Technique Magazine – July 2003

Page 1



TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling

R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics

M= Men

ACRO = Sports Aero NOTE: Dates anti events subject to change or cancellation.





2003 FIG World Gymnaestrada (GG) Jr. National Team Camp (M) Pan Am Training Camp (W) Freedom Cup (SA) J.O. National Team Camp

Usbon, POR Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX Jacksonille, FL Colorado Springs, CO

Pan American Games (MWR) Broadcast - U.S. Gym. Champs. (M) National Gymnastics Day World Team Training Camp (W) National Championships (SA) Artistic World Championships (MW) National Business Conlerence World University Games (MW) USA National Congress Broadcast-Artistic World Champs. (MW) Broadcast-Artistic World Champs. (MW) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp/8usiness Coni. Region I Congress(W) World Age Graup Games Team Trials (TT) National Championships (SA)

1-17 2 2 3-9 3-7 16-24 20 21 -31 21-23 23 24 29 30-Sept. 1 30-31 30-31

Santo Domingo, DOM Milwaukee, WI Various Sites Houston, TX Jacksonvile, FL Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Daegu, KOR Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Austin, TX Santa Clara, CA Colo Springs, CO Jacksonville, FL


2-4 3 7-11 15-17 23-25 WA 24 30-May 2

TBD 5-9

NCAA National Championships (M) NCAA Regionals (W) USAG Collegiate Championships (MW) NCAA National Championships (W) J.D. Level 9 East/West Championships (W)

Champaign/Urbana, IL Varous Sites TBD Los Angeles, CA East-TBD/West-Seattle,

U.s. Qualifier (M) J.O. National Championships (W)

TBD Orlando, FL

J.~ .

75th FIG Congress and General Assembly National Championships (M)

Antalya, TUR San Diego, CA

19th Sports Aero World Championships (SA) 3rd Sports Aero World Age Group Games (SA) U.S. Gymnastics Championships (MWRTT) National Business Conference U.s. OlympicTrials (MWRTR) National Congress

France Athens, GRE Nashville, TN TBD TBD TBA

Games 01 the XXVlllth Olympiad

Athens, GRE

JUNE TBD TBD 2-5 24 24-27 25-27

AUGUST 13-29

OCTOBER Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference TBD


FIG/PAGU Group Gymnastics Friendship Camp State & Regional Chairman's Summit (M) Rhythmic World Championships (R)

TBD 12-1 4 19-29

Houston, TX Chicago, II Maastricht, NED

-------------- 2 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- -5 ---





OCTOBER Region VIII Congress (W) National TOP Testing (W) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Region II Congress (W) Trampoline World Championships (TTl World Age Group Games (TT) Region VII Congress (W)

Burlingtan , MA Houston, TX Burlington, MA Portland, OR Hannover, GER Hannover, GER Virginia Beach, VA

NOVEMBER 1-30 1 7-9 13-16 13-16 14-15 20-24




3-5 3-5 3 3-5 17-19 20-26 24-26

American Team Cup (MW)


JULY 20-26 21-28 28-31 30-Aug.3 31-Aug.4


PAGU Children's Interdub Championships (MWR) Four Continents Championships (R) PAGU Jr. Interdub Championships (MWR) Future Stars National Championship (M) National Coaches Workshop (M) Fall Exec. Committee/ Board of Directors Meeting Jeff Metzger's 41/2-Day Boot Camp/ Business Conference

GUA VEN Miami, FL Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Chicago, IL

10th Pan American Maccabi Games (W) Coaches High Performance Clinic (TTl National TOP Team Training Camp (W) National TOP BTraining Camp (W)

Santiago, CHI Chicago, IL Houston, TX Houston, TX

NCAA Regional Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (M)

Various Sites TBD West Point, NY

Level 9 East Championships (W) Level 9West Championships (W) J.D. National Championships (W)

St. Petersburg, FL TBD TBD

World University Games (MWR) World Games (R IT SA)

Izmir, TUR Duisburg, GER

World Championships (MW)


9 21 -23 22-24

MAY 6-8 6-8 13-15

JULY TBD 14-24


Cincinnali, OH





DECEMBER TBD 5-7 6-10 10-14




Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Visa American Cup (MW)

World Championships (M W)

Aarhus, DEN

World Gymnaestrada (GG)

Dornbirn, AUI



Indianapolis, IN



U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M WRTT)



rI72--------------------------~(~~T~E~C~ HN~/~O~U~ E _.~J~U~ lY~2~O~ 03~~)~------------------------------

on official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER

Robert V. Colarossi

FEATURES Circuit Options That Won't short Circuit ...... ... .. ... ..... . .. . .............. 6


Luan Peszek

National Gymnastics Day ...... . .... ... .............. . . ... .. . .......... 1 6


Jay Bilunas USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Coloros~; VICE CHAIR WOMEN:Tom KoII; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomno; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Sdtmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLlN~ Poul Parillo; VICE CHAIR SPOR15 ACRO: Tonyo Cose Patte,,",,; SECRETARY: Gory AndefWl; TREASURER: Bob Wood; AG EXECunVE COMMITTE~ Joy Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. AG MEN'STECHNICAL COMMITTE~ George Betkstead; FIG TRAMPOLINE AND TUMBLING TECHNICAL COMMITTE~ Pat HendeflOn; FIG WOMEN'STECHNICAL COMMITTE~ J0008 He; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Steve Butcher, Paul Spadoro; ATHLffi DIREGORS: LDrisso Fontoine, John Roethtoberger, Vanessa Vander P1uym, Karl Heger, USOC ATHLffi DIREGOR: Oominid< Miniruco. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob Coloros~; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sondy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; PUBLIC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Mike Stonner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Betty Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION-MEN: Frond, Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COlliGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mike Jocki; NATIONAl ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Strawbridge; NATIONALASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Carole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHlETIC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Doug Von Everen; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Su,an True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Butch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; US. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBS: Paul Spadaro; US. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Story Moloney; U.S. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: David Holcumb, Tony Gehman; US. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Marc Yancey; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHlETIC ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: Marie Robbins; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike Burn" Abie Grollfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle Lorson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kathy O~berg; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kempton, Marsha Weill; SPOR15 ACRO: Bonnie Davidson, Joy Binder; ATHLETE DlREGORS: VonellO Vander P/uym, choir; LDris,a Fontaine, vice choir; Joir Lynch, "aetory; Dominick Minicu[[i, USOC Athlete Rep.; Mihoi Bogiu, Brooke Bu,hnell, Chari Knight Hunter, Mohini Bhardwaj, Karl Heger, Chri,tie Hayes, John Roethli,berger; ASSOCIATE DIREGORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kate Fober-Hickie; US. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Schwartz. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, notice of chonge of oddress ,hould be mode eight weeks in odvonce. For fastest service, please endose your pr"ent moiling lobel. Dired oil ,ubICription moil to TECHNIQUE Submiptions, USA Gymno~ics, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indionopoli" IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send oddrell changes to TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymno,tics, 201 S. Capitol Avenue., Suite 300, Indionopoli" IN46225. TECHNIQUE(lSSN 0748·5999) (USPS 016872) ~ published manth~ except bimonth~

in Sept/ Od ond Nov/Dec by USA Gymnastics, Pan Amencon PlOlO, Suite 300, 201 South Copitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) orvisit online @ Periodical posloge paid at Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscription pric,,: US.-525 per year; Conodo/Mexico-548 per year, all other foreign [Ountries-560 per year. If aVailable, bock illue ,ingle copies 54 plu, po,toge/hondling. All reo,onoble core will be token, but no re,ponsibility con be ollumed for unsolidted moteriol; endose return po~oge. Copyright 1998 by USA Gymnastics and TECHNIQUE All right, r"erved. Printed by Sport Grophics, Indionopoli" IN.

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all ortlcles, statements and views printed herein ore attributed solely ta the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.










DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule .... .. ..... ...... ......... ... ..... ... .2 USA Gymnastics Message .. .... .. .. ......... ... 4 Athlete Focus ............ .... ...................... 1 0 Member Service Update ...... .. .. ... ......... 1 2 Business Tips ............ .. .......................... 1 4 Congress Information ....... .. .. ... ..... .. ..... 1 7 KAT/MELPD .. .. ........... ..... ....... ....... ...... 31



prof. Development Certification Program .. .. 39 Classifieds .......................................... 47 Safety Certification Schedule ................ 48



Rhythmic Program Update ............. .. ..... 22 Women's Program Update .................... 25 Sports Acrobatics Program Update .. .. .. 44



ASlilCS Message Dear Members, What an honor it is for me to serve as Honorary Co-Chair of the 2003 World Gymnastics Championships this summer in Anaheim . Given the past history of U.S. team performances when events such as the Worlds are held in the United States, I think we can all look forward to a very proud moment for USA Gym nastics. Competing on home soil will definitely bring out the best in those representing the United States. An athlete learns how to rise to the moment, and having a full building with everyone chanting "USA, USA" will dramatically increase the confidence of our talented team . The history speaks for itself. Mary Lou ReHon Honorary Co-Chair of the 2003 World Gymnastics Championships and 1984 Olympic All-Around Champion

As we prepare for this summer, it has been fun to relive the great moments of the past. So many people have created to the legacy and memories of American gymnasts in World and Olympic competition. In 1978, it was Kurt Thomas, Bart Conner, and Peter Vidmar emerging onto the World scene for the first time in Fort Worth, Texas. Our success at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a magical moment for many of us. Kim Zmeskal took center stage along with her teammates at the 1991 Worlds in Indianapolis. And last, but certainly not least, the memories of the Magnificent 7 in Atlanta remain a fresh memory for all of us. If you will allow me for a moment, I would like to focus on the 1984 Olympics, and how I feel we can

recapture that experience this summer. The great thing about the 1984 Olympic Games was that the success was shared among both the men's and women's teams. It is said that USA Gymnastics was never stronger internationally than we were in 1984. Being able to capture so many medals between all of us was such a tremendous accomplishment. It is easy to say "the rest of the world was not there," but it takes nothing away from the fact that we hit our routines and performed at the highest level this country has ever seen. That is what made it particularly rewarding for everyone on the '84 team. I believe we will see the same again this summer. Recently, I had an opportunity to spend some time with our national team at Karolyi's Ranch. It literally blew me away. I have been keeping up with the U.S. team, but I never realized how many talented athletes are constantly raising the bar to the next level. These girls are focused, ready to compete, and determined to hit their routines. From what I have seen and heard about the U.S. men, I know that this group of guys has as much talent and potential as Tim, Bart, Peter, Scott, Mitch, and Jim. Their medal performance in Ghent and their consistent execution over the past couple of years indicates they are ready to contend for gold in Anaheim. I know many of you are planning to be in Anaheim this summer to possibly witness the greatest moment in the history of USA Gymnastics. I can't wait to experience it firsthand myself. Let's all stand up and be proud and relive yet another golden moment for Team USA.

Mary Lou Retton

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TECH N' 0 U E •

JUl Y 2003


Anything but routine.



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0 That won~'Short CirctJitj

By Jeannie McCarthy

quipment circuits are an indispensable tool for Preschool Gym E Teachers. The students thrive on the high level of individual participation. Perpetual motion by the students yields healthy energy release in a safe environment. From Australia to England, preschool gym programs around the world incorporate circuits into their classes. Could we live without them? The answer is a resounding, "No!" Let's take a look at how we can maximize our use of this popular teaching device. Clarification of the words 'station' and 'circuit' are required at this time for clear comprehension of the following material. A station is a single piece of apparatus or small activity area with a designated movement challenge. Linking together several stations in a circular fashion creates a circuit. Hence, a circuit is made up of stations. The obvious outcome of using circuits in the gym is the high level of activity per child. Other positive outcomes include:

time I was faced with the dilemma of teaching Backward Rolls. So, I grabbed a vaulting spring board and wrapped a home exercise mat (the kind with illustrations silk screened to it) under each end of it. The preschoolers sat at the top of the "hill" and produced some great Backward Rolls. Alas, the rigged springboard was a success! It was a relief that the makeshift decline 'mat' was effective. Here's a

quote that many of us identify with from the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, "If at first you do succeed ... try to hide your astonishment!"

The typical preschool gymnastics class is 45 to 60 minutes in length . Common practice is to set up two to three equipment circuits for each weekly lesson. This entails allowing the children to work through 12 to 18 stations per class. Additionally, class includes a warm-up segment, group games, and a concluding activity.

• Previously learned skills are rehearsed in a stimulating environment, i.e. repetition without boredom. • The ability to attempt a skill in a circuit, fall short, and reattempt the skill are welcomed, thus building perseverance and improved abilities. • The students' memory retention improves. • One to one moments between teacher and child occur. • Improvement in social skills such as sharing, taking turns, respecting others' personal space, etc. • Learning of personal accountability and autonomy. • Gaining experience in body management. That's one tall calling for such a fun segment of class! Yes, circuits are fun to do. Ask any kid! Is it a coincidence that 'circuit' sounds like 'circus?'

The Not So Good /01 Days With the plethora of apparatus available in today's gym schools, it is easy to include circuit work when designing the weekly curriculum. Creating stations for our gym circuits is easier today than in ancient times! In 1980, wedge mats were not to be found in our gym . At this

Depending on the intensity of the skills required per station and your program goals, the decision has to be made as to whether to keep the circuits the same for two weeks (with more accuracy of movement and introduction of next step skill progressions) or to completely change the circuit arrangements weekly. This choice is highly situational. On average, an age-appropriate circuit for 3-5+ year olds contains six stations. Note that when first introducing circuit work to three year olds,

1~ 6-----------------------------4(~___ rE_C_H_N_'O~U_E__. _J_U_lY_2_0_O_3~)~------------------------------

it is beneficial to only practice circulating amongst three stations. Then, stop the activity and attempt the remaining three stations. After a few weeks you will be able to successfully lead the three year old group through a six station circuit, provided that you place directional signs such as poly arrows, carpet squares, or hoops to provide guidance.

Basic Tips For Running Circuits The KAT and MELPD courses offered by USA Gymnastics provide wonderful opportunities to discuss your circuit thoughts and preferences with other professionals. The course workbooks provide useable information to enhance your ability to create circuits.

