MARCH 2002 • VOLUME 22 • #3
GG = Group Gymnastics M= Men ACRO =Sports Aero NOTE: Dotes and events subject to change or cancel/atian.
TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling
level 10 State Meets (WI (' see belowl American Challenge / American Classic (WI Turnier der Meister (M/Wl level 10 State Meets (WI (' see abovel
Various Sites Fishers, IN Cottbus, GER Various Sites
APRIL 4-6 6 6-7 10-13 11-14 13-14 18-20 18-23 20-21 26-29 27-28 TBD 30-May 6
NCAA National Championships (Ml NCAA Regionals (WI level 9/10 Regional Championships (WI USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/Wl
Norman, OK Various Sites Various Sites Springfield, MA Springfield College Flanders IntI. Puurs Aero Cup (ACROI Puurs, BEL level 10 Regional Championships (WI Various Sites NCAA Notional Championships (WI Tuscaloosa, AL Colo. Springs, CO Senior National Team Training Camp (Ml Natl. Camp. Team Invitational level 5·6 (WI Joliet, Il Houston, TX Pacific Alliance Training Camp (WI E- Orlando, Fl level 9 Eost/West Championships (WI W- Rapid City, SO 2nd Information Meeting, 2003 World Gymnaestrodo (GGI lisbon, POR Pacific Alliance Championships (M/W/R - Sr./Jr.l Vancouver, B.C. CAN
MAY J.O. Notional Championships (Ml J.O. Notional Championships (WI J.O. Notional Championships -Individual & Group (Rl National Team Training Camp (WI Veronique Kristoffy Memorial ( Rl International Friendship Camp (WI Senior National Team Training Camp (Ml Spring Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meeting
Son Diego, CA landover, MD Houston, TX Houston, TX Corbeil, FRA Houston, TX Colo. Springs, CO TBD
9-16 14-16 15-16 21-23
Junior National Team Training Camp (Ml Natl. Opt. Team Invitational level 7-10 (WI level 9 Championships ( Rl Notional GymFest & PAGU Invitational Gym Fest (GGI
National Qualifier (Ml
Colo. Springs, CO Joliet, Il Son Rafael, CA Sea World Orlando, Fl Colo. Springs, CO
Rhythmic Western (Rl J.O. Notional Championships (lR/TUI U.S. Classic / U.S. Challenge (WI Rhythmic World Championships - Group ( Rl Sports Acro J.O. Elite Chomps (ACROI Future Stars/Junior Development Team Camp (Ml Rhythmic Eastern ( Rl
Portland, OR Indianapolis, IN Virginia Beach, VA New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA Colo. Springs, CO New Orleans, LA
1-5 3-5 3-5 8-15 10-12 17-23 28-June 5 31-Junel
JULY 6-7 10-16 12-14 12-14 14-18 14-21 TBD
AUGUST 7 7-10 8-10 8-10 10 11 16-18 23-25 24
24-25 25-29 25-29 28
Sports Aero World Age Group Gomes (ACROI Junior Pan American Championships (M/W/Rl World Championships (ACROI Broadcast- U.S. Gymnastics Championships(MI NBC Sports 4:30·6:00p EST
Riesa, GER Santo Domingo, DOM Riesa, GER Cleveland, OH
MARCH 16-17 21-24 22-24 23-24
National Business Conference Cleveland, OH U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TUI Cleveland, OH USA Gymnastics Notional Congress Cleveland, OH USA Gymnastics Notional Gym Fest & Team Gymn Nationals (GGI Cleveland, OH Broadcast- U.S. Gymnastics Championships (WI NBC Sports 8:00-9:00p EST Cleveland, OH Broadcast- U.S. Gymnastics Championships (WI NBC Sports 7:00-8:00p EST FIG World Cup Series (lR/TUI FIG World Cup Series (lR/TUI Notional Gymnastics Day
Cleveland, OH Edmonton, CAN Greensboro, NC
4-6 5 5 9-14 18-20
Notional TOPs Testing (WI l-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference Reese's Gymnastics Cup Senior Notional Team Training Camp (Ml International French Open Tournament (M/Wl
TBD Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Colo. Springs, CO Paris, FRA
NOVEMBER 1-2 13-17 16
FIG Congress Future Stars Notional Camp/Coaches Workshop (Ml Broodcast- Reese's Gymnastics Cup NBC Sports 4:00-6:00p EST Artistic World Championships (M/Wl World Cup Final (lR/TUI International DTB Pokal
20-24 23 28-Dec 1
Athens, GRE Colo. Springs, CO Seattle, WA Debrecea, HUN Hannover, GER Stuttgart, GER
DECEMBER 7-8 7-11 11-15
World Cup Final ( Rl Notional TOPs Team Training Camp (WI Notional TOPs "B" Training Camp (WI
Dusseldorf, GER TBD TBD
~-------------------------------------;~ ( ------~
l-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference
Fairfax, VA
MARCH Visa American Cup (M/Wl March or April TBD American Team Cup (M/Wl
Fairfax, VA TBD
APRIL 5-6 12 12-13 24-26 25-27
level 9/10 Regionals (WI NCAA Regionals (WI level 10 Regionals (WI NCAA Notional Championships (WI level 9 East/West Championships (WI
Various Sites Various Sites Various Sites TBD TBD
J.O. Notional Championships (WI J.O. National Championships (Ml
TBD Savannah, GA
U.s. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TUI
FIG World Gymnaestrado (GGI
lisbon, POR
Pan American Gomes (M/W/Rl Artistic World Championships (M/Wl World University Gomes (M/W/Rl Notional Congress World Business Conference
Santo Domingo, DOM Anaheim, CA Taegu, KOR Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA
MAY 2-4 6-11
JUNE 18-21
JULY 20-26
AUGUST 1-17 16-24 21-31 TBD TBD
Rhythmic World Championships-Individual & Group ( Rl
Maastricht, NED
Trampoline World Championships (lRI
Hannover, GER
MARCH 2002
Reese's Gymnastics Cup PAGU Jr. Interclub Championships (M/W/R Group Jr/Srl PAGU Children's Interclub Championships (M/W/ Rl GUA Four Continents Championships ( Rl
Colo. Springs, CO USA TBD VEN
) f - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
an official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER
Robert V. Colarossi EDITOR
FEATURES Determining Twist Direction in Trampoline & Tumbling .. . ... . . .. ... . .. . . . ....... 6
Luan Peszek
Welcome Sports Acrobatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plyometric Training for Children & Adolescents .
National Health Care & Sport Science Referral Network
National Gymnastics Day .. . .. . . . .. ....... . . . .
Matt Rhoton USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE CHAIR: Ron froehli<h; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN:Tom Koll; VICE CHAIR MEN: Tim Daggell; VICE CHAIR RHYTItMIC: Andreo S.hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUN[ Paul Parillo; SECRETARY: Gory Anderwo; TREASURER: Bob Wood; AG mcunVE COMMITJH: Joy Ashmore, Ron froehlkh. AG MEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTE[ George Bedmeod; fiG TRAMPOUNE AND TUMBUNG TECHNICAL COMMITTE[ Pol HendeflOn; AGWOMEN'STECHNiCAl COMMITTEE: Jackie Re; AT lARGE MEMBERS: Peler rKimar, Susan True; ATHlETE DIREGORS: Chori Knighl·Hunle" John Roelhlisberger, Vanessa Vander Pluym, Karl Heger, USOC ATHlETE DIREGOR: Domini(k Minicu(o.
22 • #3
USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron fraehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colarossi; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; PUBUC SEGOR: Bill Hyb!, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Mike Slanner, AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICANTURNERS: Jerry Ja(quin; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION·MEN: fronds Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COllEGIATE COACHES·WOMEN: Mike Ja(ki; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION fOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Slrawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COllEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION·MEN: Doug Von Everen; NATIONAL fEDERATION Of STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: SuS()n True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Bul(h Zuni(h; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: John Brinkwarth; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CLUBS: Paul Spadaro; u.s. EUTE COACHES ASSO(IATlON·MEN: fred Turoll; u.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: David Holcumb, Tony Gehmon; U.s. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Marc Yancey; u.S. RHYTHMI( GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSO(IATlON: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIANASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLfTIC ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: Marie Robbins; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea S.hmid, Mi(helle LaflOn; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kalhy Oslberg; TRAMPOUNE: Shoun Kemplon, Ma"ha Weiss; ATHLffi OIREGORS: Vanessa Vander Pluym, (hair; LorisS() fon1aine, vice (hair; Jair Lyn(h, se(relary; Domini(k Minicu«i, USOC Alhlele Rep.; Mihai Bogiu, Brooke Bushnell, Chari Knighl Hunler, Amanda Borden, Karl Heger, (hri~ie Hayes, John Roelhlisberger; ASSOCIATE OIREGORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Ko1z; SPE(IAl OLYMPI(S, Kale faber·Hi(kie; U.s. COMPETmVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Xhwortz; U.S. SPORTS ACROBATICS FEDERATION, Bonnie DavidS()n. CHANGE Of ADDRESS ANDSUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TE(HNIQUE magazine, noli(e of (hange of address should be mod. eighl weeks in advance. for foslesl service, pl.ase .ndose your presenl moiling label. Dired all subs(riplian moil 10 TE(HNIQUE Subscriplions, USA Gymna~ics, 201 S. Capilol Ave., SI•. 300, Indianapal~, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; S.nd address (hanges 10 TECHNIQUE </0 USA Gymnaslics, 201 S. Capilal •., Suil. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. lfCHNIQUE (lSSN 0748·5999) (USPS 016872) ~ published monlhly excepl bimonlhly in Sepl/ 0d and Nov/ De< by USA Gymn~ics, Pan Am.ri(an Plaza, Suile 300, 201 Saulh (apilol Av.nue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·50501 or visit online @ w.w· usa-gyonastics. org Periadi(al p~ag. paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscriplian prices: U.s.-S25 per year; Canada/ Mexi(I)-S48 per year; all olher foreign (aunlries-S60 per year. If available, ba(k issue single copies S4 plus poslag./handling. All reasonable (are will be loken, bUl no respansibilily con be assumed for unsolidled malerial; endose relurn poslag •. (opyrighl1998 by USA Gymna~ics and TE(HNIQUE All righls reserved. Prinl.d by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.
Unless expressly identified to the ,ontrory, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed so'ely to the author and USA Gymnostics expresses no opinion ond assumes no responsibility thereof.
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ..... .. .... ... .... ... ........ ......... 2
MELPD + KAT Workshop Schedule .... ... .35
USA Gymnastics Message ... ..... .... ..... ..... 4
Classifieds .. .. ... .. ....... .... .. ......... .. ... ... ... 47
Thanks to Industry Members .......... .......... 7
Safety Certification Schedule ......... ....... 48
Business Tips ... .. .. ..... ... .... ... ... .. ... .... ... ... 14
Athlete Focus ................ .......... ..... ..... ..21
Women's Program Update ...... ... ..... ... .. .29
Congress Information .. ...... ...... ............ 26
Women's National Club Invil. .... ... ....... 36
Prof. Development Certification ... ......... 27
Women's J.O. Tech. Announcement .... .. 39
Member Service Update ... .. .. ... ............ 28
Women's IntI. Elite Committee ... ......... .... ..40
Member Club Invitational Listing .. ... .... .30
Men's Program Update ... ... ... .. ... .... ...... 43
SA Dear Members,
There are many exciting events taking place in the rhythmic program in 2002. Just a few weeks ago, the rhythmic program completed the Rhythmic Challenge in Colorado Springs, Colo. Congratulations to the Senior Champion Olga Karmansky from Isadora Rhythmics in New York and to the Junior Champion Lisa Wang from Rhythmic Gems in Illinois. Also, the top three all-around junior and senior gymnasts from the Rhythmic Challenge will travel to Vancouver, Canada in May for the Pacific Alliance Championships. From the looks of the high level of competition at the Rhythmic Challenge, the U.S. rhythmic team have a great chance for success in Canada. Jan Exner Rhythmic Program Senior Director
Another major rhythmic event on the 2002 Group. For the first time ever, the Rhythmic Orleans, July 19-21. The dominant countries Belarus, are expected to compete as well as
schedule is the 2002 Rhythmic World Championships World Championships will take place in the USA, in New in this discipline, including Russia, Greece, Bulgaria and numerous other countries.
For those of you not familiar with group, five gymnasts compete on the floor at one time and the group competes two routines. One routine utilizes five ribbons and the other routine utilizes three ropes and two balls. The gymnasts work as one cohesive unit and are judged on the ability of the athletes to demonstrate mastery of body and apparatus skills in a synchronized and harmonious manner. The group athletes must execute elements involving both large and small exchanges of equipment. The more interaction between the gymnasts, the better the exercise. The USA has put together a group team who has been training in Lake Placid since October of 2001. The team and their coach, Stella Angelova, are living and training at the Olympic Training Center. The experience proved to be very inspiring for the gymnasts since they trained alongside many of the 2002 winter Olympians. The gymnasts, who are ages 15-18, were selected during a camp in May and will continue to live, train and go to school together until the Rhythmic World Championships in July. They are also preparing for their first international competition in France in March which will give them valuable training experience leading up to the World Championships. The athletes include: Athletes
Nina Chubrikova Mauriah Kraker Masha Krakovskaya Taryn Look Marissa Pierce
Daly City, California Milwaukee, Wisconsin Los Angeles, California Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Highland Park, Illinois
For more information on the group gymnasts or the Rhythmic World Championships go to and touch on the Rhythmic World Championships logo.
For the first time, the Rhythmic Program developed a Future Stars test, which models the men's Future Stars and the Women's TOPs programs. The goal of the program is to identify talented young rhythmic gymnasts and provide education to the athletes and their coaches. It was successfully completed in the winter of 2001. The Future Stars National Team will be invited to a training camp at the Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid this spring. To learn more about this new program check out the website and click on the rhythmic icon.
Jan Exner
--14..."..------------ - - - - t(
TEe HN IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2002
)f-- - - - - - - - - - -- - --
Special Offer For The
USA Gymnastics Family! Tickets 50% off retail price. Order your ticket TODAY! Receive priority seating and pricing before August 24th. 2002 national sale date.
PRIORITY TICKET ORDER FORM: ORDER OPTIONS: 1) Mail form with payment to: 2003 World Championships clo Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim 2695 E. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806
August 16-24 in conjunction with the USA Gymnastics National Congress
2) Order by fax:
For more information. call: 714-704-2419 Contact Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City/State/Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Day Phone:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evening Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
"Strip" ticket includes the following: · All Qualification Sessions (Men t Women) · Men's Team Finals • • · Women's Team Finals ~ PriOrity · Men's Individual All-Around Seating · Women's Individual All-Around and · Men's Individual Event Finals PriCing! · Women's Individual Event Finals
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GOLD SECTION-Lower Level # of "strip" tickets x $450 =Total $ _ _ __ SILYER SECTION-Upper Level # of "strip" tickets x $350 =Total $
Please check for information on our exclusive "Platinum Circle" upgrade ticket packages - Details available Spring 2002
o Check#_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (make payable to Ogden Facility Management) o Visa OMC 0 AMEX Card# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ exp date_'_ Print Name on Card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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Cardholder Signature _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ · All orders will be processed upon receipt. Orders will be processed on a first come, first serve basis (ticket availability is not guaranteed) · Ticket confirmation will be mailed upon process of order
TEe H H' QUE • MARCH 2002
) ) - - - - - - - - - - ------=5:-111
In order for tumblers and trampolinists to be competitive at the advanced and elite level, it is necessary fo r them to learn mUltiple somersaults with multiple twists. Th is task becomes much more difficult, if not impossible, when they perform their f ront and back somersault twists in opposite directions. Therefore, it is critical fo r coaches to make sure that their athletes are twisting in the same direction.
ne of the apparent causes of this problem is confusion over the twisting direction of a cartwheeL and the practice of teaching a barani from an aeriaL cartwheel. To avoid this, athLetes and coaches must reaLize that a cartwheel initiated with the RIGHT foot forward and the RIGHT hand down first is actually considered a LEFT twisting skill. SecondLy, the barani shouLd be taught as a front somersauLt with a late twist. Baranis that are taught from an aeriaL cartwheeL tend to twist too early and usuaLLy have a distinct, awkward appearance.
athLetes to twist in the proper direction earLy in the Learning process, athLetes wiLL sometimes switch the direction of one of their twists without being aware of it. Therefore, it is necessary for coaches to periodically check the direction of BOTH front and back twists. It can save a Lot of time and troubLe in the future. To check twisting direction, stand to the side of athLete. Have them perform a barani and then an immediate back haLf or fuLL. If they are twisting aLL in one direction, you wiLL see their stomach on the barani and then see their back on the first haLf twist of the back somersauLt. Or you wiLL see their back and then their stomach if they are twisting in the other direction . If they turn their BACK toward you at the beginning of BOTH TWISTS, or if they turn their STOMACH toward you at the beginning of BOTH TWISTS, they are twisting in opposite directions and
you have a problem.
If you discover that you have an athLete who is twisting in opposite directions, you must decide to change either their back twisting or their front twisting direction. ALthough deciding which to change is rather arbitrary, usually it is easier to go back and re-Learn the barani rather than the back fuLL.
Another common probLem is that, even though coaches begin to teach their
Seeing this is not aLways easy and a lot of coaches have troubLe seeing direction untiL they have had some practice. If you are not sure, have another coach heLp you determine the direction of twist.
Let's get our athLetes started out in the right direction!
