TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling
R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics
M= Men
ACRO = Sports Aero
23-25 24 30-May 2
NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation. 200
PAGU Jr_Interdub Championships (M/W/ R) Future Stars Notional Championship (M) Notional Coaches Workshop (M) Fall Exec. Committee/ Board of Directors Meeting Jeff Metzger's 41 / 2-Day Boot Camp
Guatemala Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH
1-2 TBD 5-9 9-10 13-16 15-16 22-23
Level 9 Championships (R) 75th FIG Congress and General Assembly J.D. Notional Championships (M) 2005-08 Age Group Program Workshop (M) U.s. Classic (W) Rhythmic Western Rhythmic Eastern
Houston, TX Antalya, TUR Son Diego, CA San Diego, CA Rochester, NY Chicago, IL Wilminton, DE
3rd Sports Acro World Age Group Games 19th Sports Aero World Championships (SA) U.S. Gymnastics Championships (MWRTTl Level 5/ 6 Chomps & Classics (R) 2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals National Business Conference U.S. Olympic Trials (MWRTR) National Congress
Athens, GRE France Nashville, TN TBD Los Vegas, NV Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA
Indo-Pacific Championships (TTl JO National Championships (TTl
Canada Tampa, FL
National Gymnastics Day Gomes of the XXVlllth Olympiad
Athens, GRE
DECEMBER 4-7 5-7 6 6-10 6-13 B-13 10-14
VA!West-Seattle, WA San Rafael, CA Colorado Springs, CO Kissimmee, FL
-,......,.';!; NOVEMBER 7-9 13-16 13-16 14-15 20-24
JO Championships (R) U.S. Qualifier (M) J.D. National Championships (W)
Coaches High Performance Clinic (TTl PAGU Children's lnterdub Championships (MWR) Nat'l. TeamGymn & GymnFest Inv'!. National TOP Team Training Camp (W) Sr_Nat'l Team Camp (M) Sr. Training Exchange (M) National TOP BTraining Camp (W)
Chicago, IL GUA White Marsh, MD Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO Tokyo, JPN Houston, TX
TBD TBD 2-5 11 -13 18-20 24 24-27 25-27
JULY 12-18 13-19
JANUARY 1-9 10-17 21 -26 23-25 23-25 29-31 29-31
Japan Joint Training Camp/ Competition (W) Nat'!. Team Training Camp (W) Sr. Team Camp (M) Not'!. Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Nat'!. Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Challenge Invitational (R) Rhythmic Gymnastics Symposium (R)
Houston, TX Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO Orlando, FL Cincinnati, OH Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO
Rythmic Challenge (R) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Winter Cup Challenge (M) National Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Pan American Champs/Winter Classic (TI) National Elite Qualifying Meet (W) National Team Training Camp (W) Elite Podium Meet (W) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Visa American Cup (MW)
Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Las Vegas, NV Colorado Springs, CO TBD Virginia Beach, VA Houston, TX New York, NY New York, NY NewYork, NY
American Classic/ Chalienge(W) U.S. Elite Challenge (TTl
Covina, CA TBD
AUGUST 7 13-29
OCTOBER Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp/ Business Conference TBD
FEBRUARY 1 5 5-7 6-B 6-B 13-15 17-24 27 27 2B
MARCH 3-6 5-7
NCAA National Championships (M) NCAA Regionals (W) National Elite Qualifier & Training Camp (W) USAG Collegiate Championships (MW) Not'!. Team/ Pacific Alliance Training Camp (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) Pacific Alliance (M,W,R,TTl World Cup (TTl Jr. & Sr. Nat'!. Team Camp (TR) J.~ . level 9 East/West Championships (W)
Champaign/ Urbana, IL Various Sites Houston, TX TBD Houston, TX los Angeles, CA Honolulu, HI Uplands Vasby, SWE TBD East- Virginia Beach,
.-1-=-2-- -- - - -- -- - -----1(
TEe H N 10 U E •
NCAA Regional Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (M)
Various Sites TBD West Point, NY
J .~.
National Championships (M) Level 9 East Championships (W) level 9 West Championships (W) J.D. National Championships (W)
Houston, TX St. Petersburg, Fl TBD TBD
World University Games (MWR) World Games (R IT SA)
Izmir, TUR Duisburg, GER
9 21-23 22-24
MAY 4-8 6-8 6-8 13-15
JULY TBD 14-24
APRIL 2-4 3 3-7 7-11 B-13 15-17 15-1B 15-18 19-25 23-25
World Championships (MW)
Melbourne, AUS
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M WRTTl
Indianapolis, IN
AUGUST 10-13
NOV / nEC 2003
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an official publication of USA Gymn astics PUBLISHER
Robert V. Colarossi
FEATURES Understanding of Gymnastics Skills Using Multi-body Dynamics & Computer Simulation .. . 6
Luan Peszek
2003 National Congress & Trade Show ..
10 Tips for Teaching Preschool Gymnastics
Jay Bilunas USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE CHAIR: Ron Froehlkh; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIRMEN: Yoichi Tomno; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNE: Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR & AG TECHNICAL COMMITTEE sPOm ACRO: Tonya Cose-Po1terson; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froeht,ch. AG MEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Gearge Bedmead; FIG TRAMPOUNE AND TUMBUNG TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Pol Henderson; FIG WOMEN'STECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Jadde Re; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Steve Bu1cher, Paul Spadoro; ATHLETE DIREGORS: Larissa Fontaine, John Roethlisberger, Von"", Vander Pluym, Korl Heger, USOC ATHLETE DIREaOR: Dominick Minicuco. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CNAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorm ; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; PUBUC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlETIC UNION: Mike Stanner, AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Beny Heppner; COUEGE GYMNASTICS ASSDOATION-MEN: Fra,,", Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COlliGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mike Jaoo; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Strawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COlliGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION·MEN: Lou Burkel; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Suson True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Bolch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd V",Iy; U.S. ASSOCIATIONOF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CLUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Story Moloney; US. ELITE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: David Holcumb, Steve Rybocki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: More Yancey; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DITullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COlliGiATE ATHlETIC ASSDCIATION·WOMEN: Sandy Thielz; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DlREaORS MEN: Mike Bums, Abie Grossleld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle Larson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kothy Os1berg; TRAMPOUNE: Shoun Kempton, Marsho We~s; sPOm ACRO: Bonnie Oavidson, Joy Binder; ATHLETE DIREaORS: Von"", Vander Pluym, choir; Larissa Fontaine, ~ce choir, Jair Lynch, secretary; Dominick Minicucci, USOC Athlete Rep.; Joy Thornton, Brooke Bushnell, Kim Zmeskal·BurdeHe, Mahini BhardwaL Ka rl Heger, Chris~e Hoyes, John Roethlisberger, ASSOCIATE DlREaORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lari KoIz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kole Faber·Hick;'; US. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Haward Schwortz. CHANGE OF AOORESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of TfCHNIQUE mogazine, notice of change of oddress should be mode eight weeks in odvance. For fostest service, please endose your present mailing label. Direct all subscription mail to TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Copitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indionapolis, IN46225. POSTMASTER; Send oddress chonges to TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymnostics, 201 S. Copitol Avenue., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TfCHNIQUf(lSSN 0748·5999) (USPS 016872) is published month~ except bimonthly in Sept/ Oct ond Nov/ Dec by USA Gymnasti", Pan Americon Plaza, Suite 300, 201 Sou1h Capnol Avenue, Indionopolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) or visit online @ •• w· usa-gymnasti cs· org Periodicol pastage poid ot Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscription prices: U.S.-525 per year; Conada/ Mexico-548 per year; 011 other foreign countries-560 per yeor. If ovailoble, back issue single copies 54 plus postoge/hondling. All reasonable core will be token, but no responsibility can be ossumed for unsolicited material; endose return postage. Copyright 1998 by USA Gymnastics ond TECHNIQUE All righls reserved. Printed by Sport Graphics, Indianopolis, IN.
Unless expressly identified 10 the contrary, all articles, statemenls and views prinled herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.
• VOLUM E 23 ·
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule .... .. ............ .... .. .. ... ......... 2 USA Gymnastics Message ........ .. .. .......... 4 Athlete Focus .. .......... .. ........ .... .... ........ 1 1 What's New ........................................ 1 9 Member Service Update ........ ...... ........ 20 Business Tips ......... ..... .......... .... ...... .... .. 22 KAT/ MELPD ...... .. .. .. .. .......................... 31
www.u sa -gymnastics .org
prof. Development Certification Program .... 45 Classifieds .... ... ................................... 46 Safety Certification Schedule ..... .... .. .. ... 48
Women's NCAA Program Update .. .. .... 29 Women's Program Update .............. .. .... 40
USA GYMNASTICS,Message Dear Members, The U.S. rhythmic program found itself in a difficult position after the 2000 Olympic Games. By a slim margin, the U.S. failed to qualify a rhythmic gymnast to the 2000 Olympic Games. The rhythmic program was in a position to re-evaluate and plan for the next quadrennium . The strategic plan included a National Team Coordinator and a concentrated effort to be more visible on the international front. Three years later, it's evident that the plan is working! The U.S. rhythmic program just completed the most successful World Championships in the history of the sport. The U.S. achieved the goal of Olympic qualification and will have an athlete compete in the 2004 Olympic Jan Exner Games in Athens, Greece. Mary Sanders finished eighth all-around in the preliminaries and 10th in the allSenior Director around finals , which is an incredible feat in the sport of rhythmic gymnastics for the United States. On Rhythmic Program top of that, Mary qualified for two event finals which was icing on the cake for the U.S. rhythmic program .
Mary is the first U.S. athlete ever to qualify for an event finals at the Rhythmic World Championships. In addition, the U.S. team of Sanders, Lisa Wang and Olga Karmansky earned a top 10 finish, the highest ranking ever for the U.S. Previous to the 2003 World Championships, the U.S. also had its best finish this summer at the 2003 Pan American Championships where Mary won five gold medals including first all-around. Olga took the silver all-around and added another silver in the Ball event. The Pan American Championships and the Rhythmic World Championships concluded a highly successful international season for the U.S. rhythmic program. We now look to the future, continue to re-evaluate and hope that the U.S. will not only send an individual to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, but will also send a group. This is the next goal. In trying to achieve this long term goal we are focused on finding the talented young rhythmic gymnasts through the Future Stars program. This program continues to develop and we are excited about the possibilities of the continued development of our elite athletes. The goal of Future Stars is to mimic the success of the women's and men's talent opportunity programs that have proven to be such a success. We are planning to include training camps for our developing athletes, including camps that will be specific toward the development of group rhythmic gymnastics. Efrossina Anguelova continues to provide leadership and expertise in her role as Rhythmic National Team Coordinator. Throughout the year the National Team comes together at the Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid to focus on training and team building. The Future Stars camps are held annually at Lake Placid as well. Of course we continue to have issues within the program. Although there has been some progress, we still need to provide more opportunities for coaches' education and the need for growth of our sport. This is an area where we will focus our energies beginning now th rough the next quadrennium. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude and admiration for all of the rhythmic programs throughout our country as well as the rhythmic gymnasts, coaches and judges. This is a sport where recognition and visible rewards are not plentiful. It's dedicated, hard working professionals like you that make our sport succeed.
Jan Exner
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TEe H N IOU E • NOV I DEC 2003
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Development and Understanding of Gymnastics Skills Alison L. Sheets, Mont Hubbard Sports Biomechanics Laboratory Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering University of California, Davis
Using Multi-body Dynamics and Computer Simulation
Abstract Computer simulation can be used to foster the development of gymnastics skills while reducing the training stress endured by the athlete. The creation of the model of the gymnast's body and equipment requires a number of simplifying assumptions about the inertia and muscle properties of the athlete, and about the forces that the equipment exerts on the gymnast during execution. It also requires assumptions for initial conditions and muscular activation patterns during execution. Using the model to identify characteristics necessary for the positive outcome of a skill, and to identify maneuvers that are appropriate for the gymnast's body type could reduce necessary training time and repetition while increasing the likelihood of consistent performance. Computer simulation could even facilitate the development of new skills.