Circuit Options Various options exist for running your circuits. The style of circuit that you choose to employ during class is dependant upon numerous factors: group size, maturity of the children (how much they can remember, and behavior), safety issues, proximity to simultaneous classes, and the teaching style of the instructor. Let's analyze seven circuit options. This week at your gym, endeavor to utilize an option which is novel to you.

Option One: Continuous Flow All six stations are arranged in a circulating fashion, i.e. circle shape, oval shape, rectangle shape, etc. The students are permitted to move in one continuous flow from station to station in a predetermined pathway; clockwise or counterclockwise. The teacher remains in one location to spot a challenging skill.

Option Two: Remain & Rotate All six stations are arranged in a circulating fashion. One to two children are pla(le a each station and told to remai n there and perform repeateiLattem ts at the desired activity by taking turns and sharing. The teache[ syots at the challenging station. After a few minutes, all activity is illted. The children are asked to proceed (rotate) to the adjacent staBen and to remain there on task until commanded to 'rotate'-to"'the next station. This option does not necessitate the need for the children to circulate twice through the set-up.

Option Three: Random Pathways Station are set up on the perimeter of an area (edge of the floor exercise at~ r in a designated shape (typical circuit 'circle'). The students move at random to the stations of their choice. This circuit optio w0rk ricely for parent participation classes. PHoTOGRAPH By PETER H. Sn

The basic tips below will set you up for success.

Option Four: Choose Your Pathway

1) Locate yourself at the station where the children will need the most assistance and where all students are within your view. 2) Provide eye and verbal contact with children traveling elsewhere through the circuit. Bi -lateral vision is indispensable! 3) If the students are doing well at the spotted station, move yourself about the circuit filling in where needed with encouragement, praise and spotting.

Option Five: Independent Circulation With Callout

4) To avoid bottlenecks, place one or two children at each station then callout, "Begin!" 5) To avoid bottlenecks, situate a low beam in each circuit to slow down the flow. The low beam also provides a good place to sit the students as they attend to the teacher's instructions. 6) Call out, "Freeze!" to show a particularly good performance by a student or to reinforce a cue. 7) For skill acquisition, allow the students to pass through the circuit

a minimum of two times. 8) Provide teacher demonstrations or use a child demonstrator to appeal to the visual learners. 9) Ask the students to repeat words and cues back to you to appeal to the auditory learners. Verify that they understand what to do.

aside, one at a time, to spot them on the tramp. The teacher must be extremely watchful due to the distance between his/ herself and the group of students.

10) Always safety check each station prior to class. PHoTOGAAPH By DAVE


(continued to page 8)

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Option Six: Add-On All six stations are arranged in a circulating fashion. The entire group of 6 - 8 stude/nts begins at a simplistic station with the teacher. The teacher quickly engages the children in a simple skill (Log Roll down a wedge mat) and observes the performance of each child at station #1, then mov~s the entire group to station #2. After quickly demonstrating/explaining the objective, each child attempts the skill at station #2 then hurries back to station #1 to perform that skill. Next, the entire group moves to station #3, listen/observes the skill to attempt, performs the skill under the watchful eye of the instructor, then returns to perform station #1, #2 and #3. This option is meant to be run quickly. Note that the most difficult station is located at station #4 so that the children can pass through it at least twice after having added on station #5 and #6 . The placement of the spotted station at #4 permits enough repetition to learn the difficult skill. A benefit of the Add-On Circuit is that the teacher observes very closely the accuracy of individual performance and provides immediate feedback. Dawn Tornese, owner of Northland Gymnastics in Pennsylvania submitted this idea.

station. Next, permit the children to circulate from station to station. This idea was submitted by Wendy Panicucci, owner of FitNastic Gymnastics in New Jersey.

Lesson Planning Tips For Designing Circuits • Keep safety foremost while writing your lesson plan. Arrange the apparatus away from bar cables, away from where mats conjoin, and away from cross traffic areas. • Create filler stations for flexibility, strength, or gross motor skills. • Include eye-hand and foot-hand coordination stations. • Include academic stations (numbers, colors, shapes). • Place on-deck waiting spots for stations that include kicking so that children are safe. A kicking type skill is a Donkey Kick or Teeter Totter. While waiting at the ondeck spot, tell the children, "Stand or do Tuck Jumps in the hoop (or on the carpet square) until it is your turn ." • Include one low beam for the students to sit on to listen to the teacher's directions and to slow the circuit down when the kids are on the move.

Personal Favorite My favorite format for starting gym class is to bring the children into the gym and start on a circuit. Not the typical gymnastics circuit. More of an obstacle course. Obstacle courses are almost selfexplanatory; slide down the sliding board, crawl through a tunnel, move across a balance beam, toss a basketball into a hoop, swing on a low bar, etc. I design an obstacle course with enough self-explanatory stations to keep the kids busy, then I plan for one station to be truly acrobatic in nature. This is a spotting station such as Handstand progressions or Backward Rolls. The "Opening Circuit," as I like to call it, remains the same for two weeks with slight variations to challenge the children. If a detailed explanation to the group is required, I cover it slowly in week one, then quickly remind them for week two. The benefit of starting class on an equipment circuit verses a general running and stretching warm-up is huge! Consider the parents view for a moment if you happen to be in the routine of doing a general warm-up. The parent releases their youngster to your care. The parent's next sequence of events is putting away shoes, greeting· the office staff, chatting with parents in the lobby, then sitting down to observe the ongoing class. Meanwhile, you have jogged the children and done other exhausting aerobic moves. However, by this time your entire group of students is sitting on the floor. This is the part of class that Mom and Dad see first. Yes, the children are sitting! As teachers we know that we are moving the children through various stretching positions and catching up on stories. But the impression it leaves on the parents is that the children are merely sitting.

Option Seven: Movers & Shakers This sugge-sUcrn is for those groups of children who have trouble focusing, are verly energetic, or need more structure. Explain station #1. All chi dren perform station #1. Explain station #2. All children perfor station #2 . Continue to each of the six stations. Stop the activity and ask if the group can remember what to do at each

Consider beginning your class with an obstacle course and see how impressed the parents become. Plus, watch how quickly those latecomers get to class on time! What a bonus! Additionally, if you feedthe-need-for-movement for your energy filled youngsters at the commencement of class, then the remainder of class should be smooth sailing.


Teaching Styles For Explaining Circuits

Special Note

What is the secret to getting the kids to perform well during circuit work? Thi s is where your unique style as a teacher shines through. Herein are two teaching styles for initiating activity by the students.

As you can see, circuit work is valuable to include in your weekly lesso ns. However, avoid using your apparatus and circuit times as a crutch or as a substitute for true instruction . Good teaching and effective lesso n planning always takes into account teaching through progressions. This entails carefully tracking which skills and activities have been included in previous lessons. It involves having short and long term curricu lum goals . The writer of the lesson plans at your gym will need to map the progressions, drills, and stations that are presented to the children week in and week out. Circuits should be purposeful, not simply a babysitting portion of class. To hit that mark takes planning!

Watch -Me-Then-Do - The students sit quietly with the entire circuit in view and li ste n to/watch the objectives for each station. The teacher demonstrates or has a child demonstrate the not-so-obvious skills. All of the so called down time - sitting stilL observing and listening - generally results in the chi ldren performing well due to a clear understanding of what to attempt at each station. There is an exception; this teaching approach is challenging when you face a group of 3 year olds. The teacher must be a master communicator. A master communicator is animated, demonstrative, humorous and above all appeals to all learning styles.

Design your circuits so that they won't short circuit. Good luck, and good planning!

Get-Busy-And-Do - The children arrive at the circuit and are encouraged to begin activity immediately. Corrections and instructions are provided as the kids are in motion. For example, the entire group begins at the bars with a skill that the teacher does not have to spot and the teacher points out where to move to next. By the time the first child is ready to do the second station, the fourth child in class understands what to do on the bars. So the teacher proceeds to the second station and tells the first three students what to try. This works very well for groups of three to four children. You essentially move around the circuit as a cohesive group . The kids benefit from observing each other and hearing the advice of the teacher to their peers. This method has a do wn side. If the children are poor listeners, poor observers, or are too busy to focu s on the teacher, then haphazard results can occur due to the inability of the children to mentally apply themselves to each station's main objective. The true dilemma appears to be: Should I sit the children down quietly to hear a one to two minute explanation, THEN get them busy? OR do I get the kids busy and find that they have small waits at each station because they need to listen to explanations as they're moving about the circuit? This is the teachers personal preference and depends on the factors mentioned earlier of class size, the students' maturity level, safety, and proximity to simultaneous classes. The utilization of circuits within preschool gymnastics classes bolsters the effects of quality teaching. Analyze the seven options presented herein . Review your upcoming lesson plans and consider if an alternative circuit option, other than your habitual one, wou ld be more beneficial to the students in their effort to have fun and learn. Attempt a variation of your circuit work this week. Expect two to three weeks for the children to adjust to a new option.

Above all, enjoy the kids. "To love what you do and feel that it matters . .. how could anything be more fun?" Katharine Graham

Mrs. Jeannie McCarthy is a former collegiate gymnast, judge, and club owner with 25 years of experience in the sport of gymnastics. She is a national instructor for the USAG KAT and MELPD courses. McCarthy is author of the GymTastics curriculum guide. She is currently enjoying involvement with the students of Double '0' Gymnastics in Media, PA as an Instructor and Curriculum Consultant. She can be contacted at Special thanks to Anna Marie Kapustiak and Kevin Brodie of Double '0' Gymnastics for their editorial assistance. Thanks guys!! •

Each teaching style has its strengths. Teachers should lean towards the style that they are most comfortable with, but be flexible enough to change to the style which will best benefit the children's needs. ------------------------------~(~__~TE~C~H~H~/Q~U~E~.~J~U~ lV~2~O~03~~)~----------------------------~9~1

by Luan Peszek

ason Gatson burst onto the gymnastics Jwinning scene in 1997 taking third all-around and floor at the U.S . Gymnastics Championships. He also became the youngest athlete ever to make a U.s. men's World Championships team. The U.S. men placed fifth at the 1997 World Championships and Jason finished an incredible 22nd all-around at age 17. He moved up to second all-around at the 1998 U.S. Championships, behind Blaine Wilson, and won floo r and high bar. Gatson was definitely one of the guys to beat at the top of the ranks. At the 1999 U.S. Championships he was winning the allaround after preliminaries and had already won the floor and parallel bars titles, when disaster struck. He injured his knee while dismounting from high bar in the all-around finals and had to withdraw from the meet.

Gatson has been through a great deal of adversity since this time but has shown remarkable tenacity. Gatson is now on the upswing. His most recent accomplishment was taking second all-around at the 2003 Winter Cup Challenge. He's prepared for the U.S. Championships and hopes to prove he's a force to be reckoned with. When asked about the U.S. Championships, Jason said, "I'm basically going to show up and try to hit 12 routines. I'm excited to be back competing at this level and with these guys. I've been through a lot and I'm excited to be doing this again." When asked about his come back, Jason said, "I still haven't accom plished everything I

want in this sport and I definitely feel like I can be on a World team and help them medal. It's been a long process and I kept pushing through. I showed up at the gym every day and I was persistent and that's why I think I'm doing well now. I feel confident in my routines, my skills, and my knee." Jason turns 23 on June 25 and this west coast native resides in Colorado Springs, Colo., where he trains at Team Chevron-U.S. Olympic Training Center. Jason is coached by Vitaly Marinitch. He is active in the Make a Wish program in Colorado and he enjoys swimming, basketball, and drawing . USA GyMNASTICS PHolcx:;RAPHY Š STEVE lANGe

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Make Note. Don't miss the discounted pre-registration opportunities. Do all of your registrations on-line. National Congress, Annual Business Conference, KAT, MELPD and Safety Course pre-registrations are due July 20. Take advantage of the website on -line registration. You may register for National Congress and all of the additional educational opportunities and certifications by going to the website Look to the column on the left hand side and click Congress 2003. Follow directions on the page for registering for National Congress and the Business Seminar. To register on-line for the certification courses go to the left hand column and click on certifications. Then click on the certification that you wish to take. For example if seeking the KAT preschool course, click on KAT. You will pull up the information page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find instructions for registering on-line.

\ J

That's why I switched ...



On-Line registration is now open for 2003-2004 Athlete Registrations. Please make sure that the club has a signed form for every athlete on file. Packets and forms have been sent out to all clubs. You may copy all forms.

//::'to ProSchool // software." /

I 1




J 1

\ \













\ \ \ "\ "- '-. \

I / /



-- ---

\ \


Rita Brown, President "Brown's Gymnastics ""Training Centers '-.

Make use of the on-line registration for all of your course and membership needs. Go to On the top of the Home page click Member Services. Please read the information provided. Make note of the new 2003-2004 fee changes. Go to the " How to ... " page and follow the instructions. Please read all instructio ns before attempting to register on-line. Pre-register for all of your certification courses. You will save a minimum of $25 off the on-site registration fees. And now, by preregistering, you will receive your Safety and KAT course certification forms and cards at the respective course. You must pre-register for all courses a minimum of two weeks when registering through the national office. You may register up to one week of the course when you register on-line. You may sanction a meet or event on-line. Forms for sanctions and all memberships are available on-line for downloading.


ProSchool, ''simply the best ''gym management software-period.

USA GYMNASTICS HALL OF FAME INDUCTION CEREMONY AND LUNCHEON Saturday, August 23, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center Ballroom 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Don't miss this terrific program and event

rI71~2----------------------------~(___r_E_C_H_N_'Q~U_E__ ._J_U_lY_2_O_03__~)~-------------------------------

The 20/ 60/ 20 Rule Kids First has 201 empLoyees (under one roof). When I teLL this to club owners, invariabLy, most express their sympathy and say something Like, "you must go crazy." I don't. What I want to teLL them is that I work no harder now than the days not more than three years ago when we had 40 empLoyees. In fact, I was far more frustrated with my staff in the days when we had 'onLy' 15. So, Jeff, are you saying that there is a magic number when managing a business gets Less frustrating ? AbsoLuteLy not. The frustration LeveL a Leader has with his staff has ZERO to do with number of empLoyees in the company and EVERYTHING to do with the organizationaL skill and Leadership skill. In search of becoming ever more skillfuL in Leadership, I want to divuLge a conversation I had 13 years ago on my boat which changed the way I thought about Leadership : the 20/ 60/ 20 RuLe. After inspection you will probabLy reaLize, the numbers, 20/ 60/ 20, are NOT exact numbers and wiLL change from situation to situation. But, the CONCEPT is 100% vaLid and has had a major impact on how I Lead peopLe. One day about 11 years ago, Doug ALLen, a good friend and UPS middLe manager, and I were engaged in a diaLogue on Leadership. Doug toLd me about the 20/ 60/ 20 management 'ruLe' that he Learned during his management training for UPS. I have personaLLy found the 20/ 60/ 20 RuLe extremeLy vaLuabLe.

