Modern Gymnast - June/July 1968

Page 1










NO OTHER TRAMPOLINE MADE TODAY HAS THESE IMPORTANT NEW CONCEPTS OF DESIGN, STRENGTH AND STABILITY Exc lu sive all-around built-in 1 foot Deck- Way I No hinges or 1 No understructure dangerous clamps to attach. This complete, perfectly ba lanced Deck-Way is built right into the trampoline frame. A new innovation for spotting and class instruction. The Deck-Way will accommodate as many as 25 men at one time wh ile performer is in action . PLUS-New extra thick 1 foot wide foam frame pads now included as standard equipment. PROVI DES COMPLETE COV ERAGESIDES, ENDS and CORNERS! ;0 •••• •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


OTHER NEW IMPROVED FEATURES: HAlf-fOlO IT! Need extra space on the gym floor? Now you can half-fold the trampoline without inserting the rol/er stands. o

EXTRA -WIOE SINGLE STRUT LEGS. A new leg design for greater stability and sa fety, the 4 single strut legs fea ture an extra wide spread, plus extra large, thick non-marking rubber floor protectors. o

o 16 DIRECT SUPPORT POINTS to the top frame provide greater strength and stability than any other trampoline.

• fASTER fOLDING/folds faster, easier wilh less effort than any other trampoline.

The New " Chuck Keeney" Trampoline is available in l' x 14' and 6' x 12' siIesofficial for all NCAA and other competition. (Patent Pending)




Call or write for our representative to demonstrate ou r new trampoline.



beneath the performing area! No braces or leg sections cross unde r the trampoline bed or springs. Completely eliminates the possibility of hitting any structural part beneath the bed when performing strenuous routh,es.

2 Exclusive lever action roller stan ds! Easy. one-man operation-trampoline neve r has to be lifted to insert the roller stands.

3 The

new "Chuck Keeney" Trampoline can be easily roll ed through any standard 6' 8" doorway when folded on its own roller stands.

~~ ~ .~ ®





3200 South Zuni Stree t· Engle w ood, Colorado 80110


LET'S TEACH ROUTINES The complete "Let's Teach Routines" series by Dr . William Vincent published in the Modern Gymnast magazine has been compiled t oge ther into one pamphlet and is availab le for iust $1. Coaches and P.E . instructors should find this work very handy (with discounts up to 50 % for large orders) for use as

a classroom text.

Made exclusively for MG by Walt. Zwickel, Tailor to the Olympic team . . . a heavy weight, double knit, 100 % nyl on, turtle neck polo. This is the same fine, all direction stretch goods that is used in the highest grade competition pants. Tapered fit for muscle definition, unconditionally washable, extremely durable. White only. Short sleeve $9.95, Long Sleeve $12.95. Sizes XS- S - M - L - XL Designed to sell for $14.95 Order now from: MG TURTLE NECK Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 Box 777 Calif. Residents add 5 % Sales Ta x.

One copy .... .............. .. ..... $1.00 each Fifty copies .............. .75 each One hundred copies .50 each


Order from: LET'S TEACH ROUTINES Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406

A Home Gym of Your Own Duplicates gymnastic training exercises. Just $28 .80 California Residents add 5% sales tax.


Complete set (available in Volume V III Volume IX

Vol. I-I X $125.00 limited supply) 1966 $10.00 1967 $10.00

MG BOUND EDITIONS Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406

ASTRO GYM Box 777 Santa Monica, California 90406


MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST SUMMER INVENTORY SALE For only $2.50 (plus 50c postage) Complete set of back editions of Mademoiselle Gymnast, Volumes I & 11-8 big issues . .. Here is your chance to get fresh Mlle. G. issues to replace your much used, lost, cutup or dog-eared copies at a very special price. Act Now! Send $2.50 (plus 50c postage) to: MLLE. G. INVENTORY SPECIAL

Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 Also a limited number of the Original Introductory Edition of MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST are still available at just $1.00 each (a collector's item).


SPOHrti on


STAMP STARTER COLLECTION The above collection of 20 gymnastics stamps for $1.00. Also available: 30 mixed track and field ....................$1.00 40 general sPQrts- stamps --' .~''''....., .,.$1.00 California resident add 5% Sales Tax MG STAMPS Box 777 Santa Monica. California 90406





Official Publication of the United States Gymnastic Federation

Gymnaestrada Basel 1969


Perhaps the greatest International eve nt for Gymnastics in Physical Education is the gathering of student and leaders from all over the World every four years for the GYMNAESTRADA. To make it possible YOU not just read abou t this wonderful event, but to attend in person, we are plannin g an MG TOUR to the 5th GYMNAESTRADA in Basel, Switzerland July 2nd-6th, 1969. j,,-




The GYMNAESTRADA is li ke a World Gymnastic Clinic where Nations display their best gymnastic groups with everything from mass drills to individual world championship performers. Here will be a chance for you to not only see the best Gymnasts in the world, but to spend almost a week in people to people elbow rubbing contact.





Having attended and photographed the past two GYMNAESTRADA'S (Stuttgart, Germany in 1961 and Vienna , Austria in 1965), your editor can only say .. . If you are a student or teacher in any form of Gymnastics, don't miss this GYMNAESTRADA in Switzerland, you can be su re it will be the best ever.





For those of you who wo uld rather be on your own we have arranged for flight (New York, Basel and return) and Gymn aest rada accommodations only, for two, three or a five wee k stay. For those of you who wo uld like to have everything taken care of we have co mplete planned and conducted tours of three or five week duration. For you teachers and students who would like to visit the top Sport Schools in Europe, our deluxe tour is tentativel y scheduled with stopovers at the Swiss Sport School at Macolin, and Schools in Austria , Czechoslovakia , Germany, Sweden , Norway, Denmark and Engla nd. To enable our MG readers to see as much as poss ibl e in a limited stay we will be traveling by both deluxe motor coach (for the short trips) and by Jets (for the longer hops). We also have many extras planned for MG tour members in the way of travel bags, blaz ers , emblems, decals, and pins that will be sure to please you and add to the pleasure of your trip.



June-July, 1968

Volume X




We are thrilled about this MG TOUR TO THE GYMNAESTRADA and hope yo u will want to join us . . . Start now to get a group to ge ther from your area to take part .. Let us show the World that Americans are interested in Gymnastics (especia ll y the faithful MG readers) . Here is YOUR BIG CHANCE to see and meet all th e peo ple and places you have been reading about in your MG ... LET US HEAR FROM YOU. 4


Nos. 6 & 7

NOTES FROM THE EDITOR __ ... . ____ .__ .... ...... Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK .... ______________ ........ .__ ...... ____ .__ . .... FASHION NOTES . . . ..... __ ....................... ..... Walt Zwickel VIEWPOINTS ..................... .. ................. ..... Dick Criley CANADIAN REPORT .......... . .. .John Nooney Y路NEWS .. __ .Ken Hollis USGF REPORT. .... ... J ra nk Bare USG F NATIONALS (MEN) ... ... . .. .Jerry Wright SENIOR AAU NATIONALS (MEN) . .. .Jerry Wright AAU (WOMEN) __ ......... __ .. .--............. GYMNASTICS ON A MOUNTAINSIDE . . .............. "Bud" Beyer NCAA COLLEGE DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP . ... Dr. Joe Massimo MUSCLE BEACH NOWI . ........... ...... __ ......... MG INTERVIEW. ....... __ .Ken Sakoda & Dick Criley MG CALENDAR ....... . __ ....... Yoshi Hayasaki GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION . ...... A. Bruce Fredericks SUMMER TRAINING FOR H. S. GYMNASTICS . George Dalluge FULL TWISTING HECHT ......... ...Menichelli BARANI DILEMMA . ......... . Harry Plant CROSS MACHINE ... .. .. ........... ......... Art Aldritt GYMNASTIC AIDS Don Tonry GYM WHEEL GYMNASTICS ....... Norbert Dill HIGH BAR SEQUENCE . .. ................ .. __ ........ ......... ... Endo A SECOND LOOK AT SWING ....... ...... Gerald S. George REGIONAL REPORTS . ..... __ .... __ .. ................... MG PHOTO/ ART .. .......... .... . .....--....... ........ PASADENA NATIONAL INVITATIONAL .... Dick Criley MG SCOREBOARD .... __ ..... .... __ .... . .. .. . ...... OPERATION CHAMP . ....... . ... .... Mike Jacobson GYM FORUM ... ... ......... .John Hinds LETTERS ... ... .. .. ...... . . .......

4 6 7 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 21 22 24 26 27 29 2Cj 30

31 32 34 36 37 38 l10

41 4? 44 44

COV ER : This month's cover was to depict the coming sum .. mer months. Shown is Gary Buckner, farmer USC all-around chomp, doing a front dislocate on the l ong extension ri "ng s

at Mu sc le Beach, Santa Monica.

We thought it was a pretty F or more of Muscle

beachy picture. Photo by Ken Sakoda . Beach see page 21.



ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bruce , rederick, Education; Dr. James S. Bosco, Research; Dick Cr il ey, Statistics; Jerry Wright, Competition; Frank L. Bare, USGF; Jess Robinson, Trampoline; Roy Davis, JudJ<irlfD Jackie Uphues, Women; Ken Sakoda, Art; John Nooney , Canada. THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publications , 410 Broadway , Santo Mo nico , Califo rnia 90401 . Second Closs 路postage paid at Santo Monico , Calif . Published monthl y e xcept bi-monthl y June , Jul y, August , and September . Pr ice $5 .00 per year, SOc single copy : Subscriptio n correspondence , THE MODERN GYMNAST , P .O. Box 611 , Santo Mo nico , Calif o rnia 90406 . Co pyright 1968 漏 all rights reserved bv SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS . 410 Broadwav. Santo Monico . Calif . All pi ctu res a nd manuscripts submitted become the property o f THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and suIT,clent poslage are included .

!~1~< 1969



$388.00 to $898.00



Round t rip via Swissoi r Jet New York Basel, Switzerland . Depart June 30th , return Jul y 14th or 2 1st . $388.00. Incl udes air tra nsportati on,


accommodat ions



t ransportation,

t wo







in Basel,




t o ur




own. B2

Round trip via Swissair Jet N ew York Basel, Depart June 30th, return Aug. 5th . . . Price $575 .00 Includes Ai r

transpo rtation,


Hote l


tions and two mea ls dail y in Basel July 1st-5th, admiss ion to Gymnoestrada events. After Gymnaestroda cho ice of self-drive compa c t car , t our Europe on your own. Round trip via Swissa ir Jet New York Europe, Depart June 30th, return August 5th. Pri ce $898.00. In-

cludes air transportat ion, h o tel accommodations and t wo mea ls daily in Basel July 1st-5th . Admission t o Gymnaestrada events. After Gymnaestrada com plete 4-week a ir and de-

naestrodo escorted moto r coach t ou r through


Jul y 1st-5th, admi ssion t o Gy mnqestrada events . After Gymnoestrodo


. Open t ime on your own to t ou r Europe. . Round trip v ia Swissoir Jet New York Base l, Deport June 30th, r eturn Jul y 21st ' . . . $613.00. Includes Air Tran sportation, H otel accommo dations and two meals doil y in Basel July 1st-5th , admission t o Gymnoestrada events. After Gymnoestrada , self drive compact car w ith motel accommodations. Round trip via Sw issoir Jet New York Basel , Deport June 30th, Return Ju ly 21st . . . Price $685.00. Includes Air Tran sportation, Hote l accommodations and t wo mea ls dai ly in Base l Jul y 1st t o 5th, admission to Gymnaestrada even t s. After Gym-

Hote l

tion s and two meals doily

meal s da il y in Basel Jul y 1st-5th and


Round trip via Swissoir Jet N ew York Base l, Depart June 30th, return August 5th .. . Pr ice $430. Includes Air

lu xe motor coach tour escorte d

Sw itzer-


land, Germany and Austria, includes


v isiting




pean c it ies including peo ple to peo vis its at leading prominent p le Europea n sports schools in Sw it ze r-

hotels, two meals dai ly. Note: Inquire about specia l air fares f rom your h ome city t o New York and redu ced rates fo r children 2 t o 12.

land ,

Ger many,

vakia, and




Sweden ,

No rwa y,

Eng land.

------------------------------------MG1969 GYMNAESTRADA TOUR Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406

o o

I would like to go o n the MG Gymnoestrodo tour Plan Enclosed $ 50 .00 deposit, se nd comp lete details. I am inte rested in MG Gymnaestrado tour Plan _ _ se nd complete details.




. Please ___

ADDR ESS _______ ST A TE _____ _____ Z IP _ _ _ _









1------------------------------------If you do not wish t,o cut this coupon from your MG . . . a post cord or lette r to MG Gymnaestrada Tour, Box 777, Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 with tour plan number request will be sufficient for or further information request:

~'K Trampolin e w ill be one of three n ew NCAA Champ ionships to b" inau gura tl' d d urin g the next year. The othe r ~ p o rt s arc water 1'010 a nd volley ba ll. Th e trampolin e ac ti on ca me af tn a ("ard ul , tu dy by thl' Execu ti ve

COllllll illl't'


:-- ur vl'p'd

tlt t'

Alldl'li (' I)ir(' d n r ~ alld ('uur/Il' :-: 10 dl'lt ' rllli l ll ' allitud ," a b"ut tilt' ,a fl' t)' "f tl,, · , ·V , ·1l1. ~,·r· " III \ -011( '

Pl' ITt' nl

but' :-- lr\l ll ~

wi", ilt'd 10 r etai n 1 he event

f('(' lil1 ~

W(l", ('xpre:::::'l' d th a t it "I""dtl 1)(' "epa rat ed frullI th e Ol ympi,' event s. Jnclud ed in th e rc port was a :, urvey of team phy" ic ia ns who Wl'l"e poll ed a bo ut th pir f,'<'lin g:, un tranll"tlin e "a fety. Of th e",·, 62 % favo red rl' taining ti lt' trampu lin e . O thn p"inb; which were "tIT"s"d hy th o,,' fa vo rin (r retentiun of th e Ira lllpo l illt' Wt'J'(' it s lI ::'l' l~ dn ess as a tr a inin :.! c! ('v i,'(', it :' "' 111'1 'l a tu r HI'IH'a i , and jl s ~ai ll ill inlt'J'lIalional :,upp orl. Th l' .lllt .... na ti"llal I lll ir ...." it y ::i i'"rt , Ft ·tI ·

,'rati on wh ich

:' JlIIII :"- III' :--


and a rc eligib le 10 CUIIIp eiC in the Ol ympi cl Tri a ls : Ma koto Sa ka muto, Fred Hoe thli s· berge r, ::i ll'l'e Co hen, I{obe rt L ynn , Hic hard Loyd , S ll'vl' Hug, Kan a ti A ll en , Dave Th or, Fred LJ ennis, J am es Ame rin e, J a mes Cu i· hallc, J ohn E ll a:;, Bub i:: mery, P e te Di· e il I'- uri o, Fred Turoff, I'a ul May er, Sc hmitt , Si d Frcud ens tein , Ter ry Hi gg in s':', :\rn u L asca ri , Mark Co hn , Hon Clem me r, T os hi o Ot oshi t, Greg We iss, Ri ck Tu cker. Dub Di cksu n, Hi ch ard Swe tman , Hi ch Scor· za':' . I ':' Approve d by pelition 10 T echni ca l Cum llliit ee . t 1£ citizen of th c USA.) 1\10RE NA!\'IES JI T H E N EW S A SE RI ES OF COACH J NC C HA NG ES h ave lak en pl ace a lread y Ihi " " UIIIIlIt ·r. .I A Y !\ ::i i-l!\I O I{E , fO l"lnl'l" h "a d coal' h a l I he U. "f T l'x us ha s laken a fu ll lilll l' p", ili " n wilh ,\ :\IEI{I C ,\ N ;\'1'11. E(J IIII' . CO. AI alll" ,,1 II,,· ,,'"111' lill lt' IOW ,\ ',; Ilt'a d cuac h alld I w in '- lJi ~ '1" '11 Challlpioll~hi p coach, ::i:\ .\1 IL\ILl E ha" va .. al,·d Ihal posili on and lak"n a jo b wi lh ATLA::i E(J UI1'. CO. Sa m wi ll be ba"ed in SI. L"ui s . . . M IK E .I 1\ CO lbON, fonn er Pl' nn. ::i la te gy ,nn as l

\\lorld Uni v(' J"

11111 :' 1

bl' a !!:,: u lu at-

iIi !! hi d l ;c ho,, 1 sc ni ur who h u~ 1ll'l' n a('~',· p"'; 1 by a co ll ,'~e. Thc NCAA i, a 1I1l',"bn o[ th e U::iCSC which is th e r ccog· lIi zl'd .'\Ill eri can fra nchi se hold l'!" in IIIf' I·' IS U. NC AA l{ l'pl"l':;enl a li ves lu Ih l' USCSC CU IIIl '" Cll llllniit cl' arc Harold Frl'Y uf th e lI ni l"t'r"i ly o f Cal ifo rn ia a nd Bill MeadI' IIf So ulh e l"ll Illin ois Unil'e rs it y. Th e 19W NCA A Uni ven, il y Di vis i"n C YIIlIl a"l ic C hall lpioll , hip" will be hd d :\p ril 3·:i a t Ih l' Univl'!""il y of Wa:; hin gto n, Sl'al ll ,·. Was hin g tun. WO.\I l::N ·S INT E I{COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS hallll'rin c L ey, cha inll a n o[ th e Conlllli s· , ion 1111 Intercu ll "!! ia ll' Al hl di cs [or \Vulllen, ha" a nnouncl'd dial Ih e :; il e fo r Ihe fir:'1 il1ll'rcll ll q! iat e

challlPi ul1:-:hip



Mi ke Ja cobso n

a nd pao t a s" ista nl coac h at Navy h a:; ta ke n th e Iowa posili un. Th ,". Jlu s:;iul-\--of. Ca rl Pal· ler""n Jef l the ' T E MPLE UN IV £lt S ITY Jlo"i lilln o pen a nd DILL COCO has a s·

gY llln a:3 ti cs

will 1)(' S prin grll'ld Co lltoge, S prin gfiel d. \[aE:;al' hu "" II ", Marl'll (,·H. l%lJ . Th e Com· Jl li ~:-: i (l11 wh ich ~ p(ln ::,u rs th l'~e CV l'Jlt ~ wa::; ,·:;la l>li - l... d ill 1966 by Ih e il i" i:, illn fo r Ci rl " a l,,1 W0I111'n'" S port:; ( DGW::i) of til(' ;\II11'ri l' all }\ "''''' ia li un fur I·It'a llh , Physi ca l Edul'alion. a nd Hec rea liun (AA HPER). OL) .\I PJC TnlALS J UDC E::i ::ii::LECTELJ Frank A. We ll:;, Char illl an uf the U::iOC T ec hnica l Co mmill ee fo r Gymnaslics ha:; a nn oun ced Ihat Ih e fo ll "w in g offi cia ls ha vc bee n se lec ted to judge Ih c Ihree OIYIllPi c Iri als : T OIll Mal o n,'y, J erry H a rdy, Fran k CUllli skey, Frank Well s, P au l Fina, Di ck }\ ron :;on, J un Cull)('rl "o n, Don WiJd erul er, Ar mand o Vega , J err y Todd. As a lt erna tes, Ih e fo ll ow in g Illa Y be se lected : Hud y Ba ch· na, Bi ll Ro elzhe im , Fred O rl ob ky , l ack Beck ner, L a:; lo Sa sva ry, L a rry Banner. J erry Wright. Bi ll H OJll ll·". OL't.MPJC (J Ui\ LlFlEH::i A::i OF J UNE 10, 1968 fr a nk A . \Vell ". Cha irm a n of Ih e US OC T ech ni ca l CII llllllill ee for GYlllnas ti cs has a nnoun ced Ihe fo Uow in g 28 gy mn as ts have achi eved a qua li fyin g :;cor e of 104 or b etter

WHAT IS A TINS ICA? A lin , ica is a carlwlll'e l wilh % turn . I Lea din g wilh the s ide of the body, ca rl · wh eel In Ih e in verted pos ili on , Ih en mak,' % lurn and s te p ou t as you would for the nne l e~ fr onl wa lk ove r ) . ' Acco rdin g to the Na li on a l Clini c. an Arabian Walk over is eXl'cul ed as a ~ne leg front walkover ex· c(' pt th a t the hand s and fee t lo uch the floor nnt' a t a tim e, each tou ch ah ead o f Ih e olh er. ( Our th anks to NJG A Newsle t· ler for thi s note.) NCAA FILMS 1\ new address for ord erin g NC AA film s I"" rl':' lIlt pd from a ch an!!" in Ih e di s lri· huti on ~p rv i rf> adlllin i s t l'ri l; ~ th e pro g ram . Now . Im' mbers nf olh er inlnes tpd parti e" , lwlIld wrill' Ihl' follnwin!! fo r in forma ti on ,·" n, ·,' rnin ~ renlal or pU;'c!ta SC of NCAA fil lll'" A,,," e ia lion Film s, Inc. , S61 Hill · ~ r,,\'1' :\ \"I·n ul'. La Gra nge, Illi nois 60:;2:;.

" ity Ca ll" '" ha " allll"ull c,·d that th e 1961) Cam e" w ill bc held A u!!u" t 27 thruu!!h Se Jl"' ml)('r 9 in L i:, lltIn. I'~' rtu ga l. T o b," a Il lt'm hl' r of th e U::iCSC lea lll. a eompclitur 1l1ll , 1 be l'il h" r a lull ·lim e ,,, ud l' nl (!! radu · all' (lr und er !.!:r a du a l l') or

hu pe tb a t Ih c Nali ona l Co un cil will be able to luca le a nulh er ca pable re porte r to fill hi s place. In th e m ea nl ime, the Modern CYlllllast will accep t Y·N EWS at our Sant a Mun ica address : P.O. Box 611 , Sa nta Mun i· ca, Ca lifurnia lJ0406. I NTE H NA TIO NA L COMP ETJT IO NS Men: Fin la nd 560.65·Swede n 558.80 with Chris ter J ohn son (Swed en ) tak in g th e AA at 112.05. Ladies co mpelilion , Eas l Ge r· lIl a ny 189.20·Sweden 181.90 with Erika Z uchuld (L Ger.) tak ill g Ih e AA with 7(•. 7;, . ]\I"n: I'IIl a nd :':'6.2:' ·Sweden :;:;3. 10 wilb 1\ 1. Kubi l'a ( l 'o land) lakin g AA w ilh lL~.4:i. Ladi,'" 1'"l a nd 374·.10,Sw l'd en 386.HO wilh W. Lel' h lI'oland ) l a kin ~ AA wilh 7;;.95.

"'lin ed Ih a t j ob in PhiladeJphia . . . North Ca roJin a h as a n e w hea d coach in FnED S l\ NDERS, who le ft S unn yside H S in Tuc· so n to accep t th a t post. Fred was on th e lea m a l Mi chi gan seve ra l yea rs ba ck. We hea r a lso th a t J ACK BECK NER , U.S. Ol ympi c Coach, will r ejoin the Univers ity of So ulh e rn CaJi fornia as gy mnas ti cs coach. ASSOClATE EDlTOR RESIGNS K enne lh W . H olli s, Associate Editor for Y·NEWS, has written us that he is leavin g hi s positi on in Cleveland , Ohio, and will b e trave lin g for an un cerlain period of tim e. W e have apprecia ted K en 's servin g as co· ordinator for n ews from the YMCA's and

FLOR ID A GYMNASTlC ACTlV ITY i\ Fl orid a gy mn as l ics ncwslett e r des igned 10 ' I'rf'a d Ih c wo rd a m ong sou lh e rn F lor ida 1-!'Y llina st s and coa ches wa s s tart ed thi s year hy Ilru ce LJa vis, lVl ia mi ·Dad e Jun io r Co ll ege ~)'lI l1l as l c i s coach. Jnformali on co ncerning " Ullnn er p rug ra ms in Ih e Florid a area an" avai la ble from Bru cc. Th e M·D J C book · s lore has gy mn asl ic shoes, gr ips, leo ta rd .s and olh er gy mn a sli c sup pli es fo r sale 10 anyo ne in the area. LO S A I GHES COACHES P U BLI C IZE Dr. Bill Vincen t of Sa n F ernando Valley a nd A rl S hurl ock o f UC LA co·s ponso red a le ll er to a ll gy mna sl ic coaches and offi cials in th e area which li sted Ih e nam es, ph one numbers and add r esses o f Ih e sports writ ers, news papers, radi o stal ions, a nd TV stations in th e area . A long w ilh thi s, they urged everyon e to bombard th e n e ws med ia with r es ults. r equ es ts for informati on, an d ge n· era l notes of apprecia ti on for gy mna s l ic se rvices rende re d. On e result of Ih e ir cam· pai gn was in crea sed coverage o f gy m n as li cs in Ih e so uth ern Ca lifornia a rea, in · cl udin g stori es on USC's Makoto Saka moto a nd Sa n Fernando's Bob Med in a. JI'I est M agazin e, Ih e L.A. Times S un day su pp le· menl , ca rried a colorful gy mnas ti cs story based mainly on the AAU's, but a lso p ro· mOlin g th e Los An geles area gy mn as tic pro· gram. W er e it not for th e conslan l press ure by Ih e coac hes and gy mnasts, the sport would rece ive far less cove ra ge th a n it does at pH'se nt. Th e idea wo uld be a good on e 10 ad opt in olh er area s of the country. ITH ACA COLLE GE GYMNASTICS l N P RO MOTION EFFORTS Th e Publi c ity off ice of Ithaca Coll ege, und e r Ih e directi on of Ph il L an gan , h as es la bli shed so mel hin g of a mark for en · thu sias m in il s sport s promo li on program. In add ili on to a printed program for ea ch sporl , th e o ffi ce regul a rl y provides n ews reJeases on its coaches a nd athl etes. T ypica l

are til!' releases co ncernin g Coach GonI on E ~ldc s t o n . no w in hi s second yea r at Ith aca. a nd hi s gY llln a , t" B ill Cowd en , E ri c An ,,路 tee ncn, Ru ss F ederlll a n, and D o u ~ J ohn ,o n. In an a rca known fo r a , tron " hi"h schoo l pro g ra m, bu t lit ti c kn ow n th~ coll ege leve l, Ith aca is boos tin g th e ir gY lllnasti c, progra lll w ith tlw fervor of th e co nvert ed . On e of th e nl aj ur in g redi ent s for any w innin g tea lll is SUPI"' rt and int e rest. Th e s up po rt and int e re, t stillul a ted by Lan1!a n', re leases stand '" a n exa mpl e to Ill a ny who do not beli eve in th e impac t of publi cit y on th e s u ppo rt of a n athl e ti c program. NIa)' such ef fo rt s g row a n d multiply.


W E DDI NG B ELLS i\ N I) OLYMPIA NS Coach K en Bartle tt uf Cal S ta te Long Beac h go t hilll self a J\lr". w ith a crowd of we ll wishin g gy mn as ts loo king all . Amon g th est' were fiv e pa st Ol y mpi a ns. Di ck and J ac k Bec kn er, Charl ie S illlm s, Bi ll T OIll and Larry Ba nn er, who co mpeted with K en for the Los A ngeles Turn ers, a nd a hos t of "SCA T S " th at co mpe ted with Kerry ( who is a lso a gY llln a"t ) in Wo men's gymnasti cs. O ur b est Wi,,,, C, to a happy gy mn as ti (, co upl e, K en and K erry. JAPA N E S E PRE-OLYMPIC STOPOV E R Frank Endo r e ports th a t - th e Japan ese I!y mnas ti c team s w ill work out at the San ta Moni ca C it y Coll ege on Oct. 2, 3 and 4 be for e lea vin g for M ex ico C ity on O ct. 5 th. The Ma uri e Luxford Foundation w ill s pon so r an ex hibiti on on Oct. 4 th l Fri.) in So uth ern Ca li f. Thi s is offi cial and you may qu o te me . Th e Ja pan ese will be fl yin g on a cha r te red plan e lJ ap an A irlin e) from J apa n to M exico Ci ty and r e t urn .


by Waller Z w i ckel ,

NO TE: You r editors ha ve always bee n conceflled abollt th e personal appearance of gymnasts, both in comp eti tion and as an image of the sport at al/ times . . . Mr. Walter Z.wi ckel co mes to li S well qualiiied

to take on the task oj Fashion Editor jar the MG. M r. Zwi ck el is a fi fth generation gymnastic tailor ( his grandfather outfitted th e A listrian N ational tealll and was Tailor by appointlll ent to Elllporer Franz J ose ph) , he operates two III en's fas hion stores in f>h iladelphia, is a men's clo thing designer, patteTIIlllaker, tailor, on the board of director s fo r th e Eastern GYlllnastic Clinic, and is th e T ailor by appointment to the 1968 USA Men's OIYIII Pic Gymnastic Team.

