August 1982
Official Technical Publication of the United States Gymnastics Federation
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Laura Sanchez at 1982 Rhythmic National Champ ionsh ips , Fort Worth , Texas
Coaches and club owners:
An injury can cost more than a championship. When an injury keeps one of your athletes out of competition, theres a lot more at stake than the championship. Parents or guardians may be burdened with medical costs, and the club, coach and staff may be exposed to costly liability. But if 100% of your members and staff are USGF General Members, you're all protected - at annual dues per person of only $8.50. Club benefits include: • $1,000,000 Comprehensive General Liability •Owners, Landlords and Tenants Liability • Trampoline Coverage
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Bayly Martin & Fay/San Antonio • USGF Insurance Administrators P.O. Box 17800 •San Antonio, Texas 78217 • 800-531-7224 • 800-531-7205 • In Texas only, 800-292-5721 Bayly Martin & Fay/San Antonio is the only insurance agency endorsed by USGE
August, 1982
USGF Scientific and Technical Journal Published Exclusively for the USGF Professional Membership Vol. 2, No . 4
TABLE OF CONTENTS New information for judging for the 1982-83 competitive season - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 4
BOOKSTORE Midway through the summer isn't it about time one considered buying those much needed reference sources for next fall's coaching and training needs?
USGF Elite and Age Group - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 4 Program Vaulting Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page4 Floor Exerc ise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5 Uneven B a r s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5 Balance Beam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 7 1982-83 Requirements of the exerc ise Optionals - - - - - - - Page 8 Changes and Clarifications for the 1982-83 season judging - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P a g e 11 FIG Changes and Clarifications -
Ellen Berger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Page11
USGF Bookstore Order Form Quantity Total
USGF Men's Program Guidelines and Coaching Manual Now Available Thru USGF
Bookstore for $15.00
$20.00 _ _ CPW2 Code of Points-Women CRW4 1982-1984 USGF National National Compulsories for Women (2nd Edition) $5.00 ____ EPW5 USGF Rules & Policies and Elite $6.00 ____ Program Book for Women GCM6 USGF Men's Program $15.00 __ - Guidelines and Coaching Manual
Book Rate Postage: 1-2 Books $1 .25/ 3-5 Books $2.50/ 0ver 6 Books $3.00 Postage Airmail: 1-2 Books $3.00/ 3-5 Books $4.00 /0ver 6 Books add $1 .00 per book to $3.00 rate. Total Postage Amount Total Item S Amount
- - - - - - - - United States Gymnastics Federation - - - - - - Members: Amateur Athletic Union ; American Sokol Organization; American Turners ; Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women; National Association for Girls and Womens Sports ; National Association of College Gymnastics Coaches ; National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches/Women; National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics ; National Association of Women Gymnastics Judges ; National Collegiate Athletic Association ; National Federation of State High School Associations; National Gymnastics Judges Association ; National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association ; National Jewish Welfare Board; National Junior College Athletic Association ; United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs ; United States Gymnastics Safety Association , Young Men's Christian Association. Unless expressly identified to the cont rary, all articles, sta tements and views printed herein are attributable solely to the au th or and th e United States Gymnastics Federation expresses no opinion thereon and assumes no responsibility therefor.
Total Amount Enclosed Name or Initials - - - - - - - - --
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<&gmna.sfu.s JFeheratton
Vau lt Table from form submitted by Jackie Fie
Approved: Women's Technical Comm ittee June 18, 1982
Final fo rm for Judges Training Comm ittee by Cheryl Grace
Effective: Septe mber 1, 1982 to August 31 , 1983 (Elite Program is subject to changes . Age Group Program remains the same for one yea r. )
~;~~T I NU~~ER I GRouj OF VAUL-0 7 1.3 not in code 1.6 1.7
FR OM: CHERYL GRACE - National Director, USGF Judges Training RE : New informat ion for judging for the 1982-83 competitive season
1.9 1.16 8.1 8.2
En c losed is information on judging th e four Olympic events for the 1982-83 season. Th ese decisions were made at the June 18, 1982 USGF Women 's Techn ical Committee in Fort Worth , Tx., and will come into effect on September 1, 1982. Th ese rul es are the sa me for the Age Group Pro gram and Elite Program w ith the fol lowing exceptions : 1. Age Gro up Program will remain with these rules for one yea r (September 1, 1982 to August 31 , 1983) regardless of what the Elite Prog ram is doing. All the rules on these enclosed pages are in effect. 2. Elite Prog ram will remain in effect fo r one yea r, with the poss ibility of changes, within the yea r, as we receive changes and additions directly from the FIG. You will hear from me with any changes in the Elite Rules. Elites will only follow FIG rule s, so, on th e hand-ou ts when you see a notat ion that says "(NOT FIG )," this deduction would not be used in the Elite Program or Intern atio nally. The only exception to this is Vaulting (use our USG F Table of Vaults enc losed) and the USGF OV/ RV co ncept of awarding origi nality to moves not specifically li sted on th e offic ial list of OV/ RVfrom the FI G (a lso enclosed) . 3. In addition to the FIG OV/ RV list of o riginality that is enclosed (the o nl y OV/ RV list that is official internationally), the Age Group and Elite program will use the USGF Supp lement of OV/ RV available from ihe USG F for $1.50. This informat ion is available to be published in it's entirety to everyone in you r states and regions . Please inc lude either this cover letter, or restate the exact information in this letter, so that th ere w ill be no co nfu sio n as to what this information is all about. Pl ease put where it came from , and the effect ive date. These copies have been corrected sin ce th e NAWGJ Nation al Judging Sympos ium in La Crosse. If you received a copy of these materials at the symposium , you may throw them out and keep th ese as the corrected current materia ls. (I found some sma ll erro rs in typing when I passed these out at the symposium .) You wi ll be rece iving additional inform ation on rule changes.from the official mi nutes of the Women 's Technical Committee through you r Regional and State Chairmen. I wi ll be sending an official bul letin with judging information extracted from th e minutes for the judges, but th e coac hing information will have to be obtain ed from the newsletters. My update wi ll be sen t in about 2 weeks.
111 turn on -Handspri ng off 1/ 1 turn o n- % turn off 1/ 2 turn on -1 1/ , turn off Handspring on- 1Y, turn off
9.4 9.5 (1.3 1) 9.6 9.5
Full on -full off Full on -Yamashita full off 1 '/, on-3/ 4 off 1% on- V2
9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7
9.6 (FI G GROUP 1) 9.6 95 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
2.1 5.1 5.2 8.4 not in code not in code 3.7
Handspring Fron t Tuck Tsukahara Tu ck w/'/2 turn Tsukahara Pike w/Y, turn 11/. or 1 1/, on-1/ 1 or more off 1/ on-side salto 1/ off 4 4 Full on - 1 '/2 twist off '/2 on - '/2 turn front tuck off
9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 (3.7) 9.8 (1.91) 9.8
Ill. Ill. Ill.
22 3. 1 4.3
Handspring front pike Handspring front tuck '/2 turn Tsukahara layout
9.9 9.9 9.9
9.9 9.9 9.9
1.8 5.3 3.2 3.4 3.5 5.4 5.5
Handspring/ Varna on-2/ 1 off Tsukahara layout 1/, Handspring front pike y, Handspring-'/,. back (Cuervo) tuck Handspring- '/,. back (Cuervo) pike Tsukahara 1/ 1 in tuck Tsukahara 1/ 1 in pike (see also va ult #3.8) Handspring front layou t 1/ 2 on 2/ 1 twist off
10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
10.0 10.0
10.0 (FI G Grou p 1)
Tsukahara 1/ 1 in layout Handspring-front 1/ 1 Handspring - '/,. turn back w/Y, twist (Cuervo '/2 ) % on-% turn front in pike Handspring front salto layout with 1/2 twist
10.1 10.1 10.1
10.0 10.0 10.0
2.3 IV. IV. not in code
v. v. v.
5.6 3.3 3.6
v. v.
3.7 3.9 .
not in code VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI. VI.
not in code 3.6 not in code 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 8.5 8.6 8.8 8.9 8.12 8.7 8.11 8.12
If yo u have any questions, please ca ll me at 1-800-531-7224or 1-800-292-5721 (Texas Residents on ly). or write me at: Cheryl Grace 15211 Brand ing Iron San Antonio , TX 78247
Handspring .front 1'/2 twist (Rudi ) Handspring- '/,. back 1/ 1 (Cuervo) Tsukah ara 2/ 1 twist (any position) Hecht, salto backward in tuck Hecht, salto backward in pike Hecht, salto backward in layou t Hecht, salto backward with '/2 turn 1 '/2 turn on-Tsukahara off 1'/2 salto forward on-1 / 1 twist off 1/ 1 on-front off 1/ 1 turn on-hecht wi th salto back off 2'/2 front salto Front salto on-front salto off Saito on-hecht with salto backward off 1/ 2 twist on-2 1/, salto backward off (double Tsukahara)
10.1 10.1
9.8 9.8 9.8 10.0 (FIG Grou p 3) (F IG Group 1) 10.0
10.0 10.0
10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2
(FI G Grou p 3) 10.0 (FIG Group 5) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
The FIG Vault Group is designated by the first number of the FIG Vault Number. Example: 6.2 means the vau lt is in group 6. NOTE:
If a vau lt is perfo rmed that does not appear o n th is list, then the vaul t would receive the value listed in the FIG Code of Points.
