on official publication of USA Gymnastic
JULY 2005 • VOLUME 25 • #7
Athlete Focus: Geoff Corrigan
JULI 1-3 2 2-3 8-10 9-10 10-17 13 14 14-24 16-17 22-23 22-28 26-Aug. 3
Florida Compulsory Workshop (W) Coaching Clinic (TT) Notional Elite Qualifier (W) Region VI -VII Regional Compulsory Workshop (W) Eastern Championships (R) Future Stars Camp (M) Jeff Metzger's l-Day Boot Camp Jeff Metzger's l-Day Boot Camp World Gomes (R,TT,AG) Western Championships (R) U.S Classic/Challenge (W) Notional Championships (AG) Notional Championships (TT)
Ellenton, Fl laurel, MD Houston, TX Providence, RI College Pork, MD Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX Dallas, TX Duisburg, GER Portland, OR Virginia Beach, VA louisville, KY Houston,TX
Notional Gymnastics Day Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG) National Business Conference (B) Notional Congress T&T Scholarship Camp (TT)
Nationwide Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Three Rivers, MI
Jeff Metzger's l-Day Boot Camp World Championships (TT) International Age-Group Competition (TT) TOPs Notional Testing (W) Deci Memorial Camp (M)
Chicago, Il Eindhoven, NED Eindhoven, NED Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO
OnOBER 3-9 5-9 6-9 28 28-29 28-30 30
Rhythmic World Championships (R) World Team Selection Camp (M) Pan American Championships (M, W) Jeff Metzger's Front Office &Customer Service Compulsory Check Up Clinic Core Symposium Financial Management Seminar with Sean Dever
Baku, AZE Colorado Springs, CO Rio de Janeiro, BRA Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
NOllEMBER 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-14 17-21 14-19 21-27
Various Sites Honolulu, HI TBD TBD
JO Notional Championships (M) World Championships (AG)
BOHle Creek, MI TBD
GG World Gymnaestrada Training Camp GG Nationals
Indianapolis,IN TBD
Notional Championships (AG) T&T Notional Championships (TT)
Visa Championships (M, W, R,AG)
St. Paul, MN
MAl 4-7 TBD
Future Stars National Championships (M) Rhythmic Pan American Championships (M,W) Notional Coaches Workshop (M) Women's World Championships Selection Camp (W) Jeff Metzger's Boot Camp Freedom Cup (AG) World Championships (M,W)
TBD 6-15
AUGUn 16-19
14 15-18 21-23 23-25 25-0cl. 1
level 9/1 0 Regional (W) Pacific Alliance Championships (M,W,R) level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO Notional Championships (W)
AUGUn 6 10-13 10 11-13 14-20
1-2 13-15 21-23 28-30
World Championships (M, W)
Aarhus, DEN
American Cup
A~RIL 21-22
level 9/10 Regionals (W)
Various Sites
JO Notional Championships (W) level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO Notional Championships (M)
World Gymnaestrada (GG)
Dornbirn, AUI
Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG)
Son Jose, CA
MAl Colorado Springs, CO Rio de Janeiro, BRA Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX Cincinnati, OH landover, MD Melbourne, AUS
11-13 18-20 TBD
AUGUSI 15-18
DECEMBER 1-4 3-7 7 7-11
JumpStart Notional Testing (TT) T.J. Maxx TOPs Notional Camp (W) Jeff Metzger's l-Day Boot Camp T.J. Maxx TOPs BNotional Camp (W)
TBD Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ Houston, TX
Winter Cup
los Vegas, NV
American Cup
Future Stars Notional Championships (M) Notional Coaches Workshop (M) World Championships (TT) International Age-Group Competition (TT)
R=Rhythmic GG =Group Gymnastics B=Business
W= Women M=Men ACRO =AG
NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.
T8D TBD Quebec City, CAN Quebec City, CAN
TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling IT = Trampoline/ Tumbling
on official publication of USAGymnastics PUBLISHER
Steve Penny EDITOR
FEATURES Tips fo r Creating a College Recruiting Video 101
. .6
Women's JO National Workshop
.. 8
T.J. Maxx TOPs State Testing ..
National Gymnastics Day 2005
CHAIR: Ron Froehli,h; PRESIDENT: Sieve Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIRMEN: Yoi,hi Tomilo; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea S,hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Poul Parillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO-GYMNASTlCS: Tonyo Case; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob Colarossi (Exerulive CommiHee), Ron Froehli,h (Audilor) and Tonya Cose (Sports A,ro Terhnirol Committee)_AT LARGE MEMBERS: Sieve Bul,her, Poul Spadaro; ATHLETE DIRECTORS: Larissa Fonloine, John Roelhlisberger, Vanessa Vander ~uym, Karl Heger, USOC ATHlETE DlREGOR: lo""" Fonloine_ USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS
25 •
CHANGE OF ADDRESS ANO SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery 01 TECHNIQUE magazine, nolire of ,honge of address should be mode eighl weeks in odvonre. For foslesl se"ire, pleose endose your presenl moiling label. Direct all subsrriplion moil 10 TECHNIQUE Subsrriplions, USA Gymnasli", 201 S. (opilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE is published monlh~ exrepl bimonlhly in Sepl/ Oct and Nov/ Oer by USA Gymnasli", Pan Ameriron ~ozo, Suile 300, 201 Soulh Copilol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-50501 or visil online @ www .usa-gyonastics .org Subsrriplion prires: U.S.-525 per year; (onodo/ Mexi,o-54B per year; all olher foreign (ounlries--560 per year. If available, bo,k issue single (opies 54 plus posloge!hondling_ All reasonable 'ore will be loken, bUI no responsibility ron be assumed for unsolidled moleriol; endose relurn posloge. Copyrighl 2004 by USA Gymnosti" ond TECHNIQUE. All righls reserved. Prinled by Sport Grophirs, Indianapolis, IN. Member Smires 1-800-345-4719
Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.
DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule .................................. 2 USA Gymnastics Message .............. .. .. 4 Athl ete Focus ................................... 14 Busin ess Tips .................... .. ...... .. ...... 16 KAT/M ElPD ................ .................... 30 COVER PHOTOGRAPHY OF GEOFF CORRIGAN
www.u sa-gy mn astics. o rg
Member Service Update ........ .... .. .. .. 39 Classifieds .......... ........ ............. ....... .46 Safety Certification Schedule .......... .. 48
PROGRAM UPDATE Rhythmic Program Update ................ 42
USA GYMNASTICS Message Four very special days will take place for gymnastics enthusiasts this August in Indianapolis. For the gymnastics fan - attendance is a must. For the gymnastics' professional - attendance is essential. USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show, held in conjunction with the Visa Championships, will take place August 10-13, 2005. These are two events you won't want to miss. Downtown Indianapolis will be the headquarters for all of the activities. As an added bonus, all of the venues, hotels and restaurants are within walking distance from one another.
Kathy Feldmann Vice President Member Services
The four days kick off Wednesday, August 10 in the morning with the Annual Business Conference and registration for Congress. You can also update other certifications during this four-day event in Indy. The activities are non-stop from Wednesday through Saturday - there will be much to see and do . Thursday, August 11 begins with a wonderful choice of great sessions bright and early at 8:30 a.m. The Club Owners' Continental Breakfast and Exhibit Hall opening begins at 9:45 a.m. As a Congress registrant you will receive a raffle ticket entry for the MEGA raffle that will take place in the Exhibit Hall. This raffle event is being sponsored by the United States Gymnastics Suppliers Association with a total value prize package of over $38,000. Drawings will take place over the three days of Congress during the lunch break and the end of the Congress day from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Your Congress credential will also give you entry into the Rhythmic and the Acrobatic Gymnastics competitions taking place in the Convention Center. Friday, August 12 continues to add to your educational resume with lectures from business to preschool to risk management to cheerleading . Make sure you are present in the Exhibit Hall for the raffle drawings. End the day with networking during the Congress social taking place in the Exhibit Hall. Jillian's is the gathering place for everyone involved with Congress and the Visa Championships to eat, drink and play. Meet up with friends or make some new ones at Jillian's. Show your Congress or Visa Championships credential and receive 25% off food items. Please take advantage of this special Congress attendee discount. Saturday, August 13 continues with more great sessions. Gather all of the important new information on the Junior Olympic compulsories for women. New rules and updates for all program disciplines will take place all three days of Congress. Attend the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Luncheon taking place at the Marriott Hotel from 11:30 a.m.-1 :30 p.m. The exhibit hall closes at 2:00 p.m. The last session of Congress will end at 4:15 p.m. Throughout the four days of activities you can watch the best gymnasts in the country compete for spots on the USA National Team. The men's and women's artistic competition takes place at Conseco Fieldhouse, just a few blocks walk from the Indiana Convention Center and site of Congress. For ticket and schedule information see the ad in this issue of Technique or go to www.usa-gymnastics.org Of course, Congress comes to a close with the Congress dance party which is always a highlight of the event each year. The dance party will be held at the Marriott Hotel Ballroom and please wear your collectible wrist band to gain admittance. As you can see, Indianapolis is the place to be August 10-13 . See you there.
J Ul Y 2005
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he task of creating a concise, organized and effective recruiting video can be a cha llenging process. Many questions must be considered such as: the type of footage that should be included, running time and how to structure the footage into a DVD or VHS format. In an effort to help gymnast's coaches and parents, the folLowing information shouLd be helpfuL in answering these questions and more regarding the process of creating a valuable college recruiting video.
There are three main components in putting together a college recruiting video: filming the gymnast in the competition and training facility, designing the recruiting video, and assembly/output of the recruiting video. Each of these components when executed properly, will translate to a quality recruiting video. Let's review the three main components in more detail.
Filming the gymnast in the competition and training facility Capturing all the appropriate gymnastics footage can be a long and trying experience. A parent, coach or teammate must film every competition and every routine during the course of the season. This is a necessity as the routine intended to go on the recruiting video could come at any time during the season and there is no going back to get it if it is missed . Not only does the recruiter want to see competition footage, but training footage as well. When filming a workout in the gym, be prepared to make several trips. A gymnast is not at hi s or her best every day, so there wi ll be a range of what gets captured. Some workouts will be great while others wi LL not. Be patient and resilient when filming in the gym . Recruiting videos for boys and girls wi ll differ. For girls, the video typically contains footage from the sophomore and junior year. The boy's video is typicaLLy constructed from the junior year footage. These are the most common time frames for putting together a recruiting video but not the only times. However, a video can be
sent during the senior year if circumstances render it (e.g. gymnast suffers an injury during the junior year) Colleges receive recruiting videos at different times so check with the prospective schools on when to send the video.
Designing the recruiting video Deciding what routines and skiLLs to show on a recruiting video is a process know as content selection, and is very important in the overall success of the recruiting video. The content should be a combination of one or two competitions and selected training footage that show skiLLs or sequences not already demonstrated. Progression turns of skiLLs or sequences are acceptable as long as the gymnast displays a reasonable amount of potential of mastering the skill. A limited amount of basic skills can be included but should not be the central focus of this segment. Assembly and output of the recruiting video The final component in creating a recruiting video is deciding what video format to use. Check with the prospective coLLeges to find out which format they accept, VHS or DVD. Using a computer with video editing software, DVD authoring software and a DVD burner can create a DVD. To create a VHS tape, connect the video camera to a VHS recorder and record each element onto the VHS tape. Now that the main components for creating a recruiting video have been identified, let's explore in more detail some of the finer points regarding filming and videD assembly/ post-production.
Filming Know The Camera - Understand the video camera's capabilities. Reading the manual before filming wiLL help prevent • problems that might be easily fixed by having the ability to use the cameras functions.
TEe HNIOU E • JUl Y 2005
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Battery Management - Have a fully charged battery and a fully charged back up battery. To conserve battery • power, turn the camera off when it is not in use and close the LCD screen.
