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Official Magazine of the United States Gymnastics Federation
May/June 1984
VOL. 13, NO.3
Cover story: The Gymnast's Journey to L.A. 84 is winding down. Inside this issue three important events are covered. All three lead down the path to the Olympic trials .where the men's, women's and rlJythmic Olympic teams will be chosen.
7 USGF Editorial By Mike Jacki By Stu Stuller 8-9 Cohorts 10-13 National Office News 14-15 Roy ·Palassou Interview By Lois Graves 16 Concentration By Mike Botkin 18-21 USA vs. China By Lois Graves 22-27 McDonald's Championships of the USA By Lois Graves 28-32 Vidal Sassoon Rhythmic Champs. of USA By Mike Botlqn By ' Lois Graves 33 Dianne Durham Interview 34-36 NCAA Men 38-40 NCAA Women 42-43 New Product Preview 44-45 Expert Defines Group Routine By Dr. Annelis Hoyman Cover photo: Mitch Gaylord USGF photo © 1984 Dave Black
~=:"~'( :
. 1984 O/ynJpICS
"Official supplier of phowgraphic and magnetic products and services to the United Stales Gymna'tics Federation and 'USA Gymna'tics magazine."
Unite d States Gymnastics Federation MEMBERS: Ama[~ur At llktk Union; America n So ko l Organ izati on: American T UrntTs: Association fo r Inrerco tkgi:ll c Ath leti<.:s for \X'o m en; Natio nal Association for Girl s :U111 \'('o l11ens Sports; Na ti ona l Association of C..ollege G~mnaslks Coaches: N;n iona l A'ssO<.."iat ion ofColkgiatt' Gymnas tics Coaches/ W'omen ; Nat ion al As.."iocial io n of In tercollegiate Athl etics: Nati onal
As..<;;ociarion of \'(Io men Gymnaslil:s judgl"s; Nalional Colkgiale Al hkli c A<;socialion: N31ional Fc..~de r a li on o(Sl al e High School Associalions; Nalional Gymnaslil:s judges As.'mci:llion: Nalional High 5k: hoo l Gyrnnas[ics Coa<.:hes Associ:ui on: N:uionaljew ish \'('<." Ifare Board : Nalionalj un iorColleg<'" A[h]e[ic A<;sociation: United Sl:ales Associar ion o( Independen[ GYTllIl;L<;[ics Cluhs; United Siaies Gymn:1.. 'i lks SafelY Asso<,,'iat ion: Yo ung ~kn 's Ch rislian Associat ion. Unless ex pressly identifie d 10 Ihe contrary, all art icles, statc'lllent s ;md vic,...w s pril1led herdn 3re all rihurah le so ld y 10 Ihe aUlhor and the United Slarc.:s G)111na...·Hics Fl"derat ion expn.:'s.<;es no opi ni on thereon :md :l'iSU nleS no respo nsihility th ereof.
USA Gymnastics
US A G)'IllIlastlcs Puhlishe r: Mike j acki , Execuli vc Director USGF; Consulting Editor: Rich Ke n ney, llSGF DireclOr of Co mmuni c3 lions; Markc ling; Managing Editor/ Adverti sing Di reclOr; Debbie Forslen; Artist/ PholOgraphe r: Dave Black . ProduClion Dircctor/ Ediwr: Mike Botkin.
USGF GY?,-fNASTICS is printed bi.mom hly by [he Unit ed Slates Gymnaslics Federation. Subscription rates for 6 issues are: USA- $12; Canada-$} 4 (US c UlTen cy) and fo reign-$3 2 (US Cu!Tency. air mail ). Single copy price is S2.00. Copyright © 1984 by USGF. All rights reserved . Primed in U.S.A. Me rchant s Plaza, Suile 11 44 E, 10 1 Wesl Wash ington Sc, Indianapolis, Indi ana -i 6204. 0 responsibili ty is assumed for loss damage [ 0 unsolicited rrmnuscripls or artwork. AJI editOrial <.'OOiribllti ons should be acco mpanied by self·addressed s[;unped envelopes. .
A Nissen Olympic Special For Clubs.
Save 30% on the world's finest gymnastic equipment And, Nissen wil! also donate 5% in your club's name to either the USAIGC or USGF. In this Olympic year, Nissen has chosen to support American gymnastics directly by offering all gymnastic clubs a 30% discount from 1984 prices for any Nissen equipment purchased before October 1, 1984. And, at your direction, Nissen will donate an additional 5% of that order to either the United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Glu'bs(USAIGC) or the USGF. It's our way of providing special support to American gymnastics clubs in this Olympic year. Act now! Orders must be accompanied by the coupon below and be received before October 1, 1984 to earn the special 30% club discount. Remember, the 30% discount is off the Niss~n 1984 price list. .
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SAVE 30% On any order for Nissen Equipment purchased before October 1, 1984 General Conditions: All orders must be received by the Nissen Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 by October 1, 1984 and must be accompanied by an official coupon to receive the discount indicated. Discount shall apply to Nissen 1984 price liS! effective January 1, 1984. Offer applies to clubs located in the United States only . Limit one coup'on per order. fo!issen Corporation
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984
Dark Clouds Loom, So Does Silver Lining nce again, the political cloud has settled over the international sports arena It is difficult to imagine the possibilities of world leaders agreeing on such topics as nuclear arms reduction when they cannot agree on a friendly exchange of sports. Most people still feel that the international sports arena is the only fair and just battleground that remains between nations. To trust our results to the stopwatch, a tape measure or a panel of neutral judges seems quite a bit more acceptable than to trust the fate of our world to politicians who have sometimes no more than the next election at heart. Perhaps the issue would be different if the competition in question was something other than the Olympic Games. The United States knows quite well the impact of a boycott of the Olympics. We fell fault to that in 1980. It cannot be said to the Eastern countries that they are mistreating the spirit of the Olympic Games. We started the issue in 1980. No one can honestly say our reason was a good one and their reason is not. It is also hypocritical of anyone to criticize the Soviet Union if they, in fact, supported the boycott in 1980. The fact remains, two wrongs do not make a right and, as usual, the athlete suffers. I am sure the Soviet Union athletes, many potential Olympic champions, are questioning the fate of the Olympic movement as well as their country's decision, just as we did four years ago. \Ve feel deeply for their loss, a loss we understand so well due to firsthand experience. However, there is still a very bright picture on the horizon for the United States. We will compete after waiting eight years. It is something of great value that cannot be altered, no matter who is-or who is not there. It is no different than if your fellow competitor misses his grip or loses his footing. An incident like this can alter the
Olympic results. Our athletes will not run any slower or try any less because of the field of competition. The US will field its strongest team ever. Our athletes will be in peak condition. The fact remains that this is still the Olympic Games and the outcome determines the Olympic champions. The Los Angeles games will be a tremendous boost for gymnastiCS in America. When we needed this exposure so badly in 1980, it did not come. We must all take advantage of the great coverage gymnastics will get in Los Angeles. The gymnastics competition will still be as exciting as ever. The men's competition features three of the top four teams in the world, including the USA. The women's competition will still be as tough as ever. The Olympic Games will retain the same respect and prestige it always has and deserves from the international sporting communiry. The political decisions will not diminish the importance of the rewards and medals our athletes will receive. They will still be the Olympic champions. We cannot think of who is not there, but rather who is. I am sure that when the American flag is raised and they play the Star Spangled Banner in Los Angeles, no American will think of politicS. The Olympic champion will always be Olympic champion. Let all of us in the sport of gymnastics totally support our Olympic athletes. They are representing not only the United States, but the sport of gymnastics. They deserve the best because they are our best. Let all of us participate in the Olympic Games by supporting, encouraging and cheering on our Athletes. All of us will be standing with them after they accept their Olympic medals. See you in Los Angeles. For the United States Gymnastics Federation, Mikejacki Executive Director
• FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics Continental Judges Course • USGF Rhythmic Gymnastics National Coaches Course Both August 15-20, 1984 At US Olympic Training Center Colorado Springs, CO For both courses, room and board will be provided by the US Olympic Training Center free of charge. Note: This offer is on alimited basis and a first come first serve based on postmark of registration form.
$300/FIG RSG Continental Judges Course Conducted by Tamara Bompa from Canadian Gymnastics Federation, nominated FIG clinician.
$250/USGF RSG National Coaches Course (one course per person)
• Open to USGF members only. • Must be 18 years or older • Participating judges must hold regional rating or higher. Registration forms and futher information available from USGF. Registration forms and payment in full MUST be received by USGF by July 1. 1984. Mailto: 101 W. Washington St., Suite 1144E,Indianapolis, fN 46204.
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984 By Stu Stuller Eugene,Oregon
was getting a little tired of the guy sitting next to me rattle on with his left field commentary about the gymnastics meet on 1V. Finally, as Jim Hartung jumped up to the rings and a short fellow in a Nebraska warm-up steadied Hartung, the guy leaned over and said , "Francis Allen's a hell of a good coach, isn't he?" "He sure is," I answered, "but that guy there is Jim Howard." Typical, even for Howard, probably the best known assistant coach in the country, who isn't married to the head coach. The Cornhuskers didn't win the NCAA championships this year and no one is going to mistake Makoto Sakamoto for Art Shurlock, but a pattern is obvious. Noboby gets anyplace without a good assistant. The rypical college assistant coach used to be a fifth yea r senior, who organized equipment set-up for home meets and made sure the bus was on time for away meets. After graduation, he got a job as an assistant coach in a local club until he could afford to start a club of his own. It was the perfect cover for a guy hiding from the IRS; Nobody knew who you were and you never got paid. Then in 1969, University of California head coach Hal Frey Jilll HOII 'tlrd is the hired a Japanese assistant, gave him a real voice in the program and insisted on calling him "Mister. " Frey and Mas Watanabe worked out well together, proving two heads are better than one, provided both heads know what they are doing. "I gave him a lot of leeway and freedom," recalls Frey. "But because he was Japanese, he was constantly making sure that I was in charge." The accelerating evolution of gymnastics has made it harder and harder for one coach to turn out a king-stud team by himself. If there is one thing common to all the top programs across the country, men's and women's, college and club, it's that the assistant coach is far more than a towel manager. The job of assistant coach is no longer regarded as a stepping stone which must be endured. The best of the assistants are being given responsibilities that used to be reserved for the head coach, including working with the best kids in the gym. "At the beginning of the year, we take a look at the people we've got to work with and put them into two groups," explains Howard. "We try to put guys that work out in similar fashions in the same group." Each day, the team warms-up together, goes through group tumbling, then breaks into two groups for the remainder of practice. "It's not that we totally divide them," says Howard. "There's a lot of good communication in the gym all the time. If I see something that one of the guys in Francis's group is doing that should be corrected, then I'll tell him about it. It's not like his group goes to one end of the gym and mine goes to the other and we don't speak to each other."
gets an4place without a good assistant.. ~
riMht halld lIIall oJ Fmnds Allell {It Nehraska. (All photos Š 1984 /Jat 'e Black).
"If there is a decision that involves the whole group, that comes from Francis. We may talk about it in the office before the whole group is informed, but eveI)'body knows that Francis is the head coach. " If anything, being an assistant allows coaches to avoid the distractions of administration, especially on the club level. "It's unbelievable what Bill and Donna ( Strauss) have to go through every cL1Y," says Parkette's coach John Holman. "Sometimes it's tough for them just to get on the floor, because the phone is ringing and there are so many problems that have to be taken care of My job is strictly coaching. When I'm at the gym, I'm out on the floor. " "Bill and Donna are the head coaches. TIley kind of oversee the program and the organization itself. Robin Netwall and myself are the assistant head Mm)' \V,ite (SOl TS) JOllnd less headaches.
USA Gymnastics
coaches. Between the four of us, we work together almost as a team." "There are far less headaches being an assistant coach," says SCATS coach Mary Wright, who was her own boss for six years in New Zealand before coming to this country. ''you don't have to worryabollt the financial aspects of running a gym." Exactly the reason Bill Sands left his own gym in Chicago to work as an assistant to Greg Marsden at the University of Utah, while finishing his master's degree. "The gym was struggling, I was 30 years old and tired of literally living in the gym," explains Sands. "I absolutely, positively will never again put myself in ;I position where I
Ro/Ji" Nelll'ell a/ld jo/Jn Holman enjo)' lheir roles as Parilelle assislanls.
have to sweat every day whether the gym is going to make it." "Being an assistant allows you to be more linear in your coaching," says Wright. The assistant is free to concentrate stictly of coaching Sands adds: "What I have to add are the nuts and bolts ()f coaching. I'm not involved with the panoramic aspects of coaching." With the combination of dance and acrobatics in womens gymnastics, there is a natural segmentation in coaching responsibilities. "The title assistant coach is actually a misnomer," says National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics coach Dick Mulvihill. "I'm supposed to be the head coach, but Linda (Metheny, his wife) does all the choreography. You certainly couldn't call me the head coach of that phase of gymnastics." Basically, it takes the same thing to be a good assistant coach as a goqd head coach. If the assistant shows the aptitude, it's up to the head coach to get the most out of the assistant. "In order to be a good coach, you have to be involved," says Wright's boss,
Mako and Art confer
USA Gymnastics
Don Peters. "It's hard to be involved if your role is merely to assist. I like the coaches to be accountable and responsible for the performance of the gymnasts. You can't hold them responsible, if you don't give them the authority to do their job." Consequently, the SCAT's gymnasts are divided into groups much like the UCLA and Nebraska men's teams. Peters and Wright are responsible for one group. Steve Gerlacht and)ulie Knight are responsible for the girls in their group. "If the girls mess up on floor or beam, it's my fault ," says Wright. But, if the girls do a good job, it's usually Don Peters that gets the credit, whether he wants it or not. "I think that's always a sore point with assistant coaches. It's the same in football or basketball. There are defensive coaches and offensive coaches, but it's the head coach that gets the credit." Recognition, of course is junk food for the ego, a tasty substitute for knowing you've done the job well. "I don't think it's a matter of being head coach," says Sands, "But being able to contribute."
Greg Marsden. head coach al Ulab. disC/lsses matlers ll'lbhis Ill'oassisla/lls BiliSa/lds (middle) and DO/l/laCozzo,
'84 National Team Candidates Selected Chicago, 111.-The top 18 men and top 20 women were selected for the 1984 USGF Men'sand Women's National Gymnastics Team at the 1984 McDonald's Championships of USA. Before becoming official USGF National Team members, athlete candidates are asked to fulfill several requests which were outlined at a mandatory meeting with athletes and coaches, Monday, May 14, in Chicago.' Once the athletes have returned the Na tional Team Membership' Agreement, signed by athlete, coach, and parent; measurement information for ap parel , and biographical information to' the Na tional' Office, a letter of confirmation will be sent to each athlete by the USGF Executive Director. At that time the athlete will receive the competitive and leisure apparel and information about future evenis. The team meeti ng was conducted by Nancy Mars'hall, athlete representative to the USGF Board of Directors and Mike Jacki, USGF Executive Director. USGF sta ff making presentations included Cheryl Grace, Connie Israel ; Rich Kenne y, and Jack Rockwell. ' Athletes received their first issue of their publication, "USGF Natioqal Team News." Meeting topics included: the role of the USGF Office, Discussion of Selection ,procedures for various USGF Events, 1984-85 Events, Responsibaities of National Team Members , National Sponsorships, Eligibility Code, A thlete's Foundation, USOCs Drug Testing. Jack Swarbrick, from Baker & Daniels, the firm representing the USGF as legal counsil, and who has worked extensively with the Eligibility Code & Athlete's Foundati on, answered questions.
NJGA CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY By Ellen Kovac NJ SC USGF The NJGA was founded in 1963 by a group of gymnastics enthusiasts from now USGF member organizations: the Turners , YMCA and Sokols. This organization complements the USGFStilte organization and is still actively promoti'ng gymnastics growth in the New Jersey area. A highlight of its 1983 season was the 2Qth Anniversary NJGA Banquet. Special rec'o gnition was given to Paul Bohrer for his 20 years of active service to New Jersey gymnastics. Their Guests of Honor included Mr. & Mrs. John Babuska , Mr.& Mrs : Tom Dunkley, Mr. & Mrs . Bob Gras, Mr. and Mrs. John Hennigan , Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kraurtz, Mr. & Mrs . Robert McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs . Bill Monahan , Mr. & Mrs. Tony Napier, Mr. & Mrs. George Puglia ,' Mr. Cliff Sjursen , Mrs. Helen Schifana Sjursen, Mr. & Mrs. Marv Speidel. We want to express specia l appreciation to these and all who have contributed to the growth and development of New Jersey gymnastics, and hopes for continuing for another 20 years of growth.
Candidates for the 1984 USGF Women's National Team are Mary Lou Retton; Julianne McNamara ; Pam Bileck; Michelle Dusserre ; Lucy Wener; Kathy Johnson; Dianne Durham; Tracee Talavera; Marie Roethlisberger; Kim Hamilt o n; Tami Elliot; Hea.ther Carter; Tammy Smith; Dawna Smith; Dawna Wilson ; Yumi Mordre; Kerry Ha y nie ; Michelle Goodwin; Lisa McVaY; Michelle Hilse; and JO)O Sims. Candidates for the 1984 Men's National Team are Mitch Gaylord; Peter Vidmar; Jim' Hartung; Tim Daggett; Chris Reigal; Scott J o hnson; Jim Mi~us;
Note to
Roy Palassou; Brian Meeker; Matt Arnot; Brian Babcock; Dan ' Hayden; Mario McCutcheon; Mark Caso; Billy Paul; Charles Lakes; Jon Omori; and Robbie Campbell. The following athletes have petitioned toOlympic Trials: Men's Team: Bart Conner, Phil Cah9Y, Joey Ray, Tom Beach . Women's Team: Li'sa Wittwer, Yolande 'Mavity, Tanya Service, Kelly Garrison, Traci Butler. Pending on their ranking in the Trials, they will be eligible for the National Team. See "Journey to LA" section for more event coverage.
By F . Don Miller Executive Direct'o r US OC Despite the dark shadows again being cast on the Olympic Games by the ugly i'ntrusion of politics, America 's Olympic effort sti ll has its greatest moment in history ahead in Los Ange les. ' Each of you now preparing for the Olympic challenge s hould be proud of what you have accomplished. Whether or not the Soviet Union or an y other nation chooses to say home sho uld not diminish your hopes and dreams for the ultimate cha llenge in amateur sports.
Each of you has sacrificed much, and dedicated a lifetime of preparation to this chance of rep resenting the United States in the Olympic Games , and nothing sho uld discourage you at this point. The traged y of 1980 wi ll not be repeated in Los Ange les, and you will have the chance to perform a mo ng some of the fine st athletes in the worlej in front
of y our friends, relatives a nd you r nation, and in your own country. That is something t o aspire to and be proud of. ' The 1984 Olympic Games will be an unqualified success, and you r abilities will be fully reconized by millions of people in the United States and througho ut the worlej. Los Angeles wi ll be the scene of a true cele bration of amateur sports among peace:loving natio'ns of the world. The national governing bodies of amateur sports and your United States Olympic Committee wishy ou the best of luck , and we urge you to continue your training and preparations for the Olympic 'G ames in the same manner in which you have been wo rking for the past four years. ' . Don't let down now, because the rewards are too great. The real ' tragedy would be t o falter in the last weeks before the Olympic Games . We are behind you and we support you in your Olympic Dream' '
1984 U5G'F National Women's Gymnastia Coaches Seminar June 12-16, 1984 Salt ~ke City, Utah "This seminar ~ill deal with som~ of the latest information available in a variety of topic areas and its direct implication to gymnastics training"
Cost: $100.00 GradUate or undergraduate credit available Registratior is on a first come, first serve basis Call: Greg Marsen-801-581-3531 for more information.
