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-------------------------------------------------GYMNAST June '75
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume XVII / Number 6/ June 1975 5.
FROM THE EDITOR/ PUBLISHER, Gl e nn Sundby 6. VIEWPOINTS, Dick Criley 7. WHAT'S HAPPENING 8. CO-ED CAMPUS COLUMN, Gr e tchen Dowsin g 10. 2nd USGF ELITE QUALI FICATION MEET, Reno, Nevada, Rob Fields 15. VIEWPOINTS OF 2nd USGF NATIONAL ELITE QUALIFICATION MEET, Rob Fields NEWS '75 and RIGA 16. MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS, Fran k J. Cumiskey 16. Men's Report, M.R. Willson 19. Women's Report, Bill Coco 22. F.I.G. IN TROUBLE, Dr. Josep h Gohl e r 23. INTERNATIONAL REPORT, Dr. Joseph Goh le r 25. CHAMPIONS ALL, Pe te Shilston 29. 1975 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS, For Women, Lars Kolsrud 36. POSTER CENTERFOLD, Nadia Comaneci, Romania 45. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS, Andria B. Schmid 46. 1975 NJCAA CHAMPI.ONSHIPS 48. NCAA FOLLOW-UP, H.J Bieste rfeldt 51. CLUB CORNER 52. 1st Academy of Men's Gymnastics, Rea And e rs 54. SWING: The Essence of Gymnastics Part V, A.B. Fred er ic k 56. I'VE GOT RHYTHM, Pa ul Ziert 57. TEACHING HIGH BAR PIROUETTES WITH THE AID OF A TRAMPOLINE, Art Aldr~tt 58. MORE ON: HOW TO TURN AROUND WITHOUT FALLING DOWN, Rob ert Manscomb 59. WHY DO WE LEARN , Steve Lerner 60. YAMASHITA VAULT, Ro b Fields 62. GOOD POSTURE ANYONE, Ton y Williams 64. ILLINOIS OUTLOOK, Skip Ray 64. PSYCHOLOGY AND THE GYMNAST, Dr. Joe Massimo 65. MEET RESULTS 67. CANADIAN REPORT, loR. Waller 68. LETTERS 69. RUBY 70. CALENDAR Cover: Denise Cheshire, 2nd AA, 2nd USGF El ite Qu a lifica ti o n Tria ls, Reno, Nevada.
* *
Editor/ Publisher: Gl e nn Sundby Associate Editors: Dick Criley Rob Field s Research Editor: H.J. Bie sterfe ldt International Editor: Dr. Jo sep h Gohl e r Men's Instructional Coordinator: H.J. I:llesle rfeldl Production Assistant: Pat L'Toile Circulation and Advertising Manager: Dr. R.S. Bach GYMNAST Librarian: Te rr y Ka n, M .A. GYMNAST magazine is published by Su ndb y Publications. 410 Broadway, S.lnla Mon ica, C.1. 90401. Second Class Postage paid At Santa M o ni ca, Ca. Publish e d m o nthl y. Price $1.00 a single copy. Subscription co rresponden ce. GYMNAST - P.O. 80x 110, Santa Monic.l, Col lJ0406. Copyright '197S < all rights rese rved by SUNDBY PUBLICA liONS, 4'10 Broadwa y. Sanla Monica, Ca. All Pho tos and nl ilnuscripls s ubmitted become th e prop e rt y of GVMNAST unless ret urn re quest and sufficie nt postage are included.
Recently, in response to reader requests, GYMNAST went on a " fishing" exped iti on in thes e pages with a tear-out co upon to secure the identities and locations of gymnast ic clubs , sc hoo ls, teams, and summer camps (camps were listed in previou s ed iti on of GYMNAST) throughout the United States. When a gymnast moves from one lo cal ity to another, he wants to al ign himself with a new gymnast ic group immediate lY, so there wi ll be no break in his training or participation , but very often he is frustrated by not knowing how or where to find the program he d es ires, so he writes to GYMNAST. Parents write seek in g the names of gYmnastic schoo ls and / or summer camps in spec ific geograph ic locations where they might enro ll their Young gymnasts. The following li st , then , is in keeping with GYMNAST's ed ito ri al policY of printing all the information at its disposal which can be of use to its readers . If YOUR NAME (c lu b, schoo l o r team) is not included here and You would like GYMNAST reader s in Your area to locate You easi lY, send pertinent informatio n about Your group to GYMNASL
Academy of Artislic Gymnaslics, Bakersfield , Ca. Aerials Gymnastics School, Arca di a, Ca. All American Gymnastics Camps, Billings, Monl. Allentown YWCA Gym Team, Alle nt ow n, Pa. All' s Gymnastics Schools, Inc., New Shrewsb ury, New Je rseY Anaheim Gym Gals, Ana he im, Ca. Anah e im Illusions, Anaheim, Ca. Aztec Gymnastics Club, San Diego, Ca. Beverly Hills Tinsi cettes, Be ve rl y Hills, Ca . H.R. Ryall YMCA Tumbleweeds, Glen Ell Yn, III. Brimmer & May School of Gymnastics, Chestnut Hill , Mass. Burbank YMCA, Bur ba nk , Ca. Burlingame Gymnastic Team, Burlingame, Ca. Burnsville Gymnastics Activities Ass'n , App le Vall eY, Minn. California Stars, Mo nrovia , Ca. Carrollton Recreatio n Center, Carrollton, Tex. Claremont Acrobatic Syncronized Teams, Cla rem on t, Ca . Clemmer, Leonard School of Gymnastics & Ballet, C harlott e,
.c. Columbia School of Gymnastics, Portland , O re . Covina Gym Center, Cov in a, Ca. Crese nla Canada YMCA, l aCa nad a, Ca. Culver City Gym Club, los Angel es, Ca . . Delmarva Gymnastic Academy, Sa lsbu ry, Md. Dewitl's School of Gymnastics, Den ver, Co. Diablo Gymnaslics club, Walnut Creek, Ca. Easlern Long Island Gymnasts Ass' n, Ma uitu ck, ew Yo rk Fargo-Moorhead Acro Team, Fa rgo, N. D. Fernangeles Gymcats, Pacoim a, Ca. Flairs, So uth Pasadena , Ca. Flipettes, Bu rba nk , Ca . Foothill Gymnastic Club, Sunland , Ca. Giguere, Joann e School of gymnaslics, Cher rY Va ll e Y, Ma ss. Gisler Interm e diate School, Huntin gto n Beac h, Ca. Glendale Gym Club, Gle ndal e, Ca. Gym J's (YMCA) Farmington , Mich. Gymnastic Academy of Boston, '-'Vestwood, Mass. Gymnastic Ce ntre, C hico, Ca. Gymnastics Club, Hawt horn e , Ca. Gymnastics Olympica, Va n Nu Ys, Ca. Gymnastics USA, l o s alam itos, Ca. Hawth orne YMCA Spinsters, Ha wth o rne , Ca. Hecks, Orange , Ca. Henry, William Gymnastic Club, Dove r, De l. Hi Desert Gymnaslic Team, Rid gecrest, Ca. House of. Gymnastics, The, M isha waka, In d iana Irvin e School of Gymnastics, I rvin e, Ca. Jetes, Sea l Beac h, Ca. KIPS Gymnastics Team, l o n g Be ac h, Ca. LaVe rn e College Gym-Nasts, Ont ari o, Ca. Leisure Tim e Design Gymnastic Institute, Sa nta Barbara, Ca. Los Alamitos Flyawa ys, los Ala mit o s, Ca. Los Feliz Gymnastic club, l os Ange les, Ca. Louisville Gym Club, l o ui sv ill e , Ky. Marlborough School, l o s Angeles, Ca.
Matad or Gymnastics In slitute, Sepu lveda , Ca. Mats Gymnastics Club, los An ge le s, Ca. Merce d Gymn'ast ics C lub, M e rced , Ca . Mid-Island Gymnastics, Hi cksv ille, NY Midwest Gymnastic Academy, Ma rl o n, II I. Munci e Gymnas tic Sc hool, Mu ncie, Indiana Musawwi r, ew Yo rk, I .Y. M.l. School of Gymnastics, Caze nov ia, N.Y. Nard ' s Cymnastic School, Amari ll o , Tex. Newport Beach Gym. Cen te r, Sa nt a Ana , Ca. Northeast YMCA, Allade n a, Ca . North Jersey Gymnastic School, Pilt stmvn , N.J. North Orange County YMCA, Brea , Ca. Northland Gymnastics Center, Pittsb urg h, Pa . Old Gates Gymn club, Superio r, \l\Iis. Ozark Gymnastics Empire, Sp rin g fi e ld , Mo. Prarie Girls Gymnastics Ca mp, Fa rgo, N. D. Premiere, Huntingto n Be ach, Ca. Patti' s Mini Gym, York shi re, N. Y. Redlands Gym Club, Redland s, Ca. Riverside Gymna stics Club, Ri vers id e , Ca. Rochester YMCA, Rochester , Minn. Rocky Mount ain School of Gymnastics, Stea mboat Sprin gs , Colo. San Antonio Gymnastic School, Sa n Ant o ni o, Tex. Sa n Diego School of Gymnastics, Sail Diego, Ca. San Diego YMCA, Sa n Diego, Ca. San ~rancis~.o S9~QI , Sa n Mateo, Ca. San Pedro Flippers, Dow ney , Ca . San Pedro Pipe rs, Sa n Pearo, Ca. Sasnta Monica Gymnastic Center, Santa Monica, Ca. Santa Monica YWCA, Sa nta Mo ni ca , Ca. Sanla Ynez Gym ASs'o, Solva ng , Ca . Shawnee Gym Club of Wrona ' s Gymnastic System, Beave r Falls, Pa . Shore Country Day School, Beve rl y, Mass. Smith' s St udio Dance and Gymnastics, Sea ttl e, Wa sh. South Bay Gym-I-Niks, Torrance, Ca. St. l ou is Gymnastic Ce ntre, Hazlewood , Mo. "Stone Dean", Cambridge , England Thousa nd Oaks Gym Organization, New berr y Pa rk , Ca. Toledo Gymnastic club, Toledo, Ohio Union Hill Turn Ve re in, North Bergen , .j. Valley Beach Gymnaslics, Hunt ing to n"Beach, Ca. Verdugo Gymnastic club, Glendale , Ca. Vermont Gymnast ics Center, Essex Jct., Vt. Victorville Gymnettes, Vic torvill e , Ca. Westchester YMCA; l o s An geles, Ca. Wesl End YMCA, Onta rio , Ca. Whittier Gymnastic Center, Whitt ier , Ca . E. Whittier YMCA, La Hab ra, Ca. Woodland Hills Gymnastics Assoc., '-'Voodland Hills, Ca. Xperience Gymnastic club, Ho usto n, Tex. YMCA, Malde n, Ma ss. YMCA, Tacoma , Wa sh.
Additional lists will be published in subseq uent issues, so reade rs can accu mulate their own personal reference directories of gYmnastic facilities and programs to suit their needs ... Have A Happy Handstand. 5
Rece ntl Y, in cl earin g out a close t, I came ac ross a bo x cont ainin g about 700 M G Po ll s fro m a p eriod o f abo ut 6 yea rs ago . At th at tim e th e co mbin ed c ircul ation s o f th e Modern Gymnast and Mademoiselle Gymnast we re less th an half of o ur 1975 circul ati o n. I'd like to sh are som e of o ur rea d ers' co nce rn s o f that time and po lnt out so me o f th e features w e introduced w hic h h ave b ee n copi ed b y comp e tin g m ag az ine s (o u r bigg es t complim ent! ). 1. Get your magazine out on time. W hile we w ere up to 4 m o nth s late durin g some part s o f '69-7 0, o ur recent record ha s bee n so much b ett er th at yo u no w receive your magazin e earl y in th e m o nth fo r w hich it is sch eduled. We still have probl em s (like w ith th e mailin g lab els that ca me unglu ed o n o ur D ec. 7 4, Jan . & Feb. 75 iss ues), but except w hen o ur print er has probl ems o r we hold fo r a special late-br eaking ch ampion ships (the NCA A's in th e fir st w eek en d of April ju st made it fo r th e M ay issue), we are getting th e news to you as fa st as w e ca n. Of co urse, so m etim es w e ju st d on' t receive a repo rt (as fo r th e NCAA Di vision" Cham p ion ship or th e NAIA Ch ampion ship). 2. Put your calendar out so it covers more than just the month ahead. Th e info rm ati o n fo r our ca lenda rs is suppli ed by our rea d ers and a few organi zation s such as th e YMCA, USGF , and A A U. If we are se nt th e info rm ati o n, we carry it , bu t we se ld o m rece ive th e new s abo ut a mee t m o re th an a few wee ks ahead and have no chance to w ork it in . By cove ring severa l month s ahead , we are abl e to no tify o ur read ers of eve nt s whi ch previo u sly t hey mi ght have missed du e to o ur del ay s o r to mail d elays. 3. More women's gymnastics. Eve n wi th Mlle. G., we still had requ ests for m o re w o men' s gy mn asti cs . This as pect o f th e spo rt has grow n rapidl y and we 'r e happ y to have pla ye d a part. Sp ecial th ank s are du e to Renee H endersho tt w ho handl ed all th e wo men's activiti es for so long. Prese ntl Y wo m en's coverage in te rm s o f c lubs, co mpetiti o ns, phot os, instru ction , nation al and int ern ation al .reports is equal to and som etim es exceeds th e men 路s. H o w ever, w ith Renee d evo tin g mo re tim e to he r gro win g new sletter, we are fortun ate Rob Fi eld s w as abl e to join o ur editori al staff and k ee p o ur wom en 's section o n th e ball. 4. More instruction and less coverage of camps. "little" meets, and non-gymnastic activities. I rea d m ost o f th es e co mments and noted th at th ey cam e from ph Ys ical edu ca tors, recreation acti v it y directors, etc. A side fro m
GYMNAST's ge neral pl an to tou ch all b ases, we d o t rY to includ e so m e as pect o f in stru cti o n fo r boys and girl s at b o th no vice and more adva nced levels. W e still need rea d er input as to w h eth e r we are succeed in g. W e have no int enti o n of b ecomin g a str ictl y in stru ction al magaz ine as many in ou r o ld p oll u rge d. We d o thank tho se p hYs ica l e du ca tors, recrea ti o n sp eciali sts, and cl u b co aches w ho have shared th eir ex perti se w ith u s and con t inu ed to support us. W e are still o p en to Yo ur id eas an d articl es. Dr. H .J. Bi es terfeld t (Assistant Gymn as ti csC oach, Southern Illino is U ni ve rsity, Carbo nda le, 111. ,62901 ) wi ll b e happ y to rece ive arti cles in both in stru ction and resear ch. He and o ur ad visory staff eva lu ate each articl e and make recomm endation s about its suitability fei r publi ca tion . Thu s we've (h o pef ull y) overco m e ano th er ol d cr iti cism abo ut di sse min atin g imprope r tec hniqu es in spottin g, prog ression s, and mechani cs. So kee p th ose articl es co min g in! 5. More internaitonal coverage. We may have slipped a littl e h er e, There has b een so much goin g on in th e U.S. th at we hav en ' t made as much room fo r intern ation al event s. Still , th e USGF internati o nal tours have be en report ed and to p wo rld m ee ts. We wo uld like to rece ive more rep o rt s - in fa ct, we' d like to visit th e bi g intern ation al m ee ts o urse lves, but th e increase d cos t o f ju st abo ut ever ythin g has kept us at hom e. 6. Photos (other than sequences) waste space that would be devoted to instruction. W e think ph o tos say som e thing abo ut th e arti stry of our spo rt. (N ote th e bea utiful photos used in th e OI Ympi sc he Turnkun st, A pril 1975. ) Go od ph o to s enh ance th e m agazine and inspire a bett er ima ge 'O f our spo rt. Thi s is w hy Editor SundbY ha s com e u p w ith hi s o ffer (GYMNAST, Feb. '74) to ex tend a GYMNAST subscrib er's subscription up to 3 years if a ph o to o r p ain tin g is submitted and use d. A bo ut alii can say is - I' d rath er have th e cas h, esp eciall y if I'm no t a subscriber! Wh en yo u submit so m ething, be prepared to wait aw hil e as th ere 's onl y so much space that ca n be d evo ted to ph o tos. Whil e on thi s note, if you like w hat yo u 've been ge ttin g in the way o f co lo r cove rs, ce nter spread s, and po sters, w hy no t let o ur Edito r kn ow - it bri ghtens hi s d ay! Th e sYs tem we've u sed fo r th e se quence photos has been a very labo ri o us and tim e con suming o ne. A s o ur readers no te, we ha ve not aba nd o ned th e use o f sequ en ces and th ank recent contribut o rs, such as Di eter Schul z, H .J. Bi es terfeldt, and Bud M arqu ett e fo r th eir
contributi o ns. We've got so m e addito nal ones lin ed u p so don 't m iss an issu e! 7. More analysis of technique (biomechanics) and breakdown of advanced skills. Th anks aga in to H.J . Bi es te rfeldt, G. Geo rge and o th er s w ho have co ntri b ut ed to th ese as pec ts in rece nt Yea rs. Th e GYMNAST ha s bee n awa re of the need fo r such studi es and has sup port ed th ese n eeds b.y publi sh i ng such studi es as co me o ur way. Sin ce our rea dership is no t always rea d y to dea l w ith th e co mpl ex math emati cs o f so m e bi o m echani c studi es, th e techni ca l parts have bee n ed ited o ut of th e summaries we publi sh. Th ere are techni ca l jo urnals suc h as th e Research Quarterly and Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation wh ich d evo t e mo re detail ed att ention to bi om ec hani cs and kin es io logy. I thin k we mi g ht ca rry a few abs trac ts o f ar t icles app earin g th ere an d elsew here so our rea ders can search th em o ut. Aga in , it is no t our mi ss io n to be ju st a resea rc h outl et. Dr. Bi es terfe ld t is co nstantl y seek in g more materi al to be pr epared fo r GYMNAST rea d ers. Startiil g w ith Dr. Bosco and Dr. A .B.Fred eri ck, we 've d o ne a pretty creditabl e j o b, th o ugh, and we are happy th at we we re abl e to initi at e thi s tYpe of co mmuni ca ti q n am o ng th e gYmn asti c co mmunict y of A meri ca. 8. We enjoyed the interviews; how come you don't do them anymore? and "Thy interviews are pretty boring - same old questions." Th e GYMNAST w as no t th e first to run intervi ew s to prov ide an insight into w hat mad e a gy m ~ast tic k, but we we r e th e first Am eri ca n gY mn astic m agazine to d o so . I suppo se th e mai n reaso n that interviews have appea red less freq uentl Y is th at I was t he main perso n doi ng th em and had less o ppo rtunit y wh en I m oved to H awaii . It does take a fair chunk o f tim e to transc rib e a tap e o f an interview and edi t it down to th e meaty p arts. I rea li ze, too, th at th ere ar e o nl y so many tim es th at yo u ca n as k h ow on e go f start ed i n gy mn asti cs o r w hat hi s goa ls are, but a gr eat many rea ders lik ed thi s so rt of thin g w hile a few sou ght more depth or contr ove rsy. It d oes t ak e so m e effort to d eve lo p a kn ow led ge of your subject to kno w w hat q uesti o ns to as k. Th e GYMNAST has a n ew cro p o f to p gY mnast s to survey, includin g almo st all o f th e top w om e n and m en, aild we a re still w illin g to use int erviews made by o ur r ead ers. I guess w hat I 'm tryin g to say is th at we've li sten ed to o ur rea ders' su gges tion s and tri ed to respo nd pos iti ve ly. Th e most significa nt accompli shment has bee n th e es tabli shment of a sc hedul e w hich all ows u s to co me out on tim e. It is no t eno ugh to r est o n o ur forma t; th e form at is n o t compl ete; we still see k your inpu ts. We' d li ke yo u to feel th at th e GYMNAST is partl y yours.
CHALK BOX O ne of th e m os t uselul trainin g aid s in gymnasti cs is the Po nd Tw isti ng Be lt. It is a rem arkab le engineerin g achi evem ent. H oweve r, th ere is o ne seri o us p rob lem wi th th is be lt . The latch that att aches the ro pe to the belt o ft en co mes o ff w hil e spo ttin g. Th is is beca use t he ring to whic h th e latch is attac hed is too th in . Th e pro bl em is usuall y co rrected . by ta p ing th e lat ch closed. Th ere are ti m es, however, w hen thi s is not co nve ni en t -- fo r exa mpl e w hen seve ral gym nasts, some wi th tw istin g moves and some w ith no n-twis tin g m oves are be in g ro tated fo r use o n
an over head be lt. Th e w ho le p rob lem ca n be perm anent ly so lved by add in g a chain li ll k (see #1) to each of the rings o n the
b'e l t (see #2). W he ll th e li ll ks are ad d ed th e latch ca n be snap ped a ll alld it ho lds beca use th e link s are thick enoug h (see #3).
GYMNAST June ' 75
Joe Giallombardo
FIRST NCAA All-AROUND CHAMP RETIRES After 35 yea rs o f coach in g, Joe Giallombardo is ret ir ing fro m Illino is gy mna sti cs. Joe's first vMs ity season (1938), w hi le att end ing th e Un iv. o f Illin ois, coi n cided with t he first yea rd of t he NCAA gy mn ast ics champi onships. Joe wo n th e NCAA fl yi ng ri n gs competit ion. Th en an o utstanding ro utin e in th e fina l event, tumb ling, gave him both th e tumblin g and all-arou nd t itl es. Joe fin ished hi s co ll ege caree r w ith seve n NCAA titl es, a tot al that has ye t bee n equal ed . At hi s f in al NCAA m eet at the Un ive rsit y of C hi cago , Joe was approac hed b y Duk e Child s, th en ath leti c direc t at New Tri er High Schoo l (i n a suburb of C hicago). A nd o ffered th e opportunity, Joe opted to be co me th e fir st gymnas tics coac h in th e suburbs and on ly one of thre e in th e area (Se nn and Lindbl oom High Sc hoo ls in Ch icago we re t he oth ers). In 1965 Joe finall Y c hanged position s, he mo ved cross to wn to th e newly o pened New Tri er West , " I wa nte d a change for newness; new fa c ili ti es, n ew materi als," says Joe. H is w ife and he pl an to leave t he area slow ly, th ey wan t to end up in th e southwest, probabl y aro und Au sti'n, Texas. There j oe want s to get a p lace ou tside of town where he can bui ld a lea n-to o n the side of th e house and ho ld gym classes for la rg e groups of ch ildren. We at GYMNAST wo uld li ke to congratu late joe o n a fin e caree r and wi sh him th e bes t o f lu ck in hi s co min g ve ntures.
INDIANA UNIVERSITY GYMNAST STUDYING IN GERMANY G ene A. Coyle, AA performer of coach Brown from Indiana U niversit y is stud yin g EastEuropean hi sto ry in H amburg, German y. He is also co mp etingfor th e tea m of TSV Kronshag en, Gymclub in th e Reg ional League. he won the tradition al 'A rztepo kal-Turn en ' w ith 49.10 po int s and we nt up t o 51 .90 points in a co mp et iti on in Switz erl and afte r th ~ Na ti o nal Swit zer Champion in Vau ltin g Edi Ka st (53.30 po int s). Beca use of Ge ne th e team of TSV Kron shagen succee ded w ith 217.85 - 209.50 aga in st th e Swi ss tea m of SI. Ma rgrethen.
champ ion in bo th sprin gboard and pl atfo rm Di vin g, at Helsinki i n1 952, and at M elbou rn e in 1956. She is th e o nl y o ne w ho has m ade a go ld medal sweep of the d ivin g boards in two co nsecu ti ve Ol Ympic Games., she was also th e w inner of three go ld medal s in Pan -Am e ri ca n Gam es co mp etition . Pat announ ce d h er Sports Camp p lans, her camp h as four o ne week sess io ns from jul y 6 Aug. 2, at UC I rv in e, w it h in struct io n in swimmi ng, di vi ng and gymnastics . TURNERS On June 26 -29, 1975 th e American Turners wi ll have the ir National Turnfest, ce lebrat in g th eir 100 yea r anni ve rsary . The Turnfes t wi ll be held in SI. Lo ui s, Misso uri . GYMNASTICS By Vaughn Ba ss Severn, M aryland Gymnas ts Yo u M ay kn ow are Nice, A rt isti c, Sm art , Tale nt ed , Interesti ng, Creativ e, and ve ry Special people.
Ge ne Coyle
CITIZENS SAVINGS HAll Thursday mornin g, M ay 22, we we re ho nored to be in vited to t he Citizens Savings H all. It was Pat McCormick Day at the internationa l sp o rt s shrin e. Pat McCormick en tr usted the 27 go ld medals wh ich she won in Nat io nal AAU Di v in g competition to Ci ti ze n s Sav in gs Hall , for pe rmanent lodgin g. She w il l also entru st man y o f her D iving trop h ies. Pat McCormick was O lympi c Games
looking for
NAMES & NEWS Mike Needleman, Sport s Information D irector at th e University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, se nt us a cOPY of th e Chicago Tribune's Midwest M againe. On the cover is a pictu re o f so ph o more Diana Sepk e, AIAW National Uneven-Parallel Bars Champion, 1975. Eastern Illinois University Pres iden t Gilbert Fite approved th e e li mi nation of go lf, te nni s and gy mn asti cs as intercoll egiate men 's sports at that school. It 's a shame th at d ue to fi nan ces gy mn ast ics, and oth e r sports, have to be cut out of t he interco ll eg iate program.
Gymnastics &Academics? Walnut Hill School of Natick, Mass . is introducing a gymnastics program taught by the staff of Woodland Gymnastics. Opportunities unmatched in other schools ; solid college prepura tory program, a strong arts program including expert ballet and modern dance training, combined with gym nastics. Students who want quality instruction, academically or gymnastically, write for brochure.
George Wheeler, Co-Director, Woodlan,d Gymnastics High School Coach of four college Instructors: All-Americans Will St. Cyr, Ken Henderson, Floor Co-Di rector, Woodland Gymnastics Exercise and Vaulting Champion Former N .E.A .A .U. Former Nationally Tumbling Champion Ranked Gymnast. Former Coach, Wellesley H .S. 路 Experienced, Successful Instructor . Gymnastics Team Headmaster: Earle C. Batchelc;ler, B.A . McGill, M .Ed. Harvard
WALNUT HILL SCHOOL 63 H ig h10 nd St., Natick, Mass. 01760
by Gretchen Sundlerland Dowsing Cornell University
Dear Gretchen, I'm a gymnast at the Blue Ash V (Ohio). I'm 13 and I want to be a gymnastics coach when I get older. I plan on being a good coach and have a good team. But what I would like to know is, how do I go about becoming a coach? Should I go to college? If so, what should I take? What should I do right now that would help me? I'm in gymnastics leaders club. We help the tumbling and apparatus teachers with their classes. We help spot and teach. That's one thing I' m doing right now. Is that good? If you could answer these questions it would make me very happy. Pam Whittier
OLGA IN WA X Paramount Pictures Sportsworld in Grand Prairie, Tex as is preparin g am use um exh ibi t of the fab ul ous Olga Korbut in wax. They ha ve appea led to GVMNAST readers fo r 35mm sli des of Olga on th e uneven para ll el bars from wh ich to prepare a performance sequen ce in wax. Sport sworld wi ll return all slid es to th e donors after they have bee n co pi ed, so be sure to prov ide yo ur complete return address w ith slid es you su bmit to: Mr. Bill E. Olsen, Paramount Pictures Sportsworld, 702 Safari Boulevard, Grand Prairie. Texas 75050.
LICENSE PLATES David Martin from Town North YMCA, in Dallas, Texas w rote to te ll us abo ut hi s lice nse plates. This is o ne way of him showin g hi s sup port for the spo rt. Hi s p lates read GVMNST and GMNAST. H e wi ll soo n be gett ing another sports car and w ill put GMNST on it. David wro te " Ho w To [ ea rn a Tsukahara in 30 Minutes", publi she d in o ur Apri l, 1975 iss ue of GVMNAST.
Olga Photo by Ro n LevY MO-RE ON GVMNAESTRADA Eberhard Gienger " Sp o rt sm an o f the yea r 1974" w ill do h is world-champ ionship performance o n the hori zo ntal bar. Along with many other top in te rn at iona l perfo rmers, includin g Eiro Kenmotsu and Shigeru Kasamatsu (Wo rl d AA champion) both from j apa n. Thi s w ill take place on jul y 2nd and 4th at 8p.m. in th e Deutschlandhalle. Scandinavian Evening on jul y 2nd at 8p.m . in th e Ice- Hoc key Stadi u m . A rev iew of gymnastic skill s in De nm ark, Fi nl and , Norway, and Sweden. Furth er incl uded in the program wi ll be ba ll gym nas ti cs by 40 Swedis h gi rl s from Malmo, perfo rm ances w ith ri bbons and cl u bs by Fi nn ish gir l gymnasts and floor gym n as tics by an elite group from th e same co untry. A bit of humor w ill be added to the program by 7 young gy mna sts from Norway. Netherlands Evening on jul y 3rd at 8p.m . in th e Ice-Hockey Stad ium. Th e gym nas ts w ill present ball exercises, ja zz -gymnast ics, hoop exercises, table and barrel jum ping, floo r gymnastics p erfo rma nces on a ba lance beam and mode rn rh ythmi c com pet iti ve gymnast ics. Swiss Evening on jul y 4th at 8p.m . in the IceH ockey St ad ium . Folklor e, wome n 's gymnastics and gymnas tics performances o n var ious equ ipment are o nl y a few po int s on th e prog ram to be performed by 500 Swiss Gymnasts. Performa nces by well-know n Swiss artistic gym ll asts, fo r examp le, th e mall y-tim es Ol ympi cs medal wi nner and gym na sti cs world champion Jose f Stalder and the presen t Sw iss gymnastics champion Ueli Bachmann.
I ha ve received many letters of thi s tYpe from high school and even younge r students who are inter ested in beco ming gymastics coach es and don't know w hat the steps are t o achi evi n g thi s goa l. First of all , if yo u are int erested in coac h ing and teachi ng in sc hool s, colleges, and othe r professiona l in stitutions , yo u must have a degree (bac helors and/ or ma ste rs) in phYsica l ed uca tion or dance. Private gym nast ics clubs and sc hoo ls lik e you to h ave a degree, but do not usuall y require it if you have good coac hing abi li tY . Th is does not mean yo u automatica ll y becom e a good coac h if yo u are a good gy mn ast. Sometimes the o pposite is true if yo u are impat ient or se t yo ur coach in g goals too high. Bein g a good gYm nas t helps, but more impor tant qua l ities are love of stud ent s, patienc e, enthusiasm, an d ambi ti o n (no t the ego-man iac k in d, t houg h). The gir l w ho wrote th e lett er is heading in the ri gh t direct ion - she is improvi ng her own skill s, helpi ng to teach others, and lea rnin g to spot. Next, she shou ld keep her grades hig h eno u gh in hi gh school in o rd er to b e ab le to choose a good co ll ege, maj or in phYsical education o r dance, co mp ete for her co ll ege tea m , atte nd cli n ics and teach at summer camps , and em erge from co ll ege w ith a d eg ree and a lot of ' gym nast ics experie nce . High sc hool stude nt s ca n ch eck wit h th eir guidance counse lors for books that lis t co ll eges w ith majors i n ph Ys ica l educa tion or d ance, o r th ey ca n wr it e to a few of the sc hoo ls I listed in my FebruarY co lumn to fi nd out about their programs. One probl em that seems to be occurring fr equentl y d ue t o th e budget pinch al l across the co untry is lack of money for th e co ll ege gymnasti cs program. There are man y ways to raise mon ey, but th e best o ne I 've fou nd is to put on a gymnastics clin ic. The p os it ive reasons for th is type of program are: 1. A cli nic is a service to th e commun it y and the surrounding area. 2. It gives yo ur co ll ege ve ry good gymnast ics publicitY. 3. It ca n bring yo ur own tea m tog eth er as they p lan and o rgan ize. GVMNAST June '75
4. If yo u ca n obtain the services of good coaches, it w ill expand everyone 's knowledg e. 5. It ca n be fun for bot h stud ents and teach ers. To give you an exa mple of how to run yo ur own clini c, I 'll give yo u some guid elines we followed for th e clinic we held at Corn ell on April 26. Initial steps: 1. Obtain fac iliti es (we used ou r womens gym and dance room ). 2. Obtain committments from coac hes (we were lu ckY to get Ab ie Grossfe ld as our mast er clinician , plu s Nancy N um etko, Owego Scamp s; Bob M artin , Corne ll ; and Harri et Carne s, Ithaca Co ll ege. All of o ur other in structors were members of the men' s and women ' s tea ms). One important point - we were fortunat e to get a name draw in Abi e Grossfeld , but it is not necessa ry. You ca n use loca l coaches; all of them wi ll have so mething to offer and will be abl e to draw man y gymnasts. 3. An alyze yo ur equipment - we d ecid ed to concentrate o n tumbling and da nce, so w e used all mat s and floor and mirror space.
GYMNAST June '75
sq uare pi ece of felt (low interm ed iate, 9-11 age group). This tag she wo re during the day and the in str uctors wou ld ca ll her by name (verY important) ; also, if she 'got lost, her group was easi ly identifiable. Approximat elY 200 stu de nt s and coach es attended the cl ini c and we were prepared for them . We divided teaching stations into dance, tumbling , acrobatics, co mbinations, and dance for beam. Ab ie worked mostly wit h the advanced girls, b esides givi ng two master Along with our fl Ye r, w e se nt a registration lectu re-d emon stration s on interm ediate and sheet which included a check-off ca rd . This wa s advanced tumbling. Coaches w er e free to a li st of tumbling skills that th e student would 路 watc h any sess ion , h elp spot , and of co urse, check off if she co uld perform th em w ith out a att end th e mas ter session s. spot. Th e tot al number of ch ec ks, and her age, Abie 's film s of th e World Champion ships to ld us wh at gro up sh e wou ld be in. This form were show n imm ediately after lunc h, and then eliminat ed th e usua l fra ntic , last-minut e skill th e rest of th e classes resumed until 5:00. testing of most clinics . W e added a late ch arge of one dollar at the door, so we we re ab le to At th e end of th e day, th e students w ent classify most of th e stud ent s before the clini c home happy and exhausted, the in structors began. attended a barbeq ue and went da nCin g (we all To differentiate groups, w e used co lored felt lea rn ed or re- Iea rn ed th e jitterbug! ) and a cut in different shapes as name tags. For great time wa s had by all. Oh! - we also took in instance, if th e girl we re 10 years o ld and she over a thou sa nd poll ars - not bad for a day's co uld do 8 trick s, her name was put on a blue, work !
4. Find out about insurance. 5. Pick a da te w hen there are ve ry few co nfli cts (me ets or ot her clini cs). 6. Anal Yze costs and decid e what to charge. W e charged $5 .00 and $1 .00 for in suran ce for the one-day clinic. 7. Make up a fl Ye r and se nd it to all schoo ls and clubs in th e area yo u want to cover; also trY to get it anno unced in yo ur state 's newsletter and the lo ca l newspaper.
Scenes from Cornell Univ. Clinic
Photos by Di ck Ward
Kolleen Casey, 1st AA, 2nd USGF Elite Qualification -meet.
