NOVEMBER 10·13 10-13 10-13 10-14 14-19 17-21 21-27
Future Stars National Championships (M) Rhythmic Pan American Championships Notional Coaches Workshop (M) Women's World Championships Selection Camp (W) Freedom Cup (AG) Jeff Metzger's Boot Camp World Championships (M, W)
Colorado Springs, CO Rio de Janeiro, BRA Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX Landover, MD Cincinnati, OH Melbourne, AUS
World Championships (M,W) T.J. Maxx TOPs National Testing (W)
Aarhus, DEN Various Sites
Future Stors Notional Chompionships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M)
T.J. Maxx TOPs Notional Camp (W)
JumpStart National Testing &Super Clinic (TT) TJ. Maxx TOPs National Camp (W) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp TJ. Maxx TOPs BNational Camp (W) Future Stars Camp (R)
7 7-11 7-11
Las Vegas, NV Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ Houston, TX Lake Placid, NY
American Cup
Level 9/ 10 Regionals (W)
Various Sites
JO Notional Championships (W) Level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO National Championships (M)
World Gymnaestrada (GG) Pan American Gomes (M, W, R)
Dornbirn, AUI Rio de Janerio, BRA
National Business Conference Visa Championships (W) National Congress and Trade show
San Jose, CA San Jose, CA San Jose, CA
APRIL 21-22
JANUARY 5-8 14-16 20-25
Continental Brevet Judges Course (M) Super Clinic (AG) Continental Brevet Judges Course (W)
Houston. TX TBD Indianapolis, IN
Winter Cup (M) Rhythmic Invitational (R) Rhythmic Challenge (R)
Las Vegas, NV Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO
American Cup
Philadelphia, PA
1-2 13-15 21-23
Level 9/ 10 Regional (W) Pacific Alliance Championships (M,W,R) Level 9 East &West Championships (W)
JO National Championships (W)
Various Sites Honolulu, HI Nashville, TN/ Colorado Springs, CO Oklahoma City, OK
FEBRUARY 3-4 16-18 19
MAY 4-7 4-8
JO Notional Championships (M) World Team Trials (AG)
Battle Creek, MI Crosby, TX
T.J. Maxx TOPs State Testing Begins (W) J.O. Championships (R) Elite National Qualifier (W) Aero World Championships (AG) Level 9 Championships (R) Aero International Age Group Campetition (AG) GG Nationals GG World Gymnaestrada Training Camp
Various Sites T8D Houston, TX Coimbra, POR TBD Coimbra, POR Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
MAY 11-13 18-20 TBD
JULY TBD 16-19
AUGUST 15 16-18 16-18
World Championships (M,W)
Stuttgart, GER
Future Stars National Championships (M) Notional Coaches Workshop (M) World Championships (TT) International Age-Group Competition (TT)
TBD TBD Quebec City, CAN Quebec City, CAN
Olympic Games (M,W,R,TR)
Beijing, China
JUNE 1 2-4 2-4 12-18 17-18 19-25 21 -24 25
JULY TBD 6-13 27-30 31
National Championships (AG) T&T Notional Championships (TT) U.S. Classic (W) T.J. Moxx TOPs State Testing Ends (W)
TBD Schaumburg, IL TBD Various Sites
Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG)
St. Paul, MN
AUGUST 16·19
W= Women M= Men AG = Acrobatic Gymnastics
R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics B= Business
NOTE: Dates anti events subjeci to change or cancellation.
• NOV / DEC 2005 )
TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling IT = Trampoline/ Tumbling
an official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER
Steve Penny EDITOR
CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Sieve Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomilo; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Tanya Case; SECRETARY: Gory Ander",n; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob Colorossi (Exerulive Commillee), Ron Froehlich IAudilor) and Tanya Case (Sports Auo Techniral CommiHee). AT lARGE MEMBERS: Sieve Bulcher, Paul Spadaro; ATHLETE DIRECTORS: Lonsso Fonloine, John Raelhlisberger, Vanes", Vander ~uym, Karl Heger; USOC ATHlETE OIREaOR: Larissa Fonlaine.
FEATURES Posture and Alignment: The New Compulsory Routines
.. . 6
Judging the New Women's Compusory Routines ...... .
Make Room For That Handstand Dismount.
National Gymnastics Day 2005 .... .
Member Club Invitational listing .... .
CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Sieve Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Oonahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gary Anderson; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom Kall; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoirni Tomila; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Tanya Case; PUBLIC SECTOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlETIC UNION: Ron Ferris; AMERIWI SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Belly Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Francis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE COACHES·WOMEN: Mark Cook; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Sirawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIA· TION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Carole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHlETIC ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Lou Burkel; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Cynlhia Doyle Perkins; NATIONAL GYMNAS· TICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Bulch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. ELITE COACHES AS· SOCIATION·MEN: Thom Glielmi; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION·WOMEN: David Holcomb, Sieve Rybacki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSO· ClATlON: Bill Fosler; U.s. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: SUlie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIANASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: Meg Slephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Ivonko Kirov, Michelle Lorson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom Forsler; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon, Or. George Drew; ACRO·GYMNAS· TICS: Undo Po~er, Joy Binder; ATHLETES COUNCI~ Vanessa Vander Pluym, Caroline Hunl, Larissa Fanlaine, Shannon Miller, Kim Zmeskol·BurdeHe, Jamie Sirandmork, Karl Heger, Joy Thornlon, Sieve McCain, Mhur Davis, USOC Alhlele Rep.; Larissa Fonloine, Executive Board Member John Roelh· lisberger. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kale Faber·Hickie; U.S. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERA· TlON, Howard S(hWO~I. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TE(HNIQUE mogoline, nolire of (honge of address should be mode eighl weeks in advonre. For fastesl servire, please endose your presenl moiling label. Oirerl allsubsrriplion mail 10 TE(HNIQUE Subsrriplions, USA Gymnastirs, 201 S. Copilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TE(HNIQUE is published monlh~ excepl bimanlh~ in Sepl/ Oct and Nov/ Dec by USA Gymnostirs, Pan Ameriran Plaza, Suile 300, 201 Soulh Capilol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·5050) or visil online @ www .usa-gymnastics . org Subsrriplian prices: U.S.-525 per year; Conodo/ Mexi(o-548 per year; all olher foreign (ounlries-560 per year. If available, bark issue single (opies 54 plus pOllage/hondling. All reasonable rare will be loken, bUI no responsibility ron be assumed for unsoliciled malerial; endose relurn posloge. Copyrighl 2004 by USA Gymnostirs ond TE(HNIQUE All righls reserved. Prinled by Spo~ Grophirs, Indionapolis, IN. Member Servi(es l·800·345·4719
Unless expressly identified to the controry, 011 orticles, stotements ond views printed herein ore attributed solely to the authar and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereaf.
180 right
12 !!ipecial Fit AVAILABLE
For Athletes with Disabilities
Member Service Update .................. 24
Event Schedule .................................. 2 USA Gymnastics Message .................. 4
What's New .................................... 24 Classifieds ....................................... 46 Safety Certification Schedule ............ 48
Spotlight .......................................... 12
Athlete Focus ................................... 14
Business Tips .................................... 16 KAT/MElPD .................. .. ................ 18
Women's Program Update ............... 28 Rhythmic Program Update ....... ......... 34
Steve Lange
USA GYMNASTICS Message Dear Members, The USA women's trampoline team won a bronze medal at t he World Championships in Eindhoven, Netherlands, this past September. A really short statement for such a huge milestone! It has been 30 years since the last trampoline medal was earned and this is the first-ever team medal. The women's tumbling and double mini-trampoline teams both won a silver medal and Keith Douglas finished his career with a silver medal in double mini. In individual trampoline, Alaina Hebert moved from eighth to fifth place during finals, which is the best finish since 1974. For years I have told the team to enjoy training, the small and the large competitions, the justfor-fun and the important meets, the places they go, the friends they make and the easy and hard lessons they learn. I didn't need to give the athletes the "enjoy the journey" speech this year because it was obvious that this team did not need to hear it. This team was determined and focused . USA National Team Coordinator Dmitri Poliaroush, the team coaches of Shaun Kempton , Jon Beck and George Drew, and the athletes' personal coaches did a great job of preparing the team. It was an exciting week that gave us the confidence and momentum we need to qualify to the 2008 Olympic Games.
Ann Sims
The J . ~. Level 10 and Junior Elite athletes also competed in Eindhoven at the International Age-Group Competition. They earned 11 medals in thi s competition, with more than 1600 athletes competing, ranging in age from 12-18, from 30 countries. The USA Team had 73 athletes competing and placed third in the total medal count behind Russia and Great Britain. This was a huge accomplishment, considering the large number of athletes competing. The USA coaches, judges and medical staff for the competitions in Eindhoven included three former World Champions and eight former National Team Members. What an awesome display for our program to have these athletes continue to support trampoline and tumbling! ."
o <0
Trampoline has been added to the program of two more prestigious competitions. The team will travel to Honolulu in April for the Pacific Alliance Championships. In August, all of the disciplines-tumbling, individual trampoline, double mini trampoline and synchronized trampoline will compete in Mexico at the Pan American Championships. This competition will serve as the qualifier for the 2007 Pan American Games for trampoline. One of our weaknesses has been the lack of competitions available; so the athletes and coaches are excited about the opportunity to compete at these special events. The JumpStart Program continues to grow with the addition of tumbling this year. National testing for trampoline and tumbling will be in Las Vegas the fi rst week in December. Ou r Regional and State Chairs are working hard to promote t rampoline and tumbling across the USA. Please call them if you are interested in adding a trampoline and tumbling program to your gym! Their contact information can be found at www.usa-gymnastics. org then click the 'Program' button on the left, then click 'trampoline and tumbling; then clic k 'state and regional: Have a safe and successful year!
The photos above show the USA medal w inners atthe Trampoline and Tumbling Wo rld Ch ampionships.
Ann Sims
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TEC HNIO UE â&#x20AC;˘ NO V/ 0 E( 2005
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THE NEW COMPULSORY ROUTINES By Tom Koll, National Junior Olympic Committee Chair
he major theme that continues to run through the new compulsory program is posture and body alignment. As judges and coaches, we often hear people talking about posture and body alignment. What is good posture? How do judges deduct for bad posture? Do judges deduct for incorrect alignment every time they see it or just on major elements? Many specific deductions have been written to help key the eyes of both the coaches and the judges to look for and recognize correct body positioning.
The best explanation that I have heard to describe good posture and body alignment is "Straight is Great." Even when a gymnast is simply standing, there should be a straight line from her head to her feet. One needs to understand that there are different body structures that will stray slightly from that pure line. Powerful buttock muscles will show a more "rounded" buttocks as opposed to gymnasts who have flat buttocks. As a gymnast develops from her "twiggy" figure to that of a young lady, it will be important to realize that a well-developed figure with more curves can still show a straight back and good posture and alignment. Deviations from good posture and alignment often occur for many reasons, including lack of strength, flexibility or many times a lack of body awareness. Let's start from the feet and work up and point out different crucial points that lead to proper alignment and good posture.
should be lifted as high as possible, not halfway. There is a general deduction of up to 0.50 for the entire routine when the gymnast does not show this position (high on toe, feet close together) when required . The difference in this set of routines is the description of the "lock" position. In the past, it was required to have the feet touching. This is no longer a requirement.
2. The knees Unless specified as "in plie" (bend in the knees), the knees should be straight in a standing position. A gymnast's flexibility in the hamstrings (back of the legs) will have a great deal to do with whether or not her legs are completely extended. Tight hamstrings will often lead to bent legs, which leads to deductions.
1800 right
3. The hips, abdominals and pelvis 1. The feet In the new JO Compulsory program, the JO Committee continues to place a great deal of emphasis on a tight releve (stand high on the toes) position. In this position , coaches and judges should look for a straight line from the ball of the foot up through the ankle. The heel
This is the area of the body where most of the problems occur. After coaching and judging for many years, I'm convinced that many times the gymnasts are not aware that they are standing with their "butts and guts out." This needs to be constantly corrected on a daily basis. You will hear many coaches say "hips flat, pelvis tilted under, etc. In many instances, the hip flexor muscle in the front of the leg is so tight that it causes the pelvis to tilt and consequently pushes the
TECH N IOU E â&#x20AC;˘ NOV / 0 E( 2005 ) ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hips back. A consistent flexibility program of stretching this muscle will help with the problem. The pelvis should be straight with the abdominals pulled in to straighten this line.
4. The rib cage I really do not understand why pushing the rib cage out (forward), and sticking the buttocks out has become such a popular thing to do. Many top international performers do this every time they present to the judges as well as during their routines. This is NOT correct posture. If they have studied any dance at all, I'm positive that this could not have been taught by a dance teacher. Needless to say, this "fancy little flair" has trickled down to our young athletes and has created nightmare posture problems. In a straight body position, the ribs should be pressed together and down (not sticking out with an arched back) so as to create a flat straight line.
5. The shoulders The shoulders should be pressed down and wide. They sho uld not be pulled back causing the shoulder blades to pinch together. Nor should they be rounded forward like a "hollow" position on the bars. They need to be wide, open and pressed down. When the shoulders are pressed down, the neck will appear longer and the gymnast will have a taller, lighter, more elegant appearance.
6. The head Too often a gymnast performs a nice leap with good height and extension but she is staring down at the floor. The chin should be lifted with the neck long. Generally, the focus should be slightly above eye level. There are many times in the new compulsory exercises where there is no mention of focus at all. In these cases, the gymnast is allowed to look wherever she wants. However, good alignment during this optional focus is sti ll required. Good posture and alignment is essential throughout the entire exercise, from the beginning pose to the finish. There are a few deductions regarding posture to be aware of: incorrect body alignment, position or posture during major elements is up to 0.20, and incorrect body alignment, position or posture during connections is a general deduction of up to 0.30 for the whole exercise. As a judge, during the connections, I wo uld put a "p" on my paper if a gymnast has bad posture during connections. At the end of the routine, I count up all the "Ps" on my paper and decide how great in total were the errors and apply the appropriate deduction. In closing, I would like to encourage judges to work with the coaches and gymnasts at clinics, workshops, or even visit gyms. Working together to recognize good posture and alignment is what is needed. Only through this collaboration and "meeting of the minds" will our gym nasts benefit.
"Do I put a number on my paper or a letter?" -Tom Koll, National Junior Olympic Committee Chair -Cheryl Hamilton, National Technical Committee Chair
This article is being written to help both coaches and judges understand some of the "in general" deductions for the compulsory routines and how to apply those deductions. These deductions are NOT listed in the gray boxes, but are listed on pages 161 and 162 in the compulsory book. These are not new deductions. However, after teaching several clinics on the 20052013 routines, it has become apparent the application of these deductions needs more education.
Let's start by identifying these deductions. • Page 161 # Incorrect position of arms, head, feet or legs (text errors) (Deduct in general - not each time - according to sma ll, medium & la rge errors) Up to 0.40
- - -
• Page 161 # Incorrect body alignment, position or posture during connections (General deduction for whole exercise) Up to 0.30 • Page 162 # Movement lacking artistry of presentation Up to 0.30 o Quality of gymnast's movement to reflect the style of the choreography Up o
to 0.15
Quality of expression ( i.e. projection, emotion, focus) Up to 0.15
TEe HN IOU E • NOV / 0 E( 2005
Incorrect position of arms, head, feet or legs (text errors) Up to 0.40 Question: What is most important in the compulsory routines? Answer: The major elements. Making sure the text is followed is also important as it defines the exactness of the routines and defines the term "compulsory exercise." However, the main emphasis MUST be placed on the evaluation of the major elements listed in the routines. (These are the elements that have a value listed behind the headings. They are also all listed separately in the Penalty pages in the back of the book and the DVD produced by USA Gymnastics.)
Answer: All major elements (see above for description) can be deducted up to 0.20 EACH for errors in posture/ alignment. Faults in poses, connections, etc. fall under the "in general" deduction. It is very important for coaches and judges to make sure they know what the major elements are. Pay close attention as sometimes the same element can either be a connection OR major element depending on the level.( i.e. The V sit on balance beam is a major element in Level 4, but is a connection in Levels 5 and 6) . Just like above in text errors, when there is a posture error in areas other than major elements, the judge should put a "p" on the paper (NOT a number). When deciding how much to deduct, the judge wou ld count up all the "Ps" and decide how great in total were the errors and apply the appropriate "Up to 0.30" deduction. As in evaluating text errors, the judge must use common sense to determine how great the total errors were.
Movement lacking artistry of presentation Up to 0.30 Quality of gymnast's movement to reflect the style of the choreography (note this is a correction listed on the errata) Up to 0.15
This "deduct in general" deduction is applied when the prescribed positions are not performed exactly as specified in the text. What is important to understand is there is NO specific deduction if, for instance, a gymnast places her arm in side-middle when the text states crown. In this situation, a "tjT"(depending on how big the text error is) should be written on the judge's paper indicating the text was not followed correctly. The judge should NOT write a deduction (number) if this type of error occurs. When deciding how much to deduct, the judge would count up all the "Ts" and decide how great in total were the errors and apply the appropriate "Up to 0.40" deduction. If the above text error was the only text error in the entire exercise, there should be NO DEDUCTION. So the next question you might have is, "How many ''tjT's'' should there be before there is a deduction?" The answer to that question is not simple. There is not a set number because some text errors are larger than others. A gymnast who has her arms in the wrong place during the full turn on floor has made a larger text error than the gymnast who forgets to turn her palm out on the fish pose. The judge must use common sense to determine how great the errors were.
Incorrect body alignment, position or posture during connections Up to 0.30
The choreography of the 2005-2013 routines has incorporated many different styles of choreography. The text in areas is very specific regarding the quality of movement. For example, some movements should be performed supplely, while others should show a dynamic/ sharp quality. Areas not specified can reflect the gymnast's own style.
Quality Qf expression (i.e. projection, emotion, focus) Up to 0.15 The gymnast needs to make the beam and floor routines a performance, not just a routine. She needs to perform as if she were "on stage." Performing with emotion-whether that be happiness (smiling), pnde (lifting the head and chin), confidence (finishing each movement to the ultimate)-is a must to develop a good sense of artistry. Just as with text and posture errors, when there is an artistry error during the exercise, the judge should put an "A"(or "Q" for Quality and 'T' for Expression) on the paper (NOT a number). When deciding how much to deduct, the judge would count up all the "AjQ/Es" and decide how great in total were the errors and apply the appropriate "Up to 0.15" deduction for each of the two categories. In closing, it is strongly encouraged for everyone to work together at clinics, workshops, and especially at practices at a gym. Working together to recognize all the above "in general" deductions along with all other aspects of the routines is what is needed. Only t hrough this collaboration and "meeting of the minds" will our gym nasts benefit.
Question: When do I take a specific deduction (number) for a posture/ alignment fault and when do I just have a general deduction? --.-=-8---------------芦
2005 ) > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Handst:and Dis:rnount: Cheryl Jarrett Regional Junior Olympic Committee Chair, Co/author Compulsory Routines Tom Koll National Junior Olympic Committee Chair, Co/author Compulsory Routines
Cartwheel to Side Handstand, 1/4 (90 degree) Turn Dismount (0.60)
Level 5 Beam Routine Learning how to place skills to make room for the Dismount When training the Level 5 compulsory beam routines, here are a few ideas on how to make it work without crowding the handstand dismount.
Page: 98 Number 14 - The jumps must NOT travel forward ; they must show hip rise. (The athletes are making the mistake of dropping the chest and traveling forward in the jumps.)
To make everything fit the gymnast MUST be at the end of the beam on the cartwheel. If the gymnast cannot get to the end of the beam on the cartwheel, check the skills before the 1/ 2 turn into the cartwheel for areas of improvement.
Before and after the jumps the heels MUST be flat! The gymnast may lower her heels in between the jumps or stay on toe.
Suggestions: • Take fewer steps into the leap. • Make sure the cross handstand is not on the end of the beam.
Starting from the Cartwheel: Page: 97 Number 12 -The Cartwheel - Make sure the cartwheel is stretched out, landing with the second foot close to the end of the beam. THIS is one of the most important areas to make sure the gymnast does not run out of beam for the dismount. Now going into: Page: 98 Number 13 - Cross Pose - step close feet together - take a small step right and close the left foot behind .
Page: 98 Number 15- Pose; Releve Steps - these are very quick and very small steps. For the taller athlete they might even be one foot in front of the other, placing as close as possible - but with rhythm and on high toe! Page: 99 Number 16 - The steps into the arabesque are very small and do not travel much. Look at the gymnast's placement on beam here - there should be about 1/3 of the beam in front of her. Last Picture-after the arabesque - Lower the left leg and step backward into the point position of the right leg. This may be a big step. Page: 99-100 Numbers 17 and 18 - The step into the handstand may be very small, quick, and then kick into the dismount.
TEellN/QUE • NOV / 0 EC 200 5
If the ath lete does not have much room, I recomme nd taking t he
dismount off a straight leg entrance instead of a lunge. The gymnast can make t he handstand strong by practicing a shorter reach into the dismount and usi ng the "levering" action , while putti ng her hands closer to her foot while still maintaining a straight li ne into the handstand. This is just another technique to practice. Some find it is easier th an the low lunge, which sometimes causes difficulty reaching vertical and holding the handstand.
Level 6: • #6: Pose to be about 18 seconds into the routine. • #12: Full turn t o be performed about 35-37 seconds into the routine. • #17: Pivot lunge turn bow to be performed about 50 seconds into the routi ne. • #18: Dismount to be executed between 55-57 seconds into the routine.
Try using t his guide to help with Level 5 & 6 beam timing:
Level 5: • #8: Weig ht tra nsfer to be performed between 19-23 seconds into t he routi ne. • #12: Cartwheel to be executed between 39-41 seconds into the routine. • #17: Bow to be performed at 54-56 seconds into the routine. • #18: Dismount to be executed between 1.00-1.02 minutes into the routine.
Please remember the only time the gymnast should "hold" or "pause" on skills and poses is when it is specifically indicated in the text. In observing gymnasts learning the routines this summer, common mista kes are made regarding rhythm . Some of the common errors are pausing or holding the stag sit after the mount, or the V-sit, the pose after the leap (not the arabesque) , fish pose, cross pose. As the gymnast becomes more comfortable with the routine, the rhythm errors wi II decrease.
Incorrect (simultaneous) hand placement Failure to attain vertical Failure to hold two seconds 114 (90 degree) turn incomplete or overturned Failure to maintain straight body position throughout dismount
0.10 Up to Up to Up to Up to
0 .30 0.20 0 . 10 0 .20
Failure to compete d ismount (these deductions do not include possible body position faults) : When the gymnast attempts but fails to complete the dismount, apply the specific deductions as listed for those phases not performed : Example: Attempts dismount, does not attain vertical, then falls: Deduct: Up to 0 .30 (failure to attain vertical) 0.20 (not held for two seconds) 0.10 (incomplete 90 degree turn) = 0 .60 (for incomplete element) + 0.50 (fall) for a TOTAL of 1. 10 Points of emphasis: Stretched body alignment, head in alignment, hold at vertical.
Try using this guide to help with Levels 4, 5 & 6 beam timing: Level 4: • #3: Coupe walk to heel snap to lock-10-14 seconds • #6: 3/ 4 han dstand 18-\ 21 seconds • #10: Stretch jump, tuck jump-28-33 seconds • #12: Arabesq ue; scale 37-42 seconds • #15: Cartwhee l to side handstand dismount- 45 -50 seconds
Level 5: • • • •
#8: Weight transfer to be performed between 19-23 seconds into the routine. #12: Cartwheel to be executed between 39-41 seconds into the routine. #17: Bow to be performed at 54-56 seconds into the routine. #18: Dismount to be executed between 1.00-1.02 minutes into the routine.
Level 6: • • • • -
#6: Pose to be about 18 seconds int o the routine. #12: Full tu rn to be performed about 35-37 seconds into the routine. #17: Pivot lunge turn bow to be performed about 50 seconds into the routine. #18: Dismou nt to be executed between 55-57 seconds int o the routine.
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For Athletes with Disabilities
special needs gymnastics market is not a very large market, but it's a market that deserves to have gymnastics apparel that fits. I am extremely proud that we have accomplished our goal of being able to offer a special fit for these special athletes. They have enough obstacles to overcome daily, getting a leotard that fits should not be one of them!"
For many years, it has been a goal for GK to develop a special fit for athletes with disabilities. After hearing story after story about how parents and coaches of these specia l athletes actually cut apart and sew together parts of leotards to fit these different body types, GK realized that there was an unquestio nable need to develop a specia l fit for this market. Special needs athletes generally have a different body type and have trouble fitting comfortably into typical gymnastics apparel. Many are forced to perform in shorts and t-shirts as a last resort. GK knows these special needs athletes work extremely hard and believes they shou ld have the same opportunity as any other gymnast to purchase a leotard that fits and is comfortable to wear.
This special fit for athletes with disabilities is exclusively offered by GK, Elite Sportswear and is available in special order competitive leotards, stock leotards, Elite fitted warm-ups and traditional warm-ups.
Sallie Weaver, President of Elite Sportswear, commented, "Developing a special fit for athletes with disabilities has long been a dream of mine. It has literally been on my 'wish list' for over eight years. The
For more information on GK's specia l fit for athletes with disabilities, please contact its customer service department at 1-800-345-4087 or email
GK has been working with special needs athletes, coaches and clubs for more than a year and a half to develop a special fit for leotards and warm-ups that will live up to the superior reputation for which GK has become known. They are currently working to develop the same fit for men and boys next year.
~1-1-2----------------<C TECHNIQUE路 NOV / 0 E( 2005
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Seventeen-year-old Chellsie Memmel won four gold medals at the Pan American Championships in Brazil. Memmelled her team to the title and also won the gold medal in the all-around, bars and beam. She said, "1 was very happy to win. It was a lot of fun and a great wa rm up meet for the upcoming World Championships." Memmel, who is the 2003 Pan American Games all-around champion, successfully defended her title in Brazil. This Wisconsin native looks forward to the upcoming selection camp in Texas for the World Championships and plans to keep the same routines on all four events that she used at the 2005 Visa Championships. Memmel trains at her family gym, M&M Gymnastics, and is coached by her dad, Andrew (shown above), and Laurie Glazer. Gymnastics is definitely a family affair for the Memmels. Both of her parents, Andrew and Jeanelle, were All-American gymnasts and earned full college athletic scholarships. Her two sisters, Mara and Skyler, are currently gymnasts, too .
Medals and trophies fill her room from all the titles she's garnered in the last few years. Memmel is the 2003 co-world champion on bars, 2004 Olympic Team alternate, 2004 World Cup Final bars champion, and 2005 American Cup bars champion, just to name a few. She also won the 2003 TOPS Co-Athlete of the Year award with Carly Patterson. Watch for more success to come from this innovative and dynamic performer.
New from GymCert! Get the edge on your com petition with GymCerts new "Skills & Drills" manual which contains: * several alternate drills, *
Rita Brown
lith Rik Feeney
conditioning exercises, * coaching, safety, and spotting tips. * specific dance drills on beam and floor.
Skill and strength tracking forms are also included for at a glance tracking throughout the season.
TEe HHIOU E â&#x20AC;˘ NOV / 0 E( 2005
5 Hiring Mantras: Part 2 of 5 Part one of this series spoke to the first hiring mantra, Hire the Character, Train the Skill. Before discussing mantra two, I want to make three grounding statements about hiring practices in general. One, great hiring practices lead to great businesses, mediocre hiring practices lead to mediocre businesses, poor hiring practices lead to poor businesses. Two, poor hiring practices are the norm in this industry. Three, the poor hiring practices to which I refer have little to do with "not knowing" and much to do with not following one's knowledge or instincts. It makes zero difference whether one knows what to do if one lacks the discipline or courage to do it. For my money, it is accurate to refer to this as "wisdom" or, more accurately stated, lack of wisdom.
Mantra #2: We shall go short-staffed before we go poorly staffed. Someday you may have an opportunity to ask this series of questions which follows. Query a room full of business owners and ask if they have ever been short-staffed and virtually all will say yes. Then ask if being short-staffed is painful and all will agree it is. Next, ask if they have ever been poorly staffed with an employee lacking 'character' and most will say yes. Then ask if being poorly staffed is painful and virtually all will agree it is. Finally, ask which is more painful, being short-staffed or poorly staffed? I have never had anyone say that
the pain of being short-staffed is more painful than the cancer that comes from being poorly staffed. In other words, everyone seems to be able to verbalize what is the best and least painful path! Yet, I repeatedly witness the same people go back to the real world and proceed to hire people who have a knowable and obvious history of defensive, undermining, ego-driven or deceitful behavior and suffer pain because of it. The pain inevitably caused by this choice was not caused by an absence of knowledge; it was caused by an absence of courage and discipline. It's an example of fears and laziness getting in the way of doing what one 'knows' to be best in the long run. At Kids First, we have a word for the act of making a decision or taking an action that will knowingly bring about undesirable results-we call it irresponsibility! Think about it. Make it a great fall.
Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Portner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center
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TECHNIQUE路 NOV / 0 E( 2005
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fundraising opportunity
athletic booster program - helps teams and organizations raise much needed funds - 100 0/ 0 of proceeds go directly to teams
our commitment to youth sports and fitness - for more information log onto
proud spon sor of usa gym nastics
USA GYMNASTICS 100S KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT worksho p consists of seven productive hours of preschoo l tea cher educa tion. The works hop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety conside ratio ns, class management and much more!
meet the needs of the individual students and encourage ado ption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at a KAT certification course is highly reco mmended, but not req ui red to attend a MELPD course.
A Move ment Edu ca tion and Lesso n Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of fi ve enlightening hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of th is workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to deve lop preschool gymnilstics lesson plans, emphasize de ve lopm ent a l.y appropriate practice s, fundamental skill development, and much mo re. This workshop is designed to help instructors
If there has never been a KAT or
November November November December
19 20 25 16&17
Apple Valley, MN Canyon Country, CA Chandler Al Nashville TN
wo rkshop in your area, 2005 is a great time to host a wo rkshop. Any clu b can host a wo rkshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your wo rkshop has 12 paid participants, your
club will receive one free regi stration . Member Clubs receive two free registrations, with 12 paid participants. Complimentary registrations are non-transferable and will only be valid at the EVENT/CLUB
workshop you are hosting. The works hop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. Courses that do not meet minimum participation levels are subject to rescheduling or cancellation. For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call 1-800345-4719 or visit www. membership/
TAGS South Gymnastics Fun and Fit Gymnastics Aspire Kids Sports Center Margaret Maddox Familv YMCA
952-431-6445 661-255-7244 480-820-3774 615-226-8162
BUILD CONFIDENCE AND SELF ESTEEM Rewa rd your athl etes for th eir achi evements w ith custom printed ri bbons, rose ttes, and medals from Hodges Badge Company. Use our awa rds to encourage gymnasts to bui ld co nfidence, success, and satisfaction. H odges Badge Company manufactures hi gh qu ality, reasonably pri ced awa rd ri bbons, medals and rosettes. W e offer: • Low Manufacturer-di rect pri ces • Qua ntity discou nt pricing - order more, save more • FREE custom logo pri nted on ribbons if your order tota ls at least $75 0 • The largest great range of rib bon and prin t co lors and stock designs to choose fro m - plu s uniq ue co lors on ly avai lab le at Hodges l Place orders on-li ne at www. or by ca lling:
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the choice of champ-ions New for 2005-2006 Coaches/ Club Owners: Call to receive the new free catalogs for your team apparel or pro shop needs. Ask about our custom design services, the GK Risk Free Program and how you can receive wholesale prices on all GK apparel.
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GK is prou d to have been chosen by adidas' to manufactu re the 2005 National Team Competitive apparel for USA Gymnastics.
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Support the Co mpa ny that Supports Your Sport!
ELITE SPORTSWEAR, L.P. • 2136 N. 13th Street / PO Box 16400 / Reading, PA 19612 Toll Free Phone: 1.800.345.4087 • Toll Free Fax: 1.888.866.9884 E-Mail: • Website:
GYMNASTICS COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTES $500,000 TO CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK The gymnastics community across the country celebrated the seventh annual National Gymnastics Day, August 6. The event was once again a big success. In its fifth year of partnership with the Children's Miracle Network, gymnastics clubs have raised $500,000 for local children's hospitals. For the third consecutive year, Gymnastics World of Broadview Heights, Ohio, raised $17,073, more than any club in the country, in support of National Gymnastics Day and the Children's Miracle Network. Ron Ganim, owner of Gymnastics World of Broadview Heights, said, "This is not about winning a clinic with a national team coach or about being on a poster, rather it is simply a great opportunity to help our kids learn how to help others who are less fortunate than they are. If we raise $18,000 next year, I hope a dozen or more clubs beat us."
We talked to Ron Ganim about his success with National Gymnastics Day and here's what he had to say.
Q: How do you raise funds for National Gymnastics Day? A: First of all, in July, I start reminding the kids about
the upcoming NGD event. I ask them to start getting their list of names together. When we hand out the pledge forms in midJuly, I again review our goals and, most importantly, why it is important for them to participate. I stress that it is never about winning the contest, but rather it is about the process and the result of their efforts. Children need to learn to care. They need to realize that all children do not have the life that a gymnast enjoys, i.e. great health, a nuclear family perhaps, a financially comfortable life-style, suburbia, new cars, vacations, etc. We discuss how so many children are stuck in their hospital rooms with little to do for months on end sometimes. Our money helps provide our local CMN affiliate, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, with some money to purchase activities, games, computers, etc., for the pediatric patients' exclusive use. Our local CMN administrators assured us that our funds are used directly for the kids, not for research, salaries, utility bills, etc. When the kids know this, it tends to help them understand their needs a bit better.
Q: Do you raise the funds all in one day in a cartwheel-a-thon? A: Actually the cartwheel-a-thon is the icing on the cake. All funds
Joan and Ron Ganim's gym, Gymnastics World of Broadview Heights, Ohio, raised the most money for Children's Miracle Network for the third consecutive year.
Meghan Sweeney, who is one of the Gymnastics World Level 8 gymnasts, is the single largest fundraiser for the second consecutive year. Meghan, a 14-year-old, single-handedly collected $2,773 on behalf of the Children's Miracle Network. Meghan shared her keys to success. She wrote and sent a letter to let people know about the National Gymnastics Day fundraiser to benefit the Children's Miracle Network. The letter detailed where the funds would go and how they benefit children in her local children's hospital. Meghan sent a hand-written note to every donor!
are pre-solicited and 90% or so has been collected by the day of the cartwheel-a-thon. After the event is finished, there is just a handful of money left to collect. Our kids bring it in on the cartwheel-a-thon day, with remaining uncollected funds turned in during August.
Q: What advice do you have for other gyms that might want to get involved in 2006 with this worthwhile fundraiser?
A: Yes, care a little! You must make a quality decision that this is
worthwhile - that participation will not only make a sick child's life better, but also that it will make their gymnasts' lives better. Doing good is being good. Being good brings rich rewards. Also, maybe other clubs need to know just where their money will be used. They can find out with a phone call.
Meghan and Gymnastics World of Broadview Heights are great ambassadors for a great cause.
USA Gymnastics extends its thanks to all the clubs that participated with National Gymnastics Day this year. Because of our member commitment, USA Gymnastics is celebrating the fifth year of partnership with the Children's Miracle Network and has raised more than half a million dollars for a great cause.
Miracle .. Network'
hos p itols
help i ng
(continued on page 22)
--12."...."..0-- - - -- - -- - - - ---芦
NOV / 0 E( 2005 ) >----
- - - -- -- - - - --
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40 ' x 40' Gymnastic Floor with Foam Border System
40' x 40' Gymnastic Floor.. ........................................... $2,400.00
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42' x 54' Cheerleading Floor.............................. ............. $2,895.00
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All Kits include: detailed instruction manual, springs, hardware & velcro connecting system.
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Roll foam available in custom lengths and colors - Call for pricing
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(continued from page 20)
Participants in CMN Name
City and State
Gymna stics World Splitz Gymnastics
Broadview Heights, OH
Perfect Balance Gymnastics
Illinois Gymnastics Institute Fun and Fit Gymnastics
Dynamite Academy of Gym. Hills Gymnastics Training Ctr. Superior Gymnastics
ACRO Gymnastics Columbia Academy
Canton, m Mays Landing, NJ Westmont, IL 8urbank CA 91504 Waterburg, CT 06705 Gaithersbu rg, MD ~'orrisvil le, NC Westminster, MD
California Sports Center
Bloomsburg, PA San Jose, CA
((assic Gymnastics
Chanhassen, MN
American Gymnastics Acad. J & R Gym nastics
South Plainfield, NJ New Braunfels, TX
Champion Gym nastics
Ho uston, TX
The Flip Factory National Acad. of Artistic Gym
Pensacola, Fl
Springfield, OR
Aim High Academy
East Greenwich, RI
World of Gym nastics
Woodstock, GA Suffolk, VA Dublin, OH Albuquerque, N~' Las Cruces, N~' Mason, OH Hilliard, OH Auro, CO Burbank, CA Hickory, NC Green Bay, WI
TripLe T Gym nastics
Midwest Gym. & Cheerleading Fundamentals Gym Just for Kids
Gym Magic Gym-nation Universal Gymnasts, Inc. Colorado Gym Institute Fun & Fit Gymnastics Centers
Foothills Gymnastics Training Center Tri-County Gymnastics
Shenandoah Tumblers. Inc. Interactive Academy Gymnastics Oswego land Park District Dust Devi ls Gymnastics Diablo Gymnastics School Planet Gymnastics Regional Rec. , Inc. Palmer's Gymnastics Head Over Heels Gymnastics
Flying High Gymnastics Academy Windsor Gym. Training Center
Dayton Acade my of Gym. & Da nce Bright Stars Gymnastics Ricochets Gymnastics Club
Thames Valley Gymnastics of San Antonio
Eagle Gymnastics Choice Gymnastics
Gym South Houston Gymnastics Academy KJ's Gymnastics
Tim Daggett Gold Medal Gym. Central Coast Gym. Sports Center
Winchester, VA Zionsville, IN
Montgomery, IL Demi ng, NM
San Ramon, CA Sacramento, CA
Bentonville, AR Bloomingdale, IL Birmingham, Al
Countryside, IL Windsor, VA Huber Heights, OH Linwood, NJ Hatboro, PA Norwich, CT San Antonio, TX
Smyrna, DE Frisco, TX
Summerville, SC Fayetteville, GA Houston, TX Old Chatham; NY Agawam, MA San Luis Obispo, CA Las Vegas, NV
Brown's Las Vegas 8 & 8 Gymnastics Starkville Gymnastics Richmond Gymnastics Training Ctr.
Starkville, M5 Richmond, IN
Gym Kids
New Windso r. NY
The Victors Gymnastics, Inc.
Rochester, NY Goodyear, AZ Medford, OR Culver City, CA Slidell, LA Mobile, AL Novato, CA Novato, CA Pleasanton, CA Rochester, NY Sparks, NV
Just A Rebel Gymnastics Southern Oregon Gym. Acad. LLC los Angeles School of Gymnastics Gymnastics Plus Amazing Grace Gymnastics Acad. Novato Gymnastics City of Novato Gym nastics Center
West Coast Olympic Gym. Acad. Victors Gymnastics Nevada Boerne Gymnastics Universa l Gymnastics Inc. Red Cedar Gymnastics Rainbow Gym . & Cheer Center 1st Class Gymnastic s Katy Dance & Gymnastics
Dollars Earned
Fairborn, OH
Boerne, TX
Annapolis, MD Okemos, MI Dyersburg, TN Annapolis MD
Katy, TX
rl--=-2--=-2-- - - -- -- -- ------{(
$17,072.51 $7,165.85 $6,005.50 $4,033.00 $3,555.21 $3,500.00 $3,476.60 $3,046.88 52,967.33 $2,916.54 52,894 .00 $2,893 .50 $2,686.00 $2,532.00 $2,443 .00 52,44 1.05 $2,339 .95 $2,175.00 $2,101.00 $2,100.00 $2,066.20 52,025.00 $1,965.45 51,806.00 51.664.00 $1.366.25 $1.362.50 $1.362.50 51,266.00 51,236.00 51,228.00 $1,183.15 $1,109.85 $1,109.85 $1,020.95 51,000.00 51,000.00 $1,000.00 51,000.00 $987.75 $889.35 5780.00 5760.00 $741.00 $733.25 $700.00 5659.00 $625.40 $591.00 $556.97 5510.00 5500.00 $500.00 $500.00 5500.00 5483.00 $398.75 $374 .00 $369.00 $358.75 $354.98 5340.00 $320.28 $320.00 5307.00 $307 .00 $300.00 $300.00 5300.00 $259.50 $255.00 5250.65 $250.00 $250.00 $232.00
Dance Moves and Gymnastics All American Gymnastic Aca demy Athens Clarke Gymnastics Academy Fliptastic! Gym nastics Brown's Gymnastics
Zenith Elite Gym. Academy
Lafayette, IN Wilbraham, MA Athens, GA Columbus, OH
$200.00 $200.00 $155.00 $135 .00 $120.00 $105.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $85.00 $80.00 $75.00 $60.00 $50.00 $36.00 $2 1.00
Houston, TX McKinney, TX
McDonough, GA
Olympia Gymnastics Center Cabarrus County Gym nastics Art of Gymnastics & Cheer Jersey Jets Gymnastics Triad Gymnastics
Concord, NC Rio Grande, NJ
Rhyth mic Attitudes of Houston
Mt. Laurel, NJ Ankeny, IA West Palm Beach, FL Mobile, AL Michigan City, IN Westenfeldt, TX
Competitive Edge Gymnast
Winchester, VA
Gym. World of the Palm Beaches Planet Gymnastics Platinum Gymnastics
Amount Donated to CMN in the last S years.
2003 2002 2001
$ 120,000
-- $501,989.65
Next year's National Gymnastics Day is set for August 5, 2006!,
TECHNIQ UE â&#x20AC;˘ NOV/ 0 EC 2005
) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Who wants to see another first?
The people of Chevron know about being first. Chevron was the first to be designated TOPTIER gasoline by BMW, GM, Honda and Toyota. So it makes sense that Chevron has been, and will continue to be, a proud sponsor of U.s.A. Gymnastics, a team that tirelessly strives for top tier performance. Their success is inspirational and we wish them all the best.
Š 2005 Chevron Products Com an Sa n Ramon CA. All ri hts reserved.
member• serVlces
E-mails Please! Make certain you keep up with the latest news and important information from USA Gymnastics. Please keep your e-mail address current with USA Gymnastics Member Services. It is easy to add when renewing your membership or logging in at the "update your address" link on the Member Services online services at l
Introductory Members If you are registering Introductory members, you must have the member fill out the proper Introductory form. Please do not use the Athlete form for Introductory Memberships. The Introductory form can be found in the forms section at
Coming Soon! - Introductory Coach Membership Online USA Gymnastics is offering the Introductory Coach Membership for all Level 1-3 coaches. All Introductory Coaches must become safety certified. They must also complete the Introductory Coach application and keep it on file. The form can be located online in the forms section. This lower cost alternative allows coaches of Levels 1-3 with current safety certification to participate in sanctioned events. The membership is modeled after the Introductory Membership and will be available for online registration. The membership card will also be
printed through our online system. Introductory Coach applications may be faxed to Member Services for processing until the online service becomes available .
CORE Workshop The CORE workshop symposium held October 28-30 in Indianapolis was a huge success. There was a full range of courses covering various topics for your preschool teachers, cheer teachers, class coaches, financial manager/owner, and front office manager. Keep watching for more information regarding a CORE workshop coming soon to an area near you.
Sanctioning Your Event •
Make certain that you are not voiding your sanction by including participants in your event without current membership and certifications. • If you are holding a non-sanctioned portion to your sanctioned competition, you are jeopardizing your sanction and are not covered by the insurance. Protect your club! • If you are hosting an event and wish for participation from a club anywhere outside of the United States (including Canada and Mexico), you must obtain a foreign sanction. The foreign sanctioning process involves obtaining permission from the federations of all countries that you wish to invite. Upon approval of your foreign sanctioned event, all foreign participants must obtain a foreign athlete number to compete, coach or judge the event. For more information on foreign sanctioning, go to the forms section and print a request for foreign sanction form .
Athlete Signatures Starting with the 2005-06 athletic season , the athlete signature is required on all athlete membership forms for acceptance. The parental and athlete signatures are required to indicate that both understand the waiver. This decision was made by the insurance company that covers our sanctioning.
U.S. OLYMPIC HALL OF FAME The 1984 U.S. Men's Olympic Team, which earned the USA's first Olympic team gold medal, and Shannon Miller, who has won more Olympic and world medals than any other U.S . gymnast, will be inducted into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame at the Harris Theatre in Chicago, Ill., on Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Shannon Miller has won more Olympic and world medals than any other U.S. gymnast.
1984 U.S. Men's Olympic Team
This is a great honor for the inductees and the sport of gymnastics. The U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame currently has three individual members from gym nastics: Mary Lou Retton, Bart Conner and Peter Vidmar. The addition of the 1984 Men's Olympic Team and Shannon demonstrates the excellence of their accomplishments.
Other members of the 2006 Class are: Olympians Evelyn Ashford (track and field), Rowdy Gaines (swimming), Bob Hayes (track and field) and Kristi Yamaguchi (figure skating); Paralympian Diana GoldenBrosnihan (skiing); Coach Herb Brooks (ice hockey); Jack Shea (speedskating) in the Veterans category; and Special Contributor Dick Ebersol, chairman of NBC Universal Sports and Olympics . TECHNIQUE· NOV / 0 E( 2005 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Elite Sportswear GK Sallie Weaver, President, 2136 N. 13th St., Reading, PA 19612 1-800-345-4087'
Sport Graphics Frank Hancock, Owner/CEO, 3423 Park Davis Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46235 1-800-792-3403 •
A-1 Awards Stephen Capper, Owner/CEO, 2500 N. Ritter Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46218 1-800-444-9569' 317-546-9000 •
Bronze Level Sponsor/Suppliers Interactive Academy Gymnastics, Zionsville, Indiana - Lisa Stanton, Kendra Brens, Tom Housley Midwest Gym Supply, Inc., Paul Kemp, President/Owner National Travel Systems, Allan Judah, President/ Owner Resilite Sports Products Boone Village Subway 106th Grill HH Gregg - Dennis May Zionsvi lle Papa John's
TECHNIQUE • NOV / 0 E( 2005
)>-- -- - - - - - -- - - - -
Somewhere along the line, being a gymnast became more than just fun. Now it's her passion, and her accomplishments in the gym help define who she is. She learned to push herself beyond what she thought she could do - to become stronger, better, more determined. Her favorite leotard? Motionwear. Shouldn't it be in your shop?
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Indianapolis, IN Order Desk: (888) 576-0609 E-mail: Call for a catalog and more information
Tom requested that the committee members poll their regions and communicate with the manufacturers before a final decision is made. The issue was tab led until more information is availa ble. Clarification: The sting mat cannot be placed on the board on vault. The mat must be on the runway only. Level 9 East/West Meet Next year's format for the Level 9 East/West Championships will be 3 sessions on Friday and Saturday and two sessions on Sunday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dan Witenstein - Sue Graff Laurie Reid - Linda Mulvihill Cheryl Jarrett - Carole Bunge Don Houlton - Linda Thorberg John Geddert - Char Christensen Larry Goldsmith - Pat Panichas Mike Milchanowski - Myra Elfe nbein Paul Padron - Marian Dykes Tom Koll Connie Maloney arrived at 10 a.m. Cheryl Hamilton Kathy Kelly
Compu lsory Uneven Bars Recommendation for the compulsory exercises, to allow the coach to stand between the bars for the entire routine. Motion: L.Goldsmith Second: J. Geddert PASSED
Eva luation of new Elements performed at the 2005 JO Nationals: • Low Bar Geinger in tuck position -C (Turchin) • Giant Circles (Front or Back) with straight body/ legs performed on the low bar are the same value as those performed on the high bar. • Beam-Aerial Cartwheel with an additional 1/ 4 turn out (tinisica) (Perry)- D • Beam-Front Aerial land on two feet (Davidson)-D • Floor-Khorkina with an additional 1/1 t wist (Toussaint)-D
II. ELITE GK Tom introduced Sallie Weaver, President of Elite GK . Sallie addressed the committee regarding GK's sponsorship of the JO Program . Sallie welco mes all comments regarding the apparel for the athletes and the regions. Remi nder: The regions wi ll have the same color leota rd for the entire quad. 2005 is the first year of the quad.
III. ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES Tom asked the committee members to speak with their Regional Administrative Chairman about the Regional Meetings that might be needed at Congress and forward the informatio n to Kathy Kelly or Kathy Feldmann. Tom reminded t he committee members that the Women's Program Summit (Appreciation Dinner) is on Wednesday night before Congress. Tom encouraged everyone to attend. The committee discussed the formats for the State and Regional Meets. The following recommen dation was made. Recommendation that for State and Regional competitions, the RJOCC and RTCC will have approval for the formats and numbers with suggested guidelines. This does not apply to Invitational Meets. Motion: C. Christensen Second: J . Geddert PASSED Recommendation that a mlmmum of 2:00 minutes of timed warm-up is required in the Modified Traditional Format for Level 7 through 10. Motion: L. Reid Second: L. Mulvihill PASSED The committee discussed the issue of "sta ndardizing" the dimensions of the sting mat.
Recommendation that all age divisions may use the beam at any height, regardless of age division; however, the height must be within a minimum of 100 cm. (+ or-lcm.) and 125 cm. (+ or-l cm.). Motion: C. Jarrett Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED
Recommendation that each gymnast is guaranteed a maximum of bto VauLts in the 30 see. toueh for JO optionaL. Motion: J. Geddert Second: D. Houlton FAILED Clairification: For those states who host sectional meets independently from invitational meets, the State Committee in conjunction with the meet director will determine by draw the placement of teams within sessions.
IV. BIDS FOR JO NATIONALS Connie apprised the committee of bids that have been recieved for JO Nationa ls and East/ West Meets. Connie wo uld like to have the bids set for the quad by this fall. Committee input is appreciated. Meeting Adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
1 2 3 4
Dan Witenstein Laurie Reid Cheryl Jarrett Don Houlton conhnued on poge 30
. . . - : : - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;(
TECHNIQU E • NOV /0 E( 2005
)>-- - -- - - - - -- -- - - -
con#nued from page 28
Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Chairman SDWP
John Geddert Larry Goldsmith Mike Milchanowski Paul Padron Tom Koll Kathy Kelly
ONTARIO, CA MAY 16-17,2005 Meeting Commenced at 2:30 p.m.
II. FUND RAISING The committee discussed philosophies and opportunities for fundraising.
III. LEVEL 2 & 3 Recommendation to allow each state to conduct a State Meet for Levell, 2 or 3. Motion: C. Jarrett Second: P. Padron PASSED
IV. MOBILITY LEVELS The committee discussed mobility and the entry requirements and felt there was no change needed to what is currently in the R&P for the compulsory levels and made the following recommendations for optional levels. Recommendation to allow optional level athletes (8,9,10) to drop back one level without petitioning to do so. Motion: M. Milchanowski Second: D. Witenstein PASSED
V. JO CALENDAR Tom reviewed future State, Regional and National Meet dates. State Meets-March 11-12 or March 18-19, 2006 Regional 9/10 Meets-April 1 & 2, 2006 East/West-April 21-23, 2006 JO National-April 28-30, 2006 State Meets-March 24-25 or March 31-April 1, 2007 Regional Meets-April 21 & 22, 2007 JO Nationals-May 11-13, 2007 East/West-May 18-20, 2007
Cheryl Hamilton Sue Graff Linda Mulvihill Carole Bunge Linda Thorberg Char Christensen Pat Panichas Myra Elfen bei n Marian Dykes Audrey Schweyer
Concerning Test Administrators: • Those individuals that the TC have deemed eligible to be considered for a position as a Test Administrator (TA) have received a letter asking for acceptance. • The USA Gymnastics Nationaloffice should send a follow up letter with specific information for TAs to be aware of before accepting the TA position and giving the test. • TAs must pass all ratings they wish to achieve prior to receiving their testing packet and giving the test. • Failure to take and pass the appropriate levels prior to giving the test waives the TAs right to achieve a rating for 8 years. • Registration for Judging Accreditation will be done on-line at the USA Gymnastics web site. TAs will be required to obtain all information on-line. • TAs will be given a $100 honorarium provided ten test parts are given. Pre-approved expenses will be reimbursed. TA Workshops Current TA Workshops are scheduled at the NAWGJ Sym posi um in Portland , Oregon and the USA Gymnastics Congress in Indianapolis, IN.
State Meets March 29-30 or Apr. 5-6, 2008 Regional 9/10 Meets-April 18-20, 2008 East/West -May 9-11, 2008 JO National-May 16-18, 2008
VI. REPLACEMENT POLICIES Recommendation to the Administrative Committee that Meet Directors of all Sanctioned events allow entry to replacement athletes without any additional fee. Motion: D. Houlton Second: J. Geddert PASSED (See Administrativew Committee minutes from August 2005)
VII. FOREIGN ATHLETES The committee discussed the issue of foreign athlete participation at National Meets. It was decided that an impact study should be done.
VIII. JO COMPULSORY WORKSHOPS Tom went over the schedule and responsibilities for the committee at Compulsory Workshops. Committee adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Chairman Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII Assistant Chair
Recommendation to the USA Gymnastics Accreditation Coordinator to offer additional TA Workshops at the Compulsory Workshop & Technical Symposium in Region 3 and Region 6/7. Motion: C. Bunge Second: M. Dykes PASSED After communicating these opportunities to those eligible to attend a TA Workshop, these additional TA sessions will not be conducted due to lack of interest. The TC maintains the policy, as in the past, to allo w judges to attend only one judging course. Judges should attend the course for the highest rating for which they are eligible and wish to achieve. Recommendation that International Brevets from another country that have been actively judging in the JO Program during the last four years and will not recertify at the International Brevet level will be eligible to attend the JO National Course #2 for new national ratings. Recommendation that members of the Technical Committee and the Junior Olympic Committee who currently hold USA Brevet or con#nued on page 33
TEe HNIOU E • NOV / DEC 2005
) r - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -
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New CDmpetitiDn DVDs NOW AVAILABLE! #21402005 Visa Championships Junior Women's Preliminary Competition DVD
video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educational purposes. It is not the television broadcast of the competition. $25.00
Thi s DVD contai ns the Jr. Women's Preliminary Competition from the 2005 Visa Championships held in Indianapolis, IN on Aug. 11, 2005. Please note that thi s disc is DVD-R form at. It can only be viewed on a DVD-R co mpati ble player. The footage was shot by amateur video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educational purposes. It is not the television broadcast of the competition . $25.00
#2141 2005 Visa Championships Senior Women's Preliminary Competition DVD This DVD contains the Sr. Women's Preliminary Competition from the 2005 Visa Championships held in Indianapolis, IN on Aug . 11. 2005. Please note that this disc is DVD-R format. It can only be viewed on a DVD-R compatible player. The footage was shot by amateur video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educatio nal purposes. It is not the television broadcast of the competition. $25.00
#2241 2005 Visa Championships Junior Men's Event & All-Around Finals Competition DVD Thi s DVD contains the Jr. Men's Event and All-Around Competition from the 2005 Visa Championshi ps held in Indianapolis, IN on Aug. 10, 2005. Please note that this disc is DVD-R format. It can only be viewed on a DVD-R compatible player. The footage was shot by amateur video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educational purposes. It is not the television broadcast of the competition. $40.00
#2242 2005 Visa Championships Senior Men's Event & All-Around Finals Competition DVD This DVD contains the Sr. Men's Event and All-Around Competition from the 2005 Visa Championshi ps held in Indianapolis, IN on Aug. 12, 2005. Please note that this disc is DVD-R format. It can only be viewed on a DVD-R compati ble player. The footage was shot by amateur video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educational purposes. It is not the television broadcast of the com petition . $40.00
#21422005 Visa Championships Junior Women's Event & All-Around Finals Competition DVD This DVD contai ns the Jr. Women's Event and All-Around Finals Competition from the 2005 Visa Championships held in Indianapolis, IN on Aug. 13, 2005. Please note that thi s disc is DVD-R format. It ca n only be viewed on a DVD-R compatib le player. The footage was shot by amateur video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educational purposes. It is not the television broadcast of the competition . $40.00
#21432005 Visa Championships Senior Women's Event & All-Around Finals Competition DVD This DVD contains the Sr. Women's Eve nt and All-Around Finals Com petition from the 2005 Visa Championships held in Indianapolis, IN on Aug. 13, 2005. Please note that thi s disc is DVD-R format. It can only be viewed on a DVD- R compati ble playe r. The footage was shot by amateur video volunteers. It is a technical video to be used for educational $40.00 purposes. It is not the television broad cast of the competitio n.
#4005 2004 T.J. Maxx Tour of Gymnastics Champions DVD Indianapolis, IN Bold. Dynamic. Completely Unrestrained . The 2004 lJ. Maxx Tour of Gymnastics Champions features t he stars of Athens in a creative and entertaining atmosphere with lights, music & drama! This DVD is from the Indianapolis, IN stop on Oct. 15, 2004. It was filmed by video volunteers and is not the television broadcast. $30.00
#41 00 New USA Gymnastics OHicial's Patch
#2240 2005 Visa Championships Senior Men's Preliminary Competition DVD
Description: Thi s embroidered patch was designed fo r all gymnastics officials to add a professional look to their official attire. The patch ca n be attached to any garment by two pins that are included. The size of the patch is 2 '/<,' by 3 '/,'.
This DVD contains the Sr. Men's Preliminary Competition from the 2005 Visa Championships held in Indianapoli s, IN on Aug. 10, 2005. Please note that this disc is DVD-R format. It can only be viewed on a DVD-R compatible player. The footage was shot by amateur
NAME ..................................................................................... ................................................... PHONE ............................................................................. .. ADDRESS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . CITy .................................................................................................................................................................................................... STATE ...................... ZiP ................................................... . GYMNASTICS MEMBERSHIP #................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..
CARD #................................................................................................................................
Pro Members receive a S%
SIGNATURE ....................................................................................................................................... .
......................................................................................................................... .
510.01-540 540.01-560 560.01 -580 580.01-5100 5100.01-5150 OVER 5150.01
ADD 5 6 ADD 5 7 ADD 5 8 ADD 5 9 ADO 514 ADO 520
National ratings be exempt from attending and testing at the USA Brevet Course or the National Course. Motion: A. Schweyer Second: L. Mulvihill PASSED The committee continued working on the presentations for the National Technical Symposiums. Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m .
II. ATHLETE REPRESENTATIVE The committee discussed the position of the Athlete Representative on the Selection Committee for the process of the selection of the 2005 World Championships team . Recommendation to accept the Athlete Council recommendation for Kim Zmeskal-Burdette to act as the Athlete Representative for the Selection Committee for the 2005 World Championships. Motion: D. Strauss Second: A. Fong PASSED The committee discussed the difficulties of obtaining an athlete representative who is available to attend selection camps and competitions. The committee asked Larissa to provide them with a job description for the Athlete Representative so that the committee can seek out former athletes who might wish to serve.
I. ROll CAll Coaches Representatives:
Athlete Representative National Team Coordinator Chairman Elite Program Manager Vice President Program
Al Fong Valery Liukin Donna Strauss Mary Lee Tracy Larrissa Fontaine Martha Karolyi (absent) Steve Rybacki Gary Warren Kathy Kelly
Steve and Larissa will discuss the issue again with Steve Penny at the Board Meeting in November.
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NOV / 0E( 2005 ) - - - - - - - - - --------::: 3-=3'.
recognition award for qualifying to their Regional Team. • Age Groups may be subdivided to the benefit of the athletes allowing for more age groups and more awards. ' Junior Olympic Age Group: Child 6-11 yrs., Junior 12-15 yrs. and Senior 16 yrs. & older. Examples of subdivisions: a. Child AI 6-8 yrs, Child BI 9-11 yrs. b. Child AI 6-7 yrs., Child BI 8-9 yrs., Child CI 10-11 yrs. c. Junior AI 12-13 yrs., Junior BI 14-15 yrs. Proposal/Passed: Entry fees for the 2005-2006 Season are as follows,
JR. OLYMPIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING INDIANAPOLIS IN AUGUST 12, 2005 Roll Call: Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Judges Rep Coaches Rep Guest: RTC Rep
Jody Hurlburt Joyce Chaplin Perryne Thompson (for Beth Halloran) Suzi DiTullio Nancy Martin Marya Fenandez Tyana Marlowe Ivanka Ivakirova Nadine Davies
Committee members had discussion and clarification regarding the new compulsory/optional program for the 2005-06 Season. Proposal/Passed: The Junior Olympic Championships will now include Regional Teams representing Levels 6, 7 and 8. Groups will be eliminated from this event to allow for the inclusion of the Level 6 Regional Team. (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Groups will conduct their own Championship event upon approval of the RPC.) Proposal/Passed: The Level 5/6 Championships will now become the Level 4/5 Championships in conjunction with the USRGCA Classics event. Proposal/Passed: The Regional Teams attending the Jr. Olympic Championships will consist of 24 members-8 athletes from each level. • The top 6 athletes in rank order from each level at the Regional Championship meet will be named to the "Regional Team." • The 7th and 8th ranked athletes from each level will be named as alternates. • All athletes compete for individual awards. • The "Regional Team" score will be tallied using the top four event scores from each level. • Any non-citizen ranking among the top 6 places at the Regional Championships will be invited to compete at the Jr. Olympic Championships. Proposal/Passed: The Awards for State and Regional Competitions are as follows: • Levels 4-6 will receive Achievement Ribbons for all events. • Levels 4-6 will receive All-Around Medals, (1st -12th place). • S~~e. and Regional Championships will award AA awards by age d1V1S1on. • Non-citizens will receive duplicate awards. • GuestslOut of StatelOut of Region will receive comparable awards (50% up to 12th place). • Athletes advancing to the various Championships should receive a
Level Level Level Level Level Level
3 4 5 6 7/8 9/10
$35 or $15 per event $45 or $15 per event $55 $65 $85 $95
Proposal/Passed: Regarding "Attire" for competitions. Level 3/4 athletes must compete in one leotard for the entire competition. Level 5-8 athletes may compete in individual leotards. Clarification from the RTC: • The JOPC would like to request a handout explaining the following: Balances-Level 3-6 Require one Technical Movement Flexibilities-Level 3-6 Require the equipment to be in motion throughout. • The JOPC agrees to the equipment specifications below: Child size ages 11 years and under Junior size ages 12-15 years Senior size ages 16 and older Housekeeping Items: • Regional Chairs will forward their updated competition schedule to the USA Gymnastics office by October 1. • With the intentions of promoting all competitions throughout our regions we agree to forward our updated competition schedules and club mailing list to the Region 1 website. • State and Regional Chairs will contact A-1 Awards for the new achievement ribbons and AA medals order form. • All regions should conduct their annual Judging Courses prior to the qualification events scheduled in their region . • Meet directors should carefully consider the number of judging officials needed and the order of competition now required for Levels 3-6 before hosting a meet. Respectfully submitted, Suzi DiTullio JOPC Chairman
RHYTHMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 12, 2005 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Roll Call: Lucy Kerznerman Vanessa Vanderpluym Ivanka Kirov Suzi DiTullio Nadine Davies Andrea Schmid Efrossi na Ang uelova Jan Exner Absent: Michelle Larson
Coach Representative Ath lete Representative Membership Director (non-voting) JO Chairman Judge Representative Rhythmic Vice Chair National Team Coordinator (non-voting) Program Director (non-voting) Membership Director (non-voting)
"1-;;;3~4;---------------C rECHNIQU E • NOV / 0 E( 2005 ))-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I. PROGRAM REPORT 1. An FIG Rhythmic Technical Clinic will be held in Italy. Egle Abruzzini and other prominent judges and coaches will be clinicians. USA Gymnastics will send Jan Exner, Program Director and Efrossina Anguelova, National Team Coordinator to the clinic. 2. USA Gymnastics sent two judges to the Professional Judges' exam
in Switzerland. Nadine Davies has achieved the Professional Judge for Artistry and has been invited by the FIG to judge the 2005 World Championships in Baku. 3. The JO Handbook for the new compulsory/optional program was
finished on time for the presentation of the new program at Congress. Congratulations and many thanks to Brooke Toohey, Nadine Davies, Efrossina Anguelova and Iliana Ivanova for their contributions to the new program for this quadrennium. 4. The committee agrees that articles related to the sport of rhythmic
gymnastics are important yet hard to find. We agree to ask coaches and judges to submit articles to the publications department for input in future Techniques. 5. Congratulations to Lucy Kerznerman for her election to the
Rhythmic Program Committee as Coaches Representative.
• Sub-committee was formed to clarify the qualification process for this competition. (S. Ditullio, L. Kerznerman) • The entry and qualification information will be established and published by January 2006. Motion: Second: Passed
Andrea Schmid Vanessa Vanderpluym
III. SCHEDULE CHANGE Recommendation: Allow at least two weeks between the national qualifying meets (Eastern/Western). Motion: Vanessa Vanderpluym Second: Lucy Kerznerman Passed
IV. JUDGING ISSUES Recommendation: Any USA Gymnastics Judging Official scheduled for (Eastern/Western/Nationals) may not evaluate or critique routines for the period beginning two weeks prior to the first qualifying event and ending with the conclusion of the National Championships. This includes: club visitations, viewing of DVD or video, phone or email consultations. Violation of this ruling will result in the official's removal from her national judging assignments.
II. GROUP DEVELOPMENT The committee agrees to promote and encourage the development of an FIG quality group within our club system with the goal of competing in the World Championships competition prior to the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games. • The goal of this venture is to advance a high quality group to compete at the highest level at the World Championships and the Olympic Games. • The selection criteria for an Elite Group to represent the USA will be established by the National Team Coordinator and will be published by January 2006.
Motion: Second: Passed
Andrea Schmid Suzi DiTullio
V. SENIOR PAN AM CHAMPIONSHIPS The selection camp for World Championships will also serve as the selection procedure for the Senior Pan Am Championships. The Senior Pan Am Team will be the same as the World Championship Team.
Recommendation: Add a National Group Club Championship to the competition schedule. • Open Group National Club Competition scheduled for first weekend in December 2006. • All levels will be included: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and FIG/Junior & Senior groups. • Removal of the group competition at JO Championships was approved.
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TECHNIQUE • NOV /0 E( 2005
Member Club Invitational Listing Technique magazine will regularly list Member Club invitationals by state in order to help coaches schedule their teams in competitions. When you apply and pay for a sanction with USA Gymnastics, your invitational will automatically be included in the listing. Remember, only USA Gymnastics Member Clubs are eligible for the invitational listing. ALABAMA
2005 level 2 and 3 Fall Invitational 940 Chalkville School Rd Birmingham, Al Start Dote · 11/11/2005 TNT Gym Clips Phone - 205/ 853·5888 levels· W2·3 Planet Mordi Gras Invitational P.O. 80x 850602; Mobile, Al Start Date · 2/ 10/ 2006 Planet Gymnastics Phone - 251/650·0699 levels - W2-1 0, prep opt.
Phone · 310/ 301·8066 levels - W4·Elite, prep opt. 2006 AOGC Spring Invitational Event Site · 12500 Beatrice St. los Angeles, CA Start Dote· 5/ 20/ 2006 All Olympia, AOGC Phone - 310/ 301·8066 levels -W4-6
2006 Novato Classic Event Site - 950 Seventh St. Novato, CA Start Dote - 3/4/2006 Novato Gymnastics Phone - (415) 209·9595 levels - W4-10
Arizona Sunrays Hard Rock Invitational Event Site - III N. 3rd St; Phoenix, AI. Stort Date · 2/ 10/ 2006 Arizona Sunrays Phone· 602/ 992-5790 levels - W4-Elite
2006 Starlight Invite Event Site -3810 Prospect Avenue BYorba lindo, CA Start Dote - 3/ 11/2006 Gymnastics Acad Of Yorba linda Phone · 714/ 792·3665 levels -W4·6
Desert Devil Classic Event Site - 1927 N. Gilbert Rd Ste 107; Meso, AI. Start Date · 2/ 1B/ 2006 Desert Devils (Meso) Phone - 4BO/ 844-9600 levels - W4-Elite
2006 Surf City Classic Event Site · OC Fairgrounds BB Fair Dr; Costa Meso, CA Start Dote - 2/ 10/ 2006 SCATS Gymnastics Phone - 714/ B95-2909 levels - W5·Elite
Fiesta Bowl Invite Event Site· Rawhide Western Wild Horse; 5700 WNorth loop Rd Chandler, Al Start Dote - 2/3/2006 Desert lights Gymnastics Phone· 480/ 940-4041 levels - W4·Elite
80y Area Classic Event Site - 3901 CWalnut Blvd Brentwood, CA Start Dote · 3/ 4/ 2006 81ack Diamond Gymnastics Phone - 925/ 516·6619 levels - W4-1 0
Mardi Gras Challenge Event Site - Chandler High School Arizona Ave & Chandler Blvd Chandler, AI. Start Dote - 1/13/ 2006 Arizona Dynamics Gym. Phone · 480/633-8414 levels - W4·Elite Winter Sun Invitational Event Site -Arizona State University PE West; Tempe, AI. Start Dote· 1/20/ 2006 Phoenix Gymnastics Academy Phone - 623/ 582-5293 levels - W4·Elite CALIFORNIA
2006 All Olympia Invitational lights, Camera, Action Event Site - UCLA -John Wooden Center; 405 Hilgord los Angeles, CA Stort Dote - 2/ 10/ 2006 All Olympia, AOGC
Best in the West Inv Event Site · Nevada Union High School 117 61 Ridge Rd Gross Valley, CA Start Dote · 2/ 11/2006 Rising Storz Gymnastics Acad Phone · 530/ 477·9581 levels- W4·10, M4·10 Bridgette Clement Memoriallnv Event Site · Pen Crest Main Gym 300 Piedmont Ave Ste 408; Son 8runo, CA Start Dote· 2/ 4/ 2006 Gymtowne Gymnastics Phone· 650/ 589-3733 levels - W4·10 Byers Sacramento 2006 Winter Inv Event Site -8333 Kingsbridge Dr Sacramento, CA Start Dote · 2/ 3/ 2006 Byers Gymnastics Center Phone - 916/ 689-5075 levels - W4-Elite
California Gym Fest @ Knott's 8erry Form Event Site - 8039 Beach 8lvd. Bueno Park, CA Start Dote· 4/ 30/ 2006 Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone· 760/ 728-85B2 levels - GA California Gym Fest at Sea World Son Diego Event Site · 500 Sea World Dr. Son Diego, CA Start Dote - 7/ 29/ 2006 Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone · 760/728-B5B2 levels - GA California Gym Fest at Six Flogs Magic Mt. Event Site · 26101 Magic Mt. Parkway Valencia, CA Start Dote - 11 / 12/ 2005 Phone· 760/ 728-85B2 levels - GA Character Counts Classic Event Site - B640 Hoyden Place Culver City, CA Start Dote· 1/ 14/ 2006 Josephson Academy of GYM Phone - 310-287·9B86 levels -W4-1 0 Cupids Cup Event Site - 1250 45th St Suite EEmerYVille, CA Start Dote - 2/ 12/ 2006 Head Over Heels Phone·510/ 655·1265 levels - W4·10 Fallbrook Spring Classic Event Site - 342 Industrial Way Suite 103; Fallbrook, CA Start Dote· 2/ 25/ 2006 Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone - 760/ 728-8582 levels· W4-6 Fallbrook Team Challenge Event Site - 342 Industrial Way Suite 103; Fallbrook, CA Start Dote - 12/ 10/2005 Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone · 760/ 728·8582 levels · W4·6 Friendship Challenge Event Site · Burbank Airport Hilton; 2500 Hollywood Way Burbank, CA Start Dote - 3/ 3/ 2006 Golden State Gymnastics Phone· 818/ 558·1177 levels -W4·Elite, prep. Opt. Glider Two Event Challange Event Site - 841 North Dodsworth Covino, CA Start Dote· 12/ 18/ 2005
Charter Oak Gymnastics-Gliders Phone - 626/ 966-8775 levels· W7-10 Gold Country Classic Event Site - Herbst Pav Ft. Mason Ctr; landmork 81dg A Son Francisco, CA Start Dote - 2/ 17/ 2006 Son Mateo Gymnastics Phone · 650/ 591-8734 levels - W4·10, M4·Elite Golden Gate Invitational Event Site· 1441 CFranquette Ave Concord, CA Start Date - 1/ 13/ 2006 Golden Gate Gymnastics Phone· 925/ 674-9683 levels - W4·Elite Golden State Classic Event Site· 11345 Folsom Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA Start Dote - 1/ 28/ 2006 Technique Gymnastics Phone · 916/ 635·7900 levels - W4·Elite High Tech Invite Event Site - 11345 Folsom Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA Start Date· 1/ 14/ 2006 Technique Gymnastics Phone - 916/ 635-7900 levels - M4-Elite Intersquad Event Site · 11345 Folsom Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA Start Dote· 12/ 16/ 2005 Technique Gymnastics Phone - 916/ 635·7900 levels - W4·1 0 Jump Start Challenge Event Site· 350-B Coral St. Santo Cruz, CA Start Dote· 12/ 3/ 2005 Santo Cruz Sports Central Phone -831/427-3547 levels - M4·1 0 LA lights Invitational Event Site· Veterans Memorial Auditorium; 4117 Overland Ave Culver City, CA Stort Dote· 1/20/2006 los Angeles School of GYM Phone· 310/ 204-1980 levels· R4·Elite, Group LA lights Invitational Event Site· 8450 Higuera St LA lights; Culver City, CA Start Dote - 12/ 3/ 2005 los Angeles School of Gym. Phone - 310/ 204·1980 levels · W4·8 Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site· 415 Mississippi St Vallejo, CA Stort Dote · 3/ 4/ 2006 North Boy Athletic Association Phone - 707/ 643-9622 levels - W4-1 0 • NOV / DEC 2005
MEGA Invite Event Site · Redwood High School 395 Doherty Dr; larkspur, CA Start Dote - 2/ 11 / 2006 Morin Elite Gymnastics Academy Phone· 415/ 257·6342 levels - W4-1 0 Optional Pizzo Meet Event Site· 1250 45th St Suite EEmeryville, CA Start Dote - 12/ 1B/ 2005 Head Over Heels Phone · 510/ 655·1265 levels - W7-10 Peter Vidmar Men's Invitational Event Site· Brentwood School 100 S. Borrington PI; LA, CA Start Dote - 3/ 2/ 2006 Broadway Gym School, Inc. Phone· 310/ 450·0012 levels - M4·Elite
Santo Cruz, CA Start Dote - 1/14/2006 Santo Cruz Sports Central Phone· 831 / 427-3547 levels - W4·1 0; M5·1 0 West Volley Spirit of the Flame Challenge Event Site · Parkside Hall 180 Pork Avenue; Son Jose, CA Start Dote · 2/ 24/ 2006 West Volley Gymnastics School Phone· 408/ 374·8692 levels · W4·Elite Wine Country Classic Event Site · Callinan Sports Center 5405 Snyder Ln Rohnert Pork, CA Start Dote - 2/ 18/ 2006 Rohnert Pork Gymnastics Phone · 707/ 5B5-9377 levels - W4·10 COLORADO
Son Diego Classic Event Site· Activity Ctr. 2145 Pork Blvd; San Diego, CA Start Dote · 1/ 23/ 2006 Poway Gymnastics Phone· B5B/ 74B-1716 levels - W4·Elite
5280 Mile High Invitational Event Site · 10601 W44th Ave Wheatridge, CO Start Dote - 2/ 24/ 2006 5280 Gymnastics Phone ·303/431·883B levels - W4·Elite
Son Diego Rhythmic Invitational Event Site - 4126 Executive Drive la Jolla, CA Start Dote - 1/7/2006 Son Diego Rhythmic Gym Acad Phone· 858/ 945·4114 levels - R3-1 0
Pikes Peak Cup Event Site - Broadmoor Hotel One lake Ave; Colo. Springs, CO Start Dote· 1/27/ 2006 Colorado Aerials Gym Center, I Phone · 719/ 260·1893 levels - W7 -Elite
Son Diego Team Cup Event Site· Balboa Pork Activity Ctr. 2145 Pork Blvd Son Diego, CA Start Dote - 1/20/2006 Poway Gymnastics Phone - 858/ 748-1716 levels - M4-1 0 Spirals Compulsory Invitational Event Site - P.O. Box 1198 Goleta, CA Start Dote - 5/ 13/ 2006 Spirals Gymnastics Team Phone· 805/ 968-2453 levels -W4·6 Spirals Invitational Event Site - P.O. Box 1198 Goleta, CA Stort Date· 1/ 28/ 2006 Spirals Gymnastics Team Phone -805/ 968·2453 levels - W4-Elite Stanford Open 2006 Event Site - Burnham Pavilion Stanford, CA Start Date· 1/ 20/ 2006 Son Mateo Gymnastics Phone - 650/ 591·8734 levels - M4-Elite Surf Classic Event Site -Santa Cruz High School 415 Walnut St.
Aqualina Team Challenge Event Site · Oneill Recreation Center; University Boulevard Bethel, IT Start Dote · 2/ 17/ 2006 Gymnastics Revolution Phone · 203/ 798·8651 levels - W4-1 0 FLORIDA
2006 Cruise Classic Event Site· 12239 SW 53rd St. Cooper City, FL Start Dote - 1/28/ 2006 Park Avenue Gymnastics Phone · 954/ 434·0099 levels· W4-1 0 Daytona Beach Open Event Site - Embry Riddle ICI Center; 600 Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL Start Dote· 2/ 9/ 2006 ACE Gymnastics Phone - 407/ 831·2582 levels - M4·Elite Easter Bunny Invitational Event S~e -730 St. Johns Bluff Rd. NJacksonville, Fl Start Dote· 3/ 25/ 2006 All American Gymnastics, Inc. Phone· 904/ 641-9966 levels· W4·6
Edgewater Clossi( Event Site - Edgewater 8eO(h Resort; 11212 Front Beo(h Rd. Panama City BeO(h, Fl Sturt Dote - 2/ 17/ 2006 Edgewater Gymnastics Amdemy Phone -850/ 814-3468 levels - W2-10, Prep. Opt. Jo(ksonville Winter Classic Event Site - 730 St. Johns Bluff Rood North; Jo(ksonville, fl Start Dote - 1/28/2006 All Amerimn Gymnastics, Inc Phone - 904/ 641-9966 levels -W4-8
9800 Inl'l. Drive Orlando, fl Start Dote - 2/ 3/ 2006 Brown's Gymnosti(s Centrol Phone -407/ 869-8744 levels - W3-Elite New Yeurs Invitational Event Site - Walt Disney Wide World Sports; Victory ln lake Bueno Vista, Fl Start Dote - 12/ 30/ 2005 Bom Twisters Phone - 561 / 750-6001 levels - M4-Elite, W2-1 0, prep opt.
Jr Orange Bowl Invitational Event Site - Coral Springs City Gymnasium; 2501 Corol Springs Dr; Corol Springs, Fl Start Dote - 2/16/ 2006 Bom Twisters Phone - 561 / 750-6001 levels - W2-1 0, prep opt.
Presidential Classic Event Site - Broword County Convention C\[; 1950 6senhower Blvd. Broword, Fl Start Dote - 1/12/ 2006 Bom Twisters Phone - 561/750-6001 levels - M4-Elite, open; WElite, prep opt.
Jungle Gym Invite Event Site - 4658 l.B. Mcleod Rd Orlando, Fl Start Dote - 11/19/ 2005 Orlando Metro Gymnastics Phone - 407/ 246-1200 levels -W4-6
Princess Classic Event Site - 285 Adalia TerrO(e Port Charlotte, fl Start Dote - 1/ 14/2006 Horizon GYM Oon(e Amd Phone - 941/627-5342 levels -W2-10, prep. Opt
Magical Classic Event Site - Oronge County Convention Ctr.
Reg 5 vs Reg 8 Bottle 01 Chomps Event Site -The lakeland Center 701 Wlime St; lakeland, Fl
Stort Dote - 1/27/ 2006 Holker's Gold Gymnastics Phone - 419/ 659-5789 levels - W2-Elite, prep opt.
Champions Cup Event Site - 10495 Woodstock Rd Bldg B; Roswell, GA Start Dote - 2/ 24/ 2006 Roswell Gymnastics Phone - 770-641 -3987 levels -W7-10
Swamp Invite Event Site - 4010 NW. 27th lone Gainesville, Fl Start Dote - 1/14/ 2006 Sun Country Gymnastics Phone - 352/ 378-8711 levels - M4-10
Phone -770/ 975-8337 levels - W7-1 0
GGA EZ Classic 2006 Event Site - 145 Old Peo(htree Rd Suwanee, GA Start Dote - 1/7/ 2006 Georgia Gymnosti(s Amdemy II Phone - 770/945-3424 levels - M4-10 and open
Wheel 01Fortune Event Site - 8550 126th Ave largo, fl Start Dote - 11 / 18/ 2005 laFleur's Gymnosti(s largo Phone - 727/ 539-8181 levels -W4-6 GEORGIA
14th Annunal Altanola Crowd Invt'l Event Site - 927 Killion Hill Rd lilburn, GA Start Dote - 1/13/2006 Gwinnett Gymnosti(s Center Phone - 770/ 921-5630 levels - W4-Elite April in Paris Event Site - 130 Andrew Dr Stockbridge, GA Start Dote - 4/8/ 2006 Puris S(hool 01 Perlorming Arts Phone -770/ 474-6184 levels - W2-9
Harvesting the Gold Event Site - 2606 Matthews Industrial Cr; Vidalia, GA Start Dote - 11/12/ 2005 Vidalia Springers Phone - 912/ 538-1000 levels -W4-8
Monkey 8usiness Event Site - 145 Old Peo(htree Rd Suwanee, GA Start Dote - 11/ 12/ 2005 Georgia Gymnastics A(odemy II Phone - 770/ 945-3424 levels -W4-6 Nihy November 2005 Event Site - P.O. Box 1390 Cartersville, GA Start Dote - 11/11/2005 Cartersville Twisters/ Tumbler Phone - 770/387-5629 levels - W2-10 Optionollntersquod Event Site - 100 londonderry Ct. Ste 100; Woodstock, GA Start Dote - 12/ 17/ 2005 Georgia All-Stars Gymnastics Phone - 770/ 516-2654 levels - W7-10
Invitational Meet Event Site - 104 Victoria North Court; Woodstock, GA Start Dote - 1/ 7/ 2006 World 01 Gymnastics, Inc Phone -770/ 516-6898 levels - W7-10 Mardi Gras Invitational Event Site - 1898 Kennesaw Due West Rd; Kennesaw, GA Start Dote - 2/ 18/ 2006 Gymnastics Amdemy 01 Atlanta
Rose City Invitational Event Site - Butler Mason YMCA 1304 Remington Ave Thomasville, GA Sturt Dote - 2/ 4/ 2006 Thomasville Twisters Phone - 229/ 226-0133 levels - W4-10
Spring 8reok-Outlnvitotionol Event Site - 4485 Hi(kory Rd Woodstock, GA Start Dote - 2/ 25/ 2006 Georgia All-Stars Gymnosti(s Phone - 770/ 516-2654 levels -W7-1 0 Spring Fling Optional Challenge 2006 Event Site - P.O. Box 1390 Cartersville, GA Start Dote - 2/ 10/ 2006 Cartersville Twisters/ Tumbler Phone - 770/ 387-5629 levels - W7 -Elite Sweet Onion Invitational Event Site - 2606 Matthews Industrial Cr; Vidalia, GA Start Dote - 3/ 4/2006 Vidalia Springers Phone - 912/ 538-1000 levels - W4-8 Winter Blast Invitational Event Site - 100 londonderry Ct. Ste 100; Woodstock, GA Sturt Dote - 1/21/2006 Georgia AII-Sturs Gymnastics Phone - 770/ 516-2654 levels -W7-1 0 Winter Carnival/Judges Cup 2005 Event Site - P.O. Box 1390 Cartersville, GA Start Dote - 12/ 2/ 2005 continuedon page 38
Some days all your routines are flawless. Other days . need insurance.
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Cartersville Twisters/ Tumbler Phone· 770/ 387·5629 levels - M4·1 0, open HAWAII
Aloha Gymfest Event Site · Kailua H.S. 451 Ulumanu Dr.; Kailua, HI Start Dote · 1/ 13/ 2006 Kokokahi Gymnastics Team Phone· 808/ 235·6866 levels - M4·Elite; W2·Elite Invitationol Event Event Site · 1151 Mapunapuna St. Room 03; Honolulu, HI Start Dote · 1/6/ 2006 Howaiian Island Twisters, Inc. Phone · 808/ 839·4494 levels - W5·Elite Ku uipo Classic Event Site · Neal SBlaisdell Or 777 Word Ave; Honolulu, HI Start Dote · 2/ 18/ 2006 Rainbow Gymnastics Acodemy Phone· 808/ 488·7030 levels - W4·10 luka Nakoa Event Site· 45·558 #(21 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe, HI Start Dote · 3/ 5/ 2006 Kokokahi Gymnastics Team Phone · 808/ 235·6866 levels - W4·10 ILLINOIS
Bravo Classic Event Site · 30 W315 Calumet Ave.; Warrenville, Il Start Dote · 1/13/ 2006 Midwest Acad of Sports Develop Phone · 630/ 393·6693 levels - W4·Elite Cupid's Twist Invitational Event Site· Elgin Community College 1700 Spartan Dr; Elgin, Il Start Dote · 2/ 24/ 2006 SI. Charles Gymnastics Club Phone· 630/ 584·5544 levels· W4·1 0 Elgin Gymnastics Invitational Event Site · larkin HS. 1475 larkin Ave; Elgin, Il Start Dote · 1/6/ 2006 Spring Hill Gymnastics, Inc. Phone· 847/ 488·9467 levels - W4·1 0 Hawaiian Pineapple Classic Event Site · 1 Stevenson Dr. lincolnshire, Il Start Dote· 12/17/ 2005 Buffalo Grove Gymn Center Phone · 847/459·8842 levels - M4·Elite, open Horton Invitational Event Site· Il State Univ Horton Fldhse; College and Main Normal, Il Start Dote · 11/18/2005 Gymnaltics Etc.
Phone· 309/ 663-8413 levels - W4·1 0 IGI Chicago Style Invitational Event Site · Navy Pier; 600 East Grand Avenue; Chicago, Il Start Dote · 2/ 10/ 2006 Illinois Gymn~stics Institute, Inc. Phone · 630/ 325·3333 levels· W4·Elite King Arthur Invitationol Event Site · Cool City HS. 655 WDivision; Cool City, Il Start Dote · 1/28/ 2006 Gymnastics X·Calibur Phone· 815/ 634·8698 levels - W4·10 Meme Cocchione Memorial Invite Event Site · 1880 Circuit Dr. Round lake Beach, Il Start Dote · 1/22/ 2006 Americon Eagles Gymnastics Phone · 847/ 201·1567 levels· W4·10
Kansas Judge's Cup Event Site· 1702 E. 123rd Terrace Olathe, KS Start Dote· 12/ 2/ 2005 Kansas GYM & Cheer Center Phone · 913/ 764·8282 levels· W4·10
For love or Money Event Site · Indy Southside Sports Acod; 4150 Killdeer Dr Indpls., IN Start Dote· 2/ 10/ 2006 Wrights American Gymnastics Phone · 317/ 888·4805 levels - W4·Elite
The Cup Event Site · Northern KY Convention Ctr; One WRiver Or. Blvd; Covington, KY Start Dote· 12/ 16/ 2005 Gym·Nation, LLC Phone · 513/ 229·7315 levels - W4·Elite
29th Capitol Cup Event Site · PG Sports learning Complex; 8001 Sheriff Rd landover, MD Start Dote· 3/ 3/ 2006 MarVaTeens, Inc. Phone· 301/468·9181 levels - W4·Elite
Indy Classic Event Site . 9850 MoyflClllef Pork Dr. Carmel, IN Start Dote · 3/4/2006 Indy School of Gymnastics Phone· 317/ 872·5948 levels - M4·1 0
Turkey Tumble Event Site· Highlands Middle School; 2350 memorial Pkwy Ft Thomas, KY Start Dote· 11 / 19/ 2005 Top Flight Gymnastics Phone· 859/ 344·1010 levels· W3·6
Baltimore Washington Invitational Event Site· 13950 Old Gunpowder Rd laurel, MD Start Dote · 12/ 10/ 2005 Fairland Gymnastics Phone· 301/953·0030 levels - M4·1 0
Midwest Winter Classic Event Site· 30 W315 Calumet Ave. Warrenville, Il Start Dote · 12/ 17/ 2005 Midwest Acad of Sports Develop Phone· 630/ 393·6693 levels· W5·10
Pot of Gold Invitational Event Site· P.O. Box 384; 5036 SCounty Rd. 600 E; Plainfield, IN Start Dote · 3/ 4/ 2006 Hoosier GYM Training Center Phone · 317/ 839·9919 levels - W3·1 0
Oswego Winter Invitational Event Site · Oswego High School Rt 71 ; Oswego, IL Start Dote · 1/ 22/ 2006 Oswegoland P.O. Flipsters Gym Phone· 630/ 554·4456 levels - W4·10
Spring Wishes Event Site· 1175 Industrail Parkway; Richmond, IN Start Dote · 2/ 25/ 2006 Richmond Gymnastic Training Ce Phone · 765/ 935·5255 levels - W4·1 0
SI. Valentines Day CIc1SIic 25th Annual Event Site· 200 South Shaddle Avenue; Mundelein, IL Start Dote · 2/ 3/ 2006 Gymnastics Spot Phone · 847/ 949·7768 levels - M4·10
Tumble Around the World Event Site· 1175 Industrail Parkway; Richmond, IN Start Dote · 11/19/ 2005 Richmond Gymnastic Training Cntr Phone·765/ 935·5255 Fox· 765/ 935·5255 levels - W4·1 0
Stars & Stripes Candy Cone Classic"Support the Troops" Event Site · 881 Shoreline Drive Aurora, Il Start Dote · 12/ 3/ 2005 American Institute of Gymnastics Phone · 630/ 851 ·5437 levels· W4·10 Windy City 10 Univ. of Illinois · Chgo; 901 W. Roosevelt Rood; Chicago, Il Start Dote · 1/ 13/ 2006 Midwest Acad of Sports Develop Phone· 630/ 393-6693 levels - M4·Elite, open
US Coaches Cup Event Site· Northern KY Convention Center; One West Rivercenter Blvd.; Covington, KY Start Dote· 1/20/ 2006 Cincinnati Gymnastics Phone · 513/ 860·3082 levels· W4·Elite LOUISIANA
Acadiana Classic Event Site · P.O. Box 600B5 301 Hapsburg In; lafayette, LA Start Dote· 11/11/2005 Acadiana Gymnastics Phone · 337/ 988·3547 levels· W2·10, prep opt. Bottle of New Orleans Invite Event Site· 700 Elmwood Pork Blvd; Ste C; Harahan, LA Start Dote · 2/ 3/ 2006 Elmwood Gymnastics Acodemy Phone · 504/ 733·4496 levels - W2·Elite, prep opt.
2005 Winter Cup Event Site· 4930 legends Dr lawrence, KS Start Dote · 1/ 7/ 2006 lawrence Gymnastics Academy Phone· 785/ 865·0856 levels - M4·Elite
North Shore Gymnastics Classic Event Site · 1973 Sixth Street Mandeville, LA Start Dote· 1/ 20/ 2006 North Shore Gymnastics Phone · 985/ 624·8310 levels - W4·Elite
2005 Winter Cup Event Site· 4930 legends Dr lawrence, KS Start Dote · 12/ 9/ 2005 lawrence Gymnastics Academy Phone · 785/ 865·0856 levels - W4·1 0
Pelicon State Inv Event Site· 1973 Sixth Street Mandeville, LA Start Dote · 12/ 3/ 2005 North Shore Gymnastics Phone · 985/ 624·8310 levels - M4·10
Diamond Jewels Invite Event Site· 7270 West 161 st St. Overland Park, KS Start Dote · 1/20/ 2006 Diamond Gym & Dance Academy, I Phone · 913/ 851 ·7500 levels - W4·1 0
Circle of Stars Event Site - Ind. Convention Or 100 SCapitol Ave; Indpls., IN Start Dote · 1/20/ 2006 DeVeau's School of Gymnastics Phone · 317/ 849·7744 levels - M4·Elite; W3·Elite
2006 Hills MD Classic Event Site · Prince Georges Sports Complex; 8003 Sheriff Rd landover, MD Start Dote· 1/ 14/2006 Hill's Gymnastics Phone · 301/840·5900 levels - W4·Elite
Dreamcotcher's Invatational Event Site · P.O. Box 384; 5036 SCOUNTY ROAD 600 E Plainfield, IN Start Dote · 11/12/ 2005 Hoosier GYM Training Center Phone· 317/839·9919 levels · W3·9
2006 Frederick Classic Event Site · 4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD Start Dote · 3/ 24/ 2006 Frederick Gymnastics Club Phone · 301/695·0205 levels - W4·10 • NOV / DEC 2005
Block Eyed Susan Invitational Event Site· Prince Georges Sport Complex; 8001 Sheriff Rd. landover, MD Start Dote · 11/12/ 2005 Rebounders Gymnastic Center Phone · 410/ 252·3374 levels - W4·Elite Christmas On The Chesapeake Event Site · One West Pra" St. Baltimore, MD Start Dote· 12/ 9/ 2005 Docksiders Gymnastics, Inc. Phone· 410/ 987·8780 levels · W4·1 0 Columbia Challenge Event Site · Univ of MD College Park North Gym; College Park, MD Start Dote· 2/ 25/ 2006 Top Flight Gymnastics Center Phone · 410/ 992·1600 levels - W4·10 East Coast Classic Event Site · Prince Georges Sports Cmplx; 8001 Sheriff Rd. landover, MD Start Dote· 2/ 10/ 2006 Fairland Gymnastics Phone · 301/ 953·0030 levels - W4·10 Evergreen Invitational Event Site· Prince Georges Sports Complex; 8001 Sheriff Rd; landover, MD Start Dote · 1/7/ 2006 Rebounders Gymnastic Center Phone·410/ 252·3374 levels· W4·6 Fairland Classic 2006 Event Site · 13950 Old Gunpowder Rd. laurel, MD Start Dote · 3/ 10/ 2006 Fairland Gymnastics Phone· 301/953·0030 levell . Tl·Elite
Harford Holiday Invitational Event Site· 701 Whitaker Mill Rood Joppa, MD Start Dote · 12/ 3/ 2005 Harford Gymnastics Club, Inc. Phone · 410/ 879·3718 levels· W4·6 Spring Extravaganza Event Site· 2707 Pitman Dr. Silver Spring, MD Start Dote· 4/ 8/ 2006 Silver Stars Gymnastics Phone · 301/589·0938 levels· W4·6 MASSACHUSETIS
2005 Pilgrim Harvest Invitation Event Site· Regional H.S. 320 Brookfield Rd; Fiskdale, MA Start Dote· 11 / 18/ 2005 Giguere Gymnastics, Inc. Phone· 508/ 892·3797 levels- W2·Elite, prep opt. Boston Classic Event Site· 345 University Ave Westwood, MA Start Dote· 1/27/ 2006 New England Sports Academy Phone· 781 / 493·6345 levels - W4·1 0 Brestyans 2006 Invitational Event Site · Regis College 235 Wellesley St; Weston, MA Start Dote· 1/13/ 2006 Brestyan's American Gymnastics Phone· 508/ 881 ·7770 levels - W5·Elite little Bigger Invitational Event Site· Joyce Middle School locust St.; Woburn, MA Start Dote· 2/ 23/ 2006 Gymnastics And More 8 Micro Drive; Woburn, MA 01801 Phone· 781/938·3669 levels· W4·10, prep opt. Spring Fling Event Site· 200 Old lyman Rood South Hadley, MA Start Dote · 4/ 30/ 2006 Thompsons Gymnastics Phone· 413/ 532·0374 levels· W2·5, prep opt. Starlight Invitational Event Site · MIT; 106 Vassar St. Cambridge, MA Start Dote · 3/ 3/ 2006 Massachusetts Gym Center · Wal Phone· 781 / 893·2009 levels - W4·1 0 Thompsons Holiday Invitational Event Site · 303 Homestead Ave Holyoke, MA Start Dote · 12/ 3/ 2005 Thompsons Gymnastics Phone · 413/ 532·0374 levels - W4·Elite, prep opt. Walkers Boy State Classic Event Site· Univ of MA lowell COltello Gym; Univ. Ave lowell, MA
Start Dote· 2/ 10/ 2006 Walker's Gym And Dance, Inc. Phone · 978/ 459·4954 Levels - W4·10, prep opl. MICHIGAN All American Event Site· 9525 Highland Rd. Howell, MI Start Dote· 1/27/2006 Hartland Gymnastics Academy Phone · 810/ 746·2170 Levels - W4·1 0
Christmas in the Motor City Classic Event Site· 5870 North Hix Rd Westland, MI Start Dote· 12/ 9/ 2005 Michigan Academy 01 Gym Phone· 734/721·4001 Levels - M4·Elite; W4·Elite Hawaiian Luau Inv Event Site· 1180 Devin Dr Muskegon, MI Start Dote· 1/28/2006 Cassell Gymnastics Phone· 231 / 798·8418 Levels · W2·8 Jingle Bell Rock Event Site · Plymouth H.S. 8400 8eck Rd; Canton, MI Start Dote· 12/ 4/ 2005 Euro Stars Gymnastics, Inc. Phone · 734/ 737·9500 Levels - W4·1 0
Sand Cassell Classic Event Site · 1180 Devin Dr Muskegon, MI Start Dote · 3/25/2006 Cassell Gymnastics Phone · 231/798·8418 Levels· W2·B Totally Rod 13 Event Site · 2723 Kersten Court Kalamazoo, MI Start Dote· 2/ 24/ 2006 Greater Kalamazoo World 01 Gymnastics Phone · 269/ 381·5749 Levels - W5·1 0, prep. Opl. Tulip City Invitational Event Site · Moe Boy School 136th and Riley; Holland, MI Start Dote · 1/20/2006 Champion Gymnastics USA Phone· 616/ 399·5608 Levels - W4·10 Twistars Invitational 2006 Event Site· 9410 Davis Hwy. Dimondale, MI Start Dote · 1/6/ 2006 Gedderts Twistars USA Phone· 517/ 322-0360 Levels - W4·Elite US Airborne Invitational Event Site· Byron Center H.S. 8500 Burlingame SW Byron Center, MI
Start Dote · 2/ 24/ 2006 ANA Sports U.S. Airborne Phone · 616/ 975·2992 Levels - W3·10, M4·10 Wolverine Classic Event Site· Saline High School 7190 NMaple Rd; Saline, MI Start Dote · 2/ 25/ 2006 Gym America Phone · 734/ 971 ·1667 Levels - W4·Elite, prep. Opl. Year End Level 4 Hot Shotlnv Event Site· 9525 Highland Rd Howell, MI Start Dote· 4/22/ 2006 Hartland Gymnastics Academy Phone· 810/ 746·2170 Levels· W4·6 MINNESOTA Compulsory Kickoff Event Site· 5555 Pioneer Creek Dr Maple Plain, MN Start Dote· 12/ 10/ 2005 North Shore Gymnastics Phone· 763·479·3189 Levels· M4· 7
Jam Hops Fall Classic Event Site· Park Center Senior HS 7300 Brooklyn Ave Brooklyn Pork, MN Start Dote · 11/11 / 2005 Jam Hops Gymnastics
Phone· 763/ 413-0647 Levels · W4·1 0 John Roethlisberger Invitation Event Site· Univ 01 MN Sports Pavilion; 190 1·4th St SE Minneapolis, MN Start Dote· 2/ 17/ 2006 North Shore Gymnastics Phone · 763·479·3189 Levels - M4·Elite Rising Stars Invitational Event Site· North St Paul H.S. 2416 E11th Ave; North St Paul, MN Start Dote· 2/ 18/ 2006 Rising Stars Gymnastics Acad Phone· 651/730·4376 Levels - W4·10 Shamrock Shake Invitation Event Site · 5555 Pioneer Creek Dr Maple Plain, MN Start Dote· 3/ 11 / 2006 North Shore Gymnastics Phone· 763·479·3189 Levels · W4·1 0 Twin Cities Classic Event Site· 2885 Water Tower PI. Chanhassen, MN Start Dote· 2/ 3/ 2006 Classic Gymnastics, Inc. Phone · 952/ 368·1909 Levels· W4·1 0
Winter Carnival Classic Event Site · 310 Eagle St Saint Paul, MN Start Dote · 1/ 27/ 2006 Midwest Gymnastics Center Phone · 651/482·9616 Levels- M4-1 0, open; W2·Bite, exhib. Winteriest Event Site· Collage Grove Jr. High 9775 Indian Blvd S COllage Grove, MN Start Dote · 1/ 21 / 2006 Perpetual Motion GYM Center Phone · 651/459·5837 Levels - W4·10 MISSOURI DGF Harvest Invitational Event Site· 11808 SMilton Thompson Rd. Lee's Summit, MO Start Dote· 11/11/ 2005 Dove's Gymnastics Factory Phone· 816/ 525·5650 Levels· W4·8
Dragon Christmas Classic Event Site · 1001 West Jefferson; P.O. Box 1087 Blue Springs, MO Start Dote· 12/ 10/ 2005 Great American Gymn. Express Phone · 816/ 229·7775 Levels· W4·1 0
Dragon Invitational Event Site · Sports City; 425 NE Mock Ave; Blue Springs, MO Start Dote· 2/ 9/ 2006 Great American Gymn. Express Phone · 816/229·7775 Levels W4·Elite, prep opl. Gym Quarters Gymnastics Invl' I Event Site· 92 Hubble Drive; SI. Charles, MO Start Dote· 2/1 7/ 2006 GymQuarters Gymnastics Center Phone· 636/ 498·6854 Levels· W4·1 0 MO NAWGJ Judges Cup Event Site · 10449 Midwest Industrial; SI. Louis, MO Start Dote · 11/18/ 2005 All American Gymnastics Phone· 314/ 426·2496 Levels - W4·10 Pre Season Team Championships Event Site· 92 Hubble Dr 51. Charles, MO Start Dote· 11/12/ 2005 GymQuarters Gymnastics Center Phone · 636/ 498·6854 Levels· W4·6 Spring Inv Event Site· 10449 Midwest Industrial; 51. Louis, MO Start Dote· 3/ 3/ 2006 All American Gymnastics
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Phone - 314/ 426-2496 levels -W5-6
Phone - 702/566 - 141~ levels - W7-10; M4-10
Phone -856/ 453-7996 levels -W4-7
Phone - 631/924-9422 levels - W2-Elite, prep. Opt
St louis Challenge Cup Event Site - 2675 Metro Blvd. St.louis, MO Start Date - 2/ 18/ 2006 Team Central Phone - 314/ 291 -5436 levels - M4-Elite
Vegas Cup Event Site - UNlV; 4505 Maryland Pkwy; las Vegas, NV Start Date - 2/ 3/ 2006 Gymcots Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 566-1414 levels - W4-Elite
Scarlet Cup Event Site - Rutgers U Livingston Rec Ctr; Rd 3 Piscotaway, NJ Start Date - 2/ 24/ 2006 Rebound Gymnastics, Inc. Phone -732/566-3223 levels - W4-Elite
lucky Stars Invitational Event Site - Jamestown Community College; 525 Falconer Street Jamestown, NY Start Date - 3/ 17/ 2006 Stroup's Gymnastics Phone - 716/ 665-80Bl levels -W4-10
St louis Classic Event Site - Americos Ctr.; 701 Canvention Plaw; St louis, MO Start Date - 1/6/ 2006 Team Central Phane - 314/ 291 -5436 levels - W4-Elite
Vegas Lights Men's Invitatianal Event Site - 950 S. Cimarron Rd las Vegas, NV Start Date - 1/14/ 2006 Desert Gymcots Gymnastics Phone - 702/ 798-3547 levels - M4-Elite, open
Mand TInvitational Event Site - 70 Weiss Ave; W Seneco, NY Start Date - 2/ 10/ 2006 GYM Unlimited-Orchard Purk Phone - 716/ 677-0338 levels - W3-1 0
Vegas Vacotion Event Site - Home Courts Commercial Way Henderson, NV Start Date - 2/ 10/2006 Acodemy of Gym -Salcianu GYM Phone - 702/ 795-3332 levels - W4-Elite
Chalk It Up Classic Event Site - 7001 S. 14th St. Lincoln, NE Start Date - 11/11/2005 Pioneer Gymnastics Acodemy Phone -402/ 483-1304 levels -W2-6 Dynamite Cup Event Site - 10702 Browne St Omaha, NE Start Date - 11 / 19/ 2005 Premier Gymnastics Phone - 402/ 571 -6630 levels - W4-6 NEVADA
Cactus Cooler Invitational VIII Event Site - UNlV McDermoll Ctr. los Vegas, NV Start Dote - 2/24/ 2006 Desert Gymcots Gymnastics Phone - 702/798-3547 levels - W4-Elite Go For It Classic Event Site - 3105 Coleman St. N. las Vegas, NV Sturt Date - 1/27/2006 Go For It USA Phone - 702/ 658-9003 levels - W2-Elite, prep. Opt. M4-Elite, open, GA Hilton Invitational Event Site - 225 Lillard Dr Sparks, NV Start Date - 2/ 10/ 2006 Gymnastics Nevada Phone - 775/ 355-7755 levels - M4-1 0, open; W4-1 0 lady luck Invitational Event Site -Tarkanian Basketball Acod.; 2730 Rancho Rd. las Vegas, NV Start Date - 1/20/ 2006 Brown's Gymnastics-Los Vegas Phone - 702/ 257-9009 levels - W4-Elite Ready or Not Event Site - 440 S.Parkson Ste. BHenderson, NV Start Date - 12/ 10/2005 Gymcots Gymnastics
2006 Gold Cup Classic Event Site - Univ. New Mexico Albuquerque, NM Sturt Date - 1/13/ 2006 Gold Cup Gymnastics Phone - 505/ 821-8417 levels - W2-Elite; M4-1 0 Americon Dream Invite Event Site - 44B7 Irving Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM Start Date - 2/ 10/ 2006 Dana's Westside Gymnastics, In Phone - 505/ 898-7334 levels -W2-1 0, prep. Opt.
Winter Carnival Event Site -112 Crowley Falls Rd. Brentwood, NH Start Date - 1/13/ 2006 Gym At Brentwood Commons Phone - 603/ 642-7200 Fax - 603/642-9211 levels - M4-1 0, W4-1 0 NEW JERSEY
9th Annual Star Struck Invt'l Event Site - Atlantic Cope Comm College; Mays landing, NJ Start Dote - 2/ 18/2006 Star Bound Gymnastics Acodemy Phone -856/ 453-7996 levels - W4-10 Cherry Bowl Event Site - 5 lurwin Road; Cherry Hill, NJ Start Date - 1/7/2006 Cherry Hill Gymnastics Academy Phone - 856/ 795-4599 levels - W4-10 Frosty's Winter Wonderland Event Site - 1274 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ Start Date - 12/ 3/ 2005 . Star Bound Gymnastics Acodemy Phone - 856/ 453-7996 levels - W4-1 0 Rebound Scurlet Cup Invt'l Event Site - 111 Hwy #35 Commerce Plaw; Cliffwood, NJ Start Date - 2/ 24/ 2006 Rebound Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 732/ 566-3223 levels - W4-Elite Rock NNovember Event Site - 1274 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ Start Date - 11/13/ 2005 Star Bound Gymnastics Academy
Autumn Classic Event Site -Shaker High School 445 Watervliet Rd; latham, NY Start Date - 11/ 12/ 2005 World Class Gymnastics Acodemy Phone - 518/785-3481 levels - W4-1 0 Candy Cane Classic Event Site - PO Box 24695 Rochester, NY Start Date - 12/ 3/ 2005 Bri9ht Raven Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 585/ 247-0800 levels -W4-1 0 Greater NY Invitational Event Site - Rockland Cty Comm College; 145 College Rd. Suffern, NY Start Date - 12/3/2005 US Gym Develop Center It Phone - 201/891-2496 levels - W4-Elite Hudson Volley Winter Classic Event Site - Ulster County Comm College; 419 Collekill Rd. Stone Ridge, NY Start Date - 1/6/ 2006 Club Name - Gym Stars Phone -845/246-3890 levels - W4-10 leather Stocking Invitational Event Site - Utico Memorial Aud. 400 Oriskany St West; Utica, NY Start Dote - 1/13/ 2006 Valley Gymnastics Co. Phone - 315/ 736-4400 levels - W4-10 long Island Classic Event Site - 27 AIndustrial Blvd. Medford, NY Start Dote - 3/3/ 2006 long Island Gym Nest
Manhallan Classic Event Site - Civic Center Pace Univ. 1 Pace Plaw; NY, NY Sturt Date - 1/27/2006 NYC Elite Gymnastics, Inc Phone - 212-334-3628 levels - W4-Elite Qualifying Kickoff Event Site - 27 AIndustrial Blvd. Medford, NY Start Date - 12/ 2/ 2005 long Island Gym Nest Phone - 631/924-9422 levels -W3-10 NORTH CAROLINA
Foothills Mens Frostbite Invite Event Site - 1360 13th Ave. Dr. SE; Hickory, NC Start Date - 1/28/ 2006 Foothills Gymnastics Phone - 828/ 328-3794 levels - M4-Elite, open Foothills Womens Frostbite Invite Event Site - 1960 13th Ave Dr. SE; Hickory, NC Start Date - 1/28/2006 Foothills Gymnostics Phone -828/ 328-3794 levels -W3-10, prep. Opt. Future Stars Invitational Event Site - 160-B West Smithfield St; Angier, NC Start Date - 3/ 4/ 2006 langley Gymnastics Phone - 919/ 639-8288 levels - W3-1 0, prep. Opt. Get Your Feet Wet 2005 Event Site - 13601 Providence Rd; Weddington, NC Sturt Date - 12/ 18/ 2005 Southeastern Gymnastics Center Phone - 704/ 847-0785 Levels - W7-1 0 Harvest Hoedown Event Site - PO Box 11412; Hickory, NC Sturt Date - 11/12/ 2005 Shooting Stars Gymnastics Phone -828-327-0001 levels -W4-6
fIOV / DEC 2005 )
KPAC Cup Event Site - 304 leitz PI Statesville, NC Start Date - 2/ 25/ 2006 KPAC Phone - 704/ 872-2888 levels - W3-10, prep. Opt. The Gym Co 500 Event Site - 210 Talbert Pointe Blvd; Maoresville, NC Start Date - 2/ 4/ 2006 The Gym Company llC Phone - 704/ 663-7510 levels - W2-Elite, prep. Opt. Winter Fun Qualifier Event Site - 1802 Old Firetower Rd.; Greenville, NC Start Date - 2/ 3/ 2006 Rose's Gym Training Center Phone - 252/ 321 -7264 levels - W71 0, prep. Opt. OHIO
Candy Cane Classic Event Site - 11013 Cleveland Ave. NW; Uniontown, OH Start Date - 12/ 16/ 2005 Gymnastics of Ohio, Inc. Phone - 330/ 499-5572 levels -W3-10 Christmas Invitational Event Site - 2040 Cherry Valley Rd; Newark, OH Start Date - 12/17/ 2005 Olympic Academy of Gymnastics Phone - 740/ 522-6984 levels -W4-7 Cincinnati Zoofest Event Site - Fairfield H.S. 8800 Holden 8lvd; Fairfield, OH Start Date - 4/ 2/ 2006 Cincinnati Gymnastics Phone - 513/ 860-3082 levels -W4-5 Dominique Moceanu Invitational Event Site - Brecksville Broadview Hts HS; 6380 Mill Rd; Broadview Heights, OH Start Date - 1/21/2006 Gymnastics World, Inc. Phone - 440/ 526-2970 levels - W4-1 0 DSW Buckeye Classic Event Site - Celeste Center-OH Expo Ctr; 717 E. 17th Ave. Columbus, OH Start Date - 2/ 16/2006 Buckeye Gymnastics Phone - 614-895-1611 levels -W4-Elite, prep. Opt. Fly Right Invite Event Site - 2900 State Road Cuyahoga Falls, OH Start Date - 11/12/ 2005 Flytz USA Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 330/ 926-2900 levels -W4-8 Flytz Classic Event Site -JSK Convention Ctr.
77 East Mill Street; Akran, OH Start Date - 1/27/ 2006 Flytz USA Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 330/ 926-2900 levels - W4-Elite Follaw Your Dreams Inv Event Site - Hilliard Darby H.5. 4200 leppert Rd; Hilliurd, OH Start Date - 4/8/ 2006 Fliptastic Gymnastics Inc Phone - 614/ 529-8B28 levels -W4-7 Fourth Annual Shooting Stars Invt'l Event Site - 1232 Falke Dr. Dayton, OH Start Date - 2/ 4/ 2006 Stars GYM And Dance, Inc. Phone - 937/ 252-8787 levels - W4-9 Gem City Winter Classic Event Site - 1462 Harmony Drive TIpp City, OH Start Date - 2/ 10/ 2006 Gem City Gymnastics Phone - 937/ 667-4961 levels - W4-1 0 Holiday Classic Event Site - 11013 Cleveland Ave. NW; Uniontown, OH Start Date - 11/19/ 2005 Gymnastics of Ohio, Inc. Phone - 330/ 499-5572 levels - W3-6 Sunrise Boys Gymfest Event Site - P.O. Box 69 Sylvania, OH Start Date - 2/ 12/ 2006 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone - 419/ 841 -2902 levels - M5-1 0 Sunrise Boys Meet Event Site - P.O. 80x 69 Sylvania, OH Start Date - 11/20/2005 Sunrise Gymnastics Acodemy Phone - 419/841 -2902 levels - M5-1 0 Sunrise Fall Classic Event Site - P.O. Box 69 Sylvania, OH Start Dote - 11/12/ 2005 Sunrise Gymnastics Acodemy Phone - 419/841-2902 levels - W4-6 Sunrise Gymfest Event Site - P.O. Box 69 Sylvania, OH Start Dote - 2/ 25/ 2006 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone - 419/ B41-2902 levels - W4-10 Sunrise Open Event Site - P.O. Box 69 Sylvania, OH Start Dote - 12/ 10/2005 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone - 419/841 -2902 levels - W4-1 0
The Kangaraa Classic Event Site - Bl 0 Slocum Rd lancaster, OH Start Dote - 4/ 2/ 2006 Hocking Volley GYM Center Phone - 740/ 653-3547 levels - W4-5 Winter 81ast Event Site -Sharonville Conv Or. 11355 Chester Rd. Sharonville, OH Start Dote - 2/ 3/ 2006 Hyde Park Gymnastics Phone - 513/ 527-4343 levels - W4-1 0; M4-10 OKLAHOMA
Bart Conner Invitational Event Site - P.O. Box 720217 3206 Bart Conner Dr. Norman, OK Start Dote - 1/27/ 2006 Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy Phone - 405/ 447-7500 levels - M4-Elite Nadia Comaneci Invitational Event Site - P.O. Box 720217 3206 Bart Conner Dr. Norman, OK Start Dote - 2/ 10/ 2006 Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy Phone - 405/ 447-7500 levels - W4-Elite Tulsa World Invitational Event Site - 7020 E38th Street Tulsa, OK Start Dote - 1/ 20/ 2006 Tulsa World of Gymnastics Phone - 918/ 664-8683 levels - W4-1 0 OREGON
Challenge at the Nest Event Site - 1414 SE 18Th Ave. #100; Hillsboro, OR Start Date - 2/ 18/ 2006
Gym-Nest ltd. Phone · 503/ 640·6378 levels - M4-7 Daisy Cup Event Site - 1414 SE 18Th Ave. #100; Hillsboro, OR Start Dote - 4/ 8/ 2006 Gym-Nest ltd. Phone - 503/ 640-6378 levels - W4-10 Ememld Team Challenge Event Site - CoHage Grove H.S. 1375 5 River Rd. CoHage Grove, OR Start Dote - 3/ 3/ 2006 Notional Academy of Artistic Gymnastics Phone - 541 / 744-2002 levels - W4-10 High Desert Gym invitational Event Site - Deschutes County Fairgmunds; 3800 SW Airport Way; Redmond, OR Start Dote - 2/ 3/ 2006 Acrovision Sports Center Phone - 541/388-5555 levels - M4-10, W4-10 Shamrock tnv Event Site - 1414 SE 18th Ave #100; Hillsboro, OR Start Dote - 2/ 25/ 2006 Gym-Nest ltd. Phone - 503/ 640-6378 levels - W4-1 0 Winter Inv Event Site - 1414 SE 18Th Ave. #100; Hillsboro, OR Start Dote - 1/ 21 / 2006 Gym-Nest ltd. Phone - 503/ 640-6378 levels - W4-10
Hanover Classic Event Site· 500 N. George Street Hanover, PA Start Dote - 1/ 20/ 2006 Hanover Area Family YMCA Phone - 717/ 632-0195 levels -W4-9
KMC Boys Invitational Event Site· 912 W.Cypress St. KenneH Sq., PA Start Dote - 1/ 14/2006 KM( Donee and Gym Center Phone - 610/ 444-4464 levels - M4-10
PiHsburgh Northstar Coed Classic Event Site · III Oakhaven Dr. Wexford, PA Start Date - 12/ 2/ 2005 PiHsburgh Northstors Phone -412/ 487-5999 levels -W4-10, prep. Opt.
2006 lEGS Storm Invitational Event Site - 6813 West Ridge Rood; Fairview, PA Start Dote - 3/ 26/ 2006 lake Effect Gym School, Inc Phone - 814/ 474-1835 levels - W4-7
Hug and Kiss Meet Event Site - Gmnda Ave Gym and Fitness; 30 EGmnda Ave Hershey, PA Start Dote - 2/ 11 / 2006 Gymnastic Center of Hershey Phone - 717/ 534-1881 levels - W4-1 0, prep. Opt.
KMC Fall Frenzy Event Site - 912 W.Cypress St. Kennett Square, PA Start Dote - 11 / 11 / 2005 KMC Donee and Gym Center Phone - 610/ 444-4464 levels - W4-10
Silvio Mitovas Invitational Event Site - 313 Big Rd. PO 80x 282; Zieglerville, PA Start Dote - 1/ 21 / 2006 Silvio's Gymnastics, llC Phone - 610/ 754-8001 levels -W4-7
Brion Babcock Memoriallnvt'l Event Site - 401 Martin luther King Drive; Allentown, PA Start Dote - 1/ 20/ 2006 ParkeHes National Gym Center Phone - 610/ 433-0011 levels - M4-Elite
Invitational Event Site - lebanon YMCA 201 N7th St; lebanon, PA Start Dote - 11/19/ 2005 lebanon YMCA Gymnastics Phone - 717/ 273-2691 levels -W4-6
lVSA Mens Invitational Event Site - 1665 East Race St. Allentown, PA Start Dote - 12/ 9/ 2005 lehigh Volley Sports Academy Phone - 610/ 264-2208 levels - M4-1 0
Snowbird Classic Event Site - 345 Meadowlands Blvd.; Washington, PA Start Dote - 1/ 20/ 2006 Meadowlands Gym Training Center Phone - 724/ 745-5558 levels -W5-10, prep. Opt.
Dalmation Classic Event Site - 513 Dickerson Rood North Wales, PA Start Dote - 2/ 3/ 2006 Spirit Gym Tmining Center Phone - 215/ 699-2900 levels - W4-10
Jingle Bell Rock Event Site - St. Vincent College Seminary Drive; latrobe, PA Start Dote - 12/ 10/2005 WillowTree Gymnastics Academy Phone - 724/ 539-0B99 levels -W4-1 0, prep. Opt.
Snowman Inv. Event Site - 500 N. George 51. Hanover, PA Start Date - 2/ 18/ 2006 Hanover Area Family YMCA Phone - 717/ 632-0195 levels -W4-6
Dutch (lassie Event Site - 325 Morgantown Rood Reading, PA Start Dote - 2/ 11/2006 Berks Gymnastic Academy Phone - 610/ 372-8454 levels - W4-10, prep. Opt.
John PancoH Invitational Event Site - Founders Pavillion Church Form; 1001 Elincaln Hwy Exton, PA Start Dote - 2/ 11/2006 John PancoH Gymnastic Center Phone - 610/ 647-9847 levels - M4-10 John Pancott Invitational Event Site - Founders Pavilion Church Form; 1001 Elincoln Hwy Exton, PA Start Dote - 3/ 4/ 2006 John Pancott Gymnastic Center Phone - 610/ 647-9847 levels - W4-10
Nittany Invitational Event Site - Penn State Univ. Rec Hall; Univ. Park, PA Start Date - 1/14/ 2006 NiHany Gymnastics Academy Phone -814/ 238-8995 levels - W4-10 ParkeHes Invitational Event Site - 401 Martin luther King Dr; Allentown, PA Start Dote - 1/27/ 2006 ParkeHes Notional Gym Center Phone - 610/ 433-0011 levels - W8-9, Open
18th Annual Rainbow Classic Event Site - 71 W. Main St. Woynesboro, PA Start Date - 2/ 3/ 2006 Rainbow Gymnastics Inc Phone - 717/ 762-6698 levels - W3-1 0, prep. Opt.
Funny Bunny Inv Event Site - 500 N. George St. Hanover, PA Start Dote - 4/ 29/ 2006 Hanover Area Family YMCA Phone -717/ 632-0195 levels -W4-6
ParkeHes Invitational Event Site - louis EDieruff H.S. 815 NIrving St; Allentown, PA Start Date - 1/ 28/ 2006 Parkettes Notional Gym (enter Phone - 610/ 433-0011 levels -W4-7
Temple Boys' Invitational Event Site - McGonigle Hall 106 P.O. Box 2840; Philad., PA Start Date - 2/ 17/ 2006 Temple University Men and Bays Phone - 215/ 204-7452 levels - M4-10 Tim Weaver Invitational Event Site - 500 N. George St Hanover, PA Start Dote - 11/19/ 2005 Hanover Area Family YMCA Phone - 717/ 632-0195 levels- M4-1 0 can#nued on page 42
(860) 408-0082 email:
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connnued from page 41
Tri-State Invitational Event Site - 345 Meadowlands Blvd.; Washington, PA Start Date - 12/1 7/ 2005 Meadowlands GYM Training Center Phone - 724/ 745-5558 levels -W4-10, prep. Opt. Valentine Classic Event Site - 1605 ligonier St. Latrobe, PA Start Date - 2/ 11/2006 Willow Tree Gym. Academy Phone - 724/ 539-0899 levels -W4-8, prep. Opt. Winter Face-Off Event Site -345 Meadowlands Blvd. Wash, PA Start Date - 2/ 17/ 2006 Meadowlands Gym Training Center Phone - 724/ 745-5558 levels - W5-1O, prep. Opt. Yurchenko Invitational Event Site - 1665 East Race St. Allentown, PA Start Date - 12/ 2/ 2005 lehigh Volley Sports Academy Phone - 610/ 264-2208 levels - W4-10 RHODE ISLAND
Rhode Island Invitational Event Site - Univ of RI Keaney Gym.; 13 leaney Rd Kingston, RI Start Date - 12/ 2/ 2005 Aim High Academy Inc Phone - 401/886-7827 levels - W4·Elite, prep. Opt. SOUTH CAROLINA
Second Annual Americana Inv!'1 Event Site· 570 Southport Rd Roebuck, SC Start Date· 2/ 19/ 2006 Spartanburg Gymnastics
Troining Center Phone - 803/ 574-0509 levels -W2-4, prep. Opt. The Pilgrims Classic Event Site - P.O. Box 12638 Freedom Blvd.; Florence, SC Start Date - 11/12/ 2005 Freedom Florence Gymscamps Phone -843/ 667-5090 Levels - W2-1 0, prep. Opt. TENNESSEE
Gatlinburg Classic Event Site - Gatlinburg Convention Clr.; Airport Rd Gatlinburg, TN Start Date - 2/ 24/ 2006 WEGA Gymnostics Phone -865/ 696-8930 levels - W3-Elite John and John Flip Fest Event Site - Knoxville Conv. Ctr 525 Henley St; Knoxville, TN Start Dote - 1/20/ 2006 Premier Gymnastics & Tumbling Phone - 865/ 588-2105 levels -Tl -Elite Tennessee Classic Event Site - 175 Old Shackle Island Rd; Ste. til Hendersonville, TN Start Dote - 11/12/ 2005 Moster's School of Gymnastics Phone - 615/ 822-8116 levels - W4-, prep. Opt
3rd Annual Hill Country Invite Event Site - 105 Stonegate Rd. Boerne, TX Start Date - 12/ 3/ 2005 Boerne Gymnastics Center Phone - B30/ BI6-9496 levels -M4-7 le~el 7 All Star Texas Challenge Event Site - 2141 NW loop 410 Son Antonio, TX Start Date - 12/ 10/ 2005 USA Aerial Athletics Phone - 210/ 375-7800 levels -W7 Event Site - Dallas Conv. Clr. 650 S. Griffin St; Dallas, TX Start Date - 1/21/2006 Metroplex Gymnastics Phone - 972/ 231 -5752 levels - W4-Elite Reflex Ist Annual Event Site - 2530 Garden Rd. 8ldg. I Pearland, TX Start Dote - 12/ 10/ 2005 Reflex Gymnastics Academy Phone - 281/412-3350 levels - W2-10 Valeri liukin Invitational 2005 Event Site - 1937 W. Porker Rd. Plano, TX Start Date - 12/ 9/ 2005 World Olympic Gymnastics Acad Phone - 972/ 985-9292 levels - M4-Elite
2006 Heart of Texas Invitational Event Site - Pflugerville H.5. Pflugerville, TX Start Dote· 2/ 10/ 2006 Capitol Gym Super Center Phone - 512/ 251 -9105 levels - W4-Elite
WOGA Classic 2006 Event Site -Allen High School 300 Rivercrest Rd; Allen, TX Start Date - 1/13/ 2006 World Olympic Gymnastics Acad Phone · 972/ 985-9292 levels - W4·Elite
Black Diamond Winter Classic Event Site - NewPark Field House New Moin St Park City, UT Start Date - 2/ 24/ 2006 Black Diamond Gym & Sports Cen Phone - 435/ 615-1 BOO levels - W2-1 0 Crystal Cup Event Site -Sheraton Hotel 150West 500 S; Salt lake City, UT Start Date - 1/13/ 2006 Olympus School Of Gymnastics Phone - 801/566-3295 levels - W4-Elite VIRGINIA
12th Annual Beach Invitational Event Site - 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA Start Dote - 1/ 20/ 2006 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone -757/ 547-0169 levels - W4-1 0 2006 Excalibur Cup Event Site - Ocean lakes H.S. B85 Schumann Dr Virginia Beach, VA Start Dote - 2/ 10/ 2006 Excalibur Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 499-8258 levels - W4-Elite Apollo Invitationol2006 Event Site - 12700 Apollo Dr. Woodbridge, VA Start Date · 4/ 8/ 2006 Apollo Gymnastics Phone - 703-580·9144 levels - W3-7 Apollo Mens Invitational 2005 Event Site· 12700 Apollo Dr. Woodbridge, VA
Stort Date - 11/ 19/ 2005 Apollo Gymnastics Phone - 703-5BO-9144 levels - M4-1 0 Classics Boys Invitotional Event Site - 2327 Seminole ln Charlottesville, VA Start Date - 2/ 11/2006 Classics Gymnastics Center Phone -434/ 978-4720 levels -M4-7 Classics Crazy Meet Event Site - 2327 Seminole ln Charlottesville, VA Start Date - 2/ 4/ 2006 Classics Gymnastics Center Phone - 434/ 978-4720 levels -W4-1 0 Commonwealth Cup Event Site - Paragon Training Clr.; 1410 Central Pork 81vd Fredericksburg, VA Start Dote - 11/18/2005 Paragon Gymnastics of VA Phone - 540/ 548-4966 levels -W4-10 Emerald City Classic Event Site - 741 Miller Dr. SE Ste I-I ; leesburg, VA Start Dote - 3/ 4/ 2006 Club Name -APEX Phone - 703/ 777-5344 levels - W4-1 0 Flower Power Invitational Event Site - 14088 KSullyfield Cir. Chontilly, VA Start Date - 2/ 18/ 2006 Chantilly Academy Phone · 703/ 378-4966 levels· W4·1 0 Judges Cup Event Site - 912 AProfessional
PI Chesapeoke, VA Start Date - 2/ 24/ 2006 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone -757/ 547-0169 levels - W4-10 leprechaun leap Event Site -7000 College Dr Portsmuth City, VA Start Dote - 3/ 5/ 2006 All Star Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 966-5626 levels -W3-6 Merry Morch Invitational Event Site - 140BB KSullylield Cir.; Chantilly, VA Start Date - 3/ 25/ 2006 Chontilly Academy Phone -703/ 378-4966 levels -W4-1 0 Mother May I Invitational Event Site -709 Middle Ground Blvd.; Ste 117b Newport News City, VA Start Dote - 4/ 9/ 2006 World Closs Gymnastics llC Phone - 757/ 873-6440 levels -W4-7 New Year Opener Event Site - 10810 Paulbrook Dr; Midlothian, VA Start Dote - 1/7/ 2006 Virginia International Gymnastics School Phone - 804/ 276-7039 levels - W4-1 0 Shomrock Invitational Event Site - 912 AProfessional PI.; Chesapeake, VA Start Date· 3/ 18/ 2006 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone · 757/ 547·0169 levels· W4·1 0
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Snowflake Invitational Event Site - 7000 College Dr. Portsmuth City, VA Start Date - 1/ 14/ 2006 All Star Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 966-5626 levels -W3-6
Yuletide Inivitational Event Site - 912 AProf. PI Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 12/ 3/ 2005 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 547-0169 levels -W4-1 0
level 4 and 5 Sectionals Event Site - 1217 13th St SE Puyallup, WA Start Date - 4/29/2006 Puget Sound Gymnastics Phone - 253/845-0910 levels - W4-6
Spring Fling Event Site - 912 AProf. PI Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 4/ 15/ 2006 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone -757/547-0169 levels -W4-1 0
Mystery Classic Event Site - 30611 16th Ave So.; Federal Way, WA Start Date - 3/ 11/2006 Gymnastics Unlimited, Inc. Phone - 253/ 815-0998 levels -W4-1 0
Super Star Invitational Event Site - 14088 KSullyfield Cir; Chantilly, VA Start Date - 11/12/ 2005 Chantilly Academy Phone - 703/ 378-4966 levels - W4-1 0 Sweetheart Invitational Event Site - 912 AProf. PI Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 2/ 11/2006 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone - 757/ 547-0169 levels - W4-1 0 Winter Island Getaway Event Site - 14088 KSullyfield Cir; Chantilly, VA Start Date - 12/ 10/ 2005 Chantilly Academy Phone - 703/ 378-4966 levels -W4-1 0, prep. Opt. World Class Invitational Event Site - CNU Freeman Ctr. Univ. Way Newport News City, VA Start Date - 12/ 11 / 2005 World Class Gymnastics llC Phone -757/873-6440 levels -W4-1 0
Bunny-Hop Invitational Event Site - 6822 S. 190th Kent, WA Start Date - 4/7/2006 Metropolitan Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 206/ 575-4138 levels - W4-7 Coaches Cup Invitational Event Site - 6822 S. 190th Kent, WA Start Date - 2/ 17/ 2006 Metropolitan Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 206/ 575-4138 levels - M4-7, W4-1 0
PNOI Event Site - 1217 13th Street SE; Puyallup, WA Start Date - 2/3/2006 Puget Sound Gymnastics Phone - 253/ 845-0910 levels - W4-Elite
Community Service Invite Event Site - 7961 A29th Ave NE locey, WA Start Date - 12/ 9/ 2005 Black Hills Gymnastics Phone - 360/ 413-9855 levels -W4-10
Rainier Cup Event Site - 30611 16th Ave So. Federal Way, WA Start Date - 2/ 12/ 2006 Club Name - Gymnastics Unlimited, Inc. Phone - 253/ 815-0998 levels - W4-1 0
G.U. Invitational Event Site - 30611 16th Ave So. Federal Way, WA Start Date - 4/8/2006 Gymnastics Unlimited, Inc. Phone - 253/ 815-0998 levels -W4-8
Teddy Bear Classic Event Site - 1217 13th Street SE Puyallup, WA Start Date - 4/ 14/ 2006 Puget Sound Gymnastics Phone - 253/ 845-0910 levels -W4-6
Judges Evaluation Holiday Express &level 7 Invitational Event Site - 6822 S. 190th Kent, WA Start Date - 12/ 16/ 2005 Metropolitan Gymnastics, Inc. Phone - 206/ 575-4138 levels - W4-Elite
2006 Salta International Event Site -State Fair Park 8100 WGreenfield Ave West Allis, WI Start Date - 2/ 17/ 2006 Salta Gymnastics
Phone - 262/782-3430 levels - M4-1 0; W4-Elite Gymtastics Twilight Tumble Event Site - 925 South 12th St Watertown, WI Start Date - 11/12/ 2005 GymTastics Phone - 920/ 206-9323 levels -W4-6 Midwest Challenge Event Site - POBox 510474 16760 WVictor Rd New Berlin, WI Start Date - 1/14/2006 MAnd MGymnastics Phone - 262/ 789-6885 levels - M4-1 0, W4-Elite Midwest Twisters Harley Davidson Inv Event Site - Pilgrim Community Ctr.; 815 Northview Rd Waukesha, WI Start Date - 2/ 24/ 2006 Midwest Twisters Gymnastics Phone -414/ 764-6540 levels - W2-1 0 TRRFCC Invite Event Site - Gymfinity Gym. 6300 Nesbitt Rd; Fitchburg, WI Start Date - 11/19/ 2005 Gymfinity Gymnastics Phone - 608/848-3547 levels -W4-6 Wisconsin Dells Vacation Classic Event Site - Kalahari Resort Ctr. Kalahari Dr; Wisconsin Dells, WI Start Date - 2/ 4/ 2006 CSA Kids Sports Arts Campus Phone - 608/ 756-0444 levels - W3-1 0
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2005 USA Gymnastics OHice Holiday Schedule "-
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Christmas/New Year's Day
Christmas / New Year's Day: Office will clos~. at the end of business on Thursday, December 22 and will r§lopen for business the morning of Tuesday, January 3 .
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As a result of her outstanding career in gymnastics, Dominique Dawes was presented the 2005 Bank One Marshall "Major" Taylor Award at the Circle City Classic, Sept. 30, in Indianapolis, Ind . Dawes, a three-time Olympian, now serves as president of the Women's Sports Foundation. Dawes was the first AfricanAmerican to win an individual medal in women's gymnastics. She won the bronze medal on floor at the 1996 Olympic Games. She also helped her team earn the gold medal in Atlanta.
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The March/April issue of USA Gymnastics magazine will include the annual SUMMER CAMP directory. If you'd like your camp listed in the directory, please go to our website and submit your information at http://www.usa-gymnastics .o rg/camp/submission.php February 1, 2006, is the deadline to enter your camp information for inclusion in the March/April issue of USA Gymnastics magazine.
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The application deadline for the Men's Junior Olympic Academic AllAmerican Recognition Award is April 1. Applicants must be a high school student and have a Cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. Submit completed application with $5.00 fee, along with a minimum of two recommendation letters - one from school and one from coach, and a Biographical Sketch-description of athlete's life and interests to: Men's Junior Olympic Program Manager, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indpls., IN 46225. To obtain an application go to: and click on men's program.
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POSITION AVAILABLE Orchard Park Gymsters/Gymnastics Unlimited-Iaoking for a girls team coach, 14,000 sq. It. air conditioned facility in western New York. We have a very successful program with over 130 team members. We have wan states at various levels the past 4 years. Great salary with benefits., call 1-716-677 -0338 MANAGER/GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS. Great coreer opportunities in our NYC and Weslchester location. Full time and part time pasitians available. Weekdays and/ or weekends. If you love kids, love gymnaslics, and love to teach in a fun, safe, positive and caring environment, give us a call. Positions available for baby, toddler, preschool, alter school program, and birthday parties. Excellent salary. Only highly motivated, enthusiastic team players that want to make a positive difference with kids need apply. Call Jodi 's Gym at 914 -244 -8811 , fox resume to 914 -244 -8833, or e-mail INSTRUCTORS/ COACHES_ Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/T-FIT Weekdoys/ weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, first Aid) Full benefits/ paid vocation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Willtroin_ Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-ofthe-art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. It. located in the NY/ NJ Metrapoliton area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dol: 201 -767-6921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 ar e-mail:dat@paragangym_com_ 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. All AMERICAN GYMNASTICS ACADEMY - rapidly grawing program needs career-minded coaches and instructors. Openings available in aur recreational, and girls and boys teams, levels 4-10. Applicants must have a love of children and the sport of gymnastics. This is a new 18,000 sq. It. state-ofthe-art facility which includes a tunnel bar, pits, and in-ground trampolines. Great kids, great stoff - need more of the same! Please contact Joe or Anne at or apply in persan at 65 Post Office Park, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, 413-596-0089.
than 13 years. We are looking for on energetic team leader to manage the recreational program. This gym is fast paced, and requires someone who has the dedication and knowledge in the sport of gymnastics. Benefits include: 401 K, vacation, and health &dental insuronce_ Come join the gym where every child is a STAR! Stars Gymnastics. Web: www.starsgymnastics. com Email: Phone: (937)2528787. Fox: (937)252-4154. COACHES NEEDED in beautiful Northern California. Applicants should be experienced in girls and/ or bays beginning levels af competition. Submit resumes and references ta: Team Caaches Needed: Warld of Kids Athletic Campus, is now hiring qualifiedindividuals for our training and competitive gymnastic pragrams. PT/FT/ weekdays and evenings available. looking for enthusiastic, reliable team player to join our established first-rate club and experienced coaching stoff. Campetitive pay. We are located in a grawing area just north of Atlanta. Fax: 770-516-6608 or email: CLASS MANAGER, INSTRUCTORS, BOY & GIRLS TEAM COACHES NEEDED. K&W Gymnastics Plus in Columbia, Maryland is laaking for highly motivated individuals ta jain the stoff of this new business. We are seeking energetic, pasitive team players with strong gymnastics and spatting skills to help our young athletes reach their dreams. Immediate apenings for part-time and full-time positions are available. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please send resume ar call far an interview: Tel: 410-381 -0766, Fax: 410-381 -0529,
FOR SALE Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Books. Gymnastics Drills and Canditianing far the Handstand-ISBN # 1-4116-5000-X \ Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Exercises - ISBN # 1-4116-0579-9 \ Gymnastics Conditioning for the legs and Ankles - ISBN # 14116-2033-X\ Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning for the Walkover, limber, and Back Handspring - ISBN # 1-4116-1160-8 \ Order all 4 drills books together S66.96 + s\ll. Also available, Gymnastics Competition Journal: My Scores, My Goals, My Dreams - ISBN # 1-4116-4145-0 \ Visit today for these and ather gymnastics products including Gymnastics Equipment, Apparel, Books, Supplies, and Gilts. \ 888-496-8749
DO YOU lOVE KIDS AND THE SPORT OF GYMNASTICS? Twisters Gymnastics and cheer Academy locoted in Ocean City, Maryland is looking for on experienced gymnastics Coach/ Gym Manager far our newly expanded gym team (developmental-level 7) and recreational programs. Requirements: Pasitive attitude, highly motivated enthusiastic team player, high energy individual, full time, weekends and weeknight coaching hours, knowledge of the USGF routines_ Cheer, dance and boys knowledge a plus, but not required. Position open immediately. Excellent salary and benefits package_lots of room for advancement. Please call for on interview: Ph 0 ne 410-629-0878 or fox Resume 410-629-0879.
GKRISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales patential. Plus, it's easier than ever to arder, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shap, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800345-4087 for more infarmation on howyou can get started today! Email:
Recreotion Director Needed: Stars Gymnastics in Dayton, Ohio, is looking for a self motivated Recreational Director (some team hours available) to run the doily ope rot ions of the recreational program. Stors Gymnastics has been a solid business for more
Score Master - NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even better! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results
can go directly to your website_Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/trampaline, compulsary/ optional. - FREE dema & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahaney, POB 31421 , Charlotte, NC, 28231. CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnastics since 1990 with Class Management and Accounts Receivable software, including free training and technical support. Packed with features, easy to use, and networkable. Flexible setup, easy assignments, rosters, attendance, marketing analysis, automated tuition calculation, multiple discounts, additianal/ retail charges, inventory management, sales tax support, late charges, early payment discounts, invoices/statements, receivables reports, financial and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting and makeup lists, mailing labels, send messages and invoices bye-moil, support for bonk dralt and credit card payments, and much more. Only S600 (S300/ additional workstation). Contact Vaughn Software Services at 800路821 -8516,, or MC/VISAjAMEX/ Discover. THRIVING 12 YEAR OLD GYMNASTICS BUSINESS in Sanoma County, California (in the heart of the wine country) 5400 sq. It. facility with girls and boys team program and approx. 300 recreatianal students enrolled throughout the year. Fully equipped training center and preschool gymnastics equipment included. Classes for ages I year thru adult. Call 530-474路4662 or email for further informatian.
FOR LEASE FORlEASE: Gymnastics Schaal Summer of 2006. Run your own Summer Camp from June to September in our fully equipped and air-conditioned 12,500 sq. It. gym. Everything to train a high level athlete. We're located in the beautiful State of Massachusetts. Run your own Sanctioned Team Program and/ ar your own Pre-Schaal Program Now! loaking for someone to run their own team and/ or Pre-School program in our gym. Lease the space and do things your way. Don't have the capitol? This may be just for you. Help Wanted Now Looking for PT help alter school hours for recreation and B-Parties. Call for details. (508)668-9688.
CONSIGNMENT CUSTOM ORDERS/WHOlESAlE. Let Satara Leos help you design your next custom leotard, crop top, or shorts! Perfect for: team workout attire, recitals, exhibitions, shows and summer romps. Sataro Leas' design stoff will be there to assist you every step of the way. Call 1-877-475-7676 (toll free) with questions ar to place your custom design order. Norisk cansignment camp packages and meet packages are olsa available. Satara 's no-risk consignment pragram is the perfect way far yau to sell the latest gymnastics, cheer and dance items without any initial investment. Check us aut at Call and get started today!
EDUCATION Attention: Mobile Gymnastics Owners -- Gym Owners with Mabile. Mabile Gymnastic has wonderful grawth patential! Do you knowhowto grow your classes to their potential? Are you good at recruiting new day cores &da yau have the skill to train and keep your employees? We have the know how to teach you all these skills. Our record speaks for itself - over 115 locotions with 2,000 students. What about your classes - Are they exciting? What is your theme this year? Remember you must give them more than they expect and then some. Need a coach? Call the expert an mobile gymnastic - Sharon Fitzgerald 219-865-9698. Available now! The NEW GYMCERT Gymnasticstraining manuals (levels I, 2, 3, &the NEW Skills &Drills for the Campulsory Coach level's 4, 5 &6) a must for training your staff; cut your lesson planning time significantly; use ta coordinate closs progressions and skill training methods; and, best of all have a quick reference that is easy to use which includes lesson Planning Forms and Closs Evaluation Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instructian, clear illustrations, and several cooching, spotting, and safety tips. Will your stoff be ready for your fall students? Order direct by colling tall free: 1-866-591 8500 or online: .
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD SUBMIT 1-100 words =$100 101-200 words =$200 Mail your ad and payment to:
Your ad in Technique will automotirol~ be placed online for 30days at no addiHonal marge. The address ~: www, Your 30 days will begin on the next regular postingdate. DEADLINES ISSUE
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USA Gymnastics, Pon American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax ta 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRAnON DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if your ad shauld appear in Technique magazine ar USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMlffiO WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA GymnastiCS reserves the right to vary formot. Technique is received by more than 16,000 USA Gymnastics professional members /Ius thousands of viewers will be expose to your ad online. Advertise your emplayment opportunity, produd, service, or comp.etition here for great resulls. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.
~1-46---------------<C TECH NIQU E路 NOV I DE ( 2005 ) r - - - - - - - - -- --
- - --
-------------~-<c TECHNIQUE • NOV / DEC 2005 )
USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225
PAID Indianapolis. IN Permit No. 7867
1005 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly an our website Please see the website for the most anrent schedule.
North Canton, OH 44720; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. North Canton YMCA Directions: Colleen Eckel 330-498-4082 Course code: BM121620050H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430
'Tme tnI date. to dmge. See u~org for t垄ates.
November 2005 18
Greenwood, SC 29649; 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Greenwood YGymnastics Directions: Janada Jay/ Jody 864-223-9622 Course code: KB11182005SC Instructor: Kim Boyd 803-348-2693
Omaha, NE 68127; 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ralston High School Directions: David Contreras 402-895-2721 Course code: DC11202005NE Instructor: David Contreras 402-895-2721
January 2006
Stroudsburq. PA 18360-9228; 1:00 5:00 pm International Gymnastics Camp, 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Directions: Bruno Klaus 570-629-0244 Course code: PF09252005NJ Instructor: Phil Fronk 856-786-3977
Covington, KY 41011; 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. KY Convention Center, 1 West Rivercenter Blvd Directions: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-932-3133 *In conjunction w/Region 5 'The Cup" Course code: SS1217200SKY Instructor: Steve Schoenbaechler 513-932-3133 Rutland, VT 05701; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Head Over Heels Gymnastics Directions: Gail McGann 802-273-3627 Course code: GM 12272005VT Instructor: Gail McGann 802-273-3627
East Greenwich, RI 02818; 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Aim High Directions: Amy Nelson 401-886-7827 Course code: MF03052006RI Instructor: Mike Franco 401-789-8096
May 2006 Cincinnati, OH 45014; 11 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy Directions: Mary lee Tracy 513-860-3082 Course code: BM050720060H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430
Wichita, KS; 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Heskett Center-Wichita State University Directions: Mark Folger 316-733-7525 Course code: JS01152006KS Instructor: James SampeI913-765-8282
February 2006
longs, SC 29568; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Gymnastics and More, 550 Hwy 9 Ste E Directions: louie Ugouri 843-249-5868 Course code: KB02172006SC Instructor: Kim Boyd 803-348-2693
17 North las Vegas, NV 89032; 2:00 6:00 p.m. Go For It USA Directions: Don Spencer 702-658-9003 Course code: DS12042005NV Instructor: Don Spencer 702-658-9003
March 2006
(Minimum age for Safety Certification is J6 years)
Mole or Female:._ _ _ _ __
Professional or Instructor #: _______ Current Safely Exp. Dote: _______ Soc. Sec. # ____________ Birth Dote:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stole: _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Zip: _ _ _ __
(WI _ _ _----"-_ _ __
E-mail Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ Course Code: _______________________ Course City/ State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Form of Payment: Nome on Cord:
0 VISA 0 Other _____ Payment Amount: _ _ _ __
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -
Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: ___
Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to r?certi~ at live course .............:.: ....:.... _... _.. _.... Pro-Member With Expired or New Safely Certification _...... _.... Instructor Member .. _.............................................. _......... _.... Non-Member or Associate Member ........._......... _._ ... _..............
no charge $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 115.00
* You must have your USA GY(11nasti(s number or date applied for
on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.
All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the caurse date*. Late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. Late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the caurse and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four{ 4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six(6) months with prior written notification. Late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. 'USA Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline
Mail registration form and payment to: ~~'o USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692路5212
Proud Spo/'ls or GYMt-"-'.STiCS