USA Gymnastics
.-____________________________JYlay/June 1984._____________________________
Michigan, Ohio Tops At Regional Class II State Champs. By Fa ye Keller Region V WPC Reg io nal Director To add another dimension to the Class II Regional meet , Regi on V sponsored a Regiona l State Championships on April 28-29, 1984 in Cleveland , Ohio at Thome School of Gymnastics . Each state team was comp rised of the top six athletes per age group who qualified through their respective State Meet. Scoring was determined by the adding the high five compulsory scores plus the high five optional scores per event. This concept promotes them spirit within states. The athletes & coaches who have competed aga inst o ne another all season join forces to compete against the other states in their region. Children's Divisio n: 1st Place: Michigan Team .. . : ............ 330.70 Represented by: Heather Duncan 67.40 Krist y Sanner 65 .86 Ali McClOSkey 66.75 Andrea Dewey 63.55 Wendy Minch 64.45 2nd P lace: Ohio team 317.10 Grazia Sorice 63 .40 L. Chamberlain 64 . 15 Katie Kibler 64 .00 Carla Lyle 64.25 Tracy Yano k 61.20 3rd Place: Illin ois Team 310.00 Represented by: Tracy ~azzetti Kris Adams Dana Zimmer Jill Redm ond Celeste Cutter
Jun ior Divisio n: 1st Place: Ohio Team Represented by:
Karen Gashler Yvo nne Gilbert Jamie Medley Darien Meister Lynette Gorman Jod y Kunkel 2nd Place: I ndiana Team Amy Klem zewski Jenn y Vite Micheile Owe ns Caro Sanders Stephanie Kemp Ami Schash Tammy Cardwell 3rd Place: Michigan Team Represented by:
Other Co mpetitors :
Senior Division 1st P lace: Ohi o Team Represe nted by: Chris Deitrick Yanti Bing Julie Horn Lori Harvey Debbie Sprague Sarah Weis 2nd Place: Illin ois Team Tracy Walsh Laura Roth Karen Girou x Debi Shive ly Delia To pp Julie McClure 3rd Place: Michigan Team
60 .40 64.40 61.30
Represented by: Lo ri Stanick Jenny J en nings Patricia Moe Midge Cohen Leah Dennison T erry Kinsle y
341.05 67 .90 65 .50 68 .30 68.10 68.00 07.20 337.40 68.45 66.35 66 .05 66.40 67.05 64 .95 337.05
66.75 68 .30 64 .60 66.80 68 .65 65.35
Ot her Competitors : Indiana Team 334.55 Amy Bauer 68.80 Jessica Bogg 66 .40 65 .15 Sonia King Lori Kile 67.60 Jean Hatcher 65 .30 Lisa O'Brien 64 .35 Kentucky Seniors: Diane Allen 62.95 Ellen Buechler 63.50 Colleen Keife 65.50 Region V expresses its appreciation t o Genie and Jerry Thome and all who helped make this a successful competition.
USGF Office Has Volunteer Diant ha Woodside of Portland, OR has spent this spring term, ApriI2.- Ma y 30th, asan intern at the U.S . Gymnastics Federa tion Office in Indianapolis . A senior, she plans to graduate wi nter term from Oregon Sta te Universiiy. To receive 15 (400 level) business credits, she has worked 400 hours, kept a dail y journal and turned in a term pa per.
64.45 64.65 59 .30
Her specific responsibi lities have been in the Even ts Depart ment under the supe rvision of Cheryl Grace where she has assis ted in pre-event preparatio n; i.e . typing fo rms, prepari ng lists, a tte nding or-
ganizational meetings , etc. "Working at t he USGF office has been an enlightening experience . Each department works on a diffe rent aspect of gym nastics from t he education of begin ning gymnasts to sponsori ng competitio ns to deve lop our Na tional Teams ; but they all share and strive to achieve a common goal to promote the good of gymnastics . I've learned a lot about the positive side of promoting a sport and it's athletes." Diantha is the first intern in the Indianapolis office. The USGF looks fo rward to continuing t his program.
61.20 343.30 69.25 68.15 66 .70 70.40 66.60 67.30 340.65 69.20 63 .80 67.15 69 .30 67.25 67 .50 65 .80 336.75
Ch rista Cowden Jamie Nieman Holly Bremmer Melissa Olsen Steph Heppe Kelly Makiman Sue McCarthy
68 .80 69.35 66.55 66.00 64.75 63.05 66.55
Illinois Te~m Makeba Mo ore Lucia Ho rne Amy Vo nbo kel Jenni Herman Chris Barkocy Kentucky Team Robin Wallner usa Kauchak Angie Dixo n
325 .80 66.40 66.45 63 .95 63.55 65.45 318.85 64 .85 64 .30 61.80
USA Gymnastics
65.60 62.85 6 1. 20 60.85 59 .70
Other Competitors: F:rom Indiana: Heidi Compton Karen Jacks on Kim Stevens From Kentuck y: Noe l Pierrat
Steff Blackburn Mary Fletcher Laura Lo ng
Positive Vibes Flow At Jr. Olympic Spring Training Camp By Michael H, Henty Boy's Junior Program The goal of spring training camp was to help each gymnast learn new approaches ' and ideas about preparing for competition. The Jr. Nationa l Team that attended was di vided into fo ur teams and a staff member assigned to each team as the coach. USABlue coached by Ra y Gura/ Derek Kish, Ja vier Brit o, J .J . Skelly, Ma tt Landress, a nd Shawn Adamek ; USA -Red coached by Michael Henty/ Ricardo Casis , Ted Dima s, Scott Keswic k, Trent Dimas, and Paul Bautel ; USA-G reen coached by Tom Gardner / Bill Barham , C urtis Ho ldworth , Chuck Gerardo , Joel Tucker, and Steve Bajusz; USA-Gold coached by Gene Watso n/ Da ve Zeddies, Bobby Stelter, Chainey Umphrey, Brad Bry ran , and Chris Wa ller. The team concept was developed t o prepare ou r yo ung Jr. Olympians for future international competitions as well as National Championships. Dr. Robert McKelvain introduced the 1-2-3 system to generate team spirit and enhance the maximum performance from each gymnast. The 1-2-3 system re presented o ne gymnast competing; two gymnasts preparing; and three pe ople (the coach as o ne) supporting. Each team set individual goals as well as team goals. The goal to win or obtain a high score was not part of the ca mp, but only to accomplish as man y hit routines as possible t o acquire the highest percentage .
The boys started each da y with morning exercises befo re breakfast. The morning training session began with stretching and the Jr. Olympic warm-up designed and taught by Susan Cable. They trained three events in the morning. The team concept was not lost when they left the gym for the y had to each lunch together. One ho ur prior to tbe afternoo n training they attended a sports psyc ho logy session with Dr. McKelvain who helped them practice how to mentally prepa re through va rio us phys ical and mental relaxatio n exercises. Afternoon practice began with the Jr. Team warm-up again and specific dance elements. They trained on their remaining three events and after light strength conditioning ended with what the boys looked forward to each da y ... JAZZ. After dinner the Jr. Team met together as a grou pto discuss the day, a lecture orio view films of the 1984 CAA and the most recent World Championships. The da y ended with a meeting of eac h USA Tea m with their coach.
The positi ve fl ow of energy did nothing but grow a ll week beca use the essential goals of d oing your best for yourself and the others on your team was nutured by the gymnasts and coaclies. Although as nowstorm caused the meet site t o be changed , the judges unable t o attend, and no specatators to cheer them on, the boys took a pos itive approach reali zing their purpose was not destroyed.
____________________________May/June 1984____________________________-.
North Dakota Hosts First Region IV Class I & II Meet The 1984 USGF Region IV Championships were held in Fargo, North Dakota April 19, 20 and 21 1984. This was the first USGF Regional Meet ever in the state of North Dakota . Host organization MinKota Gymnastic Academy of Fargo lived up to their billing of handling and organizing top quality meets . Min-Kota had gymnasts, coaches and officials and spectators buzzing over the fine quality meet that was put on. The meet site, the Fargo Civic Memorial Auditorium was decorated in red, white and blue with large state signs, the Region IV logo, Min-Kota logo, and many other small signs. The competition part of ttie week was spectacular with gymnasts having every opportunity to do well with one of the finest facilities available. Class I gymnasts were working on that big dream of being one of the top six in either the Juniors or Seniors to advance to the Nationals in Los Angeles . Other class I gymnastics not making the top six in these perspective divisions and hitting 68.80 points would advance to the Western Sectionals in Arizona. The quality of the competition was spectacular with many gymnasts in the running for top spots right up to the last two events. Some of the top skills seen were front and back giants on bars with double fly aways and triple fulls on floor along with several full in back outs. In the class 2 division the qualit y also has improved with several double backs on floor and a few giants on the unevens . The overall improvement in the states of Region IV is remarkable. Many of the coaches that had gymnasts competing felt that the difference in the last two years has been the consistency of the athletes. After reviewing the all around scores it seems that because of the closeness of many athletes and the total number of especially the class I competitors that definitely consistency is a factor. Head judge on the uneven bars and meet referee from Omaha Nebraksa Linda Beran was overwhelmingly ple ~sed with this years Region IV meet and was typically satisfied with the organizaiion and
Have you seen Anita Marie Casebeer? Former USGF Athlete Member disappeared August of 1983.
smoothness in the way the meet ran . The meet director and head coach of Min-Kota Gymnastic Academy was Charlie Fleck. CLASS II TOP QUALIFIERS AGES 9-11 I. Christy Heinrich, Gr. Am. Gym. Ex. (68 .1 06); 2. Niccole Young, Gr. Am. Gym. Ex. (67.850); 3. Sherrie Miller, Gr. Am. Sym. Ex. (65.700); 4. Cassie Osborn, Min-Kota , (65.350); 5. Soni Palmer, Richfield G.c. (64.900); 6. Jenna Lovestrand, J.L. Seagulls (64.850); 7. Kim Bathke, All Am. Gym. C. (63.600); 8. Dawn Donovan , Twisters Gym. (57 .950). CLASS II TOP QUALIFIERS AGES 12-14 I. Raquel Ridenour, Cedar Rapids (67.500); 2. Kim Erickson, Thompson ACA (67 .350); 3. Kelly Shields, Gr. Am. Gym. Ex. (67.100); 4. Kathy Kindler, Ole's Gym. (67.050); 5. Jill Zoellner, Olde Towne (67.050); 6. Vicki Thimgan, Neb. Sch. Gym. (66.750); 7. Shireen Chamony, Gym. Spectrum (66.550); 8. Laura Lundbeck, Thompson ACA. (66.450); 9. Liz Leick. Dubuque Gym. (66.050); 10. Stacey Scheffen , Fox Valley A. (65.850). CLASS II TOP QUALIFIERS AGES IS-OVER
I. Sarah Nelson, Twisters Gym. (68.250); 2. Ginger Porter, Highlanders (68.250); 3. Margie Cook. St. Louis Gym. (66.950); 4. Debbie Felier, Cedar Rapids (66.950); 5. Leah Hallemann, Spirits Gym. (66.850); 6. Suzanne Daher, Olympiad Wes. (66.250); 7. Sherry Dyball, Cedar Rapids (65.350): 8. Fran Bisenuis, Dubuque Gym. (65 .800) ; 9. Jessica Blagan , Munsinger Gym. (65 .700); 10. Stephanie Stone , St. Louis Gym. (65.600). CLASS I TOP QUALIFIERS AGES 9-11 I. Deenia Dale, Gr. Am . Gym. Ex. (69.850); 2. Nicole Peterson, la. Gym. Nest. (68.800). CLASS I TOP QUALIFIERS AGES 12-14 I. Diana Rendall, J. L. Seagulls (72.300); 2. Michele Lashure. Gr. Am. Gym. Ex. (71.750); 3. Beth
Ha nson, Crowley's Gym. (71.350); 4. Tiffany Schoening, Omaha S. Gym. (71.306); 5. Rhonda Faehn, J. L. Seagulls (7 1.200); 6. Robin Richter, Neb. Sch. Gym. (70.550); 7. Joanna Chipokas, Cedar Rapids (69.950); 8. Allison Barber, Spirits Gym. (69.550); 9. Tracy Woods, Springfield (69.300); 10. Jennifer Hagberg, Olympic Gym. (69.200). CLASS I TOP QUALIFIERS AGES IS-OVER I. Kim Masters, Gr. Am. Gym. Ex. (71.850); 2. Janet Holling, Omaha S. Gym. (71.750); 3. Cari Prout, Neb. Gold Gym. (71.350); 4. Jane Clemons, Neb. Gold GYm. (70.850); 5. Lisa McCrady, K.E.G.A. (70.850); 6. Karen Beck , J. L. Seagulls (70.750); 7. Crystal Savage, S. F. Gym-Tics. (10.650); 8. Mary Leivian, Oshkosh Gym . (70.350); 9. Julie Darn, J. L. Seagulls (70.250); 10. Mary Jo Mastel, K.E .G.A. (70.250).
Class IV Champs Held At Cal Poly The Championships for the Class IV were held Sunday May 6 at Cal Poly University, Pomona. Baldy View gymnasts that aided their team to a 181.00 point first place team victory by taking first places are: NOVICE DIVISION (ages 8 and under) NAME/AGE
Rachael Ranne y (8) Claremont Heather Hicke (8) Upland
All Around 35.00 T
All Around 35.00 T
First First First First
Beam Floor Bars Vault
Arwen Fuller (8) Alta Lorna
8.80 8.50 9.30 8.90
CHILDREN DIVISION (ages 9 to II) Tabitha Stehle (II) First All Around 35.55 Upland Jill Hamaker (II) First Bars 9.30 Upland First Beam 9.10 Cristy Faber (II) First Floor 9.00 Upland
116 Compete In Class I Regional Region III Women's Program By Mary Ann Mahoney Region 111 Region Chairman
Born: December 31, 1974; She has blond hair, green eyes, 4'5" tall and weighs 55 Ibs. May be using Lane or Harding as her last name.
If you have any information about Anita Marie's whereabouts, please notify the: Klamath Falls Sheriff's Office Oregon (503) 833-7111 or Steve Casebeer Oregon (503) 545-6945
Class I Regional Championships were hosted by the Little Rock Gymnastics Club , sponsored by McDonald's. Bob and Willa Moss were the meet direct ors, the Little Rock Parents Club our gracious hosts. 116 gymnasts competed for a position on the Regional tea ms. Junior Team Members are: Kendra Nogare, Pueblo, C.o.; Melissa Kinzee, Tulsa , Ok. ; Ja yne Gorney, Tulsa , Ok. ; Wendy Johnson , Albuquerque, N.M.; Amy Battenfield, Tulsa , Ok.; Jill Brown, Dallas, Tx. ; and Julissa Gomez, Houston, Tx. Senior Team Members are: Ann Winston, Little Rock , Ark; Laura Knutson , Houston, Tx; Brandi Brice, San Antonio, Tx.; Tiffany Lambert , Colorado Springs, Co. ; Joanne Lehew , Tulsa , Ok; Kambrey Pollard, Garland, Tx. Junior Kendra Nogare performed a 9.35 compulsory va ult on her way to the Junior Championship with an all-around sco re of 71.75. Melissa Kinzie, Gym Country, USA , performed an exciting optional floor routine sco ring a 9.2. Senior winner Ann Winston of Little Rock Gym Club, scored a 72.85 in the all-around.
J's Sportswear, Evans Colorado provided leotards for our teams. Asic-Tiger Warm-ups, thanks to Betty Martin of Garland Flippers, and patches designed by Tom Kinrade completed the outfitting of our Regional teams. The Little Rock Parents Club prese nted each team member with a plaque , commerating their achievements. All gymnasts were provided with T-shirts and a gym bag of goodies, plus the USGF patches. Region III Women's Program 120 Gymnasts from seven states qualified to Class II Regional Championships in Dallas Texas, at the Dallas Gymnastics Center. Dave Martin and his parents club did an outstanding job of hosting the meet. The competition was held April 14, 1984. One of the meets highlights was the State Team Competition. The high-six compulsory and six optional scores from each state contribuied to the State Team score. Colorado gymnasts won this competition with a 420.75 total. Oklahoma gymnasts were second with 418.6 points, Texas gymnasts compiled 416 .05 points for third. All-around winners were: Nikki Rothfus, 9-11 age group, from Aurora, Colorado; 12-14 age group winner was Debbie Bernard, Houston, Texas; 15-up age group winner was Jennifer Hoar, Claremore, Ok . The Dallas Gym Club Parents were outstanding hosts. They sec ured large packets of goodies to the gymnasts and entertained the judges in grand style.
USA Gymnastics
r -__________________________May/June1984__________________________~
Weisbaden Good Substitute for RSG Athletes By Ali a Sv irsky 1984 O lympic Rhythm ic Coach After the USA Rhythmic Team had to cancel a planned trip to Russia because a visa was issued too late for the team's coach, Michelle Berube of the Detroit Metro's and Valerie Zimring of the Los Ange les L ights , were ve ry disappointed . But a quick decision by USGF saved the da y, and the USA team was off to Weisbaden, West German y. A litt le nervous about this being our first Interna tional competit ion of the season, we all met at the airport where our tickets were waiting . Being prepared to compete in Ru ssia , we we re all somewhat apprehensive about the Wiesbaden I nternationa l Tournament. We didn't really know which tea ms wou ld be there or what the level of competition would be. Much of our night time was spent specula ting on the surprises that awaited us. The Wiesbaden Tournament inc luded teams from 23 countries with seve n of the top gymnasts in the World sc heduled to compete. Every major Rhythmic Team in the World was represen ted, wi th on ly the World Champ ion Bulgarian team absent. The list of competitors read like " Who's Who" in the Rhythmic Gymnastics world. There was the ' 0.2 ranked USSR team with Galina Be loglasowa a nd Da lia Kutkaite; Marta Bobo of Spain ; Regina Weber of West Germany; Bianca Dittrich of East Germany ; Doina Staiculescu of Romania ; to mention just a few. All of them ranked in the top 10 gymnasts at the Wo rld Championships this past November. It really made us wonder who was left to compete in t he USSR Meet we were originally scheduled to attend. It's very hard to describe thefee ling as the 23 count ries marched in . The moment had come and the top gym nasts from USSR , Romania , West Germany, East Germany, H ungry, Italy, Spai n, Sweden, Norway , Po rtugale, Israe l, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, England, Fin land , Poland , Aust ria , France, Yugos lavia , Holland , Switzerland , and the United States were assemb led and ready. The firs t da y Miche lle started with Ba ll. AI-
RSG Highlighted at 1984 AAHPERD
Convention Members of the Los Ange les Sc hool of Gymnastics presented two demonstrations at the American Alliance of Health, Ph ysical Education, Rec reation, & Dance (AAHPERD) Convention in the Annaheim Co nve ntion Ce nter, March 3 1, 1984. The first demonstration , narrated hy US
mind or mood . Even so she scored 9.10 and finished with an all around score of37.75 putting her in 15th p lace out of a fi eld of 48 gymnasts. Quite an accomplishmen t when you consider the caliber of this competition. Valerie's second day a lso bega n with rib bon . S he did a n imp ressive routine with no mistakes, scoring 9 . 10. She looked mu ch more confident and calm than the previous day. Her final event was hoop which is Va lerie's strongest event. At World Championshi ps she scored a 9.55 in this event. T his time she did a n outstand ing job , scoring 9 .40 and qual ifying for finals in the top eight positions. This was q uite a n honor to compete in finals with the wo rld's best. Michelle m issed placing for fi nals by only 0.2. Finals were held the same day . It re minded me very much of World C hamp ionships all over again. H ere is our pioneer American team competing aga in st count ries who have been involved in R hythmic Gymnastics for literally hundreds of years. You can imagine the anticipation and tension as Va lerie prepared to meet the gia nts in th is sport in t he international arena. But Valerie was beaut ifully composed and co nfide nt, and impressed ju gdes and spectators alike scoring even higher with a fa ntastic 9.45 routine! Valerie p laced 4th in the event , mi ssing the bronze 3rd place meda l by only 0.05. She had trium phed over so me of t he finest gymnasts in the world .
Think you're funny? For a $1,000 Cash Prize you may want to be. The USGF will sponsor an "Amateur Talent Contest" 10 finalists will present their entry at Congress. Entries: Must be submitted in a written description, to . the USGF office by June 15, 1984 .
Nat ional Team
member, Lyd ia Bree was a warm-up dem onstra tion for the USOC's " Focus on the Olympic Games" Later, the demonstration, this time narrated by Dr. Andrea Schmid, was repea ted at the Sally Ride Brunch and enthusiastically rece ived a sta nding ovation from the approximately 350 in attendance.
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USA Gymnastics
though the routine was clean with no mistakes, Miche lle seemed a litt le too tight and her performance lacked her usua l self-con fidence. Considering that this was her fir st meet against such strong competitors, it was understandable that she would be nervous at first. She rece ived a sco re of9.00 which I immediately protested as too low for the quali ty and execu tion of her routine . The judges turned down the pro test and let the score stand. Va lerie was sec ond with her Ba ll routine . Although she performed with exactness, a few m inor m istakes led to a score of 8.95. Clubs was the second event for the American Team. Again both gymnasts made a few minor mistakes but our American sty le was very well received by the large crowd of spectators. Scores for clubs were 9 .00 for M ichelle and 8.95 for Valerie. So ended the first day of competition. The effect of the long night, the time change and lack of sleep (we were up for almost 20 hours without sleep) took its toll. On the seco nd day of the Tournament , Michelle's draw placed her in the first rotation of the da y for the ribbon event. I fe lt as t hough she was not entirely awake a nd her performance looked sleepy. She made a few mis takes , dropping the ribbon twice which really upset her. This upset and subsequent atti tude carried over to her hoop routine. Her beaut ifu l hoop routine was not its be st since she seemed as though she was not in the proper frame of
-Must be limited to 12 people or less -Will make their presentation in an area of 20' by 15' are limited to a 5 minute presentation must be registered for Congress Winners determined by audience applause.