1. Kolleen Casey 73.35 2. De nise Cheshire 73.25 3. Carrie Englert 73.20 4. Diane Dunbar 73.05 72.70 5. Kathy Shotwell 72.70 5. Debbie Wilcox Kelley Muncey 72.65; Leslie Wolfsberge r 72.60; Pam Spira 72.00; Tammy Manville 71.95; Susan Archer 71.90 ; Jea ni e Bead le 71 .60; Sha ron Li vie ri 71.15; Na ncy Theis 71.15; Denise Hanse n 71.10; Deena Payton 71.00; Gay le Wycoff 70.95; Sharon Shapiro 70.80; Sa ndY_ Gross 70.80; Heidenwo lf 70.20; Karen Schu ck ma n 70.50; Jan Ahten 70.40; Li towskY 70.35; Jan Anthony 70.20 ; Cathy Jones 70.15; Tri sh Reed 70.05; Ja ni ce Baker 70.00; Jill Hegg ie 70.00. Vaulting: Wilcox 18.80; Dunbar 18.65; Casey & Shotwell 18.60; Shapiro & Reed 18.40. Uneve n Pa rallel Bars: Chesh ire & Wilcox 18.60; Casey & Wo lfsberger 18.50; Muncey & Englert 18.45. Balance Bea m: C hes hire, Muncey & Wo lfsberger 18.50; Casey 18.05; Dunbar 18.00; Spira, Pa yton , Shotwe ll 17.90. Floor Exercise: Englert 18.55; Dunbar 18.45; Cheshire 18.25; Casey 18.20; Spira, Arc he r & Heidenwolf 18.10.
GYMNAST June '75
Denise Cheshire
Carrie Englert
Reno, Nevada By Rob Fields The "b iggest little city in the wor ld," Reno, Nevada, and the University of Nevada, Reno pl ayed host to the Seco nd National Elite Qualification meet for the USGF Elite Nationals to be held in Carbonda le, Illin ois this June. Th ough Reno prov ed to be less than excited at hig h level women 's gYmnastics (as was evidenced by the poor sp ectator turnout) and the facilities for the meet (Un iversity of Nevada, Reno) a good dea l less than outstand in g (the gYm was o ld, sma ll , the lighting miserable, and the sound sYstem wo rse) hosts Mike and Dale Flansass ran a we ll organ ized efficient meet. The 54 gir ls participating in the compet ition were put into 4 groups of 14 with 2 groups competing at a time. Friday saw compet ition in the compu lsories, w ith beam and vaulting being held in the morning sess ion and bars and floor conducted in the evening. Saturday' s opt iona l competition used the same format. Though much was at stake in the meet (this was the last chance for all of the girls who had not Yet scored a 70.00 point total to q ualify for Elites) and excitement ran high, the dearth of spectators could not help but put a damper on the competit ion. The USGF shou ld , I think, give more consideration in the selection of bid sites for such compet iti on . The way these kids work Debbie Wilcox '
Diane Dunbar
and the show they put on deserves nothing but "sta nding room only " crowds. Had thi~ meet been held in Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago o r any of a dozen ot her "gy mnastics" citi es th e gyms wou ld ce rtainly have been packed and the appreciat ive audie nces treated to many internationa l caliber performances. Though the performances and conduct of all the gymnasts was exemplarY, it is sad to note the same cannot be said of many of their coaches. Th ere were repea ted incidents of abusive and at times obscene behavior toward the judges and other coaches purely in the name of self-interest. Always it seems, the same churl ish people are gui lty of these classless outbu rsts. It amazes me how well-mannered their gYmnasts are conside rin g their own repeated vile behavior. I hope that on ly peer consure is n ecessary to restrain these people in the future. Must the USGF adopt a code of et hics to govern coaches behavior when no such code is required for the competitors? Though much controversy ce ntered around the judges (so what else is new?), I think a great dea l can be said in t heir defense. Under fire from all sides and under political pressure continua ll Y the judges did an admi rab le job of remaining impart ial and keepi ng their se nses of humor. Each judge had the hercu lean task of scoring over 100 routines and reviewing a mYriad of protests, and each did so with dignity and aplomb. H owever, many comp lai'nts that
were raised by coaches were legitimate. It was obvio us that many judges lack a good deal of technica l experti se. As in th e A IAW, the judges in th is meet did not know what to look for in the Ya mashita vault (compu lsorY), particularl y in the alterflig ht phase. Also, there were many inco nsistencies in the sco rin g ofth euneven bar compu lsorY. Fortunately the scoring of the optiona l routines was much more satisfacto ry, and as the co mpulsories are quite new, I am sure that a good dea l of improvement wi ll be made in scoring of them in the future. It was at fir st thought by many that due to t he consp icious absente of many of the co untry' s top Elite gYmnasts, the cal iber of the compet itio n would not be particularly high nor ve ry exciting (I ex press my own guilt) . How wrong we all were! No less than 8 girls topped the 72.00 mark (9 .00 average) w ith anoth er 28 scoring 70.00 or better to q ualify fo r the Elite Nationals. What was perhaps the most gratifying was to see so many new faces qualifying w ith such top scores for Elite level competition. As a matter of fact, the two top finishers Kolleen CaseY of St. Paul Minnesota, coached by MarY Ann Hoschette (73 .35) and Denise Cheshi re of GYmnast ics OIYmpica in Van Nuys, Californ ia coached by the very highlY regarded Fritz Reiter (73.25) failed to q ual ify in th e first qua lification meet earlier this year in Philad elph ia . Their improvements sin ce the Febru arY meet were real ly phenomenal. Leslie Wollsburger
Tammy Manville
PamSpira Sharon Livieri
Denise Hansen
Friday' s compulsorY session saw the great majority of competitors at their most conservative. The theme of the day seemed to be to stay as close the the 35.00 mark as possible and make up the difference in optionals. For the most part there were few outstanding compulsory sets as all the gymnasts were holding back considerablY. In the vaulting most of the scores fell between the 8.75-9.00 range, with few execut in g the Yamashita very well. Of notable exception were Fritz Reiter' s girls. Sharon Shapiro and Denise Cheshire. Though Ms. Shapiro had difficu lty with bodY alignment and leg form her technical execution of the vault i.e. preflight ang le, afterfl ight repulsion and opening were along with DeniseCheshire' s the best 路in the meet. Ms. Cheshire had by far the best afterfli ght open in g of the competition to score 9.3. From the purely spectacular, Debbie Wilcox has to take top honors. A truly magnificent athlete, Debbie who has to barelY trot down the runway to avo id flYing out of the gym executed one of the highest Yamashitas 1have ever seen a gir l perform (when Debbie learns to open in her afterflight at the proper angle and degree she should go 9.7+).
Jeanie Beadle
Gail Wycoff
GYMNAST June '75
Sandy Phillips
Thou g h co mpulso rY pl ank (ba laQce beam) did not rea ll y prove the un do in g of that m any girl s (one notable exception was Debbi e Halle. A ve ry pretty, exciting and vivac iou s performer going 36.1 5 in the optio nals, Ms. H all e missed qualifYin g oY .75 because of a 7. 00 compulsory beam), it certa inl y didn ' t help many eith er. Only four girl s broke 9.00 w ith the high sco re boin g deservedlY so to SCAT Lesli e Wolfsberger at 9.15. Lesli e is a very co mp etent beam worker was th e o nw performer to rea ll y attack th e comp ul so ry. Denise Cheshire on the vi rture of rock-solid turns and lea p s and an overall steadY performance sco red 9.05. Of special note was th e beauty and elega nce of Pam Og ira' s compulsorY, though some unfortun ate mistakes qegt her sco re at 8.7 Ms. Spira surely demonstrates the grace and class one usuall y ex pects o nl y of the top Europeans . Frid ay's eve ning sess io n saw co mp eti ti on in th e bar and floor comp ul so ri es. Thou gh 14 girls in t he competit ion we nt 9.00 o r better on the bar comp ulsory there were reall y few outstanding sets. Especia ll y worth mentioning is D enise Cheshire. Combining superb gliding technique wit h very strong cast ing. Deni se took top hon ors in t he event with a 9.4 (a poor
Barbie Cantwell GYMNAST lune '75
stomach-whip V2 turn kept her score from go ing eve n hi gher). Right be hind D enise at 9.35 was KIP Kell ey Muncey. Another super talent & great all-aro und athl ete Kelley wo rks beautifu l bars, co mbinin g great technica l execution with a rea ll y fine se nse of rh ythm and timing. Lacking th e stre ngth of a Wilcox or a Cheshire but no less a brilliant tech nician (es p ecially h er kips) is Les li e Wolfsberger w ho turned i n a st ro ng 9.2 performa nce. A lso at 9.2 and blowing eve ryo ne's mind with her effortless cast hand stands was Debbie Wilcox, (I' m beginning to t hink that Debbi e is really t he " Bla ck Widow" of Marvel Comic Book fame). Eith er that or she's part panther 'ca use no one human co uld be as st rong, coord inated and fast as she is. Bars turned out to be the undoin g of Dian e Dunbar. Th o ugh I thou ght her 8.55 sco re was co mmen surate to her set, in view of some of the other scores handed out it w as much too low. As it turned out the sco re kept Dunbar from copping the all-aro und ti tle as Dian e ended up on ly .3 out of first pl ace. FX as unevens was less than spectacu lar w ith only 8 of 54 com petit ors breaking 9.00. Nancy Th ies dancing beaut ifullY took top honors at 9.25. Chesh ire on the strengt h of her tumbl in g
went 9.05. Co ntroversy of the meet occurred in thi s event as Di an e Dunbar, turning a back hand sp ring into a back headspring still man aged a 9.00. Fortunate ly this was one of the very few times that the judges fell victim to the big name and eve ryo ne took it with a gra in . Of note also was the strong 9.25 performance turned in by Carrie Englert. Coached by Di ck and Linda Mulvihill, Carrie demonstrates mu ch of th e vita lity that made Linda (Metheny) a champion . Optionals A s conservative and dull as the co mpul so ri es were, th e optionals were exc iting, dYnamic and al l together tremend o us. After each routine spectators were left shaking their heads asking t hemselves what more could be done . And after their heads stopped shaking someone would get up & show them! Vaulting Expect i ng to be bored sti ff as usu al by women ' s va ulting (if Yamas h ita V2 were banned ihat wou ld be th e e nd of women's vaulting I think!) and sprawl ed co mfo rtably on a folded FX mat I was nudged o ut of my stupor by Mike Bisk (Frit z Reiter' s most able assistant) who told me I had to watch this li tt le " slip" of a g irl
Ko lleen Casey
Gail Wycoff bar, swing down stomach-whip to handstand on low bar (a la Karin Janz) immediate pirouette st raddl e down! Missing a bit on th e second pirouette Denise sco red 9.2. D eb bie Wilcox aga in had the crowd gasp in g with her stomachwhip to dead handsta nd on th e low bar and a fabulous toe-on front som i dismount from th e high bar that put a lot of hi gh bar men to shame. Nailing th e front Debbi e earned a well deserved 9.4. Also of note was the exce llent swi ng tech niqu e demonstrated by Lesli e Wolfsberger (9.25), Kelley Muncey (9.1) and Karen Schuckman (9.15). Floor Exercise Di ane Dunbar who did not have a good me et over-all (tho ugh 73 .05 isn't really bad either! ) was the hi gh light of an excellent FX field. Performing the Chaplainesque Muriel Grossfeld co mposit ion that won great appeal at the World Championships last year Diane scored 9.45 for th e high est score of the FX co mpetition . Two back double twisters were thrown by Kell ey Muncey and Lesli e Wolfs berger (9.05 and 9.2 respectively) and a Pa s ca lea n pik ed Arabian (that means it was at nosebl ee d level) by Ms. Wilcox (of course) who sco red 9.3. A very artisti c performan ce rather avant-garde in its mu sica l approach (an original ce llo co mposition) & dance interpretation was given b y Karen Schuckman (coached by Judy Avener of Penn State) th at was a bit undersco red at 9.00. Debbie Wilcox in her cast front dismount
vault.ii looked at the lineup and found out it was Kolleen Casey of St. Paul Minnesota. Well, as Mike' s a pretty big boy who doesn't like to be ignored and since I real ly admire anyone who lives in the gruesome climate of Minnesota (I'm Southern California born and bred so you ca n understand) I decided to take an interest. On her first vault she came loping down the runway like something awfully big and ugly was chasing her, hit the horse (I think she hit the horse, it happend too fa st to really tell) and began rapidly approaching gravitational escape velocity as she executed a full twisting handspring. Unfortunately she had troubl e landing the vault (I think she hit somewhere in the middl e of Lake Tahoe) so she went back to trY again. The only difference b etween the first and second vault was the second one was faster, higher, and she nailed the ' bloody ' thing . At 9.7 Koll een was underscored at lea st .2. As national coach Muriel Grossfeld was heard to co mment " I' ve seen better but she 's (Casey) done them!" Shades of Karin Jan z. Lookout Barbie and Annie路you got plenty of competition. Also a super vault though not in the Paul Bunyan class with Kolleen was of course D ebbie Wilcox . She executed a beautiful roundoff pike back that dropped out of th e sky for 9.45 . I suspect she' ll be twisting it anytime now.
Balance Beam Vaulting was a hard act to follow, but the balance beam co mpetition was more than eq ual to th e task. Going from the sublime to the ridiculou s to th e absurd D ebbie Wilcox (who else?!) brought the place down with a Standing Punch Front!! The rest of the routine included an ae ri al (about four fee t over the bea m) and a 1Y2 twi sting front somi off. Another super performance was turn ed in by Kell ey Muney of the KI PS that included a beautiful standing ba ck and well executed aerial mount (fro m perpe ndi cu lar to th e beam to a sit) and ae ri al front in the middle to scor e 9.25. Also at 9.25 was Susan Archer of the KIPS with a solid very artistic performance. As in co mpul so ry beam Pam Spira (coached by Jim Archer) turned in the most elega nt performance and was the class of the beam co mpetition in her over-all treatment of the eve nt sco ring 9.2 . Bars The un eve n bar competition always a crowd pleaser highli ghted Saturday' s evening com petiti o n with many international ca liber routines. All eyes were on D enise Cheshire to see what new moves she and coac h Fritz Reiter had thought up and I don't think anyon e was disappointed (though Denise did mi ss slightlY). H er set included a straight-bod Y cast hand sta nd immedi ate pirouette (to h andstand) on high
Diane Dunbar
GYMNAST June '75
VIEWPOINT ON THE 2nd NATIONAL USGF ELITE QUALIFICATION MEET by Rob Fields The 2nd Nationa l QualifYing meet for the 1975 USGF Elite Nationals were held April 25, 26, 27 at the University of Nevada, Reno. As most of the top people were not in attendance (having already qualified) it was a good opportunity to review and assess the future stars coming up through the U .S. G .F . program. In a word the days of European supremacy in women 's gymnastics are numbered. The number and quality of fine Young gymnasts developing within the priva te clubs under the U.S.G.F. is just phenomenal. Within the decade the maturing of these young people w ill mark the end of the Eastern bloc dominat ion of our sport. It has long been said the U.S. has the greatest athletic potential of any nation in the world . We are superior both in manpower (both in numbers and quality) and facilities and we certain ly do not lack initiative. Yet why have we la gged so in man 's oldest sport, gymnastics? This question has been raised time and again ad nauseum whith an equal number of answers offered in response. G iven all the rhetoric bandied about in high level gymnastics circles it took on'ly the infectuous popularity of Cat hy Rigby and Olga Korbut to awaken the American people to first the ex istence and then the beauty and charm of women 's gymnastics (when my Karate instructor, ranked 3rd in the world in the professionals, asked me if I could get him an autograp hed picture of Olga I knew the sport had arrived) . On the heels of Olgamania (Ca. 1972) came the renaissance of women ' s gymnast ics in the Un ited States. RallYing around the cry " I want to be like Olga! " thousands of little girls across the country beat a path to their nearest gym to take that first step in their 1000 mile journey to become internationa l gYmnast ics ce lebrit ies. And shrewd business people qu ick to sense and pounce on a profit were more than eager to supp ly new fac ilities and equipment to these enthusiastic young people (& their supportive parents). In 3 short Years since Olga captured the hearts of everyone in the world in Munich the number of gymnasts and participants on all leve ls of women's gymnast ics has literal ly exploded in this country. Given the incredible growth of women's gymnastics since the Munich Olympics, it stands to reason that this new energy level would begin to have a raiher profound effect on the quality of the gymnasts produced. True to the predictions we are now getting our first "bumper-crop " of post-Munich gymnasts that are the vanguard of a new generation of "supe r- gymnasts" capab le of moving the U.S. into the forefront in the international gymnastics arena. Girls such as Denise Cheshire and Sharon Shapiro (Fritz Reiter coach), Kolleen Casey (MarY Ann Hoschette coach), Denise Walker, Barbi Myslak and Saron Li vieri (Muriel Grossfeld coach) Kelley Muncey (Jim Fontaine coach), Leslie Wolfsberger (Scott Crouse coach), Debbie Wilcox (Ron Crescentini coach), j an ice Baker (Phil and Alexis Davoli coaches) , Pam Spira (Jim Archer coach) to name just a few of the really fine up and coming elite gymnasts all 16 years old or yo unger. None have begun to reach their potential, Yet are now competing and scoring at international ca libre. Concurrent with the development of these fine athletes is the growth and development of a corps of dedicated, talented young coaches GYMNAST June '75
eager to learn , to exp lore and to create w ithin a once stagnating gymnastic world. This new breed of coach is open minded to all that Europe & japan has to teach Yet he is not satisfied with only emulation. Our gymnasts are now becoming the innovators, the avant garde. Our coaches no longer remain subordinant to the Europeans. 'Surely Fritz Reiter 's technical masterY is equa l to anyone 's on this or any other cont inent and Mu ri el Grossfeld must be regarded as one of the finest dance choreographers on beam and floor on eith er side of the Iron Curtain . And right up w ith Mr. Reiter and Mrs. Grossfe ld are a host of quality coaches adding the ir individual expertise to further expand the scope of American gymnastics. A ll this is not to say that ou r gymnastics development programs do not need improvement. With any program that has enjoyed the kind of rapid growth that women's gymnast ics has, inadequacies wi ll be found. An economic maxim details an increase in cost with an increase in production speed . Th e ana logy holds true for a sports development program as well. In our mad dash to gear up and catch the Russians many important aspects of the art have been " shuffled under the rug " so to speak in the name of exped iency. In some areas short-term goa ls have superceded long range ideals w ith compet ition success often overriding ultimate artistic development. However I think once the hYsteria over great acrobatic difficu lty (often at the expense it seems of everything else) has waned, the grace & ele gance that is women 's gym nastics will be reasserted. Great acrobatics wi ll be viewed in it s proper perspective - not as the prime mover - and tastefully me lded w ithin a program of artistic elegance . Ignorin g for the present the great philosophical debate between art and1spo rt , i.e. competition vs. purity of expression and turning attention to the compet iti ve rea lity, these are several areas that we must improve in to expedite our emergence as a great gymnastics power. A primarY area is technical development. Though many coac hes are beginning now to teach the new swin g techniques, few understand these techniques in the depth they should. As a consequence many of these techniques become aberrated at worst or at best over worked . Case in point is the much be leguered " hollow" portion and its often ludicrous app li cations. It's incredible how many coaches there are who claim to "know technique " yet are oblivious to the reason why and when a technique is app li ed. More symposi um s and fewer prima donnas are needed to alleviate this problem. Perhaps the en listment of Mr. Masayuki Watanabe, America's finest technical coach to help standardize swing and vaulting technique wou ld be a step in the right direction. Even the establishment of a technical execution committee (a-political) involved ' strict ly in technical research would help immeasurably. To aid in the evolution of technical execution our judges must become more knowledgable and more strict. If mediocre execut ion wil l garner a 9.00 (as it does) the initiative to improve is stifled . jud ges must realize e.g. that a Yamashita that does not ri se in afterflight and does not open at horizontal can not score above 8.5 regardless of the form or landing. On bars for example handstand p irouetting technique is for the most part atrociou s. Yet judges who do not deduct for flopp ing over on a pirouette rather than turning handstand to handstand perpetuat e this mediocrity. If the
Korbut sty le pirouette we re to start receiving the .3-.5 deduction that it deserves many more girls would begin iurn in g to end in a handstand. Even worse than this technical ignorance is the succombing of judges to adverse coach 's pressure. In one instance in the Reno meet a compu lsory bar routine demonstrating very poor sw in g technique (e.g. arched glides and casts) was given one of th e highest scores of the compet iti on due in no small part I am sure to the coe rsive vil e behavior of th e gymnast' s coach . Were the judges able to give more definitive technical explanations for their deductions i.e. were they more sure of themselves in technical swing areas such strong arm tactics would be far less effective. In short our judges must in sist th at a girl do more th a~ keep her arms straight and legs together; she must also execute to maximum swing potential to score above the 9.00 mark. And they must make this in sistance regardless of o utsid e (often ulterior) pressure. To be more v igil ant our judges have greater expertise in the technical realm . Th e la st area that needs attent ion (actually " cleaning up" would be a phrase more to the point) is one of interna l affairs.The constant bickering, back-biting and politicing that goes on between coac hes and administrat ion alike has got to stop. The i ntrigue and factioning that goes on during every major compet iti on (and minor ones for that matter) is abso lutely deplorable. It is only our gymnastic effort in gene ral and our gymnasts in particular who are hurt. These ca ll o us, se lf-centered instigators (and they are usually the same people at each meet), monuments to se lf-adulation and righteous pompositY 'are the greatest singl e detractors we have in what is otherwise the most beautiful sport in the world: GYMNASTICS. Susan Archer
., f .
moseow news '75 MOSCOW
NEWS '75
AND RIGA INTERNATIUNAl COMPETITIONS By Frank J. Cumiskey USGF Technical Director The Moscow News Competition was held in Moscow, USSR from th e 5th to 9th of April. Th is competition ushers in the International meets and gymnasts from all over the world have an opportunity to see what h as been don e in th e way of new exercises and indiv idual mov emen¡ts and to see if any new gymnasts have appeared on the scene. The Ri ga Int ernational wi ll be held for the 6th time and follows th e Moscow m eet. States GYmnastics Th e U nit e d Fed era tion sent impressive teams to Russia of 3 Girls and 3 Bo ys . In Moscow Doug Fitzjar re ll was 3rd on Floor wh il e Ann Carr mad e 3 o f the four Final s. In Riga, Ann Carr was terrific, sh e fini shed th e A ll- Around w ith 37. 00 points, only 0.75 po in ts beh in d first-place Nina Dronova. Thi s was the closes t an American gymn ast has gotten to first pl ace in th e AIIAround in a competition of thi s importa nce. Ann also was in every Final and fini shed 3rd in Vau ltin g with an 18.7, just 0.1 behind 2 Ru ss ians tied for fi rst. This was a questionab le decision as Ann did a super round -off back so m ersau lt. Ann also ti ed for 3rd on th e un eve ns, was 5t h on the Floor and 6th o n Balan ce Beam . Th e M en were spott y on th eir performan ces but both Fit zjarrell and Crosby wer e in th e Floor Fina ls with Fit zjar rell 2nd and Cros by 4th . Fitzj arrell wa s also 4th on th e Pomm ell Horse. Steve Hug appeared to be undersco red on the Ring s and Pommell H orse and only sco red a 53.3 in th e All -Around. Th e judgin g by th e Women seemed to be much better than in Varna but still resembles a tug of war. Ann Carr's 37.00 in th e All-Around was a great sco re in view of the fa ct that th e winner, Dronova scored 37.75. Th e Men 's groups of 4 always had 2 judge s from th e Sov iet Union. This of co urse was a necessity sin ce there were not eno ugh neutral judge s, howeve r, in th e Finals only neutral judges were use d. Th e judging on th e Rings was atro ciou s w ith th e Japa n ese being und ersco red. The trip was pl easa nt and our boys and girls had good co mp etitipns an d saw a lot of Ru ss ia , a good ex peri ence for them. Bi ll Coco and Mike Willson , coac hes of our team s have prepared articles in detail and a special pat o n th e back for th e fine work of D elen e Darst, Bill Co co and Mike Will so n. .
R!J6B ....â&#x20AC;˘
The U.S. team o~Crosby, Hug, and Fitzjarrell just returned from the Moscow News Meet in Russia ' and it's counterpart the meet in Riga, Russia. I am sure the entire group enjoyed the trip, however, since I've never seen this statement in print before and I think it needs to be made known - we are NOT behind the European countries in Gymnastics. We really aren't very far behind the Russi ans and then only in some events. I feel USA FX is by far better than anywhere else in the world . We are behind politically. I saw Ann Carr and Steve Hug get politically scored on routines that I couldn't believe. Perhaps we should think seriously before we attempt too many organizational changes in men's gymnastics, our politics may nullify our organizational progress. By the way the entire western world takes a political beating on the the scoreboard even the Japanese. Following is a brief report on the men's trip. M.R. Willson Gymnastics Coach Odessa College Odessa, Texas On April 2,1975, th e entire group met at JFK Airport and sho rtl y th ere-a fter a trend started that shou ld have been th e slogan for th e tr ip be late. The airplane was abo ut 30 minutes late leaving and John CrosbY almost didn't m ake the plan e. I think in ref lection John was smarter than al l of us beca use it appears best to not worry too much about tim e sc hedules with the Soviets. The pl ane sc hed ul e was so organ ized with snack se rvices, supper, .the late mo vie, a cont in ental b rea kfast and tou chdown in London. I kept thinkin g th e stewa rd esses forgot to put slee p somewh ere in their schedule. Arriving in th e Lo nd on airport I was ex pecting a 1st impression of so methin g ve ry British. I found it I guess, very large rubber fir e hoses all along the wa ll s. Ha v in g just see n the " Tow ering In ferno" before leavi ng, I was having vis ions of the Towe ring I nferno A irpo rt. Our airplane tick ets were incorrect and 4 of the group had to chase th eir baggage t hrou gh severa l London termin als.
Since our group was going back and fo rth betwe en termin als 1 & 2 & 3, I asked the clerk how long it would take us to wa lk to th ese terminal s. Mistak e No .1 for the m en' s coach , I was told it was o nl y a fo ur-minute wa lk around the corner. Th e British should ha ve allowed the American s a little more tim e, it took us abo ut 20 minutes around severa l co rn ers. Our ti cke ts we re rew ritten to Warsaw, Poland. We arrive d th ere w ith seve ral ot her teams and then fin all Y arrived in Moscow late in the even in g. M y baggage had go tten lost enro ute and ended up in the Moscow Customs Office sea led shut w ith wax. After so me difficu lt y w ith Sov iet Customs, I rejoined our group and we wen t to th e n ewest h o tel in Moscow. I think so m eo ne in th e group fig ured up 36 hours of trave l tim e. We had supper that eve ning as a group of 22 natio ns in a large banqu et roo m . April4 , breakfas t was at 9:00 and we sa t d ow n to three sa rdin es (head and tail s still on). A co uple o f the men gymn as ts did double takes wh il e looking at the sa rdin es . Br ea kfa st seemed to be a problem fo r mo st of our gro up w hil e in Moscow ; co nseq uent ly the m en ski pped thi s meal freq uentl y unless they CQu id get hard boiled eggs. Beve rage and dr inking wa s also an adju stm ent for th ose w ho were across the ocea n for the first time. John helped u s out with hi s requ es t for lemo nade, which was the eq uivalent of wea k ginger ale. Aft er brea kfas t we we nt to th e Spo rts Palace, where co mpet iti o n was to take pl ace and had th e draw of team s and compet itors and events. Th e m en dre w parall el bars first and we re first up. A brief discuss ion fo ll owed wi th the Sov iet official s fee ling that our order o f co mp etitors was not too important. The USA d elega tion then stayed for a press co nfere nce th at was, we fo und o ut later, onl y fo r th e pr ess. The co mpetition w as in a lar ge ice hockey arena on a raised p lat form . Th e train ingfacility, howeve r, was upsta irs in ano th er sec t ion of th e building. For th ose of u s who were new to fo reig n co mpeti tio n th ere we re severa l days in w hich we began to form n ew gymn as ti c fri end s. After approx imate ly 1 or 2 days, o ur group see med to b e adjusted to their new rout in es, fr iend s, sc h ed ul e, and th e d iet. On th e 4th of Apr il , the first and o nl y day o f GYMNAST June '75
pra cti ce for the group in Moscow, we were limited to 15-minute pract ice on each even t starting in the order of yo ur compet iti on dra w . Naturally , th e group was dissappoi nt ed that w e had arriv ed in Moscow to o late on th e 'd ay of the 3rd prac ti ce . As a coac h I felt an extra da y o f p ract ice would have bee n very ben eficial to everyo ne. Nevertheless, co mpetition began on the 5th and everyone appeared qu ite n ervou s and did not have hi s usual clea n ro utines exce pt in ,FX9.35 and LHV-9.25 . I felt Joh n shou ld have be en in th e f in als o n bo th o f these events; howeve r, the judges didn 't as k fo r m y opinion. John ' s All Around total was 52.40. I felt John was und er a lot of pressure since in thi s m ee t 路 the year befor e, he had won 1st in FX and ABC TV was th ere w ith ca me ras turning. Dou g Fitzjarrell was also ve ry n ervo us in the Moscow co mpetition , however, his routines were ve ry so lid and c lea n until t he 4th event. In the Po mmel Horse he kinda went Ban anas as he put it. Prior to Pommel Ho rse, hi s scores were PB-9, FX -9.45 (made final s) , LH V-9 , Rings-B.75 ; HB-B.B5, and on Pommel Horse a so li d 7.35. N aturall y Doug w as verY di sa ppoint ed and we disc ussed usin g a slightl y easi er routine on pomm el horse at Rig a. Hug looked hi s usual tec hnica ll y correct se lf on horse with a bea utiful routin e. However, th e judges onl y sc ored it 9.3. This did put him in th e final s, however, it did appear to be an und erscore on th e part of the judges. In the Lon g Horse Vaulting , St eve had troubl e w ith hi s running approa ch, zo ne faulted and sco red a lo w B on hi s Hdsp' fu ll twi st. Steve also had prob lems on th e Ho ri zo ntal Bar, howeve r, he cove red up a crooked swi ng out of an ono - did
GY"1NASt June '75
not va ult - but d id execute a pretty good free hip. His sco re on H . Bar was B.B5. That night th e coa c hes and judg es of severa l nation s we nt out to see so m e of th e Moscow eve ning life, howeve r, most o f th e res taurants were clo sed o r pa cked with people so the hardy and lat e bird s stayed and the weak, . w eary, ea rl y birds went ba ck. On April 6, Fit zjarrell drew first up in th e FX fin als. Hi s routine w as exce ll ent, however, he ended up 3rd. Hug also looked very good on the Pommel H o rse, howev er, he did not place in the top three. April 7, the g roup took an all-night tra i n ride to Riga. The train was met by th e organizing co mmittee and a large bann e r above the train station lobbY wecoming the gymnasts. Th ere was an ex trem elY long wa it for rooms at the Ho te l Riga , fo ll owed by the co mpetitive draw. The draw was significant du e to th e fact that 19 nations vo ted to all ow on ly 2 gymnasts from each nation to parti c ipate in the finals. It was probablY th e on ly d emocratic vot e ev er taken in a Communi st country, howeve r, it didn 't rea lly seem to so lve th e politi ca l judging problem. In the final s in Riga the other participating Commun ist countr ies managed to get more competi tors in th e fin als due to the ruling of only 2 co mpetitors from eac h count ry in ea ch eve nt finals . The USA men drew P. Bars again as the first event, however, they weren ' t up 1st, this time we drew places 5, 6, 7. The workouts prior to th e meet in Rig a were very prod uctive for o ur m en and a great dea l more tim e w as all owed for each group on each event. In (0oscow the prac ti ce time was fiftee n minutes for each group on each event. Sin ce there were 9
peopl e in each group th at didn ' t allow much time for anyone . In Riga we were all otted 30 minutes for each group on each even t. April B, in th e early morning and afternoon I spen t a great d ea l of tim e with the Sovie t interpreter for our group sight seeing in Riga as king questions abo ut th e Sov iet training meth ods for m en and wome n. In Riga the ce remon ies prior to the competition was perhaps the m ost beaut iful rhythmic gymnast ics I have ever seen. The group was co mpo se d of yo ung bo ys and gir ls who used wands, ribbon s, free handbal ancing, duo handbalancing, lar ge flags, and oth er implements to displ ay th eir grace and talent. In th e compet ition Crosby scored B.45 o n the Parall el Bars, Fitzj arrell mi sse d a front toss and scored B.25. Hu g scored B.95 o n Ho ri zonta l Bar, Crosby cove red up a bad o no w ith a free hip and sc ored B.B5. Fit zjarre ll was very clean and solid for a B.95. Hu g scored a 9.2 with an exce llent routine that had o nl y a few leg break s. In FX I talked John into hi s old mount - w hip back to double ba ck sin ce he was having trouble with hi s full in. He scored a 9.4 and made the fin als. Fit zjarrell was also hi gh and clean and scored 9.45 . H e too made th e finals . Steve scored an B.B5. It's m y opinion that he Gould have scored much higher in form pants. On the Pomm e ll H orse Crosby had a lot of troubl e and scored 7.B . Fitzjarrell left out doubl e leg circ les on one pomm ell and sco red 9.4. Hu g executed brilliantlY for a 9.3. In the Still Rings Crosby was c lea n and had a good do ubl e back dismount for B.75. Fit zjarrell was smoother and was sw inging mu ch better than John fo r an B.B5. Hug had a great r o utin e. His
giant was with straig ht arms, exce ll ent whippett, and a nice double back 8.95. Paota from Russia followed , fell out of a wh ippett, had 2 i nte rmed iate sw in gs an d sco red a 9.0 on Rin gs. Na turall y our ent ire m en 's delegation was speech less on th at sco re. I asked the head judge from N. Korea to ex plain to me why Hug sco red so low on the Rings. H is on ly com ment was USA no good. Crosby and Fitz made fin a Is i n FX . Hug va ulted poorly for an 8.0. Fi tzjarre ll started his vaulting run o n the wrong foot , al most hand faulted and scored an 8.6. CrosbY h ad an
exce llent cartw hee l back for a 9.35 and probabl y an underscore. However, John did make th e final s in LH V. H ug d id not make th e fina ls in PH or SR eve n though hi s execution and difficut ly in both eve nts is better th an Fitzjarre Ws. Ap ril 9, after breakfast we had a leis ure day, shopping , sig htsee in g on foot. Mr. Cumiskey saw severa l interesting sights, includi ng the oldest churc h in Ru ss ia, and we had a Plum milks hake in Russia. There are so many people shopping and wal kin g, it is difficult to move o n the streets and in th e stores .
