MARCH 2003 • VOLUME 23 • #3
R=Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics
M= Men
TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling
Broadcast- U.s. Gymnastics Championships (M) NBC Sports 11/2 Hour TBD Artistic World Championships (M/WI World University Games (M/W/R) National Congress National Business Conference Broadcast- Artistic World Championships (M/W) NBC Sports 2:00 - 4:00pm IT Broadcast- Artistic World Championships (M/W) NBC Sports 2:00 - 4:00pm IT Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp
ACRO = Sports Aero 16-24 21-31 21-23 20 23
NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.
MARCH 13-16 14-16 26-31 28-29
Future Stars Camp (R) American Classic/Challenge (W) National Team Training Camp (W) Spring Executive CommiNee/Board of Direelors Meeting
Lake Placid, NY Boston, MA Houston, TX Chicago, lL
11-12 12 12-13 17-19 22-27 24-26 25-27
Level 9/10 Regionals (WI NCAA National Championships (M) Machuga Cup / World Cup Finals (ACRO) NCAA Regionals (W) Level 10 Regionals (W) Collegiate National Championships (M/W) Texas Woman's University Senior National Team Camp (M) -NCAA National Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W)
Various Sites Temple University Philadelphia, PA Krasnodar, Russia Various Sites Vorious Sites Dallas, TX Colo_ Springs, CO Univ_ of Nebraska Lincoln, NE East-Springfield, MA West- Fullerton, CA
MAY 10_National Championships (W)
2-4 4-10 8-11 13-22 17 16-17 17-18 29-June 1 TBD 31-June 1
10_ National Championships (R) USA/8elgium Training/Competition (W) 10_Nationol Championships (M) National Teom Training Comp (W) U_S_Championships Qualifier (M) 3rd FIG Council Meeting Level 9 Championships ( R) u.s_Classic/Challenge (W) National GymFest (GG) Rhythmic Western"
Air Force Academy Colo_Springs, CO Wilmington, DE Houston, TX Savannah, GA Houston, TX TBD San Juon Portland, OR San Antonio, TX Indianapolis, IN SI. Paul, MN
Rhythmic Eastern (R) Team Gymn Nationals (GG) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp U_S_Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/ACRO) Jeff Metzger's 4 1/2 Day 800t Camp Broadcast- U.S. Gymnastics Championships (W) NBC Sports 1 Hour TBD Broadcast- U.s. Gymnastics Championships (W) NBC Sports 1 Hour TBD
Tampa, FL Las Vegas, NV Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee, WI Cincinnati, OH
Anaheim, CA Austin, TX
Rhythmic World Championships -Individual & Group (R) FIG/PAGU Group Gymnastics "Friendship Camp" (GG)
Budapest, HUN Houston, TX
Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp World Championships (TR/TU) World Age Group Games (TR/fU)
Burlington, MA Hannover, GER Hannover, GER
OCTOBER 3 17-19 20-26
NOVEMBER 14-15 20-24 TBD TBD
Fall Executive CommiNee/Board of Direelors Meeting TBD Jeff Metzger's 4 1/2Day Boot Camp Cincinnati, OH PAGU Jr. lnterclub Championships (M/W/R Group Jr/Sr) USA PAGU Children's Interclub Championships (M/W/R) GUA
World Team Selection Camp (W) World Team Selection Camp (M) U.s. Championships &10. National Championships (TR/JU) FIG World Gymnaestrada (GG) Pan Am Team Training Camp (W) Freedom Cup (ACRO) 10. National Team Training Camp (W)
Houston, TX TBD Sacramento, CA Lisbon, POR Houston, TX Jacksonville, FL Colo. Springs, CO
--- --- - -
--- - -- --- --
Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference TBD Visa American Cup (M/W) TBD
MARCH March or April TBD American Team Cup (M/W)
APRIL 3 15-17
NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA National Championships (W)
NCAA National Championships (M)
23-25 30-May 2
10. Level 9 East/West Championships (W) 10. National Championships (W)
Various Sites UCLA Los Angeles, CA University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana TBD Orlando, FL
J.O. Nationol Championships (M) 75th FIG Congress and General Assembly
San Diego, CA Antalya, TUR
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU) Business Conference U.S. Olympic Team Trials (M/W/R/fR) National Congress
Nashville, TN Boston, MA Boston, MA Boston, MA
Olympic Games (M/W/R/fR)
Athens, GRE
Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee, WI
JULY 1-6 9-18 12-21 20-26 28-31 30-Aug. 3 31-Aug. 3
19-29 TBD
---- ---- - -- --- - - -- -
7-8 13-15 17 19-22 19-23 21
Anaheim, CA
APRIL 5-6 10-13
Milwaukee, WI Anaheim, CA Daegu, KOR Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA
JUNE 2-5 24 24-27 25-27
AUGUST 13-29
AUGUST 1-17 2 3-7 3-9
Pon American Games (M/W/R) National Gymnastics Day Sports Aero National Championships (ACRO) World Team Training Camp (W)
Santo Domingo, DOM
OCTOBER Oel. or Nov. TBD Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference TBD
Jacksonville, FL Houston, TX
rECH H 10 UE •
MARCH 2003
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an official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER
Robert V. Colarossi EDITOR
FEATURES Your Image ....... .... .... . . ... ........ .... . .. . ...... ......... ... .. 6
Luan Peszek
What We Really Do As Coaches Part" .
2003 Congress ................ .
Matt Rhoton USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KoIl; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andreo SdJmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Porilla; VICE CHAIR SPOR1HCRO: Tonyo Cose PotIerwn; SECRETARY: Gory Anderwn; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMITTE~ Joy Ashmore, Ron FroehlKh. fiG MEN'STtCHNICAI COMMITTEE: George Becksteod; FIG TRAMPOLINE AND TUMBLING T£CHNICAL COMM~ Pot Henderwn; FIG WOMEN'S T£CHNICAL COMMITTEE: Jackie fie; AT lARGE MEMBERS: Steve Butch", Paul Spodoro; ATHlffi DlREGDRS: Lmissa fontaine, John Roelhl~berger, Vanessa Vander Piuym, Karl Heger; USOC ATHlffi OIREGOR: Dominid< Miniwcti. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Colarassi; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; PUBLIC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlETIC UNION: Mike Stanner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Belly Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION-MEN: francis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUEGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mike Jacki; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION fOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Strawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Of WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Carole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATt ATHlETIC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Doug Van Everen; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Suson True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSDClATlDN-MEN: Butch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSDCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CLUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Stacy Maloney; US. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: David Halcumb, Tony Gehman; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Marc Yancey; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie ~iTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COUEGIATt ATHlETIC ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: Marie Robbins; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP OIREGORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle Lorson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kathy Ollberg; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kempton, Marsha Weiss; SPORTS ACRO: Bonnie Davidson, Jay Binder; ATHlETEDlREGORS: Vanessa Vonder Piuym, chair, Larissa Fontaine, vice chair; Jair Lynch, secretary; Dominick Minicucci, USOC Athlete Rep.; Mihai Bagiu, Brooke Bushnell, Chari Knight Hunter, Mohini Bhardwaj, Karl Heger, Christie Hayes, John Roethlisberger; ASSOCIATE DIREGORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kate faber-Hickie; U.S. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS fEDERATION, Howard Schwartz. CHANGE Of ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, notice of change of address should be made eight weeks in advance. For fallell service, please endose your present mailing label. Direct all subscription mail to TE(HNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send address changes to TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymnastics, 201 s. (apitol Avenue., Su~e 300, Indianapol~, IN 46225. TECHNIQUEIISSN 074B-5999) (USPS 016872) is pubr~hed monthly except bimonthly in Sapt/Oct and NavlDec by USA Gymnallics, Pan American PlOlO, Suite 300, 201 South Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) or v~it online @ w"w Periodical poslage paid at Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscription prices: U.S.-525 per year; Canada/Mexico-548 per year; all other foreign countrie<-560 per year. If available, back issue single copies 54 plus pastage/handling. All reasonable care will be taken, but no responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material; endose return postage. Copyright 199B by USA Gymnallics and TECHNIQUE All rights reserved. Printed by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.
Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibi/ity thereof.
. .. 30
Thanks to USA Gymnastics Industry Members .. Pro Shops Can Make You Extra Cash ....
. .. . 34
Using Technology in Coaching Gymnastics
. . ............ 40
200 3
34 Anah e im. California· August 21-23
"Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ........................ .. .... ........ 2 USA Gymnastics Message ................ ...... 4 Athlete Focus .................. _........ ......... ..... .8 KAT/MELPD ............................. ........... 1 2 Prof. Development Certification Program .. .. 1 3 Business Tips ........................................ 1 6 Congress Information .......................... 1 9
Member Service Update ...................... 36 What's New ............ ............... ... .. ... ..... 39 Classifieds ......................... ......... .. ...... 47 Safety Certification Schedule ... ......... .. .. 48
Men's Program Update ........................ 24 Women's Program Update .... .. .. .. .......... 27
A GYMNAST I C~S Message Dear Members,
n its inaugural year with USA Gymnastics, Sports Acrobatics made tremendous strides. In addition to working through a significant and beneficial me rger, the Sports Acro program has offered opportunities to teach and encourage new acro clubs, continued programs in coaching and judging education, and prepared athletes to achieve at the highest level nationally and internationally.
One of the highlights of 2002 was, without a doubt, the gold medal performance of Mixed Pair Arthur Davis and Shenea Booth at WorJd Championships. Never before have U.S. Sports Acrobatics athletes won gold at a World Championships. Our congratulations go out to Arthur and Shenea and all the athletes who Corisa Laughon stood on award podiums at international events last year. Director of Sports Acrobatics With a good year behind us, we have a great year to look forward to in 2003. The Sports Acro discipline is continuing to expand and reach into all regions of the U.S. The National Office is promoting this expansion with events such as the New Coach Clinic. During the beginning of 2003, two of these clinics were held. With the help of talented clinicians, both clinics were a success and served as a great starting point for coaches and clubs beginning their Sports Acro programs. We look to continue these clinics and encourage existing artistic, rhythmic, and T& T clubs to participate. Adding a Sports Acro program to an existing club can be a simple process. The process requires only a few interested athletes and an eager coach. Our New Coach Clinic provides the hands-on experiences a coach needs to get started. Existing clubs should keep in mind that a Sports Acro program requires no additional equipment for most gyms and offers excellent benefits to athletes of all shapes, sizes, heights, ages, and abilities. Anothe r way the Sports Acro program is reaching out to all members of USA Gymnastics is through the National and Regional Cong resses. We hope to present Sports Acrobatics sessions at most of the Congresses in 2003. The 2003 competitive season will be exciting. There are plans to send national delegations to several international competitions, including World Cup Finals, International Acro Cup Puurs, and Freedom Cup. This brings me to the two biggest events for the Sports Acrobatics program in 2003-National Championships and Freedom Cup. As always, National Championships promises to be a great competition for acrobats competing at Level 5 through Elite. We are also thrilled to be hosting the p t International Freedom Cup. Absent of a Sports Acrobatics World Championships in 2003, we are hoping to give all international federations an opportunity to gather for high level competition . . The Freedom Cup and National Championships will be held back-to-back in Jacksonville, Fla., in July and August. The Sports Acro program has received a very warm welcome from the City of Jacksonville. The city promises to be a great host, providing for two excellent competitions. As Senior Director, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members who continually dedicate themselves to Sports Acrobatics and USA Gymnastics. Without you we would not have such outstanding results to share. Please continue the great work and best of luck in 2003.
Carisa Laughon
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TEe H H I au E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
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"Filty Quick Marketing Tips and Tools lor Improving Your Image and Your Prolits" by Tom
s I travel around and have the opportunity to meet What I am saying here is, the image that you create for your gym club owners and to consult with them about business is critical in determining how your customers view you (YOUR IMAGE) and what kind of price you can demand for their business, I find one thread that seems to your highly specialized services. In the remainder of this consistently run through the gyms that are having financial article, I have put together a list of things that you do that problems. That thread is that they are selling themselves cost very little if anything to determine the image that your short. They are certainly not intentionally selling themselves customers have of your business. Unless you have pride in your business and hold your business in the highest esteem short, but many of their actions are sending the wrong signal yourself, you will never be able to project a good image to to their customers. your customers.