May/June 1984
Palassou, Not Flashy Just Stylish oy Palassou, a native of San Jose, California, started gymnastics at age nine, working with Nils Bengston from Denmark. During this time, Bengston emphasized the importance of sound basics and a mastery of these skills before learning more difficult combination skills. Roy feels that much of his present skill level is due to that early emphasis of the basics. L.G. Were you ever involved with the USGF Boys Junior Program? R.P. When I was about 18, I went to work and trained with Waichiro Miki for about three years. It was with Mr. Miki that I got involved with the philosophy emphasis of the Boys Program. Because my basics were so strong, it was easy to pick up not necessarily bigger tricks, but more competitive tricks. They taught me how to get to the elite level. Before, I was highly dependant on my coach for all my information. The Jr. Program taught me how to be an independent thinker, how to train, discipline myself, go 100 percent if I want to get better. You have to train good form if you want to learn good form. They provided me more technical knowledge, and reinforced what I had already learned. Basically, they taught me how to learn and not have to have someone watch me all the time. They taught me how to be independent.
L.G. It seems like you and Rich Chew have a good coachathlete relationship, what kind of effect has that had on your collegiate gymnastics? R.P. Rich has really helped to guide me through a lot of my problems. Last year before my knee injury, I wasn't used to competing NCAA, and because the schedule and season are semi long, verses the USGF season, when you compete maybe once a month, I felt that I competed to hard, and burned myself out emotionally and physically. That's about when I got hurt. I had to have knee surgery a little over a year ago, and I was in a cast for about three months. Rich really helped me through all that. He uses discussion type coaching. We don't see eye to eye all the time, but it sure helps to have a different point of view. He mainly helped me with a part of gymnastiCS I wasn't accustom to which was working with a team. I've learned to train a little more dependantly, but also still train for my independant goals. L.G. I've heard you mention the injury as a positive instead of negative, what do you mean? R.P. Well, it made my competitive year this year completely different. I had to start -out slow and pace myself. I'm much more ready for this competition (USA Championships) emotionally than if I had trained like the previous year. It was hard I was ready to quit, but Rich guided me through the rough spots. Friends like Brian Babcock, probably one of the most positive people I know, have helped me be competitive enough to get through this because I know he's been through it before also. I don't think I could have made it through if it hadn't been for the positive reinforcement from my coach, family and girlfriend. L.G. You received the 1984 Nissen Award How do you feel about it? R.P. I felt very honored. For me it is the highest honor, I could personally receive. Originally, when I started gymnastics, it was more or less an avenue to get an education, and the discipline I've learned from gymnastics carried over into studies when I got into college. If I didn't do well in school, I wouldn't be able to do gymnastiCS. Especially with the injury,
Roy Palasso/l has heen honoll!d hy heinM II(II//{!d the 1984 Nissen All'(lrd I/ 'il1l1er /I 'hich lifted the l!,J'lrtl1{L<t S sPilits ill a enldal peliod of his ClJlI/petitil'e career. (USGF photo Š 19B4 f)at'e Black).
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984 PalassOI/ haS dted the SlIpport of his famll)1 and friends for helping him rebollnd from a knee injllry last year. ( USGF photo © 1984 [xlI'e Black) .
I've had to work extremely hard in the past months. The Nissen Award was gratifying and very uplifting. L.G. How about the 1984 Olympic Team? What are some of your immediate goals? R.P. Making the Olympic Team is a funny thing with me. I haven't based my whole career on making (he Olympic Team. It would be the culmination of time and hard work The Olympics would be like the icing on the cake. If it's financially feasible, I'd like to stay in gymnastics long enough to hopefully help the USA program grow; be able to add encouragemerit to some of the younger guys who could benefit from some of the experience that many of us have had. L.G. When you do decide to retire from competitive and all is said and done, what do you want the history books to say.about Roy Palassou? R.P. I guess that Roy the person was a good person not only a gyrimast, and that he felt gymnastics should be clean and executed to the ultimate, with good basics, and that he brought a style to the sport that could be learned from and maybe used again. I asked Roy if ttiere was anything else he wanted to add, and he said "I mentioned Mils Bengston at the beginning, but I want to thank him because lowe him a lot. He kept me inspired and disciplined for nine years. When I was wrestling, playing baseball and diving intO other sports, he kept me g9ing." After our discussion, I felt inspired. .He was a much more positive, but thoughtful and mature Roy than I had met two years earlier. He may not be a flashy gymnast, but he's got style and substance ... things that good gymnasts are made of. . .
Your '84 Congress Guarantee from your Official USGF Travel Desk Look what you receive when you call and book Toll-Free
1·800·243·3180 (In Connecticut: 203-772-0470) • Minimum 45% off American Airlines (must ticket by Aug. 19th) • Or, guaranteed lowest applicable airfare on all other carriers • A FREE USAmateur Travel Card for you and your family to use for additional travel discounts all year long
You will be helping your National Team receive valuable travel awards FREE trip credits will be issued to the Men's and Women 's National Team for each trip booked on American and Frontier Airlines. This much needed support will help the USGF expand the benefits of free air travel to more individuals on the national teams. Hie USGF Travel D esk has designated A merica n and Frontier A irlines as th e offi cial airlines to th e '8 4 Congress.
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USA Gymnastics
Your Official USGF Trave l Desk is operated by
May/June 1984
Don 't Leave Home Without It By Mike Botkin USA Gymnastics Editor
hen you get right down to brass tacks, there are many elements in a gymnastics performance that cannot be overlooked. To do so would mean a deduction, a break ih the routine, or worse yet, loss of concentration which could spell disaster. Concentration is very important, but to some, very hard to attain. Every person has a different way of "getting up," or "psyching themselves up" for a meet. Football players sometimes resort to beating on lockers, or each other to get their minds prepared to take the field. Baseball players sit alone in quiet corners, waiting for the introductions and their time to take the field. GymnaStics is different from these sports. It is more of an individual effort. Getting warmed up, stretching arid preparing to do a routine are left largely up to the individu;i.J. All a coach can do is warn the ath1c:~te of the worst that can happen, but the gymnast and coach know only one of them can perform. Hearing from athletes at the top of their sport is common these days. But it is those who are on the hattom rung, looking up the ladder, dreaming of the days when it will be possible to look down, that make up the majority of athletes participating in the world of gymnastics. Even though they are not at the top yet, their views and (\loughts on preparing mentally to do a routine are very interesting.
SOl1letinJes. it jllst takes a/eu ' 111illllfes ()fsiftiIlR(llI '(~l 'f1"(J1n el,(~IJ'()fle else lORe! ("(uuposed fORO (JIl/() the nexl el'ell l . .( All U~GF PIx)I()S @ 1'J84 Mike B()lkill).
Queen City Gymnastics Center received a score of 33.70. Shannon Buzbee's thinking is right along the lines of Montgomery's. Buzbee, 13, of Tops Gymnastics in Eaton, Ohio thinks long and hard about her balance beam routine. "Staying on the beam, that's what 1 think about. Keeping my shoulders straight is Mary Montgomery, 13, of Cincinnati has a something 1 need to remember." The fivecertain part of her anatomy she concentrates year gymnastics competitor also stated, "I on during her routines. "I have to concen- have found that once you compete, you can't trate on keeping my legs straight." She .must think about you past events. Either way, if have kept them straight enough during the you messed up or did well, you have to block compu lsories as the eight-year participant of that out and go on to the next routine." Gymnastics on television interested Lori Cummings, 13, of Dayton, Ohio five years ago. Now, the member of the Englew,ood Gymnastics Ce nter feels she has two hard events to gear up for, the bars and the beam. "I just want to hit my routine. I also think about staying tight. "
During the Region V . Regional meet recently outside Chicago, young gymnasts were asked to voice their opinion about "getting up." Dawn Hintz of Sunrise Gymnastics Academy, Delta, Ohio says she likes to block out everything. "I like to think over my routines thoroughly before my turri," said the Six-year gymnastics particiPant. Hintz finished the Saturday session with a total score of 32.45 which qualified her to continue on Sunday. "Making my routine. That's what 1concentrate on," said 14-year-old Nikki Condon of Englewood Gymnastics Club. TIle Dayton, Ohio native and five-year gymnast stares the beam is her.hardest rouiine to mentally prepare for. Condon is not alone in her thiriking, almost every gymnast felt the beam was the hardest. Twelve-year-old Dana Dobransky of Sterling Heights, Michigan has been involved in the sport since her sixtli birthday. "When you falloff the beam you just have to go on and pretend like it never happened 1 just try to block it out and think positive thoughts." The member of the Acronauts, who scored a 35.45 during the compulsories, left adding, "Never think bad things, always be positive."
illfo ll()(hillR is {/ popular
IIp ' fo,. lU I el 'enl.
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984
USA-China Erupt Over Diamond Head Durham Paces Women To Victory By Lois Graves USA Gymnastics Staff Writer
he 1984 McDonald's International Classic was held at the Neil Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu, Hawaii April 3-5. The gymnastics competition featured a dual meet competition between the Peoples Republic of China and the United States. This was the last team dual competition for the U.S. before the Olympic Games this summer and was a good indication of our team strength going into the final countdown for the games. Both teams brought seasoned world championship competitors as team representatives. The competitors included: Men's Team Women's Team CHN Tong Fei Ma Yanhong Chen Yongyan Li Xiaoping Xu Zhiqiang Ming Guixiu Wang Xiaoyan Zhou Limin Xia Weidong WuJiani Zhou Ping Lou Yun
USA Mitch Gaylord Peter Vidmar Jim Hartung Tim Daggett Brian Babcock Scott Johnson
Diane Durham Julianne McNamara Kathy Johnson Pam Bileck Michelle Dusserre Lucy Wener
Men's Team Competition The U.S. Men's team had their work cut out for them against the defending World Champions, and they met the challenge superbly. The Chinese won the team meet, 295.75 to 294 .60, but not without the U.S. team close behind on every event. There were six perfect scores of 10.0 given during this round which conceivably could have been 12.0's, but the scoring system doesn't allow for it, if the scores start out on the high side of the scale. The Chinese have always been noted for their style and grace of movement and their superbly performed technical execution. This competition was no exception. The crowd, though smaller than hoped for this session, responded enthusiastically to the awesome display of competition by both teams, uniquely different - the U.S. being the aggreSSive challenger, and the Chinese being the smooth, cool and collected World Champions, both being equally as exciting. Floor Exercise-Highlighting the floor exercise was Tong Fei's 10.0 floor set. Nursing a back muscle strain, his warm-up was short, but his performance was not. His performance was so effortless that it makes one wonder if the Chinese are bound to the same gravitational laws as we are. He mounts with a side double, kicking out to the landing-and dismounts with an airing tuck double-back. After the second pass, he adds a full- twisting butterfly to some transitional work to add style and ingenuity. There was a 4-way tie for second place with Xu Zhigiang, Mitch Gaylord, Li Xiaoping, and Peter Vidmar, all turning in strong performances. Pommel Horse-Form and execution were keynotes in this event, the U.S. not being able to quite match by .1 the extension of the Chinese. Highlighting this event were the unbelievable performances of Li Xiaoping and Tim Daggett, both scoring 10.0. Li Xiaoping, silver medalist in the recent World Championships in Budapest, moved fluidly across and around the horse in a traditional style. Daggett, on the other hand, adds an aggreSSive spark to this event that electrifies the observers. He, too, moves fluidly across and around the horse with difficult combinations of scissors, circles and flairs, but his aggressive attack almost bouncing from pommels to the horse and back, adds the Daggett flair to this work, and a style of his own. Rings-It was another close event for both teams, the Chinese team topping the U.S. by .05. There was a three-way tie for 1st place from Xu Zhiqiang, Mitch Gaylord and Peter Vidmar with a 9.9. The 4th place with a 9.8 was shared with Tong Fei, Li Xiaoping, and Jim Hartung. Vault - Vaulting was another close event score-wise with the Chinese team topping the U.S. team by .15. A general observation is that the .15 was in height, distance and landing. Xu Zhiqiang won this event with an outstanding handspring pike front with 1/2 twist, 9.95. Second place was a three-way tie at 9.85 with Tong Fei- Tsukahara full, great distance, top on landing, Lou Yan, handspring pike front with '/2 tum, incredible heighth, good distance, but landed short, small step forward, and Mitch Gaylord-Tsukahara full in layout position, good form but hop on landing. Parallel Bars- This event was also close. The Chinese team had some trouble, but just enough to allow the U.S. team, turning out strong sets, to overtake them. The Chinese team swing almost effortlessly between the bars as well as around them. Tim Daggett (lefl) had an eycellenl meel in lhe China "S. USA compelition Daggett receil'ed a perfecI IO.rXJ j(Jr his pommel horse routine. ( USGF pholO Š 1984 Rich Kenney).
USA Gymnastics
Zhou Limin won the event with a conselVative but beautifully swung routine with a 10.0. Mitch Gaylord met that challenge with a great set, but scoring .05 short of a tie to take second with a 9.95. In a seven-way tie for third with 9.85 was Tong Fei, Xu Zhiqiang, Li Xioaping, Peter Vidmar, James Hartung, Tim Daggett, Xia Weidong.
The Chinese showed why they are worthy World Champions in this event (high bar). The'i r ease of swing and terrific amplitude and execution were awesome. Winning this event were Gaylord and Xu Zhiqiang, both with 10.00. High Bar-The Chinese showed why they are worthy World Champions in this event. Their ease of swing and terrific amplitude and execution were awesome. Winning this event were Gaylord hitting the "Gaylord 2" and piked '/2 in '/2 out dismount, and Xu Zhiqiang hitting cold, a double-twisting, double-back (finishing the twists about the heighth of the high bar!); both with a 10.0. Taking third place was Tong Fei and Tim Daggett with a 9.97 with outstanding performances. There were performance highs and lows on both sides, but the Chinese team was more polished, but in no way out-classed the u.s. team. All-Around-The all-around title was shared by World Champions Tong Fei, and Xu Zhiqiang with a 59.45, followed by Gaylord with a 59.35. Event Finals-The event finals were highlighted by Tim Daggett and Xu Zhiqiang again on pommel horse, winning with a 10.0. Lou Yun, who took 4th place in this event at the '83 World Championships, hit two outstanding vaults, with scores averaging 9.95. Lun Yun hit on parallel bars with 9.95, similar to his tie (with Dimtri Belozerchev) for a gold medal again at the '83 World Championships. This time his tie was with the U.S.'s Daggett. WOMEN'S TEAM COMPETITION oth teams were strong with a lot of combined experience on both sides. The U.S. Women's Team was aggressively looking forward to this meeting to . help pave the way for their challenge at the summer Olympics, after a disappointing seventh place finish at the '83 World Championships in Budapest. The Chinese women, who came in fifth place at the '83 World Championships, also were looking for a victory. The Chinese team, lead by veterans Ma Yanhong and Chen Yongyan, were most noted for the elegance, flexibility and virtuous execution on bars. The U.S., led by veterans Kathy Johnson, and Julianne McNamara, and sparked by Dianne Durham, were noted for their depth of talent and diversity of strength. No 10.0's were recorded in the women's team competition. Vault-Vaulting had highs and lows for both teams. As a general obselVation, the landings were not as solid as they could have been. Almost all vaults of those that were completed had hops or steps on landing. Wang Xiaoyan with a Tsukaharafull, in tuck pOSition, and Dianne Durham with a Tsukahara full, in layout pOSition, tied for first with a 9.85. Kathy Johnson's Tsukahara in layout position took third with a 9.8. Uneven Bars-1l1is event was close and strong for both teams. The virtuous swing and handstand position of the Chinese is a thrill to obselVe, however, not to discount the dynamics and power of the U.S. team. Ma Yanhong andJulianne McNamara took first in unevens with a 9.95; McNamara with an aggressive, deliberate swinging routine, and Ma with spectacular form and her hecht-back with a full, in tuck position dismount. Zhou Ping incorporates a dynamic combination after her mount sequence: beat low bar, straddle over high bar catch
China's Ma Yanhong relllmed tober 1V0rldChampionshipsJonn, dazz ling the Hall'cliiall crowd lI1th perJectioll 011 the tmellell parallel hars. (U5GF photo @ 1984 Rich Kellll<:)' ).
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984 Chilla's world champioll TOllg Fei lied Xli Zhiqiallg f or the all aro und in the 1984 McDona ld's In/ernatio nal Classic. (USGF pho to Š 1984 Dave Black)
in eagle grip, straddle back over low bar. Dianne Durhanl hit a strong bar set and took third with a 9.875 (one of several routines to be base scorcd). Balance Beam- This event spelled disaster for the Chinese. Out of six routines there were five falls verses the U.S. team's one fall. Though their routines were conservative in performance, it paid off for the U.S. and added to the team lead. Zhou Ping with a superb set showing great flexibility and elegance took first with a 9.9, and in second was Ma Yanhong, 9.85 and McNamara third with a 9.8. Floor Exercise-A close event for both teams, the US showed strong tumbling and depth, where as the Chinese team utilized their strength and mastery of dance and performance to keep the event close. Their music selections varied from classical to the marching bands and popular jazz. Though their tumbling was weal>:, their dramatic dance and musical interpretation kept the crowd cheering. The US women gave the crowd more to cheer about from the break dancing steps of Michelle Dusserre to the lively classical portrayal by Johnson, and precision of McNamara, and then to the explOSion of Durham, who won the floor exercise with a 9.85. Michelle Dusserre and McNamara tied for second with a 9.8. All-Around-The all-around competition was close, but Durham with 39.325 burst forward to be a dominating force, not scoring below a 9.75. McNamara and Ma Yanhong were close behind at 39.25 and 39.2 respectively. Event Finals-Highlighting event finals were Ma Yanhong in true World Champion form, with a 10.0 on unevens and a 9.95 on balance beam. Durhanl took the floor exercise honors with a 10.0. The USA women's team showed a tremendous team spirit throughout the entire event, with the lesser experienced of the team drawing strength from their veteran counterparts and the veterans drawing strength from the depth of the team. If this team is an indication of what the team might be like this summer, it could be a shining two weeks in Southern California. Tong Fei's incredihle he(f(ht/} 0 11 Ibis f lail" illipressed l hecrrnl'(/ a llhe China l IS. ll'iA dl/lIlmeel ill H{///'{Iii. (ll~GF Ph% @ 1984 Rich Kenne)l.
