R= Rhythmic GG =Group Gymnaslics
M=Men ACRO = Sports Acro NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.
TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling
1·6 9·18 12·21 20·26 28·31 30·Aug. 3
JANUARY 17·19 24·26
National Elite Qualifier (W) National Elite Qualifier (W)
Dallas, TX Allentown, PA
FEBRUARY 1·2 7·8 15·17 16·23 28 28 28 -March 3
Rhythmic Challenge (R) Winter Cup Challenge (M) National Elite Qualifier (W) Junior National Team Camp (M) National Podium Meet (W) Jeff Metzger's 1·0ay Boot Camp Winter Classic (TR/TU)
lake Placid, NY las Vegas, NV Covina, CA Colo. Springs, CO Fairfax, VA Fairfax, VA Tampa, Fl
Visa American Cup (M/W) Broadcast - Visa American Cup live NBC Sports 4:00-6:00pm ET American Classic/Challenge (W) National Team Training Camp (W) Spring Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meeting
Fairfax, VA
14·16 26·31 28·29
Fairfax, VA Boston, MA Houston, TX Indianapolis, IN
APRIL 5·6 10·13
level 9/10 Regionals (W) NCAA National Championships (M)
11·12 12 12·13 17·19 22·27 24·26
Machuga Cup / World Cup Finals (ACRO) NCAA Regionals (W) level 10 Regionals (W) Collegiate National Championships (M/W) Texas Women's University Sr. National Team Camp (M) NCAA National Championships (W)
level 9 East/West Championships (W)
Various Sites Temple University Philadelphia, PA Krasnodar, Russia Various Sites Various Sites Texas Women's Univ. Dallas, TX Colo. Springs, CO Univ. of Nebraska lincoln, NE East - TBO West - Fullerton, CA
World Team Selection Camp (W) World Team Selection Camp (M) US. Championships &J.O. National Championships (TR/ M FIG World Gymncestrcdc {GG} Pan Am Team Training Camp (W) Freedom Cup (ACRO)
Houston, TX TBO Sacramento, CA Lisbon, POR Houston, TX Jacksonville, Fl
Pan American Games (M/W/R) National Gymnastics Day Sports Aero National Championships (ACRO) World Team Training Camp (W) Broadcast - U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M) NBC Sports ]1/2 Hour TBO Artistic World Championships (M/W) World University Games (M/W/R) National Congress National Business Conference Broadcast - Artistic World Championships (M/W) NBC Sports 2:00 - 4:00pm ET Broadcast - Artistic World Championships (M/W) NBC Sports 2:00 - 4:00pm ET
Santo Domingo, OOM
AUGUST 1·17 2 3-7 3·9 2 16·24 21·31 TBO 20 23 24
Jacksonville, Fl Houston, TX Milwaukee, WI Anaheim, CA Oaegu, KOR Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA
Rhythmic World Championships-Individual & Group (R) FIG/PAGU Group Gymnastics "Friendship Camp" (GG)
Budapest, HUN Houston, TX
World Championships (TR/TU) World Age Group Gomes (TR/TU)
Hannover, GER Hannover, GER
OCTOBER 17·19 20·26
Fall Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meeting TBO Jeff Metzger's 4 1/2 Day Boot Camp Cincinnati, OH PAGU Jr. Interclub Championships (M/W/R Group Jr/Sr) USA PAGU Children's Interclub Championships (M/W/R) GUA
MAY 2·4
J.O. National Championships (W)
2·4 4·10 8·11 13-22 16·17 17 17·1 B 29·June 1 TBO 31·June 1
J.O. National Championships (R) USA/Belgium Training/Competition (W) J.O. National Championships (M) National Team Training Camp (W) 3rd FIG Council Meeting U.S. Championships Qualifier (M) level 9 Championships (R) U.S. Classic/Challenge (W) National GymFest (GG) Rhythmic Eastern or Western (R)
Air Force Academy Colo. Springs, CO TBO Houston, TX Savannah, GA Houston, TX San Juan TBO TBO San Antonio, TX Indianapolis, IN TBO
TBD 28
1·0ay Boot Camp/Business Conference Visa American Cup (M/W)
MARCH March or April 180 American Team Cup (M/W)
APRIL 3 15·17
NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA National Championships (W)
NCAA National Championships (M)
30·May 2
J.O. National Championships (W)
Various Sites UCLA los Angeles, CA University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana TBO
J.O. National Championships (M) 75th FIG Congress and General Assembly
San Diego, CA Antalya, TUR
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU) National Business Conference US. Olympic Team Trials (M/W/R/TR)
Nashville, TN Boston, MA Boston, MA
JUNE 7·8 13·15 17 19·22 19-23 21 22
Rhythmic Eastern or Western (R) Team Gymn Nationals (GG) Jeff Metzger's 1·0ay Boot Camp U.S. Gymnastics Chompionships (M/W/R/ACRO) Jeff Metzger's 4 1/2 Day Boot Camp Broadcast - U.s. Gymnastics Championships (W) NBC Sports 1 Hour TBD Broadcast - U.S. Gymnastics Championships (W) NBC Sports 1 Hour TBO
TBO las Vegas, NV Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee, WI Cincinnati, OH
Milwaukee, WI
2·5 24 24·27
Milwaukee, WI
rI2- = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (
r EC H N IOU E • JAN UARY 2003
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an official publication of USAGymnastics PUBLISHER
Robert V. Colarossi EDITOR
FEATURES New Vaulting Table ............. . .. . . . . . ... .. . .. ....... .............. 6
Luan Peszek
Coaching Aero Is Easy As Pie ..... .
Starting Gymnastics As A Preschooler .
2003 Congress ..
Matt Rhoton USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE (JiAlR: Ron Froeh~m; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICECHAIR WOMEN:Tom KoIl; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoimi Tom~a; VICE OiAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Sthmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR SPORTS ACRO: Tonya (0", PaHerlOfl; SECRETARY: Gary AnderlOfl; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMrmE: Jay Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. FIG MEN'STE(JiNICAL COMMrmE: George Beckstead; AG TRAMPOLINEAND TUMBLING TECHNICAL COMMrmE: Pol Hende""n; AG WOMEN'STECHNICAL COMMrmE: Jaooe Re; ATLARGE MEMBERS: Steve Bulmer, Paul Spadoro; ATHUETE D1REGORS: Lor... Fontaine, John Raelhlisherger, Van"", Vander Pluym, Karl Heger, USQ[ ATHUETE DIREaOR: Dominidt Minicuco. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colarossi; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knapp, Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; PUBLIC SEGOR: Bill Hyb!, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlETIC UNION: Mike Slanner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Betty Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSDClATION·MEN: Francis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mike Jacki; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Slrawbridge; NATIONALASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COllEGIATE ATHUETIC ASSOCIATION·MEN: Doug Van Everen; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Susan True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Bulch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Story Malaney; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: David Hol[Umb, Tony Gehman; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Mar< Yanrey; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Casay Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: Marie Robbins; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREaORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grassfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle Larson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kalhy Ostberg; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon, Marsha Weiss; SPORTS ACRO: Bonnie DaVidson, Jay Binder; ATHUETE DIREaORS: Vanesso Vander Pluym, chair, Lar;,so Fanlaine, vire chair; Jair Lynch, secrelary; Dominick Minicucci, USOC Alhlele Rep.; Mihai Bagiu, Brooke Bushnell, Chari Knighl Hunler, Mohini BhardwaL Karl Heger, Christie Hayes, John Roelhlisberger; ASSOCIATE DIREaOIS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kale Faber·Hickie; U.S. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Schwartz. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, natire of change of address should be mode eight weeks in odvanre. For fastest servire, please endose your presenl moiling label. Direct all subscription mail to TECHNIQUE Subscriplions, USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Capilal Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send address changes to TECHNIQUE ria USA Gymnaslics, 201 S. Capital Avenue., Su~e 300, Indianapolis, IN46225. TECHNIQUE(lSSN 074B·5999) (USPS 016B72) ;, publ;,hed monthly except
bimonlhly in Sept/ Oct and Nov/Oec by USA Gymnastics, Pan Ameri[On Plaza, Suite 300, 201 South (op~ol Avenue, Indionapal;" IN 46225 (phone: 31 7·237·5050) or visit online @www. usa-gyanast ics .org Periodical postage paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscriplion prices: U.s.-S25 per year; Conoda/ Mexi«>-S4B per year, all olher foreign cauntries-S60 per year. If available, bock issue single copies 54 plus posloge/handling. All reasonable care will be lok,n, bUI no responsibility [On be assumed for unsoliciled malerial; endose relurn poslage. Capyrighl1998 by USA Gymnaslics and TECHNIQUE All rights reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.
Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all artides, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.
Born To Run Fast?
2 0 0 3
23 •
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ........ .. ...... .. ...... .. .. ..... ..... 2
Member Club Invitational Listing ......... .26 What's New ................... .... .. .... .... .. ..... 46
USA Gymnastics Message .... .......... .. ...... 4 Athlete Focus ......................... ... ........... ...8
Classifieds ......... ......... ........ .... ... ... ...... 47 Safety Certification Schedule .. .. ............ 48
KAT/MELPD ........................................ 1 2 Prof. Development Certification Program ... . 1 3 Business Tips ............................ ............ 1 4 Congress Information .. ...... .... ......... .. ... 1 8 Member Service Update ...... ... ... .......... 22
Sports Acrobatics Update .. ...... ............ 24 Men's Program Update .... ............. .. ..... 28 Women's 2002-2003 Jr. Olympic Element Supplement .. .... ............ .... .. .. .. 30
U' A GYMNASIICSMessage Dear Members,
s we look forward to an exciting 2003 with USA Gymnastics, we would like to thank you for the opportunity to assist with your travel and housing arrangements throughout the past year. We have learned a great deal and look forward to better serving you in the future. Like each one of you, we are particularly excited to be a part of the 100th anniversary of the World Gymnastics Championships!
Allan Judah We are confident the 2003 World Gymnastics Championships will be a tremendous success. National Travel We have been working closely with the Marriott of Anaheim and together are implementing Systems several new procedures to better assist you while planning your trip . Specifically, for the 2003 World Championships you will be able to book airfare, car, and hotel arrangements, along with event tickets, area tours and attractions, all through National Travel Systems. We will also be staffing a hospitality desk inside the Marriott to provide general information and on-site bookings . In addition, we are currently developing a new website that will allow easy and seamless access for booking your housing requests. This system will create an expedited confirmation number within 24 hours of the actual booking. National Travel Systems has changed our administrative staffing and organization to better meet your needs. Our housing office has been moved to our corporate headquarters in Lubbock, TX. We have hired an experienced staff and they are ready to serve you . These changes will enable us to respond to all emails and phone calls in a timely fashion. Our toll free number is the same, 1-888-603-8747 and our local phone number has been changed to 806-794-3135. A special email address has been designated for the World Championships -
We eagerly await this exciting year ahead and look forward to assisting you with all of your travel needs. We consider it a privilege to be able to serve the USA Gymnastics community!
p~ -
cham ionshi
For updated information on travel arrangements for upcoming USA Gymnastics events, please log on to and click the travel/lodging button. For details on the 2003 World Championships, click on the logo at the top of the USA Gymnastics homepage, located at the same address.
Allan Judah
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TECH N 10 U E â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UA RY 2003
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In January 2003, the new vaulting table will become the official vaulting apparatus for the USA Gymnastics women's program. No more choices, no more debates; the table is here. Any
> ~
equipment change requires a transition period and training modifications to become successful in your program. Be patient, as the vaulting table is a
positive change for the USA Gymnastics women's program as well as the rest of
the vaulting world. The table has been introduced and used in international competitions for over a year and the results have been dramatically positive! The men's vaulting program has soared with the new table and the women have also had positive results competing on this new piece of
By Tim Rand Am erican Tw isters Gymnastics
n working with the vaulting table, the greatest benefit of the apparatus becomes apparent in the round-off entry vaults. The athletes lose the fear of missing their hands on the vault, thus enabling them to be much more aggressive on their run, hurdle and round-off. Because the vaulting boards are so close to the end of the table on the round-off entry vault, the fear of flipping in front of the horse is also diminished. These changes are producing faster learning times and more aggressive vaults. However, coaches need to be careful not to rush their progressions because they believe there is nothing to worry about anymore. The amount of time for lead up drills is still crucial to a good round-off vault. The preparation for a good round-off entry vault still requires attention to basic drills for the run , hurdle, and body positions on the board. The transition time from the old horse to the new table for athletes that already know how to do a round-off entry vault has been very quick and successful fo r most athletes. The only real change is where the vaulting board is placed . If the boa rd normally
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was placed 3'6" from the horse, it will need to be moved in to accommodate for the length of the new table. The only other concern with this vault is if the hands make contact toward the front and the vaulter is not very powerful, the chance of hitting the end of the vault table comes into play. However, even with these problems, I really believe the benefits far out-measure the difficu lties of adjusting to the transition of doing a round-off vault on the new table. So now that we have decided that the table is fine for the Elite prog ram and the small percentage of Junior Olympic athletes that do round-off entry vaults, what about the majority of the athletes from Level 5 through Level 10? Obviously, our compulsory athletes need to develop a good handspring and many of our optional athletes will be doing Tsukaharas, handspring fronts and twisting vaults. In my initial impressions, I thought the most difficulty would come in the development of good compulsory vaults for Levels 5 and 6. I felt the length of the table would be a difficult
TEe H N10 UE â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
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obstacle, especially for ou r little compulsory athletes. I thought a tiny 7 or 8 year old would feel this was a tremendous obstacle however, once again in my coaching wisdom , I was wrong! What I have seen is that the length of the table is less intimidating than the fear of the distance between the board and the old horse. Compulsory athletes have always been afraid of running into the horse or not making the distance between the board and the horse. This fear is less evident with the new table. With the board closer to the table, the athletes seem to be more aggressive. We also teach the athletes how to step down on top of the table from a handstand in the event that they cannot make it over the horse and this has helped ease their fear of hitting their back on the top or end of the table. The othe r benefit of the table is that the compulsory athletes are stretching towards the end of the table improving their preflight lines and angles for blocking. When teaching your compulsory athletes, spend time on running and board drills. When we first start with the level 5's, we put a large resi at the end of the table and a 4" throw mat that covers 1/2the table end onto the resi. You do have to keep in mind that the end of the table comes into play on a weak handspring so be careful with your beginner athletes and when spotting.
Although the implementation of the new table has required some extra time to transition from the horse, overall this piece of equipment will be a good change for all of our athletes. Jus the fact that the gyms can set one piece of equipment for both the girls and guys is great! Making changes in equipment and the ability to adjust to these changes is what has brought our sport to the unbelievable level
The most difficult transition to the new table is going to be with the Tsukaharas and handspring front vaults. My optional athletes with twisting vaults have adapted very quickly to the new table and have had very few problems. The Tsuk and front handspring front vaulters have been a greater challenge. The biggest problem we have encountered is the Tsuks because of the hand placement. For the Elite athletes, we were used to teaching a complete liz on to perform a Tsuk, so the athletes were used to being squared to the horse, blocking with both arms at the same time. Due to the length of the new table, this technique will not work very well. We need to look at the technique that the men have used on Tsuks; more of a cartwheel on to the table rather than a 1/2on technique. You will have to turn 90 degrees onto the table and square out to the table after the block. Remember that only turning 90 degrees on to the table will not be a deduction however, bent arms will be a deduction so be careful not to follow the men's technique totally. Lots of timers and drills when training this vault will be necessary. Extra care should be taken with beginner optional athletes that are learning Tsuks and plan on spending extra time on timers and blocking to high resi mats. Front handspring front vaults have been a challenge but not like the Tsuks. The biggest problem has been the athletes coming onto the table too high, with their legs past vertical not allowing a good block off of the table. Coaches need to instruct the athletes to stretch as far to the end of the table as possible in order to achieve good preflight angle. A good drill is to take a large resi and put it at the end of the table with an incline mat sticking up and wedge with a resi mat at the end of the table. The athletes have to block up and over the incline mat and onto the resi mat. They should do this drill with not only the Handspring front vaults but with the round-off entry and Tsuk vaults as well. - - - - - - -- ------------{( r EC H H' 0 Uf
it is at today. If you want to get psyched over the new table, watch some films of the men's current National Team, and sit back and watch these guys at work - you will be WOWED!
Good luck with the new table. Be patient and remember do drills, drills and more drills!
â&#x20AC;˘ JA NUARY
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~~~~ TOwnsend by Luan Peszek
Sean Townsend, who is the 2001 World Champion on parallel bars, and U.S. Tumbling National Team member Casey Finley have something in common - they each earned a bronze medal at the 2002 World Cup! Townsend, who will turn 24 years old on January 20, trains at Team Chevron - HGA in Houston, Texas, and is coached by Kevin Mazeika. Townsend won two bronze medals, one on still rings and the other on parallel bars. Townsend is the 2002 National Champion on parallel bars and the 2001 Sullivan Award finalist. He was a member of the 1999, 2001 and 2002 World Championships teams and the 2000 Olympic Games. Finley, 19, who trains at Air Extreme in Lubbock, Texas, grabbed his bronze in tumbling, and was the only gymnast to throw a triple back salto in the World Cup Finals. Finley is a five-time member of the national team and is coached by former trampoline and tumbling gymnast Brad Davis.
Some dayS all your routines are flawless. Other days ... YOU need insurance. When a student tries a flic-flac and ends up with a flip-flop, you want an insurance program that helps you land on your feet. With the perfect balance of specialized coverage options, superior claims handling, and innovative risk management services, Markel can vault you back into the championships in no time. Now, let's try that piked salta backward off.
TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ JA NUARY 2003
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IsAs EasyAs
Announcing the 2003 Sports Acrobatics New Coach Clinics
This article is designed to get the message about Sports Acrobatics out to existing coaches and gym owners of artistic, rhythmic, and trampoline and tumbling clubs across the country. It is an easy way to add a lucrative program to your gym and offer a wider range of programs for your athletes. There are many reasons to add Sports Acrobatics to your existing gymnastics program. Some of these reasons are listed below. >I
Sports Acrobatics is an extremely easy program to add to your gym, as you can use existing spn'ng floors, mats, spotting belts and personnel.
It is not difficult to teach existing staff to coach Level 5 and 6 acrobats -
therefore adding an additional program to your gym. >I
You can retain athletes in your gym that you might otherwise lose because they are too tall, too big, too old, or they've gone as far as they can in their respective discipline.
Sports Acrobatics allows you to market to new groups of students from pre-K to cheerleaders to competitive gymnasts that "don't fit the usual mold."
Sports Acrobatics gives flexibility to "mix and match" athletes to fit your changing gym and athletes' growth (women's pair, men's pair, mixed pair, women's trio and men's four).
Allows high-level competition and success in much less time, athletes that have backgrounds in other disciplines can compete Level 5 or 6 at Sports Acrobatics Nationals in a few months.
TEe HN 10 U E â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
he first 2003 Sports Acrobatics New Coach Clinic was held January 11-12 in Jacksonville, Fla. A second clinic is being held February 1-2, 2003 in Dayton, Ohio. Jacksonville, Fla. is the site of the 2003 Sports Acrobatics J.~. and Elite National Championships in July and August. The USA Gymnastics Freedom Cup will be help in conjunction with Nationals and will feature world-class U.S. and international competitors in Senior Elite and two World Age Group level competitions. The U.S competitors will be chosen at Team Trials in Milwaukee, Wis., in June and should include current Mixed Pair World Champions, Arthur Davis and Shenea Booth.
The format will include teaching Sports Acrobatics Level 5 coaching on Saturday and Level 6 on Sunday. The clinicians will cover the progression' of coaching acrobatics skills required in levels 5 and 6 and review the basics of constructing tempo and balance routines. The attendees will get a copy of the Sports Acrobatics Specifications, which describes the competition rules and skills for all levels. They will also receive handouts and a video compilation of example routines from all five pair/group categories.
Tuition for the clinic is as follows: • two-day clinic, including the Sports Acrobatics Specifications, handouts and video is $90 per coach • two-day clinic only is $65 per coach (including handouts and video) • single day sessions are $40 each per coach At the Sports Acrobatics New Coach Clinics, the new Sports Acrobatics Specifications book is being offered at a discounted rate of $25 to all participants. The goal of the clinic is to fully equip the attendees to return to their gyms understanding the sport, coaching techniques, and basic routine construction, ready to begin a new program or enhance an existing one. It's possible that some participating coaches may be able to prepare pairs and groups that can compete in local, state, regional, and national competitions in 2003 or 2004. You can register for the clinic by calling the Senior Program Director, Carisa Laughon at 317-829-5667 or by email at Clinic details are also available online at -Dr. Jay Binder Dr. Binder is a member of the Sports Acrobatics Program Committee and a member of the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors. He has also been the national team physician for the past 12 years. He practices orthopedic surgery and sports medicine in Metairie, Louisiana.
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USA GYMNASTICS 100) KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschoolage child, safety considerations, class management, and much more! A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (ME LPD) consists of five enlightening hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program . The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development, and much more. This
workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical acti vity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD
workshop in your area, 2002 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and
a TV & VCR. If your workshop has 12 paid participants, your club will receive one free registration . Member Clubs receive two free registrations.
Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will only be valid at the workshop you are hosting . The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call 1-800345-4719 or visit www. usa-gymnastics.or9/ membership
February February May May August August
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â&#x20AC;˘ JA NUARY 2003
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USA GYMNASTICS 100) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipline specific co urses under the Professional Development Certification program. The goal of the Women's Level I-IV Skill Develo pment Curriculum is to establish a solid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals. The focus is to break down the beginning level skills for Junior Olympic Levels I-IV. Solid basics are vital to the physica l longevity and to the skill proficiency and progression for the gymnasts. It's much easier to "learn it right" at the beginning rather than trying to "clean it up" later. DAY 1
1/4/03 30m-80m 1/4/03 Ipm-9:30pm 5/17/03 1pm-9:30pm 8/ 9/03 1pm-9:30pm
The program will cover the following topics: • Vault • Bars • Beam • Tumbling • Psychology
• Dance • Coaching 101 • Coaching Philosophy
Completion of the two-day, 12-hour course will certify you as a Skill Eva luator. The course is taught through the use of two complimentary texts ; Introduction to Gymnastics Coaching Theory and the Level IIV Curriculum Guide; coordinating videos, and hands-on drill and spotting instruction.
1/5/03 9am-50m 1/5/03 9am-4om 5/18/03 9am-4om 8/ 10/03 9am-4pm
South Carolina
Gary Knisley
Tina Salameh
Tina Salameh
Tina Salameh
This is a great course for all wome n's artistic gymnastics coaches from novice to club owner. To set up a course, contact the course instructor nearest you. For a complete list of instructors or to view more information regarding the course, visit our web site at HOST CLUB
864-306-9180; 400 McCue Street; Easlev 502-253-1234; 13100 Maqisterial Dr.; Louisville 502-253-1234; 13100 Magisterial Dr.; Louisville 502-253-1234; Tsalameh@infi .net 13100 Ma gisterial Dr.; Louisville
Easley Gymnastics Academv Kentucky Gymnastics Academv Kentucky Gymna~tics Academv Ke ntucky Gymnastics Academ y
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DESIGNING A REGISTRATION/ PAYMENT SYSTEM THAT WORKS: PART 2 OF 3 ReaLity #1: There is no reason for a company in our industry to have an accounts receivabLe probLem. To visuaLize why, consider two extremes: (1) an industry which manufactures goods having a Long, expensive production cycle such as, say, jet aircraft; and (2) retail stores such as, say, Starbucks. It is easy to visuaLize that the jet aircraft industry wiLL not be abLe to coLLect payment before it incurs huge production costs. On the other end of the stick, Starbucks can very easily require its customers to pay before the product waLks out the door, forever ensuring against A/R. Where does a GymCLub faLL on this continuum? Wherever it chooses! GymCLub ABC might create a registration/payment system which requires payment before the product is deLivered while GymCLub m is happy to deLiver the product first and then 'chase' the doLLars in some manner. ReaLity #2: A registration/payment system must have 'TEETH: It is naive to beLieve that clients, coLLectiveLy, wiLL pay a bill on time simpLy because they were asked to do so. A system must offer a COMPELUNG REASON to pay and pay on time. In other words, 'TEETH: There are two opposite 'assumptions' upon which a registration/ payment system can be based. At the end of a period (month/session): (1) a student wiLL be returning to the program and wiLL be 'carried forth on the roster' unLess notification is received; (2) no assumptions are made. When no assumptions
are made, figurativeLy speaking, on the Last day of a period, the class roster is wiped clean and the onLy way back on is by payment of tuition. In 1975, I opened my GymCLub afraid to do ANYTHING which might possibLy sow into a client's mind ANY fragment of the idea that our company might terminate their partidpation for ANY reason incLuding-gasp-faiLure to pay! The resuLts of this naive approach, I now know, were predictabLe-a progressiveLy Larger A/R. It took me about two years to see my mistake and muster a change. Today, at Kids First Sports Center, just Like a University, our system assumes nothing untiL money changes hands. The 'teeth' is the prospect of not getting your first class choice coupLed with the knowLedge that your child won't be permitted to partidpate untiL payment is made. Note, of course, this system, as weLL as any system, if not IMPLEMENTED, wiLL fail miserabLy. FYI, foLLowing are other exampLes of 'teeth' I have seen used by GymCLubs and Swim Schools across the USA, AustraLia and Canada. An incentive for timeLy payment (be carefuL, this can be FAR more costLy than what meets the eye); a penaLty for Late payment (strongLy NOT recommended); coLLect the 'Last month's'tuition up front coupLed with a 30 day drop notice poLicy (similar to an apartment Lease and security deposit); eLectronic funds transfer; auto deduct from a credit card on fiLe. Next month I'LL discuss the potentiaL downside to Kids First's approach of 'assuming nothing', and what we do about it. Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center
... ~~ Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners.
2003 Dates:
June 19-23, November 20-24,2003 For FREE portfolio of infonnation: 513.489.7575 or Visit us at
TECH N 10 U E â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARV 2003
-< GK Risk Free Program • It's easy to order, easy to sell and easy to return • Let us select an exciting new assortment of styles to send you each month • You' ll find your "Risk Free" shipments always create some new excitement and a rush of sales in your pro shop • And you'll earn extra profits with no investment and no ri sk !
GK Workout Essentials> • This line features new and innovative styles that are always on the cutting edge of fashion • You'll find a complete selection of accessories .. from briefs to wri stbands to gymnastic shoes • GK releases five exciting new lines each year.. so you'll always have something fresh and new in your pro shop • Also a great way to supplement your "Risk Free" packages
• Add even more variety to your pro shop ... this collection of elegan t workout wear and basics are in stock for one year making reordering easier • These styles are great for your team or if you have a special event coming up and you need to outfit a group of gymnasts • Look for a complete selection of accessories in this catalog too
2136 N 13th Street / PO. Box 16400 Read ing , PA 19612-6400 Phone: 1-800-345-4087 / Fax: 1-610-921-0208 E-Mail: Web Site: Online Ordering Available
Starting Gymnastics As A Preschooler By Jeannie McCarthy
arents often ask the question of when to start their young chiLd in a gymnastics program. This is quite an important issue to address due to the knowLedge that children deveLop their fundamentaL movement skiLls between the ages of 2 and 5. Each stage of a youngster's deveLopment presents criticaL Learning periods. In generaL, a chiLd wiLL benefit from his/ her invoLvement in gymnastics regardLess of the age that he or she begins! The magic is that they experience chaLLenges and new skiLls as they mature. A 3-year-oLd student's pride in being abLe to walk on a two foot high beam is as much a milestone as the 5 year old who learns a one-armed cartwheel. The type of activities toddLer's attempt in gym class is quite different from those performed by 5-year-old students. The class activities are guided by the deveLopmentaL stages of the students. As musculature and skeletaL strength deveLop during the formative years, children gain more confidence and a greater abiLity to perform physical skilLs. Child development speciaLists graph deveLopmentaL stages by
age. ChiLdren come in aLL sizes and shapes and have their individuaL timetabLes of growth. Therefore, the charted stages of deveLopment are used as a much-needed guideLine for curricuLum deveLopment. PreschooLers are commonLy pLaced in a specific gymnastics class by their age, not their abiLity. PreschooL gymnastics directors and teachers deveLop their curricuLum with age-appropriate activities in mind. Experienced teachers take into consideration the chiLdren's mentaL, physical and emotionaL maturity when presenting Lesson activities. For those chiLdren who demonstrate an aptitude for gymnastics at a young age, advanced classes are offered. In 1995 USA Gymnastics launched a course for instructors of preschool age children. The course title is KAT, Kinder Accreditation For Teachers. More than 3,000 preschooL gymnastics instructors have proudLy earned this teaching certification.
"When should I enroll my youngster in gymnastics class?" Read on to learn the approach of your LocaL KAT instructor.
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TEe HNIOU E â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
Top: Pre-team from Will-Moor School of Gymnastics in New Jersey Above: Reiley Lonergan, age 3, is from Pottsville GTC in Pottsville, Pennsylvania Bottom Right: Preschool 3 year-old class from Carolina Twisters Gymnastics in Kernersville, North Carolina
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Parent/Tot Class Activities The tots group, ages 20-36 months, experience thrilling moments in the gym which range from rolling on mats to playing group parachute games. Their experience on the gymnastics apparatus is normally in the form of obstacle courses. The tots are encouraged to climb, crawl, and jump from station to station. The objectives at each station are basic motor patterns and therefore, simple to complete. Tot and parent share all of this excitement as they work through each class as partners. An additional benefit of being involved in gymnastics at this young age is the opportunity to socialize with other children of the same age. Sharing, following simple directions and social skill development are all-important aspects of a Parent/ Tot Program. Long verbal explanations and demonstrations by the teacher are kept to a minimum due to the children's short attention span. There is more than meets the eye going on with participation in gymnastics at a young age. Brain growth for one! The vestibular mechanism is located in the ear canal. This mechanism is responsible for balance. During gym class a myriad of opportunities exist for honing the skill of balance. When the vestibular mechanism of the brain is stimulated through gym class activities, it in turn stimulates other areas of the brain to grow, such as the ocular area of the brain. What an exciting outcome for being involved in a movement program at a young age!
Class Activities For The 3 Year Old At this age, the social skills of sharing, helping others, and listening politely are as important to learn as gymnastics skills. Gymnastics classes are typically youngsters' first experience with a "school" setting.
Gymnastics classes for this age group caters to the children's need for social development as well as movement education. Perpetual motion is the name of the game with 3 year olds. Learning by doing is their motto. Teachers of this age group present the students with basic gymnastics skills such as rolling, swinging, jumping, and balancing. Body positions, which they will use month after month, are instilled through repetition. These positions include tuck, straddle, pike, and stretch (or layout). More difficult skills such as backward rolls, handstands, and cartwheels are attempted with the aid of the teacher. Mastery of these challenging skills is not expected at this age. The 3 year olds are presented with combinations of skills to learn in order to improve their memory. The learning of proper gymnastics terminology is also an important element of the curriculum at this time. pick a foam number out of a bucket, set it on the mat, perform a V-sit and count the number out loud, return the foam number to the bucket.
Class Activities For The II Year Old Development of social skills is still of high importance at this age. Partner activities are introduced as well as relays and group games with multiple tasks. Progressions of challenging skills for vault, bars, beam, tumbling, and trampoline are presented to the 4 year olds. The teacher may "spot" the child during skill performance for safety and learning purposes. Safety is foremost in the teacher's mind with all the age groups . With an increased attention span and improved strength and flexibility, gymnastics skills are acquired more easily at this age. Improved listening skills accelerate the learning process. Circuit stations at this age may involve three steps per task at each station. For example,
Throughout the class the teacher encourages problem solving and creative thinking. Longer skill combinations are introduced to this age group.
Class Activities For The S Year Old Many of the activities presented to the 4year-old students are presented to this age group concurrently. The expectations of the teachers are higher for this group. Skills are not simply attempted for the sake of an interesting learning experience. True skill acquisition can be attained through proper progressions. The 5 year olds have the benefit of physical maturity that enables them to perform skills more easily than a 3 year old. Through the presentation of proper progressions, spotting, and practice, 5 year olds are capable of mastering many impressive gymnastics skills and sequences. Skills are easier for children of this age to learn in large part due to their ability to listen attentively, analyze others, and assimilate information given by the instructor. Scholastic advantages exist for children who are physically active. Studies have shown a direct correlation between physical (continued on page 45)
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â&#x20AC;˘ JA NUA RY 2003
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USA Gymnastics is hosting the 2003 World Championships and Congress in Anaheim, Calif., August 16-24. A number of "special deals" have been produced Anaheim, California ' August 21-23 for the gymnastics family, which will provide you with the best options on tickets, ''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education" travel and Congress. Here are some questions and answers that may be helpful as you make arrangements to attend events in Anaheim .
Q : Tell me a little about the World Championships ticket options?
Q : I want to go to Congress and the World Championships, plus I need a hotel room . How do I get the best deal?
The ticket packages are best explained on page 21 . The World Championships Tickets are divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze seating arrangements and into two basic packages including All-Session Strip and Championship. The Gold level (lower level seats), can ONLY be purchased via an All-Session Strip ticket, which includes a ticket to every session Aug. 16-24. The purchase of an All-Session Strip ticket also gives you tickets to watch podium training on Aug. 13-14.
A : National Travel Systems in cooperation with USA Gymnastics has designed some exciting travel packages, including one being offered exclusively for the gymnastics family (see pg. 19) . The only way to get discounted World Championships tickets is to book a package through National Travel Systems.
Q: I want to attend Congress and my co-worker wants to attend Congress and the World Championships. We don't need a hotel or flight. How do you go about this?
If you're interested in attending the finals competitions only, then the Championship ticket package may be for you . This includes all final sessions from August 19-24. The Championship ticket package can ONLY be purchased in the Silver and/or Bronze sections.
A : If you just want to attend Congress and/or the World Championships then refer to the Congress Registration form on page 20 . You can also indicate which ticket package you would like to purchase for World Championships.
Q: What if I just want to buy tickets to one or two sessions at the World Championships?
Single session tickets mayor may not be made available as the event draws near. If you want to be assured of the best seat, at the best price, buy NOW because the lower level (gold level) is already 80% full.
For hotel and tmvel questions contact NTS : For questions regarding Congress: membership@usoiJYl11nos! For questions concerning World Cham~onships fickels - mlouck@usa.gymnos!
Fun & Fit Gymnastics Program • SET Achievable goals for Students • BUIW Enrollment Retention • MEASURE Teacher Efficiency • RECORD Student Accomplishments
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New Licensees Include:
• Scats Gymnastics Huntington Beach, CA
• North Carroll Rec. Gymnastic Program Hampstead, MD
• Dream It Gymnastics Tifton, GA
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Shelby, NC
Instructor Training Videos - 30+ skills per level explained step by Curriculum Cards - Track skills taught as required in USAG Safety manual. Star Posters - Kids take home - Helps them experience success. NEW! QUANTITY DISCOUNTS & NO MINIMUM PURCHASE! Licensed to Gym Clubs Nationally Since 1991
For Details, FREE VIDEO, Information and Samples, call (800) --I-::-'-::::s,-----------------{(
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GYMNASTICS National Congress
Anaheim. California' August 21-23
"Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"
Wednesday, August 20, 2003 • Add On's • Business Conference
Anaheim Marriott 700 West Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 (directly across the street from the convention center)
Thursday, August 21Saturday, August 23,2003 • Congress Sessions • Exhibit Hall • Dance Party
Note: MembersClub Group discounts will be available. Application posted on Member Club Only website.
CONGRESS SITE: Anaheim Convention Center 800 West Katella Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802
To reserve housing at the Anaheim MarrioH, the official Congress hotel, without a package ($ 129 per night plus taxes), please email NATIONAL TRAVEL SYSTEMS at... ,---------------------, Staying at the Congress hotel, Anaheim or call
888-603-8747 or 806-794-3135
Marriott, will allow Congress attendees direct transportation to and from the World Championships at the Arrowhead Pond.
2003 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SPECTATOR PACKAGES * Packagesavailable on afirst·come, first·serve basis. Please reserve by March 31 , 2003.
AUGUST 19-25, 2003 6 NIGHTS/7 DAYS • Housing in ane of the official host hotels • Full American breakfast daily • Transportation to and from the competition • 1 tour or attraction of your choice • On site tour stuff and hospillility desk • Includes all taxes
AUGUST 15-25, 2003 10 NIGHTS/11 DAYS
. L . ' ..~L
cham ionshi
• • • • • •
Housing in one of the official host hotels Full American breakfast daily Transportation to and from the competition 1 tour or attraction of your choice On site tour stuff and hospillility desk Includes all taxes
$1,275.00 per person, based on single occuponcy $775.00 per person, based on double occupancy $600.00 per person, based on triple occupancy
$1,995.00 per person, based on single occupancy $1,195.00 per person, based on double occupancy $900.00 per person, based on triple occupancy
For additional nights please add $190.00 per person, per night based on single occupancy and $110.00 per person, per night based on double/triple occupancy.
For additional nights please add $190.00 per person, per night based on single occupancy and $IID.OO per person, per night based on double/triple occupancy.
Please email
To register lor the 2003 USA Gymnastics National Congress please add $230.00 per member and $350.00 per non-member.
:~D THE_F9LLQ~N.G TO T~E PACKAGE PRI~E:,,\ .. :;? ~
$500.00 All Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level (Includes podiumtraining, all qualifying sessionsandfinols.. .lower level)
$250.00 Championship Package, Silver Level
or call 888-603-8747 or 806-794-3135 ~TS
To register lor the 2003 USA Gymnastics National Congress please add $230.00 per member ami $350.00 per non-member. ~joC PUROIASE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP nCKETS PLEASE : :ADD THE FOLLOWINGYO THE PACKAGE PRICE: , .~".j
$500.00 All Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level (Includes podium training, all qualifying sessions and finals .. .lower level)
$250.00 Championship Package, Silver Level (All finol sessions... upper level)
(All final sessions ... upper level)
$175.00 Championship Package, Bronze Level
$175.00 Championship Package, Bronze Level
(All final sessions.. .upper level)
(All finol sessions... upper level)
Congress - Aug. 21-23, 2003
After July 20, 2003 you must register on-site.
(omplete one form per person - Photocopy for additional registrations. Become on Instructor Member to receive the member discount. Simply check "Please sign me up" and include on extra $47.00 ($65.00 Foreign Instructor Member) in your total amount enclosed. Your confirmation wil/ be sent by email. Please provide a valid email address.
If you ordered Warfd (hampionships tickets with this registration form, they wil/ be moiled to the address listed below 4 weeks prior to the event. NOTE: If your are purchasing Worfd (hampionship tickets and wont to be seated next to your co·workers, friends, spouses, etc., send 01/ registration forms together at one time with payments.
(postmarked by July 20)
PRO & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS 0$230 Congress-Early Bird registration only ($330 onsite registration) WORLD
0$549 0$269 0$189
All-Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level Championship Package, Silver Level Championship Package, Bronze Level
0$350 Early Bird registration only 0$450 Congress registration on-site
(see pg. 21 for ticket explanation)
Minimum age for Congress registration is 16. v .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Birth Date . . .
USA Gymnastics Pro/In st. No.
/ .......
Email Address_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ (Email address must be provided in order receive confirmation)
$47 ($65 Foreign Instructor! in total amount due.
To become a pro member (0111·800·345·4719 . . ................
r ....................................................... ....... .................. ................................................................................................
Day phone (
o please sign me up for an Instructor Membership. I have included
Mailing Address ...
Social Security No . ..
o This is a
new address
Please make the change in the USA Gymnas~cs database.
State ................................ ..................................................................... Zip Night phone (
Club Number.........................................................................................•
Must check club owner box for admittance to Exhibition Hall Preview Check all that apply: o Administrator o Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher o Judge
1_$_______......1Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics
Total Amount Enclosed ..
Charge: 0 Visa
Discover 0 Mastercard
......... .... Exp ............ . . ....................... Cardholder Signature . . . . . Card # . . . . Cardholder Printed Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol, Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATTENTION: MEMBER SERVICES
• Credential for entrance to Congress sessions and clinics August 21-23, 2003 Anaheim,CA. • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services . • One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday evening, August 23. (additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 each-available at
NO REFUNDS OR TICKET EXCHANGES ON TICKET PACKAGES All registration cancellations must be in writting. Submit request in writing to USA Gymnos~cs, Anention: Cathy Allen
on-site registration) Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters announce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped. Language: The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages .
Congress attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 20 Early Bird deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the congress registration form .
Before July 20th - Registration fee less $30 service fee per person canceling.
After July 20th - 50% of registration fee per person canceling.
SUBSTITUTION POLICY To transfer registration to another person, the new Congress attendee must also have a Professional or Instructor membership. Before August 1 - $30 per substitution ON-SITE - $50 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Attention: Cathy Allen
The World Unites Celebrating 100 Years of World Championships ARROWHEAD POND OF ANAHEIM · ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA
Now Accepting Applications
August 16-24, 2003 in conjunction with the USA Gymnastics National Congress
ORDER OPTIONS: 1) Mail form with payment to: 2003 World Championships clo A rrowhead Pond of Anaheim 2695 E. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 2) Fax form with payment to: 714-704-2629
For more information. call: 888-8WORLD3 (888-896-7533) Contact Name: Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City/State/Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DayPhone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evening Phone: Email: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ALL-SESSION "STRIP" TICKET PACKAGE Includes A ll Competitions- Aug. 16-24. 2003 - 15 Sessions Plus Podium Training
GOLD SECTION-Lower Level # of "strip" tickets x $549 = Total $ SILVER SECTION-Upper Level # of "strip" tickets x $449 = Total $ BRONZE SECTION-Upper Level x $349 =Total $ # of "strip" tickets CHAMPIONSHIP TICKET PACKAGE Includes Men I!. Women's Team. Individual A ll-Around and Event Finals Only
Aug. 19-24, 2003 - 6 Sessions
SILVER SECTION-Upper Level # of Championships tickets
x $269 =Total $
BRONZE SECTION-Upper Level # of Championships tickets
x $189 = Total $ _ _ __
o Please check for information on our exclusive "Platinum Circle" upgrade ticket packages
o Check here if handicapped accessible seating is required. PAYMENT INFORMATION:
o Check #_______ (make payable to Ogden Faci lity Ma nagement) OMC OAMEX o Visa Card# ______________ Exp date_/_ Print Name on Card _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Cardholder Signature _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _
USA GYMNASTICS --------------------1(
U\ S?O'iTS .