./ ./
--I--=6- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (
TECH N10 U f â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2002
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- - - - - - --
Thanks To All USA Gymnastics Industry Members A-l Awards, Inc 2500 North RiHer Ave Indianapolis, IN 46218 Phone - 317/546-9000 Email -sales@A-l
AD Manufacturing 248-44 Jericho Tpke Bellerose, NY 11 001-4002 Phone - 516/352-6161
Phone - 916/852-2900 Email
Benefit Meet Organizers 5407 NCastleberry Drive Peoria, IL61615 Phone - 309/689-6598
DataMax Corporation
Brown's Gymnastics
5800 St- Denis Rm 1206 Montreal, PQ H2S 3L5
740 Orange Ave. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone - 407/869-8744 Email - brownsgym
Advertising Works
Building Memories, LLC
32 Aigerine Street Berkley, MA 02779 Phone - 508/998-7885 Email - gymcoach
14004 Bridgetown Circle Chester, VA 23831 Phone - 804/778-4867
AD Mats Corporation
Alpha Factor 333 E. Seventh Ave PO Box 709 York, PA 17405 Phone - 800/825-7428 Email-
American Athletic Inc 200 American Ave Jefferson, IA 50129 Phone - 800/247-3978 Email -
American Group Gymnastics Association 1322 Dairy Ashford Houston, TX 77077 Phone - 281/497-6666 Email-
Arizona Sunrays 3110 E.Thunderbird Phoenix, AI 85032 Phone - 602/992-5790 Email 801 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15086 Phone - 866/277-6266 Email- Web Site -
Auburn Electronics PO BOX 395 11345 Folsom Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA 95741 -0395
California Gym Floors 1095 N. Main St Suite I Orange, CA 92867 Phone - 888/810-3785 Email
Candy Creek Inc Three Osage Road Canton, MA 02021 Phone - 800/636-1299 Email
Carolina Gym Supply Corp 1913 Jo Mac Rd Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Phone - 919/732-6999 Email -
City Securities Corporation 2200 First Indiana Plaza 135 N. Pennsylvania ST Indianapolis, IN 46204-2462 Phone - 317/972-7109
CL Active Wear 3400 Cremazie East, Suite 100 Montreal, PQ H2A-l A6 Phone - 514/374-6566 Email -
Communica Marketing Group 1323 Columbia Dr Ste 301 Richardson, TX 75081 Phone - 972/479-9460 Email -
Crown Awards (
9 Skyline Dr Hawthorne, NY 10532 Phone - 914/347-7700 Email - PO Box 271186 Flower Mound, TX 75027 Phone - 972/691-9592 Email -
Deary's Gymnastics Supply
Funtastics 6360 North Sunshine Street Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815-8699 Phone - 208/772-9443 Email-
Garland Activewear 3037 LoreHo Rd Jacksonville, FL 32223 Phone - 877/427-5263 Email-
17 Lucienne Ave Box 688 Danielson, a 06239 Phone - 800/932-3339 Email - INFO@GYMSUPPLY.COM
Get Physical Software Co.
Dekan Athletic Equipment Corporation
Gibson Inc.
472 Main St W.Chicago, IL60185 Phone - 800/332-7740
Delta Play Company 7198 Progress Way Delta, BC, BC V4G-1J2 Phone - 604/940-6020 Email -
Dick Rocket Sportswear PO Box 470773 Celebration, Fl347 47 Phone - 407/566-0243
Dollamur Inc. 4709 S. Edgewood Terrace Fort Worth, TX 76119 Phone - 817/534-3344 Email
Dreamlight, Inc 1620 Centerville Turnpike #119 Virginia Beach, VA 23464 Phone - 757/479-8700 Email -
15 East Putnam Ave. Ste. 376 Greenwich, a 06830 Phone - 203/622-0108 Email- P.O. Box 1444 Englewood, CO 80150 Phone - 303/937-1012
GMR Gymnastics Sales 6729 Marbut Road lithonia, GA 30058 Phone - 800/241-9249 Email -
Gymcarolina 9321 Leesville Road Raleigh, NC 27613
Gym Treasures 11227 W.Forest Home Ave Franklin, WI 53132 Phone - 414/525-1905 Email- PO Box 820295 Houston, TX 77282 Phone - 888/791 -1400 Email Web Site - hHp:/ /
Elite Sportswear, LP
Handstand Media, Inc
P.O. Box 16400 2136 North 13th SI. Reading, PA 19612-6400 Phone - 610/921-1469 Email
411 WOntario Street Ste 223 Chicago, IL 6061 0 Phone - 312/988-9056 Email-
Floor Express Music
1170 East Main RD Portsmouth, RI 02871 Phone - 800/556-2440 Email -
103 Bills Ranch Frisco, CO 80443 Phone - 970/668-3777
Hodges Badge Company, Inc.
Illinois Gymnastics Booster Club 1350 Arbor lane lake Forest, Il 60045 Phone · 847/482·1847 Email · alieber339@aoLcom
Imagymnation LLC 5820 So. 25th SI. lincoln, NE 68512 Phone· 402/421·2437 Web Site· http://www,
Incentives For Excellence 144 Industrial Park Dr. B·2 Waynesville, N( 28786 Phone· 828/452·7181 Email· donmerrell@hotmaiLcom
Innovative Inflatables 520 Hopmeadow ST Simsbury, a 06070 Phone· 860/658·7340
International Gymnastics School-Camp 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Phone· 570/629·0244 Email· igs
International Play Company 102·26620 56th Ave Aldergrove, BC V4W 3X4 Phone· 604/607·5544 Email· Web Site·
International Trampoline Industry Association, Inc 3286 Stoney Ridge Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Phone· 541/984·0332
Jammin Apparel 1363 S. State (ollege Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone· 800/852·6664 Email· niki@jammingaparel
Jeannette Jay's Junior Fitness Training Center 3950 Seneca St West Seneco, NY 14224 Phone· 716/677-4745 Email·
JKLM Designs 1570 Wethersfield Dr. S Allentown, PA 18104 Phone· 610/391·9227
Joe Corbi's Pizza Kit Fundraising Prog.
Markel Insurance Company
1430 Desoto Rd Baltimore, MD 21230 Phone· 410/525·8331 Email·
4600 (ox Rd Glen Allen, VA 23060 Phone· 804/527·7622 Email·
Juice Plus 1114 N. Sycamore IN MT Prospect, Il 60056 Phone· 847/878·2494 Email Address ·
Kand KInsurance Group, Inc
Marsha's T-Shirts 7010 Alder SI. Houston, TX 77081 Phone· 713/661·2727 Email·
1712 Magnavox Way Fort Wayne, IN 46801·2338 Phone· 800/648·6406 Email·
Motionwear Inc 1315 Sunday Drive Indianapolis, IN 46217 Phone· 317/780·0609
KLK Limited Partnership
My Choice USA
325 Sharon Park Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone· 650/361·1000 Email·
504 Adams lane Southampton, NJ 08088·9106 Phone· 609/859·3031 Email·
Kulin-Sohn Insurance
NACGC/W University of New Hamphire
PO Box 1357 Arlington Heights, Il 60006·1357 Phone· 800/640·6601 Email · GMNST33@AOl.COM
Laurel Springs School
Norberts Athletic Products
302 WEI Paseo Rd Ojai, CA 93023 Phone · 805/646·2473
Leisure Activities Unlimited
San Pedro, CA 90733 Phone· 310/830·6672 Email·
Norco Athletic Supply
1110 Stellar Unit 106 Newmarket, l3Y 7B7
5800 West 18th Street Greeley, CO 80634 Phone· 800/321 ·9809 Web Site·
Look-it Activewear PO Box 1517 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone · 541/672-6037 Web Site· www.look·
NRA Gym Supply
Louisiana State University P.O. Box 25095 EBaton Rouge, LA 70803 Phone· 225/578·5050 Email ·
RR2 Box 1373 Roland, OK 74954 Phone· 918/427-4999 Email· nragym@aoLcom
Olympic Fox Microsystems
Mac and Dam Inc./Christian Moreau USA 38838 (ambria Way Palmdale, CA 93551 Phone· 661/267·0656 Email· info@moreau·
Mancino Manufacturing Co., Inc. 4732 Stenton Ave Philadelphia, PA 19144 Phone · 215/842·0690 Email· Web Site ·
Field House 145 Main St Durham, NH 03824 Phone· 603/862·3834 Email·
24600 SW ladd Hill Rd Sherwood, OR 97140 Phone· 503/625·1331 Web Site ·
Orion Intertrading Co., Inc. 9 Gray Fox lane Albany, NY 12203 Phone · 518/869·6299 Email· yurtsy@aoLcom
Palmer Power Springs P.O. Box 646 Addison, Il 601 01·0646 Phone· 630/628·1324 Email·
Patti Komara's Tumblebear Gym Videos 1530 Joliet SI. Dyer, IN 46311 Phone· 219/865·2274 Web Site ·
Paul Ziert and Associates, Inc. 3214 Bart (onner Dr. Norman, OK 73072 Phone · 405/364·5344 Email·
Peach State Awards 102 ERoyce Drive (hesapeake, VA 23322 Phone · 800/963·3250 Email ·
PENultimate 201 Yorkshire Dr Greenville, S( 29615 Phone· 864/268·7740 Email·
Perfect 10 Sportswear 318 lakefield Drive Murphy, TX 75094 Phone· 972/881·9725 Email ·
Pinnacle Capital LLC 159 SWorthen Suite 300 Wenatchee, WA 98801 Phone· 888/223·2600 Email·
PlaySafe, Inc 601 E. Walnut ST Garland, TX 75040 Phone· 972/487·8877 Email· glenn@playsafe·
Professional Payment Systems P.O. Box 6000 (enter Harbor, NH 03226 Phone· 603/253·6373 Email· Web Site·
Rebecca's Mom Leotards 5445 Ben Ave Valley Village, CA 91607 Phone· 818/980·0119 Email ·
Resilite Sports Products, Inc. PO Box 764 Sunbury, PA 17821 Phone· 570/473·3529 Email ·
Rhythmic Gymnastics Inc
214 Clinton Ploce Hackensack, NJ 07601-3603 Phone - 201/343-7424 Email - RGINCORP@AOl.COM
Satara Leos 5712 Danmire Court Plano, TX 75093-2433 Phone - 972/267-7676 Email
Score Master p.o. Box 31421 CharloHe, NC 28231 Phone - 704/523-1812 Email
SJ-TV Productions/Gold Medal Fund Raising 140 Windsor St Reading, PA 19601 Phone - 610/374-7441 Web Site
Snowflake Designs 2943 Larkin AVE Clovis, CA 93612 Phone - 888/509-6234
Snyder Insurance Services, Inc 6800 College Blvd. Ste 125 Overland Park, KS 66211 Phone - 800/874-6704
Spieth Anderson 4608A Fairlane Ave Fort Worth, TX 76119 Phone - 800/331-8068
Summit America Insurance Services 5001 College Blvd Suite 216 Leewood, KS 66211 Phone - 913/327-0200
Threads of Fun Spiritwear 285 ASawdust The Woodlands, TX 77380 Phone - 281/363-1133
TIffin Athletic Mats Inc PO Box 823 Elkton, MD 21922-0823 Phone - 800/843-3467 Emoil
To The Core 8161 S. 59th Franklin, WI 53132-9235 Phone -414/421-9797
Top Flight Information 9179 Red Branch Rd. Columbia, MD 21045 Phone - 410/992-1600 Email
TrampWear Inc 9301 Jordan Ave #1 05A Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone - 818/886-4689
Trampolines Unlimited, Inc. p.o. Box 924 Carpinteria, CA 93014 Phone - 800/287-7071 Email
Trophy Depot 1110 Jericho Tpke New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Phone - 516/488-8632 Email Web Site - hHp:/ /
Tumbl Trak 313 W.Michigan Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 Phone - 800/331-4362 Email
Tumblebus, Inc 601 W. Main St New Albany, IN 47150 Phone - 812/945-6866
UCS, Inc 100 Third Ave Kearny, NJ 07032 Phone - 800/526-4856
United Athletic International 658 North Ballas Road 51. Louis, MO 63122 Phone - 800/877-5294
United States Gymnastics Suppliers Ass'n 13 Wentworth St Charleston, SC 29401 Phone - 843/577-9620
Universal Cheerleaders Assodation 20-17 -B Talley St Decatur, GA 30030 Phone -404/687-9911 Email continued on page 25
- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - 1(
TfC HN IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MA R(H 200 2
~~\ ~~~ROBATICS USA Gymnastics welcomed sports acrobatics as
acrobatics offers great opportunities for club
owners! To help our Member Clubs take advantage of
this opportunity, we are excited to provide you with
Working in groups fosters partnership and teamwork among athletes in the gym, and helps to develop athletes' interpersonal skills through lasting friendships with their partners. Help prevent "burn out" in your students by introducing sports acrobatics into your recreational program. And there is no extra equipment involved! Routines can be performed on basic panel mats at the lowest levels of competition, and on a regular 40' x 40' spring floor for higher levels of competition. The sports acrobatics program is working to develop information on how to start and run a sports acrobatics program. For more information, please contact the Sports Acrobatics Program Director, Alexa Hukari, at or 317.829.5667.
insight into what sports acrobatics is and how it can
help your business grow.
here are five disciplines within the sports acrobatics programs: women's pairs, men's pairs, mixed pairs, women's trios, and men's fours. Each pair/group performs routines featuring gymnastics tumbling skills such as single, double, or twisting saltos, partner balance and tempo skills. Balance skills highlight the athletes' strength and flexibility through pyramids and positions. Tempo skills involve somersaulting and twisting with landings on the floor or catches by a bottom partner. A variety of athlete types and strengths can be successful in a sports acrobatics program .
Sports Acrobatics can provide a competitive environment for your athletes whose strengths lie in dance and tumbling skills as opposed to other gymnastics events. One of the most positive aspects to sports acrobatics is that athletes of all different heights, weights, and body types can participate. Smaller, more flexible athletes are needed for the top or 'flyer' positions, while taller and stronger athletes are ideal for the base positions. In addition, acrobats can compete competitively into their late twenties. This allows you to keep athletes in the gym who may have out grown artistic gymnastics events. Equally important is the fact that sports acrobatics is FUN!
TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MA R(H 2002
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EHective Decision-Making: Less is More At Boot Camp we stress the value of critically inspecting your personal 'decision-making model: The concept: every business person develops a habitual thinking pattern with an average effectiveness ranging anywhere from 'very' to 'not at all: Basically, a lifetime of effective decisions will make you happy, wealthy and wise and, of course, the opposite is also true. Examples:
One of the numerous components of effective thinking includes the ability to reconcile paradox; a second is the habit of discriminating opinion from fact. Another, and the one I want to discuss here is focus and the counterintuitive consequence of focus, 'less is more: One example of focus is the discipline to avoid splinter programs. Splinter programs are teeny, tiny profit centers with no hope of becoming a full blown program. Example: I am confident Kids First could pluck an hour out of the week and conduct an adult gymnastics class of eight students and be nicely profitable for that hour/space. However, because adult gymnastics is not likely to have enough potential to progress into a full-blown program we opt to forgo that profit. (At Kids First 'full blown program' means having enough oomph to justify its own department level manager, either PjT or FjT). But Jeff, why on earth would you just let go of an obviously profitable hour? Because a business's resources are limited and splinter programs always consume a disproportionate share of resources just to maintain them (staffing, curriculum, risk management, etc.).
In short, I have made a decision-making habit of devoting our finite resources toward the bigger returns. Less is more. Clarifications: (1) Know that one club's splinter program may be another club's bread and butter; (2) We do engage in teeny, tiny profit centers known as pilot programs with the expectation they can develop into full blown programs. Over time, many pilot programs become splinter programs, which means it is time to cut. The most dramatic example of focus is in fact our company's very essence-our core concept (and our name). In our five mile radius market area we have 130K people. With our company's 86,000 sq. ft. and $4M of debt to service doesn't it seem the safest decision wou ld have been to design a business capable of servicing every one of the 130K people? It may seem so however, obviously, we did not. Instead, we opted for a core concept and a name-Kids First-that blatantly EXCLUDED 80% of our population! We chose to focus on kids 3-8 yrs. of age and because of that decision we have a bangup business with Uust shy of, darn it!) 5000 students. I honestly believe, had we sought to be all things to all people we would have a lesser business and perhaps would have sunk, as do so many 'sports complexes'. Less can be more. Think it through. Di rect topic requests to: Make it a great month, Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center
The Metzger Club Owners'
solutions j@r ( )rl' J@1!ItT! 61!1tsinesS. eH61J1Jsiness ~ ~. lifeti1J1Jl!~
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Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/ 2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners.
2002 Dates: June 13-17, 2002; November 21-25, 2002 For FREE portfolio of infonnation: 513.489.7575 or Visit us at
PL YOMETRIC TRAINING FOR CbllLDREN aDOLESCENTS hildren and adolescents need to participate regularly in physical activities that enhance and maintain cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health. While boys and girls have traditionally been encouraged to participate in aerobic training and strength building activities, a growing number of children and adolescerits are experiencing the benefits of plyometric training. Plyometrics refer to exercises that link strength with speed of movement to produce power and were first known simply as "jump training." Previously thought of as a method of conditioning reserved for adult athletes, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) contends that plyometric training is a safe, beneficial and fun activity for children and adolescents provided that the program is properly designed and supervised. Plyometric training conditions the body through dynamic, resistance exercises. This type of
training typically includes hops and jumps that exploit the muscles' cycle of lengthening and shortening to increase muscle power. Plyometric exercises start with a rapid stretch of a muscle (eccentric phase) and are followed by a rapid shortening of the same muscle (concentric phase). With plyometric training, the nervous system is conditioned to react more quickly to the stretch-shortening cycle. This type of training enhances a child's ability to increase speed of movement and improve power production. Regular participation in a plyometric training program may also help to strengthen bone and facilitate weight control. Further, plyometric training performed during the preseason may decrease the risk of sports-related injuries. This may be of particular benefit to young female athletes who appear to be at increased risk for knee injuries as compared to
Curriculum Poster Reward System • Proven Effective in Building Enrollment Retention • Provides a SAFE and Progressive Teaching System • Sets ACHIEVABLE Goals r--..:::....::......------------, • Motivates Parents and Students • Keeps Records of when Skills are Passed • Valuable for Measuring Teacher Efficiency r
Jeff Lulla is a member of the USAG Preschool Advisory Board and co-author of the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT) course. He is also a USAG National Safety Instructor, an industry consuHant, and is a seminar presenter for the USAIGC, and USA Gymnastics. He owns two successful gyms in Southem Cal~omia.
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) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
young male athletes. There are thousands of plyometric exercises, ranging from low intensity double leg hops to high intensity drills such as depth jumps. Although the latter is typically associated with plyometric training for the mature athlete, common games and activities such as hop-scotch, jumping rope and jumping jacks can also be characterized as plyometrics because every time the feet make contact with the ground the quadriceps are subjected to the stretch-shortening cycle. In fact, plyometrics are a natural part of most movements, as evidenced by the jumping, hopping and skipping seen on any school playground. With qualified coaching and age-appropriate instruction, plyometric training can be a safe, effective and fun method of conditioning for children and teenagers. However, there is the potential for injury to occur if the intensity and volume of the training program exceeds the abilities of the participants. Children and adolescents should develop an adequate baseline of strength before participating in a plyometric training program, or they should simply begin plyometric training with lower intensity drills and gradually progress to higher intensity drills over time. Although additional clinical trials are needed to determine the most effective plyometric training program for children and adolescents, beginning with one to three sets of six to 10 repetitions on one upper body exercise (e.g., medicine ball chest pass with a one-kilogram ball) and one lower body exercise (e.g. double leg hop) twice per week on nonconsecutive days seems reasonable. If mUltiple sets are performed, participants must be provided with adequate rest and recovery between sets (e.g., two to four minutes) in order to replenish the energy necessary to perform the next series of repetitions with the same intensity. Unlike traditional strength training exercises, plyometric exercises are performed quickly and explosively. Plyometric exercises may be introduced into the warm-up period or
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"Plyometric training is a safe, worthwhile and fun method of conditioning for children and adolescents if ageappropriate guidelines are followed, qualified instruction is available, and individual concerns are addressed."
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"Common games and activities such as hop-scotch, jumping rope and jumping jacks can also be characterized as plyometrics because every time the feet make contact with the ground the quadriceps are subjected to the stretch-shortening cycle."
incorporated into game activities.
Depending upon individual needs and goals, the plyometric training program can progress to include multiple jumps, single leg hops and throws using lightweight medicine balls. Modifying the program over time will help to optimize gains and prevent overtraining. Children and adolescents should be provided with specific information on proper exercise technique, rate of progression and safe training procedures (e.g., warm-up and cool-down). Also, children and adolescents must wear supportive athletic footwear and plyometric exercises should be performed on surfaces with some resilience. Plyometrics are not intended to be a stand-alone exercise program and should be incorporated into a well-designed overall conditioning program that also includes strength, aerobic, flexibility, and agility training. Plyometric training may not only make children and adolescents faster and more powerful; this type of training may offer observable health benefits to young populations. The contention that plyometrics are inappropriate for boys and girls is not consistent with the needs of children and teenagers or their physical abilities. Plyometric training is a safe, worthwhile and fun method of conditioning for children and adolescents if ageappropriate guidelines are followed, qualified instruction is available, and individual concerns are addressed._
Written for the American College of Sports Medicine by Avery D. Faigenbaum, Ed. D., FACSM and Donald A. Chu, Ph.D., PT, ATC
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TEe HN IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2002
National Health Care and Sport Science Referral Network USA Gymnastics National Health Care Referral Network is comprised of health care practitioners with proven experience working with athletes. These professionals have met the criteria in their field set by the National Sport Science and Health Care Board of Consultants and expressed an interest in partnering with local gymnastics programs to provide health care services for athletes. The following list is the 2002 update with individuals from the fields of Nutrition, Sport Psychology Consultant, Clinical Psychology, Primary Care Sports Medicine, Athletic Training, Sport Science, Psychiatry, and Orthopedic Surgery. There is also a separate category of former gymnasts in various health care professions. Anyone interested in knowing more about the National Health Care Referral Network or the Athlete Well ness Program can contact Kathy Kelly, Senior Women's Program Director, 317-237-5050.
REGISTERED DIETITIANS Don 8enardot, Ph.D., R.D., LD. Assodole Dean Georgia Stole University College of Health & Human Stiences University Plaza Atlanta, GA 30338 (404) 651 -1582 (ph) (404) 651-3231 (fax) Jackie Berning, Ph.D., R.D. University of Colorado ol Colorado Springs Deportment of Biology 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (303) 593-3078 (ph) Ruth Carey, R.D., LD. Nutri~on Consultant 4121 SW 43rd Ave. Portland, OR 97221 (503) 203-8991 (ph) Nancy dark M.S., R.D. Sports Nutr~ionist SportsMedidne Brookline 830 Boylston Street, #205 Brookline, MA 02467 (617) 795·1875(ph) (617) 795·1876(fax) Chris~ne
Doolittle, M.S., R.D., Nutrition Consultant 730 Bridle Path Dr. Wexford, PA 15090 (412) 597-1509 (ph) Michelle Dusserre·Farrell, M.B.S.,R.D'·· USOC Sport Partnerships One O~mpic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719)578-4500 x3311 (719)578-4957 (fax)
Ph01is Kennel Krzos, M.S., R.R., LD.N. 48 Par la Ville Rd., Su~e 295 Hamilton, HM 11 Bermuda (441) 236-5717 (phone ond fox) Johnna Kudlac MS, RD. lD 43 Highview Grde Denton, TX 76205 (940) 898-2644 (ph) (940) 898-2910 (fax) Kim laPiana, M.s., R.D.18 Mikro laguna Niguel, CA (949) 363-2813 (ph) Rick lewis, Ph.D., R.D. Department of Foods and Nutrition The University of Georgia Dawson Hall
Athens, GA 30602 1706) 542-4901 (ph) (706) 542-5059 (fox) rlewis@l! Melinda Manore, Ph.D., R.D." Professor, Dept. Nutrition Arizona State University-East Campus 7001 E. Williams Field Rd. Mesa, AI 85212 (480) 727-1705 (ph) (480) 727-1064 (fax) dept. email: Website: hHpj / nutrition Mildred Mcinnis Cody Ph.D., R.D., LD. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Georgia State University Atlonta, GA 30303·3083 (404) 651-1105 (ph) (404) 651 -1235 (fox)
John DiFiori, M.D. Assistant Professor UClA Division of Sports Medidne, Ste. 220 200 UClA Medicol Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90095 (310) 825·8941 (ph) (310) 794·6097 (fax) Steven A. Giles, M.D. Moreland Fami~ Medidne Assoc., S.C 717 W. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha, WI 53188 (262) 542-9100 (ph) (262) 542·7366 (fax) Brian Halpern, M.D., FAAFP Sports Medidne New Jersey 475 County Rd. 520 Marlboro, NJ 07746 (732) 946-2100 (ph) (732) 946-4039 (fax) Suzanne S. Hecht, M.D"·· UClA Dept. of Fami~ Medidne 50-071 CHS, Box 951683 los Angeles, CA 90095·1683 (310) 206-1299 (ph) (310) 206·5351 (fax) (current elite judge)
Karen Reznik Dolins, EdD., R.D., Doctor of Nutrition Educolion/ Exerdse Physiologist 250 E. Hartsdale Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914) 725-5703 (ph) (914) 725·6220
David Herzog, M.D. Director, Eating Disorders Un~ Massachusetts General Hosp~al 15 Parkman St., ACC 725 Boston, MA 02114 (617) 726·2724 (ph)
P~ Tveit Milligan, M.S., R.D...• Corporate Well ness Dietifion Henry's Morketplace 9320 Fuerke Dr., Suite 105 la Meso, CA 91941 (619) 460-3032 ext. 727 (ph)
Mimi Johnson M.D. Sports Medicine Physician 12707-12Oth Ave. N.E.Ste. 202 Kirkland, WA 98072 (425)899-4200 (ph) (425)899-4202 (fax)
Mary Sowa, R.D. CNSD Sports Nutritionist 18 Wadsworth Irvine, CA 92620 (949) 857-8364 (ph) (949) 857-8324 (fax)
Steven Karageanes, 0.0 Dir. Sports Medicine FellowshipProgram Henry Ford Hospital Center for Athletic Medidne 6525 Second Ave. Detro~, MI48202 (313)972-4088(ph) (313)972-4202 (fox)
daudia Wilson M.S., R.D. Sports Nutritionist/ Oinical Dietitian 555 Foothill Dr. #301 Soh lake Lily, UT 84112 (801) 581-8000 (ph) (801) 585-5393 (fax)
Daniel Krah M.D. Methodist Sports Medidne Center 1815 N.Capitol Ave. Ste. 600 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317)924-8600 (ph) (317)921 -0230 (fax)
MEDICAL DOCTORS / PRIMARY CARE Gndy Chang, M.D. University of California University Health Service Tang Center, 2222 Bonuoh Way Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 643-3627 (ph) (510) 643-9790 (fax)
Teri Metcalf McCambridge, M.D"· Sports Medidne Physidan Ruxton Professional Center 8322 Bellona Ave., Ste. 100 Towson, MD 21204 (41O)337-7900(ph) (410)337 -532l(fax)
Katherine Dec, M.D. Integrated Muscular Skeletallnstitu~on 1429 Johnston·Wiliis Richmond, VA 23235 (804) 745-9000 (ph)
larry Nassor, D.O., AIC" Michigan State University Sports Medidne 2900 Hannah Blvd., Suite 104 East lansing, MI 48823 (517) 336-4520 (ph) Aurelio Nottiv, M.D"· Assodate Professor UClA Division of Family Medidne, Div. Of Sports Medidne 924 Westwood Blvd. Ste#650 los Angeles, CA 90095 (310) 794-0794 (ph) (310) 794·6097(fax) Margot Petukian, M.D., FACSM Director, Primary Care Sports Medidne, Penn State Univ. Assodate Professor Dept. Orthopedics &Rehabilitation Hershey Medicol Center University Park, PA 16803 (814) 865-3566 (ph) (814) 865·4054 (fox) mxp Sami Rifol, M.D. Sports Medicine Associates 44199 Dequindre, Ste. 314 Troy, MI 48098 (248)828-5454 (ph) (248)828·5410 (fax) srifot© Alan R.Stockard, D.O. Director Sports Medicine Univ. of North Texos Health Science Center at Forth Worth 3600 W. 7th St. Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 377-3422 (dinic phone) (817) 735-9034 (dinic fax)
MEDICAL DOCTORS / ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS James R. Andrews, M.D. Alabama Sports Medidne and Orthopaedic Center 12011lth Ave. South, Suite 200 Birmingham, Al35205 (205) 939·3000 (ph) (205) 933-8042 (fax)
(616) 343- 8170 (ph) (616) 382·8490 (fox) Polrida C Chamberland, M.D. Orthopedics Surgeon Chamberland Orthopedics 711 North Taylor Sf.. Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 641-4355 (ph) (970) 641·0377 (fax) Wahon W.Curl, M.D. Woke Forest University School of Medidne Medicol Center Boulevard Winston-Solem, NC 27157-1070 (910) 716-4207 (ph) (910) 716-6286 (fax) Hamilton Easter, M.D., Ph.D. Tooze &Eoster 720 South Queen St. Dover, DE 19904 (302) 735·8700 (ph) David Fischer, M.D"· Minneapolis Sports Medidne Center 701 25th Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612)339-7734 or (952)944-2519 (ph) (612)339-5391 or (952)944·0460 (fox) Robert Frederick, M.D. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery Associate Director of Sports Medidne The Rothman Institute/lhomas Jefferson University Hosp~al 925 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 955·4952 (office phone) (215) 503-0533 (office fax) (610) 529-8328 (home fox) Stade Grossfeld, MD Orthopeadic Specialists 4003 Kresge Way louisville, KY 40207 (502)-212-BONE (ph) (502) 212-2004 (fax)
Jay Binder, M.D., M.P.H. Director of Sports Medidne Center The Sports Medidne Center 4720 1-10 Service Rd., Su~e 301 Metairie, lA 70001 (504) 885-8225 (ph) (504) 885-7642 (fox)
Carlos Guanche, M.D. Minneapolis Sports Medidne Center 701 25th Ave. South Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612) 339-7734 (ph) (612) 339-7434 (fax)
Quinter BurneN II, M.D. K. Valley Orthopedics, P.C and The Southwestern Michigan Sportsmedidne Oinic 315 Turwililane Kalamazoo, MI49006
Jeffrey l Halbrecht, M.D. Private Practice 2100 Webster St., Su~e 331 San Frandsco, CA 94115 (415) 923·0944 (ph) (415) 923-5896 (fax)
William Hayes, M.D. Houston Northwest Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center 13635 Michael Rd. Tomball, TX 77375 (281) 351·7261 (ph) (281) 351·2515 (fax) Mark Hutchinson, M.D.*' Associate Professor of Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Dir. of Sports Medicine Services Univers~ of Illinois at Chicago 209 Medical Science S. 901 Wolcott, M/C844 Chicago, Il60612 (312)996·7161 (ph) (312) 996·9025 (fax) Douglas Jackson, M.D. Southern California Center for Sports Medicine 2760 Atlantic Avenue long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 424·3441 (ph) (562) 427·1235 (fax) Jack Jensen, MD, FACSM 9180 Old Katy Road, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77055 (713)984·1400 (ph) (713) 984·0544 (fax) David M. Joyner, M.D., F.A.e.S. 1125 Quail Hollow Rd. Hummelstown, PA 17036 (717) 566·5839 (ph)
(717) 566·9719 (fax)
(701) 237·9712 (ph) (701) 237·0922 (fax)
(606) 268·0268 (ph) (606) 268·4519 (fax)
Thomas P. Knapp M.D. Santa Monica Orthopedic Sports Medicine Group 1301 Twentieth Street Su~e 150 Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310)829·2663 (ph) (310) 315·0318 (fax)
Bert Mandelbaum, M.D." Santa Monica Orthopedic Sports Medicine 1301 20th St., Suite 150 Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 315·0136 (ph) (310) 315·0326 (fax)
Robert A. Stanton, M.D. 325 Reel Road Fairfield, a 06430 (203) 255·2839 (ph) (203) 254 3685 (lax)
Robert J. Meislin, M.D. Phoenix Orthopedic Group 2620 North 3rd St., Suite 100 Phoenix, AI 85004 (602) 277·1558 (ph)
John Steubs, M.D. Orthopedics Surgeon 305 ENicollet Blvd. #282 Minneapolis, MN 55454 (952) 892·1800 (ph) (952) 892·0833 (fax)
Peter Kurzwell, M.D. Director Sports Fellowship 2760 Atlantic Avenue long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 424·6666 (ph) (562) 989·0027 (fax) Thomas N. lindenfeld, M.D. Gminnati Sportsmedicine and Orthopaedic Center 12115 Sheraton lane Gminnati, OH 45246 (513) 671·0311 (ph) Mary Uoyd Ireland, M.D. Kentucky Sports Medicine Clinic 601 Perimeter Dr. lexington, KY 40517 (606) 268·0268 (ph) (606) 268·4519 (fax) KsportsMed@AOLCOM Mark A. lundeen, M.D., P.e. Orthopaedic Associates Fargo 2301 25th Street South Suite A Fargo, NO 58103
Bill M~chell, M.D." / '" SportsMedicine Brookline 830 Boylston St., Suite 112 Brookline, MA 02167 (617) 731 ·6300 (ph) (617) 731 ·9640 (fax) Susan M. Otto D.O. Gunthrie dinic 1 Guntrie Sq. Sayre, PA 18840 (570)882·3356 Terry Francis Reardon, M.D. Orthopedic Associates of Middletown 51 South Main St. Middletown, a 06457 (860) 347·7636 (ph) Yvonne E. Satterwh~e, M.D. Kentucky Sports Medicine 601 Perimeter Dr. lexington, KY 40517
Kevin M. Supple, M.D. Greensboro Orthopaedic Center, P.A. 1401 Benjamin Parkway Greensboro, NC 27408 (336) 545·5000 (ph) (336) 545·5020 (fax) Douglas P. Tewes, M.D. lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.e. 6900 AStreet P.O. Box 6939 lincoln, NE 68506 (402) 436·2000 (ph) (402) 436·2099 (fax) John W.Uribe, M.D. 5000 University Drive, Su~e 3320 Coral Gables, Fl33146 (305) 669·3320 (ph) (305) 669·3324 (fax)
David LWalden, M.D. Southern Colorodo Orthopedic dinic 2233 Academy Place, Su~e 101 Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 570·7272 (ph) (719) 570·9030 (fax) George J. Zambetti, Jr., M.D. 343-345 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019 (212) 765·2260 (ph)
ATHLETIC TRAINERS Dwight Adsit, Ale. 4010 Donalbain Spring, TX 77373 (281) 351·6300 (ph) James Beitzel, Ale. 9 Bent Tree Court Bolingbrook, Il60440 (630)·910·0528 (ph) Marino Biagini IlILATC CSCS 30 Gaskill Ave. W.Spingfield, MA 01089 (413)739·3745(ph) Mamie lynn Brown, Ale., PI Sinai Samaritan Medical Center Sports Medicine InsliMe 19601 W. Blue Maund Rd. Brookfield, WI 53045 (414) 821-4460 (ph) (414) 821-4464 (fax) David Burchuk, P.T., Ale. lighthouse Physical Therapy continued on next page
150 Gosling Rd. Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 431 -0277 (ph) J. Rigo Carbajol, Ale. Metro Physico ITherapy 9332 N. 95th Way Ste. 208 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (480) 614·5878 (ph) (480) 614·5860(fax)
John Christionsen, P.I, A.IC Health South Rehabil~ation 297 W.63rd SI. Willowbrook, Il60514 (630) 789-9506 (ph) Rondy Craig, P.I, A.IC PRO REHAB 12660 lamplighter Square, Ste E St. louis, MO 63128 (314) 842·2990 (ph) Kotherine I. Dieringer, AlC, LA.IC Texas Womon's University Intercollegiate Athletics PO Box 425349 Denton, TX 76204-5349 (817) 898·2378 (ph) Albert J. Ducker, A.lC./CSCS HealthSouth Sports Medicine 12115 Sheraton Gminnaij, OH 45246 (513) 346·311 0 (ph) (513) 346·7290 x3501 (voice mail) (513) 346·3113 (fax) Kothleen Hickey Kone, P.I, AlC"* Volley Physicol Therapy &Sports Medicine 6 Progress Dr. Cromwell, a 06416 (860) 635-9622 (ph) (860) 828-6303 (fox) Ron linfonte, A.lC. Director of Sports Medicine SI. John's Unive~ity Alumni Holl Jamaica, NY 11439 (718) 990-6055 (ph) (718) 990-2198 (fax) Janice loudon, Ph.D. P.I, AlC, S.CS. The University of Kansos Medical Center Assistont Professor 3901 RainbowBoulevord Konsas Gty, KS 66160·7601 (913) 588-6914 (ph) (913) 588-4568 (fax) jloudon@kumcedu Timothy Mclane, A.T.C/L M.B.A. 5975 Orchord Pond Drive Orange Park, Fl32073 (904) 308-7741 (work phone) (904) 269-9737 (home phone) (904) 269·8099 (home fax) Denn~ Miller, P.T., Ale."
Director of Sports Medicine Purdue Univ. B·61 Mockey Areno WestlafayeHe, IN 47907 (765) 494-3245 (ph) (765) 494-9899 (fox) larry Nassar, D.O., A.Ie." Michigon State Unive~ity Sports Medicine 2900 Hannah Blvd., Suite 104 East lansing, MI 48823
and conditioning)*** Department of PEHR 200 PE Building Eastern Washington Unive~ity Cheney, WA 99004 (509) 359-2872 (ph)
(517) 336-4520 (ph) (517) 332-4576 (fax) Don Rackey, Ale. Dir./Owner USA Physicol Therapy 7331 E. Osborn Rd. #190 Scottsdole, AZ 85251 (480) 892-8476 (ph) (480) 892-1 633 (fox)
Peter E. Pidcoe, Ph.D., PT Assistont Professor Department of Physicol Therapy School of Allied Health Professions Virginia Commonwealth Unive~ity P.O. Box 980224 Richmond, VA 23298·0224 (804) 828-0234 (ph) (804) 828-8111 (fax)
Melanie I Seaman, P.T, A.le. Healthsouth 6767-B South Yale Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 492-3639 (ph) Kevin Shanohon, P.I, A.IC Health South Rehobil~ation 297 W.63rd SI. Wiliowbrook, ll60514 (630) 789·9506 (ph)
Michelle Provost-Craig Associate Professor College of Physicol Education Athletics & Recreation University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716
linda Tremain, P.I, A.IC Health South Rehobil~ation 297 W. 63rd St. Willowbrook, Il60514 (630) 789-9506 (ph)
Williom A. Sonds Ph.D. ** Depl. Chair-Kinesiology California lutheran Unive~ity 60 W.Olsen Rd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-2700 (805) 492-2411
Debbie A.Van Horn, M.S., AlC USOTC Sports Medicine One Olympic Ploza Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (970) 349-5371 (ph)
Mel Siff, Ph.D. (Biomechanics/lraining Theory) 7434 S. Cherry Court liHleton, CO 80122 (303) 221 -3336 (ph)
James Zochazewski, P.I, A.lC., SCS Dir. of Rehobilitation Services N ewlon-Welle~ey Hosp~ol
2014 Washington SI. Newlon, MA 02462 (617) 243·6172 (ph) (617) 243-6377 (fox)
Jessico Smith, ME, PE PhD. Student in Bioengineering, Emphasis in Biomechanics 636 E. 1300 S. Salt lake Gty, UT 84105 (80l) 487-9349 (ph) (801) 832-0310 (fax)
Ph.D. (Epidemeiology ond Anthropometry) Depl. of Physicol Education, Heolth and Recreotion Western Washington Univmity Bellingham, WA 98225 (360) 650-3529 (ph) (360) 650·7447 (fax)
Jennifer Kilgore, M.s. *** Sport Psychology, Consultont Department of Exercise and Sport Scieme Unive~ity of Utoh Solt lake, Gty, UT 84112 (801) 463-6010 (office phone) (80l) 585-3992 (fax) Robert M.Molina, Ph.D. Professar of Kinesiology Deportment of Kinesiology Michigon State Unive~ity 128 1M Sports Grcle East lansing, Ml 48824 517-355·7620 (ph) 517-353·2944 (fax)
GlorioBalague, Ph.D:' UIC Psychology Deportment 1007 W. Horr~on SI. Chicago, Il60607 (312) 996·8681 (ph) (312) 413-4122 (fax) Gloriob@uicedu Karen D. Cogon, Ph.D:** Counseling and Testing Center Unive~ity of North Texas PO Box 310968 Denton, TX 76203 (940) 565-4798 (ph) (940) 565-4376 le~ Curry, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Deportment of Health and Human Performance Director, GRIZ Sport Counseling ond Performance Enhancement Resource Or. 220A & BMcGilVHHP Depl. The Unive~ity of Montana M~ulo, MT 59812 (406) 243-5242 (office phone) (406) 728-6252 (fax)
Karen McDonold MSPT 40 Ridge Hill Farm Road Wellesley, MA 02782 (781) 862-3727 (ph) (508) 655-5310 (fax)
Joon Duda, Ph.D'" Purdue Univmity Department of HKLS
Jeni McNeal, M.C, CS.CS., Ph.D, (Exercise physiology/ strength
WestlafayeHe, IN 47907 (317) 494-3172 (ph) Richard D. Gordin, Ed.D. Deportment of HPER Utoh Stote Unive~ity logon, UT 84322 (435) 797-1506 (ph) (435) 797-3759 (fax) David A. Feigley, Ph.D. Rutgm Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies Faculty of Arts and Sciences Loree Gymnasium, Room 107 PO 80x 270 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0270 (908) 932·6537 (ph) (908) 932-9538 (ph) (908) 932-9525 (fax) Wayne Hurr, Ph.D. Staff Psychologist Georgetown Univmity Counseling Center One Dornall Holl 37th &"0" Streels NW Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6985 (ph) (202) 687-6158 (fax) lene la~en PH.D Children's Memoriol Hasp~al Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2300 Children's Plaza #10 Chicago, Il60614 (773)880-3421 (ph) (773)880-8110 (fox) Joseph Massimo, Ph.D. 45 Pond SI. ApI. 19 Waltham, MA 02451-4569 (781) 891-6769 (home) (78l) 893·2009 (gym) linda Perlichkoff, Ph.D. Professor, Depl. of Kinesiology Boise State Unive~ity 1910 Unive~ity Drive Boise, 10 83725 (208) 426·1231 (office phone) (208) 426·1894 (fax) Jomes P. Reardon, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist Worthington Woods Office Condominiums 7550 Pingue Drive Worthington, OH 43085 (614) 436·9985 (ph) (614) 436·0256 (fax) Mark ThompsclO, Ph.D. Inner Edge 3514 Ointon Parkway Box A-285 lawrence, KS 66047 (785) 749·2888 (ph)
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Pol~ Rost, Ph.D. (Private Practice) 807 South George SI. York, PA 17403 (717) 843·6561 (ph) (717) 845·6941 (fax)
Michael Strober Ph.D. Director, UCLA &rting Disorde~ Program Rm. 27-356 Neuropsychiatric Insmute 10833 le Conte Ave.
los Angeles, CA 90095
PSYCHIATRY CONSULTANTS Antonia Boum M.D." /*** George Washington Unive~ity Depl. of Psychiatry, 8th Floor 2150 Penns~vonio Ave. NW. Woshington D.C 20037 (202) 994·2908 (office) (202) 994-6377 (fax) psyolb@gwumcedu Ronold Kamm M.D:* Sports Psychiatrist 257 Monmouth Rd. Building A. Su~e 5 Oakhurst, NJ 07755 (732) 517-0595 (office phone) (732) 517-8585 (fax) David Herzog M.D. Director Eating Disorde~ Un~ Massachusetts General Hospital 15 Parkman SI., ACC 725 Baston, MA 02114 (617) 726-2724 (office phone)
FORMER GYMNASTS IN HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONS Alison Arnold, Ph.D., c..r.C Heod Games Professional Sport Psychology 10250 N. 92nd SI., Su~e 107 Scottsdole, AZ 85258 (602)462-1607 (ph) (602)462-1608 (fax) Jennifer Fosonello, M.s., R.N., B.S.N. 4411 SW 34th SI., #902 Gainsville, Fl32608 (352) 336-0819 (ph) Darcy Heath-Wallace, M.A., MFT Sport Psychology Consultant 2530 Silvercrest CI. Pinole, CA 94564 (510) 223-8271 (h) (510) 392-1250 (vm) (925) 827-4104 Desiree Jansen, R.D., LD. Hillcrest Medical Center Hillcrest Exercise ond lifestyle Programs 1265 S. Utica Ave., Suite. 200 Tulsa, OK 74101-4964 (918) 579-4959 (ph) Kyra Bramble, M.S., R.D. Registered Diemian 4870 Avocet Dr. Norcross, GA 30092 (770) 242-7330 (ph) (770) 242-8098 (fax) Jennifer Whinery, M.A. Therapeuijc Recreation Dynom~e Academy of Gymnastics 327 Franklin Ave. Rockaway, NJ 07866 ** Advisory Boord Member *** Former Gymnast
Todd Thornton, 19, just vaulted to victory at the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge where he won the all-around title. Todd is from Houston, Texas, where he trains at Team Chevron - Houston Gymnastics Academy and is coached by Kevin Mazeika. Todd was an alternate to the 2001 World Championships team in Belgium and said that he was highly motivated from the experience. After the World Championships were complete Todd competed in the Glasgow Grand Prix and took fifth on floor and sixth on vault. Todd won the all-around in the junior division at the 2000 John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships and was sixth all-around at the 2001 U.S. Championships in the senior division . He's eager for the 2002 U.S. Championships and his goal is to be competitive with his teammate Sean Townsend and other top gymnasts as well. He's looking forward to having the 2003 World Championships held in the USA and would like to be a part of the USA Team at the event.
Todd began the sport of gymnastics in 1989 when he was 7 years old and has been a member of the Junior National Team for three years and the Senior National Team for one year. Todd is the youngest of four brothers and is a freshman at San Jacinto Community College where he is studying business. He has aspirations of opening his own gymnastics facility someday! In his spare time Todd enjoys going to movies and hanging out with friends . He's also starting a new website which will be dedicated to the fans of gymnastics. He's going into this new venture with Townsend and another teammate Jason Furr. The threesome hope to have the site up and running by the middle of March or beginning of April. •
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TEe H H 10 UE • MARCH 2002
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Gymnastics Day August
National Gymnastics Day is scheduled for August 24, 2002. We hope your planning is underway or that you'll begin your plans soon. This year we will, once again, organize a National Gymnastics Day Cartwheel-A-Thon. This event will be an opportunity to raise money for your club, your National Team and/or the Children's Miracle Network. More details on this event and pledge sheets will be published in future issues of Technique and posted on the website.
For Release - f, (onlact: (ourln, Indianapolis bringing togethe benefits that the
National Gymnastics Day was created to celebrate our sport and to generate interest and enthusiasm about the wonderful sport of gymnastics. Remember, the more gymnastics clubs in the country that get involved in National Gymnastics Day, the better the exposure for our sport!
Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs. Whether you need a single mat for home use, or enough mats to set up an entire gym
- quality mats at affordable prices. Visit us on the web -
leading the effol legends Kurt Thai Chairs. Karolyi h the history of gyn a two-time gold IT and a member of "/'m thrilled that ~ successful yet," sail Thomas and Peter ' motivation for YOUI
USA Gymnastics released an announcement on National Gymnastics Day to the press on February 6 (see release at right). Feel free to develop your own press release using the copy from the press release as well as information on what your club plans to do locally. (You can also download the release from the web site and click on National Gymnastics Day.) Send the release to your local newspapers, TV stations and radio stations to generate interest in your area. Visit our web site at and click on the National Gymnastics Day button to find a listing of what clubs are planning to do around the country. This may give you some ideas on ways to celebrate. Once you have your plans established, email us at so that we can post your plans on our website. All USA Gymnastics Member Clubs will receive a marketing kit to promote gymnastics and National Gymnastics Day. Expect this kit around May. Check out the contents on page 24. If you'd like to sign up as a Member Club in order to get the Marketing Kit, contact Loree Galimore at 317-829-5654 or at
USA Gymnastics will the kickoff of public information on the:
In addition to the eel Gymnastics Day in th participate in a natiol and/or the USA Natic or performances in 9l National Gymnastics [ States. log on to WWW.usa-gYI your community are ce
Based in Indianapolis, b is 10 encourage parficip~ and ils programs, access
- - - - - = - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I(
TECH N' 0 U E â&#x20AC;˘ MA R(H 2002
Don't forget to take lots of photos at yo~r National Gymnastics Day celebration and submlt them to USA Gymnastics so that we can ~ost them on the web and in our publications. Em~ll them to or m~ll them to USA Gymnastics, attn: National Gymnastics Day, Pan Amencan . Plaza , 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.
always want the best for
all my gyms.
Have fun, be creative and l~ y,0ur commum'ty know that gymnasucs 1S a great foundation for kids!
Bela Karoly;, Kim Zmeskal Kurt Thomas and Peter Vidmar Named Honorary Chairs ~ruary 6, 2002
v (aress, USA Gymnastics, 317-829-5656 USA Gymnastics has designated August 24, 2002 as the fourth annual National Gymnastics Da~ the millions of children who participate in gymnastics in celebration of the physical and mental iport offers. s for 2002 National Gymnastics Day are world-renowned coach Bela Karolyi, and gymnastics las, Peter Vidmar, and Kim Zmeskal, who together serve as honorary National Gymnastics Day s served on the team since 1999, its inaugural year, and is the world's most successful coach in nastics. Thomas was a two-time gold medalist at the 1979 World Championships, Vidmar was ldalist at the 1984 Olympic Games, and Zmeskal was the 1991 World All-Around Champion he 1992 bronze medal-winning Olympic Team. ltional Gymnastics Day is headed into its fourth year and I believe this will be the most Bob Colarossi, President of USA Gymnastics. 'Thanks to Bela Karolyi, Kim Zmeskal, Kurt 'idmar for their support. Their successes and lifelong dedication to the sport serve as a great g gymnasts across the country." host a nationwide celebration in los Angeles on National Gymnastics Day, which will serve as ticket sales for the 2003 World Championships, held in Anaheim, California. For more '003 World Championships, please visit the official website at ebration in los Angeles, clubs across the country are encouraged to celebrate National eir own unique way. For the second year in a row, clubs will have the opportunity to Iwide Cartwheel-A-Thon to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network, their dub, nal Team. Other past club activities include securing state proclamations, hosting exhibitions 'ms, at other sporting events, or at a local mall, and offering free gymnastics lessons. lay takes place in August as it is a peak enrollment time for gymnastics clubs in the United for more information and to learn how gymnastics clubs in ,Iebrating National Gymnastics Day.
'SA Gymnastics is the notional governing hody for gymnastics in the United States. Its mission ,tion and the pursuit of excellence in the sport. For more information ahout USA Gymnastics USA Gymnastics Online at
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Four Posters • ~ational Gymnastics Day : G orld C~ampionships 2003 ymnashcs a Great F d · • Cel b . oun ahon e nty Testimonial Poster VHS Video Ta • C pes • o~mercial samples Public service a • H· hi· h nnouncement Ig Ig t video-l hour of fintertainment
. gymnastics
Marketing Brochure • Download the Marketin . the Member Club Onl g .Gulde from include. H t d y Site. Items . ow 0 evel P selling gymnasti t oh a press kit, cs 0 t e press approaching sponsors d ' m k . an a ar ehng planning calendar.
Become a Member Club Today. For more infor · • Loree Galim mation contact ore, Club Services at 317-829-5654 or 1-800-345-4719 Manager
4 5 6
, 'TS
Advertising Sampl • Read _ d e USA ma e ~ds to use with the ymnashcs logo • Member club logo ad slick • Usef these ads to formu Iate a pro essional looking a d for your club
GUidetOG • Th. ymnastics
or~se~:;~e ~II
color booklet can be give to new clie t II your meets 0 d· I . n s, se at r ISP ay In your club.
National G ymnastics Da • . Site Coordinato , . y useful. f . r s gUide is filled with In ormation to assure celebration. Included i h. a great is a sample of th . ntis booklet : unique things that clubs h d ave one In recent . years, a step-by-step act" Children's M. 10 n planning section Irac 1e Network ' Governors cont t· f .contacts, WI. ac In ormahon I late organiz ' a bl. . a t"Ions, our NGD pu IC service annou colorin ncement, Th gl dPages and Cartwheel-Aon p e ge sheets.
~totlamation Whereas Whereas Whereas Whereas
USA GymnastiCS is celebrating National GymnastiCS Day on August 24,2002 to unite tile milliOns of children who participate In the sport, National GymnastiCS Day seeks to introduce the value of physical fitness for every age, race, gender and abilitY level,
GymnastiCS provides a great foundation and offers sl<\l~ {or a lifetime, The participation in gymnastiCS builds strength, flexibilitY and coordination while enhancing performance in other sports,
GymnastiCS en\lallCOS self esteem and goal-settlnS abll\tleS In all children, Whereas
helping them to become champions in Itfe,
On National GymnastiCS Day, gymnastiCS dubs acroSS the United StateS partner with USA GymnastJcS to helgbtel\ the visibilItY of tile sport and encourage participation at the grassroots level, CollectiVely, our nation striVes to encourage greatness and achievement
in our young people,
On behalf of the state of _ _ , I Governor J join the team of Nadonal GymnastiCS Day Chairs and gymnastiCS /egeIIds peter Vidmar, Kurt Thomas, Kim Zmeskal and Bela K3rolyi in proclaiming August 24,2002 as National GymnastiCS Day.
continued from page 9
University of Michigan
~~ BE A GYMNASTICS PHOTOGRAPHER! ver thought it would be fun to be a gymnastics photographer? Give it a try. Send us a GREAT gymnastics photo and we'll publish the best shots in a future issue of USA Gymnastics and on USA Gymnastics Online. Who knows . . . maybe it will end up on a poster!
USA Gymnastics needs photos promoting our sport, athletes and coaches. We're particularly looking for great photos to promote National Gymnastics Day! Send your gymnastics photo (limit ONE) to GYMNASTICS PHOTO, USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. You can also email us your photo at in a JPG format at 300 dpi. The editorial staff of USA Gymnastics will choose their favorite photos and publish them in a future issue of the magazine. All entries must be received by May 1 to be eligible.
1000 SSiole SI Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Phone· 734/764·5318 Emoil .
US Glove Inc 8300 Son Pedro NE Albuquerque, NM 871 09 Phone· 505/856·7750 Emoil·
US Gymnastics Training Centers Camp P.O. Box 4088 Tequeslo, Fl33469 Phone· 561/743-8550 Emoil·
Vaughn Software Services
Don't forget to tell us your name, age and a phone number in case we need to contact you!
PO Box 1086 Apex, NC 27502 Phone· 919/362·0432 Emoil . voughnsohwore@eorlhlink.nel
Submitting your photo grants us permission to use it in publications, online or in marketing materials. Sorry, we can't return photos.
Vela Technologies, Inc
Beoverton, OR 97008 Phone· 503/469·8352 Emoil .
Wilton Academy of Gymnastics 2248 Roule 9 Soulh Howell, NJ 07731 Phone· 732/462·2079 Emoil·
World Class Gymnastics Center 5700 Old Collinsville Rood Foirview His, IL 62208 Phone · 618/632-4555 Emoil .
World Class Gymnastics/ Martial Arts Acd 5400 Chomblee·Duinwoody Rd Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone· 678/731·9700 Emoil .
6107 SW Murroy Blvd. #323
TROPHY Choose the BEST at Factory Direct FticiI19
~ IU iI ~
)} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
USA Gymnastics National Congress S~
Special Congress/Championships Package for USA Gymnastics Pro and lnsbuctor Members Attending Congress. Must pre-register by July 13 and pay in full.
A special member package has been developed for those USA Gymnastics members attending Congress. The package includes Congress Registration and tickets to see all the U.S. Championships events including Men's Artistic, Women's Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline and Tumbling and Sports Acrobatics. In addition, with this package you will receive a Special Gold Level seating for senior Men's and Women's Artistic evening sessions.
National Congress s ......_lib e
Cleveland, Ohio August 7-10, 2002 ''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education" Combined with afford ability, accessibility and award-winning service, Cleveland will make an excellent site for the 2002 USA Gymnastics National Congress. Cleveland has world-class attractions and museums, great restaurants and shopping, plus professional sports and golf courses.
Congress Location: Cleveland Convention Center 500 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Within walking distance of all the Congress hotels listed below! Congress Hotels:
USA Gymnastics National Congress will again be presenting more than 12 different tracks offering lectures for all your staff to increase their knowledge.
All hotel accommodations must be booked directly with National Travel Systems at 888-603-8747 or 806-331-1930 or email They can also assist with your air travel arrangements.
• Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center - $139.00 127 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44114-1305 • Embassy Suites - Cleveland Downtown at Reserve Square - $129.00 1701 East Twelfth Street Cleveland, OH 4411
Thursday, August 8 - Saturday, August 10 • Congress Sessions • Exhibit Hall • Dance Party (Marriott Hotel's Key Center)
• Holiday Inn Select - $119.00 1111 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114
'Check for Congress Registration information in the next issue of Technique or on USA Gymnastics online at
• Sheraton Cleveland City Centre - $104.00 777 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114
Pro &Instructor Members Pre-registration Guly 13) .... $230 On-site registration . ... ... . $330
:::::E: c:::l
Visit for more information on Congress or to get to the National Travel Systems website.
On-site registration .... . .... $450
Share in the excitement as the best gymnasts in the country compete for the national titles! August 7-10 Men's & Women's Artistic
Gund Arena
Cleveland Public Hall located in the Convention Center
......... c:
be available. Watch for upcoming announcements on pricing.
Transportation: RTA public transportation system can take you easily from the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport to Tower City Center in downtown for only $1.50. The airport is located just 20 minutes from downtown. A taxi ride from the airport to downtown is only $20.
U.S. Championships
Pre-registration Guly 13) . . . . $350
Note: Member Clubs discounts will
Registration forms will be online or in future issues of Technique.
Note: all rates are plus 14.5% tax
Wednesday, August 7 • Business Conference • Add On's including KAT and MELPD Certification, Safety Course, ACCA/Cheer Certification, Trampoline and Tumbling Levell Coaches Course.
Congress Costs
A $455.00 value for only $300.00 - this includes Congress Registration and all U.s. Championships events. This offer is only available to USA Gymnastics members attending Congress.
= = = c::c c::::s
and Tumbling
Cleveland Public Hall located in the Convention Center Exhibit Hall in the Convention Center
Sports Acrobatics
Look for ticket information in future issues. TEe H N 10 U f • MARCH
USA GYMNASTICS 1001 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipline specific courses under the Professional Development Certification program . The goal of the Women's Level I-IV SkiLL DeveLopment CurricuLum is to establish a soLid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals . The focus is to break down the beginning LeveL skills for Junior Olympic Levels I-IV. Solid basics are vita L to the physical Longevity and to the skill proficiency and progression for the gym nasts. It's muc h easier to "Learn it right" at the beginning rather than trying to "clean it up" Later.
The program will cover the following topics: • Vault • Beam • Tumbling • Psychology
• • • •
Bars Dance Coaching 101 Coachi ng Philosophy
Completion of the two-day, 12-hour course will certify you as a Skill EvaLuator. The course is taught through the use of two complimentary texts; Introduction to Gymnastics Coaching Theory and t he Level IIV Curriculum Guide; coordinating videos, and hands-on drill and spotting instruction.
This is a great course for all women's artistic gymnastics coaches from novice to club owner. To set up a course, contact t he course instructor nearest you. For a compLete List of instructors or to view more information regarding the course, visit our web site at
3/9/02 1-7pm
3/ 10/02 9am-3pm
New York
Pete LaChance
845-534-9793, 2430 Rt 32, New Windsor
Gym Kids Gymnastics
4/27/02 1:30-8:30pm
4/28/02 9am-3pm
South Carolina
Gary Knisley
864-306-9180 400 McCue St., Easley
Easley Gymnastics Academy
rt IT
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TEe H H 10 UE • MARCH 2002
)- -- - - - - - -- - - -- --=2=-=7=--1
Safety Certification· Sanctions PDP & KAT Certification Meet Director Certification Skill Evaluator Certification Athlete Wellness
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_U__ pd_al_e_---==-)
Membership Number to Date As of February 18, 2002 there are 74,174 athletes registered through July 31, 2002. The breakdown of athletes registered to date by disciplines are: Women's program - 56,575; Men's Program - 11,500; Rhythmic Program - 1,119; Trampoline/Tumbling - 4,368; Group Gymnastics (GG) - 2,242 The professional members are as follows: Women Program - 9,197; Men's Program - 2,118; Rhythmic Program - 219; Trampoline - 756; Group Gymnastics - 355
Professional Membership Cards We developed a new tool with DMG/ gomembers to address the problem of incorrect expiration dates. The result of this is we identified the 5% of the membership, who due to system errors had incorrect data in their file. The member services representatives corrected all of these records and thus the membership cards can now be printed and mailed. Nearly 5,000 Professional membership cards were mailed to members during the week of February 18th. This mailing includes all members that were affected by the software / query problems from October 2001 to December 2001. If you have not received your Professional membership card, contact Member Services as soon as possible at 1-800-345-4719. We will gladly reissue another card to you. Renewal Leiters As part of our membership growth and retention initiative, we are running and sending out renewal letters. It is our goal to continually improve customer service for our members. If in the future a member finds an error in receiving the renewal, they should contact us and we will make the correction or adjustment immediately. If you receive a renewal letter and you have renewed, please excuse us for the cross in the mail. It is our desire to make sure that we continue to improve our service to you. Sports Acrobatics Sports Acrobatics membership is being integrated into the USA Gymnastics system. We will have full integration into the system by the beginning of July. The membership entry is taking place with our membership representative in Florida. This program brings forth approximately 250 coaches and officials and 850 athletes. The member services department in the Indianapolis National Office conducts all sanctioning, including Sports Acrobatics. Educational Services USA Gymnastics educational services staff are working with the safety instructors to determine better and more efficient methods r.-=2-=a:-------------------1(
of processing, inputting and certifying our members. The new Risk Management/safety course book is with the graphic artist. The manual should be at the printers by the end of April. The new safety certification cycle will begin August 1, 2002 and will run through July 31, 2006. The new course will be given at National Congress on Wednesday, August 7 in Cleveland, Ohio.
National Congress and U. S. Championships Plans are already underway for National Congress and the annual Trade Show. Information is on our web site and in all future issues of Technique . A very special Congress sessions and Championships ticket package will be available for our professional and instructor members only. Only members attending Congress will be able to receive this special member benefit. Pre-registration by July 13 must take place for this special offer. New Member Services Online Registration Fonnat Have you noticed the new "table" format on the Member Services
online registrations page? This table was designed to assist our members in finding the correct service function and to overview the requirements to use the particular service all in one easy step. The services are divided into three sections: Individual, Club, and Meet Director. So if you are a club and you need to register a new athlete, you select the "Club" section. Are you a Meet Director verifying athlete memberships for your invitational next weekend? .. You would use the Meet Director section. Please let us know what you think of the new table format by sending an e-mail to
Member Service Deparhnent 1·800·345·4719 The Member Services department is receiving an increase in calls regarding specific program questions. We apologize, but we can not answer questions regarding scores, specific program rules, etc. However, please remember that we are here to assist you with all your membership, subscription, merchandise, sanction , and education services needs. USA Gymnastics Offices 317·237·5050 For all other information, please call 317-237-5050 - USAG Exec utive Office regarding specific program questions, concerns, comments and suggestions or event, marketing, sponsorship, ticket information . For state and regional qualifying scores and other activities that are more state driven, please contact your appropriate state or regional chairperson.
TEe H N 10 Ufo MARCH
A: The judge runs the event, so she should raise her hand and announce that the 30-second time is running.
Selected Questions & Answers from the 2001 Women 's Technical Symposium, National Judges' Courses & NAWGJ Symposium
3. Q: If the gymnast actually mounts the apparatus and begins her exercise without the signal from the Chief Judge, what is the procedure? A : The Chief Judge must ask the gymnast to get off the apparatus and repeat the exercise immediately. A 0.50 deduction will be taken from the average by the CJ.
PART 1- General Information & Vault
GENERAL INFO FOR OPTIONAL EXERCISES: Chief Judge Deductions: 1. Q: If the gymnast is doing poorly and the coach tells her to get off the apparatus, then within 30 seconds she continues her exercise, is this considered coaching!signaling? A: Yes, deduct 0.50 for the fall and issue a warning to the coach.
2. Q: If the judge is ready for the next competitor, but the gymnast is standing with her back to the judge, when do you start the 30-second time to begin the exercise?
4. Q : If the gymnast lands and lifts both arms to present, but never turns toward any judge, does that meet the requirement for "presentation"? A: Yes, she does not have to turn to face the judge(s). 5. Q: Short Exercises- Please clarify the procedure for calculating the final score. A: Example for Level 10: Start from 9.5, subtract any missing Value Parts, Special Requirements, etc., then take deductions for composition and execution/ amplitude faults, add any Additive Value, then deduct
continued on page 31
Developing Their Skills Is Difficult; It Doesn't Have To Be So Expensive Norbert's proudly introduces a new vault training device that's great for all levels of gymnasts. And, at less than one-third the cost of a regulation vault table, it affords every gym the luxury of a second station. "Norbert's Table Trainer is a superb system for developing skills and teaching techniques to master the new Vaulting Table. I would recommend the Table Trainer for athletes at all competition levels as well as t-ecreation classes. Dollar fOt· dollar, it's the best equipment purchase I've made in years. No more mat stacking; no more building soft fake tables thanks to Not·bet·t's Table Trainer." Stephen Rybacki 2000 U.S.A. Olympic Asst. Coach 2001 U.S.A.WorldTeam Head Coach
Optional women 's or men's block raises trainer to respective competition heights. Each LUllllCLl~ securely with velcro fasteners and features same velcro base as Table Trainer.
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MEMBER CLUB INVITATIONAL LISTING ALASKA Invitational 3330 Arctic Blvd. Ste WRHS·B; Anchorage, AK 4/20/2002 ArcticGymnastic Center Phone - 907/ 563-3330 Fox - 907/ 561 -1B97 levels - W4·6
CALIFORNIA Butterfly Classic 450 Fletcher Parkway; EI Cajon, CA 4/6/2002 Elite GYM Acad 01 San Diego Phone - 619/441 -5900 Fax - 619/441 -B729 levels - W4·6 Cartwheels Classic 501 laurel Street; Menlo Pork, CA 4/ 28/ 2002 Menlo Park Gymnastics Phone· 650/858-3480 Fax· 650/327-7046 levels - W4·9 Dreams 01 Gold 7735 Haskell Ave; Van Nuys, CA 5/5/ 2002 Gymnastics Olympica USA Phone -818/785·1537 Fax -818/785-1160 levels - W4·6 Fallbrook Team Challenge 342 Industrial Way; Fallbrook, CA 5/18/2002 Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone -760/728-8582 levels - W4-6 Golden Bear Invitational 25 Sports lone; Berkeley, CA 4/20/2002 Golden Bear Gym. Acad. Phone - 510/ 642·0792 Fax - 510/ 642·8339 levels - W4-6
COLORADO Rocky Mountain Open 4626 North Park Or; Colo. Springs, CO 3/ 16/2002 ARTSPORTS-Colo. Springers Phone - 719/531-5867 Fax -719/531 -9986 levels - T5-Elite
CONNECTICUT Springtime Invitational P.O. 80x 400; Pomlret Center, CT 4/ 20/2002 Airtime Trampoline Team Phone -860/928-2955 Fax -860/928·2942 levels - T3-Elite
All American Gymnastics, Inc. Phone· 904/ 641·9966 Fax - 904/ 641-9966 levels - W2-6
Empire Gym ond Dance, Inc Phone· 315/735-4774 Fax - 315/ 735·4774 levels - W4-7
Allen Gymnastics Academy Phone · 972/727-8978 Fox - 972/727-9053 levels - M7·6
lucky Stars Invitational Jamestown Community College; Jamestown, NY Stroup's Gymnastics 21 EThird St Suite #4; Jamestown, NY Phone · 716/ 665-8081 Fax· 716/ 665-8081 levels - W4·10
Chicagoland Invitational 6360 S. Belmont; Downers Grove, Il 4/20/2002 Elite Sports Complex, Inc. Phone· 630/ 968-2699 Fax - 630/ 960-5580 levels - R5-10, GROUP
OHIO MARYLAND Frederick Classic 4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD 3/ 22/ 2002 Frederick Gymnastics Club Phone - 301/695-0205 Fax - 301/695·6439 levels - W5-Elite Harlord Trophy Meet 701 Whitaker Mill Road; Joppa, MD 4/ 6/ 2002 Harlord Gymnastics Club, Inc. Phone - 410/879-3718 Fox - 410/ 877-7752 levels - W4-8
l 5, 7 and 8 Spring Fling Inv 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 4/ 6/ 2002 Greater Kalamazoo World 01 Gym. Phone· 616/ 381 -5749 Fax - 616/ 381 -4776 levels - W5, 7, 8 level 7 and 8 Invitational 1111 E. Wackerly Road; Midland, MI 3/ 23/ 2002 Midland GYM Training Center Phone - 989/832·3045 Fax - 517/ 832-2278 levels -W7-8 level 7 Tune-Up Meet 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 5/ 4/2002 Greater Kalamazoo World 01 Gymnastics Phone - 616/ 381 -5749 Fox - 616/ 381 -4776 levels - W7
MINNESOTA Spring Jamboree Columbia Heights HS; Columbia Heights, MN 4/13/2002 Jam Hops Gymnastics 1321 Andover Blvd. NE; Ham loke, MN Phone - 612/ 413·0647 Fax - 612/413-0920 levels - W5·B
St Pafly's Day Cup 1180 Sherman Ave.; Hamden, CT 3/ 22/ 2002 New Era Gymnastics Phone - 203/281-1826 Fax - 203/407-1533 levels - W4-Elite
Clemmer May Mobility Meet 10420 Southern loop Blvd.; Pineville, NC 5/ 4/2002 Clemmer School 01 Gymnastics & Dance Phone· 704/ 583-9998 Fax - 704/ 553-7026 levels - W5·8
Easter Bunny Invitational 730 Sf. Johns Bluff Rd N; Jacksonville, Fl 3/ 16/2002
Invitatonal Event 1850 Manor Hill Rd; Findlay, OH 3/ 23/ 2002 Gold Medal Gymnastics Phone - 419/425-4653 Fax - 419/ 659-6091 levels - W7-8
Spring Fling 912 AProlessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 4/13/2002 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 547-0169 Fax - 757/436-2724 levels- WPREp, W4·Elite
Marvelous May 1460 West Bagley Rd; Berea, OH 5/ 18/ 2002 Thome·Ohio Gymnastics Phone - 440/243-1211 Fox - 440/243-1215 levels - W4-10
Empire Classic 9659 State Route 49; Marcy, NY 5/ 19/ 2002
Event Name -Shamrock Invitational Event Site - 912 AProl. Place; Chesapeake, VA Start Date· 3/ 17/ 2002 Club Name - Ocean Tumblers Gym. Phone - 757/ 547-0169 Fax - 757/436-2724 levels - WPREp, 4·Elite
International Gymnastics Hall 01 Fame Myriad Convention Clr; Oklahoma City, OK 6/1 9/ 2002 Bart Canner Gymnastics Academy 3206 Bart Conner Or.; Norman, OK Phone - 405/447 -7500 Fax - 405/321-7229 levels - W4-Elite
Mordi Gras 1221 29th Street NW; Auburn, WA 3/ 30/ 2002 Auburn Gymnastics Center, Inc. Phone - 253/ 876-9991 Fax - 253/ 876-9993 levels - W4·7 The Teddy Bear Classic 121713th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 3/ 30/ 2002 Puget Sound Gymnastics Phone - 253/ 845-0910 Fax - 253/ 845-3021 levels- W4-6
OREGON Aero Challenge 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 4/13/2002 Acrovision Sports Ctr Phone· 541/388·5555 Fax - 541/318·0329 levels - W4-6
Spring Fling 275 Saddle Ridge Rd; Evanston, WY 3/ 23/ 2002 High Uinta Gymnastics Phone - 307/ 789-1770 Fax - 307/789-1067 levels- T1-10
PENNSYLVANIA Friendship Classic DOH lenytl Sch-Martz Hall; Pottsville, PA 3/ 21/2002 Pottsville Gymnastic Training Center P.O. Box 631 ; Pottsville, PA Phone - 570/628-4966 Fax - 570/ 622-3352 levels - W4·Elite Fun In The Sun Invitational 4382-A Gibsonia Rd; Gibsonia, PA 3/ 16/ 2002 Northland GYM & Cheer leading Phone - 724/444-3010 Fax - 724/ 444-3013 levels - W5-6 The Best 0 the West 310 First Street; Ellwood City, PA 3/ 16/ 2002 Gold Medal Gym Acad Phone - 724/752·4133 Fax - 724/ 752·4133 levels - W4-7
TEXAS St Patrick's Day Invitational 109-BN. Greenville Ave.; Allen, TX 3/ 16/ 2002 TEe H N 10 UE • MARCH 2002
) t - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -
2.00. It is a very rare occasion that a negative score would result. 6. Q: In regards to the Incorrect Padding deduction, are "heel cups" acceptable? A: The heel cup taped to the foot is acceptable. 7. Q: Incorrect attire: Is a medical bracelet allowed without deduction? A: Yes, it should be secured with athletic tape. 8. Q: Are leotards with spaghetti straps acceptable? A: Spaghetti straps are considered incorrect attire. According to the FIG Code, the shoulder strap width must be a minimum of 2 cm. 9. Q: Incorrect attire: After a warning, the gymnast continues to wear incorrect attire. Is the deduction applied only once, even if she has the same leotard (or earrings) in the next event(s)? A: Yes, the deduction is taken only ONCE if the gymnast continues to wear the incorrect attire after a warning. The judge who issues the warning must communicate with the Meet Referee or the Chief Judges on any remaining events that the gymnast has been warned, so that any subsequent violation would receive a penalty.
We insure more
VALUE PARTS: 10. Q: Does a different landing position make an element different if listed in the FIG Code under the same number? A: Yes, on Beam; No, on Floor Example on Beam: Front handspring step-out and Front handspring to two feet are considered different elements. Example on Floor: Back layout to two feet and Back layout step-out are considered the same element. 11. Q: On dismounts, if the gymnast lands on the feet and buttocks simultaneously (not the feet first), will she receive Value Part credit? A: Yes, always give the benefit of the doubt to the athlete. Void the element only if another part of the body lands prior to the feet.
gymnastics SChOOlS than
in the world.
DEDUCTIONS: 12. Q: If the coach touches the gymnast without assisting in the completion of the element, is Value Part Credit given? A: Yes, take 0.50 for the "spot" and give Value Part credit. 13. Q: What is the deduction for "touching" the apparatus with hands/arms, but not falling against the apparatus on landing. A: Deduct 0.30, the same as for "hit on mat". (Touching is not as severe as falling against the apparatus.)
Rated "A Excellenf' by A.M. Best
Call us to find out why. More Women's Program Update on page 32.
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TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MA RCH 2002
) } - - - - - - - - --
2002 NEW ELEMENTS FOR WOMEN The following elements have been added to the Women's FIG Code of Points, effective January 2002. Please note on the right side of the chart the respective number and value given to these elements for the Jr. Olympic program.
Jr. Olympic
8.50 P.
8.70 P.
old # 5.308 New # 5.408 old # 5.408 New # 5.409 old # 5.409 New # 5.509 5.410
old 9.40 P. New 9.50 P. old 9.50 P. New 9.70 P old 9.60 P. New 9.80 P. 9.60 P.
Round-off 1/2 (180°) turn on - handspring 1/1 turn (360°) off
Round-off 1/2 (180°) on - handspring 1 1/ 2 turn (540) off
Round-off, 1/1 turn (360°) on - tucked salta backward off
To be same value as: 5.402 Round-off 1/2 turn (180 °) on - 1/2 turn (180 °) tucked salto backward off. - 9.50 FIG./lO.O for fa Round-off, 1/1 turn (360°) on - piked salta backward off
To be same value as: 5.405 Round-off 1/2 turn (180 °) on - 1/2 turn (180 °) piked salto backward off. - 9.70 FIG110.0 fa Round-off, 1/1 turn (360°) on - stretched salta backward off
1m J/V j,ffi -V
To be same value as: 5.505 Round-off 1/2 turn (180 °) on - 1/2 turn (180 °) stretched salto backward off. - 9.80 FIG110.0 fa Round-off, flic-flac with 1/1 turn (360°) on - 1/2 (180°) turn, tucked salta forward off
• 5.410
Uneven Bars 2.402
~. ;1
;1t 5.507
Handstand on HB - Giant circle backward with 1/2 turn (180°), uprise backward with rear vault in flight over HB to hang Clear hip circle forward to handstand, also with 1/2 turn (180°) (Weiler-kip) Clear hip circle backward with 11/2 turn (540°) in handstand phase Giant circle backward with 2/1 turn (720°) in handstand*see below note Handstand on HB - giant circle backward with 1/2 turn (180°) and further 1/2 turn (180°) to counter straddle in flight over HB to hang (Handstand on HB) - swing down forward (back facing LB) between bars in reverse grip, backward swing, release and 1/2 turn (180°) in flight between the bars to catch LB in hang (Handstand on HB) - giant circle swing forward in L grip with stretched body (L grip giant), release or hop-change grip to initiate 1/1 turn (360°) completed in handstand phase Giant circle swing forward with stretched body in L grip to handstand with 1 1/2 (540°) turn in handstand phase
* Note: In previous CODES the WTC has not allowed an increase in difficulty above a 1 1/2 turn in handstand from any root skill / circle. With 11/2 turns the direction is changed, but with 2/1 turns the swingful execution is disturbed and thus felt to be inappropriate.
TEe H N 10 U f • MARCH 2002
FIG # 5.507
Value E-
XrJ ,.y)1v
Description Giant circle swing forward in L grip with 2/1 (720°) turn in handstand phase. - *see note on page 32 Stalder circle forward in L grip with 1/1 turn in handstand phase Facing inward - Stalder backward with release and hecht to hangonHB Clear pike circle forward to handstand, also with 1/2 turn (180°) in handstand phase (Endo-piked) Clear pike circle backward to handstand, also with 1/2 turn (180°) in handstand phase (Stalder-piked) Clear pike circle forward with 1/1 turn (360°) in handstand phase (Endo-piked) Clear pike circle backward with 1/1 turn (360°) in handstand phase (Stalder-piked) (Handstand on HB) swing down forward between bars with reverse grip - salto forward stretched with 2/1 twist (720°) (Handstand on HB) swing down between bars - swing forward to saIto backward stretched with 2 1/2 twist (900°)
Jr. Olympic Value # 5.507 E 6.503
Tour jete with additional 1/2 turn (180°)
Split leap forward with leg change and 114 turn (90°) to side split or straddle pike position with additional 1/2 turn (180°) 1/1 turn (360°) with free leg held with hand above horizontal from start to end of turn Salto forward stretched with 2/1 twist (720°) - take-off only from both legs Gainer salta backward stretched with 2 1/2 twist (900°) to side / end of beam
Straddle pike jump with 1 1/2 turn (540°) - take-off from both legs
Tuck jump (legs together) with 2/1 turn (720°) - take-off from both legs, with landing to front lying support Salta forward stretched with 3/1 twist (1080°)
Salto backward stretched with 3 1/2 twist (1260°)
Balance Beam 1.314
o! 1
o .4-
Salto forward landing in cross or side stand - approach at end of beam Aerial walkover forward to cross stand - approach from end of beam Round-off at end of beam - salta backward tucked or stretched to cross or side stand Wolf jump with 1/2 - 314 turn (180°-270°), also landing in front support - take off from both legs Split jump from side or cross position with 1/1 turn (360°), take-off and landing on both legs Tour jete with additional 114 turn (90°) (same as tour jete)
Floor Excercise 1.214
super E-
Cat leap forward with bent legs and 1/1 turn (360 Q ) in split sit position Split jump in place with 11/2 turn (540°)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - i (
• MARCH 2002
) f - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - : :--:::-w1
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USA GYMNASTICS 1001 KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschoolage child, safety considerations, class management, and much more!
A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development, and much more. This workshop is designed to help instructors MONTH
Mar Mar Mar ApriL April ApriL June
10 23 24 6 7 13 2
meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend an MELPD course.
If there has never been a KAT or MELPD workshop in your area, 2002 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your workshop has 12 paid participants,
your club will receive one free registration. Member Clubs receive two free registrations.
Tampa, FL Port Townsend, WA Port Townsend, WA Greece, NY Greece, NY Great FaLls, MT Canyon Country, CA
Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will only be valid at the workshop you are hosting. The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations.
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Please call Rachel Heath at 1-800-345-4719 or email rheath@usa-g\ if \lou are interested in attending or hosting a KAT or MELPD workshop. For more information visit our website at http://www.usa-g\
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TEe H H 10 U E • MARCH 2002
USA Gymnastics Women's Program announces its inaugural. ••
NATIONAL CLUB TEAM INVITATIONALS FOR COMPULSORY LEVELS 5 - 6 AND OPTIONAL LEVELS 7 - 1 0 Two competitions will be conducted in Joliet, Illinois in the spring of 2002. Each club is invited to send one team of 4 gymnasts per level for Levels 5 and 6 and one team of 3 gymnasts per level for levels 7 through 10 to compete for National Club Team honors! Be a part of it II Complete information and registration forms are available at our web site at USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL COMPULSORY TEAM INVITATIONAL (LEVELS 5 & 6)
Date: Sat./ Sun., April 20-21, 2002 Who's invited? Any club in the US entries accepted on a first come-first served basis. Only one team per level per club. Site: Aerial Gymnastics Arena, 2701 Black Road, Joliet, Illinois (approximately 45 minutes from Chicago airports) Entry fee: $65.00 per gymnast; $30.00 per team per level Deadline for entries is March 22nd. Format: Club Team competition (4 compete/4 count) per session using Modified Capital Cup format. 8 squads of 8 gymnasts (2 teams - 4 per club) for a total of 64 gymnasts per session 4 sessions per day: Level 5 competition on Saturday and Level 6 competition on Sunday Awards: Awards for top 3 Teams per session plus awards for top 10 overall Team Champions per level. Individual Event (top 6) & All-Around awards (top 10) per session . Meet hotel: Holiday Inn Express, 411 S. Larkin Avenue, Joliet, IL $69.00 per night plus 13% tax Reservations must be made no later than March 19th to insure group rate. Please call National Travel Services for reservations at 1-888-603-8747 Apparatus: Spieth-Anderson equipment will be provided. AAI Stratum boards also available. USAG Contact: (317) 237-5050 Connie Maloney, Women's Jr. Olympic Program Manager or Renee Behrens, Women's Program Assistant
Date: Fri ./ Sat./ Sun., June 14-16, 2002 Who's invited? Any club in the US entries accepted on a first come-first served basis. Only one team per level per club. Site: Aerial Gymnastics Arena, 2701 Black Road, Joliet, Illinois (approximately 45 minutes from Chicago airports) Entry: $75.00 per gymnast, $30.00 per team per level Deadline for entries is May 17th Format: Club Team competition (3 compete/3 count) using modified Capital Cup. 8 squads of 6 gymnasts (2 teams - 3 per club) for a total of 48 gymnasts per session, 4 sessions per day: Level 7 competition on Friday, Level 8 Saturday, and 2 sessions each of Level 9 & 10 competition on Sunday. Awards: 1st - 3rd place Teams per session, plus trophies for the top 10 overall Team Champions at Levels 7 & 8 and top 6 overall Team Champions at Levels 9 & 10. Individual Event & AllAround awards (top 6) per session. Meet hotel: Holiday Inn Express, 411 S. Larkin Avenue, Joliet, IL $79.00 per night plus 13% tax Reservations must be made no later than May 13th to insure group rate. Please call National Travel Services for reservations at 1-888-603-8747 Apparatus: Spieth-Anderson equipment, including Vault table & conventional horse, will be provided . AAI Stratum boards also available. USAG Contact: Connie Maloney, Women's Jr. Olympic Program Manager or Renee Behrens, Women's Program Assistant
ENTER NOW TO SECURE YOUR TEAM(S) A SPOT! Spectator Admission: Adults $6.00; Children under 12 $3 .00 per session
DIRECTIONS To Aerial Gymnastics Arena From Chicago O'Hare Airport: Take 1-294 East to I-55 South. Take Exit #253 (Rte. 52 - Jefferson St.) From Midway Airport: Take Cicero Ave. west to I-55 South . Take Exit #253 (Rte. 52 - Jefferson St.) Go left (East) on Jefferson past Essington, then take a left on Infantry. It deadends at Black Rd. , go right on Black Rd. and then left into Campus Center and Aerial's Arena shares the parking lot with a Kindercare and a restaurant. Continue towards back of lot, enter the health club through the glass doors at the end of the strip mall. From 1-80 (Indiana or Iowa) exit BOB or Larkin St. go North (Holiday Inn Express on left) and continue to Black Rd. about 1 mile and turn left on Black and right onto Campus Center. To Holiday Inn Express From Chicago O'Hare Airport: Take 1-294 East to I-55 South, to 1-80 East. Take Exit BOB, the hotel is on the left hand side - 411 S. Larkin From Midway Airport: Take Cicero Ave. west to I-55 South to 1-80 East. Take Exit BOB, the hotel is on the left hand side - 411 S. Larkin
r EC H N IOU f
MAR (H 2002
GYMNASTICS 2002 NATIONAL COMPULSORY CLUB TEAM INVITATIONAL Compulsory levels 5/6 - April 20-21 TEAM ENTRY FORM CLUB NAME _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ CONTACT PERSON _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ CLUB # _________ __ MAILING ADDRESS CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ STATE _ _ _ ZIP _ _ __
PHONE _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ FAX _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ E-MAIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Safety Expir. Date
2. 3. 4. LEVEL 5 TEAM
Gymnast's Name (last name, First name) 1.
2. 3.
Gymnast's Nome (last nome, First name) 1.
. I
2. 3.