USA Gymnastics
Dialllle Durha111 r e/Jo un ded l('ellllith a ll excellellt I1leet, pacblp. t be liSA te{1I1l. ( l 6 GF p boto Š 1984 Ricb K ellney). MEN~ALLAROUNDSCORES 1T 1T 3 4 5 6 7 BT BT 10 l1T l1T
Fei Tong Zhiqiang XU Milch Gaylord Xiaoping li Peter Vidma r James Ha rtung Tim Daggelt Limin Zhou Weidong Xia Brian Babcock Scolt Johnson Yun Lou
10.0 9.B5 9.85 9.B5 9.85 9.80 9.65 9.75 9 .BO 9.55 9.35 9.BO
9.95 9.90 9.80 10.00 9.95 9.85 10.00 9.75 9.75 9.65 9.50 B.75
9.B5 9.90 9.90 9.B5 9.90 9.85 9.60 9.70 9.75 9.65 9.80 9.60
9.B5 9.95 9.85 9.70 9.65 9.80 9.75 9.70 9.75 9.75 9.80 9.B5
9.B5 9 .B5 9.95 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 10.00 9.B5 9.60 9.80 9.75
HB TOTAL 9.95 10.00 10.00 9.90 9.90 9.80 9.95 9.75 B.75 9.65 9.45 9.95
59.45 59.45 59.35 59 .15 59.10 58.95 58.50 5B .65 5B .65 57 .B6 57.70 57.70
V D ianne Durham 2 Julianne Mc Namara 3 Ma Yanhong 4 Chen Yongyan 5 Pam Bileck 6T Michelle Dusserre 6T Kalhy Johnson 8 Lucy Wener 9 Ming Guixiu 10 Zhou Ping 11 Wang Xiaoyan
Place Name 1T 1T 1T 4T 4T 4T
Li Xiaoping lou Yun Song Wen Peter Vidmar James Hartung Mario McCutcheon
9.9 9.9 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.8
lT Tim Daggelt 1T Xu Zhiqiang 3 Peter Vidmar 4 Zhou limin 5 James Hartung 6 Xia Weidong
1T 1T 1T 1T 5 6
James Hartung Mitch Gaylord Lou Yun Xu Zhiqiang Xia We idong Peter Vidmar
1 2 3 4
Lou Yun Xu Zhiqiang Mitch Gaylord Song Wen Peter Vidmar James Hartung
Final Country Score
9.95 9.B75 9.825 9.775 9.65 4.95
10.0 10.0 9.95 9.9 9.85 9.B
Place Name
1T 1T 3T 3T 5 6
lou Yun TIm Daggelt Mitch Gaylord Phil Cahoy Zhou Limin li Xiaoping
Place Name
1 Ma Yanhong 2 Dianne Durham 3 Wu Jiani 4 Pam Blleck 5 . Kathy Johnson 6 M ing Guixiu
Final Country Score
9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.B 9.5
USA Gymnastics
Place Name 1 2T 2T 4 5 6
Zhou Limin Xia Weindong Xu Zhinqiang Milch Gaylord Marlo McCutcheon Tim Daggelt
9.75 9.8 9.B5 9.45 9.7 9.35 9.4 9.7 9.9 B.B5 B.B
9.B5 9.8 9.70 9.75 9.60 9.8 9.6 9.2 9.0 9.B5 9.5
39.325 39 .25 39.20 3B .975 38.65 38.50 38.50 38 .40 38.35 38.20 37.60
9.95 9.95 9.9 9.9 9.B5 9.B
3 4
5 6
Final Country Score
Place Name
9.95 9.85 9.75 9.70 9.45 9.35
1T 1T 3 4T 4T 6
Zh ou Ping Dianne Durham Ming G uiziu Kathy Johnson Wang Xiaoya n Lucy Wener
9.B5 9.85 9.BO 9.775 9.775 9.475
UNEVEN BARS Score Country Score
Place Name Dianne Durham Mich elle Dusserre Kathy Johnson Chen Yongyan Zhou Ping Ming Gu iziu
Score Country Score
Place Name
10.0 9.90 9.85 9.80 9.50 9.45
2 3T 3T 5 6
Ma Ya nhon g Wu Jiani Lucy Wener Michelle Dusserre Wang Xiaoya n : Pam Blleck
10.0 9.95 9.90 9.90 9.B5 9.80
HIGH BAR Final Country Score
Final Country Score
PARALLEL BARS Final Country Score
RINGS Place Name
Plac e Name
9.875 9.95 9.95 9 .B5 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.8 9.7 9.75 9.45
VAULT Final Country Score
9.85 9.70 9.70 9.65 9.55 9.55 9.8 9.70 9.75 9.75 9.B5
Final Country Score PRC PRC PRC USA USA USA
10.0 9.9 9.9 9.85 9.8 9.75
Pl ace
T eam
48.61 4B.7
49.225 49 .1
48.35 47.725
4B.65 48.60
194.825 194.125
49.3 48.7
49.35 49.25
49.05 49.10
49.10 48.95
49.4 49.30
49.55 49.30
295.75 294.60
May/June 1984
Gaylord, Retton Crowned '84 USA Champs McDonald's Championships A Resounding Success McDonald's Championships of the USA McGaw HaU May 11-13, 1984 The 1984 McDonald's Championships of the USA held special significance this year. Not only did the top 18 men and top 20 women qualifY for the 1984 USA National Team, but it was also one step closer to the 1984 Olympic Team selection. This year's meet found Mitch Gaylord, National Champion for a 2nd year in a row, and Mary Lou Retton extending her '84 streak, by being named the 1984 Women's National Gymnastics Champion. On the Monday prior to the competition, once again the Olympics made headlines. This time it was the announcement from the Soviet Union about their withdrawal from competition at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games. That announcement was to be followed by ones from Bulgaria, East Germany, and other eastern block nations. It was something we had all hoped would not happen; that the 1980 Boycott was behind us, that never again would a field of human athletic competition be tainted by political interference, but it appears to be inevitable. It was interesting to note that we, the media, seemed to be more pre-occupied with it than the athletes. Very little was said about it during the three days of intense, exciting competition. It didn't affect the sellout crowd of enthusiastic gymnastics fans who enthusiastically supported gymnastics at its best-that is USA Gymnastics. Possibly only the
athletes affected by the 1980 Boycott can identitY with the disappointment of the foreign athletes who will be unable to participate in this 1984 Olympic Games. Those USA gymnastics Olympians who are again vying for the 1984 Olympic Gymnastics Team, if they make the Olympic Squad will be in Los Angeles, competing for and representing their sport and country as their counterparts did in 1980. Men's Competition Of the 63 competitors in the men's competition, there were a lot of new faces that have moved up the ranks through theJunior Boys Program to broaden the depth of the Men's Program. The top 18 scores ranged from 117.85 to 113.0 for 12 events; in '83 the range was from 11 7.55 to 111. 90; and in '82 the range of the top 18 scores was from 116.55 to 108.7. The score of 108.7 would rank the athlete at #41 in the 1984 competition. As the competition gets closer at the top, the consistency in compulsories and optionals becomes much more important. For example, Mario McCutheon and Dennis Hayden scored 9.9 performing excellent Optional High Bar routines, but due to their high bar scores in compulsories, they didn't make finals. The compulsory session for the men was a plus in this competition. Adding the optional session, the men showed even a greater depth. To give a better picture of the depth per event, the top 8 competitors per event and their scores from the preliminary round are listed below: Preliminary Round/event Floor Exercise P. Vidmar J. Hartung C. Riegel M. Gaylord T. Daggett J. Mikns B. Paul C. Lakes
9.7 9.75 9.8 9.7 9.55 9.65 9.65 9.45
9.85 9.75 9.65 9.75 9.75 9.6 9.55 9.75
Rings Hartung M. Gaylord P. Vidmar S. Johnson T. Daggett R. Palassou D. Hayden B. Babcock
985 9.8 975 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.65 9.55
9.85 9.85 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.75 9.6 9.65
Pommel Horse Compo Opt. P. Vidmar 9.75 9.95 M. Gaylord 9.8 9.9 10.0 T. Daggett 9.7 C. Riegel 9.8 9.65 9.65 9. 75 J. Hartung B. Conner 9.8 9.55 M. McCutcheon 9.65 9.7 S. Johnson 9.65 9.65 Vault C. Riegel J. Mikus M. Gaylord S. Johnson
10.0 10.0
9.85 9.65 9.7 9.7
9.85 9.75
Scott johllsoll had a good meet at the McDollald's ChmllpiollsiJiPs of the ll.'iA . johllsoll fillished ill a fifth place lie ill the all a/'OlII/{1 ( U~GF photo @ 1984 D(//le Black).
USA Gymnastics
Petite Marie Roetblisbel'gel' of SC47S. fillisbed lIilltb ill tbe all around alld seco lld Oil tlJe IInellen parallel hars durin!!. fbe iuditridual CfJlJlpetili()1l. (USGF
1984 Dm'e Black).
P. Vidmar Hartung R. Campbell
ParaUel Bars M. Gaylord T. Daggett B. Babcock J. Hartung P. Vidmar D. Hayden S. Johnson C. Lakes
9.85 9.85 98
9.55 955 9.55
Comp. 99 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.8 9.85 9.65 9.7
Opt. 9.9 9.85 9.85 9.8 9.7 965 9.85 9.6
High Bar P. Vidmar M. Gaylord R. Palassou B. Paul J. Hartung J. Mikus T. Dagge_tt S. Johnson
Comp. Opt. 9.75 9.95 9.7 10.0 9.85 9.75 98 9 75 9. 75 9. 75 965 9.8 9.6 9.85 9.55 9.8
The difference between the I st place and 8th place were a major break or less: Floor Exercise-.35 , Pommel Horse- .4, Rings-. 5, Vault-.5, Parallel Bars-.5, and High Bar- .35. Scores of 10.0 are always highlights and in the Men's Competition there were 4 awarded during the 3 days of competition. They were for Chris Riegel and Jim Mikus on Compulsory Vault, Tim Daggett on optional Pommel Horse and Mitch Gaylord on optional High Bar. Good Job. Besides the consistent strong showing of Gaylord, Vidmar, Hartung, and Daggett, Chris Riegel, Scott Johnson, and Jim Mikus made their intentions known as did the remaining new National Team members. Roy Palassou, confirming a comeback from an injury had a great compulsory round; and a fallon optional floor and some steps on vaulting kept him from saying the same of the optional session. Also with a great compulsory round, Bart Conner is on the comeback from a recent surgery which removed bone chips from his elbow. Bart did not complete the optional session and petitioned through to the Olympic Trials.
Women's Competition The 26 ladies who competed in the 1984 McDonald's Championships of the USA came to Chicago for a specific reason and did not ease up until the competition was over. They were all fiercely competitive. Some more familiar faces were replaced by new ones, but all represented their sport well. There were very few major misses and it meant the judges had their work cut out for them. Going into the Olympic trials and the major international event in our gymnastics history, compulsories were a major factor. Therefore, in determining the all around scores and new national team, the scores were weighted, 60'X. counting on compulsories and 40'X. on optionals. Qualifying into event finals were based on 50- 50 total. The women were really competitive. The point spread between 1st and 20th was only 5.6, with compulsory scores ranging from 38. IS to 35.85. In the compulsory round Mary Lou Retton lead the group with 38. 15, closely followed by Michelle Dussere with 38. 10. Julianne McNamara and LucyWener tied for third with 37.8 and Pam Bileck placed 5th, with a 37.7. Kathy Johnson who finishes strong in compulsories, had a break on the handstand before the dismount on compulsory bars and a break during the handstand pirouette on floor. For grins, if we added .6 to Kathy's compulsory score, 38.0 (had she not had those breaks) she would have been 3rd in the compulsory round and with weighted scores 2nd (from 6th) in the all around. Breaks just don't pay! The competition was tough. The optional competition found Mary Lou, awesome, 39.05! And a 10.0 on vault! Gymnast extraordinaire! Then there's Julianne McNamara 2nd in the all around, and indeed a special rose in the gymnastiCS garden. Pam Bileck, Michelle Dusserre, and Lucy Wener came, they saw, they conquered. These semi-newcomers showed 1\11(0), LOll Refton, of K(/r()~)!i's Gyt"IlIl(lS/iCS, receil'ed a standblp' ()I1atiOJl after bel' j/(I/l'iess j/oor routille. For ber efforts. sbe receil'ed a pel/eet 10. (XI score (Iu 'ardillg ber tbe title of 1'184 j/oor exercise eballlpioll of U~A. ( l1~GF palto Š 1'184 Dm'e Black).
USA Gymnastics
Ra" 1
WOtnen '.
Final Individual Scores (WEIGHI"ED .. . COMP. 6O"/OP. t n) Name Team V.. 1t Ba.. Beam Floor A.A. Mary Lou Retton Karolyi's C 9.90 9.05 9.7538.15 9.45 o 10.00 9.80 9.40 9.8539.05 T 19.88 19.18 18.38 19.58 77.020 Julianne McNarama Karolyj 's C 9.55 9.50 9.00 9.75 37.80 0 9.70 9.75 9.35 9.85 38.65 T 19.22 19.20 18.28 19.58 76.280 Pam Bileck Scats C 9.50 8.90 9.50 9.80 37.70 0 9.60 9.65 9.45 9.6038.30 T 19.08 18.40 18.96 19.44 75.880
1 Mitch Gaylord
F H R V PB HB A.A. C 9.70 9.80 9.80 9.85 9.90 9.70 o 9.75 9.90 9.85 9.70 9.9010.00 T 19.45 19.70 19.65 19.5519.8019.70 117.85 UCLA C 9.70 9.75 9.75 9.85 9.8 9.75 2 Peter Vidmar o 9.85 9.95 9.80 9.55 9 .7 9.95 T 19.55 19.70 19.55 19.40 19.50 19.70117.40 3Jim Hartung Univ. 01 Neb C 9.75 9.65 9.85 9.85 9.75 9.75 o 9.75 9.75 9.85 9.55 9.80 9.75 T 19.50 19.40 19.70 19.40 19.55 19.50 117.05 4 Tim Daggett UCLA C 9.55 9.70 9.70 9.40 9.75 9.80 o 9.7510.00 9.70 9.60 9.85 9.85 T 19.3019.7019.4019.00 19.60 19.45116.45 5 Chris Riegel Univ. of Neb C 9.80 965 9.45 10.0 9.5 9.40 o 9.65 9.80 9.55 9.85 9.7 9.75 T 19.4519.45 19.00 19.85 19.20 19.15116.10 Univ. of Neb C 9.55 9.65 9.70 9.75 9.65 9.55 5 Scott Johnson o 9.45 9.65 9.80 9.70 9.85 9.80 T 19.00 19.30 19.50 19.45 19.50 19.35116.10 7 Jim Mikus Univ. of Neb C 9.65 9.50 9.50 10.0 9.55 9.65 o 9.60 9.45 9.60 9.65 9.60 9.80 T 19.25 18.95 19.1019.6519.1519.45 115.55 San Jose State C 9.75 9.55 9.60 9.70 9.85 8 Roy Palassou o 9.40 9.75 9.75 9.35 9.45 9.75 T 19.15 19.30 19.35 19.05 18.95 19.60 115.40 9 Brian Babcock So. Illinois C 9.45 9.55 9.55 9.65 9.75 9.65 o 9.60 9.75 9.65 9.20 9.85 9.30 T 19.05 19.30 19.20 18.85 19.60 18.95 114.95 10Dan Hayden Gym Center C 9.70 9.65 9.65 9.65 9.85 9.65 o 9.45 9.60 9.60 9.45 9.65 8.85 T 19.15 19.25 19.25 19.1019.5018.50114 .75 11 Brian Meeker Univ. of Minne C 9.35 9.40 9.55 9.80 9.45 9.4 o 9.70 9.55 9.55 9.55 9 .55 9.5 T 19.05 18.95 19.10 19.35 19.00 18.90 114.35 12 Matt Arnot Univ. ofNewMC 9.25 9.45 9.50 9.75 9.60 9.55 o 9.65 9.65 9.60 9.40 9.20 9.70 T 18.90 19.10 19.10 19.15 18.80 19.25114.30 C 9.35 9.65 9.30 9.90 9.65 9.05 13 Mario McCutcheon Unattached o 9.20 9.70 9.70 9.40 9.30 9.90 T 18.55 19.35 19.00 19.30 18.95 18.95 114.10 14Mark Cas o UCLA C 9.70 9.40 9.45 9.65 9.60 9.65 o 9.15 9.40 9.55 9.65 8.95 9.90 T 18.85 18.80 19.00 19.30 18.5519.35113.65 UC Berkeley C 9.65 9.30 9.45 8.80 9.40 9.80 15 Billy Paul o 9.55 9.30 9.50 9.60 9.55 9.75 T 19.20 18.60 18:95 18.4019.0519.55 113.75 16Charles Lakes Univ. of Illin C 9.45 9.40 9.25 9.75 9.70 9.80 o 9.75 9.50 9.55 9.55 9.60 8.35 T 19.2018.90 18.80 19.30 19.30 18.15113.65 Gym Center C 9.65 9.30 9.65 9.35 9.55 9.65 17 Jon Omori o 9.10 9.30 9.50 9.40 9.35 9.40 T 18.7518.60 19.15 18.75 18.90 19.05113.20 18Robbie Campbell UCLA C 9.50 9.30 8.90 9.8 9.5 9.35 o 9.55 9.45 9.10 9.55 9.45 9.55 T 19.05 18.75 18.00 19.35 18.95 18.90 113.00
5-12-1984 E.anston,IL
1984 USGFlMcDonald's Gymnastics Championships 01 the USA
Dawna Wilson
Yumi Mordre
Kerry Haynie
Lisa McVay
B. Babcock C. Lakes
1 3 4 5
6 7
9.950 9.950 9.800 9.750 9.300
UCLA UCLA Nebraksa Berkeley UCLA
UCLA . UCLA UCLA Nebraska Gym Ctr of Tucson So. Illinois Illinois
9.600 8.650
9.800 9.800 ' 9.750 9.700 9.650
6 7
1 2 2 4 5 S. Johnson B. Babcock
M. Gaylord T . Daggett P. Vidmar J. Hartung D. Hayden
UCLA UCLA UCLA Nebraska Gym Ctr of Tucson Nebraska So. Illinois
TEAM C . Riegel Nebraska M. Gaylord UCLA Nebraska S. Johnson R. Campbell UCLA Minnesota B. Meeker Nebraska J. Mikus UCLA P. Vidmar STILL RINGS FINAL
1 2 3 4 5 5 7
9.150 8.900
9.900 9.800 9.800 9.700 9.500
9.700 9.575 9.425 9.375 9.325 9.325 9.225
9.65 38.10 9.30 9.65 37.60 8.85 18.24 19.30 75.800 9.55 37.80 9.00 9.45 38.05 9.30 18.24 19.02 75.800 9.50 9.25 37.40 9.45 9.8038.55 18,96 18.94 75.720 9.00 9.15 37.50 9.35 9.00 37.80 18.28 18.18 75.240 9.45 37.10 9.30 9.50 9.55 38.10 18.76 18.98 75.000 9.15 37.05 8.90 9.55 37.90 9.30 18.12 18.62 74.780 9.10 36.90 9.05 9.45 9.45 37.75 18.42 18.48 74.480 9.20 9.2037.05 9.05 9.30 37.10 18.28 18.48 74.140 9.05 37.20 9.30 8.75 9.30 36.75 18.16 18.30 74.040 8.85 9.2036.55 9.25 9.3037.40 18.02 18.48 73.780 8.80 36.50 9.00 9.15 37.25 9.15 18.12 17.88 73.60 9.1536.75 8.90 9.20 36.80 9.35 18.16 18.34 73.540 8.95 37.00 9.00 9.00 36.20 8.80 17.84 17.94 73.360 9.40 8.90 35.85 9.50 9.25 37.35 18.88 18.08 72.900 9.00 9.3036.45 9.20 9.25 36.40 18.16 18.56 72.860 9.00 36:15 9.20 9.05 36.55 9.35 18.52 18.04 72.620 8.85 8.8035.95 9.30 8.80 36.85 17.60 72.620 18.06
9.55 9.65 19.18 9.70 9.60 19.32 8.95 9.55 18.38 9.50 9.65 19.12 8.75 9.30 17.94 9.60 9.65 19.24 9.45 9.20 路 18.70 9.20 9.25 18.44 9.30 9.10 18.44 9.20 9.35 18.52 9.30 9.45 18.72 9.15 8.75 17.98 9.40 8.95 18.44 8.20 9.25 17.24 8.75 8.80 17.54 8.95 9.15 18.06 8.95 9.30 18.18
T Texas Academy C
9.60 9.45 19.08 9.55 9.70 19.22 9.70 9.75 19.44 9.85 9.80 19.66 9.60 9.75 19.32 9.40 9.40 18.80 9.30 9.65 18.88 9.45 9.50 18.94 9.55 9.60 19.14 9.30 9.50 18.76 9.40 9.50 18.88 9.55 9.50 19.06 9.65 9.45 19.14 9.35 9.35 18.70 9.40 9.15 18.60 9.00 9.00 18.00 9.35 9.45 18.78
See page 26 for more individual results
P. Vidmar T. Daggett M. Gaylord S. Johnson D. Hayden
T Texas Academy C
PLACENAME 1 P. Vidmar 1 T . Daggett 3 J. Mikus 4 B. Paul 5 M. Gaylord
T Berks Academy C
Puget Sound
19 Jojo Sims
19 Michelle Hilse
17 Michelle Goodwin
Tammy Smith
T Texas Academy C
Heather Carter
Cal State Fulle
Tami Elliot
10 Kim Hamilton
T Richmond Oly. C
9 Marie Roethlisberger Scats
Golden Gate
8 Tracee Talavera
6 Kathy Johnson
Texas Acad.
