Technique Magazine - March 2001

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an official publication of USAGym nastics PUBLISHER

Robert V. Colarossi





FEATURES J.O. Compulsory Balance Beam Changes & Philosophy.


Athlete's Kitchen : Website Nutrition .. .. ..... . ... . .


Mary Lee Tracy on Coaching Elite Gymnastics ...... . ....... . .. . ...... ... .. . 12

Christa Engle USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE OiAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: TIm Dogge"; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Wendy Hilliard; VICE CHAIR TRAMPOliNE: Poul Porillo; SECRETARY: Gary Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMITTU: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froohlich. FIG WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMlffiE: Jackie Re; FIG MEN'S TICHNICAl COMMITTEE: George Becksteod; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Peter Vidmar, Susan True; ATHlm DlREGORS: Chari Knight-Hunter, John Roethlisberger, Vanessa Vander Pluym, Karl Heger; USOC ATHlm DIREGOR: Dominick Minicucci.


200 1



USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Color",si; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; PUBliC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlmC UNION: Mike Stonner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Jerry Jacquin; COllEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION-MEN: Francis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COllEGIATE COAOiES·WOMEH: Gail Davis; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Strawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Carole Ide; NATIONAL COllEGIATE ATHLmC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Doug Von Everen; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Suson True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Butch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: John Brinkworth; u.s. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CLUBS: lance Crowley; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Fred Turol/; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: David Holcumb, Tony Gehman; u.s. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: More Yancey; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COllEGIATE ATHlmC ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: Marie Robbins; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike Bums, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle larson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kathy Ostberg; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kempton, Marsha Weiss; ATHlETE DlREGORS: Vanesso Vander Piuym, chair; Larisso Fontaine, vice chair; Jair lynch, secretary; Dominick Minicucci, USOC Athlete Rep.; Mihoi Bagiu, Brooke Bushnell, Chari Knight Hunter, Amanda Barden, Karl Heger, Christie Hayes, John Raethlisberger; ASSOCIATE DIREGORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lari Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kate Faber-Hickie; U.S. COMPmTlVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howord Schwartz; U.S. SPORTS ACROBATICS FEDERATION, Bonnie Davidson. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In arder to en,ure uninterrupted delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, notice of change of address should be mode eight weeks in advance. For fostest service, please endase your present moiling label. Direct all subscription moil to TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Capital Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send addres, changes to TECHNIQUEc/o USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Capitol Avenue., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE(lSSN 074B-599911USPS 016B721 is published monthly except bimonthly in Sept/Oct and Nov/ Dec by USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 South Copnal Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-50501 or vis» online @ ••• • usa -gYl nast ies . org Periodical postage paid at Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscription prices: U.S.-525 per year; Conodo/ Mexico-54B per year; 011 ather foreign countries-560 per year. If available, back issue singl. capies 54 plus postoge/handling. All reasonable care will b. token, but no responsibility con be assumed for unsolicned material; endose return postage. Copyright 199B by USA Gymnastics and TECHNIQUE. All rights reserved. Printed by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.

Unless expressly laenlifiea 10 Ihe conlrary, all arlicles, s'.'emen's .na views prinlea herein .re .ttribulea solely I. Ihe .ulhor .na USA Gymn.slics expresses no opinion .na .ssumes no responsibllily Ihereof.






Safety Certification Schedule ............ .. .. 48

President's Message .................... .. .. , ....... 4


MELPD Workshop Schedule ............... .. . 1 6

Group Gymna stics Update .......... ... ..... 25

KAT Workshop Schedule .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... . 1 7

Men's Program Update ........ .. ...... .. ... ... 27

Member Service Update .. .................. .. 1 9

Women's Program Update ........ .... ........ 32

Spotlight ........ ........... ........ ... .. ... .... ....... 21

Men's Selection Procedures .............. .. .. 38

What's New? ...... ........ .... .... .. ........ .... .. 24


Classified ........ ......... , ... , .... ........... ....... 46

Trampoline & Tumbl ing Selection Procedures ....... ..................... ...... .. ...... 42

Event Schedule ................ .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. 47

Invitational Li sting ..................... .. ......... 44


www.usa-gymnastics. org



USA Gymnastics is proud to play host to two major international competitions including the Visa American (up in Orlando and the Pontiac American Team Cup in Honolulu. The Visa American Cup is an aLL-around competition featuring 14 Olympians and the Pontiac American Team (up is a triangular competition between the USA, China and Romania. There have been many chaLLenges putting together major international competitions in the first quarter of the new quadrennium due to the rules changes and athlete preparation. In fact, at least three international events have been canceled.


We're proud that USA Gymnastics is able to host these magnificent athletes as they begin preparations for the 2001 World Championships.





As I mentioned in my last editorial, USA Gymnastics conducted summit meetings with each discipline to engage national team coaches and committee members in the development of the quadrennial plan as well as to conduct a forum for suggestions to improve USA Gymnastics. The summit meetings are complete and went very well, with many ideas being unveiled and added to the strategic planning process.


Additionally, Member Club owners have responded to questionnaires requesting their input. The top three items mentioned by Member Club owners to incorporate in the USA Gymnastics strategic plan were 1) National advertising campaign for the sport; 2) Coaches education; and 3) Customer service/satisfaction. It was great receiving feedback from members and we will CUP begin incorporating these suggestions into our business plan .


Honolulu , Hawaii - March 30-31, 2001

On another note, much attention has recently been focused on the USA Gymnastics Foreign Sanction Policy. USA Gymnastics is planning a full review of the Foreign Sanction process to ensure that it is easy to use and in compliance with both the FIG and the Amateur Sports Act. A Task Force has been appointed that will review the current procedures and make suggestions to streamline the process and provide the highest level of customer service to our members. The Task Force will present its proposal for approval at the June Board of Directors meeting. It's not too early to begin thinking about the USA Gymnastics National Congress. The event is scheduled for Philadelphia, Aug. 9-11, in conjunction with the U.S. Gymnastics Championships. Presenters and session topics are being discussed and schedules are being developed. If you have a suggestion for this year's National Congress please submit it to publica tians@usa-gyrnnastics _argo We'd love to hear from you!

President, USA Gymnastics



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Compulsory Balance Beam Changes & Philosphy by Cheryl Jarrett, RJOCC Region 3

LEVELS S&6: DELETE ONE LEAP. TAKE THREE STEPS AND PERFORM ONE LEAP. You will now execute only one large leap. Several factors entered into this decision:

The JO committee would like


Length of routine was too long.


Importance oflearning and perfoming correct leaps-focusing on height and distance in the leap with correct body alignment without being concerned about space or enough room on the beam.

changes on balance beam.


With three (3) steps, coaches can emphasize the run and the long, large steps before the leap.

After coming to the end of the


Need to concentrate on technique of one leap done correctly which will lead to more difficult leaps in the future .

to provide you with some

rationale regarding the

first four-year cycle, it is time to update and make some

changes in the routines. Why? After observing the young athletes over the years and taking into consideration the new changes with optional routines, the JO committee feels it is necessary to try to improve in a few areas. All of these changes have been

For the deletion for the leap in Levels 5 & 6, change your text to read: "Step Left, Right, then take a long quick step ... and only perform one leap. "

iijV41Ii 'llij~i«j;;'W:ill'~rnli: i 'i@'m:illiMj ai'lij('1'h i l[tii: i j :f.ij(IM !tt.ilJ Iii When considering the Level 6 routine, the JO committee felt that the time crunch was causing the Handstand to be rushed. Therefore, the Cartwheel has been deleted. It has been trained in Level 5, and you can continue to incorporate it into training if you choose. The Straight Jump will be performed after the Back walkover. For the deletion of the Cartwheel, change your text to read: "For the Back walkover jump, use the same connection technique as performed using the Cartwheel. Use the same landing and return to releve." After releve, return to the original text. In regards to the text the deletion of the Cartwheel, the routine would change after #9 Squat turn-small jumps. Directly following the two jumps, change text to read: "Extend the legs to a releve stand, with the heel of the right foot against the front of the left foot." Arms: Left arm lifts forward-upward to crown, right arm moves from high to crown. Return to the original text #11 Pivot turns. Start with the second paragraph .... Execute a quick 180 turn ... 0

published in the January 2001 issue of Technique magazine. The changes are effective

These corrections should be simple to understand and make the routines easier. If you have any problems understanding the changes, please feel free to call any JO committee member. Reminder. .. these changes are not in effect until August 1, 2001 so you have plenty oftime to train.

August 1, 2001. -----------------«

TEe H N IOU E • MARCH 2001



Use visual markers on the beam to space the following: the running step, the takeoff for leap, the landing of leap.

a b

Do not stop and hold the arabesque after the leap. l



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Work split leap from a kneeling position. (Ex: If the athlete performs a right leap, lmeel with the left leg in front to drill quickness and push off left leg - swing back leg through to leap.) Using the above drill on the ground, have them leap onto a folded panel mat and land in the middle of the mat.

In need of more ideas? Check out USA Gymnastics' videos. Tammy Biggs has a tape filled with suggestions.

BACK WALKOVER TO STRAIGHT JUMP On beam, standing on right leg, lift left leg to a position described in the compulsory text under "Lever Position" . Step down, arms high, closing the left foot behind the right in releve. Immediately, demi-plie both legs in releve, then execute the straight jump. The heels may lower to execute the jump.


Repeat the same drill from a handstand with a minimum of 150· leg separation, shoulders extended, and focus on the hands. Step down through a lever position into a straight right leg-close left foot behind right in releve. Immediately demi-plie both legs in releve to prepare for the jump. Immediately push off the beam, extending both legs through the hips, knees, ankles, and toes with legs together to execute as a straight jump. The heels may lower to execute the jump.

Remember to keep head in alignment. When stepping down through the lever position, lift the hands up as the back leg lowers to maintain straight body alignment . Best of luck and health this season!


TfC HHIOU E • MA R(H 2001

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• • ntlon By Nancy Clark, MS, RD

\\ec\~es .... ..................

\ s~orts find a \oca .?" "Where can 1. nutritionIst.

If you have questions about food, nutrition, and your sports diet, you can undoubtedly find answers by surting the Web. Some of the information is questionable, however, so here are some sites I recommend for helping you find accurate

....~ecipes .......... .

lOW here Can I

get calorie . about fast f tnformation oods?"

information that helps you eat well for sports and life. l'Where can I get answers to my questions about creatine? pre-exercise eating? sports drinks? the latest sports nutrition news?" The Gatorade Sports Science Institute ( has an excellent website that offers a whole library of accurate sports nutrition information about all topics (not just fluids). You have to register to have access to the information, but the two minutes needed to do so are worth the effort. You'll find abundant information about sports supplements, pre-exercise nutrition, and other topics of interest. If your question has not 8

"I want to learn about creatine, so I did a web search. But there's sooooo much information. Whom do I believe?"

already been answered in the frequently asked questions section, you can even submit it to be answered by an expert sports scientist. The American College of Sports Medicine ( also offers good sports nutrition information. Click on Healthy Activity Update, and use the Current Comments to answer your questions about chromium, creatine, stress fractures, and other topics of popular interest. If you are really into heavy duty sports science, you can get the table of contents (with abstracts) of The Journal of Applied Physiology (http: // Note, there is no www.)Thisinformation may take some effort to digest, but you'll certainly know the current literature!

IIl've always wanted to have a nutrition check-up but feel at a loss for where to find a good sports nu•.....:..: ... ....0.H:'" Help.,II lUI..

You can get the names of local registered dietitians (RD) who specialize in sports nutrition at (the website for the American Dietetic Association). Simply put your zip code into the Find a Dietitian slot, and you'll get a list of names. Contrary to popular beliet this nutrition professional will not "put you on a diet" but rather will answer your questions about food and nutritioI\ and help you reach a realistic weight goal, if weight is an

issue for you. With personalized, professional eating advice, you can successfully enjoy more energy, delay fatigue, and invest in your future health and well being. The site also has a Tip of the Day and a Feature Article that can add to your nutrition knowledge.

"What about salt? Nutrmveet? coffee? bioengineered food?" For answers to your questions about ....__~".:==:;:::: specific foods, go to This website, sponsored by the International Food Information Council, can answer your food questions as well as offer information about nutrition for children, teens & older adults, food safety tips, dental health information-plus more. Simply put a key word (such as sugar) into the Search slot, and you'll get access to several articles that address that issue.

"How many calories are in a Big Mac? a chocolate frosted DlD1kin Donut? a Taco BeD bean bunito?,' Fast food connoisseurs can find nutrition information about their favorite foods at many of the major chain restaurants' websites. If you tend to frequently visit a fast food restaurant, at least educate yourself about what you are eating. Here's a sampling: col1itil1ued on next page

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TECH N IOU E • MA R( H20 01

)}--------------------,-o---. a chocolate frosted glazed donut, 300 calories; a plain mun~ 55 calories, a blueberry muffin, 490. cheese personal pan pizza, 630 calories. You'll have to look hard for the nutrition information on this site; it's hidden under countries/ usaf food/ nutrition information. But it's there: a Big Mac, 590 calories! Best bet, a bean burrito with 370 calories. Remember: Even active people who are trying to lose weight have at least 500 to 600 calories per meal, and 300 to 500 for snacks. Fast food calorie information can help you spend those calories wisely-and perhaps more healthfully!

For more nutrition information, check out:

For more complete calorie-and protein, fat, vitamin and mineralinformation, tap into the government's food data base at / fnic. Oick on Food Composition, then USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, then Search. Write in, let's say banana, and you'll get 41 banana options-more than you'd ever want to know!

~ The USA Gymnastics Athlete

"I struggle with food and weight obsessions. Do any websites offer support to help me trcmsfonn my food fears into better eating?,1

~ The USA Gymnastics National

Because the Internet offers anonymity, many people who struggle with food and weight issues find safe places on the web that offer help and support. For example, at www.somethingfishyorg, you can participate in chats, find solutions to your food fears, use the referral network to find professional counselors and treatment centers in your geographic area, and learn clever mantras such as "Scales are for fish" and "Don't fight your genes, change your jeans." If your life is touched by someone who struggles with food, this site can also teach you how to best help your loved ~~~~___ one.

Wellness Program - includes references to online articles and other health issues. See:

Health Care Referral Network a listing of health care practioners with experience working with athletes including registered dietitians. See:

GOOD BOOKS If you want to buy only one book about nutrition for exercise, this is the one!

www.gurze.comis another good site that can enhance the process of coming to peace with food. This on-line book catalogue offers an excellent assortment of positive self-help reading material. (I highly recommend The Don't Diet, Live-It! Workbook.) This site also links to several other self-help sites.

More than just reCipes, this food guide helps you win with good nutrition.

liMy wife complains I spend too much time on the

Internet.. / I If you are addicted to the Intemet-or for that matter addicted to any other vice (alcohol, exercise, gambling, food, TV)

offers information to help you sort out what's healthy, what's hannful, what's passion, what's obsession. Perhaps it can offer a perspective that will help you better balance your life with appropriate exercise and overall good health.

