Technique Magazine - January-March 1989

Page 1




Men's 1989 Game Plan Women's New J.O. Developmental Program Rhythmic Gymnastics New Code PLUS .........

* Sequential Gymnastics

*Pivot Point Variation


*Where Are We?

*Underswing Half to Handstand

*Yamashita Half Twist Non路Profil Organization U.S. Postage

PAID Permit No. 7867 Indianapolis, Ind .


Vol. 9, No.1

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Where Are We? Jackie Fie

page 5

Men's 1989 Game Plan Mas Watanabe

page 8

Women's New J.O. Developmental Program Kathy Kelly

page 13

Rhythmic Gymnastics - New Code Andrea Schmid

page 14

Sequential Gymnastics - Vaulting USGF Education Subcommittee

page 17

Modified PNF Stretching for the Gymnast William L. Cornelius, Ph.D

page 20

Yamashita 1/2 Twist - Compulsory Vault

page 23

Steve Whitlock Uneven Bars - Underswing 112 to Handstand Steve Whitlock

page 24

Pivot Point Variation Rick Osbourne

page 26

Selection Procedures Women Men Rhythmic

page 28 page 30 page 32

Publisher Mike Jacki Education! Safety Director Stephen W. Whitlock Production Luan Peszek UNITED STATES GYMNASfICS FEDERATION BOARD OF DlRECfORS ElelCutive DltIlctor: Mike Jacki; Praldent: Mike Donahue; Prellident Emerinll: Bud Wilkinson; Athlete Repraentalives: Brian B.baxk, chair; Kathy John!lOn. vice chair; Linda Kardos Bamett, sec; Kelly Garrison·Steves; Wendy Hillia rd; Tim Daggett; Jim Hartung; Peter Vldmn; USOC Athletic Advisory Council; Amueur Athletic Union: Ju u"., SicIdes; American Sokol Org;miulion: Norrro. ZoIbk.i; American Tumers: Bruno Kliius; Junior BoYI Gymn&lltics Coache. Anodation: Rich Bocda; Men'. EhteCo.che.An ociation.: JlmHoward; Natlon.1 Auoelalion for GlrilOllnd Women In Sports: Dr. Mlml Murra)'; NOiltionai Auoc:lat Ion of Collegiate CymnuliCi Men: Fred Roethlisberger; National Asl ocl. tion of Coll~iate Grmnutics Women: )ud I Avener; N. tional ANocmlon 0 Women'. Gymnutia Judges: D... le Brown; Nat lolll.l Collegiale Athletk AI.ociOdion: Sylvia

~o~a7F~2~~~·f~~3trati;'h:;I~~M~:M~s%.~ Wile"" Su!WI True; Nationa.rGymnoUtla Judge, Allociation: Harry Bjerke; National High Sthool GymlUAtia CoKha Auoel.llon: John Brinkworth; National Jewl. h WelfillN Baud: Courtney Shanken; Rhythmic Coach!!. Anodation: Pauline Dilvld; Speci.1 Olympics, Inc.: Kat e Faber; U.S. Auoclallon of Independent Gym Club: Lance Crowley; U.S. Elile CoKheB Anoeiation {or Women: Roe Kruetzer. Don Peters; U.S. Sparta AcrobatiCi Federation: Thorn Blalock; Young Me n', Ouuli;m Ai.ocialion.: e li£( lothery

UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION EXECIITIVE COMMIITEE Pruldtnt: M~ DmahIllC; Secretary: Jlldi A-..::n::r, Vice Presl· dent·Women: Sue Ammcnnan; Vice Prelldent.Men: Jim How...-d; EuclIUvc Director: Mike J.eki : FIG Women', TKh· nleal Commit!": htkio: Fio:; FIG RhythmltTKhnlao1 Com. mlttee: Andft:.S clunid; FIG Men 'sTechnleal Committee: Bill Roetzhcim; Mcmbcrt-At·Large: Mike M ilidonU:, Roe Kroener; Athlde Representatlvu: Kathy Johm<.rI, I\:Im' Vidmar, Wendy Hilliard, Brian Blbcoc:Jr.; Prutden! Emerltu.t: Blld Willciruloo.


USGF Committe Minutes Elite Ad Hoc Committee Junior Olympic Committee Regional Elite Development Committee Winter MeetingMen's Junior Olympic Committee

page 34 page 35 page 37

SPORTS MED ICll'o'E COMMITTEE: Merrill A. RineT, MD. Prank A. l\:nronc, M.D. J&meII J. Campbell. MD. SAJo' ETY COMMfITEE: Dr. Mare Rabinorf EDUCATION COMMrrrEE: SIIJIZl True


page 38

Dr. Ma,l_ Adrian, Dilutor SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY COMMrTTEE: Dr. K.t; ilh Benxhc::o, Ph.D.

EXERClSE PHYSIOLOGY COMMITTEE: CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQU IR IES: In order to ensure uninterrupted dolivery 01 TECHNIQUE magazine. notice 01 change of address should be made six to eight wooks In advance. For fastest s.ervloo, plaase enclose your present mailing label. Direel all SUbsCf~t ion mail to TECHNIQUE Suscr~tlons, Pan American Plaza. 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE is pub6shed quar1erly 101' $12.00 by the United Siaies Gymnastics Federation, Pan American Plaza. 20 1 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050). Third class postage paid at Indianapolis,IN. Subscription price: $ 12.00 per year In United Stales; all other counlries $24.00 per yeat. Back issue single copl86 $2.00 plus $ 1.00 poslagel handling. All reasonable care witl be laken, but no responsibil~y can be assumed lor unsolk::ited material; endes& return postage. opyright 1987 by USGF and TECHNIQ UE. All rights r86eNoo. Printed In USA.

Dr. Pat Eixnman, PhD.

Unletf npru,ty IdtnUntd to the OOfItr'ry, .II utidel, ltale· rm:ru and view. primed hcn:in lI'C attributed .oldy ID tho:: author and tho:: Uniled Stale. Oymnutiea PedctaUoo ~ no opinion bcre<al and u.wne. no ... opauibility Ibcreof.


Publications MEN'S JO COMPULSORY MANUAL ('89-'92) Compulsory routines within theJ.O. program have been developed to provide a means of progressional training and learning of individual skills, with the ultimate objective of displaying these skills in the form of a standardized routine. An excellent way for young gymnasts to develop their gymnastics skills. Item #1202................ $16.50

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COMPULSORY MANUAL ('89-'92) The Rhythmic Compulsory program has been developed. with progression and sequence as its' main objective. From the introduction of Gass IV up to Class II, the exercises are specific to test, music counts

and floor patterns. Item #1302 ................ $26.50

MEN'S J.O. COMPULSORY VHS ('89-'92) Class V-I Compulsories performed by members of the Junior National Team. This is an excellent training device and educational tool. Item #2221 .......... ...... $19.95

MEN'S FIG ELITE COMPULSORY VHS ('89-'92) The 1992 Olympic Compulsory Exercises performed by the West German Team. Technically correct and approved by the FIG. A great training aid for gymnasts, coaches and judges. Item #2212 ................ $15.95

MEN'S '88 OLYMPIC GAMES OPTIONALS VHS Men's individual event finals from the Seoul Olympics. Includes Artemov, Bilozertchev, Behrendt, Yun Lou, etc. Item #2219 ................ $29.95

F.I.G. CODE OF POINTS '89-'92 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COMThe new Code of Points for Men's, Wo'men'~ PULSORY VHS ('89-'92) and Rhythmic Gymnastics will be availDisplays Class II-IV on VHS tape. A great able as of March 15, 1989. way to teach and learn.

SEQUENTIAL GYMNASTICS CURRICULUM FOR GRADES 3-6 This publication expands the movement vocabulary of children through secluelnti,.q gymnastics activities presented in a safe, noncompetitive environment. The selected exercises requi re either no or minimal spotting and are listed in progressive order. Contents include supervision and class organization, in addition to activities on mat, vault, beam, and horizontal bar. Item #3603 ................. $6.50 cnl.A" OTHER PUBLICATIONS:

• Psychology and Gymnastics - Massimo Item #3602 .••........... ~~"""I .Coaching Women's Gymnastics-

Item #11 ............. . . . • Physiology of Fitness Item #12 .........•....••. $17.95


Item #2321 .. Class II ..... , $29.95 Item #2321 . . Class III/IV .. $29.95

WOMEN'S USGF ELITE COMPULSORY VHS ('89-'92) Includes presentations in Frankfurt along with "work sessions" and skill breakdowns. Item #2123 ................ $15.95

WOMEN'S FIG ELITE COMPULSORY VHS ('89-'92) The "Official" FIG tape of the compulso ry routines as presented at the course in Frankfurt, Germany. Item #2124 ............... , $15.95

WOMEN'S DANCE LEVELS I-IV Includes the Official Dance Levels I-IV from the new J .0. Program for 89-92. These have been excerpted from the complete USGF Age Group Program video that will be available at the Mastp.T Workshops. Item #2125 ................ $19.95

WOMEN'S '88 OLYMPIC GAMES OPTIONALS VHS Two hours of Optional Routines taped in Seoul. See the lastest techniques and newest skills performed by the World's Best Gymnasts! Item #2120 .. , .......•.... , $29.95

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USGF Merchandise PO Box 5562 Indianapolis, IN

~-----------------------~~ 3

NATIONAL PRESENTATION OF THE 1989 FIG CODE OF POINTS FOR WOMEN By the United States Gymnastics Federation Women's Technical Committee This symposium will be a must for all judges and coaches working within the USGF Junior Olympic age group optional level program as well as those judges and coaches at the elite level. The three sites will present identical curriculums/format/materials. The purpose will be to 1) promote a uniform evaluation by judges. 2) Assist in the training of gymnasts and the d evelopment of optional routines for the application of the new rules and 3) Present the modifications of the code to the J.O. program. All materials for th e co urses will be standardized from the brevet and elite courses, with additions from the USGF supplement and the Judges' Training Manua l. The "New" Jud ges' Training Manual will be available for sale at the courses. The "New" FIG Code Of Points will be available if received from Switzerland. Video Tape analysis of gymnastics routines from both the Olympic Games and the J.0. Nationals will be shown at the course. Emphasis on the requirements for each event and how the gymnasts can meet these requirements will be made by both lecture and practical example. For further information contact either the site director or your regional technica l chairman.


San Franciso, CA Director Pam Burgess 2424 Doidge Pinole, CA 94564

Chicago,IL Director Sandy Oldham 1230 Wellington Ct. S Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

May 5, 6, 7, 1989


Atlanta, GA Director Marian Dykes 2627 Briarlake Rd. Atlanta, GA 30345


I II I I I : I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I


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Last Name Address City/State/Zip Daytime Phone Professional Member Number Expiration Date

FEES: Registration per site is limited to a first come, first serve basis. You will receive confinnation of your registra tion and a packet containing housing transportation infonnation for the site of your choice.

Before March 15 After March 16 Professional Member Discount AMOUNT ENCLOSED

'In order to receive above discount, registration must be postmarked by March 15.

$40.00 $50.00 $10.00 . $ _-

Make checks payable to: U.S. Gymnastics Federation If paying by credit card: Card Expiration Date:

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USGF WTC Code 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

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.--------------------------------------~ 4



Where Are We? Jackie Fie's address to the Membership at the USGF National Congress, Anaheim, CA The top 12 teams in the XXN Olympic Games were placed very closely. The average score for the 12th place team was 9.505! Examine the following groupings of the teams: ~


Avg. scores



9.886, 9.772, 9.710 9.653, 9.599, 9.505

3-4-5 6 7-8 9-10-11





9.853 9.764, 9.763 9.640 9.595, 9.593

Comments (tight!) (very competitive!) (highly contested) (clearly 12th)

What impression did the USA make and leave?

How has the USA improved? Below are highlights of the last three Olympic Game performances: 1972 1 2 3 4


1 2


3 4 5

DDR - 385.10 TCH - 378.25


USA - 375.05

URS - 380.50

Comments (9.512)

DDR - 376.55 HUN -368.25 USA路 365.90


(9.147) Great performance! However, 14.60 piS. out of 1st. Goal: FIG insignia pin (9.00 averages)


ROM - 387.15

New Power - ROM displaced DDR & HUN as gymnasHes powers

HUN - 380.15

(9.301) 15.30 out of lsI. Seemingly lost ground, BUT improved by 9.15 team piS. (an increase of 0.154 per athlete)

1984 1 2

ROM - 392.20 USA - 391.20

(9.805) (9.780) Excellent performance 1.00 pI. out of 1st - highly commendable "in spite of the boycott." In the 8 years since 1976, the USA demonstrated an increase of .479 per gymnast.

3 1988 1 2 3

CHN - 388.60

URS - 395.475 (9.886) ROM - 394.125 (9.853) DDR - 390.875 (9.772)


USA - 390.575 (9.764) Our highest placing. highest team score. highest athlete average in any Modern Olympic Garnes without a boycott! 4.90 out of 1st place.


BUL - 390.550 (9.763)


The USA was clearly the 3rd place team, except for a questionable interpretation and the severe enforcement of a deduction for an unintentional mistake by the reserve gymnast. A.5 deduction was made to the team score which resulted in the 4th place finish. (Without the deduction, the USA would have finished .20 ahead of GDR).

The "personal" coaching staff of Mark Lee, Tamara Biggs, Becky Buwick, Bill Strauss, and Martha Karolyi; and to be sure the "on the floor" coaches of Donna Strauss and Bela Karolyi would affirm the remarkable progress achieved during the first 3 1/ 2 weeks that the team was together before that 1st day of compulsories, Competi tion la. Concerning the USA Women's Team, from the time of arrival in Seoul, until the day of departure, I was greeted with the most positive comments, expressions of praise, sincere compliments, as well as sighs of fear and disbelief by our immediate opponents. As an attending judge, the team, as well as the individual images of USA gymnastics were the most exciting and of the highest quality that I've seen in my Olympic involvement over the past 32 years! There were constant remarks abou t our mastery of the compulsories, the quality and difficulty level of our optiona Is, our readiness to compete, our organization, our aggressiveness, sureness, style, and above all SPIRIT! It was obvious that the USA athletes were ready and unified in their quest for the 3rd place medal. All efforts, knowledge, experiences and talents of the personal coaches were mobilized to achieve, in order:


"Where are We?" continued ... 1st - Highest team placement (la & Ib) 2nd - Placement of individual gymnasts in Event Finals III 3rd -The highest possible AA placement of 3 USA qualifiers. We were successful on all three fronts! • 3rd (or 4th) place as a Team • Placement in every Final Event (Vault - johnson, UB - Mills, BB - Mills & Garrison-Steves, Aoor - Mills) • AA placement with 10th johnson, 15th - Mills, 16th - GarrisonSteves. (It was unfortunate that Phoebe Mills had a fall on BB and went out of bounds on FE, dopping her from 6th to 15th) We witnessed a thrilling, exhilarating team and individual performance. USA won the 1st medal (3rd on BB Mills) that has ever been won by the USA in the modern Olympic era, when no boycott was in effect. This is not to diminish, in any way, the record medal performances by Retton, McNamara, and K. johnson in 1984 L.A. If the new regulations adopted by the AG Congress in Seoul would have been in effect for Finals (that is starting from 0.00 - no scores carried): • B. johnson would have earned silver on vault. She was the only gymnast (of 8 in III-V), who performed 2 vaul ts from 2 different structure groups - new rule in the Code of Points. • P. Mills would have achieved silver on beam.

We made a tremendously positive impact on the world of gymnastics ... BUT now we have an even greater responsibility and image to maintain and carryon in the forthcoming 1989 World Championships in Stuttgart.

How and in what way will we be able to maintain or improve our placement?! We must not lose this momentum and status achieved. 1989 to '92 will be my 4th term on the FIG/WTC. In the


past many years I've learned to understand the societies and sports cultures of the winning nations. I observe and deal directly with the people who lead and direct these medal winning gymnastics programs. These are people who do this as a vocation, not an avocation. These coaches, trainers, delegation leaders and extraneous officials are accountable to their sport administration. They attain and maintain these posi tions through performance excellence. World Championship and OlympiC Team preparation to them is a separate entity - not just the National Team

forts, BUT in terms of Olympic Team preparation - this may fall short. We can't afford to take that chance now. AI that happens to USA gymnastics is visible in this thrust which occurs predominantly after the Olympic Games; our successful performance directly impacts your livelihood and the future of our sport in the USA. With gymmnastics in the limelight - and with positive media coverage, USA gymnastics clubs will profit directly, i.e. in 1983 athlete membership was 35,000. In 1988 it grew to 56,000! USA world success directly affects our USGF sponsorships and TV contracts, which ultimately benefits all of us in the sport.

In Summary

We made a tremendollsly positive impact 011 the world of gymnastics ... BUT IIOW we have an even greater responsibility and image to maintain and carryon ...

Championship or National AA title. Olympic Team preparation is totally different. The standards and criteria for team preparation are decided by experts, those intimately involved, those accountable ... this is their profession. The USA must assemble and develop this team of experts, because to remain near the top and what more to advance in the next four years ,will take an ever increasing intensity and standard of preparation. It will not be easy. The days of Olympic boycotts are over. We will bemeasured against the world's best. We must give the team preparation for 1992 the utmost priority! We must orchestrate the attitude, motivation and training through professional experts - hired experts if need be. Accountability can then be demanded. Volunteers may be sincere, dedicated and put forth their very best ef-

We must emphasize our international involvement - our No.1 Priority after the USA Championships, BUT we must be prepared. Personal coach involvement will be even more important than it has proven to be. The number of official coaches in delegation is 3. Due to a new TR passed in General Assembly in Seoul (proposed by ITA and CAN and passed by the exact 2/3 majority necessary) - Competition la will be according to a new format: • a random draw for 6 gymnasts by country per group of 6, with no more than 2 per nation per group. • followed by a draw for groups (4) into sub-divisions or rotations will occur.

No more than 2 gymnasts per nation will appear in a subdivision or rotation of 4 groups. Each Federation will most likely be allowed to name their gymnasts according to the slots drawn. Competition Ib will then return to Team format. Pros of this system are: • possibly a more objective scoring due to comparison of individuals and not teams. The cons of the system will be: • loss of media interest and support • loss of spectator enthusiasm and


"Where are We?" continued... understanding • loss of ticket sales for the host organizers • loss of team character of C-Ia and team spirit • logistical problems for the training schedules, coach involvement and work of the trainers or physical/medica! personnel • possible negative propaganda withIOCinmaintainingourfutureteam concept and number of medals that can be earned. We must focus on more: • Personal coach with foreign coach involvement • emphasize national team train-

sexual abuse is emerging as one of the major forms of child abuse. Throughout the late 1970's, official reports of sexual abuse began to increase at a rate much more rapidly than that experienced with reports of any other form of abuse. The number of reported cases each year in the United States continues to increase. However, for each case of sexual abuse that is reported, it is estimated that ten cases go unreported. A pamphlet titled Child Abuse in Youth Sports has been prepared and compiled by the United States Gymnastics Federation staff, its volunteers, committee members and athletes, under the guidance and supervision of numerous professionals who are directly involved with the child and sexual abuse issue. It is the hope of Technique

ing and national team involvement with foreign teams - whether in training or competition, at home and abroad. • Since a new World Cup format of eight qualifying competitions will be introduced in 1989 for the 1990 World Cup, adherence to the FIG Competitive seasons is essential, that is: Spring: April, May, part of June (21/2 months) Fall: October, November, and part of December (2 1/2 months) We must evaluate and weigh our international participations and not over involve or spread ourselves too thin, just for the sakeofbeing there. We must participate internationally only when it


• profitable for the image of the USA Team • profitable for development of individual athlete achievement • necessary forWorldCupqualification according to the new system. We must work together, consolidate our energies, make the best and most efficient use of our talents, and above all TRUST ONE ANOTHER! Let's keep on track, on our steady climb upward and show the world in 1989 Stuttgart that we are for real! Heartiest congratulations to our Team: Rhonda, Melissa, Chelle, Hope, Kelly, Brandy, and Phoebe ... you made us extremely PROUD!

the USGF that this document will help assist our coaches, athletes, clubs and members to deal with one of the most sensitive social issues of today. The pamphlet discusses: • Elements Involved in Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse Situations • Facts About Sexual Child Abuse • Physical and Emotional Effects • Legal Aspects of Sexual Abuse • "Do's and Don'ts" for Coaches and Club Owners For information on how to obtain this pamphlet, please write to the USGF Director of Educational Services, USGF, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. 7

Men's 1989 Game Plan Mas Watanabe, USGF Men's Technical Coordinator

The USA's preparation toward the new quadrennium (1989-1992) actually began when the Men's Program Committee made the decision to use the new 1992 compulsory exercises for the 1988 U.s. Championships along with the Seoul Olympic compulsory exercises. The U.s. is perhaps the only country in the world that instituted the organized use of the new compulsories on the national level at such an advanced time. During the pommel horse presentation made by Mr . Bill Roetzheim, FIG Technical Committee Member,at the FIG judges course in Swi tzerland; many of the judges were very surprised and impressed to see the video taped performances of the new compulsory routines from many different USA competitions. This early preparation has given the men's program a "headstart" compared to many other nations. The USA is very fortunate to have Mr. Roetzheim as representative on the FIG Technical Committee in order to receive valuable information in a timely and accurate manner.

Another positive aspect in the new quadrennium, is the new National Training Center which is scheduled to be built in Indianapolis. According to the latest plan, construction on the facility is scheduled to begin soon with a target opening date of early 1990. Plans include 40,000 square feet of floor space including gymnasiums, training rooms, meeting rooms, etc. The dormitory with 800 beds and a dining hall will be attached to the training facility which would make everything very convenient and ideal.


According to the Executive Director, Mike Jacki, "It will be a state of the art facility" and certainly it will be something that we can be very proud of. Studying the major international competitions such as Olympic Games and World Championships in the past, it is quite evident that the strength of the compulsory

Our highest priority will be to raise the level of the compulsory exercises.

exercise often dictates the final team standings. Because of this reason, our highest priority will be to raise the level of the compulsory exercises.

Since the USA level of the compulsoryis already at the second stage of development (initial learning stage is well behind us), our concerted effort will be placed on further refining the technique on the critical skills in each event. The prime goal for this fall, therefore, will be earning the top six slots after the compulsory session a t the World Championships in Stuttgart. In an effort to improve the U.S. performance in international competitions and to re-build the strength

of the national program, a new concept has been introduced and instituted in the 1989 Game Plan. Some of the significant changes which are expected to bring a strong impact on the program include: 1. A 60 percent weighting of the compulsory exercise and a 40 percent weighting of the optional exercise for all-around evaluation in all the competitions, and ... 2. Requiring the3-Ddifficulty in the optional routines for the U.s. Championshi ps and the regional qualifying meets.

Following is a Summary of the 1989 Game Plan: Senior National Team Members !December 1988 - June 1989) 1. National Team -- Top 12 gymnasts from the Winter Nationals, plus the 1988 Olympic team members who did not compete in the Winter Nationals (UNRANKED). 2. Senior Development Team-(Picked from the 13th place down.) Six gymnasts from 19 years and under plus four gymnasts from 18 years and under, for a total of 10 gymnasts plus the previous Senior Development team members who did not meet the above criteria. (1BEY WILL BE UNRANKED) Senior National Team Winter Training Camp (February 1-5, 1989) All the Senior National team members and the Senior Development team members will be invited.



Game Plan, continued... American Cup (March 4-5, 1989) Four selected gymnasts who have met the criteria set by the MPC and the USCF office will be invited to compete in the competition.

Qualifying Score and Qualifying procedures to the U.S. National Championships. 1.


Mixed Pair Competition (Ma rch 9, 1989)


NCAA Championships (April 13-15, 1989) University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE


USA vs USSR (April 28-30, 1989) 1. Compulsory and Optional Competition. 2. All National Team members will compete in the compulsory competition, then the top seven gymnasts from the first day's competition will compete in the optionals. Regional Qualifying Meets (May 20, 21,1989) S.Connecticut, Minnesota, Stanford U.S. National Championships (July 7-9, 1989) 1. There will be a total of 48 competitors in the competition. 2. A group of eight gymnasts in all six events will compete in one session.

NOTE: Final standings will be determined by weighting compulsories 60 percent and optionals 40 percent U.S. Olympic Festival (July 23-30,1989) 1. The National Team (top 12 gymnasts from the U.s. Championships) will compete (mandatory) in the U.S. Olympic Festival. 2. The competition will be both compulsory and optionals. 3. The compulsory competition will be conducted the day before the optional competition at the University of Oklahoma and only the Senior National Team members will participate. 4. There will be a training camp provided prior to the Olympic Festival at the University of Oklahoma


A total of 48 gymnasts will qualify to the U.s. National Championships. Automaticqualifiers: Must score more than 114.00points with the competition I rules or more than 112.00 points with the competition 11 rules in a sanctioned USCF qualifying meet. Gymnasts who have not qualified prior to the regional quali fying meets must compete in one of the regional qualifying meets. All gymnasts from the regional qualifying meets will be ranked and the remaining slots of the 48 will be filled by those gymnasts.

NOTE: All the qualifying scores must be calculated, a 60 percent weighting of the compulsory and a 40 percent weighting of the optional, and this combined score must meet the scoring criteria. Also, the final ranking of the regionals will be determined based on the converted scores as well.

The Following Selections Will Be Made From the U.S.Championships: 1. Select 12 gymnasts as the Senior National Team members. 2. Select 10 gymnasts as the Senior Development team members (from the 13th place down.) Six gymnasts from 20 years and under and four gymnasts from 19 years and under (Proposed to: 18 years and under). 3. The top three place gymnasts will be selected as the World Championships squad and the traveling US team of seven will be determined at the final Intrasquad meet on 9/29-30/89. 4. World Championships Team Squad - The top eight gymnasts will be selected as the World Championships squad and the traveling U.S. Team of seven will be determined at the final Intersquad meet on 9/29-30/89. 5. World University Games Team a. A squad of 5 gymnasts will be picked as the World University.Games team based ONLY from the highest OPTIONAL scores.


A gymnast must be eligible according to the rules set by the FISU in order to make the team

from July 15-22, 1989 and all the Senior Team members will participate in this camp.

1989 • The Departure date from the U.s. is tentative.

World University Games (August 13-27, 1989) 1. Preparation camp (August 5-12, 1989) There will be a training camp prior to the departure from the US. 2. The competition site training is August 13-16, 1989. 3. Team Competition August 20,1989. Event Finals August 22,

Summer Training Camp (August 5-27, 1989) 1. The Senior National Team (except the World University Games team members) and the Senior Development team members will take part in this camp. 2. The training camp will be mandatory in participation, however, the ending date will be ad-


Game Plan, continued ... jus ted based on the school schedule (if applicable). World Championship Team Train路 ing (August 28 - September 27,1989) 1. The World Championships team squad (a total of eight gymnasts) will be on the designated training schedule during this period. 2. All members will be training at their home gymnasiums and the National Technical Coordinator or the World Championships coaches will visit the team member's gymnasium to observe their training.

1989 USGF Men's Elite Requirements(Effective for the U.s. Championships and all Regional Qualifying Meets) 1.

Competition 11 difficulty, i.e., lD 3C's 2B's 3A's


Additional combination Requirements: FX - 2D's = Total of 3 D's PH - 2D's = Total of 3 D's SR - 2D's, one D strength = total of 3 D's V -lD (9.6) vault required PB - 2D's = total of 3 D's HB - 2D's, one D release, 2 releases = Total of 3 D's and 2 releases


SR - 0.1 for each "D" strength over and above the required "D" strength under the additional Combination requirements. HB - 0.1 for each "D" release over and above the required "D" release required under the additional Combination requirements.