The 20/ 60/ 20 RuLe states: regarding any issue, in any group of empLoyees, a manager (Leader) will find that 20% of the peopLe are generaLLy "with him," as a matter of course; 60% of the peopLe are fence sitters and will tip either direction depending on externaL factors; 20% are "against him" no matter what he does. A Leader shouLd constantly acknowLedge the vaLue of the upper 20%; shouLd seek to identify and cleanLy ELIMINATE the bottom 20%; and shouLd spend the buLk of Leadership time with those peopLe in the middLe 60% who have the Largest spheres of influence. The human tendency is to spend the buLk of your time with the upper 20%, ignori ng the middLe 60% and sticking your head in the sand when it comes to the bottom 20%. Again , are the 20/ 60/ 20 numbers dead on ? RareLy, of course. In fact, a skiLLfuL Leader can consistentLy raise the first number and Lower the bottom number with a well thought out seLection process and excellent powers of influence. And of course, vice versa. So forget the numbers and focus on the CONCEPT. Make it a great month! Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners.

2003 Dates: For

November 20-24,2003

FREE portfolio of infonnation: 513.489.7575 or

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GK Risk Free Program • It's easy to order, easy to sell and easy to return • Let us select an exciting new assortment of styles to send you each month • You 'll find your "Risk Free " shipmen ts always create some new excitement and a rush of sales in your pro shop • And you 'll earn extra profits with no investment and no risk!

GK Workout Essentials> • This line featu res new and innovative styles that are always on the cutting edge of fashion • You'l l find a complete selection of accessories .. from briefs to wristbands to gymnastic shoes • GK re leases five exciting new lines each year.. so you 'll always have something fresh and new in your pro shop • Also a great way to supplement your "Risk Free" packages

• Add even more variety to your pro shop ... this collection of elegant workout wear and basics are in stock for one year making reordering easier • These styles are great for your team or if you have a special event coming up and you need to outfit a group of gymnasts • Look for a complete selection of accessories in this catalog too

2136 N 13th Street / PO. Box 16400 Read ing, PA 19612-6400 Phon e: 1-800-345-4087 I Fax: 1-610-921-0208 E-Mail: Web Site: Onli ne Ordering Available

Miracle _

Network~ the alliance of premier hospitals for children

Children's Miracle Network Fundraisers This year we are offering clubs the ability to raise funds in a variety of ways for the CMN Children's Hospitals during National Gymnastics Day. We encourage our clubs to participate with their gymnasts to help the children that are being cared for at your local hospital. The fact that the money stays in your community is a perfect way for clubs to get involved with other businesses and the hospital in your area. (Future sponsors for your meets, help with checking on the gymnasts' injuries, donations, speakers at your booster clubs, etc). Here are a number of ways for clubs to raise money for Children's Miracle Network. Raise funds by running a Mrs. Smith's Flip-A-Thon. You can host this event at a variety of locations including your gym, the local hospital or try one of CMN partners which include: WalmartiSam 's Club or the General Growth Properties Mall Network. Call Cindy Allen at CMN 801-278-8900 or to help set up your event with a hospital or CMN partner. Balloon sales. Call you local children 's hospital and get balloons with the hospital 's names on them. Gymnasts sell the balloons at the gym and the money benefits the CMN. Recycling. Cartridges for Kids is a program in which your gym families can participate. Have them bring in their used printer cartridges and cell phones to earn money for CMN. 970-2242930 or 800-845-8851.

o Yes! I plan on donating to the Children 's Miracle Network! or

o Yes! I plan on doing a Mrs. Smith's Flip -A-Thon for the Children's Miracle Network From: ____________________________________________________________________________ Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________ Club # --------------------------------------------------------------------------Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________----'Fax:_____________________E-mail _________________________ Please tell us how you plan to be involved in National Gymnastics Day: _____________________________

USA Gymnastics has posted information and past event ideas on our website at to assist you in your planning. Please return by July 15, 2003 to: USA Gymnastics, Loree Galimore Fax: 31 7-237-5069 or 317-237-5065 or email


GYMNASTICS National Congress



Wednesday, August 20, 2003 • Add On's • Business Conference

Anaheim Marriott 700 West Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 (directly across the street from the convention center)

Thursday, August 21 Saturday, August 23,2003 • Congress Sessions • Exhibit Hall • Dance Party

Anaheim, California· August 21-23

Note: Members Club Group discounts will be available. Application posted on Member Club Only website.


"Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"

Anaheim Convention Center 800 West Katella Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802

To reserve housing at the Anaheim Marriott, the official Congress hotel, without a package ($129 per night plus taxes), please email NATIONAL TRAVEL SYSTEMS at... worlds03@takeavacation.comor call 'S-tay-in-g-at-th-e-Co-n-gr-es-sh-ote-I,-An-a-h-eim-'

1-888-603-8747 or 806-794-3135


Marriott, will allow Congress attendees direct transporlation to and from the Wond Championships at the Arrowhead Pond.

2003 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SPECTATOR PACKAGES * Packages available on afirst·come, first·serve basis. Please reserve by March 31, 2003.

SPECTATOR PACKAGE II AUGUST 19.25, 2003 6 NIGHTS/7 DAYS • Housing in one of the official host hotels • Full Americon breakfast daily • Transportation to and from the competition • 1 tour or attraction of your choice • On site tour staff and hospitality desk • Includes all toxes

AUGUST 15·25, 2003 10 NIGHTS/11 DAYS

L ' ~L.~,~ WORLD

cham ionshi

• • • • • •

Housing in one of the official host hotels Full American breakfast daily Transportation to and from the competition 1 tour or attraction of your choice On site tour staff and hospitality desk Includes all taxes

$1,275.00 per person, based on single occupancy $775.00 per person, based on double occupancy $600.00 per person, based on triple occupancy

$1,995.00 per person, based on single occupancy $1,195.00 per person, based on double occupancy $900.00 per person, based on triple occupancy

For additional nights please add 5190.00 per person, per night based on single occupancy and 51 /0.00 per person, per night based on double/triple occupancy.

For additional nights please add 5190.00 per person, per night based on single occupancy and 5110.00 per person, per night based on double/triple occupancy.

To register lor the 2003 USA Gymnostics National Congress please add $230.00 per member ami $350.00 per non-member.

$500.00 All Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level (Includes podium training, all qualifying sessions and finals ... Iower levell $250.00 Championship Package, Silver Level (All final sessions .. .upper levell $175.00 Championship Package, Bronze Level (All finol sessions ...upper levell

Please email NATIONAL TRAVEL SYSTEMS at... or call 1-888-603-8747 or 806-794-3135


1{TS TEe H N I OU E • JULY 2003

Ta register lor the 2003 USA Gymnastics National Congress please add $230.00 per member and $350.00 per non-member.

$500.00 All Session Strip Ticket, Gold Level (Includes podium training, all qualifying sessions and finols ... lower levell $250.00 Championship Package, Silver Level (All finol sessions ... upper levell $175.00 Championsh ip Package, Bronze Level (All final sessions ... upper levell NOTE: DISCOUNTED TICKETS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INDIVIDUALSWHO PURCHASE TRAVEL PACKAGES.

) } - - - - - - - - - --------=-,=--71



Congress - Aug. 21-23, 2003


After July 20, 2003 you must register on-site.


Complete one farm per person - Photocopy for additional registrations. Became an Instrudor Member to receive the member discount. Simply check "Please sign me up" and include an extra 547.00 (565.00 Foreign Instrudor Member) in your total amount enclosed. Your confirmation will be sent by email. Please provide a valid email address.





If you ordered World Championships tickets with this registration farm, they will be mailed to the address listed below 4 weeks prior to the event. NOTf: If your are purchasing World Championship tickets and want to be seated next to your co·workers, friends, spouses, etc., send all registration farms together at one time with payments.








(postmarked by July 20)

PRO & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS 0$230 Congress-Early Bird registration only ($330 on site registration)

WORLD 0$549 0$269 0$189


AlI·Session Strip ncket, Gold Level Championship Package, Silver Level Championship Package, Bronze Level



0$350 Early Bird registration only 0$450 Congress registration on·site

(see pg. 21 for ticket explanation)

Minimum age for Congress registration is 16 •

._............................................................................................ . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Security No. USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No.

Birth Date .


Email Address_ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __

please sig n me up for an Instructor Membership. I have included $47 ($65 Foreign Instructor) in total amount due.

(Email address must be provided in order receive confirmation)

To become 0 pro member colil-BO(}34 5·4719

Mailing Address . .

. .......................... ................................................ ... .......

T .................................................................................................................................................................................




--. Q

Pleose make the change in the USA GymnasNcs database.


State . .

Day phone (

a This is a new address

Night phone (

.v ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Club Number.

Must check club owner box for admittance to Exhibition Hall Preview Check all that apply: a Administrator a Club Owner a Coach/Teacher a Judge

CONGRESS FEE INCLUDES ONE TICKET TO THE CONGRESS DANCE PARTY Total Amount Enclosed ... 1_$_______......1Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics Charge:









Card # . . .................................... Exp . . . . . . ............................ Cardholder Signature . Cardholder Printed Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol, Ind ianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317·237-5069 ATIENTION: MEMBER SERVICES




• Credential for entrance to Congress sessions and clinics August 21"23, 2003 Anaheim,CA. • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services. • One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday evening, August 23.

NO REFUNDS OR TICKET EXCHANGES ON TICKET PACKAGES All registration cancellations must be in wriHing. Submit request in wri~ng to USA Gymnas~cs, Atten~an : Cathy Allen

(additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 each- available at on"site registration) Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters announce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped . Language: The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics w ill make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this

regard prior to the July 20 Early Bird deadline . We suggest that this information be included w ith the congress regi stration form .

Before July 20th - Registration fee less $30 service fee per person canceling. Alter July 20th - 50% of registra~on fee per person canceling.

SUBSTITUTION POLICY To transfer registration to another person, the new Congress attendee must also hove a Professional or Instructor membership. Before August 1 - $30 per substitu~on ON ..SITE - $50 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, AHention: Cathy Allen







No Pre-Registration after July 28 After July 28 you must register on-site for a $25 additiona l late fee per course per person









I. . .

USA Gymnastics Pro/ lnst.

# ....

<E::!- c C ~ Vl.....

. . ..............._ Social Security No . ...



i'b' 0-t\ :J @ :J


Use this form to register for the 2002 Congress tests, examinations, certifications, etc. One form per person . Photocopy for additional add-on registrations. NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnostics member database) will be used for all correspondence.

Birth date.



~ :r VI (l) VI


NOTE: Due to limited space and materials, admission to Congress add-ons is not guaranteed unless pre-registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling add-ons.


; R"' _3 =~ I .., i ;:l =-





Safety Expiration Date ..



-' I

N :J~ lJJ

~QC O!



O~~ cE-I ....,rb(j ~~

Mailing Address ........................._.... .


................................................................................................................................................................... State ..........


Night phone (

Day phone (


Email ....... .

0Check appropriate



for the add-ons you wish to affend.




o Wed. August 20, 1-4:30 p.m.

~ I


Cost: $70


~ "'o..,"


Minimum age for Safety Certification is '6

Wed. August 20, 8: 15路12:30 p.m. o For recerts. MUST be currently sofety certified AND 0 pro-member. N/A o For those not olreody sofety certified. $50 Wed. August 20, 12:45-5 p.m. o For recerts. MUST be currently sofety certified AN D0 pro-member. N/A o For those not olreody sofety certified. $50

o $0 $50

$0 $50

N/A 0 $1000 N/A 0 $1000



Language: The Official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 20 pre-registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Pre-registration Form. Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that hislher session may not be videotaped.


~ .a::.


~ ~


o Wed. August 20, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

$100 $100 $150 0 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a KAT Workbook. Enrollment is/imited. Minimum age is 16.



o Wed. August 20,12:45 PJIL- 5:30 pJIL $75

$75 $125 0 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees aMELPD Workbook. Enrollment is/imited. Minimum age is 16.





CLUB #_ _ _ __ _

o Wed. August 20, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Limited enrollment. No on-site registration.




Charge to:

L.1. ;;.$_ _ _ _ _....I1



0 Discover 0 Mastercard

0 Amex

Cord No. Exp. Dote ...._........................................................................................................................... _ Signature (required) ....

Please return this registration form to:

~TS USA Gymnastics Congress Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATIENTION: Member Services

USA Gymnastics Business OwneJs C,onference, Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Anaheim,CA Who: What: Where: When: Why:

Club Owners, Directors and Managers National Business Conference Anaheim Marriott Hotel Wednesday, August 20, 2003 from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. To facilitate the sharing of ideas and concepts relevant to the success of the gymnastics business and to bring together USA Gymnastics members and international professionals attending World Championships.


$150 per person from a Member Club $250 per person from a non-member.

Included in the conference: Continenta l Breakfast, Lunch and a Business Gift.

NOTE: There will be no on-site registration. Host: Gary Anderson

Don't miss this once-in-a lifetime opportunity. You won't miss any of the World Championships Competitive Sessions!

Language: English

You will receive invaluable advice on how to run a successful gymnastics club at this conference.

To register go to: and click on 2003 Congress, then click Business Owners Conference.

