Technique Magazine – June 2005

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an official publication of USA Gymnastic

JUNE 2005 • VOLUME 25 • #6

At lete Focus: David Sender



SCHEDULE 21 -23 28-30

JUNE 17-19 18-19 22-26 24-26 25 29-July 2

Reg. 3 Compulsory Workshop &Technical Symposium Reg. 2 Compulsory Workshop XXI American Sokol Slet (M,W,R,TTI U.s. Elite Challenge (TTl U.S. Qualifier (M) J.O. National Team Training Camp (W)

Plano, TX Portland, OR Chicago, Il PhoeniX, Al Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO

Florida Compulsory Workshop (W) Coaching Clinic (TTl National Elite Qualifier (W) Region VI -VII Regional Compulsory Workshop Eastern Championships (R) Future Stars Camp (M) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp World Games (R,TT,AG) Western Championships (R) U.SClassic Challenge (W) National Championships (AG) National Championships (TTl

Ellenton, Fl laurel, MD Houston, TX Providence, RI College Park, MD Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX Dallas, TX Duisburg, GER Portland, OR Virginia Beach, VA louisville, KY Houston,TX

National Gymnastics Day Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG) National Business Conference (B) National Congress T&T Scholarship Camp (TTl

Nationwide Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Three Rivers, MI

level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO National Championships (W)


JO National Championships (M) World Championships (AG)


GG World Gymnaestrada Training Camp GG Nationals

Indianapolis,IN TBD

National Championships (AG)


Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG)




JULY 1-3 2 2-3 8-10 9-10 10·17 13 14 14-24 16-17 22-23 22-28 26-Aug. 3


AUGUST 16·19

OCTOBER World Championships (M,W)


Aarhus, DEN

NOVEMBER Future Stars National Championships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M)



AUGUSI 6 10·13 10 11 -13 14-20

Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp World Championships (TTl International Age-Group Competition (TTl Deci Memorial Camp (M) TOPs National Testing (W)

Chicago, Il Eindhoven, NED Eindhoven, NED Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX

OnOBER 5-9 6-9 28 28-29 28-30 30

World Team Selection Camp Pan American Championships (M/W) Jeff Metzger's Front Office &Customer Service Compulsory Check Up Clinic Core Symposium Financial Management Seminar with Sean Dever

Colorado Springs, CO Rio de Janeiro, 8RA Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN

Future Stars National Championships (M) Jeff Metzger's Boot Camp World Championships (M,W) National Coaches Workshop (M)


level 9/ 10 Regionals (W)

Various Sites

JO National Championships (W) level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO National Championships (M)


World Gymnaestrada (GG)

Dornbirn, AUI

Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG)


21 -22

MAY 11·13 18·20 TBD


AUGUST 15-18


NOVEMBER 10·13 17-21 21-27 TBD

American Cup

24 A~RIL


14 15-18 21 -23 25-0cl. 1 30-0cl. 2


Colorado Springs, CO Cincinnati, OH Melbourne, AUS TBD

TBD TBD 2-4 7-9

Future Stars National Championships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M) World Championships (TTl International Age-Group Competition (TTl

TBD TBD Quebec City, CAN Quebec City, CAN

Olympic Games (M,W,R,TR)

Beijing, China

DECEMBER 1-4 3-7 7 7-11

JumpStart National Testing (TTl 1J. Maxx TOPs National Camp (W) Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp TJ. Maxx TOPs BNational Camp (W)

TBD Houston, TX Phoenix, Al Houston, TX

R=Rhythmic GG =Group Gymnastics B=Business


American Cup


level 9/ 10 Regional (W)

Various Sites




W=Women M=Men





NOTE: Dates and events subiect to change or cancellation. TECHNIQUE • JUNE 2005


TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling IT =Trampoline/ Tumbling

on official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER

Steve Penny EDITOR


Jay Bilunas

FEAT URE S Obesity - An Epidemic That Expands With Our Waistlines

. .6

National Gymnastics Day . .. .... ..... .

. 10

2005 National Congress and Trade Show.

.1 8


CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Sieve Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomilo; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andreo Schmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Poul Porillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Tonyo Case; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob Colorossi (Execulive CommiHee), Ron Froehlich (Audilor) and Tonyo Case (Sports Aero Technical Commillee). AT lARGE MEMBERS: Sieve Bulcher, Paul Spadaro; ATHLETE DIREGDRS: Larissa Fonloine, John Roelhlisberger, Vanessa Vander ~uym, Karl Heger, USOC ATHLill DIREGOR: lJJrisscJ Fonloine. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS



200 5








CHANGE Of ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery 01 TECHNIQUE magazine, nolice 01 change 01 address should be mode eighl weeks in advance. for loslesl service, please endose your presenl moiling label. Direct all subscriplion moil 10 TECHNIQUE Subscriplions, USA Gymnoslics, 201 S. Copilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE is publ~hed monlh~ excepl bimonlh~ in Sepl/ Oct and Nov/ Oec by USA Gymnoslics, PanAmerican ~olO, Su~e 300, 201 Soulh Copilol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·5050) or visil online @ www.usa -gymnastios .org Subscriplion prices: U.S.-525 per year; Conodo/ Mexico-548 per year; all olher loreign counlrie5---560 per year. II aVailable, bock issue single copies 54 plus posloge/hondling. All reasonable core will be loken, bUI no responsibility can be assumed lor unsoliciled moleriol; endose relurn posloge. Copyrighl 2004 by USA Gymnoslics and TECHNIQUE. All rig his reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN. Member Services 1·800·345·4719

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.

DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ............................ .. .. .. 2 USA Gymnastics Message ............ .. .... 4 Athlete Focus .. .. ........ .. ........ .... ......... 14

KAT/MELPD .... .. .............................. 30 Classifieds .... ..... .. ....... ... .... ....... ....... 46 Safety Certification Schedule ............ 48

Business Tips ...... .. ........ .. .... ... .. .... .. ... 16


Member Service Update .... ... ........... 28

Men's Program Update .. ........ .......... 34



USA GYMNASTICS Message It is with great pleasure that I make the transition to serve as President/ CEO of

USA Gymnastics. Building upon USA Gymnastics' past successes, I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead. As we move forward, our focus will be on the needs of our athletes at all levels, a commitment to high standards in driving USA Gymnastics' growth and service to our members, and a dedication to expanding the lines of communication amongst all of our constituents.

Steve Penny President of USA Gymnastics

USA Gymnastics remains committed to serving the needs of all our athletes in their quest for competitive excellence. Whether it is the elite athletes in pursuit of World and Olympic medals, or the recreational gymnast aspiring to his or her own personal achievement, we will keep the interests of our athletes at the forefront of our efforts. In doing so, our goal is to sustain the strong athlete development pipeline from the grassroots to the elite program while ensuring a fun and safe environment for athletes of all ages. We will continue to evaluate the benefits and services we offer, with a particular emphasis on the business of gymnastics and our relationship with the Member Clubs and our professional members. In an effort to grow our sport and expand the recognition of USA Gymnastics programs, our link through the Member Clubs and professional members is vital. Working together to promote a positive image for our sport will increase the opportunities for all of us. As an organization, we will emphasize the prioritization of those tasks and objectives that best serve the gymnastics community. The lines of communication will remain open to expand our understanding and increase the unity among all members of our gymnastics family. USA Gymnastics will work to foster productive relationships with our dedicated athletes, coaches, volunteer leaders, Member Clubs, sponsors, and other key organizations. We will seek and develop partnerships that bring new ideas and opportunities to further promote the benefits of gymnastics. Together, we Begin Here .. .and Go Anywhere, as a unified gymnastics family. Please join me in our effort to remain among the most successful gymnastics countries in the world, and a premier national governing body in the United States. Sincerely,

Steve Penny President/ CEO

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Amcri ca n Athlcti c

We'll be there when you accomplish your dreams.





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for a fREE gymnastics ca tal og, call 1-~OO-247-397~



hile she was a stay-at-home mom of three for 12 years, Peg Johnson's weight crept up. In late 2002, divorced and with her children grown, she decided it was time to shape up.

Johnson had an advantage over the millions of Americans who struggle to lose weight-her job as a clinical nutrition research assistant in a Purdue University lab gave her access to some of the most current research regarding diet and health. She decided to follow the dietary guidelines of a School of Consumer and Family Sciences clinical study, which was based on eating cereal high in vitamins, minerals and fiber for two meals a day and one normal-but healthy-meal. The first week, Johnson lost six pounds. The second week, at an out-of-town conference, she ate cereal in the morning, yogurt and salad at lunch and a regular dinner, including wine. She lost another four pounds.

liealtlm-care costs related to obesit;w are a staggering II7 billion annually..

The taste of success whet her appetite for more. She joined a health club, using cardio and weight machines regularly. Within six months, she had lost 50 pounds-a weight she has since maintained. Now, she wears the same size jeans that she did in college. But the biggest payoffs have been weight loss, lowering her cholesterol from 200 to 151 and lowering her Body Mass Index (BMI) by five points.

Johnson's battle with her weight is an all-to-common occurrence in the United States today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 64 percent of adults and 30 percent of children are either overweight or obese-double the amount of 20 years ago. Health-care costs related to obesity are a staggering $117 billion annually. Weight and fitness-related conditions are the second-leading cause of death in the United States, resulting in about 300,000 deaths each year. If current trends continue, obesity will surpass smoking as the nation's leading cause of preventable death. Purdue researchers and Extension specialists are at the forefront of the struggle to reverse these trends.

There's no simple solution for overweight and obesity, says Mattes, whose research team focuses on weight regulation through intensive study of appetite, metabolism and energy expenditure. "The si mple equation is energy in, energy out. The concept is simple, but the reality is complex," he says. "So, it's not surprising that it's difficult for people to lose weight and sustain a lower weight." To help more Americans reach the goal of controlling their weight, Mattes and his colleague Wayne Campbell created the Purdue Resource for Integrative Dietetics and Exercise (PRIDE). Clinical studies conducted through PRIDE generate new information about diet, health and exercise, which is distributed to the community. One way to decrease consumption of pound-producing food components, such as saturated fats and sugars, is to stop eating them for about eight to 12 weeks. "Preference for high levels of fat, sugar or salt in foods is dictated by frequency of exposure to a particular kind," Mattes says. "If you don't allow yourself to eat foods high in fat, eventually you will come to prefer foods with lower levels of fat." This is a strategy that William Evers understands well. A Purdue Extension nutrition specialist and registered dietitian, Evers educates people about the importance of proper diet and exercise, and the health consequences of being overweight or obese. And it's a philosophy he has practiced at home. "From the time my kids were maybe three, non-fat, dry milk has been the only milk in our house. Now, my sons are in their 30's, and they still drink it. To them, whole milk tastes like cream. To most people, whole milk has a pleasant taste, and skim milk is blue water. When you've been conditioned all your life to enjoy things that are higher in fats, a carrot or even an apple seems like nothing unless you put peanut butter on it."

CHRNGE COMES ARST By maintaining a lower weight, Johnson has reduced her risk for a number of related health conditions. Overweight and obesity can results in cardiovascular disease; Type 2 diabetes; breast, prostate and colon cancer; apnea; stroke; gallstones; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; and joint problems, according to Richard Mattes, professor of foods and nutrition, who studies many aspects of diet and health .


