Gymnast Magazine - November 1975

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NOVEMBER / 1975/ $1.00



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Volume XVII / Number 11 / November 1975 . 5. FROM THE BUSINESS MANAGER, Dr. Ray m o n d Bach 6. WHAT'S HAPPENING 8. USGF TECHNICAL BULLETIN 9. FIG TKHNICAL BULLETIN 10. VIEWPOINTS, Oi c k C ri ley 10. GUEST EDITORIAL, What Direction Should You go-Why? Ke a A n d e rs 11. IN MEMORY, Gordon McCollom 12. 1975 PAN-AMERICAN FINAL TRIALS Men, 17. OLYMPIAD FOR THE AMERICAS, PanAm History and Previ e w, rO lll Wa ke lin g 22. THE CHINESE IN EQUADOR, Ro be rt Fre d sa ll 24. INTERNATIONAL REPORT, Dr. Joseph Gohl e r 26. REPORT FROM PRAGUE, M il a n Med 28. 1975 USGF/ AAU GYMNASTICS TEAM TO HAOPEl GAMES, ISRAEL, Ed Kne p pe r 29. PRE-OLYMPICS REVISITED, C hris W o od s 32. POSTER FOLD-OUT, Mitsuo Tsukahara and Nelli Kim, Pre-Olympics Individual Event Winners 37. ON THE MOVE WITH FRITZ, Vaulting: The Squat Flight Vault, Fr it z Re ite r 38. WATANABE COACHES CLINIC, Training Schedules, 1 0 m (j ,m ln e r 40. SEQUENCES BY SCHULZ, Die ter Sc hul z 42. RESEARCH: Pommel Horse Drills: Scissors Training, D I. H.J. 13i es te rf e ldt 47. . RESEARCH: Advanc e d Skill Attainment and Skeletal De ve lopment, Kobe rt V. Ac uff 48. CLUB CORNER 50. BAllET FOR GYMNASTICS, G race Kayw ell 51. CAMP TSUKARA, M ike Jac ki & Je rr y Fontan a 52. STROUDSBURG SPORTS CAMP, Fr e d Turoff 53. USGF MASTER WORKSHOP 56. ST ATE REPORTS 59. LETTERS 62. CALENDAR Cover: Steve Hu g, 2 tim e O lym p ia n . Editor/ Publisher: G le nn Sundby Associate Editor : Di c k Cri le y Research Editor: H.J. Bi es te rf e ldt , Jr. International Editor: D r. Josep h Go hl e r Art Director: Ri c ha rd Ke nn ey Production Assistant: Pat ri c ia L' To il e Circulation and Advertising Manager: Dr. R.S. Ba c h

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GYMNA S T magazin e is publi s hed by S undb y S p o rt s Publi c ation s , 410 Broadway , S a nt a Mo ni ca , Ca . 90401. S eco nd Cla ss Posta ge paid a t Sa nt a Mo nic a , C a . Publishe d m o nthl y. Price $1.00 a si n gle co p y. Subsc ripti o n co rres路 po nde nce. GYMNAST 路 P.O . Box 110, S ant a Mo nic a , Ca. 90406. Cop yright 1975@ a ll ri g ht s rese r ve d b y S U NDBY SPORTS PUBLICATIONS . 410 Broa d way, Sa nta Mo nica, Ca . All Phot os a nd manu sc ript s su b m it t e d b eco m e th e pro pert y o f GYMNAST unl es s re turn r eques t and s uffi cie nt pos tage a re incl ud e d.

FROM THE BUSINESS MANAGER: Our editor, M r. Glenn Sundby, is in Europe as this issue goes to press and I have been asked to write copy for him. Recently w e began operating our own computer imputation , w ith Mrs. Helen Bach, as the ope rator, and we want our subscribers to know that we are endeavoring to cl ear up the many problems inherited from our form er company. please bear with us a little longer . as we deal wi th the " growing pains" of the GYMNAST magazi ne. You can help us in serving you better: 1. rf you forward to us your old address along with your new address BEFORE you move. (The earlier the better.) 2. If you do not wait until receiving the third renewal '. notice before paying for your magazine. Renew with the first invoice and cont inue to receive, without interruption, your GYMNAST magazine. . 3. If you let us know, immediately, when you have not received your current issue. (We plan, beginning in January . 1976, to send each issue f rom Santa Monica; Cal if. THE FIRST WEEK OF EVERY MONTH . We believ'e we now have a su ffi cient size staff to accomplish this plan .) Ou r staff has been enlarged in recent months in all departments and we appreciate thei r efficiency and cooperation in hand ling the many problems that beset a monthly publi cati o n in its articles and photography, its type setting, its art and layout, its advertising ari d circulat ion and its customer services. The prese nt office manager, Mrs. Carolyn Booth and her assi stant, Mrs. Lois Pond, representing Customer services in th e Circulation department, both wish to express their gratitude to the many subscribers for their understandin g and patience. In the form ative years through loyal service, and to the present, Mrs. El eanor Brown, as bookkeeper and secretary, has sto od with our editor in . serving the gymnastic world. Thank you, subscribers, for your " membership" in our family of gymnasts. Our entire staff, monthly, is endeavorin g to make each issue of GYMNAST " the best yet," for w e hold in sacred honor your subscriptions making us th e fin est and largest gymnastic magazine in the world .



GYMNASTS FINALISTS IN NCAA AWARDS COMPETITIONS Among 32 stud e nt- athl e te win ners of NCAA Postgradu a te Scho larsh ips were Orlando Sixto " Landy" Fernandez, Kent R. Brown, Wayne R. Young, James C. Johns, Jr., a nd Joseph D. Percival. Fern a nd ez, who carried a 4.00 in pre-med at Indian a Uni ve rsit y in th e double major of chemi stry a nd biologica l scien ce, was a 4-time finali st in the still ring s in the Big Ten , winning first thi s yea r. He has be e n admitted to Yale 's medi ca l sc hoo l. Brown, a b usiness major at Arizona State, carried a 3.73 average. Winning the NCAA Di vision I Floor Exe rc ise title this year, Brown wa s al so no min ate d fo r ASU Man of the Year and sc holar o f th e yea r. He was adm itted to the law sc hoo l a t William and Mary College. johns earned a 3.8-6 in pre-med at th e U.S. Military Aca d e my w hil e m eeting a ll obligations of th e Academy, hi s gymnastics team, and gradu a ting in th e top 5'10 of the class. he was admitt e d to Te mple's medical school. Perc iva l, a Vietnam ve te ran who took fourth on th e pomm e l horse at the 1975 NCAA's , earned a 3.04 in Land scap e Architecture at the Uni versit y o f Oregon. He was se lected as ore gon 's mos t outstand in g student-ath lete. he is acti ve in commu nity affa irs for und erpriv il eged yo un gs te rs . NEWS FROM JAPAN Ir o m jap a n hav e it that Kajiyama has thrown d full within Triffis (back-fu ll-back) off the Hori zo ntdl Bar, a lso that Kumi threw .a • Qu ad from th e Hi gh Bar. R e port ~

GYMNASTS HAVE RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE taken from HBU "The Collegian " newspaper

The n e w seaso n fo r the Houston Baptist Univ ers it y gymn asti cs team promises to be an ex citing one. All nin e of last year 's team me mbe rs are back, with the addition of two new indi vidu a ls, Tom Besong and Don Smith. To m was re d- shirt e d la st yea r and this yea r will be a so phom o re work ing the all-around . Don is a transfe r st udent and is a pommel horse speciali st. Both individu als will add much needed d e pth to th e Husky squad. On e of th e te ams greatest attributes this year wi ll be ex peri e nce. Each indi vidual perform e r ha s a minimum of four years of prev iou s co mpe tition ex p e rience. Coach Hutch Dvorak has been very optimi ~ tic abo ut the teams first workouts. He feels th at thi s yea r's group of gymnasts has the mental a ttitud e it tak es to succee d. The tea m is pre paring fo r it s first formal competi tion on Nov. 13 , th e Husky Classic. HUSKY CLASSIC TO BENEFIT M·S SOCIETY The Husky Gymnastic Classic, which was initiat e d in 1974, has taken on major proporti o ns in 1975 . It will be ca lled " The First Annu a l Multipl e Sc le rosis Hu sky Gymnastic Cla ss ic," an d will be h e ld Thursday, November 13, at 7:30 p.m . in th e new Summit are na . The Cla ss ic , lor sho rt , is ho sted by Houston Baptist University a nd th e proceeds will be shared with th e Hou ston Ar ea C hapt e r of Multipl e Sclerosis Societ y. 6

Bes id e s th e Hu sk ies, fi ve of th e nation 's top ted m s have accepted invit atio ns to the hi g h powe red m ee t. Tea ms th at w ill co mp e te fo r t he C las sic C up a re Arizona State Univ ersity, Oklahoma University, University of Iowa, Louisiana State University, and Southern Illinois University, a ll o f whom have ea rned national r,lIlkings. Th e co mpe titi o n format features two all around me n lrom e ac h team who work all six Olympic eve n ts and one special ist in each evenl. 1 wo eve nt s wi ll b e h e ld simultaneously. At thi s tim e , th e C lass ic Co mmittee is trying to get th e European Wome n 's Gymna stic Champion . N,ldi a Co ma nec i of Romania, to per lo rlll lor th e expec ted sta ndin g room on ly crowd. g y mna ~ ti c s

LSU GYMNASTS ADD NEW RECRUITS TO ROSTER Baton Ro ug e, La. , LSU 's " Mr. Gymnast ics" , a ll- amer icd ll Mike Carter, has finish ed his collegiate Cdree r but Tiger co ach Armando Vega h ,l ~ cOlli e up w ith e ight new faces to help so ft e n t Il'~ blow of Ca rt e r's loss in 1975-76. "It i ~ no t ju st qu a ntit y re pla c in g quality," accordin g to Vega. " No way," he says, " not wh e n til(' IlIdjorit y of sign ees we re high school all -a m e ri cdn ~ ... 1 he rt'ig nin g No.2 tea m in the nation will featul e d e pth as a st rong point in '75-76 according to Vega's g raduat e assistant coac h Bob Cunningham. rh e Tige rs should be strong at evpry stop. Nin e recr uit s we re· sign e d thi s year including two wllt'ge tr.:rn sfe rs who w ill be reds hirt e d accord in g to NCAA rul es. The seve n high schoo l ~ i g n ees include five pre p all- american gymn a,b dnd one YMCA al l- ame ri can . The r e d ~ hirt , ,Ire Michael R. Rutkin of Plantation, Fla., and Jeff Morrison from Decatur, Ga. Rutkin co lli es to LSU from Memphis State a nd Morrison is from Georgia Tech. Elig ib le to co mpe te this yea r, a long with the frosh , is anoth e r tra nsfer - Ron Reznick who wa s ink e d las t yea r after transferring from Cal State Northridge. Paul Tellarico, le ad's th e par adp of Ir es hm a n gymnasts. He attended John Glenn High School in Hunington, NY. Greg Goodrum, w ho competed for Bear Creek High School, cal ls Littleton, Colo., hi s hom e town . Randy Hairston, a three time a llstate ~e l ec ti on .It L.D. Bell High in Hurst, Tex., now li ve~ in Dallas. Gordon Schmidt of Arlington Heights, III. John Goodman, attended Brentwood, N. Y. High School. YMCA All Am e ri can James Guidry of New Orelans, is a gradu a te of Holy Cross High. Alan Graham att e nd ed Henderson High School in DeKalb County, Ga., Jlld ca ll s Atlanta his home. AAU JUNIOR OLYMPICS Russell J. Fons o f Detroit ha s been appoi nted as t he Ch ev ro le t Motor Di vision 's h ea d of sport~ activ iti es. Fon s a native of Milwauke e , Wi s( . a nd .I fo rm e r profess ion al baseball play e r, w ill ov e rsee th e Ama teur Athleti c Union ~ juni o r Olympic program. Fom joine d C hev ro let in 1954. He will se rve as Ch ev ro le t's li aso n w ith th e AAU 's junior Olympic prog ra m w hich involves millions of teenage ,lIld pr e -tee n at hl e tes in 16 sports at state. reg io ndl , .:rnd national leve ls. The junior Ol ym p ics h.:r ve h e lped d eve lop some of Ameri c<I·~ fine st a ma te ur athletes.

Penn State ha ~ bee n se lec te d as th e site of an Olympi c qu a lil yin g gy mn asti c mee t betwee n the men 's and wome n 's tea ms o f th e United States and th e U~~R n ex t january 29-31 . Announ ce m e nt o f th e meet site and dates were made by Frank Bare, executi ve director of the U.S. Gym nas ti c Fe d e ration, and Uri Titov, direc tor o f th e USSR Gymnastic Federation. The Soviet ted lllS .:r lr ea d y have qualified for the Montreal Olympics by virtu e of the women 's I('a m pl.l cillg fir st a nd th e m e n 's tea m placing se( o nd .It th e Wo rld Garnes in Varna, Bulgaria, in 1974. U.S. gymna ~ ti c off icia ls indi ca te that the America n t('am mu st m ake a stro ng showing against th e ~o v ict squ.:ru s to e arn one of the 12 team b ert h ~ .It Montrea l. japan, USSR, East Germany, Hungary, Romania and West Germany a lr p,ld y hdve qua lifi ed for th e m e n 's competition . '1he USSR , Japan, East Germany, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia have automati( be rth , ill th e wo m e n 's co mp e tition. The 1976 Ol ympi c co mpe titi o n will b e held in the Forum in M Olltr e el1 july 18-23. The fOlmat lo r th e january meet a t Penn State's Rl'< 1('.Itio ll lluildin g wi ll include Thursda y altp rJ) oo ll .:r lld eve nin g sess io ns of compul so ry (·xer ciscs. Friday and Saturday nights will bp re ~l~ r ve d for o pti o nal exe rc ise competiti o n. The U.S. and Soviet teJ IIl S wi ll be se lected by the gymn a~ ti c Ipd e r.ltion s o f eac h count ry. Most 0 1 tlw m e mbe rs of th e wo rld champion ~ hip , te .lnl Me expec te d to be on the Soviet wompn \ te .llll. Poss ibl e com petitors include Ludmilla Turischeva, Olga Korbut, Nelli Kim, Nina Dronova, Rusika Sikharulize, Elvira Saadi, Lidia Gorbek and Olga Koval. The Sovi('1 n1<' Il ', teelll1 w ill feature almost the same lin e up ," Ih e 1974 World Ga mes team: Victor March e nko, Victor Klimenko, Vladimir Safronov, Paata Shamugia, Vladimir Tikhanov, Alexander Detiatin ,IIlU Nikolai Andrianov. Th e USG~ l ec hni cdl Co mmitt ee w ill se lect the best po ~~ i b l e Am er ica n t ea llls to co mp e te against th e ~ov i l't>. . Among th e wo me n w ho c urre ntl y rank high are Ann Carr .Illd Roxanne Pierce of Philadelphia ; Kathy Howard, Oklahoma City; Diane Dunbar, Pl easa nton, Calif.; Kolleen Casey, St. Paul, Minn.; Debbie Wilcox and Trish Reed, Denver; Tammy Manville, Tucson; ·and Janette Anderson, New Haven, Conn. Current top m e ll pe rforlll e rs in th e United States a re Gene Whelan, Penn State und ergraduate .Illd th e top qu a lifi er for the Pan-Am e ri( an G.lmes tea lll ; Wayne Young, former Na tion ,1i Co ll eg i.:r te Athl eti c Association champion Irom Brigham Young, now doing graduat e work .It Penn State; Kurt Thomas, Indiana State; Bart Conners, a high schoo l student in Morton Grove, III.; Marshall Avener, former NCAA chdmpion fr o m Penn State; Steve Hug, lorm er NCAA champ ion fro m Stanford, now li vill g ill Northridge,Calif.; Brent Simmons, Moline, 111.; Jay Whelan and Peter Kormann 01 Southern Connecticut State College; Mike Carter, LSU; Glenn Tidwell, Southern Illinois; ,l lld Tom Beach and Tom Weeden 0 1 th( ' University of California. Ticket s lor th e m ee t probably will go on sale during th e li"t week of la nu ary . NOTICE If a ny coac hes would li ke to have their workshops sa nction e d by th e USGF do so by writing to Sa nd y Thi e lz th e USGF National Chairman. Writ e to h e r a t: Sandy Thielz, Women's Gymnastic Coach, West Chester State College, West Chester, Pa. 19380. GYMNAST Nov. '75

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of how mu( h of her acco unt came from any elite funclions. The mon ey w ill b e used at the discretion of the Elite Region,1i Board, but it was suggested that the lund s be use d 1. 1 rawl fu nd to get gymnasts to competi t ioll'> 2. 10 ,end th e Keg io nal Coaches or regional 1 D 10 mee ting s and / o r competition.



California Newsletter, Joanne Fleming



1975-76 Keg ional Elit e Program A. ~co r e requ irem en ts for participants in Region ,li ~Iil e Prog ram 1. gymlldsts mu st have atta in ed an 8.5 in a Region ,li or Ildtional Class I program or 2. an8.5 inlh e Elit e program 'to participate in the region ,l l elit e works hops B. Certili( ,ll e of achieve ment for Regional Elite Program. A ll th ose participating in the region al elil (' workshops wil l be given a certificat e 01 merit. rhi s can be added to other awards she hd ' edrn ed. C. Obli ga lion s of eli gibl e participating Region al Elilt' Gymn as ts. There wi ll be no written slalement of o bligation, but all gymnast s Ihal qUdlif y at the elite level are expected to part icipate in the regional elite clinics. D. Elit e Regio n,d Boards: 1. StrU(IUre - Th e elite regional boards will consist 01 Ihe fo ll owing persons: Regional Techni cal Director. Kegional Head Coach, and National Head Co,lch, and possibly two others selected by Ih t' Ihree ex istin g members. There could ,li so be recomm endation from Class I coaches il Ih ere Me not e lite coac h es in the regi on. 2. Fun( lion - Besides running the el ite program in Ihe reg io n, the board will take into consideration ,lliowin g exceptiona l gymnas ts who ha ve nOI received the 8.50 required score to parti cipat e in Ihe Reg. Elite program. Criteria for "exceptional c,l ses" will be developed by the eighl region,d coac hes and presented to the WTC co mmitt ee. E. Fee st rue lure. 1. All adull s who attend any regional fun ction mu sl b e .I m ember of the USGFWC 2. Fee, lor clini cs wil l b e as follows: gymnast $10.00. coac h es $5 .00, judges $5.00, observer s $5.00. Any national rated judges or elite coae h es will not be required to pay fees to participal e in regiond l elite functions. 3. Clini( Accounts - Regional and National Th e mon ey from any regiona l function will be ke pi in th e acco unt of the Regional Chairperson who will kee p an accu rate record


FORMA T FOR All USGF COMPETITIONS Elite, Class I, II, III All co mpul,o ry exercises wi ll be performed on the fir, 1 da y. with all op tional exercises on the second da y. When two sets of jud ges are used , vaulling dnd balance beam wil l run simult aneo u sly . fo ll owe d by uneven bars and floor exer( i, t'. When on o r four sets of judges are used . inlelndtiolhll order w ill be followed. During final ('v('nt co mpetit io ns, w hen there are six p la( e,. one set o f judges wi ll be used and internation al order w ill be fo llo wed. Wh en during final ('v('nl co mp etitions more than six places are (ompeting, two se ts of judges will be used. Int el ndllon,d onJer w ill be followed with eve nt s altelndting so that one gymnast perform, al a lime. The dla", lor o rd er of competit ions will follow FIG regu l,lIi o ll s. When there are six finalist s, 6. 5 & 4 wi ll drd w to determ ine in wh ich order t hey w i II 'ma ke the fi rst three performam e, lor Ih,lI eve nt , simil arly, places 3, 2, & 1 wil l dra w to determ in e the order of the la st three perlormdllces for that final event. When thel e Ml' more than six in the final event co mp etition. pld('e 10-6 w ill draw for the fir st five perfolm,lfl( e, whi le places 5-1 must do th e same to delermine th e o rder of the last fiv e performam c',. I n the eVE-nl IWo event s are run alternately and a gymna sl drdws th e same or simi lar performan( (' number in both eve nts, it will be at the di ,( I PI ion of her coac h and the meet refere e 10 delermill e her ev ent order. SCHEDULE FOR t'l75-76 ELITE COMPETITIONS 1st Region al Qu,difi c.ltion Meet October 31Nov. 1, 1975 1st al ion,1i QUJlifi ca tion Meet Decemb er 5-6, 1975 2nd Region al Qu,liifi c,ltion Meet January 16-17, 1976 2nd National Q Ydkufucatuib Neet Febru ary 67, 1976 USGF ELill NM IO NA l S March 4-5-6, 1976 ELITE PROGRAM REGULATIONS 1975-76 1. Score requirem ent (ea rn ed at Regional . leve l) for pnlry into 1st or 2nd National Qualification Meel - 8.75 ave rage or 70.00 AA. 2. Sco le It'quirem ent (earned at National Qualifying mec'!'禄 for entry into Elite Na ti o nals. AGE GROUP PROGRAM AND SCHEDULE FOR 1975-71> Class I State Meet , Ma rch 19-20 1976 Regional M('e h Apr il 16, 17 1976 junior Nati o mls May 6,7,8 1976 Senior Nalional, May 20,21 ,22 1976 AIAW Nation ,li , April 1,2,3 1976 YMCA Nalion," , Apri l 9,101976

me et as well (~ tal e) If she chooses to qualify through the hi gh schoo l meet, she may not also enter the Sla l(' use f m ee t. 3. Non e 01 Ihe meets of USGF Member organization, (AAU . YMCA, AIAW, etc.) may be used as qUldifyill g me ets into the USGF program. AGE GROUP PROGRAM CHANGES: All Classes Equipm enl : Vault: HOI , (' sel Jt 120 cm. Senior, junior, children (as il , ldlHis now) ma y be lowe red for children 10 l1U em. Bars: All ow high iJ.n to be raised 1-2 notches for Senior , (I,lil gi rl s) Jild junior to lower bar as much as 2 nOI( hl's. Children high bar lowered 1-2 notch e, . low iJ,lr raised 1-2 notches as needed. Beam: )eni(m - 1路le Specs., juniors - FIG for optional ,. bUI , hOLlid all ow for lowering 1-2 notch es 110m 1路le for co mpulsory (Class I mount) Childl ('11 nld Y work FIG spec or lower 12 notches Iloni 1路l e spec for compo and opt. work. CODE OF POINTS CHANGES: 1. Use new I ul es fo r va ulting, except for vault finals rul es. 2. Cla S'> I VJ ullin g Findls be conducted so as to requir e tw o dill('rent vd ults from any ca tego ry. Penalt y all poinl off hi g hes t average if the two vaults don e al (' the SJllle. Pen alty of 1 point, if only one vault i, done. 3. Cla S'> II be' r('lJuired to do two different vau lt s or Ih e , dn1l' vdu lt twice . Penalty of one point ofl higher .Iverdge if on ly one vau lt don e. SCORE R~Q U I K~MEN rs: Cla ss I - R('g ion,11 Qualification raised to 8.5 to nation als. b8.UU AA co mbined total. Cla S'> I - )1 <11(' Qu ,Jiifyin g score to Regionals remain B.D. 64.UU or AA co mbined CTO (Ed: don ' t Undpl<,I.lIHI Ih e "C TO " Could it mean C&O? ) Class I - l ot iii or sect iona l Qualifying to State meet 7.5 Th ose , Iall" in d.lnger o f not having a state m eet bee aLN' oll.l ck of qua lifi ers may petition their Regi on;! 1 130,II'd Cla ss II - lot ,Ii or ~e ctiona l qualifying to state meet 7.0/ 56. UU. :' Idl e ma y pe tition if score too high. Mandat e ; ( Of"(' Illovin g from Cla ss II to Class I will be 32.0U ( OIllP (8 .0 ) and 30.00 or 7.5 opt. (62.00) Class III Qu,liil yillg score to state meet 7.0. mandate '>l Of(' 10 move from Class III to Class II 8.0 or 32.00 AA for co mpulsory. CHANGING AGE LEVElS 1. When (h;!ngi ng ,lge levels, gymnasts mu'st stay in sa mp (1.1 .,., of com petition . 2. May no t drop bdck one level because of new co mpubori es. 3. Ci a" II Compu lsory and optional compe titi on <1 l1 owed dt all levels. Under this discussion al Ihi s lim e, and not allowed as yet Reg ulation lor gY lllnasts residing in state adjacent 10 , I,lIe in which the club for which she co mpele,: gy mllJ st Illay cO lllpete in state for which Ih(' club is located and where she trains . Club det ermin es residency of the gymnast.






