Technique Magazine – February 2004

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SCHEDULE W= Women M= Men

ACRO =Sports Aero

R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics

TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling

NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.

24 24-25 24-27 24-26

National Business Conference National Team Qualifier (SA) U.S. Olympic Trials (MWRTR) Notional Congress

Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA Anaheim, CA

Indo-Pacific Championships (TI)

Sports Aero National Championships (SA)

Canada Tampa, FL Tampa, FL Palm Springs, CA

Notional Gymnastics Day Games of the XXVI 11th Olympiad

Athens, GRE

JULY FEBRUARY 5-7 6-8 6-8 13-15 17-24 22-29 27 28 29

Rhythmic Challenge (R) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Winter Cup Challenge (M) Notional Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Winter Classic (IT) Notional Elite Qualifying Meet (W) Notional Team Training Camp (W) Jr. Notional Team Training Camp(M) Elite Podium Meet (W) Visa American Cup (MW) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp

Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Los Vegas, NV Colorado Springs, CO Salt Lake City, UT Virginia Beach, VA Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY

American Classic/Chalienge(W) U.S. Elite Challenge (IT) German Trampoline Open (IT) World Teom Trials (SA)

Covino, CA Birmingham, AL Aachen, GER Crosby, TX

AUGUST 7 13-29


Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp/Business Conference TBD

Future Stars Championships/Coaches Workshop (M) Jeff Metzger's 4 1/ 2-Day Boot Camp

Colorado Springs, CO Cincinnati, OH

NCAA Regional Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (M)

Various Sites TBD West Point, NY

J.O. National Championships (M) Level 9 East Championships (W) Level 9 West Championships (W) J.O. Notional Championships (W)

Houston, TX Sf. Petersburg, FL TBD TBD

World University Games (MWR) World Games (R IT SA)

Izmir, TUR Duisburg, GER

U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M,W,R,IT) National Business Conference Notional Congress

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN

World Championships (MW)

Melbourne, AUS

U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M WRIT)


World Championships (MW)

Aarhus, DEN

World Gymnoestrada (GG)

Dornbirn, AUI

TBD 18-22


APRIL 2-4 2-5 3 3-7 7-11 8-13 15-17 15-18 15-18 18 22-25 23-25

NCAA Notional Championships (M) Regionals Levels 9/10 (W) NCAA Regionals (W) Notional Elite Qualifier & Training Camp (W) USAG Collegiate Championships (MW) Na!'1. Team/Pacific Alliance Training Camp (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W) Pacific Alliance (M,W,R,IT) World Cup (Tn Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp World Cup (IT) J.O. Level 9 EastlWest Championships (W)

23-25 24 30-May 2

JO Championships (R) U.S. Qualifier (M) J.O. Notional Championships (W)

Champaign/Urbano, IL Various Sites Various Sites Houston, TX TBD Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA Honolulu, HI Uplands Vasby, SWE Honolulu, HI Moscow, RUS East- Virginia Beach, VA!West-SeaHle, WA Son Rafael, CA Colorado Springs, CO Kissimmee, FL

Level 9 Championships (R) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp J.O. Notional Championships (M) 2005-08 Age Group Program Workshop (M) U.S. Classic (W) Jeff Metzger's 4 1/2-Day Boot Camp Rhythmic Western (R) World Age Group Games (SA) World Championships (SA) Rhythmic Eastern (R) 75th FIG Congress and General Assembly

Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Rochester, NY Cincinnati,OH Chicago, IL lievin, FRA Lievin, FRA Wilminton, DE Antalya, TUR

MAY 1-2 2 5-9 9-10 13-16 13-17 15-16 15-21 17-24 22-23 TBD

JO National Chompionships (Tn Pan American Championships (Tn


MARCH 3-6 5-7 12-13 24-29

12-18 13-19 19-21 24-31

9 21-23 22-24

MAY 4-8 6-8 6-8 13-15

JULY TBD 14-24

AUGUST 10-13 10 11-13




JUNE 2-5 6 11-13 18-20

U.S. Gymnastics Championships (MWRIT) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Level 5/6 Champs & Classics (R) 2004 Group Gymnastics Nationals

Nashville, TN Nashville, TN TBD Las Vegas, NV




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an official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER

Robert V. Colarossi EDITOR


Jay Bilunas

FEATURES Teach Vaulting To Preschoolers? Yes - But, Make It Fun . . ...... . ........... . ... .. 6 Turning Dreams Into Realities ... Developing Athlete Confidence and Positive Self-esteem . 1 2 Congress ......... . . . ... . .. . ........ . .... . ....... .... . . .. .


Kevin Mazeika To Lead Men's U.S. Olympic Team to Athens ..... . . . . .. .


USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE (HAIR: Ron Froehlirn; PRESIDENT: Bob (olorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN:Tom KolI; VICE (HAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomilo; VICE (HAlR RHYTHMIC: Andreo Schmid, VICE (HAIR TRAMPOlIN[ Poul Parillo; VICE CHAIR & FIG TfCHNICAl COMMITTEE SPORTS A(RO: Tonyo Cose-Potferson; SE(RETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXE(unvE COMMITTEE: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froeht,dt FIG MEN'S T£(HNICAl COMMITTEE: George Bed<steod; FIG TRAMPOLINE AND TUMBLING TE(HNICAl COMMITTE[ Pol Henderson; FIG WOMEN'S TfCHNICAl COMMlm[ Jockie fie; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Sieve Bulmer, Paul Spodoro; ATHlm DIREGORS: lnrisso Fonloine, John Roethlisberger, Vonessa Vonder Pluym, Korl Heger; USO( ATHLm DIREGOR: Dominick Minicucd.


2 004




USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS (HAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob (olorossi; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; PUBlI( SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLEII( UNION: Mike Sionner; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Belly Heppner; (OillGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Frands Allen; NATIONAL ASSO(IATiON OF COillGIATE COA(HES-WOMEN: Mike Jocki; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRlS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Sirowhridge; NATIONAl ASSO(IATiON OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: (orale Ide; NATIONAl COillGIATE ATHLEII( ASSOCIATION-MEN: lnu Burkel; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Susan True; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Butrn Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COA(HES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSO(IATiON OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS (lUBS: Paul Spodoro; U.S. EUTE COA(HES ASSD(IATlDN-MEN: Siocy Moloney; U.s. ELITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: David Holcumb, Ileve Rybocki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COA(HES ASSOCIATION: More Yoncey; U.I. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S(HRISTIAN ASSO(IATION OF THE USA: (osey Koenig; NATIONAl (OillGIATE ATHLEII( ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: Sandy Thiel~ NATIONAl MEMBERSHIP DlREGORS MEN: Mike Bums, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andreo Schmid, Mirnelle Lorson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Kolhy Oslberg; TRAMPOlIN[ Shoun Kemplon, MOMo Weiss; SPORTS ACRO: Bonnie Dovidson, Joy Binder; ATHLm DIREGORS: Vonesso Vander Pluym, rnoir, lnrisso Fonloine, vice rnoir, Joir lynch, \&relory; Dominick MiniclKd, USO( Athlele Rep.; Joy Thornton, Brooke Bushnell, Kim Zmeskol-BurdeHe, Mohini Bhordw0L Korl Heger, Chri~ie Hoyes, John Roelhlisberger, ASSOOATE DIREGORS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, lnri Katz; SPE(lAl OLYMPICS, Kole Fober-Hickie; U.s. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Schwartz. (HANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBS(RIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, nolice of change of address should be mode eighl weeks in advance. For foslesl service, please endose your presenl moiling label. Direct all subscriplion moil 10 TECHNIQUE Subscriplions, USA Gymnoslics, 201 S. (opilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; lend address changes 10 TECHNIQUE c/o USA Gymnoslics, 201 I. (opilol Avenue., Suile 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE is published monthly excepl bimonlhly in \OP1/ Oct and Nov/ Dec by USA Gymn~ics, Pan Americon Plaza, Suile 300, 201 South (opilol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) or visil online @ www.usa· gy.nastics .o,g Periodicol poslage paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscriplion prices: U.S.-525 per yeor; (onodo/ Mexico-54B per yeor; all olher foreign counlries-560 per yeor. If aVailable, bock issue single copies 54 plus postoge/hondling. All reosonoble core will be loken, bUI no responsibility can be ossumed for unsoliciled moleriol; endose relurn postoge. (opyrighl 2004 by USA Gymnoslics ond TECHNIQUE. All righis reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN.

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all arti,'es, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.





DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ..................... .. ... ........... .2 USA Gymnastics Message ...... .... ..... ...... .4 Athlete Focus ...................................... 1 0 Business Tips .................... ..... ............... 14 Member Club Invitational Listing .......... 21 Member Service Update ...................... 24 What's New ........................................ 27

KAT/MELPD ............ ....... .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .31 Classifieds ........................... .. ...... .... .. .47 Safety Certification Schedule ......... ...... .48


Rhythmic Program Update .................... 35



Men's 2005-2008 J.O. Competition Program Coaches Workshopate ............ 25 Women's Program Update .. .............. .... 29



USA GYMNASTICS Message Dear Members, As we begin the 2004 Sports Acrobatics competitive season, I wouLd Like to take a moment and reflect on a very successfuL 2003. This past year was a year of firsts, a year of growth, and of uphoLding traditions in the Sports Acrobatics program. For the first time, we hosted the Freedom Cup, a top international competition . The event was a success on aLL LeveLs, including the USA athLetes' performance. By hosting this event, we were abLe to provide a high LeveL competitive experience for our athLetes, coaches and judges as weLL as to the international Sports Acrobatics community. The experience gained at the 2003 Freedom Cup wiLL go a Long way in helping to prepare our program for the 2004 World Championships. Corisa Laughon A new RegionaL and National Committee Structure was also implemented in 2003. It was encouraging to Senior Director see members throughout the country embrace the new structure and share a willingness to take on Sports Acrobatic additional responsibilities for the growth and advancement of Sports Acrobatics. As with aLL new programs, Program there are occasional hiccups along the way, but with the cooperation of the existing leaders in our

program , we can certainly enhance our new structure and have it running smoothly by the end of 2004. Our 2003 JO and Elite National Championships were once again a success. The number of participants increased to over 530 athletes, making this the largest Sports Acrobatics National Championships ever. I would like to commend Jeff Smith, our Nationals Event Director, for the outstanding event he continues to produce year after year. Our program is lucky to have such wonderful volunteers to produce top-notch events and make the experience for our athletes exciting and unforgettable. There is certainly much to look forward to in the coming year, especially World Championships. World Championships and World Age Group Games will be held in mid-May in Lievin, France. At the 2002 World Championships, mixed pair Arthur Davis and Shenea Booth won the goLd medal. The pair will look to defend their title this year. Our Sports Acrobatics clubs have also produced a strong field of athletes from which our World Champions and World Age Group Games Teams will be selected. It is exciting to see new clubs and coaches participating in our developmental programs as well as our selection camps and competitions. Over the past year and a half, I have been pleased with the development of new Sports Acrobatics programs across the country. It is my personal goal to build upon this growth by creating additional programs, materials, and resources to further assist clubs in starting new Sports Acrobatics programs. Sports Acrobatics offers tremendous benefits for athletes and club owners, especially in providing an alternative for athletes who may otherwise leave the gym because they have excelled as far as they can in artistic gymnastics. In addition to continued growth, it is important that the program remain focused on the ongoing development of our current athletes, coaches, and judges. New educational opportunities are becoming available within USA Gymnastics, including an online education initiative. The Sports Acrobatics program is a partner in the online initiative and we are committed to the development of new educational materials and opportunities for our members. The upcoming year will certainly be exciting for the Sports Acrobatics program in the United States, and I would like to personally wish aLL of the athletes, coaches, and judges a healthy and successful 2004.

Carisa Laughon

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By Patti Komara


t seems while teaching the other four events

in gymnastics it's fairly easy to develop skills, drills, and stations, but the vault event poses some challenging problems for most preschool gymnastics coaches. Hopefully, this article will provide you with some new ideas for skills and drills, as well as spark your imagination for innovative and creative vaulting activities.

helps them learn that a tight body transfers energy better and increases their kinesthetic awareness of a tight, hollow body position. Step, step, jump drills are used to teach the hurdle and are taught

by creating stations with visual cues like round rubber targets. Lay two cues arranged vertically, and then two next to each other. These can be on the floor, on incline mats or on the board. You can also use small hula-hoops or chalk marks on the mats. Anywhere it asks for a "trap", this indicates a trapezoid piece about 18-24" in height. You can, of course, substitute a stacked panel mat. Superman/Wonder Woman is when the student runs, hits the chalk

SKiLLS I believe that when teaching vaulting to preschoolers it is helpful to divide the activities into five component parts: the run, the hurdle (step, step jump), the use of the board, the vault position and the landing. If we think in these terms and divisions, it becomes easier to create relevant preschool teaching stations. To effectively teach preschoolers and keep them motivated, we need to keep them busy. If you have a station set up for running drills, prepare board drills to get them back in line. If you're working on the hurdle going down the vault runway, have them do running drills to get them back in line. In vaulting it is often very difficult to have all the students working at the same time. Lines are almost inescapable, and therefore, you must carefully prepare your lesson plans before class. I have included with this article a list of skills and drills that we use in my program. I'd li ke to explain a few skills in the list.

line or board and lies tummy down with arms extended as the instructor carries them. (You should be a strong coach and effective spotter for this one, but it does establish the idea of flight from the board take-off to arrival on the vault table. This drill is also helpful in developing a "trust" relationship between the student and the coach as spotter.) Have the child practice the position on a mat. A Bunny Hop is a four point skill starting like a bear walk, but both hands move forward at one ti me, then both feetthe child should not go to a full squat. (By the way, bunny hops are also a useful preparatory drill for cartwheels).

Knee Slapper is a tuck jump, but by slapping their knees it helps the preschoolers to understand to bring their knees forward and upward towards their chests.

In the Seat Kicker, the child brings their heels to their bottom in the air. (This drill helps to develop hamstring strength and balance).

In the Statue Game, Parent and Tot (or instructor and student) are

paired in twos. The teacher or Mom attempts to lift the child to a stand from a lying position while the child stays rigid like a statue. This

Pike rebounds are performed from a stand on the take-off board, with the student leaning forward while holding onto two stacked trap pieces.

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This helps them understand the timing off the board. They perform multiple bounces from the board attempting to lift the hips high in the air while pushing down through the arms on the trap pieces. Flanking Around a Trap Piece (with shapes as visual cues) is a great station for students even as young as two years. Prepare one trap piece with vinyl cut-out shapes as visual cues on the trap and around the other eight pieces on the floor). As the preschooler puts their hands on a shape on the trap and flanks, the student should call off that particular shape on which they are standing or placing their hands. You can create other fun games with this approach-use your creativity!

1t1E'RIIN A basic running technique is very important in gymnastics and other sport activities. I suggest that you introduce this over the course of several lessons and then continue to reinforce the concepts and techniques. For example:

As a small warning, I would like to make a point about safety for preschooler and the gymnastics school business. Often our programs represent the first time your preschool student's parent leave their child with anyone for lessons. This alone would make them apprehensive. It is simply imperative to stress the safety measures you take, the extra matting you provide, the fact that your instructors are USA Gymnastics Safety Certified and KATjMELPD Accredited, and that you hold SAFETY as the number one priority.

SlAlioNS I believe that most instructors are familiar with the "mountain" on the uneven bars. You can utilize a similar concept at vaUlting . Begin by having your preschoolers just run up a landing mat over the table(a mini-mountain), getting to the top and jumping off to a stack of eightinch skill cushions with a panel mat or landing mat on top. Make sure you have the landing mats up high enough on the landing side so your preschoolers aren't dismounting any further than they can propel themselves up. Use this opportunity to reinforce your landing skills.

Lesson One- Have the students run and hit a chalk line 15 times. Lesson Two- Review hitting the chalk line a few times and then 15 more runs using the board, teaching them to reach their maximum speed when they hit the board. Lesson Three- Teach them the hurdle or the step, step, jump Lesson Four- Review the run drills and add the brush slap technique to encourage the arms to go around and up. Lesson Five- Work on jogging in place then step, step jump. Lesson Six- Work on landings with straight body and no hollow chest. When teaching landings tell the students to envision themselves landing in a bucket of mud, a jar of peanut butter, or a tub of margarine. On successful landings always show a big Ta-Da! I hope this information gives you an idea of how slowly and methodically I believe teaching vaulting should be conducted for preschoolers and beginners. An important point to remember is that most vaulting drills can and should be taught without the table. With the use of a board, a trap or panel mat, a low beam and an incline mat, you should be able to come up with hundreds of safe and effective drills to increase your students' vaulting awareness and knowledge without the apprehension they might feel if you simply ask them to run full speed towards this giant immovable thing that looks like a big tongue!

SAFElY MOlES An important aspect regarding vaulting safety is to always have proper matting around the table. Bring the table down to the lowest height possi ble. Purchase the eight-inch mat horseshoe mat that fits around the board. Young children have a hard enough time trying to just reach and target the board correctly. I consider it vitally important to always mat extensively when teaching preschoolers. -----------------ÂŤ

You can also use an incline mat going up to the table and one going down the other side. This station would not be for landing drills, but more for the ability to run and use the real vaulting table. If you're looking for another station for preschool run drills, try an incline, minitramp, or board going up to the table and a plastic slide going down. I recommend you not use plastic slides in your preschool gymnastics program just for play, but as a teaching station. Parents might look at the slide and ask themselves why they're paying money to have their children play on slides they can buy for them at home. Only let children go down the slide if they do an L-support or other skill on the vault and a good landing when reaching the end. Try putting a carpet square at the end of the slide for a Ta-Da, and then have them do a forward roll to another carpet square and another good Ta-Da! A great place to use a slide is under the low bar. When the student does a forward roll dismount they land on the slide and then get to slide down and a Ta-Da! This keeps it fun AND serves as a reward.

a ladder or plank up to the table with a mountain down the other side. (If you are using a ladder anywhere in your program, I recommend you use a plank or stacked mats under it so there is no chance for a child to step through the rungs and hit their face.) You can also use the table in the middle of one of your circuits or obstacle courses. For example, put a tunnel to an incline mat, connect it with a ladder to the vault table and then have the (continued to page B)


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students, jump off with a dismount to stacked eight-inch skill cushions. Always remember to have them dismount to a landing mat or panel mat. Another station suggestion is a plank up to the table. From the horse, the child jumps to a mini-tramp and does a tuck jump, pike jump, straddle jump, seat kicker or knee slapper onto a landing mat. (You may want to spot this.)

OTtlfR bfAS AMi) tliNTS 1.

Try to think of different ways to utilize various complimentary

pieces of equipment such as incline mats, mini-tramps, planks, ladders, boards, or octagons (clamped together in front of the table) to create more drills.

2. As a vaulting area to

use on the way back from the table, put a

number of take-off boards down a runway with panel mats over them. Call it "crocodile lane" and have the kids run and hit the boards while pretending to run and jump on all the crocodiles' heads. It helps to mark their "heads" or the place they need to jump with a visual cue.

3. Another fun station for returning the students back in

line is to put stacked panel mats or trapezoid pieces in a row covered with a strip of panel mats. Call this station "hills and valleys" and have them run up and down the various heights. Most equipment suppliers offer preschool vault boards designed for students under 70 pounds-don't permit older/ heavier students to use them or the boards will break down quickly.

• • • •

GymCert's web-based training format allows you to see video streams of the skills being taught. The complete manuals for Levels 1, 2, &3 are online for easy reference. Practice exams allow you to sample the testing format. You can print out your certification documentation


Certification gives you credibility as a gymnastics professional. Club owners get lowered insurance premiums! You will learn how to create a safe environment for the gymnast and provide proper training.

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To summarize, if you teach vaulting to preschoolers by breaking the teaching process down into the five parts mentioned at the beginning of this article, you'll be able to create ideas for drills and make it easier for the young students to learn and most of all. .. have fun . Good Luck! •

Patti Komara has owned and operated Patti's All-Amen'can Gymnastics in Dyer, Ind. , since 1969 where she offers gymnastics, dance, and swimming. Patti began speaking at national seminars in 1981 on preschool and school-age gymnastics and the business of owning a gymnastics school. Patti has since produced more than 60 instructional videotapes for instructors and owners. In 1995 Patti was selected by USA Gymnastics to be a member of the committee that created the KAT preschool gymnastics certification program and co-authored the KAT workbook. Her products can be found at

TEe H N IOU E • fEB RUARV 2004




by Luan Peszek

lexande r Artemev, 18, lives in Lakewood, Colo., and trains at 5280 Gymnastics with his father and coach, Vladmir Artemev. Alexande r was the alternate to the 2003 World Championships team which won the silver medal.


"It was a great experience. Of course I wanted to compete there but it was a good experience and it opened up the world for me. "

When asked about his goals for 2004, Alexander who is nicknamed Sasha, said, "My main goal is to stay healthy and make the Olympic Team and help the U.S. team win gold in Athens."

Alexander finished eighth all-around at the 2003 U.S. Championships and also earned fourth on pommel horse and tied for fifth on vault. Alexander won the 1998 and 1999 JO Nationals, was second in 2001 and third in 2002. He's known for his incredible form and execution while performing his routines. Alexander comes from a gymnastics background. His mom, Sveltana is a former rhythmic gymnast and now coach . His dad, Vladimir, was a member of the Soviet National Team (1977-1987) and the USSR National All-Around Champion in 1984. Alexander was born in Minsk, Belarus, and moved to the U.S. in 1994. Alexander became a U.S. citizen in December 2002.

Alexander graduated from McLain High School in 2003 and is concentrating on training in 2004. He currently trains about five to six hours per day, seven days per week and is preparing for the Winter Cup Challenge where he'll unveil new routines on floor and high bar. His future aspirations are to go to college and study business and eventually open up his own gym . In his free time he enjoys acting as DJ, and working on cars! _

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mwriJ [P([)0~OOf!lG Jjd'~J.58"1IJ Shawn Byler, Ph .D. Performance Coach, Consultant and Licensed Therapist Momentum Performance Development

ndividuaL and team performance is DIRECTLY reLated to how an athLete feeLs [] about him/herseLf. Your athLetes will Learn faster, perform better, and have fewer practice probLems when you, the coach, use techniques to catapuLt the athLete toward confidence and high seLf-esteem.

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Athletes Deserve Respect Too

Treat your athletes the way that you would like to be treated (The Golden Rule!). Respect them and they will respect you. If they respect you, they will learn from you openly and easily and will go to the ends of the earth to perform for you . Being a coach puts you in a unique and powerful position whether you realize it or not. A coach has the ability to make and break the selfesteem of a young athlete. When a coach humiliates and/or demeans athletes on a regular basis, they will fear you, dislike you, and grow to hate the sport. Young athletes are precious treasures in which you have much power to influence toward the positive or the negative. Athletes remember their coaches forever .. . how would you like to be remembered?

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Avoid Comparisons at All Costs

Far too often coaches make the BIG mistake of comparing athletes to one another. Comparisons almost always make athletes feel badly and begin inter-squad rivalries and unhealthy competition. If you're going to compare, do so ONLY to MODEL such as: "Look at the way Janice executes that skill . . . especially watch what she does with her upper body -- that is what we are looking for." Young athletes perceive being compared to others in one of two ways. They are either the winner or the loser. Neither of which will result in raised confidence. The "loser" gets to feel like she/he will never be as good as Janice, or Janice feels guilty for being singled out or for being favored. Children/ teens are young and very sensitive, not ignorant!

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Coach the Whole


in your athlete beyond his/ her athletic abilities, it will go a long way toward making that athlete feel special and valuable. When an athlete knows that you care about him/ her as a person , not just for what he/s he can DO for you or the team, then he or she will "reward" you with high intensity, increased motivation, and peak performances. Giving an athlete the feeling of being valuable is extremely powerful. Remember, you never know what the athlete experiences at home, at school or with friends - your athlete's sport or you, the coach, could very well be their lifeline!

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Do Not Compare Your Athletes' Worth with their Athletic Performance

The athlete is valuable when they win and when they lose. Be sure to re-assure them of this FACT often. When your athletes perform poorly, they do not need any help to feel bad. So do not help them to feel like less of a person by scolding them (do you need your mistakes pointed out to you?) . What they need from you most is a self-esteem boost, not a self-esteem assault. If an athlete knows that his/ her coach will respond negatively when he/s he performs poorly, the athlete will suffer from continuous performance an xiety. No matter how poor you the coach thought the performance was, there are ALWAYS things the athlete did well, find them and point them out, save the criticism for another day. Keep in mind, young athletes are chronic pleasers, and they are trying their best.


'ChaliengeYOUrAthletes ~ without Threats

When you really want your athletes to stretch themselves and push to the next level, challenge them! Encourage them to go for it and let them know that you believe they can do it. A challenge is a positive way to interact with them. It raises their self-esteem. A threat is negative and entails a punish ment. Threats potentially diminish confidence and wi ll set up an ineffective coaching relationship.


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Be Available, But Watch Your Boundaries

When your athletes bring personal problems to the gym, DON'T view this as a hassle and interference to your coaching . Instead, listen to your athlete and let them know they are significant and that their problems are important to you . If you approach their difficulties this way yo u'll auto matically raise their self-esteem. Be very careful. There is a fine line between being supportive and interfering in so mething that may require an outside professional. Lawsuits are unfortunately plentiful!


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Be open, dnect, and honest in your communications to your athletes. Let them know clearly what is expected from them. If you are angry or upset with an athlete's behavior, let them know directly and specifically. Do not expect that they shou ld "read your mind." Speak about the behavior not the athlete. Avoid using terms "you are bad," or "you are a liar." Communicate directly with them and they will do so with you. Manipulation of an athlete is a direct indication of a coach's own personal agenda or emotiona l problems. Pay attention to the reasons you coach. Is it fame and fortune or ath lete wellness?


At the heart of effective communication is listening . The way to make athletes feel better about their self is to listen when they speak to you. Li stening communicates caring on your part and will make an ath lete feel good. So the next time the athlete speaks to you, DO NOT plan out in your head how you will respond. Be si lent outside and inside and just listen.



There is nothing that makes you feel good about yourself as much as knowing that someone you respect understands you . Step into your athletes' shoes when they come to you with their problems. View the world from THEIR perspective, NOT yours. If you let them know that you understand what it's like to be in their shoes, you'll make them feel cared about and valued. Communication with empathy is a key tool to raising athlete se lf-esteem.


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RecogmtlOn 1S one of the most powerful motivators. Every day let your athletes know that YOU know they are there. Thank them for being there. Athletes dedicate so much time and effort to their sport, it is a full time job with no pay! Even simple comments li ke "good effort," "nice job," "way to go" or "good to see you today," go a long way to make your athletes feel good abo ut worki ng with you. Sometimes all it takes is a simple pat on the back from you to help turn around an ath lete's day. Try to recognize more good things about your ath letes' performance than bad.


. ®

Be Extremely Positive


Not much . good comes from negativity. Positive coachlng 1S MUCH more effective than negative coaching. Consistently giving criticism and negative comments to your athletes wi ll not make them feel good about you or themselves, and it certain ly won't inspire them to greatness. Negativity will bring you and everyone around you down. Be positive NO MATTER WHAT. Display a positive attitude and you'll find that it catches on quickly. r



.TurnAthleteFailureslnto n~ Stepping Stones To Success

Teach your athletes that failures and mistakes are a necessary part of the learning process and NOT a cause for embarrassment and humiliation. Model this attitude and you will teach your athletes to take risks and really go for it. Scolding athletes for making mistakes will on ly assault their self-esteem and teach them to expect perfection. Perfectionists are usually unhappy people with unrealistic expectations. After all, an airplane is only on course 5 percent of the flight time, yet they always deliver the expected results! The only way to learn is to first make mistakes. Coach CHALLENGE: If an athlete is not progressing, take a look at your knowledge base, (techniques are always changing) or review your communication style. How effective is it?



When an athlete makes a mistake, try not to single that athlete out and humiliate him/ her in front of the group. Correct the group as a whole when it is possible. When an athlete does something well, single him/ her out by name in front of the who le group and like magic, the entire group will make the same correction. Be sure to use this technique for each athlete at each practice! If there is a need to criticize an athlete, DO IT IN PRIVATE.



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Try not to allow an athlete to put themselves or anyone else down. One negative athlete can bring the who le team down. Insist on positive talk. Try to not allow athlete's negative words or behavior to go on unchecked.



~hemselves be sure that YOU ACT and present yourself

If you want your athletes to feel good about

such a way that speaks of high self-esteem. This does NOT mean that you shou ld go around ina superior or condescending manner. It DOES mean that yo u should act like you va lue and respect yourself. If you do not have high se lf-esteem and confidence, fi nd a professional that can help you achieve it. Low selfesteem and low confidence follows you everywhere and wi ll undoubtedly predict your behavior and effect your team negatively.• In

Coach CHALLENGE: For one or two days, keep a record of how many complim ents you give out and how many criticisms you give out-I

bet you will be surprised! -

- - --




2004 )f---- - - - - - - - - -- - - - 13

Handling Customer Requests for Exceptions: Firm vs Flexible? Every business deveLops ways of doing things, whether by happenstance or by pLan. When a pLan is behind it, we speak of 'poLicies' or 'procedures'. At Kids First, we prefer 'procedures' rather than 'poLicies' for the simpLe reason that a non-coercive approach generally raises Less resistance than a coercive approach (rent the DVDjvideo "Sea Biscuit"). RegardLess, poLicies or procedures, it is certain your business wiLL get its share of clients asking for exceptions and you must be prepared to deaL with them. Here are Kids Firsts thoughts on the subject.

• If a client senses you care more about COMPANY PROCEDURE than the client's needs, you have just created an unhappy client. • If a client senses you deepLy want to HELP and you WANT to grant an exception, even when you must deny it, you have strengthened the reLationship and gained LoyaLty. • Therefore, Kids First seeks to hire onLy peopLe who NATURALLY tend to WANT to HELP others AND ALSO who have the presence of mind to THINK, weigh the facts and ALSO possess the assertiveness to SAY NO when that is the correct decision. • To assess client requests ask -- WiLL granting this exception serve to ... (1) degrade safety? (2) degrade the enjoyment or product vaLue for other clients? (3) cause hardship for the teachers or coaches or others? (4) erode or weaken the procedure for others? (5) encourage this same party to ask for another exception? (6) offer a LONG TERM net GAIN or LOSS to the company, measured in dollars and good wiLL?

Our Beliefs: • Be professional. Businesses that receive a steady diet of petty compLaints are encouraging that behavior via Lack of professionaLism. • Clients don't Like doing business with a business that is rigid and, converseLy... • Clients don't respect businesses that are wishy-washy about their stated procedures and they wiLL 'Lean on' this business as far as they can . • If a procedure is worth documenting it is worth enforcing . Said another way, if you are not going to enforce a procedure, get rid of it!

Hope you are going to have as good a year as I intend to have! Make it a great month!

Handling Requests for Exceptions: • We beLieve that the impuLses peopLe have in their heart WILL be intuited by the other party.

Jeff Metzger USA Gymnasti(s Business Development Portner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

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--l( TECH N IOU E • FEB RUARY 2004 )f--

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Congress - June 23-26, 2004 in Anaheim, CA


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• Credentiallar entrance to Congress sessions and clinics June 24-26, 2004 Anaheim,CA. • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services. • One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday evening, June 26. (additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/ guests are $35 eoch-avai/able at


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registration cancellations must be in w riting _ Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Anention: Cathy Allen Before June 1sl - Registration fee less $30 service fee per person canceling_

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SUBSTITUTION POLICY To transfer registration 10 another person, the new Congress attendee must olso have a Professional or Instructor membership. Before June 21 - $30 per substitution ON-SITE - $35 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Anention: Cathy Allen



TO ATR NS By Brian Eaton and Luan Peszek

2003 World Championships Team Head Coach Kevin Mazeika will lead the 2004 Men's U.S. OLympic Team to the upcoming Olympic Games in Athens. Mazeika was selected during a conference caLL among the Men's Program Committee members, concluding an interview and evaluation process that began in August. "Kevin has achieved a t rack record of success as both an individual coach and as a National Team coach, including the most recent World Championships, and has proven that he is more than capable of guiding the U.S. Men's Olympic Team to a peak performance in Athens," said USA Gymnastics President Bob Colarossi . "Through his involve ment in the National Team Program for the past 16 years, Ke vin has garnered the confidence of the athletes and his fellow coaches, plus the international reputation and experience to achieve a high level of success." Mazeika, 43, of Houston, led the U.S. Men's Team to the team silver medal at the 2003 World Championships in Anaheim, Calif. The 2003 Worlds was the most successful World Championships for the United States since 1979. 2003 U.S. M en's World Championship Silver Medal Team

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Las Vegas, during which six individuals will be selected onto the 2004 National Team. USA Gymnastics will now submit Mazeika's appointment for final approval by the U.S. Olympic Committee. We caught up with Kevin just prior to his departure to the National Team Training camp in January and here's what he had to say.


''I'm grateful and honored to be named head coach by USA Gymnastics. This team will be one of the greatest Olympic Teams ever assembled," Mazeika said. ''I'm looking forward to doing the same things as I did in 2001 and 2003 with the Worlds Teams - developing a very detailed planning process that will lead toward success in Athens, not only to win a medal, but a team gold medal." Mazeika was the head coach for the 2001 World Championships Team as well, which won silver in Ghent, and oversees the training for 2001 World Champion Sean Townsend, as well as Senior National Team member Todd Thornton. Mazeika currently serves as head coach of the Housto n Gymnastics Academy. Mazeika began coaching men's gymnastics in 1984 and has served on the National Team Coaching Staff since 1988. Over the past five years he has coached at more than 30 international competitions and has been head or assistant coach at 12 international team events.

What are your goals for Team USA at the 2004 Olympic Games?

A: No question, the number one goal is to win the Team Gold Medal! I believe we have the talent, depth and spirit to achieve this goal. Additionally we have goals to win medals in the All-Around, and in as many Individual Events as possible. I am confident the Men's Team will achieve these goals because everyone involved in the process is 100% committed to making our goals and vision a reality. Q:

What do you think about the pool of athletes that are potential candidates for the Olympic Team?

A: There are so many great athletes in the U.S. right now, we're very deep. This will be a difficult Olympic Team to make. By virtue of our depth, I believe this will drive everyone to a higher level of performance and excellence. It will be tough , yet the athletes that do make up this Olympic Team will be an incredibly strong and competitive group.

The U.S. men enter 2004 fresh off the program's most successful seaso n since 1979. Team USA finished second to China at the 2003 World Championships, narrowing what once was a nearly five-point gap at the 2000 Olympics to just over seve n-tenths by the 2003 Worlds. Paul Hamm won the first-ever men's World all-around title plus floor exercise gold, with Jason Gatson finishing seventh on still rings and eighth all-around, and Blaine Wilson taking sixth on both parallel bars and rings. The men's program also captured four medals at the Pan American Games.





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Paul Hamm (center) won the all·around at the 2003 World Championships.


What countries will we need to watch as we train for the Games in 2004?


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~~------------------------------------------------------~~~~--~ The 2003 Men's World Championship delegation from the USA. Next on Mazeika's agenda will be analyzing the deep U.S. talent pool during a National Team Training Camp, Jan. 21-16 in Colorado Springs followed by the 2004 Winter Cup Challenge, scheduled for Feb. 6-7 in

competitive for the Team title, and you can't count out Russia either. Of course, everybody steps it up a notch in an Olympic year. I think the Men's Team competition in Athens is going to be very close, very exciting and one of the best events of the Games!


Where do the strengths lie in Team USA?


Team USA's greatest stre ngths are our unity and spirit. I know (continued to page 19)

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(continued from page 17)

other Teams are envious of our unity and spirit, because their coaches have told me so. It's an intangible strength that is the foundation of our Team. When it comes to crunch time and the pressure is on, we know we can count on each other. Our mantra is "One Team - One Dream ."

Q: What will it take for Team USA to win the gold in Athens?


When will the Assista nt Coach be named?



USA Gymnastics Men's Program Manager Bo Marris (Ll and Kevin Ma zeika (Rl .

coaches on the training plan. The coaches and I will adjust it until everyone is agreed' on the plan, then it is established and finalized. During the training camp and in Athens, we will have daily meetings to review each day and discuss the next, and make any training adjustments necessary. This system works well.

The Men's Team has been steadi ly progressing each year. We will continue to progress by paying attention to details and leaving no stone unturned . It's the little thi ngs that wi II make a big difference. There is no substitute for sound planning, preparation and good old fashion hard work, too. I believe Team USA will be physically and mentally prepared, and peaking just right to win the Olympic Games this summer.

According to our procedures, the Assistant Coach must have an athlete on the Team . So after the trials are finished and the Olympic Team is set, I will make my recommendation for the Assistant Coach to the MPC for final approval.


What are you most excited about for this year?

A: I am most excited about the opportunity to help fulfill the hopes and dreams of all those involved in the Men's Program that have worked so hard for so many years. The hope and dream of seei ng our guys on the top of the podium and hearing our National Anthem played at the Olympic Games.

Q: How wi ll you incorporate the personal coaches in your training plan?


My philosophy is that of inclusion and open communication. As I did for '01 and '03 World's, I wi ll solicit input from all the personal

USA Men's Coaches observe training at the 2003 World Team Selection Camp.

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TEe H NI 0 UE • FEB RUARY 2004

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MEMBER CLUB INVITATIONAL LISTINGS Technique magazine will regularly list Member Club invitationals by state in order to help caaches schedule their teams in competitions. When you apply and pay for a sandion with USA Gymnastics, your invitational will automatically be included in the listing. Remember, only USA Gymnastics Member Clubs are eligible for the invitational listing. -


ALASKA Top of the World Gym Invite West Volley HS; 3800 Geist Rd; Fairbnks, AK 02/ 28/ 2004 Gymnosti(s, Inc Phone - 907/ 456-2263 levels -W4-1 0

levels -T5-Elite Gymfest Son Jose State Univ; One Washington Sq.; Son Jose, CA Start Dote - 02/ 20/ 2004 Almaden Volley Gymnosti(s Club Phone - 408/ 268-1272 levels -W4-10

ARIZONA CO(tus Cup 8643 W.Kelton In. Ste 110; Peoria, AZ Start Dote - 03/ 13/ 2004 Oasis Gym And Sports Center Phone · 623/ 977·6399 levels· W4·7

leap Year Invite 117 Capistrano Court; 80kersfield, CA Start Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 aub Nome -Stars GYM Training Center Phone · 661 / 833·3986 levels· W7·10

Desert Devil Classi( 1927 N. Gilbert Rd Ste 107; Meso, AZ Start Dote -02/ 20/ 2004 Desert Devils (Meso) Phone· 480/ 844·9600 Closs/ levels · M7-Elite,W4-Elite Southwest Junior Cup 2004 Altadena Middle S(hool; 14600 S. Desert Foothills Pkwy; Phoenix, AZ Start Dote· 02/ 20/ 2004 Southwest Gym Training Center, Phone - 480/ 730-8911 Closs - MElite-7, MOpen

CALIFORNIA All Olympians Invitational UCWJohn Wooden Or; 405 Hilgard; LA, CA 02/ 28/ 2004 All Olympians Phone - 310/ 301 ·8066 levels -W4-Elite Circus of the Stars 03/ 06/ 2004 leading Edge Gymnastics 487 S Dawson Drive; Camarillo, CA Phone · 805/ 493-2203 levels· W4-9 Flips Ahoy 5 Start Dote · 04/ 25/ 2004 Peninsula Gymnasti(s 1740 leslie St; Son Mateo, CA Phone - 650/ 571-7555 levels · W4-06 Golden 8eor Invitational Start Dote - 05/ 15/ 2004 Golden 8ear Gymnastics A<odemy 25 Sports In; 8erkeley, CA Phone · 510/ 642-0792 levels - W4-6 GTC Invitational Start Dote - 02/ 21 / 2004 GTC A(odemy 13007 Kirkham Way; Ste. B; Poway, CA Phone · 858/ 679·5360

Mardi Gras Invitational Start Dote - 02/22/ 2004 North 80y Athleti( Association 415 MiSSissippi St; Vallejo, CA Phone · 707/ 643-9622 levels -W5-1O MEGA Invite Morin Catholi( HS; 675 Sir Francis Drake; Kentfield, CA Start Dote· 02/ 28/ 2004 Marin Elite Gymnosti(s Academy Phone - 415/ 257-6342 levels -W4-10 Pocifi( Classic Start Dote· 03/ 06/2004 California Elite Sports Center 22982 Avenida Empreso; Ran(ho Santo Morgori, CA Phone - 949/ 589-1512 levels -W7-10 Peter Vidmar Men's Gymnastics Invitational Brentwood HS; 100 S. Barrington PI.; Brentwood, CA Start Dote - 03/ 04/ 2004 Broadway Gym S(hool, Inc Phone - 310/ 450-0012 Closs -M7-Elite SCEGA's California Clossi( Alliont University; 10455 Pomerado Rood; Son Diego, CA Start Dote -02/ 27/ 2004 Southern California Elite Gymnasti(s A(ad. Phone · 909/ 699·4499 levels -W7-Elite West Volley Spirit of the Flame Challenge Start Dole · 02/ 28/ 2004 West Volley Gymnastics S(hool 1190 Dell Avenue, Unit #1; Campbell, CA Phone · 408/ 374·8692 levels · W4·Elite

COLORADO CO Notional Monument Invitational Start Dote· 02/ 28/ 2004

Grand Junction Gym/ Kidz Plex 609 25 Rood; Grand Jumtion, CO Phone - 970/ 245-3610 levels - W7-10 Paige Smith Winteriest Classic Univ of Denver Rit(hie Ctr; 2201 E Asbury Ave; Denver, CO Start Dote -02/ 20/ 2004 Colorado Gymnosti( Institute Phone - 303/ 363-7272 levels - W7-Elite

CONNECTICUT 11 th Annual Ameri(on Gym Invitational Health World Fitness Club; 1096 N Colony Rd; Wallingford, a Start Dote· 02/ 20/ 2004 American Gymnastics Training Center Phone - 860/ 621 -5001 Fox - 860/ 621 -5009 levels/ Closs -W4·Elite; 7 - Elite

a Cup Start Dote · 03/ 14/ 2004 USA Gymnastics 811 Straits Turnpike; Watertown, a Phone - 860/945-6970 Closs - M6-4 FLORIDA Daytona 8eo(h Open O(eon Center Daytona Beo(h; 101 NAtlanti( Ave; Daytona 8ea(h, Fl Start Dote - 02/ 19/ 2004 ACE Gymnosti(s Phone - 407/831 ·2582 Closs/ levels - M7·Elite, W2 . levels Daytona Beo(h Open O(ean Center Daytona 8eo(h; 101 NAtlantic Ave; Daytona 8eo(h, fl Start Dote -02/ 19/ 2004 ACE Gymnasti(s Phone - 407/ 831 -2582 levels - W2-Elite Easter Bunny Invite Start Dote - 03/ 27/ 2004 All Ameri(on Gymnosti(s, Inc 730 St. Johns Bluff Rood North; Jo(ksonville, Fl Phone· 904/ 641·9966 levels · W3·6 Gosparillo Classic Tropicono Field; One Trapi<ono Dr; St Petersburg, Fl Start Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 lightning City Gymnosti(s 14214 N. Nebraska Ave.; Tampa, Fl Phone· 813/ 558·0035 Closs/ levels· M7·1, Tl ·l0

GEORGIA April in Paris Start Dote · 04/ 17/ 2004 Paris S(hl of Performing Arts 130 Andrew Drive; Stockbridge, GA

Phone - 770/ 474-6184 levels - W4-9 Metro Retro Invite 109 Smokehililane; Woodstock, GA Start Dote - 03/ 06/ 2004 North Metro Gymnosti(s Center Phone - 770/ 384-8058 levels -W7-10 Spring 8reak Out Start Dote· 02/ 28/ 2004 Georgia AII·Stars Gymnosti(s 100 londonderry 0.; Ste. 100; Woodsto(k, GA Phone - 770/ 516-2654 levels -W4·10 Spring Fling Optional Challenge P.O. Box 200625; Cartersville, GA Start Dote - 02/ 20/ 2004 Club Nome - Cartersville Twisters Phone - 770/ 387-5629 levels - W7·10

IDAHO Pot of Gold Start Dote - 03/ 05/2004 Meridian A(ademy of Gymnosti(s 1530 East Commercial Ave.; Suite 105; Meridian, ID Phone· 208/ 884·1166 levels/Closs -W4·10, Ml ·7 Swingtime Start Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 Gem State Gym. A(ad 5420 West State Street; Boise, 10 Phone· 208/ 853·3220 Closs/ levels· Ml·7,Mopen; W4-1O

ILLINOIS Midwest Open Univ of Il at Chicago; 901 W Roosevelt Rd; Chi(ago, Il Start Dote · 02/ 20/ 2004 Aerial Gymnosti(s Club Phone - 630/ 495-0150 Closs/ levels -M 6-1; W4-10 Snowflake Women 's Invitational Peterson Park Gymnosti(s Cente; 5801 NPulaski; Chi<ogo, Il Start Dote· 02/ 22/ 2004 Chi(ogo Park Oist Phone · 312/ 742-4927 levels· W4·9

INDIANA 2004 Indy Men 's Classi( Invitational Start Dote · 03/ 06/ 2004 Indy S(hool of Gymnasti(s 9850 Mayflower Park Drive; Carmel, IN Phone · 317/ 872-5948 Closs · Ml ·7

7th Annual Pot of Gold Start Dote -02/ 21/2004 Hoosier Gym. Training Center 5036 S County Rd., 600 E; Plainfield, IN Phone - 317/ 839-9919 levels -W4-9 Intero(tive 2004 Start Dote · 02/ 28/ 2004 Interadive A<odemy of Gym 3795 South US 421; Zionsville, IN Phone - 317/ 733-3386 Closs - M7-Elite, Open

KENTUCKY Champion's Derby Classic KY International Convention 0; 221 Fourth St; louisville, KY Start Dote - 02/ 20/ 2004 Champion Gymnasti(s Phone · 502/ 809-1386 Closs/ levels - M7·Elite; W3·Elite Flippin into Spring Mason Co Fieldhouse; 1320 US 68; Maysville, KY Start Dote - 04/03/2004 Sheri's Oon(e Arts & Gym Centre Phone· 606/ 759·5056 levels - T1·10

LOUISIANA Elmwood Gymnastics A(ademy Invitational Start Dote· 02/ 27/ 2004 Elmwood Gymnosti(s Academy 700 Elmwood Pork Blvd; Suite C; Harahan, LA Phone - 504/ 733-4496 levels - W2-Elite Jambalaya Invitational 37524 Porkbrook Or; PrairieVille, LA Start Dote · 03/ 26/ 2004 Athletes In Motion Phone · 225/ 673-4966 levels· W4·6

MAINE Moine Coast Invitational Camden Hills Regional S(h.; 25 Keelson Or; Ro(kport, ME Start Dote· 03/ 05/ 2004 Fundamental Moves, Inc Phone · 207/ 596·2700 levels· W4·Elite MARYLAND 27th Notion 's Capitol Cup PG County Sports & learning; 8001 Sheriff Rd; landover, MO Start Dote · 03/ 05/ 2004 MarVoTeens, Inc Phone· 301 / 468-9181 levels· W4-Elite Columbia Challenge University of MO; North Gym;

College Pork, MD Start Dote - 02/ 21 / 2004 Top Flight Gymnasti(s Center Phone - 410/ 992-1600 levels -W4-10 Fairland Clossi( Start Dote - 03/ 12/ 2004 Fairland Gymnastics 13950 Old Gunpowder Rd; lourel, MD Phone - 301 / 953·0030 levels · THlite Frederi(k Classic Invitational Start Dote - 03/ 12/ 2004 Frederi(k Gymnosti(s Club 4604 Wedgewood 81vd; Frederick, MD Phone - 301/695·0205 levels -W5-10

MASSACHUSETTS 80ston Invitational Start Dote · 02/ 20/ 2004 Rhythmi( Dreams 19 Ohio Ave.; Newton, MA Phone · 617/ 233-4493 levels· R5-10 little 8igger Invitational Joy(e Middle S(h.; lo(ust 12; Woburn, MA Start Dote - 02/ 19/ 2004 Gymnosti(s And More Phone· 781/938-3669 levels· W4·Elite Starlight Invitational MIT; Moss Avenue; Cambridge, MA Start Dote - 03/ 06/ 2004 Mossa(husetts Gym Center -Wal Phone · 781/893-2009 levels - W4-10

MICHIGAN Gym Jester Invitational Start Dote· 02/ 28/ 2004 Gym-Jester Gymnastics, Inc 2709 Pine Street; Saginaw, MI Phone - 989/ 574·7401 levels -W2-Elite March Madness Start Dote - 03/ 06/ 2004 Greater Kalamazoo World of Gymnasti(s 2723 Kersten 0.; Kalamazoo, MI Phone - 269/ 381 -5749 Closs - M7-1, open Spring Fling Grand Rapids Comm. Ctr.; 143 Bostwi(k Ave.; Grand Rapids, MI Start Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 ANA Sports U.S. Airborne Phone · 616/ 975-2992 levels · W4-10 Spring Fling Gym Invitational Start Dote - 04/ 17/ 2004 Greater Kalamazoo World of

(continued to page 23)





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Patti Komara Patti Komara's Tumblerbear Gym Program D yer, Indiana

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(continued from page 21) Gymnastics 2723 Kersten (t; Kalamazoo, MI Phone - 269/ 3BI-5749 levels -W4-6 Totally Radical Gym Inv Start Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 Greater Kalamazoo World of Gymnastics 2723 Kersten Ct; Kalamazoo, MI Phone - 269/ 381-5749 levels -W5-10

MINNESOTA Midwest Ultimate Challenge Centennial HS; 4707 N. Rd; Circle Pines, MN Start Date -02/ 27/ 2004 Midwest Gymnostics Center Phone - 651 / 482-9616 levels - W4-Elite Northern lights Classic Champlin Park HS; 6025 109th Ave N; Champlin, MN Start Date -02/ 20/ 2004 Twin City Twisters Phone - 763/ 421 -3046 levels - W7-Elite Rising Stars Invitotional North St Paul HS; 2416 E11th Ave; N. St Paul, MN Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Rising Stars Gymnastics Acod Phone - 651/730-4376 levels -W4·10

MISSOURI All American Spring Invitotional Start Date - 03/ 05/ 2004 All American Gymnastics 10449 Midwest Industrial; St. louis, MO Phone - 314/ 426·2496 levels· W5-1O Pony Express Gymnastic Chollenge St Joseph GvicArena; St Joseph, MO Start Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 AriSing Stars Gymnastic Center Phone - 816/ 232·7502 levels· W4·1 0 St. louis Challenge Cup Start Date - 02/ 21 / 2004 Team Central 2675 Metro 8Ivd.; St.louis, MO Phone · 314/ 291 -5436 Class - M7-Elite

NEVADA Caaus Cooler Invitational las Vegas Vet Mem leisure Ctr; 101 SPavillion Ctr Dr; los Vegas, NV Start Date - 02/ 21 / 2004 Desert Gymcats Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 798-3547 levels -W4-Elite las Vegas Flyers Invitational Event Site · 1122 Vista Drive; las Vegas, NV Start Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 las Vegas Flyers Gym Center 1122 Vista Drive; los Vegas, NV Phone · 702/ 877-2266

levels - M7-Elite, Open Springfest Start Date - 02/2B/ 2004 High Sierra Gymnastics 120 Woodland Ave.,Ste. B; Reno, NV Phone - 775/747-774B levels -W4-10 NEW JERSEY The Clover Challenge Start Dote - 03/ 20/ 2004 Star Bound Gymnastics Academy 1274 Highway 77; 8ridgeton, NJ 08302 Phone - 856/ 453-7996 levels -W4-10

NEW YORK Fireball Invitational Stort Dote - 02/21 / 2004 Valley Gymnastics Co. 117 NewHartford St.; New Hartford, NY Phone - 315/ 736-4400 levels -W4-8 Graffiti Invitationol Starpoint Central School; 4363 Mapleton Rd; lockport, NY Start Oote - 04/ 30/ 2004 Flips Gymnastics and Sport Phone - 716/ 433-8811 levels -W4-1O long Island Classic longwood Sports Complex; I longwood Rd.; Yaphank, NY Start Date · 03/ 06/ 2004 long Island Gym Nest Phone - 631/924-9422 levels - W4-Elite

5400 Atlantic Springs Rd; Raleigh, NC Phone - 919/ 790-9400 levels - W4-10, preopt. WNC Championships Start Date - 03/ 06/ 2004 Weyneth Elite Gymnastics Acod 26-AGlendale Ave; Asheville, NC Phone - 828/ 252-8746 levels - W4-10

OHIO Blaine Wilson Ohio Classic Ohio Expo Center; 717 E17th Avenue; (olumbus, OH Start Date -02/ 20/ 2004 Ohio Gymnastics Institute, Inc. Phone - 330/ 793-5200 Class - M7-Elite Buckeye Classic Celeste (enter Ohio Expo Ctr.; 717 E17th Ave; Columbus, OH Start Date -02/ 19/ 2004 Buckeye Gymnastics Phone - 614-895-1611 levels - W4-Elite Queen City Invitational Start Date - 03/ 13/ 2004 Queen City Gymnastics/ Kids First 7900 E. Kemper Rd.; Gncinnati, OH Phone - 513/ 489-7575 levels - TI·Elite, Exhib. Shooting Stars Invitational Start Date - 02/ 21/ 2004 Stars Gym And Dance, Inc. 1232 Falke Dr.; Dayton, OH Phone - 937/ 252-8787 levels -W4·10

lucky Stars Invitational Jamestown Community College; 525 Falconer Street; Jamestown, NY Start Date - 03/ 19/ 2004 Stroup's Gymnastics Phone - 716/ 665-8081 levels -W4-9

Sunrise Gymfest Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Sunrise Gymnastics Acodemy P.O. Box 69; Sylvania, OH Phone - 419/ 841 -2902 levels - W4·10

Niagara (up 2004 Univ of Buffalo Alumni Arena; North Campus Triple Gym; Amherst, NY Start Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 Niagara/ Gleason 's Gymnastics Phone - 716/ 694-6557 levels -W4-Elite

OKLAHOMA Dreomcatcher Classic Western Heights HS; 8401 SW 44th 5t; Okla. City, OK Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Mot TroNers Gymnastics Phone - 405/ 722-0808 levels - W4-10

NORTH CAROLINA Beach Blast Start Dote -03/ 06/ 2004 Gymnastics Unlimited 301-G North Green Meadows Dr.; Wilmington, NC Phone - 910/ 452-3547 levels - W4-9,W preopt.

OREGON Bachelor Invitational Start Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 Acrovision Sports Ctr 63255 Jamison Rd.; Bend, OR Phone - 541/388-5555 Class - MI ·7

Caribbean Invite Start Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 North Raleigh Gymnastics 5400 AtlanticSprings Rd; Raleigh, NC Phone - 919/ 790-9400 levels· W4- IO,Wpreopt. Rookie State Challenge Start Dote - 03/ 27/ 2004 North Raleigh Gymnastics

Emereld Team Challenge lane Community College; 4000 E 30th; Eugene, OR Start Dote -02/ 28/ 2004 Club Nome · Notional Academy of Artistic Gym. Phone - 541 / 744-2002 levels -W4-Elite MAC Dual Invitational Start Date - 03/ 28/ 2004


Multnomah Athletic Club P_O. Box 390; Portlond, OR Phone - 503/ 223-6251 ext 242 levels -W4-6

Northland Gym & (heerleading 43B2-A Gibsonia Rd; Gibsonia, PA Phone - 724/ 444-3010 levels - W5-7

Shamrock Invitational Start Dote - 02/ 28/ 2004 Gym-Nest ltd. 1414 SE 18Th Ave #100; Hillsboro, OR Phone - 503/ 640-6378 levels -W4-1 0

PA NAWGJ Judges Cup Invitational Start Dote - 02/ 27/ 2004 KMC Oance and Gym Center 912 W. Cypress St; KenneN Sq., PA Phone - 610/444-4464 levels - W4-10

PENNSYLVANIA 2nd Annual Bounce Into Spring Invitational Start Dote - 04/ 17/ 2004 Berks East Gymnastics 2490 Schuylkill Rd; Box 312; Parkerford, PA Phone - 610/ 495-2214 levels -W4-6 Dove Invitational Stort Date - 02/ 29/ 2004 lakeNes Gymnastic Acad 8360 Peach Street; Erie, PA Phone - 814/ 864-9363 levels -W4-6 Final Round Up 991 South Bolmar St; West (hester, PA Stort Date -03/ 19/ 2004 AJS PancoN Gymnostics Phone · 610/ 431 ·2477 levels· W4·6

SOUTH CAROLINA Beach Break 2004 3750 Seamountain Hwy_; liNle River, SC Start Date - 02/ 21/ 2004 Gymnastics and More Phone - 843/ 249-5867 levels - W4-10, preopt. Boys Beach Break 2004 Start Date - 02/22/ 2004 Gymnastics and More 523 Highway 17 N; N. Myrtle Beach, SC Phone - 843/ 249-5867 Class - M4-7 Shining Starts Invitational Start Date - 03/ 27/ 2004 Spartanburg Gymnastics Training Center 570 Southport Rd; Roebuck, SC Phone - 803/ 574-0509 levels - GA

Friendship Classic 2004 Martz Hall; 16th & laurel Blvd; PoNsville, PA Start Date - 03/ 18/ 2004 PoNsville Gymnastic Training Phone · 570/ 628-4966 levels · W4-Elite

TEXAS Invitational Start Date - 02/ 28/ 2004 Inti Gym Academy, Inc. 20100 Holzworth Rd. Ste. 8; Spring, TX Phone - 281/528-6050 levels -W4·10

Hug and Kiss Meet Granada Ave Gym & Fitness; 30 E Granada; Hershey, PA Start Dote · 02/ 21/2004 Gymnastic Center of Hershey Phone· 717/ 534·1881 levels · W4·10

lone Star Men's Invitational FEW Education Ctr; 1100 Raider Dr; Euless, TX Start Date - 12/ 06/ 2004 lone Star Gymnastics Phone - 817/ 294-1114 Closs - M7·1

John PancoN Invitational Start Date - 03/ 06/ 2004 John PancoN Gymnastic Center 284 lancaster Ave; Malvern, PA Phone - 610/ 647-9847 levels -W4-10

Operation Rising Star Invitational Start Date· 02/ 27/ 2004 National Elite Gymnastics 7632 WHwy 71; Austin, TX Phone· 512/ 288·9722 levels · W4·10

leap Day Invitational Start Date - 03/ 21 / 2004 Columbia Academy 274 E. Fifth St; 8100msburg, PA Phone - 570/ 387-0539 levels - W4-8

River Walk Classic Henry Gonzalez Convention Ctr; 200 EMarket St; Son Antonio, TX Start Date - 02/ 20/ 2004 Brown's Gymnastics Central Phone - 407/ 869·8744 levels -W4-Elite

March Madness Start Date - 03/ 06/ 2004 Westmoreland Gym School, Inc 73 Huff Ave. Ext; Greensburg, PA Phone - 724/ 832-6744 levels -W5-8, preopt. Northland 's Fun in the Sun Start Dote - 03/ 13/ 2004



The Kurt Thomas Invitational Dr Pepper Stars Center; Frisco, TX Start Dote· 02/ 20/ 2004 Kurt Thomas Gym Training Center Phone - 214/ 387·4707 levels· W4·Elite

VIRGINIA Classics Tune-Up Meet Start Date -05/ 01/2004 Classics Gymnastics Center 2327 Seminole In; CharloNesville, VA Phone - 434/ 978-4720 levels -W4-7 Mother May I Invitational Start Dote - 05/ 02/ 2004 World Class Gymnastics llC 709 Middle Ground Blvd.; Ste 117b; Nwprt Nws Cty, VA Phone - 757/ 873-6440 levels -W4-7 Shamrock Invitational Start Dote - 03/ 20/ 2004 Club Name - Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessionol Place; Chesapeake, VA Phone - 757/547-0169 levels -W4-10 Spring Fling Invitational Start Date - 04/ 24/ 2004 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA Phone - 757/ 547-0169 levels - W4-1 0 Spring fest Start Date - 04/ 04/ 2004 Karon's Gymnastics Center 9890 liberia Ave; Manassas, VA Phone · 703/ 361 -4966 levels · W4-10

WASHINGTON Northshore Invitational Start Date - 02/ 27/ 2004 Northshore Gymnastics (enter 19460 144th Ave. NE; Woodinville, WA Phone -425/ 402-6602 levels · W4·10 Spring Fling Start Date -03/ 28/ 2004 Northshore Gymnastics Center 19460 144th Ave. NE; Woodinville, WA Phone - 425/ 402-6602 levels -W4-6 Teddy Bear Classic Start Date · 04/ 03/ 2004 Puget Sound Gymnastics 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA Phone - 253/ 845·0910 levels -W4·6 The 8unny·Hop Invitational Start Dote - 03/ 05/ 2004 Metropolitan Gymnastics, Inc. 6822 S. 190th; Kent, WA Phone · 206/ 575·4138 levels· W4·1 0, Preopt.

WISCONSIN Saito Invitational Event Site - Wis. State Fair Pork; 8100 W.Greenfield Ave; West Allis, WI Start Dote -02/ 20/ 2004 Salta Gymnastics Phone - 262/782-3430 levels/Closs -W4·Elite; M7·1





This month's main topic is "Sanctions and Procedures." Take the quiz then find out the answer. Answer "True or False"

8. If a club is uncertain of the amount of participants that will attend their event, it is best to pay $100.00 and then we will refund the difference if less than 72 people show up. True or False

1. All sanction changes must be handled in writing. True or False True. Because sanctions are tied into insurance, we must have any changes in writing.

2. Sanctions can be faxed or mailed but can not be done online. True or False False. Meet Directors may apply online through the Member Services "How-To" page. Atthis time, sanction paperwork is mailed from the national office, therefore, the 30 day application deadline applies.

3. The fee for a sanction with 75 athletes is $100.00. True or False True. This is correct.

4. Only in cases such as weather maya sanction date be changed AFTER the original date has passed. True or False

False. Please send $50.00 for your sanction. After the event, you can return the additional $50.00 (if your event had more than 72 participants) along with the sanction report form.

9. Sanctions are really not that important. True or False False. Sanctions are a result of everything that USA Gymnastics and Member Services covers: memberships, certifications, insurance coverage, score qualifications etc.

10. We mail sanctions approval forms even if there is an amount due. True or False False. All dues owed to USA Gymnastics must be settled before we will release your sanction as approved and valid.

11. A domestic sanction can include as many disciplines as the meet director wants to include at no additional cost. True or False

True. If a snowstorm or other "act of God" prevented your scheduled event from taking place, you may submit a request to reschedule in writing.

False. A domestic sanction can only cover one discipline. If you are holding a multi-discipline event, you must sanction each discipline separately.

5. Member Services issues the certificate of insurance for sanctions. True or False False. Member Services mails a sanction packet which includes not only your sanction and information letter but also a form to request the certificate of insurance from K&K Insurance. K&K must issue the certificate of insurance to you.

6. Canadian and Mexican participation in a sanctioned event does not require a request for foreign sanction. True or False

12. People without current membership may compete in USA Gymnastics sanctioned events. True or False False. Any sanctioned event must follow the rules and policies of USA Gymnastics. Any participating athlete, coach, or judge who are non-members may void the sanction, insurance and scores.

13. At this time, only Women's program requires Meet Director certification to hold a sanctioned event. True or False

False. The FIG rules and policies for foreign interclub competitions are the same for Mexico and Canada.

7. Any changes for a sanction must be submitted in writing before the actual event occurs. True or False True. Member Services must have your changes in writing at least 11 days before the actual event.

True. Sports Acrobatics will be adding the Meet Director Requirement in the near future.

14. All sanctions are listed on the website and in Technique magazine. True or False False. Only sanctioned invitational meets conducted by Member Clubs are listed.

r . - = - 2 - = 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ( TEe H N I QUE路 FEB RUARY 2004

)r - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -

MEN'S 2005-2008 JUNIOR OLYMPIC COMPETITION PROGRAM COACHES WORKSHOPS May 9-10 • May 15-16 • May 22-23 San Diego, California and 8 regional sites The 2005-2008 Junior Olympic Competition Program Coaches Workshops will introduce the new programs and new routines for the 2005-2008 quadrennium at nine different National Age Group Competition Program Workshops in the Month of May. These Workshops will cover all aspects of the 2005-2008 Age Group Competition Program, the 2005-2008 National Team Program, a 2005 FIG Code of Points update as well as special presentations on strength development, training plan development and training strategies to maximize the opportunities of the new age group routi ne structure.

San Diego Workshop Information Date:

May 9 & 10, 2004


Sunday evening, May 9 - The Westin-Horton Plaza Monday, May 10 - The Westin-Horton Plaza

Host Hotel:

The Westin-Horton Plaza San Diego 910 Broadway Circle, San Diego, California 92101 619-239-2200 www.sta $129.00/quad - Mention "JO Nationals"

Presenters will include members of the Age Group Competition Committee, members of the Junior National Coaching Staff and guest presenters. The first Competition Program Workshop will be held in San Diego May 9-10 and will begin at the conclusion of the 2004 Junior Olympic National Championships. The dates and sites of the other eight regional workshops are listed below. Plan now to attend one of these important workshops and get a head start on the 2005-2008 Age Group Competition Program. May May May May

15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16

Atlanta, GA Colorado Springs, CO Dallas, TX Indianapolis, IN

May May May May

22-23 22-23 22-23 22-23

Foxboro, MA Minneapolis, MN Portland, OR Secaucus, NJ

Other Hotels: All J.~. National hotels are available at J . ~. Nationals rates. Check the J.~. Nationals web page linked to the men's page at

Hotel site locations and schedule for the May 15 and May 22 Workshops will be announced in the near future. Note: The new Age Group Competition Program materials will only be available in May through works hop registration . On June 1, the Age Group Competition Program manual will be availab le for order through USA Gymnastics.

Tentative Schedule:

kegistration: Pre-Registration for aU Workshops ends April 1, 2004. To pre-register, send the attached regi stration form , along with a check or money order made payable to USA Gymnastics to : Bo Morris, USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 For more information call: 317-237-5050

Sunday May 9 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Early Registration Session I: Group Competition Program General Information & Judging Updates Session I ends

Monday May 10 Cost:

Pre-Registration: $155

On-Site: $185*

Includes: Age Group Competition Program CD-ROM and Video and all Workshop presentation materials.

8:00a.m. 9:00a.m.

*NOTE: On site registrants may have program materials shipped at a later date pending on-site availability. Additional copies of all materials will be available for purchase whi le supplies last. Program materials will be available for purchase from the USA Gymnastics Merchandising Department beginning June 1.

12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

:e ~




-! ... '"" 0


Affiliation: (Circle all that apply) Site Please check which location you plan to attend: Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl

May May May May May

9-10 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16

San Diego, CA Atlanta, GA Cl May Colorado Spri ngs, CO Cl May Dallas, TX Cl May Cl May Indianapolis, IN


22-23 22-23 22-23 22-23


Foxboro, MA Minneapolis, MN Portland, OR Secaucus, NJ

Pre-Registration Late Registration

Registration Session II: Age Group Competition Program/ Events Lunch (on your own) Session III: Team Program/ Future Stars/ Strength Development Conclusion Coach Judge Administrator

Gym Owner Chairman

$155 Pre-registration ends April 1, 2004. $185

Please include your check or money order made payable to USA Gymnastics and send to: Bo Morris, USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

USAG Pro # If paying by credit card (USA Gymnastics prefers Visa), please fax to: 317-237-5069

Address City


Home Phone

Work Phone

Zip Code

Card Number_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Expiration Date _ _ __ Name as it appears on Card (please print), _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E-mail address Signature' _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Club/ Program Name

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The accolades keep rolling in for World Champions Paul Hamm and Chellsie Memmel, who were named finalists for the 74th Annual AAU James E. Sullivan Memorial Award, which recognizes the top amateur athlete in the nation. Hamm and Memmel are two of the 12 finalists included on the final ballot which was mailed to the award's more than 800 voters. The 12 finalists will be narrowed to five on February 9. The recipient will be honored during a formal presentation at the New York Athletic Club, scheduled for April 13. Memmel was the surprise performer of 2003. Memmel captured gold medals in the team, allaround and uneven bars, plus balance beam bronze, at the 2003 Pan American Games. At the World Championships, the alternate-turnedstarter was cast into the line-up just days before the event, yet she shined like a veteran. Memmel led all competitors with the highest all-around marks in the team finals to help the U.S. to its first-ever team gold . medal at a World Championships. Memmel later shared an uneven bars gold with teammate Hollie Vise, helping the United States take home seven medals in all, including five gold.


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Chellsie Memmel

Hamm is the only U.S. male to have earned the title of World All-Around Champion by coming from behind in the last rotation to capture the gold at the 2003 World Championships. Hamm also nabbed floor exercise gold and team silver at Worlds. Hamm secured his spot on the team by winning his second consecutive U.S. AllAround title at the U.S. Championships in June plus four individual medals, including gold on the high bar and pommel horse, and silver on the floor exercise and parallel bars. The only gymnast ever to win the Sullivan Award was Kurt Thomas in 1979 after earning two gold, three silver and one bronze medal at the 1979 World Championships in Fort Worth, Texas.

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ial Paul Hamm

A 10-member AAU Sullivan Committee selected the 12 finalists after reviewing each of the athletes qualifications from over 30 who were nominated. The first round finalists are: Hamm, Memmel, John Fonseca (Karate); Lebron James (Basketball); Barbara Lindquist (Triathlon); Steven Lopez (Taekwondo); Apolo Anton Ohno (Speedskating); Michael Phelps (Swimming); Philippa "Phil" Raschker (Master Circuit - Track and Field); Diana Taurasi (Basketball); Rickie Weeks (Baseball); and Jason White (Football).

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JR. OLYMPIC COMMITTEE MEETING December 5路7, 2003 Indianapolis, IN The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Chairman Tom Koll. I. Roll Call Region I Dan Witenstein Region II Laurie Reid Region III Chery I Jarrett Region IV Don Houlton Region V John Geddert Region VI Larry Goldsmith Region VII Mike Milchanowski Region VIII Paul Padron JOPM Connie Maloney

Everything You Need from One source!

II. Tom welcomed Dan Witenstein as the new representative for Region 1. He also reviewed the timeline for the remainder of the 2005 Compulsory development and the goals for the meeting.

III. 2005 COMPULSORY MASTER WORKSHOPS & TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUMS Connie and Tom reviewed the schedule for the workshops and discussed responsibilities of each member of the committee. The workshops / symposiums are scheduled as follows: Louisville, Kentucky June 2-5, 2005 June 9-12, 2005 Reno, Nevada


Q As Low As



Tom played the final version of the music for the committee. It will be produced on CD only and there will be three versions: competitive music only, music with verbal cues, and music with a verbal 8-count narration.


V. EVALUATION OF NEW OPTIONAL SKILLS Each member of the committee reported on the process of element evaluations in their region. Many have already been already working with their RTC for the upcoming season. Coaches wishing to have a new element evaluated are reminded to send a video and paperwork to both the Regional Technical Chairman and the Regional J.O. Chairman.



VI. FUTURE STRUCTURE OF LEVEL 7 The committee discussed the structure of Level 7 and whether to change it to more of an entry-level optional. Prior to the May 2004 meeting, a survey will be distributed to the Professional members via the website and Regional / State newsletters in order for the RJOCCs to get feedback from the coaches / judges in their regions.

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VII. POSSIBLE CHANGE TO THE 2005路2013 LEVEL 6 COMPULSORY BARS The committee discussed adding the straddle position as an alternative to the 360 0 piked sole circle. ReeBH1H1eRaatiBR tB ~rB'iiae the B~tiBR Bf a B!l:ltatl~ilte Br straaale Bft fBr the 269 0 sBle eirele iR the 1995 eBH1~ltl9B" J"e. el 6 ear rBlttiRe.

Motion: L. Goldsmith Second: C. Jarrett Motion defeated.

(continued to page 30)

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(continued from page 29)



Connie informed the committee that the National Office is planning to add an additional day following JO Nationals in Kissimmee, Florida to p rovide an op portunity for NCAA coaches to observe high school athle tes w ho are interested in participating in collegiate gymnastics. As soon as the availability of the venue is confirm ed, en try regulations and event informa tion w ill be p osted on the website as well as distributed through Regional /State newsletters.

Tom reminded the committee members to submit an y ideas for National Congress p resentations to hi m by Jan uary 15th . Tom will forward the topics and speakers to Connie by January 31st.

XII. OPTIONAL PROGRAM SURVEY Don Houlton volunteered to work on a survey regarding the 2005-2013 optional rules to be posted on the website and in Region al /State newsletters. The surveys will be sent to the Regional JO Ch air so they are aware of the opinions of their constituents and can bring any ideas to the May meeting.

IX. MINIMUM AGE FOR COMPETITION The committee discussed the minimum age requirements for Levels 1-4. Now that USAG is offering competitive opportunities and athlete membership for Levels 1-3, a change in minimum age was discussed . Recommendation to change the minimum age for competing at Levels 1-3 to: 5 years of age for Level 3 4 years of age for Levels 1 & 2 Effective August 1, 2004 Motion: P. Padron Second: C. Jarrett PASSED

XIII. COMPULSORY DEVELOPMENT The rem ainder of the meeting was spent by reviewing the text and vid eo for discrepancies and fina lizin g the text and illustrations that have been completed to this point. Preliminary w ork was d one with the values of the m ajor elements as well as id eas for d eductions. The JO and Technical Committees will work together in May to finalize the list of penalties. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM on Sunday, December 7, 2003. Next meeting is scheduled fo r Mond ay and Tuesd ay, May 5-6, 2004 in Kissimmee, Florida . •

Clarification: The minimum age for Level 4 will remain at 6 years of age. The gymnast must have reached the minimum age for the level b y the day of competition in order to be eligible to compete. Even if she reaches the minimum age for her level by the date of the Championship meet, she is not eligible to compete in qualifying meets until she has had her birthday.

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Recommendation to allow any USA Gymnastics Professional or Jr. Professional member to judge at Levels 1-4.

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Motion: L. Reid Second: D . Houlton PASSED


competitio n or a vacatio n



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Note: Each State Administrative Committee may d ecide the specific requirements for judges at these levels.

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r.-=-3-=-O----- -- - - - - - - - - - 1 ( TECH N IOU E • FEB RUARY 2004 )f - - - - -- - -- - - -- - --

USA GYMNASTICS 2004 KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety considerations, class management, and much more! A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of Jreschool teacher education. This workshop i:; continuing education of th~ KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop presc hool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development,

and much more. This workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD

workshop in your area, 2003 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your workshop has 12 paid participants,

your club will receive one free registration . Member Clubs receive two free registrations.


Complimentary registrations are nontransferable and will only be valid at the workshop you are hosting. The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses caUl·BOO· 345-4719 or visit

r EC H N IOU E • FE BRUARY 2004 ) } - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - : : : - 3 - : : - " .

WDrld Gymnastics VideDs* WOMEN'S PROGRAM #2136


2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition I


2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition I

This set includes all of the Women s Qualifications, Sessions 1- V held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 8 Tapes ............................................... $150.00

This set includes all of the Men s Qualifications, Sessions 1- V held in Anaheim, CA. 10 Tapes. Approximate running time: 20 hrs ...... ............ $175.00 #2237

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition II


2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition II

This set includes all of the Women's Individual All-Around Competition held in Anoheim, CA. Approximately 2 Tapes................................................. $45.00

This set includes all of the Men's Individual All-Around Competition held in Anaheim, CA. 2 Tapes. Approximate running time: 2 hrs 10 min ............ $45.00

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition III



2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition III

This set includes all of the Womens Event Finals Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 1 Tape .................................................. $30.00 #2139

This set includes all of the Mens Event Finals Competition held in Anaheim, CA. 1 Tape. Approximate running time: 1 hr. ........................ $30.00 #2239

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition IV

2003 World Gymnastics Championships Competition IV

This set includes all of the Womens Team Competition held in Anaheim, CA. Approximately 2 Tapes .............................. .................. $45.00

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USA Gymnastics presents

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across the country in 2004 in order to help you ca pitalize on the success that lies ahead. Our industry needs to utilize the exposure we will receive in 2004 to get more kids in our sport and increase enrollment in our gyms. Plan now to attend a business seminar in 2004 so that you're ready to capitalize on the success from the 2004 Olympic Games.

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Wednesday June 23, 2004

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Cost Early Bird: (Register by 4/ 20/ 04) $125 per person (member club) $175 per person (non member club)

On-Site Registration $150 per person (non member club) $250 per person (non member club)

On-Site Registration $155 per person (member club) $200 per person (non member club)

For more information contact USA Gymnastics. Loree Galimore • Club Service Manager Phone: 317-829-5654'




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Addendum to the 2001·2004 Rhythmic J.O. Technical Handbook for Coaches and Judges, 3rd Edition, October 2002 (blue book) (As of November 2003)

If there is no plie or heel drop -0.20 deduction for facilitation of an Identified Skill.

p. 68 - Back Arch with Split-Kneeling: Under "Full Credit", add "Show a fixed position."

This addendum includes all information that has already been distributed in various forms. Providing this one document is an attempt to assist the rhythmic coaches to find all clarifications, changes, corrections within one document instead of having to search for all of the different information th at has been distributed in the past.

p. 69 - Back Arch with Split: no releve required. No deduction if gymnast performs this skill on releve.


Hoop Routine

Hoop Routine

p. 63 - Toss, Illusion, Catch: The hand mayor may not brush the floor during the illusion.

p. 31 and 39 - Balance: Passe with roll and small release: change to "Balance: Parallel Passe with roll and small release-L/R". Under "Full Credit" delete "Hoop roll" and under "No Credit" delete "No hoop roll". Ribbon Routine

Rope Routine

p. 70 - Balance: Leg Front Attitude, Hoop Roll Across Arms and Chest: Balance remains as a front attitude with a large roll, not a front arabesque. (This is irrelevant of FIG) Ball Routine

p. 35 and p. 42 - Pivot Leg Forward: change to "Horizontal circles CW". Under "Full Credit", change to "Min. 45° front leg lift" and under "Validation", change to "35° leg lift".


p. 61 and p. 64 - Arabesque Balance, Arched Stag Sissone: eliminate arch from the stag sissone (straight body position during the jump). Delete from p. 71 "Full credit - horizontal body arch; Validation - body 10° above horizontal; No credit - body any higher." p. 67 -level 7 Ball: add "Active Bounce" to "Side Leap (With Bounce)"

p. 43, Section IV, E. - change to "Knowledge of the apparatus faults for compulsory routines". Floor Routine p. 54 - Back Walkover + Split: Under "No Credit", add "Bridge with kick over". Under "Specific Deductions", add "arms not to the side during the split -0.20". Hoop Routine

Clubs Routine p. 65 - Balance: Assisted Side Extension on One Knee: Clubs must be held by the ends to not be in a static position (as the clubs approach the floor at the end of the large circle gymnast should flex the wrist, clubs parallel to the floor at that moment, then extend clubs upward) -0.50 deduction, no credit for an Identified Skill. Clubs held by the middle are considered to be static. p. 65 - 360° Pivot Leg Forward: This is an Unassisted Pivot.

p. 56 - Balance: Front Attitude with Toss, Catch, Tuck Jump: hoop has to be caught during the tuck jump by going through the hoop to validate an Identified Skill- 0.50 deduction, no credit for an Identified Skill (Catch, then tuck jump). Add this deduction to the table of specific deductions.

p. 65 - Horizontal Toss, Forward Roll, Catch: Watch for the possibility of a static club(s) position prior to or after the forward roll (0.10 deduction each time for static apparatus).


Ball Routine p. 57 - Back Body wave: Under "Full Credit", add "Continuous movement from arch to contraction, beginning with movement through knees, hips, chest, then head."

p. 74, Section 1, A. - Change to "Level 8 program consists of four optional routines." p. 74, Section 2, A. - Delete entire line. p. 74, Section 3, A. - Replace floor exercise judging breakdown with the following judging breakdown and delete pages 75-76:

LEVEl 7 Floor Routine p. 62 - 360° Pivot Leg Side + 360° Passe Pivot: delete "Bend knee" in line 3 and add "Straight support knee" 'There is a plie on the support leg as well as the drop of the support heel after the first 360°, then the support leg is straightened for the next 360°. -

- - - -- - - - - -- - ---{(


(continued to page 37)



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(continued from page 35)

Floor Routine Judging Breakdown: Maximum score -15.00 (same as with present level 8 apparatus breakdown) Teclmical Value - 5.00 max. Artistic Value - 5.00 max. Execution - 5.00 max. Technical Value Breakdown: 8 Body Difficulties (6 isolated + 2 combinations) 1 element from each body grou p (pivot, leap, balance, flexibility) (0.20 each missing one) 1 additional leap, pivot, balance, flexibility (0.20 each) 3 different acrobatic skills (0.20 each ) (only ACRO elements from present FIG Code of Points are valid to fulfill this requirement - see p . 58 in COP)

3.60 max.

0.80 max. 0.60 max.

Artistic Value Breakdown: Basic Choreography (unity, variety, dynamics, choice of body difficulty, floor pattern, connections) Musicality Expression Exceptional Amplitude

3.00 max. 1.50 max. 0.20 max. 0.30 max.


5.00 max.

p. 77, Section D, Combinations - add "Leaps/Jumps are allowed to be repeated in the SAME combination" p. 79, Section IX - Change A and B to "Optional routines are judged by a panel of six judges: two judging Composition / Technical Value, two judging Artistic Value, and two judging Execu tion. The sub panel scores are averaged and the three averaged scores are added."

Other optiollal routine reminders: *Front Attitude Balance and Front Attitude Pivot are NOT in the present Code of Points. Therefore, they w ill not be credited in the routine. * "Slow Turn" (90°) with any leg position is NOT in the present Code of Points. Therefore, it w ill not be credited in the rou tine. * "Jete" with a turn in a stag position (in the J.O. Handbook referred as a turning leap) is a D-Difficulty in the present Code of Points. Therefore, it will not be credited in the routine. There is one turning leap in split position (C-Difficu lty) that will receive credit in a level 8 routine. *Pike jump (take off from 1 or 2 feet) - Both legs must be in horizontal position during the flight for the difficulty to be credited. *Cabriole jump with 1/, turn - To receive C difficulty for the jump, the following criteria has to occur: the kick in the beginning of the jump must be above horizontal, tapping of the fee t should occur before the actual turn of the body in the air and the legs should continue to stay together for the remainder of the jump until the lan ding. (Good height of the jump is required for validation.) *lllusion(s) - Difficulty will not be credited if the hand and / or foot brush the floor. *C-Difficulty Flexibility COP #29, Support on the forearms can now fini sh wi th a walkover out of the position and still receive credit. *All Vertical Jumps and Tuck Jump should maintain the required leg(s) position (for example, in the tuck jump, the knees to the chest) throughout the entire rotation(s) of the body to receive credit for the difficulty.

*All Pivots: When the required amplitude of the pivot is not maintaine d throughout the w hole pivot, the difficulty is not given (no decreasing in the difficulty level is allowed) credit. When the required amplitude of the pivot is maintained throughout the whole pivot, but the rotation is in complete, the value of the diffi culty is decreased. NOTE: Incomplete rotation means that th e gymnast stops the rotation or uses heel support on the floor before completing the specified degree levels for the difficulty (According to the FIG Newsletter #7). *All Leaps/Jumps: When the required amplitude of the leap / jump is not well defined and fixed the difficulty is no t given to that particular leap / jump (no decreasing in the difficulty is allowed), according to the clarifications in the FIG Newsletter #7.

Level 8 TV Forms: Technical Value forms will be required at the 2004 J.O . Championships and then at all competitions in 2005. 10 difficu lties can be written on the form, with a maximum of 2 combinations. All other difficulties must be isolated. Eight highest value difficulties credited w ill count toward the TV score. Basic symbols for different bod y difficulty groups should be used on the form. Forms can be found in the Rules and Policies online.

GROUP Beginner Compulsory Group: rules and routines remain as written Beginner Optional Group: Judged on level 6 requirements. Music Length: 1:15-2:00 minutes • AlI Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum of 6 formations All Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum of 2 collaborations - see definition in FIG Code of Points (Page 94 - 2.1.2) • All pivots are written with an ex tra 180° rotation in order to fully complete the required degree of pivot rotation. This preparation for a pivot always requires an extra 180° rotation. Example: If a 540° is written, it is being judged as a 360° pivot difficulty plus an extra 180° rotation for preparation. • All exchan ges must be executed on releve in 5th position. It is NOT necessary to perform exchanges on difficulty. • COP = FIG Code of Points • TM = Technical Movements (defined in the COP Page 28) • The number listed at the end of the skill refers to the number of the skill in the COP. Floor Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Front Assisted Extension #2 2. A-Difficulty Leap + A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split Leap step Stag Leap #1,#6 3. A-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Back Arch kneeling #26 4. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540° Back Attitude Pivot en dedans #16 5. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Cossack Jump #11 6. Back Walkover, slide to split on floo r Rope Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900° Passe Pivot en dehors #40 2. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split Leap through the rope #1 3. Skipping series-minimum of 3 skips into the rope w ith immediate double jump (2X turn of the rope) 4. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Arabesque Balance with one TM #7 Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min. 4 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min. 2 m eters Hoop Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900°Passe Pivot en dedans #40 2. Toss forward roll catch (optional toss) 3. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split leap w ith hoop in motion #1 4. A-Difficul ty Balance (COP) Front Horizontal Balance with one 'I'M # 1 Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire hoop min. 4 meters

(continued to page 41) --------------~(



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USA GYMNASTICS 2004 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum Course has been introduced as the first in a series of discipline specific courses under the Professional Development Certification program .

The program will cover the following topics: • • • •

The goal of the Women's Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum is to establish a so lid foundation for coaches on gymnastics fundamentals . The focus is to break down the beginning level skills for Junior Olympic Levels I-IV. Solid basics are vital to the physical longevity and to the skill proficiency and progression for the gymnasts. It's much easier to "learn it right" at the beginning rather than trying to "clean it up" later.

Vault Beam Tumbling Psychology

• • • •

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Completion of the two-day, 12-hour course will certify you as a Skill Evaluator. The course is taught through the use of two complimentary texts; Introduction to Gymnastics Cooching Theory and the Level IIV Curriculum Guide; coordinating videos, and hands-on drill and spotting instruction.







12 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

12 p.m.-7 p.m.

This is a great course for all women's artistic gymnastics coaches from novice to club owner. To set up a course, contact the course instructor nearest you. For a complete list of instructors or to view more information regarding the course, visit our web site at www.usa-gymnastics .org.



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- - - - - - - - -----j( TECH N I QUE • FE BRUA RV 2004 )f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --=-.-=-9...... 3

(continued from page 37) Small Exd1ange - Optional toss of the entire hoop min. 2 meters Ball Identified Skills 1. Figure 8 with body motion (optional position, kneeling, standing, traveling, etc.) 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540 0 Arabesque Pivot en dedans #16 3. Backwards body wave with ball in motion 4. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Cossack balance with one TM #29 Large Exd1ange - Op tional toss of the entire ball min. 4 meters **Trap during the catch is VALID **Trap with the use of 2 arms and mest is NOT valid. Catm with two hands is NOT valid. Small Exchange - Optional toss of the en tire ball min. 2 meters **Must be ca ught with one hand Clubs Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Standing Deep Arch with large side circles #26 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540 0 Back Attitude Pivot en dedans #16 3. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Side Assisted Extension with one TM #5 4. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Stag leap with clubs in motion #6 Large Exchange - Optional toss of 1 club min. 4 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of 1 club min. 2 meters Ribbon Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900 0 Passe Pivot en dedans #40 2. A-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Kneeling Back Arch w ith circle of spirals around floor #27 3. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Series (3) running steps over snakes of ribbon to in1media te split leap through the circle of the ribbon #1 4. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540 0 Front Horizontal pivot en dedans #1 Large Exd1ange - Optional toss of the entire ribbon min. 4 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ribbon min. 2 meters Intermediate Group: Judged on level 7 / 8 requirements. Music Length: 1:30-2:00 minutes • All Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum of 6 formations • All Optional Apparatus routines must contain a minimum of 2 collaborations see definition in FIG Code of Points (Page 94 - 2.1.2) • All pivots are written w ith an extra 180 0 rotation in order to fully complete the required degree of pivot rotation. This preparation for a pivot always requires an extra 1800 rotation. Example: If a 540 0 is written, it is being judged as a 360 0 pivot difficulty plus an extra 180 0 rotation for preparation. • All ex manges must be executed on releve in 5th position. It is NOT necessary to perform exchanges on difficulty. • COP = FIG Code of Points

• TM = Technical Movements (defined in the COP Page 28) • The number listed at the end of the skill refers to the munber of the skill in the COP. • Delete flo or and clubs identified ski lls and p. 84 and replace them with the skills below.

Active~p) Hot and Cold Compress Therapy for the foot. ankle and elbow.

Floor and Clubs Identified Skills remain as written in the Clment J.O. Tedmical Handbook. Rope Identified Skills 1. B-Difficulty Balance (COP) Back Attitude Balance w ith one end release of rope (2TM) #10 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 900 0 Passe Pivot en dedans #40 3. B-Difficulty Flexibility (COP) Back Scale # 19 4. A-Difficulty Leap + A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Split Leap step Arched Double stag through rope #1, #6 Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min. 6 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire rope min. 3 meters Hoop Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Cossack jump #11 2. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540 0 Back Atti tude Pivot #16 3. Boomerang roll + Back Walkover catm on floor 4. Balance Front attitude w ith hoop roll across arms and chest Large Exmange - Optional toss of the entire hoop min. 6 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire hoop min. 3 meters Ball Identified Skills 1. A-Difficulty Leap (COP) Side split leap wi th active bounce #1 2. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Front hori zontal balance with ball roll across arms & chest #1 3. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540 0 Back Arabesque Pivot #16 4. Rond de jambe to arabesque balance #7 Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ball min. 6 meters **Trap during catch is VALID **Trap w ith the use of 2 arms and chest is NOT valid. Catm with two hands is NOT valid Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ball min. 3 meters **Must be caught with one h and Ribbon Identified Skills 1. B-Difficulty Leap (COP) "Pencil Jump" with full rotation #37 2. A-Difficulty Balance (COP) Side Assisted Extension with one TM #5 3. A-Difficulty Pivot (COP) 540 0 Back Attitude Pivot with spirals #6 4. 3600 Promenade in Arabesque position (no more than _ rotation at every heel shift) Large Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ribbon min. 6 meters Small Exchange - Optional toss of the entire ribbon min. 3 meters p. 86 Judging Breakdown for Advanced Group: replace entire page with the following Judging Breakdown:

(continued to page 42)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {( r EC H H IOU E • FEB RUARY 2004 )f - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -=-:-1--. 4

(continued from page 41) Floor Routine Judging Breakdown: Maximum score - 15.00 Technical Value - 5.00 max. Artistic Value - 5.00 max. Execution - 5.00 max. Technical Value Breakdown: 8 Isolated Difficulties ("B" or "C" Difficulty COP) (0.50 each) (2 pivots, 2 balances, 2 leaps, 2 flexibilities) 2 Additional "c" Difficulties (0.50 each)

1.00 max. 0.50 max. 0.50 max.


5.00 max.

p. 23, Section III, B: Change "missing a formation (6 required) -0.10" to 4.00 max.


1.00 max

p. 88, Section 1, #2: Change to "There must be a minimum of two movements showing relationships ... "

Artistic Value/Execution Breakdown: Basic Choreography (unity, static, variety, connections, use of floor, formations (min. of 6 required -0.30 each missing), relationships (min. of 2 required -0.20 each missing)) Musicality Expression Exceptional Amplitude Throughout

3.00 max. 1.00 max. 0.50 max. 0.50 max.


5.00 max.

p. 89-90, Section VI, Judging a group optional routine: Delete entire section and replace with the following:

Routine with Apparatus Judging Breakdown: Maximum score - 15.00 Technical Value - 5.00 max. Artistic Value - 5.00 max. Execution - 5.00 max. Technical Value Breakdown: 4 Isolated Difficulties ("B" or "C" Difficulty COP) (0.50 each) 2.00 max. (1 pivot, 1 balance, 1 leap, 1 flexibility) 2 Compulsory Apparatus Skills (0.50 each) 1.00 max. 3 Exchanges (1 Large and 2 Small) (0.50 each) 1.50 max. 1 Additional Large Exchange 0.50 max. Artistic Value/Execution Breakdown: Basic Choreography (unity, static, variety, R/L handling, connections, use of floor, formations (min. of 6 required -0.30 each missing), relationships (min. of 2 required -0.20 each missing)) 3.00 max.



MUSicality Expression Exceptional Amplitude Throughout


VI. JUDGING A GROUP OPTIONAL ROUTINE A. COMPOSmON /TECHNICAL VALUE - Floor Exercise - Score 5.00 max. 1. The judge observes the routine recording:

• All validated "B" and "C" difficulties 2. a) At the completion of the routine, the judge reviews her notes to confirm the presence of the required "B" or "C" Body Difficulties: • 2 different validated leaps • 2 different validated balances • 2 different validated pivots • 2 different validated flexibilities b)The judge calculates the score by giving 0.50 for each validated body difficulty and awarding an additional 0.50 (up to 1.00) for any additional "C" Difficulties above the required 8. c)The scores of the two Composition/Technical Value judges are averaged. When there is a panel of four Composition/Technical Value judges, the high and low scores are cancelled and the middle scores are averaged. B. COMPOSITION / TECHNICAL VALUE - Routine With Apparatus Score 5.00 max. 1. The judge observes the routine recording: • All validated "B" and "C" difficulties • All validated small and large exchanges • Carefully watches for the compulsory apparatus requirements. 2. At the completion of the routine, the judge reviews her notes to confirm the presence of the required: a) Occurrences of the four validated body difficulties (1 pivot, 1 balance, 1 leap, 1 flexibility). A 0.50 deduction is taken for each one missing. The deductions are added and then subtracted from 2.00.

• FE BRUARY 2004 ) f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

b)Exchanges (one large and two small). A 0.50 deduction is taken for each one missing. The deductions are added and then subtracted from 1.50. c)Two compulsory appara tus skills. A 0.50 deduction is taken for each one missing. The deductions are added and then subtracted from 1.00 d) If there is an additional Large Exchange, a 0.50 may be given. e)The judge calculates the score by adding the totals from a, b, c, and d. f) The scores of the two Composition / Tecimical Value judges are averaged. When there is a panel of four Composition / Technical Value judges, the high and low scores are cancelled and the middle scores are averaged.

C. ARTISTIC VALUE - Floor Exercise and Routines with Apparatus Score 5.00 max. 1. The judge observes the routine recording: a)Variety in the use of: choice of bod y difficulties and apparatus handling, floor space, connections, directions, levels, traveling, formations, as well as static apparatus and body deductions. b)Unity in the choreography and relationships in addition to those occurring during exchanges as well as the d ifferent formations. c) Musicality of the group and performance expression. d)Any prohibited elements. 2. At the completion of the routine, the judge: a)Evaluates the unity of the choreography, relationships, variety and the presence of the required number of formations and relationships. Any deductions are added and then subtracted from 3.00. b)From observation, the judge evaluates the musical performance and gives a score up to 1.00. c) If applicable, up to 0.50 is given for expression. d)If applicable, up to 0.50 is given for exceptional amplitude throughout. e)Scores a, b, c, and d are added. f) Each judge follows the above procedures independently and then their scores are averaged. When there are four Artistic Value judges, the high and low scores are cancelled and the middle scores are averaged. D. EXECUTION - Floor Exercise and Routines with Apparatus - Score 5.00 max. 1. The judge observes the routine recording: a)All body, apparatus & music execution faults. b)Faults in synchronization. c) Prohibited elements. 2. At the completion of the routine, the judge: a)Adds the execution faults and subtracts it from 5.00. b)0.20 deduction is given for each prohibited element and subtracted from a. 3. Each judge follows the above procedures independently and then their scores are averaged. When there are four Execution judges, the high and low scores are cancelled and the middle scores are averaged. 4. Neutral Deductions, if any, are subtracted from the sum of the averaged Compulsory / Technical Value, Artistic Value, and Execution scores and the result becomes the final score.

General Corrections to the J.O. Technical Handbook: ' Page 7, section I, C: Level 8 - Delete the first two sentences about floor exercise's identified skills. The rest of the paragraph should read, "Floor routines and routines witl1 apparatus have optional choreography .. .{the rest remains as written)."

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'Page 7, section II: Competition Schedule - delete table and replace it with the following schedule:

(continued to page 45)

- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , ( r EC H N I QUE • FE BRUA RY 2004 ) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : :-=3'1 4


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(continued from page 43)

2004-2007 Apparatus Schedule Individual (Levels 5-8)' Floor Rope Exercise 2004 X X 2005 X X 2001i X 2007 X X

Hoop X X

Ball X


Ribbon X



G roup:





Floor Exercise Beginner Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced Begilmer Compulsory Begumer Optional Intermediate & Advanced Begilmer Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced Beginner Compulsory Beginner Optional Intermediate & Advanced

Hoop BegiJmer Optional & Intermediate Begilmer Compulsory

Ball Beginner Compulsory


Ribbon 2 hoop 2 ball Advanced 2 ball 2 ribbon Advanced

BegilUler Optional & Intermediate Begumer Optional Begilmer Compulsory & Intermediate Begumer Compulsory

' Page 11, section V Deduction: "Small Change in Identified skills -0.10" change to "-0.05" ' Page 13, Apparatus Faults, Rope, add "Feet caught in the rope -0.10" and "Involuntary wrapping with interruption -0.20" ' Page 13, Apparatus Faults, Ball, add "Involuntary incomplete roll over the body with bounce -0.10"

BegiImer Optional & Intermediate

2 rope 2 clubs Advanced 2 hoop 2 ribbon Advanced

'For Levels 7 and 8, a difficulty combined with a non-difficulty or acrobatic movement is considered as a single difficulty. Simply disregard the non-difficulty element for the purposes of technical value. Example: Large throw of equipment during B difficulty leap, forward roll, catch . B difficulty Leap receives credit. 'Dress deductions are neutral deductions and should not be made by individual judges .•

'Page 14, Minimum Amplitude Requirements, in the Note and on the top of the table delete "Double stag" 'Page 15, third table, add "Arched Double Stag" to the title of the table ' Page 15, fifth table, Balances level 7&8, "Foot head high" change to "Foot above head" 'Page 20, XII: delete "8 Floor Exercise" from title of section ' Page 20, Execution /Artistic Value General, "Unequal distribution of right and left hand work -0.10" change to "-0.20" ' Page 24, General, add "Absence of contact with apparatus at the begilming of exercise -0.30" and "Absence of relationships between gymnasts -0.20" 'Page 25, Body Movement Faults, General, change second line to "loss of balance - unnecessary movement with traveling -0.20 ea." ' Page 25, Body Movement Faults, Jumps / Leaps, change "lack of height -0.30 majority" to "-0.20 majority"

Miscellaneous Reminders: 'For Levels 5-7, When an Identified Skill is a Pivot(s), there is no deduction (credit will be given to the skill) taken for over-rotating (more degree than required in the handbook), as long as there are no execution faults and apparatus still perform the required movement(s). 'When the term "passe" is described the knee may be either turned ou t or parallel forward, unless the text specifies otherwise. 'If there are discrepancies between the Technical Handbook and the

video, the J.O. Technical Handbook overrules.


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HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-1 00 words =$100 SUBMIT 101-200 words =$200 Mail your ad and payment to:


Your ad in Tedmique will automaticollv be placed online for 30 days at no add"llionol charge. The address ~: Your 30 days will begin on the next regular postingdate. DEADLINES



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10 10 10 10

NOTE: II the 10th lolls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work day is considered the deadline.

USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLIASE INaUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBLISHED. USAGymnas~cs reserves the right to vary format. Technique is received by more than 16,000 USA Gymnastics professional members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, serVice, or comp'etition here for great reSUlts. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317·237·5050 exl. 246.

USA Gymnaslics 201 S. Capilol Avenue Suile 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225


PAID Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 7867

I f

1004 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. ' Time and date subject to change. See usa-gymnastics.arg for updates_

West Chester, OH 4S069; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler S13-7SS-7162 Course code: SS030720040H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler S13-7SS路7162



February 13


West Chester, OH 4S069; 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. lofts at Wetherington Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler S13-7SS-7162 Course code: SSOS0920040H Instructor: Steven Schoenbaechler S13-7SS-7162

Norman, OK 73072; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 8art Connors Gymnastics Directions: 8en Fox 40S-447-7S00 Course code: JE021320040K Instructor: Janice Eyman 2S4-694-206S

AU9ust 7

June 20

North Myrtle Beam, SC 29S62; 6:00 10:00 p.m. Gymnastics and More, S23 Hwy 17N Directions: Tommy liguori 643-249-S667 Course code: KB02202004SC Instructor: Kimberly Boyd, 803-749-2464

2S 12

Woodward, PA 16862; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp ' lunch available Directions: Steve Hass 614-349-S633 (ourse code: SH06122004PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 614-349-S633


Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts Directions: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430 Course code: BM061920040H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari, 614-777 -9430


Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp ' lunch available Directions: Steve Hass 814路349-S633 Course code: SH071 02004PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-S633

Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp ' lunch available Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-S633 Course code: SH08072004PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-S633 Fairfield, OH 4S014; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy Directions: Sharon litchey S13-860-3082 Course code: BM082S20040H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430

Sel!tember Bridgeton, NJ 06302; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. leonis Cheer & Dance Academy, 110 Cornwall Drive Directions: Don DeAngelis 6S6-4S1 -7991 Course code: PF03072004NJ Instructor: Phil Fronk 6S6-786-3977

Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts Directions: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430 Course code: BM090S20040H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430



(Minimum age for Safety Certifi(ation is 16 years)

Nome: Professional or Inslruclor #: _______ Currenl Safely Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Dole _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _______ Slale:_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) Course Code: Course Cily/ Slale: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dale: Form of Payment:

o VISA o MaslerCard o Discover o American Express

Payment Amounl: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Nome on Cord: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dole: ___ / _ _ Signalure: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Pro-Member wilh Currenl Safely Cerlificalion wishing 10 recertify .......................................................... no charge Pro-Member wilh Expired or New Safely Certification ............ $ 65.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 65.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................ $ 115.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. All registrations must be received al USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date' . late registrations, incomplete regislrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. late regislrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four(4) years. Safely Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safely Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six( 6) months with prior written notificalion. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. 'Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services V!SA' Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 P,,,dSp'",,, GYM~~~TlCS 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212


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