Technique Magazine – January 2004

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JANUARY 2004路 VOLUME 24. #1

SCHEDULE W=Women M=Men ACRO = Sports Aero

R=Rhythmic GG =Group Gymnastics

TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling

NOTE: Dates and events subiect ta change or cancellation.

JANUARY 17-19 21-26 23-25 23-25 29-31

Sports Aero Super Clinic Sr_Team Camp (M) Not'!. Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Not'!. Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Challenge Invitational & Symposium (R)

Kearney, MO Colorado Springs, CO Orlando, Fl Cincinnati, OH Colorado Springs, CO

Rhythmic Challenge (R) Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp Winter Cup Challenge (M) Notional Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Winter Classic (TT) Notional Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Notional Team Training Camp (W) Elite Podium Meet (W) Visa American Cup (MW) Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp

Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO los Vegas, NV Colorado Springs, CO Salt lake City, UT Virginia Beach, VA Houston, TX New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY

FEBRUARY 5-7 6-8 6-8 13-15 17-24 27 28 29

MARCH 3-6 5-7 24-29

American Classic/ Chalienge(W) U.S. Elite Challenge (TT) World Team Trials (SA)

Covino, CA Birmingham, Al Crosby, TX

2-4 2-5 3 3-7 7-11 8-13 15-17 15-18 15-18 18 19-25 23-25

NCAA Notional Championships (M) Regionals levels 9/ 10 (W) NCAA Regianals (W) Notional Elite Qualifier & Training Camp (W) USAG Collegiate Championships (MW) Nat'l. Team/ Pacific Alliance Training Camp (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) Pacific Alliance (M,W,R,TT) World Cup (TT) Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp Jr. & Sr. Notional Team Camp (TR) J.O. level 9 East/West Championships (W)

23-25 24 3D-May 2

JO Championships (R) U.S. Qualifier (M) J.O. Notional Championships (W)

Champaign/ Urbano, Il Various Sites Various Sites Houston, TX TBD Houston, TX los Angeles, CA Honolulu, HI Uplands Vasby, SWE Honolulu, HI TBD East- Virginia Beach, VA!West-Seallle, WA Son Rafael, CA Colorado Springs, CO Kissimmee, Fl

level 9 Championships (R) Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp J.O. Notional Championships (M) 2005-08 Age Group Program Workshop (M) U.S. Classic (W) Jeff Metzger's 4 l/2-Day Boot Camp Rhythmic Western (R) World Age Group Gomes (SA) World Championships (SA) Rhythmic Eastern (R) 75th FIG Congress and General Assembly

Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO Son Diego, CA Son Diego, CA Rochester, NY Cincinnati, OH Chicago, Il lievin, FRA lievin, FRA Wilmintan, DE Antalya, TUR

MAY 5-9 9-10 13-16 13-17 15-16 18-20 21 -23 22-23 TSD

2-5 6 11-13 18-20 23 24-25 24-27 24-26

Nashville, TN Nashville, TN TBD los Vegas, NV Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA

Indo-Pacific Championships (TT) JO Notional Championships (TT) Pan American Championships (TT) Sports Acro Notional Championships (SA)

Canada Tampa, Fl Tampa, Fl TBD

Notional Gymnastics Day Gomes of the XXVlllth Olympiad

Athens, GRE

JULY 12-18 13-19 19-21 24-31

AUGUST 7 13-29


Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp/ Business Conference TBD


Future Stars Championships/ Coaches Workshop (M) Jeff Metzger's 4 l/2-Day Boot Camp

Colorado Springs, CO Cincinnati, OH

NCAA Regional Championships (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) NCAA Notional Championships (M)

Various Sites TBD West Point, NY

J.O. Notional Championships (M) level 9 East Championships (W) level 9 West Championships (W) J.O. Notional Championships (W)

Houston, TX SI. Petersburg, Fl TBD TBD

World University Gomes (MWR) World Gomes (R TT SA)

Izmir, TUR Duisburg, GER

U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M,W,R,TT) Notional Business Conference Notional Congress

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN

World Championships (MW)

Melbourne, AUS

U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M WRTT)


World Championships (MW)

Aarhus, DEN

9 21-23 22-24

MAY 4-8 6-8 6-8 13-15

JULY TBD 14-24

AUGUST 10-13 10 11 -13





u.s. Gymnastics Championships (MWRTT) Jeff Metzger's 1-Day Boot Camp level 5/ 6 Chomps & Classics (R) 2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals Notional Business Conference Notional Team Qualifier (SA) U_S_Olympic Trials (MWRTR) Notional Congress








an official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER

Robert V. Colarossi

FEATURES Common Errors to Avoid in Routine Construction ....... . ..... . ........... . .. . . . 6




Crucial Conversations: Tips for Succeeding in the Conversations that Make or Break Gymnastics Businesses . .... . .. .. .... . . . . ... .... . ................. . .. , . . 12 Congress . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . , . ... ... . . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ... .. 15 Group Gymnastics Nationals . .. . . .... . . .. . . .. .... . . .. . . .. . ....... . . . .. .. 34

CHAIR: Ron FroehlKh; PRESIDENT: Bob Coloross;; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: YoKhi TomHo; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andreo Sthmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUN~ Paul Porillo; VICE CHAIR &FIG TECHNICAL COMMmEE SPORTS ACRO: Tonyo Cose-PoHerson; SECRffARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMmE~ Joy Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. FIG MEN'S TICHNICAL COMMmE~ George Bedsteod; FIG TRAMPOUNE ANDTUMBUNG TECHNICAL COMMmEE: Pat Henderson; FIG WOMEN'STICHNICAL COMMmE~ Jockie Fie; AT lARGE MEMBERS: Sieve Butcher, Paul Spodoro; ATHLffi DlREGORS: Lorissa Rmloine, John Roelhlisberger, Vonessa Vander Pluym, Korl Heger, USOC ATHlflE DIREGOR: Domini<k Minirucd.







USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron FroehlKh; PRESIDENT: Bob Coloross;; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRffARY: Gory Anderson; PUBUC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Mike Sionner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jenry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: BeNy Heppner, COUIGE GYMNASTICS ASSOOATION·MEN: Froncis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLUGIATE COACHES·WOMEN: Mike Jacl<i; NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO N FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Sirawbridge; NATIONAl ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Carole Ide; NATIONAl COUIGIATE ATHUTIC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Lou Burkel; NATIONALFEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: SUIOn True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Butch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBS: Paul Spedoro; U.S. run COACHES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Siocy Maloney; U.s. ELITE COACHES ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: Oavid Halcumb, Sieve Rybocki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Mar< Yancey; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Surie DiTuluo; YOUNG MEN'SCHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Casey Koenig; NATIONAL COUIGIATE ATHLfTIC ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: Sandy Thielz; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREaORS MEN: Mike Bums, Ahie Grass/eld; RHYTHMIC: Andreo Sthmid, Michelle Lorson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kalhy Ostberg; TRAMPOUN~ Shoun Kemplon, Marmo Weiss; SPORTS ACRO: Bonnie Dovidlon, Joy Binder, ATHUTE DIREaORS: Vonesso Vander Piuym, chair; Larissa Fonlaine, ~" choir; Joir Lynch, secrelory; Dominick Minicucd, USOC Alhlele Rep.; Joy Thornlon, Brooke Bushnell, Kim Zmeskol·BurdeHe, Mahini BhardwoL Korl Heger, Chrislie Hoyes, John Roelhlisberger, ASSOCIATE DIREaORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kate Fober·Hickie; U.S. COMPffiTIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Schwortz. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, nalice of change of address should be mode eighl weeks in advance. For foslest service, please endose your presenl mailing lobel. Direct all subscriplion mail 10 TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnostics, 201 S. Capilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indionapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send address chonges 10 TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymnostics, 201 S. Capilol Avenue., Suile 300, Indionapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE is published month~ excepl bimonlhly in Sepl/ Oct and Nov/ Dec by USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, SuHe 300, 201 South CopHol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) or visH online @ www,usa-gymna,tics,org Periodical posloge paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscriplion prices: U.S.-S25 per yeor; (anado/ Mexi((>-S48 per year; all alher foreign caunlries-S60 per yeor. If available, back issue single copies S4 plus posloge/hondling. All reasonable care will be loken, bUI no responsibility can be assumed far unsoliciled molerial; endose relurn postage. Copyrighl 2004 by USA Gymnaslics and TECHNIQUE All righls reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.

Unless expressly iJentifieJ to the contrary, att arlicles, statements anJ views printeJ herein are a"ributeJ solely to the author anJ USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion anJ assumes no responsibility thereof,





DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule .. ......... ........ ... ....... ..... .... 2

Safety Certification Schedule .... ... .. ....... 48

USA Gymnastics Message ...... .... ... ..... ....4 Athlete Focus ......... ................... .. ... ..... 1 0 Business Tips ..... .. .......... ..... ......... .. .... ... 14 KAT/ MELPD .. ........ ............. ... .,...... , ..... 31 Member Service Update ... ............ .. ..... 33 What's New ..... .... .. ...... .... .. .... .. ........... 34 Member Club Invitational Listing .......... 37 Classifieds ... .... .. .... ... ... .. ... .. ... ......... .. .. 47




Sports Acrobatics Update ..... .... ........... 16 Rhythmic Program Update .. .................. 1 9 General Gymnastics Update .... ........... .20 Committee Chair Positions .. ... ..... ..... ..... 21 Men's Program Update ....... .. .............. .23 Women's Nominations for National © STEVE


USA GYMNASTICSMessage Dear Members, "Begin Here - Go Anywhere" has a special meaning for the Trampoline & Tumbling program. We had a "new beginning" with USA Gymnastics when trampoline became an Olympic discipline. Up until then, the World Championships was the highest level of competition. Every year brings more opportunities for our athletes, coaches and judges to "go anywhere"! Where will 2004 take us? At the 2003 World Championships, Jennifer Parilla qualified the USA to the Olympics for the second time, setting the stage for the first-ever trampoline Olympic Trial this summer. Watch for an announcement soon about the date and location. Ann Sims Senior Director The creation of the Pan American Trampoline & Tumbling Commission by PAGU is another first for the Trampoline & Tumbling program. The commission will determine the rules for the inaugural Pan American Championships, which Program the USA will host in Tampa, Fla., in July. This competition lays the groundwork for trampoline,

synchronized trampoline, tumbling and double mini-trampoline to be included in the Pan American Games. In preparation for the championships, the Pan American countries will be invited to a brevet judges course in March. Looking beyond 2004, the athletes who are age-eligible for the 2005 and 2007 World Championships have been identified and new projects are in the works to develop these athletes for success in the next quad. The first initiative is a camp in January, held in conjunction with the JumpStart National Team Camp. This creates a great training situation for the athletes and a unique educational opportunity for coaches. The 21-member JumpStart team is made up of 7-12 year olds who have a promising future in trampoline. Recognizing the importance of ongoing education , USA Gymnastics is in the process of developing a new program for coaches and judges. The T & T program is escalating the effort to upgrade and increase our educational materials. In addition, coaches and judges will be given numerous opportunities to improve their skills at clinics held in conjunction with national competitions. The plans include: • A one-day clinic immediately following the Elite Challenge in March. • SuperClinic - Due to the success of the 2003 Coaches and Judges SuperClinic, plans are being made to expand it and make it an annual event. • New educational materials - a coaches and judges video, a JumpStart handbook and video • Updated educational materials for the next quad- Levell Coaches Course, Guide to the Junior Olympic Program, Junior Olympic Program video, judges courses, Junior Olympic Code of Points • New Level 2 Coaches Course • Meet Directors Course Due to the timing of the World Championships, the National Championships are held with the other USA Gymnastics disciplines in the even years and with the T & T Junior Olympic National Championships in the odd years. In 2004 we will share a venue with Rhythmic Gymnastics at the National Championships in Nashville. The J. O. athletes will compete in Tampa, Fla., with more than 1,500 competitors expected to participate. None of these projects and events could be accomplished without the help of our dedicated and amazing coaches, judges and volunteers! You are the foundation of our program. I am always amazed, relieved and grateful when you call or walk in and say "What can I do to help?" Thank you! Have a safe and successful year!


Ann Sims

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COMMON ERRORQ TO AVO/V IN RO([(INE CONgfRUfflON By John Scheer, Mike Cook, Mark Sherman, Ken Allen, Mark Williams, Ken Achiron, and Brian Meeker

Can your athletes' scores improve iust through close attention to routine construction? "Why was my guy's score so low?"

2. Not completing Russian wendeswings

"How'd that other guy score higher? My guy's routine was harder!"

Russian wendeswings on floor are counted very similar to the way they are counted on pommel horse. We start counting when the gymnast has his feet together in front support, and stop counting when a gymnast is no longer in front support. Some gymnasts will start from prone and will reach forward with the left hand (clockwise circles) to initiate the Russian, and therefore not achieve a front support until 90 to 180 degrees away from where the gymnast was in the prone position.

We've all heard comments like these, but how much of the problem might be related to the construction of routines? Does your gymnast have enough A parts? Does he complete skills in the manner required to receive the credit you hope for? Does he clearly and without question fulfill all special requirements? Or does the routine construction depend on gray areas and hoped-for interpretations by judges? We picked the brains of an excellent panel of international judges, and in this article we provide their perspectives on routine construction. The main question each of them answered was, "As you judge around the world, what are the most common errors you find in routine construction that needLessLy cost gymnasts points?" With a very important international season coming up, can you find any areas in which your gymnasts might achieve higher scores simp ly through routine construction?


The problem with the combined acrobatic series rule comes more from gymnasts not taking advantage of the rule, rather than gymnasts performing too many combined acrobatic series and violating the ruLe. The wording of the rule in the Code is confusing, but the examples in the 12/ 16/ 2000 Q&A Document (available at can help one understand the rule. Here is how I like to explain the rule: An acrobatic series is any two or more directly connected saltos. There are 2 types of directly combined acrobatic series: Type I and Type II.

We have found the following routi ne construction problems to be prevalent at a variety of international competitions:

Type I combined acrobatic series consists of only 2 saltos, one of which must be a natural 0 or higher value. A gymnast can do as many Type I series as he wants. There is no limit, EVEN IF A GYMNAST HAS PERFORMED TWO OF THE TYPE II SERIES.

1. Not having enough

A parts

Type II combined acrobatic series is any combined acrobatic series other than a Type I series. A gymnast can only do 2 Type II series in a routine. If a gymnast performs a third Type II series, the series just receives its natural value, with no value raising.

Not having enough A parts in a routine is usually due to not understanding what is considered an A, and what is considered a part of no value. The following skills are considered A parts: Roundoff, back handspring, front handspring, spLits, pirouette, scale, jump turn to prone fall, circle or flair.

Some examples of Type I series include:

The following skills are parts of no value. There is no deduction for performing these skills, but they do not count as A parts: prone fall, 1/ 4 pirouette, back extension roll, forward roll, chasse, cartwheel.

-• . . . " . 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t(

3. Not having enough bonus due to the combined acrobatic series rule

Whip back, back 5/ 2 twist Whip back, Arabian doubLe front Back 5/ 2 twist, punch front Front layout, front 2/ 1 twist Front 2/ 1 twist, front tuck Front layout, double front NOTE: Current NGJA PowerPoint presentation shows a variety of examples of acrobatic series and their corresponding values. See: www.ngja .org


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1. Swing to strength and strength with swing: Mark Sherman

1. Quirky Russian Rules: When falling off during a Russian, the Russian will not get credit no matter how much is completed. A gymnast cannot repeat a dismount on any event. Therefore, he cannot attempt a Russian dismount if it was already attempted . No credit and no dismount.

• When performing ski lls in the special requirement #3, swing to strength , the swing aspect should be as totally free of any evidence of strength as possible. In addition, the final position should be arrived at as abruptly as possible. Evidence of the use of strength in place of swi ng might include how wide the arms are during certain skills as well as how much evidence of "slowing down" there is prior to the final position. • When performing skills in the specia l requirement #4, stre ngth and hold elements, there shou ld be no evidence of swing during movements (slow) to holds or evidence of movement of any sort while holding any position.

2. Other performance reminders: • Be aware that false grips in any hold position are deducted. • For any position in which the body should be straight, there should be no arch or pike. • ALL hold parts need to be held a MINIMUM of two seconds regardless of what the rules say. • A hold part, by definition, should be held absolutely still.

The last 180 degrees of the Russian dismount is a Wende and is not included when determining the number of degrees. For example, from a Magyar fi nishing in a back loop, what appears to be a triple Russian dismount, is actually a 900 degree Russian si nce the last 180 degrees is the Wende. This would be a "C" dismount.

• A press is a strength part that should move slowly and with an even rhythm (tempo) to a solid handstand. Changes in rhythm, deep arm bends in a bent arm/straight body press, leaning against the straps are all signs of "weakness" that bring deductions.

3. Routine construction reminders:

If the Wu starts in Cross Support, it finishes in Cross Support facing

• The coach should never leave his athlete with "swing" after lifting him to the rings. This would bring a deduction of 0.2.

out (back loop position). Start counting the connected Russian from this position. A simple stockli to the saddle will not count as part of the Russian.

• A slow inlocate and a "swing" inlocate are in two different boxes and, therefore, each receives credit as an A part, i.e. two A parts.

2. Connections When connecting a Sivado to Russian, a gymnast must not take more than 3 hand placements prior to the Russian. All connections into and out of 3/3 travel must have 3 or less hand placements to get a connection.