ALSO AVAILABLE -Audiotape: Dieting Tips for Active People

Ene! osed is $_ _


NanClj Clark, MS, RD, offers nutrition oounseling to recrentiolUll exercisers and oompetitive, oollegiate, professional, and Olympian athletes at her SportsMedicine Brookline office. Her best-selling book, NanClj Clark's Sports Nullition Guidebook, Seoond Edition, offers additiolUll advice. It is lWailable btj sending $20 to Sports Nutrition Services, 830 Boylston St #205, Brookline MA 02467 or via www.naIlCljc/arkrd.oom.


_ _ _

The NYC Marathon Cookbook, $20

Sports Nutrition Guidebook, $20 Both books-$34! Wei,9ht Loss Audiocassette, $11 Brochure on teaching materials

TEe H N I OU E • MARCH 2001



_____ (i ncl udes postage) NameiPhone _ __

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Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Send check to Sports Nutrition Services, 830 Boylston St., Brookline MA 02467 617-795- 1875

- - --

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USA Gymnastics National Congress NATIONAL CONGRESS

USA GYMNASTICS Philadelphia • August 8-11, 2001 Philadelphia, with all it has to offer, will be an excellent site for Congress 2001. A place for the entire family to enjoy the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, China Town, and Boat House Row. Congress will again be presenting more than 12 different tracks offering lectures for all your staff to increase their knowledge. Wednesday, August 8 • Add On's • Business Conference • Educational Courses

*Look for Congress registration information in the next issue of Technique.

Congress Costs Pre-registration Guly 13) .... $205 On-site registration . ... .... $230

Non-Members Pre-registration Guly 13) .... $305 On-site registration .. ..... .. $330

• Special rate of $149 single / double, $169 triple / quad - Book your rooms early and mention USA Gymnastics for this special rate. • The Marriott Hotel is both the host hotel and Congress site. • Convenient location with excellent train, bus and airline services connected to the Gallery Mall in downtown Philadelphia.

Thursday, August 9 - Saturday, August 11 • Congress Sessions • Exhibit Hall • Dance Party

Pro &Instructor Members

Congress Location: Philadelphia Marriott 1201 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215)625-2900

• Eight miles from Philadelphia International Airport with easy train ride from airport to hotel. • Within walking distance to numerous historic and cultural sites. For complete travel arrangements and Congress discounted prices call 1-888-603-8747, fax 1-806-798-9233, or e-mail travel®

Philadelphia's Marriott Hotel, the site of the 2001 National Congress

U.s. Championships .-Er - .. c::c




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Share in the excitement as the best gymnasts in the country compete for the national titles on the road to the 2001 World Championships. August 8-11 Men's Artistic, Jr. & Sr. Women's Artistic, Jr. & Sr. Rhythmic Jr. & Sr.

All Session Tickets • Special package for Congress registrants • Look for ticket information in future issues

The U.S. Championships infonnation on hotel, transportation and schedule will be distributed to qualifying athletes and coaches .

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TECH H IOU f • MA RCH 2001

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ary Lee Tracy has seryed as part of the Olympic coaching staff at the last two Olympic Games in 1996 and 2000. In fact, she was the assistant coach to the 1996 Olympic Team which won the first Olympic Gold medal. She was also the assistant coach in 2000 but withdrew her position when her athlete on the competitive team was injured and could not compete. Mary Lee has coached numerous World and Olympic Team members including her first elite gymnast Amanda Borden plus Jaycie Phelps, Morgan White, Alyssa Beckerman, and Jennie Thompson, just to name afew. 12


Mary Lee owns and operates Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy in Fairfield, Ohio. We were able to talk to Mary Lee about some of her experiences she's learned along the way. Here's what she had to say.


Q: When did you begin coaching elite gymnastics?

A: I began coaching elite gymnastics in 1990. Amanda Borden was my first elite.


Q: Has it been what you expected?

A: Coaching elite gymnastics has been more challenging and more time consuming than I had ever imagined. Coaching at this level has forced me to grow in every area of my life. Because of the time commitments with the athletes, the deep relationships that have formed have been a very fun and rewarding part for me.

Q: What are the pros and cons of coaching elite women's

gymnastics and being in the spotlight? A: Pros 1) Very Challenging 2) Make a difference in an athlete's life 3) Respect from gymnastics community for hard work and commitment 4) Public recognition and fan mail


Cons 1) Extremely time consuming 2) Careful of every word. Controlling intensity during competitive season 3) Under constant critique and criticism 4) Takes time

~ Q: What was it like to be apart of the 1996 Olympic Team success? A: 1996 Gold Medal in Atlanta was definitely a moment in time. Everything came together, all the chemistry was right and it was an experience of a lifetime.

Q: In your opinion what were the factors that contributed to the team's success? A: The desire to work together for the betterment of the entire USA team was so dominant. The athletes and coaches were very experienced and completely believed we could do it and were willing to do whatever it took. The level of excellence and the level of commitment were in balance!

Q: In your opinion what was missing in 1999 and/or 2000 if anything? A: What I listed above in 1996 lacked a little in each area in 2000. This added up to an USA team that wasn't able to maximize its total capabilities.

Q: I know some of your gymnasts participate in the TOP's program and Morgan White was a member of the TOP's National Team. Do you think this contributed to her success in making the 2000 Olympic Team? A: The conditioning in the TOP's program combined with the National Team Physical Abilities Testing both accelerated Morgan's strength development.

Q: Would you discuss the centralized training camps-have they contributed to the success of the USA elite program and if yes, how? A: The camps were a great check up for all of us . It was helpful to see where everyone was at the point of each verification process. The athletes were more self-motivated after they saw their competition. The physical abilities testing and ranking really pushed my athletes to maximize their strength development.

Q: What do you think of Bela's decision to step aside as the National Team Coordinator? A: I have mixed feelings, but when someone in his position has too much controversy from his peers it is hard to create team unity.

Q: In your opinion, can the USA keep up with other countries who live, train, eat, sleep and study together year round in a centralized training program? (such as Russia, Romania and China) A: Yes, we can! With a strong team coordinator to facilitate personal coaches efforts, USA Gymnastics interaction, media, sports psychologists and national staff, etc. we can be very competitive. The USA has the tools to get the job done. We are creating a "training system" that will keep all of us more connected while training in our own gyms. Go USA! -----------------((

TEe HN 10 U E • MARCH 2001

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a lways want the best for

Q: Comment on some of the things you've learned about coaching elite gymnasts along your journey that may help others.

all my gyms.

A: Technical information and training is important but the mental and emotional training and development is what will bring you and your athletes across the final finish line. Organization, short and long term planning is imperative. There are too many pieces of the big puzzle to wing it. Always remember the value and the power of keeping the triangle connected: Parents, Athletes & Coaches.


Q: Things you wish you would have done differently?

A: I wish I would have kept myself a little more balanced so I would have handled certain situations better.


Q: Things you're glad you did?

A: I am glad I could do it and never gave up on my athletes or myself.

~ That's why I switche d ...

A: The new Code will be fine. It adds some challenges yet certain elements and principles are easier. The scores will definitely be lower which I feel is bad for media. I wish the start value would have stayed at a 9.0.

Q: What about the new vaulting table that has been developed by the FIG for both men and women to use? 1know you had one in your gym - how was it?


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A: The new horse will make is easier at competitions where men and women compete together. It was in our gym for a short time and it was different but certainly not impossible to get used to with time. I really feel it is too short of a training period to expect athletes to be comfortable and competitive for the 2001 World Championships. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have changed vault; it has been challenging enough. My hope is that it will make vaulting easier in time.



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Q: How's the new Code? Pros/Cons?

/ \



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Rita Brown, President Brown's Gymnastics Training Centers

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"'ProSchool, "'"'simply the best ""'gym management software-period.

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Q: How do you handle running your business when you're gone for an extended period of time at the Olympic Games or the World Championships? A: My business runs on systems that have been established and tweaked over the years. These systems empower my staff to make decisions and feel confident because of our Purpose Statement and our systems. I also have a wonderful and committed staff!

Q: What was it like for your family/relationships when you were gone for so long? A: My family is very used to the lifestyle elite gymnastics puts on your life. This has been my choice based on my talent and passions. Rachael, my 14-year-old daughter, has traveled with me and, in many ways, has been my assistant and inspiration when I have felt like quitting. My family has been great, too! All five brothers and sisters, along with my parents, are in Cincinnati. rEe H N10 U E • MARCH 2001

) } - - --


Q: How do you keep it all together?

the athletes, meeting new people, seeing the country, and helping make the show come together. It is a nice break from the day to day merry-go-round of life, yet knowing you'll come back to that comfort zone in just two months. It is so much fun! I feel like it is the best reward for all of the hard work and dedication leading up to World and Olympic Games.

A: I am a very organized thinker. I don't know if I could do this if I weren't. I find it to be a fun challenge to see if I can keep it all together and grow as a person at the same time. I read a LOT to educate myself on parenting (which is coaching), management, leadership and selfawareness. I love to learn.

~ Q: Is there ahuge letdown when you return from a "...

Q: What are your future plans?

long trip like the Olympic Games and Tour?

A: Yes, there is a little bit of a letdown because it is back to ~eality! But, that is also the part that makes you happy when It all comes to an end. For me, seeing my daughter, my dog, my house, sleeping in my bed, and using my shower was a huge incentive to return. I also like some consistency in my day to day life that you don't have on the road.


Q: What's it like living on the road for a long period of time?

A: Keep on coaching! I still have a love and passion for the day-to-day training of elite athletes. I have committed to our elite program for another quadrennium, my daughter has said "Go f?r it mom" so I am! I'm going to learn from my past expenences so I can do it even better in the years to co~e: Refueling .and getting back in balance is my first pnonty. I am domg some speaking, auditing the brevet judges' course and doing some fun painting with Rachael in my free time. I still love gymnastics!

A: Touring is an opportunity of a lifetime. I love being with

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TEe HN 10 UE • MARCH 2001

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Clarifications and Reminders , MEMBERSHIP DIVISION Memberships belong to the individual. The membership remains with that specific person for the 12 month time period. The following membership opportunities are available: •

Professional Member (Safety Certification required)

Instructor Member

Gold Medal Club Member

Member Club

Industry Member

Athlete Member

In order to actively participate on the floor at a USA Gymnastics sanctioned event, one must hold a current and valid membership in the Athlete or Professional Membership categories. A 16 or 17 year old may be on the floor if they hold an Instructor Membership and are currently safety certified. This young person may be on the floor as a judge or as an assistant coach. When coaching, they must be in attendance with a professional member coach from the same club.




• Valid for 12 months with the exception of the athlete member whose expiration date is July 31


- -- - - --

- - - - ------j(

Online registration available for renewing Professional, Instructor, Athlete and Associate (Gold Medal Club) memberships.

Online registration for new professional and instructor members available by registering through a club.

Online registration is immediate when all is in order.

Online registration gives you a number and a confirmation.

In-house registration processing time is three to four weeks after receipt in the office.

Processing time may be faster during the nonpeak times.

Membership cards are received four to six weeks after receipt of forms and fees.

Processing for safety courses is three to four weeks after the course materials are received in this office.

In-house rush processing is available for a $25.00 additional fee.


All required signatures are on the forms

Safety certification is current for the professional membership request

The credit card is accepted and approved

The sanction form is fully completed and includes the date of the competition

Proper fees are included with the forms

TECH N IOU E - MA R(H 2001



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Gymnasts Raise $50,OOO! Within the last year more than 30 gymnastics schools across America participated in a national fundraiser called, "Cartwheels for a Cure," They raised over $50,000 for breast cancer research, The contributions were donated to the Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

,ff!if~ ~\,,~,~ ~R.~~

The other gyms throughout the country that participated were: • The Gym-Nest, Inc., Hillsboro, OR

• Tumblebear on Wheels, Miller Woods, Il (J[I./i:iM ' .}.B T~Chtdl'f:If'I"'OSloo~ • Artistic Gymnastic Academy, Roseville, MI "-~ • Go For It USA, N. las Vegas, NV • Flipside Gymnastics, Medway, MA • Recreation USA, Sunbury, PA • Columbia Gymnastics, Ellicott City, MD • Summit Academy of Gymnastics, Ft, Wayne, IN • All American, St. louis, MO Patti Komara of • Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides, Tumblebear Gym and Patti's Tuscaloosa, Al All-American Gymnastics in Dyer, Ind., started the national • Queen City Gymnastics, Cincinnati, OH fundraiser. Komara chose the I !' . IO ,OLlET ST. . z,e.<: 31 2000 DY E U. IN 4(• . n I 1>;\1[ " • Clemmer Gymnastics, Pineville, NC Lynn Sage Founda~on because ';;~ri~ ~~~ Lftltlt Sage t?a.tut ~eJeatd ,?OIiJtda.t~1( $r::ls-:-o,o:-:o~o.oo--'1 • Flip Factory, Pensacola, Il 93% of their dona~ons go to 9<'6r'S' 7t:O«,J4Hd 4 Hd ??v ~oo OOll.ARS breast cancer research. She • Winter & Co. Dance Studio, A Greenville, TN inves~gated many foundations ~ t 2? .... "",.~~ \If\1() Qua.J vetH<:c 'Z "'"~, ... ........c before choosing LSCRF. In • Spirit's Gymnastics, SI. louis, MO 1985, The Lynn Sage Cancer the ball rolling, or, in this Gymnas~cs in Dyer, Indiana • American Stars, Salisbury, NC Research Foundation was (Komara's gym) raised • Arizona Sunrays Gymnastics & case, the cartwheels turning. founded in memory of Lynn $11 ,962.26, but she withdrew Many people gave of their Dance Center, AZ Sage, who died of breast her gym as a prizewinner. The ~me and talent. Sieve Greeley cancer at the age of 39. gym that collected the next • SOKOL, New York, NY of The Digital Delinquent Lynn's ability to endure a sixhighest amount was Sandra • Small Wonders Gymnastics, New made a flyer and developed year struggle with her spirit Castle, IN Childress's gym, Dance and the logo that was used and dignity intact inspired 17 Gym Expressions of Stafford, • Hang Time Fitness, Newberg, OR throughout the year. He also family members and close Va ., raising $4,118.95. made a monetary contribu~on. • Tricks Gymnastics, Granite Bay, CA friends to establish this Congratula~ons to them! Jennifer L ee, formerly of foundation , In the last 14 • Mosely Gymnastics, livingston, TX According to the American USA Gymnastics, wrote a years, the foundation has Cancer Society one in eight • Rita Dixon's Dance and Gymnastics, sample press release, Tumblraised more than $8,2 million liberty, IN women will get breast cancer. Trak donated a Fun-Trak as the and the original group of 17 The majority of customers in a • Gateway Gymnastics, Indianapolis, IN grand prize for the gym that has grown to 95 members gymnas~cs school are young raised the most money, Other • Five Star Gymnastics, Stow, MA serving on five boards. girls and their moms. Komara companies that helped or In the last few years Patti said, 'We wanted to raise • Spirals Gymnastics, Arlington, TX donated money were Leo's has had more than one friend money and awareness of this • American Dreams, Watertown, NY Dancewear of Chicago, Jewel die of the disease, and her devastating disease for our • The Company, Pekin, Il Food stores, Mancino best friend had both breasts customers. We can't bear to nufacturing of PhilaMa removed due to cancer, She think of any of our students • Gym Kids, Dallas, TX delphia, and K wik Kopy knew she wanted to help find without their mom." Let's hope • New England Dance Academy, Printing of Highland, Indiana. Attleboro, MA a cure, She also knew that it the cartwheels tumed here will Patti's only takes one person to get All-American tum up a cure. • The Tumbling Club, Redmond, OR - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------1( TEC H N I OUE • MA R(H 2001 )}----- - -- - - - - - - --=-2-=-'--.1 1960 • • • • ••




I I SeaWorld-Orlando to Host 2001 National ~est & TeamGymn Nationals By Steve Whitlock, USA Gymnastics GG Director U.S. gymnastics clubs will join international clubs at SeaWorld Adventure Park in Orlando, Fla., for the 2001 National GymFest and TeamGymn Nationals, June 22-24. USA Gymnastics has already received inquires from clubs from Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, and Sweden interested in participating in the Gym Fest. "We are excited to work with Sea World-Orlando to host the 2001 National Gym Fest and TeamGymn Nationals," said Steve Whitlock, USA Gymnastics Group Gymnastics Director. "SeaWorld-Orlando offers a wonderful setting for clubs to celebrate and enjoy Group Gymnastics activities." The USA Gym Fest is modeled after the World Gym naestrada that is held every four years in the year preceding the Summer Olympic Games. The next World Gymnaestrada will be in Lisbon, Portugal in 2003. USA Gymnastics hopes to bring a delegation of at least 600 participants.