1. jr. and ~ r. Ndliona ls Team score will be obtain ed by IOI,liling th e top three scores for any given 1("lm ill edch of the eight eve nt s (comp and Opl ). No team members need be predesignalPci. 2. Girl s m,lY qu,llify through State High School mePI , Ih,1I usc th e Class I comp ul sories and follow IIG rules dlld n o t en ter in the USGF

Orde r from: Betty Meyer. Northeastern III. State Univ., St. Louis and Bryn Mawr, Chicago, Illinois 60626. (This is th e o nl y official source of music for th e f loor routin es . also Ih e Women'sComm itee keeps a small perce ntage to help run their program. No menlion how much money 10 send, though. Sorry.)

GYMNAST Nov. '75

d . On ly va ult ; w ith .I t leas t Vl turn (180 ) have t h e va lu e o f 10.00 p ts. e. In fi nab. th e gy mnas t mu st execute 2 d ifferent vau l l'>. w ith th e valu e o f 10. pts.

f. D ist ributi o n of '10 p ts: Va lu e 0 1 (' I{' ment s clnd d iffi c ult ies 3 Superior .I t .60 each to tal ing 1.80 pt s.) 4 M ed iu m .I t .30 each, to tal ing 1.20 pt s. ) Tota l o f 3. 00 p t;. O riginalit y dnd va lu e o f co nn ec ti o ns 1.5 pts.) Valu e 01 Generd l co mpos itio n of exercise .5 pt s.) 10t al of 2. 00 p ts. Exec uti o n ,Ind amplitud e 4.00 pts. Gen eral im p ress ion CHANGES IN RULES A ND POLICIES/ JUDGING 1.00 pts.


INTERPREJ A TIONS from Madam e N agy, President of the FIG g. St andard izillio n o f p enalti es fo r fall s on al l Technica l Committee apparatu s 1. fall o n appiHd tu s o r fl oo r 0.50 THESE ARE OFFIC IAL 2. support w it h han ds o n floo r 0.50 3. fa ll o n p C' lvi; 0.50 a. H eigh t 0 1 vdu ltin g horse 1.20 m (4 in ch es 4. to uchin g floor u p o n landing 0.30 h igher) 5. to uch i ng dpparatu s after land i ng 0.30 6. fa ll o n kn ees 0.30 b. Felt covered bed m (it is fo rbidd en to use magn esia 0 1 re sin ) h. Th ese ch an ge s ,I rc i n eff ec t as o f Ju n e 1, 1975. Th ey app ly du rin g th e qua li fi ca t io n mee ts for c. Th e value o f th e fo ll o w in g vau lts has been the Ol ympi( Ga mes ci S w ell as the Pr e-O lympi c chan ged : gam es i n M on t real in Ju ly. For Region al and co ntin ental co mpet itions , t h e simp le ( al tw hce l 9. 00 pt s. o ld rul es m ay be use d. hand sprin g 9.20 pts. yama sh ita 9.40 pts. The info rmati o n i n thi s Tec hni ca l Bu ll et in was ca rt w hee l w it h ~, turn 9.40 p ts. ta ke n from t he C tii fo rn ia Newslett er, Edi to r eli mi nated Joa n n e Fl emin g .\.. han d spring w ith '" turn

ZWlCIIEL Official USGF Tailors

Why Settle for lessl FREE CATALOG

ZVilCIIEL Gymnastic Tailors

P.O. Box 309 Jenkintown, Pa. 19046

Equipment for: Schools, Homes & Gyms

Beams. Mats. Pads. Trampolines and Gymnastic Accessories

Oi'bson Oy:z:nnaetic Supplies, Inc. For Information - Call or Write 5734 Shasta Circle Littleton, Colo. 80123 - Ph. (303) 893-6969 GYMNAST Nov. ' 75


At l a ~ t yeJr's USGF Congress the association of indt'pendent gymnastic clubs began to devel op their bo ys p ro grams. Since a larg e m ajority of the privat e clubs are for the girls and sime most boys programs have evo lved throu gh th e high schoo ls and V's, the private club ~ lor bo ys see m to face an uphill struggle. In BritJin , w here gym na stics is truly an amateur ~ port, and where high school gymna ~ tic s is IlOt as ex ten sive as in this country , the development of boys ' gymnastics is largely thlOugh the c lubs. An editorial, appearing in the ~ umm e r '1':175 issue of THE GYMNAST, sound ~ ,I lew not es which might be co nsid ered here: " ~or m,IIl Y cOJc hes of boys at club leve l, the road to ~ u ccess is pitted with frustrati ons. To begin With. bo ys can b e less co-opera tive than girb in lollowin g in struction. As boys grow older. the y ,I re subj ec t to enticement from man y more ri v,11 sp o rt s th an girls are. And by th e time t hd t bo ys a re starting to gain th e strength ,lIld ex pe rti se of gymnastic maturity, th ey haw to !cJ ve sc hoo l to make a living or go

on to hi g h(~r ed uca ti o n. Either wa y, boys ' coal he', (.I II Ime tou c h w ith promising yo ung gymna .. " w ith w horn th ey have wo rk ed for yeal ... " There die o th er indignities, too. Girl gymna " t.. outllulilb er bo y gym nasts and the image 01 tlH' ~ P()rt to th e British public is larg ely a femillill(' oll e. Pr ess photographers tend to look 101 g irl gYliln as ts to adorn their sports page .. IdtiH'r t hJn bo ys . Ve ry rarely do you ng male gynlll.l',ts receive th e fu ll co ncentration of publi( it y. ~ m,1I1 wo nd e r that boys' coac hes feel thattheir mOl,lI e ca rn es o ut low compared with ef loll. " M or,II('. in IJJsic terlll S, is a state of mind emomp,,, .. ill g ui sc iplin e, courage and conlid('I1( e. It sho uld dcco mpany any sense of pUlpO .. (' IJ(' it lIlilitJrY strat egy o r gymnastics. In briel. without good rn ora le, you cannot be wholl y .. un ('ss ful in yo ur aims. Discipline and coul agl ' Me d edl ly part of gymnastics and help to eng(,lIder confid e nce . But co nfiden ce comes Irom oth er fdclOrs , too--factors such as SUI I {' .... ,IIHI recog nition .

WHAT DIRECTION SHOULD YOU GO - WHY? By Rea Anders Th is coac h ca n understand th e U .S.G.F. trying to provid e fo r a more appropriate competitive atmosp here by upgrading competition for elit e all-around gymnasts, but what about th e yo un ge r gymnasts? The U .S.G.F. , in pulling away from the AAU , left the young gymna st in a paradoxical-but-sad position. Since th e national age-group compulsori es ar e somewhat id entical and the AAU & U.s.G . ~ . di strict, state, regional, and national champion ships are scheduled concurrentl y, th e yo ung gymnast is forced to choose " which directi on to go. " In a time when age-group competition and participants are scarce, to divide th eir interest is like the "Ta il Wagging th e Dog. " A quick overview of what eac h " direction " offers: UNITED STATES GYMNASTIC FEDERATION (1) Comp etit ion (District or State, Reg ional , National) Advan ced (15-18 yrs .) Compulsory & Optional ; Int e rm ediate (12-14 yrs.) Compulso ry & Optional. (2) No National Spo nso r or subSidy for travel & housing for qualif ying gym nast s to the national championships. (3) No national cove rage through the various medias of t he fin als at th e national level. AMERICAN ATHLETIC UNION (1) Comp etition (D istrict or State, Regional , National) Advan ced (15-18 yrs .) Compulsory & Optional ; Int e rm e di ate (12-14 yrs.) Compul sory & Opti o nal; Beginner (10-11 yrs.) Compul sor ies only ; Novice (9 & Under) Compul sor ies only.


(2) National Spon sor - C hevrolet (3) Travel & Hou sin g expe nses paid for qualifying gymn,lst s & Co ach to the national champion ships. (4) National 1 elev ise d cov erage of the n atio nal age-group final s. I would imagin e th e U.S.G.F., at this point, is concerned onl y with providing competition for those youngesters ca pable of performing optional exercises . Thi s writer/coach believes that the U .S. G.F. has a responsibility in

"A I Ill(' lo p l' nd of t he sca le, boys ' gymnastics is \el) " Ul I 1',,; lul. Ilnlne nse progress has bee n m ad" illll ' llldtionJll y b y th e up-and -coming tal e nl 1I0 W cOll so lid at ed in reg ion al and nati o n'II " Iwol s' squ ad s. It goes w ith ou t say ing thai I hi .. pi o gres,> is Jppreciated th roughout the SpOI I. (jul w h,1I le,lding boys' coaches wou ld well a mi ' II OW .1 5 .I lIloral e -b ooster at all leve ls is tan glbll' .II kil ow led ge lil ent. " 101 ('Vl'rYOll e w ho foll ows gymnastics- pall r<,all 01 lIo t --thi s rn eans supporting local clu b d( li v rlil ~S. It rn ea ns dropping in at com p l ' lllion ... goin g to nation al and intel ndllOlldl ('Velll>. It dlso m ea ns spreading th e WO I d dnllJll g t he ge n eral publi c about achi('\('nll.' nl ... p e r ~ llna liti es , results. "B ut .. o n Ie wo rd s o f advice for boys' coaches com ('I III''' wi th m ora le. Support does not flow in on (kmdll" . Winning it tak es time and , what is m Ol I' , pldlillili g. On ly w ith a sustain ed effort to in vol v(' Ih e int e res t o f as man y people as pos .. ibll' ill lJo ys' gYlnnd stics from club level up ca n :.ecog nit ion - and improved morale co m e.

promoting gymnJ stics at all levels. It is becoming m ore preve le nt that the U.S.G .F. is establishing il>el f as th e most relevent organization to gymnastics to day. There can ' t be enough said about the U.S.G.F .'s efforts in bringing tht, lJc~ t gy mn as ts of th e world to our hom e audiences ,1I0ng w ith d eve loping and promotin g ou r e lit e all-around gymnasts; however at the "g ro und level- there is a lot left to be ~a id . " Th e conf li ct in scheduling and poor planning ha s put the beginning gymnast in an "Ell HER " OR". POSITION " and I fee l this is detrime ntJI in a yo ung ye t growing sport. The South ern Cl lifo rnia Boys Gymnastic Association h a~ move d to combine the AAU / USGf at th e stdt e qualifying leve l. Since the USGF & AAU utiliLe the same co mpulsories for th e advan ce . int erm ediate, and beginning lev els - w e d ec id ed to have one in vitat ional and let the qu alili ers choose frolll that point " which direction to go."

BASIC CONFLICT IN SCHEDULING DI STRICT OR STA TE CHAMPIONSHIPS rA:i:! . A~.~U~. ..:::;~==;-------". Date : Late June ............- - - - - - -.-!U;!;.~S:..! .G;;!;.1:.F;., . ADVANCED Winners Ad va nce ADVANCED INTERMEDI A TE INTERMEDI A TE BEGINNER NOVICE



REGIONAL CHAMP IONSHIPS Date : Early Jul y ...o--------,JU:!;.~S:..! . G;!;..!:. F'_ . =_--, Winners Advance ADVANCED INTERM ED IATE

NATIONA L CHAMPIONSHIPS ~A~.A~.~U~.~~==;-------•• Date: Midd le August "~I--------r~U~.S~..sG~.F~.=,.,,---.., ADVANCED ADVANCED INTERMEDI ATE INTERM EDIATE

GYMNAST Nov. '75

It i, ,l l w~y., Sd U to report the passing of a me mber of th e Gymnast ic community, especially whe n th e circumsta nces are of a viol ent and spectacular natur e, as in th e case of young Gordon McCollom. High School Gordon McCollom fi rst entered gymnastics a t Sout he rn California's Corona De l Mar Hig h School in the mid 60's. Here he wo rked under the coac hing o f Ron McNicko las and '56 Ol ympian Di c k Bec kner (w ho later became hi s fat he r-in -law). Gord on co mpete d AA throughout his high sc hool yea rs. With the Lon g Horse be in g his best eve nt, he won th e '68 ClF and th e Oran ge Cou nty Championships. Typ ical of hi s sense of humor was an accident tha t took place in th e fa ll of his freshman year when Gordon acc id ently broke his arm: A st uden t was immed ia tely se nt to get a mag az in e in orde r to make a splint for his arm a nd Gordon ye ll ed after him, " make it a Modern Gym nast!" Summer Camp Six yea rs of sum mer ca mp was spent at Gymnast ics Camp Gualala dur in g Gordon 's co mp eti ti ve yea rs, three years as a camper a nd three years as a cou nse lor. College Gordon a ttendedSal State Univ. Long Beach wh e re he w~ s coac he d -by Ken Bartlett (who lat e r beca me his brother-in-law) . While a t Long Beac h State he taught gymnastics to deaf children in Santa Ana for a period of two years; and from '71-'72, he was captain of the gym team at CSU LB as well as th e " Most Out sta nd ing Gym nast. " Gordon won the PCAA - All-A ro und Championship for '72, and the team also won the cham pionsh ip that year. 1973 int roduced Gordon 's coaching career. He was th e first Gymnastic coach at Edison H.S. in Huntin gton Beach, California, where he remained active until his untimely accident.


GORDON McCOLLOM December 21, 1949 September 12, 1975

Wing Walking Because of his gymnastic ability, Gordon was approa c he d by Joe Hughes _to perform as a "Wing Walker" in air shows. Gordon flew three sea so ns with Jo e Hughes during the summers of '73. '74 dnd '75. As a " Wing Walker," Gordon appeared in Air Shows throu ghout the USA and Canada, and due to hi s gy mnastic abilities, he added many new tri c ks to the act. It was considered the only tru e win g wa lking act in the world. Gordon was a freeagent o n the wing in the sense that during part of hi s pe rformance, he was not strapped to th e plane as compared to other wing walk ing act s wh ere th e rider is attached to the airplane. On Se ptember 12, 1975, at the Reno Air Circ us , Gordon McCollom was killed during his performance. Standing on the wing while the plane was in an inve rted position, Gordon woul d grab a ribbon stretched across the runwa y during the plane's low pass at the ground. On the fatal pass, the carburator began sputter in g o n the pull-out just enough to ca use the rudder of of the plane and Gordon to hit th e ground, e nding the career of a wonderful yo ung man_ It is with regre t and sympathy that we at Gymna st send our condolances to all of Gordon 's family and friends. In ho nor of Gordon 's memory, Cal State Univ. Long Beac h, will institute an annual " Most In spiratio nal Gymnast" award . (Edison High School has set up a scholarshp fund in his name ... and in lieu of flowers, a donation should be sent to the McCollom Scholarship Fund c/ o Mike Po If, 1532 E. 7th St., Lon g Beac h, CA. 90813)

GYMNAST Nov. '75

Gene Whelan - 1st All-Around

Th e final hi gh bar set of t he meet was cO nipl eted and the 16-best gymnasts in the nat ion marched off th e floor to await the results. Th e an no un ce r spoke into the applause of some 2600 fa ns - " In just a few m ome nt s we w ill ha ve for yo u the 1975 United States Pan Am Tea m ." Th e crowd sil enced as th e fi na ls sta tist ics were ch ecked. Lt. Colo nel Carl Schwen zfeier, Pan Amer ican Team coach and Bill Roet zh eim, Pan Am Team manager, w ere introd uced and brought to the center of the floor in th e interim . Th e microphone clicked o n. " Ladi es and Gentlemen , he re is yo ur 1975 Pan Amer ican Games Team!" Th e march started, the audience ca m e to its feet , and o u t cam e the 7man Un it ed States team clothed in U.S.A. warm-up jacket s and carryin g United St ,lles trave llin g bags. Flash cameras and app lause accompa ni ed th e gymna sts t o the ce nter of th e fl oo r where they were linked w ith Schwen zfeier and Roet zh eim to receive special recognitio n from m eet sponsor Port er Equ ipment Company. A nother wave or two to the enthu sia slic crowd and th ey marched ou t of the gym . The fin al trials were complete d. " I ju st do n 't believe th at' s ri ght," in sisted Peter Kormann, NCAA Di vision " A ll -Around Champio n. " Please check it again , I don ' t think it 's me! ," Kormann plead ed to meet officials. But the results were accurale. Korma nn 's 105.55 sco re ga in ed him a 7t h place fin ish needed


to be il part of the trave llin g squad with Gene Whe lan , Kurt Thomas, M arshall Avene r, Bart Conner, Br en t Simmons, and Glenn Tidwell. Wh eliln held th e top spot throughout the two-da y affa ir sco rin g a 55 .80 comp ul sory and a 55.3 5 optional to build final 111 .15 mark . Ind ianil Sl ate junior Thoma s and veteran Avener (former Penn St.) added slrong op ti o nal m arks Saturday night to pass high schoo l se n ior Bart Conn er, w ho finished the co mpul so ry in 2nd place. Thomas breez ed 10 a 110.35 finish while Avener and Conner secured close 109.65 and 109.25 points respectively. Th e ex peri ence and poise of Simmons (fo rm er Iowa State) helped him exc hang e positions wit h Tid we ll (South ern Illinois), scorin g 108.65 to Tid we ll" s 10ll .00. Kormann th en added a 53.00 optional to hi s 12place 52.55 compu lso ry round to secure the 7th place spot. Jim Ivicek, South ern Illi n o is gymnast and fonn er U.S.A. Tea m member was in 7th place ilfl er th e comp u lsory but fell to a 103.90 mark to excl ude him from the finil l rank s. Th is was Ivicek 's first meet since his arm injury last May before I he qualifying m eet at Carbondale. But injuri es plagu ed ot h er gymnasts in th e me et besid es Ivicek. Whel an hJd no t performed o n fl oo r for six-weeks pri or to th e fi nal trial due to I n in fec ti o n in h is left ach illes and Chuck Wanner, Chicago Circl e'~ onl y entry, suffer ed a pulled ach illes ju st two -w eeks b efore th e meet. It is also fact th at Iowa State' s Mark Graham d ropped o u t of the runnin g du e to a broken arm and th at Wayne Young, Tom W ee den and

GYMNAST Nov_ '75

Kurt Thomas, ISU - 2nd All-Around

Marshall Avener - 3rd All-Around

Steve Hug ,li sa dropped from the competition b eca use o"f injuries sustain ed throughout th e summer. Aft er th e co mpet iti o n it was learned that Simmon s would b e unable to tra ve l w ith th e team to Mexico City due to p ersonal reaso ns. Althoug h it was dissappointing for Simmons eight pla ce finisher Clark Johnson (Ca liforni a-Berkely) received a pleasant surprise wh en he " learned that he would be mak ing the trip . Johnson , who compiled a 105.20 score, was elected team ca ptain by his fellow gymnasts. Conn er, a se nior at Ni les West High School (Morton Grove, 11. ) is the young est member o f the squad . The Illinois State all-around ch ampion the pas t two-yea rs , Conner' s performan ce made him a part o f his seco nd U nit ed Stat es tea m . The first was on the team sent to th e preOlympi cs in Montrea l this past summer. " Thi s is a fin e yo ung team," says manager Roetzh eim . " Our main obstacle at M ex ico City is the Cuban team , but I think we ca n give th em a run for it. Schwenzfe ier and I are excited about this group of men and I am sure th at we will do we ll in Mexico." Th e Unite d States tea m flew from O ' Hare International to D all as on Monda y, September 30 to be outfitted for the trip to M ex ico . For those fin e gym nas ts w h o did not qua li fy, there is still the Olympi c Tr ials to train for. At dny rate, the performances of the top sixtee n gymnasts in the nat ion were wel l appreciated by the many fans who flocked into the Chi cago Circle gy mnasium. Kurt Thomas and his coach Roger Couns il , Indiana State

CYMNAST Nov. '75


Bart C o nners - 4th All-Around

Gene Whe ldn - " A grea t mee t. Everyth ing ran smo o th and we d id n 't have to wo rry about an ythin g b ut o u r ow n ro utin es !" M arsh,i11 Ave ner - " It is to ugh to organi ze som eth ing ,IS b ig as this . We ttstone always had grea t org,lIli za ti on and co lo r in h is me ets . Thi s meet W,ISru n ve ry w ell - I ce rt ainl y enjoyed it !" Larry GerM d - " I e nj oyed th e m eet and th e cit y of Ch icdgo. We we nt to th e m useum o ne aftern oo n. There is rea ll y a lo t to do in Chi cago." Abi e Gross fe ld - " It was ve ry cl im atic th e w ay th e tea m Wd S b ro u ght i nto th e gym after th e resul h an d the fdns were ve ry enth usia sti c w ith th eir clapp ing. " Mi ke CMt c r - " rh e acco moda ti o ns were go o d ,lll d we co ul d wa lk to th e gym fo r wo rko u t; . I dlways lik e co min g here." Jay W h el,ln (I:lro t he r to Gen e Wh elan) - " All th e co m pet it o rs are impressed w ith th e co nduct of th e lll ee t. Th ey are th e mos t impo rt ,lnl ~ '. 1 es . I reall y lik ed th e o pening ce remon IC,. Fra n k Cum iskey - " Th e m ee t is ru nning great . W e we re in dnO o u t of th e gym in no tim e. " Kurt '1hom,ls - " rhi s is a good gym with a good <,c t u p. Lo ts o f room to b rea th o n th e fl oo l . I rc',i1l y enjoyed th e speed o f th e m eet. "



Ul i n ~i s

- Chicago Circle Gym during warm-ups for the las t t wo events.

GYMNAST Nov_ '75


Brent Simmons - 5th All-Around

GYMNAST Nov. '75


Front Row L to R: Gene Whelan, Bart Conner, Kurt Thomas , Glenn Tidwell ; Top Row L to R: Bill Roetzheim , Brent Simmons, Marsha ll Ave ner, Peter Kormann, Carl Schwenzfeier.

