoba. As a member of the Manitoba Gymnastic Associa tion, I would like to say how much we, in Winnipeg, en joyed hosting the 1966 Cham pionships. It is the first tim e since 1938 that Winn ipeg has had the opportunity of having gymnasts from allover Canada and parts of the Uni ted States meet together in co mpetition. SUMMARY OF RESULTS CANADIAN路 GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Jul y Btk a nd 9th, 1966 University of Ma ni to ba - Winnipe g, Manitoba Senior Men-All Around: (1) Wilhe lm Wei ler, Vedder Crossing, B_.C. , 108.30; (2) And re




Louis iana ,

67 .88 9; (4) Marilyn Minoker, Scarborough, Ontario, 67.43 4; (5) Emily Stevens, New Orleans, Louisiana 65.266; (6) Sa ndra Hartley, No rth Vancouver, B.C., 65 . 134. Floor Exercise : Donna Schae nzer 18.167; Irene Hawo rth 18.067; Mar ilyn Minaker 17 .3 67 . Balance Beam : Ma ril yn Minaker 17. 100; Donna Schaenzer 17.067; Marcia Hunter 16 .900. Vaulting: Donna Schaenzer 17.367; Emily Stevens 17.267; Irene Haworth 17.000. Uneven Bars : Marcia Hunte r 18. 133; Irene Haworth 17 .700; Donna Schaenzer 17.467. Jun ior Men-All Around : (1) Sidney A. Jensen , LaSall e, Quebec, 105.85; (2) Gary Bal combe, Saskatoon , Saskatchewan, 102.90; (3) Steven Mitruk, Hamilton, Ontario, 101.85 (4) Fred Rodney, .Ve rdu n, Quebec, 99 .10; (5 ) Tom Kinsman, Pererboro, Ontario , 97.20; (6) Kirk Edwards, Berke ley, California , 97.10. Floor Exercise: Gary 8alcombe 17.30; Steve Mitruk 17.25; Sidney Jensen , 17.10. Vaulting: Gar y Bal combe, 18.05; Fred Rodney 17.90; Sidney Jensen 17.50; Horizontal Bar: Sidney Jensen, 17. 65; Steve Mitruk, 17. 15 a nd Gary alcombe 17.15, t ie. Still Rings: Ma urice Wi lliams 17.70; Sidney Je nsen 17.25; Gory Ba lcombe 16.95. Parallel Bars: Sidney Jensen 18.75; Gary Balcombe 18 .05; Steve Mitruk 17.60. Side Horse : Sidney Jensen 17.60; Tom Kinsman 16.50; Steve Mitru k 16. 15. Junior Women-All Around: (1) Glenna Se. best yen, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 67 .900; (2 ) T e re 5 a McDonnell, Sca rb orough , Ontario, 64 .53 2; (3) Barbara Thompson, Toronto, Onta ri o, 64 .468; (4) Je nn ifer Diachun , Scarborough , Ontar io, 62 .633 ; (5) Patti Sebest ye n, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 59 .233; (6) Susan Buchanan, Ottawa, Ontario, 59.035. Floor Exercise: Te resa McDonnell 19. 100 and Glenna Sebest ye n 19.1 00, tie; Jennifer Diachun 16.466. Vaulting : Glenna Sebest yen 17.533; Susan Buchanan 16.634; Marie St. Jea n Balance Beam: Teresa McDonnell 16.633. 15.833; Glenna Sebestyen 15.3 67 and Barbara Thompson 15 .3 67 , tie. Uneven Bars : Glenna Sebest yen 17.900; Barbara Thompson 16 .667 and Jennifer Diachun 16.667, tie.

Winner of the Jr. Men's Gold Medal is Sidney Jensen from Montreal. Bud Fraser of the Fitness and Amateur Sports branch of Canada making the presentati on . . . "W illie" Weiler receiving the Gold Medal f ro m Bud fo r winning the Sr. AA title.


Top : Marilyn Minaker 2nd best Canadian senior woman co mpetitor. Above: Bud Fraser cong ratu lates Glenna Sebestyen and Teresa McDonnell for placing first and second in the Jr. Competition.

EASTERN CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS The organizational aspect of this meet was a tremenduus success. The pre·meet publicity was excellent, so an exceptionally large crowd attended. The co· sponsorship of the Scarborough Rotary Club and the Winstonettes Gym Club worked well, our sport should seek the assistance of Service Clubs whenever possible. Congratulations to all officials involved. Meet Results There was little doubt about the outcome of the Senior Women's Division, All·Around Susan McDonnell of the National team swept the four events. It was pleasing to see Susan home from Centenery Coli. com· peting in her own home town. I think gym· nasts attending American Colleges have a responsibility to compete here in Canada to help to promote the Sport. The runner· up was Marilyn Minaker, Winstonettes G. Club. Barry Brookers, Toronto Harmonie nar· rowly defeated Rick Kinsmen, Canadian Armed Forces in the Senior Men's Division All Round. Kurt Eggerswhiler was placed third. The Junior Men's All Round was a struggle all the way between Steve Mitruk, Hamilton Germania, Sid Jensen, Palastre National Club and Fred Romney, Palastre National Club. Steve Mitruk eventually won out over Sid, and Fred was placed third. The Junior Girls All Round WaS won by Theresa McDonnell, a young sister of Sus· an's and a member of the Winstonettes, followed by her team mate Judy Thompson and Jennifer Diachun of the Toronto Har· monie placed third. Women Senior Division- All Round : (1) S. McDonnell , 71.83 ; (2) M . Minaker 68 .92; (3) S. ~'tn<;s 6~~2~or Division-All Around : (1) B. Brooker 107.80; (2) R. Kinsmen 107.45; (3) K . Eggershwiler 106.53. Men's Junior Division-All Round: (1) Steve Mitruk 107.85; (2) Sid Jensen 107.65; (3 ) Fred


05-JJriior Division-All Round : (1 ) Theresa McDonnell 68 .04 ; (2) Barb Thompson 67.71 ; (3 ) Jen Diachun 66 .89 .

Below : Steve M itric 1st II Jr. Men Eastern Canad ian Championships.


At top : Barb Thompson, 2nd AA Jr. Women Eastern Championships and Rick Kinsman 2nd AA for Sen ior Men at Easterns .