RESULTS " MOSCOW NEWS" Men's All-Around Name 1. V. Klime nko (URS) 2. S. Kasama tsu (JPN) 3. V. Tikhonov (URS) 4. A. Oitiatin (URS) 5. T. Kume (JP N) 6. H. Kajiyama (JPN) 7. W. Thun e (GOR) 8. G. Kryss in (URS) 9. A. Tannenberger (TC H) 10. R. l:iansc hke (GOR) 11 . Oin Kim Son (ROPe) 12. J. Tabak (TCH ) 13. S. Shjraishi (JPN) 14. Ir Kim Son (ROPe ) 15. G. Paun esc u (ROM) 16. Noa le Ian (GBR) 17. R. Branea (ROM) 18. P. Wesolowski (PO L) 19. Steve Hug (USA) 20. R. Richards (CUB) 21. R. giess (SUI) 22. J Smon (H U N) 23. R. Tka czyk (POL) 24. M. Milanetto (ITA) 25. John Crosby (USA) 26. Pom Son Sun (ROPC) 27. Doug Fitzjarre ll (USA) 28. P. Boute t (FRA) 29. R. Barthe l (GOR) 30. A. Zucca (ITA) 31. M. Kartunnen (F IN) 32. J. C ue rvo (CUB) 33. G. Todorov (BUL) 34. B. Puskas (HUN) 35. C. Lesage (FRA) 36. A. Farkas (HUN) 37. U. Ba chma nn (SU I) 38. L. Ma silu (ROM) 39. W. Marek (POL) 40. F. Van Elteren (HO L) 41. G . Butl es (CAN) 42. P. Andreev (BUL) 43. M . Ha lvorsen (NOR) 44. F. Halvorsen (NOR) 45 . F. Garcia (CUB) 46. F. Fellah (A LG) 47. A. Serradj (ALG) 48. O. Wa lstrom (CAN) 49. R. Lebed (A LG) 50. A. Sandova l (SPA)
9.35 9.50 9.40 9.35 9.40 9.25 9.20 9.35 9.30 8.95 8.95 9.20 9.05 8.70 8.80 9.00 9.10 9.05 8.90 8.90 8.75 8.75 8.55 8.85 9.35 9.00 9.40 8.80 8.75 8.70 8.75 9.20 8.90 8.75 8.85 8.75 8.65 8.80 8.40 8.45 8.60 8.65 8.45 8.55 8.45 7.55 7.95 8.40 7.85
PH 9.10 9.15 9.25 9.60 9.25 9.25 9.30 9.00 8.80 9. 15 8.50 8.40 8.60 8.85 9.00 8.80 8.85 8.70 9.30 9.40 9.05 8.60 9.10 8.55 8.30 8.00 7.35 8.50 7.30 8.80 8.40 7.80 7.50 9.50 8.80 7.35 8.40 8.85 8.75 8.30 6.55 7.55 5.50 6.85 8.00 7.95 6.50 5.50 3.50 7.60
RESULTS RIGA '75 Men's All-Around R
9.60 9.10 9.50 9.45 9.10 9.15 9.10 9.30 9.15 8.95 9.25 9.20 9.10 9.1 0 9.00 8.70 9.00 9.10 8.85 9.75 8.75 8.85 8.85 8.80 8.35 9.00 8.75 8.70 8.80 8.45 8.60 8.15 8.70 8.60 8.40 8.65 8.80 9.10 8.25 8.55 7.85 8.20 8.75 8.75 8.40 7.50 7.60 8.55 7.60 8.75
9.40 9.35 9.25 9.00 9.10 9.00 9.20 9.00 9.35 9.05 9.00 9.40 8.65 8.85 8.85 9.15 9.25 8.95 8.20 8.2S 8.80 9.05 9.20 8.70 9.25 8.80 9.00 8.85 9.35 9.15 8.50 8.65 9.25 8.95 9.00 8.75 8.25 8.40 8.65 8.40 8.65 8.60 8.50 7.85 9.05 8.00 8.10 8.00 7.40 7.00
PB 9.50 9.60 8.70 9.25 9.05 9.25 9.20 9.10 8.80 9.15 9.30 8.95 9.10 9.05 9.05 8.95 8.65 8.65 9.20 8.75 9.15 8.85 8.75 9.05 8.20 8.70 8.95 8.60 8.80 8.45 9.10 8.95 8.80 7. 10 8.10 8.75 8.65 7.65 8.55 8.60 8.70 8.20 8.45 7.40 5.85 6.00 8.90 5.50 6.90 8.75
HB 9.50 9.35 9.40 8.80 9.50 9.45 9.20 9.10 9.05 9.15 9.00 8.80 9.20 9.15 8.80 8.90 8.50 8.90 8.85 9.15 8.65 9.05 8.35 8.75 8.90 8.90 9.00 8.75 9.15 8.55 8.7~
9.30 8.80 8.80 8.50 9.10 8.50 8.45 8.60 8.80 8.60 8.85 8.85 8.40 7.00 8.25 8.00 7.25 7.50 6.00
TOTAL 56.45 56.04 55.50 55.45 55.40 55.35 55.20 54.85 54.45 54.40 54.00 53.95 53.70 53.70 53.50 53.40 53.35 53.35 53. 30 53.20 53.15 53.15 52.80 52.70 52.60 52.40 52.35 52.20 52.15 52.10 52.10 52.05 51.95 51.70 51 .65 51.35 51.35 51 .25 51.20 51.10 50.95 50.05 48.50 47.80 46.75 45.25 45.05 43.20 40.75 38.10
RESUL TS " MOSCOW NEWS" Men's Individual Events Floor Exercise : Vladimir Tikhonov (URS) 18.75; Shige ru Kasamatsu (JPN) 18.7; Ooug Fitzjarrell (USA) 18.65; Gennad i Kryss in (URS) 18.6; Takes hi Kume 18.55; Alexandr Oitiatin (URS) 18.15. Pomm e l Horse: Alexand r Oitiatin 18.8; Be la Puskas (HUN) 18.75; Roberto Richa rd s (CUB) 18.5; Steve Hu g (USA) 18.4; Wolfgang Thune (G OR) 18.4; Vladimir Tikh onov 17.5. Rings: Vik tor Klimenko (URS) 18.9; Alexand r Oitiatin 18.7; Son Oin Kim (RO PC) 18.45; Vladimir Tikhonov 18.4; Jiri Tabak (TCH) 18.2; Gennad i Kryssin 18.1. Vault : Jiri Tabak 18.7; Augustin Tanne n berger (TCH) 18.55; Ralf Barthel (GOR) 18.55; Viktor Koimenko 18.35 ; Shigeru Kasamatsu 18.25; Vladimi r Tikhonov 17.925. Para llel Ba rs: Shigeru Ka smats u 19.2; Hiroshi Kajiyama (JPN) 18.65; Son Oin Kim 18.4; Wolfga ng Thune 18.2; Viktor Klimenko 17.75; Alexandr Oitiatin 17.4. Hotizonta l Bar: Takeshi Kume 19.05; Hiroshi Kajiyama 18.8; Jorge Cuervo (CUB) 18.65; Wo lfgang Thune 18.6; Shinzo Sh iraishi (JPN) 18.45; Vlad imir Tikhonov 17.9.
took pi ctures of o ur girl s in the p relimi naries today, Ann Carr should have been 3rd in AA but her scoring had her 4th. Mr. Cumiskey pointed o ut to me the Russians have their trash cans attached to walls. The boys shopped today and slept. I think the trip finally ca ught up w ith them . Apri l 10, we went to th e o ldest historical church in Ri ga with Mr. Cumiskey. It was built ~l 1206, rebuilt in 1215, 1251, 1400 and aga in in 1700 's. It was destroyed in WW II, rebuilt in 1972. The museum guid e was from A ustra li a and he spoke Eng lish. Also we met an eng ineer who mak es 25 rub les a
Name 1. Hi rosh i Kajiuana (JPN) 2. Shigeru Kasamatsu (JPN) 3. Shinzo Sh iraishi (JPN) 3. Vladimir Safronov (U RS ) 5. Takeshi Kume (JPN) 6. Paata Sc ha mu gia (URS) 7. Kim Son Oin (R OPC ) 8. Jir i Tabak (TC H) 9. Wolfgang Thune (GOR) 10. Vladimir Tikhonov (URS) 11 . Roberto Richa rd s (CUB) 12. Jorge Cue rvo (CUB) 13. Noale lam (GB R) 14. G heo rge Pa un esc u (ROM) 15. Doug Fitzja rre ll (USA) 16. Ralf Barthel (GOR) 17. Marku Kart un ne n (F IN) 18. Steve Hug (USA) 18. Piotr Wese lowski (POL ) 20. Ir Kim Son (ROPC) 21. Radu Branea (ROM) 22. Bela Pu skas (HUN) 22. Ma uri z io M il anetto (ITA ) 24. Renato Giess (SU I) 25. Arpad Farka s (HU N) 26. Roman Tka czuk (POL ) 27. Walde mar Marek (POL ) 28. John Crosby (USA) 28 . Ueli Bac hma nn (SU I) 30. Glen But ler (CAN) 30 . . Gueorgi Todo rov (BU L) 32. Janos Sziron (HUN) 33. Frans Van Eltere n (HO L) 34. Angelo Zucca (ITA ) 35. Franci sco Garcia (CUB) 36. Claude Lesage (F RA ) 36. Agustin Sandova l (SPA) 38. Roberto Arego (CUB) 39. Liviu Mazilu (ROM) 40. Eduard Mikailia n (URS)q 41 . Frede Halversen (NOR) 42. Plamen e Andreev (BUL) 42. Magne Hal versen (NOR) 44. Owen Walstrom (CAN) 45. Pon Son Sun (ROPe) 46. Fuad Fellax (ALG) 47. Ruad Lobed (ALG) 48. Abde laz iz Se rra tz (A LG) 49. Nik o la i Fedore nko (URS) 50. Rainer Hancshke (GOR)
9.60 9.50 9.15 9.15 9.35 8.90 9.15 9.40 9.15 9.25 8.85 9.20 9.05 8.80 9.45 8.60 8.90 8.85 8.80 8.95 9.05 8.80 8.80 8.45 8.80 8.30 8.55 9.40 8.50 8.80 8.85 8.85 8.50 8.60 8.85 8.60 8.50 8.95 8.70 9.20 8.45 8.30 8.40 8.70 9.15 7.85 8.00 7.95 9.20
PH 9.55 9.35 9.25 9.35 9.35 9.50 9.10 9.15 9.30 9.50 9.50 8.90 8.85 9.10 9.40 8.80 9.00 9.35 8.60 8.05 8.35 8.90 8.65 9.1 5 8.35 9.40 9. 15 7.80 9.20 9.15 8.35 8.50 8.90 9.00 8.50 8.75 8.85 8.15 8.95 8.85 8.90 6.35 8.40 7. 15 3.00 7.30 6.25 4.50 9.35 9.35
9.25 9.10 9.25 9.35 9.00 9.00 9.40 9.25 8.95 8,95 9.00 9.20 8.75 8.70 8.85 8.85 8.40 8.90 8.75 9.1 5 8.75 8.70 8.75 8.75 8.85 8.65 8.25 8.75 8.35 8.50 8.65 8.15 8.70 8.20 8.90 8.55 8.45 8.95 8.90 8.20 8.55 8.50 8.85 8.85 9.35 7.65 6.90
9.40 9.40 9.25 9.40 9.25 9.50 8.95 9.35 8.70 9.25 8.70 8.75 9.25 9.10 8.60 9.45 9.20 8.00 9.00 8.95 9.20 8.80 8.85 9.10 8.75 8.95 8.85 9.35 8.65 8.70 9.05 9.25 8.75 8.70 8.60 8.85 8.60 8.30 8.75 9.35 8.30 9.10 8.40 8.70 8.95 8.30 8.10 8.35
PB 9.40 9.50 9.30 9.15 9.00 9.25 9.25 8.70 9.25 8.50 9.00 8.75 8.90 8.95 8.25 8.40 8.80 8.95 9.00 8.90 8.80 8.75 9.00 8.70 9.00 8.85 8.80 8.45 8.80 8.70 8.70 8.30 8.20 8.65 8.60 8.20 8.55 8.30 8.65 6.00 8.20 8.65 7.35 7.80 8. 10 7.40 7.95 7.40 9.20
HB TOTAL 9.60 56.80 9.70 56.55 9.60 55.80 9.40 55.80 9.55 55.50 9.30 55.45 9.30 55.15 9.20 55.05 9.60 54.95 9.40 54.85 9.1 0 54.15 9.30 54.10 9.05 53.85 8.95 53.60 8.95 53.50 9.30 53.40 9.05 53.35 9.20 53.25 9.1 0 53.25 9.20 53.20 8.90 53.05 9.05 53.00 8.95 53.00 8.80 52.95 9.10 52.82 8.55 53.70 9.05 52.65 8.85 52.60 9. 10 52.60 8.60 52.45 8.85 52.45 9.20 52.25 9.05 52.10 8.90 52.05 8.40 51 .85 8.70 51.65 8.70 51.65 8.80 51.45 7.05 51.00 9.25 50.85 8.00 50.40 9.00 49.90 8.50 49.90 8.45 49.65 9.10 47.65 7.95 46.45 7.70 44.90 7.45 43.35 9.25 37.05 9.30 27.85
RESULTS RIGA Men's Individu al Finals Floor Exercise : Sigeru Kasamatsu (JPN) 19.10; Ooug Fitzjarrell (USA) 18.95; Takeshi Ku me (JPN ) 18.85; John Crosby (USA) 18.70; Jiri Tabak (TCH) 18.60; Vlad imir Tikh onov (U RS) 18.40 . Pommel Horse: Sigeru Kasamatsu 18.75; Vladimir Tikhonov 18.75; Roberto Ri c hards (CUB) 18.65; Ooug FitzjarreII 18.40; Roman Tka czuk (PO L) 17.85; Paata Scham ugia (URS) 17.75. Rings: V. Safronov URS) 18.75; Oon Kim Son (ROPC) 18.70; Pon Son Sun (ROPC) 18.50; S. Shira ishi (JPN) 18.45; J. C uervo (CUB) 18.20; J. Tabak 18.15. Vault : P Sc ha mugi a 18.875 ; V. Safronov 18.825; S. Kasam atsu 18.825; J. Tabak 18.650; R. Barther (GOR) 18.600; J. Crosby 18.525. Para lle l Ba rs: S. Ka sa matsu 19.100; S. Sh iraishi 18.700; W. Thune (GOR) 18.500; Oin Kim Son 18.450; V. Safronov 18.45; P. Schamugia 18.25. Horizontal Bar: S. Kasamatsu 19.25; S. Shiraishi 19.1 ; W. Thune 18.9; V. Tikhonov 18.85; V. Safronov 18.6; Oin Kim Son 18.45.
GYMNAST June '75
week and li ves in a ten ant hou se with hi s fam il Y and four o th er fam ili es. The five w ives sha re the kitch en and th e fi ve fam ili es share th e bath. By co ntrast o ur Ru ss ian enterperter Yuri has 2 TV ' s, car , has 2 c hildren and makes 300 rubl es a month. Ai~ pollution is a problem , there ha ve b ee n no clear bright sunn y d ays at any tim e. The sun almo st brea ks thro ugh and th en it doesn ' t. We leave for Moscow at 2:1 5 a. m. and ge t into Washington at 6:00 p.m. In summary it was a great trip for me and a disappointment to the USA men and w om en w h o were sco red politi ca ll y rath er than gymnast icall y.
"MOSCOW NEWS" AND RIGA '75 By Bill Coco Women's Coach We (Ann Carr, Barbi e Myslak , Jodi Yocum and I) left for Moscow o n Wedne sday , April2, at 9 p.m. from JF K Ai rp o rt in New York and wou ld give it to th e one who had placed the arri ved in Lo nd on at 8:30 a.m. Thursda y hi ghest. A s it worked out Do'u g Fit zj arrell morning. We had diffi cu lty gett in g a p laced third in floor exerc ise and w e pre se nted co nnectin g f li ght beca use th e fli ght wh ich had him 'with th e wood ca rvi ng. Followin g Op ening been booked for us d id no t fl y to Moscow on Ceremoni es round o ne of th e women 's Thursda ys. However a TWA agent assisted us competition bega n and we did not see any of and we eve ntuall y got o n a fli g ht to Warsaw and th e competition since we were in th e warmup went o n io Moscow from there . gym ge ttin g rea d y for o ur compet iti on. Our W e arrived in Moscow at 9 p.m. in stea d of 3 competition order was to b e bars, bea m , flo o r p.m. , as pl anned , and by th e time we got to o ur and vau lting . room s at th e hotel it was after 11 p.m. So we had Jodi was th e first one up for u s on bars. She been tra ve llin g fo r nea rl y 24 hours. It took had so me difficulty and finished crooked on aw hile to adjust to th e t ime d ifference and I her hec ht full tw ist d ismount. He r score was 6.7 . think thi s affected th e girls a littl e in Barbi e was next up and alth o ugh he r front so mi co mp etition. was ve ry high , her hand s ju st slippe d fr om th e Th e hotel w here we stayed was one of th e bar and she fe ll. But th e rest o f th e routine we nt best in Moscow . Th ere were ove r 2,000 rooms well and she f ini shed w ith a 7.9. Eve n with such and the hotel cove red an area of fo u r blo cks. a low bar sco re, Barbi e managed to fini sh 18th Although we found the se rvice to be bett er in in th e all aroun d out o f 49 co mpetitors. Riga , th e foo d was good and the room s ni ce. Although Ann 's bar rout ine look ed sli g htl Y The n ex t afternoon (Fri day) we worked o ut ru shed she scored 9.1. She decid ed not to from 4 to 6:30 p .m . W e we re pu t int o o ur throw her hec ht full and ended in stea d w ith a co mpetition squads and spe nt approximate ly ve ry fine hecht off th e hi gh bar. 20 minutes at eac h eve nt. In o ur squad th ere On beam th ere were no gifts given to ou r were tw o girls from Great Brita in and o ne fro m girls. In fa ct, it was ve ry hard to understand East Germa ny. Our draw for th e co mpetition so me of th e scores that were give li until it was was ve ry good since we we re pl aced in t he rea li zed that th ere we re two Russian and one second round and o ur first eve nt was to be Korean judge o n beam. Jod i w as aga in first for un eve n bars. Th e Ru ss ians we l ea rn ed were our tea m and eve n though she fe ll on her also sc h eduled to co mpete in th e seco nd mount she turn ed in a fi ne routine ea rning an rou nd. There would be two rou nd s for women 8.15. Barbi e's sco re of 8.8 ca rn e as a surpri se and one round for m en. We had a sli ght beca use the routine had the necessa ry problem in w idening th e un eve n ba rs and difficulty and few bobb les. She looked a littl e when it was tim e for the Ru ss ian s to wa rm-up nervous b ut no more than a few oth er special ex tenders we re fo un d to widen th e competitors. Ann had quite a stop afte r h er bars. Ho wever th ey ca me o ve r to us and sa id tu ck back and mi ssed her h and stand stradd le that we co uld have 15 minutes at th e end of down b ut cove red it nice ly by ro lling out of the worko uts to go back to bars aga in w ith th e handstand. Sh e re ce ive d an 8.6. spec ial ex tend ers. So we we re abl e to adju st th e As so metim es happens, th e Russian s were on bars to fit Jodi . After eve ryo ne else had bars at th e sa m e tim e we were on floor. So mo st co mplete d workouts th e Cu ba ns ca rne in and of the audie nce atten ti o n was ce ntered on bars. wo rk ed o ut fo r quite aw hile. One interestin g no te should be m ade abo ut W e took Jod i ove r to th e d oc tor to exa min e Ann 's routin e o n floor. Most of the mu sic was her eye since it had bee n both e ring her. It was put to ge th er o n a ma ste r tape pla yed o ve r the quite an expe ri ence since we did not ha ve an publi c address syste m. Ann was up on the floor interpre ter but th e d oc tor drai ned her eye and at th e sa me time Ne lli Kim of th e Soviet Un ion band age d it and we we nt back the next day and was up on bars. When Ann start ed her ro utin e he draine d it agai n and it seemed to be bett er. th e mu sic was ve ry soft. Imme di ately aft er Kim The people were co rdi al to u s. Th ey suppli ed u s di smounted th e mu sic b eca m e ve ry loud , w ith a bu s so we co uld get to th e Sport s Hall and alm ost so lo ud that it hurt the ea rs. Scores on the bus dri ve r waited for abou t half an hour floor we re 9.1 for A nn , 9.05 for Barbie and 9.0 whil e w e took Jodi to see th e doctor . for Jodi. W e got to th e Sports Hall th e nex t da y we ll On vaulting th e ju dges seemed to lik e before Opening Ce remoni es we re to start. The Barbi e' s hand spr in g fro nt. The first on e she Ceremonies we re ve ry impressive and th e landed on her sea t but th e seco nd sh e land ed team s were all lined up and g ive n num erous well and although she pla ce d one hand down gift s. W e rece ived a carving and decid ed we with support she st ill scored 9.0 which I felt was
GYMNAST June '75
Ann Carr
a good score. Jodi had a slight problem twi sting too early. She was given an 8.8 f o r her handspring full. Ann's cartwhee l back received a 9.25 . She ha s a probl em kicking it out and land ing it strai gh t and when she learns to do this I' m sure she' ll receive a better score . As it work ed o ut Ne lli Kim had a 38.3 in the all arou nd , fo ll ow ed by four other Russians. Th e fifth pla ce Russian had a 37.3. Then th e E a~t German in o ur squad finished 6th with 36.8. Th en another Ru ss ian fo llo wed wi th 36.75 and Ann finished 8th with 36.2. We we re rea ll y working to pu ll scores. Barbie finished in 18th pla ce with 34.75. Jodi had 34.65 and finish ed in 22nd. Our girls did a co mmendable job es p ec iall y co nsidering th e problems of adjusting to time change s and new equipment. Equipment was definitely an impo rtant factor . The girl s competed on a vin yl cove red beam wh ich Ann sa id was much springi er and difficult to use. Th e rails o n the bars were sm all er and also mu ch li ve lier. The board fo r va ultin g had a much hi gher arc than we were used to wo rkin g with in thi s co untry. Th e only board whi ch is p erhap s similar is the new Am eri ca n board , only w ith out the m etal part. All these fa ctors mu st b e kept in mind when eva luating a performan ce. The followin g afternoon both the men ' s and women ' s final s were held. Six Russians had qualified for eac h event exce pt for vaulting which Ann wa s in and balance beam where a Czech gi rl had qualified . However only three Ru ss ians went into final s so Ann qualified for finals in three events, bars, floo r and va ulting. One gym nast dropped o ut of vau lting so there w e re o nl y five fina li sts. Olga Kova l of th e Sov iet U ni on was first scoring 9.45 for her vau lt. Lidi a Gorbik al so of the Soviet Union scored 9.35 to tie with N elli Kim for second . Kim executed a nice ca rtwh ee l back. She also did a handspring 1V2 twi st but had problems with h er landi ng . Th e n Hieke Gehrisch of East Germany did a half twist o n back off to receive 9.3 and finished 4th. Ann was fifth sco ring 9.3 for h er cartw hee l back. However, I st ill think she w as und ersco red since she is doing that va ult piked. The next event was b ars. Kim scored 9.55 to take first. Lidia Gorbik scored 9.55 to take seco nd . H owever, her ro u t ine doesn 't see m quite the eq ui va len t of Kim 's. Sh e did a sta ld er but n ever really kicked ou t. It just stayed sto oped all the way arou nd with strai ght arms. Th e judge s see med to ge t ca rri ed away with th at as a particu lar move. Anna Szommer from Hungary got a 9.3 and too k third . H er routine was quite stock but she f ini she d with a nice toe
on front off. H owever one of the things I noticed abo ut some of the Russians and othe r gymnasts who are throwing toe on fronts is that they ' re com ing off very early never getting above the bar and then rotating rapidly. Then Ann came up and I thought she did as good a job as she can at this particular time. She threw her hecht fu ll but was a littl e rushed on her handstand pirouette. She arched a bit and this ca rri ed her into the bar a little fast so her hecht V2 turn was a little rapid. She received 9.1 to take fourth place. H einke Gehrisch of East Germany, who lead off the even t,"got an B.9. She had some trouble but she does a nice move whic h is a free hip, handstand , front pirouette out, toe on, sole circ le shoot. Very nice combinat ion . She does a free hip hecht for a dismount but not nearly with the lift I've seen th e move done. Another girl who ' s an upcoming gymnast is Tam ara Ka za nina. She had a really unusual bar routine . She does a free hip, pirouette, full pirouette to ~ a stomach whip. She really does that well and also does a toe on front off for a dismount. However she had troubles in finals and blew her routin e getting a 7.9 givin g her sixth place. On balance beam N elli Kim took first place with 9.6. Lubov Bogdanova had a 9.5 taking second place. Lidia Gorb ik took third. It was interesting to w atch on beam that almost every difficult move is set up by an easy skill in front of it. In fact , in our countrY, a girl wou ld .be severely penalized for this. Kim actually stopped before her bac k although she moved rapidly out of it. She really has no tumbling series so to speak and we noticed this was true with the other two Russians, Lidia and Lubov. So we felt they were a little o ve rscored on their balance beam work. On floor Ann was second up and she did a real ly nice routine. She got a 9.3 and danced the parts better than I have seen her do them. Nelli Kim got a 9.65 as did Lidia Gorbik placing them in a tie for first place. We then saw an exhibition by some young, upcoming Soviet gymnasts. It was quite good. Some of the music was quite modern and more interpretive. Quite a few double fulls were shown in th is meet so I think in Montreal we' ll see many double fulls. Tha t eve ning we left Moscow for Riga on the second train. We rode all night and had sleeping compartments. I didn 't think badly of the ride and slept we ll. We arrived in Riga at 11 :30 the next morning. We arrived at the hotel a littl e tired and found there were no rooms available. However they let us use a suite of rooms to store our baggage and also to change into workout clothes. When we came back that even in g we were finally given rooms. We were supposed to be at a meeting at 2 p.m. and it was alreadY after 1 p.m. so we misse d the press conference. Then we went to the draw. They broke the Russians down at 4 and 2 and both were in the first round . A vote was taken among the coaches and it was decided that on ly two gymnasts from each country wou ld be allowed in finals. The Russians had six different gymnasts in this competition than the one in Moscow however the othe teams were th e same. This time our squad was paired with the Czec h girls and the other teams in our round were Japan, Sweden, Norway, Great Britain, Romania , Canada , Switzerland and Poland. The other teams in our group did not see m particularly strong so we felt it might be more advantageous to us to be . in the other round . The following day th e men worked ou t an d the girls were only in ope nin g ce remonies that
day while th e men competed that night. When we warmed up and finallY worked out in the competition area the girls seemed much more rested and relaxed than they had in Moscow. We began workouts on vaulting. Many of the problems with vaulting in Moscow were still appa rent in Riga. Jodi was still twisting early on her handspring full. Babrie only did one handspring front and her feet kicked out from under her again. However she said she didn 't feel like doing any more so we stopped with one. Ann did about six or eight cartw heel b acks and worked on the kick out. I ta lk ed to the girls about the vaulting technique I had observed which is a low preflight with an angle break in the bodY and arms. I think we would be deducted for this technique in this country especially since the FIG pi ctures show stra ight body position in preflight. But this position seems to be one of the reasons th e Russians get tremendous afterflight. We went to uneven bars and again we were working with a thinner rail which the girls seemed to lik e. On Iloor, Barbie warmed up on a few double fulls. Jodi did some fu ll s. Ann worked parts of her routine to get to a better co rn er position on her la st tumbling pass. Our girl s looked very good on beam. One thing I noticed about workouts is that they must be run ve ry quickly and I think coaches in the United State s should try and work our girls so that they can warmup very qickly and know what to do in a short period of time . This is because most of the workout s had been in shift type work where you 're going from one piece of equipment to anot her and on ly have 20 minutes at each . And for six girls to get through in 20 minute s you ca n 't spend much time working sing le moves aga in and again. When the competition began we were up first on floor exercise. In this compet iti on the girls, for some reason, seemed more n ervous than in Moscow. An n went out of bounds on her first tumbling pass primarily because she went crooked and went off to the right in stead of going down the diagonal. Barbie seemed very disoriented after her rout ine and, in ra ct , walked by all fo ur corners of the floor before coming off the platform. But Ann did receive 9.15, Barbie got a 9.05 and Jod i finished with an B.95. Then next was vau lting, whe re Ann did a fine cartwhee l back and received a 9.4 which later earned for her a spot in fin als. Jodi scored an B.B5 for a handspring full. Barbie was sti ll uncerta in of where she was in the air and underturned the first handspring front and ove rturn ed the second. She received an B.4. Barbie turned in a sensational bar performance and scored 9.4 which put her in a tie for first going into finals. Ann also made finals with a 9.35. Jodi scored 9.1. In beam , both Barbie and Ann did a better job than in Moscow. They looked more rested and their routines rea lly moved. Jodi, however, was doing fine until abo ut half way through her routine and then she seemed disoriented and co nfused. She finished with an B.ss. At the conclusion of the preliminarY . competition, Nina Dronova , of the Soviet Union, was first all aro und , Ann was tied for fourth with ' 37.00, Barbie was 16th with 35.65 and Jod i was in 20th place with 35.45 . Men ' s and women's finals were held th e next day: Ann had secure ly made finals in vaulting, bars and beam and was an alternate on floor. Then one girl dropped out of f loor finals so Ann qualified. Barbie was to be in bar finals. Ann was first up in vaulting and received a
9.3. She did a very good job on her second vault. Dronova, who finished first , did a handspring full and alth ough she landed with her feet apart scored 9.4. A nn finished third. Dronova hit a very nice bar routin e to tak e first on that event. She was followed by Elena Permak with 9.35. I felt though that Permak 's routine was sloppi er and showed poor form. Ann and Anna Szo mmer, of Hu ngary, tied for third . Barbie , who was ti ed for first going into finals , fe ll on her front somi catch and dropped down to sixth pla ce. During the three minute warmup before th e eve nt sta rted , Barbi e didn ' t get a chance to get on bars. Then the buzze r sounded but as I was adjusti ng the bars for her she went running off th e platform. I told her, even though the buzzer sounded to end warmup , she cou ld still warmup because she hadn ' t been on the bars. Sh e declined and would not remount the platform, but probably that warmup would ha ve helped a great deal. Again Dronova was first. Thi s time on beam. Ann went hard at her routine but came off on her back so mi. 路 I think t he three minute warmup affected her, but reall y, the tim e limit shouldn't have made that much difference . So Ann finished with two thirds and a sixth on floor and bea m. Barbie fini shed with a sixth on bars. After the co mpe tition there was a party and we le ft Riga at 2:15 a.m. for a flight to 路Moscow and then on to W as hington D.C. , by way of Paris.
Observations: On each of the eve nts I noticed littl e things that are different from what we do in this countrY and I have tried to point them out. On vaulting I m entioned th e technique I observed and also the tYpe of board the y are u sing. I should also m ention that most of th e vaulters in final s u se d handsprings with full or 1 y, twist s or cartwheel backs. On bars I mentioned th e n ew rail and I 路 should also mention two other moves I saw that were qu ite nice. One was a hecht y, twist ba ck out and th e other was a so le circle shoot y, twist back out. On bea m th ere was not mu ch that was particul arlY n ew but on floor th ere is much more mod ern as opposed to cla ss ical dance and more facial expression by the Ru ss ians. The Russians use mu ch si mpli cit Y and w ill often do a simp le move but mak e it ve ry dramatic. Also th e Russians seem to se t up their tumblin g passes with fairlY easy dance combinations . I think our girls mu st work for more co nsistencY and become tougher co mpetitors. However, our girls did ve ry well and I noti ced seve ral other teams that had improved a great dea l, notabl y Great Britain and Poland. I think perhaps one rea so n for the Ru ss ian s success is their treme"dous motivation. Motivation th at comes from the kno.wledge th at being a top ath lete mea ns more freedom , prestige and a chance to trave l that wou ld not be ordinarilY given to th em. However, I think th ere is no comparison betw ee n our two sYstem s and I think eventually we will b e on th e same level with the Ru ss ian s. It may take time but we are slowlY narrowing th e gap . GYMNAST June '75
RESULTS RIGA '75 Women's All-Around
RESULTS "M OSCOW NEWS" Women' s All-Around Name elli Kim (U RS) 1. 2. Li dia Gorbik (U RS) 3. O lga Ko va l (U RS) 4. lubov Bogdanova (U RS ) 5. Antonina Glebova (U RS) 6. He ike Gehrisch (G DR) 7. Tamara Ka zan ina (URS) 8. Ann Carr (USA) 9. Zdena Tu";"ova (TC H) 10. Mariana Consta ntin (ROM) 11 . Anna Szo mm er (HUN) 12. Jud yta Krawieczek (Pal) 13. Judit Mo ldvay (HUN ) 14. Georgeta Gabor (ROM) 15. Joelle De Keuk e le ire (BEL ) 16. Gabri e la Trusc<l (ROM ) 17. Machiko Ishimura (JPN) 18. Eva Gu zik (Pal ) 19. Barbie M ysla k (USA) ad ine Audin (FRA ) 20. 21. Isabel Cabello (SPA) 22. lody Yocum (USA) 23. Eva Matyuz (HUN) 24. lill Skau (N OR ) 25. Va cla va So ukupova (TC H) 26. Marietta Bontchev<l (BUl) 27. lun Khi Ze (RDPC ) 28. Ella Widme r (SU I) 29. Micke Nakam ura (JPN) 30. Ans Dekker (Hal ) 31. Un ni Holmen (BaR) 32. Stefania Bu cci (ITA ) 33. Petra Va n den Brink (Hal) 34. Vicenta Cruzat a (CUB) 35. Sarene ll a Codato (ITA) 36. lesley Ba rtlett (G BR) 37. l eono r Av il a (CUll) 38. Chanta le Segg ia ro (FR A) 39. Ruth Adde rl ey (G BR ) 40. Son Kim Tchoun (RDPC) 41 . Jwo na Ma rczewska (Pal) 42. Iku yo Takagi (J P ) 43. Tania Sli vova (TCH ) 44. KathY M urph y (CA ) 45. Alic ia Sanc hez (CUB) 46. Patti Rope (CAN) 47. Kathl' co rn (CA N) 48. Brigitt e Gi rardi n (SU I) 49. Iva nk a Je li asko va (BU l )
V UPB 9.50 9.60 9.40 9.60 9.40 9.25 9.15 9.30 9. 25 9.35 9. 30 9.25 8.95 9.40 9.25 9.10 9.05 8.70 8.85 8.90 8.85 9.10 8.70 8.65 8.50 8.65 8.95 9.00 8.75 8.75 8.90 9.05 8.85 8.55 8.90 8.75 9.00 7.90 8.85 8.75 8.90 8.80 8.80 8.70 8.60 8.80 8.60 8.75 8.80 8.60 8.60 8.50 9.00 8.30 8.35 8.70 8.90 8.75 8.65 8.70 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.35 8.95 8.60 8.50 8.85 8.55 8.25 8.40 8.95 8.70 8.15 8.80 8.50 8.60 8.70 7.95 8.00 8.55 8.20 8.55 7.60 7.35 8.70 8.85 8.60 8.80 7.85 8.55 7.70 9.00 7.75 8.75 7.45 8.70 2.00
BB 9.60 9.45 9.35 9.45 9.30 9.15 9.15 8.75 8.85 8.60 8.65 9.00 9.20 8.35 8.85 8.25 8.80 8.60 8.80 8.35 8.35 8.15 8.55 8.55 8.10 8.60 8.40 8.80 8.00 8.40 8.05 8.65 8.15 8.10 8.50 8.10 8.45 7.85 8.70 9.00 8.00 8.10 8.20 7. 10 7.65 8.20 7.40 7.65 7.85
FX 9.60 9.60 9.50 9.45 9.40 9.10 9.25 9.10 8.95 9.15 8.85 9.05 9.00 9.05 8.90 8.95 8.95 8.70 9.05 8.80 8.65 9.00 8JO 8.75 9.10 8.90 8.85 8.70 8.85 8.65 8.80 8'.50 8.50 8.75 8.85 8.65 8.75 8.85 8.40 8.65 8.85 8.95 8.85 8.55 8.75 8.60 8.70 8.85 8.70
38.05 37.50 37.35 37.30 36.80 36.75 36.20 35.55 35.50 35.45 35.40 35.35 35.35 35.25 35.15 35.15 34.95 34.75 34.75 34.70 34.65 34.65 34.65 34.60 34.60 34.55 34.55 34.50 34.40 34.35 34.25 34.20 34.20 34.15 34.10 34.05 34.00 33.80 33.60 33.60 33.20 33.10 33.10 33.05 33.05 32.85 32.70 27.25
Name 1. Ni na Dronova fURS) 2. Elena Primak (URS) 3. Ele na Ko les nikova (U RS ) 4. Sve tl a na Kudinova (U RS) 4. Ann Carr (USA) 6. Heike Gehrisch (GD R) 7. Iri s Pe rschau (G DR ) 8. Georgete Gabor (ROM) 9. Khi Zo Tun (R DPC) 10. Son Kim Tchoun (RDPC) 11. Vac~va Soukupova (TCH ) 12. Jud Yta Krawieczek (Pal) 13. Anna Szomme r (HUN) .14. Iwo na Marczewska (Pal) 15. Alia Selenko (URS) 16. Barbie Myslak (USA) 16. Marianna Consta ntin (R OM ) 16. Mac hiko Ishimura (JPN) 19. Ewa Gu zi k (Pa l ) 20. l ody Yocum (USA) 20. Mieko Nakamura (JPN) 22. Unn i Holm e n (NOR) 23. Gabriela Tru sca (ROM) 24. Nad in e Audin (FRA) 24. Alicia Sanchez (CUB) 26. l es ley Ba rtl e tt (G BR ) 26. Marietta Bontcheva (BUl ) 26. III Skau (NOR) 29. Ka th y Murphy (CAN) 30. Ella Widmer (SU I) 31. Pe tra Vall den Brink (Hal) 32. Eva Matyuz (HUN ) 33. - Ruth Adderley (GBR) 33. Ans Dekker (Hal) 35. Tana Slivova (TCH ) 36. Brig itte Girardin (SU I) 37. Maria. lsa be l Cabello (S PA ) 38. Joe ll e De Keuke le ire (BEL) 39. Ili ona Jare ns (U RS ) 39. KathY Corn (CAN) 39. Vincenta C ru zeta (CUB) 39. Chantele Seggiaro (FRA) 43. Judit Modvay (HUN) 44. Stefan ia Bucci (ITA) 45. Patti Rope (CAN) 46 . l eo nar Avila (CU B) 47. Zde na Tun ova (TCH ) 48. Ivank a Je lia zkova (BUl) 49. Serenella Co dato (ITA) 50. Ikuyo Takagi (JPN )
8.95 9.10 9.00 8.70 8.80 8.70 8.60 8.75 8.95 8.95 8.80 8.65 8.70
UPB 9.40 9.40 8.95 9.30 9.35 9.10 9.30 9.10 8.85 8.75 9.00 9.00 9.35 8.95 8.10 9.40 8.90 8.80 8.95 9.10 9.00 8.95 8.95 8.85 8.70 9.05 8.70 8.85 8.55 8.75 8.70 9.00 8.95 8.80 8.65 8.10 8.75 8.05 6.60 8.55 8.90 8.70 7.95 8.05 8.45 8.65 7.85 7.55 7.90 8.05
BB 9.40 9.40 9.50 8.85 9.10 9.20 8.90 9.10 9.25 9.15 8.90 8.80 8.35 8.90 8.90 8.80 8.75 8.70 8.70 8.55 8.50 8.65 8.25 8.45 8.70 8.60 8.65 8.60 8.60 8.60 8.50 8.55 8.45 8.35 8.20 8.45 8.00 8.20 9.35 7.90 8.00 8.00 8.50 8.60 8. 15 7.45 7.80 8.55 8. 10 7.15
FX 9.50 9.45 9.40 9.45 9.15 9.25 9.20 9.30 9. 15 9. 10 9.15 9.20 8.90 9.10 9.60 9.05 9.20 9.15 9.00 8.95 8.95 8.95 9.05 8.75 8.75 8.70 8.90 8.80 8.80 8.75 8.65 8.70 8.70 8.70 9.00 8.85 8.65 9.05 9.15 8.75 8.60 8.70 8.85 8.70 8.55 8.75 9.1 0 8.70 8.85 9.05
TOTAL 37.75 37.55 37.25 37.00 37.00 36.85 36.65 36.40 36.10 36.00 35.95 35.90 35.85 35.75 35.70 35.65 35.65 35.65 35.60 35.45 35.45 35.35 35.15 35.05 35.05 34.95 34,95 34.95 34.90 34.85 34.80 34.75 34.65 34.65 34.45 34.40 34.35 34.25 34.20 34.20 34.20 34.20 34.00 33.95 33.90 33.80 33.70 33.60 33.50 32.95
RESULTS RIGA Women's Individual Finals
RESULTS "MOSCOW NEWS" Women's Individual Events Vault: Ol ga Ko va l (URS) 18.85; Lidia Gorbik (URS) 18.75; Nelli Kim (URS) 18.75; Heike Gehrisch (GDR) 18.60; Ann Carr (USA) 18.55. Uneven Parallel Bars: Ne lli Kim 19.15; Lid ia Gorbik 19.15; Szommer Anna (H UN) 18.40; An n Carr 18.20; Heike Gehrisch 18.15; Tamara Kazan;na (URS) 17.30. Balance Bea m : Ne lli Kim 19.20; lubov Bogdanova (URS) 18.95; Lidia Gorbik 18.50; He ik e Gehrisch 18.35; Judit Mo ldvay (HUN) 16.40; Jud yta Krawieczek (Pal) 16.40. Floor Exercise: Lidia Gorb ik 19.25; Nelli Kim 19.25; O lga Kova l 19.05; Ann Carr 18.40; He ik e Gehri sc h 18.30; Mariana Cons tantin (ROM) 18.25.