A new MG F eature. Ju st lik e th e uff icials ge t toge ther before a mee t to " ,,-t of se ttl e the gro und rul es, this firs t culumn will do just th a t . . . lay duwn sa me rul es for it s ow n form a t. Al so, 1'J] try tu tell yu u wh a t' to expect in th e futur e. S in ce I'lll a unifurm suppli er m yself, it wo uld be unfair tu th e other s up]lli er s if I wrut e abo ut Illy own stuff, so w hen I disc uss gy mna s ti c cl othin g, it will be in the ubj ec ti ve se nse, and I. will n ot mention bra nds unl ess it is an item co mmon to m os t of th e s uppli ers. I'll d ea l with ca re and maint enan ce of uni form s, s tylin g fea t ures, a nd th e esth et ics of g ym n as ti c dress. With lu ck 1 mi gh t 路even ge t so me co ntrove rsy go in g su ch as colored j er seys versus whi te, how h igh sh ould pants hit at th e wa ist, a nd what a bout co lors in pants. S tart now . . . if yo u h av e op inion s, se nd th em in .. . b ut be pre pared to argue. A noth er subj ect that needs atte ntion is h ow to ma il ord e r uniform s. M ost people just don 't know w hat m eas urem ents are needed, or h ow to take them. So . . . we'll devo te one column to th e standard clo thin g industry ch a rt, sh owin g wher e the mea surement s should be taken, and SOm e de tail on h ow to tak e the m. It is my hope that a ll the gy mnasti c s uppliers w ill ad opt it. If ca n sa ve us all a lot of headaches. Then there's the conversion tables. H ow do yo u co nve rt American sizin g to m etric sizin g for shoes. W h at size warmup do you order from Japan ? We d o so me space on tha t also. ' Gymn asts never see m to b e abl e to ge t a fit in r eady m ade clothes. It's not th a t yo u fellows ar e built wron g. __ you 're built ri g ht, and th e r es t of the co untry is built wrong. It's just that there's so many more of th em , so that's the fit that the s tores ca rry. What we'll do in thi s column is dia gram some of th e alteration s that are n eeded to make ordi nary clothes fit a gymnast. Then when yo u go to yo ur fri endl y n eig hbor hood m en's shop, he doesn't have to g uess on what to d o, you show him how . W e'll al so go detail for those of you ' that ge t made to m eas ure clothin g . . . to mak e it ,,"s ier for yo ur ta ilor. F ashi on n ote; Turtle n eck s are bi g fa shion news, but for a gy mnast th ey'r e also bi g headaches. Gymnasts are buill differen t th an ordin a r y p eopl e. Mr. Aver age American is built someth in g terribl e, but th ere's so many of him as com pared to our well proportioned gymna sts th at th e garment manufacturers proportion th eir lin es acco rdin gly . . . whi ch means a bad fit for a gymnast. R eady made turtl e neck s gen erally sag and bag all over the wa ist area o n a gymn a st, and run ti ght in th e shoulder s.. A lso, m ost are design ed to drape rat.h er th an fit since d raping hid es flabby bod ies. Tn a nswer to this, I 've desig ned a gymn as t pol o in turtle n eck , and its only ava ilabl e throug h thi s magazine . It has th e taper, the fit, th at gymna sts want. Look for th e ad in thi s issue. Fo r th e co achs we'll off e r so me n ew co nce pt s in bud getin g the uniform dollar. H o w

to get th e most out of the bud get, and how to write s pecs. so yo u'll ge t the goo ds yo u wanted. Las tly, we'll cover th e fi eld of fa shion in ge neral wha t to w ear out sid e of th e gy m . J u st lik e wh at yo u wea r in a meet ca n affec t yo ur scor e, that's h ow what yo u wea r on th e stree t can affect what people think of yo u and th e sport you r epr esent. So we ' ll brin g yo u the newest id eas in fashi on , an swer yo ur question s about ,yhat kind of ti e goes with what kin d of suit , and try to k eep you informed of th e fashi on tren ds so th at what yo u buy today won 't b e o ut of style tomorrow. That's th e pur pose of this column. Write to me, a sk me qu esti on s, su ggest su bj ec ts for d isc uss ion. As lon g as it deals with what to wear, I'll do my best to help you. Ad dress: B . Zw ickel, 14 15-1 7 W. S usq uehann a , Philadelphi a, Pa. 19121.

VIEWpoints By Dick CrUey

Peop1e in th e News . .. TCAA College Di vision S id e H orse C hamp , Bob M edina, is a fin e example of th e wi ll to overcome. Bob , a fo nn er s id e hor se stand out from Veni ce Hi gh School, had attend ed San F ern a nd o Va ll ey S tate for a se mester prior to hi s entran ce into the Marin es. In Jun e of 1967, nea r Vin T h a u , Vie tnam , Bob pi ck ed up a wi re to a boo by-trapped Claymo re min e. T he min e exploded, n early bl ow in g off hi s whole le ft h and; on ly hi s middl e fin ge r and half of hi s little fin ger r emain ed. Foll owi n g surgery a t D a Na ng , he wa s tran sferred ba ck to the S ta tes t o Oak la nd Nava l H o"s pital w here doctors be ga n to work on th e hand. "A t fir st 1 co uldn't believe it," M edina r eca ll ed. " Th e hand wou ldn ' t move at all. I thou g ht I'd n ever be ~ bl e to use it agam. Wh en Bi ll Vin cent, Bob's coach a t San F ern ando Va ll ey, h eard a bout th e injury, he wrote, offerin g him hi s scholar ship back , even if he could n ' t co mDete a"'l in . Th a t encoura gement and a . littl e in cident a t the Nava l H os pit al gave Bob th e lift h e n eed ed . Th e little incident was hi s no ti cin g a pomm el-l ess sid e horse at th e hosp ita l whi ch in crea sed hi s d esire to get b ack t o gymnasti cs.

Bob Medina

R e-enterin g S an F ernando in January , 1968 , a s a math major, Bob sta rt ed practi ce aga in. Eight w eek s la ter h e won the NCAA Coll ege Di vis ion S ide Horse Champi onship . " I learned to r est mos tl y on the palms of my h a nd s, " he said. "T here a re still pieces of sh apnel in my left palm and it hurts if (Continued on page 30)



HI REPORT by John Noo ney 18 L aving/on Dr. Weston, Ontario HERE AND THERE BULB F UN D R AI SING CAMPA IG N Ca l G ira rd h as re port ed th a t alrC"ady On · ta ri o (T or onto) ha s coll ec ted S500.00 a nd Ottawa 8200.00. H e would lik e to get news from ot her areas. These fund ~ wi ll pe rmit e.G .A. to send a Junior team to Cuba and ?lI exico thi s summer. EA ST YORK I NVITATION AL MEET AT COMMUNITY CENTER, EAST YORK , TORONTO This meet was sponsored by the Recr eat ion Dept. in conjunction wi th the local Eas t York Gym Club. Directin g the m ee t wa s fIlr. Warre n Kazor and his two excel· ,lent coaches, Mr. Bern e Krudwi g and Anna Krudwi g. This man and wi fe team have r ejuvenated children's gy mnastics in th e Toronto area . Great credit is due to all the staff of th e Ea s t York Club, There were over 169 entries from Argo to Novice all doing COlVIPULSORI ES. As an old timer who was weaned on co mpu l· sori es, thi s r ea lly g laddened my heart to see co mpul sori es be in g used. Thi s correct introdu ction in to th e Sport au gres well for th e futur e of our young gymnasts, if we can now have a l ittle patience and develop th e form of our yo un gs ter s and the emphasis co ntinu es to be placed on the compulsory exe rcise th e future of gymnasti cs in Ontari o is assured, Res ult s, etc. in futur e ed ition s. Clubs ta kin g part: Sarnia Gym Club , Kin gs ton Gym Club, Barrie Gym Club, Camp Borden Gy m Club, Harmony Gym Club, No rth York GYIll Club, Rota ry Winston e tt es Gym Club. Ot tawa Gym Club, Etobicoke Gym Club . and Thund erbirds Y Gym Club, London. CAN .'\ DIA N CHAMPIONSHIPS AND TR IALS :\ s pec ial Pre Trial mee t will be held in Ott awa on th e 16th of J un e (S und a y ) for Se ni or .\Ien and Women. Thi s mee t will be ho, ted by Ca l Girard and held at Algonqu in Co llt'!!e, This is now one of a seri es of THR EE TRIALS to be held, Th e second tri a l will be held with th e National cha m pi· on, hipo a t Qu e bec. Everythin g is now in rea din ess, writ e for entry form s, e tc. to Mr. Andre Lal'o ie, 132 18e Ru e, Quebec, 3 P .Q, P lease co n tact An dr e d ir ect for a ll infor· ma ti on about thi s yea'r 's Na tional Champi · ons hips, WO:\IE N J UDGES F.l.G. CLI N IC Se e anno un ce ment elsewh ere a nd for further inform a ti on contact Mrs. Val eri e Nyc, 122 ,~ S I. '\[ a rc SI., Apt. 50.) , .\[ontrea l II' ho i,; the co n vener. Thi s is exce ll ent news. TR .'\ INl NG CA.\IPS Imm ediat e ly fo ll ow ing th e Na ti ona l Cham· pion , hip" in Qu pbec cit y a two week train · in !! cam p w ill ta ke pla ce at the S Ulllm e r Ca mp (I f th e U ni ve rsity of Otta wa . Thi , ca mp will he for Jun ior and Senior gy m· n,H ". Proba bl e dat t Ju ly 8 to 21.


This camp is to prepare our National Juni or tea lll and our Olymp ic tea m. As far as I a m co ncern ed thi s is the most progn''' ' ~ i ve' ste p we have ever taken.

We il e r placed 77 th , A. S im a rd 106t h. n. Brooke r, 110th, R. Di on 11 7th , R. K ins man I Hl th , C. Ga nn on 128tb. Ju s t to ref resh yo ur me mory Ollr WOlll en scurcd as fo ll ows coac hed by Maril yn S," -

HELP FRO M OTT A W A Gr an ts frolll th e F itn ess and Amateur Sport Co un c il have n ow been decid ed on. Over 21 s port s benef it ted , Th ey ran ge fr o III $685 for karat e to $32,310 for basketball. Our S port obtain ed $6,429 which should help ·to h ost the Nati onal Cha mp ion shi ps a nd so me clinics. It is ver y sma ll wh en yo u compare it to T enni s $10,813, Sw immin g $8,386, Wrestlin g $7,186. Th e Canadian S ki Assoc iation gets a grant of $25,705 so it pays to have a Na n· cy Greene. 1 would be anxiou s to kn ow how mu ch our provin cial branches ge t fr om th e provin cial governm ents. Each provi nce has money allocated to it fro m th e Fitn ess Cou ncil. It would be interes tin g to kn ow how th ose grants are use d in our S port.

a cre '

TRACK AND nELD FORM OW N ASS OCI ATION T his month th e Tra<:k and Field people lea ve A.A.U. of Canada and s tart to b uil d th eir own Nati onal Tra ck and Fi eld Associ· at ion , Over a year ago this decision was vot ed on n ow I am told th e wh eels are in mot ion to make this a fact.

OLYMPIC REVIEW 1964 TOKYO 1 ow th a t we are once aga in lookin g for-

ward to a nother Ol ympi c Games in Mexi co, le t us loo k ba ck on th e pas t performances of our Nati onal team OVl en ) . In 1964 Chu ck Se beysten, actin g as T eam Manager a nd Coach, took R . Kihn , W , W e il er and Gil Larose to Tokyo. Thi s te<: m, althou gh not a full one, was a llowe d to march in a nd ca rry th e fl ag o f Ca nada , Sweden and Fran ce who also had on ly three members had to j oin with other indi viduals to make a team of six so politi cally we were off to a good start. Ju st n ote the scores aft er the compul· sori es, R. Kihn had scored 53.50 to obtain 84th place, G. La rose sco red 53.50 and was pla ced 87th and W. Weil er scored 52.50 and wa, 93rd. Out of a poss ibl e 60 po ints for compul· sori es and co mpu lsorj es are mu ch easier (diffi c ulty wi se), is th ere a message for t h is year's team ? Take note youn g gy m· nas ts- COMPULSORlES A RE THE KEY , so if you 'r e n ot doin g co mpulsori es now ask your coach WHY ? T wo days later our team s tart ed th eir op tionals. On th e pomllleli s Richard Kihn score d a 9.15 ( we ce rta inl y co uld do with a Ri ck Kihn no w) . In va ultin g Gil La rose scored a 9.5 and somethin g th at is n ot well kn own Wilh elm Weiler scored a 9.70. That mu st be th e hi ghes t score eve r by a Ca n· ad ian. Th er e were onl y three oth er gym· nas ts bette r than him BUT UNFORTUN· ATELY HI S CmiP LS OR Y SC ORE WA S N OT HIGH E NOUGH to ge t him a place in the FI NA LS. That Illu st have bee n a hea rtbreak. No w when yo u hea r teache rs talk about co mpu lsori es reme mbe r how Willi e W eil e r felt that da y in Tokyo. Th e fina l plac in g for our three mu s· ke teers. Cu mjJu lso ry a nd Opti ona ls A ll Round: H. Kihn 82nd pl ace, \\1. We il e r 86 th Place, C . La rose 92nd place. S urmisin !! th at we had a full team a nd ha d 9.0 a v~ ra!!e we co uld have fini shed 14 " r l.~th t A me7-i ca n tea m fini shed 7th) . Now le t us loo k a t the Dortm und S('U IT" ( World Challlpitln . hips ) an d we had a full tea m co ach ed by A l Dipp ong, managed by H. Gagnier. .\ Ien's r~ s ult s A,A. Camp. a nd Opt. : W.

o.II:.A. Co mpo and Opt.: Sa nd ra H a rt lt'y /l st, L. Bird 88 th , I. C louiti er 88t h, I. H a· wo rth 96 th , E. Austin 11 7th , M. Minak cr 139 th. A fter Mex ico I will make a cOlllpa ri , ,,", I t should be int e resti ng to see what i ~ ha ppenin g and to see i f - ARE WE YIAKl NC ANY PROGHESS '! '! WO M EN ' S JUDGES OFFICIAL F. I.G . CLtN IC A ND COURSE Conducted by Madam e Berth e Viltanch er president of the women 's techn ica l com· comm ittee F. I.G. FROM FRA NCE Madam e Val eri e Nagy vice- presiden t of the womens' tech nica l com mittee F.I.G. FROM HUNGA RY Madam e A . Gatta secretory of the women's techrri ca l com m ittee F. I.G. FROM tTA L Y PLA CE : MONT REA L DATE : JULY 10 to 17th, 1968 I f interested t o ha ve more informatio n, please contact: Mrs. Valeri e Nye 1225 St-Ma rc Street , Apt. 505 M ontrea t 25, Quebec, Canada Te l : 937-5239 EASTERN CANADIAN GYMNAST IC CHAMPIONSHIPS Port Calborne, Ontario Recent ly the above meet was directed b y Mr. Ji m Mc Pherson, Port Co l borne at h is own high schoo l. Be li eve me, I wish every meet was organized as we ll as t hi s yea r's Eastern s. Excellent audiences a nd tr emendous perform ances mode thi s one of the most successful meets I have ever had t he pleasu re t o be assoc ia t ed w it h . T he men's senior events were a duel between Gil Larose and Syd Jensen w ho competed unattached and in the women's senior eve nts last year 's Junior champion, Jennefer Diachun won the senior women 's a ll round, proving again that our juniors are reall y improv ing . This was Jennifer's finest hou r. Will she be able to rep eat her performance at the tria ts??

Ba rry Brook e r Peter Rogers o f i h e Ot tawa gy m c tub had an exce ll ent week end winning the jun ior men ' s. Peter is the On t ario High Schoo t cham pi on and a tremendous prospect . At this m ee t we had Compulsori es, Optionals and Final s. It was obv ious ou r gymnast s were ti red but we must run all our meets in this fashion so that we st rengthen the performances of our young gymnasts. Never before was it so obvious that our 2 Junior Women, gymnasts need com petition 10 Junior Men, 6 Senior Women, 8 Sen ior Men . Why not a Wes tern Championships in Edmo nton or Saska t oon? Meets are th e keymore and more of th em if ou r you ng g ymnasts ar e to improve. Results Sen i or Wom en AA : I , J. D iachun (W in) 70 .8, 2 . M . St . Jea n ( Immac Conc) 68 .05, 3. T , M cDonnel t (Win) 68.00 Senior B, AA : I . J. Wilk in (W in) , 2. D , H eise (Win.)

Ju nior Wom en A A: I . N . Mc D onnell (Win ) 67.45; 2. L. Walker (Win) 62.85, 3. L. Osborne (Win) 60.25. Seni or M en AA: I. Gil Larose (51. Th ere sa) 109.55; 2 . Syd Jensen (U natta ched) 107.2, B. Brooker ( H armonie) 101 .65. Senior B. A A: I . D. Arnold (Michigan Unattached ), 2. M . Prent (Ha rm onie) 3. B. Gabitch, (Germonia) . Junior M en AA: I . P. Rogers (Ottawa G.c.) 102.35; 2. J. Bouchard ( Imm Conc. ) 99.95; 3. D. Copeland (Ha rm onie ) 91.65 . METROPOLITAN TORONTO GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS This year's meet was co-h osted by the Rotary Wlns t onettes, Scarborough and the Etobico ke Gym Clu b . About 9 c lubs from all over Ontario to ok part. The meet was compulsories in lowe r groups and optionoJs at the junior and senior level, and all around . A . tota l of 198 entered th e tw o day meet .

SASKAT CHEWAN PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS This meet was held at the University o f Saskatchewan. There were ove r 200 entries this is some indica t ion of the growth in this pro vince. I would like t o thank Bryan de La Gorgendiere, Park and Rec reati on, Prince Albert , t or the results. . Argo Bo ys A A : Larian Cadrian (Marion), G. Robinson ( Regi na Y), N. Huthi son (Edmonton) . Tyro Bo ys AA : F. Dunn (Prince Al bert ), F. Tatler (Unattached), F. Fournier (Prince Albert ). Nov ice Boys AA : B. Stafford (Regina Y), B. Mc Lead (Sask Y), K. Dyck (Sask Y ) .


Juni or M en AA : T . SedgwelCk (Sask.) 1<. Shore (U o f M), B. Gremduck (Brandon) Senior M en A A: G. Balcombe (Marian ). A rg o Girl s AA : Jan Sebeysten (Marian), D. Green (Marian), M. Robert (Pr ince Albert). T yro Girls AA : P. Downton (Ma r ian) L. Smith (Marion), C. Ger mec (Mar ian ). N ovi ce Gi rl s AA : W. Ja hner (Regina), M. Brookes (Mario n ), M. Buetchler (Marion) . Juni or Girls AA : A. Walecke (Marion), J . Wood (Marion), K. Bullock (Edmonton). Seni or Wom en AA : G. Sebeysten (Ma ri an), J. Mayhew (Marian), P. Sebeysten (Mar ion ).

del' , T o m Da lsim er , Ma in L in e; 13·14, J uh n ~la xe n , Sca n ton ; 15·18, Pa u l Beie rsch mitt , Carlisle. Th e A.A. winners were: 13-14, Juhn Maxen, Scranton.

Central Queens Y.M.C.A. New York City 1968 By Sid Lorbe r

Kenneth W. Ho ll is

Steve Mitr uk Results Argo Girl s A A: I. Susan Zielinski (W in), 2. Wendy Nicholson {WinL 3. Medor i Fujiwara (Win). T yro Girls AA : I. Denise Fujiwara (Wins tonettes), 2 . Sophie Voss ilio dias (East York), 3-T. Carmel Mc Vicar (Etobicoke), 3-T. Sondra Sw itzer (East York). No v ic e Gi rl s AA : I. Diane Dahnz (Win), 2. Maria Love (W in ), 3. J . Campbell (W in). Jun ior Girl s AA : I. Nancy Campbe ll (Win), 2. Lynn Wa lker (W in) 3 . L1 0y Osborne (Win). Senior B Wom en AA : I . J . Wi lk in (Win), 2. D. Heise (Win), 3. J . Askin (East York ). Senior Wom en AA : 1. Jennifer Diachun (Wi n ), 2. There sa Mc Donnell (Win). Argo Bo y s AA B Category: I. J. D iAnge lo (Etobicoke) 2-T. J. Fair (N. York ), 2-T. D. Wil liams (N. Yo r k), 3. W . McNe il l (N. York). Argo Boys A Category AA : I. W. Meecham (E. York) 2-T. T im Onyschuk (Etob icoke), 2- T . Dave Leblanc ( East Yor k ), 3 . J. Mc Gowan (E. York). Ty ro Boys AA : I. R. N unn (North York), 2. M . Nunn (North York), 3 . L. Sodenstron ( N or th Yark).

Junior Me n AA Optio nals and Compul so ri es: I . P. Rogers (Ottawa), 2. B. McVey (Ha rm onie), 3. D. Copeland (Unattached). Seni or M en BAA : I. M. Prent (Harmonie), 2. Blash ko Gabrig (Ger mania), 3. Dieter Woerle (Germa nia). Senior M en AA : I. S. Mitruk (Ger mania) 2. B. Brooker (Harmon ie). MARITIMES GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Thi s meet drew ove r 155 entries and was di rec ted by Mr. Don Eag le and held at th e Uni versity o f N ew Brunswick. Gi rl s Arg o AA : I. Janet Noble (Pa l Nat ); 2. Jill Wa t son (Conn St. Sch oo l ), 3. Gyongyn Kiefer (Pa l Nat). T yro AA: I. Jani ce Dever (Bar Byng) 2. Laurie Wheele r (F red G. c. ), 3. Cathy Madigan (Vaud Sil) . Nov ice A A: I . Pame la Roy (Vad Sil), 2. Danielle Bergero n (Vad Sil), 3. Vickie Arblaster (Vad Sil ). Junior A A : I. Li se Arsenault (Vad Si l ), 2. Susan Wank lyn (Pa l Nat), 3. Franc ine Legau lt (Pa l Nat). A rgo Bo y s AA: I . Murray Jarvis (Alber t St Schoo l ) 2 . Ken J amieson (Dart Y), 3. H owa r d Rutledge (Duncan Mc Millan H. S.) T yro AA : I. G. Ayotte ( Pal Nat ), 2. P. Willey (Bangor Y), 3 . Bob Jamieson (Da rt Y). N ovic e: I. W . Anderson (Bangor Y), 2. D. Brennan (E l en va le J .H .S .) Senior : I. W. Berryhil l (Camp Gnce) 2. D. Ring (Ha l ifax Y), 3. A. Gibson (F red YJ.

First Annual Pennsylvania YM CA State Meet By Bob Gras Th e Ca rli sle YNICA wa s bast for th t' first annua l Penn sy lva ni a Y j\ [CA Sta te Gymnastics Champ ions hips on Sa l,Urda y. _\ l arch 23. Th ere we re 55 co mpetitors representin g 9 tea ms from all sec ti ons of the state.

I t was an agt' group Ill ce lin g wit h CO Illpubllril's uSl' d for all events. Competi t ion was held in th e "ix Oly m pi c events and a ll around . Tu m h ling and tra mpo li ne we rt' ~ pe (' ial eve nts. T hl' lea m , ta ndi ngs Wl'J'e as fo ll ows: Snallton YMCA 102, Readi ng YMCA 91, Alai n L inl ' Y?vlCA (Pbi la.1 50, Bea ve r Va ll ey n l CA 3S'/e, Ca rli sle YMCA 32V~, Phi la. Ce ntra l Y'IlCA 30, Gold en Triangle Y\ ICA (Pitts). 19, ::i ullburg YlVICA 10. Yo rk Y,\ICA .~ . Thl' a ll a ro und winn e rs were: 12 & Un·

r :'

.- ~UQ.C 8UT

Th e Ce nt ral Queen s Y .i\ J. C.A. on Ap r il 6. 1968 won its fir st Sta le Gymnast il' C hampion ships over seco nd p lac" W e~ t. S id " Y.M.C.A. a nd t h ird place Glenn CUVl' Y.M.C.A. TlIf" a ll -a rou nd tro ph y went to Da ve J a c· obs of Ce ntral Queen s foll owed by H or , t Il ernh a rl of \Vest S id " , and S id Lorber of Cen lra l Qu een s. Daw .J acobs won four fir st place medal s in fr c('-x . hi gh ba r, long horse, and tUlll blin l!, as we ll as th e all ·around lrophy. S id Lurber won two third places in long horse. and h igh ha l'. as we ll a s th e third pl acl' a ll ·around troph y. Edwin i\ l " d in a of Ce n tra l Queens took Ihrt'e meda ls in free-x. long hnrse, a nd tumbl in g. R ich a rd Burcha rd of Central Qu ee ns won third place in Iramp olin e. Oth e r team mem be rs thai co ntribut ed 10 Ce ntra l Queen s' Cha m pi onship a rc J o(' .\I ilIe I', Ed Co le, Sianley Stankiewi cz, Lou i" B rill , a nd Ga bri e l R om ero. Th e judges for th is ml'e t we re Ih l" be"t from th e m etropolitan area: Dun a ld \Vilt e· rot e I', J ohn Nic ho las, Claren ce Lan cton . :\nlh ony Yu cavone . .J er ry Hard y, Alex Dia ma nt. Bill Buffa, and John Prestl'r. Th l' f!y mna sts from th e Central Quel"n" tea m arc gratef ul for the he lp th ey J'(" ('r ive d fr om their ('oac h Gene C ron and fr um t he A,s is ta nt P hys ica l Direc tor !"Iad," lin e Nelson. Th e fi nal sco r in g was Cen t ra l Qu ee ns Y 98 point s, W es t S id e Y 48 pu int ', Glrnn Cove Y 31 point s, Flushing Y 10 puint s, Greenpoint Y 4 point s, S la ten Island Y 3 poinl s, and M c Burn ey Y 0 point s.

'::."., .,

V--! W>-T'S i-\E- t()~. FCR \-\\5 ~\MD 7 ,... 9


The United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Box 4699 Tucson, Arizona


Executive Director

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GYMNASTICS St. Lou'is, Missouri One of our pet peeves for many years, among those of us who would like to see gymnastics everywhere .right now, has been that often times this great activity is either路 not offered a t all or else it is introduced to youngsters at a late age. Mind you now I am speaking of the activity of gymnastics as it relates directly to the physical development of children . .. not competitive events. Competition as we know it can wait for a good many years but exposure to the activity of gymnastics is beneficial at a very early age. One program of elementary school gymnastics which we feel that has really pin路pointed the needs of children is now and has been in existence for sever al years. It is, per路 haps, the direct result of some of the leaders of that area and their own person al interest in p roviding this exposure to child ren at an earl y age. With Dr. Walter Eberhardt, Henry Stroers, Mr. Louis K itlaus, Jr., Jim and Dolores Brislane and individuals of like ambition in the St. Louis. Missouri education system, it is no wo nder we see a suc: cessful, properly supervised program of gymnastic activities for elementar y sch ool children th ro ugh out that city. The St. Louis public schools system offers instru ction in tumbling, floor exer cise and several other gymnastic events to th eir elementary sch ool children . T oward the end of their school year the various teachers in the system offer their classes their ch oice as a foreign nation and then gather for a " Little Ol ympics". The youngsters are req ui red to make their respective fla l1;s. (I am sure they learn considerable background information in order to represent their ch osen lands) and they then proceed to h ave a small scale, unofficial but none-the-Iess h otly contested Olympic 10

Games . . . without medals and fanfare. The entire proj ect is sch ool oriented, sch ool supervised and bears the educational overtones th at make it desireable to the youngsters. For this reason, and of course, because it stresses the sport of gymnastics in the best possible light, with this issue of the Modern Gymnast we call yo ur attention to this excellent prollram. The USGF and the MG j oin in con gratulatine; those teachers, administrators and coaches who have instigated this most excellent program for American youngsters in St. Louis, Missouri.

UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR WOMEN Report by Jackie Uphues . . . were held on April 25, 26, and 27 in Memphis Tennessee in the very large and gymnastically well equipped arena of White Station High School. Entries in the National Division performed the High-Intermediate Level USGF-DGWS National Compulsories plus Optional Exercises. Several new and promising performances were turned in by girls from Memphis Tennesee and the Boulder, Colorado area. The All Around won by Sarah Brumgart with impressive work in both the floor exercises and balance beam. (See Event Results) The Elite - International Division entries worked the Olympic Compulsories plus Optional Exercises on Friday with the Final Event competition on Saturday evening. Linda Scott again qualified for the Olympic Trials with a much improved All Around score of 72.42 and Terry Spencer took second All Around with a 66.84 total, again an improvement over her original qualifying score. Miss Spencer performed an excellent vault for a 9.56 final score, the highest score in the meet. Sharon Wilch , USGF Women 's Committee, ably directed the meet a nd scoring procedures, while the Judging Certification Examination Program was administered by the Cha irman of the Women 's Committee, Shirley Bryan. Six nationally quali路 fied judges, Greta Trieber, Mildred Prchal , Erna Wachtel, Shar-


LINDA SCOTT, first Balance Beam - USGF Wo men's Nationals, Memphis 1968

_on Pirkl , Delene Gifford , and Jackie Uphues, very successfully evaluated all performances according to the newly effected changes in the FIG CODE OF POINTS.

U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR WOMEN - MEMPHIS - APRIL 196B Elite International Division All Around: 1. Linda Scott (SIU) 72.42; 2. Terry Spencer (SIU) 66.84; 3. Karen Smith (SI U) 61.92. Beam: 1. Linda Scott 17.12; 2. Terry Spencer 17.00; 3. Karen Smith 14.72. Vaulting: L Terry Spencer 18.76; 2. Linda Scott 17.67; 3. Karen Smith 17.07. Unevens: 1. Linda Scott 16.57; 2. Carol Donnelly 14.57; 3. Terry Spencer 14.15. Floor Ex: 1. Linda Scott 17.90; 2. Terry Spencer 17.42; 3. Carol Donnelly 15.50. Trampoline: 1. Tray Kauffman (Memphis Gym. Assoc.l 16.80; 2. Mary McDonnel (Des Moines) 15.75. National Division All Around: 1. Sarah Brumgart (Illinois) 59.20; 2. Phyllis Jojola (Colorado) 51.40; 3. Allison Lehti (Colorado) 45 .60. Beam: 1. Sarah Brumgart, 2. Phyllis Jojola, 3. Allison Lehti. Vaulting: 1. Jojola, 2. Brumgart, 3. Lehti. Unevens: 1. Brumgart, 2. Lehti, 3. Jojola. Floor Ex: 1. Brumgart, 2. Jojola, 3. Lehti. Trampoline: 1. Greer Thompson (Memphis G.A.) 16.20, 2. Tina Eremann (Memphis G.A.) 15.65.


