Gymnast Magazine - March 1974

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MARCH / 1974 / $1.00

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume XVI/Number 3/ March 1974 5 7 8 9 10 12 16 18 19 20


22 24 26 27 28 30 32 35 41 46 46

NOTES FROM THE PUBLISHER, Glenn Sundby F.I.G. BULLETIN, Frank Cumiskey IN MEMORIUM GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Swing ••• The Essence of Gymnastics, A.B. Frederick ON THE BEAM, Bar bara Thatcher FIRST 1974 ELITE QUALIFICATION MEET, Barbara Thatcher SIXTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN MODERN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS, Diane Spilthoorn MODERN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COMMITTEE, Annelis Hoyman GUEST EDITORIAL: Simplification... Not Further Complication ••• Please!, Lyle Wesler PSYCHOLOGY AND COACHING, Dr. Joe Massimo INSTRUCTION: The Full Twisting Dive Roll, Brian Bozick INSTRUCTION: Let's Twist Again Like We Did Last Summer or A Trampolinist Looks At A Full Twisting Back Flip, Stormy Eaton RESEARCH: Flexibility Programs, H .J. Biesterfeldt, Jr . CENTERFOLD: Cross Hatch Gymnastic Art, Dan Cragg NEWS 'N NOTES, Renee Hendershott PASS THE DGWS TESn or INSTANT INSANITY, INSTRUCTION: Let's Take A Spin ••• Part II, Renee Hendershott CLUB CORNER: Olympiad Gym Club, Mannettes, Ken Friedman BOOK REVIEW: Olga, Minot Simons II ASSORTED MEET RESULTS GYMNAST INDEX for 1973, A.B. Frederick LISTING OF THE USA'S TOP ALL AROUND GYMNASTS, Jerry Wright (Weekly Gymnast) CALENDAR

Cover: Debbie fik e. All Around Winner, First 1974 Elite Qualification Meet, Ca l State Fullerton. Photo by Richard Kenney GYMNAST molg.uine is published by Sundby Public.ttions. 410 BrooldwolY, S.nlil Monin, Col, 90401. Second Cl.1u Post.ige pilid ill Solnt. Monicil, C.l. Published monthly ellcept bi-monthly June, July. AUlust olnd

September. Prke $1.00 • single copy. Subscription correspondence, GYMNAST· P.O. Box 110, Sintil Monk., C •. 90406. Copyright 1974t:l ;all rights reserved by SUNDY PUBUCATIONS, 41 0 SroildwilY, Sin •• Montc.t, C •. All Photos .a nd molnukripls submitted become the property of GYMNAST unless return requnt .and suffkienl postoJge .re included.

GYMNAST Mar. '74

FROM THE PUBLISH.: GYMNAST BUILDING: ~or our reaJ e r ~ who hd ve oll ly known us a~ a P o~t Uffice box we thought we woulJ runthe above photo ~ ho wing off our n ew GYMNAST ~uilJillg sig n that domlnate ~ OUI iJubli~hing h eadqudrters a ll ~roaJway Just olf 4th)1. (In beautiful Jonwtown Sa llt a MO lli ca). ltln ay not be a ·· ·llm e & Lile ' · builJing, but it is a long WdY froln our kitchen tab le headquarters used to get out th e first MG ed it ions back III 1~5b 'I ... Yes we ~ till get behinJ, as we hdve ~ in ce the beginning, but we Me still going dllJ wi ll keeiJ gOing. Just w h en we get one iJroblem solveJ we iJick uiJ d couple more. We ha ve haJ trouble w ith our iJl-illt er getting the magazine out o n time ... anJ just ,I> R.ich Kenney was getting us all ca u ght UiJ , he received a uetter jou offer h e didnt leel he cou lJ turn JOWl! (If thi s eJ itioll is n ot quite as pretty a~ the pa~t ~ix month s beJatient as ye ·01· iJuulisher went back to th e Jrawillg uoar to get it oUI). fOR THE MEN: hom the looks of things the gill> see lll to have tdken over the Illdga z in e Idt e ly, eSiJec i,dl y this edit ion ... but thi~ i ~ the materidl we had 0 11 hdllJ to work w ith ... Howe ve r our Jdy is com ill g UiJ w ith the NCAA C h amp l olls hliJ ~ dnd man y other ~iJecial> ... Plus we h ave lin ed UiJ an imiJre~~ive dlTdY of e nthu siast ic , siJecid l In struction a l eJ it or~ for coming eJ itions of GYMNAST. Here-s a qUick iJreview - with more iJe rsolldl Jdte to co me ill later edi tio n>. ~or AA: Bill Ballester - U of Uregon ; FX: Paul Ziert - U of Ukiahollld ; PH: James Hesson - U 01 Neuraskd; R: Ed Isabelle - Penn )tdte; LH: Jim Turpin - Sdll Jose; PB: Bill Roetzheim - U 01 III . (C hi cago Circle); HB: Bill Holmes Mankato )tate (Minne~otJ). Plus Joe Sweeney 01 San Jo se ha s offered to tdke over a~ our Jr . Gymnast editor iJroviJing helplul hlnt~, iJhotm dnJ instruction for the young boys in gymnastics. 1 hey ha ve a li olfereJ their se rvices to h e liJ yo u the GYMNAST reader. .. So il you want siJecial h e liJ in allY even t or ha ve an in struc tion a l artic le or iJ ea you feel belongs III GyMNAST .. .. ju~t preiJare to w rit e to olle of our n ew instructional ed itors so he call c h eck out your iJroul em or inpro ve their instructional sec tioll with your ass ista n ce . We are ~or r y to reiJort th e passing of th ree gymllastic friends in thiS edition of GYMNAST. Our deeiJest regrets dnd sympdth l e~ to the families and friends of Jack Bonham, Victor Ziniewicz and Gary Morava. Publisher: Glenn Sundby Associate Editors: Dick Criley and Renee Hendershott Research Editor: H.J. Biesterfeldt, Jr . Education Editor: A.B. Frederick Circulation Manager: Minot Simon s II Staff Writer: I:l arbara Thatcher Contributors: I:lrian Bozick, Dan Cragg, Frank Cum iskey, Stormy Eaton, Ken ~ri e dmJn , Ann e li s Hoymdn , [Jr. Joe Mdss imo, [Jiane )pilthoorn, Lyle Wes ler Photographers: Kichard Kenney dnd Johnn y Kdce 5


GF 1974

Who's Who in Gymnastics:


Thi s limited edition of very attractive hardcover publication li sting most of America 's gymnasts of days gone by and present da y. Also includes some Int ernationa l Official s, and is a collectors Item.. ri ght now. Hard cover, 94 pages. Bri ef re view of career, ach ievements, current add ress and occupation included. The perfect addit ion to your school lib rary or your personal library. $5.00 (limited number ava il able).

"A NEW ITEM" For Gymnasts and Teams: Trave l is always a probl em.. and one of tho se minor problem s that ca n become seriou s is th e loss of luggage or th e identifi ca tion of lu ggage. So the USGF came up w ith LUGG A GE TAGS. Red , w hite and Blue, with UN ITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION on one side, our trademark on the other and beneath that trademark, a pl ace for name, address and home to wn, and it can be written on that area w ith ball point , ink ., marke rs... and it w ill not rub off. Complete w ith small leat her strap to be bu ckled on to yo ur luggage. Help adverti se gymnastics a"d al so protect your luggage and identify your teams luggage at a glan ce in the busiest of airports. Two Tags.. for $3.00. Discounts on one dozen or more.

" A History of the Development of the US Gymnastics Federation." Written by Richard Laptad This accurate re view of the ye ars prior to the formation of the USGF and th e eventual meetings which bro ught it into existence, then the yea rs of struggl e that follo wed, is available in hard cove r and should be a part of every school library. M r. Laptad researched the fil es of vi rtuall y every nation al assoc iation and int erviewed lead ers of th e sport fo r a period of two . years prior to bringing thi s comp lete hi storica l review into print. Ord er for yo ur perso nal or school library: 135 pages. Hard- cove r. $5. 00 per copy.

USGF Patch Incentive Award

U.S.G.F. Judging Guide and Course : Cumiskey, Frank J. 1973. Thi s excellent publication co ntain s the information need ed to train and d eve lop competent officials for the sport of gymn ast ics. For men, this complete co urse in itself, talks in technical terms whe n called for and gives thorough explanations w hen needed . Exerciselarealso included in diagram form, w ith the re ader bein g called upon to st ud y routin es, th en make an evaluation for sco rin g purp oses, and then critique the score given. A mu st for every gymnastics coach and judge, and teacher o f ph ysical education who aspire to ha ve gymnast ics as a part of their program . Perhaps the most comp lete manual ever made for men 's gymnast ics officiating. 138 pps. Hard cove r or plastic bound available (to lie flat on floor or table) ; $5.00.

At the USGF Counci l Meeting in December, th e following reward and incentive systems we re adopted. Di stin cti ve â‚ŹIoth patches were adopt ed for girl s and boys to wear o n their gymnastics shirts or jackets. Th ese are ava ilable in the fo ll owing colors: A GREEN patch ma y be worn by a gymnast w ho averages at leas t 5. 0 points in an allaround compet iti on w ith Com. & Opt. EX. A BL U E patch may be wor n by a gy mna st w ho averages at lea st 6.0 points in an all-around competition w ith Com. & Opt. EX. A RED patch may be w orn by a gymnast w ho ave ra ges at least 7.0 pointl in. an all-around competition w ith Com. & Opt. EX. A GOLD patch ma y be worn by a gymnast w ho averages at least 8.0 points in an all-around competition w ith Com. & Opt. EX . These patches are very attract ive and ma y be obtai ned at thi s office for $1.00, wh ich includ es the cos t of mailing & handling fee.

U.S.A. GYMNASTICS NEWS U.S.G.F . News. Bi-monthly official newsle tter of th e sport 01 gymnastics in the United States. Published every other month, by the USA 's national governing body for the sport of gymnastics this newsletter conta in s announcements pertaining to coming events, information about past & current events and announces rul e changes, and other technical information vital to those who are invo lved with sports. The only source of official gymnastics information, including notices from the Int ernat ional Federation (FIG). The USGF NEWS, annual subscr ipti on rate $5.00 per year.

UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION CODE OF POINTS FOR MEN: The official FIG Code, includes A-B-C parts with illu strat ion s and all rules. A MUST for all judges, coaches and gymnasts ... $6.00 SUPPLEMENT TO THE MEN'S CODE: The 1971 revisions to the above FIG Code. Designed to be pasted into above book . . .$3.00 USGF MEN'S RULES FOR COMPETITION : NEW book for men 's rul e< for competition, compulsory exerci ses, hosting 01 foreigr. leams, regulations governing USGF teams, etc. .. $3.00 CODE OF POINTS FOR WOMEN: The official FIG Code, includes figures for difficult y ratings, rules and all latest re visions in enclosed supplement. .. 7.00 AGE GROUP GYMNASTIC WORKBOOK: The USGF Age Group Workbook , comp lete with routines (compulsory) for boys and girl s, ages 6 through 18. St ick Figures and a built-in grading system for class ro om work .. . $3.00 1971 JUDGING GUIDE FOR WOMEN: Comb in at ion of o ld Judging Guides 1 & 2. Includ es all changes from FIG Course in Madrid , Spa in ... $3.00 NATIONAL COMPULSORY ROUTINES-G IRLS: The official USGF-DGWS routine s fo r girls. Three levels of routines now being used nation-wide for ' schoo l, co ll ege,universit y and post-graduate competit ion .. . $1.75 RULES AND POLICIES FOR GIRLS: Th e off icial USGF regulations and polici es for girls com p eti tion in the United States ... $2.00 MEASUREMENTS & DIMENSIONS : The official FIG booklet conta inin g all the diagrams and measurements fo r men 's and wo men 's eq u ipm ent. .. $2.00 FIG BULLETIN: Official publi cat ion of th e FIG. mailed direc tl y to yo u from Sw itzerland . Timely arti cles. Va lu abl e to all in gym na sti cs ... $10.00(p er year) MODERN GYMNASTICS: A. Code of Po int s for Mollern Gymna stic s. .$2.50. B. Class III-Beg inn e rs: Gymna stique Moderne - by M ildred Prchal. .. $1.50. C. Class II-Interm ediate : Gymnastique Moderne - by M ildred Prchal. .. $1 .50 (;YMNASTIC CHECKS: A ll new. Now ava il aole , beautiful checks in li ght b lu e w ith a male and female gymnast shown on them. A great new way to promote our spo rt. Allo w 4 to 6 weeks for deli ve ry and mail sample of ex isting check with all info rmation yo u w ish to ha ve printed on yo ur new gymnast ics checks. $6.00 for 200, $11.00 - 400, $16.00 - 600 etc. CREST: Embroidered clo th, suitabl e for use on wa rm-up su it s, blazer, or uniform s... $2.00 USGF PINS: Gold background showing flag and USGF emb lem ... $2.00 DECALS: Long lasling USGF emblem ... $0.25


from: The United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Box 4699(G) Tucson, Arizona 85717 USA Ph one: IGU~) 622-3865

Note: All Ord er>. have to be pre-paid ... Books are mailed Bookrate unless payment is enclosed for First Class Mail. .. Specify: Men 's or Women 's

1~.I.t~. Te~~"ical ~ULLETIN

ROTTERDAM - Nov. 17, 1973 Minutes of the Meeting of the Genera l Assembly F.I.G. by Frank Cumiskey, delegate.for the United States The follo w ing minut es of th e General Asse mbl y are as I have no ted th em. Th ere ma y be sli ght d eviation s from the o ffi cial minut es w hen ' th ey are publi shed . Pres ident Gand er o pe ned th e meetin g w ith th e fo ll o wing co mm ent s: 1. He d ecl ared that th e Dut ch had no t prov id ed translators and the refo re, t he fo llow in g steps were taken: French and En gli sh translati ons wo uld be prov ided by Mr. Hu ge nen o f Sw itze rl and ; the Engli sh translat ion wo uld b e provid ed by Helmut Rohni sch ; and th e Ru ssian and th e French tra nslati o n wo uld be provid ed by two Ru ssian girl s. And Pres ide nt Gand er also as ked th at th e d elegates p rese nt make th eir di scussio ns short sin ce they mu st lin ish in o ne d ay sin ce that was "all the tim e th at was p rovid ed . He th en d ecl ared the Ge neral A sse mb ly off iCiall y o pened. He apolo gized to Kl aus Tho resso n fo r no t offi cia ll y recogni zing hi s birthday in th e j anu ary b ull etin , Mr. Thoresson is o ne of th e directo rs o f th e f iG Committee and in A pril, 1973, was 65 yea rs o ld. H e also thanked th e Dut ch Federat io n for p rovi din g the necessa ry facilit ies to have th e Intern ati o nal Gymn.asti cs Fed er" ti o n Genera l Meeting. He th en d ecl .. ed th at thi s w ill be a di ffi cult meeting becau se of po liti cal iss ues. Furth er, he d eclared that the Gymna estrada wo uld probabl y be in Berlin and that sin ce th e tirst "0 1 M ay, FIG had hired a flat in "M ax Bangert er's hou se w here th ey ca n receive d elegati o ns and th ey eve n have a ro om w ith two bed s fo r visi to rs th at wo ul d li ke to stay o ve rni ght and he ex pressed mu ch gratitud e to the Bangerters and , if yo u pass through Sw it ze rl and , yo u are invited to stop in . 2. Mr. Bange rt er now took th e ro ll ca ll. There we re 39 Federation s prese nt and Mr. Ban ge rt er d eclared in o rde r to receive an absolut e maj orit y you mu st rece ive 20 vo tes and fo r a two -thi rds ma jo rity yo u mu st receive 26 vo tes. 3. Th e minut es o f th e FIG meetin g in M uni ch w e re accepted as p u bli shed w ith nobody disag ree ing wi th th e minut es. 4. Reports: Th e Pres id ent 's repo rt was passed out and it w as publi shed in th e USGF News, D ecem ber iss u e. Nex t, Pres ide nt Gand er asked th e d elega ti o n to stand for a minut e of silence fo r the d epart ed exPresident o f FIG , Mr. Thoeni . Presid ent Gander nex t d eclared th at th ere were no an swers from certain Fede rations on th ei r repo rt s and that the y do not obse rve tim e schedul es and th e Federation s h ere mu st, in th e futur e, co mpl y w ith a time schedul e in o rd er for him to make pro per reports . Th e M en 's Technical Co mmitt ee repo rt was accepted and it was also publi shed in the USGF News in December. Th e Women 's Technica l Co mm ittee was al so w ritt en in the F.I.G. Bull etin and was al so published in th e USGF News for Dece mber. At th e meeting, Mrs. Nagy also ent ered th e report on th e European Champion ships and th ey were conducted ve ry well. Mrs. Go tte reported on th e Modern Rhythmi c Gymnasti cs program and stated that they w ere still tr yin g to get th eir program into th e Olympic program. 5. Mr. Rodanovich next gave hi s treasurer's report, as published in th e - bu ll etin. After Mr. Radano vich gave his report, th e French delegate

stated that on page 24 of th e~bull e ti n, number 3, that th ere we re so me d isturbin g thin gs in th e report but moved to accept th e report anyway and th e repo rt was acce pt ed un animo usly. The 1974 budget , w hi ch ap pea red in FIG Bull etin No . 3, was also ad opt ed and it was reported th at th e 3')(, co ll ectio n fo r int ern ati o nal matches is very poo r and th at o nl y a few co untri es co ntr ibut e the 3')(,. W hat abo ut th e o th er countri es, th e Sw iss wa nt ed to k now? (EDI TORS NOTE: It is inte res tin g to no te th at th e Unit ed States annu all y lea d s th e amo unt of mo ney coll ected and co ntribut ed to FIG und er thi s 3')(, p rov ision ) 6, Admissions. Resignations and Exclusions: Two fede rati ons have as ked to jo in FI G: A. Do mini ca n Repu b lic - Th e Do mini ca n Republi c was acce pted wi th 33 vo tes and th ey wi ll ho ld th e 1975 Ce ntral Am eri ca n Games. B. Th e seco nd co untry is Sa lva dor. (San Salvado r) Se nt th eir check to join , but FI G ha s rece ived no statutes, in oth er wo rd s, no con stitution , and th erefore th ey ca nn o t be vo ted in as yet. Und er ex clu sion s, Chil e and I ndo nesia we re excl ud ed for no t pay in g th eir du es. Tit ov of Ru ss ia th en too k th e mi cro phon e and he said " That th e o nl y ex clu sio n w e ha ve had so fa r is lo r no mo ney " and also, Czechoslova kia sa id th e " Int ern ati o nal Ol ympi c Co mmitt ee has ex clud ed South A fri ca and we should d o the sam e" . Titov then sa id " Thi s question regarding South Af ri ca ha s bee n o n th e agenda for many years. Sport is th e high est fo rm o f humanit y. Spo rt should give equal possib iliti es fo r eve ryon e. If thi s prin cipal is put as id e, spo rt suffers. Racial discriminati o n in spo rt is a cru el inju sti ce and it is co ntrary to th e principals o f sp ort put in th e Ol ympi c chart er. The FIG is th e first Fed eration in th e world and has man y progressive id eas. W e propose th in each Fed eration suppo rt th e boyco tt until th e go ve rnment goes away fro m thi s aparth eid." Nex t, the de legate fr o m East Germ any, Mr. Bo hrman , spoke. " Our pro posa l was to susp end So uth Af ri ca unt il th ey eliminate racial discri minat io n. A rticl e 2 o f FIG , 1970 Stalut es says we mu st obse rve absolut e ne utrality. W e do nol work on th e se nse of our statut es. In 1971 a U nil ed Na ti ons reso lution fi ghts aga in st ra cial di scrimin ation in spo rts and it was ad opt ed by th e great majo rit y. In May, 1972 the IOC ex clud ed South Af ri ca. Th e statu tes of FIG mu st be obse rved acco rdin g to th e spirit o f th e law and the athl el es ca n wo rk hard er for elimin ati o n of apartheid . Th e d elegate fr om Czechoslova ki a stated " He has alrea dy said that th e IOC ha s exclud ed Soulh Afri ca and that th ey should be ex clud ed by us". Mr. Gand er sa id " The Committ ee Direc to rs are neutral and th e aparth eid as in th e IOC has no t result ed in ex cludin g th em but onl y suspendin g th em durin g th e Ol ympic Games in M ex ico. " Th e d elegate fro m Ro mani a nex t rose to support th e proposal to e limin ate ~o uth Afri ca unti l apartheid di sappea rs. Mr. A rebo rn , th e delegat e fr o m Soulh A fri ca spo ke and d eclared that Ih ey ha ve a cl ea r con sc ien ce and that th ey have no t bro ken any rul es. Mr. Bohrman o f Eas t Germany rose and said first take th e Sov iet p ro posa l and th en take the East Germ an proposa l. Th e Sov iet p ro posa l was the n voted o n " To ex clud e So uth A frica from th e FI G. " The vote was 25 again sl th e Sov iet proposa l and '14 for it. Th e vot e wasn 't ca rri ed and next th e Eas l Germ an proposa l take n " To susp end So uth Africa f ro m th e FIG ," an d th ere we re 22 vo tes against dnd 15 for so bo th p ro posal s 10 excl ud e o r suspend So uth AI ri ca w ere defea ted. Th e qu es li o n n ex t drose abo ut th e People's Republi c of Chin a. Th e French Fed erati on as ked "We didn 't hear about th eir application for joining f iG" . The delegat e fro m Ro mania , Nico lai Vie ru , took th e fl oo r. He sa id , " th ere we re two lett ers, o ne o f la st September and o ne the fir st o f N ovember th at occurrred betwee n th e Peopl e's Republi c o f Chin a and Mr. Gand er. H e declared that th e Chinese Federation d ecl ared itse lf re ady to jo in FIG provid ed Taiwan is exclud ed . Th e members that m et w ith th e Di reqors Committee, have stated th ey have good technical preparation and the y wa nt to improve. The letters to FIG mu st be con sidered as a valid document o f Chin a working according to th e statutes . I don ' t want to wa ste tim e but we agree with the japanese Federation lett er o f Sept ember 2nd and we propose that the General A ssembl y accept the People's Repub lic of China for membership with their N ational headquarters in Peking. It would be good for the

w hol e w orld fo r us to acce pt th em ." N ex t, Arthur Gand er spok e, " W e ha ve rece ived th ese letters, Lett ers th at said th ey sho uld be acce pted . However, according to Articl e 5 o f FIG , each national federation for gy mna sts w ho w ishes 10 join mu st submit a w ritt en appl ica tion . No nati o n ca n write fo r ano ther nati o n to joi n . If we had reg ul ard emand s f ro m Chin a weshould take it up." Mr. Ga nd er then rea d o n e sentence from th e letter he rece ived from the Peopl e's Republi c of Chin a. The letter sa id " Th e Chiang Kai Shek clique that occupies the chair in FIG is nol to be to lerated and we wi sh thi s change, as it is in the United Nations", Th ere is not on e seni~ nce in Ih e lett er abo ut jo ining FIG , The reason o f M r. Vi eru is no proper reason . We have two Ko rean Fed era tion s; we have two Germ an Federation s. W e d o no t w ish to mi x in po liti cs. If Chin a d emand s th e excl usio n of anoth er Fed eration it is not o ur bu siness. Eve n in th e IOC th e j apa nese tried th e same. If the y PUI their appli cation without co ncl usions w e ca n take it. They ha ve applied to th e Int ern ational Rowin g Federation but th ey are no t affiliat ed. " Th e Ca nadi an d elegat e stood and said th at was a legal requ est fro m China and sa id we should vo te. Mr.l3ange rt er, the secretar y of FI G, sa id that " He has se nt all o ffi cial documents to China bUI he has neve r recei ved any in return . I also left th em in th e Chin ese Embassy at Bern e, Sw it ze rl and and ask ed them to gi ve th em 10 th e Chin ese Fede ration and I have recei ved no answ er" . I recei ved a check fro m the japanese fo r Chin a. The statut es say THAT a co nt act was mad e w ith th e Peopl e's Republi c o f China il a letter is se nl to th e Boa rd and we have give n th em mu ch flex ibilit y and th e Peop le's Repub lic of Chin a has appeared in th e Un ited Stat es, Scandina via, Canada and Rom ani a and the East Ge rman s have been in China . W e have supported China and have tried to ge t th em back , Th en th e Chin ese left Zuri ch in a na sty way. If th ey se nd an appli ca tion durin g the year th ey ca n be a m ember but we have statutes, 7. Proposal s. East Germ any as ked that a vote be taken on th eir proposal 2a , a) The content of art. 2 should be modified as follo ws: Th e FIG practices a poli cy o f acti ve neutralit y and d oes no t to lerate any politi cal , reli gio us or raci al discr imin ati o n . In their relation s amo ng th emselves, th e fed eration s shoul d al so confo rm to thi s prin cipl e, The n o n~obse r va n ce o f thi s presc ripti o n shall entail ex clu sion fro m th e FIG, Mr. Gand e r stat ed thai there w ere many changes need ed in th e statut es, bUI w e do no t have the time here to mak e all th ese chang es. East Germ any stated th at we can sho rt en thi s session by onl y votin g on th e pro posa ls as th ey appear in bull etin 3. Th e Board ca n also make th eir prop osa ls to get to to d ay's need s, All other changes no t here can always appea r und er oth er proposa ls lat er. ju st let us vote on th e propo sals w e ha ve so we can get on with th e meeting, W est Germ9n y ~ " It is ve ry cl ear in the statutes . Leave the statut es as kn ow n." Swit ze rland ~ " Th e boa rd said the y would be rev ised . Wh y do the work tod ay? The whole wo rk should be do n e at on e time, " Ru ssia - " I do understand that the statutes do not go with present require ments. W e should mak e minor changes now and get anoth e r commission to rewrite. We shou ld vote on the DDR 's proposa ls. " Gand er ~ "If you want changes you ha ve to tell us what you want changed. The board ha s d ecid ed to leave as is and nol accept the DDR 's proposa l. " Gander - " Ask each Federation to se nd their proposa ls" . West German y - " Elect a commission and countries send in proposals. " Th ere then followed discussion by many co untries whether to vote on th e DDR proposal or not. The vote was on th e proposal of th e board not to ch ange number 2 -

F.I.G. Report cont. on pg. 38 GYMNAST Mar. '74


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN MEMORIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~==========!!~


John C. 'Jack' Bonham

January 7, 1908 - January 31, 1974 Jack Bonham was a v ict im of an ai rplane c ras h in Samoa w hich c laimed 93 li ves . At the t ime, h e was retu rnin g from New Zea land w h ere he h ad been attend in g th e Commonwea lth Games and Austra li a where h e had been rec ruitin g at hletes for th e Unive rsit y of H awa ii . A n at ive of New Zealand, Jack was gen e ral sec retary of th e Auck land YMCA for 20 yea r s and h elped to found th e New Zea land Gymnast ic Assoc iation . He was active in gym na stics, diving, rugb y, se mi-pro soccer , and taught gymnas ti cs and tr ampo lining fo r man y yea rs befo r e movin g t o th e United States. He soo n deve l oped dssociatio n s w ith the U.S. tr ampolin e comm uni ty, including George N isse n, Larry G ri swo ld, Dick H o lzaepfe l, an d others, but co n f ined his effo rts to trampolining in H awa ii . Among hi s successes was the r ecr uiting and coac hin g of Australian trampolini st, Bill y Popi we nko, who won the nat ional AAU trampoline title in 1971. Jack was a st rong supporte r of the Hawaii Gy mn astics Assoc iatio n and partic i pated in its organization. At the tim e of hi s death , Jack Bonh am was in hi s six th year as ass i sta nt athl etic director, ha v in g served prev iou sly as business manager. He j o in ed the At hl eti c Department in 1962 and hi s wa rm t h , hum or, and devotion k e pt the department go ing th rough so me rough years. H e was lik e a father to man y athl et es in all spo rts and attended as man y con t ests as h e co uld . In 1968 he began developing , a n ew, the compet iti ve gym nast ics program at the Un ive r sity, ac hi evi ng fir st cl ub, th e n Va rsi ty StdtuS for th e sport, and serving as coach until 1973. Unde r hi s direction , new equipment was p urc h ased and workout fac iliti es upgraded, and so me gra nt s-i n- aid made avai lab l e. A ll sports, however, b e n e fited from hi s intim ate knowledg e of th e uni ve rsit y system and how to get thin gs done. Gymna st ics in H awa ii has lost a dear friend , one w hose effo rt s we re n ot so v isibl e as behind-the- sce nes w h ere h e was so effective. The GYMNAST j oins w ith th e H awa ii Associ at ion in ex tend in g G y mn as tics sympat h y to hi s w ife, Jea n , and sons, Jo hn Jr. , Jam es, Peter, an d Phillip. The H .G.A . plans a memorial award to b e presented at the H awa ii State C hampi o n ship s.

Victor Zi niewicz This season th e Southern Connecticut State Co ll ege tea m w ill be w ith out one of it s rTlos t talen t ed gy mn as t s... Vic to r Z ini ewicz. V icto r died last Nove mber 17th after being in a coma and aft er having rece ived head injuri es, apparently from a fall o ut sid e hi s hom e in New Have n , Co nn ec ticut. U nanim o usly e lected ca ptain fO'r thi s yea r's team , Victor was an A ll- Ame ri ca n on th e college leve l pl acin g fourth in floor exerc ise in the 1973 NCAA College Division Championships. Schola stically h e h ad above a 3.0 ave rage and was a di stin gu ishe d D ean ' s li st stud en t. Ou r sin ce re sy mpathi es to Victor's father, sister and t wo brothers, hi s coac h Abie Grossfeld, and th e SCSC team.

