Gymnast Magazine - August 1975

Page 1

GYM - A - TAROo CUSTOM MADE COMPETITION WEAR 620 "THE SPRITE" Wedge neckline, Double trim long sleeves, no zipper. collarette of 2nd and 3rd colors. Sleeve bands sewn 1" apart from bottom of sleeves. Adults : $9.50 Girls : $9.00

615 " THE C HEVR ON" No tc hed V- f ro nt and bac k, wit h a ch evro n in se rt in fro nt. Z ipper f ro nt , lo ng sleeves. Trim, zipp er and inse rt o f a 2nd co lor. Ad ults $11 .75 G irls: $11 .25

622 "THE REGIONAL" V-front, high back, long sleeves, no zipper. Athletic type armnole inserts in front and back of 2nd color. V 路trim on neck and bottom of sleeves of 3rd color. Adults : $11 .75 Gi rls : $11 .25

600 "THE MAJESTIC" Circular neckline long sleeves, no zipper. 2'1," diag路 anal sash from left to right with 'I," trim around neckline and bottom of sleeves of 2nd color. Adults : $9.00 Girls: $8 .50

623 "THE MANDARIN" Zipper front stand-up collar of a 2nd color wi th 2 stripes sewn around collar of 1st and 3rd colors, also on bottom of sleeves.

598 X "THE WINNER" V-neck front with zipper, high back, long sleeves . Double trim around neckline, zipper and bottom of sleeves of 2nd and 3rd colors. Adu lts: $11 .25 Girls : $10.75

Adults : $11.25

Girls: $10.75



598 Same as above only with single trim. Adults: $9.75 Girls: $9.25

To leaM 01 nollo leaM A beam is more than a piece of wood. To be one of the leaders in the world of competitive sports, you have to keep up with change. This is especially true in Gymnastics and more specifically with balance beams. During the past few years GSC has kept pace with these changes plus made innovations of our own. We offer the coach and performer the newest, finest and widest possible selection of balance beams, gymnastic apparatus and accessories. Our balance beams are designed to fill the performer's every need, from backyard practice to international competition ... so whether you are a coach, novice or champion ... "To Beam or I'.!ot To Beam" is not the question.

OFFICIAL BALANCE BEAM One of the most beautiful beams available . Built to full International competitive specifications . Regulation 500cm(16'5") long and 10cm (4") wide working surface. Base adjusts in height from 100cm(39-3/8") to 120cm(47%"). Non-marking rubber feet. Beam supplied is our new "BEAMSKIN" covered beam.

CARPETED BALANCE BEAM Regulation 10cm(4") wide working surface, flat sides. Beam is 365cm (12') long and working surface is 20cm(8") off the floor. Top of beam has 1.59cm (5/8") rubber pad, entire beam is covered with quality carpeting. Soft and non-abrasive to skin , does not affect sure-footing feel of beam.

COMPETITION BALANCE BEAM Beautifully finished laminated beam built to competition specifications. Same deminsions and height adjustments as our Official beam above.

BALANCE BEAM TRANSPORTER Brand new!!! Specially designed for our new balance beam legs shown on this page. Extremely easy to use. Four 360 degree swiveling rubber casters . Sturdy all steel construction. Chrome plated .

PRACTICE BALANCE BEAM Same quality features and construction standards as on our Competition Balance Beam except beam is only 365cm(12 ' )long.