1967 - 68 Prepared by Shirley Bryan, Chairman "Gymnastics for all " has been the foundation for all work by the USGF Women's Committee. A national program has been developed and implemented to. provide impetus for girls and women's gymnastics in the United States. A developmental compulsory program, workshoDs for teacher education, clinics for training judges and age-group compulsory competition comprise the core of this program. Specific projects accomplished and future projects of the USGF Women's Committee are listed below. PROJECTS ACCOMPLISHED: 1. Development and distribution of Age-Group Compulsory Routines. Cooperative project with DGWS. 2. Development and distribution of tapes with music for age-group compulsory floor exercise. 3. Development and distribution of a film showing age-group compul sory routines. Cooperative project with the Athletic Institute. 4. Distribution of Tinterova's Judging Material.

photo by Russell C. Brown

5. Development of the Operating Code to establish committee procedures and functions. 6. Publication of pertinent information in the Modern Gymnast magazine. 7. DistributioD of the 1968 Olympic Compulsory Routines. 8. Sponsorship of Lecture Tour of Madame Villancher, ~IG ~omen's President; University of Massachusetts, Colorado URiverslty and Southern Illinois University. 9. Development and distribution of Rules and Policies Governing Competition. 10. Development and distribution of guidelines for Teacher Education Workshops. 11. Development and distribution or guidelines for Judges' Training Clinics. 12. Development and distribution of Guidelines and Information for Modern Gymnastics. 13. Sponsorship of the United States Gymnastics Championships. 14. Development and administration of a certification program for judges. 15. Sponsorship for 25 Clinics for Teacher Education for 2632 registered participants. 16. Sponsorship for 23 Clinics for Judges' Training for 1271 registered participants . .. 17. Sponsorship for 27 Age-Group Compulsory CompetitIOns for 2362 registered participants. CURRENT PROJECTS: 1. Development of guidelines for the organization. and conduct of competitive events. 2. Sponsorship of the USGF Women's Committee Seminar for Modern Gymnastics . 3. Development of a college directory of schools offering gymnastics programs . 4. Appointment of state chairman for implementation of committee work. 5. Development of a compulsory program for Modern Gymnastics. 6. Development of a testing film for the Judges' Certification program . 7. Distribution of Current FIG changes. 8. Publication and distribution of second booklet including the DGWSUSGF Compulsory Age-Group Routines, the newly compiled evaluation of parts, and the USGF age group tumbling and trampoline compulsories. 9. Continued efforts on the organizational level for cooperation with the DGWS, OSA for the development and implementation of agegroup compulsory gymnastics program and a judges' certification program. 11

U.S.G.F. National Championships

USGF NATIONALS ... left very little to be des ired."



MEMPHIS, TE ESSEE APRIL 25-27, 1968 The competition at the 1968 U.S.G.F. Nati onal Champ ionships left very little to be desired. Y os hi Hayasaki captured the AllAro und with a somewhat inconsistant per路 formance in that he looked ragged at times and razor sharp at other times ( more often sharp than dull, however) . Kasotoshi Kanzaki, who appears to enj oy competi tion more than any gymnast I know, was an outstanding feature of the meet and I am sure he lelL some Memphis fans mutterin g to themselves. Fred Dennis of SIU was probably the biggest surpri se of all as he scored 109.15 in the Ali-around and continues to look better in every meet. Dick Swetmim of P enn State looked the best h e has looked all year and did a particularly outstandin g job on the parellel bars. Nine gymnasts scored over 104.00 points in the all around to top the Olympic qualifyin g standard, however, only three did so lor the first time. In the floor exercise event Kanzaki and Hayasaki each averaged 9.45 in the final s to make a good show of that event. Almost everyone had trouble in tile final s on the side horse as MawlO Nissenen scored 9.5 on his compulsory but suffered three maj or breaks and scor ed only 7.0 in the finals. Fred Dennis was the only finalists that performed well. On e surprising aspect of this event is the assortmen t of behindthe-back work that all around men are now using. The still rings event was one of the better parts of a good meet as Hayasaki, Dickson, Dennis and Kanzaki had a real battle. The only serious fault of the four was by Kanzaki who also has a bad habit of bending his knees on his dislocates (he almost does a tuck dislocate.) The trampolin e event also provided some excellen t routines with Dale Hardt at his best scoring 9.45 in the prelims and 9. 7 in the finals. On the long horse Rich Scorza, University of Iowa Sophomore, was head an d shoulders above all others scoring 9.7 on his vault in the final s to move from fifth place to first. The parallel bar event was the icing on the cake, so to speak, as Hayasaki scored 9.55 to win, Otoshi 9.5 for second, Swetman 9.5 for third and Weiss 9.1 for fourth . Swetman performed two successive back overbar somersault to handstand position (both of which he co uld have stopped in a handstand ), an impressive sequence but one which raised the questi on as to whether repeating the same move should be consid ered lack of variety or repetitiou s. The manner in which the sequence was performed, however, did not lead one to feel that it was un pleasin g in an esthetic sense. The horizontal bar event, as usual , proved a fittin g climax to the meet as Dennis hi t for 9.55, Hayasaki 9.5, Swetman 9.45, and Otoshi 9.1. T ucker 's barani out fliffis di smount stood out in an excellent field. The National Division suffered from a lack of entries and in view of the very simple compulsories this was difficult to understand . T1"Ott of Ohio State Un iversity walked off with seven first places in thi s division as he met very little competition. More gym nasts should seriously con sider competin g in thi s division. The one disappointing feature of the meet was the fac t that only one set of judges were used and 3 of those five judges were coaches with gymnasts competin g in the meet. This was not fair to th e coaches nor to the gymnasts but this situation will

undoubtably be corrected in the future. Congratulations to the Memphis Gymnasti cs Association and Lyn Bryson for a fin e effort. I am sure they learned a lot about putting on a major gymnastics meet and I am also sure the Memphis area will realize a good return from the effort s of the Memphis Gymnastics Association.

.. -. -....






AA : Yosh i Hayasaki (Wash) 111.65, Kalsuloshi Kanzak i (N ELa) 1 10.00, Fred Dennis (SIU) 109 . 15, Toshio Oloshi (N ELa) 108 .35, Mauna Nissinen (Wash) 107. 10, Greg We iss (Unalt) 106.60, Rick Tucker (SIU) 105 .90, Bob Dickson ( Iowa) 105.70, Dick Swetman (PSU) 104.10. FX : Kanzaki 9.45, Hayas aki 9.35, Oto-

shi 9 . 125. SH : Kanzaki 9 .225, Dennis 9.175, Otoshi 9.05. R: Hayasaki 9.437, Dickson 9.40, Denn is 9 .375. LH : Rich Scorza (Iowa) 9.362, Hayasaki 9 .312, We iss 9. 175 . PB : Ha yasaki 9.55, Oloshi 9.5, Swetman 9.362. HB : Hayasaki 9.462, Dennis 9.437, Swetman 9.325. Tr : Dale Ha rdt (S IU) 9.57 , H omer Sard ina ( Iowa) 8.975, John Price (Ind. 5t) 8.912 .


The primary success o.f the 1968 Senio.r Natio.nal A.A.U. meet can be attributed to. the fact that fer the first time in many years all o.f the co.untry's to.p co.m路 were present. Sa kame to., Hayasaki, Ro.ethlisberger, Nis路 senen, Lynn, Co.hen, Tho.r, Lo.yd, To.wso.n, Hug, J, Miller, Y o.unge, Kanzaki, Allen, Higgins, Gro.ssfeld, To.nry, Dennis, Tucker, Mayer, Amerine, Flansaas, Hall, and Culhane, all co.ntributed to. making a fin e meet that was well run in .spite o.f the usual pro.blems with such a big meet. Preliminary highlights were pro.vided when 9.65 en his secend attempt at his co.mpulso.ry parallel bar ro.utines, Hayasaki scoring 9.75 en his co.mpulso.ry parallel bar ro.utine, Wayne Miller co.ming o.ff the trampo.line 路 en his seco.nd co.mpulso.ry 路 attempt after co.ming o.ff en his first attempt, To.wsen sco.ring 9.75 en his o.ptio.nal fleer exercise, and being permitted a repeat en his o.ptio.nal side ho.rse because o.f an ever eager The men tumblers will remember this meet as they began warming up at 6:30 P_M_, waited fer co.mpulso.ry trampeline, warmed up again, waited fer's trampo.line, warmed up again, waited fer men's o.ptio.nal trampo.line, warmed up again, waited again, and finally at 11 :30 P.M_ it was decided to. wait until the next day to. have the .m en's tumblin g_ The team champio.nship created a few pro.blems as this was the first year the NAAU had used raw sco.res (same as the that co.mpulso.ry's co.llegiates e x c e p t

great fer six mo.ves but suffered badly during the last half when he weakened co.nsiderably_ On the parallel bars Nissenen threw a very ro.utine with minimum difficulty except fer a do.uble so.mersault dismo.unt. Lo.yd did peach to. Immediate straddle "L" which lo.o.ked great but he was unable to. held it and he had to. sit en the bars. Hayasaki .and beth had trouble o.versho.o.ting peach to. handstand with Hayasaki also. suffering a majo.r break en a back-uprise-straddle-cut. Bo.b Lynn lo.o.ked like the winner but apparently suffered majo.r deductio.ns en miner fo.rm breaks that o.ccurred en piro.uettes beth ways. In the ho.rse event was a clear winner ever average vaulters, using a fin e hecht fro.m the far end. On the ho.rizo.ntal bar, the best event, Hug amazed and suffered o.nly miner fo.rm breaks. Kanati Allen suffered a .7 break but lo.o.ked geed o.therwise. Lynn fell apart attempting a full piro.uette to. vault and ever turned a do.uble twisting fly-a-way. was perfect except for being so.mewhat flat en stalders and muscling hi s mo.unt a little. The trampo.line event was messy as all finalists suffered at least majo.r interruptio.n o.f either a step o.r an extreme travel. J wo. ~ in spite o.f aim est cerning o.ff. The best tumbling trips were: Pro.ulx : Ro.und o.ff, flip flo.p, do.u ble back, Front-step-o.ut, ro.und o.ff, flip flo.p. doubJ p. twisting back so.mersault, to. immediate fro.nt so.mersault.



co. unted). It was finally decided that in o.rder fer a perso.n's to. co.unt fer the team that per sen must have perfo.rmed the co.mpulso.ry ro.utine teo.. The Washihgto.n H;usky Gym dub captured the team title with an excellent team. The finals, even so. than usual, pro.vided many exciting mo.ments, and o.utstanding ro.utines, particularly by Maketo. In the fleer exercise event Fred Ro.ethlisberger suffered fro.m having o.nly 1 "C" and was penalized fer lack o.f flu ency in his co.nnecting parts.'s o.nly pro.blem was that his ro.utine co.ntained little o.r no. risk. Kanati Allen suffered many breaks and gave the appearance o.f perfo.rming that particular ro.utine fer the first time. To.wso.n was a little ragged en several parts and especially en his press which he had tro.uble and the ho.lding. On the side ho.rse Dave Tho.r had a ro.ugh time and fell o.ff twice. Jim Russo. was near perfect and po.ssibly at 9.6. was also. near perfect but suffered in Cern parisen to. Russo. en difficulty apd technique. Bo.b Hall had co.nsistent fo.rm breaks and was o.ff balance a couple o.f times. Nissenen had a fine ro.utine with difficulty but appeared to. have his knees bent thro.ugho.ut. On the still rings Jim Amerine missed his sho.o.t handstand fer a majo.r break. Kanzaki bent his knees en his dislo.cate and lest fo.rm en his back uprise handstand. Dickso.n lo.o.ked great with straight arm giants beth ways but strangely eno.ugh really had to. struggle en his press handstand. Co.hen was, in this o.bservers o.pinio.n, definitely o.n a ro.utine that was

Levin: Alternating do.uble twisting so.mersaults Beger: Fro.nt-step-o.ut, ro.und o.ff, do.uble back. AAU MEET - RESULTS Team : Husky Gymnastic Club 374.05, Nartheast Leuisiana State Cellege Gymnastics Club 354.80, New Yerk Athletic Club 3 10.95, L.A . Turners 259 .80. AA : Makete Sakamoto. ],13.05, Yeshi Hayasaki 111.20, Maune Niss inen 108.75, Fred Reethlisberger 108. 75, Katsuteshi Kanzaki 108.05, Steve Cehen 107.90, Rebert Lynn 107.80, Richard Leyd 107.75, Steve Hug 107.70, Kanati Allen 107.20, Dave Ther 106.90, Fred Dennis 105.60 James Amerine 105.50, James Culhane 104.30, J ehn Elias 104.05. FX : Teby Tewsen 19.250, Sakamete 19.050, Hayasaki 18.775. SH: Jehn Russo. 18.825, Nissinen 18.750, Sakamete 18.725. R: Cehen 18.900, Hayasa ki 18 .850, Sakamete 18.825. LH : Sakamete 18.800, Reethlisberger 18.325, Ren Clemmer 18 . 100. PB : Sakamete 19. 150, Lynn 18.975, Nissinen 18.675. HB: Sakamete 19.705, Hayasaki 18.675, Hug 18.600. Tr: Dave Jacebs 18 .600, Jim Yengue 18.550, Den Waters 18.200. Tu: Deug Beger 27.90, Odess Levin 27.10, Tem Preulx 27.00. WINNING ROUTINES John Russo : Frem the creup : Jump to. a german into. two. back leeps, into. a german into a back in, 2 c:ircles, moore, travel, back moore to end, back in, simple swiss, into reverse scissors, 3 front scissors, pick up circles, deub le eut to. a german, to. a hep to. a leep with ha lf dismeunt. Steve Cohen : Pull to. inverted hang , kip to. an inverted, iron cross, giant swing out, stra ight

arm to handstand, lower down to a cross, inlocate,


upri se,

ma ltese,



backward kip, L (Held), straight bedy press to. handstand, drep dewn through a backward roll l








dislecate, flyaway with full twist. Doug Boger: frent walkeut, RO, FF, deuble back. Frent wa lkeut, handspring, frent wa lke ut, headspring, frent . RO, whipback, handspring, deuble twister. For routines of Sakamoto l Towson, and Jacebs, please refer to. NCAA Champienships in May, 1968, Medern Gymnast.



SENIOR WOMEN'S AAU CHAMPIONSHIPS Long Beach, California April 11-13, 1968

TOP TWENTY-FIVE ALL-AROUND 74.05 I. Linda Metheny 2. . Joyce T anac 72.95 71.93 3. Kathy Gleason 4. Joanne Hashimoto 70.85 5. Cathy Rigby 70 .50 6. Doris Brause 70 .30 7. Karen Galloway 69 .75 8. Donna Schaenzer 68 .85 9 . Wendy Cluff 68 .1 10. Sandra Hartley, Canada 68.0 11. Ma rcia Hunter 67.85 12. C. Car ver 67.6 13. C. Pingetore 67.5


14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


23. 24. 25. 26.

M. K. M. E.

Adams Carroll Wa lther Stevens L. Scott

~'. ~~~i",;s

Lauder Bauer Bailey Spencer Corrigan L. W oodard

J. B. D. T. P.

67 .3 67 .25 67.05 66.9 66 .75 66 .50 65.90 65 .80 65 .75 65.25 65 .15 64.95 64.75

A small clearing on the edge of a forest of conifers, a mount ain top as an addi tional ba ck drop, great white clouds billowing up ove r the mountain ca mp , al l served as an inspirationa l settin g for eage r yo un gsters to leap, and balan ce, and p irouette, and fly as gracef ully as th e cloud s above_ Examples of such gy mna sti cs perform ance are Ed Moors (l ) in a handstand on th e pa ra llel bar, Barney Oldfield (2) fl yin g high above th e trampolin e and see min gly a lso above th e trees, and Byron Small (3) suspend ed by his own power in a plan ge on th e parall el bar with th e ascendin g lin e of a mountain rise in th e background_ The most imp ortant aspect of this entire project was the p hilosophy behi nd it which does happen to permeate the sport of Gymnasti cs and whidh should ep itomi ze

Robert son problems were solved. Even the equipm ent was furni shed free by th e Nissen Co mpany wh ich helped the ca mp budge t considerably . T he wond erful id ea of the mountains ide settin g, th e coopera ti ve atti tudes of the youn gsters who part icip at.ed, th e so lving of the diffi culties of tran sportin g leade rs, paren ts, and Gymn asts from Houston, Texas to th e Y.M.C.A. of the Rock ies in Estes Park, Colorado, were all possibl e through the inspired acti on of Mr. J oe Robert so n, Director of the West Family Y.M.C.A. in Houston , Tex as. Big J oe looks far more like a college footba ll player than anythin g else and hi s und erstandin g of the needs of yo un gsters is born of th e keen des ire to give of himself to their proper education. He brought alon g hi s own family to enjoy

GYMNASTICS ON A MOUNTAIN SIDE LEADERSHIP OUTCOMES By E. F. " Bud Beyer Associat e Professo r of Physica l Ed ucati on and Gymna sti cs Coach at Plattsburgh State Uni versit y Co llege, P lattsburgh. New York (E. F. " Bud" Beye r was aske d to coordin ate a summer gymnastics program at the H ouston, T exas, We st Family Y ..l1. C.A. Gym nastics Camp at the Y ..ll.C.A. oj the Ro ck ies, Estes Park, Colorado. Here are his im.pressions 0/ the experience there .}

I: / '


Photo 2

human behavi or - the intense and inspired helpin g of one another. In the process of acquirin g th e skills necessary to perform diffi cult Gymnastics movements and through th e sometim es dan gerous periods of learn in g, such mutual help is a part of th e sport. T he learning of Gymnastics always involves careful protective "spottin g" techniques - techniqu es involvin g the abi lity to thrust one's own safety out of th e picture while we surmount the refl exes of self preservation to dive in and catch and support the oth er fellow. It is a miniature ed iti on of th e same kind of philosophy n ecessary for survival in mount ain cl imbin g. Th ere must be a certain amount of the sacrifice of on e's own safety to insure the sa fety of a fellow human being. To have the Gymna sti cs Camp one thousand feet above the level of the main camp took a lot of plannin g. rl'Ieal s had to be brought up hot by truck to suppl ement the cooking that co uld be don e in th e mountain side lodge. Every thin g had to be transported up a typical winding moun tain road. But somehow through the in genuity of J oe

the mountain air and his yo un gsters joined the fun of learning. H e also brought fin e youn g lead ers from H ouston such as Gerold Bartosch th e Boy's Coach and Arlette Ram sey the Women's Coach, but thi s did not prevent J oe from takin g an active part in the teaching and protective spotting of th e yo ung gymnasts. Yo u can see " Big Joe" (#4) Robertson spottin g Barney Oldfield who is about to do a back handspring and Byron Small is waiting to assist by holdin g the spo tting belt rope as soon as thi s preliminary instruction is over. In picture (#5) we see Women 's Coach Arlette Ramsey assistin g Christie Sowell. And a remarkable rep reseillation of th e pluck of the youngsters is Mark Simmons who decided that a bad sprain and crutches were an opportunity to turn crutches in to a modified parallel bar with the help of J\II en's Coach Gerald Bartosch whil e a much amused J oe Robertson looks on. T ypical of the way leaders and yo un gsters team ed up to help one another is seen (#7) when leader Jackie Billups and Cecily

HOWZe are helpin g Janie And rews to learn the ba ck hand sprin g while Ann e Hall looks on in the backgrou nd. The intense concentration of the spott ers is obvious and such is the givi ng of oneself to the other fellow at this camp. Gymnastics, by the very nature of it, develops powerful trai ts of lead ership. So here, on a mountainside, the excitements of learning the skills of fli ght and balan ce and th e wond ers of the great towerin g rocks and the big sky, all bl end toge ther with fin e yo un g leaders to create an inspiring environment for all of us. It is time now to look to anoth er such sum mer. What a difference between the profit and the longevity of this kind of excitement and so me of the false excitement about which we hear and read where there are gath erin gs of yo un g people so much less fortunate than these who meet on the mountain or elsewh ere in Gymnastics Camps across the nation. For a concentrated exposure to leadership and Gymnastics, choose a Gymnastics Camp this summer.

Photo 5 17

1968 NCAA GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS COLLEGE DIV ISION Coach Bill Vincent and his San F ernando Valley State Gymnasts bring the first NCAA Col lege D iv i s ion Team title t o the We s t Coast.

college division By Dr. Jo e Massimo The fir st ann ual college division N .C.A.A. championships were hosted by Mr. Frank Wolcott and Springfield College on March 7, 8, and 9, 1968 in the Memorial Field House. As was expected the meet was a excitin g, hi gh caliber show which drew good crowd s who were treated to so me wonder路 f ul gy mna stics. College team s fr om throughout th e United Sta tes wer e r epresented. Th ey were : Calif. Politechnical Institute, Calif. Sta te College at Long Beach, Central Michigan Uni versity, Chico State College, Illin ois State Univ., Indiana State Un iv., Mankato State College, Mass. Institute of Tech., Sacramento Sta te Coll ege, San Ferna ndo Valley Sta te College, San Francisco State College, San J ose State College, Sli ppery Rock State College, Sout hern Conn. State College, Springfield Coll ege, Sta te Univel'sity of New York, On eonta, Un iversi ty of Calif. at Santa Barbara, and West Ches ter State College, Pa. The meet was run as all nati onal events with teams competing in Groups and rotating events_ On Thursday the Olympic Compulsories were judged with the A.A . competitors. Results: A.A. 1. Amerine, So. Conn. , 51.70, 2. Grigsby, Valley St., 49.70, 3. Hauben, So. Conn., 48.95, 4. And erson, West Chester, 48.45, 5. Coppola, San Jose, 44.95 and 6. Pleau, Sacramen to, 40.10. When the optionals were co mpleted the A.A. men shifted positions with the jinal results being: Amerine 104.90, Grigsby 103.15, Anderson 99.05, Hauben 98.75, Coppola 91.65 and Pleau 81.15. The individual championships and the team struggle was very impressive. The results were p ublished in the May MG and wwning routines included in this report. 18

The team COlli petition was truly epi c and went down to th e wire between San F erna ndo Valley State an d Springf ield College. Valley wa s leadin g mos t of th e way but as Valley coach Bill Vincen t indica ted-H th ey just kept com ing on as th ey have in the past, you do a good one a nd they follow with anotber." Going into the last even t peo pl e were sitting on the edge of their sea ts includin g botli coaches. The title had gone down to th e wire. ( Goin g into High Bar th e score was- Valley 153.85, Springfi eld 153.05) . Allm a ndinger was the first ma n up for Valley and hit an 8.25. Springfield first man was Neilson who averaged 7.8. Valley's second man , Maggine tti scored a n 8.4 and P elletier , Sprin gfi eld's second man average d an 8.45. Next up for Vall ey was DePue 路who was going along nicely and suddenly had a major brea k ending up with a 7.75 score. Springfi eld's 3rd man, Ardizzone hit for a 8.65 and th e tension co uld be cut with a knife. Nex t up for Valley wa s the defend ing N .C.A.A. champ Grigsby who hit a good routin e for a 9.15 . It seemed to this repor ter that until Ri ch hit his front out of a snap-cast dismount, no one in th e place was brea thin g. Sprin gfi eld 's last man up, Grant, had so me difficulty and scor ed a 7.9. The final team r esults were posted and San Fernando's consistent effort won out. Results-I. Valley St., 179.40, 2. Spring-

fie ld 178.05, 3. So. Conn. 172.75, 4. In diana 170.15, 5. Mankato St., 162.30 and 6, West Ches ter 152.00. Th ere were many out standin g indi vidual performances particul arly on the Rin gs and Hi gh Bar. On th e rings the eUl'rent tendency toward more swing was evident alth ough Amerine won it with a very beef dominated routin e. Although much difficulty was e vident on the High Bar there seemed to be a lack of real sharp delivery and style. The other eve nt s were fairl y we ll balan ced with some ni ce compositi ons presented in the Free-X. (See ro utines) Th e offi cials for this meet were: 1. Richard Aronson, Mass., Frank Cu misky, Virginia , Vin cent D'A utorio, New York, Todd Di Nicola , 1 ew J ersey, Ray Goldbar, Calif. , J ohn J ones, Calif., J oe Massimo, Mass., and Anthony Ricciardi, New J ersey. Special congratulations are due Mr. Wolcott for runnin g a smoo th comp etition and to NIr. John Crawford, Meet NIan ager, who, alon g with a co mpetent staff of assista nts, prod uced a fanta stic 75 page report of the competition accurately organized and beautifully presented. Thi s docum ent was fa r superior to any I have enco untered at past R egional or Na ti onal championships. Someon e not attend ing th e meet co uld pick thi s up and have a tenth by tenth record of what went on- a real achievement whi ch should ser ve as a model for other such events.

1968 NCAA COLLEGE DIVISION TEAM STANDINGS FX SH R Tr LH PB HB . TOTAL San Fernando Va lley State Co l. Coach: Bi ll Vincent 26.95 26.55 25 .55 23.00 25.50 26 .20 25.55 179.40 Spri ng fi e ld Co ll ege Coach : Frank Wolcott 25 .95 23.85 26.20 23.85 26.45 26 .75 25.00 178.05 So. Conncticu t State Co llege Coach : Abie Grossfe ld 25.00 25 .45 26. 10 20 .15 26 .05 25 .65 24.35 172.75 Indiana Stat e Uni ve rsity Coa ~ h :. Roger Co unsil 2580 1960 25 .95 2590 2445 24 .70 2375 170 15 Preliminary Te am Scores : San Fernando Va lley State Co llege 183.10, Southern Con nect icut State Co ll ege 174. 10. Spnnqf,e ld College 172 .75 . Indiana State Uni versity 172.30, Mankato State Co ll ege 162.30, West Chester State College 152.00 Slippery Rock State Co ll ege 87 .60 . '

CtlllEGE DI .... ISION


fIIIlUlBAR'i FLOOR EXERCI SE Da rry l DePue - sFVCs Rich Grigsby - sFVsC Lorry sa lomon---spr ingf ield Gary Ande r son - W. Chester Steve Pleau - Sacramento Fred Henderson Indiana

9.10 9.05 8.95 8.95 8.90 8.85

Re maining Indiv idual Score s : Radomski (sFV) 8.75, Jauch (ISU) 8.7, A II mandinger (SFV) 8.7, Amerine (S.C.) 8.55, Quimby (ISU) 8.45, Hauben (SC) 8.35, Niemand (SOc.) 8 .3, Ardizzone (spfd) 8.1, Horne (SR) 8.0, Barber (Soc) 8.0, Paul (M) 7 .95, Rose (WC) 7.9, Coppo la (Son Jose) 7.85, Grant (spfd) 7 .75, Provencher (Spfd) 7.3, Focht (M) 7.2, Copitao (SC) 7.1, Lampright (M) 7.0, Davis (WC) 6.1, Knopp (NY) 6.05, Hatfield (sC) 6.0, Zenk (M) 5.95. SIDE HO'RSE 9.00 Bob M 路, dina - SFVsC 8 .95 Tam Neville Indiana Jim Amerine - So. Conn. 8.70 8 .70 Rich Grigsby - SFVSC Dove Montz - W. Cheste r 8.70 8.60 Harold Hauben - So . Con n.

