Partners: Americas Gymnasts and...
Dial Soap. U.S.G.F.
~ The makers of Dial Soap are proud to join with th e United States Gymnastics Federation to sponsor gymnastics in America. We believe our amateur gymnasts need and deserve our support. We hope that support has, and will continue to contribute to medal-winning performances But Dial's broader hope is that all Americans will be inspired by these fine, young athletes to strive for personal achievement and national honor.
nasties July. August. 1979 • Vol. VIII, No.3 Editorial Organizational Chart
3 4
New USGF Staff Members Pan-American Games Golden Sands Invitational Junior Olym~ic Programs Junior Olym~ic Training Cam~ 1979 World Cu~ - Tokyo Final Trials for Women Photos-National S~orts Festival 1979 USGF CONGRESS PROGRAM USAIGC National Team Cham~ionshi~s National S~orts Festival Antibes and Orleans Invitational Golden Sands Invitational Sr. & Jr. National Results Modern Rhythmic U~date FRC Minutes/Women WTCMinutes FRC Minutes/Women WTCMinutes FRC Minutes/Women Antibes and Orleans USGF Com~uter Cover Photo
5 7 9
United States Gymnastics Federation
14 15 18 22 24
Busy' Months Ahead Complete staff of the USGF National Headguarters Jay' Ashmore and Bill Valentine Men's Rel20rt by' Bill Meade Women's Rel20rt by' Gail Davis Goals and Objectives Results of training caml2s Men's Rel20rt by' Paul Ziert Reflections by' Bill Valentine Photos of Kurt Thomas and Bart Connor Pullout of Congress I2rogram
26 29 32
34 36 37 38 39 39 41 41
44 46
Rel20rt by' Ed Knel2l2er Women's Rel20rt by' Roe Kreutzer Rel20rt by' Rick Wagner Men's Rel20rt by' Ron Caso USGF Sr. & Jr. Nationals Rel20rt by' Norma Zabka Minutes of May' 19, meeting Minutes of May' 16, 17 meeting Minutes of June 29 meeting Elite Portion Minutes, May' 18 meeting Minutes of August 11, 12 meeting Performance Rel20rt by' Grete Treiber Burroughs B-80 Coml2uter installed Photo by' Charlie Cole, Colorado Sl2ring Sun
PRESIDENT, WlLUAM ROETZHEIM/ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. FRANK L. BARE, VlCE·PRESIDENT FOR WOMEN, SUE AMMERMAN/VICE PRESIDENT FOR MEN , LES SASVARY MEMBERS: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation · Amateur Athletic Union · American Sokol Organization ' National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics · National Association of Women's Gymnastics Judges· National Gymnastics Judges Association· The American Tumers · The National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches . The National Association of High School Gymnastics Coaches . The National Collegiate Athletic Association · The National Junior College Athletic Asso- The National Federation of State High School Associations · U.S. Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs · Young Men's Christian Association.
Photos courtesy of U.S.G.F.
AMF American ... we develop equipment so competitors can develop even more! Aluminum Beam
American eliminated the warping problem with the introduction of the aluminum balance beam. Performers now have equipment with consistency and durability never before possible .
Fiberglas Bars
Since American introduced the first wood covered fiberglas bars, performance and durability have reached new heights.
American Athletic Equipment 200 American Avenue Jefferson, Iowa 50129
Suede Surface Vaulting Horse
This AMF development provides a surface and texture that has become the popular choice of vaulters.
Free Standing Apparatus
Gymnastics had a need for equipment that could be used with or without floor plates. American's Free Standing Equipment led the way.
Reflex 1200 Free Exercise Floor
newe nnovation. The unique preload tension release system provides the performer with greater shock absorbency while helping to reduce fatigue .
Exclusive Apparatus Supplier to the XXth World Gymnastics Championships, Ft. Worth, Texas - December 3-9, 1979.
Executive Director
The Pan-American Games are history. They remain almost a more political contest than an a thl etic endeavor. One can on ly hope that in years to come the PAN-AM Games will evolve into a friendl y and spirited ath letic contest without so much politica l bitterness tha t has been characteristic in years past. Our gy mnasts did th emselves a nd the U.S.A. proud . They and their coaches performed well , a nd we could not have asked more from them than they delivered. The USGF CONGRESS is just around the corner now. Send your registration in ea rl y and make your room reserva tion early. It will be a most importal1l meeting, what WIth preparations for 1979 World Championships and 198.0 Ol ympic Games a ll being virtua ll y done together. ThiS year's Congress cou ld well be the bigges t ye t and the agenda shou ld be crowded with programs, presentations and discussions. Be part of it. Tickets for the 1979 World Championships are now available, and can be ordered thru the ti cket agency in Fon Worth . By a ll means, if you plan on seeing the ' '''C's order your tickets now, and then ask the Housing Office a t the Chamberof Commerce, 700 Throckmorton St., Fort Worth, Texas 76102 to aid you in finding su itable housing for the event. In the eighty yea rs history of this the larges t of a ll gymnastic events, it has been in the Americas . . . . just once, and that's this coming December 2-9th . The USGF Board of Directors will mee t October 2-3rd, in Tucson . So much is on the agenda for that meeting tha t it will be one of the longest mee tings in the 16 yea rs there has been a USGF. So many good things have happened to the USGF this pas t year that they a ll deserve considerabl e a ttention. The USGF Constitution is being revised, and wi ll include, as of October, a provision for a n "ATHLETES ASSOCIATION" with full voting represel1lation on the Board of Directors. More on this later, but it does represen t a step forward a nd one the Board has discussed at length , but needed a full Constitutional revision before it cou ld be placed il1lo action .
After all these years, the USGF has a staff. Profess ional staff positions that were talked about for yea rs now rea!ly do ex ist. I am perha ps more pleased tha n anyone that Il has changed so much, a nd for the better. A Direc tors o f Events, a National Program Director for Men and now 0~1e for Women. Director of Publica tion s, a n Ol ympICCoord1l1ator, a nd a ational Registration Chairman. We now have a staff of ten . We a lso, thanks to DIAL SOAP, our na tional sponsor, have a Computer. It's in the office and operating and soon our US GF NEvVS (whi ch a lso has changed ItS Imagea lot for the better tha nks to J ack Mertes, our Dir. o f Publica tion s) wi ll be using computerized gum labels made right here in the office. All told it looks like the future is bright for organizational aspects of our sport: a nd based on h~w. the young ladies looked in Salt Lake Cay at the women s f1l1al tria ls . .. the competitive side of the sport looks that much better. 1980 should be a real turning point for the sport and the USGF.
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-Augu sl 1979
Jack Mertes \
Mas Watanabe
Bill Valentine
\ \
Sam Bailie
\ \
G ymn as ti cs News/ Jul y-A ug ust 1979
/ /
/ /
Gail Klauss
/ /
Topsie Bailie
Denice St. Cyr
New Additions Bring OSGF to Full Staffing
BILL VALENTINE . .. USGF' s National Program Director for Women has settled in Tucson and assumed his duties as director of the program for women. Just in time to attend the meeting of the USUF Women's Committee in Denver and then hustle to Salt Lake for the training camp for the women's team. Bill will be called upon to help direct the women's program at all levels and be USGF coordinator between the Foreign Relations Committee and the USGF Women's Committee. A sizeable task faces him and he certainly has the credentials to qualify him. He hails from Arlington, Texas where he successfully coached and developed the Arlington Gymnastics Club and we welcome him to the national office and the USGF program at the national level.
Jay Ashmore
JAY ASHMORE ... USGF's New Director of Events joins the full time staff in the national office. Jay Ashmore, fonnerly Vice President of Marketing for NIIF/ American and fonner great gymnast from Florida State University has moved to the U.S.G.F. National Office to assume the duties of Director of Events. The position was created and approved by the USGF Board of Directors some two years ago and has now been filled and Jay has jumped into the position just in time to be named Director of the XXth World Gymnastic Championships in December. He brings with him great experience, not only gymnastically, but in the area of equipment and conduct of events. The number of years he has spent in supervising the installation of equipment for competitions and tours should prove invaluable to the USGF as well as his ability to work with arenas and negotiate with arena management and television. The USGF Staff welcomes, Jay, his wife Linda and his daughter Belinda and son J.J. to Tucson and the national office. Bill Valentine G ymnastics News/ July-August 1979
'Twenty years ago our gymnastic apparatus was selected for major international competition. It still is!' ~~" Q~
Box 1270 Cedar Rapids . Iowa 52406 Phone: 319 / 365-7561 Telex: 464460 Nissen CDR
In 1959, Nissen apparatus was selected for the Pan-American Games. Since that time, our equipment has been at the Olympic Games, World University Games, Asian Games, and the 1979 Pan-American Games . We've always believed in promoting the sport of gymnastics, and we've always built the best and safest equipment we know how. Below are just a few of the recent major meets for which Nissen equipment was selected . • Only North American company to ever supply gymnastic apparatus to the Olympic Games (1976) • 1979 World University Games Mexico City • 1979 NCAA, AIAW, NAIA, Big 10, Big 8, Pac-10, NJCAA, Collegiate Championships • 1979 United States Association of Independent Gymnastic Club Championships • 1979 Pan -American Games - San Juan , Puerto Rico • 1978 Asian Games - Bangkok • 1978 European Junior Championships - Milan • 1977 Canadian National Gymnastic Championships • 1977 Central American Championships - San Salvador • Hundreds of annual U.S. high school, college, YMCA, USGF and Club Championships.
At Nissen, we design equipment for performance and then we build it to last!
G ym nas tics News/ ] u ly-Aug ust 1979
191~~an-American Games ~"fJJ~
~庐'\) v
San Juan. Puerto Rico July 2路6, 1979
Bill Meade On Saturday, May 19th , I saw th e first indication in over a yea r that the United States would be represented at th e VIn Pan-American Gam es. With th e top twelve ranked gymnasts committed to a two-week training camp and the Sports Festival in Colorado Springs, th e FRC decided to send the 13th-, 14th-, 15th- and 17th-ranked gymnasts to the Games. As only five weeks remain ed before th e start of competition , many things had to be organ ized quickly. The se lection of Armando Vega as H ead Coach and Bill Meade as Assistant Coach came as a surprise (though a pleasant one, I must admit) to both m en . The first requirement was to loca te the Pan-Am compulsories and check them out for problems. Coach Karl Schwenzfier was most helpful in this regard , as he had entertained one of the South American tea ms the previous summer and had worked on the compulsories while visiting Penn State University. Karl's interpretation proved to be right on the money, as we saw wh en we received the Spanish text a week later, and then the English text just before departure. The compulsories proved to be watered-down vers ions of the compu lsories for Moscow , so no great adjustments were necessary . Gym-Kin of Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania , M.I .T. of Berkel ey, California, and Gusto 's of Carbonda le, Illin ois were generous in their help in fitting the boys with com petitive uniforms and warmups. Many thanks are due to these companies for th e great job they did on such short notice. Bill Meade journeyed to Co lorado Springs on June 26th to aid in processing and training arrangements. Coach Vega , Carl Antonio lli of Southern Connecticut, J eff LaFl eur of the Un iversity of Minn eso ta, Dan Muenz of Southern Illin ois University, and Bob Desiderio of Penn State arrived on June 27th. Through th e generos ity of th e U.S. Air Force Academy and Coaches Karl Townsend and Lou Burkle, we were able to work out for two da ys at th e Academy and make final adjustments for the compulsories. Th e compulsories were scheduled for Jul y 2 at 16:00 hours, with Cuba and Canada in th e first session. We were in the second session with other tea ms and individuals. From the start, we had hoped to compete all four of th e gymnasts. We were afraid, though , that the FIG rul e of competin g one, two, three, five or six gymnasts wou ld ca tch up with us. We did not want to compete as a team , and had oQly brought four gymnasts. With a heavy h ea rt, we were forced to inform Bob Des id erio that he would be the reserve man. Bob handl ed this like a real gentl eman , and continued to help in all ways to spur on the three boys competing. I must take time at this point to compliment th e four gymnasts. I have traveled with man y tea ms , and this group was the best I have ever accompanied. They were co nsiderate of each other, were helpful and friendl y, and showed a ll the good qualiti es one co uld ask for in a group
Dan Muenz of young men represe nting th eir country. Our success certainly had to be due in large part to the esprit de corps and th e characters of th e gymnasts involved . Compulsories were a littl e rough , but we were not disappointed and we scored over 54.00: J eff LaFleur 55.30 Dan Muenz 54.40 Carl Antoniol li 54.00 These results put us in 8th, I I th and 14th p laces. After a da y of res t, we moved to the optionals . AIthough we did not do as well as we had hoped , we sti ll did a decent job: 54.45 La Fl eur Muenz 53 .55 52.05 Antonio lli This gave us a final placing of: 6th La Fl eur 109.75 12th Muenz 107.95 14th Antonio lli 106.05 Th e top All-Around man was Sergio Suarez of Cuba, with 112 .95, followed by Jorge Roch e of Cuba , with 112.40, and Warren Long of Canada, with 111.35. The rules of th e co mpet ition permitted on ly two gymnasts from each country in th e finals. i'Ve wound up with J eff LaFleur in a ll six finals , and Dan Muenz in all eve nts exce pt vau ltin g. Gymnaslics News/ Jul y-August 1979
1979 Pan-American Games Team competition results were: 562.30 1st Cuba 2nd Canada 550.55 3rd Brazil 5 14.90 4 th Venezuela 509.20 5th Mexico 502.45 6th Ecuador 448.75 In the finals, we were working h a rd to co m e up w ith a medal. Everybody kepttelling us th at th ey didn't expect us to win any, because we h ad not sent our top gym nasts. But Coach Vega, LaFleur, Muenz a nd m yse lf a ll were stubborn , a nd were determined to do our best. In floor exercises, Sergio Suarez (C uba) won w ith a very high Full-In and Double at the finish , scoring 19.20. Warren Long (Canada) placed second with a 19.00. J eff LaFleur was 5 th with 18.1 5 a nd Da n Muenz was 6th with 17.825. On the pommel horse we had more troubl e: J eff LaFleur registered a 7.80 for 16.725 an d 7th place, and Dan Muenz scored 8.90 for 17 .70 and 5 th place. Roberto Richard of Cuba was the winner with 19.30. On th e rings, we felt sure we were going to start moving. Jorge R och e (Cuba) was the w inn er w ith a 19.225. J eff LaFl e ur did a fin e job a nd scored 9.40 for an 18 .60 total which placed him at third . At the time, however, a mistake was m ade and they an n o un ced J eff as placing 4th . ''Ire did not find out we h ad won a Bron ze m eda l until th e m ee t was over a nd they recognized their mistake. Dan Muenz performed well a nd scored a 9.30 a nd a tota l of 18.400 for 5th place. We were still struggling for a m eda l, according to the a nno unce m ents , wh en the va ulting competition started. J eff did two good vau lts for a 9.45 avera ge, and it appeared as though we were in a tie for third. However, Ricardo Mazabel o f Peru did one of the hig h est h a ndsprin g fronts I h a ve ever seen , a nd stu ck it for a 9.80; h e h ad a littl e trou ble on a brani-out, but managed to sn ea k past J eff and Andre Vallerand o f Canada for th e Bronze with scores of 18.900 to 18 .875. Sergio Suarez (C uba) was the winner w ith a total of 19.475. Finally, we came to th e parallel bars competition, where we felt tha t we might get th e job done. Da n Muenz was in second place going in , with a 9.30 average to Roberto Rich a rd 's (Cuba) 9.575. Richard did a good set and scored 9.60 for a 19.175 average. It was then up to Muenz, and Da n respo nded with an excell en t set fin ishing with a good doubl e back, and was awa rded a score of 9.45 for a total of 18.750. We h ad finally cracked the ice and had a chan ce to see th e Stars and Stripes raised on the winner 's poles. Jeff LaFleur h ad a great set going and we might have a lso h ad a Bronze, but h e ran into troubl e rightat th e end and the seco nd medal slipped away. In th e last event, the high bar, we did not hold much hope, since four of th e fin a lists had averages of 9.500 to 9.700 . When Dan Muenz go t ready to compete, it was evide nt that the crowd felt h e h ad not rece ived a hi gh enoug h score on th e parallel bars, a nd they were rea ll y beh ind him . After Dan fini sh ed his se t, the crowd roared. A score of 9.60 was fl as h ed, but the crowd ye ll ed even louder. After a judges' co nference, a 9.65 was fla sh ed , but th e wa lls a lmos t fell in . For fifteen minutes the crowd h eld
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-August 1979
Jeff LaFleur up the m ee t. The scene reminded me of Dori s Fuchs o n th e un evens in Dortm o nd, Germany in 1966, a nd a few similar scenes. Da n ca m e over to ch eck with the coach es to see if the crowd felt his score was too high , a nd we h ad to ex pl a in th a t th e crowd wa nted a higher score. I, too, wa nted a hi g h er score, as a mere 0 .2 wo uld move us into third place. Fina ll y, a fter a la rge number of police m en m oved o nto th e floor , the crowd quieted down a nd the last two performers fini sh ed . Fin a ll y, it was announced tha t J eff La Fleur h ad won th e Bronze in the rings, a nd tha t fini sh ed a very excitin g a nd h ectic da y. Jorge Roch e (Cuba) was th e eve ntu a l wi nn er with a 19.450, Roberto Rich a rd (Cuba) finish ed second with 19.250, Warren Lon g(Ca nada) was third w ith 19.100 , Dan Muenz was 4 th with 18.925, a nd J eff L a Fl eur fini sh ed 5th with 18 .725 . All in a ll , the meet was run very we ll a nd the judg ing was reasonable. Since were were not a fac tor as a team, I ca nn ot say how it might h ave go n e othenvise. Our judges, Fred Orlofsky , John Burkel and Don Ne lson , did a n exce llent jo b, a nd it was good to see th em working for us. In m y opinion, we wo uld not h ave had a very hard time bea tin g th e Cubans, had we had our top line th ere. I do kn ow th at there were some ve ry h appy gym nas ts, who learned and benefited from th e experien ce of th eir first internatio n a l meet.
~@\I速速W~ ~速Wf~79 Golden Sands International Gymnastics Tournament JEANINE CREEK, Big Sky Gym Club -Great Falls, Montana Coach: Hal Halvorsen 1979 Golden Sands All Around Champion Gold Medal - Balance Beam Gold Medal - Floor Exercise Silver Medal - Uneven Bars Bronze Medal - Vault JACKIE CASSELLO, MG Gymn Club - Silver Springs, MD Coaches: Marge and Greg Weiss 4th place All Around Gold Medal - Vault Gold Medal - Uneven Bars 4th place - Balance Beam 5th place - Floor Exercise "Special Award" for the most unique uneven bar combination One by one we assembled at the Lufthansa terminal at JFK airport on Monday, May 28-Ron and Mark Caso were the first to arrive and served as my welcoming committe for me. Greg Weiss, Jackie Cassello and Jeanine Creek arrived together shortiy, then Jack Beckner, men's judge, and finally (due to a delayed flight) Matt Biespeil. We even were fortunate to have a " send off" committee of Mr. and Mrs. Cassello. The evening flight was fairly comfortable; there was much talk, too much eating, and yes, even some sleep! Our arrival in Frankfort, Germany gave us time to stretch our legs , and visit the airport shops where the men were able to purchase USA patches , for their sweats had arrived without markings. We then boarded another Lufthansa flight to Sophia (our "port of entry" into Bulgaria). After literally " buying our way in " (visas for eight cost $185.00) we boarded a Balkan Air Lines flight to Varna , the site of the competition. It was fun to meet the Canadian Delegation on board: Ruth Noble, judge; Elfriede Gorman, coach , and Diane Cooper and Bonnie Wittmeir, gymnasts. Without too much difficulty we located all our luggage. A 30-45 minute bus ride took us close (but not to) the Hotel Stranja (our home for the week) . Lugging suitcases over hill and dale was not the ideal end to a long trip, but was accomplished cheerfull y-everyone helped everyone out. Checking in at the hotel was not complicated-everyone unpacked quickly , took whatever temperature shower was available, and headed off, up some of the many steps we were to trod in the next week , for dinner. Since our delegation was very tired we passed up training the next morning and opted for the afternoon workout. Training for the women was at the Spartak (a Sports school with three gyms on the main level - FX area; however, the Rheuther Floor had been moved to the competition hall, 2 sets of Mitufa bars-one with a pit plus a single bar, 3-4 beams with "patched on padded surface, vaulting runway and horse with international boards). This gym was light, airy and pleasant-it also had a very springy tumbling strip ending in a pit. Our men trained at the Gagarine and from all reports had a good situation.