ATHLETIC EIJUIPMENl~~~_~ ---..,..--:--.--..,:-=~::~:- r 600 N. Pacific Ave., San Pedro, CA. 90733 (213)831-0131


~~~=Klt~~z~ ~~'1:il1 P.O. Box 130 Lasalle Station Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14304


We know that in the past you have had problems in getting compositions for women's and girls ' floor exercises . And how many times have you purchased a record only to find that THE COM P 0 SIT ION for you isn't there ? . Well, we know your problems and we're here to solve them. Our pianist, coordinators, and editors are all talented people who are committing their energies to the furtherence of women's gymnastics . Our recordings, with their ingenious blendings of all styles of music from classical to modern jazz, truly are what is needed and asked for in the 1975 World of women 's gymnastics .

. OUR GOLD MEDAL SERIES We feel fortunate in having acquired AI Stumpf and Gary Wachtel, who have combined their talents, to produce a series of three 33 I.p. recordings, which have become 'the highlight of our fine line of floor exercise music . With Mr. Stumpf's fantastic knowledge of women's gymnastics combined with mr. Wachtel's extraordinary bility "to bring a piano to life", we feel this could be the finest set of records ever produced for women's and girls' floor exercises. Each record has music for beginners, intermediate, and advanced gymnasts. This record is so fine, that we call it our GOLD MEDAL SERIES.

Al Stumpf

Gary Wachtel

noted authority on women's gymnastics

internationally known pianist and composer



_ copy (copies) Record '1 ($8.95) _ copy (copies) Record '2 ($8.95) _ copy (copies) Record '3 ($8 .95) _ copy (copies) entire GOLD MEDAL SERIES ($25.00)

NAME ____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________ CITY __________________




__________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ______________


Cover: Bart Conner, Hi gh School All-Around ch ampio n and USGF Eli te A ll -Arou nd co ch ampion .

WHERE ARE THE GIRLS? W hil e putting togeth er this ann ual Hi gh School report edition we noti ce th e lack of big name nat io nal champ io nship ca li b re girl s of hi gh sc hoo l age. We know th e club programs fo r the m os t part, have bee n responsible - for· th etr-a ifli ftg."()f · a-l mo5 t -a l~ of+Ae high -sch·ool gir ls at th e top of our nati o nal scene, but we also fee l the se g irl s sho uld be a part of th eir own hi g h schoo l program , co mpet i'n g w ith th eir pee rs for top state honors. We find it hard to ra ti ona lize th at a yo un g high schoo l girl ca n be among th e Elite of ou r nation , known around th e wo rl d, but cannot be part of her own high sc hoo l o r stat e championships tea m s. The high sc hool years, w ith their educatio nal, soc ial and co mpetiti ve act iviti es are a very imp o rt ant part o f growing up for both boys and girls. W e reali ze th at most hi g h schools do not have the gym time or coaching talent ava il ab le th at is necessa ry for th e tr ainin g of th ese national ca libre hi gh sc hoo l age gymnasts and t herefore the y have th eir own coac h (or team) o u ts id e the sc hoo l program . However, w e do fee l a way cou ld be worked o ut w he re th ey tra in a few hours a week w ith the high school tea m and participa te in th eir schoo l compe titi on program, ass umin g that it do es no t co nfli ct w ith a N ation al o r Olympi c tea m trial i n wh ich they may have qualified. Perh aps th e ladies need a str o ng voice in th e Nat io nal Hi gh School Gymnast ic program simil ar to th e National High Sc hoo l Gymnastic Coac hes Association (N HSGCA) fo r th e boys, to help wo rk o ut a m o re in--depth program for th e H .S. girl s, this m ay then lead to and e ncourage a Nationa l Hi gh Schoo l Gym nast ic Inv itatio nal Championships fo r gi rl s.. . Pl ease, before th e roof co m es down o n my head, do n' t get me wrong ... maybe th e club girl s don 't want to be pa rt of their hi gh sc hoo l program, maybe the G irl s Nation al High Sc hool Athleti c As soc iat io n does not want a N atio nal In vit<l ti on<l l for gir ls, maybe seaso ns co nflict, maybe eve ryone is hap p y the way it is, maybe, maybe, maybe??? .. But from th e reports we rece ive for o ur annu al Hi gh School Sta te Champ ionsh ips ed iti on we fee l the re is a lot yet to be done and desired for o u r National Hi gh Schoo l Gi rl s Program; and we would like to see th e names of at least some of our high sc hoo l age na ti o nal stars in ou r hi gh school edition ... Guess we wi ll ju st have to have a " Gymnast magazi ne Girls Hi gh School (age) National In vitati ona l Champ ionships " so we can have a bi gge r and bett er repor t for o ur high sc hoo l ed iti on next year ... Also let me ass ure yo u, we at Gymnast magazi ne fee l that part icipat ion, no t compe tit io n is the most impo rtant factor fo r the high sc hoo l age gymnast, but w ith o ut compet iti o n yo u just don ' t get the part ic ipation ... W e may have hit a ho rn ets nest w ith our above remarks , b ut let us.h ea r from you nati ona l ranked high sc hoo l age g ir ls who d o not participat e with yo ur high schoo l tea m ; also fro m the girl s High Schoo l coaches, club coaches, judges, Nati ona l In terscho last ic Assoc iat ion, and an yone w ho has somet hing to say abo ut Hi g h Sc hoo l Gymnastic co m pet iti on for gi rl s.. . As you ca n see we have exposed a large targe t fo r yo ur "s lin gs and arrows of o u trageo us _______ , (comments?) .

Editor/ Publish er: G lellil SUlldby Associa te Editor: Dick C riley Research Edito r : H.J. Bieslerfe ldl, Jr. Inte rnatio nal Editor: Dr. Jo seph Go hl er Art Direc to r: Ric hard Ke lliley Production Assistant: Pal L'To il e Circulation and Adve rtising Manage r: Dr. R.S. Bach

ADDITIONAL NOTES: We are pleased to we lcome Grace Kaywe ll back to Gymnast w ith her BALLET FOR GYMNASTICS and "g ra ce N otes" co lumn th at we have missed th e pa st few yea rs and Dr. Joe Masimo for acti ve con tribution aga in in the pa st few edit ion s. Our September issu e will feat ure repo rt s from th e Int ernational Gymnaestrada in Ber lin by Dr. Goh le r and o ur new·g lobe trotting repo rt e r, Sunn y M agdaug of Los Alamitos, Ca. plus th e pre-Olympics in Montreal, th e USSR / USA summer tou r and a li st in g of our NEW Gymnast maga zin e STA TE REPRESENTATIVES & REPORTERS.

VOLUME XVII/ Number 8/ Au gu st, 1975 5. 6. ·. 7. 8.

FROM THE PUBLISHER, C le nn Su ndb y VIE"YfOINTS, Dick ·Cri ley WH A'T'S HAPPENING CROSSROADS: Experi e nce vs. Youthful Daring, Pam ~Ch<ler e r 9. INTERNATIONAL REPORT, I)r. j o seph Cohler 10. 1975 NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL AA , INVITATIONAL, I-I .J. Lliestcrfe ld t 11 . GENTLEMEN FIRST, GYMNAST SECOND, CHAMPIONS ALWAYS, Phil Con La les 12. SPOTLIGHT ON ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS, I-I.j . Lli es terf e ldt & ~kip Kd Y 14. HIGH SCHOOL REPORT 14. Region 'l 17. Region "2 18. Region 3 19. Region 4 30. Region 5 31. Region 6 3L Region 7 34. Region 8 22. ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL SEQUENCE PHOTOS 24. COLOR POSTER FOLD -OUT, Ki ck Field s 36. INTERVIEW : With Bart Conn e r, Sk ip Kay With H arold Conner, H .j . Ll iesterfeldt 36. 38. PSYCHOLOGY AND THE GYMNAST, Dr. j oe Ivtd"imo 39. BALLET FOR GYMNASTICS, Cra ce Ka ywc ll 40. NEWS ' N NOTES, Ken ee Hendershott 42. CLUB CORNER 43. LEITERS 44. TOP ALL -AROUND GYMNASTS IN U.S., Jerr y Wr ight 44. LETTERS 46. CALENDAR



* GYMNAST m aga zinl' is publis h e d by Sundb y Publications, 410 Broadway, S<1 nl .1 Monic.l, Ca . lJ 040 "1. Seco nd CldSS Postage p aid AI Santa Monica, Ca. Pu blish e d monlhl y. Price $ 1.00 a sing le co p y. Sub sniption co rresp on den ce, GYMNAST - P.O. Box 110, Sanl J M onic.l, Ca 1)040&. Copy ri gfll l lJ75 c .111 right s reserved by SUND8Y PU8l1CATIONS, 410 Broadway, Sa nla Monica , Ca. All Photos a nd m an uscr ipts submill e d becom e th e prope rty of GYMNAST u nl f..~ss return req u es l oit nd sufficient postag e a re includ l·d.



P.S. Don't forg et, all SUMMER CAM P and CLINIC Reports sho uld beatouroffice before Septembe r 1st if they are to be co nsidered fo r inclusion in our O cto b er Gymnast ca mp iss ue. Also REMEMBER we will be givin g sub scr iption pri zes for the Best " SU M MER CAM P ESSA Y'S" we receiv e from a camper that we publish i n thi s iss ue. This art ic le must be w ritt en b y a camper (no t a staff member), the age of the ca m per, th e ca mp location , and the ca mp directo r (these last facts do not have to appea r in th e art ic le b ut must be in c lud ed w ith the essay) ... Have a Happy Handstand. 5

NAMES& NEWS A s thi s iss ue of GYMNAST co mes fro m th e press, Athl et ic Di rect ors (A D 's) fro m aro und th e co untr y will b e mee tin g at a special con ve nti o n of the NCAA in Chicago . Th e purpo se o f th eir m ee tin g is to vo te upo n so me 73 pro p osals relatin g to eco nomy moves in i nterco llegiate athl e ti cs. Thi s acti o n ha s bee n fo rced by spiralin g costs of all aspects o f at hle tics fro m fin an cial aid to adhesive tape, fro m trips to th e length o f th e competi t io n and prac tice seaso ns. Th e Na ti o nal A ssociati o n o f Co ll ege Gy mn asti c Coaches has disc usse d th e p rob lems at th eir mee tin gs, but t he co ll ege gym nas t and the hi gh sc h oo l gy mn ast aimin g fo r a co llege career (w ith aid, he h o pes, fro m a gymnasti c sc ho larsh ip) sho ul d be appri se d o f w hat is p ro p ose d. A foll ow-u p as to th e acti o ns actu all y ta ken and how th ey aff ec t gymn as ts w ill be forth co ming in th e GYMNAST. In th e mea nt i me, let 's loo k at so me of th e proposa ls. Th ere are some 24 pr o p osa ls w hi ch affec t f inan cial aid . Foo tball and basketba ll retain ed th eir favored ro les but face cu tbacks too . Am o ng th e proposa ls is o n e w hi ch d oes away w ith at h leti ca ll y- related fin ancial aid . Ano th er restri cts aid to room , b oard, tuiti o n and fees but t hat is mo re ge nerous th an ano th er w h ich sp ecifies tuiti o n and f ees onl y fo r all sp o rt s except foo tball and baske tball. A no th er p roposa l le ts a sc hoo l ad d o ne more spo rt of it s choos ing to th e p rivileged two but th e res t are to be all owed o n ly tui t io n and fees. Th ere are pro p osal s limiti ng th e nu mbe r of full fin ancial aid s w hich ca n be made. A n NC AA Coun cil ve r sio n reduces to seve n (from 12) th e nu m ber o f fu ll rid es a Di visio n I sc hoo l ca n o ffer in gymnas ti cs and fr o m 12 to 6 in Di v ision II. Few, if any gy m nasti c tea ms across th e co untry have th e eq ui va lent o f 12 full rid es anyway, b ut the e ffect of passin g o ne o f th e proposal s w ill be t o cut back w hat is alrea d y ava il abl e as uni ve rsiti es p r une to mee t NC AA prescrib ed to tals. Th e ques ti o n also arises as to w h eth er th e NC A A inclu des NCAA -wome n 's sports du e to th e pressue o f Titl e IX. Pr es umabl y t he new rulin gs w ill ha ve to b e taken into account w here an NCA A -wom en 's at hleti c team ex ists. Thi s does no t affect th e A IAW spo rt s. Th ere are a bunc h o f p roposa ls relat in g to recr ui tin g, but th ese are aimed prim aril y at th e fo ot ba ll and baske tball recruitin g prog ram s. Still , hi g h sc hoo l gy mna sts w ill no t see as man y coll ege coac hes at th eir Stat e ch ampi o nships nor w ill o ppo rtu ni ti es to visit a ca m p us be as av ai labl e. On e pro posa l wo ul d all ow prosp ecti ve stu dent athl etes to visit a cam pu s (a t th e expe nse o f th e athl eti c dep artm ent) o nl y aft er M arch 15 and until Jun e 1. A ga in, few gy mn ast ics coac hes ~ ave had th e " pull " w ith th eir AD 's to arrange such trips so th e restri cti o n wo n 't affect m ost o f t hem. A new res tricti o n wo uld limit gy mn as ti cs to a to tal o f 3 vis it s p aid by th e athl eti c d epart ment. (Ma n y coac hes wo u ld like to b e abl e to o ffe r th at many!) An ot her pro posa l wo uld limit a st ud ent -at hl ete in th e nu m ber of ex p ense-pa id trips he co ul d acce p t to visit co ll ege ca mpu ses. Ad diti o nal ly, th e NCAA pro p oses li mi ti ng th e nu mbe r o f coac hes, and w hil e thi s mainl y affects th e Bi g 2 sp orts, ot her sports co ul d face a


cut- bac k in terms o f ass istan ts hip gran ts for ass istant coac hes. Gym nast ics wo ul d be limit ed to o ne f ull-time coac h p lu s a pa rt-tim e ass ista nt coac h. A not her effo rt to trim ex p enses ca ll s fo r a trave ll ing team in gym nas ti cs to be li m ited to 10 gy mn as ts (down fro m 12). On th e o th er hand , th e NCAA Coun cil wo ul d pe rmi t a ho m e team to field 13 gymnasts. Bot h o f t hese proposa ls o ri gina ted in the NCAA Co un cil , and o ne mu st wonde r abo ut t he kind of t hinki ng w hi ch wo ul d give th e ho m e tea m a 3- man ad vant age in terms of th e perso nn el u po n w hi ch to d raw for a mee t. On e of th e wo rst p ro posa ls, fro m a gy mn ast ics standpo int, wo ul d de lay p re-seaso n practi ce until Oc tobe r 15. A no th er wo ul d no t permit regu lar com pet iti on pri or to th e ' Ias t Frida y in Novemb er. D ual meets wo uld be limited to a max im u m of 12 by a third pr oposa l. Pro hibiti ons agai nst ou t-o f-seaso n p racti ce are pr op ose d fo r specifi c spo rts, but th e w ord in g is suffice ntl Y ge nerous th at it co ul d be ap p li ed to gy mn asti cs . Few schools pay the ex p enses of gymn as ts to en ter ou t-o f- seaso n co mpet iti o ns, but ano th er eco no m y proposa l wou ld prohibit thi s also. A pr o posal w hich proh ib it s a stu dent from parti cipatin g in co mpe titi o n in h is sp o rt as a mem be r o f an o uts ide cl u b du rin g t he acade mi c yea r wo ul d affect and few gy mn as ts w ho enter YMCA and AAU co mp eti ti o n. Adva ncemen t from th e Di vision " Cham p ion ships to Di v isio n I wo uld also be cut o u t for i ndiv id uals. Thi s wo ul d mea n th at th e to p 3 Co llege Di v isio n gy mn as ts wo uld no t be all owed to go o n to t he Un iversity D iv isio n co m pe titi o n. The tea m wi nn er is already enjo ined aga in st further co mp etiti o n. Th e NCAA wo ul d also elimin ate all awards exce pt a lett er o r ce rtifi ca te as recog niti o n fo r va rsit y parti cipa ti o n. Wit h ove r 700 m emb ers o f th e NCAA in th e 3 Di v isio ns eli gib le to vot e, it is o bv io us th at so me p roposa ls made by small co nfere nces o r in d ivid ual in stituti o ns w ill p roba bl y no t have th e backin g needed to pass. Still , w ith th e cos tcu ttin g moo d of acade mi c in stituti o ns across th e cou ntr Y, we ca n expec t th ere w ill be d rast ic eff ects upo n th e "no n-i nco me" prog rams . So me co nferences have lost 'enough gym nas ti cs prog ram s already th at th e re mainin g few are jeaporu ize u, an d at lea st o n e D ivisio n I co n ference is fa-ced w it h the poss ib ilit Y o f los in g it s qualifyin g slo t fo r the NC A A Di visio n I Champ ionsh ip. A ll of th e p receding leg islati on is in th e "prop osed " stage. it refl ects th e thinkin g and rethi nk i ng wh ich is goin g on aro un d th e co unt ry. The GYMNAST w ill let o ur r ea ders kn ow w hat acti o ns are taken at the Special Conventio n of t he NCAA .

Correspondence regarding Viewpoints should be addressed to: Dick Criley 1111 Hoolai St., Apt. 301 Honolulu, Hawaii 96814


The Akron Turners are very prou d of you ng gymna st Sh e lly McKendrick. Th e 17 yea r o ld Sen io r from Ke nmore High School was named All City Gymnast at a m ee t held at Akro n 's Garfield High School, in w hi c h yo un g p eop le from Ak rOII's H ig h Sc hoo ls p artic ipa ted. She also took fir st p lace o n th e ho rse and un eve n bars anu was award ed two m eda ls and a t rop h y for he r effo rt s.




In th e October iss ue o f YOUNG ATHLETE w ill be two arti cles o n gy mn ast ics. O ne abo u t Cathy Rigby Mason, and th e o th er abo u t " Fun ua m ent als oj Fl oor Exe rcise" b y Dale Flansaa s. Be sure to r ead th em .










Delaware 's State Team w hi ch rep rese n te u D elawa re in th e Eastern State Meet was chose n i n ma rch at th ei r qua li fyin g meet. Marcy Levine anu Jan Anthony bo th elit e gy mn as ts wo n the two berth s i n th e 15 an d over d ivisio n . Sandy Kraus and Kim Brya nt were cl ose co mpetit o rs fo r th e 13-14 age group and in t he 10-11 age grou p Judy Mori and Susan Smyzer shared th e ho nor s. Thi s mee t cl imaxed th e season fo r th e D elawarea ns who had par ti cipa ted in co mpul so ry cl inics and meets co ndu cted by t he USG F C hair ma n.

1 h e Dulaney Gymnastic Te am of Glen Arm, Maryland is se ttin g a wo rld reco rd fo r th e longe st mO llOpol y gam e eve r p layed w hil e sitting o n a balance b ea m , th eir goa l is 100 hou rs. 1 he mon ey is being raised to su ppo rt a scholarshi p lun d il l ho n o r of an excell ent gym nast an d clo se f ri end. Hi s nam e was Jimmy Moniodis and h e d ied las t year fro m a neck injurY d ue to a tr am po lille accide nt. If yo u wo ul d li ke to 's pon sor them you ca n co nt act th em at Du lall ey Hi gh Schoo l in Ti m o nium , Marylall d.

Homer Avila o f th e Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxvill e , Gymnastics Club stop ped by th e GYMNAST off ices. H e related to us how hard Tom Donovan an d th e ot her clu b m embers are work in g to have a Gy mn as ti cs tea m at th e U. of Tenn. fo r 1976. Keep tryi n g guys, we re all p ulling for you, and good lu ck! GYMNAST Aug. '75

THE BIG MEET By John Crumlish, Phila., Pa.

HEART OF AMERICA TOUR G irl s fro m Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, all participat ed in th e 1975 Heart of America Summer Tour. Th e picture was tak en here at o ur "Gymnast" office in Santa Monica, w here th e girl s aIII I th eir coac hes stopped in to say h ell o. Th f' lOur coac h is Bob Childers, the Ma nagers are Tom Heineike and Grace Kruger. Tea m m embers includ e: Gayle Anderson, Kim Reininger, Karen Beer, Niki Osoba, Carrie Telukevich, M ary Kay Zwiesler, Patty Bice, and Lisa Cawthron. Th ey are tour in g the west through New M exico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado, w ith m ee ts in Phoenix, Tucso n, San Jose and Pueblo.

Harry Burrell, SI D at Iowa Stale, was awarded the big honor as hi s brochure was judged the fin es t in th e nation among the larges t schoo ls in Am eri ca. Runn er-up was Penn Slale's bro chure edit ed by Dave Baker, and Jerry Walker of LSU was gi ve n an award for ha ving the third best broc hure. Southern Illinois' guide ed ited b y Butch Henry and Paul Brocker's publi cat ion at New Mexico rece ive d honorable mention recognition. Th e small er sc hoo l awa rd we nt to Slippery Rock State alld John Carpenter for hav in g th e to p bookl et. Seco nd was Mike Needleman's lilinois-Chicago Circle brochure and third was Pete Nevins flYe r fro m East Stroudsburg State. Hono rabl e menti o n winners w ere Springfield (Howard Davis) and Northern Iowa (James Shaffer). In th e small es t class ifi ca ti o n, Lon Pishny was honored for having th e best in th e co untry at Fort Hays State.




*Notes From * Britian* W e ju st rece ived th e summ er 1975 editi o n of "The Gymnast", ed it ed by Peter Aykroyd. Th e magaz ine is th e offi cial jo urnal of th e Brit ish A mateur Gymna sti cs Association. Acco rdin g to "The Gymna st" th e Wo rl d Cu p and a Ru ss ian to ur are all co ming to Britain. Two momentous gy mn asti cs eve nt s tak e pl ace at Wemb ley thi s autumll sponso red b y th e Daily Mirror. The first eve nt, t he World Cup, takes pl ace on th e 27 -2901 Octob er and is foll owed o n th e 30th of Octobe r thro ugh th e 1st of November , by fi ve displa ys b y top gy mna sts, tumbl ers and acrobats 1ro m th e Sov iet U ni o n. A lso it is n o w official th at th e Bo ard of Co ntro l ha ve approve d th e chan ge of nam e of ·gy m lla sti cqu e mod ern e· to ' mod ern rh ythm ic gy mn as ti cs·. Th is move is a ratifi ca ti o n o f a pr evio us decision by the Fed eration Int e rn ati o nale de Gym nas tiqu e (F IG). Las t b ut not leas t at th e FIG Co ngr ess in Be fll e, p ro po sals to se t th e height o f th e horse l o r wo m ell ·s co mp eti tio ns at 1.20 m. (3 ·1·") were ag reed . A m o ng reaso ns given were: less ri sk of injur y durin g all vau lts w ith turn s in the seco nd p hases of fli ght ; im p rove m ent of the landing; and w id er cho ice of va ults.




III Houston, Texas, el even co ll eges and uni ve rsities we r e h o no red rece ntl y for th eir news m edia guid es for gy mn as ti cs by the ·'Co ll ege )port s In fo rm ati o n Directors of A mer ica·· (CoS IDA). GYMNAST Aug. '75

Under the watchful eye of Pete Torino , teaching techniques are discussed and demonstrated on the uneven parallel bars.

YMCA WORKSHOP Th e second annu al YMCA Youth Gymnastics Workshop j o intl y spon so red b y th e MidCounty YMCA in St. Louis, Washington University and th e Nissen Corporation wh ich suppli es th e equipment was held June 19-24. Kid s at all stages of profi ciencY, ranging from nin e to 113 years o f age, too k part in t he wo rk shop. Most ca me fr o m th e metropo lit an 51. Lo ui s ar ea, but there were man y fro m outstat e M issou ri and from nea rb y Illin ois. There was a ca pacit y emo llment of 150. Held at t he sa me ti m e as th e wo rk shop, b ut at ni ght , was an in stru ctors' clinic. Most of th e 40 gy mn as ts em o ll ed se rved as aid es for th e wo rk sho p w hich was un de r the direction of Peter Torino, head gy mn as ti cs coa ch for m en and wo men at South Dakota State University.



Th e big m ee t co mes, It ·s tim e to go; You 're r ea ll y sca re d because you know yo u mu st do we ll in all routines: first free ex, va ulting, th en bars, and be am . Th e pi ano b eg in s As you free ex yo u start yo u go fo r a somi w ith a fa st- beati ng h ea rt! Your performan ce is through yo u sco re, an 13.13 ; now you move to va ultin g, for your turn yo u mu st wai t ! Yo u ·re up l lOW at last, b ut yo u w ish yo u we re throu gh Yo u hit a high Yamian d yo u sco re a 9.2! Now ·s tim e for ba rs, -bad lu ck . you ·re up fir st ! ! You ·re rou tin e·s running smoo thl y, yo u hope you ·re n o t cursed ! You co mpl ete w ith a h echt ; It turn s o ut rea l fin e, yo u see how yo u sco redwe ll, decent , any way - 13.9! Now ·s yo ur las t chan ce it ·s all up to beam! You ·re startill g to shi ve r and shu dde r and squ ea m l W ell , it"s tim e to goyo u mou nt , yo u ro ll , las t co m es th e d ismoullt , and ju st no w yo u str o ll over to th e lu xuriou s victory standyo u ·ve p laced first AA O H - TRI UM PH 15 GRA D'







FAITH W e here at "Gymnast" ju st hea rd abou t 17 yea r o ld Mitzie Morrato, a gymn as t from Albuquerque, New Mexico, w ho has spent tha las t month in SI. Joseph Hospital, paral yze d from th e neck down. Mitzie bro ke th e 5th and 6th ve rt eb rae of h er spin al co lullln o n Ma y 15, w hil e practi cin g w h at wa s, for her, a relati ve lY simpl e ca rt w h ee l di smo unt off th e balance b ea m . A n illStant of ind ecisio n, p erhap s, ca used her to land in an awk wa rd p os iti o n and res ult ed in w hat she t erm s a " Irea k accid ent ·'. But the accident has not left her fe eling bitt er or so rry for herse lf. Sh e fee ls th ere isn ·t any reaso n for her n o t getti ng back th e use of her legs - she has al ready rega ill ed parti al use of h er arm s. W e wa nt to w ish Mitzie th e bes t of lu ck, and to le t her kn ow th at our th o ughts and o ur praye rs are with her fo r a spee d y recovery.

W e found o ut that th e va ultin g board whi ch was m enti o ned in Bill Coco ·s ;'Moscow ews'· report in th e JUlIe iss ue 0 1GYMNAST is mad e in thi s· co untry by. Porter Equipment Co., and is ca ll ed th e "Super Board".

* * * TRY US! See Page 4

* 7






ÂŁ Ludmilla Turischeva

Nadia Comaneci

Can a 13 year old defeat a 23 year o ld world champion? But of co urse. What does this have to do with th e future of women 's gym na st ics? Plenty.


If one asks what makes a champion, ii may be answered that win nin g is th e sign of a true star. Th is viewpo int is partly tru e, but very incomplete. No o ne ca n give an answer to thi s question that wi ll satisfy th e who le. However, most wi ll have to agree that a true champ ion is t he Soviet Union's Ludmill a Turischeva. For those who viewed th e recent 'European Championships from Sk ien, Norway, th e fal l of a star and the reigning of a n ew yo unger generation was th e tal e of th e competition. The former queen , Ludmill a Turischeva . The new reigning wonder, Rom ania's Nadia Comaneci. Picture a 16 year old gi rl , quite talented and very serious for her age, dwa rfed by thousand s of spec tators and photograph ers milling around in their day to day work. This se ts th e scene for Turi shch eva's fir st big internation al competi ti on , th e 1968 O lymp ic s at MexicoCity. She p laced 24th , no t suc h a remarkabl e accompli shment. Six, month s later she p laced third in th e 1969 European Championships at Land sk ron a Sweden. At 18 she became the world champion by proving victorious at th e 1970 World Games at Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Th e res t of her outstand in g achievements nee d not be r epea ted ly m entioned. She we nt five years und efea ted . H er rece nt d et hrolling may b e analyzed in many ways. The two main eleme nt s proposed are th e turn about of indi v idua l program, and the reaction of t he audience. Mu ni ch was th e last illu stration of classica l gymnas ti c statu s. Th e Yamashita was a fu ll 10.0 point s in 1972, now it is ex p ec ted that th e gymnast exec ute a twis t on vau lti ng. The now 9.70 Yamashita has been popularly rep laced w ith the 10.0 point . Tsukahara.

Turisc heva, being th e overload of th e now passe classical program , mu st recog ni ze and overcome th e current and rather radica l change in standard program. She must be put to the question - Can you tea ch an o ld dog new tri cks? The co mmon answer is no, but it must be taken into co nsideration tha't we are not dealing w ith a common perso n. Ind eed Miss Turischeva is a very sp ec ial humall being. Every gymnast is treat ed equally, despite any outside influ ence; do not be li eve a word of it. The audience is lit erall y capa ble of picking the w inner. Thi s is good in that it allo ws the spectator to get in vo lved and forms the all important gymnast-spectato r relationsh ip, but it is bad i n th at an audience's prejudices may rub off and influ ence the judg es decision . Unfair? Yet it i!>; po lit ics also, ullfortunatel y, playa part in athletic co mpe tition s. Rem ember Ol ga Korbut's Munich debut? Very impress ive, a yo un g girl with enthu sia sm and originality. ~h e was yo ung, in ex peri enced and the pr ess ures of a major co mpetition beca m e too muc h for her. She faulted and her child-like emotion s overcam e h er. Eve ryon e loves th e underdog and Olga was ado pt ed by th e world as th e cute littl e g irl with th e big smil e. Hardl y a co mplim ent to a supposed champion. The power of th e crowd was seen at Munich w hen th ey stopp ed co mp et ition for more than 20 minut es in protest of Olga 's seemi ngly low score on the unevens. Wh at of Ludmill a : d esp it e th e favorit ism of Olga, she 1'01011 the all aro und at Munich. The genera l public is unfair to Ludmilla. But despite her genera I u nderat i Il g, h er cha mpi o n qu al iti es have lead her to victory aft er victo ry. Winning and lo sing, it is all a part of th e ga m e and

GYMNAST Aug. '75

Ludmilla has always li ve d up to th at prin cipl e, . eve n with h er rece nt d efea t. On th e other hand , Ol ga has crie d , pou ted allli showe d other SigllS 0 1 arrogant vanity w hen d efea ted . Ol ga sho uld howpver, be given credit w here 'credit is due. )he is trul y all amazin g gy mn as t and is ve ry goo d , trdt pgy w ise . It is she w ho was respon sibl e lor th e sudd en change o f program. 路)h e was th e beginlling of th e n ew yo un ger ge nerati o n 0 1excit ement. If her hea d mat ched her h ea rt th ere wo uld be no stopping her. As : th e US)R Na tion al l e,lI11 Coac h, former grea t .Lari "a LatYlli,l<l , aid ..... o ne mu st b e a co mpl e te p er,o n in evp ry resp ec t - in relation to , port , to your,e ll , to yo ur triumph s and th e triumph , 01 o th er,. " 1 he 1974 World Ch,lI11pi o n ship s at Va rn a, . Bul ga ria , how!.'d d pr ev iew o f future co mp etiti on;. 1 uri , hch<c' vd wo n th e all aro und , fo ll owe d close ly b y Korbut. The importance of thi s was 110t , how n b y thdt , but by th e awa reness 0 1 two Il ew n am es , th e Soviet U ni o n 's Ne ll y Kim and the DDR's A nnalo re Zink e. Ne ll y Kim. d , hy 17 year old w ith endl ess talent , and 111 0'> 1 impo rtantl y, a hint o f co nsistency. Annelore Zink e, a small '15 yearold girl with a daring outlook , but not quite as co nsi stant. Specla cul ar move, Jild darin g element s, mak e gymna sti cs what it i., IOda y, excitin g and ve ry co mpetitive . But w ithout co nsistancy, it might as well Sld y in th e practic e hall . Now a n ew nam e appears, Romania 's Nadia Comaneci , an exc iting ' 13 yea r old with incredibl e tal ent , our Il ew Eu rop ean Champ ion. '1he !:uropean Championsh ip was ad ia 's lir, t int erndtional co mp etition. The crowd was ama ze d by 110t on ly her natural talent , but by the lact that she is on ly 13 yea rs old and mo re ent ertdinillg than the stable Turi sc heva; they we re on her sid e. Left wa s Ludmilla Turisch eva. She had to fa ce match Comdneci's charisma and and d aringn ess wi th her own grac iou s an d poi sed m anner. Th e crowd took pit y on her, but she fail ed. 1 he press ure p laced o n her by her team , th e favoriti sm to wa rd s Comaneci and her own poss ible l ailure 100 much for even a champ ion to bare. )h e had a lot to lose and she knew it. Suddenly everyo ne is talking about Comanec i, exceptillg th e id ea that Turi sc h eva is fini she d . Ludmill a made bad mistak es, but the world 11'11 in love w ith O lga when she was defea ted . D espit e her d efea t, sh e is not a quitter. Sh e ha s not ach ieved all th at she ha s by m aking excuses and l ee ling se l f-pit y. Can an in expe ri enced 13 yea r old rem ain co nsistant. Quit e poss ibl y. N adia displa ye d pla cid co nlidence in her program (maybe too mu ch), as well as spectacul ar moves usuall y associated w ith th e young er trend of gymna sts. On e thin g no t usually associat ed with unlimit ed dilficult y, is co nsista ncy. If Comanec i, Kim and Korbut ca n keep up a consta nt leve l 01 co nsistancy , then it is fact that th e Turi sc heva era is ove r. U ntil th at time, Ludmill a will be prepared to att empt a co meba ck ; ma ybe getting th e credit she deserves , it i, long overdue. Eilher way, wo men 's gym ll aslics has arri ve d at the cro ss road s - w ill expe ri enced stabilit y and cons istancy , such as Turi scheva is know for , reign over yo uthl ul daringn ess and enth usia st ic co nfid ence. illu ,t rated b y Co man eci. A lth o u gh Comaneci 's generation ha s brok en through and defeat ed th e rea lm of tr,lditional stabilit y, th e 1976 Montreal Ol ympi cs awa it to show th at either hi sto ry will repea t it se lf, o r ma ybe it need s to be rew ritt en. GYMNAST Aug. '75