Initial Development of the Model A mathematical model is essentially a set of differential equations that describes the motion of the human body during the proposed gymnastics activity. It answers the question: How does a gymnast with a given body size, shape and mass, move from a given initial position with a given velocity, and with specified muscular activity during the period of interest? A number of considerations are necessary for the accurate calculation of a gymnastics movement. The fi rst step in making such a model is an idealization of the possible motion. Which body segments can move and how can they move, in general? A set of variables (called generalized coordinates) is chosen that completely and uniquely characterizes the position and orientation of the body in a general movement configuration. The more complicated the motion (i.e. the larger the number of body segments that move independently and the number of spatial dimensions in which the motions occur), the more generalized coordinates are required to capture and portray the motion accurately, and the more complex are both the set of equations and the associated computer code that solves the equations. For example, a model for a high-bar layout dismount would not require variables to describe hip or knee flexion since these do not occur, but a model for a tuck dismount would require these variables. In the past the equations of motion were derived by hand, as were the computer programs used to solve the equations. Each of these steps was tedious and prone to error, making the process of achieving a complete and error-free simulation program an arduous task. In the past two decades, however, computerized symbolic-manipulation programs have been --16-=-------------------1( r EC HN I QUE
developed that relieve the analyst of much of the tedium while retaining creative freedom and flexibility to specify the model details. Although errors can still be made by the analyst, these errors tend to be "up front" and easier to spot, as opposed to being small and hard to find because they are deeply imbedded in either the equations themselves or in the associated computer code. The computer and the analyst perform only the tasks to which they are well suited while reserving routine, human-error-prone tasks for the computer. One of the most successful of the present-day programs for automated dynamic analysis is AutoLEV (Kane & Levinson 2000), based on Kane's method (Kane & Levinson 1985) for derivation of the equations of motion. Kane's method is a dynamical theory that provides a minimal and computationally efficient set of dynamic equations. Forces and moments that do not enter the equations are avoided entirely, making for a simpler and more concise analysis procedure. This eliminates the need for the consideration of forces transmitted between segments, and thus simplifies the calculations necessary to determine whole body motion . Because this method relies on an accurate representation of the body and the forces applied to this body by the equipment, the importance of the determination of these factors cannot be understated. The program AutoLEV accepts a specification of the generalized coordinates and body and equipment parameters discussed in more detail below. It automatically derives the equations of motion and creates computer code in FORTRAN or C, which can be used to simulate the dynamics and to predict the motion of the system. As the actual motion evolves due to the muscular activity of the gymnast, all of the generalized coordinates change. The purpose of the mathematical model is to be able to calculate how these coordinates change in time, and how • NOV / 0EC 2003
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the body moves as a function of time, as a result of the muscular activity of the gymnast. The inputs to the model are of two types. First, one must specify, using a set of constants, the geometric and inertial characteristics of the gymnast and her musculoskeletal capacities; what does the gymnast's body look like, how much does it weigh, and how strong and agile is it? Each body segment important in the motion must be assigned a size and mass distribution. Once the entire set of gymnast bodysegment size and mass properties are chosen, the musculoskeletal capabilities of the gymnast must be detailed : what muscular forces are possible at each joint that moves and how do the maximum values of the resultant joint torques depend on joint angles and angular velocities? At this stage, the model contains only the description of the gymnast's body (size, mass and inertia), and its muscular capacity. What remains is the calculation of the motion (i.e. the values of the generalized coordinates as functions of time) produced by the gymnast's hypothesized muscular activity from some set of initial conditions. Therefore, the second class of model inputs are those associated with the motion itself. At the initial time of interest, what is the value and rate of change of gymnast position and velocity (or of each of the generalized coordinates and speeds in the model), called initial conditions. Next, and probably most important, what are the muscular activities of the gymnast, i.e. what muscular forces (or joint torques) are exerted during the activity that create and propel the motion? In succeeding sections we focus more closely on each of the above topics, illustrating the procedure with a simple example of a model and sample calculations.
Gymnast Body Inertia Representation Having decided the appropriate number of segments into which to divide the body for the particular skill of interest, developing a representative inertia model for ~h~ gymnast involves determining the shape, mass and composltlOn of each segment. The inertia parameters are dependent on the shape of the segment. A model that allows for the input of easily measurable quantities such as length, width and/or circumference of different points on the body should be used. These measurements would reflect the small differences between each gymnast's body shape. After the shape of the
segment has been determined, the mass and composition must be calculated. A number of cadaver studies have been performed resulting in regression equations which give ma~s, center of mass (c.m.) and inertias for a segment from a senes of non -invasive measurements (Dempster 1955). The problem with relying on these equations to give an accurate portrayal of the body mass and composition for the gymnast, is that the equations were developed using mainly adult male cadavers. The typical elite gymnast body more closely resembles that of a child than that of an adult male. Once the simulation has been produced, the influence of inappropriate assumptions about the inertia data can be determined, through sensitivity analysis. A more accurate inertia model could then be developed for an individual athlete using more labor-intensive techniques such as CT Scan or NMR.
Once an accurate inertia model has been developed, the joint motion between segments must be quantified. For some joints, simple assumptions can be made about the motion with little consequence on the resulting movement. For example the knee can be thought of as a simple hinge. Unfortunately, other joint motion is more difficult to quantify and more influential for successful skill execution. Shoulder motion and motions in the torso are among the more challenging and important of these. The assumptions about joint motion become quite important when comparing techniques for executing a skill. For example, it is quite difficult to draw conclusions about arm motion and placement during takeoff into a salto after a back handspring, when an oversimplified shoulder model is used.
Gymnast Musculoskeletal Capacity One of the final determinants of successful skill completion is the range of motion of each of the joints, along with the speed and strength of the athlete. These factors are difficult to quantify, but are large determinants in the type of skills that the athlete would naturally favor. The speed of the joint motion of the athlete would also be significant because a forward model of the gymnastics skill would be the most informative. The model could consider the muscles that cross each joint as a group rather than individually, and assume an (continued on page 8J
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(continued from page 7)
insertion point on the bone so that a muscle moment arm around the joint could be calculated. This muscle force and moment arm would allow the maximal torque around the joint to be determined for a given joint configuration. Using these values as constraints, the computer program would then solve for the necessary joint torque applied throughout the skill to result in an optimal skill performance. From the optimal torque output, the joint time history during the skill could be derived, and thus a complete picture of how the gymnast must perform the skill would be determined. While all of these complexities must be considered when designing the computer program, the goal of the gymnastics simulation is to keep the body model as simple as possible. Only enough detail is desired to illustrate definitive skill characteristics, and differences in skill performance due to different body shapes and compositions.
Equipment Parameter Representation Once the inertia properties of the body have been chosen, the forces applied to this system must be determined. External forces are produced by the interaction of the gymnast with the equipment, and by gravity. Both of these forces are relatively straightforward to calculate, although the equipment standards set by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) allow for some variation between the manufacturers. For example the regulations for the stiffness of the women's high bar state that under a specified cable tension, when a load of 1350 N is applied to the center of the bar, a vertical displacement between 0.07 m and 0.10 m should be observed. Using Hooke's Law F= k* Ox, values of stiffness between 13500 N/m and 19286 N/m are calculated. These test conditions are difficult to repeat without the proper equipment, so a larger variation in bar stiffness can be expected in a practice or competition setting. To overcome this obstacle the researcher can either perform experiments to determine the specific properties of the equipment being used, or approximate values can be chosen using the FIG specifications as a guideline.
programming her specific inertia parameters. The application to a single gymnast can be helpful because it can aid in determining the types of skills for which she is best suited biomechanically. If the skill is well suited to her, the time needed to learn the skill and maintain it could possibly be decreased and the occurrence of overuse injuries reduced while still resulting in a high level of performance. Another possible use of gymnastics simulations is in the derivation and perfection of new skills. Because gymnastics is constantly evolving, a way of determining if a new skill is possible and how it should be performed would be extremely valuable for both efficiency and safety, and could obviate having to spend training time using trial and error methods. Finally, another area that might benefit from gymnastics simulations is equipment design. By concentrating on the gymnast's interaction with the equipment, the characteristics of the equipment can be matched to the skills the gymnast is executing. This might produce a more consistent resultant force from the apparatus, giving the gymnast more time in the air to be able to complete more difficult skills. The designs could also be examined for a change in materials that could possibly dissipate impact forces more effectively to further reduce the chance of injury for the gymnast.
Example of Multi-Body Dynamic Simulation As an illustration of the modeling and simulation procedure, we present an example of a simplified model and simulation of the dynamics of a giant swing followed by a straight body dismount. The model compares the maximal number of revolutions that the gymnast can perform when leaving her arms extended through the entire duration of the dismount, to the number she can complete if she drops her arms to her sides immediately upon release. The model contains only enough complexity to show definitive skill characteristics. A three-segment model containing two arms and a rigid head/torso/leg portion is chosen to characterize the gymnast's body. Each segment is represented as a uniform cylinder, and the shoulder joints are assumed to be pin joints that allow motion only in the saggital plane as shown in Fig . 1.
Uses for Gymnastics Models FronlYirNof3-seoglMfllgymNSI
Gymnastics models can be of significant benefit to the gymnast and coach. The models can determine positive characteristics of successful skill completion for the average gymnast or the model can be applied to a specific gymnast by
Fig. 1 Schematic model for giant swing
(continued on page 10)
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(continued from page 8)
The bar is assumed to be linearly elastic both horizontally and vertically with a spring constant of 15000 N/m, and the coefficient of friction between the hands and the bar is assumed to be 0.48 (typical of leather on wood). At the beginning of the simulation, the gymnast is in a straight body handstand on top of the bar. The bar is deflected due to her body weight, and she is assumed to have an initial angular velocity of 10° /sec. The low bar is neglected, and in both cases the giant swing is performed with no change in shoulder angle during the period of bar contact. Although this swing model is extremely simplistic, it is adequate to illustrate the effect of arm drop during the dismount. The arms are assumed move downward to the sides in one time step (0.01 s), so this simulation gives an upper bound on the most rapid motion possible.
Trajectory after release 4 3.5 ,.-...
- 2.5
~0. 1.5
Arms Up
Bar release angle is varied. The corresponding release angular velocity and deflected bar position are calculated for each release angle and used as inputs to a flight simulation to determine the total number of revolutions performed before landing. The optimal release angle that maximizes the number of revolutions in flight is chosen for each of the two cases. Table 1 shows the effects of arm motion on optimal release angle and the number of revolutions possible during dismount. Arms up
Arms dropped
00 71.0 0 238 0 jsec 238 0 jsec 1.181 0.98
180 0 68.6 0 241 0 jsec 347 0 jsec 1.176 1.33
Table 1 Effects of arm motion on optimal release angle and revolutions possible during di smount
X position (m) Fig. 2 Gymnast c.m. path during giant swing and dismount for two cases; a) arms maintained extended above head (dashed lines), and b) arms brought rapidly to sides after bar release (solid lines). Also shown are the paths of the head and feet.
Gymnast trajectory during giant swing and after optimal bar release 4.5
Arm angle g during dismount Optimal release anqle Release angular velocity Dismount angular velocity Time in air, sec Total revolutions
:[3: g c
G •
. '
" ':~~ \';. \
>-1 .5 1
c.m. path during giant swing
'. \ / head \. \ c.m.
• .5
Shown in Fig. 2 are the common path of the center of mass (c.m .) during the giant swing and separate c.m. paths during dismount for the two body configurations after release. Also shown are the paths of the head and feet during dismount for each case. Figure 3 portrays the body position at several points in flight for the two cases. Note that motion of the arms results in an earlier optimal release, a subsequent divergence in c.m. paths, and a larger number of revolutions before ground contact. When the arms are dropped to the sides immediately upon bar release, the gymnast can complete 0.35 more revolutions given the same giant swing initial conditions. While specific recommendations regarding arm movement during the dismount cannot be drawn from this simplistic model, general conclusions can still be formed. For example after bar release, dropping the arms to the sides results in an increased number of rotations possible in the air. The release time is a point of interest because an earlier release time will generally result in a larger angular velocity upon bar release, while a later release time will allow more height and time in the air during which to complete the dismount. It is a tradeoff between these variables that allows for the most number of revolutions to be done prior to landing. Dropping the arms allows for a slightly earlier release time.
Irl-=-,- = - O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (
x position (m)
Fig. 3 Sequential gymnast positions during dismount for two cases; a) arms maintained extended above head (dashed lines), and b) arms brought rapidly to sides after bar release (solid lines). The star denotes the gymnast's head.
Conclusion While a number of assumptions about the gymnast's body and the gymnastics equipment are necessary in the development of a simulation, multi-body dynamics models can facilitate improvement in gymnastics performance not only by optimizing movement, but also through the improvement of equipment and in aiding the search for new skills. • References Dempster, W.T. (1955). Space requirements for the seated operator. WADC Technical Report 55-159, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH. Standard Specification: Uneven Bars for Women Artistic Gymnastics. IV, (1993) WAG 2. January 5, 1993. Ka ne, T.R. and Levinson, D.A. (1985). Dynamics: theory and applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kane, T.R., & Levinson, D.A. (2000). Dynamics Online: Theory and Implementation with AUTOLEV'. Online Dynamics, Inc.,
• NOV / 0EC 2003
by Luan Peszek
aj Bhavsar, 23, can be described as strong, quick and dynamic. His vault, a Tsukahara double back, is evidence of his abilities. He also dismounts his high bar routine with a triple back salto and has a Super E value move named after him on the still rings.
his most recent at the 2003 World Championships. He's also the 2003 National Vault Champion, the 2002 NCAA All-Around Champion and led his team to the 2001 NCAA Championships title.