CANADA VS. U.S.A. HELD AT THE C.N.E. COLISEUM, TORONTO This was a tension packed Meet, as many of the Gymnasts taking part were gettin g ready for the World Championships at Dortmund. This Meet came off slow and late and this did not help the performances of many of the gymnasts. Excessive confer· ences between judges were a contributing fa ctor to the excessive length of the Meet. The American Men's team coached by Newt Loken, a full team of six, scored 221.50 points to Canada's 215.95, thus avenging last year's defeat. The U.S. team was much improved from last year. Fred Roethlesberger of the U.S. won the top All Round spot with a tremendous score of 55.60 points. Sid Freudenstein also of the V.S. scored 55.25 to take 2nd place and Willie Weiler of Canada and Arn ie Lascari of the U.S. tied for 3rd place with a score of 54.40 points. Representing the U. S. team-Arno Las· cari, Fred Roethlisberger, Dave Thor, Dan· ny Millman, Sid Freudenstein and Bob Lynn. Representing Canadian Tea m - Willie Weiler, Andre Simard, R. Dion, B. Brook· er, G. Gannon, Gil Larose, Coach Al Dip· pong. (When judging Canada's performance note must be taken that Gil Larose did not com pete in FX and Vaulting.) The Women's Meet The American women's team again de· feated the Canadian team with a score of 132.63 to Canada's 128.88. It must be pointed out that Susan McDonnell and Gail Daly and Irene Haworth were off this Can· adian team because of injuries. Linda Metheny captured the All Roun d, with a score of 34.68 followed in seco d place by Joyce Tanac who scored 33.32 and Sandra Hartley of Canada scored 33.26 to take third place. Many fin e performances were turned in by our women gymnasts which were round ly applauded by a sell out crowd of many thousands. I wish J had space to describe some of the very excellent and imaginative routines both men and women displayed at this Meet. Representing the U.S. Team- Joyce Tan · ac, Linda Metheny, Mickey Hester, Mere· dith Eubanks, Cathy Carroll, Barb Gal· lagher. Coach P . Sinerelli. Representing th e Canadian Team- Leslie Bird, Sandra Hartley, Suzanne Cloutier, Diana Masse, Eisbeth Austin , Marilyn Min· aker. Coach Mrs. Marilyn Savage. INDIVIDUAL SCORES Men's All Roun d: Roethli sberger (US) 55.60 ; Freudenstein (US) 55.25; Lascari (US) and W. Weiler (C) 54 .40; Thor (US 53 .7 5; Simard (C) 53.50. Floor Ex: Millman (US) 9.55; Freuden stein (US) 9.50; Weiler (C) 9.35. Parallel Ba rs: Weiler (C) 9.45 , Roethlesberger & Thor (U. S. ) and Larose (C) 9.40 . Vaulting : Gannon (C) 9.5 5; Weiler (C) 9.50, Dian (C) 9.50. Horizonal Ba r: Weiler (C) 9.45 . Freudenstein (US) 9.25; Roethlisberegr (US) 9.20. Rings: Roethlisberger (yS) and Millman (US) 9.35 , Lascaro (US) 9.30. SIde Horse: Lascari (US) 935, Thor (US) 9.15, Roethlisberger 9. 10. Women's All Round: Metheny (US) 34 .68, Tanac (US) 33.32, Hartley IC) 33 .26, Minaker (C) 33 .25, Hester (US) 32.65, Coroll (US) 31.98 . Floor Ex: Metheny (US) 8 .73 , Tanac (US) 8.5, Hartley (C) 8.4 . Uneven. P.B. : Tanac (US) 8 .56, Metheny (US) 8 .53 , Hartley (e) 8.36 . VaUlting: Metheny (US) 8 .66, Tanac (US) 8.56, Bubank s (US) 8.50. Balance Beam: Metheny (US) an d Minaker (C) tied 8.76 , Hester (US) and Hartley (C) tied for third 8 .20. (I would like to thank Mrs. Audrey Minaker for the above scores.)



MORGAN CITY, La.-Frank Schmitz, of Lafayette, La. internationally known trampoline champion, was killed in a plane crash near here Saturday nif[ht on the eve of his 21st birthday. Schmitz would have been a senior at Southern Illinois University this month. He was national NCAA champion in trampoline 1965 and won the NCAA gymnastics chompionship in. free exercise and long horse this year.



The World of Gymnastics ~as lost one of its finest, most colorful competitors at the peak of his gymnastics career. Frank Schmitz had won the NCAA National Trampoline title in 1965, Long Horse and Floor Exercise titles in 1966 and had an excellent chance to win all three again in 1967. He will be remembered in particular for his full and 1% twisting twisting dive roll moves in Floor Exercise and his full twisting front vault in Long Horse, all of l."hich he used successfully in the nationals. Basics for these stunts he learned on trampoline, the apparatus on which he was rated as one of the world's best performers, if not the best. BRUSHES WITH DEATH Frank had a particularly full life for his short 21 years. Probably because of this active life he had more than the usual amount of brushes with death, one of which led him to take up gymnastics as a sport. When he was a small baby he had a near fatal accident when his stroller rolled off the porch of his home. Later, when he was a boy, he found a live bullet and was playing with it in a toy gun when it exploded and a portion of the shell lodged in his liver, there to remain for the rest of his life. Most serious of these near misses, however, was in his early teens when he was found lying in the street with a severe head injury, presumably the result of a motor scooter accident. His head was swollen to almost half again normal size and he was delirious and close to death for many days. Before this accident Frank's favorite sport was football, but because of the injury his parents, Polly and Bill Schmitz of Lafayette, La., led him away from contact sports and he became in-


* terested in gymnastics. He began gymnastics working on high bar and practiced with the Louisiana Southern University gymnastics team. There he met Wayne Miller (1966 NCAA and World trampoline title holder) and the two competed against each other on trampoline until they became rated among the world's best.





We met Frank Schmitz on less than half a dozen occasions, found him to be a very polite boy and we became very fond of him. In addition to being a great trampolinist, he was an "all out" competitor. Examples of his competitive spirit were shown in the last two meets we saw him perform. At the NCAA nationals at Penn State Frank was competing on Long Horse and was high scorer in prelims. After the first vault of the finals he was so far ahead that almost any vault performed reasonably well would give him the championship. Instead of choosing an easy vault, however, Frank executed an almost perfect full twisting vault disregarding the fact that it could be easily missed. Again, in the L.A. State Tournament of Champions meet held at end of season he showed this same spirit. He had been ill before the meet and unable to work out. Competition on trampoline was such that an easy routine would win for him but he remarked, "Gordie (Coach Gordon Maddux) invited me out here and I'll try to give him a good show. I'll try my nationals routine and see how far I can go." And without having been in a gym for a month performed the routine and scored in the high nines. It's hard to believe Frank is gone. We will miss him.

