Athlete Focus:
W= Women
R= Rhythmic
M= Men GG = Group Gymnastics ACRO = Sports Acro NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation,
TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling
State & Regional Chairman's Summit (M) Rhythmic World Championships (R) Ricky Oed Memorial Camp (M)
Chicago, Il Budapest, HUN Colorado Springs, CO
Region VI Congress (W) Notional TOP Testing (W) Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions Region II Congress (W) T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions Trampoline World Championships (ll) T.J. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions World Age Group Gomes (TT) Region VII Congress (W)
Burlington, MA Houston, TX Burlington, MA Bridgeport, IT Philadelphia, PA Norfolk, VA Chicago, Il Green Boy, WI Portland, OR St Paul, MN Omaha, NE Dallas, TX Hannover, GER Houston, TX Hannover, GER Virginia Beach, VA
OCTOBER 3-5 3-5 3 3 4 5 9 10 10-12 11 12 16 17-19 19 20-26 24-26
NOVEMBER TBD 1 7-9 13-16 13·16 14·15 20·24
PAGU Children's Interdub Championships (MWR) Four Continents Championships (R) PAGU Jr. Interdub Championships (MWR) Future Stars National Championship (M) Notional Coaches Workshop (M) Fall Exec. CommiNee/Board of Directors Meeting Jeff Metzger's 41/2-Day Boot Camp
MAY 1-2 TBD 5-9 13·16 TBD 15-16 22-23
SEPTEMBER 12-14 19-29 21-29
GUA VEN Miami, Fl Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Chicago, Il Cincinnati, OH
level 9 Championships (R) 75th FIG Congress and General Assembly J.O. Notional Championships (M) U.S. Classic (W) 3rd Sports Aero World Age Group Gomes (SA) Rhythmic Eastern/Western Rhythmic Eastern/Western
TBD Antalya, TUR Son Diego, CA Rochester, NY France TBD TBD
3rd Sports Acro World Age Group Gomes 19th Sports Acro World Championships (SA) U.S. Gymnastics Championships (MWRIT) level 5/6 Chomps & Classics (R) Notional Business Conference U.S. Olympic Trials (MWRTR) Notional Congress
Athens, GRE France Nashville, TN TBD TBD Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA
Gomes of the XXVlllth Olympiad
Athens, GRE
JUNE TBD TBD 2-5 11-13 24 24-27 25-27
AUGUST 13-29
OCTOBER Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference TBD
APRIL NCAA Regional Championships (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) NCAA Notional Championships (M)
Various Siles TBD West Point, NY
level 9 East Championships (W) level 9 West Championships (W) J.O. Notional Championships (W)
SI. Petersburg, Fl TBD TBD
World University Gomes (MWR) World Gomes (R IT SA)
Izmir, TUR Duisburg, GER
World Championships (MW)
Melbourne, AUS
9 21-23 22-24
MAY 6-8 6-8 13-15
JULY DECEMBER TBD 5-7 6-10 10-14
10th Pan American Maccabi Gomes (W) Coaches High Performance Clinic (ll) Notional TOP Team Training Camp (W) Notional TOP BTraining Camp (W)
Santiago, CHI Chicago, Il Houston, TX Houston, TX
Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp Visa American Cup (MW) Winter Cup Challenge (M)
2 TBD New York, NY los Vegas, NV
American Team Cup (MW)
2-4 3 3-18 7-11 15-17 16-18 23-25
NCAA National Championships (M) NCAA Regionals (W) Pacific Alliance Meet (MWR) USAG Collegiate Championships (MW) NCAA Notional Championships (W) JO Championships (R) J.O. level 9 East/West Championships (W)
24 30·May 2
U.S. Qualifier (M) J.O. National Championships (W)
Champaign/Urbano, Il Varous Sites Honolulu, HI TBD los Angeles, CA TBD East- Virginia Beach, VA! West-SeaNle, WA TBD Kissimmee, Fl
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M WRll)
Indianapolis, IN
World Championships (M W)
Aarhus, DEN
TBD 14-24
World Gymnaestrada (GG)
Dornbirn, AUI
U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M,W,R,ll)
Indianapolis, IN
Log onto and click on Event Calendar to get the most up-to-date schedule.
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an official publication of USA Gymnastics PU BLISHER
Robert V. Colarossi EDITOR
FEATURES Zen and the Art of Gymnastics Part 2 ..... . .. . . .. . . . . .... . . ..... . .. .. .. ..... 6
Luan Peszek
Dealing With The Media In A Crisis ... . . . .. .. . . . . ........ . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .. 12
National Gymnastics Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
Jay Bilunas USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE (HAIR: Ron Froehlim; PRESIDENT: Bob (olorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN:Tom KoII; VICE (HAIR MEN: Yoimi Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE (HAIR TRAMPOUNE: Paul Pan1la; VICE CHAIR & AG TECHNICAL COMMITTEE sporn A(RO: Tanya Case-Patlerwn; SECRETARY: Gary Andemln; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXE(UTIVE COMMmEE: Jay Ashmore, RonFroehlim. AG MEN'S TE(HNICAl COMMITTEE: Gaorge Bedmeed; FIGTRAMPOUNEANO TUMBUNG TE(HNICAI. COMMITTEE: Pot Hendemln; RG WOMEN'S TECHNICAl. COMMITTEE: Ja<kie Re; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Ste.. Butmer, Paul Spadaro; ATHlETE OIRECTORS: Larissa fontaine, John Roethttsberger, Vanessa Vander Piuym, Karl Heger, USO( ATHlETE OIREGOR: Domirick Minicuco. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS (HAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob (olorossi; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SE(RETARY: Gary Anderwn; PUBU( SECTOR: Bill Hyhl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlETIC UNION: Mike Stonner, AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Betty Heppner, COlliGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION-MEN: Fronos Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COlliGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mike Jooo; NATIONAL ASSO(IATION fOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Strawbridge; NATIONAL ASSO(IATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COlliGIATE ATHlETIC ASSO(IATION-MEN: lou Buckel; NATIONAL fEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOl ASSOCIATIONS: Susan True; NATIONAl GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Butm Zunim; NATIONAl HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.s. ASSOCIATION OF INDEI'[NDENT GYMNASTICS UUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Story Moloney; U.S. ELITE COACHES ASSO(IATION-WOMEN: David Holcumb, Steve Rybacki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Marc Yancey; U.s. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTulno; YOUNG MEN'SCHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: (asey Koenig; NATIONAL COlliGIATE ATHlETIC ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: Sandy Thielz; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORS MEN: Mike Bums, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Michelle Larwn; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kathy Ostberg; TRAMPOUNE: Shoun Kempton, Marsha Weiss; sporn ACRO: Bonnie Davidson, Jay Binder, ATHlETE DIRECTORS: Vanessa Vander Piuym, choir, Larissa Fontaine, vice choir, Jair lynm, secretory; Dominick Minicuco, USOC Athlete Rep.; Jay Themton, Brooke Bushnell, Kim Zmesko~BurdeHe, Mohini BhardwoL Karl Heger, Christie Hayes, John Roethlisberger, ASSO(IATE DIREGORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY aNTill, Lari Katz; SPECIAL OlYMPICS, Kote fober-Hickie; US. COMPEIITIVE AEROBICS fEDERATION, Howard Schwortz. (HANGE OF ADDRESSAND SUBS(RIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, no~ce of change of address should be mode eight weeks in advance. For fastest serviee, please endose your present moiling label. Direct all subscription moil to TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 201 S. (opitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send address changes to TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymnastics, 201 S. (opitol Avenue., Suije 300, Indianapolis, IN46225. TECHNIQUE(lSSN 0748-5999) (USPS 016872) is published month~ except bimonth~
in Sept/Oct and NovlDec by USA Gymnastics, Pan Ameri[On Plaza, Suite 300, 201 South Copijol Avenue, Indionopolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) or visij online @ •••• usa-gYl nastics. org Periodical postage paid at Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscription prices: U.S.-S25 per year, Conado/Mexico-S48 per year; all other foreign [Ountrie>--S60 per year. If available, bock issue single copies 54 plus postage/handling. All reasonable [Ore will be token, but no responsibility [On be assumed for unsolicijed material; endose return postage. (opyright 1998 by USA Gymnastics and TECHNIQUE All rights reserved. Printed by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.
Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.
Member Club Invitational Listing ........... . ...... .. .. . .. . .... . .. . ..... . .. 21
lJ. Maxx. 2003 Tour of Gymnastic Champions ...... ..... . .... . .. .. . ... ...... 26 Fun With Running ... A Crucial Skill for So Many Sports . . ......... . . . . . .... . . ... 28
200 3
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ......................... .......... ... 2 USA Gymnastics Message ................ ...... 4 Athlete Focus ............ .... .... .. ...... ....... ... 1 0 Business Tips .......... .. .............. .... .. ........ 1 4 Member Service Update ...... ... ... ...... .... 24 KAT/MELPD ........................................ 29 What's New .... .................................... 39
Prof. Development CertiRcation Program .... 39 Classifieds ........... ..... .. .... ..... ...... ...... ...47 Safety Certification Schedule .. ...... ....... .48
www.usa-gymnastics .org
Rhythmic Program Update .... .. ........ ...... 30 Men's Program Update ................ ... ..... 40
Dear Members, We have just completed a most successful Worlds, National Congress and Trade Show. Thank you to the many members of the gymnastics family whose participation made this possible. Over two thousand members and guests attended our annual educational seminar and the trade show. We had a total of 204 booths supplied by 100 companies. A big thank you goes out to all of our Industry Member suppliers who playa most important role with this event as well as in our club/school business. Make sure to go to our website and click Gymnastics Suppliers. You will find over 150 gymnastics industry suppliers ready and able to assist you with your equipment, apparel and business needs. Plans are underway for 2004 National Congress and U.S. Olympic Team Trials -- Gymnastics. Mark your calendar now
Kathy Feldmann for June 23-27, 2004. We are so pleased to be retuning to the city of Anaheim, Calif., and to be working with our Vice President terrific partners at the Arrowhead Pond, Anaheim Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Convention Center and the Member Services Marriott Hotel. In this issue see the information, dates and cities of the lJ. Maxx 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions coming to a city near you. Don't miss it! Members continue to use the convenient service of our online registration. Eighty-five per cent of member registrations are being done online. Upgrades and improvements continue on a regular basis. We thank you for your feedback and comments. This year we introduced online registration for Safety and KAT courses as well as National Congress. We will continue to add to this menu with other course selections from the various programs. We are now in the actual development phase of our first online certification course. Keeping on schedule, the SafetyRisk management Certification course will debut in November. More courses will be added over the next few years. All of these courses will be part of the certification program which is being developed by the Program Standardization Committee. This committee is comprised of the program Vice Chairs and the Senior Program Directors. I am proud to announce a new online service is coming soon. In the near future, USA Gymnastics will offer online services to allow members to print membership cards and re-prints of cards directly to their printer. This is yet another service that USA Gymnastics has provided to assist our members. Please look for more information on this service in the near future. At this time, all membership cards are printed weekly and sent to our mailing house for fulfillment. Also in development is the new introductory membership for beginners; levels one through three. This will be available for the various programs as designated. This membership will be an online registration only. The member cards will be printed from online transactions. Remember, you can now order online for all technical materials and apparel. You will find the online stores full of choices. Thank you for your continued support to USA Gymnastics. This July we hit an all-time record high of 80,000 plus athlete members in USA Gymnastics. Your participation is pushing us to the goal setting membership level of 100,000. Let's make 2004 the year to break all records, whether in the club, competition arena or member numbers. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and successful 2003-2004 gymnastics year.
Kathy Feldmann
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],eJ1 c\J1d ~ t(,e··. (-\L:t
('Yl'1J1c\stics 1[ _ By Alison Arnold Ph.D.
n Part One of this article, Alison discussed how , Eastern Philosophy and Martial Arts principles could be integrated in American Gymnastics. She discussed five of the ten characteristics of the Athlete Warrior and gave ~oaching tips for implementing each characteristic. In this article, she discusses the last five principles of the Athlete Warrior and how to build these qualities in your athletes. In the first article in this series we looked at how the principles of intention, awareness, belief, being present and discipline can be easily implemented in the gym. This second part will look at the last five principles of the Athlete Warrior and ways to build these qualities in yourself or your athletes. The move toward Eastern philosophy has been fueled by our Western desire to be more. As we strive to increase difficulty, increase consistency, and increase our joy in gymnastics, we look to new philosophies to fuel our old ways of thinking. The teachings of eastern and martial arts philosophy give us new glasses to look at old ways. They answer questions like, "How can I demand excellence from my athletes and still be a compassionate person?", "How can I help my athletes control their minds as well as their bodies?", and most importantly, "What is my big picture purpose as I coach gymnastics everyday?" Teaching your athletes the principles of the Athlete Warrior teaches them how to live as well as how to succeed in gymnastics. Isn't that why you do this anyway? Let's continue with principle number six, trust.
Principle Number Six: Trust
trust their coach, and most importantly, trust themselves to get the job done. When they are ready for a new skill, they must trust their bodies. When they compete, they must trust the numbers that have been put in during training. Ultimately, trusting life is the most important lesson of the Athlete Warrior. The Athlete Warrior believes that everything is evolving exactly as it should be. Sometimes life is hard to understand. It is full of curveballs, questions, and situations th~t appear as setbacks. The trusting warrior is not a victim. They see the gift in adversity and face challenges aggressively. Trust is a difficult skill. Many of us question and doubt training, decisions, and ultimately, the course of life. Look at your life. Everything that has ever happened to you has brought you to this moment. Even the seemingly "bad" events have taught you valuable lessons and have made you stronger. Every occurrence in life has a lesson. Everything is your teacher. The Athlete Warrior sees the value of each situation. They find the gift amidst the pain and disappointment and use it to fuel them toward the future. Coaching tips for Principle Six: • Teach your athletes to see the gifts in adversity. • Have confidence in your athletes in competition when they have trained well. Teach them to rest on their numbers. • Develop their trust by making good coaching decisions, and keeping your word. • Use statements that develop trust. Say sentences like, "I trust all the hard work you've put in", or "I trust the direction you are going. Even though it doesn't make sense right now, I'm trusting we are moving to a good place."
Trust is one of the most important elements in gymnastics. The gymnast must trust their training,
TEe H N 10 UE •
SEPT/OCT 2003 )} - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Joy Principle Number Seven: Joy The best performances come when a gymnast is having fun. Being frustrated, or feeling burned out at times is a normal experience for any high level gymnast. The Athlete Warrior knows that burnout is temporary. He or she focuses on what's good in his sport and keeps a positive attitude even during difficult periods. Think about the beginners in gymnastics. They are lost and entranced simply with the experience of doing it. Be it the feeling of flying through the air, or flipping upside down, the beginners love to do gymnastics because they love the feeling of doing gymnastics. Most of the time, the magic is lost when one focuses too much on outcome. Scores, awards, placements, take away from the sheer joy of the sport. Focusing too much on future goals also takes some of the joy away from simply being in the moment. This moment is so precious. There will never be another like it. You will never again be in this day of practice, with these people. Don't miss the moment by forgetting the beauty and joy of it. Remember, joy is not just about goofing around. The most joy in sports can come from times when the athlete is working his/her hardest. Coaching tips for Principle Seven: • Don't forget to have fun in the gym, especially during the height of the competitive season. • Keep your athletes excited by making challenging, new assignments often. Doing the same thing day in day out makes "Jack a dull boy." • Don't freak out over bad days. Work with it, get what you can out of it, and move on. • Don't mirror your athlete's mood on bad days. You will simply continue to drag each other down. Lead them to the mood you want them to have by modeling it.