On the 31st of Maya 2 hour session was scheduled for both men and women at the Palais des Sports (Competition site). The women were squadded and rotated according to their competition rotation-the men were not force rotated and roamed at will. While the women were getting the feel of the equipment I had to turn in both compulsory and optional tapes to technicians who made a master tape in competition order for both compulsory and optional. The women did not ge t a chance to hear their tapes until the next morning and th en only in the sound booth. The technicians did a good job and there were few , if any, probl ems. The women had a good workout and after, our men showed mu ch confidence and control during their workout. Both left side horse 'til the end and both experienced some difficulties. Immediatel y after the workouts a technical meeting was held at the Sports Palas Hotel. All Heads of Delegation, judges and coaches attended with interpreters . Mr. J adj iev presided (Pres. of Bulgarian Gymnastic Federation ) and Mme. Dimnova for the women's side and Mr. Jordanof (?) for the men. The order of competition for men and women in both compulsories and optionals was given to each delegation leader. The women's competition had five squads of 6-7 gymnasts each (we were squadded with Cuba and Czechoslovakia ). The men were grouped into three major squads and subgrouped-two squads to a group (our men were with two Bulgarian gymnasts and one Turkish gymnast) . The women 's competition would have four events at once while the men would only have three . Our women and men both had Floor Exercise as their first event in both compulsory and optionals (though rotation within the " squad" varied). Since opening ceremonies were to start at 3:30 pm, the competition for the women at 4:00 pm and the bus did not leave until 2: IS Greg and I opted to take a taxi to the gym feeling the extra stretch time would benefit Jackie and Jeanine. This plan worked well and outside of " moving" for cleaning women they did accomodate us and I feel the gymnasts benefitted from an extra half hour in the gymnaslUm . June I - Compulsories-I was assigned to Floor Exercise (our women 's first event) along with two Bulgarian judges and a Turkish judge (who drew the lot for head judge prior to the meet). All the judges' chairs were in a line. The very nice and colorful opening ceremonies completed, all judges and gymnasts marched to th eir event and competition began. Floor exercise had the Cubans up first with 8.5 and 8.6 scores; however my scores for Cassello (9.2 , average 8.85) and Creek (9.4 , average 9.2) went out high. Both averages were low for very fine routines and I thought for the Floor exercise event that not much score differential was displayed between poor, good and excellent routines. Four out of five Bulgarian g ymnasts tied or bettered Jeanines' FX score. Compulsory compe tition proceeded smoothl y enough and Casello's other event
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-August 1979
#121 UNEVEN BAR $1 ,010 .00
#134 VAULTING HORSE $762.00
#136 HORIZONTAL BAR $520 .00
Origil}af Reutl)er . NOW AVA ILAB L E 路 Portab le Conversion Ki t s
#164 PARALLEL BAR $1 ,170.00
#103 MUNICH BOARD $202 .00
#141 CHALK STAND $140 .00
#11' VINYL PADDED BEAM $640 .00
Spieth -Anderson BOX 4O , ORILLlA, ONTARIO, CANADA
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Golden Sands Invitation Cant.
Peds the original maker of foot socks, offer "GYM GIRL", lightweight sock, made for snug comfort and sure-footed performance, (50% cotton - 50% stretct-. nylon) . Ask for GYM GIRL Peds at your nearest athletic equipment store or use our convenient order form below. A sure-footed performance .. ... .... ...... .. ... . .. . and for every package of GYM GIRL Peds sold, "Peds" will make a contribution to the USGF to help gymnasts compete in International Competition. Orders shipped UPS or 4th CI. Postage Paid
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(No COD 's please)
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sco res were: v, 8.75; U PB , 9.3; BB, 8.95 . Cree k sco res were: V, 8.95; U PB , 9. 35; BB, 9 .2 a nd a fte r compul sori es sh e wa s tied fo r seco nd pl ace with Rachn eva (Bul ) with a 36.70 a nd J acki e was in 7th w ith a 35 .85. I felt th a t FX scores were definitely low fo r o ur g irl s-the entire ra n ge for th e event we nt fro m 8. 15 (T urk ) to a 9.4 (Bulga ri a). Opti o n a ls, it see m ed mu st tell th e sto ry. Jun e 2 - Opti o n a ls- Te n minutes prior to th e co mpetiti o n I won the H ea d Jud ge p os iti o n by " defa ult. " We h ad draw n lo ts fo r compul sory (Turki sh judge wo n ) a nd lo ts were aga in draw n fo r op ti o n a ls; however, M m e. Dimmo va rul ed th a t a co untry could n o t re peat in tha t p o siti o n . As Bulga ria h ad draw n th e un eve n ba r event th a t lef t o nl y m e eli g ibl e. I h ad th e judges ch a irs m oved to cover th e w h o le a rea a nd we bega n- w ith J ac ki e Casse ll o as th e first co mpe tito r. J acki e did a super jo b a nd exec uted th e hi g h es t leve l techni ca l diffi cult y th e m ee t was to co nta in : Piked d oubl e back (onl y a sli g ht o p enin g probl em ), a ra bia n throu g h to a " dro pped in " d o ubl e full , a nd ended w ith a do ubl e full- (dro pped in a lso) . Sh e was definitely und erscored w ith a n average o f 9. 25 . J ea nin e fo ll owed w ith a very good ro utin e; do ubl e full , h a nd sprin g front h a nd sprin g front (hi g h ), d o ubl e turn , a nd ended with a d o ubl e full that h ad a sli g h t la ndin g p robl em for a 9. 2. I reminded th e judges o f th e diffi culty executed in th e first two ro utin es a nd to pl ease keep it in mind thro u g h o ut th e m ee t. Ve ry hi g h sta nd a rd s h ad bee n se t; n everth eless, three Bul ga ri a n gy mn as ts equ a led or be ttered th e 9.2 sco re. Gu o reve sco red a 9. 35 w ith a ro utin e th a t h ad so m e origin a l p a rts a nd th e sla p p in g o f th e pi a n o to immita te cas tin e ts but on e do u b le full , a layo u t a nd a layo ut step o ut as tumblin g diffi culti es. Th ere co uld be n o co mpa ri son be twee n o ur g irl s w h o p erfo rmed ve ry hi g h level diffi culty we ll (p a rti c ularl y Casse ll o in thi s co mpetiti o n ) a nd th e res t o f th e fi eld. Greg Weiss did enter a pro tes t o n Casse llo (m y score was 9 .4) but h er sco re rem a in ed unch a n ged. T h e o th er th ree eve nts went we ll for o ur g irl s (save J acki e' s o ne fa ll from bea m ) a nd scored: Cas sell o: V -9 .2; U PB-9 .4; BB8.55 All Around T o ta l 72.25 for 4th place a nd Creek: V-9 .1; U PB-9 .25; BB-9. 25 All Around T o ta l 73.5 0 a nd th e Go ld Meda l over Gu oreva (Bul ) by .05! L a ter, a t dinn er we rece ived th e All Aro und res ults a nd th e fin a li st qua lifi ers-both g irl s h ad qua lifi ed fo r a ll fo ur eve nts a nd Ma tt Biespi el qu a lifi ed in fi ve. Ma rk Ca so was 17th a nd reserve fin a li st in two events. Bo th g irl s qu a lifying in a ll fo ur eve nts was a true credit to th eir tra inin g, a bility, p erform a n ce a nd Greg 's coachin g-he crea ted a ve ry com fo rta bl e a tm os ph ere for th em bo th to be a bl e to do their bes t. June 3 - Fin a ls. Sin ce we h ad g irl s in each eve nt a nd fin a ls were to be judged by a ll n eutra l judges I was a spec ta to r. During th e first eve nt I tri ed to keep track of bo th m en a nd wo m en-thi s proved impossibl e and I h ad to g ive up a nd co n centra te on the wom en . Va ult-J acki e wa s in 4 th-did a good H a ndspring Front (9. 4) a nd a n excell ent layout Tsuch (9 .45). J eanin e p erfo rm ed a n OK Layo ut T such a nd a very g ood Piked T su ch (8.7 a nd 9.0) Th ere were a few "cras h a nd burns" for seco nd va ults a nd th e res ults were: Cassell o 18 .40 and G o ld Meda l, Varba n ova 18.10 a nd sil ver, a nd C ree k 17 .875 a nd th e bronze m eda l.
._--- - ------------------------------------,
G ymnas ti cs News/ Jul y-Au g u st 1979
Golden Sands Results
Tickets 1979 World Gymnastic's Championships The XXth World Gymnastics Championships will be held in Fort Worth, Texas from December 2 to 9, 1979, at the Tarrant County Convention Center. The 1979 World Gymnastics Championships wil l consist of seventeen individual events. Until October 1, 1979, t icket sales will be limited to only all-event packets, which assures the buyers of the same reserved seat for all seventeen events. Th e price of this package is $160.00 (USA), a savings of $60.00 if tickets were bought individually. After October 1, 1979, tickets for individual events w ill be sold if any remain. Tickets are now being printed , orders accepted will be mailed on May 1, 1979. To order complete the form below and se nd cashier's check or money order .... made payable to Amusement Ticket Service.
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U neven Para ll el Bars- Casse ll a went in I st pl ace, Creek in 4 th . Both did g rea t routin es to emerge with bo th th e go ld - Casse ll a 9.35 a nd 18.70 Cree k 9.30 and 18.60 with th e sil ver . Bronze was R achn eva o f Bul. with a 9.15 & 18.41. Ba la nce Bea m-Creek entered fin a ls in I st pl ace (9.225), Casse ll a was ti ed fo r 6th a t 8.75. J ac ki e competed we ll , th e Tsuch dismount was la nd ed a bit low but her score-9.0 ( the most diffi cult di smo unt o f th e mee t). J ea nine ma inta in ed her lead a nd even in creased it with a 9.3 to ta ke th e go ld over G eOl-eva ( 18.425) by .2 with an 18.525. Th e bronze meda l belonged to C la udi a Ross ier of Switzer la nd ith a 9.00 a nd 17.8 tota l. Cassell a, 4th . Floor Exercise-J ea nin e was in third pl ace , dow n by .175-Jacki e was in 5 th. J acki e OVER rotated her do ubl e pike a nd took a .5 d educti o n a nd still scored a n 8.7-she was underscored in optional prelim s. J ea nin e perform ed a n exce ll ent routine to on ly receive a 9. 1! Greg ap proached Mm e. Dimm ova to inquire if a protes t was proper in fin a ls-by th e tim e thi s was conveyed to th e judges severa I rou ti nes had passed and th e bes t tha t cou Id be d o ne was to hold down th e scores of G eoreva a nd Topa lova (8 .9 a nd 8.895 res pectively) as th e judges recognized they co ntained less tha n wor ld cl ass diffi culty, th o ug h no m ajor brea ks. J ea nin e's score co uld have eas il y been 9.5 -9 .6; ho\ovevlC'r. she did win th e ~old meda l - 18.30, si lver and bronze to Bulga rians G eOl-eva - Itl.:n 5 a nd Topa lova - 18.100. J ackie finish ed 5th ,"/ ith a 17.7 50 just behind tin y( ier) Bonnie Wittmeier o f Canada - 17.825. Yes, it was wonderful to see th e AmerI ca n fl ag and hear th e Sta r Spangled Banner, howeve r, Ja cki e Casse ll a was to rece ive ye t ;moth er prize, fo r during th e closing cerem oni es she was presented w ith o ne of three " Specia l Awards." She rece ived a n a ti ve Bulgaria n tea se t a nd ta bl ecloth for perfo rmin g th e most unu sual un eve n bar seq uence (her well do ne g ia nts ). This was a deli g htful surpri se a nd was hand ca rri ed ho me th e nex t day a lo ng w ith J ea nin e's crys ta l vase awa rded for first p l(lce All Around. As we straggl ed out of the gym one of th e bus drivers would onl y have us ride in his bus wh ere h e had reserved the front sec ti o n as th e place of honor for our delega tion. After qui ckl y cha ng in g into th e bes t cloth es of o ur trip we head ed off for th e a fter m ee t dinn er rece ption where th ere was much d a ncin g, th e presentat ion of delega ti o n g ifts, g ift -g iving, a nd mu ch min g lin g. It was definitely a good tim e. Women All Around 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Jeanine Creek Irine Georeva Antoaneta Rac hn eva Jackie Cassello B onnie Wittmeier Galina Marinova Krasimira Varbanova Sil via T opalova Vanza Corde lia Gercu lesc u Gabriela
73 .50 73.45 73 .25 72 .25 72 .1 5 72 .10 71 .90 71 .20 70 .30 70 .00
* Women's Vault Place 1 2 3
6 32 28 5 2 30 29 31 20 25
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-A ug ust 1979
5 6 7 8
Name Jackie Casse ll o Krasimira Varbanova Jeanine Creek Antoaneta Rachneva Vanza Corde li a Debbie Amson leighton Karen leona Kucerova
Total 18.400 18.100 17.875 17.825 17.600 17.450 17.325 17.275
Individual Results - Golden Sands
Uneven Bars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jac kie Cassello J eanine Creek Ant oaneta Rachneva Irina Georeva Gerculescu Gabriela Bonnie Wittmeier Bealcu Daniela Hrabovszky Eva
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Name Jeanine Creek Irina Georeva Claudia Rossier Jac ki e Cassello Vanza Cordelia Gerc ulescu Gabriela Antoaneta Rachneva Bonnie Wittmeier
18.700 18.600 18.475 18.425 18.400 18.075 18.025 17.775
Total 18.525 18.425 17.800 17.750 17.550 17.425 16.825 16.625
Floor Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
J eanine Creek Irina Georeva Silvia Topalova Bonnie Wittmeier Jackie Cassello Claudia Rossier Diane Cooper Leona Kucerova
18.300 18.275 18.100 17.825 17.750 17.725 17.52 5 17 .325
PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHING SYSTEMS BASIC SYSTEM ( Cha rts with teaching manu al) 10 .00 Girl s (6) Bo ys (8) 12.00 T ea chers Manual only 2. 00 ( spe cif y Girls' o r Boy s' ) GYMNASTICS CHARTS Men's Int. Parallel Bar (5) 7.00 Int. Rings (3) 5.00 Basic to Int. Side Horse (2) with bot)k* 7.00 Basic to Adv. Tumbling (4) 6.00 Adv . Parallel Bar (4) 6.00 Advanced Rings (3) 5.00 Basic to Advanced Horizontal Bar (6) 8.00 Advanced Vaulting (3) 5.00 Girl 's Int. to Advanced 8.00 Balance Beam (6) Basic to Advanced 6.00 Tumbling (4) (same as above) Competitive Vaulting (3) 5.00 Int. Uneven Parallel Bars (5) 7.00 Adv. Uneven Parallel Bars (4) 6.00 Advanced Vaulting (3) 5.00 RECORDS AND CASSETTE TAPES Mu sic from th e 1972 Ol y m pic Ga m es Add Postage and Handl i ng $ 1.00 for orders und er $10.00 Na m e _
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Vol. 1 - R ec ord 8.00 Cassette 5.00 Vol. 2 - Record 8.00 5.00 Casse tte Vol. 3 - Record 8.00 Casse tte 5.00 GYMNASTIC FILMS 1972 Oly. Men's Finals 40.00 1972 Oly. Women's Fin. 40.00 Mod . Rythmic Gym. 25.00 1976 Oly. Men's Finals 45. 00 1976 Oly. Women's Fin. 45.00 Selected Routines-Women's Teams & All-Around Finals 1976 Olympics 45.00 BOOKS Gymnastics Illustrated 9.50 The Side Horse* 3.50 HANOOUARDS Men 's Leather Sm路Med路Lge 4.00 Women 's Suede Sm-Med 3.50 Swiss Embroidered Emblem 2.25 Gymnastics Emblem 1.00 STATIONERY Girl's Sta ti one ry (8 Y,x ll 100 pcs.) 7. 00 Girl's Notepap er (5 Y2x 8 Y2 100 pc s) 5,00 Circle Type - bars beam floor vault $2. 00 fo r o rde rs ove r $10.00
(U .S.A. o rders o nl y ) Over seas Order s: Wr i te f or postal info rmati on
Take the blahs out of floo r ro utines wi th new Floor Ex Records fro m Statler 'Command Perf ormance:' 'W hat s OnT A Little Hel p from My Friends:' . Gymnastics by George: Fu n, Fun. Fun:' 'Moonlight Magic and Su nshi ne Fun :' and J ust Out" Add to your Modern Rhythmic Record Library Exercises for Hoop Cl ub and Ribbon as well as the new MRG Individual Routine Record , Sensatio nal Solos:' For a com plete catalogue. wri te Statler Records. Inc .. Dept GF, 1795 Express Drive North, Smith town, NY 11 787 or cali 516-582-3386
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Gy mnas ti cs News/ Jul y-Aug ust 1979
1979 JUNIOR NATIONAL TRAINING CAMP UNITED STATES MILlTARY ACADEMY WEST POINT The competition was held, the smoke cleared, and the United States Junior Olympic Nationals produced its ten intermediate and ten advanced future olympic hopefuls. Now for two weeks of good technical basic training at no charge to the nation's proud Junior team. West Point Military Academy, under the direction of Ned Crossley, Gymnastic Director for West Point Gymnastics as host, produced by far the best National Championships for the USGF Juniors to date. The next two weeks of training at the Academy left nothing to be desired. The equipment, the facilities, and the Junior coaching staff headed by Mas Watanabe, and his staff consisting of Don Gutzler, Larry Moyer, Yoichi Tomita, and Miki Waichiro put the boys through excellent, well planned basic training, evaluation, and ranking to the United States Junior National team. Walking around the gym as an observer one hears comments over and over again; "your range of motion is greater than at the hips ... it extends up your back. If you are flat like a piece of paper you bend easily ... if you round out your body it doesn't bend as easily." "Keep hollow" .. . "increase your speed" . . . "Don't square your body on a back Moore," "Legs apart on scissors" ... "Heel lift, heel lift," "Work on your beat swing." These arejust a few directions each boy hears during his daily training. The boys appeared to be tired, but happy. What greater pleasure can a coach get when gymnasts finally achieve the skills necessary for good gymnastics. The boys are happy when they finally "get it." Very few boys were sitting down due to injury. If they had an injury each and everyone of them came to the camp with it. Staff members seemed to be very cautious about overworking the boys. Each group made their rotation precisely on time, and the staff always worked basic swing as a warm up. After attending three different Junior National camps, I would say this one was the best! For those unfortunate coaches and gymnasts who were unable to attend the 1979 Nationals and training camp, I will list the objectives of the Junior National team, explain who is eligible, and enumerate training camp goals to prepare you for future aspirations. Objectives of the Jr. National Team: I. 10-14 age group objectives are: A. To build a good foundation in the basic skills toward the current and future levels of competition. B. To refine the age-group Compulsories. II. 15-18 age group objectives are: A. To continually develop the basic skills. B. To develop more advanced Optional skills. C. To learn Olympic Compulsory elements and routines. 14
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-August 1979
Chris Riegel & Jim, Mikus D. To prepare for International Competitions. Eligibility: I. In order for any gymnast to participate for Junior National Team status, h e: A. MUST be between 10 and 18 years of age. B. MUST NOT be a collegiate student. C. MUST go through the proper selection procedures. Training Camp Program Goals: I. Training Camps and Training Camp Programs to: A. Teach Olympic Compulsory exercises. B. Train on selected Optional skills. C. Test on skill development. D. Test and measure physical strength and body size. E. Direct training programs throughout the year. F. Provide clinics for the coaches of the gymnasts. G . Provide Intra-squad Meets for an evaluation. H. Give physical preparation for strength and flexibility . I. Allow the gymnasts and coaches to observe and/ or exchange information and knowledge in Training Camps with Foreign Jr. Gymnastics Teams. ]. Bring foreign coaches to the Training Camps to exchange information and knowledge. ¡Training Camps are held three times a year. Congratulations to all of you hard working coaches who produced these boys, and to you American hopefuls for your hard work. And, congratualtions to the USGF for keeping the interest in gymnastics so high . Finally, thanks to Ned Crossley, for a job well done at the United States Military Academy here at West Point. The USGF 1979 Boy 's Junior Olympic National Gymnastic Championship and training was most successfu l under Ned's direction.