Raj is from Houston, Texas, but now resides in Columbus, Ohio, where he trains at Ohio State University and is coached by Miles Avery, Doug Stibel and Arnold Kvetenadze. Now, one of the more experienced members of Team USA, Raj has earned two World Championships team medals and one at the 2001 World Championships and
Q: What was it like being a member of
We asked Raj a few questions about his career and here's what he had to say:
the USA Team that won silver at the 2003 World Championships? A: Being part of that team was an extraordinary experience. Not only are we ranked second in the world but we reinforced what we did in 2001. Now the rest of the world knows that the U.S. is a serious
force in the gymnastics world, something we have strived so long to do. It's blissfully exciting to be part of such a talented and dedicated team. The most important thing to recognize, however, are the (continue on page 17)
TROPHY Choose the BEST at Factory Direct FHcing
TEe H N 10 UE • NOV/O EC 2003
) r - - - - - - - - - - ----=-1-=---1I
The 2003 National Congress and Trade Show took place at the Anaheim Convention Center in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the World Gymnastics Championships. Both events proved to be a great success and the theme could have been sunshine and medals!
More than 1,600 professionals attended this year's annual Congress and Trade Show and were treated to numerous sessions that occurred throughout the day. In the exhibit hall area there were more than 98 vendors displaying their products and services in 200 booths-there was definitely something for everyone! The women's program held its annual auction in the exhibit hall area and earned money to help with its mentoring program and the National Team Training Center. Many coaches, club owners and judges walked away with their arms loaded with gymnastics paraphernalia.
The Hall of Fame luncheon took pLace on Sat., Aug. 23 and the Class of 2003 was honored. The class included: Bon nie Davidson, Harold HoLmes, Jr., Scott Keswick, CharLes Lakes, Shannon Miller, Jaycie Phelps and Chris Wa ller. The NationaL Congress and Trade Show concluded with the Dance Party on Saturday night. What a spectacuLar weekend of Congress Sessions, a Business Conference, visits to the Exhibit Hall, a HalL of Fame Luncheon, the Dance Party and many medals earned at the WorLd Championships. PLan ahead for next year. The 2004 National Congress and Trade Show wiLL be back in Anaheim, this time in conjunction with the u.s. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics. The dates are June 24-27. Watch for information in Technique magazine and onLine at
• NOV / DEC 2003
)1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hall of Fame Inductee Scott Keswick (R)
Presented by fred Turoff
Hall of Fame Inductee Bonnie Davidson (L) Presented by linda Chencinski
Hall of Fame Inductee Chris Waller (L) Presented by Jay Ashmore
Service Star Award Events Patty Shipman (R)
Presented by Kathy Feldmann
Service Star Award Women Tom Forster (R) Presented by Kathy Feldmann
Service Star Award ... Trampoline & Tumbling Scott Lineberry (R) Presented by Ann Sims
Men Coach of the Year Vitaly Marinitch (L) .... Presented by Ron GaUmore
Women Coach of the Year KeLli Hill (L) Presented by Kathy Kelly
... Men Athlete of the Year Paul Hamm (L) Presented by Ron Gahmore
Trampoline & Tumbling JO Coach of the Year Michele Gerlach (R) Presented by Megan Gearhart
Rhythmic Athlete of the Year Sportswoman of the Year Mary Sanders (L) ...
Presented by Jan Exner
Business Conference USA Gymnastics held its Fourth Annual Business Conference in conjunction with National Congress and the World Gymnastics Championships in Anaheim. Gary Anderson once again did an outstanding job as host of the event. USA Gymnastics would like to thank the speakers for sharing their business knowledge: Jeff Metzger, Sean Dever, Frank Sahlein, Steve Greeley, Michael Taylor and Patti Komara. In
addition, a special thanks goes to aU the round table speakers: Sean Dever, Tom Forster, David Holcomb, Tom Lenzini, Jeff Lulla and Randy Sikora.
During this year's event Joseph Grenny served as the key note speaker and was very well received. Grenny is the author of Cruaal Conversations and each participant in the conference received a complimentary copy of this book. The Business Leader Award was presented to Patti Komara for her years of dedication to educating so many people on the business aspect of our industry. She also spoke at the conference on customer service with her typical high energy presentation . Many attendees were writing fast to keep up with her great ideas! Sports Acrobatics JO Coach of the Year Raisa Galper Not Pictured
New this year was the ability for attendees to bring promotional items from their club to have judged by attendees at the Business Conference. Steve Greeley from Imagymnation in Simi Valley, Calif., swept the best awards in the category of Newsletter, T-shirt Design, Brochure and Staff Manual. Check out his staff manual cover and T-shirt design above.
Business Leader of the Year Patti Komara
Plan to attend next years Business Conference on Wednesday, June 23, 2004, in conjunction with U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics and Congress in Anaheim , California.
by Patti Komara
Throughout the next few issues Patti Komara will be providing Technique with articles on how to train staff to teach preschool and beginner gymnastics. Encourage your preschool director to use it as a training tool--a jumping off point for discussion at your staff meetings. At the following staff meeting give a "pop quiz" to see what ideas stuck with them and that they actually used and learned. Reinforce key ideas at every staff meeting!
\. \
Move - Don't just stand there and call off skills and •
corrections, but move alongside the student as you give encouragement, and suggestions as you spot them .
~ Organized - Keep good records of what you've already taught
~your students by dating your progression sheets as you teach
them a new skill. Have all your needed props and equipment out and ready for your class.
Reinforce and Repeat - Do each skill every lesson at
~least three
times. Repeat the name of the skill often. Quiz the students throughout the class, review what you did in class, then leave them with a challenge.
Visual Cues - Use small traps and equipment such as poly dots, handprints and footprints as indicators for hand and foot placement. •
Teach Part/Whole Method -
' V 'Teach each tiny part of the skill and let the student feel achievement, then put it all together.
The latest Equipment Spot - For every skill introduced you should spot the first skill so the child feels the correct way to perform it. Then, move • alongside them as they attempt the skill at least two more times.
~ Excited - It's your enthusiasm that motivates your students. you're excited about a new skill, they will be, too.
Safety - From your ability to spot, the equipment, your safety certification to what skill to call when, make safety #1.
rl-=-I-=6-- - - - - -- - - - ------«
Look through the newest equipment catalogs. Stay on top of this industry and use the latest, most innovative equipment pieces.
~ Make it Fun - When
Mom or
~ Dad asks that invariable question,
"Did you have fun?" The students have to answer enthusiastically, "yes!" To keep your classes full, make it FUN!
TECH H I QUE • NOV / 0E( 2003
)r---- -- - - - - - - - - - -
(continued from page I/)
u.s. guys in the past who laid the path to get where we are. Without them, we would be without proper direction as to where the U.S. team is headed and what capabilities we truly had. Now we know that we are on the right path to a well deserved Olympic gold. Q: Are you finished with you eligibility at
OSU? When will you complete your degree and what will your degree be in? A: Currently I am finished with my eligibility at OSU and I am finishing my degree in Business Marketing, a subject which I truly love and have a good grasp. Q: What are your plans after graduation
in terms of career? A: As of now, the plan is to finish school and have plenty of time to train for 2004. After the Olympics I am hoping to attend Fisher College of Business and receive my MBA. The MBA program will take two years and during this time I will continue training for the 2005 and 2007 World Championships and 2008 Olympic
Games. This is, of course, assuming that I stay healthy and in one piece. Q: What are your goals for 2004 in
gymnastics? A: In 2004, I plan to step up my training regimen, compete well at the U.S. Championships and U.S. Olympic Trials and secure myself a spot on the 2004 Olympic Team. After that, I hope to go to Athens with a strong team and compete for the ultimate ... Team Olympic Gold.
others? Do you attribute some level of your success to Bill? A: I had several other coaches in my younger years. Three that I distinctly remember are Frank Thompson, Chris Wiloth, and Tom Meadows. Frank was my first coach, who I give the credit of instilling the love of gymnastics within me. As kids, we have the option of doing any sport we like so what kept me in gymnastics was his passion and energy he brought to the gym and his ability to work with kids. Chris, along with Bill, taught me the most important essentials of the sport which I still use today. Bill is the one who believed I could do many of the different, big gymnastics skills that I do today and Tom taught them to me. I consider myself and Bill very good friends. There are times when I struggle emotionally with the sport and it's good to have someone to go to who understands and will be there unconditionally. That guy is Bill.
Q: I know Bill Foster was your club
coach. Was he your first and only coach growing up or did you have
Thanks for your time Raj and good luck with your training.
Some days all your routines are flawless. Other days ... you need insurance. With the perfect balance of specialized coverage options, superior claims handling, and innovative risk management services, Markel can vault you back into the championships in no time.
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• NOV / 0EC 2003
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Athletes depicted are not guaranteed to compete • USA Gymnastics Photograph © Steve Lange
......... .. The USA Gymnastics office will close the following days for the upcoming holidays:
Closed on Wednesday, December 24 at 12:00 noon Opened on Monday, January 5 at 8:30 a.m.
Call Nat ional Travel Systems today to book your next trip , whether it' s a gymnastics competition or a vacation ' getaway!
Technique Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (Ad of August 12, 1970: Sedion 3685; TItle 39, United States Code) TItle of Publication: Technique, Publicotion No.: 0748-5999 Date of filing: October 1, 2003. Frequency of issue: monthly except bimonthly in Sept/ Oct and Nov/ Dec. Number of issues annual: 10. Annual subscription price: $25.00 Completemailingaddress ofknownofficeofpublication: 201S. (apitoIAve.• Suite 300, Indianapolis, Ind. 46225. Complete mailing address of headquarters of the general business offices of the publisher: 201 S. (apitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, Ind. 46225. Publisher: Bob (olarossi, 201 S. (apitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, Ind. 46225. Editor: Luan Peszek, 201 S. (apitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, Ind. 46225. Owner: USA Gymnastics, 201 S. (apitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, Ind. 46225. Extent ond Noture of Circulonon Totol No. of copies Poid ond/or requested circulotion: Poid circulotion: Moil subscripnon Poid In-County Subscriptions Soles through deolers or corriers Other C10sses Moiled thru USPS Totol poid ond/ or requested circulotion Free dislTibunon by moil Outside (ounty In (ounty Other (losses Moiled thru USPS Free Distribution outside the moil Totol Free DislTibution Totol DislTibution (opies not dislTibuted Toml Sum Percent Poid ond/ or Requested Circulotion
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*AveJOge no. copies each issue during preceding 12 months ~Acruolno.ofcopiesoflingle i\Suepublilhedneoresttofilingdote.
Icertify thot the smtements mode by me obove ore correct ond complete. Luon Peszek, USA Gymnostics Publicotions Director.
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PINS~,~:!III• • • •
200 3 ) } - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 19-,-,..
USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Event Insurance Coverage Updates for Registered Athletes and Professional Members USA Gymnastics has several insurance programs that are directly tied to its membership programs. Listed below are the various types of insurance coverage, and with which types of membership they are associated. Please note that the descriptions below are general descriptions of the coverage included. Copies of the specific policies are on file at the USA Gymnastics Member Services department.
PARTICIPANT ACCIDENT This coverage provides secondary medical coverage during USA Gymnastics sanctioned events, subject to deductible. Covered Individuals: Current USA Gymnastics Athlete and Professional Members USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Events Covered Events: Important Note: This coverage applies to 'accidents' where a time and place of the injury can be specified at a sanctioned event. It does not apply to overuse or 'wear and tear' injuries.
Accident Medical Expense Benefit: Maximum Benefit of $ 50,000 with a $ 500 deductible. First expense must be incurred within 26 weeks of injury, and include expenses up to 2 years after the accident.
Excess Coverage Provision: The amount otherwise payable by the insurance coverages will be reduced by the total amount of medical care benefits provided by any other Plan, which will be determined without reference to any coordination of benefit provisions, non duplication of benefit provisions, or any other similar provisions. All benefits will include the reasonable value of any medical expense services.