. PL EASE NO TE: This offer is not a guarantee. Requests will be processed on a first-come. firs t·
serve basis and are subject to availability. All restrictions. deadlines and sales are final. There are no exceptions, refunds or exchanges. This offer is non-transferable and tickets are not for commercial or promotional use of any kind
))-- - -- - -- -------2=--=---11
Saletv Certification· Sanctions PDP & KAT Certification Meet Director Certification Skill Evaluator Certification Athtete Wellness 1 -800-345-4719
_U____ pd-ot-e_---;;;)
Happy New Year to one and aLL! ALL of us at USA Gymnastics wish you a safe, healthy, happy and successful 2003 year. The Member Services Staff wishes to extend their best to aLL of our members. We thank you for your continued support.
We are now reaping the benefits of the technology upgrades and initiatives we have introduced over the past two years. At times the challenges, due to the many changes, resulted in frustration for all us. With your kind understanding and patience, we were able to complete Phase One of the Internet/Web-based Member Registration Program. Through these efforts, we have been able to raise the standard of our customer service. We are able to focus on you, our member and customer, instead of the computer glitches and data program challenges.
• Membership card immediately available to print upon successful completion of the online registration. • Elimination of social security number requirement for athlete registration. • Merchandise program will be expanded and shopping will be very accessible through the internet and a 1-800 number. Fulfillment of shipped orders will be done by "next business day" when supplies are in inventory. The above is just a few of the many exciting new initiatives and plans that will be made available to all of our members. Stay tuned.
USA Gymnastics and the Member Services Department are proud to announce a few of the highlights from this past fall season: • Over 80 % of our members have registered online during the months of July through December. • Membership cards were processed and sent out on a weekly basis. • Membership has reached an all time high with more than 96,000 members. • In-house processing always met the turn around processing time for memberships. • The new Safety/ Risk Management course and text was debuted in August receiving great raves. Members attending the new course are most pleased with the updated information and materials. • Safety Certification course registration is now online. • Domestic sanctions can now be applied for online • The Member Services pages have been redesigned to be more "user friendly." • Junior Professional Membership has been added for our young 16 and 17 year old coaches and judges.
• You may renew your memberships early. You will not lose any of your twelve month membership time. Don't let it go to the last minute. • We do send out renewal notices and second renewal notices. Please note that sometimes these letters may cross in the mail and arrive to you after you have renewed. If you do not receive a renewal letter, the result can be due to the post office error, wrong address, mailing house mishap or computer glitch. Please feel free to give us a call if you have a concern. Remember, you can always renew at any time. You do not have to wait for the renewal letter. We send letters out 45 to 60 days ahead of expiration date. • All memberships expire on the last day of the month . • You may take a safety course up to one year ahead of your expiration date. • There is no "grace period" for safety expiration. Please plan ahead. • Sixteen and seventeen year old coaches and judges must have a Junior Professional Membership be on the floor of a sanctioned event.
What's new for 2003? We will continue to refine and upgrade all of our office, computer and online functions and procedures. The following is a short list of the planned initiatives for 2003 . Look for more details in future updates. • Data base upgrade accomplished by January from 4.6 to 4.9 program. • Online educational courses and certification programs available. The safety certification course will be available online by the second quarter of the year. Members may have the choice to attend a live course given by one of our national instructors or take the course online. • Online registration for National Congress. • Online registration for KAT, MELPD, Safety and other courses/clinics.
Finally, most important! Make your plans now to attend the 2003 National Congress and the Men's and Women's Artistic World Championships in Anaheim , CA this August. You will find information in this issue. Don't miss tremendous opportunity! For more information also click on to our website: www.usa-
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TEe H N10 Uf • JAN UARY 2003
Purchase 2003 World Gymnastics Championships Merchandise!
Order TODAY at
Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED: 4/0 / 0
Conference Call Meeting convened Oct. 23, 2002 at 9:00 p.m.
c. Recommends that the regional qualifying score, the score obtained at the state meet that qualifies the athletes to regionals, should also be used to qualify athletes to Team Trials. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED: 4/ 0/ 0
I. ROLL CALL Jola Jones Alexa Hukari Dr. Jay Binder Linda Ocmand Tonya Case-Patterson Carisa Laughon David Reiakvam
Committee Chair
FIG Sports Aero Rep (non-voting) Senior Program Director (non-voting) (absent)
d. Regionals must be held at least 30 days prior to the Nationals competition. Regions also should take into consideration that if they have regionals close to the 30 out mark, they may be at risk for being past the nationals refund deadline.
II. SPECIFICATIONS The modifications to the 2003 Sports Aero Specifications have been completed. There is one final review to be done and then the Specifications will be sent for publishing.
V. NEW COACHES WORKSHOP Because of the demand for information on starting a sports acrobatics program, the Program Committee is beginning to develop a new clinic targeted at this area. Development of the Sports Acrobatics New Coach clinic will continue over the next months with the first clinic targeted for January 11-12, 2003 in Jacksonville, FL.
Use the web site to post the errata page, the Rules for the Sports Aero Competitive Program, and the Men's Four updates. By placing these changes on the web, members who have the September 2001 Specifications book will not be forced to purchase a new book.
The clinic will highlight areas such as: • how to start a Sports Aero program; • coaching techniques for level 5 & 6 competitors; and • basic routine construction.
The Program Committee is in agreement and recommends that the Freedom Cup should follow the format below:
The price of the 2003 Specifications book will be $35.
A tentative date of January 25-26, 2003 has been recommended for Part II of the Fast Tracks Coaching Series. The clinic site is also tentatively set for Sacramento, CA. The clinics will focus on routine construction, choreography, & skill progression. Each coach is allowed to bring their top pair / group for hands on demonstrations and experience.
• Tumbling will not be added as part of the competition. • Private international clubs will not be invited to attend the Freedom Cup. The entries are limited to national federations only. • SAWAGG 11-16 age group will be included. • Sports Acro Team Trials will be in Milwaukee on June 18-22.The elites will compete 5 routines. Team Trials will be used to select the US Freedom Cup Team. Elite Nationals will be held with JO Nationals in Jacksonville the first full week in August. The elites will compete 3 routines at Nationals. Both Team Trials and Nationals performances will be used as selection criteria for the 2003-2004 National Team. Therefore, elites are encouraged to attend both Team Trials and National Championships. Those elite athletes chosen to represent the US at the Freedom Cup will compete in the Freedom Cup events immediately prior to Nationals. • The Freedom Cup will be held first with the finals competition being held over the weekend. The closing ceremonies for Freedom Cup and the opening ceremonies for National Championships will be held on Sun., Aug 3, 2003. There is minimal overlap, but enough to hopefully draw larger spectator crowds.
VII. JUDGING CUNICS The new judging tests for judging certification and re-certifications will be created when the 2002-2003 Specifications are completed. Each region is encouraged to use team teaching tedmiques (i.e. have a judge from the host region and a judge from another region work together to teach the course) for their judging clinics. This will help to promote communication between regions and encourage standardized judging across the country.
VIII. NATIONAL TEAM TRAINING CAMP The tentative dates for the National Team Training Camp are February 1418, 2003. A site for the camp is still being determined.
IX. NEXT PC MEETING SCHEDULE The next Program Committee meeting is scheduled for January 10-12, 2003 in Jacksonville, FL. Meetings are scheduled to begin on Friday, January 10 at 2:00pm. Meetings will continue through Sunday, January 12 at 4:00pm.
a. Recommendation that Team Trials cannot be a substitution for Regional Championships.
Several regions have conducted their arumal meetings. It seems as though the meeting went well. Election results for regional positions and the 2003 competition schedule is to be corrununicated to the national office and forwarded to all Program Committee members.
b. Because of the early timing of Sports Aero Team Trials, the Program Committee recommends having qualifying scores for Elite and Level 10 athletes for Team Trials this year and continues to evaluate it for use in the future.
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Meeting adjourned 10:45 p.m. Approved by Bob Co!m'ossi, USA Gymnastics President •
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Technique magazine will regularly list Member Club invito tiona Is by state in order to help coaches schedule their teams in competitions. When you apply and pay for a sanction with USA Gymnastics, your invitational will automatically be included in the listing. Remember, only USA Gymnastics Member Clubs are eligible for the invitational listing.
AL Planet Invite Event Site - P.O_Box B50602; 900 Schillinger Rood South; Mobile, AL 36685 Start Dote - 2/ 7/2003 Club - Planet Gymnastics P.O_Box 850602; 900 Schillinger Rood South; Mobile, AL 36685 Phone - 251/650-0699 Fox - 251/639-0266 Levels -W4-1 0,WPREPOPT North Alabama Classic Event Site - Florence-Lauderdale Coliseum; Veterans Dr; Florence, AL 35630 Start Dote - 1/24/ 2003 Club -Shoals School of Gymnastics 308 East 6th Street; Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone - 256/ 381-1441 Fox - 256/ 381-1243 Levels -W2-Elite WPREPOPT
AR 2003 Seaside Invitational Girls Gymnastics Meet Event Site - 2415 Donaghey; Conway, AR 72032 Stort Dote - 1/17/2003 Club - Sonshine Academy, Inc. 2415 Donaghey; Conway, AR 72032 Phone - 501/327-7742 Fox - 501/329-4117 Levels -W04,W05,W06,W07,W08 2003 Sonshine Invitational Boys Gymnastics Meet Event Site - 2415 Donaghey; Conway, AR 72032 Start Dote -2/ 8/2003 Club -Sonshine Academy, Inc. 2415 Donaghey; Conway, AR 72032 Phone - 501/327-7742 Fox - 501 / 329-4117 Levels - MI-6
AI Mardi Gras 2003 Event Site -Chandler High School; Chandler Blvd/ AI Ave; Chandler, AI Start Dote - 2/ 15/2003 Club - Arizona Dynamics Gymnastics 1025 N. McQueen Rood; Gilbert, AI 85233 Phone - 480/633-8414 Fox - 480/ 633-8801 Levels -W4-ELITE AI Sunrays Sweetheart Invite Event Site - Phoenix Civic Plaza; 225 EAdams; Phoenix, AI 85004 Start Dote - 2/7/ 2003 Club -Arizona Sunroys 311 0 East Thunderbird Rood; Phoenix, AI 85032 Phone - 602/ 992-5790 Fox - 602/ 992-2420 Levels -W4-ELITE
2003 Coyote Clossic Event Site -ASU PE West; AI State University; Tempe, AI 85282 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club -Arizona Sunrays 311 0 East Thunderbird Rood; Phoenix, AI 85032 Phone - 602/ 992-5790 Fox - 602/ 992-2420 Levels -M1-7
For West Invitational Event Site - Stanford University; Fremont, CA 94538 Start Dote - 1/25/ 2003 Club - Col West Gymnastics 4883 Davenport Place; Fremont, CA 94538 Phone - 510/ 651 -5870 Fox - 510/651-1264 Levels - Wl -ELITE
Desert Devil Classic Event Site - Rawhide Western Town; 23023 NScottsdale Rd; Scottsdale, AI 81255 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club - Desert Devils (Meso) 1927 N. Gilbert Rd Ste 107; Meso, AI 85213 Phone -480/844-9600 Fox -480/ 844-9627 Levels -W4-ELITE
Event Nome - Pacific Classic Event Site - 22982 Avenida Empreso; Rancho Santo Margari, CA 92688 Start Dote - 2/1/2003 Club - California Elite Sports Center 22982 Avenida Empresa; Rancho Santo Margari, CA 92688 Phone - 949/ 589-1512 Fox - 949/589-1377 Levels -Wl-l0
Shamrock Invitational Event Site - 2802 WCactus Rood; Phoenix, AI 85029 Start Dote - 3/ 7/2003 Club - Flames Gymnastics Academy 2802 WCactus Rood; Phoenix, AI 85029 Phone - 602/ 942-7662 Fox - 602/942-0595 Levels -W4-ELITE
Glider Invitational Event Site - MT Son Antonio College; 1100 Grand Ave.; Walnut, CA 91789 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Charter Oak GymnasticsGliders 841 North Dodsworth; Covino, CA 91724 Phone - 626/ 966-8775 Fox - 626/ 967-8838 Levels -W7 -ELITE
CA Winter Classic 2003 Event Site - Peterson gym; 55th St; Son Diego, CA 92182 Start Dote - 2/ 15/2003 Club -Aztec Gymnastics at SDSU Dept. of Exercise & Nutrition; 5500 Campanile Drive; Son Diego, CA 92182-7251 Phone - 619/ 594-4576 Fox - 619/ 594-3554 Levels -W4-ELITE Invitational Event Event Site - Dept. of Exercise & Nutrition; 5500 Campanile Drive; Son Diego, CA 92182-7251 Start Dote - 5/ 3/ 2003 Club -Aztec Gymnastics at SDSU Dept. of Exercise & Nutrition; 5500 Campanile Drive; Son Diego, CA 92182-7251 Phone - 619/ 594-4576 Fox - 619/594-3554 Levels -W4-8 Peter Vidmar Men's Gymnastics Invitational Event Site - Brentwood School; 100 S. Barrington Place; Los Angeles, CA 90049 Stort Dote - 3/ 6/ 2003 Club - Broadway GYM School, Inc. 812 Main Street; Venice, CA 90291 Phone - 310/450-0012 Fox - 310/ 450-6412 Levels -M7 -ELITE
Golden State Friendship Challenge 2003 Event Site - Hilton-Burbank Convention Ctr; 2500 Hollywood Way; Burbank, CA 91505 Start Dote - 3/ 7/ 2003 Club - Golden State Gymnastics 1828 North Keystone; Burbank, CA 91504 Phone - 818/ 558-1177 Fox - 818/ 558-6996 Levels -W4-ELITE Reach for the Stars Opt Invitational Event Site - 1740 W. Hammer Lone; Stockton, CA 95209 Start Dote - 3/2/ 2003 Club - GymStars Gymnastics, Inc. 1740 W. Hammer Lone; Stockton, CA 95209 Phone - 209/957-1919 Fox - 209/957-0860 Levels - W4-10 Dreams of Gold Event Site - 7735 Haskell Avenue; Von Nuys, CA 91406 Start Dote - 5/ 4/2003 Club - Gymnastics Olympica USA 7735 Haskell Avenue; Von Nuys, CA 91406 Phone - 818/ 785-1537 Fox -818/785-1160 Levels -W4-6 LA Classic IX 2003 Event Site - 7735 Haskell Avenue; Von Nuys, CA 91406 Start Dote - 1/25/2003 TECHNIQUE路
Club - Gymnastics Olympica USA 7735 Haskell Avenue; Von Nuys, CA 91406 Phone - 818/ 785-1537 Fox -818/785-1160 Levels -W5-10 Invitational Event Site - 25427 Rye Canyon Rood; Valencia, CA 91355 Stort Dote - 3/ 1/2003 Club - Gymnastics Unlimited 25427 Rye Canyon Rood; Valencia, CA 91355 Phone - 661/257-2496 Fox - 661/253-2781 Levels -W4-6 Medal Mania Event Site -487 S Dawson Drive; Camarillo, CA 93010 Start Dote - 4/19/2003 Club - Leading Edge Gymnastics 487 S Dawson Drive; Camarillo, CA 93010 Phone - 805/ 493-2203 Fox -805/480-9400 Levels -W4-6 Event Nome - Circus of the Stars Event Site -487 S Dawson Drive; Camarillo, CA 93010 Start Dote - 3/1/2003 Club - Leading Edge Gymnastics 487 S Dawson Drive; Camarillo, CA 93010 Phone - 805/ 493-2203 Fox - B05/ 480-9400 Levels -W4-9 LA lights Invitational Event Site -Veterans Memorial; 4117 Overland Avenue; Culver City, CA 90230 Start Dote - 1/24/ 2003 Club - Los Angeles School of GYM 8450 Higuera Street; LA lights; Culver City, CA 90232 Phone - 310/ 204-1980 Fox -310/204-6864 Levels - R4-10 Concord Cup Event Site - 2330-ABates Avenue; Concord, CA 94520 Start Dote - 2/ 22/2003 Club - Michael Anthony's Schl of GYM 2330-A Bates Avenue; Concord, CA 94520 Phone - 925/671-0262 Fox - 925/ 671-7589 Levels -W4-ELITE Invitational Event Event Site -4 Journey; Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Start Dote - 1/ 18/ 2003 Club - Notional Gymnastics Training 4 Journey; Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Phone -714/ 831-7300 Fox - 714/ 831 -6722 Levels -W7 -ELITE
Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site - 415 Mississippi St; Vallejo, CA 94590 Start Dote - 2/15/2003 Club - North Boy Athletic Association 415 Mississippi St; Vallejo, CA 94590 Phone - 707/ 643-9622 Fox -707/642-6071 Levels -W7-10 Classic Event Site - 1450 Great Moll Dr.; Milpitas, CA 95035-5206 Start Dote - 2/ 28/2003 Club - Pegasus Gymnastics Academy 1450 Great Moll Dr.; Milpitas, CA 95035-5206 Phone - 408/ 946-6607 Fox - 408/ 956-5993 Levels -W4-ELITE Son Diego Classic Event Site - Balboa Pork Activity Ctr; 2145 Park Blvd; Son Diego, CA 92101 Start Dote - 1/31/2003 Club -Poway Gymnastics 12850 Brookprinter Place; Poway, CA 92064 Phone - 858/ 748-1716 Fox -858/486-2799 Levels -W4-ELITE Out of This World Event Site -434 Payran Street; Petaluma, CA 94952 Start Dote - 2/ 9/ 2003 Club -Redwood Empire Gymnastics 434 Payran Street; Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone -707/763-5010 Fox -707/763-5542 Levels - Wl-9 Wine Country Classic Event Site - Rohnert Pork Sport Ctr; 5407 Snyder Lone; Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Rohnert Pork Gymnastics 320 Professional Center Drive; Suite 150; Rohnert Pork, CA 94928-2148 Phone - 707/ 585-9377 Fox - 707/585-0579 Levels - M7 -ELITE Stanford Open 2003 Event Site -Stanford University; Burham Pavillion; Stanford, CA 94305 Start Dote - 1/24/2003 Club -Son Mateo Gymnastics 1306 Bmer Street, Belmont, CA 94002 Phone - 650/ 591-8734 Fox - 650/591 -8894 Levels - MELITE Surf Classic 2003 Event Site - 2750 BSoquel Avenue; Santo Cruz, CA 95062 Start Dote - 1/ 24/ 2003 dub -Santo Cruz Gymnastics Center, Inc. 2750 BSoquel Avenue; Santo Cruz,
Club - Brown's Gymnostics Central 740 Orange Avenue; Altamonte Springs, Fl3271 4 Phone - 407/869-8744 Fax -407/ 869-077 4 levels -W5-10
CA 95062 Phone - 831/462-0655 Fax - 831/462-0725 levels -W4-HITE
CO 80920 Phone - 719/ 260-1893 Fax -719/ 260-6994 levels -W7 -ELITE
Surf Classic 2003 Event Site - 2750 BSoquel Avenue; Santa Cruz, CA 95062 Start Dote - 1/24/ 2003 dub -Sonto Cruz Gymnastics Center, Inc 2750 BSoquel Avenue; Santo Cruz, CA 95062 Phone -831/462-0655 Fox - 831 / 462-0725 levels - MElITE-7
2003 Boys Gymnastika Invitational Event Site - 10601 West 44th Ave; Wheat ridge, CO 80033 Start Date -3/1/2003 Club - Gymnastika, Inc 10601 West 44th Ave; Wheatridge, CO 80033 Phone - 303/ 237-8976 Fox -303-374-1184 levels -MElITE-6
Hall of Fame Event Site - Orange County Fairgrounds; 88 Fair Or; Costa Meso, CA 92626 Start Dote - 2/ 7/ 2003 Club -Scats 5742 McFadden Ave; Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone - 714/ 895-2909 Fox -714/ 895-4982 levels -W4-ElITE, MI-7
Team Championships Event Site - 811 Straits Turnpike; Watertown, a 06795 Start Dote - 3/ 16/ 2003 Club - USA Gymnastics 811 Straits Turnpike; Watertown, a 06795 Phone - 860/ 945-6970 Fox -860/945-6970 levels -M6-4
Hula Hoop Invitational Event Site - 110 Springhill Drive #14; Gross Volley, CA 95945 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club -Stellar Gymnastics Academy 110 Springhill Drive #14; Grass Volley, CA 95945 Phone - 530/ 273-3680 Fox - 530/ 273-7156 levels -W4-6 Golden State Hall of Fame Classic Event Site -Memorial Auditorium; 1515 J St; Sacramento, CA 95814 Start Dote - 1/31/2003 Club -Technique Gymnastics 11345 Folsom Blvd; Rancho Cordova, CA95742 Phone - 916/ 635-7900 Fox - 916/ 635-4940 levels -W4-ElITE Top Flight Invitational Event Site - 5127 Mowry Avenue; Fremont, CA 94538 Start Dote - 1/18/2003 Club -Top Flight Gymnastics 5127 Mowry Avenue; Fremont, CA 94538 Phone - 510/796-3547 Fox - 510/ 796-4210 levels -MI -7 Palm Tree Clossic Event Site -Soka University; 1 University Or; Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 dub -U.S. Gymnostics Training Center 1 Argonaut Suite C; Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Phone - 949/ 455-1020 Fox - 949/ 455-1290 levels- MElITE-7
Princess Classic Event Site - North Port High School; 6400 WPrice Blvd; North Port, Fl Start Date - 2/1/2003 Club - Horizon Gymnastics Academy 285 Adalia Terrace; Port Charlotte, Fl 33953 Phone - 941/627-5342 Fox - 941 / 627-3907 levels -W4-1 0
Gasparilla Classic Event Site - 14214 N_ Nebraska Ave.; Tampa, Fl 33613 Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2003 Club - lightning City Gymnastics 14214 N. Nebraska Ave.; Tampa, Fl 33613 Phone -813/558-0035 Fox - 813/558-0038 levels - Tl-Elite, Wl-l 0, WPREPOPT, LATHl4,LATHl5
Easter Bunny Invitational Event Site - 730 St. Johns Bluff Rood North; Jacksonville, Fl 32225 Start Dote -4/5/2003 Club -All American Gymnastics, Inc. 730 St. Johns Bluff Rood North; Jacksonville, Fl 32225 Phone - 904/ 641-9966 Fox - 904/ 641 -9966 levels -W4-6
Whitlow Invitational Event Site - ~isney Wide World of Sports; lake Bueno Vista, Fl Start Dote - 1/24/2003 Club - Orlando Metro Gymnastics 4658 l.B. Mcleod Rood; Orlando, Fl 32811 Phone -407/246-1200 Fox -407/ 246-1586 levels- MElITE-7
American Twister Invitational Event Site - Coral Springs Rec Ctr; 2501 Coral Springs Or; Coral Springs, Fl33065 Start Dote - 2/ 6/ 2003 Club -American Twisters Gymnastics 2100 NW 33rd Street; Pompano Beach, Fl 33069 Phone - 954/ 972-4947 Fox -954/ 755-1750 levels -W4-ELITE