Remai n ing Individual Score s: Shay (SC) 8.5, Wo lden (SFV) 8.35, Parker (sR) 8.35, Devorkin (MIT) 8.1, Pleau (Soc) 7.95, Edens (M) 7.9, Yearwood (SC) 7.7, Loppnow (M) 7.35, Bell (SFV) 7.25, Peters (WC) 7.0, Butters (UCsB) 7 .0, Lessner (lsU) 6.95, Andrson (WC) 6 .75, Simon (M) 6.65, Fish (Spfd) ." 6.60, Bussa r d (sR) 6.45, Ellis (Spfd) 6.30, Ogg (WC) 6.15, Summit (spfd) 5.95, Coppo la (Son Jose) 4.90, Lampright (M) 4.55, Roberts ( ISU) 3.35, Navarro (ISU) 2.75. RINGS Jim Amerine - Southern Connecticut 9.25 Tony Coppola - Son Jose 9 . 10 Tom Pillion - Springfield 9.05 9 .00 Mark Nolan - Col State, L. B. Mike Allmandinger - SFVSC 9 .00 Chuck Wolden - SFVsC 8.85 Remaining Individual Scores : Magginetti (SFV) 8 .80, Combe I ( l sU) 8.80, Hauben (SC) 8.75, Ell is (spfd) 8.75, Cop (sR) 8.7, Astrella (Chico) 8.55, Ande rson (WC) 8.55, Neville (ISU) 8.55, Roberts 8.45, Shook (UCSB) 8.45, Porker (sR) 8.40, Capitao (SC) 8.25, Pe ll etier (Spfd) 8.25, Grigsby (SFV) 8.10, Hood (MIT) 8.05, Claws (NY) 7.90, Pleau (Soc) 7 .80, Weston (WC) 7.70, Schultz (M ) 7.65, Ardizzone (Spfd) 7 .35, Hofer (MIT) 7.30, Hatfie ld (SC) 7.25, Erdosy (WC) 6.80, Butters (UCsB) 6.65, Focht (M) 6.55, Lampright (M) 6.40. TRAMPOLIN E Jim Price Indiana 9.45 Tim Rogers - Springfield 9.05 Rich Crim - Indiana 8.90 8.80 Paul Stevens - Southern Connecticut Jim T urpin - Son Jose 8.70 Steve H ickman - Sp r ingfield 8.70

Re maining Indi v idual Sco res : Nei lson (spfd) 8.65, Mi lne (M) 8.65, ners (SFV) 8.5, Burns (SC) 8 .5, Endicott Po ly) 8 .3, Quimby ( l sU) 8 .2, Cobb (Son cisco) 8.15, Schmucker (M) 8.15, Paul (M) A llmandinger (sFV) 8 .0, Chrisman (Col 8.0, Clodfe lter (SFV) 7 .95, Grigsby (SFV) Hnderson (ISU) 7.0, Amerine (SC) 5.85,

Con(Co l Fran8.10, Po ly) 7.85, Rose


(WC) 5.5, Davis (WC) 5.25, Solomon (Spfd) 4.85, Olsen (Central Mich.) 4.75, Simons (SC) 4.75, Krugger (WC) 4.55, Horne (sR) 4.25. LONG HORSE 9.25 Richard Gri gsby - SFVsC 9.20 Jim Amerine - So. Connecticut 9.05 Mike Provencher - Springfield 8.95 Gory Anderson - W . Chester 8.85 Steve Radomski - SFVSC 8.85 Fred Henderson Indiana 8.85 Wayne Lessner Indiana

Re maining Ind ivi dual Score s : Ardizzone (Spfd) 8 .75, Niemand (Sac) 8.65 , Navarro ( ISU) 8.6, Hauben (SC) 8.55, Pleau (Soc) 8.5, Focht (M) 8.5, Erdosy (WC) 8.45, Schmucker (M) 8.45, Lompright (M) 8.4, Fish (Spfd) 8.4, Solomon (spfd) 8.35, Capitao (sC) 8.3 Turpin (San Jose) 8 .3, Milne (M) 8.3, H ood (M(T) 8.2, White (WC) 8.15, Crim (ISU) 8.15 , House (NY) 8.05, Barber (Sac) 8.0 , Harne (sR ) 785 Yearwood (sC) 7 .85, Nash (sFV) 7.75, C'oppola (San Jose) 7 .7, Bussard (SR) 7.65, Miller (M IT) 7.55, Piper (UCSB) 7.0, Knapp (NY) 6 .85, Tustin (WC) 5.0. PARALLEL BARS 9. 15 Don Jennings - Col State, L.B. 9.00 Mike Provencher - Springfield 8.95 Gary Anderson - W. Chester 8.95 Ri ch Grigsby - sFVsC 8.85 Dave Niemond - Sacramento 8 .70 Tony Summit - Springfield 8.70 T ony Coppo la - San Jose

Rem a ining Ind iv idu a l Sco res : A ll mandinger (sFV) 8.65, Magginetti (sFV) 8.45 Ardizzone (spfd) 8 .35, Ame r ine (SC) 8.35: Astre ll a (Chico) 8.3, Fish (spfd) 8:25, Tustin (WC) 8.2, Nava rr o (lsU) 8. 1, Lomprlght (M) 8.1, Capitao (sC) 8. I, Gi lchrist (lsU) 8.0 , Parker (sR) 8.0, Shay (SC) 7 .9, Focht (M) 7.85, Lessner ( ISU) 7 .7, Bussard (SR) 7.7, Hauben (SC) 7.55, Pleau (S~) 7.5, Gannon (WC) 7.1, Olsen (M) 7.0, Erdosy (WC) 6.95, Wuornos (M) 6.7, Cap (sR) 6 . 15, Cambe l (ISU) 6.15, DePue (SFV) 4.8, Piper (Cent. Mich.) 4.75, Knapp (NY) 3.9. HORI Z ONTAL BAR 9.4 Rich Gr igsby - SFVSC 9.15 Jim Amerin e - So. Connecticut 9 .05 Dave Niemand - Sacramento 9.00 Darry l DePue - SFVsC . 8 .95 Dove Gilchrist - Indiana

Rich Lampright -



Re ma ini ng Ind iv idual Scores: Anderson (WC) 8.45, Coppola (San Jose) 8.45, Pleau (Sac) 8.4, Grant (spfd) 8.35, Ardizzone (Spfd) 8.35, Navarro ( l sU) 8.35, Hauben (SC) 8.3, Jennings (CSC L B) 8.1, Baue r (I II. St.) 8. I , Wuarnos (M) 8. I , Magginetti (sFV) 7.9, Neilson (spfd) 7.7, Pelletier (Spfd) 7.6, Foch t (M) 7.55, Fore ( ISU ) 7.3, Frassbender ( III. St.) 7.3, Les sner (ISU) 7 . 15 , Hatfield (SC) 7.05, Capitao (SC) 7.0, Zenk (M) 6 .55, Bussard (SR) 6.1, Gannon (WC) 5.4, White (WC) 4.6, Allmandinger (SFV) 1.25. ROUTINES

Amerin e, So . Conn . A .A. Champ High Bar-9. 15 Rev erse grip-jam to 2V2 inverted giants, reverse kip with Y2. tWIS.t I to front support, undercast with V2 tWist, kip to

three quarter fo rward giant, hop t o ~each under mix grip to vau lt catch, rev~ rse k,lp to german giant, disengage to Y2 tWist, kiP, to one forward giant, pirouette to 2 back giants to full tw isting fly -a-way. Side Ho rse-8.7 Loop,

wa lk



hop turn Y2 circl e to crown in , circles, travel out t o c~own in (tramlot, circles, bock scisso r , 3 front scissors circles, side lift, loop, walk

around, loop off with V2 twist. Rings-9.3. Two dislocates sh oo t to H.s ., lower to bock roll cross (hold) pullout to support, hollow back to H.S ., lower backward to front lever (hold) pull to cross (hold) lower to back lever (ho ld ) pull to cross (hold ) dislocate shoo t to three quarter H .S., back som i off (f rom t op o f ring s.) (Jim's ho lds were solid and four second jobbies!) DePu e, Vall ey, F-X. Roundoff flip flop, full tWisting back , bock roll to H.S., hop pirouette 180 degrees, fall t o push up position, V2 turn around length aX IS to arch position kick backward to handsta nd

and step down t~ stand. 3 running steps, front handspring, fr o nt somi, f ront hands pring.. kick rt, leg forward, ful l turn countercl ockwise on

right leg to one leg circle to splits. Straddle stiff stiff press t o H .s . (hold) Step down , 2 steps cartwheel si de flip tuck , fal l to push

up position, turn to valdez step down to stand, 2 steps roundoff, flip flop la you t back somi.


Jim Amerine (So. Co nn.) Richar d Grigsby (sFVSC) Gary Anderson (W. Chester ) Ha ro ld H auben (So. Conn.) T ony Coppo la (San Jose) Steve Pleau (Sacramento)

c a c a c a c a c a c a

FX 7.05 8 .55 8.75 9.05 8.10 8.95 8.45 8.35 7.85 7.85 8.65 8.90

SH 8.40 8.70 8.80 8.70 7.35 6 .75 7.00 8.60 5.35 4.90 5.80 7.95


1.00 9.25 7 .25 8.10 7 .90 8.55 7.55 8.75 9.05 9 . 10 7.75 7.80

LH 9.15 9.20 8.40 9.25 8.65 8.95 8.70 8 .55 8.65 7. 7 0 7.65 8 .50

PB 8.90 8.35 8 . 15 8 .95 8.30 8.95 8.75 7.55 8.40 8.70 4 .25 7.50

HB 9.20 9.15 8.35 9.40 8. 15 8.45 8.20 8.30 5.65 8.45 6.00 8.40

TOTALS 51 .70 53 .20 49.70 53.45 48.45 50.60 48.65 50.10 44.95 46.70 40. 10 4 1.05

AA TOTAL 104.90 103 . 15 99.05 98.75 91.65 81.15

Medina, Volley, Side


C row n to saddle, one circle, moore immediate moore, immediate tromlet to neck , one ci rcle, crown to sadd le, 3 fr ont scissors, one re ve rse scissors, 2 c ircl es, tromlet t o crou p , one circle, loop , walk around, one half circle, loop (moore immediate moore on th e croup).

Grigsby, Valley, High Bar

Cast w ith Y2 tur n around le tt hand t o mixed grip, swing f or ward and sto op between ar m s, shoot to two inlocate g iants, one disloca te giant, hop with V2 tu rn a round left hand, straddle f eet to bar , shoot t o H.S. str aight arms, b lind change, pirouett e change to im mediate free hip ci rcle t o H .S., immed iate reach r igh t hand under le f t t o mi xed g rip , swing t o rea r va u lt cotch in normal grip, kip and hop hands to un der g ri p, one Y2 gia n t t o p irouette change, immediate free hip circle under cast t o fr on t sommi. o ff .

Provencher, Springfi e ld, Parallel Bars Peach, layaway, fr on t upr ise, hop pirou ette,


Anderson, We st Chester, Free-X

str~ig ht

From stand, lift leg to side sp l it sca le , lower Ig , round o ff , flip tl op tul l twisting sommi, sit bac k str a ight legs to bac k r oll handstand, lower legs to stand . Front handspring, tront sammie, head kip, immediate ly sw ing leg to side, tw ist body to side lower , sing le leg circles to spl it , lower f orward t o g iant ja p sp li t lift t o straddle L su pp ort , straight arm, strai ght leg pres s to H .S. Y4 turn f or ward ro ll , b ri ng a rms back, l ift legs to h igh V sriap to r ear support, cr oss r igh t leg over left leg to stand, t urn one step, round off, side sommi, immed iate fa ll t o fron t su pport (Swed ish fa ll ), turn to si ttin g p os itio n , Igs straight, v aldez, thru H.S . to sta nd, r ound o ft, flip tlop hi gh li ft and delayed bac k som mi . D ismount. (Writer 's comment-mos t impressive aspects o f meet-I. Smooth o rganization, 2 . Quality o f of f iciating, 3. Spirit o f com pet it ors pa rticul arly Valley St.)

double cut t o L-h o ld , st ra ight arm , leg straddl e p ress, stutz, cas t, back upnse doub le cu t , la yaway, front u pr ise, front off.

Anderson, West Chester, Parallel Bars Peach, layaway, front uprise, hop p irouette, stutz, cas t , back uprise , back stut z t o support , st ra ddle cut catch t o L- hold, strai g h t a rm , straig ht leg straddle press t o H.S. , one a r m H .S., swing d own stut z layawa y f ront upr ise swing H.S. back sommi o ff.

Pilli o n, Springfie ld, Rings Pull to invert ed h ang, st ra ight arm kip to cr oss-( h o ld ) b ack gip to H .S. bac k g iant swing to H .S ., cast forwa rd , in loca te , back upri se to L (h o ld ) H oll ow bac k t o H .S. di sloca t e, hi gh d isloc ate, f u ll twist ing fl yaway.

Rogers, Springfi e ld , Trampolin e

Doub le front with Y2 t w ist, double back, back, on e in tuck, back wi t h full twi st dou b le back, Rud ol ph , bac k, one a nd thr ee qua r ter back, two and Qu ar ter cody.

THE OFFICIALS: (from l eft to r i ght) Ra y Go ld bar, J oh n Jones, Anthony Ric c iardi, T od d DiNicola, Richard Aron so n (" Th e Czar"),

Vi n cent


Au t o ri o ,

Joseph Ma ssimo and Frank Cumi skey.

OFFSEASON? ../ l ..


t- .



The MG finds the action anYlNay. 20


TH E TIME: Summer, gymnastics competition has ended for the season. THE PLACE :, Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, where during the summer months gymnastics for the fun of it prevai Is.

MEMBERS OF THE TRIPLE FL Y-A-WAY CLUB TO DATE : Woodey, Don McLarty, Barry Tonord, Ron Borak, John Byron, Ed Gunny, Steve Lerner, Louie West, Jack Schwartz, Dan Mi llman" Delvin DuMey, Dennis Sherman, Mike Beard, Rennie Goldenhar, Greg F riel (youngest to learn. 14) , The Wolf Brothers (Dennis It. and Bill rt.) doing crosses the hard way.

Dick Nicholas holding a cross with the ou/side rings of two sets .


Ken Sakoda, a Planche on a trash can?



~~ ~~~~OOW~~I: Sakamoto &HayaSaki



S AKOD .-\

During the NCAA Championships in Tucson, Arizona, we had the pleasure of interviewing America's top tlVO college gymnasts over the course of a quiet meal. Present were ]VI akoto Sakamoto, Y os hi H ayasaki, Sam Sakamoto , K en Sakoda and Dick Crile y. What transpired was a surprising and pointed analysis of the American g)rmnastic scene. Showing considerable unanimity of thought, Makoto Sakamoto and Y oshi H ayaski discllssed for our microphones many aspects of gymnastics from training to philosophy and from specialist to coach. Criley: Americans have always been inter路 ested in the Japanese and their training methods, so we thought it wou ld be interesting to have yo u two together to contrast your respective backgrounds and to tell us how you got started. Sakamoto: I got started in 1958, about lOII years ago. I was 11 then . I got started carrying Sam's bags to the high school, and we practiced at playgrounds. When we learned about Los Angeles high school, we practiced there in the evenings when it was open. So I started, just following in my brother's footsteps. Criley: Were you working all-around right from the start? Sakamoto : Right from the beginning, I was working all-around . Perhaps I should have concentrated more on tumbling and the other events, but I did all six events. I had a very difficult time with si de horse, rings and parallels . Tumbling was a little easier; free ex was rather easy. Long horse was my best event. Sakoda : How did you get started Yosh i? Hayasaki : I started at the beginning of junior high school about 8 or 9 years ago. I went to one of the stronges t high schools in my city, Osaka. Th ey have one of the strongest gymnastic teams in Japan. At first I was wondering whether I would pick gymnastics or baseball as I was interested in baseball too. I didn 't know wh ich it would be, but the very first day I went to the gymnasium where I watched the gymnastic team working out. I was very impressed . So I talked to the cap路 tain of the gymnastics club and told him I'd like to enter gymnast ics. The next day I started to work out. I didn't do all-around at the beginning. Four events - floor exercise, of course tumbling, parallel bars and high bar and vaulting. But not rings and side horse. When I was in elementary school, I really liked to do flips and that kind of thing. Sakamoto : My father was doing handstands when I was in Japan. Sakoda: Was he a gymnast? Sakamoto : No, he was a baseball player. But he cou ld do handstands and he had Sam and


all of us doing handstands, walk ing on our hands, you know. And in grammar schoo l I used to walk on my hands on the mats. Criley: When did you come to the U.S.? Sakamoto: I came in January 1955. So we were here about 3 years before I got sta rted. Sam was inspired by his high schoo l coach . Sakoda: You started gymnastics - not from any start in Japan - but here? Sakamoto: Yes, we had no knowledge of gymnastics in Japan. So I guess you could say we are American gymnasts . Sakoda: Somehow I got the impression your father was in it. Sakamoto: My father actually discouraged us in gymnastics because we were spending too much time at gymnastics and nothing else. He said we should be spending more time with studies. Hayasaki: Same with me. When I was in junior high school, I didn't do anything; I didn 't study at all. I just worked out. My father didn 't like gymnastics at the beginning. He didn't come to any meets where I competed. But one day I told him, "Why don't you come to the meet tomorrow? Th ere is a meet at the gymnasium very close to my house. " He didn't say anything, but the next day while I was competing, he was watching at the corner of the stands. In that meet, I won the junior high all-around in gymnastics. Now he comes every meet! Sakamoto: It was the same with us too. Once Sam started winning, then father would always come to the gymnastics meets. He always sa id to me, you spend too much time in the gym. Sakoda: Yoshi, you mentioned that your high school was one of the best for gymnastics. How many guys went out for the team? Hayasaki: In my junior high school, we had about 18 gymnasts in my gymnastics club. Only five guys ever competed for the team. It was like the nationals already in junior high school. Th at wasn't really gymnastics so much , but we enjoyed ourselves. Sakoda : How many meets did you have? Hayasaki : We had four meets a year. Sakamoto : You know, the Japan Gymnastics

College in Japan? They have over 400 gymnasts trying to make the team. Four hundred all -around gymnasts and of that only six or seven make up the team! Sakoda: What happens to the other guys? Sakamoto : They have different levels and they don't make it. Th ey practice trying to make the top level. Criley: How long, Mako, do you expect that you 'll be at the top in gymnastics 7 Sakamoto: I would like to do ten more years. How about you Yoshi? Hayasaki : I don 't know. I'm sure that eating like this, I'll never make it. Sakamoto : How long? Hayasaki (laughing): More than ten years . Sakoda: Do you guys have any special habits that you wou ldn 't have if you weren 't in gymnastics? Sakamoto: As a result of being a gymnast, some of my habits have been changed considerably. I can 't really say what but if I wasn't in gymnastics, I might be in swimmi ng or something like that. You know, I don't regret not having other fields, othe r hobbies. I'm very satisfied that I chose gymnastics. Hayasaki: Until I started gymnastics, I really liked to participate in any kind of sport, but since I started gymnastics, I don't know why, I just don't like to participate in any other sports except gymnastics. Getting back to your original question, my habit is, maybe, to sleep -long. Sakoda : How many hours do you need ? Hayasaki : Eight or nine. But not before a meet. Sakoda : More then or less? Hayasaki: More, I sleep for a while before the meet. Sakamoto : I get about eight hours; during finals, though, I get maybe six or seven. Criley: How did you develop the regular routine you follow, as far as your workouts are concerned? Sakamoto : I guess you could say we 've al ways had a Japanese philosophy of sports. Sakoda: What's that? Sakamoto : Well, I guess you 'd say that gymnastics is something th at you can't mass

teach. You can 't say, Now class, thi s is the way you do it. You have to teach gymnast ics individually. You can 't teach one person one way and teach the same way to another person. There is different body, different characte r, different tempe rament. This was very true during Japanese feudal socie ty. The ZenBuddist, Zen-Acolyte would learn how to practice Zen only from his Master, from one person. The Master would choose from among his apprentices which one would be his successor. So it is a very, very personal teaching method. It is not on a mass scale. Criley: Yoshi, did it operate this way for you then, in Japan itself? Hayasaki: Yes, absolutely. Sakamoto: A team sport has certain disadvantages because you have to have all the team toge ther. You have to wait until everybody assembles. But in gymnastics, you can do it at home, or by yourself. So in that sense, I would say that gymnastics is more conducive for people who are individually inclined. But one should never underestimate the importance of team spirit and working toward a team. That 's what in our team, in our country, we lack. We lack team discipline. Everybody on our nation al team has a different way of performing (the same) stunts. And it should be very similar, especially in the compulsories, I think. Hayasaki: It is a funny thing, but from each individual 's routine , we can find out his personality. The routine is from his personality. Criley: How do you mean? Can you give an example? Sakamoto: That's very difficult, I think. But it is very possible to see in his performance. You can 't verbalize it, you can 't say his personality is this way and his performance corresponds to it. Somehow you feel the correlation. It's very intangible. Hayasaki: When I see a gymnast doing a bad routine in a meet, I can tell he has been doing it irregular. He must live an irregular life. Not wa king up early in the morning at the same time, eating breakfast at the same time, working out at the same time. Another thing, I can't see it so much in American gymnasts - there are not so many good all-around gymnasts, it is hard. But in Japan, everybody is all-around, so we can very easily find out who is leading an irregu lar life. Criley: In ge neral, how did you like the NCAA format this year? Sakamoto: Well, it was good, the best the y could do when you have to have speciali sts and individual all-around. But if you would have a meet just for specialists and just for all-around, it would be much better. Hayasaki: But I don't like thi s way to decide the individual winner, like we did last night with only one routine. Sakoda : You 'd like more than one routine ? Sakamoto : Or a compulsory plus the optional. Hayasaki: Or a final. Criley: What do you think about this system when they decide the team winner on the basis of two performances? Sakamoto: For a team, one is enough . My main criticism of the special ist is that . . . well, the more challenge in the sport, the more challenging events, the more satisfaction one gets in overcoming that difficulty. The specialist, I think, tends to concentrate on something which he can do well , and he neglects those others that he might have difficulty with in beginning. Because so many of the events are related in gymnastics, a gymnast doesn't have to work on different exercises for different events. For instance, exercises strengthening the back might help in a front lever on the rings , swinging on the si de horse, for example. Something which comes difficult for you, you are forced to it - it builds one 's character. Criley: Don't you think some specialists are happy and get sa ti sfac tion with one evenP

Tak e Gary Hosk ins or Mike Freriks on si de horse. It seems to me that th at beast in itself offers enough challenge just to do we ll on that, let alone go ing to five other events. Sakamoto: Well , taking Mike's case , for example. I room with him whe n we travel. He says th at it is getting to the pOint With him where it is no fun anymore. He says that maybe next year he will start swinging on parallels. It depends on how one looks at hi S goals. If he wan ts to be a national caliber gymnas t, he might as well continue bein g a spec ialist, as long as they have a program for specialists. But if he wants to become an international gymnast, then the only 路way you can become an international gym nast is to do all six events. You just have to be on all six. It just depends on one's emphasis. Hayasaki: I wonder ... side horse specialists, or any kind of specialist who works no other events except his specialty in the United States, is that all they work throu ghout the year? Sakamoto: That's all they do, and they work hours and hours on it. Hayasaki: I think that if they work, not only on the si de horse, but also on the rest of the events, that they wo uld produce more for each specia l event. Sakamoto : I don't know about the side horse because the spec ialists there are pretty good. But you know, we don't have good parallel bar men , very few high bar men, very few free ex men. Hayasaki : So we can say the five events are very related, but side horse is unrelated. Sakamoto : That's how you can have very good specialists on the side horse . But usual ly our best parallel bar, our best high bar men, our best free ex men are all-around gymnasts. So I'd like to see our emphasis on the international scheme. Sakoda : You are all for going all-around with a six man team in the colleges? eriley: Do you think that is fea si ble here in the U.S.? We're going to have thousands of dollars worth of equipment just fOI six men . Sakamoto : It is a difficult ro ad. If you incorporated such a system right away, it would have a tremendous bad effect in the short run , in the first couple years. But you give it time , maybe ten years later, it will show. Hayasaki: I think this is maybe the best way to produce an international level gymnastics team. I think that the best time to start for international training is right after the Mex ico Olympics. I think they will change for new compulsories. So I think you should change the system right after the next Olympics to all-around . You can have a separa te meet for individuals. Sakamoto : That's right. Thi s national collegiate meet is very hard for all-around gymnasts. The all-around gymnast competes in al l six events and after each event, he has to wa it one hour. So he's a specialist six times over. He has to wa rm up over aga in ... But the all路around gymnast, usually in the way he trains, in three hours he goes through all six routines. It is very difficult for the all-around gymnast to train so that it corresponds to the way that the meet is run. He can 't practice one event and wait one hour. I find myself having a very difficult time getting keyed up. You get keyed up at the first event and then you wait one hour and you have to get keyed up again. It's pretty hard psychologically. So I'd like to see a completely different meet for all-around gymnasts. Sakoda: How do they work that internationally? There are a lot of competitors . How do they run the meet? Sakamoto : Internationally, there are six events run simultaneously. One goes in a group having six teams . Each team wo rks an event, maybe ten minutes and then moves to th e next and keeps rotating. The whole set

is over in about one hour. Then you have the next group of six and they go through and so on. Sayasaki: Sometimes it is not enough time. Criley: Is thi s how they work it in Japan, Yoshi ? Hayasaki : Yes. Sakoda : What's the competition like over there? Hayasaki: It is not the same as in the States. Here it seems to me, that the meet IS for the audience , scheduled for the spectators. But not in Japan. All is scheduled for the competitors; it does not matter whether spectators come or not. Sakamoto : A good example of that is in the recent Pasadena meet, they completely elimlinated the long horse . .. I don't know how . .. but one of my friends sa id that it was bec ause it wasn 't pleasing enough for the spectators. Also you have a halftime show to make it pleasing for the spectators. Criley: This is an American trait. Pe op le want to be entertained. Sakamoto: Ri ght! Gymnastics is not an American sport. Sakoda : Well , taking into account thi s American attitude that pe ople want the sport to become popular, isn 't that kind of working against the sport itself. Sakamoto : To make it popular or to make go ld medalists or Olympic caliber gymnasts is a different thing. Sakoda: You think they're working agai nst each other. Sakamoto : As long as we encourage the spectacular thin g and encourage specialists, we will never have international gymnasts. I think we will have to shift our emph asis. If by making it popular, you are hurting the development of the international gymnast, then abolish its popularity. Sakoda : Yoshi , in Japan , you just work allaround or nothing, right? Hayasaki : If you work all-around, you are a gym nast; if you don't work out all路around, you are not a gymnast. Sakamoto : I think it's part of our system and it is degrading to us. We had the 1932 Olympics and we had specialists represented in there. We had men like Gulack in therehe won the rings ; he was a specialist. So our tradition of specialists goes back to the '32 Olympics. We must change that. Criley: Who do you think shou ld take the lead in doing the changing? And do you think the other groups will follow that lead? Sakamoto: Th e NCAA should take the lead, because we have th e potential; we have the young gymnasts who are going to be good. The AAU .is a static system; they really don 't have that much raw material to work with. Criley: The NCAA gets its raw material from the high schools. Now, can you take a person just starting out in college and in four years turn out an international gymnast? Hayasaki : I would say the AAU should run it. Because the NCAA trains only college gymnasts. Th e AAU has the high school students and the graduated students . Sakamoto: I think the NCAA has the more able leaders. So maybe the NCAA should take the lead and supervise high school and grammar school programs . Criley: 00 you thing that there is a possibility that the Federation, which is just a new organization, could break away from tradition? Sakamoto : Definitely. Criley: That would seem like the logical place to start. (This interview will be contin ued in the next issue of the Modern Gymnast. Discussion will continue on U.S. trailll:ng methods and U.S. gymnastic coaches.}










17 I

16 I

15 I

14 I













St at e Co il ege, Notch i tocogs.

No rth Wes t L oui siano

JU L Y 12, 13 Fi r st Olympic t ria l s,

11 1

10 I


8 I





J U LY 196 8



Santa Monico Gymfes t! S,," t n Mnn i rn h .

AUG. 3 1 - SEP T. 2














16 I

AUGUS T 9, 10 Second Olymp ic tria l s P enn Stat e, State College, Po.



Los Ange les.

AUGUST 28 - 3 1 Final Olymp ic t rials, UCLA P auley Pavilion







University of Wash i ngton






~If •


CHAIR GYMNASTICS The sequence of movem ents you observe in the secj uence (Numerals 1-46) repre· sents a complete exercise. It has been designed to cover most of the areas of stren gth and flexibility fundamental to gymnastics. If you are fortunate enough to have the use of a tape recorder, I suggest that you become familiar with this sequence and then record your voice describing your actions as you are performing after you are familiar with the se quence. Playbacks later on may show that you have really improved and that you need to re-record to keep up with your progress. Your first goal is to complete the sequence with form as close to the figure s as possible. Try to improve at least three things each time you perform. Add some things . if you like. There's plenty of room for creativity in gymnastics. As a guide to these additions of your own you should only append those movements which you do well and which in no way interfere with your completing the entire sequence. This is a basic lesson in gymnastics and one which will serve you well long after you discard this exercise. A musical setting may also be added. A march or waltz or even some of the current "Top 50" will help you to add rhythm to your work. For the sake of speed, have someone read the following description . of the sequence while you concentrate on the figures. In fact we strongly recommend that you and a "buddy" work on the sequence toge ther. A pair of boys (or girls) working together is much preferred to the "loner" type of practice. Stand in back of a chair. Stand far enough away so that when you extend your arn}s in line with your body (2) your hand s rest comfortably on. the top. Press the shoulders down as in (3) and hold this position for five seconds. Drop your hands to the floor and squat as in dotted (4) then press the shoulders forward a bit and as you do, ex tend your legs to position (4). Let yourself down slowly to the position shown in (5). Only your nose touches in front of your hand s and you hold this position for five seconds. Now slowly lift your hips until they are as high as possible without moving your hands or feet. (6) Lower to a lyin g position on the front of your body (7) , rest a moment and then reach up for the top of the chair as shown in (8). Repeat this movement three times 26

and get the fe elin g of what it is like to r elease the chair but do this slowly and cautiously while in position (8). Turn over to your back (9). Curl up through (10) to (Il) and reach for the toes with: out bending the legs at the knees. Return to position (9) ;md then perform this movement two more times. Take the posi· tion shown in (12) and roll back and forth until you feel adequately rested and then stretch out as shown in (13) grasping the back legs of the chair at the bottom. Roll up as in (14) and attempt to get your feet higher than the back of the chair without touching the chair with your feet or shins. This particular movement is excellent preparation for many gymnastic movements. Roll up in this fa shion until you can do two extensions back to back without touching the chair as mentioned and in such a way that your feet are higher than the chair. Now slide und er the chair a bit as in (15) and when you are ready pull up to (16) . Heave up about five tim,es but the last time hold the position in (16) fm five seconds before you slide out to position (17). At (17) you simply attempt to lift the chair from the floor as shown with straight arms. Continue to hold on to the chair and roll your legs back-straight if possible-to the "pretzel bend" position shown in (18). Now, as smoothly as you can, curl out (19 to 20 ) as shown after first placing your feet on each side of the seat of the chair. Drop the feet to squat as in (21) and stand up. (22) Keeping your legs straight at the knees, bend forward and attempt to touch the chair in back of you at the lowest possible point. (23 ) Be guided by mild pain. Repeat this movement two more times and then stand up. With feet together or apart if they feel more comfortable turn and touch the top of the chair rapidly turning right and then turning left. Touch the chair a total of twenty times twisting right and left but do not move your feet. (24-25) The last time you touch the chair turn it so you are able to sit down as shown in (26 ). Notice that you sit on th e edge of the seat with your arm s extended overhead. Slowly stretch backward to (27) and attempt to touch yo ur fin gers to the floor finally takin g some of your weight on your hand s as shown in (28) . Notice that the fingers are pointing toward s the feet. By moving your feet and hands slightly push up to clear the chair and then r eturn the bulk of your

weight to the chair when you tire a bit. Push away from the chair at least th ree tim es and then turn over the seat of the chair. (29-31) We recommend that your " buddy" be in a position to grasp your hips immediately after you pass position (30) so that no disaster occurs as your weight tran sfers to your hands. If you are sure you can do it alone, have your partner spot yoU anyway and you spot him when he performs. In so doing you will establish a relationship of dep endability which will be valuable later on. It's a goo d idea to see whether or not you are quick enough to grasp the hips at (30) while standing in front of the chair and move with your partner until he reaches his fe et. Now step up on th e chair. (32) From (33 35) you will perform a controlled jump from the seat of the chair. The arrow in front of (35) indicates that you turn around in order that you might again step up on the seat and jump to the floor on the other side. A controlled jump is just that. Your landin g must be such that you are balanced and need no little steps beyond

.: { : "'.

yo ur landing. If you find you are in can· trol of yourself at (35), stand erect before you turn around. Keep on thi s part of th e sequ ence until you are able to do three jumps in a row wl) ere th e landin g is ca n· troll ed. on you can get a little more darin g and jump hi gher possibly arching as you jump but be guided by the way yo u lanel. Control first; abandon later. Place yo ur hands on the edge of the chair. (36 ) Bring one of your knees up and " thread " the foot through th e space between your arm s to th e sea t of the chair. Now strai ght en both legs and move forward to (38). Use as a guide h ere your ability to control th e strai ght legs without go in g so far that you collap se and bend th em as a result. Now do the sa me thin g with the other leg. Ha vin g fini shed this, place yo ur hips on the center of the seat and let your arm s and head hang down as in (39). Arch up slowly to (40). Repeat thi s movement two mor e times holding the last arch for fi ve seconds. Roll forward as shown. (41 -43 ) On ce again have your partner grasp the hips as you mo ve not so much for the

sa fety aspect as for the spottin g prac;tice.