CATASTROPHIC INSURANCE The purpose of this policy is to provide insurance coverage and protection from severe injuries that could possibly result from participation by a covered person in a sanctioned event. Covered Individuals: Current USA Gymnastics Athlete and Professional Members Covered Events: USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Events $5,000,000 $ 50,000
• Aggregate Limit of Liability: • Covered Accident Deductible (covered by above Participant Accident coverage)
• Maximum Benefit Period
United States Gymnastics Federation, dba as USA Gymnastics. Their divisions, affiliates, divisional supporting foundations, (continued on page 24)
GET MORE STUDENTS - KEEP Fun & Fit Gymnastics Program • SET Achievable goals for Students • BUIW Enrollment Retention • MEASURE Teacher Efficiency • RECORD Student Accomplishments
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Educating Your Parents-Part II Last month, in Part I, I presented the case that it is well-known that team parents tend to under appreciate the benefits we gymnastics professionals provide for their children; and it is also well-known that team parents can sometimes be 'less than skillful' when dealing with their child/ athlete; and that since these behaviors and their negative consequences are foreseeable, that a wise leader will take action in advance to minimize the potential difficulties brought about by these behaviors. Below is the outline I follow when speaking with new parents about what to expect of their child's sports participation at Kids First. I Parent Meeting A. We fully discuss the Kids First Mission (why we are in business) and how this grand purpose applies to the team program . B. We fully discuss our 7 Unifying Principles, the nonnegotiable principles describing how we-you, me, everyone-deal with one another. C. We detail our 11 Teaching Principles so the parents understand why we teach the way we do. D. We present the 15 Parent Red Flags-overt parent behaviors which can have negative implications for their child. Parents, do you ... 1. Find yourself telling others that you are not a pushy parent? 2. Feel frustration or anger after a poor practice or performance by your child? 3. Feel embarrassment or want to avoid other parents after a poor performance by your child? 4. Not knowing what to say to your child after a poor performance?
5. Get involved with your child's goals? (different from teaching the skill of goal setti ng) 6. Motivate your child to perform with rewards? 7. Feel jealousy of athletes or parents of athletes who outperform your child? 8. Secretly want to deny another athlete his/her glory? 9. Find yourself making excuses for your child's performance by blaming illness, injury, grouping, the coach, the program? 10. Find yourself 'ranking' your child in the group? 11. Want your child to be placed in another training group or level? 12. Find that your support of the coach or program goes up and down relative to your child's performance ups and downs? 13. Find yourself stating that "you always support the coaches/com pany/program." 14. Feel compelled to watch practice or want to know everything that goes on in your child's training? 15. Offer coaching hints to your child? E. We discuss what 'responsibility' means to you and your child? F. We discuss what 'success' means to you and your child? Hope this helps in your quest for a better program. Make it a great month! Jeff Metzger Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center
Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners.
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• NOV / 0EC 2003
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(continued from page 20)
teams, tournaments, employees, directors, organizers, officers and volunteers COVERED ADDITIONAL INSUREDS: Owners and/ or Lessors of Premises, Sponsors, or Co-Promoters. Also, Others by request and endorsement, subject to underwriting approval.
Join the
COVERED ACTIVITIES: All events sanctioned by and all activities conducted by United States Gymnastics Federation (dba as USA Gymnastics) DEFINITION OF PARTICIPANT: The term participant shall included players, coaches, managers, staff members, team workers, referees, officials, scorekeepers and all other personnel including but not limited to, media personnel permitted to enter any restricted areas which are defined as those areas restricting access to general public spectators.
crovvd. PRO
NOTABLE EXCLUSIONS: Nuclear energy, asbestos, pollution, bodily injury to employees, player vs player claims, employment related practices, fireworks, medical payments to participant. This is a partial list and may not include all exclusions.
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TERM: 8/ 1/ 03-8/ 1/ 04 LIMITS OF LIABILITY: • General Aggregate Limit • Products Complete Operations Aggregate Limit • Personal and Advertising Injury Limit • Each Occurrence Limit • Participant Legal Liability • Fire Legal Liability • Medical Exp Limit-Other than Participants • Employee Benefits Liability
None $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 300,000 $ 5,000 $1,000,000
In addition to the above, USA Gymnastics has secured Excess Liabi lity coverage in the amount of $4,000,000 for coverage in excess of the Underlying Limits of Insurance as detailed above. This is only a very general reference to what coverage(s) the insurance policy provides and is not intended to attempt to describe all of the various details pertaining to the insurance. Actual coverage(s) are detailed in the policy or insurance and are always subject to terms, provisions, conditions, and exclusions as contained herein. You should not rely upon this generalized summary, but should consult the actual policy for a complete description and details regarding coverage. Regular USA Gymnastics Member Services hours:
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m .
Replace those clumsy flip displays and runners!
Phone Hours:
Monday Tuesday-Friday
12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
NOTE: I ndianapolis time
ApriL through October - CentraL time November through March - Eastern time Website Address: Member Services 1-800-345-4719 Member Services Fax: (317)692-5212 Executive Office: (317)237-5050
• NOV / DEC 2003
)1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition I This set includes all of the Women's Qualifications, Sessions I- V held in Anaheim, CA . Approximately 8 Tapes . .............. ........................ ........ $150.00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition I This set includes all of the Mens Qualifications, Sessions I- V held in Anaheim, CA . 10 Tapes. Approximate running time: 20 hrs .... .............. $175.00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition II This set includes 011 of the Womens Individual All-Around Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximotely 2 Tapes ................... ... ................. .......... $45.00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition II This set includes all of the Mens Individual All-Around Competition held in Anaheim, CA . 2 Tapes. Approximate running time: 2 hrs 10 min ............ $45 .00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition III This set includes all of the Womens Event Finals Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 1 Tape .......... ...... ........ ........ ........ ...... .... $30.00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition III This set includes all of the Mens Event Finals Competition held in Anaheim, CA . 1 Tape. Approximate running time: 1 hr. ..................... ... $30.00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition IV This set includes all of the Women's Team Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 2 Tapes .. .............................................. $45.00
2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition IV This set includes all of the Mens Team Competition held in Anaheim, CA. 2 Tapes. Approximate running time: 2 hrs 10 min ............ $45.00
' Please note : These are Technical videos that were filmed by video volunteers. The purpose of these videos is for instructional use only. They are not for television broadcast.
USA GYMNASTICS New Educational! Tadlllical Materials
Ordal" Balaw DR CALL
NAME ........................................................................................................................................ PHONE
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DVD's Tumble Tips 1 and 2 Item #4000 Tumble Tips 1 cost $19.95 Round off, back handspring and back tuck are just some of the examples A tumbling video series for cheerleaders and coaches that contains: Prerequisites, progressions, drills, spotting techniques, common mistakes and solutions, conditioning and flexibility. Instruction by Roberto Pumpido 1968 Olympian Item #4001 Tumble Tips 2
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TEe H 810 UE • NOV/D EC 2003
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Judy Southard (term expires September 1, 2006) Associate Athletics Director /SWA Louisiana State University 225 / 578-1888
2003 Summary of Actions The NCAA Women's Gymnastics Committee provides this information to outline the committee's key actions during the past year. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact a member of the committee or Sharon Cessna, NCAA director of championships, at 317/917-6519 or
Mark Stevenson (term expires September 1, 2004) Head Women's Gymnastics Coach North Carolina State University 919 / 515-2938 Sandy Thielz (term expires September 1, 2003) Assistant Professor of Kinesiology West Chester University 610/436-2102
1.Committee Makeup. 2003-04 members. All members noted above, except Ms. Thielz, whose term will expire September 1, 2003, will serve during the 2003-04 academic year. The NCAA Division ill Management Council has recommended a Division ill representative to replace Ms. Thielz.
2002-03 members. Donna Sanft, chair (term expires September 1, 2005) Associate Athletics Director University of Pittsburgh 412 / 648-9287
2. 2003 Championships. Robert Drass (term expires September 1, 2006) Head Women's Gymnastics Coach University of Missouri, Columbia 573 / 882-0736 Melissa Kutcher-Rinehart (term expires September 1, 2004) Head Women's Gymnastics Coach University of Denver 303 / 871-3395 Bob Levesque (term expires September 1, 2005) Head Women's Gymnastics Coach University of Washington 206 / 543-1826
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j(
NCAA regional competition consisted of six teams, five all-around competitors and four event specialist competitors in each of six regions to determine the participants in the national championships. The top two teams from each regional championship qualified to the national championships. The National Collegiate Women's Gymnastics Championships, held at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, consisted of 12 teams, 12 all-around competitors and two event specialists. For a complete set of results, see the NCAA Web site at
3. Championships Attendance. Attendance figures for the 2003 championships (with comparisons to previous years) are: (continued on poge 33)
FEe H N10 UE • NOV / ~E( 2003
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USA GYMNASTICS 100) KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education . The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety considerations, class management, and much more!
and much more. This workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course.
A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of 'Jreschool teacher education . This workshop i:; continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development,
If there has never been a KAT or MELPD
workshop in your area, 2003 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR.
Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will only be valid at the workshop you are hosting. The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations.
If your workshop has 12 paid participants,
your club will receive one free registration. Member Clubs receive two free registrations.
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TEe H H10 UE • NOV / OEC 2003
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(continued from page 29)
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4. Dates and Sites for Future Championships. The committee recommended to the cabinet sites listed to host the 2004 and 2005 regional championships and the 2006 and 2007 national championships. After the committee's meeting, the cabinet approved these recommendations. A. 2004 Regional Championships - April 3 West Oregon State University North Central University of Denver South Central University of Arizona Central Louisiana State University Northeast Pennsylvania State University Southeast North Carolina State University
B. 2005 Regional Championships - April 9 West University of Washington North Central University of Utal1 South Central University of Nebraska, Lincoln Central University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Northeast University of New Hampshire Southeast University of Florida
C. 2006 National Championships - April 20-22 Oregon State University - Gill Coliseum D. 2007 National Championships - April 26-28 University of Utal1- Jon M. Huntsman Center
5. Future Championships Bid nmeline. Regional and national bid materials will be e-mailed to institutions November 1 of even years. Bids will be due to the NCAA national office March 1 of the following year. The committee will review bids at the national championships each odd year so that the committee's recommendations will be forwarded to the cabinet's June meeting. With this timeline, institutions selected to host the regional championships will know they are hosting in June, rather than in September, and can better prepare for the championships.
Thus, the committee will adhere to the following timeline for solicitation and review of championships bids: November 1, 2004, 2006 and 2007 regional and 2008 national championships bid materials mailed to institutions.
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April 2005 Committee reviews and recommends to cabinet. June 2005 Cabinet reviews committee's site recommendations. Once selected, regional hosts will be notified.
6. Site Selection Criteria. The committee recon'unended that the following be added to the site selection criteria: "It is preferred that an institution desiring to host the NCAA National Collegiate Women's Gymnastics Championships host NCAA regional competition within the preceding five years."