Trampolining By Jess Rob i nson

Another school year is upon us and time has come to sort through last summer's stack of mail. First, from Earl Duggan, instructor at Perkins School in Des Moines, Iowa: "I thought you might be interested in some potential up and coming young girl trampolinists. After three years of hard work at Perkins Elementary School, our girls have completed their most successful year in gymnastics, winning five divisional titles on the trampoline and many other titles in girls' gymnastic events including the Iowa State A.A.U. All·Around Champion· ship won by Mary McDonald, who is 13 years old. "Mary is one of our outstanding perform· ers on the tram poline. She is curren tly the State's best in her division. Her routine in· cludes a fliffis out, double back, Rudolph, full twisting back, double twisting back, 1% back and cody. She is now in the process of learning a double cody, full twisting cody and a Randolph. "Margie Hudelson, 10, has already won the Iowa State and Iowa A.A.U. Divisional Trampoline Championships. She has a double back, full twisting back, double twisting back, Rudolph, and a cody in her routine. Other promising trampolinists are Jill Carey, 10; Diane Sargent, 9; Janny Canon, 12; Pam Havens, 14; Mary Sloan, 13 and Joan Edison, n. All of these have placed 4th or better in their respective divisions in Iowa State competition. "It might be interesting to note the correlation to good performance and good student as all of these girls rate very high academically in their classes. The dedication to the sport of gymnastics by these girls and many others makes my teaching job a most heart warming one."






From John Cosgrove, 14, of Van Nuys, Calif. : "There are two records that I would like you to know about. The first may sound silly but I think it should be recognized. Mike McCarthy, a resident of Van Nuys, performed 2000 stomach drops. I don't know if this is a record but I am sending it in anyway. "The other record was performed by Doug Washburn, a student of Valley Jr. college. He performed 76 hand bounces and the last 30 were claps in mid air! Both of these records were performed at Valley Jr. College." We would recognize 2000 stomach drops as "Mat Hog" of the year.

U'Sullivan, age 15. She had two years basic work with us. Her present diving coach, Wally Nakamoto, was our senior boy cham· .. n pIOn nme years ago.




Mike Dennison, a competitor from Ogden, Utah, and his friends have been helping local trampolinists get started. He says about one of their students: "We have developed a very good trampolinist in less than 3 months. His name is Gary Partington, 12, an eighth grader at Mound Fort Junior High here in Ogden. He has learned double backs, Rudy's, backs with full and double twists, back % with full twist to cody's with full. He is now in the process of getting enough nerve for a triple back. I promised him I'd write if and when he threw a double cody. Last week he did it." Twelve is an ideal age to begin tram po· lining. A boy with Gary's potential should try to attend Tucson Gymnastic Clinic held during Christmas vacation.



Now here is some original thinking: "To whom it may concern, "This is concerning your trampolines and the sale of them. My name is Dennis Diem and what my concern is, I went to a gym· nastics meet the day before yesterday. At this meet I sat there and thought of how great it would be if a man on a high bar exercise or routine is the proper name could possibly leave the bar in the air and return to the bar from the trampoline. You may think I'm a couk but at any rate it would be a fabulous routine I believe. The trampoline I think could do this if you could get schools to buy it. "What I am speaking of is a smaller trampoline which would be set up from the ground approximately five feet. This tram· poline would I believe after being made and performed in front of gymnastics coaches would probably make a great seller. I would look into this if I was you people." Then maybe we could get trampoline in the Olympics.

Larry Shull of Bakersfield, Calif., asks: "Presently I'm a competitive trampolinist and would be especially interested in ob· taining information on how to do advanced stunts, especially 1 %, back, double cody, fliffis in (front), etc." Perhaps this year we will give instruction on the more advanced stunts.




FROM'AUSTRALIA As we mentioned in a previous issue, trampolining in Australia is coming on strong. Weare receiving almost as much mail from "down under" as we receive from here in the States. 1'1\ addition, we correspond by tape recordin'g with John LeHunt, prseident of the Victorian Amature Trampoline Assn. and receive first hand in· formation on all national meets. Roger Walsh, president of Queensland Amature Trampoline Society wrote that Len Ransom was performing front-frontbar any triffis both to feet and stomach be· fore suffering a knee dislocation. Roger himself has turned a 3% front somersault. Requests for trampoline information were received from Jack Stokes of Chermside Youth Club; Mrs. G. Bain, physical director of Melbourne YWCA and Jack Barnett, owner of a Tempe Squash, Swimming and Trampoline Center. There seems to be trampolines everywhere. VISITORS Traveling through Los Angeles were Harvy Plant, wife and son. Many will remember Harvy as a nationally rated Tram· polinist a few years ago. He is teaching school near Phoenix, Arizona. Fred Sanders left Hawaii and will be teaching in Tucson, Arizona. On his way through he worked out on trampoline at the beach and threw a triple back. He just learned the stunt a few weeks ago. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Russ Pierce, Asst. Athletic Director at Los Angeles Athletic Club, celebrated his 30th birthday by throwing a triple front, triple back, triple porpus (bailout) among other wild stunts. He says "not bad for an old man."

Now here's a gymnasT who realiy knows how to spend a summer vacation. With special clearance from NCAA USGF AAU SEG, SAG, etc., Dan Mlliman will appear brieflY in

a beach gymnastics s~ene I~ the ~ew MGM movie "Don't Make .Waves" starTing Tony

Curtis Claudia Cardinale Julie Newmar and Sharon Tate. Dan dIdn't get paId for h,s effort~ but fringe benefits were fantastic, as above p icture might indicate. (Dan left the scene in middle of filming to attend a clinic for potential Olympians held at Penn State.)

Larry Anderson who has operated a trampoline school in Honolulu, Hawaii, for many years, writes: "Punahou School, coached by Fred Sand· ers and Bill Buck, held an Open Invitational Trampoline Meet. Since all of our boy and girl champions go to the school, Fred has inehrited them and took first and second. Our 13-year·old Greg Nelson tied for third. "Our local high school diving champions are products of our School. Watch for Keala