Evers works at the other end of the research spectrum by taking his knowledge about healthy food , exercise and the health consequences of overweight and obesity into the community. In 1993, he established the first computer-linked forum for Extension foods and nutrition specialists and other nutrition educators. The subscription service now allows more than 700 nutrition professionals from around the world to discuss topics related to diet, health and food safety. The participants include experts from the Cooperative State Extensio n


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Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Agricultural Library, the CDC, state health departments and the American Dietetic Association.



Change can be difficult, and people often revert to then old eatmg habits, no matter how much information they receive about the benefits of a healthy diet. Campbell says that diet and exercise can help reverse the effects of poor food choices and sedentary lifestyle, even if they are habits developed over a lifetime.

Campbell, associate professor of foods and nutrition , studies ways to help people fight fat and maintain - even gain - muscle strength as they age. "Typically, people lose about 1 percent of their strength a year from the time they're in their 30s." He says. "It accelerates more after the age of 70. "In 11 weeks, you could basically offset about 20 years of age-associated strength loss with strength training. That doesn't mean you'll regain the body of a 25-year-old, but it does show that muscles and the brain retain the ability to work together to increase strength, even if you haven't done purposeful exercise for years." It's important to combine strength training with a weight loss program, he says, because losing weight without exercise results not only in a loss of fat but of lean body mass, or muscle, as well. For clinical diet studies, Campbell's team uses a research kitchen to prepare daily meals to exact recipe specifications and in precise quantities for participants. "In one study, we fed post-menopausal women very exacting menus with a 500-calorie-a-day energy deficit," he says. "Over the course of 11 weeks, these women lost approximately 7 to 8 percent of their body weight. The interesting finding from our standpoint was that half of the women were sedentary. The other half participated in three days a week of strength training; they lost less lean body mass than the women who were sedentary." The research team also provides menus for outpatient diet-counseling programs with prescribed portions and preparation. The menu program worked for 50-something Jan Gavril, who dropped 40 pounds in a year on a diet centered around eating chicken breast. She also walked the three-mile round trip to the public school where she teaches. "I just wasn't happy with how I looked at more than 175 pounds, and I knew there were health reasons to do it," says Gavril, who also saw her blood pressure drop by 55 points. "At 135 pounds, I've gotten rid of my fat clothes and have no temptation to go back to my old eating habits."

SmENGTH TO AGHT DIABEIES Other researchers also are exploring the relationships between muscle and human health. Molecular biologist David Gerrard studies muscle growth and metabolism, research originally designed to produce meatier livestock. But recently, he's had a good reason to look at how muscle responds in modulating diabetes.

"My dad has diabetes," Gerrard says. "He's 76 now, and he's had diabetes for maybe 15 years. And he just had a stroke. It was a good stroke, if there is such a thing. There's no paralysis, but his shortterm memory is awful. I didn't know a lot about diabetes until I started thinking about it in this vein," he says. Gerrard began investigating how muscle relates to blood glucose metabolism. Glucose, a sugar derived from various foods, is transported by blood to cells throughout the body. Fax accumulates around organs, including the pancreas, where glucose-regulating insulin is made. If not enough insulin is produced, or if cells have become resistant to insulin, glucose isn't metabolized, and Type 2 diabetes results. Lack of glucose for energy causes cells to die, leading to health consequences associated with obesity and diabetes. "The really interesting thing is that you can change the type of muscle that you have to help you better deal with diabetes," Gerrard says. "Muscle in individuals who become diabetic changes in such a way that is exacerbates the diabetic condition. The muscle can't take up more energy to lower the glucose levels." Gerrard studies the molecular signaling pathways that tell muscle to switch from white muscle-the kind of muscle that gymnasts have for short bursts of energy-to red muscle-the type marathon runners have for sustained energy. Research has shown that a signaling mechanism turns on a cascade of biochemical reactions that tells muscle cells which type to be. "We can't all be marathon runners, but we can be more like one than like a sprinter," Gerrard says. People who are diabetic or overweight are told to exercise, because certain activity will cause muscle tissue to have more red, endurance cells as they receive signals to take up more energy and more oxygen. "In sedentary individuals, more muscle is white. The more you exercise the more muscle becomes red, which may relieve some of the health problems," he says. As with his colleague Gerrard, animal scientist Mike Spurlock's research was designed to improve livestock production. Now, he studies animal models with similarities to human disease, including obesity and diabetes, to determine how hormones and hormone-like proteins called cytokines are involved in development of obesity and related health problems. His research is promising enough to have won him the 2004 Purdue Agricultural Research Award. "We're looking for answers to two fundamental questions," Spurlock explains. "Why do we over consume, and what biochemical defects prevent normal cellular processes from disposing of excess energy as opposed to storing it?" Pigs are good models for this, he says, because, like humans, they no longer forage for food . Though they eat as much as or more than their ancestors did, they don't expend as much energy. "We want to find out how leptin and adiponectin, two hormones, affect energy metabolism as it relates to obesity and diabetes," Spurlock says. "That will help us identify effective preventative and therapeutic strategies for humans. (continued on page B)


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THE DEBHTE OVER CHRBS Changing eating and exerci se habits is essential, but basic researc h also is needed to determine why so me people store and use energy from food. Adjusting starch digestion could affect obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and general energy expenditure, says food scientist Bruce Hamaker. Starch is the part of carbohydrates that the body utilizes as glucose, and that provides energy for cells. "Sorghum has a naturally slowly digesting starch property," says Hamaker, director of Purdue's Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research . "We've found out why. It has to do with proteins."

says. "Perhaps people need to be eating carbohydrate-based foods that have different digestion properties. Consistent consumption of starchy food s that digest very quickly an d put a lot of glucose rapidly into the blood probably isn't healthy, but neither is cutting out certain foods completely.

CHHNGING UFESTYLE Research has made it possible for people to live longer, healthier lives, but advances in technology have, in many ways, enabled Americans to adopt a lifestyle that leads to overweight and obesity, Evers says. "We have become a species that allows other things to do our physical work. That's not a negative, but it means we aren't burning the calories our ancestors did when they were out looking for food," he says.

Because of sorghum's slow digestibility, peo ple may feel full longer with the food releasing energy over time. "I lived in Africa for two years and also did some work in India," says Hamaker, a former Peace Corps volunteer. "People in rural areas in these countries believe their energy levels are sustained if they eat sorghum before they go out in the fields to work. It also relates to the idea of satiety. "

Compounding the lack of physical activity, foods bigger in portion and higher in fat have become the norm. "By walking five miles daily, you can increase your energy expenditure by 500 calories a day, but you can down 500 extra calories in 20 seconds," says food and nutrition researcher Carol Boushey.

Hamaker's research team has discovered how to give rice and corn flour products the same slow digestion rate as sorghum. This holds promise for changing the amount people eat and also helping prediabetics and diabetics, because it would alter when and to what deg ree glucose leve ls spike.

Purdue researchers are making discoveries that will improve the overall health of people, especially those3 with obesity-related conditions. And Purdue Extension specialists and educators are reaching out to educate citizens about the importance of proper diet and exercise, and the health consequences of being overweight or obese. The result promi ses to be more Americans with an increased appetite for health and fitness.

Over-consumption of any highly processed food that has fa st-bu rning starch may not be good, but "not all carbohydrates are bad," Hamaker

Reprinted with permission from Purdue Agricultures magazine, Spring 2004.

Childhood Disease Health conditions once confined to adults now prevalent in children. USA Gymnastics Fitness Program

The obesity epidemic in the U.S. has affected children to the same degree that it has adults-rates for both have doubled in the last 20 years. Not only are nearly 9 million youths between the ages of 6-19 overweight, they're more likely to develop obesity and diabetes related illnesses in their 30s that previously didn't appear until people were over 60, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While those of us who are involved in gymnastics know that eati ng healthy and exercising are two important components of a healthy lifestyle, many chi ldren in America do not understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. In fact, over 70 percent of girls and 40 percent of boys don't have enough muscle strength to do even one pull up!

The CDC also reports that obesity wi ll contribute to the likelihood that one-third of children born in 2000 will develop Type 2 diabetes. This disease, formerly known as adult onset diabetes and usually found in overweight senior citizens, is being diagnosed in children under 10 years old.

USA Gymnastics asks yo u to join us in our fight against childhood obesity. The USA Gymnastics Fitness Program was especially designed to teach all kids about the importance of nutrition and to show them just how fun exercise can be. The lessons can be modified to adapt to the skill level of each individual child, rewarding each child for their efforts while guiding them on the path to healthy habits.

? Wayne Campbell, associate professor of foods and nut 7tion, worries about children becoming obese and diabetic bec~use so many activities revolve around eating, citing elementary schools that use soda pop as a reward for student behavior and achievement as an example.

"We must be aware of the consequences of obesity ar d start making different food and exercise choices," adds William Evers, Purdue Extension nutrition specialist and a registered dietitian . "Purdue Extension educators are setting up programs to show youngsters behaviors that promote good health. Better choices early in life for young diabetics could mean they won't lose a limb or go blind when they're 40 or 50 years older."

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The Fitness Kit contains two posters for recording class information, a black and white ad slick to customize with your club information, and the link to the USA Gymnastics Fitness website, a site filled with great articles on nutrition and exercise, handouts, and the program information to get your club started with the program. The kit also includes a VHS video filled with sample warm ups, conditioni ng and stretching as well as a sample commercial and GG routines for your group to perform. Also included will be a sample of one of our "Fitnastics spots" to help keep the children in a safe place. The USA Gymnastics Fitness Program is a perfect way to get kids off the couch and into the gym. By starting this new fitness program

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(860) 408-0082 email:

in your community you are not onLy teaching chiLdren about the importance of exercise, but you are Laying the foundation for a heaLthy LifestyLe. USA Gymnastics began a piLot Fitness program in the IndianapoLisarea in 2005. USA Gymnastics asked area clubs to get invoLved. The Gymnastics Company and Gymnastics UnLimited voLunteered to heLp with the program.

community. Consider working with a hospitaL or doctor in the area to prescribe your fitness program.

Why Develop a USA Gymnastics Fitness Program? Over the years, chiLdren in America have become increasingLy more inactive, spending more of their time in front of the teLevision or computer screen than participating in physicaL activity. USA Gymnastics Fitness is designed in part to get kids off the couch and into the gym . Kids on the move is simpLy about getting kids to enjoy physicaL activity, whether they are pLaying with friends or participating in a team sport.

USA Gymnastics is working with St. Francis HospitaL and its Hip Hop Clinic as leading the way weLL as the doctors to put It's also a great way to introduce new programming in your gym. This together sampLe Lesson pLans for the Fitness program. The hospitaL type of class wiLL attract a different customer to your gym. and doctors are referring patients to the two gyms conducting the Fitness classes. So far they program has been a tremendous success.



How is This Program Different from Gymnastics?

The classes meet once a week for eight week sessions. The students use the onLine form and emaiL their exercise program to the instructor at the end of each week. The instructors are encouraging their students to stay invoLved, even on the days they are not in class. The students are encouraged to wear pedometers, keep track of their steps, and keep active each day. The two piLot programs wiLL be presented at this year's NationaL Congress. Kim ModgLin an exercise physioLogist at St. Francis HospitaL & Heath Centers, wiLL give the presentation and share information on how you can get a Fitness program started in your area. She aLso discusses ways in which you can work with heaLth care providers in your area. With chiLdhood obesity on the rise, this new direction with not onLy heLp our youth but wiLL also deveLop a new niche in your community.

What is The USA Gymnastics Fitness Program? USA Gymnastics Fitness is a program that you can design in your faciLity to promote heaLth and fitness. You can use the Fitness Kit to heLp with ideas on how you can make the program unique to your business and community. Encourage famiLies to work out together in this unique program, invite schooL groups and scouting troops to do fieLd trips. Offer a fitness class for the home schooL groups in your ------------------((


Kids on the Move does not teach gymnastics skiLls. This program is about showing kids how to enjoy physicaL activity and then to find an activity that they enjoy doing whether it is gymnastics, basketbaLL, running, or any other physicaL activity. Once they find activities that they can do or enjoy doing, the next step is to show them how to turn their physicaL activity into a heaLthy LifestyLe with the heLp of good nutrition.

Who Can Particiapte? Anyone can participate! Participants can be chiLdren, teenagers, and even aduLts. Fitness classes can be a great way to get an entire famiLy moving and on their way to a heaLthy LifestyLe. Member clubs can purchase the USA Gymnastics Fitness Kit for onLy $29.95, whiLe non member clubs can join the program for $59 .95. For more information on the program Log on to:

J UNE 2005

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Mary Lou Retton, Bela Karolyi & USA Gymnastics' Member Clubs Join Forces To Raise Money For Children's Miracle Network During The Seventh Annual National Gymnastics Day, August 6 ymnastics legends Mary Lou Retton and Bela Karolyi will join USA Gymnastics and its member clubs to support the Children's Miracle Network during the seventh annual National Gymnastics Day, Aug. 6, 2005.


Retton and Karolyi will co-chair National Gymnastics Day which promotes the ideals of physical fitness and community service to youth nationwide. To date, USA Gymnastics clubs have contri buted more than $379,000 to the Children's Miracle Network by hosting Cartwheel-A-Thons and open house activities in communities around the country.

National Gymnastics Day attracts participation from nearly 80,000 gymnasts and supporters nationwide, along with celebrity endorsements and testimonials. Recognized by Governor's Proclamations in all 50 states in 2004, National Gymnastics Day also has the sanction of the United States Olympic Committee and the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) . Karolyi is recognized as one of the great coaches in gymnastics history. Serving his seventh year as Honorary Chairman, Karolyi is best known for coaching some of gymnastics' greatest champions including Retton , Nadia Comaneci, Kim Zmeskal and Kerri Strug. Retton became the first U.S. woman to win the Olympic all-around title at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Her total of five medals at those Games was the most won by any athlete. In 1993, almost a decade after her Los Angeles triumph, an Associated Press national survey named her the "Most Popular Athlete in America." Now a mother of four young girls, Retton continues to motivate and inspire young people by encouraging their participation in physical fitness. Gymnastics clubs nationwide are encouraged to participate in the annual Cartwheel-a-thon as a way to give back to the community. Participating gymnasts secure pledges within their community for the number of cartwheels the gymnast can perform on National Gymnastics Day. Many clubs also use National Gymnastics Day as a means to further the sport's awareness in the community, and help communicate the ideals of physical fitness and community service among children nationwide.

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"National Gymnastics Day has become a celebration of the many benefits our sport has to offer," said Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics CEO. "Five years of continuous success and growth in supporting the Children's Miracle Network is an example of the power of the gymnastics industry working together."

In addition to receiving an all-expense paid day visit from a National Clinician, the club and individual gymnast raising the most money for CMN will be featu red on the 2006 National Gymnastics Day poster and in USA Gymnastics publications. Meghan Sweeney of Chardon, Ohio, a 14-year-old gymnast at Gymnastics World in Broadview Heights, was the single largest fundraiser in 2004, having collected $3,097.47 for CMN. Gymnastics World also raised the most among the clubs with a total donation of $16,100. "National Gymnastics Day continues to be one of our annual cornerstones," said Penny. "It has helped us stay in touch with an important member of USA Gymnastics - the member clubs. This group (continued on poge 12)



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t articipate in n mittions of Kids tna p . a vitat tinK to t e ents / ev of businesses ;~round." . dubs and a .// tne sport 'lea . ' of participat1~g t GymnasticS htlp· . ned up atready\ 05/ gd/clublist_ngd.phP comptete bst1ng . ted witn Nat10 na website. tnat nave S1g / ents/20 n ptedge sneets, a f activities assoc~a t Gymnastics Day \/iew ctubs eV r individuat usa .1 d scned ute 0 tne Nat10 na at htlP://wWW. -9 nat yoU can reforn: f~~;~~ur Natio nat deta te. be avaitabte on /2005/ngd/ Day w1tt . org/events . 't wwW' te presS reteas e t attract attent10n wWW.uso.gyrnnoshCS. , tl\irade NetworK, V1S1 Here's a samp tne media t o d send to . I . tne cnitdren s event an. D cetebrat10 n . For more informat10n on Gymnast1CS ay

(conlinued from page 10) .


Broadview Heights Gymnasts To Ra ise Money For Children's Miracle Network During 7th Annual National Gymna stics Day For Immediate Release - Date goes here John Doe, 317-123-4567, Email address here BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, Ohio - Broodview Heights Gymnastics will show support for America ' s Children 's Hospitals by pledging to raise money for the Children ' s Miracle Network during the seventh annual USA Gymnastics National Gymnastics Day, slated for Aug . 6, 2005. legendary Olympic coach Bela Karolyi will co·chair the annual event which serves to promote the ideals of physical fitness and community service to youth nationwide . USA Gymnastics clubs have contributed more than $37 9 ,000 to the Children ' s Miracle Network over the past five years by hosting Cartwheel·A·Thons and open house activities for gymnasts and gymnastics supporters . Braadview Heights will host an apen house from 1·3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug . 6 during which more than 100 gymna sts will participate in the annual Cartwheel·A·Thon. Broadview Heights gymnasts raised more than $16,000 in 2004 for the Children ' s Miracle Network - funds which directly benefit children 's hospitals in the Cleveland metro are a . Media are welcome to attend the National G ymnastics Day open house and the Cartw heel·A-Thon activities at Broadview Heights Gymnastics, located at XXX Broadview Heights Road. For more information and direction s, please contact John Doe at 216-XXX-XXXX. "National Gymnastics Day has become a true celebration of the many benefits our sport has to offer," said Broadview Heights owner John Doe. " Five years of continuous success and growth in supporting the Children 's Miracle Network is an example of the power of the gymnastics industry and community working together." Broadview Heights is an all·ages privately ow ned gymnastics club with more than 1,000 students participating in beginner through elite gymnastics instruction. Broadview Heights Gymnastics emphasizes the importance of physical fitness participation among youth in the fight against youth obesity and in support of an active lifestyle for all family members . Broadview Heights has been a member club of USA Gymnastics since 1997, and most recently placed XXX athletes in the Junior Olympic National Championships . National Gymnastics Day annually attracts participation from nearly 60,000 gymnasts and supporters nationwide, along with celebrity endorsements and testimonials. Recognized by Governor' s Proclamation s in all 50 states in 2004, National Gymnastics Day also has the sanction of the United States Olympic Co mmittee and the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG). Karolyi is recognized as one of the great caaches in gymnastics history. Naw in his sixth year as Honorary Cha irman, Karolyi has guided 27 different athletes to the Olympics, including Mary lou Retton, Nadia Comaneci, Kim Zmeskal and Kerri Strug. Gymnastics clubs natianwide are encouraged ta participate in the annual Cartwheel·a·thon the community. Participating gymnasts secure pledges within their community far the number can perform an National Gymnastics Day. Many clubs also use Natianal Gymnastics Day sport's awareness in the community, and help communicate the ideals of physical fitness and children nationwide.

as a way to give back ta of cartwheels the gymnast as a mean s to further the community service among

Pledge sheets, a complete listing of participating clubs and a detailed schedule of activities associated with Natianal Gymnastics Day will be available at www.usa· For more information on the Children's Miracle Network, visit www.cmn .org .



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By Lua n Pesze k


David Sender, 19, is a gymnast to watch in the men's program . David finished fifth on still rings at the 2005 American Cup, which was also a World Cup event. He said, "It was exciting to compete in my first World Cup event. I gained lots of experience." David is a freshman from Stanford University where he's coached by Thom Glielmi and J.D. Reive. Glielmi said, "David is not willing to settle for doing stock gymnastics. He wants to push to do more difficulty and to perform trend setting gymnastics. He's always working on being the first guy to do a new skill." A two-time national vault champion, Sender won this event at the 2005 Winter Cup Challenge and the 2004 Visa Championships. Known for his power, David has three categories of vaults valued at a 9.90 start

value including: Yurchenko two and a half twist, Kasamatsu full and a half twist, and Handspring Front layout double full twist. Coach Glielmi said, "We're trying to turn one of these up to a 10.00." Sender competed internationally twice in 2003. At the Junior International Invitational in Japan he won rings and vault and was third in the all-around and on pommel horse. Also in 2003 he was a member of the bronze medal winning team at the 2003 Sr. Pan American Games in the Dominican Republic. This Chicago-native trained at Buffalo Grove Gymnastics with his coaches Don Osborn and Kelly Crumley before heading to Stanford. His past claim to fame was winning the all-around title at the 2004 JO National Championships.

David is looking forward to competing in the Visa Championships this August in Indianapolis. He said, "Lots of my family and friends are planning to drive over to the event so it will be nice to compete so close to home." As for the future, David would like to make 2005 World Championships team and stay at that level for the next four years. Coach Glielmi added, "We have the big picture in mind which is the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing ."

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What is the Value of a Happy Client? Ask the above question of a dozen different club owners and you will get : the phones go unanswered as a habit your club's Loss is more LikeLy to be a dozen different answers. BeLow are a coupLe of thoughts to internaLize : 50, 100, 200 students or more! regarding the vaLue of a happy client. : 4/ 11 RuLe of Marketing . Most club owners wilL teLL you that about 80% of What is the Lifetime vaLue of a student? The scenario: a youngster just : their clients Learn about their club through word of mouth (WOM) . How registered for class in your club. MathematicaLLy, how many months is : vaLuabLe can WOM be to a business? It can make or break you. You've this student LikeLy to remain enroLLed? Remember, at this point, you don't : probabLy seen this happen in your city-a brand new upscaLe restaurant know if this student is a "One Term Wonder" or a "Lifer" such as a team : just opened near your house, say, two weeks ago. It's now Saturday night, member; you are mereLy trying to identify the average number of months : the dining area is packed, there is a 90 minute wait, and the Line is out a student stays enroLLed in your club. CLarification: if a student enroLls for : the door. Furthermore, you know that the restaurant has not advertised 9 months, takes the summer off and returns for 8 months and then moves : a dime. How did this happen? WORD OF MOUTH. Now, fast-forward 18 to Mexico, the Lifetime of that student wouLd be 17 months. Let's say you : months and the building sits vacant. How did this happen? WORD OF decide that knowing the Lifetime VaLue of a Student is a worthwhile piece : MOUTH . Never forget the 4/ 11 ruLe of marketing-a happy client wilL teLL of information because you realize it will heLp you make more effective : four peopLe of their experience; an unhappy client wilL tell eLeven peopLe! marketing, management and financiaL decisions. So, you spend the time : Postscript to the 4/11 ruLe-if you have a disgruntLed client that you can it takes and caLcuLate that the average enrollment Life of a student is 24 : somehow convert to a happy client, this client is LikeLy to become your months. If your class tuition averages $12.50/hr ($50/month), you now : biggest advocate (I have seen this happen time and time again). MoraL: can caLcuLate that the Lifetime revenue per student as such: 24 mo X $50/ : a happy client has TREMENDOUS VALUE because he or she tends to bring mo = $1200. Of course there are payroLL costs invoLved with teaching each : in more happy clients. student and Let's say payroll is 40% of the gross revenue which means you have a gross profit per student of 60% X 1200 = $720 = Lifetime vaLue of a : As a side note, from my BOOT CAM P experience, I know that many club student. Conclusion: a happy client has TREMENDOUS vaLue. : owners consider their customer service foLks as necessary eviLs while : others see them as front Line heroes. Guess which group consistentLy As an aside: can you sense the management vaLue of knowing the Lifetime : boasts the better businesses! Make it a great month, vaLue of a client? It heLps in marketing decisions as well as customer service decisions such as whether/when to hire a fuLL time receptionist. Jeff Metzger For exampLe, if your club fails to register just one student because the USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner phone goes unanswered, you pass up $1200 dollars of revenue and $720 President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center of gross profit which probabLy aLL flows to the bottom Line! Of course, if

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J UNE 2005


- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -(


J UNE 200 5

))--------------. 1~71

41 sf ANNUAL USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS and TRADE SHOW Held in conjunction with 2005 Visa Championships August 10-13, 2005 • Indianapolis, Indiana Busi ness Management, 11 sessions for Cheerleading, sessions for Rhythmic, Acrobatic and Trampoline programs, Sports Science sessions and more.



Exhibit floor with more than 150 companies and 200 booths filling the hall. Shopping, discounts, networking, Club Owners opening breakfast, plus save on shipping, and more.

NATIONAL CONGR(;:SS Indianapolis. Indiana· AugusllO.13. 2005

PLan now on attending. Bring your entire family. Bring your entire staff. HoteLs, Congress and Visa Championships venues aLL within waLking distance from one another.

National Championships for Women. Men, Rhythmic and Team Trials for Acrobatic Gymnastics. Attractions abound in Indianapolis! From world-class museu ms and exciting attractions to Hoosier history and heritage. Indianapolis can inspire, entertain and educate visitors with a diverse array of attractions and landmarks. For details about attractions. events or hotels, visitors can call ...

There is something for everyone and plenty to do. Education for all levels. 30 sessions for Women's Program, 20 sessions for Men's program, 15 sessions for Developmental Instructor/ Coaches (pre-school, recreational, class), 14 sessions for

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All USA Gymnastics Professional and Instructor members. Coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, high schooL and coLLege coaches.

WHAT IS OFFERED: Three days of education with over 130 sessions offered. Lectures given by top recognized individuaLs in the field. Sessions on coaching, judging, business, preschooL, recreational, sports science, athlete we lLness, fitness, and cheerleading. The Leading experts in the areas of Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, Acrobatics, Trampoline and TumbLing , and Group Gymnastics programs.

WHERE: Congress wiLL be heLd at the Indiana Convention Center and the Visa Championships will be heLd at Conseco Fieldhouse Aug. 10-13 for men and women, whiLe rhythmic and


Or visit

acrobatic gymnastics wilL take pLace at the Indiana Convention Center, aLong with Congress.

WHEN - TENTATIVE CONGRESS SCHEDULE: August 10, 2005 Congress Reg. opens 12:30-6:00 p.m. AnnuaL Business Conference, Safety/ Risk Management course, KAT and MELPD courses, Women's Program State/RegionaL Chair workshop. Site TBD

CONGRESS HOTELS: Downtown Marriott and Westin Hotels (All the venues and hotels are within walking distance from one another) . Reservations:

National Travel Service 888-603-8747 email Room rate:

$129 plus tax doubLe/double

August 11-13, 2005

Registration opens 7:30 a.m.Indiana Convention Center Sessions 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Trade Show Exhibit HaLL Open August 13, 2005

HaLL of Fame Induction Ceremony -TBD Congress Dance Party 9:00 p.m . at Marriott Hotel August 14, 2005

Women's Judges exams - Marriott Hotel

fundraising opportunity

at 24 Hour Fitness we empower you to achieve - no matter what your game! as part of our commitment to service, 24 Hour Fitness works with student-athletes to reach their fund raising goals. earn money for your team by selling something you can bel ieve in: 24 Hour Fitness 14 day passes. your community will recognize yo ur team as a force for health and wel lness while you raise funds for tournaments and leag ue fees. it's simple. just have your coach log on to (click on the team sports link)

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USAG Congress Indianapolis, IN Aug 10-13, 2005 www.usa-gymnastics .org



In Prizes

Including generous donations from USGSA Members: $2000 in Gift Certificates from Alpha Factor - Infinity Elite Vault Table from AAl -Theme Balance Beams from

Artistic Coverings - Preschool Work Station from DGS - Carpeted Foam Rolls from Dollamur - $3000 in Gift Certificates from Elite Sportswear- S300 in Gift Certificates from Garland Activewear-Stall Bars frotn Gibson ivlushroom Circle Trainer from GMR - Ultra Dome from Gym-Trix - $2000 in Magazine Subscriptions from

Inside Gymnastics - $250 in All Star Leotards from JKLM - Level IV Vault System from Mancino Manufacturing - Swea tshirt, T-Shirt & Bag from Marsha's Sportswear - Handspring Machines from N orberts - Tumblebear Progran1, Video & Plans from Patti Komara - Yoga Pant, Hoodies & Leotard from Rebecca's Mom - $500 Gift Certificate from Resilite - $2000 in Gift Certificates from Satara Leos - Score f',/Iaster Software from Score

Master - New Pro Style Uneven Bars from Spieth Anderson -Trampoline Bed from Tramp Master - Air-OBoard Rocket Board, Jr, & Gift Certificate from Trampolines Unlimited - Action Mats, Frame Bar & Mini-Trak from Tumbl Trak - New iBeam Balance Beam from United Athletic-



Suppliers Who Support Your Congress and Your Industry.

Don't miss this eventl - i\ Iust be present in E xhibi t Hall to win. - One Raffle Ticket per USA Gymnastics Registrant. - Complete Prize Li sting and Ra ffle Rules available at Congress.


After July 15, 2005 you must register on-s ite. Complete one form per person - Photocopy for additional registrations, Become an Instructor Member to receive the member discount, Simply check "Please sign me up" and include an extra $49,00 ($65,00 Foreign Instructor Member! in your total amount enclosed. Your confirmation will be sent by email. Please provid a valid email address.



Registration opens August 10 • Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall August 11-13




E .5


C 0



T 5

(postmarked by July 25)

PROFESSIONAL & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS 0$235 Congress-Early Bird registration only ($285 on-site registration)

NON·MEMBERS 0$335 Early Bird registration only 0$385 Congress registration on-site

0$395 Congress Registration + Gold Ticket Package IEarly Bird Price) o Number of additional packages_ _x$160 each additional Gold Ticket Packages

0$345 Congress Registration + Silver Ticket Package (Early Bird Price) o Number of additional packages_ _x$ll 0 each additional Silver Ticket Packages

Early Bird Registration and Ticket Packages ends July 15 (while supp ly lasts)

Tickets will be mailed out two weeks prior to the event to the address listed below. Minimum age for Congress registration is 16. To become 0 professionol member coil 1·800·345-4719 Name .............................................................................................................................................................. Social Security No. .................. Birth Date




USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No. "

o Please sign me up for an Instructor Membership. I have included $49 ($65 Foreign Instructor) in total amount due Email Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ IEmail address must be provided in order receive confirmation)

Mailing Address

................................................................................................................... 0

ltt~: ~~k~th~~:g~~t~;U~AsGymnosti(S dotobose.

State Day Phone (

Zip ··

) ...................................................................................................... Night Phone (

Club Name·· ....................................................................................................................................................................... C lub Number ..

Check all that apply:

o Club Owner

o Coach/Teacher

Total Amount Enclosed Charge: 0 Visa





o Administrator



Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics

0 Other _ _ _ __

Card #.. ....................................................................................................... Exp ... . Signature Cardholder Printed Name'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300,


S. Capitol, Indianapolis, IN


FAX.: 317-692-5212




• • • •

All registration cancellations must be in writing. Submit request in writing 10 USA Gymnastics, Attention: Cathy Allen

Credentia l for entrance to Congress sessions and clinics Aug. 11-13 Indianapolis, IN . Admission to Rhythmic Championships and Acrabatic Gymnastics Team Tri als. Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services. One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday, August 13. ladditional Congress Donce Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 each-availoble


on-site registrationj

Videotaping: Videotaping

Before July canceling. Alter July

of Congress sessions is permiijed FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY

unless the session presenters announce that his/ her/ their session may not be videotaped .

language: The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress attendees with special needs

must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in thi s regard prior to the July 25. Early Bird deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress regi stration fo rm.

15 -

15 -

Registration fee less $30 service fee per person

50% of registration fee per person canceling .

SUBSTITUTION POLICY To transfer registration to another person, the new Congress attendee must a lso have a Professional or Instructor membership. Before July 15 - $30 per substitution ON-SITE - $35 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Attention: Cathy Allen




--~ =


Mailed and faxed registrations must be recieved by July 27 After July 27 you must register on-site for an additional $25 fee per course per person NOTE: Due to limited space and materials, admission to Congress add-ons is not guaranteed unless pre-registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling add-ons.







Use this form to register for the 2005 Congress tests, examinations, certifications, etc. One form per person. Photocopy for additional add-on registrations. NOTE: Yaur Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member database) will be used for all correspondence. Name Birth date

. ................................. Social Security No ... . Safety Expiration Date ..

..... ................. USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. # ..


Mailing Address ... State ..



~ ~

z c: 0. 3 » ... oQr-:I: ~




Oo ... ~





~ ~m ~ ~(1)r-a..

o Q (I):;t .., < ~ 0 co Q -I ~ o",mo.Q~Z (I) (1) I





Night Phone

Day Phone


co co 5 ~


Check appropriate space for the add-ons you wish to attend. INST. PRO NON SUB MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER TOTAL


Wed. August 10, 1:00-5:30 p.m. For recerts. MUST be currently safety certified AN Da pro-member. N/A $0 N/A ~ o For those not already safety certified. $65 $65 $115~ ---------------------------------------,





... n


MOVEMENT EDUCATION AND LESSON PLAN DEVELOPMENT (MELPD) o Wed. August 10,3:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. $95 $95 $145 ~

e... -




o Written o Practical

(osl: $20 per test part

Minimum age lor Salety Certification is 16

Wed. August 10, 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. $120 $120 $170 ~ NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a KAT Workbook. Enrollment is limited. * Minimum age is 16. ______________*_M_e_al_w_ill_be-'p_ro_vl_ ·de_d____________---i



Sun_ August 14,8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. level ---------------------------------------i level ______

0 _ a.. ~ ? : ~ I '" ""0 (,.) 0 Ci"




NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a MfLPD Workbook. * Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16. *Meal will be provided KAT AND MELPD




$265 ~

Limited enrollment. No on-site registration.


Charge to:




0 Other ..

Card No . . Exp. Date .



CLUB #_ _ _ _ __

o Wed. August 10, 8:30 a.m.-S p.m.

IlOTAL PAYMENT Amount Enclosed

*Meal will be proVided MEMBER CLUB

Language: The Official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 15 early bird registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Registration Form. Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.







Signature (req uired.!..

Please return this registration form to:

USA Gymnastics Congress Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-692-5212 ATIENTION: Member Services

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 • Indianapolis, Indiana • Marriott • 8:30am-5:00pm

------------------------------------------------------------------RACE TO INDY FOR THE LATEST IN BUSINESS NEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------Indy is known for racing and the 2005 USA Gymnastics National Business Conference will fill up fast so register early!

Come to the 2005 USA Gymnastics National Business Conference to "Rev Up" your business. Take a victory lap and join the winners circle with Jeff Metzger, Jeff Lulla, Laura Mikszan, Sean Dever, Patti Komara, Frank Sahlein, Steve Greeley, Tom Forster, Julia Thompson, David Holcomb, Don McPherson, Tom Lenzini, Rita Brown, and race team captain Gary Anderson. All are invited to speak at this year's Conference and will help to fix your business "FLAT TIRE!" Get it changed and, whi le you're at it, get a shot of "High Octane" at the Indy seminar.

Early bird by June 10, 2005 Member Club $125 .00 Non-Member Club $175 .00

Cost Member Club $150.00-per person Non Member Club $200.-per person No on site registration

You'll be sure to get the checkered flag after aHending this year's Conference.

CONTACT INFORMATION Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Names Member # -------------------------_________________________________________ Member# _______________________ --------------------------------------------- Member # --------------------------

Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------City ___________________________________ State ______Zi p __________ Phone _____________________ Fax ___________________ Ema il ___________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION - Make checks payable to:

o VISA iVlse",i DMC

USA Gymnastics or use your credit card

DAmEx DOther _______

D Check enclosed

No me on co rd (please print clearly) _____________________________________________________ Card # ___________________________________________ Exp. Date _ _ _ _ __ Signature _____________________________________________________________________


Return this form with payment to: USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave. Ste. 300, Indianapol is, IN 46225 or Fax to: 317 .237.5069 - Attention Loree Ga limore



• J UNE 2005

) r-----------------------------,--3-,..... 2

Announcing the Class of 2005 Harry Bjerke • Amy Chow• Dominique Dawes • Kelli Hill Jenifer lovell Moreno • John Roethlisberger • Chainey Umphrey

USA Gymnastics

H ALL OF FAME 2005 Induction Ceremony and Luncheon

Saturday, August 13, 2005 • Downtown Indianapolis Marriott Hotel 11:30 am - 1:30 pm REGISTRATION/TICKET FORM: Plan on attending this prestigious special event. Individual Tickets $35.00 per person Tables: $ 350.00 Full tables will be reserved. Individuals will be open seating . Tickets may be picked up at the National Congress Registration Desk at the Indianapolis Convention Center, August 10-13, or Saturday, August 13 at the Marriott Hotel beginning at 11 :00 a.m .

PLEASE PRINT: Please submit email address. Confirmation will be sent via email. Name_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Member # (if Applicable}_ _ _ _ __ Address,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ City_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ State_ __ _ _ _ _ __ Zip Code_ _ _ _ _ __

*Email Address (Required for confirmation} _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Phone: Daytime _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Evening _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Credit Card Number_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name on card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ # of tickets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ $35 each . # tabl es @ $350 (10 seats per table ) _ _ _ __

I would like to make a donation to the Ha ll of Fame $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total a mount due $_ _ _ _ _ __ rese rved in the name of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All 10 tickets per table will be in one envelope for pick up. Table(~

* All donations will be listed in the Hall of Fame Program, National Congress Guide and USA Gymnastics publications

Fax form with credit card information to 317-692-5212 Or mail form and check (made out to USA Gymnasti cs) to: USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Ceremony 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300 Indianapol is, IN 46225

12 ....-=-4--=------ -- - - - - - - - - - - «



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Gymnaslics I;xcellence lhrough I;ducalion

USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRI;SS Indianapolis. Indiana· August 10-13. 2005

There will be something for everyone at the USA Gymnastics National Congress - Recreational/developmental teachers and instructors, preschool, fitness, cheer, business tips, staff training, basics & fundamentals, Women's competitive Junior Olympic program new compulsories and optionals, new Rhythmic JO program rules, Acrobatics program, Trampoline & Tumbling, Group Gymnastics, risk management, judging sessions - applying the rules to the new routines, judging/coaching sessions on technique_ Women's Level 10 Recertification for judges_ Learn from the women's program JO Committee authors and technical committee of the new compulsory routines and new JO Code of Points. Materials for sale in the exhibit hall_ The following speakers have been invited to present_ Can be subject to change_

Business Sessions

Sessions/Risk Management

Jeff Metzger • Sean Dever • Frank Sahlein • Tom Lenzini • David Holcomb • Steve Greeley • Julia Thompson • Deb Walls • Michael Swain • Patrick O'Connor, Mark Sohn • Kathy Feldmann • Don McPherson • Sue Castorino • Stephen Capper • Jeff Lulla

Developmental/Recreational/Preschool/ Fitness/Cheer Sessions

Men's Program Sergei Pakanich • Stacy Maloney • Joy Umenhoffer • Cimin Liang , Ph _D_ • Tom Meadows. Norm Stutz • Dr_ Phil Cahoy, Jr_ • Dr. Bill Sands • Jason Selk • Vitaly Scherbo • Miles Avery • Jason Selk • Kevin Mazeika • Thom Gleilmi • Vitaly Marinitch • Wayne Kerr * Vladimir Artemev • Stacy Maloney • DeWayne Davenport

Linda Thorberg • Brant Lutska • Judy Weckerly • Beth Gardner • Patti Komara • Jeff Lulla • Kim Stiefel • Jeannie McCarthy • Dawn Matthews • Vicky Smith • Loree Galimore • Kathy Feldmann • Kim Modglin • Chris Calvert • Jim Lord • Frank Sahlein

Acrobatics, Rhythmic, Group Gymnastics, Trampoline & Tumbling Sessions

Women's Program Gary Warren • Gary Anderson • Kathy Kelly • Martha Karolyi • Jan Greenhawk • Tom Koll • Connie Maloney • Cheryl Jarrett • Linda Mulvihill • Sue Graff • Marian Dykes • Dan Connelly • Don Houlton • Char Christensen • Linda Thorberg • Linda Johnson • Myra Elfenbein • Tony Retrosi • Larry Goldsmith • Paul Padron • John Geddert •

--12=-=6- - - - - - - - ---------1(

Laurie Reid • Carole Bunge • Pat Panichas • Sharon Weber • Cheryl Hamilton • Steve Rybacki • Carole Ide • Mike Lorenzen • Neil Resnick • Audrey Schweyer • Tammy Biggs. Antonia Markova • Brad Harris • Alison Arnold • Kathy Osberg


Sharise Beavers • Marcia DeGuire • Jackie Latino • Steve Whitlock • Selena Peco Other speakers will continue to be added to this most impressive list of experts!

J UNE 2005

) >----------------

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Women's Program PDCP Level II Course 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Women's Judges - Compulsory rules review Women's Judges - Compulsory written exams and certifications Women's Judges - Optional tests Clinic and Meet Welcome Reception for coaches, judges and clinic attendees

KAT preschool/developmental teacher certification course MELPD Movement Education Lesson Plan Development certification course Front Office & Customer Service Workshop with Jeff Metzger Cheerleading coaches/ judges seminar Roundup Reception for Clinic and Competition Attendees: Tom Koll, Connie Maloney, Jeff Metzger, Sean Dever, Linda Thorbe rg, Kathy Feldmann, Loree Galimore, Sandy Oldham and others to be announced

Saturday & Sunday, October 29-30, 2005 - Interactive Academy Gymnastics • Compulsory Check-up Competition - Levels 4, 5, 6 Limited entries accepted • Check-up comments/ education by Tom Koll, Connie Maloney and others TBD • Awards Ceremony - Team & Individual • Individual gymnast critique on every event by clinic judges • Seasonal Fall and Halloween themes, prizes and surprises

Sunday, October 30, 2005 - Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites • • • •

Cookin the Books - Financial Seminar with Sean Dever Preschool/developmental/recreational teacher/coach seminar Cheerleading coaches/ judges seminar Risk Management/Safety Certification Course

• Watch for more information in upcoming Technique magzines or online at www.usa·

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J UNE 2005

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10 9

MEGA Raffle . Congress attendees are eligible for the MEGA Raffle taking place in the exhibit hall. Combined value of prizes is over $35,000! Some indi vidual prize drawings will be worth $2,000. Thanks to USGSA . Raffle only open to registrants. Best Educational Value. More than 140 sessions. Bring your entire staff so multiple tracks may be attended. Registration fee includes National Congress sessions, entry into the exhibit hall, raffle ticket, special edition congress bag, special collector wrist band for dance party, dance party, congress information guide, and entry to the Rhythmic and Acrobatics events. Member Club group discounts.


It is where you and your staff belong. Improve all areas


Understanding the Unique and Specialized Needs of Your Business. Marketing and managerial sessions. Staff retention and improvement sessions, Gymnastics sessions: beginner to elite in all disciplines, cheerleading sessions, judging and t ec hnique sessions, sports science sessions, developmental, recreational and preschool sessions. Fitness session s. Risk management and safety education sessions.


of your business in one exciting weekend. Reward and educate your staff. Attend a variety of lectures and share a wealt h of knowledge.

You won't believe the Selection and the Savings in the Exhibit Hall. This is where gymnastics industry suppliers and consultants display and sell their products and services. You will find the latest and greatest in gymnastics equipment, apparel and services. Close to 200 booths. Your one-stop shopping showcase. Congress specials, promotions and discounts. Save $$$$ on shipping.

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Indianapolis, Indiana ' August 10 -13, 2005

If Knowledge is Power .. .. Then National Congress is Essential. Learn the latest information concerning Technique, Training, Rules, Policies, Marketing, Compulsory Routines, Business tips and more. Raise the level of safety awareness in your gym and across the country. Leave with knowledge to begin new programs in your club to add to your business and bottom line.

Real networking opportunities. Renew old friendships, meet new friends and associates. Connect with other coaches and judges. Interact with attendees and presenters. Find a job. Find a coach . Build business relationships with the suppliers.


Experience the best and brightest speakers who have delivered measurable results. 85+ speakers who are the leaders in our organization, sport and business. Take home real-world lessons you can use immediately.


Opportunity to see the best gymnasts in the United States. The Visa Championships will take place from August 10-13. The Women's and Men's artistic events will take place in the Conseco field house just a few blocks away from the convention center. The Rhythmic and the Acrobatics competitions will take place in the convention center. And the Number One Reason to attend National Congress in Indianapolis is... . Drum Roll please ... ..


You will have the opportunity to meet all of the great people who work at the USA Gymnastics national office! But seriously folks - you will have FUN! Great city, great gymnastics, great education and great people! Yes ... we are taking attendance!

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JUNE 2005

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USA GYMNASTICS 100S KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety considerations, class management, and much more! A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop pre:;chool gym nastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fund amenta l ski ll development, and much more. This works hop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of


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the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD workshop in your area, 2005 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your workshop has 12 paid participants, your club will receive one free registration. Member Clubs rE ceive two free registrations, with 12 paid participants. Complimentary registrations are non-transferable and will only be va lid at the workshop you are hosting. The workshop must






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J UNE 2005


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2005-2008 Men's Program Junior Olympic Competition Program Materials This set includes a DVD of the compulsory routines, a CD Rom of the J.O. Program rules and a CD Rom of the Junior National Coaching Staff materials on strength planning as well as training plans and core strength exercises from the United States Olympic Training Center's Sports Science Department. ...... ... .... ........ ... ... ......................... .. .. ... $65.00

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Dear Friends in the Gymnastics Community,

Congratulations STARS ATHLETICS froID TalDpa, norida

As some of you know, I have recently begun my term as the president of the Women's Sports Foundation. For the next two years, I will work to promote the Foundation , its mission and its programs ... with one program in particular being my reason for reaching out to you now. I think you're all in a position to be interested ... and to help.

Thank you to the over 1500 USA Gymnastics Member Clubs that participated in the "Chance of a lifetime, Powered by Tyson" promotion, a chance to win a visit from Carly Paterson, Team USA Olympic Medal Winner!

Last year, we launched GoGirlGo! , a campaign whose primary goal it is to get inactive girls moving. As we're so often hearing these days, physical activity can help reduce a gi rl's health risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer, depression , stress, anxiety and lack of self-esteem. But what about those girls who don't have access to opportunities? Who don't have the financial resources to get involved? Who don't have a support system encouraging them to get moving? The inherent risks of inactivity are pretty high stakes for these young women ... ones that I'm not willing to accept. So what am I asking you to do? It's very simple. Would you visit ~ my GoGirlGo! web page and either pledge to personally get founded by Billie Jean King one inactive girl ® active (we'll show you how) or, if you don't have the time (or access to an inactive girl), make a small donation to sponsor an opportunity for an underserved girl to play. Or do both! And, also important, send this email on to the people in your email address book and ask them to join the campaign too!

women's sports foundation

The majority of you are committed to active (really active!) kids. Please join me in committing to the ones who aren't so lucky. If each of us does one small thing, we can make a difference. It's my personal goal to get my friends to help get 250 girls active before National Gymnastics Day on August 6, 2005.

Congratulations to Stars Athletics from Tampa, Florida for winning a visit from Carly and to Pottsville Gymnastics of Pottsville, Pennsylvania for sending in more than 100 entries to win the special Tyson gymnastics prize pack. USA Gymnastics would like to thank our clubs for supporting our sponsors and participating in this Tyson promotion .

aTTenTIon el.ITe


World Championships Selection Procedures The full copy of the World Championships Selection Procedures for Men, Women , Rhythmic and Trampoline and Tumbling can be viewed online at: • The World Championships for Men and Women are scheduled Nov. 21-27 in Melbourne, Australia • The World Championships for Rhythmic are scheduled Oct. 5-9 in Baku, Azerbaijan . • The World Championships for Trampoline and Tumbling are scheduled Sept. 15-18 in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Will you help? I hope so.

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(888) 603-8747 Dominique Dawes (continued on page 40)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - «(


J UNE 2005

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IV. APPROVAL OF PURSUIT OF PERFECTION DOCUMENT Motion: To approve Pursuit of Perfection document Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED- Unanimously

V. QUALIFIER MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Proposal to qualify to the 2005 Men' s National Qualifier to the Visa Championships; scores required for eligibility are as follows :

MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2005 Conference call began at 8:05 a.m. Pacific by Chair Yoichi Tomita

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Miles Avery Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger

MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. (absent) Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep . Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep.

II. APPROVAL OF MARCH 3, 2005 MINUTES Motion: To approve the minutes of the March 3, 2005 Men's Program Committee conference call Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED- Unanimously

III. APPROVAL OF INTERNATIONAL PROCEDURES MANUAL Motion: Accept International Procedures Manual Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED- 6-1

FIG Rules Competition Scores • 48 .00 all around score • 41.50 five-event total (if one of the five events is vault, the score is 41.9) • 33.90 four-event total (if one of the four events is vault, the score is 34.3) • 26.30 three-event total (if one of the three events is vault, the score is 26.7). • 17.70 two-event total (if one of the two events is vault, the score is 18.1). • 9.1 one event total (if the event is vaulting the average score of two vaults must be 9.15 or greater). Junior Olympic or NCAA Rules Competition • 50.00 all around score from an official NCAA competition • 51.00 all around score from a USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Junior Olympic competition • 43.50 five event total from either an USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Junior Olympic competition or an official NCAA competition • 35.50 four event total from either an USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Junior OlympiC competition meet or an official NCAA competition • 27.50 three event total from either an USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Junior OlympiC competition or an official NCAA competition • 18.50 two event total from either an USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Junior Olympic competition or an official (continued on page 36)

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J UNE 2005



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(continued from page 34)

NCAA competition • 9.5 one event total from either an USA Gymnastics Sanctioned Jwuor Olympic competition or an official NCAA competition Scores must be achieved between November 1, 2004 and May 16,2005. This proposal will be approved by email.

VI. POINT SYSTEM FOR SELECTION OF ATHLETES TO THE SR. NATIONAL TEAM & MAJOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS Through lengthy discussion, the Men's Program Committee decided that this is just one of several factors to be used in determination for selection to the Sr. National Team and the major international competitions.

VII. JUDGES SELECTION The independent selection committee has chosen the following judges for upcoming international competitions: • Stella Zakharova Cup in Ukraine w / USA Jr. National Team - Don Osborn • France International World Cup in Paris - Dan Bachman • Pacific Rim Sports Summit in Seattle - Dave Juszczyk & Mike Cook, with Mark Sherman as the alternate

VIII. NEW BUSINESS All petitions to the 2005 Men's National Qualifier should be submitted to the Men's Program Committee with supporting documents as well as recent scores and competitive achievements.


Men's Program Committee Conference Call Minutes

April 18, 2005 Conference call began at 8:05 a.m. Pacific by Chair Yoichi Tomita

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Kurt Golder Miles Avery Steve Butcher Bill Foster Jay Thornton John Roethlisberger

MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep . MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. (absent) Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep . (absent)

The chair offered his congratulations to the new President of USA Gymnastics, Steve Penny and wished him the best of luck in his new position. The chair also provided a recap of the election process.

II. 2005 WINTER CUP CHALLENGE UPDATE Ron Galimore communicated that he received a final report and check from the proceeds of the Winter Cup Challenge from Dusty Ritter, the meet host. Ritter is also interested in continuing to host the event in the future and requests the MPCs consid eration of his request. Dusty has exceed ed all expectations concerning this event including his financial obligations to USA Gymnastics each year.

Motion to Adjourn at 9:05 a.m.

Motion: To approve the bid for Dusty Ritter Gymnastics, LLC (Las Vegas) to host the 2006-08 Winter Cup Challenges.

Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Miles Avery PASSED: Unanimously

Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary

Bids for the 2009-2012 Winter Cup Challenge will be due at the 2007 U.S. Championships. (continued on page 38)

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(continued from page 36)

III. U.S. OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTER UPDATE A special training request for Joey Haggerty to participate in the Olympic Training Center's resident program on a trial basis was approved. Also, Michael Reavis was granted a special training request for the summer only. The MPC policy that National team members be given priority concerning participation in the resident program at the u.s. Olympic Training Center is still in affect.

VI.PACIFIC RIM SPORTS SUMMIT: CANCELLED The Pacific Rim Sport Summit (every sport) has been cancelled. Therefore, ' we are shifting resources from a budgeted senior dual competition and providing additional participation opportunities for gymnasts in the 14th Internationaux de France World Cup event this May. Gymnasts attending this world cup event are Todd Thornton, Brett McClure, Sean Townsend, Eric LaMorte, Guillermo Alvarez, and Jonathan Horton, The coaches attending this event are Kevin Mazeika, Mike Burns and Mark Williams, Ken Achiron and Dan Bachman will attend as judges,

V. POINT SYSTEM A point system that could be used to select gymnasts for the National Team and to compete in international events was presented by Ron Brant, Sr. National Team Coordinator. The point system offers an objective form of measurement in the selection process. The men's program committee is in agreement that the point system can be used to determine certain positions on the National Team, but not the entire team.

opportunities. Any approved petitions would occupy one of these positions. Note: The National Team ranking will be determined at the conclusion of the World Championships Team Selection Competition in October. Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously

VI. SR. PAN AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS TEAM SELECTION Selection to the 2005 Sr. Pan American Championships will need to be done in conjunction with Sr. N ational Team selection this year. The 2005 Sr. Pan American Championships are scheduled for October 23-27 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Because the format is 4 gymnasts compete and 3 scores count on each event gymnasts who compete on all six events at the 2005 Visa Championships will be very important when conSidering the team's selection. This event is also the qualifying competition to the 2007 Pan American Games. World Cup points can also be achieved through the individual event finals of this competition.

VII. WORLD TEAM SELECTION PROCEDURES The Men's Program Committee approved this document on a previous conference call. The final document is cu rrently being approved by USA Gymnastics Executive Committee.

VIII. NEW CODE OF POINTS Motion: To select the 2005-06 Sr. National Team in the following manner: 1. The top two all-around gymnasts will be locked onto the team (using the final rank order all-around competitive results from the 2005 Visa Championships). 2. The next six highest ranked gymnasts using the new point system will automatically be selected to the team. 3. Six gymnasts will be selected by Men's Program Committee vote. The Men's Program Committee will select athletes that will help to meet the needs of our 2005 competitive

Steve Butcher will be attending the FIG Symposium on the new Code of Points next week in Budapest. He will be representing the Pan American Gymnastics Union as the Men's Technical Committee President.

IX.NEW BUSINESS • Petition to U.S. Qualifier Motion: To approve the petition of Daniel Diaz-Luong for participation in the 2005 Qualifier (continued on page 41)


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USA Gymnastics


2006 Nomination Form he former Helms Hall of Fame and USA Gymnastics have combined efforts into one National Hall of Fame for gymnastics. Individuals may be nominated for the consideration of the selection committee in any of three categories: athlete, coach, or contributor. The person submitting the name of the nominee for consideration should read the accompanying criteria and seek to obtain all pertinent information from the individual or the individual's family to accompany the nomination. Please submit a typed set of information for each person nominated, including the appropriate category for the nominee. Please use the format below for information as requested and include any additional information, articles, and pictures at the end of the requested information.


NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _

NAME ____ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __

ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ CITY _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

ADDRESS _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __

STATE ZIP ---------------- -----------------------PHONE ---------------------------------------FAX CATEGORY (V ONE):


CITY ------------------------------------------STATE ZIP - - - - - -- - - - - - - ------------------------PHONE ----------------------------------------FAX





ymnasts may be nominoted as an individual or a team. In order to be considered, the fallowing eligibility criteria is used os a guideline: • Aperiod of five years post competition • Has been an Olympic, Pan American, World University Games or World Championships team member • Has been a Nationol Champion recognized by the National Governing Body (AAU, USGF or USAG) • Has been a Nationol Collegiate Champion Please continue the application with the following information: 1. Date of birth 2. If deceased, dote of death and copy of obituary (if possible). Also, please list fomily name(s) ond address(es). 3. Gymnastics club(s) or school(s) where othlete trained. please include the number of years trained ond the coach(es) with whom the athlete trained in each program. 4. Athlete's competitive history in chronological order (with dotes and titles). Pleose include the follOWing items: • highlight the outstanding competitive accomplishments of individual • attach complete competitive records, if possible • include information such as national championships won, listing specific events and/ or all·around • list international competitive records, listing any events or all·around championships won • list any honors awarded to the athlete 5. Any additional information about this individual

oaches may be nominated either as individuals or as members of a coaching partnership. In order to be considered, the following eligibility criteria is used as a guideline: • Has fiheen yeors experience as a coach • Has been consistently successful in National Collegiate Championships • Has coached one or more athletes who have been members of national teams (international, senior or junior) recognized by the NGB (AAU, USGF or USAG) • Has coached National or Collegiate Champions • Has coached an NGB (AAU, USGF or USAG) recognized international team Please continue the application with the following information: 1. Number of years in coaching 2. Coaching positions held (i.e., club(s), collegiate, organization, or school) and what years coached at these locations 3. Gymnasts and coaches (i.e., Olympians, national champions, conference champions, elites, outstanding coaches, etc.) developed by nominee 4. National Team coaching positions held by nominee (please include dates) 5. Additional information about the nominee's career in coaching (i.e., background as an athlete, honors, publications, contributions to the gymnastics field, records, etL) 6. list of names, addresses and telephone numbers (with area code) of additional persons who might add to the information you listed here on behalf of this nominee



Nominations for the Class of 2006 Hall of Fame must be completed and copies sent by August I, 200S, to Kathy Feldmann at USA Gymnastics Nominations received alter that date will not be considered.

--- - - - - - - - ---------(c

TEe HNIOU E • J UNE 2005

NOMINATIONS FOR CONTRIBUTOR n order to be considered, the following eligibility is used as a guideline: I• criteria Has a minimum of twenty years of service • Has served Significantly on national committees • Holds national and "brevet" credentials as a judge frequently judging at national and international meets • Invented devises that advance the technical performance of gymnastics elements or promoted a safe gymnastics environment • Has written or contributed to significant gymnastics books, monograms, and articles • Has produced research advancing the sport Please continue the application with the follOWing information: 1. list significant ways in which this nominee has contributed to the gymnastics field: • National committees (years and offices held) • Regional and state service (years and offices held) • Books or articles published • Development of significont ideas which have benefited the gymnastics community • Judging service and major assignments (Olympic, World Championships, international &/or national competitions) • Service to the gymnastics community (volunteer contributions not covered above) 2. Was this nominee a competitor in gymnastics? If so, list background, years and results. 3. Was this nominee a gymnastics coach? If so, list years and achievements. 4. list additional information (i.e., honors received, gymnastics recognition, etL). 5. list names, addresses and telephone numbers (with area code) of additional persons who might add to the information listed here on behalf of the nominee.

Kathy Feldmann USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 ) r--- - - - - - - -- -- - --=-9 --=--." 3

(continued from page 33)

Thanks To c(u6s The International Gymnastics Federation and USA Gymnastics asked clubs for their help in donating used equipment to help South America and underdeveloped countries with their gymnastics programs. Clubs from around the country showed their generosity by giving to those in need. If you are interested in donating equipment or were inadvertently left

off the list, please contact Loree Galimore at 317-829-5654. Thanks to the following individuals and their clubs who have agreed to make a donation of equipment. The International Gymnastics Federation and USA Gymnastics appreciate your generosity! Nancy Kludt Dave Peterson Mimi McKellar April Jimenez Tanya Garber Mike Cates Stephen Rybacki

Twisters Cal Sports Central Coast Central Coast LA School of Gymn. Broadway Gymn. School Charter Oaks

California California California California California California California



Donna Levy Eric Will Rebecca Del Camp Scott Mutch Mike LaFleur Pat Murphy Dr Max Vercruyssen Mark KindeLspire Norbert Bendixon Joann Borders Barry L. Dubuque Gail Innis David Sweet Chris Powell Jean Weber Jay Wanek Jeni Ochoa Sheryl DeWeerd Bob Wuornos Rod Rogers Kim Fuchs Stacy Carrero Jason Bauer John Wilton Tammy Morey Sarah Jane Clifford Irene Bastas Jolie Levy


Eric Will Gymnastics United Gymnastics Mystique Gym nastics Tampa Bay Turners Moultrie YMCA Hawaii Academy Palouge Empire Gymnastics Spot Connersville Hodgini All About Dreams Gymn. Sweet's Gymnastics Acro Gymnastics Rebounders All-Star Gymn. Center Elite Gymnastics, Inc. Flipstar Gymn . Academy Minnesota Gymnastics St. Louis Spirits Eagles Desert Gym Kats American Gymn. Academy Wilton Academy of Gym . Glens Falls Family YMCA GTC Paerdegat Gymnastics World Cup Gymnastics

California California California Colorado Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Indiana Kansas Louisiana Maryland Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Missouri Missouri Nevada New Jersey New Jersey New York New York New York New York

) >-----------------

(Men's Minutes continued from page 38)

Ron Ganim Rick Palumbo Valencia Chang John Campbell David Niemand Cindy Finch Susie Hergenrader Patti Swenson Tina Hand John Sweeney George Grainger Susan Peterson Nancy Greg McCalester

Douglas S. Harper April Hein Susie Morgan Alex Carson Sheryl Dlugi nski Angela Jones Isamu Sakamoto Vicki Rhea Perry Siu Tammy Lackey Scott Davis

Gymnastics World Aerial Fit N Fun Kaiserman Gymnastics Gym Starz Niemand Gymn. World Gym USA Plano AerobatsCity of Plano, A Flip Zone Gymnastics Unlimited

Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Washington Wisconsin Wisconsin

North Shore Gymnastics Wisconsin Gymn. Acad. Westford Academy H.S. Elite Gymnastics

• Men's Program Positions Individuals for the following positions need to be selected by Men's Program: 1. Men's representative to the USAG Hall of Fame Committee 2. FIG Task Force Committee: to formulate future candidate strategy 3. Vice Chair for Men position to be selected in 2005 Motion: To appoint Yoichi Tomita to the FIG Task Force Committee as the men's program representative. Motion: Steve Butcher 2nd: Kurt Golder PASSED: Unanimously

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Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously

.t .


x. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To Adjourn at 9:15 a.m. Pacific Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously Respectfully submitted by Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary


LASS Super Easy web-based Gym Management System • No setup fee, low monthly fee • Free support and enhancements "After reviewing EVERY software product over the past 10 years, it is clear that JACKRABBIT CLASS is the #1 choice. Its' easy-to-use features are perfect for the entire range of business, whether you are a start-up clUb or a large, full-service children's activity center. The incremental cost and ability of the software to grow with your business is without peer in the industry." -Frank Sahlein, Wings Center/3rd Level Consulting

• Quick & easy setup, online training videos • It's online, so access it from anywhere and anytime Request a FREE trial at: (



The Lifetime Achieve ment Award recognizes individuals who have dedicated a lifetime of service to the sport of gymnastics and have made a considerable impact upon our sport. Selected by the Hall of Fame Committee, this recognition will be presented at the Hall of Fame Awards at the USA Gymnastics National Congress. There will be no minimum or maxi mum number of recipients and the award may not be given every year.

Privileges for the recipients will be: • Lifetime complimentary membership in USA Gymnastics • Lifetime complimentary subscriptions to Technique and USA Gymnastics • Recognition in appropriate publications and ceremonies as a recipient of the USA Gymnastics Lifetime Achievement Award • Presentation of the award • Complimentary admission to designated Gymnastics Championships and the USA Gymnastics National Congress In order to be eligible for this award, the following minimum criteria must be met: 1. Minimum of 25 years dedicated to gymnastics 2. His/he r service must stand out above the normal person who loves gymnastics and has a lifetime of appreciation or ordinary participation 3. This person(s) should have accomplished an involvement at the regional, national, and/or international levels in one or a combination of the following: coaching, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport of gymnastics. It is not necessary to have been a competitor in gymnastics. He/she may have been a competitor and have continued to enhance the sport in multiple ways . The Hall of Fame Committee has assumed the philosophy that the Hall of Fame will have an emphasis on the accomplished athlete. Coaches and contributors who are inducted will be limited to the few individuals with outstanding and special accomplishments at the very highest level of contribution or coaching. As we have received nominations and credentials for persons who have given a lifetime of meaningful dedication which has greatly influenced the sport of gymnastics through coaching, judging, vo lunteering, and promotion of the sport, it was felt that prominent national recognition shou ld be possible through the introduction of the Lifetime Achievement Award. Many have contributed to the growth and development which has helped gymnastics in its progress to where we stand today.


The Hall of Fame Committee encourages members of the gymnastics community to give careful consideration for nominations and to communicate with nominees in order to provide the most complete credential and information possible. Only completed nominations will be considered. The nominations which are submitted will be thoughtfully considered and maintained in a credential notebook for future consideration. Additional information may be requested. Please use the Request for Nomination for the Hall of Fame as your guideline for needed information. Please submit this information in typed form along with all name and address information as requested. You should include as much information as possible using the following criteria.

Coach - List locations and dates of where coached, level of athletes coached, names of outstanding athletes and major titles won. List coaching contributions through the establishment of regional or national workshops and clinics; as staff members of national level workshops, through presentations at national meetings; and by writing publications. List membership on major committees served, including dates. Judge - List the total number of years of judging. Include dates and the number of years at each judging rating held. List dates and major judging assignments. Include contributions made at state, regional, national and international levels in teaching, writing and publications, training camps for evaluation of athletes for education, and major committees served, including dates. Volunteer & Promoter - List major vo lunteer efforts, giving dates and number of years of participation. List state, regional, and national offices held, number of years held, including the type of work accomplished. List any other promotional efforts or invented devises that advanced the development of apparatus, or promoted a safe gymnastics environment. List research, articles or books published. You may, as the nominator, also provide a brief personal account of why you feel that the person who you are nominating is deserving of national recognition. If the nominee is a past competitor, list major accomplishments of the competitive career giving dates and specific levels of competition, including any titles won. Nominations for the Class of 2006 must be completed and copies sent by August 1, 2005 to Kathy Feldmann at USA Gymnastics. USA Gymnastics, Kathy Feldmann -Vice President, 201 S. Capitol Ave. Suite 300, Indianapoli s, IN 46225

TEe H NI OU E • JUNE 2005

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The Official Online Store of USA Gymnastics


_ _eorg

There's a Place for You with the USA Gymnastics Delegation to world

the 13th World Gymnaestrada


Dornbirn, Austria

••••• I ••

July 6·14, 2007 We are looking for performers • Individuals, couples, small groups, large groups, combined groups • Children , Youth, Adults, Seniors - all ages! • Recreational gymnasts, gymnasts (GG, Women, Men, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Trampoline & Tumbling, Rhythmic), cheerleaders, dancers, circus arts performers, show choirs, marching bands ... just about anyone and everything! • New in 2007, we are organizing a Large Cheerleading Mass Display... we need All-Star Cheer squads large and small. We will provide the choreography.


- - --- ----------- ----,



To receive more information and 2007 World Gymnaestrada newsletters, please send the following:







L 144

Mail or fax to: USA Gymnastics, Attn: World Gymnaestrada Program 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fax: 317-237-5069 Phone Steve Whitlock 317-829-5636

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... C



Carly Patterson 2004 National Champion 2004 Olympic All-Around Gold Medalist

2002-2004 National Champion 2004 Olympic AII路Around Gold Medalist





POSITION AVAILABLE GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS/DIREaORS. New England Sports Academy in Westwood, MA is a 40,000 sq. It. sports facility looking for high energy, passionate instructors who love to teach gymnastics to all ages and levels. We have instructor and director positions available for full and part time. Our facility offers opportunity for learning and growth into management positions in the sports industry. We have a large gymnastics program of all levels and ages and offer 15 other sports programs. Positions offered include directors, toddler, preschool, recreational, developmental team, competitive USAG team, prep optional, camp, birthday party instructors. We highly encourage people with 0 strong sports background and enthusiasm to be part of a growing team of professionals. Please visit our website at to view our programs and facility. Contoct Megan Kohan: 781·493-6345 Ext. 108 or email/send resumes to or 345 University Ave. Westwood, MA 02461. Rellig's Gymnastics Training Center Inc., located in beautiful northwest New Jersey, is currently seeking full and part time instructors and coaches. We are a well established program with a strong foundation of recreational gymnasts to compliment our U.S.A.G. levels 4-10. Rellig's Gymnastics offers competitive salaries, paid vacations, health and retirement benefits. Applicants need to be fun, energetic, positive motivators and team players. Choreography is a plus. Please send resume or call for an interview: Dave or Diane Rellig, Rettig's Gymnastics Training Center, Inc., 19 E. Frederick PI., Cedar Knolls, N.J. 07927. E-mail: DJRmIG@CS.COM. Phone: 973-267-5611 , Fax: 973-267-7796. MANAGER/GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS. Great career opportunities in our NYC and Westchester location. Full time and part time positions available. Weekdays and/or weekends. If you love kids, love gymnastics, and love to teach in a fun, safe, positive and caring environment, give us a call. Positions available for baby, toddler, preschool, alter school program, and birthday parties. Excellent salary. Only highly motivated, enthusiastic team players that want to make a positive difference with kids need apply. Call Jodi's Gym at 914-244-8811, fax resume to 914-244-8833, or e-mail INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (8ergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/T-F/T Weekdays/ weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive allitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Aid) Full benefits/ paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the-art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. It. located

in the NY/ NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201-7676921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or e-mail: 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. Walker's Gymnastics & Dance, Inc. Well established gymnastics school has positions available for Class Instructors/Coaches. P.T. - F.T. Must have current cert. Must be reliable and a Team Player. Great growth potential. Salary/ Benefits commensurate w/ expo Please fax or send resume to: Walker's Gymnastics & Dance, Inc., 312 Plain St., lowell, MA 01852. Phone: (978)459-4954. Fax: (978)970-1305. Email: LIVE AND COACH GYMNASTICS ON BEAUTIFUL CAPE COD. Cape Cod Gymnastics Center, located in Dennis (mid-Cape), MA is hiring a Pre-School Director as well as Competitive Team Coaches for summer or fall start. Our facility is under new, highly motivated ownership. We are looking for a professional, team-oriented person open to learning and shoring of new techniques ond ideas. Full-time and part-time ovailable with benefits and vacation commensurate upon experience and references. Please call (508) 385-8216 and ask for Jen or Jason. Email: wakemwatkinsO INSTRUCTORS/COACHES: Head Over Heels Gymnastics of Centrol New Jersey, (with 2 locations), is currently interviewing for the follOWing positions: Girls Optional Coach, Girls Program Director, Boys Compulsory Coach, Preschool and Recreational Instructors for all levels. Fl/PT positions are available for highly motivated, team player. We offer a competitive compensation package with growth potential. Send resume to or fax 732-577 -1056.

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnastics since 1990 with Class Monagement and Accounts Receivable software, including free training and technical support. Packed with features, easy to use, and networkable. Flexible setup, easy assignments, rosters, allendance, marketing analysis, automated tuition calculation, multiple discounts, additional/retail charges, inventory management, sales tax support, late charges, early payment discounts, invoices/statements, receivables reports, financial and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting and makeup lists, mailing labels, send messages and invoices bye-mail, support for bank dralt and credit cord payments, and much more. Only 5600 (5300/additional workstation). Contact Vaughn Software Services at 800-821-8516,, or www.vaughnsoftwore. com MC/VISA/ AMEX/ Discover. Score Master - NO MORE Inpulling Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even beller! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the

.-1-:;;4-:;;6,----------- - - -- - (

USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/ optional. - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlolle, NC, 28231. GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's beller than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fobrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 for more information on how you can get started today! Email:

CONSIGNMENT lEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mom popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles and fabrics, including the Framed Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warmup leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Gliller, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of solt Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs featuring Hawaiian prints. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/ 6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please coli our toll free telephone number, 1-888-289-2536 or fax Rebecco's Mom at 1-818980-0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Packages as well as leotards for special events, so please call TODAY.

CUSTOM ORDERS/WHOlESAlE. let Satara Leos help you design your next custom leotard, crop top, or shorts! Perfect for: team workout allire, recitals, exhibitions, shows and summer camps. Satora leos' design staff will be there to assist you every step ofthe way. Call 1-877-475-7676 (toll free) with questions or to place your custom design order. No-risk consignment camp packages and meet packages are also available. Satara's no-risk consignment program is the perfect way for you to sell the latest gymnastics, cheer and dance items without any initial investment. Check us out at Call and get storted today!

EDUCATION Available now! The NEW GYMCERT updated Gymnastics training manuals (levels 1, 2, & 3) you can use to train your staff; cut your lesson planning time Significantly; use to coordinate class progressions and skill training methods; and, best of all have a quick reference that is easy to use which includes lesson Planning Forms and Class Evaluation Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instruction, clear illustrations, and several coaching, spotting, and safety tips. Will your stoff be ready for the Olympic surge in enrollment? Order direct by calling toll free: 1-866-591-8500 or go online to: . Patti Komara Training Tapes and lesson Plans - Make your life easier by having Patti train your staff with tapes such as "Teaching Preschool Tumbling" and "Teaching the Back Handspring." lesson plans available for all ages in gymnastics, preschool dance, nursery school, daycares, and parent and tot classes. Check out all her tapes @ or call for a current catalog (219)865-2274. Find out her secrets to success and how she has developed the Tumblebear Gym Program, Gym-N-learn Nursery School, a successful school-age program, a dance program, and large swim school. Mention this classified ad and take 5% off your order.

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1-100 words = $100 101 -200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automatically beplaced online for 30 days at no additional charge. The address is: Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting dote. RATES




January ... ... ............ Dec. 10 February .... ... ... ....... Jan. 10 March ... ...... .. ....... ... Feb. 10 April. ..... ....... ... ....... Mar.. 10 May ... ....... .... ...... ... Apr. 10 June ......... .. ....... .... May 10 July .... ........ ... ..... ... June 10 August ............ _...... July 10 Sept/Oct. ................ Aug. 10 Nav./Dec . .. ... ... .. ..... Ocf. 10 NOTE: 11 the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work day is considered the deadline•




Mail your ad and payment to: USA Gymnastits, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fox to 317-237-5069. tF YOU FAX, PLEASE tNCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPtRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please deSignate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT WilL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastits reserves the right to vary format. Technique is received by more than 16,000 USA Gymnastics professional members jluS thousands of viewers will be expose to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product( service, or comp'etition here for great results. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.

) -----------------


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" 2005 TJ.Maxx


USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

PAID Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 7867


1005 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the mast CUlTent schedule.

Course code: J006252005WI Instructor: Joson Orkowski 608·848-3547


26 Roswell, GA; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Roswell Recreation Directions: Cindy Furman 770-641 -3987 Course code: CC06262005GA Instructor: Chris Calvert 404-687 :9911

'Tme aJd date sdJject to durge. See lor c¢ates.

24 Mills, WY 82644; 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Wyo. Gym. Center, 220 N. Hudson Directions: Dave 8runner 307·266·3023 Course code: RW06242005WY Instructor: Raleigh Wilson 307·745·8302 25 West 80bylon, NY 11704; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 8K Gymnastics Center Directions: Ed Konopa 631·422-0116 Course code: EK06252005NY Instructor: Ed Konopa 631 -422-0116 25 Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts, Inc. Directions: 80bbi Montanari 614·777-9430 Course code: BM062520050H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777·9430 25 lower Burrell, PA 15068; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. American Gymnastics Acad. Directions: Tommy Nulph 724-337-7200 Course code: ES06252005PA Instructor: Edward Swerdlow 724-327 -2475 25 Coble, WI 54821; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. lake Owen Camp, 46445 Krahs Point Road Directions: Ron lenz 715-798-3785

17 Portland, OR 97207; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mullnomah Athletic Club, 1849 SW Salmon Street Directions: Debbie Anderson 541-430-8783 Course code: DA071720050R Instructor: Debra Anderson 541-496-3692 24 Itasca, Il60143; 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 350 EIrving Pork Road Directions: Chris Eismenn 630·355-1779 Course code: EP072420051l Instructor: Edgar Pulido 630-784-1460

26 Huguenot, NY 12746; 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. YMCA Gymnastics Camp Directions: Chris Schever 845-858-2200 Course code: TR06262005NY Instructor: Anthony Retrosi 603-433-0404

24 SI. louis, MO; 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sheraton Westport Plaza Hotel Directions: Vicki Kalloff 636-230-9866 Course code: RW07242005MO Instructor: Robin Weidmaier 816-232-7502

July Myrtle 8each, SC 29579; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Terry and Don's Gymnastics, 280 Hidden Woods Drive Directions: Terry Mula or Chris Mula 843-650·6731 Course code: KB07092005SC Instructor: Kimberly Boyd 803-348-2693 16 Baton Rouge, LA 70815; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. c.G.'s Gymnastics Inc. Directions: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597 Course code: CG07162005LA Instructor: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597 16 Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp, 134 Sports Camp Dr, Rt45 Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 ' lunch available on site Course code: SH07162005PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633

August Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp, 134 Sports Camp Dr, Rt45 Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 ' lunch available on site Course code: SH08062005PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633 10 Indianapolis, IN; 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Notional Congress, Downtown Morrio" Hotel Course code: PM081020051N Instructor: Debbie Anderson and Jan Eyman

SAFETY CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROFESSI DNAL MEMBERSHIp· PRE·REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age 'or Sa'ety CertW,ation is J6 years) C . h C S f C 'f' . pro-°MST: em ber wll urrent a ety ertl lcalion

Name: ________________Male or Femole:_ _ _ _ __ Professional or Inslructor #: _ _ _ _ _ _ Current Safety Exp. Date: _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # ____________ Birth Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: __________ Stale: _ _ _ _ __ Zip: _ _ _ __ Telephone: (HI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(Wl _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Course Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Course City/Slate: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Form of Payment:


0 Olher

Payment Amount: ______________________ Name on Cord: _______________________

wishing to r~certi~ at live course .............:.: ....:................ Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification ............ Instructor Member ................................................................ Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................

• You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.

All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date'. late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four( 4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six( 6) months with prior written notification. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. 'Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: ~!~. USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212 Proud Sponsor

Number: ______ Exp. Dote:


no charge $ 65.00 $ 65.00 S 115.00


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