International Report By Dr. joseph Gohler "GYMNAST" International Editor Wurtzburg, Germany A lt er th e !:uropea l'l Champi o n ship s in Bern it looked li ke th e gy mna sts took a br ea k , sp ending more tim e w ith th e diffi cult comp ul so ry exe rc ises instead of perfectin g an y of th e new difli culti es (C parts) fo r th eir optiolla l exercises . The pre olympi c event in Montreal is a goa l l or th e best and th ere, o n e would li ke to ge t as high a sco re as po ss ibl e, reason ellOugh , for th e still d efici ent co mpul so ry exe rcises to improve. On Jun e 21 and 22 th e Deut sc h e Turner Bund (Germa n Gymna sti c Club) had an informati ve (competition) at w hi ch in two da ys th e olympic co mpul sory progra m had to be done twi ce. Eberhard Gienger was mi ss ing, since h e took part in an eve nt in Norway on th e sa m e weekend , he won handilY aga in st Norways Elit e, with 9.B5 on th e hori zo nt al bar, o btain ed th e highest score of th e da y and got 56.75 in th e all aro und . A lso mi ss ing Walter Moessinger, whose injury is hea lin g we ll and Guenter Spies th e phenom enon on th e horizontal bar, who had a meni sc us operation, but is in training again. Th erefore the result was quite modest: Manfred Diehll05 .BO - Volker Rohrwick 105.60 - Reinhard Ritter 105.05 - Edgar jorek 103.35 Peter Diehl 102.90 - Reinhard Dietze (Junior) 101.60 - Werner Steinmetzell0l.30. These were all, who had surpassed the 100 point border, seve n out of 30. That pro ves, that the West Germa n gymnasts li ke the optio nal exercises more th an th e cramming of the compulsory exercises. One can alrea d y distinguish now th e co re of th e W . German Ol ympic Team: Giever, jorek, Moessinger Rohrwick, Manfred Diehl, Peter Diehl, Steinmetz, Ritter, Spies. All others, eve n Bernd Effing, who this time in Frankfurt / Mai n reac hed on ly 46 .55 in hi s only co mpul so ry co mp etition, ha ve hardl y an y prosp ect lor Montrea l. 1 he drea m team wo uld be: Gienger, jorek, Moessinger, Steinmetz, Rohrwick, Twins Diehl and Guenter Spies, for whom it w ill be very hard , to qualify und er the first seven, since he loses to m all Y tenth s at th e floor event and at th e horse va ulting eve nt. Reinhard Ritterco uld still surpa ss him. Fro m the growing generation on ly jorek and Rohrwick succee ded th e jump fo rwa rd , on hi s way is the new yo uth ma ster Benno Gross, w ho did opt ionals as a 17 year o ld already with a 54 .35 to tal. Twelve days aft er hi s esca pe to W es t Germa ny, th e Ea st Germa n Newspape rs wrot e for th e lirst time from th eir apostate Wolfgang Thuene. Thi s 01 co urse is th e ugli est revi le, as always wh en a profi cient sport s man is leavi ng th e parad ies of th e labourer and farm ers, to breathe a mo re free air wit h th e bad ca pat ali st in West German y. I talk ed to Wolfgang Thuene a few da ys ago. He also declared to m e, that th e psychi c press ure w hi ch was upon him , nam ely to beat Eberhard Gienger at any pri ce, was unbea rable for him. Family pro blem s ma y have added to it , anyway Wolfgang Thuene mad e up hi s mind by him se lf, to hi s difficult move; sin ce th e chan ge m ea ns exc lu sion from the int errlalional occura nces in gymn as ti cs fo r three Years. But I be li eve, th at the sympath eti c sports slud ellt from Leip zig , w ill be with 28 yea rs, still a wo rld class gy mn as t. Hi s nex t sport s goa l , as he to ld m e: To be all th e way in front at

th e D eut sc h en Kun stturn erneistersc haft en (Ge rman A rt gy mn as ti c cham pion ships) in December. Gienger - Thu~ne, that w ill be a fruitful ri valry. Thuene train s at th e Bund es leistull gsze ntrum in Frankfurt toge th er with Gienger, Moessinger, Steinmetz, th e Br ot hers Diehl, with Spies and Effing, thu s in b es t co mpalJY, Hi s coac h wi ll be Vaclav Kubivka, former champion o f the C5SR, n ew chi ef coac h for th e German Gymn as t Club (De ut sc her '1urn er Bund) successo r of Eduard Friedrich , w ho became dir ec tor in Bund esa ussc hu ss Leistun gsspo rt , but w ill b e working vo luillar y at th e Aufbau d er Nationa lm allilsc haft ell (Building of th e Na ti o nal tea m). En o ugh from West Germany, which stand s ve ry good at th e tim e being, in ol ympic mal e gymnast ic, but in female gymnastics is stagnant. lana Kubicka, the wife of Vaclav th e new chief coach, was now nam ed chief coach for the prep aration tohhe o lympic games 1976, wh ich might be ve ry effect ive . I made m yse lf th e work, from m y more than 500 charts to pu ll out the best Optional gym na st of this first half year. U nfortunately, the Japanese have just beg un wi th their season. I have not rece ived Ye t the result of the NHK Cup Gymnastics to which alwa ys the best of the ' pre yea r champion ships w ill be in vited from th e big TV and Radio Company NHK. So, the Japanese are still under-estimated, in the ranking, wh ich one should not forget. The Ru ss ian juniors I estimated high , on grou nds of the ex peri ence with th e just 17 ye ar o ld Ditjatin in Bern. Of the out standing student gym n asts of th e USA during thi s years season I tried to mak e a real es timat e, m y personal sympath y set behind for these yo ung sky stormers . Mike Carters res ult s from th e AAU Championsh ip s is still unknown to m e. Maybe he had done a faultl ess six eve nt th ere, wh ich certain ly would have brought him und er the 30 best. But in th e next month such deficiencies could be improve d. Here a tr y, w hi ch the reader ma y view as an orientation, the rallkin gs cannot be more, wi ll not be mor e. RANKING LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7.

n. 12.


Andrianov (URS) Kajiyama (lAP) Tsukahara (lAP) Kasamatsu (lAP) .Gienger (BRO) Ditjalin (URS) Honma (lAP) .Shiraishi (lAP) .M agyar (HUN) .Ktimenko (URS) Hug (USA) Szajna (POL) .Ku laks ikow (URS) .Kume (lAP) .Horide (lAP) .Young (USA) .Ior e k (BRD) Steinmelz (BRD)

93.50 93.00 92.50 92.00 92.00 91.75 91.00 91.00 91 .00 91.00 90.75 90.50 90.50 90.S0 90.50 90.50 90.50 90.25


Thu ene (DDR) .Safronov (URS) .Fedorenko (URS) .Schanugja (URS) .Ivicek (USA) .Kawaguch i (lAP) .Grecu (ROM) 26. Ikazaki (lAP) .Crosby (USA) .Kim Son Din (N K) 29. Grosse (DDR) .Mack (DDR) .Mobinger (BRD) .K ryssin (URS) .Tochonow (URS) .Graham (USA) .Brelscher (SUI) .Tkatschew (URS)

90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 8Y.75 89.75 B9.75 89.50 89.50 B9.50 89.50 B9.50 89.50 89.50 89.50

Fr o m A ugu st all , I wi ll d ed ica te m yse lf more to th e tw elve eve nt s ill view of th e Olympic 'Gam e, 1976. beca use th e COlllpulsories mak es th e Olympic gy mlld st : dnd is weighted hea vily ill th e int errl Jtiolldl gY lllnd sti cJ rt. Thi so ll e Illa y re,e lll, but it i, so.


1975 NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS ALL AROUND INVITATIONAL Des Plaines, Illinois Maine West High School June 21, 1975 By Jack Biesterfeldt and Skip Ra y Thi s year for t he first tirne , there is sornet hing in th e way of a national w rapup for th e hi gh sc hoo l se~so n - the All-Around In vitat ional. A co rnrnitt ee of we ll known coaches and judges se lec ted, ba se d o n th eir records, a gro up of twelve high sc hoo l all-arou nd rnen who were best qual ified to cornpe te in thi s rne et. Th e idea for such a rn ee t carnes frorn j o hn Burkel and Sid Drain , and the rneet it se lf was spo nsor ed by PORTER EQU IPMENT C OMPANY. Such a rnee t, w ith cost s for transportation of ath letes across cou ntry, is a large it ern , and th e rn ee t wo uld not have been possible without PORTER' s help . As to th e rneet , it was h eld at Coach Drain 's sc hoo l, and d irected by hirn. It was he ld rnuch lik e m ajo r int ern ational meets, with a bit of flag waving and pagentry , follow ed b y a compe tition that ca me off very srnoot hl y. Coac h Dra in d id a fin e job of organization. Moreover, th e athlet es them se lves were tak en around the city, to a ball garne, and in va riou s ways h elped to enj oy th eir visit and get to know each other better. Very bri e fl y, here are the men who comp eted: Rick Adam s, Louisv ille, Ky., Ky. state AA Charnpion 4 years; Seni o(. Bart Conn er, Morto n Grove, III. , twice Illinoi s AA Cha mpi on; junior. Ron Galimore, Tall ahassee, Florida , NAAU Elit e Floor Ex Charnpion ; juni o r. Phil Gonzales, Van Nuys, Ca li f. , Co n ference AA Charnpion twi ce; jun ior. Breck Griga s, Hinsda le, Illin o is, 4th AA Illin o is, 1975; ju nior. Tom Haines, Akron , Ohio, Ohio State Charnp io n, Horse, Bar, Parall el Ba rs; juni or Scoll McBroom, Roc hes ter, Penn a. Penna AA Cha rnpion , 1975; Senior. Mario McCutcheon, Bronz , N Y, New York Cit y AA C harnp ion 1975; junior Kevin Muenz, Arlington Ht s., Illi noi s, 2nd AA Illi nois 1975; Sen ior Neal Sher, Skokie, Illin ois, 2nd AA Illin o is 1975; Sen ior. Joseph Stallone, Reading, Penna . PIAA HS AA Charnpion 1974; Tiger Taylor, Va lparai so, Fl o rida , AAU juni or Olyrnpic AA Charnp. 1974 ; Senior. . Now it rnu st be und erstood th at w hen we rn ention places, th at th ere were no awards give n for pl aces. Th is was an AA rn ee t, and we rnen ti on even t result s only for interest. Floor exercise wa s not even a close cornpet iti on. Tiger Taylor, using a double back rnount , placed 4th, Phil Gonza les also using a double, plac ed 3rd only .05 ah ea d, an d Bart Conner aga in giving away a few points but not performing with th e spark to wi n, pl aced 2nd w ith 9.15. And Ron Ga li rnore ea sil y won with a 9.5 average. As I said of hirn in another art icle, he doe s the highest double we ha ve seen , and all of hi s set show s great height. But for origina lity, try a rudi on floor . H e deserved hi s 9.5. Horse cornpet ition would ha ve been a bit tighter , but Conner just bare ly rnad e it to hi s feet on hi s dismount fo r 8.65,and 2nd p lace . Kev in Muenz , w ith some forrn problerns, scored 8.55 for 3rd , and Breck Grigas 8.5 for 4th. The Winner of horse, Rick Adarns, did a clean set with considerable difficult y for an 8.9 th at cou ld as easi ly have be en a 9.1. Mos t of th e others had rnajor problerns. Ring co rnp etition was disappo intin g. Conner won , 9.05, followed by Grigas, 8.75 and Tiger Ta ylor, 8.55. However the technique show n was q uite poor. This was th e fir st evelll N eal Sher entered , because hi s spra ined ank le wou ld not take th e first two. In rnany ways he was th e best swinger of th e group but got in troub le, and d id not disrnount, so earning 7.4.


Kevin Muenz

Va ulting sco res were perhap s too close for th e top 3 In en. Conner did a full tw isting hand spring with ve ry littl e hei ght , fo r a 9.15. Ron Galirnore did a doubl e fr o lll w ith great height , that wo uld ha ve b ee n the best va ult at the US GF Elit e Meet th e wee k ea rli er, and sco red 9.3, and Phil Gonzal es wo n th e eve nt w ith 9.35. Th e oth er va u lter s scored in the 8'5. Parall el Bars. Th e routin es here con sisted of mo re or less stock parts, exce pt for th e top few rn en . Gal im or e, Muenz, and Conner all do bac ks to hand stan d . But for Conner, small probl em s do not sho w through . He is too pra ctic ed to give aw ay points. 3rd Galimore , 8.65; 2nd Mu enz, 8.75 and 1st, Conner, 9.45. H orizonta l路Bar. Unfortunate ly I:lreck G ri ga s mi sse d th e bar on a va ult. He look ed quit e good up to th en. A 3rd pla ce ti e, Phil Gonzales and Ron Ga li mo re, at 8.7 and th e sec o lld place 8.85 of Ke vin Mu enz, were all good p erfo rman ces. Hut th ey were not eve n close to Conner's 9.5 . CONT INU ING A TRE N D WITH H IM, BART CONNER WON THE ALL AROUND , 54.95 to Ron Ga lim o re's 51.65 and Kevin Muen z's 51 .10, Our onl y co rnplaint s about th e mee t we r e the h ea t: 95 degree w ea ther w ith no air co nditiollin g, and abse n ce of a few men who sho uld have b een th ere. We hoped to see Mike Wilson ; he was on a trip to japan. We hoped to see Pau l Telari co. FX PH SR V PB HB To tal 9.15 8.65 9.05 9. 15 9.45 9.50 54.95 1. Bart Conner (Illinois) 2. Ron Galimore (Florida) 9.50 7. 10 8.40 9.30 8.65 B.70 51 .65 3. Kevin Mu e nz (Illinois) 8.75 8.55 8.35 7.85 8.75 8.85 51.10 4. Tiger Taylor (Florida) 8.85 7.70 8.55 8.85 8.55 8.55 50.85 5. Breck Grigas (Illinois) 8.40 8.50 8.75 8.55 8.55 7.55 50.30 6. Mario McCutcheo n (New York) 8.65 8.05 8.25 8.30 8.15 8.60 50.00 7. Phil Go nzales (California) 8.90 6.05 7.95 9.35 8.05 8.70 49.00 8. Tom Ha ines (Ohi o) 8.45 7.70 7,00 8.50 8.50 8.70 48.85 9. Josheph Stallone (Pennsylvania) 7.80 6.45 7,95 8.80 8.45 8.30 47.75 10. Scott McBroom (Pennsylvania) 8.30 8.00 6.55 8.75 7.75 7.75 47.10 11. Rick Adams (Kentucky) 8.25 8.90 7.15 8.15 8.35 5.70 46.50 12. Neal Sher (Illinois) 7.40 6.35 13.75 GYMNAST Aug. '75

Breck Grigas

" GENTLEMAN FIRST, GYMNAST SECOND, CHAMPONS ALWAYS" By Phil Gonzales, Competitor The first Nat io nal Hi gh School All Around In vit at io nal in v itation s we nt out ea rl y in May, but th e act ion bega n on june 18th and 19th, whe n twelve of the nations top High School All Around gymnasts b egan to ar ri ve in Des Plain es, Illin ois. The mee t wa s managed and directed by Mr. j oh n Burk el and Mr. Sid Drain who did 路 th e most o utstanding job I' ve eve r seen . Th e twe lve Gymnast s were provided with the finest gym nast ic equ ipm ent and every detail of their stay in D es Plaines was planned to leave a las tin g memory of friends, fun and a fanta sti c gymnast ic mee t. The mee t was de signed w ith severa l philoso phies in mind, al l of which we re accomp li shed. First, to promot e a w ho lesu me , successfu l gym li ast ic meet on a "c omp e titiv e w ith " r athe r than a "compe titi ve aga in st basis " . Th e second philosop hy was to d eve lop w ith in the co mp etitor a se nse of accomp li shment by parti cipat io n rath e r than awa rd. The tw elve Gymnasts cons isted of: Rick路 Adams (Kentucky), Bart Conner (Illin ois), Ron Ga limore (F lo rid a), Phil Gonza les (Ca liforni a), Breck Gr ig as (Ill inoi s), Tom Hain es (O hi o),

GYMNAST Aug. '75

Scott M c Broom (Penn sy lvani a), Mario McCutcheo n (New York), Kevi n Muenz (Illinoi s), N eal Sher (Illinois) , josep h Sta ll one (Pennsy lvania) , and Tiger Taylor (F lorida). These yo ung m en ate, lodged, worked out and compe ted together for three da ys, creating a ve ry stro ng bond o f friendship. Th e tru e action began on Saturday, jun e 21st in the Main W es t High School Gymnasium. The m ee t was designed to bring out an Olympic impression as the opening ceremo ni es began at 7:15 P.M. All introduction s wer e mad e and th e m ee t was on it s way. The first eve nt was FX in wh ich the difficulty was ex tremel y high for High School Gymnas ts. Severa l very good double backs . and doubl e fulls were used. The outstanding gymnast in thi s eve nt was Ron Galimore who had the highes t score of 9.50. Hi s tumbling pa sses w ere as follows : Round off back hand spring doubl e back , hand spr in g 1 !r~ twi sting front som i back hand sp rin g fu ll , and ro und off back handspring doubl e full. Th e seco nd event was Pommel Horse, and all the gymnasts see m ed to be swinging hi gh and smooth , circles along w ith difficult moves . Th e top man here was Rick Adams who achi eve d 8.90 for his cons istent routin e. Third up was Sti ll Ring s wh ich appeared to be th e o ne and only weak eve nt of this meet. Th e

Ron Galimore

man who won this eve nt was Bart Conner w ho displa yed beautiful straight arm shoots for an exce ll ent sco re of 9.05. Following Rings wa s Va ulting where the difficulty had decreased ve ry littl e. The vau lt s consisted of high Yama shita s, twisting, and so mersa ults both ways . The highest sco re in this event was by Phil Gon za les who performed a high and long cartwh ee l back. The nex t two events wer e Para ll el Bars and High Bar. Th ese two events ar e toge ther because th ey we re won by th e same gym nast, Bart Co nne r. Co nner perfo rmed like a champion he was throughout the entire meet. His scor es for the se two events were 9.45 and 9.50 re sp ec ti vely. Bart Conner to ok every thing to hand stand on Para ll el Bars and disp lay ed hi s talent agai n 011 High Bar show ing an excelle nt set e nding wit h a smooth double full. Mr. Conner al so proved top in All Around I rea ching th e sco re of 54.95. A ll in all the tal ent of these twelve Gymn asts showe d gr ea t pot ential and hope for the U.S. mens Gy mna stics tea m in th e near future. Ea ch and eve ry Gymnast p erformed as a champ io n, and th ey all see m ed to ha ve that lo ok on th eir face wh ich illu strates th e Illinoi s motto: " GENTLEMEN FIRST!. GYMNAST SECOND, CHAMPIONS ALWAYS! "



Every so often we try to feature an area, a state, or some individual institution, that plays a major role in the sport. This month , our feature is ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOLS, an area much too large for most Qutsiders to appreciate. For Illinois has more competitive teams than any other state, more competitive gymnasts than the rest of the midwestern states put together, more certifiedjudges and more coaches. It is a fair statement that today Illinoi s makes the large st contribution to GYMNASTICS of any state in the union . During the High School Championships, I read a newspaper art icle that subtitled the cha mpion sh ips " The Bart Conner Invitat ional " , and I since rely hope tha t the compet itors did not find this as distasteful as I did. For though Bart is indeed the outstanding gymnast of the state, and of the meet it se lf, there should be no mi stak e about it. He is not th e on ly outstanding perfo rmer of the yea r, and he well may not be th e most promi sing perform er of the meet. He is certa inl y the best trained and most disciplined performer at th e present tim e. About Illinoi s AIl-Around:Q Competition covers 5 Olympic events, with va ulting left out. Speaking for the spectator, " THANK YOU OFFICIALS FOR LEAVING OUT THE DULLEST EVENT. " And for the ph Ys ical edu ca tor, " THANK YOU FOR LEAVING OUT THE EVENT THAT CONTRIBUTES LEAST TO PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT" . It seems to me that the weak ' cry of th e International Coach " W e must start to train on all international even ts so we make be tt er international com petitors" amounts to making the tail wag the dog. The sl ight training advantages obtained from th is event can be had without putting an audience through another eve nt in meets. We ll then, th e 5-event all-around competit ion seems to me to cover the right events, in a w ise way. Fo r exa mpl e, there are those who tell us th at since Illinois Floor Exercise is done on a long strip, not a square, that th e performer wi ll not be ready for the major international meets. Nonsense!! It takes but a few days to adjust and reco mpose a routine . And some experiments i n space utilization mak e ihc lea r in our Gym , w here we have a square, that by converting it into a 22' x 88' sect ion, using it for three paral lel strips, we get over twice the amount of work done on the pad as if we used it as a sq uare.clearl y, for cost co ntrol in a large program, the Strip Floor Exe rcise is the on ly se nsible c hoice. Considering the wisdom of hese things, we w ish to co ngratulate ILLI NO IS OFF IC IALS on having the strength of their convict ions. They have been able to do what makes se n se d es pite considerable unreasonab le criticism. flOOR EXERCISE . In preliminary co mpetiti o n, th ere was a 4-way tie (8.9) for first p lace: Steve Elster,Ni les North ;Steve Economides, Hin sda le


Paul Black , Illinois Side Horse champion a nd co路captai n of Hinsdale Central, 5 times team c hainpion s in last 6 years.

Centra l ; Bart Co nn er, N il es West ; Les Moore, Ri ch Central. Since Conner was even tu al cowinner with Ke ith Oehlson , Hersey, it should already be c lea r th at competition was quite clo se . Fina lists, in th e finals scored from 8.7 to 9.05, 1st 9.05 ; 2nd 9.00. es Moore, at 8.95 and just one tenth back of th e winners, pla ced 5th. The crowd clearl y disagreed , and perhaps co rrec tl y so. Le s, and Keith Oehlson both tumbw noticab ly hi gher than Co nn er, but Bart 'sprecision made it difficult to cut his score any lowe r. It is hardl y wog hargum ent over .1 points ; thi s wr it er co uld ju stify p laci ng anyone o f th e top 5 in th e winning slot. (The final o utcome : Conner, Oeh lson 9.05; Economides, Goodson 9.00 ; Moore 8.95). K. Oehlson , in int erview after th e me et, indi ca ted he hoped to go o n to co ll ege, and int erested in e lec tro nics, he would like to go to Southern Illinoi s. Hi s routine: Russian front walkout, roundoff hand spr in g full , back walkover to sp li t, press to the side, pirou ette, lower down , Russian front wa lk out, hand sp ring front (" I didn ' t use x pike today, I was go ing to but it was n 't ju st right " ) headsp rin g, lower down to yogi, yog i kick up, kick out with V2 turn, ou ndoff sid e, cartwhee l to " fall , kick over, . , Valdez out", roundoff hand sp rin g and double fu ll dismount. Thi s was much the lon gest se t of finals, his reason: It ju st see ms more lik e fl oo r exercise to have a longer set. Well , if he manages to ha ve th e stro nges t finish also, he ha s m ade the right choi ce. TRAMPOLINE. Again thi s yea r trampo lin e co mpet ition was quite good. A yea r ago, predicting w ho wou ld w in thi s meet, I think I wo uld ha ve picked Gary Rust. Wrong Again! Ga ry placed fifth, 8.85. Fourth was K. Carstens, Hinsda le South Hi gh School (8.90) Third , B. McFarland from New Trier West (9.00), seco nd , S. Polli ce of Ni les East. And th e w inn er from . Thornbridge Hi gh Schoool , K. McGraw. He is a

se ni o r 17 yea rs o ld , and intends to go on competi ng, probablY at Illinoi s State since th at is on e of the few places th at st ill has some compe titi ve trampo lini sts. Hi s routin e, as he recited afte r th e meet: Pike Rudi out , doub le back, barani out, full , half-in-half-ou t, pike bara ni out , double full , pike back, pik e 1 and J/<, double cody. This was hi s best sco re ever, and probab ly hi s best executed se t ever. And conSider in g the competitio n, he needed to hit towin . It is a pity that m en like him have so few opportunities to co mpete after high school. A few in v itatio nal m eets, Midwest Open, an d th at is abo ut all. Yet th ese m en are just beg inning to mature as competit ors as th ey fi nish hi gh schoo l. HORIZONTAL BAR. In both prel imin ary and fina l compet ition , Bart Conn er's performances dominated: 9.3 and 9.35 resp ect ively. No one po ses a serio us cha ll enge to him in sco re, Neal Sh er 's 9.10 for seco nd being the only nearby score . H ere, Nea l co uld not co me mu ch close r becau se of the clea rl y super ior co ntrol of bod y lin e thro ug hout th e exercise. Conner just does not make as man y min o r errors. But it wo uld be w ron g to suggest th at Conner has th e eve nt to himself. In so me ways rough , st ill Nea l Sher does make a chall enge. And Rolling Meadows' Keith Lis zewski, though he ha s troub le with a fe w parts, does about J/, of his exe rcise we ll eno ugh to win . Al l-around m en Osborn , Gr iga s and Christensen al l work partia ll y outstand in g bar, and promise to make a better cha ll enge next yea r. Seniors Gary Rust 8.85 and Kev in Muenz 8.75, pl ac in g 5 and 6, also show outstanding work , but Kev in gives away point s for no good reason. PARALLEL BARS Again , thi s eve nt was dominated by Conner, w ho re ce ived a 9.55 in final s. H e c lear ly outcla sse d all others, w ith Nea l Sher's 8.90 in seco nd place. On a good da y, Ke vin Muenz sho uld score abo ut 9.0, GYMNAST Aug. '75

Row 1 (Bottom): (I. to r.) James Turgeon, Bill Sreh, Breck Grigas, John Jaeus , Peter Velguth, Charles Harrison, Steve Delcarson. (Row 2): Steve Mikez (Assis. Coach) , Rick Harris , Steve Economides, Tom Chism, Paul Black, Bill Robertson , Mike Jebb , Neil Krupicka (Hewad Coach). (Row 3): Russ Eanes (manager), Todd Gardiner, James Libby , Dave King , Pat Joggerst, Brad Jeffries, Mike Faletti. (Row 4): Rich Gobel, Dave Stoldt , Ron Herber, Eric Beutler, Rick Krepp , Mike Bing , Tim Erwin.

making him just about equa l wit h Nea l, and both looking good. Of co urse half-do ze n o th ers can sometim es rea ch th is leve l, but are not ye t th f' mature co mpetitors to do their job s on th e ri ght da ys. In fact Kev in came apart in Final s for 8.55 and 10th place. 3rd went to Mike Jebb, Hinsda le Central, 4th to Steve D elcarso n, Hinsdale Ce ntral , and Jo hn Corritore, New Tri er We st, 8.75. Now in th e fi rst parag raph I sa id Bart Conner received a 9.55, I did not say he earned it. W e ha ve reproduced sequen ce photos of hi s set, which sco red a new record sco re for this event for Illinoi s. You w ill notice that tho'ugh he do es no t give away muc h from minor faults, he also does not do so me of hi s C p art s. He does not do hi s back to hand sta nel, ha s to pu ll so m e o n stu tz to handstanu and does a relatively undynamic peach. Hi s layaway for streu li is less than adeq uate, and in general th e leve l of execution of indi vidual part s is below what I reca ll from th e previou s yea r. W e admit th at th e tota l effect of th e routin e is m ore smooth , but it see ms a bit too loose, a bit underpla ye d, 50 that I ce rtainly ca nnot ju st ify th e sco re. (Seq. o n pg. 22). RINGS . Thi s yea r cont inu ed th e trend to dominance of swing over strength. In fact , noone showed outswndin g strength parts. Of course we see all of the fam ili ar B strength part s. Th ere are no outstanding com bination s of sw ing and str ength. Nat urall Y, all of the top perform ers show straight arm work , and seve ral do straight arm wo rk in both direc tion s. Schm idt from Oak Park River Forest Hi gh Sc hoo l, was o utstandin g in the pre liminary co mpetition whe n we took our se quence of photos of hi s se t. H e, and all-around man Nea l Sh er, show th e near est thin g to a m odern bail for giant s. More: Schmidt does a reaso nabl y high pik e double. Note hi s release on the way up ! W ith a littl e b ett er pull, thi s co uld look grea t.

GYMNAST Aug. '75

By contras t, Co nn er 's work is a lot more co nse rva ti ve. Th e fi nal sco re s, 9.00 for second , tie Carl Ol so n , G len brook South, and G. Dr eher of Rea vis, and Schmidt and Gar y Rust at 8.95 for 4th ti e, are ex trem ely close, and the wo rk was quit e close. A nd in th e first place, we ll ahead of the competition, Kirk Mango of Willowbrook High School, 9.25. Kirk is a se nior, and intends to go on to college. At th e tim e we int erv iewed he had no definite idea of w here he wou ld go however. He and Schm idt had come through th e sa me Sect iona l Meet, w here Schmidt wo n. Again in prelim s, Schmidt beat Kirk by .15, and at las t in Final s, Kirk manag ed to put it all tog eth er and win. His se t: Di slocate, straight arm shoot , straight arm gi ant, power down to " L" cross, cas t back to a " bird up" , L, hallow ba ck press to hand stand , vwr dow to cross, ui slocate, doub le, stick , hopefull y (K irk 's comment). Mango ha s been in gymnastics for just th e four yea rs of high sc hool. First two yea rs, he says he more o r less we nt alon g for th e ride, and ' only d ecided to dedi ca te him se lf to gymnast ics for his junior yea r. He is not a ri ng sp eciali st, but an all -a round man. However he did not qualify for AA in thi s meet. So his imm ediate gymnastic p lans are to clean up his work on th e other eve nt s, while m aking small ch ange s in the ring work. POMMEl HORSE . As is 50 often th e case on thi s eve nt , nerves prove d th e undoin g of about half of th e men w ho should have mad e final s. Especiall y for the sp eciali st, w ho has on ly to sit and wait for hi s turn , tension s area problem. In fa ct th ere is co nsiderab le evid ence that it is easier to wo rk ho rse as an all -aro un.d man du e to th e additi ona l releases of the ten sion. 8.40 wa s lowest qualifying score, and th e re we re at leas t a uoz en me n who brok e and ordinarily are ca pabl e of 8.7 or abo ve . Prelimin aries have Tim

Conn ell y, Elk Grove, 9.05 ; Paul Black, Hin sda le Central 9.0 and Mike Burk e, Ni les East , 9.0; Bri an Carey G lenbrook South and Bart Co nn er, 8.85. Burke, Co nn ell y, and Bla ck ha ve b ee n th e lea ding performers all yea r, and all three show rather good wo rk . Con ner 's style is a bit uiffere rlt , obv io usly an effort to copy some current Japa nese p erformers , but still quite attr acti ve. It lacks th e ease of moveme nt of Burk e 's work , and d ynam ic ac tion of Paul Bla c k's work. Paul is obvious ly from th e sc hoo l th at produced Ted M arcy, and wi ll carryon the style as we ll as the iradition of wi nnin g. Burk e, wo rkin g somew hat more effortlessl y, has form probl ems but seems to promise th e most attractive w o rk. Conn er as an all-around m an obvio usls mu st opt for a style that will prove co nsistent. Brian Car ey w hen no t in trouble , does the mo st stuff on h orse, but his wo rk is not nea rly 50 attract ive as t he others ' . Brian ju st fell apart in final s, so I r epo rt onl y hi s pr elim ina ry sco re of 8.85. Fin al plac es: Black , 9. 1; Conner, 9.0 ; Burke, 8.95 ; Gordon Schmidt, Arlington , 8.85 ; Jim Pr esco tt , N ap erville Centra l, and Connelly, 8.40. Pommel ho rse winner Paul Black is a Senior, who at mee t time kn ew he wo uld go on to co ll ege to study art , and compete in gym nast ics. Though at that tim e he was und ecided , la st report has him go ing to Oklahoma. (Ward, o ld est borther, attend ed Mi chi ga n, both er Dave, SIU). All three brothers we re in vol ved in age-group wo rk from about age 5 on, 50 Paul says he was so rt of born into th e sport. But ac ti ve in vol ve ment awaited hi s goin g io summer gymnastics camp in eighth grade. Therea fter he ha s attended gymnastics summer camps every summer, and has very acti ve ly worked at the sport. " Is there any thing you think led yo u to w here yo u are today? " -" Tredition! Fri end s! Knowing Ted Marcy and Ed Hembd. Having a lot of good side-horse men around. Being a part of Hin sda le High School' s team , and tyhe lp of the coaches at Hinsdale. I ca n 't really say th at thi s guy he lped me, o r ' its all me ' or ' m y brothers ,, ' It was a comb in at ion of all these thin gs. As far as gymnastics for me, I love it. There is no sport that ca il top it". except maybe ballet, and that is not a sport if yo u wan t to get into it.路 ' Bl ack 's rou tine: Loop around , uphill Moore, circle, kehre, fu ll bail ey to th e center, Moore, br ea k, reve rse sc isso r, two forward sc isso rs, pick up in front , circl es, side trave l; loop arounu , hop loop with half dismount. Continuing his description of Hin sdal e training , he tell s us that at th e start of seaso n , he does seve ral hundred circles d ail y, perh aps 100 in ce nt er, anu on th e ends. Also abo ut 25 scisso rs seq uences. Then a lot of basic moves: Moores, Kehres, Travels, and so on. Later in seaso n, more wo rk is done o n tricks in se ts, w ith o nl y perhaps 100 circle s for circle drills, anu le ss sc issors comb i.n ation s. Then as competition progresses, perhap s 15 to 20 sets per u ay . Some da ys, sets back to ba ck for endurance. Other times, " pressure sets" (Whi c h m ea ns?) Set s done with a qui et gym, with th e team as audience, don e wh en coach wa nt s th em uone and wi thout further warmup. We try to duplicate the ' pressure of the m eet situation. (Do yo u find it helps?) Yes , we are ab le to mak e th e meet situati o n fe el no m ore diffi c ult th an practi ce. Our main emphas is is on doing thing s ju st th e way Coach wants . Some da ys Coach uema nd s o nl y 5 se ts, all acceptable to him . That may m ea n 100r15 that hedoes n ot accept.



••••• THE SIXTH ANNUAL GIRLS GYMNASTIC TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Milford, Connecticut M a rch 1, 1975 Jonathan Law H.S.

Region 1 SIXTH ANNUAL CONNKTICUT GIRLS GYMNASTIC INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Newton High School, Connecticut March 8, 1975 The Sixth Annual Gir ls Gymnastic Indiv idu al Champ ionsh ip s we re held at Newin gton Hi gh Schoo l, March!:l, 1975. In dividual gymna sts first had to ear n a minimum average score from du el meet s to qualify in th eir events so th at th ey co uld enter reg io nals. Two regionals we re held and the top 20 girl s in each event then qua l ified fo r th e champio n ships. Ind ivid ual Resu lt s: All 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Around Co ll ee n Thornto n (Simsbu ry) Karen Hungerford (Conard) Karen Toma sko (J. Law) Ad riene Corley (S im sbury) Karen Arnebe rg (Dar ie n) W inky Ward (Dari e n)

30.85 28.30 26.35 25.40 25.30 25.25

FX: Co ll een Thornton (S imsbury) 8.0; Karen Hun gerford (Co nard ) 7.9; Kim Porter (Simsbury) 7.5. BB : Co ll ee n Thornton (S im sb ury) 7.2; Kim Bea udry (S imsb ury) 7.05; A nn Stratton (Gree nw ich) 7. 0. V: Karen Hu ngerford (Co nard ) 8.25; Co ll een Thornton (Simsbu ry) 8.25; Barb Powe ll (Co nard ) 8. 1. UPB : W ink y Ward (Da ri e n) 7.45; Colleen Thornton (Simsbury) 7. 4; Karen Hunge rf ord (Co nard ) 6.3.


Thi s yea r over 50 girl s hi gh schoo l gymn ast ic teams competeu in the state of Co nn ecti cut for the 1975 season. Th e sixth A nnu al G irl s Gymna stic Team Champions hips were he ld at Jonat han Law Hi gh School in Mi lford,Conn. o n March 1, 1975. Six teams were choose n to compete in th e team championship o n th e basis of th eir season's average team sco re, th eir duel meet recoru, anu ca liber of competition . Tp ~ m Result s: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Simsb ury Conard Greenwich Darien Jonat han Law Wethersfie ld