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Training Sessions Preliminary Sessions Men's Team Finals Women's Team Finals Men's All-Around Finals Women's All-Around Finals Individual Event Finals Men - Floor Exercise, Still Rings and Pommel Horse Women - Vault and Uneven Bars Individual Event Finals Men - Vault, Parallel Bars and High Bar Women - Balance Beam and Floor Exercise

• Groups of 15 or more, call 714-704-2420 to order • VIP seating in the Platinum Circle or All-Session Strip Tickets call 714-704-2419 • Get your 2003 Worlds Merchandise••• order online @

The World Unites at the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim

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) 1 - - - - - - - -- - -----:=-=1,...". 2

RHYTHMIC JUNIOR OLYMPIC PROGRAM COMMlnEE MayS,2003 Wilmington, Delaware In Attendance: Jody Hurlburt Region 1 Region 2 Joyce Chaplin Region 3 Beth Halloran Suzie DiTullio Region 4 - Chair Nancy Martin RegionS Michelle Larson Region 6 Ivanka Kirov Coaches Rep. 1, 2, 3 Lucy Kerznerman Coaches Rep. 4, S, 6 TyanaMarlowe Judges Rep. On the phone for 1st part of meeting:

Caroline Hunt Jan Exner Cindy French

Athletes Rep Rhytlunic Program Director Rhytlunic Program Manager

I. OFFICE REPORT Report on both professional and athlete members given to all regional chairs. The CLUB DIRECTORY that has been a database kept by USA GYMNASTICS and updated and distributed annually by the regional chairs, will no longer be a document distributed by USA GYMNASTICS. Each regional chair may keep a directory. All dub and coach addresses are available to regional and state chairs through USA GYMNASTICS Member Services Dept. It is very important that all coaches keep their address current with USA GYMNASTICS since this will be the information used for mailings from USA GYMNASTICS, regional and state chairs. Foreign athletes There are two issues: #1 - In order to comply with the Amateur Sports Act, enacted by Congress in 1978 which governs participation at all age levels in all sports, which has been interpreted by the USA GYMNASTICS Board of Directors to state that we CANNOT take away an opportunity that should go to a U.S. Citizen. #2 - FIG Statues that oversees athletes participating in competitions in foreign countries. USA Gymnastics recognizes the positive benefits of having foreign athletes who are residing the United States participate in its sanctioned competitive events. However, USA Gymnastics has an obligation to observe all rules and regulations regarding the participation of foreign athletes as set forth by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG). 1. FIG regulations require that all Foreign Athletes (anyone without United States Citizenship) -regardless of age or competition level - must gain permission from the gymnastics federation of their country of citizenship and from USA Gymnastics before they may compete in any sanctioned USA Gymnastics event. 2. Foreign athletes are eligible and should receive awards at all meets, however, a duplicate award must also be awarded to any

U.S. citizen that is displaced by the foreign athlete in the case of placement or ties. 3. Foreign athletes may not participate as a member of a Regional Team or be selected to any special team or camp unless a duplicate position on said team or in the camp is awarded to any U.S. citizen that is displaced by the foreign athlete. Foreign athletes may not participate as Regional Team Members at the Junior Olympic National Championships. 4. Foreign athletes are not eligible to compete at the U.S. Championships. Future Stars There were 1S3 athletes that tested in 2002. There were 33 athletes named to the development team and 19 of those athletes made the regional teams to J.O. Championships. A special thanks to the USRGCA who provide the funds that made it possible to give each athlete on the development team a leotard. Recommendation from the JOPC: To have a level S/ 6 Future Star test site at the Level S/ 6 Championships competition. Preliminary calendar for 2004: March 13-14 Region 3 & S March 20 & 21 Region 2 & 4 March 27 & 28 Region 1 & 6 April 16-18 J.O. Championships

Regional Championships Regional Championships Regional Championships

Any dub in Region 1 interested in hosting rO. Championships in 2004, must send a completed bid form to USA GYMNASTICS (Appendix 1 of the Rules & Policies)

Coach of the Year USA GYMNASTICS has received a directive from the Standardization Task Force to establish a J.O. Championships Coach of the Year. The following process will be followed for 2004: 1. Each region will decide a process for the coach from that region to be nominated and put the process in writing to distribute to the coaches. 2. The coaches at the regional meetings will decide on one coach to nominate from each region. The coach nominated must accept the nomination. 3. The election will take place at the coaches meeting (Individual) at the rO. Championships competition. The six coaches names will be announced and one coach per dub will vote for the coach to receive the award. 4. The J.O. Coach of the Year will be announced at the awards ceremony with the Team Awards.

II. COMPETITIONS Proposal: The Regional Teams to participate at the J.O. Championships will be the 1st-6th place All-Around champions from Regional Championships for Level 7 and Level 8. A maximum of 2 non-citizen guests per level will qualify to J.O. Championships. The non-citizen guests will qualify by placing 1st2nd in their All-Around competition.




The non-citizen guests will compete in a separate award category. Their scores do not count toward the Team score. Medals will be awarded for Individual Event and All-Around at 50% of the field of competitors. Motion: Suzie DiTullio 2nd: Jody Hurlburt Vote: Unanimous Clarification: The Level 5 / 6 competition that is currently referred to as the Level 5/ 6 J.O. Championships official title is - LevelS / 6 Championships. This competition is sponsored by the U.S. Rhytlunic Gymnastics Coaches Association. USA GYMNASTICS assists where needed by the USRGCA. Any club interested in hosting the Level 5 / 6 Championships must send a bid directly to the coaches association. Proposal: Results from all state competitions are not required to be sent to the USA GYMNASTICS office. A master set of results should only be sent to the regional chairs. The master set of results should be signed by the meet referee or head judge only. Each judge does not have to sign the results. Motion: Michelle Larson 2nd: Nancy Martin Vote: Unanimous Proposal: New group routine progression Beginner Compulsory Group Will use the current beginner compulsory routines. Three out of the four gymnasts must be from levelS or lower The same judging rules that have always applied to beginner compulsory will continue Beginner Optional Group Will use compulsory elements chosen by the technical committee Elements will include body skills and exchanges Music will be optional Music should be between 1:15-1:45 Intermediate Group - continue as last year Advanced Group - continue as last year Motion: Beth Halloran 2nd: Suzie DiTullio Vote: Unanimous Rhytlunic Technical Committee will identify skills. Recommendations for scoring will be sent to the committee. Proposal: Cbmges ÂŁSf Level 7 ~- tsss with Rsmsfttal fstatisR, ts Elr.y laFge tsss This rniIRge wst:tlEi fit "ith fIC Fetj:liiFelfleRts RiBBSR CRaRge tsss eartwReel ts tsss vtitR aeFSBatie sletl Motion: Beth Halloran 2nd: Nancy Martin Vote: 3 yes - 6 No Proposal DENIED
















~ X




2004 Begilmer Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced 2005 Beginner Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced 2006 Beginner Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced 2007 Beginner Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced





Beginner Beginner Optional & Compulsory Intermediate

[Q] 0 2 2 Advanced

Begilmer Beginner Compulsory Optional & Intermediate

20 2~ Advanced

Beginner Beginner Optional & Compulsory Intermediate

2 ITZl 2[[] Advanced

Beginner Compulsory

Beginner Optional & Intermediate




III. RULES & POLICIES Proposal: Section 10 - Rules for Competitions-X.E.1-3 E. Level 5-10 Awards at State and Regional meets 1. Individual event (ribbons are the minimum required for state and regional): a. Meet directors will award 1st-12th place when the number of competitors in the age groupl1evel is 12 or less. Meet Directors are encouraged to award all athletes. 2. All-around medals: a. Award Ist-3rd place regardless of the number of athletes in the age division. b. Meet directors will additionally award up to 12th place. Meet directors are encouraged to award all athletes. 3. ~ there are a large number of athletes in any of the age division, it IS recommended to divide into smaller sub-divisions by birth date (Ex: 1992, 1993, etc.). Motion: Jody Hurlburt 2nd: Suzie DiTullio Vote: Unanimous Proposal: Entry fees for state and regional competitions are non refundable. Motion: Nancy Martin 2nd: Suzie DiTullio Vote: Unanimous


2004-2007 Apparatus Schedule




A Task Force was put together to start gathering information and data to put together a report on the direction that the J.O. program is going to take after 2005. Members of the task force: Ivanka Kirov Lucy Kerznerman Nadine Davies Tyana Marlowe

Coaches Rep. Coaches Rep. Rhytlunic Tech. Rep. Rhytlunic Tech. Rep.

X X (continued to page 31)

------------------------------~C, ___~TE~C~H~N~I~OU~E~.~J~U~ lY~2~O~O~ 3~)r------------------------------~


Congratulations to the Class of 2003 Bonnie Davidson - Harold Holmes, Jr. Scott Keswick - Charles Lakes Shannon Miller - Jaycie Phelps Chris Waller

Induction Ceremony and Luncheon Anaheim Convention Center Ballroom Ticket Donation .

$ 30.00 per person

Saturday, August 23, 2003 Full tables may be purchased for 11 :45 a.m .. 1:45 p.m.

$ 300.00

for a party of ten

p---------------------. Hall of Fame Ceremony and Luncheon Ticket Reservation Form Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USAG# _ _ _ __ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __


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$ 300.00 each

for a total of _ _ __

Visit us on the web - I would like to include a donation to the Hall of Fame in the amount of - - -Make check payable to USA Gymnastics. Total Amount due: _ _ Send form and check to : USAG HOF, 20 1 S. Capitol Ave. Ste 300, Indianapoli s, IN 46225 OR Charge to: Mail or fax 317-692-5212 Credit card: Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp.Date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name on Card ( please print) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~---------------------~ r EC H N IOU E • JUl V 2003 )}---------------

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~ ~

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Jlll1e 2003 All of the following changes/ c1atmcations are recorded in TC and JOC minutes from May 2003 and are effective August 1, 2003, unless otherwise indicated.

I. PROGRAM UPDATES A. TIMED WARM-UPS Four basic formats are identified and will be printed in the 200304 Rules and Policies. The main changes are: 1. Meets conducted in one gym with only one set of apparatus and with warm-ups immediately preceding competition on each event are now described as "Modified Traditional." The timed warm-ups are limited to 1 minute for Compulsory and llh minutes for Optional (no 30second touch). Optional meets using this format have a maximum of 56 gymnasts per session. 2. Capitol Cup and Modified Capitol Cup formats have a 1 minute timed warm-up for Compulsory and 2 minutes for Optionals. There should be no more than 12 compulsory or 8 optional gymnasts per squad in these formats. 3. If a squad or several gymnasts in a squad choose to "block" their timed warm-ups, the clock does NOT stop for bar adjustments. B. J. O. LEVEL 9/10 CALENDAR FOR 2004 Preferred date for Level 9/10 State Last date for Level 9/10 State Meets Level 9/10 Regionals Level 9 East/West Virgirtia Beach, VA/Seattle, WA

Level 10 Jr. Olympic Nationals Kissimmee, FL

April 30 - May 2

C. PROCEDURES FOR INJURY PETITIONS Additional procedures for petitioning to Level 9 or 10 Regional Chatnpionships due to special circurnstatLCeS will be added to the Rules and Policies. These petitions involve previous JO National or East/West competitors, previous Elite competitors and TOPS athletes.

II. TECHNICAL UPDATES A.GENERAL 1. In the evaluation of "composition" in regards to "high points", the judge should consider the virhlOUS performance of value parts required at the specific level. No additional consideration should be given for exceeding the difficulty (value parts) required at the level. 2. Conferences: Chief Judges are encouraged and responsible for calling a conference if an impossible Start Value has been awarded. 3. Deduction for signals or verbal cues: If a coach OR a TEAMMATE assists the gymnast by signals or verbal cues, a warning is given and any subsequent infractions by the satne coach/tearnmate(s) would incur a penalty. 4. Slacks are now considered an option for the official uniform for judges at any level of competition.

March 13/14 March 20-21 April 2-4 April 23-25

5. Repetition of an exercise: Any decisions regarding the repetition of an exercise should be made by the Chief Judge, in consultation with the Meet Referee. (continued topoge 34)



USA. GYMNASTICS 6 requirements worth 0.80 each

4 A's, 48's, 0 C's


A = .10, B=.30, C=.SO


3 A's, 48's, 1 C's 9.70

3 A 's, 3 B's, 2 C's


Maximum of 0.30 Additive Value for Connections only


No difficulty restrictions; however, if a "0 " or "E" element is performed, it receives "C" Value Part credit. "D's" and "E's" are considered as "C's" for Connection Value.

Not eligible for Additive Value

"C's" receive "8" Value Part credit. "DIE" 88/FX Acro elem. & U8 mounts, dismounts & releases VOID exercise. All other "DIE's" receive 2.00 penalty & no Value Part credit is given.

All Group 1, 2 & 3 vaults, plus *selected vaults from Group 4 & 5 are permitted. (See Level 9/10 vault chart) *RO entry vaults with twists-no saltos or RO entry vaults with saito & no twist.

Maximum of 0.50 Additive Value (min. of +0.10 Difficulty Value & min. of +0.10 Connection Value)

Group 1 & 3 Vaults on Lev.8 chart (Handsprings & Tsukaharas) All other vaults are not permitted & if performed , VOID the event.

BARS 1. 2 bar changes 2. One flight element, min. "B" 3. Min. of "B" from Groups 3, 6 or 7. 4 . One LA turn-excluding mount or dismount 5. Minimum of "B" dismount

BEAM 1. Acro series: min. of 2 flight elements (both must start & finish on beam) 2. Dance or dance/acro series of 2 or more elements 3. Min. of 360 0 turn on one foot or knee 4. Leap , jump or hop requiring 1800 split 5. Minimum of "B" dismount

4. Min. of "B" from Groups 3, 6 or 7 5. Minimum of "B" dismount


BARS 1. 2 bar changes 2,3. 2 different flight elements, min.

All vaults from Groups 1-5

No restrictions

BARS 1. 1 bar change 2. One "B" element with flight or turn 3. Min. of "8"from Groups 3, 6 or 7 4. Minimum of "A" saIto dismount

BEAM 1. Acro series: min. of 2 flight elements (both must start & finish on beam) 2. Dance or dance/acro series of 2 or more elements 3. Minimum of 360 0 turn on one foot or knee 4. Leap, jump or hop requiring 1800 split 5. Minimum of "B" dismount

FLOOR 1. Acro series (3 flight elements, 1 a saito) 2. Acro series w/ 2 saltos, same or different 3. 3 different saltos in exercise 4. Dance turn on one foot, min.of "B" 5. Dance series of leaps, jumps, hops: one must be a leap wI one-foot take-off 6 . Min. of "B" saito as last saito or in last connection of saltos

Not applicable at Level 7

If a "C'" element is performed, deduct 2.00 (see exceptions on 8ars) "0" and "En elements are not allowed & would VOID exercise if performed.

BEAM 1. Acro series- min. of 2 elements, 1 wI flight (both must start & finish on beam) 2. Dance or dance/acro series of 2 or more elements 3. Minimum of 360 0 turn on one foot or knee 4. Leap, jump or hop requiring 1800 split 5. Minimum of "A" dismount

FLOOR 1. Acro series (3 flight elements, 1 a saito) 2. Acro series w/ 2 saltos, same or different 3. 3 different saltos in exercise 4. Dance turn on one foot, min. of "8" 5. Dance series of leaps, jumps, hops: one must be a leap wI one-foot take-off 6. Min. of "B" saito as last saito or in last connection of saltos




Group 1 HandspringNamashita vaults that have no more than 360 0 in one flight phase & no more than 540 0 turn in total.

FLOOR 1. Acro series (3 flight elements, 1 a saito) 2. Acro series w/ 2 saltos, same or different 3. 3 different saltos in exercise 4 . Dance turn on one foot, min. of "8" 5. Dance series of leaps, jumps, hops: one must be a leap wI one foot take-off 6. Min. of "A" saito as last saito or in last connection of saltos

Please refer to the Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook for a complete understanding of the Jr. Olympic rules. This is an overview only.

FLOOR 1. Forward Acro series (min. of 2 directly connected forw. acro elements wI flight) 2. RO, FF, 8ack Layout to 2 feet 3. Large leap with 180° split (isolated) 4. 540 0 turn on 1 foot (isolated) 5. Direct Conn . of 2 or more dance elements 6. Direct connection of Dancelacro elements

BARS SPECIAL 1. Minimum of 1 bar change REQUIREMENTS 2. Kip Mount 3. Cast to min. of 60 0 Lev. 8, 9 & 10: 4/5. Two 360° Circling Elements to finish Deduct 0.20 for in or pass through a clear support each missing SR • May be same or different • 1 from Gr. 3, 6 or 7 • 1 to minimum of 60°; no angle Level 7: req. for other circle Deduct 1.30 for 6 . Dismount with a saito missing a requirement BEAM (0.50 for omitting + 1. Min. of 360 0 turn on one foot (isolated) 0.80 for value of 2. Large leapljump with 1800 split requirement) (isolated) 3. Acro series of 2 or more non-flight elements (1 must pass through inverted vertical in HS) 4. One acro element with flight 5. Oance series- 2 or more elements 6. Saito or aerial dismount

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Yamashita - 1/2 twist off


Handspring - 1/2 twist off


mashita - ' /1 twist

Squat Vault



(Effective August 1, 2003 -July 31, 2005)


Handspring - '/2 twist off





51 .106



Handspring - 1'/2 twist

Handspring - ' /, twist

' /4

' /2 twist on - 1/2 twist off

hita - ' /2 twist off








Yamashita - ' /, twist

9.3 twist on - 1'/2 twist off




' /2 twist on - ' /, twist off 1.206



twist on - HSPlYami off ' /, twist on - ' /2 twist off



Handspring - 2/, twist off



kahara Tuck


9.9 3.201

Tsukahara Pike


' /2 twist on - 2/, twist off


Tsukahara Tuck wI ' /2Twist



twist on - repulsion (with flight to feet) off


1.1 03

S1 .102

following Group 1 and 3 Vaults are allowed at Level 8:


1.104 twist on - ' /2 twist off

Group 1 Vaults that have no more than 360 0 turn in one flight and no more than 540 0 turn in total. The following vaults are allowed and are all valued at 10.0 for Level 7:


1.204 ' /2 twist on - ' /, twist off


1.205 ' /, twist on - Handspring or Yamashita off ' /, twist on - ' /2 twist off

1.207 1.210


Stoop Vault


Group 1 (Handsprings and Vaults and Yamashitas with or with~wists). Contact your USAG State Committee Chairman for a list of vault values used in your state. e following vaults may also be used for the PREP Optional program only:


Straddle Vault


Please refer to the Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook for a complete understanding of the Jr. Olympic rules. This is an overview only.


Revised June 1, 2003

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8.8 8.8 8.8 9.0 8.9



10.0 10.0

10.0 10.0

10.0 10.0


9.7 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.8


2.301 Hsp - Front Tuck 2.302 Hsp - Front Tuck ~ 2.303 Hsp - ~ off, Bk. Tuck (Cuervo tuck) 2.304 Hsp - Front Pike 52.305 Fr. Hndsp onto board, Hsp. - Fr. Tuck (1J9)

2.402 2.403 2.404 2.405 2.406 2.407

Hsp - Front Tuck 1/1 Hsp - ~ off, Back Tuck wI ~ (Cuervo Tk wI ~) Hsp - Front Pike ~ Hsp - ~ off, Back pike (Cuervo Pike) Hsp - Front layout Hsp - Fr. layout ~ or Hsp - ~ off, Back layout Hsp - Front Pike 1/1



1/1 on - Front Tuck



10.0 10.0 10.0

1/1 on - Front pike


Tuck 1/1 Pike layout - ~ off, Fr. Tuck - ~ off, Fr. Pike Tuck ~ Pike ~ layout ~

Tsukahara Tuck

Tsuk Tsuk Tsuk ~ on ~ on Tsuk Tsuk Tsuk




3.605 Tsuk layout


3.504 Tsuk layout 1~ 3.505 Tsuk layout 2/1 S3.507 ~ on - ~ off, Fr. layout ~ (House) S3.509 ~ on - ~ off, Fr. Tuck ~ (Shible) on - ~ off, Fr. Tuck 1/1 S3.510

3.402 Tsuk Tuck 1~ 3.404 Tsuk Layout 1/1 3.407 ~ on - ~ off, Fr. layout

3.302 3.303 3.304 3.306 3.307 53.310 53.311 53.312


Revised 06/01/03

GROUP V Round - off, Flic-flac with % or 1/1 turn on - HNDSPG or SALTO FWD OR BWD with or without LA TURN

(Effective August 1,2003 - July 31, 2005)

GROUP IV Round - off, Flic-flac on SALTO FWD OR BWD with or without LA TURN

All vaults allowed at Level 10 Vaults indicated by asterisk * are allowed at Level 9

8.8 9.2 9.4

RO,FF ~ on - Fr. Tuck ~ RO,FF ~ on - ~, Bk Tuck RO,FF ~ on - Fr. Pike RO,FF ~ on - Fr. Pike ~ RO,FF ~ on - ~, Bk. Pike RO,FF ~ on - Fr. layout RO,FF 1/1 on - Bk. Tuck RO,FF 1/1 on - Bk . Pike RO,FF 1/1 on - ~,Fr.Tuck RO,FF ~ on - 2/1 twist

*55.101 RO,FF % on - Hndspg off *5.201 RO,FF ~ on - 1/1 twist *5.202 RO,FF ~ on - 1~ twist

5.401 5.402 5.403 5.404 5.405 5.406 5.408 5.409 5.410 ' 55.420

RO,FF ~ on - Fr. Tuck 1~ 10.0 RO,FF ~ on - ~ off, Bk LO 10.0 or RO,FF ~ on - Fr. layout ~

9.9 9.3

5.501 5.505

RO,FF 1/1 on - Bk. layout 10.0 10.0 RO, 1/1 on - Bk. Tuck 111 RO, 1/1 on - Bk. Layout 1/1 10.0 (Tankousheva)

10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8

5.509 5.510 5.511

5.301 RO,FF ~ on - Fr. Tuck *5.307 RO,FF 1/1 on - 1/1 twist

All vaults allowed at Level 10 Vaults indicated by asterisk * are allowed at Level 9

7.5 9.4

B. Tuck 1/1 9.8 B. Tuck 1~ 10.0 B. Pike 9.5 9.7 B. layout B. layout 1/1 10.0 ~ off, Fr. Tuck 9.8 ~ off, Fr. Pike 9.9 ~ off, Fr. LO 10.0 111 twist off 9.1 1 ~ twist off 9.3

*54.101 RO,FF on - Repulsion off *4.201 RO,FF on - Back Tuck RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on RO,FF on (Allen)

9.6 9.7 9.9

4.302 4.303 *4.304 *4.305 4.306 4.307 4.308 4.309 ' S4.312 'S4.313

54.320 RO,FF on - B. Tuck ~ 54.321 RO,FF on - B. Pike Yo S4.322 RO,FF on - B. layout ~






10.0 9.7

RO,FF on - B. layout with 2/1 twist


4.403 RO,FF on - B. Tuck wI 2/1 twist 4.406 RO,FF on - B. layout wI 1~ twist 'S4.412 RO,FF on - 2/1 twist off



RO,FF on - B. layout wI twist






S4.607 RO, FF on - Yo turn off, Fr. Tuck Yo (Beckman) 54.608 RO, FF on • % turn off, Fr. Pike V. (Beckman)

10.0 10.0


10.0 10.0

9.8 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.6 9.7 9.9


Note for the J. O. Program: All Tsukahara vaults may be 0 0 performed with a 90 to 180 LA turn in the first flight



~ on - ~ off %·% onRepulsion off


Handspring Hndsprng - ~ Yamashita


1.101 51.102 1.103 1.104 1.1 05 51.106

1.201 Hsp - 1/1 1.202 Hsp -1~ 1.204 Yami - 1/1 1.205 ~ - 1/1 1.206 ~-1~

9.2 9.4 9.2 9.1 9.3 9.2 9.4

9.8 9.7 9.8

1.207 1/1 on - HIY 51.210 1/1 on - ~ 1.301 Hsp - 2/1 1.305 ~ - 2/1 1.307 1/1 - 1/1

10.0 10.0




Hsp - 2~


51.410 1/1 on

51.505 Yami (Kincaid)

Hsp - Fr. Tuck 1~ Hsp - Fr. layout 1/1 Hsp - Fr. layout 1~

Hsp - Double Fr. Tuck Hsp - Fr. Layout 2/1

1/1 on - Fr. layout

10.0 10.0 10.0


2.502 2.507 2.508 2.509 2.601 2.607 2.609

Balded numbers indicate a new vault or a change of number from the vault lists previously printed in the JO chapter of FIG Code of Points & the JO Technical Handbook.

USA GYMNASTICS 100) KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop co nsists of seve n productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety co nsiderations, class management, and much more! A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of Jreschool teacher education. This workshop i; co ntinuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of t hi s workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development,

and much more. This workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD workshop in your area, 2003 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a wo rkshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your workshop has 12 paid participants, yo ur club will receive one free registratio n. Member Clubs receive two free registrations.

Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and wi ll unly be va lid at the works hop you are hosting . The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call I-BOO345-4719 or visit



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(continued from page 23)

RECOMMENDATIONS IO RHYTHMIC TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: 1. In order to distinguish a good routine from a basic routine, change the judging breakdown to allow choreography to include artistic value (static, no variation in connections, use of floor etc.) Specific breakdown to be sent to RIC. 2. Add D elements and to repeat leaps to Level 8. Bring more specific Artistic Value into Level 8. Educate coaches who currently do not have level 9/10 on Artistic Value. Oarification to RIC: Dress code for skirts should be no longer than upper thigh. RECOMMENDATION TO RHYTHMIC PROGRAM COMl'vITITEE: 1. Level 9 athletes must compete at any state or sanctioned competition prior to regional competition. Qualification to Level 9 Championships is from a regional competition. 2. The RTC passed a ruling requiring Level 8 score sheets for body difficulty for the 2004 season. The JOPC recommends that the RPC overrule this requirement. Motion: Ivanka Kirov 2nd: Jody Hurlburt Vote: Unanimous Motion to adjourn - 2:30pm Beth Halloran 2nd: Lucy Kerznerman Minutes respectfully submitted: Cindy French, Rhythmic Program Manager USA Gymnastics Rhythmic Program Committee Approved: JUNE, 2003 Robert V. Colarossi, President USA Gymnastics

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----------------------------~(~~r~E~c~HN~/~Q~U~ E_.~J~U~lY~2~O~03__~)~---------------------------3~1~1


Connection Value 0.1 0.2 C+C C+ D D+D

Turn/jlight (C no turn! jlight req.)

Level 9 (lfno turn! C+C flight - different) Turn!flight



2 Bar Changes Gr. 3/617 B (9 / 10) 2 diff. Flight (9- 1) LA turn (9 only) Dismnt- B Level 8 I Bar Change 1 B Flight or turn Gr. 3/6/7 - B Saito Dismnt - A B+D C+C

B+ B/C +D C+C+C B+C+C+C

0.2 B+E C/D+D


Level 8 Same as 9/10. except Acro Series wi I flight Dismnt - A

Acro S. Dance - Dance/acro 111 Turn 180 0 Leap/hop/jump Dismnt - B


2 DancelMix

Acro Direct

Acro. Indirect

Connection Value

JUNIOR OLYMPIC 2003 - 2005, revised June 2, 2003 0.1 B+D C+C


B+ B/C+C

Connection Value Acro Flight (2 ele. excluding dmt.)

2 Dance/Mi x

Balance Beam



/ 4--



0.1 0.2 A+ AlB +C C+D A + A/B + D C+C AlB+D




I Acro S. Acro S w/2 Saltos 3 Diff. Saltos Dance S. BTurn Dismnt- B

Level 8 Dismnt - A







3 4 1 9.7

4 4

3 3 2 9.5

L-9D/E's = C

VOID exercise

L-8 DIE: BB/FX aero & UB mnt. dismt. rclcas.:

All other D/E's - 2.0 C'5= B

Throughout Exercise Incorrect leg pos. in split/straddle Relaxed/ incorrect footlbody/posture Insufficient flexibility Insufficient exactness of N, V, /

1'.20 1'.20 1'.20 1'.20

Execution Hesitation in jump, press, swing to ! 1'.10 Grasp to avoid fall .30 Brush foot on app/mat 1'.10 Hit foot on apparatus .20 mat .30 Bent arms in sup. or bent legs 1'.30 Legs: crossed 1'.10 separated l' .20

1'.10 1'. 10 1'. 10 1'.10 Extra arm swings Steps (each JQ) max .40 Very Large step or jump .20 Body posture 1'.20 Deep squat 1'.30 1'.30 Trunk movements for balance




1'.10 1'.20 each 1'.20 1'.20 each JQ 1'.20 each .05 JQ max . .30 1'.20 1'.30

each .10




LA & BA turns in sallos More than 1 leap to prone position Dance elements of same type Lack of Progressive distribution Space & direction Overuse fwdlswd or bkwd saltos Balance between acro & dance Acro not up to competitive level Height of acro/dance elements Insufficient split Concentration pause (2 sec.) Lack of variation in rhythm/tempo Music & movement not in harmony Exercise not ended with music Synch.of music & movement thruout Dynamics

If I, 211, 311 Iwru




A /~-""'h:-,-'m, "'2-:-:',.-tums------,


each 1'10 Variety of elements & connections 1'.10 Missing Acro fwdlswd & bwd eachJQ Balance betw. pirouettes & flight (L9/ IO) 1'.10 More than 1 leap to prone position 1'. 10 Progressive distribution 1'. 10 Dance elements of same type Space & direction (Dir. -Lev. 9/ 100l1Iy) each JQ Acro not up to competitive level 1'.20 Balance between acro & dance More than one Squat on LB wi or w/out sole 1'.10 each JQ Progressive distribution circle to grasp HB (Lev. 10) 1'.10 Squat on, 180 0 turn on feet to grasp HB JQ Space & direction eachJQ Swing fwd on HB- place feet on LB JQ Movement touching beam JQ :y. fwd Giant circle each JQ Height ofacro/dance elements each 1'.20 Choice of release elements not up to 1'.20 1'.20 I nsufficient split competitive level (Lev. 10) .20 each JQ Support of I leg against side of BB Swing fwd. or bwd . under horiz. eachJQ Amplitude of elements each 1'.20 Concentration pause (2 sec.) each 1'.10 during exec. of connections More than 2 of same elem. into Dsmt JQ 1'.20 Intermediate swing .30 Lack of variation in rhythm/tempo Lack of swingful execution 1'.20 Dynamics 1'.20 Artistry/ Presentation 1'.30 Dynamics 1'.20 Elegance & expression of personal style - Entertainment value - Original choreography (elements & connections) 2.00 Exercise (less than 30 sec.) Illegal Dmt Short UB (less than 5 Value Parts)


o - 20° = .05 · .10 >20°.4:;° = .20

General .30 No Dismount .50 Spotting Assistance .50 Fall or support on hands max ..20 Fail to Present before/after .20 Inc. att ire (jewelry) .30 Incorrect apparatus specs. .30 Board on unpermitted surface .30 Supplementary mats .50 Start when Red light is lit (repetition) 3rd Run approach .50 .20 More than I elem. before mount NoVP Fail to land feet first in saltos 0.10 Overtime each .10 Exceeds Floor Ex.

~sA 6- est.1962


(continued from page 251 B. LEVEL7 1. The deduction for Deliberate Omission at Level 7 is now 0.50 (instead of 1.00). If a requirement is missing, the total deduction is 1.30 (0.8 for value of the requirement plus 0.50 for deliberate omission.)

3. FIG Update on element #5.406: The word 'backward" is deleted from the description of the Chorkina: Circle swing forward in reverse grip with 1/ 2 turn and straddle flight eaelE\vara over the HB to hang on HB. 4. Back Giant clarification: If a backward giant is performed with a splitting of the legs through vertical, there is no deduction for leg separation. This is considered an acceptable technique.

2. Level 7 Beam & Floor deductions for lack of continuity in a series / clirect connection have been reduced: 0.40 • Stop, extra step, re-positioning Up to 0.20 • Pause E. C. OPTIONAL VAULT 1. The following vaults have been added: a. 51.106 1/ do 1/2 on - Repulsion (with flight to feet) off 7.0 Levels 8-10 b. S4.101 RO, FF on - Repulsion (with flight to feet) off 7.5 Level 9/10 only c. 55.101 RO, FF 1/2 on - handspring off 8.8 Level 9/10 only 2. Oarification for judging distance: Consider the size of the athlete, type of vault and overall trajectory (amplitude) of the after-flight, not just the distance from where the gymnast lands in relation to the end of the vault table. 3. Vault 3D-second Touch Warm-ups: If a gymnast jumps up on the vault table to perform a salto off, it is not considered one of her three allowable warm-up vaults. 4. Vault Equipment: a. The regulation landing mats (plus allowable skill cushions) may be placed on top of a solid foam pit landing area for vault at State Meets and below for all Levels. This information must be included in the meet information sent to participating clubs. b. An inflatable mat may be used in the configuration of matting for Level 4 Vault, provided that the uppermost landing surface is a minimum of a four-inch skill cushion. c. An additional mat may be placed on the runway for any vault at any level, provided that it is manufactured by a gymnastics equipment company and does not exceed two inches in height. d. All manufactured models of the new vault table (including "retro-fit" tables that are inserted into the uprights of the old horse) are allowed for Jr. Olympic competition, provided that they are capable of being adjusted to the various height specifications allowed for Jr. Olympic athletes. D.OPTIONALUNEVENBARS 1. Compositional deductions: a. Deduction of "up to 0.10" for lack of balance between elements with pirouettes and with flight phase is applicable to Levels 9 and 10 only. b. Deduction of 0.10 for insufficient directionality is applicable to Levels 9 and 10 only.


1. Beam: Group 6 Rolls may now be used by Level 8 gymnasts to fulfill the compositional requirement of a forward or sideward and backward acrobatic element. Level 9 & 10 athletes are still required to use acrobatic elements from Groups 7 or 8 only. 2. Beam element clarififications from FIG: a. #1.214 (Free (aerial) walkover forward to rear support) may also be performed from take-off from two feet to "roll over" to land in rear support. b. # 1.414 (Salto tucked or piked to rear support 90 approach to the beam) - the salto must be free before simultaneous landing with grasp of hands in rear support. 0

3. Beam & Floor: a. In the description of 1/1 (or more) turn with free leg at or above horizontal throughout the turn (pages 113 & 140 in the fO Technical Handbook), the deduction of "up to 0.10" for up to 45 0 of the turn lacking the correct leg position has been eliminated in order to give the gymnast enough time to quickly lift her leg into position without deduction. The 2nd deduction now reads: If >45° - 90 0 is lacking the correct leg position, deduct "up to 0.20." b. Pages 119 & 146 of fO Technical Handbook: add bullet under D. Choice of Acro Elements: - No additional consideration should be given for exceeding the difficulty (value parts) required at the level. Example: The expectation for Level 8 is A/B acro elements; at Level 9 A/B/C acro elements. 4. Floor Element clarification by FIG: #1.206 - Pike jump legs above horizontal, also with 1/ 2 turn to front lying support is changed to: Pike jump (hip angle < 90 0 ), also with 1/2 turn to front lying support - take off from one or both legs. 5. Floor: Add to Panel Judges' responsibilities on page 16 (C.3.g) also attempt to signal any line violation by raising a hand. E FLOOR EXERCISE BOUNDARY LINES Whenever additional matting is placed on the Floor Exercise area and covers any portion of the boundary line(s), the mat must be clearly marked with tape or chalk to indicate the actual boundary line(s). Failure to mark the mat will result in a 0.10 neutral deduction taken from the average. G. NEW OPTIONAL ELEMENT VALUES FOR THE JO ELEMENT SUPPLEMENT Refer to June Technique pages 38-39 for a list of these elements.

2. LEVEL 8 SPEGAL REQUIREMENT GlANGES: a. The element from Groups 3, 6 or 7 must now be a minimum of'S." b. The dismount must now be an element with a salto, minimum of "A."

(continued ta page 371 ~1~3~ 4~------------------------~(~___ TE_C_H_N_'O~U_E_.__JU_l_Y_20_O_3___)r------------------------------


路 L:



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(continued from page 34)

WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMlnEE May 18, 2003 Roll Call: NIECC Coach Representatives


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This book now includes the 2002 FIG Supplement Women's Gymnastics. This packet is the latest changes made to the FIG Code of Points. If you have a 2001 FIG Women's Code of Points, this packet will update your book with the most current information.

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1.2003/2004 TOUR The committee discussed the Tour plans with Mr. Colarossi. Mr. Colarossi will get a final draft of the plan to the IEC prior to presenting it to the athletes, coaches and parents at this year's National Team Meeting.


#1201 #1202 #2221


Alternate National Team Coordinator Athlete Representative Sr. Director Women's Program International Consultant

Roe Kreutzer Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Kelli Hill Yvegeny Marchenko Tatiana Perskaia Martha Karolyi Larissa Fontaine (excused) Kathy Kelly Jackie Fie (excused)

Recommendation that a second tier group of International athletes be selected by the Selection Committee from among those who have participated at the Championships, Classic or training camps. This group would be available for International assignments if the country needs additional athletes beyond the National Team. Motion: Y. Marchenko Second: K. Hill PASSED

III.QUALIFICATION SCORES FOR 2003/2004 The committee discussed the international/national elite programs and made the following philosophical statement: Because of the unity of the coaches in adopting our national program/ training plan and the depth of talent and dedication of our athletes, the bar has been raised and expectations for the international level have also raised. The national level is a pre-elite training level designed to provide potential elite athletes and their coaches with the opportunity to "test the waters," learn about the training program and make wise decisions about their personal goals. This level must act as the bridge between the TOPS and the JO Program for our athletes without penalizing their interest or limiting their competitive opportunities as their strive to reach the level of international elite. For these reasons the following recommendation have been made. Recommendation to raise the International Elite Compulsory Qualification Score for next year to a 35.00AA for both age divisions. Motion: K. Hill Second: S. Rybacki PASSED Recommendation to the NEPC to raise the current qualification scores to the Challenge competitions. The !EPC will present their score recommendations to the NEPC at the joint meeting at the US Classic. Motion: D. Strauss Second: K. Hill PASSED Recommendation that the definition of an elite athlete be changed to: An athlete will earn the title of ELITE when she starts the first event at a Classic Meet. Motion: Y. Marchenko Second: D. Strauss PASSED (continued on page 38)

------------------------------~(~___ TE_C_H_N_/~OU_E__._J_U_lY_2_0_0_3~)~-----------------------------3-7~1

(continued from page 31)

Recommendation that an athlete may qualify to the International Level from only ONE Elite Regional per season or as many National Qua1ifiers as is offered. Motion: D. Strauss Second: S. Rybacki PASSED Recommendation that each region designate ONLY ONE REGIONAL ELITE QUALIFICATION MEET per season for International level qualification. Motion: K. Hill Second: E. Marchenko PASSED Recommendation that in order to maintain consistency of scoring, a minimum of one judge per panel for the Designated Regional meets

must be from among those judges that are assigned to the Classic or Championships. Motion: K. Hill Second: D. Strauss PASSED National Elite Qualifier at the National Training Center Recommendation that the National Team Training Center host a National Qualifying Meet for the international level in the second season of 2004. It is recommended that a training camp be offered in conjunction with the qualifier. Motion: S. Rybacki Second: Y. Marchenko PASSED The committee requested that Kathy secure all the information about next year's poditun meet so that they can make decisions regarding the format and the priority of acceptance of entries.

IV. CALENDAR The committee requested that Kathy submit a calendar to them by the Oassic Meet with as many definite dates as are available.

V. NATIONAL QUALIFYING MEETS The committee requested that Kathy obtain bid forms from all the clubs interested in hosting national qualifying meets next year and submit those bid forms to the committee at the Oassic Meet where the decision and announcement will be made. The judging panels at the national qualifijing meets and the podium meet must be appraved by the Judges'Selection Committee.

VI. OLYMPIC JUDGES The committee requested a conference call with Mr. Colarossi regarding the selection of our judge(s) to the Olympic Games.

VII. WORLD TEAM/PAN AM TEAM TRAINING PLAN Martha submitted her Training Plan for the World and the Pan Am Team. The committee approved the plan which was distributed to the coaches on site. Kathy will include a copy of the plan in the Coaches Packet at the Oassic Meet.


ROLL CALL IECC Coach Representatives

ECC Region I Region II Region ill Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region vm National Team Coordinator Athlete Representative Sr. Director Women's Program International Consultant

Roe Kreutzer Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Kelli Hill Yvegeny Marchenko Gary Anderson Derrick Moellenbeck Brad Loan Michael Harris Greg Lafleur (absent) Mary Lee Tracy Dale Van Patton (proxy for Tony Retrosi) Jen Bundy Ray Gnat (absent) Martha Karolyi Larissa Fontaine (excused) Kathy Kelly Jackie Fie (excused)

I. Roe Kreutzer presented the recommendations made by the IEC for changes to the Elite Qualifying System for next year and the philosophy behind the decisions. There was good discussion among the committees regarding the national level of competition and its importance to the development of the elite athlete. This level provides a necessary bridge between the JO and the Elite programs for those athletes wishing to explore that avenue. Both committees recognized that exploration of the elite program should not be too restrictive for the athletes and wanted to allow more flexibility for those athletes.

II. There will be four national qualifying meets in 2004 plus the Podium Meet. The 2004 American Cup will be held in Madison Square Garden; therefore, the podium meet will either not be available or will be reduced to fewer athletes. This decision will be made in the near future and communicated to the elite community. Elite Calendar for 2004

January Training Camp CGAIUS Coaches Cup Sand Dollar Meet Pikes Peak Cup Excalibur Cup Februanj Training Camp Podium Meet American Cup American Classic/Challenge Olympic Test Event Paris Bercy April TI'aining Camp

Houston, TX Cincinnati, OH Orlando, FL Colorado Springs, CO Virginia Beach, VA Houston, TX NewYork, NY NewYork, NY Ontario, CA Athens, GR Paris, FR Houston, TX

Pacific Alliance US Classic US Championships Olympic Trials

Hawaii Rochester, NY Indianapolis, IN TBA

Jan 10 -18 Jan 23 -25 Jan 23 -25 Feb 6-7 Feb 13-15 Feb 17-25 Feb27 * Feb 28 Mar 4-7 AprlO-18 or 17-24 May 9-14 May 13-16 June 3-6 June 24-27

III.The IEC reviewed the competition results from this year's Oassic Meets and made the following recommendations for next year's Qualifying Scores: a. International Seniors 35.00 b. International Juniors 34.00 (continued to page 40) ~1~3~8--------------------------~(~__T~E~C_HN_'~O_U_E_._J_U_lY_2_O_ 03__~)~------------------------------

USA GYMNASTICS 1003 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipline specific co urses under the Professional Development Certification program . The goal of the Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum is to establi sh a solid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals . The focu s is to break down the beginning level skills for Junior Olympic Levels I-IV. Solid basics are vital to the physical longevity and to the skill proficiency and progression for the gymnasts. It's much easier to "learn it right" at the beginning rather than trying to "clean it up" later. DAY 1


7/ 12/ 03 1pm-8:30pm 7/12/03 12pm-6pm 8/9/03 1jlm-9:30pm

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(conlilwed from page 38)

The Classic Numbers will remain the same with the drop score raised .50 for each level. International athletes must finish in the Top 10 at the American Classics or the Top 14 at the US Classic with a minimum of a 34.5 for the International Seniors and a 33.5 for the International Juniors. Motion: D. Strauss Second: S. Rybacki PASSED

NATIONAL ELITE COMMlnEE San Antonio, Texas June 1, 2003 The meeting was called to order 6:00 pm by Gary Anderson, National Elite Conunitte Chainnan.


IV.The IEC has made the following recommendation concerning the judging system to be used at the 2003 U.S. Championships: Recommendation that there be no change to the judging system that was used at both Classics this year. Motion: S. Rybacki Second: K. Hill PASSED V. The conunittee discussed the Pan Am Selection Procedures and a discrepancy between the approved procedures and their May 2002 minutes regarding the 15 year old athletes and made the following recommendation. Recommendation that should an athlete who is 15 years old in the 2003 calendar year finish in the top two in the Junior Division, she will be eligible to attend the Selection Camp. Motion: K. Hill Second: D. Strauss PASSED Recommendation that any 15 year old who qualified as a Senior may compete as a Junior to vie for one of these slots. Motion: D. Strauss Second: S. Rybacki PASSED

Chairman Region I Region II Region ill Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region vm NETC EPM

Gary Anderson Derrick Moellenbeck Brad Loan Michael Harris Greg Lafleur (absent) Mary Lee Tracy Tony Retrossi (absent) Jen Bundy Ray Gnat Audrey Schweyer (excused) Gary Warren

II. REGIONAL REPORTS Gary A. explained the importance of the written regional reports that are to be submitted. Each Regional Chair gave a short report giving the status of the Elite Program in their regions. Some discussion took place on the structure of the regional clinics and elite regionals. Discussion on how finances for Elite Regionals and TOP Testing are handled within each region. Ray Gnat announced his resignation effective July 12. Ray stated that he has notified the Region VIIIAdrninistrative Chair.

III. JOINT COMMlnEE MEETING REPORT Gary A. gave a report on the Joint Conunittees Meeting (IEC and NEC) that took place the previous day. The tentative 2004 calendar was presented: Jan. 23-25 - Cincinnati Gymnastics National Elite Qualifier Jan. 23-25 - Orlando Metro National Elite Qualifier Feb. 6-7 - Colorado Aerials National Elite Qualifier Feb. 14 - Excalibur National Elite Qualifier Feb. 27 - Possible Podium Meet (depending upon availability of arena) March 5-7 - American Classici Challenge - Ontario, CA May 14-16 -US Classici Challenge - Rochester, NY

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June 2-5 - US Championships - Nashville, TN JW1e 24-27 - Olympic Trials, TBA

IV.ELlTE REGIONALS Because of the increased availability of National Elite Qualifiers, the shortened 2004 season and a request from the IEC, the recommendation was made that each region will conduct just ONE International Elite qualifying meet per season. Motion: J. Bundy Second: D. Mollenbeck PASSED

V. JUDGES AT ELITE REGIONALS Recommendation that the NEC and RTC make every attempt to have at least 50% of the judging panel at all International Elite Regional qualifiers to be a Brevet Judge that has judged at a Classic competition within the last year or a Brevet Judge who is to be assigned to a Classic in the current year. Motion: D. Mollenbeck Second: J. Bundy PASSED

Motion:B. Loan Second: R. Gnat PASSED

VIII. PHYSICAL ABILITY TEST The recommendation to eliminate the Handstand Pushups from the Physical Ability test. Motion: Ray Gnat Second: Mary Lee Tracy PASSED

IX. JUDGING COMPULSORY PROPOSALS Recommendation to accept the following deductions for the compulsory testing routines: • Beam And Floor - Incorrect (tinsica) hand placement on forward and backward handsprings and walkovers, up to .30 • Floor - Tour jete should land on one foot (clarification). • TOPs compulsory vault - increase repulsion deduction to up to 1.00 • Compulsory vault - increase repulsion deduction to up to 1.00

VI.PRE ELITE PROGRAM Recommendation that that name of the "National Level Elite Program" be renamed as the "Pre Elite Program." As dictated by the current Women's Rules and Policies, all Pre Elite Athletes are permitted to compete in the Junior Olympic Program Motion: M. Harris Second: M. Tracy PASSED 5 Yes, 1 No (Region 2)

VII.QUALIFICATION SCORES FOR 2004 SEASON Gary A. gave the committee the International Elite score changes for the 2004 season (See Joint Committee Meeting minutes 5/31/2003). Recommendation the qualification scores to the Challenge competitions for the 2004 season as follows: TOP Compulsory: 30.00 Pre Elites (all age groups) Compulsory: 33.00 Child Pre Elite: 30.00 Junior Pre Elite: 31.00 Senior Pre Elite: 33.00

• Compulsory vault - failure to open at horizontal, up to .30 Motion: M. Tracy Second: B. Loan PASSED

X. COMPULSORY TESTING AT THE PRE ELITE TRAINING CAMP. Recommendation that, a compulsory testing opportunity be offered at the Pre Elite Training Camp. Motion: J. Bundy Second: M. Harris PASSED Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm.

(continued to page 43)

------------------------------~(~___ TE_C_H_N_/~OU_E__._J_U_lY_2_0_0_3---)~---------------------------4 ~1~1

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(continued from page 41)


VI. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE On behalf of the Technical Committee, Cheryl thanked the RC's for the support and cooperation that they have given throughout the year to the TC's. Recent minutes have been approved and will soon be published.

Conference Call June 9,2003

I.ROLL CALL - Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Jan Greenhawk at 8:00 p.m. Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII JOC Chairman ECC TCC WPA JOPM

Robbie Sumpter Ruth Sandoz Cori Rizzo Jim Schlott Kathy Koeth-Shufflin Kathy Ostberg Lynn Perrott Debbie Kornegay Tom Koll Gary Anderson Cheryl Hamilton Kathy Kelly Connie Maloney

VII.TIMELINES AND AGENDA ITEMS Kelly stated that the State Chairman Workshop would be conducted on Sunday after Congress. The Workshop will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a Continental Breakfast and end at 3:00 p.m. The Women's Program Summit will be conducted with a Luncheon. All officers are invited. Invitations will be sent next week to all our volunteers. Kathy requested that the RC's submit their nominations for the Silver Quill Awards and their Service Awards to the office as soon as possible. The RC's requested meeting rooms for their Regional Meetings at Congress. Kathy will secure meeting rooms through Kathy Feldmann for Regions I, III, IV and VII.

VlII.FINANCIAL REPORT II.OVERVIEW Jan addressed the committee and thanked them for their understanding regarding the difficulties in arranging a meeting this spring. She outlined the points of emphasis for this call to review the Rules and Policies and to discuss the agendas for the Administrative Committee meeting at Congress and the State Chairman Workshop.

Jan thanked those RC's who have completed their financial reports and encouraged the others to submit theirs as soon as possible. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

III.RULES AND POLICIES Connie thanked all the RC's for submitting their corrections to the R&P. She went over any suggestions which needed clarification/vote. Connie requested that the RC's fax their directories to her as soon as possible. Connie will email the revised version to the committee for its final approval by the first week in July. The following recommendation was made: Recommendation that the 1st alternate per region in each age division to JO Nationals will receive apparel. Motion R. Sandoz Second K. Ostberg PASSED

IV.JO UPDATE Tom reported to the committee that the JO committee was on task with the new compulsory program. There will be two workshops conducted in 2005. The office is researching sites. Recent minutes have been approved and will soon be published.

V.ELlTE UPDATE Gary reported on the new initiatives by the Elite Committee. The definition of an elite athlete has been changed to allow nonrestrictive mobility for the athletes. This will be reviewed by the JO Committee. Gary reported that the "national" level has tripled. The national level will now be termed the "Pre-Elite" level. Gary also apprised the committee that administrative cost for state or regional Tops Testing might increase due to the requirement that all testers be Professional Members. This requirement was done to ensure consistency of testing scores across the country. Recent minutes have been approved and will soon be published.

----------------------------~(~~T~E~C~H~N~/O~U~E_.~ JU~L~Y~20~O~3~)~--------------------------~4~3~1

SPORTS ACROBATICS PROGRAM COMMITTEE April 9, 2003 Conference Call The meeting commenced at 9:35 p.m. Central Time.

I. ROll CALL Jola Jones - Committee Chair Dr. Jay Binder Linda Ocmand Carisa Laughon - Sr. Program Director (non-voting) Tonya Case-Patterson - FIG Representative(voting as coach representative)

II. PROGRAM COMMITTEE COMPOSITION MstisH: fJ geEal:lse 8f Dr. Davia Reeial(\ a-JTI'S reftl8val £F8ftl \t,e Pr8gfaftl C8HlH'1iM'ee, "kere is El:IFFeflHy fl8 e8aeR refJresefltati8fl 8tl: the e8ftlftliM'ee . It is 8l:1f ree8ff\ffieflaaa8tl: t8 Ra ie +eFlya Case PaM'ers8fl fill this v8ia aRa v8te as e8aeR refJresefltative 8fl tRe E8ftlFf\iM'ee 1:lftal tke fJ8sia8fl Ear. ee fJerftlafleflHy refJlaeea. eee8Ha: LO ¥ate: l::If'.an±ftl8l:1S

III. MEMBERSHIP Motion: JB Recommend supporting new Introductory Membership for Levels 1-3. Second: LO Vote: unanimous

IV. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS a. Because we have not received an invitation at the national office and because of the short time frame until the competition, the US will not send a delegation to compete in the British National Championships in May. b. The US plans to send a delegation to the Volkov Cup in Russia in August. Delegation assignments will be based on performance at Team Trials.

V. FREEDOM CUP a. Delegation assignments: 14+ Head of Delegation: Dr. Jay Binder A list of candidate has been developed to fill the Head of Delegation positions for the 12-18 and the 11-16 delegations. Other delegation officials will be assigned based on the acceptance of the Head of Delegation position. There will be two judging panels at the Freedom Cup consisting of one CJr, one Difficulty Judge, three Execution Judges, and three Artistry Judges each. No meet referee is assigned to the competition, but there will be a Superior Jury comprised of FIG TC members. All participating federations have the right to present two FIG qualified judges per age group. Based upon fi nal entries the need for additional US judges may increase. At this time, the follo wing US judge will receive judging assignments at the Freedom Cup: - Kari Duncan

- Jennifer Hess - Raisa Galper - Linda Oem and - Jola Jones - Janet von Bargen b. Competition Attire Motion: JJ Recommend that no deduction be taken at Freedom Cup for athletes who wear solid black or very dark pants or catsuits. Second: TCP Vote: unanimous

VI. JUDGING ASSIGNMENTS a. Team Trials Meet Referee: Linda Ocmand Panel judge positions at Team Trials will be filled based on attendance at Team Trials. b. National Championships Meet Referee: Merry Crouch Asst. Meet Referee: Janet von Bargen A survey will be sent to all Sports Aero judges in Mayas to their availability and interest in judging at Nationals. Judging assignment will be made based upon responses to the survey.

VII. MEETING TIMES AT NATIONALS The following National Committees will meet for one hour each at Nationals. The schedule is being developed and will be communicated prior to National Championships. - National Administrative Committee - includes NACe, RACCs, SAPC Chair, Event Admin Chair, 2 Athlete Reps, Senior Program Director National Elite Committee - includes NECe, National Team Coach, Coaches of National team Athletes within the last 2 years, 2 Athlete Reps, NTCC, Senior Program Director, FIG Consultant National Junior OlympiC Committee - includes NJOCC, RJOCCs, NECe, NTCe, 2 Athlete Reps, Senior Program Director National Technical Committee - includes NTCC, RTCCs, NJOCC, NECe, 2 Athlete Reps, FIG Consultant, Senior Program Director National Athlete Council - includes National Athlete Rep, Regional Athlete Representatives

VIII. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS PODIUM PETITION A petition was received from the Region 4 Judges in regards to the decision to hold the National Championships competition on a raised podium. The petition stated that judging the exercises and giving proper scores to the athletes becomes more difficult because of the height of the competition floor. The concerns of the Region 4 Judges were understood and well taken. Region 4 is thanked for expressing their concern in this matter. It is, however, the unanimous decision of the Program Committee to continue to place the competition floor on a podium at National Championships in 2003 and future years. A raised competition floor is becoming the new standard for the Sports Acrobatics National Championships. Sports Acrobatics must bring

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our sport up to the level of the other disciplines and their US Championships. The podium competition allows for a more professional event, better audience views, and better access for television and video coverage. It also brings prestige to our events on an international level and prepares our athletes for international competitions, where podiums are frequently used.

until national elections can be conducted. Second: LO Vote: unanimous

III.FREEDOM CUP At Team Trials, athletes can compete for Freedom Cup slots in only one age category. The competition category must be declared during registration for Team Trials.

IX. ANNUAL AWARDS The criteria for Annual Awards will be distributed to the Program Committee for approval. Annual awards will be given during Nationals Championships.

IV. NATIONALS MEETING SCHEDULE Discussion on the Nationals Meeting Schedule took place. The following subcommittees will meet during National Championships: National Administrative Committee, National JO Committee, National Technical Committee, National Elite Committee, and National Athletes Council.

X. MEET DIRECTOR'S TEST Jola Jones is continuing work on a certification test for Meet Directors. She will provide information to the Program Committee for approval.



@ 9:30

The program committee outlined the event schedule for 2004 and listed potential sites for Team Trials and US Championships/JO Nationals.

p.m. CT.

(Approved by Robert V Cola rossi, USA Gymnastics President) Team Trials will be held at least six weeks prior to World Championships and World Age Group Games. At this time, World Championships and WAGG are scheduled for June 2004. US Championships/JO Nationals will be held at the end of July 2004.

SPORTS ACROBATICS PROGRAM COMMITTEE May 14, 2003 Conference Call The meeting commenced at 9:35 p.m. Central Time.

VI. ANNUAL AWARDS Annual award documentation will be distributed to the Program Committee for review and comment. Annual awards include, Athletes of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year, Coach of the Yeat; and various performance based awards.

I. ROLL CALL Jola Jones - Committee Chair Dr. Jay Binder Linda Ocmand Carisa Laughon - Sr. Program Director (non-voting) Alexa Hukari, Athlete Representative Tonya Case-Patterson - FIG Representative(voting as coach representative)

II. PROGRAM COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Motion: JJ Recommendation that the appointed National Elite Committee Chair, Raisa Galper, sit on the Sports Acrobatics Program Committee and fulfill the need for coach representation on the committee. This appointment will continue through 2004 or

VI. "HOW TO" BOOK UPDATE Alexa is working on revisions to the "How to Start a Sports Acrobatics Program" book. A revised copy will be forwarded to the Program Committee for final review. The book is targeted to be available for sale at National Congress in Anaheim in August.

VI. NEXT CALL/MEETING June 23, 2003 from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - Milwaukee, WI Meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m.

(Approved by Robert V Colarossi, USA Gymnastics President)


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POSITION AVAILABLE COACHES WANTED: Saito Gymnastics Oub located in Waukesha, Wisconsin (Milwaukee Area). We are looking for experienced and enthusiastic individuals who love the sport of gymnastics and working with children. Openings for a Womens/Mens Team Coach, Oass, and TIny Tot Instructors. Interested individuals should contact Jim Melcarek by phone (262)5493344 or send in a resume to 1417 Poplor Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186, fax it to (262)549·0267, or email INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/f-F/f Weekdays/weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre·school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Air) Full benefits/paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the-art, approx. 11,000 sq. ft. Located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201-767-6921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts Gymnastics Center has exciting career opportunities available. MGC operates four "state of the art"gymnastics facilities in the Greater Boston area with programs ranging from Tumble-tot to National Level 10. girls and boys teams. We are looking for 'The Best" instructors and coaches in the industry. We offer a competitive compensation package and fantastic growth potential. We have immediate full and part-time openings for the following positions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Cheerleading cooches, Recreational Program Director, Pre-school and Class Instructors. Interested candidates should forward their resumes to: Mike Cola rossi, MGC, PO Box 856, Stow, MA 01775. Phone: 978-562-5292. Fax: 978562-5541. BOYS TEAM COACH. Immediate opening Boy'sTeam Coach Oass 7 thru 5. We are a new Boy's program in new 12,000 sq. ft. facility located in southern NH. One hour from Boston, ocean and mountains. A great opportunity awaits you! Call today. TIm Madore, New England Gymnastics Training Center, Hudson, NH (603)880-8482, fax (603)880-1800, email: Webs~e:


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.. position available" buy this .. sell that" for sale" wanted • positi III position available" buy this • sell trlat .. for sale • wanted • position availabh !Iable .. buy this· sale • wanted • position available • buy this· for sale • wanted" positi ~f{le " wanted" position available" buy this • for sale" wanted • position available • b N.Y.C.). Boys classes7-4/ Girls levels 5-9 - 2002 Boys 6 and Girls 5State Champions. Salary commensurate with experience. Health/ company retirement plan/ paid vacations. Continuing education expenses offered. Founded 1976. Contact Lee by fax (845-294-1044) e-mail ( or by phone (845-2949278). COACHES NEEDED. Eastern National Academy of Gymnastics in Pompton Plains and Paramus ore looking for qualified coaches and directors in the following areas: Team Coaches (comp and optional), general and pre-school teachers, General and Preschool directors, cheerleading program director and coaches. Experience is necessary and resume required. Salary's are above the industry norm. Gyms are located in the metropolitan New York/New Jersey area. Please call Rich at 973-492-9337, fax resume to 973-835-6225, or email QUALIFIED COACH for established and rapidly growing girls USAG/OptionalLeague programs. Individual must be highly motivated and a "teom player" with strong spotting skills in all events. Our central New Jersey Gym recently expanded to 20,000 sq. ft. of air conditioned activity areas with the most up-to-date equipment and two floor exercise areas, with special areas devoted to team athletes. Salary commensurate with experience, 3 weeks vacation, excellent health plan and flexible schedules. Call 732-462-5917 or FAX resumes to 732-863-0461. Aero Gymnastics Academy in Vestal, NY seeks a women's coach capable of coaching all levels through elite. Applicants should be enthusiastic and have excellent motivationolskills; choreography ability is desirable. Qualified couples are encouraged to apply. Asuccessful applicant will be expected to contribute significanrly to both team and recreational program structures. Our successful and growing program is housed in a new 12,000 sq ft state-of-the-art facility in a vibrant Upstate NY community. Aero offers competitive salaries commensurate with experience, paid vacation/sick days, and medical benefits. Contact: TIm Singler, <>, fax (607)7774620 or telephone (607)777-4330. INTRUCTORS/COACHES needed for astate-of-the-ort New York Kids Oub is a non-{ompefifive, recreational facil~ located on the Upper West Side of New York Gty, New York. Qualified instructors are needed for (3-5 yrsJ (5-7 yrsJ (7-9 yrsJ and (9-12 yrs.) Oasses. 15-25 dasses aweek are available for positive, respo~ble, prof~onal, reliable and most importanrly FUN team player. Excellent hour~ rates! Fax Resume to 212-721-3869 Attention: Marvin. fadl~. The

LIVE AND COACH GYMNASTICS ON BEAUTIFUL CAPE COO. Cape Cod Gymnastics Center, located in Dennis (mid-Cape), MA is hiring a Pre-School Director as well as a Competitive Team Coach for summer or fall start. Our facility is under new, highly motivated ownership. We are looking for a professional, teamoriented person open to learning and sharing of new techniques and ideas. Full-time and part-time available with benefits and vacation commensurate upon experience and references. Please call (508) 385-8216 and ask for Jen or Jason.

The Studio, Dance And Gymnastics Center, Inc. Established school is now hiring for all levels, recreational, competitive, rhythmic and cheer. Requirements: responsible, positive attitude, reliable, love working with children. Excellent pay and benefits available. Call or Fax (919)493-7313. Email: 3642 Shannon Rd., Durham, NC 27707.

BOY'S HEAD COACH AND OPTIONAL GIRtS COACH NEEDED. Kennett School of Gymnastics, 150 W.Main St., Goshen, N.Y. 10924 (45 minutes north of

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Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278. CA res. add 8.25% tax. Ph. 310.784.9988/ Wholesale avail. GYMSTAR - SIMPLE TECHNOLOGY AMAZING RESULTS! You've got the best coaches. You've got the best equipment. Now get the best software to help you run your business. GymSTAR combines all of the class scheduling Dnd student management features you expect, with solid accounting and administration features you need. Best of all, these powerful features are presented in a logical, easy-touse package. Even if you already have a closs management software package, you owe it to yourself to see the advancements GymSTAR has to offer. Visit our website at or call Vela Technologies at 503-469-8352 for more information. GYM FOR SALE: The Greater Salt Lake Gty, Utah. Current~ run competitive Men's (Oass 7-1) Women's (Level 4-10), Men's and Women's Ret Cheerleading, and Marshall Arts. Approx. 10,000 sq. ft. facility. 8 years in business. In nice East side area. Will take considerable price reduction for response before September 1st. For more information call (801 )7061366 or (801)296-9510. Regarding "Gym for Sale."

CONSIGNMENT LEDTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mom popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles ond fabrics, including the Frames Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Glitter, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soft Velvet fobrics. We also include a sensDtionalselection of n00n Iycra designs featuring Hawaiian prints. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from Oub Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please call our toll free telephone number, 1-888-289-2536 or fax Rebecca's Mom at 1-818-980-0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Packages as well asleotords for special events, so please coli TODAY.

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-100 words =$100 ! SUBMIT 101-200 words = $200 : MDiI your Dd Dnd pDyment to: Your ad in Technique will automatically be ~aced online : USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza lor 30 days at no additional charge. The address ~: : 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 www.usa-gymnaslils_org/dassifieds/ : Indianapolis, IN 46225 Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date.: or lax to 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT DEADLINES CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD SIGNATURE_ AND PAYMENT Please designate il your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymn.stics magazine. ADS January .................... Dec. 10 SUBMlnED WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE February ............ .... ....Jan. 10 PUBUSHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right tovory March ............. ._..... ....Feb_ 10 ~ril ..... .......... .. ..... ....Mar_ 10 format. Technique is received by more than 13,000 Ju~ " : :::::::::::: ::::: ::: :::~;y USA Gymnastics professional members plus July ....... ................. ..June 10 thousands of viewers will be exposed to your August ... ........ .... ..... ..July 10 ad online_ Adverlise your employment Sept/Oct. .................. Aug_ 10 opportunity, product, serVice, or comp'etition Nov./Dec_ .................. Ocf_ 10 here for great resUltS. Questions? Call Luan NOTE: If the 10th fDlls Dn Dweekend or holidDY, the preceding work day is considered Peszek at 317-237-5050 exl. 246. the deDdHne. RATES


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The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. ' Time and date subject to cbange_See for updates.

AUGUST Baton Rouge, LA 70615; I:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. c.G.'s Gymnastics Inc. Directions: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597 Course code: CG06022003LA Instructor: Caesar Garcia, 225-275-5597 West Babylon, NY 11704; 9:00 a.m. to I:00 p.m. BKGC Directions: Ed Konopa 631-422路0116 Course code: EK06022003NY Instructor: Edward Konopa, 631-422-0116 Media, PA 19064; 9:00 a.m. to I:00 p.m. Double 0 Gymnastics, 75 West Baltimore Pk. Directions: Daveies Desadarieo 610-459-0330 Course code: PF06022003PA Instructor: Phil Frank, 656-766-3977 Woodward, PA 16662; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp, 134 Sports Camp Or Directions: Steve Hass 614-349-5633 ' Lunch available, course time includes meal break Course code: SH06022003PA Instructor: Stephen Hass, 614/349-5633 Jacksonville, FL 32204; 9:40 a.m. to I:40 p.m.

Prime Osborn Convention Center Directions: Carisa Laughon 317 -237 -5050 Course code: JBOB072003FL Instructor: AJay Binder 504-665-6225

SEPTEMBER Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts Directions: Bobbi Montanari, 614-777-9430 Course code: BF090720030H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari, 614/777-9430

Columbia, MO; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hearn Center Directions: Rob Drass 573-862-0736 Course code: JS06062003MO Instructor: James SampeI913-764-6262 10 Boca Raton, FL 33434; 9:00 a.m. to I:00 p.m. National Gymnastics, 9793 Glades Rd. Directions: 561 -683-7627 Course code: MK06 I02003FL Instructor: Marci Kaplan, 305-466-0620 10' Damariscotta{ ME 04543; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Central lincOln County YMCA Directions: Janice Cormier-Hay 207-563-7139 Course code: GM061 02003ME Instructor: Gail McGann 602-273-3627 20 Anaheim, CA 92602; 6:15 o.m. to 12:30 p.m. National Congress, AnaheimMarriott, 700 West Convention Way Course code: AM06202003CA 20 Anaheim, CA 92602; 12:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. National Congress, Anaheim Marriott, 700 West Convention Way Course code: PM06202003CA 27 Cincinnati, OH 45014; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy Directions: Sharon Lichey 513-660-3062 Course code: BM062720030H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430

14 North Las Vegas, NV 69030; 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go For It USA Directions: Don Spencer 702-656-9003 Course code: DS09142003NV Instructor: Don Spencer, 702-656-9003

OCTOBER Edison, NJ 06620; 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.'Please arrive at 3:45 for registration Henderson Gymnastics, 216 TIngley Directions: Ann Marie Henderson 906-769-6746 ' Course time includes meal break Course code: CFI0042003NJ Instructor: Cathy Finkel, 973-335-1943 Stevens Point, WI 5446 I; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Stevens Point YMCA Directions: Melissa Neighbauer 7l5-342-2960x324 Course code: JO I0052003WI Instructor: Jason Orkowski 606-646-3547 II Baton Rouge, LA 70B15; I:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. c.G.'s Gymnastics Inc. Directions: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597 Course code: CGI01l2003LA Instructor: Caesar Garcia, 225-275-5597


PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age lor Sale'y Cer,ili,a,ion is 16 years}

Pro-Member with Current Sofety Certificotion

Name: Professional or Instructor #: _______ Current Safety Exp. Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: (ourse City/ State: ____________

Form of Payment:



o VISA o MosterCard o Discover o Americon Express

Payment Amount: _________________ _ _ __ _ Name on Card: ___________ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Date: _ __ / _ _ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

Pro~~~~6et~ ;~he~!~r~d--~-; -N~~-S~i~~-(~-;iiii~~ii~~-:::::::::::: SO c~~~6~ Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 50.00 Non-Member or Associote Member ........................................ $ 100.00 , You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.

All registrations must be received at USA Gymnostics two(2) weeks prior to the course date'. lote registrotions, incomplete registrations, or registrotions without proper poyment will not be processed. late registrations are not guoranteed 0 book or admission to the course. On-site and lote registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/lote fee. All moteriols, indudin~ the course book, ore provided ot the course ond ore port of the course fee. Certificotion is volid for four( 4) years. Safety Certificotion is non-refundable ond connot be tronsferred to onother individuol. Sofety Certificotion registration, however, may be tronsferred to onother course within six(6) months with prior written notificotion. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deodline. 'Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alfer course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212




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