COl"passio)1 Principle Number Eight: Compassion The Athlete Warrior is incredibly strong. He or she is awake, alive, and in touch with both the joy and sorrows of the world. The Athlete Warrior is strong enough to feel the struggles of others and ease their suffering. They are not afraid of pain, but invite pain in order to live fully. The Athlete Warrior stands with strength, courage and a tear of compassion running down his/her cheek. The Athlete Warrior knows that supporting and confronting can both be forms of ~ ~compassion. Sometimes a teammate needs a pat on the ~' ~J back and sometimes a teammate needs a kick in the butt. A superior gymnast has the wisdom to know when each is needed, and has the ability to confront with skill and kindness. The Athlete Warrior is compassionate
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yet disciplined with themselves. They understand the difference between motivation and deflation. They are patient, yet disciplined, with themselves and others. They don't take things personally or hold grudges. They don't label and judge, but rather understand human nature and the ways we all struggle in the world. Coaching tips for Principle Eight: • Teach your athletes to be disciplined yet compassionate with themselves. Notice when they are being motivational to themselves, or when they are simply beating themselves up. • Teach them to be compassionate with others. Encourage understanding and non-judgment. • Don't connect with your athletes through bad mouthing or making fun of another athlete. • Model gracious behavior with other gyms, exathletes, or ex-coaches.
01cu1ge Principle Number Nine: Impermanence (everything changes) The only guarantee in life is that everything changes. Especially in the world of sports. The Athlete Warrior is ready for change and adapts in ways that fuel performance. Life is full of ups and downs. It is rarely steady. The Athlete Warrior handles the ups and downs of life gracefully, without getting frustrated, angry, or discouraged. How can you help your athletes use turbulent times as motivation to take them to the next level? Being able to adapt and use frustration as fuel divides the mentally weak from the mentally strong. Albert Einstein said, "In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity." Every moment of training and competition is an opportunity. The power to seize that opportunity lies within every athlete and coach. What if you taught your athletes that nothing "bad" ever happened to them? That everything that happened in their life was simply an opportunity for you to grow as a gymnast and a person. Using everything as fuel means seeing and acting on the opportunity presented in every situation. Seeing each situation in the best possible light. Finding the positive amidst the negative. Searching for the gift inside the gloom. Coaching tips for Principle Eight:
• Help your athletes understand that everything changes. • Help them use adversity as fuel. • Teach them how to overcome obstacles with grace and determination. ·Encourage them to enjoy each moment, recognizing it will never be the same again.
Principle Number Ten: Purpose
crovvd. Last year
over 100 gyms in thirty-three states,
switched from their meet scoring program
to ProScore meet management software.
Are you still using the same old thing? Why not prepare for the millennium?
When you know your purpose, everything seems to make more sense. Why do you coach gymnastics? What is your gift to give? We all are involved in this sport because we love it, that is for sure. But what's the bigger picture? Why do you sacrifice so much day in and day out? You do it because gymnastics is simply a metaphor for life. All the lessons you are teaching your athletes are life lessons. Many times coaches spend more time with their athletes than their parents do. That is an incredible responsibility. Being clear of purpose means taking that responsibility seriously. What are you teaching your athletes? Are you helping them become better people? Teach your athletes about purpose as well. Teach them about goal setting and how every workout, every turn, has a purpose. Teach them about their own gifts and how they can give these gifts in their lives. Help them define who they are. Are they the hardest worker you've ever seen? Or a team leader? Help them see their value as people as well as gymnasts.
Coaching tips for Principle Ten: • Help your athletes see the purpose in everyday training. Help them take advantage of every turn. • Be a mirror of their positive qualities. Remind them of the gifts they have and can share. • Teach them the life-lessons of gymnastics. Praise them for overcoming obstacles, leadership, pushing through fears, staying positive, compassion, and determination .
ProScore: simply the best meet management system in existence-period.
Replace those clumsy flip displays and runners!
Living the life of the Warrior means living a life awake, open, with purpose, and with no regrets. The ten characteristics in part one and part two of this series will help you coach and live you life in a much fuller way. I invite you to practice one a week for the next ten weeks and watch your coaching, the atmosphere in your gym, and your life change. Break the pattern of walking through your life like a robot on high speed. Commit to living a life as if every day is the most important day you'lL ever have.•
by Luan Peszek
o-time u.s. Rhythmic NationaL Champion Mary Sanders just returned from the Pan American Games in Santa Domingo, Dominican RepubLic with five goLd medals around her neck including the aLL-around and aLL four events.
''I'm so happy about my performance," said Sanders, who turns 18 on Aug. 26. "It's a huge reLief and I couLdn't be happier. I just wanted to go out there and make my coach proud and do the best I couLd." Mary is from Ritmika Rhythmic Club in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is coached by Mimi MasLeva. She commented on winning aLL four events, saying, "This feeLs amazing. It's a dream come true and I think my father wouLd be very proud." Sanders father, Fred, started his daughter in artistic gymnastics at age 4. He was her first
coach and the 1963 NCAA Champion in TrampoLine. He passed away nearLy 10 years ago . Mary has duaL citizenship between the United States and Canada and decided in 2002 to compete for the U.S. in order to honor her fatheris memory. Mary is a fivetime member of the Canadian NationaL Gymnastics Team and two-time Canadian NationaL Champion. Her goaL is to work hard, make her father proud and to someday compete in the Olympic Games. Mary, who just returned from her trip to the Pan American Games, is excited for three days off from training but then her hard work starts again. She Leaves August 26 for Holland for a Grand Prix Competition, then directLy to Spain for a World Cup competition, then to BuLgaria for a training camp and finally sheHL head to Hungary for the Rhythmic WorLd Championships, Sept. 19-29.
"I'LL be gone for an entire month on my European Tour," said Sanders. "I'm excited. It wilL be a great Long trip." Sanders is the onLy daughter of Jaci Sanders. She has two oLder brothers, Matt and Mike. Her favorite subject in schooL is EngLish and she enjoys reading Shakespeare. Mary pLans to finish her senior year of high schooL by January 2004 and will begin a university in September 2004. "I'd Like to go into psychoLogy, but lim not sure what I want to do yet," said Sanders. USA GVMNASTlCS PHoTOGRAPHY Š CASEY GlSSON
TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ SEPT / 0 CT 2003
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By Michael Taylor
may have been in business for decades and it has never happened to you. You may have been in business for weeks and been subject to it. You hope it never happens. But imagine that a parent accuses your gym of causing injury to their child or an employee sues for personal injury arising out of a disciplinary action. Handling these events will be difficult enough. Add the dimension of dealing with the media, and your task becomes even more challenging. Whether or not you like the idea of contending with reporters, cameras, and microphones, you may need to. Having a "media strategy" in mind before a crisis will help you.
the media runs with it. An accident occurs; a photographer arrives on the scene with a camera. Sometimes the media will be at your door or on your phone before you are able to talk with your insurance company. In this scenario, you'll need to develop a carefully controlled message sent through one spokesperson . There are some key tips to dealing with the media in a crisis: • BE PREPARED.
: • Understand that the media needs a story... let it be a _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . controlled, child-focused story "Adversity attracts the man of character. He seeks out the bitter joy of responsibiLity. " that will help restore the public's confidence in how Charles de Gaulle you treat the safety and (1890-1970) French statesman, first president of Fifth Republic security of the children. Take ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a deep breath, refer to your positive points and talk to the reporter about YOUR gym! Reporters are trained and educated in their field just as you are in your profession. Accept their right to ask questions to keep the public informed. If you provide a reporter with • Designate one person in your organization to speak to the background information and answer questions clearly and media. The spokesperson should be truthfully, the reporter will make every effort to be fair. Tough articulate, diplomatic, and sincere. questions don't trip people up. Sloppy answers to easy Your spokesperson, in essence, questions are what do people in. Be aware, however, that even becomes the "voice" of your the most effective media relations plan won't business on the television, in the always result in favorable press. newspaper, and over the / Expect to be on the receiving end of airwaves. If that person ~ criticism occasionally. Nothing is appears caring and ~ 100 percent off the record. "I don't concerned, your ~ know, but I will find out and get back organization will be to you before your deadline" is an infinitely better thing to say to a perceived as such. If reporter than making up facts that don't possible, individual turn out to be true. Notes are made and personnel should not speak reviewed by editors, publishers and lawyers. with the media. Have a back-up plan in case this designated Contact Your Insurer person is unavailable. Be The first step in any crisis is to report the incident to your sure to tell all of your staff insurance agent immediately, no matter the severity of the who these people are claim. If the claim has the potential to catch the media's and how to contact attention, it's important that you have early contact with your them when the media calls! insurance company. While contacting your agent and / or insurance company is the ideal first step, it's not always possible. A story comes to light, .-.-='-=2---------------{(
TEe H N I Q UE •
• Anticipate questions reporters will ask. SEPT/ OCT 2003
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J .I
• Don't lie. If you (or your staff) screwed up, admit it. The media is relatively kinder to those who openly admit they screwed up. It's disarming . Although they may not become your friend, they will at least realize that you have a conscience. That realization alone can be the difference between a hostile story and one that respects the sometimes-complicated choices we all make when performing our duties. • After experiencing a disaster, it is vital that a thorough review is undertaken of how the organization responded and coped with the emergency. Lessons can always be learned and these will not only improve the response should there be another incident, but could prevent a future disaster. It makes sense to be sure to let the media know what you did in analyzing the situation and improving the response to avoid any future crisis.
Determine ahead of time what you will say and what you won't or can't say. Have fact sheets prepared. Prepare a written statement for distribution with the help of your attorney. Be sure to share this information with your staff. They may feel very threatened and/or demoralized by the bad publicity and may be receiving front line questions from clients, families and friends. • Speak in sound bites -short sentences and concise thoughts. Don't ramble. Emphasize key points made in the news release, and don't deviate from them.
Probably the best defense against negative publicity is a strong, positive relationship with the local reporters before anything "bad" occurs. If an incident occurs that could cause • Develop a response other than "no comment." If a criminal act has allegedly occurred, as in the case of child you and your organization grief. Be prepared with ready answers to probable questions and a couple of choice abuse, issue a brief statement like this: "The safety and well being of our youth are extremely important to us. We sound bites that will look good in the paper or sound good are cooperating with the authorities in their investigation, when quoted .• and any comments made before the investigation is complete would be premature."
Michael A. Taylor is a USA Gymnastics Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT & MELPD) Instructor, serves on the USA Gymnastics PreSchool Advisory Panel, is a USA Gymnastics National Safety Instructor, serves on the USA Gymnastics • Maintain an open mind and a good attitude about dealing Safety Review Board, is a USAG PDP I Video Clinic with the media. Most of the time these professionals want Administrator, an American Red Cross CPR/First Aid and to work with you, not against you. Your comfort level or Sport Safety Instructor, and an American Sport Education attitude toward the media could influence the treatment Program Coaching Principles (PDP II) Instructor. Michael is a Certified National Youth Sports Administrator; an you receive. Instructor for the Stanford University based Positive • Announce that you take the problem seriously. Then take Coaching Alliance, a long-time member of the United States it seriously, even if you think the issue is non -existent or Elite Coaches Assodation and a former gym owner. Michael can overblown. Whether it was a real problem before, it be reached at: or certainly is a reputation management issue now that the press has it.
• Avoid extremes. Do not defend yourself too strenuously, appearing too eager to avoid blame; Do not lock yourself in your office, appearing to avoid responsibility.
TEe H N 10 U E • S[PT / OCT 2003
) f - - - - - - - - - - - ----'=-3=--1
Educating Your Parents-Part I I bet I couLd describe in some detaiL the 'probLem parents' you have in your club: their mindset, their compLaints, the grief they have caused for themseLves, their chiLd, other parents, you, the club. Of course, this feat takes no great taLent since most gym club professionaLs couLd do the same thing because parents are the same coast to coast and club to club. Parents aLL have the same Love for their chiLd, the same emotionaL impuLses, the same concerns, the same misunderstandings about what we owners and coaches do and why we do it. Oh, we are so under appreciated; so misunderstood; poor us; pity us. Get my drift? At Congresses we hear owners and coaches sit around and bellyache about parents as if being one was a disease. But what are we doing in our clubs to actuaLLy SOLVE this probLem? (Let's face it, this probLem does not sneak up on us.) If we KNOW what is in the parents' minds, the unintentionally destructive things they do and the probLems it causes, why don't we take proactive steps to educate our parents to heLp them understand a better way.
chance to materiaLize. I had fun and the parents appreciated the information and the effort. Whereas, I have no iLLusions that one meeting is a panacea, there is LittLe doubt in my mind that 33 parents are now better equipped to handLe the emotionaL tugs that they wiLL face PLUS they have a greater appreciation for our company, and what it stands for. To me, THAT is a productive meeting, a HIGH PAYOFF on an investment of 90 minutes. Next month I wiLL detaiL the agenda we use in such a meeting. Generally speaking, we cover the high goaLs of the company, the company beLief system, how we deaL with one another, some exampLes of good parenting and not so good parenting. Next month we'LL discuss more on this topic. Contrary to popuLar opinion among coaches and owners, parents truLy WILL accept parenting advice IF you take a proactive approach (but try to offer such advice AFTER a conflict has arisen and see how successful you are). Make it a great month! Jeff Metzger
Last night I conducted a team introductory meeting for 33 wonderfuL Kids First parents. The meeting had nothing to do with gymnastics, LeveLs, boosters, or the Like, and everything to do with parenting styLes -- what works and what doesn't. The purpose of the meeting was to bring to Light and heLp soLve probLems BEFORE they had a
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Nation Flips For ~ffiQD®DOffiD ~~WJDOffi~QD ®~ rnffi~ Presented bv Mrs. Smith s Flipll Cake he fifth annual National Gymnastics Day presented by Mrs. Smith's Fliplt Cake took place Saturday, Aug . 2, and the nation's gymnastics clubs flipped toward a record donation to the Children's Miracle Network.
National Gymnastics Day brought together millions of young gymnasts to celebrate the sport and promote physical fitness. Mrs. Smith's Bakeries partnered with USA Gymnastics to boost fund-raising efforts for the Children's Miracle Network through local" Mrs. Smith's Flip-a-Thons," designed to raise money for local children's hospitals across the nation. Mrs. Smith's Fliplt Cake is the first national sponsor of National Gymnastics Day. Participating gymnasts secure pledges within their community for the number of flips the gymnast can perform on National Gymnastics Day. USA Gymnastics celebrated its third year of partnership with the Children's Miracle Network, and to date has raised more than $115,000 for local children's hospitals. USA Gymnastics' Member Clubs hope to double that three-year total in 2003 alone - the final numbers will be tallied in September and will be published in the November/December issue of USA Gymnastics, along with the photo of the winning club and gymnast.
Boerne Gymnastics Center from Boerne, Texas, celebrated National Gymnastics Day in the parking lot of their town's brand new Walmart Supercenter. There were demonstrations from the preschoolers through girls, boys and sports acro teams. The sports acro team got its picture on the front page of the local newspaper! They raised more than $500 for the Children's Miracle Network and exposed a lot of people to the fact that gymnastics is a fun sport for all ages.
World of Gymnastics in Woodstock, Georgia, celebrated National Gymnastics Day in a number of ways. Events included performances every 30 minutes by one of its camp, developmental, or competitive team students. Other activities were prize drawings, obstacle courses, basketball toss, football toss and a baseball throw. The Olympic gold medalist Mary Lou Retton and legendary Olympic coaches and instructors were stationed at various gymnastics events coach Bela Karolyi co-chaired the 2003 National Gymnastics Day. so kids could try out the equipment and meet the staff. It was also Karolyi and Annia Hatch appeared on the Good Morning America a "make up" day for those students who had missed a summer class. show to promote National Gymnastics Day. The staff invited make up students to bring friend s and plan to stay after class for National Gymnastics Day excitement. A memo was From seeing the photos we have received to date, National sent to all the class students, an NGD Open House ad was placed in Gymnastics Day 2003 looks to have been a great celebration! the papers and the day was highlighted on the gym's street sign. Watch for more coverage in upcoming issues of Technique World of Gymnastics signed up 45 students on Saturday, Aug. 2! and USA Gymnastics. Those new registrants received a free t-shirt and a water bottle with their membership. They also enjoyed free media coverage Greater Toledo Gymcats from South Toledo YMCA before and after the event! celebrated NGD with a Mrs. Smith's Flip-A-Thon held on The local Cherokee Ledger August 2, 2003. This was their first experience at running a News sent their sports writer Flip-A-Thon for CMN. They had members of their Girl's, Boy's, who wrote an article with and Sports Acro Team participate. Next year they plan to color photos and ran it on the expand the program to include class participants. They also front page of the sports had a pizza party and painted a World Championship Team section . Banner for the team from the country of Georgia!