87.60 80.80 73.10 66.80 66 .60 64.10


16.80: Stu Go ldstein (Stamford) 16.75; Don Marsdon (Greenwich) 16.70. R: Ronald Rizzo (Wi lt on) 16.45 ; John Lum mi s (Da rie,, ) 14 .95; Stu Goldstein (Stamford) 14.90. PB : Jo h" Pagliarulo (Da ri en) 15.00; Stu Goldstei" (~tamfo rd ) 14.90; A nt hony Tetilo (Darie n) 14.5. CIAC STATE TEAM GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIP Gree nwich H.S. February 8, 1975 Team Scores 1. Greenw ic h 2. D ar ien 3. Stamford 4. H amd en 5. Newin gton

101.00 97.60 87.20 73.35 65.60

••• BOYS


Sou th Portlanu repeated as State of Ma in e

BOYS CONNECTICUT GYMNASTICS INDIVIDUAL Boy s' Gymna stic Champio ns. It was the seve nth STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS title in ten yea rs of gymnas ti c competitio n in 1974-75 the State. All-Around With o nl y thre e returnees from th e 1974 ,1. Stu Gold stein (Stamford ) 90.90 squad th at wo n th e league titl e, the team 2. Ronald Ri zzo (Wi lt o n) 83.40 3. John Lummi a (Da ri en) 79.05 invitational cham p ions hip m ee t, anu made a 4. John Pagliarul o (Dar ien ) 76.85 . shamb les of th e State In div idua l Meet , Wayne SI. Amand (Newington) 70.25 ' prospects of repea ting seemed remote. 6. A nd y Dolph (Gree nw ich) 67.50 Specia li sts Jim Wh it e in floo r exe rcise , Bob FX : Don Marsd en (Gree nw ich) 16.80 ; Stu Goldstein Spau ld ing on para ll el bars , anu D avid Ske lton (S tamford ) 15.65 ; Ro nald Ri zzo (Wi lt on ) 14.95. HB: Stu on side horse we re thiru rarlk ed in the se eve rl! S Goldstein (Stamfo rd ) 17.55; Rona ld Rizzo (Wil ton) on th eir team la st yea r. They n o t on ly showed 16.25 ; Bill Wales (Gree nw ich) 15.80. PH : Don Hof man vas t impro veme nt in th ese areas, but Jim addeu (Darien) 13.05 ; Anthon y DiSi lestro (Da ri en) 11.75; Ma rk Bulgier (S u ffie ld ) 11.65. V: Do n Hofman (Da ri en ) the AII-Arounu, Da vid th e parall el bars, and

GYMNAST Aug. '75



By To m Fo n tecc hi o Sec/ Treas

Un defeated State Champs - South PortlandHigh Sc h ool 's gymnasts w h o we n t u n de feated t h roug h t his past wi n ter's capaign a n d repe ated as State and Mai n e Interscholastic League Cha m pion s . Front r ow : I. to r .: Ralph Sawyer, Mike P iscopo, Jo h n Keating , Demi As piras, Pe t e Foss and T im Sc h ools . Bac k r ow: G ill is Letourneau , Vance Munson , Bob Spaulding, Jim White , To m Robbi ns , Dave S k elton a nd Coach Ji m Connolly. Absent : Dennis Fournier.

Bob I h e 10 ll g hor sC' va ul!. Jirn Whi l c wO lllh e A ll Aroulld all d floor exe rc ise ill Ih e Sta l e In di vidu al Champioll ship. D av id Ske lt o ll Ih e sid e h orse. J ild I:l ob :'p,lu ld ill g go ld medal s fo r p aral lel bars dlld va ultill g. Th e trem e nd o u s d eve l op m (~ lll of fr es hm ell Torn Robb ill s all d Va nce MUll so ll . seco ll d all d third in sid e h orse indi vidu al rhampio ll,h ip . Tilll Sc hool s, third ill f loor exe rc ise alld hi g h bar. D emi A spiras, .I sophOlllor e, sC'cond in floor exe rci se . The se yo u ngsters ,llklpd Ihc d ep lh Il ecessary 10 Illake il ano lher Red Ri ot year. Soulh Portlalld c nded ulld e feat ed in th e Slal (' of M,l ill e Ledgue co mp et itioll. Oxfo rd Hill s wa s scrollli. Stearll , of Mil lill ock e l ami Rum ford ti ed l or third . III Ih e ) Idt(~ 11 1Vil,ni o ll al Meel , it wa s South Por tl all d lir, t w ith 'i ' U5, Oxford Hill s seco n d w ith 91.10, :, tea rll s third 71l.41 . I m l ividu al p e rfo rm e rs thr ougho ut th e State i nclu ded Ala ll Chd se . D o n ) ip e, and Steve Knight fr om O xfo rd Hill s. Ala n , a fill e A ll Aroulld e lltr Y, wa s the Sta tc Champ io ll in hi g h b ar, ,1I1d ) tcve won th e rings w ith exce ll e nt str eng th wo r k . Oth e rs out stan d in g were Jaill es and Mike Le Page. C reg Cla r k frolll Rumfo rd. From :, tear ns, I:lre tt eo ut , st ro n g o n th e hi g h bar , an d f ro ml:lidd e fo rd , Oan Spa n g, sid e hor se and hi gh bJr. from Wat erv ill c . Je ff Flagg-all around. On I h e ove ra ll , it appears that th e leve l o f perforillan ce ge n erall y co ntillu es to im p ro ve and co m p e titi o ll is kee n er, pa rti c ul arl y b el wee n Ih e lOp four teams. Th ere reillain s th e f ru strat in g ill ab il i ty to illllu ce Illore sc hool s to SPOI1Sor a fulltparn and Cill er le ag u e and du e l in d epe lld e lll compet iti o n. Th ere ha s b ee n an up sur ge of spectdtor int e re st alld thi s is an o ptillli slic n o te. BOYS' IND IVIDUAL GYMNASTICS CHAMP IONSHIP

1975 V: Roberl Spd uldin g tSo. Pon land) tl.33: Jailles Whil e (50. Ponlalltl l B.20: I3r('11 Rid!'oul (Slearn s) tl.13. FX: Jam es Whi l!' (So. P"nl,lIld) 6.76: Demi Asp i"lS (So. POI IIdnrl I 5.tl3: lJon5ip!' (O xfo rd Hi ll'1 5.70. PH: D.l vid skehon (So. Ponl.lIld) 5.46; TUI11 Robbins. (50. Ponl and ) 5. 23 : Va nce Mun so n (So. ponland ) 5.20. H B: Alall Chas<' (O XiOld Hills) 5.56: JalllPs Whil e (So. Ponland ) S.LU : 11111 S, hools (So. POII.lind) 5. UO. PO: Robrri Spaulding (5u. Ponland ) 5.BO : D.l vid skel lon (So. Ponland ) 5.30: Alan Cha se (Oxfo rd Hill s) 5.30: Jam es Whil!' ISo. Pon l.1I1d ) 4.93. R: Sie ve Kni ghl (O xiord Hill s) 5.40: lJ.l vid Ske ll on (So. Ponl.lIld ) 4.90: Duane DJlllon IO xfo rd Hill sl 4.70.

GYMNASl Aug. '75


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tea m Results Bru snwick Walervill e Ca mden-Rockpon Ca pe Eli za belh Rum fo rd Edward Liltl e

114.163 63.496 62.615 41.133 40.049 36.915

Second p lace Wa terv ill e was six time co n sec uti ve strai g ht c ham p pr io r to thi s yea r. Mary Jan e I:lourga u l t, a sen io r at Ed wa rd Lit ll e, and injur ed in pra c ti ce t wo week s b e for e the Sl ate, wa s fo rm erl y all -aro ulld champ ill 74 w ith fir st in va u)till g an d bars, seco nd on b ea m , and third o n floo r. Sh e is truly a fin e gy mna st and o ut o f admirat io n, I:lrull5wi ck , th e 75 c h amp s, present f' d h er w ith a bouquet of roses w hi le th e au d ie nce gave h e r a standin g ova ti o n . A straight "A " stud ellt sh e ha s int e r es ts o f go in g to eith e r Sprill gfie ld o r U. of Conn. thi s fall. Brun sw ic k 's coac h, Laur ie H awkes, was fo rm e rly a stat e champi o n for Wat erv ill e three yea rs ago. U nd e r h er moth er's coachin g, she was a m ember of a tea m w ho we nt throu g h l o ur und e feat ed alld state c hamp ion ship seasons w hil e sh e was in hi g h sc ho o l. La st ye ar, sh e att e nd ed I:lowdoin and upon th e re tir em e llt o f I:lrunswick's H. S. coac h , sh e coac h ed fo r th em thi s year, went throu g h an o th e r undef ea ted seaso n (as coach) an d state ch ampi o ll ship wh il e studying and co mp e tin g in co ll egia te gy mna sti cs at Bowdoin Co ll ege in Brun sw ic k , Me.

All-Aro und Cin dy 5chilll:k (Brun swick) Terri Spear in (Clind en-Roc kport ) Lan Mi sner (Colllldcn-Rockp0rl Becky Doy le l 13runswick) Jan Col len (Brun sw ick) MMlha Leo nard (I3run sw ick)

23.600 22.566 21.716 21.649 21.499 21.249

V: Lan Mi sner lC.lInd en-Rockp0rl) 7.933: Li z Hol rl ey ICapp I:lil.ll]l"lh ) 7.6: Cindy 5c hinck (Brunsw ick) 7.4. BB: Lynd" Pla vin (Lcwislon) 6.tl5; Jan C.lle n (Brunswi ck) 6.7: Bec ky Doyle IBrun swi ck) 6.3. UPB: Jp.l ninp I !'Iu Il3 ru nswirk) 6.7: Ra ye Dub e (EdwMd Lilli,, ) 6.1: ({.j( ' Lt'i,,, (I3run sw ick) 6.066. FX : I " , ri Spearin lC,lIncil'lI- Rockpo rl ) 7.4; Loln Mi sner (CJ md en Rol kporl ) 7.25: Li z Harl ey ICape Elizabe lh ) 7. 15.


Indi vidu al Ma ss,l c hu se tl s State Th e GYllln asti cs Mee t wa s a o n e man sh ow w ith Ri c hard lll is, .I juni or frolll Braintree High Sc h oo l, wi llnin g th e A ll A ro uilli w ith a sco re of 4'1.5. H(' also wa ll Floor Exe rcise, Hi g h Bar, Parallel I:lars an d Rin gs. Rich ard ha s m a tured in Ih e p as t yeM as h e sh ows ,I lo t m ore co ntrol o f th e ba , ic moves . H e ha s ve ry good tec hni q u e o n all eve ili s .1 5 h e placed th ird a ll th e Sid e H o rse. Keith :'chroed e r . f rom Well es ley Hi g h Sc ho o l . placed seco nd in th e A ll A ro u n d . Keith was Ih e recipi c nt of th e Coa ch es ' Troph y w hi c h goes to the :, tate 's Most Out standin g Senior Gy mll asl lor h is abi lil Y alld Spo rt sm a n ship. Pe ter hnan , J 5p ni o r fro m Lin co ln -S u db ury Hi g h )c h oo) p laced third in th e A ll Aro un d , Pau l Kormallll , a sop h o m o re fr o m Br aintree Hi g h placed lourth and Jam ie Egaati , a se nior f rom Fr ami ll gl o ll No rth Hi gh Sc h oo ) placed fillh. Floor be rc ise <IS wo n by R.i c h Elli s as h e , Iart ed w ith a d o ubl e fuji th at he n ail ed int o th e f loo r. Hi s l o rm wa s c lea ll throu g ho ut. Ke ith Sch roede r sh owed a lot of f ro nt wo rk as h e u sed a fr o ll t- fro llt , forward ro)) fr o nt. Steve 1 h o mpso n, a so ph o m o re frolll So uth H ad ley , also wor ked a fro llt -fro llt int o hi s routin e. Si d e was WO ll b y I:lill Barn ell of Burlington. H e h ad good stre tch o n hi s doubl es an d good co ntro l as he Illoved up and d ow n the h o rse . Pel er Finan move d f rom 4th p lace in th e pr el im s to seco nd p lace as he stayed o n th e h o rse. Hi g h I:lar wa s exc itin g as u sual w ith Ri c h Elli s showing good cOlltro l in hi s stald ers b o th ways . Jim Du ffy fr o m Bu rli n gto n wa s th e crowd p lease r w ilh hi s doubl e ba c k di sm o unt that h e ope n ed up 0 11 Ih e sec olld somer sa ult. In al l th e re we re abo ut b d o u b les throw n . Parali c ) I:l.trs wa s stre n g th ve rsu s sw i n g as Pe ter Fi ll all wo rk ed stro ll g alld Ri ch Elli s took hi s stul l alm os t to th e h and stand . Jo hn Alberg hini froml:lurlington had a diff ic ult tim e i n th e p r elim s but thr ew a goo d back toss to p lace third in th e fina ls. Va u llin g wa s a c irc u s as n o o n e co uld hit a va u lt. Ke ith Sc hr oe d er led aft e r th e pr elim s but ca m e back alld mi sse d hi s yama shit a in th e fi ll als. ) Ipve 1 hOlllpso n sh owed some p o i se for a s opholllorr~ alld thr ew a yama shit a, aft e r h e land ed )o w Oil hi s ro und- off back. to w in it. On the Rill gs it was I:lraintree High ve rsu s Lin co )n -S udbury. R.i c h Ell is WO ll w ith hi s tea m Illal e Gary SeMs pl ac in g th ird . Joe Ma h o n ey and Chdl"les Para to re fini sh ed second and fo urt h lo r Lill co ln-:' u db ur y. Ma ssach u se tt s G y mlla sti cs ha s g row n quite a bi t w ilh 111(' "bit tri ck" b e in g don e b y more gym ll asts. 011 ("(' ag.lill th e A II -A ro ulld Gymn ast had th e ed ge w ith hi s ba sic skill s he lpin g h im 0 11 all Ih e ('V(' llt S. It is pl eas ill g to see th e numb er of A ll -A ro und elll ree s in cre,ls in g eac h yea r. RESU LTS FX : Richard Elli s (I3rain lr eE') Keilh Schroeder IWe ll esl<, y) 16.0: Sieve 1 hompso n IS. Holdl ey) ·t5. 05. PH : Bill Barn ell Il3urli11glo11 ) 13.75; Peler Fin al1 ILin ) udbury) 13.05: Rich Elli s (I3r.linlree) H B: Ri ch I:lli, Il3rai11 l rp,,) 16.35: Jim Duffy Il3uriin glol1 ) 15.25; or m Bra lli e IM iII On) 14.B. V: Sieve Thompso n (5. HadleYI 16.5: Juhn Hopkinso n (WeYlllou lh N.) 16.25: R.dph H.III' I l-Iol", lon ) 10.25; lJoug I3row n IWeYllloulh I .) '16.25: ~Ieve Nun11 0 Il3url inglon) 16.25. pB : Rirh.nd Ell is IBrainlr ee) 15.95: Peler Finan ILII1 -5 uclbu1 YJ 14.95: Joh n Albe rghil1i IBurlil1 glOn l 14.55. R: Ri ch.. rd tll is (Br" in lr ee) 16.1 5: Joe Mahoney (Lin -Sudb ury) 14.Y5: CMY SeMS Il3 ra inlree) 14.6.


Massachusetts All Around Champion Richard Ellis. WINNING ROUTINES Floor Exercise: Ri ch ard Ellis: Ro undoff , backhandsp rill g, do ubl e tw isting full , back exte nsio n ro ll , fr o nl ; lel-'-0U I, RO ; , di ve , jump, fro nt leanin g rest, split , stiff -stif f press . stoop d own , pi ke fr ont so mi e, fl y spri ll g, leilp. sca le, RO flip- flop , Fu ll tw ist. Side H o rse - Bill Burnell : Ci rcl e, lo op , imm ediate uphi ll m oore, immediate loop, sid e lift in ,sid e lift o ut , circle , kh ere, circi.>. mo ore. circl e, scisso rs left and r ight , reverse sr issors. circi e,-:; id e lift , imm edi ate loo p o ff. High Bar - Richard Ellis: Hi gh slart , stald er, reach un de r, fl ank va ult . d ou ble leg Cui . k ip change, piro uell e, gian!. stald er , giant , fu ll tw istin g fl y awa y. Parallel Bars - Richard Ellis: G lid e kip , cut -ca tch , ca st cat ch , fo rward ro ll , bac k upri se. do ub le leg cut L, stif fstiff press, hi gh stut z (a lm ost hand stand ), layaway front upri se, sw in g pirou ell e. lay awa y fro nt upri se, front somi e oif. Vaulting - Steve Thompson: Round off Ba ck, Ya mashit a. Rings - Richard Ellis: Pull to front lever disloca te, hi gh di sloca te, shoo t han dstand . fro nl g iant , fr u llt caSI, back upri se L, holl ow ba ck press . Vo ro nin , di slocat e, hi gh di sloca te, fu ll tw ist di smo unt.


VERMONT HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS By Ken N ewton Team Results No rthfi eld Essex Jun cti on South Burl ingto n Harwood Whi tin gham Brall iebo ro

92 .90 85 .95 80 .22 61.94 58 .7 2 54.63

All Around John M e nd icino (E ssex Juncti o n) Da ve D efeli ce (Northfi eld ) Bill Crevier (So. Burl ington ) Gary Ro yer (Lake Reg ion) Steve Ran co ur (Bur lin gton ) John Thrailkill (H arwood J RESULTS PB: M endicin o (Essex) 6.00 ; Crevier (SB ) 4.10; Dikon (Nor ) 3.85. V: Defeli ce (No r) 8.30 ; Partl ow (No r) 8.15; Mend ic ino (Essex) 8.10. FX: M endi cin o (Essex) 6.65; Dukell e (N or) 6. 55; Defe li ce (No r) 6.25. PH : Ferry (Nor) 3.85 ; Crev ier (SB ) 3.60; Asselin (No r) 3.45 . B: M endi cino (Essex) 4.90 ; D efeli ce (N or ) 4.55; Bradl ey (Nor ) 4.30. R: Bradl ey (No r) 4.40; Bea uchmin (Essex) 4.35 ; Crevier (S B) 4.00 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


All Around Champion Bob Connell from Rhode Island.

Nini Wuensch , Vermont All Around Champion. All Around 1. i ni W u ensc h (Colc hester) 2. Joa nn e Murray (Essex Junction ) A nn e Be rr y (Ri ce) 4. Peri Chi cke ring (U ni o n 32) Barb Gyra (W oodstock) 6. Nan cy Chi ckerin g (Uni o n 32)

Team Results Essex Jun cti on Burlin gto n Ri ce Harwood South Burlin gto n W oodstoc k


89.75 86 .75 82.35 80.25 76.45 71.10

RESULTS BB : W uensch (Co l) 8.20; Du ff (Essex) 8.0; Elli s (Burl ) 7.70. FX : W uen sc h (Co l) 8.10 ; Em erso n (Burl ) 7. 60 ; Ell is (Burl ) 7.55. V: W uensch (Co l) 8.70; M urray (Essex ) 8.2 5; Ri chard s (Essex) 7.90. UPB : Wu ensch (Co l) 8.60; Chung (Burl ) 8.15; Ri chard s (Essex) 8.10.

RHODE ISLAND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS By Art Gagnon Team Results No rth Kin gston To ll Gate Cumberl an d Individual Res ults FX : Con nell (Cra nsto n East) ; Beckn el (No rth Kin gsto n); Turn er (Nort h Ki ngs to n ). PH : Co nn el (Cranston East) ; Beckn el (No rth Kin gsto n ); Eisenh am mer (Cu mberl and ). R: Co nn ell (C ransto n East); Parso n (To ll Ga te); Goes (Toll Ga te). V: Co nn e ll (C ransto n Ea st) ; Wa rd (No rth Kin gs ton ); Parson (To ll Gate) . PB: Co nn ell (Cransto n East); Parso n (To ll Gate); Ward (No rth Kin gsto n. HB : Co nn ell (Cransto n Eas t) Parson (To ll Gat e) ; Goes (Toll Ga te). 1. 2. 3.

GYMNAST Aug. '75

Region Z New


City Hi g h School Gymn astics Individual Finals Marc h 15, 1975 Beach Channel High School By John Traetta

On e week aft er th e team c h am pi o n ship 43 hi gh sc hools ga th ere d t o part ic ipate in th e indi v idual c hampi o nships, w ith app rox imat el y 70 gym n as ts co mp eting fo r indi v idua l h o nors in eac h eve nt. D eWitt Clinton H ig h Schoo l dom in ated t h e in d iv idual fina ls by ca pturing eve ry 1st p lace in th e si x O ly mpi c eve nt s, p lu s th e A ll- Around. Mario McCut c h eo n (C linton) wa s th e out standing g y mna st in the m ee t winning th e all-around , pomm el hor se, long horse va ultin g, parall el bars, and f ree exe rc ise. Wal ly Miller (C lint o n ), a juni o r, cap ture d 1st p lace o n hori zo nt al bar and mad e fin als in ev ery eve nt. AII-Aound M. M cC ut cheo n (C I) 48.45 W. Mi ll er (C I) 46.05 B. Reckert (Br y) 40.40 FX: M. McCutcheon (C I) 17.35; W. M iller (C I. ) 17.00; B. Fi elds (C I) 16.80. PH : M. McCutcheon (CI) 14.75 ; H. Fernand ez (S) 13. 15; W. Miller (C I) 12.65. SR: C. Va len tin (e l) 17.30; W. Mi ll er (C I) 15.15; M. McCut cheo n (C I) 15.10. V: M. M cC utcheo n (C I) 17.75; B. Fields (CI ) 17.50; S. Alejandro (Bry) 17.15. PB : M. McCut cheo n (CI) 15.70; Weiner (Mid) 15.45; B. ,Reckert (Bry) 15.35. HR : W. M ill er (el) 17. 05 ; M . McCut cheo n (CI ) 16.00; B. Fields (C I) 13.20. WINNING ROUTINES Free Exercise - Mario M cCutcheon: R.O ., r.r., full twist, Swedis h fa ll, ~, turn to Va ld ez, Ru ss ian front som ie step-out, R.O ., bac k somie, to high Jap Jump, split , press ha nd stand , R.O. , Saito sideways straddl ed, ca rtwh ee l, ,; . turn to hand stand, forward roll to back hand sp rin g to still handstand, R.O. , F.F., fu ll twist. Pommel Horse - M ario McCutcheon: Drehfl anke mount fo ll owed by tra vel on end of horse, schwabenf lanke, trave l uphill , circle, Czechkehre, Tram lot , y, circl e, two fr ont sc isso rs, one ba ck scisso r, downhill trave l, walk-arou nd, schwabe nflank e Y, turn dismount. Still Rings - Carlos Valentin : From hang, felge backward slowly to handstand, front giant handsta nd , back gia nt handsta nd, fa ll forward to stemme backward s to " L" support, holl owback press to handstand , lower to support and felge backward s to hand stand with stra ight body, lower from hand stand through a planch e with straight arms and body parall el to ground to back lever (hold) double dislocate, double ba ck som ie.

Vault - Mario McCutcheon: Yamash it a. Parallel Bars - Mario McCutcheon : On e end of bars: Jump to glid e kip , reve rse straddl e cut ca tch to support , ca st to support wit h stradd le cut to " L" support , press handstand , peac h basket to upper arm hang , Stem me forward, hand stand , Stut zkehre to hand stand, cast, back upri se to handstand , ba ck saito dismount (strai ght bod y). Horizontal Bar - Mario M cCutcheon : Stem me forward to handstand, h front giant, Y, turn at top of rea rwa rd swin g to mi xed grip to va ult ove r bar, hop kip, fron t gia nt to ea rl y pirou ell e, immed iate stoop on (c ircl e) stoop off to handstand , ba ck giant to direct chan ge, ]I. giant , hop change to fr ee hip hand stand, two bac k giant s, full twistin g fl yaway . YORK CITY HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS New York City High School Gymnastics Team Comp e tition M arch, 1975 Beach Channel High School By John Traetta Th e m ee t fea tu red th e thr ee top place team s, wh ic h was d ec ided by sec tion el imination s. Optional exe rc ises wer e p erform ed on th e six O lym pi c eve nt s. Th e F.I. G. co de of poi nt s was th e standard utili zed b y th e jud ges, and th e "raw score " sys tem (three top scores) wa s employed in d ete rmi n in g tea m sco res. D e W itt Cli nt o n H ig h Sc h oo l und er th e coac hing of Joh n Tr ae tta , asse rt ed it s Gymnast ics prowess by cap turin g its ninth strai ght c it y c hampionsh ip. C li nton clea rl Y dominated th e m ee t by taking mo st of the fir st , seco nd , alld third places sc or ill g 136.45 poi nt s. Team Scores 1. Cli nton 136.45 2. Bryant 102.60 3. Ru shwick 91 .95 NEW YORK STATE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS GYMNASTIC MEET March 22, 1975 Larchmont, N ,Y, By Sharon A. Along New York is di v id ed in to 11 sec tions, 8 competed i n the gymna st ic meet. RESUl TS Team Section V (Roches ter area) 153.65 Section I (Westcheste r County) 139.65 137.05 Section II I (Syracuse area ) All Around Barb Sh ields (Sec V) 32.35 Debbie Vogus (Sec V) 31.40 Va l Painton (Sec V) 31.l5 Kerri e Gabba y (Sec III ) 29.20 Juli elle Singer (Sec t) 28.95 Debbie Ru sh (Sec tV ) 28.85 V: Juli elle Singer (Sec I) 17.20 ; Barb Shi eld s (Sec V) 16.90; Pat Smith (Sec I) 16.80. BB: Val Painton (Sec V) 16.65; Barb Shields (Sec V) 16.05 ; Ca rl a Fererbach (Sec I) 13.75. UPB: Sand y Cochrane (Sec V) 15.10 & Juliette Singer (Sec I) 15.10; Kerri e Gavvay (Sec III) 14.90. FX : Debb ie Vogus (Sec V) 16.85 ; Ba rb Sh ields (Sec V) 16.45; Val Painton (Sec V) 16.00 . NEW



New Yo r k . Sta te's 1974 -75 sc hoolboy gy mna sti cs champi o n s in c lud e, fr o nt ro w, from le ft , W illi amsv ill e North's Torey H irsc h 8.6 in the lon g h o rse vault ; and Fayettevi ll e-Man l ius's Ga ry Giffune 8.b5 in horizont al ba r ; middl e row, Li ve r poo l' s Jim Gr ee n 7.85 in parall el bars ; Wil li am sv ill e South' s Pau l Simo n 9. 1 in fl oo r exe rcise (n ew event reco rd); and York tow n 's Barry Gropp er 8.05 in sid e horse; back row, Yorktown 's Tom Va n Gorder 8.85 in still rin gs and R.L. Thomas of Roc h ester's Kurt W eissend 45.65 in all-around.

New York County East championship teams : Penfield H .S. (center) , Mendon H.S. (left) , Rush Henrietta (right). GYMNAST Aug. '75



Red Bank, N.j. Red Bank Cat h o l ic gymnast ic team coac hed by Dick Woods pull ed off th e upse t of the yea r March 8th by win nin g t h e N.J.S. I. A.A. gir l" s Stat e C h amp io n ship. Paced by three fr es hmen , A nn Woods, Mi ssy Sweeton, and Li z Maut n e r th e "Caseyettes" o utpo int ed las t years c h ampio n Cherry Hill East , and a stron g Bridg ewa ter-Rarit an East t ea m. Red Bank Catho li c in it 's first yea r in gymnast i cs had go n e through th e seaso n un beaten in 10 m ee t s but was still co n sid e red too in ex p er i e nced to mat ch so m e of th e veteran tea m s. Twe nt y Hi g h Sc h oo ls made it to th e c hampi o n ship s. The indi vidual battle through ou t th e Sec tional s and th e c h ampiollShip ce nt ered around Red Ba nk Cat h o li c's A nn Wood s and Li sa Neu t ze of Cherry Hi ll East. Miss Woods th e 4 ' 8" Fres hm e n ca m e in 1st AA in theSec tional s with a 69.32 to Mi ss Neut ze 68.29. In th e ch ampion ship Li sa turned it aro un d and wo n th e AA h o n o rs wit h a 70.5 to A nn 's 69.95 . " It was a tea m vi c tory, " Dick Wood s An n 's fath e r and coac h stat es " Both Mi ssy Sweeton 62. 10 8t h AA and Li z Ma utn e r 58 .6 12th AA did a fant asti c job as wel l as Capt. Jeanne H edb e rg and Jennefer Morl ey in Vaulting. " All Around Li sa Neu tz (C HE ) 70.50 Ann Woods (RBC) 69.95 Joanne Beck (C HE) 67.70 Sarah Werner (Mo nt ) 67.20 Mary Hubbar d (Moor) 63.98 Karen Moorer (RV) 63 .75 Team Results Red Bank Catholic 190.76 Brid gewa ter Raritan Ea st 176.57 ( hefl Y Hil l EaS! East Brunswick Pi scataway O cea n Tow nship RESULTS V: Li sa Neut ze (( HE ) 17.55; A rm Woods (RBC) 17.10; Sarah Werner (Mont) 16.70. UPB: Ann Woods (RBD ) 17.65; Lisa Neu l ze (C HE ) 17.40; Sa rah Werner (Mo nt) 17.25. BB: Li sa Neul ze (CHE) 17.85; Joa nn e Beck (CHE) 17.75; Ann Woods (RBC) 17.40. FX: A 111111 Woods (RBC ) 17.80; Joann e Beck (C HE ) 17.75; Li sa Neul ze (C HE) 17.70.


Cedar Ridge High School By Pete Fick Th e ew Je rsey Int ersc h o lastic A thleti c A ssoc iation ha s an e li mination t o u rn ame nt for th e Tea m C hampio nship and requires quali fy in g sco res for the In dividu al Section al M ee ts w hi c h lea d to th e State Final s. In the t ea m compe titi on each t ea rn is requir ed to rn ee t eac h other tea m in th eir section in du al m ee t s w ith th e tea m ha v in g th e b es t wo n-l ost r eco rd being the Sect io na l Ch ampion in eac h of th e stat e's four sec ti ons. Th e Sectio nal CharnpiollS plu s th e n ex t f ive t ea m s ba se d o n the ave rage of th e ir be st three dual meet sco res, regardless of th eir sec tion affilia ti on, were e ligibl e for th e tourn ament. Th e Sect ion al Champio ns were Colurnb ia Hi g h School of Maplewood in th e No rth , H e nr y Hud so n Hi gh School of Atlantic Hi gh land s in Ce ntral B, Hunt e rdon Ce ntral Hi gh Schoo l of Flemington in Ce ntral A an d Willingboro High School in th e South . A ll rou n ds of th e t ou rn ament w e re co nt ested at East BrullSwi ck Hi gh Schoo l so eve r yo ne worked 011 th e sa m e appara tus. Th e first thr ee round s were he ld on Saturda y, November 16th , w ith th e fin als bringing th e three wi nn ers tog e th e r on Wednesda y, Nove m ber 20th. Winn e r of th e Team Tournament was H e nr y Hud so n High School . To be e li g ibl e for th e Sect ion al Champion ship s for indi v idu als a bo y had to score 8.0 or better o n Long H o rse or a 5.0 or bett e r on th e ot h e r eve nt s in at leas t o n e du a l m eet during th e seaso n . Th e Sec ti o nal Mee t s we re held at Cedar Ridge High Sch oo l for North and Ce ntral A t ea rns , and at H e nry Hu dso n fo r Cen tral 13 and Southern t ea m s on Saturda y, November 23 , w ith th e hi ghest si x p erfo rrn ers in eac h eve nt plu s ti es an d in cluding th e hi gh es t si x in A ll Aro und advanc in g to the Sta te Cha mpi ollS hip Final s at Ced ar Ridg e High School in Matawa n on Saturday ove mbe r 30. Mik e Z i eg ler of Ma di son Town ship High School wo n th e A ll A r o und Titl e w ith a 37.40 performan ce . He also wo n th e H .B . O th e r

eve nt ch ampiorl s we re Tu· Bob Harri so n of St. Pet e r' s o f Je rsey City a nd Wayn e Timrnerman of Wall Tow n sh ip ( ti e d ); PH· Jo hn Cerf of Ridg ewoo d ; 1'13- Bill Co han of No rth e rn . Hi ghlands ; LH - Dean Bel lu cci of H e nr y Hud so n ; and SR· Greg To rn o ri of Ea st Brun sw ic k. RESULTS Tu: Bob Harriso n (51. Pel ers) Jnel Wayne Tilllrn eflnall IWal 1 Tow llship) li ed al 7.40; Bill Serella (Tarn s Ri ve r North ) 7.35. PH : jo hll Ceri (Rid gewood) 6.55; Ed Sa und ers (HpmY Hud so ll ) &.10; Wi ll Co llill s (Henry Hudso n) 0.05. HB : Mike Zieg ler (Md d iso ll To wmhip ) 8.75; Si eve Graham (Haddo n Towmhip j 7.95: Ron McCurd Y (HeIll'Y Hud so ll ) 6.35. PB: Bill Co hall ( orth ern Highlallds) &.90 ; John Cerf (Rdi gewood) 6. 15; Bob LaMolh e (Huilierdoll Ce lllr,rI) 6.00. V: Dea ll Be llu cci (Hem Y Hud so ll ) !l.95 ; Zieg ler 8.75; Roy Kieifer (EaS I Brullswick) U.75. SR: Greg To rn o ri (Easl Brun swickj 7.20; Chi p r'vteeha ll (Henry Hud so ll ) 7. 10; Fos l er Ma imed (Rarilall ) 6.U5. AA : Ziegler 37.40; McCurd Y 37.20; Ma lrn ed 3&.40. WINNING ROUTINES Tumbling - Wayn e Timmerman : l SI RUIl , Roulld off, backhand sprin g. " IwiSlillg back sa llO Slep OUI , roundoff. ba ck h,1I1dsprillg, !! IwiSlillg back. 21ld Run. Fronl sal l o, iro lll saito. forwar d ro ll . frolll sdl l O, forward roll. frail I sa it o. 3rd RUIl. Roulldoff. ba ckhandsprillg , back Sd it O. backhallelsp rill g, back sa llo, lay OUI back sa llo. 7.40. Pommel Hors e - john (erf: lJrahil allk e mouill illi o circl es all croup. uphilllr,l vc l. break illi o Iwo forwa rd scisso rs. olle reverse scissors int o circles. trave l down ,

sc hwabe llflallk e, wa lk aroulld. we nd Y disrn o uili. 6.55 . Hori zontal Bar - Mike Ziegler: Siradd le CU i ca leh, giant swing, SlOOp Ihrough se,1I circle. dislocdle eagle giant s, hop 10 reve rse grip. SI.rlter. pirou ell e. bl ill d change. fr ee hip. piro uell e. i lyawa y wi lh I, ! Iwi sl. IUS. Parallel Bars· Bill Coahn: Gli de kip reve rse cui elich , drop peac h 10 L·seal. slifi·stiif press 10 hdlldstand, stul z 10 V·sea l . drop caS! , glid e kip. fronl off wilh ! ! twi st.

Vault· Dean Bellucci: Halldsp rill g. 8.95. Still Rings - Greg Tomori : High Sla rt ba ck upri se, handsta nd , IrOllt g i ~lI l1 sw in g. h a lld s t ~l lld. lowe r to L cross. pull oul 10 pr ess 10 hdlldSialld. lo we r 10 felge han(i;l alld. ro ll ro illloc,lI e back leve r. di slocdle doubl e Il yawd Y. 7.20.

Region 3 .1







Red Bank Catholic· N.J. State H.S. Gymnastic Champions. Kneeling : (I. to r.J Alex Kast , Eileen Morissey, Jeannie Hedberg; Ann Hurley. Standing: (I. to r.J Kim Angelillo, Jennifer Morley, Joanne Fahoury, Ann Woods , Jackie Atkins , Jenet Woleisza , Missy Swee ton, Coach Dick Woods , Liz Mautner. 18

1975 GEORGIA HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC STATE MEET RESULTS Team Results 1. Lakesid e 205.50 2. Westmillster 202.25 3. Seq uoya h 191.25 4. Tu cker 1!l9.35 5. Clar ksto ll 182.65 6. Sharnrock 181.90

All Around Bec ky Oppcllheilller 71.75 Barbara Hall 71.70 Lauri p ~rwin 69.25 ell'Y Tn'g,rl lds 65.!l5

UPB: Bp, ky OPP" 'llhcirn C' r 17.45; Uar bar,l 11.1111 7 20; Lauri e trwi ll 17.00. V: Barbara Hall 18.30 ; Becky Oppenllf'irner 18.30; Judi JOlles 18.00. FX: Barbard Hall 18.90; BC'cky Oppenheirner 18.25; Judi jOlles 17.85. BB: Becky Oppenh eirnc r 17. 80 ; L,lUrie Erwin 17.55; Barbara Ha ll 17. 30.

ilegion4 OHIO

Clarkston High School: Top: laurie Erwin; Bottom: (r. to I.) Nina Glade, Mec helle Watts , Angie Cain,Julie Jungemann, lynn Jackson, Monet Washem, Tami Guy , Paula Keller, lee Ann lyerla.

KENTUCKY STATE HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Marion County H.S. lebanon, Kentucky February 22, 1975

ALABAMA STATE HIGH SCHOOL MEET Birmingham, Alabama Homewood H.S. High School competition Team Scores 1. Grissom High School 2. Lee Hi gh School (Hunt svil lpj 3. Morgan County 4. Coffee High School

192.95 169.75 155.80 142.25

All Around Kathy Balk (G ri sso m) Beve rl y Brown (G ri ssom) Robin Brolliar (G ri sso m) Amy Arnt s (Grissom) Emil y Craven (Lee)

64.45 63.75 63.35 60.85 56.36

V: Kath y Balk (Gr isso m) 17.20; Cathy Fogalman (Homewood ) 16.95; Beverly Brown (G ri sso m) 16.10. BB: Amy Arnts (Gr isso m) 15.70; Kath y Balk (Grisso m ) 15.25; Robin Bro lli ar (G ri sso m) 15.25. UPB: Beve rl y Brown (Gr isso m) 17.35; Kath y Balk (Gr issom ) 16.30; Robin Brolliar (Gr isso m ) 15.80. FX: Robin Brolliar (Grissom) 16.35; Beve rl y Brown (G ri ssom) 16.00; Snow White (Sy la ca uga) 15.95.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Junior High Comp etition Team Scores Pizitz Middl e Schoo l East Hi gh lands Grissom Bradsha w All Around Juli e Garett (Pi zit z Deni se Balk (G ri sso m) Elain e Papajohn (Piz it z) Kim Gallops (East Highlands) Cindy Delucas (Pizit z)

195. 25 185.70 181 .50 102.80

65.90 65.70 64.25 63.55 63 .30

V: Juli e Garett (Pizit z) 17.00 ; Elaine Papajohn (Pizitz) 16.95; Denise Balk (G ri sso m) 16.90. BB: Denise Balk (G ris so m) 17.25; Kim Gallops (East Highlands) 17.20; Juli e Garett (Pizitz) 16.25. UPB: Juli e Garett (Pi zit z) 17.45 ; Denise Balk (G ri ssom) 15.85; Elaine Papajohn (Pizitz) 15.75. FX: Ci ndy DeLuca s (Piz it z) 16.90; Kim Gallops (East Highl and s) 16.85; Elaine Papajohn (Pi zi tz) 16.50.

TRY US! See Page 4

The Marion Cou nty Hi gh School , Leba non , was the sit e for the Gy mn ast ics compe titi o n held on February 22, 1975. Vivian McKibben and Jim Nance managed the gir ls and boys tournament s respectively . Th e results are as fo ll ows: Team Results Tates Creek 286.55 H enry Clay 245.15

All Around Adams (Tom Jefferso n) 105.05 Wi lkins (Tates Creek) . 101.48 Wi lce (Tates Creek) 96.40 J. Stone (Henry Clay) 89.40 Blount (Tates Creek) 89.30 Gi lbert (Butl er ) 83.35 FX: Wilkins (Tates Creek) 18.2; Adams (Thoma s Jeff erso n) 17.65 ; Sco tt Wilce (Tates Creek) 17.45. PH: Adams (Thoma s Jefferso n) 18.5 ; Gilbe rt (But ler) 14.55; S. Wilce (Tates Creek) 14.55. SR: K. W ilkin s (Ta tes Creek) 17.6; R. Adams (T homa s Jefferson) 16.85; T. Stone, (Henry Clay) 14.95. V: K. W il kins (Tates Creek ) 18.7; R. Adams (Th omas Jefferso n) 18.3; R. Adams (Thoma s Jefferson) 18.3; S. W Hee (Tates Creek) 17.3. PB: R. Adams (Thomas Jeffe rso n) 19.1; S. Wilce (Tates Creek) 18.55 ; K. Wilkins (Tates Creek) 17.25. HB: Wilkin s (Tat es Creek) 16.5; Adams (Thomas Jefferson) 14.65; Blount (Tat es Creek) 14.25.


Team Results H enry Clay 200.30 Moore 198.50

3. 4.

Tates Creek Sout hern

196.20 177.55

All Around Goff (Moore) Wilkerson (Pari s) Floyd (Tates Creek) Polites (Henry Clay) Geoghegan (Henry Clay) Polites (Henry Cla y)

69.25 68.40 67.80 67.75 66.90 65.50

V: Goff (Moore) 17.55; Floyd (Tates Creek) 17.0; Flannery (Laf. ) 16.55. B8 : Goff (Moo re) 17.35 ; K. Polit es (Henry Clay) 17.30; R. Wilkerson (Pa ri s) 17.15. UPB: R. W il kerson (Par is) 18.05 ; K. Polites (Henry Cla y) 17.65 & N. Geoghegan (H enry Clay) 17.65. FX: K. Flann ery (Lafa ye tt e) 17.25; B. Young (Doss) 17. 10; L. Mumford (Moore) 16.90 & R. W ilk erso n (Pa ri s) 16.90.