4 Lucy Wener
Dianne Durham
4 Michelle Dusserre
May/June 1984 Dianlle Dllrham. retllmed to her neek ojthe II 'OO(/s toplaeese"enth ill the all amlllld (Beloll ') Nel1mska 'sJim Hartll1lR came ill third ill the all amlllld 1I1th 117. 05 poillts. (U~GF photos @ 1984 D<II'e Black).
the crowd that all they need is the chance and they will perform. Dianne Durham did not have one of her better meets, but don't count her out; we will see her in Jacksonviile. Tracee Talavera, 1980 Olympian, looked great and turned in a great optional set. It looks as though she has her eyes set on the Olympic rings. Marie Roethlisberger is one tough athlete. Recovering from an elbow injury that kept her out of the '83 World Championships, Marie looked great. Kim Hamilton of Richmond Olympiad, a newcomer to the team, dazzled the crowd with her dance eiegance, swing, and solid vaulting. Still a little green, she will be heard from. Vaulting was a strong event for almost all competitors. Bar sets were a highlight; good clean execution, giant swings solid, reverse hechts were plentiful, double back flyaway and double twisting fly away dismount were well done and stuck. Compared with the difficulty that was done, there were very few falls on beam and execution was good. Floor exercise was strong and a highlight; cold chills routines from Mary Lou Retton, Julianne McNamara and Kathy Johnson. Event Finals Though the all around had already been determined and the new national team candidates had been selected, the event finals allowed the athletes to shine individually. Women's Finals In vaUlting, Mary Lou Rett0f.1 exploded over the horse twice, once with a front handspring front pike with a 112 twist and again with a full twisting Tsukahara in layout pOSition, averaging a 9.85 to win the event. Dianne Durham turned in equally impressive vaults, but a hop and a step on landing gave her a 9.775 average for 2nd place. Tracee Talavera did two of the round otfonto the board class of vaults. One was followed by a Tsukahara in a layout position and to the other she added a Tsukahara with a full twist. Her average was a 9.7 for 3rd place. On uneven bars,Julianne McNamara, swinging as sheer poetry in motion won uneven bars to the tune of9.95, with swing and stalter work thats "unparalled". Marie Roethlisberger displayed her stalter work in combinations and great execution for a 9.85 and second place, and Dianne Durham took 3rd with a 9.8 and a strong set. On baiance beam, the women showed marked strength and few falls. Tracee Talavera with her characteristiC aggressive beam style and'
(Results from page 25) POMMEL HORSE FINAL PLACENAME 1 2 3 3 5 6 7
T. Oaggeti UCLA P. Vidmar UCLA UCLA M. Gaylord J. Hartung Nebraska San Jose R. Palassou M. McCutc heonU natiached S. Johnson Nebraska
BALANCE BEAM FINAL FINAL 9.950 9.900 9.800 9.800 9.700 9.650 9.550
PLACENAME 1 3 3 3 6 7 8
2 2 4 5 6
P. Vidmar J . Mikus B. Paul M. Gaylord T. Daggetl C. Lakes
TEAM UCLA Nebraska UC Berkeley UCLA UCLA Illinois
TEAM Scals Golden Gale Scats Karolyi's K aro lyi 's Berks Acad Texas Acad R. Olympiad
FINAL 9.800 9.800 9.700 9.700 9.700 9.600 9.450 8.850
P. Bileck T . T alavera K. Johnson M.L. Retlon J. Mc Namara M. Goodwin M. Hilse K. Hamilton
FINAL 9.700 9.600 9.600 9.550 9.450 9.100
PLACENAME 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
J . McNamara
Karolyi 's Roelhlisberger Scats T exas Acad D. Dur ham Karolyi's M.L. Relton Sca ts L. Wener M . Dusserre Scats NAAG D. Wilson K. Hamilton R . Olympiad
FINAL 9.950 9.850 9.800 9.750 9.700 9.550 9.450 9.200
M.L. Relton M. Dusserre J . McNamara Roethlisberger L. Wener T . T alavera K . Johnson K. Hamilton
Karoly;-s 10.000 Scats 9.850 Karolyi 's 9.850 Scats 9.800 Scats 9.700 Golden Gate 9.700 Scats 9.500 R . Olympia 8.400
PLACENAME 1 2 3 4 5 6
M. Lou Retlon D. Durham T. Talavera K . Johnson J . McNamara L. Wener H. Carter
TEAM Karolyi's T exas Acad Golden Gale Scals Karolyi's Scats Texas Acad
FINAL 9.850 9.775 9.700 9.500 9.375 9.300 9.225
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984 LlIcy Wene,. (right) of SC4T.\' came CIll'a)! from tbe Championships lI'ith a fOIl,.th place all amlllld tie Il'ith Micbelle DlIssel7"l!. Wene,. placed fifth ill the II/lel 'ell ha,.s illdil'idllal competitioll. ( U5GF photo Š 1984 Dal'e Black).
her round-off onto the board back handspring mount was a solid combination and helped her tie Pam Bileck for 1st with a 9.8. Kathy Johnson, Mary Lou Retton, andJulianne McNamara hit to tie for 3rd. And in the final event, Mary Lou Retton exploded onto the floor and danced into the hands and hearts of everyone to the tune of 10.0. Undoubtedly a goose bumps routine. Michelle Dusserre and Julianne McNamara played to the enthusiastic audience and tied for second with a 9.85. Men's Finals On floor exercise Peter Vidmar's experience shined through and he took the event with 9.7. Jim Mikus and Billy Paul added to their already great meet and tied for second with a 9.6. Tim Daggett took command of the pommel horse event with the "Daggett" style and won with a near perfect 9.95 routine. On vaulting, the men performed two different vaults and averaged the scores. Chris Riegel from the University of Nebraska, with a front handspring front pike with 1/2 twist, and a full twisting Tsukahara in tuck position hit for an average of 9. 7. On the final event, high bar, Peter Vidmar swung clean and smooth through 3 releases, two of which were back to back, to match Tim Daggett's aggressive and daring set to tie with 9.95 for the win. Jim Mikus turned in a great finishing set with a full twisting pirouette on one arm and smooth reverse hecht, scoring a 9.8 for 3rd place. The 1984 McDonald's Championships of the USA was a powerpacked intense 3 days of competition with alot at stake for all the competitors. One thing was certain, the athletes were prepared, and the enthusiasm of hitting routines was contagiOUS from the athletes to coaches and into the crowd. Hand slapping, hugging, and clapping-there was a plenty, and all well deserved.
julianne McNamara (Ie/t) shows tbe ultimate sw ing 0 11 a o ne-hel// tum drop. She /inish ed second all-aro und and first in individualulleven bars. Pa nl Bileck (abo ve) had a/ineshow illg tying with Tracee Ta lavera in tbe individual balance beam competition witb a 9. 80. (USGF pbo to Š 1984 Dave Black)
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984
'84 USA Tille Zimring's PrODerty By Mike Botkin USA Gymnastics Editor verything came up roses the weekend of May 4-6 arid the city of Orangeburg, S.c. turned green with envy as the 1984 SGF/ Vidal Sassoon Rh ythmic Gymnastics Championships of the USA were held on the campus of South Carolina State University. The highest laurels of the competition were handed to the vibrant Valerie Zimring. Just one of the many fine gymnasts repreSenting the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics, Zimring dethroned 1983 National Champion Michelle Bembe to take the 1984 title during the two-day all around contest. Zimring concluded with an all around score of 37.55 to that of 37.45 for the Detroit Metros' Bembe. Said Berube: "I had a very exciting yea r as National Champion and I don't feel bad about losing the title to Valerie. We are so close, as friends and competitors, that the competition could have gone either 路way. I think it is very gocxl for the sport of rhythm.ic gymnastics that the competitors are so closely matched. " As happy as Bembe was to share the glory, Zimring was equally exultant to receive it. "I am really proud of myself. This Championship really boosts my confidence a great deal. I'm not getting any younger and I don't know how many mo re years I'll be in the sport, so it is nice to win this championship," said Zimring. There wasn't just one big story to come from that pasty-hot gym in South Carolina. The crowning of a National Champion is initial, but a new National Team was also selected . The top ten rhythmic gymnasts in the standings after the all around competition were tabbed as . the 1984 National Team. Besides the previously
mentioned Zimring and Berube, the others that effectuate the National Teanl are Stacy Oversier; Lisa fu'ironson; Lydia Bree all of the L.A. School of Gymnastics; Wendy Hilliard, Detroit Metros; Elizabeth Cull, L.A. School of Gymnastics; arid Teresa Bruce, Pacific Northwest Oregon's Rhythmic Academy; Karen Lyon, a civil engineering student participatilig out of Princeton Un iverSity, and Cara Walker from the L.A. School of Gymnastics. Consider the story of Marina Kunyavsky. TIlis talented rhythmic gymnast came to the Championships not yet an American citizen but, \\~th special permiSSion, was allowed to compete for score only. Kunyavsky, also of the L.A. School of Gymnastics, didn't let the fact dlat she would win no medals perturb her performance. She took to the floor with bulldog determination and finished with an all around score of 36.55. Would she be an American citizen, this total would have placed her in third. Now, her chances of competing at the Olympic Trials become a cat and mouse game with the State Department, while the USGF, Kunyavsky and her coach AlIa Svirsky all await official notice. For dle sake of the gyn1I41Sts, dlere \vere two battles simultaneously taking place during each routine. The first , whiCh was eVldeilt to all in attendance, was the battle with the apparatus and the second, the battle internally with the nerves. Karen Greenblatt of the L.A. Sdlool of Gymnastics admitted during the all around competition, she was having constant skirmishes with stage fright. Once the burden of the all around competition was lifted, Karen, among others, was relieved of the pressure ;md competed with the ease that is usually exhibited during practice. Said Karen: "We all get nervous for a big competition like the 01aIllpionships." She finished '12th in the all around with a total of 33.45. Highlights Friday, May 4 n competition of any kind, there are some performances that stand above the rest. During the opening day of the 1984 Championships the ball and hoop routines were performed. The clubs and ribbon competition followed on Saturday, the final day of all around action. Hilliard set the early pace during her hoop routine hitting on all her tosses which garnered her a score of 9. 1 from the judges. There was an air of self-assuraI1Ce about Berube when she took her place on the blue mat for her hoop routine. Her zeal for the sport shows through her use offacial expressions and eye contact with the crowd. Her international experience has given her a confidence that none of the previous competitors had. Her hoop exercise looked almost too routine as she completed it without a hitch and received a 9.55 score to take early comm;md and set herself up as the one to beat. "I have a good time when I'm performing and I like to show that to the audience. When I am performing \vell , I like to have direct eye contact with the audience and use my
Valelie Zilllrillg (Ie/I) 0/ Ibe Los Allge/es Seb()ol ()/ G),IIII/(islies i.< Ibe 1')84 Rbl 'liJlllie Cballl/Jio llolllX! I !'\A. Sbe ./illb;bed Ibe all ar()und porti()l1 (~( Ibe meet lI'ilh 3 7. 55 p()illis. ( I ISGF pbol() 漏 1')84 f)al'(' mack).
USA Gymnastics
Stacy O(lersier IIsed bel" (!.n.:ellelll .flexilJiIiO' I() work bel' 1l '(~J' in/() Ibird place i11 /be al/ (/J'ouJldstondiJlgs. (USCF
pbOlo © 1'J84 Daw Black).
facial expressions to accentuate my routine," said the 1983 Rhythmic gymnast of the year. During the second rollnd on Friday, the competito rs switched apparatus. Zimring, \vho trailed Berube by .05 after the first round came on with a good strong hoop routine to compliment her ball routine. She too had ,m air of confidence about her and with her 9.60 mark added to her 9.50 ball routine score (19.10 total) allowed her to eclipse the lead from Berube by the day's end Berube finished with a 18.85 total. Bree recovered from a shak)' start, a 9.00 for her ball routine, with a hoop routine that netted her an average score from the judges of 9.25 . l1lis total of 18.25 enabled her to edge her way into third place going into the final day of all around competition. Berube's ball routine had an early miss, but she recovered well to turn in ;m energetic perform:mce and receive a 9.30 score. Elizabeth Cull turned in a good hoop routine
I J')'
receiving a 9.00 for her efforts placing her in a three-way tie for seventh with teammate Walker and Detroit's Hilliard. After the first day of competition the st;mclings looked like this: 1. Zimring (19.10); 2. Berube (18.85) ; 3. Bree (18.25) ; 4. Oversier (18.10); Kunyavskl' (score only) (1 7. 90) ; 5. Aaronson (1 7. 85); 6. Bruce ( 17.75); 7. (tie) Hilliard; Cull and Walker ( 17.65); 10. Lyon (17.55). Saturday, May 5 imring took a couple of steps backwards after her ribbon routine. She just couldn't get herself going :md mish:U1c11ed the ribbon and received her lowest score of the competition 8 .95 giving Berube, Bree and Oversier a chmlCe at the top spot. 'But as the day turned o ut, all competitors seemed to have their problems witli' the ribbon. " It was very humid in the gym mld the ribbon felt alI'n ost 'wet," said Zimring. " I tried to keep it away from my body because if it touched, it would stick. "
Hilliard made her presence known with her club routine. She moved well with her music ;md all her tricks seemed to work. For her efforts she garnered a score of 9.05. Berube took the opportunity offered by Zimring and stepped right into the driver's seat with a club routine that brought down the hous·e . To watch, it was 0 simply poetry in motion. mistakes and every detail, right down to a pained expression to match the music was perfectly in place. After the completion of her routine, the judges complimented her by giving a score of 9.60, placing her in the lead and designating her clearl y the person to catch. So for the second rotation, the stage was set. Zimring's work was cut out for her and she knew it. She knew Berube would have the \Vil/} tiS lillie/} slyle ((nd .{!race (/S £'I 'er.
.Micbelle Berube dazzled IIx~ croll'd witb ber Stflll1lillg /)(/1/ r OIl /ille in/lx! bulb /it/II 01 cOlllpelilioll. Sbe receil 1ed (I !J.75. ( ( IS(,F /lbolo © 1'J8-! f){I/ '1! Rlack).
chance to watch her perform her club routine :md see her score, so when she stepped on the floor , it was for all the marbles. Zimring responded with a routine of high difficulty and a score of 9.50 which put the pressure back onto Berube. For the Detroit i'vletro's star, she finished up ..vith her ribbon routine. Bembe turned in a beautifiil perform;mce but miscalculated on one of her tosses. The judges awarded her a 9.00 for her efforts, which left her just . 10 shy of Zimring's total , thus ending her reign as National Champion. Oversier dazzled the spectators with a beautifill md elegmlt ribbon routine and scored a 9.15. Aaronson improved her standing 'with a nice club routine. She had no drops and her tosses \\"ere nice ;md' high which garnered her a 9.00 score. So with a new national champion and a fresh national team, the players shed the pressures of the all around competition and went on to dle business of the individual titles, which along with the group routine, would mark m end to this weekend of gala festivities. Individual Competition Sunday, May 6, 1984
n this bright, SUIU1Y day Berube proved to her teammates and more import:U1tly to herself, that she was still a ch:mlpion by grabbing three of dle possible four individual titles on the day. She won the ball , clubs and ribbon events, allowing only the hoop title to slip to Zimring. " I 'wanted to come in today (Sunday) and be very consistent and I \vas. I feel very good about my performance here and I feel I have proved to everyone that I am still a champion," said Berube at the day's end. Fi rst up on the competition slate was the hoop routine. Zimring took this event with scores of 9.50 and 9.60 ( 19.10) while Berube placed second 9. 55 and 9.45 (19.00) and Bree placed third 9.25 mld 9.30 (18.55). Berube stole the show during her ball routine as she was
Lydia Bree (toP) SIxJll'll dloing ber 17'hfxJJI routine, bad SOllie prohlelllS dliling t hi! colII/lefiloll /JIII slil/Illallaged a /if//) /llace jillisb a ll aroll IIrl Jell lIifer Mmll/ ( Iigb/ ) will he a/ace to ll'atch in tbejuture, l\'Ianll11'On el'eryjunior illdit1idllal title as well as tbe all around nJe Los Angeles L(f!,hfSgrou/J routine femn ( heloll ') won tbeCafegory A title <{Iwlij)'illg its lIIellliJers jor /be NafirJllal Gmll/l ROll/ille /ealll . ( lJSGF /lbo/ a Š 1')84 ()m 'f! Black).
May/June 1984 awarded the highest score of the entire competitio n, a 9.75 for her stumting routine. He r executio n was right on the mark and she and the music moved as o ne. She w on this individual title hands down with 19.05 total points. Zimr ing placed seco nd 9.45 and 18.95 total and Bree third 9.20 and 18.20 total. It was again Berube w ho took the top spot o n the podium after the clubs competition. With a combined score of 19.20 (9.60, 9.60) , she narrowly edged Zimring ( 19. 10) \"\~1 0 turned in an exce llent 9.60 routine. Placing third w as Bree w ith a 17.80 total. For the third consecutive event, Be rube took a title away from Zimring, Be rube, w ho fo ll owed Zimring th roughout the competitio n, received a 9.35 final score and 18.35 total in the ribbo n which was just good enough to best Zimring's 9.30 tally and total of 18.2 5 to take top ho nors. Oversier, who is by far the most flex ible rhyt hmic gymnast in the United States, tied Zimring w ith a 9.10 score and 18.25 total.
J unior Comp etitio n Je nnife r Mann and her teammates from the L.A. School of Gymnastics walked away with every medal that wasn't nailed down in Orangeburg. Mann swept the meet by grabbing the gold in the aU around, plus all four individual apparatus events. Tean1l1lates Irina Rubenshtein and Simona Soloveychik finished second and third respectively in the all around. Rubenshtein placed second to Mann in the clubs, ball and ribbon competitions and third in the hoop while Soloveychik pl aced second in the hoop and third in the clubs, ball and ribbon. Junior Individual Even l Finals
8.90 8.45 8.70 7.95 7. 90 8 .05
17.30 16.60 16.45 15.90 15.80
8.50 8.50 7.85 7.90 8.30 7.90
8.65 8.60 8.45 8.20 7.75 7.90
17 .15 17.10 16.30 16.10 16.05 15.80
PRELIM. FIN AL TOTAL 8.80 8.70 8.50 8.05 8.35 8.10
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
8.70 8.55 8.35 8.70 8.35 8.05
17.50 17.25 16.85 16.75 16.70 16. 15
8.75 8.50 8.60 8.20 8.30 8.05
8.95 8.65 8.50 8.20 8.00 7.95
17.70 17.15 17.10 16.40 16.30 16.00
here were three groups and two categories that made up the group competitio n at this championships. In category A, the L.A. Lights group ro utine won over the De troit Me tro Gymnasts/ Rhythmic Blues 35.22 5 to 33.60. Category A is the divisio n fro m which the Natio nal Group team was selected. TIle L.A. Lights won and w ill represent the USA and USGF in internat.io nal competitio ns and o ther selected events. Making up the Los Angeles group team were: Aaronso n; Cull; Karen Greenblatt; Me lissa Greenblatt; JoAnne He ineman; Catherine Lepard; Kim Stiles; Cara Walker and they are coached by AUa Svirsky. Those who competed for the De troit Me tro Gymnasts/ Rhythmic Blues ( RB ) were: Mavis Atlas; Erica Campbell; Charlene Ed wards; Me lissa Meyers ( RB ); Ke lly Rodenburg; Cheryl Stevens; Ursula Watkins and they are coached by Roza Litvakova. Competition in category B, a developmental category, consisted of a team fr om George Williams College in Downers Grove, II . Members of that team were: Cindy Crocco; AnlY K1 edzinski; Gail Dickson; Jo ni Shepherd; JoAnne Behrendt; Velma Brown and Me lissa Orth. TIlis group is coached by Nora Hitzel. Their point total was 26. I O. Team 1. LA Li ghts 2. Detroit Metro Gymnasls/ Rhyt hmic Blues
Cal egory B 1. Total 35.225
USA Gymnastics
L.A . School of Gym. Detroi t Metro Gymn . l.A. School o f Gym. LA School of Gym. l.A. School of Gym. l.A. School of Gym. Detroit Metro Gy mn. l.A. School of Gym. P.NW. Orego n's Rhy. Princeton Un iversity L.A . School o f Gy m. l.A . School of Gym. l.A . School of Gym. Detroit Metro Gymn. LA School of Gym. Detroit Metro Gy mn. Natio nal Acad emy l.A. School of Gym. l.A. School 01 Gym. Detroit Metro Gymn. Gymmari n Evanston Rhy thms Contoocook Gym. Cen. Gymstra da Rhythmic Blues Geo. Will iams Col. Capi tol Rhythm ics Gymmarin Un ited Gy m. Academy Camp Chatooga United Gym. Academy T exas Ch rist ian Univ
37 .55 37.45 36.55 35.95 35 .90 35 .70 35.30 35 .15 34 .80 34 .10 33.70 33.55 33.45 32.80 32.60 32.50 32.45 32.30 32.30 32.05 31.90 31.50 31.35 31 .30 31 .30 31 .30 31 .15 30.90 30.80 30.75 30.30 29.90
·competing fo r score onl y national team mem bership pending
George William Colleg e
Group Routine
G rou p Rou tine Category A
PRELIM . FINAL TOTAL 8.40 8.15 7. 75 7.95 7.90 7.75
Ora ngeburg, SC PLACE NAME
Sen ior Indivi dual Even t Fina ls
SEN IORS 1984 USGFNl dal Sa•• oon Rhythmic Gymnastics CHAMPIONS HIPS OF THE U .S.A.