Practice Balance Beams

Competition Landing Mats

At Gym Fest, clubs perform non-competitive group routines that feature a wide variety of gymnastics activities-artistic gymnastics, rhythmic, aero-sport, sport aerobics, trampoline and tumbling, pyramid building, dance and even cheerleadingtype skills. The 2001 Gym Fest represents the first opportunity for USA Clubs to show what they are preparing for the 2003 World Gymnaestrada.

Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs. Whether you need a single mat for home use, or enough mats to set up an entire gym - quality mats at affordable prices.

The Gala Showcase is the finale of the Gym Fest. This year the Gala will be held on the stage of the spectacular Nautilus Theatre on June 24.

Visit us on the web -

TeamGymn is a competitive version of Group Gymnastics. Clubs compete with a squad of gymnasts in two events. Group Jump includes tumbling, vaulting and mini-trampoline activities. Group Floor features the entire club squad performing a single routine that includes tumbling, balancing, partner work, and dance.

For more information regarding the tentative schedule, registration procedures, costs, travel & accommodations, and program descriptions, see: -info.html. rl~2~2---------------------------~~~~~~M~A~R~(H~2~O~ Ol __)~-----------------------------







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Club Owners, Upgrade your USA Gymnastics Web Site The 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup is coming to Honolulu, Hawaii! The finest gymnasts from the United States, China and Romania will go head to head March 30-31 at 7 p.m. at the Neal Blaisdell Center in Honolulu. Tickets are available at the Neal Blaisdell Box Office at 808-591-2211 or online at Unable to make the trip to Hawaii? The event will be broadcast on NBC Sports on April 7th 4-6 p.m. EST and April 14th 2-4 p.m. EST. Don't miss it!




The "Business" Upgrade package is now available, giving you another option for your club web site. The basic five pages include: 1) Welcome; 2) Programs and Schedules; 3) Staff Information; 4) Contact Us; and Club News. Upgrade Facts:

• The Business Upg rade Package (5-page site) is avai lable NOW. • To Upgrade from your free 1-page site, login to the USA Gymnastics SiteBuilder tool as per normal. On the SiteBuilder/ Web Center page, clicking on "Upgrade/ Downgrade Package" takes you to a window where you can indicate that you want to Upgrade your site. Select the "Business" option. Click ~ L Ll:.. L L..:~... L~~t:~L·~ L~L'

"Done" and you are ready to start editing your 5-page site! • The cost of this Business Package is $19 per month and includes server access using any standard browser, utilization of the USA Gymnastics SiteBuilder tool to edit and update your web site, the standard template design , access to the Site Builder Help Domain, and Level 1 technical support. • Billing is determined by package status on the first of each month. (Upgrade early in the month to get the full month's value). Additional Upgrade Packages wi ll be available early in 2001 to suit the different Internet needs of clubs.

LSl' LLLLL l:..t:Lt~t:

Did you know that USA Gymnastics aired its promotional commercial three times during the broadcast of the Visa American Cup on NBC Sports? The commercial is targeted to the grassroots development of the sport and urges parents to let their children try gymnastics. The commercial lists the USA Gymnastics website address,, which directs parents to a Member Club near them . Owners of Member Clubs suggested through a recent survey that they would like to see more national advertising done on the sport. This is just one step in the right direction!

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)f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

charge of $25 for their USAG Foreign Athlete Membership and that all the necessary forms will be included in their packets.



Whitlock was charged by the Committee to develop all of the information materials related to this event and post them on the USAG / GG web site.


Members Presel1 t:

See: http: // / gg /

Dave Moskovitz Dean Capelotti Steve Whitlock

Chair Member USAG / GG Director

Member Absent: Lori Laznovsky


II. 2001 NATIONAL GYMFEST The 2001 National GymFest and National TeamGymn Championships will be held at SeaWorld in Orlando, June 22-23. Whitlock provided information regarding the SeaWorld Contract and work to date on host hotels. The USAG/GG Committee approved the following: 1)

The general schedule for the GymFest.


The selected hotels and rates for the GymFest gathered by National Travel Services.


The SeaWorld contract and fees.


The fees for participants.


The fact that foreign participants will have an additional

III. USAG/GG COMMITTEE WEB SITE Whitlock described to the Committee a special password protected Web Site that he has initiated for use by the Committee for ongoing communication and discussion. It was APPROVED that the USAGIGG Committee will adopt this site as the official Internet operating environment for our ongoing work.

Addendum to the Minutes (January 30, 2001) In a Strategic Planning Session with the USA Gymnastics Senior Staff members on January 3D, it was recommended and APPROVED that the Activity of General Gymnastics in the U.S. be called "Group Gymnastics." NOTE: All present expressed that this new terminology will better represent our activities in the U.S. and assist those unfamiliar with General Gymnastics in understanding the essential difference between GG and other recognized gymnastics programs, i.e. AcroSports, Men's Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Sport Aerobics, Trampoline & Tumbling, and Women's Artistic Gymnastics.

Curriculum Poster Reward System • Proven Effective in Building Enrollment Retention • Provides a SAFE and Progressive Teaching System • Sets ACHIEVABLE Goals ,---------------, • Motivates Parents and Students RECOGNIZING OUR LICENSEES ... SiHcef997 • Keeps Records a/when Skills are Passed • Valuable/or Measuring Teacher Efficiency

Jeff Lulla is a member of the USAG Preschool Advisory Board and co·author of the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT) course. He is also a USAG National Safety Instructor, an industry consultant, and is a seminar presenter for the USAIGC, and USA Gymnastics . He owns two successful gyms in Southem Califomia.

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TEe H N 10 UE • MARCH 2001

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$200 Video Package includes your choice of any 12 videos

o 2000 John Hancock Championships Sr.- Part 1 o 2000 John Hancock Championships Sr.- Part 2 o 2000 John Hancock Championships Jr.- Part 1 0 2000 John Hancock Championships Jr.- Part 2

All video tapes are shot by amateur photographers and are for educational use only.

o 2000 Pontiac International Team Championships 0

o o 0 0

o o 0

o o o 0

o 0

o o o o o o o

Part 1 2000 Pontiac International Team Championships - Part 2 2001 Visa American Cup 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup 2001 U.S'/American Challenge optionals only 2001 U.S. Classic Sr. - Part 1 2001 U.S. Classic Sr. - Part 2 2001 U.S. Classic Jr. - Part 1 2001 U.S. Classic Jr. - Part 2 2001 National Gymnastics Festival 2001 U.S. Championships Sr. - Part 1 2001 U.S. Championships Sr. - Part 2 2001 U.S. Championships Jr. - Part 1 2001 U.S. Championships Jr. - Part 2 2001 World Championships Training - Part 1 2001 World Championships Training - Part 2 2001 World Championships Prelim tape 2001 World Championships Team Finals 2001 World Championships AA/Event Trials tape 2001 USA/France Meet 2001 USA/Canada Meet 2001 Reese's

Price includes shipping and handling . Allow 6-8 weeks following an event for shipping .

Mail or Fax to:

317-237-5069 Attn : Bob Neat USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave. Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN


---------- ..

Name _______________________

Membership # ___________________________

Address _____________________

City _ _ _ _ __

St. _ _

ZIP_ _ __

Phone _________________________________________ Charge






Exp. Date'--_ _ _ ___


Card # ___________________________________________ Signature of card holder_________________ If paying by check Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics Total amount of check ________

Amount _______

Printed name _____________________



MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES January 16, 2001 Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. Pacific by Chaif Marc Yancey



Members Present: Marc Yancey Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep. George Beckstead FIG Rep. Steve Butcher Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. Tim Daggett Vice-Chair for Men Yoichi Tomita Sr. Coaches Rep. Barry Weiner Sr. Coaches Rep. John Roethlisberger for Chris Waller Athlete's Rep. Mihai Bagiu Athlete's Rep. Butch Zunich NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) Ron Galimore USAG Sr. Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote) Dennis McIntyre USAG Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote) Ron Brant USAG Men's Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

of Points we need to protect our athletes by permitting them to use extra mats. The committee recommended the following: •

FX - additional matting up to 10 cm (includes sting mat)

• • • • •

PH-none SR - additional matting up to 20 cm (10 cm required) V - additional matting up to 20 em (10 cm required) PB - additional matting up to 10 cm (includes sting mat) HB - additional matting up to 20 cm (10 cm required)

There was discussion about having enough mats at the event to cover the need for extra matting. The 20 cm mats under high bar can be moved after release moves during the competition performance, but any mat used on the floor exercise must remain in the same place throughout the routine. Motion to approve the new apparatus matting. Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Mihai Bajui PASSED: Unanimously C.)

Announcement: Ron Galimore noted that the FIG would be making a final decision regarding the use of the new vaulting surface sometime next week.

Ron Galirnore proposed that judging panels sit together for this competition. This means that all three judges would sit at the same table. This should help in insuring the correct start value, an important issue this early in the quadrennium. Butch Zunich reinforced that the B-panel scores must reflect independent thought.


Foreign Athlete Request A foreign athlete, Alexander Artemov, has requested participation in the Winter Cup Challenge. Alexander has been in the USA for more than 5 years. Within a year or two of getting his citizenship, he participated in several J.O. Nationals and Jr. National Team Camps. Many of the committee members felt that Artemov should be permitted to participate in the Winter Cup. Dennis McIntyre felt that we must evaluate these types of situations on a case-by-case basis. Ron Brant also felt that Artemov could benefit the USA program in the long lUn. Mihai Bajui was in a similar situation years ago and later represented our country in the Olympics. Tim Daggett wanted to make sure that the committee's three most important factors were listed when reviewing this situation. They are the level of the gymnast, the process of applying for final US citizenship and the immediate impact to the program.

Motion to permit Alexander Artemov full participation in the 2001 Winter Cup. Motion: Barry Weiner Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously B.)

Ron Brant asked how the judges would handle questions from the coaches. The availability of the NAL's for questions was discussed; however, it was confirmed that all questions at the event would be directed to the Technical Director and Jury of Appeals. At the conclusion of the competition, the Skill Evaluation Committee will deal with all questions. Motion to name Barry Weiner as the interim senior coach on the Skill Evaluation Committee. Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously D.)

Olympians request to participate in the Finals Miles Avery has requested that Blaine Wilson be allowed to bypass the preliminary day of competition and participate in the Winter Cup Finals on Saturday. Ron Brant supports this idea and feels that all of the Olympic gymnasts should be awarded this opportunity.

Motion to permit a1l2000 Olympians to participate in the 2001 Winter Cup with a bye directly to the Finals.

Competition Matting Barry Weiner expressed concern over the matting requirements for Winter Cup. He feels that in the early period of the new Code


Judges at Winter Cup

FEe H N 10 UE •

Motion: Barry Weiner Second: Tim Daggett PASSED: Unanimously MARCH 2001



NTC, with no Team Texaco privileges through the Championships. He will be re-evaluated at that time.

The following three requests have been made:

Motion: Steve Butcher Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

David Henderson - Houston Charlie Jones - Colorado Springs Tony Pilyavsky - Colorado Springs There are several factors that the MPC must consider. The first is the level of the gymnasts and potential impact on our international program. Second, the length of any trial period that could be given. Third, the awarding of Team Texaco status. In discussions about David Henderson, it was mentioned that he has already competed in a senior international competition, the International Team Championships, he has demonstrated superior strength and is at the top end of our Junior National Team.

Mihai Bajui left the call at 10:15 a.n!. Pacific Motion to extend David Henderson full Team Texaco privileges at the Houston Training Center until the u.s. Championships. He will be reevaluated after that period. Motion: Tim Daggett Second: Barry Weiner PASSED: Unanimously Discussions about Charlie Jones brought out that he is presently in a hardship situation with the long commute he makes each day to train and he is in the middle of the Junior National Team ranking. Motion to extend Charlie Jones a trial period at the Colorado Springs


Discussions about Tony Pilyavsky brought out that he was injured at the last Jr. National Team camp, therefore, no MPC and / or NTC coaches have been able to evaluate the current level of this gymnast. Also, the tape provided to the NTC coach was out dated and did not clearly express the current level of this gymnast. Motion to provide a 60-day evaluation at the USOTC so the Head Coach can determine athlete's strength and weaknesses before being accepted into program. This evaluation is from February 25 to May 1, 2001. Motion: Barry Weiner Second: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously

IV. USA GYMNASTICS STRATEGIC OPERATING PLAN Ron Galimore has about one week to present the men's objectives for the USA Gymnastics' Strategic/Operating Plan. The men's objectives will be under the program section and operating guidelines. Ron Brant has produced a document that could assist with the preparation of the men's section. Some of the proposed objectives were: Conduct high performance summits Positioning

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TEe H N IOU E • MARCH 2001


Program for 2004 success Athlete Development Pipeline for 2008 Judges' Participation International Relations Coaches Education

Tim Daggett & Butch Zunich left call at 11 a.m. Pacific



Ron Brant expressed the coaches concern that their athletes be kept together as much as possible at the national level meets. No action was taken on this subject for Winter Cup but changes are possible for the u.s. Championships based on discussions in Las Vegas.

MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES January 22, 2001 Meeting called to order at 5 p.m. Pacific by Chair Marc Yancey


Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.