The Ohio State High School Championships were held February 28 - March 1 at the University of Dayton Fieldhouse. Before a large crowd, Wayne Hi gh School coac hed by Jack Morefield , took top honors through the fin e effo rt s of their 3 all-around men , Dale Eby, Marty Miller, and Roland Bischoff. The Wayne team rolled up a 147.90 sco r e as compa red to runner-up Youngstown Boardman's 119.70 and 3rd place Maimisburg's 112.08. The A.A. scoring was ve ry close to the end with Youngstown Boa rdman 's Chris Ha y nam edg in g out Martin Ferry' s Dale Schaal and Franklin 's Irv Keneri y with a score of 47.30 for top honors. Some of the hi gh lights of the meet was th e ope nin g pass in floor exercise by sop homore Ed Goodman, Toledo D eSa les Hi gh School , with front somi wa lkout rd off ff double back and an outstanding hi gh bar performance by junior Tom Haines, Akron Ellet, featuring eagles and both stald ers. Vau lting was wo n by a fine double front by Rod New land of Miamisburg Hi gh Sc hool. Competition was belt er than eve r as recorded in the acompanyin g sco re s and routines. All Around Chris Haynam (Youngstown Boardman) Dale Schaal (Mart in 's Ferr)y) Irv Kenerl y (Frankli n)

47.30 46.35 45.95

Vaulting: 1. Rod Newland (Miamisburg H.5.): Double Front. 9.0. 2. Tony Guston (Wort hington H .S.): Handspring. 8.75. 3. Dale Eby (Way ne H .5.): Far end Yamashita. B.65. 3. Dave Girbovan (Lakewood H . 5. ) : Tu skahara. 8.65. Floor Exercise: 1. Ed Goodman (Toledo Desales H .S.): Front som i walkout rd off off double back , back exte nsi on handstand to support shoot through to support to va ldez. Front handspring front so mi pike to arabia n dive roll dive to support straddle press to handstand pirou ette pike down. Rd off ff doubl e twisting back so mi. 2. Dale Eby (Wayne H.S.): Rd off ff ff full twist back so mi turn swedish fall side splits straight arm press. Rd off ff arabian dive roll half turn back extens ion handstand. Rd off ff back somi pike. 8.75. 3. Marty Miller Wayne H.S. ): Rd off ff double twisting back so mi y, turn swedis h fall side sp lits stiff press handstand. Rd off 1 Yllwisti ng arabia n di ve roll Russian lift chest roll to kn ees pike jump back exte nsion y, turn Rd off ff back somi pike. Side Horse: 1. Tom Haines (A kron Ell et): \-, circle moore circle moore tra vel down khere in front scisso rs to rear scissors pullout circle travel down loop off. 7.6. 2. Marty Miller (WaY ne H.S. j : Downhill circle on end swabe nflank back stock li circle moore 2 front scissors reve rse travel dow n loop off. 7.45.


Iowa All Around c hampion Merry Crouch.

Wayne High School , 1975 Ohio State Champions coached by Jack Morefield. 3. Barry Henderson (Marti n 's Ferry H.S.): Circle loop travel up travel down loop travel up 2 ci rcl es moore 3 frontscissors 1 back scissors 2 circles travel down loop off. 7.35. High Bar: 1. Tom Haines (Ak ro n EIIet): JoP kip strai ght arm to handstand J/, giant stoop in to 2 eagles hop out imm ediate front sta ld er h giant reach und er to va ult hop kip to front giant pirouette back ginat bac k stalder to cas t off front sOllli di sm o unt. 9.0. 2. Rod N ewland (M iami sb urg H .5.): Stem stoop 2 eag les hop out immedia te pirouette cross change J/,

2. Grad Simon (Yo un gstow n Boardrnan): Fliffu s doubl e back , rudolph , back sOllli , doubl e twisting back, ba rani , ba ck sorn i . doubl e back sorni , baran i, back >om i , tripl e t wist ing back so rni . 1l.15. 3. John McKeel (Youngstown Boa rdrnan H .S. ) Fliffu s, doub le back rud o lph , doubl e tw ist in g back sOllli , barani back sorni , rudolph , bac k 'somi , d oub le twisting ba ck sOlll i, rudolph. 7.55.



front gian t stall cha n ge va ult kip frollt g iant pirouette

bac k giant full twisting flyaway di srno unt. 8.35. 3.lrv Keneriy (Franklin H. S.): Stem stoo p in 2 eag les hop out imm ediat e pirouette cros s change J/ , gia nt stall change va ult kip front giant baran i dismount. 8.30. Parallel Bars: ' 1. Tom Haines (A kr o n Ell et H S.): Jump to glide kip reve rse stradd le cu t cast to supp ort straddl e cu t " L" stiff press pirouette stut z drop p each front upri se to swin g handstand back som i disount. 8.75. 2. Roland Bischoff (Way ne H. S.): G lid e kip reverse straddl e cut cast to suppo rt strad dl e cut" L" press handst and piro uette back to ss stut z hand stand bac k doubl e dismount. 8.60. 2. Marty Miller (Way ne H.S.): G lid e kip reve rse straddle cu t cast to suppo rt cut " L" press hand stand pirou ett e back to ss la yaway front uprise handstand back so mi dismount. 8.60. Still Rings : 1. Chris Hayna m (You ngstown Boardman) Double disloca te shoo t hand stand fa ll out back upri se " L '. sea t press hand stand fa ll o ut ba c k uprsie " L" cross back leve r double disloca te fu ll tw istin g ba ck so mi dismount. 8.25. 2. Roland Bischoff (Wayne H.5. ): Pull to hang double dislocat e shoot handstand lower th ro ugh to inl oca te ba ck upri se "L" holl ow back press lowe r to di sloca te to ba ck leve r di slocate doub le bac k so rni dismo unt. 7.95. 3. Dale Eby (Way ne H . S.): Double di slocate shoo t handstand fal l ou t back uprsie to " I" press hand sta nd lower d ow n to back leve r doubl e di slo cate to full

Th e stat e mee t was held March 15 in th e Veterans Audit o rium , D es Moi nes, Iowa. Along with this report I ha ve se nt a pi cture of the gymnast ics team here at Clinton High School. Thi s was our first trip to state co mpetiti o n and alth o ugh we fini shed sixth out of th e six tea m s of Iowa we fee l thi s is quit e an accomp li shment since there are 59 sc hoo ls. Team Scores 228.20 Des Moines Roo seve lt 222.35 Bettendorf, Iowa 210.15 Ceda r Washington 207.65 D es Moines H oover 190.95 D es Moin es Ea st 187.45 Clin ton All Around Merry Cro uch (Bett end o rf) 33. 85 33.35 Kathy Keck (Roosevelt ) Carol Schberg (B ett endorf) 32.85 Lauri e Keck (Roo seve lt ) 32.80 Gwen Wh isler (Bett endorf) 31.70 M ary Graildanette (Dow ling) 31.15 RESULTS : BB : Merry Crouch (Bettendorf ) 8.80; Sandy Parks (Cedar Rapids Wa shington ); Kim Ca re y (Des Moines Rooseve lt). FX: Merry Cro uch (Bett end o rf ) 8.95 ; Kath y Keck (Des Moines Roo seve lt ); Mary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Grandanett e (Des Moin es Dowling). UPB: Lauri e Keck (Roo sevelt) 8.80 ; Li z Mc Derlllo tt (Rooseve lt ); Merry Crouc h (Bette nd orf). V: Ka th y Keck (Roosevelt ) 8.55: Caro l Sc huberg (Be tt end o rf ); Gwen Whisler (Bett end orf). Tr: De ni se Bu chhei ster (Cedar Rap id s Wa shington) 9. 20 ; Val Kropf (Ma so n City); Mo ll y Ryan (Cedar Rapids Wa shington ). Tu: Ci nd y Dirk s ICedar f all s) 8.90 ; Janet Shepa rd (Wa shington) ; Ca ro l Shir ley (Bett endo ri ). 1974-75 IOWA BOY' S GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONS By Tod C. Evans Floor Exercise - Mik e Chadima (Cedar Rap id s Washington): Japa nese jurnp to st radd le stand , st raig ht arlll -straigh t leg press to hand stand , stoop down, roundoff - flip flop full , back exten sion to hand stand , stoop down , front salta - front handspring fro nt breakfa ll. turn to illu sio n piro uett e , stoop d ow n, ae rial ca rt w heel , ba ck wa lk ove r to splits , stoop up , roundoff - flip flo p - back. Trampoline - Randy Ableman (Cedar Rapid s Wa shington) : 1. Brani-in , f"ll o ut ; 2. Do ubl e back ; 3. Rudolph : 4. Doubl e fu ll ; 5. Rud o lph ; 6. Back ; 7. H ·, back ; 8. Cody; 9. Full ; 10. Do u b le full ; 11 . Tripl e full. Pommel Horse - Eric Randolph A ll A ro und Champ ion (Des Moines Roo sevelt): On the neck , hop rn oo re, loop, travel up , tra ve l down, kh ere, doubl e leg circl e, break to two rever se scisso rs, leg cut.lwo fr o nt scissors, leg cu t, double leg circle, moore, circle, moore, trav el down irnrned iate loop off. Long Horse Vault - Eric Randolph A ll Around Cham pi o n (Des Moines Roo seve lt): Hand spring from th e croup. Parallel Bars - Eric Randolph A ll Around Champiol) (Des Mo i nes Roo seve lt ) : From th e side, double rear moore , v-seat , stra igh t a rill , stra ight body press, stut z, flank va ult off the side to g lide kip und er th e bars, cas t ba ck int o t he middl e, cast to upper arms, reverse stut z, layaway , front uprise, front ofr. Horizontal Bar - Eric Randolph All Around Champion (Des Moines Roo sevelt): St em , giant , pirouette, gia nt , cross over pirouette to illlm ed iate piro uett e over left arm , giant , blind change, g iant , ~'g i a nt , reac h und e r, vau lt , kip, forward hip circl e chan ge, giant, brani o fr. Rings - Eric Randolph A ll A round Cham pion (Des Moines Roo sevelt): Pull , dis locate, shoo t hand stand , bailout to back lever, front upri se to L-sea t, holl ow back press, lowe r to straddl e L, straight body forward roli to in vert ed hang, di slocate, full.

· twi sling bac k sam i d ismo unt. 7.9.

3. Rex Birkmire (Worth in gto n H.S.) Feige backward straig ht body to hand stand giant swi ng backward lower " L" cross reg ular cro ss pullbac k out di slocate reverse kip ho llo w ba ck ; , giant ba ck kip strad dl e off di smount. 7.9. Trampoline: 1. Ed Goodman (To ledo DeSales H . S. ): Barani o u t fliffus , double ba ck some rsault , barani back sorn i barani , full t w ist ing back so mi , double t w isting back so rni back J/, so rni d o ubl e cody . 8.75.


, Clinton High School Row 1: Bonnie Reed, Eileen Schlunz - manager , Cindy Bock - captain, Ann Griffin, Marta Holmstrom, Debbie Rebelsky, Sande Pollard . Row 2: Sherre Quick , Deana Morehead , Barb Leonard , Sue Spears, Ann DeVine , Beth Emmert , Julie Moore, Robin Spooner. Kelly Opeheim - not present. Top : Leah Ridenour - Coach , Steve Eberle - Assistant Coach· not present.

GYMNAST Aug. '75


Our high school special color poster fold out this issue is an exciting imaginative jungle gymnast painting by Rick Fields (ex-UCLA gymnast and brother of Rob Fields) espressly for our high school gymnasts. Also as part of this foldout we feature tw interesting multi-exposure photos of high school gy mnasts Warren Smith an Valeri Painton (New York State Balance Beam champion) sent to us by coach Jeff McGrath ... Plus sequence photos of Illinois State H.S. championships by Jack Biesterfeldt.

SPOTLIGHT ON ILLINOIS ' Sequences for text on p .12 and p .13 1. Connor 2 . Schmidt 3 . Black




Valerie Painton , New State Balance Beam champion H.W: Schroder High School Webster, New York .

GYMNAST Aug. '75

Region 4

Breck Grigas; Hinsdale Central, 4th state all around, 7th Hi-Bar, 6th Rings . 1975


A pre-m eet press r elease o f th e Illinoi s Hi g h Sc hoo l A sso c iatio n o ff ered thi s; "Conn er co ul d take State Gy mn as ti cs team titl e sin g lehand edl y. ·· O f CO urse , t hey are re fe rrin g to Bart Co nn e r of N il es Wes t Hi g h Sc hool. Th at ass umpti o n alm o st ca m e tru e, but th e Hin sd ale Ce ntr al Red Dev il s we re too st ro n g for an yo n e m an. Hi nsd ale ro ll ed up 194 p o int s to 133. 5 fo r N il es W est to ca pture th eir fif t h team titl e in th e las t six Years. Coac h Neil Kru p ic ka is th e third coac h at H i nsd ale to w in a team titl e . Th e hi g hl ig ht o f th e m ee t, h oweve r, w as Bart Conn e r. Bart wo n o r ti ed fo r fo ur indi v idu al titl es . Mr . Co nn e r se t a newa ll- aro und reco rd o f 45.45 fo r five eve nts, a n ew reco rd of 9.35 o n ho ri zo nt al ba r, and a n ew reco rd o f 9.55 o n pa rall el b ars fo r h is thi rd consecuti ve titl e o n t hat eve nt. A s a n o te of ir1t e rest to th ose w ho fo ll ow Illinois hi g h sc h oo l gy mn asti cs, a colleg e tea m co mposed o f th e top indi vidu als and allaround ers wo uld sco re 214.45 u nd er NC A A sco ri ng. Co mpare th is sco re to las t yea r 's 211. 70. Team Results 194.0 1. Hi nsdale Central 2. Nil es West 133.5 125.8 3. Hersey 109.5 4. Nil es Ea st 109.3 5. Oak Pa rk All Around B. Con ner (Nil es W .) 45.45 K. M uenz (Hersey) 42.85 N. Sh er (Niles E.) 42.85 B. Griga s (Hin sdale C) 41 .75 D. Osborn (Oa k Pa rk) 41 .20 FX: K. Oehlse n (Hersey) 9. 05 & B. Co nn er (N il es W .) 9.05; M . Goodson (Glenbard 5.) & S. Eco nomid es (Hinsda le C) 9.00. PH: P. Black (Hinsda le C) 9.10; B. Co nn er (N il es W .) 9.00; M. Burke (Ni les E.) 8. 95. HB : B. Co nn er (Nil es W .) 9.35 ; N. Sher (N il es E. ) 9. 10; F. Rass musse n (York ) 8.90 & K. Li szewski (Rolling M ead .) 8.90 . Tr: K. M cGraw (Thornr idg e) 9.20; S. Polli ce (N il es E.) 9.10 ; B. M cFa rl (New Tri er W .) 9.00. PB: B. Co nn er (N il es W.) 9.55 ; N. Sh er Nil es E. ) 8.90; M. Jebb (Hinsdale C) 8.80. SR: K. Ma ngo (W ill ow broo k) 9.25 ; C Ol son (Glenbrook 5.) 9.00 ; G. Dreher (Reav is) 9.00. GYMNAST Aug_ '75

. M_H.S.A.A. STATE GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR BOYS Trenton H.S. March 8, 1975 .y. Thi s yea r 's state m ee t fo un d o ur h ig h sch oo l gy mn asts to b e o f th e hi g h es t o ve rall q ua l ity in th e.h isto ry o f pre p gy mn as tics in M ic h iga n. W e u se 'q uali fY in g sco res fo r teams an d in div idu als to de termin e e ntrY int o th e state m ee t. Th e hi g h'li ght o f th e co mpe titi o n wa s th e battl e fo r th e all-aroun d c h ampi o nship . Th e d iffe re n ce b e t wee n th e to p ~,. c ont e n d e rs p ro ved to b e o nl y .5 o f a po int. .Res ul ts :· AA : Steve Le na rt (Tay lo r Tr u ma p ) 7.27 ave ra ge; D en ni s Rumbau g h (A nn A rbo r Pion eer) 6.95 ave rag e; Rand y All (T re nt o n ) 6.77 ave rage. Th e Pi o n ee r team se t a state sco rin g reco rd wi th 138.00 po int s fo r fir st pl ace . Tay lo r Tru ma n was se co n d w ith 126.67 and Tre nt o n pl aced th i rd w ith 11 9.77 fo r th e 6 e ven ts and th e allaro und e rs av erage . A. A. H u ro n wa s fo u rt h w ith 116.42 and th e fifth pl ace A l p e n a tea m w as th e onl y o th er team b esid es Pion ee r and Truman to b o as t a state c ham p io n indi vidu al at th e co ncl us io n o f th e m ee t. A s yo u can see o nl y six full team s q u ali fied for th e state m ee t and ind ividu als fro m on ly fou·' o th e r sc h oo ls qu ali fied. ,'; . All Around '. , '. Team Scores 1. Pion ee r 138. 00 St eve Lena rt (Truman) 36.35 2. Truman 126.67 Dennis Rumbaugh (Pionee r) 34.75 3. Tre nt on 11 9.77 11 6.42 Randy All en (Trenton ) 33.85 4. Huron 5. Alpena 110.36 Kenn edy 100.80 WINNING ROUTINES Floor Exercise - Dennis Rumbaugh: ro un d-of f, back handspring, double bac k, ba ck ex tension hand stand, roun d off, arabian 1'/ , dive roll, stradd le jump, front sait o, head spri ng, prone fa ll, strad dl e cut, turn to stra ddle stand, sti ff- stiff, roun d off, side som ie, single leg circle to hand stand, round off, ba ck handsprin g, full twisti ng ba ck sa it o. 8.75. Horizontal Bar - Dennis Rumbaugh: Stemm e, Vo ronin va ult , hop kip, y, und ergrip giant, stall reach under va ult, hop kip , front giant, piro uett e, straddle toe on toe off, blin d change, giant full twistin g hecht. 8.65. . Pommel Horse - Dorian Deaver: schabenflanke, uphill moo re, doubl e sw iss, sc hwabenfl ank e, bac k stockli to the saddle, front scissors, sci ssors hop y, turn , leg cut to reverse sc issors, circl e, travel down to chaquini an. 7.50. Parallel Bars - Norm Smit: Cast suppo rt straddl e cut L sea t, stiff-st iff, drop to peac h glid e, to german pea ch, fro nt up rise , swing pir ouett e, cast back upr ise , straddl e cut, swin g hand stand, ba ck saito dismoun t. 8.40. Still Rings - Ken Donakowski: Dislocate, shoo t handstand , forwa rd giant, lower to L cro ss, to reg ul ar cro ss, to back leve r, inlocate, bac k upri se L seat, holl ow bac k press, giant swin ging full twist dismount. 8.80. Trampoline - Newt Loken: full in, barani ou t f1 iffis doub'le bac k, pik e fliffis, fu ll twist, y, in y, out, ru do lf, doubl e twist, ru dolf, double back 2 3/4 fr ont, rud olf ball out. 8.05 . Trampoline - Scott MacKenzie: Bara ni out f1i ff is, rud olf, doubl e bac k, pik e 1'14 ball out, back sa it o, doubl e twist, rud olf, doubl e back, ba rani in fliffi s. 8.05. MICHIGAN STATE GIRLS MEET By Kenneth D. Hoffman Th e Tr oy g ir ls gy mn asti cs tea m saw i ts c h an ces o f re p ea ting as state c hampi o n s das h ed . Th e t ea m from Ludin gto n squ eeze d a narrow v icto ry fr o m th e runn er- up Groves squ ad , 132.85 -132 .1 2. Th e Co lt s m an aged a resp ec tabl e sixth place fini sh . Th e state m ee t atrracted mo re th an 25 0 ·co mp etit o rs r epre se ntin g 56 hi gh sch oo ls. Tumblin g and trampolin e we re ca ptured b y eve ntu al ov erall c h ampion Kitt y Skillm an o f Groves. In all , Kitt y won or ti ed fo r fir st in fi ve o f th e six eve nt s. The o n e even t w hi c h e lud ed

Marie Cederna , Marquette Michigan. Kitt y di dn 't wa nde r ve ry far fro m th e Skillm an fam il y as siste r Sa ra cap tu red th e beam . Th e Lu d in gto n sq uad fa il ed to w in a sing le eve nt , b ut it s d e p th all owed th e c h ampi o n sh ip tro ph y to h ead west . afte r th e m ee t' s co n c lu sio n. Sp earh ea din g the ~ !Jd in g t o n ef fo rt wa s Ma rth a Ga r re tt , w h o ! i,l d fo r seco n d w ith Lo ri Boes in th e f loo r exe rc ise an d took a third o n th e uneven b ars e nrou te to a thi rd pl ace fin ish in th p' in d iv idu al ran ki n gs. M elani e W rob le w as th e o nl y o th e r Ludi n gto n g irl to b reak th e top, fo ur in an y eve nt. Th e b attl e fo r th e o ve rall indi v idu al c h am p io n shi p b e tw ee n Tr o y's de fendin g kin gp in , ~or i Bo es, an d Gro ves' Kitt y Skillm an we nt down to t h e fin al eve nt b efo re Kitt y em e rged num be r o ne. Mi ss Sk illm an ave rage d 8.35 in th e fo ui' O ly mpi c eve n ts (bea m , b ars, vault and f loo r exe rc ise) to Lor i's 8.18 ave rage. Sa ra Skillman av e rag ed 7.65 fo r fo urth pl ace and D e b b ie Oj ibwa y fro m Tay lo r Kenn ed y ro und ed ou t t h e to p fi ve w i t h a 7.46 ave rag e. Fo ll ow in g Lu d in g to n an d Gro ves in t h e tea m stan d in gs w e re Ta y lo r Ke nn ed y, Eas t Lan sin g, W yo min g Roge rs an d Tr o y. Th e d efen d in g C ha mpi o n Tro y team suffered a lo ng li st of de b ilit atin g injuri es w hi ch n ega ted any ch ance of r e p eat in g. Team Scores 132.85 1. Lu dington 132.12 2. Groves 122 .63 3. Tay lor Kenn edy 114.87 4. Ea st Lansing 114 .07 5. WYomin g Roge rs 11 0.37 6. Troy All Around 33.40 Kitt y Skillman (G roves) 32.70 Lori Boes (Troy) 31.10 M art ha Garrett (Lud in gton) Sara Sk illman (G roves) Debbi e Oji bway (Taylor Kenn edy) 29.85 Tr: Kitt y Skill man (Grov es) -S.07 ; Ka th y Wo lve n (Rockfo rd ) 7.83 ; M elanie Wro ble (Ludington) 7.57. Tu: Ki tty Ski ll man (Groves), 8.83; Debb ie Ojibway (Taylor Kenn edy) 8.57 ; Lo rie Boes (Troy) 8.30. BB:'S<tra Ski ll man (Groves) 8.10; Kitt y Skillman (G roves) 8,0.0;. Lori Boes (Troy) 7.85. UPB: Lori Boes (Troy) and K[ tt y Skillman (Grove s) B.05 eac h; Ma rth a Ga'rrett (Ludi ng ton) 7.BO. V: Kitt y Skillman (Groves) 8.70; Lori Boes (Tro y) B.45; Debbi e Oj ibwa y (Taylor Kenn edy) 8.35. FX: Kitt y Ski ll man (Groves) 8.65; Lori Bo es (TroY) and M artha Ga rrett (Ludin gton) 8.35 each. 29


By Cynthia Theophilus The New U lm G y mna stics team was un defeated thi s year w ith a 12-0 re cord w innin g the re gio n a l, tak in g 12 of 15 pla ce s, and 4th in the sta te t e am t OU rrl ame rll .



By Bev Reynolds Team Scores

Peter Shapiro , Minnesota State all around champion.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Port age I ndi a n apo li s Howe Evan sv ill e Harrison Ft. Wa y ne Sniu er

83.50 81.40 79.00 73.80



Team Scores 1. A rm strong 148.79 4. Cooper 127.24 2. Ale xander Ram sey 133.70 5. Park Ce nt er 126.40 3. Fairmont 131.20 6. Grand Rapids 104.66 All Around Pete Shapiro (St. Loui s Park ) 37.55 Mike Takata (Armstro ng) 26.45 Jam ie Wright (Coon Rapid s) 36. 15 John Fjellanger (Pipestone ) 36.00 M ik e L'A lli er (Park Center ) 34.00 Jack Barke IFa irm ont) 33.50 FX: Bob Duffey (Fairmont ) 17.2; M ik e Li vie ri (Armstrong) 17.05 ; Reid Goldet skY (St. Lou is Park ) 17.0. PH: Kurt Koegel (Burnsvill e) 16.55 ; M ik e Wi llitt (Armstrong) 15.30 & Doug Haining (St. Louis Park ) 15.30. HB: John Fj ellang er (Pipestone) 17.9; Rick Newtson (Arm strong) 17.85 ; Jamie W ri ght (Coon Rapid s) 17.4. Tr: Tom Ryan (St. Loui s Park ) 16.95 ; Steve Hubbard (Roch. M ayo ) 16.50 ; Tim Ploog (St. Loui s Park ) 16.3. PB : Mik e Takata (A rm st rong) 17.8; Reid Go ldet sky (St. Loui s Park ) 17.65 ; John Fjellanger (Pipeston e) 16.55 & Pete Shapiro (St. Loui s Park ) 16.55. SR: Bryan John son (A lex. Ramsey) 17.50; John Fjellanger (Pipeston e) 17. 25 ; Pete Shap iro (St. Loui s Park ) 17.15. WINNING ROUTINES Floor Exercise - Bob Duffey: Pik ed front som i walkout , handspring, fro nt somi (tucked ), head spring , piked front som i, headspr in g to heel s, vald ez to hand stand, slow ly bri ng fe et to standing position, Roundoff, back di ve, straddle j ump , fli p-f lop to front lean in g support , turn over to split s, turn left bringing feet togeth er, stiff- stiff press. Round off, flipflop, sid e som i, swedi sh fall , leg dow n and turn o ver to ba ck lean i ng support, back exte nsion to handstand , bri ng fe et slow ly dow n. Round off, flip-flop, back fu ll twi st. 17.2 or 8.6 ave. Pommel Horse - Kurt Koegel : Drehflanke mount on end of horse, circl e, back moore immed iate side tra vel up, tramlot , circle, moore , circl e, stockli , V, circle, cut to front scissors, cut into back sci ssor, circle ou t, trave l dow n, sch w abenf lanke dismoun t in high flair position. 16.55 or 8.275 ave. Horizontal Bar - John Fjellanger: Stern ri se to handstand position, j/< giant, stoop to dislocate, dislocated giant s (eagle s) 2, hop to immediate pi rouett e, giant , blind sw it ch , 1>'4 giant to stall , reach un der vault , kip chang e, gialll , pi rouette, giant , toeon to front somi off di smount. 17.9 or 8.95 ave. Trampoline - Tom Ryan: Double back som i, doub le back som i, tuck back som i, rudolph , back doub le twist, back somi , rudolph, H', back somi , cod y, back somi , back somi , tripple tw ist. 16.95 or 8.475 ave. Parallel Bars - Mike Takata: Jump to gl id e on end of bars, kip to out side ba ck double leg cu t to support , ca st to support, do ubl e leg cut to " L" support, stiffstiff press, cast, rear upr ise, double leg cut , should er roll , rear upri se to ha nd stand , front p irouette , sw in g pea ch to lay away, front upri se , front saito dismount. 17.8 or 8.9 ave. Still Rings - Bryan Johnson : St raight arm and bod y pull to in verted han g, ca st to rear upri se to handstand, back ro ll to cro ss, pull into back leve r, di slocate , in verted hang , ca st to rear uprise, straight bod y p ress to hand stand , y, giant swing, dislocate , doub le back som i. 17.5 or 8.7 5 ave .

By John Hinds


Team Results 148.47 Columbus No rth 141.53 2. Crown Point 138.!l2 3. No rt h Centra l 116.05 4. Heritage Individual Winners TR: Joh n Peet (N orth Centra l) 8.4. V : Dan Linder (C rown Point) 8.5. FX: Mike Andrews (Pioneer) 8.8. PH: Da vid Bartholomai (jefferson ville ) 7.3. HB : Mike Scalf (So uth port ) 8.3. PB: Ji m Ka hl enbeck (Colu mb us North ) 8.0. SR: John Dunn (Jefferson ville ) 8.2. AA: Dan Linder (Crown Po int ) Average 6.9. 1.

Portage H .S. - Back : Lianne Cox , Toni Yudt, Karen Kusmierz , Coach Bev Reynolds. Front: Sandy Horner, Lynann Huisings, Sheryl Cook. All Around Tammy Driscoll (am. No) 7.66 Beth Brown (am. NW) 7.26 Barb Baker (am. Burke) 6.74 Peg Liddi ck (Lin NE) 6.53 Carolyn Ca rvet h (Lin SE) 6.46 V: Nancy Ste iner (am SO ) 16.85 ; Tammy Driscoll (a m No) 16.45 ; Renee Earl (am NW) 16.05. FX: Tammy Driscoll (am. No) 16.60; Beth Brown (am . NW) 16.00; Lori Jon es (Li n East) 15.45. UPB : Beth Brown (am. NW) 15.35 ; Barb Baker (am Burke) 15.25; Tammy Driscoll 10m No) 15.15. BB : Sue Carso n (am NW) 15.60 & Tamm y Dri scoll (am N o ) 15.60; Caro lyn Ca rve th (Lin SE) 12.40.



By Jon S. Blocker


By Roy Katskee Th e meet was h eld Feb. 28 - March 1st 1975 at Omaha Northwest Hi gh School. Hi g hli ghts of the meet were the finals of th e A ll A round competition as meet favor it e Beth Brown (Om. NW) was defeated b y Tammy Driscoll (Om. No) 7.66 to 7.26. The beam being the dec idin g factor. And Omaha Nort h west finishing an undefeated season a nd w inning the first champ ions hip in the schoo ls fo ur yea r history.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Omaha Omaha Lin col n Omaha Lincoln Omaha

Team Scores N orthwes t Bur ke N orth east South Ea st N orth

87.76 80.19 79.33 78.88 75.63 73, 11

Lin co ln East u seu i ts sup e ri o r depth a nd exper i ence to o utl ast North Platte hi g h sc h oo l in its bid for it s first state gymnast i cs title. The stat e m eet seemed to be a bit weak thi s yea r w ith somewha t of a lack of o ut st andin g performers. The exc it e m e nt of the meet ste mm ed from the closeness of th e meet, down to the las t e v e nt , between th e two top t eams a nd the top 3 a ll around performers. A ll aro und c h amp ion Kirk Friuri ch sco red a mee t hi gh 9.1 on horizontal ba r on hi s way to the c hampi o n ship all aro und spo t. Randy Matsunami from Omaha Northwest hi g h sc h oo l surpri se u many people at the m eet w ith hi s clea n performances o n his way t o fourt lo: place a ll arounu. Team Scores 146.64 1. Lin coln Ea st 143.98 ' 2. North Platte 138.25 3. Omaha South 4, Omaha N ort hwest 136.99 131.30 5, Linco ln Sout heast 128,18 6. Omaha Burke All Around Kirk Fri dri ch (Lin SE ) 43,50 Ri c Hein eman (Mil lard ) 43,25 Tracy Turner (Lin Ea st) 42,55 Rand y Mat sunami (Omaha N W ) 41.95 John Hartung (Omaha So ) 40,80 John Borden (N, Platte ) 37.35 V: Tra cy Tur ner (Lin e. Ea st) 17,85 & Dan Weiss (N u, Platte ) 17,85 ; Robb McDanie l (Mi llard) 17.45. FX: Rand y Mat sunarni (North west) 17.25; Kirk Fridri ch (Sout hea st) 16,10 ; Jim Bea l (Line. East) 15.90 & Tom Swoboda (Cr. Prep ) 15.90. PH: John Hartung (Sout h) 14,90 ; Rick Traudt (Lin co ln Hi gh ) 14.45 ; Da ve W eak land (Lin col n Ea st) 13,50. HB: Kirk Fridrich (Southea St) 17,85 ; Ra y Boyce (Gr. Island) 16,50 ; Ric Heineman (Mil lard ) 16.45. Tr: Rick Hupfer (N o, Platte ) 16, 10 ; Dan Wei ss (N o, Platte) 15,95 & Bob Rot hwe ll (Lin coln Hi gh ) 15,95, PB : Ra ndy Mat sullami (Omaha NW) 15.80 & Brad Ne lson (Burk e) 15.80; Jon Borden (No, Platte ) 15.70. R: Tra cy Turner (Lin Ea st) 15,90; Kirk Fridri ch (So uthea St) 15.7 5; Ric Hein eman (Mi llard) 15.40,

GYMNAST Aug. '75


Floor Exercise: Gai lle r back ha nd spring, ro und off ba c k h andsp rill g fu ili w isl, dan ce, ae rial c arlwhee ll o ba c k lill sica frolll lill sica, lea ps a e rial wa lko ve r, fronl ha nd sprill g fro lll sle p o ul ro und off ba c k hand ba c k lUck , di ve back h a ll d spring c h esl ro ll o ui.


Kirk Fridric h , Nebraska A-A c h a mpio n Lin co ln Southeast H .S.

NORTH DAKOTA GIRLS STATE MEET The 1974-75 o rth Dakota H igh Schoo l gyrnnas ti cs se aSOll carne to a close w ith t he Stat e Me et in Jarn es town o n Feb ru ar y 25 and Marc h 1. 1 we nt y- thr ee (23) tea m s co mpet ed w ilh twel ve be illg Class A and eleve n Class ll. Th e Class A sc hoo ls did the Class II cornpul sori es and op ti ona ls with a ma ximum of eight girl s ent ered in each eve nt from each school , providin g fiv e were A ll A round. Th e Class B sc hoo ls p erfo rm ed th e Class III comp ul sori es alld optiona ls with th e sa me number all owe d per eve nt. A s in th e pas t thr ee yea rs, two team s domilldt ed the fin als. Di c ki nso n Hi gh wo n th e team titl e o utri ght thi s ye ar af ter tiei ng wi th Farg o So uth last year. Di ck in so n swept th e top three pl aces in Balance Bea rn and U neve n Bars. Th ey also took th e top two places in Fl oo r Exe rcise all d 1st, 3rd, and 4th in A ll Arou nd . In Va ulting , Di cki nso n to ok 1st and 4th , and Fargo So uth dominated th e res t of th e Va ult pla ces . W ith Di ck inson los in g o nl y on e g irl thro ugh graduat io n, and Farg o Sou th los in g none, it app ears th ey w ill aga in be th e po we rs n ex t seaso n. Robin Hueb ner, an 5th grad er from D ickin so n, d efended her A ll A ro und , Ba lance Bea m, and Floor Exe rc ises titl es from last yea r and we nt a ll to w in Va ulting and U neve n Bar s to sweep all 5 eve nt s. Her w innin g ro utin es w er e as l o ll ows: Class A Te am Scores 211 .925 4. Minol 179.959 200.776 5. Fargo Soulh 161.560 3. Jdm e~ l ow ll 151 .660 6. Wesl Fargo 161.492 All Around Robin Hu e bne r (Di c kinso n ) 73.495 Marcia U rb a n (Fargo )ou lh ) 65.681 Linda Ba sJraba (Di ck illSo n ) 65.432 Gre la Sjurse n (Di ck inso n ) 67. 165 Calh y Heg re (Fargo So ul h ) 66.696 Kar e n Hegr" (FdI'go So ulh ) 63.832 BB: Robin Hu eb ne r (Di c kin so n ) 25.066 ; Gre la Sjurse n (Dic kinson ) 26.066 ; Kim Lupe (Dicki nson ) 25.665. FX : Robin H upbne r (Di c kin so n ) 27. 11 0 ; Lin da Basa raba (Di c ki",ull ) 25.733 ; Anll Ras mu ssen (Min OI) 25.432. UPB: Robin Hu eb ner (Dic kin so n) 25.133 ; Gre la Sjur;ell (Di ck illso n ) 26.699; Lill da Ba saraba' (Dic kinsoll ) 26.399 . V: Ro bill Hu e bn e r (Dickinso n ) 28.633: M a rc ia Urba n (Farg o SOUl h ) 25.499 ; Calh y Heg re (Fargo SO Ul h) 27. 9. WINNING ROUTINES Unev e n Bars: G lide fuili w isi. reve rse kip , long ha n g kip , fronl h ip handsl<1lld , h op c ha n ge fro lll slald e r 10 bea l o n low bar . slrddd le ove r. slra dd le back. glid e IUln g lid" . kip halld sland. la y b,lCk 0 11 hi gh bdl', SlOOp sol e c ircle " lui'll. be dl SlOOp ove r low ba r, 10 llg hdn g kip , 110 111 so le ci rcl e. back ofr. Vau l! : Ydma sh ila Be,lIn: l' I f'S> hand>la lld 0 11 Ihe e n d. \, IUII l Sl ldddl e sw ing down , "ep up. dance . fu ll lurn , aeria l ca rl w h e(~ 1. k'd PS, ~ J.lli I S, swi ng to hallcl stdlld a ll d wa lk oul, sC dle , back halld sp rin g. lui'll . full lUi'll , fronl wa lk ove r . SlO p , wa ik o ul of il. da n ce lea p s, full t\Vi stin g frolll di slll o unt. 1.

, (



Tea m Scores Shawnee Mi ssioll So ulh Shawnee M ission Wesl Law rence Topeka High Wi c hila No nh Wich il a Sou lh All Around Hal Kur z (SM So ulh ) Dan Cope land (To peka Hi g h ) Jo hn Cope la nd (Topeka Hi g h ) Marsha ll Kelly (SM o rlh ) Brad Smilh (Wi c hila SE) A lan Bau s (Wi c hil a So ulh )


145.74 145.15 135.69 133. 19 190. 07 107. 85 46.75 45.55 45.00 41.50 34.75 3320

RESULTS V: Re nfro (S M Wes l) 18.30 ; McDonald (Law re n ce) 17.50 : D. Cope la nd (Topeka) 17.45. FX: La n ey (To p e ka ) 17. 10: Kur z (SM So u lh ) 17. 05 ; Ke ll ey (SM NO rlh ) 16.75. PH: Moore (SM SO Ul h) 12. 50 ; Mesle r (Lawre n ce) 12.60 ; O a lman (SM Ea st) 12.45. HB : Kur z (SM So ulh ) 16.65: Young (SM Wes l) a n d Ka y Lawren ce) 15.90. PB: Lev in (S M So ulh ) 17.10; Wa yne (SM Easl) 16.70 ; Kurz (SM Soulh ) 16.60 . SR: Alt ma n (SM So ulh ) 16.35; Dunn (SM West) 16.30; Kurz (SM Sou lh ) 15.30.


S uz y Andrews , 14, Alamo Heights Hi gh School, San Antonio. 1975 Texas High School G irl s All Around C hampi o n .

Di c kinso n Fargo So ulh


GYMNA Sl Aug. '75

itegion 6 TEXAS



April 25-26, 1975 lyndon B. Johnson H.S. , Au stin Hammitt and Gail Matthys, Directors By J.e. Hairston

M ee t

Led by fine 1-2 A ll A rou nd fini shes b y Rand y Hairsto n and Dann y Mil ler, L.D . Bel l High Sc hool 0 1 Hurst reca ptured th e Stat e bo ys titl e lo st last yea r to San A nge lo, and took th e big State trop hy horne for the eighth time ill nine yedl' s. Od essJ Permian Hi gh School cap tu re d its first state titl e eve r, edg in g San Antonio Churchill and Hurst Bell , 184.6-182.95 -1 82.45 . Hdil sto n took th e A ll Aro un d hono rs b y eight po in ts over tedm mate Da nn y Mi ll er, 95. 15-91,2. 1 he llell lllue Raid ers had bo th depth and streng th , addi ll g 133.65 points in optio nal exe rcises (top thr ee sco re s of four en tri es) to their ve ry cri sp 154.5 in cornpu lso ri es o n Frida y.

Hairston wo n va u ltin g and floo r exercises (doubl e back ), wh il e tea mm ate Mark Knupp won Parall el llars and H igh Bar and Da nn y M ill er wo n th e ~ i d e Horse . Th e sal e gold meda l to elu de t he Raid ers w as th e Ring champi o nshi p wo n by Steph en Rutledge of Ab il en e Coop er. A ll Around Shel ly Dai ss led a stro ng team effo rt tor Permian w ith a 61.5 A ll Around in ' co mpul sory .lnd op tion al exercises. The ex hu beran ce of th e Mo-J o girl s co uld o nl y be co mpar ed to th e w il d exc it eme nt of th e Au stin Reaga n girl s in '1974 whe n th e Reaga n fr es hm an and sophomore s took th e 1974 girl s titl e. Permi an A ll Amer ican Sherry John son wo n th e va ult to give Ih e Odessa gi rl s th eir o nl y ind ivid ual gol d m eda l , b ut Dai ss too k seco nd o n b eam , fifth on e lle ve ns: and foun h A ll Aro und w hil e lle t h Webb took sixth in floor . A lam o Heig ht s fres hman Su zi A ndrews of Sa n A nt o ni o co ll ec ted go ld m ed als a ll bea m and floo r exercise, w hil e cross -t own rival Churchill Hi gh ce lebrdted Trac y Shearin 's go ld medal Oil un evens. GIRLS RESULTS Team Scores 1.