V 9.45 9.30 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.25 8.90 8.85 9.00 8.90 8.90 9.25 8.80 9. 10 8.40 8.80 9.00 8.95 8.85 9.00 8.80 8.90 9.00 8.90 8.60 8.70 8.70 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.50 8.55 8.80 8.60 9.00
Vault: Nina Dronova (U RS) 18.80; Je le na Kolesnikova (URS) 18.80; Ann Carr (USA) 18.70; He ike Gehr isc h (GDR) 18.60; Iris Persc hau (GDR) 18.50; Anna Szo mmer (HUN) 18.50. Uneven Parallel Bars: N. Dronova 18.90; E. Primak (U RS) 18.75; A. Szommer 18.70; A. Carr 18.70; B. Mys lak (USA) 17.65; I. Perschau 17.45. Balance Beam: J. Kol es nikova 19.00; N. Dronova 18.85; Khi Zo Thun (RDPC) 18.50; Son Kim Tchoun (RDPC) 18.40; H. Gehrisch 17.90; A. Carr 17.70. Floor Exercise: A. Sel enko (URS) 19.20; N. Dronova 19.05; G. Gabor (ROM) 18.60; H. Gehri sc h 18.50; J. Krawieczek (Pa l ) 18.45; A. Carr 18.45.
For camp brochure or further registration information on any of our 10 weeks of camp sessions write: P.O. Box 1464 Covina, Ca. 91722
GYMNAST June '75
THE FIG IN TROUBLE Dr. Joseph Gohler "GYMNAST" International Editor Who are the 12 national teams for Montreal 1976? The Internat ion al Federation of Gymnastics (FIG), the o ldest international sports association of th e world (est. 1881) is in trouble. It is supposed to determine an eq uitab le method for choosing the top 12 teams to compete in competi ti ons (team competition) at th e 1976 Olympic Games. Also, the FIG must establish a likewise equitab le way to select individual gymnasts from other non-qualifying nations. It is so far understood that the top 6 teams from the World Champion ships in Varna qualify automatically for Montreal i.e. Japan, USSR , East Germany, Hungary, West Germany and Romania. The USA and Switzerland however, though mere hund.e ret hs of a point behind Romania would nevertheless n ot qualify automat ica lly. Also, North Korea , a very strong team would not be immediately invited to Montreal due to their absence from the Varna competition . Though at this juncture we need not deal with the People's Repub li c o f China (they will not be politically assimilated into the c irc le of Olympic nations by 1976) what of such nations as the CSSR (9th in Varna), Poland, France', Yugoslavia , Bulgaria, Italy and the South Koreans who with more ernest in compulsory execution would probablY qualify among the 12 top national teams? Canada is set as is understandable though perhaps not equitable given their Varna showing. Canada however is making great effo rts and the progress of Bill Mackie at Nebraska University is noteworthy. Thus we have the first six teams from Varna plus Canada as the host nation automatically qualified for the Olympic games, leaving 5 additional places for at 12 expecta nts; and one also ha s to think of Cuba, who had only three participants at Varna. The Cuban s made a strong impression with their optional exercises at Munich in 1972 . . The French now have given the FIG a plan wherein organization for preliminary competition would be arranged in three regional groups. Group 1: Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, and Finland. Group 2: CSSR, France, Yugoslavia, England Group 3: USA, South Korea, North Korea, Cuba , Canada Since seven spots are alreadY taken , o nl y one team from eac h group could qual ify . This leaves selection of 2 other teams to some other presumably less satisfactory means. What shall the FIG do? Shall it co nduct competit ion in the regions in dual or tri-meet form, or shou ld all teams compete a group at a time? And who shall pay for that? If one wants to save money, and one ha s to (the FIG treasury is not that so lven t in sp ite of the high 3% contr ibution of th e USA from th eir numerous and fine international compet ition s and tours) one has to probably hold dual meet competition . Given this then , the above group divisions make little se nse (financiall y). It certainlY costs less to fly from Europe to the USA or Cuba, than traveling to South Korea from New York o r Philadelphia.
At such dual meets the FIG should be represented by a man of confidence and an expe rt who co uld acc urate ly oversee and eva luate the scoring. If one leaves the judging to the participating teams , manipulation of scores is too tempting. An international expert would compa re eac h gymnast's score according to an alreadY establi shed world ranking li st based on scores compi led during the year. This would lend greater credibi l ity to the team competition. That such rankings are viable take for examp le the rank li st of the Eidgenoessischen Turnverein s (Oath Companion Gymnastj of the best Swiss gymnasts of 1974 in comparison w ith my ranking list derived in a whollY different way (point numbers analysis). Here is a synopsis of the two systems: Rank list by Swiss Method (ETV) Name 1. Rohner 2. Bretscher 3. Yock 4. Bachmann 5. Giess 6. Arnaboldi 7. Gaille 8. Schnyder 9. Locher 10. Tichelli 11. P. Schmid 12. Kast li st respective to best Rank performa nc es (Go h ler's System) Name 1. Rohner 2. Bretscher 3. Bachmann 4. Yock 5. Giess 6. Arnaboldi 7. Gaille 6. Schnyder 9. Locher 10. Tichelli 11. P. Schmid 12. Kast
Points 69 66 41 38 34 32 29 19 15 4 3 3 optional Points 89.33 89.33 88.94 88.67 88.50 88.13 87.58 86.83 86.67 84.83 84.75 84.50
One can see the pictures are simi lar. The differences are minimal and are a result first of all because I basically used the three best optional exercises and not the combined compulso ry and optional totals. This to be fair to the Chinese, South and North Koreans who did not take part in the World Champion ships of 1974 (Varna , Bulgaria) and have hardly done comp ulsories. The great difference between Locher and Tichelli is expressed in both ranklists. The d ifference between Bretscher and Vock / Bachmann is slight as is also expressed by the Swiss points sYstem . Both sYste ms also reflect the rather signifi cant difference between Gaille and Schnyder. The gymnasts who do not belong to the very top co uld garner no points at certain compet ition s which were eva luated by the ETV (e.g. optional only meets); but with my calculations it doesn't hurt th em as I use only the average of the three best optional scores as a foundation. If one co uld find enough experts and there are some, who know how to cor re ct ly analyse a competit ion of co untri es on major internationa l invitationals lik e Riga , Moscow, the Milk Meet , Euroturnier, Golden Sands and others the FIG could evaluate and rank the top 14 nations during the first half of 1976. Then on ly one final compet ition between teams ranked 10-14 would be necessary to determine the 12 teams that would compete in Montreal. And to organize and finance such a compet iti o n would not be any problem.
Perhaps the readers woud lik e to know how the USA gymnasts were ranked in 1974. Here are the result s which include some correct ion s from my li st printed in the April 1975 edition of GYMNAST in which I overlooked John Crosby, and had not Yet received results from the East bloc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14.
90.00 89.88 89.08 88.65 88.17 88.00 87.75 87.67 87.67 87.67 87.33 87.28 87.13 87.00
Young Hug Crosby Ivicek Avener Thomas Morava Fitz;arrell G. Whelan Simmons J. Whelan Carter Graham Kruest
Explanation of my point sYstem rank in g: World best for 1974 - 94 points 1 point difference = .60 difference in optiona l total = 1.2 difference in co mpul sory optiona l total. Best ach ievement in the opt ion al exercise in 1974 was 58.40 by Kasa matsu in Varna followed very close ly by Kajlyama, 58.20 in Toronto (Milk Meet). Young's 90.00 points indi cate he sco red 56.00 based on the average of his 3 best optiona l scores in 1974. Following are results of recent meets in Europe, results were sent to us by our International Editor, Dr. Goehler. GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC - CUP 1975 March 1975, Potsdam Men: 1. ASK Pot sdam 273.00 2. SC Chemie Halle 269.20 3. SC Dyna mo Berl ill 267.95 4. SC DHfK Leipzig 264.25 1. Thun e - P. 55.50; 2. Grosse· L. 55.25; 3. Mack· H. 54.60; 14. Muens - P. 54.45; 5. Hanschke . H. 54.40; 6. Jaeger· P. 54.30. Women: 1. Schmeiber . H. 75.20; 2. Kische . L. 74.50; 3. Hellmann (Dynamo Bertill 74.20; 4. Zillke· Dynamo B. 74.10; 5. Gerisch· Dynamo I:l. 73.50; 6. Rohrich· Dyn. B. 73.35 and ex aequo l sc her . Halle 73.35. INTERNATIONAL MEETING AT MOSCOW Beginning of March, 1975 1. Klim enko · USSR 2. Kasama tsu · 'apan 3. Tich onow · USSR
56.45 56.05 55.50
USSR· CUP AT LENINGRAD End of March, 1975 Men: 1. Schamllgja 109.40; 2. Ditjatin (lH Yr. old st udent! ) 108.55; 3. 130gdallow 108.45; Mikaeljan 108.40; 5. Bojko 108.30; b. ~afronow 107.45. Finals: l.Ditjatin 108.925; 2. Mikae ljan 108.550; 3. Schamugja 107.800; 4. Salronow 107.125; 5. Bojko 107.000; 6. Grigorjan 106.675. Women: 1. Saadi 74.70; 2. Kim 74.35; 3. Za rik and Sawina 73.80; 5. Bogd'"lOwa 73.10; b. Kolesnikowa 73.00. Finals: 1. Saadi 75.200; 2. Kim 85.075; 3. Sawin a 74.425; 4. Zarik 73.85; 5. Kolesnikowa 73.75; 6. Lew 73.45. FRANCE· POLAND Orelans (France) France · 268.90 Polalld· 271.25 1. Sza;na - P. 55.75 (9.2; 9.0; 9.45; 9.45; 9.25; 9.40) 2. Boeri o . ~r. 54.95 (9.15; 9.2; 9.35; H.50; 9.25; 9.50) 3. M. Kubica· P. 54.55 (9.15; 9.2; 9.35; H.HO·; 9.1 0; 9.10) 4. Boutard 53.95; 5. Uhma . P. 53.85; 6. Boutet . Fr. 53.70; 7. Tkaczyk . P 53.35; H. Piezka . P 53.10; 9. Decoux . Fr. 52.95; 10. Farjat . Fr. 52.45; 11. Sylvester Kubi ca (Come back!) 52.35 Hurt in 1974 (Achilles Tendon), ollly tl45 FX and H.oa Vaulting 12. Keller· Fr. 52.00. GYMNAST June '75
Th e leve l w as hi gher with th e fem ale gymn as ts, w here Alina Goreac (s ixth pl ace at Euro pea n Cham p ion ships), w ith 37.40 w o n ove r th e 14 yea r o ld Georgeta Gabor (36.95 ). Georgeta is to m y kn ow ledge a sc hoo l m ate o f Nadia Comaneci. Not icea bl e was th e 7th rank o f Rita Peri - Italy (3 5.50), di sa ppo inting w as th e 10th rank of Ghilmudtinova - USSR (35 .05), w ho ti ed w ith Jutta Oltersdorf o f W es t Germ any.
Nadia Comaneci new European Champion mounts the award stand as other AA place winners, linki, Tourishcheva, Kim and Goreac look on .
International Report Dr. Joseph Gohler GYMNAST International Editor Wurtzburg, Germany NADIA THE WONDER CHILD Th e se nsati o n was perfect, a child o f 13 yea rs dethron ed the qu een o f th e gy mn asti c arts. 5,000 spec tat o rs wa tc hed it happen at Ski en, Norway, and milli o ns saw it o n TV. Th ere was no o ne wh o had no t ri ghtfull y ackn ow lecged th e to tal victo ry of th e Rum ani an Nadia Comaneci o ve r th e nin e ye ar o ld er Ru ss ian Ludmilla Turishcheva. It was a triumph o f technique. All respec t is du e to h er co ache s Karoly and Gheorghiu Dej, wh o were abl e to train her to such a hi gh leve l. Nadia is no t th e onl y top gy mn as t of coac h Gheorghiu Dej in Rum ani a. But, Nadia is the most co m p lyin g, th e mo st intelli gent , th e bo ld est, also w ith th e courage and ri sk lik e th e youn g girl s have befo re th ey mature. Does Nadia reall y kn ow, ho w neckbrea kin g her som ersa ul t fo rw ard is w ith straddl ed legs , from th e o utside suppo rt on th e hi gh bar o f th e un eve ns? Sh e swu ng i t i n Ski en, No rway so h igh and far out , th at eve ryo ne was afraid she wo uld mi ss th e bars. A nd th en her su re ness at th e free swin g on th e hi gh bar in to the hand stand. Out of th e seco nd hand stand th e new Euro p ea n mast er slowl Y sank th e stretched beautiful , lon g, legs o nto th e b ar and mad e an underswin g w ith Vl tw ist to th e tu ck so mersa ult backwa rd i nto stand. 9.90. Enou gh abo ut Nadia Comaneci, w h o w on th e fo ur eve nt s w it h 38.85, ahead of Nelli Kim USSR (38.50) and Annelore Zinke, Eas t G erman y (37.95) and le ft o nl y a fo urth pl ace fo r Ludmilla, triumph ant v icto r o f Lo nd o n 1973 (5 t itl es) ami she had to share it w ith Richard Schmeisser, East Ge rm any. Onl y East Bl oc k fe male gy mn asts in th e rank s 1-11; th e nati ve N o rwe igen Unni Holmen, was twelve th w ith 35.55 po int s. Th e spectato rs we re very di sa ppo inted w ith th e p erfo rm ances of W est Ge rm an Angela Mayer (14./35 .45) and Uta Schorn (16./35. 25 ). Nadia Comaneci w o n three titl es in th e eve nt fin als (Vault 19. 50 ; Bars 19.65; Bea m 19. 50 ) and wa s onl y b ea ten by Nelli Kim (19.55) on th e floo r exe rcise (19.40) proves th e co nfid ence of GYMNAST June '75
th e Rum ania n wo nde r. In th-e fi nale sh e compl e ted th e fo ur exe rcises w ith th e fantas ti c to tal sco re of 39.25 poi nt s. Ea rli er o n A pril 12, th e n ew Euro pea n champi o n gave her worl d prem ie re in Londo n at th e " Cham p ions A ll " . With 37.30 as she bea t th e Ru ss ian, Savina (37.10) wi th o ut any effo rt. Onl y on th e floor (9.70) and in th e wa rm up sh e gave hints o f h er tru e ability, w hi ch she th en full y showed i n Ski en, N orway. I n London o nl y fo ur m ale gy mn as ts showed sa ti sfa cto ry intern ati o nal techniqu e, Mack - East Ge rm any 55. 50; Nedbalski - USSR 55. 25; Bretscher - Sw it ze rl and 54.50 and Boerio - France 54.40, wh o fail ed at the lo ng ho rse va ult 8.20, b ut o ut did him se lf o n th e horizo ntal bar fo r a 9.55 ! Th e W est Germ an Edgar Jorek, winn er of New Have n in January o nl y placed seve nth wi th 53.50. Onl y o n th e hori zo nt al bar (9.40 ) did he show hi s n o rmal fo rm . A t th e int ern ati o nal match in Pari s b etween France - Po land , (271.25 to 268.90), th e Pol e Szajna (55 .75) wo n, but o nl y o n th e sid e ho rse (9. 0) " hi s w ea k even t" he scored belo w Wo rld Cl ass level. Henry Boerio - Fra nce aga in unlu cky at th e horse va ult (8.50) was impress ive with (54.95) p o ints fo r th e second pl ace, 3rd M. Kubica - Po land (54.55), 4th 19 yea r o ld Boutard o f France (53. 95). Th e Po le Sylvester Kubica, hi s fir st co mp etiti o n aft er a o ne year injury pause, sco red 52.35 po int s fo r n ex t to las t p lace . H owever mo re atte ntio n w ill be p aid to Po lan d w ith him o n th e tea m .
A good tu rno ut o f 24 male gymn asts and 26 ma le female gy mnasts fo r a to urn am ent in Bukarest o n Ap r illlth , 12th . Dan Grecu (55. 95 ) and two o f hi s fello w co untr y men (Bors 54. 20 and Checiches 53.50) fo rm ed th e to p, in w hi ch Voker Rohrwick o f th e Germ an Turn er Bun d (Gy mn as ti c Club) alm os t mad e it with 53.75 . Fallin fro m East Ge rmany (6./53. 60) and Busse of th e USSR (7./53.35) did no t co m e up to ex p ectation s.
Two bad no tes f ro m W es t Germ an y : Guenter Spies, o ne o f th e b est ho ri zo ntal bar m en in Va rn a had to have a m eni scu s op erati o n o n hi s knee (whi c h had b ee n bo th erin g him for a co upl e o f yea rs), as d id Walter Moessinger. Eberhard Gienger No . 2 o f th e G erm an Gymn asti c Club suffered a torn ,achill es li ga me nt at th e 1975 G erm an Ch ampi o nships in Pad erbo rn. A ltho ugh th e op eration went w ell w e ca nn o t ov erl o ok the fact th at th e Ol ympi c ex pec tatio ns o f th e W est Germ ans will b e co nsid erabl y d ampen ed . Of th e 135 w ho took part in this open Gymnas ti c compe titi o n, 80 remain ed below th e 46 po int s li mi t, 24 gy mn asts surpa ssed 50 po ints and o f th e top 15 th at scored more th an 52 point s on ly seve n sh owed internation al hi gh level all aro und p erfo rm ance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Eberhard Gienger Werner Steinmetz Akio Okazaki Bernd Effing Wolfgang Roth Tetsu Hirata Reinhard Dietze
56.80 56.25 56.00 55.60 54.25 54.20 54.15
Roth and Dietze are juni o rs. Jorek and Rohrwick, Ritter and th e twin s Diehl did not d o all of six o pti o nal exercises. It is no tabl e th at Gienger and Steinmets o btained th eir 56. 80/ 56.25 sco res und er th e mo st diffi cult term s o f th e DTB ; 4C parts on th e floor, rings, side h o rse and parall el bars, 5C p art s o n th e ho riz o ntal bar and t he di smount w as a superio r C part. Th e 17 year o ld Ru ss ian student AlexanderDitjatin crea ted a se nsati o n, w hen he w o n th e USSR troph y m ee t in Lenin grad with 108.925 po int s ove r th e Varn a parti cipants E. Mikaeljan (108.550) and Paata Schamugja (107. 800) . In co m pa ri so n the 23 yea r old Elvira Saadi, eve ry inc h a qu ee n, co uld keep th e yo uth in chec k : as she w on w ith 75.200 point s before Nelli Kim (17) 75 .075 and Ludmilla Savina (1 7) 74.425. GYMNAST w i ll ce rta inl y receive an ey ew itn ess repo rt about Moscow and Riga. I wo ul d ju st like to state here that th e Japan ese are ev identl Y buildin g up th e gy mn asts Shiraishi an d Kume fo r M o ntrea l. From To kyo I lea rn ed by m y fri end Professor Kaneko, that hi s master stud ent Sawao Kato's shoulder injuri es have h ea led and h e has seri ously pr epared himse lf fo r M o ntrea l. Hi s go al : a third Ol ympic v icto ry, whi ch has n eve r b een accompli shed b y a gy mn ast to thi s d ate. In Ea st Ge rm any the 13 yea r o ld girls are sea rchin g and anxio us to see, w hat th ey ca n learn fr o m th e " old " gymn as ts. Carol a Dombeck is suc h a b o ld t ee nage r, who in Po tsdam at th e troph y meet did a hi g h " 1 vi so m ersa ult fo rwa rd " va ul t fro m the ho rse to receive th e top sco re of -9.65 . At th e sa m e tim e Wolfgang Thuene, 2nd p lace World Champion ships, 1974 o n th e hori zo ntal bar, showed fo r th e first tim e hi s new h o ri zo ntal bar di smo unt : U nderswin g fro m th e sale stand, vi tw ist and tu ck so m ersa ult backwa rd (w hat Nadia Comaneci did from th e high bar in N orway ).
GYMNAST June '75
CHAMPIONS All Empire Pool, Wembley, London April 12, 1975 by Pete Shilston London was priv ileged to witn ess the first dawning in th e west of the most da zz ling gymnastic tal ent of our age . Nadia Comaneci of Romani a, jusdourteen years old, a tiny slip of a girl less than fiv e feet tall, shy and so lemn and in stantlY appeal ing, r evelae d a daring and ampli tude such as even Tourischeva and Korbut at their best could scarce ly eq ual. True, her programme is sti ll not fully polished ,. and the brilli ant origina l moves still tend to be intersperse d with serious breaks and neardisasters; but when she co mes to maturity she wi ll conquer th e world . Many of her moves I have never see n before, and I am unce rtain how best to desc ribe them. She began w ith two Tsukahara va ul ts which see med to hang in the air for an age; both marred by a sl ight stumble on landing. Her warm-up for th e ba rs includ ed a back some rsault to regra sp the high bar (not a " Korbut" - her feet did not tou ch the bar), a turn whi lst hanging upside-down beneath the ba r in sp lit s position, and a dismount by means of a back so le ci rcle to ha lf twist and back so mersa ult. A las, when it ca me to the exercise proper she comp letely lost her rhythm half way through and had to end wit h a comparat ive lY pedestrian seque nce. Her beam routine featu red a front ae rial walkove r with half twist, a se quence of two back handsprings (on the second of which she came perilousl y close to falling off) and a back so mersault with o n eand -a-ha lf twist dismount. Her floor exercise too wa s marred by her putting a foot off the mat in one co rner in t he midst of an otherwise deli ghtful routine. H er mark of 9.7, and , the subsequent m arking down of her Russian ri va l, ca n be attributed to sheer emotional invol ve m ent and audience intimid atio n. The judging throughout was rat her peculiar. Patrioti sm cannot d isg ui se the fa ct that Avr il Lennox was grossly over-scored. Th ere was o ne strang e incident on the beam which left a sin gu larlY nasty taste in the mouth. Ludmila Sa vina of Rus sia was first up, and was given a mark of 9.15 . Nad ia was the last on the apparatu s, and was awarded 9.20, thus taking her in to the lead at th at stage. Ru ss ian 's score for th e beam had been raised to 9.25 , which had the effect of t ransfe rrin g the lead to Ludmil a. Now it may we ll be that there was a perfectly good explanation for this, but since w e were not given one, is it unreaso nable to say that the whole ep isode smacks for good o ld-fa shi oned arm-twi sting? There ha ve been too man y such in cidents for comfo rt r ece ntly. This raises interesting prospects for the future . One would expect Nadia ' s genius to come to fu ll f ruition ju st in time for the 1980 Moscow Ol Ympi cs. But w ill the Ru ss ians let her take th em apart o n their home ground?
RESULTS Women 1. Nad ia Comaneci (Rom) 2. Ludmila Savina (USSR) 3. Avril Lennox (G Br. ) 4. Gitta Esc he r (EGe r. ) 36.15; 5. Martine Aud in Ra vens tijn (Net h) 34.80. Men 1. Lut z Mack (EGe r) 2. Niko lai NevalskY (USSR) 3. Robert Brescher (Sw itz) 4. Henr i Boerio (Fra) 54.40; 5. Markku (Rom) 53.55.
V 9.30 8.90 9.10 (Fra)
UPB 9.10 9.50 9.15 34.90;
FX R V 9. 10 9.30 9.25 9.20 8.90 9.20 9.30 9.30 8.80 9.10 9.10 9.30 Karttunen (Fin) 53.80; 6.
BB FX Total 9.20 9.70 37.30 9.25 9.45 37.10 8.95 9.35 36.55 6. Jeann ette va n '
PB HB Total 9.30 9.35 55.50 9.25 9.30 55.25 8.95 9.25 54.50 Nicho la e Oprescu
Photos by Ton y Duffy
Nadia Comaneci (ROM) t"
GYMNAST June '75
Gilla Escher (DDR)
Phot os by Ton y Duffy
Monica Csaszar (HUN)
Ludmilla Savina (USSR)
GYMNAST June '75
The queen is dethroned as her root misses the bar.
Cathy Rigby M ason and ABC-TV Team
Reporter Lars Kolsrud and Photographer Martin Nilsen
EUROPEan ehampionships 1975 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR WOMEN 1975 IN NORWAY By La rs Koisrud photos by Martin Ni Isen
When th e U.S.S.R. female gy mn as ti c sta rs to NorwaY for the Europea n came Champi ons hip and we lea rn ed th at O lga Korbut had an ankl e injury and had to staY ho me, we th oug ht thi s wo uld be a co mp etiti o n w ith Ludmill a Tu ri shcheva all the way. Nelli Kim had q ualifi ed fo r O lga's place, and Elvira Saadi was the reserve . Persona ll y I was so sure of an all Ru ss ian triumph , th at I asked Ludmill a d irec tl Y why her team was th e world 's best? She gave an easy ex pl anat io n : "We wo rko ut th e most, that 's why we' re th e best. " I found thi s too si mp le, and asked why th e Japan ese always beat th e Soviet team of male gymn asts? Both Ludmilla and former wor ld champ, Lath ynina, prot es ted loudlY by this co mpari so n, and sa id, " If our路 boys had workout as hard as the U.S.s.R . girl s, th ey probablY wou ld ha ve b ee n th e ve ry bes t too". Litt le did we all know th at th e com in g co mpetition would shake th e Ru ssian hegemony so bad th at I believe th ey' ll h ave to find ot her ca u ses for succeeding th an the ho urs spent o n work-o ut. During the worko ut days before the competi ti o n, we all beca m e awa re of t he " n ew generatio n " of fema le gYmna sts. I reported to my newspaper, "Vestfo ld ", that Ludmilla m ight be ab le to w in all-aro und and floor exercise, b ut she wou ld have a hard tim e winning anyt hing at al l. Nadia Co maneci (13 yea rs o ld), from Romania, went through th e mo st unbelievab le stu nt s durin g workout, close ly fo ll owed by Ne lli Kim and A nnelore Zinke, DDR . Ludmill a's well known security see med to van ish, and both the uneve n bars and the beam gave her problems. When th e all -a round competit ion sta rt ed, Lu dm ill a was first u p on u neven bars. She looked n ervous, missed th e bar with one foot in a reg ular so le circ le, and ended up with a med iocre exercise sco red too hi gh, 9.35. When Ludmilla con tinu ed to th e beam, alm ost fe ll down after a free ro ll , and scored a low9 .25; we all start ed looking elsewhe re for the winner. You ng, skinny and charm in g, Nadia Co m aneci , showed that she co uld more tha n impress th e specta to rs durin g workout. So lid as a rock , she made a fa c inati ng fl oor ex . with two doub le tw ists (9.65), th e b es t fema le Tsukahara
GYMNAST June '75.
1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 18. 20 . 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 25 . 27. 27. 27. 30. 30. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR WOMEN NORWAY, 1975 RESULTS All-Around 9.70 9.75 9.75. 9.65 Nad ia Comaneci (ROM) 9.55 9.70 9.55 9.70 Ne ll y Kim (USSR) An ne lore Zink e (RDA) 9.40 9.75 9.40 9.40 Lu dmi lla Turi scheva (USSR) 9.50 9.35 9.25 9.80 Richard a Schmeisser (RD A) 9.50 9.60 9.40 9.40 9.45 9.35 9.50 9.35 A li na Goreac (ROM) Eva Kra lova (TCH) 8.80 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.35 9.40 9.00 9.10 Marta Egervari (HUN) 8.95 9.20 9.25 9.20 Drahomira Smolikova (TC H) 9.35 9.00 8.90 9.10 Krisztina MedveczkY (HUN) 8.65 8.80 9.15 9.00 Judyta Krawieczek (POL) 8.90 8.90 8.75 9.00 Unni Holmen (NO R) 8.85 8.70 9.05 8.90 Lucja M atrasze k (PO L) 8.95 8.80 8.85 8.85 A nge la Mayer (R FA ) 8.80 9.20 8.80 8.55 Jeanette va n Ravenstijn (H aL) 8.70 8.90 8.90 8.75 Uta Schorn (RFA) 8.95 8.70 8.75 8.80 Joe ll e de Keukeleire (BE L) 8.80 8.90 8.70 8.55 Stefa nia Bucc i (ITA) Avr il Le nnox (GBR) 8.95 8.75 8.70 8.55 8.90 8.85 8.45 8.70 Nad ine A udin (FRA) 8.75 9.05 8.40 8.65 Joke Kos (HaL) 8.90 8.75 8.45 8.65 Monique Freres (BE L) 9.20 8.50 8.45 8.55 C hantal Seggiaro (FRA) 8.85 8.70 8.55 8.60 Suzanne Lundva ll (SWE) Eli sa Cabe lla (ESP) 8.70 8.85 8.50 8.55 8.80 8.30 8.75 8.75 Jill Schau (NOR) 8.80 8.65 8.65 8.35 Ella Widmer (SU I) 8.85 8.85 8. 15 8.60 H anni Etienne (SU I) 8.80 8.55 8.40 8.70 Maia Blagoeva (BUL) 8.65 8.40 8.70 8.60 Serenella coda to (ITA) 8.85 8.45 8.50 8.55 Monica Costa (SMR) 8.85 8.75 7.90 8.70 Nina Kostova (BU L) 8.60 8.55 8.45 8.55 Au li Jarvenpaa (F IN) 8.45 8.85 8.20 8.60 Les ley Bartlett (GBR) 8.75 8.60 8.1 5 8.45 Dolores Te llo (ESP) 8.75 8.50 7.80 8.30 Lore lla Stefanelli (SMR) 8.35 8.65 7.95 8.20 Sabine Gratt (AUT) 8.35 8.30 8.35 8.00 Marjut Palmroos (F IN) 8.60 8.30 7.95 8.00 Eva Kuttner (AUT)
38.85 38.50 37.95 37.90 37.90 37.65 36.90 36.85 36.60 36.35 35.60 35.55 35.50 35.45 ' 35.35 35.25 35.20 34.95 34.95 34.90 34.85 34.75 34.70 34.70 34.60 34.60 34.45 34.45 34.45 34.35 34.35 34.20 34. 10 34.10 33.95 33.35 33.15 33.00 32.85
EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR WOMEN INDIVIDUAL RESULTS Vault Nadia Coma neci (ROM) 19.50; Richarda Schmeisse r (RDA) 19.10; Al ina Goreac (ROM) 19.00 ; Nelly Kim (U SSR) 19.00; Ludmila Turischeva (USSR) 18.95; Annelore Zinke (RDA) 18.95. Uneven Parallel Bars Nad ia Comaneci 19.65; Anne lo re Zinke . 19.55; Nelly Kim 19.50; Richarda Schme isse r 19.30; Eva Kralova (TCH) 18.30; Marta Egervar i (HUN) 17.95. Balance Beam Nad ia Comanec i 19.50; Ne lly Kim 19.15; A lin a Goreac 19.00; Ric harda Schmeisse r 18.85; Anne lo re Zink e 18.25; Eva Kra lova 17.95. Floo r Exerci se Ne lly Kim 19.55; Nadia Comaneci 19.40; Ludmi la Tunscheva 19.35; A lina Goreac 18.85; Ri charda Schmeisser 18.80; Annelore Zin ke 18.60.
va ult I 've ever see n (9.70) , a stunning bar ro utin e w ith front somi e from high bar - ca tch high bar, two free hip-circl es into a half back so le circle, let go th e bar, half tw ist, anu a back so mi uism ou nt. She finisheu on the b ea m with no nerves at all , 9.75. Of co ur se th e crowu to ok littl e Na di a to th eir h ea rt s. Th ey felt so rr y for Ludmill a w ho go t a grea t ovation for her new routin e o n th e lI oo r, w hi ch brought her a we ll d ese rved 9.80. Even il Luumill a anu Nadia go t most of th e att ention , Nelli Kim , Annelore Zinke, Richarua Schmeisser anu Alina Goreac showed to p perlormances , and gave no tim e for th e spec tators to str etch th ei r legs o r have a smoke (w hich 0 1 co urse wa s goou ). Th e results put Nadia o n to p of th e " new ge neration" , leauing three eve nt s before th e final s. Fro m a Norwegian po int of view, o ur bes t gy mn as t, U lllli Holmen, mad e her best perlorm ance, anu beat all th e other WestEuropean gymnasts. Finals Th e finals sta rt eu ju st like a rerun of th e first day of co mpet ition. A 9.80 in va ulting gave yo ung Na uia a new go lu meda l. 9.9 for th e un eve n bar routin e put th e Worlu Champ., Annelore Zink e in 2nd place, and 9.75 on th e beam gave Nadia a n ew victor y. I beli eve everyo ne in th e gYm wanteu Ludmill a to win fl oor ex. W e felt rea ll y so rry for her, but so m e uncon tro lled tumblin g which end eu outside th e area, cut th e score down to 9.55 and third place. Everyone b elieved th at Nadia would take it all now , like Ve ra Caslavska did in 1965 and 1967, but Nelli Kim saved so me of th e Ru ssia n hon o r b y tak ing fir st pl ace befo re th e Romani an co m et. Nelli scored 9.85. What is th e co nclu sion of th e European champion ship? Nauia Comaneci d eserves all th e superl ati ves yo u ca n find! Sh e ended the Turishcheva era, anu opened the gate for th e Yo un g and fres h co min g girl s. In next yea r 's Ol Ympi c Games I believe Turish cheva will be bett er prepareu , but I u o n 't believe she' ll be " th e Qu ee n " anymore. Nadia is one o f seve n Romanian girl s th at surely will give us a lot of excit eme nt durin g Olympics. H er coach, Varolyi Bela , pr o mi se u me th at Zinke, Schmeisser anu Marion Vische, all D.D,R ., will surely d o th e same. Th e D.D.R . gi rl s are phYsically best eq uipt for taking th e haru st ress of to da ys femal e gY mna stics, says th e N orwegian specia li st in Sports medi cin e, Svein Oseiu M .D. Th e Russians sa id th ey would analYse th eir mi stakes, and Kim , Gorbic, Saadi and Turi shcheva w ill of co urse make a strong tea m . Anu Olga Korbut, we would love to see her ba ck aga in . I was so so rry that she co uldn ' t start thi s tim e. This co uld have been her co mpe tition . Sh e and Nauia would have met with the sa me weapons, hi gh risks, stunning exercises anu a lot of char m. It would probablY have b ee n a close r ace in three events, but Ol ga's f ull-t w ist-in-f ull-twi st -o ut han dspri ng co uld have give n her a grea t victory. Well, we look for wa rd to th e Nauia / Olga battl e later on , and say, "Olga, yo u b ett er fix that ankle o f Yo urs quick. Na uia is good , and she sai d that she would be better in th e Ol ympi cs."