Preparation - Arrive earLy to the competition to acquire the desired camera Location. Obtaining a rotation scheduLe can give a better idea of when and where to set up the camera for fiLming. When fiLming in the training faciLity, take a day to practice. Being famiLiar with the Layout of the training faciLity will provide a better understanding of camera pLacement options.
4. 5. 6.
Exposures And White BaLance - The exposure setting on most cameras shouLd be Left on automatic. In extreme Lighting situations (e.g . bright sun Light or Low Light) set the cameras exposure to manuaL and make adjustments. The white baLance function sets the coLor for the fiLming environment. If this option is avaiLabLe, use it for each fiLming Location (e.g. it must be set for each fiLming instance) Check your manuaL for more detaiLed instruction. Use a Tripod or MonopoLe - A shaky shot can be difficuLt to watch. Using a tripod or monopoLe to stabiLize the camera can dramaticaLLy increase the "watch abiLity" of your footage. Remember if the video is difficuLt for you to watch it will aLso be difficuLt for the coLLegiate coaches to watch. Date and Time Stamp -Turn off the date and time stamp when the gymnast performs a routine. This can run over the top of the gymnast on screen and be a distraction for the viewer. The date and time stamp can be turned on for other commemorative purposes (e.g. the march-in and awards ceremony). Make Others Aware - PoLiteLy notify other spectators
7. 8.
around you when the gymnast is getting ready to perform. This can heLp prevent an unexpected bLockage of the shot. When the gymnast begins a routine, use the LCD screen to view and not the eyepiece. Looking through the eyepiece can cut down your peripheraL vision and increase the chance of not seeing someone before they waLk in front of the camera.
Organize - LabeL the tapes and keep a written tabLe of contents of the season. Taking notes at the competition and while fiLming in the gym can make the organization process easier when it comes time to put the video together.
Video Assembly/Post-Production Content - The recruiting video shouLd be a combination of one or two routines per event. ALso include, seLected training video for each event that shows skills or sequences not demonstrated in the competition footage. The recruiting video shouLd range from 6-10 minutes depending on the amount of originaL content. Some video will be Longer than others if the gymnast has more skills and eLements to dispLay. Showing skills and routines repetitiveLy to make the video Longer is not recommended.
Organization - It is recommended that a DVD have a menu that allows the viewer to watch • the video in Olympic order or access each event separateLy. For a VHS tape, create a tabLe of contents identifying each event with the corresponding counter number on the VCR when it is set to zero at the beginning of the tape. It is recommended that all video of each event be shown before moving on to the next event. Jumping back and forth between events can be distracting and confusing for the collegiate coach especially if they desire to Look at a particuLar section again.
Sound - The naturaL sound picked up by the camera can be distracting for the recruiting coach and embarrassing for the gymnast/ parent (e.g. screaming parents or comments recorded unknowingLy). RepLacing the naturaL sound with music that compLiments the gymnast and is not distracting can enhance the viewing experience (music with vocaLs is not recommended). For women's floor exercise, the naturaL sound recorded by the camera can be synchronized with the originaL floor music soundtrack and then substituted. This process is onLy recommended when using digitaL video editing.
Focus - Use the automatic focus for most shooting conditions. If the camera has troubLe focusing, make a sLight adjustment in or out with the zoom. If the probLem persists, switch the camera to manuaL focus and adjust.
AppLying this information shouLd be heLpfuL in the creation of a vaLuabLe and effective recruiting video.
Zoom - Collegiate coaches get frustrated when part of the
Andrew Hampy Mark A. Meyer
gymnast gets cut from the shot and are missed by zooming in to close. Adjust your zoom before the gymnast begins their routine. If necessary make smaLL adjustments with the zoom during the routine.
Panning - Panning is the movement of the camera from side to side. This skill is executed best using a tripod and .shouLd have a smooth continuous motion. Panning can be used on the Floor Exercise and the VauLt to capture tumbLing passes and running.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --«
Andrew Hampy is Lead Editor and Mark A. Meyer is Business Director of Shortkid Productions a company that specializes in the creation of professional gymnastics recruiting videos. Andrew Hampy was a member of two NCAA championship teams at UC Berkeley and was a five-time NCAA All Amen"can. www.shortkidproductions.com
TEe HN10 UE • JULY 2005
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USA Gymnastics has released the new 2005-2013 Women's Junior Olympic Compulsory Program. The new routines have been in the development stages for a number of years, under the guidance of the Junior Olympic Program Committee. Additionally, we developed the J.O. Code of Points with great assistance provided by the Women's Technical Committee. These groups of dedicated volunteers have devoted countless hours to share their passion and create the new foundational exercises for our female athletes.
We flipped a lot of pancakes We praised the sky above Our arms would circle fully As we opened, pressed and shoved Our arches forced and heads held high Our leans were oh so slight We learned and learned the live long day And practiced through the night!! Our waves were never perfect But oh, how hard we tried With Tom and Cheryl smiling They had to feel such pride!! We took them home and practiced And much to our delight We reeled our fish in sharply And OH LAY.. we did it right!! Thank you great committee For hours of your time!! For music, new and DVD's To make our athletes climb From 1 to 6 as years go by To grow from skill to skill With great appreciation And with passion that's fulfilled No one can know how hard you worked How much you paved our path How wonderful your athletes showed! Those memories will last! !
The 2005 Women's Junior Olympic Compulsory Workshops and Technical Symposiums took place in June in two locations: Louisvi lle, Kentucky, June 3-5 and Reno, Nevada, June 10-12. More than 2,000 individuals participated in these events.
Yes you can begin right here ", And anywhere you go ... You'll know we learned from all you taught We'll carryon your show..... .
Thanks to the Women's JO Program Committee and the Women's Technical Committee members for all their hard work on this extensive project.
The compulsory routines were learned by active participation. It was great seeing so many gymnastics professionals gathered together and learning the new compulsory routines for 2005-2013 cycle. --Ic::-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ÂŤ
I look forward to the next 8 years! Rhymed affectionately and with great admiration ... Judy Dobransky... Region 5 TECHNIQUE' J Ul Y 2005
0 ) > - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
THANKS TO: Women's Technical CommiHee: Cheryl Hamilton - Chairman Audrey Schweyer - Assistant Chairman Sue Graff Linda Mulvihill Carole Bunge Linda Thorberg Char Christensen Pat Panichas Myra Elfenbein Marian Dykes
Womer's Junior Olympic CommlHee: Tom Koll -- Chairman Dan Witenstein Laurie Reid Cheryl Jarrett Don Houlton John Geddert Larry Goldsmith Mike Milchanowski Paul Padron
Cora Fonseca from Rainbow Gymnastics Academy in Hawaii said: "I just wanted to compliment the clinicians who presented the routines on floor and beam and others for the following: • • • • •
The clarity of which the routines are explained The consistency in how the motions are to be executed Emphasis on quality of movement Patience and motivation towards the participants Well prepared, knowledgeable, professional, fun and obviously excited about the job done as a team.
This makes learning the routines fun and challenging . Thank you USA Gymnastics committees for your dedication, work and expertise devoted to the sport."
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JEFF LULLA will be speaking this year: USAG Business Conference: "Retaining Recreational Clients" USAG National Congress: "Professionalism · Creating the Experience" "Recreational Programming Philosophy & Development". Region 1 Congress: "Professionalism - Creating the Experience" "Customer Service and Marketing that Work" "Finding, Hiring and Keeping Great People" "Teaching with Progressions - Critical to Success and Safety" "Warm-ups &Games - An Activity Workshop" "Re-Defining Success so Every Child can Win"
For Details, FREE VIDEO, Information and Samples, call -;-_
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• TOPS STRTE TESTING The weekend of June 3, gymnastics clubs across the United States began hosting the lJ. Maxx Talent Opportunity Program (TOPs) State Testing. Involving 61 gym clubs throughout 39 states, the T.J. Maxx TOPs State Testing provides young gymnasts an opportunity to showcase their talent with the hope of eventually being selected to the lJ. Maxx TOPs National Team.
"T.J. Maxx TOPs is one of our most important grassroots opportunities for young gymnasts who aspire to be world and Olympic ': : -,u ,-,~ ;' ions," said Steve Pen ny, president of USA Gymna stics. "Recognizing talent and aptitude at a young age is vital to the deve lopment of elite-level gymnasts. This program gives young athletes a chance to increase their ability to thrive in a competitive sport." For the first time, USA Gymnastics is bringing a title sponsor, lJ . Maxx, to this program. "We are so excited to be a part of this grassroots initiative for young female gymnasts," said Wendy Lohr, T.J. Maxx manager of event marketing. "It is a perfect extension of the strong partnership that T.J. Maxx has already developed with the sport of gymnastics. We view this as an incredible opportunity to support up-and-coming gymnasts across the country."
With a rich, 14-year history, lJ. Maxx TOPs is a talent
search and educational opportunity for female gymnasts, ages 7-11, and their coaches and parents. Athletes are first evaluated at the state and regional levels on their physical abilities. From there, the top gymnasts are invited to participate in the T.J . Maxx TOPs National Test, conducted in late September at the USA Gymnastics Women's National Team Training Center in Houston .
TOPs has certainly proven itself over the years. Of the current members on the Women's National Team , more than 50 percent were TOPs participants at young ages. In fact Carly Patterson, Courtney Kupets, Chellsie Memmel and Tasha Schwikert of the 2004 silvermedal-winning Olympic Team were TOPs graduates, and each was awarded the National TOPs athlete of the year distinction.
2005 TOPs State Testing Sites DATE June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4
HOST CLUB Gymnastics Center of Chattanooga New Hope Gymn. Conxion Gymnastics Airborne Gymnastics Cahoy's Gymnastics GTC of Rochester Michigan
CITY Chattanooga Fountai n Valley Hernan do Longmont Omaha Rochester Hills
(continued an page 12) .-I-=-I-=-o-------------~C
J Ul Y 2005
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(continued from puge 10)
June 10 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 17 June 18 June 18 June 18 June 18 June 18 June 19 June 19 June 23 June 24 June 24 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 26 June 26 June 26 July 3 July 8 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 15 July 15 July 15
Artic Gymnastics Prattville Gym nastics Riverside Gymnastics HUGS Funtastics Rebound Gymnastics Park Ave Gymnastics Georgia Gymnastics Academy Olympic Dreams IGI Aim High Gymnastics SHawaiian Island Twisters Magic Valley Gymnastics Brown's Gymnastics River City Gym nastics Dana's Westside Gymnastics National Gym nastics Academy Greenville Gymnastics Champion Gymnastics Yellow Jackets Arizona Sun rays San Mateo Gymn . Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy Paragon Gymnastics Superior Gymnastics Hawaiian Island Twisters Gymnastics Inc. Brandy Johnson's National Gym nastics Academy Frederick Gymnastics Club LaFluer's Gymnastics Gymnastics World Gym World Funtastics Flips Gymnastics
Anchorage Prattville Riverhead San Antonio Coeur d'Alene Cliffwood Cooper City Lawrencevi lle Vienna Westmont East Greenwich Honolulu Twin Falls Houston Little Rock Albuquerque Bend Greenville Louisville Middleton Phoenix San Mateo Cincinnati Fredericksburg Morrisville Honolulu Myrtle Beach Clermont Eugene Frederick Menomonee Falls East Tucson Broadview Heights Coeur d'Alene White Bear Lake
--1-=-1-=2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { (
July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 Ju ly 16 Ju ly 17 July 22 July 22 July 23 July 23 July 23 Ju ly 23 July 23 July 23 July 28 July 29 Ju ly 29 Ju ly 29 July 29 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 Ju ly 30 Ju ly 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 31 Ju ly 31 July 31
Dallas Gymnastics Center Parkettes JFJ Elite Gymnastics Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy Brown's Gymnastics Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta All Olympia GTC of Utah Hawaiian Island Twisters LaFluer's Gymnastics Mismo Gymnastics Davita's Funtastics Stars NGV American Elite Gymnastics DeVeau's Gymnastics Kristi Phillips Gymn . Wichta Gym nastics Exca libu r Gymnastics GymStars Aim High Gymnastics River City Gymnastics Ace Gym nastics Dallas Gymnastics Ctr. Cardinal Gymnastics West Valley Finger Lakes Gymnastics Wyoming School of Gymnasics Starz Gym nastics HUGS Tupelo Gymnastics Academy IGI NASA Clinic Funtastics Brown's Gymnastics Magic Valley Gymn.