Od c!:I!:Ia Pe rfllidll

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

San A lll onio C hurc hill H u rsl Bell San A nge lo Ce llii dl San A nl onio Aldm o Heig hl s M id lalld H igh

184.60 182.95 18 2.45 178.05 177.20 175.40


FX: Mary Jane Cava llie re (Scottsda le) 17.65; Jane Studeny (Sag uaro (Sag uaro ) 17.30; Marie Bau er (Coronado) 17.15. V: Jane Voge l (Sco ttsda le) 17.55; Susa n We ll man (Scottsdale) 17.05 ; Hel en Conners (Sag uaro) 16.90. BB: Karen Chri ste nse n (Rincon) 17.55; J. Stude ny (Sag uaro) 17.15 & L. Emig (Coronado) 17.15. UPB: Karen Christense n (Rinco n) 16.80; Marti Cariot y (Westwood) 16.00 ; Li z Tritz (Sa bin o) 15.40.

All Around Suzi Andrews (SA A lamo Heig ht s) 64.30 Pam e la Christian (A lil mo He ight s) 62.80 Tracy Shea rin (SA Churchill ) 61.95 She lly Daiss (Odessa Permian) 61.50 Gina Nor man (Hurst Bell ) 60.90 Sharon G unt er 59.20 BB: Su zi Andrews (SA Alamo H eights); She ll y Daiss (Per mian) ; Jakson (Hurst Be ll ). V: Sherry Johnson (Per mian); Ga nd y (Hurst Be ll ); Shea rin (SA Churchill). UPB: Tracy Shea rin (SA Churchill ); Levrier (San Angelo Ce ntral); W ebster (Hurst Bell ). FX: Suzi Andrew s (SA Alamo H eights); Chri stain (A lamo Height s); tie: Marshall (Eul ess Trinit y) and Ru ssell (SA Churchill.


STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS Sahuaro High, Tucso n, Arizona May 23, 24, 1975 By Mike Ward

Team Final







BOYS RESUL TTS Team Scores Hurst Bell (State reco rd) San Angelo Central Od essa High Abilene Cooper Eul ess Trinit y Austin And erson

288. 15 266.90 256.50 248.55 233.80 210.50

All Around Rand y Hairst o n (Hurst Bell ) Dan ny Miller (Hurst Bell ) Rob Juli en (Abilene Cooper) Bob D oz ier (Odessa Hi gh ) Curt Gunter (Sa n Angelo Ce ntral) James Chapman (Odessa Hi gh)

98.15 91.20 84. 15 83.90 83 .30 81.75

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

R: Steph en Rutl edge (A bil ene Cooper) ; Gunt er (San Angelo Centra l); Vann (Hurst Bell ). HB: Mark Knupp (Hurst Bell ); Calderon (Sa n A nge loCe lllral); H airston (Hurst Bell ). PH: Dann y Morris (Hurst Bell ) and Mark Lowe (Sa n A ngelo Ce ntral); Ro yse (Hurst Bell ). V: Rand y Hairston (Hurst Be ll ); Calderon (Sa n Angelo Centra l): Dozier (Od essa Hi gh). FX: Rand y Hairston Hu rs t Bell ); Knupp (Hurst Be ll ); Mo rri s (Hurst Bell ). PB: Mark Knupp (Hu rst Bell ); H airston (Hurst Bell ); Miller (Hurst Bell ).


TRY US! See Page 4


Canyon D e l Oro High Schoo l of Tu cson, Az. rod e to it s third straight C lass AA-A State Gi rl s title , out lasting seco nd-pl ace G y mna sti cs . Fl ow in g Well s, a lso of Tu cs on o n M ay 2 and 3. Third p lace was tak e n b y Fla gs taff Coco nino , foll owed b y a fourth-pl ace fini sh b y the host sc hool, H o l brook. Ca nyo n Del Oro , l e d by Pam Wolfe and Dana Middle to n , pl aced gy mn as ts in every eve nt , w ith Middleton ca pturing third pl ace in a llaroulllJ cO lllpet ition. Wolfe pla ced fir st in fl oo r exercise and ba lance b ea m , wh il e M iddl e ton pl aced third in beam compeitition along wit h h e r all-around finish. CDO sco red 174.55 to Flowing W e lls ' 164.95. Th e two-da y c ompe tition cO lllbined both compu lso ry and optional routines , with t ea lll scores being th e totla of the two. Coconino le d th e all-arou nd scor in g wi th Re n ee Crockett pla c ing first with a score of 58.16 and Pam Loomi s, a lso of Coconino second , with 54 .90. Team Scores 1. Caonyon Delar a 174.55 4. H olbrook 149.40 2. Flow ing Wells 164.95 5. Winslow 132.20 3. Ciconino 164.35 6. Flagstaff 92.15 All Around 58.16 Renee Crockett (C O ) Pam Loomi s (C O ) 54.90 Dana Middleton (C OO ) 51.70 Kell y Remy (W IN) 42.50 FX: Pam Wolfe (COO) 16.80; Ma ria Co le (C OO ) 16.50; Jere Dobyns (FW) 16.10 . V: Ca ro l Peterson (COO) 16.45 ; Bec ky Roes (HaL B) 16.00; Lill ey Clark (HOLB ) 15.90. BB : Pam Wolfe (C OO) 15.20; Donna Nichols (FW) 13.95 ; Dan a Middleton (C OO) 13. 90. UPB: Sherry Barfie ld (FW ) 15.15 ; ReneeCroc kett (CO ) 14.45; Robin Wooldridge (COO) 13.15.

ARIZONA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL STATE MEET Results AAA May 16 & 17, 1975 Saguaro H.S. By Norma Hammer Team Results 1. 2. 3.

Scottsdale Hi gh Arc adi a High Sag uaro Hi gh

All Around 1. Karen Chri stenson (Rincon) 2. Mary Jane Cava lli ere (Sco tt sda le) 3. Cindy Read (T ucso n Hi gh) 4. Mari e Bauer (Co ronado)

Th e t ea m titl e went to Pa lo Verde High of Tu cso n for th e sec ond straight year w ith a m eet re co rd sco re of 127. 00 point s. Thi s sco r e is mo st illl pressi ve when you rea li ze that Ar izo n a h as o nl y f ive eve nt s' Th e co mpe titors for Palo Verde were D o ug Jo rd a n (bound for BY U), Roc k y Grant (U. of A ri z.), Scott Lo we (U. of A ri z.)' Lui s M e din a (t o attend Od essa Co ll ege), W alt e r Reed (A.F.A.) , Bra d Malon e, Craig Acorn and , returning for n ex t year Mik e Moore and Ron Prupp. Th e Tit a n s wi ll be we ll rep r ese nt e d in th e co ll ege rank s ne x t yea r ! Runll er - up Coronado h ad 112 point s, but it wa s onl y a f a nt as ti c r ec ord-setting performance b y Fra nk Cardella that k ep t th e m a li ve. Th e du e l in the a ll-around was fi e rce as Cardella score d a stat e reco rd 8.46 average and PV 's Dou g Jord a n sco red a n 8.0. Jord a n beat Cardella in th e floor exe rc ise fo r Frank 's fir st loss in 3 yea rs. Floor wa s th e Tita n 's best ev ent as th ey scored a 25.55 ' Th e p o mlll e l horse was highli g ht e d by Lui s Medina's fine r o utin e c on sisting of two bail eys Ith e lirst tim e for A ri zo n a high sc hoo l!) WINNING ROUTINES Floor Ex - Two o ut standing ro utin es by Carde lla of Coronado and Jorda n of Palo Verd e. Cardella - Full tw isting walkove r, cr ush turn , sp lit , press, pik e front step out , hand sp ring hi gh pike front headsp rin g sea t . di ami do n to imm edia te hea ly turn , back ex ten sio n, ro undo ff . full tw isting ba ck wa lk o ut ba ck wa lk ove r to straddl e, back ex tension , ro und of f, flip flop, full tw ist back so mmi. 9.2. Jordan - Ro und off, flip flop , doub le twi sting ba ck sommi (very high ), turn to sea t, va ldez, ro undoff layo ut ba ck wa lk out , bac k w alk over sp lit, press, front hand spr ing, ca rt w hee l. pirou ette, turn roll dow n, back wa lk ove r, rou nd off hand sprin g ff fu ll twist sa m mi . 9.05. Pommel Horse - Luis Medina - ~" circle Bail ey, circles 'I, bai ley imm ediat e ba ck Kehre in, moore, undercut break to reverse sc isso rs, forward scisso rs, re ve rse sc issor . circl e, tra ve l down , loop durham, loop , looploop V, di smount. 8.50. Steve DeCook (Sa huaro H . S.) - ~" circle on end , tra ve l up, tra vel down , kehre in , mad re circle , moo re, brea k sc issors. pi ck up circl es , trave l dow n. loop \" dismount. 7.2. Horizontal Bar - Frank Cardella - Stemm e, giant, sta ld er, giant. full pi rou ette bac k to under grip. stall. chan ge flank va ult , hop, kip, giant , o pen turn . giant , czec h, giani , doubl e tw ist flyaway. 9.15. Doug Jordan - St emme, gia nt, stoop shOal , eagle, inve rt ed giant . hop out , piro uett e turn , Ca liforni a hop. pirou ette turn , giant, fu ll tw ist flyaway. 8.2. Parallel Bars - Frank Cardella - Casl support , cui calch L, press to yoga handst and , cast h lurn 10 glide kip , reve rse strad dle cut, la yaway fro nt upri se sw in g hand , stut z layaway front upri se front w ith h off. Doug Jordan - Cast support, cut ca tch L. press hand stand , st ul z hand. ca st back uprise cu t calch layawa y front uprise. hop pirou ette hand , ba ck layout o ff. Rings - Bill Gorosave (T ucson Hi gh) - Delayed dis lo ca te . fro nt leve r (A rnold ), inloca te, ba ck upri se hand . giant swing. fa ll o ut ba ck upri se " L" ho ld , holl ow back , drop dow n, d o ubl e di slocate doub le back. Frank Cardella - inl oca te. back uprise hand stand. gia nt sw in g. fa ll o ut back upri se to cross, inlo ca te, ba ck upri se. L, press (pike) giant, d o ubl e back.

GYMNAST Aug. '75


STATE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS MEET Febru ary 14- 15, 1975 Sh eridan H.S_, Sh e rid an Wyomin g M ee t Director: Dr. D o uglas Bartz, U. o f W yom o ng

Dan Dewitt 1975 Colorad o 1st place all ar ound , P.Bars and Hi -Bar. COLORADO 1975 BOYS HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Uni ve rsity o f D e n ve r Are na Saturday M ay 10, 1975 The 1975 Boy 's High Schoo l Gymnast ics C hamp ionsh ips were he ld at th e Un ive rsit y of Denv e r Ar ena on May 10th . 10 team s and 45 i nd ividua ls q ualified from thei r d istr ict meet the previou s week. Th e top thr ee tea m s were ver y close. Favo red Cherr y Creek fi ni shed third w ith 148.22 po int s while W est min ster and W asso n b attl ed it out rig h t down to th e w ire, Wa sso n j ust edging Westm inste r by .02 of a poi n t fo r th e Champ io nship . Fin al Wa sso n 150. 39, Westmin ste r 150.37. The all -aro u nd was won b y D an D eW itt of Cherry Creek w ith a tot al of 49.3 fo ll owed b y Dave Mart in of Mitche ll with a to tl a of 47.25. DeWitt also won t he High ba r and Parall el bars. Ot he r outstandi ng rout in es we re perfo rm ed b y Ron Gin ly of C he rr y C ree k on long horse, G regg Goodrum from Bea r Creek on floor exercise, Terry Nowells of Wa sso n on side ho rse, and Greg Dav is of Westmin ster on sti ll rings. D eWitt was th e high sco re r in th e m ee t o n p ara ll e l bars w it h an 18.05 tot al. The I ndi vidual res ults we re: All Around Dan DeWitt (C herry Creek) 49.30 Dave Martino (M it che ll Co.) 47:15 Greg Goodrum (Bear Creek) 47.00 Mitch Brook s (Wasso n) 45.55 Dave Da vies (C herr y Cree k) 44.85 Lloyd Dru st (Poudre) 43.80 Y: Ron Ginl ey (Ch erry Creek) 17.95; Ri ch Brindi si (Westm inster) 17.80; Greg Goodrum (Bear Creek) 17.60. FX: Greg Goodrum (Bear Creek) 17.85; Dan DeWitt (C herry Cree k) 17.70 ; Jay Andrews (Ranum) 17.55. PH: Terry Nowels (Wasso n) 16.00; Terry Hood 15.60; Mike Schanberger (Wasso n) 15.15. HH: Dan DeWitt (Cherry Creek) 17.65 ; Dave Martino (Mitchell ) 16.70; Brad Johnson (Wasso n) 16.65. PH: Dan DeWitt (C herry Creek) 18.05; DuWa yne Traurib (A urora Centra l) 16.85 ; Da ve Marti no (M itch ell ) 16.65. SR : Greg Dav is (Westmin ster) 17.45; Ri ck Hall (Ra num ) 17.25 ; Chad Awalt (West minster) 17. 05 .


STATE CHAMPION GYMNASTICS MEET Helena, Montana February 28 and March 1

1. 2. 3.

Tea m Scores Bi ll ing s Se nio r Bi ll ings W es t Kalispe l l

GYMNAST Aug_ '75


180.80 167 .95 159.10

Afte r seve ral yea rs of st r ug g li ng to rece ive recog n it ion and f inan c ia l support, gymnastics is finall y beco ming establis hed as a compet itive sport in Wyoming . Th e lates t ac hieve ment was ho ld ing th e first stat e h igh sc hoo l gymnast ics mee t fo r boys and g irl s on February 14 and 15, 1975 in Sheridan , Wyom i ng. Th e mee t wa s en t husiast ica ll y at tend ed by 85 g irl s and 40 boys, representing ten girls tealns and four boys tea ms. Th e number o f parti cipant s may appea r sma ll u n less co nsidered w ith th e fact that th e tota l population o f th e state is aro un d 350,000! Sm al l schoo ls, 10r.lg di stances to trav el for m ee ts, and t he ex iste nce o f onl y a few exper ie nced pe rform ers and coach es are just some of th f' obsta c les be ing confro n ted in bu il ding gymnastics in th e stat e . Sheridan H igh Schoo l hosted th e mee t fo r whi c h m uch cr ed it mu st go to Ann Vicc hy, girl s coach, and Ron Land e n be rger, bo ys coach. " Ex tra s" suc h as lo ng stem carnat ions for each g irl at opening ce remo ni es and an awa rd s OREGON HIGH SCHOOL G YMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIP lun ceo n for all tea m m e mbers, ciach es, judg es November 30, 1974 and me et perso nne l added to eve ryon e 's Portland State University enjoyment. By D ic k Foxal A specia l award from the state coaches wa s give n to Bob Ise rman , first p resid e nt of th e State G ymn asti cs Coaches As soc iat ion. He has Jim Ke lch and Doug Gra va tt led Ch urchil l bee n a spokesman for gymnast ics in Wyom ing H ig h Sc hoo l to its second stra igh t t ea m for seve ral Yea rs. Bo b has the cha llengin g c hampionsh i p at th e Oregon H igh Schoo l ass ig nme nt of coac h in g bot h th e boys and gi rl s Gymna st ics Cham p ions hip at Port land St ate tea m s at Ke ll y Wa lsh Hi g h Sch oo l and Nat rona Universit y Nove mber 30, 1974. South Eugene, Co unt y High Schoo l, th e two high sc hoo ls i n Grant, and Park ro se had o u tstand ing team Casp er, Wyo m i ng. perfo rmances and f in ished seco nd , t hird , and Sco res obta ined during t he two-day meet fourth in t he competition. ref lec ted the ge ne ral inexp erience of the Kelch domi nated the competition by compet itors and th e p ressu res of " b ig w inning t he all-aro u nd (th i rd yea r) and fo u r compet tt lon The genera l concensus o f indiv idua l event s. Tea mmate Gravatt tied for coaches and judges was th e press ure of second in the al l-around, took f ir st in the ri ngs perfor m ing i n t he " fi rst " sta te m eet took its to ll. (thi rd year) and hori zon tal bar, and f in ish ed GIRLS RESULTS seco nd in free exe rcise and paral le l bars. Gary Tea m Scores Ka t h, a se n ior at Grant H igh Schoo l, had 1. Natrona County, Ca sper (NC) 70.97 exce ll ent pe rformances, t iein g for second in 2. Ke lly Walsh, Casper (KW) 69.50 the all -around and horizonta l ba r, and third i n 3. Sheridan (5) 60.10 free exerecise and para ll e l ba rs. • 4. Converse County, Doug las (CC) A lt hough the gymnasts had litt le ti me to All Around Vicki Owens (CC) 25.95 p repare for compet it ion due to the fa ll seaso n Angie Cook (KW) 23.75 for gymnas ti cs i n O regon, t he q ual ity o f Shawna Cook (Laramie) 23.25 . gymnast ics at t he state meet was excel lent. FX: Teresa Hall (5) 6.95; Vicki Owens (CC) 6.45; Tie Mary Cove rston (J) and Jen Brunnell i (NC) 6.4. ,Y : Team Scores Wynand (KW) 7.75 ; Ang ie Cook (KW) 7.15; Tie Vicki 1. Churchill 142.75 Owens (CC) and Shawna Cook (Laramie) 6.95. HH: 2. So uth Eugene 137.60 Julie Br unnell (NC) 6.5; Jan Shimogak i (Bas in) 6.45; 3. Grant 130.43 Bonni e Broe mel (5) 6.2. UPH: Terri Harris (NC) 7.45 ; 4. Parkrose 125.34 Vick i Hensen (CC) 7.0; Barnette (KW) 6.2. 5. David Dougla s 120.58 HOYS RESULTS All Around Team Sco res Jim Kelch (C hurchill ) 1. Sheridan (5) 50.70 78.85 Doug Gra va tt (Chu rchi ll) 46.40 2. Nat rona County, Casper (NC) 73.35 Gary Kath (Grant) 46.40 Kelly Wa lsh, Casper (KW ) Lynn Dennis (Tigard ) 41.10 Conve rse County, Dougla s (CC( Phil Hawkins (South Eugene ) 40.80 Laramie (L) All Around Y: Jim Kelc h (Churchill ) 9.075; Ve rn DeM ars (Doug las) Jeff Keahey (5) 27.90 8.7 ; Gary Gustafso n (Doug las) 8.55. FX: Jim Kelch M ike Groshart (5) (C hurchi ll ) 8.7 ; Doug Gravatt (C hurchill ) 8.45; Gary Shannon Johnson (NC) Kath (Gra nt) 8.175. PH : Jim Kelch (Church ill ) 6.95 ; FX: Craig Gang wish (NC) 8.2; Jeff Kea hey (5); Parkey Frank Trocino (South Eugene) 6.275; Don Westt (KW). Y: Craig Gangwish (NC) 8.4; Kervin Sand ers (Parkrose) 5.975. HH: Doug Gravatt (Churchil l) 8.725 ; Gary Kath (G ran t) 8.30 ; Jim Kelc h (Churchill ) 7.9. PH: (NC); Jeff Keahey (5). R: Jay Cannon (NC) 4.55; Jeff Kea hey (5) Jack Ba ker (5). HH : M ike Groshart (5) 2.35; Jim Kelch (C hurchill ) 9.00; Doug Gravatt (Churchill) Pett it (KW); Storm Charron (NC). PH : Jack Baker (5) 8.1; Gary Kath (Gran t) 7.7 5. R: Doug Gravatt 6.55; Storm Cha rron (NC) ; Jeff Keahey (5). PH: Jerr y (C hurchill) 8.8; Jim Kelch (Church ill ) 8.675; Mike Buckley (5) 2.7; Jeff Keahey (5); Joe Bromm el (5). Cramblit (So ut h Eu gene) 8.425 .




Tea m Scores 1. 2.

Westmin ster So n o ra

149.10 136.80

All Around Ba rb M illar (Ago ura ) 30.55 Do nna Ha rri s (Westmin ster) 30.30 jana Shee han (Palos Ve rd es) 29. 90 Pa ul a Schre mp (So nora) 29.75 29.65 La ura La mbe rt (Gard e n Grove) Vic ki Hess (Sa n Gab rie l) 29.30 FX: Eilee n Cauf ie lu (C resce nta Va ll ey) 8.4 ; Barb M ill a r (Agoura ) 8.35: Marion Sa ka m oto (A rlingt o n ) 8. 2. UPB: Do nn a Ha rri s (Westminste r) 8.05; Barb M illar (Agoura) 7.65: Kim M c inty re (Westmin ste r) 7.6. V: ja na Sheehan (Pa los Ve rd es) 8.95; Kim Mcint yre (Westminster) 8.7; Robe rta Phillips (Wes tmin ste r) 8.55. BB : Susa n Whitake r (Thou sa nd O a ks) 7.8 ; Li sa Kl ing ( o rth ) 7.55: Vic ki Hess (San Ga br ie l) 7. 5 & Pa ul a Sc hre mp (S onora ) 7.5.

Jim Kelch : 1973, 74 , 75 Oregon High School all around champion , 1974 National YMCA all around champion, 1974 Oregon Open all around champion , 1975 AAU Jr. National all around champion . Team Scores 1. Kent-Meridian 145 .125 4. W-Brem e rton 11 7. 892 2. Bothe ll 140.700 5. W-Seattl e 116.300 WINNING ROUTINES 124.475 6. Na th a n Hale 109.233 3. Sam m a mi sh Vaulting - Jim Kelch: Yama shita. All Around Floor Exercise - Jim Kelch: Front h a nd sprin g, pik e We jmar (Ke nt -Meridian ) 47.55 front so mersa ult, front hands prin g, pron e fall , pu shB. Bylin (Kent-Me ridia n ) 44.60 up to splits, three doubl e leg circles w ith o n e -half App lesto n e (Sa mmamis h ) 41.85 turn , press to V-sit , a n d fro m V-sit press straig ht arm s ZSig m o ndovics (Bothe ll ) 41.40 to h a nd s ta nd, stoop down, round- o ff Lew is (Ra ini e r Beach) 39.75 backhandspring, pike a ra bia n somersault , front Smith (Merce r Islanu ) 39.30 hand spring , back ex tens io n on e -h alf turn roll forwa rd V: Ro n Sta rh e im (W est Sea tt le) 17. 55 ; Ron to stand , di ving ca rt w hee l, backhandspring , fo rwa rd Sz igmo ndovics (Both e ll ) 17.40 ; jo hn Mays (Ke ntro ll , sid e sca le, ro und-o ff , ba c khand spring , ba c k Meridian ) 17.35. FX : jim Smith (Sa mm a mish ) 17.25; jim somersa ult ful l twi st. Te mlin g (Bo the ll ) 17. 10 ; Stan Ap p les ton e Pommel Horse - Jim Kelch: jump into d o ubl e in (Sammami sh ) 17.00. PH: Eric Guion (N athan Ha le) middl e, moore, m oo re, trave l down ke hre in , doubl e, 13.60; St eve We jma r (Ke n t Meridi a n ) 13.50; Steve fo rwa rd sc isso rs, back scisso rs, doub le, trave l do wn , Shumiski (Bo th e ll ) 12.50 . HB: C ha rli e Frit sche n loop o n e nd , a nd Ol ympi c off. (Bo th e ll ) 16.55: Tom Sulli va n (Bo th e ll ) 15.50 & Stan Horizontal Bar - Doug Gravatt: Stem h a nd stand , front Ap pl esto ne (Sa mmami sh ) 15.50. a resu lts gi ve n for g iant , p irouette, back giant , stra dd le on and o ff, blind Pa ra ll e l Bars a nu Rings. c han ge, front giant , hop a nd reac h under rea r vault , straddl e c ut a nd ca tc h, kip, front gi a nt , pirouette , bac k ClF GIRLS GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS g ia nt , fl yawa y. May 23, 1975 Parallel Bars - jim Kelch: G lide kip reverse straddl e By Joanne Pasquale c ut , cas t sup po rt, swing pi rou e tt e, stut z hand stand , Th e team and individual champi onships cast ba c kupri se straddle c ut and catc h to " L" support, we re held toge th e r. Out of 120 CIF SS sc hoo ls straig ht a rm press hand stand , stut z h a nd stand , th e two fi nal tea ms were Westminster H.S. layaway, front upri se front off o ne -h a lf tw ist. coac hed b y Li z Ho ley and Sonora H.S. coac hed Rings - Doug Gravatt: Do uble di slocat e, str aight arm shoo t ha nd sta nd , stra ight a; rTr ba c k g ia nt , re ve rse kip by Joanne Pasquale. to " L" suppo rt , holl ow bac k press handsta nd , lowe r to back leve r, di sloca te , d islo ca te , fu ll twist flyawa y.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA FINALS By Cindie Yeager Yrek a High Sc hool won the Northern California Fina ls with a scor e of 223.94 for Compu lso rY and Opt iona l routin es for 1975 and their 10th co nsecut ive yea r. Eurek a was seco nd with 195.43. On Frid ay night th e Miners to o k a co mmanding lea d in th e Compul so ry event s scorin g 116.74 w ith Eureka in second p lace with 104.83. It was a grea t lea d for th e oth er team s to ca tch up. Yreka did a great job in th e Compu lsory and thi s mad e th e tas k o n Optional routines a little easier on Saturday night. Ron Hase mey er wo n th e All Around for the Min ers with Mark Sanderson of Eure ka seco nd and Leon M eixner of Yreka third. In so me of the Compul so ry eve nt s we limited th e score to 6.00 for th e event. This was don e to make th e bo ys w ork harde r to sco re high in the Compulsory and so m e of the Gymn as ts sco red as high as a 5.70 ou t of a possible 6.00. Yreka o n Saturd ay on the Optional routines captured fir st in fl oo r Ex, Pommel Horse, Sti ll Rin gs, Vault in g, and Parallel Bars out of th e six eve nt s. Eureka captured the first p lace in the High Bar. The m eet fini shed the 15th yea r of Gymna sti cs at Y.H .S. During that tim e the Miner Boys have wo n th e finals 11 tim es . " Thi s wa s a great tea m an d best of all it had gr ea t tea m spirit ;' sa id Coach Ed Loudon. RESULTS FX: Leon M e ixne r (Yreka ); Max Sc h oe ll e rrna n (Yre ka ); Ron Wi sha rt (Y reka). HB: Je rry Be rghag en (Eure ka): Tim De mpsey, (Yreka) ; Steve Blac k (Yre ka) . PB: Ron Hase m eyer (Y re ka) ; Ladd johnso n (Y re ka); Mark Sa nde rson (Eu re ka). PH: Quincy Albe rs (Y re ka) ; M a rk Sande rso n (Eure ka); Ro n Hasemeyer (Yre ka). V: Leo n M eix ne r (Y re ka ); Ron Hasemeyer (Yre ka ); Ladd johnson (Yre ka ). SR: Tom Dough e rt y (Yreka) ; Tim Senf (Yre ka) ; Ro n Hase m eye r (Yreka).


1975 WASHINGTON STATE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS By Gunter Bohrmann Th e 1975 Wa sh. St ate Championships were held at Kent-M eridian High Schoo l in Kent on Ma y 23-24. The host sc hool , coach ed by Gunte r Bohrm ann , em erge d as the win ner w ith a sco re of 145.125 fo ll owed by Both ell Hi gh Schoo l with 140.70 and Sammam ish with 124.475 . Th e A ll- A round also went to a KentMeridi an gy mnas t, SteveWejma r, an AIIAmeri ca n o n fi ve eve nt s thi s year. St eve won the All-Around wit h a sc or e of 47.55 de spit e a badly brui se d hee l. He was follow ed b y tea mm ate Bert Bylin, o nl y a juni o r, w ith 44.60 and Stan Appl es to ne from Sammamish w ith 41.85 .


C.I.F. runer up team , Sonora High School. GYMNAST Aug. '75

ClF TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS May 20, 1975 Millikan H.S., long Beach By Fred Marquez Th e me et was he ld May 20th at Millikan High School in Long Beac h. Team s co mpeting for the Champion ships were Westm in ste r High , coached by Leon Crawfo rd and Fred Ma rquez ; Arroyo High Schoo l, coached by Scott Nettles and reac hing th e finals for the fir st time. Lakewoo d High, the d efending champs, coached by Dick Flood and Bob Carigu. Th e judg es fo r th e evenin gs competition w ere j erry Todd, H ead jud ge, Dr. AI Marino, Frank End o, Val Rodriguez. Th e m ee t began with al l thre e teams somewhat tight. H owever, good vau lts were turn ed in by Paul Van Ruit en of Westmin ster and Cindy Eastwood of Lak ewoo d Hi gh. Both used the Yam as hita. In Floor Exerc ise here aga in Westmin ster was the leader w ith Ri chard Gishi leading th e way with a nice 8.9 rout in e. His routine featured a double Twister, Pik ed Front, Hi gh Side and ve ry clean technique. Pommel Horse - Westminster Team ca me thru with a cred itab le performance led by Tony Dragu esku 's routine which featured Russians , Stock leys, etc. Score 8.25. High Bar - Pau l Van Ruit en of We stminster dominate d with hi s High Start, Ono Vault , California Hop, Double Twi ster dismount, all done in super clea n techniqu e. Score 9.0. Parallel Bars - Th e one two punch of Paul Van Ruit en and Roy Ro drigu ez of Westmin ster prov ed too muc h for the other two teams to handl e, w hat w ith Pau l scor ing 8.7 and Rodri guez's 8.5 - outstanding effort. Rings - Westminster Outstanding Team Effort-Th e tea m was co mposed of Ri ck DeLu ca, Art Cru z, Peter Stratt an and Paul Van Ruiten and the All Around produced th e following sco res D eLuca - 9.1; Cruz - 8.9; Stratt an - 8.5; Van Ruit en - 7.3 5. All of the se w il l return with the exce ption of Cruz. Westminst ers Paul Van Ruit en 's out standing in th e All Around with a 7.5 average. Arro yo's team was led by AI Lavin who was their All-Around performer and Ron H erron in va ulting and Free Exercise . Lakewood was led by Cindy Ea stwood in Vaultin g and Fl oo r Exercise.



In gy mna st ic circl es th e excit em ent wa s building to a climax w h en two o utstandin g gym nasti c tea m s Monroe and Uni ve rsit y were mee tin g for th e 7th Los A nge les City Hi gh Schoo l Gymn as tics Team Champi o nsh ip - at Los Ang eles Va ll ey Co millunit y Co ll ege o n Tu esday M ay 20, 1975. 1500 sp ec tators ca me to see th e champion ship w hi ch wa s to be on e of the most exci ting and int erestin g since th e 1st te am champion ship was initi ated in 1969. U ni ve rsit y had a large squad mo stl y sp eciali sts (25 boys we re suit ed up) , Monroe had thr ee boys goin g all aro und , o ne gym nas路ts co mpetin g 5 eve nt s, total o f 8 gymn as ts. U ni ve rsit y wa s th e fa vo rit e to w in th e eve nt but Monroe showed excell ent str ength in th e se mi fina ls by beating pre viou s champion Ve ni ce H s. Th e o dd s were d efin ately aga in st M onroe sin ce it s sqLl ad was m o re vuln erabl e to mi stakes. Man y beli eved th at a champ ionship of thi s ca liber co uld not be ca ptur ed by a te am basica ll y co mp ose d of all around gymn asts. No one knew w ho th e champio n would be after th e forth eve n! sin ce th e score stood 100.20 100.10 in favor of U ni vers it y. In the end Monroe Hi gh Schoo l was victorious beating Un ive rsit y w ith th e sco re of 159.05 - 155.31 . Pl ease no te th at in Lo s Ange les each school is represe nt ed by 5 gymn as ts per eve nt (this is sli ghtl Y contrarY to th e Na ti o nal Hs. Federation Rul es) with 3 sco res cou nti ng o n each eve nt. Th e average sco re of the all around gymna sts ad d ed to th e to tal team sc ore. Th e 50t h indi vidu al Los Ang eles City H s Gym nasti c Cha mpi o nship took place 3 d ays lat er at th e sam e si te o n jul y 25, 1975 w ith 2500 II h sp ectator s pr ese nt , and w en it wa s a over no one left th e gym di sap p ointed. It was a great with q ualit y gy mna sti cs champion ship d emo nstr ated all th e way. Th e pre-g ress of the A ll- A round gy mnast s were evident fro m the pr ev iou s yea r. Monroe H s. represe nted by Phil Go nza les, George Ma rt in ez and

th e all arou nd w hi ch was unprecid e nt ed' durin g th e lo ng hi sto ry o f thi s champi o n ship . Spec iali sts also did ex trem ely well duri n g the eve nt. j prry Sul c, U ni ve rs it y Hs. wo n Va ultin g and Fl oor h ercise, ("ulc had doub le ba c k and double tw ist ill hi s FX ro utin e) , Chri s Takim o to , Ve nice H s. was v ictoriou s 0 11 Pom mel H o rse rece ivin g 9.30 from th'r ee judges and 9.40 from the fourth w hi ch wa s trul y d eservin g. C had NO Ullilan U ili ve rsit y Hs. practi ca ll y wa l ked awa y w ith Hi gh Har. Hi s ro utin e was fu ll o f virtu o sit y all d should be co nsidered one of th e be st Hs ro utin es il l th e co untr y. (Sta lter shoot , immedi ate Ca lifornia hop, im mediate End o shoot , imm ediat e " turn to hand stand ) Da vid Vi ll ase no r, Roosevel t H s. took first on Para llel Hars w ith tl.tl5 and Ro b ert Taka ya ma , Uni ve rsit y H s. WO II the Rill gS w ith 9.10. Takayama is a super rin g special ist, execut es all hi s sk ill s w ith locked arms and p erf ectio n. :'0 il well! alld Ih 拢' 50t h Lo s A ngele s Hs. Gymna sti cs C hamp io nship ma y have be e n th e ' Ias t of it s kind du e to a sad no te. Th e Los Ange les Hoa rd of ~du ca ti o n did 11 0 t in clud e th e fundin g of gymn as ti cs and o th er "sp ring" sport s in th e bud get fo r 1976. 1am ce rtain if th ey came to see the champio nship th ey wo uld have voted d il fere nt. Team Scores 159. 05 Monroe (Coach L. Sa sva ry) 155.31 Unive rsit y (Ca om D. l aR ue) All Around Phil Gon za les (Mo nroe) 50.25 George Martinez (Monroe) 47.60 Steve Ma li s (Monroe) 47.40 Keith ReynakJo (Veni ce) 43.95 David Kl eiman (Fairfax) 42.15 Robert Sli mbach (U ni ve rsit y) 41 .60 Y: Jerr y Sulc -(U ni'/ersit y) 9. 00; Phil Gonzales (Monroe) 9.00; Geo rge Ma rtin ez (Mo nroe) 8.95 . FX: Jerry Suic (U ni ve rsity) 9.10 ; Steve Ma li s (Monroe) 8.95; Phil Gon zal es (Monroe) 8.80. PH: Chri s Tak im o to (Ven ice) 9,30 ; Charl es Roge rs (Carson) 8.70; Daryll Udell (Cleveland) 8,65. HB: Chad Nounn an (U ni vers it y) 9.30; Ton y Garza (Polytechnic) 9. 15; Robert Siil1lbach (U ni ve rsity) 8.85. PB: David Villa senor (Roosevel t) 8.85 ; Cha rl es Roge rs (Carso n) 8.60: Greg Zuniga (Huntington Pk.) 8.60; Keith Reynaldo (Ve nice) 5.60. R: Robe rt Takaya ma (U ni ve rsit y) 8. 10 ; Steve Mal is (monro e) 8175; Ron Bell

Stev.e~M;a~1is~w~e~':lt:l:-:2~-:3 i ':1:~(B~i:rl1l:il:,g:=h:;ai;n::')~8~.~60~.~~~~~~~~

Final Sco re: We stminst er 154 Arro yo 136 Lakewood 131 W estminster was undefeated in duel comp etiti on 10-0 and wo n all major Invitati o nals (4). Westm in ster was 2nd last year losing o ut by .45 of a point. INDIVIDUAL ClF CHAMPIONSHIP May 23, 1975 Arroyo High School All Around St eve Omi (A lhambra ) 48.0 Y: Pau l Va n Ruit en (Westminster) 8.9; Jim Hamilton (M illik an); Eric Kennedy (EI Rancho). FX: St eve Omi (Al hambra) 9.2; Ron Heron (A rroyo); Ri chard Gishi (Westmin ster). PH: Tony Drag ues ku (Wes tmin ster) 8.4 ; Irvin e Heye r (Fountain Valley); Eddi e Villa (Westminster). HB: Pau l Va n Ruiten (Westm inster ) 9.0 ; Jeff Co lburn (South Hills); Ri c h a~d Gishi (Westminster). PB: Roy Rodriguez (Westmin ster ) 8.75; Todd Marshal l (l akewood ); Steve Omi (A lh ambra) . R: Art Cru z & Ri ck Deluca (Westmin ster) 9.0; Pet er Stratton (Westmin ster). GYMNAST Aug. '75


Monroe H.S. T ea m .


SEQUENCE: Bart Conner

INTERVIEW WITH BART CONNER By Skip Ray Skip Ray: Howald are you, Bart? Bart: :'ixieen. R: And how many years have you been in gymnastics? B: Thi s is m y seve nth .. approa chin g ill Y seventh yea r. I 've allll ost comp leteu six yea rs. R: Competitive gymnastics? B: I 'v e co lllpe ted fo r I 'u say 5 yea rs. R: Has that given you a big advantage, you think? B: Yeah , I think it helps a lot in th e ex p erience, yo u know. I fee l a littl e bett er when l 'lll out there becau se I know that I 've bee n thro ugh it belore. It 's a goou fee ling. R: That confidence seems to come through when you step out on the floor. Were you nervous on any of your routines? B: W ell , yes te rda y I 'think ther e was a littl e more pressure, I hau to uo rea ll y w ell. But today was sorta lik e ... it was so much Illore enjo yab le, you kno w. It wa s a grea t mee t. You wer en ' t ru sh ed. Th ere we re a lo t o f rea ll y go o d gYlll nas ts out th ere, Great gymn as ts, in fa ct. So it 's a real pl easure 10 be cO lllpeling th ere. II wa s more fun l ouay, I think, than yes teru ay. The pressure was o lf anu I cou lu enj oy it a littl e bit more, R: How do you feel being on top of all this good gymnastics? B: It's a pr ett y gOOlJ fee lin g. It 's a prett y good fee ling , but I think I have to lea rn to ga uge m yse l f. I ha ve to kee p inlllinu that I have goa ls of hi ghe r co mpetitioll in int ernati o nal ca libre stull , yo u know , amJ so that keep s illY hea d in th e right uirection so I know th at th is isn 't th e


end for m e, l'u lik e to go on farth er, so that I ca n always loo k forwaru to bi gge r anu bett er thin gs. Next week I thin k I'll be startin g on th e cO lllpul so ri es as Illuc h as I ca n in free tim e dnu stulf. .. I 'ml ook in g 10 rwanJ to hi g her thin gs,so I tr Y not to make thi s see m like the enu for Ill e. R: You've already thrown the compulsories in some dual meets, haven't you? B: Yes, I did in a co upl e of du allll ee ts thi s year and th ey are reJll y pre tt y ro u gh . I 'Ill ju st barely makin g it Ih ro ugh th em , In eed to sp end a lo t of tim e on them ri gh t now. R: So that'll be 100'}. , of your time for the next couple of months? B: I think so . 1 hat 's rea ll y o ne of th e mo st impo rt ant thin gs in th e int ern ation al comp etiti o il. ~ve r y b ody ca n score 9.3, 9.4 , 9,5 in optional s but the co mpul so ry work is rea ll y hard so that Illak es a di ffe rence. H.J.B.: A few years ago you told me that '76 was a minor objective on the way to '80. How do you feel about that now? B: I leel th e ,a me. I think , I h o pe th at in 19BO I sho uld be rea d y to make th e tea lll and d o a goou job lor th e team. A nd I thin k that '7 6 would be a rea ll y important steppin g-sto ne if I was to d o a goo d jo b in l,)BO, Routines - Bart Conner Free Ex: Pik e 11'0 111 wa lkout , hanspring pik e Iront , hea d , prillg, priou et te, forwa rd roll , flipIl op, Arabia ll walk -o ut , round-off , p ik e b ack, turn , stald er roll , pir o uett e, ro un d -off , flipflop , d o ubl e lull. Side Horse: Half ci rc le, Illoore mount , circl e Baile y, circle Iromlet , break into leg wo rk , three Iro nt , icss or s alld back sc isso rs, trave l to loop wa lk arou nd w ith loo p and a half.

High Bar: :,telll rise , stoo p in in ve rt , hop pirou e tt e, blind chdn ge, redc h und er va u lt , kip ch,lIlge , gidnt p ir o ue tt e, sa le on , sale off, gia nt , doubl e. Parallel Bars: Cast cdtc h , stradd le cut L, pr ess hanu sl all u , ba ck hdnd, :, tut z hanu , Str euli , dro p peach laY-<lway, fro nt uprise, sw in g reverse pi rouette , )t ut L back of f. Rings: Di sloCd tl.' sh oo t hand , gia nt hand , bo th 01 th em st rdigh t arlll , lowe r to back lever, back upri se " L" , ho ll ow bd ck drop, d o ubl e full.


INTERVIEW WITH HAROLD CONNER: Father of Illinois AA Champion Bart Conner, concerning the place of parents and family in the development of a gymnast. By H.J. Biesterfeldt HJB : Let me start by sayin g that, when I was in college, Coach Wettstone convinced me that home background is of vital importance in the growth of an athlete. He even went so far as to say that gymnasts should not be recruited without first getting to know the parents. How do yo u feel about the role of parents and family in Bart's gym na stic development? Conner: W ell Jac k, I think I agree w ith Ge ne a ll thi s, and in !:ldl't 's case, many tilll es we wo rk a ll th e probl e lll s as co mbin a ti o n famil Yl coaclv sch oo l probl ems, I ca n 't im ag ine how some of those prob lem s wou ld ge t so lved il Ihe lalllil y was n 'l th ere. Th e rl ain ph Ys ica l and m ent al co nuiti o ning pro bl elll s of gett in g ready fo r maj or cO lll pe titi o llS. I ca nn o t bel ieve th at w it hou t th e Idmil y support , he wo ul d ge t all th ose thin gs toge th er. Take fo r exa mple , thi s week. W e ha ve foun u th at we d o n 't res trict Bart a hell 0 1 a lo t d urin g th e year. He h as lot s of freedom. !:lut we d o hd ve so m e kind o f rul es, espec iall y lea din g up to .I co mpe tition like thi s. )o me obvio us rul es. !:lut he d oes need sO llle escapes Iro lll th e sport , even during th e week GYMNAST Aug. '75

proceedi ll g th e m ee t. On e of th e thin gs th at he wou ld lik e to have don e as all escape was to work on the jeep thi s week. I has a head ga sk et blown. and a cra cked 11f'~ cI , and it bugged him to have it sit o ut sid e, ami he be un ab le to drive it back and lo rth to sc h oo l. Hut we did say "No, yo u w ill se t th at as ide for thi s week, not ju st to avo id th e minor cut s and bru ises from wo rk o n th e j eep. Bot th ere is th e poss ib ilit y of frustra tin g failure in the work on th e jeep. And yo u do II Ot all ow yo ur se lf th e chance to have th e fru strati o n of failure in th e few days before th e m ee t. You trY to sta y w ith more pos iti ve things. I Cd nn ot im dg in e th at w it hout a family th at is cO ll sciou s o f th ese thin gs, yo u wo uld make th e ri ght decisio ns. In a co ll ege do rmit ory, i t is n ot ve ry lik ely that the sa m e deci sio n wo uld be made. A nd we think th at at 15 o r 16 years old , an athl ete needs th at famil y inllu ence. Plu s of co orse, gett in g up th ro ugh th e w ho le string of defea ts th at is part of reachi ll g th e top. We think we ha ve helped him co me thr oug h th ese - h e leans o n the famil y, hell yo u have lot s of defeats. HIB: It is visible that Bart is close to his family, and that the family is very supportive of him. Do you feel that he may have b een over-protected at all? c: Of co urse I d o n 't - Som etim es he co mp lain s about it but I think w h en yo u enum erate th e I reedo m t ha t he ha s. it is not so . He wo rk s, so he has mOl leY. We elKourag e th at. but we do pi ck him up whe ll he is fini shed (a t mi d ni ght ). He cou ld have wa lked hom e, it is o nl y about six blocks, bU I we lee ll h.1I it is our respons ibilit y to pick him up . H e ge ts e noug h mo n ey to date, an d keep the jeep goi ng. HIB: He ha s participated in a variety of clinics, camps, and seems to have been involved in one way or another with more of the important people of the sort than any other gymnast in the midwest. I don't think he could have gotten that much help from that many peopl e without a lillie forethought. And I can't believe that this GYMNAST Aug. '75

was entirely his own planning. Is this sort of a policy on your part - to search out the best help you can find? C: Well n o t just min e. We h ave man y pl anning sess io ns, Ih e coac h, Hart , and the Famil y. And usuall y th ese thing s co me out of th e nex t goa ls. Th ese brin g o ut weakl l esses th at he has to wo rk o n. A nd l o rtunat ely we have bee n ab le to create th e situatioll w here 路j-tls't ab out any body that we ca ll ask fo r h elp is go in g to be respo nsive. A mi almo st eve ryo ne has bee n responsi ve. 1 hey wa nt to help - to be a part o f hi s success. We thin k that is good. A nd we , cap itali ze a ll it. A nd if we ca n do it , anybody o ught to be ab le to do it , if a gy mn as t has 'a nythin g lik e th e oppo rtuniti es a gy mn as t has here ill Illi IIOis, o r evel l close to it. If you ca n ge t th ese peopl e to pu ll togeth er in stead of ju st co mp etin g w ith eac h o th er, yo u have tremendou s powe r. So we have tried to cap it alize a ll that w ith gymn as ts, coac hes, adv ise rs, eve ll d octors. For exa mpl e at th e end of the seaSO l1 la st yea r, we had a get-t oget h er, and yo u we re th ere. There we re seve nt y so m e peop le th ere. A lld th ey we re no t in vited beca use th ey, we re ju st fri end s. Those we re all peop le that had cO lllribut ed so m et hin g to hi s deve lopme llt. A nd路 if we had o ne thi s year, we wo uld have to r ent thi s hall , to ho use th e peop le t hat ha ve con tribut ed to hi s progress . Yes , it has been kind of a broad plan th at we have wo rk ed 0 11. HIB: When I first met Bart as a freshman in high sc hool, I was impressed that he was a singularly mature freshman, yet had the disposition to still have fun with people his own age. I happen to believe that this is very important to his emotional growth. If th e various aspects of growth are not kept in balance, I doubt if a man can maintain the continued motivation required for success. All too often, with improperly handled gymnastics objectives, a man's motivation is gone by the time he is 16 or 17.

C: We ha ve wo rk ed o n that by tr yin g to give him a broad er pe rspec ti ve . Illin o is High Sch oo l gym nast ics is grea t, but we kn ow he has a lon g way to go to be o ne of th e bes t in th e U nit ed States, and lo nge r to be th e best in th e wo rld . If yo u have that kind of opportun it y, yo u do eve rythin g yo u ca ll to make it po ss ible. HIB : What would your reaction be if Bart were to give up the sport? C: Oh - Burk el (H) Coach ) and I talk abo ut th at eve ry o nce ill a w hil e. We wo uld adju st to it. It wou ld take about two da ys, and it wo uld be grea t. HIB: Well, I don' t expect it will happen. C: 0, I dOll't think it w ill. But as a parent , I would think i t was fine . Burk el wou ld n ot b e unhappy . Yo u know , h e wo uld li ke to have him a socce r p laye r. H e co uld be a fin e socce r pl ayer , o r diver, and I think he cou ld be a fin e sk ier as we l l. HIB: I bet he doesn't ski much. C: Oh - thr ee 0 1 fo ur tim es a yea r. ew Years ~ ve we had a ball at Alp in e Val ley. Hut during gym ll as ti c seaso n we d o res tri ct that. HIB: And gymnastic season lasts for about all of ski season. C: Yes, but yo u ca n ge t dwa y. ea rl y in season. HIB : Do you have any other things you might like to say to a par ent of an up and coming young gymnast? C: Well , lirsl help th e kid plan for dece nt goa ls. A nd put th e m Olley q ues ti o n in it s prop!'r pe rspecti ve. 1 he quest io n of fit y o r a hundred trips to a YMCA or 10 trips to nJtion alm ee ts,or camps o r speci.d co.lC hing or w hat eve r , ju st tades o ut w hen yo u ta lk abo ut th e potential achieve mell lS. Oll e of the first respons ibiliti es 01 th e coac h is to lilld o ut if th e potential is th ere. and il it is. th en the mon ey qu es ti o n does IIOt mean too much. !-ortunat ely. th ere are so many people who wa lit to help that eve n w ith a grea t deal of trave l, the cost s are ju st no t ve ry grea t.




Some thoughts on Coaching Dr. Joe Massimo

It wo uld not be poss ible in o ne arti cle to do In gy m na sti cs hard wo rk is a uni ve rsa l ju sti ce to th e tas k th e se nsiti ve and committ ed guiding prin cipal and succes sful gymn as ts thri ve o n it. Th e psycho log ica l cl im ate fo r thi s coac h faces dail y. To d o so wo uld require labo r o f love is mos t criti ca l. Extrem es in thi s seve ral vo lumes . Perhaps thi s arti cle ca n se rve psycho lo gica l atm os ph ere see m doomed to as th e first i n a se ri es w hi ch mi ght help put failure and its es tabli shm ent is a sub t le matter. coac hing in th e sport o f gy mn as ti cs into clea rer Aga in , an import ant var iabl e is the coa ch 's perspecti ve. attitu de. Fo r exam pl e, w hen I am " up" and Th e j ob has m any aspect s b ut surely th e mos t enthu sias ti c about th e w ork o ut pl an so are th e difficult part co nce rn s th e psycho logi ca l girl s. Co nverse ly, and I have obse rved thi s manage me nt o f indi viduals and th e ove rall shapin g 0 1 th e gro up as a co mp os it e o f th ese many tim es no t o nl y in my gy m but oth er s, a sa m e illlii viuu ais. depr ess ive attitud e crea tes a nega ti ve milli eu w hic h r es tri cts pro ducti vit y. If o ne look s at the great coac hes in any sp o rt Perso nall y I beli ev e in a warm and purpo seful yo u w ill find that th eir p o t ency and m Ys tiqu e is atmosph ere w here cOllSce ntrati o n and se lfnot based exc lu sive ly on th eir techni ca l di scipline is str esse d and m y contr o l, although kno w led ge but that a grea t d ea l rests on an o mniprese nt, is r educe d as ou r common abil itYto handl e th e interp erso nal re lati o n ship s purpo se beco mes c lea rer w ith each passing in vol ve d w ithin th e tea m and b etwee n th e d ay . Beca use o f oth er co mmitment s and unlik e coach and athl e te. A s a matt er of fac t m y own many coac hes, I am not always ph Ys icall y resea rch, indepe ndentl y and as a p as t m emb er pr esent in th e gy m but each girl kn ows wh at is o f the USGF Nat io nal Coachin g St aff, inv o lved ex p ected and is r esp onsible fo r foll owin g as kin g wo rld class gymn as ts to sp ecify th e through on he r co mmitment s to me, herself, charac teri sti cs th ey loo ked for in a qualit y and her co ll eag ues. Wh en necessa ry I ca n b e coach. Th e result s o f th ese effo rts cl ea rl y co unted on to remind th e indi v idu al and th e demo nstrated th at on e o f th e m os t important gro up in st ro ng term s th at I u emand 150'1., o f abiliti es, eve n ab ove tec hni ca l ex p ert ise, was th eir effort. Thi s b ehav ior o n m y part is skill in th e handlin g o f p erso nal interac tion s betwee n coac h and gy mn as t. ex pect ed and acce pt ed. To d o oth erwi se re pr esent s a failure o n m y part and m y Th ere ca n be little d o ubt of thi s in term s o f gy mn asts will let me know about it soon er or o ur b etter kn ow n nation al leve l gymnasti c coac hes w ho I have o bse rve d in acti o n in both later. W ith time th e need to emph as ize such matt ers is grea tl Y r educed; if not, so mething is traini ng and co mpetiti ve situ ation s. It is w ron g and th e tim e has co m e to an alyze w hat is interes tin g to no te th at many coaches beha ve differentl Y under th ese tw o co ndition s and we happening in your gy m. wi ll ell abo rate o n thi s in future arti cles . Lik e all coac hes I have mad e som e goo d and ba d decisio ns. I am con stantl y making q ui ck Th e bett er a coac h ca n co mmuni ca te w ith but ca lcul ated r espon ses - w hen to pat o n th e th e gy mn as ts base d o n kn ow ledge o f th eir bac k and w h en to p ro d fo rce full y; wh en to be perso nalit y th e m or e productive will b e th e gentl e and w he n to be d emanding; when to say effo rt to increase hi gh level perfo rman ce . Fo r "s to p " and w hen to say " do it no matter w hat many it is a g ift, fo r o th ers a matte r of tri al and error, and fo r so me a res ult of special trainin g . yo u fee l ", h ow t o handl e emotional brea kd own s, fru strati o n, anger, fea r and ove rand stud Y as we ll as lo ng ex p erien ce . W hateve r th e o ri gin o f suc h in sightful , psychol og icall Y ex ten sion all w ithin th e wat chful eyes of a se nsiti ve gro up o f youn g p eople. so und behavior it is crucial in assembling th e For so m e matt e rs, con sistency for all is pi eces o f an indi v idual and team effort int o a import ant , (e.g. trainin g demand s) in o th er fini shed p roduct. Thi s has al ways been th e ca se cases it depend s o n th e specific circum stances but is parti cul arl y acute in m o dern tim es whi ch focu ses so mu ch att enti o n o n se lf-reali zation and th e indi vidu al in vol ved (eg. an angry and fulfillment. respon se by a ce rt ain gy mn as t). It is a never ending tas k r equirin g a co n sid erabl e Th e coa c h 's indi v idual philosoph Y w ill , o f di sburse ment of emotion al ene rg y. Obvio usly, co urse, have an impac t o n d eterminin g th e th e more a coach know s ab o ut th e indi vidu als c harac ter o f th e cl ub. M y own wo rk w ith th e he is wo rkin g w it~ th e easier th e jo b. girl s o n o ur tea m is premi se d o n getting to understand eac h o n a perso nal leve l; wh at In addition, is the esse nti al requirement s of knowing yo ur " bu sin ess" . Th e teachin g and moti va tes eac h, w hat are th e areas of sp ecial lea rnin g of gy mn as ti c skill s req uires th e coac h 's strength o r w ea kn ess? Th e obj ecti ve is to promot e th e d eve lopm ent of a sense of mutual input in term s o f techniqu e, me chani cs and resp ect, suppo rt and affecti o n, w hi ch will result exec uti o n. Th ere is n o thing wo rse th an a coa ch who " pretends" h e kn ows w hat he is talking in a di sciplined unit. Within a small club such as abo ut. Thi s is th e qui ckest way to bring a group o urs, p arti cul arl Y w ith a male coac h, ce rt ain d own no t to menti o n th e ri sk fo r se riou s injury. int ernal "compe tition s" quite naturall y ari se. I have see n tea m s functi o n am az in gly well w ith Thi s ca n prov ide a co nstru cti ve force but unl ess a less kn owledgea bl e coac h - th e difference is ca re is take n th ese sa me st ru ggl es can to tall y he or she ad mits to shortcomin gs an d th e demo rali ze th e gro up. Th e coach w ill se t th e yo un gs ters acce pt thi s if th ey see an effo r t to to ne fo r int erac ti o ns such as th ese and man y grow and a w illin g ness to lea rn fro m o th ers oth ers thr o ug h hi s o w n p erson al style. (In a includin g th e gy mna sts. It is diffi cult to hold co min g paper I w ill exa min e cl osely so m e of respect under th ese co nditi o ns but it is far th e iss ues in vo lve d in h avin g a mal e co ach bett er th an creat in g a tran spar ent illu sion w o rkin g w ith girl s in gy mn as ti cs - th ey are w here eve ryo ne is su bject to emo ti o nal and nu mero us an d we d o n ' t all oca te en o ugh ti me perhaps ph Ys ica l disaster. to lo okin g at th em in an ho nes t mann er.)


In coac hi ng it is also imperat ive to h elp th e gy mn as t deve lo p th eir ow n style mu ch like an arti st tri es to proj ec t a specifi c id entit y. Th ere is no way (nor sho ul d th ere be) th at a co ach can kee p him o r herse lf o ut o f th e pi cture p aint ed ." It depe nds on how p re d o min ate thi s beco m es. W e have all see n ro utines th at lo o k like " th e coac h " (usuall y a we ll k nown ex -co mpe tit o r) and th at is pa rt o f th e process. Howeve r, if eve ryon e and eve rythin g lo ok s alik e th en w e have a situati o n w here innova ti o n is di sco u raged by a too- domin ant co ac h or w here th ere is a lack of crea ti vity o r ju st pl ain kn owledge. A ny ex tr eme is count erpr od uctive i n th e lo ng run . Deve loping a se nse of prid e and confid e nt sh owmanship and a wo rkin g co mprehension of th e tec hnica l re quirem ent s o f th e spo rt are o th e r areas requiring co ntinual input b y th e coac h. It is impo rt ant to ke ep yo ur gy mn as ts al ert to changes in rul es et c. and encourage th eir p arti cipation , under you r superv isio n, in ve ntilating th eir fee lin gs about such matt ers. If you combin e all of the above alo ng w ith th e ph Ys ical ta sk of spotting o ne ca n understand w hy many coac hes are as ex hau sted as th e gymn as t at th e end o f a wo rkout. Pr acti ce session s really n ever do end th ere is homewo rk ; plannin g ro utin es, training sc h edul es, mee t strategi es and o ther less exo ti c but equall y necessa ry jo bs whi ch are all p art o f th e coach 's ove rall res pon sibilit y. Thi s b rie fl y represe nt s o ne man 's pa rti al view of th e pro fessio n 0 1 gy mna sti c coac hing. It is base d no t o nl y o n ex p eri en ce but upo n co nsiderabl e resea rc h into th e entire area . So me o f th e ob se rvati o ns are va lid to all coac hes, ot hers are purely id eo sy ncrati c. W e w o uld all agr ee, h o w ever, th at it is a hard and c hallen gin g jo b in vo lv in g both hea rtach e anu joy. If thi s were not th e case it is unlikel y that th e re wo uld be an y of us around! Every coac h deve lo ps ov er th e yea rs h er or hi s li st o f ba sics; rul es that go vern mu ch o f th e beha vio r see n in th e gy m. In co nclu sio n, I o ffer m y fund amental g uide lin es all of which emerged in th e p rocess o f doi ng th e exact opposite and pay in g th e pri ce for those fault y actio ns! Perh ap s so m e o f th em will save a beg innin g coac h so me uifficult y but , o n th e o th er hand , th ey may be tri v ial to th e old pro . In th e las t analys is wh atever is tak en-in must fl o w th ro ugh the p erso nal valu e sYs tem o f th e indi vidu al coac h. U ltimat ely, w hat emerges in th e w ay of moti vation, beh av ior, and dedi ca ti o n to th e yo ung p eopl e in th eir charge will be mo re a re sult o f th e compl ex co nditi o nin gs th at go int o th e human ex p eri ence th an o f anything rea d o r see n or hea rd. Part two of "Some Thoughts On Coaching" will be continued next issue, with Dr. Massimo's "big twenty" list for coaches.

YOUR OWN MUSIC Played and Taped for You By Rudy Hadda Int e rnati o nall y-kn own pi anis t, gy mn ast ics coach , and fo rm e r m ember o f th e Poli sh Ol ympi c Tea m . Fo rm er acco mpanist to Ol ympi c gy mn as ts. Ru dy w ill compose, arran ge, and tape mu sic acco rdin g to your ro utin e. Hi s piano and gy mna sium are ava il abl e to you p erso nall y; o r he w ill go to yo ur loca ti o n ; o r se nd him yo ur video tape and he w ill return it w ith sound tape sy nchro ni zed 10 yo ur video. Fo r in fo rmati o n writ e to, Rud y Ha dda at 543 N . Huntl ey Dri ve , Los Ange les , CA 90048 o r te lep ho ne him at (213) 652 -6732. .

GYMNAST Aug. '75


Doris Fuchs former USA Olympian and World Games Team member executing a s plit leap . Note the back knee is turned down toward the floor or beam. Doris has stylized her split jump, but should have held her thumbs closer to the fingers to improve the line. Her shoulders could have been pulled down a bit more .

Grace Kaywell

Ballet... ~:~:~ Ci mnl~licr ~JOHNSTOWN

It surely is great to be ba ck in Gymnasticsand w ritin g once aga in fo r (THE MODERN) GYMNAST MAGAZINE. In ret rosp ect, it does n 't see m quite pass ibl e that m y first articl e appeared in 1956. Th e GYMNAST was about the size o f a thin Reade rs' Digest th en and has been growing steadil y ever sin ce, as yo u fans know . Ye Editor tell s m e- that we probablY now ha ve over 50,000 rea d ers! (g uestamating that on an conservative average 2-3 p eo ple rea d each magaz in e) How about th at? ! For th e "o ld-timers" , o r should I say, we, who are more mature and experienced in the fie ld of gy mna sti cs (gy mn as ts neve r get old),

GYMNAST Aug. '75

Woodward . I ju st bur st w ith pride over th e success of some of my bo ys and girls. Also at th e Meet was Fra ~k Cumiskey, whom I met at th e Sarasota Clini c in 1958. He looked hand so m er than Cesar Romero with hi s whit e hair and w hite mu stache . Das hing! Tom Darlin g was th ere, too. Now a N issen Rep .... at the tim e I first kn ew him he was Gym Coac h at Annapoli s. We u sed to meet up with o ne another all ove r th e USA at Gym Clini cs, th e las t time in Ft. Laud erd ale, Florid a. The thrill of th e w hole Meet was, of caurse, th at th e USA won! But for me, th e next thrill was m ee tin g Frank Bare aga in! I hav en ' t see n Frank for so m e yea rs an d we had a gaad old fas hion ed ga b sessio n. He rem in ded me th at it has bee n 13 years sin ce we formed th e Federation. When h e ca me to v isit me in Palm Beach he see med so yo ung - too young to handle th e respon sibilities of the Feder ation . yo u will know how t hrill ed I was to see the H ow wrong I was. Maturity agrees with him , USA-West Ge rman y Meet at Penn St ate and so do his sid e-burn s. Frank , yo u ha ve do ne U ni ve rsi ty. Ge ne Wettstone, a fri end of som e a wonderfu l job and the growth of the Un ited 14 Yea rs, surely knaws h ow to' put a n a Meet. States Gymnastics Fede ratian att es ts to yo ur H e has n 't cha nge d a bit in those 14 yea rs and dedicated hard work . cont i nues to do th e excellent job h e has always After th e USG F appoi nted me Ball et done. Congratulations Ge ne, for a beautiful , Cans ultant, and I m ade th e first Ballet for exciting eve nt. What a surprise to find Ed Gy mnasti cs Record s, wrote a co uple of books, Isabe ll e th ere as U SA Men 's coach. Ed was in taught at num erou s C lini cs , I tho.ught th e our Palm Beach Ballet Ca mp for three wee ks yo ung teachers were wel l equipped to tea ch and I fee l a specia l wa rmth w h ere he is ball et. I was right. Th ey are we ll-equipped . Th e conce rn ed . He looked grea t and did a superb prablem is, thi s is ju st a great big co untr y and job. H e is also pr esi dent of the Tri-Stat e there are not enou gh teacher s of ballet far the Gymn as ti cs Assoc iti o n and has Camp spart , and w ith the growin g interes t in



gymna sti cs, th ere are so man y new-comers t 0 th e fi eld . So th ese art icl es will co ntain helpfu I hint s on Ba llet fo r Gy mna stics fo r o ur talent e d new yo ung gym nasts and their coaches w ho ar e going to show th e wo rld how g rea t we are !

l he Split Jump or Split Leap: Eve ry good gy mn as t worth hi s sa lt ca n do a p erfect sp lit" . no "air" space between th e crotch and th e floor, hips and shoulders sq uared in th e lin e of d ir ec tion of th e fron t foot , and o f co urse, toes point ed. Why is i t th en, th at the sp lit l ea p u sually co mes off lookin g like thi s?

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ALL GYMNASTIC NEE DS Servi ng Pi ttsburgh an d lri-State A rea se nd for free broc h u re

TWAS TH E NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS By S. Welsa nd, Brigh ton, Mich. Twas the ni ghl before Chri stma s And OUI in th e gym Wa s a joll y old ia l man Wearin g Gym-Kin 's Th e ti g ht s w e re hun g I II th e locker room I,ov ith ca re

Wh en it shou ld look like this!

While Dan skin shoes We re sprea doul everyw here. The gymna sts we re nestl ed All snug in th eir bed s, Whil e vision s of aeriaIs Danced in Iheir heads. Th ey dr ea med abou t Ko rbu t, Front so mm ies a nd mat s,

. Rem ember it is a SPLIT leap , not just a leap, so It IS actu al ly a split carried into the air. These are

some o f the fault s I have noticed . First, th e pr epara tion is too large. Rememb er yo u have to thru st th e bod y downward in o rd er to get up , so If yo u reach out for you r preparation th ere is no foot under yo u to reco il the bod y very highth us you lose elevat ion . Secondly, punch up that ba ck leg. Don 't let it d rag, and most of al l keep t he kn ee UNDER so that it faces the floor , the SAME as you do the spl it on t he floor. Most gymnasts, hav ing stud ied classical ba ll et, are trying to turn out the knee from the hip on the back leg and thi s gives yo u that " hobb ly-ho rse" look, pu ll s your shoulders out of lin e, and decrea ses yo~r ability to get the back leg up. Also, o ne of th e most important things to rememb er is NOT TO TRAVEL ON TH E SPLIT JUM P OR ANY LEAP. If yo u travel, you lose height as w ell as fo rm . Prac tice : Run with two steps, R, L, and th en thrust the bod y down with two fee t in a demip lie, so th at th e fee t are under you , being carefu l not to bend at the waist, and spri ng high Into th e air in a split. Land in the d em i-p lie fro m th e to es to th e balls of the fee t and th en to the hee ls for a firm landing. W e ca ll thi s " cush io nin g" so yo u don 't so und lik e an . eleph ant. Now co nt i nu e on to yo ur n ex t move or cont inu e pra cti cin g the step.

TRY US! See Page 4


Nissen, Catalina Island, sp lits All that. When out in the gym There arose such a elall er I put on my leo tard To find oul what was th e matt er. Away to the door I flew like a fl as h Breaki ng the record for the 50-yard dash. As I ent ered th e gym and loo ked abo ut I saw S~ nt a and eight rei nd ee r doing a mount. I approached him shyly Wo nderin g whal he wo uld bring He smiled, bowed And turned a back hand sprin g. He th en proceeded to go to work He filled the stocki ngs with , oh what a gea t Ca n yo u guess what? A w inning me et!

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Mrs. Renee P. H endershott 17605 Fries A venue La kew ood, Ohio 441 07

news 'n notes

W ho' s W ho i n Gymnastics " Th e 1976 Ed iti o n is being co mpiled and is de stin ed to b e large r and more i nfortTldti ve th an th e o ri ginJ I edition. A ll tho se appearing in th e 1973 edition w ill remain and n ew nam es from all part s of th e gy mn astics wo rld w ill be added. Ju dges, gy mna sts, officials, equ ipment represe nt ati ves and enthu sias ts are all includ ed , alo ng w ith ba c kground in forma t io n and ho nors ac hi eved, present po si tion and addres s. To b e a part of this newest an d mo st up-t o-da te publi cat ion for gymnasts, pl ease send in th e fol low ing information and m ai l immediately. (Deadline for entries is October 1, 1975) : Na me, Address (Cit y, Stat e and zip,) birthd ate, and a resume of your activities i n gymnast ics . In clud e earliest to lates t invol ve m ent in' th at order, past re co rd s, pr ese nt profession. Limit your entry to 100 words pl ease. We reserve right to ed it all co py, fo r size." Tell th e USGF th at yo u wa nt to be a 1976 registrant. Comp lete the informat ion as requ es ted above and enclo se check for $15 .00 mad e pa ya bl e to the USGF and mail to th e USGF, Box 4699, Tuscon , AZ 85717. Pri ce includ es th e 1976 ed iti o n of " Who 's Who in Gymnas ti cs," p erso nalized coPy and reg istry within th at edition. Ch anges in USG F/ N A GWS Certificati o n Pr ocedures (USGF N ew s. June 1975) I. Testin g Pr ocedure" Rev ision s/ Changes A. A Tes t Adm ini strato r who elects to take Certificati o n Exa min ation mu st be tes ted prior to th e tim e of her sched ul ed test admini stration s w ithin eac h Certification Yea r (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). B. A ny ex ami nee who elec ts to re-t est w ithin th e Certifi ca ti on Year must pr esent her current ratin g card to th e TA prior to th e exa min ati o n . In th e event that th e ca rd h as bee n lost, a dupli ca t e w ill be iss ued upon req u est b y th e Certifi ca li o n Coo rd i nato r. C. Th e Ratin g card for jud ges ce rtifi ed w ithin th e 1975 -79 Ce rti fi cati o n p er iod w ill i ncl ude th e followin g additional infor mation : 1. Te st d ate 2. Nam e o f TA 3. Ratin g statu s D. Ra tin g r eport fo rm s for th e 1975-79 Certifi ca ti o n peri od w ill b e se nt by th e TA to th e Examin ati o n Di stributor and th e Ce rtifi ca tion Coo rdin ator. Corrected or origin al fo rm s w ill b e th en se nt b y th e CC to t he Exam in ati o n Di stributor , C hairm an of th e USGF W o men' s Technica l Committe e, and Chairm all o f Ih e Women's Gymnasti cs Ju dges A ss ociat io n. GYMN AST Aug. '75

E. The fo ll owin g fee chan ges were approved : 1. Film Rentals: $25 .00 2. Examina ti o n Fees: a. Apprentice: $2.50 (th eo rett ic:al onl y) b. Assoc iate: $5.00 (th eo reti ca l and practi ca l) c. State: $5 .00 (th eoret ica l and pra cti cal) d. Regio nal : $5. 00 (th eo ret ica l and practi ca l) e. (Na ti o nal : $5.00 (th eo retical and practica I) NOTE:. U)GF News says, "th eore ti ca l o nl y" . According to Mrs. D elene D arst this is incorrect. ati o nal judges must also tak e t he practi ca l. F. Th e 1975 -79 Certificat io n Procedure is atta c hed . Comm itt ee m embers are req uested to rev iew thi s it em ca refull y and not if y S. Br ya n of any errors. II. Cert ification Exa mination Th e Certifi ca tion Comm ittee wi ll be respon sibl e fo r th e developmen t of th e 1975 -79 th eo r e ti ca l exa min ati o n s, und e r th e chai rma fl ,h ip of Lu Wallac e. The d ea dline d ate fo r submi ss io n of exa minati o ns was es tab li shed as Ma y 1, 1975. A ll ex amin ati o ns are to be se n t d irectl y to L. Wa ll ace, w ho wi ll th en forward th em fo r final rev ision s to D . Darst and J. Fi e b y Ma y 15, 1975. Fin al ized copies are due to Lu Wallac e Jun e 1, 1975. Th e Chai rm an , S. Brya n, was requ ested to se nd copie s of th e tabl e of penalties on March le , 1975 to facilitate thi s process. A. Cont ent of Theoretical Exa minations 1. Apprenti ce - C lass III a. Fo rm A and B: 50 qu estions b. Beginning Compulsories 2. Associate and State - Class II a. Form A and B: 50 questions general know ledge and optiona l judging b. 50 questions Int e rm ed iat e Compu lso ries 3. Region al and National - Class I a. Form A and B: 50 quest ion s general knowledg e and op tional judging b. 50 qu es tions Advanced Compu lsories B. Ass ignm ents for Composi tion of Th eoreti ca l Examina tion 1. Balance Beam: V. Fren ch 2. Vault in g: S. Amm erm an 3. Uneve n Bars: '0. Darst 4. Fl oor Exercise: J. Fi e 5. Opti o nal and General Knowledge : L. Wallace III. Cert ifi cat io n Film and Publi ca ti ons A. Th e Cha irman annou nced that th e publication of the 1975-79 Na ti ona l Comp ul so ry Routines may b e sli gh tl Y dela ye d becau se of unanticipat ed lega l matters co nce rnin g th e mu sic. B. Th ese lega l aspec ts rega rdin g the mu sic ma y preve nt pub li ca tion of th e sh ee t mu sic in th e N AGWS and USGF publi ca tion s. C. An o ffi cial tape of th e mu sic for fl oor exercise w ill be produced and mad e ava il ab le for pur chase by th e USGF-WC. N OTE: The mu sic has b ee n co mpose d and wi ll be ava il abl e for publi ca ti o n.

New Code of Points ... New Rating Exam You may be wonde rin g why th e new rat in g exa m w ill n o t be given until O cto ber thi s yea r in stead of Sep tember 1st. Th e reaso n is th at th ere wi ll b e an FIG Mee tin g in September in France and the new Code wi ll be viewed . A nything rep rese ntin g chang es w ill b e incor porat ed int o th e fl ew exa m ri ght afte r th e info rm atio ll has bee n m ade ava il ab le to us. Thi s way, th e test wil l b e right up-t o-da te. GYMNAST Aug. '75