OSGF Jr. Olympic National Championships Ron Caso The U.S .C.F. Boys Junior Olympic National Championships saw a number of outstanding performances. by a group of gifted athletes. The ChamplOnshIps, ~~llch were held July 6-7, 1979, at the United States Mliaary Academy in West Point, New York, demonstrated that a wealth of talent stands behind the current Senior Men's team. In the 12-14 age group, the National competition ~as dominated by the exploits of Chris Riegel, a Readmg Pennsylvania gymnast. Riegel claimed victory in five (yes, five!) of the seven events. Each of Chris's victories was attained with a masterful routine . In floor exercise, he began with a round off flip flop double pike, and continued with a one step round off flip flop layout one and one half twist punch handspnng, a full twist dive roll jump to side, cartwheel to elbows to one knee, press and roll out. Riegel then comple~ed a handspring punch I ~ front to prone, forward roll, smgle leg circle leg spin to Japanese split, back roll t.o toes stand. Riegel finished his routine with a round off filp f~op and a double twist. The routine was scored a 9.5 . Chns totaled 19.2. Young Riegel also won the championship in vaulting with a handspring front scoring 9.45. Riegel's total score for the vaulting was 18.45. Riegel's outstanding 19.30 in the parallel bars was also good enough for first place. His routine included a cast support swing pirouette, Stutz hand, a front upnse front saito catch, an immediate front saito catch, forward roll, back uprise straddle cut catch, "L", press, and a double back dismount scoring 9. 1. The last of Riegel's individual honors was recorded on the Horizontal Bar. Here, he attained a creditable 18.75 with a high start, immediate pirouette, back stalter, straddle step on step off hop stoop in dislocate two eagles hop out pirouette, and dismounted with a double. The two other individual championships were won by twin brothers Dennis and Dan Hayden of Buffalo, New York. Dennis took Pommel Horse with 16.5 total score. His effort included a Russian walk around travel Bailey, Moore tromlet, break two front scissors, leg cut, back scissors, pick up, and travel loop dismount. . Dan captured the Still Rings with an 18.30 mark. HIS performance consisted of a front lever, dislo~ate, dislocate lock arm shoot, lock arm front giant, back gIant, whIppet layaway felge followed by a "L" support, hollow back press, double dislocate-double tuck dism(.m nt. . Not surprisingly, the overall champlOnshlp at the intermediate level was won by Chris Riegel. His total score was an outstanding 109.05. The high level of competition in the intermediate age group was matched by like performances in the advanced 15-18 year old range . Two events were won by Mark Caso of Syracuse, New York, and Joey Ray of Chicago, Illino!s. Mark Caso's victories came on Floor ExerClse and Sull
Chris Riegel Rings. His outstanding Still ~ing routine brought him a combined 18.90 scoring 9.60 m compulsones and 9.3 m his optionals. Mark's ring routine starts with a di~locate shoot, bail lock arm, front giant, forward straddle gIant to a momentary straddle "L" hand, lower down to a straddle plange, dislocate shoot to an "L", hollow back press dismounting with a high Y2 in Y2 out. . Caso impressed the crowd with a superb optlOnal floor routine. His efforts brought him a 9.70 compulsory and. a 9.55 optional. His optional set started with a round off f~IP flop layout tuck double back. His second pass started wah a front handspring full twisting dive roll, spilt press to handstand, round off flip flop double back ~ turn scale. Mark dismounted with a round off flip flop double full. Joey Ray's triumphs were achieved on the Horizontal Bar and Pommel Horse. His top rate 19.15 on the bar was attained wi"¢. a back uprise stalder. California hop pirouette, stalder blind turn en~oshoot, sto~p jam inv~rt , a hop pirouette, Y2 in Y2 out dIsmount. HIS 18.30 wah Pommel Horse was the product of a back Moore up , Bailie, trave l down Khere in . Thomas flair. three scissors unde~cut reverse undercut, reverse undercut, reverse scissors travel down walk around, Olympic Loop off. The remaining two individual events, vaulting and " P" Bars were captured by young Robbie Campbell of Montclair, New Jersey, and Roy Palassou of San Jose, California respectively. Robbie Campbell threw a beautiful front fro~t vault scoring 9.55. Roy reacted on parallel bars wah. 9.25 scoring 18.80 combined. Palassou's set started wah a peach nand , Diomidov hand , Stutze hand , cast catch "L", press handstand, followed by a layaway front upnse roudie off dismount.
G ymnasti cs News/ Jul y-August 1979
So well balanced was the field of advanced competition that the overall title was won by an outstanding competitor from Reading, Pennsylvania who did not capture an individual title. Nationally famous Jimmy Mikus emerged with all-around honors receiving a well earned 110.45.
All of these champions, as well as the rest of the competitors share ample reason to be proud. The West Point meet proved to be the best Nationals the U.S.G.F. sponsored to date. Special thanks to Ned Crossley, West Point Gymnastics coach and his organization for a job well done.
1979 World Cup - Tokyo Paul Ziert Our U.S. group-conSisting of competitors Bart Conner, Kurt Thomas , Mike '>\Tilson , a nd Kathy johnson ; judges, Bill Roetzhi em and Ernestine Weaver; and coaches, Paul Ziert (Men 's)a nd Wade jackson (Women's)depa rted Los Angeles on Tuesday, May 29, for Tokyo a nd th e 1979 World Cup. What a nticipation-all of us were very fam ili ar with th e japanese repu tation for completen ess and effici ency in organization plus just the excitement of traveling to japan was apparent everywhere. Continually, th e trip justified our a nti cipations by offering wild oriental surprises and exc iting steps forward for the U.S. gymnastics program. For exa mpl e, upon our arrival at our very modern and extreme ly comfortable westernstyle Sunroute Hotel , we were taken back by a picture of Bart Conner doing his famous press on one bar as the center photo on th e World Cup publicity poster-a huge picture of an American gymnast plastered allover Tokyo-wow! Also, possibl y a good omen?! As expected, th e entire visit was unbelievabl y well planned and incredibl y efficiently run. All the training sessions before th e competition a llowed for considerable fl ex ibility for th e various d elega tions . Groups could train in th e morning, afternoon, evening, or any combination of th e three. The three American gymnasts, having competed in th e Sao Paulo World Cup in December, kn ew exactly what they needed to do to be ready and, therefore, used the three training da ys very effectively. One could not help but notice how mu ch at tention th e American group was gelling. There was considerable interes t in not only what th e Americans were doing, but a lso how they were doing it. In addition to th e pre-meet training, ABC-TV took Bart, Mike, Wade, a nd me to dinner at a traditional japanese res taurant partly for some great taping for th eir "Wide World" coverage and large ly to have a good tim e. (Kurt, Kathy, Ernie, and Bill elec ted to remain at the hotel and work on gelling rid of th eir jet lag). Kathy Rigb y Mason , Doug 'W ilson, Marla Schulman, and th e rest of that wild crew were great. I hope all of you saw the telev ision segment of this incredibl e experience! It was super! The Competition Session I-Saturday, June 2: Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, and Rings As usual , our three gymnasts were in each of th e three groups. Thanks to Wade's experience with men 's gymnastics and his much appreciated good naturedness, we were able to get pommels adjusted and gymnasts lifted to rings without much difficulty. Floor Exercise: Mike did a great routine including a full twisting double back, a piked arabian step-out to round off flip flop full twist pun ch I \4 front to prone and double twisting back punch front for dismount. He had several steps on th e moun t and one step on th e dismount, scoring 9.4. This was the only unreasonably low score I thought our gymnasts received . My protest, although not honored, was considered to have m erit a nd a t leas t set Mike up for th e finals-they would have to watch him more carefully I was sure! 18
Gymnastics News/ ] ul y-August 1979
Kurt did a very nice routin e with all his diffi culty except dismount of double full instead of double back: score. 9.65. Although Bart put his hands down on the doubl e back of his mount, he did th e res t of the routine elega ntl y a nd r1ynamicall y enough to deserve his 9.35. Bart was the only gym nast who showed com bin a tion work on the opening pass (piked arabian to doubl e back). Pommel Horse: Mike did one of his beller routines here including a back loop , Bailie, Thomas flair, 3/ 4 Bailie, hop, loop with 112; score 9.4. Kurt did an excellent routin e. He showed back moore up, back moore down back moore up on one pomm el and his famous flair sequence. his score was 9.55. I protes ted this score but the protes t was rejected. Nevertheless, I did receive a very thorough break down of Kurt's score from Mr. Pommel Horse himself, Mr. Kaneko. This should be very helpful to Kurt for later competitions. Bart sparkled with a routine that had a surplus of R.O.V. and extremely incredible extension. His body ex tension and tightn ess add a whole new look and dimension to pommel horse work. Bart 's 9.65 was th e high es t score on pommel horse. Rings: Mike did a good routin e with enough diffi culty exce pt for the dismount. A littl e shakiness in th e handstands cost him a couple of tenths , but his 9.2 was correct when one considers th e high es t score for all competitors was 9.65. Kurt did a great routine with his only flaw being slightly over-shooting his first swing to handsta nd . H e was scored 9.35. Bart did an excellent routin e with very solid swing work but, unfortunatel y, under- rotated his layout double back putting his hands down; score, 9.15. It would h ave been very nice to have the.4 or.5 added to that 9.15. Editorial: I fee l we must press the equipment compan ies to bring their rings rigs into closer line with th e F.I.G.
Event Finals: Monday, June 4 Floor Exercise: Going into this event, it seemed inevitabl e tha t Roland Bruekn er from East Germany wou ld win the go ld m edal. His tumbling is abso lutely in credibl e, but as in Strassbourg h e put his hands down on his mount and dismount and, th erefore, left th e eve nt up for grabs. Kurt looked great on the first part of his routin e but went out to th e a rea a fter his third pass a nd tou ch ed out his dismount doubl e back to drop him out of th e running w ith hi s score 0[9. 30. Mike Wi lson did an unbeli eva bl e routin e with th e on ly flaw being going out of the area on his mount; his score, 9.5.
Kurt Thomas / World Cup regulations; i. e., lea th er straps. In general, our gy mn as ts do not do rings a t th e leve l they should mainl y beca use of the difference in straps. Yes , th e difference is significant. After Sess ion I, the U.S . h ad qualifi ed Kurt on floor and pomm el horse, Mike on floor , and Bart on pomm el horse. Session II-Sunday , June 3: Vaulting, Parallel Bars, and Horizontal Bar Vaulting: Mike did a n exce ll ent, very opened pike a lmost layout Tsukahara to a strong la nding; 9.65. Kurt did a very ni ce Kasam a tsu with one step on th e la nding; 9.6 . Bart did a great la yout Tsukahara w ith one step on th e landing; 9.6. Parallel Bars: Th is was Mike 's on ly problem event. Th e mount and center part were ve ry well don e but his front I Vi ca rri ed him to th e upright and, h ence, his final stutz was weak, forcing him to dismount with on ly a back off! Score, 8.85 . Kurt blasted throug h a grea t routin e but carried his front I Vi outside th e upright and eve n his reverse pirou e tte did not correct his position enough. H ence, h e h ad three steps in th e handstand to set up his doubl e back dismount ; score 9.60. Bart hit beautifull y with solid press on one bar and very high doubl e back dismount to so lid land ing; 9.60. Horizontal Bar: Mik e did an exce ll ent routine for him with good R.O .V. but his doubl e back dismount, although very high and solid ly landed, n eeded a twist to be in the top scores; 9.30 . Kurt did a great routin e with his full difficulty ending with the strongest liz in liz out dismount of th e entire mee t; score 9.65. Bart did a super routine with a little difficulty on the hecht vault and one step on the dismount; score, 9.55 . U.S. finalists were Mike on vau lting, Kurt on parall el bars and horizontal bar, and Bart on parallel bars .
Pommel Horse: What a g rea t eve nt ! The American Event ! For the first tim e eve r an American was leading going into th e eve nt! We didn ' t have to hope for th e leade r to miss to win but we did have to p erform aggressive ly. Th e draw was super! Kurt , sta nding in fifth pl ace before th e finals, was up seven a nd p erform ed a great routine. H e was rea ll y on - scor in g a 9.70, not enough to overtake Kasamatsu but a certa in m edali st. Then th e mom ent arrived ! Ba rt was the last p erfo rm e r o n horse. H e needed to score 9.65 for a first pla ce ti e and9.7 for th e unshared go ld . H e swang th e routin e in credibl y. His amplitude and extension is unmatch ed in th e world (not only a proud coach 's opinion but the ex pressed opinions of severa l m em bers of th e F.I.G. Technical Committee). Th e U .S. w ith more go ld- super! Furthermore, it was not on ly an American go ld m eda l, but a go ld m eda l on pomm el horse-that " trul y fi ckl e" event. More importantly was th e fact that anoth er Am eri ca n h ad won anoth er go ld m edal in less than a yea r from th e tim e of our first ! Th ere is no question that th e U .S . progra m is on its wa y up .
Gymnastics News/ July-August 1979
Bart Conner Vaulting: Mike was not really prepa red with two solid vaults for the final s. Ho wever, most of th e other gymnasts were in the same situ a tion. Mike did a n exce ll ent "very opened" piked Tsukahara for his first vau lt and a full twisting Tsukahara for his second va ult. T h e full la nded on all fours a nd , h ence, killed both his a nkl es and his chances for a m eda l. Parallel Bars: With a score of 9.8 from th e prelims a nd p erforming first a nd brilli a ntl y, Ke nmotsu pretty mu ch iced th e gold away. Presentl y, h e is in a class by himself in this event (R.O.V . to th e m ax). Kurt, w ith a good chan ce a t second, did well up to his ba ck toss where h e fell to upper a rms , but h e co ntinued very well ending with th e high es t doubl e back dismount I' ve seen. Score, 9.25. Bart's routine was well p erform ed considering th e pomm el horse excitement. His 9.55 gave him a fourth pl ace finish a nd end ed th e most incredibl e da y of his life. Horizontal Bar: Kurt performed bea utifull y h ere. H e said h e wasn ' t go ing to hold back a nd h e certa inl y didn ' t. His 9.8 was well deserved. THE TOUR: For those of us who a re n o t accustomed to an elite socioeconomic life, th e tour gave Ba rt and m e a short but definitely thorough visit into its graces . We we re trea ted so well that it was h a rd not to act totally overwhelmed. Banquets, receptions, interviews, and exhibitions fill ed our days and nights. The whole thing was incredible! Best of a ll was spending unpress ured tim e with the other gymnasts, coach es, and F.I.G. officials. They were easy to talk with , fun to be with , a nd fri ends forever! As a res ult, no ma tter what the future m ay bring, th e 1979 Artistic Gymnasti cs World Cup Tokyo will a lw ays remain high on m y li st of life's thrills. 20
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-A ugust 1979
The United States Gymnastics Federation has implemented a mandatory National Athlete Registration Program. All athletes, men & women, wishing to participate in U.S.G.F. competition during the 1979-80 season MUST register with the National Office. This new registration program is effective September 1, 1979. The following information, along with the $10.00 fee, must be submitted for each athlete.
1. Name and home address with zip code. 2. Date of birth. 3. Present level of competition. 4. Number of years in USGF competition. (Include 1979-80 season) For additional information regarding the Mandatory Athlete Registration Program please contact the national office or your State or Regional Chairman.
PRIVATE CLUB OR SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM For information on this seperate program and all of its insurance benifits please contact the National Office.
Mens Results World Cup
Individual All-Around Results Par. Floor Exer. Horse Rings Vault Bars URS Ditiatin, A . JPN Kasamatsu , S. BUL Deltchev, S. USA Thomas, K. JPN Kenmotsu , E. HUN Donath , F. RDA Bruekner, R. USA Conner, B. JPN Kajiyama , H. URS Azaryan , E. RFA Jorek , E. RDA Baerthel , R. RFA Rohrwick , V. HUN Kovacs , P. RFA Gienger, E. URS Turbanov , V. ROM Grecu , D . USA Wilson, M. RDA Mack , L.
9.55 9.70 9.70 9.65 9.50 9.35 9.80 9.35 9.65 9.25 9.45 8.95 9.15 9.05 9.40 9.25 9.20 9.40 8.85
9.35 9.60 9 .60 9 .55 9.30 9 .50 9.55 9.65 9.05 9.60 9.30 9 .50 9.35 9.45 9.30 9.50 8.90 9.40 9.45
9.65 9.55 9.45 9.35 9.50 9 .60 9.40 9.15 9.60 9 .65 9.45 9.45 9.50 9.40 9.35 9 .50 9.60 9.20 9.40
9 .75 9.64 9.70 9.70 9.75 9.40 9.60 9.60 9.55 9.80 9.70 9.55 9.35 9.35 9 .60 9.60 9 .60 9.05 9.00 9.50 9.60 9.30 9.75 9.45 9 .50 9.40 9 .65 9.60 9.30 9.10 9.70 9.00 9 .50 9 .35 9 .65 8.85
Hor. Bar Totals
9.70 9.30 9.60 9 .65 9.70 9.60 9.55 9 .55 9.70 9.65 9.50 9 .50 9 .55 9.20 9.80 9 .30 9 .55 9.30
57 .65 57 .55 57 .50 57.40 57 .35 57 .30 57 .00 56 .90 56 .65 56 .65 56 .60 56.60 56.45 56 .35 56 .25 56 .25 56.10 55 .80 27 .70
Ditiatin, A. Azaryan , E. Donath , F. Kajiyama , H . Rohrwicsk, V. Grecu , D . Baerthel, R. Jorek , E.
Kasamatsu, S. Deltchev , S. Kajiyama , H . Ditiatin , A . Bruekner, R. Thomas, K. Wilson , M. Jorek , E.
Baerthel, R. Ditiatin , A. Turbanov, V. Kovacs , P. Kasamatsu , S. Wilson , M. Donath , F. Deltchev, S.
Conner, B. Kasamatsu, S. Thomas, K. Deltchev, S. Bruekner, R. Donath , F. Baerthel , R. Azaryan , E.
9.70 9.70 9.65 9.55 9.80 9.65 9.40 9.45
9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.30 9.30 9.50 9 .00
19.45 19.45 19.40 19.30 19.10 18.95 18.90 18.45
9.65 9.60 9 .55 9 .60 9.55 9.50 9.50 9 .60
9.70 9.70 9 .70 9.55 9.60 9.65 9.55 9 .15
19.35 19.30 19.25 19.15 19.15 19.15 19.05 18.75
Introducing the incomparable Flying Sun. Demanding. That's what top flight gymnasts the world around are when it comes to their floor exercise and vaulting shoes . That's why our Flying Sun gymnastic shoes are becoming the most popular brand .
9.75 9.70 9.65 9.65 9.60 9.45 9.50 9.20
19.40 19.35 19.25 19.25 19.10 19.05 18.95 18.65
9.75 9 .75 9.70 9.65 9.70 9.65 9 .70 9.75
9.775 9.675 9.725 9.650 9.550 9.450 9.350 9.200
19.525 19.425 19.425 19.300 19.250 19.100 19.050 18.950
9.80 9.65 9.55 9.70 9.60 9.50 9.60 9.60
9.80 9.75 9.70 9.45 9.55 9.65 9 .55 9 .25
19.60 19.40 19.25 19.15 19.15 19.15 19.15 18.85
9.80 9.70 9.70 9.70 9.65 9.65 9.60 9.60
9.75 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.70 9.50 8.85
19.55 19.50 19.50 19.50 19.45 19.35 19.10 18.45
Kenmotsu , E. Ditiatin , A . Donath , F. Kasamatsu , S. Conner, B. Azaryan , E. Kovacs , P. Thomas, K.