In almost every case that I see a gym that is having trouble making a profit, I find that they are simply not charging enough for their services. When I ask them why they are not charging more for their services, I get several answers fairly consistently. The most frequent answer is that I am afraid that I would lose customers if I raised my prices. Another frequent answer is that my competition is charging this amount and I don't want to exceed their price. When I look at their financial statements and show them what a small increase (a few dollars) in their price would do to their bottom line, it usually gets their attention and they ask; " Do you really think I could get by with charging more for my services." My contention is, and has always been with this business, that we in this industry should think of ourselves as a Neiman Marcus, upscale business, not a K-Mart discount business. Gymnastics is a highly specialized business. We require large costly facilities, highly specialized expensive equipment, and our staff must consist of very knowledgeable, highly trained people. In addition, we have a very large liability risk. When the owners tell me that they are afraid they will lose customers if they raise their prices, I ask them, "Are you so ashamed of the quality of the experience you offer that you think these customers will not pay just a few dollars more?" When they say that their competitors are charging less or the same, I say that my philosophy has always been that I hate it when my competitors charges more than I do, because I know that I am so much better than they are.
Here are some ways that you can improve your image and therefore improve your profits. Remember, the better your image to your customers, the more forgiving they are of your errors, the more willing they are to pay a little higher price and the more likely they are to brag about the gymnastics school that their child attends. Some of these are very obvious but it is always good to evaluate how you stand with each of these to see if there is room for improvement. These are all a part of your marketing scheme.
1. NAME: There are zillions of good gymnastics business names and quite a few bad ones. Just be sure that yours is one of the good ones. Be sure that people can pronounce it, that it and does not confuse them about what business you are in. 2. LOGO: Some people call this a trademark or symbol. Whatever you call it, it is a graphic representation, more visual than verbal, of your gym. It is smart to have one. 3. PACKAGE: For us in the gymnastics business, it is the building or buildings in which we provide our services. The way your building appears and smells will attract or repel your customers and prospects.
4. SIZE: The size of your business influences some people to join your club or not. Big, however, is not always necessarily good. There are benefits to both, but the business that has the best program and offers the best
TECH N I Q Uf â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
customer satisfaction will ultimately win, not the size of their building.
5. DECOR: Prospects and customers will form opinions about the quality of your gymnastics training based on the decor of your gym. It should reflect your honest identity.
6. ATTIRE: You and your employees represent your business. People will develop attitudes about your business based on what you and your employees are wearing at work. Are you and your staff dressed like someone they would want to teach their child gymnastics?
7. BUSINESS CARDS: Your card should be more than your name, address, and phone number. Print the benefits of doing business at your gym and turn your card into a mini-brochure.
8. STATIONERY: The look and feel of your stationery make it a powerful marketing tool. Everything that leaves your business in the mail should look and feel professional.
9. INSIDE SIGNS: The signs on the wall in your gym say a lot about your gym's professionalism. Signs scratched out on a piece of copy paper and taped to the wall don't say to the customer, this is truly a professional organization. If the sign is sloppy, is the quality of the gymnastics instruction just as sloppy?
10. OUTSIDE SIGNS: They obviously give the impression of your business before the prospect ever sets foot in your door.
11. HOURS OF OPERATION: Extremely important. Yes, your hours of operation are a big part of your marketing. When a potential customer calls during what they perceive as normal business hours and gets a message or a answering machine, this is an immediate signal to them that this is a part-time business. Always have someone available to answer the phone and to talk to customers intelligently about your programs. I have someone answering the phone from 9 in the morning until we close at night. I have consulted gyms in the past and have encouraged owners to be available in the morning . Many of them have been very surprised at the number of calls that they received during those early morning hours when there may not be classes and no one is answering the phone. I can guarantee you that if a prospect calls my gym and gets a real person to tell them about our programs, I will win over that customer before the gym that only has a message or answering machine. Usually if you can have a person work on administrative tasks and answer the phone in the mornings, the new business and goodwill they generate more than pays for itself.
12. PHONE DEMEANOR: This usually goes without saying. It is also extremely important that all people that are
authorized to answer the phone are trained, knowledgeable people. I have scripts written out that we use for training - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(
anyone that has the authority to answer the phone and speak for us. It has been compiled by me and my staff and attempts to answer most questions that are asked by customers and gives the "standard" sales pitch. This is an extremely important part of your marketing scheme.
13. LOCATION: Without question, this is one of the most important factors in the success of your business, if not the most important It's also a part of your marketing . This is a subject that should be heavily researched before a location selection is made. This could be the subject of a whole other article: How to select the proper location for a gymnastics business. Too many times location selection is made strictly on the availability of a building, not where it is located. This can be the difference in success and bankruptcy.
14. ADVERTISING: Here is one of the most crucial parts of your marketing, but it is only one very small part of the process. All of the topics covered so far, remember, are a part of marketing.
15. SERVICE: I consider this to be one of the top three important parts of a successful gymnastics business. Customers also consider service or the lack of it to be one of the top three influences in selecting and staying with a gymnastics school. Service wins, or loses, customers.
16. FOLLOW·UP: Many gym owners think marketing ends when they have signed up the child for class. Successful gym owners know that follow-up is the key to a loyal customer base. Customers really like to know that you are concerned with them after they have paid their child's tuition and that you think they are important.
17. CUSTOMER RECOURSE: Know what you will do if the customer is not satisfied. Have a clear policy so that disgruntled customers can be converted into satisfied, repeat customers that recommend you to their friends.
18. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: The closer you're involved with your community (local and industrial), the higher your profile will be. This takes more time and legwork than money, but it certainly pays off in the long run.
19. TIE·INS WITH OTHERS: Capitalize on countless opportunities to display the signs or circulars of other businesses if they will do the same for you. This is a great way to cut your marketing costs. Never miss an opportunity to promote your business. My golf bag even has our logo on it.
20. PUBLIC RELATIONS: This is publicity in the media based on something newsworthy about your gym. PR is an important tool in any marketing arsenal, but not the only one.
21. PUBLIC CONTACTS: The media is inundated with requests for free publicity, so if you have contacts in the media, the chance of your publicity appearing increases.
(continued on page 10)
r EC H N IOU E • MA RCH 200 3
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by Luan Peszek
Brett McClure, 22, won the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge, starting this very important year off right! He said, "My goal in practice and at competitions is not just to hit my routines, but to also stick my landings. In practice, I won't leave an apparatus until I stick at least two landings. I think that has helped me tremendously. "This meet (Winter Cup) sets the tone for me for the year. This is a huge year with the World Championships in August in Anaheim - we have to protect our home turf." McClure, who trains at Team Chevron-USOT(, also did well during event finals at Winter Cup, tying for first on pommel horse, taking first on high bar, second on parallel bars, sixth on rings and seventh on vault. Brett was a member of the 2001 World Championships Team that won an unprecedented silver medal. He also earned a
~ AMERICAN pommel horse bronze at the 2001 Goodwill Games. Brett earned the all-around silver medal at the 2001 U.S. Championships and won the silver on high bar at the 2002 U.S. Championships. Brett is from Mill Creek, Wash ., but now resides in Colorado Springs, Colo., to train at the Olympic Training Center. He's coached by Vitaly Marinitch. Brett is the son of Les and Judy McClure and has two brothers, Les Jr. and Dusty. Brett became engaged to 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Jaycie Phelps in 2002 and they plan to be married after the Olympic Games in 2004. USA G yMNASf1CS PHoTOG/WHY Š SiEVE lANGe
Some dayS all your routines are flawless. Other days...yOU need insurance. When a student tries a flic-flac and ends up with a flip-flop, you want an insurance program that helps you land on your feet. With the perfect balance of specialized coverage options, superior claims handling, and innovative risk management services, Markel can vault you back into the championships in no time. Now, let's try that piked saito backward off.
TEe H N I 0 UE â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
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(continued from page 7) This is a benefit of community involvement. Many times you meet the right people through community involvement.
22. TESTIMONIALS: These are free, easy to obtain, and very impressive to new prospects. Use them as signs, or in your brochure, ads, or direct mailings. They work.
23. SMILES: You won't find this mentioned in most marketing text books, but a smile is part of marketing and makes your customers feel special. Employees should smile in person and on the phone.
24. GREETINGS: The way you say hello and goodbye offers still another chance for you to single out each customer. Your warm greeting will be translated to word of mouth marketing. So greet warmly, using a smile, eye contact, and, when possible, the person's name.
25. CONTACT TIME WITH CUSTOMERS: Every moment you're with the customer is a marketing opportunity. Use it to intensify your relationship, market your business, be of better service. Just go sit out in the lobby and talk to customers for a few minutes each day. It really goes a long way.
TRAINING: The more training your staff has about how to sell your service, the more profits you'll earn. Make sure your staff knows your business and your policies and how you want the image of your gym to be projected by them.
27. SALES PRESENTATION: As mentioned in the phone demeanor tip, the best sales people use certain words and phrases. For anyone that deals with potential customers, the best sales presentations are memorized, then delivered with enthusiasm.
28. CREDIT CARDS: I have tried it both ways and have found credit cards to be very effective in the gymnastics business. The easier you make it for someone to buy, the more they will buy. It is worth the percentage and the paperwork to accept many credit cards and many sales. Our late payments have been reduced since we accepted credit cards and our store sales have increased.
29. CLUB AND ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: Become a USA Gymnastics Member Club. It adds credibility to the image that you are trying to create.
30. WORD Of MOUTH: The best source of advertising you have. You can control this by providing superb service, informative printed materials, and steady mailings. If you establish a bond with your customers, you will get many referrals.
31 . fREE TRIAL CLASSES: All new prospects are given free trial classes. This is a key part of our sales pitch . With a free trial class, you break down almost any objection a .-1-=1-= O- -- - -- - - -- ------1(
customer may have about coming to your gym and you have an excellent chance to close the sale and register a student.
32. DEMONSTRATIONS: Once again, demonstrations let prospects see what their child could learn at your gymnastics school. Opportunities to do demonstrations arise all of the time. Have several demonstrations choreographed to fit various situations.
33. PHONE路HOLD MARKETING: When all your telephone lines are busy, this answering machine puts your callers on hold, then plays music while imparting useful information about your company. This system gives your organization a very professional impression. People are turned off when they call and get a busy signal or when they are put on hold in silence. We have sold many birthday parties with our advertising on-hold system.
34. BOOTHS fOR MALLS/STREETS: Many times you're given the opportunity to set up a display or a booth for various events in your community. If you have a booth or display ready to go, you won't have to scramble to get something together. It is also very helpful to have several members of your staff trained on how to run a display booth set-up.
35. RESEARCH STUDIES: The more you know, the better you can market. USA Gymnastics offers volumes of information. The online marketing guide provides timely and valuable information that you can incorporate into your marketing program.
36. NEWSPAPER DISPLAY ADS: These ads are the prime marketing medium fo r small business. Build an invent ory of display ads that work for you. When the opportunity arises to use an ad, it will be ready and you won't be rushed for deadlines or have to fit in the time to compose just the right ad copy.
37. YELLOW PAGE ADS: If your competitors aren't there, you don't have to be there. The importance of the ad is dependent a great deal on your market area. When someone new is looking for a gymnastics school, the yellow pages is the most likely place they look. Your goal is to have that person call you first, so your ad should give as much information as possible.
38. DIRECT MARKETING COUPONS: An excellent way to target specific demographics and geographical areas. This is a cost effective way to advertise. Many companies compile coupon cards, then mail a group of coupons to target groups. The mailing $ ... ... .. .. .. '''".. ~ costs are shared by all who supply coupons. Coupons are ~ ~ ../ ---' also an excellent way to track the .--effectiveness of the advertising.