If accomp li shment in spurt alune is the measure of a man then Gary's six year ascen t lu Ih e lap of American gymn",lics gi ves him a perman enl place - recurrenl ly our tup performel al)(.1 lur years uur mosl specla cular on e. !lUI Ih e Irue mea sure uf a man is nol merely hi s succe;s, bUI his IUld lli fe - his hand lin g of adversit y and hi s relalion s w ilh u lh er peupl e. Typical of him was my firsl ex peri ence coachin g him. A bil wild , wearing a Muh ican haircut , Ga ry was ch ief agilalor of musl uf Ih e harmless prank s Ihal plagued Ih e Camp Sears Siaff each nigh!. Bul in Ira ini ng he wa s incumparable. Wilhi n hi s Iwo weeks of camp he learned hi s fl ya wa y, and added bO lh full and double Iw islS, using the doub le twisl that remained hi s di smuunl frum bar in Ihe camp show al Ihe end of ca mp. II w as Ihere Ihal he fir sllearned his fronl two and 'I, d ive roll (from Ihe min i Iramp), Ihal he used in ex hibrlion; and warmups hundred s of limes until his laleful di sorienlation la sl Tuesda y. Hi s progress wa s phe nom inal in Ihose two weeks; hi s ag ilalion of pranks broughl me to a close cha l abo ul slud ies, gymnaslics, and olhe r persona l mail ers. When Ilell camp, he alone cam e 10 pri valel y Ihank me for tak ing time Wi th him. Years laler I learned how deeply our week had affected him, for he laid hi s fami ly al Ih at time Ihal he had decided to go 10 ~IU w here I was 10 leach Ih e nexl year, and he was going 10 improve hi s sludle s 10 make sure he wo uld succeed academicall y. He d id so, wh il e goi ng on 10 wi n th e Illin ois Hi gh ~c h oo l All-Around , bare ly Iwo years afte r slarti ng 10 work all evenl s. A few da ys after grad ual ion he sl arled his ca re er at SIU, now a Iwo-yea r-uld dream. Hi s prog ress in hi s firsl six monlhs w ilh us was unbeli evable , and was accompan ied by a 4.00 gra d e ave rage , hi s firsl of many quart ers of o Ul slandin g schuul wo rk . Th en, o n Dece mber 10, 1971', he suffe red an avulsion frac tu re of ih e ri gh l cu raco ld process. A halfinch chunk of bo ne, all ached lu Ihe biceps lendo n, moved and cui surroundin g lissue whe never Ihe biceps wa s slrongly used. Su bOlh flex ibility and strenglh wo rk we re exc ru cial in gly painful. Indeed he almost wo rk ed un o ne arm Ihereafter. Nal u ra l fear of the adve"e effects uf surgery, comb ined wilh Ihe ex huberance of hi s success kept him from correcl ing Ih is. Wilh all , in 1972 he was firsl in vau lti ng, secon d in all-aro und, in th e NCAA Championships as he led hi s team 10 th e national cha mpion ship. Evenl ually Ih e assymelry of hi s wo rk caug ht up w ilh him, and a conseq uen l lumbar disc problem virtu all y in capacilaled him Jl lh e fi nal O lympi clryou lsof1972. He had bee n lOp conle nd er in Ih e pre-I ryoul s. He compel ed for a Ihi rd year slill sufferin g w ilh Ih e sho uld er prob lem, Ihe back Iruubl e largely resu lved, and placed Ihird in NCAA all -aruund. Bul he reso lved Ihal he cou ld nol reach Ihe lOp inlernalional ly wilh o ul chan ci ng th e CO ll ective surgery. Afte r he rel urn ed Irom Ihe )I udenl World Games, in Moscow, he was A meri cas lap perlolmer, he had surgery, in Seplember 1973. To beller recuperale, and lu train l owa rd th e exce ll ence he asp ired 10, he chuse 10 not co mpele fo r SI U in Ihe 1973-74 seasun, bUI 10 ent er a sma ll number of mee l s 10 main lain hi s mu li val io n w hile fo ll owi ng a long range plan for exce ll ence. Aga in , five month s

Gary David Morava May 27, 1952 February 28, 1974 aft er surgery, Gary wa s Ihe l ap Am eri ca n in our USAPOLA ND compel ili on in January 1974. Hi s recuperal ion subslan ciall y over, in Ihese last fe w week s he was allhe peak of his perfo rmance on eve ry eve n!. Yel 10 me hi s rea l growth was ju sl beginning. for the fir sllime in years, he wa s training with oul pa in, on all aspeu s of all even IS. He was Ih e Morava of old, mak in g significanl progre ss dail y. Hi s accid enl came allhe height of a greal career, al a lime when he looked furward to more th an he even dreamed of doing a few munlhs earlier. Seconds laler, well aware of his cond il ion, his o nly fear wa s nol of death bUI of li ving on , unabl e 10 move. Despite I he hopes and pra yers uf all uf us, Ihere was never any hope of recove ry, and hi s lasl da y was spenl know ing Ihi s. Gary had devoled hi s life 10 doin g thin gs in th e right way. He had come to ido li ze anot her of our you ng gy mna sts, Jo hn Arn old, w ho died in the au to acciden t when Gary 's sho uld er was inju red. I have reproduced his poem w ritt en in memory of Jo hn a yea r afte r, as we ll as a lett er to me, writt en aft er hi s d ishea rtening fa ilure at the fina l Ol ympic tryo uts in 1972. They tell far more eloquently than I cou ld, w hy we loved him so we ll. I remembe r Gary in four ways: se nsitive ly co nsid erat e, tremendously perseverant, so mew hat inattentive to ru le and pro toco l, and to tall y devoted to th e mo rali ty th at many co nsid er passe. My love for him, our love for him, o nl y weak ly reflects hi s fee lin gs for us who ha ve kno wn and wo rk ed wi th him. How poo rl y we meas ure up to th e' man Who, kno wi ng he has but a few hours 10 live, thank s God for th e tim e to reflect o n a won derful li fe and exp ress his app reciat ion to those w ho helped make it so! A man who asks th at if poss ibl e hi s budy be used to help ot hers w hen he is go ne! A man who with his paren ts asks that any memori al take the form of con tribution s given to the fu rth erance of th e gym nas tics prog ram to w hich he devoted the last four years of his life! A man w ho, remind ing us in his last hours tha t he had devoted his career to th e memory of Jo hn, prays th at hi s li fe and the mann er of his death ma y provea n inspiratio n to oth ers to ca rr yo n. I n acco rd ance with his wis hes, the So uthern Illi nois foundation ha s es tabli shed a memorial scholarship fu nd, to be awa rded in recog ni tio n of th ose traits of mo ral leaders hip, devotion, and perso nal co mmitm ent that made Ga ry Morava what he was Ameri ca's Fin es l Gymnas t, and Gymnas ti cs Fi nes t You ng Lea der. We pray with him, th at others read in g or hear ing of hi s ca ree r w ill ga in insp iratiun to st rive hard er, and li ve a bit more full y. " Tell my friends I was happy " . H.J. Biesterfeldt, Jr. for the Southern Illinois University Gymnastics Team.

Poem Dear John, a year has passed by today yes, I have survived I have walked upon earthly soil and held the hand of life and oh so often Ive lived wilh you and ive learned of death all it leaves behind for it is we who must ascend for il was on you we did depend

a loss so hard 10 mend it is you we will defend a friend i speak of death and all ils torlure of what is gone, and what remains. but whal of gains? hear me, In hopes Ihat I might find you for i know your watching over me

and lei me tell you all ive learned, of life and all ive grown 10 value for i was free and Ihere was so much more id failed to see. i praise Ihe morn I praise Ihe newly born I honor age and liIes existence i honor death and mans resistence i honor you John. Gary

Letter Dear Jack, There are words far better expressed free of interruption and rebuttie. These are words of conscious, soul and heart. Words with far more behind them than a tone of voice. I rememberfavors, times of your patience, .Iimes路 of your advice, your orders, your friendship, your guidance. I remember many more. I remember limes I feel I've offended you. And I feellhose pains. I never meanllo do that . You are right, I am arrogant and self-centered, and I detest the thought. I never meant to be that way either. Butl am young, that's my fault as well as my perogative and I make mistakes, mistakes I often regret. I must remain young , thats my choice, you bave taught me so as well. So bear with me in times of stress, take my apologies with my ways for they are more meaningful than my immature actions. And let these two words bear deepest and most sincere meaning. Far more lies behind their meaning than their length in ink. Thank You. Gary




by A. B. Frederick Univ. of Wiscon sin Superio r, W isco nsin

Introductory note: In the following series of articles, the writer hopes to open up a neglected aspect of gymnastic thinking. We hear much about "gymnastic families" of movement especially as they now relate to families of vaults. Classification of gymnastic movement families requires a total grasp of the essence of our field. It can lead ultimately to a sensible organ ization or nomenclature for the field thus saving effort, particularly in the composition of routines, but chiefly for the purpose of the development of better teaching methods. In the development of a number of ideas related to what shall be termed "gymnastic geneology," the writer is particularly grateful for the wise lead of certain European writers such as Wiemann and Carrasco. This new way of thinking about the field has only occasionally found its way into print in English and only one author, West, (Th e Gymnast's Manual) has organized a text in terms of movement quality. It is the hope of the writer that this beginning will provide a platform for discussion rather th an some new didactic. The seed can grow and bear fruit if, and only if, members of the gymnastic community will contribute to it and foster its growth. It is in this sense that this material is presented. ABF

SWING - THE ESSENCE OF GYMNASTICS I - Background " Maya ll yo ur children be acrobats. " Carl Sandburg There are amp le reasons for one to begin w ith a q uotation from a respected poet upon entering a n ew d imension of any fie ld . Hi s express ions are qua li tat ive; they donate an essence wh ich ca n be felt but which is difficult to ex pr ess in meas ure me nt terms. Our fie ld is essentiall y qual itativ e. Som e refer to it as an art. It has its quantitative side to be su re but if on e co ncentrates diffe rential ly upon that as pect, the w ho le id ea of gym nastics ca n easi ly be mi ssed. The b iomec hani st w ith all hi s sk ill and techno logy ca n o nl y reaffirm esse nt ial qualiti es of gymna sti cs th e most obv ious of which is swing . Swing has evoJve d as t he most fitt ing term and description for that doma i n of sport we cal l gy mnastics. In no other modern co mpetitive act ivit y ha s so much atte ntion been directed towards aest he ti cs, beauty and harmony of moveme nt in an in fi nite,va ri ety,of chall enging settin gs. Th e clu es we get from other tongu es h elp us to unde rstand th e modern direction of gymnas ti cs. Th e f renc h wo rd for swi ng is " balancer." Lin guist s mi ght show th at this term is derived from the sw in g of a p endulum. Fro m the french we also get路 th e ve ry ri ch term , " elan. " Th e m ean ing is related to swing and to li fe .. . to bea ut y. " Elan " is o ft en emplo yed in d escriptions of gym nastic moveme nts. It can be found as we ll gracin g th e sid e of a balance bea m or a snowmobile. It is pleasing to pronounce and it denotes a part icul ar esse nce. Therefore to launch o neself into gy mna sti cs (s'e lance r a gymnast iqu e artistique) is to swing. In mo d ern co mpetit ive programs the gymnast not o nl y e mploys " sw in g" as a practical referent but speaks as we ll of the art of swinging. Artist ic gymnast ics is not th e domina nt term in Eng li sh d escriptions of th e spo rt aspec:t of gy mnast ics but in other languages th e arti sti c reference is employed . Th us we find in German th e term " turnkun st " wh ich has be en in u se ever since it was coined by Jah n alt hough th e modern version is a bit more narrow in m ea ning than Jahn would have li ked si nce it is emp lo yed today almost ex clusively in a co mpetit ive sense . Jahn 's term was ri cher as w ill be see n. GYMNAST Mar. '74

The contemporary coach thinks of swin g in its mechanical se nse if ind eed he thinks about it at all. H e recog ni zes term s lik e t rans lation, ro tation and the ir coml::lination in th e biomechanical analys is of move ment s. From such ana lyses co m es the genera li za ti o n that man, as all anim als, is parti cul ar ly adapted to swi ng by virtu e of the unique co nstru ct io n of his body. His leve rage system, co mposed of bones, mu sc les and joints is ind eed a sw ing sys tem and not ve ry adaptabl e to raw force. If this is tru e, th en it is ve ry likely th at man has lea rn ed to thin k as a swin ger. ' I n the in tegrated se nse of mind , in clusive of body, man is by nature and adaptabi lit y suited to swing. Th e swin g co ncept is not new. Its origi n ma y be traced to th e Greek id ea of ba lance.... that man shou ld d evelop as a harmoniou s whole w ith no part icul ar att enti o n given to anyone, sin gle attribute o r face t of hi s persona lity. Undoubted ly, thi s sa me p rin cip le has gu id ed co ntemporary leade rs in th e gym na sti c field to sti ck tena cious ly to the all arou nd program for men and women , discouraging spec iali za tion of all kind s. In international gymnastics, th ere is no rewa rd fo r speciali zation. To speciali ze goes aga inst th e philosophy of swin g although ot her bases may be found upon which one might argue for speciali zation. A further dist inction is to b e made. The d ecat hlon man of track and fie ld is o ft en hai led as th e ath let e's athlete. Th e Olympian who emerges victor iou s in th e d eca thl o n evenr is ca lled the wo rld 's best athl ete. W e are inclin ed to agree. Th e gym nasts, on the ot her hand, who dominate wo rld co mpetitions every two years might best be described in qualitati ve terms. They are truly champi o ns of move ment sin ce it is what they do and th e q uali ty of th eir p erforman ces which se t th em apart from oth er athl etes. Th e .d ecath lon man is meas ured in quantitative terms ; the all-a rou nder is judged by th e qu alit y o f hi s p erformance. The in struments empl oyed today to measu re distance and t im e are so sop hi sti ca ted that human error is al l but elimin ated. Th e gymn ast ca nnot prese ntly be measured in such a manner. In th e fina l analysis he is measured against sta ndard s of excel lence fo r performance . The m ethod empl oyed is human, not instrumental. Th ere is very little o ne can do to elimin ate bi as in suc h a system for to do so wo uld impl y th at the jud ge lost hi s human

characterist ic. Tlii s hi ghl y sophi sti ca ted act defies th e co mputer. Jud gi n g gymnastics is perhaps the mOSI difficu lt task in sport because it is m ost human. Th e judge is influ enced by hi s own senses, pol iti cs, th e crowd or nothing more than an expressio n of feigned disbelief on t he face of a coac h. More close ly r elated to th e poetic introd uct ion of sw in g so ap tl y stat ed by Sa nd burg is an exa mple from li fe th at may ex pl ain t he sw in g ful natu re of man. Observe children at pl ay. They are co nstantl y chall en gin g o ne another. Their actions and anti cs on th e pl aygro und show infinite variety . They are known by the tri cks they perform . As they grow o lde r, and if not inHuenced by trad iti ons of overprotect io n, th e tri cks grow more daring . If you are " kin g of th e beach " beca use of yo ur tr ip le fly-away, so meone will t ry fodour. Thi s is is thi s very trait that led Jahn to the d iscovery that in order to capture yo un g minds all one n eeded to do was to prov ide yo uth w ith a ri ch e nv iron ment that wo uld eli ci t cr ea ti ve responses from th eir bod ies. It was a process known to Montessori and more rece ntl y to follo we rs of Laban who have revital ize d phys ical edu ca tion in England. Jahn 's gymnasti cs (" Turn en ") wa s not simpl y a training progra m for th e body, as was the program of Lin g an d his fo ll ower s i n Scanda na via., but it represented an i ntrodu cti o n to c ultural edu cat ion and life it se lf. It was humanistic in nature ,a means to an end. Later programs, and so me we might cite today , that' have the announced goa l of " ph ys ica l fitn ess" are as doomed to failure as th e Ling program not because the goal is improper, it simply isn 't human enough. It doesn 't sw in g. Suc h programs become burdened w ith record keeping and reg imentati o n which had no pla ce in Jahn's p rogram. The pomm el h orse co uld not have evolved i n any th i ng o th er than a creat ive atmosphere. Jahn 's "Schwinge l " a mo st appropriate name even tod ay, -was crea ted, not as a result of his interest in t raining youth to mount and dismount properly in th e tradition of th e knig ht , but because he was interested in the ways hi s boys fo und sati sfac tion in challentling one another and performing o n the surrogate ho rse. The pomme l horse event today b ea rs littl e re lati o nship to equ estri anism but has evolved a p recision of its ow n that is perhaps Swing cont. on pg. 32


o th er o ut standing pe rforme r was Bob Rikli o f th e University of Oregon, w ho di d a n exce ll e n t jo b o n fl oo r exe rc ise .


Standing in lin e fo r a gy mn as ti c me et ? Wa lking up to Pa ul ey Pa villi o n fo r th e UCLA Invitational it was quit e a shoc k to see a lon g lin e at the ti cke t o ffice . Then aga in th e re was a lin e th e nex t wee ke nd fo r a qu ad mee t a t Cal State Northridge to see tea ms fr o m Louisiana State University, Northridge, USC a nd UCLA. Is thi s a tre nd thro ug ho u t th e co unt ry? Th at would be ni ce. 1 he UCLA Invitational was wo n b y a surpri sin gly stro ng look in g Univ e rsity of New Mexico tea m . Th e Lobos more tha n he ld th e ir o wn again st tea ms from Berkeley, Oregon a nd Southern California . Sid e ho rse a t tim e s co nsid e re d o ne o f th e ir weak e r eve nt s lo ok e d good . Howeve r it was ju st no t UCB's (Berkeley' s) n ig ht. Two o f th e ir a ll a ro und me n Tom Weeden an d Clark Johnson didn ' t ia re we ll , w hil e th e Lobos to p ma n Dave Repp did a nd turn e d in so me fin e p e rfo rm a nces . On e

An oth e r c lub th at I ju st hea rd o f is th e Coca Cola Rebel gymnastic tea m in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hea d coac h is Art Allen, w ho is a lso th e Oral Roberts University gymnastic coach. Th e tea m rece ntl y h os ted th e Polish gy mn as ti c te am w hi ch to ure d four citi es in th e United States. Liz Kiper, o ne of th e Re be l gymna sts se nt u s a fl ye r o n th e tea m w ith pictures of th e tea m me mbe rs a nd bri e f co mm e nts a bout th e m. Th e South Park Community Church is th e ho rn e o f th e Re bels a nd Bob Patterson, pres id e nt o f th e Coca Cola Bottling Company is th e spon so r of th e group. f-rom th e fl ye r the g ro up see ms to be a e ne rget ic, ha pp y o n e w ith " It's th e rea l thing . Gy mna sti cs" as th e ir sloga n . Notab le Gymn as ts De pa rtm e nt : First is Mike Wilson o f the Flipper Gymnastics Club of Ga rl and , Texas. A juni o r at North Garland High School, he ha s a lr ea d y won th e state a ll a round titl e in bot h hi s fr es hma n a nd soph o mo re ye ars. He so impresse d Paul Ziert, co ach a t the Unive rsity of Oklahoma th a t he submitte d a pi cture an d so m e in fo rmati o n o n Mike. Ano th e r ta le nte d gy mna st is Larry Gerard fr o m Lincoln, Nebraska. Unb ea te n hi s se nior yea r, at Lincoln Southeast High School, in the sta te mee t he wo n eve ry eve nt exce pt side ho rse in w hi c h he place d 11th. He wascoac hed b y Jon Blocker a nd m ost rece ntl y h e was pa rt of th e a ll star tea m w hi c h co mp e te d aga in st th e

Swiss tea m at the annu a l Tucson Clinic. Larry w ill poss ibl y be attend in g th e University of Nebraska . Be rkeley didn ' t w in a t UCLA but pe rh aps th ey were th inkin g of o th e r thin gs th at ni gh t. ... li ke th e ir sche dul e d d u al m ee t th e nex t d ay w ith Southern Illinois University (SIU). Th e Bears ma na ged to bea t SIU by a me re 1. 5 .... th e fin a l score 161.00 to 159.50. LSU was th e vic tor at Northridge , but we re man y mi ssed ro utin es by a ll tea ms. Carter o f LSU di d n o t go a ll a ro und but goo d jo b o n floo r exerc ise w ith sprin gy, tumbling .

th e re Mike d id a hi gh ,

In a re ce nt Weekly Gymnast Newsletter, publi she d b.y Jerry Wright th e to p fi ve tea m s (acco rdi ng to th e ir m ost rece nt sco res) we re Iowa State University, 166.30, Louisiana State University, 164.95; Penn State 164.90; Indiana State University, 164.75; a nd th e University of Michigan 161 .70. Wi ll Na tion a ls be close? Th e First USGF Elite Qualification Meet for thi s yea r was exc itin g to see but ca n proba bl y best be summ e d up by coaches w ho we re th e re ... . From th e California Newsletter th e fo llow ing quot es ar e borrowe d .... Muriel Grossfeld: " It's ea rl y in the seaso n. Man y gy mn as ts did not rea ll y tra in for fa li , ju st fo r thi s mee t. So me we re exce ll e nt , som e wea k in bas ics, in rea l da nce. Gymn as ti cs p eo pl e mu st get it to ge th e r a nd wo rk toge the r. I do n ' t wa nt Mike Wilson


GYMNAST Mar. '74

to see the World Games tea m (USA) any wo rse th a n fourth . Th e gymnasts are fina ll y acco mpli shin g th e ir turn s in co mpul so ry va ultin g; in optionals, no one's rea d y; b eam we're in troubl e. ... too man y stops in compulsory; floor is impr oving, more ex press ion with th e mu sic but not hitting al 110 e lements. Obviously, we ha ve the making of a yo ung team , 50 the res t of th e structure mu st work. Trainin g camp mu st be before th e las t month be for e competition. We mu st a im for 9.?'s inst ea d of 9.2 '5. The ma ximum sco res shou ld not be 9.3'5. Th e material is there and we ' ll be shooting for 2 9.4 tea m ave rage, w hi ch w ill mean so m e 9.6-9 .7 routine s. It tak es more than stoc k routine s .. .. new moves and new people who a re w illing to ta ke ri sks." From Bill and Ginny Coco: " In 1970, before th e World Games, we didn 't ha ve as many gymnasts ready this early in the seaso n as we do now. We're in a lot better sha p e wit h higher qualit y gymnasts; the gymnasts ha ve improved. Most a re working on new skills and new routine s, the y don ' t want to be ready now. Their p ea k should be reac hed in Septembe r, an d yo u w ill see different routines by th e tim e of the fina l trial s." ... . * * * From The California Newsletter al so go t th e name s of seve ral n ew clubs .... The Santa Cruz Gymnastics Club, 1303 Water Street, Santa Cruz. Hea d coac h is Marcie Dilfer .... The Golden West YMCA, 2333 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco 94116, coac hed by Sandi Bird .... The Engvall School c/o Karen Schenck, Sequoia "Y", 262 Myrtle, Redwood City, Ca ..... -San Gabriel Valley Gymnastics, 146 W. Live Oak Ave., Arcadia, Ca., coac h is Kevin low .. .. Valley Amateur Gymnastics Association, 2800 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca. Dan Vance is th e coach .....


One new news letter that shou ld be mentioned is the United States Trampoline Association News. Publi shed by th e United States Trampoline and Tumbling Association they recently came out with Vo lum e 1 Number 1 for january-February 1974. Those int e res te d in subscribing should write to the Association , 52 Reese Ave. Dundee, Iflinois 60118. In the Club Corner this month we feature the Mannettes of Philadelphia and the Olympiad Gym Club of Delaware. Besides their coach ing the Mannettes, the Cocos are a lso the founders (a lon g with Fred Turoff and Rick Tucker) of the Coco's Gymskool which offers instruct ion at two locat ion s in Pennsylvania. The fir st is at the Melrose Academy at 7601 Old York Road, Melrose Park, Pa. and the second at the Chestnut Hill Academy, 500 W. Willow Grove ,o\ve., Philadelphia, Pa. Th e re is also more than On e Olympiad School of Gymnastics. In addit ion to the one in Delaware there are thre e other sch oo ls w hi ch comb in ed form the Olympiad Schools, Inc. First is th e Moorestown Olympiad, Moorestown Community House, 16 East Main Street, Moorestown, New Jersey. Then there is the Orlando Olympiad, 1011 Citadel Drive, Altamonte Springs, Florida. And finally the Richmond Olympiad, 8128 Brown Road, Richmond, Virginia.

Denise Riv e t, March 's gi rl "On The Beam" dnd a top competitor for the St. Paul Turner's.

by Crowley's Girls Gymnastic Club, and was sa nctioned by th e USGF givin g the g irl s a n opportunit y to qualify for the USGF Regionals to be he ld in Ames, Iowa on March 30th. The next big gymnastics eve nt in Minnesota w ill be the Annual Minnesota Open on March 16th. It look s lik e mor e and more c lub s a nd colleges are tryin g to better publici ze a nd ad ve rti se th eir wome n '5 gymn ast ic programs. Chic and Gloria Johnson, coaches for th e Southwest Missouri State University put to geth e r a nice 24 page broch ure th at was mad e up for th e ir va rsit y a nd age-group teams for thi s seaso n. On th e front cove r it h as Ozark Gymnastics Empire and o n the in sid e pictures of th e' team at SMSU as we ll as indi vi du a l pe rformers and th e yo un ge r g irls that Chic dnd Gloria coac h. One of the Johnson 's top gymnasts is Cheryl Diamond w ho may be see n at the upco min g USGF Elite Qualification Meet in Delaware.

Have n' t print e d a poem in a long time and 50 thought I'd inc lud e thi s one submitted b y Donna Galati of Highland Heights, Ohio ... Can Do Can do Yes yo u ca n do Anything yo u se t o ut to do C limb a mountain hi gh and far Just say I can and b e a star. Ju st set yo ur mind that yo u can do And all you r dreams w ill soo n come tru e . I! at first thing s don 't work out Don 't sit around and start to pout , Jump up and say " I know I ca n " Re memb e r how thi s po e m began CAN DO! CAN DO! CAN DO ! Won 't be long until Na tional s and after that Summer Camps ... So be sure and get your camp information in soo n. Thanks for all your contributions th ey' re g rea tl y appreciated ..... The 51. Paul Turners' "A" team.

Corrections: Discovered there is a correction to the National Division results at the Mid West Open. Both Coleen Casey and Denise Rivet a re members of the St. Paul Turners. Recently the St. Paul Turner's "A" team had a very successful day at the SI. Paul Winter Carnival Gymnastics Meet, taking in addition to the team trophy 78 individual awards. There were e leve n clubs entered in the compet ition wh ich was hosted GYMNAST Mar. '74


Na ncy Thi es


Q UALIFICA TION Kath y Howa rd



January 18 and 19, 1974 By Barbara Thatcher To a spectato r o ne point was o bvio us ab o ut the El ite Qu ali ficat io n Meet held Janu ary 18 and 19 at Ca lifo rni a State Co ll ege, Full ert o n .. .. . it was a hard m eet to judge. Perh aps it was n 't diffi cult to se parate th e top 20 girl s fro m th e ove r 40 w ho entered but th e sk ill lev!21 and exec uti o n level was so cl ose ly match ed among th e top 12 o r 15 girl s th at th e select io n o f th e fin al six was far fro m easy. Bu t th e six wer e se lected and w it h 73.45, Debbie Fi ke of t he SCA TS was th e w inn er. Sh e was fo ll owed in t he all -a ro und by Ro xa nn e Pi erce (So uth ern Co nn ecti cut Gym Club) 73. 15, Di ane Dunbar (Di abl o Gym Club) 72.50, Kyle Gay no r (SCA TS) 72.20, Ka thy H owa rd (Hi-Lo Tw isters) 71.55, Na ncy Thi es (Or ego n Aca d em y o f Gy mn as ti cs) and Jea nett e And erson (G ymn asti cs I nc., Sea ttl e) 71.45. M o re impo rt ant th an bein g amon g th e top six however w as att ainin g th e necess ary qu alifi ca ti o n score fo r th e Elit e Nati o nal s. And to th e ve ry end th e co mp etiti o n to get this sco re was intense. Th e re w ere girls, b y th e final event, w ho needed an imposs ibl e sco re of 11.00 or 12. 00 in o rd er to quali fy but no o n e gave u p and no one we nt h o me ea rl y. At th e end o f th e meet, w hi ch se rved basica ll y as th e first ro und of se lection fo r t h e Wo rl d Gam es team, th e re we re many d etermin ed faces and a feeling that many of th ese girl s would be b ack East, trying even hard er to qu alify in th e second qualifi ca tion m ee t. Debbi e' s all-around vi ctory cam e as no surpri se to m any in South ern California who have w at ched h er prog ress during th e last several years. Behind Roxa nn e Pi er ce following co mpul sori es, she ca me back stron g in opti ona ls w ith a 9.30 o n fl oo r exercise, 9.35 on bea m and 9.40 o n bars. H er b ea m routine inclu ded a front ae ri al, and bac k hand spring to chest roll (a la Ko rbu t), her b ar ro utin e .. . a hand stand o n th e hi gh b ar, V2 turn, stom ach w hip full tw ist, a fro nt so mi be tw ee n th e bars and a hecht from th e hi gh bar di smo unt. On fl oor she had a nice ro utin e containin g a run with fro nt aeri al, tu rn , fro nt aeri al and her hard er tumbling included ro und -off, flip f lop, full tw ist and ro und-o ff, flip fl o p, layo ut back and ro und-o ff, fli p fl o p, layo ut step-out.