Pictured to left and to right: Nadia Comaneci in action. Pictured on following fold-out, clockwise: Nadia Comaneci, Nelli Kim, Nadia Comaneci, Alina Goreac, Annelore Zinke, and Annelore Zinke; Center: Nadia Comaneci. Note: Open staples for fold-out of photos and color centerfold of Nadia Comaneci.
GYMNAST lune '75
Pictured above left: USSR: Latynina, Head of Gorbic, Tourishcheva, Delegation, Saadi and Kina. Above right: Coach Bela and Nadia before competition. Left: Tourishcheva. Right Kim at Press conference.
Photos by Lars Ko lsrud
Alternates Left: Gorbic, USSR, Right: Vische, DDR, working out.
GYMNAST June '75
GYMNAST Magazines preview photo action from the 3rd National Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships (more photos in the next edition).
â&#x20AC;˘ 1975 MODERN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS by Andrea B. Schmid, Meet Director San francisco State Uni ve rsit y hosted th e Third N ati o nal U SGf M o dern Rh ythmi c Gymnas ti cs Ch ampion ship s on M ay 10, 1975. Throu gh th e support o f th e U nited St ates Gymnasti cs f ede ration , M o dern Rh ythmi c Gymnasti cs is rapidl y develo pin g into an excitin g spo rt fo r w o m en. W e w ere ve ry happ y to have Mr. fr ank Bare, USG f Executi ve Direct o r and Mrs. Shirl ey Brya n, Chairman o f USGf W o men' s Committee as a re pres tati ve at thi s champi o nship. Th e comp etition inc lud ed group exe rcises for six gy mna sts w ith 3 ball s and 3 rop es as we ll as indi vidu al routin es with ball , hoo p, ribbon and clubs - w ith eig ht compul so ry elemen ts. A to tal o f 26 gy mn as ts ente red th e co mpetiti on w ith twe lve in group competiti o n and fo u rteen in indi v idu al compet it ion. Gymn as ts w ere from Califo rni a, Illinois, N eva da, New j ersey, N ew Yo rk and O rego n. Th e r o utin es of o u r w inners were of hi gh ca libre. Hi gh throws and intr ica te m ove m ent s cou pl ed with ex qui site dance move ment s such as lea ps, pirou e tt es, balanCing whil e th e hand apparatu s w as in constant motion crea ted a thrilling spectac le for th e audi ence. Th e m ee t start ed w ith alte rn atin g ba ll and hoop co mpetition s and continu ed w ith ribbo ns and cl ubs leav ing gr o up co mpetiti o n
GYMNAST June '75 u.
last. The m eet re fe ree w as M rs . Mildred Prch al, o ri ginato r o f m o de rn rh ythmi c gymna sti cs in th e U nite d States. Th e judges for the competition w ere j ane ju rew, Lena Leon g, Ba rbara Parcher, Ol ga Sc hn eide r, jud y Smith , Kve ta Smith , Erna W ac htel and Norm a Zabka, all of w hom did an ou tstandi ng job o f criti ca ll Y analyz ing th e ro utines. Mrs. Candace fe in be rg, las t yea rs' Mod ern Rh ythmi c Gy mn as tics A ll A ro und Ch ampion took th e AA Champi o n titl e aga in thi s year. Sh e is a very prett y and d y nami c performer . Her clubs and ribbon ro utin es sho w ed excell ent tec hniqu e and rh yt hm rece ivin g the high est sco res in th e co m'p etiti o n, 9.3. Mi ss Helen M artin ez, a loca l favorite from Sa n Francisco State U ni ve rsi ty sh o w ed a stro ng performan ce w ith w hic h she defend ed he r las t yea rs' second pl ace in t he A ll Aroun d co mpetiti o n. Her tec hnica l execution wit h th e ball an d h oop was ve ry good . He r understanding, her arti sti c interpretation and se nse o f ide ntit y with d a nce and mu sic se ts h er as one of th e fin es t MR G gymn as ts. Mi ss Kath e rin e Bry m, third in All Around competition , p erf o rm ed ve ry difficult and exc itin g routin es w ith th e clubs and ribb o n. Sh e showe d a tremendo us improve ment sin ce la st yea r 's co mpetiti o n.
Tw o yo un g newcom e rs to MRG co mp etiti o n Su e So He and j ane lle Benn ett sh o w ed grea t pro mi se for th e future. Only two groups ent ered In th e gro up co mp etiti o n. judgin g of group ro utin es is un de rtaken by two g ro ups of jud ges. Each gro u p has a to tal o f 10.0 p oint s to wo rk with . On e gro up eva lu ates compo sit io n and th e o th er executi o n o f th e ro utin e. To tal sco re is th erefore base d u po n a scal e o f 20.0 poss ibl e po int s. ~ ot h gro ups, Sea l Beach coac hed b y M ari o n Dun ca n and Reno co ached b y Dal e flan saas had interestingl y choreo graph ed routin es . Th e seve n bes t A A competitors qualifi ed for t he fin al Tri al for th e World Champi o nships held in Spain in November, 1975. Th e fin al Tri al M ee t w ill b e h eld Saturday, O cto ber 11 , 1975 at¡ San francisco St ate U nive rsit y.
RESULTS Team: 1. Reno 16.40 2. Sea l Beach, Ca lifornia 15.25 Hoop : Helen M artin ez (Sa n Fra ncisco, CAl 9.20; Ca ndace Fein be rg (Reno, Nev .) 9.10; Su e Soffe (Van Nuys, CAl 8.40; Kath erin e Brym (No rth Rive rside, 111. ) 8.25; Patt y Murphy (Reno, Nev.) 8.00; Janelle Bennett (Ti ga rd , Oregon) 7.90. Ball Helen Ma rti nez 9.05; NancY Koetke (Re no, Nev.) 9.00; Ca nd ace Fein berg 8.95; Ka theri ne Brym 8.90; Susan Allair (Reno, Nev.) 8.80; Patt y M urphy 8.70. Clubs Can dace Feinberg 9.30; Ka th erine Brym 9.00; Helen martinez 8.75; Pa tt y M urph Y7.85; Geryl Ga lloway (Sa n Francisco, CAl 7.80; Janelle !Jennett 7.05. Ribbon Ca ndace Fe inberg 9.30; Katherine Brym 9.10; Na ncy Koe tk e 9.00; Helen .~ a rtin ez 8.95; Patt y M urphy 8.45; Sue Sofie 8.35. All Around Ca nd ace Fe inbe rg 36.65; Helen .ma rtin ez 35.95; Kath erine Brym 35.25; Patt y M urph y 33.00; Na ncy Koetke 32.35; Sue Sofie 31.80; Jan<: lle Ben nett 31.50.
"lCAA CttfiMPIOrtSttlPs Thorn Phillips, Odessa, 1975 N)CAA All-Around Champ. MIAMI, FLA--Odessa junior College capt ured the 1975 NJCAA Gymnastics Championship scori ng a reco rd shatt e ring 157.65 points in the process. The an nu al affa ir, hosted by Miami-Dade Commun it y College, North on March 7-8, had e leven teams represented cover in g the United States from coast to coast. The f in al team results were as follows: College 1. Odessa, Texas 2. Long Beach CC, California 3. Farmingdale, New York 4. New Mexico 5. Co ll ege of DuPage, III. 6. Cuyahoga , Ohio 7. Miami-Dad e North, Fla. B. Triton College, III. 9. Queensborough, NY 10.路 Schoolcraft, M ich. 11. Montgomery, Maryland
PIs 157.65 154.35 144.55 127.10 125.90 102.80 91.80 86.10 78.80 58.60 12.65
Three fo the nine records currently in t he NjCAA anna ls were sma shed in this yea rs even t. Odessa broke the previous team total of 154.46 by scoring 157.65 points: The previous record was se t by Odessa in 1974. . Indi vid ual records were brok en in the trampoline and all-around categories. jeff Aiani (DuPage) scored 17.85 points in the trampolin e competition breaking th e prev ious reco rd of 17.40 set by Bill Austin of New Mexico in 1972. Tom Phillips (Odessa) scored 50.25 points in the all -aro und compet ition breaking the re cord set by Gary Rafaloski of Odessa in 1973. David Sanders 2nd AA
GYMNAST June '75
Odessa, 1st place
Long Beach 2nd place
NOTE: At an earlier duel (and first) meeting of the two top tea ms in mid February in California, Long Beach CC (6 times State Champion) beat Odessa (5 time National Champions) by a score of 208.90 to 198.40 ... This prompted LBCC Coach John Draighi and his team to raise their own travel expenses to Miami where they made a good showing for second place without their top AA man (Taylor) who was injured and did not compete.
Above L to R: From Long Beach, Harold Maghe, Elliot Schn ee.
1975 NJCAA GYMNASTICS TOURNAMENT ALL AROUND COMPETITION Pl ace Name College fX 1 Thorn Phillips (Od essa) 8.35 2 David Sanders (Odessa) 8.65 8,55 3 Carl Cruz (Long Beac h ) 4 Mike Booth (Odessa) 7.80 5 Frank Martin (Long Beac h) 6.95 6 Ismael Adams (Farmingda le) 7.75 7.80 6 Steve Schatz (Lo ng Beach) 8 Bob Novo (Qu ee n sbo ro u g h ) 8.40 9 Jose Lovato (New Mexico) 8.95 10 Joe Gura (C u ya hoga) 7.45
PH 6.35 6.75 6.05 5.70 8,25 4.95 7.40 3.25 3.90 4.70
R 8.85 8.55 8.40 7.75 7.75 7,85 6.70 8.10 6.45 6.65
V 8.65 8. 65 8.70 9.15 8.85 8.35 8.40 8.30 8.95 8.25
PB 9.10 7.75 8.35 7.75 6,85 8.75 7. 60 8.25 7.35 7.1 5
HB 8.95 8.95 8.60 9.15 7,95 7.45 7.20 7,25 7.20 6.30
Total 50.25 49.30 48.65 47.30 46.60 45.10 45.10 43.55 42.80 40.50
Followin g th e to p te n listed above we re: David Arthur (M iam i-Dade No rth ); Scott Reid (DuPage); Mike Eckhoff (C u ya h oga); Jeff Sindlinger (Farmingda le); Sal Rizzo (DuPage); Larry Barazza (New Mex ico); Mike Perez (New Mexico); Satoshi Oshiro (Queensborough) ; Eric Schultz (Sc h oo lcraft); Scott Slayback (M ia mi-Dad e No rth ); Kevin Mullen (D uP age) ; Henny Campbell (Triton); Scott Dellon (Farmingda le); Rich Ecker (Triton ); Terry White (Triton ); Dan Kelley (M iam i-Dade No rth ).
GYMNAST June '75
LONG HORSE VAULTING 1. MlkeBooth Odessa 2. .Jerry Dengler Odessa .Jose Lovato N. Me â&#x20AC;˘. .. , Scott Reid DuPage 5. Rid< Aguirre Odessa 6. Setll Hertz F"dale
8.93 8.77 8.77 8.73 8.70 8.45
Jose Lovato Mike Punda Marl< 5cJ11udt Carl Cruz David Sanders
O<lessa New Mexi<:o F'ddle DuPage Long Beach O<lessa
8.90 870 8.50 8.35 8,20 8.15
PAIW.lEl. BARS 1. Larry Cox 2. Tom Phillips 3. Jerry Deng1er 4. Fred Schreiber 5. Angel Adams 6. Sal RlllO
Odessa Odessa O<lessa F'dale F"daie DuPage
8.90 8.80 8.72 8.17 8.12 8.02
POMMEL HORSE 1. Harold Maghe Mike Colvard Dave Parent Chuck Dakin Jady Austin Kenl Ewart
Long Beach Odessa Long Beach F'dale Odessa N. MexIco
8.65 8.42 8.22 7.95 7.72 7.02
HORIZONTAL BARS 1. junIor Perez 2. Dave LinqUist 3. Mike Booth John Hart 5. Tom Phllhps 6. David Sanders
O<lessa Odessa Odessa Long Beach O<lessa O<lessa
9.17 9.12 902 9.02 8.85 8.75
Long Beach OCessa F'da le F'da le Odessa O<lessa
9.07 8.50 8.40 8.30 8.22 8.22
TRAMPOLINE 1. JeH Alani 2. Jerry Folta 3. Don Zasadny 4. Marl< Schuldt 5. Scott Reid 6. Pat V05r1lk
OuPage DuPage Triton DuPage DuPage Tnton
892 8.62 8.17 7.10 6.85 6.17
flOOR EXERCISE 1. Junior Perez
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
STIll RINGS 1. Elliot 5cJ1nee 2. Rid< Aguirre 3. Angel Adams 4. Joe Cipolla 5. Jeff GutknetcM David Sanders
Perhaps th e most vital meeting during the NCAA Championships is the Nationa l Association of Co ll ege Gymnastics Coaches Sounding Board". The main function of the sounding board is to give the Rules Committee of the NCAA an indicat ion of what the coaches opinions are. Howeve r it should be pointed out that the NCAA Rules Committee is not an agency of the NACGC and is charged with making rul es, but not with making them to please the coaches . A var iety of topics were discussed, and we indidate by topi c some of the actions. All votes concern reco mmendations and have no legislat ive value. 1. It was voted, 35 to 5, to allow three finalists from Division II to be r epresented at the Division I champ ion ships. Currently, only tv$o finalists move up to Division I. Note: Th e Rules Comm ittee in its meeting did approve this change, but it did not get app roval of the NCAA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, and therefore it wi ll not beco m e a rule at this time. 2. It was proposed that in qualifying meets, only two judges be used on each event, and that a total of six, judges be used so th at three events could be run simultaneouslY. Vote: 28 against, 18 for. Not.e: Th e Rul es Comm itt ee voted that in National s, 2 jud ges be used on each event, six events at a tim e. This was approved by the Executiv e Council and w ill be a rule. A similar arrangeme nt .will b e used in qualifYing meets. Comment: We heartily approve. The threesession sys tem has been very unsatisfactory, due to fatigu e of judges. Now a judge will have more responsibility, since his sco re does count. But he al so does half the work , so he shou ld be less exha usted . - HjB 3. The new vault in g boards were discussed, along with some of the difficulties with durabilitY of th e first m ode ls of the American Board wit h th e lea f sprin gs . it was report ed that the problem will be solved w ith the elimination of a hole that was drilled in the springs of the first units. Note: All of the available boards: conventional, leaf sp rin g, co il spring, and air spring, w ill be acceptabl e in future, so lon g as the o-Id type is available for compe titors who have' not used the n ew board. (Rul es Committee) 4. Extra landin g mats. It was voted (6-1) to allow an addit ion al 4" landing mat for horizontal bar (2, not over 4" each) Also for Vaulting. Comment: We approve of taking every precaution for greater sa fety. but we wonde r why two 4" mats are better than one 8" mat, and we also wonder if anyon e has yet found any evidence that th e extra mat will be any more safe. - HJB 5. Rich Chew, now a coach as wel l as on e of our bett er judges, suggested that the best judge s avilabl e be provid ed for championships regardless of the area th ey come from . All we re in favor. Perhaps to impl eme nt this suggestion , and surel y in part to see to it th at th e NCAA MEET remain s co ntro ll ed b y the NCAA, the Rules Committ ee vo ted to establish a new pro cedure for judge se lection. No longer will the Jud ges A ssociation have authority in this. Instea d ,
through th e Chairman 01 th e Rules Comm ittee, nomination s will be made by loca l judges associa tion. Th ese w ill then be reviewed by th e coaches of th e region. Finally, th e nominees wi ll be submitted to the entire m embership of the Rules Committee for approval or disapproval. Comment: It seems to us that it is the proper province of th e Jud ges Association to train Judges, and of the NCAA through the Rules Comm itt ee to se lect them (si nce they pay them ). We approve of th e change. - HjB It was also voted that th e most qualified judges be taken from eac h reagion. (R ule s Committee) 6. ALL-AROUND ONLY??? - A lot of discussion was given to this matter at the Sounding Board, alon g w ith ov erwhelming evidence th at most parti cip atns in the sport oppose th e change to all -around on ly. How ever a sma ll majority at th e so undin g board (only memb ers vote) voted in favor of changes in that direction. RULES COMM ITTEE : H ere again a var iety of motion s direct ed to th e end of promoting allarou nd at the ex pen se of th e specialist were mad e. Most died without a second. No ch anges whi ch would hurt the specia li st w ere made. COMMENTS: We were pleased to find that our Rul es Committ ee has the co urage to do what is right , despit e some sent iments on the pa'rt of important coac hes that lean the oth er w ay. It seems cl ear to us th at the o nl Y real justification for a major program in this sport is that it influences a large number of people who without gymna stic s might not find any sport home. Equally clearly, the AA p erformer has a va ri ety of alternatives o utside gymnastics. It is rath er the specialist who for person al or physical rea son s cannot compete in all-around , that is th e rea l justification for spending what is spent on GYMNASTICS. W e do not disapprove of any effort to promot e AA comp etition. But we ce rtainl y d o feel that hurting th e speciali sts that constitute 90% of o ur competitors is w ay out of lin e, indeed immoral and in some measure even an infringement on th e civil ~ight s of the majority of co mpetitors. Congratulations to th e Rules Committe e on act ing wisely. May we co ntinu e to have a co mmitt ee of such people! - HjB
U ni ve rsit y 0 1 M illil eso ta , th en ca m e to th e University o f Mic hi ga n to intro du ce the sport of gymna sti cs th ere, and th en went on to alm ost complete ly dominate Bi g Ten Gymnast ics lor th e pa st ten or more Yea rs. Th e Winn e r, Dr. New t Lok en, Honor Coach for 1975 . In addition , there are se lections fo r Reg ion al Coach of the Year fro m four reg ion s, and a nati o nal coac h of th e yea r from th e Di vision 2 of th e NCAA. 1 here is also a Nat ional Coach of the yea r, but that is an empt y awa rd , being aut o mati ca ll Y give n to th e coac h of th e NCAA w inning tea m.
Counsil, Grossfeld, Bennan & Peavey The r egio nal w inne rs: Abe Grosslelc:l (East), Roger Co un sil (M id east), Jeff Bellllan (Midwest) and Hob Peavy (West). Di vision 2 awa rd we ll! to Abe Grossfeld, his seco nd awa rd of th e year. Followin g thi s, Abe had th e pl easure o f seeing hi s star )enior, ja y Wh elan, ca rry away th e 1975 N ISSEN AWAI{D . Thi s awa rd is give n in recog lliti on of outsta lldin g performan ce in total: athl eti c, sc ho larship , leadership, all co unt in th e se le'c ti o n. j ay, by th e way, is a Biochemi stry maj o r. A nd in a world too ti ed to the dollar, Ja y Whe lan has n ever rece ived a penn y of Athl e ti cs Scho larship ; he has survived by worki ng, since hi s lamil y ca nnot affo rd to support him and twin brother Gene in co ll ege at the sa me tim e. Thi s res tor es nlY fa ith in peopl e. Co ngratulati o ns, j ay, o n trul y deserving Co lleg iate Gymn as ti cs hi ghes t awa rd .
Don Robinson presenting Nissen award to Jay Whelan _ with his coach Abie Grossfeld.
Don Robinson, NACGC President, presenting Honor coach award to Newt Loken.
1975 Special Awards Ea ch year th e NAC GC selects an Ho no r Coach , a man who has se rved th e sport of gymnastics l o r at leas t 25 Yea rs. For thi s Yea r, th e awa rd goes to J gy mna st who co mp eted at
Perh aps it is wo rth pointin g out t"dt Coach Grossfeld as doub le w inn er o f Coach of th e Year Ho nors, coac h es o n of th e ve ry few top tea ms th at do not give athletic scholarships in gymnastics. None 01 hi s perfo rm ers are support ed by th e sc hoo l in order to co mpet e, Ye t hi s reco rd speak s lor it se lf. Th e Cream still ri ses to the top . In addition to th e regula r N ISSEN AWA RD , th e re was give n a )PcCIAL NISSEN AWARD , in memo ry of GAI{Y MOI{AVA who di ed in a GYMNAST June '75
period of time between openi ng of an in stitu ti on's fo rm al vars ity pract ice and its last regularl Y sc hedu led game. " The NCAA Office had r eceived reports of possible o u tside competit ion by student ath letes in var ious spo rt s without NCAA approva l and a waiver of co nstitution 3-9 -(d) of the 1974-75 NCAA MANUA L was deemed necessa ry. Const itu tion3-9-(d) was approved at the 68th annual Convention in january, 1974. It became ope rati ve August 1, 1974, and was reaffirmed by the m em bership at the 69th annual Convention h eld this past j anu ary in Wa sh in gton, D.C. M il es stated that it was th e re sponsibilit y of the institution , on beha lf of th e student-ath lete in volved, to req ues t NCAA Counci l app rova l and a wa ive r of Co nst itut ion 3-9-(d). If the waiver was no t obtai ned the st udent-athl ete wi ll not be eligib le to compete in the Nat iona l champion ships. FROM THE USGF
gymllas ti c accident a bit over a year ago. Gary's li fe, all d hi s actio ll s ill hi s las t day, have been well pub licized and ll eed not be repea ted. Certa inl Y Cary was what Geo rge Nissen envisaged whell he es tabli shed the award. GYMNASTICS HALL OF FAME The fo ll owing men were accept ed in to Gymnastics Hall of Fame: Courtn ey Sha n ken , as Gymnast contr ibut or Chuck Keeney, as Coach, Gym nast, Contributor Bill Ro etzheim, as Coach, Gymnas t, Cont ri b ut or
the and and and
RESEARCH AWARDS Frank Wolcott, Assis tant Chairm an Lyle Welser Award, presented to Don Blasius of the U ni versity of Illin o is Carl Patterson Awa rd , p resented to joe Fodero of Oneonta State Col lege Leopold Zwarg Award, prese nted to Wally Borchardt of the Uni ve rsity of Briti sh Columb ia.
The following nominations were made fo r new officers for th e NACGC: President - Don Rob in so n Vice Presi dent - Art Aldr itt Secretary/ Treasurer - Bob Peavy The slate was accepted unall imo usly. (Fo rmer officers re-e lected) NCAA OFFICE REPORT jerry Miles Jerry Mi les disc ussed By law 3-9-(d) w hi ch states the fo llowing: "(d) He sha ll be d eni ed eli gibil ity for i ntercollegiate compet iti o n i n his spo rt if fo ll ow in g his enro ll ment in co ll ege and du ring any year in which he is a member of an intercollegiate sq uad o r tea m he co mp etes as a member of any o ut side tea m in hi s spo rt du rin g hi s in st ituti on's interco llegi ate season. Th e co uncil sha ll ha ve th e autho rit y to waive thi s provi sion to perm it stud ent -ath letes to participat e in officia l Pall American or O lYmpic Tr ials competition o r to participate in other int ernatio nal co mpetitio n in volv in g nati ona l teams of th e nations represented. The int ercol leg iate seaso n ill a sport shall be th e GYMNAST June '75
The followin g stat ement s were reco rded: 1. The USGF Co ngress will be eith er th e first or second weekend in November in Den ve r, Colorado. 2. A new Code of Point s w ill be out b efore th e 1976 O lympic Games 3. There wi ll be a Pre-Ol ym pic Games Competition in Montreal in the summe r of 1975. 4. The OlYmpic site for gYmnastics will have a seating capacity of 16,000 in 1976. 5. There wi ll be a USGF Nat i ona l C hampion ship for Men and Women at Southern Illin o is U ni vers it y, j u ne 11 -1 2-13, 1975 (Wednesday, Thru sday, Frid ay) . 6. Th e P~n-Am Games w ill be competed in Mexico Ci ty, Mexico in October, 1975 . Hal Fr ey was elected as the 1975-76 USGF Representative from the NACGC
ETHICS FOR GYMNASTICS COACHES AND JUDGES by Ken Allen Gymnastics Coach, University of WisconsinOshkosh Executiv e Director, Mid East Region NGJA President-Mid-America Gymnastics Judges Association NOTE: During the 1975 NCAA Division I Gymnastics Championships at Terra Haute, Indiana, I was asked to address the National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association on the topic of ethics for coaches and judges. The following is a paraphased treatment of my brief presentation. Rece ntl y. I proposed a " judges Code of Ethics" fo r acce ptanc e by the National Gymnastics judges Association. Hopefully, the executive com m ittee w ill react to this tomorrow morning (Saturday, Apri l S) and w il l accept it with so me po ss ib le modificatio ns. The most depressing aspect about composing suc h a code is that I was gu ided by re co ll ecti o ns of behavior wh ich was mo rall y contra ry to that which I fel t wou ld be proper for o ur sport. It was equa ll y depressing to realize that it was deemed appropriate by our judges organization to make ru les for th e behavior o f grown m en. It is unfortunate that thi s so rt of thing becomes a necessity but I suppose there are many var iab les which affect us and we occasional ly must be put back on the right track.
I wis h yo u wo ul d spend a littl e tim e thinking abo ut how you usually behave in you r professional capacity and, in particular, und e r t he pressure of compet ition . And now, think of what th e effect of your behavior is o n those around you. . A lm ost all of us who coach are teachers by p rofession and many of us who judge ar e also teachers. One thing w hic h is ce rtain is that all of the gymnasts we are in contact wi th are stude nt s - and the se students lea rn . They lea rn not only by what we say but by t he behavior we demonstrate. W hat w ill th e attitud e be of the gymnast who obse rves his coach constantly comp laining about scores and arguing w ith th e j udges during a competiti on? Could we not expect the gy mn ast to believe that t his is the right way to do t hin gs? What sort of an impression is left upon the gymnast w ho sees the judge show up for a meet in blue j eans, w itho ut rul es books or judging suppli es, spends more tim e looking at his flasher than watching routines and sti cks arou nd after th e meet only long enough to p ick up hi s ch eck? I am sug gesting t hat all of us sho uld be invo lved in the sport of gymnastics for th e ultimate development of yo ung men. This must incl ude their technical , academic, personal , social, emot io nal and moral development to name ju st so me forms and not to place any emph asis on th e orde r. If we wa nt their standards to be high (is n' t gymnastics 911 abo ut t he p ursuit of exce ll ence?) then certain ly o ur standards should be high when it co m es to carry in g out the va riou s aspects of behavior necessa ry to our professiona l dut ies. W ith t hi s in mind it sho ul d not be ve ry difficult to deve lop you r own personal code of et hi cs which wou ld be appropriate for var io us aspects of yo ur profeSSional responsibilities. In my estima ti o n this shou ld be much more mean in gfu l th an ru les which have been m ade by someo ne els e. Gymnastics is a ve ry large part of my li fe but it wi ll always be a means and never an end in itself. It is th e medium through wh ich I ca n affect yo ung men and their development is th e guide li ne for my own et hi ca l behavior. Winning is eve rything - and every time I see o n e' of my graduates handling situations in their prof ess ional capaci ti es in ways w h ich w ill positively affect their students - I know I have won. Note: This prese ntation was followed by discussion of the proposed "Judges Code of Ethics" which was, in fact, adopted by the National Gymnastics Judges Association and incorporated into the constitution of the organization. (The "Judges Code of Ethics" follows.) JUDGES CODE OF ETHICS Proposed by Ken Allen AL L JU DGES SHOULD: 1. Update judging knowledge and experience on a planned regu lar basis. Thi s means st udy, practice judging on films, attend in g courses and as much li ve judging as possible. 2. Fulfill all ass ignments which you h ave accepted. On ly d ire circumstances sho uld proh ibi t a judge from fulfilling an ass ignment and not ificat ion sh o uld be given at th e ea rli est po ss ible moment. 3. Prepare for every judging ass ignment. 4. A lways come to an ass ignment at least thirt y minut es prior to the start of compet iti on. 5. Come appropriately dressed (blue b laze r and gray slacks, shirt an d tie) for all leve ls of compet it ion . This incl udes all mee tings. cont. on pg. 68
A panoramic view of Catalina Island Gymnastic Camp showing living quarters, workout areas and wate r front.
(9atalina GIsland gymnastics (9amp STAFF
CATALINA ISLAND ••• Surrou nded by ru gged hills and pounding su rf , the neW Catalina Gymnast ics Camp provides an exciting su",mer adventure. Twent y-six rnil es off th e coast of Los Angeles, the camp is located in one of Santa Catalina's many beautiful va lleys, and enjoys excell ent workout weather all summer long. Staffed with top gymnasts and experienced coaches from all parts of the nation , the camp offe rs expert instruction in co rrect techniques and ,kill iearn ing for all the men 's and women's Olympic events.
All workputs wi ll be conducted in spac ious outdoor areas, eq uipped with more than two complete se ts of men's and women's O lympic apparatus. Other faci l it ies inoude an indoor dance studi o, numerous trampolines. cr/lh pads, and spotting be lts. A large scen ic beach, canteen, and camp store stocked w ith gymnast ic clothing, posters, skin diving gear, and personal grooming accesso ri es compliment the ca mp's program. In addition to a complete gymnastics program, campers may elect in stru ction in sk in div in g, gymnastic SpOtting techniqu es, and in Red Cross certified life savi ng prog rams. Swimmin g, tennis , and vo lleyball act ivities are also provided. GYMNASTICS PROGRAM .•. . The ca mp 's teach in g philosophy involves an equa l b' ance between ba sics and more advanced skills. The
de vo ted
to basic
m?ve m ent s anu p rogressions, whi le the open afternoon s"sions include problem so lving and advancement of . sUll level. Reg ularly schedu led clini cs, conducted by the
miste r teaching staff and vis iting instructors, cover suc h i mportant topics as: ca re and prevention of injuries, r(IUt ine construction , taping procedures. new t!Chniques, and an analysis of judging and pe rfo rm ing mm nastics. To furth er aid the campe r' s k nowledge and " Iety, a unique course in spotting techniques is offered ~tth cert ification.
ACTIVITIES ... Th e Island's b ea utiful natura l sett ing and idea l weat he r condi tion s provide oppo rtun ity fo r man y add itional ~I ivitjes. Besides swimm in g, skin diving, and h i king ~ ring the day, even ing activities will include campf ires, ",okouts, and speciall y se lected fil ms. Special features at (at alina include glass bottom boat trip s, flying fish boat rips and int er ior trip s 10 the Island 's points of inte rest.
CAMPER'S LODGING •.. Spa nish style dormitories wi ll hou se all campers. These ibrms are complete wi th e lect ri city, sh owers, and bath licilities. Staff counselo rs wi ll li ve in the same quarters as 6e campers for supervisiona l purposes. Camp mea ls w ill ~ serv ed family style, three per day, in a congenial . mosphere. Th e emphasis will be on who lesome, " .Iity meal s keeping in mind the hea lth co nsc ious diets required for gymnastic activi ty.
Special Guesl inslructor for the firsllwo weeks: Mary now active in
Michael L Kasavana Preslidge. Past Olympian from England International Ballet company. Ph.D., Camp director, Asst. Women 's Coach, Univ. of Mass., Former Univ. EIGL, and NCAA competitor, 1971 National YMCA Trampoline Champion, Member American Camping Association Margie Combs Program Director, Former Univ. of Mass. 1973 Collegiate All-American gymnast, gymnast, 1972 EAIAW All-Around champion Paul Tickenoff Camp Co-Ordinator and Instructor, Northwestern State Univ. of Louisiana; 5 - time USA National Team Member, 1970 - NCAA College. Division champion in AA, FX, LH, PB, 1969-72 - Collegiate and national All-American, 1974 - Pasadena Nat'l Invit' l AA Champion Judy Hitt Ed Franz Dance Specialist and Instructor Women ' s Gym Coach, Sandiego trom 1965 to steve Lerner - Instructor Present, president of Aztec Gym Club, USGF Men's Technical Committee, Assoc. prof. of Pam Steckroat - Instructor PhYsical Education . Roy Johnson - Instructor Darla Franz Susan Cantwell - Instructor Head Coach of Aztec Gym Club, Vice President Henry Stanley - Instructor of Aztec Gym Club, Member of South Cal. Kim Whitelaw - Instructor Women 's Officials Assoc. Bill Murphy - Instructor Robert Koenig Master Instructor, Asst. men's coach, Univ. of Glenn Sundby Mass. Former Penn. State Univ. gYmnast, Past p'r omotion Mgr. EIGL finalist and NCAA Qualifier
Catalina Island For camp brochure or further registration information on any of our 10 weeks of camp sessions write:
CATALINA ISLAND GYMNASTICS CAMP P.O. Box 1464 Covina, Ca. 91722 (213) 339-1010
TID BITS by Pat Th e Arlington Gym nastics Cltib, Inc. wrote to te ll os abo ut th e 1975 Texas State USGF and Region II USGF Meets he ld in Hou sto n during M a rc h a nd April. Th e ir _ e ntire " B" tea m qu a lifi e d fo r C lass III in th e State M ee t and Lisa Cawthron, on e of th e ir " A" tea m m e mbe rs, comp e tin g in c lass I, to o k fir st pla ce, AIIAro und a t th e Sta te Me e t and a gain a t the Reg io n II M ee t. Th e Arlingto n Gymn as ti c s Club, Inc. is an outgrowth o f th e Kiwani s Club Sc hoo l of Gy mna stics. They have an enro llm e nt of m o re th a n 300. The have jOin e d with te am s in th e 4-stat e a rea of Texas, Oklahoma, Mi ssouri a nd Ka n sas to form th e Heart of America Conference. Dire c tor/ C o ac h of th e team is Bill Valentine, a nd hi s assis tants are Cindy Jetton a nd Lynda Thomas. From Canada w e h ea r of te n-yea r-old Elfi Schlegel w ith th e Toronto-York Eagle gy m c lub. Th e te am jus t re turn e d from a Wes t coast to ur in whi c h she w o n ove r- a ll titl e in Po rtl a nd a ga in st g irl s up to l B. U.S. co ac hes who w a tc he d h e r p e rfo rm a greed s he ha s g rea t pote ntial , a nd it" s quit e p oss ible sh e ' ll be in 1980 Ol ympi cs. In Van co uver, she w as 10th a mon g gy mna sts h o pin g to m ake '76 Ol ympi cs. Sh e wo rk s o ut fi ve tim es a wee k. Turn-<:Iub 72 Leverkusen, directed by Dieter Schulz se nt us a broc hure of th e ir tour of Africa in M arc h a nd April , 1975. "Little Hamburgers"
1975 AAU STATE TEAM CHAMPIONS Th e Edina Gymnastics Association (EGA), of Minneapolis, Minnesota, wo n th e 1975 AAU St a te Tea m Trophy a t th e St a te M ee t he ld April 19 a nd 20. Th e EGA a lso wo n th e firs t pl ace troph y in th e Nov ice a nd Inte rm ed ia te Divisio n . Th e EGA is c o ach e d b y Dian a nd John (Skeeter Helgerus. It is a prog ra m o f th e Edina Park and Recreation Departmen. There are a pproxim a te ly 500 gym nas ts in th e p rog ra m with te n coac hes.