1975 USA MENS,PAN-AM TEAM FX C 9.05 Gene Whelan 0 9.25 9.00 Kurt Thomas 8.90 8.85 Marshall Avene r 9.30 Bart Conner 9.20 9.15 Brent Simmons 9.20 8.80 Glenn Tidwell 8.85 8.85 9.10 Peter Kormann 9.60 8.45 Clar~ Johnson 8.90 Mi~e Carter 9.10 8.85 7.95 Tim Shaw 8.45 8.00 Larry Gerard 9.05 8.40 Charles Wanner 8.35 8.70 Jim Ivicek 8.55 8.20 Lee Douglas 8.45 8.45 Jo hn Hallberg 8.10 7.80 Mi~e Godow. 8.40

PH 9.20 9.00 9.40 9.30 9.20 9.20 8.80 7.85 8.10 8.65 8.80 8.85 8.60 7.40 8.65 8.25 9.00 8.55 8.55 8.35 8.75 8.55 9.35 8.85 8.65 6.50 7.95 7.75 8.30 7.50 8.65 8.70


9.20 9.40 8.65 9.10 9.30 8.90 9.25 9.05 9.35 9.35 9.10 8.55 8.45 9.30 9.25 8.90 9.00 9.15 8.65 8.65 8.70 9.10 8.75 7.75 8.70 8.90 9.30 9.35 8.85 8.85 8.85 9.15

V 9.10 8.75 9.25 8.95 9.05 8.95 9.10 9.00 9.10 9.10 9.20 8.75 8.80 8.55 8.80 9.30 9.15 7.65 8.95 8.80 9.00 8.90 8.05 8.65 9.25 8.40 9.10 8.65 8.90 9.15 8.80 8.50

PB 9.65 9.25 9.30 9.55 9.35 9.40 9.65 9.55 9.15 9.30 9.50 9.40 9.10 9.00 9.25 8.05 9.20 8.85 9.25 8.35 9.10 8.05 8.55 8.50 9.20 8.90 9.15 8.75 9.20 8.05 9.05

HB 9.60 9.70 9.50 9.45 8.95 9.20 9.30 9.35 8.95 9.60 9.05 9.10 8.50 9.15 8.70 8.70 7.70 8.55 9.00 9.45 8.80 8.35 8.90 9.30 9.15 9.00 9.00 7.90 8.85 7.90 8.15 6.10

C&O Totals 55.80 55.35 55.10 55.25 54.70 54.95 55.30 53.95 53.85 54.80 54.50 53.50 52.55 53.00 53.10 52.10 53.15 51.60 52.35 52.05 52.35 52.00 52.80 51.40 53.65 50. 25 52.70 50.05 52.55 49.55 51.30 40.85

Final Total 111.15 110.35 109.65 109.25 108.65 108.00 105.55 105.20 104.75 104.40 104.35 104.20 103.90 103.55 102.10 92.15

Clark Johnson , alternate and Team Captain


GYMNAST Nov. '75



1 he Pan -A m erica n Games is fundamentally all that i, chdrdcteri stic of Olympic compet ition and wa , 路id e,I1ly d esign ed to promote the original Ol ympi c Purpose--international unity based upon dth leti c good w ill through sport. However . the differe nce is that the games are prim'lI il y limit ed to t.hose nat ions which form the 01 gdni l.dtion of America n States (OAS) , whit h Wd '> l ~>t dbli s h e d in 1898, and Canada. Olli(i,dl y . th e Pan-A m eri can Games are " Iegiun,d Cdmes" wi thin the framework of the Int el nati o ndl Ul ympic Games movement. The Pan-Am cricd n Sports Organization, co ntlUlling bod y for th e games, is made up of nation, w hose Ulympic organizations are memb('r, of the International Olympic Committ('l '. I he tea ms that are se lected to co mpet(' in th e Pan-Alns are done so by the national Ul ympi c co mmittees of the vario us cou ntl it '"~ I he Came s are conducted once evel y lour ye,lrs, one year prior to each Olympi 'HI. It is .I n ew institution in that the 1st Pan-Anll'ric,II' Ul ympiad took p lace in 1951. Twu thuu s,1I1l1 dth letes wer e on hand for the two wl'ek I'dn-Aillerican Games, the first, at Buenu, A ire", Argent ina . Seventy five thousand spectator, Colm e to the opening cere monies in the Riv('r 1'1 ,1I e Stoldium and witnessed a minute 125 memh,'r U.) . team ente r th e Pan-Am scene. The tl'am pMti cipJted in each of the eighteen schedul"d ' port s, and aft er they were all co mpl(,t( 'd th e U nit ed States claimed 16 goid medal>. Bill Roeuh eim brought one hom e taking tl w PJI)-American All-Around gymna,til " titl e .JIllJ another for his high bar ellolt. 1 he A rg entin e delegat ion was perhap s the mmt "uccess ful by th e end of the games event . hut by th e next games one of the greaH', t dthl eti c forces in the world would disp la y "uch .I gene ral su peri orit y that it would help mold dlld d eve lope w hat were once co mid('rl'd in signifi can t sport systems into one, th,lI M e now nearing their own immim'nCl ' in the international sport progl an1'> . M ('xilll Cit y hos ted the II Pan-American Gam(', in 1'155. A thletes from 22 American Republil " dl't ed ou t th e pageant which was lalg('l y n'nH'mlJered b y man y forthe rarified air and I,"k 01 o xyge n. rh e capita l is 7,400 feet abo ve , "d Il~ ve l .Jnd a grea t number of people wel(' ,,(' vc rel y b o thered by th e 'normal chal a( t('ri " ti c'> of such high altitudes. Even belol(' th e op ening cree monies were co mpl(,t" . .I , 1500-2000 athletes entered the UniV拢'l, it y 01 Me xico's vast Olympic Stadium, a U . ~ . bo xer col ldPsed not being co nditioned for the una vdildbilit y of air. T h(' Unitl,d ) tJtes gymn astic team proved to be amung th e .Jbles t, in that every regular Ol ympic (' ve nt WdS wo n by one of its members namel y J,llk Bec kn er for the AA tit le (113.40) , Free-X ( ItUJUJ, P-Bars (19.30) and Side Horse (19.45 ); Richm! Beck ner for Rings (19.05); Abie GlOs, I('ld lor Ili gh !:lar (19.60) and Josep h Kotys fOI "aulting ( 1'1.45). In 1955 (and in 1959) the gymnaqic compe titi on includ ed in addition foUl "p, 'ci,di " t eve nt s; Rope Climb (Donald Pel I y, U~A- ulH ecu rd ed tim e), Club Swinging (F l an( i" 0 Jose A lvarez, Mexico-9.40), Tumbling (Willidm Ro y, USA-9.60) and TlampulilH' (iJollJld li arp er, USA-9.90!) .

GYMNAST Nov. '75

The 1959 USA Women 's Pan-Am Tea m and the All-Around winners of the Men's competition . First Row: Gail Sontgerath (Alt.), Teres a Montefusco, Betty Mycock ; Second Row: Judy Klauser, Cassie Collawn, Sharon Phelps and Sharon Richardson . Back Row : Don Tonry, Jack Beckner and and Abie Grossfeld .

1971 Pan-Am Me n 's Team, Back Row L to R: Coach Vega , Butzman, Lindner , Elias , Culhane , Ritter, Aronson (mgr.); Front Row L to R: S immons , Crosby, A.nderson


Th e United Stdt es won 16 out of 22 men 's team title s <lnd 4 of th e 7 medals availab le for th e wom e n' s co mp etition. Such was the beginning of our " trad itional " Pan-American dominance. The 1<)5<) C,\l11 eS we re originally awa rded to Cl eve l,lIld , Ohio but ju st two years prior to the event th<lt cit y had surrendered its role and Chicago stepp ed in to host the III PanAm er ic<ln CJm es. Over 2,000 sport represl'nt<lti ves from 25 nations co mpeted in 28 catagoril" of sport. Thi s con tes t was th e site for particularly int e l esti ng eve nt s in the gymnastic competition. rh e Un it ed States took the team titl e (564.70) b y J large margin and with it the fir st six pl<l ces A ll- A r o und (Jack Beckner, Abie Gro ss kld . [)on ronry , Greg Weiss, Garland O 'Q uinn .Iml JJmil e Ashmore). Jack Beckner earned the high est sco re with two 9.75 's (op tional Hi g h 13M and Side Horse) for a 114.30 AA to tal. Hi s performances were remarkably co nsi stant <1 5 indi ca ted by the comparatively close co mpu lsory (57.25) and optiona l (57 .05) score,>. ~ollowin g the United States was Canada. the on ly ot he r co untry that was even able to qu,dify gy mna sts for th e in d ividual finals. with <I 53 1.1lO tea m point tota l and Argentin<l w ith 514.15 (which is 50.00 points behind the totJI o f th e first place team). These games m arkl~d th e IJs t appea rance for th e Rope Climb (Carvin Smith , USA 3.0 sec.), Club Swin g ing (I rJn cisco Jose Alvarez, Mexico 9.60). 1 umblin g (Haro ld Holmes, U SA-9.75) and Trampolin e (Ron M unn, USA-9.55). Womeli gymnd sts had th eir chance to co mp e te for th e first time in this competition . HowevN , in essence it was but an international du al m ee t betw ee n th e United States and Canada (the onl y two tea ms that e ntered). Both teams were mJd e up from yo ung, relatively in ex perien ced gymna sts with the exception of Ernest in e Ru sse l of Canada (the average age of th e US teJm WdS 16-1 7 years) . The Women ' s co mpeti tion finish ed w ith another victo ry for the tea m frolll th e Un ited States (179.967). About a point p er eve nt de termined the second p lace stJnding as Canada accumulated 175.%7. Ru sse ll pe rfor med, it yvas believed, at a high e r leve l thJn she ever had previo usly in her co mp e titi ve cdl'eer see ing how she led her tea m with w in s o n th e Beam , U neve ns, Vault an d All -Around (3B.467) . Bett y Maycock (USA) pl a( ed ,econd AA by mean s of 37 .400 and Mali e-Ci<llt' Ldrson (USA) third (36.434) .

01 th e 372 U.S. athl etes that competed in Sao Paul o, BrdLii for th e IV Pan-Amer icans in 1963, 109 went hom e with go ld m eda ls (more golds than had be e n Jward ed to each of the other nations combin ed), 49 more claim ed silvers and th en another 35 accomp li shed what was req uired in th eir respec ti ve areas in order for th e m to b e <lwJrd ed th eir bronze m edals. The record , show th at th e common number of athl etes. 2.000, Cd m e from 22 nations to be a part 01 Ihi s sp ec ta c le promoting amateur athletic, in th e West e rn Hemisphe re. D o ri , I' uc hs (USA) was responsible for the fir st US AA women 's gymnastic Pan-American titl e becau se of her impress ive 77.210. In fact ea( h evt' nt W,IS wo n by eith er he rse lf (Beam19.460 ,md U ncve ns-19 .BOO) or one of her teammatc',. [),de .McC leme nts (who is today, for th me who m JY n o t know, Dal e Fl ansaas one o f o ur '1')75 P<ln A m eri ca n national gymnastic coal hl" ) I'(~ce i ve d th e first pla ce vaulting award for 1<).540 ellort, dnd Free X was won by Avis Ti ebe l ('1').430). 18

Dale McClements, 1963

Welh e im Weiler, 1963 All-Around Champ , Canada GYMNAST Nov_ '75

1967 Pan-Am All-Around Gold Medal Winners: Fred Roethlisberger a nd Linda Metheny.

Can'ld.l ·' We lh elln We il er won the men 's AA pi iz(' (11 5.67) dlong w ith titl es fo r Floor (19.52) and V<lUllillg (,il so 1'J.52). Th e U nited States was repIl',('nl l'd wi th such standouts as Jamile A shmoll' (Rill gs- I'J. 60) , Don Tonry (P-Bars19.37). A bil ~ C rossfeld (H- Bar-19.57) and Gall;lnd O 'l)Uillil (Sid e Horse -1 9.25). 1 h(' [V ['.I II -A lll S proved to be qu ite a show. To h(,11' illu, trdl c th e kind of talent that ( hal a( t('ri ~ l'd Ih e 1963 Ga ine s we wil l po int out that in IlIll' bri ef w ee kend (known as the week('nd II I exce ll ence), four wo rld track ret 01'(1) I uillbl ed.

Winnil'l'g, .I tow n of co n servat ive nature, is the "II.lit,iI Ilf th e Ca nadian province of Manit u b.l. w hi ch is loca ted so me 60 miles north 01 th(, «'lltr,rI U.S. border. Th e residents of Winnil.ll'g w ith ex trao rdinar y charit y and hon(', 1('lllhu, i.l sll1 vo lu nteered to run the PanAm el i(.I1l C.llll es of 1967 w hen no one else would ..[ holt yed[ w as especiall y significant to Canad" .I , it nlMked her 100th birthday. Every ci t) in ('v('ry pr ovince was ask ed to support a projl'( t til CllnllllClnorat e the cente nnial. And in l e'poml'. [5, 000 Winnipegers gathered to labol 101 th(, , u ccess o f their birthd ay offering- th e V [',I II A ll leri C,lI1 Gaines. 1 h(, U ll itl'd

~ t dt es


was represented by 402

athle t( ', w hll by 'th e end of the Garnes claimed so g l('<l1 .I 11lI11lber of m edals (225, 120 of them gold ) il I' l"llved (so ll1ehow) " em barassing " . A vag u(, ulld ercurrent o f resentm ent began to build ,I' .I1"l',>u lt. [t b ecarne most ap parant when Cuba '" [ id('1 c.lstro ac tuall y demanded that the 1971 P,,"-Anl , b e limited to Latin American nati o n, dul,hillg th ose string of victor ies as U.S. '"a thletl( illlper idli sln '". 1 hl' U llit ed Stdtes C yrnna stic Federation conll ibutl'd it , share of " athletic imperialists", 101 OUI gYlllild StS led by Fred Roethlisberger (110 .75 AA tllt ,d) dnd Linda Metheny (74.03) claim('d 1'1 01 Ihe U.S. go ld s. Linda performed ext ell('ntl y ill that sh e ca ptured firsts in three of th e luuI l'V('llt s (in addition to h er AA t itl e). Su sa n M( Uonn el o f Cana d a interrupted Linda ' s swe ep by wi nning th e Unevens (18.614). Ri( h,lI d Lll yd ( [' - I3Ms ti ed with Roethlisberger) and M,lIk Cohn (Pomm el Horse) were the only othel LIS Ill en in th e rnen 's division as they me t wil h gOll d co rnpe tition from Mex ico and Cuba, fJ.lrticul.lrl y on Rings, Vaulting, & Free-X. Thi s l UI ' Ull' wou ld b e taken into co nsideration fO I th(, Ill 'xt ['.In-Aln eri can team.

1 hl'n tlll'l"(, wdsC dli,Co lulnbi a the site forthe VI P<ln -A nl l'riull Carnes . It was a haven for ext it('nll'llt .I S Ih ere we r e riot s, spontanious fighl'> , (' Xl h.lllgeu accusa tion s about rival

spying .I' wl' lI ,IS valid co mplaints concerning th e ab, uld li vin g fd ciliti es. One man fell from a rool to w hdt h as been cla ss ified as a '" m)" t('1 iou,'" dedth. A nd then of co urse there wa s th.ll li xed bd sketbd ll garne (rea lly it wa~) th at ('Iilllillolt ed th e U nit ed States from the final ,. Wh y llUt .I Wdr? I:l y the tim e th e Pan-Ams endl'd tlwil 2 week run nothing short of that would h.l vl' ., urpri se d anyone who was there. Thi s i, w nl.1 y hd ve bee n charact eristi c of the 1971 (' V(,llt but th er e was one promise that would oulli v l ~ th e f uror ; the world of amate ur athll,t il ., !r.1 .,.1 n ew pow er to deal with in futu re (ompetilillll--Cuba. 1 he CU lldil S Mri ve d in Cali w ith th eir largest and IlIm t t,dellt ed sq uad eve r, and with th e Cub;ln d('lq';.Ilion we re coaches imported from th e )uvi('t li llilln . In th e las t Pan-Am ga mes in W inn lfJ('g. the Cubd ns had rnanag ed to ca ptu re 48 med,d , (' ighl llf th ern gold but their marked im p IUVl' nlCllt was ev id enced by the 105 medals that W('111 til Cuban dlhl etes, including 30 gold . Cub.r \ gYllll hlS lic lalent wa s quite good as hel t('.I 1l1 WIl Il Ih e Me n :s di vis ion. They did a«olding tll lliliRoetzheiln (Modern Gymnast O( tob(' 1 ·1'!7 1. Vol XIII ;;10) by performing the (ompul'l'lil'" w ith class ic interpretation, sound exe( utiO ll ,Ind con sistency. By the end of the co mpul ' ''l y sess ion Cuba had established a signill( ,Int g.lp (6.65). rhat gap made it n ex t to Con't. on next page


Roxanne Pierce, 1959


impo"i hl" 10 co mpensate for U.S. mistakes (shall Wl' \ .I Y -100- lor awarded gifts to some Cuban p,'rlofllhln ces) , and for the fact that they wei E' jll , 1 1,"II"r. l3ul we w.e re there to try, and a crowd 01 UUUU p eop le came to the optional ses~ioll 10 w ililess our at tempt. A noble one it wa~ 100, IJln il WJS IlUl enough. Cuba took the team lir,1 w ilh cl comp il ed point total of 540.35 followl'd hy .I 5econd pl ace U.S. team with an aÂŤ umlll.lll'd )core od 535.90 (only a 1.45 span, a comp'/I.lli vl'diflerence). DUI ill g Ilw indi vidu al finals the crowd was fOl I h,' nlml pMI pro U nited States which was unu , u,,1 IIhl~ Y we re quite enthusiastic in their re~pon""). I\lter all was over Cuba ' s Jorge Rodl iqlll" wo n the /\/\ awa rd , and John Crosby pial ('d "'ll JlIlI. Six wO IlIl ~ n ' s tea ms competed in two "ab illl y" gro ups: USA, Canada and Cuba was one. Ml'xi('o, Ilrdlil and Panama were the olhE'l . '1Ill' LJ llited States team was in a class all to Ih"Il""l vl') w inning eve ry medal available

GYMNAST Nov. '75

1959 All-Around winners: Betty Maycock (2nd) ; Ernestine Russell (1 st); Marie-Clare Larson (3rd).

eX lqJI lor Ilm'e (11V0 sil ve rs and a bronze). Canad" "'HI Cub,1 lVe re lef t to their own contest as Ih l ' LJ~ W' "I the tcarn titl e (363.30) nearly 8.0 poinl > "IH',ld 01 it s closest co mpetition which wa s (ull " (35 l .(5) loll owe u by Ca nada (351.35) . Ro xa nll<' I'H 'rn~ w un th e AA for the US by he r compill'd tot,rI 01 74.05 w hi ch was directl y foll owed (lor seco nu, third , and fourth) b y Li nda 1vl<'i1H 'Il Y (73.35) , Kirn C hase (73 .10) and AdE'll ' CI, '" v,''> (72.10). 1 hI' >1"'llg lh oj our wo rn en 's teams in Pan Am I Olllp,'litioll Cdn pe rhaps be re lated to that 01 Ihl' '>(l VII'1 power all th e wo rl d wide stage. A (Omp.H '''"'' "II be 1I1dJ e, w hi c h isa sure sign of a dE'\ l 'lopill g pr Ogfd lll w hi ch may in the future pm!' " "'.rli ,> li .- c h.rl lenge for all those who vie fOI I h"l 11lIIlliJer o nc spot in th e wo rld stand,llg ,.

Gregor Weiss , 1959

Ol ym pH w ,rrill -Up l o r strong U.S. tea m s. Thi s viewpol il l ' ,Ill be in ' a way ju stif ied. The U.S. team > h" v,' '> 11 dUlni lhlteJ th e Pan-Am s that . si III ( ' '1')5 1. IIll' Y hd ve c lai rn ed 1,167 m eda ls-602 01 thl'nl g(l ld . ;\nL! so too is a reason for a ce ll alll ' hll sti l c' atmo sp h e re th at e ll( a III p.""''> lIur tCdlll S att end ing th e event. Cuba h." m,'11 to extreme po pul ar it y, probabl y belal"l ' IIH ~ i r teJ ln s hav e a reasonable po '>s luilil y (II wedke nin g that dominance. To m an) "'HI p"rti y to C ub a, this is good. Cub" h." I hi , illteme desire to break th e United St al E'> 1,,,d'li'"I .. 1 do mination of th e games. Whil!' nl"Il Y /\llleri can .lth lptes see th e giHnes as a m!'1 I' p "' p.rr"t ory step towa rd Olympic goa ls (so m !' 01 Ihl 'l11 do not sce m them as an yt hin g at all del lillillg opportunities to pa rti ci pate or not eVE'n pUllilig lorth d redl e ffort to try ... for va liou, iJut th e Cuban s see th em as a goal In 11" 'n,,,'l ve,> --.lIld a chance to assert their ne\'. Illln lill"ll lC in int erndti o nal sports. 1 h!'I%U Ul vlnpi c sit e , Mex ico Ci ty, w ill be


It " VII' w,' d b y Ilhln y that sin ce their ill('plioll 1111 ':15 1, th e qu adr enni al PanAm!'1 II "II (,,,nil' '> hd ve se rved as a k in d of

GYMNAST Nov. '75

Don Tonry, 1959

th E' hUllll' lor the VII Pan A m eri ca n Games of 1975. 'IIH' ulli ted ) tdtes O lyrn pic Comm ittee is spon,ulill g " lull national team of over 400 at hl( 'l l" who w ill p.trti cipdt e co mp etiti ve ly in 16 ,epirr"ll' ' porI'> ( I rd ck and Fi eld, Baseba ll , BOXi ng . 11."k"tiJ.t1I , Cyc lin g, Equ es trian Sports, Felll III g. I il'ld Il ockcy, GYMNAST ICS, Judo , Ro \'. Illg . ..,IHlolil l g. )occe r football, sw imming and DI\路lIl g. ~ y ll Lhro niLed Swimming, Tennis, VolI!' ) l l.rli. W .. ter 1'0 10, Weightl ifting, WI E'>l llIlg, "'HI Ydchti ng). Each member wi ll haH' I hl ' di sl i nct iu n and re sponsibi li ty of rep 'I"l'lll lll g the U nited States wi th that palllllll.1I diplulndtic sk ill of at hleti c eXI ('1I 1'IH I' . I we lve act ive members w ill be gymn" ' " "'HI it is lV ith them along with their (Odl hI " ,II Hlnl"ndge rs that we should perhaps no\'. u(' ,hi,'l lv conLe rn ed. Beca use it is with th E'm 11,,, 1 WI ' h" VI? p lace d th e ta sk of exh ibiting wh;" , horr id 1)(, re slJec tcd- A meri ca n e li te ism.


Wu Shou Te, double full

During the month of Jun e, Ecuador was host to 16 premier gymnasts from the Popular Republic of China . Accompanied by their 3 trainers and 2 interpreters, they performed exhibitions in 10 Ecuadorian cities during their 3 week stay. Quito, the capito l of Ecuador, was the sight of 4 of the ir best exhibitio ns. Each exhibition opened to an interesting group warm-up performed by the womens team , followed by womens vau ltin g. The first run in vaulting included 3 nicely executed handspring-full twiste(s and the second run was highligbted by two Tsukaharas. All of their vaults were very powerful, with strong approaches, forceful repulsion and a ll retained near perfect form throughout. Mens vaulting was started with a series of rapid-fire Yamashitas as a warm-up. Th e next two ru ns inclu'ded: several full twisting hand spri ngs and Wu Shou Te 's 1'12 twisting hand spring; several double fronts and three Tsukaharas (one piked). Again, I was impressed with the power of their arm repulsion off the hprse and with the height achieved in their double fronts and Tsukaharas. In the final exhibition, Tsai Huan Tsung executed a beautiful V2 in V2 out by finishing his Tsukahara with a V2 twist out. Next came ri ngs, w here I was disappointed to see all of these heavi ly muscled Gymnasts perform crosses as their strength move. Still, . they did a ll have n ice front and back straight arm giants, solid handstands and high, smooth dislocates. Some of their dismounts included : double twisters, including Yang Ming Ming 's 2V2 twister to an immediate sit-down; many velY high ,llld open double backs with one piked: <//lei of cours e fsai Huan Tsungs Y2 in - V2 ou!. Balance beam routines were impressive, beautiful and fluid . They showed high leaps


Tinsica tigna dismount

and kicks, solid handstands and interesting turns. Most a ll of the women did back walkover-back handspring, and three did high, solid aerial front walkovers. Dismounts includ ed: Tinsica tignas; one back walkover FF - back somie (without a pause); one gainer from the middle of the beam and several back handsprings - back somies. High-Bar looked very good and had good variety. Releases included: full twist regrasps, high vau lt s and beautiful Voronins. All the men showed smooth Russian giants and several had good Czech giants. Also, several executed c lean Sta ld er and Endo shoots. The dismounts includ e d several very high double fly-aways

Ming Mine and Chen Wei Min , synchronized tumbling

with one high piked double. Variations included two double fulls (both low and traveled excessively,) one full in - back out. And again , Tsai Huan Tsung' s '12 in - '12 out. The uneven bar routines were quite impressive. Considering their stature, the girls worked the bars extremely wide. The ease with which the y were able to cast to a handstand out of kips and circles helped in making their routin es look smooth and effortless. The routin e s included various full twist regrasps, high front som ies between the bars to a high bar catch and lots of handstand pirouettes. Dismounts included several hechts with a full twi st ove r the low bar and one front hip circle

GYMNAST Nov. '75

layout路 tuck路 double flyaway

on the hi gh ba r. cast - front somie away from the high bar. Th e parall el bar ro utines were powerful and so lid. So me hi gh po ints included sm ooth rea r uprise - ho p 'h tw ist to a handstand ; several solid back tosses to handstands, a ni ce Diamidov by Che n W ei Min and two hi gh do ubl e back d ismo unts by Wu Shou Te and Tsai Huan Tsung. Th e fin al 1S minutes of each exhibition bro ught an excell ent display of fast diagonal tumblin g by the m en and w o men . As in th eir flo o r exercise routin es, tumbling was high and po werful bu t executed with immaculate form in a qui et and effortl ess manner. Although th e

GYMNAST Nov. '75

Front aerial walkover

wom en lacked variety in their front tumbling, th e m en were well balanced frontwards , sid ew ays and backwards. Th e tumbling started with continuou s cartwh eel - aerial cartwheels and then continuou s front walkover - aerial front walk overs by the w omen . The men, after some ba sics, got things going with running front somi e wa lk o ut - Round off - flip flop - ba ck tu ck. Th e oth er runs by the women included: front walkover - front handspring - front somi e; and Ro und off - flip flop - back somies in tu ck, pik e, layo ut posi.tions and alternates or full twi sts. A lternating -with the women , th e m en executed : continuous headspring - front

Chen Wei Min

somi es and handspring - front somie walkouts in a row . At this point, ' the men started syn ch ro ni ze d tumbling. Starting two at a time with co ntinu o us di ve roll - front somies, followed by round off - continuous side somi es; continuous front somies and finally continuou s ro und off - arabian walkout - round off - arabi an wa lkou t - etc. They finished up the tumblin g run s with : round off - flip flop - full ; front somi e walkout - round off - flip flop double full ; and lastl y Wu Shou Te's round offflip fl o p - d 9 uble back and Tsai Juan Tsung ' s round off - do uble back - both of which we~e super high, o pened early and stuck beautifully .