J Ul Y 2005
Addison Allentown Birmingham Cincinnati Houston Kennesaw Los Angeles Salt Lake City Honolulu Menomonee Falls Misso ula Charleston Colorado Springs Ft. Olglethorpe Indianapolis Statesville Wichita Virgi nia Beach Collierville East Greenwich Little Rock Long wood Addison Ames Campbell Ithaca Laramie Reno San Antonio Tupelo Westmont Gig Harbor Coeur d'Alene Houston Twin Falls
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By Lua n Pesze k
Geoff Corrigan, 22, is from Colorado Springs, Colo. , but has spent the last four years at the University of Michigan . Geoff was "coming home" when he competed June 25-26 in the Men's U.S. Qualifier held in his hometown of Colorado Springs. Geoff was in front of a hometown audience and definitely impressed his fans when he won the all-around title with a score of 52 .325 over Clay Strother with a 52.175 . He said, "Coming into this event I knew I had to hit in the top seven (to qualify for the Visa Championships)."
Geoff has accompli shed hi s goal of qualifying to the Vi sa Championships which will take place in Indianapolis, August 10-13. No w he has his sites set on earning a spot on the Men's Senior National Team .
fifth all-around after the first day of competition at the NCAA Championships, but was 13th after finals. Geoff was the 2005 Co-Captain to his University of Michigan team and earned all-American status on parallel bars.
Geoff has completed his eligibility at the University of Michigan , under the direction of coach Kurt Golder, but has a few more classes to complete in the fall to graduate. Geoff won the 2005 Windy City Invitational, scoring a Michigan all-around record of 55.40. He fini shed
Geoffis one to watch during the upcoming Vi sa Championships.
3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. #308 Boca Raton, Fl 33431 www.usacompetitions.com --1-1---,4---------------芦
J Ul Y 2005
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fundraising opportunity
at 24 Hour Fitness we empower you to achieve - no matter what your game! as part of our commitment to service, 24 Hour Fitness works with student-ath letes to reach their fundraising goals. earn money for your team by sel lin g something you can believe in: 24 Hour Fitness 14 day passes. your community will recognize your team as a force for health and well ness whi le you raise funds for tournaments and league fees. it's simple. just have your coach log on to www.24 HourFitness.com (cl ick on the team sports link)
here's how it works • www.24hourfitness.com • you will receive books of passes to sell. • your team sells the passes. • your team keeps 100% of the proceeds. • you return the left over passes.
USA GYMNASTICS Beg;" ~e .... Go Anywhe.e.
The CPI; The Insidious Nature of Inflation; Fall '05 Pricing Decisions I have been criticized on occasion (justifiably) for writing about : • It is my belief as well as the belief of many experts that the government drastically UNDERSTATES the CPI (it has reason to do so a subject at a time of year when that particular subject is not on readers' minds. (I suppose I do this because I see myself as one who because the CPI is an index to increases in Social Security and other programs). Do a web search on "CPI understated" and read what offers knowledge and wisdom which , to me, has no calendar.) That youfind. Hereisoneofmanyarticles: http://www.trendsimwatching. said, thi s article is a timely one. com/2005/05/the_cpi_dont_be.html Although the CPI (Consumer Price Index) is this article's primary : • If, as the above article argues, the CPI is understated by 2.7% the topic, do not make the mistake of interpreting it to say that the CPI : true cost of living increase for you and me over the last 12 months should be the determinant of a business's pricing decisions-the CPI : was 6.2% (3.5%+2.7%), a number on par with the entire profit is a determinant, one piece of a puzzle. I have chosen to use bulleted : margin of most businesses, regardless of industry! points to weave my argument about the insidious nature of inflation. : • If a Gym Club makes a decision to move its price upward by, say, 5% Please take the time to grasp each argument before going to the next : come September, 2005, that Gym Club wou ld, in effect, be achieving : a price DECREASE of 1.2%! (otherwise the 'pu nchline' will be lost on you). : • If a GymClub wo uld like to increase its buying power by 3.8% it • The CPI is a tracking of the cost of a basket of goods. It is measured : must be ready to list prices 10% higher than current prices. monthly and is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics at : By now, you shou ld be paying attention. Let's reduce this mumbo http:// data .bls.gov/ cgi-bin/ surveymost?bls • The CPI is often referred to 'the inflation index' or 'cost of living : jumbo to future dollar terms. Based on April 05's CPI, today's $14 index' (but be careful of believing it ... read on). : gymnastics class wi ll need to fetch $20 in 2009! Add in a 2.7% actor : for understating and that class wi ll be $22.50! Now, pretend you get • The actual CPI for the most recent 12 months was 3.5%. • The CPI for April alone was a hair raising 0.6%! At that pace, we : lazy and do a poor job pricing for the next two years and you fail to wou ld face a 7.2% annualized CPI over the next 12 months! : stay even with the CPI; do you really think you will be able to 'catch • A business that makes an upward price change equal to the CPI has : up?' Answer: not likely! Bottom line: PAY ATTENTION TO THE CPI! NOT made a price increase, it has merely made a price 'adjustment'. : Make it a great summer, But, the news gets worse ... : Jeff Metzger : USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner : President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp . President, Kids First Sports Center
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Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners. Dates: Nov.17-21, 2005 and May 11-15, 2006 For FREE portfolio of information 2 513.489.7575 or gymclub@aol.com
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TEe HH' 0 UE • JUl Y
)>-- - - - -- - -- - - - - - -
ea rly Patt erson 2004 Na tional Champion 2004 Olympic AII 路Arou nd Gold McdiJlist
Courtney KupeU
Paul Hamm 2002-2004 National Champion
2003-2004 National (hampton 2004 Olympic Uneven Bars Brome Meda l
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USA Prou d Sponso r GYMNASTICS
41 st ANNUAL USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS and TRADE SHOW Held in conjunction with 2005 Visa Championships August 10-13, 2005 • Indianapolis, Indiana Business Management, 11 sessions for Cheerleading, sessions for Rhythmic, Acrobatic and Trampoline programs, Sports Science sessions and more.
USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGR(;SS Indianapolis. Indiana· August 10·13, 2005
Plan now on attending. Bring your entire family. Bring your entire staff. Hotels, Congress and Visa Championships venues all within walking distance from one another.
Exhibit floor with more than 150 companies and 200 booths filling the hall. Shopping, discounts, networking, Club Owners opening breakfast, plus save on shipping, and more. National Championships for Women, Men, Rhythmic and Team Trials for Acrobatic Gymnastics. Attractions abound in Indianapolis! From world-class museums and exciting attractions to Hoosier history and heritage, Indianapolis can inspire, entertain and educate visitors with a diverse array of attractions and landmarks. For details about attractions, events or hotels, visitors can call. ..
There is something for everyone and plenty to do. Education for all levels. 30 sessions for Women's Program, 20 sessions for Men's program, 15 sessions for Developmental Instructor/ Coaches (pre-school. recreational, class), 14 sessions for
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All USA Gymnastics Professiona l and Instructor members. Coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, high school and college coaches.
WHAT IS OFFERED: Three days of education with over 130 sessions offered. Lectures given by top recognized individuals in the field. Sessions on coaching, judging, business, preschool, recreational, sports science, athlete wellness, fitness, and cheerleading. The leading experts in the areas of Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, Acrobatics, Trampo line and Tumbling, and Group Gymnastics programs.
WHERE: Congress will be held at the Indiana Convention Center and the Visa Championships will be held at Conseco Fieldhouse Aug. 10-13 for men and women, while rhythmic and
Or visit www.indy.org
acrobatic gymnastics will take place at the Indiana Convention Center, along with Congress.
WHEN - TENTATIVE CONGRESS SCHEDULE: August 10, 2005 Congress Reg. opens 12:30-6:00 p.m. Annual Business Conference, Safety/ Risk Management course, KAT and MELPD courses, Women's Prog ram State/Regional Chair workshop. Site TBD August 11-13,2005 Registration opens 7:30 a.m.Indiana Convention Center Sessions 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Trade Show Exhibit Hall Open August 13, 2005 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 11:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m. Congress Dance Party 9:00 p.m. at Marriott Hotel August 14, 2005 Women's Judges exams - Marriott Hotel
CONGRESS HOTELS: Downtown Marriott and Westin Hotels (All the venues and hotels are within walking distance from one another). Reservations: National Travel Service 888-603-8747 email usagama@takeavacation.com Room rate: $129 plus tax double/double
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Over $36,000 In Prizes ~~ft
$2,000 in certificates fium Alpha Factor • InfinilY Elite LZT Vault Table from AAf Balance Beams fi'om Artistic Coverings • Colored L'ldders and Workstation from DGS Carpeted Foam Rolls from Dollamur • $3,000 in gift certificates fi-om Elite Sportswear $300 in gift certificates ii-om Garland Activewear • Stall Bars from Gibson • Mushroom Circle T'rainer from GMR • Ultra Dome [roIll Gym-rI'rix • Custom \Vater Bottles fi-om Hodges Badges • $2,000 in subscriptions from Inside Gymnastics • All Star Leotards from JKLl\1 • Level 4 Vault System from l\1ancino Manufacturing • Sweatshirt, Sportsbag & Tshirt from Marsha's Sportswear • Handspring Machines {i-om Norbert" • Tumblebear Program Lesson Plans & Video from Patti Komara • Signature Apparel from Rebecca's Mom $500 gift certificate from Resilite • $2,000 in gift certificates from Satara Leos • Score i\1aster Soth,vare from Score Master • lJ neven Bars fi'om Spieth Anderson • Rocket Board Pro, Rocket Board .II', Rocket Launcher & Air-O-Board from 'Trampolines Unlimited Action Mats, Frame Bar & Mini Trak from T'umbl Trak • $ 1,000 gift certificate from lJCS iBeam from l Tnited Athletic • Class Control for Windows from Vaughn Software
Suppliers Who Support Your Congress and Your Industry. 1.---2:=-"C=---
- - -- - - - - - - - - «
TEe HHIOU E • J Ul Y 2005
) 1 - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
After July 15, 2005 you must register on-site. Complete one form per person - Photocopy for additional registrations. Become an Instructor Member to receive the member discount. Simply check "Please sign me up" and include an extra $49.00 ($65.00 Foreign Instructor Member) in your total amount enclosed. Your confirmation will be sent by email. Please provid a valid email address.
Registration opens August 10 • Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall August 11-13
CON G RES S COS T S (postmarked by July 25) PROFESSIONAL & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS 0$235 Congress-Early Bird registration only ($285 on' site registration) 0$335 Early Bird registration only 0$385 Congress registration on-site
0$395 Congress Registration + Gold Ticket Package (Early Bird Price) D Number of additional packages _ _x$160 each additional Gold Ticket Packages
0$345 Congress Registration + Silver Ticket Package (Early Bird Price) D Number of additional packages _ _ x$l 10 each additional Silver Ticket Packages
Early Bird Registration and Ticket Packages ends July 15 (while supply lasts)
Tickets will be mailed out two weeks prior to the event to the address listed below. Minimum age for Congress registration is 16. To become 0 professionol member coli 1-800·345·4719 ................................................ Social Security No .................... - ..