(continuedonpage 35) - - - -- - -- - - - - - -----«
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TEe H H10 UE • NOV/ OEC 200 3
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(continued from page 33)
7. Future Championships. During its June 16-20, 2003, annual meeting, the committee took action on the following items regarding future championships: A. Selection notification. The committee clarified that the Web site procedures used in 2002 and 2003 for notification of team and individuals selections to both regionals and nationals and determined it was effective and efficient and that the same procedures would be followed for 2004. [Note: There seemed to be some confusion to this process in 2003, so please mark your calendars for the regional and national notification dates. All regional and national selections, rotation and practice schedules will be provided on the NCAA Web site ( March 22,2004, and April 4, 2004, respectively. In addition, regional and national participant manuals from each host institution will be available on the same Web site for qualifying institutions to access.]
possible misconduct by coaches during championships competition. The committee hereby reminds coaches of the sportsmanship standards expected at NCAA championship events and expects coaches to conduct themselves in a professional manner in matters with the meet referee and other officials, other coaches, studentathletes, committee members and other meet personnel. Specifically, the committee discussed the lack of compliance with the spotting rules-You may be on the competition floor area in order to spot an athlete; however, once you have "spotted" that athlete, you must return to the team corral area. Therefore, effective with the 2004 championships, coaches will receive a warning for inappropriately being on the floor during competition. If a coach receives a second warning, the coach will be confined to inside the team's corral area for the remainder of that competition session. 3. Event final draw. The committee reviewed procedures utilized to move athletes when participating in both events during the same event session. The committee determined that the following procedures be used when making adjustments to the event finals draw:
B. Regionals. Per NCAA guidelines for regional hosts and due to the financial burden on host institutions and the diversity in the type and quality of mementos and social events (banquets, etc.) at regional competition, mementos and social events will not be permitted at regional championships. The committee did recommend an increase in entertainment budget for regionals from $400 to $600 to enhance the student-athlete and coaches hospitality during regional competition. C Nationals. 1. Credentials. The committee reviewed the 2003 credential policy and agreed to continue with the policy of 23 credentials; however, to streamline the process and to ensure institutions know who should be issued credentials, the following credentials will be identified Sports information Director (non-transferable) and Administrator (non-transferable). In addition, each team is limited to two Photographer credentials and one videographer (no admittance or floor access). Institutions are reminded that only those photographers With credentials will be allowed to take photos from the competition floor and that team videos may not be taken from the competition floor. 2. Coaches' demeanor. The committee discussed several occurrences of
a. All events will be divided into two flights (regardless of the munber of participants). b. A gymnast performing in both events of an event session will not compete in the same flight during that event session. c. Events in which order of draw will not be changed are: - Even Years (2004) Vault and Bars -Odd Years (2005) Beam and Floor d . If possible the gymnast will be replaced with the same position from the other flight. e. If it is not possible, then the gymnast will switch with the gymnast in the opposite flight in the following order: -one position up --one position down -two positions up --two positions down 4. Last two rotations on scoreboard. The committee approved a request from the coaches that the scores continue to be posted on the arena scoreboard during the final two rotations. (continued to page 37)
- NOV /D EC 2003
(continued from poge 35) 5. Competitor numbers. The committee reviewed the policy for competitor numbers and clarified that all gymnasts would wear competitor numbers on their practice leotards and their competition leotards. The official championship credential should be visible at all other times. At the national championship, the pin credential provided should appear on the team warm-up. 6. Equipment teams may bring to regional and final championships. The committee reiterated that teams may only bring a vault board and a beam pad (not a sting or suede mat) to the regional and national competitions. The host will provide all other equipment and / or mats. Exception: At regional competition ONLY; each team may bring a round-off entry pad which must be removed from the event as the team leaves the vault. D. Championship evaluations. The committees reviewed the coaches and student-athlete evaluations for the regionals and nationals and were extremely disappointed with the lack of evaluations returned. The committee encourages all teams participating in the regionals and nationals to take the time to complete the evaluation forms so that they can continue to improve both events.
B. Hosts should provide the designated form (provided by the NCAA) to each coacl1 at the beginning of each meet including the judges' names, event and state of residence. C. The information will be returned to the NCAA national office within one week of the competition, either via e-mail or online submission. D. The NCAA national office will compile the information received for committee selections during the annual meeting June 2004.
9. National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches/ Women (NACGC / W) Presentation. Mr. Mike Jacki, NACGC/W executive director, presented information and proposals to the committee on behalf of the coaches association. In addition, Ms. Mary Roth, gymnastics coach at Ball State University, presented information regarding the implementation of national and regional judges assignors. The committee took the following action, if any, on the proposals: A. Proposed a national assignor (Proposal 4). Ms. Roth presented a proposal to implement a national and regional assignor program. After extensive discussion the committee felt that although the concept was necessary, the program was not ready for implementation in 2004. Therefore, the assignors program will continue to be developed and proposed again at the 2004 meeting for possible implementation in 2005.
8. Judges Evaluation Procedures. The committee discussed the lack of coaches' participation in the evaluation process. The committee discussed various methods to gather additional information regarding judges' performance to assist in the selection of judges for regional and national competition. The following procedures w ill be put in place for the 2004 season. A. Coaches will evaluate judges following each meet.
- -- - --
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B. To allow voice in floor music (Proposal 6). The committee denied the coaches' proposal to allow voice in floor music. C. To limit the vaulting one touch warm-up to two vaults (Proposal 8). Approved that each gymnast be allowed a minimum of two vaults during the three-minute touch warm-up. The committee also clarified that a "jump" (from a stationary position on the vault) from the vault does not count as one of the vaults.
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(continued from page 37) D. To allow the vault table be raised to the maximum height allowable (Proposal 9). Approved that the vault table may be raised to the maximum height specified by the equipment company. E. Rule changes (WCPC Proposal 1). The committee took the following actions regarding how to deal with rule changes: 1. No permanent rule changes will be made after November 1. 2. Requests for interpretations will be forwarded to the WCPC and the WCPC will forward their recommendation to the NCAA Women's Gymnastics Committee for approval. 3. New skills and values after November 1 will be sent to the WCPC and the WCPC recommendation will be forwarded to the NCAA Women's Gymnastics Committee for approval. 4. Any changes made after November 1 are only in effect through the NCAA championship in the same year. These changes must be voted on by the coaches and reconsidered by the NCAA Women's Gymnastics Committee at their next annual meeting. F. Evaluation of saltos to prone position (WCPC Proposal 2). Approved the evaluation of saltos to prone position.
G. To adopt vault chart (WCPC Proposal 3). Approved the WCPC recommended vault chart as amended. The committee will provide a numerical identification number for each individual vault. (Attachment) 1. Flashing vaults. The committee determined that starting with the 2004 season, gymnasts would not flash specific vault numbers but would flash the vault group (1, 2 or 3). 2. Event finals vaults. The committee determined that for event finals two different vaults would be defined as two separate vault numbers. A gymnast may perform two vaults from the same group as long as they are not the exact same vault number. H. Senior presentations. No action taken. The committee recommends that institutions plan any presentations and / or recognition ceremonies in a timely manner and encourage coaches to inform the participating teams of the timeline prior to arriving for the meet. L Vault equipment at regionals and nationals. Approved the proposal to specify the equipment that will be used on vault at regionals and nationals and approved the equipment listed in the proposal.
J. Standardize regional administration. The committee approved the proposal to standardize the administration of regional competition. The committee will provide guidelines via the tournament director's manual and expect all tournament directors to stay within the boundaries and follow the guidelines unless otherwise approved by the NCAA national office (see no. 7 b.). K. Naming of collegiate skills. No action taken. This proposal is not in the purview of the
women's gymnastics committee. L. Foreign substance on equipment. Approved as amended the proposal that no substance
other than chalk and water may be applied to hands or grips on the uneven bars. The committee amended the proposal to read no foreign substance may be used on any equipment.
10. Championship Handbooks. As a reminder, the NCAA championships handbook is accessible only on the NCAA Web site at The committee will continue to mail a memorandum to coaches in November outlining key issues and forms for the season and a reminder where to find the championships handbook. Championship forms will continue to be accessible on the NACGC/W Web site at In addition, all forms, regional and national, selections information, and regional and national participant manuals will be available on the NCAA Web site at beginning with the 2003-04 season.
(continued on page 39)
TECH N IOU E • NOV / 0EC 2003
) f - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -
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vault value "nart
(continued from page 38)
\.iroup 1 - Handspnngs Handspring Yamashita 1/2 Handspring 1/2 Yamashita 1/ 1 Handspring I/J Yamashita Handspring 1 /2 Yamashita P /2 Handspring '/1 Handspring 2 1/ 2 Handspring "/J Handspring 1'ront"luck Handspring Front Tuck ' /2 Handspring /2 Back Tuck Handspring Front Tuck 1/1 Handspring 1/2 Back Tuck 1/2 Handspring Front Tuck 1 ' /2 Handspring Front Pike Handspring Front Pike 1/2 Handspring 1/ 2 Back Pike Handspring Front Layout Handspring Front Layout 1/2 Handspring ' /2 Back Layout Handspring Front Layout 1/1 Handspring Front Layout 1 1/2 Handspring Front Layout' /1 Handspring Double Front Tuck 1/ 2 1/ 2 on 1/1 1/ 2 on 1 1/ 2 1/ 2 on 1/2 on '/1 1 20n 2 1/2 1 Ion Handspring 1 Ion Yamashita 1/2 lIon 1/1 1/1 on 1 1/2 l / lon 2/1 1 Ion 1 Ion Front Tuck 1 Ion Front Pike lIon Front Layout FHS (onto board) Handspring Front Tuck FHS (onto board) Handspring Front Tuck 1/2 PHS (onto board) Handspring Front Pike
Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsuk ahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara Tsukahara
Group 3 - Tsukaharas (1/4 to 1/2 on) Handspring Back Tuck Back Tuck 1/ 2 1/ 2 to 3/ 4 Front Tuck Back Tuck I /J 1/2 to 3/4 Front Tuck 1/2 Back Tuck 1 1/2 Back Pike Back Pike 1/ 2 1/2 to 3/ 4 Front Pike Back Pike 1/ 1 1/2 to 3/ 4 Front Pike 1/2 Back Layout Back Layout 1/ 2 1/2 to 3/ 4 Front Layout Back Layout 1/1 1/2to 3/ 4 Front Layout 1/2 Back Layout 1 1/ 2 Back Layout 2/J Back Layout 2 1/ 2 Double Back Tuck
\.iroup 3 - Round-Utt hntry Handspnng 1/ 1 Twist Off 1 1/2 Twist Off 2/1 Twist Off Back Tuck Back Tuck 1/2 1/2 Front Tuck Back Tuck 1/ 1 1/2 Front Tuck 1/ 2 Back Tuck 1 ·/2 Back Tuck ' /J KG,1'1' !:lack FiI<e RO,FF Back Pike' /2 RO, FF 1/ 2 Front Pike RO, FF Back Pike 1/1 1/2 Front Pike 1/2 RO, FF RO,FF Back Layout RO,FF Back Layout 1/ 2 RO, FF 1/ 2 Front Layout RO,FF Back Layout 1/1 RO,FF ' /2 Front Layout '/ 2 RO,FF Back Layout 1 ' /2 Back Layout L /1 RO,FF RO, FF Back Layout 2 1/ 2 RO,FF Double Back RO, FF 1/2 '/1 RO, FF 1/ 2 1 ·/2 2/1 RO, FF 1/ 2 RO, FF 1/2 Front Tuck RO, FF 1/ 2 Front Tuck' /2 RO, FF 1/2 1/ 2 Back Tuck RO, FF 1/ 2 Front Tuck 1 1/2 RO, FF 1/2 Front Pike Front Pike ' /2 RO, FF ' /2 RO,FF 2 1/ 2 Back Pike Front Layout RO,FF 2 RO, FF 1.2 Front Layout 1/ 2 RO, FF 2 1/ 2 Back Layout 1/J RO, FF 1/J RO, FF 1/ 1 I' /2 RO, FF I '/1 RO, FF I Back Tuck RO, FFI I 1/ 2, Front Tuck RO, FFI/J Back Pike KU, 1:'1:' 111 tlack Layout RO, FF11/2 /1
S.S S.S 9.0 9.2 9.3 9.5 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 S.9 9.1 9.5 9.9 10.0 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.S 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0
S.S 9.5 9.S 9.S 9.9 9.9 10.0 9.6 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.S 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
8.8 9.2 9.5 9.9 9.5 9.S 9.S 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 ~.6
9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.S 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.5 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Additional Collegiate Vaulting Rules • Vault numbers will not be flashed .
• All twisting should be completed at the apex of the vault
• • •
• • • •
with increasing deductions taken the later the twist is completed. Tsukahara vaults may be performed with 90 0 to 1800 turn in the preflight. No deduction should be taken for a bent lead arm when performing Tsukahara vaults. 1/4 on, 1/4 off, in opposite directions should be judged as a handspring vault. There is a 1.0 deduction for one or no hands touching vault table. There is a 1.0 deduction for spotting assistance during the vault. There is a 1.0 deduction for not landing on feet first. During the 3-minute touch warm-up, each vaulter is guaranteed two times over the vaulting table .•
• NOV / 0EC 2003
ERRATA/ ADDITIONS/CLARIFICATIONS for the WOMEN'S JR. OLYMPIC TECHNICAL HANDBOOK for COACHES & JUDGES March 2002 Edition (White cover with bLue print) !PAGE # B.12. 113 B.13. 11 3 14
114 14 116 [16 121
j. m. g. (top of page) D.3.a.1) G.3.
IT. D.
4 24 4
K. 2. a. K. 2. b. K. 2. c.
5 5 5 6
C. Lev. 7, I. C. 1. Lev. 7, I. C. 2. 1.C. 3
7 8
H. IT. A. 1.
8 9
IT. A. 4. b. B.1.
b. c. d. f)
p2 p2.
e. Prior to f.
~3 .