9.65 9.65 9.60 9.60 9.50 9.60 9.45 9.45
Gienger, E. Kenmotsu , E. Kajiyama , H . Ditiatin , A. Thomas, K. Azarvan, E. Donath , F. Deltchev, S.
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R o xe~
Final Trials
Highest Level of P
Bill Valentine National Program Director for Women Refl ection upon the competition in Sa lt Lake City, June 27-30 carries with it many p leasa nt memories. First a nd foremost is that fa ct that the performa nce level, in m y opinion , was the bes t ever in this country. The gymnasts were physica ll y and mentall y ready and they hit! In four da ys of compe tition-two compu lsory, two optional-the g irl s had on ly 10 falls from the ba lance bea m. Of the 24 gy mnas ts in the mee t, sixteen did double backs, and did them without fault, plus one, Christa Canary, did a full in , back o ut, a nd a ll 24 did double fulls. T he uneven bar work was precise, exciting a nd difficult. With its variety and difficulty va ulting was anyth ing except boring. For the most part the dance level of a ll the girls was improved a nd p leasing to watch . Those of us who have been associated with the Women's gymnastics program in this country must take pride a nd satisfaction in kno wing tha t perhaps now our level of performance is beginning to a pproach tha t level of performa nce which we keep saying we ha ve the a bility to reach with our gymnasts a nd coaches. It was evident tha t the young ladies had worked very hard, not on ly to get their difficulty and sharpness of execution but a lso to ga in maturity a nd coolness of performance. These gymnasts and their coach es must be congratu lated and appreciated by a ll of us. Other p leasing aspects of the Fina l Tria ls included the return of Rh onda Sch wa ndt to the competiti ve arena after knee surgery, and though she was very good, she is not at the level she wi ll be a t the World Championships. It was good a lso to see the consistency of outstanding performa nce by Leslie P yfer, who went in to the Tria ls on top and finished on top. What can be said about l 2-year-o ld Tracee Talavera who proved once aga in she is among the bes t, or the improvement and grit of Christa Canary. Speaking of grit, what a bout Marcia Frederick , wh o, beca use of injury before the Championships of the USA ba rely made the Fina l Tria ls a nd ye t when it seemed impossible sh e turned in an a ll around performance tha t was eq ual to the very bes t a nd proved once aga in she is World class and a Champion . We must ta ke pride in our ve tera n competitor, Ka th y Johnson whose elega nce, bea uty a nd maturity of performance is on ly equa led by her determination . And h ow abo u t Les lie Russo, the young lady with obvious ta lent who over the past few yea rs has been up and down but who this yea r ca m e into her
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Salt Lake City, Utah
errormance Ever
own and put it together to earn a solid place on our team. Suzy Kella m s, H eidi Anderson, a nd Linda Ka rdos , our eight, ninth , a nd tenth place girls a re there for backup, any of whom could justifiabl y be an exce ll ent representa tive of our team. To all the girls in the Final Trials-Thank you. lt is evident that in this case the gymnast who finished last a t the Tria ls pushed the gymnast who finished first, to that level of great performance which was demonstrated by all in the Final Trials. The Competition in Salt Lake City was only equaled by the organization a nd hospitality of Greg Marsden, the Meet Direc tor, his very capa ble and hardworking help, the U niversity of U tah and Salt Lake City itself. The arra ngem ents, organization, and faci lities could not have been better. Now the quest must be asked , were there no nega ti ve aspects? No ma tter how much it hurts and di sturbs us the answer must come back yes-there were some nega ti ve aspects of the total experience of the Trials. There were some nega tive aspects that invol ved indi viduals , but these were ta ken care of immediately and through proper cha nnels . The greatest nega ti ve probl ems are the responsibility and fault of all of us who have administrative, com mittee, and organizational input into the m a king of rules a nd policy governing such occasions. Basicall y we a re a n intelligent a nd hones t g roup of people wanting nothing less than to be fair to coaches and gym nas ts alike and to have the bes t representa tion that ca n be put o nto a fl oor of compe tition. As the coaches a nd gymnasts go back to the gym to rededicate themselves a nd prepare again to mee t the challenge, we who have th e responsibility to pla n and organize, to set rules and polici es have the obligation to use every ounce of our intelligence, wisdom a nd hones ty to come up with the support a nd a plan tha t will make it possible for our country to ta ke a top place in the world of gymnastics. Fort Worth , Texas and the XXth World Championships is several months away . All of us a re confident of our VI/omen 's Team and we wa nt it to be known we are supportive of you all the way. To Linda Metheny Mulvihill and Bill Sands, coach and assistant coach , a nd to the Core of Coaches we pledge our support to h elp and assist you as you prepare for this great event. Personall y, I have a good feeling. "}. ;t
.. I
_. . . I ,
Marcia Frederick
Kurt Thomas Gold Medal - Rings â&#x20AC;˘
National Spo 24
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-A ug ust 1979
Photos by Charlie Cole Colorado Sp rin gs
Bart Conner Gold Medal - Pommel Horse - Parallel Bars - High Bar ~rts Festival Gymnastics News/ Ju ly-A ugust 1979
1979 USAIGC National Team Championships
Palatine, Illinois
Ed Knepper Ju st as a chef ca n perfo rm magic by blendin g vario us in gredi ents into a fl avorful dish , the 1979 USA IG C Na tio na l Team C ha mpio nships were the resul t of a well pl a nned recipe. Beginning in June o f 1978, the USAIGC Na ti ona l Office bega n searching for a ra ther new , large hig h school tha t was loca ted in the suburbs of Chicago. Chicago was chosen for its easy access ibility to a ll sectio ns of the U nited Sta tes and of co urse, the historic gymnas ti cs exce llen ce enj oyed by its residen ts . Pa la tine Hi gh School proved to be an o utstandin g se lectio n. T hi s site prov ided adequa te sea ting with o ut bein g too large and yet a ll owed for pl enty o f fl oor space. The mos t o utsta nding fea ture of Pa la tine Hig h Schoo l is the suppo rti ve personnel. Sa ndy Oldham perform ed admi rably in her pos itio n as Ass istant Meet Director. No jo b was too menia l a nd no task left unturned in her efforts to ass ure success. Sa ndy was a bl y ass isted by Mr. Chic Anderson Pa la tin e's Athleti c Direc to r, Dr. thiel, the sch oo l' s principa l a nd th e P a la tine girl s a nd boys gym nas tics tea m s. H o me Box Offi ce telev isio n was a fea tured plus. T hey provided exce llen t coverage a nd they were very a mica ble a nd ever read y to please. The enti re o n e hour productio n
National Sports Festival-Women Preliminary Standing for All Around Individual Beam Tracee Talavera 9.80 Heidi Anderson 9.55 Leslie Pyfer 9.20 Christa Canary 9.35 Jackie Cassell a 9.00 Sharon Shapiro 9.25 Lisa Zeis 9.30 Linda Kardos 8.90 9.45 Kath y Johnson Rh onda Schwandt 8.30 Suzy Kellems 9.00 Sandy Wirth 8.75 Lucy Collins 9.20 Leslie Russo 9.60 Kari Lewis 9.35 Gigi Ambandos 9.35 Tory Wilson 9.10 Chris Montera 8.85 Julie Goewey 8.65 Linda Tardiff 9.00 Beth Johnson 9.15 Susie Van Slyke .00 Amy Machamer .00
9.50 9.60 9.35 8.90 9.20 9.50 9.10 9.40 8.80 8.90 9.50 9.15 9.40 8.85 9.20 9.05 8.20 9.15 9.25 8.85 7.80 8.20 9.45
9.40 9.35 9.55 9.50 9.50 9.30 9.35 9.50 9.30 10.00 9.00 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.30 9.05 9.55 9.10 9.00 9.25 9.15 .00 .00
9.45 9.25 9.55 9.70 9.75 9.30 9.55 9.35 9.60 9.90 9.55 9.60 8.90 9.10 9.05 9.25 9.55 9.10 9.20 8.80 9.40 8.85 .00
38.15 37 .75 37 .65 37.45 37.45 37.35 37.30 37.15 37.15 37.10 37 .05 36.90 36.90 36.85 36.70 36.70 36.40 36.20 36.10 35.90 35.50 17.05 9.45
Team West East East Midwest Midwest South East East South West West South West East South Midwest Midwest Midwest West East South South Midwest
is to be viewed by a bout 4 millio n peop le across the country. T his ma rks a first for the independent clubs a nd bodes well fo r the future. Monetary spo n sorsh ip for the 1979 Na tio na l T ea m Ch ampio nships was ass umed by the N issen Corpo ra tio n . T his was the thi rd yea r in a row that N isse n has prov ided fundin g, equipment, a nd rep resenta tives . W ith out N issen 's sup port thi s a nnua l event could no t h ave achieved its present pro minen ce. J oan T vrdik of N issen , o ur Ass ista nt to the mee t direc to r, was respo n sible for a ll of th e nuts a nd bo lts o f such a p rodu cti on a nd she served admira bl y. Da nskin p rovided leo tards fo r a ll of the com pe titors plus a break fas t and additi ona l mo nies. Dan skin continues to be res pl endant in their dedica ti on to the overa ll Independent Club progra m in the U nited Sta tes. The innova ti ve p rocess continu ed unda unted as the USA IG C introduced a new concept to program packagin g by p rese nting a persona lity of telev ision reknow n to act as th e color na rra tor. Arthur G odfrey was cas t in thi s ro le a nd was a bly g uided by J ohn T rae tta, co mm e nta tor fo r HBO . T h e two p er so n a liti es im m ed ia tely jell ed a nd the res ult will provide a forma t for future productio ns . T we lve tea m s qua lified into the 1979 Natio n a l T ea m Ch a m p io nsh ip s re presentin g three sectio ns of the U nited Sta tes. T hose teams were the Atla nta School of Gy mn as tics from Atla nta, Ga ., Berks G ymnastics Academ y fro m R eading, Pa ., Co lorado G ymnas tics Academy from L a kewood, Co lorado, H o usto n BEE GEEs from H o uston , Tx., KIPS G ymnas tics T ea m from Santa Fe Springs, Ca lif. , Mar-Va-Teens from R ockville, Ma r y la nd , Ol ym p ia d Gy mn as ti cs Club fr o m W ilmin gto n , Del. , Om ah a Sch oo l of Gy mnas tics from Oma ha , Neb., Na ti o na l Academ y of Gy mn as tics from Eu gene, Orego n , Pacific North wes t Tw isters from Ti gard , O regon , a nd the Parkettes fro m Allentow n , Pa. Due to injuries pr ior to the competitio n , two o f the tea m s had to withdraw, so ten tea ms entered into the elimin atio n p rocess. T he three day co mpetitio n format ca lled fo r a ll ten tea ms to co mpete o n the first day a nd the top eig ht tea m s moving o nto the second days eve nts. On the fin a l day of competiti o n there rema in ed o nl y the top fo ur team s. T he re ig ning ch a mpi on , Na tio na l Academ y tea m , was re lentl ess in its ques t for the Na tio na l crow n a nd unda unted, th ey swep t thro ugh the en tire competiti ve process un sca thed. T hey have p roved for th e third con secuti ve yea r th a t there is no t a club tea m in the U nited Sta tes th a t ca n a mass the ta lent necessa ry to deth ron e these world cl ass ch am p io ns. T h e boys compe titio n saw the America n Academy of Gy m nastics from Des Pl a ines, Ill. defea t the Gy mnas trum of Readin g, Pa. in a close ly contes ted mee t.
Computer Brings Increased Independence, Efficency
The USGF has recently installed a Burroughs B-80 mini computer system . At the present time, we have the Women's Committee and General membership program on the computer. This program maintains the Members Master File, Printout and Labeling options .
The Member Master File enables us to make additions, deletions, changes and updating of renev,'a l dates possible for the various members. With th e Printout option, we are able to have a comp lete listing of the Member Master File, in alphabetical order, or a listing by state or zip code. The Labeling option enables us to print labels by state in zip code sequence (for Bulk Rate Mailing) or print labels in a lph abetical order. Within 30 days, we will have our Gymnast information System operational. This program wi ll contain background information and the history of a ll the Elite gymnasts. In addition to these programs, we will be using the computer for our General Ledger and our Accounts Payable applications. By the first part of October, we should have all of our Software completed and the computer shou ld be in full operation. We are confident that with the addition of the in-house computer system we w ill be able to save time, as well as, being more efficient in serving the needs of our members.
The Gold Rush A unique fund raising concept used successfu ll y by coaches throughout the country to raise funds for equipment, travel and other team expenses.
• FAST The Gold Rush is designed to help you achieve your goa ls in less than 10 days
• PROFITABLE 5 vo lunteers can generate $300-$500 profit for your group in less than one hour
• EASY NO in vestment-NO financial risk and NO door-to-door selling
Find out how the Gold Ru sh can help you meet your goals QUICKLY ... PROFITABLY ... and EASIL Yl Call co llect or write: Robert Zeccardi, GOAL SEEKERS, INC. , 21 N. York Road , Willow Grove, PA 19090; (215) 657-5122.
A challenge is in the wind.
his fall, you face an intriguing challenge: The Haggar速 Expand-O-Matic速 challenge. Try on a pair of Expand-O-Matic slacks. They're guaranteed to be the most comfortable slacks you have ever worn or your money back. Stooping to pick up a paper, or turning to watch a sudden movement, the special, deep inside elastic waistband bends and stretches with your every move. No other slacks are as comfortable or as fashionable. They're tailored of 100 % Today's Dacron速 polyester in the season's most popular colors. Take the Haggar Expand-O-Matic challenge. And make yourself comfortable. 速 28
Gymnastics News / Jul y-Augus t 1979
National Sports Festival Roe Kreutzer On Jul y 24, 1979, twe nty-fi ve o f o ur na tio n 's bes t wo m en gy mn as ts too k o ff fro m a ll a reas o f o ur co untry, into th e w ild blu e yo nde r , fl ew hi g h in to th e sky, a nd a sh o rt time la ter la nded in bea utiful Co lo rado Sprin gs, Co lo rad o. T hen it was o ff to th e nea rb y U nited Sta tes Air Force Academ y a nd Na ti o na l Spon s Fes ti va l II where th e g irl s j o in ed ove r 2,5 00 a thl etes wh o we re to compete in thirty-o ne different spo rts. T h e se tting fo r th e Fes ti va l cou ldn't have been a n y m o re bea utiful. T he Air Fo rce Acade m y encompasses 18,000 acres a nd is su rro un ded b y spec tacul a r sce nes o f na ture. On its wes tern side a re the m ajes tic m o unta ins , with Pikes Pea k in the di sta nce. T h e Acade m y bu ildi ngs a re des ig ned in co ntem porary a rchitec tura l style featuring g lass, a luminum , steel a nd whi te ma rbl e. Eve ryo ne was m os t im p ressed with the bea uty o f th e Acad emy a nd its su perb facilities. Pri or to the mee t th e days we re fill ed with work-o uts, p ress conferences, a nd exp loring the Academy. On T hursd ay eve ning we we re bu sed in LO Co lo rad o Sprin gs fo r the o penin g ceremoni es whi ch were ve ry in spiring LO us a ll. On Jul y 27 the Women 's All- Aro und com petition bega n , a nd when it was a ll over twe lve year o ld Tracee Ta lave ra em erged th e a ll-aro und cha m p io n with a LOta l score o f 38. 15. At the World Ga me T ria ls T racee hit sixtee n events in a row a nd a t th e Fes tiva l she hit a ll fou r, p lus two go ld meda ls in the two eve nts she pe rformed in the fin a ls. On ba rs h er back sta lter to a fro n t sta lter was a rea l crowd p lease r a nd o n bea m she tumbl ed as th o ug h she were o n the fl oor.
L es lie Pyfer
H eid i Anderso n , second a ll-arou nd, a nd top sco rer for th e ch am pio n shi p Eas t tea m , coached by Pe ter Sielsk i, led the ba r co mpe titi o n a fter th e fi rs t day wi th a 9.6 a nd a n exciti ng a nd orig in a l routin e. After hav in gpro bl ems o.n fl oor in th e p relim s she ca me back stro ng w ah a 9.7 LO tie for the sil ve r meda l. Ch rista Ca na ry led J o hn Spini 's seco nd p lace Midwes t team a nd tied for the go ld meda l o n va ultin g d o ing a bea u tiful full tw istin g Ts uka ha ra a nd handsp rin g ha lf back. T hi rtee n yea r o ld J ack ie Casse ll o tied wi th Chri sta for th e go ld in va ultin g do in g a ve ry ni ce 9.9 layo ut Tsuka h a ra in fina ls. Rho nda Sch wa ndt sco red herfi rs t 10.0 eve r a nd it was in fl oor exercise. H er first pass, a ro und-o ff , fli p fl op whip back, fli p fl op, fli p fl op, p iked do ubl e back, elec trifi edth e crowd. It was a n ou tsta nd in g perfo rma nce. She a lso d Id a fin e 9.9 T suka ha ra a nd led in p relim s, b u t d ropped to third in the fi na ls a fter injurin g her knee. Suzy Kell em s 9.8 bar ro utine ti ed T racee fo r th e go ld m eda l a nd her free hi p so mi e ca tch was we ll do ne a nd exci ting . Lucy Co llin s p roved to be a ve ry cons istent gym nas t who we will be hea ri ng mo re abou t in th e future. Sa ndy Wi rth p laced fo u rth in va ultin g with a 9.725 in fin a ls. Bo th h er full twistin g a nd layo u t Ts uka ha ra's we re very we ll do ne. Sha ro n Shapiro a lso p roved to be a co nsistent performer a nd led the So uth tea m coach ed by Kim Bo nu s. Les lie R usso p laced seco nd o n bea m a nd was o utsta nding with her " mil e hi g h " back a nd do ubl e back di smount.
Photo by Charlie Cole Co lorado Spril/gs
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Ka ri Lewis a nd Ka th y J o hn so n shou ld share ho n o rs for th e most elega n t bea m ro utin es - trul y, bea ut y in m o ti o n . Gigi Ambandosand Lisa l eis thril led th e a udience with th eir d arin g a nd o rig ina lity o n beam. Tory Wilso n gave an ou tsta ndin g perfo rm a nce in fl oor fin a ls with two do ubl e back some rsau lts, scorin g a 9.75 a nd winning th e go ld m edal. Sh e gave a trul y in spired routine. Considering tha t th e g irl 's pea ked at th e World Ga mes Tria ls in Jun e, th ey more th a n rose to the ocass ion by co mpe tin g before capacity crowd s a t th e Academ y Fi eld House. Vhth thi s mee t we a lso bid a fo nd fa rewe ll to elite co mpe titi o n fo r Juli e Goewey, a lways a stead y perform er, a n elite fo r th e past three yea rs , a nd a true lad y of gy mnas tics. We w ish her we llin her yea rs a t Ca l State-Full erto n . Th e on e sad note of th e m ee t was J ea nin e Creek 's inj ury prior to th e first da y of co mpe tition. We a ll look forwa rd to seeing h er back rea l soon. Th e mee t was very well run under th e direc ti on o f Sharon Weber a nd th e judg in g proved to be very good. Our hea rtfelt th a nk s to a ll th e personnel a t th e Ai r Force Academ y a nd to th eir gym nas ti cs sta ff a nd tra in ers; th e U nited Sta tes Ol ympi c Co mmittee; Ma rl ene Bene a nd Mas Wata na be, gymn as ti cs coordinators; AM F for agai n suppl yin g equipment; to Ca rol Stabisevs ki for th e ma n y h o urs a t th e piano in both prac tice an d co mpetiti on for th e gy mnas ts; th e medi a fo r super coverage; to th e fri endl y a nd h elpfu l peop le o f Co lorado Springs, a nd a specia l th a nk you to Dr. and Mrs . Larry Co le who arranged the picnic for a ll th e gy mnas ts a t th e bea utiful Country Club of Colorado with swimming, tennis , voll eyba ll a nd sailing.
T he g irl s fe lt it was o ne of th e bes t tim es th ey have ever experi enced. Th ey tru ly enj oyed mee ting oth er a thl etes, th e man y recrea ti o na l faciliti es a nd especial ly th e disco. We a ll left with fo nd mem o ri es o f th e blu e sk ies, th e cl ea n , cl ea r cri sp a ir, th e beau ty of Co lo rado , a nd th e super fri endliness o f its peopl e.