Name Birth Date
USA Gymnastics Pro/ ln st. N o. "
o Please sign me up for an Instructor Membership. I have included $49 ($65 Foreign Instructor) in total amount due Email Addre ss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Email add ress must be provided in order receive confirmation)
......................... 0 Tplhis iskathnehw adthdreUSsAsG
Mailing Address
eose mo e e conge In e Zip ··
State Day Phone (
. d b
ymnostics oto ose.
...................................................................................................... Night Phone ( ......... Club Number ..
Club Name
Check all that apply:
o Club O w ner
o Coach/ Teacher
Total Amount Enclosed
Charge: 0 Visa
o Administrator Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics
o Other _ _ _ __
Signature ... Card # .... Exp. Cardholder Printed Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza , Suite 300,
201 S. Capitol, Indianapolis, IN 46225
FAX: 317-692-5212
• • • •
Cred en tial for en trance to Congress sessions and cl inics Aug. 11 · 13 Indianapolis, IN. Admiss io n to Rhythmic C hampio nships and Acrobatic Gymnasti cs Team Trials. Entrance to th e Exhibit H a ll fealuring the industry's finest praducts and services. One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturd ay, August 13 . ladditional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 eoch--available at
All reg istra tion ca ncellations musl be in w riting . Submit request in writing 10 USA Gymnastics, Atten tion: Cathy
on-site registra tion)
After July 15 - 50% of registration fee per person canceling .
Allen Before July 15 - Registration fee less $30 service fee per person canceling.
Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permiHed FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY
unless the session presenters announce that his/ her/ their session may nol be videotaped.
To transfer registration 10 another person, the new Congress attendee must also have a Professional or Instructor membersh ip.
Language: The official language of Congress is English . USA Gymnastics will make no special
Before July 15 - $30 per substitution ON·SITE - $35 per substitution
provisions for translation of sessions into other languages .
Submit request in wri ting to USA Gymnastics, AHention : Cathy
Congress aHendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 25 , Early Bird deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the
Congress regis trati on form.
Mailed and faxed registrations must be recieved by July 27 After July 27 you must registe r on-site for an additional $25 fee per course per person
NOTE: Due 10 limiled space and molerials, admission 10 Congress add-ons is nol guaranleed unless pre-regislered_ Due 10 lime conslrainls, several courses may overlap_Please be aware of Ihis when scheduling add-ons_
(R(D APP #
Use Ihis form to register for the 2005 Congress tests, examinations, certifications, etc. One form per person. Photocopy for additional add-on registrations. NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member datobase) will be used for all correspondence. Name ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Social Security No ... . Safety Expiration Date .
Birth date ....................................... USA Gymnastics Pro/Ins!. #
Mailing Address .... State
- c: Z"'o
I '" 00 Q 00 (Q
Day Phone
Night Phone
Check appropriate space for the add-ons you wish to attend. INST. MEMBER PRO MEMBER NON TOTAL SUB MEMBER - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - ---1
....... Q
Minimum age for Safety Certification is
-t -
.I::ao ~ m ::l ....... CDr-Q"
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....... - · 0 (1) ."" 0 _ Q" ""'=: .I::ao. • . .(,It. I
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certified AND a pro-member.
N/A $65
Sun. August 14,830 230 p.m. : a.m.-: 0 Written 0 5/ 60 7/ 8 0 9010 o Practical 0 5/ 6 0 7/ 8 0 9 010
Cost: $20 pertest part
Choose Exom and level
Wed. August 10, 1:00-5:30 p.m •
o For recerts. MUST be currently safety
N/A ~
$0 $65
Language: The Ofliciallanguage of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 into other languages. KINDER ACCREDITATION Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA FOR TEACHERS (KAT) Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 15 early bird o Wed. August 10, 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. $120 $120 $170 ~ registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with NOTE: Pre·registration guarantees a KAT Workbook. Enrollment is limited. * the Congress Registration Form . Minimum age is 16. Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _*_M_eac-lc-wlc-·II"-'be-cp"-'ro"vi"-' -' dec-d_ __ _ _ _ --1 PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.
o For those not already safety certified.
o Wed. August 10, 3:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
$95 $95 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees aMELPD Workbook. * Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16. *Meal will be provided
$145 ~
$265 ~
*Meal will be provided MEMBER CLUB
Limited enrollment. No on-site registration.
Charge to:
L.I..:.$_____--'IG,~:.REFERS I VISA I
0 Other ....
Card No . . Exp. Date .
CLUB #_ _ __ __
o Wed. August 10,8:30 a.m.-S p.m.
Signature (required), ..
Please return this registration form to:
USA Gymnaslics Congress Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-692-5212 ATTENTION: Member Services
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 • Indianapolis, Indiana • Marriott • 8:30am-5:00pm
------------------------------------------------------------------RACE TO INDY FOR THE LATEST IN BUSINESS NEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------Indy is known for racing and the 2005 USA Gymnastics National Business Conference will fill up fast so register early!
Come to the 2005 USA Gymnastics National Business Conference to "Rev Up" your bus iness . Take a victory lap and join the winners ci rcle with Jeff Metzger, Jeff Lul la, Laura Mikszan, Sean Dever, Patti Komara, Frank Sahlein, Steve Greeley, Tom Forster, Julia Thompson , David Holcomb, Don McPherson, Tom Lenzini, Rita Brown , and race team captain Gary Anderson . All are invited to speak at this year's Conference and will help to fi x your business " FLAT TIRE! " Get it changed and, while you're at it, get a shot of "High Octane" at the Indy seminar.
Cost Member Club $150.00-per person Non Member Club $200.-per person No on site registration
You'll be sure to get the checkered flag after aHending this year's Conference.
CONTACT INFORMATION Club Name Club # Names ---------------------------------------- Member # Member # Member #
Address City Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Fax
Zip Email
PAYMENT INFORMATION - Make checks payable to : USA Gymnastics or use your credit card
I D MC DAmEx DOther _ __
D Check enclosed
No me on co rd (please print clearly) _________________________________________________________ Card # _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date _ _ _ __ _ Signature ______________________________________________________________________
Return this form w ith payment to : USA Gymnastics, Pa n American Plaza, 20 1 S. Capitol Ave. Ste. 300, Indianapoli s, IN 46225 or Fax to: 3 17.237.5069 - Attention Loree Galimore
TECH NI QUE • J Ul Y 2005
Announcing the Class of 2005 Harry Bjerke • Amy Chow • Dominique Dawes • Kelli Hill Jenifer Lovell Moreno • John Roethlisberger • Chainey Umphrey
USA Gymnastics
HALL OF FAME 2005 Induction Ceremony and Luncheon
Saturday, August 13, 2005 • Downtown Indianapolis Marriott Hotel 11:30 am - 1:30 pm REGISTRATION/TICKET FORM: Plan on attending this prestigious special event. Individual Tickets $35.00 per person Tables: $ 350.00 Full tables will be reserved. Individuals will be open seating. Tickets may be picked up at the National Congress Registration Desk at the Indianapolis Convention Center, August 10-13, or Saturday, August 13 at the Marriott Hotel beginning at 11 :00 a.m.
PLEASE PRINT: Please submit email address. Confirmation will be sent via email. Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Member # (if Applicable} _ _ _ _ __ Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip Code _ _ _ _ _ __
*Email Address (Required for confirmation} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: Daytime_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Evening _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Credit Card Number_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name on card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ # of tickets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _@$35each.#tables@$350(10seatsper table) _ _ _ __ I would like to make a donation to the Hall of Fame $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total amount due $_ _ _ _ _ __
~ble(~ reserved in the name of _ _ _~~-~-------------------All 10 tickets per table will be in one envelope for pick up. *All donations will be listed in the Hall of Fame Program, National Congress Guide and USA Gymnastics publications
Fax form with credit card information to 317-692-5212 Or mail form and check (made out to USA Gymnastics) to: USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Ceremony 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225
GK Workout Essentials Endorsed by early Patterson GK Risk Free Program • It's easy to order, easy to sell and easy to return . • Let us select an exciting new assortment of styles to send you each month. • You'll find your "Risk Free" shipments always create some new excitement and a rush of sales in your pro shop. • You'll earn extra profits with no investment and no risk! • We will even provide free sales analysis upon request.
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Congralulalions lo lhe J-Iall of ~ame Class of 2005 These individuals will be inducted into the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame on Saturday, August 13, 2005, in conjunction with National Congress and the Visa Championships events in Indianapolis, Indiana. For form information go to
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- - -- - - - - - - - - 芦 (
) > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - c=--1 27
PRESENTERS AND SESSION TOPICS (Can be subject to change - more sessions to be added)
Men's Program 1. Sergei Pakanich ....... PH-Russian Wu development & flops 2. TBD ............. ............ VT-Long term dev. Typical week of vault workout 3 . TBD .... ..... .... .... .... ... . Basic Trampoline for Men's Dev. 4. Cimin Liang, Ph.D ..... 100 Drills for boys flex., posture & coordination 5. Tom Meadows ... .......... SR-Front bail, Yamawaki & for. Dismt. Dev. 6. Tom Meadows .. ..... ... SR-Back bail and back dismt. Dev. 7. Dr. Phil Cahoy, Jr.. .. . SS-Injury prevention techniques for shoulders 8. Dr. Bill Sands .... ... .. .. . SS-Dev. Speed strength in competitive athletics 9. Jason Selk ........ ...... .. The Power of positive coaching 10. TBD ................. ... .... . PB-Front uprise, dbl front type skills
l1.TBD ......................... . PB-Superior support swing for dismts 12 . TBD ........ .... ............. HB-Multiple release dev. 13. Dr Bill Sands ........ .. .. SS-Muscular endurance and static strength 14. Jason Selk.. .............. Coaching for Greatness 15 . Kevin Mazeika ......... HB-Jam, Takamota 1/2 & 1/1 16. Thorn Gleilmi ............ HB-Dev. Good swing and taps for Rybalko 17. Vitaly Marinitch ........ FX-Dev. D, E, and SE elements 18 . Dr Bill Sands ............ FX-Triple & Quad Twist Dev. 19. Wayne Kerr ............. PH-Dev. Stages for moving mushroom to horse 20. Vladimir Artemev ..... PH-Flair up & down, flair Spindle 21. Vince Miller ............. Basic skills for boys: FX,PH, SR 22 . Vince Miller .......... .. . Basic skills for boys: VT, PB, HB 23 . DeWayne Davenport . Firing up your coaches/clubs for retention of boys 24. Norm Stulz .......... .... Dev. a successful boys program Level 4 - Elite
Business 25.Jeff Metzger ............ Getting Financing: building your business plan 26. Jeff Metzger ...... .... .. Growth : Five strategies to get it & how to manage it 27. Sean Dever ...... .... .... Unraveling the mystery of the Balance Sheet 28 . Sean Dever .......... .. .. The Best tax tips for 2005 29. Frank Sahlein ........... How to put W.O .M. Advg . into Overdrive.
Success starts with planning. GYMCERT Coaching Certification Manuals help you do just that. Each chapter is packed with easy to read instructions, complete illustrations, and several coaching and spotting tips. The key to keeping students is fun and exciting lesson plans. Can you afford not to invest in your staff's education? Cut the cost of training new staff and high turnover in your classes with these GYMCERT manuals. Order online or send $34.95 for each Level 1,2, or 3 ($90 for all 3!) to:
RJC Publishing, 740 Orange Ave., Altamonte, FL 32714. (FREE shipping and handling when you mention this ad!) Or call toll free: 1-866-591 -8500
)>-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
30. Frank Sahlein ... ... ... .. Battle of the External Marketing Giants: Panel 31 . Tom Lenzini .. .. ..... .... . Time Management 32 . Tom Lenzini .. .. .. .... .. .. How to open a club 33 . David Holcomb .... .... Facility Design for growth and profits I 34. David Holcomb .. .. .. .. Facility Design for growth and profits II 35. Steve Greeley .. .. ...... Staff Training: Curriculum and class structure 36. Steve Greeley .. ....... . Staff Training: building culture and leaders
Women's Program 37. Anderson/Warren .... 38 .Jan Greenhawk ........ 39. Koli/Maloney .. .. ....... 40. Marian Dykes .. ... .. ...