REQU EST: FIG Vault # should be flashed in competition in order to prepare coach , gym nast, and jud ge for international com petition and faci litate the vaulting event.
-Compiled by: Cheryl Grace, National Director, Judges Training Age Group Program: September 1, 1982 to August 31, 1983
Elite Program : February 4, 1982 until otherwise notified
Note : Please also refer to the Official USGF Supplement
Gymnastic leaps, jumps, and hops I. 1.10 Leap-jump with turn from 2/ 1 (720° ) (C)
Gymnastics turns 1. 2.4 3/ 1 turn (1080°) on 1 leg (CR) 2. 2.10 2 x 2/ 1 turn (each 270° ) in tuck stand on 1 leg with change in stand and leg hold (C) 3. 2.13 2/ 1 illusion turn 2/ 1 (2x) 360° turn without touching floor with free leg (C)
Waves None Holds None
IV. V.
Handstands 1. 5.11 Jump with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) to handstand (C)
Walkovers, cartwheels 1. 6.6 Free walkover forward with 1/ 1 twist (360°) (C)
Sa ltos 1. 7.3 2. 7.5 3. 7.7 4. 7.11 5. 7.14 6. 7.16 7. 7.19 8. 7.21 9. 7.23
Stretched salto forward with 1/ 1 turn (360°) (C) All saltos forward with 1 '/2 turn (540° ) and more (C) Double salto forward (CR) Arabian double salto (CR) Saito backward with 3/ 1 twist (1080° ) (CR) Tucked double salto containing L.A . twist (Muchina) (CR) Jump with 1/ 1 twist (360°). salto backward (CR) Piked double salto containing L.A . twist (Muchina) (CR) Doub le salto backward , stretched-piked (CR)
4. II.
VIII. Rolls None IX.
Kips None
Gymnastic leaps, jumps, and hops 1. 1.3 Split leap forward with leg change to a standing scale (2 sec .) (C) 2. 1.13 Tuck jump with legs together or 1 leg stretched with 2/ 1 turn (720°) (C) (Sarisska - CZH)
Gymnastics turns 1. 2. 7 2/ 1 turn (720° ) to standing sca le - free leg held above 90 degrees (C)
Waves None
Holds None Handstands 1. 5.8 Swing or press to handstand 3/ 1 turn (1080° = 6 x 180) in handstand (C) Walkovers/ Cartwheels 1. 6.4 Handspring forward with 1/1 twist (360°) (C) (Marinova-Bul)
Saltos 1. 7.4 2. 7.6 3. 7.10 4. 7.22
VIII. Rolls 1. 8.4 2.
Jump with stretched bC>dy to handstand on LB (C) Jump with stretched body and% turn (180° ) to handstand on LB (CR) 1.10 Saito forward , piked over LB to hang on HS without touching LB (CR) 1.36 Underswing with '/2 LA turn (180°) ended in the handstand "McNamara Mount" (CR)
Circles 1. 2.12 Underswing (inverted pike swing) backward on HB , dislocate (Schleudern) with free flight to handstand on LB (Zucholdschleudern) (CR) 2. 2.13 Underswing backward (inverted pike swing) dislocate (Schleudern) on HB with release to hop to regular grip on HB (CR) 3. 2.23 Clear hip circle on HB with free flight over LB to glide (CR) 4. 2.24 Clear hip circle on HB with free fl ight to handstand on LB (CR) 5. 2.25 Clear hip circle on HS with free flight with '/2 turn (180°) to handstand on LB (CR) 6. 2.26 Clear hip circle-handstand with salto forward to hang (Hindorffsa lto) (CR) 7. 2.28 Clear hip circle to ha,l'ldstand with release, hop to reverse grip in handstand (C) 8. 2.33 Stalder forward 1/ 1 turn (360°) after handstand (C) 9. 2.34 Stalder backward or forward with 1/ 1 turn (360°) in handstand phase (Frederick) (CR) 10. 2.36 Stalder backward to handstand with release, hop to reverse grip in handstand phase (CR) 11 . 2.38 Giant circle backward with 1/, turn (180°) in handstand phase or after (C) 12. 2.39 Giant circle backward with 1/ 1 turn or 11/, turn (360° or 540° ) in handstand phase (CR) Backward Swings/ Casts 1. 3.6 Cast to handstand (with legs bent and hips bent , or with legs stradd led and hips extended) with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) in handstand phase (CR) 2. 3.18 Front lying hang-cast with 1/ 1 turn (360°) to handstand on HB (turn in handstand phase) (CR) 3. 3.21 Front lying hang-cast to handstand with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) after handstand (C) 4. 3.23 Front lying hang-cast to handstand with '/, turn (180° ) In the handstand phase (CR) 5. 3.32 Front lying hang-casts to handstand on HB with release-hop to reverse grip after handstand with free fli ght to LB in clear straddle circle (CR) 6. 3.34 From a handstand in undergrip or eagle grip, 3/ 4 clear straddle circle forward , backswing, salto forward to hang on same bar HB, " Jager Saito" (CR) Elements With Take-off From the Feet 1. 4.3 Muchina Saito (1 / 1 twist) to hang or front lying hand (CR) 2. 4.4 Stand on LB - salto backward over HB to hang (CR) Circle/ Swings 1. 5.5 Clear stradd le circ le forward on HB with free flight to handstand on LB (CR) 2. 5.8 Pike or straddle sole circle forward or backward with releasehop to reverse grip in handstand phase (C) (release hop after handstand " B") 3. 5.10 Pike or straddle sole circle forward or backward with 1/1 turn (360° ) in handstand phase (CR) 4. 5.11 Clear pike (seat) circle forward or backward to handstand (C) 5. 5.12 Clear pike (seat) circle forward or backward to handstand with '/2 turn or 1/ 1 turn (180 or360) in handstand phase (CR) ( 1/ 2 turn or 1/ 1 turn after handstand = C)
Tucked, piked salto forward with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) (C) 1 '/2 salto forward to roll forward or to front lying support (CR) 1 '/2 Arabian salto to roll forward or to front lying support (CR) Saito backward with 900° (2 '/2 ) L.A. turn (CR)
Stretched jump with 1 '/2 twist (540° ) hechtroll (backward take off) (C) Roll backward to handstand with 2/ 1 turn (360° and 2 x 180, or 4 x 180) (C)
Stretched Swings Forward 1. 6.3 Swing forward through inside of bars with '/2 turn (180) and salto forward to hand (Deltchev) (CR) 2. 6.4 Counter straddle over HB (CR)
Leg Swings 1. 7.15 Flank vault over bar, support (from support 2. 7.22 From front lying hang, to catch in eagle hand
Kips None Note:
Mounts 1. 1.5 2. 1.6
Those gymnasts listed by name above are the originators of these elements, and , therefore , receive 0.20 OV.