9.60 9.55 9.25 9.10 9.05 9.00 8.90 9.00 BALL
9.50 9.45 9.30 8.95 8.85 8.90 8.85 8.05
19.10 19.00 18.55 18.05 17.90 17.90 17.75 17.05
9.30 9.50 9.00 8.95 9.20 8.70 8.75 8.65
9.75 9.45 9.20 9.05 8.45 8.95 8.85 8.95
19.05 18.95 18.20 18.00 17.65 17.65 17.60 17.60
9.60 9.50 8.95 9.05 8.70 8.55 9.00 8.50 RIBBO N
1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
JENNIFER MANN L.A . School of Gym. IR INA RUBENSHT EIN L.A. School of Gym. SIMONA SOLOVEYCHI KL.A. School of Gym. DACO N LIST ER Ok lahoma Rhythmic K ERRIE JACKSON United Gym. Aca demy K ELLY TAN KO Eva nston Rhythmics IN GRI D KN IGHT Un ited Nat ions Int'I CHARLENE EDWARDS Detroi t Metro Gym. K ELLY RO DEN BER G Detroi t Metro Gy m. ERI CA CAMPBEL L Detroit Met ro Gym. M ICHAEL MCEL ROY Illusions Houston MARY STAN LEY Un ited Gym. Academy XANDI BYRD L.A. School of Gy m. SABINA BO DR OJAN Evanston Rhythms TAM MY LYNN JOPSONOklahoma Rhythmic KARA T UREK Gymmarin PIA FRUCHTMAN West Coast Waves K ELLY HUNDT West Coast Waves CO LLEEN TOALSON P.NW. Oregon's Rhy. T ER ESA H UTSON Il lusions Hous ton KARA BURKE Gymstrada J ENNIFER K NUST Rhythmi c Blues MIKAEL A BORNYASZ West Coast Waves M ELISSA HUGGARD Signal Hill Gym C lub ELLEN H ART WICK West Coast Waves CLARE DEEGAN Illusions Hous ton AL ANA DO BBINS Ca mp Challooga L ORI STROM Nati ona l Academy VALERIE CRANDALL Crandall's Phys Arts P.NW. Oregon's Rhy. HEIDI K IBBL E MI CHAEL GREMI LlIO N ll lusions Hous ton D ENIS E YOUNG United Gym. Academy
19.20 19.10 17.80 17.70 17.25 17.15 17.05 16.25
9.60 9.60 8.85 8.65 8.55 8.60 8.05 7.75
SCOR E 34.45 33.45 33.10 32.25 31.50 31.50 31 .30 31 .20 31.05 30.90 30.80 30.55 30.50 30.50 30.45 30.40 30.35 30.10 29.80 29.60 29.50 29.35 29.25 29.10 29.10 29.05 29.00 28.60 28.20 28.10 27.95 27.30
9.00 8.95 9. 15 9.05 8.95 8.60 8.65 8.60
9.35 9.30 9.10 9.15 8.60 8.95 8.85 8.65
18.35 18.25 18.25 18.20 17.55 17.55 17.50 17.25
POINTS BEHI ND 1ST 2N D 3RD 0.00 1.00 1.35 2.20 2.95 2.95 3.15 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.65 3.90 3.95 3.95 4.00 4.05 4.10 4.35 4.65 4.85 4.95 5.10 5.20 5.35 5.35 5.40 5.45 5.85 6.25 6.35 6.50 7.15
0.00 0.00 0.35 1.20 1.95 1.95 2.15 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.65 2.90 2.95 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.35 3.65 3.85 3.95 4.10 4.20 4.35 4.35 4.40 4.45 4.85 5.25 5.35 5.50 6.15
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 1.60 1.60 1.80 1.90 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.55 2.60 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 3. 00 3.30 3.50 3.60 3.75 3.85 4.00 4.00 4.05 4.10 4.50 4.90 5.00 5. 15 5.80
May/June 1984
Durham A Team Plo\4er All The WO\4 By lois Graves USA Gymnastics Staff Writer
Editor's Note: Since this interview, Dianne has returned to Houston to once again train at Karolyi's Gymnastics Center.
ianne Durham is a tremendously motivated and self directed athlete. She has progressed light years from the giddy-giggley 1982 Junior National Champion. The "highs" and "low" of experience have added a new dimension of her performance. In Honolulu during the 1984 McDonald's International Classic, a team competition between China arid the U.S. , I had the opportunity to discuss some of the changes and her feelings about them. The twinkle in her eyes and giggle in her voice was back and the enthusiasm was contagious. Dianne started her gymnastics in Merrillville, Indiana with Wanda Mahoy. She spent much of this time (seeming like an eternity for a young athlete with the Olympic Circles in her eyes) as a Class III in the USGF Age Group Program working on basics. From there she worked with Bill Sands for a year and a half, Tony Ladner for a year and a half before moving t6 Houston, Texas to train with Bela Karolyi for two years. Earlier this year she moved to Fort Worth, Texas to work under the guidance of Scott Crouse. lG
You've had an opportunity to work with a lot of talented people_ Sometimes making so many changes is viewed as somehwat controversial. HoW do you feel about the strengths you have drawn (rom these people and so m:any moves? I have learned a lot from every coach I have been with. Each coach was different ahd helped strengthen different parts of my gymriastics Personality. They have all contributed to my success in gymnastics. I think the changes were part of maturity. The last change from Houston to Fort Worth was nothing personal with the coaches or the gymnasts; it was just time for me to move on. I wasn't enjoying the sport anymore. I knew if I was going to make it, I had to enjoy it. That is the way I have felt from the beginning. You have to enjoy it if you want to keep improving. Is there a lot of pressure? Sometimes when I don't do as well as other people think I should, it worries me that they are thinking she is losing ground. When I know I am not doing well, that is enough pressure on me. That is what happened at the American Cup. I think the experience was good for me. I went home and told Scott that I never wanted to have that happen again (not making finals ), and we went to work. ll1is meet went much better. Is there any extra pressure on you because you are the first black Women's National Champion? I don't thirik so. I try not to put any extra pressure on myself. I just try to take it in stride. Everyorie here treats me the same as anyone else. I think if they didn't I would probably think about it, but they don't, so I don't even think about it.
USA Gymnastics
An obvious goal for you in the near future is
the 1984 Olympic Team_ How do you feel about our chances? DD I think it will depend on who hits and who misses. We can take the Russians, Romanians, East Germans and the Chinese on if we set it up with strong compulsory sets and hit our optionals. We will have the strongest team we have ever had and in this age of gymnastics with the difficulty level so high, we can be right up there with the rest of the world. lG When all is said and done and Dianne Durham is in the history books, what do you want people to remember most about your gymnastics? DD Probably that I have a great time doing gymnastics and that I am a team player. No matter how good or bad I do, I want to keep supporting our team. And support the tear;n she did as she led them to a victory over a strong Chinese Women's Team, not to mention adding another All-Around title to her laurels.
\f'hell all is said lIl1(/ t/ol1ea/)olll Dianne Dlirbam, she Ulllllls to be renlemlx~'ed (I teall/ p/aj'('r al/tbe "'(I) '. ({ I.~GF pboto Š /984 /Ja/'e Black).
May/June 1984
UCLA Severs Nebraska's Title String Gaylord, Daggett, Caso Sweep Top 3 Spots
he 1984 Men's NCAA National Gymnastics Championships brought the top 10 gymnastics teams to Pauley Pavilion, in Los Angeles, April 12-14, and a not so surprising landslide victory for the Bruins. You could say, "the teams have changed, but the result was the same." UCLA came within . 5, (scoring 287.3) of matching the all time high NCAA team scoring record, 287.8 set by the Nebraska Cornhuskers at the 1983 NCAA National Championships, at Penn State. Not to be mistaken the UCLA Bruins overtook their challenging opponents, Penn State and Ohio State by over six points. TEAM COMPETITION UCLA, led by Seniors Mitch Gaylord, Tim Daggett, and Mark Caso, performed with awesome strength. For example, on floor exercise, if your fifth man mounts with a round-off flip flop double layout and hits (Tony Pinada), and your next four men follo~ suit and hit (Chris Caso), hit (Mark Caso), hit (Tim
Daggett) and hit (Mitch Gaylord), there won't be many folks who will argue the outcome. This was the situation with UCLA in the final team competition. The Bruins took the top three spots, in floor exercise-Gaylord, Daggett, M. Caso, pommel horse-Daggett , Gaylord, Pineda, vaulting-M . Caso, R. Campbell, Gaylord, the top two spots in rings-Daggett, Gaylord and parrallel barS-Daggett, Gaylord, and the top spot in high bar - Daggett. The battle for the 2nd and 3rd team place finish was a hard fought duel to the end with Penn State topping Ohio State by .15. Terry Bartlett of Penn State was a main stay in the Nittney Lions' attack; while Jay Foster, the Riskins and their Buckeye team couldn't put together consistent offensive to make up the .15. ALL AROUND The individual all around was another clean sweep for the BruinS Gaylord, Daggett, and Mark Caso. Chris Riegel had some trouble with rings in the compulsory round, but came back in
Mitch Gavlord (left) lI'on the NOlA all arol/nd title. The senior from UCLA accumll/(ded 116. 95 points dllring the all arollnd competition. Teammate Tim Daggett ( ahOl'l! )/olloll'l!d Gaylord jinishing second/n the all arol/nd He added three indiuidllal titles to his credit (pommel. rings and parallel hars). ( USGF photos Š 1984 [Jal'e Black).
USA Gymnastics
MClrk Caso (right) compleled Ihethreeplacl'slI'eePfor UCLA h)'placing third ill the al/ around Besides dOlllilulting tbe indil>idual titles, UCLA captured the 1984 NOlA title breaking a fiI1e-.jlear ho ld Nebraska hat/. (USGF photo Š 1984 Da/le Black).
optional session to take fourth in the all around. Roy Palassou had a strong compulsory round and conservative optional round to take the fifth spot. Establishing a comeback from a serious new injury, Palassou was voted the 1984 Nissen Award winner, Charles Lakes from the University of Illinois bettered his 1983 11th finish to take sixth place, with 112.4. EVENT FINAL HIGHLIGIITS Kevin Ekburg of Northern Illinois won the floor finals with 9.85, and sparked the crowd with a routine that dismounted with round-off whip back, full twisting whip back, flip flop, flip flop, double full, punch front! Terry Bartlett of Penn State who showed style and good form, had a break of the landing of his first pass (double layout) in finals and scored a 9.0, On pommel horse, Daggett scored a 9.9 to clinch the title. His aggressive attack on the pommels has turned pommel horse into an exciting and crowd pleasing event. Daggett went on to win rings and parallel bars. In the final team competition the previous night, he scored a 10.00 on a superbly executed P-Bar routine. Chris Riegel won vaulting with a 10.00 Handspring front with a 1/2 in piked position. And Charles Lakes ended an unlucky streak of finals finishes to win the high bar event. When Art Shurlock, head gymnastics coach of the UCLA Bruins and Division I 1984 Coach of the Year, was asked how does it feel to be the coach of the team that broke the Nebraska stronghold, he grinned and said "great. The guys worked awfully hard to get there." When further asked, with the broader depth of talent coming into the NCAA ranks, do you think there will ever be another five year streak, he grinned again, and without hesitation, said "J'd like to think we've just started one." Congratulations to all UCLA Team members, coaching staff, and all '84 NCAA National Championship Participants.
The UCLA men's gymnastics team have worked hard and looked forward to the opportunity to take the NCAA championship out to the West Coast, and they were not disappointed, I got a chance to talk with Coach Shurlock at the Championships of the USA in Chicago and ask a little about their program. L.G. As a general overview, what did you think about the NCAA competition and a lot of new faces entering the collegiate scene? A.S. Naturally I'm pleased with the outcome. We set out as our goal to beat Nebraska, as defending champions and as it turned out Penn State and Ohio State were our strongest competition. There are a lot of new athletes coming into the collegiate ranks as a direct result of the Boys Jr. Program, that are so talented when they get to college that it has built up many of the men's programs and added to the overall depth of our spo rt. The Jr. Program is very important to the development and possibly the survival of men's NCAA programs. L.G. What are some of the things that have made the UCLA Program successful? A.S. I think one of the main things is that we have recruited a group of highly m<;>tivated athletes who are not only
USA Gymnastics
L.G. A.S.
L.G. A.S.
very talented but are good people, work well together and help each other. Each athlete, even though he works well with one another, is distinctly different. Their training programs are individualized to meet their needs and encourage their individual progress and success. In your program, do you encourage originality? When I was a competitor, originality was not stressed as much as it is now, but I feel that it helps make the sport more enjoyable, plus it's almost essential for success on an international level. We encourage new ideas and its always a thrill when a new skill or idea works out. We are fortunate to have a facility that lends itself to learning new skills safely. How important is your assistants to the programs success? My assistant coach, Makato Sakamoto has done a tremendous job, he has set up good programs for the athletes, and has pretty much free hand. I've become a better coach since Mako came in and I think a little of me has rubbed off on him. It's a good working relationship. Chuck Gaylord comes in and works with Mitch and spots some of
See Shurlock, page 36
Art Shurlock, 1984 NOlA Couch of the Year, Is a quiet intense force directing t he UCLA lIlen 's l{vmnastics program. (USGF photo Š 1984 Daile Black).
May/ June 1984
Shurlock, from page 35
our other guys also,'
Plus our guys help each other. Mitch, Peter, Tim, Mark, they all help the younger guys, and one another. Its a positive atmosphere, and I think that's a key to its success. L.G. One final question, does having an international program and collegiate program in your gym, warrent special planning? Where are the priorities? A.S. Actually, in many ways they compliment each other. Obviously, promoting and developing our UClA collegi ate team and making it successful is a very important goal to all our athletes; but beyond that we ( coaching staff) all feel strongly that in addition to the team goal, we want to actively pursue a much bigger goal of making USA gymnastics one of the strongest powers in the world. That's a unique thing how our athletes also feel as strongly as we do about promoting gymnastics and developing our national strength.
....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Men's NCAA National Championships April 12-14, 1984 Pauley Pavilion All Around Results Total
Rank Name Mitch Gaylotd 2 T im Daggett 3 Mark Caso 4 Chris Reigel 5
Roy Palassou
6 Charles Lakes 7 Joe Ray 8 Tony Pineda 9
Matt Arnot
Mark Bowers
Mike Sims
Terry Barllett
Jay Foster
Rob Mahurin
John Levy
Wes Suter
Dan Bachman
COllin Godkin
Dave Menke
John Levy
Rank 1 2 3
Team UCLA Penn State Ohio State
HB Total Team
116.95 9.60 9.55 9.80 9.85 9.90 9.85 58.55 UCLA 9.45 9.75 9.75 9.80 9.75 9.90 58.40 115.50 9.55 9.40 9.70 9.65 9.80 9.75 57.85 UCLA 9.15 9.65 9.80 9.45 9.65 9.75 57.65 114.059.65 9.25 9.65 9.709.40 9.50 57.15 UCLA 9.50 8.90 9.70 9.70 9.50 9.60 56.90 113.95 9.50 9.50 8.35 9.85 9.85 9.50 56.35 Nebraska 9.90 9.20 9.45 9.80 9.60 9.85 57.60 113.85 9.20 9.85 9.60 9.65 9.35 9.80 57.45 San Jose State 9.10 9.70 9.50 9.35 9.05 9.70 56.40 112.409.35 9.35 9.00 9.75 8.45 9.85 55.75 Illinois 9.60 9.50 9.20 9.60 8.85 9.90 56.65 111 .759.109.508.759.659.20 9.60 55.80Minnes ota 9.40 9.45 9.35 9.10 9.15 9.50 55.95 111.609.00 9.75 8.75 9.759.40 9.20 55.85 UCLA 9.10 9.65 9.35 9.30 9.60 8.75 55.75 111 .00 9.30 9.45 9.45 9.55 9.20 9.30 56.25 New Mexico 9.85 8.75 8.70 8.70 9.45 9.50 54.75 111 .009.109.55 8.60 9.45 9.20 9.50 55.40 Iowa State 9.20 9.45 9.25 9.15 9.30 9.25 55.60 110.65 9.00 9.65 8.35 9.60 9.05 9.60 55.25 Oklahoma 8.85 9.50 9.20 . 9.509.50 8.85 55.40 110.50 9.45 7.25 9.00 9.70 9.50 9.55 54.45 Penn State 9.70 8.40 9.40 9.60 9.45 9.50 56.05 110.50 9.05 8.70 9.40 9.30 9.05 9.25 54.75 Ohio State 9.65 9.10 9.50 9.05 9.50 8.95 55.75 110.409.159.108.409.85 8.50 9.35 54.15 Oklahoma 9.30 9.20 9.25 9.50 9.60 9.40 56.25 110.35 9.30 9.20 9.30 9.55 9.35 9.00 55.70 Stanford 8.30 9.20 9.65 9.10 9.00 9.40 54.65 110.30 9.30 8.40 8.45 9.60 8.95 9.55 54.25 Nebraska 9.65 8.65 9.35 9.55 9.30 9.55 56.05 110.009.308.70 8.65 9.45 9.15 8.80 54.05 Iowa 9.55 9.25 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.40 55.95 109.95 9.05 9.10 8.80 9.50 9.30 9.20 54.95 Minnesota 9.10 9.30 8.95 9.20 9.30 9.15 55.00 109.25 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.40 8.20 9.50 54.25 Minnesota 9.10 9.00 9.15 9.20 9.10 9.45 55.00 9.15 7.40 9.10 9.45 8.85 9.3053.25 Southern Illinois 9.50 8.60 9.25 9.35 9.30 9.60 55.60 Final Team Compelilion Standing. PB HB Tolal TX PH R V 48.10 47 .95 287 .30 48.20 47.55 47.40 48.10 47 .55 281 .25 46.20 46.85 47 .40 46.75 46.50 47.40 281.10 47.10 46.65 46.85 46.55 46.55
Team Competition Rank Team
For Floor-Ex Music That Is
* Unique * Creative * Superb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
UCLA Penn State Ohio State Iowa State Nebraska Oklahoma Southern Illinois Iowa Illinois Mi nnesota
285.05 279.90 279.80 278.85 277.65 277.30 276.40 275.95 275.50 274.85
46.40 47.05 47.10 47.15 4755 47.55 46.95 46.55 46.40 45.70
47.50 45.85 46.65 46.00 44.10 44.95 45.15 45.55 45.00 45.40
48.05 46.50 46.00 46.75 45.30 45.95 45.35 46.50 47 .05 46.15
47.80 46.85 46.50 46.60 47.15 47.85 47.35 46.80 47. 10 46. 15
47.80 46.90 46.75 46.00 46.75 46.60 45.35 45.00 44.00 45.20
47.50 46.75 46.80 46.35 46.80 44.40 46.25 45.55 4,s.95 46.25
Individual Event Finals Floor Exercise Rank Name 1 2 3 4 4 6
Score Team
Kevin I;'kburg Dave Branch Chris Reigel Mark Oates B rett Finch Jim Mikus John Sweeney Terry Bartlett R. Wickstrom
9.85 9.65 9.60 9.20 9.20 9.10 9.00 9.00 8.55
Northern Illinois Arizona State Nebraska Oklahoma Iowa State Nebraska Houston Baptist Penn State California
Pommel Horse
Ca ll or write today. 1984 Dem on st rat io n Tapes $4 .00
RankName 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Score Team
Tim Daggett Doug Kieso Herb Voss Tony Pineda Joe Ledvora Roy Palassou Frank Hibbitts Joe Leo Milch Gaylord Bill Stanley
9.90 9.80 9.75 9.70 9.60 9.45 9.35 9.20 8.90 8.85
UCLA Northern Illinois Southern Illinois UCLA Illinois Sa n Jose State Nebraska Iowa UCLA Penn State
1 2 2 4 5 6
220 1 SHAD CT
NAPLES, FL 33962
Ti m Daggett Mitch Gaylord Jeff Coelho Mark Caso Kenn Viscardi Jon Levy Paul Fishbein 7 Mark Diab 9 Dave Luyando
4 5 5 5 8 8 8 11 12
10.00 9.80 9.80 8.75 9.70 9.70 9.70 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.55 9.50
Nebraska California UCLA Houston Baptist Temple UCLA Ok lahoma Oklahoma E. Stroudsburg Southern Illinois Illinois Arizona State
Parallel Bars RankName 1 2 3 4 5 5 7
Score Team
Tim Daggett John Sweeney Christ Reigel Seth Riskin Jim Mikus Tony Pineda Rob Mahurin
9.70 9.45 9.40 9.35 9.25 9.25 8.50
UCLA Houston Baptist Nebraska Oh io State Nebraska UCLA Oklahoma
High Bar
Score Team
9.80 9.70 9.70 9.60 9.50 9.45 9.40 9.40 9.30
Score Team
Christ Reige l R. Wickstrom Mark Caso John Swenney Bobby Fleming Mitch Gaylord Scott Wilbanks Mark Oates Devot Garrett Brendan Price G. Sanches Paul Webster
Rings Rank Name
UCLA UCLA Springfield Col. UCLA Penn State Stanford Illinois-Chicago Iowa State Illinois
Rank Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Charles Lakes Tim Daggett Rob Playter Roy Palassou Chris Riege l Jim Mikus John Levy Mark Caso
Score Team 9.95 9.90 9.80 9.70 9.60 9.50 9.10 8.85
Illinois UCLA Oh io State San Jose State Nebraska Nebraska Southern Illinois UCLA
USA Gym nastics
May/June 1984
utah On NCAA's., Highest Platea U Marsden TOps Women's All Around List By Lois Graves USA Gymnastics Staff Writer
he women's 1984 NCAA National Gymnastics Championships posed the biggest challenge yet to the University of Utah's Lady Utes, aspiring for their 4th national title, at UCLA's Pauley Pavillion. This year UCLA, Cal State Fullerton, Arizona State, and Florida were ready for the challenge. Though the crowd was smaller than expected, there were three distinct cheering sections that made themselves known: fans from Utah, Cal State Fullerton, and the host fans, UCLA. TEAM COMPETITION The team competition was closer than ever. The top five team scores were within a 3.85 point spread. The Lady Utes' experience paid off. Led by '83 all around champ Megan Marsden, they turned in a conservative but consistent set to win their 4th consecutive national title and clinch the '84 NCAA National Women's Gymnastics Championships. Utah drew a bye in the first rotation and it seemed to the observer they had to
play catch-up throughout the round. A closer look shows they started strong, winning vault by .05 over a fired-up UCLA team, who were hungry for an upset. They tied Cal State Fullerton for 1st ( 47. 3) in uneven bars. The Lady Bruins, however, were awesome on unevens, but they had to count a fall which cost them .5 on the event score (47.1). Balance beam was the decider as it often is, and it came down to who stayed on. And Utah had problems, but they counted fewer falls. Up until this point UCLA was stalking the Utes, behind by only .7. UCLA finished competition with a strong floor set winning that event, but not closing the gap enough, as their fifth rotation was a bye, they could only watch as Utah won. ALL AROUND
Megan Marsden closed the chapter on her collegiate career and again this year captured the 1984 ail around title as elegantly as she did in 1983; however, not without Lisa Zeis (.1) and Tami Elliott ( .15) close behind. A three-way tie for fourth place was held by Linda Kardos (Utah), ELfi Schlegel (Florida) and Penny Hauschild (Alabama). Each year the Women's Division I coaches nominate an outstanding senior who exemplifies achievement and leader-
DonI/a Kemp (left) of UClA Il'flS I/allled the 1984 AmeliClln AII'fIrd II 'inner recenti)l. Dllring the NOtA colllpetition K elllp placed sel'enth in the all aro/lI1d (Right) Lisa Zeis fmm Arizol/a State tllmed iI/ (/ good peljormal/ce jillisbillg second all amlllld (U~GF photos Š 1984 D(l{'e Black).