World Championships Team Intra-Squad Meet

(September 29-30,1989) 1. The World Championships team squad (eight gymnasts) will take part in this Intra-squad meet. 2. Based on the Intra-squad meet results and the accumulated results from the past competitions, the final traveling squad of seven will be determined. World Championships Preparation (October 1-13, 1989) 1. Training camp in Europe (October 1-13, 1989). This will be a training session set up for the World Championships team (in one of the European countries) to acclimatize and adjust to the European time zone. 2. Competition site training (October 7-13, 1989). A "fine tuning" of the final preparation will take place in Stuttgart and the final decision for the competing members for the U.S. team will be determined. World Championships

(October 14-22,1989) --Details of the Competition Schedule are not available at this time.


Bonus points out of the category of Originality.


Deductions for errors out of the category of Combination: A. For each additional "D" part missing, deduct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 B. For no "D" strength part on Ring's, deduct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 C. For no "D" release attempt on Horizontal Bar, deduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 D. For no additional release attempt on Horizontal Bar, deduct . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 0.2


An additional landing mat up to 8" would be allowable for D mounts, D dismounts, D release, and D vaults without deduc tion, for the 1989 competi tive season, through the 1989 Winter Nationals.

Upcoming National and International Men's Events Moscow News and Leningrad, Soviet Union - March 21 - April 1, 1989 U.s. Challenge, March 29 - April 1, 1989 Cottbus, East Germany - April 4-10, 1989 French Invitational, France - April 11-17. 1989 Romania Invitational, Romania - April 19-21, 1989 World Sports Fair, Japan - May 1-7, 1989 Regional Qualifying Meets - May 20, 21, 1989 Regional Qualifying Meet Sites: West: Stanford University Central: University of Minnesota East: Southern Connecticut University



NEW CODES! "OFFICIAL" F.I.G. Code of Points The USGF announces the availability of the New Code of Points for 1989-92. The F.LG. advises us that the Codes will be available for distribution as follows: Men's Official Code of Points March 15, 1989 Women's Official Code of Points March 15, 1989 April 15, 1989 Rhythmic Gymnastics Official Code of Points The Code of Points is the Official publication of the International Gymnastics Federation (F.LG.). The Code includes: Rules for all International Competitions Compositional Requirements Judging - distribution of points and penalties Individual Event Requirements Element Description and Tables of Difficulty Individual Skill Sequence Drawings Apparatus Description and Requirements. NOTE: You may note that the price for the Codes has increased since 1985. The increase is a direct result of the devaluation of the dollar to the Swiss franc and increased costs of the Code from the F.I.G.





IADDRESS _________________________________




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Order by Phone -- VISA/MasterCard


x $34.95 --'-----j; Total Order:


Make Checks Payable to: Exp.Date (317) 237-5060

"United States Gymnastics Federation" I USGF Merchandise PO Box 5562 Indian apolis. IN 46255路5526







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Date Rcvd ._ _ __

:.=.~.., u.s.

. Am!. Pd. _ _ _ __ Check # _ _ _ __





Indiana State Unive rsity Terre Haute, IN

University California-Davis Davis; California

Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ

May 19-22 ' Date Change'

May 25-28

June 1-4





IF PREFERRED SITE IS NOT AVAILABLE: REGISTER ME FOR SITE _ _ __ __ OR REFUND/RETURN MY FEE _ _ _ _ __ Participant Information First Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Professional Number _ _ _ __ __ _ (see discount available) Last Name _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Expiration Date _ _ _ __ _ _ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Included in registration fee. City/State/Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ USGF Compulsory Text and Music Cassette. Daytime Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ T-shirt size _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Fees: Registration:

S /M/LlXL $225.00

USGF Professional Member Discount (Include your number above)



) Amount Remitted _ _ _ __


IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD : Card: o Visa o MasterCard Card # _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MAIL ALL REGISTRATION FORMS TO

U.S.G.F. WORKSHOPS 201 S. Capitol Ave. Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 NOTES: 1. $50.00 Cancellation fee up until May 1989 2. NO REFUNDS after May 1, 1989 (substitution of participants is allowed) . 3. NSF CHECKS CHARGE: $20.00 4. Direct any questions to USGF Office: 317-237-5050 REGISTRATION PER SITE IS LIMITED: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS '15 minutes from Sacramento, California


I agree to have my name and address in the Directory.

Women's New J.O. Developmental Program USGP Master Workshops Kathy Kelly, USGP Women's Program Administrator The USGF will present the new Age Group Developmental Program in a series of three "Master Workshops." The Workshops represent the Official introduction of the new women's compulsory / optional programs. This is the result of the efforts of the USGF and the JuniorOlympic(Coaches) Development Committee to design a progressive developmental program that will provide the basis for sound development of our young athletes from the "entry level" class student up through the advanced competitive gymnast. The program is "linear" in nature and has ten "Levels." Beginner gymnasts start at Level 1 and progress sequentially through the levels. This assures that each athlete has mastered the physical and performance requirements to safely progress through the system. Various "rewards" have been designed into the program at each level. (For the first year of the new program, coaches will be able to assign their previously registered USGF athletes to various starting levels -this will be completely explained at the Master Workshops).

Master Workshop Description The Master Workshops will be conducted at three locations: • Indiana State University atTerre Hau te, IN (May 19-22) • University California-Davis in Davis, CA (May 25-28) • Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ (june 1-4) The principal presenters for the Master Workshops include: • Bela Karolyi - Vault • Scott Crouse - Uneven Bars • Ernie Weaver - Balance Beam • Linda Mulvihill - Hoor • Mary Wright - Dance • Dale Kephart- Master Author • Linda Chencinski • Grete Treiber


Description of the Levels Levels 1 through 4 These Levels are designed for the beginning class students. USGF athlete registration is not a re<Juirement. Athletes perform Skills and Skill Se<juences Only. • Gymnasts are tested in their own gym by qualified coaches. • Age participation is 7 years and up (must have reached 7th birthday) • Athletes may use the "Children's" apparatus specifications on all events. • Gymnasts entering the program for the first time must enter at Levell. • Gymnasts must pass 75% of skins on each event plus 75% of the Dance Program to progress to LevelS. LevelS - "Bronze Level'" - Compulsory Only. • This is the firs t competitive level of the program (short routines), USGF Athlete Registration is required. • Athletes compete up to Sectional meets only. Minimum age is 8. • Minimum score to move to Level 6 is 31.00 AA. Level 6 - "Silver Level"" - Compulsory Only. • Athletes compete up through State Meet. Minimum age is 9. • Minimum score to move to Level 7 is 31 .00AA. Level 7 - "Gold Level"' - Compulsory Only. • Athletes compete up through State Meet. Minimum age is 9 years. • Minimum score to move to Level 8 is 31.00 AA. Level 8 - Optional Development. • Athletes compete up through State Meet. • Restricted. Difficulty - no natural "D's" no C saito vaults. • A score of 32.00 AA is fe<juired to move to Level 9. Level 9 - Optional Development. • May compete up through Eastern/Western Cham pionships • No Yurchenko vaults allowed. • A score of 34.00 is re<Juired to move to Level 10. Level 10 CompulSOry /Optional Development. • May compete up through Jr. and Sr. National Championships. • The compulsories are based upon the 1992 Olympic Compulsories. • No Yurchenko Vaults.

As in Previous Master Workshops, the routines will be presented in a variety of formats: • Lecture presentation by the authors. • Review of the Official USGF videotape of the routines and skill sequences. • Live demonstration of the routines by USGFNational Teammembers. • Participant "walk-thru" sessions. All participants will receive a Certificateof Participation, official compulsory text, official compulsory music, and

a Master Workshop t-shirt. In addition, partiCipants will be elegible for discounted prices on additional copies of the compulsory text and the official videotapes of the routines.

Coaches "Certification" Special sessions will be conducted at the Workshops to certify interested coaches and judges as Level 1-4 Skill Test Evaluator. "Skill Evaluators" will be able to test the athletes on the skills and sequences in Levels 1-4. Certification will involve participation in a special session at the Workshop, viewing the USGF Video, and successful completion of a short written exam.




The New Code of Points For Individual Exercises

By Dr. Andrea B. Schmid, Professor of Physical Education at San Francisco State University and FIG RSG TC Member. Within the last few years, Rhythmic Gymnastics has shown tremendous development and growth. In order to keep up to date with the rapid evolution of the sport, the International Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Technical Committee (FIG/RSG/TCl carefully evaluates the progress after each major competition and develops new rules or makes modification of the existing rules. Therecentiypublished new Code ofPoints (rules) is based on a painstaking evaluation of the 1987 World Championships, the 1988 European and Four Continents Championships, and on the 1988 Olympic Games. Recently, the sport was severely criticized for too many perfect scores. This became readily apparent at the 1988 European Championships when three gymnasts received perfect scores to create a three way tie for first place. In addition, the scores did not clearly differentiate between the excellent, the

very good, and the merely good gymnasts. Also, Soviet Olympic Gold Medalist Marina Lobatch won with 8 perfect routines (80.00 points). Clearly, Rhythmic Gymnastics faced a problem of score inflation. The new Code of Points addresses this problem by increasing the level of difficulty and byemphasizingvirtuosity, originality, and risk. The starting score for an individual exercise will be 9.5 instead of 10.0. The judges will be able to add a 0.05 bonus to their scores, 0.20 for virtuosity, 0.20 for originality, and 0.10 for risk. Virtuosity means quality of performance and virtual freedom of error in execution. Thus a break in performance or a loss of apparatus resulting in over a 0.20 deduction in execution will also result in not being rewarded a 0.20 bonus for virtuosity. In addition, the rules are clarified to help the judges allow for a finer discrimination among gymnasts. MAJOR RULE CHANGES I.


Competition I. Team Competition:


Competition II. All-Around Competition: The best 26 gymnasts of Competition I (with a maximum of 2 gymnasts per country) participates in this allaround competition. Competition III. Apparatus Finals Competition: The best 8 gymnasts for each specific apparatus in Competition I (with a maximum of 2 gymnasts per country) participate in this competition. II. RESOLUTION OF JUDGING

SCORES During the competitions, the difference between the two middle scores may not be greater than: - 0.01 point for final scores between 9.80 to 10.00 points - 0.20 point for final scores between 9.50 to 9.75 points - 0.30 point for final scores between 8.50 to 9.45 points - O.SO point in all other cases

Team Classification: Team Champion


Team Competition has been added. The team score is obtained by adding the total score of the 3 gymnasts of each country.

Individual Classification (qualifying for Competiton II) - 4 4 exercises

Individual Classification by apparatus (qualifying for Competition III)

Individual Classification: Individual Individual All-Around Exercises f-~ Competition --+ 4 exercises --+ Champion of Individual AIIArou nd Competition (Competition II) . Classification by Finals bX Apparatus --+ 4 exercises ---+ apparatus: Champion for (Competition III) each of four Apparatus




For all the competitions, the difference between the highest and lowest scores of the 6 judges must not begreater than 0.80 point.


III. DISTRIBUTIONOFPOINTSFOR JUDGING The starting score of an individual exercise is 9.50 points. For exceptional performances, it is possible to award bonus points up to a total of 0.50 point maximum. Thus a total of 10.0 points maximum can be obtained. Chart II contains the detailed distribution of points for judging.

A. COMPOSITION: Technical value - Variety - Music IT.V.M) ....... 6.50 p. max. 1.

• • • • • • • •


A. The .20 point bonus for virtuos-

i.!x will be granted under the following conditions: 1. thatthe exercise includes all the difficulties and requirements specific to the apparatus at a high quality of performance. 2. that the exercise is performed flawlessly or almost without fault (only a small fault of .10 or .20 point will be tolerated to obtain this bonus). B. Originality refers to a new or never before performed difficulty or new combination of known difficulties. A bonus point of 0.10 is given when the originality pertains to isolated superior difficulties. An addi tional bonus point of 0.1 0 is awarded when the composition includes one or more original combinations of difficulties. C. A bonus of .10 point is awarded for risk taking when the composition includes several different cases, each executed flawlessly. Risk taking is represented by a loss of contact with the apparatus under the following conditions: • the momentary loss of visual contact, • catches of the apparatus in a position on the floor after one or several dynamic elements, • several dynamic actions performed within a very short time, provided that the catches of the apparatus be accomplished: - with one hand for the hoop and ball, - with one hand and by the end of the stick for the ribbon, - with 2 hands and by both ends of the -






Between the character and structure of the music and the movement. Between the dynamic contrasts of the movement and those of the music. Between the variations of intensity of the movement and those of the music.

EXECUTION .................... . ..... • •.. .. . ..... . . •...... 3.00 p. ma x. I.

2. 3. C.

In the choice of elements (body movements and appa ratus). In the dynamics. In the use of space.


• •


Number and level of the difficulties. Superior difficulties performed with the compulsory body elements. Presence of the fundamental groups of apparatus elements. Presence of the 3 body elements specific for the apparatus. Presence of the technical requirements specific for the apparatus. Distribution of the difficulties throughout the whole exercise. Logical linking of the elements of difficulty. Use of the whole floor area.

Technique with the apparatus. Body movement technique. Rhythmic execution (music and movement).

BONUS (V.O.R.) .... ... . . .. ......... • ....... . ..... .. .... . .. . 0.50 p. max. I.


• • • • • • 2.

0.20 p. max.



Performance of elements of great difficulty. Technical perfection. Superior Amplitude. Absolute sureness in the execution. Perfect ease. Expression

Isolated but novel difficulties ..... ........ •..... Combinations of difficulties . ... .. ......... . .. • .

0.10 p. max. 0.10 p. max.


0.10 p. max.

TOTAL ...... 10.00 p. max.


Rhythmic Gymnastics Continued


stick for the ribbon, - with 2 hands and by the ends of the rope, - with 1 or 2 hands but by the head of the clubs.

The composition must provide for a variety of dynamics: alternating fast and slow parts. Each composition will have to include a minimum of one slow part. Penalty: .20 point for absence of a slow part.


Three of the 4 superior difficulties will have to be performed in conjunction with three different difficulties of body movement, each of which will have to correspond to one of the 3 compulsory groups of body movement elements; for the 4th superior difficulty, the choice of body movement is free.

1 1 r 1

lumps or Leaps



Free Elements


Each composition may contain a maximum of 3 preacrobatic elements and one of these may be a series of preacrobatic elements or a combination of pre-acrobatic elemen ts and count for only one element. Pre-acroba tic elements do not'count as difficulties but can be taken into account for evaluating risk taking. VII. MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT

The music can be played with a maximum of 1 or 2 instruments used simultaneously or alternately. Vocal accompaniment is not permitted. The organ, with its capacity to simulate many instruments, will be allowed as an exception. The exercise may be accompanied by only one musician or by means of a recording on a cassette.



• The neckline ofthe front ofthe leotard must be in good taste, and the neckline in the back cannot extend beyond the center point between the shoulder blades (maximum). • The cut of the leotard at the top of the legs must not go beyond the fold of the crotch. (maximum). • Fluorescent leotards are not allowed .. • Leotards with stripes, different geometrical deSigns, flowers are authorized. An interplay of colors producing such devicesasa tie, a vest, an animal, etc. is not permitted on the leotards. • scintillating objects (rhinestones), feathers, large flowers are not allowed in the hair. Penalty: .20 by the head judge each time one of these rules is not respected. X. JUDGES' UNIFORM

Navy blue skirt and jacket, white blouse.


SUMMARY It is hoped that the new rhythmic Code of Points will alleviate the problem of score inflation, provide for a better discrimination of gymnastics abilities, and allow for the future growth and evolution of this wonderful sport. The seven members of the committee developed the new Code of Points. Theyare: President, Mme. Jeannine Rinaldi (France); Mme. Egle Abruzzini (Italy); Mne. Maria Guigova (Bulgaria); Mme.Maria Szyszkowska (Poland); Mme. Andrea Schmid (USA); Mme. Valentina Bataen (USSR); Mme. Doris Sutter (Switzerland).


Sequential Gymnastics - elementary grades 3-6 Vaulting The following sequential vaulting gymnastics activities were developed by the Education SubCommittee* of the United States Gymnastics Federation for use in elementary school physical educational programs. The guidelines are easy to understand and the acti vi ties require minimum spotting. The activities are appropriate for children in grades 3-6. The purpose of the activities is to expand the movement vocabulary of children through sequential gymnastics activities presented in a safe, noncompetitive environment. Learning such activities is too valuable to the physical education of children to be taught only to gymnasts participating in competitive programs. • Subcommittee members- Patty Hacker, Eric Malmberg, Jim Nance, Garland O'Quinn, Barry Shaw, Alan Tilove and Susan True.



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. 1. Rebound-Jump-Jump-Tuck Jump (Land on Feet): With folded panel mats and spring board placed close togetller: jump from board to the mat, then jump from first mat to second mat; tuck jump off end of second mat, landing on feet.


2. Rebound·Jump-Jump·Land·Forward Roff to Feet: With folded panel mats and spring board placed close togetller: jump from board to the mat, tIlen jump from first mat to second mat, tuck jump off end of second mat to land; tuck forward roll to stand.

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3. Rebound·Jump-Jump-Straddle Jump (Land on Feet): With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: rebound and jump in a continuous series finishing with a straddle toe touch jump, landing on feet.


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7; Traveling Jumps Over and Back: Witll folded mats set end·to-end: travel forward with support on hands by jumping from one side of mat to other side of mat without landing on top of mat.

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5. Rebound·Jump-Jump·1/2Twist (Land on Feet): With fotded panel mats and spring board spaced close togetller: rebound and jump in a continuous series finishing with a jump 1/2 twist, landing on feet. 6. Traveling Hops Stopping on Top of Mats: With folded panel mats set end-taend: travel forward with support on hands by jumping from side of mat, to top of mat, to other side of mat, back to the top of the mat, etc.

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4. Rebound·Jump-Jump·Pike Jump (Land on Feet): With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: rebound and jump in a continuous series, to apike jump, landing on feet.


8. Squat To Top of Ma~ Forward Roll: With springboard and folded panel mat (sideways) set close together; stand on springboard with hands on mat, jump to squat on the mat. Forward roil on top of panel mat.




9. Vautt To Forward Roll, Jump, Land, Forward Roll: With springboard and folded panel mat (sideways) set close together; from a stand off board, move forward rebounding off board with two feet together, place hands on top of mat, forward roll to stand, and straight jump off panel mat to landing on feet, to forward roll.



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2. Barrel Roll with Two Foot Landing: With folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move forward toward mat, with two hand support on tip of mals, swing one leg sideways up and over mat, bring legs together to land on two feet.


~ 01-7

1. Barrel Roll Over Stacked Mats With One Foot Takeoff & landing: With folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move forward toward mat, wilh two hand support on top of mats, swing one leg sideways up and over mat, landing on leg that swings over the mats first.


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4. Tucked Front Vault Over Side: With springboard placed close to folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move forward toward board, vault upward and over mats (support on hands and two loot takeoff) with front of body facing down toward the stacked mats, land facing sideways.

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3. Vaultto Tuck Stand, Mule Kick Off: With springboard placed close to folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move forward toward board, vault upward with support on hands and two foot takeoff, to atuck stand sideways on top of mat. With support on hands, kick legs backward to stand sideways.



5. Vault to Pike Stand, Mule Kick Off: With springboard placed close to lolded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): Move forward toward board, with two hand support, vault upward to apike stand sideways, on top of mats. Execute mule kick with support 01 hands to stand sideways. 6. Piked Front Vault: With springboard placed close to folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move lorward toward board and vault over panel mats in piked position with front 01 body lacing down towards the mats, to stand sideways. 7. Layout Front Vault: With springboard placed close to folded panel mals stacked two high (sideways): move forward toward the board and vault over panel mats with body extended. Front of body facing down towards the mats, and land facing sideways.


8. Front Vault, 1/4 Turn to Stand Facing Mat: With springboard placed close to folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move forward toward board and vault over, with frontof body passing overthe top surface of the panel mats, 1/4 turn toward mats while descending to stand facing mat.


9. High Front Vaul~ 1/4 Turn to Stand Facing Mat (Roundoff): With spring路 board placed close to folded panel mats stacked two high (sideways): move toward the board and vault over panel mats with two hand support and feet passing over in a high arc, 1/4 tum toward mats while descending, to stand facing mat..

FLANK VAULT AND REAR VAULT DESCRIPTIONS 1. One Leg Vault On and Over Panel Mats Without Board: With folded panel mats: Walk up to mats, hop onto the mats with support of one hand and one foot (fingers of support hand are pointing towards long end of mats) then hop offon other side of mats to land facing sideways to the mats. Try this with legs swinging 10 the right onto the mats, then swinging to the left. 2. Vault One Foot on Top, and Over; Land Back to Mats: With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: move forward toward mat, Irom a two路fool takeoff, vault off the board to a one hand and foot support on top 01 mats; pushoff mats to a two路 foot landing facing sideways. 3. Modified Ftank Vault (one teg Tucked): With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: move forward toward mat, vault with atwofoot takeoff, vault off the board to a two hand support position on top of mats. Legs pass to the side as weight is shifted to one hand. Side of body faces down toward the mats, with one leg tucked, as the body passes over the mats.



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4. Piked Flank Vault: With lolded panel mals and spring board placed close logelher: move lorward loward mal, vaullwith a two·foot takeoff, supportwilh two hands. Legs pass to the side as weight is shifted to one hand. Side of body passes over the top of the mats with body piked.



5. Layout Flank Vault: With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: move forward toward mat, vault with a two·foot takeoff, support with two hands. Legs pass to the side as weight is shifted to one hand. Side of body passes over the top of the mats with body extended.


6. Jump and Push with Hands to Seated PoslUon on Mats: With folded panel mats stacked two-high: place hands on top 01 mats and jump +push with weight on hands and turn 180 degrees to seated position on mats.



7. Bounce and Push with Arms, 1/2 Twist to Seated PoslUon: With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: while standing on springboard with support of hands, bounce several times and jump and push with weight on hands, and tum 180 degrees to seated position on mats.




8. Vault to SltUng Position Piked: With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: move forward toward mat, vault with a two-foot takeoff with support on hands. Tum body to a sideways seated position on the top of the mats. 9. Piked Rear Vault: With folded panel mats and spring board placed close together: move toward mat, vault with a two-foot takeoff with support on hands, tum body to side and pass rear of body over top of mats. Arrive in a standing sideways position.

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SQUAT VAULTING DESCRIPTIONS 1. Squat Extend Jumps In Series on Mat: From squat poSition on floor: lean forward and push with legs while reaching forward with hands. With momentary support on hands, bring knees forward to squat position. Repeat in series.

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2. From Prone PoslUon, Squat to Stand: From lean support position on floor: bring knees forward to squat position while pushing with hands, then back to front lean support.


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3. Squat Irom Extended Body Position with Feet Elevated: From squat lean position with feet elevated on a folded panel mat: bring knees forward to squat poSition while pushing with hands.






5. From Squat on Board, Mule Kick to Board, Return to Squat on Mats, Jump Off: With folded panel mats and springboard placed close together: from squat position on top of mats, mule kick backward rebounding off board and returning to squat position on mats. Immediately jump off mats to stand. 6. From Stand, Bounce on Board, Squat on Mats then Jump Off: With folded panel mats and springboard placed close together: from stand on springboard, hands on top of mats, bounce several times, and squat to top of mats. Immediately jump off mats to stand. 7. Walk to Board, Vaultto Squat on Mats, the Jump Off: With folded panel mats and springboard placed close together: walk forward toward board. Rebound with atwo-foottakeoffand vaultto squat position on tipof mats. Immediately jump off mats to stand. 8. Several Running Steps to Board, Squat, to Jump Off: With folded panel mats and springboard placed close together: move forward with several running steps. Rebound with a two-foot takeoff and vault to squat position on top of mats. Immediately jump off mats to stand.


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4. From Squa~ on Mats, Mule Kick to Board and Return: With folded panel mats and springboard placed close together: from squat position on topof mats, mule kick backward rebounding off board and returning to squat position on mats.

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9. Squat Vault: With folded panel mats and springboard placed close together: move forward with several running steps. Rebound with a two·foottakeoff and squat vault over mats to stand facing away from mats.


MODIFIED PNF STRETCHING FOR THE GYMNAST PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION Dr.William L. Cornelius is an Assoicale Professor of Physical Education at the University ofNorlh Texas. Dr. Cornelius holds a PhD in Physical EducaJion wilh a specialization in biomechanicsfrom Texas Woman's University.

Modified PNF Stretching For The Gymnast Modified proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching techniques will improve joint range

of motion (ROM) beyond that which is experienced with themoreconventional static, passive, and ballistic stretching techniques. Gymnastics, like springboard diving and dance activities, requires that the individual perform with the greatest amplitude possible. Without appropriate ROM, many skills and combinations cannot be performed by this standard. Consequently, the use of the latest flexibility techniques would be of benefit.

more instruction with PNF maneuvers than with conventional stretching techniques. Several additional minutes are likely for a comprehensive PNF flexibility program. Improved results, however, may be worth the extra investment in time. An alternative may be to continue to use such stretching procedures as the static flexibility technique, but utilize PNF on areas of the body which have not responded well to ROM improvements. This might serve as a compromise. You would use a few more minutes of time in a workout, but the benefits offered through PNF would be greater. Five to seven minutes at 30 seconds per exercise is usually sufficient for utilizing PNF stretching exercise on all the major joints.

Characteristics Of PNF Stretching PNF stretching techniques increase ROM through facilitation of muscle inMuscle Spindle (excites)

hibition by proprioceptive feedback. A combination of passive stretching and muscle contractions stimulate particular proprioceptors to fire bringing out relaxation or a reduced tendency for muscle contraction (inhibition). A partner is usually necessary with PNF because a passive stretch is utilized . A passive stretch is simply a maneuver associated with a movement that is nonactive or performed by the individual assisting. The slow-reversal-hold-relax (SRHR) PNF flexibility technique shown in figure 1 demonstrates the use of the passive stretch. Passive maneuvers are incorporated at both the beginning and end ofPNF flexibility exercises as a preand post-stretch (Figure 1, parts 1 and 4). Muscle contractions, isometric and/ or concentric, are placed between the two passive stretches. The isometric contraction is performed while the muscle is being stretched. The partner acts to resist movement of the segment (Figure 1, part 2). Therefore, the joint does not move and the muscle length Golgi Tendon Organ (relaxes) :::;


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Why Not Use PNF? Since PNF stretching techniques will provide significant increases in ROM and have been scientifically proven to be more effective than other stretching practices, why then are more gymnastic programs not utilizing PNF flexibility techniques? One explanation might be that a partner is needed in order to perform PNF stretching exercises. Communication is essential between people if PNF stretching is to be effective and safe. Another explanation might lie in the need to provide a little


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- 1. Passive Stretch - - 2. Isometric Contraction

.. 3. Concentric Contraction - 4. Passive Static Stretch

Fi ure 1


does not change. While the muscle is on a stretch the individual pushes maximally against the assistant (maximum voluntary isometric contraction). Rather than or subsequent to the isometric contraction, a concentric contraction of the opposite muscle can be performed (Figure 1, part 3). Both contractions are utilized in the SRHR PNF stretching technique designed to facilitate proprioceptive responses for stretch.