Your LITTlE "HAMBURGERS" WOULD LIKE TO MEET AMERICAN GYMNASTS! A tea m o f sicx yo un g lad ies (ages7-11 now) a re' plannin g a US vis it durin g th e ir summ e r holid ays in 1976 be twee n jun e 21 a nd jul y 31. If th e re is a n ybo d y in te reste d in hav in g th e m , th ey wo uld be ve ry happy. Th ey a re junior C ha mpi o ns o f Ha mburg and a re ve ry stro n g in ac ro bati cs an d lik e th e be am most. Pl ease writ e to coac h : Gerd Rasquin 2 Hamburg 74, Sievekingsallee 201, Germany. Th e club is ca ll e d KTG (Kun stturnge m e in sc haft ) Ho he nh o rst/ Ho rn.
Music for Your Own Gymnastics Played and Taped for Your By Rudy Hadda
Int e rn ati o naUy- known p ianist, gymnastics co ach , and fo rm e r m embe r o f th e Po lish Ol ympi c Tea m . Former accompanist to Ol ympi c gymna sts. Rud y w ill co mpose, arrang e, and tape mu sic accordin g to your rout i ne. Hi s pi ano and gy mn as ium are ava ilabl e to yo u p erson ally; or he will go to your loca ti o n ; or send him your vid eo tape and h e w i ll return it w ith sound tape sy nchronized to yo ur vid eo. Fo r information wr ite to : Rud y Hadda at 543 N. Huntl ey Dri ve, Los A nge les, CA 90048 o r te lephon e him at (213) 652-6732.
Edina Gymnastics Association
GYMNAST June '75
The United States
Gymnastics Federation
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOYS GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATION On February 28th, several coa ch es representing so me of th e major age-gro up organi za tion s in So uthern Ca lifo rnia ga th ered to fo rmulat e an association for th e pro mo tion and ad va nce m ent o f age -group gymn asti cs fo r boys. With th e aid of th e Gymnast's fea ture articl e " Club Corn e r" th e coac hes ad apted th e " co nstituti o nal blu eprint " util ized b y th e North ern Califo rni a Boys Associati o n. After ad aptin g a co nstitution th e att endin g coac hes el ected th e fo ll owing represe ntin g o ffi ce rs: Presid ent - Mr. Bob Dunning (Fern an ge les Gym Club) Vi ce President - Mr. M ako to Sakamoto (Culver City Gym Club) Sec./Treas. - Mr. Rea A nders (A ca d em y of Men 's G ymna sti cs) Th e imm ediat e purpose o f th e asso ciati o n is to prov ide o rga ni zed competition s for age-
Th e fo llo w in g arti c le co ntain s t he views o f thi s w rit er o nl y, and any criti cisms mad e are m eant to b e con stru cti ve in nature. Even thou gh many of th e points mad e are som ewhat ·bi ase d, th ey are th e u nd erl yin g facto rs b y whic h m o ti va ted th is coa ch to d o nate hi s tim e a·nd effort s in d evelo pi ng t he fir st Acade m y o f M en·s Gy mnas ti cs . I - Wh at progra ms are ava il able fo r pre-high schoo l stud ent s if o ne has a d esire to sta rt gymn asti cs? II - H o w many hi gh sc hools in your area fi eld a boys co mpetit ive gy mna st ic prog ram ? Wh at ca n yo u do as a stu de n t if yo u are in te res ted in gymn asti cs and yo ur sc hoo l d oes no t have a program ? III - Wh ere d o es o ne go fo r co ntinu ed trainin g aft er you 've experienced fo ur yea rs o f hi gh sc hoo l gy mn astics and yo u elect n ot to attend co llege ? IV - Wh ere ca n a gy mn as t go after grad uati ng from NCAA co mpetiti o n and rece ive qu alit y
in stru cti o n w ithout havin g to seek ou t an assi stant ship as a gradu ate student ? Fo r th e pas t seve ral yea rs I have watched th e ex pl os io n of wo m en 's gy mn as ti cs in th e U nited States. Today th e re are virtu all y hundred s of girl ·s clubs o pening all ove r th e co untry. Th ere is a treme ndous mark et for progra ms in thi s parti c ular area . Prim aril y beca use o f th e rece nt telev ised ex posure o f th e '72 M u n ich Games, Euro pea n to urs, and th e aweso me ima ge crea te d around Cath y Rigb y M ason and Ol ga Korbut. Beca use of m y love of gymn as tics and m y interes t in yo uth , I bega n to se ri o usly pond er w hy b oys age -group gymn as ti cs has not see n a simil ar deve lo pm ent. Let us ho pe th at th e re w ill b e a " male Korbut " in th e near future to help pro mote inte res t in m en 's gymn as ti cs. Th e ages 7-1 5 yrs. are th e prim e yea rs fo r gy mnasti c skill develo pm ent. Thi s is, unfo rtunately, a tim e w hen I feel boys agegro up gY(T1n as ti cs are neglected th e most. Aft er a rev ie w o f the adversiti es surro undin g th e
group boys gymn as ti cs in accord ance w ith th e USGF / AA U form at. In li eu o f co mp etiti ve arti cula tio n w ith th e North ern Ca lifo rni a pro grams our associati o n elected to trY and implem ent th e USGF / AA U compul so ri es as bein g perfo rmed up no rth . To facilitat e our understandin g o f th e routin es w e as ked th e Santa Clara Gy m C lu b t o demonstrate th e compul sories in a short cl inic pri o r to th.e competition at th e Californi a Yo uth Invitati o nal. If th eir are orga ni zations or indi v idu als in th e South ern California area d esiring more info rmati o n abo ut th e S.C. B.G. A. ple ase ca ll o r writ e to : Rea Anders A ca dem y o f M en' s Gymnas ti cs 105 E. Alton Ave. Sant a An a, CA 92707 (714) 546-1 218
By Rea Anders Girls Gymnastic Coach University High School Irvine, Calif.
gro wth o f ag e-g ro up gymnasti cs, I co nclud ed th e following are th e most difficult to ove rcom e. V - Boys gy mn as ti c programs in the scholasti c sYstem (Ca lif. ) are not impro ving at th e sa m e rate as o th er new p rog rams. Wh y? (a) Th e h ig h sc h o ol sc holasti c sYst em sc hedul es th e maj o rity o f th ei r sports accordin g to SEASON. Th at is to say, it is ve ry co m mon to see bas ketball , w res tlin g, voll yb all , and gymnas ti cs all tryin g to share th e sa me fa cilit y at o n e time. (b ) Th e rece nt introducti o n o f the total spectrum of g irl s p arti c ipati o n in scholas ti c sport s has v irtuall y do ubl ed th e dem and s put upo n an alread Y o ve r-c rowd ed facility. . (c) To ass ure equal o ppo rtunity am o n g th e com pe titi ve hi gh sc hools th e sc ho las ti c sYstem allows a specified limit o f tim e in whi ch to train for each sport (3 -4 month s). Gymnas ti cs is a highl Y techni ca l sport requirin g co nstant skill r efin ement o ve r a long GYMNAST June '75
peri o d of ph ys ica l co nditi o nin g. Tryin g to deve lop qualit y in th e spo rt o f gymn asti cs thru the hi gh sc hoo l sYs tem O NLY is li ke attemptin g to b ecome a pi ani st by practi cin g th e skill s o f p ia no th ree mo nth s a yea r. (d ) Th ere is a con side rabl e ex p en se in starti ng a pro gram (e quipment and uniform s) es pec iall y in a tim e w hen most school di stri cts are cuttin g back fi nanc ial budgets. (e) With a grea ter d ivers ifi ca ti o n in mal e/ female sport s, m o re and mo re sc hoo ls are turnin g to o utside agencies fo r sp eciali ze d in stru cti o n and ass istance (ka rat e, gy mna sti cs, diving, tenni s, etc.). Ge nerall Y th e high sch o ol sc hol asti c sYstem is appro pri ate and ju st for th e situation; ho w eve r, it sho uld not b e th e O N LY source fo r boys gymnasti c de ve lopment. Th e am o unt o f tim e ava ilabl e fo r high schoo l stud ents to train in gy mn as tics lend s itse lf to th e reaso n w hy ve ry few parti cipate in the allaround . I fee l, at least in Californi a, thi s is o ur maj o r d ow nfall gy mn as ti ca ll y. Th e WaY the hi gh schoo l co mpetitive f ormat is set up, there is littl e pra cti cal motiva ti o n fo r a new enthusi as t to want to start w orkin g all six events. M an y gy mn asts do n o t rea li ze a N EED to start working th e all-aro un d until th ey reac h co ll ege. H ow long w ill it be b efore hi gh sc hoo ls ad apt the NCAA co mpetiti ve fo rmat of a 12 m an tea m limitation with th e to p fo ur scores countin g on each eve nt? Why did th e NC A A move in thi s direc tion ? Th e omniprese nt need fo r ameri ca ns to gea r athl eti cs towa rd th e spec tato r is also typi cal in gy mn as ti cs. Th e 'd es ire to have " in stant success " ; to co mp ete; to score; to " win " ; is so intense i n our beginn ers th at many loose
interest or b y- pass th e esse nti al b as ics whi ch limit th eir p o te nti al at th e start. Thi s coupl ed w ith th e fac t tha t b oys have su ch a var iety of spo rt s in whi ch to p arti cipate th at ve ry fe w rea ll y ge t i nvo lved en o ugh to rea ll y lea rn what th e sport re q u ires. On June 1st, 1974 th e Aca dem y o f M en 's Gy mn as ti cs was ope ne d to h elp promote agegroup gy mn as ti cs and o ff er quality in stru ct io n to all enthusias ts from nov ice to elite. Th e Aca dem y cu rre ntl y has an enro llm ent o f 65 boys and a su p portin g no n-profit corpo rati o n. Th e A ca dem y's fo ur ba sic program s are: KINDERG YM (3-5 Yrs. o ld ) GYMNASTIC SCHOOL (N o vice to Inter. / 7-14 yrs .) SE N IOR PROGRAM (Beg. to Inter. / 14 Yrs. & Old e r) COMPETI TIVE TEAM (Age -Gro up & Elit e) ' AII compe tit o rs ar e gea red to w ard th e allaro und It took a great d ea l of promo tion an d effo rt to start a bu sin ess compri sed o f boys onl y. How ever it w as thi s aspect whi ch ha s become th e ve ry esse nce o f o ur success. Th e boys take grea t pri de in no t h av ing to train in th e " shadow" o f a gir ls pro gram . W e ce rt ainl y hope th e Aca dem y continu es to be success ful so th at o th ers may take it upon th emse lves to start a prog ram - it is d efin ately needed. In a future arti cle I wou ld like to di sc uss in more d etail th e relation ship between club and hi gh sc hoo l co mpetiti ve program s for boys and girl s, but, in th e meantim e, if ~ ou have any co ns tru cti ve in pu t th at you would lik e to share with I US, ple ase co rre spo nd to Rea Anders c/ o th e Acade m y.
1st ANNUAL CALIFORNIA YOUTH INVITATIONAL Host: A ca dem y of M en 's Gymn as ti cs Meet Director: Mr. Rea And ers Th e Ca lifo rni a Yo uth In vitati o nal attracted som e 102 p arti cipant s fro m various orga ni zati ons from allove r th e stat e. Prior to th e co mp etition m embe rs o f t he Santa Clara Vall eY Gy m Club p erform ed th e USGF / AAU national co mpul so ri es for th e new ly fo rm ed So uth e rn California Bo ys G Ymn asti c A ssociati o n. The inv itation al pr ov ided comp etition for all age -gro up part icipants as we ll as hi gh school comp etitor s on an unattac hed bas is. it was interesting to note th at all but tw elve gymna sts participated in the all-around comp e tition. Those clubs demon stratin g significant ability in th e in vite w ere : Santa Cl ara (Wai chro Miki), Cul ve r City (Mako to Sakam o to), N.O .C. YMCA (Eri c Will ), and The A ca d emy (R ea And ers). 15-18 yrs: AA - A I La vi n (U natt ) 42.75; FX - Steve D o brus (Unatt) 8.00; PH - AI Lav in (U natt) 7.50; R Steve D o brus (U natt ) 7.35; LH - St eve Dobru s (U natt) 8.50; PB - AI Lav in (Unatt ) 7.80; HB . Tony Garza (Una tt ) 8.60. 10-11 yrs: AA - co dy O akl and (Acad.) 30.70; FX - Tom G riffin (N O C) 6.70; PH - Cody O ak land 5.05; R - Co d y O akland 4.95 ; LH - Cody O akland 6.70; PB - St eve Se ll ec k (Acd.) 5.40; HB - Steve Cart er (N OC) 4.45. 12-14 yrs: AA - Robert Kiri ya ma (Culver City) 37.90; FX - Peter Vidmar (Culver City) 7.60; PH - Peter Vidm ar 6.70; R - D ea n Jo nutz (Sa nta Clara) 5.80; LH - Rob ert Kiri yama 8.05; PB . Robert Kiri yam a 6.20; HB - Robert Ki riya ma 6.25. 9 & Under: AA - Karl Larson (Acd.) 21.45; FX - Karl Larson (Acd ) 6.00; PH - Darre n Jo nutz (Santa Clara ) 2.20; R - Timo th y daring (Va ll ey) 1.90; LH - Ross No rthru p (NOC) 5.50; PB - D arr en j onutz (Santa Clara) 4.25; HB - Karl Larso n (Aca d.) 2.90.
REA ANDERS NEW YOUTH EDITOR FOR GYMNAST Send your Photos, Reports on young Gymnasts, and Ideas to : Rea Anders GYMNAST Youth Editor Academy of Men's Gymnastics 105 E. Alton Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92707
Keith Miller
Rea Anders GYMNAST June '75
SWING THE ESSENCE OF GYMNASTICS (Part V) A.B. Frederick I ntroductory Note: At the coaches' Congress in 1974, Dr. Frederick spoke on the qualitative analysis of gymnastics. In this installment of his "swing" series, he begins to delineate the elements of such an analysis beginning with one of the least understood ... EFFORT. Althou gh q ualitati ve analYsis does n o t involve o ne in th e pr ocess o f sp ecifi c and precise m easurem ent of obse rved and reco rd ed ph enom ena, th e p rese nt ari icl e, as we ll as t he nex t fou r, w ill be d evo ted to qualitative ca tego ri es and human estim ates o f th e ex ten t to w hic h such elements are prese nt in a gymna stic move men t. In each ca se, est imates of q ualitati ve elem ents are pl aced o n a sca le or continuum which deno te th e strength o r presence of such elements in move ments. Thi s sp ecia l w ay o f loo kin g at gymna sti c m ove m ents is useful sin ce it is lik elY to help us with su ch thin gs as th e develo pm e nt o f a common language (a wo rth y go al in itse lf) including a careful se lection o f word s impl Ying very specific thin gs in th e teacher- learn er relation ship; th e d evel o pm ent of a gl o bal v iew of gymn as ti cs o r th e stu dy of gross pattern s of movement such as th e path s of isol ated bo d y parts (Th e light trace ph o to grap h shown in Figure 1 shows th e path o f th e hips duri ng a forward giant sw i ng o n th e ho ri zontal bar.); and to help us to beco me acquainted wi th a multi se nso ry approa ch to teachin g, an appro ac h advoca ted by Elean o r M eth en y forme rl Y o n th e staff of t he Uni ve rsit y of Southern California and w ell kn o wn for her insi ghtful , phil osop h ical app roach to move m ent. (See, for exa mpl e, M eth en Y's Movement and Meaning, a M cGraw-Hili pap erback publish ed in 1968.) Perhaps th e best summary stat em ent for o ur introdu cti o n here was p rov ided b y Vannie Edward s who has repo rtedl y stated, " I' d even use smell if it would h elp." co mm entin g o n hi s own approac h to teach i ng gy mna st ics. Alth o ugh w e have ve ry few references to smell and its appli cati o n i n th e learnin g process, t here are som e d efinite poss ibiliti es whi ch could easil y surface in th e future as part o f th e multisensory approa ch. Perhap s w e all ha ve had t he ex p erien ce o f reca lling som e lo ng-fo rgo tt en event in the prese nce o f so m e uni q ue o dor. This ph eno menon mi ght well b e harn essed to th e lea rning process . I n thi s articl e, I shall do m y best in a ve ry superfi cial way to i ntro duce th e read er to a specific m ea ning of and a notatio n sYs tem for " Effort. " W e all use the term "e ffo rt" in everyday conve rsa ti o n t o refer to th e am o unt o f energy w e bring t o a task in o rd er to compl ete it effi cie ntl y. Bu t t he mea nin g here will refer to a qu alitati ve sys tem d ev ised b y " Th e M aster o f M ov em ent," Rudolph Lab an . (Yo u may be inte rested in rea din g Laban ' s informati ve littl e b o ok o n th e subject enti t led simpl y Effort and avai labl e thro ugh Pl ays, In c. , 8 Arlingt on St., Bosto n, M ass. 02116 o r o ne o f m y o wn articl es o n th e sa me th em e, " Th e 'Th at' s It! ' Resp o nse" publi shed in th e April , 1973 editi on o f th e Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation.) Effort, as presented by Laban, is rea ll y a . qualitativ e mini- sys tem o r langu age whi c h is
employe d to wr ite n o tati o ns for o bserved or perce ive d qualiti es o f tim e, spa ce or fo rce. Th e no tat ion sys tem is ve ry easil y unde rstood , each no tati o n' fo rm emanatin g fro m an effo rt graph . Th e la tte r is fo und i n Fi gure 2. Let' s b eg in b y identify in g all parts o f th e graph and th en foll o w-u p w ith so m e sp ecif ic gY m nasti c exa mpl es. With ju st a littl e st ud Y, you ma y beg in ve ry qui ckl y t o appl y such no tation s in your own wo rk . Parts o f th e graph are as foll ows: 1. A slanted referen ce lin e is found nea r the ce nter of th e grap h. Every effort notatio n w ill co ntain thi s refer ence lin e so that co mpo ne nts o f tim e, fo rce and space can be id en ti fi ed imm edia te ly. 2. A d otted, hori zo nt al li ne is fo und pass ing throug h the ce nt er of the grap h . Thi s dotted lin e (not always appearing in notat ions) refe rs to th e quality o f fl ow o f the move me nt being stud ied. O ne may elect free flow o r bo u nd fl ow. Free flow is in dicated by draw in g o nl y th e left half of th e dotted li ne wh ile bo und flow is ind ica te d w he n th e ri ght half is draw n . The idea of free flow is rela ted to ba lli sti c mo veme nts and move ments hav ing a " follow -thro ugh" phase . Bound move ments are ve ry mu ch und er co ntro l at all tim es and can be stopped mo mentari ly. A hand sp ri ng exh ibits fr ee flow w hil e lowe rin g to a cru cifix on the rin gs is almost always rep rese ntative o f bo und fl ow. 3. A n " L" shaped co nfigu rat io n is found at the upper right co rn er of the graph . (SPACE) The ve rt ical com po ne nt is emp lo yed for an indirect u se of space in a m ove ment. Such moveme nts are not p redi ctab le in their use o f space (Ex. A fallin g lea f. ). Th e ho ri zon tal compo nent o f the space conf igurati o n is emplo yed fo r move ments exhi b itin g a. d irect use of space. Most gymnasti c moveme nts w ill be so no tated since the ir tech nica l execut io n is specif ied w ith grea t care. Thu s indi rec t moveme nt s, such as th o se emplo yed by Turi shc heva (See fi gures acco mpan yi ng thi s articl e) , p rovid e we lco me co nt rast to the direc tn ess fo und in mo st fl oo r exe rcise routin es. 4. A verti cal, straig ht line extend in g above and be low the d o tted fl ow lin e. (F ORCE) W hen a move me nt is l ight and d eli ca te, o nly th e uppe r half of thi s lin e is e mployed to indi cate a minimu m appl ica ti o n o f force. Th e bo tt om half is empl oyed to emphas ize the force fu l nat ure o f the moveme nt analyzed. 5. Two ho ri zo nt al li nes, o ne o n each side of the lowe r half of the grap h . (TI M E) Wh e n the da sh o n the left side is em pl o yed in a no tati o n, ind ulgence in time o r slowness is in di ca ted while abrupt , mome ntary actio ns are no tated empl oY ing th e das h o n th e ri ght sid e.
Th e read e r will also find in Figure 2 eight prim e no tati o ns each o f w hi ch d es ignates a parti c ular co mbination o f time, space and fo rce to isol ate a p arti cular species of m ove ment. N o t e th at all o f th ose appea ring o n th e left sid e are empl oyed to d en o te an indul gen ce in tim e whil e those on th e left are m o mentarY move ment tYpes. Th e upper tw o nota tio ns on each sid e indi ca te li ghtn ess; th e o ther fo ur suggest force ful m ove ments. Direct and indirect utili zati o n o f space and no tati o n s app ro pri ate fo r each species are fo und o n bo th sid es. Th ere you have it. A fully co mprehensive langua ge f or th e qualitative analYs is o f move ments, o ne whi ch ca n be es p eciall y
helpful in identi fy in g pa rt icul ar gymn astic move ment famili es. Laban id entified th e nota ti o ns p rese nted in Fi gure 2 b y givi ng th em nam es. Som e w ill be fa mili ar to gymn asts and th eir teachers. These nam es may be em p loye d to represent qualiti es o f perfo rm ance w hi ch are in turn identified b y th e ex tent to w h ich th ey d em and fo rce , tim e and sp ace qu aliti es. Press and p unch are ve ry famil ia r te rm s b u t glid e, d ab and slas h mi ght also be use full y empl oyed i n th e co mmun ica tion p rocess so lo ng as b o th teac her and learner und erstand t he co mpo nent qualiti es . Th e no tati o n s pr esen te d in Fi gure 2 are three co mpo nent ty pes. On e-comp o nent o r t w o- co mpo nent no tati o ns may also be used suc h as tho se presen te d in Figu re 3. Th e majo rit y o f gy mn asti c m ove ments have pr ed ictabl e path s. Th erefo re, th e no tati ons representing a di rec t u se o f sp ace m o st o ften appea rs (//-) . We ca n, as a result, deli m it our sea rc h for p att ern to fo ur maj o r gy mn as ti c sp ecies. O ccas io nall y we are surprised by th e crea ti vit y o f th e gy mnas t to go beyo nd ex pectati o n and pr ese nt indi rectn ess as a part of a ro utin e. Na tu ra ll y, thi s is most easil y acco m p li shed in fl oo r exercise fo r wo m en since mu sic w ill ex h i bit q ualiti es o f its o w n co rres po ndin g to th e va ri et ies expose d by Laban o n hi s Effo rt Graph . Tu risch eva cam e c lose to in cl udin g m ove m ents fro m each o f th e eight maj o r species o f efforts in h er World Ga mes perfo rmance. A p propriat e sequen ces and not ati o ns o f effo rt species correspo nding to her move ment s are fo und in Fi gure 4. Th e effo rt no tati o ns are approxi m ately correct but w ill b e appreciated m o re by th ose viewin g W o rld Game film s. W e will have to wa it to see if thi s kind o f innova ti ve, gy mn as ti c co m p9siti o n w ill ga in acceptance. if so, o ne mi g ht do well to exa min e all poss ibili t ies ex perim entin g wi d ely with e ffort q ualiti es mu ch as tho se in mo d ern d ance ex perim ent w ith move m ent qu ali t ie s to ex hi b it parti cul ar m o od s. Co nserva ti ves w ill no t easi ly accept suc h an approac h. As we pu rs ue th e element s o f qu ality in thi s se ries, th e read er wi ll co m e to unde rstand " Effo rt " as a m ost primiti ve, eva lu ati ve form . Fro m effo rt has d eve lo p ed w hat is k no wn as " move ment educati o n" for children and a mo del for tran slatin g and interpretin g on e se nse mo de into ano th er. Thu s qu ali t ies in mu sic (hea ring ) may be acti ve ly empl oyed in move ment (ki nesth eti cs) and w hen th ere is a perfect bl end o f these elem ents (mo ve ment and mu sic) we w ill have attai ned o ne o f th e mo st impo rtant go als o f gy mn asti cs . Spec ial fo rms o f mu sic o r so und mi ght also b e devised fo r any gymn asti c eve nt. Pl acin g bell s o f va ri o u s sizes o n p erformers o n the p omm el ho rse, ho rizo ntal bar o r parall el ba rs w ill revea l move ment q uali t ies no t easil y p erceived by th e eye alone. Perh ap s sm ell might also be chatego ri zed by suc h qualiti es. In th e nex t few arti c les, usin g effo rt as a ba se, w e shall exa min e fo rce, ba lan ce , fl ex ibility and swing presentin g w hat I b eli eve to b e a f ull assess m ent o f qualitat ive analys is as it appli es to gymn as ti cs. Thi s ki nd o f analys is is subjec ti ve to be sure but it is t he so rt of thin g th at is don e "o n-th e-sp ot" and th erefo re has gr ea t implica ti on s for th e teachin g-l ea rnin g process . GYMNAST June '75
... .
Float Light
. J - - - Direct
Glide Free Flow
) :
Bound Flow
- r··
Fast Slash
Wring Heavy
· r ---1 Press
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
(light Trace Photograph)
£'. .-. Light
Bound Flow
GYMNAST June '75
Punch (whole body)
Light· Indirect
Direct with Bound Flow
Indirect· Heavy
Fig. 3
Glide (whole body)
Flick (arms & legs)
Float (relaxed arms)
by Paul Ziert Gvmnastics Coach, University of Oklahoma Exercise 7: Here, the arm m ove m ents sho uld be lea rn ed wi th n o leg motions, first. A lso learn the leg move m ents by themselves. Then when th e perfo rmer ca n ex ecute the arm movements without any thin g but visual ques from the lea der, th e leade r will show th e arm m o tion s and call and add in th e leg mot ions. This is not easy to get right , an d the main fun ction of th e drill is to teac h coo rdination w h i le still carefully di sciplining th e body positions . In th e text pictures, co unts like 5' refe r to th e seco nd cycle. For this ex ercise is the o nl y one in w h ich th e second 8 co unts are not exact reversals o f th e first 8 co un ts. Please pay particular attention to the fin e differences. Arm mo~e m en ts first cyc le: 1. Right hand to right shoulder (e lb ow down) 2. Right hand ex tend s ve rti ca ll y; left hand to left shoulder 3. Right hand to shoulder; le ft hand extend s ve rti ca lly 4. Ri ght hand extends horizontallY to right ; left hand to shoulder 5. Right hand to sho uld er left hand extends horizontall y to left 6. Right han d extend s h o ri zonta ll y forwa rd; left hand to sho u lder . 7. Right hand to shou ld er; left hand ex tend s forward 8. Ri ght hand to Sid e; left hand to should er Arm movements second cyc le: 1. Left h and ex ten d s ve rti ca ll y; right hand to shoulder 2. Left hand to sho ulder; right hand ex tend s vertically 3. Left han d extends horizontallY to left ; ri ght hand to shoulder 4. Left hand to shou lder; rig ht hand extend s to right 5. Left hand exte nd s hor izo ntall y forward ; right hand to shoulder 6. Left hand to shoulder; right hand exten d s hori zo ntall y forward 7. Left hand to side ; right to sho ulde r 8. Right hand to side Leg movemen ts first cYcle: 1. Rise on toes 2. Squat (heels together and kn ees apart) 3. Toes 4. Drop heels 5. Left knee up (po int to e) 6. Left knee down 7. Right kn ee up 8. Right kn ee dow n Leg m oveme nts seco nd cyc le: 1. Ri se on toes 2. Squat 3. Toes 4. Drop heels 5. Right k nee up 6. Right knee down 7. Left knee up 8. Left knee down We find it h elpful to point out that i n th e first 8 co unts, t he right arm " leads" th e exercise, bein g exac tly o ne co unt ahead of th e left. At co unt 8, we f inish w here count 1 was, but with arms reversed. So the seco nd cyc le is reve rsed from the first , but th e motion is also 1 r() unt behind th e fi rs t cyc le.
7.1 .
7. \
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11 .2
9.6 T'
Exercise 8: Hands to shou lders, th en lunge to left (hips face forward w ith left leg bent and right leg straight ); - Co un t 1 - Right arm ve rtical and le ft arm to the side (horizontal) - Count 2Hold thi s position fo r co unts 3 and 4 - Move ri ght hand to right hip and left arm to ve rti ca l position nex t to h ead; then lea n to the right bending th e ri ght leg and st raightenin g th e left leg - Count s 5, 6,7 - Close to sta nd, arm s at side Count 8
Repeat 1-8, lunging to th e ri gh t. Here dga ln counts 1, 2 are barely separated. Body is absolute ly m ot io nl ess on cou nts 2, 3. Note upri ght trunk , ve rtical arm with shou lder stretc hed, and other arm precisely hotizo ntal. Perform er mu st learn to fee l th e position, and m ay not cheat b y looki ng at hi s arms. In 8.6, agai n without looki ng, he has moved to a new line : left arm , left leg, and lef t side o f trunk making a straight lin e. GYMNAST June '75
Exercise 9: 3 jumps (arms to the side and up after 3) Counts 1, 2, 3 - On Count 4, squat w ith feet together , knees apart, arm s crossed in between knees and back in a vert ica l positionCount 4 - Stradd le jump w ith arms extended ve rti ca ll y (body straight) - Count S. - Squat again - Count 6 - Stradd le jump again - Count 7 Stand with arm s at side - Cou nt 8 Repeat 1-8; contin ue jumping after th e 8th count of the 1st set. In this exercise it is very easy to be sloppy abo ut posture in positions 9.4 and in the stretched stradd le jumps. Watch. Exercise 10: Swing arms forwa rd (horizo ntal) Count 1 - Swing arms down sli ghtly behind hips - Cou nt 2 - Swing arm s forward and up to ve rti ca l and rise on toes - Co unt 3 - Lower arms to side and drop heel s; th en sw in g arm s sid eward to vert ica l and stop (pa lm s turned in ); rise on toes - Count 4 - Squat w ith feet together and knees apart - Count 5 - Lo wer arms to side and drop heels; then raise arms forward to hori zo ntal and rise on to es - Count 6 - Squat Count 7 - Stand up, lower arms to side and drop hee ls - Co u nt 8 Repeat 1-8. Thi s is a " sw in gy" exercise w ith lots o f range of arm movement. These moti o ns sho uld be fairl y qu ic k and firm, not too li es urely. Pay particul ar attent ion to th e upri ght tr unk in10.5 and to th e precisely vert ica l arms; also to precise ly leve l arm s in 10.6, 10.7 . Exercise 11 (breathing and chesVback hollowing exercise): Step forward w ith left leg w hil e ra is ing arms forwa rd to vert ica l position and inhale deeply - Counts 1 and 2 - Step back Circling strai ght arms down cross in g them in fro nt of body ; hollow chest and ex hal e deep lYCounts 3 and 4 - Move arms sli g htl Y o ut to the side with palms facing forward; open c hest and inha le deeply - Counts 5 and 6 - Lower arm s to yo ur side and ex hale - Counts 7 and 8. Repeat 1-8 stepping forward with the right leg. In 11 .2, chest is raised, shou lders elevated and back . Th e n as arms sweep to position 11.3, shoulders are drawn forward and down, and back is rounded (c hest h o ll owed) w ith breat hing out. Count 11 .6 is ano ther arm position but breath in, c hest raised , upper back arc hed. Fini sh is a re laxed attention. One major reaso n fo r inclusion o f the exerc ise is to help th e performer rea li ze that hi s b reat hs should be coord inated wit h hi s body motions w heneve r he breathes deeply. A nd they ~ho uld occur in ways th at do no t detract from th e tota l'effect of th e performance.
GYMNAST June '75
" om ~shoulders in ex tended/ round position (not planched). l ea rn th e preliminary bounce as stre tc hed out as p ossi ble, Use socks & swea ts!
Note: Thi s article is a natural follow-up for Jon Aitken's article on pirouettes, providing an additional teaching device, and giving some of the techniqu e for horizontal bar to supplement th e technique for uneven bars. Thi s also very nicely complements TM III, October .1974. HJB TEACHING HIGH BAR PIROUETTES WITH THE AID OF A TRAMPOLINE By Art Aldritt H ea d Coach UCSB Cec il Li vin gs ton , 1975 Team Capta in at UCSB, and I have been expe rim enting w ith a high bar teaching aid w hic h, w hen used prope rl Y gives the proper fee l of 1. A " hollow c hesV rounded back into a stacked (straight ham!stand) front giant finish". One can Doun ce in to the position ove r and over again w itho ut hand wear, spo tt ers, fea r, etc., and consequently can rea ll y concentra te o n head and shou lder position and feel. When thrust in g first off the knees and then o ff th e tops of the toes into the finishing-the-g iant positio n, the pe rfo rm er conce ntrates o n keeping the head at least neutral and maYbe even down into the move as he progressive ly rou nds out into (stacks) the gia nt. This ab ilit Y to properly arrive at and exte nd at the top of th e front giant predicts four ou t of th e five moves to be described .be low. THI S SK ILL MUST BE MASTERED FIRST!
2. An early turned forward pirouette from front to back giants. The performer can sa fely experi ment w ith go in g ea rl y and pull in g backwa rds w ith the non-support should er to he lp initiate the V, twist. Need for and ab ilit y to sa fel y practice plane change and fin ishing too early (fa lling back down the sho rt side) ca n be done repetit ively and w ith o ut spotte rs. Th e read lin e on the trampoline bed gives a r eady refe rence to the in tegrety of th e p lane chan ge. 3. Full pirouettes and/ or onos. When #2 is mastered on the aid and hi gh bar, trY these. 4. Eagles and/or inverteds w hil e passi ng over the top of the bar. No fear, no pain, no spo tt ers until one is rea ll y ready to trY it on the hi gh bar! 5. Duck under from front giant to mixed grip to preced a bar vau lt. 6. By stre tc hing th e im ag inatio n and th e body out sideways to an " on the side sit drop" , one can prett y we ll si mulate a f eet risi ng, extended body bar vau lt ove r the para l le l bar to the other half of the trampo li ne. We are definitely st ill experi me ntin g with this teaching aid here at UCSB and may we ll find ot her app li cat ions for it. .