Corrections lor your tentative copy 01 the new National Compulsory Routines 1975-79 A ft e r ret urnin g ho m e and d iscussing th e compulsories w ith friend s w ho had attended the Ma ster Workship , I found that th ey had bee n so bu sy movi ng and tr yi ng to lea rn th e new co mpul sor ies, th ey had neg lected to w rit e in th e co rr ecti o ns as th ey were anno un ced. A lso, th e USGF prin ted 3000 of th ese co pies and pro babl y so me of yo u mi ght ha ve gott en o ne of th ese w ith o ut the corr ec ti o ns. A ll 3000 cop ies are go ne now and th e co rrected vers ion is no t ready yet". so" . ju st in case you do not have th e co rr ect ions o r m issed some at th e cl inic, here is wha t I ha ve. pg. 4 V-l 1st p icture wro ng leg up VIII-2 Wrong leg forwa rd in all four fi gu res. pg.9 111-1 3rd figure: R leg should be up in back aft er sw in g turn. Tex t co rr ect IV-l Sti cks shou ld have R leg forward. Tex t Correct V-21 st sti ck - arms sho ul d be latera l. Text correct. Leg mu st be horizon tal pg. 10 VIII-34th fig ure w ron g leg up in back pg.13 11-1 Change tex t to read "three running steps to a STAG SLIP LEAP o nt o right leg. You may not reve rse th e sta g lea p. V-2 2nd st ick should show o nl y a se mi squat. Text co rrec t pg. 14 VIII-l First Stick - arms inco rrect. Tex t co rr ect. pg. 15. IX-5 Cross o ut wo rd s, "Step fo rw ard left and" start w ith word s, "a v.. turn to th e left and ..... pg. 20 11-1 Change tex t by marking out " circle back , dow n and " 111-2 Change tex t by marking out " left on in sid e " pg. 22 IX-l Seco nd figure shows back facing yo u. In a left -handed roundoff the fac e wo uld be faC ing you. Tex t correct. (a reneeebelle correction) pg. 23 Floor patt ern should end -

pg 56 Li st of Elem e nt s - stride circl e shoul d be " III " pg 58 IV-l Cast sho u ld be show n at Hor izo nt al VI-l Add to end "sea t c ircle - to an ex tend ed rea r support .. pg. 59 VII-2 (2nd 2) Add to tex t " Hips sho uld be free of bar" pg. 62 IV-l This ~, tu rn may be done left or ri ght because w ho le routine uses legs always do ing same thin g simultan eo usly. pg. 63 Change va lu e of eleme nts IV. Cast stradd le sa le circle , Yl turn to ba ck hip circl e onl ow bar .... 0.5. Ea gle ca tch .... 0.5 pg. 67 Under: O n-F li ght Add : Bod y achi eves ho ri zo ntal in lst flight .... 5 Body achi eve above horzo ntal in 1st fl igh t .. 1.0 pg. 68 Unde r : Posit ion and Stretch o f bod y. Toes flexed as the y pa ss over th e ho rse ... Dedu ction in o nl y .2 no t .3 Und er Directi o n of Va ult · Poor dir ecti o n of entire va ult .... 5 One flight poorly directed .... up to .3 (no more than .5 total for both flight s) Add: " Ge neral Balanc e a nd Landin g." as title above ded ucti ons yo u found un der " Direction of Va ult. " pg. 72 Cross ou t last listed deducti o n und er th e titl e, " On-F li ght .. pg. 77 Go to dedu cti o n , "a rm s co mpl etely bent upon arr iva L ... 0.3 - 0.5 cross o ut " co mpletely"


.mffi~[mrn illmIJ~ ,1ORDER

l\--. ®


Men 's In t. Para llel Hdr (5) 7.00 5.00 In t. Rin gs (J ) Basic to Int. Srd e Horse (2) 4.00 Basic to Adv . Tumbling (4) 6.00 Ad vanced Parallel H", (4) 6.00 Adva n( ed Kin gs {J ) 5.00 Ha sic to Ad v. H o rilO ntal H", (6) 8.00 Girl ' s Int. to Adv . Halan ce Heam (6 ) 8.00 H a~ic to Adv . Tumblr ng (4) 6.00 (sa me a, Men 's above) Com petillve Vault, ng (J ) 5.00 )nt. U neven Para ll el H", s (5 ) 7. 00 BOOKS Gy mna st ic, I llust r ~ted 9.50 i he Side H ors" 3.50 FILMS 1972 O lympic Gymnastics Ind . frnals Super 8 Kodacolor 400 It. Men;' 40 .00 400 it. Women ', 40 .00 FLOOR EXERCISE MUSIC Music Add pte d Irom the Mu nr ch O lympics Vo l. I 12" ste reo reco rd B.OO ca>sette tape 5.00 New Vol. II 12" stereo record 8.00 New cassse tte tape 5. 00 AIDS Meet Advert"in g Po>!e" leac h ) 1.00 grr ls boys Scoring Kit ~ 1.50 gi rl s boy~ Han dguard, 2.25 sm med Ige Gymna str c Embl em' .75 Add po;tage dnd hand lin g 50q lo r order; unde r $10.00 $1.00 lor order; over $10 .00 TOTAL $ _ __


pg. 42 VII-5 2nd sti ck fits ove r description 6 6 Thi s sti ck moves to right ove r description VIII -l alon g w ith pi ctur e of sca le turn. VIII-3 Move 2nd sti ck to right ove r d escription 4. it is 1st part of tourjete. pg 43 IX-l Change tex t " body turns 45°" to " 90°" IX-l Thi s is th e one in middl e line. Change to X-l for beginning of rou nd -off. X-l (2 nd 1) 3rd figure ha s wro ng leg forward XI-l 2nd fig ure has arms in w rong pOSiti o n . Change tex t - cross out " from overh ead " pg. 431X-l1 st sti ck appeare d to have R leg up. Sho uld be l. Move thi s sti ck to beco me las t stick in se ries over VI II -5 IX-4 Move stick to IX-l (Thi s should rea ll y be X " if yo u notice, th ere is a IX at the top of page and another IX in midd le lin e w ith no numb er X.. then XI on bottom lin e) I am referr in g to th e IX in middl e lin e. This sti ck is th e entry into th e roundoff. Read text over 4 to ge t positi o n to empt y spot ju st created. pg. 43 IX-l Midd le lin e R L,R,L,R (hurdle ) for L roundoff. Your L leg is up after precedi ng turning hop, so this leg mu st run l irst. pg. 44 Add at bo tt om - "Ro und -off may be reve rsed in Adva nced rou tin e onl y" pg 54 VI-l (2nd 1) A mpli tude in picture is too low. Th e underca st shou ld be above hor izo nt al so \! turn ca n be co mplet ed by time body is hori zo nt al.


BASIC GYMNASTIC TEACHING SYSTEM Girl~ ' (6 chrt, with teache r 's manual ) 10.00 Boys' (B charts with teacher'; manual l 12.00 Teac her '; Mdnual only 2.00 (s pecily boys' o r grrls' ) GYMNASTIC CHARTS

pg. 28 IX-l For " Bod y failing to pass through ve rtical on roundoff " Change deduction to .2 " Legs co min g together too late" change deduction to .2 pg. 30 1st sti ck ... arm s incorrect. Text co rrect. 1-3 Stick a bit incorrect. Lan d w ith arm s over head - not beh in d it. pg.30 11-2 Fi gure shows in co rrect legs. Text correct IV-l Change tex t by mar kin g out " and with straight legs." pg. 32 IX-l Change degree of turn to ~8 turn. X-l (Second 1) Face shou ld be facing us in figure of round off to l. Tex t co rr ect. (a reneebelle correc tion ) pg. 33 XII-l Change tex t. " ank le" to " leg " (Dele ne says now to any heig ht o n leg) ~ / pg 34 Floor pattern end should be: Q .. pg.38 X Chan ge " legs coming togeth er ... O.l " to " 0.2" Add " y, turn inco mpl ete ..... O. 2" pg.41 IV-3 Seco nd sti ck". toes sho uld be at Rankle. V-3 y, p ivo t in co rr ect. Chang e to: "y, pi vot turn (weight on both feet ).. co ntinu e move ment in anoth e r



brd~from-Gym~tic Aide~ - Bo x 475 , No rthbrr d ge . Mass 01534


Street City _ _ _ __ _ _ School

State _ __ Zip _ _


SANTA MONICA GYMNASTIC CENTER "Youth - No Obstical to Quality" by Tom Wakeling There is a young but impressi ve (not necessaril y in size but in qualit y) gymnastic club in Santa Moni ca, California , o f wh ich th at municipalit y and th e gy mn astic co mmunity in genera l ca n be p ro ud . Th is c lub is reg istered and fo rm all y kno w n as the Santa Monica Gymnasti c Cent er. It was estab li shed by its director and coac h, AI Luber ju st a bit over o ne yea r ago. Currentl y th e club has a membership of over 100 girl s. Twenty -fi ve of them are wo rkin g w ithin th e tea m program . Th e po licy behind SMGC "s tr esses fundim ent al and basics for b eg inners as we ll as in term ed iate and ad vanced g ymna sts". Inspit e of it s yo uth , SMGC is beg inning to estab li sh th eir ow n con tin gent o f qualit y gymnast s as evide nced b y the fac t that ni ne Class II tea m members q uali fied for thi s yea r 's Class II USGF Sta te C hampi o nshi ps. Eac h girl ju st last yea r wa s rated n o higher adva n ce d th an Class III. Jeanett e Sym o ns fini shed 4th o n b ars and Hi lja Jacknowitz vau lt ed her way for 5th (11 and under di vision ). Amo ng tho se who qua li fied wa s l yn n Yo n eyama th e current l os An ge les Cit y Hig h Sc hool Beam champion. O n th e nati o nal scene , l aurie Don aldson qualifi ed and competed in t he USGF Sr. Na tio nals at Eu gene. Orego n thi s Yf'dr and pl aced 8th 0 11 bars. San t a Mo ni c a G y mn asti c Ce nt e r inco rporates pr og ram fo r Cla ss I, II , and III compe t ition. Thi s p as t year , th e ce nter has enj oye d th e oppo rtunit y to suppo rt a fu ll tea m for Cla ss II and III . Thi s year A I hope s to field an en ti re Class I tea m. Th e small but ce rtain ly effi cient in stru cti o nal and coac hing staff i nc lude A I Lub er as head coac h and d irec to r and ab le dan ce cho reographer M ichell e D elu ca. Th e pr og ress thi s clu b ha s enj oyed in its fir st yea r is tremend o u s. And if th at pro gress is an y in d ica tion of th e ce nt e r's future , th en make room at th e top, for it is sure that the Santa Moni ca Gymnasti c C ent er w ill d eve lope th e kind of gym nast th at w ill o nl y co ntribute to th e futu re of th e Ame ri ca n gy mn as t ic co mmun it y.

Laurie Donaldso n working th e bars at last year's Santa Mo nica Gym!es!. AI Lube r , h e r coac h a nd th e direc t o r of SMGC will be , as he did las t year, dire c ting this c oming Gymfes!.




i!?~,~~';:,J ~

Gaylene Dunlo p


Jeannette Symons


Tracy Mi ya s u o w liS a ll a ul!ar

Tid Bits by Pat We h ea rd that t he Flippers Gymnastic Team o f Garland, Texas ha s moved into their n ew expanded facilit ies. Gymnastics, Inc., the sc hool for th e Flippers moved into th eir n ew build in g May 1. Th ey have approx imately 15,000 square fee t, giv in g th e tea m space for two floor ex ercise area s p lu s pl en ty of room for th e other pi eces of equipment. Don and Bettye Martin opened Gym nas ti cs, In c. , in 1969 to prov ide a co mplete sc hoo l of gym nas tic training fo r boys and gi rl s, at th at tim e the y had 25 members o n th e team and so me 300 youngs te rs ac ti ve ly engaged in classes . Now in 1975 th e tea m boa sts 74 members and 500 act ive stud ent s.

Mi c he ll e Sokol

AOOlTl6N Al ClUBS FOR ClUB OIRKTORY Aads Gymnasti cs Tea m, lan caste r. Ca.

Am e ri ciln Gymnastics Ce nter. Co nco rd , C.1 . Charles to n Family V, ChMl es loll , s,c. Columbia YWCA, Columbia. S.c. Culbertson Gymnaslique, Sa ra so la : Fla. Easley Rec reatio n Dept., Ea sley. S,c. Gym sca mps, Florence YMCA , Florence. S.C John stown Turn e rs Gym Team, Jo hn stown. Pe rlll s)' lva nia Panth e rs Gym Team, University of Pittsburg a t John slown , Jo hn stow n . Pe nn sy lvania Roc k Hill YMCA, Rock Hill. S.c. Spartanburg Fa mit y YMCA, Spartanb urg. S.c. Sumle r YMCA, Sumter , S.c. Tapi a Studios, SlJlli va ll s Island , S.c. Tigard Gymn aslic School, Tigard , Ore. Howt e- in-the-Hills Ol YMPIAO, Howey. Fla. Haddo nfi e ld OLYMPIAD, Hadd onf ield . N. J. Mo o res lo wn OLYMPIAD, ,\ t1oo restmvll , N. J. Orla nd o OLYMPIAD, A lta mo llt e Spr ings , Fla . Richm ond OLYMPIAD, ric hm ond , Va. Wilminglon OLYMPIAD, ~V i lm i ll gton. De l. Wade Hamption H.S., Greenville, S.c. W es t Side YMCA , New Yor k, .Y.

GYMNAST Aug. '75

GYM IN THE By Pa m Mc Fa rla nd



Fir st I wo u ld like to tell Y0 U abo ut o ur gy m . W e mu st have th e small es t gy m in t h e WOR LD! W e have o n e floor exercise mat, two se ts of undeven pa rall el bars, but o nl y o ne se t is up unl ess th e Il oo r mat is c losed up . We have two se ts o f parall el ba rs, b ut lik e th e u nevens, o nl y on e se t is in use. Th e two se ts o f rin gs are ex tended ove r th e flo o r mat and ca n 't be used w hil e so meo ne is wo rkin g fl oo r. We have o ne hi gh bea m, Olle low b ea m, o ne hi gh bar, and o ne sid e ho rse, all up aga i nst th e wa ll s, but li ke ju st abo ut everyth i ng else, ca n 't be u se d u nti l th e floo r m at is fo ld ed up . Now va u ltin g is ano th er story! W e ei th er mu st va u lt o utside o r ca rrya ll th e eq u ipm ent up to th e large r ba sket ba II gy m, b eca use even if we close d ow n all th e o th er appa ratu ses th ere is sti ll no t enough roo m to run . W h en we hos t a gymn as tics m ee t, we mu st move all t he equipmen t u p to t he baske tba ll gym , w hi ch is up a hill , I ca n ass ur e you th at ca r ryin g a o n e to n fl oo r mat up a hil l and arou nd a few co rn ers is ve ry hard ! Hack in o ur littl e gy m we have fo u r ro o ms, th e office, th e aud io and we ight s room , th e girl s dr eSS ing ro om , and th e bo ys d ress ing room . Each roo m is abo ut 9x 12. Above these rooms is a smal l w o rk area fo r wo rk ing bea m and sid e h o rse, howeve r yo u mu st cli mb a lad d er to ge t to t hem . Our troph ies are d ispl aye d o n all o ld gray fi le cabin et in t he office . Now th at yo u rea lize o ur wo rkin g co nd iti o ns, let me tell yo u abo u t th e mos t importa n t part , o ur team! Th e Sa n A nge lo Ce ntral H igh Bo bcat Gymn ast ics tea m is mad e up o f p eop le w ho love gy m nasti cs and d o th eir bes t i n it. On th e vars it y th ere are 6 girl s and 9 boys. Th ey are al l eith er so phom o res, juni o rs o r se ni o rs. Th ey all w o rk o ut from 3: 00 to at leas t 6 :00 every d ay. Three days a wee k th e ju ni o r Varsity, made up of 7th , Bth and 9th grad ers fro m th e j un io r Hi ghs t h ro ugh o ut th e city, wo rk o ut fro m 4: 006:00. Then t here are th e elementary classes aft er 6:00 . 1 he va rsit y teaches all of th e classes. W e 've go t o ne o f th e b es t progra ms in th e state. A nd let me n o t fo rge t to m enti o n th e mo st impo rt an t m em be r o f t hi s p rog ram o u r coach, j am es Wh it e. He was th e perso n w ho started the gy mna stics p rog ram here in San A ngelo. H e helps us, spo ts us and enco urages us to d o o ur best. N o w I wa nt to le t you kn ow t hat th e reaso n for w riting th is le tt er was no t to complain abo ut th e litt le space, but to let yo u kn ow w hat an yo ne ca n d o if th ey rea ll y wa nt to. By thi s I mea n, we ll , ju st rea d . A mo n th ago th e b oys and girl s Var sity we n t t o reg io nals. Th e bo ys tea m was d efending it s 5th str aight title and tryin g to remain state champ io ns w h il e th e girl s tea m was de fendin g i ts reg io n al tit le. Th e girl s were run ner up in state las t yea r. Bo th tea ms held th eir r eg io nal tit les. A t th e state mee t in Au stin , th e boys tea m fi ni shed up 2n d w h ile th e girl s tea m fini shed 4th . Me mb ers o f ou r tea m th at fini shed all -s tate are as fo l lo ws : Yvo nn e LeVri er 0 11 t he u neve ns, Bart Gunt er 0 11 ri ngs, Dav id Ca ldero n o n b oth Hi gh Bar and Va u lt , and Mike Lowe o n Sid e H o rse.





Dear E d itor . For th ose of you w h o think th e Turi schevae r a i s over watc h o u t! As a loyal fa n o f Ludmill a. I be li eve s h e will on ce again w in th e Olympic crow n nex t year. It looks a lmost imp o s s ibl e a fte r h er p e rfo rm a n ce a t Ski e n . but h o w m a n y gy mn asts can m a k e two mad mi stak es in th e a ll ·ar o und a nd s till fin is h fo urth ? Ludmill a jus t h a d a n o ffd ay. b ut nex t year . s h e' ll demo li s h h e r comp etiti o n! R e m embe r! Be in g a c h a mpion fo r fo ur year s is n o t to be forgo tte n! Ro m eo G u ille rm o. J r . Corn wall. New York E D: If p ast perform a n ces a r e a ny in d i cat i on o f th e future, w e a r e s ure w e will be seein g a l o t m o r e of Lu d milla. WH O I S WORLD C HAMP ION?

Dear Editor. T o h elp se ttl e a bit. I 'd a pprec ia te you r sending m e th e a n s w e r to the fo llo w in g qu estion: Wh o i s th e 1975 World Gy mnastics Ch a m pi a? A fri e nd h o lds th a t Ludmill a T urisch eva h as captu red t h e gold m edal fo r th e second time. a nd I d on 't be li ev e th a t it's true .. .. Sincerely E . Bu c kley E D : YOUI' ti'i end i s righ t .. . Tu r isch e v a i s th e c urren t Worl d ch ampi on h a vin g cap t ured th e a t t h e 1970 World G y mn ast i C t itl e Ch a mpion ships in Yu gos l avi a a nd again i n B u l gari a in 1974. Th e Worl d Ch a m p i o n s hips a r e h eld every fo ul' years on th e even year b etween th e Oly mp iCS. It w as t h e E uro p e a n Ch amp i onships cro wn th a t Ludmilla lo st to N a d i a Com a n eci in N orway in 1975. Til e E uropea n Ch a mpio n ships a re h eld e ve r y t wo year s. Ludmilla w as ch ampion in 1971 a nd 1973. GREAT STAFF

Dear Mr. Su n dby, As a new s ubscriber to GYM NA S T M a g az in e, I mu s t comme nd the p er sonell ,you h ave to put

SPECIALISTS IN • Educational Records • Special Recorded Music lor the GYMNAST

th e m agaZi n e togeth e r . Th e a rti c les and photogr ap h s in co rporated are exce ll e n t an d o f hi g h qu a lity. T h e magaz in e is i n fo rm a ti ve a n d in s pirin g w ith th e ove r a ll info rm a tio n th a t i s in clud ed . P lease con tinu e to do thi s excellen t jo b. Si n cer e ly. S a l Dov i ED: T h a nk -you . we agree . we f eel w e h a v e a g r eat sta ff too ! TR I BUTE

Dear Si rs: I wo uld like to pay tribute to o n e of th e be st coach es (and g r eatest g u ys) I kno w. H e h a s h e lp ed a great deal in p ro m otin g gy mn as ti cs in this a r ea. T h ere a r e prese ntly five c lub s h e r e. a nd th e inte r es t is s t ill growi n g . H e. pe r so nall y. h a s h el ped m a n y g irl s. i nc ludin g m e . H e w as a fo ur t im e o ly mpic coach a nd i s n ow r eti r ed . b ut in str uctin g g irl s c las s es in o ur d owntow n YWCA in R oche ster. New Yo rk. T hi s fi n e m a n s n ame is G eo rge Chesto n . M a n y th a nk s. An o n y mous Roc h es te r , N .Y. EXERCIS ES

Dea r Sirs: I w as w onde rin g if you co ul d ge t m e a li s t of ex e r ci ses to do to limbe r up mu scles. This fall whe n sch ool s ta r ts th e re is g oing to be a gy mn astics team a nd I wo ul d like to s ta rt gettin g in sh a p e now. Th a nks ve ry muc h . Sh a r o n H a nn e m a n Wi scon s in Rapi ds. Wis. E D : L ook in t h e July E di t i o n o f " GYMNA ST ", Gretch en Dows in gs "Co- Ed Campus Co l u mn , h as som e s u gges ti on s for keepin g in sh a p e over th e s umm er . NEVER ?

a m not w ithou t a r eputa tion in the g y mnastic s cen e as being s o mewh a t of an optimi s t. However . I have a lso been f a irl y accu sed o f be in g a d ev il' s advocate . I like to think o f m y s elf as a n ind ividu a l w h o h a s dem o n s tr ated in word a nd d eed th at i s uppo rt o u r progr a m on a n atio n a l level but also f eek i t is m o st impo rtant th a t w e k eep our h eads a bo ut u s a nd be realisti c. (Co illillu eu 011 page 46 )

SLP 1023. Mus tc tor Gymnasts with Olnce Exerctso by St ottt Noasen.


Bottot • Tho Spokon Cto.. by Roa .. Marta Menes. Pre. Ballot through Ad· vanced with Voice Instruction and Mu sic In fou r graded LPs.

Battot Cto.. wt th Ros.. Marie Mene• . Instrumental MUlie sataeted tor p.... grammed Instrue· lion trom pre-Bottot through Advonced tn tour greded LPs ..


~~ -- it', ....



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SlP 1180. Mustc tor Floor Exercises by Lindo Chonclnskl.

SLP 1198 Ballot tor Phystcal Fitness by Ros&-Mane Menes.

SLP 1200. Mustc lor Modem Gymn.. ts by Nora Yevette.

.•. ". "


SlP 1201. Mustc tor Floor Exercises by Linda Chenc lnski.



TOP ALL AROUND G.YMNASTS IN THE UNITED STATES As Su bm itte d By Je rr y Wright , Jul y 1975 Me n

presents DANCE •



1. 2. 3. 4.

4. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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Seve nt y fo ur g id ,dd ·, .11 ""',. repr esf' lltin g th e fiv(' :11~ ndwr l:!, ,1 ';,. " Pri vJ te G y mn asti( .. ( hd . " I I. pan i( ip.u ed ill th e ." " :1 ,1 .1""",': whi c h was pre ceed .. i i,', '\ ,Itl.t ;

m e e ts h e ld t h roug h d., '.Ill"; lh e close st <."o m p ,'IPl, ' " ": 'h'· I~ "·'" I ,'_; ,I b e l Wpp. n th e Hippr h ,p,d Ih, I 'iI' II :,' '111 'll bot h girls' and h,," d.\ ,.1. n', ! i" : i!~ 'i'\ gi rl s WO Il t he 1( ','11' t:r'i,h\ '.' HI! " ".,.,! "I 892.35 le arn p o i lll ~. i i.e i iql I. ,.:::!,' :11':'1,· ·· , seco nd w i t h .l SI " f ' (" t;~~ :".ln lhc slat ec ha m i""n\llIpir"lh', \,",: ;"., Fillc h b o ys w it h Illhi\ ;r! ,"'P>I , .• Flipper boys' SCI '''' ,;1 PI:,;: .'~ 1 hp G ue gue l' (, ""',1.11 \. l" . . • . , -','I; A nlo nio plil ccd :IIP'!I!,li"';. :t!· d ... r 1"" ,,:.: th e Cren shaw '_,',,,,.j.;! , ''in I,' \1' 1'" p laCf' u third in "" jll'\~ oi" '.t,':. 1975 USGF W O I".U.N NO lllH (J\i{t)!I N.:\

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Class II 10-11: UPS: i'. \\"d 111:.," ', id; B[<: 'Stumpf (CSG1 ' ,'.1 7: V: '\.;, \.-\ ,.;1 ("20' f);. '-, Wei I6.97; AA ::-'" \\ "t i .!Io.·H. 11 ·1 -.: tH' !t: { \lVa verick (Ch,lIl "I. it : !HI : J 1.,·11.. <"(,1 15.27; V : C. '.\.I'.l"., t ",' . ,:1 ; (-\'. i I "~~' I!" (C h ar ) 1&.08; ,\}.: I' \.\,1'.• .- ,,, ' (,f l .B:!. ' ~.·Iii· UPS : N. Pe' c',; I:, \, ,' 1\ ',(, I ".!;: I~H: : Jac kso n (CS<, ( , I l .'I : v': I 1.10 l, .. 'i I ( '., ., ~ 13.00; FX: E. J,: I ~"'II ' -' . !: ,\ ~\; 1.1' , ., '11 4H.llli .

Class III 10-11: UP8: I i"I .. 1l ,{: 'l l i' . ;0; Itf;: Chapman (Ch,l'i i.'lO: \, : ... ikl!lIUl,';( f.~ 8.20; FX: S. ( h.qm,,'" :-.85; i\A : '~ 1~,·,hl!l .. 29.60. 12-14: lil' H: I'. ( ,11 !Iolr, If -"<if; :: .t: I: RR: N. Boere rna I' dl"',·,,h·,ll'l ll .J.I'. : V: ';. \. ,ld; ' (Char) 8.DO; f X: I ., ! I;"::·"J"I d!l·Ji· .h~ : j,.,: Boe re rna ~ q BII. ' i-I(): tJt'B : l. Iil.I'>" :It, (BH S) 8.75; BB: I' :~/lI\H',t{i 1I'i! ~ .... ~ 7: J(I; V: n Do wllin g (C\(.l l ;/lO ; rx: !. i . ,P.I ',j ,!, dql" 7.70; AA : 1. '( .. 11i,I.:h.'1 (."./'1),



u esulls !Ie d by Ro be rt Cowan, :to p o int lea d ove r girl s "I,ll! l';" O l ympia School o f ~ l ' ,,"l,' !..... 'Jr' Par k, score 339.44 to '" :',,·\,.,.1 ,!t. ;" Ila ledth e girl seve nt s, :'1.1' I"!, I'!'''. " ,~I " , the tw e nt y- m embe r \!. ·'1.: ~" " . ,I ,.,,'. ' ;', " ' : '1, 1 p laced fi ve girl s 0 11 P r.' 'o" '-;., ~ I ' '.( I; 1(: ., ':' ,"\. ', !' \ "'."111, Gy mna stic Sch oo l ~"'\ ,;,.,,' , , ' ",' i; " '!'.., ,l th eGyro sfo rth e I",' ','.0[ 1':' "';, '; -", "1" 267 to 265. ~:" j. I ' ·, .,·,l' '.lOl o Il A Il State Team s "'\'" nl I, ",," Nell ty girl s wa s !'!' '.',>1' Ii .;' iii' ,, ' \';'/ ''11 0 11. Th e to p fi ve tit.: . ,. ' til ·\1; \ ";,,,.j ' n mp etition wer e , I ~ r I' 1',!1 ..•• ' j ' I, '. : '''lip. Th e)' tr ain ed ': rl.;. ,d' ,I!,,': " 1 " wee k fo r an All 1 ',:., ; ' !II h ",/ . " \1··'!( ,':1 A ll Star team ill /'11. 1 f.·" , 1',,1 l"o,\;!:-" . (I"eh o f th e EI Paso ~ ; \ ,ll "--oo rdinJt e th e 1"1,1: 1. I· .. d ,- 1'1"I !1atio nal m al ch . II, ',' p. 1".1, i,. w ill be th e All I!·

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Class I: 10-11 : l JP l!: j.. i.d','l" " i l i"'1 YMCA) 15.0; E H: " {,· : " i ll. · .. '6.~:-; \ " Gasqu ez 16.4; FX' ; !-.._ (""'P"'! I h.·F: 4/\ : r Gasqu ez 64.04 : 11·1 L U PH: f :~,,,,!:I ",I ,f 1 16.73; 88: J. B,IU II J! 1" lh .II~: \ ' : '" ; ,,·,'1 (CSG T) 17.47; FX: ; \\ d!tdll',· i{ I' ... I 11>./-; AA: C. Birg el ,,!--t.!U;. I',· Ill: lq'I~ : I~ \.\ ,~:" . " (C SG1) 15.24 ; lHl ; I' : i'l' l j 'I II j, " . ' '1..11 :' · V: B. Haw kin s If.. .'i. I),': I;. ! I·'" '~lIi. If,.:'(,: AA: B. H aw ki rr , (, \';0


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i n M ississ ippi I. Ippi at th e Ci ty "1'" ~ 6 , 1 9 7 5; in fa c t. dl' \'.• + " " ! I . ' t·, ! " " ' " e ld in th e new ", l1asts from six "~, ,I w er e Laur el Y . I' '" , ' \. -,.a ncy Ho usto n ; ~i!l 'I~;,,,r I {' D e p artm e nt ·."'fI~ r. ,,·,~I;I.,; bYM i s sMa r ie ·,il· '" '\ . (,\ .. ;, ,.' "'a nl (Lau re l) ,(",!"',i \1 ':,,;l: j)avi s; Burk e 's (,'.11':1, \', " ' i l , ! IP!.; ' " •• Ic hed by M s. '!;'I,I',I 1.,/, 't.,.-,·", \ . \"' lla SIS (O cea n 'i.r"I· ,,'I I" ;1 1/', '.1,' r, a th i W inth er ; ·' 101: " ' : !:", .. ', !!t·.!1 (,',',n na sti cs Tea m iI(;~,' ,,' .... , ' •• " '-.i'III' e La ll d rey. Th e , ,,! !,. ':. '. 1a rth a Fult o n , .,\ ," !, ' I oj; \.\I"" ... ippi U ni ve rsit y h,I \'. ,,;, ',.'/ ' I' ( , h,;,,!,,' . ",~ j'-) i ss i ppi . j " I" ,Id ,,;"11": '. ', .. ;:., , \ ,~, Valerie Pin so n .,j " ', Ir,,,I' ; ;";;":"'r:' !~ , '. !), ' pt. Th e o th e r ,;', ,11',_11; '; :'\ .11' '" ,\ "I ' ..'I. nl1 Aultrn a n , ",11,-,\ 1:,,11 \1"1;,,'. ; I." I' . \,n gela Foka ki s. /-0-.,:11 ! 1,,11', ,' ," ;~h'·.'ol ; I'> ~d , l il1 s k y . l auri e "1I;ill1' " I'!I~ f'",; , \;:1'1\,11; ( " m p etiti o ll was IH·I'] "11 ,\ III {i" , Iii \'., .'1, ' e ry pl ea sed to :'\\1' HI' " !l , ,'lti q •. t!i"" ,In.1 ho p e th at ;~, 1111'h!:l " ' \ iill.' ,,\\ '11 .. II' ,! .. ,p p i as a res ult I,! :1" . . I, ! .. I ,II ;1 ,



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Aug. '75

~Shir~ noW- irt.stoc~

OLGA! along with your favorite FROG JUNGLE LUNGE WALKOVER & HAPPY HANDSTAND $5.00, ea. ppd. Finest quality 100% combed, cotton featuring high crew neck, sport shirt length sleeves, and ch,oice of silk screened patterns. Colors: white, Yellow, tan blue, SIZES: S (32-34), M (36-38), L(40"42) $S;oo each (ppd.). Not all sizes available in all colors. Please indicate first, sec,ono, and third color preference. First choice will be sent whenever possible; however, we reserve the right to substitute color when necessary.

NOTE: Use order form envelope enclosed in this edition for your convenience.

Gym Shop Jewelry Available in Goldtone and Siltone unless noted otherwise. In all events plus all-around. Charms 51.SO Sweater Pins $;.50 Charm Pendant 52.25 Delu. Charm Pendant . 52.75 Charm Bracelet (one charm included) $2.75 Key Chain with Delu. Charm 5:Z:00 Stag Handstand Necklace $3.95 (Gold tone only) GYM SHOP JEWELRY

California add

Gymnastic 410 Broadway Santa Monica, Ca. 90401



Poslage lie Handling $1.00-$5.00 - :l5¢ $5.00-$10.00 - 50¢ . Over $10.00 - ~I.oo 6·~.

Illes tax

Gold - Sliver - Bronze Male or female Figure $:1.95 Each Figure with W~lnut p,destll Blse 3 sizes $3.95, $4.95 lie $U5 , Larger trophies available on speclll order: Inquire throulh The Gym Shop . Enlraved plates aVllllble 51.50 Order well in Idvance of your event, Illow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.

1571 Golden Gate Plaza Cleveland, Ohio 44124

GREAT STYLES FOR ACTION For the tops-in style and qual ity for dancers, gymnasts, skate rs and sports "persons" .. . even records and instruction manuals for teachers, write for Taffy 's great list of catalogs and brochures and join Taffy 's great ma iling list.

(Co ntinu e d from pag e 43) In the last issue of GYMNAST we once again heard the groan about being evaluated politically instead of gymnastically. I'm not naive about this and know of our recent Wor ld Game experience and have a vivid recall of my own exposure to this in Romania and France in 1971. We should know by now . however. that this will always be the case . The same issue had numerous references to why we didn'tdo this or that or score high or low. We recapitu l ate this statement after every major tournament. Again. in the same issue there were at least three specific statements which boiled down to say , we are coming along very we l l. we are not far from the top, it won't be long and we will leave the middle zone and leap into the big three if not number one! In my opinion, which I pointed out in a past articl e having to do with Defense Mechanisms and Gymnastics we will never be a top threat in gymnastics and we burn up too much energy dwelling on it. Not that we should stand by and let others wal k on us without raising appropriate hell butat the same time we shou l dn't entertain any myths of our own. Why are we not going to get to th e golden throne? The answer is not very complicated alth ough it is somewhat painful to face. QUI' entire political , economic and even national socia l system mitigates against the achievemen t of that highest level i n the sport of gymnastics. No amount of emulating the l eaders. members h ip on international committees or anything e lse is going to alter that fact. If we would stop the baloney and get about the business of doi n g the best we can by whatever means with the considerable talent we have we will be much better off in the long run. I must confess there is something about the persistent fantasy of greatness everywhere in everything (our nati on al mentality) that gets a bit tiring and in this case probably does not do justice to the kids who stru ggle so har d at the sport. We would be better off if we said out loud, "look youngsters, we will always be somewhere in the top 10 with luck so let's work like hell here. in the real world . to perfect the art and wht your doing in it. " It is not true that such a statemen t wo u ld discourage participation for if that was the case it would have happened a long time ago. At least we owu ld have stated objectives that wer e reasonabl e a n d a motivation to excel for a different reason than just to be number 1. 2 , e tc ., the ve r y goal characteristics that distress us in our politically oriented competition. I suppose another way of putting t he whole thing is , " if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitch en." What ever we do cou l d we p lease stop fantasizing and, most of all, pouting when these fantasies remain just that. Sincerely, Dr. Joe Massimo P .S. Please no l etters accu sing me of being a "p i nky" . Thanks.

Yo ur ow n



Arra n ged and played b y int e rnat ionally known Hugo Sa rtorello res ident p ian ist Came lba ck Inn

Fo r m ore in fo rm at io n wri te:

Hugo Sa rtorello S.G.c. ARIZONA TWISTERS

5028 N. Granite Reef Rd . Sco ttsdal e, Arizona 85253 (602) 945-9308 46

Au g. 8-9 Pa n Am Trials for g irl s to be he ld at th e Miami-Jai-Lai I·ronton. For tick e ts contact Bruce Da vis: phone numbers are Co ll ege (daytime) 305-665 4553. Gym 305-655-3043 , Horne (Eve's) 305-685-8934. Aug. 8-11 Na ti o na l AA U Jr. Olym pics, U of Corne ll , Ithi ca. New York. MU: G ymna sti c Coach . U. of Corne ll . Age Groups 12-14. 15-'15 for boys and g irl s. Girl s do IntI. Level U ~G~ / uews Co mpul so ri es. Bo Ys. NEW 1975 AA U -U~GI' Jr. Olympic com pul so ri es. Write to Jerry Duname ll. AAU Jr . O lympic Admi ni strat o r. 3400 W. 56th St. . Ind ianapolis. Ind . 46268 PH 317-297-2900 (mu st qualify thru di stric t a nd Regional com p e titiun ) Aug. 17 Bo b A ndersen' s Ca pable Peoples G ymn as tics '75 ~pon s ored b y ABC-1Y s Ce n tury Ci ty (b y ABC Ent e rtainme nt Cent e r). Handicapped a nd O lympi c Contender> perlorllling. 1-3 p.m. Free of c harge. For more inlor mation (',dl : Bob And e rse n 392-3800. A ug. 25-29 YMCA Gymnastic - Tra mpo lin e Clin ic a nd Co mpe titio n, C'll1p Arro w hea d . Rt e. 520 Marlboro. New Jersey . 07746. S ANTA MONI C A GYMFES T Aug. 3D, 31 , Se p t. 1 - Annual Sa nta Mo n ica G YM F ES T . Beach Park n4, Santa Monica Beach , Santa Monica, CA. Men on Sat. , Women on Sun., Fina ls on Mon. For further information co n tact Meet Director : AI lub e r . Sa nta Mo ni ca Gymnastics C e n te r . 4 12 Broa d wa y. Sa n ta Mo n ica. C A. 904 01. (2 13) 393 -2 110.

O ct. 11 Qualifyi ng M eet fo r World Champio nships in M o d e rn Rh ythm ic Gymnas tics, Sa n Fran c isco State Unive rsit y.

O ct. 12-26 Pa n Ame rica n Ga m es, Mexico City O ct. 27 -29 Dai ly M irror Wo rld Cup, Wemb ley. London

O ct. 30-Nov .

1 USSR Display Tea m, Wembley, London. spall so red by the Da il y Mirror. Nov. 14, 15, 16 USGF Co ng ress, Ue ll ve r. Co lorado, at th e De ll 'IPr M .... riol. $25.00 ear ly re gi stration fee. Uno ffi cia l Sc h e dul e Fo r th e USGF Elite Progra m 1975-(6

O ct. 31-Nov. 1 1st Re giona l Elite Qualifying M e et. Dec. 5-6 1st Natio nal Elite Qualifying M eet. Ja n. 16-1 7 2nd Regio nal Elite Qualify ing M eet. Fe b. 6-7 2nd National Elite Qualifying M eet. M a r. 4, 5, 6 USGF Wo m e n's C o mmittee Natio nal Elite Cha mpio nships. Apr. 9-10 M aste r Elite M eet. M ay 13, 14, 15 Olympic Trials. Jul y 5-14 De pa rture fo r Oly mpic Ga m es.

ClAssifiEd WOULD YOU LIKE TO COMMUNICA TE WITH THE READERS Of " GYMNAST"? " GYMNAST CLA SSIFIED ", a monthl y fea ture , is yo u r opportunity. Rates dre 20q per wo rd for the first 25 words ($5 .00 minimum) and 10q for each ad ditional word. lAds ar e accepted a t the discre tion of th e publisher }. Check or money o rder must accompany copY and be received prior to the c los ing date , whic h is the 10th of the month preceding iss ue date. Sen d orders to Classified Dept. , " GYMNAST" Magazine, P.O . Box 110. Santa Monica. CA 90406. PE RSONAL D EA R ED CONNOLLY, Thank yo u to r you r gifl. II was much appr eciau.> d bUI yuur ·· ,hanks··, wou ld have sufficed. Even th oug h we Me mil e!:> apart, I hope I have b ee n of so me h elp and hopf' Ihal yo ur gymnast ic program is we ll 0 11 il s W.1Y 10 success . ~orr)' I mi c;p lacc d yo ur address and could Ilol w rite direc tl y. Bpsl rf>gard s to you and your gyrnn asts. Si lln~re l y, Helcn ~ jur sc ll

EX PERtENCED COACHES: Look ing for bo.h men 's and worne n ·s coac hes (ma le or female , single o r marri ed) to coac h at la rge , es tabli shed G yrnna stic School in south Texa s. Fu ll time, yea r-ro und . high qua lit y coac hing . Good pa y. grea t cl imJte, friend ly staff. Have produced 2 stat e champs. Contact: Ja c k H yman H703 Bott s lane , Sail An tonio. Texas 78217. (5 12)828-6060

GYMNAST Au g . '75

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