P"olo ~

FULLERTON bv Hid1.l,d Kenney

Roxanne Pierce

In sp ite of the tension and close compet iti on, Ro xa nn e looked at all times to be thorough ly enjoying the meet. Not even a fa ll from the beam, during opt iona ls, marred h er p leasa nt disposition. She ju st took it in str id e and went o n to knock o ut a 9.25 on floor exercise, and a 9.20 on bars. H er free ex was do ne to happy so undin g, li ght music. She execu l'ed nice tumblin g (ro und-off, fl ip flop, full twist) and sp rin gy dance. At bars she does a very interest in g mount (k ip w ith a full twist o r f ull turn) and her routine was smoot h, ve ry beaut ifu l. Diane Dunbar and Kathy Howard were the real stunners of th e meet. Dian e does a most unusual floor exercise rout ine w ith exception al tumbling (ro un d-off, flip fl op, full twist, .. . front handspring, fro nt flip into a round- off, flip flop, back, and ro und-off, flip fl op, back , flip flop , layout back.) , dance th at is sassy and unique and in t ri cate trans ition moves. She does an eq uall y good job o n every o th er area wit h vau lti ng often co nsid ered o ne of her stro nger event s. Kat hy Howard works wit h a clea n, light sty le that is refreshin g to watch. Her compu lso ri es we re very st rong and her cons isten t sco rin g was noticeable. Ev en w ith th e flu, during the second day of compet iti o n, she managed to secure a 36.00 in optio nals, her on ly weak event bei ng balance beam . Kyle (f lex ib ility p lu s) Gaynor did a fine j ob w ith a nearl y f law less beam rout ine (she hits two co nsecuti ve front ae ria ls t hat are steadier than even the bea m underneath her), nice free ex and dece nt bars, not always co nsidered one of her hi gh scoring areas. Even w ith a 9.5 on floor exercise, for a routin e executed w ith treme ndou s ampl itude, Nancy Thies ' all-aro und total suffered th e conseq u ences of a fa ll on opt iona l beam (and genera ll y shakey execut ion) and a fall on op ti onal bars. Had she hit th ose routi nes she m ight have been in co ntention for first or seco nd. H er f loor exercise ro utine conta in ed love ly dance elements and so li d tumblin g (ro und-off, fli p flop, fu ll twist and round-off, f lip flop, layo ut). Th e rea l tragedy of the meet o r rather un fo rtun ate gymn ast was Jea nette Anderson. Persistent throughout the co mpet iti o n she erased almost all her hard wo rk by a fa ll to the floor in her free ex ro utin e w h en she attempted what looked like a round-off, flip flop, doub le twist. H er beam routin e was polished with mu ch of her difficu lty com ing from d ance, (1 1h reverse t u rn , kn ee turn, full turn) but wit h a front aerial and a pretty hand stand stradd le down to a knee turn into sp lits. Debbie Hil l's perform ances we re also not q uite up to w hat they have been and can be. The 7.85 she receiv ed for h er b eam routin e w ith no fa ll s but then not m uch difficu lt y hurt h er all -aro und sco re but she sti ll qualifi ed and h er co mpulsories are w hat saved her. Anot h er qualifie r was Sa ndi Gross, w ho sin ce her move to Southern IIlin'o is University is like a total ly different gy mn ast. Slender, poised , and graceful , she appea rs now to be reachin g her fu ll pote ntial under the guidance of Herb Voge l. For Denis e Ches hire and Co le Dowaliby a fraction o f a point rea ll y made a wo rld of difference. Denise q ualifi ed by .05 and is a ta len ted newcomer to elite co mpet itio n from the Mid Val ley YMCA gym nastic tea m, Van N uys, Ca. Good scores all th e way through, she nea rly b lew it all w ith a n ear cras h on her optiona l bar dismount, a move k nown as the Cheshi re Snap-down Back Flip, a breathtaking

GYMNAST Mar. '74

tlip from the low bar. But her scores were more 路than adequate elsewhere to withstand a major b reak. But for Co le Dowa liby o f the South ern Connecticut Gymnastic Clu b , .1 kept her from q uali fy in g and she wou ld have surely gotten th at ex tra tenth had she hit her opt iona l bar ro utin e. But by late eve ning the long competit ion was sta rting to wear on a few of the fina l bar compet itors and the re severa l missed routin es. If awa rds we re give n for o ri ginalit y alon e it wo uld ha ve su rel y gone to Muriel Grossfeld 's team. Ev erywhe re possib le, from va ulti ng to bars, new and unusua l moves were incorporated in routin es lend ing an eye catc hin g appea l to each girl and her rout in e. Perhaps th e most sensationa l was Pam Simon e' s beam rout ine. Hitting all her tricks in wa rm-up she didn 't qu ite do as wel l im co mpetit ion but stil l presented a d arin g compos ition wh ich inclu des a back layout, fu ll tw ist ing va ldez (l ike a Diamidov), a front wa lkover in w hich she turns down and aro un d to the va ld ez posit ion and a running wa lkove r. Other eye catc hin g p erform ers from Muriel's team were Ba rbi e Myslak who does a tucked front f lip ove r th e low ba r to catc h the hi gh bar, D en ise Wa lker who does a side hands tand o n the b ea m, sp lits her legs, arche s pholo by Ju hnn y K.KC


by Richard Kenney

Kathy Howard Kyle Gaynor

Nancy Thies

Denise Cheshire

Barbie Myslak photos

over (as in a walkover position ) stands on one leg a nd th e n throws a tucked front off dismount. A nea r fallon this tri ck ca used her to pun c h a litt le Iow an he r front and miss that int e rest ing seq u ence. Co le Dowa liby is a lso a mon g th ese g irl s and does int erestin g h ea d and neck sp ring comb in at ion s o n beam, floor a nd bars and a particularly impress ive headspring on beam. Roundin g out th e gro up of Muriel 's gi rls, of w hi c h Roxa nn e Pierce is a part, is Lisa Cain, a stron g, powerful, a nd yet e legan t gymnast who works bea m o ft e n on the very tips of he r toes . It 's truly impr ess ive to see a full tea m of e lite gym nasts and especia ll y ones so ta le nt e d . A word s uc h as fantastic would be too smaii or too flipp a nt a word to descr ibe th is co mpetition. Whi le a word like awesome might

by Richard Kenney

Lisa Cain Jea nette Anderson

be a littl e too much or overwhelming, but itwas an exce llent m eet. Ernestine Weaver, head judge on balance beam sa id that s he e nj oyed jud g in g and fo und th e routines to be a t a more matu re level th a n in prev ious yea rs. Greta Tre ibe r, w ho judged vaulting said that s he was glad to see more va ri ety in the va ults performed a nd better exec ution by newcome rs to elite compet it ion. She c ited Ka'thy Howa rd a nd , and Susan Archer of the KIPS, as two of the partic ul a rl y goo d va ult e rs. Th e Seco nd Elit e Qualification Meet in De laware s hou ld be just as exciting a nd aga in ju st as hard to judge. Next September is th e fin a l tri a ls for th e World Games a nd ju dging by the talent displayed by the gym nasts at this m eet, th e United Sta tes should be well repr ese nted .


CONTESTANTS 1. De bb ie Fik e 2. Roxa nne Pi erce 3. Dia ne Dunbar 4. Kyle Gaynor 5. Kathy Howa rd 5. Na ncy Thies 7. Jea nett e Anderson 8. Debb ie Hall e 9. Ann Carr 10. Sandi Gross 11. Debbie Hill 12. Denise Cheshire


~~.s ~e~ ~~ 8.70 9. 05 9.10 8.60 9.15 8.90 9.10 8.80 8.90 9.00 8.80 8.90

9.35 8.60 9.20 9.40 8.70 8.35 9.00 8.85 8.35 8.90 7.85 8.95 '

9.40 9.20 9.00 9.10 9.05 8.30 9.10 9.G5 9.05 8.90 9.05 8.10


~ ...0""

b o'>~ ~

<,.+¡ ...0 ~. ",ee O~...• (.,o~ ~

9.30 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.10 9.50 8.10 9.15 9.25 8.30 9.10 9.10

36.75 36.10 36.55 36.35 36.00 35.05 35.30 35.85 35.55 35.10 34.80 35.05

36.70 37.05 35.95 35.85 35.55 36.50 36.15 35.30 35.25 35.45 35.45 35.00

73.45 73.15 ,72.50 72.20 71.55 71.55 71.45 71.15 70.80 70.55 70.25 70.05

All gymnasts wit h scores below 70.00 did not qua lify for the USGF Elite Nationa ls in this meet. Co le Dowa liby - 69.90; Barbie Myslak - 69.80; Susan Arche r - 69.45; lynn e Govin - 69.20; De nise Wa lker - 68.90; Pa ul ine litowsky - 68.75; lisa Cain 68.65; Pam Simon e - 68.55; Donna Payton - 68.50; Jan Anthony - 68.45; Jean ie Beadle - 68.35; Jodi Yocum - 68.30; Cindy Wacker - 68.20; Robin Bleamer 68.10; Jill Johnso n - 68.10; Sharon Palme r - 68.00; Stephanie Stromer - 67.85; Patty Mirtich - 67.75; Susan Cantwell-67.25; Gail Wyckoff - 67.10; Shelly Bier67.05; Karen Atkins - 66.80; Beth Shepard - 66.25; Susan Middleton - 65.50; Donn a Burian - 65.40; Re nee Hack - 65.30; l aure l Anderson - 65.20; linda Antonio - 65.20; Cheryl Diamond - 65.10; Dianne Grayson - 60.10.



5 GYMNAST Mar. '74

Following the first USGF Elite Qualification meet for 1974, a two day Elite Coaches Seminar was held at Heck's Gymnastic Center in Orange, California. Below are pictures of a few of the officials and Elite coaches who attended the seminar. Above: Seminar at Heck's and Muriel Grossfeld (Southern Connecticut Gym Club, New Haven, Ct.). Below top row: Ginny and Bill Coco (Mannettes, Philadelphia, Pa.), Donna and Bill Strauss (Parkelles, Allentown, Pa.), Ernestine Weaver. Second row: Unidentified smiling face, Carolyn (Ping) Holmes (Gymnastics Inc., Seattle),

Mary Welin (Hi-Lo Twisters, Oklahoma City), Rod Hill (Denver School of Gymnastics, Denver, Co.). Third row: Cap Caudill (Louisville Gym Club, Louisville, Ky.), Fritz Reiter (Mid Valley YMCA, Van Nuys, Ca.), Steve Whitlock, (Acroniets, Detroit, Mi.), Herb Vogel (SIU). Bollom row: Dan Speraw (SCATS, Long Beach, Ca.), Ed Knepper (Olympiad Gym Club, Wilmington, Delaware), Vannie Edwards (Louisiana), Jim Gault (Diablo Gym Club, Walnut Creek, Ca.). photos by Glenn Sundby

GYMNAST Mar. '74





The winners: Galima Shugurova and Maria Gigova.



AND ELEGANCE AT THE SIXTH WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIPS MODERN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS By Diane Van De Craen Spi lth oorn Vrije Universit eit Brussels During the period from lS to 1B November 1973, Rotterdam (Hol land) rec~ ived gymnasts from al lover the wo rld to participate in the World Championships for Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics. Twenty-four countr ies entered the individual exerc ises competition , each w ith a maximum of three gymnasts; eighteen countries participated in the group exercises. The individual work was executed with ball , hoop, ribbon and clubs, wh il e the members of the group exercises had to use the skippingrope s. We ' ll try briefly to illu strate the sp lendid organization of those four very busy days. A selected group of top int ernationa l gymnasts had tested, on behalf of the organizers of the championships, various floor surfaces for the optimum solidness. Finally, two floor types were se lected, so that each participant cou ld make a choice between a hard and a soft floor. All the results appeared regularly on an electronic screen so that the audience cou ld eas il y note the sco res. The avai lab le programs were very clear and illu strated with good pictures of the most importa nt participants . Historical facts. Modern rhythmic gymnastics was born in Eastern Europe. The term "modern " was used because the new form contained many dancepatterns due to the influence of the Russ ian ballet education. The Ea stern Europeans developed this new form into a very graceful sport. Since 1963, the F.I.G. has organ ized a World Championship every two years in th is beautifu l, feminine sport. The first of the series in Budapest (Hungary), contained only two exercises: one w ith out an implement and one with optional hand apparatus. The Russian, Ludmill a Szavinkova beat her compatr iot Tatjana Kravtchenko in the two events. Two years later in Prague, Tatjana Kravtchenko was aga in second , but this time after Hana Micechova (Czechoslovakia). In 1967, in Copenhagen , where more Western 16

European countr ies entered the competition , many gymnastics fo rm s were introduced into modern rhythmic gymnast ics. It was again a Russian victory, but there was also a sma ll blonde Bulgarian girl who distinguished herself! She was Maria Gigova who came in first in the exercise with the hoop. The group exercises were also introduced for the first time. Russia beat Czechos lovak ia and Bulgaria into second and third p lace. In 1969 and 1971 , respectively in Varna and Havana, Maria Gigova became world champion in modern rhythmic gymnast ics, and now agai n in Rotterdam, she ended first, although she had to share her place with the Russian Galima Shugurova . The American Gymnasts. In the GYMNAST of Apr il-May 1973, Mildred Pr cha l gave an account of the first Natio nal Modern Rhythm ic Gymnastics Competition. The first two in this competition, Sarah Brumgart and Katherine Brym, were selected for participation in Rotterdam. The two girls demonstrated very fine work , in sp ite of the fact that rhythmic gymnastics is st ill a very young sport in the United States. Sarah Brumgart may certain ly be congratu lated for her demonstrations. Her style is ve ry dynamic and elegant, and her movements have internat ional class.

During her spectacul ar balance exercises she, now and then, received spontaneous app lause from the audience. Katherine Brym is also a very talented gymnast who presented her beautiful composit ions with a cheerful personality. Sarah finished ahead of Katherine with the following points: 63 participants 45th Brumgart 49th Brym

dubs hoop ball ribbon lotal 8.00 8.00 7.55 7.70 31.25 7.30 7.85 6.65 7.90 29.90

Congratulations and success for the future! And now... about the champions. Every gymnast participated in four disciplines and the points obtai ned were added to obtain a total va lu e, wh ich determined the classification of the all-around title. The results of the first ten demonstrates clearly the Eastern European overweight: dubs hoop ball ribbon lolal 1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.

Shugurova (URS) 9.20 Gigova (BU L) 9.15 Krach innek ova(URS)9.05 Filipova (BUL) 8.90 Patocska (HUN) 8.95 Robeva (BU L) 8.70 Schafravo (URS) 8.75 Mrenova (TC H) 8.95 Tschee (KOR) 8.35 Batkova (TCH) 8.80

9.25 9.65 9.35 9.50 9.50 9.45 9.35 9.25 9.40 9.20

9.80 9.50 9.80 9.40 9.35 9.50 9.25 8.95 8.95 8.80

9.60 9.55 9.60 9.35 9.25 9.35 9.50 9.1 5 9.30 9.20

37.85 37.85 37.80 37. 15 37.05 37.00 36.85 36.30 36.00 36.00

For Ihe Ihird time Maria Gigova became World Champion in Modern Rhylhmic Gymnastics.

GYMNAST Mar. '74

Six top scorers for each sin gle event entered the finals to batt le for th e ind ividua l tit les. In case of a tie, it was th e tota l va lue of the all round compet it ion that was d ecisive for the se lect ion. Shugerova became ove rall and indiv idu al cham pion , except for the hoop exerc ise. Durin g the exe rcise w ith c lubs, thi s very fle xib le, supple gymnasl showed a remarkabl e amplitud e in her movements . H er balan ces and pirouettes were fau lt less as if she was comp letely unco nscious of th at typ ica l " fina l suspe nse". Her exe rcise w ith the ball was beautifuilly accompan ied by the mus ic " Love Story" and her perform ance was so perfect th at the j ury rewarded her a top score of 9.90 which gave her a total of 19.70! As well as her third titl e world champion , G ig ova was th e best in the exerci se w ith th e hoop, but she also di st in gui shed herse lf in th e ot her event s. During the exerc ise w ith the ribbon for in stance, the pub li c applaud ed during alm ost th e w hole d emonstration. W ith her fast moving body, co nstantl y in conversat io n with th e fanciful ri bbo n, she created a t hri lling spectacle for th e aud ience. Her exercise w ith the ba ll was also a rea l show. Alter a ve ry supple undulating move men t, she throws the ball amazing ly h ig h, and after some move ments, she succeeds in ca tch in g it in a lyin g position! Krachinnekova (URS) ob tain ed a secon d place th ree times in the indi vidual exe rcises. Her suppleness, perfectl y combi ned w ith a certain strength mak es h er movements very co nt rol led. H er techniqu e is so subtle that eve ry undulating movement passes through all parts of her body. The Hungarian Patocska was th e on ly gym nast who had pa rtic ipated in all six wo rld champ io nsh ips. Klingerova, nation al c hampion of Czechos lovakia, rea ll y had bad luck. Her hoop broke so that it was practicall y impossibl e for her to cont in ue. She fini shed 27th w ith 9.05 , 7.00, 9.05 and 9.20 points for a tota l. of 34.30. Nineteen-year-o ld M renova 's exe rcise with the ribbon had so much origi nality, t hat one wonders w her e gymnast's fantasy wit h this appa ratu s w ill ever end. However, during her exe rcise w ith clubs, probably under the influ ence of that typ ical "fin al su spe nse", Mrenova lost o ne of her clubs in a se ri es of split jumps, so that she ended in sixth p lace in the indi vidu al final s. Filipova, who was second in 1971 for th e exe rcise with the hoop, probably hoped to win this year. Her score (9.70) wasn ' t however high enoug h for the victory. Fi li pova was aga in second after Gigova and he r teammat e Robeva capt ured third p lace. Thus th ree Bulgarian flags we re raised in the final ce remony . For the gro up exercises, where the cho reograph ica l aspect is also very important, the judges decided on th e fo ll owin g scores and rank in gs : !.(Io4, ",e ~" ~~q ~<:' o;..$''I> ,,<to ~~ qf o,q; ~o ~~ (S' qe total Legend of Countries 1. Russia (URS) 18.55 9.55 9.40 37.50 2. Czechoslovakia (TC H) 18.30 9.55 9.00 36.85 3. East Germany (GDR) 17.85 9.45 9.30 36.60 18.00 9.30 9.10 36.40 4. Italy (ITA) 5. Bul ga ria (BUl) 18.15 9.20 8.95 36.30 6. Korea (KOR) 17.65 9.30 8.85 35.80

The Korean gymnast Seun Duk Dje demonstrates how a perfect technique leads to esthetical form s. Nechka Robeva (Bulgaria) in the final position of her exercise with ball.

This very we ll organized Wor ld Champ ionsh ip ended with a great closing ceremony.

GYMNAST Mar. '74


MODERN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Repo rt from the 1973 U.S.G. F. Congress by A nn el is St range H oyman At the 9th A nnu al USGF Coac hes Co ngress held November 2-4, 1973 at the St. Loui s Marriot H o tel in M issouri , th e newl y es tabli shed USGF-DGWS Mode rn Rhythmic Gymnastics Co mmittee m et for th e first time as a group. Th e com mitt ee's m embers, rep resent ing th e USGF , are: Mi ldred Prchal (C hair man) 2419 Scovi ll e Ave . Berwyn, Ill in ois 60402 Hel en a Greathouse 27070 Eas t Baseli ne, Apt. 407 H ighland , Ca lifo rni a 92346 Annelis S. Ho yma n Freer Gymnasi um University of Ill in o is Urbana, Illin o is 61801 Andrea B. Schmid San Fran cisco State Co l lege San Fran cisco, California 94132 Nora Veyette Geo rg e Wi ll iam s Co ll ege Down ers Grove, Illino is 60515 Norma Zab ka 6600 Blvd ., Eas t West New York, New j ersey 07093 At th e fir st meeting held o n Nov. 2 w ith Shirley Br ya n as chairm an, the committee discussed in detai l th e proposal for t he operating code fo r th e mod ern rh yt hmic gymnastics ce rtifi cat ion prog ram; thi s code w ill close ly fo ll ow the p lans already esta bli shed fo r art isti c gy mn as ti cs. In addition th e co mmitt ee met fo r ex tend ed work-session s on Frid ay and Sa turd ay to disc u ss in parti cul ar the production of compulsory fi lms and film s for jud gin g, and w ritt en examinations for jud ges' ce rtification fo r Modern Rh ythmi c Gymnastics. Fin al ly th e com mittee di sc ussed th e new compulsory routin es for co mp etition and th e pos sibi li ty of hold i ng a seco nd national competition so m etim e in May, 1974 in the Chica go area . Th e exac t date and place is to b e announced later w hen p lans are finali zed. To he lp promote th e d evelopment o f Modern Rh ythmi c Gymnastics th e following Regiona l Direc tors have been appointed: Region 1. CALIFORN IA, N EVA D A, UTAH, AR IZON A, HAWAI I j ea n j o nes 601 South Sho re Drive Seal Beach, California 90740 Region 2. ALASKA , WASH I NG TO N, OREGO N, ID A HO, MONTANA, WYOMING Op en Region 3. COLORADO, N EW MEXICO , KANSAS, TEXAS, A RK ANSAS, OKLAHOMA , LO U IS IANA Ker st in Edgar 1179 W il dwood Dri ve Colorado Springs, Co lo rado 80918 Region 4. N. DAK OT A, S. DAKOTA, NEBRASKA , M I NN ES0 1 A, IOWA, WISCO NS IN Kveta Smith 1940 Wash ingt o n A ve ., S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 Region 5. M ISSOUR I, ILLI NO IS, M ICH IGAN , IND IANA, KENTUCKY, OH IO jan e jurew 710 S. Humphrey Oak Park, Illin o is 60304


The German gi rl Carmen Rischer in her exercise with ball.

A ny sc hoo l o r organizat ion int erested in p lannin g a mod ern gymnast ics wo rkshop o r program and n eedin g h elp ma y contact th e reg io nal director of her area. There are still no reg iona l directors for Region 6. (MA INE, VERMONT, NEW HAMPSH IRE, MASSAC H US ETTS, RHODE ISLA ND, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK) Region 7 (PE NNSY LVA N IA , N EW JERSEY, WEST VIRGIN IA, MA RY LA N D , DEL AWARE, VIRGI N IA, WASHINGTON D.C.) and Region 8 (TE NNESS EE, NORTH CAROL INA , SOUTH CAROLINA , MISSISS I PPI , FLOR I DA, ALABAMA , GEORGIA); Region 2 m enti oned above is also w ith o ut a d i rec tor.

A nybody, w h o think s she is qua li fied and interes ted in se rvin g as reg io nal director in any of th ese regions sh o uld contact the ch ai rm an o f the USG F Modern Gym nastics Com mittee, Mrs. M ildred Prchal (2419 Scovil le Ave., Berwyn , Illin o is 60402). Modern Gymnastics Classes In th e Los Ange les area, classes are now ava il ab le for the fi rst tim e for gir ls interested in co mpeting in modern gy mna st ics. The teac her is H elena G rea th ouse, former member of the Czechoslovak nation al team an d current ly head trainer for the USGF in mod ern gymnastics. Th e cla sses are on Saturday afternoons in West Los A ngeles. For fu rther information, p lease call (213) 392-6892.

GYMNAST Mar. '74




by Lyl e W elser, Retired Coach Georgia Tech OL YMPICS - OLYMPICS. Th e ultimate goa l of an y wo rth y co nt e nd er has revea led in th e 1972 Ol ympi c ga m es th at " A ll is no t gold th at glitt e rs". Gymn as ti c s, as in di vin g, box in g, fi gure skatin g and o th er spo rts w he re subj ecti ve o pini o n is th e bas is fo r sco rin g, is frau ght w ith grave p o li t ica l probl em s as att es ted by ~r a nk Bare, o ur USGF director, Bud M arqu ett e, wo m en 's gy mn as ti cs coach and Ro bert Billin gsley, di vin g coac h . It see m s th at fairn ess of Ol ympi c co mp etiti o n, in so m e res pects, is a mi ss in g co mm odit y. Ri chard Ch ew in th e 1972 A ugust USGF Newslett e r revea ls that " ho me tow nin g" is prese nt in A m eri ca, but it lo o ks li ke it ex tend s to int ern ational co mp et ition as we ll. Wh at ca n be d o ne abo ut thi s sho uld b e th e co nce rn of th e " kin g pin s" o f th e re lat ed spo rts. It is beli eve d th at if Spitz, th e all tim e grea t swimm er, had to d epend o n subj ecti ve o pinion as th e bas is fo r bein g d ecl ared a w inn e r, he mi ght no t have ,rated a m ere m enti o n. H ow an y athl ete w ho has been victimi ze d in any such case ca n maint ain and con tinu e o n in a spirit of enthu sia sm, is a bafflin g m ys te ry to m e. Have no tic ed how so m e have turn ed you profess io nal at thi s stage! How ca n th e Ol ympi c go ld be uph e ld as th e m ajo r m o ti va tin g fo rce for o ur yo un g, hard wo rkin g con tes tant s? Thi s qu es tion ca n appl y to th e related co ac hes as w ell. N o w be as it ma y fo r th e po litica l inju st ices, gymn asti cs is still furth er b ogged d ow n w ith int e rn al , c umb e r so m e, un wa rr ant e d , ambi guou s practi ces w hi ch occ ur in th e scorin g sys te m (a ll of w hi ch is no t bad, but mu ch of w hi ch ca n be impr ove d ). Ac tu all y th e who le system nee d s bo ilin g do w n, refinin g and simplif yin g so most o f tho se co nce rn ed w ith the sport w ill have som e id ea of w hat is tran spirin g. We have b een, an d are g uilt y of, not all ow in g suffi cien t latitud e for th e scor i ng of difficult y. W e are guilt y of splittin g hairs w hi ch have alrea d y b ee n split seve ral tim es, whi ch in a se n se, is pe rhap s being " p enn y-w ise and pound-fooli sh " . In see kin g perfection it al so appears th at we are att emptin g to sprea d ourse lves farth e r apar't, in stead of close r togeth e r. Whil e th e tru e int ent o f th e rul es is to prom o te fa irn ess, it is fea red th at mu ch of thi s has b ee n lost in th e shu ffl e. To add to th e confu sio n, t h e ~IG continu es to co mpli ca te th e sys tem w ith it s additional suppl em ent s o f t echni ca liti es . Th e n co m e th e as teri sks 1 2 3 & 4 leve ls o r cl ass if icati o ns and -- w hat's with thi s bu sin ess of f in al scores b ein g lowe r th an th e preliminary scores! Wh at ca n be d o ne to correct thi s dilemm a! W hy not ge t rid of thi s cumberso me " Rub e Goldb e rg" appr oach and try and get dow n to ca lling a spade a spad e. Wouldn ' t it b e se n sibl e to sto p jos tlin g aro und and ge ttin g eve ryth i ng all mi xed up and m att ed tog efh er ? So he re-in li es thi s o ff er ing fo r w hat it is worth . W ha t we need is SIMPLIFICATIO N NOT FU RTHER COM PLIC ATIO N . W e mu s; stop fee lin g th at simplifi cat ion is sacre li giou s. GYMNAST Mar. '74

Let's m ake th e jud ges ass ignm ent as simpl e and as se nsibl e as poss ib le, so we ca n rec ruit a go o d supp ly o f qu ali f ied and ce rtifi ed jud ges capabl e and read y to se rve at co sts that ca n be afforded, jud ges w hose scor es w ill be as accurate and re liabl e as humanl y po ss ibl e. To co m pe l a jud ge to po se as an in-human , super, sup er co mput e r is far bey ond th e real m s o f reason and th e so o ne r we reali ze it , th e bett e r it w ill be for th e sport. It is be li eved b y so m e sc ienti f ic mind s th at even a comput e r wo uld bl ow a fu se , if su bj ect ed to th e prese nt d e mand s fo r in stant p erfec t scor es. M y qu es ti o n is, " How lo ng ca n a sport endure w hen it has a lot o f it s super-stru c ture built on a flim sy found ation of short comings? This is not to say t hat all is bad , beca use it isn ' t. Th e Cod e of Point s is consid ered as our gymnastic bibl e and it does p ermit a uni ve rsa l acce ptance o f d efi niti o ns, spec ifi cation s and standa rd s, se nsibl e, logica l o r no t. W e h ave com e a long w ay w ith th e F.I.G. but do we not n eed som e improve m ent s! Ce rtainl y rev ision s and gy mn asti cs d ese rves our be st know how . I DIFFICULTY AND COMBINATION: Wh y not let diffi cul ty b e difficult y as co upl ed w ith co mbin ation , nothin g e lse con sider ed ; nev er m in d t he aesth eti cs . Let thi s be th e ass ignm e nt for th e spec ia li zed jud ge, on e, tw o , three or m o re as th e m ee t wa rrant s. Av erage th e scores if more th an o ne is use d. Most of all let 's g ive suffi cie nt allo wa nce for such, say 10 point s. Th e prese nt range d oes not pro vid e suffi cient latitud e. Prese nt pra cti ce is lik e trying to squ eeze a bun ch of bananas int o a kid g love ri ght, it ca n' t b e d o ne. A s we wa tch comp etition to d ay th e judges see m to gi ve th e hi ghe r scores to th ose w ith the grea ter d iffi cult y, so w hy no t mak e it lega l and officiall y give th e sup e ri or gy mna st w ith superior diffi cult y hi s du e cre dit. Sur ely all Ihings being equal th e bett er gy mn ast is the on e w ith th e hi ghe r diffi cult y. Judges here mu st know th eir A-B-C and m ay be D mo ves. Th is score with wh ateve r is deduct ed for compo sition can then be multiplied b y th e aes th etic ave rage score of a po ss ibl e 10, thu s m akin g a tot al of 100 point s as p erf ec t, a score w hi ch is uni versa ll y und erstoo d . Whil e difficu lty is relat ed to executi o n, th e multipli ca tion tak es car e of thi s con Sid e rin g th e hair splittin g w ithout d eduction s indi viduall y and simult aneou sly for each m ove m e nt proportion ed to difficult y. Th ese A-B-C and m ay b e D mo ves should b e caref ul ly and sci entifi ca ll y d ete rmin ed and o nl y w he n a new m ove w ould present it se lf

w ould it be n ecessa ry fo r th e judg es to ge t togeth er. Th ese judg es wo uld be t he m os t ex p eri e nce d and theirs wo uld be th e mo st diffi cult ass ignm e nt. If a diffi cu lt m ove is poo rl y pr esent ed, th e d edu ction s w ould be in accordan ce ; th e ir job w ould be to g rad e difficult y and co m b inati o n , no thin g else, thu s lesse nin g th e tas k of th e jud ge as we use him tod ay . Yes, thi s w ou ld be sim p li ficati o n as need ed. II COMPOSITION : Thi s ca tego ry wo uld b e th e leas t diffi cult to judge as it wo uld b e cl ea r cut and dri ed as all th at is n eed ed w oul d b e a simpl e d eduction of say on e or tw o po int s for an y specified compo nent part left out. Thi s could be tak en fro m th e di ffi cult y and comb ination score befo re it is multipli ed by th e execution scor e. Thi s w ould b e an id eal pl ace to br eak in th e in ex p e ri ence d judge and hi s remun eration could be in proportion to th e oth ers. III EXECUTION : Thi s w ould b e th e seco nd mo st diffic ult ass ignm ent in re lati o n to th e others. Thi s cat egory li es w ithin th e realm s o f aesth eti cs but wo uld call for th e spec iali st w ho w ou ld con sid e r as part of th e sco re th at w hi ch wo uld relate to th e we ll pro po rtion ed bo d y, free from bow legs, knock kn ees, bul gin g be lli es, long hair or b ad bo d y fo rm , executing move m e nt in a smooth , graceful , elega nt , flowing mann er of style. Hi s ass ignm ent w ould embra ce o nl y the arti sti c pha se and he w ould not b e con ce rned on e bit w ith th e o th e r cat ego ri es . A s a side note, it is a fo reg on e co nclu sion th at th e gr ea te r th e diffi cult y, th e hard er it is to exe cut e it w ith goo d form , so reall y th e cont es tant w ould n et a be tt er score through th e diffi cult y ch ann e l. A simplifi ed breakdown mighl be a ma ximum o f tw o po int s fo r each of th e foll ow ing fi ve areas : 1. Uniform app e ar an ce dnd m ann e r .... 2 pIS. 2. Continuit y, w ithout ex tra sw in gs, pau sin g too lon g or n o t lon g enough o n hold s.. .. 2 pIS. 3. Lo ss of contr o l, fallin g o ff or o ff bal anc e, scraping o f apparatu s or go ing out of areas .... :.! pIs. 4. Smoothn ess, free fr o m j erkin ess, smooth correct temp o, (not to o fa st or too slow ) .... 2 pIs. 5. Bod y fo rm and style durin g th e exe rcise (legs, knees, to es, head po sition s) .. .. :.! pIs. Hi s score wou ld b e 10 for p erfec t and th e composit e score could be d e ri ved from on e or more judges as pr ev iou sly stated . A multiplication w ou ld b e fo r an all inclu sive score re lating all cat egori es o f difficulty and combination , compo sition and ex ecution. Th e mu ltipli cation would p e rhap s tend to yield a great er spread of scores w ith less chan ce of o n e Guesl Ed. conI. on pg. 31