You Mean You Haven't Heard Of
Ale Gymnastics Etc., Inc. ,
Thi s is the concl usio n of " I've Got RhYthm " fir st six exe rcises ' were published in th e May issue of GYMNAST. Histo ry : These exercises form a portio n of the training program in Tokyo and come to us thr o ugh M. Watanabe . A ll b ut the coordination exercise are sty li zed ve rsion s of exercises used in Sweden by t he gym nas ts training in Bi ll Thoren so n 's era - the ea~ l y fift ies. Bill wo n the Ol ympic Gold Meda l in Floor, 1952. He was imp ortant for hi s in troduct io n at top co mpetitive leve ls of truly rhythmic and gracefu l work, in comb in ation wit h tumb lin g, th en on a hard wood floor. We beli eve t hat the ba sic components rema in va lu ab le today. Howeve r, these exercises are specia ll y prepared to the gym nast of today, with emphasis on postures and move ment s t hat are bi omechan;ca llY sou nd for gymnastics. H.J.B.
~"'" k""'~
Use a standard TRAMPOLINE with a parallel bar rail with tubula r supports, P-Bar e nds ca n be sa t o n or tie d to frame..
A-Richard Aronson C -Noreen Connell
2 Mack Road Woburn, Ma. 01801 Tel. (617) 933-6250
The First Gymnastics Store And Office In New Englillld featuring: LEOTARDS Danskin - Capezio - Art Teen - Gym Kin All Sizes, Colors, Styles
Tapered and Flared
T ennis wear by Danskin All Accessories Including FIG a nd USGF Ma terials Floor Ex Records T-Shirts & Trophies Emblems and Je welry
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"HOW TO TURN AROUND WITHOUT FALLING DOWN" by Robert Manscom, Director North Shore School of Gymnastics
This is in reference to the article, " How To Turn Around Without Falling Down ", by Jon Aitken , which appeared in the April issue of, GYMNAST, pages 32, 33, and 34. The article, I fee l, is an important one. As the author states, the handsta'nd is one of the mo st important positions for current, modern day e lite level uneven parallel bar work. Although the art icl e brought out many important factors, I feel that some important area's were left out. The auth or referred many times to body position and lean . However, the sequence photo's showed something I feel is, at least as important as those mentioned . Please note that Mr. Aitken's figure c-20 shows th e female gymnast in a reg ular or overhand grip before the pirouette, whi le figure D-6 and D-7 clearly shows the male gymnast in a reve rse or palmery grip prior to the pirouette. This one fact, I feel, is extremely important to the execut ion of the pirouette. ' With the oveThand or regu lar grip, if the gymnast presses out, the torqing effect will tend to be in the opposite direction of the turn . With the reverse or palmerY grip, the gymnast will turn very smooth ly and naturally in the correct directiog, just by stretching out through the shoulder of the pirouette arm . If the gymnast maintains the straight body position, she ca n arrive in a very ' nice handstand , al ready in the correct grip for the giant swing down. Watch closely, the films of Ludmilla Turischeva doing her handstand pirouette on bars, and yo u will see this tec~nique, not to mention all the mens horizontal bar turning work .
Here too, is where, once the technique is perfected, we will start to see females doing full turns and more, through the pirouette position . In addition, the use of a low bar pla ced orYa mat , is very beneficial to .the girls learn in g handstands and pirouette work, Our figure #1-A shows the gymnast in a stable handstand position, with an ove rgrip on a lo w bar. (p lease note the tightn ess a nd stretch throughout the vert icl e lin e, as well as the sli ghtlY wide grip for better stability.) Our figure fl2-A shows the gym nast reversing the hand which she wi ll pirouette on. Note a lso that during this time , the gymnast does not allow her feet and legs to over halance, which would help to cause the early " fall out". Our figure 3-A is se lf exp lan itory, in that the pirouette is now nearly complete, w ith handstand stab ility maintained. Our close up figure #1-B shows the ove rgrip with slightlY wide position of hands. Our c lo se up figure #2-B shows the hand c hange, (in this case the gymnast turns left). Close up figure #3 B, comp leted pirouette.
Authors Note: We use white sweat bands on the wrists to protect the wrists from the leat h er straps cutting into the skin. We a lso have found that va lero tYpe fasteners rather than steel buckles are a lso more comfortable. We back up the valero with a strip of narrow tape. A spec ia l note of thanks to our model gymnast, Janet Glazier of BeverlY, Massachusetts . Janet trains at the North Shore schoo l of gymnastics in Salem, Mass., a nd was this years state U .S.G.F. all around c hampion in the e lite ch ildrens division.
GYMNAST June '75
by Steve Le rn er
How many times have yo u come across this? You ask someone to t ry a tr ick or combi nation on a piece of apparatus and they give you a loek li ke yo u ought to be put away, as if the japanese or th e Russians haven 't been known to do it, so not only is it impossib le, but it doesn 't exist and you'd better cut d ow n on your hash-cured dope 'cau se it's obvio uslY messing up yo ur mind. W ell , yo u ha ve a choi ce: eith er accep t it or go out and do th e tri ck yo urse lf. If yo u choo se the latter, be p repa red to suffer the stigma of " crazY man " or " acrobat " (A notab le except ion to thi s ha s b een the popu larizat ion of th e full and 1 It1 tw istin g di ve ro ll s. Some ma y cit e thi s as proo f th at w hat I' m say in g is pure hooey, but I rath er rhink th at it is th eexception that proves the rul e) Now I don't d ismiss out of hand th at it' s no good to master so me basics before the hard trick s. I m erely think that most peop le have the w rong attitude towards w hatever th ey' re try in g to learn , and th is produ ces ca ndid ates for wha t mi ght be termed the pse udo- j apan ese synd ro me. Mainly, that sin ce th e j apanese are better than u s and we want to be as good as th ey, th en we must train as t hey do. Now, the st ress basics . Good . But so me peop le can ' t see the ro utines for the basics. There 's a lot o f hard stuff in tho se ro utines. And th ey didn ' t reach th at level of so phistication by doing o nl y basics. Rat her, th ere's an att itude of re all y d igging what you 're doing , to th e po int of it's not what yo u do, but how you do it, that counts . Now, th at 's a pretty old saw, but it ha s a twi st: that the sport is gymnast ics and that w hat looks and feels correct does not n ecessarily ji ve with what we ' re accustom ed to. For exa mpl e. If you wa nt to ru n a ra ce, then yo u t rain in such a way t hat you can run a given distance in a ce rtain time . There is no interpreta ti on of how long one minute is; it is obj ecti ve ly ver ifi abl e. Simi larl Y, if yo u want to li ft a ce rtain weight then. yo u tr ain until you can do it ; th e weight is a constant. The point is, given equal ly capab le personne l and eq ual training method s, two different gro ups sho uld produce similar p erformances from their at hl etes. Now, I don 't think that the Japa nese are hiding anyth in g f rom us in terms of technique. i think that there is another boogyman lou sing up the p icture. And that is th is: basics are im portant, period: Not th at basics are im po rtant to learning more difficu lt stu ff. This is wha t must be in terna lized if genu ine success is to follow. Do not give an instant' s tim e for th in king about the ha rd stuff. That w ill take care of itse lf. H ow? yo u ask. I will o ffer two possibi liti es, neither of w hi ch I care to dea l wi th at leng th. Fi rst , Ze n Buddhism. For th ose who are interested in seeking some com peta nt wo rd s, there 'are many fin e books (see D .T. Suzu ki , Phillip Kapl ea u, and Eu ge n Merrigel). Second ,
GYMNAST June '75
Technique . See yo ur local coac h and / o r journal s relat i ng to phys . ed. and / o r psycho logy. Zen. We ll , le ts see. Bas ical ly a religious out look on li fe like no ot her. Getting to the real essence of th ings by seeing into your ow n nature. So unds easy. Takes anyw here from 2 to 20 Yea rs, but then you wi ll b e in th e drivers seat. H as all so rts of groovy application s to va ri ous movement ph enom ena, gymnastics bein g one of th em . It 's all (arc h ery, tea cere mon y kendo , gymnastics, etc.) ju st a ve hi cle for realizing the truth . Thi s is all ve ry vague, but then Zen is as plain as day. We are all famili ar with stori es o f Sov iet athl etes w ho perfo rm w ith almost computerlike p rec ision. This may merely be a manifestat ion of somet hing paodem ic in our cu lture: th e god, Tec h nique (the son of Sci ence). Ju st lea rn all there is to know about a trick , all the physio logy, all the physics, math , kinesio logy, etc. , ge t a v ictim, an d presto! He' ll be taking first p lace in the next O lympics. But is it so ... ? D ea li ng with Tech nique first. There is st ill th e problem of getti ng th e info rm ation from th e perso n's mind to hi s body . Or s'hould I say th at just 'ca use yo u k now what to do, doesn ' t mean yo u can do it. Some u nknowns t hat are operatin g here are th e athl ete, the coach, the environment, and the eq uipment. What is mo st important is a moot point ; suffice it to say th at just technique is not the answe r. Zen aga i n. W ell, th ere are ju st not too man y Ze n adept athl etes that have made th ei r cases popu lar. But most athletes are not into Zen because it 's not a p ervasi ve reli gion . A lso it would be a waste of t i me to practice Zen m erel y with the intention of be ing a good at hlete. But there are model s of perfo rm an ce . Let me st ress th e word model. It is one of the pleasant outgrowths of Scie nce th at we ca n dea l w ith rea lity in this way. Whatever se t of ru les that appea ls to you the mos t, p ick them . j ust don' t be surpri sed that so metime in the future you ma y have to di sca rd all of yo ur prior-conce ived not ions fo r some new ones. Now all th is sho uld re late to what I was tal king about in th e beg innin g: learning tricks . Don't wait for the j apanese or th e Russians to va lidate your ex per ience . It 's right out th e re in front of yo u. D o n' t go techn ique happy to the ex t en t that you are afra id to chalk up without po intin g yo ur toes. One the ot her hand, don't make all that you live and breat he a manefestation o f the Kosmik Order, trying to BECOME th e cha lk and the giant sw in g. Do u se yo ur imagination; it may surpri se you. Do try, in spite of th e fa ct that yo u may be the first. Do remember, th at acrobat ics and gymnastics are both and the sa m e. Think about a full twisting dive ro ll.
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Fig. 1
yamas~~~ vault After watching the A IAW compet iti o n and the USGF Nat iona l Qualifier in Reno it became apparen t to me that much clarif icat ion is needed on th e definition and proper execut ion of \the Yamashita Va ult (comp ul sory va ult for wome n for th e 1976 Olympics). Before ge ttin g into the teaching and execution of . the va ult however it would probablY be best to begin with a fa irl Y exp li cit definition of the vau lt it se lf. Fu rt her ru e should delineate w hat exact ly it is that we shou ld be looking for in the exec uti on of thi s va ult. Prima fa ~ ie the definition of th e vault is rather sim p le. It is a handspring va ult in piked position, with the pike executed du rin g th e afterfli ght pha se of the va ult. From thi s po int we now mu st estab li sh cr iteria for the Yamas hita parago n. The definition of any vau lt is ca tegorized in reference to thr ee basic va ulting p ha ses : preflight , co ntact w ith the horse, and afterfli ght. Though all 3 ph ases are ce rtainl y interdependent , I think it is more important to define preflight and contact in terms of afterfli ght. Th at is, give n a definition of an afterfli ght (we re i t to entail twisting, piking, somersa ultin g, or whatever), the laws of ph Ys ics w ill dictate the most expediant pref li ght motion (in terms of rotational ve locit y) and angle of the body at contact. On thi s premi se th en let us define the afterflight ph ase of the Yamashita . In term s of flight direction we mu st look for two mutuall y importa nt act ions. The va ult mu st show flight both in th e upward and outward d irect ion i.e. the afterfli ght must be in an obliq ue direc ti on. This so unds potentl y logi ca l I know, but somehow it is being ignored at the co mpetition level. Tim e afte r time, judges are award in g maximum afterflight sco res (2.0 points) to vau lt ers who o nl y fulfill th e distance requirement. It seems that man y of our judges
mi stak enl Y ass um e that if a vaul ter tra ve ls a good distance from th e hor se then she must ha ve gathered requisit e height as wel l. In fact it is quit e a simpl e matter to travel a good distance from th e h o rse in a comp letely hori zo nt al p lane (obvious ly - look how man y va ulters do it !). It is essenti al th at a p roperl y executed va ult by definition include a ve rti ca l compo nent in its afterf li ght p hase . It is ironic to note also that va ulters who are deficient in distance b ut not in h eigh t (thi s is rare as h eight is certa inl Y more difficult to attain th an distance) are penali ze d sub stantiall Y more than thos e who lack h eight but not distance. As afterflig ht is give n 2.0 points in scor in g, height and di stance shou ld be judged equally for perhaps the we ighted factor should be height as it is th e more difficult o f th e two components to achieve. The fina l aspect of th e afterfl ight phase that mu st be defin ed is the pik e. At co nta ct w ith the horse, th e bodY by definit ion mu st be straight w ith the pikillg acti on occ urring after the afterflight initiation. Th e pik e initiates as the bodY leaves the horse and is an entirelY dynamic motion (no static po sition is held during the co mpr ess ion - open of the piking action) to th e po int of the st raight bodY openin g. Wh at is cr itica l to the piking pha se of th e va ult , (a nd it is a point thdt is missed by the majorit Y of women judges) is that th e ope nin g of th e vau lt must be complete by th e time the body rotates to th e h orizo ntal (Fi g. l -f). (In the Reno compet ition al l but a sma ll , handful of the competitors fai led to ope n their pik e b y the horizontal and man y failing to open at al l ; Ye t the judging d id not ref lect thi s deficien cY when it occurred. I have purpo se ly avo ided di sc uss ion of th e degree of pik e one must assume. Th e bod Y angle of th e pik e- when prop erl Y executed is dependent so lelY on the
pre flight bodY ang le and angu lar momentum. Empiri ca ll y the pike angle is fle xible to th e point th at il th e judges are conv in ce d th at a pik e occurred, no deduction is taken. In summary th en in eva luating afterf li ght pha se of th e Yamashita va ult our judges should look for: 1) Obliqu e direc tional fligh t al repulsion (height) - most important b) d ista llCe 2) D Ynami cs of Pik e action a) Th e va ult er moves from straight bod Y at horse co ntact to p i ked position to straig ht bod Y op en 3) Th e open of th e pike po siti on is comp leted by th e tim e th e bod Y rotates to th e horizontal pla ne. Giventhe above d efinition of th e Yamas hita it is now appropriate to devise a modus aperandi for it s execu ti o n. In fo rmul ating this execut ion sc hem e I am go in g to ass um e that we all know how to run and hit the bea t-board (an absolutelY ridiculou s as usmption I k now, but for br evit y's sa ke a necessa ry one). If you don 't know how to run and hit the board I st ro ngly sugges t You cease vau ltin g the horse until yo u do lea rn as running and so me transit io n to th e board and off it co nstitut es about 80-90'X. of w hat vau ltin g's all about. Wh at we ar e essenti all Y dealing w ith regarding th e Yamashita is a handspring action i. e. q front so m ersault that includ es a hand repul sio n- action off a stationary object occ urring prior to comp let io n of th e first 180 0 of rot ation. The forces that we ha ve working for us are as follow s: 1) horizonta l speed - run 2) direc tion c hange to th e ob liqu e beatbo'a rd 3) direction cha nge to th e vertica l - horse Th at is, momentum is generated in th e ho ri zo nt al plan e by the run. If the transition to , GYMNAST June '75
the beatboard is smoo th the energ y from the ru n is cOllSe rved and it s d irectio n ch anged to th e ob liqu e by the slant of th e board and th e hurdl e. The horse ac ts to change th e direction of th e bod Y's flight o nce more by adding a ve rti ca l compo nent (if should er rep ul sio n is done correct ly and prop er body alignment is maint ain ed) to the flight direction . It is th ese three vec tors that determin e the degree of ob liqu e angl e in th e afterflight. The distan ce co mponent of th e af terflight is determ ined by th e run spee d and how we ll the e_f_~e rg y of th e run is conserved during boa rd and horse t ransit ion i.e. hurdle and rep ul sio n. Wh at we ha ve ju st been talking about above relat es to th e trajec tory o r flight path of the bod y as it mo ves forward and is influen ce d to move upward and o ut ward by th e beat board and horse. Now we mu st d ea l w ith anot her phY sica l phe nomeno n, how it is es tab lish ed and th e laws th at govern it: rotation. As we sa id before, th e hand spri ng va ult is rea ll y a front so m ersa ult whic h b y defin ition is a bodY ro tatiin g 360째 d eg rees to th e forwa rd. A note of ca ution before we p roceed: do no t co nfu se trajectory (fl ight p ath ) with bodY rotation. In thi s co nt ex t th e two are mutuall y excl usive (a va ulter n eed no t b e co nce rn ed with friction and aerod ynamics as in this referel' ce such forcesa re neg li gib le) . In discu ss in g th e co ncep t of rotation we must b ear in mind a very importa nt ph ys ical law th at govern s thi s ph enomena. Kepl er 's Third Law of Pl anetary Motion d etai ls what we ca ll th e 'co nservation of angular m ome ntum. ' BrieflY this principle mai ntains th at any bod y moving in an o rbit wi ll trav el th e sa m e angular distance regardless of any change in the radius of th e orbit. From this prin cipl e two p rima fa cie co rollaries can be ass umed.: 1) Angular speed w ill increase if th e o rbital radiu s is decreased 2) Ang ul ar speed w ill decrease if th e o rbital radiu s is increa se d. For th e doubters out th er e trY thi s little ex perim ent. Ti e a roc k to a string and sw ing it in a ci rc le. As i t 's swin ging all ow the strin g to wrap aro und you r finger. As th e distan ce from fing er to ro ck decreases yo u will notice the speed of the swinging rock w ill increase until suc h a time as yo u run o ut of strin g ca using the orbi t of th e rock to decay to the point th at it cras hes
fingerward . (NOTE: all ow no perturbation s in the orbit of th e fl Ying ro ck as this co uld result in a se riou slY d amage d nose.) It is imperati ve th at anyo ne attempting to gras p the concep t o f th e Yamashita va ult fir st und erstand s th e co nse rvation of angul ar mom entum: If you decrease radius you increase angular speed. Aft er und erstand ing th e principl e that gove rn s rotating sp ee d we must now ask the question , whence the initiat io n o f ro tati o n. Quit e simpl y, the rotation of an y va ult is in iti ated from th e bea tboard. Upo n co ntact w ith th e board th e h ee ls dri ve to a leng th ened bod Y po siti o n and ro tati o nal mo m entum is maintain ed as the hee l dri ve to th e length ened bod Y lin e is ma intain ed (a d Ynami c to static heel drive fig. 1 a) . Gi ve n then thi s bri e f di sc uss io n o f how ang ul ar momentum is maintained and fro m where th e va ulters rot ation is initiated , le t u s ex amine spe cificall y th e hand spring and it s va ri ation th e Yam as hif ~ in term s of th ese rotation co nce pt s. Handspring - during th e proper executi o n o f th e han d spring va ult it is o bv io us th at the rota tin g bod y (t he va ulter) ha s a co nstant rad ius (ass uming th e arm s are maintain ed over hea d ) from b ea tbo ard to landing mat, hence no chan ge in angular spe ed . To facilitate landi ng o n one 's fee t whe n performing a hand spring we must ass ume th at a good dea l of th e 360째 of rotation mu st take pl ace in th e pr eflight ph ase of th e va ult. Reca ll th at th e horse chang es direc tion of trajectorY on ly, it does littl e to influ ence rotat io n (p roviding of co urse that the va ulter 's tec hniqu e is correct allowing very littl e appare nt weigh t on the ho rse at th e po int of co ntact) . Furth er, all rotati o n speed is gat hered from the beatboard action on ly as the orb ital radius is co nstant. Wh at thi s all mean s is that th e bod y had bet ter b e fairl y close to the hand stand at the itme of horse contac t to ha ve enough angu lar momentum to fini sh the somersau lt in the afterflight w ithout h av ing to change bodY line . Fig. 3) ' Yamashita - th e concepts in vo lve d in the perform ance of th e Yamashita are all the sa me as those in vo lve d wi th the Yama shita's fath er, the hand spring. Th ere is one important differe nce howeve r; th e re is a change in the o rbit al radiu s from preflight to afterflight. In
th e preflight pha se th e orbital radiu s of the handspring and the Yamashita are identi ca l. In the afterl li ght pha se how eve r th e piking act ion of th e ya mashit a decreases th e o rbit al radius of th e ro tating bod Y. Wi th thi s decrease in radi us com es a req ui sit e inc rease in the speed of rota ti o n. Now in co mp ari so n w ith th e handspri ng we submit th e question does th e yam as hita va ult requ i re th e same amo unt of rot at iona l spe ed and d eg ree as th e handspri ng? Th e answer obvious ly is no. It is clea r th at if o ne were to rotate th e yamas hit a as o ne would rotate a hand sp rin g on e wou lu most like lY end up enjo yin g th e landin g mat for lun ch i.e. you wou ld o ve rsp in th e " bl oo d Y va ult." W hat must be done then to co mpensa te for the incre ase in rotational speed in th e afterflight is to reduce th e degree o f rot ation in the pref li ght. Thi s entail s ro tating to o nl y about 45째 max imum at th e point of horse co n tact. (F ig. 1 a). Perhaps the sin gle most co mm o n fau lt in th e execution of the ya mas hita is th e urop ping or " dumping" of th e hips (Fi g 2c) during the piking action in the aft erflight. Thi s fau lt ho weve r is actua ll y gy roscop ic co mp ensa ti o n o n e makes to avo id overspin as a result of too mu ch ro tation in th e pr efli ght. H ence th e reaso n fo r the 45 째 ma ximum pref light angle. Th e nex t quest ion aft er fl OW es tabli shing the necessit y for a lo we r pre-fli ght angl e is h ow to exec ute th e pik e-o pen in th e aft erflight. In th e beg inning of th e arti cle I ment io ned th at th e degree o f pik e is depe ndent on th e preflight. What thi s means is that give n th e nodus gyroscopic tend ency to land fee t first (s urvivali sti c spati al awareness), th e 'preflight angle at horse con tac t w ill dictate how much pik e (decrea se in o rbit al radius) is necessary to fac ilitat e a non-d ibilitati ng landin g (tha t m eans a landing yo u 'lI wa lk awaY fro m !) W h at is en tail ed h ere is what I like to refe r to as a " pass ive close;" or allowin g th e ph Ys ics of rot atio n and yo ur inne r ea r (ba lance ce nt er) to det ermine th e deg ree of pike. It 's as if yo ur bod Y is ope n to sugges ti o n and wi llin g to coope rate but it is ph Ys ics and ba lance se n se that actua ll y ca use th e pik e. In more sp iritual terms th e pik e occurs spontaneous ly w ith no co nsc iou s premeditati o n. In th e sp ecifi c nonconfusing language of Ze n : Let th e pike find you . Th e op enin g of th e pike is done in th e same frame of mind thou gh th e open is a bit
Fig. 2 GYMNAST June '75
Fig. 3
more d Ynam ic than the close. What is important is to approach th e pike-open as a circle concept, i.e. that as the body pikes it opens, as it opens it pikes. At no point does the piking action stop and the'opening begin. The y are mutuall y interdependent actions, and in a spiritual sense they are the same, action in mirrored opposites. The dYnamics of the motions (pike and open) are co nt inuous, one (the pike) becoming the other (the open). As' in the pike action, the degree of opening (I separate the two co nce pts for the sa ke of discussion and elu cidation only) is d ependent on the ph Ys ics of the preflight. If it is our de sire to open to straight bodY in the horizontal plan e (and it is), we must execut e our preflight acco rdinglY , at this point yo u ca n sort of tell that we are no longer dea ling in stri ctl y sciantific terms . The laws of phYsics couldn.' t care less if a vau lte r landed feet first or h ead fi rst. We are th e d esigners, the iaws of phYsics are
P~TUREANYONE? by Tony Williams
As coaches of gymnastics we are always cbncerned about proper body positions while performing a ski ll. The reasons are obvious: correct execution and aesthetic appearance of the skills. Unfo rtunat ely most coaches have littl e concern about their gymnasts' bod y position wh en they are not performing. How many coaches take th e time to in struct their gymnasts on proper bodY posture? Good bodY posture is genera ll y, something that must be learned. Once good bod y posture has been learned it will ca rryover into gymnastic skills, making proper bodY positions during ski ll s much eas ier to learn . Th e tea ching of bodY posture must start wh en the gymnast is a beginn er. It has to beco me a good habit at the beginning just like k eeping form has to become a good habit. The first step to good body posture is for th e
mere ly ou r framework. We must first define and th en use the tool s of phYsics to execu te what we must bear in mind ho wever is that the greatest obstacle that stands before us in conforming to the laws of natur e is our own mind . It is our premeditated conscious th at is constant ly trying to supercede th e laws of nature. In the execu ti on of movement we must first define that movement ex pli citl Y, in ves ti ga te th e physical la ws that wi ll fa cilitate it s execution , drill to the point where we ca n put ourselves in the position where these laws ca n be put into effect and th en passively observe, so to spea k, th e laws at work on o ur bod ies. It is w rong for example to say to a va ulter to open ea rli er on her Yamashita , a late open is an effect not a cause. What one should say is th at th e gYm nas t sho uld chan ge her pref li ght so th at the ope n w ill co me earlier. In summary then wha t we have tried to do here is to first specify definitively what the ya ma Shita va ult IS and th e crit eria we sh ould
coach to mak e him or herself fami li ar w it h what good body posture is. Th ere are a va ri ety of good books on b ody posture and bodY mechani cs available. Two such books are Special Physical Education, Adapted Corrective Developmental by Hollis F. Fait, W .B. Saunders Co., and Guidelines For Adapted Physical Education, Commonwealth of Pen nsylvania Dept. of Public Instruct ion . Th e next step is to individuall y screen eac h gymnast to determine what struct ural weaknesses are present and mu st be corrected to maintai n prop er body posture. On ce the weaknesses have bee n determined, co rrecti ve exe rcises mu st be implem ented. Genera ll y spe a king , the stru c tural weaknesses are th e r es ult of bad habit or improperly developed mu sc le group s. A weakness may be as simpl e to cor rect as b y
empl oy to eva luat e it. After formulating our definition th e next step was to exa mine th e phYsical laws th at govern the movements in vo lved in performing th e va ult and design an ex pediant exec ution scheme that would put the se ph Ys ica l laws to th e best use in achieving the end s we want. Last we examined brieflY, psychological factors that pla y a ro le in determining the exten t to w hich our minds will allow our bodies to integ rat e and execute as eff icie nt bi o mechanical entit es. It is perhaps this last notio n of the p sYcholog ica l factors determining biomechani ca l effi cien cy th at is the most im porta nt. It takes relat ive lY little to understand tech nica l swin g co ncep ts and appl y them w hen teaching. It tak es someo ne quite specia l however to grasp these techniques and execute th em as we ll.. . Nex t month I 'll examine so me teaching technique s th at wi ll exped ite th e learning of the Yamashita va ult. havin g the gymnast stand in front of a mirror, makin g sure th eir head is held in a vertical li ne and lea rning what th at position feels lik e. Or i.t ma y be as co mpl ex as strengthening th e abdominal , g luteal or hamstr in g muscles for the correction of路 lordos is. Onc e the coac h has deter min ed the postural problems of the gymnasts and has sta rted a remedial program to correct b ad habits and weaknesses, the coac h shou ld cbnstantl Y stress good posture w hile instructing . Ski ll s sho uld always be sta rted and finished with good posture. How many times ha ve we seen a gymnast finish or sta rt a tumblin g ski ll with th e head tilted down rather than with th e chin parallel with the floor? How many tim es have we see n a gymnast wa lk th e balan ce b ea m with the hea d tilt ed down? Many tim es when these gy mn asts are as ked to just sta nd or walk , th ey also do it with th eir h ea ds tilted down. It is just a result of poor body posture habit s and / or weaknesses. The deve lop m ent of good postu re should become as basic to gym nas tics as learning a forward roll. Good postur e ma y make proper body mech anics during th e execution of a ski ll mu ch easie r to lea rn. In any case, it is a fact ihat good posture wi ll add to the hea lth of th e gymnast. GYMNAST June '75
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PSYCHOLOGY and GYMttfisT the
By Skip Ray GYMNAST Illinois area editor Coach, Arlington H.S., Arlington, Illinois
Current Events in Illinois June 21, 1975 mark s the date for th e fir st annual National Hi gh School Gymnastics AIIAround In vitati ona l. Twelve top gymna sts from eight stat es have bee n in v ited to Maine West High School i n Des Plain es, Illin ois to participat e in thi s outstanding m ee t. A ll gymnasts h ave b ee n se le c t ed by reco mmendation s and optional scores of an8.0 average or better. These gymna sts are among the best in th e nation: Ricky Adams - Kentu cky Bart Conner - Illin ois Dan DeWitt - Co lorado Ron Ga lli more - Florida Phil Gon za les - Cal iforni a Breck Griga s - Illinoi s Tom Hain es - Ohio Scott McBroom - Penn sY lva ni a mario M cCutcheon - New York Kevin Muen z - Illinoi s Neal Sher - Illinoi s Tiger Ta ylor - Florida Competition is by Nat ional Hi gh School Fed eration rul es on th e six all-around event s. Th e philoso ph Y of the m ee t, as stated by Sid Drain , Head coach at Main e West and m ee t direc tor, is, " To pr o mote a wholesom e, successf ul gymnas ti c m eet o n a 'com pe tition with ' rath er than 'competition against ' philoso ph Y"
r----------------------------. "GYMNASTICS" Off all th e spo rts, gymnastics is th e one Wh ere eve ryo ne can ha ve lots of fun. If your back won 't b end, and yo ur legs won't split , Then you'l l ju st have to be ' sat isfi ed watc hing it. If you wish yo u w ere a bird th at fli es nea r and far , Then yo ur fav orite apparatus wil l be th e uneve n bars, If yo u use yo ur fee t to jump and spring, Th en va ulting off th e horse wil l be yo ur thing , If yo u li ke to give n ew dances a tr Y, Then you' ll do fine on fl oo r ex ercise. But, if stea din ess ha s been yo ur dream, Then th e only th in g left is the balance beam, Th ere's four gr ea t ways to show yo ur skill , ' But, if yo u're not d aring, Ju st wa tchin g'S a thrill
By Pam Hermann Midwest Gymnastic Academy Morton, Illinois
Gymn asti cs is an art form w hi ch utili zes nonve rbal communication, On e of Webster 's definitions for co mmuni ca ti o n is, "a proce ss b y which mea llings are exchanged between in d ividu als through a com mo n sys tem of symbol s." Communica tion ca n be at a wordl ess, aflec ti ve leve l as we ll as at a ve rb al, int ellect ual leve l. In th e co urse of train ing so me gymn as ts I recen tl y was spea king to them abo ut th e balance b ea m and th e co mp os ition o f th ei r exe rcises o n thi s event. A lthou gh our co nve rsa tion was focu se d o n b ea m, it had implication s ill o th er areas o f gym n astics, It occ urred to m e during o ur di scuss io n th at perhap s on e could co nceptu ali ze th e obj ec ti ve o f bea m wo rk through reference to ano th er ar t form , l or ex amp le, mu sic, and th at th e an alogy co uld be ex tend ed to th e fra mework of nonve rbal co mmunication in ge neral. Th e youngsters react ion and res pon se to our conve rsa tion was most intri guing and I th oug ht I would share it w ith o th er coac hes w ho might w ish to engage in a simil ar ve nture. A pplied psyc hol og ica l resea rc h has p roven be yo nd a doubt th at intellec tu al d iscourse in vo lv in g th e sport o ne parti cipates in ca n and o ft en does im prove actual p erfo rm ance , Eso teri c as it m ay so und it has som e re mark ab le pract ica l appl ica ti o ns. If we ag ree th at th e exe rcise in gymna sti cs is to communi ca te so meth in g to an aud ien ce (an d jud ges) th en p erhaps we co uld borrow from so me ot her arti sti c en deavo rs that h ave th e sa me purpose. As we go t into o ur di sc ussio n th e kid s them se lves bega n to draw co mpariso ns n o t o nl y from mu sic but also art and even language structur e it se lf. MY initial th em e was that th e gym nas ti c pe rfo rm ance , be sides be in g indicat ive of many hours of hard wor k designed to ac hi eve ma stery and comp etence , was also a ve hi cle for say in g som ething about th e perform er and about her int erp er ta ti o n of an art moda lit Y. In th e case of gymnas ti cs th e m odal it y is human bod y moveme nt in total. The re are so me qu est io ns to be po nd ered. Wh at makes a great mu sica l p iece impress ive? Wh at shapes and g ives th e end p rod uct th e composer 's o r mu sic ians per so nal impact? With mu sic as a point o f reference we identifi ed so me of th ose thin gs th at co ntribute to a memorabl e composition. Th ere are m an y notation s and sy m bo ls in mu sic which can easil y be rela ted to gymn as ti c work and , in thi s sp ecific case, ba lance beam perform ances . The fi rst co nce pt we spok e abou t was that of tempo. What is to be th e pa ce of th e wo rk ? W e recog ni zed that many good co mpositiollS invo lve a cha nge of tempo or key. How d o we ac hi eve thi s in gy mn asti cs, w hat sho uld th e timin g of th ese chang es be, how and whe n d o we move Iro m o ne to th e o th er, (n o te, col o r o r skill ) wha t do we wa nt th e tempo to co mmuni ca te? A second notion w e d evelo p ed had to do with how emph asis and in teres t is ac hi eve d w ithin eac h tempo that is se lected, In mu sic th ere are no tation s th at tell th e arti st to p lay th e pi ece " lo ud ", "with fee lin g" , " softl y", 't o build up " , "s harpl Y", " pl ay large ", etc. Th e sa me e mi chm ent of co mp os iti o n ca n be
ac hi eve d through bod Y tones and variat io n, The subtle body wav e followed by a dramatic leap, th e graceful poi se accen ted by a sharp move ment of th e ar ms, th e raising and loweri ng of th e bod y alignm ent as we move along th e bea m , th e un ex p ec te d focu s; all of th ese build th e "charac ter " o f th e exe rcise. Th e yo un gs ters ca n easil y brin g out id eas abo ut th eir own work w h en th inking ab ou t it in term s of anoth er fo rm th ey are fami li ar w ith but not as direct p erform ers. Th e connections bet wee n thi s and th eir ow n phYsica l efforts b eca me clearer for th em in reference to anothe r mod alit Y - in thi s case, sound and hearing. They also b ega n to sp ea k of th e images th ey have when li stenin g to mu sic - an int er es tin g ex pression of th e b io logical and p sychologica l fu sio n of sellSory mod aliti es th at we tend to o ve rl oo k in gymn as ti cs, (We kn ow th at so me p eopl e' see a co lor wh en hea rin g a to ne thi s ph en o m eno n is called "synaes th esia", It see ms to thi s author that we co uld utili ze such p erce ption in gymna stic training. ) Shap in g a gY mnastic exe rcise and p erform in g a mu sica l composition are close lY co nn ec ted ind eed. W e co ntinued the di scu ss ion fo r so me tim e with th e kid s ex tendin g it furth er into the area o f mu sic but also pa inting and oth er form s o f ase th eti c human ex press ion, A most im pressive thing happe ned as th e di sc ussion we nt o n. We began to direct our co mment s from th e ar ea s mentioned above, wh ich for so me Yo ungste rs was quite obscure, to a more co n cre te ex p erience of everyo ne - that of spo ken language. H ere we talk ed about the stru cture of o ur own speech and th e meanings o f such gramm ati cal cO llCept s such as periods, co mma s, ex pl anati o n poin ts, question mark s, e tc. and re lated th eir use to th e gymna stic se nt ence o r exe rcise. Where does th e gymn as t wis h to empha size a movement with an ex plan ati o n po int , wh ere do we want to pau se, how do we end eac h se ntence o r p ass fro m one th o ught to th e other as translated to beam? One thin g th e yo ungsters agreed about w as th at th ere should rarely b e any qu es tion mark s in an exercise, no doubts, no lac k of confident pun ct uatio n, no statem ent s th at say, "yo u tell me" Th e end res ult should b e a sentence, a paragraph, a so nn et, a po em, a routin e which ex presses so mething important about the co nte nt and also abo ut the indiv idu al co mmuni ca tin g to o th er s thro ugh the gy mn as ti c perform ance, Th ere is much more to say in thi s dimension and perh aps som e coaches mi ght wis h to ex perim elll w ith th eir ow n gymnasts, You may be surpri se d ho w such a ve nture which begins w ith a co nsiderati o n of human effort to achi eve perfec ti o ll in o ne art fo rm will end w ith some app li ca ti o ns that ca n be ca rr ied ove r to our own,
Post Note: Th e nex t d ay I ca m e in to th e gym I noticed th e kid s we re makin g up gYmna stic " se nt ence s", a direc t car ryove r o f o ur disc uss ion , 1 hey we re tryin g to guess wh at the other p erso n was "saY ing " !