Members Present:

Next conference call will be on Monday, January 22. Submitted by Steve Butcher, Secretary, USA Gymnastics Men 's Program Committee •

Marc Yancey George Beckstead Steve Butcher Tim Daggett Yoichi Tomita Barry Weiner John Roethlisberger Mihai Bagiu Butch Zunich Ron Galimore

Chair. MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Athlete's Rep. Athlete's Rep. NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) USAG Sr. Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote)

continued on the next page


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USAG Jr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) USAG Men's Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

Dennis McIntyre Ron Brant

most current World Championship Selection Procedures (the 2001 World Championships Selection Procedures will be used in 2001 & 2002, and the 2003 World Championships Selection Procedures will be used in 2003) • 7-10 Rank order AA after the World Championship team selection • 11-12 Rank order AA after the World Championship team selection placed on the team through the following Winter Cup Challenge.

II. SR. NATIONAL TEAM SIZE The subject of national team size was discussed at great length. The consensus was that the team size should be changed from 12 gymnasts back to 14. Ron Brant stated that this should help us to cover all of the international assignments, especially if we have any injuries. It was also mentioned that change in team composition could also affect athlete funding. The committee agreed that team selection should be the same for 2001-2003. Tim Daggett reminded the committee to consider all of the possible scenarios. It is also the goal of the committee to make the selection procedures as easy to understand as possible. Yoichi Tomita felt that the 2001 World Championship Team members should receive the top six places of athlete support. The committee was in agreement. There was a lot of conversation regarding three, four, and five event gymnasts being selected to the national team. The committee also discussed plans to develop a possible team selection procedure for specialists. Motion: New Sr. National Team Selection Procedures The Sr. National Team will be determined at the 2001-2003 U.S. Championships by the following: • 1-4 Rank order All-Around • 5-6 Selected by the MPC & placed on the team according to the

• 13-14 Selected by the MPC and placed on the team for either a 6 month or 1 year period. Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Barry Weiner PASSED: Unanimously

II. SR. NATIONAL TEAM FUNDING The Sr. National Team athletes have requested that the individual athlete funding be based on a percentage of the total funds that are available. The percentages suggested by the athletes to the 2001 U.S. Championships were reviewed. Barry Weiner endorsed the idea of seeking athlete input on funding issues. Motion: To accept the proposed funding plan for January 2001 to the 2001 U.S. Championships and to have athlete reps Bagui and Roethlisberger take the percentage proposal for the period of 2001 U.S. Championships to the 2002 U.S. Championships back to the athletes for their final input. Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously

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Na tional Team Coordinator, Ron Brant, attend th e FIG continental course. They want the Sr. National Team Coordinator to have a complete understanding of the latest FIG rules.

III. NEW BUSINESS A.) Ron Brant corrummicated the need for more money for Sr. National Team visitations. The application of a USOC Grant to allow more visitations was discussed . Ron Galimore said that he would follow up with this request with Bob Colarossi. B.)


Ron Brant proposed a meeting at Winter Cup to discuss skill evaluation and execution standards between the coaches and judges. He suggested two hours with input from both sides. An open forum was recommended . Galimore cautioned that we should be careful about skill evaluations until we observe what the rest of the world is doing. Ron Brant said that it is always better for us to be strict in our application of the rules. One NAL, Brian Meeker has already sought input from the coaches. This also begins to satisfy the Sr. coaches' concern about the evaluation of routines in the upcoming meets.

H.) Steve Butcher will be writing a proposal regarding the addition of six 14-15 year old gymnasts qualifying from the National Qualifier to USA's in 2001.


Barry Weiner announced his resignation as a Sr. Coach Representative on the MPC effecti ve at the Winter Cup Challenge. He is still interested in being on the skill evaluation committee. A replacement will be appointed by the MPC, with input from Ron Brant and Yoichi Tomita. An election will take place at the u.s. Championships for a two-year term. Marc Yancey thanked Barry Weiner for all of his hard work and efforts in the best interest of USA Gymnastics. Members of the committee, including Ron Galimore, also thanked him.


Marc Yancey armounced his resignation as a Junior Coach Representative and Chairman of the MPC effective at the Winter Cup Challenge. A replacement will be appointed by the MPC with input from Dennis McIntyre and Steve Butcher. An election will take place at the U.S. Championships for a Junior Representative that will serve a two-year term. All of the members of the committee thanked Marc Yancey for all of his hard work and dedication to the men's program and all of USA Gymnastics. Ron Galimore echoed their remarks.

George Beckstead has requested a meeting of the Skill Evaluation Committee.

D.) The MPC needs to produce a mechanism for specialists to qualify to the 2001 U.s. Championships. E.)

The NCAA coaches want to know the status of the Dillon Report on men's collegiate gymnastics. Ron Galimore sent each school an assessment on its individual institution.


Yoichi Tomita requested that USAG get support checks to the athletes and coaches in a more timely fashion.

G.) The Sr. coaches expressed their interest in having the Senior

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Pacific

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TEe H H IOU E • MARCH 2001

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Houston, Texas - November 17-18, 2000

Gary gave a report of his committee-related activities to the committee over the past four months.

Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 p.m., Saturday, November 17, 2000.


Participated in the conference calls with the WPC for the selection of judges to the Intercontinental Judges Course and to elect Tom Koll as Chairman after the resignation of Vice Chairman, Joan Gnat. This committee also presented a slate of candidates for Women's Program Board of Directors representatives. They are Kathy Ostberg, David Holcomb, Kelli Hill, Roe Kreutzer. Gary Anderson has been nominated to serve as the Secretary for the Board of Directors and Tom Koll and Linda Chencinski have been nominated for the vacant position of Vice Chairman for Women. These elections will take place in December.


Gary Anderson David McCreary Brad Loan Russ Ward Jim Chudy Mary Lee Tracy Tony Retrosi Jen Bundy Ray Gnat Roe Kreutzer Audrey Schweyer (excused) Tom Koll (excused) Jan Greenhawk (excused) Kathy Kelly (non voting)

Chairman Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII IPCC NETC JOPC ABC WPD


Attended the joint meetings of the JO Committee and the Technical Committee. •

Established monthly column in the Elite Coaches' Association Newsletter.



Gary asked the committee to complete a bio form that he would use in upcoming articles for the Elite Coaches Association Newsletters. He will also send the articles to each Regional Chairman for publication in their regional newsletter.

Bela addressed the committee on the needs for developing strong international competitors. He gave his views and a brief history lesson of the American system along with his vision for the future.

III. ELECTION The committee elected Tony Retrosi by acclamation as the Vice Chairman of the committee.

IV. CORRECTIONS TO THE OPERATING CODE Gary went through the National Elite Program Committee section in both the Rules and Policies and the Operating Code.Gary explained to the committee that all corrections, deletions or additions made would be forwarded as recommendations to the Women's Program Committee for inclusion into the Operating Code.

Motion: Recommendation to accept the recommended changes to the Operating Code. Motion: Jim Chudy Second: Tony Retrosi PASSED Motion:Recommendation to accept the recommended changes to the National Elite Section of the Rules and Policies.

Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Jen Bundy PASSED Gary asked the committee to complete and return a form identifying their regional elite committee.

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The most successful periods in USA Gymnastics history were when the country had at least one strong club producing a core group of national team members. During this last quad, the difference was not that the efforts were less, but they were not united, nor was one club able to individually produce the core group. Our athletes are powerful and the coaches are working hard, but they could not deliver the best results. The difference in the athletes' preparation caused us to not maximize our potential. Individual success only happens by the success of the team. Under the system we have operated under for years, we have never given the proper authority to require adherence to a plan and a program. He reminded the committee that our clubs are still healthy and strong because of the efforts of the national team coaches and athletes who participated in the best, most exciting U.S. Championships and Olympic Trials. Bela told the committee that although he was disappointed in some of the situations that we faced in Australia, he was proud of the team's performance and the improvements that were made over the eight month preparation period. He asked the committee to support the success of individual clubs, but that a major success requires the coordination of a national program, beginning with the national TOPS program and the National Level Program. We must build a system for success and pull together all the coaches and athletes into an organized national program. He was proud that two senior athletes from the National Camp were just included into the January international level camp and can now receive more assistance in their development. Bela expressed his great expectations for 2003 World Championships because of the willingness of the coaches and the number of talented juniors attending the camps. A strong finish in 2003 will open the door to any possibilities in 2004. We must work together with a common goal under an organized national program to gain this opportunity.

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Gary thanked Bela and asked the committee to consider, assist and support forming a national system so when athletes reach the national team level the system will not seem alien or seemingly detrimental to them. A national system and athlete development pipeline should serve as a great educational tool for the coaches as well, especially those at the TOPS and the National Elite Level.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.lIl., Sunday, Novell1ber 18, 2000. Meeting reconvened at 8:30 a.II1., Sunday, Novell1ber 18,2000.


geared toward Level I-IV and held in conjunction with the 2001 US Challenge in June.

X. QUALIFICATION Motion: Recommendation that all qualifying scores must come from Regional Elite Qualifying Meets and not Regional Camps or Clinics. These meets may be a sanctioned for any combination of testing and / or optionals. Motion: Russ Ward Second: Brad Loan PASSED

STATEMENT: The committee continues to support the ideal of the TOP athletes competing in the JO Program along with their TOPS participation. Gary Warren stated that abou t 1500 athletes tested nationally. 300 qualified to national testing fro m 106 clubs. Sixty-seven qualified to the TOPS National Team for 42 different clubs. Gary Warren explained some of the changes that will be implemented at the upcoming TOPS National Team Training Camp. Motion: Recommendation for Gary Warren to work with the National Coaching Staff and bring back to this committee any recommended changes to the TOPS program. Motion: Jim Chudy Second: Jen Bundy PASSED

Motion: Recommendation to accept the elite qualification chart as amended (see chart). Motion: Tony Retrosi Second: Jim Chudy PASSED

XI. Motion: Recommendation that a sting mat may be placed on the top of the horse for performing the Yurchenko vaults in the Elite-testing program. Motion: David McCreary Second: Ray Gnat PASSED

Motion: Recommendation that the office explore the possibility of offering a second tier of the current highly successful TOPS Training Camp, to provide this opportunity to more athletes, even if it would be of some cost. Motion: Tony Retrosi Second: Ray Gant PASSED


Motion: Recommendation that for regional elite qualifying meets and the Challenge competitions, the vault landing area may be over a pit provided that there is a firm landing and the relationship between the top of the horse and the top of the landing mats maintains the integrity of the event. Motion: Russ Ward Second: Jen Bundy PASSED

Motion: Recommendation that the National Staff's proposal for changes to the National Testing Program be fully supported unchanged and implemented. The committee requested that the staff be available to provide the rationale for the developmental aspects of these changes at the upcoming Regional Camps. (A video will be done at camp).

Motion: Recommendation that all scores after March 1, 2001 (compulsory test scores and optionals) be allowed to count toward qualifying to a Challenge Meet in the year 2001, unless a gymnast returns to the JO Program, which would void all their earned Elite Scores.

Motion: David McCreary Second: Brad Loan PASSED

Motion: Jen Bundy Second: Ray Gnat PASSED

Motion: Recommendation that a new compulsory video be filmed at the December TOPS camp and that the new changes will be incorporated into the National Elite Testing Program as of March 1st. Motion: Tony Retrosi Second: Brad Loan PASSED Motion: Recommendation that the evaluation of the National Testing Program be judged by a national staff member and a properly rated official at each of the Challenge and the Gym Festival. Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Ray Gnat PASSED

USA teams won both team competitions this fall (USA vs France and USA / China / Romania). Carley Patterson placed 2nd AA to the Jr. European Champion in the TOP GYM Meet in Belgium. Congrahtlations. Gary announced that the next meeting would be at the US Classic Meet in July. He thanked the committee for their efforts in completing the long, aggressive agenda this weekend.

IX. HPCS Kathy informed the committee of the plans for the HPCS. It will be


XII. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM REPORT Roe reported on the work that is being done by the IPC regarding the reorganization of the program. The committee will be recommending a stmcture for the next quadrennium.

The meeting was adjoumed at 3:30 p.m.

FEe H N 10 U E • MARCH 2001



Meeting reconvened at 5 p.m.

Houston, Texas - January 7-11, 2001 Meeting convened at 8:30 a.m.


Motion: Recommendation that the Age Divisions for the International Level for the 2001 season will be:


Roe Kreutzer Kelli Hill Donna Strauss Steve Rybacki Mary Lee Tracy Valeri Liukin Chari Hunter Kathy Kelly

Chairman Coaches' Representative Coaches' Representative Coaches' Representative Coaches' Representative Coaches' Representative Athlete Representative Senior Director Women's Program

Guests: Bill Stauss Don Peters Bill Sands TomKoll

National Team Coach National Team Coach Director Research & Development Vice President for Women

Roe opened the meeting with a history of the first year of the new quadrennium. This meeting is very important to the future of USA Gymnastics. There will always be difficulties connected with major international competitions (Worlds and Olympics). Our task is to learn from the previous challenges and improve the situation for the future for the athletes and the coaches.

II. PROGRAM REVIEW Awards Motion: Recommendation to award the top eight places for the AllAround and Individual Events for Classics and above competitions. Motion: Donna Strauss Second: Kelli Hill PASSED

Age Requirements

Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED Motion: Recommendation that the USAG put forth a proposal to the FIG that the age of the Olympic Athletes be 14 years in the Olympic year. (Office is requested to look at the age requirements of other Olympic sports.) Motion: Donna Strauss Second: Kelli Hill PASSED Score Requirements Motion: Recommendation that the qualifying score from Regionals to the 2001 US Classics be 34.5 for Seniors and 33.5 for Juniors. Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Chari Hunter PASSED Motion: Recommendation that for the Seniors, the Olympic Team (8) plus the top 20 athletes in the US Classics meet plus petitions are qualified to U.S. Championships. The regional qualifying score must be attained at the Classics Meet. If the number of 32 is not attained after approved petitions, we will continue to go down in rank order to fill the numbers provided the regional qualifying score has been attained. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED


Motion: Recommendation that any athlete who qualifies and is on site at the Classics Meets will receive an awards jacket.(Challenge Meets will be determined by the NEC). Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second Chari Hunter PASSED Motion: Recommendation that the office facilitate the continuation of the relationship between adidas and Elite GK for the manufacturing of the national team leotards. It is also recommended that for future contract negotiations, the leotards be eliminated from the contract in terms of manufacturing. Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Kelli Hill PASSED

Meeting adjourned at 12 p.m. to attend the Women 's Program Summit. --I= 3 - = 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (

15 and over 12 to 15

Seniors Juniors

Motion: Recommendation that for the Juniors, the top 24 athletes in rank order from the US Classics, plus petitions be qualified to U.S. Championships, provided that the regional qualifying score is attained. Motion: Donna Strauss Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED Competition Rules Motion: Recommendation that Competition I be used for Classics and Day One at Championships for both levels and Competition IV for Day Two for both levels. Motion: Chari Hunter Second: Donna Strauss PASSED

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Fees Motion: Recommendation that the entry fee for US Classics Meet be raised to $100.00. Motion: Valeri Liukin Second: Steve Rybacki PASSED New Vaulting Horse Motion: Recommendation that the office ask legal assistance in communicating to the FIG that an institute of any new equipment must include an 18th month advanced approval and availability to give adequate time for athlete preparation. Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Kelli Hill PASSED

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. to attend the Women 's Program Summit. Meeting reconvened at 8:30 a.m.