TOPS, Pre Elite Update The Care and Feeding of Volunteers JO Program Update New Rules Optional General for Level 7 - 10 41. Hamilton/Weber ........ FIG new Code Information/updates 42. Mulvihill/Graff ......... New Rules-Level 10 & 9 Vault (10 Recertification) 43. Houlton/Christensen . JO Vault Level 7 & 8: Meeting of the Minds 44. Dan Connelly .... .. .... . College: How to make a recruiting video 45. Tony Retrosi ...................Bar Basics - 5 skills you need to know 46. Dykes/Goldsmith ...... Compulsory Vault: Evaluation/ Techniques 47. Thorberg/Johnson .... Compulsory Floor: Evaluation/ Techniques 48 . Maloney/Witenstein. Compulsory Bars: Evaluation/ Techniques 49.Paul Padron ............. Compulsory Level 1-4 Bars 50. Cheryl Jarrett.. .. .. ... .. Compulsory Level 5 & 6 Beam 51. Laurie Reid .............. . Compulsory level 1-4 Beam 52. John Geddert.. ........ . Compulsory level 5 & 6 Bars 53. Thorberg ........... .. ..... New Rules of Optional Floor Levels 7 - 9 54. Pat Panichas ............. New Rules of Optional Bars Level 10
56 . Carole Bunge ........... New Rules of Optional Beam L1 0 57. Ide/Dykes/Behrens ... NAWGJ Session/CPE Info 58. Reed/Christensen .. .. . JO Beam : Meeting of the Minds 59. Steve Rybacki ................ Conditioning Plan: A 12 Month Timeline 60. M. Karolyi/K. Kelly .. Elite Program Review/Update 61. Tammy Biggs .. .......... Drills for Skills - Beam Tumbling 62 . Tom Koll ...... .. .. .. .... .. JO Level 1-4 Floor 63. Tom Koll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. JO Level 5 & 6 Floor 64. John Geddert ... ........ Training the Yurchenko vault 65. Myra Elfenbein ...... .. New Rules for Level 7 -9 Bars 66. Mike Lorenzen .. .. .. ... Interdependence 67. Audrey Schweyer ..... New Rules for Level 10 Floor (10 Recertification) 68. Antonia Markova ..... Project the Feeling 69. Brad Harris ...... .. .... .. Drills for skills: Level 8 & 9 Bars 70. Alison Arnold .. .. .. .... . Scream & Run Naked: 7 guiding principles to loving your life of coaching 71. Alison Arnold ...... ..... Discipline the Mind, Discipline the Body: Cultivating Fearlessness in your Athletes 72. Tammy Biggs ............ Building endurance for floor exercise
Developmental/Preschool 73. Brant Lutska ............. 74. Judy Weckerly .. ....... 75.Judy Weckerly ...... ... 76. Beth Gardner ........... 77. Beth Gardner ........... 78 . Patti Komara ............ 79.Jeff Lulla ................ .. 80. Kim Stiefel ............... 81. Jeannie McCarthy .... 82. Linda Thorberg ......... 83. Linda Thorberg .. ..... .. 84. Dawn Matthews .......
55. Carole Bunge ........... New Rules for Optional Beam Levels 7 - 9
TEe H H IOU E â&#x20AC;˘
Movement, music & fitness Yikes! Who me .. teach tots? Ideas, Ideas, Ideas Skill deconstruction & progressions for pre & rec. I've got ideas - now what? Structuring your preschool department Recreational programming philosophy & dev. Infant & toddler Lesson plans, themes, music, props Teaching tips - communicating with preschoolers Parent/child class communication & education Basics on bars for preschool Training preschool teachers to teach (continued on page 34)
J Ul Y 2005
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USA GYMNASTICS 100S KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety considerations, class management, and much more!
the individual students and enco urage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD
A Movement Education and Lesso n Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlighteninghoursofpreschoolteachereducation. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop pre:;chool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental skill development, and much more. This workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of
works hop in your area, 2005 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your workshop has 12 paid participants, your
club will receive one free registration. Member Clubs rEceive two free registrations, with 12 paid participants. Complimentary registrations are non-transferable and will only be valid at the works hop you are hosting. The workshop must
maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. Courses that do not meet minimum participction levels are subject to rescheduling or ca ncellation . For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call 1¡800345-4719 or visit www.usa-gymnastics.orgj membershipj
Coral Springs, Florida February 17-19, 2006
* * ** (' *.
** *
Girls Levels 2-10 (USAG & AAU) 100% AA Trophies Awarded
â&#x20AC;˘ *t
$100 Reserves Your Space
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J Ul Y 2005
• It' s the onl y chalk in th e world thar is 100% pure w ith no fi llers. So pure in fac t that ir will no t cause irritatio n or infectio n in to open cms. • O nly Italian chalk provid es unparalleled moisture absorptio n, superb adhesion and a non-slip surface. Unlike cheaper chalk, its perfec t moisture balance means more chalk on your hands and less in the air. • Italian chalk has no oily or greasy texture. And , irs solid cube form is neater, easily sto red and ensures less waste. • Each case co ntains 7.5 pound s, co nveni ently packaged in 2 oun ce cubes.
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This Physical Preparation DVD has over 300 exercises and variations for strength, power, flexibility, body positions, etc. Also single rail drills, floor exercise team activities and more. The DVD comes accompanied by a booklet offering up to date info and tips for gymnastics physical preparation, suggestions for Yearly Training Plans and other areas of interest for Men's or Women's gymnastics coaches alike. Instruction is by Roberto Pumplido . ..................... .... .. .. ..... ... ....... ... ....... ... .. $25.00
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2005-2008 Men's Program Junior Olympic Competition Program Materials This set includes a DVD of the compulsory routines, a CD Rom of the J.O. Program rules and a CD Rom of the Junior National Coaching Staff materials on strength planning as well as training plans and core strength exercises from the United States Olympic Training Center's Sports Science Department. ... ........ ........ .............................. ... ....... $65.00
USA GYMNASTICS New Educational/ Technical Materials Order Below DR
NAME ...........................................•..........•................•................................................................ PHONE ........................................................••.....•...•••.........
ADDRESS ..•...................••....... ••• ..••...............•..•....................•......•..........................•..............•.......•......•..................•.....................•.............................•....................•.......... www.usa-gyrnnastics.crg CITY .................•.....•........•......•..•.......•...........................................•.....................•..........................................••.......•.•.•....•.......••..•...... STATE .........•............ ZiP.................................... ............ . GYMNASTICS MEMBERSHIP #................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . CHARGE:
CARD # ................................................................................................................................
SIGNATURE •••.••.••..•..........•.•...•.•...•••....................................••............•.........•........•.................••..........
Pro Members receive a S%
5/0 AND UNDER 510.01-540 540.01-560 560.01-580 580.01-5100 5100.01-5150 OVER 5150.01
55 56 57 58 59 514 520
••••••••.••••••••••..•••••••••••••.•••• ••••••• •.•••• •.••.••••••. ••.•••••••••••.••.•• ••••••.•••.•••.•••••••.••.•••••••••.••
(continued from page 29)
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Acrobatics 110. Sharise Beavers ........... Acrobatics gym: What you need to know 111. Marcia DeGuire ..... Benefits of Acrobatic Gymnastics/ Getting your program started 112. Julie Miller ............. Conditioning & Drills for Acrobatics 113. Marcia DeGuire ..... Acrobatics: level 4 & 5 114. Sharise Beavers .......... Acrobatics gym: What you need to know 115. Peco/Latino ........ .... Acrobatics: Level 6 & 7
/ ./
Rita Brown, President Brown's Gymnastics "Training Centers
ProSchool, ""simply the best "gym management software-period.
85. Patti Komara ......... ... Gym-N-Learn: A fitness based preschool prog . 86. Patti Komara .... ... ..... Bringing fitness to your school age classes 87. Dawn Matthews ..... .. Creative conditioning 88. Kim Steifel ..... .......... 101 + Preschool warm-up & conditioning 89. Vicky Smith .................... Fitness programs for schools sports teams 90. Kim Modglin ..... .. ..... USA Gymnastics Fitness program & St Francis Hospital 91. Jeff Lulla ........... ...... . Professionalism 92 . Julia Thompson ........ Your business - the best of customer service 93 . Deb Walls ................ Thriving in your community 94. Michael Swain ......... Conducting a Risk Management Review of your Gymnastics Business 95. Kathy Feldmann ... .... Member Misconducts Risk Management for employees 96. Pat O'Connor .. .... ... .. Enterprise Risk Management 97. Del Small ........ .... .. ... How to run a more profitable pro shop and sales booth at your meet 98 . Capper/Bean .... ....... PRAISE Program 99 . Feldmann/Galimore ... USA Gymnastics Programs: Cheer, CORE, USA Gymnastics University 100. TBD ........ .... .... ........ KEYS, Inc. Keep our Epileptic Youth Strong 101. Calvert/Lord ........ .. Details ... Creative Choreography for Cheerleading 102. Calvert/Lord .......... Progressive Tumbling Skills for cheerleaders 103. Calvert/Lord .......... Cheer: Elite Stunting 104. Vicki Smith ............. Conditioning Program for Cheer 105. Sahlein/DeVeau ..... Planning and conducting a Cheer competition 106. Sue Castorino ......... lssue Management: Are you ready to respond when something happens? .... because it will. 107. Sue Castorino ............ Sportsmanship: How to communicate with difficult or challenging parents/ athletes/ coaches 108. Gina Pongetti ...... .. . Hip Flexor and The Core 109. Gina Pongetti .......... Shoulder Health
Trampoline & Tumbling
Manage it with class
116. Patti Connor ...... ... .. Success "Or Else" - Creating the Best Competition Experience for Athletes, Coaches and Judges from the Organizer's Point of View. 117. Sims/Tyler ............. . How T & T can benefit your program 118. Jeremy Waldridge .. Turning your Preschool Class into a developmental program 119. Steve Anderson ...... Building a Better Back Handspring
J Ul Y 2005
(continued to page 37)
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(continued from page 34)
(continued from page 37)
120. Shoun Kempton .. .... Trampoline Twisting Combinations 121. Shoun Kempton ...... Trampoline Periodization - a simplified approach
Group Gymnastics 122. Jackie Maynard ..... Group Performance - what you need to do it! 123. Jackie Maynard ..... We've got a Show Group - what do we do now? 124. Dean Capelotti .. ..... TeamGym: the Basics 125. Dean Capelotti ....... Attention All Star Cheer and GG groups: You can participate in the 2007 World Gymnaestrada 126. Paula lord ...... .... .... Activities to Motivate and Enhance Recreational classes 127. Paula lord .... .......... Creating a Gym Club Show that involves all of your students
Rhythmic Program
.... ......
'Daue moskouif~ Award 'Presenfed Don Spencer, owner and head coach of Go For It Gymnastics in N. Henderson, Nev., was presented with the Dave Moskovitz Awa rd at the 2005 Group Gymnastics Nationals in Ft. Worth, Texas. This award is presented in memory of Dave Moskovitz to an individual or organization contributing significantly to the growth and development of Group Gymnastics in the U.S.
128. Brooke Bushnell Toohey2006-2012 JO Program 129. lIiana Ivanova .. .. .... 2006-1012 JO Program 130. Nadine Davies ....... 2006-2012 JO Program 131. & 132 ........... ...... .. Rhythmic National Judges Course & Exam Wednesday, 8/10 .......... Safety, KAT, MElPD Certifications Business Conference Saturday, 8/13 .. .. ...... .... Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony & luncheon Sunday, 8/14 .......... .... .. Women's Judges Exams Meetings: ............ .......... National Instructors, Elite Coaches Association, Women's National, Regional and State Chairs, T & T Regional and State Chairs, Men's Regional and State Chairs Other sessions, programs and meetings added daily. Don't miss this great event!