Sand Dollar 2003 Event Site -Walt Disney World; Wide World of Sports; lake Bueno Vista, Fl 32830 Start Dote - 1/24/2003 Club - Orlando Metro Gymnastics 4658 l.B. Mcleod Rood; Orlando, Fl 32811 Phone -407/ 246-1200 Fox -407/ 246-1586 levels -W4-ElITE
2002 Florida West Coast Invite Event Site - 1501 North Belcher Rood; Clearwater, Fl 33765 Start Dote - 2/ 14/2003 Club -Apollo School of Gymnastics 2140 Range Rood, Unit G; Clearwater, Fl337 65 Phone - 727/447-2108 Fox - 727/449-0527 levels - MElITE-7
2002 Florida West Coast Invite Event Site - 2140 Ronge Rood, Unit G; Clearwater, Fl 33765 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club -Apollo School of Gymnastics 21 40 Range Rood, Unit G; Cleorwater, FL 33765 Phone -727/447-2108 Fox - 727/449-0527 levels - WHITE-l 0
Pikes Peak Cup Event Site -3536 Hartsel Drive; Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Start Dote - 1/30/2003 Club -Aerials GYM Center, Inc 3536 Hartsel Drive; Colorado Springs,
Magical Classic Event Site -Orange County Conv Center; 9800 International Or; Orlando, Fl3281 0 Start Dote - 2/ 21 / 2003
7th Annual Oawg Days Classic Event Site - Univ of GA Ramsey Rec Ctr; River Rd and College Station R; Athens, GA 30601 Start Dote - 2/ 6/ 2003 Club - Classic City Gymnastics Acad 1720 Epps Bridge Rood; Suite 108, PMB - 223; Athens, GA 30606 Phone - 706/ 549-0160 Fox -706/ 542-4967 levels -W4-HITE Sweetheart Invitational Event Site - 927 Killion Hill Rood; lilburn, GA 30047 Start Dote - 2/ 21 / 2003 Club -Gwinnett Gymnastics Center 927 Killion Hill Rood; lilburn, GA 30047 Phone -770/ 921 -5630 Fox - 770/ 921-5111 levels -W4-8 Atlonto Crown Invitational Event Site - Gwinnett Civic Center;
6400 Sugarlaof Parkway; Duluth, GA 30097 Start Date - 1/ 17/ 2003 Club -Gwinnett Gymnastics Center 927 Killian Hill Road; lilburn, GA 30047 Phone - 770/ 921 -5630 Fox - 770/ 921-5111 levels -W4-ElITE Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site - Kennesaw Mountain HS; 1898 Kennesaw Due Wset Rd; Kennesaw, GA 30152 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club -Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta 3126 Cobb Parkway; Kennesaw, GA 30152 Phone - 770/ 975-8337 Fax - 770/ 975-3820 levels - W4-ELITE Georgia Cup Event Site - 7545 Industrial Court; Alpharetta, GA 30004 Start Dote - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club - Northwind GYM Center, Inc 7545 Industrial Court; Alpharetta, GA 30004 Phone - 770/475-6103 Fox -770/ 518-0841 levels -WPREPOPT,W7 -10 Roswell City Classic Event Site - 10495 Woodstock Rd Bldg B; Roswell, GA 30075 Start Dote - 2/1/2003 Club - Roswell Gymnastics 38 Hill Street; Suite 100; Roswell, GA 30075 Phone -770/ 641-3987 Fox -770/641-3989 levels -M1-7 Okefenokee Invitational Event Site -Waycross Middle School; 700 Central Ave; Waycross, GA 31501 Start Dote - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club -Southeastern Elite Gymnastic 80 Vickers Rood; Waycross, GA 31503 Phone - 912/ 283-1773 Fox - 912/ 283-8504 levels -WPREPOPT,W4-8
ID Great WEst Gym Fest Event Site -The Coeur d Alene Resort; 115 South 2nd Street; Coeur dAlene, 10 83816 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club - Funtastics 6360 North Sunshine Street; Coeur d'Alene, 10 83815-8699 Phone - 208/ 772-9443 Fox - 208/ 772-9924 levels -W4-9 Gem State Invitational Event Site - 5610 Glenwood; Boise, 1083714 Start Dote - 1/ 30/ 2003 Club - Gem State Gymnastics Academy 5420 West State Street; Boise, 10 83703 Phone - 208/ 853-3220 Fox - 208/ 853-9021 levels -WHITE,W4-10, PREPOPT Gem State Invitotional Event Site - 5610 Glenwood; 80ise, 10 83714 Start Dote - 1/ 30/ 2003 Club - Gem State Gymnastics Academy 5420 West State Street; Boise, 10 83703 Phone - 208/853-3220 Fox - 208/853-9021 levels -WElITE,W4-10 Gem State Invitational Event Site - 5610 Glenwood; Boise, 10 83714 Start Dote - 1/30/2003 Club - Gem State Gymnastics Acad. 5420 West State Street; Boise, 10 83703 Phone - 208/ 853-3220 Fax - 208/ 853-9021 levels -MElITE,MI-7
Idaho Gymnastics Challenge Event Site - 1875 Century Way; Boise, 10 83709 Start Dote - 1/25/2003 Club -Wings Center 1875 Century Way; Boise, 10 83709 Phone - 208/ 376-3641 Fox - 208/ 376-3646 levels -MElITE, MI -7
Aloha Gymfest Event Site - Kailua High School; 451 lelumanu Drive; Kailua, HI 96734 Start Dote - 1/17/2003 Club - Kokokahi Gymnastics Team 45-558 #(21 Kamehameha Hwy.; Kaneohe, HI 96744 Phone - 808/ 235-6866 Fax - 808/ 235-6866 levels -W4-ElITE
Idaho Gymnastics Challenge Event Site - 1875 Century Way; Boise, 10 83709 Start Dote - 1/25/2003 Club -Wings Center 1875 Century Way; Boise, 10 83709 Phone - 208/ 376-3641 Fox - 208/ 376-3646 levels -WElITE,W4-1 0
Kuuipo Classic Event Site - Neal Blaisdell Arean; Honolulu, HI 96781 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Rainbow Gymnastics Academy 98-023 Hekaha Street #7; Aiea, HI 96701 Phone - 808/488-7030 Fox - 808/488-7030 levels -W4-1 0
IL Third Annual Super 80wl Meet Event Site - 2701 Block Rood; Joliet, Il60435 Start Dote - 1/ 24/ 2003 Club -Aerial Gymnastics Arena 2701 Block Rood; Joliet, Il60435 Phone - 815/ 730-7453 Fox - (815) 531-1007 levels -W4-1 0 Midwest Open
(continued on page 38) 271
2002 U.S. Championships.
August 30, 2002 Meeting called to order at 8:05 a.m. PDT by Chair, Yoichi Tomita.
Motion: To place gymnast on probation until the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge, reduce his senior national team funding for three months by 25%, and require an apology to the affected representatives of the sponsors involved. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: George Beckstead PASSED: 7 For, 1 Against, Abstentions
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Mihai Bagiu John Roethlisberger Athlete Rep.
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep.
9:20 a.m. Steve Butcher left call
VII. SHO NAKAMORI REQUEST FOR OTC RESIDENCY There has been a request made for Sho Nakamori to become a resident athlete at the U.S. OlympiC Training Center in Colorado Springs for one year.
II. 2003 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SELECTION PROCEDURES The top two all-around gyrrmasts will be placed onto the team. The Men's Program Committee will select gyrrmasts # 3-7 to comprise the World Championships squad. The final team and alternate selection will be made by a five-man committee, which will consist of the USA Gymnastics Men's Program Director, USA Gymnastics Men's Senior National Team Coordinator, World Championships Team Head Coach, an FIG Judge, and an Athlete Representative. This will occur at the selection camp.
Motion: To approve the request for Sho Nakamori to be accepted in the resident program at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs Motion: Kurt Golder John Roethlisberger 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously (7-0-0)
Motion: To approve the 2003 World Championships selection procedures with minor changes to Section 3B. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Mihai Bagiu PASSED: Unanimously (8-0-0)
Ron Brant presented the need for the coaching staff at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs to focus on gymnasts that could have a positive impact on our international performances during the 2003-2004 competitive season. Two gymnasts currently have not met their performance standards. They are Tony Pilyavsky and Charlie Jones.
Motion: To discontinue the membership in the OTC Resident Program for athletes Tony Pilyavsky and Charlie Jones Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously (7-0-0)
The Senior National Team Coordinator recommended that we invite the following gymnasts to participate in the Selection Competition: Steve McCain on pommel horse and OJ Bucher on parallel bars Motion: To invite Steve McCain on pommel horse and DJ Bucher on parallel bars to the 2002 World Championships Selection Competition Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously (8-0-0) The judges for the competition will be Harry Bjerke, Butch Zunich, Dave Jusczcyk and Steve Butcher.
IV. USOC DEVELOPMENTAL COACH OF THE YEAR SELECTION Motion: To select Keith Pettit as the USOC Developmental Coach of the Year for men's gymnastics Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously (8-0-0)
V. ADDITIONAL FUNDING PROPOSAL Butch Zunich discussed a proposal for additional funding for athletes and coaches as an incentive for placement in competitions during 2003. The rationale is more incentive will lead to better results and even greater sponsorship.
IX. 2003 WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES PARTICIPATION Ron Galimore updated the Men's Program Committee on the cost of sending two athletes, one coach, and one judge to the 2003 World University Games. The cost exceeded $14,000. This would mean having to drop two to three other international invitational competitions currently proposed in the 2003 Budget to cover the cost of this event. Motion: To decline financial support for the 2003 World University Games Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously (7-0-0)
XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously (7-0-0) Call adjourned at 9:50 a.m. PDT. Submitted by Steve Butcher, Secretan), LISA Gymnastics Men's Program Committee
The Men's Program Committee discussed potential sanctions to a senior national team member for his inappropriate conunents to sponsors at the
September 19, 2002
TEe H N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
) } - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -
Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. PDT blJ Chail; Yoichi Tomita
Athlete Rep. (proxy for John Roethlisberger)
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead KUltGolder Miles Avery Bill Foster Mihai Bagiu John Roethlisberger Butch Zunich
II. SELECTION OF 2002 U.S. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS COMPETITORS MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. (absent) Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coad1es Rep. Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep. NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote)
The following procedures were followed by the committee when deciding whid1 gynmasts should be selected for the 2002 World Championships Team: 1) Ranking of the top two gymnasts on each event considering petitioned gymnasts, 2) Selected based on potential for event medals at the World Championships, 3) Selected based on potential as an event finalist / semi-finalist at the World Championships, and 4) Select up to 6 total gymnasts - 2 per event
Kurt Golder was asked to leave the meeting while his athlete was discussed.
Motion: To permit Guard Young to compete Parallel Bars at the 2002 World Championship Selection Camp competition Motion: Mihai Bagiu 2nd: Bill Foster APPROVED: Unanimously
The Men's Program Committee determined the final team selection based on the results of the World Championships Selection Camp competition, 2002 U.S. Championships, and the competitive history of each athlete considered.
Motion: To permit Todd Thornton to compete on high bar at the 2002 World Championships Selection Camp competition Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Mihai Bagiu APPROVED: Unanimously John Roethlisberger & George Beckstead joined call. Steve Butcher left call.
III. LlNH HOANG REQUEST FOR TEAM CHEVRON STATUS Ron Galimore communicated to the committee that he would like their support in his recommending to Chevron that Linh Hoang become a member of Team-Chevron. Motion: To support Linh Hoang's request to receive full Team Chevron status Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Mihai Bagiu APPROVED: Unanimously Kurt Golder joined call.
IV. 2002 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS JUDGES' SELECTION The judge's selection subcommittee has selected Harry Bjerke and Butch Zunich to judge at the 2002 World Championships.
V. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: To adjourn Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Mihai Bagiu APPROVED: Unanimously
Motion: To approve the following slate of athletes, selected by the Men's Program Committee, for the 2002 World Championships in Hungary Paul Harnm: FX, PH, HB Morgan Harnm: FX (petitioned*) Brett McClure: PH, PB, HB Sean Townsend: SR, PB (petitioned still rings) Jeff Johnson: SR Alternates: Guard Young - FX & Justin Toman - SR * A readiness evaluation for Morgan Hamm will take place on November 2nd. }udge(s) and the Sr. National Team Coordinator will be present during the evaluation.
Steve Butcher Yoichi Tomita Unanimously
Kurt Golder retumed to the meeting
III. SELECTION OF 2002 CHUNICHI CUP ATHLETES Motion: To select Guard Young and Todd Thornton to participate in the 2002 Chunichi Cup in Japan, with coach Mark Williams. Motion: Bill Foster Second: Miles Avery APPROVED: Unanimously
IV. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: To adjourn Motion: Bill Foster Second: Yoichi Tomita APPROVED: Unanimously Call adjourned at 4:00 p.m. MDT. Submitted by Steve Butcher, Secretan), USA Gy"mastics Mell 's Program Committee
Call adjourned at 9:45 a.m. PDT. Submitted by Steve Butcher, Secretan}, USA Gymllastics Men 's Program Committee
MEN'S PROGRAM COMMlnEE MEETING MINUTES October 11, 2002 U.S. Olympic Training Center- Colorado Springs Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. MDT blJ Chair, Yoichi Tomita
Call National Travel
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Jason Gatson
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (proxy for Jair Lynch)
TEe H N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
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2002-2003 JR. OLYMPIC ELEMENT SUPPLEMENT The following element values are to be used at JR. OLYMPIC COMPETITIONS ONLY, beginning with the 2002-03 season. Elements marked by an asterisk * indicates that they are in the revised 2002 FIG Code of Points but have been assigned a new number to correspond to the Jf. Olympic difficulty value. NIC indicates "Not in Code". "s" before a number indicates that the element is not found in the FIG Code of Points, but has been evaluated for the Jf. Olympic program. If the "s" number is the same as a number found in the FIG Code ofPoints, the element will be considered the same as the element(s) listed under that number, unless it meets the criteria for making an element different. Note: Elite athletes who plan to perform any of the "S" elements at an Elite competition must submit the element to their Regional Technical Chairman for Elite evaluation. # FOR J.D.
MOUNTS Sl.OI *1.204 Sl.308
Glide, 1/2 turn, glide kip (also within the exercise) Glide stoop through, straddle cut catch the same bar (also in exercise) Jump forward with free straddle over LB, 1/2 turn to catch HB in "L" grip (1/2 turn must be free) Salta forward (tuck, pike or straddled) over LB to L hang on LB Jump to handstand on LB with hips bent, then extended with 1/2 turn Salta forward tucked over LB with 1/2 turn to grasp LB Jump to handstand on LB with hips bent, then extended with 111 turn in handstand
*l.310 C *l.314 C SI.41O D D *1.414 CASTS j COUNTERSWINGS S2.101 A Cast to 11 0 to 44 0 from vertical, legs straddled (hips bent) or together (hips extended), also with 1/2 turn (cast & turn occurs on same side of bar) S2.102 A Cast to squat, stoop or straddle on low bar, jump to grasp high bar *2.203 B Uprise backward to clear support on HE. Also, Turning Uprise S2.205 B Counterswing to straddle backward over LB to hang on LB *2.301 Cast to handstand with legs straddled (hips bent) or together (hips extended) with 1/2 turn, C also to Lor mixed-L grip Also, Cast to handstand, hop to reverse grip in handstand *2.303 Back uprise to handstand C S2.305 Counterswing to straddle backward over LB to handstand on LB, also with liz turn in handstand C S2.306 Counterswing with 1/2 turn in flight to arrive in a clear support on LB (Pritchard) C *2.40 1 D Cast to handstand, hop change to L-grip Cast to handstand with 111 turn in handstand, Also, Cast to handstand with hop change to reverse grip and 111 turn to L or mixed-L grip (considered as same element) S2.403 D Back uprise to handstand, hop to reverse grip in handstand (McCalla) *2.403 D Back uprise to HS with 1/2 turn in handstand, also to L or mixed-L grip Back uprise to handstand with 111 turn in handstand, also to L or mixed-L grip S2.403 D From a cast on HB, swing down between the bars to a turning uprise and straddle forward over HB with 1/2 turn to regrasp HB (Wilson) Back uprise, release with 1/2 turn and straddle flight backward over HB (Franzella) S2.405 D Counterswing, straddle back to handstand on LB with 111 turn in handstand S2.405 D Counterswing with 1/2 turn in flight to arrive in handstand on LB S2.406 D On HB - Counterswing to front salta stretched with 1/2 turn to catch LB in hang (Cox)
NIC 1.104 NIC 1.210 1.214 NIC l.314 NIC NIC 2.103 NIC
2.201 2.203 NIC NIC 2.201 2.301
UNDERSWINGSjCLEAR HIPS S3.203 S3.303 S3.403 *3.404 *3.407 S3.408 *3.503
Underswing (toe-on) with 1/2 turn and flight over LB to hang on LB From handstand on HB, underswing (toe-on) with 1/2 turn and flight over LB to hang on LB On HB, underswing (toe-on) with 1/2 turn and flight over LB to handstand on LB Clear hip circle to handstand, hop change to reverse grip Clear hip circle forward to handstand, also with 1/2 turn (Weiler kip) On LB facing HB- Clear hip circle forward to immediate front salta over LB to catch HB (Pelaez) HS on HB facinK LB- underswing with 11/2 turn and flight over LB to hanK on LB (Strong)
NIC NIC NIC 3.304 3.307 NIC 3.603
BACKWARD GIANTS S4.102 S4.102 S4.203 *4.302
On HB- Long hang pullover to front support On LB - Bckwd. Giant circle to handstand (either side) On LB - Bckwd. Giant circle with 1/2 turn to handstand (either side) Bckwd. Giant with hop grip change in handstand phase
1I".c:::c:::- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i ( 3O
TIC H N 10 UE â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
) f - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
S4.303 S4.304 S4.307
S4.402 *4.403
*4.502 *4.503 *4.505
Bckwd. Giant with '/2 tum in handstand to any grip Also, Bckwd. Giant with '/2 tum, '/2 tum (different directions), also with legs straddled on 2 nd '/2 tum, also with hop grip change on 1Sl '/2 turn On LB - Bckwd. Giant with 111 tum in handstand (Barkan) Handstand on HB , long swing (bail) '/2 tum to hang on LB (Must start in HS to receive C value) On LB facing HB - Bckwd. Giant with release and '/2 tum in tuck position with flight to catch HB , finishing in a hang on HB , facing LB (Laumann) Back giant on HB - hop from regular grip to L-grip in handstand phase (Dochney) Bckwd. Giant with 111 tum in handstand, also to L (Mao) or mixed L-grip
Bckwd. Giant with 111 tum in handstand with hop on first '/2 tum (turns in same direction)
Bckwd. Giant with hop-change to reverse grip and 1//1 tum to mixed-L grip (aka) Bckwd. Giant with hop 111 tum Bckwd. Giant with 211 tum Piked reverse hecht (Piked Tkatchev)
4.303 4.402 4.403 4.405
Reverse hecht with 111 twist (Shushunova) Hang on HB , facing LB - swing forward, saito backward. tucked or stretched with 111 tum between the bars to clear support or hang on LB(Pak 111) (Phillips) Swing down between the bars, swing forward and salta backward stretched with 1'/2 tum to hang on HB (Hristakieva) Swing down between the bars, swing forward and salta backward stretched with '/2 tum (Stretched Gienger) - (Hubbard & Martinjak)
4.605 NIC
NIC NlC NIC Nrc 4.303
4.607 NlC
FORWARD GIANT CIRCLES/SWINGS S5.202 *5.302 S5.302 *5.303
*5.405 S5.405 *5.407 S5.504
*5.505 *5.507
Low Bar - Front Giant (rev. grip), also with '/2 tum (start & finish in HS) Front Giant, also with legs straddled or hips piked in upswing, also with '/2 tum Low Bar - Front Giant with 111 tum in handstand Handstand on HB , swing down forward (back toward LB) in regular or reverse grip, straddle flight backward over LB to hang on LB Handstand on HB - swing down between the bars with grip change to cross grip, '/2 tum in range of hang position and swing upward to HS on HB, also with '/2 tum (Shahaf) Giant circle forward in reverse grip, hop to L-grip in HS (hands must release simultaneously) (Estella) Front giant with regular grip (overgrip)-" slip-grip front giant" - Galloway)
NlC 5.202 NIC 5.203
Also, Front giant with 111 tum, also to Lor mixed-L grip Handstand on HB, swing down forward with back toward LB (regular or reverse grip) to straddle back over LB to handstand on LB Jaeger salta tucked Facing out on LB , LB Front Giant to salta forward to catch HB L-grip front giant, also with '/2 tum From handstand on HB , swing down between the bars with '/2 tum to brief hang with cross grip or change to regular grip, swing backward with salta forward piked to hang on HB (Garrett) Mo saito (Circle swing forward in L-grip with salta forward tucked over HB to hang on HB in reverse grip Jaeger saito piked L-grip front giant with piked or stretched body with 111 tum (or more) in HS, also L-grip front giant with release or hop-change grip to initiate 111 tum completed in handstand, also to L or mixed-L grip
5.302 5.303
5.204 Nrc 5.202
5.305 NIC 5.307 NIC 5.605 5.405 5.407
S6.303 S6.401 *6.404 S6.405
Long kip on HB, passing through clear straddle support - swing/press to handstand, also with '/2 turn (Chow) L-grip front stalder to clear support Stalder forward with regular (over) grip (Bani forti) Stalder backward to handstand, hop-change grip in handstand Facing out on LB , LB Front Stalder to salta forward to catch HB
6.201 NlC NlC 6.304 NlC
CIRCLE SWINGS/HECHTS *7.205 S7.209 *7.409
Seat circle forward with straddle cut backward to hang on same bar Pike sale circle backward (toe on & off) to clear support Pike sole circle backward to handstand with hop-change to reverse grip
- - - - - --
- - - - - - - - - {(
TEe H N10 UE â&#x20AC;˘ JAN UARY 2003
7.105 NlC 7.309 (continued on page 32)
=,. .
)r--- - - - - - - - - - - - -
(continued from page 31)
On LB- Pike sole circle backward through handstand with flight and '/2 turn to catch HB (performed facing either direction) (Bykhovsm Underswing (backward sole circle) to a reverse hecht
*8 .301 *8.302 *8.304 S8.307
S8A04 S8AOS S8A07
S8AlO *8.S04
*8 .S07
From front support on HB, underswingwith 1'12 or 211 twist From a cast, uprise or backswing to straddle cut, saito backward tucked, piked or stretched (Whipsalto-Tanac) on LB or HB Underswing front saIto tucked or piked (toe - on front saIto) Underswing '/2 hlrn to saito backward tucked or piked (Comaneci) Flyaway with double saito backward tucked Handstand on HB- swing down forward between the bars with reverse grip to saIto forward tucked with 1'/2 twist From a cast, uprise or backswing, straddle cut to saito backward tucked or stretched with 111 twist or more on LB or HB (Tanac 111 or more) Double salto backward tucked with '/2 twist in 2 nd saito (Elmore) Flyaway, double saito backward in layout/pike or pike/layout Handstand on HB- swing down forward between the bars with reverse grip or clear straddle circle forward between the bars to a salto forward tucked, piked, or stretched with 2'/2 twist Giant circle backward (facing LB) to saito backward tucked over HB with 111 twist (Harriman) Flyaway, double saito backward tucked with III twist on 1st (Morio)or 2nd saito (Chusovitina)
NIC NIC 8.201 8.202 8.204 NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC 8A04
Also, HS on HB - swing down between the bars- swing forward to saito backward stretched with '/2 twist into saito forward piked with '12 twist (Varga)
Also, Flyaway, double saito backward tucked with 211 twist (Fabrichnova) Flyaway, double saito backward stretched, **also with legs split
8.604 8AOS
Flyaway, double salto backward stretched with 211 twist (Ray) HS on HB-swing down between the bars-swing forward to saito backward tucked with '12 turn into saIto forward tucked (Fontaine)
8.60S 8A06
Also, HS on HB-swing down between the bars-swing forward with 'Iz twist to double saito forward tucked Swing down between the bars, swing forward to salto backward tucked with 'Iz twist into saito forward tucked with '12 twist (Beckman) HS on HB-swing down forward between the bars in reverse or L-grip - swing backward to double saIto forward tucked
Also, HS on HB-swing down forward between the bars in reverse or L-grip - swing backward to double salto forward tucked with 'Iz twist (Arai)
Also, HS on HB-swing down forward between the bars in reverse or L-grip - swing backward to saito forward tucked with '/2 twist into salto backward tucked Hip circle backward on LB or HB - hecht to salto backward with 111 twist
Note: Any double salta backward (flyaway) with total of II I or more twi st (on fust and/or second salta) = E
# FOR J . ~ .
BEAM MOUNTS Sl.l03 Sl.l04 Sl.lOS Sl.l08 SI .207 Sl.213 S1.301
* 1.3 OS S1.30S S1.310
* lAO 1 SIAll
Straddle cut forward to rear support Free jump to straddle stand (90 0 approach) Split leap forward with leg change to straddle split sit sideways with support on one hand Chest or head stand Free forward roll at end of beam Jump with hecht phase to Round-off - approach at end of beam Free split leap forward with leg change (180 0 leg separation) onto end of beam Also, Straddle jump onto end of beam (180 0 leg separation) Free jump to cross split sit - take-off from both legs-diagonal approach Free jump with '12 turn to cross split sit - take-off from both legs-diagonal approach Jump, press or swing to cross or side handstand with 211 turn in handstand- lower to end position touching beam or clear straddle support Free jump with 111 turn in flight to stand Jump, press or swing to cross or side handstand with 1'12 or 211 turn in handstand lower to planche or clear pike suppOli
--1-=3-=2:----------- -----{(
1.20S NIC NIC 1.301 NIC
- - - - - - - - - - - - - --
BB . MOUNTS (CONT.) *1.414 *1.514 S 1.514 S l.515 *1.516
1.314 1.414 NIC NIC l.616
Salto fOlward tucked, landing in cross or side stand -approach at end of beam Saito forward piked to stand - approach at end of beam Salto forward tucked with 1/2 turn to stand Round-off at end of beam - Arabian saito to stand Round-off at end of beam-saito backwd. stretched with 111 twist to cross stand on beam Note: All jumps with 3/4 turn will have the same value as root skill with liz turn unless specifically listed in this Supplement Side straddle jump in cross or side position, hip angle minimum 150°
For 10,
as a
"e" (J 35° or more split) with insufficient split deductions
S2.105 S2.109 S2.208 *2.211 S2.301 *2.302 *2.303
S2.305 *2.306 2.310 2.311 S2.401 *2.402 *2.403
Stag leap forward with leg change Cabriole (front or back) Stretched jump with 3/4 turn Wolf jump (take-off from two feet) from cross or side position Split jump in side position with both legs straight (considered same as Henrichjump) Straddle pike jump from cross or side position, also with 1/ 4 turn Straddle jump to hand support with swing down to cross straddle sit, also with 1/4 turn Also, straddle jump to land in ii-ont support or with hip circle backward (Furnon), also with 1/ 4 tum Split leap with leg change to straddle position - take-off and finish in cross position (Clauson) Pike jump in side position (hip angle 90°) Tuck jump with 3/ 4 turn -take-off both legs Wolf hop or jump from cross or side position with 1/2 - 3/ 4 tum, also landing in front support Split jump with 3/4 tum, beginning from cross or side position Straddle pike jump with 1/2 - 3/ 4 turn from cross or side position Straddle jump with 112-3/4 turn to hand support with swing down to cross straddle sit
Also, Straddle jump with 1/2 - 3/ 4 turn to front SUppOlt or with hip circle backward Pike jump with 1/2 - 3/ 4 turn from SIDE position (from cross position-remains "C")
NIC NIC NIC 2.110 NIC 2.202 2.203 NIC 2.206 2.210 2.210 NIC 2.302 2.303
2.306 (continued on page 34)
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r EC H N I QUE • JA NUA RY 2003
(continued from page 33)
BEAM· LEAPS/JUMPS (CONT.) S2.409 *2.501 S2.501 *2.502 *2.503
S2.506 *2.511 S2.511
Cat leap with 11/2 tum Yang Bo jump in cross position Split jump with 111 tum, beginning in cross or side position Straddle pike jump with 111 tum from cross or side position Straddle pike jump with III tum from side or cross position landing in front support with or without hip circle backward or with swing down to cross straddle sit Pike jump (take-off from two feet) with 111 tum (Cox) from cross or side position Wolf hop or jump with 111 tum from cross or side position Wolf jump with 11/2 tum (Vituj)
NIC 2.40 1 NIC 2.402 2.403
III Illusion
Shoulder roll forward with hand support Shoulder roll backward Shoulder roll forward with hand support and extension of body through vertical to arrive in a tuck stand or stand (Garrison roll with hand support) Free backward shoulder roll (backward Garrison roll) (Kreifels)
NIC 2.410 NIC
BEAM· TURNS *3.505
BEAM· ROllS S6.101 S6.104 S6.201
BEAM· WALKOVERS S7.101 S7.104 S7.106 *7.306
S7 .312
*7.403 S7.403
*7.502 *7.503
Front walkover to bridge, 111 tum on one foot (one hand support) to sit Back walkover to bridge, 111 tum on one foot (one hand support) to sit Valdez with 1/2 tum in handstand From extended tuck sit - walkover backward with 111 tum (1/2 tum in HS on one arm, second Ih tum with late support of second arm) (Diamidov) Flic-flac with tucking and stretching of hips in flight phase with swing down to cross straddle sit, also gainer flic-flac with tucking and stretching of hips (Chen-flic) Aerial cartwheel landing in side position From a side stand on one leg, swing free leg backward to Free (aerial) cartwheel to finish in side position (Aerial cartwheel across the width of the beam) Jump backward (flic-flac take-off)with 1/2 twist to walkover forward (Onodi) Butterfly
8.201 NIC
NIC 7.303 NIC 7.402 7.403
BEAM· SALTOS *8 .301 S8.301
Salta forward tucked (take-off from one or both legs) to extended tuck sit, also without hand support From a straddle sit, cast and whip to front salta in straddle position to land on the hands to a cross straddle sit (Kivisto) Salta backward tucked in side position (across the beam)
*8.501 *8.504
Also, Salta backward tucked with 1/ 4 turn to land sideways on beam (Rosette) Salta forward piked Salta backward stretched with 111 twist
NIC 8.401 8.604
*9.308 *9.408 S9.409 *9.504 S9.505 S9.509
From a stand on one leg- swing free leg backward to a front aerial with 111 twist in tuck or stretched position off side of beam (Mabrey) Gainer salta backward tucked or stretched with 11/2 twist to side of beam Gainer salta backward stretched with 211 twist to side of beam Gainer salta piked with 111 twist at the end of beam - facing out (Rinaldo1 Double salta forward tucked Double Arabian salta Gainer salta backward tucked with 211 twist off the end of beam (Wolf)
NIC 9.208 9.308 NIC 9.604 NIC NIC
Note: JO # *7.310 (Flic-flac ' /2) & *7.410 (Flic-flac 3/4) are listed in the 2002 FIG Code as #5.308 & 5.408 respectively. Values are the same for JO and FIG, but no hold is required for this element at JO.
VALUE FLOOR EXCERCISE FLOOR . Clarifications: LEAPS/JUMPS All leaps and turning jumps finishing in a split sit or front lying support will be valued
# FOR J.O.
the same as the same element landing in a stand, unless specifically listed in the FIG Code of Points or updates. Any leap with 180° leg separation and a 111 (360°) turn will be awarded C Value Part credit. All jumps with 3/4 turn will have the same value as the root skill with 1/2 turn unless specifically listed in this su lement. 134
Stride leap forward with change of legs to wolf position
Backward or forward cabriole
Wolfhop orjump with liz tum
l.l 15
* l.305
Split leap forward with leg change and
1/ 4
turn to side split leap or straddle pike position,
Also, split leap forward with leg change and
1/ 4
turn to straddle pike position with landing in
front lying support (considered a different element) SI.305
Split leap forward with leg change (180 0 separation angle after leg change) and
1/ 4
tum to side
split or straddle pike position (Switch-side leap) with an additional 1/2 tum in horizontal plane to land in front lying support (Kosowski) S 1.306
Pike jump with 111 tum (legs at horizontal)
Tour jete to ring leap with liz turn (Jackson) Stretched jump with 2 11z turn
S1.312 *1.316
Wolf jump with 111 turn landing in front lying support
Wolf hop or jump with III tum
* 1.402
Split jump in place with 1liz tum
Straddle pike jump with 11/2 tum - take-off from 1 or 2 feet
Stretched jump with 311 turn
Wolf hop or jump with [liz tum
* l.516
Wolf hop or jump with 211 tum
211 Illusion turn without touching floor with free leg or hand
Clarification: All handstands (any entry) with 11/2 turn or more
Kick or press to handstand with 11/2 tum in handstand
Handstand forward roll
Backward Roll tucked or piked
Back extension roll with 111 - 11/2 tum in handstand
Walkover backward or Valdez with 111 tum in handstand
Flyspring forward with hecht phase before and after hand support - take-off and land on both legs
(Note: landing on one foot remains "A")
Aerial walkover forward with 111 twist
Front salto piked, also with liz tum
Front salto stretched, also with liz twist
Front salto tucked, piked or stretched with 111 or 1liz twist
Front saito stretched with 211
Front saito stretched with 311 twist
Salto backward tucked, piked or stretched with liz twist
*8 .202
Whip salto backward with liz turn
Double salto backward tucked
Double salto backward tucked with 211 twist
Double salto backward stretched with 111 twist in 1sl or
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1(
8.603 2 nd
salto, or with 211 twist
)1-- - - - - -- - - - - - - -=-5=--1
Born to Run Fast? By Greg Moore, B.A., C.S.C.S. Greg Moore is the Director of Athletic Performance at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport in Indianapolis, Indiana Many people have a preconceived notion that you are either born to be fast or not. Although an individual may have an inherent disadvantage with limb length, muscle attachments, and proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers, most athletes can improve their running speed. For instance, a slow athlete may not become "fast" but he or she can and will become "faster" through proper training. No matter what sport in which you are involved, there are nine components important to the improvement of your speed in sport: • Reaction Time and Starting Ability • Acceleration Time • Stride Length • Stride Rate (or frequency) • Running Form • Speed-endurance • Strength • Power • Flexibility These components are not equally important to athletes in all sports. However, success in speed improvement depends heavily on the length and rate of the athlete's stride. An athlete who can increase either of these two factors without offsetting the other will automatically improve his or her speed. To improve stride length, stride rate and the other seven components, an athlete's training program should include running technique drills, strength training , assisted running, resistive running, plyometric activities, and interval training. The following drills can help you improve your stride length and stride rate. It is recommended that you choose a few to do as part of your warm-up. The drills should be done after some light running and thorough stretching. You should start with 2 sets of 10 yards of each of the drills you choose. As you improve and your body gets used to doing these drills, increase the length from 10 yards up to 40 yards gradually. .-13=-6-=--------- - - - - - - - 1(
MARCHING NO ARMS Concentrate on relaxing the upper body, alternate lifting knees as high as possible and staying on the balls of the feet. Don't lean back. Avoid twisting at the hips or shoulders. Remember, knee up, heel up, toe up. MARCHING WITH ARMS Arms bent at a 90 degree angle at the elbow. As the arm comes forward, the angle of the arm may decrease slightly. The hand should come to shoulder or mouth level. As the arm moves back, the hand passes the hip. As tRe arm continues back, the angle of the arm may increase slightly. The hand should stop approximately one foot behind the body. March with the legs as done in "marching no arms." Remember, opposite arm with opposite leg. MARCHING WITH BOUNCE (IIA" SKIP) Same as "march ing with arms" but a short, quick skip is performed with each step forward. This is a drill involving rhythm . FORELEG REACH (lIB" SKIP) Upper body remains relaxed. Lift one knee as performed for "marching." When the knee has reached its highest point, extend the foreleg forward. With the foreleg extended, paw the foot back to the ground directly under the body and repeat with the opposite leg while moving slowly forward. Don't lean back. Remember, knee up, foreleg reach, paw foot down. Bun KICKS Upper body remains relaxed. Raise onto the balls of the feet. Heels are alternately raised to the buttocks while running slowly forward without lifting the knees. Concentrate on keeping the knees pOinted down. Don't lift the knees. HIGH KNEES NO ARMS Upper body remains relaxed. Raise onto the balls of the feet and begin lifting the knees as high and as rapidly as possible while moving slowly forward. This differs from "marching no arms," because you should be moving the legs rapidly. Imagine how a football player runs through tires. Remember to stay out over the feet. Don't lean back! HIGH KNEES WITH ARMS Legs perform the same movement as in "high knees no arms," but the arms pump alternately with the legs. Opposite arm with opposite leg. Concentrate on taking small steps forward quickly. HIGH KNEES FAST FREQUENCY Same as "high knees with arms" except that the arms are pumped as fast as possible. Remember, the faster the arms are pumped, the faster the legs move!
To learn more about the key speed improvement areas, contact NIFS Athletic Performance at 317.274.3432, ext .