GYMNAST June '75
Meet Results HAWAII ASSOCIATION C HAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN Ma rc h 15, 1975 Univ e rsity of Ha waii By Di c k Cr il ey i\,lew compul so ry exercises for both the seniors Jild t he 15-15 and 14 & under divisions lailed 10 slow th e progress of gymna sti cs in H.I\\'aii. 1 he new SHf CIJSS II
pxprcise was us,c d for both bo)'s di vision s. wh ile the
CAA co mpul sory w as used by the
se niors. In a flPW fOfmat. th e compul sory competition \V.1S held the week b efo re th e optional rompelilioll. Th e optiOlldl s were held th e mo rning 01 th e 15th with the top 6 sco re!:. advanc ing to th e evening fill J ls. It wa s a lillie rough 0 11 ':lome g)' ll1n Js ts to throw the two se ts of c).ercises ill th e same da y. but the
morning mee t was co nclud e d with dis patch so there \v as lime for the gY lllllJ SIS to res!. Th e gymna sts frorn Kameharneh.l High School. coacheu by Brad Cooper. dominated th e hlee t and th eir ex peri ence clearl Y showed. la st Year 's AA c hamp, Jay Kauka , lost his titl e 10 tea mmat e, Philip Swai n , w ho sh owed clean er form a nd better techniq u e. Kauka threw a dou ble on floor exercise fo r th e first time ill compe tit ion. but in hi s
Jeff Chung
surprise at m aki n g th e tr ick lost his co ncen trat io n on o ther part s of th e exerc ise and Ka uka Jnd Swain both th rew Tsukahara vaull s. lo lani so p homore, Jeff Chung, edged pa st teal11ma te Paul Ko sasa 10 take third ill Ih e AA. Philip Swa in, a grauuJti ng se nior from KJm ehJ me ha , 'NJ S awa rded the Jack Bonha m Memorial Cup for excellence in gymna sti c perfo rmance. A lth ough th ere we re a large number of gy mna sts in th e 14 & under division, th e (ompetitioll la rgely boiled down to a du el between Kenl VValrack of Kam ehameha and Terry Antho ny of Kokoahi wi th A nthon>' laking Ihe AA b y 0. 3. Entri es ill the se ni or division wer e sparse wi th th e U ni ve rsit y of Hawaii gYmn asts looking ahead to mai nland compe tition th e follO\'\'ing \ve ek and addressing this meet as a wa rm-u p. Se nio r Kell ey Ph illips took both FX and V. 14 years & under: All-Around: Terry Antho nY (Ko kokahi Gym Team) 49.45. Ken t ,",Valrac k (Kameha m eha ) 49.15. Floor Ex erci se: Walrack 10.950; E. Kim (lo IJn i) 8. 100: E. Okuna (I) 8.025 . Pomm e l Horse: Walra ck 7.600: An lhOIl Y 6.675 ; H. Soo n (I) 5.825. Rings: AlllhollY 7.100; Walr.ck 5.275. Vault: V\/al rack 13.125: A nth ony 12.900; M iles In o (I ) 12.375 . Para ll e l Bars: A ,"h o ll Y 5.900; Wa lrack 4.775. Horizontal Bar: A ntho n y 6.175: Walrack 4. 250. 15 to 18 years: All-Around: Ph illi p swai r (Kam ) 86.35: J. y Ka uka (Ka m ) 80.85; Jeff C hun g (lol'"i ) 77. UO ; Paul Ko sasa (I) 75.30; Dean Kauk .1 (Karn ) 68.25. Floor Exercis e: Rand >' Ngurn (Karn ) 15.225; Jay Kauka 14.175: Matt V\/alk er (Punah o u ) 13.550. Pommel Horse : Paul KosasJ 10.575; CMllo n Seu (I) 10.00; Ra}' Ogata (Pun ) 9.90. Rings : Swa in 12.475: J. Kauka 11.35: Kosa sa 10.B75. Vault: SlVa in 17.45: Je ff Ch ullg 16.925; J. Kauk . 16.375. Parallel Bars : J. Ka uka 13.175; J.Ch un g 12.90; Swa in 10.30. Horizontal Bar: Swa in 12.55; J. Ka uka 11 .175; J. Chullg 10.875. Senior Division : Fl oor Exercise: Ke lley Phill ip s (U H) 16.275 : Gene Carra ll za (U H) 14.25: Joh n Men se (U H) 12.675. Vault: Phillip s 17.775; CJfrJll za 16.5125; Steve Rowe (UH) 16.3125. Parall e l Ba rs: Carrallza 10.425. Horizontal Bar: Rowe 8.35.
1975 MASSACHUSETIS USGF OPEN GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN Low ell, Mass. April 19, 1975 Team Tota l: Monlvale G ym C lub 175.85, M. I.T . 165.80. l. T.1. 161.40 : All Around : (tie ) Smith (Mo nt va le and Eckbow (M IT) 46.95. Elli s (,\>lo lll v"le) 44 .60. Shi e ber (Monl va le) 43.65, Bisse ll (LTI ) 42.60 , Lu (M IT) 36.60: Floor Exercise: Corbett (LTI ) 8.5; Ec kbow (M IT) B.05, Ko rmanll (M ont) 7.7, Sm ilh (MOIlI ) 7.65 , Shi ebe r (Mon t) 7.5, (li e) Craig (Mont) ,nd MacDolla ld (LTI ) 7.0 ; Pomm el H o rse : Elli s (Mo nt ) 8.5, Skewes (Coasl Guaru ) 8.0, Nea le Il TI ) 7.7, ,",Vi lliarn s (LTI ) 7.55. '>m ilh (Mo ll t) 7.5 , Ec k bolV (M IT) 7.05 : Rings: Frallci s (S p l ld Co ll ege) 9. 15. 5h ieb ler (Mon l) 8.45, Douglas (U M.ss ) 8.4, Sm ith (Mont) 8.35, EckbolV (MIT ) B.l , (lie) O SlVald (M IT) ,nd Maddell (S plld College ) 8.0: Lon g Horse: Kirsc h (l Ti l B.6 , Pish va no v
School Ca lifornia StJte - lOllg Beach Seattle Pa cific· sea llle, V\/ash. Clarion College - Clarion , Penn. U n iv. of Mass. - Amhe rst, Ma ss.
Univ. 01 Mass .• Amhers t, Ma ss .
Virginia Evans
Chick Johnso n Herbert Vogel Cail Davis lane Jacobson He rb Vogel Her b Vogel Virginia Husted
S.W. Misso uri ~ t Jte - Spr ingfi eld, Mo. SOUl h em III. U niv. - Ca rbond ale South ern COIlIl . - New H ave n, COlln. Grand view College - Des Moines. Iowa Sou thern III. U ni v. Carbondal e Sou th ern III. Univ. - Ca rbondJle Sea ttl e Pacific - Sea llle, Wa sh. soul hwes t Mississippi Junio r Colleg e ) u mmrl. ,\I' rsslss rpp' )pringl ie ld College - Spring field, Mass. Sprin gfield College - Sprin gfield. Ma ss . Sa n FrJll c isc o South west Mississi ppi Jun ior College Su mmi t. Mlsslss rppr U niv. of III. C hicago Circle Penn. State Univ. of Mass. - Amherst
S. I. U. Ca lif. StC:l l e - l ong Beac h
Coac h Marion Dun ca n Virgi nia Husted Erneslin e W eaver Virginia Evans
Michael Kasava na
(Dart mouth ) B.4, (tie ) Bi sse n (lll ) and Eckbow (M il ) 8.3, Lu (M IT ) 8.25, (li e) Nea le (LTI). Smilh (Mon l) .Ild Shieble r (Mo lll ) 7.85 ; Parallel Bars: Shi ebler (Mon t) 8.4 , (ti e) Bi sse n (LTI ) and Elli s (Moil I) 8 .1 5, Ru e be l (M IT) B.O, Ec kbow (MIT ) 7.9, O swald (M IT) 7.6; H orizontal Bar: Sm it h (Mollt ) 8.65 , YO U,lg (M IT) 8.1, Kirsc h (LTI ) 7 .9 , Nea le (LTI ) 7.7, Ec kbow (MIT ) 7.55 , Bi sse ll (LTI ) 7.45.
Micha e l Kasavana
Van nie tdward s Ines Rodega no Ines Rodega no Andrea Schmidt Va nnie Edward s Patrick Boy Judy Avener Virginia Eva ns Michael Kasavana Herbert Voge l M ario n Duncan
17.65. Di Jne Preves 17. &5. Uneven Bars: laura Hemberger 17.7 5, PJIl Y O 'Conllor 17.7 5, l isa Harve>' 17.5 0, Edith SUllon 17.40. Coleen Th o rnt o ll 17. 35. Vault : D ebbie Co n stanti n 17.85 , Pall }' O 'Connor 17. 85, Ed ith Su tton 17. 85. l aura Hemberger 17.80, Co lcc n Smith 17.7 5. lisa Ingebrelse n 17.70. All Around: l aura Hemberger 70.60, Pall Y O'Co nn o r 70.40. l is;] In gebret se n 69.50, Marcie Ra vec h 69.45 .
Dian e Lauren son
In th e U.s.C.F. Region 5 ChJmpionships in Soutll\vest Miss ou r i State U ni ve r sit (s Mcdonald Are na A pril 11 th and 12th, Ozark Gymna stics Empire coac hed b y C hic l o hn so n, fed 5 girl s into the I ati onal s. In the junior di visron, Gayle Ande rso n 13, fini sh ed wi th a 69.70, 3rd p lace, Jo ni Wachtman , fini shed with a 69. 10, 7th place, and Ju lie Beck 13, qualifi ed \'v ith a 67. 05. Joni was th e Yo ungest com pe tit or in the Regional s. Br enda Hodges and I ude ,",Voodcock qualif ied in th e Senio r division. Brenda. Ju de, Ga yle and loni al so w ill compete in the Jr. Ol)' mpics May 2nd thru the 41h , in Eva nsvi lle, Ind. Th e}' were th e top fou r cont enders ill the ir d ivisio n s respec ti ve ly in the stat e c hampi ons hip s. Congrat ulations, to these ga ls!
REGION VI USGF CHAMPIONSHIPS APRIL 11-12, 1975 There were twent y olle )'o ung wome n \v ho qualified to e nter the co mpe ti tion . Onl Y nineteen compe ted, as twO sc ratched before th e mee t. A f ter th e com p etiti o n wa s ove r, o nly ten had qualified to go on to the Se nior Na tiona ls to be held in l:ugene, Oregon on M ay 22, 23 a ll d 24. 1975. The scores were as follo\-vs: Balance Beam: Marci e Ra vec h 18.00, Diane Prives 17. 95 , Mar y Roesler 17.35, Pall Y O 'Co nn or 17.20. Floor Exerci se: l aura H emberger 18.05. lisa Ingebret se n 17.80, Debbi e Consl<lll tin 17.75. Ma rcie Ra vec h
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Mail to: Progressive Gymnastics Camp Box 233 Deer Park, New York 11729 Phone: (516) 586-6542' ask for Jason or linda 66
GYMNAST June '75
CANADIAN REPORT CANADIAN MEN'S SElECTION COMPETITION L.R. Waller May 1975 York University was the site of an historic event in Canad i路an gymnastics on Apri l 19th when thirty-one co mpetitors participated in the first Selection Meet for the '76 Olympic Games. This was th e largest and highes t ca libre group of gymnasts see n in Canada for many Years . Keith Carter, of Manitoba, gave a steady performanc e to tak e th e All-Around with a score of 54 .00 points, but close behind him was 16 year o ld Philip D elesalle of B.C. who scored 53.80. Canadian gym nasts are beginning to show some of the "big tricks" . Leading the way are Quebec gymnasts. Gi le Gelineau was the first Canad ian to perform a doubl e back somersau lt on the floor. j ea n Choquette did a nice Y2 in y, out di smount from the horizonta l bar, Pierre Clavel finish ed his high bar routine wit h a double f lyaway, whi le jacques Panetti di smounted w ith a double back from the parallel bars. Man y me n had ve ry nice tumbling exercises with interes tin g fle xibility and transition moves that have not been genera ll y seen in the men 's floor routin es. At least five gymnasts performed somersault vau lt s on the horse, many with good land in gs. All-Around Standings: 1. Keith Ca rter 2. Philip D elesa ll e 3. Masaaki Naoshak i 4. Gl enn butler 5. Bruce Medd 6. Bill Ma ck ie
54.00 53.80 53.40 53.00 52.85 51.90
These six men have been named National Card holders. Eight others have been nam ed to th e Nationa l Team and a cont inuou s reeva luation of the men w ill take place up to the tim e of the OlYmpic Games.
Approximate ly 40 girls age d 10-20 from路 all over Canada competed March 29 in Vancouve r at the University of British Columbia. For opt iona ls the judging was strict. There were 5 jud ges on eac h event plu s two other judges mak ing additional deductions based on the new Canad ian composition and execution requireme nts devised by Boris Bajin. For example, on beam t here was a .3 spring . On" floor , th e gymnast had to perform at least 3 tumbling lin es of 3 skills each, one of whic h had to includ e a front , side somi, or arabian. One line had to have three of the four directions: forward , sid ewa rd , backward , or twi sting. Uneven bars eve ry girl had to perform 2 superior i n a row, a hand stand element on the high bar, a twist of 360 degrees or more other than th e mount or dismount, a superior " pop " element and a superior dismount. As wel l judge s looked for superior mounts, sa ltos, and seat circle superiors. On the average,.6 was the deduction for most girl s. On ly Kelle y Mun cey of the the Ca lifor ni a Kips , and Nancy M cDonn ell , had c learlY met th e requirements. The Ol ympi c compu lso ri es we re done we ll considering the time they have been worked on. The optiona ls were disappointing. Ma n y girl s fell attempting front so mi es in FX. A few did layout twi sts, but Kelley Muncey did a nice double twist! A noth er popular EX movem ent was a variation of a fl ying stag lunge to get down on the floor. Optional vaults in clud ed handsprings; handspring full ; half-half; cartwheel J,4 twi st; yamashita half; y, on and fu ll off. However, very few of these vaults were performed well. Option al bars was excitin g, but at times traumatic as the bars kept loosening during routine s ca usin g girls to " b low" their routines. Kell Y Muncey, th e al l around champion , perform ed we ll. on bars for 9.0. Tan ya Mayn e, Winter Games Champion did not co mpete due to an injurY. All-Around Standings: 1. Kelly Muncey (Ca lifornia) 2. Nancy M c Donnell 3. Li se Arsenau lt 4. Kathy Murphy 5. Patti Rope 6. Mona j ohnson Additional News j ohn Noon ey ha s recently ag reed items on Canadian Gymnastics to GYMNAST Magazi ne.
1571 Golden Gate Plaza Cleveland, Ohio 44124
GREAT STYLES FOR ACTION For the tops in style and quality for dancers, gymnasts, skaters and sports "persons" ... even records and instruction manuals for teachers, . write for Taffy's great list of catalogs and brochures and join Taffy's great mailing list.
F.I.G. BULLETIN - $15.00
GYMNAST June '75
ETHICS Cont. from pg. 49
6. Bring all items necessary to judge with, e.g. paper, pencils, rules books, etc. 7. Treat all competitions the same regardless of skill level (there is nothing more insulting to a coach than to assume his gymnasts are not se riou s about performance just because they do not posess a high level of ski ll ). 8. Be alert at all times. The last performer is just as important as the f irst. 9. Be quick, cooperative and efficient in resolving differences during conferences. 10. Give no appearance of lunging or rel axing at any time whi le on the floor of competit ion. 11. Show respect fo r all gYmnasts and coaches. There is nothing to be gained by in sulting any individual. 12. Be conf il1 ed to judging responsibilities. This does not include coaching, spotting, demonstrating or recruiting. 13. Avoid judging a meet in which positive or negative bi as towards any competing team is rea li zed. 14. Avoid all socia l goings on before, during or after any competitio n if all coac hes are not in vited to such gatheri ngs.
....... .
JULY 6·12 JULYI3·19
J ULY 20 · 26 JULY 27·AUG. 2
GYMNASTICS - Gretchen Dowsing,
Dear Editor, Each time I read about an international meet in your magazine , I almost always hear about discrimination against the American' girls. I am tired of this and I think it is way past time that sometbing should be done about it. How much longer will the athletes (all athletes) take this? We work hard all our young lives then to go to an international competition and be bounced out of first , second or third place just because sbe is American or because the judges don't happen to like her or his skin color it is just too much. Maybe it's about time the government stepped into this (but only if they could omprove the situation not make it worse). Politic 's must be taken out of all sports. The 18th World Championships were inexcusable. If something isn't done soon the results for the USA will be a catastrophe in the future I would very much lik e to see the United States take a third or possibly second at the 1976 Olympics and one of our girl s get a possible medaL Maybe this will help all our other athletes . Nicki Ellison Cincinnati, Ohio ED: It 's an uphill struggle, but the n ame of the game is "to keep on trying" - hopefully our efforts will eventually improve this situation.
Dear Sirs; Would you please publish this in your letters column. Thank You The. BG'S Billings, Montana Dear Dick , The BG 's wish to thank you for being a wonderful coach. You 've h elped our team more than you can imagine. You made us really work hard a nd I know we are all better gymnasts for it and we all know you'll be a great coach wherever you go. We hate to see you leave but we know you h ave to got. Th e BG 's just want to say thank and We Love You Dick Erickson! Fondly The BG 's
Your own
Cornell University
L ak ewood .Acquat ics
DIVING - Pat McCormick,
4 Olympic Gold Medal Winner
Arrd llgetJ dlld pld yed b y I l"'Il ernd ll Ulldll y known Hugo Sdrlorello
Doug Ward,
r t'')luelll pIJIlrSI
University of Illinois
CJmelbJck Inn
-and olher Olympic and Nationally known coaches ATTENTION :
Pat McCormick . 3642 Ro ssmoo r Way Los Alamitos, Calif . 90720 0' Phone : 1213} 431 ·9464
Dear Mr. Sundby, ... .I'd like to let you know that I app reciate your magazine a great deaL If was often source of insp iration while I was competing and is now an invaluable reference for me as a coach. I have been coaching here in the Panama Canal Zone for two years and now have a group of eighteen enthusiastic gymnasts. Although our workout conditions are extremely limited; we have only one large mat and no equipment, we are doing welL Since I am the only coach in the Canal Zone I depend on your magazine for tips and coaching hints. Your photo series of Cathy Rigby Mason was very helpfuL I would like to see more photo series of the basic moves along with coaching ideas. Our first exhibition is coming up soon gymnastics is the best. .. Mrs. Pam Kaster Canal Zone ED: We 're glad we are of help to you, and good luck! COLORING BOOKS
Dear Sir, Is there any place that your know of that I can buy childrens coloring ,books with pictures of balance beam, bars and all gymnastic equipment? Sincerely Mrs. Helen Dolan East Northport, NY ED: We don 't know of any as yet - We 've been considering doing this for sometime tho ugh. So if a ny of you artists out there would like to do tl,Je drawings, we 'll publish the book. "CARTOONIST"
Abie Grossfeld , So. Connecticut
SWIMMING - Jim Montrella,
Mr. Sundby , I would like to personally thank all of the fine gymnasts at the AA U Senior Nationals at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for their fine performances and especially their willingness to talk to interested spectators and sign autographs. The gymnasts, both men a nd women, were extremely courteous and helped promote gymnastics through their accessiblity and actions. • A special thanks goes to Tim Shaw, horizontal bar champion, for his patience with auto aph seekers and impressionable young gym sts. For our Florissant Gym Club this was our fi r st trip outside of Missouri to a meet. The success of the trip was two fold: the ou tstanding gymnastics seen at the meet and also the friendliness shown our girls on team by Tim. Our girls were extremely impressed by Tim as hewentoutofhis way to show interest in our gymnasts and club. He helped " turn on", even more , our girls and parents. Thank you Tim , you helped make our trip very successful. Tom Burgdorf Gymnastic Coach Florissant Gym Club & the " Girls " Haxelwood, MO
For more information write :
5028 N. Granite Reef Rd. Scollsdale, Arizona 85253 (602) 945-9308
Dear Sirs; Enclosed is a gymnastics cartoon which I have drawn in hopes of being one of the n ext GYMNAST centerfolds . Last September I drew a simi l ar picture and applied it to a work-out shirt through the process of silk screening. I then had it reproduced and the members of our team bought them. My art teacher suggested that I enter one in a state-w ide art contest sponsored by the BOSTON GLOBE. M:y shirt with the gymnastic design won a gold key, one of the highest awards ... ... Our team wore the shirts to the New England Gymnastics Clinic and everyone wanted one. Sincerely, Stephen Howard Winthrop . Mass . ED: We only had room for one of the 6 AA event cartoons sent to us by Stephen Howard ... more later and m aybe even " T " -shirts. GYMNAST June '75
r REWARD We will pa y $3 .00 per issue (or 5 additional editions added to present subscription) for each " M ademoiselle Gymnast" 路 rec eived in good condition, of the editions listed below : "GYMNAST GOLDEN HUNDRED" Available past editions(which includes THE MODERN GYMNAST, MG, GYMNAST and MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST numbering a total of 100 separate issues) for just. . $29.95 per set
I ORDER FORM I 'lease send the sped.. "GYMNAST GOLDEN HUNDRED" for just ~29.95 I (includes postage) I Name__________________
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Fall 1966 Sept.-Oct. 1968 jan .-Feb. 1969 Sept.-Oct. 1969 May-june 1971 Sept.-Oct. 1971
ALSO NEED issues of the GYMNAST.
Vol 14 #2 (Feb.) 1972 Vol. 14 #4/5 (April/May) 1972 GYMNAST P.O.Box 110 - M Santa Monica, Ca. 90406
These issues are needed to complete the binding of certain volumes.
This month we want to share some inside secrets with those among you who may have been distressed upon receiving a renewal notice from GYMNAST after you had renewed your subscription, or were invoiced after you had paid for your subscription . Jim Nast (our trusty computer) is programmed to send two renewal notices (one each month) prior to the expiration of your subscription, and to invoice each credit subscriber each month for three months. If the subscriber has not paid after the third invoice is rendered, no further magazines are mailed to him. If a subscriber pays promptly upon receipt of the first billing, he probably will receive no further statements. However, if he waits a couple of weeks or more to pay, his payment may pass a second statement in the mail resulting in his receiving a statement after payment has been made. So, if you receive one statement from GYMNAST after you have paid your bill, and you are getting your magazine regularly, just disregard the invoice. If you receive a second statement following a payment, the situation may not be critical yet, but it is advisable to return the statement to us with the number and date of your check, and the date it cleared our bank. We will make the necessary adjustment in our records, so you will not miss receiving the magazine. Like athlete 's foot, recel vlng statements after you've paid a bill can be very annoying - but not fatal. Incidentally, to credit a payment to the proper account, we need the subscriber's full name and address, including zip code. ON TO ANOTHER SUBJECT: Subscriber Albert Kowalski writes from Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey that, "Gymnastics is alive and thriving in New Jersey, which has the densest population per square mile in the U.S. If you relate the population of each state to the square miles of each state, I'm sure the demographics will point out New Jersey as having the greatest interest per square mile in gymnastics of any state in the union ." That 's pretty heavy stuff, Mr. Kowalski. Bet it doesn't go unchallenged. In fact, we 've recently heard from Donald Steinbach in Denver who calls attention to the large number of gymnastic champions Colorado has fielded, some of which are in his own family. He says Colorado has no intention of sitting in any shadow cast by Illinois. Go get 路em. you TIGERS our there! If there's a lot of' action in your area, let's hear about it. As always, I'm your everloving', watchful , waitin '-to-hear-from-you
P.O. B= 110 GYMNAST june '75
Stephen Howard '75
Santa Monica, California 90406
TEACHER / COACH WORKSHIP IN WOMENS GYMNASTICS Augu st 18-22 Weaver Health Building, Kentucky Unive r sit y
BOOKS AVAILABLE FROM THE GYM SHOP Olga Korbut - Tears and Triumph - 1974 by Lin da Ja cobs Cathy Rigby - On The Bea m - 1975 by Linda Jacobs Joan Moore Rice - The Olympic Dream -1 975 by Linda Jacobs COM PLETE W ITH PICT URES. EACH PRESENTI NG A BR IEF BIOGRAPHY OF THE OL YMP IC GYMNAST $3.00 each. Olga - Her life and Her Gymna stics - by Ju stin Beec ham 128 pages w ith photos co ncern ing O lga Korbut and her gymnastics $3.00 each. The Magic Of Gymnastics - 1970 by Ge rald Geo rge Covers th e current ava ilable lit eratur e in the field of men 's gymn ast ics . Designed fo r tea cher, coach and student. 250 page hardbound text. $5.95 each. Still Rings : Skills and Tec hniques - 1972 by John W. Hin ds, Jr. Book co ve rs in de pt h the st ill rings event. Sequ ence photos throughout. Hardbound $5.95 ea., Comb Bound work edit ion $4.95 ea. NOVEL: I Want Gold - by Rodney C. Hi ll, 1973. Th e fi rst fict ional nove l co ncern ing wom en's gymnastics. Hardbound $4.95 each. Order From The Gym Shop Box 110 Santa Monica, Ca. 90406 Please include 25~ per book for postage and handling, California resid ents please add 6% sales tax .
GYMNASTICS TRAINING CAMP New Ori eallS, La. - girl s - 7 one week sessio ns Jun e 9 - Ju ly 25 , $30.00lwk. Write to Lee Circle YMCA , Camp. Gymnast ics TrainingCamp . 936 St. Charles Ave., ew 'Orlean s, 70130 for a brochure.
East e rn
INSTRUCTOR: Carol Li e dtke Contac t : Dr. Agn es Chrietzberg, Work.shop Coordina tor D e pt. 01 Ph ys. Ed. lor Wom e n Eastern K e ntuc k y Universit y Ric hmond, Kentucky 40475
WORLD FREESTYLE TRAINING CENTER Th e obj ective 01 th e World Freestyle Training Center is to maintain a n intimate con tact w ith th e most prog ress ive and crea tiv e ac ti v it y in Fre estyle Skiing without loos in g touch w ith the beginner. Instruction and trai nin g is offe r ed Irom th e beg i n n e r to th e mo st ad va n ced Freestyle r in skiing, gymnastics and aeriel acrobatics. The fac iliti es at th e center in c lude the revolving ski deck, three trampolines, tumbling mats, mini tramp, overhead spotting b e lts and a ski jump into Lake Ta h oe, There are t hree pro grams ava il able . 10 hour le sso n package - $87,50 Summer Season Pass - $265.00 (lim it ed to one-hour-a - day o n sk i dec ka ll oth e r fa c iliti es open, 1 week co urse - $125,00 (one hour on t h e deck per day, o ne h o ur on the tramps p e r day, g y m n astics class ea c h day 30 h our co urse - $185.00 (PFA co mp e titors - $155.00) For mor e in formatio n w rit e: World Freesty le TrainingCenter, P.O. Box 5126, South lake Tahoe, Calilornia 95729. Or phone (702) 588-6737
June 9-13 Si n Fra ncisco State University, Gymnastics Workshop Dir. Dr, A ndrea B, Schmid , Contact Su mm er Session Office, S.F, SU, 1600 Holloway Ave. San Fran cisco, CA 94132. June 12-14 USGF Elite National Championships, Carbondal e, Illin ois. June 16 - July 39th Annual Summer Institute of Wdinen's Gymnastics, I ndian a St ate Un ive rsit y, Contact: Margit Greta Treiber, Indiana State University, Women's PhYs ical Educ. Dept. Terre Haut e, Ind. 47809. Univ. phone (812) 232-6311 , H o me phon e (812) 299-4617. June 28-29 Czechoslovak Spartakiade Prag ue, Czechos lovak ia , Sports Celebratio n of 30th A nnive rsa ry of Na ti ona l Libe rati on July 1-5 Berlin - 6th Gymnaestrad a July 4 Waikiki Gymfest Kapiol ani Park in Waikiki , Hon o lulu, H awaii. Sponso red by the H awaii GYmnastics As sociation and City & County Recreation Departm ent. July 14-31 Coac hes Clinic, University of California, Irvin e, Mon. - Thurs. Contact Pat McCormi ck's Coaching Clin ics, 3642 Rossmoor Wa y, Los A ltos, CA 90720 . July 18 Norwegian Women's Gy mnastics Team to Tour USA includin g stops in Broo kl yn, Stat en Island , and New Roche lle, New York; Morristow n, NJ; Philad elph ia ; W as hin gton , DC ; Chicago; and San Fran cisco. Mid. Aug. National AAU Jr. Olympics, U of Cornell , Ithi ca , New Yo rk. MD: GYmnast ic Coach , U. of Corne ll. Age Groups 12-14, 15-18 for boys and girl s. Girl s do IntI. Level USGFI DGWS Compu lsori es, Bo ys, NEW 1975 AAU-USGF Jr. OlympiC comp ul sories. Wr it e to Jerry Duname ll , AAU Jr. Olymp ic Adm ini strator, 3400 W. 86th St. , In dianapoli s, Ind. 46268 PH 317-297-2900 (mu st qualify thru district an d Regi o na l co mpetition ) Aug. Pan-Am Trials Aug. 17 Bob Andersen's Capable Peoples Gymnastics ' 75 Spo nso red by ABC- TV's Cent ury Cit y (by ABC Entertainmen t Center). Handicapped and OIY"1pic Co ntenders perform in g, 1-3 p,m, Free of charg e, For more information ca ll : Bob A nderse n 392-3800. Oct. 11 Qualifying meet for World Championships in Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics San Fran cisco State Unive rsity Oct. 12-26 Pan American Gam es, Mexico City Oct. World Cup, M adrid, Spa in
ZWlCIIEL qymnastic. tailors, inc.. Official USGF Tailors
Ron Chea th am started p lay ing th e pian o at age eleve n , co mposin g at age twe lve, and pe rf orming Gymna sti cs at age fo urt ee n . Ron is curre ntl y stud yin g m usic at Ya le Unive rsit y and is an all aro und perform e r on th e Yale Gymna stics Tea m . Barbara Gall eher (Ya le U ni ve rsit y - Wom en's Gymna sti cs Coach and former nine time Na ti onal Tumb lin g Champion ) and Don To nry (Ya le Unive rsit y - Gymna stics Coac h and fo rm er Ol ympian ) provided the moti va ti on and guidance for thi s pro duction. M r. Cheatham ha s recrea ted eight,new (Vo l. I co ntain s first seri es) O lympi Ccompositions on sid e one and eight new ex trem ely exc itin g p ieces on sid e two. We are sur e yo u w ill find this album dy namic and u plifting . Gym nastics A id es Co. P,O. Box 475 No rthbrid ge, Mass. 01534
Why Settle for less? FREE CATALOG
ZWICKEL Gymnastic Tailors
P.O. Box 309 Jenkintown, Pa. 19046
TAHOE DonnER *is having fun
gymnast1c camp
while learning THE STAFF The ca mp is under the direction of Ray Goldbar and Di ck W olfe.
RAY GOLDBAR Gymna stic Coach at th e Universit y of Californi a, Davis. Fo rmerl y outstandin g hi gh schoo l coac h at Encina Hi gh, Sacramento, and head gYmnastic coac h at Californi a State University, Sacramento, in 1974.
DICK WOLFE GYmnasti c coach at California St ate University, Fullerton. 1971, '72, and '74 Co llege Divi sion Coach of th e year. His teams h ave won three NCAA Championships - 1971, 1972, and 1974. Th e staff thi s year wi ll be drawn from the fin es t gymn as ti c instru ctors in th e Un ited States.
RECREATION Tahoe Donner is a four seaso n reso rt loca ted in. Tru c kee, California , th e ga teway of the H igh Sierra . The clean , crisp mountain ai r and majestic p ines th at abo und make an idea l camp loca ti o n and enviro nment. Several good fishing st reams run th rough the reso rt and it s nea rby beach cl ub is located on Donner lake. a pool , sa una, jacuzzi, exe rcise roo m and pin g pon g are loca ted in th e ca mp. Adja ce nt faci lities include tenn is co urts, sta bl es, archer y ra nge, nature trails , and a!) additional swi mmin g pool, all open to cam pers. All campers must staY in th e Tahoe D o nner Lodge during all sessio ns they att end .
Additionall y, th e Tahoe Donner Go lf Course adds to paren t 's enjoymen t of th e resort. Parent s wi shing to staY at th e resort may choose fro m Tahoe Donn er 's home and co ndominium rent al program. Parents w ishing more information on Tahoe Doner vacations ma y chec k the box on the appli ca tion form or write:
Tahoe Donner Dummer Fun, P.O. Drawer G, Truckee, Calif. 95734.
A cco modation s are all in the Tahoe Donn er Lodge, with all eating facil ities in adjacent DonnerChri sti e Inn . U ncrowded, clean and centrally located, they are perfect for t he ca mp. La st year, th e first at Tahoe Donner, proved to be the best in th e five yea r hi story of th e Gymnastic Camp
Individual attention makes each camper able to define and accomplish his own needs at his own pace.
$145.00 Two consecutive sessions (for 13 days) 305.00 Three sessions (20 days) 465.00 THREE SESSIONS AVAILABLE
Session I Sunday, July 27, 1975 Session II
Rec'd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] D e posi t - - - - - ---1 Bal . Due _ _ _ _ _ _ _l
AGE _ _ _ _~- SEX ._ _ _ _ _ __
STREET ____________________________________ SCHCOL/CLUB - - - - - - - - - - -1 CITY _ _ _ _ __ _ STATE _ _ _
ZIP ._ _ __ PHONE ~:;:-;c-=""'-- (AREA COOE)
Sunday, August 3, 1975
This application and n on-refundable depos it of $ 25 .00 must be su bm it ted before July 20,1975. The total fee i s $145 for six day s; or $30 5
Session III Sunday, August 10, 1975
day s; $465 for 20 days. I plan to ottend the F irst Session ,(Ju l y 27 to Aug. 2) _ _ _ ; Second Session Non-refundable deposit of $25.00 is enclose d . The balance of $ _ _ _ _
( FOR MINORS ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
for 13
3 to Aug. 9) _ _. _ ; Third Session (Aug . 10 to Aug . 16
1 wlll pa y on or before arnval at camp .
(Ch eck-in afte r 1 :00 p.m . - check-out by 4:00 p.m.)
No roommate preference
[ l Roommate
prefe rence
(Roommat e Name) - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ __