USA Gymnastics - July/August 1995

Page 1




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6 YOU 'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY ...... 8 THE ROAD TO ATLANTA ............... . ....... 8 ASK MARY Lou .........••••••................... 10 GYMNASTICS UPDATE ...•••. . •.. .... ... ........ 11 BODY BALANCE ........... .... . ... .. ...•••• •... . .. 13 G YMNASTICS RESULTS .............. •••••..••.• 14 C HALK TALK . .... ... .... . .......... . .... . .. •. ..... 16 CLUB GYMNASTICS MALL TOUR ..... ... .. 20 EVENT SCHEDULE .. . ................. . ........... 29 OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTER •• ...... .. ..... . 38 INSIDE

G YMNASTICS .....................

FACES IN THE G YM ........•.•.....•............. 30 C LASSIFIED .. ... ..................................... 42 REEBOK@ COACHING CORNER ... ... .......


FEATURES VISA CHALLENGE .... ...................... 22 Both the U .S. m en 's and women's teams defeated Belarus and China at the 1995 Visa Challenge in Fairfax, Va .



26 Junior and Senior National Teams were chosen during the 1995 Rhythmic National Championships in Jacksonville, Fla. Awards for All-Academic Teams, Coach of the Year, Sportspersons of the Year, and Athlete of the Year were presented at a banquet following the competition. PHOTO BY LYNN SIEVERS 1995-96 Rhythmic Junior National Team (from I to r): Top row-Lauri Illy, Natalie Lacuesta, Kelsi Kemper, Kate Jeffress. Bottom row-Diana Quirin, Tara McCargo, Kassy Scharringhausen, Johanna Shoemaker

.JESSICA DAVIS .................... 27 Davis won her first senior national allaround title at the 1995 Rhythmic National Championships. See how this gymnast made it to the top!


40 The USA and Ukraine shared top honors at the Budget Rent a Car Invitational inSanJose, Calif. The U.S. women won; however, the Ukrainian men beat the U.S. men's team. In between the meets, fans enjoyed a festival, complete with an autograph session. (Pictured below)

Left: Bill Roth

DOMINIQUE MOCEANU .. ........ ................................................... . 24 Moceanu captured her first international all-around title at the 1995 Visa Challenge. Learn how this rising star shines!

Left: Mary Beth Arnold and Amy Chow sign autographs for fans.

COVER PHOTO OF OOMIIIIOUE MOCEANU USA GYMNASTICS © DAVE BLACK USA GYMNASTICS (lSSN 074B·6006)(USPS 000S·666) is published bimonlhly for 515 per yeor in Ihe U.S.; all olher (Qunlries 532 per yeor. USA GYMNASTICS is published by USA Gymnasli", Pan Ameri(Qn Plaza, 201 5. Copilol Ave., Suile 300, Indianapolis, 11146225, (317) 2375050. Second rlass posloge paid 01 Indianapolis, 11146204. POSTMASTER: Send odd"" 'honges 10 USA GYMNASTICS, 201 S. Copilol Ave., Suile 300, Indianapolis, 11146225. USA Gymnastics is the sole nalionol governing body for the sporl of gymnastics. Anot-for-profit organization, USA Gymnastiu selects, trains and administers the u.s.Gymnastics Team, including the u.s. Olympic Gymnastics Team. Contributions and support lire always welcome and ore lox·dedudible. © 1995 USA Gymnos\i". All righls "served. Prinled by Sporl Graphi", Inc, Indianapolis, IN, USA.



Kathy Scanlan Editor

Luan Peszek Designer

Julie T. Jones



Men's Program Director

Ron Galimore Women' s Program Director

Kathy Kelly Rhythmic Program Director

Nora Campbell Director of Educational Services

Steve Whitlock USA Gymnastics Board of Directors Chair: Sandy Knapp; President: Kathy Scanlan; President Emeritus: Mike Donahue; Amateur Athletic Union: Stan Atkinson; American Sokol Organization: Jerry Milan; American Trampoline & TumblingAssodation: Wayne Downing; American Turners: Betty Heppner; Jewish Community Centers: Lori Katz; National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches for Men: Ro y Johnson; National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches for Women: Gail Davis; National Association for Girls and Women in Sport: Dr. Mimi Murray; National Association of Women's

Gymnastics Judges: Yvonne Hodge; National Collegiate Athletic Association: Jane Betts, Lou Burkel; National Federation of State High School Associations: Susan True; National Gy mnastics Judges Association: Harry Bjerke; National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association: John Brinkworth; Special Olympics, Inc.: Kate Faber-Hickie; U.S. Rhythmic Gymnastics Coaches Association: Suzie DiTullio; U.S. Association of Independent Gym Clubs: Lance Crowley; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Men's Gymnastics: Peter Kormann; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women's Gymnastics: Tony Gehman, Roe Kreutzer; U.S. Men's Gymnastics Coaches Association: Marc Yancey; U.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation: Bonnie Da vidson; Young Men's Christian Association of the USA: Rick Dodson; USA Gymnastics National Membership Directors: Men's: Jim Holt, Ray Gura; Women's:Julia Thompson-Aretz, Mark Webber; Rhythmic: Alia Svirsky, Ute Alt-Carberry; Athlete's Advisory Council: Karyn Lyo n Glo ver, chair; Chris Waller, v ice chair; Kristen Kenoye r Woodland, sec; Tan ya Service Chaplin, Dione "Dee" Foster, Wendy Hilliard, Peter Vidmar, Conrad Voorsanger; USOC Athlete Representative: Michelle Dusserre.

by Kathy Scanlan

This issue is packed w ith information from three of USA Gymnastics' major events of 1995, the Visa Challenge, the Rhythmic National Gymnastics Championships and the Bud-

get Rent a Car Gymnastics Invitational . In addition, we've included a new column called "Road to Atlanta." This column will provide information on the 1996 Olympic Games as we gear up for next summer. In this issue, learn how one can make the sevenmember Olympic Team in men's and women's artistic gymnastics. The U.s. teams dominated the 1995

Visa Challenge, winning both the men's and women's team competitions and all-around titles . In her first international competition as a senior, Dominique Moceanu captured the women's all-around title, while veteran gymnast Bill Roth won the men's all-around competition. You'll read about Moceanu' s rise to the top and learn how she got involved in gymnastics. At the 1995 Rhythmic National Championships, the best rhythmic gymnasts in the U.s. competed for spots on the National Teams. Jessica Davis won the senior all-around title for the first time in her career, and Natalie Lac-

uesta won her second junior all-around title. We've featured Jessica Davis so you can read about her training schedule and her good luck charms. While the U.S. women won the 1995

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof .



Budget Rent a Car Invitational, the U.S. men struggled, finishing second behind the Ukraine. Amy Chow won the all-around competition, and Dominique Dawes placed just behind in second. Igor Korobchinski, the 1989 World Champion, won the men's all-around title, while John Roethlisberger took second. Beginning in the September / Octo ber

1995 issue of USA Gymnastics, we'll include a new section called "Rising Stars." This section will list results from high school, collegiate, local, state, regional and invitational competitions. We're asking all meet directors to send official results and photos from your meets to USA Gymnastics, attention: Rising Stars, and we'll publish them in our new section, as space allows.


We hope you enjoy this issue of the magazine! Please note that the September / October issue of the magazine will not be mailed until October so we can provide you with the most complete coverage of the 1995 Coca-Cola National Gymnastics Championships in New Orleans, La.


USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Chair: Sandy Knapp; Special Advisor to the Chairman of the Board: Roe Kreutzer; President: Kathy Scanlan; Secretary: Mike Milidonis; Vice Chair Women: Nancy Marshall; Vice Chair Men: Tim Daggett; Vice Chair Rhythmic: Candace Feinberg; FIG Women's Technical : Committee: Jackie Fie; FIG Rhythmic Technical Committee: Andrea Schmid-Shapiro; FIG Men's Technical Committee: Bill Roetzheim; At Large Members: Jim Hartung, Joan Moore; Athlete Directors: Tanya Service Chaplin, Karyn Lyo n Glover, Peter Vidmar; USOC Athlete Representative: Michelle Dusserre; President Emeritus: Mike Donahue.


1995-96 Rhythmic Senior

National Team(from I to r): Top row-Liriel Higa, (oro line Hunt, Kristin lee, Brooke Bushnell. Bottom rowMelissa McElroy, Tina Tharp, Jessica Davis, lori Fredrickson,


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Delta Air Lines is offering special discounted fares to New Orleans! Get a 5% discount* off Delta's published domestic fares to New Orleans for USA Gymnastics National Championships and Congress.

Call 1-800-241-6760 8am to llpm Eastern Time, refer to File Number M0147.

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Domesti c fares include USA , San Juan , and the US Virgin Islands. Applicable restrictions must be met. Seats are limited. All travel must commence on or after August 12 and be completed by August 20, 1995 , or accord ing to rules of fa re; wh ichever occurs first. *For those passengers not quali fy ing for a publi shed discount , a 10% di scount will be offered based on Delta's published rou nd trip coach rate.

1995 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS First the USA has to qualify to compete at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ga. The top 12 team5 at the 1995 World Champion5hip5 in 5abae,Japan,October 1-10 will qualify to compete ae a team at the 1996 Olympic Game••

1996 OLYMPIC TRIALS Top memHre of the USA National Team II earn the right to 00 pete at the 1996 Olympic rial5 in 605ton, Mae5., June 21-30.

1996 OLYMPIC TRAINING CAMP The athlete5 5elected for the Olympic 5quad will then train at a Training Camp, In July, l7efore departing for the Olympic Gamee.

1996 COCA-COLA NATIONAL GYM ASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Next, gymnasts will compete at the 1996 Coca-Cola National Gymnastics Championships. Here the USA Men's and Women's National Teams will be named.

The seven male gymnasts and seven female gymnasts on the Olympic Team have to go through processing for the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ga.

,.., I



OLYMPIC GAMES Opening Ceremonies l7egln July 19. The gymnaetlcs competition 17eglne July 20. If you have any 'lueetions regarding the 1996 Olympic Gamee call the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Gamee at 404-224-1996.

DEAR CONFUSED: Don't be afraid to tell your parents that you want to quit gymnastics. This sport is not for everyone. And, if you don't enioy it, what's the point. Sit down with your parents and tell them how you feel. I'm sure they will understand your feelings and not be disappointed in you. The sooner you tell them the better.

DEAR MARY LOU: I' m a Level S gymnast working on back wa lkovers on the beam. Whenever the mats a re under the beam I ca n do my walkovers but w hen the m ats are ta ken away I'm afra id to d o them. What can I do to get over m y fear?

Jamie Zaniewski Sterling Heights, Michigan DEAR MARY LOU: We're gymnasts from Gwinnett Gymnastics Center in Atlanta, Ga. We've seen you in ma ny Revcocommercials. You've got a grea t smile! How do you feel when yo u see yourself in the commercials on TV? We hope you come to Atlanta to see the 1996 Olympics.

Level 8 and 9 Team Atlanta, Georgia

DEAR GWINNETT GYMNASTICS CENTER: I'm gladyou like my Revcacommer· cials. I don't get to see them very often because Ilive in Texas and they're not shown down here. Idon't like to watch myself on TV at all. I'm very critical of myself. Ye~ I'm really looking forward to going to Atlanta for the 1996 Olympic Games. DEAR MARY LOU: I'm nine years old and a Level 6. We don't do Level 7 in my gym. I' m almost 10 years old and will be a Level 8 soon. Do you think I would be too young to be a Level 8?

Elizabeth Faber Harrisburg, Pennsylvan ia

DEAR ELIZABETH: No, I don't think you're too young. Iwas put into the older girl's group when Iwas your age andif helped me to improve at amuch faster pace than the girls my age. Go for it!

DEAR MARY LOU: I've been trying to find your book en titled , "Ma ry Lou Retton : The Making of a Champion." I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do you know w h ere I can purchase a copy?

DEAR JAMIE: Have your coach stand there after the mats are taken away. It seems like you still need reassurance to do it on your own. Go back down to the low beam if you're not ready. When you have the confidence, iust take adeep breath, and GO FOR IT.

FIRST LADY MEETS FIRST GYMNASTFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton congratulates Mary Lou Refton alter presenting the Olympic Champion with the Flo Hyman Award for spirit, dignity and commitment to excellence.

DEAR MARY LOU: Did you ever get scared w hen you were trying a new trick? I have been talking gymnastics once a week for eight yea rs and I am still scared to do m y roundoff back handsprings. What s hould I do?

DEAR MARY LOU: I' m 11 years old a nd a Level 6 gymnast. Our Level 6 tea m is very weak on bars. Our casts need help. Any suggestions?

DEAR JESSICA: Yes, I have been scared when trying anew skill. Have your coach spot you, or you can do it into the pit or stack up mats. Once your coach tells you that you're ready to do it by yourself, take adeep breath and JUST DO IT.

Kate Kaput Champaign, Illin ois

DEAR KATE: Cast handstands are one of the mosfimportant skills performed on the bars. You soy your whole team has weak costs. It sounds like you all need to work on your strength. Yes, that means MORE CONDITIONING! The stronger your upper body is, the easier your cast wi" be. When doing your casts, keep your arms straight, stomach tight, and head in.


Kristy Laing Oakdale, Connecticut

DEAR KRISTY: My book, "Mary Lou Refton: The Making of a Champion" was wriften back in 1985, about 10 years ago. Maybe a book store could special order the book for you. The publishing house was McGraw-Hili and the co-authors were Bela Korolyi and John Powers.

Jessica Johnson Washington c.H. , Ohio


DEAR MARY LOU: rm nine years old and a Level S gy~ast at Hamburg Gymnastics Club. I just hat:! a gymnastics meet and got an 8.80 on bars. I was a little upset becau se I didn't get a 9.0. What was your first event to get a 9.0 on?

Elizabeth Hover Hamburg, New York

DEAR ELIZABETH: I got my first 9.0 on vault. My next 9.0 came on floor, then on bars, and it was a very long time before Iever scored a 9.0 on beam.

DEAR MARY LOU: I want to quit gymnas tics but I don't know how to tell my parents. I feel like I'm disappointing them. Have yo u ever been in a situation like this? If so, what did you d o?

Send your queslion. 10: USA Gymno.lin, A.k Mary Lou, Pan American Plazat 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolf., IN 46225.

Confused Manahawkin, New Jersey

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Gymnastics Awards Book

~(....,... KATHY


lH IELZ -.-"I.'~~71L...D AS


RETTON DELIVERS ANOTHER PERFECT 10 Olympic champion Mary Lou Rellon gave birth to her first child Wednesday, April 12 in Houston, Texas. Shayla Roe Kelly, a 61b. 3 oz., 19 3/ 4" girl, flipped into the world al 12:11 p.m. Rellon, 27, and her husband, Shannon Kelly, 29, gave the newborn a "perfect 10" for her first performance. "We're just ecstatic," said Rellon. "Iknew that seeing our baby come into the world would be an incredible experience, but this has surpassed my wildest dreams."


• Track your success from meet to meet

Feldmann has a 26-year history as a gymnastics professional. Most recentl y she is self-employed and works as a gymnastics consultant, judge, clinician and meeting p lanner .

• Display your awards for family and friends

After 21-years of coaching, Thielz recently retired as the women' s gymnastics coach at West Chester University. She currently serves as a gymnastics coach and consultant. Their duties and responsibilities inclu de increasing the number of collegia te gymnastics p rograms, maintaining relationships with the NCAA, Athletic Directors and various coaching and sp orts relations communities, administrating the two existing collegiate championships tha t are sponsored by USA Gymnas tics, acting as liaison to the Collegia te Coaching Committees, advising collegiate coaches on opportunities, and formulating an employment network for coaching positions, just to name a few.


• Eliminate misplaced ribbons and medals

Score Book Parents: Agymnastics Score book makes it easy for you to follow your childs score during a meet. It also allows easy comparison from meet to meet. Small enough to fit in your pocket, large enough to track teammates scores as well. ~ am e


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KIP SIMONS Who is she?

Comes with 5 ribbon pages and 1 medal page. Filler pages available. Specify girls or boys edition.

Kathy FeldmalUl and Sandy Thielz have been named Women' s Collegiate Coordina tors for USA Gymnastics.

Wh o is he?


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Mihai and Kris Bagiu welcomed their first child, Gabriela, on April 30 at 9:20 p.m. Gabriela weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches long. Congra tulations to the Bagiu fa mily!

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It's summer and a time when fruits and vegetables are in-season and plentiful. You've probably heard people tell you all your life to "eat your fruits and vegetables." But, do you know why fruits and vegetables are so important? First of all, fruits and vegetables are nutrient dense. N utrient dense foods are a great source of vitamins and minerals with very few calories. Therefore, you get the great value of a lot of vitamins and minerals without the high cost of a lot of calories or fat. For an a thlete, fru its and vegetables are the ultima te fast food. The ultimate fas t food? Think about it. Fruits and vegetables are: • • • •

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Vitamins A and C are being studied to see if they have the ability to redu ce the forma tion of free radicals. Free radicals are damaging to the body's healthy tissue and have been linked to causing cancer. Not enough studies have been completed to prove tha t taking extra vitamins A and C will help athletic performa nce, but if you don't meet your daily needs, it could possibly hurt performance. Daily needs fo r vitamins A and C for young athletes are equivalent to one medium orange and 1/2 cup of spinach. However, fruits and vegetables offer such a wide variety of nutrients that you should make it your goal to get at least five servings of fruits and/ or vegetables each day. A fruit serving is equal to one medium piece of fruit, w hile a vegetable serving is equal to one cup of raw or 1/2 cup cooked vegetables . Make a promise to yourself this summer to eat a new fruit or vegetable that you have never tried. Va riety is the spice of life, and also the bes t way to make su re yo u're eating a well-rounded and h ealthy diet. JULY / AUGUST 1995




tanUn th at . A' A fat_soluble v~ody's cells • VitanUIl. . ortant for the 1 playS a is very unp d vision. It a SO and tissues an fUI"\ction . . ilJUllun e . tarnU1 role in oluble VI s . c· A water- und healing, nun· • V1· ta. . ortant for wo iding the that 1S unp ons e , and a ilnfl1une resp h me iron. t1"\e f non- e ab sorption 0 y tanUn 13 fam. p rt of th e 1 . DNA, • FoliC ACl~: a ta11t for mak1ng and . it is unpor blood cells, 11y, make red d tissues. helping to ow th of bo Y . d ing in the gr . eral (eleca1 . . Anirnporta11t nu~od fluid h elps to h eart • trO and h elps . balance, 'Ie activ1ty . muscle and ner



References: 1. AICR Guide to Vitamins and Minerals, Washington, D.C.

2. Gershoff, S. 1991. The Tufts University Guid e to Total Nutrition. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers 3. Jenkins, RR. 1993. Exercise, O xidative Stress, and Antioxidants: A Review. 3:356-375. 4. Kanter, M.M. 1994. Free Rad icals, Exercise, and An tioxida nt Supplementation. 4:205-220.

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Ohio Slole Uni,. Uni,. of Illinois Uni,. of Minnesolo Slonford Uni,. Temple Uni,. Weslern Michigan Uni,. of New Mexi(o Uni,. of New Mexico

9.9000 9.B375 9.B250 9.7250 9.7000 9.6500 9.6375 9.5625


1995 Stanford Men's Gymnastics Back row (I to r): Head Coach Sadaa Hamada, Manager Kathy Ho, Asst. Coach Jair Lynch, Andrew Manson, Josh Stein, Evan Wells, Oliver Demree, Peter Hegi, Jamie Ellis, Jason Cohen, Grad. Ass!. Coach Mark Baath, Asst. Coach Taka Miyagawa, Manager Danni Lee. Front row (I to r): Tim Dalrymple, Clarence Miao, Gabe Edelman, Ian Bachrach, Keith Wiley, Jermey Herman.

1. Dove Frank 2. Bryon Fox 2. Blaine Wilson 4. Josh Slein 5. Andrew Monson 6. Dove Eckert 7. Tony Pansy B. Kenzo Koshimuro 9. Kevin S(hwarlz 10. Richard Grace

Temple Colifornio Ohio Slole Uni,. Slonford Slonford Ohio Slole Uni,. Penn Slole Uni,. Brighom Young Uni,. Uni,. of MOil. Uni,. of Nebraska

9.B250 9.7875 9.7B75 9.7750 9.7250 9.7125 9.6125 9.5000 9.2500 9.2000


1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6.

Uloh Alabama Michigan UCLA Uni,. of Georgia Oregon Slole

196.650 196.425 196.425 196.150 196.075 194.850


I. Jenny Hansen 2. Agino Simpkins 1 Suzonne Melz 1 Amy Myerson 3. Slello Umeh 6. Lari Slrong 7. Aimee Trepanier 8. Wendy Marshall 9. Leah Brown 9. Healher Kobni(k 9. Belh Wymer 12. Kolie Freeland 11 Julie Bollard 11 Meredilh Willard 15. Kirsly Sovoie 15. Healher Brown 17. Krislen Guise I B. Andrea M(Donold 18. Nonelle Walker I B. Julie Wagner 21. Kareemo Morrow 22. Kim Arnold 23. Amanda Turko 24. Jennifer Wood 25. Karla Hoirslon

Indi,iduols Uni,. of Georgia Uloh Florida UCLA Uni,. of Georgia Uloh Mi(higon Uni,. of Georgia Mi(higon Mi(higon Indi,iduolsll Uni,. of Georgia Alabama LSU Indi,iduolsll Florida Michigan BYU Indi,iduolsll UCLA Uni,. of Georgia Oregon Slole LSU Wesl Virginia

39.800 39.475 39.400 39.400 39.400 39.375 39.325 39.275 39.250 39.250 39.250 39.225 39.200 39.200 39.175 39.175 39.025 39.000 39.000 39.000 3B.975 38.950 38.925 38.900 38.875

Utah Gymnastics Back row (I to r): Aimee Trepanier, Jennifer Mercier, Missy Wells·Taylor, Meredith King, Suzanne Metz, Alysa Frenz Front row (I to r): Kelly Wolsey, Megan Caudle, Kelley Delaney, Sandy Woolsey


1. 2. 3. 1 5. 6. 7. 8.


1. Slonford 2. Nebrosko 3. Penn Slole

232.400 231.525 229.775


1. Richard Grace 2. Darren Elg 3. Josh Slein 1 Blaine Wilson 5. BIOl Puljit 6. Jeremy Killen 7. Brion Yee B. JOlon Chrislie 9. Donny Akermon 10. Keilh Wiley 11. Rick Kieffer 11. Drew Durbin 11 Cosey Bryon 14. Tyler Vogl 15. Tony Pansy 16. Josh Birtkelbow 17. Joy Thornlon 18. Lee Rickells 19. Don Fink 20. SIeve Morsholl 21. Brandy Wood 22. Jamie Ellis 23. Aaron Coller 24. Aaron Basham FLO~.R

Uni,. of Nebraska Brighom Young Uni'. Slonford Uni,. Ohio Slole Uni,. Uni,. of New Mexico Uni,. of Oklahoma Uni,. of Minnesolo Uni,. of Nebraska Temple Uni,. Slonford Uni'. Uni,. of Nebraska Ohio Slole Uni,. Uni,. of Oklo homo Uni,. of Iowa Penn Slole Uni,. UC Berkley Uni,. of Iowa Penn Slole Uni,. of Oklahoma Army Penn Slole Slonford Uni,. Uni,. of Iowa Uni•. of Oklahoma


5B.325 57.975 57.775 57.775 57.700 57.400 57.325 57.300 57.050 56.975 56.950 56.950 56.775 56.500 56.300 56.275 56.150 56.075 55.775 55.750 55.575 53.750 47.900 46.075


1., Joy Th'or"lon 2. Josh Slein 3. Darren Elg

• Uni'. ollowo Slonford Uni,. Brigham Young Uni,.



N500 9.B375


1. Ion Bochroch 2. Sebronzik Wrighl 3. Ofri Poral 3. Jeremy Killen 5. Colby Von Cleve 6. KeilhWiley 7. Neil Niemi B. SIeve Morsholl 9. Brion Yee 10. Richard Grace 11. Ri(k Kieffer 12. Josh Slein

Slonford Uni,. William and Mary Syracuse Uni,. of Oklo homo Uni,. of Minnesolo Slonford Uni,. Ohio Slole Uni,. Army Uni,. of Minnesolo Uni,. of Nebraska Uni,. of Nebraska Slonford Uni,.

9.7125 9.6250 9.S7S0 9.5750 9.5125 9.4750 9.4250 9.4000 9.2750 9.12S0 9.1000 B.7250


1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. B. 9.

Ri(hard Grace BIOl Puljiz Joy Thornlon Jamie Ellis Tony Pansy Tom Ellefson Dove Eckert Drew Durbin Gary Thagard

Uni, . of Nebraska Uni,. of New Mexico Uni,. of Iowa Slonford Uni,. Penn Slole Uni,. Penn Slole Uni,. Ohio Slole Uni'. Ohio Slole Uni,. Uni,. of New Mexico

9.BOOO 9.7500 9.7375 9.6750 9.6750 9.5625 9.4000 9.1500 B.9500

Uni,. of Nebraska Uni,. of New Mexico Uni,. of Oklahoma Uni,. of Oklahoma Brigham Young Uni, . Temple Uni,. Uni,. of Oklahoma Slonford Uni,. Temple Uni,. Uni,. of Nebraska 1

9.8375 9.7875 9.7250 9.7250 9.7250 9.7250 9.3750 9.2750 9.1250 B.3250


1. 2. 1 3. 3.

1 7. B. 9. 10.


Rick Kieffer BIOl Puljic Cosey Bryon Aaron BOIhom Darren Elg Corllmhouser Jeremy Killen Josh Slein Dubie Bader JOlon Chrislie

Kenlucky Georgia Mi(higon Arizona Slole Georgia Arizona Slole Florida Mi(higon

9.9750 9.9125 9.8750 9.8750 9.8250 9.7375 9.7250 9.6250



Jenny Hansen Leoh Brown Heolher Kobni(k Tino 8rinkmon Agino Simpkins Kolie Freeland ChrillY Vogel Wendy Marshall

1. Belh Wymer Michigan 2. Lori Slrong Georgia 1 Jenny Hansen Kenlucky 1 Krislen Guise Flondo 3. Kimbo BonvenluraAlobomo 6. Slephonie Woods Alabama 6. Slello Umeh UCLA 6. Elizobelh Crandall BYU 9. Leoh Hommo UCLA 10. Healher Bennell Oregon Slole II. Kareemo Morrow UCLA

9.950 9.925 9.875 9.875 9.B75 9.B50 9.850 9.850 9.325 9.225 8.800


1. Jenny Honsen 2. Krislen Guise 2. Slello Umeh

Kenlucky Florida UCLA

10.00 9.900 9.900



NCAA WOMEN'S 2. Megan Caudle 5. Slephonie Woods 5. TratiSommer 7. Amy Myerson 8. Wendy Marshall 8. Lori Slrang 10. Rondi Miller 11. Sandy Woolsey 12. Deanne Droegemueller 11 AginoSimpkins

Uloh Alabama Uloh Florida Mi(higon Georgia Oregon Slole Uloh

9.900 9.B75 9.875 9.850 9.825 9.825 9.800 9.750

Oregon Slole Georgia

9.325 9.300

Kenlucky UCLA Georgio Georgia Uloh UCLA Georgia Georgia UCLA Alobomo Alabama

9.950 9.950 9.950 9.925 9.925 9.900 9.875 9.875 9.850 9.850


1. 1. 1. 4. 4. 6. 7. 7. 9. 9. 11.

Jenny Hansen Slello Umeh Leslie Angeles Leah Brown Aimee Trepanier Koreemo Morrow Agino Simpkins Kim Arnold Amy Smilh Merrill Boolh Meredilh Willard


ANDWOME COLLEGII The 1995 USA Gymnastics Collegiate women was held April 13-15 at the In;'" 'Q"''''''''+ The event was hosted by the Texas \N,,~,.nl\; For the men , there were two club division. In the varsity .J: ""~:._ ~ team championship title from club division the newcomer to beating out 1994 champions Far the women , five top Division II with all -around and event specialists from College, and West Chester University. Texas W""';,,,n". ' I'·ln team championships for a third time with a score of The level of competition was very high and it was an exc:itiild\llh great performances!



MIDWEST EAGLE UNEVEN BARS 1995 William and Mary Men's Gymnaslics Team Fronl row (110 r): Shone Roy, Sebronlik Wrlghl, SCali McColl Middle row (110 r): David Klepser, Nale Carr, SIeve Droranchik, Jeff Hillner, Moll Wheeler, Jordon Eison Bollom row (110 r): Coach Cliff Gaulhier, Paul Dover, Moll Holecko, Jim Garas, Ben Arlenne, Rahsaan Burroughs, Kevin Schell, Rob Dovid, Dr. Fred Word WOMEN'S TEAM

I. 2. 3. 4.


Texos Women's University 50cromenlo Slole Seollie Pocific Univ. Univ. of Bridgeport

190.725 189.550 189.250 186.225


I. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6.

NOlolie Codon on Becky Foulkner liso Schindler Reb",o Seebirl Angelo Vorney Kim Shoults

Socramenlo Texos Womon's Socramenlo Socromenlo Bridgeporl Socramenlo

38.475 38.150 38.150 38.125 38.125 37.250

4. Miomi Dode CC·Norlh I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Beou Neol Jeff Hillner Ben Smilh SeollMcColi Mike Cameou Josh Brody

Air Force Williom & Mory Air Force Williom & Mory Springfield Springfield

Socromenlo Socramenlo Alosko

9.8000 9.7750 9.7125

I. Alexis Moran Morylond 2. liso Schindler Sacramento 3. Eloino Tkochevo Alosko

9.6750 9.6500 9.5250

53.800 53.200 52.100 52.000 51.850 51.650


I. SIeve McCoin 2. Morly lorsen

4. Sinoisky Nunez 5. Rob Kior 6. Mike Denu((i

UCLA Arizona UCLA Miomi·Dode Arizono UCLA

57 .175 55.700 55.575 55.300 54.500 54.100

UCLA Arizono Slole Air Force

9.575 9.550 9.500



I. Neil Furuna 2. Kyle Johnson 3. Brion Rizzoli

1995 UCLA Men's Gymnostics Teom Fronl row (110 r): Mike Mamokos, Wendell Wolters, Marc Cherlin, Jaime Villalobos Middle row (110 r): Assislonl Coach Ye/im Furman, SIeve Diem, Neil Furuno, Spencer Sialon, SIeve McCoin, Head Coach Arl Shurlock - Top row (110 r): Mike DeNucci, Greg Umphrey, Doug Macey, Jim Foody, Barry Jeung. (missing: Freddy Bahahin) 9.6750 9.6000 9.6000 FLOOR

I. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3.

Becky Foulkner Eloino Tkochevo Monique Toylor JJ Shonks Shellie Fowler Angelo Vorney

Texos Womon's Alosko Texos Womon's Texos Womon's Texos Womon's Bridgeporl

9.7750 9.7000 9.6500 9.6500 9.6500 9.6500


2. U.S. Air Force Acodemy 3. Springfield College 4. So. Conn. Slole

216.950 203.600 194.400


I. UCLA 2. Arizono Slole


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1. Rob Kior Arizono Slole 2. Borry Jeung UCLA 2. Sebronzik Wrighl Williom & Mory

9.600 9.550 9.550


1. Seoll McColl 2. Sinoisly Nunez 3. Poul Dovee

Williom & Mory Miomi·Dode Williom & Mory

9.700 9.675 9.575

1. SIeve McCoin UCLA 1. Sebranzik Wrighl Williom &Mory 3. Kyle Johnson Arizono Slole

9.600 9.600 9.450



I. Jim Foody 2. Morly lorsen 2. 8en Auzenne

UCLA UCLA Williom & Mory

9.600 9.350 9.350

UCLA Air Force Air Force

9.600 9.450 9.450


224.800 220.150

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(contin ll ed on page 17)

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Texas Woman's Universily won on unprecedenled lhird consecutive USA Gymnaslics CoHegiole Notional Championships leam 1~1e,

Madison, IN 47250


Kim Zmeskal won three consecutive U.S. Championships titles, the World Championships title and contributed to the U.S.' s bronze medal in the team competition at the 1992 Olympic Games.

peting. I' m very excited about your comeback. I think I'm your #1 fan. Which upcoming competitions do you plan to compete in? Kacey Tmpp Galien, Michigan

DEAR KACEY: I'm veryhappy thatl helped

DEAR KIM: I was wondering if you got Spring Break off from gymnastics? Also, how many dance classes do you have to take? How long are they? Do you like dance class? Do you li ke the 1996 Olympic mascot? Amber Gilmore Panama City, Florida

DEAR AMBER: I trained through Spring

Break this year. There is alot of work to be done. My team and I take two half· hour dance classes per week. It is very important to incorporate some dance training into a gymnast's workout schedule. Fortunately, Ienioy the classes. When I first sawthe 1996 Olympic mascot Ithought it looked abit strange, but Iguessit hasgrown on me. I like it now. DEAR KIM: My name is Kacey Trapp. I' m 14 yea rs old and a Level 6 gymnast. After watching the '92 O lympics, you are the reason I' m in gymnastics. I was devastated when you stopped com-

to inspire your interest in gymnastics. Iappreci· ate your support. My plans for this year include the u.s. Classic, July 21·23, where I hope to qualify for the (aca·(ola National Gymnastics (hampionships, August 16·19, in NewOr/eons, La. Right nowmygoal is to be well prepared for these two meets.

DEAR TIFFANY: Ibegan doing Yurchenko layout fulls when I was 13. The Yurchenko vault

intimidating sometimes, but if you are consis· tentlymaking your flip flop on the lowbeam you should not have a problem. Having your coach stand by the high beam for the first few tries should give you more confidence. Pretend like you are on the lowbeam and make yourself do the flip flop. After you have tried it a couple of times, you will not be as nervous.

DEAR CHLOE: The high beam can be rather

DEAR KIM: I'm a Level 7 optiona l gymnast and it usually takes me a long time to try a new vault by myself for the first time. How can I get the guts to just go for it? Mel Christian QuakertolUlI, Pennsylvania

DEAR KIM: I know from being a Level S that it's hard to eat, sleep and focus while traveling to meets. How d id you cope with these problems? Megall Verduzco Madera, Califomia

DEAR MEL: Many times the best way to get

DEAR MEGAN: It's veryimportant that you

over the fear of doing new skillsis to iust go for it. I still get nervous trying new vaults. It helps to do timersand drillsto make sure you knowthe action of the vault before you try it. Using a spotter and adequate mats could make it easier for you as well.

feel your best when you're at competitions. I'm fortunate that hotel rooms are relaxing for me. Between practices and performances, I eat light meals in the hotel restaurant and take naps. I prefer to watch TV and write in my diary than think about the meet too much.

DEAR KIM: I'm having a lot of trouble with my flip flop on beam. I stack up mats but I always seem to lose confidellCe. I have an easy time on the low

If you would like to ask Kim Zmeskal a question, write to USA Gymnastics, Chalk Talk, Pan American PlaIa, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

DEAR SASHA: Don't worry! It's perfectly

DEAR KIM: When did you start learning hard moves, such as the Yurchenko lay-

beam but when Igetup on the high beam I always freak out. What should I do? Chloe Bryson-Calll1 Berkeley, Califomia

is one that takes a lot of time to perfect and master. For now, keep working hard on the front handspring full vault and listen to your coach. He or she will let you knowwhen you're ready to learn anewvault.

DEAR KIM: I' m 11 yea rsoldanda Level 6 gymnast. My coach says we have to compete this year, but whenever I compete I get rea lly nervous and don't do very well. What do you suggest? Sasha Semyonov Norfolk, Virginia

normal to feel nervous about competing. That feeling probably won't go away, but it doesget easier with the more experience you have. Also remember, the better prepared your routines are, the higher your confidence will be. Good luck this year! You can do it!

out-full? I'm 12 and learning the front handspring full. Would it be really hard to learn to do what you're doing? Tiffany Hensley Stuttgart, Germany

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5. 6. 7. 8.


CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO.-APRIL 15, 1995 Auburn Oklahoma Southeast Missouri State Uriv. Boise State TowsonState Western Michigan Iowa Rutgers

1. 1. 3. 3. 3.

193.225 192.325 191.800 191.600 191.325 190.825 188.525 187.900

Heather Brown Melissa Griffith Erin Gannon Dione Cushenberry

Auburn Oklahoma Auburn Oklahoma

38.650 38.500 38.475 38.375

Erin Shanley Johnna Evans Cristie logon Shonnan Olson Amy Temda

Towson State 80ise State SEMO Oklahoma 80ise State

9.875 9.875 P50 9.850 9.850

Oklahoma Auburn Oklahoma

9.900 9.900 9.850 '

SEMO Auburn Auburn

9.900 9.900 9.875

Auburn Oklahoma Auburn

9.850 9.750 9.725


1. Chelle Stock 1. Heather 8ra)l'n ' 3. Diane Cushenbi"y


1. 2. 3. 4.

Western Mich. Western Mich. Auburn Auburn



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Heidi Wardinski 8ecky Swelnis Genny King KimWatanabe


39.275 39.250 38.975 38.825


1. Alida Thier I. Jenessa Collins ' 3. Erin ~ annon FLOOR

Auburn Universily Gymnaslics Team


1. Heaiher 8rawn 2. Melissa Griffith 3. Erin Gannon



USA GTII. aHles nO lo 0 onE l un


FOUR CONTINENTS C CAIRO, EGYPT-APRIL 27-30, 1995 The Four Continents Chompionships for rhythmi c gymnastics took place April 27-30, in Cai ro, Egypt, the first FIG gymnastics event held on the African continent. Fifty-four seniors, 37 iuniors and five groups from 16 cou ntries pa rtic ipated in


AFRICAN CUP By Carole Bunge

Capital Gymnastics' Ashley Kever and Daggett's Gymnastics' Jeff LaVallee represented the USA at The South African Cup, held April 1 in Durban, and at the Mixed Pairs competition, held April 8 in Pretoria. Larry McDonough and Tim Daggett were the coaches and Carole Bunge was the iudge and delegation leader. LaVallee won rings and high bar and took second on vault and thira in the all-around at the South African Cup. Kever took second on floor to Belarus' Elena Piskun and finished fourth all-a round . LaVallee and his partner Heidi Oosthuizen from South Africa finished fourth all-around during the Mixed Pairs competition . Kever and her partner Johan Dan Heerden from South Africa took fifth all -around . WOMEN'S ALL-AROUND

I.Elena Piskun 2. Elena Savko 3. Jennie Cox 4. Ashley Kever

8lR 8lR G8R USA

38.875 36.800 36.700 36.250


1. Christiaan 8rezeanulHO 2. Anton Goldman RSA 3. JefflaVollee USA

52.650 52.600 52.400

1. Chino 2. Japan 3. United States 4. Canada 5. Australia 6. Kazakhstan 7. Argentino 8. NewZealand 9. Egypt 10. Mexda 11 . Malaysia

70.750 70.500 70.050 69.500 69.200 68.950 67,450 66.100 65.350 64,450 62.600

FOUR CONTINENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS RighI: Jesska Davis Far rigIII: NataH lcKvesla


t HAMf 1. KasumiTakahashi 2. Xiooqing Zhou 3. Akane Yamao 4. Jessico Davis 5. Miha Yamada 6. Tomaro Levinson 7. lindsay Richards 8. Erika leigh Stirtan


ROff 8.950 8.925 8.900 8.950 8.900 8.825 8.800 8.950

BAll 9.150 9.200 8.900 9.050 8.850 8.750 8.900 8.700

ClUBS 8.900 9.150 8.900 8.650 9.000 B.925 8.850 8.750

RIBBON 9.200 8.900 9.100 8.950 8.800 8.900 8.750 8.850

SOUTH AFRICAN CUP Below (110 r): (arole Bunge, Tim Daggell, Jeff LaVallee, Larry McDonough, Ashley Kever RighI (110 r): Ashley Kever, Elena Piskun, Elena Savko

101Al 36.200 36.175 36.800 35.600 35.550 35.540 35.300 35.250

, 1. Muroto 2. Yuko Izoki 3. Elena RogOlhimo 3. Assel Moustalina 3. Natalie lacuesta 6. Ayuri Isoku 7. lauri Illy 8. Yuan li 12. Kelsi Kemper

BAll 8.900 8.600 8.500 8.600 8.350 B.500 8.550 8.150 8.200

9.550 8.700 8.650 8.750 8.650 8.500 8,450 8.050

ClUBS 8.950 8.750 8.700 8,400 8.700 8.600 8.700 8.700 8.300

RIBBON 8,450 8,450 8.350 8.600 8.450 8.250 8.150 8.300 8.250

101A1 35.150 34.350 34.250 34.250 34.250 34.000 33.900 33.600 32.800


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(OUHliY Japan Chino Korea USA Australia

BAIVROff 18.350 18.200 17.900 17.900 17.350

NOOf 18.550 18.450 18.500 18.350 17.350

TOTAl 36.900 36.650 36,400 36.250 34.700


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(OUHm Chino USA Japan Korea Australia

HOOf 18.600 18,450 18.300 18.150 17.400


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(OUNliY (hina Japan Korea USA Australia

BAIVROPf 18.600 18.450 18.350 17.825 17.300

(col1t1l1 l1 ed on page


18)-1 IMI



TOTAL PB HB 1. USA 27.450 27.750 27.900 28.050 28.350 28.850 168.350 2. CHN 26.450 28.150 28.100 27.550 28.150 27.650 166.050 3. BLR 27.250 27.700 27.500 27.400 27.250 27.450 164.550 FLOOR


9.600 9.550 9.500 9.400 9.400 9.350 9.250 8.950 8.600 8.500 7.900


9.500 9.450 9.400 9.400 9.250 9.250 9.200 9.200 8.950 8.850


9.500 9.400 9.250 9.200 9.200 9.1 50 9.150 9.100


1. Wong Dong 2. Vilaly Rudnillky 3. li Bo 3. Chainey Umphrey 5. John Mocready 5. Chril Woller 7. Alexander BelanaYlky 7. Dong Zhang 9. Bill Rolh 10. lyon PavloYlky VAULT

1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 6. 8.

Bill Rolh John Macready Wong Dong lyon PavloYlky Dong Zhong Chainey Umphrey Vilaly Rudnillky li Bo

29.025 28.375 28.350

1. Dominique Dawes 2. Dominique Maceanu 3. BiWenjing 4. Kalie Tefl 5. Olga Yurkina 6. SYellana Baguinlkaia 6. MengFei 8. Kelloe Davil 9. Julia Sabka 10. liu Xuan 11. Julia Yurkina 12. Sang Lan

TOTAL 28.825 115.300 28.175 113.599 2B.025 112.899


9.762 9.637 9.600 9.575 9.575 9.550 9.537 9.487 9.425 9.412 9.237 9.050


9.800 9.650 9.625 9.575 9.550 9.500 9.500 9.475 9.325 9.225 9.000 8.850



8. Chril Waller USA 10. Alexander BelanaYlky BLR

9.100 9.050


1. Choiney Umphrey 2. Bill Rolh 2. Wang Dong 4. Dong Zhang 4. ChrilWalier 6. Viloly Rudnillky 7. Shen Jian 8. Alexander BelanoYlky 9. li Bo 10. John Macreody 1I. lyon PovloYlky


9.500 9.450 9.450 9.400 9.400 9.350 9.300 9.250 9.100 B.950 8.650


9.750 9.550 9.550 9.525 9.450 9.350 9.300 9.200 9.100 8.700


1. Bill Ralh 2. John Macreody 2. ChrilWalier 4. Chainey Umphrey 5. Viloly Rudnillky 6. li Bo 7. Alexander BelonoYlky 8. Dong Zhang 9. Wang Dong 10. lyon PavloYlky

Above: Chris Waller Below: Vitaly Rudnitsky-BLR

1. Dominique Dawes 2. 5Yellana Baguinlkaia 3. Dominique Maceanu 4. Meng Fei 5. Julia Sabka 6. Kolie Tefl 7. Olgo Yurkino 8. Julia Yurkino 9. liu Xuan 10. Bi Wenjing 11 . Kelloe Dovil 12. Sang lan

The Chinese Men's and Women's team may be serious competitors, but they also love to have some fun!


9.750 9.725 9.675 9.650 9.500 9.300 9.225 9.125 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.BOO


1. Dominique Maceonu 2. MengFei 3. Kotie Teft 4. Julio Sabka 5. Julio Yurkina 6. Kelloe Dovil 7. liu Xuon B. Olga Yurkina 9. SYellano Baguinlkaia 10. BiWenjing 11 . Sang Lon

Left: Kelle Davis Below: Meng Fei-CHN


28.725 28.450 27.825


9.550 9.350 9.150 8.950 8.950 B.850 B.850 8.800 8.800 8.750


1. Alexander Belanavlky 2. Chril Waller 3. Vilaly Rudnillky 4. li Ba 4. Wang Dang 6. Shen Jian 7. Chainey Umphrey 8. Bill Ralh 9. lyon PavloYlky 10. Dong Zhong 11. John Macreody

28.725 28.599 2B.699

1. SYellana 80guinlkoio 2. liu Xuon 3. Dominique Moceonu 4. MengFei 4. Kelloe Davil 6. Kalie Tefl 7. Dominique Dawes 8. Bi Wenjing 9. Julia Yurkina 10. OI~a Yurkina 11. Ju ia 5abka 12. Sang Lon


Bill Rolh lyon PavlaYlky Vilaly Rudnillky Chainey Umphrey John Macready li Ba ChrilWalier Dang Zhang Wang Dang Alexander BelonaYlky

1. USA 2. BLR 3. CHN


# (ounlry FX

1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 6. 8. 8. 10.



9.775 9.700 9.675 9.650 9.400 9.375 9.300 9.125 9.100 9.025 8.625




48.400 48.02S

48.625 48.0S0

47.950 47.700

48.600 193.575 47 .32S 191.100



46.950 46.800

45.800 45.750

47.200 4S.750

46.450 46.950


9 10 11 12 13 14

Amy Chow Dominique Dawes Anno Mirgordskoyo Mary 8eth Arnold Yeleno Shopornoyo Svetlono Zelepoukino Jamie Dontmher Totiono Malaya Viktorio 80urbon Oksono Knizhnik Alexis Brion Goil Kochu," Kinsey Rowe Lyubov Sheremeto


9.750 9.825 9.550 9.650 9.600 9.475 9.575 9.675 9.500 9.700 9.575 9.600 0.000 0.000

PB 46.950 46.100

UB 9.850 9.900 9.750 9.850 9.650 9.450 9.450 9.500 9.6S0 0.000 0.000 B.900 9.575 9.500

BB 9.775 9.525 9.675 9.575 9.325 9.575 9.400 9.475 8.850 9.6S0 9.525 0.000 9.5S0 0.000

HB Total 46.500 279.850 46.250 276.600

FX 9.800 9.850 9.425 9.225 9.625 9.700 9.4S0 8.750 8.950 9.625 9.750 9.750 0.000 0.000

AA 39.175 39.100 38.400 38.300 38.200 38.200 37.87S 37.400 36.950 28.97S 2B.850 28.250 19.12S 9.500

Right: USA Gymnastics' mascot Tumbles made special app'earances at the competition and the American FanStand festival.'


9 10 II 12 13

Igor Korobchinski John Roethlisberger Ole~ Kosiok Vlo imirShomenko MihoiBogiu Josh Stein Kip Simons JoyThornton John Mocreody Alexonder Bogulio Andrey Steponchenko Yury Yermokov Volery Gonchorov



FX 9.450 9.450 9.350 9.400 9.400 9.400 9.200 9.150 9.350 9.450 0.000 9.300 9.200

PH 9.500 9.S00 9.200 B.700 8.S00 9.400 B.750 9.100 9.000 B.900 8.BOO 9.400 0.000

HB AA 9.500 56.850 9.150 .. 56.350 9.400 S6.900 9.450 55.600 9.550 54.650 9.2S0 54.600 8.550 54.200 9.000 53.950 9.300 53.850 9.250 46.250 8.700 45.050 0.000 37.300 8.900 36.650



........... 00






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By Luan Peszek


USA Gymnastics is debuting "Club Gymnastics/' anational mall tour,which will visit 20 cities this summer and is sponsored by John Hancock, l'eggs and Reebok. "Club Gymnastics is probably one of the most important marketing steps we can take for our sport," said USA Gymnastics President Kathy Scanlan. "Not only will this benefit our membership, but it will create viable promotional opportunities for our sport and sponsors." Club Gymnastics showcases former and current National Team members in gymnastics exhibitions and autograph signing sessions. The national mall tour is designed to help introduce children to the sport and assist gymnastics clubs in increasing enrollment, as well as to promote current National Team members leading up to the 1996 Olympic Games. The centerpiece for Club Gymnastics is a 20' by 20' stage that showcases all of the gymnastics exhibitions and aerobic demonstrations. Additionally, sponsors have individual booths to conduct various retail and gymnastics promotions, as well as distribute product samples and premiums. "Club Gymnastics is a great way to introduce children to the sport and to highlight Reebok's commitment to sports and fitness for all ages," explained Chester Wheeler, Reebok'sSr. Director of Global Sports Marketing. "We think this is a great way to showcase the fun and excitement of gymnastics." "Our involvement in gymnastics allows us to focus our Olympic Games-related promotions at the grassroots level," said Howard Upchurch, l'eggs Director of Sheer Hosiery. Upchurch said the planned 1995 activities set the stage for brand promotions that lead into the 1996 Olympics. "Gymnastics will help us maintain momentum in extracting the value of our Olympic Games sponsorship," he said. John Hancock will be tying together their involvement in Club Gymnastics with their nationally recognized college savings program, College Savings Plus. Kathleen Driscoll, vice president of communications for John Hancock, said, "We are pleased to have the opportunity to support such a marvelous event and look forward to helping entertainand educate both children and their parents."

.. I




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TEAM USA Team USA swept the 1995 Visa Challenge in Fairfax, Va., a triangular competition between the USA. Belarus, and China, on April 27- The USA won the men's and women's team competitions and allaround com petitions. Dominique by Ramonna Robinson USA GYMNASTICS PHOTOGRAPHY Š DAVE BLACK

USA W_ ("-, to r): Katie Teft, K.... Davis, CIIId DoaIiIIiqIe ~ Moe_I,


Moceanu captured the women 's allaround title while Bill Roth won the men's all-around competition. U.S. gymnasts Katie Teft and Chainey Umphrey also captured bronze medals in their respective all-around competitions.

:Ml'lN>Jann said, "It (the competition) was great! It was really fun, and I liked it." On her expectations coming into the competition she commented, '" was training hard and wanted to do well."

mented on the U.S. team's performance and depth saying, "We work really well together because we're like a great big family." 1994 National Champion Dominique Dawes did not compete in all four events because she had not had quite enough time to recover from a foot injury she incurred in January. A major contributor to the team's gold medal , she won the uneven bars and balance beam events and placed third on vault, but she did not compete on floor exercise. "We did a reall y good job. We had a few fa ll s, and it's great that we could pick ourselves up and show the gymnastics world the power of our positive attitudes," explained Dawes. Belarus' Svetlana Boguinskaia, 1989 World Champion and twotime Olympian, led the all -around coming into Friday's competition, but a fall on her first tumbling pass on floor exercise put her in fourth place at the end of the night.

OF SPECIAL NOTE WERE THE CHINESE WOMEN'S BAR ROUTINES. Left: Svellana Boguinskaia Below: Chalney Umphrey



Dominique has lived in California. Illinois. Florida and now Texas. She speaks fluid Romanian. "Bela and Martha speak Hungarian in front of me since they know I speak Romanian." said Moceanu.

She sparkles. She bounces. She smiles. She bursts with personality. She also resembles 1976 l1Iympic Gold Medalist Nadia Comaneci ... who else but Dominique Moceanu! Moceanu, 13, trains at Karolyi's Gymnastics in Houston, Texas, with Bela and Martha Karolyi and Alexander Alexandrov. She came to the Karolyi's when she was nine-and-a-halfyears old and has trained hard ever since. There's an interesting story behind how Dominique got into the sport of gymnastics. Her parents, who were from Romania, were both gymnasts. In fact, her father, Dumitru, was on the Romanian Junior National Team when he was younger. When the couple married they made a commitment to each other that their first child would be a gymnast!

"If he or she didn't like gymnastics then of course we would have changed sports," said Dumitru. From the look on Dominique's face at the Visa Challenge, where she won the all-around competition in her first international event as a senior, there's no doubt that her mother and father made the right decision by pulling their first child in gymnastics. "I've been doing gymnastics since I was 3years old, and it's a lot of fun," said Moceanu. "I enjoy doing il. Ilike to compete." Coach Bela Karolyi said, "She's going to be one of the great ones. She's an outgoing kid, like Mary Lou Rellon." Speaking of Mary Lou Rellon, Moceanu said that she has two idols in the sport-Mary Lou Rellon and Nadia Comaneci. "I like how Mary Lou always smiles. I like her personality," said Moceanu. "Nadia made history, and I think that's great too."

Already Moceanu has a long list of accomplishments in the sport. At age 10, she was the youngest athlete to qualify for the 1991 U.S. Junior National Team by placing fifth all-around. She won the Junior National Championships in 1994.ln 1995 she moved up to the senior ranks and tied for second allaround with Amanda Borden in the American Classic. Although she was selected to compete in the McDonald's American Cup and qualified to compete in the Pan American Games, Moceanu had to sit out due to a slight injury. It seems the rest time off because in April she won the Challenge, a triangular competition tween the USA, Belarus and China.

Dominique's training partners in the gym include 1989 World Champion Svetlana Boguinskaia and 1991 World Champion Kim Zmeskal-both are making a comeback into the sport. "It's nice to work out with them," said Moceanu. "I look up to them. They both have different styles. Kim's very powerful, and Svetlana is very sharp. We work together and help each other in the gym." Dominique trains six to seven hours per day, six days a week. When she's not doing gymnastics, she enjoys playing on the computer, reading, swimming, biking, and listening to music.

by Ramonna Robinson

Jessica Davis captured her first senior national all-around title at the 1995 Rhythmic National Championships, June 911, in Jacksonville, Fla. Caroline Hunt, last year's runner-up, took second again, and Kristin Lee finished third. Jacksonville native Tina Tharp finished close behind in fourth place, as friends and family came to cheer her on. Davis exclaimed, "I was very surprised because you never really believe it until it happens; you don't believe it until you're up there on the award stand!" In the junior division, Natalie Lacuesta earned her

at her National Championship competition. The top eight junior and senior competitors from the allaround finals made USA Gymnastics' National Team and qualified to the 1995 U .S. Olympic Festival, subject to approval by the United States Olympic Committee. USOF'95 takes place July 21-30 in Denver, Boulder and Colorado Springs, Colo. The rhythmic portion of the Festival will be July 22-23 in Colorado Springs.

Bushnell said, "do better than in 1993." Bushnell and Vander Pluym both competed in the 1993 W orId University Games where the U.S . team finished 16th.


To Jessica Davis, •evel)'thing is a good luck charm: And whether superstition plays a part in it or not. Davis is at the top of her sport after winning the 1995 Rhythmic National Championships in Jacksonville, Fla., in June. ·Wood ...1 always knock on wood as a safeguard: explains Davis who is a very superstitious person. She collects good luck charms continuously, like a very little frog from her sister which she

kisses before competing. In add ition, her co ach Jan Exner gives her a crystal befo re every competition, and Davis has about 4Dcrystals right now. She used to carryall of her good luck ch arms with her, but her gym bag has gotten heavier and heavier. She's decided to leave some of her crystals at home. While Davis relies a lot on good luck, she puts in her fair share of hard work, too. She goes to school from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. three days per week and 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the other two days. She is going to be a senior in high school in the fall and would like to pursue a career in sports science someday. Each day, except Sunday, she trains for three and a half hours, and on her shorter school days, she takes ballet for one to one and a half hours. She also does conditioning for about an hour, three to four days per week. In addition to all of that. she spends five hours per week doing pilates. ·Pilates: Davis explained, ·is strength and stretching exercises on a machine that is based on springs, not weights:

Davis' favorite thi ng about rhythmic gymnastics is having something that is her own. "I have fun with it! I love being creative." she exclaimed. This year. all of her routines are different styles. as opposed to the past when most of her ro uti nes were classical in nature. She said that she has learned that she likes to try all of the different styles. This summer. Davis is looking forward to the training camp planned with the Bulgarian rhyth mic gymnasts from July 25 to Aug ust 8 in Lake Placid. N.Y.. because Maria Petrova will be there. "She (Petroval has so much feeling . and you can tell she loves the sport." Davis commented. As Davis looks forward to training with World Champion Petrova. she remains humble about being a champion herself. When asked if she feels like the best rhythmic gymnast in the country. Davis replied. "I felt like it when I came off the plane. (Her father arranged a surprise welcome home celebration after the National Championships.! But you go on with your daily routine and think inside that you've accomplished something great. It also shows you that you have to keep working."

EVE N T SCHEDULIE (Dates & Events Subject to Change or Cancellation)


JULY 9-11 9-15 10-16 13-17 20-23 20-30 *21 -23 25-Aug B 31 -Aug 7

Sr. Nationol Training Camp (M) 10th World Gymnaestrada (M/W/R) Puerto Rico Cup (W) J.O. Training Camp (W) U.S. Olympic Festival (R) U.S. Olympic Festival (M/W) U.S. Classic Nationals (W) USA/Bulgaria Group Training (R) J. O. Training Camp (10-11) (M)

Colorado Springs{CO Berlin{ GER San Juan{ Puerto Rico Colorado Springs{CO Colorado Springs{CO Boulder{CO Birmingham{AL* Lake Placid{NY Colorado Springs{CO

AUGUST 5-6 16-19 17-20 22-28 24-27 24-Sep 8 30-31 30-Sept. 3

Regional Qualifying Meets (M) Coca-Cola Narl Championships (M/W) USA Gymnastics National Congress National Group Training Camp (R) National Elite Training Squad Camp (W) World University Games (M/W/R) 12th International Junior Compo(M/W) Elite Training Camp (R)

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Copenhagen{DEN Austin{TX Colorado Springs{CO Vienna{AUT

OCTOBER 1-10 13-16 4-7 14-15 19-22 28-29 26-30

Artistic World Championships (M/W) (leam{ AII-Araund{ Individual Event Finals) ODP National Evaluation (M) Olympic Congress of the USA 10. Group Championships (R) National TOP Testing (W) Trofeo Trinacria DiOro (W) USA Gymfest General Gymnastics

Sabae City{ JPN Colorado Springs{ CO Atlanta{ GA{USA San Froncisco{ CA TBA Catania{ ITA Carmet IN

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Mandy, 7, is a Level 5 gymnast who trains at Eagle Gymnastics. She's coached by Koren Goodale and Amy Morris. In her lost meet she took first place all·around and moved up to Level 6. She's now working to compete Level 6 next season when she moves to Louisiana. Her goal is to one day compete optionals.






MGI WINTER GYMNASTICS CLINIC ELLISVILLE, MISSOURI Ken Meyer, owner/ coach of Meyer's Gymnas· tics, recently was in Europe coaching at a gymnastics event and invited Hungary's Szilveszter Csollany to come to SI. Louis. (Csollany finished ninth all·around althe 1992 Olympic Gomes and was the silver medalist on rings at the 1992 World Championships.) Our· ing his stay, Csollany worked with the men's and women's teams and held clinics for all Meyer's gymnastics students. Working with this world closs champion was 0 wonderful experience and powerful motivalor.


i=laabok ~---

THREESOME NEW YORK, NEW YORI( From leh to right: Megan Aguiar, 8, Kimmie Chalmers, 9, and Taro Fitzgerald, 11, train at AII·Amerimn Gymnastics in Maspeth, Queens, and are coached by Oiane Napolitono, Florentina Tomozei, and Norman Leckner. At the 1994 New England Invitational in Level 5, the girls brought home a total of five medals and Megan also won a trophy forsecond place all·around in her age group. All three now train Level 6 and plan to start competing soon.

Would you like to be induded in the Faces in the Gym Section? Send a recent photo and a paragraph of information to: USA Gymnastics, Faces in the Gym, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Photos can be block and white or color. Sorry, photos cannot be returned. We'll select a few entries for publication in the magazine each issue. Hurry and send your entry today. We're all waiting to meet you! JULY/AUGUST 1995


~I -~



STAFFORD, TEXAS Karyssa is from Mega Gymnastics. She is the 1994 level 7 South State and State Champion in the 11 year old age group. In South State, Karyssa captured the gold with an all-around score of 36.45 and in State she finished with an all-around score of 37.00. Karyssa is an honor student at First Colony Middle School and is coached by Erika Franklin, Dawn Howard, Morgan Gilliam and Frank Markos.




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Stecey, 13, trains at HUGS Gymnastics in San Antonio, Texas, and is cooched by Mike Harris. She won first place all-around in the levellTexos State Championships in December, 1994 and four months later won the level 8 State Championships.She maintains a4.0grade point average at Canyon Middle School in New Braunfels.


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Shawna, 9, trains at Dakota Star Gymnastics and is coeched by Paul O'Neill, World Silver Medalist on rings. This year she competed as a level 6 and at the North Dakota State Meet, she captured the all-around and beam titles. She qualified to level 8 for the next season.

You'll flip over USA Gymnostics! This mogozine covers importont notionol ond internotionol events leoding up to, ond including, the 1996 Olympic Gomes. Get to know the gymnosts through interviews, profiles ond competition results. USA Gymnostics gives comprehensive gymnostics coveroge in six, full color issues for only SI5.00. Foreign subscriptions $32.00. Don't miss whot USA Gymnostics hos to offer!

NICHOLAS WINFREY PHOENIX, ARIZONA Nicholas, B,in his second year of competition as a Class VI, took second all-around at the Arizona State Championships. He placed in every event and took first place on the still rings for the second year in a row_ He aHends Phoenix Gymnastics Academy and is coeched by Paul Cota.


Irl::-e ente; :y subscription is my check, money order, or credit card information for six issues of USA Gymna.tlcs.


Nrune _________________________________________

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AMELIA FORNEY CARMICHAEL, CALIFORNIA Amelia, 9, has been doing gymnastics since oge 2. She trains at Gymagic Gymnastics in Secramento, Calif. She is coached by David and lori McCreay and Tammi Ross. At her third meet at level 9 she took fourth all-around in the 1995 Northern California State Meet. Her three member team won first piece overall in level 9 in 1995 for Northern California.


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JUNIOR OLYMPIC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN By Dennis Mcintyre The 1995 Junior Olympic National Championships was held May 12-14 at the Oakland Convention Center in Oakland, Calif. The meet directors, Greg and Marcia Corsiglia and Hiroshi Fu jimoto, along with the host club Top Flight Gymnastics, did a fantastic job of organizing and running the largest ever championsh ips with 435 gymnasts. The three groups vying for all -around and individual event honors were Junior Elite I, age 16-18, Junior Elite II, age 1415, and Class III, age 12-13. The competition was spread out over three days. Day one was Junior Elite I and II athletes in optional competition for qualification into all-around and individual event finals . The top 54 all -around gymnasts from each division gualified into all -around finals, and the top six in each event qualified into individual event finals. Friday' s competition also included the regional team competition . The regional teams were made up of the tOF six all-around othletes from each or the nine regions . Saturday' s optional competition included a session for the Class III Regional Team competition and also the all-around championships and the Junior Elite I and II all-around finals . Sunday was the individual event finals, involving the top six individual event qualifiers from each of the three divisions. Congratulations to all pants!

JR. ELITE CLASS I 1. lindsey Fang Gymnoslrum 54.600 2. Oerek Leiler Nebraska School 54.500 3. Guard Young Barl (onner Acad. 53.850 4. Sean (onlreras Nebraska School 53.675 5. (hod (onner Melroplex 53.475 6. Ryan Waggener Cilodel Gym. 53.400 7. Izy Myloy Top Flighl Gym. 53.300 7. Todd Sirada Atlonlo School 01 Gym. 53.300 Lindsey Fang's Routines: Floor: Roundoff, flip flop, double pike; Front handspring, layout lront with a lull twist 10 layout Iron I; Front handspring, layout front with a full twist, jump 1/ 4 lurn, flip flop , stroddle jump to one knee; Roundoff, flip flop , double bock. . Pommel Horse: Magyar travel across horse wilh two pommel circles on each pommel, two bock loops on end 10 1/ 4 turn. Reverse flairs across Ihe horse wilhout pommels. Back stockli inlo middle. Cui inlo Front scissors to scissor full lurn. pick up inlo 3/4 Bailey with two pommel circles 10 the end, immediale slraddle handsland wilh 360 degree lurn . Rings: Pull up and kip to Lcross, roll bock to dislocate lock a rm shoot around to L cross, roll 10 bock uprise straddle L; hollow bock press to handstand. Front lock arm gianl; layout Yamawaki ; luck Yamawaki 10 front giant swing . Bock lock arm through to full twisting double bock. Vault: Layout Tsuka"".~~r.:....I"'c;l hara with 1/ 2 twist. Parallel Bars: Glide reverse slraddle cut 10 hand sta nd . Healy, healy pirouette. Bock loss, bock toss, front uprise slraddle front I 1 -1/ 4 somersault between the bars 10 dip swing reverse slraddle cut to L po sition . Straddle pre ss to handsland, double tuck somersault dismount. High Bar: Stemrise to wrong way inbar Siaider pirouelle. Giant 10 Tkatchev immediale wrong way Endo pirouette. California hop 10 under grip giant. Jam to handstand 10 two inverled giant swings, hop to pirouette 10 fulltwisling double bock dismount. FLOOR CLASS I

1. Sean (onlreras 2. Ryan Waggener 3. Danny Beigel 4. JOlOn Tremain 5. Mike Quorrell 6. Sleven McSporren 7. Tim Elsner

Neb. School 01 Gym. 9.700 (ilodel Gym. 9.400 Macey's 9.000 (aICode Elile 8.900 Parkell" 8.800 Ocean Siale 8.650 World (up N.J. 8.050 Sean Contreras' Floor Routine: • Roundoff, flip flop double layout; front handspring, layout front, layout front, layout fronl lull; front handspring layout fronl full ; roundoff, flip flop, double bock.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

lindsey Fang Huy Ly Derek Leiler Greg Gobel Joel Vaughn Juslin DeloHunl

Gymnoslrum 80rt (onner Acad. Nebraska School (olumbusGym. (olif. Sporls (enler Gold (up Gym.

8.800 8.550 8.350 8.200 7.700 7.400


1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9.

Macey's 9.300 (olif. Sporls (enler 9.300 Tim Daggell's 9.200 Andy Volley 8.900 8arl (onner Acad. 8.750 Allanla School 01 Gym. 8.750 Inlernolionol Gym. 8.600 World (up N.J. 8.200 Nebrosko School 8.000 Danny Beigel's Rings Routine: Back kip 10 handsland, front giant, bock giant to inverted cross to immediale shoot inverted cross, Mallese to "L" cross, Bock kip "L", press 10 hands land, back giant, double layout. Joel Vaughn's Rings Rou~ne: Back kip slowly 10 handsland, inverted cross hold, boil, Bock uprise mallese, press 10 plange, back kip to "L" seat, sliff stiff press, lock arm bock giani, Iront giant, double back dismount.



Donny Beigel Joel Vaughn Joseph Morlelli Peler Landry Guard Young Todd Sirado Tim Lashua Tim Elsner Sean (onlreros



I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

LOleel (rowder (alii. Sporls (enler 9.500 Sean (onlreras Nebrosko School 9.400 Sleven McSparren Ocean Siole 9.350 Danny 8eigel Macey's 9.200 Todd Sirada Atlonlo School 01 Gym. 9.050 Tim Elsner World (up N.Y. 8.950 Latee' Crowder's Vault: Front handspring pike front .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Huy Ly 8arIConner Acad. 9.450 Derek Leiler Neb. School 01 Gym. 9.350 Joel Vaughn (olif. Sports (enler 8.950 Todd 8ishop World (1011 8.700 Sean (onlreras Nebraska School 8.500 Izy Mylay Top Flighl Gym. 8.400 Alex (honsky Sieriing Academy 8.250 Huy Ly's Parallel Bars Routine: Glide reverse straddle cut, layaway, front uprise, swing to handstand, giant, giant, underbar cost to bock uprise slraddle L, press handsland, double bock. HIGH BAR CLASS I

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sean (onlreros Derek Leiler Mike Hinman Loleel (rowder lindsey Fang Ryan Waggener

Neb. School 01 Gym. 9.500 Neb. School 01 Gym. 9.400 Bullolo Grove Gym. 9.300 (alii. Sporls (enler 9.200 Gymnaslrum 9.000 (ilodel Gym. 8.850 Sean Contreras' High Bar Routine: Wrong way grip Stalder pirouette, layout reverse hecht, blind change, jam, two inverted gianls, hop pirouette, double layout full-out. JR. ELITE CLASS .. 1. Freddie Umoli Top Flighl Gym. 2. Scali Velere Gymnoslrum 3. Yewki Tomila Gym World Inc. 4. Sean Townsend GymMoslers 5. Anlhony Pelrocelli Inlernolionol 6. Joson 8urgoon Allonlo School 01 Gym. 6. Ryan Roberls AGS 8. David Eskildsen Splilz GymnosliCl

54.450 52.500 51.925 51.400 51 .050 50.725 50.725 50.600



Freddie Umali' s Routine s:

Floor: roundoff, flip flop , double pike; front handspring , front, layout front, layout front; roundoff, fl ip flop, whipback , layo ut; roundoff, flip flop , double tuck. Pommel Horse: Sivado travel, Magyar travel, two reverse loops , back Moore

uIT' scissors,

back moore down, 3/ 3 reverse lair travel, fl air to handstand pirouette. Rings : Kip to straddle planche, L cross, dislocate front uprise L, press handstand, forward giant, backward giant, giant dislocate, double tuck. Vault: Kasamatsu stretched . Parallel Bars: Glide kip through Lsit, press handstand , Diamidov, Diamidov, Moy, swing pi rouette, Diamidov 1 1/ 4, kip on side, jam press handstand, two back tosses, stutz, do uble tuck. High Bar: Stem , overgrip piked Endo pirouette, Tkatchev, blind turn, jam, two inverted giants, hop pirouette, double layout. FLOOR CLASS II

(ody (osey U.S. Gym. Troining 9.450 Daniel Furney Soulh Texos 9.000 Kevin Roulslon Posilive Filness 8.900 Tommy Housley Pea,h Siole 8.900 Anlhony Pelro"lIi Inlernolionol 8.750 (Ioylon Kenl New Ham pshire 8.750 8rendon Oneil World (up N.J. 8.500 Cody Casey's Floor Routine: Roundoff, back handspring, tucked full-in; rou ndoff, wh ih back, layout one-and-a -ha lf twist, punc front; front handspring layout front full; roundoff, back handspring tuck double back.

1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 5. 7.


Daniel Furney Freddie Umoli Adam8erkenbile Andrew Leis Jamie Nalalie Jonolhan Plonle Donny Finnegan Jonolhan Hom

Soulh Texos Top Flighl Gym. Gold (up Gym. Tim Oaggell's

9.050 8.700 8.200 8.150 ~ia mond 7.900 Allanla S,hool 01 Gym. 7.900 M mond 7.650 (alilornia Suns 6.600 Dan iel Furney's Pommel Horse Routine : Magyar 3/3 travel, 2 back loops, Sivado 3/3 travel, Sivado 3/ 3 travel, 1/ 4 s~i n d l e, direct stockli B, scissors, direct stoc Ii with 2x si ngle pommel loop circles to stradd led ha ndstand 1/ 1 piro uette with travels dismount.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Joson Furr J.G. Kel,hen S<ott Velere Sean Townsend Kevin Roulslon David Eskildsen Eri, Nishimolo

(opitol Knoxville Gym. Gymnoslru m GymMoslers Posilive Filness Splilz Gym. (olilornia Suns

8.800 8.750 8.700 8.500 7.850 7.600 6.950


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Freddie Umoli Kevin Roulslon Adrian 8ornhorl (ody (osey Jamie NOlolie S,han Daniel

Top Flighl Gym. Posilive Filness (olumbus Gym. US. Gym. Troining ~ iam ond

Ri, hordson Gym.

9.250 9.050 8.700 8.550 8.450 8.000


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.

Freddie Umoli Daniel Furney

Top Flighl Gym. Soulh Texos (opilol Sean Townsend GymMoslers Anlhony Pelro"lIi Inlernotionol Joson Burgoon Allonla S,hool 01 Gym. J(]son Furr

9.800 9.200 9.150 8.750 8.550 8.550


1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7.

Adam Benos Woller Joramillo Freddie Umoli Joson Furr Sean Townsend Yewki Tomita Jeff Howell

World (loss Gold (up Gym. Top Flighl Gym. (opilal GymMoslers GymWorld Inc (os(Ode Elile


rise to handsta nd, wrong grip Endo, wrong grip Endo 1/2 pirouette, 3/ 4 giant, one arm giant, one arm giant to Gienger. Kip


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8.

Adam Benas' High Bar Rou tine: Back up-

9.350 9.300 9.100 9.100 B.900 8.850 8.150

cast to wro ng grip front giant 1/ 2 pirouette, one back giant, Higgins change di rect to invert, invert, hop 3/ 4, front giant, Endo 1/ 2, giant, giant, fu ll in tucked double back . ,JR. ELITE CLASS III

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Brell M,(lure Kris Zimmerman Paul Hamm Duke Von Vleel (ory Bu[(h Shannon (orr ion Sieriing Ri,hords Slephen Smilh

(os(Ode Elile Buffalo Grove Gym. Swiss Turners Apollo S,hool Sporlan Gym. Tallahossee Gym. USA Gym. World Top Flighl Gym.

47.175 46.950 45.875 45.500 45.300 45.100 45.050 44.625

Brett McClure's Routines:

Floor: Ro undoff, fl ip flop, layout; Front handspri ng fro nt, front ha ndsp ring, front layout, fron t tuck; Roundoff, whi p back, back tuck . Pommel Horse: Magyar travel, two reverse loops, 1/ 4 spindle, two fla irs, two circles straddli ng one pommel, two scissors, back moore down, simple moore on the end, straddle handstand full tu rn across 2/ 3 of the horse dismount. Rings : Inlocate, Yamiwaki , inclocate , backrise stradd le planche, L, stradd le press, two straight arm giants, giant dislocate, tucked 1/2 in 1/2 out. Vault: Layout Tsukahara Parallel Bars: Side bar D mount, giant handsta nd, two stutz handstands, peach, V, straddle press, front uprise, front layout 11/ 2 twist dismount. High Bar: Reverse grip Endo 1/ 2, blind change, stoop, two inverted giants, Endo, pirouette, layout 1/2 in 1/ 2 out. FLOOR CLASS III

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8.

Brell M,(lure Tyler Morlall James Lee Paul Homm Z"h Roberls Shannon (arrion Bradley Golden Kris Zimmerman

(os(Ode Elite (os(Ode Elile Muhnomoh Swiss Turners Soulh (01 Tallahossee Brown's Melro Buffa lo Grove Gym.

8.450 8.350 8.300 8.150 8.100 8.050 8.050 7.400


1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7.

Slephen Smilh Mi,hoel Ashe Kris Zimmerman Brell M,(lure Paul Hamm Sieriing Mords (loy Sirolher

Top Flighl Gym. 7.700 Allanla S,hool 01 Gym. 7.500 Buffalo Grove Gym. 7.150 (os(Ode Elile 7.100 Swiss Turners 7.100 USA Gym World 6.850 Gymnosli" Elc 6.150 Stephen Smith's Pommel Horse.Routine: Bai ley with extra pommel loop, back moore down , back moore up with extra pommel loop, 2/ 3 longitudinal travel , two reverse loops, two reverse fl aired loops . RINGS CLASS III

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Kris Zimmerman BrellM,(lure Moll Melzger Ra j Bhovsor Joey Kor"ki Joson Moresi

Buffalo Grove Gym. 7.850 (os(Ode Elile 7.650 Queen (ily Gym. 7.600 (ypress Gym. 7.300 7.250 Surgenls Elile Inlernolionol Gold 7.050 Kris Zi mmerman ' s Ring s routine : Yamawaki, backuprise L planche, L, press handsland, giant, Guczoghy, double back. VAULT CLASS III

1. James Lee Muhnomah 2. Sieriing M ords USA Gym World

B.050 8.000

2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

(ory Bu[(h Sporlon Gym. 8.000 Eri, Sleele Knoxville Gym. 7.7 50 Z"h Roberts Soulh (01. 7.700 Brell M,Ciure (os(Ode Elite 6.900 Mi,hoel G. Monies Arizona Flairs 6.650 James Le e's Vault: Pi ke Tsukaha ra . PARALLEL BARS CLASS II I

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Kris Zimmerman Joey Ko",ki Sieriing Ri,hords (loy Sirolher Healh Muller Bryon Barriger

Buffalo Grove Gym. B.l00 Surgenls Elile 8.000 USA GymWorld 7.900 Gymnosli" Elc 7.B50 Borl (onner A(Od. 7.800 Indy S,hool 01 Gym. 7.500 Kri s Zimm erman's Parallel bars routine: Glide kip, reverse slraddle cut 10 handsta nd, gianl to handsta nd, giant to ha ndsta nd, stu tz handsta nd, peach, L, press handsta nd, double back. HIGH B AR CLASS III

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Brell M,(lure PoulO'Leory E,erelle 8ierker Sterling Ri,hords Kris Zimmerman Duke Von Vleel Moll Boyer

(os(Ode Elile Gymnosli" P"ili<o World (up N.Y. USAGym World Buffalo Grove Gym. Apollo S,hool Hanover KIps


8.350 8.200 B.150 8.000 7.800 7.750 7.600


(ami Singer's Routines: Vault: Yurchenko, 1/2 layout front Bars: Uprise handstand immediate Tkatchev, kip cast handsland blind change Jaeger, overshoot 10 low bar, kip cast handstand blind change, barani dismount. Beam: Switch split leap immediate flip flop 1/4, flip flop layout Rip Rop, Iront Rip, sheep jump, round off double back dismount. Floor: Front flip stepout roundoff flip flop double back; Front flip step out front handspring rudi; roundoff flip flop double full.





1. Region IliA 2. Region VillA 3. Region VA

IB9.475 IB6.700 IB5.500


1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 6.

Morline 51ephens Cypress Acodemy 3B.075 Shawna McClung Dynamo-OK 37.900 Shelly Horris Greal Lakes-MI 37.750 Krislin Thome Cypress 37.600 Lauro Blank Twin City Twislers 37.600 Julie Rankin Karolyi's 37.550 Melissa Rollins Dynamo-OK 37.550 ~. Nicole Lyme Cindnnoli Gym. 37.450 9. Tasho Schwikert Gym Cals 37.400 9. Margan While Americon Twislers 37.400 11. lindsoy Waddell Copilol-VA 37.325 12. Chieko Webb Dynomo-OK 37.300 13. Jennifer Baldridge Brown's 37.225 14. Trisha Dixon Dynamo-OK 37.125 15. Jatqueline Pallardy LaFleur's 37.025 16. Christine Manlilia Arena 36.975 16. Jennifer Alonzo Eogles 36.975 lB. Koro Kapernekas Illinois Gym.lnst. 36.950 19. Kelli hum Brown's 36.925 20. Amanda Lucas Bannon's 36.900 Marline Stephens' Routines: Vault: Yurchenko, 1/2 layout Irant Bars: Hap front giant to Yaeger and double pike dismount Beam: Triple series of flip flop, layout, flip flop; back handspring to 1/4 turn; double back dismount. Floor: Strong march medley. Whip to double back; Layout Iront, Iront handspring, Iront; Double layout.

VAULT 13-14

BEAM 9-12

I. Kalie Frosl Grond Islond Twist. 9.500 9.475 2. Christine Mantilia Arena 3. Sarah Meisberger Americon Twislers 9.450 4. Jennifer Baldridge Brown's 9.375 9.300 5. Krislin Thome Cypress 6. Melissa Rollins Dynamo-OK 9.275 7. Morgan While Americon Twislers 9.250 B.BOO B. Julie Rankin Karolyi 9. Leah trilli Crenshaw Alhlelic B.575 10. Angelo Beam Norlh Texas Gym. B.500 Katie Frost's Beam routine: Mount, switch leg to splits on beam, flip flop layout slepout, layout stepout, switch leg leap back handspring, switch leg leap to straddle jump, luck front flip, double back tucked. FLOOR 9-12

1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 5. 5. B. 9. 9.

Nicole Lyme Julie Rankin Alyson Catdotore Kelli hum Marline Slephens Shelly Harris Amanda Lucas Showno McClung Taro Phillips Corrie MeAngus

Cindnnoti Gym. Korolyi American Acod. Brown's Cypress Greol Lakes Bannon's Dynamo-OK Cypress ShreveporlOlym.

9.725 9.700 9.700 9.600 9.525 9.525 9.525 9.300 9.025 9.025

VAULT 9-12

1. Andrea Dathille Gym. of Ohio 9.53B 2. Trisha Dixon Dynamo-OK 9.525 3. Lauro Blank Twin City Twislers 9.500 4. Tasha Schwikerl Gym Cols 9.475 5. Michelle Pearson Karon's 9.463 6. Samanlha Schueler North Flarida 9.450 7. Showno McClung Dynamo-OK 9.43B B. Marline Slephens Cypress 9.400 9. Dono Pierce Weslside 9.025 10. Belh Bressler SCATS B.IOO Andrea Dachille'sVault: Dachille, 11 , won vault using a front handspring front in pike . position and a front handspring front in luck position. BARS 9-12

1. Taro Phillips Cypress 9.700 2. Krislin Uronsky Gymslroda 9.675 2. Mary Skokul Indy School of Gym. 9.675 4. Trisha Dixon Dynamo-OK 9.600 5. Krislin Thome Cypress 9.575 5. Chieko Webb Dynamo-OK 9.575 7. Melissa Rollins Dynamo-OK 9.550 B. Shawna McClung Dynamo-OK 9.500 9. lindsoy Waddell Copilol-VA 9.375 10. Shelly Harris Greal Lakes 9.350 Tara Phillips' Bar rou~ne: Low bar kip, sloop circle, uprise to handsland, Gienger, kip to handstand, blind turn, counter to hondstand in reverse grip, kip, double layout.


Nicole Lyme's Floor routine: 1950-60's medley. Whip to double tuck; Front handspring layout, layout; Triple full. TEAM AGE 13-14

1. Region IliA 2. Region VillA 3. Region VA

IBB.975 IB7.400 IB6.425


1. Cami Singer 2. Jeono Rice 3. Emily Chell 4. Tina Ellis 4. Arondo Primoult 6. Jennifer Barker 7. Kelly Parkinson 7. Ashley Lomb 9. Kristin Chong 9. Melissa Schwiers 11. SIOcy Wong 12. Brondy Killion 13. Annie Campbell 14. Phoedro Dixon 15. Anno Sexouer 16. Amanda Mueller 17. CorlyRoob 17. Chrisly Roy 17. Erin Mueller 20. Brilney Kidd

Colorado Aerials Brown's Gym Carolina Ratky Mounlain Gym. of Ohio Cypress Cypress Capitol City Amer. Gym. Acad. Cindnnoti Gym. Gymlowne Greol Lakes Leading Edge Illinois Gym.lnst. Dynamo-OK Solto Gym. CostodeElile Hill's Angels FIT Gym. Sunbelt Gym.

3B.525 3B.150 37.B50 37.725 37.725 37.675 37.625 37.625 37.525 37.525 37.400 37.375 37.350 37.325 37.275 37.225 37.175 37.175 37.175 37.150

1. Emily Chell Gym Carolina 9.625 2. Tada Lobotte Kokokahi 9.575 3. Brooke Sian High Poinl 9.513 4. Anno Sexauer Dynamo-OK 9.43B 5. Erin Mueller F.l.T. Gym. 9.400 6. Aronda Primault Gym. of Ohio 9.23B 7. Cami Singer Colorodo Aeriols 9.200 B. Shannon Britt SCATS 9.150 9. Slacy Wong Gymlowne 9.125 10. Whilney Morgan Soulhern Ind Gym 9.063 Emily Chell's Vault: Handspring front half in tucked position and handspring front full in tucked position . BARS 13-14

1. Alyssa Beckerman Norlh Siors 9.750 1. Phoedro Dixon Illinois Gym. Inst. 9.750 3. Comi Singer Colorodo Aerials 9.675 3. Slacy Wong Gymlowne 9.675 3. Ashley Lomb Capilol Cily 9.675 6. Julie Pigg Dynomo-OK 9.650 7. Margarel Wojciak Gymkinelics 9.600 8. Carly Roob Costode Elile 9.550 9. Slephanie Buerkel Walkins 9.500 10. Krislin Chong Amer. Gym. Acad. B.900 Alyssa Beckerman's Bar routine: Glide kip stoop on , back uprise to handstand reverse piroueije, Jaeger, pendel kip, cast handstand piroueije, straddle back to handstand on low bar, glide kip stoop on, back uprise to handstand, giant, giant, double ".",.tuck flyaway.

Phaedra Dixon's Bar routine: Double leg jam mount, long kip cast, uprise handstand , front giant regular grip, Gienger, bail , kip pike on low, long kip casl, uprise handstand, giant arabian double dismount. BEAM 13-14

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10.

Comi Singer Jeano Rice Cheryl Loncasler Tino Ellis Kelly Parkinson Melisso Schwiers Brondy Killion Annie Compbell Julie Devaly Corrie Kreifels

Colorodo Aeriols Brown's Karolyi's Ratky Mounlain Cypress Cindnnoti Gym. Greal Lokes Leading Edge Greol Lokes Omaho TNT

9.625 9.575 9.500 9.450 9.425 9.400 9.300 9.200 9.150 B.650

FLOOR 13-14

9.775 1. Jeana Rice Brown's 9.650 2. Jennifer Barker Cypress 9.625 3. Cami Singer Calorodo Aerials 9.625 3. Brondy Killion Greol Lakes 5. Arondo Primaull Gym. of Ohio 9.600 9.575 6. Kelly Parkinson Cypress 9.500 7. Melissa Schwiers Ciminnoli Gym. 9.450 B. Tina Ellis Rocky Mounloin 9.450 B. Emily Chell Gym Carolina 8.400 10. Krisla Gol, Oocksiders Jeana Rice's Floor routine: Music "Tico Tico" Round off back handspring whip, two and a ha lf twisling salta; Front handspring front layout wilh ful l twist; Round off back ha ndspri ng triple twist.






VAULT 15-16

TEAM AGE 15-16

I. Region VA 2. Region IliA 3. Region VilA

lB7.625 lB7.475 lB7.400


I. Amy Kuczero 2. Melissa Green 3. 5usie Erickson 3. Leah Woaromoki 5. Belly Ky 5. liso Componioni 7. Annelle Toylor B. Amy Bohn 9. Jenniler Simmons 10. Jenny Schmidl 10. Poulo Chong 10. Healher Holliday 13. Celesle Monlolvo 14. Wendy Whealon 14. Erin Coppinger 16. Chrissy Von Fleel 17. Chrislion Dolbin

Illinois Gym. Insl. Greol Lokes-MI SCATS Gymogic Eoslern 1101'1. Acod. LoFleur's Cypress Acad. Northern Illinois S.E. Gym. Acad. Scamps Cypress CharIer Ook Gliders Leading Edge Hill's Angels Dynomo-OH Brown's Melro Berks

lB. lmrenSolim Copilol 37.275 Twin Cily Twislers 37.250 19. Bridgel Knoeble 20. Helene Kenny MorVoTeens 37.175 Amy Kuczera's Routines: Vault: Handspring pike front Bars: Kip squat on , uprise handstand , healy around , hea ly counterswing handstand , kip squat on, 1/ 2 turn, kip Comaneci, kip cast hop, front giant, double front. Beam: Pike front mount; flip flop, flip flop , layoul (feet togelher); switch leap, layout; roundoff double back dismounl. Floor: Double pike; front handspring layoul punch front; double tuck.

3B.000 37.900 37.725 37.725 37.675 37.675 37.650 37.625 37.525 37.500 37.500 37.500 37.450 37.425 37.424 37.400 37.300

I. Leah Wooromoki Gymogic 9.625 2. Melisso Green Greot Lokes- MI 9.525 3. Poulo Chong Cypress 9.500 4. Chrissy Von Fleel Brown's Metro 9.475 5. Imren So lim Copilol- VA 9.450 6. KOlhleen Shrieves MorVoTeens 9.425 7. Robin Howkins Memphis Gymslors 9.363 B. Amy Kuczero IGI 9.300 B. Bridget Knoeble Twin Cily Twisters 9.300 10. Emiley Hogon Umpquo Volley 9.200 Leah Waaramaki's Vault: Yurchenko, 1/ 2 layout front; Yurchenko, tuck full. BARS 15-16

I. Melisso Green I. Wendy Whealon 3. Annelle Toylor 4. Paulo Chong 4. KOlhleen Shrieves 6. Jenny Schmidl 6. Helene Kenny B. Bridgel Knoeble 9. Amy Bohn 10. Amy Kuczero

Greol Lokes-MI 9.700 Hill's Angels 9.700 Cypress 9.675 Cypress 9.650 MorVoTeens 9.650 Scamps 9.600 MarVoTeens 9.600 Twin City Twisters 9.550 lIorlhern Illinois 9.375 IGI 9.100 Melissa Green's Bar routine: Kip cast pirouette, iam , kip cast, giant, giant full , Tkatchev, counter swing to handstand, iam , kip cast, giant full , toe front with 1/ 2 twist. Wendy Wheaton's Bar routine: Straddle over low bar, long kip cast hand , blind change, front Yaeger piked, shootover low, kip iam , long kip cast hand , giant full pirouette, Tkatchev, long kip cast hand, giant, double twisting layout flyaway. BEAM 15-16

I. Jill Fisher 2. Erin Coppinger 3. liso Componioni

Gym XL Dynomo-OH LoFleur's Tompo

9.500 9.450 9.425

4. Susie Erickson Scots 9.375 5. Annelle Toylor Cypress 9.300 6. Amy Kuczero 9.225 IGI Arlislic Gym. Acad. 9.200 7. Lori Gerhardl 9.000 B. JennilerSimmons S.E. Gym. Acod. 9. Healher Hollidoy CharIer Ook Glider B.950 10. Megon Beuckens All-American B.B75 Jill Fisher's Beam routine: Jump on mount; flip flop , layout stepout; wolf iump immedi ate back tuck to one knee; standing front tuck; switch leg side leap, Papa; roundoff double tuck . FLOOR 15-16

1. Suzonne Sears Atlonlo School 9.575 I. Chrisly Denson Korolyi's 9.575 3. Bridget Knoeble Twin City Twislers 9.550 4. Jill Fisher Gym XL 9.525 5. Jenny Schmidl Scamps 9.500 6. Susie Erickson Scals 9.475 7. Belly Ky Eoslern lIolionol 9.425 B. Chrislion Dolbin Berk's 9.400 9. Helene Kenny MorVoTeens 9.100 10. Megon Beuckens AII-Americon 9.025 Suzanne Sears' Floor routine: Spanish Mix Music. Front to double tuck; roundoff flip flop triple full ; front handspring, front rudi, flip flop . Christy Denson's Floor routine: Tango Music. Roundoff, flip flop , full twisting double back; roundoff, flip flop, double back; front handspring, front layout, front tuck.

20. Mondy Mosby Gwinnell 37.200 Maureen Kealey's Routines: Vault: Piked Cuervo Bars: Double leg iam, uprise, giant blind full twist, front giant pirouette, reverse hecht, kip cast Gienger to overshoot to double leg iam, long hang kip, cast handstand, giant, giant, double layout. Beam: Roundoff back tuck swing down mount; standing layout, layout series; straddle iump layout stepaut; front handspring, Iront full dismount. Floor: Triple turn; double layout; double pike; front full front tuck flyspring.



I. Region VilA 2. Region lilA 3. RegionlA

lB9.750 lBB.950 lB7.975


1. Moureen Kealey 2. Corrie Young 3. Tiffony Simpson 4. Jessica Swih 4. Mondy Chopmon 6. Donoe Phillips 6. Kirolee Hoyoshi B. Denise Johnson B. Megon Murphy 10. Suson Hines 11 . Kim Young 12. Denise Jones 13. Trocy Kohl 14. Corolyn Hecht 15. Debbie Groom 16. Kristin McDermott 17. Belsy Colucci lB. Joyne Feliciano 19. Kelli More

Porkelles Cypress Desert Devils Twin Cily Twislers High Poinl lIot'l Acod. 01 Arl. Kokokohi Hill's Angels Alhlelic Horizons Copilol-TX Colorodo Aeriols Gymogic Allontic Coosl Rebounders Gym. Inslilule Parkell" lIino's Gemini Omoho TNT

3B.575 3B.175 37.B25 37.BOO 37.BOO 37.700 37.700 37.600 37.600 37.575 37.500 37.475 37.425 37.400 37.375 37.325 'Jf275 37.250 37.225

1. Heidi Moneymoker Rohnerl Park 9.5BB 2. Corrie Young Cypress 9.500 3. Ayonno Pelers Will路Moor 9.475 4. Kristen McDermoll Porkelles 9.450 5. Donoe Phillips Not'l. Acad. 01 Arl. 9.413 6. Debbie Groom Gym.lnsl. 9.350 7. Kirolee Hoyoshi Kokokohi 9.33B B. Kim Young Colorodo Aeriols 9.2BB 9. Suson Hines Copilol-TX 9.150 10. Moureen Kealey Porkelles 9.075 Heidi Moneymaker's Vault: Handspring pike front and handspring tuck front with 1/ 2 twist. BARS 17+

I. I. 3. 4. 4. j. 7. 7. 9. 10.

Donoe Phillips NAAG 9.7 50 Denise Jones Gymogic 9.750 Moureen Keoley Porkelles 9.700 Kim Young Colorodo Aerials 9.650 Jessico Swih Twin City Twislers 9.650 Krjs~n i}lcQermoll Porkelles 9.650 Belh Brown Trevinio's 9.600 Corrie Young Cypress 9.600 Trocy Kohl Allontic Coost 9.500 Polly Kiker Gym.lnslilule B.575 Denise Jones' Bar routine: Straddle over, uprise handstand, Tkatchev, long kip handstand, giant blind change, front giant 1/2 pirouette, swing to handstand, slip grip to counterswing handstand, glide back kip, long kip to handstand , giant, tuck back in , full out dismount. Danae Phillips' Bar routine: Uprise to handstand, 1/2 pirouette, Pak salta, with full twist, kip, handstand 1/2 pirouette, squat-on, uprise, clear hip, back giant hop full , blind change, Iront giant 1/2, back giant, double flyaway. BEAM 17+

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10.

Maureen Keoley Corrie Young Robyn King Krissy Richards Mondy Chopmon Kelli More Joyne Feliciono Megon Murphy Kimberly Berres Kirolee Hoyoshi

Porkelle's Cypress New Hope Acad. Phoenix Gym. Acod. High Poinl Omoho TNT Gemini Alhlelic Horizons Gym Am.rieo Kokokohi

9.600 9.550 9.450 9.425 9.375 9.200 9.050 B.B50 B.750 B.525

Porkelles Copitol-TX Desert Devils High poinl Cypress Twin Cily Twislers Kokokohi Gym Beez Gym Institule Trevenros

9.700 9.625 9.600 9.550 9.550 9.525 9.475 9.475 9.475 9.425


1. Moure.n Keoley 2. Suson Hines 3. Tillony Simpson 4. Mondy Chapman 4. Corrie Young 6. Jessica Swih 7. Kirolee Hoyoshi 7. Kolhy Burke 7. Debbie Groom 10. Belh Brown JULY/AUGUST 1995






By Paula Hilliker The 1995 Rhythmic GymnasticsJunior Olympic Championships was held May 6-7 in Marietta, Ga . Thirtyni ne Level 7 and 36 Level 8 rhythm ic gymnasts competed for a ll -around and individual event awa rds in this thi rd annual national event. Each Regional team was made up of 10 gymnasts: five Level 7 athletes and five Level 8 ath letes . These gymnasts were selected based upon placement at the six Regiona l competitions held in April. Region team competition was intense between Regions 1 and 2, but Reg ion 2 prevailed with strong athletes in both levels.

mance was entitled, "Shine (like the star that you are)" and was dedicated to the Junior Olympic athletes.

The local host club, Chattooga Gymnastics, made the event memorable with their sunflower theme. The weekend was brought to a close with an exhib ition by Cha ttooga's Special Olympics rhythmic athletes a nd other members of the Chattooga rhythmic gymnastics program . The perfor-


1. Region 2


level 7 Jenee Bailey, leollie Gymnoslies Acodemy lindsey Drury, Anelio's Rhylhmic Acodemy luzonne Peorson, Gymnosliko ' Ihonnon lohr, Gymnosliko Trisho Willbonk, (reo live Rhylhmic Gymnoslics


3. Region 3

CLUB Gymnastics

4. Region 6 5. Region 5 6. Region 4

pt.W I H·W' and here's what you'll get: • Official R eeboklClub Gymlla stics T-Sh irt . • Club Gymllastics Members/l ip Card. TItis card entitles you to 10% off all Reebok/ USA Gymnastics apparel sold through the USA Gymn astics merd lanctise department. • USA GYll1l1 as tics Magaz ille. One year subscription to the official magazine of USA GYlfmastics. • Club Gymlla stics News. Get a fu n, insid e look at the w orld of gym nastics.


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193.70 190.65 186.45


price of 519.96 (512.50 for Athlete Members). Make all checks p.:"lyabJe to USA Gymnastics. Name


. scores were col,"loled using Ihe lour highesl evenI scores lrom Level 7 ond Level Bevenls

~11 ~hi;;der~'=rec=)';;ClubGYTl=ti;;;m~lip for Ihe special in~o~


2. Region 1

level 7 Michelle (hong, Gymmorin Pacific Kolhy (hin, Top Flighl Rhylhms Mayo (roig, Aloir Rhylhmics liz Moneymaker, Redwood Empire Jessico Whymon, Aloir Rhylhmics levelS Jessico Feiler, Aloil Rhylhmics Anne Jensvold, Gymmorin Pacific Brionno Robelollo, (ooslline (Iossics Jenny lun, (olilornio Rhylhm Jacqueline Yono, li·Ning's Acodemy level 7 lindsay (albert, Rhylhmic Gold Emily Hoyden, Ooklond Rhylhmics Heilie IsoO(s, Rhylhmic Gems Erika Plonl, M&MGymnoslics lonyo Ipencer, Rhylhmic Gems levelS ' Tilloni (ann, Delroil Melro Morislello Evongelislo, Oakland Rhylhmics Down Gingrich, Rhylhmic Gems Krislen Rounds, Rhylhmic Gems Louren Tingey, Rhylhmic Gems ' Tilloni (ann replaced loroh (ody who scrolched due 10 a lomily emergency.


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. B.

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25.05 23.40 23.35 23.15 23.00 22.95 22.B5 22.75

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2B.30 2B.15 27.45 27.05 26.80 26.55 26.50 26.45 26.45


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he Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Co lo., is home to America's most successful Olympic athletes. While eating in the dining room or heading to practice you may run into three-time gold medalist in swimming Summer Sanders or three-time Olympic basketball star Teresa Edwards or two-time Olympic wrestler Sean Sheldon. A sports fan's paradise, but to the more than 130 athletes that live here, it's just home. It's also the home for eight resident gymnasts. Each day the gymnasts practice under the watchful eye of head coach Ron Brant and assistant coach, world champion Vitaly Marinich from Ukraine. Gymnastics at the OTC is a relatively new and expanding program. The idea for the program began in 1989 when Ron Brant, a graduate of the University of Illinois, wrote a proposal to USA Gymnastics urging them to utilize the vast facilities available at the aTe. His innovative plan was no t only to provide a haven for the athletes to train, but to offer clinics and workshops to increase the overall performance of the sport in the USA. The idea was accepted and in January 1990, Ronmadea mark in gymnastics history and began the first residence program ever for gymnasts at an Olympic Training Center site. Like anything new and different that places a challenge on an already sound and dominating system, difficulties arise and controversies abound. OTC gymnastics placed a threat on the NCAA and club gym-

"I THINK THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR MEN'S GYMNASTICS AT THIS STAGE IS THAT ALL FACETS WORK TOGETHER: CLUBS, UNIVERSITIES, AND OTC, TO PRODUCE A GOOD INTERNATIONAL TEAM FOR USA GYMNASTICS. " -RON BRANT nastics and, at first, was not warmly received. While Brant welcomes healthy competition he says, "We weren't trying to create an atmosphere that's so adversary that you can't accomplish anything." Brant understands that the OTC atmosphere is not for everyone. In fact, he stresses that point. "What we're looking for are the individuals who are interested in our atmosphere and what we provide here. The more options available for a gym-


nast to train, the better he can find where to go to best produce himself internationally," explains Brant. Brant works closely with the NCAA and clubs to help the sport overall. For a gymnast to even be considered for the OTC program he must have written support from his coach and if he's a junior athlete, from his parents as well. "I think the most important thing for men's gymnastics at this stage is that all facets work together: clubs, universities, and aTe, to produce a good international team for USA Gymnastics." In five years, Brant has continually p laced his athletes on the national team and continues to produce Olympic caliber gymnasts into the field. The program has included Jay Caputo, Gregg Curtis, Dan Zimpher, Kurt Thomas and Paul O'Neill to name a few. O' Neill, a member of the program since 1991, won the silver medal on rings a t the 1994 Individual Event World Championships in Brisbane, Australia. This was the first medal won at the World Championships for the men's program since the 1979 World Championships. At the 1994 Winter Cup Challenge th e OTC placed John Macready and Ga rry Denk on the national team and Dennis Harrison petitioned onto the senior national team .

By Lori Lenagh

"They have all the opportunities you need to get good here," said Harrison, who recently came to the OTC from the University of Nebraska. "You can work out as much as you want, you have a good medical staff and they provide a room and great food. So it's somewhat easier to financially support yourself and continue to train."








T-006 $15 SS-206 $25 Life or Death Gymnastics is not a matter of life or death. It's much more than that. White Color with Teal & Purple Logo

Above left (Ito r): 1994 Christmas Photo of the OTC Team. John Macready, J.D. Reive, Kyle Asano, Andrew Pileggi, Lou Datilio, Marshall Nelson, Jay Nardelli, Garry Denk, Mike Dutka, and Dennis Harrison. Below left: Garry Denk Above: John Macready

every building, and in the center of the com plex are a circle of flags, one for each Olympic sport. The athletes continue to train to d o their best, and always lurking in the back of their minds is the knowled ge that they have the cap abilities and the facilities to be the very best.

T-009 $15 SS-209 $25 Football If Gymnastics were any easier it would be called football

Other permanent residents currently at the OTC include Mike Dutka, Lou Dahlio, Marshall N elson, Jay Nardelli and Andrew Pileggi. Brant's goal now is to put members on the World and Olympic Teams. To become a resid ent athlete, a gymnast must have som e national team experience and be accepted by USA Gymnas tics and the USOTC. Younger gymnasts are accepted if they are very talented developm entally. The athletes are reviewed every six m onths to d etermine if their p rogress permits them to stay. All athletes receive room and board , uniforms and travel expenses fo r the senior athletes. The younger gymnas ts attend Palmer High School, w hile the older ones get tuition and books paid at the University of Colorad o, if they choose to take classes. The OTC group is made up of highly intense and focused ind ividuals. The athletes walk arou nd d ressed in USA attire, the Olympic rings seem to be plas tered on


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by Rallionna Robinson

The duo of Amy Chow and Dominique Dawes led the U.S. women to victory over the Ukraine at the 1995 Budget Rent a Car Gymnastics Invitational; however, 1989 World Champion Igor Korobchinski excelled as the Ukrainian men defeated the U.S. team led by John Roethl isberger. Chow captured the all-around title in front of her hometown crowd at the San Jose Arena in San Jose, Calif., while Dawes took second, only 0.075 behind. Ukraine's Anna Mirgordskaya finished third. Chow enjoyed the victory in front of family and friends, saying, "It was great! I got a lot of support." When asked if Dawes realized the competition would be mainly between Chow and her, she replied, "I came in thinking this was a meet against the Ukraine. I like team competitions better (than individual competitions); I like putting the team first and then myself." Mary Beth Arnold finished fourth for the U.S. women . Chow, Dawes and Arnold were the only Senior National Team Members competing for the U.S. women, and the depth of the U.S . team was apparent as four virtual newcomers stepped up to the plate. Jamie Dantzscher finished seventh, wh ile the other juniors, Alexis Brion, Gail Kachura and Kinsey Rowe gave strong performances but did not compete in all four events. Korobchinski captured the all-around gold medal for the men, followed by Roethlisberger, who finished only 0.500 behind. Ukraine's Oleg Kosiak took third.


Korobchinski commented on nian men's team, saying, "I hope that (1995 World Championships) Ukraine does good. I hope we earn a medal, gold, silver or bronze." He also has his sights set on the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. When asked what motivates him to still compete, he explained, "I want to be in Atlanta, and now I've competed. I need many competitions to prepare for Atlanta." When asked how he adjusts his competitive style for a team competition, Roethlisberger replied, "I'm always withdrawn when I compete, but you can't completely do that in a team competition. You have to stay balanced, keeping track of teammates and helping them out." The U.S. men, who competed without team member Rob Kieffer due to an injury, also took fifth through ninth place in the all-around. JJ

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SCORE MASTER is a very easy-to-use team and meet management system. SCORE MASTER provides individual and team results for compulsory and/ ar aptianal meets. This system is used in over 40 states at the lacal, section, state, regional, national and international levels. Graph and report team and individual scores over an entire season. This menu-driven system comes with an on路line tutorial and complete documentation. For more info contact Mahoney Systems, P.O. Box 31421 , Charlotte, NC 28231 -1421 , (704) 552-7035.

Elite Class, Meet &Athlete Trainer Software. Quick access ta ledgers, classes and customer records. Import and export capabilities, tracks your athlete's training, class progress reports, birthday reservations, tracks inquiries, instructor schedules and performance reports, online help, dates each day an the roll sheets, password protection, form letters, sales reports, aged accounts receivables, deposit slips, works with windaws, sales and enrollment graphs, network and much more. Order now or ask for a 525.00 trial program. 5795 or make monthly payments. 1-800-988-8587, 3957 West 18th, Eugene, OR 97402.

Maryland Gym for sale. Between D.C. and Baltimare. 545K dawn + owner financing. 15,000 sq. It., modern equipment, 21 year aid business, over 1,000 students with Bus program, Sport Acro, Power Tumbling, Boys Team. Call (410) 381-0766 or/ax (B09) 494-6657. Gym for sale. Located in Tennessee, a fully equipped gym. 350 students (preschool, recreational, cheerleading classes). Competitive girls Levels 4-B. Ten years in business and in a growing city. Call (615) 982-7045. EZScore-V2.4 Gymnastics Scoring Software. Professionally designed, feature packed, no nonsense, stand-alone '(' program designed for PC/Windows, MAC, Amiga, and more. EZScore is limited only by your machine's memory. EZScore does what you need: premeet assistance (rotations, rosters), quick/ easy (simple) meet data entry, instant standings, award labels, announcer sheets, various reports, on-line help, and more. Documentation included. Only 520.00 shareware registration plus S6/ disk, P&H. (inquiries send SASE.) Registered user upgrades 56/ disk, P&H. Specify machine/ disk. Write: Tim McCoy, 1442 Kingston Dr., Escondido, CA 92027. RABBIT SCORES-Superfast scoring pragram for PC, compatibles, and alsa for MAC! Used at all levels, many state and regional meets, American Classic and U.S. Classic Nationals. Easy-to-use, forgiving menu/ windows. Unique features save work, prevent errors. Says Melody Childers, scoring chairman for the 1500-competitor Buckeye Classic: "With 8 sessions, 5 computers, and over 30 volunteer operators, I can say positively that learning Rabbit Scores is easy. Everyone was delighted with the convenient occess into all the program areas ... a wonderful program." Not satisfied with your current score keeping? Check out Rabbit Scores' speed and agility. Our users come to expect their meets to run smoothly and finish without delay. One coach even said she picks her "away" meets at gyms which use Rabbit Scores because she knows they'll be done on time. Features: Shows rankings during scoring; clean, easy-to-read results okay for USAG; award labels; flexible age/skill divisions combinable for team, etc. Can set Rhythmic, Men's. ForPC, AT,etc.: 5112.95ppd. ForMAC+, etc.: 5167.95. PC, AT "Double" version: 5154.95. J.D. Hopper, Box 2782, Stanford, CA 94309, (415) 494-1705. GET AJUMP START ON YOUR FALL SESSIONS and let Class Control do it far yau easy-to-use, complete Class Management and A/ R software package. Class Control will automate and manage: registration, family groupings, class sizes, class transfers including charge adjustments, schedules, instructors, discounts (5/% ), payments, bank debits, overdue payments and much more! All thisplus startup phone assistance, 90-day satisfaction guarantee for only 5400. Preinstalled School Set-up is also available. For more information, call or write Vaughn Software Services, P.O. Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502, (800) 821-8516. TUMBLING BUS FOR SALE. (Make aGreat Income with aMobile Gym.) Includes: 8'x30' Gym Area, Mailbox Mat, Incline, Step &Balance Mots, two (2) 2'x6' Yellow Floor Mats, 4'x8' &5'x10' Rainbow Colored Flaor Mats, Mini-Tramp, Rings, Climbing Rope, ten (10) Multi-colar Gym Balls, Walls and Floor are Padded and Carpeted, Shelving Units, Electric Heaters, two (2) Fire Extinguishers, 4600 Watt Caleman Generator with Custom Caver, Electrical Outlets, Just Painted, 74 Bluebird Ford. Call (308) 452-3665 for pictures and more information. If no answer, leave message. 101 WAYS TO INCREASE CLASS ENROLLMENT AND CLUB PROFITA8ILITY. Free yourself from the struggle of meeting monthly bills. Give yourself more time so you can just coach. Within the pages of this book are more than one hundred ideas that show you how to fill your classes to copacity and develop other profit making ideas for yaur IICA

4 V . . . . AC'I'.I"C

POSITION AVAIlABLE 8rown's Gymnastics seeking full-time and part-time experienced coaches for our recreational and team programs at Brown's Gymnastics of Houston and Brown's Gymnastics af Orlando. Brown's Gymnastics offers the largest and best equipped facilities in the USA. Administrative positions also available. Send resume ta: Brown's Gymnastics, 740 Orange Avenue, Altamante Springs, FL 32714. Rapidly growing gymnastics facility seeks part-time and full-time instructors and coaches. 10,000 sq. It. gym, 1200 plus students. Head Coach needed for team Levels 4-8 girls and boys Levels 5-6. Positions available immediately and for September 1995. Competitive salary and benefits available. Please contact lissette Rios, 515 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605. (914) 949-6227 or fax resume to (914) 949-8903. COME GROW WITH US! You have to see us to believe us. One of the finest equipped teaching facilities in the MIDWEST. 11 ,500 square foot gym offers Preschool to Level 10. Congenial coaching staff and management. Employee kitchen and lounge. We are looking for a few permanent and part-time coaches to work ALL LEVELS. 1,200 students enrolled now. Good salaries and benefits offered to FULLTIME staff. Positions available immediately. Call Wendy (708) 3936693 or write: MIDWEST ACADEMY OF GYMNASTICS, 29Wll0 Butterfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555. Atlanta-BOYS AND GIRLS TEAM COACHING POSITION AVAILABLE. We are located in Fayetteville, Georgia, just south of Atlanta. Coach must have experience with upper level gymnasts as well as the ability to oversee progressive classes. We have a comprehensive gymnastics program which needs an enthusiastic coach who can work well with boys and girls classes. Also loaking for QUALIFIED CLASS COACHES. The salary is negotiable based an experience. Please send your resume to Gym South afGymnastics, 119 N. 85 Parkway, Fayetteville, GA 30214. (404) 461 -5528 or/ax at (404) 461 -0955. HEAD COACH COMBINATION GYM MANAGER. Design the pragram and gym af your dreams from the ground up. Layout the gym, hire the staff, with ownership contract in five years. Yaur positive attitude, caaching skills beginners to Level 8 optionals, is your investment. Rising Star Gymnastics is located in a resort area of Southern New Mexico. Your program must be based on positive reinforcement. Salary, benefits, bonuses commensurate with ability. Send resume to P.O. Box 1120, Elephant Butte, NM 87935. Anon-profit organization, we care about kids. COACH: Boy's FULL-TIME: Fantastic! Excellent! THE position. Career opportunity as a gymnastics coach! Excellent salary with paid vacations, majar medical with dental. Extras, Teach bays classes through Team. Must have a B.S. in Physical Education, Educatian, or similar field. Beautiful New Hampshire locatian. Call Judy Shenk at (603) 889-8092 or send resume to Gymnastics Village, 13 Caldwell Drive, Amherst, NH 03031. GIRLS' COACH-CHOREOGRAPHER-INSTRUaOR. Come and join our talented group of staff members. Work with gymnasts from class to team and specialize in beam and floor. We are located in southern New Hampshire just an hour outside of Boston. Applicant must have a B.S. in Physical Education, Education, or related field. Excellent salary with paid vacations, and medical and dental insurance. Call Judy Shenk at (603) 889-8092 orsend resume to Gymnastics Village, 13 Caldwell Drive, Amherst, NH 03031.

PRESCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED-experience in children's movement/ gymnastics a must, CPR &Safety Certified a plus. Great potential for management advancement. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Location is the New Hampshire Academy of Artistic Gymnastics. One hour from Boston, MA & ane hour from White Mountains. Person should be willing to travel. Send resume ta: 67 Winnicut Rd., No. Hampton, NH 03862. Positions Available: Far full and part-time men and women coaches. We're lacated in Clear Lake area by the Johnson Space Center. Rapidly expanding new gym seeking enthusiastic, highly motivated, experienced individuals who can work with accelerated preschool classes through competitive team. Immediate openings for both positions. Send resume to Loba Gymnastics, 2500 Falcon Pass, Houston, TX 77062, or fax (713) 486-0930, attn: Tami Richardson Jaso. NEW ENGLAND! SOUTH OF BOSTON. Gymnastics instructors/director. Salary commensurate with experience. Good pay. We have a very strong girls program- great summer program. Looking for an enthusiastic/ experienced coach willing to coach all levels. Directors needed for: Levels 1-4/ Levels 5& 6. We are in need of coaches who want to make this sport their livelihood. Resumes or calls welcome anytime! Write or call David Chasnov (617) 934-5145, P.O. Box 2607, Duxbury, MA 02331. Bonuses and incentives! Prafessional! experienced, motivated individuals preferred.



FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY! WINGS' Gymnastics & Fitness of incredible Boise, Idaho, has a unique position for a Career-Oriented Team Coach. 35,000 sq. It. facility features Gymnastics (2 gyms), Dance, karate, cheerleading, swimming, indoor rock climbing, indoor playground, sports camps, miniature golf, pro shop and consulting services. Priority given to coach of both competitive Girls and Boys. Qualified applicants will be mature, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and consistent. Don't bother to apply if you are not into positive motivation, or if you refuse to see the business side of teom operations. Submit resume and photo (completely canfidential) to WINGS, c/ o Frank Sahlein, 1875 Century Way, Boise, Idaho 83709, or call (208) 376-3641. Looking for BEAM-flOOR COACH (not necessarily female). Must teach classes, work in developmental program, caach Levels 5-1 O. If you're enthusiastic with a strong desire to reach the top, this is the gym for you. CLASS INSTRuaORS NEEDED-Ioaking for instructors who can coach up to Level 4 and want to learn to coach higher levels. PRESCHOOL DIREOOR NEEDED-must love kids and have high energy. If you want your own program, here it is. Send resume to: P.O. Box 3415, Danbury, a 06813. COME COACH ON BEAUTIFUL MARTHA'S VINEYARD ISLAND!! Summer camp and year-round positions available immediately for gymnastics instructors and coaches for preschool thraugh girl's USAG Level 8. Small, personal, well-eqUipped gym with 200 eager young students. Room and board could be available to the right individual. Knowledgeable, experienced, health-conscious and motivated. Nonsmoking a plus! Extended haurs could include meet scheduling and some office work, otherwise all positions part-time only. Pay negotiable. Call or write: Beth Goodell, Island Gymnastics Training Center, P.O. Box 512, West Tisbury, MA 02575, (508) 693-8358. Girls Campetitive Team Coach/ lnstructar, Levels 1-10. We are looking for an experienced Dance/ Balance Beam Coach/ Choreagrapher-should be knawledgeable of compulsories and rules at all levels for our nationally competitive girls team. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Mail resume to: Wilton Academy, 2248 Route 9 South, Howell, NJ 07731 , ar call Julie at (908) 462-2079. Head Coach through Level 10. Camplete 11 ,200 sq. ft. facility. Seeking experienced optional level coach with excellent spotting, training and people skills. 15-20 hours strictly Team if desired. Fulltime, benefits and managerial positions as well for qualified candidate. Camplete program, boys and girls from two year olds to adult fitness and Seniors. Lacated in upstate New York. Beautiful, scenic village 20 minutes from Buffalo. Close to universities, skiing, Canada and major sports. Send resume to Summit Gymnastics, 941 Maple Street, Elma, NY 14059, or call (716) 652-5334. Full and part-time positions available including GIRLS TEAM COACH (Levels 1-10). Must be positive, motivated, reliable and energetic IIIIY/t..IIr.IIST

lQQ .~




with strong spoiling skills. Competitive salary and benefits based on experience. Please contact Jane Riley at (617) 469-4911 , or send resume to Charles River Gymnastics, 231 Rivermoor Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132. Position Available: "The Last Best Place," Montana, full-time coach/ instructor girls program. Excellent opportunity to develop optional program in an established, well equipped gym. Benefits available. For details call: Wally Price (406) 259-2237. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Energetic, orga· nized, and positive teachers needed to teach preschool through elite. Full·time and part-time positions available at 01) three locations in northern Virginia. Several positions available. Special need for male coach. Please send resume to: Milan Stanovich, 5581 Guinea Road, Fairfax, VA 22032. Call for more information: (703) 323-0088. FEMALE FLOOR/BEAM COACH WANTED. Louisville Gymnastics, 10coted in beautiful Louisville, Kentucky, has an opening for on experienced, proven female beam and floor coach. Must have extensive knowledge of the intricacies of the USAG compulsory Levels 4-7. Optional experience a definite plus but not a musl. Send resume to: Louisville Gymnastics, 3600 Chamberlain Lane, Suite 210, Louisville, KY 40241. (502) 426-2214. Coaches/Teachers/Directors for thriving gymnastics center. Must be well rounded in all areas, dasses (beginners) through team. Ability to coach upper levels a must. Please send resume for consideration to: Spectrum, P.O. Box 169, Baptistown, NJ 08803. COACHES/ INSTRuaORS. Looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic individuals to work with gymnastics dasses and boys and girls competitive teams in an established program with over 1,400 students in a state·of-the·art29,400 sq. h. facility with a multi-sport program. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume, references, and picture to: Sunrise Gymnastics Academy, P.O. Box 69, Sylvania, OH 43560. Olympia, Washington area gymnastics center is looking for experienced FLOOR/ BEAM COACH/CHOREOGRAPHER. Must have strong dance background, knowledge of proper technique plus compulsory and optional rules. Send resume or inquiries to: Black Hills Gymnastics, 2535 Crites St., SW, Tumwater, WA 98512, (360) 943-6211. Position Available: GYMNASTICS COACH. Qualities needed: strong spoiler on unevens, tumbling, and vaulting; positive, motivated and energetic; and willing to work with all aspects of the program. Send resume to: Feigley's School of Gymnastics (The Bridgelles), 4475 S. Clinton Avenue, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, (908) 561-8888. BOY'SPROGRAM DIREaOR/ COACH. Gymnastics Academy of Rockford is currently seeking an enthusiastic, responsible coach to expand our dass program and develop an Optional Level Boys Team. Our 20 year history of excellence and our 17,500 sq. It. facility located in northern Illinois (60 minutes from Chicago) is ready for you. Salaried position with benefits and incentives. Send/fax resume to: Gymnastics Academy of Rockford, Alln: Jim Aamodt, 6630 Springbrook Rd., Rockford, IL 61114, (815) 654-3867, fax (815) 654-8785. BEAM/ FLOOR COACH. Gymnastics Academy of Rockford is currently seeking an enthusiastic and responsible individual to coach Levels 6Elite. Our 20 year history of excellence and our 17,500 sq. It. facility located in northern Illinois (60 minutes from Chicago) is ready for you. Position to start immediately, Fl/ PT. Astrong dance/ choreog' raphy background with compulsory and optional rules, knowledge is desirable. Salary commensurate with experience and benefits. Send/ fax resume to: Gymnastics Academy of Rockford, Alln: Jim Aamodt, 6630 Springbrook, Rd., Rockford, lL 61114, (815) 6543867, fax (815) 654·8785. Full and part time positions available, induding boys instructor, girls coach/instructor, development· recreational instructor. Must be positive, energetic, and motivated with spoiling skills: Salary based on experience. Please contact Helga Razey, Gymnastics Plus, 881 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401, (914) 339-2387. EXPERIENCED ADDITIONAL STAFF WANTED. Established, quality gymnastics school on Massachusells South Shore seeks experienced (Levels5-10) team coaches, and recreational instructors for summer


and fall. Full and part-time positions are available. Facility is a fully equipped 10K sq. It. gym, including a 40' tumble trak. We have a fun stall and it is an easy commute. Please apply ASAP to: Gymnastics Plus, Inc., 201 Oak Street, Pembroke, MA 02359, (617) 826-1550. Full and part-time long term positions ore available for experienced and responsible gymnastics coaches. Our many programs indude preschool, girls and boys competitivedevelopment and team, special education, and physical education daISeS. Well established gym school in southern California with several locations. New York City site also available. Broadway oilers the best if you oller the besl. Send or/ax resume and call M. Cates at (310) 450-0012, fax (310) 450-6412. Broadway Gymnastics School, 1657 12th St., Santa Monica, CA 90404. Girls Gymnastics Coach-Beam and Floor choreography a must. Compulsory and optionals, pre-team through Levell O. Full/port. time, sa lory commensurate with experience. Benefits available. Fax resume to Lake Shore Academy, (312) 563-0884, 937 W.Chestnut, Chicago, IL 60622. RECREATIONAL DIRECTOR AND TEAM COACHES NEEDED in Miami, Florida. Join us in our brand new training center, 11 ,000 sq. feet and air conditioned, with a 75 member girls team and 400 students. Recreational Director needed to manage on-going developmental and satellite programs and stall. Girls team coaches are also needed with experience in Levels 2-6. Salary commensurate with experience, benefits and vacation/sick days also included. Gym is under "new" management. Send resume to: Owner, 14266 SW 119 Ave., Miami, FL 33186, or call (305) 238-2337 and leave a message. UNlOUE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. Established and growing gym is searching for talented, dedicated and enthusiastic individuals for employment as (l) Program Director, (2) Gymnastics Coach, and (3) Cheerleading Professional. Our gym oilers a Christian work environment with full·time salary based on qualifications, benefits, incentive "bonus" package, paid vacations, and employer support. Responsibilities may indude girls and boys dass gymnastics, team gymnastics, preschool gymnastics, cheerleading, and dance. If you have any or all of the above qualifications, please call or send a resume to: Bill & Shelly Lewis, Gymnastics, Etc., P.O. Box 262, Kerrville, TX 78029, (210) 257-4031.



New Demo Tape (Demo 2) from the Music Tailor. Lots of variety from your favorite pop to classical, including ~ compositions written for floor.

Amy Chow - " Excellent Music. Larry has helped me for years" Diane Amos - (Amy Chow's Coach)- Larry takes time with you to get the music right. Reasonable studio Rates -CaU Demo 3 will be out soon. Get your requests in now. Demo 2 - $5 plus $3 shipping/handJing. California Residents add sales tax. Larry Casde - The Music Tailor 1620 Saratoga Ave #279 San Jose, Ca 95129 Telephone 408-374-7777 Fax 408-374-7759

Team Coaches. EnthUSiastic, self-motivated, experienced individuals to coach developmental teams through optionals. Must have good spoiling skills. 14,000 sq. It. facility with inground tramp and pit. Submit resume with references and so lory history to Gymnastic World, 15989 Old u.s. 41 , FI. Myers, FL 33912. Full or Part-Time Head Coach. Southern New Jersey gym looking for responsible, enthusiastic girls team coach for Levels 5-10. The individual applying for Team Coach must have knowledge of compulsory and optional rules, and high level spoiling skills. Salary is negotiable based on experience and qualifications. Those applying send resume or calls welcome. Kips Gymnastics, P.O. Box 261 , Millville, NJ 08332. Phone: (609) 327-5475. HEAD lNSTRUaOR/ PROGRAM DIREaOR. (Artistic program.) Chicago area. New multi-faceted sports complex, training site for USA National RhythmiC Gymnastics Group team. Facility also emphasizes instr.uctional/developmental Artistic Gymnastics. Expanding program is seeking full-time position to oversee program/ stall. A unique and ideal opportunity for the right person to establish and develop a strong program. Salary, benefit package, enrollment incentives negotiable based on experience. Send employment/ salary history to: Elite Sports Complex, c/o John MunoGeneral Manager, 6360 S. Belmont, Downers Grove, IL 60516, (708) 968-2699.

To place a classified ad: $75 every 90 words. Deadline: September/October-july 16; November/December-Sept. 16. Send ad with payment to: USA Gymnastics, Classified Ads, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Ads submitted without payment WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. US4 GYMN4ST'r.S


llyn_ bOl( CATS I.. Cho.lro, Co••oeIIeut



Here are a few important drills to help develop a strong and powerful front handspring vault.




Practice controlled sprints Start out with slow and medium speed and develop into full speed. Run in place with elostic tubing oround gymnast's waist to create resistance. leon slightly forward to keep tension on elastic. (Pictured above)

Practice standing in place and circling arms from on upward position to backward downward position and then forward upward. Make this motion smooth, but forceful. Apply arm swing with hurdle from one or two steps and hit the board. Keep the strong arm swing close to the body.





Katie Teft muscles up to 1992 Olympian Mark Henry at the 1995 Pan American Games in Mar del Plata, Argentina.


3. A.


HEEL LIFT lie over the horse with orms holding underneoth, lift heels over heod severoltimes to develop lower bock strength. (Pictured below) lie on the floor rocking bock ond forth, keeping the body os tight os possible in on open hip position (tight orch). When orms go up, legs go down ond vice



Proctice stick drills by jumping off stocked mots (progress to the height of the voulting horse). Flex the knees on oiliondings to obsorb the force of the londing. Mointoin 0 tight body ond strong orm position.

From 0 push up position on the floor with the bock round ond chest hollow, bounce severoltimes forword ond bockword using only the shoulders ond onkles. The orms must remoin extended with honds ond fingers fOcing forword . When the floor blocks ore mostered try the hondstond shoulder blocks from 0 lunge. (Pictured otleft)

From 0 short sprint, hit the boord ond perform o tight, high ond long layout onto 0 skill cushion. (ooches should supervise gymnosts on this drill. (Pictured obove) Hold 0 45 degree hondstond ogoinst 0 woll. This is on isometric exercise thot will help develop totol body tightness.



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vIdeo with the h Ih Benardot USA eo t y athlete in mind ~ 1 • , Lou Retto~ 198~ymnast~cs National Team N~;, Dr. Dan ,..", , , ymplC Gold Medalist IIOmst, and Mary 1 • or athletes: Your . _ Learnhowand whattaeatto~:7:[mAanCeisaHededbyyourdiet , 1 =-_~_---=~-"::=:.J.--:-l wh at ta eat: most .ofnSWers · ' about. th ' your qUest,ans 1 during exercise and ah e tIme, .before exercise 1 CNOLOGICAL '~r parents : exerCIse. ' P5Y 55 VIDEO Th,s Video was de . nd coaches· 1 READI N E n~trition and to :;;ia~ to hduhcate about prope; . dIsorders. n t e azards of eating 1



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eahh and happy alhlel~ to Avideo wtlh Ihe h 0 Yd USA Gymnastics Nallonal mind ...fealuring 0lr. JO~ u I~~nl and Mary lou Renon, leom Span Psycho ogy o~su , 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist. f • lhis video sels the stage or For athl~t~s. een au and your coochesl bener commuOicatlon betw .ynce can be maximized. parents so that your span e~r:~;:d and confident. learn how athletes stay mo hw cI coaches: learn a For parents ~n ent that fosters high self esyou can creat~ .on ebnvd\T~nmge among young athletes. teem and posItive a YIma









JUNE 25 - JUNE 30







N a m e _____________________ _ Address _______________________ _ City __________ State ____ Zi p _____ _ Phone ____________________ _ Lake Owen Gymnastics Camp HC60 Box 60, Cable WI 54821 (715)798-3785

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