4) cast to 60° 2. 1.d. bullet b. top of page e. 2. 3. f. 4.c. bullet
pO pO
t34 36
37 37 38
38 39 39 39
S.b. 3,d bullet S.e. 6.b. III.A.Lack of continuity
A ugust,20 03 reVISIOns are In B0 Id prmt CORRECTION/ADDITION Change last sentence to: ''These decisions must be made in consultation with the Meet Referee prior to the score being flashed." Is responsible for calling a conference if an impossible Start Value has been awarded and/or for other reasons to assist the judges in arriving at a common basis for scoring during the competition. Add 2 bullets: -Spaghetti straps are considered incorrect attire. According to FIG, straps must be a minimum of 2 cm wide. - Elastic waistbands traditionally worn as training aids are incorrect attire (not including medically necessary bandages). Change to: Signals, verbal cures by tearnrnate(s) or coach to own gymnast (applied after one warning has been given) 0.20 Add bullet: - No deduction if coach is on the Floor mat to remove an oblect fallen from gymnast (i.e., metal hair clip, eyeglasses, etc.) Add: Also attempt to signal any such violation by raising a hand. Change to: Signal by raising a hand or a flag when thegyrnnast steps (or touches some part of body) beyond the boundary line. Delete 2nd sentence and replace with: 'The Meet Director should advise the judges' assignor of the procedures that will be used. Add bullet: -The Technical Committee encourages the flashing of Start Values at all competitions (or writing the SV on the gymnast's competition card). Add bolded words to 2nd sentence: Deductions for falls, extra swings, and lack of continuity in a required series due to a fall are in addition to the execution and amplitude deductions. Delete 1). 0.50 for Level 6. Change 2) to a bullet: - No deduction for all compulsory levels. 1) Void at Level 4 only. Coach assistance (spot during support and / or second flight phase) Change 1) to: 2.00 deduction for Lev. 5 & 6. Change to Recognition (Counting) of Event Requirements Change to: "If the same element is performed more than two times, it may still be used to fulfill an Event Requirement. Delete the word "allowable" If an element that is listed only as a "C" is performed, a 2.00 penalty is applied; however, it may still be used to fulfill an event requirement. Change the deduction for deliberate omission from 1.00 to 0.50; change the total deduction for deliberate omission plus the value of the requirement from 1.80 to 1.30. The 2001 FIG Code of Points Table of Faults, any FIG supplements, and the )0 lechnical Handbook Add to the list of vaults allowed: S1.210 1/J twist on - 1/2 twist off Delete the last paragraph - Squat, stoop & straddle vaults no longer allowed at Level 7. Under Angle of repulsion change "horse" to "vault table" Event Requirements: Add "There is no minimum number of elements required." Delete a. "Minimum of 8 Value Parts" 1) through 5) ~ange to a. Minimum of one bar change Change in parenthesis- if no bar change, deduct 1.30 (not 1.80) Change to b. Mount: Kip of any kind (from A or B) Change to c. Cast to a minimum of 60° Delete "As a general rule". The cast performed with the highest amplitude will be used to fulfill the cast to 60° requirement, thus causing the least amount of deduction for the gymnast. Delete 2nd sentence and following examples and bullets. Change to d. Add new "e". A second 360° circling element that finishes in or passes through a clear support, with no minimum angle required. - One of the two circling elements must be listed under Group 3, 6 or 7 in the FIG Code or JO Element Supplement. - The two 360° circling elements may be the same (only if from Groups 3, 6 or 7) or different. - One must achieve a minimum angle of 60° above horizontal; the other circling element has no angle requirement. - Consider the circling elements always to the advantage of the gymnast: Example 1: The only 360° circling element performed is a Clear hip circle to 15°. Deduct 1.30 for missing a second 360° circling element that goes to 60°. The clear hip circle fulfills one requirement of a 360° circle from Groups 3, 6 or 7, which may be performed with no angle requirement. Example 2: The only circling element performed is a Back Giant, which fulfills a circling element to 60°. Deduct 1.30 for missing a 2nd 360° circling element from Groups 3, 6 or 7. Change deduction to 1.30 (0.50 for deliberate omission ... ) 2nd sentence: Insufficient amplitude of required Cast & Circling element to 60° Change deduction of 1.80 to 1.30 (0.50 for deliberate omission ... ) Change 1.80 to 1.30 Change deduction: deduct 0.50 + 0.80 - total of 1.30 Under "If a gymnast performs:" Change the three deductions of 1.00 for omission to 0.50 2nd & 3,d bullets: change reference to 1.00 deduction for omission to 0.50. 4.d.3'd bullet Change 1.80 deduction to 1.30 and 1.00 deduction for omission to 0.50. Change to: Do NOT deduct 1.30 for deliberate omission plus value of the requirement. Change to: Do NOT deduct 1.30 for deliberate omission plus value of the requirement. 2 nd & 3,d bullets - Change 1.00 to 0.50 3,d bullet - Change to: Do NOT deduct 1.30 for deliberate omission plus value of the requirement. Bullets: Change deductions for stop, extra step and re-positioning of the support leg to 0.40; change deduction for a pause to "up to 0.20" A break in continuity of 2 seconds or more = stop; less than 2 seconds = pause. Under examples on Beam, #1. change 0.80 to 0.40 and 1.30 to 0.90; #2. change 0.80 to 0.40; #4. change 1.00 to 0.50 and 1.80 to 1.30.
1 .... 4 = O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (
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) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
40 41.
Change last deductIon: More than 180u Incomplete to 1.30 Change the Formula to: Elite/FIG Level 10 A. Value Parts 2.S0 2.20 *1.00 B. Special Requiremen ts 1.00 e. Additive Value 1.20 .50 D. Execution, Combination, QdQ & Artistry (BB / FX) ~ 10.00 10.00
6.70 10.00
Level 8 1.60 *1.00 0.00 7.40 10.00
* Levels 8-10 have 6 SR's on Floor = 1.20. Level 8 Bars has 4 SR's = 0.80 Add to 2nd line after submitted '"in writing and on videotape'" b. Performance of "C" elements: Delete 1 a), 1 b), 1 c) and 2) and replace with 1) '"If a '"C" element is performed, it receives '"B" Value Part credit and is eligible to fulfill Special Requirements; however, it wou ld be subject to any applicable execution and/ or amplitude deductions.'" 2) Level 8 is ineligible to receive Connection Value even when performing '"C" elements. H. 2. Level 9 A. Add to 2nd line: '"C'" and may be used to fulfill Special Requirements. III, A. 1. Change to: For levels 8, 9 and 10, there are fi ve (5) Special Requirements on Beam for a total of 1.00 and six (6) SR's on Floor for a total of 1.20. III. A. 2 a. Five (5) at Level 10, for a total of 1.00. b. Five (5) at Level 9, for a total of 1.00. c. Four at Level 8, for a total of 0.80. IV. B.4.a. Change to: The virtuous performance of value parts required at the specific level. No additional consideration should be given for exceeding the difficulty (Value Parts) required at the level. V. Add . B. B. Characteristics of excellent Artistry include: 1. Elegance and expression of personal style 2. Entertainment value 3. Originality of choreography in elements and combinations Top of page Change B. to e. Top of page, 3. B. Change wording of bullets under Insufficient Artistry to: - Elegance and expression of personal style - Entertainment value - Originality of choreography in elements and combinations l3.e. Delete the word '"allowable'". Top of pg, #4. Change to: 4. LevelS is ineligible to receive Connection Value, even when performing '"C" elements. INCOMPLETE EXERCISE Add: (Optional levels 8, 9 and 10) I. II. Add e. Any decisions regarding the repetition of an exercise should be made by the Chief Judge, in consultation with the Meet Referee. m .B. Change to: Inquiries must be submitted to the Meet Director or Meet Referee in writing on the official inquiry form . The Meet Director will then forward it to the Meet Referee, who gives it to the Chief Judge of the apparatus in question. Add: The Chief Judge and her panel will respond, providing only the information requested. Add to 2nd sentence: The inquiry form must be completed legibly by the coach. III. e. I. B. 2nd sentence in the parenthesis: Change to: (Level 9 & 10) Change to: Any combination of skill cushions (maximum of 9 inches, using sting mats, 4'" throw mats and / or 8'" skill cushions) I.e. may be placed on top of the allowable competition landing mats (24 cm) . If an S inch thick skill cushion is used, it must be a minimum of 5' x 10'. Delete the first bullet (not necessary with new wording above) D. Add to end of sentence: provided it is manufactured by a gymnastics equipment company and does not exceed two inches in height. 0 . 3. Bullet Change parenthesis to read: (Level 9 & 10) E. 2. b. Change parenthesis to read: (Level 9 & 10) E. 4. Change to read : All vau lts must land on the feet first (on the landing mat). Any vault that fails to land on the feet first will be scored 0 (Void). • If the gymnast lands standing, sitting or lying on the top of the vault table, it is a VOID vault. 6. b. (Level 9) Change to read : Specific vaults from Groups 4 and 5 (Round-off entry) are now allowed at Level 9. The new allowable vaults (which have either twists or saito, but not both) are: Group 4 (vaults performed with a Flic-flac on, with either a twist or a saito off, but not both): 4.201, 4.304, 4.305, 4.312, 4.313, and 4.412. Group 5 (vaults performed with a Flic-flac with 1 h twist on, w ith twists off - no saltos allowed): 5.201, 5.202, 5.307, and 5.420 If either of the two vaults performed are Group 4 or 5 vaults that are not permitted, the gymnast would receive a final score of C for the event. 7. Add bullet • If a gymnast jumps up on the vault table to perform a salto off, it is not considered one of her three allowable warm-up vaults. E 2. a. Add a third bullet: Staggered-alternate hand placement on forward entry vaults Up to 0.10 E 2. Add f. New deduction: f. Additional hand placements (taking steps/ hops on hands) Up to 0.30 E 3. Add l. Up to 0.20 New deduction: l. Brush/hit of body on vault table E 4. Add n. New deduction: n. Landing in a sitting, lying or standing position on top of the vault table VOID E 5. f. Exceptions-change to: NO deduction is taken if the gymnast performs a Round-off entry vault at Level 9 or 10. G. Deductions for Squat, Stoop and Straddle Vaults, add: (allowed at PREP Optional or Recreational levels only) Suggested values are: SO.1 Squat -7.0; SO.2 Stoop -7.5; 50.3 Straddle -7.5. I. B. Change to: Any combination of skill cushions (maximum of 9 inches, using sting mats, 4'" throw mats and / or 8'" skill cushions) may be placed on top of the allowable competition landing mats (24 cm) in two separate areas (under the bars and / or at the dismount area) . If an 8" thick skill cushion is used, it must be a minimum of 5' x 10'. Delete #2 (not necessary with new wording above) and change #3 to #2. III. A. 1. a. Add the word '"time'" to the end of the sentence. III. B. 2. Change to: If the gymnast does not remount w ithin 30 seconds, the exercise is term inated. Ill. B. 3 Change to: During the fall, the timer will give notification of '" 20 seconds and 10 seconds remaining'" in the fall time. IV. E.(top of page) 2nd line in parenthesis: change '" 20 pump swings'" to '"2'" pump swings. B.3. Change to: If a gymnast performs a dismount element of no value: • Deduct only 0.20 for missing the dismount Special Requirement. • Do NOT deduct 0.30 for no dismount.
D. H. 1. b.
142. 43
43 44. 44.
45 45.
46. 47.
48. 50. 53. 53 54
54 55. 55.
55. 56. 57. 57.
58 58. ~.
58. ~9.
59. 60. 63.
64. 65. 65. 66. 68.
Level 9 2.00 *1.00 .30
- -- - - --
TECH NIOU E • NOV /D E( 2003
(continued page 42) ) } - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - = - = - '--I
(continued from page 41) 69. VII. B. 2. a. 70. top of page, add e. 70. C. 2. E. 71. 73.
Fl. e.
74. 74.
Top of page G. l.
2. Top of page
77. 78.
4. 9.
Add #11
Example: add # 4.407 prior to names of elements If the legs are together or straddled in saltos or Tkatchevs. If the elements are performed with legs together or separated (not to include saltos or Tkatchevs) Change 2001 Code to 2001 / 2002. Add also: For a complete listing of element values for the JO Program, refer to the JO Element Supplement. Change to read: "If a "C" element is performed, it receives "B " Value Part cred it and is eligible to fulfill Special Requirements. It would be subject to any applicable execution and / or amplitude deductions." Delete all Exceptions. Change to read: During the performance of a release element, the gymnast grasps or touches the bar with one or both hands (delete text in parenthesis) and then falls: Change to read: During the performance of a release element, the gymnast's hand(s) never grasp or touch the bar: (Delete in a momentary hang nr support) Also following 2. e. DELETE' Brushing or slapping the bar is considered no contact. Add the word "Large" prior to release elements. Change description to read: The legs must not brush, hit or rest on the bar on the stoop through. If there is a brush/hit/sit on the bar with the back of the thighs, it is considered element # 1.104 ("A"). 11. Casts, uprises & circle elements performed with 1/ 2 (180°) turns on the upswing to descend on the same side of the bar: In order to receive the value as listed in the FIG Code or JO Element Supplement, the cast, uprise or circle must reach within 10° of vertical prior to the turn. If the turn occurs prior to reaching the handstand position (that is, turns at 11 ° or more from vertical), the value will be based on the value of the root skill. Examples: Cast to 11 0_ 44° from vertical, also with 112 turn = A Clear hip circle to handstand (HS=within 10° of vertical), also with 1/ 2 turn in handstand = C Clear hip circle with a 1/ 2 turn performed prior to reaching handstand = B. Delete "Front Giant" and replace with "360° turn on one arm to a "mixed Lor L grip" 0 0
fV1,v ~
B. 3. Add f.
83. 83.