International Report Dr. Joseph Gohler GYMNAST International Editor Wurtzburg, Germany

Europe <I I t hi s tim e o f yea r, is in vaca tion qui etm', ... The Ge rman m en ' s gymnastic team had labor ed under strain in Montre al b ecau se o f sto m,tch flu rece ived in Mexico's Tourn ee. It was no ted th at th e 19 yea r old star, Edgar Jorek . rCIll,tin ed fit , but h e fell b ack fro m his norm,t! p erforillance. Th e wo rld of gymnastics did n o t re.t ch i ts full stature in th e M o ntrea l co mp etiti o n. It was ev ide nced as fo llows: a) 1 he ~<l s t Germ ans and Swiss ca me through with glo ry . b u t th e C uban s rem ij in remo te; b ) 1 h c J<lp<l nese wo m en gymn asts did a routin e p erl o rmJ nce in th eir o w n cla ss. c) 1 h e Ru ss ian wo men had th eir 5 to p co mpl' litor, o n di sp lay and it was pleasing to . witll('ss th e ex t ens i ve n ess of th e ir deve loplllc nt. d ) Hart Conn er of USA h ad h is fir st inter nation.t! Ill<ltch and he was superb. e) 1 h ree USA wo rn en gymnasts gave. a good prewnldtio n but we re no t recogni zed as th e be,l . f) Hung.try Jnd th e CSSR wom en gymnasts w ere eve nl y IllJtch ed in th eir competition. g) 1 he wo m en gyrnn asts of th e German Fed er aI ion showed th ey had made much pr ogre, ... h ) 1 hl' ROllldni an wo men gymna sts are th e 1976 lavo rit es to w in th e Sil ve r M ed al. it se ems th at Ih e spl e llllid Eas t Germ an ladi es w ill give pi al (' 10 I he yo unger Ro mani an girls. In th e co mpetiti ve battl e in the youth gymn as ti c m ee ts o f th e Eas t Block in Bai a Mare, Ro m<rni,r . Ihe USSR showed their best, being comm ensurabl e 'in all the land o f gymnastic, first th e victo ry b y th e boys and th en th e girl s rece ived th e recog niti o n. It was surprising th at th e Eas t German girl s we re o nl y 3rd behind the Romani an l eJ Ill . Ve ry likely Co man eci and Ungurea nn we re n o t at th eir best. Th e young boys Irainin g i n Leip zig and East Berlin showed quit e ,t sp re<ld in rank difference - 277.35 to

269.40. H o w badl y ' we re th e Japan ese Juniors bea ll'n ! M o rc th J n was ex pected! Only on e male, Ro mJ ni an, Cziliar, and o ne femal e Rom ani <r n, Co nstantin we re abl e to p en etrate th e p h,rldll X by th e USSR n ew Elite! Surpri singl y w eak w ere the C uban juni o rs. H ere are t he impor tant results: Junior Boys Junior Women . 187.40 1. USS R 1. USSR 277.35 2. Ea st Ge rm,II1Y 269.40 2. Ro man ia 185.55 263.70 3. Hun ga ry 3. DDR 183.75 261.55 4. Po la nd 4. Hun gJry 180.65 5. CSSR 261.25 172.30 9. Cuba 8. Cuba 253.55 Individual Results Junior Boys Junior Girls 1. Kulab ikow (USS R) 56.25 1. Go rbi k (U~S R ) 38.15 2. Ma rkp low (USSR) 55.25 2. Comt" nt in (Ro m 37.60 3. Krassin (USSR) 55.15 3. Fi la rowa (USSR) 37.50 4. Lass in (U~~R) 54.50 4. Ga bor ,U~~ R ) 37.30 5. Cz il i(,1 ,Ro m.! ni .t) 54.25 5. Se le nko (USS R) 37.25 5. Sa lul in ,USSR) 54.25 6. Pa n iti ,Rom.t ni .t) 37.20 6. Prima k , USSR) 37.20 Alexander Ditjatin Photo by Rupert l eser Bildberichter


GYMNAST Nov. ' 75

Lydia Gorbik Photo by Richard Endo

The 18 year o ld Ku laks isow won; at th e Spartiakad e, th e League of Nations in Leningrad, he fin ished behind Kli menko. Gorbik in her wo rld class has already proven herse lf a winner, as we ll as Cons tantin and Paniti. On Jul y 7-9 in Havana,Cuba, the II Yorneco Int ernaction,1i d e G imn astica was presented. The parti c ipdnt s at this " Monc ada " were from Ea st G e rmdn y, Hungary, CSSR, Spain, Mexico, Venez ue l,t. rh e largest number were from Cuba ibe lf. rhere was such st ri ct evaluation t hat finall y on ly nine participants remained . The DDR wom e n gym nasts were compa red alike to th e OOR m e n gymnasts. Esch e r' s performance produced a (36.80); Di egu in W,I S b etter and the over all winner, Jensch , wa s (54.U5) for the Juniors. Cubas "A" squad team were not in th eir best form. Th e six bes t individuals: Men 1. j e",(h (OOK ) 2. Romnebeurg (LJLJK ) 3. tmre Banrev i (Hungar y) 4. Cuervo (Cubd ) 5. Richard , (CUbd) 6. Lau ter (Hun g"'y)

54.85 54.35 54.30 54.15 54.00 52.75


1. Esch er (OOK ) 2. Cernohou, o vd (CSS K) 2. Pohludkov" (CSS K) 4. Cerlad, (OLJR ) 5. C. Nagy (Hun g"'y) 5. Bi zd rovd (CSS K) The besl CuL""1 (wolllan ) 7. Cru zala ,11HI S,lIl ch ez (each)

GYMNAST Nov. '75

36.80 36.30 36.30 36.20 35.80 35.80 35.60

Afterward s was yet the momentous o utcome in Leningrad. Oitjatin surpri sed (in the men ' s compe titi on ) with a victory 111 .10 over Klimenko (109.70) and Ka li mo (109.50) and won al so the final compe tition with 111 .15 from Klim enko 110.575 and the yo un g gymnast Kulabikow, scorin g 110.20, 110.275 w hi ch was a sensation. Il y th e (woman) gymnasts ' position Lu dmill.l I uri sc heva was in front, w ith 38.15 again;! ::IU.05 fro m O lga Korb u t and 37.95 from Elvilil )""d i. But then in the o ptional s the advantage w ent to Nelli e Kim and Olga Korbut. So th at in e nd th e fina l outcome was: 1. Olga Korbut 76.95 ; 2. Nel li Kim 76.25; 3. Ludmilla Turi sc h eva 76.20. Ludmilla was easily vu ln e rable in th e course (of competit ion ) and also by fin al comp etition, Nelli Kim on seco nd spot and now stand s as so: 1. Nelli Kim an d O lga Korbut ea ch 76.825; 3. Ludmill a Turischeva 76.400: 4. LidiJ Gorb ik 75.875; 5. Elv ira Saadi 75.400 ; 6. Ljubov Bogdanova 74.875; 7. Bit sch ukind 74.U50. The newe st fro m Japa n: The East Japan high schoo l competitor s c ompared on a large scale with Kaji ydma (56.45) the horizo ntal bar artist Kume (54.65) Ma ey ama (54.55) and T. Taira (54.55 ). Th e leading compet it or of last yea r was Gu shikan with 54. 25 (fifth). On the pommel horse he hold 9.40 just as good as Kaj iyama . Kaji yama b ec,lIne th e Japan ese high school champion in supre m e styl e. He wa s ab le to overcome Shin Lu in opt i ona l exercises easily even thou g h Sh in zu was close to him after compubori es 55.60 to 55 .80. Kaj iyama was clear winn e r 112.45 to 110.40. 3. Mikami 1101.0; 4.

Kum a 109.35 ; 5. Maeyama 108.80; 6. Senda 108.10. 1 h e diffe re nce from fi rst to sixth was surpri sing ly big! With the women students th ere were m.IIlY go od o nes, however ve ry few excellent o nes and very few except ional ro utin es. Ndkdmura won w ith 37.20 in the East Japan ese Chdmpionships over R. Sakura 36.65 , K. M<lno w on th e high schoo l compet ition with 73.75 "h e"d o f Y. Nakamoto 73.05 and R. Yo shida 72. 95. Mo re d efeated were th e leading high sc hoo l g irl s in compet ition, August 6-8, a week belore th e high schoo l co mp etition had m et. Usui , N ishi za w a, Takagi who were the tal ent with 73 .30 - 73.25 and 72.95 points. The eight comp etition batt le provided twenty (wom en ) stud ent s and 14. high schoo l (women) stud ent s with 70 ove ra ll points. Th ey ' re viewed for Montreal, 110 better than seventh place . And which t,li e nt rega rded th em by the hi g h sch o o l ! I . Il erdt e, first, (1 10.55) Yamawaki, second enO.15 ) o r Se ki , third (109.7), Tomura , fourth (109.45) o r not fifth; E. Matsumoto aft e rward s bein g info rmed , 53 .55 performance (vaulting 7.40!). Th e course of the best gymnas t and with 55 .75 certain a certai n internat iona l p e rforman c e fro m w ith in Messanger Hirata had in th e co urse on ly 54.60 w h o with him Yamawaki .lIld Se ki w itli each 54.65 sca r cely making it. Are th e Japan students not as strong as th e Ru ss idn juniors? obody can real ly say becau se in Japan th e exams are very strict also at th e high sc hoo l leve l. '


Artist Milan Med in his studio in Prague in 1966


REPORT FROM PRAGUE Prague had an art exhibition held at the Apantabiada Pavilion of Arts. On exhibition was your editor's long time friend Milan Med with his paintings and pastels . On hand , to see this exhibition was a travelling gymnastics club from Edmonton, Alberta , Canada. Milan's wife Vera Medova has begun a gymnastics club for 4路5 year old girls. They come in three times a week . Vera is taking great pains in training these " Junior Gymnasts" in precise mechanical principles. She is specializing, starting with tumbling and dance, in one event at a time. They have been in this tumbling phase for one year. Vera states that they have progressed ten years in one. Next event 路 Balance Beam then Vaulting, and last Bars.

Mr. Med 's latest works on display at the Spantabiada Pavillion of Art, Prague .


GYMNAST Nov. '75

GYMNAST No v. '75


Denise Walker

Denise Walker

The ant icipation of v isiting Israe l at this point i n time ca n cause a few moments of anxiety in the heM" of m en, and needl ess to say practically all newcomers presen t o n our flight appea re d to be the sli ghtest b it appr ehensive, As we d e bark ed at LOD Int ernat iona l Airport in Tel-Aviv we were imme d iate lY confro nted w ith a securit y blank et of so ld iers who ca rried Uzi machin e gun s that prove d to be eve r prese nt th roug h-o ut th e rem ainder of our stay, We very quit kl y It),t our fear and anx iety, and began to enjoy thi s most bea uti f ul and hi storic country, knowin g that we we re bein g verY closely protect ed against the o minou s terrorist act ivit ies, The Israe li peop le and th e adm in istrator s of the Hapoe l games we re the most gracio us hosts wit h red ca rpet treatment th e o rd er of th e day, The H apoel Ga mes are conducted every fo ur yea rs by th e Labo r party of Israe l. They emp lo y the Olym p ic format in hosting fr ien dly nations in competitiv e and exhibit ion spo rting act iv iti es, The Uni ted States was re lega ted to performin g gymnasti cs ex hibition s sin ce it was


quite apparent that we wou ld ha ve be en much too , II ong lor m us t of the co u ntries present. 1hu" o ur entire tr ip was a most relaxing ex p el ic'n("(' wi th li terall y no pressures, many days of pleasant work-o ut situat ions and tim e for ho urs of sun shin e and swimmin g o n th e Mediterranean, Th iS was perhaps o ne o f th e few times in ou r lives t hat we cou ld go to bed at n ight and kn ow th at th e next morning w e wo ul d ari se to a tota l day of cloudless, sun shi ne fill ed skies and warm tempe rat ures, It never ra ined ! Th e ex hibit io ns in Tel -Av iv and Haifa were enthu sa iast ica lly at ten ded by large audi ences and a capt ivated telev ision fo ll owing of three milli on people, It is interesti ng to note th at ther e is only o ne telev isio n channe l in all of Israe l w hi ch is viewed i n eve ry home, business es tablishment and Kibbutz by an avid pop ulace, Th e fo ur member team represe ntin g th e U nited States consis ted of th e ve teran Jim C ulh ~ ne w ho performed in five eve nts, Sam Schu h of Southern Connect icut State Co ll ege w ho wowed them w ith hi s doub le bac k in pike

po sitio n o n floo r ex" Cole D owa liby the 1975 Women's Co ll egiate Champion w it h stunnin g balalll C' 1H'.r11l ,ln J fluor exercise rout in es, very abl y (hor( '() gr.rph eJ by M uri el Gorssfeld , and a surp ri sing ly charisma ti c fifteen yea r o ld Denise Wa lker o f Lowe ll , Massachusetts, Deni se ve ry qui ckl y wo n th e acc laim of th e Israeli people as she performed w ith start li ng aplomb both in th e ex hibiti o n arenas and on th e nat iona l scene, On ce Deni se's fl oo r exercise was viewed by some 9,000 peop le in th e Tel-Aviv arena and a nati o n.!1 telev ision aud ience, she had arri ved as the I,,'.r eli's hero ine, an insta nt symbo l of all that is goud frum the Uni ted States, It was quit e appar ent th at larger groups were appea rin g at Wi ngate Universit y Gymnasium to view ou r wor k-out sessions and of co urse all eyes we re trained o n Deni se, As th e groups bega n to swell int路o large audi ences it beca m e obvious th at we wo uld have to grant a sp ecial qu es tion and answer interview and impromptu c li n ic hi gh li ghti ng o f co urse, Denise Walk er, On ce again Den ise p erformed with great confidence and com pl etely won over h er vas t fo ll owin g. The Uni ted States t ea m, coac h ed by Ed Kn eppe r, proved to be a va luab le asset to America at a time w hen diploma ti c relation s w ei e in.r rdther telluou s position , Thus, it is felt, th at through th e efforts of th is small contingc'lll. .I rewa rdin g friendship has been ref UI u;, I1('<I.

De nise Walker

GYMNAST Nov, '75

Olga Koval

'75 PRE-OLYMPICS REVISITED International gymnastics came to Montreal in a big way this July , and from all appearances it would seem that the city will be more than ready to welcome the Olympics next July . Billed as a "pre路 Olympic" competition , one among many organized for amateur sports included in the Olympics during 1975, the Montreal International Gymnastic Competition was designed to provide experience for the organizers of Olympic '76 in running the crown jewel of gymnastics meets here next year. Never before have so many top gymnasts attended a meet in Canada, and the experience is not one which will easily be forgotten by the 15,000 spectators. The star路 studded cast included Mitsuo Tsukahara of Japan , Eberhard Gienger of West Germany, Nadia Comaneci of Romania , and Nelli Kim of the U.S.S.R. The most satisfying surprise of this competition for Canadian gymnastics enthusiasts, however, was the stunning performance put in by Philip Delesalle , a fifteen year old native of Vancouver, B.C., on Pommel Horse. Delesalle just narrowly missed winning gold in this event, and drew a standing ovation from the crowd. Photos and text by Chris Woods. Results for ' 75 Pre-Olympics can be found in the September '75 issue of GYMNAST.


1975 PRE-OLYMPICS (Ope n staples to reveal color fo ld-out poster inside)

Canadian Gymnasts Masaaki Naosaki (12th All-Around) and Philip Delesalle (2nd I'ommel Horse)

GYMNAST Nov. '75


~ ~~ ,

1975 Pre- Olympics Montreal

Nadia Comaneci 1st All-Around, 1st Uneven Bars GYMNAST Nov. '75 --


.--"'' --

"):1'. ",-



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Gym-Kin uses only top grade need le punch carpet with a ru bber back ing. T he carpet come s in 4 ro ll s, 3 are 12'x 42' and o ne is 6'x42' . They are eas il y ro ll ed out on the Eth afoam for practice . For competit ion, tape shou ld be app lied on the seams to keep them c losed . In the case of perman e nt insta ll ation the seams can be taped from the bottom or glued . The mat can be set up in less th an 15 m inutes. Shipping weight appro x . 1200 Ibs.

THE VINYL MAT by GYM-KIN The Gym -Kin Vinyl Floor X ma t is made the sam e as th e 42x 42 ca rpete d mat ex cept th e surf ace is covered with a fire and germ retardant nylon reinfo rced vinyl. The cove r can be laid over the Ethafoam a nd the edges tu c ked und e r t o ma ke th e mat po rtab le. Fu rring st rips can be sec ured around th e edg e of th e Eth afo am to whic h the vinyl can be stap led . Thi s surface can be u sed for gymn astics, wrestling, judo and karate . Shipp ing weight a pprox . 1100 Ibs. The on ly addit io nal charges to the above pr ice s wou ld be if yo u c h oose to have t he mat set up by one of o u r profe ssiona ls and any app l icable state sa les tax es.



12 Ft. Foldi ng Mal

The Gym-Kin 6'x12' fo ld ing mat is designed for durability and conven ience. Made of 2'x6'x lY,. " planks of Ethafoam covered with a fire and ge rm retardant vinyl, t hey fo ld into a neat 2' x6'x9" st ac k f or storage. The same mat is also available i n 5'x 1O'x 1 %". Both have velcro fasteners at each en d to combine them into long tumbling mats. Stock Col or Blu e & Yellow Pane ls Special Order Grey, Blue, Green , Red , Tan, Wh ite

FM50 ....... . .. Cost 5'xl0'xl ~ " - $160.0() FM72 ....... . ...... 6'x12'xl ~ " - $210 .0() plus shippin g


LANDING MATS Meets all regulations for competition. Available in a 5'xl0'x4" and 6'x12'x4", this mat is made of 2'J1." polyfoa m covered with 1%" of Ethafoam to give a full 4" of landing cushion . The cover is high grade vinyl that is fire and germ retardant, and is ideal for any piece of apparatus where dismounts are used. Stock Color: Blue only

LM50 ....... . ... Cost: 5'x 10'x4" - $250.00 LM72 .............. 6'x12'x4" - $330.00 plus shipping GYM路KIN COMPETITION LANDING MATS FOLD INTO A 5'x5'x8" or 6'x6'x8" FOR EASY HANDLING & STORAGE.

GYM-KIN leONO MATS 4'x8'x2" & 5'x10'x2" Econo Mat Gym-Kin has a mat for every budget and need. The Econo mat is made of 2" po lyfoam and covered with the same hig h g rade v iny l used in a ll Gym-K in mats. These mats are tufted, have no fo lds , and ro ll up easily for storage. Stock Color: Blue Special Order: Grey, Green, Red, Tan, White

EM32 Cost: 4'x8'x2" - $70.00 EM50 .... 5'xl0'x2" - $95.00 plus shipping MATS FOLD UP LIKE AN ACCORDION FOR EASY STORAGE & HANDLING



12" LANDING MAT Made of 10'JI." po Iyfoam , 1Y.," Ethafoam and covered with a f ire & germ reta rdant v iny l, t h is mat is des igned as a train ing mat and teach ing tool for gymnastics and track. Th is mat has 2 folds and handles for easy storage & carrying. Available in blue only

-Cost: 6'x 12'x 12" - $480.00 CM90 plus shipping




We've Taken Our Popular

10 FT. CARPETED BEAM AND PUT IT ON LEGS! These are sturdy wood e n legs covered with the sa me carpet as the beam. They are one height, 26Y," to the top of the beam, and are non adjustab le.

B107 ...... Cost: COMPLETE - $140.00 BL 10 .......... LEGS ON L Y - $60.00 plus shipping

And, Of Course Our Ever Popular

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B103 ............... .............. Cost: - $80.00 plus shipping

Newl From GYM-KIN

OUR 16 FT.

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B 163 .... . ....... Cost: 16 Ft. Low - $180.00 B167 ............ . 16 Ft. Wi t h Legs - $240.00 plus shipping

Any act iv ity which involves speed, height, rebounding and tumb ling can be hazardous. Therefore all Gym-K in mats and equipment shou ld be used only under the supervision of a trained and competent instructor within the limits of each participants abilil짜-- The user assumes all risk of personal injury through the use of any Gym-Kin product .

$l{f" GY M-KIN, INC.





.TIt~ . MOV

witlt FRiy...---..... VAULTING: THE SQUAT FliGHT VAULT As required by: the description and the table of deduction By Fritz Reiter; Coach "Gymnastics Olympica" . Van Nuys, California Gymnastics has been following - like most other aspects of life - the ANTI HERO SYNDROM. The days when grain was seperated from weed, where the most talented or the hardest workers were rewarded seem to be counted. We seem to do everything - just like society - to protect the weak or mediocre, EVEN if it means penalizing the strong. The thought comes to mind: why work hard? Or, why compete in the age group program? Why learn a SQUAT FLIGHT VAULT? The. requirements to ' accomplish this new vault have littl e if not nothing at ~II to do with what the gymnast will need to do a handspring with . Doing the SQUAT FLiGHT VAULT will hold the talented beginners back in their progression towards the ELITE I~vel ; it will put them back into the anonymous crowd. If learning to VAULT starts with a SQUAT FLIGHT VAULT then let's go right ahead. If, on the other hand, learn ing to VAULT starts with HURDLE PRACTICE and REPULSION DRILLS or with improving your RUN and yo ur LANDING, then we are in trouble! Because in order to compete successfully on the -Beginner level one MUST do everything to avoid SPEED, yet leave great PRE & AFTER FLIGHT without flying to,o high ; avoid ROTATIO N to get power for the REPULSION, so the feet don 't fly too high again - but have so mu ch REPULSION that you can leave your body stretched and extended at the height of the horse during the OFF FLIGHT. Of course the 'v'ault must fly a great distance as well. Why be a beginner gymnasts? What is a beginner gymnast? Someone who cannot do gymnasti cs? Someone who does not want to spend the time and effo rt to improve? Someone who just started iii gymnastics and wants to learn? It is obvious that all of the above mentioned categories fa ll under the label BEGINNER gymnast. So then, who should a COMPULSORY VAULT or ROUTINE serve? I'd say - ALL OF THEM - and you will probably agree! But does the SQUAT FLIGHT VAULT serve ALL OF THEM?? I' d say - NO.