1'/4 turn (450° ) inward to clear pike on HB or LB or stand on LB) (C) uprise straddle over HB with free flight on HB (CR) 5
VIII. Kips 1. 8.21 Seat (pike) circ le without 1/, turn to clear stretched support over HB near handstand position (like stretched eagle giant) (Adler) (C) or from 1/1 (360) LA turn (CR) 2. 8.25 From rear support on HB, begin Czech giant backward (stretching near handstand position) to hang or front lying hang {Steinemann overthrow) {C) IX. Dismounts 1. 9.6 Underswing with salto forward tucked or piked with 1/ 1 turn (360) {to both sides - starting position, see 9.1) {CR) 2. 9.8 Comaneci dismount - 1/ 1 turn (360) (CR) 3. 9.10 Cast to near handstand on HB - Saito backward piked (C) 4. 9.12 Cast to near handstand - Saito forward piked (CR) 5. 9.18 Giant sw ing backward with salto backward stretched with 2/ 1 turn (720) {C) 6. 9.25 Stand on HB - Saito backward stretched with 2/ 1 turn (720) (to both sides) {C) 7. 9.26 Stand on HB - double salto backward {to both sides) {CR) 8. 9.29 Stand on HB - salto forward stretched with 2/ 1 (720) {to both sides) (C) 9. 9.30 Stand on HB - double salto forward (CR) 10. 9.34 Hecht on LB with 1/, turn (180° ) and salto forward (C R) 11. 9.36 Hecht from LB with 1/, (180°) turn - salto forward with '/, turn (180°) (CR) 12. 9.39 Clear hecht from HB or LB with salto backward (CR) 13. 9.40 Clear hecht off HB or LB - salto backward with 1/ 1 turn (360°) LA turn (CR)
Mounts 1. 1.9 Sa ito forward , tucked or piked , over LB to brief sit (C) 2. 1.10 Saito forward , tucked over LB to hang on HB without touching LB {CR) 3. 1.34 Roundoff in front of the LB , tak e off from the board , free flight backward with 1/ 1 LA turn (360) over the LB to hang on HB (C) (Kano-JAP) 4. 1.35 Roundoff , take off from the board, tucked or piked , Arabian salto over the LB to a momentary sit on the LB {C) {GoodwinUSA, Brannekember-FRC) Circles 1. ·2.3 Underswing with '/, turn (180° ) to clear support on same bar (C) 2. 2.6 Underswing with '/ 2 turn (180°) on HB with free flight over LB to hang (C) 3. 2.11 Underswing backward (inverted pike swing) dislocate (Schleudern) on HB with free flight over LB to hang (C) 4. 2.15 Hang on HB, (back to LB), swing forward , stoop through, back kip swing with stretch and free flight to handstand on LB (CR) 5. 2.20 Clear hip circ le w ith '/, turn (180°) in handstand phase (C) 6. 2.21 Clear hip circle with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) in handstand phase (CR) 7. 2.22 Clear hip circle through the handstand with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) after handstand (Krakerfelge) (C) 8. 2.30 Sta lder forward to handstand (C) 9. 2.31 Stalder forward with '/2 turn (180° ) in handstand phase (C) 10. 2.32 Stalder backward or forward with '/2 turn (180°) in handstand phase (C) (Bwd: Bitcherova-USSR , FWD: McNamara- USA) 11 . 2.33 Stalder backward with 1/ 1 turn (360°) after handstand (C) 12. 2.35 Stalder backward to handstand with release , hop to reverse grip after handstand (C) (Marechkova-CZH) 13. 2.40 Stalder backward on LB with release - hop to hang on HB, also with 180 degree LA - turn (C)
3.31 Front lyi ng hang pirouette with 540 degree LA turn and straddle backward to hang on HB (C) 10. 3.33 Cast Bkd . to straddle roll Bkd., to clear straddle support on LB with d irect connection to sta ider circle backward to handstand on LB (C) (Sa ri sska-CZH)
Elements With Take-off From the Feet 1. 4.2 Korbut sa lto to hang or front lying hang (CR) 2. 4.5 Stand on HB- salto forward with '/2 turn (180° ) to hang on HB or front lying hang (CR) Circles/ Swings 1. 5.3 Clear straddle circle forward on HB with free flight backward over LB to hang (C) 2. 5.5 Clear stradd le circle backward on HB with free flight to handstand on LB (CR) 3. 5.10 Pike or straddle sole circle forward or backward with 1/ 1 LA turn (360° ) after the handstand , with 'h LA turn-(180° ) in handstand (C) 4. 5.23 Free hip circle on LB or HB, hecht with '/, turn (180° ) passing over bar to hang (Hechtkehre) (C) 5. 5.25 Free hip circle backward, heel with free straddle forward over bar to clear pike support (Korbut) (CR) 6. 5.26 Hecht from HB with free straddle over to a stand on LB (C)
Stretched Swings Forward 1. 6.2 Swing forward through inside of bars with 1 '/2 turn (540°) at height of HB (C)
Leg Swings 1. 7.18 From front lying hang , cast uprise to rear vault over HB to hang (Gnauck-Kehre) (C) with immediate drop to LB (CR) 2. 7.19 From front lying hang - cast with stoop vault over HB (C) with direct grip change to LB (CR) 3. 7.20 Counter swing to hang, back towards LB, fre e flight backward to handstand on LB (C) 4. 7.21 Front lying hang, uprise with '/2 turn (180° ) LA in the upward movement, free straddle Bkd. over HB to hang (C) (TonalovaBUL) with immediate grip change to LB (CR)
VIII. Kips 1. 8.18 From oute r rear support, seat (pike) circle, forward , st raddle cut backward with free flight over LB to hang (C) IX.
Dismounts 1. 9.5 Underswing with sa lto forward piked with 1/ 2 turn (180° ) (to both sides) (C) 2. 9.14 Clear hip circle to handstand - salto backward tucked or piked (C) 3. 9.16 Giant swing backward with double salto backward tucked (CR) 4. 9.18 Giant swing backward with sa lto backward stretched with 1'/, turn (540° ) (C) 5. 9.20 Clear hecht with 1/ 1 turn (360°) (to both sides) (C) 6. 9.22 Wippsalto-Tanac with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) or more (C) 7. 9.33 Hecht on LB with salto backward (Muchina) (CR) 8. 9.41 Clear underswing - without support of the feet - salto forward also with 180 degree LA - turn (C) 9. 9.43 Clear underswing without support of the fe et , 180 degree LAturn salto backward , tucked or piked (C) "Note: Those gymnasts listed by name above are the originators of these elements and therefore receive 0.20 OV .
Backward Swings 1. 3.5 Cast to handstand with legs straddled and hips bent or with legs together and hips extended with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) after handstand (C) 2. 3.8 Cast to handstand with legs straddled and hips bent or with legs together and hips extended with release, hop to reverse grip in handstand phase (C) 3. 3.11 Support on HB, cast, salto roll to hang on HB or front lying hang {CR) 4. 3.16 Front lying hang - cast to handstand with straddled legs and bent hips or legs together and extended hips (C) 5. 3.23 Front lying hang - cast to handstand with '/2 turn (180°) after handstand phase {C) 6. 3.25 Support on HB - cast with pirouette to hang on HB or with grip change to hang on LB (Cas lavska - Pirouette) (C) 7. 3.27 Kreisel with additional 1/, LA turn - total 1/ 1 (C) (Chen YungyanCHN) 8. 3.28 Front lying hang - cast to handstand on HB (legs straddled or together) with release-hop to reverse grip or eagle grip in or after handstand (CR) (Egervari) USGF TECHNICAL JOURNAL/ August 82
1.29 Saito forward to rear support (running approac h from 90 angle
1.32 Handspring forward with hecht phase before support of hands
to beam) (CR)
ORIGINAL AND RARE ELEMENTS BALANCE BEAM ORIGINAL ELEMENTS (OV .2) I. Mounts 1. 1.8 Free jump with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) in flight phase to stand take-off from both legs (CJ 2. 1.27 Hecht roll (stretched leg-torso angle required) (C) Gymnastics Jumps and Leaps II. 1. 2.3 Split leap forward with change of legs and'/, turn (180° ) (CR) 2. 2.5 Split leap forward with '/, turn (180° ) (C) 3. 2.8 Split jump in place with '/,turn (180°) (CJ 4. 2.11 Stag leap forward with '/, turn (180°) (C) 5. 2.12 Split jump in sideward position - leg separation of 180 degrees (take-off from both legs) (C) 6. 2.14 Spl it leap forward with leg change to ring leap (rear leg at head height) (C) 7. 2.25 Scissors leap forward with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) to balance element on one leg (legs bent) (C) 8. 2.28 Stretched jump with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) landing on 1 or 2 legs (C) 9. 2.29 Stretched jump with 11/, turn (540°) or more, landing on one or two legs (C) 10. 2.35 Tuck leap or jump, one leg stretched forward with 1/ 1 turn
(360°) (C) 11. 2.38 Tuck jump (sheep jump) with arched body and turn from (180°) - take-off from both legs (C) 12. 2.40 Pike jump in sideward position (C) 13. 2.42 Straddle jump with legs forward from side stand (C) Ill.
Waves None
Holds/ Stands None
Rol ls 1. 6.5
Walkovers/ Cartwheels 1. 7.11 Butterfly (CR) 2. 7.35 Flic Flac with '/2 turn (180° ) after repulsion of hands (C) 3. 7.40 Flic Flac with 1/ 1 LA turn (360° ) to stradd le cross sit (CR) "Rulfova Flic"
IX .
11 . 1.46
12. 1.47 II.
Gymnastics jumps and leaps 1. 2.22 Cat leap forward with 1/ 1 turn (360°) (C) 2. 2.32 Tuck jump with 1/ 1 turn (360°) (C) (Egervari - HUN)
Gymnastics Turns None
IV .