III. SPORTS SCIENCE Dr. Sands made a presentation to the committee regarding the support that can be given to the national team via result of specific research. The committee made the following recommendations. Motion: Recommendation that Dr. Sands direct the analysis of the overall physical condition for the National Team Members and make recommendation for physical abilities testing to the IEC and the National Team Coordinator to provide feedback for improvement in skills and optimal work load and injury prevention.

Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Donna Strauss PASSED Motion: Recommendation that a medical director and other specialists be designated by the IEC and utilized to assist the coaches and athletes. The committee will designate these individuals and the area to be addressed. Motion: Steve Rybacki Second: Chari Hunter PASSED

IV. NATIONAL TEAM COORDINATOR The committee drafted a complete plan for the National program and job description for a National Team Coordinator. Both were accepted unanimously by all the national team coaches who were present at the training camp. After meeting with all the national team coaches and Marta Karolyi, all are in agreement with the plan and the job description. The committee made the following recommendations: Motion: Recommendation to accept the plan which includes the Structure and Responsibilities of the IEC in the Operating Code and the Job Description of the National Team Coordinator. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED (Unanimous) Structure of the International Elite Committee 1. International Elite Committee Chairman (Casts a vote only in the case of a tie or acclamation) 2. Four (4)

National Team Coaches elected annua lly at the


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TEe HN 10 UE • MARCH 200 1


Championships 3. Athlete Representative 4. Notional Team Coordinator (ex officio) 5. USA Gymnastics Senior Women's Program Director (ex officio) Responsibilities of the International Elite Committee The Internotional Program Committee members ore obligated to: 1. Support USA Gymnastics, its Rules and Policies, and its programs. 2. Organize and develop the Women's Notional Team and International Program. 3. Govern all aspects of the USA International Elite Program beginning with the Classic Competition. 4. Draft Selection Procedures with the Notional Team Coordinator (with vote) for the Pan American, World Championships and Olympics. 5. Make recommendations to the Notional Elite Program Committee regarding rules and technical matters pertaining to the Elite Regional and Challenge competitions. Motion: Recommendation to the Women's Program Committee to create a new position of FIG Special Advisor within the structure. This position will be available to all committees of the women's program. Motion: Valeri Liukin Second: Donna Strauss PASSED (Unanimous) Motion: Recommendation to the Women's Program Committee to accept the changes to the Operating Code for the International Program Committee, the National Elite Technical Committee, the Athlete Selection Committee and the Judge Selection Committee. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED The Athlete Selection Committee (ASC) The Athlete Selection Committee shall consist of: a. National Team Coordinator (NTC) b. International Elite Committee Chairman (IECC) c. Athlete Representative

The Judges' Selection Committee USC) The Judges' Selection Committee shall consist of: a. Nation al Team Coordinator (NTC) b. International Elite Committee Chairman (IECC) c. National Elite Technical Committee Chairman (NETCC) d. National Technical Committee Chairman (NETC) (exofficio) The National Elite Technical Committee shall consist of: a. National Elite Technical Committee Chairman (NETCC) b. National Technical Committee Chairman (NTCC) c. National Elite Committee Chairman (NECC) or International Elite Committee Chairman (IECC) d. USAG International Technical Consultant DUTIES OF THE ATHLETE SELECTION COMMITTEE (ASC) 1. Make athlete selection for all International competitions. 2. In conjunction with the National Elite Technical Committee Chairman (NETCC), review and make decisions on all athlete petitions to Challenge, Classic and U.S. Championships.

DUTIES OF THE INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (IECC) 1. Serves as a vo ting member on the Women's Program Committee, the Athlete Selection Committee, and the Judges' Selection Committee. 2. Be responsible for the activities of the International Elite Committee. 3. Prepare an annual report of the International Elite Committee's activities if requested by the Women's Program Committee Chairman. 4. Prepare and distribute the agenda to the International Elite Committee members at least one month prior to each International Elite Committee meeting. Motion: Recommendation to name Marta Karolyi as the National Team Coordinator.

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DUTIES OF THE NATIONAL ELITE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (NETC) 1. Organize and structure the judging course for National judges. 2. Make recommendation for participants to National Judges Course and National Brevet Courses.

Balance 2000


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) r - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -

Motion: Valeri Liukin Second: Steve Rybacki PASSED (Unanimous)


Second: Steve Rybacki PASSED


Committee discussed the team size and made the following recommendation. Motion: Recommendation that the National Teams selected at U.S. Championships will be 12 Seniors and 16 Juniors. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED Motion: Recommendation that additional opportunities at camp(s) plus the American Classics be provided to qualify to the national team. All athletes competing at Championships who did not qualify to the national team or those who were qualified but injured or ill and unable to compete may select one camp in which to attempt to make the national team (at their own expense).

Motion: Recommendation that the national office explore club support funding for the women's program to be included in 2001 budget based upon available hmds. The IEC will design the distribution system to be implemented for the 2001 year. Motion: Chari Hunter Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED Motion: Recommendation that any prize money won by a pre-NCAA athlete at the American Cup or other international invitational meet is added to the women's program budget to increase our support of the development of our athletes. Motion: Chari Hunter Second: Steve Rybacki PASSED


Motion: Steve Rybacki Second: Valeri Liukin PASSED

Motion: Recommendation that the Athlete's Council reassign the Athlete Rep for the IEe. The committee will forward their recommendations through Chari Hunter.


Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Valerie Liukin PASSED

Recommendation that the national team funding for 2001-2000 be amended as follows: 1-8 Seniors $12,000.00 1-6 Juniors $5,000.00

Roe thanked the committee for all the preparation and hard work throughout the long days of meetings.


Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.

Motion: Valeri Liukin

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• MA RCH 2001

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2. In the event that either of the athletes qualifying for the World University Games by virtue of his finish at the NCAA Championships does not participate as a member of the World University Games team for any reason (including removal or voluntary withdrawal), he will be replaced by the next highest ranked athlete from the NCAA Championships who is a United States citizen.

4. In the event that one of the selected athletes does not participate in the World University Games for any reason (including removal or voluntary withdrawal), he will be replaced by an alternate who is selected by the Selection Committee, in consultation with the coach selected at the NCAA Championships in accordance with Section V.A below, from among the remaining participants at the Qualifying Competition.

3. In the case of a tie in the all-around results, the tie will be broken by choosing the athlete with the higher all-around score attained at the all-around qualifying competition held on the previous day at the NCAA Championships. If a tie still exists, then the highest five event score from the all-around finals will be used to break the tie. If a tie still exists, then the highest four event score from the all-around finals will be used to break the tie, and so on.

5. The selection of the three team members will be completed by the end of the day of the Qualifying Competition and mode known to those athletes selected and their coaches as soon as possible.

Men's Selection Procedures 2001 World University Games August 22 - September 1 Beijing, China

Pending USOC approval. I.


The 2001 World University Games will be held in Beijing, China on August 22-September 1. The team's size and format for the competition includes a five-man team who will participate in team, 011around and individual event sessions. The process for qualifying for the World University Games team involves the following: A. Must be a United States citizen. B. Must meet World University Games eligibility requirements as established by FISU. Anyone wishing to be considered for a World University Games team position, who is not currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a collegiate institution, must submit his intention to tryout for this team, along with proof of graduate student status or proof of registration for an undergraduate program at a collegiate institution to the Senior Director, Men's Program prior to the beginning of the 2001 Men's USA Gymnastics Qualifying Competition to the 2001 U.S. Championships. C. (l) Finish among the top two ranked all-

around athletes who are United States citizens in the all-around finals at the 2001 NCAA Men's Gymnastics Championships ("NCAA Championships"), (2) be among the three athletes selected by the Selection Committee (which consists of the members of the Men's Program Committee), and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics, from the competitors at the Qualifying Competition, or (3) submit a petition to participate as a member of the World University Games team that is approved by the Selection Committee with final approval by the President of USA Gymnastics. II. 2001 NCAA MEN'S GYMNASTICS


A. Qualification to participate in the World University Games: 1. The top two ranked all-around athletes who are United States citizens in the all-around finals of the NCAA Championships will be named to the World University Games team.

B. TIme and Place The Qualifying Competition will be held on June 30, 2001 at a site to be determined by the Men's Program Committee with approval of USA Gymnastics.

B. TIme and Place

The NCAA Championships will be conducted April 5-7, 2001 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. III. 2001 MEN'S USA GYMNASTICS


A. Qualification to participate in the World University Games: 1. The Qualifying Competition is open to all elite gymnasts who wish to qualify for the 2001 U.S. Championships. 2. The Selection Committee, in consultotion with the coach selected at the NCAA Championships in accordance with Section V.Abelow, will select three athletes for the World University Games team from among the participants in the Qualifying Competition who fulfill the requirements listed in Sections LA and I.B above, with final approval by the President of USA Gymnastics. 3. Any athlete who is placed onto the World University Games team through petition by the Selection Committee (with final approval by the President of USA Gymnastics) will occupy one of the three selected team positions, which would leave two athletes to be selected from among the participants at the Qualifying Competition.


TEe H N IOU E • MARCH 2001


A. Petitions to participate as a member of the World University Games team, other than through the competitive process described, will be considered by the Selection Committee with final approval by the President of USA Gymnastics. In order to be considered by the Selection Committee, petitions to participate as a member of the World University Gomes Team must be submitted in writing to USA Gymnastics' national office, attention Senior Director, Men's Program, at the time the athlete becomes aware of his inability to participate in the Qualifying Competition and received by the Senior Director, Men's Program not later than the conclusion of the Qualifying Competition. The petition must state the specific injury, illness or unusual circumstance that prohibited the athlete from participating in the competitive process. In the case of 0 petition based upon an injury or illness, the petition must be accompanied by 0 physician's statement, and the nature and extent of that injury or illness is subject to verification by a neutral doctor selected by USA Gymnastics. B. If an athlete is successful in petitioning directly

onto the World University Games team, that athlete would fill one of the three selected team positions, as described in Section III.A.3 above.

) 1 - - - - - --




- - -- - -



A. Each of the athletes qualifying for the World University Games team by virtue of his finish at the NCAA Championships must name his personal coach. The named personal coach of the highest ranked athlete selected from the NCAA Championships will be named to the World University Games Coaching Staff ("Coaching Staff"). If that coach declines to participate for any reason or, is removed or voluntarily withdraws from the Coaching Staff, the coach of the next highest ranked athlete selected from the NCAA Championships will be named to the Coaching Staff. B. The second coach on the Coaching Staff will be named by the Selection Committee from among the personal coaches of the remaining athletes on the World University Games team. If that coach declines to participate for any reason on, is removed or voluntarily withdraws from the Coaching Staff, the Selection Committee will name a coach from among the personal coaches of the remaining athletes on the World University Games team. C. The Selection Committee will

deSignate the head coach and assistant coach at the same time that the team roster for the World University Games is completed. D. The Selection Committee will name the team leader at the same time that the team roster for the World University Games is completed. The team leader will be someone with proven leadership ability, (preferably) international experience and demonstrated ability to communicate with others. VI. REMOVAL

An athlete or coach may be removed from the World University Games

team or Coaching Staff if (a) he violates the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics, or (b) a training camp is organized for the World University Games team and he fails to attend the training camp for the full duration of the camp. An athlete may be removed from the World University Games team in the event of injury or illness that inhibits peak performance at the World University Games. Verification of injury or illness may be made by two neutral doctors selected by USA Gymnastics and approved by the United States Olympic Committee. Removal of an athlete or coach may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics after consultation with the Men's Program Committee and USA Gymnastics Men's Staff, and an interview with the athlete or coach. Any decisionto remove an athlete or coach is subject to review through USA Gymnastics' Grievance Procedures. In the event an athlete or coach is removed from the World University Games team or Coaching Staff, then an alternate shall be selected in accordance with the procedures identified above. VII. VOLUNTARY WITHDRAWAL FROM THE TEAM

An athlete or coach may voluntarily withdraw from the World University Games team or Coaching Staff for any reason, including election to participate in the Goodwill Games (which conflict in date with the World University Games). Any decision by an athlete or coach to withdraw voluntarily must be submitted in writing to the Senior Director, Men's Program at USA Gymnastics' national office. In the event an athlete or coach voluntarily withdraws from the World University Games team or Coaching Staff, then an alternate shall be selected in accordance with the procedures identified above. VIII.


These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Men's Program Committee and USA Gymnastics.

- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - i (

New Pragram Materials Order an page 40


New PrDgram Malerials OMEN'S PROGRAM #1101

2001 FIG Code of Points ........................................ $50.00

PLease note that the Womens FIG Code of Points is currently on back order. The tentative reLease date is ApriL 1, 2001.

The following materials have been updated for 2001 and will soon be available: #1120

2001 TOPS Manual ................................................$10.00


2001 TO PS Video .................................................. $15.00


Elite Testing Book ................................................ $10.00


Elite Testing Video ................... .............................$10.00


2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00


2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book .............................. $35.00


2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $19.95


2001-2004 National Team Program Video ................$19.95


2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ..............................*$50.00


2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book ..............................$30.00


2001-2004 Technical Book ...................................... $15.00


2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $25.00


2001-2004 JO Compulsory CD ................................ $15.00

*PLease note that this book is currently on back order, but wilL soon be avaiLabLe.


2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................$50.00


2001-2004 JO Program Guide .................................. $30.00


TECH NIO U f • MA R(H 200 1


Educational Materials for Gymnastics Professionals How To Booklets . .............. ... ... ~ch

Now on SALE! Just $10 each

How To Open A Gymnastics Business ...................................•...... .#3607 USA Gymnastics developed this booklet with two goals in mind-to help you determine if starting a dub is the right decision for you, and to improve your chances of success with your new business. (ontents contain business basics, program structure and curriculum, polices and procedures, faciliti es and equipment and developing your business. How To Start A General Gymnastics Program .. ... ... . . . .. . .... .. . . .... .. ......... .#1009 This booklet is greotto get school groups, gymnastics programs, and special interest groups together. This step·by·step proven system offers how to set up a general gymnastics pragram, how to market your new pragram, seHing up curriculum and sample dosses, stoff, education, space and sofety guidelines. How To Organize and Run An Event ... .•... .. . .... ... .......... .... . . .. . ...... .#1100 This booklet was wriHen to help you put together a show, recitol, guest speaker or competition. It gives you tips on dealing with hotel ond car rental agencies as well as specific items needed to run a successful even!. How To Start A Rhythmic Gymnastics Program . .. . . . . . . ....... .' .... . ........... .#1300 This booklet has a step·by·step praven system that offers suggestions on how to set up a rhythmic program, how to market your new program, seHing up curriculum and sample dosses, stoff, education, space ond sofety guidelines. How To Start A Boy's Gymnastics Program .. . .................................... .#1200 This booklet has 0 step·by·step proven system thot offer; how to set up a boy's program, how to market your new progrom, seHing up curriculum and sample dosses, stoff, education, space and safety guidelines. How ta Start a Trampoline & Tumbling Program . ..............................•...• .#2416 This booklet has a step·by·step proven system that offer; how to set up a trompoline & tumbling program, how to market your new pragrom, seHing up curriculum ond somple dosses, stoff, education, space and safety guidelines.

Use this lann la anler

merchandise an pages

39,41, and abave.

NAME ........................................................................................................................................ PHONE ............................................................................. . ADDRESS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..

CITY .................................................................................................................................................................................................... STATE ...................... liP ................................... . GYMNASTICS MEMBERSHIP # ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. CHARGE:







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SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................... ..


SEND ORDERS AND ' Member discount is 10% for MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: apparel & novelties only. USA GYMNASTICS tPro Members receive a 5% LOCKER ROOM discount on books & videos. PO BOX 5562, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46255-5562 OR CALL



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#2609 #2610

#2611 #2612

What is GeneraL Gymnastics? ....... ........... ................ $10.00 This video helps answer the question, What is General Gymnastics? 1997 Swedish TeamGym ........................... ..... ....... .$15.00 This video shows examples of TeamGym competition. 1999 WorLd Gymnaestrada-The USA Experience ........ $15.00 This video is the USA routines from the World Gymnaestrada in Goteborg, Sweden. 1999 World Gymnaestrada-The InternationaL Experience $15 .00 2000 Gym Fest & TeamGym .... ....... ... .. ......... ... ...... $15.00

1999 COMPETITION VIDEOS 'The following videos are available to USA Gymnastics members only.

*#2274 *#2275 #2277

1999 John Hancock NationaL Championships ............ $20.00 1999 WorLd Team Trials .......................................... $20.00 1999 WorLd Championships (3 tapes) ... ...... ... .......... $45.00

2000 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2276 #2278 #2279 #2280

2000 2000 2000 2000

Visa American Cup Series-RCA/ Aussie/Visa Finals .. $15.00 NationaL Championships Jr. Competition .......... $25 .00 NationaL Championships Sr. AA Finals ....... .......$25.00 NationaL Championships Sr. Event Finals .......... $25.00


1999 COMPETITION VIDEOS ' The following videos are available to USA Gymnastics members only.


1999 John Hancock NationaL Championships Juniors (2 tapes) ........ ........... ...............................$25.00 *#2141 1999 John Hancock NationaL Championships Sr. AA Finals ............................. ..... ... .... ............... $20.00 *#2142 1999 John Hancock NationaL Championships Sr. Event Finals ...... .......... .......................... .......... $10.00 *#2143 1999 WorLd Team Trials (2 tapes) ...................... .. .... $25.00

#2370 #2371 #2372


1999 Rhythmic Nationals Jr. Event Finals (2 tapes) .. $15.00 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Sr. Event Finals (2 tapes) ..$15.00 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Group Competition .... ........ $15.00

2000 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2373 2000 Rhythmic ChaLLenge .......................................... $15.00 #2374 2000 Rhythmic JO Championships Levels 7&8 (4 Tapes) ..$50.00 #2375 2000 Rhythmic JO Championships Group Competition .... $15.00

1999 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2144 1999 WorLd Championships Team PreLims & Finals Various Routines (2 Tapes) ............. .. ............................................... $25 .00 #2145 1999 WorLd Championships AA Finals & Event Finals Various Routines (2 Tapes) (Bonus Men's Footage - Floor, Vault & High Bar) .... $25.00

2000 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2146 2000 American Classic Senior Competition (2 Tapes) ...... $25.00 #2147 2000 American Classic Junior Competition (2 Tapes) .... $25.00 #2148 2000 Visa American Cup Series-RCAj Aussie/Visa Finals ..$15.00



Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text ................ $29.95 Rhythmic BaLL Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... $2 5.00


1999 NationaL Championships DoubLe Mini SyncrojTumbLing ..................... ................ ............. $15.00 1999 NationaL Championships TrampoLine ....... .........$15 .00 1999 Wo rLd Championships .................................... $30.00 1999 WorLd Age Group Games ..... ........................... $30.00

All of these videos include a written script.

#2191 #2195 #2192 #2193 #2194

LeveL5 & 6 Judges Training Video (2 tapes) ......... ...$29.95 LeveL 7 Judges Training Video ........ ....... ........... ...... $19 .95 LeveL 8 Judges Training Video ................................ $19.95 LeveL 9 Judges Training Video ......... .. ..................... $19.95 LeveL 10 Judges Training Video .............................. $19.95


J.O. Program Compulsory Video LeveL1-6 ....... ......... $35.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts ......... ......... .. ................................................ $20.00 #2149 Women's NationaL Team Training Warm-Up Video ..... .$15.00 #2498 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Train a Front Handspring SafeLy ............. .......... ...... ......... $20.00 #2499 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Master a Perfect Handstand ......... ...... ...... ......... .......... ......$20.00 #2961 Gheza Pozsar's Ballet Bar Training for Gymnasts ........ $10.00 #2962 BeLa Karo Lyi's Running Training Video ..... ....... ..... ..... $10.00 #2105 #2127

TRAMPOLINE & TUMBLING TRAINING MATERIALS #2402 #2403 #2404 #2405 #2406 #2407 #2408 #2409 #2411

TrampoLine Code of Points BookLet ................... ....... $10.00 Power TumbLing Code of Points BookLet .......... .......... $10.00 DoubLe Mini-TrampoLine Code of Points BookLet ........ $10.00 TrampoLine & TumbLing Jr. Olympic Program Video .... $20.00 Teaching SomersauLts Video ... ................. .............. .. $20.00 Basic TrampoLine - The Beginning Steps Video .......... $20.00 The X- Factor - Twisting for TrampoLine Video ............ $20.00 Front & Back Rotation - The Beginning Steps of FLipping Video .................................................. $20.00 Roundoff, Power HurdLe & Mountain Climber Video .... $20.00 PLEASE NOTE

All USA Gymnastics videos are deSigned to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges. All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur videographers unless otherwise stated. Our Olympic technical videos are presented from one camera angie and show the entire exercise without cuts, close-ups or other effects and enhancements. Except for women's floor exercise. the videos do not have sound. The Adanta Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only.




)>-- - -------------=4-=1-..


of the three events comprising the World Championship Team trials process. Only athletes who have received the qualifying scores are eligible to be named to the USA World Championship Team.

Trampoline and Tumbling Selection Procedures

200 1 World Championships Selection Procedures I. OVERVIEW A. Current USA trampoline & tumbling rules allow competition at the Senior Elite Level by athletes who are age 13 or older in the year of competition. Because trampoline & tumbling World Championship athletes must be age 17 in the year 2001, these selection procedures pertain only to those athletes who are ageeligible. B. The process for qualifying to be a member of the 2001 World Championships Team in individual trampoline, synchronized trampoline, power tumbling and double-mini trampoline includes: 1. Finishing with one of the four highest point totals as calculated at the conclusion of the World Championship Team trials process; and 2. Receiving the qualifying scores; or 3. Submitting a petition to participate as a member of the World Championship Team.


Total Scores and Minimum D. D. Requirements WOMEN


Total Trampoline 103.6 Tumbling 143.8 124.8 Double-Mini 127.6 Synchro

II. 2001 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS A. The USA World Championship Team is the team that will officially represent the United States at the 2001 World Championships. The following sets forth the procedures for the selection of the USA World Championship Team. 1. Eligibility a. Must be a United States citizen. b. Must be 17 years old by December 31, 2001. (Senior elite athletes who are not age-eligible for the USA World Championship Team may compete in the events that comprise the World Championship Team trials process, but their results will not be considered when assigning points as described in Section II.A.2 below.) c. Must be a member of USA Gymnastics in good standing. 2. Selection a. Qualifying scores (1 ) The Elite Program Committee will recommend qualifying scores to the Program Committee for its approval that must be met by the athletes at one rl-=4-=2---------------{(

Total 24.0 101.6 39.4 136.2 10.0 123.2 21.6 125.6



22.0 31.8 8.4 19.6

b. There are three events that comprise the World Championship Team trials process in the year of the World Championships - the two qualifying competitions for the 2001 National Championships and the 2001 National Championships ("Qualifying Events"). (In order to compete at the 2001 National Championships, athletes must qualify for the 2001 National Championships at one of two qualifying competitions by receiving the qualifying scores.) Athletes must compete in at least two of the Qualifying Events to be eligible for the World Championship Team. Points will be awarded based on the place in which each athlete finished at each of those three events as follows: (1) For the first two Qualifying Events (each of the two qualifying competitions for the 2001 National Championships), the first place finisher is awarded 10 points, second place 9 points, third place 8 points, and so on, through tenth place which is awarded one point. Points are only awarded to age-eligible athletes. (2) For the third Qualifying Event (the 2001 National Championships), the first place finisher is awarded 12 points, second place 11 points, third place 10 points, and so on, through 12th place, which is awarded one point. Points are only awarded to age-eligible athletes. No athlete can compete in the third Qualifying Event unless he/she has qualified (by competition or petition) for the 2001 National Championships through the procedures described below TEe H N IOU E • MARCH 2001

in Sections III and IV. (3) For each athlete, the points awarded based on his/her two highest finishes at the three Qualifying Events are added together to determine the point total. In case of a tie, each athlete's two highest raw scores from the three Qualifying Events will be added to determine the winner. If the athletes are still tied, the third raw score from the remaining Qualifying Event will be added to each athlete's total. c. Following the 2001 National Championships, the athletes who finished with the four highest point totals in each of individual trampoline, synchronized trampoline, power tumbling and double-mini trampoline and have received the qualifying scores will be named to the USA World Championship Team. The fifth place athlete as determined by point total in each of individual trampoline, synchronized trampoline, power tumbling and double-mini trampoline will be named as the alternate to the USA World Championship Team provided he/she has met the qualifying score. The alternate will only travel with the World Championship Team in the case of injury, illness, unforeseen circumstances removal or voluntary withdrawal of one of the team members prior to departure for the World Championships. Athletes who finish in sixth place and below as determined by point total are not eligible for the USA World Championship Team unless accepted by petition. d. Athletes may petition to become members of the USA World Championship Team in accordance with the petition procedure described in Section IV below. e. Synchronized trampoline teams must qualify for the USA World Championship Team as a team and not just as individuals.


III. 2001 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS A. Qualification to participate in the National Championships 1. Senior National Team members are

)1 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -


considered qualified to the National Championships in the event{s) in which they were named to the Senior National Team. In other events, they must qualify using the established procedures. 2. An athlete may qualify to participate in the National Championships by earning the required qualifying score at a minimum of one of two qualifying competitions. B. Rules 1. The competition will be conducted using current FIG and USA Gymnastics Trampoline & Tumbling Rules. C. TIme and Place 1. The 2001 National Championships will be conducted in the summer of 2001 in San Antonio, Texas.



A. 2001 World Championships 1. Only Senior Elite athletes who have qualified (by competition or petition) to the current year's National Championships and have satisfied one or more of the following requirements may petition to be placed on the USA World Championship Team without competing in or completing the Qualifying _ _ _~E.vove,!!nt~s~as~d~esll!cr~ibel!l!d~a.!!.\ bo1!!ve!!>-:- - -- a. Placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd at one of the current year's USA National Team Trials in the same event; b. Are members of the current USA Senior National Team in the same event; or c. Placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd at the previous National Championships in the same even!. 2. Before a petition may be granted, the athlete must demonstrate that: a. An illness, injury or other unforeseen circumstance exists which prevents the athlete from competing in or completing one or more of the Qualifying Events; and b. The petition was submitted as soon as the athlete became aware that he/she could not compete in or complete such events. B. 2001 National Championships 1. Only athletes who competed at the 2000 Senior Elite National Championships will be allowed to petition to participate in the 2001 National Championships. 2. Before a petition may be granted, the athlete must demonstrate that: a. An injury, illness or other unforeseen circumstance exists which prevents the athlete from competing in or

completing one or more of the qualifying events; and b. The petition was submitted as soon as the athlete became aware that he/she could not compete in or complete such events. C. Petition Requirements 1. In order to be considered, petitions must be submitted in writing to the Program Office as soon as possible after the athlete determines his or her inability to compete and before the final deadline. Arecent competition history must be included with the petition. 2. The petition must be accompanied by a $25.00 administrative fee. 3. For petitions to the World Championships, an additional $250.00 deposit is required to be used for conference calls or other communication costs associated with the petition. Any unused portion of the deposit will be returned to the athlete at the completion of the petition procedure. 4. The petition must state the specific injury or illness (a medical doctor's certificate is required for illness or injury) or unforeseen circumstance which prohibited the athlete I- -- -fwm-partitipating in-the-team-selection process. D. Each petition as will be considered as expeditiously as possible. 1. Petitions for the World Championships will be decided by the Program Committee. 2. Petitions for the National Championships will be decided by the Program Director with approval from the Elite Program Chair. E. If the petition is approved, the petitioner would replace the athlete finishing with the

fourth highest point total.

V. SELECTION OF THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS COACHES A. Each discipline (trampoline, tumbling and double-mini trampoline) will have one coach. The coaches will be selected by the Program Director with approval from the Program Committee.

VI. REMOVAL A. An athlete or coach may be removed from the World Championship Team if he/she violates the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics. If the selected coach is unable to participate for any reason, including removal or voluntary withdrawal, then another coach will be selected by the Program Director with approval from the Program Committee. B. An athlete may also be removed from the World Championship Team in the event of injury or illness, which inhibits peak performance at the World Championships. Verification of injury or illness may be by a neutral doctor selected by USA Gymnastics. C. Removal may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics after consultation with the Trampoline Program Committee, USA Gymnastics Trampoline Staff and an interview with the athlete or coach. D. Any decision to remove an athlete or coach is subject to review through USA Gymnastics Grievance Procedures.

VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Trampoline Program Committee, and USA Gymnastics.

I• I•

I• I•


FEe H N 10 Uf •

MARCH 2001

)>--- -- - - - - - - -- --4 -==-31

MEMBER ALASKA Event Nome - Invitational Event Site -3330 Arctic Blvd. Ste WRHS-B; Anchorage, AK 99503 Start Dote - 3/17/2001 Club Nome -Arctic Gymnastic Center 3330 Arctic Blvd. Ste WRHS-B; Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone - 907/ 563-3330 Fox - 907/ 561-1897 levels- W7-10

ARIZONA Event Nome -Shamrock Invitational Event Site - Barry Goldwater High School; 2820 WRose Gorden In; Phoenix, AI 85029 Start Dote - 3/16/2001 Club Nome - Flames Gymnastics Academy 2802 WCactus Rood; Phoenix, AI 85029 Phone - 602/942-7662 Fox - 602/ 942-0595 levels- W4-1 0

ARKANSAS Event Nome -Special Olympic Benefit Event Site - 5912 South 28th; Fort Smith, AR 72908 Start Dote - 3/1 6/ 2001 Club Nome - Flame Gymnastics Academy 5912 South 28th; Fort Smith, AR 7290B Phone - 501/646-1 616 Fox - 501/646-7723 levels -W4-10

CALIFORNIA Event Nome -8 State Championships Event Site - 11345 Folsom Blvd; Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Start Dote - 3/30/2001 Club Nome -Technique Gymnastics 11345 Folsom Blvd; Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Phone - 916/635-7900 Fox - 916/635-4940 levels -W4-Elite



Park, Fl 33781 Phone - 727/527-9215 Fox - 727/ 898-5154 levels -W2-10

Phone - 805/482-1187 Fox - 805/480-9400 levels · W4-9 Event Nome - Dreams of Gold Event Site -7735 Haskell Avenue; Von Nuys, CA 91406 Start Dote - 3/25/2001 Cub Nome -Gymnastics Olympica USA 7735 Haskell Avenue; Von Nuys, CA 91406 Phone - 818/ 785-1537 Fox -818/ 785-1160 levels - W5-6 Event Nome - Invitational Event Site - 11345 Folsom8lvd; Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Start Dote -4/7/2001 Club Nome -Technique Gymnastics 11345 Folsom Blvd; Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Phone - 916/ 635-7900 Fox - 916/635-4940 levels -W4-Elite Event Nome - LA lights Invitational Event Site -Veterans Memorial Auditorium; 4117 Overland Ave; Culver City, CA 90232 Start Dote -4/6/2001 Club Nome -los Angeles School of GYM 8450 Higuera Street; Culver City, CA 90232 Phone - 310/ 204-1980 Fox - 310/204-6864 levels - R4-Elite

CONNECTICUT Event Name -SI. Potty's Day Cup Event Site - University Of Bridgeport; 400 University Ave.; Bridgeport, a 06601 Start Dote - 3/15/2001 Club Nome - New Era Gymnastics 1180 Sherman Ave.; Hamden, a 06514 Phone - 203/281 -1826 Fox - 203/407-1533 levels -W4-10


Event Nome -Butterfly Classic Event Site - 450 Fletcher Parkway; EI Caion, CA 92020 Start Dote - 3/24/2001 Club Nome - Elite GYM Acad of Son Diego 450 Fletcher Parkway; EI Caion, CA 92020 Phone - 619/441-5900 Fox - 619/441-8729 levels -W4-6

Event Nome - Princess Classic Event Site - 285 Adalia Terrace; Port Charlotte, Fl33953 Start Date -3/24/2001 Club Nome - Horizon Gymnastics Academy 285 Adalia Terrace; Port Charlotte, Fl 33953 Phone - 941/627-5342 Fox - 941/627-3907 levels- W2-10

Event Nome -Circus of the Stars Event Site -4B7 5 Dawson Drive; Camarillo, CA 93010 Start Dote -4/29/2001 Club Nome - leading Edge Gymnastics 487 SDOMOn Drive; Camarillo, CA 93010

Event Name -Spring Fling Event Site - 6551 43rd St. N.#1402; Pinellas Pork, Fl337Bl Start Dote - 3/24/2001 Club Nome - Medalist All-Star Gymnastics 6551 43rd SI. N. #1402; Pinellas

Event Nome -The laFleur Invitational 2001 a Space Oddity Event Site - 10205 Anderson Rd.; Tampa, Fl33624 Start Dote - 3/16/2001 Club Nome - la Fleur's Gymnastic 10205 Anderson Rd.; Tampa, Fl 33624 Phone - 813/264-5000 Fox - 813/264-1880 levels -W4-Elite

GEORGIA Event Nome -April in Paris Event Site - 130 Andrew Drive; Stockbridge, GA 30281 Start Dote -4/7/ 2001 Club Nome - Paris School of Performing Arts 130 Andrew Drive; Stockbridge, GA 302Bl Phone -770/474-6184 Fox -770/ 3B9-0420 levels -WPrep-l0

INDIANA Event Nome - Flower Power Gymnastics Invite Event Site - 1254 Horse Prairie Avenue; Valparaiso, IN 46385 Start Dote - 5/5/2001 Club Name - Horizon Gymnastics Center 1254 Horse Prairie Avenue; Valparaiso, IN 46385 Phone - 219/ 477-6542 Fax - 219/477-6542 levels -W5-9



Event Nome - Iowa Notional Qualifier Event Site -Jo's Gymnastics Center; 830 15th St SW; Mason City, IA 50401 Start Dote -3/23/2001 Club Nome -Mason City Power Tumblers 225 lakeview Drive; Mason City, IA 50401 Phone - 641/423-8331 levels- T5-10 Event Nome - leapin leprechan Invite Event Site - 925 Boyson Ct; Hiawatha, IA 52233 Start Dote - 3/ 17/ 2001 Cub Nome -Cedar Rapids Assoc of GYM 925 Boyson Ct; Hiawatha, IA 52233 Phone - 319/ 393-4345 levels- W4-1 0

KENTUCKY Event Nome - KY-Ohio All Star Challenge Event Site - Bill Collins Auto Complex;


LOUISIANA Event Nome - 2001 Trampoline And Tumbling Spring Classic Event Site - Graham Recreation Centre; 1234 EPont Des Mouton; lofayette, LA 70503 Start Dote - 3/17/2001 Club Nome -A. J.'S Power Tumbling Team P.O. Box 163; 100 Jock Street; Carencro, LA 70520 Phone - 337/896-8584 Fox - 337-232-2210 levels -T5-Elite

MARYLAND Event Nome - Frederick Classic Event Site -4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD 21703 Start Dote - 3/16/2001 Cub Nome -Frederick Gymnastics Cub 4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD 21703 Phone - 301/695-0205 Fox - 304/695-6439 levels -W5-Elite



The Member Club Invitational Listing is also available online! See

4220 Bardstown Rd; louisville, KY 40218 Start Dote - 3/ 17/ 2001 Club Nome -All Stars GYM of Kentucky 4220 Bardstown Rood; loUisville, KY 40218 Phone - 502/459-0006 Fox - 502/459-0006 levels -W4-7

Event Nome - Karaoke Classic Event Site - Elite Training Center; 5053 Sports Dr; Kalamazoo, MI 49009 Start Dote - 3/3 1/ 2001 Club Nome - Branch Gymnastics 393 N. Helmer Rood; Bottle Creek, MI49015 Phone - 616/963-4770 Fox - 616/963-2225 levels -W2-6 Event Name -State Prep Invitational Event Site - 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Start Dote -4/7/2001 Club Nome - Greater Kalamazoo World of Gymnastics 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Phone - 616/381 -5749 Fox - 616/ 381-4776 levels -W5-6

MINNESOTA Event Name - 2001 Rising Stars Invitational Event Site - 7045 Sixth St N; Oakdale, MN 5512B Start Dote -3/17/2001 Cub Nome - Rising Sto~ Gymnastics Acad

7045 Sixth St N; Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone - 651/730-4376 Fox - 651/730-4376 levels -W5-10 Event Nome -Minnesota Boys State Meet Event Site - 14934 Minnetonka Industrial Rd; Minnetonka, MN 55345 Start Dote - 3/ 24/ 2001 Club Nome -Minnetonka-Hopkins Gymnastics 14934 Minnetonka Industrial Rd; Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone - 952/ 933-2452 Fox - 612/ 933-9807 Class- M7-3



NEW JERSEY Event Nome -Super Stars Spectacular Event Site - 1274 Highway 77; Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Start Dote - 4/28/2001 Club Nome - Star Bound Gymnastics Academy 1274 Highway 77; Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Phone - 856/453-7996 Fox - B56/453-7559 levels -W4-10

NEW MEXICO Event Nome -AGS Invite Event Site - 102BO Comanche N.E.; Albuquerque, NM 87111 Start Date - 3/ 17/ 2001 Club Nome -Albuquerque Gymnastics School 10280 Comanche N.E.; Albuquerque, NM 87111 Phone - 505/ 293-9570 Fax - 505/293-9570 levels -W7-9


NEW YORK Event Nome - lilac Invitational Event Site - ESl Sports Centre; 2700 Brighton-Henrietta Town R; Rochester, NY 14623 Start Dote -4/7/2001 Club Nome - Penev's Gymnastics 1776 East Avenue Rochester; Rochester, NY 14610 Phone - 716/271-3517 Fox -716/271-7485 levels- W4-10 Event Nome - lucky Stars Invitational Event Site -Jamestown Community College; 525 Falconer St; Jamestown, NY 14701 Start Date - 3/16/2001 Club Nome -Stroup's Gymnastics 21 EThird St Suite #4; Jamestown, NY 14701 Phone -716/ 665-80Bl levels -W4-8 Event Name - Rising Stars Spring Invitational events/

MARCH 2001


INVITATIONAL LISTING Event Site - 881 Route 28; Kingston, NY 12401 Start Date -4/7/2001 Club Name - Rising Stars Gymnastics 881 Route 28; Kingston, NY 12401 Phone - 914/339-2387 Fox - 914/ 687-4367 levels -W3-5

Road; Bryn Athyn, PA 19009 Start Date - 3/ 24/ 2001 Club Name - Somerton Gymnastics 155 Philmont Avenue; Feasterville, PA 19053 Phone - 215/364-7878 Fax - 215/ 364-7379 levels -W4-10



Event Name -Caribbean Holiday Invite Event Site - 5400 Atlantic Springs Road; Raleigh, NC 27616 Start Date -3/24/2001 Club Name - North Raleigh Gymnastics 5400 Atlantic Springs Road; Raleigh, NC 27616 Phone - 919/790-9400 Fox - 919/791-9519 levels -W4

Event Name - 2001 Charleston Cup Event Site - North Charleston Convention Ct; 5000 Coliseum Dr; Charleston, SC 29418 Start Date - 3/ 16/ 2001 Club Name - Charleston Gymnastics 10B8 Quail Drive; Charleston, SC 29412 Phone - 843/720-3895 Fax - 843/762-6090 levels -WPrep-Elite

Event Name - last Qualifier Event Site - 330 McArthur Road; FayeMeville, NC 28311 Start Date - 3/17/2001 Club Name - NorthStar Family Fitness/CountrySide 330 McArthur Road; FayeMeville, NC 28311 Phone - 910/488-9380 Fax - 910/488-0800 levels -W4-Elite


OREGON Event Name -Aero Challenge Event Site - 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 97701 Start Date - 4/14/2001 Club Name -Aerovision Sports Center 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 97701 Phone -541/388-5555 Fax - 541/318-0329 levels -W4-10

Event Name - Global Excalibur Cup Event Site - 5816 Arrowhead Drive; Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Start Date - 3/17/ 2001 Club Name - Excalibur Gymnastics 5816 Arrowhead Drive; Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Phone - 757/499-8258 Fax - 757/499-8451 levels -W4-Elite Event Name -Shamrock Challenge Event Site - 500 Nelms Circle; Falmouth, VA 22406 Start Date - 3/17/2001 Club Name -Stafford Gymnastics Center 500 Nelms Circle; Falmouth, VA 22406 Phone - 540/373-8192 Fax - 540/ 374-1559 levels -W4-10

Event Name - Emerald Team Challenge Event Site - lane Community College; 4000 E 30th Ave; Eugene, OR 97405 Start Date - 3/16/2001 Club Name - National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics 869 Shelly; Springfield, OR 97477 Phone - 541/744-2002 Fax - 541/485-2322 levels -W4-Elite

Event Name -Shamrock Invitational Event Site - 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Start Date - 3/18/2001 Club Name - Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Phone -757/547-0169 Fax - 757/436-2724 levels -W4-Elite



Event Name - Best of the West Event Site -310 First Street; Ellwood Gfy, PA 16117 Start Date -3/31/2001 Club Name - Gold Medal Gymnastics Academy 310 First Street; Ellwood City, PA 16117 Phone - 724/752-4133 Fax -724/752-4133 levels -W4-6

Event Name - 2001 March Madness Cup Event Site - 11712 EMontgomery; Spokane, WA 99206 Start Date - 3/17/2001 Club Name - Northwest Gymnastics Academy 11712 EMontgomery; Spokane, WA 99206 Phone - 509/924-3341 Fax - 509/892-0863 levels -W4-10

Event Name - Friendship Classic Event Site - P.O. 80x 631 ; PoMsville, PA 17901 Start Date - 3/23/2001 Club Name - PaMsvilie Gymnastic Training Center P.O. Box 631; PoMsville, PA 17901 Phone - 570/62B-4966 Fax - 570/544-4773 levels -W4-Elite Event Name -Who Wonts to Be a Millionaire? Event Site -Asplundh Fieldhouse; 2775 Buck

WEST VIRGINIA Event Name -Tune-Up Meet Event Site - 226 Vista del Rio Drive; Morgantown, WV 26508 Start Date - 4/28/2001 Club Name -West Virginia GymnasticsTroini 226 Vista del Rio Drive; Morgontown, WV 26508 Phone -304/ 292-5559 Fax - 304/ 292-7502 levels -W4


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CHICAGO SUBURB GYM·Naperville Gymnastics dub is ready to add staff. We are a 34,000 sq. h. AlC, state·of·the·art facility. Looking for enthusiastic and motivated coach to develop boys team from existing ree/pre-team program. Also searming for compulsory/optional girls coach to dJallenge our 75 member winning team. Must be team player, and willing to team, leam and share ideas with others. Also in need of a director with coaching background and college degree, able to run fadlities, and manage existing successful program. Salary commensurate with experience and background. Fax resume: 630416·7164, call Keith 630416·7114. WORLD CUP GYMNASTICS is looking for a highly qualified GIRLS TEAM COACH, BOYS TEAM COACH and RECREATIONAL INSTRUCTORS. Strong spatting skills and good coaching qualifications a must. Beginner through Elite. Applicants should be professional, energetic, and have strong organization and managerial skills. This position is best suited for person wishing to pu»ue, long·term career in coaching. World Cup Gymnastics, Chappaqua, NY 10514, phone: (914)238·4967 ext. 23. Fax: (914)238·3568. Email: GYMNASTICS HEAD COACH: Coach all levels of girls competitive teams, including pre·team groups, at compulsory and optional Junior Olympic levels. BS or equivalent in Sports Science/Physical Education. Extensive experience in coaching TOPS, elite and national· level gymnasts required. Send resume to Huntsville Gymnastics Center, 3060 Leeman Ferry Rd., Huntsville, AL 35801 . TWO FULL·TlME INSTRUCTORS WANTED. Gymnastics Instructor(s): We are currently seeking a Boys' Team Coach and a Girls' Team Coam. Applicants must be coreer minded and dedicated. Our program is growing fast! We are seeking all· around coames who work well with boys, girls, tumbling, and preschool classes. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Full and part·time positions available. Send references and resume to: Spectrum Gymnastics Academy, 26 Buttrick Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 or email INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Poragon Gymnastics of Norwoad (Bergen County), NJ is loaking for Instructors and Coaches, P/T·F/T Weekdays/weekends/evenings. Requirements: Pasitive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre·school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 5·10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, Rrst Air) Full benefits/paid vacation & sick days,


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• wanted • position available • buy this • sell that • for sale • wanted • position avellable • buy 'Iable • buy this • sell that • for sale • wanted • position available • buy this· for sale • wanted • position available • buy thiS· for sale • wanted • pOSition wanted • position n available • this • for sale • wanted • itlor rovallRole • )UV tills • for sa'e • company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state·of·the-art, approx. 11,000 sq. h. Located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easi~ accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201 ·767·6921 or fax resume to 201 ·767·6693 or e· 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. COACHES NEEDED. Eastern National Academy is looking for coaches in Pompton Plains and Paramus, NJ. We are looking for directors for Preschool and General program, Team coaches qualified in all levels of development. ENA is in a perfect location for any lifestyle, we are located centrally between the Metropolitan New York area and the Pennsylvania Poconno Mountains. Rrst Air/Safety Certification a plus or must be obtained within 6 months of employment. Salary is commensurate upon qualifications and experience. Contact Rich at 973·835·1665, fax resume to 973·835·6225, or E·mail us at ENA@ENAGYM.COM. Eastern National Academy, 210 West Parkway, Unit #8, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. HTTP://WWW.ENAGYM.COM HAVE FUN THIS SUMMER! Prestigiouscoed sleep· away camp in beautiful Western Massachusetts seeks skilled, caring, motivated college students & grads who love kids! Gymnastics coaches, Dance, Aerobics and Rtness Instructo» needed! Join our dedicated team for a rewarding and enjoyable summer. June 16·August 16. Competitive salaries+traveIHOom+board. Call Camp Taconic: 1·800·762·2820. GYMNASTICS FACILITY MANAGER. Lorge Midwest gymnastics school seeks management oriented individual to oversee one of our two locations. Established in 1973 we currently have two locations and over 1200 students. Very stable business with experienced staff in place. Great opportunity for customer service oriented individual who accepts responsibility. Excellent teaching skills and references required. Managerial experience helpful but not essential for the right individual. Competitive coaching possible if applicant desires. Contact Jill Schlott at 319·331 ·1820; FAX 319·338·0187: e·mail JIM SCHLOTT@PRODIGY.NET TEAM COACH(S)/CLASS INSTRUCTOR(S). AlI·Star Gymnastics is seeking dedicated, experienced instructors and coaches for girls/boys recreational classes and competitive teams (levels 4·10). Pasitions currently available for part/full time. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Send resume or call: Tom Bonacci @AlI·Star Gymnastics Center, 5 Kidder Rd., Chelmsford, MA 01824 - fax: (978)256·7779, phone: (978)256·7766. HIRING ENTHUSIASTIC COACHES in sunny

...-14=6------ - - - - - - - - - { (

Florida, at Volusia County's most successful gymnastics facility. We're looking for program directors and coaches for pre·school, recreational, trampoline, boys program, team and cheerleading. Salary and benefits commensurate with qualifications and experience. Contact Mr. Ellis at 904·77 4·4348 or fax to Fit Club Gymnastics & Dance Academy at 904·774·8770. We have a great location near Orlando and the Beaches. Our address: 196 N. Industrial Drive, Orange City, Florida 32763.

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL FOR WINDOWS: all the class management and accounts receivable features needed to run a school, a reasonable price, networkable, and FREESUPPORT! Don't spend anotheryearor another month wasting resources running things by hand or on a system that's difficult to use and doesn't give you what you need. dass Control has point and click ease, a flexible setup, and a wide variety of reports. Only $500 ($250per additional workstation), includes free training and personal technical support. Serving Gymnastics since 1990. Call Vaughn Software Services at 800·821 ·8516 for information and a free demo. E·Mail: AMEX/M(/VISA GymNerd2000 . GYMNASTIC SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE. Maintains database of student accounts, classes, tuition, and payments. Features sophisticated tuition engine, automatic multiclass discounts, automatic reenrollment with memorized invoices. Keeps track of payments, automatic late fees, waitlists, tuition prorating, class switching and dropping, trial classes, makeups, Pro·Shop and events scheduling. At your fingertips are class rosters and attendance sheets, closs openings, instructor schedules/ attendance, invoices/statements, mailing labels. Password protected managerial revenues reports sorted by revenue types. Easy to learn, intuitive, user friendly. Contact:

MassData Database Systems. Phone: (617)923· 9977. URL: Email: Score Master . NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data! Score Master, the mast widely used software, just got even better! Meet Directo» can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/ optional. www.5core· . FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31 421 , Charlotte, NC, 28231 , 704·523-1812. OWNERS OF SUCCESSFUL GYM IN CLINTON, IOWA NEED TO RELOCATE. Gym includes 8,400 sq. h. building with two bedroom apt., all equipment, and a steady program ready to grow with the Olympic cycle. Current program ranges from pre·school to competitive team. A very supportive booster club and excellent part time staff also exist. Land, building, and equipment priced at 140K. Serious inquiries only to Allen at (319)659·1432.


SEMINARS GET CONTROL OF YOUR BUSINESS: Learn why, since 1991, 700+ USA and Canadian GymClub owners have invested 4 days at GymClub Owners' BOOT CAMP. BOOT CAMP teaches an integrated, 9- step strategy to build a business which brings you the handsome rewards a Gym Club can deliver! With 4800 students, my club, Queen City Gymnastics/Kids Rrst Sports, has experienced enrollment increases every year for 26 years! This record is NO ACCIDENT as BOOT CAMP focuses on cures, not symptoms and is proven to grow businesses and enrich lives. Dates: March, 15-19; June 14-18; Nov 15-19. FREE 50 pg. portfolio: JEFF METZGER: (513)489-7575 • •

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD H 00 words = $100 101-200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automatiaJlly be pIcKed online for 30 days at no add'rtional tharpe. The address is: Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date. DEADLINES tSSUE DEADUNE FOR AD AND PAYMENT


~lZY:: : ::: :. ::: : : :::::::::r~: 19

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Sept/Oct. ........................ Aug. 10 Nov./Dec ......................... Oct. 10 NOTE: /I 'N 10,b falls ••• w....nd or holiday, 'be pre<eding w..t da, is ,..sidertd t6, deadline.



SUBMIT Mail your atl anti payment to: USA Gymnastia, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capital Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317·237·5069. IF YOUFAX. PLEASE INCWDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. PI""", designate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnaslics maga,ine. ADS SUBMITTfD WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary format.

Tedrnique is received br more than 13,000 USA Gymnastiu professiona members ptus thousands of viewers wiU be exposed 10 your ad online. Advertise your employmenl opportunity, produd, service, or competition here for great resulls. Queslians? CaU Luan Penek at 317-237·5050 ext. 246.

) f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --


R=Rhythmic GG = General Gymnastics

TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling

NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.




Reese's Gymnastics Cup (M/W) Sr. National Team Training Camp (TR/TU)



Pontiac American Team Cup (M/W) First date for Level 9/ 10 State Meets (W)

Honolulu, HI Various Sites

NCAA National Championships (M) First World Championships Team Trials & 2nd World Age-Group Team Trials (TR/fU) NCAA Regionals (W) Last date for Level 9/1 0 Stote Meets (W) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) NCAA National Championships (W) Level 9/1 0 Regional Championships (W) Last date for Level 9 Regional Championships (W) NCAA Regionals (M)

Columbus, OH April Greensboro, NC

Future Stars National Championships (M) Jr. National Team Training Camp (TR/TU)

7 7-8 12-14 19-21 21-22 28-29 TBD

TOPs National Training Camp (W)


Various Sites Various Sites Davis, CA Athens, GA Various Sites Various Sites Various Sites

MAY 3-6 4-6 12-13 19-20

J.O. National Championships (M) 2nd World Championships Team Trials & 3rd World Age-Group Team Trials (TR/fU) Level 10 J.O. National Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W)

Minneapolis, MN Wichita, KS

Spring Executive Committee/ Board of Directors Meeting Women's Technical Symposium (W) J.O. National Championships, Individual & Group (R) Jr. & Sr. Elite National Championships (TR/fU) Levels 5-10 J.O. National Championships (TR/fU) FIG Colloquium Competition in General Gymnastics (GG) Level 9 Championships (R) National GymFest & PAGU Invitational Gym Fest (GG) National Judges Course (W) U.S. National Championships Qualifier (M) Elite Regionals (W) American Sokol National Slet (GG)

TBD Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Lillsved, SWE Chicago, IL Orlando, FL Indianapolis, IN T8D Various Sites Detroit, MI

Women's High Performance Coaches Seminar (W) U.S. Challenge (W) Rhythmic Western (R) U.s. Classic/National Gymnastics Festival (W) Rhythmic Eastern (R) World Championships (TR/fU) Elite Regionals (International Only) (W)

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN San Rafael, CA TBD New Britain, CT Odense, DEN T8D

World Age-Group Games (TR/TU) U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R) USA Gymnastics National Congress World Games (R/fR/TU) World University Games National Gymnastics Day Goodwill Games (M/W/ R/TR)

Odense, DEN Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Akita, JPN Beijing, CHN

Eugene, OR East - Landover, MD West - San Diego, CA

JUNE 1-3 1-3 1-3 6-9 9-16 15-17 16-17 22-24 24-30 30 TBD TBD

JULY 5-8 7-8 7-8 20-22 21 -22 26-28 TBD

AUGUST 1-4 8-11 9-11 16-26 22-Sept. 1 25 29-Sept. 9



USA Gymnastics Winter Cup Challenge (M) American Classic & Challenge (W)


Visa American Cup (M/W) (#1 of 2) Levell 0 State Meets (W) (#2 of 2) Levell 0 State Meets (W) Rhythmic Challenge (R)

Orlando, FL Various Sites Various Sites TBD

MARCH 2 or March 30 16-17 23-24 TBD

(' see below) (' see above)

APRIL 6 6-7 13-1 4 18-20 27-28 TBD TBD TBD

NCAA Regionals (W) Level 9/ 10 Regional Championships (W) Level 10 Regional Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) USA Gymnastics National Invitational Tournament (W) 2" Informotion Meeting, 2003 World Gymnaestroda (GG)

Various Sites TBD TBD Tuscaloosa, AL TBD TBD TBD Lisbon, POR

J.~. Notional Championships (M) J.O. National Championships (W)

San Diego, CA TBD

Pontiac American Team Cup (M/W) National GymFest & PAGU Invitational Gym Fest (GG) U.S. Challenge (W) J.O. Notional Championships, Individual & Group (R) Level 9 Championships (R)


U.S. Classic/ Notional Gymnastics Festival (W) Rhythmic Eastern/Western I (R) Rhythmic Eastern/Western II (R)


U.s. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU) USA Gymnastics Notional Congress


MAY 1-5 3-5

JUNE 8-9 21-23 TBD TBD TBD


AUGUST 7-10 8-10

OCTOBER 11 -1 3 Rhythmic World Championships - Group (R) TBD Artistic World Championships (M/W) TBD or Nov. TBD Reese's Gymnastics Cup TBD Future Stars National Championships (M)

Paris, FRA Budapest, HUN TBD TBD

Brisbane, AUS

2 Rhythmic World Championships - Individuals (R) Artistic World Championships (M/W) TOPs National Testing -West (W) TOPs National Testing - East (W)




OCTOBER 17-21 28- Nov. 4 T8D TBD



APRIL 5-8 6-8




MARCH 30-31 31-Apr_1


Vienna. AUT Ghent, BEL TBD TBD

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - i(




MARCH TBD Visa American Cup (M/W) TBD or April TBD Pontiac American Team Cup (M/W)

TEe H N10 UE • MARCH 2001


) f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --c-=7".


1001 SAFETY CE,RTIFI(ATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website


LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED A BOOK OR ADMISSION TO THE (OURSE. Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme) is the last day registrations will be accepted for caurses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received alter that time or on site will be charged an additional $25. Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16 years. 18 is minimum age for Professional Membership.



Macon, GA; 6- 10 p_m_; me: JS03162001 GA; Gym Nest; Directions: TIna Hutchinson; Instructor: June Seymour 912-382-9795 aher 6 p.m.


Indianapolis, IN; 5-9 p.m.; me: 8D031620011N; Fulton Jr. H.S.; 7280 W. 10th St; Instructor: Barry Dubuque 812-473-3232; 812-482-4800


East Greenwich, RI; 5-9 p.m.; me: MF03242001 RI; Aim High Gymnastics; Directions: Amy Nelson 401-886-7827; Instructor: Mike Franco 401-789-8096


Buffalo, NY; 1Oa.m. - 2 p.m.; me: JJ03252001 NY; Stumpf's Gymnastics; 2187 Wehrle Dr; Directions: Stumpfs Gymnastics 716-634-4401; Instructor: Jeannette Jay 716-677-4745

Mukilteo, WA; 5-9 p.m.; me: KD03302001WA; Gymagine Gymnastics; Instructor: Kelly Donyes 425-513-8700


Tampa, FL; 6-10 p.m.; me: ML06162001FL; Lightening City Gymnastics In conjunction with Florida USAG State Clinic; Instructor: Marci Levine 305-861 -8753


Stroudsburg, PA; 1-5 p.m.; me: PF06162001 PA; International Gymnastics Camp; Directions: Bruno Klaus 570-629-0244; Instructor: Phil Frank 856-786-3977


Hilliard, OH; 12 noon-4 p.m.; me: BF062320010H; Universal Gymnasts, Inc; Instructor: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach 614-777 -9430



Honolulu, HI; 5-9 p.m.; me: SW03302001 HI; Blaisdell Center; Instructor Steve Whitlock 317-237-5050


Sylvania, GA; 1-5 p.m.; me: KB04072001 GA; Screven County Recreation; 503 Pine St; Directions: Kelly Anderson 912-564-2388; Instructor: Kim 80yd 803-749-2484 Dencer, CO; 1-5 p.m.; me: RW04082001 CO; Gymnastics Plus; 1211 So Quebec; Directions: TIm Fry 303-512-0799; Instructor: Raleigh Wilson 307-745-8302


Decatur, GA; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; me: CC04222001 GA; Varsity Gymnastics; Instructor: Chris Calvert 404-687-9911


City of South EI Monte, CA; 1-5 p.m.; me: NG04292001 CA; Directions: Felicia Perez 626-579-2043; Instructor: Nicki Geigert 760-943-6986


Hilliard, OH; 1-5 p.m.; me: BF1 0212001 OH; Universal Gymnasts, Inc; Bobbi MontanariFarhnbach 614-777-9430

For safety certification courses hsted by state, visit the Member Services section of



(Minimum age for Safety Certification is J6 years)

Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification

Name: Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: __________ State: _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: Professional or Instructor #: Form of Payment:


Currenl Safety Exp. Date: _ _ _ _ _ __

0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express

Payment Amount: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name on Cord: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dale: ___ / _ _ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Pro~~~~~:~ ;~he~!~r~d"~';'N~~'s~i~~'c~';iiii;~ii~~':::::::::::: c~~~6~

SO Instructor Member ...... _................................ _..... _........ _._ .... _.. S 50_00 Non-Member or Associate Member .... _..................... _............. S 100_00 • You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $25.

• All materials (including the Safety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. • Certification is valid for four years.

Please make checks payable, in full, to USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 USA 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 GYMNASTICS PREFERS 51 or Fax to 317-692-5212

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