'GREATEST SHOW OVER THE WATER' YMCA CIRCUS OVER THE POOL No Gymnastium At New YMCA-But A Will To Succeed in Gymnastics By Ronald C. Carter Ph ysical Director, YMCA , Baton Rouge, La. The Baton Rouge YMCA has had new faciliti es now for three and one·half years but still has no indoor gymnasium. When th e Y. 'l CA abandoned its old facilities be· cause of inadequacy for a YMCA program, there was a small circus and competitive "v mnasti cs program. It looked as though ~he program would fail at the new location without a gym ; especially because the pro!!ram was still in th e developmental stages. - The YMCA was very fortunate to have a sm all group of gymnasts who were determined to have' a successful gymnastics program regardless of the inadequate situ· ation. Old equipment was restored with paint and repairs. The games lobby became th e gymnasium for tumbling and vaulting and balance beam work. The outdoor gym was used when the weather permitted. Space was found and used for many competitive gymnastic events, but space was still lacking for the hanging activities such as hi bar and rings. But even though the team was limited in events they were very successful their second year in competition. The 12 and und er boys won the team award for first place in the novice SAAU Championship in 1965. That same year the sa me team won the YMCA Southern Area Sports Festival. Again in 1966 the same bovs tea m won the same two titles. it wa s in September of 1965 that young creative minds began to figure how the hanging activities could be done in our present faciliti es. The out of doors would present many problems besides the weather. A lon g look was given to the deck area and ceiling structure of the indoor pool. Already the trampoline was being used on one side of the diving board. The parallel bars were placed on the other side of the diving board and thi s left no other space on the deep end of the pool. Large con-


"Y ·NEWS" Ii you have '.'Y·NEWS" that should be in the MG . . . Send it direct to Kenneth W. Hollis, 3881 W. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, 44109.

Kenneth W. Hollis

crete overhead beams in the shallow end became a mean s of hanging the still rings over the deck. Still determined to use more of the pool area as a gymnasium, a trapeze was hung over the water in such a way that near professional stunts could be performed and the water be the net. Then flying and still rin gs were suspended over the water and a brilliant idea was born. Why not work towards putting on a circus in the pool room. Very soon it was realized ' that there were not enough events to perform as good a circus as could be done in a gym. But this didn't stop those little creative minds. A dad wbo welds was put to work building large tripod s to set on the bottom of the pool to hold the girls balance beam. The tripods would be moved by YMCA trained Scuba Divers. Of course this equipment had to be easily adj usted to fit the various curves on the bottom of the pool. These two big tripods became the most versatile eq uipment the YMCA could have. Being determied to have at least ten acts over the water for the circus, the tripod s had to se rve many purposes. They became the base for pyramids and hand balancing high above the water. Baton twirling became one of the acts on the small platforms on th e tri pods. They became the standards for a long horizontal bar and another act was born. One of the main attractions in a circus is the tight wire or tight rope. It didn ' t happen over night, but by January, 1966 a manilla rope 80 feet long was stretched the length of the pool between the end walls. To keep the rope up high , the platform s on the tripods were placed under the rope and gave the performers a base from which to perform. But this still wasn't enough. The gymnasts were determined to use every possible gymnastics event in their circus. The small balance beam tripods were adapted to work in coordination with the large ones so that an attempt to put the trampoline over the water could be achieved. It was tried; a few revisions made and then glorious success with the gymnasts working both on the trampoline and off of it into the water. What amazed the circus audience the most was how smoothly and safely this big heavy trampoline moved out over the water f rom the deck through the shallow end to th e deeper water. Other highlights of the circus itself was a triple back somersault off the trapeze into only 4 feet of water. Also, one of the boy performers rode a bicycle across the tight rope and the same boy walked it blindfolded. Another performer actually performed a forward roll on the rope with an 8 pound, 16 foot aluminum balancing pole in his hands.

Many excltlllg acts were coupled with taped circus music and the circus was born. In May the pool was decorated with hundreds of balloons and sheets were hung decoratively around the pool to keep the audience dry. It was very exhausting, but the team put on 4 shows in two consecutive weekends. It was a two hour show with a 20 minute intermission for changing equipment and getting refreshments. The performers autographed gas filled balloons for the children after the show. Well, the show is over now and the performers have gotten some much earned rest. But, soon after practice was resumed this summer another trapeze was hung and already many of the boys and girls are flying from one trapeze to the other. One boy is doin g back somesaults in his flying. The water has proven to be an excellent net even for flying on the trapezes. Also, all of the other acts are being improved upon and made more spectacular for future shows. Very soon dates will be set for another two weekends of YMCA circus this fall. With the same clowns, good music, pretty girls, and muscular, courageous boys, the YMCA should have another and better still "Greatest Show Over The Water".

Scenes from YMCA "Water Circus" . At left: Hi Bar over water . Below: a front roll on the Tight Rope. At right: Still Rings, Balance Beam and a Trampoline dismount mto the water. (Laoks like fun)


Presented by Southern California Acro Team Judges: Mrs. Dale McClements Flansaas, Mrs. Joanne Pasquale, Mrs. Elsie Stellway, Mrs. Jud y Trammell , Mrs. Brenda Villard. North Squad: Coach, Mrs. Irene Schmidt; Stephenie Ardis, Debbie Baily, Wendy Cluff, Lori Forman, Linda Hamby, Joanne Hasimoto, Dagmar Hintnaus, Ava Ichimoto, Linda Loretz,

Bey. Marquette, Sue Richards, Susie Singrin, Betty Smith, Joyce Tanac, Denice Wells, Gaye Williams, Terri Zander. . South Squad: Coach, Mrs . Florence Palos; Bonnie Bennett, Leslie Bird, Karin Galloway, Tina Gudge, Sondra Hartley, Dena Lorentzen, Kerry McCollam, Lisa Nelson, Kathy Perry, Cathy Rigby, Lindo Rodella, Margie Schilling, Jeon






Marie Walther.

Wendy Cluff 27.4; Joanne Hasimoto 27; Bonnie Bennett 26.5; Lindo Rodella 26 .3; Sondra Hartley 25.1 . Side Horse Vaulting : Marie Walther 26.8; Joyce Tanac 26.3; Cathy Rigby 25.8; Joanne Hasimato 25.2; Sondra Hartley 23.2. Balance Beam: Marie Walther 26.8; Wendy Cluff 26.2; Lindo Rode lla 26.2; Jo yce Tanac 25.7; Terri Zander 24.3. Uneven Parallel Bars: Marie Walther 27. 1; Debbie Boily 26.7; Cathy Rigby 26.6; Bey. Marquette 25.6; Margie Schilling 24.8. Floor


Aboye: Marie Walther, top woman performer of the Competition doing a ha ndspring layout yoU It . At left: The North squad, coached by Mrs. Irene Schmidt and the South Squad coached by Mrs. Florence Palos. At right : Gymnastic Competition.




