JULY 2002 • VOLUME 22 • #7
W= Women
M= Men GG =Group Gymnastics ACRO = Sports Aero NOTE: Dates and events subiect to change or cancellation.
TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling
11 15-19 16-18 23-25 24 30
J.O_ National Championships (TR/TU) U_S_Elite Challenge (TR/TU) Rhythmic Eastern (R) U.s. Classic / U.S. Challenge (W) Rhythmic World Championships - Group (R) Future Stars/Junior Development Team Camp (M) Sports Aero JO/ Elite National Championships (ACRO) Rhythmic Western (R)
Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN New Orleans, lA Virginia 8each, VA New Orleans, lA Colo. Springs, CO New Orleans, lA Portland, OR
National Business Conference U.S. Gymnastics Chompionships (M/W/R/TR/TU) USA Gymnostics National Congress Sports Aerobatics Team Trials (ACRO) Broadenst- U.S. Gymnastics Championships (W) NBC Sports 8:00-9:00p EST Broadcast- U.S. Gymnastics Championships (W) NBC Sports 7:00-8:00p EST J.O. National Team Training Camp (W) FIG WorldCup (TR/TU) FIG World Cup (TR/TU) Notional Gymnastics Day 1 Day Boot Camp/Business Conference
Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cola. Springs, CO Edmonton, CAN Greensboro, NC Santa Clara, CA
SEPTEMBER 21 23-30 24-25 25-29 27-29 28
Reese's Gymnastics Cup USA!BRA!UKR Training Camp & Competition (W) World Age Group Games (ACRO) Junior Pan American Championships (M/W/R) World Championships (ACRO) Broadenst- U.S. Gymnastics Championships(M) NBC Sports 4:30-6:00p EST
Seattle, WA Curitiba, BRA Riesa, GER Santo Domingo, OOM Riesa, GER
Notional TOPs Testing (W) Senior Notional Team Training Camp (M) SuperClinic #1 (TR/TU) Regional JumpStart Testing (TR) SuperClinic #2 (TR/TU) Regional JumpStart Testing (TR) International French Open Tournament (M/W) Fall Executive Committee/ Boord of Directors Meeting Notional Compulsory 5/ 6 Team Invitational (W) SuperClinic #3 (TR/TU) Regional JumpStart Testing (TR) Notional Team Training Camp (W) Junior National Training Camp (TR/TU)
Indianapolis, IN Colo. Springs, CO Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH Greensboro, NC Greensboro, NC Paris, FRA TBD Joliet,IL San Diego, CA Son Diego, CA Houston, TX TBO
Cleveland, OH
OCTOBER 4-6 9-14 11 -13 11 -13 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 19-20 25-27 25-27 27-30 30 - Nov. 3
NOVEMBER 1-2 9 13-17 16 20-24 21 -25 23 28 - Dec. 1
FIG Congress Regional JumpStart Testing (TR) Future Stars Notional Camp/Coaches Workshop (M) Broadenst- Reese's Gymnastics Cup NBC Sports 4:00-6:00p EST Artistic World Championships (M/W) Jeff Metzger's 41/2 Doy Boot (omp World Cup Final (TR/TU) International DTB Pokal
Athens, GRE Pocatello, 10 Colo. Springs, CO Seattle, WA Debrecen, HUN Cincinnoti, OH Hannover, GER Stuttgart, GER
SuperClinic #4 (TR/TU) Regional JumpStart Testing (TR) World Cup Final (R) National TOPs Team Training Camp (W) Notional TOPs "B" Troining Camp (W)
Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dusseldorf, GER Houston, TX Houston, TX
DECEMBER 6-8 6-8 7-8 7-11 11-15
Nationol Podium Meet (W) I-Day Boot Camp/ Business Conference
Fairfax, VA Fairfax, VA
AUGUST 7 7-10 8-10 9-10 10
JULY 10-16 10-16 12-13 12-14 12-14 14-21 14-18 20-21
1 Visa American Cup (M/W) 6-9 American Classic/Challenge (W) March or April TBO Amerienn Team Cup (M/W)
Fairfax, VA TBO TBD
APRIL 5-6 11-13
Level 9/10 Regionals (W) NCAA National Champianships (M)
12 12-13 24-26 25-27
NCAA Regionals (W) Level 10 Regionals (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W)
Various Sites Temple University Philadelphia, PA Various Sites Various Sites TBD TBD
J.O. Notional Championships (W) J.O. Notional Championships (M) U.S. Clossic/Challenge (W)
TBD Savannah, GA TBO
MAY 2-4 6-11 29-31
JUNE 18-21
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU/ACRO) Milwaukee, WI
JULY 20-26
FIG World Gymnaestrada (GG)
Lisbon, POR
Pan Amerienn Gomes (M/W/R) Artistic World Championships (M/W) World University Gomes (M/W/R) Notional Congress World Business Conference
Santo Domingo, DOM Anaheim, CA Taegu, KOR Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA
AUGUST 1-17 16-24 21-31 TBD TBD
Rhythmic World Championships-Individual & Group (R) Maastricht, NED
OCTOBER 17-19 20-26
World Championships (TR/TU) World Age Group Gomes (TR/TU)
Hannover, GER Hannover, GER
I-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference Colo. Springs, CO Reese's Gymnastics Cup Colo. Springs, CO PAGU Jr. Interclub Championships (M/W/ RGroup Jr/ Sr) USA PAGU Children's Interclub Championships (M/W/ R) GUA Four Continents Championships (R) VEN
I-Day Boot Camp/ Business Conference Visa Amerienn Cup (M/W)
MARCH March or April TSO American Team Cup (M/W)
APRIL 10 22-24 23-25
NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) NCAA Notional Championships (M)
Various Sites TBD University of Illinois Champaign/Urbano
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU) Notional Business Conference U.S. Olympic Team Trials (M/W/R/TR) Notional Congress
Nashville, TN Boston, MA Boston, MA Boston, MA
Olympic Gomes (M/W/R/TR)
Athens, GRE
JUNE 2-5 24 24-27 25-27
AUGUST 13-29
on official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISH E R
Robert V. Colarossi EDITOR
Matt Rhoton
F E AT UR ES Gedderts' Twistars Tops at JO. Championships . . . . . .. . ... . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cheerleading "Gymnastics" .
4 Levels of Responsibility .
National Gymnastics Day
USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoi(hi Tomilo; VICE OIAIRRHYrnMIC: Androo SdJmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUN~ Poul Porilla; VICE CHAIR sporn ACRO: Tonya Case Pottenon; SECRETARY: Gory Andenon; TREASURER: Bob Wood; AG EXECUTIVE COMMrmI: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. RG MEN'STECHNICAL COMMrmI: George Bed<5feod; AG TRAMPOUNE ANOTUMBUNG TECHNICAL COMMrmI: Pol HendeflOn; AG WOMEN'STECHNICAL COMMITTI~ Jo(kie Re; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Peler I'idmor, Poul Spadoro; ATilLETE DIREGORS: Chori KnighlHunler, John Roethlisberger, Vonessa Vonder Piuym, Korl Heger; USOC ATilLETE DlREGOR: Domini<k Minku<d.
USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; PUBUC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Mike Sionner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Betty Hepner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Frond, Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUfGlATE COACHES·WOMEN: Mike Jo(ki; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Sirawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COUfGIATE ATillETlC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Doug Von Everen; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Su.. nTrue; NATl O N~L GYMNASTICS JUOGES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Bul(h Zuni(h; NATIONALHIGHSCHOOLGYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. ELITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Fred Turolf; u.s. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: David Hokumb, Tony Gehmon; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Mor< Yon<ey; U.s. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF TIlE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COUfGIATE ATilLETIC ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: Morie Robbin,; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike Burn" Abie Grollfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle La"on; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kalhy OSlberg; TRAMPOUNE: Shoun Kemplon, Morsho Weill; SPORTS ACRO: Bonnie Oavid.. n, Joy Binder, ATilLm DlREGORS: Von.... Vonder Pluym, rnoir; Lori... Fonloine, vice (hair; Joir Lyn(h, 'e<Jelory; Dominick Minicu(d, USOC Athlele Rep.; Mihoi Bogiu, Brooke Bu,hnell, Chari Knighl Hunler, Mohini Bhardwoj, Korl Heger, Chri,lie Hayes, John Roelhli,berger; ASSOCIATE DlREaORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kale Fober·Hi(kie; U.S. COMPETITIVEAEROBICS FEDERATIO N, Howard S(hwortz. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTIONINQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECHNIQUEmagozine, nolice of (honge of oddre.. ,hould be mode eighl week, in advan<e. For foslesl ,ervi<e, pleose en dose your presenl moiling label. ~irect 011 ,ubs(riplion moil 10 TECHNIQUE Subsuiplion" USA Gymnosti<s, 201 S. CopHol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send oddre.. (honges 10 TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymno,li<s, 201 S. Capilol Avenue., Suile 300, Indianopoli" IN46225. TECHNIQUE(ISSN 0748-5999) (USPS 016B72) ~ published monthly mepl bimonthly in Sepl/ Oct and NovlD" by USA Gymnosti<s, Pon Amerkan I'Iozo, Suile 300, 201 South Copilol Avenue, Indionopolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237·5050) or mil online @www .usa-gymnasti cs.erg Periodiml postage poid 01 Indionopoli" IN46204. SubICriplion prim: U.S.- S25 per yeor; Conodo/ Mexi(I>-S4B per year; all olher foreign (ounlries-S60 per yeor. If ovoiloble, bock issue 'ingle ,"pies S4 plu, posloge/hondling. All re"onoble (ore will be loken, bUI no re'pon,ibility (On be ossumed for un,olidled moleriol; endose relurn postoge. Copyrighl 1998 by USA Gymnosti« and TECHNIQUE. All righi, re,erved. Prinled by Sport Grophi<s, Indianapolis, IN.
Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are al/ributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof,
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ............................... .... ... 2
Classifieds ..... ... .............. .. ....... .... .. ..... 47
USA Gymnastics Message ........... .. .. .. ..... 4
Safety Certification Schedule .... .. ..... ..... 48
What's New .............................. .. ...... .. 1 8 Member Service Update ........ .. ............ 20
Athlete Focus .................... .. ................ 22
Sports Aero Program Update .. .. .......... .. 34
Congress Information .. .. ................ .. .. .. 23
Women's Program Update .. ...... .. .. .. ...... 36
Educational Workshop Schedule .............. 32
Men's Program Update .... .... ... .......... ... 43
A Dear Members, ANAH EIM 03 - THE PLACE TO BE In just over a year, USA Gymnastics will serve as host to the worldwide gymnastics community in Anaheim, California, as the 2003 World Gymnastics Championships come to the United States. Together with our local partners, the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim, and the Los Angeles Sports Council, plans are already well underway for a fantastic event.
Hosting the World Championships provides a very unique opportunity for the host country, and all of our Steve Penny members. This event holds a special meaning, as it represents the 100 th Anniversary of the FIG World USA Gymnastics Gymnastics Championships, a true landmark for an event of this magnitUde. Senior Vice President This will be the third time the U.S. has hosted the Worlds, providing an outstanding advantage for our athletes. It is interesting to analyze the U.S. team performances when the Worlds or Olympics have been held in the U.S., particularly in recent years. Many remember the emergence of Kurt Thomas, Peter Vidmar, and Bart Conner in 1979, when Fort Worth, Texas, served as the inaugural site of the Worlds in this country. In 1991, Kim Zmeskal became the first U.S. all-around world champion, leaping onto the world stage in Indianapolis, along with teammates Shannon Miller, Kerri Strug, and Betty Okino. These events, along with the success of U.S. athletes at the 1984 and 1996 Olympic Games, are evidence that 2003 might provide some shining moments for our current talented squad. In January of this year, USA Gymnastics began an exclusive ticket sales program to the gymnastics community. Continuing through August 24 of this year (National Gymnastics Day), the USA Gymnastics family has the opportunity to buy all-session strip tickets for the '03 Worlds prior to any being sold to the general public. Along with this exclusive timeframe, the price represents a significant savings from the retail price of the tickets. On August 24, the price of the strip tickets will increase by $150, and it will be offered and marketed to the general public in Southern California. As the second largest market in the country, and one of the strongest supporters of gymnastics for many years, we expect these tickets to sell quickly. We encourage you to think seriously about your plans for next year, and try to make your commitment early to insure you have the best seats available for the '03 Worlds. We have also established the Anaheim Marriott as the USA Gymnastics Congress hotel for next year. The Anaheim Marriott is very excited about the event and is anxious to demonstrate its exceptional levels of service to USA Gymnastics members. Our travel partner, National Travel Systems, has already received over 200 inquiries regarding housing for next year's Congress. The basic message is that now is the time to act to insu re the best possible package at the most affordable price. We look forward to a wonde rful event, highlighted by outstanding performances from our athletes. Go Team USA!
Steve Penn y
~1~ 4-----------------------------4C~__~rE~'~H~N~ / O~U~E~ . ~J~ Ul~Y~2~O~ 02~~)~------------------------------
The Best Seats at the Best Prices! This exclusive opportunity to purchase reduced priced strip tickets to the 2003 World Championships expires on Aug. 24. Visit the 2003 Worlds booth during Congress to purchase tickets or merchandise
PRIORITY TICKET ORDER FORM: ORDER OPTIONS: 1) Mail form with payment to: 2003 World Championships clo Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim
In conjunction with the USA Gymnastics National Cong-ess
2695 E. Katella Ave. Anaheim. CA 92806 2) Order by fax: fax: 714.704.2629 3) Order by bank wire 4) Visit boot during Congress (log on to www.worldchampgym2003.com for instructions) For more information call: 1-714-704-2419 Contact Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City/State/Zip/Country: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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"Strip" ticket includes the following: · All Qualification Sessions (Men t Women) · Men's Team Finals · Women's Team Finals · Men's Individual All-Around · Women's Individual All-Around · Men's Individual Event Finals · Women's Individual Event Finals GOLD SECTION-Lower Level xUS$450 = Total $._ _ __
# of "strip" tickets
SILVER SECTION-Upper Level xUS$350 = Total $._ _ __
# of "strip" tickets
o Please check to receive information on our exclusive "Platinum Circle" upgrade ticket packages - Details available Spring 2002
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(make payable to Ogden Facility Management)
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Name on Credit Card_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _
Cardholder Signature _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ · All orders will be processed upon receipt. Orders will be processed on a first come. first serve basis (ticket availability is not guaranteed) · Ticket confirmation will be mailed upon process of order
---------------~(~_~TE~C~H~N~/Q~U~E~ . ~J~ UL~Y~2~OO~2~~)~--------------~5~1
Tops at JO Championships By Luan Peszek
Congratulations to Geddert's Twistars for its success at the recent Jr. Olympic National Championships for women. Out of 26 potential JO national qualifiers, the club sent 24 to either Level 9 Eastern Championships or JO Nationals. To break it down further, 10 out of 11 gymnasts qualified to Level 9 Easterns and 14 out of 15 qualified to Level 10 JO Nationals. Geddert's Twistars qualified more gymnasts to these two meets than any other club in the country. Not only did their gymnasts qualify to the championships, but they also were very successfu I.
L to R: John Geddert, Kathryn Geddert, Shannon M il es a nd Sam Buchalter
Q1" Can you give us some background
Geddert's Twistars gymnasts finished on the podium 18 times at the Level 9 Eastern National Championships and won eight titles including two in the all-around, three on bars, two on beam and one on floor. At JO Nationals, the gymnasts finished in the top 10 again 18 times and won eight titles including two in the all-around, three on bars, one on beam and two on floor.
Tw istars USA was formed in 199 6 and has si nce expanded to include two fac iliti es in the Lansing, Mi chigan area . Ou r 18, 000 squ are foot SUMMIT location houses th e majority of our competi tive team and is part of a multi -sports compl ex th at includes ice hockey, basketball, soccer, fi gure skating and more. Our 12,000 square foot OUTLET MALL location is home to recreational students up through level 5 co mpetiti ve team members. W e currently range between 1,000 and 1,2 00 students of w hich 13 0 are members of our boys and girls competitive teams.
In total, this one club earned 16 National Championships awards.
if' Can
you give us some background on you and your wife, Kathryn?
M y wife and I have been involved in gymnasti cs since our junior high school days in Alpena, Mi chigan, now go ing on 30 yea rs. We have been invo lved at every poss ibl e leve l including athl ete, judges, administrati on, parents, and now cI ub owners.
Geddert' Twisters is owned by John and Kathryn Geddert who are also the head coaches at the gym. John Geddert is the Region V JO Committee Chair and is very active in the sport. John was instrumental in develop i ng trainin g camps and cohesiveness in Region V. USA Gymnastics talked to John about his program and secret to success . ...-=-6-- -- - - - -- - - - - ----1(
Trc H N 10 U E
on your gym?
Kathry n and I met in High School. We were both members on the gymnastics tea m and were tea m ca ptai ns at one time or another. After hi gh schoo l we both rece ived scho larship ass ista nce at Centra l
J ULV 2002
)r----- -- - -- -- - - --
Michigan University. While at eMU, we stumbled across a high school coaching position, which basically ignited our passion for coaching.Hungry for a more advanced level of gymnastics, I was hired at the Marvateens in Rockville Md, under the direction of nationally respected Gary Anderson . From 1980-84, I basically learned the ropes, starting with 40 hours of recreational class teaching and advancing eventually to assisting Gary with the class I's and elites. Gary contributed greatly to shaping my coaching career.
What is your secret to success? I have put a lot of thought into what makes this program excel-mostly due to the fact that we want to keep doing whatever it is that is producing the current resu Its. I'd have to say the " secret" is that there really isn't any secret!
We have an outstanding staff from the bottom up. We try to spread the wealth so to speak, so that all staff members feel that they have a vested interest in contributing to the program . Staff "TEAM WORK" is key. We have a phenomenal facility in which to train (those that say the facility doesn't matter have never trained in a great gym) . We spare little expense to make sure our team members have the very best. We encourage our staff to work harder than others. The technical knowledge is out there, the training ideas are well known, it is the staff that uses that information in the most organized and most consistent manner that is going to eventually come out successful. Our goals and expectations are designed to compete with the very best programs in the country.
Tell me a little about your program and philosophy? The Twistars general philosophy is that we are in the child development business and not the business of teaching cartwheels. We truly believe that gymnastics is merely a vehicle with which to teach and deliver lifetime carryover skills such as work ethic, goal setting and achievement, learning the meaning of working to achieve, self esteem, time management, team work, etc. Our competitive team philosophy adds a no non-sense approach. Gymnastics is too time consuming and expensive to have training sessions be nothing other than a glorified baby sitting service. Basically our kids
work their tails off, BUT in as enjoyable an atmosphere as possible to attain the desired results. Bottom line .... If it is not enjoyable then they do not stay in your gym. The gym philosophy seems to be working as we now have over 150 competitive team members representing our boys and girls squads. A refreshing note is that we are keeping a large number of high school aged kids involved in the program, which says something for the idea of keeping the training challenging, productive and FUN while at the same time allowing flexibility for a "social life."
How do you manage such a large number of optional gymnasts? Do they train at different times or all at the same time? Could you give examples? One of the challenges has been retaining and motivating a large optional team while at the same time maintaining high expectations and standards. Sometimes larger numbers seem to backfire in that the gymnasts receive less individual instruction and attention and therefore progress suffers. We watch this carefully! I think our key, once again, centers around the fact that we have a very qualified and "deep" coaching staff. For the 50+ optional gymnasts we have a coaching staff of 7 or 8. We try to make sure that they feel important in the coaching process and not simply a warm body watching an event. This serves not only to motivate the staff but train them as well-there is no better way to learn optional level gymnastics than "hands on experience" working with optional gymnasts. Scheduling the gym time does get very complicated . We basically stagger start our groups with starting times at 2:30 (if possible) 3:00, 3:30, 4:30 and beginner level compulsories starting at 5:30 . Staggering the start times for the various groups allows greater exposure for the coaches to more athletes. (i.e. when one group finishes, coaches can move to a later starting group that will still have time left in the gym) . Another key to maintaining kids through those tough teen years is providing them with an identity as a (continued on page 8)
(continued from page 7 )
TWISTAR GYMNAST. We organize social events (a team camping trip, sleepovers, baseball game demonstrations, a total gym team trip, etc.). This helps establish friendships, bonds, parent involvement and a sense of belonging to something special. When the time comes to choose between high school gymnastics, cheerleading or other activities-our kids choose us.
-4Qi What is your coach/gymnast ratio for level 9 and 10 gymnasts and how many hours do they train?
Our coach to gymnast ratio is normally around 7-8:1 on paper. In reality it is normally less than that because we double up available staff at times and there are always absences in a group. We have a couple of different plans for training hours. This may be another reason we are keeping kids longer. At level 9, we have a 4 day-18 hour or 5 day 23-hour option group. Both have high expectations but the 4-day plan obviously caters with other interests besides gymnastics. Our level 10 program however is 5 day 23 hour, cut and dry. We have played with fewer hours in the past but have found that it is really tough to develop consistency in being competitive. Our elites (3 currently) train approximately 30 hours per week.
I notice that you have all ages of champions from the youngest age groups to the oldest age groups. How do you keep this balance in your program?
I guess the key here would be having a program plan that allows for kids to pass through the levels fast enough to achieve a high level at a young age. This involves making sure your supplemental staff is on the same page that you are and teaching skills and progressions in a similar manner as the upper level coaches. This is efficiency at its best. Making proper skill selections and having a plan as far as where one skill will build to another, or how they will be incorporated into combinations etc. Much time is often wasted working in different directions. Skill selection should have a definite plan. Adjusting work loads for the maturing athlete. Older athletes need to be more efficient in training. Less repetitions leads to healthier, happier teens.
. . Qr Tell me a little about your staff? Well our entire staff was recently named " coaches of the year" for Region 5 by the Region 5 USAG board. This speaks volumes for what the gymnastics community recognizes as outstanding achievement for a staff. In fact, this is the first time our regional board has ever awarded a "STAFF" as coaches of the year. This is quite an honor. My wife Kathryn is the glue that holds the program together. Her mothering instincts playa major role in keeping kids happy here. Sam Buchalter is a rare breed. He is a lawyer who could be making a six-figure salary but arranges his " real job" so that he can be at the gym by 4:30 in time to coach. Sam is the "Dr. Feel Good" in our gym, a great friend to the kids, a great motivator as well as a fine coach. Shannon Miles is our most recent addition and has filled a void that has existed for a long time. She has lightened the load on Kathryn as she has taken on her share of the choreography and event coaching. Our compulsory staff is led by Mike Rowe and Heather Breasbois, a pair of detail driven, organized planners that have a track record of proven results. Assisting Mike and Heather are Daniel McCarty-"the hammer," Carrie Stout, Lexi Summers, Jennifer Sierminski and Duane Harring. (continued on page 72)
Qr Do
you coach all the events or is there a different coach on each event?
Generally speaking our optional coaching staff is responsible for two events. My main assistant (Sam Buchalter) and I coach bars, tumble/vault. My wife Kathryn and her main assistant (Shannon Miles) do the beam and floor dance work. Our compulsory staff responsibilities are similar. ~1~8----------------------------~(~__r~E~C~H~N/~O~U~E_.~JU~LY~2~O~ 02~_)~------------------------------
.• •
... What makes cheer gymnastics different? Written by Jim lord, edited by Chris Calvert
n an effort to increase class retention and thereby facility revenue, many gyms offer aLternative classes. One of the more popuLar choices is cheerLeading classes for individuaLs or even "aLL star" cheerLeading teams that perform or compete.
Anyone who has attempted to add a cheerLeading class with the idea that cheerLeading gymnastics is just Like fLoor exercise gymnastics has had an eye-opening experience. Cheer gymnastics is different. $0, what makes cheer gymnastics so different; what
concessions does gymnastics make to cheerLeading; and what can it add? LIMITED SKILL SETS! One trait of cheerleading gymnastics that should appeal to most coaches is the limited number of skills required by cheerleading. The basic components of cheer tumbling are the round-off, back handspring (standing and in series in or out of a round-off), back tuck (standing and/or in a tumbling series) and layouts. The "elite" skills, which can be added to this, include single and double twisting on layouts (dependent individual competition rules and requirements), front tucks and Arabians.
ARM POSITION In cheerleading, most tumbling skills will start and end with the arms at the performer's side. The "arms down" completion is a result of the group nature of the activity and the focus of having everyone in the performing group act in unison. It is easier to have everyone use the same arm level if the arms are at the side rather than in the air.
TIMING TO MUSIC Although a floor exercise is performed to music and the gymnasts takes their cue as to the skill being performed from the musical cues, cheer routines are set so that every movement is to a specific musical count. Again, the group nature of the activity requires that routine segments be choreographed to the exact musical count for effect and safety.
SYNCHRONIZATION OF MULTIPLE PERFORMERS Similar to General Gymnastics and Rhythmic Group Gymnastics, synchronizing the performers is an important score value for cheerleading competitions. As an example, three athletes performing a round-off, back handspring, back tuck would start with their arms in the same position, take the exact same number of steps during the approach, place their hands on the competition or performance area at the same time, pass through the air and land in unison. The further that the performers are from this ideal synchronization, the fewer points the group would receive.
TALLER ATHLETES Generally, cheerleading teams will consist of various body types and most athletes will be taller than the average gymnast. Combine this with the fact that the cheerleader is not performing on an enhanced floor, there will be a limit to the number of skills which can be performed on a 42' x 42' diagonal.
WHERE IS THE "SPRING"? The vast majority of cheerleading competitions are not performed on an enhanced floor. The performing surface consists of a 1 liz" carpet-bonded foam floor that, generally, is 42' x 42' in dimension. Some competitions for larger teams may expand the floor width by 6' or 12'. (Please take into consideration when practicing skills to be performed at a competition or venue, the floor size which will be used so that the performer will make the transition in both technique and power.)
Cheerleading classes can and will open up a new world in your gymnastics facility. Cheer can provide new sources of revenue as well as being TECHNIQUE路
JULY 2002
)}---- - - - - - - - - - - - -
a retention tool for gymnasts who are looking for another outlet for their athletic energies. Make sure, however, that you know the subtle differences in cheer vs. gymnastics to give your athletes the best chance for success . • Jim Lord is the Executive Director of the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisors . He's been involved in cheerleading since 1984 as a cheerleader, instructor, coach and administrator and has been a keynote speaker at state, national and international conferences. Jim was responsible for the development of Varsity.com , recognized as the top Internet cheerleading site in the country.
We insure more
Chris Calvert is the Director of Varsity Gymnastics in Atlanta . She's a National Safety Instructor for USA Gymnastics and the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisors, plus a 35-year coaching veteran . Ms. Calvert sits on the Georgia Board of Directors of USA Gymnastics and the Amateur Athletic Union. Varsity cheerleading Advisor and Sponsor at Emory University, Calvert has served as the head judge for the National High School, College and AIIStar Cheerleading Championships for the past nine years and serves as a consultant to various national organizations.
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Lord and Calvert will give four diverse cheer sessions at the USA Gymnastics National Congress in Cleveland that you
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(continued from page 8)
;~~~~~~~~~I~il~.~~i~rl --Qr the Howsport? do you keep gymnasts in your program and in The toughest of all management objectives is keeping kids in vo lved in a very intense, complex, time consuming sport. There are so many factors to cons ider. If the kids are successfu I, they seem to stay around longer, but how do you define success for the wide range of talent in your gym. Then there is the balance of working hard enough to be successful BUT at the same time not over training to the point of frustration, stagnation and monotony. I have honestly found that flexibility without jeopard izing standards is what keeps our kids happy and enro ll ed. A llowing them to have a soc ial life, a school li fe, a family life but sti ll remaining productive in the gym gives o ur athletes the best of all wo rld s.
This staff comp il ed state championships efforts at levels 5/6/8/9 and 10 ... (We did not field a team at level 7) .
â&#x20AC;˘ Qr
If you had to name one thing, what would you say is ~ the overall key to success in your program?
Our staff attempts to train towards a higher standard.
How have you built a solid foundation of strong and flexible gymnasts?
I know you've been active in the women's program, particularly in Region V, with the development of gymnasts in the region through training camps, working together, etc. How has this helped with your success, and other Region V teams' success, at JO Nationals?
I am the biggest fan of the Region 5 philosophy! Th e basic premise is- If you share everything you know w ith another coach or program, they in turn become better. Now in order to compete you must seek additional knowledge or work harder in order to compete w ith those that you have now ass isted . Working together also serves to create a bond between the var ious clubs, coaches and gym nasts within our region, thus making gymnastics a more enl ightening and enjoyab le experience for all. The teamwork and car ing attitude is obvious w hen Region 5 takes the floor at JO Nationa ls. I ca nnot tell you how much this philosophy has helped our program grow. I have learned something from v irtu all y every coach in ou r region at our traini ng camps. It is a system that truly does work.
We are very fortunate to have the USAG 's Med ica l Coordinator on staff here at Twistars-Dr. Larry Nassar (a uthor of Conditioning for the JO Athlete). Larry has played a sign ifica nt role in developing, adju sting and maintaining a we ll-balanced condition ing program . All coaches know that stronger, more flexible ath letes make better gymnasts. We make condition ing a priority. Alo ng with event conditioning, our teams cyc le throu gh a seri es of conditioning phases throughout the year. Conditioning rotations are generall y 30 -45 minutes each day. We use the TOP program as a developmental base for a hand-se lected group of 5-8 year olds each year. They train the TOP program for 18 months - 2 yea rs and then enter the USAG system as very successful level 5's. Since t he TOP program emphasizes strength, flexibility and core gymnastics ski ll s, we find it to be a fantastic program outline to fo llow.
Q r
How have your views changed since you've gone from being a coach to now a club owner/coach?
I tend to believe that my change in v iewpoi nt is more a matter of progressing through a natura l maturation process than a shifting in occupational respo nsibiliti es . I sti ll operate w ith the philosophy that hard work wi ll pay off- whether it is related to coaching or running a business. The maturing process lets one see more clearly things that at one time may have been obscure such as the al ignment of li fe's priorities-what is more important, training a national champion or help ing to deve lop a happy child? I think both can be accomplished at once.
(continued from page 78)
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4 LEVELS OF RESPONSIBILITY (AND A LEADERSHIP 'FORMULA') Each Boot Camp begins with a Thursday evening discussion on the top three challenges and frustrations of running a business. Without fail, at each Boot Camp the #1 challenge centers around staffing issues, in general, finding RESPONSIBLE people. It's fair to say, every Leader claims a goal of finding responsible people.
Employee sees a task needing done, does it, and informs supervisor.
Employee sees a task needing done, does it, and looks for another task.
Of course, to achieve any goal, is there not an obvious first step? Doesn't it make logical sense that before one starts out toward a goal, one must know exactly what that goal looks like so one knows exactly where to head and when one arrives? Certainly, but as obvious a statement as that is, unfortunately, it's more often overlooked than not. Specifically, when seeking responsibility, doesn't it make sense to define exactly what responsibility is; exactly what a responsible person looks like? Let me share with you a business model. It's a simple but effective way to help you (1) define the type of person your organization is seeking; (2) map out your leadership training ; (3) evaluate your employees' level of responsibility, individually; (4) evaluate your Company as a whole on its recent history of finding and developing responsible people.
Measured against this model, we see, not all Leaders feel comfortable with and seek the same depth of responsibility. My Company, Kids First Sports Center, relentlessly see ks L4's and nudges even its most Jr. employees to become L4's. Other Companies are threatened by L4's or L3's and, worse, some are threatened by L2's. Ironically, deep down , such Company's Leaders are th reatened by employees who like responsibility. My suggestion to all Leaders: (1) carefully and fully define the operational PRINCIPLES by which EVERYONE will adhere (you, too); (2) clearly define the PURPOSE and RESPONSIBILITIES of each job; (3) find the FORTITUDE to hire by, fire by, and govern by the principles and responsibilities; (4) Work diligently to GET OVER your fear. The sad alternative: adjust your business goals downward, to a modest level. Please think this through carefully; this is a very important topic. Perhaps the most important topic of all.
The 4 Levels of Responsibility.
Take care and make it a great month!
1 1
Supervisor gives employee a task to do and employee does it. Employee sees a task needing done and asks supervisor's permission to do it.
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NATIONAL GYMNASTICS DAY National Gymnastics Day takes place August 24, 2002. Good luck with your event, whatever your plans may be. Please remember to email, fa x or mail information on your event to USA Gymnastics. Let us know what you did, how it went, and show us photos so that we can print them in USA Gymnastics, Technique magazine or on USA Gymnastics online.
real-life champion and has fought and won their battles with diseases, injuries and birth defects of all kinds. These young Champions Across America are selected as ambassadors for their state and the 17 million kids treated annually at Child ren's Mi racle Network children's hospitals.
We hope that your plans include a Cartwheel-A-Thon to benefit the Children's Miracle Network. It's great to have healthy kids helping out less fortunate kids in your community. The money you raise will go towards helping kid s in your local Children's Hos pital. Many have asked why we have selected the Children's Miracle Network as a charity. We thought you'd find this story interesting and very touching! Margaret St amm
The Child ren's Mi racle Network has a program called Champions Across America. CMN selects a child in each state who is a
Eleven-yea r-old Margaret Stamm was selected as the CMN Champion fo r Ohio . Margaret was an award-winning gymnast from Shaker Heights, Ohio, and had her sites set on an Olympic gold. One day her chance to fulfill that dream - or any other - nearly vanished in an instant. During diving practice at a local pool, a 30-pound light fi xture suddenly came loose and plummeted 40 feet onto Margaret's head, crushing her skull and driving bone fragments into her brain.
"Need help managing and collecting tuition? Try PPS~ my tuition billing companyl" The PPS Flex-PayMSystem ,----------, Most gym owners already have more than they can handle on their "to do" list everyday. That is why delegating responsibility becomes a must for any good leader. However, the delegation of responsibility is only as good as the people to whom you delegate. The '-------"'----='" decision to delegate all of my gym's t uition an d billing management to Professional Payment Systems The decision to delegate was one of the best decisions I al/ of my gym's tuition have ever made for my and billing management business. PPS is a proven to Professional Payment expert in this field and has Systems was one of the bent over backwards to best decisions I have ever accommodate any and all made for my business. requests from me, my staff, and my customers. I have enough hats to juggle being a Mom,
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Ma rgaret's pa rents were t old it would be a miracle if t heir daughter made it out of surgery alive. Three days later she was chatting happily wit h her gymnastics teammates in her hospital room . Even though her left side was paralyzed and she had to work long and hard in therapy to recover full use of her limbs, Margaret never gave up on her dream. Today she's as good as
gold! Just one touching sto ry of many. Have a great time on National Gymnastics Day and please share your stories with us after your event!
For more information on National Gymnastics Day or to see what others are doing to celebrate, go to www.usa-gymnastics.org and click on National Gymnastics Day '02. Send your information and photos on your National Gymnastics Day event to club@usa-gymnastics.org or mail to USA Gymnastics, National Gymnastics Day, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Deadline is October 1, 2002.
Miracle _ Network速 hospitols
Children's Miracle Network Fundraisers This year we're offering a number of ways for clubs to raise money for Children's Miracle Network.
1 Raise funds by running a Cartwheel-A-Thon. You can host this event at a variety of locations including your gym, the local hospital or try one of CMN partners which include: Walmart/Sam's Club or the General Growth Properties Moll Network. Call Cindy Allen at CMN 801-278-8900 or cindy@cmn.org to help set up your event with a hospital or CMN portner.
2 Sell Trophy Nuts. Have your students go out and sell a variety of nuts and the proceeds benefit your gym and the CMN. Call 937-667-8478 or rrobbins@trophynut.com. 800-729-6887.
3 Balloon sales. Call your local children's hospital and get balloons with the hospital's names on them. Gymnasts sell the balloons at the gym and the money benefits the CMN.
4 Recyling. Cartridges for Kids is a program in which your gym families can participate. Have them bring in their used printer cartridges and cell phones to earn money for CMN. www.cfktoday.com 970-224-2930 or 800-845-8851 .
(continued from page 12)
How do you balance the class program versus your successful team program? Another very tough managerial prob lem. Successfu l team programs have a tendency to overpower the recreatio nal programs. It's important to make the recreational students fee l that they are every bit as impo rtant as yo ur tea m students are. Q uali ty instructors that truly care about the progress of the recreationa l students are a must. I nstructors who merely put in the hours until they get to their TEAM ROTATIONS are doing the tota l program an inj ustice. A ll of ou r competit ive team staff M UST teac h recreationa l classes, and do so w ith enthusiasm. BES IDES, yo ur team kids come thro ugh yo ur rec programs! : As the Region V JO Commi ttee Chairman, w hat do yo u see as the future direction of th e JO program ? I'd li ke to thi nk we wi ll rema in on the current co urse of keep ing the JO program as user friend ly as possible. The JO program need not be the ELITE PROGRAM trai ning ground. It serves far more people; it's fun, affordab le and less demanding. I feel that elite gymnastics is for ELI TE athletes and they wi ll surface w ithout sacrific ing the masses to find the few. The JO program is a place w here kids do not have to give up everything in order to participate in th is wonderfu l sport. I'd li ke to see it stay that way. Joh n, th anks fo r yo ur time and best of luck fo r the future!
........... ......
.. ' .' NCAA CHANGES RULES REGARDING PRIZE MONEY The NCAA has recently adopted legislation which permits, effective August 1, 2002, receipt of prize money based on an athlete's finish in a co mpetition, subject to certain conditions. Below, please find links to the NCAA's site which detail the changes. Maintaining eligibility for the possibility of college athletic scholarship is a very important matter for those athletes who may qualify. Should you have any questions, please contact the NCAA at:
http://wwwl .ncaa.org/membership/membership_svcs/who_to_call.html ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....
i http://www.ncaa.org/databases/legislation/1999/99-11 O.html i i This lin ks to the legislation that states which athletes can i
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i http://www.ncaa.org/databases/legislation/1999/99-110-2.htm i This second link limits the amount of the prize money, and i L_::'_~~__ ~~x..~_~X__~~~_~~_~~ __~~~~~路__________________________________________________ !
COACHES & CLUB OWNERS Here's a National Gymnastics Day coloring sheet that you can copy and distribute t o your st udents. Also, feel free to add your gym name, phone number, logo or other information to the bottom of the coloring sheet. You can also find a coloring sheet our the USA Gymnastics Online website www.usa-gymnastics.org click on the National Gymnastics Day button on the left.
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Safety Certification.Sanctions PDP & KAT Certification Meet Director Certification Skill Evaluator Certification Athlete Wellness
2002/2003 Membership Forms The 2002/2003 Season Membership Forms have been mailed to all clubs in our database who registered athletes in the 2001/2002 season. Membership forms are also available in the FORMS section on our website at www.usagymnastics.org. If you need additional copies of a membership form, you may make photocopies. Remember to discard all forms from seasons past and replace with the new forms.
'em II :[$3 ZJ· fIlil:'I,:'I:n Ii I[.] :iM¥¥l d13 In order to clarify exactly how the online system handles declined credit card transactions, the SkipJack system was tested internally. The SkipJack credit card system is used for all online transactions. When a member is renewing or registering they are prompted to enter their credit card number after they have completed the online registration page. • After hitting SUBMIT, the online user is prompted to enter the cardholder name, e-mail address, billing address, credit card number, and contact telephone number. • If the credit card transaction is successful, a new screen appears telling the user such. • If the credit card is declined, a new screen appears telling the user the following: "Sorry, your card can not be processed. Please click 'BACK' correct the cause, if possible, of the following warning(s), and resubmit your payment." • A line below this statement tells the reason of the decline. Such as, "Authorization failed insufficient funds." Or "Authorization failed expired card." • If the credit card number is entered incorrectly, a message will come stating "Invalid Credit Card Number." Then, an email is sent directly from SkipJack to the address given in the transaction stating the transaction was unsuccessful. - However, please note that the email address must be entered correctly and completely in order to receive the SkipJack email notification/confirmation .
unior Professional Membership Beginning August 1, 2002 all 16 and 17 year old assistant coaches and judges will be required to obtain both the new Junior Professional Member and Safety Certification. This membership category is replacing the young Instructor/ safety certified member. The Junior Professional membership forms will be mailed to all current 16 and 17 year old assistant coaches and judges. The new form will be available in the FORMS section of our homepage. The cost of the Junior Professional Membership is $65.00. Instructor Members are not allowed on the floor at a sanctioned event effective August 1, 2002. All coaches and judges on the floor at a sanctioned USA Gymnastics event beginning August 1, 2002 must hold a professional membership and valid number. National Con ress August 7-10, 2002, Cleveland, Ohio Educational Opportunities: Don't miss the exceptional educational opportunities that are taking place the day before National Congress opens. Sign up now - See the Add-on page for National Congress in this issue. • On Wednesday, August 7 the inaugural Safety Course in this new cycle of 2002-2006 will be debuted. This is a totally new course and new materials! The author of the Risk Management Textbook, Dr. William Sands will be giving both courses on August 7. Remember that you are allowed to take the safety course up to one year prior to you expiration date. Your safety expiration date is now aligned with your professional membership expiration date month. Don't miss this terrific opportunity. Morning course begins at 8:30 a.m. The afternoon course begins at 1:00 p.m. The course is four hours in length. • Othe r excellent choice are : Booster Club Seminar, KATpreschool certification course, MELPD-lesson plan development theory for preschool teachers, safety for cheerleading coaches course, Trampoline and Tumbling Level One coaches course.
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Chellsie turned 14 years old on June 23 . She lives in West Allis, • Wisconsin and trains at Salto Gymnastics with her coach Jim Chudy. Chellsie was a National Team member from 1999-2002 and was a member of the TOPs National Team from 1994-1997. Chellsie began the sport of gymnastics almost when she was born . Chellsie's parents own a gym called M&M Gymnastics and they both coach . Chellsie moved to Salto Gymnastics when she was 7 because her mom thought it was best for her. Chellsie has certainly progressed! At the beginning of this summer, Chellsie spent three weeks training and competing for the U.S. First she participated in a training camp at Karolyi's Ranch in Houston. She finished fourth all-around in a selection meet and was named alternate to the Junior Pacific Alliance team . She flew to Canada and competed as the alternate (scores didn't count for the team score) where her score would have ranked fourth in the all-around, and second on vault and bars. Chellsie and her coach returned to Houston for another week to participate in the USA/ Belgium training camp and competition where Chellsie won first all-around, first on bars and floor, second on beam and third on vault. Kathy Kelly, USA Gymnastics Senior Women's Program Director, said, "Chellsie is a really tough kid. She didn't have one day off in three
weeks and never complained." Chellsie said, "I missed home but it was a lot of fun and I gained a lot of experience." This soon-to-be ninth grade student at West Allis Central is looking forward to the U.S. Championships. "I have some new skills and routines to show at Championships," said Memmel. She had to miss the U.S. Championships last year due to a hamstring injury so is looking forward to the event this year. Chellsie is the oldest of three daughters to Andrew and Jeanelle Memmel. Both of her parents were All-American gymnasts and won full athletic college scholarships. Memmel has two sisters, Mara, who is an artistic gymnast and Skyler who is both an artistic and rhythmic gymnast. Chellsie would like to coach gymnastics in the future but for the time being she enjoys shopping, reading and bike riding and says math is her favorite subject in school. •
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National Congress ......_Gl & .d. .
Cleveland, Ohio' August 7-10, 2002 ''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"
• Gymnastics Coaches & Teachers: All Levels, Boys, Girls, Artistic, Rhythmic, General Gymnastics, Trampolme & Tumbling, Sports Acrobatics • Gymnastics Coaches For Y's, Recreation Programs, High Schools • Physical Education Teachers
• Preschool Instructors • Judges At All Levels • Gymnastics Business Owners • Gymnastics Business Managers • Cheerleading Coaches • Aspiring Coaches and Judges
USA Gymnastics National Congress is the premier learning opportunity in the U.S. Approximately 72 different lectures will be running in any time slot. Topics will be varied and cover all aspects of the gymnastics industry. Beginners, as well as seasoned veterans, will find lectures designed to increase their wealth of knowledge. Add to that the U.S. Championships, a huge dance party, and over 2,000 of your closest gymnastics friends and you will find out why most National Congress attendees return year after year. TECHNIQUE· JULY 2002
USA Gymnastics National Congress Combined with affordability, . accessibility and award-winning service, Cleveland will make an excellent site for the 2002 USA Gymnastics National Congress. Cleveland has world-class attractions and museums, great restaurants and shopping, plus professional sports and golf courses. USA Gymnastics National Congress will again be presenting more than 12 different tracks offering lectures for all your staff to increase their knowledge. Wednesday, August 7 • Business Owners Conference • Add On's including KAT and MELPD Certification, Safety Course, AACCA/Cheer Certification, Trampoline & Tumbling Levell Coaches' Course, Booster Clubs
GYMNASTICS National Congress _• __-.4l
Cleveland, Ohio August 7-10, 2002 ''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education" All hotel accommodations must be booked directly with National Travel Systems at 888-603-8747 or 806-331-1930 or email usagama@ takeavacation.com. They can also assist with your air travel arrangements. Deadline July 16. Note: all rates are plus 14.5% tax
'Check for Congress Registration information in this issue or on USA Gymnastics online at 'W'W'W.usagtjml1astics.org
• Embassy Suites - Cleveland Downtown at Reserve Square $129.00 1701 East Twelfth Street Cleveland, OH 4411
Congress Location: Cleveland Convention Center 500 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114
• Holiday Inn Select - $119.00 1111 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114
• C(i..vEi.and Marriott ~'/mr.Key Center - $139.00 127 Pub1'ic ¥ar() I I...,.. Cleveland, OH 4411<t::i3rJ5
c~JJve@1 I..,.
777 St. Cleveland,OH 4411'r'
A special member package has been developed for those USA Gymnastics members attending Congress. The package includes Congress Registration and tickets to see all the U.S. Championships events including Men's Artistic, Women's Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline and Tumbling and Sports Acrobatics. In addition, with this package you will receive a SpeCial Gold Level seating for senior Men's and Women's Artistic evening sessions . A $455.00 value for only $300.00 - this includes Congress Registration and all U.S. Championships events. This offer is only available to USA Gymnastics members attending Congress.
Cleveland Convention Center Cleveland, Ohio
• ~S'@n Cleveland City Centre -
Special Congress/Championships Package for USA Gymnastics Pro and Insbuctor Members Attending Congress. Must pre-register by July 13 and pay in full.
• The Ritz Carlton - $139.00 1515 West 3rd Street Cleveland, OH 44113
Congress Hotels:
Thursday, August 8 - Saturday, August 10 • Congress Sessions • Exhibit Hall • Dance Party (Marriott Hotel's Key Center)
Within walking distance of all the , Congress hotels!
cd • ....
Registration forms will be included in this issue or online www.usa-gymnastics.org TECHNIQUE· JULY 2002
Congress Costs Pro &Instructor Members Pre-registration Guly 13) .... $230 On-site registration ...... . . $330
Non-Members Pre-registration Guly 13) .. . . $350 On-site registration . ........ $450
Note: Member Clubs receive a substancial discount for Congress. Call Loree at 317-829-5654 or visit the member club only site .
Through Education"
WHAT A DEAL! • More than 120 Congress sessions to choose fro m. Bring your entire team of professionals and return with more information. Many professional seminars begin at $399. USA Gymnastics National Congress is a deal at just $230! • Congress Dance Party included: a $35 value. • Free Exhibit Hall admittance worth $3 (5-1 2 yrs .) and $6 (13 yrs. and older) per day. • Congress briefcase and Information Guide. • Learn from, interact with, and watch the best the U.S. has to offer. • Discount tickets for the 2002 U.s. National Championships.
UNDERSTANDING THE UNIQUE & SPECIALIZED NEEDS OF YOUR BUSINESS • Marketing & Managerial Sessions. • Staff Retention & Improvement Lectures. • Gymnastics Lectures: beginner to elite, all disciplines. • Plan on attending the Club Owners' Business Conference Add-On.
More than 100 vendors in the Exhibit Hall. Your one-stop gymnastics shopping showcase. Congress specials, promotions & discounts Save $$$$$ on shipping.
IT'S WHERE YOU & YOUR STAFF BELONG • Improve all areas of your business in one exciting weekend. • Beginner coaching & office management lecture series. • Member Clubs-Register your non-member class teachers as Instructor Members and bring them to Congress for a discounted price. Contact Loree Galimore. • Reward and educate your staff. • Spread out, attend a variety of lectures, and sh are a wealth of knowledge. • Professional Members & Member Clubs receive special prices on almost all Congress functions.
CONGRESS EXHIBITION HALL One of the highlights of the annual USA Gymnastics National Congress is the Exhibition Hall. This is where gymnastics industry suppliers and consultants display and sell their products and services. You will find the latest and greatest in gymnastics equipment, apparel and services! The Exhibit Hall will be open to all Congress participants Thursday; Friday and Saturday. Day passes to the exhibit hall for the general public will be available at the Congress Registration desk.
NOTE: Children under the age of 5 will be admitted free when accompanied by their parent or guardian.
• Learn the latest information concerning: Technique, Training, Rules, Policies, Marketing, Routines & Business. • Listen to, and interact with, the leaders of our industry in all areas. • Raise the level of safety awareness in your gym and across the USA. USA GYMNASTICS POSITION ON CHILDREN (GUESTS) ATTENDING CONGRESS SESSIONS Attendees should keep in mind thot the Congress sessions ore designed for odult gymnastics professionals who have paid to attend sessions in order to increase their professional skills and knowledge base. USA Gymnastics strongly discouroges attendance of children in ony Congress sessions. Congress Hosts and Hostesses will monitor entronce to Congress sessions to those displaying oppropriote credentials.
SCHEDULE 2002 National Congress and U.S. Championships Wednesday, August 7 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m ........... Business Conference ... ..... ... ... ........ .............. ..... ..... Cleveland Convention Ctr. 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m ..... .... Congress Registration Booths Open ....... ........... .. Cleveland Convention Ctr. See page 29 ....... .. ............. Safety, KAT, MELPD, Cheer Certification .... ..... .Cleveland Convention Ctr. Trampoline Coach Certification Levell, Booster Club Seminar 1:00-4:00 p.m ................... Jr. All-Around & Event Finals (Men) .. ............ .. .. Gund Arena 7:00-10:00 p.m ......... ....... .5r. All-Around Prelims & Event Finals (Men) .... Gund Arena
Thursday, August 8 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m ........... Congress Registration Booths Open ........ ............ Cleveland Convention Ctr. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m . .... ... ... Congress Sessions ............. ....... .............................. Cleveland Convention Ctr. 10:30-11:30 a.m .. ....... .... ..Exhibit Hall: Gym Club Owners Preview .. ....... .Cleveland Convention Ctr. 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p .m ......... Exhibit Hall: Open to All Congress Participants ...... Cleveland Convention Ctr. 9:30 a.m.-1 :30 p.m ... .... ....Jr. All-Around (Rhythmic) .......... ..... ...... ...... ....... ..CC - Public Auditorium 1:00-3:30 p.m ................... Jr. All-Around Prelims & Event Finals (Women) .... ..Gund Arena 2:30-7:30 p.m ........... ...... ..5r. All-Around (Rhythmic) ... ....... ... ... ... ..... ....... ..... CC - Public Auditorium 7:00-10:00 p.m ........ ......... Sr. All-Around Prelims & Event Finals (Women) ... .Gund Arena
Friday, August 9 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m . ........ Congress Registration Booths Open ........ ............ Cleveland Convention Ctr. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p .m .. .........Jr. Competition/Sr. Prelims. (Sports Acro) .......... CC - Exhibit Hall 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p .m ... .... .. ..Exhibit Hall Open ..... ........... .................. .... .... .. ........ Cleveland Convention Ctr. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m ..... .. .... Congress Sessions ... ............................................. .... Clevel and Convention Ctr. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m ....... .... Jr. Elite Prelims (T&T) ...... ... .. ......... .......... ..... ....... ..CC - Public Auditorium 4:00-7:30 p.m ............. ...... Sr. Elite Prelims (T&T) ............... ........................ .. ... CC - Public Auditorium 4:15-5:15 p.m . ........... ....... Exhibit Hall Social/Happy Hour ........ ..... .... ... ... ...Cleveland Convention Ctr. , 7:00-10:30 p.m ................. All-Around Finals (Men) .......... .............................. Gund Arena
Saturday August 1n r
8:00 a.m.-3:30 p .m .. ......... Congress Registration Booths Open ......... ...... .....Cleveland Convention Ctr. 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m .... ....... Exhibit Hall Open ............. ......... ....................... ... .... Cleveland Convention Ctr. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m . ........ Congress Sessions ...... .... ... .... ....... ..... .... ................... Cleveland Convention Ctr. 10:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m ..... .... Jr. Event Finals (Rhythmic) .. ... .... .. ....... .................. CC - Public Auditorium 10:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m ..... .... Jr. Event Finals (T&T) .................. .............. .............. CC - Public Auditorium 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ..... .Jr. Competition/ Sr. Finals (Sports Acro) ......... ... ..CC - Exhibit Hall 1:00-3:30 p.m . .......... ........ Jr. All-Around finals (Women) ........... ................... Gund Arena 2:30-6:00 p .m ... ... .............5r. Event Finals (Rhythmic) ... ... .... ............. ......... ... .CC - Public Auditorium 2:30-6:00 p.m . .......... ....... .5r. Event Finals (T&T) .. .................... .... .... ............ ..CC - Public Auditorium 6:00-8:30 p.m .. .. ... .... ..... .. .5r. All-Around Finals (Women) ..... ........... .... ..... .. .Gund Arena 9:30 p.m . ... ... .. .... .......... ... .Dance Party (Congress Attendees) ..... ... ... ...... ..... Marriott Hotel's Key Center *Note: SUBJECT TO CHANGE TECHNIQUE · JULY 2002
USA Gymnastics Business Owners Conference VVednesday, August 7, 2002 Cleveland Convention Center 8:30am - 5pm
"USA Gymnastics is bringing together the leaders in the business. We will present the latest surveys, statistics and relevant business topics." MARKETING EDUCATION SYSTEMS
Business Building Blocks Cost:
$100 per person from a Member Club $200 per person - non-member club ( no on site registration ) Call Loree Galimore at 317-829-5654 to register or visit the website
Hear from our industries top leaders: • Gary Anderson • Loree Galimore • Jeff Metzger • Tom Lenzini • Tom Forster • Rita Brown • David Holcomb • Lynne Ledford • Frank Sahlein • Sean Dever • Steve Greeley • Patti Komara • Julia Thompson-Aretz • Chris Calvert • Jeff Lulla • Pat O' Conner
USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and luncheon Saturday, August 10, 2002
You are cordiaLly invited to attend the Annual USA Gymnastics HaLl of Fame Induction Ceremony. It is with great pleasure that the Class of 2002 is announced as foLlows: George Beckstead, Dickie Browning, Nard Cazzell (Posthumously), Bill Copp, Trent Dimas, Jair Lynch, Alexandra Nicholson, Betty Okino, Kerri Strug Please join us on Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 11 : 40 a.m. Sheraton Cleveland City Centre Hotel 777 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 11:40 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. (Directly across from the Cleveland Con vention Center) Donation - $ 25 .00 per person - $ 250.00 for a reserved table for ten persons
Recognition and Announcements for the USA Gymnastics Star Service Awards And Spirit of the Flame Award will take place during lunch prior to the Hall of Fame Induction Please join us for this very special event! Return t his form to USA Gymnasti cs by July 24, 2002 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300, India napoli s, IN 4622 5 or Fax 317-692-521 2
Name: Member Number: _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ Address: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ City: State: Zip: _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ Email: Credit Card Number: Exp . Date: Name on card: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature: Request Ticket(s): @ $ 25 ea. Table (s): _ _ __ _ _ @ $250 each for 10 people Amount charged: Check enclosed - amount: _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __
. _ ~_~_~~~__~_~~~~_~:_~~~_~_~:__:~_~:_~~ ___ -___-__-___-__-___-__~_~~~_~~_~__ ~_~~~~_~_~~ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __~_~~:_~~r_i_~~_~~_~~~ _________ ___ ___________ ____ __ ____ __ ____ _. TECHNIQUE· JULY 2002
Minimum age for Congress registration is 16.
No Pre-Registration after July 13. After July 13 you must register on-site.
(omplete one Form per person-Photocopy for additional Registrations. As aprofessional or instrudor member, you have two prices from which to choose. One price is for (ongress only. The other price is for (ongress and tickets to see all U.s. (hampionship events. Please see page 30 where additional tickets can be purchased for non· members, spouses, friends, etc. If you wish to be seated next to your co-workers, friends, spouses, etc., send all registration and ticket order forms together at one time with payment.
Your Pro or Instructor Acldress (listed in the USA Gymnastics member database) will be used for all correspondence. The tickets will be sent to the member database address 4 weeks prior to Championships.
CON G RES S COS T S (postmarked by July 13) PRO & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS 0 $230 Congress pre-registration $350 Congress pre-registration 0 $300 Congress pre-registration and ncket package $450 for on-site registration $330 for on-site registration (no ticket package) ........ ............................................................. Social Security No . .
Birth date .
USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No ................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..
.................................... .
Mailing Address ..................................................................... . . .................................................................................... .... ....................................................................... 0 This is a new address '/ ............................................................................................................................................................................. State ...................................................................................... . Zip Day phone (
Night phone (
Club name .............................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... _ Club number
Must check club owner box for admittance Check all that apply: o Member Club Owner o Club Owner o Group Gymnastics o Regional Chair o Trampoline & Tumbling o State Chair
to Exhibition Hall Preview
o Women's Artistic o Coach/Teacher o Judge o National Chair o Sports Acro o Office Staff o Men's Artistic o Rhythmic
1_$________..1Make check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics
Tota l Amount Enclosed ...
, ' Charge: 0 Visa USA GYMNASIlCS
I- I
0 Discover 0 Mastercard
• Card # Exp . ...................................................................................... Signature please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol , Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATTENTION: MEMBER SERVICES THE INDIVIDUAL CONGRESS FEE INCLUDES: • Credential for entrance to Congress seesions and clinics August 8-10, 2002 Cleveland, OH • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services.
be in w ritting.
Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Anention: Cathy Allen
• One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday evening, August 10
(additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 each- available at on -site registration)
Sefore July 13th - Registration fee less $30 service
fee per person
canceling. After July 13th - 50% of registration
fee per person canceling.
Videotoping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped.
SUBSTITUTION POLICY To transfer registration to another person, the new congress attendee
Language: The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics wi ll make no
must a lso have a professional or instructor membership.
special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages.
Sefore August 1 - $30 per substitution ON-SITE - $50 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Anention : Cathy Allen
Congress aHendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 13 pre-registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the congress pre-registration form.
No Pre-Registration after July 1 3 After July 1 3 you must register on-site for a $25 additional late fee per course per person
NOTE: Due to limited space and materials, admission to Congress add-ons is not guaranteed unless pre·registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling add·ons.
Use this form to register for the 2002 Congress tests, examinations, certifications, etc. One form per person. Photocopy for additional add-on registrations. NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member datobase) will be used for all correspondence • Name .... Birth date
.......... ............... ........... .................. .............. .... Social Security No. j
Safety Expiration Date
USA Gymnastics Pro/ lnst. # . ..
Mailing Address ................................................................................................................................................................. . ................................................................................................................................ ............... 0 THIS IS ANEW ADDRESS '-" ;r ..................... .................................................................................................................................. ....... State ....
Night phone (
Day Phone ( Check appropriate space for the add-ons you wish to attend.
SAFETY CERTIFICATION COURSES Minimum age lor Salety Certification is 16
Fri. August 9, 4:30 p.m. (written), 6:30 p.m. (practical) Email to register: jcirene@aol.com (osl $22 per pori
Wed. August 7, 8:30-12:30 p.m. For recerls. MUST be currenlly safely certified AN Da pro-member. N/A a For Ihose nol already safely certified. $50
Wed. August 7, 1-4 p.m.
(osl: $65
Wed. August 7, 1·5 p.m. a For recerls. MUST be currenlly safely cerlified AND a pro-member. a For Ihose nol already safely cerlified.
$0 $50
a a
N/A 0 $100 0
Fri. August 9, S - 10 p.m. Course Sat. August 10, 9 -1 1 a.m. Test Regislralion Fee: Free 10 (ongress altendees. $60 10 non (ongress altendees
N/A $50
$0 $50
N/AO $100 0
KINDER ACCREDITATION FOR TEACHERS (KAT) a Wed. August 7, 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. $110
$110 $1600 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a KAT Workbook. Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16. Includes Boxed Lunch MOVEMENT EDUCATION AND LESSON PLAN DEVELOPMENT (MELPD)
Wed. August 7, 4 p.m.- 9 p.m. $85 $85 $1350 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a MELPD Workbook. Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16. Includes Boxed Supper
Wed., Aug. 7, 8:30-12:00 (osl: $50 This seminar is designed for those coaches/dub owners or Presidents of Booster Clubs who want to maximize the talent within their membership. Dove Holcomb, owner of Buckeye Gymnastics will be the featured speaker and will cover • supporting the traveling team . Fundraising • PR • Parties and Celebrations • Facility Enhancements, etc.
Language: The Official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. " Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 13 pre-registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Pre-registration Form. Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.
Charge to:
Wed. August 7, 9-3 p.m.
BUSINESS OWNERS CLUB # CONFERENCE a Wed. August 7, 8:30 a.m.-S p.m. $100
Limited enrollment. No on-site registration.
o VISA o Discover o Mastercard o Amex
Card No.
N/A 0
Amount Enclosed
.. ...........
Exp. Date
Signature (required)
Please return this registration form to:
USA Gymnastics Congress Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATIENTION: Member Services
u.s. Gymnastics Championships August 7-10, 2002
Gund Arena, Cleveland TOTAL
u.s. Gymnastics
$99 $88
Gold Level Silver Level
CHAMPIONSHIPS Subtotal Handling Total
Cleveland, Ohio ' August 7-10, 2002
o Check# o Visa ~
(make payable to Gund Arena) PIIEffR'
1"Visli1 o Other
Name on Credit Card
Cardholder Signature
Card# Exp Date- -/
Mail tickets to: Name
"All-Session Strip" Package includes the following:
Address City
. All Men and Women Artistic Events at Gund Arena (7 events)
. All Rhythmic and Trampoline ~ Tumbling Events at Public Hall (6 events)
Day Phone: Evening Phone:
For more information. log on to: usa-gymnastics.org
Email: Club Affiliation:
' Blaine Wilson, Scheduled to Compete
Seated With: Mail order forms to USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225, c/o U.S. Gym nastics Championships. Make checks payable to Gund Arena.
( ") j , \"H _"1"1l l.1.I.'IC:
*Tickets will be mailed out no later than 4 weeks prior to the event
MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE Conference Call Minutes
May 29, 2002 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. CDT by Chair, Yoichi Tomita.
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men Yoichi Tomita MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. G0ined call at 11:10am) Steve Butcher FIG Rep. George Beckstead Kurt Golder Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Miles Avery Jr. Coaches Rep. (absent) Bill Foster Athlete Rep. Mihai Bagiu Athlete Rep. John Roethlisberger Butch Zunich NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) (absent) Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Ron Brant Jr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Dennis McIntyre Ron Galimore Senior Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote) Meeting called to order by Chair Yoichi Tomita at 11:10 a.m. He commended the men's team on their fine performance at the Pacific Alliance Championships, our marker meet for 2002.
II. COLLEGIATE PROGRAM FUNDRAISING In response to USA Gymnastics being asked to assist the Collegiate Gymnastics Association (CGA) in fund raising efforts to support men's collegiate gymnastics programs, Bob Colarossi had a donation check box placed on all USA Gymnastics Membership Application forms. These funds will be maintained by the USA Gymnastics National Gymnastics Foundation for distribution. The donation check box on application forms will allow individuals to donate to all disciplines as well as men's and women's collegiate gymnastics. The MPC will establish guidelines for men's funds distribution. The funds could go to a collegiate club or varsity program. Further suggestions included using these funds for programs and not individuals. The MPC will form a committee to distribute these funds. The MPC recommended that this committee have a finance committee member, National Gymnastics Foundation member, and two CGA members.
Motion: To form a distribution committee to oversee the funds collected for the men's collegiate program through the membership applications. This distribution committee should be comprised of a USAG Finance committee member, National Gymnastics Foundation committee member, at least two CGA members and another individual to be named later. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously
III. USAG STANDARDIZATION TASK FORCE A task force has been created to review ways in which USA Gymnastics programs could take on a more standardized form. The Task Force is made up of the 5 Vice-Chairs and 5 Program Directors. Examples of some of the things to be discussed include having a common name for all the Junior Olympic diSciplines: levels or classes. Standardizing USA Gymnastics programs could be very beneficial when communicating to potential sponsors and explaining the organization structure of USA Gymnastics to the general public. This committee will meet for the first time tomorrow. This is viewed as a long-term process and compromise by each program will be necessary to reach solutions to all of the issues.
IV. FOREIGN ATHLETE PERMISSION TO ATTEND THE QUALIFIER & U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS Alexander Artemev is requesting permission to participate in the U.S. National Qualifier and U.S. Championships in an exhibition only status. His finish at Nationals would have qualified him to the U.S. Championships if he were a U.S. citizen, but his application for citizenship is still being processed.
Jason Shen from Region 6 has parents that are U.S. citizens. Jason was not granted u.s. citizenship because of a missing birth certificate. Relatives in China are attempting to expedite the process by locating a copy of his birth certificate. He is requesting permission to attend the Qualifier and to participate in the U.S. Championships in an exhibition status if qualified among the top u.s. citizens. No U.S. citizens would be displaced by either gymnast. Motion: To permit Alexander Artemev to participate in the 2002 Qualifier and U.S. Championships in an exhibition only status. Also, to permit Jason Shen to participate in the Qualifier with the possibility of participating in the 2002 U.S. Championships, exhibition only, if he qualifies among the top U.S. citizens. Motion: Kurt Golder Steve Butcher 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously
Aaron Rakes is attempting to petition to the 2002 U.s. Championships. He has been sidelined with an elbow injury. Aaron is a Jr. National Team member. This petition would not displace any other gymnasts if approved. Motion: To approve the injury petition of Aaron Rakes to the junior division of the 2002 U.S. Championships Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously
VI. U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS AA FINALS FORMAT If a junior gymnast qualifies within the scores of the top 36 senior AA gymnasts then he would be eligible to compete in the senior division
(continued on page 33) ------------------------------~(~___ rE~c_H_N_/~O~UE__._J~U_LY__ 20_0_2~)~----------------------------~3~'~1
USA GYMNASTICS 1001 EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP SCHEDULE USA Gymnastics offers educational workshops in Kinder Accred itation for Teachers, Movement Education Lesso n Plan Deve lopm ent, and Professio nal Develo pment Certification Prog ram. A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education . The 1 worksho p covers philosophy, understanding the preschoo l-age child, safety consideration, class manageme nt, and much more!
A MELPD consists of five enlightening hou rs of preschool teacher educatio n. Thi s workshop is continuing education of the KAT program. The overall emphasis of t his workshop is to provide in structors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development and mo re. Attendance at KAT course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course.
The Women's Level I-IV Skill Develop ment Curriculum Course has been introduced at the first in a series of di scipline specifi c courses under the Profession al Development Certification program. The goa l of t his co urse is to establish a solid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals. This is a two-day I2-hour course. For more information on the PDCP courses call Renee Behrens at 317-829-5661. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call 1-800· 345-4719 or visit www.usa-gymnastics.org/membership
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(continued from page 31) AA Finals. Specialists in the top three from the first day will be advanced to the second day. Motion: To advance the top 36 AA gymnasts regardless of division, junior or senior, to the 2nd day of competition at the 2002 U.S. Championships, AA Finals. Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously Motion: Any gymnast that ranks in the top three on an apparatus, regardless of division, will be invited to compete on that apparatus on the 2nd day in the AA Finals of the 2002 U.S. Championships. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: John Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously Athletes do not need to be age eligible to move on to the AA Finals. Also, foreign exhibition athletes will be permitted to move on to the AA Finals, in an exhibition status only, if they place among the qualifiers.
V. REPLACEMENT OF PRE-QUALIFIED AA GYMNASTS FOR THE U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS Motion: Pre-Qualified athletes can be replaced for the U.S. Championships up to one week prior to the competition Motion: Kurt Golder Steve Butcher 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously
VI. NEW BUSINESS Motion: Senior National Team positions 10th-14th will be selected by the MPC after the U.S. Championships and they will remain on the team through the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge. These positions could be awarded to an all-around gymnast, specialist, or injured athlete. Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Mihai Bagiu PASSED: Unanimously
VII. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn Motion: Steve Butcher Yoichi Tomita 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously Call adjourned at 12:15 a.m. COT.
Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretanj (more men's minutes continued on page 43)
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SPORTS ACROBATICS PROGRAM COMMITTEE May 4-5, 2002 - Sacramento, Calif.
The meeting was called to order at 9:20 a.m.
I. ROLL CALL Program Committee Chair FIG Technical Committee Rep Vice Chair Board of Directors National Judges Coordinator Program Director
Jola Jones Tonya Case-Patterson Dr. A. Jay Binder Linda Ocmand Alexa Hukari
II. SENIOR PROGRAM DIRECTOR A list of the program committee's recommendations to Bob Colarossi for important qualities was developed.
III. JUDGES NATIONAL/NATIONAL SUPERIOR TESTING Testing has been mandated for all National and National Superior rated judges for July 12 at 6pm in New Orleans, LA. There will be a discussion/lecture prior to the test. Jones and Ocmand will develop the test. The general topics to be tested will be those areas an Arbiter of the panel will need to deal with. Practical film review: skill recognition, granting difficulty, breakdowns, special requirements, artistry and execution ranges Diagram error recognition Less importantly: mass and maturity, element choice in artistry International Testing was discussed. Judges who tested in August 2001 still do not have official recognition of their pass / fail status. The FIG will be contacted in order to push the process along. Local level testing opportunities - an outline will be developed by Ocmand for the local judges test. Local Leader Level Judges must be
T& -..... - U"",e.I:E " ;f 1- ••lnr=.
National rated and appointed by the program committee. A letter will be sent to these individuals to check their availability and willingness to teach the local judges test beginning in 2003. Western: Jola Jones, Tonya Case-Patterson, Alexa Hukari Eastern: Janet Von Bargen, Resi Buell-Size Mid East: Michelle Caviness, Darin Caviness South Central: Linda Ocmand, Diane Dougall Central: Jennifer Hess, Merry Crouch
IV. EVENTS International guests - policy position Nationals 2002: We will invite the South African trio who has expressed interest to attend and will give one additional set of Elite Trio All Around medals. The Russian National team may also be invited to participate. General policy: Schedule permitting we will allow international competitors at the USA Sports Acrobatics National Championships. This will allow progress towards the goals set out in our strategic plan including education for coaches, judges, and athletes; international experience provided at no additional cost to the sports acrobatics budget or our athletes; and promotion of international relations. Nationals 2002 issues - As a part of the growing pains associated with integration into USAG, there have been difficulties with the responsibilities related to event planning for Nationals.
TEAM TRIALS 2002 • Location: Cleveland, OH August 8-10. Training will be on the 8th. Competition will be on the 9th and 10th. • Alexa Hukari will be the event director. Jones and Ocmand will be the meet referees. Ocmand will develop judging assignments.
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Jeff Smith will do the scoring. • Athletes will compete in the following categories: Level 9, Level 10, International Age Group 11-16, and Elite. Level 9, Level 10, and Elite categories will follow the USAG Sports Acrobatics rules. The International Age Group 11-16 athletes will follow specific SAWAGG rules and restrictions set by the FIG. There are no skill or difficulty limitations at team trials for the athletes in the Elite category. If Elite athletes are chosen for the SAWAGG 12-18 team, coaches need to note the difficulty and skill restrictions that must be followed at SAWAGG. • Selection for SAWAGG: Age group 11-16 athletes will be chosen from the "International Age Group 11-16" category. Age group 12-18 athletes will be chosen from age eligible athletes in the Elite and possibly Level 10 category. • National Team and Senior World Championship Team will both be announced at the event.
V. COACHES' EDUCATION Discussion of the coaches' education proposal presented by Hukari. The proposal needs to be discussed further with more coaches input. The discussion was tabled until May 12 either by in person meeting or conference call with Hukari, Case-Patterson, Reiakvam and available coaches representatives.
VI. "HOW TO START A SPORTS ACROBATICS PROGRAM" UPDATE Marcia DeGuire has offered June 15 as a target date for a rough draft. A final draft should be ready by July 12. We hope to have the publication available at the USAG National Congress (Aug 8).
VII. VIDEO We will make "10 Basic Sports Acrobatics Skills" video available through USAG. This video was made by Junior Elite Gymnastics and has been kindly made available to us by Reiakvam. • Development of "LevelS and Level 6 Compulsory Routines" video will begin in New Orleans. • Hukari will investigate the possibility of making videos from the 2000 World Championships available. (Poland)
VIII. LETTER OF CONCERN A meet referee's report and formal letter to the program committee were reviewed regarding difficulties at a local meet. No action was
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taken by the program committee.
IX. FIG CODE OF POINTS UPDATE The final version of the code has been officially requested from FIG and should be in the office upon the Sr. Director's return. We will follow up with who has already paid for the tables and who needs to receive them.
X. INTERNATIONAL UPDATE • Case-Patterson spoke on the current standing of sports acrobatics in the FIG. The FIG Executive Committee has made sweeping changes to the format of sports acrobatics competitions on the international level. These changes came against the proposals of the FIG Sports Acrobatics Technical Committee. • SAWAGG will only include two age groups this year (1116 and 12-18). After this year 11 year olds will not be allowed to compete at this competition. • World Championships now only include all around medals with a combined routine from a zero start. • The competition season has changed. World Championships are now to be held between March and June. • Competition age changes will go into effect in 2003. The minimum age for World Championships and World Cup competition will be 15 years. • FIG World Cup Proposal review • Final medals are based on a zero start combined routine. • The FIG has identified World Cup qualifying possibilities. These events are all in Europe and Asia. • The USA currently has no athletes who are ranked on the World Cup Ranking List. • Opportunities for our athletes: Our developmental pipeline has been set up to prepare athletes for events which are no longer going to take place. Due to age group and qualifying changes, many of our athletes are not eligible for the World Cup, World Championships, or SAWAGG competitions. Possibilities for opportunities for these athletes include participation in a Pacific Alliance Competition (proposal to be developed) and a major international competition that could be hosted in the US. A major international competition in 2003 National was (continued on page 42)
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Meeting was called to order by Chairman Cheryl Hamilton at 9:00 a.m.
I. ROLL CALL Present: Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 NETCC NAWGJ WJOPM Absent: NACC NJOCC NECC SDWP NCAA
Sue Graff Linda Mulvihill Carole Bunge Linda Thorberg Char Christensen Pat Panichas Myra Elfenbein Marian Dykes Audrey Schweyer Carole Ide Connie Maloney
Jan Greenhawk Torn Koll Gary Anderson Kathy Kelly Sandy Thielz
II. LEVEL 7 VAULT Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to eliminate the squat, stoop, and straddle vaults from the list of allowable Level 7 vaults, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: A. Schweyer Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED Deductions for these vaults will remain in the J. 0. Technical Handbook for those programs that still use these vaults, such as USAG PREP Optional or other organizations.
Supplement. Effective August 1, 2002. Motion: M. Dykes Second: C. Bunge PASSED Clarification: The two 3600 circling elements may be the same or different. One of these circles must achieve a minimum angle of 60 0 above horizontal; the other circling element has no angle requirement. Refer to page 32, e in the Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook regarding the technical specifications of clear support.
IV. LEVEL 8 DIFFICULTY RESTRICTIONS Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to allow the performance of any "C" element at Level 8. "C" elements will receive "B" Value Part credit and will be eligible to fulfill Special Requirements. Effective August 1, 2002. Motion: L. Thorberg Second: M. Dykes PASSED 5 in favor (Regions NETC, 2, 4, 6 & 8) 4 opposed (Regions 1, 3, 5, & 7)
V. LEVEL 9 VAULTING Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to allow the performance of the following Roundoff entry vaults for Level 9 athletes, effective August 1, 2002: From Group 4: vaults (Flic-£lac on) with twists only (no saltos) or RO, £lic-£lac on -salto off without twist #4.201 RO, FF on - Back tuck #4.304 RO, FF on - Back pike #4.305 RO, FF on - Back layout #4.312 RO, FF on - 1/1 twist off #4.313 RO, FF on - }1/2 twist off RO, FF on - 211 twist off #4.412 From Group 5: vaults (RO, £lic-£lac with '/2 turn on) with twists off (no saltos allowed) #5.201 RO, FF If, on - 1/1 twist off #5.202 RO, FF ' /2 on - }1/2 twist off #5.307 RO, FF 1/1 on - 111 twist off #S5.420 RO, FF '/2 on - 2/1 twist off Motion: M. Dykes Second: C. Christensen PASSED Reminder: There is no deduction for coach standing between board and vault table for Round-off entry vaults.
Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to eliminate the Level 7 Bar requirement of a minimum of 8 elements, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED Clarification: Effective August 1, 2002, there is no minimum number of elements required at Level 7.
Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to add a new Level 7 Bar requirement of a second 360 0 circling element that finishes in or passes through a clear support, with no minimum angle required. One of the two required 3600 circling elements must be an element listed under Groups 3, 6 or 7 in the FIG Code of Points or the Jr. Olympic Element
Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to eliminate the Low Bar "B" Special Requirement at Levels 8, 9 & 10, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: C. Bunge Second: C. Christensen PASSED 8 in favor, 1 opposed
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Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to add the following special requirement for Level 8 Bars: a minimum of an "A" element from Groups 3, 6 or 7, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: C. Christensen Second: L. Thorberg PASSED Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to add the following special requirement for Level 9 Bars: a minimum of a "B" element from Groups 3, 6 or 7, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: A. Schweyer Second: S. Graff PASSED Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to change the Level 9 Special Requirement of two Bar Changes to be only one Special Requirement valued at 0.20 (as in Level 10), effective August 1, 2002. Motion: M. Dykes Second: L. Mulvihill PASSED
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TCIJOC conference call on June 13, 2002. Recommendation that the FIG's recent clarification regarding the Glide straddle or stoop over the LB to catch HB, as listed in the revised FIG Code (Jan. 2002) be applied at the Jr. Olympic level, effective August 1, 2002:
#1.104 A value part Glide on LB, stoop (or straddle) back kip-up to brief rear support (touching LB with back of thighs) with grip change to hang on HB #1.204 B value part Glide on LB, stoop (or straddle) back kip-up through clear rear support with grip change to hang on HB Note: this element may be performed as a mount or within the exercise. Motion: P. Panichas Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED Rationale: Previously, the gymnast received deductions for touching the LB with the legs when attempting this element, which was listed only as a "B". Now, if the legs touch the bar, "A" value part is awarded, with no specific deduction for touching the bar with the legs.
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TCIJOC conference call on June 13, 2002. Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation regarding the performance of a release element: Value Part and Special Requirement credit will be awarded if the gymnast contacts the bar with the hand(s) prior to a fall, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: A. Schweyer Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED
(continued on page 38)
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(continued from page 37) Ree91BIBeftaati9ft ~9 ~he If. OIYlBrte C91BIBtttee ~ha~ elelBeft~s with a h9r gftr ehaftge afe ft9~ e9ftStaefea flight elelBeft~s. (lll(eerti9ft i9f IO eael( gtaft~ h9r 1/1). Motion: M. El£enbein Second: C. Bunge PASSED 7 in favor, 2 opposed. Rationale: This will benefit the gymnast that performs a major release element to fulfill Special Requirements. * The Jr. Olympic Committee was opposed to this recommendation. At
the joint conference call of the JOC/TC on June 13th, a final vote was taken with both committees and the motion was DEFEATED.
Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to maintain the "C" value of S4.307 (Laumann-LB back giant with release and 1/, tum in tuck position with flight to catch HB, finishing in a hang on HB). Motion: A. Schweyer Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion dllring the joint TC/JOC conference call on June 13, 2002 based on the fact that the values of the other release elements were not raised. * FINAL DECISION: NO CHANGE IN VALUE FOR #S4.307 (Laumann-LB back giant with release and 1/, tum in tuck position with flight to catch HB, finishing in a hang on HB).
* FINAL DECISION: ELEMENTS WITH HOP-GRIP CHANGE ARE CONSIDERED FLIGHT ELEMENTS. Clarification of elements with hop-grip change and turns: Add the following to the Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook, pg. 82 B. 3: Add f. For elements with a hop-grip change and a LA turn, the hop grip change to a different grip must be completed prior to the initiation of the turn in order to be considered flight. (Exceptionback giant hop full) Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to add the following compositional deduction for Level 10: "Choice of release elements not up to the competitive level - " up to 0.20", effective August 1, 2002. Motion: M. Elfenbein Second: C. Christensen PASSED
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TC/JOC conference call on June 13, 2002. * Recommendation from the Jr. Olympic Committee to the Technical Committee to establish general guidelines for the application of this compositional deduction regarding choice of release elements. Motion: J. Geddert Second: D. Houlton PASSED In response to the above request, the following examples are suggested: If the only release elements in the routine were: • Counterswing to straddle back with flight over LB (B) and Underswing or long swing on HB with 1/, turn and flight over LB to hang (B) - deduct 0.20 • Tkatchev (D) and long swing forward on HB with 1/, turn (bail 1/,) and flight to handstand on LB (D) - no deduction When applying this compOSitional deduction, consider not only the value part of the release element, but also the type of release element and the use of release elements in direct connection to other release elements. Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to maintain the current values of the specific release elements that were listed in the Jr. Olympic Committee's May 2002 minutes. Motion: A. Schweyer Second: C. Christensen PASSED
* After revisiting this issue on the joint JOC/TC conference call on June 13 and in light of the new compositional deduction, the Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion (5 in favor, 3 opposed). * FINAL DECISION: NO CHANGE IN VALUES FOR RELEASE ELEMENTS
NEW BAR ELEMENT: Add the following element variation to the Jr. Olympic Element Supplement: # S2.101 "A" cast, add "also with 1/2 tum"
MISCELLANEOUS UNEVEN BAR TECHNIQUE CLARIFICATIONS Evaluation of turns on one arm finishing in an L or mixed-L grip (Healy technique): The Jr. Olympic Committee expressed concern regarding the lenient evaluation of elements with full turn on one arm (Healy turn). The Technical Committee will encourage through continued education the application of not only the deduction for late completion of the turn but also deductions for body position faults. Clarification of required technique for element #4.101 (A-value): If a swing forward with 1/, turn is completed below 45 0 from vertical, it is considered an element with no value; therefore, would not receive the Special Requirement of LA turn for Level 9. If the forward swing were under horizontal, a specific execution deduction of 0.10 would also be applied. Clarification of required technique for circling elements to handstand, also with If:;, turn: • All circling elements must be completed to within 100 of vertical in order to receive value part credit as listed in FIG Code or Jr. Olympic Element Supplement. • If the circle never reaches the handstand phase and a turn occurs on the upswing more than 100 from vertical, award the value for the actual element performed. Example: The gymnast attempts a clear hip circle or piked sole circle but fails to attain the handstand phase (within 100 of vertical on the upswing), and then performs 1/, turn. This would be considered either a ''B''underswing with If, turn to clear support (#3.202) or an "A" underswing with 1/, turn to hang (#3.102) depending on actual element perfonned. Example: The gymnast attempts a giant circle backward but fails to attain handstand phase and then perfonns a 1/, turn between 45 0 to 11 0 from vertical. This would be considered an "A" element - #4.101 (swing forward with 1/, turn above HB height, circa 45 0 from vertical) Clarification of "C" element #3.304 - Uprise backward to clear hip circle to handstand on HB: This element is considered one "C" element. If, when performing this element, the clear hip circle does not attain the handstand phase (within 100 of vertical), the skill is evaluated as two "B" elements (back uprise to clear support and clear hip circle). Note: If this element is performed at Level 7, it is considered two "8's", regardless of whether or not the clear hip circle attained the handstand position.
VII. OPTIONAL BEAM & FLOOR CLARIFICATIONS Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation to eliminate the hold Special Requirement on Beam, effective August 1, 2002. Motion: C. Bunge Second: L. Mulvihill PASSED Recommendation to accept the Jr. Olympic Committee's recommendation that all turns on Beam and Floor Exercise that are presently described as requiring a leg position maintained at "above horizontal throughout the turn" be described as "at or above horizontal throughout the turn" to receive Value Part credit as listed in the FIG Code. Effective August 1, 2002 for Jr. Olympic competition only. Motion: A. Schweyer Second: S. Graff PASSED: 5 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstention Note: Refer to the Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook, pages 113 & 140 for additional technical requirements for these elements. Recommendation to accept the following FIG description of artistry for optional competition, as presented in the 2002 revision of the FIG
Code of Points: Artistry of presentation throughout the exercise, showing qualities of: • Elegance and expression of personal style • Entertainment value • Originality of choreography in elements and combinations. Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: L. Thorberg PASSED Discussion of the new FIG technical decisions: Tempo (rhythm) deduction for direct connection of two or more elements in a series on Beam: Discussion was held in regard to the FIG's elimination of the tempo deduction on Beam. The Technical Committee and the Jr. Olympic Committee agree that the elimination of this deduction is NOT to the benefit of the Jr. Olympic athletes. No change was recommended at this time. Reminder: The tempo deduction of "up to 0.10" is applied when the rhythm of the connection is continuous but slow. It is considered a separate rhythm deduction and is not applied to either the first or second element. FIG changes in element values or numbers in FIG Code: Beam: FIG has eliminated the tucked Chen £lic (#7.312). The Technical and Jr. Olympic committees have decided to retain this element for the Jr. OlympiC program with the following technical requirements: the gymnast must show a 90° angle in both the hips and the knees, then an opening/ stretching of the legs /body prior to the swing down. The tucked Chen Hic will be added to the Jr. Olympic Element Supplement as S7.312.
Beam: The FIG is now listing the tuck jumps and wolf jumps under the same number. The Technical Committee decided to keep the tuck and wolf jumps as different elements for the Jr. OlympiC program. In the Jr. Olympic Element Supplement, the wolf jumps will be listed w1der the following numbers: S2.111 Wolf hop (one foot take-off) S2.211 Wolf jump (two foot take-off) S2.311 Wolf hop or jump with ,/, or ,/, turn, also landing in front support or to hand support with swing down to cross straddle sit. S2.511 Wolf hop with 1/1 turn or wolf jump with 1/1 -1'/, turn Floor Exercise Special Requirements: The committee discussed the fact that the FIG has eliminated the Special Requirement of an acrobatic series. The Technical committee decided to maintain the six Special Requirements presently required on Floor Exercise for the Jr. Olympic program. Floor Exercise Salto clarification: Saito elements landing in a sitting, prone or split-sit position are not considered saltos. If the saito element lands on two feet, or lands on one foot and then lowers with control to one knee, it is considered a saito and will be eligible to fulfill Special Requirements and / or Connection Value.
VIII. NEW ELEMENTS FROM THE 2002 JR. OLYMPIC NATIONALS Add the following elements to the Jr. OlympiC Element Supplement: VAULT: Round-off, £lic-£lac on - 1/ 2turn off to saito forward tucked S4.607 with 1/2turn (Beckman) 10.0 Front handspring onto board - Front handspring on S2.305 Saito forward tucked (Ilg) 9.8 BARS: S2.406 (D) On HB- Counterswing to front saito stretched with 1/ 2turn to catch LB in hang (Cox) S4.402 (D) Back giant on HB- hop from regular grip to L-grip in handstand phase (Dochney) S8.506 (E) Dismount: Swing down between the bars, swing forward to salto backward tucked with 1/ 2twist into saito forward tucked with 1/ 2twist (Beckman) BEAM: S9.409 (D) Dismount: Gainer saito piked with 1/1 twist at the end of the beam - facing out (Rinaldo)
* All element values were accepted by the Jr. Olympic Committee during a joint TC/JOC conference call June 13, 2002.
IX. PROCEDURES FOR THE EVALUATION OF NEW ELEMENTS FOR THE JR. OLYMPIC PROGRAM The coach must send an evaluation form (available on the USAG web site at www.usa-gymnastics.org/forms/2001/valuepart.pdf) and a videotape of the new element to their RTCC. A videotape is now required prior to confirming an evaluation of a new element.
X. BASE SCORE VIDEOS Beam: The FIG has manged the Flic-£lac If, and If, (Omelianchik) to Group 5 - Holds (#5.308 and 5.408). The Technical and Jr. Olympic committees have decided to retain these two elements in Group 7 (Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc.), with no hold requirement. They will be added to the Jr. OlympiC Element Supplement as: #S7.310 Flic-flac with ,/, turn to side handstand and #S7.410 Flic-flac with 3/, turn to side handstand
The Base Score videos used in the judges' meetings prior to Sectional and above competitions are important for establishing guidelines and consistency for the states and regions. An evaluation form will be designed and sent to the State Committee Chairmen /State Judging Directors for State meets and RTCC for Regional meets in order to record the actual scores from each judges' meeting, as well as comments from the participating judges. Completed forms will be sent to the Chairman of the Women's Technical Committee.
(continued on page 40) ------------------------------~C~
(continued from page 39)
Recommendation to make the following change in the Women's
The committee discussed the deductions for Level 4 vault. It is recommended that when judging this vault, that each applicable deduction be utilized as listed when a dive roll is performed.
Rules and Policies for 2002-03:
XII. LEVEL 5/6 HANDSPRING VAULT Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to add the following deduction for LevelS and 6 vault, effective August I, 2002: Additional hand placements (taking steps/hops on hands) Up to 0.30 Motion: M. Dykes Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TCIJOC conference call on June 13, 2002. Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to delete the 0.50 deduction for "coach standing between the board and vault apparatus" at Level 6, effective August I, 2002. Motion: L. Thorberg Second: A. Schweyer PASSED
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TCIJOC conference call on June 13, 2002. Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to apply a 2.00 penalty for "Failure to land on the feet first" for Level 5 or 6 for Handspring vaults, effective August I, 2002. Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: L. Thorberg PASSED
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TCIJOC conference call on June 13, 2002. Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to add a 2.00 penalty for assistance by the coach in any phase of the Level 5/6 handspring vault. Motion: L. Thorberg Second: M. Dykes PASSED Clarification: A maximum deduction of 2.00 would be taken for assistance in the 1st flight phase or 2nd flight phase, or in both flight phases.
* The Jr. Olympic Committee accepted this motion during the joint TCIJOC conference call on June 13, 2002. Clarification: If, in the attempt to perform a handspring vault, the Level 5/6 gymnast finishes in a sitting/ lying position on the vault apparatus, deduct 0.50 for the fall onto the apparatus plus 2.00 for failure to land on the feet first. If the gymnast makes contact with the vault apparatus during the 2nd flight phase, deduct "up to 0.20" for touch / brush or hit on the apparatus.
XIII. FLASHING OF START VALUES ReeslftlftefteatiSft ts reEJ:aire the jaeges ts either flash sr sa9lftit Start Valaes ift writiftg (Sft the gylftftast's fare) at aU Ortisftal bevel 8, 9 aftelll eSlftretitisfts. Motion: M. Dykes Second: L. Thorberg DEFEATED (7 opposed, 2 in favor) The Teclmical Committee encourages flashing of Start Values or writing of Start Values on competition cards at all optional competitions. Whenever possible, the Meet Director will advise the judges' assignor that this procedure will take place.
Page 69, c., 2., c. Delete the following bullet: "If the Meet Director elects to flash Start Values, this requirement must be included in the pre-meet information for coaches and indicated on the judges' contract." Motion: M. Dykes Second: L. Thorberg PASSED
XIV. JR. OLYMPIC TECHNICAL HANDBOOK & 2001 WTC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Errata sheets reflecting the recent changes made by the Jr. Olympic and Technical Committees will be posted on the USAG web site and in the Technique magazine for the following: â&#x20AC;˘ Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook for Coaches and Judges (Revised March 2002) â&#x20AC;˘ Q & A from the 2001 Women's Technical Symposium, National Judges' Courses and the NAWGJ Symposium (currently posted on the USAG web site)
XIV. NAWGJ REPORT Carole Ide distributed a written report of NAWGJ activities. She asked the Teclmical Committee for any items of concern regarding the Judges' Compensation package, which will be reviewed and revised by July 31, 2002.
XV. APPAREL The committee discussed the wearing of an elastic waistband on the outside of the leotard. Recommendation that elastic waistbands, traditionally worn as training aids, are considered inappropriate attire (not to include medically necessary bandages), effective August I, 2002. Motion: M. Dykes Second: L. Thorberg PASSED The committee also discussed appropriate coaches' attire and asked the Women's Administrative Committee to address this issue for inclusion in the Rules and Policies.
XVI. MATTING Page 133, V. Coach on the Floor Exercise Mat/Spotting regulations: Add E. It is permissible for a coach to go onto the Floor Exercise mat during the exercise if an object (such as metal hair clips, eyeglasses, etc.) that may impede or endanger the athlete has fallen onto the mat. There will be no deduction.
XVII. WOMEN'S PROGRAM OPERATING CODE CHANGES The committee discussed the fact that the Elite Teclmical Committee Chairman's term currently does not coincide with the terms of the Chairmen of the International Elite Committee and Elite Committee. Recommendation to the Women's Program Committee that the Elite Technical Chairman's term be changed so that the elections would be held during the Olympic year to coincide with the elections of the Elite Committee Chairman and International Elite Committee Chairman. In order to transition to this time frame, the present term will be for two years. Beginning with the election in 2004, the term will be for four years. Motion: P. Panichas Second: C. Christensen PASSED (continued on page 46)
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I. ROLL CALL IECC Coach Representatives
National Team Coordinator Athlete Representative Sr. Director Women's Program International Consultant
Roe Kreutzer (phone trouble) Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Kelli Hill Yvegeny Marchenko Martha Karolyi Larissa Fontaine (excused) Kathy Kelly Jackie Fie
The Chairman had sent a "revised" copy of the R&P to the committee for their review. All the strike throughs, the bold, underlined or highlighted areas will need discussion. The committee agreed to the following changes for the 2002-2003 Rules and Policies.
TEAM SIZE Senior 18 - Junior - 12
AGE DIVISIONS Senior 15 + up (AllIS year olds attempting to qualify for the 2003 World Championships or the Pan Am Games MUST compete in the Senior Division) Junior 15 and below
NATIONAL QUALIFIERS Committee agreed that in addition to the Team Cup on the podium at American Cup, 3 national qualifiers will be added to the 2003 season. All clubs of National Team Members will be allowed to submit bids for the qualifiers. The competitions must be conducted between January 10 and February 23. The Selection Committee will award the competition based upon geographic location, national team members in the club, stature of competition. A complete calendar will be announced at the U.S. Classic Meet. These national qualifiers must follow all the rules for elite competitions with the exception that 20cm mats are not required but 20cm of matting must be available. The National Office will send out the request for bids with a deadline for submission of July 1, 2002. The coaches, through Kathy, have submitted a list of elements to Jackie for her technical direction in the evaluation of these elements. This will be distributed to all the coaches, discussed at the Clinic at Classics and in the judges' meeting. A video will be developed to compliment the written directives. Other judging issues and the qualification rules were discussed and will be finalized at the next meeting. The committee will review the qualification scores, numbers to Championships and competition rules after the results of Classics.
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The committee discussed the petition by the Meet Director of the Hall of Fame Meet to conduct a national elite qualifying session with that competition. While the committee is in agreement with the concept, another national qualifier can not be added to the schedule at this late date. The decision is left to the Region III Elite Board as to whether a regional elite session will be added to the Hall of Fame Meet. The committee was asked to book their tickets out of the Classic Meet on Monday after 3:00 pm to allow for the joint meeting with the Elite Committee.
Call adjourned at 2: 15 pm. ------------------------------~(__~TE~C~H~N~'~O~UE~._J~U~lY~20~O~2~)~----------------------------~~
(continued from page 35) discussed. An event proposal was pursued and will be presented to the USAG president. An event format was discussed as a proposal for a Pacific Alliance event. More discussion of possible international events resulted in the following recommendations: 1. The USAG Sports Acrobatics program to host a major international event in 2003. 2. A proposal for sports acrobatics involvement in the Pacific Alliance to be presented to the USAG President.
III always want the best for
all my gyms.
The meeting adjourned for the day at 7:30 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:40 a.m. on May 5, 2002.
XI. ADDITIONAL INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS A competition is scheduled in Switzerland for October 2002 and is being considered for an official delegation. This competition provides the opportunity for international experience for the coaches who are participating in the "Fast Track Coaches Series."
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XII. WORLD TEAM/SAWAGG TRAINING CAMP There will be no training camp for the SAWAGG 11-16 athletes. Training sessions for SAWAGG 12-18 and Sr. World Teams need to be arranged. There is a possibility of a training camp for both SAWAGG and Sr. World Championships together and then a Sr. World Team training camp during the SAWAGG competition in Germany. Tonya Case-Patterson will pursue a training camp in Germany Sept 17-22 prior to training at the competition site Sept 24-26. Competition will be Sept 27-29.
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That's why I switched ...
XIII. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS/SAWAGG DELEGATIONS The following Fast Track Coaches interested in attending will be contacted: Lee Hatfield, Linda Porter, Selena Chain-Peco, Resi Buell-Size, Ronda Carson-Francis, Jennifer Hess, Illya Demyanyuk, Julie Miller
//::'to ProSchool // software."
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The action plan for "fast track" judges includes: 1. Invitations to international competitions as a part of official delegations 2. Invitation to upgrade early (in 2003) regardless of whether or not they have spent two years at their current rating. 3. Encourage new judges to take on leadership roles (meet referee, arbiter) In 2003 all judges will be required to take a re-certification test to maintain their current rating. In an effort to promote former athletes moving toward judging, the local judges certification test fee ($25) will be waived for former athletes in 2003.
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Committees need to be systematically implemented over time. Dr. Jay Binder will develop a proposal for specific dates for progress. There is a strong need for the elite coaches of the country to have a voice and input on a variety of issues. The implementation of the National Elite Committee will begin through an elite coaches meeting at the Sports Acrobatics National Championships 2002.
XVI. PUBLICATIONS Rules and Policies, Operating Code, and Specifications will be reorganized. Competition specific information will be included in Specifications beginning September 1, 2002.
XVII. STANDARDIZATION TASK FORCE UPDATE Vice Chairs will meet with Program Committee Chairs on May 29th prior to the USAG Board of Directors meeting to look into ways in which the USA Gyrrmastics programs can have a standard structure in some areas.
MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE Conference Call Minutes
June 10, 2002 Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. PDT by Chair, Yoichi Tomita.
Motion: To permit Freddie UmaH residency at the Colorado Springs NTC on a three month trial basis with specific performance standards that will need to be met. Motion: John Roethlisberger Kwt Golder 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously
I.ROLL CALL Members Present: MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. George Beckstead FIG Rep. G0ined at 9:10am) Kurt Golder Sr. Coaches Rep. Miles Avery Sr. Coaches Rep. Bill Foster Jr. Coaches Rep. Mihai Bagiu Athlete Rep. G0ined at 9:10am) Athlete Rep. John Roethlisberger NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) Butch Zunich Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Ron Brant Jr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Dennis McIntyre Ron Galimore Senior Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote)
There are a couple of current OTC athletes that will have their positions re-evaluated in the near future.
Ron Brant explained a new document that has been created. This supplement provides the philosophy behind the use of the Execution Document. It will provide concepts on how each skill should be evaluated. The Execution Document puts a lot of emphaSiS on the A panel evaluation, while better assisting the B panel judges. This supplement would help coaches, athletes and judges communicate better about how skills are evaluated. There is also the possibly of a video review with coaches, judges, and athletes at the conclusion of major competitions. It is recommended that these new skill evaluation parameters be explained at the National Qualifier. These new parameters would be adopted after that competition.
Yoichi Tomita addressed the committee about the latest Board of Directors meeting. He stated that the men's program is very well represented on the board. Highlights of the board meeting included: • A change in the election procedures of the Program Vice Chair positions: each program committee will now be able to elect their vice chair to the Executive Committee. • A new anti-drug policy was adopted. • The Board of Directors voted to support a resolution that states USA Gymnastics is extremely concerned about the loss of so many men and women's collegiate gymnastics programs across the country. • Donations will be accepted for each diScipline and NCAA gymnastics can benefit with the use of the new athlete and professional registration forms. • Presently, USA Gymnastics continues to solicit a title sponsor for the U.S. Championships, and are pursuing a number of leads. • The 2002 World Championships preparation is going very well. Ron Galirnore complimented Mr. Tomita on his work in getting the other vice-chairs to approve the motion related to the future selection of their positions. The task force of all program directors and vicechairs met for the first time prior to the Board meeting. Ron Galimore will send out an update regarding their meeting.
Mihai Bagiu & George Beckstead joined call at 9:10 a.m.
III. FREDDIE UMALI REQUEST FOR COLORADO SPRINGS OTC RESIDENCY There is bed space available at the USOTC in Colorado Springs. Freddie Umali is requesting to train at that site immediately. He would not initially be a part of the Team Chevron program if granted the opportunity to train. A three-month trial period is standard for all OTC applicants. All national team member requests to train at the OTC will have priority over non-national team members.
IV. 2004 SCHEDULE CONFLlCl There has been a change in the 2004 NCAA season. The season is scheduled to begin later in 2004. This change places the NCAA Championships and Men's National Qualifier to the u.s. Championships on the same day, April 24. The MPC will request that the NCAA move their date to one week earlier and the National Qualifier to one week later. Steve Butcher has offered a back-up plan of hosting the National Qualifier in conjunction with the J.O. Nationals if San Diego is the Host City in 2004.
VI. JUDGES SELECTION FOR 2003-04 The senior coaches suggested that we have more consistency going into the Olympic year. They want to see panels locked in for that twoyear period. Butch Zunich, Ron Brant, and Ron Galimore will discuss this suggestion and bring back more information for our next call. Mihai Bagiu left Call 10:05 a.m.
VII. NEW BUSINESS We must decide program service awards for Congress by July 1. Petition for Scott Vetere to the 2002 U.S. Championships Kurt Golder (coach of Scott Vetere) asked to leave conference call 10:12 a.m.
Motion: To approve the petition of Scottt Vetere to the senior division of the 2002 U.S. Championships Motion: John Roethlisberger Bill Foster 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously
VIII. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn Motion: Steve Butcher Yoichi Tomita 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously Call adjoll/'lled at l0:1 5alll PDT. ; Respectflilly sllbmitted by Steve Blitciler, MPC Seeretan;
Now Available New Program Materials for Sports Acrobatics BOOKS Item # 1501 - FIG Sports Acrobatics Code of Points .. ............. ....... . $50.00 Item # 1502 - USAG Sports Acrobatics Specifications . .. .. ................ . $35.00 Item # 1503 - FIG Sports Acrobatics Table of DiHiculties ................... . $50.00
VIDEOS Item #2500 - Sports Acrobatics Ten Basic Skills Video . .................... . $15.00 Item #2501 - 17th Senior World Sports Acrobatics Championships Video (2 Tapes) $25.00
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VIDEOS & BOOKLETS Order on page 44
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What is GeneraL Gymnastics? ......... .. ...... ..... ...... ... .... ... ... ... $10.00
1997 Swedish TeamGym ..... ... ..... ... ...... ....... ............. ........$15.00
1999 WorLd Gymnaestrada-The USA Experience .. ..... .. .. ... .... $15.00
This video helps answer the question, What is General Gymnastics?
2001 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2282 #2283 #2285
This video shows examples of TeamGym competition. This video is the USA routines from the World Gymnaestrada in G6teborg, Sweden. #2611 #2612 #2613 #2614 #2615 #2616
1999 World Gymnaestrada- The InternationaL Experience ........ .. $15.00 1999 Gym Fest & TeamGym ..... .... ........ .... ...... ... .... ... .. ..... $15.00 2000 NationaL GymFest-TeamGym Champs/GaLa Showcase ....$15.00 2001 NationaL Gym Fest Group Performances ... ........... .... .... ..$15.00 2001 NationaL Gym Fest TeamGymn Championships ..... .. ... .... $15.00 2001 NationaL Gym Fest GaLa Showcase ... ..... ..... .... ........... .. $15.00
WOMEN'S 2001 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2153 #2154 #2155 #2156 #2157 #2158
#2159 #2160
Women's 2001 Visa American Cup ..... ................ .. ...... ... .. .... $15.00 Women's 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup .... ... ... ... .... ... .... .. $20.00 2001 Women's U.S. CLassic Seniors (2 Tapes) .... .. .. ...... ........ $25.00 2001 Women's U.S. CLassic Juniors (2 Tapes) .. .......... ... ....... $25.00 2001 Women's NationaL Gymnastics FestivaL .. .... ........ ..... ..... $15.00 2001 Women's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Jr. Pre-Lims/ FinaLs (2 Tapes) * .................. ....... ...... .. .... ....... $25.00 * PLease note the above video is missing the vauLt routines 2001 Women's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Sr. Pre-Lims/ FinaLs (2 Tapes) ..... .... ...... ... ................ ... .... ..... $25.00 2001 Reese's Gymnastics Cup - Men & Women Teams .... ...... $25.00
RHYTHMIC 2000 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2373 #2374 #2375 #2381
2002 Men's and Women's Visa American Cup .... ..... .. .... .... .... .$20.00 2002 Women's Podium Meet ..... .... .................... ..... ..... .. ..... $40.00 2002 Women's American CLassic - Seniors.. .. .. ..... ...... ... .... .... $15.00 2002 Women's American CLassic - Juniors ....... ........ .. .... ....... $20.00 2002 Women's American CLassic Team Cup Top 12 Seniors and Juniors ... ...... .... ... ................. ..... .. ...... $20.00 2002 Women's American ChaLLenge NationaL LeveL ELites - OptionaLs .... .. .. ...... .. .............. ... ... .... $20.00
TRAINING VIDEOS #2105 #2127 #2149 #2498 #2499 #2961 #2962
J.O. Program Compulsory Video LeveL 1-6 ........ ....... ............. $35 .00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassa(s Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ...... .. ................ ........... $20.00 Women's NationaL Team Training Warm-Up Video .................. $15.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassa(s How to Train a Front Handspring SafeLy .............. ...... ........... .. ............ ...$20.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassa(s How to Master a Perfect Handstand ... ...... .. ... ... ..... ...... .... .. .... ... .... ..... ..... . $20.00 Gheza Pozsa(s BaLLet Bar Training for Gymnasts ........ ..... .... . $10.00 BeLa KaroLyi's Running Training Video ........... ........... ...... ... . $10.00
2000 Visa American Cup Series-RCA/ Aussie/Visa Finals .. ... ... .... $15.00
2000 NationaL Championships Jr. Competition ....... ... .......... $25.00
2000 NationaL Championships Sr. AA Finals ....... ........ .. ....... $25.00
2000 NationaL Championships Sr. Event Finals .... ... .. ....... .. .. $25.00
#2281 #2284
2000 Pontiac InternationaL Team Championships .... ... ... .. .. .... $15.00 2000 Men's Olympic Games ALL Around Finals ......... ..... ... ... .. $20.00
2000 2000 2000 2000
Rhythmic ChaLLenge ............... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. $15.00 Rhythmic JO Championships Levels 7&8 (4 Tapes) ........ $50.00 Rhythmic JO Championships Group Competition ...... .. .. $15.00 Rhythmic Olympic Games Group Finals .. .... ........ .. .... .... $20.00
2001 COMPETITION VIDEOS #2376 #2377 #2378 #2379 #2380
2001 2001 2001 2001 2001
Rhythmic ChaLLenge .... ........ .... .. .......... .. .. ......... .... .. .. .$15.00 Kalamata's Cup (Greece)- Rhythmic Group CompuLsories .... $15.00 U.s. Rhythmic Championships Jr. Days 1&2 (2 Tapes) .. $25.00 U.s. Rhythmic Championships Jr. Event Finals ............ $15.00 U.s. Rhythmic Championships Sr. Event Finals ............ $15.00
Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text ............ .............. $29.95 Rhythmic BaLL Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... .......... $25.00
2002 WOMEN'S COMPETITION VIDEOS #2161 #2162 #2163 #2164 #2165
Men's 2001 Visa American Cup ......................... .. ............... $15.00 Men's 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup .. ........ .. .... .. ...... ...... $15.00 2001 Men's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Jr. (2 Tapes) ...... ..... ... .. .................... ... ..... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .... .... $25.00 2001 Men's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Sr. (4 Tapes) ...... $45.00
#2401 #2412 #2413 #2417 #2418
1999 NationaL Championships DoubLe Mini Syncro/TumbLing .... .... ... ..... .... .. ...... .... .... .... .. ...... .............. $15.00 1999 NationaL Championships TrampoLine .... ... ... .... ............ $15.00 1999 WorLd Championships ........................... ... .. .. ... ...... ... $30.00 1999 WorLd Age Group Games .. .... .............. ........ ..... .... ..... .. $30.00 2000 Olympic Games- Men's TrampoLine PreLims & Finals .... .. $20.00 2000 OLympic Games- Women's TrampoLine PreLims & Finals .. $20.00
TRAMPOLINE & TUMBLING TRAINING MATERIALS #2402 #2403 #2404 #2405 #2406 #2407 #2408 #2409 #2411
TrampoLine Code of Points BookLet ...... .... .. ........ ............ .... $10.00 Power TumbLing Code of Points BookLet .. .. ................. .. ....... $10.00 DoubLe Mini-TrampoLine Code of Points BookLet ........ .... .. .... $10.00 TrampoLine & TumbLing Jr. OLympic Program Video ...... ........ $20.00 Teaching SomersauLts Video .... ...... .... ... ......... .................... $20.00 Basic TrampoLine - The Beginning Steps Video ... ........ .. .. .. ... $20.00 The X-Factor - Twisting for TrampoLine Video ..... ..... ............ $20.00 Front & Back Rotation - The Beginning Steps of Flipping Video .. ..... .. .. ....... .............. ... ..... .. ...... .............. $20.00 Roundoff, Power HurdLe & Mountain CLimber Video .... .......... $20.00
PLEASE NOTE All USA Gymnastics videos are designed to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges. All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur videographers un less otherwise stated. O ur Olympic technical videos are presented from one camera angle and show the entire exercise without cuts, close-ups or other effects and enhancements. Except for women's floor exercise, the videos do not have sound. The Atlanta Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only.
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(continued from page 40)
XVIII. ELITE TECHNICAL REPORT Audrey Schweyer reviewed the development of the Elite Compulsory testing program and the present procedures for evaluation. She informed the cornmittee that a joint meeting of lEC and EC is being held following the US Classic in July to discuss problem areas. Audrey requested that all RTCe's submit any concerns regarding the evaluation of the testing to her no later than July I , so she can bring those concerns to the meeting.
PrDgram Ma WOMEN'S PROGRAM #1101
2001 FIG Code of Points ........................................ $50.00
2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Book ................ $35.00
2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Music CD ............ $15.00
2002 TOPS Manual ................................................ $15.00
2002 TOPS Video .................................................. $15.00
Elite Testing Booklet & Video ..... ...... ....................... $15.00
2001 JO Technical Handbook ................................ $25.00
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book .............................. $35.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $19.95
2001-2004 National Team Program Video ............... .$19.95
Physical Preparation for Young and Beginning Boys Video ......... ........... .. ... ....... $25.00
Boy's Basic PresentationjTrampoline developmentjVault Round-Off Entry Video .... ..... ........... .... .... ... .. ... .. $25.00
Boy's Basic Skills Achievement Program (BSAP)* ..... . $35.00
For the remainder of the meeting, the cornmittee evaluated exercises for Level 8, 9 and 10.judges' training videos, which w ill be available for purchase later in the summer. Base score videos for Level 4, 5 & 6 is the next project, hopefully to be completed for the 2002 Fall season. A video for Level 7 judges' training will also be developed. Both the Jr. Olympic and Technical Committees will be committed to making all rule changes effective August I prior to the competitive year. Connie informed the Technical Committee of the timeline for the development of the 2005 Compulsory exercises. The 2005 Technical Symposium for Jr. Olympic Optional rules will be held in conjunction with the Compulsory Master Workshop. Brevet and National Judges courses to be conducted in 2005 were also discussed. The committee members were instructed to think about criteria in addition to longevity for invitation to the National Course and to send Cheryl Hamilton their ideas. The next meeting date was not determined. It was suggested that the Jr. Olympic and Technical Committees have one joint meeting a year to finalize all Jr. Olympic rule changes.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 9, 2002. Approved by Robert V Colarossi, USA Gymnastics President, June 17, 2002
*Includes booklet, wall chart & video
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book .... ........ ........ ......... .$30.00
2001-2004 Technical Book .... .................................. $15 .00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $25.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory CD ................................ $15.00
2002-2004 Trampoline JO Code of Points ............. ... $10.00
2002-2004 Power Tumbling JO Code of Points ..........$10.00
2002-2004 Double Mini JO Code of Points ................$10.00
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00
2001-2004 JO Program Guide .................................. $30.00
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individual who loves kids and gymnastics! Sunny, southern California beckons you to join our established team in 17,000 sq. It. gyms located in North County Son Diego. Full and port time positions are available and con include insurance, vacation pay, and 401 K. We are educational, recreational gyms with all boy's and girl's O~mpic apparatus and classes for 18 mo. through adults. Our company turns 15 years old in September and serves over 2500 students weekly. Hope to hear for you SlIon. WALKER'S GYMNASTICS & DANCE, INC. Well Established Gymnastics School has positions available for Closs Instructors/ Coaches. P.T. - F.T. Must have current cert. Must be reliable and a Team Player. Great growth potential. Salary/ Benefits commensurate with experience. Please fo x or send resume to: Walker's Gymnastics & Dance, Inc., 312 Plain St., lowell, MA 01852. Phone: (978)459-4954. Fox: (978)970-1305. Email: WalkersGymnastics@msn.com COACHES/ INSTRUCTORS. Fairfax Gymnastics Academy is looking for an enthusiastic, knowledgeable HEAD BOYS COACH for compulSllry and optional teams. We are seeking a detail orientated GIRLS COACH to work with training groups and compulsory teams. We also need RECREATIONAL INSTRUCTORS for preschool through advanced classes. Excellent pay and benefits available. Call, fax or send your resume to: Fairfax Gymnastics Acodemy, 3729 Pickett Rd., Fairfax, VA 22031. 703-323-8050. BOYS HEAD COACH NEEDED! Seeking certified, experienced coach to head all (0-5) Boys programs and to ossist withgirls (U-l 0) programs. Part time and full time positions available with great pay and benefits. We are locoted 45 minutes from Boston, bemhes and mountains. Our beautifully equipped 12,000 square foot fmil~ is three years young. Join our fun stoff and make a nome for yourself in New Hampshire! Send resumes to: liz or Paul Neale, Off the Wall Gymnastics, 191 Plaistow Rd., Plaistow, NH 03865. Phone 603-382-0505. Fox 603-382-5449. Email atotwalll @aol.com
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EVENTS Help set a Guinness World Record" and raise money for your club! On Saturday, August 24, 2002, in conjunction with National Gymnastics Day, thouSllnds of gymnasts across the country will participate in Project Action's Cartwheel-A-Thon fundraiser to prevent juvenile crime. Help break the cycle of juvenile crime. Be a part of this historic attempt at setting a Guinness World Record" for the most students performing cartwheels simultaneously nationwide. Project Action pays your club to teach children and helps you obtain corporate donations and media attention. For more information or to receive your fundraising kit, call tall free, 888-343-5437, www.projectaction.com.
SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Position wanted in United States: Gymnastics Coach/ Assistant either in Texas (Denton or Calhoun Bou levard - Houston or Waco) or Pennslvenia (Broad St. and Montgomery Avenue) or North Carolina (Chapel Hill lor Ohio (Neil Avenue, Columbus), with 20 years experience in all curriculums. Participated in more than 20 international compemions. Bachelor Degree in Physical Education, Gymnastics referee, with emphasis on training and physical~ challenged. Highly motivated and reliable individual. Prefer full/ part time position. Preschool, primary school, Gymnastics dubs. Will consider all offers. Genuine inquiries only. C.V. available on request, or you can contact me at gymnastcourse@hotrnail.com.
, HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-100 words = $100 101-200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automaticaliv be placed online for 30 days at no addmonal charge. The address is: www.usu-gymnustics.org/dassilieds/ Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date.
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SUBMIT Mail your ad and payment to: USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PUASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine ar USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will HOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary format. Technique is received by more than 13,000 USA Gymnasti(s professional members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad anline. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, SerVI(e, or (amp'etition here for great reSUlts. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-237-5050 ext. 246.
the deadline.
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1001 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website www.usa-gymnastics.org Please see the website for the most current schedule. LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED A BOOK OR ADMISSION TO THE COURSE. Safety certification is non-refundable but may be transferred to another course within six months with prior written notification. Lale fee will apply for non-notification.
JULY 19 Springfield, MO 65807; 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Ozark Mtn Gymnastics Directions: Jeff Maynard 417-882-5311 Course code: RW07192002MO Instructor: Robin Weidmaier, Phone: 816-232-3839 19 Austin, TX 78735; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Notional Elite GymnastiCS, 7632 Hwy. 71 West Directions: lisa England 512-288-9722 Course code: CR07192002TX Instructor: Carol Robuck, Phone: 210/496-5348 or 889-4897 20 Stroudsburg, PA 18360; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Internafional Gymnastics Camp, 9020 8artonsville Woods Rood Diredions: Bruno Kious 570-629-0244 Course code: PF07202002PA Instructor: Phil Frank, Phone: 856-786-3977 26 Sf. Petersburg, FL 33714; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tampa Boy Turners Gymnastics, 3070 44th Ave. North. In conjundion with Region 8 Training Camp Diredions: Karl Bishop 727-447-2108 Course code: KB07262002FL Instrudor: Karl Bishop, Phone: 727-447-2108
28 Spartanburg, SC 29031; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Koseev's World Gymnastics Center, 9084B Greenville Hwy Diredions: Chris Wilson 864-587-8255 Course code: KB07282002SC Instrudor: Kim Boyd, Phone: 803-749-2484 30 Brighton, MI48116; 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. High Flyer Gymnastics, 4860 Old US 23 Directions: Nancy Hones 810-229-7740 Course code: HF07302002MI Instrudor: Helen Fry, Phone: 989-754-7401
AUGUST 4 Anondale/Flemington, NJ 08822; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Gymnastics Unlimited, 2 lilac Drive Directions: Kathy McCormick 908-782-8887 Course code: PF08042002NJ Instrudor: Phil Frank, Phone: 856-786-3977 Cleveland, OH 44114; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Notional Congress, Cleveland Convention Center, 500 Lakeside Ave. Course code: AM080720020H 7 Cleveland, OH 44114; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Notionol Congress, Cleveland Convention Center, 500 Lakeside Ave. Course code: PM080720020H 30 Austin, TX; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Renaissance Hotel (GAT) Diredions: Jon Eyman 254-694-2065 Course code: JE08302002TX Instructor: Jon Eyman, Phone: 254-694-2065 31 Santo Claro, CA 95054; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Region 1 Congress, Great America Marrioft
Diredions: Chere Tamura 408-238-7245 Course code: MT08312002CA Instrudor: Michael Taylor, Phone: 650-325-5133
SEPTEMBER Austin, TX; 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Renaissance Hotel (GAT) Directions: Jon Eyman 254-694-2065 Course code: JE09022002TX Instrudor: Jon Eyman, Phone: 254-694-2065 Santo Clara, CA 95054; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Region 1 Congress, Great America Marrioft Directions: Chere Tamura 408-238-7245 Course code: MT09022002CA Instructor: Michael Taylor, Phone: 650-325-5133 Hilliard, OH; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts, Inc. Directions: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach 614-777-9430 Course code: BF090820020H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach, Phone: 614-777-9430 Denver, CO 80222; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gymnastics Plus Directions: TIm Frye 303-512-0799 Course code: TF09082002CO Instructor: TIm Frye, Phone: 303-512-0799 28 Dyer, IN 46311 ; 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1530 Joliet Street Directions: Pafti Komara 219-865-2274 Course code: EP092820021N Instructor: Edgar Pulido, Phone: 630-784-1460
(Minimum age for Safety Certification is
'6 years)
Nome: Professional or Instrudor #: _______Current Safety Exp. Dote: _______ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Dote _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course City/State: Form of Payment:
0 MasterCard
0 Discover
0 American Express
Payment Amount: _______________________ Nome on Cord: _______________________ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: ___ / _ _ Signature:
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification
Pro~~~~~:ro;fthe~!~r~d""~';'N~~'S~f~~'C~'rtifi;~ii~~'::::::: : : : c~~~~~
SO Instructor Member ....__ ...._.... _.............................. _.... _........ __ .. S 50_00 Non-Member or Associate Member ....................._........ __ ... __... S 100.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount_ Mondoy*, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard lime) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $25. * USA Gymnastics reserves the right to alter the course deadline. • All materials (including the Safety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are provided at the course and are port of the course fee_ • Certification is valid for four yeors_
Please make checks payable, in full, to USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 ,. .. 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 462? " or Fax to 317-692-5212