Waves None
Holds/ Stands 1. 5.11 Planche (clear front support above horizontal) (2 sec. in cross or side position) (C) 2. 5.14 Handstand with legs horizontal - hip angle 90 degrees (2 sec.) (C)
Rolls None
Walkovers/ Cartwheels 1. 7.3 Walkover forward in side position (C) 2. 7.17 Walkover backward from sideward stand (CJ 3. 7.18 Walkover backward, lower to planche (clear front support) (2 sec.) (C) 4. 7.25 Walkover forward, backward, or cartwheel with '/2 turn (180° ), lower to planche (clear front support) (C) 5. 7.28 Walkover forward , backward, or cartwheel with 1/ 1 turn (360° ) in handstand phase, lower to c lear support (e.i. Pike "V" support, planche) (C) 6. 7.29 Walkover forward, backward , or cartwheel with 1 '/2 turn (540° ) in handstand phase, end position optional (C) 7. 7.30 Walkover forward , backward , or cartwheel with 2/ 1 turn (720°) in handstand phase , end position is optional (C) 8. 7.34 Flic flac with high flight to swing down into cross straddle sit (Korbut Ilic !lac) (C) 9. 7.37 Gainer Ilic !lac with high flight phase , swing down into cross stradd le sit (C) 10. 7.38 Flic !lac in side position (C R)
Hecht roll (leg torso angle stretched) (C)
Saito forward with 180 degree LA turn (CR)
Dismounts 1. 9.22 Stretched sa lto backward with 3/ 1 (1080°) twist (CR) 2. 9.25 Arabian salto, tucked pike with 1 '/2 twist (540° ) or more (CR) Arabian double salto (jump backward ,'/, twist (180° ), double sa lto forward) (CR) 3. 9.27 Double salto backward containing '/2 or 1/ 1 L.A. twist (180° or 360° ) (CR) 4. 9.30 Tucked , piked, or stretched sa lto , forward with twist from 1 '/2 (540°) , with two foot take-off (C) 5 . 9.34 Double salto forward (CR) 6. 9.37 Stretched gainer salto at end of beam (C) 7. 9.40 Stretched gainer salto with '/, - 1/ 1 twist (360° ) (CR) 8. 9.42 Double salto sideward with 90 degree LA turn (C R)
10. 1.45
VIII. Sa ltos
1.33 1.35
Gymnastics Turns 1. 3.3 2/ 1 turns (720°) in knee scale out of which one 1/ 1 turn (360°) turn must be free (CR) 2. 3.5 1/ 1 turn (360° ) in standing sca le (technical requirements see Nr 3.4) (C) 3. 3.6 1 '/2 turns (540°) in standing sca le (technical requirements see Nr 3.4) (CR) 4. 3.9 2/ 1 turns (720°) in tuck stand on 1 leg - the other leg stretches (C) 5. 3.12 2/ 1 turns (360°) on 1 leg, the other leg held backward , forward or sideward 6. 3.14 1/ 1 illusion turn (360°) (through a momentary standing sca le) (C) 7. 3.15 1'/2 illusion turn (540° ) (CR) 8. 3.21 2/ 1 turn (720°) in prone position 1/ 1 turn (360° ) free , 1/ 1 turn (360°) with slight hand support permitted (C)
5. 6.
on beam (stretched leg - torso angle in hecht phase required) (CR) (Sarisska - CZH) Head or neck kip to stand (C) Cartwheel with hecht phase before support of hands on beam (stretched leg-torso angle required) (running ap proach from end or diagonal to beam) (CR) Jump to handstand with hecht phase before support of hands on beam - (stretched leg-torso in hecht phase required) END position touching the beam (CR) (Sarisska - CZH) Press to handstand - lower to planche (clear front support above horizontal) (C) Jump, press or pike swing to handstand -transfer body weight to handstand on one arm (2 sec.) (C) Jump, press or swing to handstand - 1/ 1 turn in handstand (360° ) - lower to clear support (C) (Flander - HUN) Jump, press or swing to handstand - turn in handstand (from 540° ) - end position optiona l (clear front support - planche, spl it sit, etc.) (C) Roundoff , take off from the board , Flic Flac to a tuck stand or stand on the beam (CR)
1.19 Free jump to cross sp lit sit - take-off from both legs (diagonal
1.28 Saito forward to tu ck stand or cross sit on right or left leg
VI II. Sa ltos 1. 8.9
Saito Bkd . tucked to scale fwd (2 sec. hold) (C)
8.11 Sai to fwd. with flight, take off from one leg or 2 legs, to a cross sit (C)
Dismounts 1. 9.26 Tucked or piked double salto backward (CR) 2. 9.30 Tucked , piked , or stretched salto, forward with twist from 1 1/ 2 (540° ), take-off from 1 foot (C) (Rensch) 3. 9.32 Stretched jump forward with '/2 (180° ) twist into tucked , piked , or stretched sa lto backward with '/2 twi st (180° ) or more in sa lto (C) 4. 9.33 Stretched jump forward with 1/ 1 twist (360° ) into tucked, piked, or stretched salto forward (CR) (Davydova - USSR) 5. 9.39 Tucked , piked gainer salto with 1/ 1 twist (360°) at end of beam or to side (C) 6. 9.41 Tucked or piked Tsukahara (C)
running approach to beam) (C) (running approach from end or diagonal to beam) (CR) USGF TECHNICAL JOURNAL/August 82
NOTE: Those gymnasts listed by name above are the originators of these elements and therefore receive 0.20 OV . 7
Neutral Deductions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
1982-83 Requirements of the exercise Optionals -U.S.G .F. Women 's Technical Committee -Adapted from FIG Code of Points and materials from Jackie Fie -Compiled by: Cheryl Grace, National Director, Judges Training
Invalid Aid during the vault Aid during the landing .5 Vault does not correspond to the flashed number .5 Vault Finals (Competition Ill ): a. When the same vau lt is performed twice, the 2nd vault is 0 and score is the average of the 1st vault, divided by 2 b. When 2 different vaults from the same group are performed , the 2nd vau lt rece ives a 1.0 penalty before averaging the two vault scores c. When only one vault is performed , the score is the average of the performed vault , divided by 2 .5 each d. When a " B" vault is performed: 1.0 each e. When an " A" vault is performed:
UNEVEN BARS FIG and USGF unless otherwise indicated .
Effective: September 1, 1982 to August 31 , 1983
Competition IB 6 "A" 0.20 = 1.20 pt. 3 "B" 0.40 = 1.20 pt. 1 " C" 0.60 = 0.60 pt.
Competition II 4 "A" 0.20 = 0.80 pt. 4 "B " 0.40 = 1.60 pt. 1 " C" 0.60 = 0.60 pt.
Competition Ill 2 "A" 0.20 = 0.40 pt. 2 "B" 0.40 = 0.80 pt. 3 "C" 0.60 = 1.80 pt .
10 Value Parts
9 Value Parts
7 Va lu e Parts
= 3.00 pt.
= 3.00 pt.
= 3.00 pt.
VAULT GROUPS VALUE RAISING FORMULAS: 8 groups as follows: Increase in value parts due to comb inations : Group 1- Handspring Cartwheel and Yamashita without and with longitudinal axes (LA) turns . Group 2- Handsprings with breadth (horizontal) (BA) axes turns of 540째 in th e 2nd Flight Phase (saltos forward). Group 3- Handspring with breadth axes (BA) turns of 540째 and additiona l longitudinal axes (LA) turns in the 2nd Flight Phase. Group 4- Tsukahara tucked, piked , stretched . Group 5- Tsukahara with additional longitudinal axes (LA) turns. Group 6- Hecht and hecht with additiona l breadth axes (BA) turns in the 2nd Flight Phase. Group 7- Hecht with additional longitudinal axes (LA) turns. Group 8- Vaults with additional longitudinal axes turns (LA) from 450째 or breadth axes (BA) turns from 540째 in the 1st Flight Phase or in the 1st and 2nd Flight Phase.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
A. First Flight Phase: 1. Body position fault (trunk , legs): 2. Stro ng tuck or pike of the legs - not according to the character of the va ul t 3. Prescribed longitudinal axes turn of the performed vault is not fully completed 4. Flight of first phase does not correspond with the character of the vault (height and length trajectory)
up to .2
up to .5
up to .2 up to .3 up to .5
1. There are specific elements listed for OV and RV credit. Total amount of originality category: .2 OV elements are worth .2 RV elements are worth .1 A. In addition to the current possibi liti es for earning .2 Bonus points for originality (.1 RV and .2 OV) via performance of specific list of skills, the U.S.A. will expand the OV-RV category to reward the performance of creative, unique, high-level skills and combinations that are simi lar to elements already listed as having OV-RV value. (Not F.l.G.) B. Guidelines for awarding OV and RV based on this concept: (Not F.l.G.)
up to .2 .3 .3 .5 .5
1. Sing le elements of C or CR value wi ll be cons id ered for RV (. 1) or OV (.2) 2. Combinations of elements, with a minimum B + B will be considered for RV (.1) 3. Combination of elements, with a minimum of B + C or C + C will be considered for RV (.1) or OV (.2)
up to .3
Individual risk elements are listed in the F.l.G . Code of Points 2. Risk : .2 and are noted on the right-hand column under C elements as " R." Risk can also be achieved by value raising .
up to .2
3. The remaining .1 is for an additional C or 2 or more CR 's.
up up up up
to to to to
D. Landing: 1. Deviation from a straight d irection 2. Bad landing (see table of general faults) 3. Insufficient dynamics during the vault
up to .3
Second flight phase: 1. Body position failure (trunk, legs) 2. Turn is not completed according to the flashed vault and stretch of the body before landing 3. Too open of a tuck or pike position 4. In sufficient-height -length
A B C CR C B C A C CR C (Contains two examples where both elements raise based upon 2 principles : C + C = C + CR C _+ B = C + C) C + C = C + CR (2 C's necessary for a CR) Conditions: Directional change, grip change , bar change C + C + C = C + C + CR Conditions: Directional change , grip change, bar change C + C + C + C = (C + C + C + CR)R Conditions: Directional change , grip change, bar change C + CR = (C + CR)R CR + C = CR + CR CR + CR = (CR + CR)R , but actually CR + CR cannot receive any more.
up to .3
B. Support Phase: 1. Body position fault (trunk with pike, arch, or twist ; legs) 2. Too long a support 3. Arms remain bent in the support phase
8. 9. 10.