T eam Standi ngs:
1. 2.
Pete r Sielski , Coach John Spi ni, Coac h Roe Kreutzer, Coach Ki m Bonu s, Coach
186.80 185 .45 185.30 184.00
Eas t Midwest West South
I ndividual Eve nts:
Vau lt 1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Canary Cassell o Sc hwandt Wirth leis Wilson Jo hnson Ke llems
1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8.
Uneven Bars Kellems T alavera A nderson Shapi ro Kardos Colli ns Goewey Cassel lo
19.55 19.55 19.45 19.35 19.20 19.05 19.00 18.825
19.30_ 19.30 19.25 19.00 18.85 18.85 18.50 9.20
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10.
Beam Talavera Russo Anderson Johnson Canary Lej'>'is Amba ndos leis
19.60 19.00 18.85 18.75 18.65 18.55 17.85 17.80
Eloor Exercise Wil son Anderson Canary Wi rth Collins leis Sc hwandt Kardos Cassello T alavera
19.30 19.05 19.05 18.90 18.85 18.70 10.00 9.50 9.50 9.40
Art Stone... a gymnastic compulsory! For all yo ur gymnastic needs. Stores in -Atlanta, Georgia ; Marietta, Georgia; St. Loui s, Missouri ; Minneapolis , Minnesota; Smithtown, New York; Houston, Texas. For a free cata logue (teachers and coac hes only) write to
Dept. GN, 1795 Express Drive North Smithtown, New York 11787.
Antibes & Orleans Invitational Rick Wagner T he America n delega tio n of gymnasts, Suzy Kellams, Les lie Russo a nd Les lie's coach , Rick Wagner, depart ].F.K. o n T uesday June 5th , to pa rticipa te in the "8 th T o urni Mondia l Feminin de G ymnastique" in Antibes, Fra nce. We traveled for a bo ut 15 ho urs, and were met in lice, Fra nce by Pierre Brocha rd , a French gymnas ti cs coach , and direc tor of the mee t. We then traveled by mo tor car to o ur ho tel in Antibes, abo ut 15 minutes away . After trave lin g, we res ted a ll day Wednesday June 6th . On T hursday we met with the tow n o ffi cia ls a nd a ll the gy mnasts and coaches fro m eleven different countries. In the a fternoon Leslie a nd Su zy tra ined a long with most o f the o ther gymnasts. The training went very we ll considering the very ho t and humid wea ther. It took the girl s a long time to ge t used to the bars a nd va ulting boa rd. The reason being they were a ll used to the equipment here in the U .S.A. When training had ended, we returned to the ho tel by bus. We then res ted and went to dinner with a ll th e o ther delega tions. After dinner the coaches went for a to ur of the Ri viera coas t with a short stop a t Monte Carlo. T hen ca me Friday, competition day. We trained a t 9: 00 a. m . We do n ' t usua ll y train o n the day of a mee t, however, bo th girl s were rea ll y trying to ge t read y for World Champi on ship T ria ls, being tha t they are so cl ose. vVe then went back to the ho tel and did a sma ll bit of sig htseeing for the res t of the day. Wa rm u ps for competitio n bega n a t 7:30 p.m . Competi tion sta rting a t 9:30 p .m . The first day o f competition determined All -Around . The top 8 on each event were to compete the next day for the indi vid ua l events. T he entire mee t was very well orga nized. The com petition was of a very hig h ca libre with 8 double backs on fl oor, 3 T sukaharas full s in va ul ting a nd 4 do ubl e backs off o f bea m. Th e g irl s swing o n bars was as hig h a qua lity as the other events. The g irl from China who won ba rs did a bea utiful sta lder, a vault half turn over the highbar and a Comenci di smo unt with a full twist. The All-Around was wo n by Kich from Ro ma nia . She had two double backs on fl oor, piked a nd tucked. H owever, a much much poorer qua lity of da nce as compared to China a nd U .S.A. She used a full twisting Tsa kahara in tuck position . H er bea m had sta nding backs and flip flop back, low qua lity of da nce and doubl e back dismo unt. I would think tha t she showed to be wea kes t on bars, with free hip giant swing a nd toe on front o ff. Second All-Around was Dunca with a tucked straddle double back o n floor, poor dance and ended with a double full . Bea m had flip flop back sta nding backs and back with full dismo unt. Bars had a sta lder, free hips a nd toe on front di smount. Va ult wa s a high ha ndsp ring front a nd T sa ka hara piked. T hird All-Around was Ujszegeti from Hungary. She did very stock routines with no rea l difficulty however, was very cl ea n and solid . H er mos t difficult skill was a do ubl e full o ff beam. T here was a tie for Fo urth between Zhu-Zheng of China a nd Les li e Ru sso of U S A. If bo th g irls did no t have the o ne
Gy mnas lics N ews/ Jul y-Aug usl 1979
fa ll on bea m th ey wo uld have ti ed for second in the AllAround . H owever, the g irl s who hit a t meets are the girl s who win a t mee ts. No t too fa r behind in 6th place fro m the U.S .A. was Suzy Kell ams, who had a littl e tro ubl e o n bea m and bars but ca me on very stro ng on va ult a nd fl oor. T he two America n g irl s p laced : Les li e Russo 4th in AIlAround a nd Suzy Kella ms 6th ; Russo 2nd on fl oor a nd Kell ams 3rd on fl oor; Russo 3rd o n bea m and Kella ms tied 2nd in va ult; Russo tied for 4th in va ult. In the All-Aro und compe titio n the gymnasts were di vided into fo ur g rou ps, w ith fo u r events competing with o ne gymnas t perfo rming a t a ti me, the events ro tating in interna ti ona l order. In the fin a ls there was o nl y one event a t a time. T he first nig ht there were 3 judges o n each event, and a ll judges sat togeth er. T h e Ro ma nia and Czech os lova ki a coach were two o f th e judges. We stayed o n th e beach a ll day Sunday with the g irl s a nd a coach from China. ' '''e could no t communica te in word s b u t the na ti ona l Chinese coach and m yself beca me very close in th e nine days we were toge ther. Using our own type of la ng uage we lea rned quite a bit form each o ther a nd had lo ts of fun . On Monday we went to Orl eons for o ur second mee t. T he second competition was run very much the same as the first with th e sa me com pe titors. This was the 2nd Tournor Mondia l Feminin De Gy mnastic. Thi s was held on T uesday a nd Wednesday the 12th a nd 13th a bo ut a n ho ur a nd a ha lf away from Pari s by bus. All the g irl s used the same ro u ti nes. Kich from Ro uma ni a was first All- Around , with Zhu -Zheng from China in second a nd Dunca fro m Rouma ni a in third . On bars Zhu-Zheng took fi rst place. In second was Kich of Ro uma nia a nd Russo from U.S.A . in third . In va ult Kich of Ro uma nia took fi rst a nd Kella ms o f U.S .A. in second a nd Dunca o f Rouma nia in third. On bea m Ki ch of Rouma nia first place with Zhu Zhen y of China in second a nd Dunca in third . Last but no t leas t, was floor with Ki ch in first, Ma Wen-ju of China in second and Schoen of E. Germa n y in third . In the second mee t the judges sa t a pa rt a fter a few coaches like myself a nd o thers got together a nd asked for them to do so. Th ey a lso had fo ur j udges a t each event. H owever, the coach of Ro umania a nd coach o f Czechos lova kia were j uclg ing thi s meet as well . It bein g m y first experience overseas, I feel it will rea ll y help me in ma n y ways, especia ll y as a coach . In genera l the competition was we ll orga ni zed and conducted. T he equipment was no t the bes t but it was a lso good fo r experience. In general the ca libre o f gymnastics was good. ' '''e were very gracio usly hosted a nd enj oyed the experi ence very much .
Antibes All Around
Name Kich Dunca Ujszigeti Russo Zhu-Zheng Kellams Ma-Wen-Ju Zelinkova Schoen Saeurova
Bars 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.60 8.60 9.80 9.00 9.20 9.60 9.20
Uneven Beam FI. Ex . 9.60 9.40 9.60 8.90 9.50 9.15 9.20 8.90 9.80 9.60 8.90 8.60 9.60 8.90 9.60 8.70 8.80 8.80 9.30 8.80
Total 9.70 9.60 9.40 9.60 9.30 9.60 9.40 9.20 9.40 9.20
38.10 37 .50 37.35 37.30 37 .30 36.90 36.90 36.70 36.60 36.50
Vault Name Rensch Kellams Schoen Russo Kich Dunca Ujszegeti Almasi
1st 9.30 9.80 9.55 8.95 9.40 9.35 9 .30 9.25
2nd 9.60 8.60 9.25 9.60 9.30 9.35 8.95 8.90
Aver. 9.45 9.20 9.40 9.375 9.35 9.35 9.125 9.075
Gen . 9.60 9.80 9.60 9.60 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.30
Total 19.05 19.00 19.00 18.875 18.875 18.875 18.425 18.375
Bars Name Zhu-Zheng RPC Kich ROU Zelinkova TCH HON Ujszegeti Herve FRA RDA Rensch Dunca ROU Ma-Wen-Ju RPC
Finals 9 .60 9.60 9 .55 9.50 9.40 9.50 9.15 8.95
General 9.80 9.60 9.60 9.50 9.50 9.40 9.60 9.60
Total 19.40 19.20 19.15 19.00 18.90 18.90 18.75 18.55
Name Zhu-Zheng RPC Kich ROU Dunca ROU HON Ujszegeti Ma-Wen-Ju RPC Marinova BUL Schoen RDA
Finals 9.70 9.60 9.55 9.30 9.45 9.30 8.70
Finals 9 .80 9.60 9.55 9.25 9.40 9.05 9.05 8.55
General 9.60 9.40 8.90 9.15 8.90 8.90 8.80
Total 19.30 19.00 18.45 18.45 18.35 18.20 17 .50
General 9.70 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.40
Tot al 19.50 19.20 19.15 18.85 18.80 18.45 18.35 17.95
Floor Kich Russo Kellams Dunca Ujszegeti Ma-Wen-Ju Zhu-Zheng Scheon
~®~:~olden Sands Invitational Q®~
~IESPEIL, University of Oklahoma Coach: Paul Ziert Silver Medal · All Around Gold Medal . Parallel Bars Silver Medal· Floor Exercise Silver Medal . Pommel Horse 6th place· Rings 6th place· High Bar
Ron Caso
MARK CASO, Syracuse, NY Coach: Ron Caso 17th place All Around Reserve qualifier for finals in both Parallal Bars and High Bar
Ma rk Caso a nd P eter S to u t orig in a ll y form ed th e men 's tea m se lec ted fo r thi s eve nt. S to u t was fo rced to w ithdraw h owever, beca use of a wrist injury. At a natio n a l cha m ~ pio nship qua lifyi n g m ee t, h eld du ring May in Dayton , Ohio, Ma tt Biespiel o f th e U n iversi ty o f Okl a h o m a was selected to rep lace him. After we h ad received time to se ttle into the h o tel, o n May 3 1, we got o ur fi rst look a t th e tra inin g center in a pre li m ina ry worko u t. Th e facili ties a t th e center were uniqu e. There was a pit und er th e still rings. T h e sa m e p it stretch ed under a se t o f para ll el ba rs. At th e o th er end o f the gy mnas ium lay a run way for lo n g h orse va ultin g, a tra mpo lin e pit, a nd a h o ri zonta l ba r p it. T h ese three lay a long a n ax is. T h e h orizo nta l ba r was se t dow n in to the pi t. T hi s h ad th e effec t of reducing the di sta n ce between th e to p o f th e pipe a nd th e fl oor. Altho u g h th e p ipe stood fi ve fee t from th e fl oor, th e gy mn as t was, in effec t, p rotected b y the pit. If h e sw un g, h e sw ung free ly within the co nfines of th e p it. On di sm o unts, competitors fl ew away fro m th e eq uipm ent a nd into th e p i t. T hi s co nfi g ura tion was n ew to m os t of us, ye t i ts adva ntages were num ero us. An oth er unique fea ture o f th e sys tem was a sta nding p la tform , Jus t ben ea th th e verti ca l uprig h t o f th e h or izo nta l ba r. T h e pl a tform was m o unted with a U -shaped bo lt o n each side of th e sta nd . It slid in a nd o ut to a ll ow a sp o tter to sta nd w ith o ut d ifficulty a nd devote full a ttentio n to young gy mnas ts wh o were workin g o ut. An oth er in teres tin g dev ice was co nta ined in th e ri ng se tu p . H ere, a sm a ll boa rd p ermitted th e gy mnas t to m o unt the rin gs un ass isted . A h o le d rill ed in the boa rd a ll owed th e board to ac t as a p ivo t. The a thle te wo uld p ush th e board dow n wa rd , a nd wa lk o ut o nto it. ' ''' h en th e indi vidua l g ra bbed th e rin gs a nd released p ress ure fro m th e boa rd , th e device wo uld tip itse lf up o n ce m o re, a ll owing coach es to spend m o re time in stru cting a nd eva l u a ting. In th e days before th e actu a l co m pe titi o n , J ack Bick n er, th e Ameri ca n judge, a n d I a lso eva lu a ted Bulga ria n tra inin g m e th od s. J ack was a tremendo us h elp. Hi s interes t a nd in sig hts m ade a rea l co ntrib u tio n to o u r effo rt . I wo uld recomm end tha t in future m ee ts, judges mig ht ma ke their expe ri ence a nd experti se ava il a bl e to coach es. T h e Bu lgaria n gymnas ts wh o tra ined a t the facility were d ivided into fo ur g ro u ps, ra n g in g in age fro m 10 to 16. Each gro up co n sisted o f 4 to 5 boys. The boys were req u ired to sh ow som e sig n o f respec t for th e o lder persons in th e room. 34
Gy mnas ti cs News/ Jul y-August 1979
A II Around Champions, L-R , Matt B iespiel, USA, 2nd, Plamen Petkoll, Bu lgaria, I st. As it turn ed o ut, th e actual competitio n in Varn a bega n before th e Go lden Sa n ds Meet ever g ot o ff th e ground. Procedures fo r th e first day 's compe titio n , d elin ea ted at the initia l rece ptio n , revea led tha t Am erican a thle tes would lead o ff in fo ur of the first si x events. Throug h an o ther ad ro it sys tem o f o rdering, Ameri ca n s were a lso required to lea d o ff in two of the second series o f events. Altho u g h , as the Bul garia n s p o inted o u t, th ese p rocedures did n o t vio la te Federa tio n o f Intern a ti o n a l Gy mnas tics rul es, by req uiring o n e tea m to lea d o ff a n inordin a te number o f tim es, they clearl y gave a n ad va ntage to th ose wh o fo ll owed. Des pite the proced ura l di scussi o n s whi ch preceded the com p e titio n , the Mee t ra n quite ·sm oothl y for th e m en 's delega tio n . T hi s a lso see m ed true for the wo m en' s g rou p. Wo m en 's warm ups las ted fi ve minutes befo re each event. Me n h ad 30 seco nds p er gy mn as t after each rotatio n . A few min o r equ ipm ent fa ilures occu rred. One R euth er sys tem pa ra ll el ba r ca tch would occas io n a ll y loosen a nd d ro p durin g m o unts a nd sw in g work be tween the ba rs. On e o f the rin gs a lso cracked as Mark Caso bailed. The time required for rep a irs seem ed excess ive, but, in each case, the m ee t did res ume. An o ther sidelig ht to the co mpe titi o n were th e specta to rs. Altho u g h there was n o admi ss io n ch a rge, there didn ' t see m to be m a n y o f th em . For th e fin a ls we h a d p erha p s 500 sp ec tators, for th e opt io n a ls 200, fo r th e co m pul sories 160 . Th e gy mnas ium was gen era ll y we ll- ventil a ted , comfo rta bl e, a nd clea n . T h ere was n ' t too much ava ila bl e in the way o f refres hm ents. Mos t o f th e d rinks were to nic wa ters suc h as Sch wep ps . We recomm end ta kin g Co kes to the gy m in the futu re, so th a t th e co m pe tito rs ca n ge t a mouth full of so m ethin g .
Golden Sands Invitational-Men A number of factors influ enced th e scheduling and genera l tenor of th e compe ti tion . Inform at ion was som eti mes difficult to ob tain. On e se t of papers , g iven to each delegation , covered the o rder of co mpetition , m ee t results, and other co nditi o ns. We wou ld h ave preferred two cop ies: a n official o ne and a working version whi ch th e coach could u se w hil e o p era tin g o n th e fl oor. Th e use of o nl y o ne co p y made it diffi cult to keep track of eve nts. Qu estions concerning judg in g a lso surround ed the co mpetition . The efforts of th e U.S., Ca nadia n , British, and Torwegian del ega ti ons to procure neutral judges fo r th e fin a ls, or to in sure th a tat least th e h ead judges a nd th e judges in volved in th e scorin g were neutra l, met with success. Miss Noble of Ca nada, Phil Bopes t of Grea t Brita in , a nd An na Lisa Nitla o f Norway , as we ll as our ow n Gail-were in strum enta l in bring in g this a bout. As fa r as th e rul es went, Mark Caso was on e of the reserves des igna ted to compete in th e fin a ls, should one of the fin a li sts drop out beca use of injury or som e oth er rea son . At tha t tim e, th ere were already two Bulga ri a n s in the fin a ls. Sin ce, according to intern a tio na l rul es , o nl y one compe titor from each co untry was a llowed in th e finals , o ne Bulgarian was withdrawn beca use of injury a nd repl aced by a tea mm a te. This move was legiti mate beca use hi s score was hi g her th a n those of th e other reserves. As for th e actua l competitio n, in th e m en 's compu lsori es, first place was Clcmmon Pitkoff, of Bulgaria , with a score of 54. 75; 2nd pl ace, Mat Bies piel USA, score o f 53.90; 3rd pla ce R o m a n Pitkoff o f Bulga ri a, score of 53.65; 4 th place Angel Garcia, of Spain with a score of 53.45; 5 th place Lew is Rodriguez from Spain with a score of 53. 10; 6th place B.G . of Czechoslovakia , with a score of 52. 70. Mark Caso, o f the U.S. was in 22nd pl ace w ith 49.35 in th e a ll around. Men 's info rm ation just su bmitted was for compul sories only as th e scores would indicate. Data on men 's totals fo r co mpulsori es a nd optionalsI st place a ll a ro und from Bulgaria , Cl em man Pitko ff with a score o f 109.75; 2nd place Mat Bi es piel, USA , sco re 108.1 5; 3rd place Roman Pitkoff, Bulga ria, score 108.05; 4th pl ace O .M . of Bulga ria, score 106.75; 5th place L ewis Rodrigu ez, of Spain, score 106.45; 6th place P.G . of Hungary , score 105.85; Mark Caso, USA, 17th place, with a score of 102.85 . In th e men 's co mpetiti o n o n floor exercise, I st pla ce was Plam en Petkov of Bulga ri a with a to ta l score o f 18.325; 2nd place was Mat Biespi el USA, total score of 18.175; 3rd place So Hun of Th e People' s R ep ubli c of Korea with a score o f 18.150. In th e pommel horse co mpetitio n , 1st place Pl amen P etk ov o f Bul ga ri a w ith a total score o f 18.07 5; 2nd pl ace Ma t Bies pi el, USA , with a tota l score o f 17.525; 3rd place J acq ues Def of Fra nce, total sco re o f 17.50. In th e Ring co mpetition, 1st pl ace Miguel Arroyo of Cuba 18.450; 2nd place So Hun of Th e P eo pl e' s R epublic o f Korea, tota l score of 18.40; 3rd place Pl a men Pitko ff o f Bulgaria , total sco re of 18.250. Mat Bi es pi el, USA, was in 6th place total score of 18 .125.