J usl for kicks, yo u might see if you can do thi s la st sequence in reverse, once again with spotting, in an attempt to fall back· ward to posi tion (40 ). S it on th e chait. (44) Grasp the sid es of th e chair kee pin g the heels of yo ur hands on the seat. At· te mpt to raise your legs so they are strai ght then lift your body to an " L" (45) and hold it for fi ve seconds. Drop forw ard to yo ur fee t and turn around. Place your hand s on the seat of the chair (46) and jump to a momentary support on the hand s. Repeat th ese support hops until you beg in to noti ce yo u are breathing rather quickly (not ex hausted ) and then stop. You have fini shed th e sequence. Durin g the supp ort hops you can again call upon th e spo tter for assistan ce. Standing to one side he again grasps the hip s lightly ready to give yo u quick support if th ere is a sign of collapse or overthrow at position (47). CHAIR GYM NASTICS

Summer Training for the High School Gymhost By George Dulluge No. Sr. High S chool, St. Paul, Minn .

The primary function is not to let yo ur body deteriorate to the extent that it will take months to get in shape when the work out season resumes: 1. Warm·up: Should be long and vigorous and employ all motor areas of the body and always use plenty of flexibility exer· cises. Some suggestions for exercises: jumping jack, push·ups, handstand touch nose (against a tree or house) toe toucher, hurdlers stretch, splits, skip rope, jump straddle, leg raise and sit· ups. The number of repetitions is up to each individual as is what calis then tics are to be used. 2. Tumbling: As we know tumbling is the basis for "all gymnastics, this is also the easiest to execute without any equipment other "than the grass out in the front yard! Try and get a couple of friend s, this makes it more fun and you'll have spotters to make it safe too! a. For beginners this is an ideal time to perfect the basic fundamentals such as - high dive rolls, front and back hand· springs, round off, headsprin g, cart· wheel, walkover, back extension, val· dez, handstand and kips. b. For more advanced gymnasts this is a good time to try some new stunts or improve any advanced stunts, some of the important ones are sequences in tumbling, round off 3 or more back handsprings, handspring back, hand· spring back handspring, alternates, bounders, fronts, front walkout, front alternates, back liz twist, full and any other combinations. Some ideas for your protection use a twisting belt if available, if not improvise your soft landing spot, sand at the beach, a peat bog, pile up old mattress's (not in spring), fill a hole with sponge rubber discards or you might try water, think up your own soft landing. 3. Free exercise is so related to tumbling the guidelines of tumbling should be used with free exercise in mind. You might want to measure out a 39' square to work in and plan your workout in this area. a. Flexibility moves should be stressed and be done every day. b. Tran sition moves are the easiest to work on in the grass the problem is what to work on, many of these moves have no name or even written down I'll just mention a few again as in the true gymnast try and be original:



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(Continued from page 27)


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Handstand pirouette with its many variations, kip turn and variatio ns, valdez and with variations, splits and turns, dive rolls with turn, just a turn is very important. The remaining events all r equire appar· atus as such but what J want to do is to use what faciliti es you have available to you. Many times you have some apparatus but not others so in this case we ca n work on stunts which have carryover value to other events. For th e industriou s gymnast he can make his own eq uipment or use what is in the garage for a make shift piece. 4. Horizontal Bar: Can be made, but a'lol of parks have bars, even a clothes lin e pole will help some, anythin g to hang from remember just keeping the hand s in shape is a very important aspect of the conditioning program. a. For the beginner work on kips of all kinds and grips, case, hip circles, crotch circles, cast handstand, tuck flyaway , sole circl es, seat circles and just swing. b. The more advanced can work on low bars with, cast into German's, seat rise to dislocate, perfect giant swings, cast with grip chan ges, free hip cir· cle shoot. c. Related is the rin gs; the ringman' can do muscle-ups, front and back levers, hold "L" seats above the bar, pull· ups wi th arms spread, dislocates, shoot handstand. 5. Parallel Bars: Can be mad e; the easiest way is to get a closet dowel or hand rail and attach to the ground for low parallel bars, many parks may have metal bars. a. If you have only low bars work on ; h..nd stands, pirouette, press any or all kinds, hand stand touch nose back up, one arm, planche, here we have carry·over to the rin gs wi th th e presses, to the horse leg circles can be done on the ends or a moore or even vault· ing over one bar is helpful. b. The high p. bars might be metal and each individual will have to use dis·

cretion when attempting skills to be worked on. Work on any stunts you need to improve, kips, peach, back toss, back and front off, and se· quences. 6. Rings; hang a pai r of home made rings with ropes or cables from the rafters of the garage or some other hi gher place. Some parks have metal rings on the play ground. a. On low rings work on all basket tricks; kips ; "L" seat, presses, shoulder stand, handstand , rolls, bird up, do cr osses all summer. b. If you have high rings, do dismounts and any tricks tha t need improvemen t. c. Rings can have a lot of carryover to the parallel bars and high bar, do cast to hand stand , cast flyaway, twist· in g dismounts, shoot for the high bar. Do shoot handstand, flyaway, all presses, or just shoulder and . hand· stand s for the p. bars. 7. The side horse; I s the most difficult of all the apparatus to make, and most park s and playgrounds if any have this piece on them, the best you may find might be a set of p. bars for some carry over. If anythin g you could pound some sturdy mak e·shift pommels into the ground and work on leg circles. a. For the novice work on leg circles, scissors, and travels. b. If you have leg circles work on travel· ing around the horse. 8. Trampoline; Should not be home made, but if you have access to one a spottin g ri g can be easily attached to a tree or at least one side to a utility pole. a. H ere you will have to work with what is available, belts and spotting rigs. b. The advan ced trampolinist should con· centrate on se quences of double stunts such as; double double, rlollble into twi sts doubles. On days when it is raining or fa cilities are not available you should be on a weight tramm g program , also any runnin g will also add to YOllr total body conditionin g.



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FULL SPIN FOLLOWING THE "PLANCHE" (HECHT) ON THE HORIZONTAL BAR By Franco Menichelli (Translated from II Ginnasta, November, 1967 by Martin Carranza for th e Modem Gymnast.)

This article intends to clarify or, rather, describe a better technique for th e hecht with a full. "It" starts even befor e the grip is abandoned and, because of the speed of th e move, in order to perform it with good tim· in g, our thinkin g must necessarily precede every action. The left hand leaves th e bar pulling with more energy than the other ( 1) , so as to leave the bar with a slight forward predominance of th e left shoulder as in (2). In this fashion , we have already started the twistin g action. However, the torqu e (rotating energy) given by this move· ment is not sufficient, so we will need additional energy for th e continuation of the twisting motion. We obtain it by frankly thru stin g th e right ann ahead, and at the same time, sharply swing the left arm to the thi gh (3 ). Thus, we obtain our fir st 1,4 turn. For th e next stages, our arm movement will also fum· ish the possibility of furtherin g the spin. We are now at th e most important stage, where the arms are simult aneously thrown: the left is brought up and ahead and the right is swe pt downward to wrap in <10 the side (3,4). So, 'by arm movements, we have been able to complete % of th e twist. To complete the move, th e last % turn will simply be achieved by drawing th e left arm close to the chest (6) . Different attitudes to the body during the twist contribute to the thoroul!h execution of th e movement.

The Barany Dilemma




A fir st, the body is in a slight arch (2) which becomes accentuated in the nex t stage, clearly shown in (3). As the next stage is the most difficult, th e shifting of the arms will be made easier by a slight piking at the hips (4). The slight pik e will be, in turn , followed by a sli ght arch, and , once again a slight pike, so that the landing can be better controlled. . Upon practicing thi s new and difficult move, one can notice the importance of the pik e and arch motions.



By Harvey Plant Gymnastics Coach, Coronado H. S. Scottdale, Arizona

Toward the end of my competitive years, struck upon a very discouraging discovery. For years I had been under the impression that all my twists were spinning in the same direction. While attemp tin g to execute a double tWlstmg, double back som i (1% in, barany out) I discovered, to my surprise, that my bar any turned in the opposite direction from all my other twists. Until that moment, I had not realized the impact of learning th e barany in the wrong direction. This basic stunt, embedded on the reflex level, was the block to learning superior moves. Performing moves such as the 1f2in %out in which th ere was a partial revolution be· tween the twists, it was possible to twist both ways without ill eff ect. But when the barany was a direct continuation of th e preceeding twist, such as in the front with a full in barany out and 1% in barany out, the effort to twist the bar any the opposite direction r esulting in a cancellation of the preceeding twist. Observing teams, I noticed that right handed people, in most cases, twisted to the left using their right arm. Left handed people perform in an opposite manner. Here was the startling fact: most people did their round·offs in the opposite direction as their other twists. This is not harmful in itself but the round-off is usually . learned before the bar any and the danger in learning the barany in the same direction as the round-off is great. I have been engaged in many heated argum ents because baranys and round-offs which are twisted in the wrong direction , (o pposi te to your other twists), look and feel as if they are twisted in th e right

loB 1-A The gymnast is twi sting to his right using the left arm as a lever. 2-A Note in the middle photo that when action stops the ropes will be twisted in this manner. 3-A The bottom photo shows that in order for an y twi sting motion to continue in the same direction as the barony the gymnast would have to twi st to the right using hi s left arm as a lever. As a result of this the ropes would continue to intertwine in a twi sting motion.

direction. In self defense I devised two methods to prove my point. In method one, someone stands behind you when you perform a barany or roundoff. 1£ your stomach face s the right durin g execution you are twisting to the right. 1£ your stomach faces to the left you are twisting to the left. You say you are still not convinced! Method two calls for a spotting belt

1-B In the above pho'to the gymnast is twisting to his left using his right arm as a le ver _ 2-B Note that the ropes cross in the opposite direction from picture 2-A_ 3-B The bottom photo shows that in order for any t wi sting motion to continue in the ssme di rection as the barony the gymnast would have to .twist to the left using his right arm as a lever. As a result of .t his the ropes would continue to intertwine in a twi sting motion.

which does not twist. Execute a barany or a round-off. You will notice that the ropes tan gle. Now turn in the direction you normally. twist backwards. 1£ the ropes continue to twist , you are turning in the same direction. 1£ the ropes untangle your barany or round-off is opposite from yo ur back twists and probably opposite from your front twist.


(Continued from page 7)

YOI! pr(',.,. It In ('<'rtain pla('('s. Ilut I lellrIwrl you jllst had til put pn'"s ur .. on it anrl work work nTY IIai·d . "I 'nl han rl i"1I ppt,d on th .. I' nd s pf the horst', and if I 10:;" bal a ne(' a nd f" 1i ba cL wa rd :;. I . till ca n't regain b a lan c~, So J i!l s t don't lo:;e ba,lan ce. It's not so bad wh .. n yo p" lea rn what to exp ect a nd work arvund It. . . . We iu st rece ived word th a t Nf\ IA A)I .arollnd cha mJl Toshi o Ot o>. hi of North~ps t Louis ian a ruptured hi s ac hill es tendon in an r xhibitiqn foll ow in g the US GF Com· petiti o!!. From p e r~o nal ex perience, r offer my ~y mpath y and wishes for a s p ~e d y recovery • . . ". Uni vrrsity of So uth n n California gY Ill!last, J\I{lkoto Sakamoto , will be parti cipat i!! g in USC's stud y-abroad program thi s ~ 96S-69 academio year. Sak a moto, a senior in Asian sl udi es, \\'ill enroll at USC's sister in stituti on, Wa seda Uni ve rsit y in T okyo, to expand his Asian s tudi es program and to in crease hi s kn ow led ge of the J apan ese lan gui\ge (a nd J a pan ese gy mna stic ' techniqu es as well , I 'll yet).








T he J a pall ese Gymnasti c F ederation ha s f(lcently Pllblished their book of A-B-C Pilrt s for 'wpmen's apparatu s. Thi s will un9Q ubt edl y form tbe bas is for the F IG reco mmend a ti ons. H ow long dq you think it will ' be before th e U. S. sees a tran slation ? " " _. .

TIll: H ere we go 'ro und the mulbern" bush, again Dept. . . . Once again the NCAA executive cOlllmittee has stepped into ' th e provin ce of the Gymnasti c Rul es Committee. Thi? t im e they have decided to encourilge greater interest in tral)1polinin g ~y making it a separate sport wi th a sepllrate ch Elmpion ship . Gyn)nas ti c coa ches a cross th e flP untry will welcOlu e the opportunity to pi ck up additional salary as they add an oth er s port to their coaching r es ponsibiliti es. Athletic Director s, of course recog, ni~in g th e importan ce of th e new s port, will create ,n ore schol arships for trampolinists. Recruitm ent of tra mpolini sts will burgeo n. Sales of equipment will rocket. Of course, ther e may be a few areas of th e country which decid e not to add the sport to their roster. A few coaches may feel they are to o busy or too unqualified to handle th e sport. The situa tion may r evert to the "good old days" when mid-western dominan ce of the tr ampoline event went un chall enged and unquestioned, but we I1)USt not lose sight of this giant s tep forward to maint a in ~ur international pre-emin ence - ove r th e bodIe s of the Rules Committee, th e 50-some coa ches who want to kee p the trampolin e, and th e great body of gymnastic perform ers themselves. Our nation 's divin g coaches are looking forward to a gr eat year.

SULE = )6. -to II Ii!H

,0 A Minimum Budget Improved Cross Machine By A rt A ldritt: Cymnastiq Coach Unive rsity California S anta Barbara Principles

A proper width for suspension point. of Icabl es may be see n by s uperimpQsi ng 1;Iny "cross ma chin e situ a ti on" ove r th e ''re1;l J cr oss situ ati on" . Pulley shown at sus p.ension point #4 is an "s" hoo k whi ch is move d ,to #2 or 3 as r equired. * * • 19" is afford ed be twee n # 1 and 2 whi ch (Continued on page 42) , is proper for fr ont leve rs lyin g on a b@ lj ch. 3' are between # 1 and 3 fo r bench mal teses, plan ches, in ve rt ed pulls, and bac k lever s. 5' ar e be tween # 1 and 4 for in ver ted (han gin g by knees from hori zontal ba r ) A division of International Materials, Inc. !a nd reg ular crosses.


Cost and Con struction

UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for 1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA


1) Cost is approx im!!tely $15,30, de pend ing on backyard a vail <\ bility of Pll rts fi nd puality of rin gs a ljd w ~ig hts desired. Ie., weights ca n be sa nd bags, bucket of rocks, ,etc. Use old iron rin gs, "seoond s", or water ski type rope a nd dowel handle as shown. 2 ) Need gara ge bea m or S·lO' x 2" scra p pipe. 3) Five 1~:' eye bolt s or screw eyes. 4) F our %" "s" h ooks. 5) A pprox im a tely 25' of Il l ' %" dacron


SPA IV IS ,4 5SUI"",J~ P




lin e. 6 ) Three good sin gle bl ocks and one do u· ble. Make s ure th a t yo ur su pportin g beam is strong enough for co mbin ed hody a nd 1ll 1lchin e w ei g ht~.


Comm ents F irst, in IOQkin g at th e s u pe ri mposed drawin g you Glln see that th e customa ry lS-20" "se paration betw ee n sus pension poin ts is just not right wh en ca ble lengt h be. co nl es (\s sh ort as on e to t hree feet com· pared to ten fee t in the " r ea l cross si.tu a tion." Th e di stance betwee n s uspensIO n po-int s for th e va ~io u s, exercises l~lU St the re· fore be a djus ted 111 WI dth a ccordll1 g to h o ~v hi gh th e cross bealH is a bove· th e perform e r s I;ead. Wh en moun te d on a horj,;ont al bar as shown here, th e " di stan ces" are fiv e fee t, three feet, and a pproximately 19" , A; th f' suspension ha r 0 1' bea m prog resses hi gher. the di stan ces between sus pension points (exce pt th e 19" front lever dis tance) must beco me progress ively less. Thu s, th e perfo nn er pl, shes dow n i\S he should , in stead of OUI sid eways in order to ove rco me th f' bad !Ingle of th e pulleys. The .eco nd gogd feature is th e obyious low pri ce whidl enabl e stud en ts to . buIld a machin e in the ir ga r ages for s pa re t lin e a nd summer stren gth work.



by Von T onry, Ph ysical Education In structor, Y (l(e Uni ve rsity BACKW A RD PIRO U ETTE DI SlVlO U NT 1 allcmpted this dismount in a sin gle stra nd overhead spottin g rig a bout seven yea rs ago . I'm ce rta in that it will work but it is q uit e a bi t more difficult th an th ~ forwa rd pirouett e di snlO unt (windy). Oll e good reason for Ihi s in cre1\se in d iffi cllily proba bly ha s to do with th e vari ence th e ra nge of motion as it rela tes to Ih e directi on of the turn. Th e rota li on for th e backw a rd tu rn bein g mo re limited th a n the forwa rd turn . Fo r tnis reason th e performer mu st relea se and r egras p Ihe bar earli er in th e backw a rd lurn than in the forwa rd turn. PR E R EQUIS ITES: 1) S win gin g backw a,rd pirouette SUGG EST E D LE AR N ING P RO C E D ·


UR E : Thi s skill sh oul d fjrst be ma stered on th e very low pa ra ll el bill'S ( p'l rall e ttes) u"in g a kick to a h1\nd stand in to the piroue tte. It would be h elpful to hold tlw perform er 's legs as 'th e turn is co mplelrd &nd th e grip is chan ged. A sin gle strand ove r·h ea d spOllili g set·up Ipay be used when th e perforql cr is rea dy for the hi gh p ~ r a ll e l bar s, Gen erallY, the most d iffi cllit Il h",se of thi s skill will IJP

th e mastl'n' of the ha nd ch ange an d Ih e pa ssage of th e body through a verti ca l jlOs iti on dll rin g the tl1rn . . No te : Boy's and g irl''' ph ys;ral edu(,alioll gy mn a sti c cha rt s hy pan T onry. int orm e di · at e and a d van ce d pa rall e l bar l' ha rt ,;, intn· l1l edi a te alHI ad va nced rin g chart s and TIl!' S id e Horse ( boo k by T om y I In a y he "h· ta in ed throll gh Cy mn a;;ti c !\id es. Nor th . hri dgt1, Mas:;.

Adapted from MG covers, these T·shirts are excellent for stimulating team spirit. exhibitions, and for promoting gymnas· tic activities. NOW AVAILABLE: Side Horse. High Bar, Parallel Bars, Sundby Publications- at just $2.50 each . Or you may order T-shirts with your own design (photo, sketch, cartoon, team emblem or school mascot), for just $3.00 each when ordered in quantities of a dozen or more. (sweatshirts $3.50 & $4.00) . Specify S, M or L. Send payment with order to:

MG GIANT PHOTO MURALS $4.:50 each 2 x 3 fQ.;)t enlarge me nt Send u s 0 negative o f YOUR fa vo rite pho t o (cg lor o r blo c k and white) W e' ll ma ke you on MG GIANT 2 x 3 foo t e nlargement.

Fo r each print, se nd $ 4 .50 check o r 1'T)0ney o rd e r. Yo ur n eg ati ve and enlargement will be se nt to yo u pos tpaid. Order fro m: MG G IA NT PHOTOS

MG T·Shirts Box 777 Santa Monica, California 90406 California resident add 5% Sales Tax

Box 777 Santo M o nico , Calif. 90406 California res id e nts odd 5 % sal es ta x 3 1



By No rbert Dill


~ylll na s l ics,


S ta tl';;,

t he ~y Jllna s t




th e apparatu ,

mov('s over or in

a nd lift s him se lf onto th e boa rd s. (See pi c· ture # 21 . Imm ediately aft er jumpin g all th e board s gymnast bend s down and slid es each fuut in binding by holdin g; bindings with hi s hand s and turning hi " foot tn out er edge of board . {See pi cture #3 ...

it in th r s ta nd , SO nl('

and ('as(-'!-'

und e r the apparatus. In gy m whee l gy m· na , t ic the apparat us moves with th e gym · nas t a nd that is why it attra cts most p~opl e . Gymwheel gymna sti cs is relatively easy to learn for eit her sex, whatever the a!!l'. \I' l' reco mm end that all in stru r to;·s u,e th e sam e express ion s and nam es so th e work is ea'y to und erstand (and the sam e nat ionw id e) . STRAIGHTROLL IS when the wh ee l roll s on both hoops to th e left or to tlw r ight , exe rcises a re usually I'x~c ut~d during on e wheel·rotation. SPI RA LROLL is when the wheel rolb in a c ircle on only one hoop I' ith er on front or in so me cases on back hoop to th e le ft or to th e right. There are two differ ent angl es a hi gher ca ll ed bi g s piralroll and a lower call ed small s piralroll. JUMPS are e ith er over and so metim cs through wh ee l are are only done by mal .. gym nas ts. Each gymnast has to move the gym wheel and it must be rollin g when gymnast does th e jump. W e di stin gui s h 5 different gro ups of ('xer· cises: 1. Hang and suppor t exerci ses 2. Backbends 3. German s (exe rcises without using hand s as support) 4. Han g and support ex erci ses, also ba ckb end s without usin g the bindin gs. 5. Combinations, us ually executed in one wh eelrotation. Be tween the foo tboard s and the brace on th e wh ee l is a dis tan ce of about 2" for th e mounting of th e bindings. Bindings should be ti ght ened so that the uphols tered part is on to-p for gy mnas t's in ste p, but loose .. noug h to move the foot from one ed ge of th e board to th e other with out havin g the binding ;; Iid e down from the in ste p. It ha s to be und ers tood , that because of thi s th e bindin gs have to be adju s ted for each gym · na s t indi vidually. (See picture #1)


11 2


th e kn ees s hould be rigid and body should l10t arch or sag -in any way. To stop th e whee l ! (O m maki ng another rotation simpl y drop the arm in roll directi on down to th e body. Th c Sid es up port as described can be e xec ut ed in th e sam e manner in both direc· ti ons and a lso with out using th e bindings.


To start th e !'xercises it de pend s first of all which direc tion parti cipant is goi ng to roll and al so what kind of exer cises he or she is going to do.

SIDESUPPORT Sid esupport is th e eas ies t and yet one of the most important exercise and should be done as followin g: Sta ndin g in sid e positi on gy mnas t rea ches with hi s hand in undergrip to grip brace opposi te of rolldirection. Body is turn ed to front without movin g foot from outer ed ge of board and other hand is stretched out to th e sid e. (See picture #4)




It work s out very well to start partici· pant s out by lettin g th em stand on the bo a rd s with bindings on their fee t and havin g parti c ipants move wh ee l fr om one side to othe r without takin g a wh ole wh eel· r otat ion. We r eco mm end that th e teacher star t with th e followin g exercises to get th e gy mna st use to th e feelin g of the wheel· rotation and a lso to the different startin g positi ons.

To execut e the front support we start in front positi on (front is the directi on th e wh eel is go in g to r ol!). Th e gymnast moves hi s back foot from out er edge o f board to inn e r edge and moves hi s body to lo ok at th e directi on of th e wheel. (See picture # 9).

By havin g both arms stretched out to th!' sid es and by bendin g th e bod y sli ghtly to the front , th e wheel s tart s to roll. As soon as the wheel start s to roll the gy mna st puts both hands in upper grip on th e front gripbrace. (See pi cture # 10 ) . Arms and legs, al so entire body must be s trai ght durin g ent ire wh eel rotation. ( See picture # 11 and 12). P osition of head should be in lin e with th e bod y and not drop be· tween the arms or to the back.

Immediately after this th e gymnast moves hi s weight toward roll direction by putting oth er hand in und er grip to gripbrace. Arm in roll direction must be strai ght and other arm must be bent. (See picture # 5). When gy mnast is up sid e down both arm s have to bend (See pi cture # 6). As th e wheel rolls furth er other arm is straight. (See picture #7). During entire wheel rotation


Gymnas t walk s fr om behind to the wheel. reac hes with both hands to the backh oop



# 10



PAN-AM PHOTOS L et them be your ti cke t to the Gymna stics E vents o f the

By Don Wilkinson

1967 PAN-AMERICAN GAMES An Illus tra ted Cat a log u e of t h is Spo r ts Spectac ula r is ava ila ble a t a cost of $1.00refund a ble on purc hase of $5.00 or m o re wor th o f p ictures. T h is ca t a log u e contai ns ov er 3.000 p ict ures of t h e s ports of the g a mes- incl ud ing over 500 pict ures of the g y mnast ics events.

11 12

T WIS TSU I' I'ORT Th e ~ t a rli n~ pos iti on for th t"' twi q !-'uPP(l rI is Ih e san1(' as for Ih e f ro n l ~ lI p p o rl . hUI in· s l('a d of pUll ing bOlh ha nd s 10 fr " nl g riphract' we pili nnl y nne ha nd in un der-gr ip In fro n t griphr ace a nd olh er hand 10 ba ck grip hrace hy aC lua ll y Iwis lin g Ihe bod y Inwa rd th e fronl. I See piclu re # 13). Unli l

Wri te D O N WIL K INS ON, 101 3 8th Ave. Greeley, Colorado - 8063 1 In addition , a catalog ue is a vailable for the 1964 Ol y mp ic Ga m es ( pictures of 14 s ports are included) . The O lymp ic catalog ue is SOc- contains over 1200 pictures-170 illustr ated.

Cost of Slides 1 t o 9 s lides . __________ ... .50c each 10 to 24 slides __ ......... .47c each 25 to 49 slides ... __ ..... .45c each

50 t o 99 slides . ...... ..40c ea ch 100 to 249 sli des .... 38c eac h 250 or more ............. ........... 35c ea ch

Sets of slides are a vailable. m a d e up of s lides of m y select ion . O rder form s and lis t of sets a re sent o n req uest . 11 13

gymna sl is ups id e d own arm on th e fr onl g r ipbrace has 10 be s ir aighl an cl arm nn Ih e ba ck gripbrace at a n an gle. (See pi clure # 14 ). Dur ing the upside cl own posil ion bOlh arm s ha ve to be at an a ngle I See p icture # 15) . Th e h ead is stra ight wilhoul an y movement 10 th e s ide, fr on t or b ack duri ng ent ire wheel rotation.

Cost of Black and White Prints 5 x 7 - $1.00 each - set of 10 pri n ts $ 9.00 - set of 25 prints $20.00 8 x 10 - $ 1.50 each - set of 10 prill ts $ 14.00 - se t of 25 prints $32.50 11 x 14 - $4.25 ea ch - set of 10 prints $39.25 - set of 25 ( price available on requ est) Becau se all m y pict ures are on 35mm fi lm it is im possib le t o m ak e lar g er than 11 x 14 prints and hold any prin t cla rity a nd qu a lity.


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NOTE : In answer to the many inqu iries I h ave r eceived on my fi r st MG Gymw heel art icle about price and where th e wheels can be purcha sed . So far , to my kn owl edge onl y the Gymn a stic S up ply Compa ny in Sa n P edro, Calif. is catalogin g the import ed gy mwheel a t a pri ce of $150.00 GSC al so is a ble to have th e wheels rubber ized for an add iti onal cost of $150.00

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Mail to : SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broadway, Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 (Enclose check wi th order and get an extra month free)

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CROSSMASTER 1992 E. Oakland St. Pasadena, CalifornIa 91104

Actually one is all you'll need, although you may find that it is worth mare than $5 ,000 to you . * Based an special $3 .00 volume subscription rate .


A SECOND LOOK AT SWING © By Gerald S. George Gymnastic Coach Louisiana State University

Who can deny that a major consid erat ion for enhancing champion ship gy mnastic per· formance lies in the ability of gym na st,. coaches, and physical edu cators alike to correctly apply those seemin gly well·kn own mechanical principles and laws of motor movement. Needless to say, th ere is a tre· mendous need for consistent and accurate mechanical application to modern arti sti c gymnastics. Our is, without a doubt, a di s· cipline that transcend s all sport. In th e series, "A Second Look At Swing". an attempt is made to marry the science of physics with the art of gy mnasti cs. It i, ind eed inter estin g to discover that one complements the other in all aspects. Pro· gressive illustrations serve to depict the skill·in·ques tion from the cinematographi· cal standpoint. Step·by·step explanations are provided in order that th e r espective mechani cs can more easily be synthesized into a workable artistic whole. The concept of 'full anatomical range of motion' is utilized in conjunction with 'maximum mechanical execu tion' such that an id ea l presen tation can be realized. Were a child to learn the concept of a "straight line", it would best be und ers tood in presentin g him with as strai ght a line as possible. This is the philosophical basis behind my se ries. Ideal presentation s call be reali zed practically, but first one must understand the concep t. All skills to be presen ted are based on valid and reliable principles of physics. Considering thi s I contend no t only that they are aesth eticly more beautiful, but also that they are mechanically more practical. I would like to suggest a severe scrutin y of each illustration in the given skill. Observe especially the progressive variances of -the angles prescribed by the shoulder 'ilitd hip r egions. Supplement these obser· 'vations with the respective explanations -and you will have a broader concept of id-e al execution. Should any interested readers of the MG desire to have a particular skill illustrated and explained, you may write either to th e MG or personally to me. Whatever the skill or whatever the event, the on e whi ch reo ceives the grea test amount of requests will, by necessity, be present ed first. I sin cerely hope that this series will prove meanin gful to...Jl large majority. Illustration A prescribes an ex tended handstand position. All body segments are in a direct strai ght-line relationship with each other at the onse t of the "skill. As the body begins its descent, Illustrations B - C - D, observe that first, the shoulder angle begins to decrease slightly, and then, the hip angle begins its subse· quent decrease. This action is often referred to as "Foot Lead". The slightly decreased should er and hip angles advance the feet down ward , prepar· ing the body for on oncoming and neces· sary beat. This beat or " Bottoming Effect" of the bar extends the hip and lower back segments, drivin g the body into a slightly arched position. Observe that, at the very same momen t, the previously decreased shoulder angle returns to a direct strai ght· line relationship with the trunk. It is duro ing this time, Illustration s E - F, that the


" Bottoming Effect" of -th e bar becomes actualized. Illustrati on F depicts th e body cocked as in an archer's bow ready to release its potential force in coordinati on with the upward circul ar swing. Th e " Botto min g Effect" of th e bar se rves as a cue in releasin g the previously men· ti oned slightly arched body positi on. Th e gy mnast must imm ediately foll ow up thi s action first by decreas ing very sli ghtly th e shoulder angle alld then by qUickly dri vin g the fee t and legs in a for·upward direction. Illustrations G- H depi ct the "Foot Lead" position. As th e body approaches th e apex of th e Overgrip Giant Swin g, th e a forementi oned decreased should er and hip angles begin to in crease simultan eo usly and proporti onately with the upward circular swin g. Such an

GYMNASTIC CLASSICS© Volume 1 - Horizontal Bar Section A - Basic GianlJ Sw· Number 1 - Overgrip G' 11 Swing

angle in crease at thi s tim e yield s a fee lin g of weightl essness, alm ost as if one were being pu ll ed above th e bar. Refer to Illus· trations I - J. It is durin g thi s feelin g of we ightl essness that the sli p-g rip action of the hands is rea li zed. The wri sts are arched onto the top of the bar to provide support for the oncoming body weight. The body unit is ex· tend ed to a direct strai ght·lin e relation ship position upon r eturnin g to Ill ustration A. Of prime importan ce is th e fa ct that th e body continu es through, and 1I0t to , I II us· tration A. Such a consideration will en· han ce th e up·on.through effect of th e entire circul a r s wing. The same mechan ical pro· ced ures a re follow ed for additional Over· grip Giant Swin gs. © - Copyright







© - Copyright

NACGC HIGHLIGHTS • All-American Team • National & Regional competition results • Photos, Photos, and more Photos • Honor Awards • All- Time Records

ONLY $1 NACGC HIGHLIGHTS Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406

RegiOn Six Mr. jamile Ashmore Ull~!". of Texus, AllSti'I, Texll!'

Regioll 6 - A rkmlsas. New Mex ico, Texas.

TEXAS STATE COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIP Od e ssa Coll e ge, OdessQ, Texas By Jay Ashmore Un ive rs ity of Te xas The Texas Collegiate Championship was held at Odessa Co ll ege o n Ma rch lS and March 16. Represented we re Odessa College, Sam Houston State College, The Unive rsity of T exas, Ab il ene Christian

Co ll ege,


Universit y

Texas T echno logica l



Res ul ts: AA : Mike Co ldwell, Uni v . of Texas; FX : M ike Caldwell; SH : Ch uc k Minica, Odessa Co ll ege; R: Manuel Hi no ios, Odessa Co ll ege; LH: Ron Webb, Odessa Co ll ege; PB : Greg Germany, Odessa College; HB ;

J o h nny




Texas. Team : Odessa Co ll ege . South e rwestern AAU Cham pionshi ps were hel d a t L. O. Be ll Hi gh Schoo l at Hurst, Texa s o n April 19 and Ap ril 20. Res ults: FX: M ike Co ldwe ll , Un iv. of Texas; PB : Rober t Reeves, Univ . of Texas· R: Ma nue l Hinoios , Odessa Co ll eg e ; HB : Bob Co lmante, N.W. La . State; SH: Bob He rman , N.W. La. State; AA (tie) M ike Caldwe ll and J im Lee, Unqttached; Tu : Ru band Womack, Amarill o Boy's Club . Te am Title : Univ. of

Texas. Texas State Hi gh School Champ ionsh ips we re held at L. o. Bell Hi g h Schoo l a t Hurst, Te xas o n Apr il 26 and A pril 27. The second annual state high schoo l champ ionship was held at L. O. Bell H igh School for both boys and gir ls. T h ere we re

approx i mate ly


ent r ies fo r each event wit h 7 teams ent e req fo r the team title. Resu lts: Tu : Odess Loving, Pa lo Ouro H.S., Amari ll o; Tr : Bobby Sargent, Reagan H.S., Aust in; FX: Odess Loving; SH : Steve Snow, L.O. l3ell H.S., Hu rs t ; R: Mike Crawf o rd, L. O. Be ll H.S., Hurst; PB : Bill Hudgins, Pascha ll H .S., Fort Worth; Ii B: Gary Hear ts f ie ld , !,..O. Ba ll M.S., Hu rst; LH : Odess Lov ing. Gymnastic Clin ic: Onl y in t he plann ing stages b ut Russ Porterf ie ld, Un ive rs ity of Oklahoma; Jay Ash m ore, Univ ersit y of T exas; Rusty M itc h e ll , Univer-

si t y o f New Mexico have discussed a t hree (3) da y clinic fo r boys at the Un ivt;! rs i t y of Ok lahoma, as sQon as definite d a t es are set i t w i ll

be re leased .


RegiOn Seven Don Norton Brigham Young Uni versity

Pro vo. Utah 84601

Regio11 7 - A ri:olla, Co lo rado, Mon tana, Utah, hJyom ing.

ARIZONA , COLORADO, MONTANA, UTAH, WYOMING Th is is Reg ion Seven's first MG report. Both g ymnasti cs and g ym nastics repor t ing are, in some re spects, yet in their infanc y in the In t er-mountain area . Strengt h a nd matu r ity in collegiate competi t ion have com e ab ou t onl y in the past f ew years. Mos t h igh schoo l competition in th e region is less than a decade old; in some areas there is yet litt le o r no h igh school gymnastics acti v it y . But the si gns bo de we ll . I am in the process o f making contacts fo r high schoo l rep o rts. Repo rts and o f fers o f assistance in

reporting wou ld be great ly appreciated. The co ll egiate teams in Regi on Seven scored consistently higher t h is year t han eve r before. Most teams exhibited a no tab le depth in most events. Indi vid ua l performances in the NCAA Championships were most impre ssi ve: Pat Arnold, Bob Shi r k (UA)1st, 3rd, r ings Oe nnis Ramsey (B YU)- tie , 2nd , s ide horse Jack Ryan (CSU)-lst , side ho rse Rich Im pson (ASU)-6th, fl oo r e xerc ise Cliff Gau t hie r (Oenver U.)-4th , long ho rse Many were asking whe re allaro un d Mi ke Kim ba ll sudden ly came f rom. Th is U. of Uta h perfo rm e r p laced hi gher in a ll -a round co mpetition (9t h ) than had an y WAC compet itor in h is t o ry. Colorado Interest in g ymnastics in Co lorado is ve ry high. Six college-unive rsit y teams are now co mpet ing , and there is a stead il y increasing number of high school teams. Co lo rado held its first state interscholastic girlsl champi onsh ip this year . A FA coach Karl Schwenzfeier has left f o r a yea r of f lying duty in Viet Nam. Rep lacing h im is Captain Orwy n Sampson. AFA p laced th ird in the Western Region Championships and q ua lified t wo a llaro u nd men for t he NCAA fi nals: Pat O'G rad y and Chuck Kennedy. O' Grady, a senior, deve loped and perfected a full pi rouette to an eag le gr ip on t h e horizontal bar; t he stunt now carries h is name. A FA will host the Olympic Team Tra ining Camp , lS-30 Sept.; there is t he possib ility of meets wit h f o reig n t eams . U. o f Oenver: 10-4 win- loss record lost season. Outstanding performer was Cliff Gauthi e r; promis ing fr eshman is Vince N icoletti, a ll-a round. Fo rt Lew is (Ourango). For a you ng team and a new coach , Fo rt Lewis d id well in competition against even experie nced teams: 4 wins, 5 losses. Coach Jim Gilbert repo rts that Co rtez H igh Schoo l, in hi s a rea , is seeking a head g ym nastics coach. Colo. U., CSU , CSC: no rep orts . CSU ioins the WAC this fall. Montana

Hig h schoo l gymnastics appears t o be on the upswing. Phil Levi of Eastern Montana reports the sponsor ing of a fall g y mnastics de ve lopmental meet fo r high schoo l t eams. Nine schools participated last fall in the compulsor ies. Some o f t hese teams haven't coaches yet. Montana high schools now recogn ize g ymnastics; a state assoc iat ion exists. EMC gave a numbe r of exh ib iti ons during the yea r, to spa rk interest. Coach Lev i is going back to schoo l; h e wi ll be replaced by Ja y Shaw, fr om Washington State U. EMC held its own amo ng colleges its own size, lost season; it ho pes fo r conti n ued improvement. Henr y Wo rk, a ll -around, placed Sth in t he NA IA meet. Utah There is no off icia l high school compet it ion in Uta h . Two of the Ogden schoo ls are planning informa l matches. Only a ha nd ful of h ig h schoo l boys in the state wo r k out ser iously, m ost o f t hem indiv idua ll y. Webe r College (Ogden). Tom Low reports some support and success in building a team. Gymnastics has on ly recent ly been introduced to t h is campus. He is opt imis tic. U. o f Uta h . Utah sho wed good depth th is season. All-ar ound Mike Kim b a ll was the outstanding perfo rm e r. BYU. One o f the highlights o f the yea r was the BYU Invitationa l Meet in ea rly Decem ber. Teams from UA , ASU , UU, CSU and Fo rt Lewi s a t ten d e d Pa rticipating coaches decided to t u rn the Invitati o na l into an annua l, co nference-sponsored event; it wi ll rotate among WAC schools. BYU wi ll again host t h e meet next fa ll . T he event will pi oneer a unique emphasis: each schoo l will enter a (Con ti nued o n p a g e 4 1)

MG CLEANUP INVENTORY SALE LOOK AT THESE . Here is YOUR chan ce to g e t back editi ons of the MG at BIG DISCOUNTS Th roug h th e years beca use of d iffe re nt size press ru ns, com p lime ntary p romo ti onal mailings, Clini c and Conve nt ion g ivea-ways p lus a f luctu a t in g su bsc riptio n li st, we find ou rse lves and she lves wifh osso rted amou nts of back edi ti ons of th e MG. A ll of t hese issues are fi lled w ith Photos, News, Repor ts, In stru cti on o nd Gymnasti c A id s . Th ey are a ll exce ll ent ed iti ons a nd t hi s Special MG IN V ENTO RY CLEAN UP SA LE Pri ce is d eter min ed by th e a moun t we have o n ha nd, not by co ntent . If you r cop ies are los t or dogear ed, needed for bull eti n boa rd Ac t a ids Or yo u neve r have see n so me of th ese ed iti ons .. an d ord er NOW an d ta ke a dva nta ge of thi s SPECI AL MG O FFER, for the re is a wea lth of Gym nas ti c mate rial an d hi story ava il ab le in these back MG edi t ions. (3 4-B ) GROUP Unv* Unv* Un v* Un v* (3S -E ) Unv* (36- 0) Unv* Un y* GRO·UP Un v* Un v* Unv* (37-E ) (38-0 ) (39-E ) Unv* (40-C) GROUP (41-C ) (42-C) (43 -C) (4 4-C) (4S-0 ) (46-C) (47-C) (48-C) (49-C) (SO-C) GROUP (S l-F) (S2-C ) (S3 -C) (S4 -C ) (SS-C) (S6 -0) (S7-C) (S8 -C) (S9-0) (60-C) GROUP (6 1- 0 ) (6 2 -0 ) (63-0) (64- 0 ) (6S-0)

MG SUMMER INVENTORY SPECIALS GROUP ( l-A) (2 -A) (3 -A) (4 -A) (S -O ) Un v* (6-0 ) (7 -E ) (8 -E ) GROUP Unv* (9-A) (10 -A) ( ll-A) (12- B) ( 13-B ) (14-B) P S- B) GROUP (f6-E ) (17-B) (18 - B) Unv* Unv* ( 19-0) (20-0 ) (2 1- B) (22-B) GROUP (23 -B ) (24-B) (2S-B) (26-B) (27 -A) (28-A) (29-E) (30-A) Un v* GROUP (3 1-A) Unv* (32 - B) (33- F) Unv* Unv* Un v*

VOL . I l. ......... . .. .• • -... ....... 2. 3. .............. .•••... 4. S. .. . ........... •• -. .. 6. 7. 8. 9. VOL . II

I Sc l Sc lSc l Sc SOc SOc 7 Sc 7Sc


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7Sc SOc

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FIRST (fac ing page) goes to " Ed" Jones a fine arts stud ent a Brevard Jr. College, Florida. Ed's piece is a 13" x 18\1 " acrylic monotone on mat boa rd.

SECOND (top this page) goes to Randy Mart in. Randy is a top high schoo I gymnast in the Los Angeles area.

THIRD (bottom) to Dale Anderson. Dale is the assistant gymnastics coach at Iowa State Un ivers ity. In case you're interes ted the picture is of Sue Olson , State Free ex and Beam champ.


The Pasadena National Invitational H ow d oes he do it? Year ail er year , lh e Pa sad ena ln vi ta ti onal, unde r the direc tion of Pa sadena City Co ll ege Coach J erry T odd , becomes be tter and bett er, This yea r was no exce ption as J err y's top路fli ght lin e-up includ ed USG F Champ K qtsut os hi Kanza ki , AA U Champ Yoshi Hayasaki , Finni sh Cha mpi on Mauna N iss in en , and California s tand- out s, S id Freuden stein and Dan Millman.

In th e fl oo r exercise event , spec tators we re trea ted to routin es as 1I1la g ll1 a tl v~ and exc itin g a s th ey come ~ a RO , FF, hi gh doubl e back by PCC's Tom Proulx , full twistin g di ve roll s includ ed in Proulx's, Millman 's, and Doug Boger 's routin es, Danny _\liIIm a n's I },. arabian and a winnin g routin e by S id Freud enstein that was full of pun ch a nd zi ng from his s traddle jump pun ch front to hi s final l ayout somie, pun ch front. Th e side hor se event witnessed one of th e grea tes t collecti ons of sidph orse men sin ce th e last National lm'itati ona!' Th e d iffi cult y, rh ythm , height , and co ntinuit y of pe rform a nces by the likes of Ca l S tat e's Gary H os kin s, BYU's Denni" R a msey, and USC's -'lik e Frerik s would be d iffi cult to match a nywh ere. Nor wer e the audi en ce an y th e less apprec ia ti ve for oth er fin e performers s uch a s Gary WuIIsc hlage r and K en Bronner , b oth of USc. No ted pe rform ers on th e rin gs even t includ ed Del S tran ge of Colorado Sta te whose soli d routin e won him the trophy, UCLA 's j\'l iekey Chaplan n oted for hi s disloca te to imm ediat e ma lt ese, and S ta nford fr eshm an S teve Hoc he l!. H ad S teve 's doubl e dimlOunt been a littl e stron ge r , he mi ght have edged out the more experin ced competit ors. W e noted double fl ya ways a lso from Sid a nd

Ari zona rin gmen Pat Arnold and Boh Shirk , th e latt er doing it in pik ed pos ition! Long horse wa s not includ ed thi s year , so th e all-around co ul d go only fiv e events. Kanzaki 's p-bar routin e waS almos t i']1poss ible to ' describe, at least h e s<l id it wa s, but see winning routin es below. lI'Iiiuno N issin en . threw a d ouble b"ck for a di smount but la nded a little off-balan ce. Haysaki 's routin e was 11S . solidly cPns tructed and exec uted as we have alw~ ys imag in ed lh e rou tin es of th e Jap anese to be ~ everythin g to a solid hand sta nd. NCAA College d ivision hi gh bar ch a mp Ri chard Grigsby threw hi s " patented " r outin e, end ing with a hi gh cast front to a solid landin g. Alth ough failin g to place, Freuden ste in drew th e applau se of the crowd for coolly overco min g an earl y break and fini shin g hi s routin e with a very hi gh double fl yaw ay , ope nin g out above th e b"r. Di smount of th e evenin g, however, was Millman 's piked uoubl e fl yaway ~ produ ct of yea rs uf tra mp olin e ex perience and a sea son of in tensive work. A t lea st fo ur d oubl e ba cks were th rown in tumblin g competit ion , each h igh er than the prece din g ~ b y Gene Ca tal do, Georgp Greenfi eld, Doug Boger , a nd Tom Proulx. hi s seco nd of th e evenin g. Also no ted were P a t _\Ia honey's inexha ustibl e suppl y of bound ers. but th e bes t co mbinat ion wa s Proul x's . fin a l pa ss : Front wa lk out , HO . FF, double twister, pun ch fro nt. Clim ax in g the evenin g was th e present ation of a ll- a round trophi es to th e winn e rs Kanzaki , F re ud enstein , and Ha ya saki . With th a t, th e ca pacit y crowd eased th emselves from the ir e lbow- to-elbuw se atin g and wa lk ed off int o th e wa rm Ca liforn ia ni ght to deba te a mon g th e mse lves -- Ka nza ki . Freud enste in , H ayasaki. An d the rest of the cuuntry says why can ' t We p romo te gym-

nasti cs like the West Coast doe"( Why nut , ind eed , Jerry Todd!

Re ~ L!lts

AA : Kqtsutoshi Kanzoki 45.25 , Sid Freudenst ein 45.10 , Yosh i Hayasak i 44.65. FX: Freudenstein 9.60, tie between Prou lx and M itlman 9.45. Sti: Gory Hos kins 9 .55 , Dennis Ramsey 9.45, M ike Freriks 9.35. Tr : Millman 9.6 , Prou lx 9.2, Rob Ewing 9 , I O. It: De l Stran ge 9 .50, Mickey Chaptan 9.40, Steve Rochell 9.3 5. PB: Kanzaki 9.6, Hoyasak i 9.5, Fre u dens tein 9.2 . tiB: Grigsby 9.5, Kanzak i 9.4 , Dick Ham me rs 9.3. Tu : Proulx 9.5, Pot Maho ney 9 .3, Geo rge Gree n field 9.15. Tu: Tom Proulx : RO, FF , Do uble b ock. Fro n t, handspring ,

f ro nt,

ha ndsp rin g,

fr ont .


wa lko ut , RO, FF , d o uble i wiste r, punc h fr o nt. SH : t ra vel,

t he

Gory Hoskins: Rev erse m oore , uphill downh ill tra ve l, high, bo ck travel into

middl e ,

tra vel

high ,


m oore , hi gh , b reak

tra ve l

moore ,

into one bac k

bock scis-

cors , fr o nt scissors , fr o nt sc issors with half turn, fr on t scissors, russian t o im mediate tro ve I down to t he end, loop , one and one-ha lf twists off .

PB : Katsutosh i Kanzqki: Run , g li de kip, t o bock shoot to handstand, front upri se, half twis t , cost , ca t ch, cast o ff to th e s ide, g li de kip to

L on

one ba r, then cu t

an d

catch to

L (on both bars ) and ho td , sti ff - stiff press to handstand (ho ld ), sti t z, cast t o unde r arm hong , co st cut and catch, layawa y, rise t o front dismount.

fro nt up-

FX : Sid Freudenstein: Straddl e jump , front ; RO, FF , full tw ist, FF , jock-knife toe t o uch , chest ro ll , t oe rise; headspring , RO , FF , pike a ra b ia n, fa ll and turn to spli t s; st iff-stiff press, front ro ll , bock ha ndspr in g; front h andspr ing , fr ont , headspring , swedish fall , leg circle, stand, RO , FF , la yout bock, punch fr ont.

Tr: Dan Millman: Tucked 2 3;" boc k, do u b le twisting cody, fl ying boc k, d ouble bock , full twist , tuck ba rani out, tuck d oub le bac k, dou -

b le twis t, f lying boc k , tuck 134, doub te cod y. R: D el Strange: out to a maltese, bock press , g iant , ri se L iron , ca st,



Bac k ro ll to iron cross, pull half giant to an L, hollowcas t ou t , inl ocate , ba ck updisl ocat e , f u ll.

Grig sby : Jam cost with hal f twis t ,

stoo p thr oug h t o 2 in locates , 2 eag les, hop out with half twist , feet one-fee t off , immed iate wh ip cha nge, flange in, immedia te reach under, v au lt catch , kip up , on e g ia nt, t urn , fl ange , cost, fr on t.

(Continued from page 37) five-man team, including three 011around men . There wi ll be compulsories. T he th ree top scores will count toward team totals. T op performa nces of the year included Dennis Ramsey on the side horse; Austin Thatcher, long h orse. BYU plans a summer clinic for groups of grade school children; junior and sen ior high school boys will be encouraged to work out individuall y .

Arizona No reports. W yoming No reports;




no gymnastics acti vi ty . Reactions to the NCAA Champi-

onships schedule were return




unanimous: meet

for -

mat, with individual competiti on the last evening. Fortunately, thi s year's team f inals were ve ry exciting; what if scores hadn' t been close? We owe to the public the

best individual performances as a climax of the meet.

FINAL USA TRAMPOLINE TRIAL La faye t te, L oui sana The U .S.A. Tramp o line Team membe rs ore for the men : David Jacobs, Uni versity of Michigan ; Jim Yongue, Unive r sity of South western Louisiana; and Donald

Wa ters, Universit y o f Southwestern Louisiana.

Th e




Wills, Southern Illinois University; Vicki Bo linger, Springfield, Illinois; and Judy Johnson , Centenary Col lege o f Louisiana. David Jacobs was able to overcome a lead of .55 po int s by Jim Yongue as a resu lt of the fir st trials in Sarasota, Flo r ida. · Jacobs total score was 94.50 to 94.35 for Yongue



Wate rs


up from 5th to 3rd place by overcoming Dennis Harlan 87.70 t o 86.85. Judy Wills con tinued her winning ways by pos t ing a total sco re of 88. 10 fo r both tria ls and a fir st p lace. Vicki Bolinger hung on to second p lace by Judi Ford sl ipping to 4th and Judy Johnson moved up to 3rd. Officials of the team are Jeff Hennessy, men's coach; Milton Davis of Memphis, Tenn essee, women's coach, and Loyd Huval of New Or leans, Louisiana , as U.S.A. judge . The ten t ative schedule f o r the U.S.A. T rampo line T eam is as follows: November 23, Depa r t f or Ho Iland; Nov. 24, travel t o a city in • Germany; Nov. 25, Exhib it ion; Nov. 26, Free day· Nov . 27, Dual meet 'with Germany; Nov. 28, Tra ve l to H o ll and; Nov. 29-30, Wor ld Championsh ips; Dec. 1, Leave for U.S .A.

CALIFORNIA STATE JR. COLLEGE •• CHAMPIONSHIPS The Second Annua l State Junior Co l lege Gymnast ic Championsh ips were held at San Bernardino Valley College an May 11, 1968. Pasadena was the winner again, as expected, by a margin of sixt y points . The competiti on for second place in the team standing was very close throughout the meet , with four teams in contention. Long Beach finall y took th e honors, largely by their efforts in th e rings event where they earned 16 points. Individual honors went to Pasadena's Tom Proulx who earned T om P roulx, 1st AA. a total of 51.5 points and scored an average of 8 .6 in his four 011around events. The second high Plaques were given f or I st and 2nd point performer was Martin Caling for the 1st and 2nd for the men's of East Los Angeles with 33 points , and women 's ' teams. Medals were while Santa Monica 's Don Ferre awarded f o r indi v idual places in earned 31 points for third. each event, while r ibbons were T he meet was tru ly a state given for 4th t hroug h 8th. championship inasmuch as N orth Despite the fact that the meet ern California was ably reprewas held rather late in the seasented by Diablo Valley and son, there was a good turn-out Sacramento Co lleges . with many college gymnasts comResults peting unattached . The meet reAA : T om Proulx, PCC 34.325; ce ived a dua l sanction from the Max Magdaleno, ELA 34.275; MarUSGF and the AAU. tin Caling, ELA 34.05; Paul Ga llesMen' s Res ults p ie, PCC 33 .90; Juan Sanchez, T eam : Cleveland Swiss Turners SMCC 33.B5. Tr: Doug Boger, PCC (Sw iss) 135.75, ·Columbus Gym9 .0, Tom Proulx 8.85; Kent Umnastic Club (CGC) 124 .95, Dayt on barger, Diablo 8.4; Mike Segal i, YMCA (Dayt) 83 .00. AA : Bruce Diablo 8.35; AI Johnson, PCC 8.1. T rott (Unatt) 52.05, David Arnold LH : K. Umbarger 9.05; T. Proulx (Unatt) 48.00, Reed Klein (Swiss ) 8.87; Mark Wasserman, Val ley 47.75 . FX : Klein 8 .25, Trott 8 .2 0, 8.87; Pat Mahoney, Pierce 8.85 · Pete Clute (Unatt) 7.55. SH : Larr y Steve Urrutia, Trade Te ch. 8.57. Wiese (Unatt) B.95, Trott 8.50, FX : M. Ca l ing 9.05; Don Ferre , J im Seman (Unatt) 7.05. R : Trott SMCC 9.00; Leon M ims, Harbor 8.60, Arno ld 8.30, Gary Hut chin9.00; Loui e Moreno, ELA 8.95; D. son (CGC) 8.00. LH : T rott 9.30 , Boger 8.9; T . Proulx 8.9. SH : John Mike Sexton (Unatt) 8.95, Arnold Nelson, PCC 9.0; Dan Uyeda, LB 8.90. PB : Arnold 8.65 , Trott 8.50, 8.6; Steve Duhaine, Fullerton 8 .35; Klein 8.20. HB : Trott 8.95, Arno ld Darryl Miller, LB 8.25; Ken Polin8 .20, Klein 7.95 . Tu : Sexton 8.10, ski, Pierce 7.7. HB : Dell Smith, Joe Latella (CGC) 7.4, John Sositko Pierce 8.95; M. Caling .8 .65; Steve (Unatt) 6.6 . T r: Sexton 8.90, Wi lLangdon, PCC 8.65; Mark Peacock, li am Capp (Unatt) 8.85, Latella PCC 8.65; Mark Davis, LAV 8.65. 7.90. (Note: The team standings PB : Gary Albita, L B B.6: Bob were decided most ly by gymnasts Bai ley L B 8.3; D. Ferr e 8.2; T. plac ing lower t ha n third.) Prou lx 8.15; M . Ca ling 8.05. R: P. Wom e n's Res ults Gillespie 9 . 15; Richard Schwartz, T eam : Flint Olympians (F LT ) LB 8.75; Ra leigh W il son, Pierce 96.95, Marilyn Dennis (MD) 65.00, 8 .6; Dennis Kinsey, L B 8.55; EuMichigan State U (MSU) 56.15. gene Bailey, Harbor 8.55. Tu : D. AA : Dianne Grayson (F L T) 31.70, Boger 9.0; P. Mahoney 8.9; D. Cindy Ha ll (FLT ) 31.65, Cherrie Ferre 8.75; John Johnsey, L B 8.7; Ashley (MD) 31.55. FX : Hall 8.30 , L. Mims 8.7. Grayson 8. 15, Patti McDonald (F L T ) Team Sco re s: Pasadena 127, 7.75. BB : Rean ne Mille r (MSU) 8.3, Long Beach 67, East Los Ange les Ashley 8. 1, Maddie Wetherel l (F L T ) 60, Pierce 56, Santa Monica 51, 7 .9, 'UPB : Grayson 8.85, Ashley 8.0 , Diab lo Valley 44 .5, L.A. Va lley Ha ll 7 .6, SHV : Hall 9.3, Barb 39.5, Harbor 23, Fullerton 9, Goodie (F LT) 8.6, Grayson 8.3. Tu : Trade Tech 6 , Sacramento 1. High Cherry A lmy (Unatt) 7.4, Hall and Po int Scores: Tom Prou lx, PCC Miller 6.75. T r: Susan Grigsby 51.5, Martin Caling, ELA 33, Don (Unatt) 5.45, Karen McDaniel Ferre, SMCC 31, Doug Boger, PCC (Unatt) 4 . 10, G wen Sa rsf ie ld 2 6, Ken Umbarger, Dia b lo Valley (Unatt) 3.75 . 24 . (Ed itor's N ote: T hi s was one o f t he few reports rec eived by us FI RST ANNUAL which fo ll owed our required f orCOLUMBUS INVI TATIONAL mat f or submission of results.) East Side Branc h YMCA Columbus, Oh io SEVENTH TOUR N AMENT May 4th, 1968 OF CHAMPIONS By Gory Hutchinson , Dire ctor Cal State Los Ang el es Columbus Gymnastic Club May 17, 1968 Thi s first annual meet was sponM eet Director: Gordon Maddu x sored by the Columbus Gymnastic A su r p ri si ng ly sma ll , but enC lub, and was t h e b iggest project thus iastic crowd turned out f or t he ever undertaken by us. We rece i ved Jast great invitati ona l meet of fine cooperation from the Ea st southern Ca l ifornia's gymnastic Side and Central YMCA's. yea r , t he T ournament of ChamThe meet ran ve ry smoo thl y , pions. thanks to Meet Director , Jerry Perform ing w ith hi s usua l flair Baker of Ohio State and the techand height, although omitting his n ica l advice of OSU Coach Jim doub le back m ount, Tom Prou lx Sweeney. captured the FX event. Experience This was a Sen io r Open meet f o r counted as Ca l State's Don Warmen 15 and over and gi r ls 14 and ren, o pening w ith a handspring , over. The women's division drew front , handspring down the side, a la rger fi e ld than expected.


FINAL U .S.A . TRAMPOLINE TRIALS La f aye tt e, Lou is iana - Apr il 27, 1968 Fi rst Trial s 46.50 47.05 42.85 43.60 18.90

Req. 9 .55 9.65 9.30 9.05 8.85

lst Opt. 9.50 9.40 9.50 8.55 8.70

9.60 9.10 8.60 8.70 7.50

Total 28.65 28.15 27.40 26.30 25.05

2nd Opt. 9.75 9.65 9 .25 8.05 9.00

D.O. 9 .60 9.50 8 .20 8.30 7.70

Total 48.00 47.30 44 .85 43.25 4 1.75

Total Both Trials 94.50 94.35 87.70 86.85 60 .65

44 . 15 41.25 39.95 40.05 34.95 36.25

9.40 8.95 8.75 9.35 8.85 0 .00

9.35 8.60 8.55 4.85 8.60 8 .30

8.00 7.70 7.80 4.50 6.70 6.80

26.75 25.25 25. 10 18 .70 24. 15 15.10

9.00 8.80 8.55 9.00 7. 10 7.30

8.20 7 .70 7 .70 7.20 6.20 6 .20

43.95 41.75 41.35 34.90 37.45 28 .60

88. 10 83.00 81.30 74.95 72.40 64.85

Nom e

MEN : Dav id Jacobs Jim Yongue Don Water s Dennis Harlan Hugh Curfman W OMEN : Judy Wills Vicki Bolinger Judy Johnson Judi Ford Troy Kauffman Sue Rogers

D. O.

edged newcomer Marty Caling of East L .A. College for second place. Cali ng displayed a fine sense of style and lightness and will be heard fr om in the future. San D iego State near ly made a sweep of the side h orse medals as longlegged Gene Spindler, working high and extended, notched an easy win. Teammate Lar ry Buss managed second place. College Division Champ Bob Medina and fo r mer NCAA Champ Gary Hoskins both su ffe r ed breaks just prior to their dismounts to drop them fr om contenti on a lthough Gary rem ounted to throw an exce llent 1 V2 tw isting dismount for a score of 8.45. San Fernando Valle y's Chuck Wa lden, showing good st rength moves (planche, cross) f or a l arge gymnast, tied UC LA 's diminutive Mickey Chaplan f o r the ring s title. T o his already strong routine (see NCAA r epor t, May MG) Chap lan added a n inver ted cross (a l itt le sh or t , timewise), drop to immediate iron cross. Former BYU standout , Dick Nicholas, in good shape despite (or because of ?) the US Army, earned third with a strong routine. NCAA C a I leg e Div ision LH Champ Ric h Grigsby notched another v icto ry over Proulx and NCAA Un ive rsity Division Champ Bruce Coulter on Long Horse. The parallel bars tro ub led everyo ne, but Air Force officer Terry Higgins showed a bit of his o ld Academy st y le in earn ing the first place trophy . Notabl e on thi s event, however, was PCe's Paul Gillespie who mounted with double leg circles on t he end t o an immediate st ra ight-body p lanche. H i g gin s r ea lly shone on his best even t , the high ba r , by tieing Grigsby fo r the tap spot. Stretched out and continuous, H igg ins spun through hiS complex rout ine which included a wel l-done hech t vau lt , to his final hecht b ut lost several tenths f or bent knees in the dismount. Adding to his Co ll ege Di v isi on Champ.ionship routine, Gr igsby also pu t In a hecht vaul t and a ha lf twisting % giant cov er-up when he nearl y missed his dismount, a cast, f ront , which he did carry aut with good he ight and ro t ation. Although finishing down in the lists, Ca l lng showed some fin e style and f reedom of movement in his routi ne wh ich included both stalders. FX: T om Prou lx 9.25, Dan Warren 8.95, Marty Ca l ing 8.90. SH : Gene Spind ler 9.35, Lar ry Buss 8.95, Bill Hoove r 8 .9. R: Mickey Chap Ian and Chuck Walden 9.15 . Dick Nicholas 8.9. Tr: Prou lx and Dan McFar land 8.8, Doug Boger 8.6. LH : Gri gsby 9.2, Prou lx 9.0 , Bruce Coulte r 8.8. PB : Terry Hi gg ins 9.05, Gr igsby and Pau l Gillespie 8.75. HB : H iggins and Gr igsby 9.25, Prou lx 9.05 .

By M ick ey Choplon I had forgotten, after this year's NCAA competition, that gymnast ics is a sport that is capable of being enjoyed by both gymnasts and specators . I was quite over joy ed that the Bru in Classic re stored my memory to its former sharpness. Th e competition did not have same of the big names that we re present in other competitions, but the fa ct that a maximum of seven men competed on each event, as we ll as t he lack of time wasted between performances (thanks t o (Con ti nued on pag e 46) 4 1

(Con tinued from page 30)

T he 1'0" ('(1I1 ' t l"e(1s(' I'lwryolI(' Del't . . . . Thl'r" w .. n' 102 II lt' n '" ('nt r i,'" at the AAU C ha nll' illn" h il'''' SO "f tl lt 'lll a ll ·aro und. It wa ,. in el' it a hl,· that th,' prt ·lim inary co m· " ,· titi lln" wll uld IH' I(ln ;! and inl'o lv,'d. An d yet. th ank" to th l' Ilr;!a niza ti o n uf th e h M t ~CA T " ;!I'lIU I' . th t' ('o nlpe t ition,; ra n ra th,' r " moll thl y. a t lea st acco rd in ;! to eas te rn .. Il mllt·tit or. S te ve Co h e n. Oth e r eas t('rn !" r" Wt'l'l' las, s ati sfi t'd . point in;! o ut th e limit ed IIl('ke r fa cilities for th e la rge number of (' Iltri,' s. SOIlH' lww. you have to h ave a few in co ll vcn icll ct's an d thi s was, over all , one o f Il'h h es t-run o f AA V m ee ts. One ca n 't h!" lp bUI ref iec i th ai Ih e fin a l comp e titi ons, t'ven wl ih tr a mpolin e a nd long horse out o f th e wa y. a nd with me n 's a nd wom en 's co mpe titi on rllnnin ~ 5imuh a n eo ll s ly, we r e ra tllPr slow mo vin g. Th ere see med 10 be an exc('ss i,'e numhe r ' o f judges' co nfe re n ces, a nd th e pn'senl a li on of award s a te up too mu c h lim t'. Wh il e th e numblin g champi on· shi ps had already becn d e te rmin ed , Iwo o f th e fin al is ts were in vil ed to pe rform in e xhibitio n. Th eir ex hibiti on run s were fantas ti c, bu t th e ir warm-ups durin g the oth er pa rt s of the progra m proved di strac tin g. The s itu ation was und e rs ta ndabl e, but th e main ch a mpi o ns hi ps prov id ed enoug h int e rest in th e msel ves to h ave o b vial ed th e n ee d fo r a n addilional sh ow. By the way, onl y two s pec ial ists mad e it int o th e fin als Sa turd ay n ight , T ob y T owson a nd 10hn Ru sso, both winnin g th eir s pec ialti es . Draw yo ur ow n co n clusio ns.


Did rOil 1I011:ce • In the Ru ssian-Sw iss d ual n; ee t re port ed in the las t issue, th e los in g lea rn scored a 560. Th at ave rages oul 10 approx ima tely 112 pe r man . Th e V .S. average for th e top s ix A mer ica n scores r eport ed to da te t NCAA, AA ll, VS GF ) is 109.08, but Ih e med ia n score is a full poinl lowe r. On e mu s t conclud e - th e six me n whose sco res ent ered into Ihat total we re -'l a k o to Sa kamoto (AA U), Fred D enni s (USGF), Fred Roe t hlis be r!!er (AA U), S teve Co h e n (AAV), Da ve T hor (NCAA), a nd Bob Ly nn (AA U ) , with Ri chard Loyd a nd S teve Hu g Irai lin g just be hin d. On e mu st give these men th e edge in our fort hco min g Oly mpic Trial s. On e mus t al so conel ude th a t th e re is a lot of work to be done thi s s umm e r . ' 'le ca n not ex pec t one scor e to ba la nce off lowe r performances. L ook in g over th e top m e n in th e r oster o f all -a ro und pla cings at th e AA V a nd VSG F meets, I a m impr essed b y th e numbe r o f int e rnati on al vis it or s a t the top. Our nali on 's t op gy mn asts, Sakamo lo. has continua ll y urged a broader. int ernal ional pe rspec ti ve fo r our n a ti o nal prog ram. Will U.S. gy mnasti cs be th e o bj ec t o f fo re ign d o min a li on for yea rs to co rn e, o r will our lead e rs la k e th e hint a nd s tarl up-g rad in g our ~Y l1ln as ti c programs?

Operation Champ D ear Di cl" Thi s pa~t wee k I had the oppo r tun ity to t:1l l, wit h Glenn concerni ng the Vice P res id e nt"x

SUlllme r


IMPORTED GYMNASTIC PRODUCTS Tiger Canvas & Leather Gym Shoes NYLON Stretch competition uniforms Exlan & Cotton practice uniforms Helenca nylon and stretch ,nylon warmups Lampwick & teat her one-piece hand guards Resilite mats, Free-X, tumbling, apparatus Olympic polyethylene panel mats - chalk Universal Gym and Universal Sauna Olympic athletic vitamins -- Top Star 12 No. Cottago! Street


Valley Stream, N.Y. 11580

Reel'e -

" This summer a n extens ive effort for s umm er sports and r ecrea tion progra ms is be in g coordin a ted thr ough the Presid e nt's Counci l on Physical Fitness and Sports a n d the P res ident' s Co uncil on Youth OppOI·tunity w hich are ch a ired by Vic e P resident Humph rey. Since Ma rch 1967, when the President's Council on youth Opportunity came into existen c e, field representa tiv es from that office h ave been wor ki ng very c lo se ly with a Youth Coordina t or assigned by th e Mayor in each of th e 50 cities to coordinate overa ll s ports a nd

,' ecreation


progr a ms

cities . They

with in




h ave





listed th e cooperation of Feder a l, State a nd city Gover nments in all progra ms serving youth of this Country a nd in particul a r the di sa d va ntaged areas of the inn er -city. Th e t as k of "The Vice P resident's Summer Youth Sports and Recreation


imp lementati o n




ongo ing

p r og rams


assis t in serving the community in a var i-

e ty of a reas based upon their requ ests in order to enr ic h existing prog rams . A va ri e ty of co nsultants ha ve been hired by the Na tional Office to serve in this cap ac ity




r ange



through specific areas of sports. Th e at h l eti c co nsultant 's main function wi ll be visit a t io n of many citi es a nd t o pe r f or m s port c lini cs relative to their p r ofes s ion or

s kills . Coordin a tion of a ll of these efforts wi ll be the responsibility of the Na tional Office ."

Geo rge Hery and I a r e the Gymna s t ic Cons ulta nts for t h e V ice P r e s ident 's St1ln -

DATES Jul y 9 -11 July 12-14 July 15 -16 July 17-18 July 19 July 20 -22 July 23 - 25 Ju ly 26 -28 Jul y 26-28 July 29-3 1 Aug . 1-2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4-7

CITY Baltimore, Mary land Phi ladelph ia, Pennsyll"unia Xe\vark, ::\'ew Jersey ::\Te,v Yo rk, Ne \v Yo rk

Bosto n , lIIassachu se tts

Ne,v Yo rk, Ne,v Yo rk

Cleveland, Ohio

Detro it, IVIi c hi gan

Chi cago, Illin ois

San Francisc , Cal ifornia Oak land, Ca li for nia San Franei~co , Ca li fornia Los Angeles, Cali fornia

"ACROBATICS" Sp ecialized Training


JOE PRICE co 1697 Broadway


Sports an d

ation f'mgrnill. He s uggested that I co ntact you in onl e r to get th e fo llo \\"in g" ope n lette r i n to the com in g issue of the MG . THE VICE PRESIDENT ' S SUMMER YOUTH SPORTS AN D RECREATION PROGRAM


Suite 302

New York City, N.Y . 10019


Supe r 8 film - in calor Complete winni ng rout ines plus the runn er-ups,




(2 4

fps). of the finest gymnasts in the countr y. No rentals. Men 's - 200 ft . __ __ ___ . ________ .... _$ 18 .00 Ppd. Women's - 200 ft . . _....... ___ . ___ $ 18.00 Ppd. FRANK ENDO 12200 So. Berendo Ave . Los Angeles, Calif. 90044

m e r Yo uth Sports and Recreation PrognUll. Our joh is to put on gymnas tic e xhihition' and clin ic s throughout t h e Cou ntry , In the disadvantaged a r eas o f th e in n e l'citie.s . Our rn a in goa l is to furth e r gylll-

nfl st ics and to h elp th e youth of o ur Co u n-

tr)'. It is for the above reason, that I a l.n a s king h e lp fronl a ll of o ur gymnast ic r eade r s. We need coaches and gynllHlsts to tene h denl o nstrate , and put o n gY lllna st ic e xh ibiti ons at the t arget c ity s ites .. If yo u are s ince r e ly interested in promotIng o ur

s port of gy mnas ti cs please co ntact . t h e Youth Coordinator in your c ity. B elow IS a li st of th e cit ies to be vis ited , th e pl'Opo sed dates o f th e tou r , the yo u t h Coordinator .fl nd hi s t ele phon e numbe r. A lso listed below i, a li s t of t h e team m e mbe r s of th e ~ulnnle r




Gymna s tic:


Jacob .so n, George l-I e l'Y . Swinl lnin g: Donna

d e Val'o na, C hri s Yon 5 1:1tz:1, Terri Stickles.

Jud o : Ken Santiago, B e n Ca mpb el l. F oo tba ll: R. C. Owe ns . Baseball : Don New c ombe, Larry Doby. Tra e k a nd Fi eld: , Vil li e May, John Thoma s , Ira Dans, I ra Murch ison, ' Villye 'Vhite, Ralph Boston , Edith Baguire. Basketball : 'Voddy Sa li ,bu r y. Past ex pe ri e nce h as d e mon stra ted that

gY lnnas tic s, because of the sw ift a~ld p os.itiye re.s u lts , is ideal fo r program Inp ut In

th e probt em a r eas of o ur c.ountry. H e r e

is yo ur o pportunity to nlak e a mean ingfu l

and pos iti ve contribution. Gymnasticall y yours, Mike J acob son Head Gymna st ic Coach Unive r s ity o f Lo,va

Gymnastic Consu ltant Vice Pres id e nt's Summ e r youth

Spo rts and Ree l'ent ion Progranl

Assoc. Ed: We understand·, too , that the . Nissen Corp or a tion is don a ting much of th e gymn as t ic equipment to be use d on the tour. Th e ir support of thI S t o ur IS a fine contribution t o the fitness program a nd to th e promotion of gymna s tics .

YOUT H COORDINATOR & PHONE NO. J oseph L . Sm ith 301/ 752 - 2000, EXT 393 Charl es Bowser,Esq. 215 / MU 6-9700 Lewis Perkin s, Jr. 201/ 643 - 6300 Barry Gotteh r e r 212/566 -5 347 Clarence J on es 617 / 623 - 5160 , EXT 43 8 Seymour Slavin Rev. Robert Potts David Sta hl Edward lIIoose Hugh Taylor

216 / 579 - 0030 313/962 - 8611 312/ 744 - 4000 415 / 558 - 5930 415 /3 73 - 3715

"VilJialll Fredericl<so n, Jr.

213/ 624-5211

Designed for Champions (and Safety, too) ,;

Providing a comprehensive athletic program for all students, plus championships for your school, 'requires .great coaching, plus top quality equipment. American builds gymnastic equipment to Olympic specifications . . . crafted for champ ions . .. with ' the exclusive margin of safety coaches and parents appreciate. Wire today for our catalog and details on our free gymnasium planning service. American Athletic Equipment Company, Jefferson, Iowa 50129

al !"-Il atlc 'l lll'lill i-! In dC':-, lrIl Y 11ll' :-; porl of Ir"IIII'"lillill ~ b l Iii " 11II1I·din·r l ItT iIni'llll' of Pllilill ~ it Oil il :-; OWIl '~ Il a\'illl!" fa il ed in rulill ~ " ul Iii" Iralll l'" lint ' in 1'!(,7 an' Ih ry now :-:t'\'k ill ~ Hnoliwr wav 10 aholi:-:.h it '~ Th ey 1110:,1 '('(' rlainl y a rc - ,'l wan' (If th e stlr-


ael s from COlll ill un COIl:'t'Il SlI S, v(' ~ I f' d int e- rf's t:" or w ith a lark (If kn"wl edge '? Wh y was th e

WHY? THE TRAMPOLINE! fh ./"hll IT'. Hillds, Jr .. Gr1lll/aslie Coach Sr. High S(·h~o/.· (; 0/1I111bIlS. IlIrI. \\"h (1 \'i' hy did the 1C:\ i\ Exe c uli l't·


the G ym na , ti (' Rul, ·, Ctlllllllille(' dirt'(,t Ctlll llllill('(' Itl "' 1 up an NCA A Trampoline C ha il lpion , hip '! Wh y did till' Gy mn as tic Rul ,,>' CO llllllill pl' vo l .. to ho ld th e NCA I\ Tra mpo lin e Champion , hip , at a diffe rt'nl lim e a nd pl at'(' Ihan tilt' Gymna,ti(' C h a m pi · tln>,hiw') Wh y did Ilw Rul e, Co mmilt ee ,'olt' Ihal Ihl' tramptllinc ('vp nl not b e ill H e~ itlnal or Co nfl'l"t'n ct' Gy mna , li c Cham pi· on ,. hip<) \X ' hy did th.. HuiP, CO llllnitt(,(, "01 " Ihat the trampoline s hould not Iw ('o nlt'ste d In dual gy mna s ti c nH'l' ts'? Why ~l' I H1ra l f> th l' trampolin e ·ev('nt fr om gym· na ~ ti c~ ?

Y es . Why ? Will th e NCAA Exec uti ve Committee or th e Gymnasti c Hul e, C ommit tee ever i!ive an e xplanati on fu r th e ir a cti on s? Or, is the gy mnas ti c com munit y ex pec ted to ad jus t to th e ir actions with out a n y e xp lanati on a s to Why? What e ffec t will th e ir ac ti on s ha ve upon A me ri ca n gy nllla, tic,? On e can only speculat e a s to th e an s we r to thi s las t ques tion. For th e pa s t several yea r s th er e h as b een mu c h cont rove rs y r e lati ve to th e trampolin e as a gy mnastic event. Ju s t la s t ye ar th e NCAA Ex ec uti ve Co mmitt ee rul es th a t it wou ld n o lon ger b e a gy mnas ti c event. Th ey droppe d it co mplete ly from coll ege gy m na s ti cs. Ba sica lly th e ir r easo nin g was r e port ed to be that it wa s an un safe eve nt and that th e athl e tic direc tors loo k ed upon it a s a n c xpe n , ive event in term s o f Sc h ola r s hips, trave l, e tc . for trampolini s ts or for a specia li s t. H oweve r, before th e 1967-68 seaso n b egan the trampoline a s an event was r ein s ta te d by the NCAA a nd was active ly co nt ested in all m ee ts during th e pa s t season. Why th en does the I CAA Ex ec utive Co mmittee n ow do another "abo ut ·face" and dire c t th e coll ege gymna s ti c co mmun· it y to es ta bli s h a se parate c hampi on s hip for tramp olin e'? It is obviou s that th ey are attempt in g to se parate the "a rt" o f Ira mpolinin g fr om gy mna s ti cs. But , are th ey



V('y .. "ndllt'll·d by Ill'. J)unn la,t Hl mmer in whi ch it wa!" sho wn that a major it y of th" c"I I""", cnac h es fa vore d Ih at th " tram · p"lin,' ('v'(' nt 1)(' 1<'11 in ~Y llln a' ti c". ]) 0 th" y ~Y IllJ1 as ti('

('fllllllluni l y

10 th"ir actinn ?


cOIl !-' ulled


Wh('l''' is th e jus lifi ca ti"n in th " ir d eeds? As>' umin", th at Ih .. Exe c ulivc Comm itt ee's a('tinn will'stand. the n wh y did th e NCAA Gym nas ti c Rul .. , Commi tt ee furth e r se par· a te th .. tram po lin e e v('nt from gy mna s ti cs by v oti n ~ no t to c on test thi , eve nt in du a l or c hampi onships m ee t'? S ure ly, nn s u ch an imporlanl m ow' a , thi s th ey cou ld have co n , ltll ed more of th e gy mnas ti c co mmunit y. T h ey kno w that Dr. Dunn's s urv ey s howe d th e w is h es o f th e co ll ege gy mnas tic ('oa c hes las t Slimm e r to be keep the tram !,alille. Wh y were th e hi gh school coach es o f ' our ('o untry n o t co nl ac ted ? iVlu ch is at s tah' for Ih e m when th e coll eges a lt e r th e S port of Gymna s ti cs. Will the s port o f trampo linin g s urvi ve as a ~... parate s port" It is doubtful , for w hat co ll ege can a ff o rd to field a trampo· lin e tea m. Al so , th e re are fe w e n oug h col· lege gy mna s ti c coac hes, le t al on e trampo lin e "oac hes, around our coun tr y In establi s h I" a m s. There is lillie dou ht but that s peclalors e njoy wat chin g boy s boun ce, ye t how "an a full fl edged du a l mee t he d evelo pe d 10 allract s pec lat o rs and hold th e ir int e r· e, t. W hat wou ld happe n to th e pole va ult as an eve nt if it we r e s udd e nl y dro ppe d fmm tra ck ancl es tabli sh ed as a se parat e s port? Or, for th at m a ttcr, I h e h uri zo nlal iIar ? Yes, it app ears as th ough the NCAA has fin a ll y d ea lt th e on l y Ameri can c on · trihution to i!Y lllnas ti cs, the tra mpolin e, a d(' a th blow . On e ca n only h ope th a t thi s i" not true , As for th e lon g range e ff ect the loss of Ih e trampolin e eve nt w ill h ave on college gymna sti cs. o ll e can only g uess . H oweve r, certain imnw diat e e ffects are inh er e nt in th e 10",. It wi ll sh ort e n th e tim e in vo lved in runninl! m ee ls and wil l a lso r e du ce th e cos t in o};taining pe rsonn e l for a gy mna sti c tea m. Coaches will h ave on e less eve nt to co ach. T h eo re t ica ll y m o re ~ pace in workou t area, wi ll be avai lable . A re th ese "a dvantages" worth it ? H ow will s pec tat ors re ac t when th ey n o lon ge r see th e trampoline e,'e n t at a gym nas tics meet ? Will Ih ey re o turn ? Fin a ll y and m or e imporl an t to m a n y gy mnas ti c e nthu s ia s ts a nd coach es is th e ult imat e e ffec t t h e loss of th e trampolin e in gy mn as ti c, on th e co ll ege leve l will h avl' on A m e ri can Gymna s t ics in th e va ri ou s high sc h ools of Ih e country. Again , one can onl y s pec ulat e a s to th e o ut co m e . H owevp r. again Ih e college co mmunit y has affronl e d hi g h sch ool coac h es throu ghout our co untry by not all ow inp: th e m to have a say in a maj or s te p in th e tota l gymna" ti c progra m. It is the s in ce r e con ce rn of thi s co a c h that th e hi l! h sc h oo l do n ot foll ow th e col· leges and drop th e trampolin e even t fr om gym nas tics. Furth er m ore , it is th e op ini on o f thi s coac h that if the hi g h sc hoo ls main· ta in th e trampolin e eve nt as a vigoro u s part o f th e ir gy mn a s ti c prog r a m in due tllne it w ill be r e in s tat ed as a part of th e co ll ege gy mna s ti c progra m. A t lea, t it is h o ped, s in ce thi s appea rs to b e the onl y alt e rnative to save th e trampolin e event as a n American co ntributi on to tlw S port of Gymnas ti cs,


Ge ntl em e n: I ,,"ould li k e

to comm e nt o n

th e poo r

Ill e t h od of th e sen ding o f yOU l' magazin e .


of thi s le tt e r. I h aye not y e t r ec-e i\" e d Illy i\Iay iss ue . I b eli eve that Y,our ,Illag'a zin e s h o uld be se nt o ut earli er III th e m onth .

An u th er ('o rnplaint i ~ th e la ck of content. SeYel'al years ago, In ay be 4 a i' 5, your Gy rnna st ::U aga zin e 'wa s fal1ta ~ ti (: ,

~I od e rn

h o \\" e \' e r th e quality ha s gr eat ly d ete ri o r-

ated, w hieh n 1n k e~ t h e ITIu (; h to o hi g h . I don ' t

sllb~ c rip tion

kn o w


r ate has

c han ged it s o mut.:h , but I hop e it ca n b e cor r ec ted . Thre e yen r s ngo 1 :-;pe nt h ours r ead ing- y our c urre nt a n d back i s~ u e!-)" Especially i nte r es ting w er e th e pa g'e.::-; 0 1

ph oto

se quences



diffe r e nt


pal'<.ltu ses, But now th e Inagnzlll e s come::; and I h a rdl y s p e nd fh'e minu te" thumb-

in g through it.

rrhank you very IlHI Ch f,or r ecH li ng' ill Y l e tter, I h op e it will h elp in llluldn g yo ur ll1agazin e ns popul a r as it lI sed t o be, Your ~ truly, Di a n e ]-farti llanse

North B e rge n', :-1 .. 1. ED: We h ope this edition giv es you hours of reading pleasure . F or a ll of you who would like to I' ea d some o f those f abu lous back MG editions, see MG inventory special a d in thi s issue, GtANT GYM PHOTOS Dear Gl e nn, "'h e n I r ec:e i\" ec1 t ill' ~I:ln: h l fiG i i:--:--ll(' (Jf .:\ I od e rll UYlllnast r wa~ p art i ('ula l'l y !"l l' lI{'k bv th e arli ~ ti (' h" o f th e ( ' II\'€, I' , ( Laiho d;,ing' hi g h s('i:--so r s S, H, ) In fa c t ] wa:-; :-;0 impres sed] could n't g-e t th e t h in g out flf ill Y Ill ind , ~ () l finnlly d e( ' id pc1 to d,: . sOIll E·th ing' ahout it. 1 '111 :-:uI'e you are awnr e o f t he pr (;' se nt fad t'o IH'e l'ning la r ge , mou ntah l e pil()tog'l'a ph s of 111 o \' i e ~ t a r ~ (Boga r t , J allles D ea n, etc . ) T th o u gh t that po ~s ihl~' th e !"tun e :-:Ol' t o f thing; could hE" cl onp with th e photo nl e ntioll ed ahO\·l'. I ~ t h e l'(' :--(1111«:' \\ .... } ~. T ('ould nht; tin l' ith e r ;1 ('UP" flf t h e origina l ph otr1g raph (('olltnini llg'" lith ng l'aphi l' <l o t:-;) o r it n eg;l th·e til' lh €' ~allle'? , . . I s hall b e loo l.;illf forwill'(l t(l h e;ll'inp; fl' OI11 you.


Sint.:ere ly,

Ba l'l"~ '

G, E o e p}, e I owa CYllln n stic A~ ~o(: i atifl n Ed: We have had many requests for l arge photos from the MG . . . We have found a n economicol sou,'ce fo r large photo blowup s of 2 by 3 feet (see ad thi s edi ti on) for ju st $4.50 . . , Therefore any M G reader who would l ike to h ave a big wall photo of himse l f in ac ti o n (or a ny MG photo th a t has ap pe a red in th e magazine, that we have a n eg a tive fa,,) just send us your neg (or photo request) along with check for $4.50 ( plus 5% tax for Calif. residents) and we will send you your photo blowup in a few days postpaid. Th is is another MG service to h e lp stimu late interest in o ur wonderfu l spor t . . . You can even have a gi a nt t eam picture made for your coach to put up in his office (a great gift for your coach, especially if you h ave· h a d a good t eam this year). WHY 1'11',





13 ru t.:e Fred erick

c / o :\loc1 e rn GY llln as t D e n r Bru ee : 1 fee l I Illu st )' e~ }l ()nd to


t.:Olllln e nts

ill yo ur artic le "Th e Comp let.e Book in ( :YIlIII, I:-; ti c-s" w hi ch app e ;l l'ec1 in t h e F eb l'llal'y b s ue of t h e Modern Gymn ast . r 1l1u st r es po nd beca u :-;e of illY be l ief in th e w o rth (I f gym na s tic s lI o t {lil l y f o r a f e w <: h;un piun p e rr onne r ~ but fur a ll buy s an d g'il'l s and for all young' men and '\·Olll e n . 1 he li e " e tha t gT ll lna:-;tics i:s to a ll spor ts what 1-::ng'li sh is t o a ll lea rlli ng· ( in Engli sh spea ldn g' cllu ntl'i l.:'s). ( :YlI l na:-:lIl'!-) i:-: basic. It i:-; al:-:CI an o utsta ndin g sport :1.n(l for tho!'5e of u s in \·o l.\' ed i n il , th e I;(-' st 011.e flf t h e nl a ll.

Th e ultimate ob jeet iYe of the s p ort of

gy rnna ~t i cs

i s not


w in


gold ,

f ive

s il ver , and three bronze m e dal s in th e Olympie Ga m es. It is to bring joy and sat isfac tion


ac hi evenlent



prog l' e~!'5 nlad e, in bring ing ilnpro \' ed


ph ys ica l

fitn ess,



n o tin g-

h e a l th


impro\" eci e m o ti·onal h ea lth through d eve l-

op in g :-;e lr cu nrid c n ce ill a:-; l arg"e ; 1 nlllllI)c r of p eo pl e as p ossihlc. Th e O I Ylllpic (;:II11 e!-5 Scl"\"e th e!-)c ell d:-;. Th e C;; lllleS aI"(' a p art of t h e 1l1 Can!-5 t o t h e en d. T' ll ey a r e n OL the end. " :-5Ol11e may f eel t h at we in gYII1 Il<:l s lic: :-; h a\'e ;Irrh'td as 1':11' a :-; llu lllh t' r :-; HI" participanl s arc conc e rn ed , Ar e n"t th e r e hllll dr e d ~ of p eo pl e at t h e c li llic~ in Sa ra ::;ota , Un i\" c r sity o f C;l lifo r nia, U ni versity o f "i\lassac hll setl:-;, and a t a Ilunlbe l' fl f ~ ,th e r :-;? j :-;n't th e r e c ity cOlll p e tition in ~ li a llli , C h h..:;lg"o , a nd ..:\" e w York'! Thi !:) i s n't g"uod e ll oug'h : I nteres t in t hi s sport :-:; h ou ld b e of su c h exte nt thal :It l ea s t two c lini ('s eac h yea r atte nd ed l)'y se\'e ral hUlldred are Il t!ces;-i<\ r y ill eac h o f t h e fifty s tat es" .E \"ery high sc h ou l and co ll ege s h ou l d ha\" e a {"Olll lh.: ti ti\" e g'y llllla :-;l i c l eanl f o r m e n and fo r \\".tJlllell, GYl11nas ti C:':i :':i h ou l tl be taug"ht in e \" e r y p h ysi<.;a l educati o n prog ram :lll d include d in e\"er y intl"anl11ra l pr ogT<lm . Th ere ::;hO llld be age g r o up com p e tition f o r b oys a nd g ir'ls as th er e is in ~ will1llling" , Bas k e tlJa ll is p layed everywh ere . ' V h y not gY IllIl;t:-;tics ': Acc,: Jl'ding' to th e Athlet i c 1n:s titul e SPOl" t ;o;co p e (\'01. X L, .:\"0. 1) th e n · Were iI to t a l of () \'e r :P/:! Illl i li o n p a rti c i pants ill Im,I"' Lba ll. C;Ylllllastic' had 100 ,I):lS partic ipants in J~G6 . \,Ohy n o t ::lh l }l illi o n paJ'lil-i p a llt s ill gY lllna :-:; ti cs'! To l11ak e e ffo r ts towa r d su c h n broac1l "\' ba sed progTanl wou l d o}J \" iou::; ly b e \" e l'.)" 't r e nuuus f or th e r el at h' el y f e w "'ith th e n ~l.:e~sal' Y l(nowi edge a nd skill in g ~'m­ n ast i cs. Our h undred or f e w er top flI g ht gYlllnast~ cou ld n o t b e g i \' e n th e un di\'id ed auen tion o f O lll' top f l ig h t coac h es b eca u se th ese co ache s would b e busy h e lpillg 111any tho u sands or p e rh aps a llli ll ion c hildre n. O ur s t a ndi ng in t h e O l ym pi c C;U1l1e::; ln i g ht d r op fr o ln se\"e nth to eig hth pla ce during o n e O IY lllpic p e ri o d but we wou ld t h en come up to domin ate an d w o ul d c..:o ntinu e t o d Olll ina te s i mp l y because t h e b r oa d e r t h e base o f a pyrami d Lh e hi ghe r i t can b e built. 1 kn ow 1'1'0111 fru s trat ing p er so na l e xp eri en ces that th e r e a r e n eith e r eno u g h t eams nor eno ugh gymn asts aro un d. Twenty yea r s ago I s tart ed a gY ln nu::; ti c tea ln n t Duke Un iv er sity . GYlnna:-:;t i c!::i was not g"i \' ell "arsity s Latus (and p robably ri g htly , al thoug'h 1 W(l!:) so nlad I r esign ed) because t h e nea r es t conlpet i to r s w e r e o\"p r 300 Inil e!:) away (Da\'e Fi e l d's Unh' e n ; ity of Maryland t eam and L y l e vV c l,er 's Georg ia T ec h t ea m) . At Co rt l a nd Sta t e T eae h ers C'u ll ege in th e l ate fifti es n one of the h oys on illY g'Y ll1 nast i c t ea ln h ad had previous ex p e ri e nce, Vv e want ed t o com p e te - in addition to spr ea ding the gosp e l thro u g h d e ll1on::-:trations and ex h i b i tions. Sy r acuse L; nh'er si ty wa!:) the onl y s<.:hoo l r easnnalJ l y n ea r. T h ey macl e u , 100 1< fooli sh - an d e, p ec ially to Lh e sophl1lori (; fa c ulty a nd ::it udents at Cortl a nd wh o want ed so much to id en tif y thenl:-:; e l ve!:) \ v it h "giant kill e r ~ . " O h , h uw we di sa ppo i nted th o:-:;e a nn cha ir "tigers"! i\l y sons Jilll111Y an d Tiln w ere cl u i ng ful l twi stin g a l Lern ates, do u ble full t\\"istt:'r~ in t l llllb li ng. back l e\"e r :--, hand:->ta nd s, di s l oca t es, and inl oeate::; on t h e s lill rin g"s; planch es . valtl ez, e tc., in fl oo r (;:xerc i se \\'hen th ey were !J an d 10 yea r s o ld and In e m lJer s o f t h e ~li ss i:-; s ippi TUln IJI ing T ot, and T ee n s. When w e came to ~U) IT ::i, Connect i c ut , th ey w e r e r egard ed ;IS " od d balls" u r "boys 1'1'uln ~Lal' s" by th eir p eers a L K O. ::;m i Lh J lig h ::;e h ool IJ ec<..l u se nu u n e did gy mna s ti cs. a nyull e e , 'e r ta lli ed up th ,' numh er of high sc h oo l s wh i ch do n ot ha \"e gym Jla!-jti(; t eanls'! Out of abo u t 10 co l l eg"es in Co nn ee ticu t on l y o n e has a c..:om p e titi \"e t eanl! \ 'V e must e:-;ta blish gymnas t i c progTanls in a gT ea t e r jlurnb er of h i gh sc..: h oo l s, Y,l\!. and Y .\V.C,A. '!:), co ll eges, and uni\" e r s i t i e:-;, T u do thi s we lll U::-;t s timulat e g r eater public a pPl'ec i ation of alld i nteres t i n OU I' sp or t. Ther e are 111a n y wa ys t o do t h i~ lde\'ising- oi Il lee t:-;, sp eeding' up of m eet:-;. educat i ng as t o \'alu es , ge tting Ilc\\-Spape l ' space, e t c. O n e o f th e m :))'e e fi ee tiv e Ill e thud !j, at l ea Ht on the l ocal I E' \"e l , i:-; through an e xhibitiun a n d demun:-;t r at i o ll gTUUIJ. It t akes Heve r a l y ean.; to cl e\'t' l o p - frulll "s(;ratch " - a g r oup \\'ith a l e \'el of ~kill in the cOlll p e titi\' c g' Ylllna st i c~ e y ents s uff ici en t to a tt r a<.: t sp ec ta tors to <l g"YlllI1H!j t i e tlCIlH)Il ::i ll'Lll i": lIl. If th ey \\"{JJl'l <':,: llll e h l)\\' call yuu de\' el o !> I ht'il' interL':"">t alld su ppu r t'? l ) uring th e finH Yt.:a r :-; o f a ne\\" gY IllIl HS ti C!':i dub wh il e IlH.! llllJ er:-; are tryillg t o d eve lop publi c :'"i UpJ)fl l'l , l adder balancing', pyralllid IJuil d ing- , JlI;I~S \"(tUlli ng, ~ing' l e!j , d o ulJl eH and tripl e!:) bala n c in g (wh i c h are r e lati\'el y ea s y to l eaI'll) call enalJle the gT OU p t u pre=--ellt <I ll i nt~rest i ng' d e monst r ation and th e r ehy e lidt SUPPOI't" Th ese a<..:tiyities ca n "car r y" t h e hudd i ng" c() lllpe titi\"e gYllinaH t s whill.: they a r e d e \"e l(Jp ing- th e ir sk ill !:) t o a point wh e r e th ey are inle r es tin g e noug'h that p eo pl e wi ll e:Oln e tv see t h e ln p erfunn . But a s id e from thi s , th e I..'x h ibiti on Hn d


UL:II llJll s tratioll a c ti v iti es l"l:l a te d t il g" ~ ' 111n <.u-; ti c:-; h :t\'e illh e r e nt \';tltll ':-; , Sillg"l t,:-; , alld U "i pl es Int};III("illg' tl~ '\ " l' IHp u ()uu l es strellgt h. iJal a IH.:e, fl exi l)ility. :111 11 =--t.: IfcUli f idellcl: and. a n .: sa ti s f y ill g" a l ill t.: lljuy;t1,1 l:, Th e bi "~' - IJ fJ ll e d SU"O l lg 1)11,\" 1I \:ly lIul b eco lll e a t:iHlIllpion g Yllllla st but h e ("a ll lJ(::c onH.! a gouu ulld e r st :llltiel". A ll ('<I ll !"l ' e:ei\"e t h(:: pl audit::; o( th e c r owd ill ladd er balallcillg alld p yra mid building', (;Y II1n<L s ti c::; h as a h eart uig e nou g h l o i ll v itt , a l l. I t's nut a s lI o b! Exhiuition and u e llllJll sl rati o n ':"';TOIlP=-can IH'(Jv id.e a. IH ost wo r thwhi l e ed u(;;ltioll;1I expe ri e ll ce (,o r b Ol h p a rti c i p allt:.; alld =-- Pt.:c..:tat o!"!s when th ey a r e well dirc ct ed" Thi s Je tt e l' tu rn t: d (J u t Lu u e rat h e r 10 1l g' b u t th e p{J i nts I' ve m ade, 1 b e li e \"e ;Ire iI n p o rt an L h "inu e:-; t r eg"ards, !:i in (;erely, Dr . J am es A. Ba l ey , A:-;::;uc i ate IJl'ufesso r of I Jh y:::;il"a l Educat i o ll U ni vel'::5 i ty of COll n ec..: licut SUJlT:::i, Co nn, 06 -t ~7 ED : We h o p e m a ny of our M G reade r s h ave t a k e n th e t ime t o re a d D r. B a ley ' s l ett ers and hi s fo rmu l a f o r star t ing a p ro gr a m in gymna sti cs through exh ibit io n gro ups a nd de m ons t r a t io n s . . . for fur~ th er info rm a tion and progra m id eas writ e di"e c tl y to Dr . B a l ey a t the Univ ers ity o f Connecticu t .





WANTED : Anyo ne wi th experience in work with h and apporat us or any aspect o f MODERN GYMN A STICS please co ntact: M rs. Ker stin H . Edgar, 1709 Ru by Dri v e, Co lorado Spring , Colorad o 80907. USED PARA LLEL BARS $90.00 (Meda r t) Good condition" W ri t e or call; Leonard Ojena , 16829 Index , Gr onado Hil ls, Ca lif . 9 1344. 363 -9 245. PARTNER WANTED : Girl partner wan t ed f o r tan dem Surfboard competition . Sh ould have and acrobatic o r adagi o exper ience and must weigh less than 105 pounds. Wri t e: MG Billboard Dept. # 5, Box 777, Sonta Mon ica, Ca l if. 90406. swimm ing


eac h

2 x 3 f oot enlarge m ent Send us a n egati ve of YO U R fa vo r i te ph o t o ko lor o r b lock and w hi te ) We' ll make yo u an MG G I AN T 2 x 3 f oot en largeme nt.

SECOND ANNUAL GYMNASTIC SEM INAR SEM INAR I Sun,. Aug . I I , 5 pm to Fri ., Aug. 16, 4 pm SEMIN AR I I Sun ., Aug . 18, 5 pm to Fri., Aug. 23, 4 pm SEMINAR II I Su n ., Aug . 25 , 5 pm t o Fr i., Aug . 30 , 4 pm at the Tait McKenzi e Physical Education and Rec re ation Ce ntre York Uni vers ity, Dept . Ph ysi cal Education 4700 Keele St., Down sv iew, Toronto, Ont. For Inform at ion phone 635-2347 INSTRUCTORS: Mr. Tom Zi v ic, Graduate Pr o f essor o f Ph ysica l Culture, Republ ic of Yugoslavia M r, Boris Bo j in, Pro f essor National School o f Ph ys ical Edu cotion, Belgrade Women ' s Nati on a l Coa ch , Y ugoslavi a WHO IS ELI GI BLE : GYMNASTS: M en : 12- 20 years inclus ive as o f August I, 1968. Women: 12-18 yea r s inclusive as of August 1, 1968, Max imum numbe r per Seminar: 50 men , 50 wom en . COACHE S: Men - Women: Schoo l, Uni v ersity or Club Coaches, Maximum number per semina r: 20 men, 20 wom en. COURS E D ESCRIPTION: I . THREE ONE W EEK SEM IN ARS: Due t o lost y ear ' s large resp on se students and coa ch es wi II be perm itted to register f or ON E SE SS ION ON LY. A second sess ion wi l l b e permitted if t here a r e any vacancies.


The Modern Gymnast and Mademoiselle Gymnast The Modern Gymnast in ove r ten years of publi cation has proven ot be the out· stan ding journal in gym nast ics In th e Engl ish language. Each issue con tains up·to·date arti cles dealing wi th import· ant issues, progressive techniques and research. The M.G. lets you know what's goin g on in gymnas ti cs and has an impressive internationa l circu latio n and cove rag e. Teac hers in sixty foreign countries have been regul ar subscribers to the M.G. Rec ently, Th e Modern Gymnast has bec ome th e vo ice of th e United States Gymnastic Federation which for the pas t fi ve yea rs has bee n grow ing and through its membersh ip has supplied key leadership in gymnast ics at all levels in th e United States and abroa d. Mademoiselle Gymnast is new and feminine . The em phasis for Mlle . wi ll co ntinue to be publi shed materials which are pr epared for th e schoo l physical educator. All aspec ts of the femi nine program are consi dered an d inclu de modern rh ythmi c gymnastics (ball s, ro.pes , hoops, etc .), apparatus progressions, tra nslated forei gn materials an d other important regul ar features and editorials. The Modern Gymnast (10 iss ues per yea r) 1 Year $5.00 ; 2 Years $9.00, 3 Years $12.00. P.O. Box 611 , Santa Monica, Cal if. 90406 . Mademoiselle Gymnast (5 issues per Year) 1 Ye ar $3.00 ; 2 Years $5.00 . P.O. Bo x 777, Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 .

Fo r e ach pr int, send $4 .50 ch eck o r mon ey o r der . Your n egat i v e an d e nlargeme nt wil l be sen t to yo u p os t paid . O r der fr o m: MG G I AN T


Box 777 Sa nto M o nica , Ca li f. 90406 Ca li fornia reside nts add 5 % sa l es ta x

2. Gymnasts will be ev . . . ,uated ob jectivel y by the i nst ruct or s, using v ideo tope r ep la y methods pr ior to the fi rst day o f cla sses , Each gymnast will be in a group w it h o th er s of simila r a bility, 3. COACHES: Will r ece ive theo ry as well as practical sess ions, The curriculum is designed primarily fo r the H ig h School, Agenc y and Cl ub Coach. Theor y lectures and discu ssions during the m orn ing will be f oll owed by p r act ical app licotion in the aftern oon. FE ES: $30.00 per seminar ACCOMMODAT ION: $3.00 per day-a limited numbe r o f residence rooms are available at the uni ve rsity. FOOD: A cafeteria is a v aila ble f or meals app roxi mot e cost: 53 .00 per day. NO T E: No wee ke nd acc o mmodation is

available, gymnasts and coach es must arri ve on Sunda y a nd deport b y Friday P.M. MED ICAL: All gymnasts are required to have a medica l chec kup p r ior to attending the Sem i na r, Medical certi f icates must accom-

pan y the appl ica ti on f o rm. FACILI TI ES: York U niv ersity offer s excellent facili tie s. Two g ymnasiums capable of handl ing over 100 gymnasts . A 25 meter swimming p oo l, tennis and squash courts as well as pla ying fields ore available f or re creati onal use,


(Con ti nued f rom page 4 1) Meet Director Art Shurl oc k ) kept the audi en ce on their t oe s. With this starting p o int , it was n o t diffi cult to inspire th e compet ing gym-

nasts. T oby cleanest

T owson fl oor -ex

perfo rmed th e I have

ro utine

ever seen . I counted but three o ne tenth deducti o ns and so c ann ot dispute th e judges' score. Sid Freudenstein ,



o ther

hand ,

wa s

not about t o let Towson o ff easily , as was e v idenced by his performonce. On side h o rse, Dennis Ramsey, simpl y ha d t oo mu c h co ncentrated difficulty, and t oo f ew mistakes to sco re below 9 .6 . Ni ssinen performed flank - in , immediate m oor e and loter a moore immediate stocklj down (t ra vell ing ru ss ian moore ), but locked a suffici entl y difficult dismount. H oskin 's dismount (0 one and on-holf twi st ) was t oo difficult f o r his own

good, as h e split hi s l egs and barely pulled it around. The rings performers were well above aver age. There were two locked arm shoots to handstand (Ch aplan and Rochell ), a beaut iful shoot t o inve rted cr oss (Sa k odo ). abou t 5 cross pull-o uts (two apiece by Sakoda and Wolden). a bock kip to planche (Chaplan), with the dis mounts evenl y splits between d oub le fl yaways and full twist s, and two Azar yans (bo th by Rochell of Stanford). Lo ng horse, for a change, wa s made an exciting event. This wa s accomp l ished by all owing th e g y mnast ta see t he score fo r his fir st vault be fo r e deciding whether t o attempt a second. This brough t crowd attention into the act with cr ies o f " J ump, Jump" and " Do it," etc. Lorry Bassist (U CLA ) encountered diff iculties with th e beat board sliding into the horse when h e j u mped on it . He set a new re cord fo r the Classic with f our vau lts a ttempted. Pa ra lle l bars was hi ghl ighted, f or once, by d ivers ity of dismounts; fro nt-offs and back-offs (with and without tw ists) were perfor med. Mos t notable, however , was Ni ssinen ' s d ouble bock somie di sm ount. Grigsby's rapid rattl e peach t o handstand and Don Connell y's unique tech nique on stutz-near handst and, immediate back ov erbar were also memorable. High bar was a close bottle between Kanati A llen (who made fewer mistakes) and Sid Freudenstein (who performed the h ighest double bock in this reporter 's memory; when he opened up, he was still two feet a bove the ba r !) T his competition will be on e o f those which will be hotl y argued fo r sometime to come - Freuden stein or A ll en? At the finale, T oby (Perfect ) T owson was awarded the outs tan ding individual perf o rmance o f the meet award while Mauna Niss inen well deserved the outstanding athlete of the meet award. As he turned to the audience t o acknowledge their app lause, Nissinen, the last word i n class, climaxed a meet which, itself, will be lon g remembe red by all. Results FX : Toby T owson (MSU) 9.70 , Freudenste in (Co l) 9 .65 , Darryl DePue (S FV) 9 . 15. SH : Dennis Ramsey (BYU) 9.6, Mauno Nissinen (Was h ) 9.25, Gory H oskins (CSLA ) 9.15. R: Mickey Chaplo n (UCLA ) 9.4, Ken Sakoda (UC LA ) 9.35 , Chuck Wolden (SFV ) 9.30. LH : Ti e between Bruce Coulter (CSLA ) and T owson 9.45, Richard Grigsby (CFV ) 9.4 . PB: Tie between Nissinen and Grigsby 9.4, Don Connell y (USC ) 9.2. HB: Kanati Allen (UCLA ) 9.55, Freudenstein 9 .50, Nissinen


Outstanding Athl et e of the M ee t :

Mauna Nissinen. Outstand i ng Indiv idual

Pe rformanc e af th e Meet : T oby Towson. Winning Ro utin es FX: Tab y To wson: Handspring , pike front, handspring ; f orward roll straddling thr ough t o a press t o handstand, half pirouette, pike down to stand; RO , FF, whipback , bock with step out t o bock walkover; straddle down to straddle support, press bock t o handstand , '14 p irouette , step down; RO, half-


twisting flip-fl op , fr ont handsp ring step out , 3,4 piroue tte to handstand, forward ro ll , b ock flipfl op, splits, swing rear leg ar o und , pike t o a sta nd, RO , FF , Full. Fr eud e n st e in: Straddle j u III P , fr on t ; RO, FF , Full twi st, FF , . jackknife t oe t ouch , chest ro ll , toe rise; headspring, RO, FF, pik e a rabian, fall and turn 10 sp lits ; st iff-stiff press, fr ont ro ll, bock handspring ; fr o nt handpsri ng , fr ont, headspring , swedish fall ; leg circle , stand, RO, FF, La yout bock, punch f ront. SH: De nnis Rams ey : Back Moore , immediate tr o mlet, loops on the pommel, immediate flank o ut , loop, immediate shurl o ck in, 3 fr o nt scissors , 2 bock scisso rs, st ockli down, Schaklln, walkaround, r us sian dismount. R: Mickey Chaplan: Disl oca t e locked arm shoo t to handsta nd (ho ld). Chapla n drop, bock kip t o p lanche (hol d ). loy bock fr ont r ise " L" (hold), h ollowback press t o handstand (h old ). lower t o inverted cross (hold). lower through planche to bock lever and pull to iron cross (hold), layback , dislocate, fu ll twisting flyawa y. K en Sakoda : Disl o cate shoot to inverted cross (hold). layback giant to handsta nd (ho ld), lower th r ou!'lh planche to bock lever and pull thr ough cros s t o suppor t and lower to fr ont lever (ho ld ). pul l t o cross (ho ld) pu ll out to " L" (hold ), ho llowback press, roll to bock lever (ho ld ), disengage, d islocate, f ul l twist. LH : Bruc e Coulter: Giant pike handspring. Toby To wson : Handspring . PB : Richard Grigsby: Peach hand, back ove r ba r , stutz, cast support, sw in ging pirouette to handstand, drop away , peach, f ront uprise, moore, L , stiff-stiff press to handstand, bock with half o ff. Mauno Nissin e n: Cast up, str addle cut t o L, press to hand stand, backward somersault, stutz . . . cost straddle cut and swing t o h a n dsta nd, doub le some rsault off. HB : Kanati Allen : Cost, immedia t e st oop , dislocate giant, in locate giants, dislocate, hop pirouette , stalder, one to vault catch, swing ha lf tu rn , k ip, pi rouette , p ike f lyaway. Sid Fr eudenste in : Jam to eag les, hop o ut, st oop, takemoto, v ault catch, back kip, german giant, disengage with half twist, stra ig h t arm kip , pirouette, double f lyaway.

1968 WISCONSIN OPEN GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Brookfi eld, Wisconsin February 17, 1968 By Jam es G. Blan ey The 1968 Wisconsin Open Gymnastic Champi onships held Feb r uary 17, 1968 at Brookfield, W isconsin we re a great success. Over 500 gymnasts partic ipated. Sixtyf ive teams were enrered. Senior Div ision Men' s team winners were the Cedar Rapids Gym Club; Sr. Women ' s team: Eiche Turners. J r . Di visio n men : Milwaukee Turners; Women: Engstrom Gy m Club. Novice Division Boys : Milwaukee Swiss Turners· Gi rl s: Milwaukee Swiss Turners : Wisc onsin High School Div ision: Milwaukee tJay View H.S. The 1969 Wisconsin Open will be h eld February 15, 1969, at Brookfield East H .S., Brookfield, Wisconsin. Men ' s Se nior Di v ision : AA : Fred Roe th llsbe rger, Bob Hennecke, Jim Long. FX : Roethlisber ger, Wally Kann, Hennecke. LH : Hennecke , Roe thlisberger, Long . Tr : Dennis Harian, Lawrence Olson, Kann. SH : Lorr y Scull y , Jerry Fontana, Roethl isberger. R : Ro ethl isberger, Hennecke, Dav id Lantry. PB : i{oethlisberger, Hennecke, Don Wo llschlage r. HB : Roethlisberger, Hennecke, Long. Men' s Jr. Divisi o n : AA : Bill Mohaupt, Mike T odd , Helmut Hartle. FX : Hartle , Mohoupt, Don Schindhelm . R: Lorry Cillo, Martin Sa vas ta, Mohaupt. PB : Savasta, Hartle, Mohaupt. SH : Tod d, Louis Boryc, Mohaupt. Tr: Mike Coughlin , Steve Sul t on, Howard Karash. HB : Mohaupt, Savasta, Todd. LH : Paul Walder, Mo-

houpt, John Wamser. M en ' s High Schoo l Division : AA : Ho ffer (Bayview ), Don Jennos (Marshall), T o m Li ndner , (B rown Deer ). FX : Dic k Airis, P. Zini, Dick Weige l. LH: Jerr y Konieck, Dove Quinlan, Ho ffer. R: Wally Borchart, J . Lecher , Keith Fuerst. PB : Lindner, Steve Pri ce, Jannas. SH : B. Bugal ski, Bob Tolman, Da ve Schani. H B: Ru ss Fo rest, Lindner, D. Weigert. Tu : Airi s, Greg Lo ngrie, Pflughoe ft. Wom en ' s Se nior Division: AA : Cindy Hall , Mad,e Wetherell, Barbaro Tr: Nancy Smi th , Vicki Bo linger, Ranae Keuppel.. FX : Dionne Grayson, Bauer, Eva Farkas. BB : Janet · Ingram, Wetherell, Blythe Bauer. SHV : Hall, Grayson, Bauer. UPB : Welherel l, Bauer, Ingram. Wom en ' s Junior Divisio n : AA : Cath y Dennison, Diona Sepke, Nancy Word . UPB : Denn ison, Sepke, Am y Isett. FX : Word, Ise tt, Denniso n . SHV : Pam Ch illa , Diane Bondi, Dennison . 8 : Denniso n, Sepke, Ward. Tr: Debb i Reitsch, Diona Honey , To n i Shellenberger .

1968 WISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS W ,S,U ., La Crosse By James Howard, Gym . Coach The meet was he ld March 15 a nd 16 at La Crosse. All nine sto le university campuses were rep re sented by complete team s. La Crosse won the meet f o r the fifth str aight year and di spla yed over whe l ming strength in the indi v idual events. Richard Zaleski, o f La Crosse, won fou r events, 'AA, H B, PB, and R. Zaleski wa s later voted the Conference' s Most Va lu able Gymnast . Hig h lights of the meet were La Crosse ' s 1-2-3-4-5 fini sh on the para ll el bars and their 1-2 -3 fini sh o n the h o r izontal b ar. Winning the Conference Meet copp ed a perfe"t I 0-0 season f or the La Crosse gymnasts.

STATE H IGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS In th e post two years, the Mode rn Gymnast has co mpil ed a ll state champi onship results in to one issue, featuri ng th e t o p perf o rmer s and te ams across the country . I n 1966 there we re 14 states repre sented and in 1967 the re were 15 states r epresented. To date in 1968, we hav e recei v ed champi o nsh ip results from 16 states . A li sting of states which have prev iousl y sen t us their results is shown beJaw with an aster isk denoting the ones which hav e sent us their 1968 re sults . I f your state is not represented, plea se ha ve t he meet directo r send us a summary o f the resu lts and meet h ighlights al on g w ith any action photos o f the wi nners in the different events. Rev iews can also be accepted from newsp aper cli pp i ngs as we ll as f irst-hand a cco unts. Ou r deadline f o r final receipt o f thi s info r mat ion is Aug 10 f o r appearance in the com b ined August - September edi t ion. Please fo ll ow the f ormat shown be low in announcing your results. Ve rm on t * Boys Girl s' New York Sectio n V' Sect ion XI St ate Resu lts' Eastern States Pennsylv a nia Girl s Boys' Philade lphia Flo rid a Go ld Coast' Greater M iami** Ken tu cky I nd iana* Ill inois' W iscons in Ka nsas* New Mex ico Boys' Girl s' W a shi ngt on ' Oregon Boys' Girl s' Cal if orn ia Fo r Nort hern Cal if. Ch.· N o r t hern I nvt I. D ivis ion Qua lifie rs

elF ' Los A nge les Cit y - Boys' LA C ity - Gir ls Color ado Te x a s Okla h om a Virgini a Ohio * * Mi n nesota* * Connecticut * * New J e rs ey* * Maine** * Previously listed, recei ved



N ew r esults for 1968







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