Pictured: Steve Whitlock (USA Gymnastics) , Josh Spencer, Julie Jay, Don Spencer, and gymnasts from Go For It Gymnastics.
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(continued from page 36)
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals who have dedicated a lifetime of service to the sport of gymnastics and have made a considerable impact upon our sport. Selected by the Hall of Fame Committee, this recognition will be presented at the Hall of Fame Awards at the USA Gymnastics National Congress. There will be no minimum or maximum number of recipients and the award may not be given every year.
Privileges for the recipients will be: • Lifetime complimentary membership in USA Gymnastics • Lifetime complimentary subscriptions to Technique and USA Gymnastics • Recognition in appropriate publications and ceremonies as a recipient of the USA Gymnastics Lifetime Achievement Award • Presentation of the award • Complimentary admission to designated Gymnastics Championships and the USA Gymnastics National Congress In order to be eligible for this award, the following minimum criteria must be met: 1. Minimum of 25 years dedicated to gymnastics
2. His/ her service must stand out above the normal person who loves gymnastics and has a lifetime of appreciation or ordinary participation 3. This person(s) should have accomplished an involvement at the regional, national, and/or international levels in one or a combination of the following: coaching, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport of gymnastics. It is not necessary to have been a competitor in gymnastics. He/s he may have been a competitor and have continued to enhance the sport in multiple ways. The Hall of Fame Committee has assumed the philosophy that the Hall of Fame will have an emphasis on the accomplished athlete. Coaches and contributors who are inducted will be limited to the few individuals with outstanding and special accomplishments at the very highest level of contribution or coaching. As we have received nominations and credentials for persons who have given a lifetime of meaningful dedication which has greatly influenced the sport of gymnastics through coaching, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport, it was felt that prominent national recognition should be possible through the introduction of the Lifetime Achievement Award. Many have contributed to the growth and development which has helped gymnastics in its progress to where we stand today.
The Hall of Fame Committee encourages members of the gymnastics community to give careful consideration for nominations and to communicate with nominees in order to provi de the most complete credential and information possible. Only completed nominations will be considered. The nominations which are submitted will be thoughtfully considered and maintained in a credential notebook for future consideration. Additional information may be requested . Please use the Request for Nomination for the Hall of Fame as your guideline for needed information . Please submit this information in typed form along with all name and address information as requested. You should include as much information as possible usi ng t he followi ng criteria.
Coach - List locations and dates of where coached, level of athletes coached, names of outstanding athletes and major titles won. List coaching contributions through the establishment of regional or national workshops and clinics; as staff members of national level workshops, through presentations at national meetings; and by writing publications. List membership on major committees served, including dates. Judge - List the total number of years of judging. Include dates and the number of years at each judging rating held. List dates and major judging assignments. Include contributions made at state, regional, national and international levels in teaching, writing and publications, training camps for evaluation of athletes for education, and major committees served, including dates. VoLunteer & Promoter - List major volunteer efforts, giving dates and number of years of participation. List state, regional, and national offices held, number of years held, including the type of work accomplished. List any other promotional efforts or invented devises that advanced the development of apparatus, or promoted a safe gymnastics environment. List research , articles or books published. You may, as the nominator, also provide a brief personal account of why you feel that the person who you are nominating is deservi ng of national recognition . If the nominee is a past competitor, list major accomplishments of the competitive career giving dates and specific levels of competition, including any titles won. Nominations for the Class of 2006 must be completed and copies sent by August 1, 2005 to Kathy Feldmann at USA Gymnastics. USA Gymnastics, Kathy Feldmann-Vice President, 201 S. Capitol Ave. Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225
TEe HN10 UE • J Ul Y 2005
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Annual Check List for Club Owners, Program Directors, Office Managers Check List: Need to do for 2005 1. Education- www.usa-gymnastics.org has information on avaiLabLe courses. Register on-Line for courses, Congress and Safety. Take Safety Course onLine • Register your staff for NationaL Congress in IndianapoLis, IN • Have aLL preschooL teachers and beginner class instructors be USA Gymnastics KAT certified • Have aLL PreschooL teachers and beginner class instructors attend the Movement Educati on and Lesson PLan DeveLopment (MELPD) course • Make sure aLL instructors and coaches are Safety Certified. Safety/ Risk Management course is now avaiLabLe onLine. USA Gymnastics University at www.usa-gymnastics.org offers safety onLine. • Attend educationaL seminars and receive continuing education credits for USA Gymnastics University - NationaL Congress in IndianapoLis, IN Tracks for your coaches, instructors and preschooL teachers. Business sessions for owners, directors, mangers and much more. • Attend The CORE symposium in October in IndianapoLis, IN
2. Update your information • Update or correct personaL membership information and club information. Make sure aLL information is up to date. Go to website and make changes or caLL Member Services at 1-800-345-4719 • Discard aLL oLd forms. You must use the new, most current forms for aLL member registrations for 2005-2006. Forms are avaiLabLe onLine. The onLine registration is open for the 2005-2006 season. • Old forms are invaLid. For proper insurance/ risk management coverage the proper and current year date forms must be used and on fiLe • Make sure you have the correct speLLing of names and updated addresses on aLL athLete and other membership fo rms. Make sure you make these changes when you are registering onLine. PLease make sure aLL name and addresses are updated and correct on forms which are sent to the office for processing. 3. New Season 2005 - 2006 • Club packets with new forms and updated registration information have been sent. There is a $1.00 increase per membership for AthLetes, ProfessionaL and Instructor members . • Introductory Membership - this membership is for LeveL 1 through 3 for aLL discipLines, women prep opt, TOPS and Group Gymnastics. This membership aLLows the athLete to participate in USA Gymnastics sanctioned events. This membership is avaiLabLe by onLine registration onLy. The forms are on the Internet. The fee wiLL remain $15. Member cards are to be printed from the internet onLy. This membership offers the member benefit of secondary accident insurance with a deductibLe during sanctioned events. No other benefits such as the magazine are part of this membership. These members (continued on page 41)
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J Ul Y 200 5
)r---------------~ 3-:;;;9'1
Top Ten
Reasons to Attend the
Visa Championships and Find Out Who's Next Attention all members. Become a National Congress Attendee! It's not too late to register. Sign up today. Register online or by fax. Last month you received the top 10 reasons to attend Congress. See below the top ten reasons to attend the Visa Championships. Don't miss this great event! Education, great gymnastics, networking, sightseeing, entertainment, friends and fun. BE THERE!
1 2
J 4
Last year's champs went on to OLympic gLory. Last year's Visa Championships all-around co-winners were Carly Patterson and Courtney Kupets in women's competition and Paul Hamm in men's. Both Patterson and Hamm went on to become the 2004 Olympic all-around gold medalists, while Kupets earned a silver medal in Olympic team competition.
u.s. gymnastics stars emerge from this meet. It's no secret that the U.S. is a powerhouse in the world of gymnastics, winning team silver medals for both men and women at the 2004 Games. Past National Champions include Mary Lou Retton, Kim Zmeskal, Shannon Miller, Dominique Dawes, Dominique Moceanu, Courtney Kupets and Carly Patterson just to name a few. On the men's side, Bart Conner, Peter Vidmar, Tim Daggett, John Roethlisberger, Blaine Wilson and Paul Hamm are all national champions. Who will be the new stars of the future?
Ribbons, baLls and hoops, oh my! Rhythmic and Acrobatic Gymnastics competition will take place at the Indiana Convention Center August lIB. Watch for 2005 Rhythmic Challenge Champion Olga Karmansky as well as Mixed Pair Michael Rodrigues and Clare Brunson and Trio Mariah Henninger, Kelly Topp and Angela Hatch.
Entertainment provided by Acro Acrobatic Gymnastics pair/ groups will compete for Senior and Junior National Team status at the National Team Trials event. The National Team Trials will play host to the top acrobatic gymnasts in the country. Don't miss the exciting skills and routines performed in competition and throughout the Visa Championships.
au E â&#x20AC;˘
J ULV 2005
ri~~S ~~~!er ~~~t ~f~!S~~L~ukin, up-and-coming competitor in the senior division. Liukin has dominated junior competition, placing first all-around at both the 2003 and 2004 Visa Championships and has continued her domination in 2005. Alicia Sacramone is also one to watch, having dominated vault in the World Cup circuit in 2004 and 2005 while 2003 World Co-Champion on bars Chellsie Memmel and Melanie Sinclair are sure to add to the mix. Two more up-and-coming juniors who will compete for the first time at the Visa Championships as seniors are Jana Bieger and Kassi Price.
The sport's greats to be inducted into the HaLL of Fame. The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is Saturday, Aug.B , in conjunction with the Visa Championships. The ceremony will honor several influential forces in gymnastics, including 1996 Olympic Gold Medalists Amy Chow and Dominique Dawes, 1996 Olympian Chainey Umphrey, three-time Olympian (1992, 1996, 2000) John Roethlisberger, Olympian Jennifer Lovell Moreno, Olympic Coach Kelli Hill, and Men's Official Harry Bjerke.
OfficiaL gathering pLace offers a IIJiLLian" things to do. Jillian's restaurant, bar and entertainment complex is the official gathering place of the 2005 Visa Championships. Visit Jillian's for Family Days before the Championships and kids will get a Jillian's Kids/ Teens Meal plus a choice of a $10 Jillian's game card or a $5 game card and a game of bowling, all at a reduced price! Not only do visitors receive this Jillian's deal, but they also receive a FREE ticket to attend the opening night of the Visa Championships on Aug. 10.
IITumbLing Pass" - an acrobatic and artistic adventure. Experience "Tumbling Pass," as Maryland Street is transformed into an artistic pathway dedicated entirely to the 2005 Visa Championships. Theis street connects Conseco Fieldhouse and the Indiana Convention Center, the two venues staging the Visa Championships, and will feature specially designed artwork inspired by Walter Knabe, an internationally recognized Indianapolis artist. As fans pass between venues, they are surrounded by artwork adorning sidewalks, wall-scapes and merchant windows - all in honor of gymnastics and the 2005 Visa Championships .
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(continued from page 39)
9 10
Indy is easy. Indianapolis is convenient. With more than 5,000 hotel rooms within walking distance of Conseco Fieldhouse, spectators do not have to fight crowds and traffic. The city also offers a great selection of food choices nea r the Fieldhouse, ranging from casual to fine dining . Visit downtown's Circle Centre Mall for a shopping trip and find so mething for everyone. There is never a dull moment for sports fans in this city; other Indianapoli s sports attractions include the NCAA National Headquarters and Hall of Champions, Victory Field - home of the Indianapolis Indians AAA Baseball team and Indianapoli s Motor Speedway - site of the legendary Indianapolis 500, United States Grand Prix and the Brickyard 400.
Indy's Love gymnastics.
As the amateur sports capital of the world, Indianapolis has a strong gymnastics history. At the 1991 World Championships, held in the Hoosier Dome (RCA Dome) in front of 97,000 spectators, the U.S. women captured five medals, and Kim Zmeskal, the first American to ever win all-around gold at this event, Shannon Miller and Kerri Strug emerged as Olympic favorites. The city also hosted the U.S. Gymnastics Championships in 1986 and 1998, the 1985 America n Cup Invitational and U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Exhibitions in 1984, 1992, 1996 and 2004. The 2005 Visa Championships is the first major gymnastics competition to take place in Conseco Fieldhouse.