Va ulting co m petition , in firs t place Louis R o drigu ez, 18.525 . Ti ed for 2nd between Mi g uel Arroyo o f C uba a nd Pl a men Petk ov o f Bulgaria, th eir sco re was 18.40. In 4th place Pasz to r Gabo r o f Hunga ry, to ta l score o f 18. 125 . On th e pa ra ll el ba rs-are yo u rea d y fo r thi s-in first pl ace , Mat Ri esp if' ll SA, tota l sCOlT o f 18.475. In 2nd place Pl a men Petkov, Bulga ria , tota l score 18 .250; 3rd pla ce Ogni a n Ba ng iev o f Bul gar ia 18.050 . On th e hor izonta l ba r competiti o n in I st p lace O g ni an Ba ng iev o f Bul ga ri a 18 .875; 2nd pl ace Pl a m en Petko v, Bul ga ria , 18 .725. Tied for third p lace, Bori voj Ko ld ovsky o f Czechos lovak ia, 18.550 a nd M ig uel Arroyo o f C uba wi th 18.550. T he fac t th a t we liked th e Cubans, th e Cuba ns liked us , su rpr ised man y Bulga rians. Much of what th ey had rea d in th e papers a bou t th e different governm ent ideologi es a pparentl y didn ' t m ake much difference. Fro m a n overa ll p erspective, I h ave a number of though ts on th e m ee t. I th ough t tha t th e coopera tion a mo ngs t coaches, judges, a nd gymnasts in thi s pa rticu lar tour was quite unusual. Alth o ugh th e g irl s h ad two coaches a nd th e boys had tw o coaches, with o ne subordina te to th e o th er, we had a rea l team effort. It see m ed to be contagio us beca use th e British , T he Ca nadi a ns, a nd th e Dutch , a ppea red to p ick up o n it. I think th a t a ll in a ll th e Am eri ca ns lef t so rt o f th e " bell of th e ba ll " sort o f an im press ion a nd ca me ou t look in g rea ll y good . I'm sure it wo uldn ' t have bee n possibl e if we hadn't coo pera ted a nd worked together th e way we did. In thi s and o th er as pec ts of th e trip , I found mu ch perso na l g ra tifi ca ti o n . I 'm sure th at I speak for th e res t of th e gro up.
USGF Senior Nationals Eugene Oregon
Combined Average Comp/ Opt Comp/ Opt Total Total Stacy Kaplan 18.50 9 .25 Beth Pope 9 .35 18.70 18.65 9.325 Ch eryl Ch ambli ss Maisie Chi llano 18.80 9.40 Julie Northrup 18.35 9.175 Yumi Mordre 18.70 9.35
All Around Vault Diane DeCecco 18.35 Almaden Val. Gym. Lynn McDonnell 18.35 Starlettes of Oakland Nina Dziem 18.20 Ameri ca n Acn. Peggy Price 18.40 Pac. N.W. Twisters Karen McDonnell 17.90 Starlettes of Oakland 18.45 Taunia Rogers Acad . of Oly. Gym 17.70 Kim McCabe Mid-Amer. Twisters Sharon Bailie 17.75 Tucson All-Americans Suellen League 17.80 SCATS Mary Lewis 18.25 Az . Acad of Gym
Finals Total
Bars 18.20
Beam 18.45
Fle x 18.10
Total 73 .10
17 .80
72 .80
72 .70
18 .40
17 .85
Score 9.55 9. 30 9.15 905 9.15 8.90
18.80 18.65 18.475 18.45 18.325 18.250
Finals Std . 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bars Shari Mann Jul ian ne M cNorman
Keli Garrison Jackie Brumm er Amy Koopman Mary Kay Brown
17 .75
71 .70
71 .35
71 .30
17 .80
71 .15
19.15 19.30 18.90 18.70 18.65 18.50
9.575 9 .65 9.45 9 .35 9.325 9 .25
9.70 9.45 9.15 9.10 9.10 9.15
19.275 19.10 18.60 18.45 18.425 18.40
1 2 3 4 5 6
9.10 9.40 9.25 9.15 9 .05 9.05
18.60 18.50 18.45 18.375 18.35 18.175
1 2 3 4 5 6
9.60 9.20 9.35 9.40 9.30 9.20
18.75 18.55 18.475 18.375 18.35 18.15
1 2 3 4 5 6
Beam Ke:ly Garrison Lynn Lederer M elissa Miller
1979 USGF Jr. Women's National Gymnastic Championships
Janeen MacDo ugall
Beth Pope Julie Northrup
19.00 18.20 18.40 18.45 18.60 18.25
9 .50 9.10 9.20 9.225 9 .30 9.125
All Around Beth Pope Lynda Rolston Keli Garrison Julie Northrup Gina Stallone Julianne McNamara
Vault 18.70 18.65 18.15 18.35 18.35 18.45
Bars 18.35 18.00 18.90 18.25 18.05 19.30
Beam 18.60 18.35 19.00 18.25 18.45 17.55
Flex 18.30 18 .70 17.55 18.25 17.85 17 .30
Total 73.79 73 .70 73 .60 73.10 72.70 72.60
Beth Pope Ly nda Rolston Julie Northrup Melissa Mill er Jody Lee Kwai Sandy Sabotha
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Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics Update Norma B. Zabka Chairman, National MRG Comm. To keep you abreast of all the activity in our growing sport , the following report includes items covered at meetings during the time of the 1979 National Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships held in Beverly Hills , May 10-11 , and subsequent actions and information. The time we had to meet , to report , and to make future preparations was not really sufficient for all the work involved to insure continued growth of MRG . Personally, I prefer meetings that are short and to the point regardless of the time at our disposal. This year, I felt that although we covered many important and necessary items in a rushed manner, we left Los Angeles with many agenda items not fully covered . 1979 NATIONAL MRG CHAMPIONSHIPS - BEVERLY HILLS, H.S. MAY 10-11 I would like to thank Monika Heilbut for preparing reports to USGF News and International Gymnast on the Championships. Rosemary Shannon , Meet Director, and her assistants spent many busy days on the preparation of this meet. For all of those who attended , it was very heartening to see that the quality of gymnastic performances (especially in the Junior Division) has taken a good leap forward . The dedication of coaches and gymnasts was , indeed, evident. NATIONAL MRG COMMITTEE Kveta Smith, our committee member since its inception and an excellent organizer in Region IV, requested to resign from our committee and as Regional Chairman for personal health reasons . We certainly will miss Kveta Smith 's excellent contributions . Nora Veyette , V Regional Chairman , was elected to fill her position . Other members of our committee are Helena Greathouse , Monika Heilbut , Annelis Hoyman , Jane Jurew , Mildred Prchal, Andrea Schmid , and Norma Zabka. Under the direction and guidance of Mildred Prchal , this committee was formed in 1974. In 1975, we asked Frank Bare, Executive Director of USGF , that this committee remain stable until 1980 in order that our early gorwth would be on a firm base of continuity . Because our sport is so very new in the U.S. , it is not possible or preferable to be organized in the same way as Artistic Gymnastics at this time . However, we have always looked to move in the direction of artistic gymnastics and to learn organizationally from their development. We have saved much time from their ex perience . I feel this has been good . Regional and State-We are still a long way from having sufficient capable personnel to serve as State and Regional Chairmen . It is necessary that we continue to seek people to serve. In the very early days of our sport in the U.S ., it was possible to know and communicate with all who were interested in Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics . Today , since we have grown to the point where it is not possible to know every pocket of activity and every coach and gymnast , it is necessary that our line of communication be from the National Committee or the National Chairman to Regional Chairman . Regional Chairmen are responsible for communicating information to the State Chairmen in their Region . The State Chairman is closest to all the activity, coaches , and gymnasts in her area and is responsible for passing information to where it is needed most. In most instances , when I send a communique to Regional Chairmen , I have been able to address the same to State Chairmen, as I do know who they are and it does save some time. It is not possible to send communiques addressed to Regional and State Chairmen to coaches and gymnasts and, as their number is increasingly growing , someone may be missed and then slighted . Working in a good organizational manner is better for all. I have received a number of inquiries from coaches and parents concerning the dissemination of information . Coaches should receive regular information from the State Chairman. If any coaches are on the State mailing list and are not receiving information , please write your Regional Chairman and / or me. 1980 USGF NATIONAL MRG CHAMPIONSHIPS - DETROIT (tent. May 23 weekend) Leon Atchison , Director of Recreation of the City of Detroit , requested to host the 1980 MRG Championships. Gloria Atchison's
excellent presentation in c luded information on the site , hotel , transportation , and publicity plans . The bid was accepted with enthusiasm . We feel confident that this will be a big step forward for MRG . The support of a city agency means better organ izational strength . Detroit's successful hosting of the training camp last year in preparation for the Four Continents Competition in Toronto provided experience and a demonstration of the organizing committee's capability. The tentative date is May 23-24. Confirmation will come from Gwen Hilliard, Michigan State Chairman . The Meet Director will be Zina Mironov. Entry Requirements All-around entries only (with possible exception of special event for group competitors) . Gymnast must compete in a sanctioned State or Regional meet with an all-around score of 30.0 pts. Scores from these qualifying meets must be sent to Norma Zabka with State or Regional Chairman 's signature. NATIONAL COMPULSORY CLINIC (tent. May 26-27) INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL JUDGING CLINIC (tent. May 28-30, 1980) These clinics will follow the National MRG Championships and will be held in Detroit. As Chairman of the MRG Judges' Certification Committee, Andrea B. Schmid will serve as Coordinator for these two clinics . Judging Clinic - This course will be offered to increase the number of qualified judges in our country. Evelyn Koop (FIG Technical Comm . member) and one other FIG Technical Committee member will be invited . U.S.A. National Judges will be eligible to take the FIG Rating test and all others may take the U.S. National test. Inquiries will be made regarding college credit through Wayne State Univ. for those interested. New Compulsory Exercises - 1980 - Helena Greathouse has served as our Coordinator of this project and has been assisted by Annelis Hoyman and Nora Veyette . Mildred Prchal is working on the herculean task of drawing figures to accompany the text . The exercises appear to be excellent. Although instructions on how to write up the routines were sent out , not all authors fully followed instructions. As a result, Mildred Prchal was hindered in her task and more work needs to be done to have a uniform format for the final printing . We do expect to have the written text and figures in print for the National Compulsory Clinic . National Compulsory Clinic - The authors of the compulsory exercises will be invited to present the new routines. They are: Nora Veyette (rope) Maria Bakos (without apparatus); Candace Feinberg (ball); Kathy Brym (hoop); Alia Svirskiy (ribbon); and Dale Flansaas (clubs). USGF CONGRESS - ST. LOUIS, MO. - Sept. 28th weekend I n order to make a special impression on the artistic gymnastics schools , clubs, coaches , teachers , and gymnasts , we have asked to have our National Champion , Sue Soffe , appear on the program . Mr. Bare , Executive Director of USGF , has given approval to bring her to the Congress. Our presentations at the Congress will be coordinated by Nora Veyette. In addition to Sue's presentation , Nora has requested Steve Whitlock to make a presentation at one of the independent club sessions , and other MRG coaches and gymnasts who will be attending the Congress will round out our presentations. National Compulsory Clinic - The authors of the compulsory exercises w ill be invited to present the new routines . They are : Nora Veyette (rope): Maria Bakos (without apparatus); Candace Feinberg (ball) : Kathy Brym (hoop) : Alia Svirskiy (ribbon) : and Dale Flansaas (clubs) . IX MRG WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - LONDON - JULY 1-8, 1979 Competition in MRG consists of individual performances and group performances. Because of the intensive training needed for each, gymnasts do not perform in both competitions internationally. We have had individual competitors (4 events - all around) in international competition since 1973. This year will be the first time the U.S. will be entering a group in a World Championships . If it were not for the availability of the Olympic Training Centers for the choreographic work and long group training time , I do not believe we would be at this pOint today. So much work has gone into the preparation. Our principal choreographer was Maria Bakos , who worked closely with our talented and personable accompanist , Shiela Simpson . Assisting Maria with the original choreography was Candace Feinberg and Nora Veyette. The gymnasts who were selected to attend the Training Center last year worked hard and well. The girls inspired the choreographers and the choreographers
G ymnastics N ews/ Jul y-August 1979
Minutes, FRC for Women May 19, 1979, Dayton , Ohio Members Present-Sue Ammerman - Chairman , Ed Knepper , Delene Darst, Linda Chencinski , Jackie Fie, Cheryl Grace , Bill Strauss, Jim Gault, David Neel , Marlene Bene and guests: Mr. Frank Bare , Mr. Jay Ashmore and Mr. Bill Valentine. 1.
The minutes of the last meeting 2/ 19/ 79 were accepted as corrected. Confidential reports will also be sent to Delene Darst. (Fie, Bare, and Ammerman already receive them). Selection of the World Championship Coach and Assistant Coach: to also be Olympic Coach and Asst. Olympic Coach. Applicants: Tom Jones , Sarah Jackson , Ute Alt , Don Peters , Janet Cantwell , Vannie Edwards, Maurice Hull, Linda Mulvihill , Steven Norman , Bill Sands, Sandy Thielz and Ernie Weaver. (Applications received late Greig Weiss and Jim Gault) After careful review of the applications and discussion , Linda Mulvihill was selected as head coach and Vannie Edwards as assistant coach. Both Linda and Vannie were invited into the
MRG Update inspired the girls. As a result , the outcome was a pleasure to all. This year six girls and an alternate were selected , through competition, to be part of our first group team , and have spent over four weeks at Colorado Springs. The task ot having the gymnasts work as a team both in spirit and work was put in the very capable hands of Barbara Parcher, their coach. Our individuals made excellent progress, but not easily. Sue Soffe has spent months in Holland working with Ileana losif, who is serving as the coach of the Dutch team. The kind hospitality of the Dutch Federation cannot be overestimated . Lydia Bree Crabtree has worked with Alia Svirskiy , one of our most talented coaches and most successful developer of competitors. Sandi Shannon worked with Marian Duncan and then in Brno , Czechoslovakia for more intensive preparation. We expect that the dedication of these gymnasts will bear fruit at the World Championships. The selection of our delegation to the World Championships was based on guidelines from artistic gymnastics. The following will represent our country at the World Championships in London: Individual Competitors: Sue Soffe (Ca.) Lydia Bree Crabtree (Ca.) Sandi Shannon (Ca.) Group Competitors: Laura Bell (Mich.) Ellen Garlicki (N.J.) Suzanne Bowman (Nev.) Wendy Hilliard (Mich.) Toby Turner (Ca.) Valerie Von Holst (111.) Nancy Jo Davis - alt. (Ga.) Coach: Barbara Parcher (Ca.) Manager: Jane Jurew (111.) Judges : Andrea Schmid (Ca.) Norma Zabka (N.Y.) Accompanist: Shiela Simpson (N.Y.) TRAINING CAMP - SQUAW VALLEY - JULY 28-AUG. 6 This training camp will be directed by Lena Leong , former competitor and California State Chairman. The purpose of the training camp is multi-fold. It will provide us with the following : 1. To work on the choreography of a group routine with 3 balls and 3 ribbons. Not necessarily to develop a final routine , but to develop some basic exercises that the gymnasts should know using both implements. 2. Write up these compulsory elements for use in the "spec ial event" for ball / ribbon at the 1980 MRG Nationals. 3. An opportunity for choreographers to experiment and exchange ideas. 4. Developmental training for gymnasts. Gymnasts were invited on the basis of their ranking in th e 1979 National Championships and coaches selection. Coaches have been selected based on Gwen Hilliard 's survey while we were at Beverly Hills H.S. for our Nationals. I hope this brings you somewhat up-to-date and I hope to return from the World Championships with proof of our continued growth.
Gymnastics News/ July-August 1979
meeting to discuss their ideas for working with the team . The FRC Committee received a letter from Vannie Edwards explaining that prior obligations from home and work would prevent him from accepting the position as assistant coach for the World Championships Team and Olympic Team. The FRC Committee again re-evaluated the applications and selected Bill Sands. This was announced officially at the Trials. The plans for the World Championships Team consists of a meeting following the Trials to clear up any problems on the compulsories and plans for working at home . The 1st training camp will be held Aug. 1-9, 1979, following the National Sports Festival in Colorado Springs. Th e team will train with a core of coaches selected by the FRC and the judges that will be active at the World Championships. (Sharon Valley , Sharon Weber, Delene Darst, and Jackie Fie. The FRC voted that Don Peters, Nancy Roach will be the core of coaches along with Carol Stabiecweski the official pianists. Individual coaches may attend at their own expense to the 1st training camp. (1 coach per gymnast) Two other training camps will be held along with compulsory and optional team competition with either Bulgaria , DDR , CSSR, Eng ., France or Canada. The Elite Coaches proposed that Jim Gault remain as a member of the FRC , but according to the USGF Executive Committee decision, he was not eligible since he did not represent a gymnast in the Championships of the USA. The FRC voted to send the following recommendation to Frank Bare and the Executive Committee for consideration: Each year following the Championships of the USA each coach that has a girl in the Championships would be entitled to one vote for the Elite Coaches Representatives to the FRC for Women . (This enables them to vote for anyone regardless if their choice has a gymnast in the meet.) The FRC voted to invite Jim Gault to their meetings as a guest at his own expense, until an Elite Coaches Representative was elected to the committee. International Participation: Selection of Gymnasts and Coaches: 1. Golden Sands Invitational , Varna Bulgaria : Gymnasts selected : Jeanine Creek Jackie Cassello alternate: Lisa Shirk coach: Greig Weiss Alt. Coach: Hal Halvorsen Judge: Gail Davis - Delegation Leader 2. Antibes and Orleans Invitational - France Gymnasts selected: Leslie Russo Suzy Kellams alternate: Susie Van Slyke Tory Wilson Lucy Collins 3. China Invitational- 11-13 from the Trials 4. Japan Jr. Invitational- from trials in rank ordergirls between 13-15 years in age. Discussion was held concerning a coaches behavior while representing the USGF internationally . It was decided that to prevent further problems a delegation leader would be named by the FRC . This delegation leader must travel and remain with the team during the entire trip. Mr. Bare was requested to write a letter of reprimand to the coach concerning his behavior. Injury petitions to the World Championship Trials had been filed with the National Office prior to the Championships of the USA Rhonda Schwandt, Sandy Wirth, Jayne Weinstein , and Linda Tardiff . The first three petitions were automatically accepted due to a decision reached by the FRC at their previous meeting , allowing gymnasts from the Dial Invitational and members of the World Games Team 78 to petition past the Championships of the USA to the Final Trials. Extensive discussion followed on the petition of Linda Tardiff as she did not fit into this category. Evaluation of her past performances decided the FRC to accept her petition . Pan American Games-The FRC decided that because of the problem of two sets of compulsories to be used at the games we would not send a team . It was decided to send 4 individual gymnasts, possible medal winners . Gymnasts occupying place 1-4 at the Championships of the USA were not interested in attending the Games and Mrs. Bene was to contact the nex t gymnasts in order of placement: Jeannine Creek , Linda Kardos , Heidi Anderson , Jackie Cassello.
Nati onal Sports Fe stiva l- FRC voted to uphold the previou s decision to have th e top 24 gymnasts from the Championships of t he USA com pete in th e Nati ona l Sports Fest ival. Th e motio n in cluded th at it was mandatory fo r th ese gymnasts to attend th e NSF otherw ise would not be eli gible fo r internationa l Inv itat io nal competi ti o ns until the ne xt se lect ion meet. Thi s restricti on would not app ly to the World Championships and WC Train ing Camps. Meeting Adj ourn ed , 3:30 pm to be co ntinu ed follo w in g th e Women 's Competition. 1. Se lect ion of coaches for th e Nat ional Spo rts Fest ival Nominations-J ohn Spini , Roe Kreutzer, Kim Bonus, Peter Sie lski, Bru ce Burns , Sam Shaw , and Jerry Tomlinson . The following coac hes were elected to th e position of Coach for the NSF: John Spi ni , Ro e Kreutzer, Peter Sielski , Kim Bonus . 2. Se lec tion of Coach and Assistant Coac h for the Pan American Games The following applicatio ns had been recei ved for this position : Ute Alt, T om Jones , Bill Sands , Ern ie Weaver, Sandy Thi elz, Don Pete rs and Janet Cantwell. A vo te was taken and Mrs . Weave r was elected Hea d Coach and Mr . Pete rs as her Assistant Coach . The date for the next FRC meeting was set for August 11 - 12, 1979 in Tu cso n, Arizona .