Now, let's take a look at what is likely to happen wh en doing a SQUAT FLIGHT VAULT. Under th e Title: " General Compulsory Vaulting Deductions", it stresses the importance of PREFLIGHT 0.1 a VAU LT by saying that the vault be scored zero if the vaulter is assisted by a spotter during the ON-FLIGHT. (Inc idcllt,dly there is no mention of a similar rule for the " OFF FLIGHT.") This says that the kind of PRE-FLIGHT one applies is important to the execution of the va ult; the AFT~R FLIGHT is much the result of th e PRE-FLIGHT. Th e ENERGY to do a vault must be generated by.the vaulter herself. To LIMIT during the PRE-FLIGHT phase is to limit the OUTCOME . . (The ANTI /"iERO SYNDROM ca lls it - to put it into the reach of many). Later under the "TAB LE OF DEDUCTIONS" it pen ali zes the gymnast if she has too much ENERGY so that her body flies too high, because she is really not sLipposed to be a better vaulter. Int eresiing ly enough, under the same Table of Deductions she will also be penalized if s.he ha s INSUFFICIENT FLIGHT between the board and the hand placement. If you FLY - it's bad, but if you don't FLY it's bad too ... what are we gonna do? To confus e matters a little more she will loose: UP TO 0.5 pt. if her body is AT the horizonl ,d (!!!how can we loose UP TO "At" anyone p.ll'ticulJr point - the gymnast is either AT horizolltJI or not!!!) . Under REPULSION it is required to place the hands on top of the horse. With the body being below hori zonta l how is the gymnast going to "PUS H OFF" as required . She is also not allowed to PULL (since it would look too much like a " LATE PUSH OFF" for which she would also bl;'! deducted). NO PUSH possible - NO PULL allowed - but if you don 't raise in the "O FF FLIGHT" you loose point s aga in. Under " OFF FLIGHT" we notice the elimination of the word " AFTER FLIGHT" maybe because there will be no AFTER Can we judge the best or better from the . FLGI HTS? "OFF FLIGHT" merely means that average? (But doesn ' t the ANTI HERO the vaulter wi ll fly OFF the horse. There are no SYNDROM dictate that everybody is equal?) Be requirements of an arch-like trajectory (flight patt ern) . patient my friend on the Olympic leve l and in the GAMES it w ill be better. There the HERO Then, how can we deduct .lor lack of body SYNDROM exists. Too bad on ly that the heroes rise (I mean the raise of the center of gravity must be born behind the IRON cu rtain; and and not the head) if we call it OFF FLIGHT?? too bad that you won ' t be better than those Further how can there be a compl!'!te lack of gymnasts because you weren ' t trained to be the OFF FLIGHT (for which the gymnast looses 2.00 best - - THEY WERE. pts.)? Does it not make sense thatif there is no But of course I forgot - COMPETITION is not OFF FLIGHT at all there is no SQUAT FLIGHT important! Just enjoy doing gymnastics! VAULT and therefore the vau lt should be VOID. What? You want to compe te , but why? You want to measure you rself with others? But why? The "AFTER FLIGHT" would always be Ah-h-h- you want to be a HERO!! insufficient if there is no culmination point or (Back to cl ass III - there are no heroes!!!) arch like fli ght. But with an OFF FLIGHT

GYMNAST Nov. '75

requirement we don ' t 'leed tq do an AFTER FLIGHT but why dpes the body have to raise?? Under " General Balance and land ing" there is an up to 1.00 pt. deduction for poor balance of the flights of the vault. Can there be a BALI .NCE of the FLIGHTS if the ON FLIGHT must b.e low and the OFF FLIGHT high. The ~ords ON and OFF certain ly would allow for a BALANCE but the description and the table of dedu ctions do not allow for . Is there an UNEVEN BALANCE?? I wonder if this is not going to co nfu se many of our good .judges? DOUBLE DEDUCTIONS: here are some cl~ssical examples: Under " GENERAL BALANCE" (height and extension) the va ulter can loose up to 0.5 pt. Under " REPULSTION" (failure to raise - a form of lack of extension) the vaul ter ca n loose up to 0.5 pt. Under POSITION and STRETCH of the body (also a form of lack of extens ion) the vaulter may loose up to 1.00 pt. for insufficient extension of the body : Under ON FLIGHT (body bent too soon during the pre flight I a form of lack of extension) up to 0.5 pt. After all this cr itique I would like to offer what I think a more sensible "Table of Dedu ciiori ," that follows the basic outline of the existing but attempts to avoid impossibilities or double deductions. It also would allow the better gymnast to seperate themselves from the average participant. I think!!!

A More Sensible TABLE OF DEDUCTIONS ON FLIGHT (Pre f light) Insufficient flight between board &. horse 2.0 pts. Body .bent too soon during pre flight 0.5 pts. Shoulder; ahead of hands at moment of 0.5 pts. contact REPULSION F.ailure of body to rise after push off 2.0 pts. Body resting on horse void Arms slightly bent during support phase 0.5 pts. Hands leaving horse too late 0.5 pts. Alternate hand placement 0.5 pts. OFF FLIGHT (Afteflight) Insufficient aft erflight 2.0 pts. Insufficient extensioh of body before landing1.0 pts. Compl ete lack of extension 2.0 pts. Toes flexed as they pass over the horse 0.2 pIs. legs slightly apart 0.2 pts. DIRKTION OF V AUL T & GENERAL IMPRESSION Poor direction of entire vau lt 0.5 pts. poor direction of one of the flights 0.3 Pts. speed and dynamics of flights 0.5 pts. general impression 0.3 pts. LANDING la~ding heavy 0.2 pts. landing out of balance 0.3 pts. One step 0.2 Pts. Two or more steps 0.3 pts. landing out of co ntrol 0.5 pts. Support of one or both hands 1.0 pts . Touch of one or both hands 0.5 pis. Fall on knees after landing 0.5 pts. Fallon hips after landing 1.0 pts. Fall with support of body aga inst the horse O.~ pts. Coach or spotter between board and horse 1.0 pts. Aid of coach ur spotter during preflight void 2.0 p~s . Aid of coach or spotter during landi ng These new Compu lso ry routines will be with us for the next four years. Let 's take a close iook and be strong eno ugh to accept cr itique that tries to be cons tru ctive. Maybe we co uld also do so mething to improv e. For the COUNTRY's sake. . Good lu ck to everybody with the SQUAT FLIGHT VAULT. We are all in this iogether, the gymnast , the coaches, and the judges.




,(1bis is the second in series of articles drawn from information given at a coaches c Enic by Mr. Masayuki Watanabe in June, 1975.) As anoth er co mpetitive season approaches, g~mn aits and coac hes should be co ncerning

th em selves w ith th o ughts of how they can best p e p ~ 11' for th e co ming season . Th e most sys te JTllti c w ay in w hich a serious gymnast does this is wit h th e use o f different type s of training sc hed ules d etailing the type of exercise needed at: a p art ic ul ar tim e. These schedules include dci ily t raining sch edul es, daily time schedules, and lo ng-range training schedules. Their main pu rposes are to help the gymnast develop a p l an for improvem ent and to assure the gy mnait th at h e is correctl y prepared for sp ecif i c competitions. The schedules further pr ovide the gymn ast with specific goals that he lp f ace him to b e constantly evaluating his pr ogress to ward th ese goals. First of all , th ere should be a daily pattern to on e's tra inin g. Thi s pattern should include a light morn i ng training session, the normal in l ensi ve aft ernoon training session , and an ev eni n g eva luation cif the days activity. This Wipe a fd ail y p attern not only routinizes one 's tra inin g. d evelo pin g good training habits, but als o spread s on e' s activity over the entire day so th at the bo dy has time to recover between sess ions. Th e mornin g exercise period should be preferrabl y b efo re breakfast, but certainly before dai ly activ iti es such as work or school. Th e purpose o f this ex ercise is to prepare th e bod y for th e d ay an d to help facilitate warming up fo r the aftern oon work out, leaving more tim e for specifi c training . This session should be primarily running and stretching. A run of from yz mile to 3/4 mil e is quite sufficient; just enough to lightly wa rm up the entire body. Then all pa rt s oft he bo d y should be stretched to their in ~ x imum range o f motion. Besi des th e running and stretching, which should be th e m ain emphasis, several exercises usin g large mu sc le groups (e.g., whole body tig hten ers) and a few using small muscle groups le.g., hand stand push-ups) can be done. These ex erci ses depend upo n the individual , with hi s individual weak n esses taken into account. Aga in , so m e strength e xercises in the morning [a n he lp spread o ut the many daily exercises need ed for th e development of good gy mnastics. One impo rt ant co nsideration is that on e should not mak e this morning exerci se a itr enuou s training session. All the ex ercise should be re lati ve ly light and the work out tim e should ran ge fro m Vl hour to an hour. In thi s way. th e bod y is rea dy for the d ay, but not fati gu ed. Obv iou sly includ ed in the daily pattern of ~il ining is a main w o rk out time , usually in th e afiernoon , co nsistin g o f 3 to 5 hours of intensive tra.ining. It is during this time when the major po rti o n of on e's dail y exercise takes place. Spec ifi c sch edulin g d etaifs of this work out tim e wi l l b e dea lt w ith later.


Probabl y th e most important, the most frequentl y in co mpleted aspect of the daily patt e rn is th e eva fu ation of the days activity. Thi s eva lu ati o n, whi ch should be in written form . should report on things accompli shed during th e da y. It should also contain specific goa ls for th e following days training, based on specific weakn esses . The gymnast should try to rea li ze hi s weakn esses and plan to help correct th ose w ea kn esses. This daily evaluation helps k eep t he gy mn as t aware of his problems so that i mprove ment ca n b e most rapid . With the eva lu ation in w ritt en form one can constantly refer ba ck to pas t experiences and help organi ze hi s appro ac h for future training. Th e main dail y training session should cover all event s every day. The everits should be set to a time sc hedule, the time on each event d epending upo n th e purpose of that particular work o ut. It see ms th at there are two different purposes fo r a work out: either learning new skill s o r refinin g skill s learned. Wheh a young gymn as t is lea rning new skills or new combinatio ns many repetition s are often nee d ed , with a go od effort at each turn . Th ere fore, th e tim e devoted to the firs t three ev ent s ca n be lo n ge r than the second three , with the ord er o f th e events being reversed the nex t d ay . With higher level gymnasts, where skill s are bein g more refined, th e gymnast att empt s to emphasize good form and tec hnique with every turn on the apparatus. Less turn s are taken on each apparatus, and the tim e period o n each event is very close to being th e sa m e. Immedi ately prior to an important comp etition thi s " refining" work out can be fu rt her d evelo ped w here a minimum number o f turn s are taken and the time on ea ch event is cut d own to a bare minimum. Typical time sc hedul es for each type of work out could be as foll o ws: LEARNING

3:00-3:15 W ."m路 up 3:15-4:00 I loor exe rcise 4:00-4:35 )i d e ho rse 4:35: 5:10 Rin gs 5:10-5:30 V"uliing 5:30-&:00 1'.1I路.dl el ba rs 6:00-&:30 Hori lO nl al bar 6:30-&:45 ) lrenglh Total time: 3 hours 45 minutes

REFINING (COMPETITION) Wdf lll - UP Il oor exe rcise ) id e horse Ring' V.,u li i ng 1'."." II e1 bdfs H o ri l.O lli al ba r Total tim .. : 1 hours to minutes

3:00-3: 15 3:15-3:35 3:35-3:55 3:55-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:50 4:50-5:00

Wh eth er th e gymnast is engaged in learning or refining types o f w o rkouts there should be a w eekl y pattern fo r t hese afternoon session s. In gen eral. two d ays o f heavy exercise should be followed by a da y o f lighter exercise, follOWing th e typi ca l co mpulsory/ optional competition patt ern. During th ese " light" days the gymnast ha s a shorter work o ut time and can emphasize weakn esses that occ ur in his gymnastics. These da ys ca n be used to return to basic movement s on se lected apparatus, to practice transition movem ents in floor exercise, and to generally reco ve r from th e previous days strenuous acti v it y. A typical w eekly schedule could be as follow s: Monday - H.m!. (Rou li nes. lo ng sequ ences ) Tuesday - H ...., !. Wednesday - Lig hl. (Co rr ec li o ns. no routines) Thursday - H.m!. (Ko ulin es. lo ng sequ ences) Friday - HMd . Saiurday - Li g hl. (Ba sics) . Sunday - R, 路,I.

Thi s w ee kl y pattern can change , however, depe nding upon th e particular competitive goal. If, for exa mple as in the N.C.A.A. champion ships, th ere are team and individual fin als, th e gy mn ast must be prepared to do routin es 3 d ays in a ro w . Therefore, in thi s situati o n th e pattern a few weeks before these competiti o ns sho uld contain 3 hard work out d ays fo llowed by a lighter day. Besid es ha vin g daily and weekly patterns of training there sh o uld be a long-range pattern covering th e entire year. The spe cifics of this patt e rn depend upon the competitive season . Ultimate ly it b ecomes apparent that the long range sc hedule depends upon the competitive seaso n and th at the short range schedules in turn are dependent upon the long range sc hedul e. The iong range schedule can be di v ided into four p eriods: 1) Ithe preparation pe ri o d , 2) th e co mpetitive season , 3) a re$t pe riod , and 4) th e o ff- season period . Th e preparati o n p eriod is the time several month s prior to th e comp etitive season and is a tim e wh en th e gymnast is attempting to pr ep are him self for the coming season. It is during thi s p eriod when thel gymna st is buildin g up from single stunts to sequences of stunt s and eve ntually to his first routines of th e yea r. Th e gymn ast is attempting to fin aiize the stunt s th at he will be using in his optional routin es and to p erfect the stunts that are included in th e compulsory routines. The " lea rnin g" typ e of work out prevails during this period. A typical sc hedule for this period w o uld be as fo ll ows:


3:00-3:15 3:15-3:50 3:50-4:20 4:20-4:50 4:50-5:10 5:10-5:40 5:40-&:10 6:10-&:25

W .... m - up 1路lo or exe rcise )i d e ho rse Rin g' V"uli ing l'"r" lI e1 b",s H o ri !.o nl ,, 1 ba r ) Irenglh Total tim .. : 3 hours 25 minut .. s

Four we('ks stunl ;. Three w('('ks Two weeks Two w .... ks Two weeks -

- L" dfnin g co mpul sory and o ptional - [Joil )g seq uences (1 / 3 ro utin es) . Uoill g I J ro utin es. [Jo illg 1, 10 fu ll ro ut ines. [Jo in g fuJI rou tin es o nl y.

On e sho uld rem ember that the process for buildin g up from singl e stunts to routines takes seve ral month s and one that should not be ru shed into.

GYMNAST Nov. '75


Aft er on e has trained himself sufficiently to be abl e to do a rout ine on each event then he is usuall y rea dy to begin the competitive period of the sc hed ul e, with " refining" work outs being th e majority. This is the period where the endurance and strength that the gymnast already ha s is improved upon and final poli shing of routin es is accomplished. During this. p eriod one shou ld oscillate between "qualit y" and " quantity" work outs. " Qu antit y " work outs are those where one repeat s se quences or routines many times. The purpo se is to build up maximum endurance, strength and bod y control. When " qualit y" is stressed , o n e should atternpt to use abso lutely the best form and technique, simulating a comp etition situat ion as much as possible. During thi s competit ive period a pattern shou ld b e establish ed where one does quantity workout s for sev eral weeks followed by a few days of qua lity work outs, contin uin g thi s throughout the competit ive period. It is al so during this period in which the gymna sts should consider the concept of " peaking " of which there are both psycho logica l and physical aspects involved. In general , th e physical aspects can be controlled by u sing the correct sc hedule . Several weeks before an im portant competition many routin es should be done in order to build up endurance. The maximum number of routin es per eve nt depends on the level of the gymnast. Very ad va nced gymnasts can accomplish 2 to 3 per event , but top leve l international gymnasts can do 5 to 6 per event. This period shou ld last for approc imately 1 V2 weeks. In the last week prior to th e competit ion the number of routin es should be reduced, with each routine done to the best of one' s abi lit y. All corrections of routin es should be of high quality also. The empha sis now becomes more mental pressure than ph ys ical. Examples of the types of work out s lead in g up to an important competition would be as fo ll ows: Three weeks prior: seve ral cornpu lsory and opt iona l routinE' ~ P('!"

(' ve llt.

One w('ek prior : lewer cornpulsory and optional routjn f'~ ~ Ir( 路 ...... ill g qUJlit y.

Four da ys prior: '1l1dlit y co mpul sory routines. Three days prior: 4Udlit y opt iona l routines. Two da ys prior: lig ht wo rk out w ith quality corrections of roulm(路 ... .

One day prior:

(lI1 l>

4Udlit y cornpu lsory routine per

event .

Perhaps more important but unfortunately more diffic ult to cont rol are the psychological aspects in vo lved in peaking. It is generally recogni zed that an al l around gymnast cannot comp ete every week and cons istently maintain good quali ty competitions . It is very difficult to be m entall y fresh if he must compete each week . Therefore, each meet shou ld be at least 2 week s apart and major competitions a month apart. If competit ions are less than 2 weeks apart th e gymnast begins to depend upon a meet at the end of each week. Then he is usin g hi s ma ximum effort just one time per week. But if he ne edn't be concerned with competing each w eek then he can put his maximum effort in pra cti ce during that week and consequently becom e more consistent. If one maximizes his effort during work outs he can learn to compe te in any situation with quality. Also, learn in g takes p lace faster with more effo rt during work o ut s. Furth er, as an example, if a gymnast is training for a specific compet ition and needs to accompli sh 2 rout in es on a pariicular event, then he should try his utmost to successfully

GYMNAST Nov. '75

compl ete th o se routines to the b est of hi s abilit y. If he mi sses a routine this often reflects som e type o f mental w eakness and he should be as upse t as he wou ld if he were in an actual comp etitioil . One needs a maximum effort throughout th e whole routine. Even if a mi sta ke o cc urs earl y in a routine, the gymna st should n eve r relax , but comp lete the rest of th e routin e to th e best of his abi lit y. But training su ch as thi s tak es a great deal of mental effort and thi s effort cannot usually be sustained for lon g period s o f time . The lack oi man y comp etition s is therefore a major factor in d evelopin g a peak . Too many smal ler peaks can dull a large o ne. Nea rl y as important as hard training period s is som e sort of rest period during the year. Thi s period typi ca ll y follows major competitions. But the res t period shou ld not be a total abse nce from gy mnastics . It shou ld be mainl y a m ental rela xa tion . Menta l relaxation is of major importan ce . After a major compet ition, th e gymna st 's ph ysica l cond iti on is usu all y very good . Witli a relaxed m ental attitude one can " pla y " at gymnastics and yet work physicall y hard without knowing it. The amount of tim e for thi s p eriod would have to depend upon th e indi v idual gy mna st and the specific situation in whi ch he is in vo lved. Som ewh at related to and sometim es con current with the rest period is the off sea son peri o d of training. This is the tim e betwee n th e last competition of the yea r and the preparati o n period forthe next season . Thi s tm e ca n be less organized, witl-t less specifi c goa ls than during the other periods in the year, and ye t it should have a definite plan prevailing thro ughout. Thi s can be an important period fo r returning to basic movements and correcting bad hab it s. It can also be used to learn new stunts and focus on specific strengths that tak e a long time to develop. Again though , thi s period should not be wasted by simply maintainin g o ne 's present condition , but should ge a tim e to further develop one ' s gymna sti cs . Th e off-seas on ca n, however, be a very diffic ult tim e to train consistent ly. The comp etiti ve sea son, rather than being a con crete , close-range goa l, is several months in th e future. During this period, the gymnast is not training fo r next weeks 路competition , but for nex t yea rs. Therefore, using compet ition as the moti vation al factor in training shou ld be discourag ed. If one uses compet ition as the reason for training then it is very difficult to moti vat e on eself to train seriousl y during th e off-se ason. Every gymnast knows that comp etition is the ultimate goal of anyon es training. However, the true ultimate goal should be on e of trying to perfect movement. If on e perfec ts his movements, then in a parti cular comp etition he is going to be the best. We ha ve seen then that certain types of sch edules are needed for different parts of the day, th e w ee k, and the year . These schedules shou ld be ca refully thought out for each indi v idual so that they are realistic. If they are not reali sti c, one is defeating their purpose. But one may ask: exactly what is the purpose of sc hedul es suc h as these? The idea is this: in ord e r to develop as a gymnast in the most organi zed , and therefore the most rapid , mann er, the gymnast needs a very orga ni zed plan - a p lan that is being constant ly evaluated so that weaknesses cannot ever develop. Only with an organiz ed approach such as thi s can the gymna st be abl e to realize his total gymnastics pot entia l.


'W[ffi1[U]mill~5lmrn illmH~ -, I-

ORDER FORM PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHING SYSTEMS BASIC SYSTEM (c harts with teac hing manual ) Girls (6) .... 10.00 Boys (8) . . 12.00 Teac her's Manual onl y 2.00 (specify G irls ' or Boys' ) GYMNASTICS CHARTS Men's In t. Parallel Bar (5 ) . 7. 00 In t. Rings (3) 5.00 Basic to Int. Side Horse (2) 4.00 Basic to Adva nced Tumbling (4) .' 6.00 Advanced Para llel Bar (4) . 6.00 Ad vanced Rings (3 ) 5. 00 Basic to Advanced Hori zo ntal Bar (6) 8 .00 Girl's Int. to Ad vanced Ba lance Beam (6) 8.00 Basic to Ad va nced Tumbling (4) . 6.00 (sa me as above) Competitive Va ulting (3 ) . 5. 00 In t. Uneven Pa rllel Bars (5) 7. 00 6.00 NEW Ad v. Une ven Pa rallel Bars (4 ) RECORDS AND CASSETTE TAPES Music from the Olympic Games Vol. 1 . Reco rd . 8.00 Casse tt e. 5.00 NEW Vol. 2 Record 8.00 Casse tte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 1972 OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC FILMS Men 's Final s . . . . ...... 40.00 Women's Final s ... 40.00 BOOKS Gymnastic s Illustrated 9.50 The Side Ho rse. 3.50 AIDS Mee t Ad verti sing Posters 1.00 - -Girls - - Boys Scoring Kit s. 1.50 - - Girls - - Boys NEW Swiss Embroidered Emblem 1.50 Gymnastic Emblem .75 NEW Duffle Bag 4.95 NEW Travel Bag. 9.95 Add Post age and Handling 50垄 for orders under $10.00 $1.00 for orders over $10 .00 Total $ - - - Order fro m Gymnastic Aides , Northbridge . Mass . 01534 Box 475, Name ____________________________ _ Slree t _____________________________ City _______________ State __________ School



World Games - Varna '75

Double front


Pike open full



GYMNAST Nov_ '75

GYMNAST Nov. '75





. /~\~/$ /t


L ......•...........••..... DR. H.J. BIESTERFELDT, JR.