~ ..-:000
39. DIRECT路MAIL POSTCARDS: These are an excellent way to communicate with customers. We have a very attractive, multi-colored postcard that we use a great deal. One way that we use it is to require coaches to send encouraging notes to their students. We require each coach to send out
)f - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -
a certain number each week. This is great PR and is a great way to insure follow-up with your customers. 40. NEWSLETTER: One of the most valuable marketing tools you have. Not only does it serve as a way to get valuable information out to your customers, it serves as a great tool to brag about yourself, to tell of special events coming up, and to advertise sales you may be having. I have found that it is a good way to get information out to parents about what is going on in your program, with the purpose of allowing them to brag to other parents about what an outstanding school their child is attending. 41. COMPETITIVENESS: A marketing tool? You bet it is! This refers to your willingness to devote time and energy utilizing as many of these marketing tips as are possible, sensible, reasonable and affordable. 42. SPEED: Time is more valuable than ever. People resent slow treatment, so they appreciate speed in handling anything that they may need from you such as the registration process, paying tuition, and answering questions. This also ties in with the tip about having someone available to answer the phone. When people call, it is when they have time to talk to you about your school. If you have to rely on calling them back, you may not get them or you may get them at a time when they are not as receptive to hearing about what you have to offer. 43. CREDIBILITY: If you have credibility, people will believe in your quality, your values, and everything you say abut yourself in your marketing. Do anything to earn it. 44. ENTHUSIASM: This contagious marketing strategy gets passed on by you to your employees, from them to customers, and from customers to more customers. It is healthy for your business. 45. GIFT CERTIFICATES: Your services can be given as a gift. These make a great marketing tool, especially at Christmas. They do well for your pro shop sales as well as gift ideas from grandparents. 46. ARTICLES: Credibility is an obvious aid in marketing, and these published pieces increase your credibility. When my customers know that I consult other gyms, do presentations at Congress and get articles published, my credibility in this business increases. Your newsletter is an excellent source for letting your customers know about your accomplishments. 47. STAGING SPECIAL EVENTS: Any time you host or stage an event at your gym, you have an opportunity to showcase your entire business. As an example, we host a fun meet for our recreational classes. These are like recitals. During the event, we showcase some of our top athletes and let them do demonstrations for the audience. We also talk about the travel and fun experiences these upper level gymnasts have. The parents are very impressed - - - - - - - - - -- - - ------1(
with the skills you have taught these upper level gymnasts. The kids and the parents usually leave determined to stay with the sport so they can do the skills to become a part of the traveling team. 48. REPRINTS OF ADS AND PUBLICITY: Most publicity stories appear but once. Gain maximum mileage from the publicity by making inexpensive reprints for mailings and future ads. 49. NEATNESS: Messiness causes many a lost sale because people believe the sloppiness will carry over into other parts of your business. Happily, the same is true of neatness. 50. MARKETING SAVVY: Use every tool that you have available to you. Never ever miss the opportunity to market your business. There are endless ways to create a positive image. Every decision that you make, you should ask "How will this affect our image?" As I said in the beginning of this article, some of these are very obvious and no surprise; while some are obvious but a bit of a surprise on a list of ma rketing tips. Most of these cost very little or nothing . How should you use t his list? Begin by studying the list and assign it to one of four lists.
1. I am using this one now and I am using it correctly. 2. I am using this one now, but the way I am using it can use some improvement.
3. I am not using this one now and I ought to; I will start using it immediately.
4. This one is not appropriate for me right now. Look at list one. Love that list and continue doing all the things on it. Look at list two and realize the opportunities it represents, then capitalize on every single one of them. Now look at the third list and kick yourself for not using them earlier. Do it now-not the kick, the putting into action . Finally look at list four and put it away for now. Please understand clearly that you have got to offer quality in everything that you do. The quality must be there in your facility, your programs and your customer service. Your marketing efforts must be based on firm principles, the first of which is that you have to be devoted to excellence in your offering if marketing is going to work for you at all. If you offer that excellence, your image will be one that will make prospective customers want to come to you and established customers brag about you. Finally, keep this in mind. Researchers have found that for every complaint that you hear, there are 26 other complaints you won't hear. Those 26 other dissatisfied customers will tell an average of 22 people each about the problem they had with your business. And 13 percent of them will tell more than 22 people. The word of mouth on poor quality spreads far faster than you would ever worry it might. The morale to this story is to never miss an opportunity to improve your image because it equates to improving you r profits.
Tom Lenzini and his family have owned and operated Broadway Gymnastics in the Orlando area since 1991. He's also a consultant for gym owners around the country.
TECH H' 0 U E â&#x20AC;˘ MA R(H 2003
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USA GYMNASTICS 100) KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschoolage child, safety considerations, class management, and much more! A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of preschool teacher education. This works hop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development, and much more. This MONTH
March March March
15 22 23 30 16 17 8 9
Nashville, TN Roswell, GA RoswelL GA Concord, CA Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY
Ma Ma Au ust August
workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD
workshop in your area, 2003 is a great time to host a workshop . Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR.
Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will only be valid at the workshop you are hosting. The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations.
If your workshop has 12 paid participants,
your club will receive one free registration. Member Clubs receive two free registrations. EVENT/CLUB
Kentucky Gym nastics Academy
For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses caU 1-800345-4719 or visit www.usa membership
615-226-8162 770-641-3987 770-641-3987 925-674-1405 502-254-1010 502-254-1010 502-254-1010 502-254-1010
TROPHY Choose the BEST at Factory Direct Fticing
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TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MA RCH 2003
)l-- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
USA GYMNASTICS 100) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's Level I-IV SkilL DeveLopment CurricuLum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipLine specific courses under the ProfessionaL DeveLopment Certification program . The goaL of the Women's LeveL I-IV SkilL DeveLopment CurricuLum is to estabLish a soLid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals. The focus is to break down the beginning LeveL skills for Junior Olympic LeveLs I-IV. SoLid basics are vitaL to the physicaL Longevity and to the skill proficiency and progression for the gymnasts. It's much easier to "Learn it right" at the beginning rather than trying to "clean it up" Later. DAY 1
4/12/03 12:30-7:30pm 5/17/03 lpm-9:30pm 8/2/03 12pm-8pm 8/9/03 lpm-9:30pm
4/13/03 9am-2pm 5/18/03 9am-4pm 8/3/03 10:30am-2:30pm 8/10/03 9am-4pm
The program will cover the following topics: • Vau Lt • Beam • TumbLing • PsychoLogy
• • • •
Bars Dance Coaching 101 Coaching Philosophy
CompLetion of the two-day, 12-hour course wiLL certify you as a Skill EvaLuator. The course is taught through the use of two compLimentary texts; Introduction to Gymnastics Coaching Theory and the Level 1IV Curriculum Guide; coordinating videos, and hands-on driLL and spotting instruction.
This is a great course for aLL women's artistic gymnastics coaches from novice to club owner. To set up a course, contact the course instructor nearest you. For a compLete List of instructors or to view more information regarding the course, visit our web site at www.usa-gym
Pete LaChance
Tina Salameh
New York
Pete LaChance
Tina Salameh
845-534-9793; 17 Picket District; New Milford 502-253-1234; Tsalameh@infi .net 13100 Magisterial Dr.; Louisville 845-534-9793; 1 Strawberry Lane; New Windsor 502-253-1234; 13100 Magisterial Dr.; Louisville
HOST CLUB Top Flight Sports
Kentucky Gymnastics Academy Gym Kids Gymnastics Kentucky Gymnastics Academ y
What We Really P-,Qy~~ Coaches PART II Last month I wrote an article about easy ways to reward employees. I outlined many ways you could help workers feel valued and appreciated. There is no dismissing the importance of a smile, a thank you or a pat on the back. Perhaps the most essential reward an employee can receive is one that they can give themselves. The most vital reward is the intrinsic reward of simply feeling good about what we do because we recognize the true value of what we do. How do we accomplish the warm-fuzzies when all we do is "teach cartwheels?" Let's take a look at what we do. Patty PreSchool Teacher runs around and sings songs and plays with little kids all morning; Betty Beam Choreographer dances around all afternoon helping kids walk straight and point their toes; Victor Vault Coach stands around spotting handsprings all evening. When asked about what they do, most gymnastics instructors answer with things like, "I teach gymnastics" or "I coach level 5" or "I'm a preschool movement educator." If you asked them about their jobs, all three would probably say that for the most part they really enjoy what they do. Typically they are glad they get to work with children, hang out with people with similar interests, dress casually, remain active and maybe they would tell you the best part is they get paid for something they like to do. Do they know what they are really doing?
Current research confirms that physical activity is imperative to early brain development and learning. Studies show that children learn cognitive skills more effectively in an environment that includes the body as well as the mind (Barrett, 1998). Gymnastics and early childhood movement education is directly attributed to developing neurological pathways in students and promoting reading readiness. While Patty PreSchool Teacher runs about and plays with her little kids, she is preparing her students for successful experiences in school; children who have participated in movement education activities have longer attention spans, increased communication skills, general problem solving skills and improved self-esteem. Recreational gymnastics is a key to balanced human development and has been proven to be a significant factor in reducing alcohol and drug use (Williams, 1994). Victor Vault Coach is directly responsible for reducing the crime rate in the city; statistics show that children actively engaged in organized "positive choice" extra-curricular activities such as youth sports are less likely to be involved in self-destructive and antisocial behavior and juvenile crime (Soenstrom, 1986). With obesity affecting an epidemic 13% of the school-age population (Centers for Disease Control, 2001), healthy activities like gymnastics keeps our kids off the couch and engaged in a healthy lifestyle. Betty Beam Choreographer is contributing to lower health care costs in the United States; active children are more likely to grow to become active and healthier adults, reducing the burden on the health care system. Sedentary lifestyles have been linked to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and numerous other chronic ailments. Nurturing the enjoyment of movement and motor skill development at an early age will help to promote continued participation in physical activity. Long range, these active and therefore healthier adults are more likely to be more productive at work, take less sick days, and have fewer "on the job" accidents (Paffenbarger, 1986). Gymnastics also contributes to the immediate economic vitality of your local community; gym owners pay rent, employ people, pay taxes and purchase goods. Now what do you think your staff would say and how do you think they would feel if they realized how important they are to the development of children and how significant they are to a healthy society? Can you think of anything as admirable and honorable as being a gymnastics teacher? This is the greatest reward we can give our staff - the knowledge of how important they are and how valuable what they "really do" is.
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Aaour THE AUIIIOR: MichaeL A. TayLor is a KAT, MELPD and Safety Instructor. He is currently the Director of the Burgess Sports and Aquatics Center that includes the 1600 student MenLo Park Gymnastics program in MenLo Park, CA. MichaeL is also the owner of Gym.Net, a Gymnastics Professional's Network of EducationaL, Business, ConsuLting, and Internet Services speciaLizing in Gymnastics oriented businesses.
TfC HN I QUE â&#x20AC;˘ MAR (H 2003
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20/60/20 Rule One beautiful crystal clear, blue-sky day about 13 years ago, Doug, a good friend and UPS manager, and I were engaged in a business discussion. Doug told me about a 20/60/20 management 'rule' that he learned during his management training for UPS. Before I continue, may I state that I do not parrot another's idea just because it worked for him. Know that I personally have found the 20/60/20 rule valuable and I therefore pass it on to you. The 20/60/20 Rule: regarding any issue of potential debate or disagreement among a work group, Uust about every issue), you will find that 20% of the group will be in the leader's court, no matter what; 20% will be in conflict with the leader, no matter what; and, 60% are 'fence sitters' who could teeter either direction given a little nudge.
different! We continuously acknowledge the value and loyalty of the upper 20%; identify and swiftly and courageously eliminate the bottom 20%; and spend the lion's share of our time with 'select people' in the middle 60%. Select people being individuals who have gained large 'spheres of influence' within the group. Are the 20/60/20 numbers exact? Rarely, of course. In fact, a skillful leader having a well thought out selection strategy and solid leadership skills can consistently raise the first number and lower the bottom number (with, of course, the opposite also being true)! So, don't get hung up on the exact numbers but remember it is the concept which holds the value. Good luck to you and cheers and thanks to my friend, Doug. Make it a great month,
Unfortunately (can you see yourself here) many leaders spend the bulk of their time with the upper 20% (who don't need it); ignore the middle 60% (who crave and need it most); and bury their head in the sand when it comes to the bottom 20%. As leaders who knows how to leverage our time, you and I are
Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center
,. - - - - - - - -
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... ~~
Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners.
2003 Dates: June 19-23, November 20-24,2003 For FREE portfolio of information: 513.489.7575 or Visit us at
--1-'-6 - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - ÂŤ
TEe H H 10 U E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
) f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
GK Risk Free Program • It's easy to order, easy to se ll and easy to return • Let us select an exciting new assortment of styles to send you each month • You'll find your "Risk Free" shipments always create some new excitement and a rush of sales in your pro shop • And you 'll earn extra profits with no investment and no risk!
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USA Gymnastics Business Owners Cronfrerernce Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Anaheim,CA Who: What: Where: When: Why:
Club Owners, Directors and Managers National Business Conference Anaheim Marriott Hotel Wednesday, August 20,2003 from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. To facilitate the sharing of ideas and concepts relevant to the success of the gymnastics business and to bring together USA Gymnastics members and international professionals attending World Championships.
$150 per person from a Member Club $250 per person from a non-member. Early Bird - Register before May 1, $119 per person from a Member Club $219 per person from a non-member club
Included in the conference: Continental Breakfast, Lunch and a Business Gift.
NOTE: There will be no on-site registration.
Host: Gary Anderson
Don't miss this once-in-a lifetime opportunity. You won't miss any of the World Championships Competitive Sessions!
Language: English
You will receive invaluable advice on how to run a successful gymnastics club at this conference.
r-----------------------------------------------~ Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USAGMember# _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone
Email _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Make check payable to USA Gy mnastics
Amount enclosed- _ _ _ _ __ Charge to: 0 Visa ~
0 Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp date _ __ Cardholder Signature
---------------- Print Name
Fax to 317-237-5069 or mail to :
USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave. Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225
Registration Deadline: July 20, 2003 Please use one form per person attending
For Office Use Only Mail Rcvd: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Process Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Amount Rcvd: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _
Check #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CC Approval: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reg. #
Call National Travel Systems for your Hotel and Travel needs 1-888-603-8747/806-794-3135
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TEe H N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
GYMNASTICS National Congress
Wednesday, August 20, 2003 • Add On's • Business Conference
Anaheim Marriott 700 West Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 (directly across the street from the convention center)
Thursday, August 21Saturday, August 23, 2003 • Congress Sessions • Exhibit Hall • Dance Party
Anaheim. California' August 21-23
Note: Members Club Group discounts will be available. Application posted on Member Club Only website.
"Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"
Anaheim Convention Center 800 West Katella Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802
To reserve housing at the Anaheim MarrioH, the official Congress hotel, without a package ($129 per night plus taxes), please email NATIONAL TRAVEL SYSTEMS at... Staying at the Congress hotel, Anaheim wor/ or call
1-888-603-8747 or 806-794-3135
Marriott, will allow Congress attendees direct transportation to and from the World Championships at the Arrowhead Pond.
* Packages available on a first·come, first-serve basis. Please reserve by March 31, 2003.
AUGUST , 0.25, 2003 6 NIGHTSj7 DAYS • Housing in one of the official host hotels • Full American breakfast doily • Transportotion to and from the competition • 1 tour or attraction of your choice • On site tour stoff and hospitality desk • Includes all taxes
AUGUST '5·25, 2003 '0 NIGHTSj" DAYS
cham ionshi
• Housing in one of the official host hotels • Full American breakfast doily • Transportation to and from the competition • 1 tour or attraction of your choice • On site tour stoff and hospitality desk • Includes all taxes
$1,275.00 per person, based on single occuponcy $775.00 per person, based on double occupancy $600.00 per person, based on triple occupancy
$1,995.00 per person, based on single occuponcy $1,195.00 per person, based on double occuponcy $900.00 per person, based on triple occupancy
For additional nights please add 5190.00 per person, per night based on single occupancy and 5110.00 per person, per night based on double/ triple occupancy.
For additional nights please add $190.00 per person, per night based on single occupancy and 5110.00 per person, per night based on double/triple occupancy.
To register lor the 2003 USA Gymnastics National Congress please add $230.00 per member and $350.00 per non-
$500.00 All Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level
Please email NATIONAL TRAVEL SYSTEMS at••• or call 1-888-603-8747 or 806-794-3135
(Includes podium training, all qualifying sessions and finals ... lower leveD
$250.00 Championship Package, Silver Level
(All final sessions ...upper leveD
To register lor the 2003 USA Gymnastics National Congress please add $230.00 per member and $350.00 per nonV;1""'?'t~"""L·.,·...~V"":;"___ '(.:,',,"«!)'"?-"
•• '.
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$500.00 All Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level (Includes podium troining, all quolifying sessions and finals ... Iower leveD
$250.00 Championship Package, Silver Level (All final sessions ... upper level)
$175.00 Championship Package, Bronze Level
$175.00 Championship Package, Bronze Level
(Alilinol sessions ...upper leveD
(All final sessions .. .upper level)
- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - 1 ( TEe H N IOU E • MARCH 2003
)l------ -- -- ----------=--,-=-0--.
1 iilV\
Congress - Aug. 21-23, 2003
After July 20, 2003 you must register on-site.
REG 1/
Complete one form per person - Photocopy for additional registrations. Become an Instrudor Member to receive the member discount. Simply check "Please sign me up" and include an extra 541.00 (565.00 Foreign Instrudor Member) in your total amount enclosed. Your confirmation will be sent by email. Please provide a valid email address.
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If you ordered World Championships tickets with this registration form, they will be mailed to the address listed below 4 weeks prior to the event. NOTE: If your are purchasing World Championship tickets and want to be seated next to your co-workers, friends, spouses, etc., send all registration forms together at one time with payments.
(postmarked by July 20)
PRO & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS 0$230 Congress-Early Bird registration only ($330 on site registration)
(1)(j ~~
0$549 All-Session Strip ficket, Gold Level 0$269 Championship Package, Silver Level 0$189 Championship Package, Bronze Level
0$350 Early Bird registration only 0$450 Congress registration on-site
(see pg. 21 for ticket explanation)
Minimum age for Congress registration is 16.
'~ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . . Social Security No . . .
Birth Date ....
USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No.
/ ..
Email Address,_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __
please sign me up for an Instructor Membership. I have included $47 ($65 Foreign Instructor) in total amount due.
To become a pro member (0111-800-345-4719
(Email address must be provided in order receive confirmation)
Ma iling Address ..................................................... . .... . . ......... . .. . .... . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . . . ..... . . . . . ... . . . . ............................... 0
~~~~ ~~k~th~7hc;'ng~~1heeuss~ GymnasNcs database.
State . . .................... . . ............................................................... _ Zip Day phone ( Club
Night phone (
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... _Club Number
Must check club owner box for admittance to Exhibition Hall Preview Check all that apply: o Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher o Judge o Administrator
1_$_______......1Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics
Total Amount Enclosed ..
Charge: 0 Visa
0 Discover 0 Mastercard
.... I.. ~~INVln
Card # .................................................................................. . . . ... . ............ . . . ................................................................ Exp_ . .... . . .... . . . . ................. Cardholder Signature ....... ........................................ . . . . .........._ Cardholder Printed Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American plaza, Suite 300, 201 S_ Capitol, Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATTENTION: MEMBER SERVICES
• Credential for entrance to Congress sessions and clinics August 21 -23, 2003 Anaheim,CA_ • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services. • One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday evening, August 23 _
NO REFUNDS OR TICKET EXCHANGES ON TICKET PACKAGES All registration cancellations must be in wriHing. Submit request in writing to USA Gymnashcs, AHention: Cathy Allen
(additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/ guests are on-site registration)
each-available at
V ideotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters announce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped . Language: The official language
of Congress
is English. USA Gymnastics will make no
special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this
regard prior to the July 20 Early Bird deodline. We suggest that this informalion be included with the congress registration form.
Before July 20th - Registration fee less $30 service fee per person canceling. Alier July 20th - 50% of registrahon Fee per person canceling.
SUBSTITUTION POLICY To transfer registration to another person, tf,e new Congress attendee must also have a Professional or Instructor membership.
Before August 1 - $30 per substituhon ON-SITE - $50 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, AHentian: Cathy Allen
No Pre-Registration after July 28 After July 28 you must register on-site for a $25 additional late fee per course per person
::r ~ ro Vi
0 ""'I :::J
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<E::J- c
~ V\..... C
........ Social Security No.
Birth date.
Q1 n
~ ~
Use this form to register for the 2002 Congress tests, examinations, certifications, etc. One form per person. Photocopy for additional add-on registrations. NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member datobase) will be used for all correspondence. Name ....
~. Vi
~ @ ~ .,..,
NOTE: Due to limited space and materials, admission to Congress add-ons is not guaranteed unless pre-registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling add-ons.
» :::J
; 1
~. NI :J, W
USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. # ...................................................................... . Safety Expiration Date
~~C ol ~zlft n>
~j~ (l)() ~t.n
Mailing Address ...
r. .................................................................................................................................................................. State
Day phone (
Night phone (
Email ... Check appropna e space for the add-ons you wish to offend.
(ost: $70
Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16
Wed. August 20, 8: 15-12:30 p.m.
o o
For recerts. MUST be currently safety certified AND a pro-member. For those not already safety certified.
N/A $50
$0 $50
N/A $1000
$0 $50
N/A $1000
Wed. August 20, 12:45-1 p.m.
o o
For recerts. MUST be currently safety certified AN Da pro-member. For those not already safety certified.
- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - 1
KINDER ACCREDITATION FOR TEACHERS (KAT) o Wed. August 20, 9 a.m.- S p.m. $100 $100 $150 0 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a KAT Workbook. Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16.
Language: The Official language of (ongress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 20 pre-registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Pre-registration Form. Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.
Amount Enclosed ..
MOVEMENT EDUCATION AND LESSON PLAN DEVELOPMENT (MELPD) o Wed. August 20, 12:4S p.m.- 5:30 p.m. $75 $75 $125 0 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a MfLPD Workbook. Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16.
BUSINESS OWNERS CLUB #_ _ _ _ __ CONFERENCE o Wed. August 20, 8:30 a.m.-S p.m. $150 $250 limited enrollment. No on-site registration.
Charge to:
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TEe H N10 U E • MARCH 2003
) r - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -=3...... 2
MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes December 4, 2002 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. EST by Chair, Yoichi Tomita
Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Mihai Bagiu John Roethlisberger
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (absent, proxy to Y. Tomita) Athlete Rep. (absent)
The chail~ Yoichi Tomita, congratulated everyone involved in the Individual Event World Championships. He also congratulated Sean Townsend for his two medals won at the World Cup Final in Germany.
II. QUALIFICATION & PETITION PROCEDURES TO THE 2003 WINTER CUP CHALLENGE Motion: To approve the qualification and petition procedures to the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge
2003 Winter Cup Challenge - A maximum of 84 gymnasts in one age division, 15 & over, are invited to compete in an FIG score-based event.
PARTICIPANTS • All-Around Finals competition from the 2002 U.S. Championships, Senior Division • Top 12 Jr. Elite 1 (16-18) athletes from the 2002 U.S. Championships all around ranking • Top 12 Jr. Elite 2 (14-15) athletes from the 2002 U.s. Championships all around ranking • Top 20 from Final All Around Ranking of 2002 Winter Cup Challenge • Approved petitions (all-around, multi-event, specialists) -See Video Petition Guidelines for details
VIDEO PETITION GUIDELINES Petition tapes: VHS ONLY Full routines Routines should be performed on regulation equipment and matting The following should accompany petition tapes: .Typed routine(s) with start value
rI-2 = - = 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (
Day 1 - Session I: All-Around & Event Finals Qualification • Senior National Team Members • All pre-qualified athletes not meeting the criteria for participation in Session II • Approved petitions * Session II All-Around & Event Final Qualification • Participants from the Senior All-Around Finals competition from the 2002 U.S. Championships (except Senior National Team Members) • Junior Elite National Team Members (14-15 & 16-18) age division • All-around gymnasts from the 2002 NCAA Team Finals competition • Approved petitions * Day 2 - Session III: Individual Event Finals • Top 8 gymnasts on each apparatus from the two sessions of qualifying • Two apparatus to be run at a time
* The Men's Program Committee will have final approval on all petitions and determine which session the athletes will be placed into.
Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously
• • • •
• Entry Form • Entry Fee (will be refunded if not approved) • Must be received by USA Gymnastics by January 8. Petition tapes that are received after this date will not be considered! (MPC approved)
III. SPECIAL BONUS FOR ALL 2003 SR. NATIONAL COMPETITIONS (WINTER CUP CHALLENGE, QUALIFIER TO U(~. CHAMPIONSHIPS, & U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS) MoHon: To approve the following special bonus for the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge. The special bonus document will be reviewed follow this competition. Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously Dismounts: special bonus • +0.1 for all D or E value stuck dismounts on FX, R, PB, HB • +0.2 for all SE value stuck dismounts on FX, R, PB, HB • +0.1* for all C value stuck dismounts on R * Only if there is a 10.0 start value Vaults: special bonus • +0.1 for a 9.9 value vault performed (must receive credit to get bonus) • +0.2 for a 10.0 value vault performed (must receive credit to get bonus) • Any gymnast that performs a 9.9 or 10.0 value vault may also
perform a second vault. The highest of the two scores will be used for the gymnast's all-around score (and qualification to the individual event finals at the Winter Cup Challenge).
IV. FUNDING Discussion on this item was postponed until the next MPC conference call on December 17.
Ron Brant announced that January 2, is the deadline for recommendations for the coach of the 2003 World Championships team.
VI. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn
The competition will feature four U.S. men vs. four international athletes this year. The MPC recommends that Paul Hamm, Blaine Wilson, and Sean Townsend be selected based on their performance results. The fourth athlete will be recommended at the conclusion of the Winter Cup Challenge.
IV. WINTER CUP QUALIFICATION Motion: To increase the number of junior qualifiers to the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge. The top 15 Junior Elite l's and top 15 Junior Elite 2's from the 2002 U.S. Championships final all-around ranking will be invited to participate in the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge. This will not increase the total number of participants. Replacement of any open slots may occur up to 1 week before the competition. Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Steve Butcher APPROVED: Unanimously
Motion: Steve Butcher Yoichi Tomita 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously
V. Call adjourned at 12:40 p.m. EST. Submitted by Steve Butcher, Secretary, USA Gymnastics Men's Program Committee. Approved: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, Men's Program USAG Approved: Bob Colarossi, USAG President
The MPC confirmed that there would be no grouping changes due to scratches from the original rotation sheet for the Winter Cup Challenge.
VI. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn
Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Yoichi Tomita APPROVED: Unanimously
Meeting Minutes December 17, 2002 Meeting called to order at 8:35am PT by Chair, Yoichi Tomita
Call adjourned at 10:15 a.m. PT.
Respectfully submitted by: Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Approved by: Bob Colarossi, USAG President
Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep.
MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes January 9, 2003 Meeting called to order at 8:05 a.m. PST by Chair, Yoichi Tomita
Motion: To recommend the Athlete and Coaches Support proposal which includes using the current funds budgeted for Athlete and Coaches Support and the funds budgeted for the Grant program to: • Increase and reallocate Senior National Team Athlete Support • Increase and reallocate Senior National Team Coaches Support • Increase Junior National Team Coaches Support from $300 to $350 per athlete per camp. • Allow $34,980 to be distributed by the MPC after the World Championships in the form of World Championships results funding or reallocation to the Grant Program.
Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Mark Williams Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger
In accordance w ith the World Championships Selection Procedures,
Note: There was some conversation related to coaches' support for National Training Center coaches.
- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - {(
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. (Miles Avery) Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep.
Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Miles Avery PASSED: Unanimously
the Senior National Team coaches and athletes recommended candidates for the position of World Championships Head Coach to be considered by the MPC. The names of four coaches were submitted: Miles Avery, Stacy Maloney, Kevin Mazeika and Yoichi Tomita. Yoichi Tomita withdrew his name from consideration.
(continued on page 26) TEe H N IQ U E • MARCH 2003
(continued from page 25) The MPC discussed each of the candidates at length considering the factors set forth in the selection procedures as well as the amount of support from the National Team coaches and athletes for each coach. There was some discussion as to whether or not the head coach should be a neutral person without athletes on the team, but it was determined that this was not a factor in these selection procedures and that the MPC should bring this up for discussion within the community prior to the next head coach selection. Motion: To name Kevin Mazeika as the head coach of the 2003 World Championships team.
Steve Butcher Yoichi Tomita Unanimously
Call adjourned at 8:35 a.m. PT. Respectfully submitted by: Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Approved by: Bob Colarossi, USAG President
Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously
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III. VENUE CONFLICT FOR THE QUALIFIER TO U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS It was armounced that the u.s. Qualifier carmot be held at the Olympic Training Center on May 17, due to the lack of housing and gym space because of another event that was previously scheduled to take place on that date. The two options open to the MPC are to change the location of the qualifier or the date of the competition. Both options will be investigated.
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TEe H N10 UE • MARCH 2003
INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMITTEE Conference Call - October 25, 2002
Athlete Representative FIG Technical Committee Pres. National Team Coordinator Senior Director Women's Program
Roe Kreutzer Kelli Hill (excused absence) Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Evgeny Marchenko Tatiana Perskaia Larissa Fontaine Jackie Fie (excused absence) Martha Karolyi Kathy Kelly
II. SCORE QUALIFYING SYSTEM There is a discrepancy in the written materials regarding the qualifying score necessary for Classics. The committee made the following decision. Recommendation that any athlete who achieved a 34.5 at either of the 2002 Classics or U.S. Championships is directly qualified into the Senior Division of the 2003 Classics provided they meet the age requirement. (Junior remaining junior at a 33.5) Motion: Donna Strauss Second: Tatiana Perskaia PASSED
III. ADDITIONS TO THE NATIONAL TEAM Recommendation to place Kristal Uzelac and Katie Heenan on the National Team in an unranked position. Steve Rybacki Motion: Second: Yvegeny Marchenko PASSED
IV. CLASSIC SCHEDULE Kathy presented a revised Daily Schedule for the Classic Meets. The committee approved the schedule for inclusion at this year's Classics.
V. TRAINING CENTER Ground has been broken and the construction will be complete by the March camp. Kathy will seek out the pricing for equipment needs and report to the committee before the order is placed.
VI. LEOTARDS Our National Team apparel supplier will be at the January camp for the design of next year's leotards.
VII. JUDGING SYSTEM The committee discussed the system that would be used for next competitive season. At the American Classic Meet, each judge will determine her own Start Value and score. All Start Values and scores will be flashed and reflected on the print out that will be made available to the coaches after each rotation. Committee requested that Kathy work with the Regions to fund a seminar for judges which will be conducted prior to the first Classic at the Training Center in conjunction with a National Training Camp. ------------------i(
Houston, Texas fa/wan} 10, 2003
I. ROLL CALL Roe Kruetzer Kelli Hill Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Evgeny Marchenko Tatiana Perskaia Alt: Larissa Fontaine (excused absence) Athlete Rep: Nat'l Team Coor: Martha Karolyi Kathy Kelly Senior Director Women's Program Chairman Coaches
II. MINUTES Recommendation to accept the past minutes as published. Motion: Donna Strauss Second: Kelli Hill PASSED Additions to the Minutes: The rationale for the additions to the National Team made at the Selection Camp were based upon the readiness and current training status of the athletes.
III. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS REPORT Martha gave a verbal report on World Championships. A written report will be completed and distributed at the Program Summit. Kathy thanked Kelli Hill for the very accurate report that was submitted and published in the Elite Coaches' Association Newsletter. Martha stressed the importance of continuing on the same path toward our future competitions. The groundwork has been set during the 2001 and 2002 Worlds for success the remaining two years of the quad. Martha and the coaches also commend our World Championships judges, Sharon Weber and Cheryl Hamilton, for an excellent job with judging and as ambassadors. The IEC would also like to commend ESPN and especially Bart Conner for the very positive comments for both the men and the women's team. This type of broadcasting is appreciated by the entire gymnastics community and an asset to our sport.
IV. SELECTION PROCEDURES Kathy presented the approved Selection Procedures for the 2003 Pan American Games and the 2003 World Championships. The procedures will be published in Technique and USA Gymnastics and distributed to all the athletes. The committee will begin to work on the 2004 Olympic Procedures which should be submitted next fall.
(continued on page 28)
TEe H N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
) f - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---=-2=7:-11.
(continued from page 27)
V. ELITE CLINICS The corrunittee discussed the format and content of the elite clinics. The National Team Coordinator will be responsible for the direction of the clinic and will organize the national staff.
VI. JAPAN EXCHANGE The training camp and competition with Japan will take place in February before the camp. The IEC has approved the Selection Corrunittee to choose from among all Junior Internationals (there are currently 3 on the National Team) and child nationals (top 3 from U.s. Challenge) and all junior international athletes who qualified to Championships were invited to the January camp to vie for a slot.
VII. TRAINING CAMP The corrunittee would like to see an international competition schedule with training camp requirements. Tom Forster gave a report on the progress of the new Training Center. The building is completely under roof, the finish work and painting is currently underway.
VIII. FIG/WTC CANDIDATE The corrunittee is charged with the responsibility to recommend to the Women's Program Corrunittee the USA candidate for the position of member of the FIG/WTC. The corrunittee discussed the duties and the qualifications necessary for the position after getting input the FIG/WTC President.
our selection process, start values and scores. This issue will be discussed at the Program Summit. Recommendation to include the following statement to the Women's Team Responsibility Manual. The coaches should not voice concerns or results from any National team function (confidential matters) to a non-national team members via phone, email or other method. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Steve Rybacki PASSED
X. JUDGING SYSTEM The corrunittee discussed the current proposal for each judge to figure their own start value and deductions.
ReESHl1TteRaaHSR ts feffifR ts tRe systefR s£ # 1 & 2 JMages set tRE staft valMe ana jMage Il & 4 afe SSMRa sy tRat staft '/aiMe. MeHefI
TABLBD The corrunittee will take the issue to the National Team Coaches for discussion with the entire group. After group discussion the motion and second was withdrawn.
XI. 2003 TRAINING PLAN The corrunittee will invite interested potential candidates to come for an interview at their own expense during the February camp or at the American Classic.
The corrunittee reviewed the 2003 Training Plan that was submitted by the National Team Coordinator.
Recommendation to approve the plan as submitted. Motion: Kelli Hill Second: Evgney Marchenko PASSED
Women's Team Responsibility Manual The corrunittee discussed the issue of coaches' ethics and responsibility especially in regard to specific information surrounding
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TEe H N10 UE • MARCH 2003
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American Athletic Inc
Black Diamond/Big Air
2500 North Riner Ave Indianapolis, IN 46218 317/546-9000 317/542-1900
200 Americon Ave Jefferson, IA 50129 800/247 -3978 515/386-8737
6400 N. Pace Frontage Rood Pork City, UT 84098 435/615-1800 435/615-1762
Academy Grips
American Group Gymnastics Association
PO Box 84 los Alamitos, CA 90720 800/890-6452 562/431 -1893
1322 Dairy Ashford Houston, TX 77077 281/497-6666 281/497-5029
AD Manufacturing
Anorexia Nervosa Inpatient Matching of Washington LLC
248-44 Jericho Tpke Bellerose, NY 11001-4002 516/352-6161
Ad Mats Corp PO Box 76311 Milwaukee, WI 53216 866/576-9954 414/442-8454
2 Wisconsin Circle Suite 700 Chevy Chose, MD 20815 301/961-1525 301/652-5193
Artistic Coverings, Inc.
32 Aigerine Street Berkley, MA 02779 508/998-7885 gymcoach
16444 Manning Way Cerritos, CA 90703 562/404-9343 562/404-9335
Alpha Factor
Auburn Electronics
Advertising Works
333 E. Seventh Ave PO 80x 709 York, PA 17405 800/825-7428 800/839-1039
PO BOX 39511345 Folsom Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0395 916/852-2900 916/852-2921
Brown's Gymnastics 740 Orange Ave. Altamonte Springs, Fl32714 407/869-8744 407/869-077 4 brownsgym
Building Memories, LLC 14004 Bridgetown Circle Chester, VA 23831 804/778-4867 804/778-4871
800/636-1299 800/636-1473
Carolina Gym Supply Corp 1913 Jo Mac Rd Chapel Hill, NC 27516 919/732-6999 919/732-1510
Classic City Gymnastics 1720 Epps Bridge Rd Ste 108- PMB223 Athens, GA 30606
Columbia Gymnastics
CL Active Wear 3400 Cremazie East, Suite 100 Montreal, PQ H2A-l A6 514/374-6566 514/374-6510
California Elite Sports Center 22982 Avenido Empressa Rancho Santo Margari, CA 92688 949/589-1512 949/589-1377
Candy Creek Inc Three Osage Rood Canton, MA 02021
1193 North lake Dr lexington, SC 29072 803/951-2090 803/356-6680
Competitive Advantage 226 Strong Amherst, MA 413/549-1085 413/549-4196
Crown Awards 9 Skyline Dr Hawthorne, NY 10532 914/347-7700 914/347-7566
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Deary's Gymnastics Supply
Dusty Ritter Gymnastics
17 lucienne Ave Box 688 Danielson, CT 06239 800/ 932-3339 860/779-0854 INFO@GYMSUPPlY.COM
315 Simon Bolivar Dr Henderson, NV 89014 702/ 458-0035 702/458-2398
Dekan Athletic Equipment Corporation 1820 Wallace Ave Ste 124 St Charles, Il60174 800/ 332-7740 630/ 231 -5419
P.o. Box 16400 2136 North 13th St. Reading, PA 19612-6400 610/ 921-1469 610/ 921-8166
Delta Play Company
Foampit Warehouse
Jacksonville, Fl32223 877/ 427-5263 904/ 683-6382
Gateway Sports Source, Inc
Elite Sportswear, LP
PO Box 28554 St louis, MO 63146 800/ 785-8599 636/ 916-3431
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7198 Progress Way Delta, BC, BC V4G-1 J2 604/ 940-6020 604/ 940-6022
1802 Pleasant Valley Road Garland, TX 75040 888-Foampit
Designs By Margarita
Four Winds Trading
Goodson Enterprises, Inc. National Open Gymnastics Program p.o. Box 128
19382 Woodland lane Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714/ 536-9850 71 4/536-9908
PO Box 1204 lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 909/ 337-8606 909/337-8606 info@FourWinds
Shawnee, C080475 303/838-1357 970/ 923-0063 yp/goodson/ gymn
Dollamur Inc.
G A Deitch Inc
4709 S. Edgewood Terrace Fort Worth, TX 76119 817/ 534-3344 817/ 534-3055
Dreamlight, Inc 1620 Centerville Turnpike #119 Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757/479-8700 757/ 479-1986
275 Rich Valley Rd Carlisle, PA 17013 717/ 697-3107
GMR Gymnastics Sales 6729 Marbut Road lithonia, GA 30058 800/ 241-9249 770/ 484-5861
Garland Adivewear 3037 loretto Rd
Gym-Trix, Inc. 20 Coe Drive Durham, NH 03824 603/868-6688 603/ 868-6688 PO Box 820295 Houston, TX 77282 888/ 791-1400 281/558-3881
Hasty Awards
PO BOX 1076 lafayette, CA 94549 866/ 496-8337 866/ 496-8300 info
Gym Treasures 11227 W.Forest Home Ave Franklin, WI 53132 414/525-1905 414/525-1906
2125 Jackson Rd Ottawa, KS 66067 785/242-5297 785/242-5342
Healy Awards N94 W14431 Garwin Mace Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 800/ 558-1696 800/ 900-3773
Hodges Badge Company, Inc. 1170 East Main RD PO Box 1290 Portsmouth, RI 02871 800/556-2440 800/ 292-7377
(continued on page 32)
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IGI- Parents Booster Club 145 Plaza Drive Westmont, IL60559 630/325-3333 630/325-3333
Incentives For Excellence 144 Industrial Park Dr. B-2 Waynesville, NC 28786 828/452-7181 828/452-1352
Innovative Inflatables 520 Hopmeadow ST Simsbury, a 06070 860/658-7340 860/658-1665
Inside Gymnastics Magazine P.O. Box 88605 Atlanta, GA 30356 404/216-1 071 770/234-6733
International Gymnastics School-Camp 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570/629-0244 570/620-0616 igs
International Trampoline Industry Association, Inc 3286 Stoney Ridge Rd Eugene, OR 97405 5411984-0332 5411342-5574
JKLM Designs 1570 Wethersfield Dr. S Allentown, PA 18104 610/391-9227 610/391-9227
Jammin Apparel 1363 S. State College Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806 800/852-6664 714/ 765-6501
Jeff Metzger Boot Camp 7900 EKemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45249 513/489-7575
Joe Corbi's Pizza Kit Fund-raising Prog. 1430 Desoto Rd Baltimore, MD 21230 132
PlaySafe, Inc
410/525-8331 410/525-0531
317/ 780-0609 317/780-4188
Kand KInsurance Group, Inc
504 Adams Lane Southampton, NJ 08088-9106 609/859-3031 609/859-3521
My Choice USA
1712 Magnavox Way PO Box 2338 Fort Wayne, IN 46801-2338 800/648-6406 219/459-5940
KLK Limited Partnership 325 Sharon Park Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025 650/361 -1000 650/361-1880 301 United Court Suite #4 Lexington, KY 40509 859/264-0700 859/264-1673
Kulin-Sohn Insurance PO Box 1357 Arlington Heights, IL60006-1357 800/640-6601 847/ 640-671 0 GMNST33@AOl.COM
Louisiana State University P.O. Box 25095 Baton Rouge, LA 70803 225/ 578-5050 225/ 578-4780 4732 Stenton Ave Philadelphia, PA 19144 215/842-0690 215/843-1529 4600 Cox Rd P.O. Box 3870 Glen Allen, VA 23060 804/527 -7622 804/965-1689
1315 Sunday Drive Indian~polis, IN 46217
Prestige Lifestyles /BENDiMAN
Orlando Metro Gymnastics
Professional Athletics
4358 LBMcLeod Road Orlando, FL32811 407/246-1200 407/246-1586
PENultimate 201 Yorkshire Dr Greenville, SC 29615 864/268-77 40 864/268-77 40 Post Office Box 508 1900 East lincoln Fort Collins, CO 80522 800/678-6287 P.O. Box 646 Addison,IL60101-0646 630/628-1324 630/628-1234
Patti Komara's Tumblebear Gym Videos 1530 Joliet St. Dyer, IN 46311 219/865-2274 219/865-2389
Paul liert and Associates, Inc.
Motionwear Inc
12850 Brookprinter PL Poway, CA 92064 619/572-0455 760/788-4756
5800 West 18th Street Greeley, CO 80634 800/321-9809
Palmer Power Springs
Markel Insurance Company
Poway Gymnastics
1740 44th Street SW Suite 5#111 Wyoming, MI 49509 616/261-1978 616/261 -0218
Mancino Manufacturing Co., Inc.
7010 Alder SI. Houston, TX 77081 713/661-2727 713/661 -7750
PO Box 543 San Pedro, CA 90733 310/830-6672 310/830-6675
Norco Athletic Supply
Kidz Blitz
Marsha's T-Shirts
Norberts Athletic Products
601 E. Walnut ST Garland, TX 75040 972/ 487 -8877 972/ 487 -0588
3214 Bart Conner Dr. Norman, OK 73072 405/364-5344 405/ 321 -7229 bhf1161 TECHNIQUE. MARCH 2003
PO Box 125 La Grange, CA 95329 888/496-6287 209/667-5882
Project Action Foundation, Inc 8994 Seminole Blvd Seminole, Fl33772 727/367 -5437 727/398-5501
Quality Action Photography 959 Highway 15 South New Albany, MS 38652 662/534-7408 662/538-5962
Rebecca's Mom Leotards 5445 Ben Ave Valley Village, CA 91607 818/980-0119 818/980-0119
Reflections "The Poster People" 910 Goodman Rd Suite C Southaven, MS 38671 662/349-8989 662/349-8989
Resilite Sports Products, Inc. PO Box 764 Sunbury, PA 17821 570/473-3529
Rhythmic Gymnastics Inc 214 Clinton Place Hackensack, NJ 07601 -3603 201/343-7424 201/343-1067 RGINCORP@AOl.COM
Satara Leos 5712 Danmire Court Plano, TX 75093-2433 972/267-7676 972/267-7677
Sherwood Forest Farms 1900 N. Northlake Way # 135 Seattle, WA 98103 206/545-3900 206/545-7888
Snowflake Designs 2943 larkin AVE Clovis, CA 93612 888/509-6234 559/291-6096
Snyder Insurance Services, Inc 6800 College Blvd. Ste 125 Overland Pork, KS 66211 800/874-6704 913/498-0212
Southern Apparel 203 Murrell Ave Somerset, KY 42503 606/679-2140 606/676-9314
Spieth Anderson 4608A Fairlane Ave Fort Worth, TX 76119 800/331-8068 817/536-3006
Summit America Insurance Services 5001 College Blvd Suite 216 leewood, KS 66211 913/327-0200 913/327-0201 www.summitamerica路
The Academy 1000 Stephanie Place #1 Henderson, NV 89014 702/795-3332 702/434-1229
The Music Tailor
PO Box 20564 Albuquerque, NM 87109 505/856-77 50
1600 Saratogh Ave #403 Son Jose, CA 95129 40B/374-7777 40B/374-7777
US Grcmnastics Deve opment Center II Mahwah, NJ 07430 United Athletic International 658 North Ballas Rood SI. louis, MO 63122 800/877-5294 888/ 533-8095 info@unitedathletiuom
Threads of Fun Spiritwear 285 ASawdust The Woodlands, TX 77380 281/363-1133 281/298-5744
Tights 'n Things
United States Elite Coaches Association for Women
2676 S. Glenstone Springfield, MO 65804 417/882-7205 417/877-9922
Folding Mats
10 Quail Point PI Carmichael, CA 95608 916/487-3559 916/487-3706
To The Core 8161 S. 59th Franklin, WI 53132-9235 414/421 -9797 414/421-8777 JONYAPlSED@AOl.COM
United States Gymnastics Suppliers Association PO Box 1444 Englewood, CO 80150 843/577-9620 843/577-9751
Trampolines Unlimited, Inc. P.o. Box 924 Carpinteria, CA 93014 800/287-7071
Universal Cheerleaders Association
Triangle Art and Sound 9650 Strickland Rood, Ste 103-180 Raleigh, NC 27615 919/ 264-3429 919/676-6263
Trophy Depot 1110 Jericho Turnpike New Hyde Pork, NY 11040 516/488-8632 516/488-0700
Trophy Nut Company 320 North Second Street Tipp City, OH 45371 937/667-8478 937/667-4656
Tumbl Trak PO Box 289 4676 E. Brumfield Rood, Ste A Mt Pleasant, MI 48804-0289 800/331-4362 517/772-5121
2617-BTolley St Decatur, GA 30030 404/687-9911 404/687-9177
University of Michigan 1000 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734/764-5318 734/764-3221
Vaughn Software Services
Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs. Whether you need a single mat for home use, or enough mats to set up an entire gym
PO Box 1086 Apex, NC 27502 919/362-0432 919/362-0432
- quality mats at affordable prices. Visit us on the web -
World Class Gymnastics Center 5700 Old Collinsville Rood Fairview Hts, Il 62208 618/632-4555 618/632-4597
US Glove Inc 8300 San Pedro NE
PROSHOPS CAN MAKE YOU EXTRA CASH If Part I convinced you that it is worth your time and effort to give that Pro Shop a chance, you probably are ready to hear more of the 'how-to' part of a pro shop. Let's start at the beginning, the perfect place to put it.
~ ~
ocation will playa big part in the success of your brand new Pro Shop. Close to the lobby is preferable, where it is seen most often. Just a corner of your lobby area can display quite a bit of merchandise with some wall racks and cases that use the space efficiently. Remember, vertical space is space, too! Consider glass display cases at your front desk and a plexi-glass counter top. It's a great way to utilize precious space, and it also keeps everything handy so sales can be handled by your front desk personnel. Wherever you locate it, it needs to be kept well organized, neat and clean, and pleasing to the eye. The warehouse effect just doesn't do much to encourage sales!
Getting Stat1ed. There are ways to minimize your initial investment when you start up your pro shop. Don't try to stock everything right off the bat. Keep on hand some basic 'need it now' items, such as athletic tape and sports drinks along with an appealing inventory of apparel. Items that are wanted in the near future, such as any additional apparel or gift items, like jewelry and t-shirts can be ordered from catalogs upon demand . You may miss out on some impulse buying, but it has the advantage of reducing the overhead of stocked items. Build your stock as you determine what your customers' wants and needs really are, thus selecting carefully the items that you display or stock. Research those Risk Free programs we talked about in Part 1. A well established risk free program with a reputable company can create a solid foundation for your pro shop. Optimal stocking, along with a good risk free program will provide you with a way to keep inventory levels up, and take advantage of the trends of catalog merchandise at the same time.
What to stock
Making it all work. Merchandising properly can make or break a pro shop. Think about some of the things that all good retail stores know. Good lighting, enticing displays, uncluttered area, all help to invite shopping. Make it easy for your customers to shop by removing poly bags whenever possible, and hang merchandise from small to large. If space is one of your issues, only display one of each item, and advertise that other sizes are available.
You can have a big effect on sales by being smart about displaying it. ~ Rearrange stock regularly so it looks new, bringing different items into focus. ~ Put sale items in the BACK, so they have to come IN to check them out, and pass by other items. ~ Bring out new items every week or so, and soon they will start
When determining what to stock, you must first identify your customers' needs. What do they use at class (leo, scrunchies, shorts, athletic tape, grips and sports drink), and after class (fashion wear, jewelry, t-shirts)? Do a little market research and find out what they like in these areas. Remember, it isn't what YOU like, it's what they will buy! Take a poll among the team members and find out what their favorite items are from your catalogs, or if you already have a proshop, what they like best in your current stock. What is it that they li ke ... the style, the color, the fabric? Order a few of these in
lr-=-3-= 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1(
various sizes, and get ready. When the rest of the club starts seeing them on the team girls, they will all want them!
to ask "What's new?" instead of assuming that they have seen it all. ~ And take a hint from your local super market.. .keep those impulse items displayed at the check out counter!
Don't underestimate the effect of a creative display! Displays should be decorative, and pleasing to the eye, maybe even a little entertaining, but functional. Use color, props, clever arrangements and a good location in your shop for those special displays. What's that you say? You were born without the creativity gene? Seek help! Someone you know has that gene. Special sections are always a hit, also. Create an eye catching gift section, "what's new" section, or the ever popular sales bin where they can rummage to their heart's delight. Make it fun to be in your pro shop!
TEe HN 10 UE â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
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Be sure to include your pro shop in all ads for the gym, including the yellow pages and website, and don't be afraid to use special promotions. Again, this is sometimes a matter for your creative help! Today's easy access to computers makes things like gift certificates and postcards a simple and inexpensive way to recognize your customers. Gift certificates can be put in new student's registration packets or sent out for birthdays. Create a 3 x 5 "Thank you for shopping with us" postcard and include mention of upcoming sales or new items, and "look forward to seeing you in our shop again."
Customer Satisfaction Another important aspect of any retail operation is customer service. Think about your own shopping experiences. If you have a question , you want it answered quickly and correctly. This is the same situation. If you study the catalogs and understand the guarantees and wash & care instructions and have a good understanding of the products in your shop, that knowledge will instill confidence in your customers and reassure them. Knowing each vendor's requirements for ordering and keeping current catalogs on hand will allow you to point out differences between items and offer advise. Don't wait for them to ask questions, make it your business to educate them so they feel good about their purchases. If you don't know the answer to a question, get an answer and get back to your customer ASAP. They will be impressed with the effort and your desire to please. Don't expect items to sell themselves. Greet your customers and don't ever let them leave without saying something to them. It's as easy as pointing out a new item or special sale or suggesting a scrunchie to go with that new leotard.
The Business side Before you can sell, you need to price. This isn't always as easy as it sounds. Do yourself a favor, and invest in a few tools of the trade ... a pricing gun and a cash register.
unreasonable when you consider your time is money, and you are providing a service that is a convenience to your customers. All 'traditional' retail stores mark their goods up double or more! And one final note. Be aware of what is politely called, shrinkage, which simply means, theft! Don't be fooled into thinking it won't happen, it does and will. Although you can never completely prevent it, it can be greatly reduced by simply being aware and alert. Keep the shop area open enough so that all areas can be seen by your sales person . If that is not possible, keep items that are out of the line of sight in locked cases. Have set hours for the shop and always have it staffed by someone. It should never be a self service kind of set up!
OK, ready to throw open the doors of that new pro shop? If you are still in doubt or even if you have questions after you get started, remember that many of the RegionaL Congresses, in addition to the NationaL Congress, offer classes on how to make your pro shop succeed. They provide a great opportunity to Learn from other peopLe's experience.
Now gO ... sell. .. succeed! Written by Debbie Clay, Spedal Projects Administrator, Elite Sportswear, L. P. Based on information and research by June Kutz, Elite Sportswear, L. P. (GK) Sales rep and Lynn Moskovitz, Sales Manager for Elite Sportswear, L.p. (GK)
When deciding on prices, don't be afraid to "keystone." This simply means doubling what you paid for the product, and is not
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I(
PDP & KAT Certification Meet Director Certllicalio Skill Evaluator Certilicatio Athlete Wellness 1-800-345-4719
• Clubs - You can keep your information current on the database system by making the necessary changes online. You can make changes for the contact person , address, telephone number and so forth . • USA Gymnastics membership cards are mailed on a weekly basis. Card processing, fulfillment and mailing may take up to 4 weeks. If you do not receive your card after one month has gone by, please contact one of the member services representatives. We will make sure that a new card is issued. We do not have any way of knowing who may not receive a card for whatever reason. We need to hear from you and we will be glad to make this right. We do apologize for any inconvenience. • You may download all membership forms from the online website. Go to the home page and look at the left hand side. Fourth item do wn under "About USAG" is FORMS. • Sanctions - You may change the date of a sanction as long as it is done ahead of time. Let Member Services know in writing. Send the sanction number, name of the meet, original date of competition and the date change. You may send this by mail, fax or email. • Sanctions - meet cancelled due to "Act of God" snow storm etc. Sanctions can be scheduled for a later date when this unfortunate situation arises. Call Member Services and follow up with the information in writing .
• All athletes, coaches and judges must be members in order to participate at a sanctioned USA Gymnastics event. All levels of athletes must have a current number to participate in the meet. Safety certification is required for all coaches and judges along with their professional membership. 16 and 17 year old coaches and judges must hold a Junior Professional member number. • Member Services
DON'T FORGET: • Reserve your hotel room at the Anaheim Marriott for National Congress. Contact National Travel Systems. See information in this issue. NTS can help you with all of your travel needs and they have the best price for tickets! • Register for National Congress. Save $100 by pre-registering. • Member Clubs get your registrations in now for the group discount. • Sign up for the third annual Business Conference held August 20 in Anaheim . This will be another sell-out! Don't wait and then be disappointed . There will be no registrations accepted on site. • Safety, KAT, and MELPD courses will take place August 20 at the Marriott Hotel in Anaheim . • Purchase your tickets to World Championships. This will be an event not to be missed. • U.S. Gymnastics Championships will take place June 19-22 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
TECH N IOU E • MA R(H 2003
)f - - - -- - - - -- - - - - --
~,~, 2003WORLD cham ionshi
Purchase 2003 World Gymnastics Championships Merchandise!
Order TODAY at
Save $600.
4 Station Just for Kids Circuit complete with Skills Cushions Only $4,895.00!
Special includes: Unevens, Parallel Bars, High Bar and Ring Frame. The Four Station Circuit Base allows you to set-up 4 different activities at the same time in a minimum amount of space. Only IT x IT is required! If desired, individual stations can also be set up throughout your gym with the purchase of extra bases at a slightly higher package cost. ($5,195.00) The colorful grouping of skill cushions is designed to work with the circuit base system. Mats are constructed of prime polyurethane covered in 19 oz. vinyl with breather sides. Each mat is 5' x 10' x 8" and comes complete with special velcro attachments. Set of 4 - Blue, Yellow, Orange and Green.
Spieth Anderson Toll Free USA
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... .. ...
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2001 and 2002 World Championships team member GUARD YOUNG, 25, missed the Winter Cup Challenge but had a very good reason. He and his wife Alisha had their first child, a son, Tyler Mark Young, who weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was born on Feb. 6. The baby's middle name is after Guard's coach, Mark Williams. Guard is from Team Chevron-Oklahoma.
USA Gymnastics presents Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camps in 2003 . The areas of focus will include leadership, marketing, financial management, organizational management, round tables and time set aside for questions and answers. There are four great 1Day Boot Camps taking place in 2003. Check out the dates and locations below.
10 a.m.-5:00 p.m, Hilton Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI
1984 Olympic Silver Medalist MICHELLE DUSSERRE FARRELL and husband Matt had their second child on Feb. 11. It's a girl - Zoe Elizabeth Farrell. The baby was 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well.
OLYMPIC GYMNAST DIES AT AGE 91 Former Olympic gymnast, Ada Lunardoni Cumiskey, died at the age of 91, on Jan. 11. Ada, who was from Hackensack, NJ, was a member of the first U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics team. She was formerly married to Olympic gymnast Frank Cumiskey but after years of marriage and three children the couple divorced and remarried.
FORMER GYMNAST TURNED ASTRONAUT DIES Mission Specialist David Brown, one of the seven astronauts killed in the shuttle crash, was a gymnast at the College of William and Mary, where he majored in biology. Brown, 46, was born in Arlington, Va. During college he worked as an acrobat, unicyclist and stilt walker. After graduating he studied medicine and joined the Navy. He trained with the U.S. Navy as a flight surgeon, then as an aircraft carrier-based aviator before applying to NASA's astronaut corps. He was selected by NASA for astronaut training in 1996. The Columbia 16day mission was his first flight into space.
(in conjunction with U.S. Gymnastics Championships and Region IV Congress)
Early Bird-Before May 1, 2003 119.00 per person from a Member Club 160.00 per person from a non-member club After May 1, 2003 149.00 from a Member Club 190.00 from a non-member club
FRIDAY AUGUST 29 2003 Renaissance Hotel 9721 Arboretum Blvd Austin, TX (in conjunction with GAT Convention over Labor Day weekend)
Early Bird-Before June 30, 2003 119.00 per person from a Member Club 160.00 per person from a non-member club After June 30, 2003 149.00 from a Member Club 190.00 from a non-member club
FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 2003 Boston Burlington Marriott Burlington, MA (in conjunction with Region VI Congress)
Early Bird-Before July 29, 2003 119.00 per person from a Member Club 160.00 per person from a non-member club After July 29, 2003 149.00 from a Member Club 190.00 from a non -member club
TEe H N' Q Uf • MARCH 2003
)r--- - - - - -- -- - - --=9 -=--1 3
PART 3. APPLICATions by Jeni McNeal, Ph.D. and W.A. Sands, Ph.D.
This is the third of a three-part series on the use of the
error. As an additional application of the motion analysis programs, the gymnast could be videotaped again following a coach's correction to evaluate whether or not she achieved the desired position. This allows the gymnast to relate what she feels with her body and what her body is actually doing.
new video capture and motion analysis technologies in enhancing coaching of gymnastics skills. Part I of the series presented an introduction to the technologies and briefly described how they might be utilized in a gymnastics program; Part II described the hardware and software requirements and options for creating your own video capture and motion analysis systems; Part III
will provide several examples of how the systems might be used to enhance the coaching of gymnasts. FIGURE 1 demonstrates the finishing of a back walkover exhibiting several performance errors. In this case, the young gymnast may not understand the concept of a straight body line. This video could be utilized to demonstrate her poor positioning out of the back walkover, and the drawing tools used quickly to draw over the image and further emphasize the
FIGURE 2 shows the use of motion analysis software for demonstrating progression over time of a gymnast performing a clear hip circle to handstand. Often gymnasts (and coaches!) get frustrated working the same basic skills day after day, and may not see themselves progressing. Keeping a video record of performances over several months time would allow the coach to review the progress with the gymnast to show her that indeed she is improving, and remind her of what her initial performances looked like. This can be a powerful motivator when progress seems slow. FIGURE 3 demonstrates the use of video technology to compare a lesser performance to a better or even "ideal" performance. In
TEe H N IQUE â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 2003
) ) - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
this case the skill was a straddle back. The image on the (left) shows a gymnast at the point of release into the straddle back, demonstrating inadequate hip rise prior to release. The image on the right shows a better performance, demonstrating her position at the time of release from the high bar. These images can be shown to the beginning performer, and even played simultaneously to show exactly at what point the performances differ. Finally, FIGURE 4 shows the use of a directory tree to easily catalog skills. This makes g . D UnevenBars searching for demonstration $.. C_releases skills or earlier performances by D D_releases the same gymnast fast and easy. $.. Pak No more searching through D Tkatchev endless videotapes for the ffi . D Yaeger correct performance! The files are immediately at your COPYRIGHTED 1001 FARWIRE, INC. fi ngerti ps.
We hope you have enjoyed this series of articles demonstrating the uses of the new video and motion analysis technologies available to today's coaches. Hopefully they have encouraged you to discover the uses of these technologies in helping you and your gymnasts achieve peak performance.
GET MORE STUDENTS Fun & Fit Gymnastics Program • SET Achievable goals for Students • BUILD Enrollment Retention • MEASURE Teacher Efficiency • RECORD Student Accomplishments
New Licensees Include: • Starbeam Gymnastics Johnstown, NY
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MAI(E ALL KIDS FEEL LIKE WINNERS! Instructor Training Videos - 30+ skills per level explained step by Curriculum Cards - Track skills taught as required in USAG Safety manual. Star Posters - Kids take home - Helps them experience success. NEW! QUANTITY DISCOUNTS & NO MINIMUM PURCHASE!
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MARCH 2003
USA GYMNASTICS HALLOFF1\ E Induction Ceremony and Luncheon Anaheim Convention Center BaLLroom Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:45 a.m. - 1.45 p.m. Ticket Donation - $30.00 per person Full tables may be purchased for $300.00 (party of 10). The Class of 2003 will be announced in~ next issue of Technique.
This great video wnlo,,<hftt behind the judges perspective, great wanting to test up
Look fo more information to follow in future issues of Technique and on our website
TECH N 10 UE â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH
1) Mail form with payment to:
Wisconsin Center District Box Office c/o 2003 U.S. Gymnastics Championships 400 West Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203
2) Fax form with payment to:
414-908-6011 Attn: Wisconsin Center District Box Office
3) Visit partieialing gymnastics dub
For a complete listing visit (4lA) 276-4545 or visit
Contad Name: Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Day Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evening: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email:
All-Session" strip tickets include the following: • All Men and Women Artistic Events at U.S. Cellular Arena (6 events) . • All Rhythmic and Sports Acrobatics at Midwest Airlines Center (4 events).
Platinum Seating (limited avail~
Add $.
strip tickets purchased $ _ _ Total Due $ ___
Gold Seating # of "AII-Session" strips x$105 = $ __ Add $2.00 shipping and handling x # of strip tickets purchased $ _ _ Total Due $ ___ Prices include facaity fees - No refunds or exchanges
a Check # _______(make payable to Wisconsin Center District) a Visa a MasterCard Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E . xp. Dafe _ _ __ Name on Card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Cardholder Signature______________________ • TIckets will be mailed out no later than 4 weeks prior to the event. • All orders will be processed upon receipt. Orders will be processed on a lular
- -- -- - - - -- - - ------i(
~rst'come, ~rst-served basis (ticket availability is not guaranteed)
TEe H N10 UE • MARCH 2003
) f - -- - - -- - - - --
- --=-3-=--1
Edw:alillna1/ Tet:hnit:a1 ._0
FIG Women's Code of Points .................................... $50.00 This book now includes the 2002 FIG Supplement Womens Gymnastics.
2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Sr. Event Finals (2 Tapes) .............................................................. $25.00
2002 U.s. Gymnastics Championships Sr. All-Around Finals (2 Tapes) .......... ... .. ....................... ..... .......... ... ...... $25.00
2002 FIG Supplement to the Women's Code of Points .. $15.00
This packet is the latest changes made to the FIG Code of Points. If you have a 2001 FIG Womens Code of Points, this packet will update your book with the most current information.
2002-2003 Elite Testing Booklet & Video .................. $15.00
2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Junior Women
This packet is the latest changes made to the FIG Code of Points. If you have a 2001 FIG Rhythmic Code of Points this packet will update your book with the most current information.
This set is now updated for the new season
(2 Tapes) ...... ..... ................................................... $25.00 #2168
2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Senior Women
(2 Tapes) ............... .................. ...... ........... .. .......... $25.00 2002 Brazilian International Gymnastics Challenge .... $20.00
Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Handbook for Coaches & Judges ....................... ........................ ... $15.00
2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Rhythmic Junior All-Around (2 Tapes) .......................... ...... .... ,......... $25.00
This is the new 2002-2004 edition.
Boy's Basic Presentation/Trampoline DevelopmentjVault #2383
Round-Off Entry Video .......... .................................. $25.00 #2287
FIG Rhythmic Code of Points .................................. $50.00 This book now includes the 2002 FIG Supplement for Rhythmic Gymnastics.
2002 FIG Supplement to the Rhythmic Code of Points .. $15.00
2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Rhythmic Senior All-Around (2 Tapes) .............................................. $25.00
2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Junior Men (2 Tapes) .............................................................. $25.00
USA GYMNASTICS New Educational! Technical Materials Order BelDw OR CALL
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Pro Members receive a 5% USA GYMNASTICS discount on books & videos. EDUCATIONAL/TECHNICAL MATERIALS PO BOX 361147, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46236-5323, FAX TO (317) 899-7496 OR CALL GYMNASTICS
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Physical Preparation for Young and Beginning Boys Video ................................ $25.00 Boy's Basic Skills Achievement Program (BSAP)* ...... $35.00 *Includes booklet, wall chart & video
over 100 gyms in thirty-three states,
switched from their meet scoring program
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Replace those clumsy flip displays and runners!
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POSITION AVAILABLE HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUaORS, Lakeside Maine residential summer camp teaching girls age 7-16, Small classes, all levels, Internships available, Opportunity to teach other athletics, arts, waterfront activities, Non-smokers, college sophomores & up, June 18-August 22,; kippewa,camp@verizon, net; 60 Mill Street - Box 340, Westwood, MA 02090-0340; 781/762-8291 (TIME lONE: New York Gty; call business hours & early evening); fax 781/255-7167 (24 hours), Include your telephone number. EXPERIENCED COACHES NEEDED, Head Over Heels Gymnastics, located in central NJ, needs coaches for both our girls and boys competitive programs, If you: love kids, are a highly motivated team player and are willing to assist with classes, contact Gail by Fax 732-577-1056 or e-mail Full or part-time positions available, INSTRuaORS/COACHES, Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P!T-F/T Weekdays/weekends/evenings, Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction, Competitive Team Coach Levels 5-10, Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, Rrst Air) Full benefits/paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan, Will train, Salary commensurate with experience, NEW facility, state-ol-the-art, approx, 11,000 sq, It Locoted in the NY/NJ Metropoliton area, easily accessible from all major highways, Contact Dot: 201-767-6921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648, DIREGOR/TEAM COACHES NEEDED, Part-time Director/Head coach needed, Responsible lor all aspects of gymnastics program including scheduling classes, workouts, organizing team training, scheduling competitions, hire and train staff, Must be qualified through level 9and have USAG Safety Certification, We are an established nonprofit gym that has been serving our community for the past 20 years, We are also looking for Part-time team and class coaches, Hours consist of evenings, Mon-Thurs, and weekends during meet season for the team coaches, Salary commensurate with experience, Send resume to: LG,A, P.O, Box 177443, Irving, TX 75017. GYM MANAGER/GYMNASTICS INSTRuaOR needed at Jodi's Gym, an established gymnastics
se!! mat • TOr sale • wantea • position available • bUy tnlS • sell mat • TOr sale • wantea e • wanted • position available • buy this • sell that • for sale • wanted • positic • position available • buy this • sell that • for sale • wanted • position availab lable • buy this· for sale • wanted • position availab!e • buy this· for sale • wanted 's· for sale • wanted • . available • this • for sale • wa
program (over 20 years) with locations in New York Gty and Westchester County, Excellent career opportunities in this dynamic environment for applicants who have a positive allitude, high energy and strong communication and organizational skills, If you love children and gymnastics and have at leost 3-5 years experience in management and or teaching contact Elizabeth Wolfe at: Jodi's Gym, 25 Hubbels Dr" Mt Kisco, NY 10549_Phone 914244-8811. Fax 914-244-8833. Email JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSACHusms, Massachusetts Gymnastics Center has exciting career opportunities available, MGC operates four "state of the art" gymnastics facilities in the Greater Boston area with programs ranging from Tumble-tot to National Level 10, girls and boys teams, We are looking for ' The Best" instructors and coaches in the industry, We offer a competitive compensation package and fantastic growth potential. We have immediate full and part-time openings for the following positions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Cheerleading coaches, Recreational Program Director, Pre-school and Class Instructors, Interested candidates should forward their resumes to: Mike Colarossi, MGC, PO Box B56, Stow, MA 01775. Phone: 978-5625292, Fax: 978-562-5541. mikec@ massgymnastics,com COACHES NEEDED for fabulous facility, with well established team program in sunny Arizona, Level 7-10 looking lor a head coach on beam & floor. Choreography experience a plus! Must be a great leader & role model for children & teenagers, Also looking for a bar & vault assistant for Level 6-1 0, Must be able to teach & spot, double backs, etc. Wages to be determined by experience and willingness to take on additional responsibilities, FAX resume to (480)633-8801 or call Debby @ (480)6338414 or E-mail
GYM SOFTWARE ClassManager Software for Windows or Mac. Program records all vital customer information, student registrations, class schedules, class rosters, instructor data and assignments waiting lists, birthday parties, etc. Maintains all tuition accounts, membership lees, pro shop sales, statements, Automatically transfers financial data into QuickBooks, Performs one-bullon transfers of students from class to class, Available for single or multi-gym operation over the internet Now allows for online registration by customers with a web browser, Download free demo, manual & information from our web site at: www.atianticassociates,com Atlantic Associates, 365 Boston Post Road, Suite #'222, Sudbury, MA 01776, (978)443-0560, Info@atlantic-associates,com GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and labrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments, We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp, You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise, Call 1-800345-4087 for more information on how you can get started today! Email: customerservice@ gkelite,com Score Master - NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even beller! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the
USAG website, Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website, Supports: womens/mens, individual! team, artistic/rhythmic/trampoline, compulsory/ optional. www.$ - FREE demo & user listing, Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, Charlotte, NC, 28231, 704-523-1812,
CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Happy New Year to All!!! Start your year out Fresh, with a new selection of Leotards from Rebecca's Mom, Rebecca's Mom Leotards popular consignment program features our newest styles and fabrics and is currently available to qualifying Gymnastic Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps, Rebecca's mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Glitter, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soh velvet fabrics, Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/6 through adult large, We are currently accepting applications for new accounts for 2003, Please co!! our toll free line at 1-888-289-2536, lor details, forms and prices, WE also supply MEET PACKAGES, so call TODAY,
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD HOO words =$100 101-200 words =$200 Your od in Technique will automati<allv be placed online for 30 days at na oddnional charge, The address ~: Your 30 days will begin an the next regular posting dote,
CLASS CONTROL for Windows, Class Management and Accounts Receivable software, Version 5 with more features, more options, more power, more flexibility, and the same low price, Provides the class management functionality and complex recurring charge and discount structures that accounting programs can't touch; the automation, savings in time and effort, accuracy, and availability of information that spreadsheets can't come close to; and the power, flexibility, ease of use, protection, control, and support that other programs don't offer, Only $500 {$250 per additional workstotionl, includes free training and technical support,
Serving Gymnastics since 1990, Vaughn Software Services, 800-821 -8516 E-Mail: v_u@bellsouth,net AMEX/MC!VISA! DISCOVER
January .""" ""."." _,,Oec. 10 February"" ."" ... "". " Jan. 10 March " " " ". "" ". " """Feb. 10 April " """" .""" ." .",,_Mar. 10 May """"".""""."""Apr. 10 June ."."".""""."""May 10 July """""."." ... ."". June 10 August "".""""""""July 10 Sept/Oct. " ... "".""""Aug. 10 Nov./Oec. " ." " .""" .,,_Ocf. 10 NOTE: If tire 1Otlr falls on a weekend or
holiday, tire preceding work day is considered tire deadline.
TEe H N IOU E • MARCH 2003
SUBMIT Mail your ad and payment to: USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S, Capitol Ave" Ste, 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPtRATION DATI AND StGNATURE. Please designate if your ad shouldappear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine_ ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT WIU NOT BE PUBUSHEO. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vory format. Technique is reltived by more than 13,000 USA Gymnastics professionat members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad online_ Advertise your employment opportunity, produCl( service, or comp'etilian here for great resUltS. Questions? (all Luan Peszek at 317-237-5050 ext. 246.
) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : : :-=7".
The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. ' Time onrl dote subiect to chonge_ See uso-gymnost; for updates.
MARCH 21 Orlando, FL 32837; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Orlando Gymnastics Directions: Debbie Johnson 407 -850-4123 (ourse code: NB03212003FL Instructor: Nelena Beck, Phone: 352/ 493-7512
30 Cranbery Twp, PA 16066; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. X-Cel Gymnastics Directions: Andrea Paganie 724-251-0646 Course code: AP03302003PA Instructor: Andrea Paganie 412/869-3494
30 Kickland, WA; 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Northwest Aerials Directions: PaNi Gable or Suzie Reese 425-823-2665 (ourse code: KD05302003WA Instructor: Kelly Donyes, Phone: 425/ 513-8700
West (hester, OH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 (ourse code: SS040520030H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler, Phone: 513/ 755-7162
14 Stroudsburg, PA 18360; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. International Gymnastics (amp, 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Directions: Bruno Klaus 570-629-0244 (ourse code: PF06142003PA Instructor: Phil Frank, Phone: 856/ 786-3977
21 Indy, IN; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fulton Jr. HS Directions: Barry Dubuque, 812-482-4800 Course code: BD032120031N Instructor: Barry Dubuque, Phone: 812/ 482-4800
15 Penfield, NY 14526; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Gymnastics Training (enter of Rochester Directions: Sarah Jane Clifford 585-381-8840 (ourse code: S(04152003NY Instructor: Sarah Jane (lifford, Phone: 585/ 388-8686
19 Milwaukee, WI; 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. HyaN Regency Directions: Jim Mekarek 262-549-3344 (ourse code: J006192003WI Instructor: Jason Orkowski, Phone: 608/ 848-3547
23 Mukilteo, WA 98275; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Gymagine Gymnastics Directions: Kelly Donyes 425-513-5474 Course code: KD03232003WA Instructor: Kelly Donyes, Phone: 425/513-8700
18 West (hester, OH 45069; 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ' time chonged Lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-755-7162 (ourse code: SS051 820030H Instructor: Steven Schoenboechler, Phone: 513/ 755-7162
20 Bend, OR 97701 ; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Acrovision Gymnastics, 63255 Jamison St Directions: Rich Gustafson 541-388-5555 (ourse code: DA062020030R ' Instructor: Debra Anderson, Phone: 541/496-3692
29 (oncord, CA 94518; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tumbling Company, 930 Detroit Ave Ste B Directions: Robin (onway 925-674-1405 (ourse code: NG03292003CA Instructor: Nicki Geigert, Phone: 760/ 943-6986
25 Denver, CO 80222; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gym-Plus, 6180 EWarren Directions: TIm Frye 303-512-0799 (ourse code: RW05252003CO Instructor: Raleigh Wilson, Phone: 307/ 745-8302
21 Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts Directions: Bobbi Montanari-Fohrnbach, 614-777-9430 (ourse code: BF062120030H Instructor: Bobbi Montanan-Fohrnboch, Phone: 614/777-9430
SAFETY CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIp路 PRE路REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age for Safety Certification is J6 years) COST: Nome: Professional or Instructor #: _ ______ Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # ____________ Birth Dote _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dote: Form of Payment:
o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o American Express
Payment Amount: _________ _____________ Nome on Cord: _______________________ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: ___ / _ _ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to recertify ... _.. _......... _................................... _..... no charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification ..... _...... $ 50.00 Instructor Member .......................... _..................................... $ 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................ $ 100_00 , You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.
All registrotions must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date*. late registrotions, incomplete registrotions, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed_ late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four( 4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registrotion, however, may be transferred to another course within six(6) months with prior wrillen notification. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. 'Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline
Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capital Ave., Indianapolis, IN 4622S or Fax to 317-692-S212