Minutes, FRC for Women Minutes for the USGF Newsletter of the FRC for Women-Meeting June 29, 1979, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1. The minutes of the last meeting May 19, 1979 were read and corrected . 2. The Committee accepted Vanny Edwards' resignation and elected Bill Sands Assistant Coach for the World Championship Team and Olympic Team . 3. Gymnast and Coach Selection for international trips China-Gymnasts 11-13 from the Trials (if any of those are going to the Japan meet drop down in the ranking. 11-J . Creek, 13-G. Ambandos, 14-A. Machamer) Coach - Hal Halvorson, All. Danny Warbutton . Japan-Rank order from the Trials gymnasts that are 13-15 years of age. (3 - T . Talavera , 12 - J. Cassello) Coach Donna Strauss, All. Kim Bonus. 4. Motion was made and passed that we choose the best coach suited to go with our gymnasts regardless if they have a gymnast going on the trip. The committee will review potential coaches and rank them for rotation for international trips as we do the gymnasts. This concept would enable us to train the coaches as to what is expected of them on an international trip . Enable them to be well prepared rather than guessing what their role will be. 5. Pacific Championships-Coach Linda Mulvihill and Assistant Coach Bill Sands. This will be 2 meets in Canada and 2 within the U .S. We will use our top 8 girls and the order will be up to the coaches. 6. The first training camp for the World Championship Team w ill be held in Salt Lake City, Utah. One coach per gymnast will be permitted to attend this first training camp. This coach must register in advance with Bill Valentine. Each coach must take care of their own expenses. All members of the squad 1-10 will be treated equally at the training camps thru to the Championships of the USA. 7. Dr. Wiley was selected as the Doctor for the training camps. The following people will be invited to the first training camp as the official staff. If changes for the future camps are needed Linda and Bill will report to the FRC for discussion . JudgesJackie Fie , Delene Darst, Sharon Weber, Sharon Valley. Coaches-Don Peters, Nancy Roach and Donna Strauss . Also included is Mr. Stabicewski, pianists. It was stressed that the FRC will decide who goes to the training camps and only the FRC can decide on the removal of a gymnast if needed . 8. Mandatory Competition-From here on in a letter will be sent to the coach and parents of the gymnast, containing the invitation to the mandatory competition . If she does not
attend-the reason should be put in writing to the FRC. If the reason is not accep table she will not be used in rotation until after the next selection meet and her way will not be paid to the USGF competition . At this point in time this does not apply to the World Championship Team and their training competition . The following motion was passed by the FRC-Any motion presented to the FRC from another organization or committee must be presented to the FRC in writing from their official minutes and will appear in the FRC minutes that exac t way . Otherwise the FRC will assume that the motion is the proposal from the individual rathe r than the group if not presented in writing.
USGF WTC MEETING Minutes May 16 & 17, 1979, Dayton, Ohio Championships of the USA Meeti ng was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by WTC Chairman , Delene Darst. I. Roll Call A. Voting members present: National Women 's Committee Chairman , Linda Chencinski National Age Group Developmen t Director, David Neel National El ite Development Director, Bill Strauss National Judges Train ing Committee Chairman , Cheryl Grace Regional Techni ca l Directors: I. Shirley Ruh lman , pro xy for J. Pasquale II. Karen Patiole III. Sharon Weber IV. Linda Beren (Wednesday only) V. Carole Leidtke VI. Sharon Vall ey VII. Audrey Schweye r VIII. Lydi a Taylor (Wednesday only) Voting members present: 12 B. Non-voting Members National Age Group Program Secretary, Connie Maloney C. Invited Guests Kitty Kjeldsen and Joanne Aschenbrenner-NAWGJ II. The minutes from February, 1979 meeting were approved with the following correction and addition: A. New Business B. Out of Country Competitors Any U.S. citizen (gymnast) living outside the USA ca nnot qualify into the USGF program unless they co mpete within the USGF system. Any non-U .S. citizen may co mpete with in the U.S. Elite and Age Group program , but IS NOT eligible to compete in th e National Championships. III. J.O. AGE GROUP PROGRAM A. Class I 1. State and Regional Reports-RTDs Qualifying Regional # qualified Score 1979 # in meet to E/W 66.00 147 110 Region I Region II 64.00 66 40 Region III 66.00 69 33 Region IV 64.00 83 33 Region V 66.00 85 46 Region IV 66.00 91 39 Region VII 66.00 160 106 Region VIII 66.00 109 52 Regions 2 and 4 made the recommendation to return to the 66.00 qual ifying score for the 1979-80 season . Passed .
Gymnas ti cs News/ J u ly-Augus t 1979
EasVWest Championships and Nationals-AGP Secretary Jr. Easterns- 119 and 9 petitions for a total of 128 All-around winner- Lynn Lederer 73.70 Jr. Westerns- 105 and 1 petition = 106 competitors All-around winner-Beth Pope 73.70 Sr. Easterns- 110 and 8 petition = 118 competitors All-around winner-Karen McDonnell Sr. Westerns- 99 and 2 petitions = 101 competitors All-around winner-Tina Cox 72.65 Class II All Regions held Regionals, however a variety of qualifying systems were used . Ms. Chencinski recommended that all Regions qualify by the same system. This issue will be brought up at the Age Group Development meeting , and then be discussed at the WTC meeting in September. Class III Many States are !laving problems with the large numbers qualifying into State meets. After a great deal of discussion the committee voted to allow States to raise the qualifying score for entry into the State Meet. However, the mandate score for moving up cannot be raised. States with large numbers were encouraged to hold Sectionals. If a gymnast enters a Sectional, achieves the mandate score of 33.0 but does not qualify for State she still must move to the next level. All other regulations governing a Class II gymnast remain the same. 1979-80 Competitive Year Changes and Additions-Rules and Policies 1. a. Individual states may petition to their Regional Board to RAISE or LOWER their qualifying scores through the State Level. b. MANDATE SCORES: Mandate scores may not be raised or lowered. If the Mandate score is received at either the sectional (if held) or the State competition , the gymnast MUST move up to the next Class level. c. Clarification: A gymnast may compete in two class levels within one season, but not at the same time . All Class II Regional meet dates must be and. nounced by the Fall Coaches Congress so that each State may schedule their Class II season to be consistent with all the States in their Region. e. 1988 Nationals The WTC recommended that one JO National meet be held (7 for, 2 against, 3 abstentions). If one National meet is to be held, combining the Jr. and Sr. Age Groups, it was recommended that 30 from each East/West meet would qualify (60 Juniors, 60 Seniors). The USGF Executive Director will make the final decision on the number of National Competitions. f. Qualifying score to East/West Championships The WTC voted to raise the score back up to 68.80 (9 for, 1 against, 2 abstentions) g. Clarification in Rules and Policies Book ... pg. 4 IV-D. If a State has no qualifiers from their State meet to Regionals, the #1 All-Around gymnast from the competition will be invited to compete in the Regional meet, regardless of score. 1981-Discussion of changes in competitive program 1. 4 levels of compulsories will be used . Does the USGF program want to hold competitions for Class 4? Class 4 will be the present class III compulsories. 2. Transition to Elite-Should we have 2 divisions of Class I, one of which would use the Elite compulsories? Regional personnel are urged to investigate these 3. issues with their memberships. New Business 1. Entry Fees Due to the great differences across the country in
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-August 1979
entry fees for similar meets , the WTC has voted to accept the following fee standards : MAXIMUM entry fees that can be charged at a USGFsanctioned meet: State Meet: Class III - $15.00 Class II - $20.00 Class I - $25.00 Class I and II - $30.00 Regional Meet: East/West meets : $40.00 JOAG Nationals: $50.00 Failure of the meet di rector to follow the USGF Rules and Policies RTDs were reminded that it is their responsibility to see that the rules are followed . If a problem arises, the Tucson office is to be notified , as well as the National Technical Director. The meet director would receive a letter from the USGF stating they are aware of the deliberate violation of the rules . Any meet director and their affiliate club who knowingly violates the Rules and Policies of the USGF will not be allowed to host a USGF sanctioned meet for a minimum of one year, beginning with the next competitive year (September 1 and ending August 31). The infraction is to be recorded by the RTD and the situation will be reviewed by the WTC.
Judging A . Technical Regulations 1. Questions resolved by the Committee . a . " 0 " skills repeated within a route may be given risk credit twice. If a fall occurs on a risk skill, NO RISK CREDIT b. is given ; however, difficulty credit may be awarded. Open tuck (puck) position will not necessarily c. receive a deduction. d. A giant swing performed with bent knees will receive a deduction of up to .2. e. Any bar dismount from the feet must originate from a circling movement to be considered legal. Ex.-Cast, squat on, back saito off is an illegal dismount and will receive a .4 deduction . Dismounts originating from a Circling movement with a stop prior to the push-off will receive a .2 deduction . The Arabian Saito is evaluated as a front +/or f. side movement. g. Wrong Vault Deduction: Each judge takes .5 from the value of the vault performed. h. CLARIFICATION : To receive no deduction for lack of back and side/ front elements on Beam and Floor, the gymnast must perform Acrobatic/ Tumbling (flight phase) elements. There is a .2 deduction for no back acrobatic/ tumbling elements and .1 deduction for no front or side acrobatic/ tumbling elements. (A back extension roll may be considered as an acrobatic/ tumbling element.) i. There is a .5 deduction for using altered equipment (such as tennis balls in boards or extra springs in boards.) Voiding Vaults : j. In preliminary competition (IB), if a vault is called and not performed, the performed vault will be evaluated (if it is , in fact , a valued vault) and a .5 deduction for wrong vault will be taken . However, in finals competition (III) , if the second vault is the same vault as the first vault performed, the second vault will be voided. (Example : First vault-Handspring Full Twist. Second vault called Handspring 1V2 twist. The gymnast only completes 1 twist . Second vault void . First vault score and the zero are averaged .) k. Clarification on Class I Bars: Part IV-1-V-1 Cast, straddle sole circle half turn wrap Eagle .
If gymnast casts to handstand , overbalances and pirouettes to wrap Eagle, deductions are : .5 for omitting sole circle half turn .5 for adding a major element NOTE: it is a lesser deduction to falloff if the handstand goes over. 2. On the sole circle half turn , if there is a stop in the handstand position , there is an up to .2 deduction , no matter which side the handstand occurs on. If the half turn is performed with alternate hand release, a .3 deduction will be taken . Review of Criteria for Judging Assignments 1. Group Rotation: 2 problems Elite coaches would like to have 24 judges who will judge all Elite meets to gain consistency and foster better communications. More certified judges are needed at the Elite level. The NAWGJ governing board submitted 8 names from Group 3 judges for consideration to be added to the National Elite rotation. The WTC then also recommended additional names and a vote was taken. Factors cons idered w ere : leng t h of service , c linics attended , test grades, professional service and place of residence. The following Group 3 judges have been added to the National rotation. Sue Ammerman - East Andrea Schmid - West Linda Beran - Mid West Judy Smith - West Lois Carson - East Kathy Stacey - InterVarina French - West Mountain It was discussed that due to high travel expenses, that perhaps only one-quarter of the judges be assigned according to geographic representation (instead of one-half) . Approved . Meet referees are reminded that they must follow the Criteria for Judging Assignment procedures when assigning head judges . Rule Changes - 1980 1. F.I.G . Code of Points will go into effect Internationally in January of 1980. 2. The 1980 F.I.G . Code will not go into effect in the U.S.A. until fall of 1980 after the Olympic Games. Inernational Judging Courses and Assignments 1. Intercontinental F.I.G . Course - Moscow, October, 1979. The USGF will send Delene Darst, Sharon Weber, Audrey Schweyer. 2. Continental F.I.G. Course. No date or place established at this time. The course is intended for Brevet judges to renew the i r Brevets and to allow for Elite Nationals to achieve the first step towards the Brevet. 3. National F.I.G. Courses . No dates or places established at this time. The courses w i ll probably be in late spring, early summer of 1980. The course is intended for renewal of Elite Nationals and to train new Elite Nationals . World Championships , Ft. Worth , Texas December 2-9, 1979 Delene Darst will be the Technical Director for the Women 's Competition . All Women's Technical Committee members, USA Brevet, FIG and Elite National Judges have been invited to work on the floor at the World Championships. Anyone wishing to work in this capacity will have to arrive November 26 for training. All volunteers will be responsible for their own hotel reservations. They will receive an official 's pass to all the competitions. Contact Delene Darst in writing if interested.
WTC Minutes - Elite Portion Friday A.M. May 18,1979
Respectfully submitted, Connie Maloney JO Age Group Program Secretary Edited by: Delene Darst, WTC
ELITE SCHEDULE - For 1979-80 competitive year A. Qualification Meets The weekend of 1. First Zone Qualification Meet January 12, 1980 2. First National QualifiJanuary 25, 1980 (12 qualication Meet fiers to CHMPS USA) 3. second Zone Qualification Meet February 9, 1980 4. Second National Qualification Meet February 23, 1980 (12 qualifiers to CHMPS USA) B. 1980 CHAMPIONSHIPS OF THE USA - March 22 , 1980 Competing in this competition will be the top 12 qualifiers from each of the National Qualification Meets, to total 24 gymnasts, Plus the top 10 gymnasts from 1979 World Championship Trials. This will make 34 competitors. ("NOTE: The Regional AIAW competitions are currently scheduled for 3/ 22/ 80, and the AIAW National Championships will be 4/ 5/ 80) Discussion revolved around possible conflict between USGF Elite and AIAW competitions. II. USGF member organizations qualifying gymnasts into the championships through their National Championships of the USA. A. The AAU and other organizations may qualify gymnasts to USA Championships , as indicated in 1973 WTC Minutes. It must be Clarified , however, that the judging assignment criteria must be the same as that used for National Elite Qualifying Meets in order for the results to be acceptable . 1. **The top 3 AA winners with a minimum score of 72.00 that have not previously qualified through other competitions will be allowed to enter Championships of USA. III. ELITE JUDGING I.
The Elite Coaches Association asked the WTC to consider the following Elite level judging. 1. That 24 judges commit to all Elite level meets . 2. That judges be evaluated based on true open scoring (with these scores being sent to the ECA office) . It is not clear how an evaluation would be made . The WTC has tried several systems of evaluation, all of which have been proven invalid over a period of many years of experimentation. 3. That the 24 Elite Judges be required to attend all Elite Coaches/ Judges Symposiums. It is hoped that thru the symposiums communications between judges and coaches would be re-established . 4. That the position of meet referee be eliminated at Elite Level meets. The discussion that followed considered the positive and negative aspects of the position of meet referee . It was noted that the duties and responsibilities of the meet referee should be made known to more people. A judge on the floor simply cannot handle the things that a meet referee must do during a competition. **The Chairman of the WTC will attend the next (Elite Coaches Association) meeting at the W .C . Trials in June to discuss the proposals presented . The WTC is also concerned about such problems as inconsistency in scoring and lack of communication between the Elite judges and coaches. A discussion of the Risk system and its use for 1980 is also needed. ELITE ZONE REPORTS A . It is the responsibility of the RTD to insure that the meet director or clinic director gets these report forms and to see that they are filled out correctly and sent to the following people within a week of the meet or clinic. Delene Darst, Chairman WTC
7678 Cathedral Hill Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45244
G ymnasti cs New s/ Jul y-August 1979
Sharon Valley, V. Chairman, WTC 2619 North Hampden Court Chicago, Illinois 60614 Bill Strauss, Chairman , EDC Ten Juniper Road RD 2 Macungie, PA. 18060 PLEASE NOTE: Elite lone Meet Results should be phoned to Delene within 24 hours .
Financial Reports should be sent to Linda Chencinski, Chairman , W.C. within 30 days. PROGRAM REGULATIONS (Rules and Policies for the Elite Program) A. Discussion regarding the twice tabled motion from the Elite Coaches Association and / or the Elite Development Committee (October 1979 and February 1980) resulted in a vote in favor of eliminating the .5 penalty for the use of an extra landing mat at Elite competitions up to but not including Championships USA. The elimination of this penalty would also apply to the USGF JOAGP upto but not including National Championships. B. Equipment adjustments like adding tennis balls to the springs of vaulting boards, making chalk lines on the balance beam, or adding tape or chalk marks to the floor exercise mat are not allowed. C. Qualification requirements into the lone Conference Meets will remain the same for 1979-80 as they were for this season . Additional Business The Elite Development Committee asked for the support of the WTC in maintaining the same structure for next season 's competitive program (JOAGP) as was instituted this year. (Two separate competitions for Juniors and Seniors with 80 competitors in each.)
V.A. This decision by the WTC has neither been approved or disapproved by the USGF National office. The WTC has been asked to study this matter a bit more and make and again discuss the matter at their meeting during the USGF Congress.
Minutes, FRC for Women Foreign Relations Committee Meeting August 11, 1979, Tucson , Arizona Members Present-Sue Ammerman, Linda Chencinski, Delene Darst, Ed Knepper, Connie Maloney, Bill Strauss, Joanne Ashenbrenner (sub for Cheryl Grace) , Jackie Fie (late) No elite coaches rep ., Office Staff-Marlene Bene, Bill Valentine, Jay Ashmore, Frank Bare 1. Approval of the minutes from the previous FRC Meeting , June 29-30,1979 Salt Lake City, Utah. The following correction was made: Motion-was changed to Resolution in reference to organizations presenting material from official minutes of their meetings to the FRC. 2. Pacific Championships-Will consist of 5 competitionsHawaii Oct. 1 & 2, Portland , Oct. 4, Seattle, Oct. 6, Edmonton , Oct . 9, Vancouver, Oct. 11 . The FRC voted to let the World Championship Coach and Assistant Coach decide on the line since they would be working with 8 of the training squad. Linda and Bill decided that if Tracee was not eligible to compete in the World Championships they would use her in all five competitions. Honolulu and Portland: Leslie Pyfer, Tracee Talavera , Leslie Russo and the alternate, Suzy Kellems Seattle, Edmonton & Vancouver: Rhonda Schwandt, Tracee Talavera, Marcia Frederick , and Christa Canary as the alter-
Gymnastics News/ Jul y-Au g ust 1979
nate. "Note: if Tracee Talavera is allowed to compete in the 1979 World Championships , she will be the alternate on the 2nd part of the Pacific Rim, and Canary becomes the competitor. 3. Please note that Jeannine Creek is injured and will not attend the China Meet. During the Pacific Championships Kathy Johnson will attend the Royal Ballet 4. If the Chairman is absent from an FRC Meeting , the committee will elect a chairperson for that meeting. Five members must be present to conduct business. 5 . International Selection-The FRC felt they had made an error by only using the ranking from the Championships of the USA for a period of 5 weeks. They felt that they had designated this as a selection meet and it should have been used for longer periods of time. (FRC had used the Trials ranking for the China and Japan Meets in August) Change in procedure-1979 Championships of the USA ranking used for international competition thru November 1979. Trials Ranking December thru to the Championships of the USA "Note the Champions All will be the Current National Champion of 1980. 1980 Championships of the USA ranking will be used from the championships to the end of October. Olympic Trials ranking 1980-November thru to the Championships of the USA 1981. Selection of Gymnasts and Coaches for International Competitions Barcelona Invitational Oct. 24-29 Coach Roe Kreutzer 1. Lisa Shirk Sandy Thielz alternate Susie Van Slyke Tory Wilson Chunclnchl Cup Dec . 13-14 Coach Fritz Reiter 1. Suzy Kellams 2. Heidi Anderson "alternate Tracee Talavera Chic Johnson "If not able to compete in the 1979 World Championships British Invitational Dec . 13-14 1. Linda Kardos Coach Bill Strauss 2. Sharon Shapiro 3. Linda Tradiff AI Lansden alternate Susie Van Slyke Julie Goewey Lisa leis South Africa Feb . 1980 1. Amy Machamer Coach Kim Bonus 2. Sandy Wirth alternate Linda Tardiff Michele Pond Moscow and Riga March 1980 1. Tracee Talavera Coach Jim Gault 2. Jackie Cassello 3. Gigi Ambandos alternate Susie Van Slyke Bill Sands 6. Report on the Pan American Games-Bill Strauss a. Positioning for the all around medal and we truly had no chance . b. Head Coach became the assistant and the assistant coach acted as the head coach. c. Decisions made by Don were at times strong and risky. Not the best decisions at all times. d . No cultural benefits forthe girls-only one trip outside the village. e. Negative press from the USA saying the girls were second team and not the best gymnasts. Good coverage from the foreign press. Letters had been received from Don Peters complimenting the girls and their behavior as well as performance. Letter also read from Hal Halvorson reporting on the Pan American Games and similar conditions as covered above. 7. The FRC voted to accept the following policies for Members of National (U.S .A.) Gymnastics Teams: A. Gymnasts, once having been selected, and or having qualified for membership on a national team: 1. Shall participate on only those teams and/ or in those events deSignated, sanctioned or approved by the USGF national office. 2. Shall be prepared to participate in designated events of a national or international nature when so assigned
by the USGF , through the appropriate USGF Committee. 3. Wear only the appa rel , provided by the USGF National Office for the designated event , and at no time appear in public whether in practice or competitive situations in attire other than that provided by the USGF and designated by the Coach of that team or delegation . B. Gymnasts qualifying for national teams, be it at the USGF Championships of the USA, a specified final trials for a given event (i.e. Olympic Games, World Championships, Pan Ams) or being selected by the appropriate Foreign Relations Committee as a member of a national team for a specified international event , must adhere to these regulations, or be dropped from the team for which they were selected. C . Members of national teams , and those desiring to participate in specific events for their clubs , schools or colleges, should clear all events prior to such participation, when they involve gymnasts from other than their specific area of program or international gymnasts of any level. (Closed events such as domestic events involving only College gymnasts, high school events limited to high school athletes, or club events among clubs without involving members of nat ional teams do not , of course , fall under this restriction .) D. Members of such national teams must at all times keep the USGF National Office informed as to their whereabouts, providing current information as to training status, telephone and address , general health , and other perti nent data with regard to uniform needs, and Passport status . Such information may be transmitted through their coach or by the gymnasts directly. 8. The scheduled FRC Meeting for 1980 will take place at the Championships of the USA. 9. Training Camps-Bill Valentine Bill reported that the 1st training camp for the World Championships Squad was a very positive and productive camp. Linda was in full control and worked well with all the staff. Everyone had one goal and that was to develop the best team . Greatest weakness found with the gymnasts was in the area of fle x ibility. Thus this was stressed a great deal.Coaches worked hard as well as the gymnasts. Don Peters was unable to attend due to a back injury. Muriel Grossfeld was invited by Linda to the camp. She came at her own expense and was a great help to all. 2nd Training Camp Sept. 14-17 Arlington , Texas. Staff-Bill Strauss, Nancy Roach , Muriel Grossfeld , Weber, Valley, Fie and Darst, along with the individual coaches of each gymnast. Of course , Linda , Bill and Carol S. (1 coach per gymnast) It will be determined at a later date if a 3rd camp is needed and also the arrival time to Ft. Worth . 10. Olympic Trials-The final date of competition will be May 28, 1980. The meet format and form of selection will be decided at Congress . NBC will film live on May 28 the team selection. (2 hrs. prime time) We will take the top 12 girls from the Championships of the USA to the Final Trials. Injury petitions to the Trials will be accepted from the World Championships Train ing Squad of 1979. Ties will be carried to the Final T rials . No other petitions will be accepted by the FRC . Two panels of judges will be used for the Trials . 11 . Development of list of coaches for rotation to international meets . a. Behavior b. Coaching Skills c . Judgements d. How well they relate to youngsters e. Relationsh ip to other coaches f. Availability The FRC feels it is important for the coaches to know what is expected of them while representing us internationally. 12 . Bill Valentine gave a brief outline of future program projection . It included domestic programs, internationa l training programs, and international competitive programs. Details will be worked out and hopefully the programs can be implemented in 80-81.
1979 World Cup All-Around 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 11 12 12 14 15 16
Vault 9.90 9.70 9.85 9.90 9.65 9.65 9.50 9.70 9.50 9.65 9.55 9.50 9.75 9.60 9.60 9.55
Zakharova S. Eberle E. KimN. Comaneci N. Kraeker S. Johnson K. Kalmar Z Mareckova E. Ovari E. Cerna V. Hindor! S. Kano Y. Filatova M. Horacsek A. Suess B. Nozawa S.
Un . B. 9.80 9.80 9.65 9.30 9.85 9.70 9.75 9.60 9.65 9.70 9.25 9.55 9.25 9.40 9.60 9.30
Beam 9.65 9.80 9.75 9.80 9.70 9.65 9.70 9.55 9.70 9.75 9.70 9.60 9.25 9.50 9.20 9.15
Floor 9.95 9.85 9.90 10.00 9.75 9.65 9.55 9.65 .9.55 9.30 9.70 9.50 9.90 9.60 9.60 9.45
Total 39 .30 39.15 39.15 39.00 38 .95 38.65 38 .50 38 .50 38.40 38 .40 38 .20 38.15 38.15 38 .10 38.00 37.45
Vault 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Comaneci N. Zakharova S. Kim N . Kraeker S. Cerna V. Johnson K. Marec kova E. Eberle E.
9.90 9.90 9.85 9.65 9.65 9.65 9.70 9.70
9.800 9.625 9.625 9.725 9.675 9.650 9.525 9.475
19.700 19.525 19.475 19.375 19.325 19.300 19.225 19.175
9.80 9.85 9.75 9.85 9.80 9.75 9.70 9.65
19.65 19.65 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.45 19.35 19.25
9.90 9.80 9.70 9.75 9.70 9.60 9.30 9.25
19.70 19.60 19.45 19.45 19.40 19.35 19.00 18.95
10.00 10.00 9.90 9.80 9.80 9.85 9.75 0.00
20.00 19.95 19.75 19.55 19.50 19.50 19.40 9.90
Uneven Bars 1 1 3 3 3 6 7 8
Kraeker S. Eberle E. Zakharova S. Cerna V. Kalmar Z . Johnson K. Ovari E. Mareckova E.
9.85 9.80 9.80 9.70 9.75 9.70 9.65 9.60
Balance Beam 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8
Eberle E. Comaneci N . KimN . Kraeker S. Kalmar Z . Cerna V. Hindor! S. Ovari E.
9.80 9.80 9.75 9.70 9.70 9.75 9.70 9.70
Floor Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8
Comaneci N. Zakharova S. Eberle E. Kraeker S. Hindor! S. Mareckova E. Johnson K. Kim N.
10.00 9.95 9.85 9.75 9.70 9.65 9.65 9.90
Gy mn as tics News/ J u ly-Au gus t 1979
Antibes and Orleans Performance Report International Invitational Competitions (Optionals only)
by Grete Treiber A total of thirteen countries represented by twenty-one gymnasts competed in both cities . The Antibes competition was held on June 8 & 9, (9-11 :30 p.m .l) followed by the meet held in Orleans on June 12-13 (9-11 :30 p.m.). With the exception of the French team, the competitors were the same for both meets. The countries were represented as follows: 1. Canada - Bartoloni 2. Brazil - Carrascosa 3. Bulgaria-Marinova 4. Czechoslovakia -Saevrove, Zelinkova 5. France - Herve , Sangeinette (Antibes ) Sangeinetti, Sangeinette Sisters (Orleans) 6. Great Britain-Cheesbrough , Dando 7. Hungary-Almasi , Ujszigeti 8. Poland-Swirkatun 9. Rep. of China-Zhu-Zheng , Ma-Wen-Ju 10 Rep. of Dem. Germany- Schoen , Rensch 11. Romania - Kich , Dunca 12. Switzerland-Williman 13. USA-Susan Kellams , Leslie Russo Coach-Richard Wagner Judge-Grete Treiber . The preliminaries were officiated by three judges and the high and low scores were eliminated. The finals were judged by five officials. The countries who had a judge officiating were: Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , China , Poland, Romania and USA. Most of these judges also served as coaches of their gymnasts. In both competitions, half of the number of the officials were French judges holding and FIG or National rating . I felt that the scores were fair ; considering that there was very little credit given for the content or ROV If the gymnast had one or two "obvious " risky moves in a routine , and if she performed clean , she . scored in the high nines . It was interesting to observe that during the workouts and also In the warm-up prior to the competitions, very little or NO assistance was given by the coaches to the gymnasts. The Romanian girls were not touched once by the coach during the entire ten days. They received only short verbal cues for corrections. They were the most impressive in work habits and in showing a well prepared state . From the USA's teamSusan Kellams and Lesli Russo were two of the most outstanding gymnasts of the meets. Many coaches wished to have them as their own , commenting to me often about their great skills, techniques, potentials and attractive appearance. The audience felt likewise, rewarding their fine performances with enduring ovations (FX and vaultingl) In these competitions, besides our girls, the Romanians ; KICh , the East German; Rensch and the Chinese; Zhu-Zheng were the most exciting performers. They had the most difficulties with virtuosity and the presentations of a polished and tough competitor. Any of the four girls (besides Kich) could have finished in the first place. The Romanian Kich was the only gymnast in both competitions who did not have an y larger breaks than .1 - .2 points worth. It was no accident that she won both times. OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMPETITORS Kich (Rom) The two outstanding characteristics of her work were: 1. Never stopped being active in the gym during training (both Romanians) . 2. On the beam, she had the best balance (during the Orleans competition she never made one slight error). In practice, while she was waiting to get on the beam ,. she was limited to the floor where she went through numerous routines with Identical speed and rhythm and "thought process " of what she displayed during competition. Her routine was like clock work. Overall she is a remarkably consIstent and disciplines gymnast. . Vault: Attempted a full twisting Tsukahara in tuck position, buckled up In the preflight and she flew over low. her landing was " very short " .. U Bars: (Parts) High bar-facing out: Clear hip circle to HS-Glant to HS-Giant to HS-Clear hip circle HS-Change grips (in HS) Reverse giant
Gymnastics News/ July-August 1979
swing over the LB. Grasp LB in seat c irc le position to execute a pendulum swing back and up to catch HB . Long hang kip-to back sole circ le-front saito dismount with a 180 0 twist in pike open position (9.80 ). Her sWing s and kips need improvement for amplitude and extension . But her " BIG" moves were ve ry well executed . B Beam: (Parts ) Press handstand mount -front walko ver. Leap into immediate flip-flop-back saito. Full turn (onl y one I) handstand y, pirouette, back walkover back saito tuck position . A few little dance steps, mainly skips and poses-run-round off into the dismount of double back saito in tuck position . (Height - LOWI) She moved with aggression and with a very sharp quality. Floor X: The routine was extremely well composed to suit her four footish petite but stocky appearance; easy dance skills with many "special effects " made her become a superb entertainer. She was humorous and charming , the real little "sweetheart" of the audience. Her tune was "Oh My Darling . " First pass: Double back saito piked (nice) Second pass : 720 0 twisting back saito Third pass: Same as " 1" in tucked position (nice) She had one turn , one leap and minimum of dance-saving all her energy for acrobatic sequences. In Orleans , when the tiredness caught up with most gymnasts and coaches in the morning of the competition 's day , we worked out; She did 6 complete beam routines on the beam, 8-10 approach runs to the horse (no vaulting ) and when she finished her fourth complete bar routine she asked the coach if instead of doing one additional dismount (what Mrs. Karoly asked her to do) "may I please do one more complete routine ?" She then did a beautiful set-looking fresh and clean in execution. She will be a great addition to the Romanian team of " Nadia and Eberl y ... " By the way, their diet was fruit-yogurt , salads , and minimum amounts of meat. Both Romanian girls did a lot of " Iooking away" from their untouched plates. . Her teammate Dunca reminded me of Coleen Casey-slender with long legs and arms for appearance. She is an upcoming gymnast with much potential. Her floor composition was outstanding and most effecti ve for audience appeal. RENSCH (E. Germany) She is a very young and very dynamic gymnast. Looks lean and most aesthetic. Physically has a make up of a world class gymnast. Emotionally she needs to mature to show a calmer disposition during competition. (Rushed often .. ) Vault : Front handspring front saito in tuck position. She showed much improvement by the last day we were there; as she was not only executing the vault with a spectacular technique, but also learned to land It well. Her second vault was a Tsukahara piked. U. Bars: Excellent swings and technique . Typical routine of an elite USA gymnast. (Saltos, HS etc.) . B. Beam : She had 2 saltos and missed both . Her Side saito was originated from forward , then she "buckled up" as she turned and landed it sideward. She performed in this event poorly in both competitions. (Worried and rushed .) Floor X: She was the only one who had an orchestration-instead of piano. It was an added treat, giving much class and support to her performance. First pass : Double back saito piked . Very highl Second pass : Front saito -side salto-combination-round off-flip-flop. Third pass: 720 0 twisting saito Her composition was excellent-with emphasis on her ability to leap and jump. She did a very nice 360 0 turn holding up her free leg over the head in a split with her arms. ZHU-ZHENG (China) She was to be the present Asian Games Champion . She is a very pretty oriental looking girl with a sweet smile and openness; skilled , and well refined . Well choreographed routines in all events. (Excellent working habits in training .) Vault: Tsukahara (mediocre) U. Bars : Combination : beat over the LB. Uprise to vault over the HB in straddle position with 180 0 turn-long hang . (Execution was impressive!) Dismount (and prior ): HB-facing out: clear hip circle HS-Stalder HS(toe on) back sole circle into underswing-1 y, twisting front saito in tuck position. Beam : Stag HS pirouette , aerial cartwheel and aerial walkover. Dismount: round off-back saito (layout from one foot ) into immediate back saito off. Floor X: She did a charming , feminine routine to a semi-classic western tune. First pass: double back saito (fell )
Second pass: Arabian-roundoff-flip flop -layo ut Th ird pass: 720 ° twisting back sa ito (9.05) (In Orleans competi tion her double back saito was substituted with a 360 ° twist ... ) The second Chinese girl , Ma-Wen-Ju , did , on floor, a double back saito with a full twist-falling on her head consisten tl y. Second pass was a combi nation of 720 ° + 360 ° back sa it o, later she did an arabian into flip-flop layout stepout and dismounted with a single layout to two feet. She had falls in many events. Both Chinese girls used a " Dowel" handgrip to work uneven bars. UJSZIGETI (Hungary): Vault: HS-360° , Tsukahara pike (medioc re ) U. Bars: Glide kip mount , clear hip HS - V. HS on LB , Saito-long hang kip-sole circ le -saito off. (Clean - 9.5) Excellent technique l Beam: Mount-HS front walkover. Ba ck sa ito-sa Ito-aerial walkoveraerial cartwhee l flip-flop . Leap into immediate flip-flop 360° turn 3 flipflops- Y2 turn -run- round off-Tsukahara pike dismount. (Low .. .) She was a very controlled beam worker, spent much time in practice for this event. Floor X: Well composed routine , good dance wi th effective ending. She had a double back saito, a 720° twisting sa ito with a side saito combination for her middle pass. She is a yo ung-but well controlled gymnast in the heat of competition. SUSAN KELLAMS & LESLIE RUSSO (USA) Vaulting: Leslie Russo executed , in Antibes , a very impressive Tsukahara la yout , 9.65. Susan Kellams , likewise, proved to be a superb va ulter, scoring 9.80 for her Tsukahara la you t in both compe titions . She was th e BEST vaulter and should have won the gold . She needed to perform in the final s a good seco nd vault with sureness, particularly in the landing . When she accomplishes this , she can be one of the best va ulters in the country . U. Bars: In Antibes , both competitors had a hard time wo rk ing the bars, as they found them very slippery. They tried chalk , water , " orange " rosin , hairspray, etc., to overcome the problem. Nothing worked well. In the preliminaries Russo scored 9.20 (4th place) and Kellams scored 8.90 (6th place). In Orleans where every piece of equipment was made by Americans , both girls did an outstanding performance on the bars. Russo placed 3rd in the prelims with 9.70 and finished 3rd in the finals with 9.70. Les lie had the best technique on the bars of all competitors with the most amount of swing. Kellams finished 4th with a score of 9.70. Susan worked the bars with confidence , landing her dismount of front saito 180° twist-with perfect control. Beam : On the balance beam in Antibes , both girls had falls; Leslie on her flip-flop layout which was sky high - but landed with rebound off to the side. Susan looked nervous and accumulated, besides her fall , several sma ller deductions for balance errors. Leslie had the best double back saito in pike position as dismount, it was ve ry high and she landed it controlled. In Orleans, both girls had a bad day on the beam. Kellams placed 12th (8.70) and Russo 15th (7.80). Leslie suffered from pulled muscle in her neck while we had our first workout which prevented her from training for the competition. Floor X: Antibes-Russo placed 2nd in the finals , scoring 9.6 in both competitions. She had a few balance errors (some in her double turns) which cost her the first place, as her tumbling and dance was superb l She had the best double back saito, with the height of a male gymnast, executed with control. The audience rewarded her with a long lasting hand , enough for a second bow. She had the most difficult routine content-but unfortunately sufficient credit was not given. First pass: 702° twisting saito, 720 ° double back saito Second pass: Alternating saltos with 360 ° twist on the end Last pass: 720° twisting back sa ito, Aerial walkover. (9.6) In Orleans she repeated a superb performance in spite of her painful neck , scoring 9.7 in the preliminaries. She was scratched from the finals as her ankle became sore also. In Antibes, Susan Kellams scored a 9.55 (6th place) with a 9.60 in the finals , becoming the 3rd best-following Russo in this meet. In Orleans she had a fall after her double back tuck saito, and her last pass; the 360° twisting back saito, was weakly executed. Her routine and presentation was most soph ist icated, mature and elegant. She was also one of the favorites of the audience, recei ving so much ovation (Antibes) that she had to return to the floor for a second bow. Her routine contains: 720 ° double back tuck saito-aerial cartwheel Arabian-Front handspring-front sa ito round off Arabian-Round off-Flip-flop-360° twisting saito. Her dance is contemporary and different from the usual , including her music; All Excellent.
I was thoroughl y sad for not winning a first place in any of th e meets. Both gymnasts had great routines , skills and potentials to finish as champions-if some of the mistakes just could have been prevented I They needed to be more consistent in their performances to " ge t there . .". Nevertheless , they had the best technique in many events , the hardest conten t and co nn ections , much originali ty and a great deal of " fresh air " about them . I was proud of their effort s and wo rk . They definitely served as indicators for the future-that somet hing is " cooking in the making of champions back here at home. " For the second place in the World Games (Dallas) the predictions of the coaches and o rganizers of the meet lined up the USA with Romania and Ea st Germany-which did not su rpri se me. The competitio n in Antibes was a masterpiece of art, th eatrical and gymnastics production. It was the best meet that I have ever wi tn essed l Th e gymnasts were presented to the audience in such fashion that everybody felt convinced that they were the best and " most important gymnasts of the world ", and th e competition itself is the " meet of th e year" and all this was achieved wi th out really saying it with spoken words .. During the 2Y2 hours, the whole houseful of people went through emotional roll ercoaster , feeling chills , tears , excitement and joy-including the gymnasts and other participants. Th e place was an old weary looking , outdated , small gym holding 3-4,000 people on small bleachers on three sides and on one side a few hundred faded red velvet arm chairs . (Se ats were sold for $12.00-6.00) best seats sold out days prior. The spa ce was overc ro wded and the air was hot and sutffy. But , neverth eless, the old shabby arena was a si te of an elegant festive place, turned into a radiantly colorful garden in every possible free corner and on iron posts wi th huge bushels of flowers , lit up from underneath-in between and above. Thi s arena was equipped with a first class lighting system. All lights could be turn ed on and off at once or space could be spotl ighted and the res t of the floor left in dark. Each apparatus or event had its own overhead area of spot lights circl ing it , leaving th e rest of the gym in darkness. Every time the gymnast finished her event that area 's lights were turned off and a new space was lit up for the next competito r on the next event. It seemed like there were four separate stages to look at every two minutes-with only one person in view- Th e Gymnast l These changes of focal points, darkness with lights, events and gymnasts in a rapid continuous succession was in itself invigorating and filled the air with anticipation . SUPERBI
Gymnaslics News/ July-Augusl 1979
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