Athletics Department· SIU Arena


Carbondale. Illinois 62901

•••...••.•.•.•.... ~.~~ ................. -~

Pommel horse is simultaneously the easiest event to plan drills for and the event in which technicall y co rrec t execution is most difficult to obtain. It is easy for this reason: horse essentially consists of two types of scissors and two types of circle - front and back scissors and fl at circles and " loop " toe circles. Virtually every m ove on horse is merely a combination of these moves, though perhaps done in a peculiar position. It is difficult because it is the only event in which a highl y inefficient learning process seems alm ost unavoidable. It is our view th at -each m ove sho uld be lea rned correctly from the start. H oweve r on horse, the most basic moves ca nnot as a rule be lea rned correctly from the sta rt. Instea d, we must try to gradually change from very poor, to poor, fair, sati sfa ctory, o n up. It is well known that this will lea ve the ath lete with remnants of faulty techn iqu es as he matures. The total program mu st b e designed to minimize the amount of remnant s he car ri es with him. It would be ideal if by some mechanical aid , w e co uld make a man do his first circle in precise ly the correct way, and could embed the feeling of co rrec t technique in his mind before he tried a single circle by himself. Though m ech anica l aids ha ve been invented for thi s purpose by such highly innovative teachers as Charlie Pond (University of Illinois, now Rocky Mountain School near Salt Lake ), these devi ces have not proved entirely satisfactory. It is o ur view that the best solution is to work on the basic moves w ith no attempt to do more advanced ski lls, until the basics are thoroughl y ma stered. Moreove r we believe that the li st of fir st leve l moves should consist of single leg work with pendulum swing as well as double leg ci rc les. W e believe that the execution of circles on each part of the horse is improved by work done on the other parts of the horse. So, as soon as practical we believe the performer should be encouraged to work them in three standard positi o ns, on pommels, " uphill " and " downhill " . It ma y be well to give a warning: the horse does not grow wi th th e growth of the gymnast, and even the now common "school model " of horse is of the same size and shape and hen ce ha s the sa me problems as the competitive model. The competitive horse is entirely un sat isfactory for a man not yet near 5 feet tall. Thu s for the very young athlete, it may be best to do almost no work on horse. If the boy has considerable growth, he may to advantage work at junior hi gh school age. But still, he will have mu ch relearning to do as years pass, and this relearni ng is often terribly discouraging.




POMMEL HORSE DRILLS: Scissors Training By H .J. Biesterfeldt

Demonstrator· Edward J. Hembd

Learning these basic moves is not a many year project, thou gh unlik e other events, we expect to see conti nu ed improvement in even the most ba sic moves eve n after ten years of trainin g. Because these parts will show co ntinu ed improveme nt, the drills that follow have proven useful both for near beginners and for National Champions. The drills should be don e regularly (several times daily) even by very capab le gym nasts. They can profitabl y be the only workout for the intermediate performer. And the beginner can look toward ma stery of the parts so that he can efficiently train u sing these drills as his first serious objective on this event. Our basic drills cover the following : 1) Front Scissors, 2) Back Scissors, 3) Double Leg Circles + Travel + Lo op, 4) Circles + Moores + Kehrs.. Drill groups 3 and 4 will appear in a later article. We have included with the drills d etail ed explanations of just what"we want to accomplish by doing them. It is to no avail if the gymna st does the drills but while doing so empha sizes the wro ng things. These are intended to help avoid forming bad habits . Coa c h and performer must keep this in mind so that there does not develop a competition to "do" th e drills at the cost o f doing them well. FRONT SCISSORS DRILL In order to save space, the photo sequence is not of the fu ll drill as usually done. Ther efo re

we h,) ve used a co de for repetitions. The symbo l :: is used to de note repeti tion reversed , i.e. , done to the opposite side, in addition to the rep etition o f the entire (double) group. The " long form " is indicated by the solid arrow, the "s hort form " by the - - - arrow. We recomme nd that the beginner work on th e cut group by it se lf until he is proficient at it. Each time o n apparatus he should work without stoppin g for 30 secon ds. The cut group when done by it se lf must be alternately started with preliminary cut to left as shown, and entirely reve rsed. After maste ry of the cut group, the false sc issor should be added. This is not a single leg circl e, but rat her is done with the same pendulum swing used for the rest of the cuts. Do not proceed to the scissors until the false sc isso rs can be inc luded in the long sequence, and the entire long sequence can be executed without the scissors fo r the full three repetitions without stopping. At this point the performer sho uld first be allowed to try front sci sso rs. Since the false scissors is a very close copy 6f th e sc issors, he will learn very quickly, and since he has practiced the drill with equal empha sis on both sides, he will learn both scissors at the same time and with nearly equal facility. As soon as the scissors can be executed both ways , they sho uld be added to the long form of the drill, so that the performer is now doing the full drill as indicated. GYMNAST Nov. '75





II·:·Begining of short form · GYMNAST Nov. ' 75



Begin long form







False scissors ........ .................

-• 43


~ ~-'-'--False Scissors

End of half of long form . Repeat to opposite side repeat entire , 3x ,~

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. .. -.


33 32 ... ~------------------------------------------~.... ...

TIP ON EXECUTION Single leg cuts: Once a pre limin ary swing is generated , by lifting the right leg as in ,#2, it is important that both legs swing along. So already in #3 both legs have swung to right for the first cut. For eve ry cut, the shoulder of the support arm leans somewhat to help keep balan ce. But the hips swing away from the support arm. As the legs swing past the front of the horse, #7, 8, 9; the performer does not try to bring th e legs tog ether, for doing so destroys the rh ythm of the swing. Id ea ll y, the¡ legs should b e so m ewhat more spread in #8. In just the same way, the legs remain spread in #12, 13, 14; and the sprea d should be somewhat greater in #1 4. Th e position shown in #6 is outstanding, but rath er difficult to control. The performer




34 Scissors

...---------------------------------------of form . ............................................ End Repeat 5 times

should lea rn to get the large separation of hip s and support hand shown there. However, a scissors done with the lower leg so low is a poor scissors. In ste ad a position asin #19, 25, and 28 is to b e desired. False scissors. This is to be done exactly li ke a correct sc isso rs , the lower body swinging as a unit. Th ere is no point where one leg stops and th e other is lifted . It is important that the lift of legs be a part of a swing of the body. Years ago, perform ers lifted the leg in back somewhat highe r th an in #18, but did so in an extremel y tight pike while the hip remained very close to the right arm. The result was that in stead of th e bea utiful stretch shown in #19, the performer found hi s hip s right beside the support hand , and hence he had no swing for the next tri ck . Th e appearance was one of height, but looked

(a nd was) mu sc led and lacked th e easy flowing rh ythm of good horse wo rk. On e of the principal reasons that led seve ral coac hes in seve ral different countries to introdu ce the false sc isso rs into th e training program was th at it helped to co rrect a major fault frequentl y found in the execution of th e sc iss ors it se lf. When first trying scissors, th e perfor mer ha s so me app reh ens ion about hi s abilit y to co ntrol his body in passage from #25 to #26. Subco nsc ious ly, and often consc iou sly, he tri es to avo id th e precariou s and potentially unpl easa nt possib ilit y of missing a reg rasp and in stead landing on th e pommel in #26. To avoid the pomm el, o r rather to strik e it le ss painfu ll y, he draws hi s hip s we ll behind the pomme l, and kick s hi s lOp leg around and forward. When correc tl y don e, th e hips merely roll over, but

GYMNAST Nov. '75

there is no sw ing over the top leg . There are two rea so ns why the false scissors helps. If the perform er insists on swinging the top leg forward , he will end up in front rather than in back of the horse - in order to make the move at all , he must eliminate the major fault of most scissors execution. Scissors: I t is our experience that we need say very little to the performer about scisso rs, when the rest is we ll learned. However there must be empha sis in the lift of both legs, #19, and on sw in gi ng down with the hips leading as in #26. This la st point may need a bit of illustration. Man y men w ill act uall y pike during the down sw ing. Whereas a slight pike might pass, we are talking of often 45 degrees of pike. Just try to sw ing on say the parallel bars, while retaining 45 degrees of pike at the bottom.

One last (but very important) point about pendulum swi ng . Examine #10. The hips are turned about 45 degrees to the right. This seem s about right , for severa l very sound rea so ns. First , if the hips are turned much further. Ihen too much hip action is required at the lOp of Ih e sw ing. Second, if the hips are nOI lu rned , Ih en the ang le between the le gs must be increased in order to clear the horse at the bottom. Consider the following effects of this spread of legs, and be certa in to feel out the po silion changes on the horse. EffeCi 1: th e distance from shou ld er to toes is less. cau sing a quicker and more choppy swing. Thi s is ana lagous to trying to do giants on hori zo ntal bar with legs spread a full yard through th e bottom. It makes the swing very in effective.

EffeCi 2: sin ce most gymnasts cannot draw the back leg as far back as they lift the front leg forward, as d ru le the hips are forced back behind Ih e hands. This forces the performer i nlO a fa LIll y action of the top leg on the sc issors. Effecl 3: Th e performer tires very quickly on scissors and dr ill s. We suggest that the coach work out w ith each yo ung performer a comfortab le posi.tion in which he swings wel l, and then be certain to keep an eye on him to be sure he uses it. The po silion w il l va ry from one man to another! Obviou sly, the performer must learn toke~p a high support, and a small rounding cif the back helps for this. Early regrasps, before the body falls much, (see #26) mak e work quieter, and much easier on wrists and forearms.

BACK SCISSORS DRILL 1 he back scissors drill is very much like the front scissors drill in composition and in objecti ves. The basic emphasis is also essentiall y the same. However most gymnasts find it to be a much harder drill to master. We ha ve used the same code to indicate

repelilion s as before . This time we want to specially emphas ize that beginning and int ermediate performers as a rule cannot handl e the short form of the drill at all. The added sin gle leg cuts provide a training drill , and al low the performer to regain his



eq uilibrium dfler exec uting the false scissors and sc isso rs combinat ion . DO NOT HAVE LOWER LEVEL PERFORMERS TRY THE SHORT FORM. Reserve the short form for men who execute the long form well, and need a new cha ll enge to spice up the training session.




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GYMNAST Nov. '75







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HINTS ON EXECUTION . required for a good back scisso rs . Th e height The key parts of thi s drill are not t he scisso rs shown in Fr. 10 is adeq uate, in fact well above and fal se scissors, but in the cut and swing used what w e usually see. The body exte nsion is good , and the lower leg is fairly high . But o ur to se t th em up. Exam ine Fr. 5, 6, 7. Th e high leg demonstrato r cou ld still do better . And in the swing of Fr 5 all ows a large pendulum swing across the front of th e horse, and th e leg s sc issors in Fr. 16, the lower leg is not nearly hi gh should be somewhat sp rea d at th e bottom of en oug h. (Thi s is pa rtl y because that shot is just thi s swing. But lo ts of swing is difficult to after th e hi gh point) . The group of cuts in Fr. 18 - - - 24 needs no control , and performer w ill as a rul e ha ve special comment, and the rest of the photo difficulty in shifting the hips well over th e right p o mme l as show n in Fr. 8. Now it is essential sequence is merely th e same exercise to opposite sid e. th at th e performer have his hips over th e right Even more than for th e front scissors drill , pomm el as we ll as legs swung to right, in o rd er th ere is need for some turn of th e hips on the th at he ge t an even, pendulum type of swin g to ba ck sc issors dFil1. And the reason for thi s is th e other sid e. even easier to see. I f the performer has his hips Typi ca ll y, th e pe rformer w ill try to make the fa ced sq uare ly fo rward and legs spread en o ugh mot ion of h is ri ght leg into a circular motion, th at he is not tou c hing the horse, h e will with th e hips moving ve ry little, and with one leg almost motionless. This is a ve ry se riou s imme diately discove r th at he ca n o nl y swin g about 6 inches in the direction of th e back error, sin ce it tak es the swi ng of hips and both scissors be fore hi s leg st rikes th e arm, and leg s to get th e body into the high position



.. ... End of short form '路路:+1

forces him to re l eas~ his grip . Now suc h an early re lease of grip greatly redu ces the amount that that arm can contribute to the heigh t of the sc issors. If instead of being square with the horse, he turns hi s hips, th en as he swings in the directi o n of the scisso rs he can "arch" in the direct ion of th e scissors w hile still holding the pommel. Note that Ed has just re leased hi s grip in Fr. 15. He cou ld use the ar ch to mo re advantage. This archi ng action all ows t he legs to co ntinue to ga in momentum for another 3 fee t o f th e swi ng (of toes) and thi s extra momentum shows up in th e greater to tal height of th e body at t he top of th e scissors. It is poss ib le, as w ith fro nt scisso rs, to do back sc isso rs w ith the hi ps very close to the suppo rt arm . In fact, w ith good flexibility thi s can be d one w ith the top leg quite as hi gh as shown in Fr. 16. But wi th out th e total body swing, th e move is so much easie r that it hardl y qualifies as a sc issors by comparison. GYMNAST Nov. '75

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By Robert V. Acuff Graduate Assistant in Physical Education University of Tennessee, Knoxville "


Numerous articl es have appeared in the Gymnast emphasiz ing the importance of proper teaching progressions, strength development and joint flexibility, but possibly because of insufficient research data, few have implicated the possible effect of intense training on the immature skeletal system. Advancement in the sport of gymnastics seems to ha ve dictated that individuals begin the sport at much yo unger ages. And, because of an earlier sta rt , many coaches and gymnasts attempt intense workouts on advanced skills without the aids of proper progressions, sound basic techniques, and coaches knowledgeable in spott ing and progressive biological development of the indi vidual. Rapid advancement in skill attainment seems to be the philosophical approach to all sports in the United States and unfortunately gymnastics is no exception . This can easily be observed when exa minin g the " Littl e Leaguer' s Elbow", " Tennis Elbow" or the " Football Kn ee." As a re sul t, committees of concerned doctors, parents and coaches have 'Iegislated rules to co nt ain the sk ill leve ls in age group compet iti on and leag ue play. Fortunatel y the phrase "Gym nast's Shoulder" or " Gymnastics Wrist" have not become part of the present injury description. Research is beginning to give some information in the area, but still much of the physiological and biochemical mech anisms of bone growth remain a mystery, and as a result , mechan ica l forces to the developing skeleton are difficult to eva luate. The information that can readil y be put into practice (literally), indi cates that the chronological age in many individuals, ca n be ahead or behind th e biological age of th e indi v idual implying that the over all growth rate varies from individual to individual as a result of genetics, sex, hormonal secretion , env ironment; all implying that each indiv idual has his/ her own maturation rate or biological time table.

The growth and maturation rate of bone is characterist ic to eac h individual, thus allowing the plan of oss ificatio n to vary with the indi vidual. The plan of bone oss ifica tion can be gene rall y described in the following manner: The diaphysis, or body of the bone, appears fir st in th e developing fetus and is separated from th e epiphyses (cart ilaginous ends) by a flared portion th e metaphysis. The epiphyses, appearing early in the ske letal development, remain s se parate from the metaphysis by a narrow carti lagi nous growth la yer (epiphyseal lin es) for a predetermined period of time until th e compl ete ossificat ion of the bone at th e end of skel etal growth. The epiph ysea l lin es are the sites of bone growth and are made up of growing cells that mu st recei ve nourishment to grow and develop. If the vascu lar supply is damaged O ( terminated , as in the repetitive strains to th e media l ep icondy lar epiphysis of th e humerus that is character istic to Little League pitchers throwing cu rve balls, then growth of th e bone ca n be deminished or even terminated. In o rd er to avoid possible damage to the you nger gym nast and probable limits being leg islated to conta in the sport of gymnastics, additional conce rn should be taken for the indi vidual during maturation of the skeleton, where int ense or non progressive sk ill advancemen t cou ld lead to injury of the epiph ysea l areas. One must realize that stresses and strains are necessary for the stimulation of bone growth, but seve re trauma -cou ld result in the decay or d eat h of the tissue because of lost !;llnod supply to the growth area. Fatigue fractures could result from a severe or prolong ed strain andthe shearing, comp re ss ing or the distracting of joints w ill cause injury to the growth plate resulting from exposed positions, limited mobilit y or li gamento us attachment of the joint. These types or injuries often occur when the gymnast jumps from heights, lands stifflegged or from a joint strain severe enough to be transmitted to the growth plate, such as " falling through " on a dislocate for the beginner attempting the trick for the first severa l times. We ca n reduce the possibilities of epiphyseal and ske leta l injury if we only take the time to cond i rion our gymnasts by emphasizing proper warm-up procedures, medical examinations of vulnerable joint areas, teaching correct

techn ique , ho lding to proper sk ill progressions and by dissipating the concen tration of forces through proper and active spotti ng techniques . An attempt shou ld be made by the coach to assess th e rea diness of an indi vid ual for certa in sk ill s and to determine this readiness ba sed on th e skel etal age for each individual. Several det ermination processes are available to the int eres ted coach and are indicated in the references below . These are simple techniques that ca n be emp loyed by the coach and will enabl e him / her to become aware of individual problem s that may co nfront his/ her gymnasts. As to proper and active spotting techniques, this wou ld curta il more envo lvem ent by the coach than simpl y pulling out a landing pad to subst itute for his/ her knowledgeable hands as . a spotte r. Taking part in the progressive learning of a new or unfamiliar movement should be as active for the coach as it is for the gymnast. Once th e movement has bee n mastered and is ready to be included in the co mpetiti ve routine, the coaches responsibility as a spott er does not end! Severe injuries to the kne e and w rist areas could have been preve nted in actua l compet ition if a state of active participation on the part of the coach, as a spotte r, was assumed to dissipate concentrated forces to these vulnerable areas. Thi s app li es to th e young beginning gymnast as well as th e more advanced or elite gymnast. In thi s way eac h gymnast has the opportunity to benefit op timall y through the sport of gymna stics. Referen.·,,, 1. bP"'N 1",,1" . 1\11I1J~. a nd Helen M. Eckert. Motor Developme nt, Ch", lcs E. Merrill Publishing Co. , Columbu ,. Ohio 1%7 pp. 103-252. 2. Go". U'drl", M"yo. Grays Anatomy, Lea and FebigE'l . I'h il"d",,,hi,, , 1'"., 29th Edit ion, 1973. 3. Klognr.1I1. W.M. Child Growth, The University of Michigan 1'"·,, . Ann Arbor , M ichigan, 1972, pp. 28-58, pp. 1 75- 1~ 1 . 4. La"on. L.'o",rrd A., Ed il or. Fitness, Health, and Work Capacity, Ivt.lullill"n Publishing Co. , In c., New York , N,'w yo,k . IY74, pp. 179-180, pp. 516-524. 5. La"on. K"I>"n L. "Phys ica l Activ it y and The Growlh d'HI l)cvc!0plll e nt of. Bone and Joint StrU( 101(" ." Physical Activity - Human Growth and Development, L.G . R.lri ck, Editor, Academ ic Press, New YOlk . N.Y.. IY73 .

Looking for

Gymnastics & Academics? Walnut Hill School of Natick, Mass. is introducing a gymnastics program taught by the staff of Woodland Gymnastics. Opportunities unmatched in other schools~ solid college preparatory program, a strong arts program including expert ballet and modern dance training, combined with gymnastics, Students who want quality instruction, academically or gymnastically, write for brochure ,

Headmaster: Earle C . Batchelder, B,A. McGill, M,Ed . Harvard Instructors: Will St, Cyr, Co-Director, Woodland Gymnastics Former N .E,A.A.U. Tumbling Champion Former Coach, Wellesley H.S. Gymnastics Team

George Wheeler, Co-Director, Woodland Gymnastics High School Coach of four college All-Americans Ken Henderson, Floor

Exercise and Vaulting Champion Former Nationally Ranked Gymnast. Experienced, Successful Instructor.

WALNUT HILL SCHOOL 63 Highland St., Natick, Mass. 01760 GYMNAST Nov. '75


NJARD Norwegian Sports Club

Njard was founded on Apri l 21 , 1924 by ten 16 yea r o ld boys . Th e name of the club is deri ved from No rdi c mythology, Njard being th e God of Ferti li ty. Un til the outbreak of war in 1940 NJ路ard was primaril y know n as a sports club for tennis , skiin g and bandy. A t that time the club had 180 members. The number of members showed a steady in crease after th e li beration in 1945. Thi s wa s not least due to the fact that Njard got it s own outdoor tennis co urts an d its own club hou se. In 1960 th e dub cou ld inaugurate a new sport s hall , the Nj ard Hall , built for all indoor sport s activiti es. Th e club took u p more and more sport s and ga mes, and in 1961 gymnastics came on th e program 路of act iviti es . Toda y, the club has ten different spo rts and games on it s program: A lpi ne ski in g, bandy, football, ath let ics, ski jumpin g, handball, cross-country sk iin g, o ri ent ee ring, tennis, gymnastics. Th e membership is 1800. It d id not take lo ng before gymnastics beca me o ne of Njard's leading sports. Th e club ha s bee n Norweg ian champion in team gymna stics th e past six yea rs and hold s a Sca ndinav ian champio nship in Gymnastique Modern e. Club members have also won seve ral Norwegian championships in indi v idu al gy mn as ti cs, in the junior as we ll as sen ior classes. Njard has had four representati ves in th e Ol ympi c Games an d Wor ld Championship s and has been represented on all Norwegian int ern ati ona l tea ms since 1965. Our top gymna st today, Jill Schau, holds a Norwegian as well as Scandla nvian championship in indi vidua l gym nas tics and she has repr ese nted Norway in 27 intern ational co mpetition s. Njard has co mpeted and given exhibition s in va ri ous co untri es, such as Austria, Switze rl and , Isra el, Spain, Ice land, D enmark and Sweden . Eva Berge is N jard 's chi ef instru cto r and has been so from th e ve ry sta rt .

Action photos with this re port were taken at the Njard exhibition on the ir visit to Los Angeles , Calif. Photos by Glenn Sundb y

/ '



The c hief instruc to r Eva Be rge together with the two pairs of twins ero and Gry (12 yea rs) a nd Jorunn and Laila (14 years). Njard instructors Erik & Gunnar Harisen visiting the Sundby Sports Publications Building .


GYMNAST Nov. '75


14 year old Danna Hopper. AAU Jr. National All-Around Champion.

Already known as the track capital of the . United State s. Eugene, Oregon is wel l on it's way to becoming o ne of th e dominate cities in our co untry for developing elite women gymna sts and presenting international level gymna sti cs. Within th e 15,000 square foot Academy are hou se d two se parate schoo ls. The Oregon Academy has an enro llment of 200 students.

GYMNAST Nov. '75

Participation in clud es both boys and girls clas ses from beginn ers to high school and co ll ege performers . The Nat io nal Academy enrollment is cu rrently 18 m embers. These young ladies are trainin g six ho urs a day to become elite gymna sts and for the opportun ity to represe nt the United States in Nat iona l and International co mpetit ion.

Eugene, Oregon Th e coach ing staff of the Academy is headed by three tim e Ol ym pian Linda Metheny and Olympi c Coach Dick Mulvihill. Pianist Arthur Madd ox and assistant coach Dean Berry co mpl ete th e faculty. Pr ese ntl y training at the Academy is elite gymna st, Carr ie Englert. The first National title won for th e Academy occ ured last May when Dan a Hopper won the AAU Junior Nationa l All Around titl e. Patti Rope, of Canada, has toured Red Chin a and was a member of the 1974 Can adian World Games Team. In an effort to provid e Eug ene with the best level of co mpetiti o n the Academy hosts annuall y, in Marc h, The Emerald Empire Cup. Thi s brings tog eth e r many of the top women gymna sts in o ur count ry. Thi s yea rs meet was highli ghted by performances by Tammy Man vi lle, Diane Dunbar, Debbie Fike and Carrie Englert. The A ca demy was host to' the 1975 AAU Junior Nationals and the U.S.G.F. Senior Nationals. Durin g th e pa st yea r Eugene has been fortun ate to be ex posed to the best of int ernati ona l teams. Among th ese were the mens tea m from Japan , the New Zea land Womens Nat iona l tealTi , and the Nationa l team s from Czechoslovak ia and Romania. Event s such as th ese and the combined effort s of th e Academy are ce rtain to p lace Eug en e as a forerunner in leading the cont inu ed development of elite gymnastics in the United States. 49

~C1 DON'T: Relax or drop foot!




2nd Arabesque straight lines

Exaggerated to show example!