3. "A" Parts Count A parts. We have found a number of international gymnasts from various countries who are still short 1 or 2 skills. Not all international judges count A parts, but why take the chance?

IN(J.g, Ken Allen


International judges often have a picture in their minds of the performance criteria for various strength elements, i.e. special requirements #3 and #4 on rings. While this is not a "construction" issue per se, I believe the criteria are important enough to reiterate as coaches and athletes from all countries construct their exercises.

• A dislocate is an A part and it doesn't matter if it is a pike/open dislocate from an inverted hang or a "giant" dislocate. No matter how they are performed or how many are done, only one A part will be credited. • As a follow through to the previous point, suppose an athlete does a pike/open dislocate from an inverted hang to a "giant" dislocate whereby the shoulders reach ring height to a "giant" dislocate (perhaps an attempt at a felge through handstand) that reaches less than 45 deg. above horizontal to a felge to a handstand. That athlete receives an A part for the first dislocate, a 0.2 deduction for repeating a skill three ti me s consecutively, and a C part for the felge to handstand . (continued on page 8)

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(continued from page 1)

• The only time a straddled press may be used is from a straddled L position . Otherwise, there would be a 0.2 deduction for a prohibited element and there would be no credit for the press.

- Diamidov and Diamidov 5/4 to one rail both in the same box. - Stutz to handstand on 2 rails and Stutz to handstand, one rail, mixed grip facing crossways.

• A felge to a handstand, whether performed from a dislocate or a handstand (giant) is the same skill, i.e. in the same box, and cannot be repeated for value.

• Meet the definition of the skill, otherwise it may not be recognized. - For example, Giant to Handstand, and attempted Wells with insufficient inlocation will both be the sa me giant.

• An extended pause in a straight or bent in verted hang could bring up to a 0.2 deduction and is considered poor construction.

• Do NOT bounce on the rails on straddle skills!

• A back uprise to a straddled L is a B part. Moving to a regular L position will bring a 0.2 deduction for a half intermediate swing.

VAULT, Mark Williams For many gym nasts from all over the world, routine construction in vaulting really mean s the development of va ults with higher start values. Higher difficulty in vaulting, however, must be accomplished in a manner that minimizes execution deductions. Following are so me of the most common deductions we see internationally in vaulting.

• Do not plan more than 3 holds of 1 sec. or more. - Each Press will have a hold at the start and the end. - 2 presses = 4 holds (deduct 0.2 ). - Each handstand held for 1 second or more is considered a hold part. • Prohibited Elements are skills you may not use, deducted 0.2 each time. They include: - Strength or hold skills not listed in the difficulty tables. - Saltos and dismounts in side hang on 1 bar. - Pre-elements prior to the first skill (front salto onto bars, jump to forward roll before first skill. - Other ski lls added to the list by FIG (jump to upper arm hang and swing forward to piked inverted position, then swing rearward to backuprise handstand; deduct 0.2). - Note: A forward roll from support or handstand, prior to skills such as back uprise handstand is not valued but is not a prohibited element and is not deducted .

1. Pre-fLight deductions Many gymnasts have done a good job of cleaning up the pre-flight on handspring vaults. Although round off vaults do not typically have preflight deductions, internationally gymnasts must continue to work on reducing deductions on these popular vaults.

2. Landing deductions Landings are still a source of major deductions for many gymnasts from all countries. Emphasizing landings at the junior level should lead to improvement within a few years at the senior level. Further, international gymnasts should routinely practice landings on hard mats. Pits serve a va luable purpose in vaulting, but practicing landings is not one of those purposes, and the gymnast who practices landings primarily in a pit will be at a disadvantage in competition.


• Eliminate empty swings, layaways. - An empty swing (one side of the pendulum) = 0.2 deduction. For example, front uprise, swing back, fwd stutzkehre. - An intermediate swing (two successive empty swings) = 0.3 deduction. For example, front uprise, swing back, swing fwd, handstand. - Layaways: back swings in support or in upper arm that reverse direction and swing down in or to a lower hang or support position (also if accompanied by a grip change). For example, glide kip to support and swing down to a Giant or Moy to support.

• A typical Straddling occurs when the gymnast starts in a legs together position and then straddles as he completes the ski ll. - Presses to handstand that start with the legs together must finish with the legs together, otherwise deduct 0.2 for atypical straddling (includes glide stoop to handstand).

Ken Achiron

1. GeneraL routine construction reminders • Fulfi II each element group. • (ount the skills. Some routines do not have 10 parts or enough A parts. • Write out the routine. Make sure everything is accounted for.

2. Specific construction and performance issues • Why are some skills not given credit? Repeated Skills don't count, so know when two skills are in one box. Examples: - Back uprise handstand or with 1/ 2 turn.


• Poor transitions equal guaranteed deductions. - Pauses during forward rolls or lowering to upper arms from the hand sta nd will be deducted. These transition s must move continuously.


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• Connection Bonus Rules for Parallel Bars: - Bonus for connection only when skills follow in same direction. - No pause is allowed between skills to receive connection bonus. - Pauses of less than one second may prevent connection bonus but do not rise to the level of an A part between. - Some skills can connect either forward or backward.

3. Achiron's RuLes for Success:

2. Body position • Many gymnasts think they have all of the requirements filled only to find out their double layout is actually a double pike. Body position affects many dismounts, so work toward the Code definition of the stretched position to insure credit is given. • Body position also affects the value given to many flight skills. Again, work toward the correct position or start values may be lower than anticipated.

• Every competition, every routine is important. • Don't expect a benefit of the doubt.

3. High Bar mounts • If you need help from the judges to win, you won't.

4. Achiron's CoroLLaries: • If you want to win, don't depend on the judges to do it for you.

• This is as much a technical deduction as a construction deduction, but it is one of my pet peeves. The Code states that a stem is given an A value if it rises 45 degrees above the bar. This is the minimum requirement to get an A move, but still receives at least a 0.2 deduction.

• Prepare your routine as though the panel will be very critical. • Choose skills you can do, have no more than 3 holds, but hold the required handstands, and win it yourself .


• If the gymnast wants the A move with no deduction for a stem, he needs to take it to a handstand . It is not hard, but many do not focus on this.

4. Construction recommendation

After reviewing notes and reports from various international com petitions, the following seem to be com mon errors or prob lems associated with routine construction on horizontal bar.

• With the devaluation of the Zou Li Min, many gymnasts gravitated to the in-bar elements with turns to various grips to achieve high start values. Some of these skills can incur deductions beyond their values, and they must be done without pause or hesitation to receive credit.

• Occasionally, this is a release or flight element. Some coaches know they are missing it, but choose to leave the requirement out because the gymnast can't fulfill the element group without a significant deduction.

The last item is one that will not cost your gymnast any points, unless he does not remount in time. But this is seen frequently by judges on pommel horse, parallel bars, horizontal bar, and occasionally on rings. When a gymnast falls, he will chalk up and talk to the coach for a few seconds. In my experience, the majority of gymnasts will then raise their arms to the head judge, as if they need permission to remount. This is not necessary and, if the gymnast is close to the 30 second time limit, may risk the termination of the routine at that point.

1. Missing speciaL requirements

• Remember that quast skills are long hang elements. Know which skills are in which element groups. • Flight element backup. It is a good idea for a gymnast to have a "backup" flight element in case they miss their primary release. A gymnast may miss a Kovacs, then remount and miss it again. By this point he is 1.0 off for falls and then too gun-shy to try a third attempt thus incurring a further 0.2 deduction for missing the requirement. It would not take a good gymnast more than one afternoon to learn another "easy" release that he could perform consistently. In many cases he could save 0.7 if he simply did an easy backup release. • In some cases, a gymnast will make a mistake on a jam or Takamoto, such that neither can be credited as an in-bar element.

• The best international routines in the future will likely include release sequences to achieve high start values, and coaches and gymnasts may wis h to start focusing on these. When done well, there is little room for deduction, which is not the case on most in -bar skills and connections, and some gymnasts have received a full point of bonus for release sequences.

So, these are the thoughts of some of the guys who judge the gymnasts on a regular basis. We sit in the chair, record the routines and the deductions, and discover patterns along the way. Once a judge finds a pattern of construction errors or deductions, the judge tends to look for that pattern to be repeated and will not miss it if it occurs. The most frustrating pattern is the one in which gymnasts give up points needlessly. Some international coaches and gymnasts may find a tip or two in this article that will help them score higher with little or no effort. For others, the points in this article may just serve as reminders of what judges are looking for. •

• Occasionally, a gymnast may attempt to perform a stalder for the in-bar requirement, but will do a toe on toe off through an execution error, in which case the in-bar element group is not fulfilled. ------------------{(

TECH N' 0 U E •


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by Luan Peszek

ourtney McCool is 15 years old and making a big name for herself in gymnastics circles these days. Courtney finished second all-around at the 2003 U.S. Championships in the junior division and most recently earned an international assignment. At the end of November, Courtney and a few U.S. teammates traveled to Marseille, France, for the Masillia Gym Cup where she finished third all-around, first on beam and fourth on vault among many World Cham pions hips com petitors. McCool finished just behind Romania's Andrea Munteanu and Monica Rosu.


"It was so awesome, " said Courtney. "It was a great experience. I've never

competed with gymnasts from so many different countries before." "" When asked about the best part of the trip, Courtney said, "looking up at the screen and seeing my name in first place for beam."

This was Courtney's second international trip. She also traveled to Santo Domingo earlier in 2003 for the Pan American Games where she helped her team win the gold medal and she won the silver medal on vault. Courtney lives in Lee's Summit, Mo. , and t rains at Great American Gymnastics Express with her coaches Al Fong and

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• JAN UARY 2004

Armine Ba rutyan Fong. She's a tenth grade student at Lee's Summit North High School and says math is her favorite subject. Courtney trains six hours per day MondayFriday and four hours on Saturday. Her parents are Mike and Linda and she lias an older brother Michael and a younger sister Morgan. Her goal is to make the Olympic Games team and win a medal! _

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Crucial Conversations: Tips for Succeeding in the Conversations that Make or Break Gymnastics Businesses By Joseph Grenny

The Universal Dread Every gym owner has been there. In fact, if you're like most, you're there right now. If asked, you could immediately name two or three people with whom you should have a crucial conversation about so me topic, but you haven't. Do any of these situations sound familiar?

... in the best businesses. while leaders play a key role in giving feedback. most feedback is given by fellow staffers who are ' most affected by the behavior of their colleagues.

• You've got a handful of coaches who do as little as they can get away with without being fired. Your track record shows that if you come down on them they'll more than pay you back with attitudeand you can't afford to lose them in the middle of the season. • Your pre-school director has been less-than-fresh with approaches and innovations when it comes to instruction and your program offerings. • Parents are voicing concerns about their child's capabilities or a coach's competence. • Gymnasts are leaving for other gyms. • You find staff members are not following through with essential changes discussed in your last staff meeting. We all know these conversations are uncomfortable. But do they represent a critical factor in the success or failure of a business?

Anytime You are Stuck, there's a Crucial Conversation Keeping You There Our research with more than 20,000 employees in companies around the world has revealed that conversations like these are far more than just emotionally uncomfortable events. They literally determine the success or failure of any group or organization. We called them "crucial conversations" because how you and others habitually handle these co nversations has a profound influence on: • • • • •

The The The The The

quality of your classes and service. motivation of your staff. loyalty of your clients. level of commitment and happiness in your family. quality and length of your life.


Fo r example, our research has shown that the productivity of your staff can double if you and others in your gym learn to deal immediately, directly, and respectfully with unmet expectations and poor performance. In fact, in the best businesses, while leaders play a key role in giving feedback, most feedback is given by fellow staffers who are most affected by the behavior of their colleagues .

Tips for Succeeding at Crucial Conversations After 20 years of watching hundreds of people succeed-and fail-at crucial conversations, we've found that success can be achievable and predictable if you use a few powerful principles. Here are some tips gleaned from the principles we share in their entirety in the book.

1. Recognize when you're facing a crucial conversation. Whenever you're stuck in achieving some important result in your business or personal life, look for the crucial conversation you're either not holding or not holding well. Clarify who it's with and what your concern is.

2. Hold the right conversation. Sometimes we're talking, but not about the right thing. If you have an employee who fails to show up on time and you keep nagging and nagging her about it, you're not holding the right conversation. The first time the employee is late, you should discuss her lateness and ask for a commitment to punctuality. The second or third time she's late, the issue is no longer tardiness, it is integrity. When a pattern of missed commitments becomes apparent, you should be talking with them about their willingness or ability to keep commitmentsa much more serious issue than tardiness.

3. Start with your intent, not your content. When we hold crucial conversations, we usually start at the wrong place. We dive into the content of the issue. The other person then becomes defensive and we conclude that this is a topic we just can't discuss without a blowup. This conclusion is completely wrong. Others do not become defensive because of the content you are sharing-no matter how sensitive it might seem. People become defensive because of the intent they assign to you for raising it. Those who are skilled at crucial conversations begin by sharing their positive intentions for raising the issue. They do not proceed with the specifics of the conversation until they are confident the other person trusts their intentions.




For example, let's say you approach a coworker for a third time who is persistently lax on safety policies. As you begin , she becomes very defensive and says, "Some of the rules here are just stupid. I'm not going to enforce something that keeps the kids from having fun. That is just dumb."

To succeed in the face of this defensiveness, step out

Active Wrap ) Hot and Cold Compress Therapy for the foot, ankle and elbow.

of the issue, clarify your positive intentions, then go back to the discussion. The coach is not becoming defensive because of what you are saying, but because she feels disrespected or believes you don't care about her goal-letting the kids have reasonable fun. To succeed in the face of this defensiveness, step out of the issue, clarify your positive intentions, then go back to the discussion. For example, "The kids' fun is absolutely important to me, too. The only issue I want to resolve is that I have to be able to trust that you will come to me and propose changing a rule. We cannot maintain safety here if coaches individually interpret safety policy."

4. Start with facts, not feelings When you begin a conversation with your feelings, you are more likely to generate resistance and defensiveness than interest and openness. The place to begin is with facts ("You've arrived late to work three times in the past week"), not with feelings ("I'm feeling disappointed").

5. End with clarity. How you end a crucial conversation is as important as how you start it. Too often if we actually succeed in getting all the issues out in the open, we heave a sigh of relief and just assume others will change their behavior or situations will remedy themselves. Wrong! Always end a crucial conversation with a clear understanding of who will do what by when. Also, clarify when and how you will follow up. This makes the difference between resolving issues and rehashing the same issues over and over again.

There's Hope By practicing holding effective crucial conversations, you can become better in your work and family relationships.To learn more, visit us at

where you can order copies of our book and group study kitand put yourself on the path to a safer and even more rewarding business in the years ahead.

Joseph Grenny is author of The New York Times bestseller, "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High." Joseph was also a guest speaker at the 2003 USA Gymnastics Business Seminar.•

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TEe H N I Q UE • JAN UARY 2004

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Get Away! Make 2004 The Year of Your Education This month's Business Tip has a simple premise: Make 2004 The Year of Your Education. Why 2004? First, there is never a better time to start on an improvement program than now. Additionally, this is an Olympic year and, what's more, an Olympic year in which our men's and women's teams are poised to post the best combined finish the USA has ever had! Don't let this once in a lifetime (maybe twicethanks, Mary Lou and '84 men) opportunity pass without your thorough preparation! If you want another reason, let me throw in the national economy: expect challenges ahead and knowledge will help you meet these challenges. No matter what your position - preschool instructor through high level coach or club owner, you should look at National Congress as a 'must-attend' event. National Congress attracts the USA's best minds into one spot to share their knowledge and experience with you. Additionally, National Congress is the place to network with other professionals, essential for every forward -loo ki ng professional. Special mention to all owners: also make it a point to attend the National Business Conference, held on the Wednesday preceding Congress. It is the single best large scale business event in our industry and always draws rave reviews. Be there. I wi ll. Regional Congresses are a must, as well. Not only are these great educational and networking opportunities but are primary money makers for the competitors in the region (your kids)! Support your region .

~ -~ Small Business


II()()'I' (~l


And what about retreat style workshops? They are abso lutely essential. You must get away from your business and away from 'the daily grind' in order to solve your businesses biggest challenges. It was from Steve Greeley that I first heard Albert Einstein's quote "we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." The mindset needed to deal with 'the daily grind' is far different from the mindset needed to determine strategic direction. In my earlier years I attended two powerful total immersion workshops and they both changed the scope of my business. No doubt, I would not be sitting in the $4.5M, 86,000sf Kids First Sports Center had I not mustered the courage to dedicate the resources to these events and others. It is not coincidence that I have atte nded over 200 congresses, seminars and works hops over the last 20 years and have one of the largest businesses in our industry. Education and success go hand in hand. Make 2004 the Year of Your Education! And make it a GREAT year.

Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Portner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

... lifetime SQ[utions for !Jour business ... business so[utians for !four [ifetime.


... ~~ Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners. 2004 Dates: May 13-17, Nov 18-22, 2004 For FREE portfolio of information: 513.489.7575 or

Visit us at

...• ...,..1...,..4----------------1(



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Held in conjunction with the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team Trials-Gymnastics Wednesday, June 23, 2004

• Congress Registration opens at 12:30 - 6:00 p.m. • Annua l Business Confere nce, Safety/ Ri sk Management course, KAT and MELPD courses, Women's Program State/ Regional Chair workshop Thursday, June 24, 2004

• • • • • •

Regi stration opens at 7:30 a.m. - Hall D Congress Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. (11 tracks concurrently) Sessions 8:30 a.m . - 4:15 p.m. Exhibit Hall open until 5:00 p.m. Sports Acrobatics Team Trials- Hall D Olympic Trials - Men at 7:00 p.m .