Important Sensory Information in Using PNF Musclespindlereceptorsand Golgi tendon organs are two important sensory receptors (proprioceptors) invol ved

receptor (MSR). The MSR is located in between groups of muscle fibers and is a length sensor. Therefore, this sensor can be stimulated when muscle tissue is stretched. Flexibility exercise associated with ballistic or quick movements and/or painful maneuvers, cause MSR stimulation. Figure 2 indicates the nerve impulse pathway initiated from a reflex stimulation of a MSR. The afferent nerve impulse to the spinal cord is returned to muscle fibers adjacent to the stimulated MSR. Muscle fibers then shorten creating resistance to stretch. Quick change in tissue length or painful maneuvers will, therefore, reduce effectiveness in

Stretch Reflex

Alpha Motor -{---;:t=-:4I~,j... Neuron

:-- Afferent Nerve Efferent Nerve

PNF stretching techniques will provide significant increases in range of motion and have been scientifically proven to be more effective than other stretching practices.

Extrafusal Muscle Fibers .. .. ' \

Muscle Spindle

Figure 2 with effective stretching techniques. Stretching will be hampered unless these receptors are properly manipulated.

Muscle Contraction Stimulator Figure 2 illustrates the stretch reflex by which a muscle fiber (extrafusa\) contracts following the stimulation of a muscle spindle


a flexibility program. Slow, nonpainful flexibility maneuvers are basic to a well designed stretching program.

Muscle Contraction Inhibitor. Figure 3 indicates a positive phenomenon in which relaxation of the muscle being stretched occurs. The


Modified PNF Stretching continued

Golgi tendon organ, located at the mucculo tendinous junction, is a tendon sensor and can be stimulated through slow, gentle stretch and/or muschle contraction. Tendon elongation crea tes GTa distoration resulting in an inhibitory reflex. Consequently, a nerve impulse is transmitted from the stimulated GTa to the spinal cord. A nerve impulse is then returned to inhibit or reduce the tendency for muscle contraction resulting in greater length and reduced resistance to stretch. GTa stimulation cannot take place when the MSR fires first. Therefore, effective procedure allows the more sensitive MSR to be bypassed and stimulation of the GTO at a subthreshold level to occur.

INHIBITORY REFLEX Sensory nerve Spinal cord from tendon organ ~


Golgi tendon organ --B2S:'!"___ Tendon

Summary Effective stretching for the gymnast can be achieved with the use of a PNF flexibility technique .

Figure 3



scrl~ h'

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. . ..&l...d '%.#&.J!il..di. %Ii &


F <@,Âąw """ 'QLA;

%..II ..&l...d


Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Check one 0 Gymnast!Age _ o Parent 0 Coach 0 Other _

USGf Department of Education & Safety Pan American Plaza Suite 300 201 South Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46225


Yamashita 1/2 twist -Women's Olympic Compulsory Vault Steve Whitlock, USGF Director of Educational Services

Arrival of hands Rounded shape in preflight Arrival on board A low extended body position in the preflight to "arrival" is critical for success with this vault. The shoulders must be well behind the hands at "arrival"- - - with the repulsion beginning with the contact Preflight distance from feet on the Body is at or near horizontal. .. board to Hand contact was STRONG REPULSION begins with approximately 5.5 feet. NOTE: This hand contact .. and continues distance should be as "close" as through the entire contact phase. possible to still achieve Maximum This is directed "downward/upward" body positions and appropriate (Hecht action) arrival distance. A future article in Technique by H. Mizoguchi will discuss and analyze the preflight position.

8 hands lose contact with horse 7


6 ! ~ ,.


#8 & # 9 NOTE that legs are approximately at horizontal at point of max. pike. 8

Minumum pike is 90 degrees. "DROPPING" the arms (bring them quickly to the sides of the body) will Greater than 90 is possible, but enhance the height of the vault. . . as well as facilitate the twist action. requires greater strength & speed in The twist is accomplished during the rapid extension of the body "opening" to achieve desired 11 from pike to "hollow"... afterflight positions and to avoid 12 overrotation. 9 I I I 10

-!- -~- -~--7, : '~ i f"" bod, ""oo" ="" f""'''' ".""





ITl\:-= ~

~ ~___

Vault achieves max. height as legs begin forceful and rapid opening. Both arms quickly "drop" to the side of the body. #14 & #15 - Gymnast can already "spor for the landing 14

15 __

~ _

Body shape changes to "slig ht arch" to stylize the vault & to giver the illusion of suspension in the air



#18 - Feet contact the mat. NOTE forward lean of body to reduce backward rotation . .. and assumption of a stretched but slightly hollowed shape in preparation for the landing.

~ '"



The ARMS do what is necessary to finish and "square-ofr the twist. .. and prepare for a controlled landing


r7I 7( !I

#11 & #12 - Turn is accomplished with extended (slightly hollow) body shape.

~~) ~

Ideally the arms would remain PERFECTLY STRAIGHT.

Th,,,',,.. ,,

maintained "for as long as possible" in the descent phase.


18 19

This gymnast "stuck" the vault Score awarded was 9.95. Landing distance from point of han~ con~ct on horse was approximate y 15 t


Uneven Bars - Underswing 1/2 turn to Handstand Steve Whitlock, USGF Director of Educational Services Figure 1 The 1989-92 Women's Elite Compulsory Bar routine contains one element described as Underswing with legs together and 1/2 turn (180째) with flight over LB to momentary clear support. Element number 2.32 in the Code of Points (See Figure 1)

Figure 2 illustrates this element performed from a handstand on the HB to a handstand on the LB utilizing a Clear hip type technique. Utilizing tthe Clear hip method, the gymnast has great control over the speed of the drop. Given the allowable width between the bars, this technique may prove to be the most easily executed by taller gymnasts.

Figure 3 Figure 3 illustrates the element performed from handstand to handstand utilizing a drop through a long swing (this is also known as the bail technique). Although either technique is "acceptable" from a judging standpoint, after experimentation with both techniques at the Women's National Training Camps; the National Coaching Staff recognizes that the Bail offers the greatest potential for amplitude of "swing" and height of the drop and, therefore, is the "preferred" method.



New Educational Materials USGF 1989-1992 Dance Video Now Available

Men's 1989 Junior Olympic Program Events Schedule

3/17-25 Junior Team Spring In order to allow coaches and Training Camp gymnasts to have a head-start on Colorado Springs the new USGP Junior Olympic 6/29-7/2 Junior National . Age Group Development ProChampionships Oshkosh, WI gram, the Dance portions of Lev7/3-5 Junior Coaching Staff els 1-4 are being made available Coaching Seminar for early distribution through the (Non-staff are also USGP Office. invited) Oshkosh, WI This 30 minute video includes 10-12 Age GroupCamp all of the Level 1-4 Dance Ele- 7/17-23 #1 (26-50 placing gym ments and Sequences along with nasts) comprehensive instruction/ deColorado Springs monstration. Dance terminology 7/23-31 10-12 Age GroupCamp and proper dance technique are #2 (26-50 placing presented. gymnasts) -

Diameter of Women's Uneven Bar Rails and Men's Parallel Bar Rails

According to the 1987 Edition of the Apparatus Norms of the Apparatus Commission of the PIG the following bar dimensions apply:

Men's Parallel Bar Rails (section) Vertical Axis: 50mm +/-1 mm Transverse Axis: 40mm +/- 1 mm

Colorado Springs Women's Uneven Bar Rails This is the "official" educa- 8/21-31 Junior Team Summer (section) - The bars must have a tional videotape of the dance porCampconstant elyptical profile. Colorado Springs tion of the program that will be Horizontal Axis: presented this spring at the USGF 8/31-9/6 Class I and II com(minimum) 41 mm + / - 1 mm bined Camp (15 gymMaster Workshops. Vertical Axis: nasts from each level 1.1 times of horizontal axis. must finish in 11-40 Give your team a head start on the dance program. Bybeginplace at the JO NationIf the horizontal Vertical axis ning work NOW, your athletes als) axis is: would be: will be better prepared to ad . Colorado Springs 41 mm 45mm 'th t' h . t 9/6-12 RegIOnal Development +/-1 mm vance t0 LeveI 5 W1 e m roC ,-f- A1 9 . '--6 duction of the new Age Group ~ am-p \1""\,1 re~IOns, ----~'-42mm 46mm . from-each regIon) ~ +/-2mm Program when It becomes a r~ . 43 44mm " /" Colorado Sprmgs qmrement m the 1989-90 comUSGFC ~ +/-Omm 't' season. 9/21-24 ongress pe tlIve Philadelphia

The tape is available through l-Ul~::!~egional Testing - _____ Various sites the USGP Merchandising Department for $19.95. 12/27-30 National Testing-

\~ /1


!), ./


Colorado Springs




By Rick Osbourne, a fitness consultant working out of the Chicago area. How many young gymnasts start classes and are unable to do simple bod y weight exercises such as push ups, sit ups, pull ups, and dips? What can you do to accommodate the young gymnasts' inability to handle his own body weight? Here is one new technique that is simple, functional, and inexpensive for your consideration. Pivot Point Variation is a new term for an old technique. Pivot point variation is basically what happens when a student who is unable to do a push up, drops his knees to the floor in order to reduce his work load. In this age old variety of pivot point variation, the student has a choice of two pivot points, his knees or his toes. The problem here is that for most kids, their knees are far enough away from their toes, that the transition from pivot point #1 to pivot point #2 is very difficult, if not impossible. Furthermore, some kids still can't do push ups, even from their knees. What can you do for them? The solution to this problem has been found in a new, simple, and ultimately practical device. A bench, footstool, or similar object is placed under the body, at any point between the hips and the toes, during the push up movement (figure 1). The closer the bench is placed to the hips, the easier the exercise becomes. Conversely, the closer the bench is placed


to the toes, the harder the exercise becomes. The increment of resistance change is almost infinitely small. This means that anyone can progress (inch by inch) from one level of difficulty to the next with regularity and consistency. Consequently, all participants can develop the ability to do standard push ups from their toes by using a pivot point variation bench For the more advanced gymnast who is unchallenged by simple push ups, there is the body weight fly which combines the pivot point variation bench with a pair of dumbbell like wheels (figure 2). From the standard push up position, the wheels are rolled out and back (like a dumbbell fly) isolating the pectorals (the chest). The body weight fly, without the pivot point bench, is extremely challenging even for elite strength athletes. But the bench makes it accessible to everyone. Most gym-

nasts can gradually inch the pivot point back toward the toes until they can handle this exercises without assistance from the bench. Similarly challenging exercises can be done for the abdominals (figure 2), the lats (figure 3) and the triceps (figure 4). The end result of pivot point variation is an athlete who is extremely capable of handling his own body weight. Furthermore, the athlete that conquers these exercises can maintain a very sophisticated level of upper torso strength with very little equipment, money, or related obstacles. One last interesting note. Progress can be made on this li ttle machine in two ways. First, like any standard resistance training device, you can progress through strength gain. But unlike most resistance training devices, you can also progress by losing excess body weight (fat). This little extra makes the pivot point variation technique even more interesting.

Figure 1


PPV Continued

1. Mechanically speaking, the student is increasing his mechanical advantage by reducing the length of the work lever (his body) by approximately one third and the work load accordingly. 2. The ability to progress in resistance training is dependent upon the increment of resistance change. To increase in five pound increments for example, in a bench press, is much more feasible than to increase in 50 pound increments. In the push up exercise, progressing from the knees to the toes is much more like the 50 pound increment of change in the bench press.

Figure 2

3. This increment of change is like a five pound increase in the bench press. 4. In the standard push up position, approximately two-thirds of your body weight is on your hands. A 150 pound person then would have about 100 pounds on his hands. So in this exercise he would be attempting the equivalent of a dumbbell fly with 50 pounds in each hand (an extremely challenging chest exercise). If anyone is interested in purchasing a pivot point variation bench, rather than using a footstool or rolled up mat, write Benchmark Equipment Co. , 1820 E. Maple Street, Kankakee, IL 60901.

Figure 3

Figure 4






Artistic Gymnastics Team Selection Procedures 1989 World Championship Selection Procedure I. QUALIFICATION

A. Qualification to the Championships of the USA is through the USGF Elite Regional Zone Meets and then the USGF American Classic or U.s. Classic (First or Second Elite National Qualifying Meets) . 1. The American Classic is scheduled May 19-21, 1989 in San Jose, California. 2. The U.s. Classic is scheduled June 16-18, 1989 in San Antonio, Texas.

B. The seven (7) gymnasts that comprised the 1988 Olympic Team will automatically qualify into the 1989 Championships of the USA. C. The All-Around score will be determined by combining 60 percent of the compulsory with 40 percent of the optional score for the American Classic and U.s. Classic including the Championships of the USA and World Championship Trials.


A. The All-Around scores from the Championships of the USA will count 30 percent (3/10) and the All-Around scores from the Final World Championship Trials will count 70 percent (7/10) in determining an individual's Combined Final Ranking (10 / 10) for the World Championships Team selection. B. The top eight (8) athletes in rank order from the Combined Final Ranking will constitute the Team. C. According to the FIG Technical Reglement and the USGF policy, six (6) competing gymnasts and two (2) traveling alternates constitute the official team. D. Final determination of the six (6) competing athletes will be made by the World Championships Coaching Staff and the athlete's representative according to the following procedures:

E. The 1989 Championships of the USA are scheduled July 6-9, 1989.

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM CRITERIA 1. The ability to perform full optional and compulsory routines 2. Freedom from injury 3. Competitive consistency during training and international competition. 4. Mental readiness 5. Physiological readiness 6. Proper attitude, team support and spirit

F. Injury petitions to the Championships of the USA will be accepted for consideration by the Elite Ad-Hoc Program Committee.

To be eligible to vote in the final selection, each voter must be present at the Championships of the USA, the World Championship Trials, and all subsequent training and competition.

D. Based on the All-Around results from the 1989 Championships of the USA (combined compulsory and optional total), the top sixteen(16) Senior gymnasts will qualify into the Final World Championship Trials.

II. FINAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRIALS A. The Final World Championship Trials are scheduled for September, 1989 (site to be determined). B. All-Around competition at the Final World Championship Trials will be Olympic compulsory and optional exercises. C. Petitions to enter the Final World Championship Trials will be


accepted with regard to injury, illness, or representing the USA in an international competition during the same time period as Championships _of the USA.

In order to maintain a minimum of eight (8) gymnasts, replacement due to injury to one of the top eight (8) gymnasts plus any approved petition(s) will occur in rank order from Combined Ranking. E. If a gymnast is injured after the Championships of the USA, her injury is verified by a neutral doctor, and her injury petition is then accepted, her Championships of the USA score will be multiplied by (10/10). This score is entered into the All-Around results


REPORT prior to the start of the Final World Championship Trial competition. If a gymnast does not compete in the Championships of the USA,

her injury is verified by a neutral doctor, and her injury petition is accepted, her score obtained in the Final World Championship Trials (multiplied by 10/10) will permit the gymnast to be ranked in the final selection of the 1989 World Championship Team. In either case, a gymnast that competes in either Championships of the USA or Final World Championship Trials, but not both, must also be in the top four (~) of the meet in which she competed, as well as her All-Around score placing her in the top four (4) of the Combined Final Ranking.

Championships and who did not qualify to compete as an individual. c. Any collegiate gymnast whose team is at the Championships but did not compete All-Around in that particular meet. Gymnasts in category a should submit three (3) most current AA scores as criteria for their selection. Gymnasts in category band c should have five All-Around scores to submit as criteria for their selection. 3. If petitioned slots are not filled , selection would go back to rank order from NCAA Championships. C. Trials Competition will be a one round All-Around optional competition with a total of the four apparatus events. Competition Ib FIG Rules will be used.

If the above occurs, a tie for fourth place will not be broken. The

tied gymnasts will be included in the Team. Three additional athletes in rank order will constitute the official team.

D. Injury petitions for World University Games Trials may be submitted for: - athl~tes unable to compete in and qualify through the NCAA Division I Nationals.

F. Petition onto the 1989 World Championship Team will be

accepted for consideration only in the case of illness or injury which prevented the gymnast from competing in or finishing the Championships of the USA and the World Championship Trials. The gymnast(s) must have placed #l of #2 in either of the Classics or must have been a member of the 1988 Olympic Team, where she ranked in either the top eight (~) individual events or the top 16 All-Around. Petitions will be considered by the Elite Program Ad-Hoc Committee. A simple majority of votes cast is necessary to approve a petition. Any approved petition(s) will be in addition to the top eight (8) All-Around from the Combined Final Ranking.

Petitions will be accepted for review, if the gymnast can reasonably show through past meet results that, if she had been able to compete, she would have qualified. Note: All petitions are to be directed to the attention of Elite Program Committee Chairman, Roe Kruetzer; WUGC Chairman, Jackie Fie; WP A, Kathy Kelly II. WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES TEAM A. The top six (6) in rank order from the Trials will comprise the Team. B. Ties will be broken by the highest individual event score.

1989 World University Games Selection Procedures I. WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES TEAM TRIALS

A. World University Games Team Trials will beheld in July, 1989. B. Qualification for Trials by a maximum of twenty (20) gymnasts. 1. The top ten (10) All-Around gymnasts from the NCAA Division INa tiona 1Championshi ps, A pril14-15 a t the U ni versity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Declined slots will be filled in rank order. Gymnasts with All-Around scores below a 36.00 will not be considered until a decision is made on all petitions.

2. Up to an additional ten (10) slots to be filled by petitions. Petitioning athletes must be properly admitted and registered for the 1989 fall semester with a full time course of study at a university recognized by the competent academic authority of the USA. Petition can be submitted by: a. Any gymnast who is a senior in high school and who has signed a letter of intent to attend a university in the fall of '89. b. Any collegiate gymnast whose team is not in the NCAA

C. Replacements to the Team due to injury of one of the team members will be made in All-Around rank order from the Trials. Need forreplacements must be documented by a Doctor and Athletic Trainer. D. No injury petitions onto the Team will be accepted. E. The top four (4) athletes in rank order from the Trials will compete in the World University Games, assuming that specified criteria have not visibly deteriorated in comparison to fellow team members during the training process between Trials and the World University Games Competition Opening Ceremonies. These specified criteria are designated as follows: 1. Demonstrated ability to perform entire routines 2. Freedom from any small disabling injuries 3. Competitive consistency demonstrated through intra-squad competition during training 4. Mental readiness 5. Physical appearance 6. Attitude and team support-spirit F. The final four (4) competing athletes will be determined by:

- Head Coach - the Assistant Coach - the two (2) Judges (if in attendance at trials) - the Delegation Leader (if applicable)





Artistic Gymnastics Team Selection Procedures I. QUALIFICA nONCHAMPIONSHIPS OF THE USA

nasts. There will be one session at the U.S. Nationals with 8 gymnasts in each competitive squad. Six events will be conducted concurrently. The warm-up period which precedes the competition will be open. After three rounds of competi tion, an additional open warm-up time period of fifteen (15) minutes will be allowed for the gymnasts. The competitive working order for optionals will ~ be determined by the gymnasts' a; placement in the compulsory ~ exercises.

A. The 1989 U.S. National Championships are sched uled for July 6-9, 1989 at a site to be determined. B. Athletes will qualify to the U.s. Nationals from Senior Regional Qualifying Meets on May 20-21, 1989. These meets will occur at sites to be approved by the Men's Program Committee. The sites will be announced by December 31.

Kevin Davis -1988 Olympian

Exception: Those athletes who score 114.00 combined compulsory and optional in an approved meet using Competition I rules, or 112.00 combined compulsory and optional in an approved meet using Competition 2 rules other than the Senior Regional Qualifying Meet(s), are automatically qualified. These scores ofl14.00 or 112.00 will reflect a 60% weighting of the compulsory and a 40% weighting of the optional. The Men's Program Administrator of the United States Gymnastics Federation will certify these approved meets, such as Big 8, Big 10, Pac 10, NCAA's and others. This certification allows that Competition I rules be used prior to the Regional Meets. Competition II will be used at the Senior Regional meets. Also, at least two nationally certified judges will be required per event. More than two club/programs must be in attendance for the competition. All qualification scores will be sent to the Men's Program Administrator. C. For compulsories in the U.S. Nationals, there will be 48 gym-


D. All-Around ranking will be determined from the compulsoryoptional sessions. The compulsory exercises will be weighted 60% and the optionals 40% to determine team and ranking. There will be an individual event final with 6 athletes per event. These athletes will advance from the combined adjusted total of compulsory and optional per event. Finals will include the individual event score and the combined score from the all-around competition to determine the individual event champions.

E. The Senior National Team will be the top 12 from the combined weighted compulsory and optional sessions. This group is known as the Senior National Team. Ties will not be broken. However, for advancement to the next competition, ties will be broken by the higher compulsory all-around score. F. The Senior Elite Development Team will be comprised of up to ten (10) athletes selected from the combined weighted compulsory and optional exercises. These ten athletes will be up to 6 eligible athletes after the National Team of 12, under the age of 21, in rank order. Further, up to 4 eligible gymnasts, in rank order, under the age of 19, will complete the Senior Development Team for 1989. Ties will not be broken. Age is determined as of first date of competition.


REPORT G. In case of an injury, a gymnast may be petitioned onto the National Team, unranked, by the Men's Program Committee. H. Petitions to the U.S. National Championships will be considered and should be sent to the Men's Program Administrator.

pic Festival, the World University Games, if applicable, training camp observations, any intersquad competitions, if held, and a final intersquad competition on September 29-30, prior to departure for Stuttgart. All evaluations of compulsory exercises which will affect team selection will be conducted by the World Championships judges plus others where necessary.

II. QUALIFICATION-OLYMPIC FESTIVAL A. The Senior National Team in rank order named a tthe 1989 U.s. National Championships will comprise 12 of the 24 athletes to compete in the 1989 US. Olympic Festival in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on July 21-30,1989. B. The Junior National Team in rank order named at the Winter Testing program in Colorado Springs from December 27-28,1988 will comprise the final 12 athletes to compete in the 1989 US. Olympic Festival. Ties, if occurring, will be broken by the higher skills value acquired by the gymnast. C. A training camp and compulsory competition will be conducted in Oklahoma at the University of Oklahoma for the Senior Team prior to the Festival. This is mandatory.

B. Based on the total All-Around scores from the U.s. Nationals and the other criteria, eight (8) gymnasts determined by rank order will be the training squad invited to participate for the World Championships. The first three positions from the U.s. National Championships are locked.The six competing gymnasts will be determined by evaluation of the coaches staff utilizing all the criteria already listed. The seventh man, when selected by the coaches of the World Championships Team, will be the alternate gymnast. This selection will be announced at least 24 hours prior to the first day of competition at the World Championships. Ties for sixth and seventh will be broken by the highest compulsory total from the U.s. Nationals and other compulsory competitions. If there is still a tie, the higher final conpulsory score will break the tie. C. All competitions will be Competition II with the additional combination re-



quirements outlined by the Men's Program Committee, with the exception of the Olympic Festival, which will be Competition I ONLY and no additional MPC combination requirements.

A. The World University Games Team will be selected in rank order USING OPTIONAL SCORES ONLY, from the Senior National Team named at the 1989 US. National Championships. Those athletes who are eligible for World University Games competition, by virtue of age and academic standing, will be considered.

D. The following training camps are required for all members of the 1989 Senior National Team: I. Training camp I-July IS-July 30. 2. Training camp 2-August 5-August 27

B. The World University Games Team will consist of five (5) athletes.

E. Replacement of a team member will occur only due to a serious injury.

C. The World University Games Team will be required to participate in a training camp in Indianapolis prior to their departure for Sao Paulo, Brazil, site of the 1989 World University Games.

F. Petitions onto the 1989 U.s. World Championships Men's GymnasticS Team can occur if the following criteria are met: 1. The petitioned gymnast is clearly in the top three (3) in the United States. 2. The Men's Program Committee UNANIMOUSLY approves the petition with affected coaches who may be on the committee abstaining from voting. 3. The petition, if accepted, would be acted upon by the Men's Program Committee prior to the World Championships Team departing for Stuttgart. Further, the petitioned athlete would displace one of the seven members of the training squad. Only SEVEN male athletes will travel to Stuttgart for the 1989 World Gymnastics Championships

Charles Lakes - 1988 Olympian

D. Four (4) athletes will compete in Sao Paulo with the fifth athlete being the alternate. The alternate will be named by the World University Games coaches at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of competition. E. An athlete will only be replaced in case of serious injury. No petitions onto the World University Games Team will be accepted. IV. TEAM SELECTION-WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS TEAM A. The All-Around scores from the 1989 U.s. Nationals will be used to determine the World Championships Team, along with weighted (60-40) compulsory and optional scores from the Olym-

V. QUALIFICATIONS- Other events, including various international invitations, will be assigned to National Team members as outlined by the Men's Program Committee.






Gymnastics Qualifying And Selection Procedure World Championships

b. Individual Event Finals will take place on May 7th.


1. The top eight (8) Seniors and the top six (6) Juniors in each event from the AllAround competition will compete in the Individual Event Finals. Ties will be broken by the highest All-Around score.

A. USCF National Championships 1. All athletes must be USA citi-

zens and -registered athlete members with the USCF prior to the competition. .

B. National Team Selection 1. The 1989 Junior National Team shall be comprised of the top eight (8) Juniors in the Junior All-Around competition.

2. Qualification to the USCF Rhythmic Championships is through Regional Championship Meets.

2. The 1989 Senior National Team shall be comprised of the top ten (10) Seniors in the Senior All-Around competition.

a. A Junior gymnast must score a minimum of32.00 All-Around OR be ranked in the top twenty -of all Junior scores.

3. Ties will not be broken.

Michelle Berube -1988 Olympian

b. A Senior gymnast must score a minimum of35.00 All-Around OR be ranked in the top forty of all Senior scores.

3. Injury petitions will be accepted for review by the Rhythmic Program Committee and the respective Regional Chairman . .

1. The 1989 USOC Olympic Sports Festival will serve as the Trials for the individual gymnasts for the 1989 World Championships.

4. The 1989 USCF Rhythmic Championships are scheduled for May 5-7 in Miami, Florida.

2. The top ten (10) Senior gymnasts and the top six (6) Junior gymnasts from the 1989 National Championships will be invited to participate in the Olympic Sports Festival.

a. All-around competition will take place on May 5th and 6th as follows: May 5th - Juniors - Ball and Clubs Seniors - Rope and Hoop May 6th - Juniors - Rope and Hoop Seniors - Ball and Ribbon 32

C. World Championships

3. The All-Around score from the Championships of the USA and each day of All-Around competition from the Trials will count 100% in determining an individual's overall final placing (300 % total).

[]J~[B~ REPORT compete with both routines will be eligible.

4. Based on the combined total All-Around scores from the National Championships and the Olympic Sports Festival (as stipulated above) the top four (4) Senior gymnasts will be invited to participate in the 1989 World Championships.

2. The National Group Team will be determined by combining the scores of the 2 group routines from preliminary competition (40 points maximum) .

5. The 1989 World Championships will take place from September 27-0ctober 1 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.

3. A maximum of eight gymnasts can be designated as members of a group. C. World Championships

II. GROUP ROUTINE A. USGF National Championships 1. All athletes must be USA citizens and registered athlete members with the USGF prior to the competitions.

2. All groups entered in the National Championships must compete with one or both of the USA Required Group Routines-3 ribbons/.3 hoops and 12 clubs.