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984 ship in athletics, scholastics and civic involvement. Donna Kemp of UClA not only took seventh in the all around, but was voted the 1984 American Award Winner. The award was presented to her by Dan Copeland of AMF American Corp., sponsors of the award, at a brunch, prior to finals competition. OVERVIEW The caliber and quality of gymnastics performance was higher and more exciting than ever before. For example, the top 16 all around scores at this year's meet ranged from 36.45 to 37.9 at a mean of 37.1. At an international all around competition held earlier this year at Madison Square Garden , the McDonald's/ USGF competitors ranged from 36.4 5 to 39.5 and a mean of 37.8 of which .7 is not a big point spread. The point being that many of our elite international competitors are staying in gymnastics longer helping to enhance the quality of collegiate gymnastics. In talking with the now assistant coaches at the University of Utah, Bill Sands and Donna Cozza who have both made the switch from a successful USGF elite and international program to the collegiate ranks, I asked how they felt about the competi-
tion and about the trend of gymnastics at the collegiate level, Donna remarked, "the meet was far more competitive than I had anticipated. In general, with the exception of bars, the skills being performed were on par with many of our national elite competitors; maybe not our top elites, but certainly not too far below. I think you'll see many more of the elite competitors staying in the sport longer primarily because the international competitive age limit is higher ( 15), in addition to opportunity for the girls to go to a university for an education and be able to utilize a good facility and good coaching." I further asked about some of the transitions that a competitor might make. "In general, they have to get used to working out less and competing more which I think in the long run makes them a much better competitor. The team concept plays a much more emphasized role at the collegiate level and it helps the individual competitors collectively achieve their goals. They are not pitted against each other individually as much as at the elite level; therefore, the pressure on the kids is not as great."
"The meet was far more competitive than had anticipated. In general, with the exception of bars, the skills being performed were on par with many of our national elite competitiors."-Donna Cozzo I asked Bill about some of the problems for the athletes who wanted to continue training for international competition. "Basically, scheduling is the biggest problem. The two seasons, at present, conflict and it puts too much strain on the athlete to
I II I Barry Nease Studio -COMPOSER FORParkettes National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics University of Utah University of Florida Atlanta School of Gymnastics
Kathy Johnson Tracee Talavera Gina Stallone Tanya Service Megan McCunniff Marsden Amy Koopman
Personal custom music for the serious competitor. State of the art studio designed specifically for producing orchestrated floor-ex music. The best floor-ex music you can get, affordably priced. Me/i{1Il Marsden. oj U(ah. '('apped ojj her m lle/ii{d e career h), lI'inl1il1/i (be all a/'OI/nd title dlllill/i (be NCAA cballlpi(JIlsbips ill Los A ngeles. (USGFpho(n @ 1984 Dat'e Black ) .
USA Gymnastics
Other productions simply don't compare. 204 Shrineview Ave . â&#x20AC;˘ Boalsburg . PA 16827 â&#x20AC;˘ 814-466-7731
May/June 1984 train for compulsories, regular collegiate competition, maintain ~------------------------------------~
studies, prepare for qualifying meets and international travel. I'm not sure what the answer is; possibly if as in the men's program some of the collegiate meets could be used as qualifiers into USA Championships, that might discourage or rather encourage college-age women to stay in a collegiate program rather than dropping out to train for international competition. One of the key issues I see for an athlete who joins a collegiate program is whether or not she will continue to improve her gymnastics, i.e., gymnastics skills, personal growth, competitive ability, and I know at Utah that is one of our goals. As an over all observation since my involvement with the NCAA is that while it might seem somewhat restricting with everything you w ant to do, the rules and guidelines are pretty explicit and make it easier to work within and do your job. They seem a lot more consistent at present than the USGF's elite level. I look forward to finding a happy medium between the NCAA coaches and Elite coaches." FINAL NOTE With the quality of their swing, difficulty, and composition on uneven bars, their maturity, elegance and difficulty, on floor and beam, and their power on vaulting, the competitors of the 1984 NCAA Women's National Championships not only came to compete, they came to make a statement about collegiate gymnasticS, and they did. Congratulations ladies and coaches on a job well done.
NCAA Womens Gymnastics Champions April 6-7, 1984 Pauley Pavilion, UCLA
Final Standings All-Around Competition Standings Rank 1 2 3 4 4 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 16 16 19 20 21 21 21
9.65 9.35 9.60 9.35 9.35 9.45 9.35 9.55 9.20 9.25 9.05 9.25 9.45 9.35 9.50 9.30 9.55 9.35 8.75 9.45 9.20 9.00 9.35
9.45 9.50 9.65 9.55 9.50 9.60 9.50 9. 15 9.30 9.45 9.30 9.50 9.00 9.45 9.30 8.65 9.60 9.35 9.10 9.30 9.60 9.50 9.05
9.45 9.45 9.10 9.15 9.00 9.15 9.20 9. 10 9.00 8.90 9.00 8.75 8.70 8.60 8.50 9.05 8.30 8.35 9.SS 8.60 8.70 8.90 8.70
9.35 9.50 9.40 9.35 9.55 9.20 9.30 9.30 9.45 9.25 9.45 9.20 9.50 9.05 9.20 9.45 9.00 9.40 9.00 9.00 8.75 8.85 9.15
37.90 37.80 37.75 37.40 37.40 37.40 37.35 37.10 36.95 36.85 36.60 36.70 36.85 36.85 36.50 36.45 36.45 36.45 36.40 36.35 36.25 36.25 36.25
Name Megan Marsden
Lisa Zeis Tami Elliott Linda Kardos Elfi Schlegel Penney Hauschild Don na Kemp Callie Glanton Li sa Mitzel Terri Eckert Maria Anz Julie Estin Kim Neal Sandy Sobotka Pam Loree Trina Tin ti Kathy Mc Min n Lisa Sh irk Heidi Anderson Shari Man n Jackie Bru mmer Donita Klein Ellis Wood
Ta mi Elliott (heloll ,) of u lli/omia State at Fllllertoll. placed third in the all amlllld 111th 37.75 points. ( lJ.~GF photo @ 1')84 D<1I 'e Black ).
Team Utah A rizona State Cal 51. Fullerton Utah Florida Al abam a UCLA Cal 51. Fullerton Uta h Georgia Florida Ala bama A rizona State Utah Pen n State UCLA Georgia I ndiv idual C amp. I ndividual Camp. A rizona State Arizona State Cal 51. Fullerton I ndividual Camp.
Final Standings Team Competition Standings-Final Season Rank Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
Utah UCLA Cal 51. F. ullerton Arizona State Florida Alabama Penn State Wash ington Georgia Arizona
186.05 185.55 183.90 183.65 182.20 180.80 179.45 178.55 177.60 176.90
47.20 47.15 46.60 46.70 45.40 45.10 45.95 45.10 45.05 45.10
47.30 47.10 47.30 46.90 46.30 46.00 45.65 43.90 44.35 45.60
45 .30 44 .85 44.40 43 .90 44.45 44.65 44.15 44 .35 43.35 41 .65
46.25 46.45 45.60 46.15 46.05 45.05 43.70 45.20 44 .85 44 .35
Balance Beam
Final Standings Floor Exercise Rank Name
Maria Anz Elfi Sch legel Kim Neal Jeanine Creek Li sa Zeis Tami Elliott Lisa Mitzel Lisa Shirk Trina Tinti
1 2 2 4 5 5 7 8 9
Score Team 9.70 9.65 9.65 9.60 9.55 9.55 9.50 9.i 0 8.95
Rank Name
Florida Fl orida Arizona State Individual Comp. Arizo na State Cal 51. Fullerton Utah Individual Comp. UCLA
1 2 3 4 4 6 7 7 9
Score Team
Heidi An derson Lisa Zeis Linda Kardos Penney Hauschild Donna Kemp Barb Mack Karen McMullin Megan Marsden Laurie Carter
9.70 9.65 9.50 9.40 9.40 9.30 9.20 9.20 8.85
Individual Comp. Arizona State Utah Al abama UCLA Alabama UCLA Utah Individual Comp.
9.50 9.45 9.40 9.40 9.35 9.25 8.80
Individual Comp. UCLA Florida Arizona Alabama Arizona State Cal 51. Fullerton
Uneven Parallel Bars Rank Name 1 2 2 4 4 4 7
Jackie Brummer Linda Kardos Penney Hauschild Ro ni Barrios Kathy Mc Minn Tam i Elliott Karen McMu llin
9.70 9.60 9.60 9.55 9.55 9.55 9.50
Arizo na State Utah Alabama Cal 51. Fullerton Georgia Cal 51. Fullerton UCLA
7 9 10 10 12 13 14
Suzy Kellens Donna Kem p Elfi Schlegel Kelly Chap lin Julie Esti n
Lisa leis Donita K lein
Vault Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name Megan Marsden Rhonda Schwandt Elaine Alfa no Callie Glanton Pam Loree Kathy McMinn Amy Priest
Vault 1
Vault 2
9.45 9.55 9.50 9.20 9.15 9.40 8.95
9.70 9.10 9.05 9.30 9.25 8.90 8.85
Vault Ave Team 9.575 9.325 9.275 9.25 9.20 9.15 8.90
Utah UCL A Utah CSF Penn 51. Georgia Ok laho ma
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984
Schedule of Events (Dates & Events subject to change or cancellation) JUNE 1984 1-3 1984 USGF Olympic Trials (M/WArtistic) jacksonville, FL 16-1 7 1984 USGF Rhythmic Gymnastics O lympic Tria ls Atlantic City, Nj 17-23 Senior Men's O lymp ic Training Camp (M) Colorado Springs, CO 22-24 junior Olympic Boys Nationals Albuquerque, NM
~I .J
Indianapolis, IN (2 1st) Chicago, IL (23rd) OcrOBER 1984 1-21 RSG Training Cunp Colorado Springs, CO 25-28 Four Continents Championships in Rhythmic G)11111astics Indi;Ulapolis, I 26-28 National Coaches Workshop (M ) Colorado Springs, CO NOVEMBER 1984 3-8 1984 Ontario Cup (M /W) Toronto, Canada -TBA Pacific Alliance ' Site TBA 17 Mt. Rushmore Cup (Junior Boys & Girls) Rapid City, SO 17-24 1st junior Men's De\', Camp Colorado Springs, CO 24-30 2nd junior Men's De\". Camp Colorado Springs, CO
JULY 1984 20-26 FJG Congress Los Angeles, CA 28 OPENING CEREMO IES 1984 Summers Olympic Games Los Angeles, CA 29-August ') O lympic G)1nnastics Comp eti ti on Men & Women-Artistic Pauley Pavilion UCLA CUll pus AUGUST 1984
9-11 Olympic Gymnas t ics Competition Rhythmic G)1TInastics Pauley Pavilion UCLA Campus 15-20 RSG Continental judges Course. Colorado RSG National Coaches Course Spri ngs Colorado Springs, CO. 18-30 junior Men's Development Camp Colorado Springs, CO
If you take your gymnastics seriously, you'll be using Adidas beam and vault shoes.
Full time coach/instructor position_ Pre ·school through C1'L's I. New facility. Wonoerful parents ano stuoents. Great potential for growth. Salary plus IXlnus's. Contact Roy Smith, (S I 2) 2H2·77 39 or ( S 12) 4 47-64 1:\ ( home), or Sl110 resumc to, Jackie's Dance ,mo G)m n'L'ti cs, P.O. Box S9/l. Manchaca,
all leather superior sole for beam & vault deSigned for comfort and fonn introductory price only $33.00
Texas 786 :; 2. Gym is located in Amain , Texas.
Gym Club for Sale: Profitahle, with low overheao. Tots thm Class IJJ c/ o Motivateo seller. Price will surprise. Inquiries to, CCG, S,W S. 10th St .. Grano Junltion, CO R I SO I
SEPTEMBER 1984 18-19 USGF Business Seminar Indi;Ulapolis, IN 20-25 USGF Congress Indi;Ulapolis, IN -15-2,:; 'Olympic Medalist Tour (') Stops) Washington, DC ( 15th) Houston, TX (16th) Albuquerque, NM ( 19th)
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE ALUMNI: interesteo in promoting a gymnastics program at our Alma Mater: Coeo, age group, interco llegiate, varsity, intramural and alumni: Alumni with kios in gymnastics ano ent husiasts of this wholt:some spon : Contact o r write to: Gymrlasti cs Program. c / o Elia, Papageorge, ,~()4 West lOS St, pat. 4B, NYC I002S, 212-:\16. } 46/l. Answering Machine record, until caller hangs up, Columhia has al ready a swimmer and a soccer player at the pretrial O lympic Stage. Why shoul<.ln't aova nce our gymnasts a' well'
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GYMNASTICS 3509 South Mason Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 (303) 226-0306 or 482· n23
May/June 1984
New Product and Services Preview As our gymnastics development is in a constant state of evolution, so are the products and services that become available to the gymnastics community. USA Gymnastics asked manufacturers to submit a description of a product or service that they wanted to highlight for our readership.
Educational and 'Instructional Gary Goodson, internationally known lecturer and coach , has developed a superb training system for coaches , judges , gymnasts and parents . The videotapes include technical and physical preperation including the newest RUSSIAN , CHINESE, and AMERICAN material. Demonstrations by some of the top women gymnasts in the U.S. in clude preparation and skills . Tapes include: VAULT , UNEVEN BARS, BALANCE BEAM, FLOOR EXERCISE , PROFILE DRILLS . For more information co ntact : ON CALL PRODUCTIONS, INC. Box 784 Moorhead , MN 56560 (218) 236-9782 1983 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS ; Budapest , Hungary- VIDEO CASSETTE (VHS or BETA) See the complete championships with the Opening Ceremon y, compuls ory routines, 40 plus Competition II optional routines, and the entire Competition III Finals. #107-Men's-1 hr. 55 min. $60 .00 Ppd . #108-Women 's-1 hr. 45 min. $60.00 Ppd. FRANK ENDO-18011 La Salle Ave ., Gardena, CA 90248 Tel (213) 770-0193
CAMP TSUKARA A most unique summer gymnastics camp . Ability group instruction. Five to one camper staff ratio . Most modern techniques and progressions used . Modern living in a beautiful setting . New AMF equipment outside and in our gymnasium . Gymnastic video tapes used for skill analysis and evaluation . Weight and strength equipment programs available for conditioning and circuit train ing . Lots of fun all summer swimming and water skiing with special evening programs each nig ht. CAMP TSUKARA Attn: Jerry Fontana Route 2, Box 60 Cable, Wisconsin 54821 715-7983785
Safety Posters I & II available and an invaluable aid for all programs-Safety Poster I outlines gymnastics safety guidelines; Safety Poster II graphically covers the Responsibilities of the Gymnast; contact the USGF Safety and Education Department, 101 W. Washington Street , Suite 1144E, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 317-638-8743.
Great teaching aid for coaches and gymnasts, girls and boys-Francis Allen 's Gymnastics Clinic , Volume I: Warmups , Flexibility and Tumbling , Volume II: Tumbling , Floor Exercise and Vaulting . Each volume-video cassette $89.95, Beta or VHS format. Volumes feature All-Americans, Olympians and NCAA Champions : Jim Mikus, Scott Johnson, Jim Hartung , Phil Cahoy; and World Champion Tumbler, Steve Elliott. For more information and orders call TOLL FREE 1/ 800/ 288-0164. The Making of A Champion is a motivational program designed to help' athletes maximize personal and athletic growth and development; authored by Paul J. Meyer, a leading authority in success motivation, Call for more information, Success Motivation Cassettes, Inc., Box 8018, Waco, TX 76714-8018, 817-776-1230. 1984 USGF National Women 's Gymnastics Coaches Seminar, June 12-16, 1984, Salt Lake City, Utah ; Graduate or Undergraduate credit available-call Greg Marsden, 801-581-3513.
Fitness and Conditioning AVITA 350-Aerobic Jogger. This electric treadmill is styled to look handsome in any decor, at home or in the office . A 1'12 hp heavy-duty motor, dynamically balanced flywheel, and cog belt drive provide trouble-free power on demand . A console mounted speed control allows easy adjustment throughout the 0-10 mph range while you run . The smooth running surface absorbs shock and assures running and walking comfort for extended lengths of time. Contact M & R Industries, 9215 151st Ave . NE, Redmond , WA 98052, (206) 885-1010 for the dealer nearest you .
SUNSTAR INTERNATIONAL LTD. offers a complete line of top quality we i ght lilting accessories . Included are three versions of tubular steel TRICEP BARS (24"-34"-40") with fixed inside collars and chromed steel outside collars . CURL BARS for standard one inch hole plates , or, for Olympic style 2 inch hole plates are made of top quality cold rolled steel and come with chromed steel collars . Grip surfaces on all bars feature nonslip quality knurling . Contact main office 24-16 Queens Plaza South , LtC., N.Y. 11101 for further information .
Publications "Technique" the new official technical publication of the USGF is now available. It is a gymnastics publication for the gymnastics professional; contact USGF publications , 101 W. Washington Street, Suite 1144E, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 317-638-8743. INTERNATIONAL GYMNAST will be publishing an Olympic Pictorial in October 1984. This 80-page collector's item will contain some of the very best photographs taken at the Pauley Pavilion OlympiC Venue in Los Angeles during Olympic competition . Servi ng as the November issue for regular subscribers , the Pictorial may be ordered for $5 .00 or as part of an annual monthly subscription for $18.00 by the October 1,1984 deadline. Please remit check or money order to INTERNATIONAL GYMNAST, P.O. Box 110B, Santa Monica, CA 90406 , or call Peter Koch-Weser, 213-636-2642.
The 10 original tumbling charts from forward roll to back handspring were produced by Siegfried Gerstung for physical educators and gymnastics coaches who need ideas for good basic teaching progressions . This publication has given useful hints to thousands of instructors teaching tumbling in our school systems . All ten of these easy to follow charts are now available for the low price of $6.40. Call Gerstung Publications at 301 / 664-0400 .
AEROBICS & FITNESS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA AFAA is the only organization providing a nationally-recognized aerobic instructor certification program as well as offering its members an expanding range of benefits. These include educational seminars, health and liability insurance plans , professional pricing on products and services, AEROBICS & FITNESS journal, and a nonprofit foundation which performs and sponsors fitness-related education, research and product evaluation . AFAA also offers a membership designed expressly for exercise and fitness facilities and other organizations . CONTACT Linda Pfeffer at (818) 905-0040 . A.F.AA 15250 Ventura Blvd., #802 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 The BIG BAND was brought to this country from Europe as a piece of strength building equipment one can travel with . Gym-Thing, Inc. is packaging this device for gymnasts, allowing them to work on specific strength building wherever they are. The bas ic proven principals of working against resistance other than gravity are applied here. The Big Band is an endless 1'12" wide loop, consisting of two fused together rubber materials. This product, manufactured in Germany, comes with a 5 year guarantee and sells for under $20. Call Gym-Thing, Inc.: 301 / 664-0401 . The CAM II System developed by Keiser is the forerunner in the new breed of variable resistance exercise machines. Pressurizing pneumatic cylinders with compressed air creates a pure resistance for strength and muscle development, eliminating momentum problems . This reduction of moving mass (no weight) enables the variable resistance strength curve to remain consistent over a wide range of exercising speeds . Keiser Sports Health Equipment, 411 S. West Ave., Fresno, CA 93706 (209) 266-2715.