Grace Kaywell Keep those letters coming! It's so great to hear from friends of my "beginning" days of our great sport. Had a nice letter from Art Shurlock, Coach at UCLA, who sent me his Meet sc hedule. Good luck, Art ! Talked wit h Janel Bachnd just recently, and also Bud Marqu ett e. Dr. Bruce Fredericks was gracious DO: Stret c h from fingernail in hi s bu sy schedule to agree to help me with to toe-nail m y book. Dr. Fredericks' little figures for making straight lines! illu strat in g gymnastics have long been a great help to m e, and I am sure to others as they seem to crop up everywhere from time to time. But to introduce myself to the yo unger group of fanta sti c gymnasts com i ng up, let me tell you i hat I am NOT a gymnast. I recently received a letter asking me when I started my gymnastic training ... tha t's a loaded question, as you will see. I was a professional dancer turned teacher. I started my intenstive tra in ging in ballet in New York City when I was 12, having started loca ll y Third Arabesque at the age of 6. M y Russian ballet masters were Veronin e Vestoff and Constantine Kob eleff, both of th e Imperia l Theater of Petrograd, now deceased. Both had also partnered the great Pavlova . I danced professiona ll y in New York but did not find that fulfilling for a life's ca reer, help w ith th e form and style in all phases, for both men and women. Hope this answers your so turn ed to teaching. In West Palm Beach, Florida, Coach Bud qu est ion s. As G len n wou ld say, " Have a Happy hand stand" .. . I' ll say, " Have a Happy Plie!" Watson (also d ecease d) was training Gail Ciao Sontgerath in gymnast ics . Sh e was good, but with the new emphasis on ballet and music, Bud turned to me. This was easy for me as my Sin ce the spo rt of gymnas ti cs has become Ru ssian bal let training was all that was needed "artistic" the co mpetitor must realize that he or and Gail became our 1960 National Champion she is being judged a great deal on the beauty and went to Rome for the Olympics. So did I, of th e movements, not just the difficulty. We where I learned a lot more. have mentioned " connecting links", or dance Sin ce th at time I have taught at Clinics, steps of rh ythm in previous articles and will Seminars, University programs all over the continue to do so. It is imperative for the United States and also in Europe . I have had the gymnast to form beautiful lines in space with pri vi lege of working with Olympians, World the body for th e judge and spectator alike . and National Champio ns, not only from our Th ere are many poses from the classical country but ot hers ... and it has been a pri vi lege, ballet that one ca n pass through or sustain because they are so great and dedicated . I have " momentarily. Below are illustrated the fi rst , learn ed the appa ratus by observing and taking second , and third arabesque. Note the pattern classes at Clinics, but still consider myself an or lines formed. Now observe how unpleasing amateur at coaching and actual tricks, but I it is to see th e wrist dropped (breaking the


DON'T: Drop foot bend knee turn knee under

straight line), the foot not stretched to the fullest , and the knee turned under and bent. A gymnast might show the form for a brief seco nd , th en if th e movement is hopped or turned , th e above-mentioned mistakes happen . Some wil l say, " But I can't get my foot to stretch like that ! I' m pigeon-toed!" True - the mu,c les on the inside of the foot have become fore-short ened and need to be stretched. Also th e muscl es on the top of the foot have to be st retched in order to get the beautiful toepoint so characte ristic of gymnastics and the competiti ve divers. This will be dealt with in later chapters, but for the present, check to see if your movements have good line and form . Is this move men t p leasing to the eye, or does it in somewa y not " jell " ? Look in the mirror if you. ha ve one, or as k yo ur coach or team-mate to help. BE CONSCIOUS OF LINE AND FORM IN SPACE!

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1-_------------------------------"1. _________ __ 50


CAMP TSUKARA Cable, Wisconsin By Mike Jacki and Jerry Fontana

After five growing and successful camping summers, Tsukara is on its way to becoming the mo st uniqu e gymnastics camp ing program in the United States. An excellent facility , out standin g staff, sma ll camper number, and perfect ly planned program have lead the way for Tsukara s' great growth and popularity. In the seco nd year at the newly purchased north ern Wisconsin sk i resort, Lake Owen Lodge, Tsukara boasts such features as a carpeted dinn ing room and large rustic lodge, many ca rpeted campe r rooms, new maple beds throughout , new washroom facilities, a large new gymnasium to accomodate everyone for ind oor work-outs, and a picturesque setting in the hea rt of the Chequamegon National Forest on over a quarter mile of beautiful Lake Owen shore line. Equipment is plentiful and adds to th e smooth ope ration of the well planned program. A ll gymnasts are carefully placed into abilit y grou ps by the staff. With only 65 boys and 65 girls and a staff of over 40 coac hes and counse lors, thi s allows for only six students per c lass. When you place these groups on 6 pomm el hors es, 12 balance beams,S cab led un eve n bars, and as much of all the other apparatu s, this means maximum work-out time and no wait in g. The equipment is all AMF America n including more than 10 crash pads, 12 landing mats and over 50 other mats to cove r all areas perfect ly. The gymnasium is comp letely equipped with duplicates of all men s and wome ns apparatus and a new Ame ri ca n ca rpeted floor exercise mat. Th e thing that makes Tsukara what it is to our campers has been our carefully selected staff. La st yea rs staff included: Nancy Thies and Patti Carmichae l - University of Illinoi s, Roxanne Pi erce - Mannettes of Philadelphia, Lauri e Br emer, Debbie Hall e, Jill Johnson, and Jenny Fo shee of Gymnastics Incorporated of Seattle, W ashington - Char Christensen - coach at Iowa State Un iversity, Ginger Temple Southern Illin ois and now coach of the Wichita Gym Club, Heidi Miller - Sacramento State, Ted M arcy - NCAA Champ from Stanford , Rich Larse n - NCAA Champ from Iowa State - Jon Aitk en - NCAA Champ from the University of New M ex ico, Don Young and Ed Hembd - allameri ca ns on pommel horse - Rich Onysko South erri Connecticut, Kurt Thomas -1975 Pan Am Games Tea m from Indiana State, Lenny Kravit z - Coach at Houston Baptist UniversityM ark Graham - Big 8 All-Around Champion from Iowa State, Peie Hemmerling - Southern Illin ois, Blaine Dahl - Louisiana State, Mark Cummin gs - Big 8Conference Champion - Iowa Stat e - PLUS many, many more. Thi s p ast summer, a special o lymp ic compulsory training program was offered to some of our nations top high school athletes. Su ch future standouts as Bart Conner, USGF Nationa l Champion, and Ron Gallimore, National AAU Champ received coaching from Tsukara 's special comp ulsory training staff headed by: Wayne Young - NCAA All Around champion, Abie Grossfeld - Coach at Southern Connecti cut, Ed Gagnier - Coach at Iowa State,

GYMNAST Nov. '75

Abie Grossfeld covering compulsory exercises with special high school group.

and Frances Allen - the coach at the University of Nebraska. The program turned out to be exce ll ent and should be of great interest to all boys who see k a high level of training on elite level compulsory exerc ises. Former Iowa State All Americans, Jerry Fonatana and Mike Jacki have founded and directed thi s program since its beginning in 1971 . Now with the experience behind the program, and the momentum to keep it growing, campers come from as far away as Hawai i, Florida, Washington, Maine, and California. Tsukara boasts campers from almost every state in the U.S. Tsukara is an eight week program composed of a three week, two week, and three week session . You can sign up for one, or any combination up to eight weeks. Applications come in early and sessions are often filled as early as February . If you are interested in a true gymnastics summer - with pl enty of top coachi ng and training, lots of recreational activities, a place to meet lo ng-l asting gymnastic friends, - we might have just th e place. Write for information to Tsukara 400 Glenview Road Glenview, Illinois 60025.

Uneven bars class

AMF AMERICAN TSUKARA COACHING SYMPOSIUM At the end of the summer, Tsukara provides a unique exe rience for coaches hosting the annual AMF Ame rican-Tsukara Coaching Symposium . Thi s is a five day event wh e re coaches from all over the country come to hear som e of th e nations leading coaches, j udges, and clinicians go through a very complete and comprehensive program covering all aspects of gymna sti cs. The first tow years have seen two excell ent programs headed by such people as: Vanni e Edwards, Ernie Weaver, Jacki e Fie , George Lewis, Dr. Gerald George, Dr. Joe Ma ss imo, Jon Aitken, Ed Gagnier, Char Christ ense n, Roxa nne Pierce, Dian e Grayson, and others. The program includes sessio n s on biom ec h ani cs, practical lecture and demon strat ion , spotting techniques, dance, op en discussion and problem so lving, coaching philosophy and psychology, organi za ti on and adm inistration and much more. The wee k is highlighted by many exce ll ent social events culminated by a meorabl e coac ktail hour and banquet at beautiful Mount Telemark Ski Lodg e and resort. 51

701 Beta Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44143

GREAT STYLES FOR ACTION It isn 't o ft en that a ca mper gets the chan ce to hit th e ca mp d irec to r in the face w ith a pl ate of wh jpped crea m o r crac k an egg over th e head of a favorit e in stru cto r but those w ere some of ! li e' thin gs that happed at Stroudsburg Sport s Camp thi s past summer. " 8esid es many soc ial acti vities camp ers w ere also ex p osed to exce llent gymnasti c in st ruction prov ided by kn o wl edgeable and highl y mg t iva ted in stru cto rs in pleasant surroundings. !,xpand ed fa cilities provided bett er workout co[1diti o ns th an th e previous year and cla sse s ~e r e stru ctu red so that the student-t eacher ratjo w as neve r greater than 8 to 1. Good gymn as ti c trai nin g was Stroudsburg 's first p,ri o rit y las t sumer and aga in this season . " Camp director Fre d Turoff wa s pleased w ith \h e increased ca mp e nrollment and th e efforts p f hi s staff. Fr ed, alo ng with Bill Coco , executive qirec tor o f th e Phil ad elphia GymnasticCenter, il[1d Denni s and Ro ni e Seidel, former gymnast s an d gra duates o f Temple University, have be en running th e ca mp at Stroudsburg for two years ahd also a gym clini c during Th ank sgiving v a ~a ti o n. This ca mp has always been held th e la st two week s in July and the first two week s in Augu st. 'St ud ents w ere required to attend five 45 minute cl asses a day and an open workout each e v ~ nin g. Th ey co uld also choose to attend an exI ra aftern oo n class where age group compul sori es w er e taught. Following cla sses free tim e wa s provid ed for other activities such 1Is' swimmin g, boa ting, fishing, hiking and te[1n is. A recreati o n h all was open during these tlOurs and ca mpers could play ping pong and chec k o ut bas k etball s and voll eyballs . Th e st aff at this year' s camp was much th e sam e as la st. Yoshi Hayasaki, coa ch at the Uni ve rsit y of Illinois, headed the boy ' s staff. Yoshi ha s h eld every major all around title in th e United States and was very popular with all I re ca mp ers. Yoshi also won the egg toss for th e s~co nd straight yea r and received an egg on th e bea d as part o f hi s v ictory . Assisting with th e poyos program we re m any Templ e Universit y gyrtJna sts and fo rm er Temple gymnasts !ncludin g Ri ch Ca rlson , Tom Kovi c, Jeff Rose nberg, Ri ck Lund and Bain e and Kent ~asvesc hu k. M o st o f th e girl ' s st aff was mad e up of former Mannett e Gym C lub (now changed to Fbil ad elphia Gymnasti c Center) gymnasts or ( 4rrent Mannette coa c hes. Possibly th e best ~n q wn of th ese teachers is Janet Cantwell , a


memb er o f th e 1970 W o rld Games tea m and Nati ona l tea m m ember in 1971 who prese ntl y coa c hes at State Co ll ege (Pa .) High School. Form er M ann ett es Li sa and Judy Neutze, M arni Holmes , j o ann e Bec k, plus present Mannette co ach Barbara Th atcher were on the girl 's staff alo n g w ith Betty Bern z and former Southern Conn ecti cut gy mnasts Valerie Lewis and j eann e Thor. Dave Berg, a form er SCSC gy mn ast. Pete M ull en, and jimm y Leo, a talent ed in stru cto r fro m New York City helped round o ut th e wo m en 's staff. Th e d ance instruction was carefully handled by Ri ch Martin and Lynn Perro tt , two profess io nal da nce rs fro m NYC. Al so Kim Mu sg rave, last yea r' s coac h at th e Uni versit y o f Illino is and a fo rm er M annette, w as ava il abl e for o ne wee k o f ca mp and helped with d an ce in stru ction and cho reography. An added fea ture at Stroud sburg w as assistan ce b y Kim and janet w ith o pti o nal routine con struction. Bill Coco also co nducted several co achin g classes d u rin g th e third w eek when a large gro up o f coac hes (many from Mi chi gan ) att ended to learn n ew coaching te chniques. W ee kend acti viti es were schedul ed for those campers stayin g fo r more than a o ne we ek sess io n. Denni s and Ronie, th e program direc to rs, o rga ni ze d steeple chases, a skit n ight , seve ral co rn roas ts and cookouts, feature movies and gymnasti c film s. One speci al event was th e ca mpers ve rsus staff handstand cont est wh ere any camp er could challenge a m emb er of th e staff to see w h o could hold a handstand th e lo ngest. Th e lose r of the contest had to get a pl at e of whipped crea m in the fa ce from th e winne r. Iro nica lly all o f the challenged st affers lost and three of th e four directors got rew arded for their e fforts with a plate in the face, too. A special hi ghli ght of the final week w as a dem o nstration o f tumbling skills. One of th e fea tu re d perfo rm ers w as Ann Carr of th e Phil ad elphia Gymnasti c Center who had just return ed from w inn i ng the final Pan Am erican Tri als in Mi ami , Fl o rid a, Pi a ns are now underway for the ThanksgiVing Clini c and fo r n ex t yea r's camp. Alrea d y SSC dir ec to r s ho pe to hav e additon al improve ment s fo r n ex t summ er's ca mp incl uding m o re social activities and furth er improve ments i n wo rk o ut facilit ies. An yon e d esiring Thank sg iving information can write to Ho lid ay G ym-In , 340 E. Mechanic St., Phila . Pa. 19144.

For the tops in style and quality for dancers, gymnasts, skaters and sports "persons" . . . even records and instruction manuals for teachers, write for Taffy's great list of catalogs and brochures and join Taffy's great mailing list.


GYMNAST Nov, ' 75

USGF MASTER WORKSHOP 1975 Compulsories India na S tate University Men 's Are na , North 5th 51. T e rre Ha ute, India na AUTHO RS - MASTER TEAC H ERS, Da le Flan sas . Balan ce Beam Rod Hill路 Uneve n Bars linda Met heny - Floo r Exercise Kare n Pal oi le . Ho rse Va ulting




Shirley Bryan

DIRECTOR OF WORKSHOP , Margit Grete T reibe r


The 1975 USGF Congress will be held at the new Denver Marriot Hotel , and will commence Frida y, November 14 . The meetings this year will stretch over a three -day period involving Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. The meetings will begin Friday noon and end on Sunday noon . General sessions are scheduled for Friday at 1:00 p.m., and Saturday morning again at 9:00 a .m. Special CONGRESS REGISTRATION CARDS are available from the USGF Office, and those interested in attending should send their registration to the USGF , P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717, along with their Congress Registration fee, and request hotel reser路 vation forms. The special rate for rooms will not apply unless you specify you are registered for the USGF Congress, so be ready well ahead of time and send now for your forms. The 1975 Banquet is scheduled for Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker is being sought and the program should prove to be very interesting ... and the speaker will be announced when firm commitments have been received.





ADDRESS ________________________________ CITY____________________



STATE ____________________ ZIP ___________

SCHOOL-CLUB OR ORGANIZATION YOU REPRESENT Fill in the above and return to USGF, P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717 Include Registration fee (Make payable to USGF), $25 .00, includes the Banquet, All Open Sessions Admission. Registration after November 1 will be $30.00. GYMNAST Nov. '75



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(3) Handy Order Form.


Now you can wal k in off the street and get all those hard to ob ta in gymnastic supplies

Leotards (Danskin, Capezio, Gym-Kin, Art Teen) Warm-up Suits (Tapered & Flared) Slippers Tube Socks Peds

The Basic Sequence of Each Event is Illustrated in these Unique Medals.

We also carry ... Sportopia & Posters, Books Jewlery Novelty "T" Shirts & much morel

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Socks are white with colored top stripes. GYMNAST Nov. '75

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Gym-Kin. 749 Commerce Street Sinking Spring, Pa . 19608 P. O. Box 2007

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'\ y...fl,,~

Abie Grossfeld


Would Like To See You At

The National Gymnastic Clinic 25th Anniversary

If you have any important material that should b e included in yo ur State r epo rt please send it dire c tl y to yo ur State repr esen tative for coming editions of GYMNAST.

AZ Arizona Lois Godward 3414 N. 63rd St. Scoltsdale. AZ 85251

AR Arkansas

Larry G . We lch 177 Pike Ave. Jackson ville . AR 72076

CA California Mark Da vis c/ o GYMNAST P.O. Box 110 Santa Monica ,CA 90406


Colorado Doug DeWilt

SARASOTA, FLORIDA Dec. 26-30, 1975 Complete Program - 5 Days $25.00

Men - Women - Boys - Girls Gymnastics - Trampoline - Tumbling FOR DETAILS - WRITE TO : Rick Wells, Registrar 413 Rollings Gate Apt. B2 Andalusia, Pa. 19020




No. 2 Tamaral Lane Englewood , CO 80110


Connecticut Ron Brown Koinonia School of Sports. Inc .

Rt. 21 , P.O . Box 321 Thompson , CT 06277


Delaware Patsy I. Knepper 2030 Pinehurst Rd . Wilmington , DE 19803

Jack Miles 2030 Su nset St rip Ft. La uderdale , FL 333 13

FLORIDA ST ATE REPORT There is unofficial talk that Sandy Philips wi ll be heading FSU way next year to complete her doctorate. There is for sure talk (and official says her dad) that Kim Chace is in strict training in Reno heading for a comeback. Everyone who has seen her says she is in fighting trim. Miami Dade North , Bruce Davis Coach , gives scholars hips to deserving/ earning girl gymnasts . Florida State University will not have a gymnastics team . The University failing to support the program. Chic Cicio has joined with Pete Sap · anaro (with Bev Martin instructing) to create the Hollywood School of Gym· nastics ... Good staff should be a good school. The new American Uneven bar ·is fiberglass wit h a wood cover. It looks like the bar you're use to looking at however it's light e r and almost indestru c tib le . naturally it'll cost more but has a great guarantee . Gail Herman and Bethea·Ebson school are combining talents in Orlando. Gail is with their program now progressing up the ladder of responsibility . Nov. 1, Men's Hialeah·Miami Lakes Open , C lass III Camp. , Cass I & II Compo a nd Opt. Don gutzler Hst. End of Nov. Judges Courses No rth , Central , and South Fl a . Districts · site and dates to be determined· or early Dec. Contact B. Davis 1011 Citadel Dr. a lt amonte Spgs. 3701. Dec. 6, Men's Pensacola Jr. College Open , Sei It o host , 3 170 Logan Dr. Pensacola 32503. Second weekend in Dec. Male Judgeing course , Miami Dade North, contact J . Cu lbe r tson or Bruce Davis. Dec. 26·30 Eastern Gym Clinic, Ft. Laud· erdale , Ho liday Pk . Gym; Sarasota Clinic Annual T ramp and Tumbling Clinic includ · ed, Orlando Clinic B/ D Davis hosts. Dec . 20 FGA 9 and under girls Compul· sory meet , Ft. Lauderdale , Holiday Pk. Jan. 17 Men 's Deerfield Beach High open, women's Class II meet, Tallahassee , North Fla. Dist. 1. Jan. or Feb . Suggested for Central & South Fla .C lass III and Class I and II. Feb. 6·7, women's Class I, II North Fla Dist. mee t. Feb . 14 Tentative FGA Camp . Clinic All Classes , Riviera Bch. Feb . Judges courses Nort h, Central, and South Fla . Districts. Feb . 21 Men's Tallahassee Open.



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216 pages, over 175 recipes, illustrated, indexed a nd color coded for easy reference. Recipes for appetizers through desserts. A New Release.


THE RYAN COMPANY 2188 Latimer Lane Los Angeles, CA. 90024 .

GYMNAST Nov. '75

a c lub in Iow a City along with Bob Schwartz. Neil has a full schedule includin g sc hoo ls such as Texas , Chicago, Western, Illinois University , Florida , Minnesota , Nebra ska, Michigan , So. Illinois University, Wisconsin, and the Big Ten C hampio nships at Mi chigan State Uni versty, East Lansing, and NCAA Championships at Michgan State UniverChampionships at Temple Un versity , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . GrandView College - Des Mo ines, Iowa - Coach Jake J acobson . Out of 19 tea ms in the U.S. for Women's Gymnas tic s, Grand View is rated #7 for Women's Gymnastics. Judy Pauley, Judy Steinlage, Lori Pike and Darcella Barker are return ing Gymnasts that placed in the top ten in one or more eve nts of their region #6. Note : On Sept. 19 or 20 Judy Pauley was seriously injured while worki ng on the unevens . Last repot was that par ti a l paralysis had occurred. Girls High School gymnastics seaso n will begin November 4. Bo ys HS started in August - No reports yet. There is a new gymnastics club in Dubuque ,lowa under the direction of Jim Welbes . I am happy to see this club start since Dubuque does not have any gymnastics in their high schools. My student teacher here at the high school , Pat Hanse n, works at this club as an instructor. Thanks to my two assistants - Shelly Carpenter and Karen Locke, from DesMoines , Iowa.

GA Geo rgia Karen Kolman

511 Le e Boulevard Savannah. GA 31405


Hawaii David Dale 1634 Makike #905 Honolulu , HI 96813

ID Idah o Ms. Diane J. Ostrander 325 Montvue Drive Meridian . ID 83642


Indiana Mrs. Lo rie Walker 220 South Gu yer Hobart. IN 46342

IA Iowa

Leah Eberle 399 Myra Place Clinton . IA 52732

Iowa State Reporter Leah Eberle began her gymnastics interest at Blackhawk Junior College in Moline, minois. When she transferred to N orthern //Iinois University she became a team member for 1 year. During this time at Norther, she was employed by the Kishwaukee YMCA in DeKalb, minois as a girls' gymnastics coach. After gradua tion she became the girls : gy mnastic s caach at Clinton High School in Clinton, Iowa and is into her third year as Physical Educatian teacher and coach. Her husband, Steve is her assistant coach. They also give private gymrKlstics lessons to the public. IOWA STATE REPORT I have written every college in Iowa , plus every hgh school that has boys gymnastics and I have received the foll owi ng reports: University of Iowa - Coach Neil Schmitt of the Mens' team. He also runs


Kan sas

R. Dean Stamm 2553 S .E. Alexander Dr Topeka , KS 66605

KY Kentucky

Gail Maloney 703 Waterford Road Louisville. KY 40207

ME Maine Lucie Tardif 39 Whipple Street Winslow. ME 04902

MD Maryland Margie & Greg Weiss 180, Gamewell Road Silver Spring, MD 20904

Mary land State Reporters Greg and Margie Weiss are the direc tors of MG GYMNASTICS Club , in Maryland. Greg received his Bachelor and Master Master 's Degrees at Penn S tate Univ . And did his Doctoral work in business administration at Univ. of Maryland. He was a member of the US Olympic Team , US World Games Team , Pan American Gold Medalist , and is an International Judge. He was the T V commentator for Channel 26 for international gymnastic match, and was personal interviewer on TV of Olga Korbut and Ludmilla Turis cheva. He is Judging commissioner in Montgomery County, Maryland. Margie was a graduate of the University of Maryland. She was Montgomery County outstanding gymnast; National YMCA champion; Eastern Collegiate Champion; National Collegiate Titalist, US National Team , and US All-A merican Gymnastic Team . Besides directing MG club her coaching career has consisted of Director, Mid Atlantic Gymnastic Camp; Master Teacher, New England Clinic; Special Teacher MAHPER, to train physicol education teachers in advanced gymnastics; Meet director, MG Open Competitions; Judging Commissioner, Montgomery County; Gymnastic judge; TV commentator, Channel 26, as gymnastic expert; MAGA coach far Maryland State Team in five-state meet. She is a Member of USGF, USSAIGC .

o ne Royal T gymnast participated. Among the top U.S _gymnasts at the all -day clinic were e lite pe rformers Jodi Yocum of the Parkettes and Kyle Gaynor, now of the Southern Connecticut Gym Club . New Changes in the Olympic compu lsories were discussed by Muriel Grossfeld , as a res ult of he r observations and conversations at the Pre-Olympics in Montreal. In Maryland itself, the gymnastic section of the D.C. Officiating Services Association Uudges' organi zation) met to discuss the coming gymnastic calendar with new compulsory clinics , meets, and judging responsibilities. A judging association cli nic was held over the summer to acquaint the newer teams, coaches, and judges with correc t positions and deduc tions in the 1976 C lass compulsories. The association will rent out the new compulsory films to better co-ordinate compul sory movements among the ~rea teams. having joined the N at io nal Association o f Women 's Gymnastic Judges , Maryland and Virginia have now coo rdinated the DGWS a nd the NAWGJ with the same board members. Open meet schedu les for the Wash ington area are being organzied for the winter: Sunday, Dec. 14 - MG Gymnastics Open Compulsory Meet , Silver Spring. October in Maryland is the beginning of meet season for the elite competitors. A pre-elite meet was held on Oct. 11-12, for practice toward the Mo nessen Nov. Elite Meet. There are 6 girls in Maryland working the elite compulsories, who last

MARYLAND STATE REPORT An Elite clinic for girl s was h eld on Sept. 14 in Allentown , Pennsyl van ia . Teams from Maryland to Massachusetts brought their top gymnasts, coaches and judges. From Maryland , one independent, one MG gymnast, two MarVateens, and

year were in t hei r respecive age-g rou p

Nationals . Kitty Taylor of the MG Gymnastic Team (formerly of the Karons in Virginia) Jill Andrews of the Royal T's, and Chris Leonard, independent, participa ted in the elite clinic in September, as well as MarVaTeens Susy Greer, Jennifer Huff, and Judy Helfin. Prince Georges Coun ty in Maryland is hosting a teachers' course in gymnastics. Formerly, Prince Georges County had a very new a nd low key gymnastic program. But by using the private gymnastic geam coac hing staffs as the instructors for the course , gymnastics is starting to blossom in this Washington Subrb .