B+B= B +C B+B+B= B+B+C B +B +B+= B +B +C +C C + B = C + C (in the exercise, and as a dismount) Example of #4 va lu e raising : A B C C B B B A C C B (C's have criteria for value raising)
COMBINATIONS (Composition)
2.5 total
10. One gymnastics element plus one acrobatic element directly connected with a minimum of: (May be reversed)
A. Progressive distribution of elements and dismount not corresponding to the value of the exercise: .5 1.
=B + C (can
also be C + B = C + C or C + C
=C + CR)
Progressive distribution of elements (exercise without high points) up to .2 Dismount not at least "B" level: .2
11 . In a series.of 3 or more saltos, the 2nd and 3rd salto raise one level. (C will not raise to CR unless preceded by C) (They do not have to be directly connected)
B. Composition of the exercise from various elements and connections: 1.0
12. CR + C = CR+ CR 13. CR + CR= (CR + CR) R, but actually CR +CR cannot receive anymore .
1. 2. 3. 4.
Repetition of basic elements or connections: up to .2 Exercise without 10 elements: .2 Unpermissable number of elements (5) on one bar: each .2 Exercise (Band C elements) not composed from at least three different element groups: up to .2 (element groups are : upward swings or circular swings, kips, elements from swing to handstand, elements with turns around the LA axis , elements with turns around the BA axis, counter-grip change and flight elements, or hecht elements) 5. Uncharacteristic elements: each .2 6. No mount or dismount: .3 7. Repetition of compulsory mount or dismount or compulsory element in the same sequence: .3
C. Space and Direction: .6 1. Close bar execution predominately: up to .2 2. Predominance of execution in one direction : up to .2 a. Facing only one direction : .2 b. Facing only two directions: .1 3. Insufficient bar changes (inside and outside the bars and under the LB and over the HB .. .at least 2): up to .2 D. Tempo and Rhythm: .4 Monotony in rhythm : up to .2 EXECUTION AND VIRTUOSITY: 4.0 total 1. Virtuosity : .2 2. Technique/ amplitude/ posture: 3.8 1. Deductions that are applicable to bars : - Additional short support on apparatus , with hands, feet , or body (gymnast touches additional body parts on apparatus to regain balance or swing) : .3 Extra cast: .3 Touch on apparatus or floor during exercise (gymnast brushed feet on floor mat during glide or swing , touches feet on bar during stoop , squat through , or straddle over: - Lightly .1 - Moderately up to .3 b. General. faults of execution as listed in Code of Points
1. Originality: .2 There are specific elements listed for OV and RV credit. OV elements are worth .2 RV elements are worth .1 a. In addition to the current possibilities for earning .2 bonus points for originality via performance of specific list of skills, the USA will expand the OV-RV category to reward the performance of creative, unique, high level skills and combinations that are similar to elements already listed as having OV-RV value. (NOT FIG) Guidelines for awarding OV and RV based on this concept : a. Single elements of C or CR value will be considered for RV (.1) or OV (.2) b. Combinations of elements , with a minimum A + B or B + B will be considered for RV (.1) c. Combination of elements, with a minimum of B + C or C + C will be considered for RV (.1) or OV (.2) In addition : a. When an A salto appears in the same series as a natural CR salto , .1 RV is given for the combination. They do not have to be directly connected. b. When a natural " B" salto appears in the same se'ries as a natural "CR" salto, +0.2 OV is given for combination. c . Double saltos: When the last series double salto is exactly the same as any other series double salto (no change in body position or connection) , there is no value part credit a second time (there are not 2 CR's) . However, there is .1 for RV. d. A different double salto in the 3rd series receives a CR value part and .1 RV e. Only as a dismount series: Round off, Flic Flac, and "CR" Saito= 0.10 RV f. Dismount series: An "A" or " B'' salto with a "CR" salto = 0.2 OV. 2. Risk: .2 Individual risk elements are listed in the FIG Code of Points and are noted on the right hand column under C elements as "R". Risk can also be achieved by value raising . In addition : A direct connection of 3 saltos, minimum of two B saltos to one C salto (B + B + C) will result in .2 bonus for risk. (B + C + C)R 3.
The remaining .1 is for an additional C or 2 or more CR 's.
COMBINATIONS (Composition) FLOOR EXERCISE VALUE PARTS Competition IB 6 "A" 0.20 = 1.20 3 "B" 0.40 = 1.20 1 " C" 0.60 = 0.60 10 Value Parts
3.0 pt . pt. pt.
= 3.00 pt.
Competition II 4 "A" 0.20 = 0.80 pt. 4 " B" 0.40 = 1.60 pt. 1 "C" 0.60 = 0.60 pt .
Competition Ill 2 "A" 0.20 = 0.40 pt. 2 " B" 0.40 = 0.80 pt . 3 "C" 0.60 = 1.80 pt.
9 Value Parts
7 Value Parts
= 3.00 pt.
= 3.00 pt.
VALUE RAISING FORMULAS: Acrobatic flight elements without hand support in same series: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
A +A =A +B A +B =A +C B+A =B+B B+B=B+C C+A =C +B C +B = C +C C + C = C + CR (2 C's necessary for a CR) C + CR = (C + CR) R
Two gymnastics elements direc tly connected w ith a minimum of: B + B = B + C (can be C + B = C + C, or C + C = C + CR)
2.5 total
A. Progressive distribution of elements and dismount not corresponding lo the value of the exercise: .5 1. Lack of an "Acrobatic" B element in the last series: .2 (Note: "Acrobatic" - not FIG) 2. When the last series has a value raised acrobatic B: .1 (Not FIG) 3. Absence of gymnastics peaks (1 natural B): .1 4. Absence of acrobatic peaks (1 natural B): .1 5. Absence of acrobatic peaks, with flight, (1 natural C): .1 (Not FIG) 6, Lacks progressive distribution of the elements: up to .2 B. Composition of the exercise from various elements and connections: 1.0 The two special requirements of the exercise: 1. Absence of two different acrobatic series, each with a different salto: .2 2. Absence of a series with 2 saltos or a double salto : .2 In addition : 3. One sided choice of acrobatic elements and connections: up to .2 4. One sided choice of gymnastics elements and connections : up to .2 5. Value parts from only 1 structure group (out of 3): .2 (B and C elements from the following structure groups: a. Acrobatic elements with and without flight phase (fwd. , bkwd ., swd .), b. Acrobatic strength elements, c. Gymnastics elements such as turns , tilts , leaps. jumps, hops, steps, and running combinations , balance elements in stand , sitting and lying positions. arm swings and body waves). 6. Repetition of exact same series: .1 (except double salto) 7. Elements and/ or connections unrelated to gymnastics: .1 each 8. Exaggerations of "theatrical " character, elements and connections unrelated to gymnastics: each .1 9
C. Space and Direction: .6 Insufficient use of FX area: up to .2 Predominance of straight directions: up to .2 3. Insuffic ient change of elements close to and far from floor (leve l change): up to .2 4. Monotony in direction (forward , backward , sideward) -only 1 direction in acrobatic elements: .2 -body position in relation to movement or direction of travel : up to .2 5. Lack of one passage covering great distance (gymnastic or ac robati c/ gymnastic comb in ed) up to .2 1. 2.
D. Tempo and rhythm: .4 1. Music and movement not in harmony in a part: .1 2. Music and movement not in harmony throughout: .5 3. Always dynamic or slow: up to .2 monotony of music up to .2 monotony of elements
COMBINATIONS (Composition)
Virtuosity: .2 Technique/ amplitude/ posture: 3.8 a. General faults of execution and amplitude as listed in Code of Points
NEUTRAL DEDUCTIONS: (taken by head judge) 1. 2.