Island Tumblers Gymnastics in Hawaii , with t he help of its booster club, organized a National Gymnastics Day celebration. They had team demonstrations, an open house, a bouncing castle, and a dunking booth. The parents at the gym put an enormous effort into making the celebration of this special day come true. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j (
TECH N IOU E • S[PT / 0 CT 2003
(continued on page 19) )\--- - - -- - - -- - ------:::-1=--71
North Shore Gymnastics Association in MapLe PLain, Minnesota, celebrated
National Gym Day with the media. Local News KARE 11 came to the gym to capture the moments of the National Gymnastics Day celebration.
CaL West Gymnastics in Fremont, CaLif.,
hosted an Open House free to the public on National Gymnastics Day. FREE Tumbling, Trampoline, Gymnastics and Cheerleading for kids was available. They had a Dunk Tank, Door Prizes, Carnival Games, Health & Sports Vendors, Refreshments, and demonstrations by their competitive teams. Gymnastics classes were held at the beginning of every hour with demonstrations every 45 minutes after the hour. Gym WorLd, Inc. and its Booster CLub of Broadview Heights, Ohio did a number of
things to celebrate National Gymnastics Day! At the Broadview Heights Summer Festival a few weeks ago, they sold Dip-n-Dot ice cream with all proceeds (about $1,100.00) going to the Children's Miracle Network. On July 22 they performed at a CMN hospital, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, part of the University Hospital Systems. The show was shown live to every hospital room so that children and adult's alike could enjoy the show. Some of the more mobile young patients were brought down to watch the show from the staging area. Plus, the booster parents solicited corporate donations and the club presented MedWagons that were purchased with these donations for the hospital. The wagons cost $380.00 and the club filled them with about $300.00 worth of toys, diapers, puzzles, books, art supplies, etc. With the dollars earned from the Medwagons, corporate gifts, ice cream and the flip-a-thon, the club raised around $18,000.00 for the Children's Miracle Network.
The American SokoL Organization was
conducting its annual Instructors School for a 2 week period. The school was held at Sokol Greater Cleveland in Cleveland, Ohio . This year National Gymnastic Day happened to be during the time the school was in session. The students at the school built several pyramids in celebration of National Gymnastics Day.
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Member Club Invitational Listing Te(hnique magazine will regularly list Member Oub invitatianals by stole in order to help (Oa(hes s(hedule their teams in (Ompetitions. When you app~ and pay lor a sanction with USA Gymnostils, yaur invitational will auiomotilOlly be induded in the listing. Remember, only USA Gymnastils Member Oubs are eligible lor the invitational listing. ALABAMA 22nd Annuol Cholkville Invitotional Event Site - 940 Chalkville S(hool Rd.; Birmingham, Al35215 Start Dote - 9/ 26/ 2003 Club -TNT Gym Clips Phone - 205/ 853-5888 Fox- 205/ 856-6662 levels -W3-6 Fliptonic Invitotionol Event Site - 3150 9th CI.; Tuscolooso, Al35401 Stort Dote - 10/ 17/ 2003 Club -Tuscolooso Tumbling Tides Phone -205/ 345-0999 Fox - 205/345-2799 levels - W3-Elite Plonet 8eo(h Meet Event Site - 900 S(hillinger Rd. S.; Mobile, Al36685 Stort Dote - 9/ 27/ 2003 Club - Plonet Gymnostics Phone -251/650-0699 Fox - 251 / 639-0266 levels -W3-6 Plonet Mordi Gros Meet Event Site - 900 S(hillinger Rd. S.; Mobile, Al36685 Stort Dote - 2/ 6/2004 Club - Plonet Gymnostics Phone -251 / 650-0699 Fox - 251/639-0266 levels -W3-1 O,WPREPOPT ARIZONA Ameri(on Invitotionol Event Site - 1927 N. Gilbert Rd Ste 107; Meso, AZ 85213 Stort Dote - 10/ 4/ 2003 Club - Desert Devils (Meso) Phone - 480/844-9600 Fox - 480/ 844-9627 levels -W5-7 CALIFORNIA 16th Annuol Follbrook Clossi( Invitotionol Event Site - 342 Industriol Woy,
Ste. 103; Follbrook, CA 92028 Stort Date · 9/ 20/2003 Club - Fallbrook Gymnasti( Club Phone - 760/72B-8582 levels - W04,W05,W06 All Olympions Invitotionol Event Site - UCW John Wooden Clr; 405 Hilgord; los Angeles, CA 90049 Stort Dote - 2/ 28/ 2004 Club -All Olympions 12500 Beotrice St; los Angeles, CA 90066 Phone - 310/ 301-8066 Fox - 310/ 301 -8144 levels -W4-Elite Circus of the Stors Event Site - 487 SDowson Dr.; Comorillo, CA 93010 Stort Dote - 3/ 6/ 2004 Club - leodi" Edge Gymnosti(s Phone - 805 493-2203 Fox - 805/ 480-9400 levels -W4-9 Follbrook Teom Chollenge Invitotionol Event Site - 342 Industriol Woy, Suite 103; Follbrook, CA 92028 Stort Dote - 12/ 6/ 2003 Club - Follbrook Gymnosti( Club Phone - 760/728-8582 levels -W4-6 Golden Beor Invitotionol Event Site - 25 Srrts In.; 8erkeley, CA 94 20 Stort Dote - 5/ 15/ 2004 Club - Golden Beor Gymnosti(s Acodemy phone - 510/ 642-0792 Fox- 510/ 642-8339 levels -W4-6 Golden 8eor Invitotionol Event Site - 25 Srrts In.; Berkeley, CA 94 20 Stort Dote - 2/7/2004 Club - Golden Beor Gymnostics A(odemy Phone - 510/ 642-0792
Fox· 510/ 642·8339 levels -W4-10 Golden Beor Invitational Event Site - 25 Srrts In.; Berkeley, CA 94 20 Stort Oote - 1/ 25/ 2004 Club - Golden Beor Gymnostics A(odemy Phone - 510/ 642-0792 Fox - 510/ 642-8339 levels - W4-1 0 Golden 8eor Invitotionol Event Site -25 Srrts In.; 8erkeley, CA 94 20 Stort Dote - 10/ 25/ 2003 Club - Golden Beor Gymnostics A(odemy Phone - 510/ 642-0792 Fox - 510/ 642-8339 levels - W4-6 Golden 8eor Invitotionol Event Site - 25 Srrts In.; Berkeley, CA 94 20 Stort Date - 9/ 20/ 2003 Club - Golden 8eor Gymnosti(s A(odemy Phone - 510/ 642-0792 Fox - 510/ 642-8339 levels - W4-6 Golden 800t Invite Event Site - 224 EArrow Hwy; Son Dimos, CA 91773 Stort Dote - 9/ 20/ 2003 Club - Cres(ento Volle~ GYM Club Phone - 909/ 592-13 3 Fox- 909/ 599-7305 levels -W5-6 Gymfest Event Site - Son Jose Stote Univ; One Woshington Sq.; Son Jose, CA 95192 Stort Date - 2/ 20/ 2004 Club - Almoden Volley Gymnosti(s Club 19600 Almoden Rd; Son Jose, CA 95120 Phone - 408/268-1272 Fox - 408/ 268-6114
levels -W4-10 High Te(h Invite Event Site - 11345 Folsom Blvd; Ron(ho Cordovo, CA 95742 Stort Dote - 1/10/ 2004 Club· Te(hn,ue G~mnosti(S Phone - 916 635- 900 Fox · 916/ 635-4940 Class-M Elite-7 High-Te(h Invitationol Event Site - 11345 Folsom Blvd; Roncho Cordovo, CA 95742 Stort Oote - 9/ 20/ 2003 Club -Te(hnijUe G~mnosti(s Phone - 916 635- 900 Fox - 916/ 635-4940 levels -W4-6 High-Te(h Invitotionol Event Site - 11345 Folsom Blvd; Ron(ho Cordovo, CA 95742 Stort Dote - 1/30/2004 Club -Te(hnijUe G~mnosti(s Phone - 916 635- 900 Fox - 916/ 635-4940 levels -W4-ELITE Hollywood Invitotionol Event Site - North 80y Athletic Assoe; 415 Mississippi Street; Vollejo, CA 94590 Stort Dote - 10/ 26/ 2003 Club - North 80y Athletic Associotion Phone - 707/ 643-9622 Fox - 707/ 642-6071 levels - W5-6 Invitotionol Event Event Site - 5742 M(Fodden Ave; Huntington 8eo(h, CA 92649 Stort Dote - 2/ 13/2004 Club - Scots Phone - 714/ 895-2909 Fox - 714/ 895-4982 levels -W4-Elite lEG Invitotionol Howoiion Style Event Site - 487 SDowson Dr.; Comorillo, CA 93010 Stort Dote - 9/ 20/ 2003 Club - leodi" Edge Gymnostics Phone - 805 493-2203 Fox - 805/ 480-9400 levels -W4-6 Pocifi( Clossi( Event Site - 22982 Avenido Empreso; Ron(ho Sonto Morgori,
CA 92688 Stort Dote - 3/6/2004 Club · Colifornio Elite S~orts Center Phone · 949/ 589-151 Fox - 949/ 589-1377 levels -W7-10 Peter Vidmor Men's Gymnostics Invitotionol Event Site - Brentwood H.S.; 100 S. Borrington PI.; Brentwood, CA 90042 Start Dote - 3/ 4/ 2004 Club - 8roodwVe GYM S(hool, Ine 812 Moin SI.; enice, CA 90291 Phone - 310/ 450-0012 Fox - 310/450-6412 Closs - M7-Elite Roseville Invitotionol Event Site - Roseville S~orts Clr.; 1545 Pleosont Grove 8lvd; Roseville, CA 95747 Stort Dote - 1/2/2004 Club - 8yers Gymnosti(s Center II 2009 0J~ortunity Drive; Roseville, CA 956 Phone - 916/ 781 -2939 Fox - 916/ 354-3563 levels- W7-Elite SCEGA's Colifornio Clossic Event Site -Alliont Universi~; 10455 Pomerodo Rd.; Son iego, CA 92131 Stort Dote - 2/ 27/ 2004 Club -Southern Colifornio Elite G~mnosti(s Acod. 2 532 Commerce Clr. Or; Temeculo, CA 92590 Phone - 909/ 699-4499 Fox - 909/ 698-2586 levels -W7-Elite Snowfloke Invitotionol Event Site - 487 SDowson Dr.; Comorillo, CA 93010 Stort Dote - 1/24/ 2004 Club - leoding Edge Glmnostics 487 SDowson Drive; omorillo, CA 93010 Phone - 805/ 493-2203 Fox - 805/ 480-9400 levels -W4-9 Snowfloke Invitotionol Event Site - 1875 Feother River Blvd.; Oroville, CA 95965 Stort Dote - 1/17/ 2004 Club - Oroville GYM Sports A(od Phone - 530/ 533-1043
Fox - 530/ 533-1082 levels -W4-6 Sock Hop Invitotionol Event Site - Dioblo Gymnostics; 2411-J Old Crow Conyon Rd; Son Romon, CA 94583 Stort Dote · 10/ 18/ 2003 Club· North Boy Athleti( Asso(iation 415 Mississippi St; Vallejo, CA 94590 Phone - 707/643-9622 Fox - 707/ 642-6071 levels - W5-6 Spookto(ulor Event Site - 320 Professionol Center Dr; Ste. 150; Rohnert Pork, CA 94928-2148 Stort Oote - 10/26/2003 Club - Rohnert Pork Gymnosti(s 320 Professionol Center Dr.; Ste. 150; Rohnert Pork, CA 949282148 Phone - 707/585-9377 Fox - 707/ 585-0579 levels -W4-6 Stor Gozers Invitotionol Event Site - 11 0 Sprin~hill Dr. #14; Gross Volley, CA 9594 Stort Dote - 10/ 4/ 2003 Club -Stellor G~mnostics A(odemy Phone - 530/ 2 3-3680 Fax - 530/ 273-7156 levels -W4-6 Sweetheort Invitotionol Event Site - 1875 Feother River 8Ivd.; Oroville, CA 95965 Stort Dote -2/ 13/ 2004 Club Nome -Oroville GYM Sports A(od Phone - 530/ 533-1043 Fox - 530/ 533-1082 levels -W4-6 Sweetheort Invite Event Site - P.O. Box 5461 ; Va(oville, CA 95696 Stort Dote - 2/ 8/ 2004 Club -Aeriols GSmnosti(S Phone - 707/ 4 5-8303 Fox - 707-455-8303 levels -W4-8 West Volley Spirit of the Flome Chollenge Event Site - 1190 Dell Avenue, Unit #I; Compbell, CA 95008
The Member Club Listing is also available online! See
(continued on page 23)
r EC H N I QUE· SEPT / 0 CT 2003 )f---------------2~1I
SHOW YOUR SPIRIT, SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! USA Gymnastics Wants You! Join the II A" Club Today! Become a Special Member of USA Gymnastics Anyone who loves the sport of gymnastics ... grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles; class, recreational , junior high, high school or college gymnasts; former gymnasts, coaches, officials; or anyone who loves to watch the sport ... become an "A" Club member and you will receive:
• Special Member Contests to begin summer 2003 • Support the National Team - A portion of your membership fee helps support our National Team and grassroots programs.
• USA Gymnastics magazine - enjoy a one-year subscription (6 issues) to the official magazine of USA Gymnastics, featuring personality profiles of U.S. gymnasts, training tips, coverage of major competitions the latest in merchandise and lots of great photos.
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Official Welcome Letter Official USA Gymnastics Member Gift USA Gymnastics Membership Card Member Discount - 10% discount off all apparel and novelty items sold through USA Gymnastics.
• USA Gymnastics Member Decal • USA Gymnastics Bumper Sticker - Show your spirit!
• Fun Website - Have access to a member password website on uso-gym beginning the summer of 2003 .
• Monthly broadcast email blasts USA Gymnastics photographs © Steve Lange and Patrick Tower
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Remember, Member price includes a l-year subscription to USA Gymnastics maga zine. Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics. Mail to : USA Gymnastics Member Services P.O. Box 5365 Indianapolis, IN 46255
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Member Club Invitational Listing
(continued from page 21 ) Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2004 Club - West Volley Gymnastics School Phone -408/ 374-8692 Fox - 408/ 866-4960 levels -WHlite Wine Country Classic Event Site - Rohnert Pork Sports Or.; 5405 Saylor In; Rohnert Pork, CA 94928 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2004 Club - Rohnert Pork Gymnastics 320 Professional Or. Dr; Ste 150; Rohnert Pork CA 94928 Phone -707!s85-9377 Fox - 707/ 585-0579 levels -Wl-Elite FLORIDA 2003 Gymnastics Invitotionol Cruise Meet Event Site - 12239 SW 53rd St; Cooper City, Fl33330 Start Dote - 12/ 27/ 2003 Club - Pork Avenue Gymnastics Phone -954/ 434-0099 Fox - 954/ 434-0156 levels -W4-10 Gold Coast Invitational Event Site -Sontoluces Community HS; 6880 lowrence Rd; lantana, Fl33463 Start Dote - 10/ 11/2003 Club - Gold Coast Gymnastics Inc. 1420 Rupp In; lake Worth, Fl 33460-6152 Phone- 561 -585-2700 Fox - 561 -642-4477 levels -W3-6 Magical Classic Event Site - Orange County Conv. Or.; 9800 International Dr; Orlando, Fl32819 Start Dote - 2/ 6/ 2004 Club - 8rown's Gymnastics Central 740 Oronge Avenue; Altamonte Springs, Fl32714 Phone - 407/ 869-8744 Fox-407/ 869-0774 levels -W4-Elite; T4-Elite Tampa 80y Turners Invitational Event Site - Boyfront Center; 400 First St S; St Petersburg, Fl33701 Start Dote - 1/15/ 2004 Club -Tampa Boy Turners Gymnastics 2301 26th Street North; St Petersburg, Fl33713 Phone - 727/328-8500 Fox- 727/ 328-8522 levels -Wl-Elite UGC Chompionships Event Site - 12239 SW 53rd SI.; Cooper City, Fl33330 Stort Dote - 11/22/ 2003 Club - Pork Avenue Gymnastics Phone - 954/ 434-0099 Fox - 954/ 434-0156 levels -W4-6 GEORGIA Apple Classic Invitotionol Event Site - Harrison H.S.; 4500 Due West Rd; Kennesaw, GA 30152 Stort Dote - 11/1/2003 Club Nome - Gymnastics Acodemy of Atlanta 3126 Cobb Parkway; Kennesaw, GA 30152 Phone - 770/ 975-8337 Fox- 770/ 975-3820 levels -W4-6 Flip Flop Invitational Event Site - 104 Victoria North Court; Woodstock, GA 30189 Stort Dote - 1/10/ 2004 Club Nome -World of Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 770/ 516-6898 Fox- 770/ 516-6608 levels -W7-10
Mardi Gros Invitotionol Event Site - Kennesaw Mountain HS; 1898 Kennesaw Due W. Rd; Kennesaw, GA 30152 Stort Dote - 1/24/ 2004 Club Nome - Gymnastics Academy of Atlonto 3126 Cobb Pkwy.; Kennesaw, GA 30152 Phone -770/ 975-8337 Fox - 770/ 975-3820 levels -W7-Elite Nifty November 2003 Event Site - P. O. Box 200625; Cartersville, GA 30120 Start Dote - 11/7/ 2003 Club - Cartersville Twisters P.O. Box 1390; Cartersville, GA 30120 Phone -770/ 387-5629 Fox - 770/ 387-7415 levels -W4-1 0 OctoberBest 2003 Event Site - P. O. 80x 200625; Cortersville, GA 30120 Start Dote - 10/ 3/ 2003 Club Nome - Cartersville Twisters Phone - 770/ 387-5629 Fox - 770/ 387-7415 levels -W4-6 Roctober Challenge Event Site - 4667 Thompson Mill Rd; Buford, GA 30518 Start Dote - 10/ 18/ 2003 Club - Gymnostix Training Center Phone - 678/ 546-6626 Fox - 678/ 546-6628 levels -W4-6 Roswells Champions Cup Event Site - 10495 Woodstock Rd Bldg B; Roswell, GA 30075 Start Dote - 2/ 6/ 2004 Club - Roswell Grmnostics 38 Hill St.; Ste. 00; Roswell, GA 30075 Phone - 770/ 641-3987 Fox -770/ 641-3989 levels -W4-1 0 Spring Fling Optional Cholle~e Event Site - P. O. 80x 20062 ; Cartersville, GA 30120 Start Dote - 2/ 20/ 2004 Club -Cartersville Twisters Phone -770/ 387-5629 Fox -770/ 387-7415 levels -W7-10 Trick or Treat Invitational Event Site - 10495 Woodstock Rd 81dg B; Roswell, GA 30075 Start Dote - 10/ 24/ 2003 Club - Roswell Grmnostics 38 Hill SI.; Ste. 00; Roswell, GA 30075 Phone -770/ 641-3987 Fox -770/ 641 -3989 levels -W4-6 Winter Carnival 2003 Event Site - P. O. Box 200625; Cartersville, GA 30120 Start Dote - 12/ 6/ 2003 Club - Cartersville Twisters P.O. Box 1390; Cartersville, GA 30120 Phone - 770/ 387-5629 Fox - 770/ 387-7415 Closs - MI -7 HAWAII Aloha Gymfest Event Site - 45-558 #(21 Komehomeho Hwy.; Kaneohe, HI 96744 Start Dote - 1/ 16/ 2004 Club - Kokokohi Gymnastics Team 45-558 #(21 Komehomeho Hwy.; Kaneohe, HI 96744 Phone - 808/ 235-6866 Fox- 808/ 235-6866 levels -W4-7 Kuuipo Classic Invitational Event Site - Neal S810isdell Ctr.; 777 Word Ave; Honolulu, HI
96814 Start Dote -2/ 14/ 2004 Club - Rainbow Gymnastics Academy 98-023 Hekoho SI. #7; Aieo, HI 96701 Phone - 808/ 488-7030 Fox - 808/ 488-7030 levels - W4-10 INDIANA 8th Annual Dreomcotcher Event Site - P.O. Box 384; 5036 S 600 E(Moon Rdl; Ploinfield, IN 46168 Stort Dote - 11/ 15/ 2003 Club - Hoosier GYM Training Center Phone - 317/ 839-9919 Fox - 317/ 838-9919 levels W4-6 7th Annual Pot of Gold Event Site - P.O. 80x 384; 5036 S 600 E(Moon Rd); Plainfield, IN 46168 Start Dote - 2/ 21/2004 Club - Hoosier GYM Training Center Phone - 317/ 839-9919 Fox - 317/ 838-9919 levels - W4-9 Circle of Stars Event Site - Indiana Convention Or.; 100 SCapitol Ave; Indpls., IN 46225 Start Dote - 1/15/ 2004 Club - DeVeau's School of G~mnostics
9 32 Technology Dr.; Fishers, IN 46038 Phone - 317/ 849-7744 Fox - 317/ 846-4535 levels/ Closs - W4-Elite; M1-7 Weekend in Paradise Event Site - New Castle H.S.; 801 Porkview Dr; New Castle, IN 47362 Start Dote - 10/ 18/ 2003 Club - Gymnostics Junction 1340 SWhiNier In.; New Costle, IN47362 Phone - 765/ 521-4240 Fox- 765/ 521-3612 levels -W4-6 KANSAS 2004 Kansas Cif)' Coed Invitational Event Site - Overlond Pork Convention Or; 6000 College Blvd; Overland Por~ KS 66211 Start Dote - 2 6/ 2004 Club - Emerald City Gymnastics, Inc. 9063 Bond; Overland Pork, KS 66214 Phone - 913/ 438-4444 Closs - MElite-7 Diamond Jewels Invitational Event Site - 7270 West 161 st SI.; Overland Por~ KS 66085 Start Dote - 1 23/ 2004 Club - Diamond GYM & Dance Acod., I Phone - 913/ 851-7500 Fox - 913/ 851-8128 levels -W4-1 0 Kansas Judges Cup Event Site - 7270 W.161st SI.; Overland Pork, KS 66085 Start Dote - 12/ 5/ 2003 Club - Diamond GYM & Dance Acod, I Phone - 913/ 851-7500 Fox - 913/ 851-8128 levels -W4-10 Winter Cup 2004 Event Site - 4930 legends Dr.; lawrence, KS 66049 Start Dote - 1/31/2004 Club - lawrence Gymnastics Academy Phone - 785/ 865-0856 Fox - 785/ 865-5468 levels/Closs- W4-10; M1-7
KENTUCKY KGA's Winter Classic Event Site - KY Inl'l Convention Or.; 221 Fourth SI.; louisville, KY 40202 Start Dote - 12/ 5/ 2003 Club - Kentucky Gymnastics Academy 131 00 Magisterial Dr.; lOUisville, KY 40223 Phone - 502/ 253-1234 Fox - 502/ 253-1234 levels/ Closs - W2-10; M1-7 U.S. Coaches Cup Event Site - Northern Kentucky Convenl. Or; One West River Ctr. Blvd.; Covington, KY 41011 Start Dote - 1/23/ 2004 Club - Cincinnati G~mnostics 3635 Woodridge 8 vd; Fairfield, OH 45014 Phone - 513/ 860-3082 Fox - 513/ 870-3831 levels -W4-Elite LOUISIANA Festival of Floirs Event Site - 1973 Sixth SI.; Mandeville, LA 70471 Start Dote - 1/ 9/ 2004 Club - North Shore Gymnastics Phone - 985/ 624-8310 Fox- 985/ 624-8346 levels - WHlite Pelican State Invitational Event Site - 1973 Sixth SI.; Mandeville, LA 70471 Start Dote - 12/ 6/ 2003 Club - North Shore GymnastiCS Phone - 985/ 624-8310 Fox - 985/ 624-8346 Closs - MElite-7 MAINE Moine Coostlnvitotionol Event Site - Comden Hills Regionol School; 25 Keelson Dr; Rockport, ME 04856 Stort Dote - 3/ 5/ 2004 Club - Fundomentol Moves, Inc. 890 West SI. P.O. Box 248; West Rockport, ME 04865 Phone - 207/ 596-2700 Fox - 207/ 594-9466 levels -W4-Elite MARYLAND 2004 Hills MD Classic Event Site - Princ Geo~e's Sports Comiex; 8003 Sheri Rd; lon over, MD 20785 Start Dote - 1/17/ 2004 Club - Hill's Gymnastics 7557 Undbergh Drive; Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Phone - 301/840-5900 Fox - 301/840-8461 levels -W4-Elite 27th Notion's Capitol Cup Event Site - PG Coun~ Sports & learning; 8001 Sheri Rd; landover, MD 20785 Start Dote - 3/ 5/ 2004 Club - MarVaTeens Inc. 5636 Randolph Rd; Rockville, MD 20852 Phone - 301/468-9181 Fox - 301 / 468-9129 levels -W4-Elite Block-Eyed Suson Event Site - Prince George's Sports; 8001 Sheriff Rd; landover, MO 20785 Start Dote - 11 / 22/ 2003 Club - Rebounders Gymnostic Center 7 AW.A~lesbury Rd; Timonium, MD 210 3 Phone -410/ 252-3374 Fox - 410/ 252-6753 levels -W4-Elite
Evergreen Event Site - 7 AWest Aylesbury Rd; Timonium, MD 21093 Stort Dote - 1/ 4/ 2004 Club - Rebounders Gymnostic Center Phone - 410/ 252-3374 Fox - 410/ 252-6753 levels -W4-6 MASSACHUSEns UNle Bigger Invitational Event Site -JOt Middle School; locust 12; Wo MA 01801 Start Dote - 2/ 19 2004 Club - Gtmnostics And More 8 Micro r.; Woburn, MA 01801 Phone -781 / 938-3669 Fox - 781/938-3608 levels -W4-Elite
MICHIGAN Spring Fling Event Site - Grand Rapids Comm. Or.; 143 80stwick Ave.; Grand Ropids, MI49503 Start Dote - 3/ 5/ 2004 Club -ANA Sports U.S. Airborne 1601 Golbroith; Ste. 301; Grand Ropids, MI49546 Phone - 616/ 975-2992 Fox - 616/ 977-0163 levels -W4-1 0
levels - W4-6 lady luck Invitotionol Event Site -Tropicono Hotel Casino; 3801 Slos Vegas Blvd; los Vegas, NV 89109 Start Dote - 1/16/ 2004 Club - Brown's Gymnastics-los Vegas 4544 C. W.Russell Rd.; los Vegas, NV 89118 Phone - 702/ 257-9009 Fox - 702/ 257-9039 levels - W4-Elite Trick or Treat Meet Event Site -4544 C. W. Russell Rd.; los Vegas, NV 89118 Start Dote - 10/ 25/ 2003 Club - Brown's Gymnastics-los Vegas Phone - 702/ 257 -9009 Fox - 702/ 257-9039 levels - W4-6 Vegos Cup Event Site - UNlV; 4505 S Mor~lond Pkwy; los Vegos, NV 891 4 Start Dote - 2/ 5/ 2004 Club - Gymcots Gymnastics 440 S.Porkson Suite B; Henderson, NV 89015 Phone - 702/ 566-1414 Fox- 702/ 566-1310 levels -W4-Elite
MINNESOTA Great Northern Invitational Event Site - 900 3rd SI.; St. Paul Pork, MN 55071 Start Dote - 9/ 27/ 2003 Club - Great Northern Gymnastics Phone - 651/768-0090 Fox - 651 -768-8204 levels -W5-6
Vegas Ughts Invitotionol for Men Event Site - 950 S. Cimarron Rood; los Vegas, NV 89145 Start Dote - 1/10/ 2004 Club - Desert Gymcots Gymnastics 950 S. Cimarron Rood; los Vegos, NV 89145 Phone - 702/798-3547 Fox - 702/ 341-5B53 Closs-MI -7
MISSOURI SI. louis Classic Event Site - America's Center; 701 (onvention Plaza; Stlouis, MO 63101 Start Dote - 1/ 9/ 2004 Club -Team Central 2675 Metro 8Ivd.; St. louis, MO 63043 Phone - 314/ 291 -5436 Fox - 314/ 291-0859 levels -W4-Elite
NEW YORK The Greater NY Invitational Event Site - Rocklond Community Collene; 145 College Rd; Suffern, NY 1 901 Start Dote - 12/ 6/ 2003 Club - US GYM Develo Center II 6 leighton P~ Mohwa , NJ 07430 Phone - 201 891-2496 Fox - 201/891 -7881 levels -W4-10
NEVADA 2003 Flips Gold Dust Event Site - 6685 Chesterfield In; Reno, NV 89523 Start Dote - 10/ 18/ 2003 Club - Flips US.A. 500 EGlendale; Sparks, NV 89431 Phone - 775/ 359-2232 Fox - 775/359-2235 levels -W4-6 Cactus Cooler Invitational Event Site - los Ve~as Vet Mem leisure Or; 101S ovillion Or Dr; los Vegas, NV 89144 Start Dote - 2/ 21 / 2004 Club - Desert Gymcots Gymnastics 950 S. Cimarron Rood; los Vegas, NV 89145 Phone - 702/ 798-3547 Fox -702/ 341-5853 levels - W4-Elite Desert Fall Classic Event Site - 950 S. Cimarron Rood; los Vegas, NV 89145 Start Dote - 11/8/ 2003 Club - Desert G~mcots Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 7 8-3547 Fox - 702/ 341 -5853 levels -W4-6 Gymcots Invitational Event Site - 440 S.Porkson Ste. 8; Henderson, NV 89015 Start Dote - 9/ 27/2003 Club Nome - Gymcots Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 566-1414 Fox - 702/ 566-1310
NORTH CAROLINA American Awards Inv. Event Site - 26-A Glendale Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Stort Dote - 10/ 18/ 2003 Club -Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acod Phone - 828/ 252-8746 Fox - 828/252-6143 levels -W4-6 Foothills Fall Invitational Event Site - 920 29th Ave NE; Hickory, NC 28601 Start Dote - 10/ 4/ 2003 Club - Foothills GymnastiCS 920 29th Ave NE; Hickory, NC 28601 Phone - 828/ 328-3794 Fox - 828/ 328/ 3794 levels -W2-6 WNC Chompionsh~s Event Site - 26路A lendole Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Start Dote - 3/ 6/ 2004 Club -Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acod Phone - 828/ 252-8746 Fox - 828/ 252-6143 levels -W4-10 OHIO 8uckeye Classic Event Site - 7159 Northtote Way; PO 80x 2295; Westervil e, OH 43082 Start Dote - 2/ 19/ 2004 Club - 8uckeye Gymnastics (continued on page 25)
Saletv Certification¡ Sanctions PDP & KAT Certification Meet Director Certification Skill Evaluator Certification Athlete Wellness
Undate '\ ----~----::::::=::::====::::===---:---)
membership form on file, unauthorized charges, and unauthorized changes to an individual's record.
Attention Meet Directors
How many times have you encountered this situation? ... A coach shows up at your meet, does not have a current membership card or any other official proof of membership. How do you handle this situation? For your convenience, the USA Gymnastics Member Services pages offer membership verification searches. Membership verification is available for Meet Directors and Professional members to print verification for meets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. New Online Service Coming Soon
In the near future, USA Gymnastics will offer online services to allow members to print membership cards and re-prints of cards directly to their printer. This is yet another service that USA Gymnastics will provide to benefit and assist our members. Please look for more information on this service in the near future. At this time, all membership cards are printed weekly and sent to our mailing house for fulfillment.
2003/2004 Packets
In May, all membership forms for the 03/04 season were mailed to all clubs that registered athletes in the 2002/2003 season. In a survey of clubs, it was decided that earlier registration was preferred over pre-printed forms. We will not be sending pre-printed athlete forms. If you have not received your forms, you may download them from the forms section of our website at or call 1-800-345-4719 to have them mailed to you. Keep Your Address Current
Please remember to keep all addresses current with USA Gymnastics Member Services. We have noticed an increase in athlete address problems for those renewed through our online services. Please make certain to update the addresses of any athletes that have moved since their last registration.
Online Services
Beginning with the 2002/2003 season, any club or individual who mis-uses the online registration services offered by USA Gymnastics will terminate his/her right to use the services and any discounts that apply for one entire season. Mis-use of the system has been observed in the past and examples of such include: creating ficticious information to bypass the system, release of club user id and password in an inappropriate manner, registering athletes without a completed 2003/2004 athlete
Regular USA Gymnastics Member Services hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Phone Hours: Monday 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. NOTE: Indianapolis time April through October - Central time November through March - Eastern time Website Address: Member Services 1-800-345-4719 Member Services Fax: (317)692-5212 Executive Office: (317)237-5050
TEe H NIOU E â&#x20AC;˘ SEPT/OCT 2003
(continued from page 23)
Member Club Invitational Listing
Phone - 614/ 895-1611 Fox - 614/ 895-7644 Levels - W4-Elite
Phone - 610/ 444-4464 Fax - 610/444-4464 Closs-M 1- 7
8uckeye Fall Invitational Event Site - 7159 Northgote Woy; Westerville, OH 43082 Start Dote - 9/ 27/ 2003 Club - 8uckeye Gymnastics Phone - 614/ 895-1611 Fox- 614/ 895-7644 Levels -W4-6
Dol motion Classic Event Site - 513 Dickerson Rd; North Wales, PA 19454 Start Dote - 2/ 7/ 2004 Club -Spirit GYM Training Center Phone - 215/ 699-2900 Fox - 215/ 699-2901 Levels -W4-10
Minehart Memorial Classic Event Site - 1850 Manor Hill Rd; Findlay, OH 45840 Start Dote - 1/ 3/ 2004 Club Nome - Gold Medal Gymnastics Phone - 419/ 425-4653 Fox- 419/ 659-6091 Levels -W4-10
First Annual Yurchenko Invitational Event Site - 1665 East Race SI.; Allentown, PA18109 Start Dote - 2/ 13/ 2004 Club - Lehigh Volley Sports Arodemy Phone - 610/ 264-2208 Fox- 610/ 264-2169 Levels- W4-10
Turkey Cup Invitational Event Site - 1850 Manor Hill Rd; Findlay, OH 45840 Start Dote - 11/22/ 2003 Club - Gold Medal Gymnastics Phone - 419/ 425-4653 Fox-419/ 659-6091 Levels -W4-6
Harvest Hoedown Event Site - 274 E. Fihh St.; Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Start Dote - 10/ 5/ 2003 Club - Columbia Academy Phone - 570/ 387-0539 Fox- 570/ 387-0195 Levels -W4-8
OREGON Emerold Team Challenge Event Site - Lone Community College; 4000 E30th; Eugene, OR 97405 Start Dote - 2/ 28/ 2004 Club - Notional Academy of Artistic Gymnastics 869 Shelly; S~ringfield, OR 97477 Phone - 541 / 744-2002 Fox- 541/485-2322 Levels -W4-Elite PENNSYLVANIA 80rb Knothe Memorial Invitational Event Site - 912 W_Cypress SI.; Kenne" Sq., PA 19348 Start Date - 1/10/ 2004 Club - KMC Dance and GYM Center Phone - 610/ 444-4464 Fax - 610/ 444-4464 Levels -W4-10 80ys Invitational Event Site - 912 W.Cypress SI.; Kenne" Square, PA19348 Start Date - 12/ 13/ 2003 Club Name - KMC Dance and GYM Center
John Ponco" Invitational Event Site -The School at Church Form; 1001 EUnwin Hwy; Exton, PA 19341 Start Date - 2/ 7/ 2004 Club -John Ponco" Gymnastic Center 284 Loncoster Avenue; Malvern, PA 19355 Phone - 610/ 647-9847 Fox - 610/ 644-8244 Closs - MElite-7 JohnPonco" Invitational Event Site - 284 Lonroster Ave.; Malvern, PA 19355 Start Dote - 3/ 6/ 2004 Club -John Panco" Gymnastic Center Phone - 610/ 647-9847 Fox- 610/ 644·8244 Levels -W4-1 0 KMC Fall Fren~ Event Site - 91 W.Cypress 51.; Kenne" Square, PA 19348 Start Dote - 11/8/ 2003 Club - KMC Dance and GYM Center Phone - 610/ 444-4464 Fox - 610/ 444-4464 Levels -W4-1 0
Leap Day Invitational Event Site - 274 E. Fihh Street; 8100msburg, PA 17815 Start Dote - 2/ 29/ 2004 Club - Columbia Academy Phone - 570/ 387-0539 Fox- 570/ 387-0195 Levels -W4-8 Ni"On~ Invitational Event ite - Penn State Univ; Rec Hall; Univ. Pork, PA 16802 Start Dote - 1/ 31/2004 Club - Ni"ony Gymnastics Academy 2300 Commercial 8Ivd.; State College, PA 16801 Phone - 814/ 238-8995 Fax - 814/ 238-0306 Levels -W4-1 0
Pi"sburgh Northstors Co·Ed Classic Event Site - Island Sports Center; 7600 Grant Ave.; Neville Island, Pgh., PA 15225 Start Dote - 11 / 21 / 2003 Club - PiHsburgh Northstors III Ookhoven Drive; Wexford, PA 15090 Phone - 412/ 487-5999 Fox - 412/ 487-7333 Levels/ Closs - W4-10; M1-7 Ready Set Go Event Site - 513 Dickerson Rd; N. Wales, PA 19454 Start Dote - 9/ 28/ 2003 Club - Spirit GYM Training Center Phone - 215/ 699-2900 Fox - 215/ 699-2901 Levels - W4-9 Ricochets WinterIest Event Site - 362 S. Warminster Rd; Hatboro, PA 19040 Start Dote - 2/ 14/ 2004 Club - Riwchets Gymnastics Club Phone - 215/ 328-0900 Fax - 215/ 328-0857 Levels -,W4-Elite, preopt. SOUTH CAROLINA Autumn Classic Event Site - P.O. Box 12638; Freedom Blvd.; Florence, SC 29504 Start Dote - 11 / 1/ 2003 Club - Freedom Florence G~mswmps
P one -843/ 667-5090 Fox - 843/ 665-3264 Levels -W2-1 0, preopl.
Candy Cane Invitational Event Site - P.O. 80x 12638; Freedom 8lvd; Florence, SC 29504 Start Date - 12/ 6/ 2003 Club - Freedom Florence Gtscomps Pone - 843/ 667-5090 Fox - 843/ 665-3264 Levels -W2-1 0, preopl.
Levels -W4-6
Fox - 425/ 672-2785 Levels -W4-6
River Walk Classic Event Site - Henry Gonzalez Convention Clr; 200 EMarket St; Son Antonio, TX 78205 Start Dote - 2/ 20/ 2004 Club - 8rown's Gymnastics Central 740 Oron~e Avenue; Altamonte Shrings, F 32714 P one -407/ 869-8744 Fox - 407/ 869-0774 Levels -W4-Elite
TENNESSEE Gotlinburg G~mnostics Classic Event Site - otlinburg Convention Center; Airport Rd; Gotlinburg, TN 37738 Start Dote - 2/ 13/ 2004 Club -Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acod 26-AGlendale Ave; Asheville, NC 28803 Phone - 828/ 252-8746 Fox - 828/ 252-6143 Closs/ Levels - M1- 7; Tl-Elite; W4-10, pre opt.
The Kurt Thomas Invitational Event Site - Dr Pepper Stars Clr.; Frisco, TX 75024 Start Dote - 2/ 20/ 2004 Club - Kurt Thomas Gym. Training Cente 3550 Gorden 8rook Dr.; OoIIos, TX 75234 Phone - 972/ 620-0020 Fax - 972/ 309-1233 Levels -W4-Elite
TEXAS 2004 Alamo Challenge Event Site - 1665 Huebner Rd; Son Antonio, TX 78248 Start Dote - 2/ 7/ 2004 Club -Alamo G~mnastics Center Phone - 210/ 4 9-8282 Fox- 210/ 479-9652 Class - M1- 7
Valeri Liukin Invitational Event Site - 1937 W.Parker Rd; Plano, TX 75023 Start Dote - 12/ 12/2003 Club -World Olympic Gymnastics Acod Phone - 972/ 985-9292 Fox - 972/ 964-8209 Closs - M-Elite
Heart 01 Texas Invite Event Site - Pflugerville H.S.; 13900 NIH 35; Austin, TX 78728 Start Dote - 2/ 13/ 2004 Club - Coral GYM Su~er Center Phone - 12/ 251 -915 Fax - 51 2/ 251-6655 Levels -W5-Elite
WOGA Classic 2004 Event Site - 1937 W.Porker Rood; Plano, TX 75023 Start Date - 1/16/ 2004 Club -World Olympic Gymnastics Acod Phone - 972/ 985-9292 Fox - 972/ 964-8209 Levels -W4-Elite
Judges Cup Invitational Event Site - 7632 WHwy 71 ; Austin, TX 78735 Start Dote - 10/ 10/ 2003 Club - Notional Elite Gymnastics Phone - 512/ 288-9722 Fox - 512/ 288-4643 Levels -W4-6 Mesquite Rodeo Round-Up Event Site - Sunnyvale Ind School District; 417 Trip Rd; Sunnyvale, TX 75182 Start Dote - 9/ 20/ 2003 Club - Mesquite Institute 01 GYM 852 DolwortJ: Mesquite, TX 75149 Phone - 972 216-8888 Fox - 972/ 216-7776
WASHINGTON CoscodionTeamChallenge Event Site - 2310156th Ave. w.; Mountlake Terroc; WA 98043 Start Dote - 1/30 2004 Club - Cosrode Elite Gxmnostics Phone - 425/ 672-68 7 Fox - 425/ 672-2785 Levels -W4-10 Fall Classic 2003 Event Site - 23101 56th Ave. w.; Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Start Dote - 11/ 22/ 2003 Club - Cascade Elite Gxmnostics Phone - 425/ 672-68 7
Invitational Event Site - 23101 56th Ave. W.; Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Start Dote - 4/ 3/ 2004 Club Nome - Cosrode Elite G~mnostics
Pone - 425/ 672-6887 Fox - 425/672-2785 Levels -W4-6 WISCONSIN Invitational Event Event Site - 925 S. 12th SI.; Watertown, WI 53094 Start Dote - 10/ 11/2003 Club - GymTastics Phone - 920/ 206-9323 Fox - 920/ 206-1056 Levels -W4-6
The most up-to-date list of Member Club Invitationals can be found at
Then click on the Invitationals button on the left!
Fun & Fit Gymnastics Program • SET Achievable goals for Students • BUILD Enrollment Retention • MEASURE Teacher Efficiency • RECORD Student Accomplishments
Our new Licensees: • Jeanne's Gymnastics Jeanne Rickert, owner
• American Sports Acro & Gymnastics Patricia Williams, owner
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Instructor Training Videos - 30+ skills per level explained step by step. Curriculum Cards - Track skills taught as required in USAG Safety manual. Star Posters - Kids take home - Helps them experience success. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS & NO MINIMUM PURCHASE! Licensed to Gym Clubs Nationally Since 1991
For Details, FREE VIDEO, Information and Samples, call (800) - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - «
SEPT / 0 CT 2003 )r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -=-5=--1
T.J. Maxx, the nation's largest off-price retailer, will partner with USA Gymnastics in 2003 and 2004 to sponsor the T.J. Maxx Tour of Gymnastics Champions. Competitive gymnastics routines will be combined with acrobatic performances to dazzle and delight fans of all ages. The tour will deliver gymnastics in a creative and entertaining format. "T.J. Maxx has been a long-time supporter of USA Gymnastics and we're excited to move forward together on such a significant venture over the next two years," said USA Gymnastics President Bob Colarossi. "The 2003 and 2004 T.J. Maxx Tours will deliver world-class gymnastics to all parts of the country in an entertaining and creative format. We're honored to have them on board as title sponsor and plan to present gymnastics as it has never been done before. Along with the success that we anticipate at both the '03 Worlds and the '04 Olympic Games, the creative direction of the Tour will provide an outstanding and entertaining show." The 2003 Tour of Gymnastics Champions, featuring members of the men's and women's 2003 World Championships Team, will include nine stops at major arenas Paul Hamm across the country. Check out the schedule at right. The 2004 Tour of Gymnastics Champions schedule has not yet been announced. "This is an exciting opportunity for TJ Maxx to continue its partnership with the pre-eminent sport in the Olympic movement," said Wendy Lohr, Manager of Event Marketing for TJ Maxx. "We believe USA Gymnastics is poised to be very successful in the next two years, and are confident the 2003 and 2004 Tours will be even bigger and better than in years past."
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TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘
Gymnastics owns operates the Tour of Gymnastics Champions, and will conduct the tour in partnership with the Arena Network. The T.J. Maxx Tour will be under the creative direction of One Reel and The Howard Company. Global Strategies Group of Boston assisted in the brokering of the T.J. Maxx agreement. "The Arena Network is delighted to work with USA Gymnastics and T.J. Maxx for the upcoming Tours," said Brad Parsons, CEO and Managing Director of the Arena Network "Our partnership is similar to other promotions within the entertainment industry, and we look forward to a high-caliber event that will reach out to all audiences. " Courtney Kupets
Extraordinary Gymnastics ... Like You've Never Seen Before.
Date of Tour October 3 October 4 October 5 October 9 October 10 October 11 October 12 October 16 October 19
City/State Bridgeport, CT Philadelphia, PA Norfolk, VA Chicago,IL Green Bay, WI St Paul, MN Omaha, NE Dallas, TX Houston, TX
Venue Arena at Harbor Yard Wachovia Spectrum Norfolk Scope mc Pavillion Resch Center Xcel Energy Center Owest Center American Airlines Center Toyota Center
Log on to for information on how to purchase tickets.
SEPT / 0 CT 2003
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run with Running... ~t:
A Crucial Skill for So Many Sports ... By Karen M. Goeller ince so many sports, including basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, gymnastics, and of course track and field, require good running technique, coaches must concentrate on teaching proper running technique.
Most people and often even athletes and coaches take for granted that if they can run, they are performing efficiently, but this is often not the case. Even with professional ball players, corrections can be made with running technique and\or speed. Running should be analyzed, broken down into smaller parts, and then taught correctly. Foot alignment, knee lift, heel lift, arm swing, and even where the athlete is focusing shouW be trained individually, corrected, and practiced frequently. Perhaps during training, each portion of the run or the drills \techniques should be used as a warm up for training or for a more enjoyable experience, as relay races.
Once both the knee lift and the heel lift have been learned and practiced, they can be combined. It takes a great deal of coordination to combine both! It is easiest explained by stating that the participant must lift one knee (right leg) and then kick the buttocks with the other foot (left). It is lift knee, kick butt. And it takes even more coordination to continue toward a finish line alternating the two techniques! It feels awkward and does take practice. After the leg motions and arm swing are learned separately, they can be combined. Perhaps try to combine the knee lift with the arm swing or the heel Lift with the arm swing. Once each leg motion can be combined with the arm swing, the participant is ready to attempt a sprint toward a finish line using all of the proper techniques. The coach must constantly observe and make useful suggestions to the athletes such as lift the knees, opposite arms, and keep the elbows bent while performing the arm swing.
For a relay race each portion \movement of the run can be performed by a different teammate. Another idea is to have every participant in the race perform a certain portion or movement of the running technique.
You see, there is a great deal of learning and careful practice that goes into the proper running technique and eventually an efficient sprint. Just think of how many baseball players would be on base safely and how many more football players would score touchdowns if they ran just a bit faster! And how many more gymnasts would vault more successfu lly if every one of them would practice running tech nique on a regular basis.
A great contest idea for athletes is to use the arm swing fi r the run; once the correct elbow bend\angle and swing (alternate motion of forward and back) is learned, the number of arm swings per 30 seconds can be timed. Coaches must watcfl hat the athletes keep their arms bent throughout the swi g rather than bending and straightening with each swing. T e 'karate chop" motion is popular and may be a natural move en for some, but it is incorrect. The participant with the mostAorrect arm swings can e the Wln er. With the knee lift otion; once it is teamed correctly without impact (marching i place and m FC~ing forward) and then with impact (running 'n place li'n nees and running forward lifting knees) the participants c race toward the finish using the knee lift motion. Of course,'f e knees have not been lifted to at least hip height or even belly button height the knee lift was not performed correctly and that participant can not be the winner, especially since the race was specifically designed in order to practice using the knee lift motion for correct running technique.
The same race can be performed using the heel lift or actually the heel to buttocks (kick butt) motion. This motion should be learned separately form the knee lift motion. Once learned correctly using a march\walk and then a running in place and running forward motion, have your participant's race while using the kick buttocks motion. Remember, if the heels do not touch the buttocks each time, that participant cannot be the winner, especially since the participants were actually learning and practicing the heel lift for proper running technique.
TECH N IOU f â&#x20AC;˘
Besides good technique, many athletes need more speed. This is not something nat is improved or learned like proper technique. It usually is not improved over night. One sports coach stated that anyone looking to increase running speed should run down hill. This will force the athlete to run faster because gravity is at work. The muscles will be forced to react quicker, thanks to gravity, and eventually the athlete will be able to react quickly on his/her own. Quicker reaction \movement equals a quicker run \sprint. The coach ust keep the angle of the hill in mind, because if it is too steep there could be risk of injury. Good luck with teaching your athletes to perform better by learning the correct running techniques. Karen M. Goeller has written a book entitled, Over 100 Drills and Conditioning Exerdses. It is a training manual that was written for gymnastics coaches, but is useful to physical education teachers, dance teachers, and any coach in need of running drills â&#x20AC;˘ SEPT / 0CT 2003 ) l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
USA GYMNASTICS 100) KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschooL teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety co nsiderations, class management, and much more! A Move ment Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of fi ve enlightening hou rs of ')reschool teacher ed ucation. This works hop i; continuing education of the KAT Program . The overall emp hasis of this works hop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development,
September September October October October
DATE 6/7 13/14 2 18 19
and much more. This works hop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD works hop in your area, 2003 is a great time to host a works hop. Any club can host a works hop and it's free. The only t hings you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If yo ur workshop has 12 paid participants, your club will receive one free registratio n. Member Clubs receive two free registrations.
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Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will only be va lid at the works hop you are hosting. The works hop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses caU1·BOO345-4719 or visit membership
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TEe H N10 UE • S[Pl / OCT 2003
)} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - = - = - 9.....
July, 2003
The World Championships Team should go to Bulgaria approximately two weeks before the World Championship competition and train and compete while there. Mary Sanders will compete in a Grand Prix competition with possible 2nd athlete. Motion: Efrossina Anguelova 2nd: Andrea Schmid Vote: Unanimous
VOTING: Andrea Scmid
Simona Zakheim Lana Lashoff Vanessa Vanderpluym Michelle Larson Efrossina Anguelova
USA Gymnastics Vice Chair for Rhythmic Gymnastics Judges Representative Coach Representative Athlete Council Representative Rhythmic Membership Director - Non voting National Team Coordinator - Non voting
III.WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SELECTION CAMP The following individuals of the Rhythmic Program Committee will make the final decision if 3 or 4 athletes will be named to the World Championship team. Efrossina Anguelova Andrea Schmid Vanessa VanderPluym Simona Zakheim Jan Exner (non-voting)
Called in on speaker phone for the Pan American Games discussion: Suzie Ditullio
JOPC Representative
Non-voting: Jan Exner Cindy French
If 4 athletes are named to the team, suggestions will be made
from this committee as to the events the athletes should compete at World Championships. The final decision on the events will be confirmed at the camp in Bulgaria prior to World Championships by the National Team Coordinator. Motion: Andrea Schmid 2nd: Vanessa VanderPluym Vote: Unanimous
Sitting in during Pan Am Games Selection Procedure discussion: Bob Colorassi President, USA Gymnastics Ron Froelich Chair, USA Gymnastics Board of Directors Carole Zaleski USOC Representative
IV. SCORE FORMS The Junior Olympic Program Committee asked the Program Committee to overrule the decision made by the Technical Committee to use a score form sheet for Level 8 competition. The Program Committee will not overrule the Technical Committee decision. Motion: Simona Zakheim 2nd: Vanessa VanderPluym Vote: 3 yes, 1 Abstain
I. PAN AMERICAN GAMES SELECTION PROCEDURES Lana Lashoff is excused as she has a direct conflict in the decision. Mary Sanders is named to the team according to the selection procedures. She placed first in the all-arOl.i.'nd at the 2003 Rhythmic National Championships. Olga Karmansky is to be named as the second team member as the second place athlete from the all-around competition at the 2003 Rhythmic National Championships. Motion: Andrea Schmid 2nd: Simona Zakheim Vote: Unanimous
The Technical Value and Artistic Value score forms will be returned to the coaches after these competitions only - Level 9 Championships, Rhythmic Eastern and Rhythmic Western. The format for the distribution of these forms will be included in the meet information. Motion: Andrea Schmid 2nd: Simona Zakheim Vote: Unanimous The Technical Value and Artistic Value forms will be required to be sent to the USA GYMNASTICS office prior to the competition for the Level 9 Championships, Rhythmic Eastern
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SEPT /0 CT 2003 ) f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and Rhythmic Western competitions. The meet information will include the deadline date for the required forms to be sent to USA Gymnastics. Motion: Andrea Schmid 2nd: Vanessa VanderPluym Vote: Unanimous Clarification on the returning of the Level 8 score forms and the TV and AV forms (for Level 9 Championships, Rhythmic Eastern and Western): These forms will be returned for the purpose of acquiring information regarding the event. Coaches cannot make inquires and there will be no score changes. The forms may have score changes the judges have made during the competition due to high or low scores coming together. The judges and/ or meet directors will not be available for explanation or discussion regarding these forms . Recommendation from the JOPC: Level 9 athletes must compete at any state or sanctioned competition prior to regional competition. Qualification to Level 9 Championships is from a regional competition. RPC Approved: Unanimous The State of Missouri has been removed from Region 3 and added to Region 6 as of September 1, 2003. Motion: Michelle Larson 2nd: Suzie DiTullio Vote: Unanimous
1) Any judge holding a valid level 8 or above certification may judge JO Championships Motion: Andrea Schmid 2nd: Simona Zakheim Vote: Unanimous
Minutes Approved by Rhythmic Program Committee Date: July, 2003 Minutes Approved by Robert V. Colarossi, President, USA GYMNASTICS Date: July 30, 2003
Rhythmic Technical Committee Meeting June 20, 2003 Milwaukee, WI
I. Roll Call & Welcome Nadine Davies Tyana Marlowe Ellen Nyemcsik Elena Savenkova, Chair Alia Svirsky - absent Perryne Thompson Simona Zakheim
II. Elite Sub-Committee Report
v. GUIDELINES FOR JUDGES A. Assignments to National Championships, Challenge and Rhythmic Eastern / Western 1) Any (US) National or Brevet rated judge
B. Admission to National Examination In order to gain admission to the National Examination, a potential candidate must complete anyone of the following: 1) Have been on the National Team and attained the minimum age of 18, 2) Have been a coach of an athlete who has competed at either Rhythmic Eastern, Rhythmic Western, Nationals or Challenge, within the past five (5) years or 3) Have gone through the judging progression as outlined in the Rules & Policies. C. Invitation to Brevet course in the u.s. Invitations to the Brevet course in the U.S. are at the discretion of the Judges Selection Committee. However, the following classes of persons will be invited: 1) All current National Team Coaches as of the year of the test. 2) U.S. National level judges 3) All judges having held a Brevet in either of the prior two cycles
D. JO Certification 1) Any current Brevet or National Judge may take the open book JO exam and be certified at each appropriate level. The judge must complete the exam for each level to be certified at that level or 2) Have gone through the judging progression outlined in the Rules & Policies ------------------ÂŤ
E. JO Championships
Simona Zakheim presented the Elite Sub-Committee Report from Alia Svirsky.
III. Clarifications/Corrections to the J.O Handbook for Coaches and Judges for 2003-2004 competitive season 1) Page 13, section VI, C, Rope Add: "Feet caught in rope 0.10. Involuntary wrapping with interruption- 0.20" Motion: Ellen Nyemcsik Second: Simona Zakheim MOTION PASSED:Unanimous 2) Page 35, "360 Pivot leg forward" change to "horizontal circles CW" Motion: Elena Savenkova Nadine Davies Second: MOTION PASSED: Unanimous 3) Page 42, "360 Pivot en de dans, leg forward" change to Full Credit "min. 45 front leg lift"; Validation" min. 35 degree leg lift". Motion: Elena Savenkova Second: Nadine Davies MOTION PASSED: Unanimous 4) Page 39, "Balance: Passe with roll and small release" eliminate: Full credit "hoop roll"; No Credit "no hoop roll". Motion: Elena Savenkova Second: Perryne Thompson MOTION PASSED: Unanimous
(continued on page 33) r EC H NI QUE â&#x20AC;˘ SEPT / 0 CT 2003 ) > - - - - - - - - - - - -----=3-=1-..
(continued from page 33) 5) Page 54, "Back Walkover+ split", add to Specific Deductions:
"arms not to the side during the split - 0.20". Motion: Elena Savenkova Second: Ellen Nyemcsik MOTION PASSED: Unanimous
level Group routine by using some of Identified Skills from Present level 6 individual routines (based on changes made by JOPC in May 2003). Motion: Elena Savenkova Second: Tyana Marlowe MOTION PASSED: Unanimous
IV. JO program changes for 2004 season
Jope reeBHHfteftSatiBft): safiel:llties ift level 8 rBl:ltiftes.
1) PrB}JBsal (aases Bft "D/~"
Motion: Motion Failed:
4) Proposal: Make Identified Skills for Beginner Optional
Elena Savenkova 1- "yes" 6- "no"
2) Proposal (based on JOPC Recommendation): Allow repeats leaps/jumps in the SAME combination for level 8 routines. Motion: Tyana Marlowe Second: Elena Savenkova MOTION PASSED: Unanimous Note: make appropriate corrections to JO Handbook for Coaches and Judges. 3) Proposal: List of Identified Skills for Intermediate level Groups (add to page 84 JO Handbook for Coaches and Judges) See LIST OF SKILLS FOR GROUP Motion: Elena Savenkova Second: Simona Zakheim MOTION PASSED: Unanimous RPC ACCEPTED WITH REVISIONS: UNANIMOUS
5) Proposal: List of Identified Skills for Beginner Optional level Group Routines (Add this list to page 83 JO Handbook for Coaches and Judges) See LIST OF SKILLS FOR GROUP Motion: Elena Savenkova Second: Perryne Thompson MOTION PASSED: Unanimous RPC ACCEPTED WITH REVISIONS: UNANIMOUS 6) Proposal: Create Novice level for Groups that would be based on Identified Skills from present levelS individual routines (the same principal as for Intermediate level Group). And eliminate Beginner compulsory level group routine. List of Identified Skills for Novice level Group has already been proposed. This proposal has been forwarded to JOPC for further discussion.
(continued on page 35
Some days all your routines are flawless. Other days ... you need insurance. With the perfect balance of specialized coverage options, superior claims handli ng, and innovative risk management services, Markel can vault you back into the championsh ips in no time.
TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ SEPT / 0 CT 2003
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This set is now updated for the new season
This packet is the latest changes made to the FIG Code oj Points. IJ you have a 2001 FIG Rhythmic Code oj Points this packet will update your book with the most current information.
2003 Women's U.S . Gymnastics Championships Jrs. AA (2 Tapes) ........................ ...................................... $25.00
2003 Women's U.S. Gymnastics Championships Senior Competition
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FIG Rhythmic Code of Points ......................... .........$50.00 This book now includes the 2002 FIG Supplement Jor Rhythmic Gymnastics.
(2 Tapes) .............................................................. $25.00 #2169
2002 FIG Supplement to the Rhythmic Code of Points .. $15.00
Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Handbook for Coaches & Judges ................... ............. .................. $15.00
This is the new 2002-2004 edition.
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Round-Off Entry Video ............................................ $25.00 2002 U.S. Gymnastics Championships Junior Men
All-Around (2 Tapes) .................................. ... ... .... .. $25.00 #2383
(2 Tapes) .............................................................. $25.00 #2288
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(continued from poge 33)
EducatiDnal! Tet:hnical Mal.rials WOMEN'S PROGRAM #1101
FIG Women's Code of Points .................................... $50.00
2002 FIG Supplement to the Women's Code of Points .. $15.00
This book now includes the 2002 FIG Supplement Women's Gymnastics. This packet is the latest changes made to the FIG Code of Points. If you have a 2001 FIG Women's Code of Points, this packet will update your book with the most current information. #1111
2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Book ................ $35.00
2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Music CD ............ $15.00
2002 TOPS Manual .. ...................... ............. ........... $15.00
2002 TOPS Video .................................................. $15.00
2001 JO Technical Handbook (revised 3/ 2002) .......... $25.00
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points .... ... .. .................... ... $50.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book ..................... .. ..... .. $35.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............... ............. $19 .95
Boy's Basic Skills Achievement Program (BSAP) * ...... $35 .00 *Includes booklet, wall chart & video
Physical Preparation for Young and Beginning Boys Video .................. ........ ...... $25.00 Boy's Basic Skills Achievement Program (BSAP)* .. .... $35.00 *Includes booklet, wall chart & video
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book ........................ ..... . $30.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............... ............. $25.00
2001-2004 JO Compulsory CD ................ ................ $15.00
• i il!!:' 411! ':' J:, iii:':)! ':jfl UiJ11H if;!:" #2402
2002-2004 Trampoline JO Code of Points ........... .....$10.00
2002-2004 Power Tumbling JO Code of Points .. ........ $10.00
2002-2004 Double Mini JO Code of Points ................ $10.00
2001-2004 FIG Code of Points .................... ............ $50.00
2001-2004 JO Program Guide ............................ ...... $30.00
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2002 National Gymfest - Group Performances Day 1 .... $20.00
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2002 National TeamGymn Championships .............. $15.00
7) Proposal: Recommendations from JOPC (from JOPC meeting in May 2003) regarding changing level 7 breakdown system, modification of level 7 for 2006 will be discussed during next RTC meeting. Motion: Perryn e Thompson Second: Ellen Nyemcsik MOTION PASSED: Unanimous 8) Recommendation to all JO level coaches regarding increasing knowledge of Artistic Value (based on recommendation from JOPC): • Attend Judges Courses • Attend National and Regional Congress • Contact Senior judges for consultation • Contact State / Regional Chairs for additional information 9) Clarification: For level 8 floor routines only ACRO elements from present FIG Code of Points are valid to fulfill the requirements.
10)Pre:resal. Blilftiftate 9.59 aeaaetieft JOer TV JOerlft HJO there is a 1.59 aiHereftee Be~ ... eeft what g) Iftftast aetaally :redeflftea afta her wriHeft TV Perlft) JOer lenl 9 gylftftasts JOer All level 9 Ifteets iftelaaiftg LeV'el 9 NaHeftal Chalft:rieftshi:rs. Nadine Davies Motion: Second: Perryne Thompson Unanimous MOTION PASSED: PROPOSAL FAILED RPC: UNANIMOUS
V. Rules and Policies 1) Proposal: Section 10, IX, A, 1 Add: "Meet Referee recommended at Regional Championships for all levels." Motion: Ellen Nyemcsik Second: Elena Savenkova MOTION PASSED: Unanimous 2) Proposal: In JO Score forms #5 and #6 (JO Group Beginning/Intermediate) delete "floor pattern". Motion: Perryne Thompson Second: Elena Savenkova MOTION PASSED: Unanimous
VI. Judges Education, Pre-requisites, Requirements, Clarifications 1) Proposal: Extend judges course for level 6 and 7 from 2 hours to 2-1/2 hours each. Motion: Ellen Nyemcsik Second: Nadine Davies MOTION PASSED: Unanimous 2) Tentative sch edule for judges courses (Fall 2003): Region 1 - during National Congress Region 2 - October Region 3 - September 6-7 Region 4 - October Region 5 - end October / Early November Region 6 - October For more information, please contact your Regional Technical Chair or Regional Chair.
3) Pre:resal!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1(
TEe H N 10 UE •
ret):airelfteftts JOer assigftlfteftts te NaHeftal (continued on page 36)
SEPT / OCT 2003
)}---- - - - - - - - - - - - - = 3-=S=--.
(continued from page 35)
LeT/el eelftI'etitieRs fer lhe'i'et level jaages, wke kave Ret falfillea tke felle\viRg retjoaifelfteRtS! ... +alteR Ie; el 7 aRa 8 jl:tagiRg ESl:tfSeS ... Passeale T,el 7 aRa 8 jl:tagir.g tests ... Jl:Iagea a R'liR. 1 yeaf at le\'el 7 ... Jl:tagea a lftiR. 1 year at le\'el 8 aj1'8 Be assigRea ts JO CRafftflisRsRifls: Jl:tage fftl:tst Ra\'e Rela gfe1fet statHs fSf a Iftiftilftl:tfft sf ;; (three) yeafs; Rave 51:1eee55ffiH, flassea SfleR BSsI( jl:lagiRg test fsy Ie, els 6 8; fla\'e sl:teeessffilly jl:tagea a R'lfni:fftl:tfft sf <1 ffteets iftell:taiftg 2 (tws) Regisftal CRafftflisRSRifls; Rave sl:teeessffilly esfftflletea a flfaetieal e)(afft at le\'el 8. et 1'8 Be assigt1ea ts CflalleRge, east/Vkst Ql:talifiefs, aRa ~~atisRal CRafftflisftsflifls: Jl:tage fftl:tst Aa, e Rela gfe <'et statHs fSf a fftiffifftl:tfft sf ;; (three) yeafs; ftave sl:teeessf1:l11y jl:lagea a R'liRifftl:tfft <1 ffteets iRell:tair.g 1 (sRe) etate CRafftfJisftSRifl ana 2 (t\, s) Regisftal CRafftflisftsffifJS Sf ffigRef level esfftfletitisRs; Rave sl:teEessf1:l11y EsfftfJletea a flfaetiEal e)(afft at CRalleRge, east/Vkst Ql:talifiefs Sf ~~atisRal CRafftflisftSRifls. TRis ear. Be aeesfftfllisRea iR sRe ealeftaaf yeaf. !taa tRese feE):l:tifeffteRts ts R&P iR eeetisft 18, VII, J afta eeetisR 18, XI, C. Motion: Simona Zakheim Second: Perryne Thompson MOTION PASSED: Unanimous MOTION FAILED RPC: UNANIMOUS SEE JUDGES GUIDELINES POLICY PUT IN EFFECT BY RPC IN July,2003 MINUTES
VII. Recommendation to Judges Selection Committee Confirm ALL National level competition assignments for qualification of an assigned judge through the Judges Evaluation Sub-Committee Chair and Judges Representative prior the competitions. THE RPC FEELS'THIS IS NOT NECESSARY AS THE JUDGES REP. I3'ALSO A PART OF THE JUDGES SELECTION COMMITTEE SO THE RTC DOES ALREADY HAVE A VOICE IN THE ASSIGNMENTS Adjournment called - Perryne Thompson Second: Tyana Marlowe adjourned at 11 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Perryne Thompson and Elena Savenkova July 11, 2003 Date Minutes approved by Rhythmic Program Committee: July 23, 2003 Date Minutes approved by Robert V. Colarossi, President, USA GYMNASTICS: July 30, 2003
RHYTHMIC JUNIOR OLYMPIC GROUP List of Identified Skills (Errata to J.O . Technical Handbook for Coaches and Judges)
Intermediate Group: Music Length: 11 /2 minutes - 2 minutes • All Optional Floor & Apparatus routines must contain a minimum 6 formations • All Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum 2 collaborations - see definition in FIG Code of Points (page 94 - 2.1.2) • All pivots are written with an extra 180° rotation in order to fully complete the required degree of pivot rotation. The Preparation for a pivot always requires an extra 180° rotation. Example: If a 540 pivot is written it is being judged as a 360 0 pivot difficulty plus an extra 180° rotation for preparation. • All exchanges must be executed on releve in 5th position. It is NOT necessary to perform exchanges on difficulty. • COP = FIG Code of Points • TM = Technical Movements (defined in the COP Page 28) 0
Rope Identified Skills 1. B-Difficulty Balance(COP) Back Attitude Balance with one end release of rope (2 TM) #10 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900° Passe Pivot en dedans #40 3. B-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Back Scale #19 4. A-Difficulty Leap + A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split Leap step Arched Double stag through rope Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min 6 meters SmaIl Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min 3 meters Hoop Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Cossack jump 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Back Attitude Pivot #16 3. Boomerang roll + Back Walkover catch on floor 4. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Front Attitude Balance with hoop roll across arms and chest Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire hoop min 6 meters SmaIl Exchange - Optional toss of the entire hoop min 3 meters Ball Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Side split leap with active bounce #1 2. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Front horizontal balance with ball roll across arms and chest #1 3. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Back Arabesque Pivot #16 4. Rond de jambe to arabesque balance Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire ball min 6 meters ** Trap during the catch is VALID. Trap with the use of 2 arms and chest is NOT valid. Catch with 2 hands is NOT Valid Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ball min. 3 meters **Must be caught with 1 hand Ribbon Identified Skills 1. B-Difficulty Leap (COP) "Pencil Jump" with Full rotation #37 2. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Side Assisted Extension with one TM #5 3. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Back Attitude Pivot with spirals #16 4. 360° Promenade in Arabesque position ( no more than 1 /4 rotation at every heel shift) Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire ribbon min 6 meters SmaIl Exchange - Echappe toss of the entire ribbon min 3 meter
.-.-::::3-=6,------------------1( r EC HN IOU E • SEPT / 0 CT 2003 )r-- - - - -- - - -- - - - --
Beginner Optional Group: Music Length: 1 1 / 2 minutes - 2 minutes • All Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum 6 formations • All Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum 2 collaborations - see definition in FIG Code of Points (page 94 - 2.1.2) • All pivots are written with an extra 180° rotation in order to fully complete the required degree of pivot rotation. The preparation for a pivot always requires an extra 180° rotation. Example: If a 540 0 pivot is written it is being judged as a 360 pivot difficulty plus an extra 180° rotation for preparation. • All exchanges must be executed on releve in 5th position. It is NOT necessary to perform exchanges on difficulty. • COP = FIG Code of Points • TM = Technical Movements (defined in the COP Page 28) 0
Floor Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Balance(COP) Front Assisted Extension #2 2. A-Difficulty Leap + A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split Leap step Stag Leap 3. A-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Back Arch kneeling #26 4. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Back Attitude Pivot en dedans #16 5. A-Difficulty Leap (COP Cossack jump #11 6. Back walkover, side to split on floor Rope Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900° Passe Pivot en dehorns #40 2. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split Leap through the rope #1 3. Skipping series- Minimum of 3 skips into the rope with immediate double jump (2X turn of rope) 4. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Arabesque Balance with one TM Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min 4 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min 2 meters Hoop Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900° Passes Pivot en dedans #40 2. Toss forward roll catch (optional toss)
3. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split leap with hoop in motion #1 4. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Front Horizontal Balance with 1 TM Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire hoop min 4 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire hoop min 2 meters Ball Identified Skills 1. Figure 8 with body motion ( optional position, kneeling, standing, traveling etc) 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Arabesque Pivot en dedans #16 3. Backwards body wave with ball in motion 4. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Cossack balance with 1 TM #29 Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire ball min 4 meters ** Trap during the catch is VALID. Trap with the use of 2 arms and chest is NOT valid. Catch with 2 hands is NOT Valid Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ball min. 2 meters **Must be caught with 1 hand Clubs Identified Skills 1. A Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Standing Deep Arch with large side circles #26 2. A Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Back Attitude Pivot en dedans #16 3. A-Difficulty Balance(COP) Side Assisted Extension (1 TM) #5 4. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Stag leap with clubs in motion 36 Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire clubs min 4 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire clubs min 2 meters Ribbon Identified Skills 1. A Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900° Passe Pivot en dedans #40 2. A-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Kneeling Back Arch with circle of spirals around floor #27 3. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Series (3) running steps over snakes of ribbon to immediate split leap through the circle of the ribbon #1 4. A Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Front Horizontal pivot en de dans #1 Large Exchange -- Optional toss of the entire ribbon min 4 meters Small Exchange - Echappe toss of the entire ribbon min 2 meter.
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NOTICE TO MEMBERSHIP The following Membership Statement has been adopted by the Board of Directors of USA Gymnastics: Membership in USA Gymnastics is a privilege granted by USA Gymnastics. That privilege can be withdrawn by USA Gymnastics at any time where a member's conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the best interest of the sport of gymnastics and of the athletes we are servicing. The foLLowing former professional members have been terminated or have a lifetime ban with USA Gymnastics and/or wiLL not be aLLowed to renew their membership: Charles Theodore Bates Vince Brown Larry Dutch Steven Elliott Matthew H. Erichsen William Alexander Etheridge Rick Feuerstei n
Joseph Fountain Roy Larry Gallagher Robert Allen Garner (Bob) Ricardo "Chico" Goddard Paul Hagan Robert Dean Head Michael Hinton
Frank Hohman, Jr. Milos Hroch Steven L. Infante Dana Koppendrayer Ronnie Lewis Robert Mollock John S. Moore William Munsinger Paul O'Neill William M. Permenter Jeffrey Richards John H. Row Steve Shirley Steven Todd Siegel Blake Steven Starr Mark Swift Freddie Eugene Tafoya, Jr. Jon Oliver Kenneth Thomas Brent Trottier Joel Velasquez David Paul Waage
Steve Waples Lyf Christian Wildenberg Michael B. Zapp
British Columbia Gymnastics Assodation Suspensions USA Gymnastics has been notified that the British Columbia Gymnastics Association has permanently suspended membership in the BCGA for the following individuals: John Henderson, Kamloops, BC Canada Donald Ray Mathey, Langley, BC, Canada Wayne Andrews, Courtenay, BC, Canada (continued to page 45)
USA GYMNASTICS 1003 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipline specific courses under the Professional Development Certification program. The goal of the Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum is to establish a solid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals. The focus is to break down the beginning level skills for Junior Olympic Levels I-IV. Solid basics are vital to the physical longevity and to the skill proficiency and progression for the gymnasts. It's much easier to "learn it right" at the beginning rather than trying to "clean it up" later. PAY 1
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The program will cover the following topics: • • • •
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Completion of the two-day, 12-hour course will certify you as a Skill Evaluator. The course is taught through the use of two complimentary texts; Introduction to Gymnastics Coaching Theory and the Level IIV Curriculum Guide; coordinating videos, and hands-on drill and spotting instruction.
~ I
This is a great course for all women's artistic gymnastics coaches from novice to club owner. To set up a course, contact the course instructor nearest you . For a complete list of instructors or to view more information regarding the course, visit our web site at
303-512-0799; 6180 E. Warren- Denver CO Claudia Kretschmer 734-971-1667; *Dave Beqian 1813 Northfield Dr.; Rochester Hills, MI
- - - - - -- - - - - - -----1(
Tim Frye
Gymnastics Plus Gymnastics Training Center *Contact Host 248·852·7950
5EPl / OCT 2003 )}--- -- - - - - - - - - - - 3 : : c -=--1 9
Call adjourned at 9:35 a.m. PDT. Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary
Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chair, Yoichi Tomita
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Mark Williams Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. (for Miles Avery) Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep.
II. QUALIFIER TO US CHAMPIONSHIPS There was a great deal of discussion with regards to having 2 or 3 sessions at the Qualifier. The MPC was concerned about providing the safest competitive environment for all of the gymnasts. Motion: To have three competitive sessions at the 2003 Qualifier Session 1- Juniors & Pre-Qualified Seniors Session 2- Seniors Session 3- Seniors For Sessions 2-3, the senior gymnasts will be drawn randomly for each session. If a team makes up more than 50% of a squad, then they will be divided into separate squads for that session. The Men's Program Director has been given the flexibility to move the pre-qualified seniors to Session 2 & 3, if it will better facilitate the running of the competition.
Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Bob Colarossi, USAG President
MEETING MINUTES JUNE 21, 2003 Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chair, Yoichi Tomita
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep.
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To approve the Men's Program Committee Minutes of April 1 and April 16 Motion: Steve Butcher Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Passed: Unanimously
III. NEXT MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING The next Men's Program Committee will be June 22, in the Hilton Mitchell room. Items to be discussed: team selection for World Championships, team and coach selection for Pan American Games, and Sr. National Team selection.
George Beckstead left the call. Motion: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher 2nd: Passed: 6 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstention
IV. FIG REPORT III. NEW BUSINESS There are two important items to discuss at the Qualifier MPC meeting. They are funding and athlete selection to the U.S. Championships. The MPC meeting will take place after the competition. Ron Galimore will e-mail the time of the meeting to the MPC after the competition schedule has been finalized.
George Beckstead reported that the FIG-MTC is recommending that there be no major changes to the Code of Points. George will not be able to attend the Pan American Games as the FIG-MTC delegate due to his responsibilities with the World Championships.
V. JOINT TRAINING CAMP WITH JAPANESE NATIONAL TEAM IV. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn Motion: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher 2nd: Passed: Unanimously
The past senior national team training camp with the Japanese national team was very successful. Japan has expressed interest in hosting a USA delegation of up to 20 members at a training camp in Japan in December.
TECH N' 0 UE â&#x20AC;˘ SEPT /0 CT 2003
VI. CREDENTIALS FOR COACHES AT WORLD & OLYMPIC COMPETITIONS Ron Brant and Ron Galimore reviewed the USA policy written in the International Procedures Manual for the distribution of coach's credentials at the World Championships and Olympic Games.
VII. BOB COLA ROSSI ADDRESS The president of USA Gymnastics addressed the Men's Program Committee. The main topic of discussion was the 2003 and 2004 arena tours. Athlete and coach funding proposals were presented. John Roethlisberger left meeting.
VIII. WORKING COPY OF THE 2004 OLYMPIC GAMES SELECTION PROCEDURES Ron Galimore requested input from the gymnastics community through their Men's Program Committee representatives. The Men's Program Committee determined that only one assistant coach will be selected for the Olympic Games.
IX. FOREIGN ATHLETE Abhinav Ramani, a foreign citizen who is seeking U.S. citizenship, finished 5th in the Class 3 division at the 2003 Junior Olympic National Championships. Because he cannot occupy a position on the Junior National Team, he has been invited to participate in the Junior National Team Camp at his own expense.
Motion: To Adjourn Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Kurt Golder Passed: Unanimously Call adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Bob Colarossi, USAG President
Motion: To approve the selection of the following athletes for the 2003 World Championships training squad: Blaine Wilson, Morgan Hamm, Brett McClure, Raj Bhavsar and Alexander Artemev. Motion:Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher 2nd: Passed: Unanimously Motion: To approve the petition of Sean Townsend to the 2003 World Championships training squad. Motion: Kurt Golder No second given - motion dies Motion: To approve Guard Young as the second alternate to the 2003 World Championships. Motion:Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Jay Thornton Passed: Unanimously
III. 2003 USA SR. NATIONAL TEAM SELECTION The top 8 all-around gymnasts in rank order from the 2003 U.S. Championships are automatically qualified to the USA Sr. National Team. The Men's Program committee must select the six remaining gymnasts for the six-month positions. Motion: To approve the petition of Sean Townsend onto the 2003-04 USA Sr. National Team for a six-month term. This placement would be in the #14 position. Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Miles Avery Passed: Unanimously Motion: To approve the petition of Justin Toman to be placed on the 2003-04 USA Sr. National Team for a six-month term. Motion: Yoichi Tomita No second given - motion dies Motion: To approve the selection of the following five athletes for the 2003-04 USA Sr. National Team for a six-month term: David Durante, Steve McCain, Dan Gill, Jason Furr, and Clay Strother. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: John Roethlisberger Passed: Unanimously
MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2003 Meeting called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Chair, Yoichi Tomita
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger
II. 2003 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SQUAD SELECTION Paul Hamm and Jason Gatson qualified to the 2003 World Championships team based on their all-around results from the 2003 U.S. Championships. A 5 1/2 hour meeting took place to select the remaining members of the World Championships team, the National team, and the Pan American Games team, coaches, and staff.
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep.
IV. 2003 USA PAN AMERICAN GAMES TEAM SELECTION Motion: To approve the selection of the following five athletes for the 2003 Pan American Games Team: Guard Young, David Durante, Dan Gill, Clay Strother, David Sender, and Jonathan Horton. Sho Nakamori would be the alternate. Motion:Steve Butcher 2nd: Kurt Golder Passed: Unanimously Motion: To approve the selection of the following coaches for the 2003 Pan American Games: Kurt Golder - Head Coach, Torn Meadows- Assistant Coach Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Miles Avery Passed: Unanimously (continued on page 42)
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(continued from page 41)
Note: The MPC requested the Men's Program Director to check into the possibility of Thorn Glielmi attending the Pan American Games as the Head Coach. If this was possible, Kurt Golder would decline rus selection as Head Coach. Motion: To approve the selection Taqiy Abdullah as the alternate gymnast for the 2003 Pan American Games Team. Motion: Miles Avery 2nd: John Roethlisberger Passed: Unanimously
III. 2003 JR. JAPAN INVITATIONAL· ATHLETE & COACH SELECTION Motion: To approve the athletes and coach recommendation from the Jr. National Team coaches for the 2003 Jr. Japan Invitational: athletes in rank order- Jonathan Horton and Sho Nakamori. The coach recommended is Tom Meadows. Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously
IV. NEW BUSINESS Ron Galimore reminded the Men's Program Committee members to seek final input on the document for selection of the Olympic Team.
V. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To Adjourn Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Kurt Golder Passed: Unanimously
V. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn Motion: Yoicru Tomita 2nd: Steve Butcher Passed: Unanimously
Call adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary
Call adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Bob Colarossi, USAG President
Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Bob Colarossi, USAG President
CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES JULY 14, 2003 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. by Chair, Yoicru Tomita
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoicru Tomita, Steve Butcher, George Beckstead, Kurt Golder, Miles Avery, Bill Foster, Jay Thornton, John Roethlisberger,
Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chair, Yoicru Tomita MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. (absent) Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. (excused due to World Team Coach selection) Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep.
11.2003 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS· USA ASSISTANT COACHES 2003 World Championsrups head coach, Kevin Mazeika, discussed three potential candidates for the Assistant Coaches positions: Stacy His final Maloney, Vitaly Marinitch, and Miles Avery. recommendation to the Men's Program Committee was Vitaly Marinitch and Stacy Maloney. Motion: To approve the recommendation of Vitaly Marinitch and Stacy Maloney as assistant coaches for the 2003 World Championships. Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Jay Thornton Passed: Unanimously
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TECH N 10 U f •
I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoicru Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger
MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. (absent) Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. (for Mihai Bagiu) Athlete Rep. (absent)
II. OLYMPIC TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE The Men's Program Committee revised the draft document of the 2004 Olympic Team Selection Procedures. Approval of the final document will occur by an e-mail vote.
III. NEW BUSINESS A. Ron Galimore is seeking nominations for the Men's Program Service Award as soon as possible. This award will be presented at the 2003 National Congress. B. Guard Young and Mark Williams' funding was discussed. Young was selected as the second alternate to the 2003 World Championsrups Team. It was communicated that the second alternate was being asked to be at the same level of readiness for the World Championsrups as the first alternate, but the committee felt that the difference in funding between the 1st and 2nd alternate was too extreme.
SEPT/OCT 2003 ) f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Motion: To pay Guard Young and Mark Williams the difference in funding from what the first alternate and coach will be receiving. The money will be taken from the pool of funds reserved for the world medals incentive money/Elite Program Grants. Motion:Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Jay Thornton Passed: Unanimously
C. An Olympic Training Center coach's support proposal was discussed, which would impact Vitaly Marinitch. Vitaly has been approved to receive Team Chevron bonus money from the 2003 U.S. Championships and participate in the 2003 and 2004 tour as a personal coach, but does not currently receive coach's support because he is a salaried employee for USA Gymnastics. Yoichi Tomita will contact Bob Colarossi regarding this proposal. Because Vitaly Marinitch is a USA Gymnastics employee, the final decision rests with the president of the federation concerning all payments to Vitaly.
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IV. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To Adjourn Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Yoichi Tomita Passed: Unanimously
Call adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Bob Colarossi, USAG President
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(continued from page 39)
.. .........
DAN ZIMPFER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Scott Vetere was the sc holarship recipient of the 2003 Dan Zimpfer Memorial Scholarship Fund. Scott has been a member of Michigan's gymnastics team and the USA National Team. Scott is finishing his Masters Degree, while he trains at the university under the direction of Kurt Golder and Mike Burns. t
To obtain an application form for the 2004 Dan Zimpfer Memorial Scholarship contact Ron Brant at 719-866-4609. The Dan Zimpfer Scholarship has been awarded since '97 and is administrated by Dan's father and mother, David and Mary Lou Zimpfer.
The USA Gymnastics office will close the following days for the upcoming holidays:
lihanksgiving Close on Wedne day, November 2~ at 12:00 noon Open on Moniiay, December 1 at 8:30 a.m.
Close on Wednesday, December 24 at 12:00 noon Open on Monday, January 5 at 8:30 a.m.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I(
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POSITION AVAILABLE INSTRUCTORS/COACHES . Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is loaking for Instructors and Cooches, P/TF/T Weekdays/weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive aHitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 510. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, Rrst Air) Full benefits/paid vacotion & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the-art, approx. 11,000 sq. ft. Locoted in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201-767-6921 or fax resume to 201 -767-6693 or 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts Gymnastics Center has exciting coreer opportunities available. MGC operates four "state of the art" gymnastics facilities in the Greater Boston area with programs ranging from Tumble-tot to National Level J.O. girls and boys teams. We are looking for 'The Best" instructors and coaches in the industry. We offer a competitive compensation package and fantastic growth potential. We have immediate full and part-time openings for the follOwing positions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Cheerleading coaches, Recreational Program Director, Pre-school and Class Instructors. Interested condidates should forward their resumes to: Mike Colarossi, MGC, PO Box 856, Stow, MA 01775. Phone: 978-562-5292. Fax: 978-562-5541. GYMNASTICS COACHES-ALL LEVELS. Established Newton gymnastics school with new state-of-the-art facility seek Fl/PT Compulsory Gymnastics Team Coaches, Recreotional Gymnostic; Coaches and Rhythmic coaches. Call Tatiana 617-244-3300. Fax: 617244-5777. GREAT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. Full time/part time positions available. Weekdays/weekends. If you love kids, gymnastics, and teaching in a fun, safe, positive and caring environment, give us a coli. We have been teaching gymnastics to kids in NYC for 21 years and 4 years in Westchester, NY (40 miles north of NYC). Positions available in NYC and Westchester for baby, toddler, preschool, after school programs, and birthday parties. Excellent salary. Only highly motivated, enthusiastic team players that want to make a positive
difference with kids need apply. Contact Jodi Levine at 914-244-8833. Boys Team Coach needed in Evergreen, Colorado. Our boys pre-team and team gymnasts are motivated, fun, and in need of a great coach. Evergreen gymnastics is a well established program with approximate~ 800 students per session. We have a fantastic facility with an in-ground trampoline and foam pn. Located in the majestic beauty af the Rocky Mountains, you couldn't find a beHer mix of city amenities and small community charm. Evergreen is locoted 30 minutes west of Denver. Part time or full time position available. Salary based on years of experience. Send resume to Evergreen Park and Recreation District, AHention: Gymnastics, P.O. Box 520, Evergreen, CO 80437 or fax to 303-674-1447 or contact Nancy Whisman, Gymnastics Supervisor at 303-674-6441 ext. 23 or e-mail INSTRU (TO RS/COACH ES. American Gymnastics of Colorado in Aurora is looking for coaches for all programs. Women's coach with dance background and choreography skills, Boy's instructor, Pre-School director, Cheerleading and Tumbling. Want to live near the Colorado mountains with the best skiing anywhere SpoHing skills, dance/choreography, and some gymnastics experience is necessary. Salary negotiable and dependant upon experience and ability. Must be available by August 18. Interested applicants should forward their resume to: Richard Womack, Americon Gymnastics, 18801 E. Hampden #180, Aurora, Co. 80013. Phone and Fax #303-766-1038. IMMEDIATE FULL AND PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Looking for experienced coaches for the following: Girls Team Coach (Level 47), Head Boys Team Coach, Recreational Tumbling Classes. Coaches must have previous coaching experience. Tumbling coaches must be able to spot children up to 17 years of age. Looking for self-motivating persons with a posnive aHitude. Salary is negotiable, medical available. Contact Jim at Gym-Kinetics, 19220 Ridge Drive, Mokena, IL 60448. Phone 708-479-6969, FAX 708-479-5975 or EMAIL
strong engine. Colorful inside theme. New furnace & 2 air conditioners. Can be plugged into electrical outlet. Has a generator, needs to be installed. Trampolines, double mini, 7strips 7 x 42 uncarpeted foam for spring floor & spring floor. Balance beams, uneven bars, Low bars, rings, chairs, desks, benches, lockers. Lots of odds & ends just ask. Don ar Helen Perry 513-896-5230.
artistic/rhythmic/trampoline, compulsory/ optional. -FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, CharioHe, NC, 28231. CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Class Management and Accounts Receivable software. Version 5with more features, more options, more power, more flexibility, and the same low price. Provides the class management functionality and complex recurring charge and discount structures that accounting programs con't touch; the automation, savings in time and effort, accuracy, and availability of information that spreadsheets con't come close to; and the power, flexibility, ease of use, protection, control, and support that other programs don't offer. Only $500 ($250 per additional workstation), includes free training and technical support. Serving Gymnastics since 1990. Vaughn Software Services, 800-8218516 E-Mail: AMEX/MC/VISA/DISCOVER.
CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mam popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles and fabrics, including the Frames Hologram style. Rebecco's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leatards featuring Holograms, Foils, GliHer, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soft Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs featuring Hawaiian prints. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please call our toll free telephone number, 1-888-289-2536 or fax Rebecca's Mom at 1-818-980-0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Packages as well as leotards for special events, so please call TODAY.
GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's beHer than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer compo You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us late~, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 for more information on how you con get started today! Email:
FOR SALE. GYM CLOSING IN SOUTHWEST OHIO need to sell by October 31st. 1988 Chevrolet yellow Tumble Bus. Great condition,
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD SUBMIT 1-100 words = SIOO 101-200 words =$200 ! Mail your ad and payment to: Your ad in Technique wi." automatically be placed .online ! USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza for 30days at no adDitional charge. The address ~: 1 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 www_usa-gymnastics_org/dassifieds/ i 201 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date.! or fax to 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT DEADLINES CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DAn AND ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD SIGNATURl AND PAYMENT 1 Please designate if your ad should appear in Technique magozine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS January ....... ....... ... ... Dec_ 10 SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE February .... .... ....... .. .. .Jan. 10 PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary March ..... .... ... ... ... ......Feb.IO ~ril ..... ........ .. ...... .... .Mar_ 10 format. Technique is received by more than 13,000 Ju~ .. : ::::::::: :: :::::: : :::::~a'y \~ USA Gymnastics professional members plus July ............ .. .. ........ ..June 10 thousands of viewers will be exposed to your August .. ............ ....... .July 10 i online_ Advertise your employment Sept/Od. ...... .. ..........Aug_ 10 ! adopportunity, product,. serVICe, or comP.!'tition Nov./Dec . .... ... .. .. .......Ocf. 10 , NOTE: If the 1athlalls an a weekend or ! here for great resUllS_ Questions? Call Luan holiday, the preceding work day is considered ! Pesxek at 317-237-5050 ext_ 246. the deadline_ . RATES
FOR SALE Score Master - NO MORE InpuHing Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even beHer! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results con go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team,
TECH N I 0 qE • 5EPT / 0 CT 2003
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The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. *Time and date subiect to change_ See usa-gymnastics_org lor updates.
Baton Rouge, LA 70815; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. c.G.'s Gymnastics Inc. Directions: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597 Course code: CG10112003LA Instructor: Caesar Garcia, 225-275-5597 Mt Laurel, NJ 08050; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Jersey Jets Gymnastics, 20A Roland Ave Directions: Eileen Houghton 856-273-2822 Course code: PFl 0122003NJ Instructor: Phil Fronk 856-786-3977
Joppa, MD 21085; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Harford Gymnastic Trng Ctr, 701 Whitaker Mill Rd Directions: Paula Morrison, 410-879-3718 Course code: JPl 0032003MD Instructor: John Perno Jr, 410-857-8316
Edison, NJ 08820; 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.'Please arrive at 3:45 for registration Henderson Gymnastics, 216 Tingley Directions: Ann Marie Henderson 908-769-8746 ' Course time includes meal break Course code: CFl0042003NJ Instructor: Cathy Finkel, 973-335-1943
West ChesterhOH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lofts at Wet erington Directions: Steve Schoenboechler 513-755-7162 Course code: SSl 01220030H Instructor: Steven Schoenboechler 513-755-7162
Va. Beach, VA 23458; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Ramada Plaza Ocean Front Resort Directions: Steve Koss, 800-344-1574 Course code: JPl 0232003VA Instructor: John Perno Jr, 410-857-8316
Stevens Point, WI 54481; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Stevens Point YMCA Directions: Melissa Neighbauer 715-342-2980x324 Course code: JOl 0052003WI Instructor: Joson Orkowski 608-848-3547 10
Decatur, GA 30030; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Varsity Gymnastics, 2617 -BTolley St Directions: Chris Colvert, 404-687-9911 Course code: CC10112003GA Instructor: Christine Colvert 404-6B7-9911
Kent, OH 44242; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kent State University Directions: Kathleen Edwards, 513-336-7542 Course code: BM10l020030H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430
Norwood, NJ 07026; 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ' Please arrive at 3:45 for registration Paragon Gymnastics ' course time includes a dinner break Directions: Cathy Finkel 973-335-1943 or Paragon Gymnastics 201-767-6921 Course code: CFl 0252003NJ Instructor: Cathy Finkel, 973-335-1943
NOVEMBER Denver( CO 80231; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gym Pus, 1211 So. aue~ec Directions: Tim Frye, 303-512-0799 Course code: RWll 022003CO Instructor: Raleigh Wilson 307-745-8302 23
West ChesterhOH 45069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lofts at Wet erington Directions: Steve Schoenboechler 513-755-7162 Course code: SSl12320030H Instructor: Steven Schoenboechler 513-755-7162 Stroudsburg, PA 18360-8137; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. International Gymnastics Camp, 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Directions: Bruno Klaus, 502-629-0244 Course code: PFl1292003PA Instructor: Phil Frank, 856-786-3977
DECEMBER Tampa, FL 33613; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Ughtning Gty Gymnastics, 14214 NNebraska Ave Directions: Karl Bishop 727-447-2108 Course code: KB 12052003FL Instructor: Karl Bishop, 727-447-2108
(Minimum age for Safety Certifitation is J6 years}
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification
Name: Professional or Instructor #: _ ______Current Safety Exp. Date: _______ Soc. Sec. # _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ City: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ State:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone: (H) _ __ __ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course City/ State: _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ Dote: Form of Payment:
o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o Americon Express
Payment Amount: _________ _ _ _______ __ __ Nome on Cord: ___________ _ _______ _ _ __ Number: _ _ __ _ Exp. Dote: _ _ _ / _ _
Signature: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pro~~~~6:~;~he~!;r~d"~'; 'N~~-s~i~~'(~-rtiii~~ii~~'::::::::::: : c~O~~~
SO Instructor Member ...... _.... _.. _.................... _.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _............. $ 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ... _.. __.. _...... _.__..... _.__ .. _.. _.... $ 100_00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date' . late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee_All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four( 4) years_Safety Certification is non-refundable and connat be transferred to another individual. Safety Certificotion registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six( 6) months with prior written notificotion. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline_ *USA Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline
Mail registration form ancl payment to: ,_ , USA Gymnastics Member Services Ma ! VISA ; Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 4622S or Fax to 31 7-692-S21 2