POSTURE AND GYMNASTICS Many gymnastics fan s have started pro· grams in areas of the U.s.A. by means of a clinic that ha s grown into an area or national event. Others have created truly great annual gymnastic even ts in the form of top·level competitions. It is always of interest to us when someone utilizes a truly uniqu e and imaginative approach in bringing gymnastics into the Jives of American youngsters. This then , is the story of "POSTURE AND GYMNASTICS" a story of the Tulsa, Oklahoma Public Schools systems unique and sti mulatin g program tying together the many fitness ben efit s of gymna stics and the improve· ment of posture through improved muscle ton e of the body. Tulsa, Oklahoma is a most progressive city of several hundred thousand people. Deep in the heart of the Oklahoma oil country this modern city boasts a new and efficient Education Center that houses the adminislrali ve office of the Tulsa Public Schools. Tulsa had for some years utilized a posture program which involved photo· graphing subjects, comparisons of improve· ments, etc. A few short years ago , :Mrs. Beatrice Lowe, Supervii"or of Elementary and Secondary Physical Education, became con· vinced of the values of participation in gymnastic activities in improving student fitness and, in turn , posture. It was some·

what new, calling for a change of CUT· riculum and attitude on the part of several hundred teachers of physical education. Further, it called for equipment for schools and there were not fund s available at the time to buy equipmen t for the program. IvIrs. Lowe turned to the use of pipe (welded into pieces of basic equipment) and wood (balance beams). The teachers in the system were a most dedicated group and set to the task of creating an entirely new program. Several workshops followed and from that base the teachers, Mrs. Lowe and her staff developed an extensive program for the events in use. In 1966, the Tulsa program had such a high level of performance that Mrs. Lowe began to urge the administration for full·sized and professionally made gym· nastics equipment. Th e performances of the youn gsters are excellent, and in every instance marked by an over·sized smile that reflect s the enthusiasm of both young· sters and teachers. This excellent new pro· gram will undoubtedly continue to grow and the many dollars that used to go into static photographs will now perhaps be

by A. BRUCE FREDERICK WISCONSIN STATE UNIV. DEPT. OF P.E. & ATHLETICS SUPERIOR, WISe. 54881 applied to equipment that will be used in active and muscle·tone developing pro· grams. Tulsa deserves a commendation for a city and an education sys tem, that has shown willingness of change from old established patterns when the need for a revision of program is indicated. Mrs. Lowe, her staff at the Education Center and above all else the group of fine teach· ers, each of whom demonstrates a willing· ness to work right with the youngsters all deserve applause for their effort on behalf of their students. Gymnastics will one day be an integral part of the Jives of many Tulsa children and thanks to their teach· ers and school administrators they will be healthier and happier for it.

Bel ow: 1. Doreen Brunnett, Debbie Th omas and Deanna Brummett from Irving Elementary. 2. Young ladies from Cleveland Jr. High. 3 . Students from Johnson Elementary. 4. Reggie Westmacott, Bobby and Wayne Mayfield (Irving) . 5 . Dianna Wolfenbarger, Deanne Brummett, Paula Privette and teacher Eula Griffin from Irv ing School, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


...- ....


Fig. 3

Fig . 1 Kip Roll Backwards to handstand Fig. 2

Gym na Stics Methods VOLUl'vIE II , " ARTISTIC GYM ' ASTICS MADE EASY" H elmut Bantz, Adalbert Dickhut

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig . 6

Kip Action resulting Backward action.




The first kip movement encountered by the beginner is the back extension roll. When the back roll portion (of back extension roll) is begun slowly, the extension of the legs and hips must be vigorous in order to get up and pass through the handstand_ The back extension roll is not considered a move of great difficulty but we consider it a very important fundamental gym nastic movement because of its req uirement of a vigorous extension of "the legs and hips. (TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Gymnastics is bending and straighten ing. ) This dynamic extension of the legs and hips should be so powerful that it requires almost n o arm strength to get up into the hand stand. Why do we consider the back extension roll so important for the beginner? Tumbling is the most fundamental form of gymnastics_ The littlest beginn er, without him realizing it, is being led to his first kip movement. It can easily be mad e clear to him that this is th e fundam en tal movement to all more difficult kip s. After learnin g a good back extension roll , or a back kip on the mat, one only need (s tartin g from the kip position ) to tran sfer his center of gravity forward then extend his legs and hips forward upward to accomplish a kip _ ( Fi gs_ 2 and 3) H ere we want to make two points very clear: the startin g position (kip positi on ) should be a deep pike position (legs straight ) . The extension of the legs and hips to an ex treme arched position should be vi gorous. This extreme arch is the most im portant preparation for all followin g kips and front handsprin gs on the fl oor, and mu st be practiced over and over aga in. H ere are suggested exercises to hel p develope the feel for this extreme arch phase of the kip. (See Figures 4, 5 and 6). Fig. 4: Change from kip position to candle position. Fig. 5: Chan ge from candl e to neck' bridge Fig. 6: Chan ge from candl e-kip position - Bridge Tw o spotters can help the gymnast develop th e feel of th e hi gh brid ge position by suppor tin g und er his shoulders and small of back. A good ki p requires a vigorous extension of hips and legs and powerful push of th e hand s and head. On the landin g, th e feet should be und er or even behind th e hips_ The land ing should be so light that it cannot be hea rd.








GO ALL AROUND by Art Shurlock Gymnastics Coach UCLA Floor Exercise-r rant Handspring 1n order to execute tne handspring well the perlormer should: Take no more than 2 steps and a skip bel ore tne takeoff. Place hands approximately two feet in front of takeotf lOot (Iront leg) . Tllrust off ground as hard as possible with takeoff leg. Keep head back by looking at hands push otf ground (this is the most important key to a good handspring ). K ee p arms straight tHroUguoUt tile Ilandspring and keep them trailmg behind aiter the hand push oiL \l'.xtra drive can be developed by extendin g from the shoulders as the hands are PUSH" jng ott). Pusn hard against tile Uoor to keep knees trom bucklmg once tne feet make contact. Be motionless in a good gymnastics stance (preierably witn arms Slretclled out overhead and the fingers to· getller) as soon as possible after tile land· mg. This is where the beauty of the hand· spring is achieved. Side H orse-M oore Front Out (Shurlock) This move should be tried by the gymna;,ts wno have mastered the Russian moore. The moore front out starts as does the ltussian moore except that the performer initiates the action a fraction later. Instead of reaching for the second pommel the gymnast contin ues to hold onto the first porn· mel with both hands until his upper body starts to rotate down toward the neck ot the horse. At this point the hand is stretched to the neck of the horse and the performer continues into double leg circles on the end of the horse.