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? -CONSIDER ITTHEORETICALL Y I. On A 5 and 5 pI. Basis Execution Add Res. Mu lt. Res. Diff. & Comb. Co nt estant A .6 Pt s. 1 Pt. 5 Pt s. 5 Pt s. Cont es tant B 3 Pt s. 6 Pt s. 9 Pt s. 3 Pt s. Cont es tant C 5 Pt s. 6 Pt s. 5 Pt s. 1 Pt. (Not e: N o differe nti ation by adding; B is superior by multipl yin g) II. On a 10 and 10 PI. Basis: Co nt es tant A 10 Pts. 1 Pt. Co nt es tant B 6-5 Pt s. Mid 5-6 Pts. Mid Cont es tant C 1 Pt. 10 Pts. (Not e: N o diffe re nti ation by adding; B is superior

11 Pt s. 10 Pts. 11 Pts. 30 Pt s. 11 Pt s. 10 Pt s. by 20 point s by multip lyin g)


psycltoLoGY ANd cOAcitiNG By Dr. Joe Ma ss im o " SOME COMMENTS O N AN ED ITORIAL BY THE PAST PRES IDENT OF THE U N ITED STATES ASSOC IATIO N OF IND EPE NDEN f GYMN AS TI C CLUBS " In the most recent iss ue of the U.S.A. I.G .c. Newslette r (No. 1 Vol. II ) an Editorial Comment from the past Pres id ent (Tom Hein eike) appea red co ncern in g hi s ex p erience at the M id west Open he ld o ve r the Thank sg ivin g wee kend. To m 's remarks fo ll ow : " I spent Th anksg ivin g in Ch icago at the M id west Open. Th ere I ran into a situation whi ch irritated and disgusted me. For th e national elite divis ions, 60 plus girls had one set of unevens and two beam s to wo rk on for wa rm-ups. I saw gi rl s " hogging" equipment for their tea ms. One group held a beam until every girl had been th rough two routin es p lu s wo rked out the tro uble spo ts. Th e sam e gro up we nt through entire routines on bars with five minutes left for wa rm-ups and stil l twenty girl s standing in line - hopin g to get a chance to find thei r settin g bef ore th e meet started. The sad part is that th is behav ior is taught by co aches. I saw we ll kn ow n eli te coaches, usua ll y friendly and kind , turn into M r. Hydes when their girl s ca me up. I saw young coaches I had not seen before, push everyone aside so that their girl s co uld get the bes t chance . And we wo nder why our elite progra m is such a rott en politica l mess! A wa rning, coaches; yo u had better check yo ur moti ves. Why' are yo u coac hing? For your own so rry egos? To sa ti sfy the child in yo u th at lon gs for recog niti on? Are yo u co ncern ed at all about th e young peopl e yo u are trainin g? What are you training th em for? Are you trainin g ju st thei r bodies, or do yo u wa nt them to grow up to be responsible, lovin g, whole people? Do yo u really love th e sport and do yo u rea ll y love th e gy mn as ts yo u are wo rkin g with, or are you in love with ju st yo urself? Coaches - tak e a se riou s look - th e sport and th e li ves of many you ng people depend on it. "

I wo uld like to make some obse rva tion s abou t this situ at ion as Tom descr ib es it. First, all of us w ho have coac hed have run into thi s probl em, oft en, as a defens ive act ion, we are forced to tak e a simil ar stan ce so o ur own gy mn asts do not get sho rt- chan ged. This experience is a sa d one and th e questions Tom rai ses warra nt a carefu l personal rev iew by al l coac hes. Self rev iew is a good process for all coac hes on a regular basis. Part o f the prob lem is an im p li cit one w hi ch ha s to do w ith the nature of co mp etiti ve gy mna st ics as a spo rt. Albeit that the beha vio r is irritatin g, it is also a fa ct that mo st gymnasts nee d a decent warm- up before compet in g. Many coac hes are ove r- zea lo u s in thi s regard and so me may behave in w ays that ref lect questionab le moti ves and va lu e sys tem s. Many coaches, however, m ay care ve ry much about the tota l youngste r (as Tom says, " training them to be respo nsibl e, lovin g, w ho le peop le." ) but are also (and p erhaps prim aril y) interes ted in produ cing fi ercely compet iti ve e l ite perform ers who have already dedicated many hours to t he spo rt wi th much personal sacr ifice. With th is in mind , coaches are o ut fo r their


"THE FULL TWISTING DIVE ROLL" By Brian Bozick In recent years a va ri ety of interes ting and creati ve move ments ha ve been introduced into th e floor exerci se eve nt. As is th e case in most areas of spo rts, the valuabl e and interesti ng element s are reta in ed or allowed to develop. Such has bee n the case w ith the (1 / 1) full tw ist in g di ve roll and su bseq uent 1 V, tw istin g d ive ro ll. The skill is an attractive addition to most exercises and can be perfo rm ed eith er from a forward run , or with an ad dition al Vz twist , from a round-off. Th e basic steps to perfo rming thi s skill are set fort h be low. Pre-requisites: 1. Hi gh forward di ve rol l. 2. We ll -control led round-off (if used to execute seq uence) . Equipment Needed : 1. Springboard or 2. M ini Trampolin e or 3. Va ultin g Board an d 4. Landin g Mat Procedure: Step I: Us in g va ultin g board, gym nast should perfect a high, we lkontrolled di ve ro ll. Th e sk ill should empha size a pr ono unced chest lift at the ea rl y portion of th e flight and a pro nounced hee l lift at th e ze nith of the fli ght. (fig. 3 th ro ugh 6) Once th is phase is p erf ecte d t he gymnast should begin to practi ce th e inclus ion of the twisting element. A V, twi st to th e back, using a thick landing mat, is a recommended procedure at this point. It is important at this juncture to menti o n two keys to this skill. The first dea ls wi th the gymnast " setting " (see fig. 4) himself up for the twist. Thi s requires that the performer reach a high contro ll ed point in the di ve, with forward up wd ru traj ec tory, prior to ini tiating the twist. The seco nd co ncerns the pos ition of the head . Th e head shou ld remain own. I agree with Tom that thi s is indeed un for tun ate in th e ex treme bu t it is unlikely that al l coac hes are go in g to share his philosophy in this regard. I happ en to - but if m y youngsters are at a co mp etition where this is happening yo u ca n be sure I won't stand by

in an up, chin-o ut, position throughout the twi sting sequence. (see fig. 3 through 6) As the performer ga ins confidence and familiarity with the V, twist, he wi ll begin to "feel" his position relative to the floor. At this point, it is recommended that he roll on the floor in the same twisting direction he plans to use in the aerial performance, and try to visual ize the actual skill. While practicing the roll, the gymnast should be conscious of a heel and head lift as the roll or twist is completed . 1 his arching phenom enon will allow the bod y to remain stra ight and the twisting to be comp leted as the gymnast finishes the skil l. Step II: As the gymnast becom es comfortab le w ith th e V, twist and understands the sk ill through practicing the " ro ll" technique, the next step is to perform the full twist. Us in g th e landing mat and vau ltin g board, the athlete follows the same procedure as in Step I, except the latera l " ro ll " is performed in the air. The spo tt er sta nd s near the mat on the side to w hi ch the performer is twisting. He should aid th e gymnast in reac hing hi s hands on the land in g. (see fig. 7) Common Errors: Two commo n errors in p erforming this sk ill are already li sted above 1. Failur e to "set-up " before twisting. 2. Failure to keep the head up th rou ghout the sequence (chin-o ut) . The fa ilure to " set-up" results in a slu ggish and frequent ly st ilted twist. It is not uncomm on for a J;ej twist or an almost twist to result from this problem. The dropping of the chin or the head-down error res ults in the body pulling into a bailor a closed position. As this occurs th e twist is terminated and the gymnast falls o ut of the dive. Either problem can effect the twist element of the sk ill and the resulting problems freq uent ly resemb le each ot her. The coach is urged to check the key errors li sted above. and sulk but will get in there on their behalf alas, the vic ious cyc le is perpetuated! I have worked with many of ou r top coaches (Muriel Grossfeld, Dick Mulvihill, Bud Marquette, Rod Hill, Bill and)G inn y Coco etc.) and t hey are " tigers " but from personal Psych. and Coaching cont. on pg. :u

GYMNAST Mar. '74

LET'S TWIST AGAIN LIKE WE DID LAST SUMMER OR A TRAMPOLINIST LOOKS AT A FULL TWISTING BACK FLIP by Stormy Eaton United States Naval Academy I have bee n as ked to relate so me id eas o n teaching a full tw isting back flip . Thi s skill ca n b e ex ecut ed in ba sica ll y t wo w ays. Th ey are: 1. Layout back flip, wh en upsid e d own, see t he bed or floor and w rap th e arm s across. W e shall call thi s a " late full ". 2. Initiate th e tw ist pra cticall y off th e gro und i n th e fo rm o f a b ack di ve half twi st. Performing th e la yout first h as th e ad vant age of gettin g th e hip s up fas t, makin g th e tw ist easier. Thi s full is best p erf o rmed o n th e still rings w here an equal pull b y both arm s is necessary at th e end of th e di slocat e to crea te rotation . Without thi s th e gymn as t w ill m o st likely catch a rin g w ith hi s fo o t resultin g from dropp ing the should er too ea rl y. Th e disad vantage li es in th e head positi o n. With a late full , th e gymn ast ca nn o t see th e landin g until he ha s touch ed th e m at. Thi s is th e prim ary reason I am pursuin g th e back di ve half type o f full. Most trampolini sts genera ll y do no t get di zzy during a ten skil l r outine. If w e did , w e would lose the abilit y to relocate as acc u ra tely as w e do. Most t ra mpolini st s do see alm ost every trick , including a fu ll. Even on su ch a skill as a double tw isting d o ubl e ba ck, th ere is never a tim e wh en th e trampolin e bed is no t i n view. Many of us coaches ha ve sought to break thi s full down making it easi er to und erstand and ex plain to youn ge r gy mn asts. H ow m an y coa ches are fru strated b eyo nd beli ef" be ca use th e " late twi st " ha sn 't work ed yet? (This is tru e especiall y in wo!"", en' s gy mna sti cs). I offer thi s m ethod with help fro m路 Ni sse n 's twis tin g ex pert, George H ery. EQUIPMENT: trampoline and / or crash p ad , row of mat s. From Ru sty Mitc hell (m y form er coac h ) I have learn ed that a co ach can decrease consid erably th e actual learning time of a particular stunt if h e or she can ph ysicall y manipulate the gy mnast through th e desired stunt. Thi s is a rea l ad vant age o ve r th e hand twi sting belt meth o d if th e coach ca n lea rn thi , techniqu e. CAUTION: Thi s type of manipu lation is not for every co ach and I h esitate in tea chin g this in fea r th at so m e coac h will think thi s is simple and try it w ith a youn g gymnast, res ulting in an injury. It tak es man y thpusand s of spot s to attain thi s meth o d effectively. Pl ease take tim e and practi ce . 1. We beg in wi t h a layo ut back flip . To eliminat e " pik ing down " at th e end, th e GYMNAST Mar. '74

gymn ast sho uld learn to lean back afte r th e initi al lift has been co mpl eted . Thi s w ill ti ghten th e back and res ult in a strai ght bod y p os iti o n. 2. To beg in teachin g a back di ve half (fro m no w on a BO Y2), th e coac h mu st sp o t o n th e sid e th at the gymn ast turn s toward s. Standin g o n th e left sid e as she lift s o ff, you w ill sp o ton th e back with the right hand as sh e ro ll s to her sto mach . Th e left h and will be o n th e right thi gh. You mu st put th e gymn as t through a hand stand pos ition o n th e m at (ve ry mu ch like a stut z hand on Parall el Bars). If it helps, thi nk of Y,flip and y, twist. Wh en she ca n ge t her hips up fas t eno ugh to move thro ugh th e hand stand pos itio n o n h er own (usua ll y you ca n fee l thi s wh en spo ttin g), th en stay layed o ut almost landin g on h er ba ck, and be at least hea d hi gh, sh e is r ea d y to m ove o n. Do not ru sh th is step, it is th e key to success fo r thi s t ri ck ! FIGURE 1: arm s are liftin g, hip s o ut in fro nt , hea d in a neu tral p os iti o n - not looking back. FI GU RE 2: eyes loo kin g at th e gro und, hi ps out, arm s up . 3. Th e second half o f th e full p ert ain s to a ro undoff, th en a barani . To d etermin e w hi ch way to intiate tw ist, try thi s: by puttin g th e ri gh t hand dow n on a ro undoff th e tw ist is initi ated to th e left. Lo o k at th e pos iti o n of th e left sh o uld er as th e h and goes d own. Ma ny gy mna sts may alrea d y ha ve a BO Y, and it may be th e oth er way. Go ahea d and teach t he f ull th at way, but it w ill h elp if th e gymn as t ca n lea rn a ro undoff on both sid es. (Fo r ri ght tw istin g everyth ing is reve rsed) . 4. Wh en th e gy mn ast has a good BO Y2, th e coa ch is rea d y to m anipu late her thro ugh th e second half by h o ldin g her o n th e BO V2 and carrying her throu gh th e ro undoff. It wi l l be co nfu sing at first as to w hi ch way to fini sh th e second half. Holding the gy mn as t in th e BO V, tell he r to do th e corr ect roundoff. A s a spo tt er you w ill be twi stin g he r into yo u in stea d o f away


from you. As a spo tt er yo u w ill p lace your ri ght arm across th e back at take o ff , and as she tw ists yo ur arm w ill be o n t h e sto mac h. Th e left hand is o n t he back of t he ri ght leg rota tin g to fron t o f leg as she tw ists. A ft er th e first half th e ri ght arm co mes o ut and th e left ca rri es the we ight until th e r ight get s in at t he end under th e sto m ach. Eventu all y yo u w ill b e abl e to sp o t th e e nti re tri ck w ith yo ur left arrn . 5. The gy mn ast is now ready to go th ro ugh w it ho ut th e use of ha nds on the ro undof f. Thi s is w here t he initi al hip d rive is cru cial. Rememb er; y, fli p y, tw ist. ~ I GU R E 5: th is shows th e beg in n ing of th e seco nd half. Noti ce t he ri gh t arm h as co m e in. fi GU RE 6: th e fi ni sh - if th e gymn as t h as to p ike in deep, there was lack of hi p t h rus t at the beg inn i ng. PRO BLEMS : Th e m os t common prob le m is tw isti ng too ea rl y w ith o ut h ip li f t. (FI GU RE 7 il lustrates t hi S) . Generall y after th e gymn ast has learne d th is full , it is neces sary to keep str essin g th e st re tch at th e beginnin g. f iGU RE B: shows th e resul t of tw istin g too ea rl y. Thi s fo rces a pi ke in o rd er to co mpl e te a so m ersa ult, makin g tw istin g ve ry difficult. CORRECTI ONS: Go bac k to a layo ut, BO Y, until t he gymna st gets t he stretch id ea. SA ~ E T Y : I have fo un d thi s to be mu ch mo re safe th an spo ttin g on th e o th er side for a lef t or ri g ht twis ti ng full. Th e gym nast is turnin g in to, no t aw ay from the sp otte r. AUTHOR' S NOTE: Thi s is ju st o ne way o f teac hin g a full. I d o no t cl aim it is 路路 th e" ri ght way , it dep end s on your own gy mn asts. I d o howeve r fee l th at a good so lid trampo li ne backgro u nd is go in g to benefit any gy mn as ti cs pr og ram . I fee l thi s typ e o f full is good beca use th e gy mn ast ca n see th e entire stu nt, rath er t ha n tw istin g blind.

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LESSON 1. Exe rcise (m isca ll ed stret chin g) in the range where flexib ilit y is present may be a prelud e to stretc hing, but of itse lf does not mak e much of a cont ributi on to fle xibilit y. LESSON 2 " St retching" against strong ly resisting mu scles is usually harmful and does littl e to improve fl ex ibility. LESSON 3 Balli stic stretching has almo st no va lu e in the in crease of flex ibility . It surely does se rve so me other purposes, but that is besid e the point. ALL MODERN (nondestructive) SYSTEMS FOR J.. TC HI N G ARE BASED ON DR. H.J. 8IESTERFELDT, JR. •• STRE INCORPE RATI NG TH ESE LESSONS INTO A • "GYMNAST" RESEARCH EDITOR PROGRAM WORKABLE FOR THE GROUP Athletics Department- SIU Arena CONCERNED . Carbondale, Illinois 62901 •• Warm-up and reflexes. ~J.~ Consider for a moment the famil iar kneej erk refl ex . If yo u w ill test a man say 20 times in a few minutes, you w ill find that th e rea ct ion to FLEXI81l1TY PROGRAMS the hammer starts quite strong, and shortl y by H. J. Biesterfeldt, Jr. then d im ini shes to a lowe r, con tinuin g, leve l. It is this dimini shment that is imp orta nt to us. O ver some 15 years I ha ve experim en t ed Most of coord in at ion is refl ex ive in nature. with a va ri ety of stretch in g pro cedures, so me Certain ly war m-up m ea ns partl y stimul at io n of quite un sa ti sfacto ry and others with va riou s circulation. Much more essentiall y it means advantages. Today I will describe w hat makes a triggering of relevent reflexes under cont ro lled poor m ethod poor, and give t he essential co nditi o ns so to estab li sh a norma l leve l o f features of a safe progra m. Fo r thi s is of reaction. Mostl y thi s in volves suppression of paramount importance: a flexibility program ove r-reacti ons. We suppress the stretch ref lex should minimi ze the probability of inj ury and to gain recoil through a fu ll range of motion . und es ired ske leta l deformat ion. We suppress the inhibitin g reflexes associated I. The Old Way and its Lessons. with pain. In fact, recent stud y revea ls a rich A classic (ballistic) example. of informatio n about hitherto . store Th e in stru cto r ca ll s for 25 toe tou ch es done un exam in ed refl ex sy stems. to a fast count, w ith th e perform er tryin g to go In stretching we mu st by some means ensure as far as possible each time. aga inst reflex ive contract io n of the stretched Results: In over half of th e cases th ere is no muscles. improvement in fl ex ibility beyond a minor improve ment due to familiarity with th e II. A Partner Stretching Program exercise. D o ne ea rl y in season 10% o r more Stretching sys tems wo rk ab le for a physica l performers w ill suffer so me degree of mu scl e therapist giving ind ividu al t rea tments fo r $10.00 pull, with resultant scar tissue. Only the luck of a half h o ur ma y not b e sui tab le for Hinsd ale' s avo idin g repetition of th e injury prevents 500 gymnasts and two or three coach es. The gradual los s of flexibility. In l at~ r yea rs th e system we desc ribe here is wo rk ab le in large ath lete ma y ex pect aches and pains due to th e groups, provid ed the athl etes are ca uti o ned to sca r tissue . stretch each other quite gentl y. They should be In add ition we ment io n that suc h an exe rci se caution ed not to try and see how far th ey ca n don e as a setting up exercise, wit hout any push each oth er. It may take 3,1., ho ur for th e first warmup, seem s to be even mo re li kely to be few days, bu t ca n shortly be reduced to 1/ 3 harmful. hour as the gymnasts progress. A neoclassical example. _ 1) Since the stretch reflex must be suppressed, Subject is too tight in shoulders to hold an adequate warm-up is in o rd er. For thi s, any acceptable handstand. A friend tries to help non-balli stic exe rcise using th e muscles to be him by usin g (lots of) force to place hi s stretch ed will do. This might just be your shoulders in better position . " Pop " goes th e normal wo rkout sess ion, stretching as a finish. ring titl e. It is not cr iti ca l. Variation. 2) A comfortab ly warm workout area h~lps , Subject ha s no intention of lettin g anyon e since arct ic clothing in h ibits stretchin g. hurt him. He sits on the floor, legs apart, and ha s a fr iend p ush him forward and down , to stretch hi s h amstrings. Everyo ne, even he him se lf, thinks he is stretching. But to protect himself he uses hi s co nsiderabl e strength to ensure that h e does not get anyw here nea r hi s full range of motion . H e works on his " flexibility" reg ularly, and gets nowhere. A ridiculous example. Suppose a man has sli ghtly t ight tri ceps so £ • .1 that he cannot bend his arms fully. Wou ld anyone here suggest handstand pushups to loosen up hi s triceps? Certainly he cou ld use them as a warmup, but as his arms bend on ly to a right angle in th e exercise, we ca nnot expect the exercise to help him bend further than th at. In a si milar ve in, curls do not make th e we ight lifter superfl ex ible. .' These exa mpl es are intended to lead one to f / !.. ... - - - _ . ...... - - - . - • • . / accept th e lessons others have lea rn ed about ridicu lous example. stretchin g.

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3) Each exe rci se described below is to b e done

15 tim es at the sta rt of the program . As th e p rogram pro gresses, the rep et itio ns may be reduced grad uall y to abo ut eight. 4) On e repetiti o n cons ists o f two parts: a four second co ntraction phase followed by a fo ur seco nd relaxation ph ase. 5) Iso met ri c effo rt at position holding afte r the last repe tit ion for another four seconds or so gives a good rate of strengt h in cr ease as a bonus. Th e idea is this . Afte r a bit of fatigue fro m th e four seco nd s of contraction , the mu scle "wants" to rela x, and hence should rela x mo re than usual. Al so if the assistant h as not hurt the su bj ect in the fir st few repetitions, the subj ect ga in s con fid ence in him, and unconsciously coo p erates with him. So after three or four repetitions, th e ass istant gradu all y stretch es the gym nast in the rela xed phase. He allows the subj ect to move away from t h e stret ched position a bit in the co ntraction phase if thi s prevents pa in . Th ere shou ld be ve ry littl e pain . Th e assistant sho uld keep an eye o n the face of the su bj ect to be sure of the start o f pain. The subj ect, if particu larl y tight, may cooperate better w ith hi s eyes close d, for often if he sees how far yo u ca n stretch him, he w ill not accept it and wi ll ten se up. Th e ass istant should p rove to be sure that the proper mu scles are being tensed i n the co ntract io n pha se. IMPORTANT -- NO STRETCH ING IS DONE IN THE CONTRACTION PHASE (lesson 2) Exe rcise 1 is especia ll y for very stiff gymnasts and stretches some of th e short muscles which are stretched also in later exercises. It should be omitted as the gy mna sts get well into the program . Exercise 3 should be omitted from the initial program for st iff gymnasts who w ill be unabl e to do it. At so m e point it sho uld replace 3 to save time. As th e program gets along, ex ercise 2 ma y be don e w ithout a partn er, on the floor, to save time . But this eli minates the strength benefits. Exercise 1. Sit on the floor as shown and press knees toward floor. In co ntract phase, squeeze up against hand s wi th knees. Bend forward as far as poss ibl e with back st raight during exerci se. Alternative:. On b ack, knees drawn upward , partner presses knees apart and toward floor, say 6" w id er than shou lder width. Th e seco nd works b ett er but is hardly an ideal partner position from the PTA poin t of view. Exercise 2 As in sketch, back and one leg quite flat. Leg is to be stretch ed toward the face of the subject. Do not allow hips to twist as this cha nges the stretch.

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GYMNAST Mar. '74

Alternati ve : Do exerc ise aga in st the wal l, and at end make subj ect try to ho ld leg as hi gh as th e ass istant has raised it (4 sec). A lternati ve : On floor, subject stretch es se lf. Exercise 3 Agai nst wa ll as shown, back flat , body stra ight. Raise leg in a plane of 30° from wa ll, toe turned ou t. Isomet ri c ho ld at f ini sh. Exercise 3 Subj ect on ba c k o n fl oo r, legs raised and apart. Hands holding heels, legs and arms straig ht. Keeping back on floor, press hands toward f loor. Partn ers ca n wo rk ve ry eff ective ly at start, but this ma y best be deferred unti l so m e progress has been mad e. Exercise 4 Subject on floo r, face down. Assistant rai ses o ne leg, care ful not to rai se it sid ewa rd at all, and pressin g o n hip to force all bending to occur in hip. Exe rcise 5 serves somew hat th e sa me fun ct io n as th e gy mna sts progress. Exercise 5 Split, ca rryin g th e weight on hand s during th e stretch phase, and supportin g it w ith legs on contraction. Do not try to bounce. Kee p hip s sq uared off - legs forward and back. Exercise 6 Round back in th e co ntract ph ase, press down to increase arch in rela x ph ase. Exercise 6 Alternate (ass ista nt needs so me skill). Subject sits o n floor, feet aga in st wa ll , arms overhead, in ar mpits of assistant. With bent arm s, ass istant reac hes round to th e upper back of subj ect. On co ntract, subj ect ro unds back and draws arm s forward. On rela x, assistan t draws arm s back and w ith hi s hand s acce nt s the upper back arc h of subject. Exe rcise 6 is for upper back, and not lowe r back. Th ere sho uld be stretch o f shou ld ers without pain. Exercise 7 Hang in a Ge rman hang on th e bar w here the fee t ca n touch th e floor. Use usual procedure to stretch, for fr eer sw in g on parallel bars and so on. Though o bvious, this exercise is quite impo rt ant. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 1 Di slocate. Here, good German fle xibilit y comes first. Then, the subject need mere ly elevate the cl av icle almost up to the ear, and he w ill find the di slocate quite easy. If th e elevat ion is forgotten , far greater fl exib ility is req uired, and th e integ rity o f the shoulder joint may be impaired. Do not force any disloca te exe rcises. This is as muc h a coordination ski ll as a flexibilit y one. 2 Lower back. Thi s is a probl em mainl y from o ver-zealous stretc hin g in children. It se ldom requir es much wo rk, and such thing s as bridges are not ve ry well advised. A simple and safe exercise for use when needed is this: in position as shown , press down w ith hands as if pulling to a front lever, all owing abdominal

mu scles to re lax. WARNING . A lmo st no mu sc les nea r th e back ca n pre ve nt overa rch of t he lower back. Wit h adequate h ip and upper ba ck and shou lde r flex ibilit y, th ere is littl e reason to pu sh for lowe r back fl ex ibility. ORTHOPEDICALl Y UNDESIRABLE EXERCISES Certain common exercises frequ ently co ntribute to ort hoped ic p rob lems, and should be avo ided or used w ith ca re. Th e bridge is o ne, as mentioned above . Exe rcise 3, and Exe rci se 2 if do ne w hil e ho lding the an kle, tend to in crease rec urva tum. Legs th at hyp erex tend are prone to knee di slocat ion s. Use care . " Jap Split s" as now o ften don e, app ly direc t sideward force o n t he kn ees . Especiall y w ith gym nasts no t ye t aged 16, th e kne e rema in s in comp letel y oss ified, so that su ch for ces ca n if cont inu ed ove r so m e tim e res ult in permanent deformit y, b o th as loose and knock k nees. Watch for signs o f late ral bending, and forewarn th e gymna st wit h such tendency. Or ju st forget th e exercise. Equally easy is it to produce late ral curve of t he elbo w, and ea rl y wo rk o n cro sses has had th at und esi red effect on man y of the Japanese gymna sts. Especia ll y in youngsters, thi s is a ve ry serious cons id era tion . It is we ll to remember th at alm ost no bones of these two j oints ossify full y befo re age 15, mos t by age 20, and one not until age 25 . III Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and other technically involved methods. P.N.F. Quite frankly, P.N. F. methods are too in vo lved for practica l use by coach es except in case of the need to recuperate from se ri o us injury. M y remarks here are ve ry brief. P.N .F. attempts to repa ir o r rep lace nerve paths and in vo lves the use of a muscle through it s range wi th th e hope th at th is use w ill st imul ate this nerve recove ry. It is essent ial in Pol io cases, but less important elsewhere. Th erapy is ve ry personal and quite tim e consum in g. One element of therapy techn iqu e is the suppression of pain w it h co rr espo ndin g suppression of muscl e contract io n. Except for the undes irabilit y of feeding an at hl ete medi cin es, we cou ld do this w ith a large dose of skeleta l muscle rela xa nts. This mu st b e discouraged. Warmth So me years ag o I tested use of hea t for thi s, and I fou nd that eve n chronical ly tight athletes co uld stre tch effective ly after abo ut twe nt y minut es in a wet 105° stea m room . I did not find hot-dry sa una s of as much use. Since we often lack access to su ch a facili ty, and often th e rooms are too small to use and

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GYMNAST Mar. '74

too dirty to li e down in , I no lo nger reco mm en d thi s. With a good faci lity, yo u ma y fin d it okay, an d we do some time s use it. Mo re important, th e grea t wa rmth res ults in more th an the usua l damage i n case o f overzea lo us stretch in g. Th e b loo d vesse ls ar e too d ialated. Th e main adva ntage th en is the slee py, rela xed, fat igued cond ition deve loped in the bat h. Thi s approach cannot be used on inju red mu scles for so me ti m e after injury. Chemicals Chem ica l hea tin g rubs ca n produce simil ar ben efit s, but should not be use d exce pt in " emerge ncy. " Th e effect of t hese chemica ls is small , and diminishes w ith co nt inu ed u se, so the y should b e reserved fo r the few tim es th at they are nee ded . Cold Dir ec tl y after any injur y that may cause bleeding, vasoco nstri ction is esse ntial. Ice is th e cheapest and usuall y th e fastest means ava il ab le. By 24 ho u rs after injury, un de r th e numbing influ ence of thorough icin g, stretchin g ca n b eg in . Th e p ractiti one r sho uld use ex treme care not to agg rav ate th e problem . In add iti o n, eve n w ith out injury o r to ge t around pains of an o ld in jury, thorough ice massage followed by ice and str etching ca n be helpful.lo do o ne hJrmtring I find a cub e o f at least a qu art vo lume is needed. Ice pa cks do not suffi ce . Two-quart milk carto ns make a good size for ice trea tm e nt, for stretching, as on ly ten minut es preliminary massage is requ ired . Thi s pr ocedu re w ill stretch the mu scles, but ano th er mea ns w ill still be requ ired to teach th e athl ete to relax e no ugh to stretch o n hi s own. It also mu st be mention ed that goo d circu lati on and deep mu scl es limi t the chi lli ng effec t and hence th e effecti ve ness of the method. IV Conclusion Th e meth o ds of Sect ion II see m genera ll y mo st wo rk ab le, and ha ve th e side benefit of in cluding iso metri c str ength deve lop m ent. D etail s on th e techni cal sys tems are a matter of exper ience and we are glad to co nfer abo ut indi vidual probl ems in th era py as req uired. ADDED AFTER DISC USSION AT ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC COACHES ASSOCIATION MEETING 1) Certain probl ems of fle xib ilit y are not rea ll y mu scula r probl ems and do not respo nd to th e fatigue sys tem at all. Jo int immobilit y f rom ot her ca uses - mineral deposits o r ch ip s in th e joint - mu st no t be diagnosed as mu scle ti ghtness, and must be trea ted differently wit h the supervision of a co mpetent o rth opedic ph ysic ian. 2) Th e fa tiqu e ,>ys tem app eills to produ ce fantastic gai ns during th e ve ry first sess ion, and no signifi ca nt so reness wi ll remain the following da y. Ho wever th e athlete w ill u su al ly be ri ght back w here he sta rted by th e ne xt day. Thi s is quite natu ral. First, it takes t im e to learn to relax, so that each day so me fati gue is needed to get back to a full y f lex ibl e state. More important, it is o nly th e small amount of str etch in g at the end of the program, w h en we have atta in ed f ull range, that is actually stretching th e mu scl e. As wee ks pass, this ma ximum range w ill increase, and along with it also the fle xibilit y level avai lab le wi th o ut th e system (post wa rm-up and pre-stretching) w ill increase. Th e object is to both stretch and to lea rn re laxat ion. 3) Lea rning relaxa ti o n is part of so me currentl y popular yoga. It is ce rtainl y a po ss ible m ean s of develop ment of flex ibility. I ca n h ardl y reco mm end adop ti o n of such a philosophical and ph ys ical program ju st to p ro mote gym nast ic progress howeve r .