2.5 total
A. Progressive distribution of elements and dismount not corresponding to the value of the exercise: .5
Combinat ions of elemen ts, with a minimum of B + C or C + C will be co nsidered for RV (.1) o r OV (.2) B. OV/ RV may also be awarded in this way: 1. Three flight phase elements d irect ly connected, two of which are a minimum " B ," one of which is natural "C" (not value raised C) = .1 RV Note: This series/ connection can be performed as a mount or in the exercise. 2. Dismount series : Two flight phase elements minimum "B" directly connected with a "C" dismount (natural) = 0.1 RV 3. Dismount series: Two flight ph ase elements, minimum " B" directly connected to a "CR" dismou nt (natural) = 0.2 OV. 2. Risk: .2 Indi vidual risk elements are li sted in the FIG Code of Points and are noted on the right hand column under C elements as "R." Risk can also be ac hieved by value raising . 3. The remaining .1 is for an additional C or 2 or more CR's .
1. 2. 3.
Stepping outside of the floor area: .1 each time Lack of musical accompaniment: .5
Dismount not at least a " B": .2 Lacks progressive di stribution of the elements: up to .2 More than 2 beam passes in succession without difficulties of a minimum " B" level: each .1 Lack of a minimum of an " A" in each pass: each .1 (Not FIG)
B. Composition of the exercise from various elements and connections: 1.0 BALANCE BEAM VALUE PARTS
Competition IB 6 " A" 0.20 = 1.20 pt. 3 " B" 0.40 = 1.20 pt . 1 " C" 0.60 = 0.60 pt.
Competition II 4 "A" 0.20 = 0.80 pt. 4 " B" 0.40 = 1.60 pt. 1 "C" 0.60 = 0.60 pt.
Competition Ill 2 "A" 0.20 = 0.40 pt. 2 " B" 0.40 = 0.80 pt. 3 " C" 0.60 = 1.80 pt.
The four special requirements of the exercise: 1. Exercise without an acrobatic series (at least 1 element with flight phase : .2) 2. Absence of one 360째 turn on one foot : .1 (may be more than 360) 3. Absence of one leap or jump with great amp litude: .1 4. All acrobatic elements executed in one direction: .2 In addition: One sided choice (over use) of certain gymnastics elements and connections (meaning obv iou s excess of movements from the same category): up to .2 6. Domination of acrobatics: up to .2 7. Too few direct connections of gymnastics and acrobatic elements: up to .2 8. Connections not corresponding to difficulty level of the exercise (easy connections): up to .2 9. Compulsory mount, dismount, or element in same sequence: .3 10. Exercise without mount or dismount: .3 5.
10 Value Parts
= 3.00 pt.
9 Value Parts
= 3.00 pt.
7 Value Parts
= 3.00 pt.
VALUE RAISING FORMULAS In crease in value parts due to combinations: (Note : The increase in value occurs only in the last element of the series. Elements must be directly connected.) A+ B =A+ C (the "B" element must have flight, either gymnastics or acrobatic to raise to "C") 2. B + B = B + C 3. B + C = B +CR 4. C + B = C + C 5. C + C = C + CR 6. B + B + B = (B + B + C)R (Refers to series of 3 or more elements performed on the beam . All three elements must have flight in order to receive .2 bonus for risk) 7. C + C + C + C = (C + C + C + CR)R 8. C +CR = (C + CR)R 9. CR + C = CR + CR 10. CR + CR = (CR + CR)R , but actua lly CR + CR cannot receive any more 11. In order to value raise a dismount, the element preceding the dismount must be a minimum of a B with flight (gymnastics or acrobat ics) . The last element prior to the dismount may appear in a series. Even though a series precedes the dismount an A dismount never raises . Examp les: A + B + A Dismount = A + C + A A + B + B Dismount = A + C + C B + C + C Dismount = B + CR + CR 1.
BONUS POINTS .5 1. Originality: .2 There are specific elements li sted for OV and RV Credit. OV elements are worth .2 RV elements are worth .1 A. In addition to the current possibilities for earning .2 bonus points for originality (.1 RV and .2 OV) via performance of specific list of ski lls, the USA wi ll expand the OV-RV category to reward the performance creative , unique, high level skills and combinations that are similar to elements already listed as having OV-RV value. (Not FIG) Guidelines for awardi ng OV and RV based on this concept: (Not FIG ) 1. Single element of C or CR va lu e will be considered for RV (. 1) or OV (.2) 2. Combinations of elements, with a minimum A + B or B + B w ill be considered for RV (.1) 10
C. Space and Direction: .6 1.
Insufficient change of level of movements both near and far from the beam (lack of variation of height of elements and/ or low position too often): .1 Insufficient use of entire beam len gth and area-failure to exhibit va riet y of movements/ elements at ends and center of beam: .1 (Not in code but used by FIG) General insufficient directional changes: up to .2
D. Tempo and Rhythm: .4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Uniform tempo during a long passage of the exercise: each .1 Uniform tempo during the entire exercise (monotony) : up to .4 Specific holds-more than 3: each .1 Stops before elements (unrelated or untypical) : each .1 Continuity errors between elements : eac h .1
Virtuosity: .2 Tec hnique/ amp litud e/ posture : 3.8 a. Specific deductions for beam: Support of leg against the side surfar,e of the beam: .2 b. General fau lts of execu tion and amp litude as listed in Code of Points
-Adapted from FIG Code of Points and materia ls from Jackie Fie -Compi led by: Cheryl Grace, National Director, Judges Training
Requirements of the exerciseOptionals FIG and USGF unless otherwise indicated. Effective: September 1, 1982 to August 31 , 1983 USGF TECHNICAL JOURNAL/ August 82
Cheryl Grace, Chairman
路 Taken from the Women's Technical Committee Minutes June 16, 17, 1982. Effective for the 1982-83 season beginning September 1, 1982. I.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1. For Active Status as required by the Joint Certification Committee for judges, a coaching or judging clinic must be for a minimum of 6 hours. 2.
Elite judges must attend one Elite clinic a year to be eligible to judge Elite level meets. Elite compulsories must be covered and the clinic must be a minimum of 6 hours. The following clinics are approved for Elite judges: a. Regional Elite Clinics b. NAWGJ National Symposium c . USGF Congress of Coaches Elite Sessions d. US Elite Coaches Association Nati onal Symposium
II. VAULTING 1. Finals - Vaults devalued by the WTC for USGF competition which are 9.5 (B vault) will receive deductions according to competition Ill regulations. 2. Only one additional approach is allowed for both vaults if the gymnast has not touched the board and/ or horse. (Touching the board will be considered the same as touching the horse.) a. This regulation is the same for Uneven Bars and Balance Beam. b . Page 13 of the FIG Code in the middle of the page- Correct to read: "touched the apparatus or board on her first attempt or has not run underneath the apparatus ." 3.
The round-off approach may be used for vaulting for the 1982-83 experimental year. (This technique has not been accepted by the FIG for International Competition.) If this approach is used , the vaults must be submitted to the WTC (RTD) for evaluation. a. If more than one element is performed before the take-off from the board the deduction is 0.20. (This is for Vault, Beam and Bars.)
6. Illegal Dismount on Uneven Bars: The following was passed by the WTC on 4/ 20/ 81. It is still in effect. Illegal Dismount on Uneven Bars: receives no credit deduct 0.20 for no " B" dismount, and deduct 0.20 for uncharacteristic movement. Dismounts on uneven bars from feet must be from circle swing and done on the HS (FIG Code #9.23-9.30 , pages 129-130) or deduct 0.20 for no " B" dismount plus 0.20 for uncharacteristic movement. IV . BALANCE BEAM - clarifications 1. If a Ilic flac is done in the beginning of the routine . and repeated in exactly the same way (ex . step out) in a series of 3, then the foll ow ing value would be awarded : -8 in the beginning of the routine -8 + B + B = (B + 0 + O)R 2. Overtime on beam -.2 off the average -.3 off for no dismount -No credit for elements performed after time is called -Do not deduct an additional .2 for no " B" dismount! V. FLOOR EXERCISE 1. The last series (2 or more elements) must contain an Acrobatic " B" element . If not, deduct .20. Th e series may contain dance/ acrobatic , but the acrobatic element must be a natural Bin order not to rece ive the .20 deduction. If it is a value raised B, then deduct .10. (not FIG) 2. In floor exercise , the routine must contain acrobatic peaks , including 1 natural C with flight. The "with flight" is new this year. Absence of 1 natural C with flight, deduct 0.10. (Not FIG) 3.
NEW: The Whipback (FIG Code Page 226, #6. 17) is now valued as a "B " sa lto. (same as FIG) However, if it is the last element in a series, it would be considered as an "A" salto (badly performed layout) .
4. Clarification: The Brani (FIG Code Page 225 #6. 10) is a "B" element , not an "A" as listed in the USGF supplement.
1. A + B combinations on bars would not be considered for OV/ RV value , under our current USGF system of awarding OV/ RV for combinations . 2. C + C + C + C now must have directional change , bar change , or grip change on order to value raise . C + C + C + C = (C + C + C + CR)R 3.
August 2, 1982
Flyaway dismounts must come from a Giant Swing (handstand) or they will be devalued. This includes a double back somersault coming from a giant swing .
5. More than 4 measures of music (without movement) at the beginning and at the end of the exercise will recei ve a .20 penalty each time . VI . CLARIFICATIONS AND UNUSUAL JUDGING SITUATIONS 1. Socks: The WTC recommends ankle or knee socks not to be worn for competition due to a possible lack of elegance. These type of socks visually divide the leg into sections. 2. If a gymnast performs 1/ 2 or less of her routine and does not continue, give credit for elements performed . Do not judge from 10.0
4. Unless otherwise stated , dismounts may be from the LB . 5. The underswing 1/ 2 turn (P. 67 #2. 6) must show flight and be from HS to receive C-RV value .
NOTE: Remember that Elites use FIG rules com pletely , with the exception of Vaulting and the USGF concept of awarding OV/ RV. So , any deduction that says "Not FIG " would not be applied to an Elite gymnast.
2) Clarification and supplement to the Code of Points, with examples. 3) Raising of the value of some vaults .
To the President of the affiliated Federations
4) Decisions for Original Connections on Beam and Floor.
OFF ICIAL: For publ ication in USGF Technical Journal Dear President, Dear Gymnastics Friends,
We are requesting that you distribute this material to your judges and coaches. Sincerely , edited by Jackie Fi e
Ellen Berger President TC/ FIG
Enclosed we are sending you : 1) The new li st of Rare Value and Original Value elements , valid from 19821983.
cc: Delene Darst Linda Cheneinski Sue Ammerman Roe Kreutzer
Don Peters Cheryl Grace Becky Riti sent July 18, '82 11
4. 0.20 Bonus Point
Uneyen Bars
Original Elements for the Competition Years 1982 - 1983
1. Mounts:
1.5 1.6 1.10 piked 1.36 Underswing to a handstand o n the HS with 1/ 2 LA turn (180°) ended in the handstan d ="Cr" (McNamara Mount)
2. Circles:
2.12 2.24 2.28 2.36
2.13 2.25 2.33-fwd. 2.38
0.10 Bonus Point RV
1.9 1.10 tucked 1.34 Roundoff in front of the LB, take off from the board, free fl ig ht bkd with 1/ 1 LA turn (360° ) over the LB to a hang on the HB = "C" (Kano - JPN) 1.35 Roundoff, take off f rom the board, tucked or piked Arabian salto over the LB to a momentary sit on the LB = " C" (Goodwin - USA, Brann ekamper FRG) 2.3 2.15 2.22 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.35 2.40
2.23 ("CR") 2.26 2.34 2.39
3. Backward Swings - Casts: 3. 18 3.21 3.6 3.23 Turn in Handstand. (Turn afte r handstand =0.10 as in Element 3.16) 3.32 3.34 From a handstand in undergri p or eagle grip, 3/ 4 clear straddle circle forward , backsw ing, salto forward to hang on same bar - HB , "Jager Salt o" ="Cr"
4. Elements with take-off from the feet: 4.3 4.4
2.6 2.1 2.20 2.2 2.30 fwd . (bk d. sta ndard) fwd . (bkd. stand ard ) bkd . (Bicherova - USSR) fwd . (Mc Namara - USA) bkd (Marechkova - TCH
3.5 3.8 3.1 3.16 3.25 3.27 Kreisel with additi onal 1/ 2 LA turn - total 180° 2x =360° ="C" (Chen Yungyan - CHN) 3.28 3.31 3.33 Cast bkd . to straddle roll bkd., to clear straddl e support on LB with direct conn ect ion to Sta lder circle backward to handstand on LB = " C" (Sarisska - TCH)
4.2 4.5
5. Circle Swings: 5.5fwd. 5.8 5.10 with 1/ 1 LA turn - 360° = " C r" 5.11 5.12
5.5 5.3 5.10 with 1/ 1 LA turn - 36 0° after the handsta nd , with 1/ 2 LA turn - 180° in handstand =" C" 5.23
6. Stretched Swings Forward: 6.3 6.4
7. Leg Swings: 7.15 7.22 From front lying hang , uprise straddle over HB with free flight to catch in eagle hang o n HB ="Cr" 8.25
8. Kips:
9. Dismounts: 9.6 9.12 9.25 9.30 9.39
9.10 9.8 9.18 with 2/1 LA turn (720°) 9.26 9.29 9.34 9.36 9.40
7.19 7.18 7.20 7.21 Front lying hang, upr ise with 1/ 2 turn (180°) LA in the upward movement , free straddle bkd . ove r HB to hang= " C" (Topal ova - SUL ) with imm ed iate grip change to LB ="C R" 8. 18 1/ 2 (180°) turn LA in pike position only 9.14 9.16 9.18 with 1 1/ 2 LA turn (540° ) 9.22 9.20 9.33 9.41 9.43 9.5
Balance Beam 0.20 Bonus Point
5. Holds:
0.10 Bonus Point
3.5 3.14
1.28 tucked 1.19 1.29 1.32(Sarisska-TCH) 1.33 1.35 1.37 (Sarisska- TCH) 1.40 1.41 1.45 (Flander - HUN) with 1/ 1 LA turn (360° ) 1.46 1.47 Roundoff , take-off from the board , flic-fla c th ro ugh handstand o n th e beam = "C r"
2. Gymnastic Leaps and Jumps: 2.3 2.11 2.8 2.25 2.14 2.35 2.29 2.40 2.42 3. Gymnastic turns: 3.3 3.12
2.32 (Egervari - HUN )
2.5 2.12 2.28 2.38
3.6 3.15
3.9 3.21 5. 11
5.14 (Ruhn - ROM)
6. Rolls:
7. Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc.: 7 .11 7.35 7.40 Flic-flac with 1/ 1 LA turn (360° ) to straddle cross sit= " Cr" (Rulfowa Flic)
9. Dismounts: 9.22 9.25 9.27 9.40 9.30
with 3/ 1 LA turn (1080° ) from 540° 9.34 9.37 9.42 stretched at end of beam with 1/ 1 LA turn (360°) = " Cr" with 2 foot take-off, any body position
0.20 Bonus Point
7.28 7.38
0.10 Bonus Point
2. Gymnastic Turns: 2.4 2.1 O 2.13 (2/ 1 turn (360°) without touching floor with free leg)
6. Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc.: 7.3 7.14 7.23
7.7 7.19
7.5 7.16
2.7 with 3/ 1 turn (1080°)
(Marinova - BUL)
7.11 7.21
7.4 = "C"
8. Rolls:
1.13 (Sarisska - TCH)
5. Handstands:
9.30 tucked salto, take-off from 1 foot (Rensch) 9.33 (Davydova - USSR)
9.26 9.32
1. Gymnastic Leaps, Jumps:
7. Saltos:
7.25 7.37
7.18 7.34
8.11 Saito fwd . with flight, take-off from one leg or 2 legs, to a cross-sit= "C" (Gajdosova - TCH) 8.9 Saito bkd. tucked to scale fwd . (2 second hold) = "C"
8. Saltos:
7.17 7.30
7.3 7.29
· Those gymnasts listed by name above are the originators of these elements and therefore receive 0.20 P OV
2. Clarification and Supplement to the Code of Points with Examples:
Supplement to:
Uneven Bars
6.1. When acrobatic or gymnastic "A" elements are directly connected with acrobatic or gymnastic "B" elements with fllghtphase, the value of the "B" raises to " C" 6.5. When three or more acrobatic or gymnastic elements with fllghlphase (minimum " B" ) are directly connected , there are bonus points for risk (R).
a) 5.2 When more than two " B" elements are directly connected then the value of the third and all further "B" elements directly connected raises one level higher to "C". Example: B + B + B + B = B + B + C + C b) Decisions: - C + B = C + C (also as mount and dismount) - for the purpose of counting the elements on one bar, the following 2 elements are counted as one element
b) Value raising - "A" dismount will not value raise - In the dismount series, the series on the beam value raise (as in the exercise) and also the dismount: Example: 1. A + B (with flight) + dismount A = A + C dismount A
Short kip to handstand = " B" (1 element) Long hang kip to a handstand = " B" (1 element)
2. A + B (with flight) + dismount B = A + C dismount C
- example for value raising in an exercise: A
B cR
Floor C
c) The evaluation of the exercise begins with the take-off from the board. One element before the take-off from the board is allowed. When more than one element is performed the penalty is 0.20 p.
Balance Beam a) The evaluation and the timing of the exercise begin with the take-off from the board. ' (For running approach mounts and stationary mounts) " Editor's Note One element before the take-off from the board is allowed . When more than one element is performed . the penalty is 0.2 p. USGF TECHNICAL JOURNAL/ August 82
A + B (with flight) + dismount C = A + C dismount C R
a) Element No. 6.12 and 6.17 belong to group 7 " B" 6.12 = 7.24 "B" 6.17 = 7.25 "B" b) Supplement: To 5.3: More than 4 measures of music at the beginning and at the end of the exercise ... each time 0.2 penalty To 6.1 : When two or more acrobatic flightphase elements without hand support are performed in the same series, the value of the second and third, etc. acrobatic flight elements raise one level higher. Note: 2 natural "C's" necessary for value raised C R. To 6.3 . .. or also acrobatic with gymnastic elements. 13
c) Value Raising When two " B" saltos are directly connected with a " C" salto then the value of the second and third saltos raise one level higher. Example: B + B + C = B + C + C R (no parenthesis needed in case of directly connected saltos)
Our entire 1981 catalog of back issues (6 issues) is available in this special package price of $6.00 (while supply lasts). We'll also include the MarI April 1982 issue of USGF GYMNASTICS covering the 82 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS and as an added incentive we'll throw in Vol. 3, No. 2 of WORLD GYMNASTICS FIG's official publication. Eight issues in all for only $6.00.
Note: Saltos only d) Dismount construction - When the last acrobatic series is ended with a "B" salto , then the special requirement of the " B" dismount is fulfilled ; also when this is followed by an acrobatic " A" element. Example: Round-off -
Flic-flac as a " small " connection.
- When the dismount series ends with an " A" salto followed by a gymnastic "B" element or acrobatic "B" element, then the special requirement of the " B" dismount is fulfilled. Value raising for uneven bars - balance beam - floor - CR + C = CR + CR - C + C R = (C + C R) R
We'll send you 10 assorted back issues of USGF GYMNASMCS ('78- '80) to complete your gymnastics library with the nation's most comprehensive publication in the sport.
- C + C + C + C = (C + C + C + C R) R All requirements for the apparatus remain as stated in the Code of Points. - For uneven bars and balance beam a second approach is permitted if the gymnast has not touched the board . A third approach will be considered as a fall with a 0.50 penalty. - Only one additional approach is allowed for both vaults , if the gymnast has not touched the board.
3. Raising of the value of some vaults The value of the following vaults have been raised: Vault no. 2.1 from 9.70 p. to 9.80 p. Vault no. 2.2 from 9.80 p. to 9.90 p. Vault no. 3.1 from 9.80 p. to 9.90 p.
PROGRAMS Past programs ranging from the first USSR tour in 1975 to the more recent INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL. Eight programs in all for the package price of $6.00.
Vault no. 3.2 from 9.90 p. to 10.00 p.
4. Decisions for Original Connections on Beam and Floor
Note: This series-connection can be performed as a mount or in the exercise.
BACK ISSUES FORM $6.00 o 1981 Back lssues/6 Issues Plus 2 $6.00 o 10 Assorted Back Issue Package $6.00 o Program Package Total Postage Amount Total Item $ Amount Total Amount Enclosed Name or Initials - - - - - - --
BEAM Three flight phase elemen~ctly connected , two of which are minimum " B", one of which is a natural " C" (no value raising) = 0.10 Bonus Point (RV) - means " natural C" "
Name Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please send check or money order to USGF P.O. Box 7686, Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Prices subject to change without prior notice Allow 4-6 weeks tor delivery No C.O.D. or bill me orders accepted Prices ettectlve until Jan. 1, '83
Dismount Series: Two flight phase elements (minimum " B") directly connected with a " C" dismount (no value raising) = 0.10 Bonus Point (RV) - means " natural c"•
Dismount Series: Two flight phase elements (minimum " B") directly connected to a " C r" dismount (no va lue raising) = 0.20 Bonus Point (OV) - means " natural C"• FLOOR 1. An acrobatic series with an " A" salto and a " Cr" salto = 0.10 Bonus Point (RV) 2. An acrobatic series with a " B" salto and a "Cr" salto = 0.20 Bonus Point (OV) 3. Only as a dismount series: Round off, flic-flac and a " C r" salto = 0.10 Bonus Point (RV) 4. Dismount series: an " A" or "B" salto with a "C r" salto = 0.20 Bonus Point (OV)
All other original connections must be submitted to the WTC/ FIG for confirmation (see Article 8 of the Code of Points). Ellen Berger President of WTC/ FIG · Editor's Note
·--------------------------------------------------------------Congress Registration Form* Cost (including Banquet) $40/ person** Cost (excluding Banquet) $30/ person **
SEPT 23-26
D Current Member of U.S .G.F
'--J Please Return Registration to: USGF Congress '82 Box 7686 Fort Worth, TX 76111 For Further Information call : 817-485-7630
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GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTING TO THE USGF TECHNICAL JOURNAL Purpose of the Publication : The USGF Technical Journal is an educational publication which originates at the United States Gymnastics Federation (USGFI. It is an official publication . The USGF Technica l Journal is designed as an instrument of transferring the most current educational information in all aspects of education and coaching which wou ld be applicable to the multi -faceted sport of gymnastics - Athletic Training, Growth and Motor Development, Behaviorial and Sport s Psychology, Muscle Physiology, Nutrit ion, Biomechanics, Sports Medicine, etc. - as we ll as pertinent te chnical information - Committee Meeting minutes and reports. survey evaluation, changes in rules and policies of competition, etc., to aid our professional members in the quest to keep up with changes effecting our constantl y growing sport . Presently, the USGF Technical Journal is a benefit for the Professional Membership; its ci rculation is limited to th e coaches. judges, medical personnel , and educators/ decision -makers involved in the sport.
Preparation of Articles for Submission : Please follow a uniform format of preparing articles for submission in order to provide the most effic ient channe l through the evaluation and review process. The following should be included in submissions: 1. An origina l type copy, double spaced on 8 Y2 x 11 inch paper. 2. An abstra ct. on a separate page, a short summary of procedure and explanation of study or article content (not more than 150 words). 3. A short biographical paragraph on a sepa rate page of the author or authors accompanied by a small photo (2 Y2 x 3Yi'I of the author. 4 . References on a separate sheet double spa ced in consecu tive order, usi ng Index Medicine style (author's name - last name fir st. name of book, city, publi sher, year, page numbers) journal references, should fo llow same format (author, name of article, Journa l name. vo lume, pages, yea r) . 5. Duplicates of pictures and diagrams or figu res (black and wh ite preferred) wi th sharp detail. Also include explanations (captions) of pictu res and diagrams on a separate sheet . Photograph release - a letter of release from any identifiab le subject in photos that are included in the article unless the face or eyes are obscurred . Letter should be signed by subject, parent or guardian . 6. Title page co nsis ting of an informative titl e, author's name and com pl ete institutiona l or professiona l address. Guest editori als should be submitted fo llowi ng the same format f.or submission as listed, w ith the possible exclusion of numbers 2 and 4 of the above .
United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Box 7686, Fort Worth, Texas 76111
Submission of Articles for Publication: W ritten arti cles will be accepted for review an d possible publication in the following procedure. First the articles are sent to: Managing Editor, Department of Publications USGF P.O. Box 768 6 Fort Worth, ¡TX 76111 Upon receipt of the article, to the USGF office, the resea rch coordinator w ill review and forward copi es to the appropri ate USGF Sports Advisory Committee members for rev iew. On receiving the ir review, copies of th e arti cle wi ll go to the M anaging Editor and Executive Director for fin al approva l for publication. If it is necessary fo r th e arti cle to be edited or revised in ord er to improve the effectiveness of communica tion to a wide va ri ety- level of readers , the author wi ll receive the edited arti cle prior to publishing for their approval.
All correspondence w ill be addressed to th e Au thor submitting the article, unless otherwise requested . â&#x20AC;˘ If th e article or parts of have been submi tted and/ or published by another publication, a complete nam e and address of th e Edi to r and Publi cat ion should accompany the article upon submi ssion to the USGF in order to follow proper procedures of publi shi ng and to receive approva l to reproduce the articl e in the USGF publi cat ion.
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USGF GYMNASTICS MAGAZINE Th e USGF GYMNASTICS magazine services the entire gymnastics com mun ity through USG F Professiona l, Gold Card or Athlete membership, or through magazine subscripti ons - USGF GYMNASTICS, P.O. Box 7686, Fort Worth, Texas 76111 . USGF GYMNASTI CS is des ign ed to provide t he at h lete and all enthu siasts of the sport of gymnastics with the most current pi cture of nati onal and internationa l events, results and trends which effect them di rectl y. Contributing artic les and guest opinio ns are enco uraged to help prog ress ively define and guide th e sport of gymnastics.
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