t' • >-


I f I

Parallel Bars-Back Somi Dismount For a high lifting back somi dismount the gymnast must drive his chest and stomach upward once the vertical support position is reached. The stomach and chest must lead the rest of the body at the time of release. The performer hangs on with his hands until his body starts to pull them off the bar at which time the performer shifts his shoulders and weight to the side on which he is dismounting. Rings- Double Dislocate Shoot to Handstand From an inverted han g the performer flexes and extends his hips pressing the rings downward so that hi s shoulders lift up to the level of the rings on the first dislocate (the arms should be kept straight from the start of the double dislocate.) The second dislocate should be lifted at least to the inverted cross position by pulling the arms wide on the upward phase of the first dislocate. The body on both dislocates must be arched on the downward phase of the swing to keep from jerking at the bottom. The performer forcefully ,pulls his body into pike on the upward swing. The performer drives into an extended body position. Once his feet rise above the level of his head on the shoot to handstand the performer drives into an extended body position. The arms are pressed wide apart and the performer presses downward immediately once the body is at the vertical position. His arms continue to push against the rings until the solid handstand position is reached. A very effective technique is forcing oneself to wait until one sees hi s feet on the up swing before driving into the shoot to handstand.

t I.I

Horizontal Bar- / nverted Giants A tight forward seat circle with chest on legs prior to the inverted is essential for a powerful ex tension into inverteds. The tighter the pike on the seat circle, the more powerful the leg extension will be once the performer's hips rise above the bar. The body should be as stretched as much as possible on the downward swing of the inverted. As the performer starts his upward rotation his body progressively pulls into a tighter and tighter pike position until he passes over the top of the bar. Once his hips are over the top, he again extends his body for the second inverted or eagle. To keep from dislocating on the inverteds the performer should keep his elbows rotated upward and hands a little wider than should er width apart. The performer, when he is in the inverted handstand position above the bar, should be pushing backward against the bar with his arm s in order to prevent collapsing on the bar. Long Horse -Front Handspring Pointers-Good run, powerful drive off board, arch body out on pre-flight by lifting heels extra hard on the takeoff. The body should be at 80 degree angle as the hands make contact with the horse. A crucial point on the front handspring is to look at horse until after the hands have pushed off the horse. This is in order to stall out. As the performer descends the head is tu cked forward to establish visual orientation. The head action is absolutely necessary for consistent solid landings; however, the arms must be forced to trail to prevent overspin.










ti';J, ~




...... ~,~-f­ ;;.,,<'-~






e) Flic-flac followed by somersault, thighs and legs bent or vice-versa

iJ Handspring followed by somersault, body and legs bent


Roy Davis, Chairman. Committee on Hi gh Sc hool Jud gin g, Northern California Gymna , ti cs Offi cials Association

(Note : This th e jirst in a se ries of articles appraising th e FIG Illustrations with recommendations for changes and corrections where necessary. These recommendations are NOT the result of any consensus or group discussion; rather, they represent my personal opinion and refle ct observations which I have made in judging from age-group to national championship competition since the illustrations were made available last N ovember. It is really an injustice to realize that these ratings could have had the endorsement or evaluation of our finer gymnastics minds almost three years ago when they were made available to the rest of the world. Where were our international representatives then?) ,"Criticism and the FIG" A sometim es gnawin g source of potential neuroses arises on occasion when I ask myself: "What am I doin g all thi s for ? Why s.buj ect the FIG Code and Ratin gs to this examination ? Why propose these new ideas? Why be such a malcontent? Does anybody care? Does it have any effect? Do the world offi cials pay any heed to me or to th e people for whom I speak ? I N SHORT, IS THERE ANY VALUE AT ALL TO AN INQUIRING AND CRITlCAL REVIEW OF WORLD GYMNASTICS RULE S AN D POLICIES? If th ere were n o change, no progress, no national differences, n o internati onal competition , and no human error th en perhaps there would be no n eed for review and clarifi ca ti on, no need to criti cize and evaluate. The stimulatin g and welcome fa cts belie thi s situation, however. Controversy exi sts beca use differences have arisen and result ed in very un even changes in different nati ons. Ergo: World rul es and policies mu st be respec tful and representati ve of the total gym nasti cs community it serves. I feel an obliga tion to be of service to what I consid er a worthwhile goal. If the gen tl emen who serve as policy-makers are cogni za nt of thi s, then my effor ts are worthwhile. So, hopeful , I sip on my coffee, tremble a little less, sweep the little men and green gremlin s into the drawers, draw a lon g, deep, and determined breath -and, sprawlin g to the task, open the FIG illustrations.

7. i. Should be A 8. e . Should be A



b) Rise slowly body straight and anns bent or viceversa to handstand

10. b . This is a misprint, but the rating is OK

m) Somersault, body and legs bent followed by a somersault/ body and legs bent (douole somersault)



p) Somersault, body and legs bent, followed by a handspring, legs joined

III. " C" Moves-


7. p. Should be B 1) Jump




~~r::Jd i~g~qU~~sos~~~np

rearward with lh turn to handstand and roll forward

1. 1. Should be a B

e) Jump rearward to shoulder stand kip with II:t turn



front ways


2. e. Should be B c)



f) Somersault, thighs and legs bent, followed by somersault, body extended or


1/~~~ ~~j(~~

8. f. Should B



i) Flie-flae on one arm, followed by flie-flac on other arm, followed by somersault, thighs and legs bent A

~~r~~~nl~a~, J[~fl~C ~6~t~~~ zontal front position on one leg: C A


8. i.. Should be 8



m) Roll forward to squat position, extend legs, fHeflae followed by somersault, thighs and -legs bent 5. c. Should be 8 I)



~~~:ed r""~liq~~rr~d l~~~

ward, lower legs and pass them extended through arms: C + A

8. M. Should be A





c) Side somersault extended

I. "A" Moves-no significant questions

b) Jump rearward with Yl tum to momentary handstand and roll forward


7. m. Should be B


II. " 8" Move s -


6 . f. Should be B



e) Forward somersault, body extended or bod y and legs bent, with Ih turn


p~r~A 9. c. Should be 8



Additional : full twisting bock 60mesault na,w a C; it should be a B. 2. b. Should be on A m ove


7. c. Should be B (from a run or handspring)

Next month: Still Rings





by Dick W oile August 1%6 Phot os by Rip Searby

Are yuur gy mn asts stron g and powerful? Ca n th ey perform all of the moves you as a co ach are able to offer ? The typ ical high school gy mn astic program man ifests a maximum em phasis on learnin g tricks, and more parti cul arly on learning "t he big tri cks." This is ce rtainly an acce ptabl e procedure if it is built on a log ical , safe progr ess ion. But too oft en it is not! It is usually assum ed that gy mnastics, by its very natu re, will provide the strength needed to pa rti cipate at a max imum level of performance. That gains in strength are achi eved th rough regular gymn astic practi ce cann ot be di sp uted, but it is certainly a slow " hit and miss" process. Many stunts will not be learn ed or even attempted beca use th e gym nast lacks th e necessary strength to execute them. Thus it is n ot only the strength of the gymnast that suffers, but th e sport as well. Sa fety for the hi gh school gy mn ast often depend s on an adequat e am ount of strength . Bodily co ntrol on all appara tu s is largely depend ent on the strength of the gymnast. Anyone associated with hi gh school gymnasti cs will cert ainly att est to thi s. Aft er nin ety days on thi s progr am, th e body seems li ghter, the tricks easier ; and because most of the exercises are perform ed on stand ard gy mn asti c apparatus the gymnast, bes ides developing strength , derives a feelin g of " bein g at home" on the apparatus. M issin g a hand stand on rin gs or parallels will become th e un ex pected ra ther th an the usual ; side horse work will seem easier, tumblin g hi gher, and a new con fidence will be realized on the horizontal bar. In short, th e ~ mna s t, possibly for the first time,



Will teel a new bo dil y control that should accelerate his learnin g. A t any r ate th e gy mn asti c potenti al of anyone who foll ows thi s program will surely be mad e more ava il a ble. PRO CED URE All exercises shoul d be perform ed with one set of ten repetitions for the first week, two sets of ten r epe titi ons th e second week, and three se ts of ten r epetiti ons the third week. The three sets are to be done at each stati on before movin g on to the next station. This is to facilitate fati gue of certain mu scle grou ps before movin g on to the nex t exercise stati on. As soo n as three sets of ten repetitIOns have been reached at an y stati on, th e gy mnast shoul d th en try for a m aximum of fift een repetitions on th e first set until he can successfull y complete two sets of fifteen. Wh en the gy mn ast can correctl y execu te two sets of fifteen repetiti ons on any exercise, he is th en ready for a modifi ca ti on of th at parti cular exercise - e.g. pe rform th e same exercises wi th a weight belt, perform th e exercise through a great er range of move ment , or substitute a new and more diffi cult exercise. Two to three days a week with a one day rest between see ms to provid e best resul ts. However , when the competiti ve season begi ns, less ti me is available for this program. S pecialists should then concentrate on certain exercises comm ensurate with their parti cul ar apparatus or weakness. The all aroun d gymnast should concentrate on hi s weaker areas, as determined by him and the coach. Ten to fift een minutes of this newly modifi ed program performed at th e en d of practi ce will continue to eli cit strength gains. EXERCtSE # 1. SKIN THE CAT PULL-OUTS Sk in th e c at to d eep stret ch ed positi o n (F ig . I), and pu ll thr ough a strai g ht bod y pos i t ion (Fig. 2) b ei ng cer tain t o lead w ith a l ifti ng of t he hee ls unti l th e inv erted hang is reached (Fi g. 3). Repeat . Spec i fic to: Ring s- ba ck lever , back lev er-pull ta cross H ighbar- German gian ts

P-59 GYMNASTIC PANTS. New imported lightweight knit fabric; made from imported yarns with elasticized weaving. Half the ' price of other imported pants! Zipper on side, and elastic waistband . Crease sewn in. Special formed ankle cuff with elastic strap in offwhite only. State waist and inseam measurement when ordering. Available in waist sizes 24 ", 26 ", 28", 30", 32" , 34" and 36 ". Price prepaid . ..$11.50


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LAMPWICK HANDGRIPS Soft· but · tough lampwick ma o ter ial provides protect io n and relief from sore , bli st ered

and call oused hands . Com · plete with straps. lH HAND · GRIP , prepa id, per pai r. $ 1.50

ORDER NOW BY MAIL! LEATHER HANDGRIPS Heavy duty two ·pi ece hand · grip with buckle and rivets . DB HANOGRIP, pre pai d, per pair .. .. ... .$1. 50

ORDER NOW BY MAIL! IMPORTED CHALK Finest imported , soft and light type preferred by gym · na stists and athletes every· where . Ei ght 2-oz '- bars to the lb . CM2 CHALK , per lb . plus postllge ... ............. $1.50

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by Don Tonry Illustration from chart 66·2, Advanced Parallel Bar Skills, GYMNASTIC AIDES, NORTHBRIDGE, MASS. 1·4. Swing forward with control. Lean backward with shoulders and flex hips. 5·8. Pull hips backward behind hands as body descends. The head is held forward, the shoulders are rounded forward and the arms are held straight. The position of deepest compression takes place before the arms reach the vertical at the bottom of the swing and the calves are approximately between the wrists. Forcefully extend the hips and pull with the shoulders as the

arms pass the vertical at the bottom of the swing. The correct angle of extention (ver' tical) often gives the performer the feeling that he is shooting his legs too far in front of his hands. 9-11. Release and reg rasp the bars quick· ly as the shoulders rise above the bars. Immediately push downward on the bars while there is still some upward movement as a result of the swing and the shoot.


The New Jersey Gymnastic Ass ~c iation and the New Jersey Division of Girls and Women's Sparts will conduct a Gymnastic Workshop for teachers, ph ys ical education majars, and coaches at Newark State College on November 25th and 26th, 1966. The warkshop will place emphasis on how to teach the masses, how to mativ ate the disinterested, proper progression , how to spot and employ safety devices and to impart a greater knowledge of gym·