TEe H N10 UE • JAN UA RY 2003
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Pr~ducts sold in the United States by:
(continued from page 27) Event Site -Aerial Arena; 2701 Block Rd Ste 203; Joliet, Il60435 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club -Aerial Gymnastics Club 1516 Brook Dr_; Downers Grove, Il 60515 Phone - 630/495-0150 Fox - 630/495-8710 levels -W5-10 Snowflake -Womens Invitational Event Site - Peterson Pork; 5801 N Pulaski; Chicago, Il 60646 Start Dote - 1/ 26/ 2003 Club - Chicago Pork Dist 541 Morth Fairbanks; Chicago, Il 60611 Phone - 312/ 742-4927 Fox - 312/ 742-5346 levels -W4-10 Snowfloke -Mens Invitational Event Site - Peterson Pork; 5801 N Pulaski; Chicago, Il 60646 Start Dote - 1/25/2003 Club - Chicago Pork Dist 541 Morth Fairbanks; Chicago, Il6061 1 Phone - 312/ 742-4927 Fox - 312/ 742-5346 levels -MI-7 Mardi Gros Invite Event Site - 387 ECongress Parkway; Crystal lake, Il60014 Start Dote - 1/25/ 2003 Club - Crystal lake Gymnastics 387 ECongress Parkway; Crystal lake, Il60014
Phone - 815/ 477-4111 Fox - 815-479-1476 levels -W4-10 Chicagoland Invitational Event Site - 6360 S. Belmont; Downers Grove, Il60516 Start Dote - 2/ 1/2003 Club - Elite Sports Complex, Inc. 6360 S. Belmont; Downers Grove, Il 60516 Phone - 630/ 968-2699 Fox - 630/ 960-5580 levels - R4-Elite,GROUP Chicago Style Event Site - Navy Pier; 600 East Grand Ave; Chicago, Il60611 Start Dote - 2/ 7/2003 Oub - lIIino~ Gymnastics Institute, Int 145 Plaza Dr; Westmont, Il60559 Phone - 630/325-3333 Fox -630-325-1992 levels -W4-ElITE Bravo Classic Event Site - 30 W315 Calumet Ave.; Warrenville, Il60555 Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2003 Oub -Midwest Academy of Gymnastics 30 W315 Calumet Ave.; Warrenville, Il60555 Phone - 630/ 393-6693 Fox - 630/393-6695 levels -W04-ElITE OGC Booster Invite Event Site - 20300 Governors
Highway; Olympia Fields, Il60461 Start Dote - 2/ 23/ 2003 Club - Olympia Gymnastics Center 20300 Governors Highway; Olympia Fields, Il60461 Phone -708/748-9660 Fox - 708/748-7662 levels -W4-1 0 12th Annual St Jude Benefit Meet Event Site - Peoria Civic Center; 201 SW Jefferson St; Peoria, Il61602 Start Dote - 1/18/2003 Club -The Clubs at River City 8603 N. University Street; Peoria, Il 61615 Phone - 309/693-5715 Fox - 309/693-5705 levels -W4-10 Erin E. Olmsted Memorial Meet Event Site - 10482 W163rd Place; Orland Pork, Il 60467 Start Dote - 1/25/2003 Club -Tumbling On U.S.A. 10482 W163rd Place; Orland Pork, Il60467 Phone - 708/403-3861 Fox - 708/403-3872 levels -W4-1 0
IN Teddy Bear Classic Event Site - Foundation for Youth; 405 Hope Ave; Columbus, IN 47201 Start Dote - 2/ 28/2003 Club - Columbus Gymnastics Center Parks & Rec-P.O. Box 858; 405 hope
ave; Columbus, IN 47201 Phone - 812/ 376-2545 Fox - 812/ 378-2892 levels - W4-10 Circle of Stars Event Site - Indiana Convention Center; 100 SCapitol Ave; Indianapolis, IN 46225 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club - DeVeau's School of Gymnastics 9032 Technology Dr.; Fishers, IN 46038 Phone - 317/849-7744 Fox - 317/846-4535 levels - W4-Elite, M7 -EliTE 6th Annual Pot-O-Gold Event Site - P.O. Box 384; 5036 S 600 E(Moon Rd); Plainfield, IN 46168 Start Dote - 2/ 1/2003 Club - Hoosier GYM Training Center P.O. Box 384; 5036 S600 E(Moon Rd); Plainfield, IN 46168 Phone - 317/ 839-9919 Fox -317/ 838-9919 levels - W4-1 0 Event Nome - Flower Power Invite Event Site - 1254 Horse Prairie Avenue; Valparaiso, IN 46385 Start Dote - 5/3/2003 Oub Nome -Horizon Gymnastics Center 1254 Horse Prairie Avenue; Valparaiso, IN 46385 Phone - 219/ 477-6542 Fox - 219/ 477-6542 levels -W5-9
Tropics Invitational Event Site - Huntington North High School; 450 MocGahn St; Huntington, IN 46750 Start Dote - 1/18/ 2003 Club Nome -50-lOot More Than Gymnastics 5334 Keystone Drive; Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Phone - 219/ 484-0254 Fox - 219/ 482-7084 levels -MI-7 Winterfest Event Site - 105 E.Park Rd.; Washington, IN 47501 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club Nome -Tumbling Express, Inc. 105 E.Park Rd.; Washington, IN 47501 Phone - 812/ 254-7673 Fox - 812/ 254-7673 levels -T01-ElITE Mardi Gras Madness Event Site - 105 E.Park Rd.; Washington, IN 47501 Start Dote - 1/18/2003 Club Nome -Tumbling Express, Inc. 105 Hark Rd.; Washington, IN 47501 Phone - 812/ 254-7673 Fox - 812/ 254-7673 levels -W4-9 March Money Madness Meet Event Site - Southport High School; 971 EBonta Rd; Indianapolis, IN 46227 Start Dote - 3/ 8/ 2003
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Club Name -Wrights American Gymnastics 332 Bluff Rd; Greenwood, IN 46142 Phone -317/ 888-4805 Fax - 317/ 888-4820 levels- W4-ELITE
KS Diamond Jewels Invitational Event Site -7270 West 161 st St.; Overland Park, KS 66085 Start Date - 1/ 17/ 2003 Club Name - Diamond GYM & Dance Academy, I 7270 West 161 st SI.; Overland Park, KS 66085 Phone -913/ 851-7500 Fax - 913/ 851-8128 levels -W4-10 Winter Cup 2003 Event Site - 4930 legends Drive; lawrence, KS 66049 Start Date - 2/ 21 / 2003 Club Name - lawrence Gymnastics Academy 4930 legends Drive; lawrence, KS 66049 Phone - 785/865-0856 Fox - 785/ 865-5468 levels -MI-7 Winter Cup 2003 Event Site -4930 legends Drive; lawrence, KS 66049 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club Nome - lawrence Gymnastics Academy 4930 legends Drive; lawrence, KS 66049 Phone -765/ 665-0656 Fox - 785/ 865-5466 levels -W5-10
KY Kidz Blitz Classic Event Site - Heritage Hall - Center Hall; 430 W.Vine; lexington, KY 40507 Start Dote - 1/17/2003 Club Nome - 61uegrass GYM Training Center 3330 Portner PI., Ste. 2; lexington, KY 40503 Phone - 659/ 296-0967 levels -W3-1 0 Champions's Derby Classic Event Site - Broadbent Arena; 937 Phillips lone; louisville, KY 40209 Start Dote - 3/ 7/ 2003 Club Nome - Champion Gymnastics 2531 Blankenbaker Pkwy; louisville, KY 40299 Phone - 502/ 609-1366 Fox - 502/ 609-1362 levels -W3-ELITE
Jubilee! Event Site - Evangel Christian Academy; 5720 Buncombe Road; Shreveport, LA 71129 Start Date - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club Name -Jill Brown's Gymnastics 2210 E. 70th Street; Shreveport, LA 71105 Phone - 318/ 797-5455 Fax - 318/ 797-5422 levels -W02-ElITE, MElite-7
MA Event Name - Boston Classic Event Site - 231 Rivermoor Street; West Roxbury, MA 02132 Start Date - 2/ 1/2003 Club Name - Charles River Gymnastics Academy 231 Rivermoor Street; West Roxbury, MA 02132 Phone- 617/ 469-4911 Fax - 617/ 469-9180 levels -W4-1 0 liMle Bigger Invitational Event Site -Joyce Middle School; 111 locust St; Woburn, MA 01801 Start Dote - 2/ 21 / 2003 Club Nome - Gymnastics And More 8 Micro Drive; Woburn, MA 01801 Phone - 781/938-3669 Fox -781/938-3608 levels -W4, ELITE, WPREPOPT Tim DaggeM Notional Invitational Event Site - 103 Gold Street; Agawam, MA 01001 Start Dote - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club Nome -Tim OaggeM Gold Medal Gymnastics 103 Gold Street; Agawam, MA 01001 Phone - 413/ 766-4686 Fox - 413/ 766-0451 levels - Ml- 6
MD Frederick Classic Event Site -4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD 21703 Start Dote -3/ 14/ 2003 dub Nome -Frederick Gymnasftcs Club 4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD 21703 Phone - 301 / 695-0205 Fox - 301/695-6439 levels -W5-10
2003 Hill's Maryland Classic Invitational Event Site - 7557 lindbergh Drive; Gaithersburg, MD 20679 Start Date - 1/16/ 2003 Club Nome - Hill's Gymnastics 7557 lindbergh Drive; Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Phone - 301/ 640-5900 Fox - 301 / 640-6461 levels -W4-ELITE
Jambalaya Invitational Event Site - 15074 Airline Hwy; Prairieville, LA 70769 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club Nome -Athletes In Motion 15074 Airline Hwy; Prairieville, LA 70769 Phone - 225/ 673-4966 Fox - 225/ 673-4977 levels- W2-ElITE, WPREPOPT
Notions Cop Cup Event Site - PG's Sports and learning Clr; 6001 Sheriff Rd; landover, MD 20765 Start Date - 2/ 26/ 2003 Club Nome -MarVaTeens, Inc. 5636 Randolph Rood; Rockville, MD 20652 Phone - 301/ 468-9181
Fax -301/468-9129 levels -W4-ELITE Columbia Challenge Event Site - University of MD; North Gym; College Park, MD 20742 Start Date - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club Name -Top Flight Gymnastics Center 9179 Red Branch Road; Columbia, MD 21045 Phone -410/ 992-1600 Fax -410/ 992-6832 levels -W4-10 Top Flight Mens Winter Classic Event Site - 9179 Red Branch Road; Columbia, MD 21045 Start Date - 1/ 18/ 2003 Club Name -Top Flight Gymnastics Center 9179 Red Branch Road; Columbia, MD 21045 Phone - 410/ 992-1600 Fax - 410/ 992-6832 levels - MI-7
ME Sweetheart Invitational Event Site - Biddeford High School; Maplewood Ave; Biddeford, ME 04005 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club Nome - Dudziak's School of Gymnastics 9 Pomerleau St; Biddeford, ME 04005 Phone - 207/286-3685 levels -W4-10 American Flyers Cup Event Site - 20 Terminal Street; Westbrook, ME 04092 Start Dote - 1/24/ 2003 Club Nome -Moine Academy Of Gymnastics 20 Terminal Street; Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone - 207/ 856-0232 Fox - 207/ 654-4392 levels -W4-10
MI Spring Fling Event Site - Grand Rapids Community College; 143 Bostwick; Grand Rapids, MI49503 Start Date - 3/ 7/ 2003 dub Nome -ANA Sports U.S. Airborne 1601 Galbraith; Suite 301; Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Phone - 616/ 975-2992 Fox - 616/ 977-0163 levels -W5- ElITE
Start Date - 4/ 5/ 2003 Club Name - Branch Gymnastics 393 N. Helmer Road; BaMle Creek, MI49015 Phone - 616/ 963-4770 Fax - 616/ 963-2225 levels W02,W03,W04,W05,W06,W07 WINTERFEST 03 Event Site - 23966 Freeway Park Drive; Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Start Date - 2/ 1/ 2003 Club Name - Farmington Gymnastics Center 23966 Freeway Park Drive; Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Phone - 248/ 478-6130 Fax - 248/ 615-6802 levels -W4-1 0 WINTERFEST 03 Event Site - 23966 Freeway Park Drive; Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Start Date - 1/31/ 2003 Club Name - Farmington Gymnastics Center 23966 Freeway Park Drive; Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Phone - 248/ 478-6130 Fox - 248/ 615-6802 levels -W4-10 Totally Radical GKWG Invitational/Sectional Event Site - 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club Nome - Greater Kalamazoo World of Gymnastics 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Phone - 616/ 361 -5749 Fox - 616/ 381 -4776 levels -W5-10 Spring Fling State Prep Invitational Event Site - 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI 49046 Start Dote -4/ 12/ 2003 Club Nome - Greater Kalamazoo World of Gymnastics 2723 Kernen Court; Kolamazoo, M14904B Phone - 616/ 361-5749 Fox - 616/ 361 -4776 levels -W5-6 Jester Fest Event Site - 2709 Pine Street; Saginaw, MI 48604 Start Dote - 2/ 6/ 2003 Club - Gym-Jester Gymnastics, Inc. 2709 Pine Street; Saginaw, MI 48604 Phone - 517/ 754-7401 Fox - 517/ 754-1971 levels -MElITE-7
Start Date - 1/25/2003 Club - Gymnastic Training Center Roch 1813 Northfield Drive; Rochester Hills, MI 48309 Phone - 248/ 852-7950 Fax - 248/ 852-8494 levels -MI-7 Motor City Boys Inv Event Site - 5870 North Hix Road; Westland, MI 48185 Start Date - 2/ 1/2003 Club -Michigan Academy of Gymnastics 5870 North Hix Road; Westland, MI 48165 Phone - 734/721 -4001 Fax -734/721 -6445 levels -MI - 7 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - level 7 & 8 Invitational
Event Site - 13300 Reeck Rd.; Southgate, MI 48195 Start Date - 3/ 15/2003 Club -Mills Gymnastics USA 13300 Reeck Rd.; Southgate, MI 48195 Phone -734/ 283-6550 Fox - 734/ 283-6331 levels -W7-8 Solute to Michigan Event Site - 50600 Rizzo Drive; Shelby Township, MI 48315 Start Dote - 1/24/ 2003 Club - Olympia Gymnastics Academy 50600 Rizzo Drive; Shelby Township, MI48315 Phone - 810/ 247-1333 Fox - 610/ 247-3233 levels -W5-10
MN Twin Cities Classic Event Site - 7901 Fuller Rood; Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Start Dote - 2/ 7/ 2003 Club - Classic Gymnastics, Inc. 7901 Fuller Rood; Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone - 952/ 974-9496 Fox - 952/ 974-9503 levels -W4-10 Crowleys Winter challenge Event Site - 1310 Gentry Avenue North; Oakdale, MN 55128 Start Dote - 1/16/ 2003 Club - Crowley'S Gymnastics Center 1310 Gentry Avenue North; Oakdale, MN 55126 Phone - 651/736-6796 Fox - 651 / 736-0603 levels -W5-10
Cereal City Classic Event Site - Kellogg Arena; 1 McCam~ Place; Bottle Creek, MI49017 Start Dote - 2/ 21 / 2003 Club Nome - Branch Gymnastics 393 N. Helmer Rood; BaMle Creek, MI49015 Phone - 616/ 963-4770 Fax - 616/ 963-2225 levels -MElITE-7, W4-ELITE
Gym Jester Invitational Event Site - 2709 Pine Street; Saginaw, MI 46604 Start Dote - 2/ 1/ 2003 Club - Gym-Jester Gymnastics, Inc. 2709 Pine Street; Saginaw, MI 48604 Phone - 517/ 754-7401 Fox - 517/ 754-1971 levels -W02-ELITE
Gypsy Invitational Event Site - 2015 Silver Bell Rood Ste 160; Eagon, MN 55m Start Dote - 1/19/ 2003 Club - Gleason's Gymnastic School 2015 Silver Bell Rood Ste 160; Eagon, MN 55m Phone - 651/454-6203 Fox - 651 / 456-9176 levels -T5-Elite
Karaoke Classic Event Site - 393 N. Helmer Rood; BaMle Creek, MI 49015
Winter Classic Crowder Cup Event Site - 1813 Northfield Drive; Rochester Hills, MI 46309
Tri Sport Festival Event Site - 2015 Silver Bell Rood Ste 160; Eagon, MN 55m
(continued on page 40) 391
(continued from page 39) Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Gleason's Gymnastic School 2015 Silver 8ell Rood Ste 180; Eagan, MN 55122 Phone - 651 /454-6203 Fox - 651 / 456-9178 Levels -T5- 10 Gleason's Invitational Event Site - 2015 Silver Bell Rood Ste 180; Eagon, MN 55122 Stort Dote - 3/ 7/ 2003 Club - Gleason's Gymnastic School 2015 Silver Bell Road Ste 180; Eagon, MN 55122 Phone - 651/454-6203 Fox - 651/456-9178 Levels- MI - 7 Midwest Ultimate Challenge Event Site - 1160 Red Fox Rood; Arden Hills, MN 55112 Start Dote - 3/ 7/ 2003 Club - Midwest Gymnastics Center 1160 Red Fox Rood; Arden Hills, MN 55112 Phone - 651/4B2-9616 Fox - 651/415-0858 Levels -W03-ElITE Iceberg National Invitational Event Site - U01 MN Sports Pavilion; 1901 Fourth St SE; Minneapolis, MN 55455 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club - North Shore Gymnastics 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive; Maple Plain, MN 55359 Phone - 763-479-3189 Fax - 763-479-3231 Levels -MI-7 Winteriest Event Site - IGH Community Ctr; 8055 Barbara Ave E; Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Start Date - 2/1/2003 Club - Perpetual Motion GYM Center 900 Third Street; Sf. Paul Pork, MN 55071 Phone - 651/459-5837 Fax - 651 / 731-0839 Levels -W5-1O
MO All American Spring Inv Event Site - 10449 Midwest Industrial; Sf. Louis, MO 63132 Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2003 Club -All American Gymnastics 10449 Midwest Industrial; Sf. Louis, MO 63132 Phone - 314/ 426-2496 Fox - 314/ 426-1898 Levels -W5- 10 Pony Express Gymnastics Challenge Event Site - St Josephs Civic Arena; 102 S3rd; St Joseph, MO 64503 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club -Arising Stars Gymnastic Center 12061 Victory Drive; Sf. Joseph, MO 64506 Phone - 816/ 232-7502 Fox - 816-232-5557 Levels -W4-10 Gym Quarters Invite Event Site - 92 Hubble Drive; Sf.
Charles, MO 63304 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2003 aub -GymQuarters Gymnastics Center 92 Hubble Drive; Sf. Charles, MO 63304 Phone - 636/ 498-6854 Fox - 636/ 498-6865 Levels -W5 - EliTE St. Louis Gym Centre's Men's & Women's Winter Classic Event Site - 315 West Pacific; Webster Groves, MO 63119 Start Date - 1/24/2003 Club -Sf. Louis Gym Centre 315 West Pacific; Webster Groves, MO 63119 Phone - 314/ 968-9494 Fox - 314/ 968-9346 Levels -W2-10,WPREPOPT, MElite-7
MT Sky High Invite Event Site -Great Falls Gymnostics Or; 815 Crescent Dr.; Great Falls, MT 59403 Start Dote - 2/ 1/ 2003 Club - Great Falls Gymnastics PO 80x 1654; 815 Crescent Dr.; Great Falls, MT 59403 Phone - 406/727 -8782 Fox -406/727-9016 Levels- MElITE-7 Rocky Mountain Cup Event Site - Univ 01 Great Falls; 1301 20th Street; Great Falls, MT 59405 Start Dote - 2/28/ 2003 Club - Great Falls Gymnastics POBox 1654; 815 Crescent Dr.; Great Falls, MT 59403 Phone - 406/727-8782 Fox -406/727 -9016 Levels -MElITE-7, W4-ELITE Electric City Open Event Site - Great Falls Gymnastics Ctr; 815 Crescent Dr.; Great Falls, MT 59403 Start Dote - 2/8/2003 Club -Great Falls Gymnastics POBox 1654; 815 Crescent Dr.; Great Falls, MT 59403 Phone - 406/727-8782 Fox - 406/727-9016 Levels -W4-6 Mismos Magical Meet Event Site - Loyolas RAM Center; 10405 1st St West; Missoula, MT 59801 Sturt Dote - 3/1/2003 Club -Mismo Gymnastics, Inc 1900 WBroadway; Missoula, MT 59802 Phone - 406/728-0908 Levels -W4-10
Ne Solem Invitational Event Site -4870 Country Clud Rd.; Winston Salem, NC 27104 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club -Solem Gymnastics Center, Ltd. 4870 Country Clud Rd.; Winston Solem, NC 271 04 Phone - 336/ 765-4668 Fox -336/ 760-3337 Levels -WPREPOPT,W4-ElITE
WNC Championships Event Site - 26-A Glendale Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Start Date - 3/ 9/ 2003 Club -Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acad 26-A Glendale Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Phone - 828/ 252-8746 Fox - 828/ 252-6143 Levels -W4-1 0
ND Forgo Classic Event Site - 2001 17th Avenue South; Fargo, NO 58103 Start Dote - 1/ 25/ 2003 Club -American Gold Gymnastics 2001 17th Avenue South; Forgo, NO 58103 Phone - 701/ 280-0400 Fox -701/280-2691 Levels -W5-1O Cupid Invite Event Site - 1602 32nd Ave S; Grand Forks, NO 58201 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Red River Volley GYM Club 1602 32nd Ave S; Grand Forks, NO 58201 Phone -701/746-2797 Fox - 701/746-2796 Levels -MI - 7 Cupid Invitational Event Site - 1602 32nd Ave S; Grand Forks, NO 58201 Start Dote - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Red River Valley GYM Club 1602 32nd Ave S; Grand Forks, NO 58201 Phone - 701/746-2797 Fax - 701/ 746-2796 Levels -W5 - 10
NE 2003 Premier Invitational Event Site - 10702 Browne St; Omaha, NE 68134 Start Dote - 1/31/2003 Club - Premier Gymnastics 10702 8rowne St; Omaha, NE 68134 Phone -402/ 571 -6630 Fox - 402/ 571-9522 Levels- W4 - 10
NH Winter Carnival Event Site - 112 Crawley Falls Rood; Brentwood, NH 03833 Start Dote - 1/17/2003 Club - GYM At Brentwood Commons 112 Crowley Falls Rood; Brentwood, NH 03833 Phone - 603/ 642-7200 Fox - 603/ 642-9211 Levels- Ml -7 Region 6 NH Event Site - 66 Third Street Suite 101; Dover, NH 03820 Stort Dote - 1/25/2003 Club -Tri-Star Gymnastics 66 Third Street; Dover, NH 03820 Phone - 603/ 749-1234 Fox - 603/ 749-5678 Levels -W4-Elite, WPREPOPT
NJ Invitational Event Event Site - 309 Fries Mill Rood; Echo rECHNIQUE â&#x20AC;˘
Plazo; Sewell, NJ 08080 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club -Atlantic Coast Gymnastics 309 Fries Mill Road; Echo Plaza; Sewell, NJ 08080 Phone -856/582-6444 Fox - 856/ 582-0087 Levels -W4 - 10 NJ Rhythmic Championship Event Site -The College 01 NJ; 2000 Pennington Rd; Ewing, NJ 08628 Start Dote - 3/15/2003 Club - Motion Gymnastics, Inc. #55 Route 31 South, Building C; Pennington, NJ 08534 Phone - 609/ 730-9394 Fox - 609/ 730-9339 Levels - R5 - 10, GROUP Flips and Kisses Classic Event Site - 1274 Highway 77; Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 aub -Star Bound Gymnastics Academy 1274 Highway 77; Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Phone - 856/ 453-7996 Fox - 856/ 453-7559 Levels -W4 - 10 Event Nome -The Scarlett Cup Event Site - livingston Campus; Ave E; Piscataway, NJ Start Date - 2/ 21/2003 Club -Wilton Academy 01 Gymnastics 2248 Route 9 South; Howell, NJ 07731 Phone -732/ 462-2079 Fox -732/462-3877 Levels- W4 - 10
NM New Mexico Classic Event Site - UNM Johnson Center; University and Central; Albuquerque, NM 87131 Start Date - 1/18/2003 Club - Gold Cup Gymnastics 6009 Carmel Ave NE; Albuquerque, NM 87113 Phone - 505/ 821-8417 Fax -505/ 821-8507 Levels- MElITE-7 New Mexico Classic Event Site - UNM Johnson Center; University and Central; Albuquerque, NM 87131 Start Dote - 1/ 18/ 2003 Club - Gold Cup Gymnastics 6009 Carmel Ave NE; Albuquerque, NM 87113 Phone - 505/ 821 -8417 Fox - 505/ 821-8507 Levels -W5 - ELITE
Center; 8275 Spring Mountain Rd; Los Vegas, NV 89117 Start Date - 3/1/2003 Club - Desert Gymcats Gymnastics 950 S_Cimarron Road; Los Vegas, NV 89145 Phone - 702/ 798-3547 Fox -702/ 341 -5853 Levels- W4 - 10 Go For It Clossic Event Site - Cox Pavillion Univ 01 NV Las V;4505 Maryland Pkwy; Los Vegas, NV 89154 Start Dote - 1/31/2003 Club -Go For It USA 4310 Losee Rood Suite 2; North Los Vegas, NV 89030 Phone - 702/ 658-9003 Fox -702/ 658-0598 Levels - MElITE - 7, W4-EliTE Vegas Cup Event Site - University 01 Nevada, LV; 4000 Maryland Parkway; Los Vegas, NV B9121 Start Dote - 2/ 6/ 2003 Club - Gymcats Gymnastics 440 S.Porkson Suite B; Henderson, NV 89015 Phone -702/ 566-1414 Fax - 702/ 566-1310 Levels -W4 - ELITE Springiest Event Site - 120 Woodland Ave.,Ste. B; Reno, NV 89523 Start Date - 3/1/2003 Club - High Sierra Gymnastics 120 Woodland Ave.,Ste. B; Reno, NV 89523 Phone - 775/ 747-7748 Fox -775/ 747-1396 Levels- W4 - 10
NY Tye Dye Invitational Event Site - 9659 State Route 49; PO Box 396; Marcy, NY 13403 Start Dote - 3/30/2003 Club - Empire Gym and Dance, Inc 9659 State Route 49; PO Box 396; Marcy, NY 13403 Phone - 315/ 735-4774 Fox - 315/ 735-4774 Levels - W4-7
Mond TCoca Cola Invitational Event Site - 70 Weiss Ave; WSeneca, NY 14224 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 Club - GYM Unlimited-Orchard Pork 70 Weiss Ave; WSeneco, NY 14224 Phone - 716/677-0338 Fox -716/ 675-9748 Levels -W4 - 10
Vegas Vocation 2003 Event Site - 1000 Stephanie Place # 1; Henderson, NV 89014 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003 aub -Academy 01 Gymnastics & Dance 1000 Stephanie Place # 1; Henderson, NV 89014 Phone - 702/ 795-3332 Fax -702/456-4836 Levels- W4 - 10
Buffalo Challenge Event Site - 1641 NFrench Rood; GetZVille, NY 14068 Stort Dote - 1/25/2003 Club - Greater Buffalo GYM Center 1641 NFrench Rood; Gefzvl11e, NY 14068 Phone - 716/ 639-0020 Fox - 716/ 639-0022 Levels -W4 - 9
Cactus Cooler Invitational Event Site - Desert Breeze Community
Volentine Invitationol Event Site - 977 Kings Highway;
Saugerties, NY 12477 Start Date - 2/ 15/ 2003 Club - Gym Stars 977 Kings Highway; Saugerties, NY 12477 Phone - 914/ 246-3890 levels -W4 - 10
43211 Start Date - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club - Buckeye Gymnastics 7159 Northgate Way; PO Box 2295; Westerville, OH 43082 Phone - 614/ 895-1611 Fax - 614/ 895-7644 levels -W4-6, 10-ElITE
II Classics Event Site - longwood Sports Complex; 2 longwood Rd; Middle Island, NY 11954 Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2003 Club - Long Island Gym Nest 27 AIndustrial Blvd.; Medford, NY 11763 Phone - 516/ 924-9422 Fax - 516/ 924-7812 levels -W4 - ElITE
US Coaches Cup Event Site - Cincinnati Convention Ctr; 525 Elm St; Cincinnati, OH 45202 Start Dote - 1/ 24/ 2003 Club - Cincinnati Gymnastics 3635 Woodridge Blvd; Fairfield, OH 45014 Phone - 513/ 860-30B2 Fox - 513/ 870-3831 levels -W4 - 10
Niagara Cup Event Site - 3305 Niagara Falls Blvd; North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Start Date - 3/ 7/ 2003 Club - Niagara/ Gleason's Gymnastics 3305 Niagara Falls Blvd; North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Phone - 716/ 694-6557 Fax - 716/ 694-6557 levels -W04-ELITE
Flytz Classic Event Site -Summit Co Fairgrounds; 229 East Howe Rd; Tallmadge, OH 44278 Start Date - 1/24/2003 Club - FlYTZ USA Gymnastics, Inc. 2900 State Road; Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 Phone - 330/ 926-2900 Fax - 330-929-6703 levels -W4 - ELITE
lucky Stars Invitational Event Site -Jamestown Community College; 525 Falconer Street; Jamestown, NY 14701 Start Dote - 3/14/2003 Club - Stroup's Gymnastics 21 EThird St Suite #4; Jamestown, NY 14701 Phone - 716/ 665-8081 Fox - 716/ 665-8051 levels -W4 - 10
GTCO Invitational Event Site - 500 Conover Drive; Franklin, OH 45005 Start Dote - 1/ 25/ 2003 Club - GYM Training Center of Ohio, I 500 Conover Drive; Franklin, OH 45005 Phone - 937/ 746-2213 Fox - 937/ 746-6443 levels -M1-7
Fireball Invitational Event Site - 117 New Hartford Sf.; New Hartford, NY 13413-5306 Start Date - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club -Valley Gymnastics Co. 117 New Hartford Sf.; New Hartford, NY 13413-5306 Phone - 315/ 736-4400 Fox - 315/ 736-3366 levels -W4 - 8
Hand 2 Hand Winter Invitational Event Site - 270 Hiawatha Trail; Springboro, OH 45066 Start Date - 1/ 19/ 2003 Club - Hand 2 Hand Acrobatic Training 270 Hiawatha Trail; Springboro, OH 45066 Phone - 937-743-1466 levels -Tl-ELITE
leatherstocking Invitational Event Site - Proctor High School; Hilton Ave; Utica, NY 13501 Start Date - 1/17/2003 Club -Valley Gymnastics Co. 117 New Hartford St.; New Hartford, NY 13413-5306 Phone - 315/ 736-4400 Fox - 315/736-3366 levels -W4 - 10
Cupid Classic Event Site - 810 Slocum Rd; lancaster, OH 43130 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club - Hocking Valley GYM Center 810 Slocum Rd; lancaster, OH 43130 Phone -740/ 653-3547 Fox levels - W4 - 10
Empire State Classic Invitational Event Site - 49 Railroad Avenue; Albany, NY 12205 Start Dote - 1/ 24/ 2003 Club -Yury's Gymnastics Club 49 Railroad Avenue; Albany, NY 12205 Phone - 518/ 438-4932 Fox - 518/ 438-3358 levels -W4 - ElITE
OH Buckeye Classic Event Site - Celeste Center/ Ohio Expo Ctr; 717 E17th Ave; Columbus, OH
Spring Fling Event Site - 810 Slocum Rd; lancaster, OH 43130 Start Dote - 3/ 8/ 2003 Club - Hocking Valley GYM Center 810 Slocum Rd; lancaster, OH 43130 Phone - 740/ 653-3547 Fox levels - MElITE-7 Blaine Wilson's Ohio Classic Event Site - lausche Building; 717 East 17th Avenue; Columbus, OH 43211-2698 Start Date - 2/ 14/ 2003 Club Nome -Ohio Gymnastics
Institute, Inc. 3761 Mahoning Avenue; Youngstown, OH 44515 Phone - 330/ 793-5200 Fax -330/ 793-5218 levels -MElITE,MEXHIB - 7 Under the Big Top Event Site - Courts of Praise; 7474 Morris Rd; Hamilton, OH 45011 Start Date - 1/17/ 2003 Club -Queen City Gymnastics/ Kids First 7900 E. Kemper Rd.; Cincinnati, OH 45249-1618 Phone - 513/ 489-7575 Fox - 513/ 489-9761 levels -W4 - 10 Shooting Stars Invitational Event Site - 1232 Falke Dr.; Dayton, OH 45432 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club -Stars GYM And Dance, Inc. 1232 Falke Dr.; Dayton, OH 45432 Phone - 937/ 252-8787 Fax - 937/ 252-4154 levels -W4 - 9
OK Nadia Comaneci International Invitational Event Site -Myriad Convention Center; 1 Myriad Gardens; Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Start Date - 5/ 9/ 2003 Club - Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK 73070-4166 Phone -405/447-7500 Fax -405/321-7229 levels - WElITE Bart Conner Invitational Event Site - P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK 730704166 Start Date - 1/31/2003 dub -Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK 73070-4166 Phone - 405/447-7500 Fax -405/321-7229 levels - MELITE - 7 Nadia Comaneci Invitational Event Site - P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK 730704166 Start Date - 2/ 14/2003 Club - Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK 73070-4166 Phone -405/447-7500 Fox -405/321-7229 levels -W4 - ELITE Dream Catcher Classic Event Site - Coca Colo Bricktown Event Ctr; 429 ECalifornia; Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Start Date - 2/ 21/2003 Club -Mat TroNers Gymnastics 7009 N.W.63Rd; Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Phone - 405/722-0808 Fax - 405/722-0821 levels -W4 - 10 TECHNIQUE路
Tulsa "WORLD" Invitational Event Site -7020 E38Th Street; Tulsa, OK 74145 Start Date - 1/17/ 2003 Club -Tulsa World of Gymnastics 7020 E3BTh Street; Tulsa, OK 74145 Phone - 918/ 664-8683 Fax - 918/ 664-78Bl levels -W4-ELITE
OR Acro Challenge Event Site - 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 97701 Start Dote - 3/ 22/ 2003 Club -Acrovision Sports Center 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 97701 Phone - 541/388-5555 Fax - 541/318-0329 levels -W4 - 6 Bachelor Invitational Event Site - 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 97701 Start Date - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club -Acrovision Sports Center 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR 97701 Phone - 541/388-5555 Fax - 541/318-0329 levels -M7 - 1 2003 American Elite Classic Event Site - 2233 NE 244th Street #A-l; Woodvillage, OR 97060 Start Date - 2/ 21/2003 Club -American Elite Gymnastics 2233 NE 244th Street #A-l ; Woodvillage, OR 97060 Phone - 503/ 667-8872 Fax - 503/ 667-8872 levels -W4 - ElITE Co-Ed MAC Open Event Site - P.O. Box 390; Portland, OR 97207-0390 Start Date - 2/ 10/ 2003 Club -Multnomah Athletic Club P.O. Box 390; Portland, OR 97207-0390 Phone - 503/ 223-6251 ext 242 Fax - 503/223-8497 levels -W4 - ElITE,M07 - ELITE Emerald Team Challenge Event Site - lane Community College; 4000 E30th Avenue; Eugene, OR 97405 Start Date - 3/1/2003 Club - National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics 869 Shelly; Springfield, OR 97477 Phone - 541/744-2002 Fox - 541/485-2322 levels -W4 - 10 Oregon Kick-Off Event Site - 16305 NW Bethany Cf.; Suite 109; Beaverton, OR 97006 Start Date - 1/ 18/ 2003 Club -Oregon Gymnastics Academy 16305 NW Bethany Ct.; Suite 109; Beaverton, OR 97006 Phone - 503/531-3409 Fox - 503/ 531 -924B levels -T5 - 10 Oregon Kick-Off Event Site - 16305 NW Bethany Cf.; Suite 109; Beaverton, OR 97006 Start Date - 1/ 18/ 2003
Club - Oregon Gymnastics Academy 16305 NW Bethany Ct.; Suite 109; Beaverton, OR 97006 Phone - 503/ 531 -3409 Fax - 503/ 531-9248 levels -T5 - 10
PA Event Nome - Dutch Classic Event Site - Conrad Weiser Middle School; 44 Big Spring Rd; Robesonia, PA 19551 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club - Berks Gymnastic Academy 325 Morgantown Road; Reading, PA 19611 Phone - 610/372-8454 Fox - 610/ 372-3433 levels -W5 - ELITE PA State Challenge Event Site - 3360 Industrial Road; Harrisburg, PA 17112 Start Date - 2/22/ 2003 Club -Central PA Academy of GYM 3360 Industrial Road; Harrisburg, PA 17112 Phone -717/231-3962 levels -M1-7 Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site - 274 E. Fifth Street; Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Start Dote - 3/2/ 2003 Club - Columbia Academy 274 E. Fifth Street; Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Phone - 570/ 387-0539 Fox - 570/ 387-0195 levels -W4 - 6 Hug & Kiss Meet Event Site - Route 743; PO Box 583; Hershey, PA 17033 Start Date - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club - Gymnastic Center of Hershey Route 743; PO Box 583; Hershey, PA 17033 Phone -717/ 534-1881 Fax - 717/ 534-9003 levels -W4 - 10 Hug and Kiss Meet Event Site - Route 743; PO Box 583; Hershey, PA 17033 Start Dote - 2/ 8/ 2003 Club - Gymnastic Center of Hershey Route 743; PO Box 583; Hershey, PA 17033 Phone -717/ 534-1881 Fox -717/ 534-9003 levels -W4 - 10 John PancoN Invitational Event Site - Founders Pavillion; 1001 Elincoln Highway; Exton, PA 19341 Start Date - 3/ 8/ 2003 Club -John PancoN Gymnastic Center 284 lancaster Avenue; Malvern, PA 19355 Phone - 610/ 647-9847 Fax - 610/ 644-8244 levels -W4 - 10 John PancoN Invitational Event Site - Founders Pavilion at Church Fa; 1001 Elincoln Hwy; Exton, PA 19341 Start Date - 2/ 8/ 2003
(continued on page 42) 41
(continued from poge 41) Club -John Pancott Gymnastic Center 284 lancaster Avenue; Malvern, PA 19355 Phone - 610/ 647-9847 Fox - 610/ 644-8244 levels - M7 -Elite Storm Spring Invitational Event Site -6B13 West Ridge Rood; Fairview, PA 16415 Start Date - 3/ 29/ 2003 Club - lake EHect GYM xhool, Inc. 6813 West Ridge Rood; Fairview, PA 16415 Phone - 814/474-1B35 Fax -814/474-1024 levels -W5-6
Center P_O. 80x 631 ; Pottsville, PA 17901 Phone - 570/ 628-4966 Fox - 570/ 622-3352 levels -W4 - ElITE Winterfest Event Site -362 S. Warminster Rood; Hatboro, PA 19040 Start Date - 2/14/ 2003 Club - Ricochets Gymnastics Club 362 S. Warminster Road; Hatboro, PA 19040 Phone - 215/ 328-0900 Fox - 215/328-0857 levels -WPREPOPT,W4 - ElITE
lVSA Invitational Event Site - 1665 East Race Street; Allentown, PA 18109 Start Dote - 1/ 18/ 2003 Club - lehigh Volley Sports Academy 1665 East Race Street; Allentown, PA 18109 Phone - 610/264-2208 Fox - 610/ 264-2169 levels -MI -7
Twister Invitational Event Site - 155 Philmont Avenue; Asplund's Field House; Feasterville, PA 19053 Start Dote - 3/ 8/ 2003 Club -Somerton Gymnastics 155 Philmont Avenue; Feasterville, PA 19053 Phone - 215/ 364-7878 Fax - 215/ 364-7379 levels -W4 - 9
level 5-6 Invitational Event Site -4382-AGibsonia Rd; Gibsonia, PA 15044 Start Dote - 2/ 23/ 2003 Club - Northland GYM & Cheerleading 4382-AGibsonia Rd; Gibsonia, PA 15044 Phone - 724/444-3010 Fox -724/444-3013 levels -W5-6
001 motion Classic Event Site - 513 Dickerson Rood; North Wales, PA 19454 Start Dote - 2/ 1/2003 Club -Spirit GYM Training Center 513 Dickerson Rood; North Wales, PA 19454 Phone - 215/ 699-2900 Fox - 215/ 699-2901 levels -W4 - 10
Fun inthe Sun Invitational Event Site - 4382-A Gibsonia Rd; Gibsonia, PA 15044 Start Date -3/ 15/2003 Club - Northland GYM & Cheerleading 4382-A Gibsonia Rd; Gibsonia, PA 15044 Phone - 724/ 444-3010 Fox - 724/ 444-3013 levels -W5-6
Coco Colo Parkettes Invitational 2003 Event Site -Clarion Hotel; 904 Hamilton Moll; Allentown, PA 18101 Start Dote - 1/24/ 2003 Club - Parkettes Notional GYM Center 401 Martin luther King Drive; Allentown, PA 18102 Phone - 610/433-0011 Fax - 610/ 433-8948 levels -W4 - 10 Brion Babcock Memorial Invitational 2003 Event Site - 401 Martin luther King Drive; Allentown, PA 18102 Start Dote - 1/31/2003 Club - Parkettes Notional GYM Center 401 Martin luther King Drive; Allentown, PA 18102 Phone -610/ 433-0011 Fox - 610/433-8948 levels - MELITE - 7 Friendship Classic 2003 Event Site - Martz Hall; 16th and laurel Boulevard; Pottsville, PA 17901 Start Dote - 3/ 28/ 2003 Club - Pottsville Gymnastic Training
2003 Charleston Cup Event Site - North Charleston Convention Cn; 5001 Coliseum Drive; North Charleston, SC 29418 Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2003 Club - Charleston Gymnastics 1088 Quail Drive; Charleston, SC 29412 Phone -843/720-3895 Fax - 843/ 762-6090 levels -W4 - EliTE, WPREPOPT Starburst Invitational Event Site - 3710 Grandview Drive; Simpsonville, SC 29680 Start Dote - 1/ 24/2003 Club - Extreme Gymnastics 3710 Grandview Drive; Simpsonville, SC 29680 Phone - 864/ 967-8931 Fax - 864/ 963-7186 levels -W4 - 10 Event Nome - Beach Break 2003 Event Site - 523 Highway 17 N; North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Start Dote - 2/ 21/ 2003 Club - Gymnastics and More 523 Highway 17 N; North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Phone -843/249-5867 Fox - 843/ 249-5823 levels -MI - 7 Beach Break 2003 Event Site - North Myrtle Beach Recreation; Possum Trott Toad; North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2003
Club -Gymnastics ond More 523 Highway 17 N; North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Phone - 843/ 249-5867 Fox -843/249-5823 levels -W4 - ElITE,WPREPOPT Teddy Bear Tumble Event Site - 523 Highway 17 N; North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Start Dote - 3/8/2003 Club - Gymnastics and More 523 Highway 17 N; North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Phone - 843/ 249-5867 Fox - 843/ 249-5823 levels -W4 - 6,WPREPOPT
SD Rushmore Invitational Event Site - Stevens High School; 1200 44th St; Rapid City, SO 57702 Start Dote - 2/28/2003 Club -Just Jymnastics 2830 West Omaha Street; Rapid City, SO 57702 Phone - 605/ 341 -5914 Fox - 605/341 -5914 levels -W4 - 10 Rumble inthe Jungle Event Site - 1908 N.Jennifer Place; Sioux Falls, SO 571 07 Start Dote - 1/25/ 2003 Club - Power and Groce Gymnastics 1908 N. Jennifer Place; Sioux Falls, SO 57107 Phone - 605/ 361-3419 levels -W4 - 10
TN John Macready's Flip Fest Invitational Event Site - Knoxville Civic Center; Knoxville, TN 37921 Start Date - 1/24/ 2003 Club - Premier Gymnastics & Tumbling 5331 Western Avenue; Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone -865/588-2105 Fox - 865-588-0861 levels -M7 - 1, W4-1 0, PREOPT Flipfest Event Site - Knoxville Civic Colisium; 500 Howard Baker Jr Dr; Knoxville, TN 37902 Start Dote - 1/24/2003 Club - Premier Gymnastics & Tumbling 5331 Western Avenue; Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone -865/588-2105 Fox - 865-588-0861 levels -T4 - 10
Event Site - Gatlinburg Convention Ctr; Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Start Dote - 2/ 7/2003 Club -Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acad 26-A Glendale Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Phone - 828/ 252-8746 Fox - B28/ 252-6143 levels -WPREPOPT,W4 - 10
Event Site - 9983 West University; McKinney, TX 75071 Start Dote - 2/1/2003 Club - North Star Gymnastics 9983 West University; McKinney, TX 75071 Phone - 972/ 562-2777 Fax - 972/ 562-9362 levels - MElITE - 7
Gatlinburg Gymnastic Classic Event Site -Gatlinburg Convention Ctr; Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Start Dote - 2/7/ 2003 Club -Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acad 26-A Glendale Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Phone - 828/ 252-8746 Fox - 828/ 252-6143 levels -Ml -7
Friendship Invite Event Site - 9983 West University; McKinney, TX 75071 Start Dote - 2/ 1/2003 Club - North Star Gymnastics 9983 West University; McKinney, TX 75071 Phone - 972/562-2777 Fox - 972/562-9362 levels- MElITE - 7
Snowman Invitational Event Site - 6001 Mountain Shadows Drive; Austin, TX 78735 Start Dote - 1/ 25/2003 Club - Oak Hill Gymnastics Academy 6001 Mountain Shadows Drive; Austin, TX 78735 Phone - 512/288-1702 Fax -512/ 264-3986 levels - M5 - 7
Beach Bosh Invitational Event Site -4721 Strack Rood; Houston, TX 77069 Start Date - 3/8/ 2003 Club - Bannon's Gymnastix, Inc. 4721 Strack Road; Houston, TX 77069 Phone - 281/444-4755 Fox - 281/586-8292 levels -W4 - 10 2003 Heart of Texas Event Site - 13900 North IH-35 Suite A-I ; Austin, TX 78728 Start Date - 2/ 15/2003 Club - Capital GYM Super Center 13900 North IH-35 Suite A-I; Austin, TX 78728 Phane - 512/ 251 -2439 Fox - 512/ 251 -6655 levels - W4-ElITE 27th Annual Spinner Inv Event Site - 5000 Fairview Drive; Austin, TX 78731 Start Dote - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club - Crenshaw Athletic Club, Inc. 5000 Fairview Drive; Austin, TX 78731 Phone - 512/ 453-5551 Fox - 512/ 452-7875 levels -MI-7
WOGA Classic - 2003 Event Site -Allen High School; Plano, TX 75023 Start Date - 1/17/2003 Club -World OlympicGymnastics Acad 1937 W.Parker Rood; Plano, TX 75023 Phone - 972/ 985-9292 Fax - 972/ 964-8209 levels -W4 - ELITE
The Kurt Thomas Invitational Event Site -The Intercontinental Hotel; 15201 OoIIas Parkway; Addison, TX 75001 Start Date - 2/ 22/ 2003 Club - Kurt Thomas GYM Training Cente 3550 Gorden Brook Drive; Dallas, TX 75234 Phone - 972/ 620-0020 Fox - 972/309-1233 levels -W5- ELITE
Crystal Cup Event Site -Sandy Exposition Ctr; 9575 South State St; Sandy, UT 84070 Start Dote - 1/ 24/2003 Club -Olympus School Of Gymnastics 9127 South 255 West #1; Sandy, UT 84070 Phone - BOI/ 566-3295 Fox - 801/ 566-3296 levels -W4 - ELITE
John Macready's Flip Fest Invitational Event Site - Knoxville Civic Coliseum; Knoxville, TN 37921 Start Date - 1/24/2003 Club - Premier Gymnastics & Tumbling 5331 Western Avenue; Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone -865/588-2105 Fox - 865-588-0861 levels -WPREPOPT,W4-10
last Chance Invite Event Site - 9983 West University; McKinney, TX 75071 Start Dote - 3/ 8/ 2003 Club - North Star Gymnastics 9983 West University; McKinney, TX 75071 Phone - 972/562-2777 Fox - 972/ 562-9362 levels - MElITE-7
Gatlinburg Gymnastic Classic
Friendship Invite
rECHNIQUE â&#x20AC;˘
Snowman Invitational Event Site - 6001 Mountain Shadows Drive; Austin, TX 78735 Start Date - 1/25/2003 Club - Oak Hill Gymnastics Academy 6001 Mountain Shadows Drive; Austin, TX 78735 Phone - 512/ 288-1702 Fax - 512/264-3986 levels -Tl - 10
VA Classics Crazy Meet Event Site - 2327 Seminole lone; Charlottesville, VA 22901 Start Dote - 2/ 2/ 2003 Club - Classics Gymnastics Center 2327 Seminole lone; Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone -434/ 978-4720 Fax - 434/978-3505 levels -W4 -10
VA Beach Classic Event Site · 5644 Parliament Drive; Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Start Date · 2/1/2003 Club · Gymstrada Gymnastic School 5644 Parliament Drive; Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Phone · 757/499·8591 Fax· 757/473·3886 levels· W3 - 10 Beach Invitational Event Site· 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Start Date· 1/ 18/2003 Club· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Phone · 757/547·0169 Fax· 757/436·2724 levels· W4 - 10 Shamrock Invitational Event Site· 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Start Date· 3/8/2003 Club · Ocean Tumblers GymnastiCS 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Phone · 757/547·0169 Fax· 757/436·2724 levels · W4 - 10 Spring Fling Event Site · 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Start Date· 4/12/2003 Club· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Phone· 757/547·0169 Fax· 757/436·2724 levels· W4 - 10 Judges Cup Event Site · 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Start Date· 2/ 22/2003 Club · Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23322 Phone · 757/547·0169 Fax · 757/436·2724 levels · W4 - 10 World Class Invite Event Site· Freeman Sports and Conv Ctr; 1 University PI; Nwprt Nws Cty, VA 23606 Start Date · 1/19/2003 Club · World Class Gymnastics llC 709 Middle Ground Blvd.; Ste 117b; Nwprt Nws Cty, VA 23606 Phone· 757/873·6440 Fax· 757/595·1194 levels· W4 - WElITE
WA Event Name · last Chance Event Site · Inglemoor High School; 15500 Simonds Rd NE; Bothell, WA 98028 Start Date · 4/ 12/2003 Club· Northshore GymnastiCS Center 19460 144th Ave. NE; Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone·425/402·6602 Fax· 425/483·9621 levels · W6
Spring Fling Event Site · Inglemoor High School; 15500 Simonds Rd NE; Bothell, WA 98028 Start Date · 3/ 30/2003 Club · Northshore Gymnastics Center 19460 144th Ave. NE; Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone· 425/402·6602 Fax·425/483·9621 levels· W4 - 6
Great Midwest Challenge Event Site· US Cellular Areno; 400 W Wisconsin Ave; Milwaukee, WI Start Date· 1/ 17/ 2003 Club · MAnd MGymnastics POBox 510474; 16760 WVictor Rd; New Berlin, WI 53151 Phone· 262/ 789·6885 Fax· 262/ 789-7442 levels· RHUTE, RGROUP
Northshore Invitational Event Site· Inglemoor High School; 15500 Simonds Rd NE; Bothell, WA 98028 Start Date · 2/22/ 2003 Club· Northshore Gymnastics Center 19460 144th Ave. NE; Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone · 425/402·6602 Fax · 425/483·9621 levels · W4 - 10
Great Midwest Challenge Event Site · US Cellular Arena; 400 W Wisconsin Ave; Milwaukee, WI Start Date · 1/17/ 2003 Club · MAnd MGymnastics POBox 510474; 16760 WVictor Rd; New Berlin, WI 53151 Phone· 262/789·6885 Fax· 262/789·7442 levels - MEUTE - 7
Event· Teddy Bear Classic Event Site· 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 98374 Start Date · 3/1/2003 Club · Puget Sound Gymnastics 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 98374 Phone· 253/845·0910 Fax· 253/845·3021 levels· W4 - 6 Fast Session Event Site· 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 98374 Start Date · 1/18/2003 Club · Puget Sound Gymnastics 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 98374 Phone· 253/845·0910 Fax · 253/ 845·3021 levels· W4 - 10 Pacific Northwest Open Invitational Event Site· 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 98374 Start Date· 2/7/2003 Club· Puget Sound Gymnastics 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA 98374 Phone· 253/845·0910 Fax · 253/845·3021 levels · W4 - EUTE Yule Cup Challenge Event Site · 7315 43rd Avenue NE; Marysville, WA 98270 Start Date · 1/18/2003 Club · Rising Stars Gymnostics 7315 43rd Avenue NE; Marysville, WA 98270 Phone · 360/653·7827 Fax·360/659·1421 levels · R5 - ElITE
Harley·Davidson Midwest Twisters Invite Event Site · Hartland High School; 700 North Ave; Hartland, WI 53029 Start Date· 2/21/ 2003 Club· Midwest Twisters Gymnastics 600 East Rawson Ave.; Oak Creek, WI 53154 Phone · 414/ 764·6540 Fax· 414/764·3199 levels· W7 - 10 Scamps Boys Invitational Event Site· 5711 77th Street; Kenosha, WI 53142 Start Date· 2/8/2003 Club· Scamps Gymnastics 5711 77th Street; Kenosha, WI 53142 Phone· 262/694·0805 Fax · 262/694·2137 levels· MI · 7 Scamps level 7, 8, 9, 10 Blizzard Invitational Event Site· 5711 77th Street; Kenosha, WI 53142 Start Date· 2/1/2003 Club· Scamps Gymnastics 5711 77th Street; Kenosha, WI 53142 Phone· 262/694·0805 Fax · 262/694·2137 levels· W7 . 10
Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs. Whether you need a single mat for home use, or enough mats to set up an entire gym
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WI Gret Midwest Challenge Event Site· US Cellular Arena; 400 W Wisconsin; Milwaukee, WI Start Date· 1/17/2003 Club· MAnd MGymnastics POBox 510474; 16760 WVictor Rd; New Berlin, WI 53151 Phone · 262/789·6B85 Fax· 262/789·7442 levels · W4 - ElITE
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(continued from page 17) movement and reading readiness. Physical activity calls in to play ocular pursuit of the eyes. When the eyes follow patterns from left to right, cognitive skills are enhanced for reading. Additionally, gymnastics students experience numerous movement patterns during class (moving through a serpentine, traveling from station to station in a circuit) which also enhance memory development and vocabulary. Yes, gymnastics class can assist your child in his/her readiness to learn how to read. As you can see, advantages exist for children to be enrolled in a local gymnastics program at any young age. Any age is a great time to start gymnastics! Preschool gymnastics programs specialize on meeting the needs of children by offering them activities that are appropriate for their developmental level. The main ingredient within preschool gymnastics classes is the element of FUN! Can you think of any youngster who wouldn't look forward to a fun-filled learning experience in a colorful gym full of apparatus and mats? Call your local gym program today! Ask for a KAT certified instructor and plan to be thoroughly pleased knowing that the industry standards are being presented to your young child. Watch your child smile as he/she moves, learns and grows! Mrs. Jeannie McCarthy is a former collegiate gymnast, judge and club owner with 24 years of experience in the sport of gymnastics. She is a national instructor for the USAG Gymnastic KAT and MELPD courses. McCarthy is author of the GymTastics curriculum guide. She is currently enjoying involvement with the students of Double '0' Gymnastics in Media, PA as an instructor and Curriculum Consultant.
JUDGES ••• Competitive season is around the corner and USA Gymnastics offers great competition videos to help you prepare.
2002 Women's Elite Podium Meet #2162 ........... S40.00 This great video was shot from behind the judges for a j dge's perspective, great for any judges wanting to test up a level.
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AnENTION COACHES AND CLUB OWNERS! The annual Summer Camp Directory will be printed in the March/ April 2003 issue of USA Gymnastics magazine. To have your camp included, free of charge, please submit the follOWing informoNon: • State in which camp will toke place Please submit this informoNon to luon Peszek, USA • Nome of camp GymnosNcs, Pan American PIOlO, 201 S. Capitol Ave., • Contact person Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. You may also fox • Address 317·237·5069 or • Phone your informoNon. The deadline is feb. 1, 2003. for • fox mare informaNon call 317·829·5646. • Email/webSite • Dotes if known • Type of camp such as day or overnight, men's, women's, rhythmiC, trampoline, tumbling, sports ocro, etc.
HALL OF FAME The USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame 2004 Nomination Form can be found at: http://www.trogymnastics.orgjpublications/technique/2002/10/04halloffome1.pdf The USA Gymnastics lifetime Achievement Award Nomination Form can be found at: technique/2002/ 10/04halloffome2.pdf
Both forms must be submitted by June 1, 2003. For more information contact USA Gymnastics at 317·237·5050.
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u •• -gymnastlcs.ora USA Gymnastics will launch a brand new On-line store at New items and exciting new designs will be available. Come visit us! .-14-=-=6--------------((
TEe H N 10 UE •
:mted .. position available" bu" thiS III sell that III tor .. wanted III position available • buy this III sell that.. .. )sition 8vpilable III buy t~ · ~"at .. for sale • wanted" position available • buy this III sell that .. for sale • INanted • positi railable 11 ,vanted • position available" buy this • sell that .. tor sale" wanted • position availabl, ly this· for sa liable" buy this" for .. wanted" position available" buy this· for sale wanted" positl :mted : ~d e . . wanted • position available" buy this III for sale • wanted" position avaiiable .. b (II
POSITION AVAILABLE BEAUTIFUL COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. National Gymnastics Village is currently interviewing for an experienced compulsory level and an optional level coach. Interested applicants should possess strong spotting skills through Level 10/elite. We are an established familyoriented program, seeking people who are positive, well-organized and energetic. Other qualities that are important to the NGV "family" include: fun-lOVing, dedication, attentive to details and being a team player. Meet director certification is a plus. Salary is commensurate with experience. Send resume with references: Attn: Susie Milani, National Gymnastics Village, 3870 Mallow Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. Phone (719)598-6863 or fax (719)598-0325.
469-9180, or call 617-469-4911. Ask for Jeanette.
INSTRuaORS/COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, PIT-FIT Weekdays/ weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 5·10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Air) Full benefits/paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the·art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. ft. Located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201-767-6921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648.
HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUaORS. Lakeside Maine residential summer camp teaching girls age 7·16. Small classes, all levels. Internships available. Opportunity to teach other athletics, arts, waterfront activities. Non-smokers, college sophomores & up, June 18-August 22.;; 60 Mill Street Box 340, Westwood, MA 02090-0340; 781/762-8291 (TIME lONE: New York City; call business hours & early evening); fax 781/255-7167 (24 hours). Include your telephone number.
TEAM COACHES. Well-established gymnastics school in Needham, MA seeks energetic, highly motivated team players. Positions are available for Team Coaches and Recreational Coaches. These are long-term positions with great pay and benefits for the right people. Call Tatiana at 781-453-2220. Fax: 781-4496569. NESA L.L.C the leading provider of physical education to children in MA, is in the first phase of expanding. We are looking to hire full time staff members to train children in a variety of sports: gymnastics, dance, skate park and more. Requirements: Experience working with children. Candidate must have outgoing personality, entrepreneurial spirit, good imagination, self-motivation and high level of reliability. Recent graduates welcome. Compensation includes: Base salary, commission, profit sharing. First year potential income: $30,000+. Email resume to jnette 10, fax resume to 617-
Victory Gymnastics has been blessed with wonderful staff and growth. If weekly staff led Bible studies, USAG Congress opportunities, and continuous support is what you are looking for, come join our vision ( I Cor. 15:57). We are currently taking applications for - Men's Compulsory Coach Women's Compulsory Coach Cheerleading Coach. All Coaches must have strong basic skill progression knowledge, great work ethic and a willingness to learn and advance. $10.00 - $15.00 per hour, part/full time. Victory Gymnastics, 1060-A Willow Industrial Ct., Cookeville, TN 3B501. Phone: (931) 526-4960 Fax: (931) 5289238.
FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Class Management and Accounts Receivable software. Version 5 with more features, more options, more power, more flexibility, and the same low price. Provides the class management functionality and complex recurring charge and discount structures that accounting programs can't touch; the automation, savings in time and effort, accuracy, and availability of information that spreadsheets can't come close to; and the power, flexibility, ease of use, protection, control, and support that other programs don't offer. Only $500 ($250 per additional workstation), includes free training and technical support. Serving Gymnastics since 1990. Vaughn Software Services, 800-8218516 E-Mail: AMEX/MC/VISA/DISCOVER GYM SOFTWARE ClassManager Software for Windows or Mac. Program records all vital customer information, student registrations, class schedules, class rosters, instructor data and assignments waiting lists, birthday parties, etc. Maintains all tuition accounts, membership fees, pro shop sales, statements. Automatically transfers financial data into
Quick Books. Performs one-button transfers of students from class to class. Available for single or multi-gym operation over the internet. Now allows for on-line registration by customers with a web browser. Download free demo, manual & information from our web site at: Atlantic Associates, 365 Boston Post Road, Suite #222, Sudbury, MA 01776. (978)4430560.
Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #' s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/trampoline, compulsory/ optional. - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, Charlotte, NC, 28231, 704-523-1812.
GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 for more information on how you can get started today! Email:
Balance 2000 by Akada Software. Windows based program. Tracks students, accounts, classes and Coaches. Account and student mail codes, family discount, tuition options, accounts receivable, payment reports, one touch posting, attendance tracking module. Supports 10 locations/sessions, multi coaches. Includes 150 different reports, print attendance lists, student lists, mailing labels and more. Network Version available. Works with Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP. Call for FREE full working demo 800-286-3471. Score Master - NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even better! Meet
LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Happy New Year to All!!! Start your year out Fresh, with a new selection of Leotards from Rebecca's Mom. Rebecca's Mom Leotards popular consignment program features our newest styles and fabrics and is currently available to qualifying Gymnastic Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Rebecca's mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Glitter, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soft velvet fabrics. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/6 through adult large. We are currently accepting applications for new accounts for 2003. Please call our toll free line at 1-888-289-2536, for details, forms and prices. WE also supply MEET PACKAGES, so call TODAY.
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1-100 words =$100 101-200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automolirollv be placed online for 30 days at no addmonol charge. The oddr~ ~: Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date. DEADLINES ISSUE
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July .. .... ...... ............. .June 10 August .. .................... July 10 Sept/Oct. ..... .. ........... Aug. 10 Nav./Dee . .................. Ocf. 10
NOTE: If the 10th falls an a weekend ar holiday, the preceding work day is considered the deadline.
TEe H N10 U E • JAN UARY 2003
SUBMIT Mail your ad and payment to: USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317-237-5069. tF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine ar USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMlmO WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary formal. Technique is received by more than 13,000 USA Gymnasti(s professional members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, service, or (omp'etitian here for great reSUlts. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-237-5050 ext. 246.
) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
lOOJ SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHED,UL,E The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. ' Time and date subiect to change. See usa·gymnastics.arg far updates.
JANUARY 2003 18 Minnetonka, MN 55343; 9:00 a.m. to I:00 p.m. Minnesota Twisters Directions: Cheryl Poling 952-294-0153 Course code: CPOl182003MN Instructor: Cheryl Poling, Phone: 952/ 294·0153 18 Victoria, TX 77901 ; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gym Magic, I06B West Rio Gronde Directions: Cindy Alkek 361-578-4272 Course code: CROl182003TX Instructor: Corol Robuck, Phone: 210/496-5348 or 889-4897
FEBRUARY 14 Morgantown, WV 26508·8834; 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. West Virginia Gymnastics Training Center Directions: Gene Diaz 304-292-5559 Course code: BT02142003WV Instructor: Billy Bob Taylor, Phone: 304/344-3279 21 North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. North Myrtle Beach Gymnastics and More, 523 Hwy 17 N Directions: Tammy Liguori, 843-249-5867 Course code: KB02212003SC Instructor: Kimberly Boyd, Phone: 803/749-2484 23 West Chester, OH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 Course code: SS022320030H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler, Phone: 513/755·7162
20 Penfield, NY 14526; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Gymnastics Training Center Directions: Sarah Jane Clifford 585-381-8840 Course code: SC0l202003NY Instructor: Sarah Jane Clifford, Phone: 585/388-8686
24 Saginaw, MI 48604; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Gym-Jester Gymnastics, 2709 Pine St Directions: Helen J. Fry 989-754-7401 Course code: HFOl242003MI Instructor: Helen Fry, Phone: 989/754-7401
21 Indy, IN; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fulton Jr. HS Directions: Barry Dubuque, 812-482-4800 Course code: BD032120031N Instructor: Barry Dubuque, Phone: 812/482-4800 West Chester, OH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 Course code: SS040520030H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler, Phone: 513/755-7162
18 West Chester, OH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 Course code: SS051B20030H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler, Phone: 513/755-7162
JUNE 21 Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts Directions: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach, 614-777-9430 Course code: BF062120030H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach, Phone: 614/777-9430 29 West Chester, OH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 Course code: SS062920030H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler, Phone: 513/755-7162
JULY 13 Coral Springs, Fl; 9:00 a.m. to I:00 p.m. Marriott Heron Boy Resort Directions: Toni Rand, 954-972-4947 Course code: MK07132003Fl Instructor: Marti Kaplan, Phone: 305/466-0620
SEPTEMBER Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts Directions: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach, 614-777-9430 Course code: BF090720030H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach, Phone: 614/777-9430
SAFETY CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIp· PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age for Safety Certifitation is r6 years} COST: Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification
Name: Professional or Instructor #: _______ Current Safety Exp. Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Date _ _ _ __ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pro~~~~6:~ ;~he~!~r~i~'; 'N~~'s~i~~'(~';iiii;~ii~~':::: :::::::: SO c~~~6~
Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................ $ 100.00 • You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.
Payment Amount: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date' . Late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. Late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four(4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six(6) months with prior written notification. Late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. 'Uso Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline
Name on Cord: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Mail registration form and payment to:
City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stote:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Date: Form of Payment:
o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o American Express
Number: _ __ _ __ Exp. Date: _ _ _ / _ _ Signature:
USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.(apitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212