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CROSS HATCH GYMNASTIC ART By Dan Cragg Gymnastic Coach Robbinsdale High School - Minnesota









Mrs. Renee P. Hendershott 17605 Fries Avenue Lakewood, Ohio 44107


Renee ~endershott_ Women s _ _ _ _ _ __


g_ Co. ordinatin edrtor ___ __

SHE FLEW AWAY TO NEVER NEVER LAND Renee P. Hendershott If you have n 't see n Cathy Rigby M ason in Peter Pan, you shou ld p lan to go. She is d arling! The show is not rea ll y th at gymnasti ca ll y oriented, but it is quite clever how the choreog rap her h as wo rk ed in a littl e gymn as ti c, here and th ere to enhan ce th e w hole show. Th ey quite cl eve rl y turn ed a fram ework of bones into a d isquised set of uneve n ba rs, which Pe ter Pan used to knock off a do ze n hei ty pirates . Th e entire show is done in pantomime, and I mu st say Cathy is rea ll y good at it. The vo ices are on tap e. Som ehow, w hen I sa w her flying off into space, Ihad a di st in ct urge to cry . I'm not sure if it was sadness or joy ... gu ess a littl e bit of both. Sadness because a great little gymna st has retired from t he gymnas ti c co mmunity .. .. happin ess beca use she is maki ng crea tive u se of her ba ckground and not turnin g co mpletely away from gy mn astics. She is free now .... just enjo yin g mov in g .. . no score to worry abo ut. I think th ere is so met hing to be lea rn ed from Cat hy .... and th at is.... yo u can ' t go on foreve r being an Ol ympi an at any thing ... . and when yo u do reti re, yo u sho uldn ' t throw it all away in bitterness, but use w hat you have lea rn ed as a background for the thin gs yo u do in late r life. Right now she is usin g it al l to be a rea ll y super Peter Pan. Who knows what it w ill lead her to next?



Instant Insanity Ju st to ex plain -- I go t into this " bus in ess" of judging ve ry innoce ntl y by vo luntee ring one hou r a week to teach balle t to th e hi gh school gymnastic club. " Sweetheart," th e coach , sugg ested, " Why don ' t yo u take a judging class? It started la st night in Waterway, just 40 mil es away round trip! " Why not ? -- The four kid s can fare pretty well for th emse lves, m y hu sband tra ve ls a lot - he wouldn 't miss m e, the hou se and t he dog cou ld do without me one night a week -- so away we go . I didn 't know what an ad ve nture I was getting into. The first shock was to lea rn that al l but two of us in the cla ss were champion gy~nasts and / or coaches - (a ya m i-what?). Shock #2 - As th e cl ass starts, " Teach" hand s out four books to all latecomers and matter-o f-factly states, " M emori ze th ese. " I thought (a t thi s point) that she was kidding. I rea li ze no w, she wasn ' t. Not only do yo u memori ze every pag e of these books, yo u also m emorize the covers, page numbers (for instant referen ces) and the year published and by whom. (Plus what kind of glue is used in the binding.) The classes were informati ve, and cha lleng in g. The coac hes were sure I was a Total Idiot (a tuck-a-what?) and " T~ach " had th e patience of a sa int. Lik e th e night one of the gals in the class bro ught in bask et of apples. We all got the gigg les trying to jud ge between bites, and there were accusations of spiked app les. The outcome of al l th is was that we were all off on our judging, so I learned t hat frame of mind ha s a lot to do w ith consistency. After two and one-ha lf months " Teach " informs us th at THE TEST w ill .be in two weeks. In stant Panic -- That is just one week before Christmas. You ha ve to be kidding me!! How do you remember all of thi s; cram what you don 't know and remember that Aunt Minnie likes size 10 purple knee socks for Christmas, and " Please, no cookies w ith nuts, this year!!" Should I take THE TEST, or wait? For after two and one-half months, I had forgotten what the kids looked like, my hu sband had forgotten what I looked like, and the dog thought I was a stranger'. Reason? -Every fre e minute was sp ent studying. Eve ning s we re spent locked in m y room to stud y, I fold ed clothes to th e rhythm of Floor Ex musi c, I ran the sweeper only th e long way of the room , (so th e b ea m routine foot wo rk wou ld fit). I almost broke my hand trying to do a glide kip w ith my fingers around a knitting needle, and as for vaulting - forget it I' m too old and my middle age spread won't allow me to manage it over th e ceder chest. HELP!! ! "Sweetheart" assure's me that I shou ld take THE TEST - she 's sure I'll pass - (I'm sure I won't) and the coaches in the class just look at me in disgust, (a sa ito is what?) Then my so n puts in his 2¢ worth - " Mom, you have to have a positive attitud e!" How many times I've said this to him, I was hearing my own words . One more cla ss th en THE TEST. What questions need answerin g? -- Should I go? -Real panic takes ho ld - - " Stick with it" . I say to myself, " You have spent too many.hours on the freeway to give it up now! "


GYMNAST Mar. '74

I wa l ked into that la st cl ass comp let ely bew ild ered. Wh at was I, a middl e age, retired bal[et teacher, doing here With all these yo un g, good look in g, trim coaches. Th ey kn ow th e techniqu e of different tri cks, I' m still trying to keep th e name s straight. I as k questions, (a windy is what?), they get bored - - OH, DO I NEED HELP! Th e n sa lva tion - th e bes t Chri st mas present I cou ld have, -- " Teach" in forms us th at th e test didn ' t come so we co uldn 't take it until late in January and th en on ly th e w ritten part. What a relief. Someone lifted the we ight of th e wo rld off m y shoulders, AND EVERY BIT OF INFORMATION I HAD STUDIED SO HARD FOR OUT OF MY BRAI N. Now I'm co nvi nced I'm a total idiot .... After a M erry Christmas and a Happ y New Year, th e ch ildren decid e that "Mom's Tes t " is a famil y project ... How else will we all ge t to go to the Olympics? A small tape r ecorder is purchased and eve ry bit of information on bars is read in to the tap e. My #1 dau gher ca n " repeat by rote " all th e deduct ions on unevens because wh ere-eve r we we nt in the car, the " unevens on tape" went w ith us. My #2 daughter can rattl e off all superior moves on th e b ea m and neutral d edu ct ion s for fall s etc., because thi s was her ass ignment, and #3 daughter (age 6) kn ows va ult values backwards and forwards. As for m y son, hi s job was moral e. He sure worked hard, but the tightness in m y chest ju st would not go away. Fear sta rted to take hold aga in . I ate supper to qu estion s fired by th e children. The #3 daughter, followed by the dog, followed me everyw here constantly ask in g " Bent hip straddle?" etc., etc., etc. It was like a parade. I even kept a f lash li ght and " THE BOOKS" under the bed , so if I couldn't sleep, I could try to study. M y hu sband ignored us all.

Test ni ght arrives. (Instead of b less in g our eve nin g m ea l, m y children all say a heart- f elt prayer to St. Jude, " Mom has to get help from somewh ere!") We, coaches included, we re apprehensive about that test. The tension in th e test room was so th ick someone shou ld ha ve posted a " High Vo ltage " sign in the doorway. I was beg inning to feel a littl e sill y, until I loo ked up and saw ot hers dancin g w ith their feet only, " Pl ease do n ' t leave you r seat ", making fi gures in th e air, "No talkin g please " , o r figuring on the desk top w ith the ir fingers, " No scratch paper allo wed " . If I could only sta nd o n m y head, I' m sure I cou ld figu re o ut that answer. (We should have taken thi s test as a fa mil y -- I' m sure we cou ld pass.) Ho nes tl y - eve n in coll ege I never had an exa m as tough and as ex hau sting as this DGWS test. It was like going for a Ph. D. in'o nly 3 mo nth s. We have to wa it eight weeks for th e results. " Get SO me practi ce. " I tel l m yse lf, so wee kends are fill ed w ith judging meets. I eve n practice on the T.V. sports shows. At the bi ggest meet of the yea r, I' m wa iting for m y ca ll to judge and " Sweetheart" co mes bouncing acro ss the gym, followed by so meone I did n 't know, with " Teach " hot on her h ee ls. TEST RESULTS WERE BACK. Are yo u ready for this ? -- I mi ssed m y rating by two points. Ohhhhh !! ! "Mom, you have 136 girl s to judge toda y - forge t th at rating for now - we ' ll try aga in ." Do yo u think " Teach " wi ll let me take the cl ass aga in ? Next te st is in A pril! Can the famil y mak e it through another " Holida y with DGWS ?" Try aga in, w hy not. After all, I'm just a beginner. By the way, w hat is th e deduction for a girl w it h a co ld having to w ipe her runn y nose in th e middle of a ~I oo r I:x!



Renee P. Hendershott Last month we worked o n balancing and placement while on one to e. We discussed the many different positions in which the lifted foot ca n be placed du rin g a turn , and worked on some exercises for developing balance and a sense of proper weight transfer necessary in preparation for a contro lled turn. Consider your bod y as ha ving an im ag in ary lin e runnin g through it s center from top to bottom . Let us call this lin e your lon gitud in al axis. When you do a pirouett e, then, you are spin nin g around your lo ngitudinal axis. What you do w ith you r arms and legs during a turn w ill determine the speed of the turn. Turn s done in arabesq ue or other positions where the lifted leg is he ld extended or sli ghtly bent , but away from the working (support) leg are naturally , lower turn> than o nes in whic h the lift ed leg i; held close to the other leg (toe dt knee or ankle of support leg). These types of turn s can be speeded up by putting more energy into th e push off. .. but then there is a greater possibility of losing body ali gnment. Becau se you must balance lon ger during a slow turn or push off hard er to make th e turn faster (and take the c hance of los in g p lacement under st ress), these turns are more difficult. On the other hand, sin ce th e pirouettes with the li fted leg in a position suc h as passe (ret ire .. toe at knee of support leg), are faster turns, it is easier to do a double or triple turn with less pu sh off power. Since the turns go faster, it is not necessary to sta y in balan ce as lon g. We have all seen ice skaters start w ith a slow spin and change it to an extremely fast one. This is done by bringin g the arms and legs close to the longitudin al axis of the body. Dancers use their arms to so me extent in contro llin g the speed of certain turns. They start w ith the arm s away from the body, bring them in close (arms are considered close if they are over the head in a vertical position or curved and close to the body in any ot her position) during th e releve and turn , and, finally separate them as they stop. I do not wish to ove remph asize the use of one's arms for turns, because it is possible to do a perfect ly good turn with the arms tied behind the back! Arms are NOT to be swung like baseball bats to get yo u around!. ... only to control speed! We will discu ss specific positions of arms and legs when we learn about specific turns; however, befor e we go into this, yo u must lea rn about "spotting" ... or focus ing . The purpose of spotting is to allow you to remain completely oriented in space during the turn. To exemp lif y the importance of space orientation, let us suppose our gymnast is on the beam: She is going to execute a one and one half pirouette on one foot. Following the turn she wi ll immediately perform a front walkover. She must be able to stop the turn exactly where she wishes to . Otherwise ,he may end up stepping right ou t into ;pace in stead of into the frollt walkover. Spotting simpl y allows the eyes to be sti ll and focused on the point of termination throughout all but th e sli ghtest moment during the turn . It is used in jumps with turnsaswell as pirouettes on the floor or the beam. Spotting is rea lly quite simple: As you begin turn ing, leave the head behind (eyes focused in front of you where you began the turn) (Fig. #1 & 2) When your body has gone around far enough so th at yo u must turn your head, SNAP it around very quickly to focus on the same spot (F ig. #3). Your body wi ll get there after your head arrives. (Fig. #4)


Quick snap from 2-3 Fig. 5: 5th position Fig. 6: Point to 2nd position ... arms open. Fig. 7: Prepare in 4th ... If turning to left, put left arm forward and right to side. At beginning of turn the left arm opens to the side. Fig. 8: Turn to left. Head is beginning the quick snap toward front again. Arms close. It would be natural to turn the support leg in as one releves. This tendancy must be fought!

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 9: Note that support leg remains turned out. This is difficult and is a thing which demands concentration at first. Fig. 10: Spot completed ... Back should be straight! Fig. 11 : When right arm gets to this position it stays. The body opens away from it. Left leg shou ld be more turned out. Fig. 12: The left arm opens to stop the turn. Notice the gym nast is still on her toe at completion of turn. Pirouette en dehors

Fig. 8

Fig. 9


If you w ish to do a ha lf turn or a one and one half turn , you use a sli ght ly different technique. Before the first half turn, turn the head in the d irection of th e turn , one ha lf rotation (Fig. #3). The body will follow to comp lete the half turn. If you are doing a one and o ne half turn, co ntinu e in th e same direction with the body, but leave the head behind as in Fig. #2 and follow through as in Fig. #3 and #4 one and one half turn, then would be like Fig. 3,4,2,3,4. If you w ish to do a doub le turn , simply go through Fig. 1,2,3,4, and then 2, 3, and 4 (spot twice). Be careful that you do not tilt the head or dip one shou lder while trying to spot. All turns on o ne foot fall into one of two categories: The turn is termed "outward" (en dehors) when it is done by turning to the right on the left toe, or to the left if on the right toe . It is termed , " inward " fen dedansl w hen it is to the right ON the right to e, and vice versa . Th e first turn we will look at is a pirouette en dehors. Fig. #7 illustrates the position taken just prior to the pu sh off for the turn. Ballet dancers, in practicing the turn, take a fifth position as shown in Fig. #5, then point to the side as in Fig . #6 as a preparation for getti ng into this position. The gymnast wi ll get there by other means. Examples of movements which would Idnd you

Fig. 11

Fig, 12

in the pushoff position (Fig. #7) are back hand spring step out, front handspring step out, back layout step out, or any simple movement such as a sma ll lunge which wi ll put one foot in front of the other in fourth position (Fig. #7). In practice, the ballet dancer will land in fifth position or fourth pos iti on, depending upon the exercise. Th e gymnast may wish to follow the turn with an acrobatic or other dance move. If, for examp le, she wishes to do a front wa l kover after the turn , she keeps the leg that was up during the turn lifted and leads over wit h that leg. (Fig. #13, 14, 15,16). She will land out of the wa l kover on the leg that was up during the turn. Although exceeding ly difficult, the ideal method would be to come out of the turn still on the toe and bend immediately forward for the walkover without the support hee l ever coming down. Practically speaking, if the gymnast can manage to land the turn on the support foot in a slight plie, and then lead over with the lifted leg in good form, she is doing well. If the gymnast can do it in the id ea l manner as illustrated, this is a combination of very high value on beam. This is not to say that if she does an turn and puts the lifted foot down to step

GYMNAST Mar. '74

Fig. 13: Turn ends ON TOE! Fig. 14: Lifted leg leads over into walkover. Angle between back and extended leg should be closer to a right angle here. Fig. 15 : Heel never comes down Fig. 16: Push from pointed toe with leg straight PIROUETTE EN DEDANS Fig. 17: 5th position Fig. 18: Point to front 4th Fig. 19: Plie on front leg. Left arm front, right to side. Fig. 20: Open right leg to side .... plie a bit deeper on left leg. Open left arm to side.

Fig. 20

Fig. 21

Fig. 22

Fig. 21: Body will swing a bit to left even before rei eve as right arm closes in. Slight sickle. Fig. 22: Head begins snap. Note position of support ankle. Weight must be equa lly distributed on ALL toes. Fig. 23: Toe shou ld remain in close to support leg. Fig. 24: Spot completed. Fig. 25: Turn ends on toe. OUTW ARD ARABESQUE TURN

Fig. 26

Fig. 26: Prepare in 4th position. (Back should be straight) Fig. 26: Open right arm and body will begin rotating to right. Fig. 27: Releve and close left arm (This turn can actually be done all th e way around with arms open for a nice slow turn). Fig. 28: Spot Fig. 29: Spot complete Fig. 30: Arms open to slow turn. Notice that leg stays at same height throughout turn. OUTWARD ATTITUDE TURN Fig. 31: Prepare in 4th position Fig. 32: Open left arm ... close right arm ... body swing to left just before push off. Fig. 33: Arms vertical for quick turn. Fig. 34: Spot complete Fig. 35: Arms open to slow turn

into the next skil l there will be a deduction! She may have other combinations in her routin e of high va lu e which compensate. What kind of turn shou ld you do? In a good floor or beam exercise, not all the same kind of turns should be used. There should be inward and outward turn s, and turns with t he li fted leg close to the longitudinal ax is (such as in passe or with toe at ank le) and ones w ith the lifted leg away from this asis (arabesque and attitude turns). A beginner wi ll find outward arabesque and attitude turns much easier th an in ward ones, and th e turn s with the lifted foot at th e ankle simpler than w ith it at the knee. When executing an arabesq ue or attitude

GYMNAST Mar. '74

turn , the li fted leg shou ld be placed at a height which the gymnast can HOLD. As you notice in the i ll ustrations, the gymnast does not have a high arabesque or attitude ... but she DOES hold her lift ed leg well locked into place, throughout the entire turn. Many gymnasts kick the ir legs up at the beginn in g of the turn and immediately drop them or their backs as the turns proceed. This throws them off balance and they cannot finish the turn with contro l. So, the gymnast must know her own strength and p lace the leg where she knows she can hold it. There are many variations of all of these turns, some with the arms in any number of sty li zed positions, others w ith the back qu ite

arched and head back, and some like the Leaning Tower of Pi za such as in the advanced level USGF / OGWS floor exercise rout in e! Then let us not forget the many jazz style turns with the support knee bent. When done on toe, they are equa ll y as difficult as those turns with a stretched support leg. No matter what var iety or sty le of turn you do, remember , first yo u must be able to ba lance in that position, and second, you must fo llow the sa me rules of ballet p laceme nt discussed in Part I last month. Note: Models are Miss Pam Harris of Rocky River High School and Miss Holly Harris, a student of Bodner Bell World of Gymnastics.


OL YMPIAD CLUB - Newark, Delaware On March 22 and 23, 1974 the Ol ympiad Gymnast ic Club and the University of Del awa re w ill co-spo nso r the 1974 U.S.G.F. National Women's El it e Gymnastic Competit ion at th e Dela wa re Field House in Newark, Delaware. The Ol ympiad Gymna stics Club, a non-profit corporat ion , was es tabli shed in 1967 by it s founder Ed Knepper. The Olympiad lo go aptly demonstrates th e guiding philosophy of th e club. Th e hexagona ll y shap ed patch depi cts th e school 's indi vidua lit y and its d es ire to radi ate into th e li ves of all ent hu sias ti c you ngsters. Th e four circl es w ithin the design are of in creasing diameter, thu s demon strating th e long and t edious d evelopmental period that is nec essa ry to produce a champion gy mn as t. The larges t and culminating circ le en closes the fu ll y developed, co mp eting , boy and girl gymnast. Blue and w hite are the pr edo minant co lors and sy mboli ze streng th and virtu e wh ich are th e desirab le tr ait s of any c hampion. Th e Ol ympiad Club lost little tim e in achieving national and int er nati o nal statu s w ith th e acce pt ance of an in vitati o n to perform in th e Intern atio nal Exposition ' 67 in Montreal , Canada. ~rom that tim e hence it has been a string of notable successes w ith many

exhib iti ons and appearan ces throughout th e United Stat es and other Internat ional Exposition accept ance to p erf orm as a part o f Expo '74 in Spokane, Washington during th e summer of '74. A hi gh ly oriented competiti ve club, th e Ol ympiad has been extreme ly succes sful in produ cing four girls and o n e boy w ho have achieved national promin ence in th e gymnastics world. Gail Hannan , a graduat e of Brandywi ne Hi gh School and now a memb er of th e University of Massachusetts women 's gymnast ics tea m ach ieved nati o nal hon ors by placing ~eco nd in vaulting at th e Junior Natio nal Championships in Fresno , Ca liforn ia. Kim Bell ew, a sophomore at Mt. Pl esa nt Sen ior High School placed fourth in va ultin g thro ugh two National Championships during 1973. Marcy Levine, an Bt h grade r at Forw ood Jr. High Schoo l has just begun her climb to th e national arena by competing quite admirab ly in th e 1973 Nat iona l U.S.G.F. Championships in Denver, Colorado. The only bo y to have exce ll ed has been Jeffrey Kn epper, an Bth grader at Springer Jr. High School and pres entl y under th e lUtelage of Mr. Dave Hirst of Brandywin e Hi gh School. Ho weve r, Jan

Anthony, a sop hQ.~ore at Brand yw ine Hi gh School ha s achieved the greatest eminence by placing sixth in va ulting in th e 1972 U.S.G.F. Jr. Na tionals, eighth all-around in th e 1973 AAU Championsh ips and capped an outstanding yea r by placing 25th all-around throu gh the U.S.G.F . National Elite Champions hips in Seatt le, Wash in gton. A w inning team and a winning coac h go han d in hand and so the Olympiad has begun to attra ct ce lebriti es from o th er co untri es who w ish to ga in so m e of the sk ill , technique, and know ledge th at has proven so important on th e international sce ne, thus Gra ce Goodhue of Montreal , Canada and a member of th e Canad ian National Team has move d in with Mr. Knepper ' s famil y to train for th e 1973 / 74 yea r. A lso, a promin ent British team wil l pay th e Olympiad a two w eek training visit in April of 1974.


Olympiad Gym Club


(Guest Ed. co nt from pg. 19) tea m bea tin g <lI1oth er by .0'1 or ,001 01 d point. (S mall electr ic co mput er, cou ld be use d to great advantage here) . On e ,e t 0 1 sco res lor all levels wo uld ce rtdinl y d istin gui, h th e d ili e l enc es be twee n the elit e, Illediocre <l nd beg inn er {lass ilic<lt iom. (Co lllpdr e th e e lite l our m illu te mil e run <1 5 cO lllpdr ed w ith th e beg inn er ', mi le 01 , IX Illinut es). In thi s Wd Y sc.o res , h ou ld be compa rab le with any others on all levels. I n conclus io n, if we mdk e th e judge, ass ignm ent, redso lhlbl y si mp le <Hl d pmsibl e to pe rl o rm w ith acc urd cy <lI1d re li db il it y we shou ld ha ve Ie» dilficult y in reCl uiting, trdi nlll g, m ai nt din in g, orgdni Lin g dnd suppl yin g th em <It less expeme . A , a co itant , JS we le"e n th e cO lllpli cd tion s b y l ed ucin g such i nt o simple r tech niqu e" we sh o ul d h<l ve J g reater und erstalldin g on th e part 0 1 th e conte, tant , th e codc h dnd th e publi c and we wo uld be less vu ln erab le to th e pol iti cd l b iased tr ea tm ent w hether it be locdl, reg io ndl or 0 1 th e int efllJtion JI vari ety. A ll sc ores wo uld be und e r, l ood , re co rded , p ec ilir:dll y and Ju stiliabl y. C riti cize thi s i f yo u w ish , but th dt's th e WdY I see it ba se d upo n a li fe tim e 01 obse rvdt io n dnd love for th e , PO I t. 1he b ig hope is tilJt some of th e O ve r- Lo rd , w ill ha ve a chance to redd dnd comider thi s " tid-bit ". The spe ciali Ld ti o n of judge s is not new as we used it in th e SJGL for years o n an op ti o nal bas is. It was also use d in the Bi g Ten . Th e rai, ing of th e scores to '10 for difficu lt y, comb in ation, an d compositi on and 10 for execut io n w ith th e cross multip li ca tion res ulting in the perf ec t ,co re of 100 point s, is perhaps n ew.

som ew hat differe n t philosoph y an d dp proach to gy mn as ti cs than o th e r coach es. ~ o r the Cocos, gym na sti cs is " not a seven dd y a week, fifty-two week ex pe ri ence. It is a full tim e profession, but it i, no t all cons umin g. W e do b eli eve th ere are other thin gs in not onl y o ur li ve" but in o ur student> ' li ves .I S we ll. " ~ or this reaso n, at the Man nette' s, it m ay take a yea r or two lon ger to d evelo p into d top leve l co mp etit or than at other club s b eca use, dS Mrs. Coco exp lain s "We are b uildin g hum an beings f irst; champi o nship athl etes seco nd ." "That's not to say we don 't requ ir e lo ts of hours and hard work; so does eve ry othe r top coac h ." Th e Cocos also take into acco unt the fru strations of each gymnas t. " W e try to dd dpt o ur teac hin g and coac hin g techniqu es to w h dt is th e bes t way for each gi rl to leM n a pdrticul dr skill, " add ed Mrs. Coco. Th e girl s o n th e Mann ett e's ge t no spec ial pri vileges; no half days dt sc ho o l o r exe mption from gym c lass. " We make th em dWdre of out sid e respo nsib iliti es, " acco rding to Mrs. Coco. "No matter w hat yo u do in life, yo u hd ve to learn how to reg ul ate yo urse lf and yo ur priorities. It wo uld be too fru strating to Hill and myself to b e so invo lved if we didn 't have anythin g else." Part of thi s outsid e int e re st includ es two childr en, aged fo ur and fi ve, and a dog . (A t thi s point in th e teleph one co n ve rsa tion, Mrs. Coco took t im e out to com plim ent one of th e ktd s o n hi s lates t m as terpi ece - a tinker toy bird ). Th e fac t that th e Cocos are so fam il y or ie nt ed is th e main reason the y do n o t have a Chr istmd s clini c. "We do have m ee ts around Easte r and Th ank sg ivin g, but we fee l C hri stmas is a time to be w ith th e famil y." Th e Cocos, as o th er coaches , are also conce rn ed w ith th e futur e of th e U nit ed Stat es as a gym nastic power and the politics in vo lved in ju dgin g, es pec iall y in ternational m eets.

MANNETTES by Ken Friedman Th e Man nette 's Gym Club In c., o ne o f the on ly pri va te wo m e n's e gymnast ics cI ubs in a comp letely urban situ at ion: downtown Philad elph ia, is d escr ibed by coac h Gin n yCocQ as " on ly a sma ll drop in th e bucket co mpared to ot her large r organ iza tion s." Yet thi s club is pe rhap s one of the better known in th e nati o n with Ol ym pian Joan Moore Rice, e li te compet it o rs A nn Ca rr , She ll y Bi e r and the Ca nt we ll sisters (Ja net and Susan) to their credit. Yet Bill and Gi nn y Coco have a Junior Mannettes

WICHITA GYMNASTIC ACADEMY Revolutionary new concept for the development of women's gymnastic coaches. Planned one year curriculum includes ... class lectures in anatomy, biomechanics, athletic injuries, psychology and motivation and more. Instruction in judging women's gymnastics. Comp lete series of films, movies, and visual aids, laboratory experience in spoiling, coaching, managem ent and supervision.

" We should be co nsid ered a pushing thr ed t as eit her th e seco nd or third b est in th e world, but it w ill take m ore than fin e and tal e n ted gy mn asts". Politi c king ex ists and it 's a fac tor in judging. As a nation we ' r e mo vin g in the right d irection 0 f tryin g to esta b l ish a h ig h er po siti o n for ou rse lves " , sa id Mrs, Coco, "it 's ve ry hard as a coach to try and bring dn athl ete up in thi s situ ation, rhe in ev itabl e questi o n of 'Why Me !' is always asked . Yet , politi cs ex ists everywhere o n thi s earth and in all facets of li ving, " added Mrs. Coco. T h is yea r m ar k s t h e ope nin g 0 f t h e Mannette's own faci liti es. Pr ev io usly, th ey had been working out in a pub li c rec rea tion ce nt er. " It 's ni ce to be in a place w here yo u ca n dict ate your own hours," com m e nt ed Mrs. Coco. ' h .. T h e Mannette s ave a competitive prograln en compass ing three leve ls: elit e, junior -se ni or, and a bad ge (novice) , Th e tea m s wor k ou t from four to seve n days a week d epend in g o n th e indi viduals, howeve r the average is five o r six. Th e club also has a non- compe titi ve sc h oo l program in th e afternoon and Sa turddY morning. Th e Cocos fee l that the cl ub has "so much to .. off er to children in a city th e size of Phi lade lphi a." Yet the sco p e of th e Mannette 's ~ program . is ph eno m enal; it in co rporates a Wl radiu s of thirty miles. G irl s co me from as fa r away as Wilmin gton , D elaware, New Jersey, and Downy town Pe nn sy lva ni a, to be a part of

• Daily workouts, free live-in dorm type housing and meals guaranteed. • Tuition return and income • Graduate qualifications include... . Certified national judge . Judging experience . Superior manipulation and spotting ability . Actual coaching experience on levels beginner through elite . Gymnastic clinic experience . Extensive knowlege in EVERY aspect of women's gymnastics . Guaranteed job pface'ment This program is new, experimental, and designed only for those interested in dedicating themselves to gymnastics. No previous gymnastic experience required. Open to men and women. Write for free brochure and information. WICHITA GYMNASTIC ACADEMY 540 N. Hydraulic Wichita, Kansas

~. ~=================~



th e Mannette's Gym Club In c. But on e ca nnot co mpare th e minor inconveni ence of a long dri ve to th e obv ious int eres t and since re co nce rr th e Cocos tak e in



CAMP TSUKARA Camp Tsukara locat ed on beautiful Lak e Owen in Cab le, Wi sconsin. Coed camp starting from age 10. Sessions begin Jun e 23August 17. Co ntact Jerry Fontana or Mike Jacki, 400 Gl enview Road, Glenview, Illinoi s, 60025 , Coaches Symposium held at Camp Tsukara for teach ers and coaches - Aug. 21-25. Top U.S. off icial s, coac hes, compet it ors an d admini Co ntact Jerry Owen, orCabl Mike e, Jacki, strators. Camp Tsukara, Lake Fontana Wiscons in, 54821.

Swing cont. Irom pg. 'J th e mo st unique and d ifficu lt in the wo rld o f sport. 1 he natU/al evo lution of th e " Schw in ge l" need no t be arres ted in il'> present stdt e but cou ld easily LO ntinu e to evo lve in th e wo rld of swi ng. One 0 1 o ur grea tes t Ol ympians, Frank Cum lskey, developed a furt her refin em ent in th e ho rse, that h e enjo yed , but ha s been abandoned in ge nera l. Hi s sadd leless horse was too l ar ah ea d 01 il> tilll e. ~wing as we might, w e are non eth ele,>,> ueature '> w ho are mu ch inllu enced by cu rr en t style and confo rmit y. 1 he gy mna st 's freedom is indeed restr icted in th e Sk inn erian ,>em e but th e gymna st abo ve all ath letes has th e b es t chance for surviva l beca u se so mu ch of w hat he lo ves to do is intrin Sica ll y enj oye d. Perhap s the ultim ate form 01 creative style is the ab ilit y of th e nonco nl o rml st champi o n to se t a n ew pace for others. Verd Cas la vas ka 's crea ti ve omi ss ion 01 th e bdck hand sp ring in Mex ico is o ne o f th e be st exa mpl es of thi s phenomenon. 1 he Wisdom 01 the Intern at ional Gymnasti c red erat ion (r .I. G.) ha s produced a mo st uniqu e progra m in '> port. II'> sw in gful th em e has bridg ed th e gap between sport dnd art. On ly Iree ska ting and wa ter ba ll et are ,> omewhat co mparab le. In th e next article I shall try to shed som e new li ght on the current program of th e F.I. G.



Psych. and C.oaching lOn\. irom pg. 1U experi ence I kn ow they care a grea t deal about th e young gymna sts they are training. Th e ex peri ence Tom describe s was gross ind eed and he indicates th at " one gro up" dominat ed th e warm-u ps. Two full routine s plu s troubl e spot s in a wa rm-up is obv ious ly extreme and raises some qu es ti ons about trainin g tec hnique as well as moti va tion. It wo uld b e int erest ing to know how thi s particular group d id in th e co mp etiti o n as compared to th e gym na sts w ho did not ge t a fair crack at th e apparatus. I would hope that Tom does not generalize thi s o ri entati on to al l coac h es and although such b ehav ior reflect s on our ethics it is not th e reason "o ur elite program is su ch a rotten politic al mess" . Th er e is anothe r place to look for so m e answers. It wou ld see m that one set of uneve ns and two bea ms for war m-ups at a me et where th ere are 60 plu s national and elite division girl s sugges ts som e real organizat ion and pl anning defici encies. A meet of thi s size shou ld have ad equat e equipment ava il able for th e gymnasts - thi s is m andato ry - and would great ly alleviate som e of th e tension tha t lea d s to th e problem Tom d escrib es. In addition , specific wa rm-up tim e on eac h event should be design ated for each group o n a rotation ba sis and thi s should be monitored by time-keepers . In this way all girl s wou ld ge t th e dese rved warm-up and the kind of co ld aggre ss iveness demonstrated at th e M idwest Open wou ld be mitig ated. A nd where was the m ee t di rector and hi s staff? If this wa s no t an ti cipated before th e meet it sure ly sho uld have bee n decisive ly dealt with when it aro se. Perh aps our real problem is th at we do not appear to lea rn enough from our own ex p eri ence . It wo uld see m that by now we wou ld have recog ni zed the validity of the old adag e - " An o un ce of preve ntion is worth a pound of cure" . Author's Addendum: It should be noted that Mr. Hein eike is the past Pres ident of USAIGC and that th e current Presid ent is Mr. Bartlett. Since no authorship was give n for th e articl e quoted I assumed it was that of Tom not th e new ly elected president. If I am in co rrect, I apologize to both gent leme n.


OLGA, Her Life and her Gymnastics

128 pp, 80 photographs, 50 drawings $2.95 by Justin Beecham Paddington Press Ltd.

1 hi s book is primaril y fo r those who can 't get enou gh of Olga , wh o h ave an in satiable app etite for seeing n ew piclures of her and for finding out new fact s about her. Howe ve r, it w ill be en joyed b y even those whose ad miration for Olga is mo re or less under co ntrol. It is most littin g that thi s book should ha ve been Written , for in recent hi story no one has had such an effect upon gymn as ti cs as has Olga. She is re spon sible for th e ,>urge in membership in gymnastics club ,> and for making wome n 's gymnas ti cs p0 5'> ibl y th e wor ld 's fastest growing sport. At a recent gymna sti c mee t, thi s reviewer saw girls wearing buttons wh ich read, " Thi s is the Gymnastic Generation " . Why now, al l of a sudden? There were great gymnasts in Mex ico City; the Soviet s have been winning gold medals si nce 1'152. Obviously, the answer is Olga . Where does Olga co me from! What is her daily routin e! What is the story of her gymnastic developm ent! Unquest ion ably, th e story of Olga must dwell h eav il y upon the story 01 th e Soviet sport sys tem and in particular upon her coach. The spo rt sys tem gave h er h er opportu nity and he r rema rk able coac h, Rena ld Knysh, made the most of h er admirab le q ualities. In the book "O lga " we are given an in sight into the Soviet sys tem 01 sport sc hool s, particularly as they relate to gymnastics, and an extensive view of th e unique relation ship betwe en Soviet coaches and their star pupils. Olga was lucky first th at th ere ex isted a loca l spo rt s school in her home town 01 Grodno and seco nd that the se nior gymnastic coac h, Mr. Knysh, was quick to recognize th e qualities of this tin y eleven yea r old girl who had b een brought to hi s att ention. I' rom then on and lor th e nex t six years, until Munich , th ey worked together five hours a day, six da ys a week .

1 hiS specia l relati o nsh ip, at one tim e coa ch and pupd, at o th er times li ke l ather and d aug hter, is p erhaps the 'most interesting and p ersona l story brought out in thi s book. O lga has h er own apa rtm ent right nex t to Kn ys h 's but not lar from her parent s'. In her Iree tim e, when she is not with her parents, she is apt to be helping Mrs. Knysh with their children . But th ere is not ve ry much free time. Her day at Grodno is di vid ed between the gymn asium and th e teac her-training college . (She hopes to teach or resea rch hi story). She gets up at about 7 :30 and prepares h er own break fa st - wh ich usuall y includ es ca tsup. " I:!y eleven o 'clock Olga has already put in two hours 01 so li d training In th e gymna sium. After thi s she goes to her col lege and studies until lour, when she return s to h er apa rtment lor a late lun ch: usuall y a thi ck vegetable soup .. . Th en it is trai nin g again , thr ee hours 01 it, from six to nin e. It IS not until she ha s completed this th at she think s about taking any relaxat ion. I:!ed comes ea rl y b y Western sta ndard s, around tenthirt y, aiter tea and so me fruit, wh ich is all th e supper she takes." We are given a good description 01 th e ment al and physical qualities that make Olga a grea t ath lete, and in particul ar, a great gymnast. 1 he auth or em phas izes th e facts 01 her perso nalit y th at appealed to Knysh - and to the people and judges at Mun ich. And he tell s us mu ch about Kn ys h - what he think s, how he coac hes, how hi s lile is bound up with hi s littl e pupil. It is a non-technical book but there is much in it th at wi ll be of interest to coac hes and gymnas ts; as id e Irom day-to-day training , their p lann in g for major compet iti ons; the exp lorat io n of new movements and exe rcises lor Olga ; th e d etermination 01 her st rength s and relati ve wea kn esses so that she may empha Size tho '>e action s which wi ll show h er to best adva ntage. 1 here is much hi story too - of gymnastics, 01 the Olympi cs since ea rliest tim es, 01 Olga 's ve ry p erso nal ups and down in th e co ntests of 1970, 1971 , and 1'172 th at led to Munich. And th ere is, of course, th e reli ving of that always-exciting, ever-moving story of Olga in Mun ich . Finall y, of co urse, the I:!O photograph s are a tr easure-trove of Olga in all her mood s exu ltant, d espairing, p laylu l, attent ive, or ju st rela xed. It is an absorbing book which sho uld be a source of inspiration to young, aspiring gymnasts and a so urce of interest to all who have any co rin ect ion with gymnast ics. Minot Simon s II

BOOKS POSTERS JEWELRY 12 Broadway Ca. 90406 BOOKS SPECIAL PRICE "I WANT GOLD" (Reg. $4.95) 4.50 MAGIC OF GYMNASTICS (Reg. $6.95) 4.95 STILL RINGS SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (hard Bound Reg. $6.95) 5.50 (Soft Bound Reg. $5.00) 3.95 POSTERS NAKA YAMA Full Color Poster 23".35" (Reg. $2.00) 1.50 CATHY RIGBY Full Color Poster 23".35" (Reg. $2.00) 1.50 JEWELRY 3.95 STAG HANDSTAND NECKLACE (The above speci. 1priced it ems are postpaid ) "Olga" may br purchased through The Gym Shop, 412 Broadway, Sa nt a Mon ica , CA 90401. Send $2.95 plu s 30¢ for postage and hand ling. GYMNAST Mar. '74

3 GYMNASTIC SUMMER ADVENTURES WOODWARD <iYMNASnCS CAMP Gymnastics Country Style LOCATION Thi~ enchanting 130 acre farm wmplex, nestled in beautiful Penns Valley, in centrdl Penml'lvania, oflers a fun-filled country ~tyle vacation for the gymnast, regardle~~ of achievement - beginner> through advanced. 1 he well designed facilities and e~pertly cho~en stalf combined offer the individual gymnast the greate" opportunity to fulfrlling their goals and objectives consistent with their s~ills and talents.

FACILIlIES AND PROGRAMS Excellent indoor and outdoor gymnasium facilities - 1rampohne> - Crash Pads - Special Dismount PitS - Complete ~polling Equipment Video lape ~ystem - Him LibrdfY - OlympIC ~ize ~wlmming Pool - A One and 1 hree Meier Board Instruclion in SWimming and Diving - SpOiling 1echnique Course OTHER ACTIVITIES Red Cross life-SaVing and Water ~dfety Instru(tlon - Pholography (with complele photolab lacilities) - hlms - Campfires -Coo~outs - Hlke~­ A vanety 01 Indoor and Outdoor Recreation and Games - fun (or all! STAFF Ed Isabelle. Camp DireClor President, Nallonal Gymna>tics Cenlers Assistanl Coalh. Penn ~Idte University NCAA All Around Champion. Runner Up John Culbertson Barbar Culbertson Dick Swetman Heidi Armstrong Janet Cantwell Ann Weaver Terry Spencer

CATALINA ISLAND GYMNASTICS CAMP Where Gymnasts Return and Bring Their Friends!

LOCATION located on the nort h shore of long Island, 50 miles from New York City, Ihe 77 acre campus of the Stony Brook S(hool for boys and girl s in an ideal sell ing for the beginning dS well dS th e advanced gymnast to rmprove his sk ill s. fACILITIES AND PROGRAMS Two gymnasiums (wo rkouts rain or sh ine) Outdoor gymnast ics area - ~our complete sets of men's and wo men's apparatus, including four trampolines and numerous crash pads - Complete safety system (be llS, pUlleys, etc.) - Video tape ~ystem - Leclure demonstl,ltions - Large indoor swimming pool - Lil e saving and water safety instruction - Complete Ked Cross certificalion program - Instrucllon in photograph y. OlHf:R ACTIVITUS Tennis Modern dan~e and ballet for gymnasts - 1 nps to nearby points of interest - Arts and craft~ - Hikes - Pool and Billiards - Indoor Recreation and gomes . SlAH Gary Seibert. Camp Direclor B.S. Lock Have n State College Coach, Hempl leld High S~hool Director, Lancaster Gymnastics School Sue Seibert Bruce Dodd Mrs. Marshall Avener Terry Spencer And many other instructors and gymnasts of National Caliber

WOODWARD GYMNASTICS CAW Box 93 Woodward. Pennsylvania 1&882 Telephone: 814/349-8343

Gymnasts' Island Adventure LOCATION This new Catahna Gymnastics Camp provides a unique summer advenlure lor the gymnast. Surrounded by rugged hills and pounding surf, Catalina Island is localedjusltwenty-six mHesoh the coast 01 Los Angeles. lis unbeatable weather allows for an ideal oUldoor summer vacation for the gymnast. Stafled wllh lap gymnast:. and experienced coaches Irom all parts of the nation, the. camp oliers e~pert Inslruction in correct techniques and skills lor all men 's and women'> Olympic events. FACILITIES & PROGRAMS Two complete sets of men's and women's Olympic apparatus - Indoor Dance Studio Trampolin .., - Crash Pads - SpOiling Belts - A I argf' Scenic Beach - Canteen - A well stocked Camp Store to meel the need" of the gymnast in equipment and supplies as well as the needs 01 Ihe Skin Diver Gymnasts' programs encompass the needs of beginner through Ihose of the advanced gymn,lst. OTHER ACTIVITIES Skin Diving - Red Cross certified life-saving programs - Tennis - Volleyball- Hiking -CampfiresCookouts - Glass-bottom Boat Trips - Flying Fish Boat Trips - And More! STAFF Michael Kasavana, Camp Director Assistant Women',Coach, Univ. of Massachusetts 1973 AIAW National Intercollegiate Team Champions Margie Combs Steve Lerner Jon Hardy Diane Cantwell Robert Koenig Jo-An Hashimoto Yamauchi Terry Spencer Glenn Sundby



P.O. Box 593

Stony Brook. Long Island. N.Y.

P.O. Box 17&& Santa Monica. Calif. 90406 Telephone: 213/451-4211


Telephone: 814/349-8343 516/751- 1800

.-------------'- ---- -------------, 0 MAIL TODAY (;YMNASTS UNITEI National Gym_lie: Centers, Inc. "",, crealed three well desianed and eaperlly stalled summer cilmps for )'OU, the IYmOil"! Whether besinner or Hnnced, join the fun and ildvilnce your ,kllil b)' enrolling in one of these gymn...• lummer Adventures. Write todoly for )'our color brochure with full detilll' of the cilmp of your choice ... or i1llthreel Or CilII814/3498343 todilY.

Woodward Gymnastic Camp Box 93 Woodward, Pennsylvania 16BB2

Woodward Camp Woodward, Pa.

Blook Camp long blamJ.N. O Siony O «II




Please Print ________________________

Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

alma 1!.land Cdlahna bldnd, Calif.





CllY: ____________

_____ ZIP _______ ~lATL

AGl _____________ Sex _ _ _ __

o June 14th 10 July 1st





0 July 22nd to July 29th

o July 1st 10 July 81h OJuly 29th to Augu,t Sih o July 81h to July 151h OAugu't Sih to Augu" 12th OJuly 151h 10 July 12nd OAugust 121h 10 August 191h o August 191h to Augu" 2blh

HLEPHONl ____________________ Plea~c

----------- L GYMNAST Mar. '74

send lunhel Information

------------------------------.J Beginner




For Expert Gymnastic Instruction Enroll at the


STAFF The schoo l is directed by Milan Trnka, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education at West Chester State College in Pennsylvania, one of the largest physical education schoo ls in the country. In addition to teaching all the major men ' s gymnast ic courses, he is head gymnast ic coach of the North Atlantic Gymnastic Conference team champ ion s Also, Steve Banjak, Ass istant Professor of Health and Physical Education at Slippery Rock State Co ll ege in Pennsylvania . The teaching staff w ill be comp rised of outstanding coac hes and col lege competitors able to instruct at all levels of abil ity.

ENROLLMENT $110.00/ week . I ncl udes 21 meals, seven nights lodging, use of all SOKOL WOODLANDS facilities , and accident in surance coverage. Enrollment is limited to those 10 years of age and o ld er. Further information wi ll be sent upon receipt of your application . Gymnastic classes are held 6 full days. Due to the unavailability of reg istrat ion wi ll be on Saturday .




. ~. ";11;f

The huge 140' x 110' will illuminated SOKOL WOODLANDS FIELD HOUSE is fully equipped with the most modern Olympic standard apparatus, including a top quality 40 x 40 floor exercise mat and safety "fluff" mats. Choose anyone or more of the following weeks that the SOKOL GYMNASTIC SCHOOL w ill be in program:

June 29 to July 6

July 27 to August 3

July 6 to July 13

August 3 to 10

July 13 to Jult 20

August 10 to 17 July 20 to July 27 August 17 to 24 SOKOL WOODLANDS, 276 Prospect Street, P.O. Box 189, East Orange, N.J. 07019. Or phone (201) 676-0280.

MEDALIST HALL OF FAME GIRLS GYMNASTICS CAMPS " A learning exper ience novice to expert " CAMP LOCATIONS August 18-24 Kent School Kent, CONNECTICUT August 4-10 St. Leo College St. Leo, FLORIDA July 21-27 Georgia Col lege Milledgeville, GEORGIA June 16-22 Cornel l College Mount Vernon , IO WA July 7-13 Adrian College Adrian, M ICHIGA N June 23-29 June 30-July 6 St. John 's Military Academy Delafield, WISCONSIN

Geza Martiny, Director Coach, 1965 Wo rl d Uni ve rsity gam es. Featuring: Ms. Judy lucas, Pan Amer ican Champion

Mr. Katsu Kanzaki, Best Wor ld Gymna st, Japan Plus the fine st coach es in the country with both national and international experience.

The tuition for ALL camps is $115.00 inclusive. For further information wr it e: MEDALIST HALL OF FAME CAMPS 735 N. 5th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53203




or phone: M il wauke e, W is. (414) 276-0989 or 276-2571



GYMNAST Mar. '74





U.S. Air Force Academy turned out to be the first place learn althe third annual Tital lnterstate Gymna stics In vita tional. California State



Chico was second and


Uni ve rsit y of Wisconsin-Oshkosh was third.

Th e meet wa s held in the spaciou s Kobert M. Kolf I' ield Hou se on the UW-Oshkosh camp us. Th e original intent of thi s in vita tional was to in vi te teams w hich were from th e five-state area around Wisconsin, learns that were compariable to ours. Thi s yea r, we expa nded the meet a bit more when Air Force expressed an interest, and then Chi co's coach was looking for a good rea son


to tra ve l back to the Mid-West. As it turn ed out, it was a close meet all the way with Air force being the most co nsistent. fin als were helf for th e top eight individual s in each event. We are contemplating going to a twel ve team entry next year and conducting the preliminaries olympic style with six events runnin g si multaneously. Tea m Air Force - 146.60; Cal. Stat e (Ch ico) - 147.10; UWOshko sh -1 44.85; UW-M adiso n -141.85 ; Western Michigan - 139.70; Wheaton College - 139.7 0j Mankato Stat e - 137.50; Ea stern Michigan - 130.25. All-A round Dave Watt (Wheaton) - 46.65; Mark O 'Malley (West Mich ) - 46.65; Tim Niles (C hico) - 46.5 0; John Tomich (~ i r Force) - 48.40; Bob Harden (Chico) - 47.45. FX: Gary Bu c kman (Chico) - 9. 000; Ron H anson (UW- O ) - 6.675; Del H untsinger (E.Mi ) - 6.625; Mark O'Malley (W. Mi) - 6.625. V : John Tom ich (AF ): - 9.225; Gary Buckman (Chico) - 9.125; Jim Paqu ett e (AF) - 9. 075. PH : Mike Felske (UW -M) - 6.575; Todd Walker (Wheaton ) - 7.900; Larr y Garrett (AF) - 7.650. PB : Bill Waddell (W. Mi ) - 9.050; Mike Ka va nagh (U W-O ) - 9.000; Steve Kron e (Mankato) - 6.725. SR: Tim Niles (Chico) - 9.075; Kelly Oilman (Mankato) - 9.025; Bruce Ed strom (AF) - 6.975. HB : Jim Paquette (AF) - 9.200; Robert Harden (Chico) - 9.100; Don Legun (Mankato) - 8.925.

YO RKTO WN INVITATIONAL Team Sc or es DeWitt Clinton H.S. - 92.10; Ea st Brun sw ick H.5.90. 80; Yorktown H.S. - 78.65; Lakeland H.S. 73.85; Cice ro H.S. - 73.25.

Tramp olin e: Tom Wanberg (New Trier East) 8.10; Larry liechtenstein (Niles Eas t) - 8.10; Paul Martin (M undelein) - 7.75. Side H orse: Mike Burk e (Niles East) - 7.50; Kevin Harvey (forest View) - 7.15; ea l Slier ( iles Eas t) - 6.55. Floor Exercise: SCOII Goldman ( iles North ) 8.25; SCO Il Harriso n (N iles East, - 8.00; ea r Sh er (Niles Ea st) - 7.90. High Bar: Near Sher {N il es East } - 8.40; Ron Kuhlman (Addison ) - 7.60; Gary Siegel (N iles Eas t) - 7.55. Para llel Bar: Nea l Sh er (N iles Ea st) - 6.05; To m Ware (A ddison Trail s) - 7.60; Greg Wolfli ck ( il es North) - 7.55. Rin gs : Steve Kozub (N il es East) - 8.40; Tom Ware (Addison Trail s) - 8.3sj Mike Lecla ir (M undelein ) 6.05. All-A round : Neal Sher (Ni les Ea st) - 36.35; Scott Goldman (Ni les orth) - 34.35 ; Tom Ware (Add ison Trail ) - 33.20. Team Standing: N il es Ea st- 107.50; Addison Trail73.00; Nil es North - 64.50.


M I SSOUR I HI G H SC H OO L INV ITATI ONA L Centra l Mi sso uri State U niversity hosted a gym nastics meet ofr Missouri high sc hool stud ents. It was th e Mules Missouri High Schoo l Invitat iona l Gymna sti cs Meet on Dece mber 1, 1973. Ther e were approximately forty-five indi viduals and three tea ms co mpeting. Tea m: Mehlville High School - 82.75; Fo x High 5choo l-79.25; Hel culaneum I ligh school-73.65.

A ll A round: Eri c Jaycox (Mehl vi lle) - 41.55; Cla yton Price ( ormancy) - 39.10; Brian Ze itler (Fox ) - 35.1 0. Floor Exercise : Eri c Jaycox - 13.20; Clayotn Price 12.80; Joe Bell - 10.65. Pommel Horse: Eric Jaycox - 17.05; C1a ylO n Pri ce 9.95; Br ya n Zeitler - 9.00. Still Rings: Eric Jaycox - 15.00; Brya n Ze itler 14.40; Cl aylo n Pri ce - 12.10. Va ulting: Clayton Price - 16.40; M ike Burl age 15.70; Bryan Zeitler - 15.30. Para llel Ba rs: Eri c Ja ycox - 17.00 ; Claylo n Price 15.60; Bryan Zeitler - 12.35. H o rizo ntal Bar : Clayton Pri ce - 11.10; Bryan Ze itler - 10.55; [ric Jaycox - 8.75.


LONG I SLAN D GYMNASTI C CHAMPIONSHI P Decem ber 1, 1973 Northp ort H.S. Tea m Stan ding: Suffo ld (Section 2 - 156.25; Nassau Section 8 - 144.41. All-A ro und: Bob Farb (O cea nside) - 51.80; Dave Ruddock (Brentwood) - 42.50; John Goodman (Brentwood ) - 41.05; Sk ip Zimmer (Whitman) 36.65. Free Exercise: Bob Farb (O cea nside) - 8.85; John Goodman (Brentwood) - 8.75; John Forsha y (Ga rden Cit y) - 8.20; Mike Silverstein (Connsquo t) - 8.10. Pom mel Ho rse : Dave Kulakoff (Massap equa ) 7.65; Tom Krastel (East Islip) - 6.45; Chris Gleasan (N. Babylon) - 5.00; Tom Ferdinand (Gard en City) - 4.9. Still Rings: Larr y Farone (N. Babylon ) - 8.95; Skip Zimmer (Whitman ) - 6.95; Ran dy Cseh ( E. Islip) 8.55; Jan Coco (Bald wi n) - 7.05. Va ult : John Goodman (Brentwood ) - 8.95; Joh n f ors ha y (Garden Cit y) - 8.65; larr y Farronc (N .B.) -

8.50; M att Heaph y (Coma ck ~o.) - 8.40. Parall el Bars: Bob Farb (Oceanside) - 8.50; Mike Sil verstein (Co nn.) - 8.05; Dave Ruddock (Bren t. ) 7.8; Eric Ernst (Ward Milville) - 7.75. Horizontal Bar : Tom Patton (N. Babylon) - 8. 05; Paul Tellari co (Glenn) - 6.65; Bo b Hammond (l oc us! Valley) - 6.25; Roy Dani s (O cea nsi de) 6.10. Bob Farb - O cea nside H.S. - Routi nes FX: Two Steps, RO , n, Doubl e full twist, back handspring stepout, half turn , full scisso r kick straddle stand - 2 double leg ci rcl es to split. straight arm press, stoop down, run front so me step out , RO straddle side some, turn swedish fall - leg around 10 ba c k extension - step down wilh one foot, 2 step s, RO , arabian di ve roll to straddl e jump - turn - Ysca le - 2 steps RO , FF , full twi ~t. PH: On end , ba ck moore, tra ve l to ce nter, tra vel to end, loop-hop - Kehre in , 1 circle, travel out Kehre in , 1 circle . moore - b reak 10 3 front and one back sc isso rs, 1 In circles, tra ve l out, loop, walk around - loop 1;1 tw ist. SR: Disloca te , giant d islocate, shoot handstand, giant , lower to front lever, Inlocate, back up rise, L, hollow ba ck press handstand , Back Kip dislocate - giant. Dislocate, full twist dismount. V: Tsu kahara ca rtwheel - back so m e PB: Ca st - ca tc h " l ", press straight arm , stutz hand , hop o ut - kip - hop - in front uprise, swing priouelt e, slreuli , cast - ba ck uprise straddle cut catch - front uprise, Front b twi st off. H B: High Start, j/~ gian t, jam disloca te, 2 invert s, hop to front giant, pirouette, 1 giant , back sta lder, cro ss change. stall reach under vault ca lch , kip change, 2 front giants , straddl e dismount.

Indi vidual Scores H8: J. Vecchio (Cicero ) - 8.75; P. Genovese (Ramapo) - 8.30;). Rudolph (D. Clinton) -7.80. FX: F. Corbett (Cicero) - 8.45; K. Nasveschul (E. Bruns) - 8.45; M. Gaertner (E. Brun s) - 8.10. PH: G. Robert a (Mt. Ve rnon) - 6.65; K. Nasveschuk (E. Bruns) - 8.30; ). Rudo lph (D. Clinton) - 7.95. PB : A. Kwi atkowsk i (E. Brun sw ick ) - 8.55; A. Silver (Lakeland) - 8.35; ). Baker (D. Clinton) - 8.20. SR : T. Van Gorder (Yorktown) - 8.05; P. Sanchez (D. Clinton) - 7.75; C. Va len tin e (D. Cli n ton) - 7. 75. V: T. Woh lverg (York town) - 9.25; M. Gaertner (E. Brunswick) - 9.10; ). Rudolph (D. Clinton ) - 8.75. Wi nning Ro utines H orizon ta l Bar: Joe Vecc hio (Cicero H.S.) 8.75: High start, fronts, hop roll eag les, hop out, forwards, straddle over bar - blind ca tch behind back, lop out, kip, rears, to e on to e off, stoop onto bar, solecirde front off. Floor Exercise - Ken Nasveschuk (East Brunswick) 8.45: R.O. flip flop full , y, turn sweadish fall to split, stiff-ftiff press, SlOOp down, cartwheel piked side, cartwhee l pirouette, back extension Y2 turn, roll out, dive back hand sta nd, handspring, front somi, hanspring step out turn , R.O. flip flop, back pik ed . Frank Corbett (Cicero H.5.) 8.45: R.O. flip fl op fu ll, J/ 6 turn , straight arm back extension roll , stem down, split, st iff-stiff press, back pirouette, R.O. flip flop Yl turn , front handsp ring, fall V1 turn , va ldez, front handspring-front piked , forward roll-back somi, y, turn , R.O. flip flop back piked. Po mmel H orse - George Roberta (Mt. Vernon H .S.) B.6s: Jump circle, loop around, hop front in , immediate bac k out, back sto ck Ii-up, circle, moore. rear sc issor. 2 front sc issors, circle side lift down , walkaround, loop swabenflanke. Parallel Bars - Albert Kwiatkowski (East Brunswick H.S.) 8.55: Cast catch, st raddle cut L, hollowback, SI UI Z, drop peach , front uprise, sw ing pirouette, ca st, back upri se, straddl e c ut, la yaway front uprise, front off. Still Rings - Tom Van Gorder (Yorktown H.S.) BAS: Dislocate shoot handstand, back ro ll ront lever, pull out, inloca te, back upri se, kip L, hollowback, lower to cross, L cross , st raight arm pull out, double back. Lon g ; H orse Va ult - Todd Wohlberg (Yorkt6wn H.S.) 9.25: Yam as hita - rar end.

GYMNAST Mar. '74


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Leotards in all sizes and colors Anyone can achieve the Scandinavian look with th ese lates t imports from Denmark. Sizes to fit 2 year a id s and up. Send for o ur Bro chure.

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$325.00 + SHIPPING Lam in ated - reg ular length floor beam $125.00 + shipping




#11 21

looking for

Gymnastics & Academics? Walnut Hill School of Natick, Mass. is introducing a gymnastics program taught by the staff of Woodland Gymnastics. Opportunities unmatched in other schools; solid college prepuratory program, a strong arts program including expert ballet and modern dance training, combined with gymnastics. Students who want quality instruction, academically or gymnastically, write for brochure.

Headmaster: Earle C. Batchelder, B.A. McGill, M.Ed. Harvard Instructors: Will St. Cyr, Co-Director, Woodland Gymnastics Former N.E.A.A.U. Tumbling Champion Former Coach, Wellesley H.S. Gymnastics Team

George Wheeler, Co-Director, Woodland Gymnastics High School Coach of four college All-Americans Ken Henderson, Floor Exercise and Vaulting Champion Former Nationally Ranked Gymnast. Experienced, Successful Instructor.

WALNUT HILL SCHOOL 164 Highland St., Natick, Mass. 01760


WOULD YOU LIKE TOCOMMUNICATE WITH OVER *30,000 READERS OF "GYMNAST"? Our readership is an enthusiastic, responsive group. "GYMNAST CLASS IFI ED" , a month ly feature, is your opportunity. Rates are 20Cl: perword fo r the first 25 wo rd s ($5 .00 minimum) and lOCI: for each addi ti o nal word. (Ads are accepted at th e discretion of th e pub lisher). Check or money order must acco mpany copy and be received 'prior to th e closing date, wh ich is the 10th of the month p receding iss ue date. Send orders to: Class ifi ed Dept., " GYMNAST" Magazine, P.O. Box 110, Santa Monica, CA 90406 • A recent questionnaire reader su rvey of our subsc rib ers -

revealed that on the average at least 3 persons read each edition and in many cases - 25-50 shared the publication.



~Uffirn .? -

BARBARA GALLEHER TONRY Nine times U.S .A. National tumbling champion; former world trampoline champion; currently coaching the Yale women's gymnastics team,

position Desired. Jewish forme r Sov iet gymnast ic coach desires coachin g position in Amer ica. Recenlly e mi g rated fro m USSR; temporari ly residing in flal y with wife, son, and daug ht er. Twenty years experience, includ in g e ight years w ith the National Olympic Gymnast ic Team of the USSR . Persona l coach of Alexander Ma leev, eighteenth a ll -around at Munich. Please address inquiries to Gymnast C lassified.


BOOKS " A Parent 's Hip Pocket Guide to Gymnastics", by Patricia A. Gause, is a well illu strated handy gu ide for home, club, or sc hool. Send $3.75 (includes tax and postage to anywhere is U.S.A.) to Patricia A. Gause, 3 Kingsgate Lane, Owego, NY 13827 and receive prompt delivery.

Member of the one olympic, three world games and two Pan-Am teams. Coach of Men's team at Y"le Unillers;ty_

FOR SALE Portable appa ratus ri g. May be us.e d wit h cab le horizonta l bar, cable ring stand, or cab le uneven bars. May be purchased with or w ithout apparatus. Bob Rector, 1618 South Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762 (316) 331-7440 . INSTRUCTION Gymnastics & Ba ll et classes, for children , teens & ad ults. Russian , German technlques taught. Specia l Art istic Floor Exercise classes, blend the grace of ballet and gymnastics. Dance skills such as leaps, jumps, turns, falls are combined with flexibility moves. Selecting music, routine composition , t umblin g, beam, uneven bars, trampoline and va ultin g are in cluded. C lasses for a ll ages and leve ls. Write: Nikitin s Schoo l of Dance & Gymnastics, 7106 Woodlawn Ave. N.E . Seat tl e, Washington 98115 - ca ll 522-6282. NEW PRODUCTS Attention Coaches - introduCing a new exclusive " Handsta nd Aid e " , for the gymnast. With this c ustom designed Handstand apparatus, studen ts learn to do a PROPER handstand FASTER! It gives the arms and shou ld ers exce ll ent support, improves body coord in ation and ba lance, RAPIDLY! Several handstand positions, such as a press, pike , st raddled, yogi, and eve a o n e a rm stand ca n be learned in a short time wit h the " Aide" . It prepares the student to stay in a handstand on the floo r, beam or bars. Holds children & adults u p to 150 Ibs. Will not tip. Li g htweight, portable. Custom designed & tested. $49.95 plus tax. Write: Rodi N ikitin s, 7106 Woodlawn Ave. N.E. Seattle, Washington 98115 Phone 522-6282

WRONA'S Gymnastic Apparel RD #1 Elmbrook Village Beaver Fails, PA 15010


ALL GYMNASTIC NEEDS Serving PiHsburgh and Tri-Slale Area 30 Years Experience

All Star Sports School DANCE CLASSES





ST AFF OF CHAMPIONS: Staff includes Olympic team members, national champions and professiona l dance instructors.

(F.I.G. re port continued from pg. 7)




pe rm issio n for rev isio n o( statut es num ber 1 - D D R pro posa l ; number 2 - Co mmitt ee proposal - "s ho uld not change ", vote o n nu mb er 1 was 30 vo tes aga inst and 9 for, vote for number 2 was 23 fo r and 6 aga in st. Th ere fo re the Di rec tor's Co mmitt ee w ill rev ise sta tu tes. Lun ch break was ca ll ed f rom 1 :20 p .m. to 2:35 p. m. Th e meeti ng resumed at 2:35 p .m, Th e fo llow in g p ro posa l by Egypt was passed b y th e Tec hni ca l Com mittee 31 to ze ro. Egypt The Africa Cup a) Thi s competi tion wi ll take pl ace eve ry two yea rs. b) Parti cipat io n : three men and three wo m en gymn asts from each Af ri ca n fe d eratio n affili ated to th e ~I G. c) Co m peti tio n w ith op ti o nal exe rcises o nl y. d ) Ju ry und er th e supervisio n o f an int ern ati o n al head jud ge answera bl e to th e ~IG . Reason s: In Alri ca , gymna sti cs is no t as w idesp rea d as in Eu rope and Asia. By int ro du cin g thi s Afr ica Cu p, we hope to be abl e to deve lo p no t o nl y the sta nd ard of gy mn as tics i n A lri ca, but also to in crease the num ber 01 Afr ica n led erati o ns to be aff il ia ted to th e ~I G. The Spani sh p roposa l be low was also acce pt ed . Thi s vote elimi nated th e 20 U ll mats and in stall ed two six cm ma ts fo r th e H o ri zo nta l Bar and Va ultin g. Spain Anti -slip m at We suggest that the same anti-sli p ma ts be used as th ose empl oyed at the 1972 Ol ympi c Ga mes in M uni ch and at th e 1973 Euro pedn Champi o nshi ps in Grenob le. Reasons: We ha've stu d ied the tec hni ca l pro ble ms der ivin g lro m th e ad o pti o n 01 ant i-s li p m ats 20 cm thi ck (height ol th e ho rse and th e ho ri zo n ta l ba r, lack of stabilit y o n th e part o lth e gy mn as ts, etc.) as we ll as the bi g fin ancial pro bl em involved lo r th e fe de ra ti o ns and societ ies w hen it com es to purchasi ng the new mats. Th e ~r e n c h pro posa ls below we re eith er rejected (r), re main th e sa me (s) o r were re le rr ed to the tec hni ca l co mmitt ee (t), France A. ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS 1. World Championships - Olympic Games r-a) Qu alifyin g p rog ramm e fo r bo th th ese eve nt s, co mpul sory and o pti o nal. r- b) Co mpet iti ve progra mm e fo r bo th th ese eve nts, o pti o nal o nl y. r- c) Ord er o f ap pearance fo r th ese two eve nts: 1. A bo liti o n o f nati o nal gro ups (six gymn asts p er country) 2. ~ o rm a ti o n o f int ern at io nal gro ups by int eg ral draw in g of lo ts. s-d ) Class ifica ti o n by teams: Statu s qu o, always th e fi ve best marks per apparatu s. Th ese pro posa ls int eres t th e M TC and th e W TC. e) Individ ual cl assifica tion: s-l Th e mark s o btain ed in competiti o n N o . 1 qu alify th e gy mnast fo r co mp etiti o n No.2. r-2 Th e mark s o bt ained in competition No.2 shall no t be added to th ose o btain ed in competiti o n No. 1 fo r th e awa rd o f the in dividu al titl e. r- 3 Th e m ark s o bta in ed in competiti o n N o . 1 o r No. 2 (to be d ecid ed) qu ali ly th e gy mnas ts for th e fin als by apparat us, but shall not b e added togeth er fo r th e awa rd of titl es by appa ratu s. A ll sho uld start equal. 2. Men's Code of Points (1975) t-a) C and B pa rt s ca n o nl y be elements and no t co mbin at io ns. t-b) Elem ents lin ked toge th er and fo rmin g a g roup o f d i ffi cult ies m ay be assessed in th e co mbin atio n by th e RO V, t-c) A bo li sh th e lo rce exe rcise in th e o pti o nal fl o or exe rcises. t-d ) Redu ction o f tim e: 50" to 60" . r-3. M en and women international judges. Entry ticke ts for th e Oly m p ic Gam es and th e W o rl d Cham p io nshi ps sho ul d be m ad e avail able to int ern ati o nal ju dges w ho are no t o ffi cial m embers of th e j ury but w ho neve rth eless are present , as was th e case in D o rt m und . Th e pro posa l b . by Hun ga ry was rej ected beca use it could lea d to cheat in g. Hungary a) In order to make scoring easier, we propose that: Th e m ax imum va lu e of each va ult w ith o ut a star be 8.50 pt.

Th e max imum va lu e of each va ult w ith o ne star be 9.00 pt. Th e max imum va lu e of eac h va ult w it h two stars be 9.50 pt. Th e max imu m va lu e o f eac h va ult w ith th ree stars be 10.00 pt. Dur ing com petiti on Nos. 1 and 2, 0.30 po in ts wi ll be d edu ced fr o m th e po ints o bt ained and 0. 60 po ints du rin g compet iti on NO.3. Th ese po ints co ul d th en be used as a bo nu s fo r o riginality and virt UOSit y. Reasons: The intro du cti o n o f new reg ul atio ns has made th e sco rin g wo rk o f th e ju dges so diffi cult that the possi b ili ty of arri vin g at rea listi c va lu es is now grea tl y com pro mi sed'. Th e sco rin g fo r th e va ul tin g h as beco m e parti cularl y co mpl ica ted beca use o f its di vis io n int o three ca tego ri es . At intern ati o n al compet iti o ns, we have see n t hat a va ult w ith o ut a star o r w ith o ne star has bee n awa rd ed a hi gher m ark th an a va ult w ith three stars eve n w hen an identi ca l fa ul t has b een mad e. b) Permission to use the reserve gymnast Th e rese rve gy mna st sho uld be all owed to repl ace the injured gy m nast w ho is un abl e to co ntinu e the co mpetiti o n. Th e m ark s obta in ed by the rese rve gy mna st w ill count in th e team co mpetiti o n. But if th e gy mna st alrea d y takes part in th e c ompul so ry exercises part of th e co mpetiti o n, th e res ults he achi eves w ill no t be taken int o consid erat ;'o n o th er than th e cl assifi ca ti o n o f th e team. Countri es en terin g a tea m may use o nl y o ne rese rve gy mn ast. Durin g th e indi vid ual , co mpetiti o n (Europea n Champi o nships, . indi vidu al co mp et iti o ns), a rese rve gy mn ast is no t all owe d to con tinu e in th e pl ace o f a competitor injured durin g the co urse of th e co mpetiti o n. Durin g an inter-f ed e rati o n competi tio n, th e p oss ibilit y o f th e rese rve gy mn as t's pa rti cipating in the pl ace o f an injur ed gymn ast w ill be decided upo n by th e countri es p arti cipatin g pri o r to the co mmencem ent of th e co mpetiti o n. A bando n by th e injured gy mna st mu st be approved by th e doctor designated by th e FI G. Th e fo ll owin g are the p ro p osa ls by Israe l. Israel a. Incorporation of Israel into the European Federation. We requ es t that o ur fede rati o n be in corpora ted into th e group o f Euro pea n fed erati o ns. b) World Championships in artistic gymnastics at Varna We requ est a renewa l of the form al und er ta kin g o n the part o f th e o rga ni zin g country (Bul garia) e nsurin g th e p articip ation o f Israe l in th e next Wo rld Champi o nshi ps in arti sti c gy mn asti cs at Varn a in 1974. In view o f th e lack of dipl o m ati c relations b et wee n Bul gari a and Isra el, we should like to have the ass urance th at th e country o rga ni zi ng thi s manifestatio n w ill take ca re th at we rece ive th e necessa ry in vitation s and und ert ake to grant entry visas to th e co untry for the w ho le o f our d elegatio n . e) We propose that the TC fix the minimum for participation in the World Championships at an average of 8.00 points. Reasons: Th e evo luti o n and co nstant ri se in th e standard o f arti sti c gy mn astic s, above all in th e bi g countri es, sho uld not be all owed to preve nt participation of all th e countri es affili ated to th e FIG at leas t on ce every fo ur yea rs, that is to say, in th e World Ch ampionships. Th e stipulati o n o f a hi gher ave rage would risk ex clud i ng from th e co mpetition a number of countri es o ffi cia ll y affiliated to th e FIG and would thu s preve nt th eir improvin g their standard by co nt act w ith th e more impo rt ant countri es. a) Rejected 14 to 99. b) Fo r Israe l th e word di sc riminati o n co m es back to us. Beca use of thi s reason we as k th e co untry Bul gar ia th at we get th e ass urance th at we get visas to ente r th e co untry. It wo uld be a dang er that we m ay no t be allowed . Bulgaria; Wh en in 1971 th e orga ni za tio n of th e World Games we kn ew w hat we had to do as hosts, as to th e qu estio n of Israe li , we have been thinkin g for two years abo ut thi s - I neve r sa id th e visas wo uld no t be assured . Wh en Gand er was in Bul ga ri a we talk ed abo ut thi s. I to ld him and rep ea t here, th e Bul ga rian Fed erati o n and o rg anizatio n Co mmitt ee fo r th e Wo rld Ga m es w ill in sure entry visas fo r th e co u n tri es. As yo u kn ow, we have sent thi s de mand to o ur St ate Directors and we awa it thi s answer and it w ill b e sent to FI G and th e Nation al Fed erations. Gander -It seem s

(F.I.G. report continued on pg. '40) GYMNAST Mar. '74





1.974 GYMNASTICS CA MP SCHEDULE! e MARC H 13· 17 STILLWATER, OK LA HOMA e JUNE1 6·2 1 MONTER REY , ME X ICO e JUNE 23·28 SAN TA FE, NEW M EX ICO e JU NE 30 - JULY 5 (Elite) SANTA FE, NEW ME X ICO e JUL Y 7 · 12 CA NY ON , TE XAS For Furth er Informa tio n Writ e or Call . ..

CARAVAN OF CAMPS P. O. Box Andrews, Te xas 1206 .

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(F.r.G. report continued from pg. 38)

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P.O. Box 309 Jenkintown, Pa. 19046 Shreveport Gymnastic Supply Company P. O. Box 5374

Shreveport, la ; 71105 Suppliers of 1968 U. S. Women's Olympic Gymnastic Team 1968 World Trampoline Team WHY WAIT FOR YOUR ORDER? Our stock items are shipped the day your order is receiv · ed . We stock most gymnasfic clothing items and accessories . Send . for our catalog 40

to be su re for each natio n an d I ho pe thi s can be rea li zed. Israe l ; I hope th i' does no t come too late. C. Wai t ti l later. Italy a) Vaulting In crease th e heigh t of the appara tu s from 110 cm to 120 cm . b) Balance b eam Th e durati o n o f th e optio nal exe rcise should be id enti ca l to th at valid for th e fl oo r exe rci se, that is to say: minimum 60 seco nd s, maximum 90 seconds. A and be were rejected. German Democratic Republic 3. Medical Commission On 9.4. 1973, we sub mitt ed a dralt o f th e regulations to gove rn t he wo rk o f th e Medi ca l Co mmi ss ion. W e suggest th at t hese reg ul at io ns be submitted for approva l to th e assem bly general. Accepted· 32· 0. 4. World Cup Article 3 In crease of th e num ber of gym nasts to 5·1 2. With rega rd to th e no min ati o n of judges, we suggest the fo ll owin g tex t: Th e fed eration s parti cipating are to be co nsid ered w he n nominating th e judges. Th e las t phrase is to be d eleted and repla ced b y the fo ll ow in g tex t: Parti cipati o n o f th e bes t gy mna sts, both men and wo men in th e Wo rld Cup is a qu esti o n of honor and also o f recog niti o n wi th regard to th e nation al fed erat ion s. For th is redso n, th ey ha ve th e moral ob li ga tio n of acce ptin g the in vitation . Article 5 Th e fi nals at the apparatu s now have no raison d'e tre. A ll th e participant s in th e W o rld Cup should be able to parti cipate in th e two competiti o ns . Th e total nu m ber of po int s sco red in two competiti o ns w ill be d ecis ive for th e d es ignati o n o f th e w inn er of the multipl e co mpetiti on and of th e co mpetition by apparatu ,. Article 7 Thi s articl e is to be d eleted and replaced by th e fo ll ow in g tex t : Th e fe d era ti ons parti cipatin g have the right to de legate a tra in er fo r th e men gymnas ts and anoth er one fo r the women, and thi s o n th e sa m e conditions as fo r the co mpetito rs. rh e fe d eratio ns have the ri ght to renou nce thi s privilege. Tak ing th e above int o consid erati o n, it will not be necessa ry to nominate group lea d ers and the compe tition ca n take place exactl y li ke th e European Wo rl d Champi o nships from an o rg ani zatory point of view. Article 10 Th e phrase: ('Th ey w ill be procl aim ed the best gy mna sts in th e w orld ) is to be deleted. Thi s phrase is in contradiction w ith th e spirit o f the World Champio nships and represe nt s di scrimination against th e fe d erati o ns not takin g part in the Wo rld Cup. Article 11 . Thi s arti cle is to be de leted beca use it is not in ag ree ment w ith the pri ncipl es o f bas ic right s and th e sove reignt y of th e fe d erati o ns. Article 13 Th e phrase: (Fo r cases n o t co ve red by these reg ul atio ns) is to be deleted and articl e 13 redraft ed as fo ll ows : In ad diti o n to th e reg ulati o ns for the Wo rld Cup, this event w ill also be , ubj ected to th e statut es and techni ca l regul ati o n; of the HG. Acce pted· 32·0. Men Th ere is need to modif y th e four yearl y rhythm in the va lidit y of th e co mpu bo ry pro gramm e, in such a way that th e compul so ry exe rcises be presented onl y at th e Wo rld Champ ions hi ps and th e Ol ympic Games. Traditional regulation : Th e programme o f co mp ul so ry exerc ise, sho ul d be d eclared va lid a sin gle tim e fo r six yea rs (possi bl y fo r four years with slight mo difi cati on, or a prog ramm e for two years mu st be mad e). Reasons: Th e wor k of th e fede ration s hinges st rongly o n the Ol ympic Ga m es. M en accept ed. Co mpul sory for four yea rs. Ol ympic Ga mes to World Games . Aft er Varna 1974 co mp ul so ri es for Montrea l Ol ympi cs wi ll be good for two yea rs and aft er M ontrea l th e new compulsories

fo r men will be iss ued for th e W o rld Ga mes o f 1975 and th e Ol ympic Ga mes o f 1980. Switzerland 1. Programme of FIG manifestations W e requ est that, on th e occasion o f each congress a w ritt en prog ramme be sen t to all t he fede rations givi ng th e fo ll owing: date and place o f th e nex t co ngress date and place o f co urses and sy mpos iu m dat e and place o f o ffi cial FIG co mpetit io ns. Reasons: Generall y spea kin g, publi ca ti ons con cernin g co urses and sy mposi a are publi shed too close to the eve nt and frequentl y at a time when th e affili ated fed erati o ns have alrea d y set up th eir bud ge ts and th eir pro gramm es of acti vit y. It wo uld th erefo re be d es irable that th e HG stipulate its progra m me suffi cientl y ea rl y, in o rder tha t th e fe derati ons may ta ke it into acco unt and pre pare th e necessa ry fin ancial mea ns. Mr. Gander stated that thi s was alrea dy being do ne and their seco nd proposa l concernin g sho rt eni ng of Offi cial Ceremoni es would be do ne. Both Czechos lovak ian proposa ls a. Expul sio n of So uth A fri ca and mo d if ica ti o n o f statutes have bee n voted o n p rev io uslv. Soviet Union c) Maintain the number of teams as it was at the Olympic Games in Munich, i.e. for the 1976 Games in Montreal : 24 men 's tea ms (indi vidu als includ ed ) 20 wom en 's tea m (indi vi dual s includ ed). Gand er · Th ere we re 18 tea m s in Munich and no t 24. Th e discuss io n o f th e red ucti o ns o f tea m s in th e Olympi c Games foll owed. Dobe rtin , East Ge rm any, sa id he se nt a lett er and h e was to ld th ere was no thin g to d o about it. It is in th e rul es, 12 tea ms. Then fo ll o w ed a di scuss io n co nce rni ng the redu cti o n o f 12 teams by Uri Tit ov w ho is a Co mmitt ee Direc to r member. Th e Swi ss th en sa id that th ey shoul d accep t th e pro posa l of th e DDR and th at th e Com mittee Directo r should prese nt the proposa l to th e 10C fo r more than 12 tea ms. Mr. Gander ,th en sa id wh y do n' t th e Eas t Germ ans take it to their Ol ympi c Committee becau se this should be taken up by th e Olympi c Committee. Dob ertin sa id thi s is a basic qu esti o n fo r our Fed eration, th e Ol ympic probl em . Gand er said this 12 team limit is for all sport s. W e ca n go before them but remember th ey agreed to 12 tea ms and fo u r separate gro u·ps. Fo ur groups mad e up o f indi vi du als. Dobertin· Ea st Germ any said w e should have th e sa me .as we had in Muni ch and th ey asked for a vo te. Wes t Germ any as ked fo r a vo te. And th e Techni ca l Co mmittee sho uld b e ba cked by the Ge nera l Assembly · Rom e had 130 co mpetitors. To kyo had 130, in M ex ico 11 7, in Munich 113 and now w ith 12 tea ms they wa nt us to onl y have 72 comp etitors. Gand er· It is absd lut ely co rr ect for me to go . to Lu ce rn e and Budapest. Nex t, Madame Nagy spok e. We tri ed fo r month s and fought for gymnasti cs. No thin g is to be changed . It is in' vain . Titov - There sh ould be a vo te on thi s proposa l. You have m y propo sal and th e DDR proposa l and I represe nt m y federatio n (M r. Ga nder had .as ked him no t to take th e mi croph one, to le t so meo ne else rep re sen t his fed e rati on ). France th en stood and as ked fo r a vot e. Spain stood and sa id it is onl y 12 tea ms poss ibl e, th ere is no thin g we ca n do. Th ere was a vo te. 21 vot es in favor o f Co mmittee Dirrecto r USSR - 15 opposed. New Subject - The ' qu estion nex t ca m e about Tuni sia holding th e FIG Congress in 1974 an d it was vot ed un animou sly th at th ey ho ld th e co ngress in Tuni sia. Th e q ues ti o n cam e out about athl etes o f Israe l, and Tunisia d eclared that ,th ey would d o th eir best about it. Th e nex t qu es tion concerned th e World Games in Bulgari a in 1974 and th e qu estion arose sin ce Bul ga ri a could on ly have 24 tea m s, could this b e increased to )O ? Bulgari a · This qu estion in Stuttgart and now th e opini o n of our federati on, since we have talk ed w ith oth er co untri es who 'have held it and it wo ul d be a great diffi cult y if mo re than 24 tea ms competed in o ur gam es. I wo uld say it w ould be di ff icult if the asse mbl y d ecid ed that no t o nly 24 but eve n mo re. Of course we w ill take every step to p rov id e fo r thi s. A ustralia th en spok e and th ey sa id th ey wa nt two promises made: 1If wh eth er Israe l and So uth Africa would be ad mi'tted and 2· o n th e number of people that co uld co mpete and that we fee l that ) 0 teams could be o.k . The United States - w e agree w ith Au strali a and we mu st know wh eth er Isra el and South Africa will be admitted

GYMNAST Mar. '74

and thi s mu st be guaranteed because th ey are memb ers of the FIG orga ni za tion and politics has no place in sports. A nd therefore, this shou ld b e kn own . Bulgaria - visas wi ll be guaranteed. Gander - Gander spoke and sa id th at on January 19 Madame Nagy and himself were going to Bulgaria ;and at that time th ey wou ld find out whether South Africa and Israe l wo uld be admitted. And he as ked if the Un it ed Stated was sa ti sf ied? United States = "M r. Presid ent, we are not sa ti sf ied w ith such a date as Janu ary 19. It is now Nove mber 13 and th e date you spoke about i ~ over two mont hs away. Wha t happen s in the m ea ntime? Why can ' t we find out? Why do we have to wait two month s to fi nd ou t w hether these two countr ies wi ll be adm itt ed. Mr. Presid ent I say that we must kno w thi s by D ece mber 15 at th e latest. " Gander - thi s info rm at ion w ill be forthcom in g by December 15. Gander - "At th is point in the proceedings it is now 7:00 p.m. A nd we have just been informed that we no long er have thi s meeting roo m ; and if we are to continue our meet i ng we mu st move ." So we m oved to a new room where there we re no microphones and no translator s. Th e subject of how m any tea m s wil l be allowed to co mpete in Varna was again broached. M r. Gander - try to give full aut h o rit y to th e m en' s and women's Technica l Committee on the amo unt of peop le that wou ld co mpete. A nd he reques ts th at th ey get full authority for it. Israel - we mu st know soo ner. A ll mu st comp ete in th e World Games eve ryo ne. Denmark - let us vo te on whether th ere be qua lifica tion s o r not. East Germany - stick to the decision of Madrid , - open co mpetition s. If less then a level of eight points should be adopted. Gander - You have ve ry littl e confidence in th e Techni ca l Committ ee. To see it funct ion. Let us vo te. The vo te wa s 24 to one to permit the Techni ca l Committee to mak e th e dec isio n of qualifi cat ions. Th e European Championsh ips in 1974 was co ntested between Switzerland and th e Soviet Union and th e Swiss won by a vo te of 12 to 10. The Europea n Championships for wo m en b y Norway, Czechos lovak ia and Spain. No rway won by 14 vo tes. Th e Modern Rh ythm ic Games for 1975 w ill be hel d in Spa in . The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

GYMNAST Index - 1973 Volume xv It is fortunate, ind eed , for one to ha ve the pri vilege of th e annual rev iew of a publicat iofl su ch as the GYMNAST since such an exerci se, w hich on it s face is mechanica l, lend s in sight not on ly to current co nt ent but to the undercurrent of sacrific e and dedicati o n which are n ecessary for th e ultim ate production o f such publications. One can appreciat e mu ch bett er th e un se lfi sh contributions of Renee He nd ershott w ho has bee n a most significant contributor during 1973. Th ere is rea ss urance when one is ab le to not e th at Dick Criley ha s once again show n us al l that amid hi s work he can find tim e to contribute to so m ething he es peciall y va lu es and ha s been doing so for yea rs. Th en the re are the pl easa nt surpri ses that arise annu all y. Thi s yea r I would point to a very significant beg inning in the publication of m aterial s related to vau lting given to us by Jim Turpin. Th ere wa s also a hint th at we would all be en light ened by Jim H esson who ha s obviously " tamed " the pommel horse and w ho hopefull y will sha re more articles w ith us in 1974. Finally one can apprec iat e th e unflagging vigor that cont inu es to come from Santa Monica in the perso n of Glenn Sundb y. Above all o th e rs he ha s provid ed the necessary backbon e and stamina to survive in a fie ld that ha s " killed-off" man y oth ers in the pa st and he d ese rves all o f our thanks. A .B. Fred eri ck Note: The inde x below is notat ed as follows .. . after each entry you w ill find a number indi ca ting the month (or comb in ed monthsJ of a given number. Following a hyphen , the page numbers of a g ive n

GYMNAST Mar. '74

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entry are recorded. Entries are categorized by subj ect matte r and author. SUBJECT MATTER AUDIO-VISUAL How You Can Dra w Se qu ence Pi ctures o f Skilis (Hendershot t) 2-1 7 . photo Corner (Practical Suggestions) (Hend ersho tt) 4&5-50 Let's Li ght up th e Subjec t - Photography (Hendershott) 6&7(28-30) BALANCE BEAM Int ermediate B.B. (Tonr y) 2-22 Advanced B.B. (Tonr y) 4&5-58 BOOKS & FILM REVIEWS Tonry's Gymnastics Illustrated 1-9 (Cr il ey) Cooper 's Feminine Gymnastics (Hend e rshott ) 6&7(33) USGf - Jud!ling Guide & Course (Cri ley) 6&7 (33) Tonry - BasIC Tumbling (film ) Criley 8&9-9 CAMPS Caravan of Camps 8&9-22 Camp Gymna st 8&9-22 Rock y Mountain High (Bartz) 8&9(22-23) Camp Tsukara (Fontan a) 8&9-24 Camp of Champions 8&9-24 Stony Brook Gymnastic Camp 8&9-24 Gymna sti cs Country Style (Com bs) 8&9-25 CLINICS Texas H.S. Gymnastics Clinic (Schenk) 2-12 Oregon Christmas Gymna stics Clinic (Cut ler) 2-13 Oregon Christmas Gymnasti cs Clinic (fitch ) 2(12-13) Tucson Clini c (Eaton & Isham) 2-13 1972 New Engl and Gymnastics Clini c Repo rt (Kje ld so n) 2- 14 7t h Annua l Summe r In stitute of Womens Gymnastics (Treiber) 8&9-23 CLUB GYMNASTICS fund Ra si ng Tec hniques (Lucero) 1-(18-19) Birth of an Association - Alabama 2-16 Competiti ve Expe rience Through th e Pri va te Clubs (Hendershott) 3-30 Start in g a Newsletter (Sjursen ) 3(33-34) Newsletter Editors Addresses 8&9-7 Interview With Graham Bartl ett (USA IGC) 8&9-29 Nard 's Gymna sti c Schoo l (Thatche r) 12(26-27) U.S. As sociation of Ind ependent Clubs 12-32

200 Eng ir,eers Rd . Smithtown, New York 11787 (Lon g Island)

EDITORIALS Always a Brid esmaid (Thatcher) 2-15 Don 't be a Wi sher (Sjursen ) 3-33 For All But a Few ... There Must Be Mo re to it. (Hend ers hott ) 6&7(32-33) Fed er al Sports Bureaucracy (Cril ey) 10-8 Commitment & th e Gymnast (Hinds) 12-31 Are You Doin g Enou gh ! (Li edtk e) 12-31 EQUIPMENT Chalk Box 11-8 Russian Inn ovati ve Equipm ent 11 (10-11 ) Cross Machine Added to Universal Gym. 12-8 EXHIBITIONS Gymnasti cs in Motion - Kent State 6&7(3U-31 ) 1973 Scat s Gym -Capades (That cher) 12(28 -29) FESTIVALS '1973 Summer Gymfest-Santa Monica (Th atch er) 11 (12-16) Ha wa ii Gymfest West (Cr il ey) 11 (16-17) Arizona Big Surf Open (Dow den ) 11-1 8 Minnesota Gymiest (C ragg) 11-1 9 FICTION Gymna stic Heebi e-Jeebi es (pfaff) 1(24-25) FIG Notes from Jun e Issu e of FIG Bull etin Women 's 1 ech Committee (fie) 8&9(28-29 ) What is an Hon est to Goodn ess FIG Course Lik e (1 reiber) 11-24 FLOOR EX, I 'm Not O ve rweig ht... Why do I Get Graded Dow n For Hea vin ess (Hend ershott) 1(22-23) Aeria l fr on t Walko ver (He ndershott & Spe raw) 2-18 Illu sion (Sjursen ) 2-27 Drop Splits (Sj urse n) 3-38 New Sty le H and stand , Forwa rd Roll (Dub o is) 10-33 HORIZONTAL BAR Ba sic H.B. (Tonry) 2-23 HIGH SCHOOL , . . 1973 H.S. Report 8&9(10-19) No te: Eight region s reported with th e help of Mari lyn Sheldon , James J. Conno ll y, Dian Wei ssa nd , Kath y Kuhn, Don Gut zler, Joseph Li ed tke , Stan McCa ll e r, Tom Hadl ey, A ll an Rufe, Jan e Wi sse, Dan Cragg, Dick Swind ler, Brian Schenk , Steve Isham , Pat Druggan, Dick Foxal, Lorine Ander so n, Brad Cooper, Chris Takimoto, Jud y Wilson and R.B. Powell


Na t' l H S Gym Coaches Association A nnu al Meet ing 8&9-27+ 1973 H S Report Continued 11 (32-33) Nat' l ~ ederation ' s Boy 's Gym. Ru les Report (H ind s) 11 -33 Nat 'l H S Gymnasti cs Coaches Associati on 12-33


Cr iteria For Rating Women Judges. 8&9-28 Mini Judging Cl ini c - Turn s & Body Waves (Da rst) 8&9-28 Na t 'l Wome ns' Gymnastics Judges ' Associat io n (F ie) 12-15

JUNIOR OLYMPICS Jr. O lympic Gymnastcs - Ea st vs. West (E lrod) 11-22 1973 AAU Nat ' l Jr. Olymp ics (He nd ershott) 11 (2223) Jr. Ol ympi cs Competiti ons (C riley) 11-23

Ind ex ~ or 1972 (Vo l. XIV Gymnast) + Frederick & Kessey 4&5 pp. 53

INTERNA TlONAL Chunichi Cup (Patoi le) 2(10 -11 +) Rom anian Tour (T hatcher) 3- (17-19) Romanian lou r (Ba ll ester) 3-20 Ro mania vs. DSG (Hill ) 3-21 Russ ian lour - Los Ange les (Th atcherl 3-23 Mex ico In vita tion al (G raham) 2-1 9 Record A ttende nce for Korbut 3-4 Int ernat ional Tea ms To ur U.S.A. 1973 3( 10-22) & Compet ition Res ults Russian Tou r 1973 3(23-29) )apan-U.S.A. Competitio n/ Exhibition Tour 1973 6&7(10-11 ) Chin a-U.S.A. (That che r) 6&7 (12-13) China-U .S.A. - Ma di son Squa re Garden (Cu mi skey) 6&7( 14- 16) New Power House? - China (G unn ey) 6&7-17 Den ver Schoo l of Gy mnastics European To u r (Hill ) 6&7(31-32) Ch in ese Gymnastics (Keng & Cril ey) 8&9(8-9) N inth World Maccab iah Games Report (Grossfeld) 8&930 Fren ch Tea m vs. Yankee Conference (K jeldson) 8&9-30 Reflection s of Moscow (Sundby) 10-5 1973 Wo rl d U.S. Games 10(10-30) Men 's 10th Europea n Gymnastic Championships (Lee m ans) 12(16-19) Women 's 9t h European Gym nasticsChamp ionships (Haberland) 12-22 A nother View of th e 1973 Europea n Champion sh ips (S hil sto n) 12(23-24)

JUDGING SO You Wa nt to b e a Judge. fButtrili 1 2-26 Diffi culti es Not in Wome n 's Code 3-33 Mini Jud ging Cli nic - G li de Kip to Squat Thru . (Darst) 4&5-51 Medium & Super ior Difficu lti es (F ie) 6&7-37

LETTERS On Mec hani cs and UPB Swing (Rei ter) 12-34

NA TIONAL COMPETITIONS NCAA Un ive rsit y Di visio n (C ril ey) 4&5(8-1 4) U ni ve rsit y Di vis ion Results 4&5(16-29) NCAA College Div ision (W ri ght ) 4&5(30-31) A IWA Nat io nals (Jacobso n ) 4&5(34-37) 1973 USU Sr. Nat ionals 4&5 (38-39) 1973 Jr . Na tion als (Hill ) 4&5(40-41) YMCA Nat iona ls (Wort manl 4&5(44-45) 1973 AAU Sr. Gy mn astic Championships (H ardy) 4&5(42-43) 1973 USGf Women 's Elite Champ io nships 6&7( 1823) . 1973 USGf Men's Elite Championsh ips 6&7(26-27)



Competit io n II and III 1(10-1 7) Cr il ey Commi tt ee For a Better O lympi cs Act io n 2-8

PARAllEL BARS Let 's Learn a St ut zkeh re (Roe tzheim) 1(28- 29) A Different Back Toss to a Hand stand (Roetzheim ) 11-3;

PERSONALITIES Gene Wettstone (NACGC Hono r Awar d ) 4&5-14 Ed Gag ni er (Coach of the Year) 4&5-15 Joh n Crosby (Nisse n Awa rd ) 4&5-15 Che ryl Wagner Interv iew (C ril ey) 6&7-8 Olga Korb ut 6&7-9 Int erview - Japanese H .S. Gymnastic Tea m (E ndo) 8&9(26-27+) Joe Massimo (Doc's Flock) 11-24 Se nior Ol ympi CS 11 -32 Debbi e Fik e Interview (Thatcherl 12-25

POETRY H. Bar is a Lead Pipe Ci nch 1-6 (Bo rg) Roberta the Giant Gymna st 6&7(6-7) Pati e nce (Budd ) 6&7(7)

RESEARCH Th e Effects of G. On Vario us Ph ys ica l Fitness Co mpo nents (Bosco) 1(26-27) What Resea rch Tell s the Coach Abo ut Gymnastics 39 USG ~ Biomechanica l Task Force (Geo rge) 3- 39 Liftin g a Beam and Effect on Erector Spin ae 4&5(59) Th e Si ngle foot Take-of f For Tum blin g Exercises (S plithoo rn ) 6&7(34-37) Th e Righting Reflex and So m e Simpl e Gymnastic Move m en ts (Ca lk i nI 11-34 . Coaches Co ngress - Biomechanica l Task Force Calkin- Mech . A nal ys is of Human Mo ti on 12-10 Kj eld se n - App li cat io n of th e Eleva tor Principle to Va ult ing and Tumo ling 12-10 George - Co mparat ive ' Ana lysis o f Five Se lected Va ultin g Boa rd s 12(10- 11 ) Ecke r - Rotati ona l Concepts in Gymnastics. 12- 11 Ha y - Biomechanics of Va ulting 12-11 Bird - Mechanics of Twist in g in Gymnasti cs 12-11 H ery - Mec han ic A nalys is of So m ersa ultin g, Tw ist ing, and Some rsa ulting Wh il e Tw ist ing 12-11 Lasca ri - Earl y vs La te Drop o n P-Ba rs 12- 11

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 1st Na t. Mode rn (Prchal) 4&5(46-47)

Rhythm ic Gymnastic Compo

ROUTINES Compos ing a Routin e w it h Notat ions (Dowsing) 227 O rigina li ty and Creat ivity (Kore nb erg) 2(28-30) Origin ality and D arin g (Humphrey) 2-31

SCHOOL GYMNASTICS A ust in Schoo ls 1(18 Tul sa Rev isited (Lowe) 3(30-32)

SEQ UENCES BY SCHULZ 1132-33) Back ri se Full Tw ist Catch ; Inlocate Kip to Support; Back Dive Y4 So mi 2(24-25) U ndersw in g, Fro nt V, Tw ist; Full Dismo unt ; Fliffu s on Hi g h Bar; Di amidov 3(36-37) Ba ck Moo re Out ToC irci e on One Po mm el and Kehre-o ut 4&5(56-57) free Hip To Stradd le U nd erswing Fro nt Off. 6&7(40-41 ) Front So mi Between Bars; Korb ut Back Roll on Beam; Korb ut Hand sp ring ; Korbu t Back Somi on Bea m 11(28-29) Ae ri al f ro nt Wa l kover Mo unt on Beam;

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WRITE FOR YOUR FREE BROCHURE TO: SOKOL TSUKARA c/o William Vrba 1828 Endicott Circle Carpentersville, Illinois 60110




U J{








9555 IRVING PARK ROAD u ou ble Front 011 Rin gs; Hand sp ri ng Full Tw ist Fro m Pa rall el Bars; Fli ffu s O ff H o ri zo ntal Bar. ' SIDE HORSE Side H orse Is Simpl e (Hesson) 1(30-31) Po m mel Horse (Wa tanab e) 6&7(38-39) Side H orse Trai ning Rin g 8&9-2 Imp ro vised " Pine Tree " Horse 10-6 SOKOL Have ; Yo u Eve r Wo nd ered Ju st Wh at a Soko l Is? 4&5(50-51) TRAMPOLINE Trampo lin e Routin e For lJ eg inn ers (Wri ght ) 1-27 UNEVEN BARS New Style Fro nt Sea t Circle (Dubo is) 10-32 US(,F USG F 1 echni ca l' Bulletin (Fi e) 10-9 USG F Wom en's Tech. Bull etin 11 (25-27) US GF Wom ens Committ ee Directi o n 11(25 -26) Coaches Congress (Cril ey, Hend ersho tt , & 1 hatcher) 12(9-1 5+) USGF M ens Tec h. Co mmittee Mee ting 12(12-1 3) USGF W omens Co mmitt ee (Bryan) 12(13-1 4) USGF Elite & Age Gro up Program (Fi e) 12-1 4 USGF Ma ter ials Li st 12(34-35) VA ULTING Prep are Fo r Impact - Spottin g (Hend ersh o tt ) 2-19 Va ulting Dr ill s (Turpin ) 4&5(54) Di ve Roll s (Turpin) 6&7-39 Block in g an d D evelop in g Shoulder Extension (Turp in ) 8&9-31 Blocking On the Horse an d Blind Landing (Turp in ) 10-31 Blocking On H orse Front Handsprings (Turpin) 1130 Trampo lin e A id s In Vault in g (Ca lkin) 12-30 WORLD UNIV. GAMES 1973 USA Girl s Team Profil es (Chim ielensk i) 10(11-1 2) Visions Of Four (C himi elensk i ) 10(12-14) Womens USA Team (S he ll y) 10(14-1 7) Olga Korb ut A ll-Aro und Champion 12(18-19) Men 's Compet it ion Report (Howard) 12(22-30) CONTRIBUTORS BARTZ, DO UG LAS Rocky Mountain Hi gh 8&9(22-23) BORG, JIM H . Bar Is a l ea d 'Pipe Cinch 1-6

GYMNAST Mar. '74


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BOSCO, JIM Th e Effect' of G. in Va ri ou, Phy,ical Components 1(26-27) BR YAN, SHIRLE Y USGF Womens Co mmitt ee 12 (13-1 4) BUDD , RUTHIE Patience 6&7-7 BUTTR ILL, MA'R ION So You Want To Be a ju dge 2-26 CHA LKIN, GERA LD The Righting Ref lex and Simple Gymna'tics Movement, 11-34 Trampolin e Aids in Va ultin g 12-30 CHIMIELENSK I, GAIL USA Girls Team Profi le, 10111-12) VISIons of Four - Ru ssian G irl, 10(lJ-1 4) COMBS, MARGIE Gymnast ics Country Sty le 8&9-25 CRAGG,DAN Minnesota Gymna stics 11-19 CR IL EY , D ICK Viewpoints, 18, 2-8, 3-8, 6&7(8-9) ; 8&9(8); 10-8; 11-8; 12-8 Review of Tonry's Gymnastics Illu strated 1-9 Olympics - Competition II & 1111 (10-1 7) NCAA Un ive rsi ty Division 4&5(8-14) Chin ese Gymnastics 8&9(8-9) Rev iew of Tonry Film " Basic Tumblin g " 8&9-9 Ha wa ii Gymfest West 11(16-1 7) Coaches' Congress 12(9-15) CUM ISKEY. FRANK China - USA (Mad iso n Square Gard en) 6&7(14-15) CU llER, SANDY Orego n Christmas Gymnastic Clinic 2- 13 DARST, mLE NE M in i judging Clinic 4&5-51 jud ging Turns and Body W aves 8&9-28 DOWDEN , BRAD Ar izo na Big Surf Open 11-18 DOWSI NG, GRETCHEN Compos ing A Routin e 2-27 D UB OIS, CHARLES New Style Front Seat Ci rcl e 10-32 New Style Handstand Forward Roll 10-33 EATON , STORMY Tu cso n Clin ic (Women) 2(13) ELROD, TOM jr. O lympics Gymnas ti cs - East vs West 11-22 ENDO, FRANK Int erview of japan ese Hi gh School GymnasticTeam 8&9(26-27+) FIE. JACK IE Tech Bull etin on Medium and Superior Diffi culti es 6&7-37 Notes From FIG Wom ens Tec h. Committee 8&9(2829) USGF Tech. Bulletin 10-9 USGF Elite & Age Group Pro gram 12-14 Nat' l Womens Gymnastic ju dges Association 12-15 FITCH , MARYLIN Oregon Christmas Gymnastic Cl ini c 2(12-13) FONTANA , JERRY Camp Tsukara 8&9-24 FREDERICK, A. BRUCE I ndex For 1972 4&5(53+) GEORGE, GERALD USGF Biomechanical Task Force 3-39 GRAHAM, ANN Mexico Invitational 2-1 9 GROSSFELD, ABlE Ninth World Maccabiah Games Report 8&9-30 GUNN~Y, ED New Powerhouse - China 6&7-17 HABERLA ND, CARL Womens 9th Europea n Gymnastic Championships 12-22 HARDY, JERRY 1973 Nat'l AAU Sr. Gymnast ic Championships 4&5(42-43) HENDERSHOTT, RENEE "I' m No t Overwei ght " 1(22-23) H ow You Can Draw Sequence Pictures of Ski ll s 2-17 Aerial Front Walkover 2-18 Co mpetition Throu gh th e Pri va te Clubs 3-30 ph o to Co rner (How to D o it ) 4&5(50) Let 's Light Up Th e Subj ect 6&7 (28-30) By 1 he Busloads They Came 6&7(30-31 ) For A ll But a Few ... Th ere Must Be More To It. 6&7 (32-33) Rev iew - Cooper's Feminin e Gymn asti cs 6&7-33 1973 AAU Nat' l juni o r Olympics 11 (22- 23) Coaches Co ngress 12(9-15) HESSON, JAM ES Side Horse is Simple 1(30-31) HILL, RODNEY Romanian team vs DSG 3-21

1973 jr. Na ti o nal s 4&5(40-41) Denver School of Gymnast ics Eu ropean Tour 6&7(31-32) HI N DS, JOHN Na t 'l Federations Boys Gym na stics Rules Report 1133 Comm itment and The Gymnast 12-31 HOWARD, JAMES Mens Compet iti on Report (Univ . Games) 10(22-30) HUMPHREY, TOM Originality and Darin g 2-31 ISHAM , STEVE Tucson Clinic (Women) 2-13 JACOBSON, CHARLES A I AW Nat io nals 4&5(34 -37) KENG , JOH N Chin ese Gymnast ics 8&9(8-9) KESSY, CANDY I nd ex For 1972 4&5(53+) KjELDSEN , KITTY 1972 New En gl and Gymna sti c Clini c Repo rt 2- 14 French Team vs Yankee Co nference 8&9-30 KORE N BERG , B. Originality and Creat ivity 2(28-30) LEEM ANS, E. Men 's 10th European Gymnastic Champ ionships 12( 16-19) LIEDTKE, CA ROLE Are You Doing Enou gh ? 12-31 LOWE , BEATR ICE D. Tulsa Rev isi ted 3(30-32) LUCERO, JIM Fund Rasin g Tec hni ques 1(18-19) PATOILE, KA RE N A. Chunichi Cup 2( 10-11 +) PFAFF, BARB Gymnast ic Heebi e-j eeb ies 1(24- 25) PRCHAL, M ILDRED Th e First Nat ' l Rhyt hmi c Gymnastic Competition 4&5 (46-47) REITER, FRI rz Swi ng and Mechanics on th e Unevens 12-34 ROETZHEIM, BILL Let's Lea rn a Stut zke hre 1(28-29) A Different Ba ck Tos, to a Handstand 11-31 SCHENK, BRIAN Texas High School Gymnastic Clinic 2-1 2 SHELLY , KATHY Womens USA Team 10(14-1 7) SHILSTON , PETER Another View of the 1973 European Championships 12123-24)

SjURSEN , HELEN Illu sion 2-27 Don 't Be a Wisher 3-33 Starting a News lette r 3(33-34) Drop Splits 3-38 SPERAW, DA N Aerial Fro nt Walkove r 2-18 SPLITHOORN, DIA NE Th e Sing le Foot Take- Off for Tumblin g Exercises 6&7(34-37) SUNDBY , GLENN Refl ection s of Moscow 10-5 TONRY, DON Int erm edia te Bal ance Bea m 2-22 Basic Horizontal Bar 2-23 Advanced Balan ce Beam 4&5-S8 THATCHER, BARBARA A lways a Bridesmaid 2-15 Romani an To ur 3(17-19) Ru ss ian Tour - L.A . 3-23 China - USA 6&7(12-13) 1973 Summer Gymfest 11 (12-16) Coaches Congress 12(9-15+) Debbi e hke Interview 12-25 Nard 's Gymnasti c School 12(26-27) 1973 Scats Gym-Capad es 12(28-29) TREIBER , MARGIT What is an Hon est to Goodness FIG Course Rea ll y Lik e? 11-24 TURP IN, JIM Vaulting Drills 4&5(54) Di ve Ro ll s 6&7(39) Blocking and Deve lopin g Shoulde r Exte nsion 8&931 Blockin g on the H orse and Blind Landin g 10-31 BlockIng on Ho rse - Hand springs 11-30 WATANABE, TADAO Po mmel Horse 6&7(38-39) WORTMAN, W.P. YMCA Na ti o nals 4&5(44-45) WRIGH1, JERRY Trampolin e Rout ine For Beginners 1-27 NCAA Co ll ege Di vision Champ ionships 4&5(30-31)

The Program Includes: 1) ballet and modem dance classes at all levels 2) tumbling classes at all levels 3) 4) 5) 6)

training in the Olympic events for women training in the Olympic events for men student-instructor ratio of 5: 1 instructors who are carefully chosen for their teaching experiences and ability in order to provide the highest quality of instruction For more information, write for full color brochure

Training Facilities Our rotating Staff includes Olympic and National gymnasts

Teruichi Okam ura - 1972 Olympic Gold Medalist, World University Champion

The International Gymnastics Camp has indoor and outdoor facilities. One of these is a newly constructed 50' x 120' gymnasium for the ultimate in European-style training, A licensed physician is on call at all times.

Tets u H irata -National Japanese gymnast We are honored to have Teruichi Okamura anct Te tsu Hirata on our staff for the te n sessions of camp. Teruichi is one o f th e world's greatest gym nasts; he a nd Tetsu wi ll present th e latest in gym nastic style and technique to female as well as male campers.

Telsu Hi rota, Bruno Kious, Olympic Gold Medalist Teruich i Okamuro

Barbara Gallagher - Gymnastic coach at Yale University. nine times National Tumbling Champion, World Tumbling Champion, former member of Pan Am tr a ining

team. Don Tonry- 1958, 1962, 1966 USA Wo rl d Champions h ip team m ember, 1960 Olympic team member, 1963 Pan American t eam member, author and inte rnati onal gymnastic judge. Abe Grossfeld - U.S. Olympic coach, Membe r of Olympic, World and Pan American t eams.


Fred Orlofsky -Form er U.S. Olympian. Outstanding staff m embers also include: Len D eP ue, Juuy Alperin, Tom Gibbs, Jean Rathfon, Connie Maloney, Fred Rothlisberger (Olympian), Tom Lindner (NCAA Champion - winner of Nissen Award) , Dr. Jerry George, K en and l\lissy Allen, Richard l\lurabata, Pat Gustavson, Sandy Stutzman, Jim Culha ne (Olympian), Bob Cargill, Noreen Connell, Richard Aronson, Linda Castner, Pat Sarluca, John Crosby (U.S. Olympian ) , and Peter Langruckel (Universi ty Coach, W. German y)

APPLICATION (teor off and ,"oil,


23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

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5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30




Return to: BRUNO KLAUS, Director, International Gymnastics Camp, Inc .. R.D. 3, Box 518, Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360 (telephone 717路629-0244) Name.



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Telephone School Attending . Instructor/ Coach

one session . two, three or fo u r sessions five sessions ten sessions Commuters Deposit

$ 95.00 $ 90.00 per ses.

$425.00 S725.00 $ 50.00 per ses. $ 25.00 per ses.


Circle the seu i'On or seuio ns thai you wish ta a llend . As en roll me nt will be limited, tho se attending one seu ion p lea se June 23'June 28 Jul y 28-August 2

June 30-July 5

August 4-August 9

Ju ly '-July 12 August II-AUgUst 16

July 14-July 19 Augus t 1 8-Augu5t 23

in di ~a)e

a secand choice.

J uly 21-July 26 August 25-Augu.t 30

Please accompany this ap pl ication wi th a $25.00 per sestion depos it p aya b le to Internat ional Gymnastic Camp. Application will be accepted on a fi nt come bas is as we con accept a limited number of students. Deposit refundable 30 d a ys prior to se u ian. We will accept children under 6 with parental a dvinment. NOTE , Complete di rec tions, re commended clothing li st, arrivol time, camp regulations witt be sent upon receipt of app licatio n.

GYMNASTICS CAMP BRUNO KLAUS, director R.D. 3, Box 518 Stroudsburg , Pa. 18360

List taken from Weekly Gymnast Newsletter published by Jerry Wright ~r

Nation al AAU Age -Group Championships (Whateve r the titl e ) will be held at Lincoln Nebraska. Sept. 1974 Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim CA. Final trials for World Games team .

THE NATIONS TOP ALL-AROUND GYMNASTS MALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 . 29. 30.

Marsha ll Ave ner, Pen n . St. Steve Hu g, Sta nfo rd Ji m Step he nso n, Iowa St. Ma rk Graham, Iowa St. Dave Re p p, U. New Mex ico Jim Ivice k, Un" tt. Ra y Gu ra , un Do ug Fit zgerald , Iowa St. Jo hn C ros by, So . Co n n. Jim C ulha ne, unatt. Du bi Luf i, w,,; h. St. l..I, • Je ff Roc k, U. M inn . M ik e Ca rt e r, LSU Jay W he la n, So. Co nn . Steve Ho lt, Air Fo rce Te d Ma rti , Unatt. Steve Pos ne r, U.c. Be rk. Ca rl Wa lin, Iowa Dave But zman, Unatt. Paul Blas ko, Ind. Sta te U. Tom Weede n, U.c. Be rk. Bill Ritte r, Air Fo rce Ron Ni ssen, Port land St. Bob Ro th , Unatt. Jim Kru est, Pe nn St. Rick Ru ssell , LSU Cha rl es Wa nn er, Circl e Roger Ha ld erma n, Uta h Me l Hill , Tem pl e Dave Hu son, Ind . State U.

110.05 11 0.05 106.65 106.30 106.20 105.90 105.50 105.35 105.25 104.95 104.80 104.20 103.65 103.40 103. 10 102.70 102.70 102.40 102.15 101.45 101.40 101 .00 100.50 100.30 99 .50 99 .85 98.80 98.70 98. 20 97.60

• - No t a U.S. Citizen FEMALE 1. Joa n Rice (Muu re), Md llll e tt e s 2. Ro xann e Pierce, So. CO IlIl . J, Kare n ~l hu lk ll1 d n , ~o. Co nn . 4. Na ncy I h ie; Ore go n ACd u e lll Y 5. Jea ne tt e And e rso n , Gym. In l. 6. Debbie !-ike, SCA IS 7. Kim C hace, Ri ve ra Bea ch 8. Pam Simo ne, So. Con n. 9. Di a ne Dunbar, Di a bl o 10. Ade le Gleeves, W. KY 11 . Barba ra Mys lak, So. Co nn . 12. Di a ne Grayso n, Flin t 13. Vic kr, Shul e r, McK inl ey Y 14. De b ie Halle, Gym. Inl. 15. De bb ie Hill , De nver 16. Cind y Eastwood, SCA TS 17. Cla udi a Bi ze ll, Fl o rida 18. Te rr y Sp e ncer, So . III. U. 19. Col e Dowa liby, So. Conn. 20. Kyl e Gay ne r, SCATS 21. Ga il e Wycoff, SCA TS 22. Sa nd y Phillips, Fl or ida 23. Lisa Cain , So . Co nn . 24. Ann Ca rr, M a nn e tt es 25. Ph yli ss Hardt , So. III. U. 26. Kath y Howa rd, Okla Twiste rs 27. Stepha ni e Strom e r, SIU 28. Margi e pyle, So . Co nn. 29. Dagma r Hintn aus, SCATS 30. Laure l And erso n, Gy m . Inc. 31. Dian e Ainl ey, Fresno 32. Ka ren Brezack, Parke ttes 33. Lynn Go vin , SCATS 34. Karen Atkins, SCATS 35. Connie Isrea l, Louisvil le

74.35 74.25 73.70 73 .50 73.15 72.90 72.70 72.50 72.45 72.30 72. 15 72.30 72. 15 72. 00 71.70 71.50 71.40 71.40 71.15 71.1 5 71.10 71.00 70.90 70.90 70.90 70.90 70 .90 70.80 70.70 70.65 70 .30 70 .30 70.25 70.15 70.15



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1975 YMCA Nationa ls on Apri l 18-19 1976 YMCA Nationa ls on April 9-10 INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR 1974 Oct. FIG Congress, possibly in Tunisia. Oct. 19-26 World Championships in Varna. 1975 Oct. 15-21 Pan American Games (33 countries possibly will compete) . Santiago, Chi le Gymnaestrada in Berlin 1975 SepL FIG Congress in Montreal, Canada , and the Olympic Games

REGIONAL SCORE March 15-16 Eastern Collegiate Regionals March 15-16 AIAW (formerly Reg. 8) Collegiate Regionals hosted by Sa n Diego State University, San Diego, Calif. Meet Director Ed Franz. March 23 USGF Regionals, Forest Grove, Oregon. This meet is for Qua lificat ion into USGF Jr. and Sr. nationals. There will be Elite Division competition.

USGF REGIONAL MEETS To date only four out of the eight regions have reported . March 16-17 Region VII I: Kennedy H.S. W illin gboro, N.J . Meet Director : Lois Musgrave Meet Referee: Audrey Schweyer. March 30 Region I: Fountain Vallev H.S. Fountain Va ll ey, CA Meet Director : The SCATS, Meet Referee: Cheryl Wagner. March 29, 30 Region Ill : 1 hornton Family YMCA 5002 S. Futton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 Meet Director: Bob Childers Meet Referee: Sharon Weber. March 29-30 Region VII I: Gymnastics USA 3630 Redmon Nashville, Tenn. 37209 Meet Director: Dan Garcia Meet Referee : Delene Darst. U.s.A. NATIONAL PICTURE 21 -:0 Western Athletic Conterence Mouch Championships, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Mitrch March 22-23 NAIA Championships, Fort Hays State, Hays, Kansas March 22-23 Big 8 Championships, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma Ma.<h 22-23 USGF Elite Qua li fying Meet, second ro un d , Newil rk , De lawa re, M ee t Dire ctor: Ed Kne ppe r, Meet rele ree: Jack ie h e March 28-30 NCAA College Division Championships, Springfield College, Springfield, Massachuetts April 6-14 International Youth Trampoline Championships, Beirut, Lebanon April 5-6 AIAW Collegiate Championships (Women), California State University-Sacramento, Meet Diiecto r :,Kathy Shelly, Women 's Gymnastics Coach , California State University - Sacramento, Sacramento, Calif. 95819 April 4-6 NCAA Championships, Penn State University, University Park . Pp.nna. April 11-13 National AAU Junior Championships. Host: Gymnastrum Sportschoo l of Reading, Pennsylvania will be the host . Site of competition to be one of the following: Temple Univ., Albright Co l. , or West Chester St. 1;eacher' s College. April 19-20 YMCA Nationals in Seattle, Washington (Men's'Compulsories same as last two years, Women 's USGF Adv. ·Ievel. .. No minimum age or score requirements April 18-20 USGF Jr. Nationals - Hayward, California April 26-27 Eastern 'Elite Qualifi cations for men Southern Conn e cticut Stat e Uni versity (te n!.) Meet dire ctor : Abie Grossfe ld. April 26-27 Mid-Ea st Elite Qua li fica tion s for men , Indiana State Uni versity. M eet director: Roger Counsi l April 26-27 M id-West Qualif ication s for men Iowa State Uni versity. Meet director : Ed Gagnier April 26-27 West Qualification s for me n Uni versity of California , Berkeley. Meet director: Ha l Frey. April 26-28 National AAU Senior Championships Host : Eastern Montana College, Biltings, Montana . Finals to be televised on CBS Sports Spectacular. April Compulsory Training Meets in tour geographically located centers (Elite Program) May 9-11 USGF Senior Nationals, Chicago, Meet Director: Betty Meyer May 10-11 USGF Men 's Elite Championships, Un'ive rsit y 01 Californ'ia, Be rk e ley May 3O-June 1 USGF Elite Nationals, Southern illinOIS University, Carbondale, Illinois, Meet director: Herb Vogel; Meet Referee: Jackie Fie August1:l-15 or 20-22 National AAU Junior Olympics

We would like to publish a calendar that is Gymnastically compete - if you have any additions please send them to: GYMNAST Calendar P.O. Box 110 Santa Monica, Ca. 90406 Thank You


DIRECTORY OF SUMMER CAMPS (Ca mps not li ste d pl ease send us inform ation so th at we may include yo u in th e April issue directory) All Star Girls Gymnastics Clinic Old Will imanti c Ro ad Columbi a, CT 06237 Caravan of Camps P.O. Box 1206 Andrews, TX 79714 Catalina Island Gymnastics Camp P.O. Box 1766 Santa Moni ca, CA 90406 Cathy Rigby Gymnastic Camp for girls 2351 2 M ari a no St. , Ro om 331 Woodland Hill s, CA 91364 International Gymnastics Camps RD 3, Box 518 Stro udsb u rg, PA 18360 Medalist Hall of Fame Gymnastics Camps for girls 735 No rth 5th Stree t Mil wa u kee, W I 53203 Rocky Mountain Gymnastics Camp P.O . Box 274 St ea mboa t Sprin gs, CO 80477 SOKOL Tsukara 1828 Endi cott Circle Carp e nt e rvill e, IL 60110 SOKOL USA Gymnastic School P.O. Box 189 East Ora nge, NJ 07019 Stony Brook Gymnastic Camp P.O . Box 593 Stony Broo k, NY 11 719 West Penn Gymnastic Clinic RD #2 Slippery Roc k, PA 16057 Wildwood Gymnastic Clinic 1128 Sycamore Ave . New Shre wsbury, NY 07724 Woodward Camp P.O. Box 93 Woodward, PA 16882 Pocono Sports Camp P.O. Box 247 East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Middle Eastern Gymnastic Camp 11615 Fulham Street Silv e r Spring, MD 20902 Empire State Gymnastic Camp Camp Hill Road Pomona, NY 10970 SIU Summer Gymnastic Camp Jack Biest e rfe ldt SIU Are na Carbondale, IL 62901 Camp Tsukara Jerry Fontana or Mi ke Jacki 400 Glenview Road G lenview, IL 60025

GYMNAST Mar. '74




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