B. National Group Team Selection

1. The National Group Team will be considered for an in vi ta tion to represent the USA at the World Championships.

2. Following the 1989 Rhythmic National Championships the Rhythmic Program Committee will determine if the winning group meets world class standards. 3. If it is determined that the National Group Team does not meet world class standards, the USGF will not enter the Group Competition at the 1989 World Championships.

1. Only those groups who are entered in Category A and

Call For Congress Presenters 1989 USGF Congress Philadelphia, PA The USGP is seeking interested individuals to serve as volunteer presenters at the 1989 USGP Congress. Selection of presentations will be made to the USGP Department of Educational Services in cooperation with the various program administrators (Men's, Women's and Rhythmic), as well as appropriate USGP committees (such as the Sport Science Advisory committees). To be considered, please write by April1S, 1989 to: Steve Whitlock USGF Director of Educational Services Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Please include your resume, and a summary outline of the topic area that you are interested in presenting.


POSSIBLE TOPIC AREAS MIGHT INCLUDE: PRESCHOOL: Developmental Programs, Curriculum Development, Marketing, Teachin Aids, Staff Development GRASSROOTS/RECREATIONAL GYMNASTICS: Developmental Programs, Curriculum Development, Marketing, Teaching Aids, Staff Development, Gymnastrada, Elementary School Programs, Community Programs, AAHPER, High School Programs

CLUB PROGRAMS: Development, Management, Curriculum Development, Parents Clubs, Fund Raising, Staffing/Training, Time Management, Finances -


Sports Medicine, Sports Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Nutrition, Biomechanics, Safety, Education, Equipment, legaL Computer Sciences


USGFCompulsories, ].O. Optional Programs, Equipment, Legal,

Computer Sciences


Compulsories,Optionals, Committee

Reports, Travel Reports


Practical Session. Theoritical Session, StatisticaL Reports, Skill Analysis



ELITE AD-HOC COMMITTEE MEETING Indianapolis, Indiana December 11, 1989

Voting Members Present: Gary Anderson Sue Ammerman Martha Karolyi Mary Ann Mahoney Don Peters Donna Strauss Non Voting:

Kathy Kelly

Not Present:

Jackie Fie

Meeting called to order at 11:30 am by Chairman Roe Kreutzer. World Championship Selection Procedures were reviewed. Recommendation to accept the World Championship selection procedures as amended. MOTION - Don Peters PASSED

SECOND - Gary Anderson

Recommendation that the USA Team accept the invitation to train in France one week prior to the first podium practice with World Championship Trials immediately prior to departure to France. MOTION - Don Peters PASSED

SECOND - Martha Karolyi

Recommendation that 60% Compulsory and 40% Optional scoring be maintained for Championships and Trials. MOTION - Sue Ammerman SECOND - Don Peters PASSED

Recommendation that final ranking of the World Championship Team will be determined by a combination of 30% Championship scores plus 70% World Championship Trials scores. MOTION - Sue Ammerman SECOND - Donna Strauss PASSED

Recommendation that the top 16 gymnasts in rank order from the USA Championships plus approved petitions will be invited to the World Championship Trials. (No replacements will be made to the top 16) MOTION - Donna Strauss PASSED


Recommendation that the final determination of the team will be made by the World Championship Coaching Staff and the Athlete Representative (if present at all qualifying meets and training sessions). MOTION - Mary Ann Mahoney SECOND - Sue Ammerman PASSED

World University Games selection procedures were reviewed. Recommendation to accept the World University Games selection procedures as amended. (see attached) MOTION - Don Peters PASSED

SECOND - Sue Ammerman

Resumes for the position of World University Games Head Coach and Assistant Coach were reviewed and discussed. The office will send letters of congratulations to those selected and letters of thank you and regret to those who were not chosen. Recommendation that Suzanne Yoculan be named as Head Coach and Dave Patterson be named Assistant Coach for the World University Games. MOTION - Donna Strauss PASSED

SECOND - Sue Ammerman

Recommendation that the Women's Program Administrator request that an additional credential be provided for World University Games for a "Manager." If this is allowed that Jim Turpin be named to that position. MOTION - Don Peters PASSED

SECOND - Sue Ammerman

Recommendation that World University Games Trials be held last weekend in July, a ten day training camp be held from August 6-13, 1989 with departure to Brazil on August 14, 1989. MOTION - Donna Strauss PASSED

SECOND - Don Peters

Discussion on the possibility of a splif season for the Elite Program for the 1990 season was held. More information is needed from Jackie Fie. This will be available after January when she returns from FIG meetings. The Single Elimination Event Proposal was discussed. An alternate proposal was offered of 12 gymnasts invited with four going into finals. The office was requested to pursue this with television. Meeting Adjourned at 1:30 pm.

SECOND-Mary Ann Mahoney

Approved: (Mike Jacki) January 5,1989


JUNIOR OLYMPIC COMMITTEE MEETING Indianapolis, Indiana January 14, 1989

Meeting called to order at 9:00 am by John Wojtczuk. Roll call: Voting Members Present Region I-Mark Cook Region V-Doreen Bolhuis Region II-Bob Levesque Region VI-Frank DeFrancesco Region III-Steve Snow Region VII-Tony Gehman Region IV-Tom Knoll Region VIII-D.J. Milem Non-Voting: National J.O. Technical Chairman - Connie Maloney Women's Program Committee ChairmanMary Ann Mahoney Women's Program Administrator - Kathy Kelly Compulsory Chairman - Linda Chencinski


Old Minutes -

Clarification: Page 2 - "State Meet Competition is not required at Level 6 in the New Program." Add: "To be determined by the State Board."

II. Discussion of the Levels for the New Program was held. Recommendation that Level 10 include two (2) Age Groups 9-13 and 14 and over. The Junior Age Group will do "element/sequence testing" the Senior Age Group will do full compulsory routines. MOTION -Doreen Bolhuis PASSED - unanimous

SECOND - OJ. Milem

Recommendation that the age determining date for the New Program be January 1. On January 1 all gymnasts will be considered to be the age that they will attain in that calendar year. MOTION - Tom Knoll PASSED - 8 yes -1 no

SECOND - Doreen Bolhuis

Recommendation that the Age Grouping for LevelS will be S-10 year oIds, 11-13 year oIds,14 and over. MOTION - Frank DeFrancesco SECOND - D.J. Milem PASSED - unanimous

Recommendation That the Age Groupings for Level


6 through 9 will be 9-10 year olds, 11-13 years olds, 14 and over. MOTION - Mark Cook PASSED - unanimous

SECOND - D.J. Milem

Recommendation that: 1989-90 LevelS Dance will be tested at Levels 5,6, & 7 1990-91 LevelS Dance will be tested at LevelS and ... Level 6 Dance will be tested at Level 6&7 1991-92 LevelS Dance will be tested at LevelS Level 6 Dance will be tested at Level 6 Level 7 Dance will be tested at Level 7 MOTION - Steve Snow SECOND - Frank DeFrancesco PASSED - unanimous

Recommendation that if a gymnast in Level 6 scores a 35.00 AA twice in sanctioned meets, she has the option of moving directly to Level 8. One time score of S.O in dance is also required. MOTION - Mark Cook SECOND - Frank DeFrancesco PASSED - unanimous

Recommend the following difficulty for optional levels: LevelS - Competition IB, but No Natural C Required (2C, 3B, 3A). Natural D's receive no value part credit, value raised D's may be performed for value credit. Level 9 & 10 - Competition IB, as per FIG Code of Points. Finals at JO Nationals - Competition II Rules on Bars, Beam and FX. Vault will require 2 different numbered vaults, they may be of the same family. MOTION - Connie Maloney PASSED - unanimous

SECOND - Steve Snow

Recommendation that for the 1990-91 season Levels 8, 9, and 10 adopt the same bonus and principles for connections as the FIG. MOTION - Connie Maloney PASSED - unanimous Qualifyin~

SECOND - Steve Snow


Recommendation for Level 9: Score 31.00+ at local meet to go to Sectionals. Score 32.00+ at Sectionals fo go to State. Score 34.00+ at State to go to Regionals Percent (%) based on number of gymnasts with scores at Regionals to go to East/West Championships. (Determined by a % of % of those gymnasts qualifying


Recommendation that for Level 10 Junior Division: (NOTE: Total AA score determined by the four comwith a 34.00+ at the State Meet). petitive events + the "fifth" event, the average of the 4 element tests). MOTION - Connie Maloney SECOND - D.J. Milem Score 38.99+ AA at a local meet to go to SectPASSED - unanimous ionals. Recommendation that qualification to Level 9 East! Score 40.00+ AA at Sectionals to go to State. West Championships from the USGFRegional ChamScore 42.00+ at State to go to Regionals. pionships be: 1. The top 3 AA gymnasts in Children/Junior Qualification to Level 10 Junior Nationals from the and Senior Divisions. USGF Regional Championships: 2. 40 Individuals per age group determined by 1. The top 6 AA gymnasts will comprise the 5 of 5 of those gymnasts qualifying into Regionals Regional teams in the Junior Division. with a 34.00+ at State meet. 2. 64 Individuals determined by a % of % of MOTION - Connie Maloney SECOND - Mark Cook gymnasts qualifying into Regionals with a 42.00+ those PASSED - unanimous AA at the State meet. Recommendation for Level 10 Senior Division: MOTION - Connie Maloney SECOND - Tom Knoll Score 62.00+ at a Local meet to go to Sectionals. PASSED - unanimous Score 64.00+ at a Sectional to go to State. Adjourned for dinner at 5:45 pm Score 67.20+ at State to go to Regionals. Percent (%) based on number of gymnasts at Reconvened at 7:30 pm Regionals to qualify to Senior National ChampionRequest that the National Office solicit assistance from ships (determined by a % of % of those gymnasts the manufacturers to develop an unbendable surface qualifying with 67.20+ at the State meet). that could be attached to the board for optional mountMOTION - Connie Maloney SECOND - Mark Cook ing of the apparatus. This surface should be covered to PASSED - unanimous ensure that the mats are not damaged when removed. Recommend qualification to Level10 Senior National from the USGF Regional Championships: 1. The top 6 AA gymnasts will comprise the Awards Pro~am Regional teams in the Senior Division. 2. 64 Individuals determined by a % of % of All pa tches will be awarded to the gymnasts upon entry those gymnasts qualifying into Regionals into the appropriate level. with a 67.20+ at the State meet. MOTION - Connie Maloney SECOND - Mark Cook LevelS - awarded for Individual Events at local meets.

Junior Olympic Minutes, continued ...

PASSED - unanimous

Recommendation that the tie breaking procedure be as follows: 1. Highest optional AA 2. Highest individuals score for any of the 8 individual events. 3. Second highest score for any of the 8 individual events. 4. Third highest score for any of the 8 individual events. 5. Fourth highest score for any of the 8 individual events. 6. Fifth highest score for any of the 8 individual events. 7. Sixth highest score for any of the 8 individual events. 8. Seventh highest score for any of the 8 individual events. 9. Eighth highest score for any of the 8 individual events. ManON-Frank DeFrancesco SECOND -Bob Levesque PASSED - unanimous


Blue ribbon Red ribbon

9.0 B.O

White ribbon 7.5 Yellow ribbon 7.0

AlI-Around ribbons only will be a warded at Sectionals: Blue ribbon 3S.00 AA White ribbon 31.00 AA Red ribbon 33.00 AA Yellow ribbon 29.00 AA Levels6,7,B,9, lO-Awardsforthese levels will be the same as presently used. Dance awards will be the same as Individual Events. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm Saturday Meeting reconvened 9:00 am Sunday

Meet Directors Certification Process will be centralized in the National Office. Memorandum will be sent to the regionally designated official, the Regional J.O. Committee and the Regional Chairmen.


Junior Olympic Minutes, continued... III. Old Business Clarification: It is allowable for a gymnast to participate in one compulsory and one optional state meet per competitive year for the 1989-90 season. IV. New BusinessThe Rules and Policies should include procedures for Invitational and Team Competition format, awards, and draw. Meeting Adjourned at 12:30 pm.


Approved: (Mike JackO January 5, 1989


Voting Members: Region I - Mary Wright Region V - Gary Warren Region II Mike West Region VI - Pat Panichas for Kip Reed Region III - Jim Jarrett Region VII - Gary Anderson Region IV - Jim Schlott Region VIII - Kevin Brown Nat. Elite Development Chair. - Roe Kreutzer Nat. J.O. Develop. Comm. Chair. - John Wojtczuk Non-Voting Members: National Women's Program Committee Chair. Mary Ann Mahoney National Women's Program AdministratorKathy Kelly

Program assistance to the National Team Coaches. Minutes for the Ad-Hoc Committee were presented to the committee. Calendar was discussed. Further discussion will take place after Jackie Fie returns from Biel with the International calendar and those meets that will be a part of the World Cup qualifying procedure. Single Elimination proposal was discussed. The committee supports the proposal of the Ad-Hoc Committee. They requested that the office attempt to re-negotiate with ESPN on the format issues. Proposal to the J.O. Program Committee that element testing be utilized at Level 10 for the Junior Age Division (9-13). Senior Division (14 and over) will compete full compulsory routines. Representatives for nominations for the slate for positions the Board of Directors are as follows: Gary Anderson, Connie Maloney, (alt) Tony Gehman (Acceptance for nominations will be confirmed by the committee chairman)

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon.

Recommendation that a minimum of TWO VAUL TS be granted within the 30 second touch period.

Team '92 proposal was discussed by the committee. Copies of the proposal were sent to all National Team Coaches.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Coaches Incentive Program for 1989-90 was discussed. The committee will present a proposal for the Incentive


MOTION - Jim Jarrett SECOND - Jim Schlott PASSED

Signed (Mike Jacki) January 5, 1989


delegated by Hideo Mizoguchi, Mas Watanabe, Robert Cowan, the Administrative Board, etc.

SUMMARY WINTER MEETING MEN'sJUNIOR OLYMPIC COMMI'I'I'EE January 16, 1989 Robert Cowan, USGF Men's Program Administrator

Place Mas Watanabe in charge of Elite Development of entire men's program and Hideo Mizoguchi in charge of Junior National Team with the purpose of Directing those programs. MOTION - Gene Watson SECOND - Barry Weiner PASSED - Unanimously

Elect steering committee of 5 people from within the Junior Olympic Program Committee for purpose of more efficiently administering the Junior Age Group Program. MOTION - Tom Gardner SECOND - Larry Moyer PASSED -10 for, 4 against

Change name of Steering committee to Administrative Committee. MOTION - Bill Foster SECOND - Yochi Tomita PASSED - 11 for, 3 against

The Junior Coaches Staff and the Junior Olympic Program Committee met January 14,1989. Highlights of the meeting are presented below. Although occasional anger and frustration surfaced, the meeting was conducted with a genuine cooperativeness, spirit, and emotion. There was great desire on the part of the men and women who attended for our program to rapidly and consistently improve. The position, authority and responsibility of the Junior Olympic Program Committee was reviewed and re-emphasized. The JOPC is a sub-committee of the MPC and is more concerned with the workings of the Age group program in the USA. TheJuniorCoaching staff is an appointed group which is lateral to the JOPC and create rules and policies as they affect the Junior National Team program. These are ratified by the JOPe. Further, the JOPC is responsible for gymnastics at ALL levels of the sport in their respective states and regions.

Form nomination committee to determine nominees for administrative committee. Nominating committee should be Robert Cowan, Mas Watanabe, Hideo Mizoguchi. MOTION - Bill Foster SECOND - Scott Morrow PASSED - 9 for, 4 against, 3 abstentions

Mr. Mizoguchi made a very detailed presentation on changing the structure of the Junior National Team program, the calendar, the training camps and other things. Members not present will receive the FINAL, amended proposal in the mail. The Junior National Championships qualifying scores were reviewed and discussed at length. No

action was taken on this at the present time. A conference call will occur on March 22 at 9 pm EST to finalize and amend or ratify the present scores.

The JOPC and the JCS want the NGTA to continue to The present JOPC structure consists of 18 mem- stress stringent deductions and not be pressured into raising bers, 3 of whom have voice and no vote (Cowan, scores for gymnasts to qualify. It is not the desire to the JOPC Watanabe, Mizoguchi). It was decided to restructure or the JCS to have small numbers at the Junior Nationals. and create an administrative board of at least 5 (five) BUT, this will be dealt with when more data is available. Not people who would be able to meet more often and emotionally or under the duress of a competition. provide an on-going continuity to the management of the Junior Program. Discussion continued relative to guaranteed numbers from a Region for each Class (I, Il). A discussion relative to the philosophy of ARE WE DIFFERENT than other nations" AND, can we make Expand automatic qualifying per region to 6 per class things better with our present culture, society, format (I, II) to the Junior National Championships which in America in order to win? reflects the Regional Team concept. Discussion was conducted relative to removing some of the present Standing Commi ttees and crea ting new ones to handle the work of the Junior Program as


MOTION - Ralph Drucke PASSED - Unanimously

SECOND - Mike Thomas

Robert Cowan was mandated to research the


Winter Extraordinary Meeting, continued... amount of money spent on Coaches Education by the USGF in 1988 and the number of opportunities, attendants and other pertinent information relative to this area.

This committee must now determine a Chairman for their group, term of office, direction, purpose, and meeting times.

Committees were established to be "Standing Committees" and chairmen were elected or appointed Yoichi Tomita spoke about the concept of the MPC for each. Interested Men's Professional Members are and the effects of the NCAA program on the Junior invited and encouraged to contact the following Comprogram. He also expressed concerns about the Team mittee Chairs in order to serve on these committees. '92 program and Coaches Incentive for Juniors. Finally, Sports Science Committee - Glyn Roberts he asked if the FIG delegate position for Robert Cowan Compulsory Committee - Tom Gardner was going to affect his work with the USGF. Skills Testing Committee - Bill Foster Marketing Committee Ron Brant The election for the administrative committee was Education Rich Boccia conducted utilizing a printed ballot prepared by Robert Special Projects Larry Moyer Cowan. All 15 voting members of the JOPC were Rules and Guidelines Scott Morrow nominated and the following men were elected: Glyn Roberts Rich Boccia Larry Moyer

RayGura Bill Foster

The meeting for 1990 will occur on the 2nd weekend of January 1990.

JUNIOR OLYMPIC WOMEN'S COMPULSORY PROGRAM Workshop Participant" SPECIAL" !!! Remember in 1985 when the compulsory program videos were priced at $135.00 per video? Well, to those dedicated professionals attending the Master Workshop the "special discounted prices" for compulsory materials will be available on site. (limit one per participant) Level 1-4 Level 5-7 Level 10 Competition Text Music Cassette COMPLETE SET

$ 39.95 $ 39.95 $ 19.95 $ 16.00 $ 5.00 $121.75

AFrER THE WORKSHOP THE PRICES WILL SKyROCKET ......................... .

Enroll now for the USGF Master Compulsory Workshops and save!



Parlez Vous


Sprechen Sie deutsch? Habla Usted espanol?

USGF seeking language volunteers. In order to begin to prepare for the 1991 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships which will take place in Indianapolis, Indiana in September, 1991 and for the purpose of other various related activities, the USGP is attempting to identify individuals who possess a written and/or spoken knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Should you meet this criteria and desire to volunteer your language services, please complete the questionnaire below and return to the USCP Office. At present this infomation will be maintained on file until the actual need arises for these language services.

Merci. Danke Schon. Muchas Gracias.

------------------------------------Language Volunteer Questionnaire

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birthdate _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ Zip _ __ Telephone H: (

Wk : --'-_--'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Country of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Present Citizenship _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Native Language _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Please Indicate your language proflclencles, on a scale of 1-5. (1 Language


=novice,S =fluent)


Write _ _ __

Have you ever lived or studied in a country where this is the primary language? _ __ If yes, list general details and dates:


Language _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Speak _ _ _ Read _ _ _ Write _ _ __

Have you ever lived or studied in a country where this is the primary language? _ _ If yes, list general details and dates:


Please give a general description of your gymnastics background:


Thank you very much for your interest and for taking the time to complete this form. Please return to :

United States Gymnastics Federation ATT: Becky Riti Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 South Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46225



PETITIONING PROCEDURE FOR THE WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES TRIALS By Kathy Kelly, USCF Women's Program Administrator Please refer to the Selection Procedures for the World University Games Trials in this issue of Technique.

Copies of all petitions MUST be expressed mailed to the USGF Office (attention Kathy Kelly) and to Jackie Fie. Petitions MUST be postmarked by April 28, 1989. ADDRESSES: Attn: Kathy Kelly USGF 201 South Capitol Ave, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

Jackie Fie 12-5 Southfield Drive Jefferson,IA 50129

In the best interest of all parties, LATE PETITIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED for consideration. Petitions will be considered by the Women's Collegiate Committee of the USCF by conference call. If your petition has been accepted you will be notified by phone on May 6, 1989. Please include with your Letter of Petition a daytime phone number where you can be reached on May 6, 1989. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kelly at the USCF Office (317) 237-5050.

The following SCORE REPORT FORM must accompany your LETTER OF PETITION.


Name of Meet

city, state


AA score

Name of Meet

city, state



Name of Meet

city, state



Name of Meet

city, state


AA score



Friday, March 10, 1989 Bartlesville, Oklahoma - 2:00-9:00 p .m. Course Director: Eddie Smith - 504-388-5050 Course Contact: Sam Barto - 918-661-8061 This course will be run concurrent with the Phillips 66 Men's Gymnastics Invitational.

Sunday, March 12, 1989


West Seattle, Washington -10:00 a.m.-5:00 p .m. 4075 South West Stevens, West Seattle, WA 206-281-3420 Course Director: Alan Tilove - 206-672-3338

Sunday, March 19, 1989 Northbrook, Illinois - 9:00 a.m.-4 :00 p .m . Northbrook Gymnastics Training Center 1845 Raymond Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062 312-564-3420 Course Director: Gerald Denk - 312-564-3420

Everyone Needs To Be Safety Certified 1. Promotes a safer teachingllearning envirorlinent.

2. Reduces insurance prerruums. 3. Identifies your commitment to your profession, your sport and your athletes. 4. Implementation of stricter safety practices will help reduce the chances of accidents and/or injuries . 5. Helps in membership recruitment.

General Points of Information

1. The text book for the Certification Course is the USGF GYM-

NASTICS SAFETY MANUAL. This text/reference manual is to be purchased and studied prior to course participation. 2. The course will take approximately six hours, including the test. 3. The Course fee is $100.00 (retest cost is $25.00). 4. Certification is good for four years.

Participation Registration Form Name: Mr.IMrs .lMs .

Papillion, Nebraska - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p .m. K.LD.S. Body Shop, 1219 No. Monroe Papillion, NE 68046, 402-339-4009 Course Director: Mike Stanner - 402-339-2924 Course Contact: Sharon Stanner - 402-339-4009

Sunday, May 7, 1989 Springfield, Massachusetts - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p .m. Physical Education Complex Course Director: Stephen Posner -413-788-3357 Course Contact: Kathy Smith - 413-788-3111 Wednesday, May 31,1989

Wednesday, May 31,1989

Address: _________________________________ City: ________________ Sta te:________________ Telephone:

Sunday, April 2, 1989

~(H~)L-_ _ _ ____!(o.!::B:.L.)_

_ _ _ ____

New Brunswick, New Jersey - 3:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Course Director: Cathy Finkel- 201-263-1325 This course will be conducted immediately prior to the USGF Women's Compulsory Master Workshop at Rutgers University.

Course Director: ____________________________ Course Location : ________________---"D:..:a:..:t."-e': -_____ Organization Represented : ___________________

If USGF Member, List Type and Number: _ _ __ Form of Payment: Check


Mastercard _______

USGF Department of Safety Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 South Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46225 317-237-5050

Name on Card: _____________________________ Number: _________________________________ Expiration Date: _ _ Signature: ____________ Please make checks payable in fu ll to: USGF SAFETY CERTIFICATION Mail Registra tion Form a nd Payment to Respective Course Contac t. "DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE -


Registration Form Received : ___________________ Confirmation Mailed : ______________________

Dates, Times and Locations will all be listed in USA GYMNASTICS and USGF TECHNIQUE. They can also be checked by calling the USGP Department of Safety and Education at (317) 237-5050

1989 USGF CONGRESS Once again the USGF will present an outstanding program, featuring the finest clinicians and professionals in the sport. The 1989 Congress will provide you with essential, useful information on coaching techniques, rules and interpretation, running a successful, profitable operation, and more.

1989 USGF CONGRESS Facts at a Glance DATE: September 14 - 17, 1989

SITE: Philadelphia Adam's Mark City Avenue and Monument Road Philadelphia, PA 19131-1788 215-581-5000 Sufficient rooms are reserved for Congress up to August 12, 1989.

The highlights of the 1989 Congress in Philadelphia:

* Safety and Educational Programs * Preschool Gymnastics Programs * Business Presentations * Updates on Rules and Policies * Emphasize Grass Roots Programs Due to the growth of Congress in recent years, space is limited for the final banquet. Register early to assure prime seating. The registration desk will be open the following days and times: Wednesday, September 13, 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m. Thursday, September 14, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday, September 15, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, September 16, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

RATES: $85 $95

Single Double

$105 $115

Triple Quad

TRA VEL: The official carrier of this year's Congress is American Airlines. We have negotiated with American Airlines for substantial air fare discounts not otherwise available. Please call American Airlines special reservations number, 1-800-433-1790 and refer to STAR number S0699MY to access these savings on the applicable fares . American Airlines is giving away two free sweepstakes tickets to those who book their flight through the meeting services desk and fly on American Airlines. So, don't delay. Call now! Winners will be announced at the fmal banquet and dance.


$90 for USGF professional members postmarked by August 1, 1989 $110 for USGF professional members postmarked after August 1, 1989 $130 for non-USGF professional members regardless of date

FEE INCLUDES: Free entrance to all lectures, master clinics, demonstrations, open meetings and general assembly. Free entrance to exhibit area featuring the industry's fmest products. Final Awards Banquet and Dance. Rcgiatration i> oro路refundable &fief SeplZ:mber I, 1989. NO EXCEPTIONS




Name of Club/Program Home


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

City _ _ _ _ _ _-..::;S..;.:ta;:.:te=--_--=Z;.:Jip"--_ _ __ Phone (day),_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone (night)


Professional Members $90 if postmarked by August 1, 1989 $110 if postmarked after August 1,1989 Non-USGF Prof. Members $130 regardless of date

USGFPro #: Expiration date:______--:c...,.-__-:--_ Please return this registration form with check for fee to USGF Congress: Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225


Please circle appropriate title:

) U289

Women's Program Men's Program Rhythmic Program Coach

Judge Oub Owner/Adm. Owner

This form must arrive at our offices NO LATER THAN August 31, 1989. After August 31, you must register on-site. Registration Is non -refundable after September 1, 1989. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Walking the Straight and Narrow Can Lead to a Wide Open Future




\. ---

- , I




alking a balance beam 4 inches wide and 4 feet high teaches a young girl how to concentrate on w h ere she is going in life. She quickly learns how to put her foo t down ... and when to leap for her dreams. Gymnastics gives young girls the tools they need to build a successful future: The courage to explore unique talents. The confidence to set lofty goals. And the creativity to reach them . Above all, it develops the discipline to achieve. If you'd like to help your child learn to walk the straight and narrow, enroll her today in a local gymnastics program . You' ll be opening up a world spinning with possibilities. For more information, contact the United States Gymnastics Federation, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 . 317/237-5050



I! -- • .-.-'1:1[0 ~ u.s. GYNINASTICS FEDERATION

Gymnastic8 Winning at Life

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