Mic hi ga n Paul S. Shedlik 11048 Morley Tayl or . MI 48180

11111'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJIIII111111111111111111 •••••••••••••••••••• l.I.II ••••• 111111.1111 •• l~IIIIIIIIL.

gymnast memorabilia

golden 100 offer 100 Gymnastic Magazines for Just $29.95 ppd.

TO: Club Directors, Camp Directors, Instructors and Coaches It is many an athlete's dream to obtain "gold". Well, to our gymnas t friends we are giving it away. GYMNAST is o ffering our " Golden 100" the entire inventory of availab le past edit ions (whic h includes THE MODERN GYMNAST, MG , GYMNAST and Mademoiselle Gymnast numbering a total o f 100 separate issues ) for just.. _ $29.95 per set postpaid_ Each set is a' golden sour ce for p h o tos, instruction ideas, gymnastic aids a nd m e mori es_

GYMNAST Nov. '75




send the special "GXMNAST GOLDEN HUNDRED " for just )29.95 (includes postage) Name ____________________________

Address _____________________

City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ __ Club/ Camp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ GYMNAST Golden Hundred P.O. Box 110 Santa Monica, Ca , 90406 57






Mrs. Marlys Binger 3921 Avondale Street Minnetonka. MN 55343

Bob Sherman 12 17-D Lockhu rst Rd . Columbus. O H 43207

Te le ph o n e: (213) 756-3283




An extremely flexible snug-fi tting shoe wit h white nylon je rsey upper. Provides excellent toe point during competit ion . Foot o pening is encased

with elastic to assu re a snug fit for comfort, wear and appearance . Leather sole is slip-free . Worn by many top international competitors.

SIZES: 1-10

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MINNESOTA STATE REPORT I had a brief chat with our own Kolle en Ca sey th e other day . She is re a ll y a gymnast in the true sense of the word . She works out 4-6 hours a day in the gym , yet is ab le to maintain very high grades in school. Her enthusiasm for gym nastics is absolutely inspiring. Kolleen is the only Elite gymnast in the e ntire region _ She competed int he Pan-Am Trials in Miami Beach, Florida and took a 4th place AIIAround to qualify for the Pan-Am Tea m_ She is preparing now for that. Kolleen is a member of the St. paul Turners Club. A former teammate of Ko!leen's, Denise Rive t , who has also had a busy competing summer took a 3r d All-Ar oun d at t he National U.S .G. F. Senior Olympi~s i'n Connecticut , wh ich helped her to receive a Gymnastic Sc holarship from Clarion State College in Pennsylvania . Congratulati o ns Denise they are very hard to come by!! Theresa Thompson - from the Burnsvill e Gymnastic club tok places in all eventsat the AAU Junior Olympic Nationals in New York on August IS- 18th _Which e nabled her to ca pture a First Place AII -Around _ Sheila Ewer - Liz Greene - Lynne Torgerson and Theresa Thompson are eagerly awaiting the Elite try-outs in Iowa. good Luck girls.




SIZES: 1-12

$4.50 pro Ppd.

Missouri Randy R. Nelson 3931 Taravue "C 51. Louis. MO 63125


Pennsylvania John R. Buoni

Jack Jablonski 489 Pine Street

Manc hester. NH 03104

R.D . "3 West Chester. PA 19380




New Jersey

Holly C. Szabo 12 Dion 51. Winooski. VT 05404

Albert Kowal ski 88 Iroquois Ave. Lake Hiawath . NJ 07034


WA Washington

Graha m E. Bartlett 5505 Acoma Rd. SE Albuquerque. NM 87108


Laurann Rogers

4324 5. Braden Place Tulsa. OK 74 135


New Hampshire

Ne"v Mexico

_ . ai~

OK Oklahoma

Oregon Dean Be rry 148 West 12th Ave. Eugene . OR 9740 1


The finest and most popula r all-around gymnastic canvas shoes in the world . Also recommended for girls . Made of canvas with pinpoint rubber moulded sole to prevent slipping . Elastic straps across the top provide for that perfect snug fi t and appearance. Order same size as your s treet shoe or draw outline of foot o n paper for correct size .

Ohio State {leporter Bob Sherman, 28, has been teaching and coaching gymnastics since 1967. He has been a State rated men's judge since 1971, and a National rated judge since 1973. He just received his Associate rating in women 's judging this year. Bob was Secretary- Treasurer for the Oh io Men 's Gymnastic Judges Association for th ~ 1974-75 yeor and is a member of tlie National Gymnastic Judges Association. He has been 0 professional photographer since 1972 but right now -he just ph otogrophs for fun. He is Vice-president of Americon Gymnast, Inc. a private gymnastics school in Columbus. And is also the ossistant coach for AGl's three competition teams. Bob is a charter member of the USSAF ond has been a member of the Columbus Gymnastics Club since 1967.

Mr. James H. Ada ms 11929 198th Ave. 5 .E. Issaquah. WA 98027



Ne w Yo rk

ALL-LEATHER GYM SHOES STYlE # TL -,3- A Worn by many Olympic Teams at the 1968 Mexico Olympic a nd 1972 Munich O lympic Games. Made from the finest , soft off-wh ite leathe r wit h rubber soles . Draw outli ne of foot on paper for correct size .

SIZES: 1-12


$8.75 pro Ppd.

Vinc ent Savastano 3759 Wildwood 51. Yorktown Hgis .. NY 10598

NC No rth Carolina Elissa Fine 2611 Old Kanuga Rd .

Hendersonville, NC 28739

West Virginia Garne l Robinson 801 University A ve.

Morgantown, WV 26505

WI Wisco nsin

Tom Sisulak Gymnastics Coach laFollette High Sc hool 702 Pflaum Road Madison. WI 53716

GYMNAST Nov. '75




INNER FEELINGS OF A P-BAR MAN "Attack those bars" said the coach, and think before you make your approach So there I stood contemplating, wishing someone else WQS demonstrating Then I gathered my cauroge and without a care, I leaped on the bars 'and flew into the air! I caught the bars upside down , standing on my hands with my head spinning round While up in the handstand I could feel myself falling "fight it", ''fight it" I could hear the coach calling. So I squeezed the bars and made myself tight And swung dawn those bars with all of my might! And after dismounting I realized something: that the 'routine I had done was really nothing. By Ron Calderon Parallel Bars Montebello High School Gymnastics Team TURNED OFF Dear People, I am writing in regard to your center/old in the August edition of GYMNAST. I enjoyed the mgazine as a whole but the centerfold turned me off completely for these reasons: Gymnastics is a sport of grace, beauty, and balance. if you were as muscular as the man in the illustration, you couldn't be a gymnast. Obviously you need musc· les but there is a limit to how much weight can be thrown around and still look light and graceful (maybe I shouldn't say "thrown around"). I just love your photos of people in action and I suggest this as an alternative.

I know a great deal of your center/aids are action photos and I'm grateful for that. ... .I'm really glad though that there are people like you who care enough about my favorite sport to publish a magazine. Anyways, I'm glad there's you. Sincerely, Ann Brown AnnArbor, michigan ED ... It was aimed at our high school boys, who by the way we have neglected in our mostly girls center posters. You would be surprised at how many young boys (and adults) we tURNED ON! with that poster.

MOST OUTSTANDING We just want everyone who reads GYMNAST magazine to know about Pat and Nikki Yeager. They are two of the most outstanding coaches there are. They started the Oly mpia School of Gymnastics a few years ago. They have devoted many hours of their time to us and this sport. We thank them so much words could never express. Thank you once again because we know they are THE BEST! Thank s, Turtle and Lynn Houston, Te xas THANKS YOU Dear Coach Joe and Coach Terry, I want to thank you for being the wonder/ul coaches that you are. You have helped me to grow and respect others, I am also a better gymnast for it. I never have met better people than I did during those months I was on the team . I hate to see you leave, but I wish you all the luck in the world. A Gymnast forever, Melanie Modest LUIDMILLA TURISCHEVA Dear Editor, Please print this letter . I want to co ngratulat e yo u and your stafffor presenting such an understanding ort -

SIMPLIFIED METHOD OF JUDGING COMPULSORY EXERCISES learn how to judge women's compulsory exercis· es (uneven bars , floor exercise , balance beam , vaulting) with a method that is so simple, fast and accurate . Exercises cannot be mis-scored using the "simplified" method of judging. The best routine will receive the highest score whether performed first last or wherever. Also includes sources for ordering women's gymnastic rules books. Cost $1.70. Order from: Helen Sjursen, 46 Poplar Place, Fanwood, N.J. 07023 . Check payab le to Helen Sjursen, must accompany order. No foreign orders.

ORDER BLANK Send to: Helen Sjursen, 46 Poplar Place, Fanwood, N .J. 07023 Please send me _ copy{ies) of th e "Simplified Method of Judging 'Compulsory Exercises" Enclosed is a check for $ Name _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

-------------------- ~p -------Affiliation

WRONA'S Gymnastic Apparel RD #1 Elmbrook Village Beaver Falls, PA 15010


ide on L.uidmilla , T urischeva in the Aug. 1975 Gymnast . As a great and long time admirer of L.uidmilla, it made her recent European competition loss . less

painful. Yes, Luidmilla deserves all of the out · standing honors she has wan. She is a tireless worker, beautifully skilled, with her own special kindness and beauty. LlIidmilla T urisc heva is a true cha mp · ion ;n the gymnastic art . And it is through her art she has demonstrated what one can achieve if you try and do you r very best. Thank YOll very much , Barbaro J. Dice Clinton. Ohio ACROSTIC? Dear Glenn, Please accept my entry for the Gym· nastics Acrostic Contest. If there is not such a contest, why not start one! By the way, this poem can be sung to the tune of" Mother", if anyone is really interested. Sincerely, Robert F. Marris, Director Delmarva Gymnastic Academy Salisbury, Md. G is for the guts you need to start with, Y means that yo u yearn to be supreme, M is for the muscles that you build up, N means that you never doubt your dream. A is for agility, you need it, S' means suppleness and self·esteem, T is for the training, never ceasing, I, imagination with a theme. C ;s concentration you must strive for, S means skills must come without a scream, Put them all together, it's G YMNAST/CS, With these vou're sure to make the team! WHA T MAKES A GYMNAST? As a gymnast I know what it is like to mess up a rau,tine, to fall off apparatus, to be disappointed and to feel pain, but I also know the glory, the pride and the happi· ness. What makes a person go through all this? Well ...

A person who is dedicated to gymnas· tics will be the person who will give up everything for it and have the confidence to try more difficult stunts. Confidence is the foundation for every· thing. It takes an extremely ap-'imistic person to learn samies on the bars, aerials an the beam or layouts on the floor. Should a gymnast lose her nerve in the middle, anything could happen: A gym'· nast must learn to be absolutely certain of herself at all times. It also takes determination to excel in gymnastics. Most people after a serious injury wouldn't come back and try again, but a true, dedicated gymnast will; she also will get the most out of gymnastics in the end. Determination helps a gymnast to per/ect tricks, and perfection 'is what makes gymnastics so beautiful (a watch. I also feel that sportsmanship ' is a quality a gymnast must have. It is impor· tant to win and lose gracefully. ' Gymnastics is an art in which the gym · nast must learn to condition her body. It isn't an easy sport to learn, and it requ ires stamina to get through the long hours of workout , but I for one feel it is all worth · while. I have had many injuries, but I keep coming back. Why? I guess it is the ex· treme and neverending love that I hau.efar gymnastics and the desire to master it, but most important I want to be the best gymnast I can bel I hope you do too. Helen Miller New York , N. Y.

THE GYMNAST After her move was made just right, the face and the smile shane so bright. All real new was the girl & ber styre the smile stayed brite for quite a while. She moved along with wonderausgrace and stayed right in there with the p'ace. Easy (was the way) she made it seem as she walked along the beam . Now she walks proud and bald (to collect) her prize a medal of gold! Karla Helm Metropolis, /II.

On the Beam We're on the beam at Selva. We know that nothing less than perfection will satisfy today's gymnast. That's why Selva gymnastic shoes are skillfully crafted of the finest materials, under rigid quality controls to assure perfect fit, comfort and uniform appearance. Depen«f on Selva to meet the exacting demands of today's gymnastic generation.

World's leading manufacturer of dance and gymnastic footwear.


Selva and Sons, Inc, 1607 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10019 Write Dept. "J" for cat~ logue and address of your nearest Selva agency,

ALL GYMNASTIC NEEDS Serving Pittsburgh and Tri-State Area 30 Years Experience GYMNAST Nov_ '75


POSTER SPECIAL 10 Assorted Posters

For $5.00

()RDER DEADLINE - Dec. 31, 1975

410 Broadway Santa Monica, Ca. 90401

Quantities li mited 路 Gym Shop reserves the right to su bstitute Posters as available. Poster Gallery posters are all in scale to each other. Poster #8 is 32y,"x21 "

Books, Jewelry, T-Shirts and Trophies can be ordered from the GYM SHOP with the .courtesy envelope inserted in this magazine.

Poster Special Order Form Enclosed please find $5.00 plus 50垄 for postage and handling (Calif. residents please add 6% sales tax) for the posters checked in box opposite.

NAME ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________--------------CITY ______________________________________________________

STATE ____________________________________ ZIP ____________

10 20 30 40 50 60

70 80 90 10 110 120

130 140 150 160 170 180

190 200 210 220

NOTE: Include GYMNAST Poster gallery order blank in GYM SHOP envelope enclosed in this edition for your c onvenienc e.

Gymnast Poster Gallery

Nov. 1 or 8 Big 8 Imitational, Lawrence, Kansas Nov. 4 Inte rnational Gymnastic "Milk Meet", Toronto . Canad,l. Sit e undetermined. Nov. 14, 15, 16 USGF Congress, Denve r, Co lorado, at the Denver MJrrioi. $25.00 early registration fee. Nov. 22 Windy City Invitational, Ch icago. Nov. 28-29 Midwest Championships, Ch icago. Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 National AAU Committee Meetings {Gymnastics) Ilraniff Place Hotel, New O rl eans, La. , for more info . writ e I\I\U House, 3400 West 86th Street, Ind ianapoli ,. Indiana 46268. Dec. 5-6 1st National Elite Qualifying Trials, Houston , T" x;" - husted by the Xpe ri ence Gym nasti c C lu b. USSR/ TOUR 1975 Dec. 7 New Yurk , NY Dec. 8 Cleve la nd , OH Dec. 9 C hampai gn/ Urbana , IL Dec. 11 Lu s Angeles, CA Dec. 12 ~an ~r,lI lCisco, CA Dec. 14 Detroit, MI Dec. 15 Cin c i'lil dt i, OH Dec. 17 At la,lI,l , GI\ Dec. 18 Wd shin gton, D.C. Dec. 12, n, "14 Asian Youth Games, Ma nil a, Phillipines. Dec. 12, 13 California Open, University of Ca lifornia, Berke ley. C ,lifurnia . Dec. 12-13 Rocky M o untain Open, Denve r, Colorado Dec. 26-30 National Gymnastic Clinic (AAU), Robarts Arena , SMasota, Fl orida. Dec. 26-30 USGF Eastern Gymnastic Clinic, Ft. Laude,d a le. Florid,l. 1976 Jan. 16, 17 Elite Program Second Regional Qualifying Meet, Sit e undet e rmin e d. Feb. 6, 7 Elite Program Second National Qualifying Meet. Sit e unde termined. Mar. USGF Elite National Championships, Site und etermin e d. Mar. 4, 5, 6 Pacific Eight Gymnastic Championships, Univ ersi ty of Oregon, Euge ne, Orego n. Mar 5, 6 NAIA National Gymnastics Tournament, Universit y of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, LaCrosse, Wiscon sin . Mar. 12, 13 NCAA East Regional Gymnastic Meet, Penn State Uni versity, Un ive rsity Park, Pennsylvania. Mar. 18, 19, 20 Western Athletic Conference Gymnastic Championships, Colo rado State University, Fort Co ll ins , Co lorado. Mar. 19, 20 Big 8 Gymnastic Championships, University of Colorado, Boul der, Co lorado . Mar. 19,20 NCAA West Regional Gymnastic Meet, San Jose Stat e Un ive rsit y, San Jose, Cali forn ia. Mar. 25, 26, 27 NCAA Division II National Gymnastic Championships, Un ive rsity of No rthern Iowa, Ceda r Fall s, Iowa. Mar. 26, 27 Big 10 Gymnastic Meet, Michigan State, Ea st Lan sing , Mi chigan . Apr. 1,2,3 NCAA National GymnasticChampionships, Templ e Uni ve rsit y, Philadelphia , Pennsylvan ia . Apr. 8, 9, 10 USA Gymnastic Championships for Women, Site undet er mined. Apr. 10-11 YMCA Nationa ls, men and women, Bethesda-Chevy Chase YMCA , Mary land Apr. 15-17 National AAU Junior Gym. Championships, Men and Women, Ce ntury School of Gymnastics, Pomona, New York . Apr. 23, 24, 25 National Gymnastics Conference and Workshop (Former ly Southwestern Regional Gymna sti cs Confere nce a nd Worksho p), Las Vegas Conventi on Cente r; Las Vegas, Nevada, Hilto n ' Internati ona l contact: Tom Edson, Physical Education Testin g Cuurd in atur, Riverside County Schoo ls Offi ce, 4015 Lemon Stree t, P.O. Box 868, Riverside, CA 92502, Phone: (714) 787-6431. Apr. 29; 30, May 1 National AAU Senior Elite Championships, M e n a nd Women , Exact site not determin ed as yet but wi ll be he ld in Phil adelphi a, contact AAU . May 6, 7, 8 Age Group Program USGF Junior National Championships, Site undete rmin ed. May 13, 14, 15 USA Olym pic Womens Trials at Los Ange les Sports Arena. May 20 and 22 Me n's Olympic Trials, University o f Californ ia, Berke ley, Ca li forn ia. August 6-9 National AAU Jr. Olympic Championships, Boys and Girls, M e mphis State Uni ve rsity, Memp hi s, Ten n. (ontact : I\I\ U. Unofficial Sche dule For the USGF Elite Program 1975-76 Oct. 31-Nov. 1 1st Regional Elite Qualifying Meet. Dec. 5-6 1st Nati ona l Elite Qualifying Meet.


Jan . 16-17 l nd Regio nal Elite Qualifying Meet. Feb. 6-7 l nd National Elite Qualifying Meet. Mar. 4, 5, b USGF Women's Committee National Elite Championships. Apr. 9-10 M ,lSte r Elite M eet. M ay 13, 14, 15 Olympic Tria ls. July 5-14 Depolrture for Olympic Games. We would like to publish a calendar that is Gymnasti('a lly co mple te - if you have a ny additions plea se send th e m to: GYMNAST Ca lendar P.O . Box t10 Santa M o nica, Ca. 90406

Your own


Arra ng ed dnd pldyed by inle rll .Jliolld ll y known

Hugo Sartorello residellt pidllist Came lbdck Illn

CLASSIFIED "GYMNASTCLASStFtED", Rat es are 20q per lVord fo r th e first 25 '100'01(1 ... () 'i .UU minimum) dnu 10q for each additional wo rd . (A ds aft: .11 ( ", )[(~d ,II th e discreti on o f th e publi sher). Check o r m OIH'Y ordl'r mU SI J C(O lllpany copy and be received by the 5th 01 111(' mOIl[h prC l cuing issue dat e. ;'GYMNAST" C, P.O. Bo x 110. ~. HII .. " 'oni c.1. CA 90406.

CYMN ASTIC COACH M ust have teaching experience in all app.II .. I U ... . (O ve r 21) r o p sJ lar y for qualified perso n. Full lime. ( all ( I I Wr il 4! - I JP 'N roe Gymnastics Academy 2225 W . 15th Plal1 (l . '1P ~ . I '" 75U74. Phone (214) 423-5430.

for more information write: Hugo Sartorello ARIZONA TWISTERS S026 N. Granite Reel Rd. Scottsdale, Arizona 65253 (602) 945-9308

As an athlete , you know that confidence in your own ab il ities and in the equipment being used are vital to achieving top performance. Our complete line of Gym Master dynamically designed equipment instills that sense of confidence in everyone ... beginners as well as the most demanding advanced student, gymnast, or coach. Are you using " confidence-building" Gym Master equipment? We're known the world over for excellence in quality and engineering .

Ask your coach to write for our free catalog. THE GYMNASTIC EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS

3200 South Zuni Street •

Englewood, Colorado 80110 GYMNAST Nov. '75

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Here's how to bring

l!Our trampoline up to A"STM safety standards! Recently the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) developed new safety standards for trampoline equipment. These standards have evolved, not only for safety of the performer, but for the protection of the instructor. The three items below are mandatory for all new trampolines furnished to schools. Bring your trampoline up to ASTM standards now by ordering these items!

Spring Hook Covers

Frame Pads

Cautionary Labels

All exposed spring hooks must be covered. Nissen has designed a flexible vinyl cover that slips on the exposed hook of the spring to help prevent skin cuts and abrasions. Covers remain on the springs permanently and do not hamper spring action. per set. .. ...... . .. .. . . .. ' .' ... . .. $5

The frame and part of the suspension system (spring ends connected to the frame) must be protect~d by frame pads

Cautional)llabels must appear on both sides of the trampoline frame and both sides of the bouncing bed. If your trampoline is not equipped with these labels a full set will be sent to you free upon request.

No. 8890-C Goliath Standard Frame Pads (set of 4) . .... . . ...... $179 No. 7790-C Regulation Standard Frame Pads (setof4) . .. : .". $173



ORDER FORM: Please send us the items we have checked below as soon as possible.






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_ _ Set for Regulation Trampoline at $173




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City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State ____________ Zip Code _ _ __


Purchase order no. (if necessary) ____________ Signature ____________________________________




THE RELIABLE ONES I I 路 . 930 27th Ave. SW. Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52406 Phone 319/365-7561 I L_~-~ ~~~~- ----------~~----~---------~-----~

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