4. If you have changes in athletes at a later dote, please inform us by April 1st in order for us to correct the competitor list. Substitutions will be allowed up to the start of the competition in case of illness or injury. Our club would be interested in sending a "8" team if space is available: level 5 _ _ level 6 _ _ ENTRY DEADLINE:
March 22. Payment is due in full at time of initial registration. There are no refunds after March 22. Refunds must be requested in writing, by fox or e-mail. If your entry is received after all spots are token, your check will be returned.
level 5 ($65 x 4 =$260 + $30 team =$290) _ _ _ _ _ __ level 6 ($65 x 4 =$260 + $30 team =$290) _ _ _ _ _ __ Total amount due
Credit Card Payment Form of Payment: 0 VISA ~ PREFERS
Check (payable to USA Gymnastics)
0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express
Payment Amount:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Nome on Card: Number: _ __ __ Exp. Dote: ___ / _ _ Signature:
SEND TO: Connie Moloney USA Gymnastics USA 20 I S. Capitol, Suite 300 GYMNASI1CS Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fax: 317·237·5069 (for credit card payments only)
TEAM ENTRY FORM CLUB NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONTACT PERSON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ CLUB # ___ _ _ __ _ __
MAILING ADDRESS CITY _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
_ __ __
_ _ __ _ STATE _ _ _ ZIP _ _ _ __
PHONE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FAX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-MAIL _ __
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Safety Expir. Dote
1. 2. 3. *If additional coaches are attending, attach another sheet. Thanks
Gymnast's Nome (Lost nome, First nome) 1.
2. 3. LEVEL 8 TEAM
Gymnast's Nome (Lost nome, First nome) 1.
2. 3. LEVEL 9 TEAM
Gymnast's Nome (Lost nome, First nome) 1. 2. 3.
Gymnast's Nome (Lost nome, First nome) 1.
II .
, I'
2. 3. If you have changes in alhletes at a later date, please inform us by June Ist in order for us to correct the competitor list. Substitutions will be allowed up to the start of t~e competition in case of illness or injury. Our club would be interested in sending a "8" team if space is available: level 7_ _ level 8_ _ level 9_ _ level I0_ _ ENTRY DEADLINE: ENTRY FEE:
Credit Card Payment Form of Paymenl: 0
May 17th. Payment is due in full at time of initial registration. There are no refunds alter May 17th. Refunds must be requested in writing, by fax or e-mail. If your entry is received alter all spots are token, your check will be returned. level 7 ($75 x 3 = $225 + $30 team= $255) level 9 ($75 x 3 = $225 + $30 teom= $255) _ _ _ _ _ __ level 8 ($75 x 3 = $225 + $30 teom= $255) level 10 ($75 x 3 = $225 + $30 teom= $255) _ _ _ _ _ __ Total amount due _ __ _ _ _ __ Check (payable to USA Gymnastics) VISA ~ PREFERS I VISA I 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express
Payment Amounl: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name on Cord: Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: ___ / _ _ Signature:
SEND TO: Connie Moloney
USA Gymnastics USA 201 S. Capitol, Suite 300 GYMNASI1CS Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fox: 317-237-5069 (for (red it (ard payments only)
WOMEN'S JR. OLYMPIC PROGRAM TECHNIW ANNOUNCEMENT January 24, 2002 Latest clarifications/updates, effective immediately for the 2002 season:
The FIG has recently changed the principle regarding the extra swing deduction. Since the change is to the benefit of the athletes, the Jr. Olympic program will also adopt this in order to benefit the Level 9 and 10 athletes who are eligible to receive additive value (bonus). Effective immediately, the 0.30 deduction for an extra swing will be considered a "compositional" deduction and will no longer be attached to the preceding element. Therefore, if the element itself does not incur 0.30 or more in execution/ amplitude deductions, it will be eligible for additive value, even if it resulted in an extra swing.
B. Performance of an unallowable "C" element receives a 2.00 penalty, but it still may be used to fulfill an event Requirement.
C. If an allowable element is attempted, but not performed well enough to receive Value Part credit according to the optional criteria (didn't grasp the bar, insufficient amplitude, or other such criteria), it still may be used to fulfill an Event requirement, as long as the judge can recognize that an "A", "B" or allowable "C" was being performed/ attempted. The requirement would be considered fulfilled and a deduction of "up to 0.80" for "incomplete element/ requirement" would be applied.
II. UNEVEN BAR ElEMENT VALUE CHANGE The FIG and the USAG Jr. Olympic program have changed the following "B" elements to "A" elements: Clear straddle circle forward (6.201) and backward (6.204) on LB or HE to clear support (looks like a straddled seat circle) are now listed as 6.101 and 6.104, respectively.
III. NEW VAULT TABLE MESUREMENTS A. Height Clarification For the 2002 season, all age divisions of those J. O.levels allowed to use the new vault table may use it at any height, provided it does not exceed the FIG maximum of 125 cm ± 1 cm (1250 mm ± 100 mm). The measurement for height should be taken at the mid-point of the table from the crown (highest point) to the floor. When using the two-piston model of the Vault table, both pistons must be set at the same height. B. Vault Runway measurement When using the new Vault Table, the vault runway is measured from the front edge (nearest the vault board) of the vault table. The runway for the conventional horse will continue to be measured from the middle of the horse. • When using the Vault Table, the minimum Vault runway requirement is a minimum of 76 feet. • When using the conventional horse, the minimum runway requirement remains at 78 feet.
IV. LEVEL 7 The following information is also included in the Questions and Answers from the 2001 Judges Courses, which are presently posted on the web site. A. If an allowable element at Level 7 is performed a third time, it can be used to fulfill the Event requirements. In order to receive no penalty at Level 7, the requirements must be fulfilled by performing elements that are allowed at that level (skills listed in the FIG Code or fO Element Supplement or Technical Handbook as "A", "B" or allowable "C") . The Value Parts are not counted as they are in optionals (exception-the 8element requirement on bars must be met with 4 Value Parts plus the 4 required skills).
D. 8-Element requirement for Level 7 Bars: If a gymnast attempts an element (for example, a straddle back over Low bar) as one of her 8 elements, but does not receive a "B" value part because she did not complete the element (didn't grasp the bar, insufficient amplitude, or other such criteria), take a 0.80 deduction for not having eight Value Parts. For the counting of eight elements, the four required skills (kip mount, 60° cast, 360° circling element to 60° and salta dismount) automatically count. The other four elements must be elements of "A", "B" or allowable "C" value, based on optional criteria. In this case, the gymnast attempted an element but did not achieve value part credit. Deduct 0.80 for not meeting the requirement of 8 elements; DO NOT DEDUCT 1.8 FOR DELffiERATE OMISSION OF THE REQUIREMENT. The 1.80 deduction (1.00 for deliberate omission and 0.80 for the value of the requirement) would be applied only if there was no attempt at performing an eighth element. If two casts are performed, one of which is high enough to receive "A" credit (between 11° and 44° of vertical) and the other is too low to receive Value Part credit, both can be considered in the counting of 8 elements/ skills. Always count to the advantage of the gymnast. Usually, the higher cast counts for the requirement of a 60° cast in order to minimize deductions for insufficient amplitude. However, since the second cast is of no value, it would be to the gymnast's advantage to use the low cast as the required cast (taking the appropriate insufficient amplitude deductions) and use the higher cast of "A" value to count as one of the additional four value parts. If two casts are performed, both below "A" level of 44° - 10° from vertical, neither will receive Value Part credit. Therefore, one will count as the required cast and will receive the appropriate penalty for insufficient amplitude. The other can be counted as the 8th element, but since it did not receive Value part credit, a deduction of 0.80 would be applied.
r EC H N IOU E • MA R(H 2002
INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMITTEE Houston, Texas fa/wanj 12, 2002
I. ROLL CALL Roe Kruetzer Tom Forster Kelli Hill Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Tatiana Perskaia Evgeny Marchenko Kim Zmeskal Martha Karolyi Kathy Kelly
Chairman Coaches
Alt. Athlete Representative National Team Coordinator Senior Director Women's Program
The committee discussed the 2003 Calendar and made the following recommendations.
II. MINUTES Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss
Recommendation to accept the 2002 World Championships Selection Procedures as amended. Tom Forster Steve Rybacki
IV. TRAINING PLAN Recommendation to accept the 2002 Training Plan.
Tom Forster Kelli Hill
The committee discussed the need for educational experiences for the coaches. Recommendation that the national staff, or requested experts, organize and conduct a coaches' clinic on Sunday morning at each Classic Meet. Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss
Recommendation that the Karolyi Ranch be deSignated as the USA Gymnastics Women's National Team Training Center. Motion: Second: PASSED
.....- = - 4 - = - O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { (
Donna Strauss Steve Rybacki
VIII. FINANCIAL SUPPORT PROGRAMS Recommendation that any prize money earned by pre-NCAA athletes who cannot receive it, should be placed into the Women's Program Budget in addition to the budget already approved by the board. Motion: 2nd: PASSED
Steve Rybacki Tom Forster
Recommendation that if any national team member who is eligible to receive support funding does not receive all the allotments, the remainder of her funding will go to the next athlete in rank order. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Donna Strauss PASSED Recommendation for the 2003 calendar year to increase the Medal Pool and Club Support. (Proposal submitted to Program Director)
Motion: 2nd: PASSED
Recommendation that the women's competition at the 2003 U.S. Championships be for Seniors only conducted on back-to-back days. The Junior Championships will be conducted on the podium during the 2003 World Championships.
• Office will clarifij the NCAA ruling on this issue and implement if allowable
Martha presented the 2002 National Team Training Plan to the committee and explained her philosophy. Motion: 2nd: PASSED
Motion: 2nd: PASSED
The committee discussed in depth the selection procedures for the 2002 Individual World Championships. Tom Forster presented a proposal for consideration including a "point system" involving multiple competitions.
Motion: 2nd: PASSED
VI. FIG REPORT Jackie Fie sent a complete report on World Championships to the office which was distributed to the national team coaches. The FIG/WTC will meet in late January and some decisions will be reviewed i.e, scores, vaulting rules, etc.
Recommendation to accept the previous minutes as published. Motion: 2nd: PASSED
The committee discussed and will draft a proposal for improvement and additions to the National Training Camp site. This proposal will include specific requests, timelines for implementation of each phase and recommendations for financing. Tom Forster will be drafting the proposal for the committee.
Motion: Steve Rybacki Second: Donna Strauss PASSED
• This recommendation will for beforwarded to the Finance and Accounting Committee for consideration in the development of the 2003 Budget.
IX. COMPETITIONS Recommendation that the VISA American Cup return to a day of preliminary competition and finals with more foreign countries included and a minimum of eight U.S. athletes to better mirror the formats of other major international meets. Motion: Second: PASSED
Donna Stauss Tom Forster
'Office will do a financial impact study and forward that information to the Finance and Accounting Com. TEe HH IOU E • MARCH 2002
Recommendation that a World Cup Event be conducted in the United States and that we fully participate in the World Cup Series. Motion: Second: PASSED
Tom Forster Steve Rybacki
* The FIG is presently preparing to re-format the World Cup. Bob Co/arossi will attend a meeting in mid-March to participate in developing the new format and will distribute the new system upon its approval. Recommendation that the cancelled Pontiac Team Meet be replaced with another tearn experience. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Donna Strauss PASSED * Discussions are underway with the USOC and the Ukraine for a dual meet
this year.
x. MISCELLANEOUS Recommendation that any previous National Team Member can submit a petition to be placed onto the National Team if she competes at the next Classic and places in the top 12. Motion: Second: PASSED
Tom Forster Donna Strauss
Recommendation to the Women's Program Committee to extend the IEC Committee Chairman's term to the end of the quadrennium. The term of the Chair would correspond with the Olympic cycle. Motion: Second: PASSED
Kelli Hill Steve Rybacki
Recommendation to add to the criteria for eligibility of the Chairman of the IEC that the individual must be unaffiliated. (not currently coaching elite athletes). Motion: Second: PASSED
Steve Rybacki Tom Forster
Approved by Bob Co/arossi, USA Gymnastics President, January 2002
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KLIC Limited Partnership Menlo Park, California 94025
TEe HN IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MAR CH 2002
Representative to the MPC through the National Congress.
MEN.S PROGRAM COMMITTEE Conference Call Minutes JanuanJ 7, 2002 Meeting called to order at 8:02 a.m. PST by Chair, Yoichi Tomita.
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Bill Foster Mihai Bagui John Roethlisberger Butch Zunich Ron Brant Dennis McIntyre Ron Galimore
Motion: 2nd: PASSED:
Bill Foster John Roethlisberger Unanimously
III. TEAM CHEVRON MPC Chair & Vice-Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. (absent) Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep. NGJA Rep . (voice, no vote) Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Jr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Senior Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote)
The merger between Chevron and Texaco is now complete. Chevron is currently honoring the Texaco commitment to the National Training Centers. Galimore said he wants to approach Chevron in the near future regarding the potential funding of the entire men's senior national team. Galimore proposed to the committee that Sanjuan Jones become a member of Team Chevron OTe. Motion: To add Sanjuan Jones to Team Chevron of the NTC Colorado Springs Motion: John Roethlisberger Bill Foster 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously
II.NEW SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE TO MPC A new senior representative to the MPC is needed to replace the position vacated by Yoichi Tomita. Mr. Tomita is now on the MPC as the Vice-Chair for Men. The MPC must select a temporary replacement for Mr. Tomita. The next formal election for this position will take place at the National Congress. Three names were nominated through the committee and discussed: Stacy Maloney, Miles Avery, and Tom Dunn. Motion: To appoint Miles Avery as the interim Sr. Coaches
Viorel Popescu, originally from Romania, has requested to participate in the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge. He is presently married to a U.S. citizen and is eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship in 2003. He may be available to compete for the U.S. internationally in this quadrennium. Motion: To permit Viorel Popescu to compete, exhibition only, in the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge. Motion:
Yoichi Tomita
continued on page 46
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r fC H N I QUE
â&#x20AC;˘ MAR CH 2002
Educational Materials
for Gymnastics Professionals
How To Booklets . ... . .. .. ...... . . . ... ~ch
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USA Gymnostics developed this booklet with two gools in mind -to help you determine if storling 0 club is the right decision for you, ond to improve your chonces of success with your new business. Contents contoin business bosics, progrom structure ond curriculum, polices ond procedures, focilities ond equipment ond developing your business.
How To Start A General Gymnastics Program .. . . . . . ...... . ...... . . . ............ . . .#1009 lhis booklet is greotto get school groups, gymnostics programs, ond speciol interest groups together. lhis step·by·step proven system offers how to set up 0 generol gymnosti~ progrom, how to morket your new progrom, setting up curriculum ond somple closses, stoff, educotion, spoce ond sofety gUidelines.
How To Organize and Run An Event ................................... • ....... .#1100 lhis booklet wos written to help you put together 0 show, recitol, guest speoker or competition. It gives you tips on deoling with hotel ond cor rentol ogencies os well os specific items needed to run 0 successful event.
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How To Start A Boy's Gymnastics Program . . ... . ..................... . ...... . ... . .#1200 lhis booklet hos 0 step·by·step proven system thol offers how to set up 0 boy's progrom, how to morket your new progrom, selling up curriculum ond somple closses, stoff, education, spoce ond sofety gUidelines. How ta Start a Trampoline & Tumbling Program . . . .... ..... . .................. . •. . . .#2416 lhis booklet hos 0 step·by·step proven system thol offers how to set up 0 trompoline & tumbling progrom, how to morket your new progrom, selling up curriculum ond somple clolses, stoff, education, spoce ond sofety guidelines.
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1997 Swedish TeamGym ............................................ ...... $15 .00
1999 WorLd Gymnaestrada-The USA Experience ............... ... $15.00
This video helps answer the question, What is General Gymnastics?
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This video shows examples of TeamGym competition. This video is the USA rautines from the World Gymnaestrada in G6teborg, Sweden. #2611 #2612 #2613 #2614 #2615 #2616
1999 WorLd Gymnaestrada-The InternationaL Experience .... ...... $15.00 1999 Gym Fest & TeamGym ...... ...... ...... ... ......... .. ............ $15.00 2000 NationaL GymFest-TeamGym Champs/GaLa Showcase .... $15.00 2001 NationaL Gym Fest Group Performances ................... ..... $15.00 2001 NationaL Gym Fest TeamGymn Championships .. ............$15.00 2001 NationaL Gym Fest GaLa Showcase ...................... ........ $15.00
WOMEN'S 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
American Classic Senior Competition (2 Tapes) ............ $25.00 American CLassic Junior Competition (2 Tapes) .......... $25.00 Visa American Cup Series-RCA/AussiejVisa Finals ........ $15.00 Pontiac InternationaL Team Championships ..... ............. $15.00 Women's NationaL Championships-Juniors ... ...... ... ...... $25.00 Women's NationaL Championships-Seniors .................. $25.00
2001 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2153 #2154 #2155 #2156 #2157 #2158
Women's 2001 Visa American Cup ...................................... $15.00 Women's 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup .......................... $20.00 2001 Women's U.S. CLassic Seniors (2 Tapes) ...................... $25.00 2001 Women's U.S. CLassic Juniors (2 Tapes) ...................... $25.00 2001 Women's NationaL Gymnastics FestivaL ........................ $15.00 2001Women's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Jr. Pre-Lims/FinaLs (2 Tapes)* ............................................ $25.00 *PLease note the above video is missing the vauLt routines #2159 2001 Women's U.s. Gymnastics Championships Sr. Pre-Lims/FinaLs (2 Tapes) .............................................. $25.00 #2160 2001 Reese's Gymnastics Cup - Men & Women Teams .......... $25.00 TRAINING VIDEOS #2105 #2127 #2149 #2498 #2499 #2961 #2962
RHYTHMIC 2000 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2373 #2374 #2375 #2381
2000 2000 2000 2000
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2000 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2146 #2147 #2148 #2150 #2151 #2152
Men's 2001 Visa American Cup ............................ ......... ..... $15.00 Men's 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup .............................. $15.00 2001 Men's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Jr. (2 Tapes) .. ....... .. ... .......................................................... $25.00 2001 Men's U.s. Gymnastics Championships Sr. (2 Tapes) ...... $25.00
J.O. Program Compulsory Video LeveL 1-6 .... ........................ $35.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts .... .... ...... .. ..................... .. ................... $20.00 Women's NationaL Team Training Warm-Up Video .................. $15.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Train a Front Handspring SafeLy ... .. ........................................ .. . $20.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Master a Perfect Handstand ........................................................ $20.00 Gheza Pozsar's BaLLet Bar Training for Gymnasts .... .... .......... $10.00 BeLa KaroLyi's Running Training Video .. .. .. ..........................$10.00
#2376 #2377 #2378 #2379 #2380
2001 2001 2001 2001 2001
Rhythmic ChaLLenge ............................ .. ...... ... ..... ...... $15.00 KaLamata's Cup (Greece)-Rhythmic Group CompuLsories .... $15.00 U.S. Rhythmic Championships Jr. Days 1&2 (2 Tapes) .. $25.00 U.S. Rhythmic Championships Jr. Event Finals .. .. ........ $15.00 U.S. Rhythmic Championships Sr. Event Finals ............ $15.00
Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text .......................... $29.95 Rhythmic BaLL Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... ...... .... $25.00
TRAMPOLINE & TUMBLING COMPETITION VIDEOS #2400 #2401 #2412 #2413 #2417 #2418
1999 NationaL Championships DoubLe Mini SyncrojTumbLing ... .... .. ..................................................... $15.00 1999 NationaL Championships TrampoLine .......................... $15.00 1999 WorLd Championships .............................................. $30.00 1999 WorLd Age Group Games ............................................ $30.00 2000 OLympic Games-Men's TrampoLine PreLims & Finals ...... $20.00 2000 OLympic Games-Women's TrampoLine PreLims & Finals .. $20.00
TRAMPOLINE & TUMBLING TRAINING MATERIALS #2402 #2403 #2404 #2405 #2406 #2407 #2408 #2409 #2411
TrampoLine Code of Points BookLet .... .... ............................ $10.00 Power TumbLing Code of Points BookLet .............................. $10.00 DoubLe Mini-TrampoLine Code of Points BookLet .................. $10.00 TrampoLine & TumbLing Jr. OLympic Program Video .............. $20.00 Teaching SomersauLts Video .............................................. $20.00 Basic TrampoLine - The Beginning Steps Video .................... $20.00 The X-Factor - Twisting for TrampoLine Video ...................... $20.00 Front & Back Rotation - The Beginning Steps of Flipping Video .................. ... ... ..... ........ .. ... ... ................ .$20.00 Roundoff, Power HurdLe & Mountain CLimber Video .............. $20.00
2000 Visa American Cup Series-RCA/Aussie/Visa Finals ............ $15.00
2000 NationaL Championships Jr. Competition .................... $25.00
2000 NationaL Championships Sr. AA Finals ...... .................. $25.00
2000 NationaL Championships Sr. Event Finals .................... $25.00
2000 Pontiac InternationaL Team Championships .................. $15.00
2000 Men's OLympic Games ALL Around Finals ...................... $20.00
PLEASE NOTE All USA Gymnastics videos are designed to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges. All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur videographers unless otherwise stated. Our Olympic technical videos are presented from one camera angle and show the entire exercise without cuts, close-ups or other effects and enhancements. Except for women's floor exercise, the videos do not have sound. The Atlanta Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only.
TIC H N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2002
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continued from page 43
2nd: PASSED:
Mihai Bagui Unanimously
V. NEW BONUS DOCUMENT The majority of senior national team coaches and athletes have requested that Ron Brant check on a new bonus system. There was lengthy discussion as to whether it is appropriate to change the bonus system so close to the Winter Cup Challenge competition.
Mihai Bagiu left call at 8:40a.m. Motion: To use the 2001 Bonus Document for the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge
The following materials have been updated for 2001 and will soon be available:
Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously
2001 FIG Code of Points ........................................ $50.00
2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Book ................ $35.00
2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Music CD ............$15.00
2001 TOPS Manual ................................................ $10.00
2001 TOPS Video .................................................. $15.00
Elite Testing Book ................................................ $10.00
Elite Testing Video ................................................ $10.00
2001 JO Technical Handbook ................................ $25.00
The Pacific Alliance Championships could be a USOC marker event for 2002. It is important for us to send our best available athletes to this competition. Three athletes and one alternate will attend the senior portion of this competition. To be considered for selection athletes must participate in the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge or have been members of the 2001 World Championship team (includes alterna tes ). Motion: Athlete selection for the 2002 Pacific Alliance Championships will come from the participants of the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge or members of the 2001 World Championship team (includes alternates). Recommendations will be made by the Senior National Team Coordinator and later approved by the MPC in early March.
Yoichi Tomita John Roethlisberger Unanimously
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book .............................. $35.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $19.95
2001-2004 National Team Program Video ................ $19.95
Physical Preparation for Young and Beginning Boys Video ................................ $25 .00
Butch Zunich suggested that the NGJA member of the MPC become a full voting position. This will be discussed at the Winter Cup meeting.
Boy's Basic Skills Achievement Program (BSAP)* ...... $35.00 *Includes booklet, wall chart & video
Jay Thornton will attend the Winter Cup MPC meeting for John Roethlisberger. The MPC meeting will be at the Winter Cup Challenge on Friday morning, February 8, from 8:00am-11:00 a.m. and possibly Saturday morning from 8:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00
John Roethlisberger off call at 9:10 a.m.
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book ............................ .. $30.00
2001-2004 Technical Book ...................................... $15.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $25.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory CD ................................ $15.00
Motion: Motion: 2nd: PASSED:
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00
2001-2004 JO Program Guide .................................. $30.00
To adjourn Steve Butcher Kurt Golder Unanimously
Call adjourned at 9:15 a.m. PST. Respectfully submitted by: Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Approved by Bob Colarossi, USA Gymnastics President
1-800-345-4719 rl-=-4--=6---------------1(
FEe H N 10 UE â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2002
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buy this • se I trat '" tor sale • wa~~ed • p~sjtjon avatlabl~ • buy this • sell that • for sale • want~.i c:;e ~hct Ie • warted • position aVailable • buy this • sell that • for sale • wanted • POSltl cd • position avaiiable • buy this • sell that • for sale • wanted • position availablt fddat1u • buy this· for sale • wanted • position available • buy this· for sale • wante( 'Cluy this· for sale • wanted • position available" buy this • for sale • wanted • positi
POSITION AVAILABLE Girls' gymnastics coach for Levels 4-10 needed in Columbia, sc. Full time position to include program development, teacher/coach training, special events and other administrative duties beyond coaching. Bachelors degree in PE/Gymnastics and at least 6 years coaching experience required. Send resume to Wendy Luce at Carolina Gymnastics Center, 437 Rabon Rd" Columbia, SC 29223. HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUaORS. Lakeside Moine summer compoLive with, care for, teach girls age 7-16. Complete gym. Beginning students through advanced. Consistent, daily instruction. Gymnastics shows. Program's compulsory, optional skills promote development, measurable advancement, interest. Knowledge of USAG fundamental, optional skills; practical knowledge of compulsory levels; ability to spot, demonstrate; desire to teach children. Ability to put children's need before your own essential. College sophomores and non-smokers only, Apply today at to work June 15 through August 22. 20 Cedar Street, Taunton, Massachusetts 02780. 508/ 822-5117; Fox, 508/822-0447. COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER: Gymnastics & Cheerleading instructors/cobin counselors (19+) for outstanding girls' residential sports camp. Excellent large gymnastics facility with top-quality equipment. Camp Robindel (one mile from two boys' camps) is located on the LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE (22 miles long) just 45 minutes south of NH's White Mountains, 2 hours north of Boston, 1 and a half hours from Maine coast, Must have warmth and love children. Lodging, meals, and transportation paid. Beautiful facilities, sunsets, work environment. Unique work experience one that lasts a lifetime! June 16-August 16. Phone 888-860-1186 and/or apply online at Spirit-Filled, Experienced Program Director/ Coach Wonted for nationally recognized Gymnastics/Cheerleading school for immediate, full-time position. Qualified candidate is creative, high energy, enthusiastic and dependable, with a genuine love of life, children and gymnastics. Christian owner/ coaches actively involved in day-to-day operations. Celebrating 17 years and still growing strong, with two beautiful, fullyequipped gym facilities. Classes from pre-school to high school. Divided training areas for gymnastics, cheerleading, and pre-school glossed in observation areas and pro shop, Located on Gulf Coast near Houston, Texas with beaches and lakes only one hour away. Please Email Resume ASAP to:
MARKETING MANAGER NEEDED. Motionwear, on established market leader in dance and octivewear apparel, seeks an enthusiastic, experienced leader to develop and implement sales programs. This newly created position is responsible for the acceleration of marketing for Motionweor. Home office based, some travel required. Knowledge of and experience in donee, activewear, or sporting goods markets preferred. Proven success and ability to manage sales, organize, lead and communicate required. To apply, please send a cover letter with resume and salary requirements to: Motionwear, 1315 Sunday Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46217. Fox (317)780-4188, GYMNASTICS MARKETING MANAGER. Motionwear, on established market leader in dance, gymnastics, and activewear apparel, needs an experienced leader to direct and manage its gymnastics marketing program. This is a start-up for a new division within the company. Responsibilities include sales to accounts, recruiting sales reps., implementing promotional initiatives, developing sales tools, and establishing sponsorship programs. Knowledge of or experience in gymnastics is required, along with proven sales and management ability. Send a cover letter with resume and salary requirements to: Motionwear, 1315 Sunday Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46217. Fax (317)780-4188. COACHES NEEDED for recreational through Team Level 4 and up. Expanding program needs high energy, positive people who can keep the kids best interest in mind. Ego driven personalities, who can't work with others or only work with best kids, please don't respond. Gym located 45 minutes west of Chicago. Call 630-482-3738, Fax 630-482-3746 and/ or mail resume to Excel Gymnastics, 2301 Main St., Batavia, IL 60510. GYMNASTICS, CHEER AND DANCE CAREER COACHES IN SUNNY FLORIDA, located near beaches and also Orlando, Fit Club is celebrating 10 years of success and is seeking quality instructors who love kids and the activity they teach. We are looking especially for experienced boys gymnastics and cheer coaches, but others may apply. We are also expanding pre-school gymnastics programs. Call Mr. Ellis at (386)7744348 and send resume 10 196 N. Industrial Drive, Orange City, FL 32763. Fit Club is a beautiful 11 ,000 square foot facility with a great staff! 5 Star Academy of Cheer & Dance located in Oxford, Massachusetts is a brand new facility seeking enthusiastic gymnastic instructors to teach "Cheernastics." "Cheernastics" is floor tumbling and conditioning designed to teach
- -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - I(
gymnastics skills used in cheerleading. Classes will be offered to our Five Star Academy All Star team members, as well as other individuals and teams registered at the gym. Port time and full time positions are available. There are also financial incentives for instruclors that wont 10 put in extra hours for privote and semi private tumbling lessons, Contact 5 Star Academy by calling 508-987-7667 or E-mail TEAM COACHES - Full time positions available for team program. Must also assist with preschool and recreational classes. Applicant must be motivated and a team player. Recently moved into a brand new 12,000 sq. ft. facility. Salary and benefit package based on experience. Call TIm Madore, New England Gymnastics Training Center, Hudson, NH at (603)880-8482, Fax resume (603)880- 1800 or Email ne GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS. Great career opportunities. If you love kids, love gymnastics and love to teach in a fun, safe, and positive environment, give us a call. We have been teaching gymnastics to kids in NYC for 20 years, and now have a program in Northern Westchester (50 min. from NYC) as well. Positions are available in both locations for preschool and recreational coaches. Excellent salary and benefits. Only highly motivated, enthusiastic, team players need apply. Call Jodi Levine at 914-244-8811 or fax resume to 914244-8833. Jodi's Gym, 244 E. 84th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10028. Jodi's Gym, 25 Hubbels Dr., Mt Kisco, NY 10549.
FOR SALE Score Master - NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even better! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG
website, Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/trampoline, compulsory/ optional. - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlotte, NC, 28231 , 704-523-1812. USA Gymnastics Coach for Girls Team. Start up program. Levell and up. Call (908) 782-1777 or Fax (908)782-6981 . Mail resume to: Shields Gymnastics School, 8 Bartles Corner Rood, Flemin ton, NJ 08822. THREE GREAT MONEY MAKERS!! Gym bus for sale at a great price! Fully loaded and ready to earn you big SSS. New foam, carpet and inside paint. Low miles on new engine - runs great! Only S6,000! ALSO slightly used inflatables-Only 10 months old, never been outside. Save over S2,000 on each!! Giant 18' Mini Slide only S3,900 and Huge 36' long Mutiny on the Bouncer Pirate Ship only S5,900! These won't last - call Scott at: (618)997-3505 or e-mail Si
CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Rebecca's Mom Leotards popular consignment program, featuring velvet leotards with holograms, foil, glitter and prints, and fashionable nylon Iycra leotards, is available to qualifying gymnastic club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Clubs, Retail Stores, and Summer Camps. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes from 5/6 through adult large. We are now accepting new accounts for the 2002 Optional season. Please call our toll free number, 1-888-289-2536 for details, forms, and prices.
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-100 words =$100 101-200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automoticollv be placed online RATES
for 30 days at no additional charge. The addre~ ~:
Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date. DEADLINES ISSUE
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Ju~~ ":::: : ::: :: : ::::::: ::: : : :~;y \~
July ...... .. .. ... .... ...... ... June 10 August .. .. .. ... ............. July 10 Sept/Oct. .................. Aug. 10 Nov./Dec . .................. Ocf. 10 NOTE: /I the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work day is considered the deadline.
MA RCH 2002
Mail your ad and payment to:
USA GymnastiG, Pan American Plaza 201 S. (apitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or foxto 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if your ad should appear inTechnique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS
SUBMITIED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA GymnastiG reserves theright to vary format. Technique is received by more than 13,000 USA Gymnastics professional members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, produd, serVice, or comp'etition here for great reSUlts. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-237-5050 ext. 246.
1001 SAFETY CERTI FI( AT I.ON' SCM E:DULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED A BOOK OR ADMISSION TO THE COURSE. Safety (ertifi(ation is non-refundable but may be transferred to another (ourse within six months with prior written notification. Late fee will apply for non-notification.
Minimum age for Safety Cerlifilalion is f6 years. fB is . minimum age for Professional Membership.
MARCH 29 Castleton, VT 05735; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Costleton Village School Directions: Gail McGann 802-273-3627 Course code: GM03292002VT Instructor Gail McGann Phone: 802/273-3627
APRIL Whitney, TX; 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The Ranch Mexican Restauront, 118 Washington Street Directions: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065 Course code: JE04032002TX Instructor: Janice Eyman Phone: 254/694-2065 Mukilteo, WA; 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. GYMagine Gymnastics Directions: Kelly Donyes 425-513-8700; 425-513-5474 Course code: KD04052002WA Instructor: Kelly Donyes Phone: 425/513-8700
27 Columbia, SC 29212; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Allstar Gymnastics 4046D Fernandina Directions: scon Malloy 803-561-9682 Course code: K804272002SC Instructor: Kimberly 80yd Phone: 803/ 749-2484
30 livingston, NJ; 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. livingston Gymnastics, 355 Eisenhower Pkwy Directions: Cathy Finkel 973-335-1943 Course code: CF03302002NJ Instructor: Cathy Finkel Phone: 973/ 335-1943
Mukilteo, WA 98275; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Gymagine Gymnastics Directions: Kelly Donyes 425-513-5474 Course code: KD06092002WA Instructor: Kelly Donyes Phone: 425/513-8700 Stroudsburg, PA 18360; 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. International Gymnastics Camp, 9020 8artonsville Woods Rd Directions: 8runo Klaus 570-629-0244 Course code: PF06152002PA Instructor: Phil Frank Phone: 856/ 786-3977
10 Watertown, G; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. USA Gymnastics Directions: liz Cornish 860-620-0510 Course code: LC041 020020 Instructor: Elizabeth Cornish Phone: 860/620-0510
30 Decatur, GA; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Varsity Gymnastics Directions: Chris Colvert 404-687-9911 Course code: CC03302002GA Instructor: Christine Calvert Phone: 404/687-9911
Directions: Willie Avila 909-734-1052 Course code: NG05052002CA Instructor: Nicki Geigert Phone: 760/943-6986
Hilliard, OH; 10:00 o.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts, Inc. Directions: 80bbi Montanari-Fahrnbach 614-777-9430 Course code: 8F090820020H Instructor: Bobbi Montonari-Fohrnboch Phone: 614/777-9430
6 Corona, CA 92881 ; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gymnastics Pacifica, 1830 Compton Ave
(Minimum age for Safety Certification is r6 years)
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification
Nome: Professional or Instructor #: _ _ _ __ _ _Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ __ _ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ __ __ _ ____ Birth Dole _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Address: _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ __ __ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ __ _ _ __
Course Code: Course City/State: Form of Payment:
0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express
Paymenl Amount: _ _ _ __ ______ _________ _ __ Nome on Card: ____________ _______ __ __ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dole: ___ / _ _ Signalure:
Pro~~~~~:~;~he~!~r~d"~'; 'N~~'S~f~~'c~'rtifi;~ii~~':: : :::::::: c~o~60
SO Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................ $ 100.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or dote applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. Mondoy*, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $25. * USA Gymnastics reserves the right to alter the course deadline. • All materials (including the Safety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are provided otthe course ond ore part of the course fee. • Certification is valid for four yeors.
Please make checks payable, in full, to USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 USA. 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 GYMNASTICS PREFERS EI or Fax to 317-692-5212