D. E.
84. 84.
Level 9 - A. Level 9 - D.
Level 8: C.
Level 8: D. 1.
85 85
m. Add J.
D. Add 5.
86. 90. 97. 97. 99.
E. 2. b. L. 3. IV. 2nd D IV. Add . F I.D.
B. 2.
Leaps & Jumps
107 108 108
Walkovers & Cartwheels Dismounts F. 1. c. & d.
(Healy technique) Symbols do not include 1/ 1 turn; change to: f. If an element with a hop grip change also has an LA turn, the hop grip change to a different grip must be completed prior to the initiation of the turn to be considered a flight element. (exception - Back giant hop 1/1) Delete requirement and bullet. Change to D. Minimum of a "B" dismount. Under new "0" add. #4. If a gymnast performs a dismount element of no value: • Take only 0.20 for missing Special Requirement. • Do NOT deduct 0.30 for no dismount. Change wording in parenthesis to: (Special Requirement #1) Delete A. 2. Delete Low Bar "B" requirement and bullet. Replace with new requirement: Minimum of "B" element from Groups 3, 6, or 7 in FIG Code of Points or JO Element Supplement. Refer to Level 10, page 83. C. 1-3. Delete Low Bar "B" requirement and replace with new requirement: Minimum of "B" element from Groups 3, 6, or 7 in FIG Code of Points or }O Element Supplement. Refer to Level 10, page 83. C. 1-3. Change to: A minimum of an "A" dismount with a saito. Change #1 to: If a Level 8 gymnast performs a dismount of no value: Change to: Lack of balance between elements with pirouettes and flight phase (applicable to Level 9 & 10 only) Directionality: Consider if gymnast is predominantly facing the same direction throughout the exercise (applicable to Levels 9 & 10 only) J. Choice of release elements not up to the competitive level (for Level 10 only) up to 0.20 Guidelines: Gymnast performs two "B" releases = 0.20 Gymnast performs a "D" release to catch same bar and a "D" release from LB to HB or reverse = no deduction. • When applying this compositional deduction, consider not only the Value Part of the release element, but also the type of release element and the use of release elements in direct connection to other release elements 5. The 0.30 deduction for "extra swing" is considered "composition" and will not be attached to a specific element; therefore, it will not affect the awarding of Difficulty Value. • An extra swing BETWEEN two C, D or E" elements will break the direct connection; therefore, no Connection Value may be awarded. • If an extra swing follows the 2nd /last element of a connection, it will not affect the awal'ding of the Connection Value or the awarding of Difficulty Value when the last element is a "0 or E". Delete 46° and replace with 44° (Cast between 11 ° and 44° of vertical) Delete the word "allowable". Change to E. F. Level 8 is ineligible to receive Connection Value even when performing "C" elements. Delete and replace with: Any combination of skill cushions (maximum of 9 inches, using sting mats, 4" throw mats and/ or 8" ski ll cushions) may be placed on top of the allowable competition landing mats (24 cm) in two separate areas (under the beam and/or at the dismount area). If an 8 inch thick skill cushion is used, it must be a minimum of 5' x 10'. Delete the first bullet (not necessary with new wording above) Change to: After ten and twenty seconds have passed, the timer will give verbal notification of "20 or 10 seconds remaining" for remounting after a fall, with "time" called at 30 seconds. Change to: If a gymnast performs a dismount element of no value: • Deduct only 0.20 for missing the dismount Special Requirement. • Do NOT deduct 0.30 for no dismount. Add: FIG # 2.110 JO # 2.211 Wolf jump (take-off from 2 feet) from cross or side position B Change FIG # 2.209 to 2.210 & JO # to 2.310 (Tuck jump with 3/ 4 turn has a new number, same value) Add: FIG # 2.210 JO # 2.311 Wolf jump or hop from cross or side position with 112 or 3/ 4 turn, also landing in C front support or to hand support with swing down to cross straddle sit Add: FIG # 2.405 JO# 2.505 Split leap forward with leg change and 112 turn (SWitch-leg leap 1h) E Change FIG#2.411 to 2.410 JO # remains 2.511 Wolf jump (add "or hop") from cross or side position with 1/ 1 turn E Add: FIG# 5.308 JO # 7.310 Flic-flac with 1/4 twist to side handstand (no hold required for JO) C 0 Add: FIG# 5.408 JO# 7.410 Flic-flac with 3/ 4 twist to side handstand (no hold required for JO) Delete last element: FIG#9.605 ('02) This is NOT in the revised FIG Code; refer to S9.505 in the JO Element Supplement. Delete all and add new # e. "If a "C" element is performed, it receives "B" Value Part credit and is eligible to fulfill Special Requirements. It would be subject to any applicable execution and / or amplitude deductions." Delete 2nd sentence: "It would not fulfill the Special Requirement".
..-1-=4C":2::--------------------{( r EC H N IOU E
• NOV / 0E( 2003
janssen â&#x20AC;˘ fritsen Official Supplier Olympic Games ATHENS 2004
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J'FPEGASES has one adjustment lever with anitrogen cylinder assist system that makes adjustment almost effortless!
Products distributed in the USA exclusively by:
1-800-877-5294 â&#x20AC;˘
(continued from page 42)
111 112 113. 113.
113. 113.
6. c. g.
h. i.
116. 117. 117.
0, E, & F. old F I new E.
C. Hold Elem.
117. 118. 118 119.
2.Dismount Ill. A. 6. IV. A.1. a. IV.A.1. c. IV.D.
II. Artistry
123. 124.
I.H. L.
124. 129. 131.
M. 3. Add F. LA.
131. 131. 131. 133.
I. B. II. A. 1. b. II. A. 1. Add c. V. Add E.
134. 136.
VI. B. 2. b. D. Leaps, Jumps Hops
E. 1. c. & d .
138. 139. 140.
F. 5. 3. f.
140. 141.
g. II.A.2.
144. 146. 146
D. IV. A. 2. IV.D.
II. A., B. & c.
149. 150. 156 .
I.H. M. IV. Add F.
Change number to #2.305 Change to: #S2.111 (FIG # 2.110) Wolf Hop(A) or #S2.211 (FIG # 2.110) Wolf Jump (B) Change number to: #2.110 Change description to: #3.303 1/t Turn with free leg at or above horizontal throughout the tum Add at beginning of description. "The gymnast must have time to quickly lift the leg into position without deduction." Replace any reference to "above horizontal" leg position to say "at or above horizontal" Delete first bullet. Change deduction of 2nd bullet from 0.20 to "up to 0.20". Add: (FIG #5.308) after #7.310 and ( FIG # 5.408) after #7.410 Also, delete the sentence: "If the gymnast does hold it for 2 seconds, it would fulfill the "Hold" Spec. Req. Delete in its entirety (C 1-7) Change to C, 0 & E. Delete sentence after the underlined sentence and add as #3: "If a dismount of no value is performed, deduct 0.20 for missing the dismount Special Requirement. Do not deduct 0.30 for no dismount. Add a 2nd sentence: This refers to a continuous, but slow connection. Must be from Groups 7 or 8. Add: Level 8 may use Group 6 Rolls also) Rolls may not be included. Add (except at Level 8) Choice of acro elements not up to the competitive level up to 0.20 Add bullet: • No additional consideration should be given for exceeding the difficulty (Value Parts) required at the specific level. Example: The expectation for Level 8 is A and B aero elements; for Level 9, AlBIC aero elements. Change wording under Insufficient Artistry to: A. Elegance and expression of personal sty Ie B. Entertainment value C. Originality of choreography in elements and combinations Rewording: If a "0" or "E" element is performed within a connection, it is eligible for both Difficulty Value and Connection Value. Add bullet: • Deductions for lack of tempo are NOT attached to a specific element, therefore, would not affect the awarding of Connection Value. Delete the word "allowable." E Level 8 is ineligible to receive Connection Value even when performing "C" elements. Change to: Any combination of skill cushions (maximum of 9 inches, using sting mats, 4" throw mats and / or an 8" skill cushions) may be placed on the Floor Exercise mat in two separate areas. If an 8 inch thick skill cushion is used, it must be a minimum of 5' x 10'. Add bullet: • Whenever additional matting is placed on the Floor Exercise area and covers any portion of the boundary line(s), the mat must be marked clearly with tape or chalk to indicate the actual boundary line(s). Failure to mark the mat will result in a 0.10 neutral deduction taken from the average by the Chief Judge. Delete "B" (not necessary due to the rewording of I. A.). Change C to B and 0 to C. Change to: The touch warm-up period is based on 30 seconds times the number of athletes in the largest squad within the session. c. No block time is allowed. E. The coach is allowed to go onto the Floor Exercise mat during the exercise (without penalty) to remove any object (such as metal hair clip, eyeglasses) that has fallen onto the mat and which may impede or endanger the athlete. 1st bullet - Change # from 1.113 to 1.115 in reference to Tuck Jump and Tuck jump 1/z FIG #1.115- change JO # to 1.216 for Wolf hop or jump with 1 h (180°) tum, also with landing in prone) = B Delete 2nd element: FIG #1.116; JO # 1.216 (now included in 1st element) FIG #1.215-change JO # to 1.316 for Wolf hop or jump with 1 I 1 (360°) tum, also landing in prone = C Delete FIG #1.216, JO #1.316 (now included in previous element) FIG # 1.315 - change JO # to 1.416 for Wolf hop or jump with 11 12 (540°) tum, also landing in prone = 0 Delete FIG#1.316, JO # 1.416 (now included in previous element) FIG #1.415-change JO # to 1.516 for Wolf hop or jump with 2/t (720°) turn, also landing in prone = E Delete FIG #1.416, JO #1.516 (now included in previous element) Change c. to: "If a "C" element is performed, it receives "B" Value Part credit and is eligible to fulfill Special Requirements. It would be subject to any applicable execution and / or amplitude deductions." Delete d. Reword: Deductions for execution errors will be taken in addition to the 0.50 for the fall. Under note: change "will be taken" to "MAY" be taken". Change description of #1.308 to: Jump with 1 / 1 (360°) turn to side split jump, landing in front lying support (prone) (Schushunova 1 It) (C) Change description of #2.202 to: 1 I 1 Turn w ith free leg "at or" above horizontal from start to end of turn (B) Change all references to leg position to "at or above horizontal". Add at beginning of description: The gymnast must have time to quicklL lift the leg into position without deduction. Delete 1st bullet. Change deduction in 2nd bullet from 0.20 to "up to 0.20". Change # 2. to read: 2. The following flight elements without hand support are NOT considered saltos and cannot be used to fulfill any of the special Requirements that include saltos: a. Aerials. (Keep example and sentence following the example) b. Saito-like elements that land in a sitting, prone, or split-sit position . • Note: If a saito element lands on two feet, or lands on one foot and lowers with control to one knee, it wi ll be considered a saito and may be used to fulfill Special Reguirements and / or Connection Value. Add to 1st sentence: If performing the 360° turn with the leg held "at or" above Change to: Predominance of LA or BA turns in saltos Add bullet: • No additional consideration should be given for exceeding the difficulty (Value Parts) required at the specific level. Example: The expectation for Level 8 is A and B aero elements; for Level 9, AlBIC aero elements. Change wording under Insufficient Artistry to: A. Elegance and expression of personal style B. Entertainment value C. Originality of choreography in elements and combinations Change to: If a "0" or "E" element is performed within a connection, it is eligible for both Difficulty and Connection Value. Delete the word "allowable". F. Level 8 is ineligible to receive Connection Value even when performing "C" elements.
14-=-=4--------.... - - - --.,(
TEe H N 10 U E • NOV/D EC 2003
USA GYMNASTICS 100) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's LeveL I-IV SkiLL DeveLopment CurricuLum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipLine specific courses under the ProfessionaL DeveLopment Certification program.