nastics . Well qual ified teachers and caaches will conduct sessians in all phases of Cymnastics fram grades I through 12. Material will alsa be given on coaching the competitive gymnast. Howev er, teaching methodalogy for the a verage ciass situation will be emphasized.

CHANGE OF PLANS Dan Millman a top All-Around Gymnast at the University of Calif. and past World Trampoline Champion had an abrupt change of plans when his motorcycle tangled with an automobile . Result: A broken leg and foot a cancelled trip to the World Games in Dortmond, Germany and at least a 10 to 12 week stay in the hospital in traction ... 32


Glenn: En c losed is the picture of my t eam for the new West School in North fi eld, Illi-

CHARACTERISTCS OF A WELL EXECUTED PEACH BASKET TO A HANDSTAND 1. Good form throughout. 2. Continuous movement from the under· swing into the handstand. 3. Regrasp bars, with body in as close to the finished handstand position as possible.

noi s. This school is the West Division of New Trier High School where I've coached for 25 years. This team is composed of Freshmen and Sophomore boys and we are beginning a new trend where by everybody works all around . . . This team will do a good job for the n ext two years (we hope) as we f eel the beginning of traditions will be taking p lac e with a ll new ·sch ools. We have a bra nd new 10 million dollar school with five separate complexes and our physical pla.n t offers the very best. So we hope to do rea l well as a result of unusual opportunities. Gymnastic interest in the grade and Jr. high school in our state is fantastic . Sincerely, Joe Giallombard,o Winnetka, Illinois

CALIFORNIA WINTER GYMNASTIC CLINIC December 27-30 , 1966 University of California Harman Gymnasium Berkeley, Californ ia Enc ina High School.

California g-ym!l:=t c:: tics

(' h t:ln'"lnl{'lTl~ .

,~.~ ...


Dear Glenn : Enc losed are some dra wi n gs! Hope ·you will u se and pointers on learning a glide kip han dsta nd . I've also listed the results of twoO meets of interest. Another important item I'd like to ment ion is Brooklyn Central's 35th A n nual Gy mnasti c Hom e Exhibition u nder the dir ection of the one and only Rene J . Kern. I'd say it was one of the best shows h e's put on in years. Guest perfor mers included Abie Grossfeld, Don T,on r y, Jim:nie Amer in e an d many oth e rs. Th e N .Y. YMCA Gy mnastic Champ ionships a t Coble Skill, New York: Free X : Mike Wein s tein, B ill H lad ik , Dave Jacobs. S . H.: Jimmi e Yearwood , Joe Francois , B ill Hladik. P , B , : Bill Hladik , W a l t Ca mpagn a, Frank Mogavero. H,B , : Bill H ladik, Dave Ja cobs, Bill All egre tti. L . H .: Dave Jacobs, W a l t Campagn a . T . U. : Dave Jacob s , Scott ''Vagne r. T . R.: Bill Doyl e, B ob Nun ziata , John R obin so n. A .A . : Bill Hlad ik, Brooklyn Ce ntral YMCA; Dave Jacobs, B r ooklyn Ce ntral YMCA ; Bob Stek el, Broolyn Cen t r a l YMCA. W inning Team: Brook lyn Central YMCA. The New York City PSAL Gym nastic Championships at Queen 's College : FX : J ose Camacho, Larry S:J lomon , Tom Nelson . SH : Myron Glu ck, Ed A lbright, Bill Hollinsed. PB : Tom Carter, Wayne Cla irborne , Tom Connell . H B : John Crosby, Bruce Banks, Ala n Zeithne r . TU : John Crosby, Jose Camacho, L a rry Solomon . Rop e : Sta.n Moy 4 :55 , AI White 4 :85, Ri ch Landi 5:1. Winning Te a m : Brooklyn Tech Hig h Sc h ool. John Crosby was the outsta n d ing performer of the Meet . He is a Freshman a t Brook lyn Tech and is expected to l ead th e m in t o m a ny c hampion s hip meets. J ohnny also works out a t Bro:Jkl yn Centra l YMCA u nder t h e exp ert coaching of 'Red' L anc ton . Johnny l'ece ived the h igh es t score in th e meet (18.1 comp osite ) for his three tumbling· p asses : 1. Front sommy stepo u t rou n doff f lip fl o p flip flop d,Quble fu ll. 2. Roundoff flip flop layout w ith a h a lf roundoff flip f lop full twister. 3. Front s ommy s t ep ou t r ou n d off flip fl o p layout flip flop full. I'm sure many of your subscriber s i n the east e rn part o f the U.S . will enjoy reading these r seu lts. Sincer ely, Vin cent Pozzuoli Brooklyn , New York

Dear Glenn . I th orou ghly enjoyed th e attention given to high school gymnastics in your last issue. Having been a s u bscriber since way back w h en, I can appreci a te the u nb eli eva.b le prog ress that ' \1.G . h a s made. Enc in a High School , the 1966 Northern ~ 1 c::!(')

proba bly one of the most improved t eams in the northern section las t yea r. Th ey r e a great group of guys with dedication, sacrifice, and a love f or gymnastics t h at is truly inspiration a l. A s their ex - coach , I'd like to tak e this opportunity to th an k th e t ea m fnr th e b est four y ears of my I ife a n d to wi s h th e m the best with their n ew coac h and my good fr iend, Ray · Golrlba r. And Glenn, if possible cou ld you run a t eam pic ture in your next issue (enclosed). The guys I'm sure wou ld rea lly appreciate i t . Sincerely. D ick Wolfe Gymnastic Coach E n c i na H igh Sch oo l 1962 - 1966

Dear Sirs: Th ought you may be i nterested in u s ing this photo of o ur boy i n the M.G. He is, Odess Lov in, Jr. age 15, and is a member of the Maverick Boys' Club Gymnastic Tea m coached by Ralph Dyk e m a.n , Director of t h e Club. He h as work ed in Tumbling a nd Free X for the past 5 years and has s tarted Appa r atus this year. He has won the Southwestern A .A. U. Sr. Men's Open C hampionshi p in Tumbli ng for the past two years and placed second in Jr. Free X in the sam e Meet. Enjoy your m agazin e very much and look forward to each new issu e. S in cerel y , Mrs. Odess L ov in Amarillo, T exas














(E -G)


oveil. I-IANbS (1 - M)

Instruction - Training - Judging • Tops in Instruction and Coaching for all age groups • Ballet and Modern Dance • 10 Trampolines 10 Beams - 8 Horses and 6 each of all other oieces of apparatus • Pre-Clinic Invitational Competition in Compu lsory and Opti<5tlal exercises for Men and Women on Dec. 26th. • Instructional FilmsPius World Championship films • Social events and Tour of San Francisco For Further information Write: Harold Fry Physical Ed. Dept. University of Calif. Berkekley, Californ ia

CENTRAL NEW YORK GYMNASTIC CLINIC DATE: Saturday, December 17, 1966. PLACE : Phys ical Educa t ion Bu ilding State Uni vers ity College, Oneonta , Ne'; York. PROGRAM: 1. Instruct ion f or int ermediate and advanced gymnast s; 2. Lect ureDemonstrat iors a n teaching and coa ching intermediate and a dvanced gymnast ics; 3. Coaches t heor)! sess ion (cri tique, f ilms, routine composition, etc. ) 4. Informal workouts for a ll part icipants. STAFF: Bud Beyer, Jef Cardina li , Walt Dodge, Joe Fodero, Ed Ka no pa , Paul Romeo, Milon Trnka, Ph il Voas. FEES: Coaches, $5.00; Stude"ts, $2.00. For further reg ist ration informat ion write: J oseph M. Fodero, State University College, Oneont a, N. Y.


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