USA Gymnastics
Apparel and Accessories Elite/Gym-Kin introduces : New rhythmic gymnastic leotards available for speciai order have turtleneck and back zipper . They feature curves and symmetrical designs in a great selection of bright colors to coordinate with your creative rhythmic interpretations . Call our customer service department and ask about style numbers 2988 and 2989 toll free 1-800-345-4087. U.S.A. Hand Grips, designed by Francis Allen-for Juniors and Seniors, Men and Women. These grips have been proven in competition for more than 3 years by members of our Men 's and Women 's Teams. A high grade of leather quality will ensure extended use; a new addition to our facility has increased our inventory capacity of our most popular items: including Asics soft goods, Reisport Soft Grips, AMF new, used and Demo equipment, call 1-800-321-9809, Theo's Norco Athletic Supply , 5800 W. 18th Street , Greeley, CO 80634 .
Shoes : Worlds most popular style gymnastic shoe. Asics synthetic suede upper, textured rubber sole and heel patch , padded heel and toe , gore vamp . Color: Off white Sizes: 3-10 even Retail : $24.00 pr. Leather Rhythmic shoe under $8 .00 retail. Garments: Ten new children styles, Iycra for under $21 .00 retail. Gymnastic team leotards in twenty mix and match color combinations , manufactured with new full seat (does not creep) semi-high cut legs, dropped armholes (comfort for arms and across bust). Sanitary cotton insert in crotch . Contact : Advance Theatrical Company 1900 N. Narragansett Ave., Chicago , IL 60639 312-889-7700
Alpha Factor's new lineup is brighter, bolder, better than ever! • More Iycra prinis and new colors add excitement. • Fashion adapts to function in a new, mod i fied , boat-neck style . • Details-piping accents , color emphasis-are even more prominent. • There are new warm-up styles in Iycra too . • And now leotards, warm-ups , and men's competitive shirts in the Team Colors lirie are personalized! For more information, contact Mary Caldwell, Customer Service Coordinator, at 717-757-2641 . A full-color catalog is avai lable free to teachers and coaches. Trophies-Medals-Emblems-Plus Bumpber StickersJewel ry-Barrettes-T -Shirts-Towels-Jackets-Ribbons-Mats- Grips-Posters-Diplomas-Bags-ButtonsCeramics-Pencils-Send for a Catalog. H.W. Shaw Trophlers, 5836 Podman Street, Hollywood, Florida 33083.
Equipment The complete product line manufactured by Nissen Corporation is featured in this ' 48-page catalog which is free, upon request . Included is information on major gymnastic apparatus such as Uneven Bars, Balance Beams, Parallel Bars, ' ~ings, Horizontal Bars, Vaulting and Pommel Horses, Vaulting Boards and Climbing Ropes and Poles. Training and educator apparatus is also described as well as a variety of mats including floor exercise, roll-fold, landing mats , panelite and fitted apparatus mats. Contact: Nissen Corporation P.O. Box 1270 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 QUESTSTAR WATER MACHINES are weight training devices which use water as the weight medium. Water is transferred from resevoir to lifting cylinders by a touch sens"itive switch , enabling the user to adjust the weight during movement. The system allows the user to stay at the maximum possible weight for each repetition and produces spectacular gains in strength and endurance. Queltltar, 8148 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Lee Sheery (213) 650-8807 ADIDAS Girls Vault & Beam Shoes FIRST TIME in the USA All Leather Superior quality-designed for comfort, long wear and form Designed for and tested by the German National Team Introductory price of $33. Men 's BLEYER vault shoes A great competition shoe that LASTS All styles of Reisport-Swiss-grips including new LADY dowel grip LOOK FOR OUR BOOTH AT USGF AND USAIGC CONGRESSES Contact : G.K.'s Gymnastics 3509 S. Mason Ft. Collins, Colo . 80525 (303) 266-0306 THE SPIROFLEX JR. This board has been designed especially for use with pre school and small begfnner gymnasts (up to 50 Ibs.) who are learning beginning vaulting skills or doing body awareness drills . The reduced length of the top board makes hitting the "sweet spot" possible for the little 9liYS. The width is the same as the regular SPIROFLEX. The eight removable "soft" springs accommodate all size little guys. GMR Gym 58lel-800/241-9249$180, delivered. AMF American introduces Wide Spread Uneven Bars and the new Super Wide Adapter; the new Wide Spread system allows the bars to adjust to 95 cm rather than 90 cm . The Super Wide Adapter allows the bars to adjustto an incredible 105 cm. These new systems were used at the 1983 McDonald's International Invitation and the 1984 McDonald's American Cup. For more information, contact your AMF dealer or AMF American at 1-800-247-3978.
USA Gymnastics
NU-BARRES: Portable barre for dance and body-conditioning . Force-lock design provides total stability . Baked epoxy finish gives reliable grip, is pleasing to the tOUCh, durable and easily cleaned. Standard height 42" . Options include double bar res and choice of colors . Floor-protecting rubber tips are standard . No tools necessary to assemble upper barre. New component systems enable easy shipping, travel and storage. CONTACT: NU-BARRES, P.O. Box 3657 , San Francisco, CA . 94119 (415) 648-5230 Telex 820-341
GIBSON SPRING BOARD The Gibson Spring Board with either six or nine springs, will handle any weight gymnast. On the Spring board , you can remove one or two center springs and it will satisfy lighter weight vaulters . Top of board is padded with ';." foam and then fully carpeted . The flat legs allow a larger spring to be used , thus giving morespring and avoids hitting bottom. Board is 20cm high and meets all FIG , USGF, NCAA and high school specifications . From Gibson Gymnastic Supplies, Inc., P.O. Box 663, Littleton, Colorado 80160 (303) 781-1292.
Jayfro Corporation announces a new line of high quality, competitive gymnastic apparatus for three levels of competition! 1. International: The gem of the line . Many new and innovative features such as the special bar ends on the horizontal bar and the un'even parallel bars that eliminates the noise and vibration . 2. University: Meets F.I.G . specifications with most of the features of the International line. 3. Educator: Lighter weight line for the novice. For more information, contact Jayfro Corporation , P.O. Box 400, Waterford, CT 06385, (203) 447-3001, John Pringle, Gymnastic Coordinator.
Fitness thru Fun Playground Equipment GOALllnc. has recently introduced its "Fitness thru Fun " line of Playground equipment . The line is designed with all static equipment to test and improve a child 's muscle development, coordination, and selfconfidence . The equipment consists of eight different stations which may be used singly or as a complete fitness course. All units are constructed of heavy weight galvanized steel tubing formed and welded into the various exercise units . For further information contact: GOALI Inc. P.O. Box 678 Niantic, CT 06357 (203) 739-4467
Mancino balance beam training pad can be used for all levels of gymnastics to help develop confidence when learning new skills . e.g . Forward rolls, cartwheels , back hand springs, vault mounts. Two 6 ft. seRlions constructed of 18 oz. vinyl cover with 1V,' Dow ethafoam filler. 4" standard working surface . Fastened easily and securely under beam with 12 ft. of 2" wide velcro . $110 including U.P.S. Contact Mancino Manufacturing Co. 4962 Baynton St. Phila., Pa. 19144
Business Services GYMSCORE. Updated Gymnastics Meet Scoring Program now available for Apple II, 1MB PC and all compatibles. Flexible, easy to use, GYMSCORE lets you-Configure you own meets Enter scoring directly or from each Judge Build age groups for each meet Store up to nine meets on each disk Break ties to eight levels Choose a variety of print out options $69.50 includes a System Disk, Data Disk, and clear, understandable Manual. Michael A. Verdu Paragon Software 3123 Valentino Court Oakton , Va . 22124
Playful Parenting Franhcise Corporation-offering franchise opportunities in a revolutionary concept of early childhood development. Maximize use of your facility, increase income, decrease overhead and provide new community awareness; offer a program that will satisfy the needs of children 6 weeks to 3 years old and their parents . We offer complete training and re-certification of staff, lesson plans, exclusive territories, annual conventions, national support and much more. Call today- (215) 678-0232-see why club owners all over America are joining Playful Parenting'.
May/June 1984
Expert Defines路Group Routine By. Dr. AnnelisS.Hoyman
he term "group routine" as it is used in Rhythmic Gymnastics competition refers to an optional composition performed by a total of six gymnasts, each with one piece of apparatus. Unless directly or indirectly involved in the relatively new competitive sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics, relativ~ly few people in the United States have seen group competitions. Since the first time group competition took place at the 1974 National Championships with two groups competing, there have only once or twice been as many as three groups competing in a given meet. The group exercise event is probably the most spectacular and most fascinating event to watch. With the simultaneous action of six gymnasts and the constant change from one formation to another, as well as frequent exchange of apparatus, the spectators have much to observe and keep them interested. In choreographing a group routine for competition there are specific rules that must be adhered to. Since the typical characteristic of the group ' routine is the participation of each gymnast in a homogeneous way and in a mutual spirit, the choreographer must plan the composition so that throughout its course the gymnasts' interplay and cooperate. This does not necessarily mean that all gymnasts do exactly the identical movements at the same moment throughout; from time to time the gymnasts may work in subgroups of two or three gymnasts, but the total picture should be one of unity, perfect harmony and cooperation of six gymnasts of similar level of ability. All the gymnasts must demonstrate work of equal value throughout. Since all are to work equally throughout the routine and since the duration of the group routine is from two minutes and 30 seconds to three minutes, gymnasts have to be in good shape in terms of endurance.
The group routine should contain a minimum of two superior and six medium difficulties. These should be spaced ev~nly throughout. At the 1967 World Championships, the duration of the group routine was three minutes and 30 seconds to four minutes, which apparently was too long, because already at the following World Championships the duration had been changed to three minutes to three minutes and thirty seconds. In the early 70's the time limit was again changed to the one presently used. The apparatus used may be all of one kiI1d or two different types of apparatus. Since the group exercise was reinstated as'an event in the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in 1967, following combinations of apparatus have been used: 6 hoops (1967) , 6 balls (1969) , 3 hoops and 3 balls (1971) , 6 ropes (1973) , 3 ropes and 3 balls (1975) , 6 clubs ( 1977), 6 hoops (1979) , 3 balls and 3 ribbons (1981) , and 3 hoops and 3 ropes (1983) . TIle apparatus used must be identical as to material and size but may vary in color. The technical requirements for the group composition are the same as for individual compositions with the same implement(s). The peculiar specifics in exercises with hand apparatus rest entirely in the fine differentiation of the entire exercise, which must always adhere to the character of the specific implement. The apparatus must not serve merely as a
decorative requisite, but should be in constant undisturbed movement during the entire exercise, and the body movements must respond to the physio-mechanical properties of the implement. The body movements should be "total" movements involving the entire body, performed with correct posture, proper amplitude, appropriate speed, and showing contrast between contraction and relaxation.
ince movements without implements are one of the criteria used in evaluating the work with apparatus as to the level and quality of execution, as well as to evaluate the difficulty of the exercise, it is of utmost importance, that the gymnasts are well trained in the various groups of movements specific to exercises without implements. These movements are: various modes of locomotion, different forms of swinging of arm and trunk, flexions of the trunk and to~al body waves, elements of balance using different parts of the body as support, turns and pivots, and leaps. Through the free exercises the gymnast develops flexibility, strength, dance technique and coordination.The manipulation of the specific apparatus presented in relation with the free movements enables the gymnast to show her skill, her degree of flexibility, her coordination, her sense of timing and rhythmic accuracy, and her quality of movement. Each apparatus has two major groups of elements: fundamental groups and supplementary groups. Fundamental groups of elements include generally movements that seems to be dictated by the nature of the apparatus; for instance, with the ball the "natural" movements are rolling, bouncing and throwing; for 't he rope the fundamental groups are skipping with the rope and leaps with the rope. Supplementary groups for the ball include swinging, rotation, and movements with the ball balanced on the hand; for the rope the other elements are throws and all types of swinging of the rope (in circles, figure 8, ete. ) In the interest of balance throughout the exercise, a good composition must not only include all the groups of elements for the particular kinds ofimpiements, but it should also include different types ' of the specific groups of elements, such as different types of rolling, bouncing, and throwing in the case of the ball. . The group routine should contain a minimum of two superior and six medium difficulties. These should be spaced evenly throughout the choreography and may be performed while in a given formation or while travelling. They may be performed either simultaneously by all the gymn'lSts or at different times by sub-groups of two or three gymnasts, ifnot too far apart in terms of time. . All six gymnasts should execute at least three difficulties with the lett hand, and in addition the right and the left hand should be evenly occupied. An important element of relationship between the gymnasts in the group exercise is the exchange of the implements between them. The exchange may be executed by tossing, rolling or bouncing (according to in1plement(s) employed) a specific distance. TIle routine must contain a minimum of four difficulties as exchanges, with one of these being of superior difficult y. puring the exchange the gy mnasts I11ay simultaneously change plac'es; the distance of the exchange, together with the bodily movement during the exchange, determines the degree of difficulty of the exchange. In the case of routines using two different types of implements, exchanges between identical implements do not cOlint as difficulties. A noticeable difference between a floor exercise in artistic
USA Gymnastics
May/June 1984 gymnastics and in rhythmic gymnastics is the absence of acrobatic skills in the latter. A properly choreographed rhythmic routine does not display any cartwheels, hand-springs or saltos; however, the routine may include as many as three socalled pre-acrobatic movements, such as forward ;md/ or backward rolls, transitory splits, chest or shoulder support with the legs lifted high, and transitory support on one or two hands, during which the legs do not pass through the vertical . The preacrobatic elements must be related to the work with the apparatus. When planning the composition, the choreographer must take into consideration the entire surface area available. A minimum of six different formations should be included and these can utilize all six gymnasts or sub-groups of varying numbers of gymnasts. Formations possible using six gymnasts are as follows: straight line triangle circle hexagon semi-circle or curve and various forms of irregular formations. When using sub-groups there are many different combinations available to the choreographer: 1) 2 and 4 gymnasts; 2) 3 and 3 gymnasts; 3) 1 and 5 gymnasts; 4 ) 3 x 2 gymnasts. Similar formations, but in a different place of the floor area, may be considered as "different" formations. The choreographer can through proper amplitude of the various formatiOns, and by using different directions and different pOSitions of the formations on the floor, utilize the entire floor area. TI1e different formations should be distinct. should follow
one another in a logical sequence. with logical transitions from one to the next. The choice of musi c is generally left to the choreographer. Whatever type of music is chosen, it should be emotional, joyful, show variation as to tempo, meter, and rhythm. It is of utmost importance that 路 the gymnasts like the music, and that the listening to the music is pleasant for the gymnasts, as well as for the spectators. Original music, composed specifically for the routine is preferable; however, arranged musical works are most frequ ently used. The exercise and the music should have the same quality, same lengths of phrases, same rhythmic stnlcture as to accents, tempo, and volum e. Group routines as those performed at the World Championships today are showing increasingl y more specialized handling of the apparatus with difficult combinations, complex synchronized patterns, and a variety of spectacular exchanges of the apparatus, at times performed from back to back positions with "blind" tOSSing and catching. To learn such routines to perfection requires endless training as a group. However, a group routine does not have to be that complex. For beginners it is important first of all to select movements which can be performed by all the gymnasts. Secondly, the routine can be choreographed to include any number of gymnasts and with only few formations, which easily can be assumed without displacement over a longer distance. Any exchanges of the implements should be kept very simple, and perhaps done without simultaneous exchange of pOSitions. The main objective of a group routine at this stage of development is to have the gymnast work in unison with a partner or a group and have her experience a measure of success as a performer. Even a simple routine, seen from a choreographic point of view, can look quite impressive, if perfOl:med with precision as to patterns and synchronization, and with secure handling of the implements.
FOR SALE AMF Demo Equipment & Mats Used only 6 weeks at the u.s. Gymnastic Training Centers Mt. Hermon, Mass.
All Products A vailable Aug. 10, 1984 Picked up or shippedfrom Mt. Hermon in western Mass.
All AMF 1984 Olympic Games Suppliers 20
6 22 30 10
Balance Beams Competition & Practise Vaulting Horses Pommel Horses Horizontal Bars 6'xI2'x4" Landing Mats 8'xI2'x4" Landing Mats
8 *2 *4 15 10 2
6'xI2'xI2" Landing Mats Spring Floors Complete Floor, Excluding Carpets & Foam Spring Boards Sets of Uneven Bars Parallel Bars
For Complete Information: U.S. G.T.C. Box 1090, Cotuit Mass. Michae l Jacob's on 617-428-6371
USA Gymnastics
:~..< .",nstrations
hiings . . . . General As .. edal Tour .... Awards Amateur Talent
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Hospitality, with
Indiana Conve and lIoosite Tentative Sched Special Seminars
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September 18, 1984 Business Management (BMOS) Registration Seminar
8:00 pm-lO:OO pm 10:00 pm-II :00 pm
September 19, 1984 BMOS United States Gymnastics
9:00 am-3:00 pm •• Schedule is Tenative 4.
HowardjohnsonHeadquarters Hotd SO 1 W . Washingto n SI.
Indianapolis. IN 46204
017) 63S·444 3 S3S.()()'S4 2.00
September 20, 1984 ACEP Seminar General Congress Registration General ASsembly
For Air Travel Arrangements Call USGF Travel Service
r-----------~~---------------------------~------, REGISTRATION FORM
Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - . v D a t e - - - - - _ Address _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ _ _ _ _.LZip_ _ __ City ~
Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Registration for: Check appropriate box( s) 0 ACEP o USGF Congress Seminar Seminar Sept 20·23 , 1984 Sept 19·20, 1984 Sept. 19, 1984 Call (609) 428-0979 for registration for the BMOS on September 18, 1984. Total Amount Enclosed . Please check approprIate box:
~~~:~_~~~~ _ ~~~~:~_~~~:~~~_~~~
Congress Fee: $50.00 per person
Seminars prior to Congress are additional fees and listed below: USGF-ACSM $35.00/ person ACEP S35.00/ person Please return registration form and fee to: USGF Congress 101 W. Washington Street Merchants Plaza 1144E Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 638-8743
___________________ J USA Gymnastics
r -____________________________May/June
USGF "Team" Of Sponsors, Suppliers and Supporting Companies The USGF is very fortunate and privileged to have relationships with the following companies in support of the sport of gymnastics in the United States and our National Teams. The following companies give direct financial payment that supplies almost 25 percent of the Federation's operating capital, in addition to the official services and products supplied to the USGF. TIle "behind the line" dollars spent by these companies in
the form of promotional support, products and services of and for the USGF goes far beyond their direct financial support. Th e benefit of these relationships also go beyond those of the National Team and are designed and created to support the gymnastics community as a whole. We do hope the gymnastics community, when they have the opportunity, will support these companies as they are a very active part of our gymnastics family.
â&#x20AC;˘"G~ 1984 c::;r:sX~ .â&#x20AC;˘ ( Q%) O/yn.,;cs
Fuji/USA"official supplier of pho tographic and video products to the USGF Also an official sponsor of USA Gymnastics magazine."
McDonald's Corporation "official National Corporation Sponsor."
(VIDAL SASSOO~ Vidal Sassoon "official hair care consultant to the United States Gymnastics Federation."
Asics/Tiger Corporation "official competitive apparel supplier to the Men's and Women's Artistic and Rhythmic National Gym nastics Teams."
Fugazy International "official travel agency of the USGF"
Washington Street Publishers
"official USGF poster publishers. "
NissanlDatsun "official car and truck of the USGF"
Johnston's Yogurt -
"official Yogurt of the United States Rhythmic Gymnastics Team."
TomBoylDomino of California "USGF official travel and leisure apparel supplier."
KEY BOA R 0 S "official piano of the USGF."
USA Gymnastics
ONCE AKID DEFIES GRAVITY,THE SKY'S THE LIMIT. It isn't easy. It takes agility, strength, motivation. And most of all, it takes work. Hard work. But little by little, you realize that the tiny voice inside you was right all along. You can do it. McDonald's believes in the power of that tiny voice. That's why we sponsor gymnastics for kids of all ages, Proud Spon.or
from local meets all the way to the Olympics. From Head Over Heels Gymnastics programs that get kids started to the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Team ihat lets them shine. McDonald'slY wants more kids to believe they can do it. To believe in themselves. Because once they do, there's no telling how far they'll go. There'll be no stopping them.
0' tho 1914 Oly"'plcs