• •
may subscribe to USA Gymnastics magazine for $19.95. They may choose to register as a full athlete member to receive all benefits, if desired. These athletes may remain in the Introductory Level membership as long as they wish to remain at those designated entry levels. Register your athletes upon receipt of form and fees . Do not hold onto funds fo r months. The athletes and parents want to receive the full year of membership benefits and that includes the magazine. Completed, signed forms: It is most important that every club has a completed, signed form on file with the correct date from every athlete who competes in their club. You must maintain these hard copies in your records. Please check with your lega l council to determine the proper length of time to maintain your records. Please review the Safety/ Risk Management book for suggestions and reminders in this area of reco rd keepi ng. Plan your program to celebrate National Gymnastics Day - August 6, 2005. Tell us how you celebrated. Make sure all Professional and Instructor memberships for your coaches and teachers remain current. You can register memberships and sanctions online. Maintain a current Member Club membership. If you do not have this membership, sign up today! $160.00 for a year of benefits.
Watch the next few issues of Technique for updates on the Cheer program and the Introductory Coach membership. Please remember all coaches and judges participating at sanctioned meets must be safety certified. The Safety Course is available online.
Region L4 L5
63 37 49 59 41 29 278
68 32 43 37 38 27 245
33 24 25 21 18 13 134
29 10 7 11 1 1 23 9 3 10 9 2 5 3 1 16 3 1 94 35 15
6 6 2 5 N 14 18 NI ~otal/ 51 level
86 55 79 64 87 60 431
L10 Elite Total Pro athlete!
302 167 233 207 207 167 1273
89 53 61 51 51 45 350
Judges Sanctioned events 39 13 13 15 7 20 7 8 6 6 7 8 96 53
Junior Olympic Program Committee Minutes
Changes to Rules and Policies
May 13, 2005 New Haven, Connecticut Submitted by Jody Hurlburt
In accordance with the new J.O. Program age groups will no w be determined by the age of the athlete at December 31 of th e calendar year.
AttendanceRegion 1 Region 2 Region 3
Jody Hurlburt Joyce Chaplin Beth Halloran/ Darling-Absent Perryne Thompson (representing Reg. 3, non-voting) Region 4 Suzie Ditullio, Chair Region 5 Nancy Martin Region 6 Mayra Fernandez Judges Rep. Tyana Marlowe Coaches Rep. Ivanka Kirov Coaches Rep . Lucy Kerznerman - Absent Athlete Rep . Caroline Hunt - Absent Program Director Jan Exner (non-voting) Guest: Brooke Toohey (non-voting) Nadine Davies (non-voting) USA Gymnastics Competitive Member/Event count (Athlete numbers and pro member numbers are taken directly from USA membership registration) -
Motion: Joyce Chaplin 2nd: Ivanka Kirov Passed: Unanimous Add to section 13 #1- To enter the Regional Meet the gymna st must have competed All-around at her State meet. Ent ry qualification scores from the State meet will be determined by the respective Region Board Motion: Nancy Martin 2nd: Jody Hurlburt Passed: Unanimous Add under Article 8, RHYTHMIC REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION The Regional Director is responsible for submitting service awards for their region by February 1 of each year. (continued on page 44)
Girls Levels 2-10 (USAG & AAU) Boys Levels 4-10 (USAG) 100% AA Trophies Awarded er $5,000 in Prize Money Reserves Your Space
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(continued from page 42)
New business: (continued from page 26)
WAUKESHA PARK DEDICATED TO THE HAMM BROTHERS The town of Waukesha, Wisconsin, dedicated a lO-acre municipal park to Olympic gymnasts Paul and Morgan Hamm. The twins, attend The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio but came back to their hometown of Waukesha for the park dedication. "U's such a wonderful honor, and everybody in Waukesha continues to be so supportive," said Cecily Hamm. "It's kind of hard to even comprehend all this wonderful outpouring."
Visa Wins Award Vi sa is the 2004 Bill Veeck Sports Sponsorship Awards overall winner for its promotion of the 2004 Olympic Games. Visa partnered with the roc in an integrated marketing campaign that included TV ads, promotions for cardholders and incentives for member financial institutions. "There is no other brand that was more associated with the Olympics," said Brett Boyle, Ph .D. , associate professor of marketing at the Cook School and coordinator of the Bill Veeck Sports Sponsorship Awards.
The JOPC makes a recommendation to RPC that the Level 9 Championships increase in capacity to accommodate all level 9 athletes. Any qualifying process should be finalized and made available no later then 1 week after the Rhythmic challenge. Motion: Jody Hurlburt Mayra Fernandez 2nd: Passed: Unanimous
Recommended dates for the 2006 competitive season August June/ July June 17-18 June 2-4 May 19-21 May 6-7 April 29-30 April 22-23
National Championships East/West 9 National Championships J .O Championships (Region 2) Level 4/5 Championship/ Classics Regional Championships 3 & 6 Regional Championships 1 & 5 Regional Championships 2 & 4
Brooke Toohey and Nadine Davies presented the 2006-12 JO program to the committee. The program was approved with additional input from members of the JOPe. Additional issues such as qualification to JO Championships will be voted on at a later date. Motion to adjourn Mayra Fernandez, 2nd: Tyana Marlowe Minutes approved by the RPC.
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J ULV 2005
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POSITION AVAILABLE CLASS INSTRUCTORS/TEAM COACHES. All-Star Gymnastics is seeking experienced instructors & coaches for P/T-F/T weekdays/ weekends/ evenings. Positions are available for preschool through advanced girls' ond boys' recreational classes and competitive teQms in a state of the art training facility. Salary commensurate with experience. Call Tom at (978)256-7766, fax resume to (978)256-7779 or mo il to All-Star Gymnastics, 5 Kidder Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824. COACHES F/T & PIT. Gymnastics facility is located 40 miles west of Chicago, in a suburb that is booming in growth, the gym is a 20,000 sq. foot state-of-the-art training facility, we have been in business for over 20 years, and have produced Women's Level 4-10 State Champions and Regional/National Qualifiers. Coaching Positions Available include: Women's Optional Level (8ars, Vault, Tumbling!, High School, Recreational, Preschool. Come join our exciting and winning program, filled with a friendly and enthusiastic coaching staH. Salary commensurate with experience, benefits also avoilable. Contact Alysha (630)851 -5437 or fax your resume to (630)851-5776. COACHES NEEDED! We are currently seeking competitive Team Boy's and Girl's Coaches. Looking for reliable individuals who are positive, motivated, and energetic to work within our well estoblished team program. Must be willing to work as part of a coaching team. The individual hired for this position would also be responsible for teaching some recreational classes. Competitive Salary/ Benefits available for more information contact Jonathon Schafer (Schafer's Gymnastics) at 609-393-5855. GYMNASTICS FACILITY MANAGER. Large multilocation gymnastics school seeking facility monager for one location. Excellent career opportunity for management oriented gymnastics professionol in a well-established business of over 32 years, with a greot stoff and support systems already in place. Centrally located near major Midwest university. Starting salary of $34,500-36,500 includes medical, retirement. Paid vocation, paid holidays, sick days and professional fees are provided. Great interpersonal skills, ability to organize and delegate are a must. Some team coaching available if desired. Send resumes to: j.schlott@mchsi.com or fax to 319-338-0187. TEAM COACHES WANTED: Brand new 12,000 square foot focility in northeast Pennsylvania is seeking full time and part time coaches to work with the girls and boys competitive teams. Must have experience with all levels. 80ys coach wonted to work with boys in the closs program and to help coordinote a boy's team program. Looking for dedicated people who are interested in a long term position and to be port of program that will be first closs. Salary $25K-$45K commensurate with experience plus
benefits. Please send resume and references to: First Closs Gymnastics, 317 Greenbriar Or., Moscow, Po. 18444. MANAGER/ GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS. Great career opportunities in our NYC and Westchester location. Full time and part time positions available. Weekdays and/ or weekends. If you love kids, love gymnastics, and love to teach in a fun, safe, positive and caring environment, give us a call. Positions available for baby, toddler, preschool, after school program, and birthday parties. Excellent salary. Only highly motivated, enthusiastic team players that want to make a positive diHerence with kids need apply. Call Jodi's Gym at 914-244-8811 , fax resume to 914-244-8833, or e-mail jodgym@aol.com INSTRUCTORS/ COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (8ergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/T-F/T Weekdays/ weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach Levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Aid) Full benefits/paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the-art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. ft. Locoted in the NY/ NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all mojor highways. Contoct Dot: 201 -7676921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or e-mail: dot@paragongym.com. 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. www.paragongym.com. INSTRUCTORS/ COACHES: Head Over Heels Gymnastics of Central New Jersey, (with 2 locations), is currently interviewing for the following positions: Girls Optional Coach, Girls Program Director, Boys Compulsory Coach, Preschool and Recreational Instructors for all levels. Fl/ PT positions are available for highly motivated, team player. We offer a competitive compensation package with growth potential. Send resume to gailhohgym@aol.com or fax 732-577 -1056. www.HeadoverHeelsgym.com Mom, Dad & Tots Director; Recreational Director; Preschool Instructors; Team Coaches (PT & Fl Positions available!. MOT Director (18 month-3 years) & Preschool Instructors (3-5 years): Position works closely with owners and coaches. Applicants must have prior experience, a creative mind, energetic personality and excellent communication skills. Recreational Director: Must have experience coaching all levels of recreational gymnastics (ages 3-121, Microsoft Office experience needed, must have great communication skills, management skills a plus. Girl's Team Coaches: Levels 4-10. Excellent benefitsfor full-time staff. Send fax, email resume and/ or call Heather. Phone: 617-244-3300. Fax: 617 -244-5777. Email: exxcelgym@aol.com Web address: www.exxcel.net FULL TIME COACH: Boys program, recreational through competitive. Could also include working
with some girls classes. 30 hours of coaching and 10 hours office work per week. Bismarck Gym. Academy is a non-profit organization that is 35 years old. We occupy a 10,000 square foot facility with a 17'x 65' foam pit, inground trampoline, tumble trak, and newer boys equipment. We have up to 650 students per week. Bismarck is the capitol of North Dakota with ample recreational opportunities and a strong arts community. Email us with your phone number, so we can discuss credentials/wage. bisgym@mcleodusa.net or 701 -258-8956. BOYS HEAD COACHING/TEACHING POSITION Available Immediately. Seeking full time boys coach to toke over an existing team program. Our 25th year of operation. Seasonal Pool open for summer, gym is full equipped with AlC, full set of men's and women's equipment, loose foam and resi pits. Responsibilities include running boy's closs, team program and Recreational classes. Other responsibilities include assisting the summer camp director with the summer day camp program. CPR, FA and lifeguard certificates are requested however, we offer yearly training for hose requirements. College degree a plus although for the right individual may not be necessary. Men's Pro member of USAG and current knowledge of the age group program is needed. Wages commensurate with experience. Health, dental, paid holidays and vacation are included. Please send resume to: Steve DiTullio, Five Star Gymnastics, 181 Great Rd., Stow, MA 01775. Email: Weflip@aol.com 978-897-8184. fivestargymnastics.com Assistant Coach Boys And Girls Teams. We have an opening for a full time assistant coach to help with our boys and girl's team's levels 5-10. Established program with great equipment and facilities. Both teams qualify athletes to Levell 0 nationals annually. Excellent salary with benefits. Great opportunity for team oriented individual who is interested in professional development. Send resumes to j.schlott@mchsi.com or fax to 319-338-0187.