The program will cover the following topics: • Vault • Beam • TumbLing • Psychology
• • • •
Bars Dance Coaching 101 Coachi ng Philosophy
The goaL of the Women's LeveL I-IV Skill DeveLopment CurricuLum is to estabLish a soLid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals. The focus is to break down the beginning LeveL skiLLs for Junior Olympic Completion of the two-day, 12-hour course LeveLs I-IV. SoLid basics are vitaL to the will certify you as a Skill Evaluator. The physicaL Longevity and to the skilL course is taught through the use of two proficiency and progression for the complimentary texts; Introduction to gymnasts. It's much easier to "learn it right" Gymnostics Coaching Theory and the LevelIat the beginning rather than trying to IV Cur6culum Guide; coordinating videos, and hands-on driLL and spotting instruction. "clean it up" later. DAY 1
12/27/03 1 p.m.-8 p.m .
12/28/03 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
CLaudia Kretschmer 23966 Freeway Park Dr. 'Michael Mahoney Farmington, MI 48335
- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - ( r EC H N' 0 U E
• NOV /
This is a great course for all women's artistic gym nastics coaches from novice to club owner. To set up a course, contact the course instructor nearest you. For a complete List of instructors or to view more information regarding the course, visit our web site at HOST CLUB
Farmingham Gymnastics ' Contact Host 248-478· 6130
DEC 200 3 )}---------------4-s~1
i • Wd'ltea • posmor ava! al 'l Ie· buy his' sell t lat • at • tor sa e • wanted • DOSlti( kJ J 1 hiS· for sale· wa'lted • pos t '_iun available • bu this· fOr s(
POSITION AVAILABLE INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Parogon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/f-F/f Weekdays/ weekends/ evenings. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Air) Full benefits/ paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will troin. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facilitPOSITION AVAILABLE
INSTRUCTORS/ COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/f-F/f Weekdays/weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Air) Full benefits/ paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the-art, approx. 11,000 sq. h. Located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201 -7676921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts Gymnastics Center has exciting career opportunities available. MGC operates four "state of the art" gymnastics facilities in the Greater Boston area with programs ranging from Tumble-tot to National Level J.O. girls and boys teams. We are looking for 'The Best" instructors and coaches in the industry. We offer a competitive compensation package and fantastic growth potential. We have immediate full and part-time openings for the follOwing positions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Cheerleading coaches, Recreational Program Director, Pre-school and dass Instructors. Interested candidates should forward their resumes to: Mike Colarossi, MGC, PO Box 856, St!m, MA 01775. Itror 97Pr562-5292. Fax: 978-562-5541 . FEELING UNAPPRECIATED? GOOD COACHES NEEDED - atalented girls optional coach with floor and beam choreography experience, astrong boys competitive coach, an ambitious cheerleading director, and some vibront preschool gymnastics coaches - to complete an already exceptionally talented, energetic and well-appreciated staff. Join us at our brond new facility in sunny Scottsdale, AZ with great pay and growth potential. Video resumes welcome. Please call Rick at 480-2351376, fax resumes to 480-945-3842, or e-mail us at
.-1-=4-=6----------------{( r EC H N IOU E
• NOV / 0EC 2003
HEAD COACH, Hastings Gymnastics Center is looking for a full-time person to coach our growing recreational and competitive Women's Level 6 through optional progroms all in our state-of-theart facility in Hastings, MN. Seeking an experienced professional individual with motivation, high energy, and a positive attitude. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. Send resume to HGC, 2628 Millard Avenue, Hastings, MN 55033, or e·mail to LawLB251 ONE STOP FUN is a 20,000 sq. h. air-conditioned multi-purpose facility featuring gymnastics, dance, pool, indoor playground and more! OSF is perfectly located in Westford, MA (20 mins. Outside of Boston). OSF seeks individuals who are: ' Motivated and enthusiastic. *Who have a strong desire and ability to be a key player in a large team. ' Well-rounded teachers/coaches. Ability to teach everything from preschool to upper level team. *Well-organized and able to Multi-task. Compensation: Salary is commensurote with experience, prior achievements and certifications. Insuronce and vacation are available. Please contact Rich at 978·692-9907 or e-mail resume to Check us out Coaching Position Available. Rettig's Gymnastics Training Center Inc., located in beautiful northwest New Jersey, is currently seeking full and part time instructors and coaches. We are a well established progrom with a strong foundation of recreational gymnasts to compliment our U.S.A.G. levels 4-10. Rettig's Gymnastics offers competitive salaries, paid vacations, health and retirement benefits. Applicants need to be fun, energetic, positive motivators and team players. Please send a resume or call for an interview: Dave or Diane Rettig, Rettig's Gymnastics Training Center, Inc., 19 E. Frederick PI., Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927. E·mail: DJRETTIG@C5.(OM Phone: 973-267-5611. Fax: 973-267-7796. GYMNASTICS COACHES NEEDED. The Hanover YMCA has immediate openings for part-time gymnastics coaches. Positions include teaching preschool, instructional boys/girls and USAG competitive team dasses 7-1 boys and Levels 4-10 girls. Available hours include mornings/ evenings/weekends. Team coaching positions require some weekend travel. 2-3 years experience a must. YMCA mission stressed! Mail resume to the Hanover YMCA, 500 N. George St., Hanover, PA 17331 or fax to 717-632-3081, attention: Lynne Storm, Gymnastics Director. OPTIONAL BEAM COACH FOR HAWAII. Hawaiian Island Twisters Gymnastics in Honolulu, Hawaii is loaking for an experienced beam coach with dance background and choreogrophy skills to coach a large, competitive team, Levels 7-10 and pre-elite.
)} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TOr .. wanted Ii position available â&#x20AC;˘ buv this'" for sale '* wanted" oositlon available Part-time/ evenings/weekends. Salary commensuate with experience. Contact Joe Rapp at 808-235-4487, or fax resume to 808-235-hits, or email or mail to 47-174 CKahuhipa Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96744.
FOR SALE Score Master -NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even better! Meet Directors con now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, campulsory/ optional. - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, Charlotte, NC, 28231. ClASS CONTROL for Windows. Closs Management and Accounts Receivable software. Version 5 with more features, more options, more power, more flexibility, and the same low price. Provides the closs management functionality and complex recurring charge and discount structures that accounting programs con't touch; the automation, savings in time and effort, accuracy, and availability of information that spreadsheets con't come close to; and the power, flexibility, ease of use, protection, control, and support that other programs don't offer. Only $500 ($250 per odditional workstation), includes free training and technical support. Serving Gymnastics since 1990. Vaughn Software Services, 800-821-8516 E-Moil: v s AMEX/ MC/VISA/DISCOVER. GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold ond may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 for more information on how you con get started today! Email:
GYM FOR SALE: Michigan, 10,500 sq. ft. facility. Huge suburban growth area . . . upper income community of 50,000. Gym in business for 8 years, 250-300 students. In-ground pits and trampolines. Teams, preschool and cheer programs. Huge birthday party program. Staff is wonderful ... responsible, respected and dedicated. All equipment is owned and in great condition. Many extras such as snack machines, computers, etc., Owner is moving. Great location, great price. Call 989-2395786 and leave 0 message for more info.
CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the yeor to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mom popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles and fabrics, including the Framed Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Glitter, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soft Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs featuring Hawoiian prints. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/ 6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please coli our toll free telephone number, 1-888-289-2536 or fax Rebecco's Mom at 1-818-9800119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State ond Regional Meet Packages as well as leotards for special events, so pleose coli TODAY.
ATTENTION GYMNASTS Gymnasts, club coaches, club owners, college coaches (ond former college coaches), judges etc. Anyone, over the age of 25, involved in the sport of gymnastics for at least 10 years, is invited to submit a one-page double spaced biography along with a current head shot and action shot from competition, to Jerry Wright who is preparing a GYMNASTICS WHO'S WHO. Anyone wishing to honor a distinguished former gymnost (deceased) is encouraged to submit biographical data on that individual (with photos-if possible). There is no obligation, nothing to purchase. The publication will be available for purchase when printed. JerryWright; 216 Park Lane; Carmi, IL 62821
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-1 00 words =$1 00 ; SUBMIT i Mail your ad and paymenl 10: 101-200 words =$200 Your adin Technique will aulomafically be placedonline i USA Gymnastics, PanAmerican Plaza for 30days at no odditional charge. The address ~: i 201 S. Capilol Ave., Sle. 300 dassilieds/ i Indianapolis, IN 46225 Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date.i or fox 10317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT DEADLINES CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DAn AND ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD SIGNATURE. ANDPAYMENT Pleose designale if your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS January ............. ....... Oec. 10 S UBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE February ............... .....Jan. 10 March .. ... ...... ........... ..Feb. 10 PUBLISHED. USAGymnastics reS1lrYBS Ihe righllo vary ~ril ................ ...... .... Mar. 10 formal. Technique is received by more than 13,000 Ju~~ .. :: ::::::::::: : :: : : : :: : ::~~ \~ USA Gymnastics professional members plus July ................ ... .... .. .June 10 thousands of viewers will be exposed to your Augusl .. ............. ... ... .July 10 ad online. Advertise your employment Sepl/ Oct. ....... ..... .. .... Aug. 10 opporlunily, producl{ serVICe, or com~elilion Nov./Dec . .... ......... ..... Ocf. 10 here for greal reSUlls. Queslions? Call Luan NOTE: If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work day is considered Pmek 01317-237-5050 exl. 246. the deadline.
Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs. Whether you need a single mat for home use, or enough mats to set up an entire gym
- quality mats at affordable prices. Visit us on the web -
100) SAFETY CERTIFI(4TION SCHEDU LE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule.
December Tampa, Fl 33613; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. lightning (ity Gymnastics, 1421 4 NN e~rcs ka' Ave Directions: Karl Bishop 727-447-210B (ourse code: KB12052003Fl Instructor: Karl Bishop, 727-447-2108
'Time and date subject ta change. See usa-gymnastics.arg lor updates.
November 22
Beaufort, S( 29902; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sports Accdemy Gymnastics, 2812 Depot Road Directions: David Kirkwood 843-987-8046 (ourse code: KB11222003S( Instructor: Kimberly Boyd, 803-749-2484
Greenville, S( 29615 ' 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 60 Pelhem Davis (irc1e Directions: Kaye Nuna 864-627-9255 (ourse code: RW12122003S( Instructor: Robert White, 864-268-7740
July 10
January Glendale, WI 53209; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 2574 WHunt Club (ircle Directions: Gay Valkoun 414-352-5452 (ourse code: J001 032004WI Instructor: Jason Orkowski 608-848-3547
West (hester, OH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 (ourse code: SS112320030H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162
Pittsburgh, PA 15237; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Rising Star GymnastiC S, 453 lowries Rd Directions: Patty SpisaK 412-364-5125 (aurse code: AP11232003PA Instructor: Andrea Paganie, 724-251 -0646
Stroudsburg, PA18360-8137; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00p.m. International Gymnastics (amp, 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Directions: Bruno Klaus, 502-629-0244 (ourse code: PF11292003PA Instructor: Phil Frank, 856-786-3977
February 20
Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward (amp ' lunch available Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 (ourse code: SH071 02004PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633
August Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward (amp ' lunch available Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 (ourse code: SH08072004PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633
St. Joseph, MO 64505; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Arising Stars Gymnastics Directions: Robin Weidmaier 816-232-7502 (ourse code: RWO 1112004MO Instructor: Robin Weidmaier 816-232-7502 25
North MyrtieBeam, SC 29582; 6:00 p.m.t010:oo p.m. Gymnastics and More, 523 Hwy 17N Directions: Tammy liguori 843-249-5867 (ourse code: KB02202004S( Instructor: Kimberly Boyd, 803-749-2484
Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward (amp ' lunch available Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 (ourse code: SH06122004PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633
Fairfield, OH 45014; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cincinnati Gymnastics Accdemy Directions: Sharon litchey 513-860-3082 (ourse code: BM082520040H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430
SAFETY CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP* PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16 years) COST: Nome: Professional or Instructor #: _ ______Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Dote _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stote:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ __
_ _ _ _ (W)
Course Code: Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: Form of Payment:
o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o American Express
Payment Amount: ______________________ Name on Cord: _______________________ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: _ __ / _ _ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to recertify .......................................................... no charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification ............ S 50.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ S 50.00 Non路Member or Associate Member ........................................ S 100.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registraUan fnrm ;0 order to qlloliq, for tbe dismunt All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date*. Late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. Late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site!late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four( 4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six(6) months with prior written notification. Late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. *Ika Gvrnna5ficsreserve5the ciRht fa aUer course dead!;ne
Mail registration form and payment to: ~. .USAGymnastics Member Services f\ Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 ,;'" SP"~' GYM~~ncS 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-52 12