2004 is the year of the Olympics. This means our sport wi ll receive much exposure to the public, on television, radio, in magazi nes an d newspapers. In 1996 and 2000 U.S. gymnasts appeared in Sports Illustrated, Time, Newsweek, Teen, People and numerous other magazines, just to name a few. Gymnasts also appeared on the Letterman Show, the Jay Lena show, the Rosie O'Donnell show, Good Morning America and a number of other television shows. Gymnastics is typically the most watched su mmer Olympic sport. In 2004 the U.S. ath letes are sitting in a very nice position. The U.S. Women just wo n the go ld medal at the 2003 World Cha mpionships and the men won the silver. Paul Hamm is the World Champion. Carly Patterson is the all-around silver medalist. The 2004 Olympic Games could be the most successful ever for the U.s. Club owners and coaches need to be prepared for the success to come! You need to ca pitalize on this moment. USA Gymnastics is offering numerous business education courses across the country in 2004 in order to help you capitalize on the success that lies ahead. Our industry needs to utilize the exposure we wi ll receive in 2004 to get more kids in our sport and increase enrollment in our gyms. Plan now to atte nd a business se minar in 2004 so that you're ready to capitalize on the success from the 2004 Olympic Games.

2004 USA Gymnastics National Business Conference Date


In conjunction with

Wednesday June 23, 2004

Anaheim, CA

Congress and Olympic Trials

Cost Early Bird: $125 per person (member club) $175 per person (non member club)

Friday, June 25, 2004

• • • • •

Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. - Hall D Cong ress Sessions 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m . Exhibit Hall open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sports Acrobatics Team Trials Olympic Tljals - Women at 7:00 p.m.

USA Gymnastics National Congress Date


In conjunction with

Thursday, June 24Saturday, June 26, 200

Anaheim, CA

Olympic Trials

Saturday, June 26, 2004

• • • • • •

Registration opens at 7:30 a.m . - Hall D Cong ress Sessions begin at 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Exhibit Hall open 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m . Hall of Fame Induction - TBD Olympic Trials - Men at 3:00 p.m. Congress Dance Party at 9:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

• Olympic Trials - Women at 3:00 p.m.

Congress Hotels:


Room rate:

or: $150 per person (non member club) $250 per person (non member club)

Anaheim Ma rriott - Host hotel Anaheim Hilton National Travel Service 888-603-8747 email

Cost Early Bird: (Register by 5/21/04) $230.00 per person (member) $350.00 per person (non member)

On-Site Registration $330 per person (member) $450 per person (non member) Member Club Group Discount Available

l-Day Boot Camps with Jeff Metzger Date


In conjunction with

Thursday, Feb 5, 2004 Sunday, February 29, 2004 Sunday, April 18, 2004 Sunday, J une 6, 2004 TBA TBA

Colorado Springs, CO New York City, NY Honolulu, Hawaii Nashville, TN Chicago, IL Dallas, TX

Women's Elite Qualifier Meet VISA American Cup Pacific Alliance International Meet USA Gymnastics Cha mpionships

Cost Early Bird: (Register two months before) $125.00 per person (member club) $165.00 per person (non member club)

On-Site Registration $155 per person (member club) $200 per person (non member club)

For more information contact USA Gymnastics · Loree GaUmore • Club Service Manager

$ 119 plus tax double/ double

Phone: 317·829· 5654 •

Registration form: February Technique On website beginning January 6, 2004 - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - ( (


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Sports Acrobatics Program Committee MEETING MINUTES New Orleans, LA September 19 - 21, 2003

IV. Meet Director's Exam A Meet Directors Exam will be published on the web site. All professional members serving as meet director for a sports acrobatics competition, clinic, etc. must complete the exanl and send their answer sheet to the National Office for grading and record keeping. All meet directors are required to take and pass the exanl before they can request a sanction from USAG and serve as meet director. This requirement for meet directors will be in effect beginning with the 2003-04 season.

Meeting convened September 20, 2003 at 9:07 a.m.

V. 2004 World Team Trials and Selection Camp

I. Role Call

A training / selection camp and World Team Trials competition will be held March 2429, 2004 at the Texas Sports Ra.ndl in Crosby, TX. The first 2 _ days will be devoted to the training / selection camp, with the last 2 _ days being competition days. The Program Comrnittee has asked that the National Elite Committee help develop the srnedule for the camp. Selections for the 2004 World Championships Team and the 2004 SAWAGG Team will be made at the conclusion of the event. Competition details will be available through the National Office by the end of October.

Jola Jones, Chair Linda Oanand Dr. Jay Binder Raisa Gal per Julie DuPree, Athlete Representative (for Alexa Hukari) Tonya Case-Patterson, FIG Rep (non-voting) Carisa Laughon, SA Senior Program Director (non-voting)

A National Teduucal Conunittee meeting is being plan.ned in conjunction with the World Team Trials.

II. 2004·05 National Team Selection Procedures Selection Procedures for the selection of the 2004-05 Senior National Team were developed . Athletes, who are competing for selection to the 2004-05 Senior National Team, must compete Senior Elite. Junior El.ite athletes wiLl not be considered for the senior national team. The national team w ill be selected based upon performance at the 2004 U.s. Championships and the 2004 National Team Qualifier. Requirements for a Junior National Team will continue to be discussed for possible implementation this season. Recommendation to include in the Senior National Team Selection Procedure verbiage indicating that in disciplines where there are three or more competitors, the first place pair/group, determined by the sum of scores from all exercises performed at the US Championships and the National Team Qualifier, will automatically be placed on the Senior National Team, provided they have met the target scores and target difficulty requirements outlined in the Selection Procedures.

Recommendation to approve the 2004-05 Senior National Team Selection Procedures as revised. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Julie DuPree PASSED

III. 2004 World Championships and SAWAGG Selection Procedures Selection procedures for the 2004 Sports Acrobatics World Championships and SAWAGG were developed. The World Championships and SAWAGG tearns will be selected based on athlete performance at the 2004 World Team Trials and Training/Selection Camp. Recommendation to approve the 2004 Sports Acrobatics World Championships Selection Procedures as revised. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED Julie DuPree left the meeting Recommendation to approve the 2004 Sports Acrobatics World Age Group Games Selection Procedures as revised.


A Super Cliluc is being plan.ned for January 2004 to be held in Missouri. The clliuc will likely include the following: • TraiJ'ling camp for Level 6-10 athletes • National JO Program Meeting • Lectures on topics including: Using the Tables of Difficulty, an FIG Update, Choreography, JO Changes • Clli1ic for new coaches / clubs • Judges Course

VII. 2004 National Championships The Program Committee d iscussed potential host sites for the 2004 U.S. Championships and JO Nationals. A final decision is yet to be made.

VIII. Specifications Updates

Motion: Julie DuPree Second: Dr. Jay Binder PASSED

Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED Jay Binder & Raisa Galper left the meeting

VI. Super Clinic

A variety of updates to the Sports Acrobatics Specifications and Rules and Policies were discussed and will be implemented for the 2003-04 competitive season. Updates will be included in the Specifications errata and the Rules and Policies, both available online tlus fall. • Awards State, Regional, and National Championships awards are to be ordered through the USA Gynm astics official award supplier, A-I Awards. Information on awards was send to the Regional Administrative Committee Chairs. • Foreign Athletes Resident Foreign Athletes Resident foreign athletes are defu,ed as an athlete without U,uted States Citizenship reSiding in and training at a club in the u.s. • USA Gymnastics recognizes the positive benefits of having foreign atllletes who are residing in the United States participating in its sanctioned competitive events. However, USA Gynmastics has an obligation to observe all rules and regulations regarding the participation of foreign athletes as set forth by the International GYIlUlastics Federation (FIG). • FIG regulations require that all Foreign Athletes (anyone withou t United States Citizenship) - regardless of age or competition leve\- must gain permission from the gynulastics / sports acrobatics federation of their country of citizenship and from USA Gynulastics before they may compete ill any sanctioned USA GYIlUlastics event. • In order to fuJfill tl,e FIG requirements foreign athletes must: 1 Submit to the Sports Acrobatics Program of USA GYIlUlastics their request to compete il, USA GYIlUlastics sanctioned events. Tlus notification must include information regarding the athlete's country of citizenship, birthdate, and length of time in the u.s.


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2 Upon receiving a request to compete in USA Gymnastics sanctioned events, USA Gymnastics will request permission to participate from the athlete's country of citizenship. 3 USA Gymnastics will inform the athlete when permission to participate in USA Gymnastics sanctioned events has been granted. Foreign athletes must obtain a USA Gymnastics athlete membership before entering any sanctioned event and must clearly ind icate that they are a foreign citizen on any sanctioned event entry form. Resident Foreign Athletes at National Championships A recent clarification from the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors affects the participation of resident foreign athletes, who are USA Gymnastics members, at our National Championships, beginning in 2004. Resident foreign athletes' participation in competitions up through and including Regional Championships will be conducted as described in the 2002 Specifications for Sports Acrobatics. • USA Gymnastics must be made aware of an athlete's non-citizen status before the competition. No resident foreign athlete w ill be allowed to participate at the U.s. Championships or JO Nationals unless he / she has been clearly identified as a foreign athlete on the official entry form. • Duplicate awards will be given to foreign athletes. Foreign Athletes on National Teams USA Gymnastics Board of Directors policy, in keeping with the interpretation of the Sports Act of 1978, makes it impossible for a foreign athlete to participate as a member of a National Team. Due to this policy, begiruling in 2004 foreign athletes are not allowed to be members of: • Junior National Team' • Senior National Team' • World Age-Group Team' • World Championships Team' 'USA Gymnastics will verify citizenship before nanling the team. Sanctioning Events With Foreign Athletes A foreign sanction is required for any event where athletes who live in another country participate. A foreign sanction is not required for an event where all athletes are USAG members living in the U.S. Athletes Training in a Foreign Country To train at a gym in the U.s., a foreign athlete / team must obtain pennission from USA Gymnastics and the federation of the athlete / team. The same is true for U.S. athletes who train in a foreign country. • State Championships Each state and region must determine the competition schedule at the start of the competition season. Because of geographic distance or special circumstances a state can petition to have two state meets. Petition should be sent at the beginning of the competition season to the National Office for consideration by the Sports Acrobatics Program Committee. • Petitions Petitions to enter competitions up to and including Regional Championships must be addressed to the Regional Administrative Committee Chair for your region. The Regional Admi.nistrative Committee Chair w ill bring the petition to the Regional Administrative Committee for a vote. Petitions for National level events, including World Team Trials, U.s. Championships, JO Nationals, and National Team Qualifier, must be addressed to the National Office for consideration by the Sports Acrobatics Progran:.~onunittee. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Meeting convened September 21, 2003 at 8:55a.m., all members present

IX. Junior Olympic Program Modifications to the JO program were discussed. All the Regional JO Conunittee Chairs and their regions are commended for the excellent work and ideas put forth to the Progranl Committee. Changes for the 2003-04 season will be made for levels 8, 9, and 10. All changes will be conunwucated through the regional JO Comnuttee Chairs and will be published online in an erratum to the Sports Acrobatics Specifications . Recommendation to approve the JO program modifications as presented in principle, realizing that minor manges may be made before publication. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Julie DuPree PASSED

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Recommendation to remove the restriction for athletes moving back a level with the same partner(s) for level 9 and 10 for the 2003-04 season only. Motion: Jola Jones Second: Linda Oemand PASSED

X. Administrative Recommendation to send a letter to Craig Patterson in recognition for his past work and dedication to Sports Acrobatics and invite Craig to again participate with the sport, as his knowledge and expertise would be welcomed. Motion: Jola Jones Second: Dr. Jay Binder PASSED Recommendation that a letter of warning be written to a coach participating in the 2003 Team Trials, 2003 National Championships, and 2003 Freedom Cup. The letter will explain that behavior exhibited at each of the competitions was inappropriate, disruptive, and against USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics and Rules and Policies. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED Recommendation for a letter to be sent to the 2003-04 National Team members emphasizing the in1portance of sportsmanship, team unity, and the position these athletes have as role models for others involved with and interested in sports acrobatics. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED Raisa Galper left the meeting Motion to have Tanya Case-Patterson vote as the coarn's representative in Raisa's absence. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED

XI. 2004 Budget and Strategic Plan Recommendation to approve the 2004 strategic plan as revised. Motion: Jola Jones Second: Linda Ocmand PASSED Recommend a minin1um 3% salary increase for the Senior Program Director. Motion: Dr. Jay Binder Second: Jola Jones PASSED Julie DuPree & Jay Binder left the meeting

XII. National Technical Committee Report Linda Ocmand presented the report from the Technical Committee meeting that was held Aug 7 in Jacksonville, Fla. Linda was pleased to have such an enthusiastic and talented group to work with. Recommendation that arbiters and difficulty judges receive $20 per day in addition to their hourly pay for competitions with level 8 athletes and above. Motion: Linda Oemand Second: Jola Jones PASSED Recommendation that the pay for meet referees be increased to $75 per day for competitions with level 8 athletes and above. Motion: Linda Oemand Second: Jola Jones PASSED Recommendation to appoint Janet VonBargen as Meet Referee and Jola Jones as the Assistant Meet Referee for the 2004 U.S. Championships and JO Nationals. Motion: Linda Ocmand Second: Tanya Case-Patterson PASSED Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Minutes approved by Bob Colarossi, October 7, 2003 Sports Aero: JO /Elite Program Revisions Revisions have been made to the Junior Olympic Program Levels 8-10 and the Elite Progranl. All of the revisions will be in effect for the 2003-04 competitive season. Levels 1-7 will remain wlchanged for tlus season. Check out the updates at: hHp:/ /www. uso· sa·jochanges· 2004. hhnl.


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Note: There will be a session at the Symposium in Colorado Springs on the Level 8 score forms. Proposal: Suzie DiTujJjo 2nd: Simona Zakheim Vote: Unanimous Note: An explanation / clarification w ill be sent ou t to the rh y thmic community in the near future to help coaches and judges in using the new form.

RHYTHMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2003 CONFERENCE CALL Efrossina Suzie Lana Andrea Simona Michelle Jan Cindy Vanessa

An guelova DiTullio Lashoff Schmid Zakheim Larson Exner French VanderPluy m


III. Invite the JR athletes that placed 9路11 th in the All Around competition at the 2003 National Championships to the 2004 Rhythmic Challenge. An official invitation will be sent from the USA GYMNASTICS office to the athletes and their coaches.

Non-voting Non-voting Non-voting Not on call

I. Aftl!r reviewing the RTC's request for changes to the Intermediate and Beginner Optional Group skills, the following has been determined:

Proposal: Andrea Schnlid 2nd: Lana Lashoff Vote: Unanimous

1. The Identified Skills for Intermediate Group Hoor and Hoop Routines will be the skills that were published in the minutes and as published in Technique magazine. 2. The Identified Skills for Beginner Optional Floor and Hoop will be the skills that were published in the minutes and as published in Technique magazine. 3. There has not been a proposa l included in an y minutes for revising the Ad vanced Group program. 4. The Identified Skills for Group for all remaining apparatus w ill be the skills that were published in the minutes and as published in Technique magazine. (Referring to the Sept / Oct, 2003 issue of Technique)

IV. Clarification on the judges certification ruling for National Team Members.

Proposal: Suzie DiTullio 2nd: Simona Zakheim Vote: Unanimous

Minutes submitted by: Cindy French, USA Gymnasti cs October 28, 2003

II. After considering the JOPC's request to reconsider the Level 8 score form, the RPC has determined: The Level 8 score forms have been suspended for use in loca l, state and regional competitions for the 2004 competi tion season. The Level 8 score forms w ill be req uired at the 2004 ],0. Championships only. This will be a learning process and there w ill be no penalization for incorrect form s. The Level 8 score forms will be required to be used at all competitions starting in 2005.

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1.To be certif ied at the National level the quali fied individual must take the course and the test that is held every two years. On the year w hen the course is not held, national certification is not available. 2. On the year when the national course is not avai lable, a qualified indi vidual as stated in the R&P, may participate in a course to become certified as a Level 8 judge. They are eligible to take the open book tests for Levels 5-7.

Approved by: Rhythnlic Program Committee October 28, 2003 Approved by: Robert Colarossi, President USA GYMNASTICS Octo bel; 2003

Now online ( is the Addendum to the 2001-2004 Rhythmic JO Technical Handbook for Coaches and Judges. The full document will be published in Feb. Techniqu e.


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Group Gymnastics Committee Conference Call Minutes and Committee Activity Summary December 11, 2003

Join the

This document summarizes several USAG/GG Committee conference calls conducted during September through December, 2003.

I. USA Gymnastics/GG Committee Committee Members Dean Capelotti, Member Lori Laznovsky, Member Dave Moskovitz, Chair Steve Whitlock, USAG/GG Director


Guest Contributors: Beau Biron, Biron's Gymnastics Glen Gork, Desert Christian Don Spencel~ Go For It Gymnastics

II. September Conference Call A. The minutes from the August 22-24 meeting in Anaheim were approved.

Last year

over 100 gyms

B. National GyrnFest and TeamGymn Nationals preparations continue. The event will officially be called the "2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals." General approval of location and possible UNLV venues. Requirements regarding GyrnFest presentations were discussed . We will have a "Gala" as well as city performance opportunities. The goal is to sell out the theatre Gala performance. Pre-sale tickets will be available. Don Spencer will continue to collect information regarding venues and performance opportunities. Spencer and Steve Whitlock will meet with National Travel to set-up travel packages.

in thirty-three states,


C. TeamGymn Rule changes were discussed. Draft 2 was reviewed by all and open for comments. Motion made and passed to approve the "4 Level" system.

from their meet scoring program

to ProScore

III. 2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals Update Steve Whitlock, Don Spencer, and Gretchen Gray (National Travel Systems) have continued work and report the following:

meet management software. Dates: June 18-20, 2004

Are you still using the same old thing? Why not prepare for the millennium?

Location: The facilities and theater on the campus of University of Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada Program: Will include a variety of display performances as well as TeamGymn competition .

ProScore: simply the best meet management system in existence-period.

Host Hotel: AmeriSuites - Paradise Road. National Travel Systems will assist with reservations, etc. 1-800-603-8747 - www.wdpltd .com Anaheim Connection: We are planning to provide additional GG activities in conjunction with the U.s. Olympic Team Trials Gymnastics in Anaheim the following week. Details TBD. World Gymnaestrada 2007 - During the 2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals, the first 2007 World Gymnaestrada Information Meeting w ill be conducted. The basic informa tion and travel package plan will be presented. Complete details, registration forms, etc. are available on the USA Gymnasti cs GG website at

IV. 2003路2004 TeamGymn Regulations After a series of conference calls, feedback and comments solicited from selected members of the GG community, and 10 draft documents, the 2003-2004 TeamGymn rules were approved and posted on the USAG/GG website on December 2, 2003. (See Thanks to all who participated in this huge effort to revise the rules and move TeamGymn forward . Some details and highlights follow.

(continued to page 29)


Women's Program Committee Chair

InternationaL ELite Committee Chair

• Must have served as a member of a USAG Women's Program for four years • Can be a current voting member of the Women's Program Committee • Must be activeLy invoLved in the Women's Program as a coach, judge or administrator.

• Must have been a designated Head or Assistant Coach at a World Championships or OLympic Games, and • A previous member of the InternationaL Elite Committee (PersonaLcoaches at WC or OG are not eLigibLe.)

Women's Nominations for National Committee The Women's Program Committee Chairman is eLected by the Women's Program Committee Chair Positions

The InternationaL ELite Committee Chairman is eLected by the International ELite Committee.

I nominate_ _ _ _ _ _ __

I nominate,_ _ _ _ _ _ __

• Must have been a member on the NationaL Administrative Committee for a minimum of fo ur (4) years.

• Must have been a RegionaL Elite Committee Chair • Must have coached a nationaL team member • Must have been a coach on an internationaL assignment

All nominees must be USA Gymnastics Women's Program Professional Members in good standing for a minimum of two consecutive years immediately prior to the ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' nomination, be at least 21 years old, and meet the prerequisites in Article V of the Operating Code Sections NationaL Administrative NationaL Elite Committee A, B, C and D found posted on the USA Gymnastics Chair website, Women's Program home page. The positions are Committee Chair four (4) year terms 2004-2008. Nominations are to be sent to the Senior Director of Women's Program at the USA Gymnastics office by March 15, 2004. Kathy Kelly Senior Director Women's Program USA Gymnastics

Pan American PLaza 201 S. CapitoL Ave., Ste.300 IndianapoLis, IN 46225 Fax: 317-237-5069

The NationaL Administrative Committee Chairman is eLected by the NationaL Administrative Committee.

.The NationaL Elite Committee Chair is eLected by the NationaL Elite Committee.

I nominate _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I nominate_ _ _ _ _ _ __


~ ~

18-20, 2004


Including the 2004 USA Gymnastics NationaL Gym Fest and 2004 TeamGymn NationaLs

• All nations and gymnastics clubs are invited to participate! • We expect this to be t he largest group gymnastics event in the U.S. • The 2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals will be held on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) just blocks from the McCarran In1'l Airport & the famous Las Vegas Strip. • The program will include a variety of display performances as well as TeamGymn competition. • The highlight will be the Gala Showcase in t he beautiful UNLV Theater. • We are planning to provide additional GG activities in Anahei m, Calif. For those participating groups that want to attend the U.S. Olympic Trials the following week. (The Trials are scheduled for June 24-27).

Official Host Hotel: AmeriSuites - Paradise Rd. 4520 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV 89109 Rate: $94.00 plus tax* * taxes at this time are 9%, $8.46 For ReselVations & Travel Assistance, contact National Travel Systems at: 1-888-603-8747 www.wdpltd.comj


Program: (subject to change)

Thursday, June 17

Arriva ls

Saturday, June 19

TeamGymn competitions Gym Fest displays

Friday, June 18

more arrivals ... TeamGymn competitions Gym Fest di sp lays Evening Opening Ceremony

Sunday, June 20

Gala Showcase

(Continued on page 34)


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having a better Opening Ceremonies Program.

Men's J.O. Program Committee

Meeting Minutes, Chicllgo, Illinois September 12, 2003

The competition's web site should be completed by early October. The cost for hotel rooms should range from $119 to $129. The Westin-Horton Plaza has been identified as the host hotel. The Junior Olympic Workshop for the 2005-08 Junior Olympic Program will be held following the competition on Sunday and Monday.

Meeting called to order at 8:15 p.m. by Chair, Gil Elsass

I. Roll Call Members Present: Reg 1 - Roger Baldwin Reg 2 - David Klein Reg 3 - Gilbert Elsass Reg 4 - Dan Coon Reg 5 - Bob Wihner Reg 6 - Tom Fontecchio Reg 7 - Matt Stevenson Reg 8 - Kevin White Reg 9 - Dean Schott absent- Proxy Raleigh Wilson Ath. Rep.-Jay Thornton NGJA Rep. - Jon Culbertson Jr. Rep. MPC - Bill Foster Jr. Rep. MPC - Steve Butcher Jr. Coaches Rep - Kelly Crumley Men's Program Mgr- Bo Morris Jr. Nat. Team Coordinator - Dennis McIntyre Sr. Director Men's Program - Ron Galimore Chairman - Gilbert Elsass

V. USAG Report· Bo Morris Bo has worked to produce a book that contains a variety of statistical information, including participation and competition numbers, as well as sanction reports for State, Regional and Judging Boards. He also announced that there will be a Junior Olympic Program Workshop to present the new program and to provide an educational and judging update after JO Nationals on Sunday and Monday, May 9 and 10, 2004 at the Westin-Horton Plaza Hotel in San Diego.

VI. USAG National Office Report· Ron Galimore The post World Championships tour will start October 3, 2003, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The State Chairmen are encouraged to get involved with this event as it comes to your area. The new budget for the Men's Program is being worked on which covers all the Men's Program events for the corning year. The Safety Certification Course will be on-l ine starting November 1, 2003 with a cost of $50 for USA Gymnastics members.

VII. Long Range Jr. Team Program Report • Dennis Mcintyre

II. Welcome Statement by Gil Elsass The Summit is an excellent idea and it will help unify the men's program community. We wou ld like to welcome the New Region 7 Chairman, Matt Stevenson, and the New Athlete Representative, Jay Thornton, to the JOPc.

III. Approval of Minutes from Savannah Correction by Jon Culbertson: article # 7 from his JOVP report - the Regional Chairman may appeal to the Men's Program Director for any variations from this procedure as received. Regional Championships Judging Procedures to go into effect at all Regional Championships in 2004: 1. Provide a meet referee who is not a member of a judging panel 2. Conduct a teclmical meeting for the judges (with the attendance of the regional chairman) prior to the begilming of the competition 3. Post start values for the competition for at least optional routines, and / or Class I-III 4. If an inquiry form is provided, it must be the same one used for JO Nationals 5. Have a two judge panel for at least optional routines and/ or Class I-III 6. The meet referee should provide a judge's report to the JOVP and regiona l chairman for distribution to the coaches. This report should be modeled after the JONAL reports from JO National champ ionships or some modification thereof. 7. The regiona l chairman may appeal to the Men's Program Senior Director for any variations from this procedure if needed

IV. 2004 Championship San Diego Host Committee Report • Steve Butcher '.

The 2004 JO Nationals will be held in the same arena as in 2002, the Golden Concourse. There will be two large scoreboards that can show video clips during the competition and promise of better hospitality and social events for coaches and judges. They are also working on -----------------I(

The Future Stars entry forms are now available on the website. There are no petitions to the National Future Stars Championships. The Regional Chairman and the Jr. National Coaching Staff member decide who attends the National Future Stars Championships. It is also important to take a digital photo of the top six 8 and 9 year old members w ho make up your regional team and send it to Dennis. Be sure to include their names and the name of their clubs in the accompanying email.

VIII. MPC Report· Bill Foster Bill has been re-elected to serve for two more years on the MPC. The Jr. National Team coaches will recommend which athletes and coaches should participate in all junior competitions. There were 3 junior athletes named to the Pan Am Team and they did an excellent job: Jonathan Horton, David Sender, and Sho Nakamori. The Pan Am team won the Bronze Medal.

IX. NGJA Report • Jon Culbertson The new JO National Apparatus Leaders have been selected. They are: Chris Adams (Floor Ex); Dan Keating (Pommels); Michael Brey (Still Rings); Antonio Juan (Vault); Jonathan Conrad (Parallel Bars) and Jay Thornton (High Bar).

X. Age Group Committee Report • Jeff Robinson There was not much activity over the summer. The first update will be published after a conference call is held sometime after this summit. If you have any issues please contact Jeff.

XI. VOTING ISSUES A. 2004 Frank Cumiskey Award Nomination of Tom Fonteccllio


(continued to page 24)

)}----------------=-2-=C-01 3

(continued from page 23)

Motion to Accept: Dave Klein Seconded: Jon Culbertson Passed: Unanimously

Men's Program Committee Conference Call Minutes September 23, 2003

B. Vote on 2005 J.O. Na tionals site Two bids: Battle Creek, Michigan and Houston, Texas

Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. PDT by

The JOPC voted to recommend Houston as the site for the 2005 JO Nationals, pending approval from and a signed contract with USA Gymnastics. C. Entry Fee increase for 2004 J.O. Nationals Recommendation: To Increase Entry Fee to $125.

Motion: Roger Baldwin Second: Raleigh Wilson Passed: 13 For; 1 Against D. Increase Judging Stipend for J.O. Nationals Recommendation: To Increase Stipend for Judges to $550 Motion: Bob Witmer Second: Steve Butcher Passed: Unanimously


Yoichi Tomita

I. Roll Call Members Present: Yoichi Tomita, MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men George Beckstead, FIG Rep. Steve Butchel~ MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. Kurt Golder, Sr. Coaches Rep. Miles Avery, Sr. Coaches Rep. Bill Foster, Jr. Coaches Rep. Jay Thornton, Athlete Rep. John Roethlisberger, Athlete Rep. MPC Chair Yoichi Tomita thanked the committee members for their contributions that help lead our present U.s. team to success.

II. 2004 Budget The 2004 budget was reviewed by Men's Program Director, Ron Galimore.

E. Discussion of Format Change for the 2004 J.O. Nationals - Bill Foster Recommendation: • The top 36 gymnasts from each division qualify to the All-Around Finals. • The 12 highest scoring gymnasts on each event in each division who did not qualify into the All-Around Finals will compete in the All-Around Finals on those events. • The All-Around Finals will be split into three (3) traditional sessions with a one-touch warm up per event: Junior Elite 2, competing from 9 am until noon; Junior Elite 1 competing from 1 to 4 pm; and Junior Elite 3 competing from 5 to 8 pm. We will use four (4) judge panels and the judges will have a 1.5 - 2 hour break between sessions. • In each of the competition groups, the specialists will compete in random order prior to the All-Around gymnasts. The All-Around gymnasts will have an internal rotation as they move from event to event • At the end of the All-Around Finals, the top 6 gymnasts per event will be selected for the Event Finals based on their average score from the two competitions. • There will be new life for Event Finals to determine the National Champion and other medalists. • If a gymnast qualifies on all six (6) events into this session but was not in the top 36 All-Around, he will receive a combined 2-day All-Around score and will be a part of the All-Around competition and ranking. This proposal w ill be implemented at the 2004 Junior Olympic National Championships in San Diego. Motion to accept: Raleigh Wilson Second: Bob Witmer Passed: Unanimously

Motion: To approve the proposed 2004 Men's Program Budget Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

III. Coaches Compensation for the 2003 T.J. Maxx Tour of Gymnastics Champions The Men's Program Corrunittee is in agreement that coach Stacy Maloney should receive some level of compensation irregardless of whether his athletes participate in the 2003 T.J. Maxx Tour of Gymnastics Champions. Motion: To give Stacy Maloney 1 share and split one share between coaches Mark Williams and Vladimir Artemev. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously

IV. Grant/Incentive Money Distribution Motion: To make the following change to the World Championships Incentive Money document -• All Around & Individual event medalAthletes 1st = 3 shares, 2nd = 2 shares, 3rd = 1.5 shares • All Around & Individual event medalCoaches 1st = 1.5 shares, 2nd = 1 share, 3rd = .75 share • Individual Event FinalistAthletes = 1 share, Coaches= 0.5 share Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: John Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously

XII. Adjournment Motion: To Adjourn Motion: Bob Witmer Second: Kevin White PASSED: Unanimously Meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. CT Respectfully submitted by Tom Fontecchio, JOPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Approved by: Bob Cola rossi, USAG President

V. 2004 Winter Cup Challenge Qualification Motion: Automatic Qualifiers to the 2004 Winter Cup Challenge• All-Around Finals competition from the 2003 U.S. Championships, Senior Division • Top 15 Jr. Elite 1 (16-18) athletes from the 2003 U.S. Championships all around ranking • Top 15 Jr. Elite 2 (14-15) athletes from the 2003 U.S. Championships all around ranking • Top 20 from Final All Around Ranking of 2003 Winter Cup Challenge • Approved petitions (all-around, multi-event, specialists) Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously (continued to page 27)

........,..2-c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ( 4



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(continued from page 24)

VI. 2004 U.S. Qualifier

IV. Olympic Coach Selection

This event w ill be held April 24, 2004. This event has a financial impact on the men's program budget.

Ron Galimore confirmed th at the office received three letters of interest for the Olympic Coach position and that interviews would take place on November 22.

Motion: To hold the 2004 U.S. Qualifier at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs Motion: Jolu1 Roethlisberger 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: 7-1-0 Athlete qualification will be discussed on a future call.

VII. World Team Debriefing This event will be held on November 22, at the Center in Colorado Springs.

u.s. Olympic Tra ining

VII. Adjournment

V. Proposal for Selection of Junior Gymnasts to the 2004 U.S. Championships Dennis McIntyre, Junior Na tional Team Coordinator, proposed to the committee that du e to th e proximity of the Junior Na tional Championships to the u.s. Championships and because of the fact that the u.s. Qualifier w ill take place before the 2004 J.O. Nationals, the top 15 Juni or Elite I and top 15 Junior El ite II athletes should qu ali fy into the u.s. Championships. He also proposed that age eligible junior athletes who enter the Qualifier, but do not qualify to compete in the Senior Division at the 2004 U.S. Championships, be allowed to petition the MPC inunediately followin g the Qualifying competition .

Motion: To adjourn

Motion: To approve the document for junior gymnast selection to the 2004 U.S. Gymnastics Championships

Motion: George Beckstead 2nd: John Roethlisberger APPROVED: Unanimously

Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously

Call adjourned at 1O:40a.m. PDT.

VI. 2004 National Team Selection

Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Approved by: Bob Cola rossi, USAG President

The Men' s Program Committee will discuss and consider any modifi cation to the 2004 National Team selection in the near future. Input should be given to the committee for consideration as soon as possible.

VII. Adjournment Motion: To adjourn Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

Men's Program Committee Conference Call Minutes October 13, 2003

Call adjourned at 9:45a.m. PDT. Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. PDT by Chair, Yoichi Tomita Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary

I. Roll Call Members Present: Yoichi Tomita, MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men George Beckstead, FIG Rep. Steve Butchel; MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep . Kurt Golder, Sr. Coaches Rep. Miles Avery, Sr. Coaches Rep. Bill Foster, Jr. Coaches Rep. Jay Thornton, Athlete Rep. John Roethlisberger, Athlete Rep.

Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program Approved by: Bob Cola rossi, USAG President

* Colarossi approved all but Section III of these minutes.

May 10 - 11, 2003 J.D. Program Committee minutes available online.

II. Distribution of Coach's Shares from the 2003 T.J. Man Tour of Gymnastics Champions Motion: To approve that half of the coach's share from the missing sixth athlete on tour go to coach Miles Avery and the other half be divided between coaches Mark Williams and Vladimir Artemev.

Call National Travel Systems

Motion: Jolm Roethlisberger 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

today to book your next trip.

* III. Signage on Athletes at USA Gymnastics events


whether it's a gymnasticS competitio n or a vacation


The Men's Program Committee endorses a proposal to permit one additional piece of signage on any wmorm article for men's competitions held in the U.S. This additional signage must also meet FIG size specifications. A proposal will be drafted and sent to the USAG Executive Committee for consideration at the November Board meeting.



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WDrld Gymnastics · · VideDs* WOMEN'S PROGRAM #2136


2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition I


This set includes all of the Women's Qualifications, Sessions I- V held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 8 Tapes ...... ..... ............ .... ........... ......... $150.00 #2137

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition II


This set includes all of the Women's Individual All-Around Competition held in Anaheim, CA . Approximotely 2 Tapes ................. .................. .. .... ........ $45.00 #2138

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition III


2003 World Gymnastics Championshi ps Competition IV

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition II

This set includes all of the Men's Individual All-Around Competition held in Anaheim, CA. 2 Tapes. Approximate running time: 2 hrs 10 min .... ........ $45 .00

This set includes all of the Women's Event Finals Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 1 Tape .............................. .. .......... ........ $30.00 #2139

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition I

This set includes all of the Men's Qualifications, Sessions I- V held in Anaheim, CA. 10 Tapes. Approximate running time: 20 hrs ... ........ ....... $175.00

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition III

This set includes all of the Men's Event Finals Competition held in Anaheim, CA. 1 Tape. Approximate running time: 1 hr. ... ................ ..... $30 .00 #2239

This set includes all of the Women's Team Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 2 Tapes .... ..... ........ .. .... ........... .............. $45.00

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition IV

This set includes all of the Men's Team Competition held in Anaheim, CA. 2 Tapes. Approximate running time: 2 hrs 10 min ... .. ..... ..$45.00

'Please note: These are Technical videos that were filmed by video volunteers. The purpose of these videos is for instructional use only. They are not for television broadcast.

USA GYMNASTICS New Educational! Technical Materials Order Below DR

CALL I NAME ••••• ••• .••••••••.•••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••.•.••.••.••.•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••.•••••.••.•••••• ••••.••••••• PHONE ••••.•••••.• •••••••.•••.•••••.••••••.•••••••••.••.•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.• www.usa~.gymnastics.or!l I ADDRESS ••••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••• •••••••••••.•••.•• •••••.•••••.•••.•.•••••.••.••••••••. •••••• ••.••.••• •••• ••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••.•• •••••••••••••.••.•••••.••.•••••••••••••• •••••••• .••••••.••.••••••••••.••.••.••••••••••••••.•••••.•••.•••.1-800-34:5-4:719 I CiTY ••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••..•••••.•••• •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.•.• ••••••••••••• ••.•••••.•••••••••••••• ••••••••••.•••••••••.•••• ••.••• STATE •••••••.••• ••••• .••••• ZIP ••• •••••••••••••• ................... ......... . I GYMNASTICS MEMBERSHIP# ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . I Exp. DATE ......................................................................................................................... . o OTHER I CHARGE: 0 VISA ~ PREFERS I VISA I I CARD # ................................................................................................................................ SIGNATURE ........................................................................................................................................




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(continued from page 20)

A. Date Valid: The official rules as posted go into effect for all TeamGynm competi tions held after December 31, 2003.

Please see the MEMBER SERVICES HOW-TO PAGE for more information (www.

B. Regarding TeamGym Jud ging during the 2003-04 season • The new TeamGynm Exam will be completed and posted online in December. - Current judges will have until Feb. 1, 2004 as a "grace period" before being required to have taken and passed the new examination. • Judges who passed the previous exam and were validated to judge for the 2002-03 season will need Lo retest with the new examination, but d o not need to pay the $10 fee. • All other previous judges or those seeking to become a new TeamGynm judge must take the new examination and pay the $10 fee. • A listing of validated judges for the 2003-04 w ill be provided here on the GG website.

Summary of Actions prepared by Steve Whitlock, ll-Dec-03

C. Music Submission - Those clubs desiring to submit their TeamGyrru1 music for official approval may do so by sending it to the USAG / GG Director, Steve Whitlock. A list of approved music w ill be posted on the websi te at http://www. / gg/2004/ gg-tgapprovedmusic.htm

V. USAG/GG Rules and Policies The USAG/GG Committee has also been working on the other sections of the USAG / GG Rules and Policies. This document will be completed and posted on the website in ea rly 2004.

VI. USA Gymnastics Introductory Membership Now Available This new membership is for all disciplines Levels 1, 2, & 3, Women's Prep Opt., and for GG (Group Gymnastics). The men's program w ill be adding this option in 2005 or maybe earlier. This membership is $15. The membership fee covers event insurance coverage in a sanctioned even t. Member cards are printed online.




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A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlighte ning hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development,

If there has never been a KAT or MELPD

works hop in your area, 2003 is a great time to hosl a workshop . Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR . If your workshop has 12 paid participants,

your club wi ll recei ve one free registratio n. Member Clubs receive two free registrations.

Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will unly be valid at the workshop you are hosting. The works hop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call l-BOO345-4719 or visit

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Most frequently asked questions for Club Services/Member Services 1. If I have registered Athletes, does this mean I am a Member Club? No, the Member Club program is a separate membership. The membership runs for one year from the date you enroll. The cost for 2004 is $155.00 per year. 2. What are the benefits for being a Member Club? • Free Website for your club. • Free "Member Club Only" website (password protected) • Right to use the USA Gymnastics Member Club logo in your marketing materials • Free employment ads on our website • Quarterly Online Newsletter- Member Club News • PDP Level One Certification materials • Free Invitational Listings in Technique and on the internet • National Congress, 1-Day Boot Camp, National Business Conference and Foundational Workshop discounts • Host KAT course and with 12 paid you get two people certified for free. • Monthly Emails and updates • Yearly updated Marketing Kit sent each spring- included are three posters: Safety, National Gymnastics Day and a celebrity testimonial. A PSA, video highlights video with commercials to order. We also have advertising samples, an online marketing guide to promote your business or event, Guide to Gymnastics, and each year National Gymnastics Day promotional materials (Site Coordinators Guide, press release, proclamation, and posteL) 3. I want to have my club listed on the internet (Find a Club search) what do I need to do? You must be a Member Club to be listed on the website. 4. I need to change my clubs ...••information, what do I need to do? You must do it on your letterhead and fax or mail into USA Gymnastics. We do not do any changes over the phone. Fax number 317-692-5212 5. I am looking for Insurance Companies for my new gym- who do you recommend? These are companies that offer gymnastics insurance for schools. • City Securities: 317-972-7109 • K& K: 1-800-640-6404 1-800-955-1991 • Summit America: 1-800-640-6601 • Kuhin-Sohn: 1-800-995-1984 • Markel: 1-800-874-6704 • Snyder: 6. I am starting a new gymnastics business, what do you have to offer? We suggest that you start with the "How to Start a Gymnastics Business Book." This book is only $15.00 and available through Member Services Merchandise at 1-800-345-4719. Select number 1 for merchandise. Or go online and view the online store for technical materials. You may purchase items online. 7. I understand the USA Gymnastics offers National Health Care to its Professional members and Member Club discounts. How do I get more information? Call 1-800-503-9230- Seabury at 8. I live in ---- city and want to get into gymnastics. How do I find a gymnastics club? Visit the web site, go to the "find a club" and type in your city and state. Visit the individual web sites to find out more about their programs.

- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - «

9. I want to start a Trampoline/ Tumbling program and do not know where to start. What do you suggest? Call Kathy Tyler at 317-829-5643 or email . The "How To Start a Trampoline/Tumbling Program" book is available and the cost is $15.00. To order call Member Services Merchandise at 1-800-345-4719 . 10. I would like to certify my coaches in the KAT program. How do I go about setting this up? Contact Member Services at 1-800-345-4719 ask to speak to Rachel Heath. You can email her at By the way, if you are a Member Club you get two people certified for free if you host a workshop with 12 or more paid . 11. I would like to start a Rhythmic Program and do not know where to begin. We suggest buying the "How to Start a Rhythmic Program" for only $15 _00. Otherwise, contact the Rhythmic Manager, Cindy French at 317-829-5662 or 12. I would like to start a General Gymnastics (Group Gymnastics) Program and do not know where to begin. We suggest the "How to Start a General Gymnastics Program" booklet for only $15.00_ Otherwise contact Steve Whitlock, the GG Director, at 317-829-5636 or 13. I would like to start a Boys Program and do not where to begin. We suggest buying the "How to Start a Boys Program" for only $15.00. Otherwise call The Men's Program Manager, Bo Morris at 317-829-5630 or 14. I would like to start a Sports Acrobatic Team/Program, where do I begin? Contact Carisa Laughon at 317-829-5667 or 15. We'd like to check NCAA eligibility questions. Call the NCAA office at 317-917-6222. 16. I would like to become a judge for gymnastics, what organization do I call? • Women's judging- or Connie Maloney, USAG 317-237-5050 • Men's judging- www.NGJAorg or email • Rhythmic judging-They need to contact the Rhythmic Technical Committee Chair for the region where they live. This listing can be found on the rhythmic page of the website in the Program Directory under Rhythmic Technical Committee. Scrolling on down in this document they can find the listing for regional and state chairs and figure out which region they are in if they don't already know. http://www.usagymnastics .org/ rhythmic/ • Trampoline/Tumbling-Patti Conner, Chairman of the Technical Committee, 806-771-2519 • General Gymnastics- Steve Whitlock at 317-829-5636 • Sports Acrobatics-Linda Ocmand 504/ 347-0516 2620 Cedar Lawn Dr.; Marrero, LA 70072 17. I want to be a gymnastics judge. What do I need from USA Gymnastics Membership? Must be safety certified and a current professional member. Technical materials for books, videos, DVD etc. are available. 18. I am selling some gymnastics related items and would like to buy a gymnastics club list. How much is it and where do I get it? Industry Membership for $325.00 (includes a disc with addresses, email and fax numbers) A hard copy list to Member Clubs is available for $100.00 and labels for $325.00.

TEe H N I OU E • JAN UARY 2004

(continued on page 39)

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....... ......... ..... · ····· ·



. . .... . .. .. ...... ....

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WOMEN'S COMPETITIONS JUDGES' MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATE According to the USA Gymnastics Judges' Compensation package, mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate (no fractions considered.) Effective JANUARY 1, 2004, the rate for mileage reimbursement will increase to 37ft/mile for Women's gymnastics judges. SOUTHIIEST WASHINGTON SECTION.4L

(continued from page 21)




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Interest Form To receive additional information and registration materials please send the following to Steve Whitlock, USAGjGG Director via email at or fax to 317-237-5069. You can mail your request to S. Whitlock, USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225. NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COUNTRY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



AD DR ESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ST: _ _ _ _ZIP: _ _ __

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EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Clubs completing and returning this form to the USA Gymnastics office postmarked by February 15, 2004, will receive $50 off their club participation fee when they submit their entry information and fees.


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Technique magazine will regularly list Member Club invitationals by state in order to help coaches schedule their teams in competitions. When you apply and pay for a sandion with USA Gymnastics, your invitational will automatically be induded in the listing. Remember, only USA Gymnastics Member Clubs are eligible for the invitational listing. ALABAMA Planet Mardi Gras Meet Event Site: Mobile, Al Dale -02/ 06/ 2004 Planet Gymnastics Phone - 251/650-0699 levels -W3-1 0, prep apt. ARIZONA 2004 Mardi Gras Event Site - Chandler, AZ Start Date - 02/ 06/ 2004 Arizona Dynamics Gymnastics Phone - 480/ 633-8414 levels -W4-Elite Cactus Cup Event Site· Peoria, AZ Start Date - 03/ 13/ 2004 Oasis Gym and Sports Center Phone - 623/ 977-6399 levels -W4-7 Desert Devil Classic Event Site - Mesa, AZ Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Desert Devils (Mesa) Phone - 480/ 844-9600 Class -M7-Elite, W4-Elite Sweetheart Invitational Event Site - Phoenix, AZ Slart Dale - 02/ 13/ 2004 Arizona Sunrays Phone - 602/ 992-5790 levels -W4-Elite Winter Sun Invitational Event Site - Chandler, AZ Start Date - 01/16/ 2004 Phoenix Gymnastics Academy Phone - 623/ 582-5293 levels -W4-Elite

Phone - 805/ 493-2203 levels -W4-9 Clovis Classic Event Site - Clovis, CA Start Date - 02/ 07/ 2004 Clovis Academy of Gymnastics Phone - 559/ 327-3900 level/Class -W7-Elite, MElite-Class 7 Far West Invitational Event Site - Fremont, CA Start Date - 01/24/ 2004 Cal West Gymnastics Phone - 510/ 651 -5870 levels -W7-Elite

LA lights Invitatianal Event Sile - Culver City, CA Start Date -01 / 23/ 2004 las Angeles School of Gym Phone - 310/ 204-1980 levels - Rhythmic 5-Elite, Group leap Year Invite Event Site - Bakersfield, CA Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Stars Gym Training Center Phone - 661/833-3986 levels - W7-1 0

Flips Ahoy 5 Event Site - San Mateo, CA Stort Date -04/ 25/ 2004 Peninsula Gymnastics Phone - 650/ 571 -7555 levels -W4-6

Malibu Beach Invitational Event Site - Malibu, CA Start Date -01 / 24/ 2004 Monarch's Natl Gym Training Center Phone - 818/889-3634 levels -W7-Elite

Glider Invitational Event Site - Pomona, CA Start Date - 02/ 12/ 2004 Charter Oak Gymnastics-Gliders Phone - 626/ 966-8775 levels - W4-Elite, WPREP

Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site -Vallejo, CA Start Date -02/22/ 2004 North Bay Athletic Association Phone - 707/ 643-9622 levels -W5-10

Golden Bear Invitational Event Site - 8erkeley, CA Start Date - 01/25/ 2004 Golden Bear Gymnastics Academy Phone - 510/ 642-0792 levels -W4·10

National Invitational Event Site -Aliso Viejo, CA Start Date - 01/17/ 2004 National Gymnastics Training Phone - 949 831 -7300 levels- W7-Elite

Golden Bear Invitational Event Site - Berkeley, CA Start Date -02/ 07/ 2004 Golden Bear Gymnastics Academy Phone - 510/ 642-0792 levels -W4-10

Pocific Classic Event Site - 22982 Rancho Santa Margari, CA Start Date -03/ 06/ 2004 California El Sports Center Phone - 949/ 589-1512 levels -W7-10

ARKANSAS 2004 Seaside Invitational Event Site - Conway, AR Start Date - 01/16/ 2004 Sonshine Academy, Inc. Phone - 501/ 327-7742 levels -W4·8

Golden Bear Invitational Event Site - Berkeley, CA Start Date - 05/ 15/ 2004 Golden Bear Gymnastics Academy Phone - 510/ 642-0792 levels - W4-6

2004 Sonshine Boys Invitational Event Site - Conway, AR Start Date -02/ 07/ 2004 Sonshine Academy, Inc. Phone - 5011327-7742 Class -M1-6, MOPN

Golden State Friendship Classic Event Site - los Angeles, CA Start Date - 01109/ 2004 Golden State Gymnastics Phone - 818/ 558-1177 levels -W4-Elite

CALIFORNIA All Olympians Invitational Evenl Sile - los Angeles, CA Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 All Olympians Phone - 310/301 -8066 levels -W4-Elite

Gymfest Event Site -San Jose, CA 95192 Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Almaden Valley Gymnastics Club Phone - 408/268-1272 levels -W4-10

Circus of the Stars Event Site - Camarillo, CA Start Date - 03/ 06/ 2004 leading Edge Gymnastics

levels -W4-Elite

Invitational Event Event Site - Huntington Beach, CA Start Date -02/ 13/ 2004 SCATS Gymnastics Phone - 714/ B95-2909

Palm Tree Classic Event Site -Aliso Viejo, CA Start Date - 02/ 13/2004 Club Name - U.S. Gymnastics Training Center Phone - 949/ 455-1020 Class - Melite, M1-7 Peter Vidmar Men's Gymnastics Invitational Event Site - Brentwood, CA Start Date -03/ 04/ 2004 Club Name - Broadway GYM School, Inc. Phone - 310/ 450·0012 Class -M7-Elite San Diego Classic Event Site -San Diego, CA Start Date -01 / 29/ 2004 Poway Gymnastics Phone - 858/ 748-1716 levels -W4-Elite SCEGA's California Classic

Event Site -San Diego, CA Start Date -02/ 27/ 2004 Southern California El Gymnastics Aca Phone - 909/ 699-4499 levels -W7-Elite Snowflake Invitational Event Site - Oroville, CA Start Date - 01/17/ 2004 Oroville Gym Sports Acad Phone - 530/ 533-1043 levels -W4·6

CONNECTICUT IT Cup Event Site - Watertown, IT Start Date - 03/ 14/ 2004 USA Gymnastics Phone - 860/ 945-6970 Class -M6A flORIDA Junior Orange Bowl Gymnastics Invitational Event Site - Cooper City, Fl Start Date - 01/17/ 2004 Park Avenue Gymnastics Phone - 954/ 434-0099 levels -W4-10

Snowflake Invitational Event Site - Camarillo, CA Start Date -01/ 24/ 2004 leading Edge Gymnastics Phone - 805/ 493-2203 levels -W4-9 Sweetheart Invitational Event Site - OrOVille, CA Start Date - 02/ 13/ 2004 Oroville Gym Sports Acad Phone - 530/ 533-1043 levels -W4-6 Sweetheart Invite Event Site -Vacaville, CA Start Date - 02/ 08/ 2004 Aerials Gymnastics Phone - 707/ 455-8303 levels - W4-8 Tidal Wave Invitational Event Site - San Mateo, CA 94402 Start Date - 02/ 08/ 2004 Peninsula Gymnastics Phone - 650/ 571-7555 Class -MI -7, MOPN Top Flight Invitational Event Site - Fremont, CA Start Date - 01/17/ 2004 Top Flight Gymnastics Phone - 510/ 796-3547 Class - MElite.] West Valley Spirit of the Flame Challenge Event Site - Campbell, CA Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 West Valley Gymnastics School Phone -408/ 374-8692 levels -W4-Elite Wine Country Classic Event Site - Rohnert Park, CA Start Date -02/ 14/ 2004 Rohnert Park Gymnastics Phone - 707/ 585-9377 levels -W7-Elite

COLORADO CO National Monument Invitational Event Site - Grand Junction, CO Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Grand Junction Gym/ Kidz Plex Phone - 970/ 245-3610 levels -W7-10

Gwinnen Gymnastics Center Phone - 770/ 921 -5630 levels -W4-Elite Eighth Annual Dawg Days Classic Event Site - Athens, GA Start Date - 02/ 11/2004 Classic City Gymnastics Acad Phone - 706/ 549-0160 levels - W7-Elite Flip Flop Invitational Event Site -Woodstock, GA Start Date - 01 / 10/ 2004 World of Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 770/ 516-6898 levels -W7-10

lightning City Invite Event Site -Tampa, Fl Start Date - 01 / 09/ 2004 lightning City Gymnastics Phone - 813/ 55B·0035 levels -W4-1 0

Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site - Kennesaw, GA Start Date -01 / 24/ 2004 Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta Phone - 770/ 975-8337 levels -W7-Elite

Magical Classic Event Site - Orlando, Fl Start Date - 02/ 06/ 2004 Brown 's Gymnastics Central Phone - 407/ 869-8744 levels -W4-Elite,T4-Elite

Metro Retro Invite Event Site -Woodstock, GA Start Date - 03/ 06/ 2004 North Metro Gymnastics Center Phone - 770/ 384-8058 levels -W7-10

Presidential Classic Event Site - Ft lauderdale, Fl Start Date - 02/ 13/ 2004 Twisters Gymnastics Academy Phone - 561/750·6001 levels - W2-Elite

Roswells Champions Cup Event Site - Roswell, GA Start Date - 02/ 06/ 2004 Roswell Gymnastics Phone - 770/ 641-39B7 levels -W4-10

Presidential Classic Event Site - Ft lauderdale, Fl Start Date - 02/ 13/ 2004 Twisters Gymnastics Academy Phone - 561/750-6001 Class - M7-Elite

Spring Break Out Event Site -Woodstock, GA Start Date -02/ 28/ 2004 Georgia All-Stars Gymnastics Phone - 770/ 516-2654 levels - W4-1 0

Sand Dollar Invitational Event Site - lake Buena Vista, Fl Start Date -01 / 23/ 2004 Orlando Metro Gymnastics Phone -407/ 246-1200 levels - W2-Elite

Spring Fling Optional Challenge Event Site - Cartersville, GA Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Cartersville Twisters Phone - 770/ 387-5629 levels -W7-10

Tampa Bay Turners Invitational Event Site - St Petersburg, Fl Start Date - 01 / 15/ 2004 Tampa Bay Turners Gymnastics Phone - 727/ 328-8500 levels -W7-Elite

HAWAII Aloha Gymfest Event Site - Kaneohe, HI Start Date - 01/ 16/ 2004 Kokokahi Gymnastics Team Phone - 80B/ 235·6B66 levels -W4-Elite

Whitlow Invitational Event Site - lake Buena Vista, Fl Start Date - 01/23/ 2004 Orlando Metro Gymnastics Phone - 407/ 246-1200 Class - MElite-7, MOPN

GEORGIA Atlanta Crown Invitational Event Site - Gwinnen, GA Start Date - 01/15/ 2004

Hawaiian Island Twisters Invitational 2004 Event Site - Kaneohe, HI Start Date - 01/30/ 2004 Hawaiian Island Twisters, Inc. Phone - 808/ 235-4487 levels -W4-1 0 Kuuipo Classic Invitational Event Site - Honolulu, HI

(continued on page 38)





(continued from page 37) Stort Dote · 02/ 14/ 2004 Roinbow Gymnostics Acodemy Phone · 808/ 488·7030 levels · W4·10

IDAHO Gem State Invitationol 2004 Event Site· Boise, ID Stort Dote· 01/29/ 2004 Gem State Gymnostics Acodemy Phone · 208/ 853·3220 Closs · Ml ·7, MOPN Gem State Invitotionol 2004 Event Site· Boise, 10 Stort Dote · 01 / 29/ 2004 Gem State Gymnostics Acodemy Phone· 208/ 853-3220 levels - W4·Elite, WPREP Outbock Chollenge Event Site · Idoho Foils, 10 Stort Dote · 02/ 06/2004 I.E Gymnostic Troining Center Phone· 208/ 524·3334 levels · W4·10 Pot of Gold Event Site · Meridion, 10 Start Dote · 03/ 05/ 2004 Meridion Acodemy of Gymnostics Phone · 208/ 884·1166 levels · W4·10 Pot of Gold Event Site · Meridion, 10 Stort Dote· 03/ 05/2004 Meridion Acodemy of Gymnostics Phone · 208/ 884·1166 levels · Ml·7

• • • •

• • •

GymCert's web-based training format allows you to see video streams of the skills being taught. The complete manuals far Levels 1, 2, &3 are online for easy reference. Practice exams allow you to sample the testing format. You can print out your certification documentation

Certification gives you credibility as a gymnastics professional. Club owners get lowered insurance premiums! You will learn how to create a safe environment for the gymnast and provide proper training.

* Level's 1 & 2 Available NOW online * Level 3 Recreational- Coming Soon! * Level's 4,5, & 6 Coaches Course in 2004 * "GYMCERT" Safety Basics 12004 "*

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Sweetheort Invitotionol Event Site · Boise, 10 Stort Dote · 02/ 13/ 2004 Wings Center Phone · 208/ 376·3641 levels· W4·10 Swingtime Event Site· Boise, 10 Stort Date · 02/ 27/ 2004 Gem Stote Gymnostics Acodemy Phone· 208/ 853·3220 Class· Ml ·7, MOPN Swingtime Event Site · Boise, 10 83703 Start Dote· 02/ 27/ 2004 Gem Stote Gymnostics Acodemy Phone · 208/ 853·3220 levels · W4·10

ILLINOIS 13th Annuol St Jude Benefit Meet Event Site · Peorio, Il Start Date · 01/16/ 2004 The Clubs ot River City Phone · 309/ 693·5715 levels · W4·10 23 Annual St. Volentines Day Classic Event Site · Mundelein, Il Stort Dote · 01/30/ 2004 Club Nome · Gymnostics Spot Phone· 847/ 949·7768 Closs/ level · Ml·7, W4·10

Brovo Clossic Event Site · lisle, Il Stort Dote · 01 / 23/ 2004 Midwest Acodemy of Gymnostics Phone · 630/ 393·6693 levels - W4·Elite Chicogoland Invitotionol Event Site · Downers Grove, Il Stort Date · 01/10/ 2004 El Sports Complex, Inc. Phone · 630/ 968·2699 levels· R4·10, Group Cupid's Cup Clossic Event Site · Joliet, Il Stort Dote · 02/ 13/ 2004 Aeriol Gymnostics Arena Phone · 815/730·7453 levels · W4·1 0 Cupid's Twist Event Site· St Chorles, Il Stort Dote· 02/ 14/ 2004 SI. Chorles Gymnostics Club Phone · 630/ 584·5544 levels · W4·10 Eggs Invite Event Site· Skokie, Il Stort Dote · 02/ 28/ 2004 Elk Grove Gymnostics School Phone · 847/ 437·3447 level/Closs - W4·10, prep; Ml ·7, MOPN Mortin luther King Jr Invitotionol Event Site · Noperville, Il Start Dote · 01 / 10/ 2004 Naperville Gymnostics Club Phone · 630/ 416·7114 levels · W4·10 Snowfloke Men's Invitotionol Event Site · Chicogo, Il Stort Dote · 01/ 24/ 2004 Chicogo Park Dist Phone · 312/742·4927 Closs· M7·1 Snowflake Women 's Invitationol Event Site· Chicago, Il Start Date · 02/ 22/ 2004 Chicago Pork Dist Phone· 312/ 742·4927 levels· W4·9 Windy City Event Site· Chico go, Il Stort Dote · 01/09/ 2004 Midwest Acodemy of Gymnastics Phone · 630/393·6693 Closs-M Elite.]

INDIANA 2004 Indy Men's Clossic Invitationol Event Site · Cormel, IN Stort Dote · 03/ 06/ 2004 Indy School of Gymnostics Phone · 317/ 872-5948 Closs · Ml ·7 7th Annual Pot of Gold Event Site· Ploinfield, IN Start Dote· 02/ 21 / 2004

Hoosier Gym Troining Center Phone · 317/ B39·9919 levels· W4·9 Circle of Stors Event Site · Indionopolis, IN Stort Date· 01/15/ 2004 DeVeou's School of Gymnostics Phone· 317/849·7744 levels/ Closs · W4·Elite, M7·1 Eligibility Meet Event Site· Highland, IN Stort Dote· 01/18/ 2004 DynoMite Trompoline & Tumbling Phone· 219/ 924·0837 levels - TI·Elite Gymnost Jom 2004 Event Site· Columbus, IN Start Dote· 01/10/ 2004 Jody's Gymnostics Zone Phone· 812/526·2199 levels· W4·1 0 Money Meet Event Site· Mooresville, IN Stort Dote· 02/ 13/ 2004 Wrights Americon Gymnostics Phone· 317/ 888·4805 levels· W4·Elite Sweetheort Clossic Event Site· Mishawoko, IN Stort Dote · 02/ 14/2004 Gymnostics Michiono Phone· 574/256·0502 levels · W4·1 0 Teddy Beor Classic Event Site· Columbus, IN Start Dote· 02/ 13/ 2004 Columbus Gymnastics Center Phone· 812/ 376·2545 levels· W4·10

KANSAS 2004 Konsos City Coed Invitational Event Site· Overland Park, KS Stort Dote · 02/06/2004 Emerold City Gymnostics, Inc. Phone· 913/438-4444 Closs - MElite - 7 2004 Konsos City Coed Invitotionol Event Site· Overlond Pork, KS Start Dote· 02/ 06/ 2004 Emerold City Gymnostics, Inc. Phone· 913/ 438·4444 levels · W4·Elite Diomond Jewels Invitotionol Event Site· Overlond Pork, KS Stort Dote· 01/23/2004 Diomond Gym & Donee Acodemy Phone· 913/ 851·7500 levels· W4·1 0 Winter Cup 2004 Event Site· lowrence, KS Start Dote· 01 / 30/ 2004 lowrence Gymnostics Academy Phone· 785/ 865·0856 levels/ Class - W4·1 0, M1·7

KENTUCKY Chompion's Derby Clossic


(continued on page 40)

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(continued from page 33)

19. I want to start a competitive program in my gym. Where do I get the information? Become safety certified and a professional member. This way you will get the latest information from your state! 20. I want to order merchandise at whoLesaLe prices and re-seLL them in my sport Pro Shop. See our Industry Membership link at suppliers/ 21. I have four Locations and want to know the cost of the Member Club membership for aLL Locations. First club $ 155. Second one is $125. Each additionaL club is $100. Clubs must be under one ownership. Applications and fees must be handed in at the same time to get the discount. 22. My child's club is not a Member CLub Listed on your web site. Why are they not a Member CLub when they have registered athLetes? The Member Club program is a paid membership. These clubs are offered benefits for being a member of USA Gymnastics. One of these benefits is a free web site and link to our Club Search. We have information on our Member Clubs and do not have information on the non-member clubs. 23. I am interested in purchasing tickets to one of your events. Who do I contact? Call Matt Louck at 317-829-5666 or 24. I am interested in voLunteering at one of your events. Who do I contact? Linda Barclay at 317-829-5633 or 25. How can I become Safety Certified? Go to our website, and look up the listing of safety certification courses that are scheduled. You may register online, call the membership office or fax/mail the form. Please note there are deadlines for pre-registrations at courses. You may register at the course after checking for seating availability with the instructor. There is an on-site fee of $25 for anyone who is not pre-registered. On-line courses will be made available in the year 2004. Watch for details.

26. How far in advance may I recertify? You may recertify up to one year ahead of your safety certification expiration date. You must pre-register for live courses. 27. My safety certification has Lapsed. Is there a "grace period"? Sorry, no there is not. But a person has an entire year prior to expiration to re-certify. We must hold true to our Risk Management Professional Member insurance program . 28. When wiLL the safety/risk management certification course be availabLe online? The course is in development now and the plan is to have it available during the first quarter of the 2004. Please watch our website for the official announcement. Until the course is available, please make sure you plan to attend a course if your certification expires prior to May 2004. 29. What are the costs to become safety certified? New fees go into effect January 1, 2004. • Current Professional Member re-certifying at a live course - Free • Member taking course on-line - $ 65.00. (Non-members must become a minimum of an Instructor member to access the on-line USA Gymnastics University) • Instructor Member taking live course $ 65.00 • Professional Member (in-active) with expired safety taking live course - $ 65.00 • New Pending Professional - $ 65.00 plus the membership fee. • Non-member taking live course - $ 115.00 • On-site registration fee $ 25.00 for all plus any applicable fees . 30. How Long is my safety certification vaLid? Everyone's safety certification expires every four years. Any person wishing to hold a Professional Membership must take the Safety/ Risk management course and exam. There are no waivers.

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TEe H N 10 U E • JANUARY 2004


(continued from page38) Event Site - Louisville, KY Sto~ Dote - 02/ 20/ 2004 Chompion Gymnastics Phone - 502/ 809-1386 Closs/ Levels - MElite-7; W3-Elite

flippin into Spring Event Site -Moysville, KY Start Dote - 04/ 03/ 2004 Sheri's Dance Arts &Gym C~ntre Phone - 606/ 759-5056 Levels -Tl-l 0 Leticia Smith Memorial Invitational Event Site - Louisville, KY Start Dote - 01 / 09/ 2004 flip City Gym. Academy, Inc. Phone - 502/ 45B-7240 Levels -W3-10 U.S. Coaches Cup Event Site - Covington, KY Sto~ Dote - 01/23/ 2004 Club Nome - Cincinnati Gymnastics Phone - 513/ B60-3082 Levels -W4-Elite

LOUISIANA Event Nome - Elmwood Gymnostics Academy Invitotionol Event Site - Harahan, LA Sto~ Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 Elmwood Gymnostics Academy Phone - 504/ 733-4496 fox - 504/ 731 -7184 Levels-W2-Elite festivol of floirs Event Site - MandeVille, LA Sto~ Dote - 01/09/ 2004 North Shore Gymnostics Phone - 985/ 624-8310 Levels - W4-Elite Jomboloyo Invitotionol Event Site - Prairieville, LA Sto~ Dote - 03/ 26/ 2004 Athletes In Motion Phone - 225/ 673-4966 Levels -W4-6 The Louisiana Luau Event Site -Monroe, LA Stort Dote - 01/23/ 2004 River City Gymnostics, Inc. Phone - 318/330-9300 Levels -W2-Elite

MAINE American flyers Cup Event Site -Westbrook, ME Stort Dote - 01 / 30/ 2004 Moine Academy Of Gymnastics Phone - 207/ B56-0232 Levels- W4-l0 Moine Coostlnvitotionol Event Site - Rockport, ME Start Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 fundamental Moves, Inc. Phone - 207/ 596-2700 Levels -W4-Elite

MARYLAND 2004 Hills MO Clollic Event Site - Londover, MO Sto ~ Dote - 01 / 17/ 2004

Hill 's Gymnastics Phone - 301/ 840-5900 Levels -W4-Elite 27th Notion's Copitol Cup Event Site - Landover, MD Sto~ Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 MarVaTeens, Inc. Phone - 301 / 46B-9181 Levels -W4-Elito Columbia Challenge Event Site - College Pork, MD Stort Dote - 02/ 21 / 2004 Top flight Gymnastics Center Phone - 410/ 992-1600 Levels-W4-l0 frederick Clollic Invitational Event Site - frederick, MD Start Dote - 03/ 12/ 2004 frederick Gymnastics Club Phone - 301 / 695-0205 Levels -W5-1O Top flight Winter Clollic Event Site - Columbia, MO Stort Dote -01 / 17/ 2004 Top flight Gymnastics Center Phone - 410/ 992-1600 ClolI - M7-1

MASSACHUSETTS Boston Clollic Event Site -Westwood, MA Stort Dote - 01/30/2004 Charles River Gymnastics Academy Phone - 617/ 469-4911 Levels- W4-10 Boston Clollic Event Site -West Roxbury, MA Sto~ Dote - 01/30/ 2004 Charles River GymnastiCS Academy Phone - 617/ 469-4911 ClolI-Ml-1 Brestyon's American Clollic Event Site -Ashland, MA Sto~ Dote - 01/17/ 2004 8restyon's American Gymnostics Phone - 508/ 881 -7770 Levels- W5-Elite Chollenge 01 the Stors Event Site - Chelmsford, MA Stort Dote - 01/16/ 2004 Star Gym Center, Inc. Phone - 978/ 256-7766 Levels - WPREP,W4-l 0 George Wheeler Invitotionol Event Site - Holliston, MA Sto~ Dote - 02/ 06/ 2004 Gym Training Center (MC Gym Phone - 508-429-7779 Levels - W5-10 linle Bigger Invitational Event Site -Woburn, MA Stort Dote - 02/ 19/ 2004 Gymnastics And More Phone - 7B1/93B-3669 Levels -W4-Elite Wolker's Boy Stote Clollic Event Site - Lowell, MA

Sto~ Dote -01 / 17/ 2004 Wolker's Gym And Dance, Inc. Phone - 978/ 459-4954 Levels -WPREP,W4-l 0

MICHIGAN Gym Jester Invitotionol Event Site - Saginaw, MI Sto~ Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 Gym-Jester Gymnostics, Inc. Phone - 989/ 574-7401 Levels - W2-Elite Jester fest Event Site - Saginaw, MI Sto~ Dote - 02/ 14/ 2004 Gym-Jester Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 989/ 574-7401 Cloll -M7-Elite Snowball Invitational Event Site - Southgate, MI Sto~ Dote - 01 / 10/2004 Mills Gymnastics USA Phone - 734/ 283-6550 Levels -W5-1O

No~h Crest Gym And Donce Phone - 320/ 251 -3416 Levels -W5-1O

Iceberg Notionollnvitotion Event Site - Minneapolis, MN Sto~ Dote -01/30/ 2004 Club Nome - No~h Shore Gymnastics phone - 763-479-3189 ClolI- M7-Elite, MOPN Midwest Roise The Rool Event Site -Arden Hills, MN Sto~ Dote - 01/10/ 2004 Midwest Gymnastics Center Phone - 651/482-9616 ClolI - M7-1, MOPN Midwest Ultimate Challenge Event Site - Circle Pines, MN Sto~ Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 Midwest Gymnostics Center Phone - 651 / 4B2-9616 Levels - W4-Elite No~hern

Spring fling Event Site - Grand Rapids, MI Sto~ Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 ANA Spo~s U.S. Airborne Phone - 616/ 975-2992 Levels -W4-l 0 Spring fling Gym Invitotionol Event Site - Kolomozoo, MI Start Dote - 04/ 17/ 2004 Greater KolomozooWorld 01 Gymnostics Phone - 269/ 381-5749 Levels -W4-6 The Men's Winter Clollic Crowder Cup 2004 Event Site - Rochester Hills, MI Sto~ Dote - 01 / 24/ 2004 Gymnostic Training Center Roch Phone - 248/ 852-7950 ClolI - MI -7, MOPN Totally Rodical Gym Inv Event Site - Kolomozoo, MI Stort Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 Greoter Kolomozoo World 01 Gymnostics Phone - 269/381-5749 Levels -W5-1O Twistors Invitotionol Event Site - Dimondole, MI Sto~ Oote - 01 / 09/ 2004 Gedde~s Twistors USA Phone - 517/322-0360 Levels/ ClolI- W4-10; M7-1 Winteriest 2004 Event Site - farmington Hills, MI Sto~ Dote -01 / 30/ 2004 farmington Gymnastics Center Phone - 24B/478-6130 Levels - W4-l 0

MINNESOTA Granite City Gymnostics Team Chollenge Event Site - SI. Joeseph, MN Start Dote - 01/10/ 2004

lights Clollic Event Site - Chomplin, MN Sto~ Dote - 02/20/2004 Twin City Twisters Phone - 763/ 421-3046 Levels- W7-Elite Winterlestlnvitotionol Event Site -Woodbury, MN Sto~ Dote - 01/31/2004 Perpetual Motion Gym Center Phone - 651 / 459-5837 Levels- W5-10

MISSOURI 21st Annual Dragon Invitotionol Event Site - Independence, MO Sto~ Dote -02/ 13/ 2004 Greot American Gymn. Exprell Phone - 816/229-7775 Levels- W4-Elite All American Spring Invitotionol Event Site - SI. Louis, MO Start Dote -03/ 05/ 2004 All American Gymnastics Phone - 31 4/ 426-2496 Levels - W5-1O Pony Exprell Gymnastic Challenge Event Site - St Joseph, MO Start Dote -02/ 27/ 2004 Arising Stors Gymnastic Center Phone - 816/ 232-7502 Levels -W4-1 0 St Louis Challenge Cup Event Site - SI. Louis, MO Sto~ Dote路 02/ 21 / 2004 Teom Centrol Phone - 314/ 291 -5436 Cia II - M7-Elite

Event Site -Webster Groves, MO Dote - 01 / 23/ 2004 St. Louis Gym Centre Phone - 314/ 968-9494 Levels -W4-l0

NEVADA Cactus Cooler Invitotionol Event Site - Los Vegos, NV Sto~ Dote - 02/ 21/2004 Dese~ Gymcots Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 798-3547 Levels- W4-Elite Lady Luck Invitational Event Site - Los Vegas, NV Sto~ Dote - 01 / 16/2004 Brown's Gymnastics-Los Vegas Phone - 702/ 257-9009 Levels-W4-Elite Los Vegas Go for It Clollic Event Site - Los Vegas, NV Sto~ Dote -01 / 30/ 2004 Go for It USA Phone - 702/ 658-9003 Levels -W4-Elite Los Vegos Go for It Clollic Event Site - Los Vegas, NV Sto~ Dote -01 / 30/ 2004 Go for It USA Phone - 702/ 658-9003 Cloll/ Levels- M7-Elite; GA; W4Elite Springfest Event Site - Reno, NV Sto~ Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 High Sierra Gymnostics Phone - 775/ 747-7748 Cloll -W4-10 Storz and Stripes Invitational Event Site - Reno, NV Sto~ Dote - 02/ 14/ 2004 Storz Gymnastics Phone - 775/ 853-9494 Levels -W4-Elite Vegas Cup Event Site - Los Vegas, NV Start Dote - 02/ 05/ 2004 Gymcats Gymnostics Phone - 702/ 566-1414 Levels - W4-Elite Vegas lights Invitotionol lor Men Event Site - Los Vegos, NV Sto~ Dote - 01/10/ 2004 Desert Gymcats Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 798-3547 ClolI -MI-7

NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire Judges Cup Event Site - Dover, NH Start Dote - 01/10/ 2004 Tri-Stor Gymnastics Phone - 603/ 749-1234 Levels - W4-Elite, WPREP

St Louis Clollic Event Site -St Louis, MO Sto~ Dote - 01/09/ 2004 Team Central Phone - 314/291-5436 Levels -W4-Elite

Winter Carnival Event Site - Brentwood, NH Sto~ Dote - 01 / 16/ 2004 Gym At Brentwood Commons Phone - 603/642-7200

St. Louis Winter Clollic

Closs - MElite - 7


NEW JERSEY 7th Annual Star Struck Invitotionol Event Site - Bridgeton, NJ Sto~ Dote -01/31/2004 Star Bound Gymnostics Academy Phone - B56/453-7996 Levels - W4-l 0 The Clover Challenge Event Site - Bridgeton, NJ Sto~ Dote - 03/ 20/ 2004 Star Bound Gymnastics Academy Phone - B56/ 453-7996 Levels- W4-10

NEW MEXICO Gold Cup New Mexico Clollic Event Site -Albuquerque, NM Sto~ Dote - 01 / 17/ 2004 Gold Cup Gymnastics Phone - 505/ 821-8417 Levels/ClolI - W7-Elite, M7-Elite NEW YORK Boys Buffalo challenge Event Site - Getzville, NY Sto ~ Dote - 01/ 11 /2004 Greoter Buffalo GYM Center Phone - 716/ 639-0020 Levels -MI -7 Empire State Clollic Invitotionol Event Site - Albony, NY Sto~ Dote - 01/23/2004 Yury's Gymnastics Club Phone - 51 8/ 43B-4932 Levels - W4-10 firebollinvitotionol Event Site - New Ho~ford, NY Sto~ Dote -02/21/2004 Volley Gymnostics Co. Phone - 315/ 736-4400 Levels - W4-B Girls Buffalo Challenge Event Site - Getzville, NY Sto~ Dote -01/24/2004 Greoter Buffolo GYM Center Phone - 716/ 639-0020 Levels -W4-9 Leotherstocking Invitotionol Event Site - Utica, NY Sto~ Dote - 01 / 16/2004 Volley Gymnastics Co. Phone - 315/ 736-4400 Levels -W4-1 0 Long Islond ClOllic Event Site -Yophonk, NY Sto~ Dote - 03/ 06/2004 Long Islond Gym Nest Phone - 631/924-9422 Levels - W4-Elite LuckyStorslnvitotionol Event Site -Jamestown, NY Sto~ Dote -03/ 19/ 2004 Stroup's Gymnastics Phone - 71 6/ 665-BOBI Levels -W4-9 Niogora Cup 2004 Event Site - Amherst, NY (continued from page 43)







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(continued from page 40)

Start Date - 03/05/ 2004 Niagara/ Gleason 's Gymnastics Phone - 716/ 694-6557 levels -WHlite Volentine Invitational Event Site -Saugerties, NY Start Dote -01/17/ 2004 Gym Stars Phone - 845/ 246-3890 levels -W4-9

HORTH CAROLIHA "Reach lor the Stars" - Optional Meet Event Site -8urlington, NC Start Date -01/24/ 2004 Kidsport Gymnastic Academy Phone - 336/ 538-0073 levels -W4-1 0, WPREP Wilmington Winter Rhythmic Invitational Event Site -Wilmington, NC Start Dote -01 / 17/ 2004 Carolina Gymnastics Academy Phone - (910)796-1896 levels - R5, RIO WNC Championships Event Site -Asheville, NC Start Date -03/ 06/ 2004 Weyneth El Gymno~ics Acod Phone - 828/ 252-8746 levels -W4-1 0

OHIO 1st Annual Dominique Moceonu Invitationol Event Site -Sharonville, OH Start Date -01 /09/ 2004 Queen City Gymnastics/ Kids First Phone - 513/489-7575 levels -W4-10 8uckeye Classic Event Site -Columbus, OH Start Date -02/ 19/ 2004 8uckeye Gymnastics

Phone - 614-895-1611 levels - W4-Elite

Phone -419/ 841 -2902 Class - MI-7

8uckeye Classic Event Site -Westerville, OH Start Dote - 02/ 19/ 2004 8uckeye Gymnastics Phone - 614-895-1611 levels - W4-Elite

OKLAHOMA 80rt Connor Invitational Event Site - Norman, OK Start Dote - 01/ 23/ 2004 80rt Conner Gymnastics Academy Phone - 405/ 447-7500 Class - MI -7

Flytz Classic Event Site -Tallmadge, OH Start Dote -01/23/ 2004 FlYTZ USA Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 330/ 926-2900 levels- W5-Elite Gem City Winter Invitational Event Site -Tipp City, OH Start Dote - 02/06/ 2004 Gem City Gymnastics Phone - 937/ 667 -4961 levels -W4-10 HPG Boys Invitational Event Site - Cincinnati, OH Start Dote -02/ 14/ 2004 Hyde Park Gymnastics Phone - 513/ 527-4343 Closs- M7-4 Shooting Stars Invitational Event Site - Dayton, OH Start Date - 02/ 21 / 2004 Stars Gym And Dance, Inc. Phone - 937/ 252-8787 Levels -W4-10 Sunrise Gymfcst Event Site - Sylvania, OH Start Date -02/ 28/ 2004 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone - 419/ 841-2902 levels - W4-10 Sunrise Gymlest for Boys Event Site -Sylvania, OH Start Date - 02/ 08/ 2004 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy

Phone - 610/ 876-5005 levels -W2-lO

Phone - 610/ 647-9847 levels - M7 - Elite

Dalmation Classic Event Site - North Wales, PA Start Date - 02/ 07/ 2004 Spirit Gym Training (enter Phone - 215/ 699-2900 levels -W4-10

John Panco" Invitational Event Site -Malvern, PA Start Dote - 03/ 06/ 2004 John Ponco" Gymnastic Center Phone - 610/ 647-9847 levels -W4-10

Dutch Classic Event Site - Reading, PA Start Dote - 02/ 07/ 2004 8erks Gymnastic Academy Phone - 610/ 372-8454 Levels -W5-10

leap Day Invitational Event Site - 8100msburg, PA Start Date - 03/ 21 / 2004 Columbia Academy Phone - 570/ 387 -0539 levels -W4-8

Final Round Up Event Site -West Chester, PA Start Dote - 03/ 19/ 2004 AJS Ponca" Gymnastics Phone - 610/ 431-2477 levels -W4-6

lVSA 80yslnvitotionol Event Site -Allentown, PA Start Date -01 / 16/ 2004 lehigh Volley Sports Academy Phone - 610/264-2208 Closs- MI-7

3rd Annual Stars & Stripes Invitational Event Site - Erie, PA Start Oote - 02/ 06/ 2004 Erie Gymnastic Inc. Phone - 814/898-2936 levels - W4-10

First Annual Yurchenko Invitational Event Site -Allentown, PA Start Dote - 02/ 13/ 2004 lehigh Volley Sports Academy Phone - 610/264-2208 Levels -W4-10

Ni"ony Invitational Event Site - University Park, PA Start Dote -01 / 31 / 2004 NiHony Gymnastics Academy Phone - 8141238-8995 levels -W4-10

Barb Knothe Memorial Invitational Event Site - Kenne" Square, PA Start Date - 01/10/ 2004 KMC Dance and GYM Center Phone - 610/ 444-4464 Levels -W4-10

Friendship Classic 2004 Event Site - Po"sville, PA Start Dote -03/ 18/ 2004 Po"sville Gymnastic Training Phone - 570/628-4966 levels -W4-Elite

Northland's Fun in the Sun Event Site - Gibsonia, PA Start Date - 03/ 13/ 2004 Northland Gym & Cheerleoding Phone - 724/ 444-3010 levels -W5-7

Brian Babcock invitational 2004 Event Site - Allentown, PA Start Date - 01/23/ 2004 Parke"es National Gym Center Phone - 610/ 433-0011 Class- M7-Elite

Hug and Kiss Meet Event Site - Hershey, PA Start Date - 02/ 21 / 2004 Gymnastic Center of Hershey Phone -717/534-1881 levels- W4-10

Parke"e invitational 2004 Event Site -Allentown, PA Start Date - 01/30/ 2004 Parke"es National Gym Center Phone - 610/ 433-0011 levels -W4-Elite

Chinese New Year Event Site -Woodlyn, PA Start Dote - 01/10/ 2004 Delco Training Center

John Panco" Invitational Event Site - Exton, PA Start Dote - 02/ 07/ 2004 John Ponca" Gymnastic Center

Ricochets Winteriest Event Site - Hatboro, PA Start Dote - 02/ 14/ 2004 Ricochets Gymnastics Club (continued from page 45)

Shamrock Invitational Event Site - Hillsboro, OR Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Gym-Nest Ltd_ Phone - 503/ 640-6378 levels -W4-10 Winter Invitational Event Site - Hillsboro, OR Start Dote - 01 / 24/ 2004 Gym-Nest Ltd. Phone - 503/ 640-6378 levels-W7-10

Dreomcatcher Classic Event Site - Oklahoma City, OK Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Mot Tro"ers Gymnastics Phone - 405/722-0808 levels- W4-10

PENNSYLVANIA 2nd Annual 80unce Into Spring Invitational Event Site - Porkerford, PA Start Dote -04/ 17/ 2004 8erks East Gymnastics Phone - 610/ 495-2214 levels -W4-6

Tulsa World Invitational Event Site -Tulsa, OK Start Dote - 01/16/ 2004 Tulsa World 01 Gymnastics Phone - 918/664-8683 levels - W4-Elite

OREGON Bachelor Invitational Event Site - 8end, OR Start Dote - 02/28/ 2004 Acrovision Sports Center Phone - 541/388-5555 Closs -MI- 7 Co-Ed MAC Open Event Site - Portland, OR Start Dote - 02/ 13/ 2004 Club Name - Mullnomoh Athletic Club Phone - 503/223-6251 ext 242 levels/ Class -W4-Elite, M7-Elite Emerald Team Challenge Event Site - Eugene, OR Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 National Academy 01 Artistic Gymnastics Phone - 541/744-2002 levels -WHlite




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(continued from page 43) Phone - 215/ 328-0900 levels -WPREp,W4-Elite

Wish It Were Spring Meet Event Site - latrobe, PA Start Dote - 01 / 25/ 2004 Willow Tree Gymnastics Acodemy Phone - 724/ 539-0899 levels -W5-8, WPREP

SOUTH CAROLINA Shining Storts Invitational Event Site - Roebuck, SC Start Dote - 03/ 27/ 2004 Spartanburg Gymnastics Training Center Phone - 803/ 574-0509 levels - GA TENNESSEE Gatlinburg Gymnastics Classic Event Site - Gatlinburg, TN Start Date -02/ 13/ 2004 Weyneth El Gymnastics Acod Phone - 828/ 252-8746 levels/ Class - T1-Elite; M7-1, WPREp,W4-10 John Macready Flip Fesival Event Site - Knoxville, TN Start Date - 01/16/ 2004 Premier Gymnastics & Tumbling Phone - 865/ 588-2105 Class/ level- MElite-7; WPrep, W4-10

levels -W4-10 Kick It Classic Event Site - Euless, TX Start Dote - 02/ 13/ 2004 Spirals Gymnastic Center Phone - 817/ 633-1265 levels -W4-10 Metroplex Challenge Event Site - Dallas, TX Start Dote - 01/30/ 2004 Metroplex Gymnastics Phone - 214/ 343-8652 levels -W4-Elite Operotion Rising Star Invitational Event Site -Austin, TX Start Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 Notional El Gymnastics Phone - 512/ 288-9722 levels -W4-1 0 River Walk Classic Event Site -San Antonio, TX Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 . 8rown's Gymnastics Central Phone - 407/ 869-8744 levels -W4-Elite The Kurt Thomas Invitational Event Site - Frisco, TX Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Kurt Thomas Gym Training Cente Phone - 972/ 620-0200 levels -W4-Elite

TEXAS 2004 Alamo Challenge Event Site - Son Antonio, TX Start Dote - 02/ 07/ 2004 Aloma Gymnastics Center Phone - 210/ 479-8282 levels -Ml-7

WOGA Classic 2004 Event Site - Plano, TX Start Dote - 01/16/ 2004 World Olympic Gymnastics Acod Phone - 972/ 985-9292 levels - W4-Elite

2nd Annual Hill Country Invitational Event Site - Boerne, TX Start Dote - 01 / 24/ 2004 8aerne Gymnastics Center Phone - 830/ 816-9496 levels -M3-7, MOPN

UTAH Crystal Cup Event Site -Sandy, UT Start Date - 01 / 23/ 2004 Olympus School Of Gymnastics Phone - 801 / 566-3295 levels - W4-Elite

Crenshaws Centex Invitational Event Site -Austin, TX Start Date - 01/10/ 2004 Crenshaw Athletic Club, Inc. Phone - 512/ 453-5551 levels -W4-10

VIRGINIA Classics Crozy Meet Event Site - CharioNesville, VA Start Dote -02/ 08/ 2004 Classics Gymnastics Center Phone - 434/ 978-4720 levels - W4-1 0

Friendship Invitational Event Site -Allen, TX Start Date - 02/ 07/ 2004 Eagles Wings Athletics Phone - 972/ 727-9911 levels -MEXHI8, MElite-7, Heart of Texas Invite Event Site - Austin, TX Start Dote - 02/ 13/ 2004 Capitol GYM Super Center Phone - 512/ 251 -9105 levels -W5-Elite Invitational Event Site - Spring, TX Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Inti GYM Acodemy, Inc. Phone - 281/528-6050

Classics Tune-Up Meet Event Site - Charlottesville, VA Start Date - 05/ 01/2004 Classics Gymnastics Center Phone - 434/ 978-4720 levels -W4-7 Crystal Cup Event Site -Manassas, VA Start Dote - 01/10/ 2004 Koran's Gymnastics Center Phone - 703/ 361-4966 levels - W4-10 Excolibur Cup/ Elite Notional Qualifier Event Site - Virginia Beach, VA Start Dote -02/ 13/ 2004

Excolibur Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 499-8258 levels -W4-Elite Jerrell Steele Invite Event Site - Richmond, VA Start Dote - 01/10/ 2004 Gym Quest Phone - 804/ 262-9400 Closs- M7-Elite New Year Opener Event Site -Midlothian, VA Start Dote - 01 / 10/ 2004 Virginia International Gymnastics School Phone - 804/ 276-7039 levels -W4-10 Spring fest Event Site - Manassas, VA Start Dote - 04/ 04/ 2004 Karon's Gymnastics Center Phone - 703/ 361-4966 levels - W4-10

WASHINGTON 2004 National Judges Cup Event Site -SeaNle, WA Start Date - 01/09/ 2004 Auburn Gymnastics Center, Inc. Phone - 253/ 876-9991 levels - W4-Elite Apple Cup Invitational Event Site -Wenatchee, WA Start Dote - 02/ 07/ 2004 Apple Volley Gymnastics Phone - 509/ 663-2988 levels -W4-10 Cascodian Team Challenge Event Site - Mountlake Terrace, WA Start Dote - 01 / 30/ 2004 Cascode El Gymnastics Phone -425/ 672-6887 levels - W4-10 Fast Session Event Site - Puyallup, WA Start Dote -01 / 17/ 2004 Puget Sound Gymnastics Phone - 253/ 845-0910 levels -W4-10 International Coaches Cup Event Site - Kent, WA Start Dote - 01/16/ 2004 Metropolitan Gymnostics, Inc. Phone - 206/ 575-4138 Closs/ levels - M7-Elite; W2-Elite Invitational Event Site -Mountlake Terrace, WA Start Dote - 04/ 03/ 2004 Cascade El Gymnastics Phone -425/ 672-6887 levels -W4-6 Northshore Invitotionol Event Site -Woodinville, WA Start Dote -02/ 27/ 2004 Northshore Gymnostics Center Phone - 425/ 402-6602 levels -W4-1 0


Pacific Northwest Invitational Event Site - Puyallup, WA Start Dote -02/ 06/ 2004 Puget Sound Gymnastics Phone - 253/ 845-0910 levels - W4-Elite Rhythmic Coaches Cup Invitational Event Site - Kent, WA Start Date - 01/10/ 2004 Metropolitan Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 206/ 575-4138 levels - RGroup, R5- 10 Spring Fling Event Site - Woodinville, WA Start Dote - 03/ 28/ 2004 Narthshare Gymnastics Center Phone - 425/ 402-6602 levels -W4-6 Super 80wllnvite Event Site -Woodinville, WA Start Date - 01 / 31/2004 Northshore Gymnastics Center Phone -425/ 402-6602 levels -W4-10 Teddy 8ear Classic Event Site - Puyallup, WA Start Date -04/ 03/ 2004 Puget Sound Gymnastics . Phone - 253/ 845-0910 levels - W4-6 The Bunny-Hop Invitational Event Site - Kent, WA Start Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 Metropolitan Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 206/ 575-4138 levels -W4-10, WPREP

WISCONSIN Altius luau Event Site - Franklin, WI Start Dote - 01 / 10/ 2004 Altius Gymnastics Acodemy Phone -414/ 421 -1200 levels -W7-10 M& MGymnastics Midwest Challenge Event Site - New Berlin, WI Start Dote - 01/17/2004 MAnd MGymnastics Phone - 262/ 789-6885 levels/ Class - W4-Elite; MElite7, MOPN Midwest Twisters-Harley Davidson Invite Event Site - Hartland, WI Start Dote - 02/ 13/ 2004 Midwest Twisters Gymnastics Phone - 414/ 764-6540 levels -W4-1 0

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- quality mats at affordable prices. Visit us on the web -

Salta Invitational Event Site -West Allis, WI Start Dote - 02/ 20/ 2004 Salta Gymnastics Phone - 262/ 782-3430 levels/ Closs -W4-Elite; M7-Elite ~""" log on to ond cn!k on invilol.nob for lhe mOIl up-lo"'I, tlSl 01 ev,nK




POSITION AVAILABLE GYMNASTICS DIRECTORS ANO INSTRUCTORS: Premiere summer camps lor girls located in Western MassachuseHs and New Hampshire seeks coaches and athletes to serve as Director and Instructor(s) lor a comprehensive gymnastics program lor campers ages 7·15. Beginner through advanced dasses. "State 01 the Art" lacility indudes; spring floor, beams, tumble track, unevens, and vault. Comprehensive salory, room, boord and travel allowance. Program runs June 15· August 15, 2004. Contact Camp Danbee BOO·392· 3752 or Camp Wicosuta 800·B46·9426 (he(k us out at or and apply on·line. You can e·mail a resume or with questions at Mork@campdanbee.(om or cole@ campwi( INSTRUCTORS/ COACHES. Paragon Gymnasti(s 01 Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking lor Instructors and Coaches, PIT· FIT Weekdays/weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive aHitude, responsible, reliable, love 01 (hildren. Positions available lor pre·s(hool through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Caa(h levels 5·10. Company sponsored (ertilications (Salety, CPR, First Aid) Full benelits/ paid vocation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW la(ility, state·ol·the·art, approx. 11,000 sq. It. located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan orea, easily ac(essible Irom all major highways. Contact Dot: 201 · 767·6921 or lox resume to 201·767·6693 or e· moil:dot@parogongym.(om. 49 Walnut Street, Sune 4, Norwood, NJ 0764B. www.paragongym.(om. HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUCTORS. lakeside Moine summer camp teaching a wide range 01 activities to a high standord in a supportive, cooperotive atmosphere. Small dasses 01 beginning and intermediate students, with some advanced, emphasizing the joy 01 the sport and (hallenge to the individual. 150 girls age 7·16 enroll lor one· or two·month sessions. Opportunity to teach other athletics, arts, waterfront activities. College sophomores &up. Internships available. Non·smokers only. Apply today at to work June 20 through August 25. 60 Mill Street·Box 340, Westwood, MassachuseHs 02090. 781/762·8291; Fox, 781/255·7167. JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSACHUSETTS. Massa(huseHs Gymnastics Center has exciting career opportunities available. MGC operates lour "state 01 the art" gymnostics lacilities in the Greater Boston orea with programs ranging Irom Tumble·tot to Notional level J.O. girls and boys teams. We ore looking lor 'The Best" instructors and (oa(hes in the industry. We offer a competitive compensation package and lantastic growth potential. We have immediate lull and part·time openings for the lallowing positions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Cheerleading coaches, Recreational Progrom Director, Pre·s(hool and Closs Instructors. Interested candidates should lorword their resumes to: Mike Colo rossi, MGC, PO Box 856, Stow, MA 01775. Phone: 978·562·5292. Fox: 978·562·5541. mike(@mossgymnasti( QUALIFIED COACH/INSTRUCTOR lor established and rapidly expanding gymnastics troining (enter and s(hool. Individual must be highly motivated and a

"team player" to assist Olympic level coach with boys USAG program and instruct boys and girls dasses. Must have strong spoHing skills, especially on the floor and tramp. Our (entrol New Jersey gym has over 20,000 sq. It. 01 air conditioned activity oreas with the most up· to·date equipment and two floors with special oreas devoted to team athletes. The gym will shortly expand by 10,000 sq. It. Salary commensurate with experience; 3 weeks vacation, ex(ellent health plan and flexible schedules. Call 732·462·5917 or Fox resume to 732·863·0461 .

(harges, sales taxsupport, late (harges, early payment discounts, invoices/statements, re(eivables reports, linancial and enrollment summories, instructor s(hedules, waiting and makeup lists, moiling labels, e· moil, support lor bonk dralt payments, context sensitive help, and much more. Only 5500 (5250 per additional workstation), indudes Iree troining and te(hni(al support. Serviii~ Gymnastics since 1990. Contact Vaughn· Soltwore Services at 800·821·8516,, or AMEX/MCjVISA/Discover.

COACHES WANTED: Salta Gymnastics Club lo(ated in Waukesha, Wisconsin, (Milwaukee oreal. We ore looking lor experienced and enthusiastic individuals who love the sport 01 gymnastics and working with (hildren. Openings lor a women's team coach, doss and tiny tot instructors. Interested individuals should contact Jim Melcarek by phone (262)549·3344 or send in a resume to 1417 Poplar Drive, Waukesha, WI 5318B, lox nto (262)549-0297, or email ntosahowest©

GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's beHer than ever, with a terrili( assortment 01 NEW styles and labrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE gorments. We offer customized packages lor your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay lor what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolute~ NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra prolits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1·800·345·4087 lor more inlormation on how you (an get started today! Erna iI:

SPIRIT, SOUL &BOOY GYMNASTICS &CHEER, a lamily based trampoline, tumbling and (heer gym seeks quality coaches. Our air conditioned lacility is located in Tulsa, Ok. We troin ages 2 through USAG competitive levels. Coaches must be high energy, team players viewing themselves as role models to youth, exhibiting high morol standords both in and out 01 the gym. Our lost growing lacility has year round employment and great potential lor growth. Coaches need at least 2 yeors experience in tumbling or (heer. Great pay, some benefits. (918)461·8818, ask for Priscilla or Mit(hell. KIDS IN ACTION GYMNASTICS ACADEMY, located in 8orrington, Il, is opening a new lacility in January 2004. We ore looking lor enthusiastic, prolessional lull or part·time coaches/ instructors in our pre·s(hool, level 1·4 program, (heerleoding, competitive trampoline, and boys program. Alot 01 room lor growth lor the right person/s. Week days/weekends/evenings. Send resume to: Kids In Action Gymnastics A(ademy, 1012 George St., Barrington, Il60010. Fox (847)381·6141 e·mail griffinbodger5@sb( Releren(e Te(hnique Magazine ad. TEAM COACH WANTED: City 01 Tampa Gymnastics and Dan(e pragrom is in seor(h 01 MOTIVATED persons to compliment established team program. Competitive team (oa(hes lor upper levels as well as other gym responsibilities. New team training lacility opening in January 2004. Apply online at (Gym Instructor II 523,150.40·532,947.20, Gym Instructor III 527,144.00·538,521.60) Great benelits: annual; sick leave; paid holidays; pension plan; medical and lile insurance. HS graduation and 1·2 yeors 01 college with considerable experience in teaching gymnastics; or equivalent combination 01 education and experience. Coreer minded coaches please apply. (813)231·5273 lor information.

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL lor Windows. Closs Management and A(counts Re(eivable soltwore. Pa(ked with leatures, easy to use, networkable, and Iree person to person support. Flexible s(hool setup, easy assignments, rosters, aHendan(e, morketing analysis, automated tuition calculation, multiple discounts, additional/retail

Score Moster . NO MORE InpuHing Gymnast Roster data!! Score Moster, the most widely used soltwore, just got even beHer! Meet Directors can now download roster inlormation lrom the USAG website. Features indude: create rotations, assign #'s, the most (omprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, compulsory/ optional. www.lcore· . FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mork Mahoney, POB 31421, ChorioHe, NC, 28231. GYM FOR SALE Mi(higan. Lorge lacility, great lease. Business has great reputation. 300·350 students. Strong mobile program with more potential lor growth. Other programs indude competitive teams, pres(hool, re(reational, tumbling, B·Day parties, (heer progroms. Dedicated and responsible stoff. Priced to sell. Serious inquiries only email gymdub4sale@aol.(om "GYMNASTICS IN PARADISf' Rore opportunity to acquire a lamily owned business in operation lor over 13 yeors located in the world renowned tourist destination 01 lake Tahoe on the Calilornia/ Nevada

border. 6500 s.f. la(ility with 28 It. (eilings, 5 yeor lease with a 5yeor option available. Equipped lor both men's and women's competitive teams as well as re(reational and pre·s(hool dasses. See a VisualTour at: http://www. visua ito uf.(om/ show.asp?T=165722 Don't miss this(han(e to own and ope rote your own gym in this exquisite location. Priced at 595,000, possible owner linancing with 30%down. Call lor more inlormation 1·800·987·7226.

CONSIGNMENT lEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time 01 the yeor to introduce a new assortment 01 leotords. Rebe(ca's Mom popular leotord consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection leatures our newest styles and fabrics, induding the Framed Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotords and team warm·up leotords featuring Holograms, Foils, GliHer, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of salt Velvet fabrics. We also indude a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs leaturing Hawaiian prints. Our leotords are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and ore available in all sizes, 5/6 through adult lorge. We ore currently accepting new applications Irom Club Pro Shops, Porent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please call our toll free telephone number, 1·888·289·2536 or fox Rebecca's Mom at 1·818·980·0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply Stateand Regional Meet Packages as well as leotords for special events, so please call TODAY.


. HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-100 words = $100 101-200 words =$200 Your ad in Technique will automoticolly be placed online for 30 days at no addnional marge. The address ~: www.usa-gymnastics.arg/classifieds/ Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting dote. RATES




January .................... Oec. 10 February ................. .Jan. 10 March ...................... Feb. 10

~~~ : . : : :.: : : :: : : : : .: :~ ~~ ..

August ....... ..... ... .... .July 10 Sept/Oct. ... ..... ....... ... Aug. 10 Nov./Oec . ........... .... .Oc[ 10

NOTE: lithe 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work day is considered the deadline.


Mail your ad and payment to: UIA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 I. (apitol Ave., Ite. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or foxto 317·237·5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INOUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS IUBMITIEO WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary formal. Technique is received by more than 16,000 USA Gymnastics professional members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, serVICe, or (omp'elition here for great results. Queslions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-237-5050 ext. 246.

USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225


PAID Indianapolis. IN Permit No. 7867



PRE·REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16 years) Nome: Professional or Instructor #: _______Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ __ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Dote _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ __ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course City/ State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oate: Form of Payment:

o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o American Express

Payment Amount: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Nome on Cord: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: _ __ / _ _ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Pro-Member with Current Sofety Certificotion wishing to recertify ....................... _.................................. no chorge Pro-Member with Expired or New Sofety Certificotion _........... $ 65.00 Instructor Member .... _....._..................................................... $ 65.00 Non-Member or Associote Member _................................... _... $ 115.00 • You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course dote' . Lote registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. Lote registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site ond late registrations will be chorged a $25 on-site/lote fee. All materiols, including the course book, are provided at the course and ore port of the course fee. Certification is valid for four(4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable ond cannot be transferred to onother individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to onother course within six(6) months with prior wriHen notification. Lote fee will apply if notification is received aher course deadline. 'Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: VISA' USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317·692·5212


P".dS,,,,,, GV>lNASTICS

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