JOI NAWINN INGTEAMINMERIDIAN, IDADO! We are an established gymnastics fa cility looking for experienced, career minded, motivated individuals interested in becoming port of a positive, fun, energetic, and diverse program. The following positions are available: Boy's Head Coach, Girl's Coach Levels 4-6, Girl's Optional Coach, Cheerleading Director/Coach, Dance Director/Teacher, Preschool/Rec. Director. Mail resumes to Meridian Academy of Gymnastics, Inc., 1530 E. Commercial Ave., Ste. 105, Meridian, Idaho, 83642 or contact Colleen at (208)8841166. Resumes can be faxed to (208)884-4685. Email resumesto:halfpint896@cs.com COACHES NEEDED NOW! EXPANDED NEW LOCATION! We are looking experienced and motivated FU N coaches for our growing program. Part-time/ Full-time coaches for: Preschool, Girls/ Boys, Cheer/ Tumble. We need a GIRLS TEAM COACH FOR our Katy Twisters Gym Team. 8e a part of our growing Team! Salary is commensurate with experience. Katy Dance & Gymnastics, Katy TX 281 -492-0555 katydancegym@sbcglobal.net Gymnastics Plus, located between Baltimore and Washington, D.C., in Columbia, MD is looking for a head girls team coach to start in the Summer or Fall. Our girls program is young so applicants need to be able to work with levels 4, 5, and 6. Income can be hourly or if interested in Full-time, Rec class teaching can be arranged. Some Choreography knowledge is a must. Very large facility. Pit, Tramps, belts. Friendly, knowlegable stoff. We have competitive teams in Sports AcrobatiCS, Tumbling and Trampoline and Boys artistic gymnastics. See us on line: www. gymplusinc.com Contact Rick Tucker, owner at 410-381 -0766. Fox is 410-381 -0529.
FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnastics since 1990 with Class Management and Accounts Receivable software, including free training and technical support. Packed with feotures, easy to use, and networkable. Flexible setup, easy assignments, rosters, attendance, marketing
1-100 words = $100 101 -200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will outomolicolly be placed online for 30 days at no additional charge. The address ~: www_usa-gymnastics_org/classifieds/ . Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date.
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TEe HN I OUE â&#x20AC;˘ J ULY 2005
SUBMIT Mail your ad and payment to: USA Gymnastics, Pan Ameri[on Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN46225 or fax to 317-237-5069. IF YOUFAX, PLEASE INCLUDEYOURCREDIT CARDNUMBER, EXPIRATIONDATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate if yaur ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMIITED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBliSHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary format. Technique is received by more than 16,000 USA Gymnastics professional members !Ius thousands of viewers will be expose to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, service, or (omp'etition here for great reSUlts. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.
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analysis, automated tuition colculation, multiple discounts, additionol/retail charges, inventory management, sales tax support, late charges, early payment discounts, invoices/statements, receivables reports, financial and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting and makeup lists, mailing labels, send messages ond invoices bye-mail, support for bank dralt and credit card payments, and much more_ Only $600 (S300/ additional workstation). Contact Vaughn Sohware Services ot 800-821-8516, v_u@bellsouth.net, or www.vaughnsohware. com MC/VISA/AMEX/Discover.
GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold ond may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 for more information on how you con get started today! Email: customerservice@gkelite.com
Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning for the Handstand ... Written for gymnasts just learning the handstand, but should also be useful in helping more advanced gymnasts in need of a friendly reminder on how to remain tight while in motion. These drills and conditioning exercises are a necessity for all gymnasts. Topics include .. . The Squeeze in Motion, Pelvic nit, Shape and Shoulder Work including Planche Work, Handstand Production, Shape in Motion, and More! Other books ... Over 100 Drills & Conditioning Exercises, Walkover & 8ack Handspring Drills, Leg & Ankle Conditioning. Order your drills books today! www.GymnasticsDrills.com. 888-496-8749.
Score Master - NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used sohware, just got even better! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/ optional. www.Score-Master.com - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlotte, NC, 28231.
Mobile Gymnastics Business for Sale (Los Angeles, CA). Great opportunity for a coach who wonts to own an established business with 9 years of profit. Serving the Beverly Hills/ Westside area of Los Angeles. Business includes: mini Van, two sets of gymnastics equipment, office equipment, top clients, cosh reserves, 2 part-time employees and a registered trademark name. Owner coaches only 2 two 4 hours a day. Business has low overhead and generates 50k gross receipts, net 40k with growth potential. Moving. Must sell! Asking price is 29k. For more info email murray2004@comcast.net or call 310-577-1401
Power tumbling and trampoline business for sale. Seller wants to coach advanced and elite, not do business part. Property has large area for expansion to accommodate more activities for more income. We're located between two freeway exits. Property value going up due to new stages of development all around it. Fully staffed with USAG certified coaches and great office manager. We're the only exclusive power tumbling club in Utah County. Makes great family oriented business/investment, located five minutes from BYU. See pptutah.com For more information call Beverly at (801 )377-0027 or (B01)400-0018.
JUDGES & COACHES CLINIC with TOM KOLl. NEW ROUTINES & RULES OF ALL LEVELS. Women's JO Compulsory & Optionals September 10-11, 2005 Overland Pork, Kansas. Site: Diamond Gymnastics and Dance Academy. ONE PRICE ALL LEVElS $150. CPE Credit for Judges, Deadline Aug. 1. Materials not included nor On-site. No Refunds Alter Aug. 1. Registration form www. nawgj.org/ clinics or Contact Leslie 816-8537048. Moil to LCASE PO Box 480243 Kansas City, MO 64148.
LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mom popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles and fabrics, including the Framed Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Glitter, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of solt Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs featuring Hawaiian prints. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please call our toll free telephone number, 1-888-2892536 or fox Rebecca's Mom at 1-818-980-0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Pockages as well as leotards for special events, so please call TODAY.
Available now! The NEW GYMCERT updated Gymnastics training manuals (Levels 1, 2, & 3) you can use to train your staff; cut your lesson planning time significantly; use to coordinate closs progressions and skill training methods; and, best of all have a quick reference that is easy to use which includes Lesson Planning Forms and Class Evaluation Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instruction, clear illustrations, and several coaching, spotting, and safety tips. Will your stoff be ready for the Olympic surge in enrollment? Order direct by colling toll free: 1-866-591 -8500 or go online to: www.GYMCERT.com . Patti Komara Training Tapes and Lesson Plans - Make your life easier by having Patti train your stoff with topes such as "Teaching Preschool Tumbling" and 'leaching the 8ack Handspring." Lesson plans available for all ages in gymnastics, preschool dance, nursery school, daycares, and parent and tot classes. Check out all her topes @ www.tumblebear.com or call for a current catalog (219)865-2274. Find out her secrets to success and how she has developed the Tumblebear Gym Program, Gym-N-Learn Nursery School, a successful school-age program, a dance program, and large swim school. Mention this classified ad and toke 5%off your order.
CUSTOM ORDERS/WHOLESALE. Let Satara Leos help you design your next custom leotard, crop top, or shorts! Perfect for: team workout attire, recitals, exhibitions, shows and summer camps. Satara Leos' design stoff will be there to assist you every step of the way. Call 1-877-4757676 (toll free) with questions or to place your custom design order. No-risk consignment camp packages and meet packages are also ovailable. Satara's no-risk consignment program is the perfect way for you to sell the latest gymnastics, cheer and dance items without any initial investment. Check us out at www.sataraleos.com. Call and get started today!
Log onto USA-gymnastics_org to download the State Proclamations, The Children's Miracle Network Pledge forms, Certificate of completion and the New Site Coordinators online Guide_ http ://www.usagymnastics_org/events/2005/ngd/05-site-guide_pdF
Let everyone know how your gym plans to celebrate National Gymnastics Day! To get some great ideas on how other clubs are celebrating see http://www. usa-gymnastics. org/ events/2005 / ngd/ clublist_ngd_php
Site Coordinator's Guide Nc!ionaIGy>r"",.<k.
Ooy :. SoMdoyA...gv>, 0 , 2005
http://www_usa-gymnastics.org/events/2005/ngd/ pledge-Form_pdF
USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225
PAID Indianapolis. IN Permit No. 7867
1005 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on aur website www.usa-gymnastics.org. Please see the website for the most QllTent sd!eduIe. *Tille cncI date •
to dmge. See usa-gyrmastics.org for ~es.
24 SI. Louis, MO; 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sheraton Westport Plaza Hotel : Directions: Vicki Kaltolf 636-230-9866 : (ourse code: RW07242005MO : Instructor: Robin Weidmaier 816-232-7502
19 Williston, VT 05495; 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Green Mountain Gymnastics, 240 Pioneer Dr Directions: Robin Bourdeau 802-652-2454 (ourse code: GM08192005VT Instructor: Gail McGann 802-273-3627
16 8aton Rouge, LA 70815; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CG.'s Gymnastics Inc. Directions: (aesar Garcia 225-275-5597 (ourse code: (G07162005LA Instructor: (aesar Garcia 225-275·5597
29 Longwood, FL 32750; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Ace Gymnastics, 500 Gold Medal (I. Directions: Joan Gnat 407-831-2582 (ourse code: K807292005FL Instructor: Karl Bishop 727-447-2108
16 Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward (amp, 134 Sports (amp Dr, Rt 45 Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 ' Lunch available on site (ourse code: SH07162005PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633
30 Tuscaloosa, AL; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuscaloosa Tumbling TIdes Directions: LuAnn Nix 205-345·0999 (ourse code: JL07302005AL Instructar: James Underholm 256-883-0566
17 Portland, OR 97232; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Doubletree Hotel·Uoyd (enter, 1000 NE Multnomah St Directions: Debbie Anderson 541 -430·8783 (ourse code: DA071720050R Instructor: Debra Anderson 541-496-3692 18 Freehold, NJ 07728; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. World (up, 32 Asbury Ave Directions: Anyone at Desk 732-294-9287 (ourse code: DL07182005NJ Instructor: Debra Love 859-278·4404 24 Itasca, IL 60143; 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 350 EIrving Park Road Directions: (hris Eismenn 630-355-1779 (ourse code: EP072420051L Instructor: Edgar Pulido 630-784-1460
September Santa Clara, CA 95054; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Region One (angress Directians: (hen! Tamuro 408-515-0277 (ourse code: MT09022005CA Instructor: Michael Taylor 650·330·2255 Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts, Inc. Directions: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430 (ourse code: BM090420050H Instructor: Bobbi Montanori 614-777-9430
31 Lexington, KY 40503; 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 261 Ruccio Way Directions: Debra Love 859-273-4804 (ourse code: DL07312005KY Instructor: Debra Love 859-278·4404
Santa (lara, CA 95054; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Region One (ongress Directions: (here Tamura 408-515-0277 (ourse code: MT09052005CA Instructor: Michael Taylor 650-330-2255
Au.ust Woodward, PA 16882; 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward (amp, 134 Sports (amp Dr, Rt 45 Directions: Steve Hass 814-349-5633 ' Lunch available on site (ourse code: SH08062005PA Instructor: Stephen Hass 814-349-5633
25 Edison, NJ 08820; 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Hendersons Gymnastics, 216 TIngley Lane ' 9: 15 Registration Directions: (athy Finkel 973-335-1943 ' Lunch break given. (ourse code: (F09252005NJ Instructor: (athy Finkel 973-335-1943
10 Indianapolis, IN; 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. National (ongress, Downtown Marriott Hotel (ourse code: PM081020051N Instructor: Debbie Anderson and Jan Eyman
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Professional or Inslruclor #: ___ ____ Current Sofety Exp. Dole: _ _ __ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Dale:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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0 Other _ _ _ _ _ Poymenl Amount: _ _ _ __
Mail registration form and payment to: ~I,~' USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317·692·5212
Ploud S"onl ol GYMNA'ST!CS
Number: _ __ __ Exp. Dole: _ _
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to r~certi~ at live course .............:.: ....:................ no charge Pro-Member With Expired or New Safety Certlflcolton ............ $ 65.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 65.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................ $ 115.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course dote' . late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. late regislrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are port of the course fee. Certification is valid for four( 4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six( 6) months with prior written notification. late fee will apply if notification is received alter course deadline. *Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline
Signalure: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __